{ "0809/0809.4857_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{$\\iota$~Dra (\\object{HIP~75458}) is a well-known example for a K giant hosting a substellar companion since its discovery by \\citeauthor{Frink02} \\citeyearpar{Frink02}. We present radial velocity measurements of this star from observations taken with three different instruments spanning nearly 8 years. They show more clearly that the RV period is long-lived and coherent thus supporting the companion hypothesis. The longer time baseline now allows for a more accurate determination of the orbit with a revised period of $P=511\\,$d and an additional small linear trend, indicative of another companion in a wide orbit. Moreover we show that the star exhibits low amplitude, solar like oscillations with frequencies around 3-4\\cyd (34.7-46.3\\,$\\mu$Hz).} ", "introduction": "Up to now long period radial velocity (RV) variations have been detected in several K giants, e.g. $\\beta$~Gem \\citep{Hatzes06,Reffert06}, HD~47536 \\citep{Setiawan03}, HD~13189 \\citep{Hatzes05} and $\\iota$~Dra \\citep{Frink02}. Rotational modulation can be excluded as a cause of these variations for most of these giants due to lack of variations in photometry or line bisectors with the RV period \\citep{Hatzes98Bisector}. The most likely interpretation is orbiting, substellar companions. Since the progenitor stars to planet hosting giant stars can have masses significantly larger than $1M_{\\odot}$, these giant stars offer a way to investigate planet formation around massive stars. In their evolved phase the Doppler induced effects of a planet are easier to detect than in their main-sequence phase, due to cooler effective temperatures and smaller rotational velocities. But for evolved stars the determination of the mass is more difficult. The most practical way for determining the stellar mass is the use of evolutionary tracks, but those tracks converge in the region of the giant branch for stars over a wide range of masses and thus makes the derived masses uncertain. Another possibility to measure the stellar mass is via asteroseismology. This requires the investigation of stellar oscillations. Photometric and RV variations with short periods from hours to days have already been detected in some K and late G giants (e.g. $\\alpha$~Boo: \\citealp{Retter03,Tarrant07}; $\\alpha$~Ari: \\citealp{Kim06}; $\\epsilon$~Oph: \\citealp{deRidder06}; $\\xi$~Hya: \\citealp{Frandsen02}, \\citealp{Stello06}; $\\beta$~UMi: \\citealp{Tarrant08}) and are consistent with solar-like p-mode oscillations. Such oscillations have also been measured for ensembles of red giants with photometry of star rich regions or clusters (e.g. \\citealp{Gilliland08}, \\citealp{Stello08}) which is a very efficient way to perform such asteroseismologic studies. Solar like oscillations have also been discovered in planet hosting main sequence stars (e.g. $\\mu$~Arae: \\citealp{Bazot05}; $\\iota$~Hor: \\citealp{Vauclair08}) and in the planet hosting K giant $\\beta$~Gem for which \\cite{Hatzes07} gave, in combination with interferometric measurements of the angular diameter, an estimation for the stellar mass completely independent from evolutionary tracks. In a similar way we will do this here for $\\iota$~Dra. ", "conclusions": "We revised the orbit solution for the companion of $\\iota$~Dra. The orbital period is $P=511\\,$d, somewhat lower than the value in the discovery paper by \\cite{Frink02}. Furthermore there is a linear trend of $-13.8\\,$m/s/yr present, possibly caused by another companion. An excess of power around 3.8\\cyd was found independently in two data sets, taken at different times and with very different sampling. The amplitude and the location of the power excess are consistent with solar-like oscillations. Our analysis of the short period oscillations indicates a somewhat high stellar mass of $M=2.2M_\\odot$, considerably higher than the $1.05M_\\odot$ of \\cite{Prieto99} or the stellar masses derived from the Girardi track ($1.2-1.7M_\\odot$). However, this is a preliminary result based on limited data. Assuming $1.4M_\\odot$ for the mass $\\iota$~Dra yields a minimum mass of $10M_{\\mathrm{Jup}}$ for the companion. Our RV measurements for $\\iota$~Dra indicate that it shows multi-periodic stellar oscillations. This means that an asteroseismic analysis can yield an accurate mass. This is best done by measuring the frequency splitting in the p-mode oscillation spectrum which requires more measurements and better sampling than the data presented here." }, "0809/0809.1369_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{The International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF), currently based on the position of 717 extragalactic radio sources observed by VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry), is the fundamental celestial reference frame adopted by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 1997. Within the next 10 years, the European space astrometry mission Gaia, to be launched by 2011, will permit determination of the extragalactic reference frame directly in the visible for the first time. Aligning these two frames with the highest accuracy will therefore be very important in the future for ensuring consistency between the measured radio and optical positions.} {This paper is aimed at evaluating the current astrometric suitability of the individual ICRF radio sources which are considered appropriate for the alignment with the future Gaia frame.} {To this purpose, we cross-identified the ICRF and the optical catalog V\\'{e}ron-Cetty and V\\'{e}ron (2006), in order to identify the optically-bright ICRF sources that will be positioned with the highest accuracy with Gaia. Then we investigated the astrometric suitability of these sources by examining their VLBI brightness distribution.} {We identified 243 candidate ICRF sources for the alignment with the Gaia frame (i.e. with an optical counterpart brighter than the apparent magnitude 18), but only 70 of these (i.e. only 10\\% of the ICRF sources) are found to have the necessary high astrometric quality (i.e. a brightness distribution that is compact enough) for this link. Additionally, it was found that the QSOs (quasi stellar objects) that will have the most accurate positions in the Gaia frame tend to have less-accurate VLBI positions, most probably because of their physical structures.} {Altogether, this indicates that identifying other high-quality VLBI radio sources suitable for the alignment with the future Gaia frame is mandatory.} ", "introduction": "The International Celestial Reference System (ICRS) is a kinematical system that assumes that the Universe does not rotate, hence breaking the history of the inertial system materialization from observations attached to the apparent motion of the Sun \\citep{Arias1995}. The International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) is the realization at radio wavelengths of the ICRS, through very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) measurements of extragalactic radio source positions. It was adopted by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) as the fundamental celestial reference frame during the IAU XXIIIrd General Assembly in Kyoto, Japan, in August 1997. The initial realization was based on the positions measured with VLBI of 212 \\textit{defining} extragalactic radio sources (setting the direction of the ICRF axes). In addition, positions for 396 other sources (divided into 294 \\textit{candidate} and 102 \\textit{other} sources) were included to make the frame denser \\citep{Ma1998}. The ICRF was extended at later stages with the positions of another 109 sources commonly referred to as \\textit{new} sources \\citep{Fey2004}. Overall, the ICRF currently consists of a set of VLBI coordinates for 717 extragalactic radio sources, most of which show sub-milliarcsecond accuracy. The accuracy of the individual source positions depends on the number of observations but also on the compactness and positional stability of the sources that show brightness distributions that are often not point-like and time-variable (\\citealt{Ma1998}; \\citealt{Fey2000}). The European space astrometry mission Gaia, to be launched by 2011, will survey about one billion stars in our Galaxy and throughout the Local Group along with 500\\,000 quasi stellar objects (QSOs), down to an apparent optical magnitude of 20 \\citep{Perryman2001}. Optical positions with Gaia will be determined with an unprecedented accuracy, ranging from a few tens of microarcseconds ($\\mu$as) at magnitude 15--18 (targeted accuracies are 16 $\\mu$as at 15 mag and 70 $\\mu$as at 18 mag) to about 200~$\\mu$as at magnitude 20 \\citep{Lindegren2008}. Unlike Hipparcos, Gaia will permit the construction of an extragalactic frame directly at optical wavelengths, based on the QSOs with the most accurate positions (i.e. the QSOs with magnitude brighter than 18; \\citealt{Mignard2003}). \\citet{Mignard2002} demonstrates that the residual spin of the Gaia frame can be determined to $0.5~\\mu$as/yr with a ``clean sample'' of about 10\\,000 such QSOs. A preliminary Gaia catalog is expected to be available by 2015 with the final version released by 2019. In the future, aligning the ICRF with the Gaia celestial reference frame will be crucial for ensuring consistency between the measured radio and optical positions. This alignment will be important not only for guaranteeing the proper transition in the case that the fundamental reference frame is moved from the radio domain to the optical domain (as currently anticipated) but also for registering the radio and optical images of any celestial target with the highest accuracy. To align the two frames with the highest accuracy, it is desirable to have several hundred common objects (the more common objects, the more accurate the alignment) with a uniform sky coverage and very accurate radio and optical positions. Obtaining such accurate positions implies that the link sources must have (i) an apparent optical magnitude $V$ brighter than 18, for the highest Gaia astrometric accuracy \\citep{Mignard2003}, and (ii) no extended VLBI structures, for the highest VLBI astrometric accuracy \\citep{Fey2000}. This paper is aimed at evaluating the suitability of the current individual ICRF extragalactic radio sources for the alignment with the future Gaia frame. First, the ICRF is cross-identified with the \\citet{Veron2006} optical catalog of QSOs in order to identify the ICRF sources with a proper optical counterpart for the Gaia link. The astrometric suitability of these sources is then investigated by examining their VLBI brightness distribution and their position accuracy in the ICRF. In this investigation, the structure index defined by \\citet{Fey2000} is used to identify the sources that have the most compact VLBI brightness distributions. This study results in a sample of 70 ICRF sources, which have appropriate compact structures on VLBI scales and are brighter than magnitude 18. These sources are at present the best candidates for the ICRF--Gaia alignment. ", "conclusions": "This study focused on the astrometric suitability of the current ICRF extragalactic radio sources for the alignment with the future Gaia frame. We identified 243 candidate sources for this alignment, but only 70 of these (10\\% of the ICRF) possess the high astrometric quality required to ensure the highest accuracy in the alignment. Accordingly, the current number of VLBI sources for accurately aligning the ICRF and the future Gaia frame is not sufficient. We also showed that the QSOs that will have the most accurate positions measured with Gaia are not those that have the best astrometric positions in the ICRF statistically. To compensate for the lack of high astrometric quality extragalactic radio sources for this alignment, the VCS catalog, along with the future ICRF-2, will be of high interest. An additional direction would be to identify new appropriate VLBI sources from current deep radio surveys. These solutions mostly concern the northern hemisphere, since the VLBI arrays and observations are concentrated in this part of the world. However, to ensure a homogeneous sky coverage, a major effort is also necessary in the southern hemisphere, most specifically for the declinations below $-40^{\\circ}$. To this end, the Asia Pacific Telescope \\citep{Gulyaev2007} is likely to play a significant role." }, "0809/0809.2556.txt": { "abstract": "We present the results of parsec-scale circular polarization measurements based on Very Long Baseline Array data for a number of radio-bright, core-dominated Active Galactic Nuclei obtained simultaneously at 15, 22 and 43 GHz. The degrees of circular polarization $m_c$ for the VLBI core region at 15 GHz are similar to values reported earlier at this wavelength, with typical values of a few tenths of a percent. %The origin of this %polarization is most likely the conversion of linear to circular %polarization during the propagation of the radiation through a magnetised %plasma, although some contribution from ``intrinsic'' circular polarisation %generated by the synchrotron mechanism cannot be ruled out. We find that $m_c$ as often rises as falls with increasing frequency between 15 and 22~GHz, while the degree of circular polarisation at 43~GHz is in all cases higher than at 22 and 15~GHz. This behaviour seems contrary to expectations, since the degree of circular polarization from both synchrotron radiation and Faraday conversion of linear to circular polarization -- the two main mechanisms considered thus far in the literature -- should {\\em decrease} towards higher frequencies if the source is homogeneous. The increase in $m_c$ at 43~GHz may be due to the presence of regions of both positive and negative circular polarisation with different frequency dependences (but decreasing with increasing frequency) on small scales within the core region; alternatively, it may be associated with the intrinsic inhomogeneity of a Blandford--K\\\"onigl-like jet. In several objects, the detected circular polarization appears to be near, but not coincident with the core, although further observations are needed to confirm this. We find several cases of changes in sign with frequency, most often between 22 and 43~GHz. We find tentative evidence for transverse structure in the circular polarization of 1055+018 and 1334$-$127 that is consistent with their being generated by either the synchrotron mechanism or Faraday conversion in a helical magnetic field. Our results confirm the earlier finding that the sign of the circular polarization at a given observing frequency is generally consistent across epochs separated by several years or more, suggesting stability of the magnetic field orientation in the innermost jets. ", "introduction": "The radio emission of core-dominated, radio-loud Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) is synchrotron radiation generated in the relativistic jets that emerge from the nucleus of the galaxy, presumably along the rotational axis of a central supermassive black hole. Synchrotron radiation can be highly linearly polarized, to $\\simeq 75\\%$ in the case of a uniform magnetic ({\\bf B}) field (Pacholczyk 1970), and linear polarization observations can yield unique information about the orientation and degree of order of the {\\bf B} field in the synchrotron source, as well as the distribution of thermal electrons and the {\\bf B}-field geometry in the immediate vicinity of the AGN (e.g., via Faraday rotation of the plane of polarization). Techniques for deriving circular-polarization (CP) information on parsec scales were pioneered by Homan and his collaborators in the late 1990s (Homan \\& Wardle 1999; Homan, Attridge \\& Wardle 2001) using data taken on the NRAO\\footnote{The National Radio Astronomy Observatory of the USA is operated by Associated Universities, Inc., under co-operative agreement with the US NSF.} Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). Recently, CP measurements for the first epoch of the MOJAVE project (monitoring of 133 AGN at 15 GHz with the VLBA) were published by Homan and Lister (2006). Circular polarization was detected in 34 of these objects at the 2$\\sigma$ level or higher. These results confirmed previously noted trends: the circular polarization is nearly always coincident with the VLBI core, with typical degrees of polarization $m_c$ being a few tenths of a percent. Homan \\& Lister (2006) found no evidence for any correlation between $m_c$ and any of 20 different optical, radio and intrinsic parameters of the AGN. Interestingly, five of the 34 AGN displayed CP in their {\\em jets}, well outside the VLBI-core region, suggesting that the mechanism generating the circular polarization is capable of operating effectively in optically thin regions (although, strictly speaking, direct spectral-index measurements were not available at the corresponding epoch, since the MOJAVE measurements were made only at 15~GHz). The two main mechanisms that are usually considered to be the most likely generators of the observed CP are the synchrotron mechanism and the Faraday conversion of linear to circular polarization [Legg \\& Westfold 1968, Jones \\& O'Dell 1977; see also the reviews by Beckert \\& Falcke (2002) and Wardle \\& Homan (2003)]. Although the intrinsic CP generated by synchrotron radiation may be able to reach a few tenths of a percent at 15~GHz for the magnetic-field strengths characteristic of the observed VLBI cores of AGN (typically $\\simeq 0.4$~G; Lobanov 1998, O'Sullivan \\& Gabuzda, in preparation), the highest observed $m_c$ values seem too high to plausibly be attributed to this mechanism. This suggests that Faraday conversion plays a role, possibly the dominant one, since it is expected to be more efficient at generating CP than the synchrotron mechanism for the conditions in radio cores (Jones \\& O'Dell 1977). Faraday conversion (Jones \\& O'Dell 1977, Jones 1988) occurs because the component of the linear-polarization electric vector parallel to the conversion magnetic field, E$_{\\|}$, gives rise to oscillations of free charges in the conversion region, while the component orthogonal to this magnetic field, E$_{\\perp}$, cannot (the charges are not free to move orthogonal to the magnetic field). This leads to a delay of E$_{\\|}$ relative to E$_{\\perp}$, manifest as the introduction of a small amount of circular polarization. We recently obtained intriguing evidence that the CP in AGN may be generated by Faraday conversion in helical jet magnetic fields (Gabuzda et al. 2008). In this scenario, linearly polarized radiation emitted at the far side of the jet is partially converted to circular polarization as it passes through the magnetic field at the near side of the jet on its way to the observer. In the simple model considered, the sign of the generated CP is determined by the pitch angle of the helical field, which can be approximately deduced from the observed linear polarization structure, and the helicity of the helical field, which can be deduced from the direction of the Faraday-rotation gradient across the VLBI jet, due to the systematically changing line-of-sight component of the helical field. The inferred helicity depends on whether the longitudinal component of the field corresponds to a ``North'' or ``South'' pole of the central black hole. After identifying 8 AGN with both detected VLBI-scale CP and transverse Faraday rotation gradients, Gabuzda et al. (2008) determined the CP signs that should be observed for the cores of these AGN based on the inferred pitch angles and the helicities for their helical fields, if the jets were emerging from the North or South magnetic pole of the black hole. The result was clearly not random: in all 8 cases, the observed CP signs agreed with the signs predicted by the simple helical-field model for the case of the longitudinal field corresponding to South polarity. Although the physical origin of this result is not clear, it strongly suggests a close connection between CP and the presence of helical jet magnetic fields; the probability of finding that 8 of 8 of these AGN had CP signs corresponding to one particular polarity is less than 1\\%. The apparent predominance of jets associated with South magnetic poles may have cardinal implications for the intrinsic magnetic-field structures of the central black holes; for example, one way to understand this result is if the central fields are quadrupolar, with a predomint tendency for the two South poles to correspond to the jets and the two North poles to lie in the plane of the accretion disc, for reasons that are not yet understood. We present here new CP measurements for 41 AGN at 15, 22 and 43~GHz, as well as for an additional 18 AGN at 15~GHz only. Parsec-scale CP was detected at two of the three frequencies in 5 of the 41 AGN, and at all three frequencies in another 5 AGN. Our 15-GHz results are generally in excellent agreement with the first-epoch MOJAVE CP values (Homan \\& Lister 2006). The results do not show any universal frequency dependence for the degree of CP $m_c$, and both rising and falling spectra with frequency are observed. Unexpectedly, we find $m_c$ to be higher at 43~GHz than at the lower two frequencies. We also find tentative evidence for transverse CP structure consistent with the CP being produced in a helical magnetic field geometry in two objects. ", "conclusions": "We have presented the results of parsec-scale circular polarization measurements for 41 AGN at 15+22+43~GHz and an additional 18 at 15~GHz alone. We have detected parsec-scale CP in 8 sources for the first time, and confirm previous detections in an additional 9 objects. In all 7 AGN in which 15-GHz CP was detected in both our measurements and in the MOJAVE first-epoch measurements (Homan \\& Lister 2006), the signs of the CP agree, demonstrating that a consistent picture is beginning to emerge from the collected results. The first-epoch MOJAVE measurements revealed the presence of jet CP in five AGN (3C84, 3C273, 2128$-$123, 2134+004 and 2251+158). Vitrishchak \\& Gabuzda (2007) reported the presence of jet CP in 1334$-$127 and 3C279, and we have confirmed jet CP in these objects and added 2223$-$052 to this list. These are among the very first multi-frequency VLBI CP measurements. We have measured CP at more than one frequency for 10 of the 41 AGN. No simple picture of the frequency dependence of the CP emerges. For example, comparable numbers of the AGN displaying measureable CP at both 15 and 22~GHz display higher $|m_c|$ values at the higher or lower of these frequencies. At the same time, there is a clear tendency for the degrees of CP to be higher at 43~GHz than at the two lower frequencies. While virtually all the signs for the CP measured at 15 and 22~GHz agree, the sign of the observed core-region CP often changes between 15/22 and 43~GHz (in 4 of 6 sources). This suggests the action of optical-depth effects, or some other mechanism giving rise to a systematic change in the CP sign with distance from the jet base. None of the observed CP spectra correspond in a straightforward way to the frequency dependence expected for either intrinsic CP or CP generated by Faraday conversion operating in a homogeneous source, which both predict that the CP should decrease with increasing frequency. The fact that we have found $m_c$ to increase with frequency in several sources, and to universally be higher at 43~GHz compared to our lower frequencies, is intriguing in light of the scaling arguments presented by Wardle \\& Homan (2003), which point out that CP from either synchrotron radiation or Faraday conversion in a Blandford--K\\\"onigl jet could have an inverted CP spectrum, $m_c\\sim\\nu$. This suggests that our measurements are probing scales on which the intrinsic inhomogeneity of the jet plays an appreciable role in determining the observed CP and its spectrum. In addition, the picture may be complicated by the fact that the core CP measurements may represent the superposition of CP contributions from several different regions in the core and innermost jet, as has been directly observed in the nearby radio galaxy 3C84 (Homan \\& Wardle 2004). Although we cannot distinguish between various CP-generation mechanisms based on the observed spectra, we argue, as have previous authors, that the synchrotron mechanism has trouble explaining the growing number of measurements indicating degrees of CP of the order of 1\\% or more. Therefore, it remains most likely that the detected CP is generated primarily by Faraday conversion (possibly with a smaller contribution by the synchrotron mechanism in some objects). Gabuzda et al. (2008) have argued that the CP is generated predominantly by Faraday conversion in helical {\\bf B} fields inherently associated with the jets. We have found tentative evidence for transverse structure in the CP distributions of 1055+018 and 1334$-$127. %In 1334$-$127, we observe one region %of CP of a single sign, well out in the jet and displaced toward the edge %of the jet. We have tested the reality of this feature using test data %and found it to be robust. %%This is %%consistent with the expectations for CP generated by Faraday conversion %%in a helical jet {\\bf B} field with a pitch angle of $\\simeq 40-45^{\\circ}$ %%viewed at an angle of $\\simeq 60-80^{\\circ}$ (or $\\simeq 100-120^{\\circ}$) %%in the jet rest frame. Based on the sign of the observed extended jet CP, %%we deduce that, in this model, the helical jet {\\bf B} field in 1334$-$127 %%is right-handed. %In 1055+018, we observe two regions of CP of opposite signs in the core %region, on either side of the innermost VLBI jet. Unfortunately, because %the peaks of the two inferred CP components are nearly the same and they %are located nearly symmetrically about the VLBI core region, we cannot %rule out the possibility that this structure is due to a small transverse %shift between the $RR$ and $LL$ images introduced by the phase calibration. %However, the fact that it is much more natural for such $RR/LL$ misalignments %to occur along the jet than orthgonal to the jet direction suggests that this %structure may well be real. In fact, transverse CP structures of the sort observed in 1334$-$127 and tentatively detected in 1055+018 would come about naturally if the CP is generated in helical jet {\\bf B} fields. Further, this is true for both intrinsic CP and CP generated by helical-field-driven Faraday conversion. In contrast, CP generated in jets in which the unidirectional {\\bf B} field giving rise to the CP is longitudinal would display transverse structure only by chance, due, for example, to bending of the jets. We thus consider the transverse CP structures tentatively revealed by these first 43-GHz CP measurements to provide further supporting evidence for the hypothesis that the CP of compact radio-loud AGN is closely tied to helical {\\bf B} fields that are organically related to the jets. The interesting and unexpected new results we have presented here indicate that further CP analyses at 22 and 43~GHz are very worthwhile, despite the techical difficulties they present (weaker source fluxes, higher noise levels, particularly at 43~GHz). Further high-resolution observations for additional AGN will indicate how common transverse CP structures really are, and, in the case of symmetrical transverse CP structures with opposite signs on opposite sides of the core region, more conclusively demonstrate their reality. One possibility in this regard will be if similar structures can be detected further from the core, as the reality of these can be tested directly using the PHC procedure described above and by Homan \\& Lister (2006)." }, "0809/0809.5256_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In this paper we study the determinants of starless core temperatures in the Perseus molecular cloud. We use \\amm\\ (1,1) and (2,2) observations to derive core temperatures (\\tc) and data from the COMPLETE Survey of Star Forming Regions and the c2d Spitzer Legacy Survey for observations of the other core and molecular cloud properties. The kinetic temperature distribution probed by \\amm\\ is in the fairly narrow range of $\\sim$ 9 - 15 K. We find that cores within the clusters IC348 and NGC1333 are significantly warmer than ``field'' starless cores, and \\tc\\ is higher within regions of larger extinction-derived column density. Starless cores in the field are warmer when they are closer to class O/I protostars, but this effect is not seen for those cores in clusters. For field starless cores, \\tc\\ is higher in regions in which the $^{13}$CO linewidth and the 1.1mm flux from the core are larger, and \\tc\\ is lower when the the peak column density within the core and average volume density of the core are larger. There is no correlation between \\tc\\ and $^{13}$CO linewidth, 1.1mm flux, density or peak column density for those cores in clusters. The temperature of the cloud material along the line of sight to the core, as measured by CO or far-infrared emission from dust, is positively correlated with core temperature when considering the collection of cores in the field and in clusters, but this effect is not apparent when the two subsamples of cores are considered separately. ", "introduction": "Starless cores are the link between molecular clouds and Class 0 protostars. They are smaller and denser (r $\\sim$ 0.1 pc, n $\\gtrsim 10^4$ cm$^{-3}$) than, and kinematically distinct from, the molecular clouds in which they are found \\citep{Goodman98}. Because starless cores have no source of internal heating, the temperature of a starless core is determined by external illumination and self-shielding. The temperatures of starless cores are set by the interstellar radiation field, and in some cases luminous nearby stars, attenuated by the molecular cloud. The temperature profile within a starless core is determined by the heating of its outer layers and the internal extinction, making the centers of starless cores colder than their outer layers \\citep{Evans01, Stamatellos07, Zucconi01}. The temperatures of starless cores can be inferred from thermal emission from dust or from molecular lines. Deriving core temperatures from continuum emission is complicated by uncertainties in the dust emission spectrum. For instance, in cold and dense regions dust grains are expected to coagulate and become covered in icy mantles, creating variation in the emissivity spectral index \\citep{Ossenkopf94}. In addition, below a density of $\\sim3 \\times 10^4$ the dust temperature is not coupled to the gas temperature \\citep{Goldsmith01, Galli02}, which is the more important quantity because the gas makes up $\\sim$99\\% of the mass. One of the best tracers of gas temperature is the rotation-inversion lines of \\amm. Ammonia is particularly well suited for this type of study because 1) \\amm\\ does not seem to deplete onto dust grains in starless cores, and in fact may have an enhanced abundance where CO is depleted \\citep{Tafalla02} 2) \\amm\\ has hyperfine splitting of its inversion lines, making fits to the temperature, velocity and optical depth more certain 3) the \\amm\\ (1,1) and (2,2) transitions are separated by a small difference in frequency, so it is possible to simultaneously observe both sets of lines. In this paper we use ammonia (1,1) and (2,2) observations \\citep{Rosolowsky08} to derive the temperature of starless cores. We examine whether these data support the several models of the relationship between core properties and the molecular cloud where they are found \\citep[e.g.,][]{Evans01, Bethell04,Stamatellos04} Perseus is one of the Gould's belt molecular clouds included in the Spitzer legacy project ``From Molecular Cores to Planet-Forming Disks'' (c2d) \\citep{Evans03} and the COMPLETE survey of star-forming regions \\citep{Ridge06}, at a distance of 250 pc \\citep{Cernis03, Belikov02}. Because it is so well observed, there is a wealth of data on the cores and the cloud that enables us to study the influences of various internal and environmental factors on the temperature of 50 starless cores in Perseus. ", "conclusions": "\\label{CONCLUSIONS} In this paper we investigate the temperature distribution of starless cores in Perseus. Although, the range of temperatures derived from \\amm\\ (1,1) and (2,2) pointing is quite narrow, from $\\sim 9-15$ K, there are several interesting correlations and lack of correlations. The location of a starless core does affect its temperature. We find that those cores inside the two main star-forming regions in Perseus (IC348 and NGC1333) are warmer than those not in clusters. Although there is no correlation between \\tc\\ and the distance to the nearest class 0/I protostar for those starless cores in clusters, starless cores in the field are colder the further away they are from protostars. Certain properties of the molecular cloud are related to the temperatures of the starless cores embedded in it. \\tc\\ is higher when the extinction-derived column density of the molecular cloud is larger, despite the additional shielding from the ISRF that the higher column density implies, which may be due to the increased pressure on the cores from the molecular cloud in higher column density regions. This correlation is not seen when column density along the line of sight in Perseus is measured from far-infrared dust emission. After controlling for the cluster/field temperature difference, we find that \\tc\\ does not depend on the temperature of the molecular cloud, as measured by CO or dust emission. The clusters have higher values of \\tco\\ and \\td\\ on average, so presumably the same processes that are heating the clusters are also heating the cores within them. Those starless cores outside NGC1333 and IC348 are warmer in regions with higher $^{13}$CO linewidth, suggesting the the turbulence causing the high linewidths makes the cloud more porous to the ISRF, which in turn heats the embedded cores. There is no significant correlation between $\\sigma_{CO}$ and \\tc\\ for those cores in the clusters. Some internal properties of starless cores are correlated with their temperature. For those starless cores in the field, total 1.1mm flux is higher in cores that are warmer, and peak column density and average volume density are higher in cores that are colder. A higher temperature naturally leads to more 1.1mm flux for a given core mass, and the correlations between \\tc\\ and peak core column density and volume density can be explained by the amount of shielding from the ISRF that the additional material provides. However, it is surprising that none of these correlations exist for starless cores inside the clusters. Support was provided to MLE by NASA through the Spitzer Space Telescope Fellowship Program." }, "0809/0809.0190_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The concept of ``age'' as a parameter for the description of the state of development of high energy showers in the atmosphere has been in use in cosmic ray studies for several decades. In this work we briefly discuss how this concept, originally introduced to describe the average behavior of electromagnetic cascades, can be fruitfully applied to describe individual showers generated by primary particles of different nature, including protons, nuclei and neutrinos. Showers with the same age share three different important properties: (i) their electron size has the same fractional rate of change with increasing depth, (ii) the bulk of the electrons and photons in the shower (excluding high energy particles) have energy spectra with shapes and relative normalization uniquely determined by the age parameter, (iii) the electrons and photons in the shower have also the same angular and lateral distributions sufficiently far from the shower axis. In this work we discuss how the properties associated with the shower age can be understood with simple arguments, and how the shapes of the electron and photon spectra and the relative normalization that correspond to a certain age can be calculated analytically. ", "introduction": "The concept of the ``age'' of a shower has been in use in the cosmic ray community for more than half a century. The concept first emerged \\cite{Rossi-Greisen} in the study of the average longitudinal development of purely electromagnetic showers generated by photons or electrons. It was then also applied \\cite{Nishimura-Kamata,Greisen1} to the lateral distribution of electrons around the shower axis. Soon, it was also understood that it is possible and useful to assign an ``age'' also to individual showers, and that the concept is applicable also to showers generated by hadronic primary particles such as protons or nuclei. Some recents works \\cite{Giller,Nerling,Gora} have rediscussed the concept of of shower age for the showers generated by ultra high energy cosmic rays in the Earth's atmosphere. Giller et al \\cite{Giller} and Nerling et al. \\cite{Nerling} have studied with montecarlo methods the showers generated by high energy protons and nuclei in air, and have observed that the energy and angle distributions of the electrons (in this work with ``electrons'' we will refer to the sum of electrons and positrons) in the showers have shapes that to a good approximation are only determined by an age parameter $\\overline{s}$ defined as: \\begin{equation} \\overline{s} (t, t_{\\rm max} ) = \\frac{3 \\,t}{t + 2 \\; t_{\\rm max}} ~. \\label{eq:s0} \\end{equation} where $t$ is the depth in unit of radiation lengths and $t_{\\rm max}$ is the depth where the shower reaches its maximum size. The shower size is defined as the total number of charged particle integrated over all energy, and effectively coincides with the electron size. These results have been extended to the lateral distribution of electrons by Gora et al. \\cite{Gora}. This property of ``universality'' is obviously very important for the analysis and interpretation of high energy cosmic ray observations, and it is therefore desirable to have a deeper understanding of its origin and of its limitations. In this work we want to review critically the concepts of shower ``age'' and ``universality''. One of the main points we want to make is to argue that the definition of age of equation (\\ref{eq:s0}), while reasonably accurate in most cases, is in general not correct, and should be replaced by a better motivated and more accurate definition. The essence of the concept of shower age can be understood observing that all showers at the maximum of their development are in an appropriate sense ``similar'' to each other (that is have the same ``age''). This ``similarity'' is represented by the fact that in all showers at maximum the energy spectra of ``most'' electrons and photons have the same shape and the same relative normalization. These particles also have the same angular distributions (that are obviously strongly correlated with energy) and, for an equal density profile of the medium where the shower is propagating, also the same lateral distribution around the shower axis. The idea that all showers at maximum, that is at the depth where the derivative of the shower size $N(t)$ vanishes, are ``similar'' independently from the energy and nature of the primary particle, can be naturally be generalized, stating that all showers that have the same fractional rate of change with depth, that is the same ``size slope'' $\\lambda$: \\begin{equation} \\lambda = \\frac{1}{N(t)} \\; \\frac{dN(t)}{dt} \\end{equation} are also ``similar''. This means that to each value of the $\\lambda$ correspond well determined shapes of the electron and photon spectra (again only valid for ``most'' particles) and a well determined relative normalization for the two populations. It is intuitive (and will be later verified by detailed calculations) that the energy spectra of electrons and photons become progressively softer as $\\lambda$ decreases going from positive (when the shower size grows) to negative (when the shower size decreases) values. There is a one to one mapping between the values of the size slope $\\lambda$ and the values of the shower ``age'' $s$. This mapping is encoded by a function that, in the notation introduced by Rossi and Greisen in their ``classic'' paper \\cite{Rossi-Greisen}, is called $\\lambda_1(s)$. The general definition of the shower age is therefore: \\begin{equation} s = \\lambda_1^{-1} ( \\lambda) = \\lambda_1^{-1} \\left ( \\frac{1}{N(t)} \\; \\frac{dN(t)}{dt} \\right ) \\label{eq:age-def} \\end{equation} where $\\lambda_1^{-1}$ is the inverse function of $\\lambda_1(s)$. The function $\\lambda_1(s)$ (that will be discussed in more detail in the following) is monotonically decreasing and has a single zero at $s = 1$, therefore according to equation (\\ref{eq:age-def}) showers have age $s=1$ at maximum and age $s < 1$ ($s >1$) before (after) maximum. The definition of the age parameter (\\ref{eq:age-def}) may seem at first sight (and in some sense actually is) arbitrary, since the size slope $\\lambda$ itself or any monotonic function of $\\lambda$ are also perfectly adequate to identify ``similar'' showers. The choice of the particular mapping of equation (\\ref{eq:age-def}) is motivated by the fact that one can attach a direct physical meaning to the quantity $s$. The shapes of the electron and photon spectra for $E$ above the critical energy $\\varepsilon$ (the electron critical energy $\\varepsilon$ is the average energy lost by an electron in a radiation length, and corresponds also to the electron energy for which radiative and collision losses are equal) and $E \\ll E_0$ (with $E_0$ the primary particle energy) are well represented by a power law: \\begin{equation} n_e (E) \\sim n_\\gamma (E) \\sim E^{-(s+1)} \\end{equation} These power law behaviors stops when $E$ approaches (from above) the electron critical energy. For energies below $E \\sim \\varepsilon$ the electron spectrum has a sharp cutoff, while the photon spectrum has a ``knee'' and takes the form $E^{-1}$. The precise shapes of the cutoff of the electron spectrum, of the knee of the photon spectrum (that is the transition from the form $E^{-(s+1)}$ to the $E^{-1}$) and the relative normalizations of the photon and electron spectra are all entirely determined by the age $s$ (or equivalently by the size slope $\\lambda$) and can be computed in detail. The commonly used definitions of age in equation (\\ref{eq:s0}) always coincides with the general definition (\\ref{eq:age-def}) at shower maximum and therefore, by construction, it is a reasonably good approximation for showers sufficiently close to maximum. The motivation for the more general definition may appear as only a formal question of ``principle''. In fact in some circumstances the two definitions are significantly different, and the general definition gives the correct shower age. The definition (\\ref{eq:s0}) coincides with the correct one only for a particular shape of the shower longitudinal that is known as the ``Greisen profile'' \\cite{Greisen1}. In fact Greisen profile and the age definition (\\ref{eq:s0}) are intimately connected, and can be seen (with the mediation of the function $\\lambda_1$) as the integral and the derivative of each other. The Greisen profile (discussed below in section~\\ref{sec:greisen}) describes accurately the average development of purely electromagnetic showers, but is only a rough approximation for the description of individual hadronic showers, and naturally fails completely in the description of neutrino--induced showers. The deviations of the definition (\\ref{eq:s0}) from the true age (\\ref{eq:age-def}) are of the same order of the deviations of the profile of a shower from the Greisen profile that has the same $t_{\\rm max}$. The authors in \\cite{Giller,Nerling} have calculated with montecarlo methods the shape of the electron spectra in hadronic showers of different age. The parametrizations of their results are essentially identical to the shapes of the electron spectra in showers of the same age calculated several decades ago by Rossi and Greisen \\cite{Rossi-Greisen}. These modern works have therefore effectively only ``rediscovered'' with montecarlo methods what should be called the ``Rossi--Greisen'' spectra. We want to attract attention to this fact for three reasons. The first one is that it is obviously appropriate to give credit to the remarkable work of the pioneers. The second is that the works of \\cite{Giller,Nerling} do not include a discussion of photon spectra. The shapes of these spectra and their relative normalization with respect to the electron ones are also determined unambiguously by the shower age, and have been also computed explicitely by Rossi and Greisen. Finally the derivation of the spectral shapes obtained by Rossi and Greisen with analytic methods allows physical insights on the origin and limitations of the ``universality'' of the spectra, that are not easily deducible from a montecarlo calculation. It should be stressed that the ``universality'' of properties for cascades of the same age has clearly limitations since it only applies to ``most'' but not all particles in the shower. For example, the ``similarity'' among showers at the maximum of their development, (that is at age $s=1$) does not imply that the showers simply differ by the absolute normalization of their electromagnetic component. Considering at first the case of purely electromagnetic cascades, at maximum the showers generated by a photon of initial energy $E_0$ contain (in essentially all cases) more high energy particles than the showers generated by photons of lower energy. These high energy particles are negligible in number and do not contribute significantly to the total size but in general carry an important fraction of the shower energy, they ``feed'' the shower development and influence its development. The showers generated by other types of primary particles have ``cores'' of different structure and particle content, and follow different development profiles. \\vspace{0.3 cm} This work is organized as follows: in the next two sections we review a very well known subject, discussing the average longitudinal evolution of purely electromagnetic showers first in ``approximation~A'', that is neglecting the electron ionization losses, and then in ``approximation~B''. The concept of age emerged naturally in these studies. In approximation~B the shower equations have ``elementary solutions'' labeled by the parameter $s$, these solutions correspond to the ``universal spectra'' of showers with age $s$. The following section discusses the well known ``Greisen profile'' that describes the average longitudinal development of purely electromagnetic showers. Finally we discuss the evolution of individual hadronic showers, and give some conclusions. ", "conclusions": "The concept of the shower age can be very useful for the analysis of high energy cosmic ray data. The essence of the idea is very simple and can be summarized in a nutshell saying that the $t$--slope $\\lambda$ and the $E$--slope $s$ of a shower are connected to each other by a one to one mapping. The $t$--slope (or size slope) is the fractional rate of change of the shower size with increasing depth ($\\lambda = N^{-1} \\, dN/dt$). The $E$--slope (or energy slope) is the integral slope of the (power law) energy spectra of photons or electrons above the critical energy. The mapping between $\\lambda$ and $s$ is given by $\\lambda = \\lambda_1(s) \\simeq (s -1 - 3 \\, \\ln s)/2$. The spectra of photons and electrons have a more complex shape around and below $\\varepsilon$ that is also determined by $s$ (or $\\lambda$), and have a relative normalization also determined by $s$ (or $\\lambda$). It is remarkable that the electron and photon spectra that correspond to different $s$ (or $\\lambda$) have been calculated accurately with analytic methods by the pioneers Rossi and Greisen many decades ago. These properties of ``universality'' extend to the angular and lateral distributions of electrons and photons. This crucially important subject is not discussed here (see appendix~\\ref{sec:lateral} for some remarks). The definition of age discussed here is independent from the shape of the longitudinal development of a shower, and is therefore more general and accurate that the commonly used definition $s \\simeq 3 \\, t/(t + 2 \\, t_{\\rm max})$ that is correct only when the shower development is described by the ``Greisen profile''. The average shape (and the fluctuations around this average) of the longitudinal development of high energy cosmic ray showers is determined by the nature of the primary particles and by the properties of hadronic interactions. The observation of these shape is a very important subject for future experimental studies. A definition of age that depends only on the derivative of the shower size can be applied also to neutrino--induced showers, and more generally is expected to remain valid for the description of all shower where the size is dominated by electrons. This includes showers generated by exotic primaries, or the presence of unexpected physics (or unexpected fluctuations) in the development of the showers by primary particles of known nature. The search for events that have unusual longitudinal developments, such as multiple maxima is an interesting direction of research. It is likely (and at least the best possible {\\em a priori} assumption) that the spectra of the electromagnetic component around and below the critical energy will, also in these cases, be controled by the shower age. These ideas can be useful in the analysis of high energy cosmic ray observations in several ways. As examples: (i) the knowledge of the variations of the electron energy spectrum during the evolution of a shower can be used to obtain a better reconstruction of the longitudinal profile of the shower in observations that use fluorescence and/or Cherenkov light detectors (see \\cite{Unger:2008uq} for more discussion); (ii) the reconstruction of the shower age from the lateral distribution of its electromagnetic component can in principle help in the reconstruction of the energy in surface array measurements; (iii) in case of hybrid measurements of the showers, the redundant measurement of the age (from the size longitudinal development and the lateral distribution of the electromagnetic component at the ground) can allow to disentangle a muon component, allowing composition measurements, or test of hadronic interaction models (see \\cite{Engel:2007cm} for more discussion). It should finally be stressed that the ``universality'' in the electromagnetic component of high energy showers, is clearly an important analysis tool, but gives only a partial information about the shower. Other information is contained in the shower muon component, moreover the shower core, that is essentially undetected in large area shower arrays, in most cases also contains a significant amount of energy. The energy contained in the core must be ``infered'' from the information obtained at large distances from the shower axis, introducing unavoidably some model dependence in the energy reconstruction. \\vspace{0.4 cm} \\noindent {\\bf Acknowledgments.}\\\\ It is a pleasure to acknowledge fruitful discussions with Ralph Engel, Maurizio Lusignoli and Silvia Vernetto. \\newpage \\appendix" }, "0809/0809.3310.txt": { "abstract": "A global lopsidedness in the distribution of the stars and gas is common in galaxies. It is believed to trace a non-equilibrium dynamical state caused by mergers, tidal interactions, asymmetric accretion of gas, or asymmetries related to the dark matter halo. We have used the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to undertake an investigation of lopsidedness in a sample of $\\sim$25,000 nearby galaxies ($z <$ 0.06). We use the $m=1$ azimuthal Fourier mode between the 50\\% and 90\\% light radii as our measure of lopsidedness. The SDSS spectra are used to measure the properties of the stars, gas, and black hole in the central-most few-kpc-scale region. We show that there is a strong link between lopsidedness in the outer parts of the galactic disk and the youth of the stellar population in the central region. This link is independent of the other structural properties of the galaxy. These results provide a robust statistical characterization of the connections between accretion/interactions/mergers and the resulting star formation. We also show that residuals in the galaxy mass-metallicity relation correlate with lopsidedness (at fixed mass, the more metal-poor galaxies are more lopsided). This suggests that the events causing lopsidedness and enhanced star formation deliver lower metallicity gas into the galaxy's central region. Finally, we find that there is a trend for the more powerful active galactic nuclei (the more rapidly growing black holes) to be hosted by more lopsided galaxies (at fixed galaxy mass, density, or concentration). However if we compare samples matched to have both the same structures {\\it and central stellar populations}, we then find no difference in lopsidedness between active and non-active galaxies. Indeed the correlation between the youth of the stellar population and the rate of black hole growth is stronger than the correlation between lopsidedness and either of these other two properties. This leads to the following picture. The presence of cold gas in the central region of a galaxy (irrespective of its origin) is essential for both star-formation and black hole growth. The delivery of cold gas is aided by the processes that produce lopsidedness. Other processes on scales smaller than we can probe with our data are required to transport the gas to the black hole. ", "introduction": "In the standard $\\Lambda CDM$ universe, galaxies continue to grow significantly at the current epoch, accreting an average of roughly 5\\% of their mass per Giga-year (e.g., \\citealt{k+05,k+06}). Minor mergers, tidal interactions with close companions, and asymmetric accretion of cold gas can all perturb the underlying structure of the dark matter halo, the stars, and the gas in galaxies for time-scales of-order a Giga-year (e.g., \\citealt{zr97,lev+98,jog99,kr+02,bou+05,dim07,map+08,cox08}). A characteristic observational signature of these types of non-equilibrium situations is a global asymmetry (lopsidedness) in the distribution of the stars and/or gas. Indeed, galaxies commonly exhibit asymmetric structures. Asymmetry in the global \\ion{H}{1} 21cm emission-line profile is present in half or more of disk galaxies \\citep{ric+94,mat+98}. Lopsided distributions of the \\ion{H}{1} gas are revealed by spatial maps of galaxies in the field (e.g., \\citealt{swa+99}) and in groups \\citep{ang+06,ang+07}. The stellar mass distributions of disk galaxies are often lopsided as well. \\citet{zr97} showed that $\\sim$30\\% of a sample of 60 field spiral galaxies had a significant $m=1$ azimuthal Fourier component in the stellar mass. \\citet{rud+98} showed that lopsidedness in the stellar mass distribution was common in early-type disk galaxies. Simulations of spiral galaxies have shown that the typical measured amplitudes of lopsidedness cannot be explained by internal dynamical mechanisms alone (e.g. \\citealt{bou+05}). The external processes described above are required. It has long been recognized that tidal interactions and mergers can act as triggers for star-formation \\citep{too+72,lar+78}. The resulting non-axisymmetric time-dependent gravitational potential can transport angular momentum out of the gas and also lead to shocks in which the gas is compressed and kinetic energy is ultimately converted into radiation and lost to the system (e.g., \\citealt{mih+96,dim07,cox08}). These processes lead to the inflow of gas, an increase in gas density (either globally or locally), and hence an increase in the star formation rate \\citep{ken98}. \\citet{li+08a} have investigated the link between interactions and star formation in the largest sample of galaxies studied to date. They found a strong correlation between the proximity of a near neighbor (closer than 100 kpc) and the average specific star formation rate. This result pertains to the relatively early stages of an eventual merger. Using lopsidedness as a probe would allow us in principal to measure the history of the enhancement in star formation (in an time-averaged sense) all the way through to the post-merger phase. \\citet{zr97} exploited this idea, and found a correlation between lopsidedness and excess $B$-band luminosity emitted by a young stellar population. \\citet{rud+00} showed that both recent (the past 1 Gyr) and ongoing star formation are correlated with lopsidedness, and estimated that as much as 10\\% of stellar mass in typical galaxies can be formed in such events. However, these papers investigated very small samples compared to the \\citet{li+08a} study. An additional link between lopsidedness and star formation is indicated by the results in \\citet{k+05} and \\citet{bou+05}. The former authors use SPH simulations to conclude that the star formation history of galaxies is primarily regulated by the accretion rate of cold gas, rather than by mergers. The accretion of this cold gas will not occur in a spherically symmetric fashion, and \\citet{bou+05} argue that this will lead to long-lived lopsidedness in disk galaxies. Large samples are crucial to the investigation of the connection between lopsidedness and the recent star formation history. In our recent paper (\\citealt{paper1}, hereafter Paper I) we reported on our analysis of multi-color Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) images of $\\sim$25000 low-redshift ($z < 0.06$) galaxies. We confirmed that Lopsidedness in the stellar mass distribution is indeed very common, and quantified its distribution as a function of the principal structural properties of the galaxies. We found that galaxies of lower mass, lower density, and lower concentration are systematically more lopsided. Similarly, \\citet{kau+03a,kau+03b} showed that galaxies with lower mass, density, and concentration have younger stellar populations on-average. Taking these results together, the causal connections between star formation, lopsidedness, and other galaxy structural properties are ambiguous. Unraveling this web of mutual correlations requires the careful analysis of a large and homogeneous sample. The strong correlation between the stellar mass of a galaxy and the metallicity of its interstellar medium \\citep{tre+04} provides a powerful constraint on the chemical evolution of galaxies and the intergalactic medium (e.g., \\citealt{dal07}). If lopsidedness in a galaxy has been recently induced by either a minor merger with a gas-rich low mass companion galaxy or the accretion of cold intergalactic gas, then one signature would be a decrease in the metallicity of the interstellar medium in lopsided galaxies compared to other galaxies of the same mass. This can be tested with a large sample of galaxies. Interactions and mergers are also believed to be an important mechanism for fueling the formation and growth of a central supermassive black hole. This idea dates back at least to Toomre \\& Toomre (1972), and is one of the cornerstones of contemporary models that attempt to explain the co-evolution of galaxies and black holes within the context of the hierarchical build-up of structure (e.g., \\citealt{hop+07,dim+07}). However, the observational verification of this idea remains insecure. At high-redshift the data are still too sparse to be conclusive, while at low-redshift there have been many past studies that have led to contradictory results. \\citet{li+08b} have undertaken an analysis of the largest low-redshift sample to date, based on $10^5$ galaxies in the SDSS. They find a strong link between close companions and star formation, but none between close companions and AGN. One possibility is that the black hole growth occurs only late in a merger, after the companion galaxy has been captured. This idea can be tested using lopsidedness and a similarly large sample since lopsidedness can be used to trace later stages of interaction than that seen in pair studies. In this study, we use the large data-set described in Paper I to try to understand how lopsidedness may be linked to star formation, metallicity, and the AGN phenomenon. We describe our specific galaxy sample in \\S\\ref{sec:data} and summarize our measurements of the structural parameters, star formation indicators, metallicity, and AGN indicators. Next, in \\S\\ref{sec:sfh}, we compare the correlations between star formation and structure with an emphasis on separating out the dependence of star formation on lopsidedness versus other galaxy structural properties. Next, in \\S\\ref{sec:met} we explore whether the residuals in the mass-metallicity relation correlate with lopsidedness, and test whether this is a fundamental correlation, or only a secondary one induced through a mutual dependence of metallicity and lopsidedness on galaxy structure. Finally, in \\S\\ref{sec:agn}, we compare lopsidedness and the structural and stellar population properties for the host galaxies of AGN, to test for a possible link between interactions/mergers/accretion and the growth of black holes. We discuss the implications of our conclusions in \\S\\ref{sec:conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "} We have studied a sample of approximately 25000 low-redshift ($z < 0.06$) galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 4 to investigate the links between large-scale asymmetries in the stellar mass distribution in galaxies (lopsidedness), star formation, the metallicity of the interstellar medium, and the presence of active galactic nuclei (AGN). Lopsidedness has been defined as the radially averaged $m=1$ azimuthal Fourier amplitude ($A_1$) measured between the radii enclosing 50\\% and 90\\% of the galaxy light in the SDSS images (i.e. in the outer part of the galaxy). We have previously shown that lopsidedness traces the distribution of the underlying stellar mass (Paper I). Lopsidedness is a signpost of a non-equilibrium global dynamical state, and can be induced by mergers, asymmetric accretion of cold gas, tidal interactions, or underlying asymmetries related to the dark matter halo. We have used spectra obtained through the SDSS 3\\arcsec diameter fibers (typical projected diameter of $\\sim$ 3 kpc) to characterize the stars, gas, and AGN in these central regions. We have used the amplitude of the 4000 \\AAA break, the strength of the high-order Balmer absorption-lines, and the specific star formation rate derived from the nebular emission-line to characterize the stellar population in the central few-kpc-scale region. We found strong links between lopsidedness and recent/on-going central star-formation: galaxies with younger stellar populations are more lopsided and more lopsided galaxies have younger stellar populations. Starburst and post-starburst galaxies are the most lopsided on average. We have previously shown that galaxies with lower surface mass density and mass are more lopsided (Paper I), and that galaxies with lower mass and lower density have younger stellar populations \\citep{kau+03b,bri+04}. Here, we have shown that there is still a strong correlation between lopsidedness and the age of the stellar population even after their mutual dependences on these other structural parameters have been removed. These results are consistent with other evidence that mergers and tidal interactions trigger central star-formation, but place these results on a firm statistical base. They are also consistent with the idea that star formation in galaxies today is regulated by the accretion of cold gas \\citep{k+05} which can excite lopsidedness \\citep{bou+05}. They imply that the timescale for the transport of gas into the central region can not be significantly longer than the timescale over which lopsidedness persists in the outer disk. This is consistent with recent numerical simulations of star formation in minor mergers and galaxy interactions \\citep{dim07,cox08}. We have also shown that at fixed stellar mass, more lopsided galaxies have systematically lower gas-phase metallicities by about 0.1 dex on average. This suggests that the processes causing lopsidedness deliver lower metallicity gas into the central region, but the small amplitude of the effect rules out extreme events as being typical. Finally, we found that there is a trend for the more rapidly growing black holes to be hosted by galaxies with higher average lopsidedness. This is true when comparing galaxies at fixed galaxy mass, surface mass density, and concentration. However, when the AGN hosts were compared to non-active galaxies that were also matched in the age of the stellar population in their central region, we found no excess lopsidedness in the AGN hosts. The strongest link is that between the youth of the stellar population and the growth rate of the black hole. The correlations of these two properties with lopsidedness are weaker. This suggests that the presence of cold gas in the central few kpc-scale region (which is facilitated through the processes that produce lopsidedness, and which leads to significant star formation) is a necessary but not sufficient condition for subsequent fueling of the growth of the black hole. Other processes are subsequently required to deliver the gas from scales of a few kpc all the way to the black hole accretion disk and these would not be directly related to the process(es) that produced lopsidedness. Combining our results with the analysis by \\citet{li+08b} and Ellison et al. (2008a) of the role of close companion galaxies in driving star formation and fueling black holes, suggests that the period of black hole growth may be preferentially associated with the end stages of a minor merger. This idea will be tested in a future paper. We would like to thank Christy Tremonti for reading a draft of this manuscript. Funding for the SDSS and SDSS-II has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Participating Institutions, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Japanese Monbukagakusho, the Max Planck Society, and the Higher Education Funding Council for England. The SDSS Web Site is http://www.sdss.org/. The SDSS is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participating Institutions. The Participating Institutions are the American Museum of Natural History, Astrophysical Institute Potsdam, University of Basel, University of Cambridge, Case Western Reserve University, University of Chicago, Drexel University, Fermilab, the Institute for Advanced Study, the Japan Participation Group, Johns Hopkins University, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics, the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, the Korean Scientist Group, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (LAMOST), Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy (MPIA), the Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics (MPA), New Mexico State University, Ohio State University, University of Pittsburgh, University of Portsmouth, Princeton University, the United States Naval Observatory, and the University of Washington. \\begin{deluxetable}{cclr} \\tabletypesize{\\small} \\tablecolumns{4} \\tablewidth{0pc} \\tablecaption{Partial Correlation Coefficients: Lopsidedness and Star Formation} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{} & \\colhead{} & \\colhead{Dependence} & \\colhead{Partial} \\\\ \\colhead{Par. 1} & \\colhead{Par. 2} & \\colhead{Removed} & \\colhead{Corr. Coeff.} } \\startdata $\\log A_1^i$ & $D_{4000}$ & \\nodata & $-0.58$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $H\\delta_A$ & \\nodata & $ 0.52$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $PC_1$ & \\nodata & $-0.60$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $PC_2 - PC_1$ & \\nodata & $ 0.46$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $\\log SFR/M_*$ & \\nodata & $ 0.33$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $g-i$ & \\nodata & $-0.57$ \\\\ \\hline $\\log A_1^i$ & $D_{4000}$ & $\\log M_*$, $\\log \\mu_*$, $C_i$ & $-0.30$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $H\\delta_A$ & $\\log M_*$, $\\log \\mu_*$, $C_i$ & $ 0.27$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $PC_1$ & $\\log M_*$, $\\log \\mu_*$, $C_i$ & $-0.33$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $PC_2 - PC_1$ & $\\log M_*$, $\\log \\mu_*$, $C_i$ & $ 0.22$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $\\log SFR/M_*$ & $\\log M_*$, $\\log \\mu_*$, $C_i$ & $ 0.15$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $g-i$ & $\\log M_*$, $\\log \\mu_*$, $C_i$ & $-0.21$ \\\\ \\hline $\\log A_1^i$ & $\\log M_*$ & $D_{4000}$ & $-0.14$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $\\log \\mu_*$ & $D_{4000}$ & $-0.26$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $C_i$ & $D_{4000}$ & $-0.17$ \\\\ \\hline $\\log A_1^i$ & $H\\delta_A$ & $D_{4000}$ & $ 0.11$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $PC_2$ & \\nodata & $-0.20$ \\\\ \\enddata \\label{tab:parcor-sfr} \\end{deluxetable} \\begin{deluxetable}{cclr} \\tabletypesize{\\small} \\tablecolumns{4} \\tablewidth{0pc} \\tablecaption{Partial Correlation Coefficients: Lopsidedness and Metallicity} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{} & \\colhead{} & \\colhead{Dependence} & \\colhead{Partial} \\\\ \\colhead{Par. 1} & \\colhead{Par. 2} & \\colhead{Removed} & \\colhead{Corr. Coeff.} } \\startdata $\\log A_1^i$ & $12 + \\log (O/H)$ & $\\log M_*$ & $-0.15$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $12 + \\log (O/H)$ & $\\log M_*$, $\\log \\mu_*$ & $-0.10$ \\\\ $\\log \\mu_*$ & $12 + \\log (O/H)$ & $\\log M_*$ & $ 0.20$ \\\\ $\\log \\mu_*$ & $12 + \\log (O/H)$ & $\\log A_1^i$, $\\log M_*$ & $ 0.19$ \\\\ $\\log SFR/M_*$ & $12 + \\log (O/H)$ & $\\log M_*$ & $ 0.02$ \\\\ \\enddata \\label{tab:parcor-oh} \\end{deluxetable} \\begin{deluxetable}{cclr} \\tabletypesize{\\small} \\tablecolumns{4} \\tablewidth{0pc} \\tablecaption{Partial Correlation Coefficients: Lopsidedness and AGN Activity} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{} & \\colhead{} & \\colhead{Dependence} & \\colhead{Partial} \\\\ \\colhead{Par. 1} & \\colhead{Par. 2} & \\colhead{Removed} & \\colhead{Corr. Coeff.} } \\startdata $\\log A_1^i$ & $\\log (L$[\\ion{O}{3}]$/M_{BH})$ & \\nodata & $ 0.32$ \\\\ \\hline $\\log A_1^i$ & $\\log (L$[\\ion{O}{3}]$/M_{BH})$ & $\\log M_*$ & $ 0.30$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $\\log (L$[\\ion{O}{3}]$/M_{BH})$ & $\\log \\mu_*$ & $ 0.23$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $\\log (L$[\\ion{O}{3}]$/M_{BH})$ & $C_i$ & $ 0.19$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $\\log (L$[\\ion{O}{3}]$/M_{BH})$ & $D_{4000}$ & $ 0.09$ \\\\ \\hline $\\log A_1^i$ & $\\log (L$[\\ion{O}{3}]$/M_{BH})$ & $\\log M_*$, $\\log \\mu_*$, $C_i$ & $ 0.22$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $\\log (L$[\\ion{O}{3}]$/M_{BH})$ & $\\log M_*$, $D_{4000}$ & $ 0.09$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $\\log (L$[\\ion{O}{3}]$/M_{BH})$ & $\\log \\mu_*$, $D_{4000}$ & $ 0.07$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $\\log (L$[\\ion{O}{3}]$/M_{BH})$ & $C_i$, $D_{4000}$ & $ 0.05$ \\\\ $\\log A_1^i$ & $\\log (L$[\\ion{O}{3}]$/M_{BH})$ & $\\log M_*$, $\\log \\mu_*$, $C_i$, $D_{4000}$ & $ 0.06$ \\\\ \\enddata \\label{tab:parcor-agn} \\end{deluxetable} \\clearpage" }, "0809/0809.4193_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the first {\\em Swift} Ultra-Violet/Optical Telescope (UVOT) gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglow catalog. The catalog contains data from over $64,000$ independent UVOT image observations of 229 GRBs first detected by {\\em Swift}, the {\\em High Energy Transient Explorer~2} (HETE2), the {\\em INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory} (INTEGRAL), and the Interplanetary Network (IPN). The catalog covers GRBs occurring during the period from 2005 Jan 17 to 2007 Jun 16 and includes $\\sim86\\%$ of the bursts detected by the {\\em Swift} Burst Alert Telescope (BAT). The catalog provides detailed burst positional, temporal, and photometric information extracted from each of the UVOT images. Positions for bursts detected at the $3\\sigma$-level are provided with a nominal accuracy, relative to the USNO-B1 catalog, of $\\sim0\\farcs25$. Photometry for each burst is given in three UV bands, three optical bands, and a `$white$' or open filter. Upper limits for magnitudes are reported for sources detected below $3\\sigma$. General properties of the burst sample and light curves, including the filter-dependent temporal slopes, are also provided. The majority of the UVOT light curves, for bursts detected at the $3\\sigma$-level, can be fit by a single power-law, with a median temporal slope ($\\alpha$) of 0.96, beginning several hundred seconds after the burst trigger and ending at $\\sim1\\times10^5 {\\rm ~s}$. The median UVOT $v$-band ($\\sim5500 {\\rm ~\\AA}$) magnitude at $2000 {\\rm ~s}$ for a sample of ``well\" detected bursts is 18.02. The UVOT flux interpolated to $2000 {\\rm ~s}$ after the burst, shows relatively strong correlations with both the prompt {\\em Swift} BAT fluence, and the {\\em Swift} X-ray flux at $11 {\\rm ~hours}$ after the trigger. ", "introduction": "The UVOT utilizes seven broadband filters during the observation of GRBs. The characteristics of the filters --- central wavelength ($\\lambda_c$), FWHM, zero points (the magnitudes at which the detector registers $1 {\\rm ~count\\,s^{-1}}$; $m_z$), and the flux conversion factors ($f_{\\lambda}$) --- can be found in Table~\\ref{tab5} \\citep{PTS2007,RPWA2005}. The flux density conversion factors are calculated based on model GRB power law spectra with a redshift ranging from $0.3 < z < 1.0$ \\citep{PTS2007}\\footnote{The most recent calibration data are available from the {\\em Swift} calibration database at http://swift.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/caldb/swift/}. The nominal image scale for UVOT images is $0\\farcs502 {\\rm ~pixel^{-1}}$ (unbinned). UVOT data is collected in one of two modes: event (or photon counting) and image. Event mode captures the time of the arriving photon as well as the celestial coordinates. The temporal resolution in this mode is $\\sim11\\,{\\rm ~ms}$. In image mode, photons are counted during the exposure and the position is recorded, but no timing information is stored except for the start and stop times of the exposure. Because the spacecraft has limited data storage capabilities, most UVOT observations are performed in image mode since the telemetry rate is significantly lower than event mode observations. Since the launch of {\\em Swift}, the automated observing sequence of the UVOT has been changed a few times in order to optimize observations of GRBs. The automated sequence is a set of variables which includes, but is not limited to, the filters, modes, and exposure times. The basic automated sequence design consists of finding charts and a series of short, medium, and long exposures in various filters. The finding charts are typically taken in both event and image mode simultaneously, in both the $white$ and $v$ filters, and have exposure times ranging from $100-400\\,{\\rm ~s}$. A subset of these finding charts are immediately telemetered to ground-based telescopes to aid in localizing the GRB\\footnote{A discussion of the finding chart and simultaneous observations in event and image mode is beyond the scope of this paper. The reader is referred to \\citet{RPWA2005}. For observations between 2006 Jan 10 to 2006 Feb 13, and 2006 Mar 15 to the present, a second set of finding charts was included in the sequence. The second set of finding chart exposures are taken in the same way as the first set, except that exposures in the $white$ filter are taken in image mode only.}. After completion of the $white$ and $v$ finding charts, a series of short exposures is typically taken in event mode, in all seven broadband filters, and has exposure times ranging from $10-50\\,{\\rm ~s}$. A series of medium exposures is then taken in image mode, in all seven broadband filters, and has exposure times ranging from $100-200\\,{\\rm ~s}$. Finally, a series of long exposures is taken in image mode, in all seven broadband filters, and has typical exposure times of $900\\,{\\rm ~s}$.\\footnote{Between 2005 Jan 17 to 2006 Jan 9 and between 2006 Feb 24 to 2006 Mar 14, exposures taken in uvw2, uvm2, and uvw1 were taken in event mode.} In all cases, exposures can be cut short due to observing constraints. This catalog covers UVOT observations of 229 GRB afterglows from 2005 Jan 17 to 2007 Jun 16. It includes bursts detected by {\\em Swift} BAT, HETE2, INTEGRAL, IPN and observed by UVOT. A total of 211 BAT-detected bursts were observed by the UVOT (after instrument turn on) representing 93\\% of the BAT sample. Those that were not observed by the UVOT were either too close in angular distance to a bright ($\\sim 6 {\\rm ~mag}$) source, or occurred during UVOT engineering observations. Not included in the catalog are nine bursts first detected by BAT and INTEGRAL and observed by UVOT but with no afterglow position reported by the XRT or ground based observers (see Table~\\ref{tab6}). Inspection of the UVOT images reveals no obvious afterglows for these bursts. Hereafter, we adopt the notation $F(\\nu ,t) \\propto t^{-\\alpha} \\nu^{-\\beta}$ for the afterglow flux density as a function of time, where $\\nu$ is the frequency of the observed flux density, $t$ is the time post trigger, $\\beta$ is the spectral index which is related to the photon index $\\Gamma$ ($\\beta = \\Gamma - 1$) , and $\\alpha$ is the temporal decay slope. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.4470_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\noindent We present the results of an observational study of the efficiency of deep mixing in globular cluster red giants as a function of stellar metallicity. We determine [C/Fe] abundances based on low-resolution spectra taken with the Kast spectrograph on the 3m Shane telescope at Lick Observatory. Spectra centered on the $4300\\mbox{\\AA}$ CH absorption band were taken for 42 bright red giants in 11 Galactic globular clusters ranging in metallicity from M92 ([Fe/H]$=-2.29$) to NGC 6712 ([Fe/H]$=-1.01$). Carbon abundances were derived by comparing values of the CH bandstrength index $S_{2}(CH)$ measured from the data with values measured from a large grid of SSG synthetic spectra. Present-day abundances are combined with theoretical calculations of the time since the onset of mixing, which is also a function of stellar metallicity, to calculate the carbon depletion rate across our metallicity range. We find that the carbon depletion rate is twice as high at a metallicity of [Fe/H]$=-2.3$ than at [Fe/H]$=-1.3$, which is a result qualitatively predicted by some theoretical explanations of the deep mixing process. ", "introduction": "The observation that carbon abundance in globular cluster red giants declines continuously as the stars evolve has inspired a great deal of observational and theoretical study (e.g., Suntzeff 1981\\nocite{S81}, Carbon et al. 1982\\nocite{C82}, Trefzger et al. 1983\\nocite{T83}, Suntzeff \\& Smith 1991\\nocite{SS91}, Weiss \\& Charbonnel 2004\\nocite{WC04}, Denissenkov \\& Tout 2000\\nocite{DT00}, Smith \\& Briley 2006\\nocite{SB06}, and similar work). Canonically, abundances should be static on the red giant branch after the first dredge-up because of the broad radiative zone between the hydrogen-burning shell and the surface. Progressive carbon depletion with rising luminosity on the giant branch is commonly interpreted as a sign of a non-convective ``deep mixing'' process that mixes carbon-depleted material from the hydrogen-burning shell, where the CN(O) cycle is acting, to the surface (e.g., Sweigart \\& Mengel 1979\\nocite{SM79}, Charbonnel 1995\\nocite{C95}, Charbonnel et al. 1998\\nocite{CBW98}, Bellman et al. 2001\\nocite{BBSC01}, Denissenkov \\& VandenBerg 2003\\nocite{DV03}, and others). This same depletion of surface carbon abundance is also observed in red giants in the halo field (e.g., Gratton et al. 2000\\nocite{GSCB00}), and is observed to occur at the same rate in the halo field as in globular clusters with halo-like metallicities (e.g., Smith \\& Martell 2003\\nocite{SM03}). The process of deep mixing, inferred from observations of low [C/Fe], $\\log \\epsilon$(Li), and $^{12}$C/$^{13}$C, is only observed to occur in stars brighter than the red giant branch (RGB) luminosity function ``bump'' \\citep{CBW98}. There are indications (e.g., Langer et al. 1986\\nocite{L86}, Bellman et al. 2001\\nocite{BBSC01}) that there may be carbon depletion in stars fainter than the RGB bump in the metal-poor globular cluster M92, though there is not an obvious physical explanation for such a phenomenon. During the first dredge-up, in the subgiant phase, the base of the convective envelope drops inward to smaller radius as the stellar core contracts, mixing the partially-processed material of the stellar interior with the unprocessed material at the surface. As hydrogen shell burning progresses, low on the giant branch, the temperature gradient in the star steepens and the base of the convective envelope begins to move outward, leaving behind a sharp jump in mean molecular weight (the ``$\\mu$-barrier'') at the point of its furthest inward progress \\citep{I65}. As the convective envelope retreats outward, this steep $\\mu$ gradient finds itself within a radiative region between the hydrogen-burning shell and the base of the convective zone, where it can potentially hinder mass motions within the radiative zone. The red giant branch bump is an evolutionary stutter that occurs when the hydrogen-burning shell, which is advancing outward in mass, encounters the $\\mu$ barrier. The sudden influx of hydrogen-rich material to the hydrogen-burning shell causes the star to become briefly bluer and fainter before it re-equilibrates and continues to evolve along the red giant branch (e.g., Iben 1968\\nocite{I68}, Cassisi et al. 2002\\nocite{C02}). In a collection of stars with equal age and composition, this evolutionary loop will result in an unexpectedly large number of stars at a particular magnitude, and a bump in the differential luminosity function. At a fixed mass, the base of the convective envelope sinks lower in higher-metallicity stars during the first dredge-up, meaning that the RGB bump occurs at a fainter luminosity on the RGB in high-metallicity globular clusters than in low-metallicity clusters (e.g., Zoccali 1999\\nocite{Z99}). However, because evolutionary timescales shorten as stellar mass rises, there is a maximum mass of $\\simeq 2$M$_{\\odot}$ for stars to experience this evolutionary loop: above that mass, the hydrogen-burning shell does not move outward far enough to cross the $\\mu$ barrier in the short time the star is on the RGB \\citep{G89}. The fact that deep mixing does not begin until after the hydrogen-burning shell crosses the $\\mu$ barrier is interpreted by, e.g., \\citet{C94} to mean that the gradient of mean molecular weight is the dominant factor in permitting or prohibiting deep mixing. Indeed, \\citet{DV03} point out that $\\nabla \\mu$ is ``the only physical quantity that changes significantly while approaching the hydrogen-burning shell'' in post-bump red giants. \\citet{CPT05} provide a somewhat different perspective: in their maximal-mixing models, the $\\mu$ gradient inhibits mixing on the upper giant branch, but rotational mixing processes are not strong enough on the lower giant branch to cause observable changes in surface abundances, regardless of whether there is a steep $\\mu$ gradient present. The underlying physical reason for deep mixing is not clear, though rotation has commonly been implicated since \\citet{SM79} proposed meridional circulation as an explanation for CNO anomalies in red giants. Recent theoretical studies tend to focus on specific parametrizations and representations of the process; for example, Rayleigh-Taylor instability \\citep{EDL08}, diffusion \\citep{DV03}, and thermohaline mixing \\citep{CZ07}. \\citet{P06} demonstrated that meridional circulation, differential rotation, and shear turbulence do not create enough mixing to account for the observed variations in surface abundances, implying that additional hydrodynamical processes must be acting. The large study of surface abundances in field giants published by \\citet{GSCB00} is a key to differentiating between models of deep mixing, since it demonstrates clearly the progressive depletion of carbon on the giant branch, as well as the sharp drop in $^{12}$C/$^{13}$C and $\\log \\epsilon$(Li) that happens at the RGB bump. The fundamental result from \\citet{GSCB00} that all current deep mixing models must reproduce is that deep mixing is universal among post-bump red giants. \\citet{CBW98} consider mixing in terms of the ``critical $\\mu$ gradient,'' the largest gradient in mean molecular weight that still permits deep mixing. In an observational study of seven mildly metal-poor red giants in the region of the RGB bump, they find that the critical $\\mu$ gradient is independent of composition or mass. \\citet{DV03} use the formalism of diffusion, with mixing depth and a diffusion constant as the important parameters, to model deep mixing. They find that the mixing depth does not depend strongly on metallicity, which implies that all red giants with a mass less than $\\simeq 2$M$_{\\odot}$ will experience deep mixing. Their figures also show that the evolution of surface abundances of carbon and nitrogen are not particularly affected by metallicity, though reductions in $\\log \\epsilon$(Li) and $^{12}$C/$^{13}$C are more sensitive. \\citet{EDL08} show that the reaction $^{3}$He($^{3}$He, 2p)$^{4}$He causes a $\\mu$-inversion in the outer edge of the hydrogen-burning shell, and claim that the resulting Rayleigh-Taylor instability is important in driving deep mixing. \\citet{CZ07} argue that the more complex process of thermohaline convection will act in that $\\mu$-inversion region. They use the \\citet{U72} prescription to parametrize the thermohaline mixing as a diffusion process. In contrast to \\citet{DV03}, they find that the evolution of the surface abundances of carbon, nitrogen, and lithium are all affected by overall stellar metallicity, while the $^{12}$C/$^{13}$C ratio approaches its equilibrium value very quickly at all metallicities. Although questions of deep mixing rate (e.g., Smith \\& Martell 2003\\nocite{SM03}) and depth (e.g., Charbonnel et al. 1998\\nocite{CBW98}) have been studied observationally by many authors, the results available in the literature can be difficult to synthesize into a single conclusion. Many studies focus on one or two particular clusters (e.g., Da Costa \\& Cottrell 1980\\nocite{DC80}, Suntzeff 1981\\nocite{S81}, Trefzger et al. 1983\\nocite{T83}, Lee 1999\\nocite{L99}), or attempt to correlate deep mixing with other cluster properties such as horizontal branch morphology \\citep{CN00}, stellar rotational velocity \\citep{CPT05} or cluster ellipticity \\citep{N87}. Individual authors and collaborations develop their own analysis tools, and the differences between spectral index definitions, model atmospheres, spectral synthesis engines, and abundance determination methods produce significant systematic differences in different authors' abundance scales, as is clear from literature-compilation studies such as \\citet{S02}. One can construct a phenomenological picture of deep mixing from this heterogeneous information, and it goes roughly as follows: all stars with mass less than $\\simeq 2$M$_{\\odot}$ will at some point have their hydrogen-burning shell cross the $\\mu$-barrier. The $\\mu$-barrier is larger than the critical $\\mu$-gradient for deep mixing, so its destruction permits deep mixing to begin. Deep mixing occurs continuously, and involves all material outside the radius where the $\\mu$-gradient within the outer H-burning shell is critical. The onset of deep mixing happens lower on the giant branch for higher-metallicity clusters, because their $\\mu$-barrier is at smaller radius. However, in higher-metallicity stars the hydrogen-burning shell is more compact \\citep{SM79}, so that the radius where the $\\mu$-gradient is critical is relatively further out in the hydrogen-burning shell. This means that the material mixed to the surface in higher-metallicity stars is less processed than in low-metallicity stars. Various authors (e.g., Charbonnel et al. 1998\\nocite{CBW98}, Cassisi et al. 2002\\nocite{C02}) use this relation between metallicity and mixing efficiency to study the structure of the hydrogen-burning shell. Our goal in this project is to determine the relative efficiency of deep mixing across a broad range of metallicity by measuring present-day carbon abundances and depletion rates from a homogeneous set of globular cluster red giants in similar evolutionary phases. An earlier example of this approach is the study of \\citet{BD80}, who found that [C/Fe] on the upper RGB of M3, M13 and NGC 6752 correlated with [Fe/H] metallicity. ", "conclusions": "In summary, the results of this work show that within the [Fe/H] range $-2.2$ to $-1.0$ dex the rate of deep mixing varies with metallicity. We measure CH bandstrength using the index $S_{2}(CH)$, which was designed to be valid across a broad range in [Fe/H] \\citep{MSB08b}. Carbon abundances are determined by matching CH bandstrengths measured from the data to bandstrengths measured from specifically-designed grids of SSG synthetic spectra. Under the assumption \\citep{CBW98} that deep mixing begins at the RGB luminosity function bump, we establish the carbon depletion rate for a given star as the change in its [C/Fe] from an initial solar value divided by the time elapsed since the onset of mixing. Since the RGB luminosity function bump is fainter in high-metallicity globular clusters than in lower-metallicity globular clusters, and higher-metallicity red giants evolve more slowly than lower metallicity red giants, higher-metallicity stars at a given absolute magnitude qualitatively ought to have spent more time mixing than their lower-metallicity counterparts. In order to quantify the time spent mixing as a function of metallicity and absolute V magnitude, we interpolate the \\citet{FP90} observational data on $M_{V}^{bump}$ as a function of metallicity to the metallicities of the clusters in our study, then use metallicity-appropriate Yale-Yonsei \\citep{D04} isochrones to convert $\\Delta M_{V}^{bump}$ for each individual star into $\\Delta t^{bump}$. As can be seen in Figure \\ref{fig:LBf10}, the lower-metallicity red giants do evolve more quickly, and therefore spend less time mixing than the higher-metallicity red giants in this study. However, dividing [C/Fe] by $\\Delta t^{bump}$ for each individual star produces the result that the deep mixing rate is roughly twice as large at [Fe/H]$=-2.0$ than at [Fe/H]$=-1.0$, as can be seen in Figure \\ref{fig:LBf11}. This present analysis includes some assumptions worth noting, since they may need to be more carefully examined if this result is to provide constraints for theoretical models of deep mixing. To express $X_{C, env}$ as a straightforward exponential in time, we hold the mass of the stellar envelope constant, though it shrinks continuously as the hydrogen-burning shell proceeds outward \\citep{DV03}. We also hold the mixing rate $\\dot{M}$ constant, though it is controlled by the structure of the hydrogen-burning shell, and may well evolve. In addition, we implicitly assume in constructing Figure \\ref{fig:LBf11} that all stars have equal (and solar) initial abundances of carbon. A primordial depletion of $\\sim 0.3$ dex in a subset of our sample would thus be misinterpreted as an artificially high mixing rate in those stars. A study of carbon abundances in fainter post-bump red giants, or pre-bump giants, in the globular clusters included in this study, would allow for direct calculation of $\\Delta$[C/Fe]$/\\Delta t$ without assumptions about the initial carbon abundance. In addition, a study of carbon depletion rates in high-metallicity red giants, either in old open clusters or in high-metallicity globular clusters, would allow an estimation of the maximum metallicity at which deep mixing still operates. That maximum metallicity would be helpful for constraining the various models of deep mixing. Nevertheless, our fundamental result, that carbon depletion proceeds more quickly in low-metallicity globular cluster red giants than in their high-metallicity counterparts, is robust, and provides a clear affirmation of present theoretical models. \\clearpage \\begin{deluxetable}{ l r r c c r c } \\tablewidth{0pt} \\tablehead{\\colhead{Cluster ID} & \\colhead{RA (J2000)} & \\colhead{$\\delta$ (J2000)} & \\colhead{$(m-M)_{V}$} & \\colhead{$E(B-V)$} & \\colhead{[Fe/H]} & \\colhead{$\\rm{N_{obs}}$}} \\startdata NGC 4147&12 10 06.2&+18 32 31&16.48&0.02&-1.83&4\\\\ NGC 5727 (M3)&13 42 11.2&-28 22 32&15.08&0.01&-1.39&3\\\\ NGC 5904 (M5)&15 18 33.8&+02 04 58&14.46&0.03&-1.29&3\\\\ NGC 6205 (M13)&16 41 41.5&+36 27 37&14.45&0.02&-1.54&5\\\\ NGC 6254 (M10)&16 57 08.9&-04 05 58&14.08&0.28&-1.52&8\\\\ NGC 6341 (M92)&17 17 07.3&+43 08 11&14.64&0.02&-2.29&2\\\\ NGC 6535&18 03 50.7&-00 17 49&15.22&0.34&-1.80&2\\\\ NGC 6712&18 53 04.3&-08 42 22&15.60&0.45&-1.01&3\\\\ NGC 6779 (M56)&19 16 35.5&+30 11 05&15.65&0.20&-1.94&5\\\\ NGC 7078 (M15)&21 29 58.3&+12 10 01&15.23&0.10&-2.25&1\\\\ NGC 7089 (M2)&21 33 29.3&-00 49 23&15.49&0.06&-1.62&6\\\\ \\enddata \\end{deluxetable} \\begin{deluxetable}{ l l l r r r r r r } \\tablewidth{0pt} \\tablehead{\\colhead{Cluster ID} & \\colhead{Star ID} & \\colhead{Date obs.} & \\colhead{$M_{V}$} & \\colhead{[Fe/H]} & \\colhead{$S_{2}(CH)$} & \\colhead{$\\sigma_{S}$} & \\colhead{[C/Fe]} & \\colhead{$\\sigma_{C}$}} \\startdata M10&II-105&2006-06-03&-1.23&-1.52&1.753&0.0114&-0.625&0.0549\\\\ M10&III-73&2006-06-03&-1.22&-1.52&1.784&0.0011&-0.507&0.0327\\\\ M10&III-85&2006-06-03&-1.38&-1.52&1.784&0.5153&-0.544&0.0325\\\\ M10&IV-30&2006-06-03&-1.28&-1.52&1.803&0.0052&-0.456&0.0381\\\\ M10&I-15&2004-07-12&-1.22&-1.52&1.799&0.0047&-0.461&0.0365\\\\ M10&III-93&2004-07-12&-1.18&-1.52&1.802&0.0047&-0.448&0.0370\\\\ M10&III-97&2004-07-12&-1.41&-1.52&1.724&0.0047&-0.764&0.0375\\\\ M10&I-12&2005-07-12&-1.14&-1.52&1.819&0.0102&0.375&0.0513\\\\ M13&IV-53&2005-04-17&-1.77&-1.54&1.747&0.0019&-0.729&0.0336\\\\ M13&II-33&2006-06-01&-1.78&-1.54&1.764&0.0021&-0.647&0.0337\\\\ M13&III-52&2006-06-01&-1.78&-1.54&1.735&0.2635&-0.763&0.0325\\\\ M13&II-57&2006-06-02&-1.75&-1.54&1.703&0.0023&-0.910&0.0342\\\\ M13&III-18&2006-06-02&-1.68&-1.54&1.698&0.0020&-0.914&0.0338\\\\ M15&K77&2005-09-06&-1.53&-2.25&1.584&0.0016&-0.718&0.0386\\\\ M2&I-103&2005-07-13&-1.92&-1.62&1.775&0.0071&-0.582&0.0447\\\\ M2&I-104&2005-07-13&-1.52&-1.62&1.792&0.0042&-0.486&0.0359\\\\ M2&I-298&2005-09-07&-1.46&-1.62&1.755&0.0037&-0.601&0.0351\\\\ M2&I-190&2005-09-08&-1.75&-1.62&1.698&0.0024&-0.888&0.0340\\\\ M2&II-60&2005-09-09&-1.69&-1.62&1.772&0.0034&-0.570&0.0348\\\\ M2&II-71&2005-09-09&-1.64&-1.62&1.771&0.0042&-0.570&0.0361\\\\ M3&BC&2006-05-31&-1.24&-1.39&1.825&0.0010&-0.423&0.0333\\\\ M3&I-46&2006-05-31&-1.26&-1.39&1.809&0.0050&-0.488&0.0389\\\\ M3&V-80&2006-06-02&-1.61&-1.39&1.763&0.0031&-0.702&0.0361\\\\ M5&I-39&2006-06-01&-1.39&-1.29&1.838&0.0041&-0.342&0.0410\\\\ M5&IV-34&2006-06-02&-1.41&-1.29&1.791&0.0045&-0.584&0.0418\\\\ M5&IV-49&2006-06-03&-1.32&-1.29&1.713&0.0031&-0.917&0.0384\\\\ M56&I-10&2006-08-30&-1.53&-1.94&1.682&0.0022&-0.610&0.0304\\\\ M56&E-48&2006-08-31&-1.95&-1.94&1.694&0.0031&-0.678&0.0315\\\\ M56&I-141&2005-09-06&-1.22&-1.94&1.733&0.0025&-0.343&0.0301\\\\ M56&E-22&2005-09-07&-1.78&-1.94&1.701&0.0035&-0.597&0.0318\\\\ M56&I-66&2005-09-07&-1.78&-1.94&1.653&0.0015&-0.798&0.0297\\\\ M92&II-70&2006-05-31&-1.40&-2.29&1.621&0.0036&-0.398&0.0420\\\\ M92&IV-94&2006-05-31&-1.44&-2.29&1.549&0.0047&-0.823&0.0563\\\\ NGC 4147&II-14&2005-02-01&-1.150&-1.83&1.697&0.0123&-0.580&0.0539\\\\ NGC 4147&II-30&2005-02-01&-1.760&-1.83&1.754&0.0027&-0.519&0.0313\\\\ NGC 4147&II-45&2005-02-02&-1.960&-1.83&1.668&0.0093&-0.913&0.0516\\\\ NGC 4147&IV-13&2005-02-02&-1.390&-1.83&1.713&0.0066&-0.585&0.0381\\\\ NGC 6535&13&2004-07-13&-1.71&-1.80&1.738&0.2743&-0.583&0.0308\\\\ NGC 6535&19&2004-07-13&-0.990&-1.80&1.781&0.0068&-0.288&0.0379\\\\ NGC 6712&KC564&2005-07-13&-1.430&-1.01&1.850&0.0147&-0.335&0.1187\\\\ NGC 6712&LM11&2005-07-13&-1.200&-1.01&1.838&0.0139&-0.397&0.0974\\\\ NGC 6712&B66&2006-08-31&-1.57&-1.01&1.808&0.0110&-0.676&0.1069\\\\ \\enddata \\end{deluxetable} \\clearpage \\begin{deluxetable}{l c c c l} \\tablewidth{0pt} \\tablehead{\\colhead{Index} & \\colhead{Blue comparison band (\\mbox{\\AA})} & \\colhead{Science band (\\mbox{\\AA})} & \\colhead{Red comparison band (\\mbox{\\AA})} & \\colhead{Reference}} \\startdata $s_{CH}$&4220-4280&4280-4320&-&\\citet{BS93}\\\\ $m_{CH}$&4080-4130&4270-4320&4420-4470&\\citet{S96}\\\\ $CH(G)$&4230-4260&4270-4320&4390-4420&\\citet{L99}\\\\ $S(CH)$&4050-4100&4280-4320&4330-4350&\\citet{MSB08}\\\\ $S(4243)$&-&4290-4318&4314-4322&\\citet{B90}\\\\ $S_{2}(CH)$&4212-4242&4297-4317&4330-4375&\\citet{MSB08b}\\\\ \\enddata \\end{deluxetable}" }, "0809/0809.0631.txt": { "abstract": "We present an up-to-date review of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN). We discuss the main improvements which have been achieved in the past two decades on the overall theoretical framework, summarize the impact of new experimental results on nuclear reaction rates, and critically re-examine the astrophysical determinations of light nuclei abundances. We report then on how BBN can be used as a powerful test of new physics, constraining a wide range of ideas and theoretical models of fundamental interactions beyond the standard model of strong and electroweak forces and Einstein's general relativity. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:introduction} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A remarkable scientific achievement in the second half of the 20$^{\\rm th}$ century has been the establishment of ``Standard Models'' of Particle Physics (SMPP) and Cosmology (SMC). In particular, the latter has been possible thanks to an incredibly fast growth of the amount and quality of observations over the last couple of decades. The picture revealed is at the same time beautifully simple and intriguingly mysterious: on one hand, known gauge interactions and Einstein's general relativity seem able to explain a huge wealth of information in terms of a few free parameters specifying the composition/initial conditions of the Universe; on the other hand, these numbers are not explained in terms of dynamical processes involving the known fields and interactions. This is the case of the ``dark energy'' density (consistent with a cosmological constant), of the non-baryonic dark matter, of the baryon-antibaryon asymmetry, the flatness, homogeneity and isotropy of the universe on large scales, etc. The very success of the cosmological laboratory is thus providing much indirect evidence for physics beyond the SMPP. On the other hand, advances in particle physics (a very recent example being the phenomenology of massive neutrinos) have an impact at cosmological level. This interplay has proven extremely fertile ground for the development of `astroparticle physics', especially since many theories beyond the SMPP predict new phenomena far beyond the reach of terrestrial laboratories, but potentially testable in astrophysical and cosmological environments. In this respect, the nucleosynthesis taking place in the primordial plasma plays a twofold role: it is undoubtedly one of the observational pillars of the hot Big Bang model, being indeed known simply as ``Big Bang Nucleosynthesis'' (BBN); at the same time, it provides one of the earliest direct cosmological probes nowadays available, constraining the properties of the universe when it was a few seconds old, or equivalently at the MeV temperature scale. Additionally, it is special in that all known interactions play an important role: gravity sets the dynamics of the ``expanding cauldron'', weak interactions determine the neutrino decoupling and the neutron-proton equilibrium freeze-out, electromagnetic and nuclear processes regulate the nuclear reaction network. The basic framework of the BBN emerged in the decade between the seminal Alpher-Bethe-Gamow (known as $\\alpha\\beta\\gamma$) paper in 1948 \\citep{Alp48} and the essential settlement of the paradigm of the stellar nucleosynthesis of elements heavier than $^7$Li with the B$^2$FH paper \\citep{Bur57}. This pioneering period---an account of which can be found in \\citep{Kra96}---established the basic picture that sees the four light-elements $^2$H, $^3$He, $^4$He and $^7$Li as products of the early fireball, and virtually all the rest produced in stars or as a consequence of stellar explosions. In the following decades, the emphasis on the role played by the BBN has evolved significantly. In the simplest scenario, the only free parameters in primordial nucleosynthesis are the baryon to photon ratio $\\eta$ (equivalently, the baryon density of the universe) and the neutrino asymmetry parameters, $\\eta_{\\nu_\\alpha}$ (see Section~\\ref{nuasymm}). However, only neutrino asymmetries larger than $\\eta$ by many orders of magnitude have appreciable effects. This is why the simple case where all $\\eta_{\\nu_\\alpha}$'s are assumed to be negligibly small (e.g., of the same order of $\\eta$) is typically denoted as Standard BBN (SBBN). Since several species of `nuclear ashes' form during BBN, SBBN is an over-constrained theory whose self-consistency can be checked comparing predictions with two or more light nuclide determinations. The agreement of predicted abundances of the light elements with their measured abundances (spanning more than nine orders of magnitude!) confirmed the credibility of BBN as cosmological probe. At the same time, the relatively narrow range of $\\eta$ where a consistent picture emerged was the first compelling argument in favor of the non-baryonic nature of the ``dark matter'' invoked for astrophysical dynamics. The past decade, when for the first time a redundancy of determinations of $\\eta$ has been possible, has stressed BBN as a consistency tool for the SMC. Beside BBN, one can infer the density of baryons from the Lyman-$\\alpha$ opacity in quasar spectra due to intervening high redshift hydrogen clouds \\citep{Mei93,Rau96,Wei97}; from the baryon fraction in clusters of galaxies, deduced from the hot x-ray emission \\citep{Evr97}; most importantly, from the height of the Doppler peak in the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background anisotropy (see \\citep{Dun08} for the latest WMAP results). These determinations are not only mutually consistent with each other, but the two most accurate ones (from the CMB and BBN) agree within $5\\div$10\\%. While losing to CMB the role of ``barometer of excellence'', BBN made possible a remarkable test of consistency of the whole SMC. It comes without surprise that this peculiar `natural laboratory' has inspired many investigations, as testified by the numerous reviews existing on the subject, see e.g. \\citep{Mal93,Cop95,Oli00,Sar96,Sch98,Ste07}. Why then a new review? In the opinion of the authors, a new BBN review seems worthy because at present, given the robustness of the cosmological scenario, the attention of the community is moving towards a new approach to the BBN. On one hand, one uses it as a precision tool in combination with other cosmological information to reduce the number of free parameters to extract from multi-parameter fits. On the other hand, BBN is an excellent probe to explore the very early universe, constraining scenarios beyond the SMPP. The latter motivation is particularly intriguing given the perspectives of the forthcoming LHC age to shed light on the TeV scale. A new synergy with the Lab is expected to emerge in the coming years, continuing a long tradition in this sense. Finally, a wealth of data from nuclear astrophysics and neutrino physics have had a significant impact on BBN, and it is meaningful to review and assess it. In particular, the recent advances in the neutrino sector have made obsolete many exotic scenarios popular in the literature still a decade ago and improved numerous constraints, providing a clear example of the synergy we look forward to in the near future.\\\\ This review is structured as follows: in Section \\ref{sec:cosm_overview} we summarize the main cosmological notions as well as most of the symbols used in the rest of the article. Section \\ref{sec:bbn_overview} is devoted to the description of the Standard BBN scenario. Section \\ref{sec:obsabund} treats the status of observations of light nuclei abundances, which in Section \\ref{sec:BBNanalysis} are compared with theoretical predictions. The following Sections deal with exotic scenarios: Section \\ref{sec:BBN_nuphys} with neutrino properties, Section \\ref{sec:IBBN} with inhomogeneous models, Section \\ref{sec:constr_fundam} with constraints to fundamental interactions and Section \\ref{s:massive-particle} with massive particles. In Section \\ref{sec:conclusions} we report our conclusions. Although this article is a review, many analyses have been implemented ex-novo and some original results are presented here for the first time. Due to the large existing literature and to space limitation, we adopt the criterion to be as complete as possible in the post-2000 literature, while referring to previous literature only when pertinent to the discussion or when still providing the most updated result. Also, we adopt a more pedagogical attitude in introducing arguments that have rarely or never entered previous BBN reviews, as for example extra dimensions or variation of fundamental constants in Section \\ref{sec:constr_fundam}, while focusing mainly on new results (as opposed to a `theory review') in subjects that have been extensively treated in the past BBN literature (as in SUSY models leading to cascade nucleosynthesis, the gravitino `problem', etc.). Other topics, which for observational or theoretical reasons have attracted far less interest in the past decade in relation to BBN bounds, are only briefly mentioned or omitted completely (this is the case of technicolor or cosmic strings). Older literature containing a more extensive treatment of these topics can be typically retraced from the quoted reviews. In the following, unless otherwise stated, we use natural units $\\hbar=c=k_B=1$, although conventional units in the astronomical literature (as parsec and multiples of it) are occasionally used where convenient for the context. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% In this review we have reported the current status of BBN, focusing in the first part on precision calculations possible in the standard scenario, which provide a tool for current cosmological framework, in the second part on the constraints to new physics, which become particularly important in the forthcoming LHC era. The ``classical parameter\" constrained by BBN is the baryon to photon ratio, $\\eta$, or equivalently the baryon abundance, $\\Omega_B h^2$. At present, the constraint is dominated by the deuterium determination, and we find $\\Omega_B h^2=0.021\\pm 0.001$(1 $\\sigma$). This determination is consistent with the upper limit on primordial $^3$He/H (which provides a lower limit to $\\eta$), as well as with the range selected by $^4$He determinations, which however provides a constraint almost one order of magnitude weaker. The agreement within 2 $\\sigma$ with the WMAP determination, $\\Omega_B h^2=0.02273\\pm 0.00062$, represents a remarkable success of the Standard Cosmological Model. On the other hand, using this value as an input, a factor $\\gsim 3$ discrepancy remains with $^7$Li determinations, which can hardly be reconciled even accounting for a conservative error budget in both observations and nuclear inputs. Even more puzzling are some detections of traces of $^6$Li at a level far above the one expected from the Standard BBN. If the observational determinations are solid, both nuclides indicate that either their present observations do not reflect their primordial values, and should thus be discarded for cosmological purposes, or that the early cosmology is more complicated and exciting than the Standard BBN lore. Neither a non-standard number of massless degrees of freedom in the plasma (parameterized via $\\neff$) or a lepton asymmetry $\\xi_e$ (all asymmetries assumed equal) can reconcile the discrepancy. Current bounds on both quantities come basically from the $^4$He measurement, $\\neff=3.2\\pm 0.4\\,(1\\,\\sigma)$ and $\\xi_e=-0.008\\pm 0.013\\,(1\\,\\sigma)$. On the other hand, other exotic proposals have been invoked to reconcile this discrepancy. Typically they involve massive meta-stable particles with weak scale interactions, which should be soon produced at the LHC. In Supersymmetric scenarios, long-lived particles are possible whenever the Next to Lightest Supersymmetric Particle (NLSP) decays into the Lightest Supersymmetric Particle (LSP) are gravity-mediated, or ``disfavored'' by phase space arguments, with a modest mass splitting between NLSP and LSP. Cases frequently considered in the recent literature are neutralino $\\to$ gravitino decays, for example, or stau $\\to$ gravitino. The phenomenology associated with the catalysis of reactions due to bound states of charged particles (as the stau) with ordinary nuclei is a particularly new topic in recent investigations. Also, the importance of a possible primordial origin of the $\\lisix$ measured in a few systems of the $\\li7$ plateau has been recognized: first, the bounds in parameter space tighten significantly if lithium constraints are used, especially $\\lisix$ \\citep{Hol96,Jed00,Hol99,Jed04a}; second, because these exotic BBN scenarios may accommodate for a cosmological origin for $\\lisix$ while solving the $\\li7$ excess problem as well, their phenomenology is very appealing. Although these links among primordial nucleosynthesis, dark matter, and perhaps SUSY phenomenology are quite fascinating, it is worth stressing that BBN bounds on cascade decays or annihilations of massive particles apply well beyond the restricted class of SUSY-inspired models. For example, the electromagnetic cascades following heavy sterile neutrino decays are constrained by these kinds of arguments, as well as decays of massive pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons, as considered in \\citep{Mas97,Mas04}. There are two directions along which we can expect the BBN field to develop in the future. On one hand, BBN is an important tool for precision cosmology, especially if its priors are used in combination with other cosmological observables. Already BBN provides the best bounds on parameters as $\\neff$ and $\\xi_e$ (and bounds on $\\eta$ comparable to the CMB); yet, since theoretical uncertainties are at the moment well below observational ones, there is surely room to refine its power, provided that significantly greater efforts are devoted to determine light element abundances, and in particular $Y_p$. It is instructive in this sense to look back to what S. Sarkar wrote in his review \\citep{Sar96} thirteen years ago: {\\it Thousands of person years of effort have been invested in obtaining the precise parameters of the $Z^0$ resonance in $e^{+}-e^{-}$ collisions, which measures the number of light neutrino species (and other particles) which couple to the $Z^0$. In comparison, a modest amount of work has been done, by a few small teams, on measuring the primordial light element abundances, which provide a complementary check of this number as well as a probe of new superweakly interacting particles which do not couple to the $Z^0$.} Despite the improvements reported in this article, we feel that unfortunately insufficient attention has been devoted to this problem, if compared to other areas of observational cosmology. In particular, the $\\He4$ determination is still plagued by systematic uncertainties. Although their importance has been recently recognized and assessed more carefully, the fact that this reanalysis was triggered after the independent determination of $\\eta$ from CMB (and its agreement with the ``low deuterium determinations\" in QSO spectra) shows that there is still a long way to go towards a precision era for primordial elements. On the other hand, a significant improvement has taken place in assessing and reducing theoretical uncertainties, mostly related to nuclear reaction data. BBN has benefit from a wealth of new nuclear astrophysics measurements at low energies and covering large dynamical ranges. Given the much larger observational uncertainties, in this sector an effort in reassessing the systematic errors in older datasets might be more useful in reducing remaining discrepancies in the nuclear rates error budget. This is in particular the case for reactions involving $^7$Be. The other direction of development follows from the interplay with Lab experiments. Neutrinos have reserved many surprises, and it is not excluded that exotic properties may show up in future experiments with important implications for BBN, as we illustrated in Section \\ref{sec:BBN_nuphys}. However, it is in particular from LHC that one expects a better understanding of high energy scales, and thus of the cosmology at earlier times and higher temperatures. Most theories that go beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics require new states to appear at or above the electroweak scale and, as already reported, they might have implications for the phenomenology at the BBN epoch. If the LHC should provide indication for the existence of the SMPP Higgs and nothing else, there will be no natural scale to explore. In this case, albeit sad, BBN and other cosmological tools might be the only practical means to explore very high energy phenomena leaving their imprint on the cosmos. One example treated here is the effect of variations of fundamental ``constants\" on cosmological time-scales that emerge in extra dimensional scenarios, possibly embedded in grand unified theories or string theories. If, as hopefully more likely, the LHC will reveal new dynamics above the electroweak scale, we might be able to infer from the empirical evidence the presence of cosmological effects before the BBN epoch. A new Standard Cosmological Model would emerge as well, perhaps making the BBN one more step in the ladder back to the Big Bang, rather than the first one. \\ack We would like to thank C. Abia, A.D. Dolgov, J. Lesgourgues, S. Pastor and G.G. Raffelt for valuable comments and suggestions, and G.L. Fogli for having particularly encouraged this work. We also thank M. Kamimura, and especially K. Jedamzik, for suggestions and clarifying remarks which much improved the manuscript, and K. Jedamzik for providing also the updated version of some Figures. F. Iocco is supported by MIUR through grant PRIN-2006, and acknowledges hospitality at Fermilab during some stage of this work. G. Miele acknowledges supports by Generalitat Valenciana (Grant No.\\ AINV/2007/080) and by the Spanish MICINN (grants SAB2006-0171 and FPA2005-01269). G. Mangano, G. Miele, and O. Pisanti acknowledge supports by INFN - I.S. FA51 and by PRIN 2006 ``Fisica Astroparticellare: Neutrini ed Universo Primordiale\" of Italian MIUR. P.D. Serpico is supported by the US Department of Energy and by NASA grant NAG5-10842. Fermilab is operated by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No.~DE-AC02-07CH11359 with the United States Department of Energy." }, "0809/0809.0315_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Star forming regions are expected to show linear proper motions due to the relative motion of the Sun with respect to the region. These proper motions appear superposed to the proper motions expected in features associated with mass ejection from the young stellar objects embedded in them. Therefore, it is necessary to have a good knowledge of the proper motions of the region as a whole in order to correctly interpret the motions associated with mass ejection. In this paper we present the first direct measurement of proper motions of the NGC~1333 star forming region. This region harbors one of the most studied Herbig-Haro systems, HH 7-11, whose exciting source remains unclear. Using VLA A configuration data at 3.6 cm taken over 10 years, we have been able to measure the absolute proper motions of four thermal sources embedded in NGC~1333. From our results we have derived the mean proper motions of the NGC~1333 star forming region to be $\\mu_{\\alpha}\\cos\\delta$ = 9 $\\pm$ 1 mas yr$^{-1}$ and $\\mu_{\\delta}$ = $-$10 $\\pm$ 2 mas~yr$^{-1}$. In this paper, we also discuss the possible implications of our results in the identification of the outflow exciting sources. ", "introduction": "The stars in nearby regions of star formation are expected to show linear proper motions in the order of milliarcseconds (mas) per year. These proper motions are the result of the relative motion between the Sun and the stars studied, and can be obtained, to first order, by comparing the observed position of the star with respect to the reference frame of the remote quasars at different epochs. In the last few years, Very Large Array (VLA) observations taken with time baselines of up to two decades have been used to measure these proper motions for regions like Taurus (Loinard et al. 2003), L1527 (Loinard et al. 2002), L1551 (Rodr\\'{\\i}guez et al. 2003), Ophiuchus (Curiel et al. 2003), and Orion (G\\'omez et al. 2005). Even when the VLA observations lack sufficient angular resolution to detect more subtle motions (i.e. geometric parallax), they can provide not only the average proper motion of the region but also reveal the presence of stars moving with peculiar velocities with respect to the region, such as those found in the Orion BN/KL region (Rodr\\'{i}guez et al. 2005, G\\'omez et al. 2005), that suggest a runaway nature for some of the sources. Much more accurate astrometry can be achieved using Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) techniques (e.g. Loinard et al. 2007), but these observations are restricted to very compact and bright non thermal radio stars and cannot be applied to thermal sources, where the emission is relatively extended and its brightness temperature is not expected to exceed $10^4$~K, far below the sensitivity of present day VLBI. \\begin{deluxetable*}{cccccrc} \\tabletypesize{\\scriptsize} \\tablewidth{0pt} \\tablecaption{Observations Parameters \\label{tabla1}} \\startdata \\hline \\hline & & & Bootstrapped\t\t &\t\t\t &\t\t\t\t &\t \\\\ &\t & VLA & Flux Density of\t\t & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{Synthesized Beam\\tablenotemark{b}} &\t \\\\ \\cline{4-5} & Observation & Project & Phase Calibrator\\tablenotemark{a} &\t HPBW\t & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{P.A.}\t & rms Noise\\tablenotemark{b} \\\\ Epoch & Date & Code & (Jy) \t\t\t & (arcsec) \t & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{(deg)}\t & ($\\mu$Jy beam$^{-1}$)\t \\\\ \\hline 1989.1 & 89-Jan-14 & AR202 & 1.343 $\\pm$ 0.003\t & 0.29 $\\times$ 0.24 & 62 & 28 \\\\ 1994.3\t& 94-Apr-23 & AR277 & 1.686 $\\pm$ 0.006\t & 0.28 $\\times$ 0.20 & $-$68 & 27 \\\\ 1996.9\t& 96-Dec-22 & AR277 & 1.305 $\\pm$ 0.009\t & 0.35 $\\times$ 0.30 & $-$88 & 24 \\\\ 1998.2\t& 98-Mar-27 & AA218 & 1.476 $\\pm$ 0.009\t & 0.26 $\\times$ 0.24 & $-$5 & 18 \\\\ 1998.4\t& 98-May-26 & AA218 & 1.610 $\\pm$ 0.010\t & 0.26 $\\times$ 0.24 & $-$7 & 18 \\\\ 1999.5 & 99-Jul-03 & AA239 & 1.681 $\\pm$ 0.008\t & 0.29 $\\times$ 0.25 & 39 & 17 \\\\ \\hline \\enddata \\tablenotetext{a}{The phase calibrator used in all the epochs was 0333+321.} \\tablenotetext{b}{From naturally weighted maps.} \\end{deluxetable*} \\begin{deluxetable*}{crrcrr} \\tabletypesize{\\scriptsize} \\tablewidth{0pt} \\tablecaption{Positions of the Sources\\tablenotemark{a} \\label{tabla2}} \\startdata \\hline \\hline & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{VLA~2} & & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{VLA~3} \\\\ \\cline{2-3} \\cline{5-6} Epoch & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\\alpha$(J2000)} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\\delta$(J2000)} & & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\\alpha$(J2000)} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\\delta$(J2000)} \\\\ \\hline 1989.1 & 03 29 01.9535 $\\pm$ 0.0003 & 31 15 38.307 $\\pm$ 0.005 \t & & 03 29 03.369 $\\pm$ 0.002 \t & 31 16 01.89 $\\pm$ 0.02\t \\\\ 1994.3 & 01.9586 $\\pm$ 0.0004 & 38.221 $\\pm$ 0.004 \t & & 03.375 $\\pm$ 0.002 \t &\t 01.82 $\\pm$ 0.02\t \\\\ 1996.9 & 01.9605 $\\pm$ 0.0004 & 38.285 $\\pm$ 0.008 \t & & 03.376 $\\pm$ 0.001 \t &\t 01.75 $\\pm$ 0.02\t \\\\ 1998.2 & 01.9606 $\\pm$ 0.0002 & 38.188 $\\pm$ 0.005 \t & & 03.376 $\\pm$ 0.001 \t &\t 01.72 $\\pm$ 0.02\t \\\\ 1998.4 & 01.9604 $\\pm$ 0.0002 & 38.211 $\\pm$ 0.006 \t & & 03.373 $\\pm$ 0.002 \t &\t 01.78 $\\pm$ 0.02\t \\\\ 1999.5 & 01.9622 $\\pm$ 0.0002 & 38.183 $\\pm$ 0.003 \t & & 03.373 $\\pm$ 0.001 \t &\t 01.78 $\\pm$ 0.01\t \\\\ \\hline \\\\ & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{VLA~4A} & & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{VLA~4B} \\\\ \\cline{2-3} \\cline{5-6} Epoch & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\\alpha$(J2000)} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\\delta$(J2000)} & & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\\alpha$(J2000)} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\\delta$(J2000)} \\\\ \\hline 1989.1 & 03 29 03.730 $\\pm$ 0.002\t & 31 16 04.02 $\\pm$ 0.02\t\t & & 03 29 03.751 $\\pm$ 0.002 & 31 16 04.08 $\\pm$ 0.02 \\\\ 1994.3 & 03.730 $\\pm$ 0.002\t &\t 03.95 $\\pm$ 0.02\t\t & &\t 03.758 $\\pm$ 0.004 & 04.01 $\\pm$ 0.02 \\\\ 1996.9 & 03.731 $\\pm$ 0.002\t &\t 03.94 $\\pm$ 0.02\t\t & &\t 03.757 $\\pm$ 0.002 & 04.01 $\\pm$ 0.02 \\\\ 1998.2 & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\\cdots$\\tablenotemark{b}} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\\cdots$\\tablenotemark{b}} & & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\\cdots$\\tablenotemark{b}} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\\cdots$\\tablenotemark{b}} \\\\ 1998.4 & 03.735 $\\pm$ 0.002\t &\t 04.00 $\\pm$ 0.03\t\t & &\t 03.760 $\\pm$ 0.002 & 03.99 $\\pm$ 0.02 \\\\ 1999.5 & 03.734 $\\pm$ 0.002\t &\t 03.96 $\\pm$ 0.02\t\t & &\t 03.757 $\\pm$ 0.001 & 03.91 $\\pm$ 0.02 \\\\ \\hline \\enddata \\tablenotetext{a}{Positions derived from Gaussian ellipsoid fits in the naturally weighted maps. Units of right ascension are hours, minutes and seconds, and units of declination are degrees, arcminutes, and arcseconds.} \\tablenotetext{b}{The components of the binary system VLA~4 could not be resolved in this epoch.} \\end{deluxetable*} \\begin{figure*} \\epsscale{0.98} \\plotone{f1.eps} \\caption{\\footnotesize{Naturally weighted VLA~3.6 cm continuum map of the thermal sources VLA~2, VLA~3, VLA~4A and VLA~4B at the 1998.4 epoch. Contours are $-3$, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 25 and 30 times the rms of the map, 18 $\\mu$Jy beam$^{-1}$. The synthesized beam, shown in the right hand panel, is 0$\\farcs$26 $\\times$ 0$\\farcs$24; P.A.=$-$7$^\\circ$}. The three panels are plotted at the same scale.} \\label{fig1} \\end{figure*} The NGC~1333 star forming region, located at a distance of 235 $\\pm$ 18 pc (Cernis 1990; Hirota et al. 2008) in the Perseus complex, harbors the classical bright Herbig-Haro (HH) system HH~7-11, first reported by Herbig (1974) and by Strom et al. (1974). The optically visible star SVS~13, discovered as a near-IR source (Strom et al. 1976), is roughly aligned with the chain of HH objects and was proposed as the powering source of this HH system. This association was questioned by Rodr\\'{\\i}guez et al. (1997), who discovered a cm radio source (VLA 3) located $6''$ to the SW of SVS~13, and argued that this new object is a better candidate to drive the HH outflow. SVS~13 is also associated with cm emission (source VLA~4 of Rodr\\'{\\i}guez et al. 1997) and mm emission (Looney et al. 2000). Bachiller et al. (2000), through interferometric observations, found that SVS~13 is associated with an ``extremely'' high velocity molecular outflow, although ``standard'' velocity gas was found in the vicinity of both SVS~13 and VLA~3. Subarcsecond VLA observations at 3.6 cm and 7 mm by Anglada et al. (2000, 2004) revealed that the radio source associated with SVS~13 is actually a close binary with two components, VLA~4A and 4B, separated by 0$\\farcs$3 ($\\sim$65 AU). Interestingly, a detailed analysis of the positions and spectral energy distribution in the cm-mm range suggests that the two sources have very different properties: VLA~4B appears to be associated with the observed strong mm emission, probably arising from a circumstellar dust disk, while VLA~4A is the counterpart of the visible star SVS~13 with dust emission absent or much less significant in this component. Since high velocity water masers are indicators of outflow activity and can be observed with high angular resolution, Rodr\\'{\\i}guez et al. (2002) analyzed archive VLA data of the water masers associated with SVS~13 in order to investigate which of the two stars of the binary system was the most likely candidate to drive the outflow. It was found that the water masers appear segregated in two groups, according to their position and LSR velocity. A group with the LSR velocity similar to that of the ambient cloud is associated with VLA~4A, and a blueshifted velocity group is associated with VLA~4B. This result was interpreted as favoring VLA~4B as the outflow driving source. However, the study of Rodr\\'{\\i}guez et al. (2002) was restricted to the line-of-sight component of the velocity. Recently, Hirota et al. (2008) presented VLBI astrometric observations with VERA and derived absolute positions and proper motions of the order of 15-20 mas~yr$^{-1}$ (corresponding to velocities of 16-22 km~s$^{-1}$) of the water masers associated with SVS~13. These observations confirm the positional association with VLA~4A of the masers with an LSR velocity close to that of the ambient cloud. However, the proper motions (velocity and direction) relative to the sources could not be firmly established because of a poor knowledge of the absolute proper motions of the region. In fact, the optical data of Herbig \\& Jones (1983) suggest that the stars projected upon heavy obscuration (presumably associated with the NGC 1333 cloud) have an average proper motion of $\\sim$10 mas yr$^{-1}$ relative to the stars near the edge of the obscuration (presumably background stars). This suggests that the absolute proper motion of the region could have a significant contribution to the proper motions of the masers observed by Hirota et al. (2008). In this paper we present an absolute astrometry analysis and proper motion calculations over 10 years of four thermal radio sources in the NGC~1333 region. There are no reports of absolute proper motions for embedded young stars in this region and our study provides the first determination of these motions. ", "conclusions": "We have presented the results of multi-epoch high angular resolution VLA observations at 3.6 cm of the NGC~1333 star forming region. From these observations we have measured the absolute positions at different epochs of four thermal sources (VLA~2, VLA~3, VLA~4A and VLA~4B) tracing YSOs embedded in this region. All these sources show an absolute proper motion to the SE, which we interpret as a proper motion of the NGC~1333 region as a whole. From our data we obtained the average values $\\mu_{\\alpha}\\cos\\delta$ = 9 $\\pm$ 1 mas~yr$^{-1}$ and $\\mu_{\\delta}$ = $-$10 $\\pm$ 2 mas~yr$^{-1}$, that we interpret as representative of the proper motion of the molecular cloud associated with the NGC~1333 region as a whole. Our results allow us to correct the proper motion measurements of water maser spots associated with VLA~4A (SVS 13) obtained by Hirota et al. (2008) in order to obtain the proper motions relative to the NGC~1333 cloud. We conclude that feature 2 of Hirota et al. (2008) is practically stationary with respect to the cloud, and that the small residual proper motions of feature 1 indicate motions to the east, suggesting that none of these features is associated with the HH 7-11 system or the molecular outflow. Our data also suggest that VLA~3 is a member of the NGC~1333 molecular cloud, since this source shows a proper motion similar to that of the others sources embedded in the region. Since the position of VLA~3 appears close to the base of the HH 7-11 system, we conclude that this proximity is physically real, and not a projection effect. \\emph{Acknowledgements.} C.C.-G. acknowledges support from MEC (Spain) FPU fellowship. G.A., C.C.-G., M.O., and J.M.T. acknowledge support from MEC (Spain) grants AYA 2005-08523-C03 and AYA 2008-06189-C03 (including FEDER funds), and from Junta de Andaluc\\'{\\i}a (Spain). L.F.R. acknowledges the support of DGAPA, UNAM, and of CONACyT (M\\'exico). We thank Tomoya Hirota for useful comments on this paper." }, "0809/0809.0912_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the discovery of five gravitationally lensed quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). All five systems are selected as two-image lensed quasar candidates from a sample of high-redshift ($z>2.2$) SDSS quasars. We confirmed their lensing nature with additional imaging and spectroscopic observations. The new systems are SDSS~J0819+5356 (source redshift $z_s=2.237$, lens redshift $z_l=0.294$, and image separation $\\theta=4\\farcs04$), SDSS~J1254+2235 ($z_s=3.626$, $\\theta=1\\farcs56$), SDSS~J1258+1657 ($z_s=2.702$, $\\theta=1\\farcs28$), SDSS~J1339+1310 ($z_s=2.243$, $\\theta=1\\farcs69$), and SDSS~J1400+3134 ($z_s=3.317$, $\\theta=1\\farcs74$). We estimate the lens redshifts of the latter four systems to be $z_l=0.2-0.8$ from the colors and magnitudes of the lensing galaxies. We find that the image configurations of all systems are well reproduced by standard mass models. Although these lenses will not be included in our statistical sample of $z_s<2.2$ lenses, they expand the number of lensed quasars which can be used for high-redshift galaxy and quasar studies. ", "introduction": "Gravitationally lensed quasars are unique astronomical and cosmological tools, as described in the review of \\cite{kochanek06}. We can study the mass distributions of lensing objects from individual mass modeling, as well as the substructures in lensing objects \\citep[e.g.,][]{kochanek91,mao98}. We can also investigate their interstellar media from dust extinctions \\citep[e.g.,][]{falco99,munoz04} or absorption lines appearing in spectra of multiple quasar images \\citep[e.g.,][]{curran07}. The statistics of lensed quasars and the measurement of time delays between lensed images are useful tools to constrain cosmological parameters \\citep[e.g.,][]{refsdal64,turner90,fukugita90}. In addition, lensed quasars sometimes provide opportunities to study the central structures of quasar host galaxies in detail through microlensing events \\citep[e.g.,][]{richards04,poindexter08}. Motivated by these ideas, astronomers have searched for lensed quasars using various methods and wavebands. Roughly 100 lensed quasars have been identified to date \\citep{kochanek06}. A number of homogeneously selected samples have been constructed \\citep[e.g.,][]{maoz93}, allowing statistical studies to be done. For example, the Cosmic Lens All Sky Survey \\citep[CLASS;][]{myers03,browne03} has created a sample of 22 lensed objects selected from $\\sim$16,000 radio sources. This sample has been used to obtain a variety of cosmological and astrophysical results \\citep[e.g.,][]{rusin01,mitchell05,chae06}. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey \\citep[SDSS;][]{york00} has discovered $\\sim80,000$ spectroscopically identified quasars \\citep{schneider07}. We are conducting a survey of lensed quasars selected from the large dataset of the SDSS. The survey, the SDSS Quasar Lens Search \\citep[SQLS;][]{oguri06,oguri08a,inada08} has discovered more than 30 lensed quasars \\citep[e.g.,][and references therein]{kayo07,oguri08b}, making it the current largest lensed quasar survey. The SQLS also recovered nine previously known lensed quasars included in the SDSS footprint \\citep{walsh79,weymann80,surdej87,bade97,oscoz97,schechter98, myers99,morgan01,magain88}. The first statistical sample of 11 SQLS lenses \\citep{inada08} was constructed from the SDSS Data Release 3 quasar catalog \\citep[4188 deg${}^{2}$;][]{schneider05}, and used to constrain dark energy \\citep{oguri08a}. The SQLS restricts the statistical lens sample to ${z_s}<2.2$ because we cannot make a well-defined quasar sample for homogeneous lens surveys at higher redshifts. The SDSS quasars at ${z_s}>2.2$ are required to be point sources \\citep[see][]{richards02}, and therefore they have a strong bias against the homogeneous lens candidate selection \\citep{oguri06,inada08}. However, the SQLS candidate finding algorithm can easily be extended to locate higher redshift lensed quasars \\citep{inada08}. Such high-redshift lensed quasars can be used as astronomical and cosmological tools to study (high-redshift) lensing galaxies \\citep[e.g.,][]{kochanek00} and constrain the Hubble constant \\citep[e.g.,][]{oguri07}. They are also useful for detailed studies of (lensed) high-redshift quasars. In this paper, we report the discoveries of five lensed quasars with high source redshifts (${z_s}=2.237$--$3.626$). They were selected as lensed quasar candidates from the SDSS data, and were confirmed as lenses with the observations at the University of Hawaii 2.2-meter telescope (UH88), the Astrophysical Research Consortium 3.5-meter telescope (ARC 3.5m), and the 3.58-meter Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG 3.6m). All five candidates are confirmed to be double-image lensed quasars, with image separations of 1\\farcs28--4\\farcs04. The structure of this paper is as follows. Brief descriptions of the SDSS data and our lens candidate selection algorithm are presented in \\S~\\ref{sec:sdss}. We present the results of imaging and spectroscopic observations to confirm the lensing hypotheses for the five objects and estimate the redshifts of the lensing galaxies in \\S~\\ref{sec:observation}. We model the five lensed quasars in \\S~\\ref{sec:model} and summarize our results in \\S \\ref{sec:summary}. We use a standard cosmological model with matter density $\\Omega_M=0.27$, cosmological constant $\\Omega_\\Lambda=0.73$, and Hubble constant $h=H_0/100{\\rm km\\,sec^{-1}Mpc^{-1}}=0.71$ \\citep[e.g.,][]{spergel03} throughout this paper. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:summary} We discovered five high-redshift ($z_s>2.2$) lensed quasars, SDSS~J0819+5356, SDSS~J1254+2235, SDSS~J1258+1657, SDSS~J1339+1310, and SDSS~J1400+3134 from the SDSS. They were confirmed to be lenses by the imaging and spectroscopic observations at the UH88, ARC 3.5m, and TNG 3.6m telescopes. All five objects are two-image lensed quasars, with image separations of 1\\farcs28--4\\farcs04. The source redshifts range from 2.24 to 3.63. The lens redshift of SDSS~J0819+5356 is measured to be $z_l=0.294$ from the \\ion{Ca}{2} H\\&K absorption lines, whereas the lens redshifts of the other four objects are estimated to be 0.2--0.8 from the colors and magnitudes of the lensing galaxies. The image configurations and fluxes of all the lenses are well reproduced by standard lens models. We find signatures of strong external shears for SDSS~J1258+1657 and SDSS~J1339+1310, presumably coming from nearby galaxies whose redshifts are estimated to be similar to that of the lensing galaxy. The statistical lensed quasar sample of the SQLS is restricted to $z_s<2.2$, and therefore all the lensed quasars discovered here will not be included in the SQLS statistical sample. The reason is that the SDSS quasars at ${z_s}>2.2$ are selected only from point sources and therefore the SDSS-selected quasars have a strong bias against our ``morphological selection''. Thus the five lenses will be included in a statistical sample when a homogeneous catalog with quasars at ${z_s}>2.2$ is constructed. However, the five lenses will definitely be useful for detailed future studies, such as deep spectroscopy for the lensing galaxies to measure their redshifts and velocity dispersions \\footnote{Currently, measurement of velocity dispersions is probably possible only for the lensing galaxy of SDSS~J0819+5356.} and for the quasar images to study the transverse structure in the Ly$\\alpha$ forest, and high-resolution imaging to see the structure of the systems. In addition, monitoring observations to measure time delays and microlensing events will provide useful opportunities to study the central structures of the quasars and to constrain the Hubble constant. These high-redshift quasar lenses will also be important to extend the redshift range of the lens applications; only about 30 objects out of the $\\sim$100 lensed quasars\\footnote{CASTLES webpage (C.~S.~Kochanek et al., http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/castles/.)} are identified to be lenses at ${z_s}>2.2$." }, "0809/0809.0253_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Following Prendergast we study the relativistically expanding electromagnetic fields generated by an axisymmetric explosion of magnetic energy in a small volume. The magnetic field expands uniformly either within a cone or in all directions and it is therefore accompanied by an electric field. In the highly conducting plasma the charges move to annul the electric field in the frame of the moving plasma. The solutions presented are analytical and semi-analytical. We find that the time-scale for the winding up of the initial magnetic field is crucial, as short time-scales lead to strong radiant fields. Assuming a magnetic field of $10^{13}Gauss$ emerging from a magnetosphere of $10^{9}cm$ we end with a jet when confined by a pressure environment that falls more slowly than $r^{-4}$. The jet carries energy of $10^{51}erg$, which is mostly due to differential rotation at the base. ", "introduction": "Observations of a wide variety of astronomical objects suggests the existence of magnetic fields in relativistic environments. There have been many studies of magnetic fields emanating from differentially rotating systems. Some of them confine themselves to the non-relativistic regime in which the displacement currents can be neglected. Even then few of them are analytic e.g. \\cite{1976Natur.262..649L}, \\cite{1994MNRAS...267..146L}, \\cite{ 1994A&A...287..893S}, \\cite{2006MNRAS.369.1167L}, while most of them are computational e.g. \\cite{1970ApJ...161..541L}, \\cite{1995MNRAS.277.1327B}, \\cite{1997Natur.385..409O}. In the force-free case it was shown that the time evolution of the magnetic field arises solely from the time dependence of the boundary conditions so that the exact dynamical evolution can be calculated from the time dependent sequence of static models \\citep{2006MNRAS.369.1167L}. Those in turn can be derived from the energy principle. However, that simplification depends on both the force-free condition and the neglect of the displacement currents which is only valid when the velocities are much less than $c$. Relativistic problems are harder as that approximation is invalid, so most studies are purely computational e.g. \\cite{1992ApJ...394..459L}, \\cite{2002MNRAS.336..759K}, \\cite{2003ApJ...589..444G}, \\cite{2005ApJ...620..878D} and \\cite{2008MNRAS.388..551T} or semi-analytical e.g. \\cite{1995ApJ...446...67C}. Despite this, \\cite{2005MNRAS.359..725P} was able to find an exact solution to the relativistic MHD problem of a point magnetic explosion. He derived a time dependent relativistic analogue of the Grad-Shafranov equation that governs axially symmetric force-free MHD by assuming that the radial coordinate and the time since the explosion only appear in the dimensionless combination $v=r/ct$. Strictly speaking such equations are only valid when the length scale and $c \\times$ the time scale of the region of the explosion are much smaller than $r$ and $ct$. The resulting Prendergast equation is non-linear but becomes linear in a special case. It was this special case that Prendergast studied in detail. However, he found that there are spherical nodes where the radial magnetic field is zero and these nodes occur before the highly relativistic regime $r \\approx ct$ is reached. This has the unfortunate consequence that magnetic field lines emanating from small $r$ turn back before they reach the extremely relativistic region where the displacement currents are very important. The field lines in that region are an appendage unattached to their origin. Very similar effects are well known when one takes the analogous case, $\\mathbf{j}= \\alpha \\mathbf{B}$ with $\\alpha$ constant, in non-relativistic MHD in spherical coordinates. When $\\alpha r$ becomes large, the system gives way to oscillating solutions with a series of nodes. This difficulty occurs because $\\alpha^{-1}$ has dimension $L$ and the field has to vary on this fixed length scale even at large r. At large distances there is too much current for unit field and the smaller scale is then reflected in the scale of oscillation. It is known that non-linear ansatzes for the non-relativistic Grad-Shafranov equation can avoid this, which we now recognise as a bad consequence of a mathematically simple linear approximation which is not generally justified in the physics of the problem. We shall therefore study the non-linear Prendergast equation in all its glory! We generalise the idea of force-free fields by considering a configuration where for each point there exists a Lorentz frame in which the electric field is zero and the current is along the magnetic field. The force density $\\mathbf{f}$ in the frame fixed at the origin is then: \\begin{eqnarray} \\mathbf{f}=\\rho(\\mathbf{E}+\\mathbf{v} \\times \\mathbf{B})=0, \\end{eqnarray} where $c\\mathbf{v}(\\mathbf{r},t)$ is the velocity of the moving frame. In this paper, we study such fields by solving the equation proposed by \\cite{2005MNRAS.359..725P}. However, before stepping to a solution, we extract as much information as possible about the fields that is independent of the detailed form of the solution. Then we solve the equations semi-analytically as it impossible to achieve general analytical solutions. The solutions simplify in the non-relativistic limit and converge to those of \\cite{1994MNRAS...267..146L}. There are some other cases that are interesting and exactly soluble, namely the current-free magnetic dipole and the linear force-free field of Prendergast. The introduction of currents in the system allows the existence of a toroidal component of the field at the cost of making analytical solutions much harder, however it is still possible to design analytical solutions for this structure. ", "conclusions": "In this paper we have solved analytically the equation proposed by Prendergast for relativistically expanding axisymmetric self-similar force-free fields. This equation is a relativistically moving extension of the Grad-Shafranov equation for static force-free fields with axial symmetry. To excellent accuracy our solution is given everywhere by equations (62) and (63) with the $f(\\mu)$ function given by equation (57) or more accurately (60). The resulting electromagnetic fields are given by equations (8) and (9). All solutions of the Prendergast equation need to be averaged over a small time $\\Delta \\tau$ that corresponds to the light crossing time across the magnetic explosion. His equation assumes a point explosion. Exact solutions of Prendergast's equation give singular fields where the expansion speed is that of light but we have shown how averaging over $\\Delta \\tau$ yields genuine solutions of Maxwell's equations without singularities. Nevertheless this $\\Delta \\tau$ may be quite short and the resulting fields close to $r=ct$ are strong, carrying around $1\\%$ of the system's energy. This may be related to $\\gamma$-ray burst precursors. However, the fields at the top require further modification as the ram pressure of their relativistic motion is retarded by the interstellar medium. Considerations as those of \\citep{2005ApJ...628..847R} are clearly important there, whatever drives the shock waves and it is there that the eponymous $\\gamma$-rays themselves are generated. While this paper has given a basic mechanism that produces highly relativistic motion there is a big gap between that and the phenomenology of $\\gamma$-ray bursts. On the way to understanding the solutions of the fully relativistic Prendergast equation we were led to give purely poloidal solutions of Maxwell's equations for time-dependent multipoles, interesting in their own right. We have also seen how in the non-relativistic limit our problem is related to the solutions found in \\cite{2006MNRAS.369.1167L} and \\cite{1994MNRAS...267..146L}. Finally we have seen how small opening angles of the cone correspond to greater coiling of the magnetic field and thus to mush greater concentration of energy into the jet. Setting some values for the magnetic field quoted from the stronger magnetars we find that we can power jets up to the energies of $\\gamma$-ray bursts, for which the isotropic energy is between $10^{51}$ to $10^{54}$ erg \\citep{2005RvMP...76.1143P}. In the case studied we found that the energy inside the jet is of order $10^{51} erg$, where the isotropic energy is two orders of magnitude greater. The very strong magnetic field found at the top of the magnetic configuration can oppose the strong ram pressure because of expansion and swipe material out of the way for the jet to expand. This feature may be related to the precursor observed in some $\\gamma$-ray bursts e.g. \\cite{1991Natur.350..592M}, as it is the first to break out and carries a small fraction of the energy of the $\\gamma$-ray burst. Jets of narrow opening angles can be more twisted than those of wide opening angles, giving evidence that collimation increases with twist. Finally a strong stagnation pressure is found at the head of the jet. It prevents the jet from being relativistic near the base but as it expands outwards and encounters underdense material it becomes extremely relativistic as is indeed observed in $\\gamma$-ray bursts." }, "0809/0809.2583_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "I present an overview of important results obtained using high-resolution very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of X-ray binary systems. These results derive from both astrometric observations and resolved imaging of sources, from black holes to neutron star and even white dwarf systems. I outline a number of upcoming developments in instrumentation, both new facilities and ongoing upgrades to existing VLBI instruments, and I conclude by identifying a number of important areas of investigation where VLBI will be crucial in advancing our understanding of X-ray binaries. ", "introduction": "Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) has provided us with some of the highest resolution observations to date of radio-emitting systems throughout the visible Universe. X-ray binary systems, accreting compact objects in orbit with less-evolved donor stars, emit synchrotron radiation from their relativistic jets. During outbursts, the radio emission from these sources becomes bright, reaching levels of several Jy in the brightest sources, and is often resolved with high-resolution observations, making such sources ideal targets for study with VLBI arrays. Being Galactic systems, X-ray binaries are much closer than their scaled-up extragalactic analogues, the Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). However, since they are typically $10^6$--$10^8$ times less massive than AGN, but only $10^4$ times closer (a few kpc compared to several tens to hundreds of Mpc), it is, counterintuitively, possible to probe closer to the compact object (in units of gravitational radii) in AGN than in X-ray binary systems, so the Galactic systems are in fact less useful for studying the close-in regions where the jets are accelerated and collimated. Furthermore, since the number of X-ray binaries with resolved radio emission is still small, studies of these sources are to some extent limited by the peculiarities of individual objects. However, studies of X-ray binary systems do have some advantages over AGN. Their proximity means that fundamental parameters such as distance and space velocity can be determined by astrometric measurements. And since lengths and timescales close to the compact object scale with black hole mass, it is possible to observe the evolution of the jets in X-ray binaries on timescales of hours to days, rather than years to decades, following the evolution of the source through its entire duty cycle in a matter of months, and watching the evolution of the radio jets in real time as they move out and interact with their environments. Furthermore, since the class of X-ray binaries comprises accreting neutron stars as well as black hole systems, they allow us to probe the importance of a deep potential well and the existence of a solid surface and a stellar magnetic field in the acceleration and collimation of relativistic jets. In this article I will attempt to provide a brief overview of recent high-resolution studies of X-ray binary systems. In this definition, I choose to include all accreting Galactic compact objects, from black holes through neutron stars, and even white dwarf systems. I will outline new and upcoming developments in instrumentation, as well as their potential applications in solving some of the important open questions in the field of X-ray binary research. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.5148_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In this contribution to the conference ``Beyond Einstein: Historical Perspectives on Geometry, Gravitation and Cosmology in the Twentieth Century'', we give a critical status report of attempts to explain the late accelerated expansion of the universe by modifications of general relativity. Our brief review of such alternatives to the standard cosmological model addresses mainly readers who have not pursued the vast recent literature on this subject. ", "introduction": "The phenomenologically very successful cosmological `concordance model', within the framework of general relativity (GR), leaves us with the mystery of dark energy (DE). Since no satisfactory explanation of DE has emerged so far\\footnote{See, e.g., \\cite{CST}, \\cite{NS}, and references therein.}, it is certainly reasonable to investigate whether possible modifications of GR might change the late expansion rate of the universe. After all, GR has not yet been tested on cosmological scales. Modified gravity models have to be devised such that they pass the stringent Solar System tests, and are compatible with the rich body of cosmological data that support the concordance model ($\\Lambda$CDM model). At the same time, the theories should be consistent on a fundamental level. Since we are dealing with higher spin equations, possible acausalities are, for instance, a serious issue. Apart from all that, one should not forget that the old profound vacuum energy problem \\cite{NS} and the cosmic coincidence problem remain, and thus extreme fine tuning is unavoidable. This holds, of course, also for all dynamical models of DE \\cite{CST}. In my brief review I shall mainly concentrate on so called $f(R)$ gravity. This is the simplest modification. Moreover, there have been some recent developments that I find interesting. After some generalities, many of you know very well, I shall discuss the weak field limit and Solar System tests. For some time there was a lot of confusion on this issue, with conflicting statements, but was eventually clarified. We shall, however, see that the weak field approximation may break down, and a so-called Chameleon mechanism can be at work that hides a scalar degree of freedom of the theory on solar system scales. There are $f(R)$ models that pass the solar system tests and are cosmologically almost indistinguishable from the successful $\\Lambda$CDM model. Recently it was, however, discovered by Kobayashi and Maeda that these models are in serious trouble in the strong-field regime. Some of the other modified gravity theories are even in greater difficulties. This will be briefly discussed in a final part. ", "conclusions": "A positive aspect of the largely negative outcome of the previous discussion seems to me that the distinguished role of GR among large classes of gravity theories has once more become apparent. We know, of course, that GR is an effective theory, and that quantum theory will produce all sorts of induced terms (a phenomenon that is well-known from QED), but stopping any expansion after a few terms will hardly lead to a consistent theory that agrees with observations on all scales. Some of the modified gravity theories, such as $f(R)$ or braneworld models, may perhaps be of limited use for testing GR on cosmological scales. Guided by such models\\footnote{Especially from the evolution of linear cosmological perturbations for such models \\cite{SHS}, \\cite{BBP}, \\cite{PS}.}, there have recently been some interesting attempts to develop a parameterized post-Friedmann description of gravity that parallels the parameterized post-Newtonian description of Solar System tests (discussed by C. Will at this meeting). In contrast to the latter, there appear unavoidably some free functions, instead of just a bunch of parameters, in the description of the evolution of inhomogeneities \\cite{Hu2}, \\cite{Ber}. It will, therefore, be difficult to discriminate between dark energy and modified gravity, but this remains a major goal for years to come. One can hope that this will eventually become possible with better data on the CMB background, weak gravitational lensing, and the growth of large scale structures." }, "0809/0809.2597_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{The Copernican principle, stating that we do not occupy any special place in our universe, is usually taken for granted in modern cosmology. However recent observational data of supernova indicate that we may live in the under-dense center of our universe, which makes the Copernican principle challenged. It thus becomes urgent and important to test the Copernican principle via cosmological observations. Taking into account that unlike the cosmic photons, the cosmic neutrinos of different energies come from the different places to us along the different worldlines, we here propose cosmic neutrino background as a test of the Copernican principle. It is shown that from the theoretical perspective cosmic neutrino background can allow one to determine whether the Copernican principle is valid or not, but to implement such an observation the larger neutrino detectors are called for.} \\begin{document} ", "introduction": "Based on the cosmological principle, the recent observations of type Ia Supernova indicate that either our present universe is dominated by some new exotic matter called dark energy or a modification of general relativity is needed on cosmic scales at least in an effective sense, which raises profound questions on fundamental physics. A conservative way out is to engage in the speculation on the validity of the cosmological principle. As an assumption of the isotropy and homogeneity throughout our universe, the cosmological principle is known to be partly satisfied. The observation of near-isotropy of cosmic microwave background(CMB) spectrum implies that our universe is very nearly isotropic. In addition, our universe is observed to be approximately homogeneous on large scales\\cite{Hogg,YBPS}. However, the radial homogeneity on scales of Gpc remains to be confirmed. In fact, it has been theoretically shown that the spherically symmetric but radially inhomogeneous Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi(LTB) cosmological models can explain the supernova data very well without introducing the dark energy or resorting to a modification of general relativity\\cite{Celerier,Moffat1,Moffat2,Garfinkle,Enqvist,ABNV}. Different from the case of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker(FRW) cosmological models, in the context of the LTB cosmological models, we are constrained in a special position, i.e., in or near the center of a void where the local matter density is relatively low, which violates the Copernican principle. So whether or not the Copernican principle is valid plays a pivotal role in our understanding of the genuine mechanism underlying the evolution of our universe. Although the Copernican principle may be widely accepted by fiat, it should be observationally tested without an a priori bias. To date, there have been some ideas proposed to serve as observational tests of the Copernican principle\\cite{CS,UCE,CBL,CFL,YKN,BW}. Note that in all of these proposals the observational data come from the past light cone. On the other hand, neutrinos are believed to be massive, however small the mass is. Thus as illustrated in Fig.\\ref{shooting}, they will freely travel to us from inside of the past light cone after decoupling, which definitely brings more information about the structure of our universe. Keeping this in mind, we here put forward cosmic neutrino background(CNB) as a new test of the Copernican principle if observed. In next section, we shall provide a brief review of the LTB cosmological models, where a specific parametrization is also chosen. In subsequent section, we will work out the cosmic neutrino background spectrum in the chosen LTB and FRW cosmological models, and examine the feasibility of our proposal by demonstrating the spectrum difference between the LTB and FRW cases. We then finish the paper with some discussions. Unless otherwise is explicitly stated, Planck units are used here, i.e., $c=G=\\hbar=k=1$. \\begin{figure}[htb!] \\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{shooting.eps} \\caption {\\small\\sl Different from the cosmic photons, the cosmic neutrinos of different energies come from the different places on the surface of constant $t_L$ and travel to us along the different worldlines.} \\label{shooting} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "Motivated by the intuitive observation that the cosmic neutrinos of different energies travel to us from the different places, we have investigated the feasibility of cosmic neutrino background as a test of the Copernican principle. As a result, in the region of small momenta, cosmic neutrino background shows us the definite signal to determine whether our universe is homogeneous or not. However, because this signal shows up at low energies, it seems invisible in our current neutrino detectors. A more detailed evaluation of the possibility to carry out our proposal in the future neutrino telescopes is worthy of further investigation, which goes beyond the scope of this paper. But we expect that our theoretical analysis here manifests the very advantage of neutrinos over photons in bringing extra information about our universe, thus provides another stimulus to such endeavors of construction of large neutrino telescopes. We conclude with some caveats. Note that our result of $n\\sim p$ relation depends on the isothermal distribution assumption of cosmic neutrinos at the time $t_L$. So a deviation from the assumed distribution will enhance or suppress the signal. In addition, so far our discussions have been restricted to the specific LTB cosmological model. More general LTB cosmological models may give us somewhat different results. Although a more realistic neutrino distribution is believed to make the signal enhanced, and the results are expected to display the same qualitative behavior for other viable LTB cosmological models, a careful investigation is needed. Last but not least, if neutrinos are heavy enough, then the local gravitational clustering of cosmic neutrinos will become significant such that the $n\\sim p$ relation will be distorted\\cite{RW}. It is thus important to see how our result is influenced by this clustering effect. We expect to report these subtle issues elsewhere." }, "0809/0809.0247_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Warm dark matter (WDM) may resolve the possible conflict between observed galaxy halos and the halos produced in cold dark matter (CDM) simulations. Here we present an extension of MSSM to include WDM by adding a gauge singlet fermion, $\\overline{\\chi}$, with a portal-like coupling to the MSSM Higgs doublets. This model has the property that the dark matter is {\\it necessarily warm}. In the case where $M_{\\overline{\\chi}}$ is mainly due to electroweak symmetry breaking, the $\\overline{\\chi}$ mass is completely determined by its relic density and the reheating temperature, $T_R$. For $10^2 \\GeV \\; ^{<}_{\\sim} \\; T_{R} \\; ^{<}_{\\sim} \\; 10^{5} \\GeV$, the range allowed by $\\ochi$ production via thermal Higgs annihilation, the $\\overline{\\chi}$ mass is in the range 0.3-4 keV, precisely the range required for WDM. The primordial phase-space density, $Q$, can directly account for that observed in dwarf spheroidal galaxies, $Q \\approx 5 \\times 10^{6} {\\rm (eV/cm^3)/(km/s)^3}$, when the reheating temperature is in the range $T_R \\approx 10-100$ TeV, in which case $M_{\\overline{\\chi}} \\approx 0.45$ keV. The free-streaming length is in the range 0.3-4 Mpc, which can be small enough to alleviate the problems of overproduction of galaxy substructure and low angular momentum of CDM simulations. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.2132_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report on observations of correlated behavior between the prompt $\\gamma$-ray and optical emission from GRB 080319B, which (i) strongly suggest that they occurred within the same astrophysical source region and (ii) indicate that their respective radiation mechanisms were most likely dynamically coupled. Our preliminary results, based upon a new cross-correlation function (CCF) methodology for determining the \\emph{time-resolved} spectral lag, are summarized as follows. First, the evolution in % the arrival offset of prompt $\\gamma$-ray photon counts between Swift-BAT 15-25 keV and 50-100 keV energy bands \\emph{(intrinsic $\\gamma$-ray spectral lag)} appears to be anti-correlated with the arrival offset between prompt 15-350 keV $\\gamma$-rays and the optical emission observed by TORTORA \\emph{(extrinsic optical/$\\gamma$-ray spectral lag)}, thus effectively partitioning the burst into two main episodes at $\\sim T+28\\pm2$ sec. Second, prompt optical emission is nested within intervals of (a) trivial intrinsic $\\gamma$-ray spectral lag ($\\sim T+12\\pm2$ and $\\sim T+50\\pm2$ sec) with (b) discontinuities in the hard to soft evolution of the photon index for a power law fit to 15-150 keV Swift-BAT data ($\\sim T+8\\pm2$ and $\\sim T+48\\pm1$ sec), both of which coincide with the rise ($\\sim T+10\\pm1$ sec) and decline ($\\sim T+50\\pm1$ sec) of prompt optical emission. This potential discovery, robust across heuristic permutations of BAT energy channels and varying temporal bin resolution, provides the first observational evidence for an implicit connection between spectral lag and the dynamics of shocks in the context of canonical fireball phenomenology. ", "introduction": "Swift's unique dynamic response and spatial localization precision, in conjunction with correlative ground-based follow-up efforts, has resulted in the collaborative broad-band observations of GRB 080319B \\cite{Racusin:2008c}. In the context of an analysis focused on confronting the lag-luminosity relation \\cite{Norris:2000b} in the Swift era \\cite{Stamatikos:2008b}, a correlation was observed between the evolution of time-resolved spectral lag and the behavior of the extraordinarily well-sampled prompt optical emission light curve associated with GRB 080319B. In general, the spectral lag is determined via either a peak pulse fit \\cite{Norris:2005b} or cross-correlation function (CCF) analysis \\cite{Band:1997b}. Previous studies have reported on the variability of spectral lag throughout burst emission \\cite{Chen:2005}, as well as its correlation to pulse evolution \\cite{Hakkila:2008}. In this work, we develop a new method to calculate the time-resolved spectral lag via a modification to the traditional CCF approach. In this manner, we are able to explore for the first time the evolution and correlation of the intrinsic $\\gamma$-ray spectral lag with prompt optical emission. We interpret these correlated behaviors as strong observational evidence that the prompt optical and $\\gamma$-ray emission of GRB 080319B took place within the same astrophysical source region, with indications that their respective radiation mechanisms where dynamically coupled throughout the prompt phase of the burst. ", "conclusions": "The generic agreement of the overall temporal coincidence and morphology between the prompt $\\gamma$-ray and optical light curves (Figure~\\ref{plot}, Panels A \\& B) suggests that they arose from a common source region. However, separate radiation mechanisms were most likely responsible since the extrapolated $\\gamma$-ray flux density to the optical band was deficient by $\\sim$4 orders of magnitude when compared to observation \\cite{Racusin:2008c,Kumar:2008,Yu:2008}. The steep rise/decline, short duration and lack of increasing pulse width of the prompt optical emission disfavor external forward/reverse shocks. Hence, internal shocks have been suggested as the source region with synchrotron emission responsible for the optical and inverse Compton scattering/synchrotron self Compton for the $\\gamma$-rays, with associated GeV photon emission \\cite{Racusin:2008c,Kumar:2008}. Alternatively, it has been suggested that non-relativistic forward internal shocks generated the prompt optical emission, while relativistic reverse internal shocks generated the prompt $\\gamma$-rays, with sub-GeV/MeV photon emission \\cite{Yu:2008}. Such high energy emission may be tested by Fermi (formally known as GLAST) via joint analyses with Swift-BAT \\citep{Stamatikos:2008c}. Our preliminary results are illustrated in Figure~\\ref{plot}, Panels A-D. There are several observations that lead to effectively separating the burst's duration into two main episodes partitioned roughly at the midpoint of $\\sim T+28\\pm2$ sec. The first is that the bimodal evolution of the intrinsic $\\gamma$-ray spectral lag increases at t $>\\sim T+28\\pm2$ sec, which appears to be anti-correlated with the extrinsic (optical/$\\gamma$-ray) spectral lag observed via the smoothed Gaussian fits, where the spectral lag is of the order of a few seconds when t < $\\sim T+28\\pm2$ sec (Panels A \\& B). Beyond this common midpoint, the optical and $\\gamma$-rays do not correlate as well or at least are ambiguously correlated, i.e. extrinsic (optical/$\\gamma$-ray) spectral lag is either zero or negative at later times (ambiguity due to peak misalignment). Hence, the intrinsic time-resolved $\\gamma$-ray spectral lag is maximum at t $>\\sim T+28\\pm2$ sec, while the extrinsic time-resolved (optical/$\\gamma$-ray) spectral lag is maximum at t $<\\sim T+28\\pm2$ sec. In addition, an independent analysis \\cite{Margutti:2008} of BAT 15-150 keV light curves has revealed that the characteristic variability timescale of GRB 080319B was $\\sim$100 ms for t < $\\sim T$+28 sec and $\\sim$1 sec for t > $\\sim T$+28 sec. Furthermore, time-resolved spectral analysis by Konus-Wind illustrated that E$_{peak}$ decreased from $751\\pm26$ keV to $537\\pm28$ keV at $\\sim T+24\\pm2$ sec \\cite{Racusin:2008c}. The hard to soft evolution of the photon index for time-resolved power law fits to 15-150 keV Swift-BAT data occurs in steps at $\\sim T+8\\pm2$ and $\\sim T+48\\pm1$ sec, which coincide with the respective rise ($\\sim T+10\\pm1$ sec) and decline ($\\sim T+50\\pm1$ sec) of prompt optical emission (see Panels A \\& C). This is consistent with Konus-Wind time-resolved spectral analysis and hardness ratios \\cite{Racusin:2008c}. We also note that intervals of trivial intrinsic spectral lag coincide with the rise and decline of prompt optical emission (see Panels A \\& D), at $\\sim T+12\\pm2$ and $\\sim T+50\\pm2$ sec, respectively. We interpret these correlated behaviors as strong observational evidence that the prompt optical and $\\gamma$-ray emission took place within the same astrophysical source region, which until now has only been conjecture. We also find indications for a dynamical coupling between the radiation mechanisms, perhaps via the processes mentioned above \\cite{Racusin:2008c,Kumar:2008,Yu:2008}. This potential discovery, provides the first observational evidence for an implicit connection between spectral lag and the dynamics of internal shocks in the context of canonical fireball phenomenology. A full theoretical analysis of this result is currently in preparation. Future work includes an application of our methodology to observations of a subset of bursts with prompt optical emission to probe either the unique or ubiquitous nature of these observations. Ultimately, understanding the mechanism(s) responsible for spectral lag may reveal a fundamental and unprecedented view from within the GRB fireball. \\begin{theacknowledgments} The authors are grateful to Craig Markwardt and David Band for very fruitful discussions in regards to this analysis. M. Stamatikos is supported by an NPP Fellowship at NASA-GSFC administered by ORAU. \\end{theacknowledgments}" }, "0809/0809.2418_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{} {We present a dynamical analysis of the galaxy cluster Abell~1942 based on a set of 128 velocities obtained at the European Southern Observatory.} {Data on individual galaxies are presented and the accuracy of the determined velocities is discussed as well as some properties of the cluster. We have also made use of publicly available Chandra X-ray data.} {We obtained an improved mean redshift value $ z = 0.22513 \\pm 0.0008$ and velocity dispersion $\\sigma= 908^{+147}_{-139}\\kms$. Our analysis indicates that inside a radius of $\\sim 1.5 h_{70}^{-1}\\,$Mpc ($\\sim 7\\,$arcmin) the cluster is well relaxed, without any remarkable feature and the X-ray emission traces fairly well the galaxy distribution. Two possible optical substructures are seen at $\\sim 5\\,$arcmin from the centre towards the Northwest and the Southwest direction, but are not confirmed by the velocity field. These clumps are however, kinematically bound to the main structure of Abell~1942. X-ray spectroscopic analysis of Chandra data resulted in a temperature $kT = 5.5 \\pm 0.5\\,$keV and metal abundance $Z = 0.33 \\pm 0.15 Z_{\\odot}$. The velocity dispersion corresponding to this temperature using the $T_{X}$--$\\sigma$ scaling relation is in good agreement with the measured galaxies velocities. Our photometric redshift analysis suggests that the weak lensing signal observed at the south of the cluster and previously attributed to a ``dark clump'', is produced by background sources, possibly distributed as a filamentary structure.} {} ", "introduction": "\\label{Introduction} In the hierarchical $\\Lambda$CDM scenario for structure formation, clusters of galaxies are the largest coherent and gravitationally bound structures in the Universe, growing by accretion of nearby galaxy groups or even other clusters. These newcomers are often observed as substructures in the galaxy distribution and, indeed, substructures have been detected in a significant fraction of galaxy clusters \\citep[e.g.,][]{flin06}. Clusters can then be used to trace the cosmological evolution of structure with time and to constrain cosmological parameters \\citep[e.g.,][]{richstone92,kauffmann93}. However, clusters comprise a diverse family, presenting a large range of structural behaviour and, in order to be useful as cosmological probes, the structural and dynamical properties of individual systems should be determined. Clusters are also complex entities, containing both baryonic and non-baryonic matter. In the case of the former, most of the baryons occupy the cluster volume in the form of a hot gas emitting in X-rays. Consequently, studies of galaxy clusters aiming to unveil their actual properties are greatly benefited by multiwavelength observations, in particular in X-rays for the gas and in the optical for the galaxies and even the dark matter. Here we present a study of the cluster of galaxies Abell~1942. It has richness class 3 and Bautz-Morgan type III. It is of particular interest since it has at first glance a quite symmetrical morphology, similar to Abell~586 which can be used as a laboratory to test different mass estimators and to analyze its dynamics \\citep[as in][]{Cypriano05}. This cluster was observed in X-ray by several satellites, ASCA, ROSAT, and Chandra (see Section \\ref{x-ray}, below). Finally, A1942 has receive some attention because a putative mass concentration would have been detected by its shear effect at 7~arcmin southward from the cluster centre, with no obvious concentration of bright galaxies at this location \\citep{Erben00, Linden06}: the dark clump. A ROSAT-HRI image was also analyzed by the same authors, showing that the brightest peak of the X-ray emission corresponds with the cluster centre and its central galaxy. A weak secondary source was also detected at 1~arcmin from the mass concentration. Using ASCA data, \\citet{White00} gives 2 temperatures for this cluster: 5.6~keV for a broad band single temperature fit, and 15.6~keV for a cooling-flow fit, which would corresponds to a velocity dispersion $\\simeq 1800~\\kms$ and also a huge cooling flow of 817 $M_{\\odot}$/year. From the optical data, only 2 velocities of galaxy members were available, one being the radio-source PKS 1435+038 \\citep{Kristian78}. Moreover, a deep image of the cluster centre \\citep{Smail91} shows the existence of a few lensed arcs, with one being close to the central galaxy. Up to now, no detailed lens model is available to study the central mass distribution. In this paper, we analyze Abell~1942 from its photometric, spectroscopic and X-ray properties. In Section~\\ref{sec:photo}, we give evidence of the structure and substructures of the cluster from its photometric data. Section~3 presents the spectroscopic survey of the cluster galaxies in order to study the velocity dispersion in the cluster centre, as well as its variations with the radius until the measured limit of the shear up to 8~arcmin (equivalent to a radius of $1.7 h^{-1}_{70}$~Mpc at the cluster redshift). In Section~4 we analyze the X-ray data. The velocity analysis is detailed in Section~5. With such a set of velocities we build in Section~6 a detailed image of the cluster dynamics and mass distribution. Moreover we analyze the velocity distribution of the galaxies located close to the mass concentration area in order to know its nature as distant cluster or concentration of matter associated with the main cluster. We adopt here, whenever necessary, $H_{0}= 70\\, h_{70}\\kms$Mpc$^{-1}$, $\\Omega_{M} = 0.3$ and $\\Omega_{\\Lambda} = 0.7$. ", "conclusions": "We have investigated the cluster of galaxies Abell~1942. More than a hundred new spectroscopic redshifts were measured in a $14 \\times 14$ region around its centre. Together with X-ray archive data from Chandra, and photometric data from SDSS, we were able to achieve the dynamical and kinematical analysis of this cluster for the first time. -- We found that about half of the observed galaxies are kinematical members of the cluster. We have also found some kinematical evidence for the presence of nearby groups of galaxies whose spatial counterparts however have not been confirmed. The cluster is situated at redshift 0.22513. -- Our analysis indicates that inside a radius of $\\sim 1.7 h_{70}^{-1}\\,$Mpc ($\\sim 7\\,$arcmin) the cluster galaxy distribution is well relaxed without any remarkable feature and with a mean velocity dispersion of $\\sigma= 908^{+147}_{-139}\\kms$. -- We have analyzed archival Chandra data and derived a mean temperature $kT = 5.5 \\pm 0.5\\,$keV and metal abundance $Z = 0.33 \\pm 0.15 Z_{\\odot}$. The velocity dispersion corresponding to this temperature using the $T_{X}$--$\\sigma$ scaling relation is in good agreement with the measured galaxies velocities. The X-ray emission traces fairly well the galaxy distribution. -- We derive dynamical mass estimates of the cluster, assuming hydrostatic equilibrium of the (isothermal) intracluster X-ray emitting gas. At a radius equivalent to $r_{500}$ we obtained $M_{\\rm dyn}(< r_{500}) \\sim 5 \\times 10^{14} M_{\\odot}$. An estimate of the dynamical mass using the gravitational arc found at about $ \\sim 8.2$ arcsec from the cluster centre showed it to be consistent with that derived from the hydrostatic equilibrium hypothesis. -- We do not confirm the mass concentration 7~arcmin south from the cluster centre from our dynamical and X-ray analysis. However, we do see a concentration of background galaxies towards these regions which may be at the origin of the weak lensing signal detected before." }, "0809/0809.3134_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Substructures, expected in cold dark matter haloes, have been proposed to explain the anomalous flux ratios in gravitational lenses. About 25\\% of lenses in the Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey (CLASS) appear to have luminous satellites within \\mbox{$\\sim$ 5 $ h^{-1}$ kpc} of the main lensing galaxies, which are usually at redshift $z\\sim 0.2-1$. In this work we use the Millennium Simulation combined with galaxy catalogues from semi-analytical techniques to study the predicted frequency of such satellites in simulated haloes. The fraction of haloes that host bright satellites within the (projected) central regions is similar for red and blue hosts and is found to increase as a function of host halo mass and redshift. Specifically, at $z = 1$, about $11$\\% of galaxy-sized haloes (with masses between $10^{12} h^{-1}$ M$_\\odot $ and $ 10^{13} h^{-1}$ M$_\\odot$) host bright satellite galaxies within a projected radius of 5 $ h^{-1}$ kpc. This fraction increases to about 17\\% (25\\%) if we consider bright (all) satellites of only group-sized haloes (with masses between $10^{13} h^{-1}$ M$_\\odot $ and $10^{14} h^{-1}$ M$_\\odot$). These results are roughly consistent with the fraction ($\\sim 25\\%$) of CLASS lensing galaxies observed to host luminous satellites. At \\mbox{$z = 0$}, only $\\sim 3$\\% of galaxy-sized haloes host bright satellite galaxies. The fraction rises to $\\sim 6\\%\\, (10\\%)$ if we consider bright (all) satellites of only group-sized haloes at $z = 0$. However, most of the satellites found in the inner regions are `orphan' galaxies where the dark matter haloes have been completely stripped. Thus the agreement crucially depends on the true survival rate of these `orphan' galaxies. We also discuss the effects of numerical resolution and cosmologies on our results. ", "introduction": "In the hierarchical scenario of structure formation, structures in the Universe are assumed to have grown from tiny quantum fluctuations (generated during an inflationary period) through gravitational instability. Due to the shape of the power spectrum, structures form hierarchically - larger structures form via accretion and merging of smaller structures. Dense cores of the smaller structures often survive the merging process and manifest as subhaloes in the primary haloes. If substantial star formation occurs in these subhaloes (or their progenitors), then they will appear as satellite galaxies. In the Milky Way, hundreds of subhaloes are predicted, starting from earlier semi-analytical studies (\\citealt{bib:Kauffmann93}), to more recent high-resolution simulations (\\citealt{bib:Klypin99}; \\citealt{bib:Moore99}; \\citealt{bib:Gao04_gal,bib:Gao04_dm}; \\citealt{bib:Diemand07}). A few years ago, there were only a dozen or so satellites known, far fewer than the predicted number of subhaloes. However, very recently, a new population of satellites has been discovered in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data (e.g. \\citealt{bib:Belokurov07}). It should be noted though that these satellites are compact and, in general, much fainter than the previously known ones, thus it is likely that even this new population of satellite galaxies cannot completely remove the discrepancy between simulations and observations (\\citealt{bib:Madau08}). It is possible that many subhaloes are dark due to inefficient star formation, for example, due to its suppression by the UV-background radiation (e.g. \\citealt{bib:Doroshkevich67}; \\citealt{bib:Couchman86}; \\citealt{bib:Efstathiou92}). Such dark substructure can, potentially, be detected through several means, for example through gamma-ray radiation due to annihilations of dark matter particles (\\citealt{bib:Stoehr03}; \\citealt{bib:Die07}). Gravitational lensing is, in principle, another way to detect dark (and luminous) substructure. Flux anomalies (\\citealt{bib:Mao98}), astrometric perturbations (\\citealt{bib:Chen07}) and time-delays (\\citealt{bib:Keeton08}) can be used to infer the presence of substructure in strong gravitational lenses. The results of these studies are so far inconclusive (e.g. \\citealt{bib:Kochanek04, 2004ApJ...604L...5M}). If all substructure is equally efficient in affecting the flux ratios, then it is clear that there is more than sufficient mass in subhaloes to explain the flux anomalies. Unfortunately, most subhaloes are in the outer part of the galaxy halo, which means they will have relatively little impact on the flux anomalies occurring in the central parts of lensing galaxies. Curiously, as emphasised by Schneider (2007, private communication), 3 of the 6 radio lenses studied by \\cite{bib:Kochanek04} exhibit luminous satellite galaxies close to the primary lensing galaxy, namely MG0414+0534, B1608+656 and B2045+265. A question naturally arises: are such luminous satellite galaxies expected this frequently in the current structure formation theory? The lensing cross-section is dominated by elliptical galaxies, thus for lensing applications it is important to divide galaxies into different types, and see whether the subhalo populations are different. Furthermore, we explore in more detail the evolution of satellite galaxies as a function of redshift. If the evolution is slow, we can more conveniently use studies of nearby galaxies to infer the properties of the luminous satellite population of galaxies at intermediate redshift (between 0.5 and 1, where most lensing galaxies lie). These are the two specific aspects of the subhalo population that we will address in this paper. For this purpose, we will use the largest cosmological simulation combined with semi-analytical catalogues to select haloes and study their satellite populations. We compare our results to the CLASS survey (\\citealt{bib:Browne03}; \\citealt{bib:Myers03}). The plan of the paper is as follows. In Section \\ref{sims}, we describe the Millennium Simulation and the semi-analytical galaxy catalogue we use. Our main results are presented in Section \\ref{results}, and we finish with a summary in Section \\ref{summary}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{summary} In summary, for the CLASS survey, approximately 5 of the 22 primary lensing galaxies appear to have a faint companion within the projected central 5 $ h^{-1}$ kpc. The companions have luminosities of about $2 - 40$\\% of the primary galaxy. We have studied host galaxies covering a comparable range of luminosities and host-to-satellite separations to the CLASS lenses, and found that the predicted fraction of galaxy-(group-) sized haloes hosting central luminous satellites ($\\sim$ 3\\% (6\\%) at $z = 0$; $\\sim$ 11\\% (17\\%) at $z = 1$) is slightly lower than (but possibly consistent with) the observed value. While this fraction is largely independent of galaxy type, it is shown to increase with redshift. The Poisson probability of detecting luminous substructure in 5 out of 22 lenses, given that $3\\%$ of haloes host luminous substructure, is $\\sim 5 \\times 10^{-4}$. If $17\\%$ of haloes host luminous substructure, the probability of such a detection is $\\sim 0.14$. Our prediction of the redshift and mass dependence appears to be roughly consistent with the data: three lenses with luminous satellites are in groups (see Section \\ref{sec:observations}), and all appear have redshifts close to 1, higher than the median redshift ($\\sim$ 0.6) of all CLASS lenses (see the right panel of Fig. \\ref{obs}). One possibility that we have not considered, is whether lensing galaxies are biased tracers of substructure; such bias may arise if substructure enhances the lensing cross-sections significantly. Previous studies, on cluster scales, for giant arcs indicates that the bias is small (\\citealt{bib:Hennawi07}); it remains to be seen whether this holds true for galaxy-scale lenses. Observationally, the Sloan Lens ACS Survey (SLACS) seems to indicate that the lensing galaxies at z $\\sim$ 0.2 are typical early-type galaxies (\\citealt{bib:Treu08}). Another possibility is that some of the luminous `satellites' are not associated with lensing galaxies at all, but just happen to be along the line of sight (\\citealt{2005ApJ...629..673M}). \\cite{bib:Shin08} recently studied the effect of satellite galaxies on gravitational lensing flux ratios using analytic expressions for the host potential and the satellite galaxies. They use a spherically symmetric galaxy distribution, and assume that the three-dimensional number density falls off like $r^{-3.5}$, comparable to the Milky Way. They show that the probability of a finding a large dwarf is about 10\\% within two Einstein radii and about 3\\% within one Einstein radius. We find that our $z = 0$ results are consistent with this. The Millennium Simulation assumes a power-spectrum normalisation of $\\sigma_8 = 0.9$, slightly higher than the latest \\emph{WMAP} five-year result (\\citealt{bib:wmap5}), where $\\sigma_8 = 0.8$. A lower value of $\\sigma_8$ will mean that haloes are expected to form later and be less concentrated. However, the impact of this parameter on our results is complicated. The semi-analytic models allow some fine-tuning of parameters to match observations. For example, \\cite{bib:Wang08} found no significant difference in the galaxy populations (at the redshift range relevant here) created from semi-analytic models based on the \\emph{WMAP} one-year (\\citealt{bib:wmap1_03}) and \\emph{WMAP} three-year (\\citealt{bib:Spergel07}) $\\sigma_8$ values of 0.9 and 0.722, provided suitable galaxy formation parameters were chosen (the difference becomes significant at high redshift). We find that our results do not change significantly when based on the \\emph{WMAP}3 galaxy catalogue produced by \\cite{bib:Wang08} when the same merger timescale is adopted (as in their model C). However, in their model B (which has the same star formation efficiency but a shorter merger timescale than the \\citealt{bib:DeLucia07} catalogue) we find a factor of $\\sim$ 2 fewer haloes with central substructure. To summarise, while we find that the fraction of luminous satellites in group-sized haloes at $ z \\sim 1$ is roughly consistent with the observational data we caution that a firm conclusion can only be reached with higher-resolution simulations involving a realistic treatment of the gas processes. At the same time, a larger sample of gravitational lenses will also be beneficial to constrain these models and allow more definitive conclusions on the properties of the substructure to be made." }, "0809/0809.4008_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We explore the consequences of the existence of a very large number of light scalar degrees of freedom in the early universe. We distinguish between {\\em participator\\/} and {\\em spectator\\/} fields. The former have a small mass, and can contribute to the inflationary dynamics; the latter are either strictly massless or have a negligible VEV. In N-flation and generic assisted inflation scenarios, inflation is a co-operative phenomenon driven by $N$ participator fields, none of which could drive inflation on its own. We review upper bounds on $N$, as a function of the inflationary Hubble scale $H$. We then consider stochastic and eternal inflation in models with $N$ participator fields showing that individual fields may evolve stochastically while the whole ensemble behaves deterministically, and that a wide range of eternal inflationary scenarios are possible in this regime. We then compute one-loop quantum corrections to the inflationary power spectrum. These are largest with $N$ spectator fields and a single participator field, and the resulting bound on $N$ is always {\\em weaker\\/} than those obtained in other ways. We find that loop corrections to the N-flation power spectrum do not scale with $N$, and thus place no upper bound on the number of participator fields. This result also implies that, at least to leading order, the theory behaves like a composite single scalar field. In order to perform this calculation, we address a number of issues associated with loop calculations in the Schwinger-Keldysh ``in-in'' formalism. ", "introduction": "Many candidate theories of fundamental physics predict the existence of large numbers of scalar degrees of freedom. Classically, if these modes are not excited they play no role in the cosmological dynamics. Quantum mechanically, however, light scalar modes fluctuate with an amplitude set by the Hubble scale $H$ and, since everything couples to the graviton, they contribute to loop corrections. Thus, while adding $N$ light scalar modes need not change the classical dynamics of the early universe, we expect quantum contributions that scale with $N$. In addition, if these fields are in thermal equilibrium with the rest of the universe their contribution to the effective number of degrees of freedom modifies the relationship between density and temperature. For a given $H$ we can therefore find an upper limit on $N$, above which these modes dominate the cosmological evolution. Consider a scenario with $N$ scalar fields, \\begin{equation} S = \\int d^4 x \\sqrt{g}\\left[\\frac{M_p^2}{2}R+ \\sum_I \\left(-\\frac{1}{2}(\\partial{\\phi_I})^2 + V_I(\\phi_I)\\right) \\right] \\, ,\\label{eqn:Nflationaction} \\end{equation} where the total potential $V = \\sum_I V_I(\\phi_I)$ is a sum of $N$ uncoupled potential terms.\\footnote{We use the reduced Planck mass $M_p^2 = 1/8\\pi G$ throughout.} A field $\\phi_I$ is ``light'' if $d^2V_I/d\\phi_I^2 /2\\equiv m_I^2 \\ll H^2$. We make a distinction between {\\em participator\\/} and {\\em spectator\\/} fields. The latter are either massless because $V_I$ is strictly zero, or their vacuum expectation value (VEV) is very small. Conversely, participator fields have small but non-zero mass and sufficient VEV for them to help drive inflation via their contribution to the overall density. Perhaps the simplest route to a meaningful bound on $N$ is to note that all these fields undergo quantum mechanical fluctuations of order $\\delta \\phi_i \\sim H/2\\pi$. During inflation these fluctuations freeze out as classical perturbations at scales larger than the Hubble length, $1/H$. Each field has gradient energy $(\\nabla \\phi)^2/2$, which counts towards the overall energy density. The gradient energy thus scales like $N(\\delta \\phi /\\delta x)^2 /2 \\sim N H^4/8 \\pi^2$. Given $H$, the energy density is provided by the $0-0$ Einstein equation, $H^2 = \\rho/3{M_p^2}$. For self-consistency, the gradient contribution must be much smaller than other contributions to $\\rho$, so \\begin{equation} N \\ll \\frac{M_p^2}{H^2}. \\label{eqn:gradientbound} \\end{equation} If inflation occurs at the GUT scale, then $M_p/H\\sim 10^5$ and $N\\ll 10^{10}$. This bound can be derived by many routes (e.g. \\cite{Huang:2007zt,Dvali:2008sy}), and appears to be robust.\\footnote{In \\cite{Ahmad:2008vy,Ahmad:2008eu} this limit on $N$ is derived in the context of N-flation but in reality it applies to {\\em any\\/} scenario with $N$ light fields.} One can also consider bounds on $N$ from loop corrections to the gravitational constant. Since gravity (and thus the graviton) couples to all fields, matter loop corrections can renormalize its value \\cite{Zee:1981mk,Adler:1980bx}. Veneziano \\cite{Veneziano:2001ah} argued that in order for the effective value of Newton's constant to be greater than zero we need \\begin{equation} N \\ll \\frac{M_p^2}{\\Lambda^2}, \\label{eqn:speciesbound} \\end{equation} where $\\Lambda$ is the scale of the invariant UV cut-off, for example the mass scale of the $N$ stable fields. Likewise, Veneziano \\cite{Veneziano:2001ah} points out that this bound prevents potential violations of the holographic bound on the entropy density that can be encountered when the total number of species grows without limit \\cite{Unruh:1982ic, Sorkin:1981wd}, the so-called ``Species Problem''. More recently, Dvali \\cite{Dvali:2007hz} noted that in the presence of a large number of species, the Veneziano mechanism weakens the gravitational coupling by a factor of $1/N$. Setting $N\\sim 10^{32}$ and working at the TeV scale to satisfy the bound of equation~(\\ref{eqn:speciesbound}) solves the hierarchy problem, provided some ultraviolet completion of the standard mode can produce the requisite value of $N$. Dvali also provides an alternate non-perturbative derivation of equation (\\ref{eqn:speciesbound}) based on the consistency of black hole physics. In Section~ \\ref{sect:eternal} we begin by considering stochastic inflation \\cite{Vilenkin:1983xq,Linde:1986fd,Guth:2000ka} with multiple degrees of freedom. Many simple inflationary potentials possess a range of field values for which the potential is safely sub-Planckian, while the stochastic motion of the field dominates the semi-classical rolling. With a single field, a stochastic phase is necessarily eternal, since the inflationary domains perpetually reproduce themselves. However, once $N>1$, more complicated scenarios become possible. Specifically, with $N$ participator fields we can implement {\\em assisted\\/} eternal inflation without any single field acquiring a super-Planckian VEV. This scenario is a variety of ``assisted inflation'' where the inflaton is a composite of many individual fields \\cite{Liddle:1998jc}. Secondly, we find solutions where {\\em individual\\/} fields move stochastically, but a well-defined composite field rolls smoothly towards its minimum. Finally, we find models where a field (or fields) evolves semi-classically, along with other fields that move stochastically. If these fields have symmetry breaking potentials they yield an apparent ``multiverse'' of disconnected bubbles. However, the stochastic phase ends globally, as the semi-classically evolving field gives a natural cut-off to what would otherwise be an eternally inflating universe, providing a potential toy model for studying the well-known measure problem in eternal inflation \\cite{Linde:1993xx,Guth:2000ka,Garriga:2005av,Easther:2005wi, Bousso:2006ev, Aguirre:2006ak,Easther:2007sz}. All fields couple to the inflaton gravitationally, and thus contribute loop corrections to the inflation potential, via a coupling of order $(H/M_p)^2$. This is necessarily a small number during the last 60 e-folds of inflation, given that $H$ fixes the scale of tensor fluctuations and is bounded by the absence of an observed B-mode in the microwave background. Consequently, any single loop makes a tiny correction to the inflaton propagator. However, this contribution is amplified by $N$, the number of species that can flow round the loops, and in Section \\ref{sect:loop} we compute the relevant one-loop corrections to the inflaton propagator. We consider two limits -- $N$ spectator fields with a single inflaton, and the N-flation case, with $N$ participator fields \\cite{Dimopoulos:2005ac,Easther:2005zr}. With $N$ spectator fields we find an upper bound on $N$ similar to those of \\cite{Veneziano:2001ah, Dvali:2007wp}. We describe these results in Section \\ref{sect:loop}, relegating many details to Appendix \\ref{app:1loop}. We work in the ``in-in\" formalism \\cite{Schwinger:1961,Keldysh:1964ud,Jordan:1986ug,Calzetta:1986ey}, which has been turned into an extremely powerful tool for studying higher order corrections to cosmological correlations by Maldacena \\cite{Maldacena:2002vr} and Weinberg \\cite{Weinberg:2005vy}. This calculation requires us to develop the fourth order interaction Hamiltonian for a theory of inflation with $N$ uncoupled scalar fields, which we present in Appendix \\ref{App:4ptderivation}, and which will have applications beyond the current calculation. Moreover, it turns out that there are some subtleties with the computation of loop corrections in the in-in formalism which we also clarify in the Appendices. Finally we conclude in Section \\ref{sect:conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sect:conclusions} In this paper we explore modifications to the dynamics of inflationary models in the presence of $N$ light scalar degrees of freedom. We make a distinction between spectator fields, which do not contribute to the background energy density, and participator fields, whose potential terms contribute to the inflationary background. As summarized in the introduction, a number of very general arguments place finite upper bounds on $N$, which typically take the form $N\\ll M_p^2/H^2$. We first consider the dynamics of stochastic inflation in the presence of large number of light fields, and show that when $N$ is large there is a distinction between stochastic and eternal inflation which does not apply in the single field case. In particular, with a large number of participator fields we show that there is a regime where the individual field motion is dominated by quantum fluctuations and thus stochastic, while the overall evolution of the universe is deterministic. Moreover, if the stochastic fields have symmetry breaking potentials, then one can create a large number of apparent ``pocket'' universes, while retaining the ability to end inflation globally, and controlling the divergences characteristic of scenarios in which inflation is genuinely eternal. Secondly, we explore loop corrections to the 2-point correlation function that provides the inflationary perturbation spectrum. Since any light field can run round a loop, these will typically scale with $N$. We analyze two subcases -- a single inflaton with $N$ spectator fields, and $N$ participator fields. In the former case, we find an explicit bound, but one which is weaker (by one over a factor that must be small during slow roll) than the simple form described above, namely \\begin{equation} N\\lsim \\frac{M_p^2}{H^2}\\frac{1}{\\epsilon}. \\end{equation} On the other hand, with $N$ participator fields ($N$-flation type scenarios), the loop correction is small and independent of $N$. We can understand this result by recasting the action in terms of a composite single scalar field. Finally, in the course of this work, we have had need to look closely at the computation of loop corrections in the in-in formalism. These calculations raise a number of subtle issues, and we give details of our approach in the Appendices. One might whether bounds on $N$ actually rule out otherwise realistic fundamental theories. Within string theory, Vafa \\cite{Vafa:2005ui} argued that $T$ and $S$ dualities ensure that the volume of scalar moduli space is finite, and that there is a strict upper bound on the number of matter fields. We are not aware of explicit stringy constructions which would saturate the large $N$ bounds described above in any reasonable compactification of string theory and with a finite non-zero Newton constant. As we have noted, many independent arguments put limits on the allowed value of $N$. For example, reference \\cite{Watanabe:2007tf} notes that if $N$ is too large, the inflaton can decay into a large number of species during reheating, which may cause phenomenological problems in the later universe, while \\cite{Leblond:2008gg} suggests that validity of the perturbative expansion itself provides a constraint on $N$. We have chosen to work in the simplest models of multi-field inflation, where the fields have uncoupled potentials. One can multifield hybrid inflation \\cite{Linde:1993cn} with large number of coupled fields, and it would be interesting to ask if such models which are not ruled out by radiative corrections to their potentials but by the loop corrections to their power spectrum. Also, while higher correlation functions themselves do not seem to impose any bound on $N$ \\cite{Battefeld:2006sz}, one could check whether this was also true of their quantum corrections." }, "0809/0809.3244_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Since their discovery, cosmic crystalline silicates have presented several challenges to understanding dust formation and evolution. The mid-infrared spectrum of IRAS\\,17495$-$2534, a highly obscured oxygen-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star, is the only source observed to date which exhibits a clear crystalline silicate absorption feature. This provides an unprecedented opportunity to test competing hypotheses for dust formation. Observed spectral features suggest that both amorphous and crystalline dust is dominated by forsterite (Mg$_2$SiO$_4$) rather than enstatite (MgSiO$_3$) or other silicate compositions. We confirm that high mass-loss rates should produce more crystalline material, and show why this should be dominated by forsterite. The presence of Mg$_2$SiO$_4$ glass suggests that another factor (possibly C/O) is critical in determining astromineralogy. Correlation between crystallinity, mass-loss rate and initial stellar mass suggests that only the most massive AGB stars contribute significant quantities of crystalline material to the interstellar medium, resolving the conundrum of its low crystallinity. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} One of the most exciting recent developments in astronomy was the discovery of crystalline silicate stardust by the Infrared Space Observatory \\citep[ISO;][]{isoref}. Crystalline silicates were initially discovered around evolved intermediate mass stars at far-infrared (IR) wavelengths \\citep{waters96}, but have since been detected in % young stellar objects \\citep{herbig}, comets \\citep{comets}, and Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxies \\citep{ulirg}. In the interstellar medium (ISM) silicate grains in crystalline form are rare \\citep[$\\sim$1\\% crystalline by mass;][]{min07,kemper04}. However, Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars and their successors (pre-planetary and planetary nebulae) are the major contributors of material to the ISM \\citep{kwok04}. It has been suggested that AGB stars could contain \\gapprox 10\\% crystalline silicates \\citep{kemper04}, so it is vital to understand the formation of dust around AGB stars to resolve this apparent discrepancy. AGB stars are luminous cool giants, with high mass-loss rates ($10^{-7} < \\dot{M} < 10^{-3}$\\,M$_{\\odot}$/yr), which increase over time \\citep{mloss}. They are highly evolved descendants of low- to intermediate-mass (0.8--8\\,M$_{\\odot}$) stars. Mass loss produces a circumstellar envelope, where dust forms. The order in which different species condense from the outflowing gas depends on the physical conditions within the envelope. Once $\\dot{M}$ is very high the circumstellar shell becomes optically thick, even at IR wavelengths, and the silicate emission features absorb themselves. The dust mineralogy is dictated by the dust condensation sequence and depends strongly on $\\dot{M}$ \\citep{dijk05}. \\citet{blommaert07} showed that the mineralogy depends only on the age of the star for a given initial stellar mass. To date, crystalline silicate features have been seen clearly only in emission. It has been proposed that crystalline silicate absorption at 11$\\mu$m contributes to the broadening of the classic 10$\\mu$m amorphous silicate absorption feature associated with OH/IR stars \\citep{sylvester98,vanhollebeke}. However, IRAS\\,17495$-$2534 (hereafter I17495) is the first object to show a distinct crystalline 11$\\mu$m absorption feature. I17495 is located in the Galactic Plane (gal.\\ coord.\\ = 003.6844$+$00.3880) at a distance of $\\sim$4kpc \\citep{loup93}, about half way to the Galactic Center. The IRAS LRS spectrum clearly exhibits an 11.1$\\mu$m absorption feature superposed on the classic 10$\\mu$m amorphous silicate feature (Fig.~\\ref{SED}). This is the first clear crystalline silicate absorption feature seen to date in any object. $\\dot{M}$ for this object is estimated to be $\\sim 2 \\times 10^{-4} < \\dot{M} < 5\\times 10^{-4}$\\,M$_{\\odot}$/yr based on mid-IR ([25]-[12]) color \\citep{loup93} and the range of optical depths ($15 < \\tau_{10 \\rm \\mu m} < 45$) consistent with our model results (see \\S~\\ref{RTmod}). Both $\\dot{M}$ and expansion velocity \\citep[$v_{\\rm exp}$, 16km/s;][]{loup93} are at the high end of normal for AGB stars. Most extreme O-rich AGB stars are OH/IR stars, exhibiting OH-maser emission. I17495 is one of a handful of visibly obscured O-rich AGB stars not exhibiting OH-maser emission \\citep[dubbed color-mimics;][]{bmlewis1}. However, the spectra of other color mimics more closely resemble those of OH/IR stars, i.e., when observed, the putative 11$\\mu$m crystalline silicate feature is merely a hump superposed on the regular amorphous silicate absorption feature. This is also true for OH/IR stars with similar mass-loss rates in the Galactic Bulge (GB). Even the GB source with the highest $\\dot{M}$ \\citep[$3\\times 10^{-4}$M$_\\odot$/yr; IRAS\\,17276$-$2846;][]{vanhollebeke} shows the 11$\\mu$m feature as a hump, rather than the distinct 11$\\mu$m feature seen in Fig.~\\ref{SED}. While forsterite (crystalline Mg$_2$SiO$_4$) is expected to have a peak near 11.3$\\mu$m \\citep[e.g.][]{koike}, the peak can shift to shorter wavelengths. In the laboratory, \\citet{jaeger2} found that synthetic forsterite peaks closer to 11.2$\\mu$m, and matches the position of the hump observed in GB OH/IR stars \\citep{vanhollebeke}. \\citet{fabian} investigated grain shape effects. Their mass absorption coefficients for ellipsoidal forsterite grains are included in Fig.~\\ref{SED}, and demonstrate that the crystalline forsterite feature can peak at 11.1$\\mu$m. \\citet{boersma} attributed an 11.1$\\mu$m emission feature in the spectrum of a Herbig Ae/Be star to forsterite. \\citet{tamanai} found that, for non-embedded free-flying particles of forsterite, the feature actually peaks at 11.06$\\mu$m. Composition, grain-shape and grain-size can significantly shift the position of this feature. ", "conclusions": "We have presented the first crystalline silicate absorption feature observed to date. The spectrum of I17495 is enigmatic and suggests that its dust is dominated by Mg$_2$SiO$_4$ in both the crystalline and amorphous phases. We have confirmed that high mass-loss rates should produce more crystalline material than low mass-loss rates; and that the crystalline mineralogy should be increasingly dominated by forsterite as mass-loss rates increase. The most likely factor controlling both crystallinity and mineralogy is the C/O ratio. We suggest that the correlation between crystallinity, mass-loss rate and initial stellar mass mitigates the problem of the very different crystal fractions observed in some AGB stars and in the ISM. Only the rarer, higher mass AGB stars contribute a significant amount of crystalline material to the ISM." }, "0809/0809.4286.txt": { "abstract": "%%% Abstract to run on from here. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.0698_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present an astrometry and photometry catalogue of globular cluster (GC) candidates detected with HST WFPC2 in a sample of 19 early-type galaxies, appropriate for comparison to the low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) populations observed with \\chandra. In a companion paper, we present the \\chandra\\ data and investigate the relation between these populations. We demonstrate that, although there is little evidence of a colour-magnitude correlation for the GCs, after estimating mass and metallicity from the photometry, under the assumption of a single age simple stellar population, there is a significant positive correlation between mass and metallicity. We constrained ${\\rm [Z/H] = (-2.1\\pm0.2)+(0.25\\pm0.04)log_{10}M}$, with a 1-$\\sigma$ intrinsic scatter of 0.62~dex in metallicity. If GCs are bimodal in metallicity this relation is consistent with recent suggestions of a mass-metallicity relation only for metal-poor clusters. Adopting a new technique to fit the GC luminosity function (GCLF) accounting for incompleteness and the Eddington bias, we compute the V-band local GC specific frequency (\\Sn) and specific luminosity (\\Sl) of each galaxy. We show that \\Sl\\ is the more robust measure of the richness of a GC population where a significant fraction is undetected due to source detection incompleteness. We find that the absolute magnitude of the GCLF turnover exhibits intrinsic scatter from galaxy to galaxy of $\\sim$0.3~mag (1-$\\sigma$), limiting its accuracy as a standard distance measure. ", "introduction": "Globular clusters (GCs) are found in galaxies of all morphological types and sizes. As primarily old stellar systems, their distribution and properties provide crucial insights into the way in which structure forms within the Universe. For a recent review we refer the reader to \\citet{brodie06a}. An intriguing characteristic of these objects, which provides valuable clues as to their structure and internal dynamics, is their association with low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs). Although it has long been recognized that LMXBs are overabundant per unit optical light by a factor $\\sim$100 in Milky Way GCs as compared to the field \\citep{fabian75a,clark75a}, the small number of sources has limited what this phenomenon can tell us about LMXB formation. With the advent of \\chandra, however, it has become feasible to resolve individual LMXBs in galaxies outside the Local Group, and thus to begin to assemble larger samples of LMXB-hosting GCs \\citep[\\eg][]{sarazin03}. Given their typically rich GC populations and their clean, old stellar populations which prevent contamination of the X-ray sources with high-mass X-ray binaries, massive early-type galaxies, in particular, provide an ideal environment in which to conduct such studies \\citep[\\eg][]{kundu02a,sarazin03,humphrey04a}. Even with the small samples of galaxies in which the GC-LMXB connection has been investigated to date, some intriguing trends have already been observed. By comparing the numbers of GCs and the total luminosity of LMXBs in early-type galaxies \\citet{irwin05a} argued that a significant fraction of the LMXBs observed in the field form in the field, despite the stellar population being old. \\citet{juett05a} reported a similar result although, since they did not strictly compare the numbers of LMXBs and GCs within the same apertures, the strength of their correlation has been called into question \\citep[][]{kim05a}. Typically $\\sim$4\\% of GCs are observed to harbour LMXBs, with brighter and redder (more metal rich) GCs preferentially likely to contain them \\citep{kundu02a,sarazin03,kim05a}. The GC luminosity dependence is broadly consistent with the probability of harbouring an LMXB being proportional to the mass or to the stellar capture cross-section in the GC \\citep[\\eg][]{jordan04a,smits06a,sivakoff06a}. The origin of the colour dependence is unclear and several different possible explanations have been proposed \\citep[for a review of some of these, see][]{jordan04a}. \\citet{maccarone04a} suggested it may relate to different patterns of mass-transfer in metal-rich and metal-poor LMXBs. Alternatively, it may arise due to variations in the IMF between metal-poor and metal-rich clusters \\citep{grindlay87a}, or the efficiency of magnetic braking \\citep{ivanova06c}. So far, however, most studies of the LMXB-GC connection have been relatively small and so strong general conclusions are difficult to draw. The properties of the GC populations in early-type galaxies themselves are also of considerable interest since they provide a unique insight into how such galaxies form. Although the numbers of GCs do not simply scale with the total stellar mass of a galaxy, the GC luminosity function (GCLF) is observed to be remarkably uniform \\citep[\\eg][]{harris91a}. Typically it can be well-fitted by a log-normal distribution, the absolute shape of which varies only weakly with the galaxy properties \\citep[\\eg][]{kundu01b,jordan06a}. The origin of this shape may be related to the dynamical destruction of low-mass GCs \\citep[\\eg][]{vesperini03a}. The stability of the GCLF peak (``turnover'') has led to its adoption as a standard distance measure for nearby galaxies \\citep{harris91a,jacoby92}, although there has been some debate as to its reliability \\citep[\\eg][]{ferrarese00a,kundu01b}. A recent study of early-type galaxies in Virgo (which span $\\sim$7~magnitudes in B) by \\citet{jordan07a} found that the width and, possibly, the turnover magnitude vary with the galaxy absolute magnitude, in the sense that the least-massive galaxies have narrower, fainter GCLFs. The authors did, however, find significant scatter about these relations for galaxies at a given magnitude. The GC colour distributions of early-type galaxies are observed to be almost universally bimodal, \\citep[\\eg][]{zepf93a,gebhardt99a}, probably indicating ubiquitous metal-rich and metal-poor sub-populations \\citep[although see][]{richtler06a,yoon06a}. The GC distribution, in particular that of the metal-poor (\\ie\\ blue) population, is observed to be substantially more extended than the optical light \\citep{geisler96a}. The average colour of the GCs in a galaxy strongly correlates with the total galaxy magnitude \\citep{brodie91a}, reflecting an increasing fraction of red GCs in more massive galaxies coupled with a correlation between mean GC metallicity and galaxy mass for both blue and red clusters \\citep{peng06a}. There is, however, no correspondingly strong correlation between the colour and luminosity of the GCs themselves \\citep[\\eg][]{larsen01a,kundu01b}. A weak colour-magnitude relation has been observed, but only in metal-poor GCs, in recent observations of nearby galaxies \\citep[][]{harris06a,strader06a,mieske06a}. These clues point to different origins for the two sub-populations, with the metal-poor clusters possibly forming in low-mass halos in the very early Universe and being accreted during hierarchical structure formation. In contrast, metal rich clusters may form during the gas-rich mergers which assemble the massive galaxy \\citep[][and references therein]{brodie06a}. In this paper, we present a study of the GC populations in 19 early-type galaxies observed with \\hst\\ WFPC2. In particular, we present a photometric catalogue of GC candidates which can be directly compared to the properties of observed LMXBs. In a companion paper, \\citet[][hereafter \\lmxbpaper]{humphrey06b}, we present the \\chandra\\ data for these galaxies and investigate the relation between these populations, significantly expanding the sample of galaxies in which the LMXB-GC connection has been investigated. In the present work we compute self-consistently derived properties of the GC populations, such as the GC specific frequency, \\Sn, specific luminosity, \\Sl, and the GCLF turnover, \\mturn. The self-consistent computation of such parameters is essential for our analysis in Paper~I. The galaxies used in this study were chosen from the \\chandra\\ and \\hst\\ archives as having sufficiently deep ACIS and WFPC2 data to enable a significant fraction of the LMXBs and GCs to be individually resolved. To enable a consistent comparison between the galaxies and to mitigate against the rapidly-degrading \\chandra\\ PSF off-axis, we focus here only on WFPC2 pointings of the centre of each galaxy. The galaxies, and the details of the archival observations used are shown in Table~\\ref{table_obs}. All errors quoted are 90\\% confidence regions, unless otherwise stated in the text. ", "conclusions": "In order to facilitate a direct comparison between LMXBs in early-type galaxies and possible GC candidates, we have presented a catalogue of GC candidates and key derived properties based on the \\hst\\ WFPC2 centrally-pointed observations of 19 nearby early-type galaxies. The complete source catalogue, including coordinates and photometry, is given in Appendix~\\ref{sect_sourcelist}. The total fraction of the GC light detected and GC specific luminosities are given for each galaxy in Table~\\ref{table_derived}. In \\lmxbpaper\\ we combine these data with archival \\chandra\\ observations of early-type galaxies to show that the majority of LMXBs must have formed in GCs. We self-consistently derived various properties of the GC populations, including fits to the GCLFs. We report specific frequency, \\Sn, and specific luminosity, \\Sl, of the GC populations. Since the luminosity is dominated by clusters brighter than the turnover, we found that \\Sl\\ is much less sensitive than \\Sn\\ to uncertainties in the GCLF turnover or width, making it a more robust indicator of the richness of the GC population where a significant fraction of the GCs are undetected due to source detection incompleteness. We find that the absolute magnitude of the GCLF turnover (\\Mturn) exhibits intrinsic scatter from galaxy to galaxy of $\\sim$0.3--0.4~mag, when compared to SBF distance moduli, consistent with the estimate of \\citet{ferrarese00a}. \\citet{kundu01b} argued the intrinsic uncertainty in the GCLF distance measure is $\\sim0.14$~mag, but only when using a small subset of the galaxies in their sample with the smallest error-bars on \\mturn. However, there is a significant correlation between (\\mturn-\\mturn$_{\\rm model}$) and the error on \\mturn\\ (as expected, since, the fainter the turnover, the less complete the data), and so this systematically selects against galaxies with faint \\Mturn, possibly reducing the scatter. Provided their error-estimates are reasonably representative, one can adopt the procedure outlined in \\S~\\ref{sect_mass_metallicity} to estimate the intrinsic scatter for the 25 galaxies in their full sample which overlap the SBF sample of \\citet{tonry01}. Using this approach, we estimate an intrinsic scatter of $\\sim$0.38~mag (with a 90\\% lower limit of 0.23~mag), consistent with our results. \\citet{jordan06a} \\citep[see also][]{jordan07a} fitted Gaussian models to the GCLFs of early-type galaxies in Virgo, and found a trend of increasingly faint turnover magnitude with fainter $M_B$. For their galaxies with $M_B$\\ltsim -20, we estimate by eye an intrinsic scatter of $\\sim$0.3~mag, also consistent with the estimate from our data. To some extent, this scatter is driven by the presence of significant populations of diffuse star clusters in two systems; it may be that the presence of similar populations in the galaxies we consider here have contributed to the significant scatter we observe. In keeping with past studies of GCs using V and I-band photometry we did not find any evidence of a significant correlation between colour and luminosity. Converting the colour and magnitude of each GC to mass and metallicity, however, we found evidence of a weak mass-metallicity correlation for the GC populations as a whole. This trend cannot simply be attributed to observational biases, such as the systematic failure to detect faint (low-mass), red (metal-rich) GCs, since that would actually result in a stronger correlation in the colour-magnitude diagram. Similarly, our assumptions of a constant age for all GCs or a blue horizontal branch for all GCs do not appear to bias our results. The apparent contradiction of no colour-magnitude correlation implying a mass-metallicity relation can be understood in terms of the weak dependence of the SSP mass-to-light ratio on the metallicity. To put this another way, if there was no correlation between mass and metallicity, due to the dependence of the mass-to-light ratio on metallicity, we would expect there to be a significant colour-magnitude correlation. To investigate this further, we simulated an artificial dataset comprising a similar number of GCs to that observed. For each artificial GC, we randomly assigned a mass and metallicity value from, respectively, uncorrelated log-normal and normal distributions which approximately matched the observed data. Using the appropriate V and I-band mass-to-light ratios from \\citet{maraston05a}, these data were converted to V and I-band photometry, and estimated experimental noise was added. There was strong evidence of a weak correlation (the probability of no correlation was $<10^{-40}$) between colour and magnitude, with the fainter GCs being, on average redder. Conversely, we have also used similar simulations to generate colour-magnitude diagrams from artificial GC datasets which obey the observed mass-metallicity dependence. Exactly as expected, we find that there is only weak evidence of a correlation in the resulting data (prob of no correlation $\\sim$0.1\\%, as compared to $\\sim 10^{-37}$ in colour-metallicity space), demonstrating that the metallicity-dependent mass-to-light ratio can, indeed, destroy a colour-magnitude relation. The galaxies in our sample span a range of magnitudes and so it is important to consider whether the known correlation between the galaxy mass and the peak of the GC colour distribution may affect our results. In part the relation reflects the increasing importance of red clusters in higher-mass galaxies \\citep[\\eg][]{peng06a} and it is difficult to imagine how that could introduce a spurious GC mass-metallicity correlation if one is not already present. More problematically though, \\citeauthor{peng06a} report a correlation between the mean metallicity of the {\\em blue} GCs and the galaxy mass and a similar trend for the red clusters. However, lower-mass galaxies are observed to have systematically narrower and fainter GCLFs \\citep{jordan07a}, which would be consistent with a trend for brighter GCs to be redder. In any case, for the magnitude range of the galaxies we consider here, the scatter about each correlation is at least as large as the trend. After this work was submitted for publication, we became aware of a paper by \\citet{kundu08a} which suggests that an apparent mass-metallicity relation may arise due to observational biases. He proposes that a weak mass-radius relationship, coupled with differing errors in the photometric aperture correction (since larger clusters may be marginally resolved) in different wavebands may lead to a spurious correlation. To investigate whether this could plausibly explain our observations, we first estimated the error in the aperture correction for both V and I band by convolving King models with varying half light radii (\\rh) with PSF images (as described in \\S~\\ref{sect_reduction}). Since the vast majority of the GCs in our study were detected on the WF CCDs and in galaxies more distant than 15~Mpc, we computed the correction for our WF photometry only and adopted a 15~Mpc distance while allowing \\rh\\ to vary from 1 to 8~pc \\citep[consistent with observations, \\eg][]{spitler06a}. Although the size of the cluster can affect the photometry in either band by as much as $\\sim$0.3~mag, the effect was very similar in each filter so that V-I only changed by $\\ll 0.1$~mag. Such a small effect is not enough to wipe out the expected V-I {\\em versus} V correlation in the case that mass and metallicity are uncorrelated. We have verified this by adding a colour-size relation into our Monte-Carlo simulations detailed above. We adopted a pathological monotonic linear relation between GC radius and V-band magnitude, which is much stronger than the weak trend observed. For our simulated colour-magnitude diagram under the assumption of no mass-metallicity relation, we found that, although the mass-radius effect slightly reduces the resulting colour-magnitude correlation, the probability the data are consistent with no correlation is still $\\sim 10^{-32}$. While our results depend to some degree on the adopted SSP models, it is clear that two independent sets of models--- those of \\citet{maraston05a} and those of \\citet{fioc97a} both imply a significant correlation between the mass and metallicity in these objects. The different normalizations and slopes for these models simply arise from differences in the predicted relations between the V and I-band mass-to-light ratios and the metallicity between the sets of models. However, {\\em any} prediction of a metallicity-dependent mass-to-light ratio will clearly give rise to a mass-metallicity correlation of this kind. It is also interesting to compare our best-fitting mass-metallicity relation with that observed in early-type galaxies. We show in Fig~\\ref{fig_composite_cmd} an extrapolation of the best-fitting straight-line relation for early-type galaxies found by \\citet{thomas05a}. Intriguingly, we find a reasonable qualitative agreement, although the \\citeauthor{thomas05a} relation is slightly less steep and has a slightly higher normalization. The observed trend for GCs may arise from a number of effects, such as self-enrichment \\citep[\\eg][]{mieske06a}, in which the deeper potential wells of more massive GCs are more able to hold onto metals ejected from the very first generations of stars within them than in less-massive systems. Alternatively, the mass of a forming GC may be related to the mass (and metallicity) of its parent gas cloud \\citep[\\eg][]{harris06a}. Whatever processes actually underlie the mass-metallicity relation, the remarkable amount of intrinsic scatter (0.6~dex in metallicity) implies that stochastic processes actually dominate in determining the metallicity of an individual GC. Alternatively if there are, in fact, metal-rich and metal-poor sub-populations that cannot be distinguished in our data due to the statistical noise, and which exhibit different relations, the measured scatter will actually substantially overestimate the magnitude of such effects. Recent (B,I)-band photometry, which allows better separation of metal-rich and metal-poor clusters, has revealed colour-magnitude correlations for the metal-poor (blue) sub-population of GCs in some early-type galaxies, but no clear trend for the red population. Transforming a composite colour-magnitude diagram of three giant Virgo ellipticals onto the mass-metallicity plane, \\citet{mieske06a} found little evidence of bimodality, but a trend of increasing average metallicity with mass, broadly consistent with our observed mass-metallicity dependence. Although bimodal colour distributions need not necessarily imply bimodal metallicity distributions \\citep[\\eg][]{richtler06a}, it is unclear whether the absence of bimodality in the mass-metallicity plane is simply an artefact of noise introduced during the transformation from colour-magnitude space. In particular, for our data, the error-bars on [Z/H] were typically so large that two putative distinct populations may have been blurred together. This is particularly relevant when we consider whether the ``blue tilt'' and, in particular, the lack of a colour-magnitude relation for the metal-rich clusters found by previous authors, are consistent with our data. To assess this, we simulated a set of artificial GC photometry data-points in the (g,z) photometric bands, with random z-band absolute magnitudes ranging from -7 to -11 and colours obeying the ``blue tilt'' relation found for blue GCs by \\citet{strader06a}. Transforming the data to the mass-metallicity plane using the models of \\citet{maraston05a}, the data were approximately consistent with a simple linear relation of the form [Z/H]=-4.43+0.50$\\log_{10}(M/M_\\odot)$. Performing the same analysis for the red GCs found by \\citeauthor{strader06a}, which we approximate as having g-z colours of 1.4, we found [Z/H]$\\simeq$-0.22. For a population of both blue and red GCs, we would expect the mean mass-metallicity relation to be simply a weighted average of these two relations. The existing best-fit slope and intercept are actually reproduced fairly well (0.25 and -2.3, respectively) for a (reasonable) blue GC fraction of $\\sim$50\\%. This excellent agreement with our results indicates that we may be observing the same trend as was observed in the (g,z) band, albeit the different trends for the red and blue populations are averaged together. \\appendix" }, "0809/0809.0521_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have imaged 45 quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) with redshifts $1.85 < z < 4.26$ in $JHK_s$ with the KPNO SQIID imager. By combining these data with optical magnitudes from the SDSS we have computed the restframe optical spectral indices of this sample and investigate their relation to quasar redshift. We find a mean spectral index of $\\langle\\alpha_o\\rangle = -0.55\\pm0.42$ with a large spread in values. We also find possible evolution of the form $\\alpha_o = (0.148\\pm0.068)z - (0.964\\pm0.200)$ in the luminosity range $-28.0 < M_i < -26.5$. Such evolution suggests changes in the accretion process in quasars with time and is shown to have an effect on computed quasar luminosity functions. ", "introduction": "The recent publication of large samples of quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey \\citep[SDSS;][]{sch07} and the Two Degree Field QSO Redshift Survey \\citep[2QZ;][]{cro04} allows the study of the evolution of the quasar population spanning long lookback times with large, homogenous catalogs of objects and the characterization of the quasar luminosity function (QLF). The \\citet{ric06a} QLF formed from the SDSS Third Data Release Quasar Catalog (DR3QLF) is defined from 15,343 quasars over 1622 deg$^2$, spanning redshifts from $z=0$ to $5$ and reaching luminosities down to $M_i < -23$ in their lowest redshift bins. They find a peak in type 1 quasar activity between $z=2.2$ and $2.8$ and a general flattening of the slope of the bright-end QLF with increasing redshift. \\citet{hop07} compute a bolmetric QLF, combining many quasars surveys, including the DR3QLF and the 2QZ. They find a peak in the quasar luminosity density at $z=2.15$ and an evolving QLF bright-end slope that becomes flatter at redshifts $z>3$. One major difficulty in characterizing the evolution in quasar space densities is finding an appropriate way to calculate the absolute magnitudes of a survey sample and compare these magnitudes with other surveys, or even to objects within the same survey if it spans a large redshift range, i.e., how to calculate the appropriate {\\it K} correction. Traditionally, absolute magnitudes were corrected back to the restframe $B$-band \\citep{sch83,boy87}, as most early surveys for quasars included the measurement of flux around $4400\\AA$, by assuming a power-law form for quasar spectra redward of Lyman-$\\alpha$ of the form $f_\\nu \\propto \\nu^{\\alpha}$ and assuming an average spectral index, $\\alpha$, for the survey sample. As surveys move to higher redshifts, beyond $z=3$, the observed $B$-band ceases to sample the quasar continuum effectively, as the Lyman-$\\alpha$ line moves into and redward of that filter. In the recent past, research groups have adopted several methods for computing absolute magnitudes and have referenced their magnitudes to different restframe wavelengths. For instance, \\citet{sch95} and \\citet{ken95} adopt an average spectral index of $\\alpha=-0.5$ in their computations of $M_B$, while \\citet{war94} avoid the adoption of a spectral index by computing the QLF as a function of $M_{C(1216)}$, the flux in the continuum under the Lyman-$\\alpha$ line, from their direct measurements of the flux at that point in their survey spectra. More recently, \\citet{cro04} present their QLF from the 2QZ at $0.4 < z < 2.1$ in terms of $M_{b_J}$, and \\citet{ric06a} assume an average spectral index, but correct $i$-band magnitudes to $z=2$. The correction to $z=2$ is prompted by the desire to minimize the effects of extrapolating the assumed quasar powerlaw over large wavelengths, as suggested by \\citet{wis00}. Such differences in the methods for computing absolute magnitudes has led to some discrepancies in computed quasar space densities in past surveys \\citep{ken97}. The initial goals of this near-infrared (NIR) imaging program were to measure the restframe $B$-band flux for a set of quasars in several redshift ranges, to compare the differences in the absolute magnitudes, $M_B$, as computed from extrapolations of flux values at lower wavelengths to flux values measured directly, and to see how this changed with redshift. This is equivalent to measuring the restframe optical spectral index of the quasars from optical and NIR photometry. In this paper we report the initial results of a program to measure the restframe optical spectral index, $\\alpha_o$, of a subset of SDSS quasars at $1.85 < z < 4.26$ using their reported optical magnitudes and NIR photometry obtained at the KPNO 2.1m telescope using the Simultaneous Quad Infrared Imaging Device (SQIID). In \\S 2 we present the program design. The data used in the project, both archived and new observations, are described in \\S 3. In \\S 4 we give the program results, including computations of spectral indices and the implications for the resulting absolute magnitudes. We discuss our results further in \\S 5. ", "conclusions": "It has long been recognized that adopting an average spectral index for the power-law form of quasar spectral energy distributions can effect the evolution in the QLF \\citep[e.g.][]{gia92,fra96,ken97,wis98,ric06a}. However, the adoption of an average spectral index persists in most studies of the QLF, with $\\alpha=-0.5$ being the most common value used. Recent work in the X-ray region has led to a general consensus that there is a dependence of quasar SED on luminosity \\citep[see][for an exception]{tan07}. As for dependence on $z$, some groups find no evidence for the evolution of X-ray spectral indices, $\\alpha_{ox}$, with redshift \\citep[e.g.][]{ste06}, while others do see a linear dependence of optical to X-ray spectral indices with $z$ \\citep{kel07}. X-ray emission in AGN is generally taken to arise from a hot corona of optically thin gas heated by Compton scattering of thermal photons from a thick accretion disk, the likely source of the optical/UV emission. While emission from these two regions is likely related, there is little evidence for a direct link between the X-ray and optical/UV emission, and \\citet{kel07} find no evidence for a correlation between $\\alpha_{UV}$ and $\\alpha_{ox}$. Previous attempts to study the optical spectral energy distributions of quasars include \\citet{fra96} who find $\\alpha=-0.46\\pm0.30$ from a sample of LBQS quasars using optical and NIR photometry, \\citet{cri90} who compute {\\it K} corrections as a function of redshift in $UBV$ and find $\\alpha\\approx-0.7$ at $1000-5500\\AA$ from their composite quasar spectra, \\cite{van01} who construct a composite quasar spectrum from an SDSS quasar sample and find $\\alpha=-0.46$ for the region Ly-$\\alpha$ to H$\\beta$, and \\citet{pen03} who find $\\langle\\alpha\\rangle = -0.57 \\pm 0.33$ from optical and NIR photometry of 45 $z > 3.60$ SDSS quasars. There is considerable spread in the values of $\\alpha$ within each sample, and the distribution of $\\alpha$ found here and by the groups using optical and NIR photometry \\citep{fra96,pen03} are remarkably similar, each having a peak around -0.5 to -0.3 with a tail to the red that shifts the mean of the samples to steeper values. This could be consistent with the findings of \\citet{web95} in their comparison of optical to NIR colors of radio quiet and radio loud quasars, who predict quasars should have an SED with $\\alpha=-0.3$ and that the distribution is caused by dust reddening in the host galaxies. Perhaps more important than the evolution of $\\alpha_o$ with $z$ is the distribution of the spectral index values. \\citet{laf97} have pointed out that, if there is a spread in the spectral slope, there will be a corresponding slower luminosity evolution and steeper QLF's. In general, the most desirable way to present the QLF is in terms of the bolometric luminosity. \\citet{ric06b} demonstrate that computing bolometric luminosities from optical luminosities assuming a single mean quasar SED can lead to errors as large as 50\\%. \\citet{hop07} have determined the bolometric QLF by combining the results of over two dozen quasar surveys from the hard X-ray to the mid-IR. They construct a model SED but allow for the distribution in the power-law components of the model, stressing that there is no ``effective mean'' SED. They also adopt the luminosity dependent value of $\\alpha_{ox}$ of \\citet{ste06}. However, they do not adopt a value of $\\alpha_{ox}$ that depends on redshift as has been suggested by \\citet{kel07} and is supported by our findings in the restframe optical. Given the brightness of our sample, we have not attempted to correct for the contribution of the host galaxy to the SED. The optical and NIR data were taken several years apart, and we have not considered variability in this sample. We have obtained NIR observations for $\\sim100$ more SDSS quasars in these redshift ranges, along with nearly simultaneous ($\\sim 1$ month) optical imaging with the aim of adding to our survey sample and addressing the issue of variability. \\citet{ric03} have stressed the need to correct for redshift dependent color effects when computing photometric spectral indexes, as failing to do so can lead to effects systematic with redshift. We have neglected the presence of emission lines in our photometric passbands. However, due to the nature of the sample - each quasar is sampled at essentially the same points in their SED's as is clearly seen in Figure 5 - the apparent evolution would persist. The generally accepted view of quasar activity is ascribed to the release of gravitational energy by accretion of matter on to a supermassive black hole. The UV/optical flux is seen as arising from a thin, optically thick accretion disk \\citep[see][for a review]{kor99}, so a correlation between $\\alpha_{o}$ and $z$ implies evolution in the accretion process. More studies of the form and possible evolution of quasar SED's are obviously still needed to constrain theoretical models of AGN structure and energy production mechanisms. While ever larger samples of quasars are discovered \\citep[e.g.][]{sch07}, the form of the QLF cannot be fully characterized until we have a better understanding of quasar energy distributions and how they are affected by luminosity, redshift, and environment. Since we are now coming to understand how quasar activity might be related to galaxy formation and evolution, quantifying the shape of the QLF and its evolution remains a pressing problem. Here we have presented some evidence that quasar SED's evolve with cosmic time and have shown that this has a direct effect on the evolution of their luminosity function." }, "0809/0809.0717_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Galaxy Zoo is the first study of nearby galaxies that contains reliable information about the spiral sense of rotation of galaxy arms for a sizeable number of galaxies. We measure the correlation function of spin chirality (the sense in which galaxies appear to be spinning) of face-on spiral galaxies in angular, real and projected spaces. Our results indicate a hint of positive correlation at separations less than $\\sim$ 0.5 Mpc at a statistical significance of 2-3 $\\sigma$. This is the first experimental evidence for chiral correlation of spins. Within tidal torque theory it indicates that the inertia tensors of nearby galaxies are correlated. This is complementary to the studies of nearby spin axis correlations that probe the correlations of the tidal field. Theoretical interpretation is made difficult by the small distances at which the correlations are detected, implying that substructure might play a significant role, and our necessary selection of face-on spiral galaxies, rather than a general volume-limited sample. ", "introduction": "Understanding the creation and evolution of the angular momentum of dark matter halos and galaxies is a crucial building block of a comprehensive theory of galaxy evolution. \\cite{hoyle49} was first to propose that the galaxy spin can be ascribed to the gravitational coupling with the surrounding galaxies. This idea has been formalised and extended in subsequent work \\citep{1969ApJ...155..393P,Dorosspin,1984ApJ...286...38W,1988MNRAS.232..339H,1996MNRAS.282..436C} into the modern theory of the evolution of galaxy spin, known as the tidal torque theory (TTT; see \\cite{2008arXiv0808.0203S} for a review). This theory asserts that protohalos acquire most of their angular momentum in the early stages of their formation, from the lowest non-vanishing contribution from the linear Lagrangian theory, that is, a coupling of the quadrupole of the local mass distribution to the external gravitational shear. Compared to $N$-body simulations, theory produces qualitatively correct results, although there are still significant discrepancies at a more quantitative level. Moreover, it seems that at present there are no clear theoretical directions for improving analytical models \\citep{1987ApJ...319..575B,Porciani:2001db,2005ApJ...627..647B}. On the observational side, most of the work has been done using spiral galaxies. These are characterised by a rotating disk of baryonic matter. The line perpendicular to the plane of the disk determines the axis of rotation, while the spiral arms in most galaxies encode the sense of rotation, i.e the difference between left-hand screw and right-hand screw sense of rotation. For spiral galaxies seen in projection, one can measure the observed galaxy ellipticities, which constrain the \\emph{axis} of the galaxy spin \\citep{2000ApJ...543L.107P,Lee:2001vz,Lee:2007jx,2006ApJ...640L.111T}. This axis is known to within two-fold degeneracy associated with the tilt of the galactic plane with respect to the plane of the sky. Since the vector can point in two directions on the same axis, the ellipticities constrain the spin vector within a total of four-fold degeneracy. Note that chiral information, \\emph{viz.} information about the actual directions of the spin vectors as opposed to spin axis, is completely absent in the study of galactic ellipticities. However, this information contains important clues about the details of the emergence of the spin. As we will explain later in the text, the detection of chiral correlation function implies that the local inertia tensors must be correlated. This lends experimental support to the theoretical expectations that the inertia and gravitational shear tensor are correlated \\citep{Porciani:2001er}. We now have a unique tool to study the chiral properties of galaxy spins. Through an online project called Galaxy Zoo\\footnote{www.galaxyzoo.org} ~\\citep{2008arXiv0804.4483L}, members of the public have visually classified the morphologies and spin orientations for the entire spectroscopic sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS from now on) \\citep{2000AJ....120.1579Y} Data Release 6 (DR6) \\citep{2008ApJS..175..297A}. The data and its reduction is extensively discussed in \\cite{2008arXiv0804.4483L}. Spiral galaxies in the Galaxy Zoo sample are classified as clockwise, anti-clockwise or edge on. The spin direction convention used here is such that clockwise and anti-clockwise rotations correspond to galaxies whose arms are rotating in the sense of the letters Z and S respectively \\citep{1995MNRAS.276..327S}. For each face-on galaxy we thus receive one bit of information corresponding to the sign of the galaxy spin vector projected along the line of sight. It is important to note that this information is independent of the tilt of the plane of the galaxy. We will refer to this one-bit information simply as galaxy spin. By the galaxy spin vector we mean the unit vector that defines the apparent spin of the galaxy: it is perpendicular to the disk plane and points in the direction the right turn screw would move if turned following the spiral arms inwards. This quantity is strongly correlated with the real angular momentum of the gas. The correlation, however, is not perfect and observations show that the angular momentum vector of the gas points in the opposite direction in about four percent of systems \\citep{1982Ap&SS..86..215P}. In turn, there are theoretical expectations that there is a strong, but not perfect correlation between the angular momentum vector of gas and that of the dark matter halos hosting the galaxy \\citep{2002ApJ...576...21V}. A detection of correlation in the galaxy spins would therefore imply a correlation in the dark matter spin vectors. Conversely, a non-detection of the spin correlation can be used to put upper limits on the correlation between angular momentum vectors of dark matter halos. This paper is structured as follows. In Section \\ref{sec:TTT} we shortly review the tidal torque theory and its main results. Section \\ref{theory} will connect the correlation function $\\eta$ to an observable correlation function of spins $c$, while the Section \\ref{datamethod} will introduce our data and measurement technique. We present our results and discuss systematics in Section \\ref{sec:results}. Finally, we discuss our results and conclude in the last Section \\ref{sec:end}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:end} We are now in position to make a synthesis of our results. The redshift-space results show that there is a significant correlation of $c(r)\\sim 0.15$ in the projected galaxy spins up to the $\\sim$ 0.5 $h$/Mpc. The angular correlation, shows larger correlations of $c(\\theta) \\sim 0.4$ that are significant correlations up to 30 arc-seconds, which roughly corresponds to projected distances of about 0.03 Mpc/$h$, since mean redshift of $0.08$ correspond to distance of $\\sim 230$ Mpc/$h$. This is consistent with the redshift-sample results - both exponential and Gaussian fits do predict $c(r)$ to raise to $\\sim$ 0.3--0.4 as $r$ goes to zero. A consistent picture is therefore the following: The angular sample detect correlations at the shortest distances, where majority of pairs are physical associations, but these get diluted at larger distances due to interlopers. The redshift-space correlations track these correlations to larger physical distances. Projected space pairs do not have enough signal-to-noise to detect these correlations at high significance. How do these results compare to theoretical predictions? Simple models as those suggested in \\cite{2000ApJ...543L.107P} (equations (\\ref{eq:pry}) and (\\ref{eq:prx})) predict a vanishing $\\eta$ and hence we have directly detected a non-random distribution of inertia tensors. Within the standard model, the reason for correlations of moments of intertia are the correlations of these with the (slowly varying) tidal field. On the other hand, if moments of intertia are \\emph{perfectly} aligned with the tidal field, the tidal torque cannot produce any angular momentum and therefore the resulting angular momentum is due to the residual 10\\% of misaligment \\citep{Porciani:2001er}. The stunning outcome of our result, if confirmed, is that even these 10\\% misaligments are correlated from (sub-)halo to (sub-)halo. What is also interesting is, however, that in \\cite{Porciani:2001db} $\\eta$ correlations have not been detected in simulations at $z=0$ at all separations. In particular, $\\eta<0.02$ at $r=0.5$ Mpc/$h$. A virtually identical result has been found by \\cite{2005ApJ...627..647B}, who also find $\\eta<0.02$ at $r=0.5$Mpc/$h$ (our $\\eta$ is their $\\xi_{LL}$). This is in tension with our results even after conversion factors in Equation (\\ref{eq:conv}) are taken into account. There are many reasons that explain why our results are not directly comparable to the above work. First, they are comparing individual dark matter halos. In our case, we see the signal at pair separations of less than 1 Mpc. At such distances, one-halo pairs (pairs of galaxies that reside in the same dark matter halo), dominate over two halo pairs (pairs in which two galaxies occupy two different halos). By selecting spiral galaxies, we are essentially selecting pairs that are composed of satellites residing in the same halo, rather than pairs compromised of central halo galaxies. The latter are bright ellipticals and hence inaccessible using our method. Unfortunately, not very much theoretical work has been done for spin correlations of substructure. The most relevant paper in the literature is \\cite{2005ApJ...629L...5L}, which, however, still uses the chirality agnostic model of \\cite{2000ApJ...543L.107P} and does not calculate the chiral correlation function. More work on the theoretical side and $N$-body side is required to understand the implications of our results. Hopefully, the results could be turned around and help us understand what kind of substructure spiral galaxies occupy in a typical dark matter halo. It is therefore imperative that our observational protocol is simulated on a large enough $N$-body simulation, for example the \\emph{Millennium Simulation} \\citep{Springel:2005nw} or \\emph{MareNostrum Universe} \\citep{2007ApJ...664..117G} simulations. There, halos and sub-halos hosting spiral galaxies can be identified and those, whose inclination with respect to a given observer is small enough to be considered face-on, should be correlated. This would result in a quantity $c(r)$ that is directly comparable to the observables that we constrain with the Galaxy Zoo data. Another interesting aspect of our results is that, for spiral galaxies, we essentially exclude large and random misaligments between gas and dark matter angular momenta. Since the dark matter is dynamically dominant, gas angular momenta can only be correlated if they are so due to correlations between dark matter. Finally, it is tempting to combine our measurements with the ellipticity measurements to improve signal-to-noise and remove some systematic. Note, however, that our 1-bit signal divides a four-fold degeneracy into a two-fold one and thus this is a non-trivial task which will be left for the future. To conclude: We have tentatively detected a chiral correlation function in the spins of spiral galaxies. This correlation function vanishes in the simplest models based on tidal torque theory. Our results indicate, that moments of intertia of protohalos that end up hosting spiral galaxies are correlated at distances less than $\\sim$ 0.5 Mpc/$h$.These short distances imply that these protohalos are often likely to be substructures of massive halos. More work is required to understand these results at a quantitative level." }, "0809/0809.4628_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\noindent Scalar field dynamics may give rise to a nonzero cosmological variation of fundamental constants. Within different scenarios based on the unification of gauge couplings, the various claimed observations and bounds may be combined in order to trace or restrict the time history of the couplings and masses. If the scalar field is responsible for a dynamical dark energy or quintessence, cosmological information becomes available for its time evolution. Combining this information with the time variation of couplings, one can determine the interaction strength between the scalar and atoms, which may be observed by tests of the Weak Equivalence Principle. We compute bounds on the present rate of coupling variation from experiments testing the differential accelerations for bodies with equal mass and different composition and compare the sensitivity of various methods. In particular, we discuss two specific models of scalar evolution: crossover quintessence and growing neutrino models. ", "introduction": "Several positive and null results on the time variation of fundamental constants have been reported. In a previous paper \\cite{Part1} we reviewed the relevant observational evidence and bounds, and introduced several distinct scenarios with unification of gauge couplings (GUT) \\cite{Marciano}. Each scenario is characterized by specific relations between the variations of different Standard Model (SM) couplings: specifically, all fractional variations in SM couplings were taken to be proportional to the variation of one underlying unified coupling or a fixed linear combination of several unified couplings. The different scenarios have different consequences for the interpretation of any signal of nonzero variation. We also divided the observations into several cosmological ``epochs'' and discussed the consistency between them within each epoch, as well as whether a monotonic time evolution between epochs could fit the observations. Up to this point no particular dynamical mechanism for the coupling variations was considered. In quantum field theory, a possible time variation of couplings must be associated to the time variation of a field. This field may describe a new ``fundamental particle'' or stand for the expectation value of some composite operator. In this paper we discuss the consequences of the simplest hypothesis, namely that the field is a scalar, such that its time varying expectation value preserves rotation and translation symmetry locally, as well as all gauge symmetries of the Standard Model. Any observation of coupling variations in the cosmological history from nucleosynthesis up to now would imply that the expectation value of this scalar field changes appreciably during this cosmological epoch. Such a ``late time evolution'' (in contrast to the electroweak or QCD phase transition, GUT-phase transition or even inflation) is characteristic for models with a dynamical dark energy or quintessence. Indeed, the potential and kinetic energy of the scalar ``cosmon'' field would contribute a homogeneous and isotropic energy density in the Universe, and therefore lead to dynamical dark energy \\cite{Wetterich88}. The time variation of ``fundamental couplings'' is a generic prediction of such models \\cite{Wetterich:1987fk}. In fact, it has to be explained why the relative variation is tiny during a Hubble time, while the simplest models for a scalar cosmon field arising from superstrings or other unified frameworks typically lead to relative variations of the order one. Efficient mechanisms have been proposed for explaining the smallness of variations, for example based on the approach to a fixed point \\cite{Wetterich:2002wm,Wetterich:2008sx}. Unfortunately, the strength of such mechanisms is not known, such that the overall strength of the scalar coupling to matter remains theoretically undetermined. Several investigations have explored the consequence of scalar quintessence models for the time variation of couplings, as well as models specifically designed to account for coupling variations \\cite{Gasperini:2001pc, Dvali:2001dd, Olive:2001vz, Sandvik:2001rv, Chiba:2001er, Barrow:2002ed, Wetterich:2002ic, WetterichCrossoverQ, Farrar:2003uw, Parkinson:2003kf, Doran:2004ek, Lee:2004vm, Wetterich:1994bg}. The cosmon coupling to atoms determines both the outcome of tests of the Weak Equivalence Principle and the time variation of couplings in the most recent cosmological epoch, including the present. For the latter, one also needs information for the rate of change of the expectation value of the scalar field, which can be expressed in terms of cosmological observables, namely the fraction in dark energy, $\\Omega_h$, and its equation of state, $w_h$. In consequence, the differential acceleration $\\eta$ between two bodies of different composition, and therefore different specific ``cosmon charge'', can be related to the present time variation of couplings and cosmological parameters as \\cite{Wetterich:2002ic} \\beq \\label{eq:DifferentialAccelerationParam} \\eta \\simeq 3.8 \\times 10^{-12} \\left( \\frac{\\dot{\\alpha}/\\alpha}{10^{-15}{\\rm y}^{-1}} \\right)^2 \\frac{ F }{\\Omega_h (1 + w_h)}\\, . \\eeq Here the present dark energy fraction is $\\Omega_h \\approx 0.73$ and $\\dot{\\alpha}/\\alpha$ is the present relative variation of the fine structure constant. % The ``unification factor'' $F$ encodes the dependence on the precise unification scenario (defined in Section \\ref{sec:unif}) and on the composition of the test bodies. In the notation of \\cite{Wetterich:2002ic} we have $F = \\Delta R_Z (1+\\tilde{Q})$, where $\\Delta R_Z = \\Delta (Z/(Z+N))$ is the difference in the proton fraction $Z/A$ between the two bodies, which takes a value $\\Delta R_Z \\lesssim 0.05$ for typical experimental tests of the equivalence principle. The present dark energy equation of state $w_h$ is close to $-1$; we take $1 + w_h \\lesssim 0.1$. The factor $F$ will be calculated for our different unified scenarios in Section~\\ref{sec:UnificationFactor}: for typical test mass compositions we find $1 \\leq F\\leq \\rm{few}\\times 10^2$. Once $F$ is fixed, the relation \\eqref{eq:DifferentialAccelerationParam} allows for a direct comparison between the sensitivity of measurements of $\\eta$ versus the measurements of $\\dot{\\alpha}/\\alpha$ from laboratory experiments, or bounds from recent cosmological history, such as from the Oklo natural reactor or the isotopic composition of meteorites. Our paper is organized as follows. After a brief summary of our previous results concerning evolution factors for different unified scenarios, we introduce in Section~\\ref{sec:Scalar} a cosmologically evolving scalar field as the source of the dynamics of a possible coupling variation. The scalar has both an effect on large-scale cosmological evolution as a consequence of its homogeneous potential and kinetic energy, and may also produce local gravitational effects, violating the Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) due to its interactions with matter. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:WEP} we use both aspects to set further constraints on a possible time variation of couplings. We determine, for each unified scenario, which observational methods are most sensitive to detect late-time or present-day variations. This may enable us to distinguish between scenarios if there is a non-zero signal. In Section~\\ref{sec:QuintessenceModels} we determine for each scenario the evolution factors that a smooth time evolution of the scalar must satisfy to be consistent with observations, in particular with a detectable nonzero variation at $z\\sim 1\\,$--$\\,3$. We discuss whether a simple model of monotonically varying ``crossover quintessence'' can produce the required behaviour. Section~\\ref{sec:Growing} is devoted to a recently proposed type of model \\cite{Amendola_grownu,Wett_grownu} where the scalar field evolution is halted by its coupling to neutrinos whose mass increases. Such models solve the ``coincidence problem'' of dark energy and give rise to an interesting scalar field evolution with damped oscillations at recent epochs. These models need not obey bounds derived for a monotonic time variation, and we use instead global fits over all data for some specific choices of cosmological model. In Section~\\ref{sec:Conclude} we summarize and discuss our findings. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:Conclude} This paper demonstrates how a clear observation of time variation of fundamental couplings would not only rule out a constant dark energy, but also put important constraints on the time evolution of a dynamical dark energy or quintessence. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:WEP} we have seen how the comparison of a varying coupling with the bounds from tests of the equivalence principle can put a lower nonzero bound on the combination $\\Omega_h (1+w_h)$, according to \\beq \\label{eq:BoundOnOmegaw} \\Omega_h (1+w_h) \\gtrsim 3.8 \\times 10^{18} F (\\partial_t \\ln \\alpha)^2 \\eta_{\\rm max}^{-1} \\, , \\eeq with $\\partial_t \\ln \\alpha$ in units of y$^{-1}$, and where $\\eta_{\\rm max} \\simeq 1.8 \\times 10^{-13}$ is the current experimental limit on the differential acceleration of two test bodies of different composition. Thus, if $|\\partial_t \\ln \\alpha |$ is nonzero and not too small, $w_h$ {\\em cannot}\\/ be arbitrarily close to $-1$ (a cosmological constant); nor can the contribution of the scalar to the dark energy density be insignificant. The precise bound depends on the ``unification factor'' F, which differs between different scenarios of unification and also depends on the composition of the experimental test bodies. We find $1\\leq F \\leq \\rm{few}\\times 10^{2}$ for the Be-Ti masses used for the best current bound on $\\eta$ and for representative cases of unified scenario. Conversely, assuming that the scalar field responsible for the varying couplings is the cosmon, whose potential and kinetic energy account for a dynamical dark energy in the Universe, the bounds on $\\eta$ can be used to set bounds on the time variation of couplings in the present epoch. For the different unified scenarios we compare the relative sensitivity of these bounds as compared to laboratory measurements or bounds from the Oklo natural reactor and the composition of meteorites in Table~\\ref{tab:PresentVariationErrors}. For a given unified scenario, the bounds on the time variation of various couplings in different cosmological epochs strongly restrict the possible time evolution of the cosmon field, once at least one irrefutable observation of some coupling variation at some redshift becomes available. We have demonstrated this by an analysis that implicitly assumes a nonzero variation, considering both general features and specific quintessence models. We are aware that the actual values for the evolution factors $l(z)$ from this analysis may be premature, since the observational situation is unclear and on moving grounds. For example, taking the recent reanalysis of the variation of the proton to electron mass ratio $\\mu$ in Ref.~\\cite{King:2008ud} instead of the results in Ref.~\\cite{Reinhold:2006zn} used in this paper, would strongly influence the values of the evolution factors. We have demonstrated this in a somewhat different way by investigating the change in the evolution factors if some claimed observations of varying couplings are omitted. Needless to say that without a clear signal any analysis may become obsolete. For the time being our analysis remains a useful tool for the comparison of the relative sensitivity of different experiments and observations, and for a judgement about mutual consistency of different claimed variations and bounds from other observations. \\subsection*{Acknowledgements} We acknowledge useful discussions with M.~Doran, G.~Robbers, M.~Pospelov, J.~Donoghue and P.~Avelino, and correspondence with V.~Flambaum. T.\\,D. thanks the Perimeter Institute for hospitality during the workshop ``Search for Variations in Fundamental Couplings and Mass Scales''. T.\\,D. is supported by the {\\em Impuls- and Vernetzungsfond der Helmholtz-Gesellschaft}." }, "0809/0809.4302_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Text{% The zonal flow in Jupiter's upper troposphere is organized into alternating retrograde and prograde jets, with a prograde (superrotating) jet at the equator. Existing models posit as the driver of the flow either differential radiative heating of the atmosphere or intrinsic heat fluxes emanating from the deep interior; however, they do not reproduce all large-scale features of Jupiter's jets and thermal structure. Here it is shown that the difficulties in accounting for Jupiter's jets and thermal structure resolve if the effects of differential radiative heating and intrinsic heat fluxes are considered together, and if upper-tropospheric dynamics are linked to a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) drag that acts deep in the atmosphere and affects the zonal flow away from but not near the equator. Baroclinic eddies generated by differential radiative heating can account for the off-equatorial jets; meridionally propagating equatorial Rossby waves generated by intrinsic convective heat fluxes can account for the equatorial superrotation. The zonal flow extends deeply into the atmosphere, with its speed changing with depth, away from the equator up to depths at which the MHD drag acts. The theory is supported by simulations with an energetically consistent general circulation model of Jupiter's outer atmosphere. A simulation that incorporates differential radiative heating and intrinsic heat fluxes reproduces Jupiter's observed jets and thermal structure and makes testable predictions about as-yet unobserved aspects thereof. A control simulation that incorporates only differential radiative heating but not intrinsic heat fluxes produces off-equatorial jets but no equatorial superrotation; another control simulation that incorporates only intrinsic heat fluxes but not differential radiative heating produces equatorial superrotation but no off-equatorial jets. The proposed mechanisms for the formation of jets and equatorial superrotation likely act in the atmospheres of all giant planets.} ", "introduction": "The zonal flow in Jupiter's upper troposphere has been inferred by tracking cloud features, which move with the horizontal flow in the layer between about 0.5 and 1~bar atmospheric pressure \\citep{Ingersoll04,West04,Vasavada05}. In this layer, the zonal flow is organized into a strong prograde (superrotating) equatorial jet and an alternating sequence of retrograde and prograde off-equatorial jets (Fig.~\\ref{f:winds}a). This flow pattern has been stable at least between the observations by the Voyager and Cassini spacecrafts in 1979 and 2000, with some variations in jet speeds, for example, a slowing of the prograde jet at $21^\\circ$N planetocentric latitude by $\\about 40\\,\\mathrm{m\\,s^{-1}}$ \\citep{Porco03,Ingersoll04}. The zonal flow in layers above the clouds has been inferred from the thermal structure of the atmosphere, using the thermal wind relation between meridional temperature gradients and vertical shears of the zonal flow. Meridional temperature gradients and thus vertical shears between 0.1 and 0.5~bar are generally small: meridional temperature contrasts along isobars do not exceed $\\about 10\\,\\mathrm{K}$ \\citep{Conrath98,Simon-Miller06}. The thermal stratification in the same layer is statically stable \\citep{Simon-Miller06,Read06}. About the zonal flow in lower layers, it is only known that at one site at $6.4^\\circ$N planetocentric latitude, where the Galileo probe descended into Jupiter's atmosphere, it is prograde and increases with depth from $\\about 90\\,\\mathrm{m\\,s^{-1}}$ at 0.7~bar to $\\about 170\\,\\mathrm{m\\,s^{-1}}$ at 4~bar; beneath, it is relatively constant up to at least $\\about 20$~bar \\citep{Atkinson98}. At the same site, the thermal stratification is statically stable but approaches neutrality with increasing depth between 0.5 and 1.7~bar; beneath, it is statically nearly neutral or neutral up to at least $\\about 20$~bar \\citep{Magalhaes02}. These are the large-scale features (if the Galileo probe data are representative of large scales) that a minimal model of Jupiter's general circulation should be able to reproduce. \\begin{figure}[!htb] \\centering\\includegraphics{figure1} \\caption{Zonal flow in Jupiter's upper troposphere and in simulations. (a) Zonal velocity on Jupiter, inferred by tracking cloud features from the Cassini spacecraft \\citep{Porco03} (orange) and in Jupiter simulation at 0.65~bar (blue). (b) Zonal velocity at 0.65~bar in control simulations: with intrinsic heat fluxes but with uniform insolation at the top of the atmosphere (magenta), and with differential insolation but without intrinsic heat fluxes (light blue). Zonal velocities in simulations are zonal and temporal means in statistically steady states (over 1500 days for Jupiter simulation and over 900 days for control simulations); differences between the (statistically identical) hemispheres here and in subsequent figures are indicative of sampling variability. For Jupiter, latitude here and throughout this paper is planetocentric; the simulated planets are spherical, so planetocentric and planetographic latitudes are identical.} \\label{f:winds} \\end{figure} There are two plausible energy sources for Jupiter's general circulation. First, $\\about 8\\,\\mathrm{W\\, m^{-2}}$ of solar radiation are absorbed in Jupiter's atmosphere \\citep{Hanel81}, where the time-mean insolation at the top of the atmosphere, given Jupiter's small obliquity of $3^\\circ$, varies approximately with the cosine of latitude. Second, $\\about 6\\,\\mathrm{W\\, m^{-2}}$ of intrinsic heat fluxes emanate from Jupiter's deep interior \\citep{Ingersoll04,Guillot04,Guillot05}; observations of convective storms \\citep{Gierasch00,Porco03,Sanchez-Lavega08} and the neutral or nearly neutral thermal stratification along much of the Galileo probe descent path show that the intrinsic heat fluxes are at least partially convective. Existing models of Jupiter's zonal flow posit as the driver of the general circulation either differential radiative heating of the atmosphere or intrinsic convective heat fluxes \\citep[e.g.,][]{Busse76,Busse94,Williams79,Ingersoll04,Vasavada05}; however, they do not reproduce all large-scale features of the jets and thermal structure. For example, in parameter regimes relevant for Jupiter, they generally do not produce equatorial superrotation, unless artifices are employed such as imposing an additional heat source near the equator \\citep{Williams03a} or assuming excessively viscous flow and permitting intrinsic heat fluxes several orders of magnitude stronger than Jupiter's \\citep{Heimpel05,Heimpel07}. Here we show that the difficulties in accounting for Jupiter's jets and thermal structure resolve if the effects of differential radiative heating and intrinsic heat fluxes are considered together, and if upper-tropospheric dynamics are linked to drag that acts deep in the atmosphere and affects the zonal flow away from but not near the equator. The key is to distinguish the different ways in which eddies can be generated near the equator and away from it, and to consider their role and the role of drag at depth in the balance of angular momentum (the angular momentum component about the planet's spin axis). First we describe how eddies can be generated near the equator and away from it, how convectively generated equatorial waves can lead to equatorial superrotation, and how the angular momentum balance of the upper troposphere is linked to drag and constrains the flow at depth (sections~\\ref{s:am_fluxes}--\\ref{s:deep_flow}). Then we use simulations with a three-dimensional general circulation model (GCM) of a thin shell in Jupiter's outer atmosphere, with an idealized representation of effects of drag deep in the atmosphere, to demonstrate that the mechanisms proposed can account for Jupiter's observed jets and thermal structure (sections~\\ref{s:gcm}--\\ref{s:controls}). ", "conclusions": "Based on the theory and simulations and consistent with the available observational data, we propose that baroclinic eddies generated by differential radiative heating are responsible for Jupiter's off-equatorial jets, and that Rossby waves generated by intrinsic convective heat fluxes are responsible for the equatorial superrotation. Mean meridional circulations adjust entropy gradients and the zonal flow in lower layers of Jupiter's atmosphere, such that the zonal flow is in thermal wind balance with the entropy gradients, and convergence or divergence of angular momentum fluxes in the upper troposphere and the MHD drag on the zonal flow at depth balance upon averaging over cylinders concentric with the planet's spin axis. As demonstrated by the Jupiter simulation, the resulting view of how the zonal flow and general circulation are generated and maintained is consistent with observed large-scale features of Jupiter's jets and thermal structure, such as the zonal flow and meridional temperature variations in the upper troposphere and the thermal stratification of the upper troposphere and layers beneath. It is also consistent with the observed eddy angular momentum fluxes and with energetic constraints indicating that these fluxes are confined to a relatively thin atmospheric layer. As demonstrated by the control simulations, differential radiative heating alone can account for the off-equatorial jets, and intrinsic convective heat fluxes can account for the prograde equatorial jet. However, intrinsic convective heat fluxes alone do not necessarily lead to formation of off-equatorial jets. The theory and simulations predict aspects of the general circulation that have not been observed but that are or soon will be observable. For example, the transition in energy-containing eddy scale between the equatorial region and regions away from the equator (Fig.~\\ref{f:eddy_scales}), pointing to different mechanisms of eddy generation, should be observable by tracking cloud features. And we predict that the measurements of NASA's upcoming Juno mission to Jupiter will be consistent with zonal jets that extend deeply into the atmosphere at all latitudes, away from the equator up to depths at which the MHD drag acts. As already observed in the upper troposphere, we expect that also at lower layers the speeds of the prograde off-equatorial jets decrease with depth, and that there are associated equatorward temperature gradients along isobars: qualitatively as in Fig.~\\ref{f:vertical_structure}a and b, but likely not quantitatively so because the jets are expected to extend to much greater depth than in our simulations and thus likely have weaker shear. Depending on the strength of the MHD drag and on the depth at which it acts, the speeds of the retrograde off-equatorial jets may decrease or increase with depth, with weaker shear than the prograde jets, and with associated poleward (reversed) or weaker equatorward temperature gradients. If the shear of the zonal flow can be inferred from measurements, it can be used together with observations of the eddy angular momentum transport and with the implied transfer of kinetic energy from eddies to the mean flow to constrain the strength and depth of the MHD drag and thus to elucidate dynamics of the deep atmosphere that are not amenable to direct measurement. The proposed mechanisms are generic and likely act in the atmospheres of all giant planets. They suggest, for example, that the reason that Saturn's prograde equatorial jet is wider and stronger than Jupiter's may be that Saturn's tropospheric gravity wave speed and equatorial Rossby radius are greater. The greater depth at which MHD drag on Saturn is estimated to act implies a wider region over which there is effectively no drag on the zonal flow \\citep{Liu08}, thus making a wider equatorial jet possible. The proposed mechanisms also suggest that the reason Uranus and Neptune do not exhibit equatorial superrotation may be that their intrinsic heat fluxes are not sufficiently strong to lead to convection penetrating into the upper troposphere. \\paragraph" }, "0809/0809.4134_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In this letter we present a new N-flation model constructed by making use of multiple scalar fields which are being described by their own DBI action. We show that the dependence of the e-folding number and of the curvature perturbation on the number of fields changes compared with the normal N-flation model. Our model is also quite different from the usual DBI N-flation which is still based on one DBI action but involves many moduli components. Some specific examples of our model have been analyzed. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.3839_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\fontsize{10}{10.6}\\selectfont Circularly polarized 3.5 cm continuum emission was detected toward three radio sources in the R CrA region using the Very Large Array. The Class I protostar IRS 5b persistently showed polarized radio emission with a constant helicity over 8 yr, which suggests that its magnetosphere has a stable configuration. There is a good correlation between the Stokes $I$ and Stokes $V$ fluxes, and the fractional polarization is about 0.17. During active phases the fractional polarization is a weakly decreasing function of Stokes $I$ flux, which suggests that IRS 5b is phenomenologically similar to other types of flare stars such as RS CVn binaries. The variability timescale of the polarized flux is about a month, and the magnetosphere of IRS 5b must be very large in size. The Class I protostar IRS 7A was detected once in circularly polarized radio emission, even though IRS 7A drives a thermal radio jet. This detection implies that the radio emission from the magnetosphere of a young protostar can escape the absorption by the partially ionized wind at least once in a while. The properties of IRS 7A and IRS 5b suggests that Class I protostars have organized peristellar magnetic fields of a few kilogauss and that the detectability of magnetospheric emission may depend on the evolutionary status of protostar. Also reported is the detection of circularly polarized radio emission toward the variable radio source B5. ", "introduction": "Magnetic fields play an important role in star formation (Andr{\\'e} 1996; Feigelson et al. 2007; Bouvier et al. 2007). This is especially true in the protostellar accretion/evolution processes, and peristellar magnetic fields are expected or even required in many theoretical models: Protostellar outflows are generated through magnetocentrifugal ejection mechanism (e.g., Pudritz et al. 2007). The magnetorotational instability may provide the viscosity required to explain the dynamics of accretion disks (Balbus \\& Hawley 1991). Magnetospheres may force the protostellar spin to be coupled with the rotation of circumstellar disk, and the inner edge of accretion disks may be truncated by the magnetosphere near the corotation radius (Camenzind 1990; K{\\\"o}nigl 1991). The transfer of material from the accretion disk to the protostar may be done through magnetospheric accretion (Bouvier et al. 2007). Despite all these expectations, observational evidence of peristellar magnetic fields of protostars is very difficult to come by. Much of our knowledge about the peristellar magnetic fields of young stellar objects comes from the observations of T Tauri stars, especially radio continuum observations at centimeter wavelengths (Andr{\\'e} et al. 1992; Andr{\\'e} 1996). The key characteristics are the variability and circular polarization of emission from nonthermal electrons. The variability timescale is usually hours to days, much longer than solar-type flares, which implies that large-scale magnetic fields are involved. Moderate degrees of circular polarization were observed, suggesting that the emission mechanism is gyrosynchrotron radiation from mildly relativistic electrons. The detection of circular polarization at $\\sim$5 GHz implies a dipole-like large-scale magnetosphere with a surface field strength of $\\sim$1 kG (G{\\\"u}del 2002). X-ray surveys of pre-main-sequence stars suggest that the level of activity decays with stellar age (Preibisch \\& Feigelson 2005), and we expect that Class I protostars may be magnetically more active than T Tauri stars. However, the free-free absorption by thermal wind is supposed to obscure the magnetosphere of protostars in most cases (Andr{\\'e} et al. 1992; Andr{\\'e} 1996). The youngest object detected in circularly polarized radio emission is IRS 5 in the R CrA region (Feigelson et al. 1998). In fact, IRS 5 is the only known protostellar object persistently displaying circularly polarized emission (Forbrich et al. 2006; Miettinen et al. 2008). Therefore, IRS 5 provides a wonderful opportunity to study the magnetic activity of protostars. To obtain high-quality images of the R CrA region, we observed in the centimeter continuum with the Very Large Array (VLA) of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. The main results were presented in Paper I (Choi et al. 2008). In this paper, we present the polarimetry of the R CrA region. We describe the data in \\S~2. In \\S~3 we briefly report the results of the polarimetry. In \\S~4 we discuss the star forming activity of the radio sources showing circularly polarized centimeter continuum emission. A summary is given in \\S~5. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.3652_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The Serpens cloud has received considerable attention in the last years, in particular the small region known as the Serpens cloud core where a plethora of star formation related phenomena are found. This review summarizes our current observational knowledge of the cloud, with emphasis on the core. Recent results are converging to a distance for the cloud of $\\sim 230 \\pm 20$ pc, an issue which has been controversial over the years. We present the gas and dust properties of the cloud core and describe its structure and appearance at different wavelengths. The core contains a dense, very young, low mass stellar cluster with more than 300 objects in all evolutionary phases, from collapsing gaseous condensations to pre-main sequence stars. We describe the behaviour and spatial distribution of the different stellar populations (mm cores, Classes 0, I and II sources). The spatial concentration and the fraction number of Class 0/Class I/Class II sources is considerably larger in the Serpens core than in any other low mass star formation region, e.g. Taurus, Ophiuchus or Chamaeleon, as also stated in different works. Appropriate references for coordinates and fluxes of all Serpens objects are given. However, we provide for the first time a unified list of all near-IR sources which have up to now been identified as members of the Serpens core cluster; this list includes some members identified in this review. A cross-reference table of the near-IR objects with optical, mid-IR, submillimeter, radio continuum and X-ray surces is also provided. A simple analysis has allowed us to identify a sample of $\\sim 60$ brown dwarf candidates among the 252 near-IR objects; some of them show near-IR excesses and, therefore, they constitute an attractive sample to study very young substellar objects. The review also refers to the outflows associated with the young sources. A section is dedicated to the relatively small amount of works carried out towards Serpens regions outside the core. In particular, we refer to ISO and to recent Spitzer data. These results reveal new centers of active star formation in the Serpens cloud and the presence of new young clusters, which deserve follow-up observations and studies to determine their characteristics and nature in detail. Finally, we give a short, non-exhaustive list of individually interesting Serpens objects. ", "introduction": "\\label{introduction} A considerable amount of work has been dedicated to the region known as the Serpens dark cloud (Galactic coordinates $l^{II} = 32\\deg, ~ b^{II} = 5\\deg$) since it was recognized by Strom et al. (1974) as a site of active star formation. The cloud extends several degrees around the young variable star VV Ser and forms part of the large local dark cloud complex called the Aquila Rift, which has been extensively mapped in several molecular line surveys (e.g. Dame \\& Thaddeus 1985, Dame et al. 1987, 2001, see the chapter by Prato et al.). A large scale extinction map has been presented by Cambr\\'esy (1999) and Dobashi et al. (2005). Serpens is seen on optical images as a large area irregularly obscured by large amounts of dust; Fig. \\ref{Serpens} reproduces the DSS $R$ band photograph of a region $2\\deg \\times 2\\deg$ in size. Several reflection nebulosities are distinguished, the most prominent of which are S 68 (Sharpless 1959, see also Dorschner \\& G\\\"urtler 1963, van den Bergh 1966, Bernes 1977), illuminated by HD 170634, and a very red bipolar, reflection nebulosity, usually referred to as the Serpens object, the Serpens nebula, or the Serpens reflection nebulosity (SRN), illuminated by the pre-main sequence star SVS 2 (Strom et al. 1974, 1976, Worden \\& Grasdalen 1974, King et al. 1983, Warren-Smith et al. 1987, G\\'omez de Castro et al. 1988). In this work, we will refer to that nebulosity as SRN. \\begin{figure}[!ht] \\begin{center} \\scalebox{0.60}{ \\includegraphics{dss_serpens1.ps} } \\caption{The Serpens molecular cloud as seen on the DSS $R$-band plates. Large scale irregular dark structures are clearly seen. The reflection nebulosities S 68 and SRN are indicated, as well as the position of VV Ser and of the H$\\alpha$ emission line stars Ser G3/G6. Field size is $2\\deg \\times 2\\deg$. Field centre: $\\alpha_{2000} = 18^h$ 30$^m$, $\\delta_{2000} = 0\\deg$ $50\\arcmin$. North to the top, East to the left. The image has been downloaded from the Canadian Astronomy Data Center (http://cadcwww.dao.nrc.ca/dss).} \\label{Serpens} \\end{center} \\end{figure} Relatively little work has been devoted to studying the large scale properties of the Serpens cloud, having been mainly concentrated around SRN and VV Ser, which are located towards the North of the large extinction map analysed by Cambr\\'esy (1999). Cohen \\& Kuhi (1979) and Chavarr\\'\\i a et al. (1988) conducted optical studies of the region and identified several H$\\alpha$ emission line stars and some B, A and later spectral type stars associated with reflection nebulae. Loren et al. (1979) carried out a 2.6 mm line CO map over an area of $\\sim$ 300 square arc minutes and detected a dense H$_2$CO core of $\\sim ~3\\farcm3$ in radius centred in SRN. IRAS maps of a $\\sim ~3\\deg \\times 3\\deg$ region around the cloud core show large scale extended far-IR emission and several point-like sources associated with some visible and invisible stars (Zhang et al. 1988b). The cloud core with several point-like sources embedded in extended emission shows up very prominently in all IRAS bands (Zhang et al. 1988a). More recently Schnee et al. (2005) have analysed recalibrated IRAS data to estimate dust column densities and dust temperatures. Assuming a distance of 700 pc to Serpens, Zhang et al. (1988b) estimate a total far-IR luminosity from the whole Serpens cloud of $\\sim$ 3200 L$_\\odot$ and the dust mass inferred from the extended emission is $\\sim$ 290 M$_\\odot$. The actual distance to Serpens is most likely significantly smaller than the value assumed by Zhang et al. and, therefore, the luminosity and dust emitting mass should be corrected. In fact, the distance to Serpens has been a controversial point over the years, with suggested figures in the range from $\\sim$ 200 pc to $\\sim$ 700 pc. At present, a smaller distance value is commonly accepted. We analyse this issue in the next section. After the discovery of the cloud core, observational efforts have concentrated in that area. The reason is the extreme richness in star formation activity found in the core, with all relevant phenomena taking place in a small region of just few arc minutes in diameter: pre-protostellar gaseous condensations; pre-stellar dust condensations; Class 0, Class I and Class II objects; different evidences of infalling gas; disks; molecular and atomic outflows and jets; clustering of young stellar objects (YSOs) in different evolutionary stages, etc. The Serpens core indeed represents a unique laboratory for studies of star formation processes and observable phenomena, and the inter-relation between them. A first review article of the most relevant observational results up to $\\sim 1991$ was written by us (Eiroa 1991). In this new contribution we concentrate mainly on results achieved during the last 15 years. We review observations related to the Serpens core in particular, since this part of the cloud has continued to be the focus of the large observational effort carried out by many different research groups. Nonetheless, a section is also dedicated to recent work carried out in Serpens areas outside the core. The new results confirm and emphasize the role of Serpens as a key region for detailed studies of star formation and the understanding of all related phenomena. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.2780_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present observations of redshifted CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) in a field containing an overdensity of Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) at $z=5.12$. Our Australia Telescope Compact Array observations were centered between two spectroscopically-confirmed $z=5.12$ galaxies. We place upper limits on the molecular gas masses in these two galaxies of M(H$_2$)$<1.7 \\times 10^{10}$ M$_\\odot$ and $<2.9 \\times 10^{9}$ M$_\\odot$ (2\\,$\\sigma$), comparable to their stellar masses. We detect an optically-faint line emitter situated between the two LBGs which we identify as warm molecular gas at $z=5.1245\\pm0.0001$. This source, detected in the CO(2-1) transition but undetected in CO(1-0), has an integrated line flux of $0.106 \\pm 0.012$ Jy km\\,s$^{-1}$, yielding an inferred gas mass M(H$_2$)=$(1.9\\pm0.2)\\times 10^{10}$\\,M$_\\odot$. Molecular line emitters without detectable counterparts at optical and infrared wavelengths may be crucial tracers of structure and mass at high redshift. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Lyman-break galaxies have given us our first detailed look at star formation at high redshifts ($z>4$). However, our picture of the distant universe is limited because these objects are selected for strong rest-frame ultraviolet emission arising from substantial unobscured starbursts in the galaxies. Individually, they tell us little about darker baryons at the same redshift, whether the systems containing the baryons are intrinsically less UV-luminous or are obscured by dust. The Lyman-break galaxy (LBG) population has now been probed from $z=2$ \\citep{2004ApJ...604..534S} up to $z=6$ \\citep{2007MNRAS.376..727S}, with tentative detections reported at redshifts as high as $z=10$ \\citep{2005ApJ...624L...5B}. The photometric and spectroscopic properties of LBGs evolve with increasing redshift. Typical LBGs at $z\\approx5$ have stellar masses of a few times 10$^9$\\,M$_\\odot$, are predominantly young ($<50$\\,Myr), and are sub-solar but not primordial in their metallicity (Z$\\approx$0.2\\,Z$_\\odot$), where these properties are deduced from their rest-frame optical and near-infrared spectral energy distribution \\citep{2007astro.ph..1725V}. However something is missing in our picture of the universe at $z>5$. The youth of Lyman-break objects when compared to the range of lookback times probed in a given survey suggests that only a small fraction of the overall population is undergoing a phase of strong unobscured star formation, and hence is detectable in the rest UV, at a given time. Fossil stellar populations in the most massive galaxies at the present time suggest that the bulk of their stars were formed at $z>3$ \\citep{2004Natur.428..625H}, but the mass assembly history of the universe as traced by LBGs implies that only 1\\% of the baryonic material that will eventually form today's galaxies was in collapsed systems at $z=5$. Where is the other 99\\%? The bulk of the baryonic material at these high redshifts must be in either low mass systems or the gas phase. Damped Lyman-alpha systems in the spectra of distant quasars have shown that dense neutral gas is ubiquitous at high redshift, holding a third of the HI atoms at $z=5$ and appearing in 10\\% of sight-lines per unit cosmological distance \\citep{2005ApJ...635..123P}. These sources represent reservoirs of neutral gas for star formation, yet are known to be deficient in H$_2$ relative to local galaxies. Molecular gas is instead more tightly concentrated in high-density, relatively dusty regions \\citep{2006ApJ...643..675Z}. Securely identifying this material is challenging. At $z\\approx5$, the far-infrared lines emitted by cool and obscured material are redshifted to millimeter wavelengths, but not necessarily into an atmospheric window. At these extreme luminosity distances lines are faint, requiring long integration times to secure even a tentative detection. The fields of view of existing millimeter interferometers are small, and their correlators have, until recently, been limited to bandwidths of a few hundred MHz (equivalent to $\\Delta z/z < 0.01$). The resulting small volumes made survey work at high redshift unfeasible. As a result, the few detections of line emission from molecular and atomic gas at high redshift have been towards active galactic nuclei - quasars to $z=6.4$ \\citep{2003A&A...409L..47B}, radio galaxies to $z=5.2$ \\citep{2005ApJ...621L...1K} - and hence probed highly atypical environments. In this paper we present the results of a pilot programme to explore the cool gas associated with a large scale structure at $z>5$ marked out by Lyman-break galaxies rather than by an active galaxy. Our 40 arcmin$^2$ target field contains seven UV-luminous sources with spectroscopically confirmed redshifts in a narrow range ($\\Delta z < 0.1$), a 6$\\sigma$ excess over the typical density of such sources in our survey, but shows no clear spatial clustering\\footnote{The detailed properties of this field, and of others probed in our ESO Remote Galaxy Survey (ERGS) will be discussed in a forthcoming paper by Douglas et al.}. Given the redshift dispersion and spatial distribution of these galaxies, it is clear that their star formation cannot be a response to a common triggering event, and yet the probability of such a configuration arising by chance is small. The simplest explanation is that there is a large mass of hidden baryons in this field at this redshift. At any one time this structure is traced by the small fraction of that material undergoing comparatively short-term UV-luminous star formation events and appearing as LBGs. While the stars within the LBGs are likely to end up in the most massive current-day galaxies after subsequent mergers, the total stellar mass in even this overdensity of LBGs is an order of magnitude too small to account for the stars in the most massive spheroids. Consequently, there should be far more baryons in the vicinity of the LBGs than revealed in the UV. Our pilot programme was designed to probe the cool gas mass in a small section of the structure, centered on a pair of LBGs with Lyman-$\\alpha$ emission redshifts separated by $\\Delta z=0.004$. The observations target not only the two LBGs, but any darker/fainter systems in the underlying large scale structure. The results for lower redshift LBGs \\citep[e.g.][]{2004ApJ...604..125B}, suggested that we were unlikely to detect the two known galaxies directly. All magnitudes in this paper are quoted in the AB system \\citep{1983ApJ...266..713O}. We adopt a $\\Lambda$CDM cosmology with ($\\Omega_{\\Lambda}$, $\\Omega_{M}$, $h$)=(0.7, 0.3, 0.7). ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} Our main conclusions can be summarized as follows: (i) We have investigated the molecular gas content, as traced by low-order transitions of CO, in a large scale structure identified in Lyman break galaxies at $z=5.12$. (ii) Neither of two known Lyman break galaxies in our survey area show associated molecular line emission, suggesting that their molecular gas content does not significantly exceed their stellar content. (iii) We have identified a source with line emission at 37.642\\,GHz, which we identify as emission in the CO(2-1) transition at $z=5.1245\\pm0.0001$. This source is currently undetected at any other wavelength. (iv) The inferred gas mass in this single source is M(H$_2$)$=(1.9\\pm0.2) \\times 10^{10}$ M$_\\odot$, comparable to the total stellar mass of UV-luminous sources in the same region. (v) Further studies of UV-faint sources at high redshift are essential to characterize such systems, and could make substantial progress towards balancing the baryon budget at early times." }, "0809/0809.2263_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The existence of cusps on non-periodic strings ending on D-branes is demonstrated and the conditions, for which such cusps are generic, are derived. The dynamics of F-, D-string and FD-string junctions are investigated. It is shown that pairs of FD-string junctions, such as would form after intercommutations of F- and D-strings, generically contain cusps. This new feature of cosmic superstrings opens up the possibility of extra channels of energy loss from a string network. The phenomenology of cusps on such cosmic superstring networks is compared to that of cusps formed on networks of their field theory analogues, the standard cosmic strings. \\vspace{.2cm} \\noindent ", "introduction": "Fundamental (F) strings and Dirichlet branes with one non-compact spatial dimension (D-strings) are generically formed~\\cite{sarangi-tye,ma,jonesetal,dvalietal} at the end of brane inflation~\\cite{dvali-tye99} within the context of string inspired cosmological models. Such strings, known as cosmic superstrings, are of cosmological size and could play the r\\^ole of cosmic strings~\\cite{Vilenkin_shellard,ms-cs07}, false vacuum remnants formed generically at the end of hybrid inflation within Grand Unified Theories~\\cite{jrs03,ms-cs08}. Cosmic superstrings have gained a lot of interest, particularly since it is believed that they may be observed in the sky, providing both a means of testing string theory and a hint for a physically motivated inflationary model (for a recent reviews, see e.g. Ref.~\\cite{sakellariadou2008,Davis2005,Davis2008}). The most significant difference between cosmic superstrings and the field theory cosmic strings we are more familiar with, is the existence of three string junctions, the presence of which could strongly effect the dynamics of the string network. Understanding these new dynamical effects is critical if there is to be any hope of differentiating cosmic superstrings from their solitonic analogues. A number of analytical~\\cite{Copeland:2006if,Copeland:2006eh,Copeland:2007nv} and numerical~\\cite{Sakellariadou:2004wq,Avgoustidis:2004zt,Copeland:2005cy,Hindmarsh:2006qn,Rajantie:2007hp,Urrestilla:2007yw,Sakellariadou:2008ay} studies have addressed cosmic superstring dynamics. We note that, in principle, cosmic superstring dynamics ought to be studied using the Dirac-Born-Infeld action, the low-energy effective action for many varieties of strings arising in the context of string theory. In what follows, we investigate (generic) string solutions ending on parallel Dirichlet branes as a pedagogical example of the effects possible at a three string junction. We then look at the dynamics of a junction made up of an F-string, a D-string, and an FD-string, which are expected to form through intercommuting of initial configurations composed from F- and D-string networks. We show that cusps are generic features for such strings, opening up a new energy loss mechanism for the network, in addition to the formation and subsequent decay of closed loops and the formation of bound states~\\cite{Sakellariadou:2008ay}. Studies of the phenomenological implications of cosmic superstrings, particularly the gravitational~\\cite{Damour:2004kw,Siemens:2006vk,Siemens:2006yp,Urrestilla:2007yw,hogan} and Ramond-Ramond~\\cite{Sakellariadou:2004wq,Firouzjahi:2007dp} radiation emitted from cosmic superstrings --- predominantly from cusps and to some extent from kinks --- are then justified. Some of the phenomenological consequences of cosmic superstring dynamics are discussed here. ", "conclusions": "We have shown how to characterise classical solutions to low energy effective string actions in an intuitive geometric manner. We have shown how the boundary conditions for strings ending on D-branes can lead to cusps, points with luminous velocity, in such solutions, in an analogous manner to cusps of standard cosmic string loops. In particular, we have demonstrated that cusps would be a generic feature of an F-string ending on two (parallel and stationary) D-strings. We have then considered general three string junctions that are possible in DBI-actions and have shown that the boundary conditions of such a junction can similarly be characterised and understood in a geometric setting, for the case of an F- and D-string meeting an FD-string. We find that this system exactly reproduces the situation of an F-string ending on two D-strings and hence a pair of such junctions would generically include cusps. We have shown that this remains true even when the D-strings are moving. The relevance of such a scenario is that networks of F- and D-strings are expected to form at the end of brane inflation. Collisions of such networks would lead to pairs of three string junctions, each of which would then be expected to have cusps, opening up a new energy loss mechanism for such networks. Our new feature is in addition to cusps on string loops. Importantly the formation and existence of cusps is expected to be most significant early in the evolution of the network. The fact that the radiation from such cusps should include all available fields present in the low energy string theory, makes it possible that signatures of their presence would appear in baryogenesis or big bang nucleosynthesis. The extreme nature of cusps means that they are possible targets for observations of string networks and here we have shown that it is, in principle, possible to distinguish between standard cosmic strings formed during cosmological phase transitions and cosmic superstring, relics of brane inflation. The observation of three string junctions would provide strong evidence for string theory. In future it might be possible to observe the emission of radiation from cusps and the distribution of such cusps. \\ack It is a pleasure to thank M. Green and J. Polchinski for enlightening discussions. The work of M.S. is partially supported by the European Union through the Marie Curie Research and Training Network {\\sl UniverseNet} (MRTN-CT-2006-035863). This work is supported in part by STFC. \\vskip1.truecm" }, "0809/0809.4029_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "AXTAR is an X-ray observatory mission concept, currently under study in the U.S., that combines very large collecting area, broadband spectral coverage, high time resolution, highly flexible scheduling, and an ability to respond promptly to time-critical targets of opportunity. It is optimized for submillisecond timing of bright Galactic X-ray sources in order to study phenomena at the natural time scales of neutron star surfaces and black hole event horizons, thus probing the physics of ultradense matter, strongly curved spacetimes, and intense magnetic fields. AXTAR's main instrument is a collimated, thick Si pixel detector with 2--50~keV coverage and 8~m$^2$ collecting area. For timing observations of accreting neutron stars and black holes, AXTAR provides at least an order of magnitude improvement in sensitivity over both RXTE and Constellation-X. AXTAR also carries a sensitive sky monitor that acts as a trigger for pointed observations of X-ray transients and also provides continuous monitoring of the X-ray sky with 20$\\times$ the sensitivity of the RXTE ASM. AXTAR builds on detector and electronics technology previously developed for other applications and thus combines high technical readiness and well understood cost. ", "introduction": "The natural time scales near neutron stars (NSs) and stellar mass black holes (BHs) are in the millisecond range. These time scales characterize the fundamental physical properties of compact objects: mass, radius, and angular momentum. For example, the maximum spin rate of a NS is set by the equation of state of the ultradense matter in its interior, a fundamental property of matter that still eludes us. Similarly, orbital periods at a given radius near a BH are set by the BH's mass, angular momentum, and the laws of relativistic gravity. Although it was recognized for decades that the measurement of such time scales would provide unique insight into these compact stars and their extreme physics, it was not until the 1995 launch of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE; \\citep{brs93}) that oscillations on these time scales were actually detected from accreting NSs and stellar-mass BHs. This conference celebrates RXTE's discovery of millisecond oscillations that trace the spin rate of accreting NSs. RXTE has also discovered millisecond oscillations from accreting BHs with frequencies that scale inversely with BH mass and are consistent with the orbital time scale of matter moving in the strongly curved spacetime near the BH event horizon. While RXTE revealed the existence of these phenomena, it lacks the sensitivity to fully exploit them in determining the fundamental properties of NSs and BHs. Here, we describe the Advanced X-ray Timing Array (AXTAR), a new mission concept boasting an order of magnitude improvement in sensitivity over RXTE\\footnote{A similar mission concept was previously discussed by Phil Kaaret and collaborators \\citep{kgl+01,kaa04}.}. AXTAR was initially proposed as a medium-class probe concept for NASA's 2007 Astrophysics Strategic Mission Concept Studies. A modified version of AXTAR is also being studied as a NASA MIDEX-class mission concept. \\begin{table} \\begin{tabular}{p{1.5in}p{3in}} \\hline \\tablehead{1}{c}{b}{Science Objective} & \\tablehead{1}{c}{b}{AXTAR Observations} \\\\ \\hline NS mass, radius, EOS & X-ray burst oscillations. kHz QPOs. Accreting ms pulsars. Asteroseismology with magnetar oscillations. \\\\ \\hline Strongly curved spacetimes & BH oscillations. Broad Fe lines. Phase-resolved spectroscopy of low-freq QPOs. AGN monitoring. \\\\ \\hline Physics of nuclear burning & Thermonuclear X-ray bursts and superbursts. \\\\ \\hline Physics of accretion & Accreting msec pulsars. kHz QPOs in NSs. \\\\ \\hline Physics of jets & NS and BH transients. \\\\ \\hline Physics of mass transfer & X-ray pulsar orbital evolution. \\\\ \\hline Multipolar magnetic field components of pulsars & Hard X-ray cyclotron lines in high-mass binaries. Magnetar pulse profiles. \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\caption{Selected AXTAR Science Topics} \\label{tab:a} \\end{table} ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.3115_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In this paper we extend the idea suggested previously by \\citet{Petri2005a,Petri2005b} (paper~I and II) that the high frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (HF-QPOs) observed in low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) may be explained as a resonant oscillation of the accretion disk with a rotating asymmetric background (gravitational or magnetic) field imposed by the compact object. Here, we apply this general idea to black hole binaries. It is assumed that a test particle experiences a similar parametric resonance mechanism such as the one described in paper~I and II but now the resonance is induced by the interaction between a spiral density wave in the accretion disk, excited close to the innermost stable circular orbit, and vertical epicyclic oscillations. We use the Kerr spacetime geometry to deduce the characteristic frequencies of this test particle. The response of the test particle is maximal when the frequency ratio of the two strongest resonances is equal to 3:2 as observed in black hole candidates. Finally, applying our model to the microquasar GRS~1915+105, we reproduce the correct value of several HF-QPOs. Indeed the presence of the 168/113/56/42/28~Hz features in the power spectrum time analysis is predicted. Moreover, based only on the two HF-QPO frequencies, our model is able to constrain the mass~$M_{\\rm BH}$ and angular momentum~$a_{\\rm BH}$ of the accreting black hole. We show the relation between $M_{\\rm BH}$ and $a_{\\rm BH}$ for several black hole binaries. For instance, assuming a black hole weakly or mildly rotating, i.e. $a_{\\rm BH} \\le 0.5 \\, G\\,M_{\\rm BH}/c^2$, we find that for GRS~1915+105 its mass satisfies $13 \\, M_\\odot \\le M_{\\rm BH} \\le 20 \\,M_\\odot$. The same model applied to two other well-known BHCs gives for GRO~J1655-40 a mass $5 \\, M_\\odot \\le M_{\\rm BH} \\le 7 \\, M_\\odot$ and for XTE~J1550-564 a mass $8 \\, M_\\odot \\le M_{\\rm BH} \\le 11 \\, M_\\odot$. This is consistent with other independent estimations of the black hole mass. Finally for H1743-322, we found the following bounds, $9 \\, M_\\odot \\le M_{\\rm BH} \\le 13 \\, M_\\odot$. ", "introduction": "High frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (HF-QPOs) are common features to all accreting compact objects, be they neutron stars, white dwarfs or black holes. A number of recent observations have revealed the existence of these HF-QPOs in several black hole binaries \\citep{Strohmayer2001a,MacClintock2003,Remillard2006}. Usually, a pair of HF-QPOs appears in a 3:2 ratio. If these oscillations are connected to the orbital motion of the accretion disk at its inner edge as predicted by several models, these QPOs become a useful test of gravity in the strong field regime. The 3:2 ratio was first noticed by \\cite{Abramowicz2001}. In order to explain this ratio, they introduced a resonance mechanism between orbital and epicyclic motion around Kerr black holes therefore leading to an estimate of their mass and spin. \\cite{Kluzniak2004a} showed that the twin kHz-QPOs is explained by a non linear resonance in the epicyclic motion of the accretion disk. \\cite{Rebusco2004} developed the analytical treatment of these oscillations. This parametric epicyclic resonance model of hydrodynamical modes in the accretion disk was applied by \\cite{Kluzniak2002} to some microquasars. They pointed out the 3:2 ratio in the HF-QPOs observed in GRO J1655-40, XTE J1550-564 and GRS1915+105. Moreover, in this latter black hole binary, \\cite{Strohmayer2001b} reported another pair of frequencies, namely 69.2~Hz and 41.5~Hz, which are in a 5:3 ratio as noticed by \\cite{Kluzniak2002} and supports the parametric resonance model. Furthermore, \\cite{Rezzolla2003} suggested that the HF-QPOs in black hole binaries are related to p-mode oscillation in a non Keplerian torus. Nevertheless, the propagation of the emitted photons in curved spacetime can also produce some intrinsic peaks in the Fourier spectrum of the light curves \\citep{Schnittman2004}. In combination with a vertically oscillating torus, the gravitational lensing effect can also reproduce the 3:2 ratio \\citep{Bursa2004,Schnittman2005}. Resonances in the geodesic motion of a single particle have been investigated by \\cite{Abramowicz2003}. The specific coupling force between radial and vertical oscillation was left unspecified. Their results for non-linear resonance were applied to accreting neutron stars. In this paper, we describe a coupling between spiral density waves in the accretion disk and epicyclic motions of test particles. It is divided in two parts. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:Model} we specify the perturbation pattern used in our model. Then the equation of motions due to the perturbation are derived leading to some resonance conditions. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:Discussion}, the results are applied to GRS~1915+105 for which several components in the Fourier time analysis are predicted in agreement with the HF-QPOs detected for this object. We also put some constrain on the mass-spin relation for several BHCs. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:Conclusion} In this paper, the consequences of an outgoing spiral density wave on the evolution of a test particle orbiting around a Kerr black hole have been explored. The twin peaks ratio around 3:2 for the kHz-QPOs is naturally explained by the parametric resonance model. The connection to lower frequency QPOs is also clearly demonstrated. It is an extension to accreting black hole for the model already suggested in neutron star and white dwarf binaries. From the analysis of HF-QPOs, we are also able to constrain the mass and the spin of the hole as already suggested by \\cite{Torok2005}. In the case of GRS~1915+105, it appears that the 56~Hz feature in the Fourier time analysis is a fundamental frequency of the black hole from which the other QPOs can be derived. This feature should therefore be related to the intrinsic properties of the black, namely, its mass and its angular momentum. The way to associate $\\Omega_{\\rm w}$ with $a_{\\rm BH}$ and $M_{\\rm BH}$ remains unclear and needs further investigation but spiral density wave excitation close to the ISCO at nearly the maximum of the radial epicyclic frequency as suggested by~\\citet{Mao2008} is a interesting idea that needs further investigations." }, "0809/0809.3323_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ For thermonuclear flashes to occur on neutron-star surfaces, fuel must have been accreted from a donor star. However, sometimes flashes are seen from transient binary systems when they are thought to be in their quiescent phase, during which no accretion, or relatively little, is expected to occur. We investigate the accretion luminosity during several such flashes, including the first-ever and brightest detected flash from \\object{Cen\\,X-4} in 1969. We infer from observations and theory that immediately prior to these flashes the accretion rate must have been between about 0.001 and 0.01 times the equivalent of the Eddington limit, which is roughly 2 orders of magnitude less than the peak accretion rates seen in these transients during an X-ray outburst and 3--4 orders of magnitude more than the lowest measured values in quiescence. Furthermore, three such flashes, including the one from \\object{Cen\\,X-4}, occurred within 2 to 7 days followed by an X-ray outburst. A long-term episode of enhanced, but low-level, accretion is predicted near the end of the quiescent phase by the disk-instability model, and may thus have provided the right conditions for these flashes to occur. We discuss the possibility of whether these flashes acted as triggers of the outbursts, signifying a dramatic increase in the accretion rate. Although it is difficult to rule out, we find it unlikely that the irradiance by these flashes is sufficient to change the state of the accretion disk in such a dramatic way. } ", "introduction": "In low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) a neutron or black hole accretes matter via an accretion disk from a less massive Roche-lobe filling companion star. In many LMXBs the accretion from the disk on the compact object is transient. After a transient outburst (hereafter referred to as outburst), lasting typically a few months, the system settles in quiescence for a few months to several decades. The disk-instability model (DIM; Osaki 1974, see Lasota 2001 for a review) predicts that, if in quiescence the disk extends down to the stellar surface (or the last stable Keplerian orbit), the accretion rate is negligibly low ($\\sim$10$^{5}$\\,g\\,s$^{-1}$; Lasota et al.\\ 2008, see Eq.~(\\ref{eq:mdotcrit}) in Sect.~4). However, in general the X-ray emission of quiescent transient sources corresponds to accretion rates that cannot be qualified as negligible (e.g., van Paradijs et al.\\ 1987, Campana et al.\\ 2004). In the case of neutron-star transients there has been a controversy on the origin of the quiescent X-ray luminosity. On the one hand, quiescent-disk truncation easily explains the luminosity (Lasota et al.\\ 1996, Dubus et al.\\ 2001, Narayan \\&\\ McClintock 2008), is also applicable to black-hole systems, and has been confirmed by observations (e.g., Done 2002). On the other hand, Brown et al.\\ (1998) propose that quiescent X-rays have their origin in heating of the neutron-star crust by nuclear reactions and not in accretion. Both models have their difficulties. The observed rapid variability of the quiescent X-ray flux and the presence of a substantial power-law component (as seen in, e.g., the LMXB transient \\object{Cen\\,X-4}, see Campana et al.\\ 1997, 2004, Rutledge et al.\\ 2001), as well as a very low quiescent X-ray luminosity (less than about several times 10$^{30}$\\,erg\\,s$^{-1}$ for \\object{1H\\,1905+000}; Jonker et al.\\ 2007), are difficult to reconcile with the deep crustal heating model (see, e.g., Jonker 2008 for a recent discussion). The lack of a well understood disk-truncation mechanism (see, however, Liu et al.\\ 2002) and the overpredicted ratio of neutron-star to black-hole quiescent X-ray luminosities (Menou et al.\\ 1999) are the weaknesses of its competitor. Therefore, any independent estimate of the quiescent accretion rate in transient systems would be a great help in resolving the controversy. Type I X-ray bursts (Grindlay et al.\\ 1975, Belian et al.\\ 1976, Hoffman et al.\\ 1978) are thermonuclear flashes at the surface of a neutron star (Joss 1977, Maraschi \\&\\ Cavaliere 1977, Lamb \\&\\ Lamb 1978; for reviews see, e.g., Lewin et al.\\ 1993, Strohmayer \\&\\ Bildsten 2006). We hereafter refer to these events as flashes. If the energy release during a flash is fast and large enough, the local luminosity on the neutron star surface can surpass the Eddington limit, resulting in a lift-up of the photosphere. Such flashes are referred to as photospheric radius-expansion X-ray bursts. During the expansion phase the inferred temperature decreases, whereas the inferred emitted area increases (see, e.g., Lewin et al.\\ 1993, for a review). The first observed flash, in retrospect, was the event detected on July 7, 1969, with {\\it Vela 5B} from \\object{Cen\\,X-4} (Belian et al.\\ 1972; see Sect.~2). The event lasted for about 10\\,min, and is still the brightest ever observed with a peak flux of about 60\\,Crab\\footnote{The commonly used Crab unit is equivalent to about 2$\\times$10$^{-8}$\\,erg\\,cm$^{-2}$\\,s$^{-1}$ in the classical 2--10\\,keV photon-energy band.} (3--12\\,keV). Two days after the flash \\object{Cen\\,X-4} went into an X-ray outburst, which peaked at about 25\\,Crab (3--12\\,keV) and lasted for about 80 days (Conner et al.\\ 1969; Evans et al.\\ 1970; see also Sect.~2). Except for the flash, no other X-ray emission was detected from \\object{Cen\\,X-4} before the outburst (Belian et al.\\ 1972). Interestingly, a similar situation recently occurred in another source: a $\\simeq$40\\,s long flash was detected from \\object{IGR\\,J17473$-$2721} about 2 days prior to the X-ray outburst (Del Monte et al.\\ 2008, Markwardt et al.\\ 2008). In an other case three flashes separated by 2--3~days were seen during the beginning of an X-ray outburst of \\object{2S\\,1803$-$245} (Cornelisse et al.\\ 2007). Our inspection of the {\\it RXTE} All Sky Monitor (ASM) light curve shows that the first flash, which lasted for about 40--50\\,s, occurred when there was no detectable X-ray emission. The following two flashes occurred when the source showed X-ray emission at a slightly elevated level. About a week later the source developed into a bright X-ray outburst. A few other LMXB transients have shown flashes after and/or in between X-ray outbursts when their X-ray emission was below the detection thresholds and the systems were inferred to be in their quiescent phase: \\object{2S\\,1711$-$339}, \\object{SAX\\,J1808.4$-$3658} and \\object{GRS\\,1747$-$312} (Cornelisse et al.\\ 2002a, in 't Zand et al. 2001, 2003b, respectively). Also \\object{Cen\\,X-4} may have shown a flash $\\sim$2 years after its 1969 X-ray outburst (Gorenstein et al.\\ 1974; see Appendix \\ref{apollo}). Related examples are various flashes seen from sources without detectable pre-flash emission, the so-called burst-only sources (Cocchi et al.\\ 2001, Cornelisse et al. 2002a,b, and references therein). For all the afore-mentioned flashes, accretion must have been ongoing prior to these events at a level that is orders of magnitude lower than that achieved during an outburst, but, interestingly, higher than quiescent levels. This brings about prospects for new constraints on models for the emission during the quiescent phase. We explore in Sect.~3 the observed and expected mass-accretion rates around the times of the flashes seen for the sources presented above. Furthermore, the flashes which are within 2--7~days followed by X-ray outbursts suggest the presence of a physical process which has thus far not been discussed in the literature\\footnote{Belian et al.\\ (1972) called \\object{Cen\\,X-4}'s 1969 flash a probable precursor to its subsequent X-ray outburst. They suggested the two events to be associated, but no physical scenario was discussed.}: that the flashes serve as triggers for accretion-disk instabilities resulting in X-ray outbursts. We study in Sect.~4 the viability of this idea in the context of \\object{Cen\\,X-4}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{discussions} The detection of a flash at the end of the quiescent phases in \\object{Cen\\,X-4}, \\object{IGR\\,J17473$-$2721} and \\object{2S\\,1803$-$245}, in between recurrent X-ray outbursts of \\object{SAX\\,J1808.4$-$3658} and \\object{GRS\\,1747$-$312}, and after an X-ray outburst of \\object{2S\\,1711$-$339}, shows that accretion was (temporarily) ongoing onto the neutron star. Such accretion must be at a level several orders of magnitudes higher than that inferred for quiescence, and the rates required are consistent with the truncated disk model which predicts an accretion-rate enhancement before the onset of the outburst. Therefore, it seems unlikely that crustal heating is the main source of luminosity in all of quiescence. Thus, care must be taken when considering the properties of a cooling neutron star when an outburst is over. The DIM-predicted enhancement in accretion rate near the end of quiescence of about 10$^{13}$ to 10$^{14}$\\,g\\,s$^{-1}$ might have provided the right conditions for the flashes to occur in just before the outbursts of \\object{Cen\\,X-4}, \\object{IGR\\,J17473$-$2721} and \\object{2S\\,1803$-$245}. The uncertainties inherent in the DIM do not allow us to test in detail the hypothesis that the flashes triggered or accelerated the start of, the outbursts (althought we regard it as unlikely), nor the 2--7-day delay between the flash and the X-ray outburst." }, "0809/0809.1326_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present an efficient method to generate large simulations of the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) without the need for a full 3-dimensional radiative transfer code. Large dark-matter-only simulations are post-processed to produce maps of the redshifted 21cm emission from neutral hydrogen. Dark matter haloes are embedded with sources of radiation whose properties are either based on semi-analytical prescriptions or derived from hydrodynamical simulations. These sources could either be stars or power-law sources with varying spectral indices. Assuming spherical symmetry, ionized bubbles are created around these sources, whose radial ionized fraction and temperature profiles are derived from a catalogue of 1-D radiative transfer experiments. In case of overlap of these spheres, photons are conserved by redistributing them around the connected ionized regions corresponding to the spheres. The efficiency with which these maps are created allows us to span the large parameter space typically encountered in reionization simulations. We compare our results with other, more accurate, 3-D radiative transfer simulations and find excellent agreement for the redshifts and the spatial scales of interest to upcoming 21cm experiments. We generate a contiguous observational cube spanning redshift 6 to 12 and use these simulations to study the differences in the reionization histories between stars and quasars. Finally, the signal is convolved with the LOFAR beam response and its effects are analyzed and quantified. Statistics performed on this mock data set shed light on possible observational strategies for LOFAR. ", "introduction": "The history of our Universe is largely unknown between the surface of last scattering ($z\\approx1100$) down to a redshift of about 6. Because of the dearth of radiating sources and the fact that we know very little about this epoch, it is often referred to as the ``dark ages''. Theoretical models suggest that around redshifts 10 -- 20, the first sources of radiation appeared that subsequently reionized the Universe. Two different experiments provide the bounds for this epoch of reionization (EoR); the high polarization component at large spatial scales of the temperature-electric field (TE) cross-polarization mode of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) providing the upper limit for the redshift at $z \\approx 11$ \\citep{page07} and the rapid increase in the Lyman-$\\alpha$ optical depth towards redshift 6, observed in the spectrum of high redshift quasars \\citep{fan06}, the lower limit. Although the redshifted 21cm hyperfine transition of hydrogen was proposed as a probe to study this epoch decades ago \\citep{sz75}, the technological challenges to make these observations possible are only now being realised. In the meantime, theoretical understanding of the EoR has improved greatly \\citep{hogan79,scott90,madau97}. Over the past few years there have been considerable efforts in simulating the 21cm signal from the Epoch of Reionization. Almost all of the methods employed in simulating the 21cm involve computer intensive full 3-D radiative transfer calculations \\citep{otvet,crash,simpX,rsph,ftte,art,zeus,flash,c2ray,zahn07,mesinger07,pawlik08}. Theories predict that the process of reionization is complex and sensitively dependent on many not-so-well-known parameters. Although stars may be the most favoured of reionization sources, the role of mini-quasars (miniqsos), with the central black hole mass less than a few million solar masses, are debated \\citep{nusser05,zaroubi05,kuhlen05,rajat08}. Even if the nature of the sources of radiation would be relatively well constrained, there are a number of ``tunable'' parameters like the photon escape fraction, masses of these first sources, and so on, that are not well constrained. In a couple of years, next generation radio telescopes like LOFAR\\footnote{www.lofar.org}\\footnote{www.astro.rug.nl/\\~~LofarEoR} and MWA\\footnote{http://www.haystack.mit.edu/ast/arrays/mwa/} will be tuned to detect the 21cm radiation from the EoR. Although the designs of these telescopes are unprecedented, the prospects for successfully detecting and mapping neutral hydrogen at the EoR critically depends on our understanding of the behaviour and response of the instrument, the effect of diffuse polarized Galactic \\& extra-galactic emission, point source contamination, ionospheric scintillations, radio frequency interference (RFI) and, not least, the characteristics of the desired signal. A good knowhow of the above phenomena would enable us to develop advanced signal processing/extraction algorithms, that can be efficiently and reliably implemented to extract the signal. In order to test and confirm the stability and reliability of these algorithms, it is imperative that we simulate, along with all the effects mentioned above, a large range of reionization scenarios. Fig.~\\ref{fig:bigpic} shows the basic building blocks of the simulation pipeline being built for the LOFAR-EoR experiment. This paper basically constitutes the first block, i.e., simulation of the cosmological 21cm EoR signal. This then passes through a sequence of blocks like the foreground simulation \\citep{jelic08}, instrument response and extraction (Lambropoulous et al., \\emph{in prep}). The extracted signal is then compared with the original signal to quantify the performance of the extraction scheme. This process needs to be repeated for various reionization scenarios to avoid any bias the extraction scheme would have if only a subsample of all possible signal characteristics were used. Simulating observing windows as large as the Field of View (FoV) of LOFAR ($\\sim 5^{\\circ} \\times 5^{\\circ} $) and for frequencies corresponding to redshift 6 to 12 is a daunting task for conventional \\hbox{3-D} radiative transfer codes because of multiple reasons such as a requirement for high dynamic range in mass for the sources of reionization, their large number towards the end of reionization and the size of the box which strains the memory of even the largest computer cluster. In order to facilitate the simulation of such large mock data sets for diverse reionization scenarios, we need to implement an approximation to these radiative transfer methods that mimic the ``standard'' \\hbox{3-D} simulations to good accuracy. It was clear from the onset that the details of the ionization fronts like its complex non-spherical nature will not be reproduced by the semi-analytical approach that we propose here. But the argument towards overlooking this discrepancy is that when the outputs of our semi-analytical approach and that of a \\hbox{3-D} radiative transfer code are passed through the machinery of the LOFAR-EoR pipeline, they are experimentally indistinguishable. The reason being the filtering nature of the telescope's point spread function (PSF) across the sky and the substantial bandwidth averaging along the frequency/redshift direction that is needed to recover the signal, smoothes out the structural details captured by \\hbox{3-D} codes. Recently, several authors \\citep{zahn07,mesinger07} have proposed schemes to reduce the computational burden of generating relatively accurate 21cm maps. These methods do fairly well, although there are some caveats, like for example the intergalactic medium (IGM) ionization being treated as binary, i.e., the IGM is either ionized or neutral \\citep{mesinger07}. Although this might be the case for stellar-like sources, others with a power-law component could exhibit an effect on the IGM wherein the ionizing front is extended and hence this assumption need not hold \\citep{zaroubi05,rajat08}. Added to this, the schemes presented in order to compute the 21cm maps, make the assumption that the spin temperature of hydrogen, $T_s$ is much larger than the CMB temperature. Towards the end of reionization ($z < 8 $) this might very well be valid. But the dawn of reionization would see a complex spatial correlation of IGM temperatures with the sources of radiation, its clustering and spectral energy distributions \\citep{venky01,zaroubi07,rajat08,pritchard07}. In the current paper we have assumed that the spin temperature is coupled to the kinetic temperature and that they are much higher than the CMB temperature. At higher redshifts this need not be a valid assumption. The effects of heating by different types of radiative sources on the IGM and the coupling (both Ly-$\\alpha$ and collisional) between the spin and kinetic temperature will be simulated accurately in a follow-up paper \\emph{Thomas et al., in prep}, using the same scheme, but now applied to heating. In this paper we propose a method of post processing numerical simulations in order to rapidly generate realistic 21cm maps. Briefly, the algorithm consists of simulating the ionization fronts created by the ``first'' radiative sources for a range of parameters which include the power spectrum, source mass function and clustering. We then identify haloes in the outputs of N-body simulations and convert them to a photon count using semi-analytical prescriptions, or using the photon count derived from a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulation. Depending on the photon count and the spectrum, we embed a sphere around the centre-of-mass (CoM) of the halo whose radial profile matches that of a profile from the table created by the 1-D radiative transfer code of \\citet{rajat08}. Appropriate operations are carried out to conserve photon number. Since, the basic idea is to expand bubbles around locations of the sources of radiation, we call this method BEARS (Bubble Expansion Around Radiative Sources). For the sake of brevity and comparison with full \\hbox{3-D} radiative transfer codes, we restrict ourselves to monochromatic radiative transfer with a fixed temperature. A following paper will include a full spectrum along with the temperature evolution. The results of our semi-analytic scheme will be compared to those obtained with the full \\hbox{3-D} Monte Carlo radiative transfer code CRASH \\citep{crash,maselli03}. In \\S\\ref{sec:simulations} we describe the various steps involved in implementing the BEARS algorithm on the outputs of N-body simulations. We describe the specifications of the N-body simulations, the 1-D radiative transfer code used to produce the catalogue of ionization profiles, the algorithm employed to embed the sources and finally an illustrative example of the procedure to correct for the overlap of ionized bubbles. In \\S\\ref{sec:comparison} the fully \\hbox{3-D} cosmological radiative transfer code CRASH is summarized and the results of its qualitative and statistical comparison with BEARS are discussed. \\S\\ref{sec:datacube} describes the method of generating the cube with maps of the brightness temperature ($\\delta T_b$) at all the frequencies that will be observed by an EoR experiment. In \\S\\ref{sec:starsVquasars} we use the simulation of the cube, with maps of the sky at different frequencies, to study the difference between two popular sources of reionization, i.e., stars and quasars. These maps in the cube are then filtered through the LOFAR antenna response to output the final data cube in \\S\\ref{sec:instrumental}. Finally in \\S\\ref{sec:conclusions} we summarize our results and outline further improvements that need to be made in our approach in order to start exploring the large parameter space involved in reionization studies. \\begin{figure} \\centering \\hspace{0cm} \\includegraphics[width=.5\\textwidth]{fig1.ps} \\vspace{-3cm} \\caption{The big picture: This simple flow diagram encapsulates the essence of the ``LOFAR EoR simulation pipeline''. Starting from the generation of the the cosmological EoR signal, the pipeline includes the addition of foreground contaminants like Galactic synchrotron and free-free radiation and other point sources, and the LOFAR antenna response. This ``mock'' data set is then used to extract the signal using various inversion algorithms and the result is then compared to the original ``uncorrupted'' signal in order to study the accuracy and stability of the inversion schemes employed. } \\label{fig:bigpic} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} We emphasized the need to expand the scenarios that need to be explored for reionization and their role in building a reliable and robust pipeline, thus necessitating fast realizations of different scenarios. We built a scheme in which a range of 1-D ionization profiles were catalogued for a number of luminosities, redshifts, densities and source spectra and which were subsequently coupled to an $N$-body simulation to obtain an approximation of a ``standard'' \\hbox{3-D} radiative transfer code. The results obtained were validated using CRASH, a full \\hbox{3-D} radiative transfer code with ray tracing. The agreement between the two methods was excellent for early redshifts ($z>8$), but as expected, the discrepancy grew towards lower redshifts. Several visual comparisons of the slices of different boxes were made along with three different statistical measures of the similarity between the simulations. Many snapshots ($\\approx 75$) were used between a redshift of 15 and 6 and the radiative transfer done on them as described in the preceding sections. These snapshots were then used to make a contiguous cube running from redshift 6 to 12. In terms of the observing frequency, the cube spans 115 $\\mathrm{MHz}$ to 200 $\\mathrm{MHz}$ with a frequency resolution matching that of LOFAR, about one $\\mathrm{MHz}$. Cubes were generated for scenarios involving only stars or quasars and some diagnostics are provided to quantitatively differentiate between them. For both models the variance in $\\delta T_b$ peaked at around 160 $\\mathrm{MHz}$. Although neither may reflect reality, these scenarios demonstrate the use of the techniques we have developed to span large parameter spaces of variables. The PDF of $\\delta T_b$ (see Fig.~\\ref{fig:dtb_pdf}) provides a statistical discriminant between the different source scenarios and could be used in the future to look for the statistical detection of the signal. The cubes generated provide $\\delta T_b$ as a function of frequency. The cube was then averaged over a bandwidth of 1~$\\mathrm{MHz}$ and convolved with the beam pattern of LOFAR to understand the distortions caused by incomplete sampling by an interferometer. Even if the images were blurred by the operation, the overall characteristics of the signal remain detectable. Although the behaviour of the variance of the signal before and after the convolution remained the same (except that the latter had lower values on average), the image/slice entropy showed a very different behaviour. In the former case, i.e., before the convolution, the image entropy remained almost flat throughout the frequency range whereas in the latter the entropy steeply rises at around 160 $\\mathrm{MHz}$. As a note, it is important to mention that although in principle the ionized bubbles do move with a peculiar velocity $v_r(z) = v_r(0)(1+z)^{-1/2}$, where $v_r(0)$ is the typical peculiar velocity of galaxies at redshift zero, assuming $v_r(0) \\approx 600$km/s, a redshift 10 object would have a peculiar velocity of 200 km/s. For a typical lifetime of the source considered, i.e., 10 Myr, this corresponds to motion of about a couple of kpc. This is an order of magnitude less than the resolution of the simulation box at that redshift. Therefore we ignore this effect. On the other hand we have taken into account the effect of redshift distortions whose effects are relatively more important. The simulations and comparisons in this paper have focused on purely stellar or quasars sources, but it is plausible that the early sources of reionization were a mixture of stars and quasars or other yet unknown sources. It is therefore important to simulate reionization by a mixture of these sources, taking into account their clustering properties. The simulations presented in this paper did not take into account the contraints on the population of ionizing sources imposed by various measurements like the infrared excess in the case of stars and the soft X-ray excess for quasars. Apart from the ionization patterns induced by these sources, the $\\delta T_b$ maps will also depend on the kinetic temperature which is coupled to the spin temperature via collisions or Ly-$\\alpha$ pumping. Hence, it is imperative that we include these temperature effects on the IGM. We will incorporate the mixture of sources and the effect of the temperature in an upcoming paper (Thomas et al., \\emph{in prep}). One of the main astrophysical hurdles for the detection of the EoR signal is the existence of prominent Galactic and extragalactic foregrounds. Typically, the difference between the mean amplitude of the EoR signal and the foregrounds is expected to be 4 to 5 orders of magnitude, but an interferometer like LOFAR measures only the fluctuations which in this case are expected to be different by `only' three orders of magnitude \\citep{jelic08}. In subsequent papers we will explore the effects of foregrounds and their removal strategies." }, "0809/0809.3862_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{} {In the frame of the search for extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around early-type stars, we present the results obtained for the F-type main-sequence star HD\\,60532 (F6V) with \\harps.} {Using 147 spectra obtained with \\harps~at {\\small La Silla} on a time baseline of two years, we study the radial velocities of this star.} {HD\\,60532 radial velocities are periodically variable, and the variations have a Keplerian origin. This star is surrounded by a planetary system of two planets with minimum masses of 1 and 2.5\\,\\Mjup~and orbital separations of 0.76 and 1.58\\,AU respectively. We also detect high-frequency, low-amplitude (10\\,\\ms~peak-to-peak) pulsations. Dynamical studies of the system point toward a possible 3:1 mean-motion resonance which should be confirmed within the next decade.} {} ", "introduction": "Radial-velocity (RV) surveys have lead to the detection of nearly 300 planets\\footnote{Jean Schneider, http://exoplanet.eu} during the past decade. They mainly focus on solar and late-type main-sequence (MS) stars ($\\ga$\\,F7) which exhibit numerous lines with low rotational broadening. It is often thought that planets around more massive MS stars are not accessible to radial-velocity techniques, as they present a small number of stellar lines, usually broadened and blended by stellar rotation. However, we recently showed (\\cite{galland05a} 2005a, Paper\\,I) that with a new radial-velocity measurement method that we developed, it is possible to detect planets even around early A-type MS stars with large rotational velocities (typically 100\\,\\kms). Finding planets around such massive MS stars is of importance, as this allows to test planetary formation and evolution processes around a larger variety of stars, in terms of stellar mass and time scales of evolution processes. This approach is complementary with the one which intends to detect planets around evolved intermediate-mass stars (\\eg \\cite{sato05} 2005, \\cite{lovis07} 2007). In this case, close-in planets have been wiped out but the stellar variability is in principle less intense. We performed a radial-velocity survey dedicated to the search for extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around a volume-limited sample of A--F main-sequence stars with the \\harps~spectrograph (\\cite{mayor03} 2003) installed on the 3.6-m ESO telescope at La Silla Observatory (Chile). We monitored a sample of 185 MS stars with \\bv~ranging between $-0.1$ and 0.6. From the measured RV jitter, we computed the minimum detectable masses with \\harps, and showed that in 100 cases, planets with periods smaller than 100 days can be detected, even around stars with early spectral types (down to $\\sim$0.1\\,\\Mjup~at 100 days around slow-rotating late-F stars). Given the data at hand, we also provided the achieved detection limits on the individual targets (\\cite{lagrange08} 2008). In the course of this survey, we identified a few stars which RV variations could be attributed to planets. Most of these stars are still under follow-up. We present here the detection of a planetary system around one of these stars, HD\\,60532. Section~2 provides the stellar properties of this star, the measurement of the radial velocities and their relevance; we also present a Keplerian solution associated to the presence of two planets. ", "conclusions": "We have shown that HD\\,60532, an F6IV--V, 1.44\\,\\Msun~star hosts two planets with minimum masses of 1 and 2.5\\,\\Mjup~and orbital separations of 0.76 and 1.58\\,AU respectively, in a possible 3:1 resonance which needs to be confirmed within the next 10 years. Noticeably sofar, only one other multiple system had been reported around a MS star more massive than 1.3\\,\\Msun~(\\object{HD\\,169830}; 1.4\\,\\Msun). Note also that the low metallicity of HD\\,60532 is not common for stars harbouring Jupiter-mass planets; the relation between the star's metallicity and the presence of massive planets has still to be investigated further." }, "0809/0809.1867_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Predicting the colors of Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs) in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) has been a long-standing problem. The $g,r,i$ colors of LRGs are inconsistent with stellar population models over the redshift range $0.1 2\\times10^{12}M_\\odot$, that their orbital period and apogalacticon distance are a factor of three larger than previously estimated. This means that models of the Magellanic Stream (MS) need to reconcile the fact that although the efficient removal of material via tides and/or ram pressure requires multiple pericentric passages through regions of high gas density, the PMs imply that the Clouds did not pass through perigalacticon during the past $\\ge$5 Gyr (this is true even if a high mass MW model is adopted). While the most dramatic consequence of the new PMs is the limit they place on the interaction timescale of the Clouds with the MW, there are a number of other equally disconcerting implications: the relative velocity between the Clouds has increased such that only a small fraction of the orbits within the PM error space allow for stable binary L/SMC orbits (K06b, B07); the velocity gradient along the orbit is much steeper than that observed along the MS; and the past orbits are not co-located with the MS on the plane of the sky (B07). In these proceedings the listed factors are further explored and used to argue that the MS is not a tidal tail. ", "conclusions": "The new PMs have dramatic implications for phenomenological studies of the Clouds that assume they have undergone multiple pericentric passages about the MW and/or that the SMC is in a circular orbit about the LMC. The orbits deviate spatially from the current location of the MS on the plane of the sky and the velocity gradient along the orbit is much steeper than that observed. These results effectively rule out a purely tidal model for the MS and lend support for hydrodynamical models, such as ram pressure stripping. The offset further suggests that the Clouds have travelled across the little explored region between RA 21$^\\mathrm{h}$ and 23$^\\mathrm{h}$ (i.e. the region spanned by the blue lines in Fig.\\ \\ref{fig3}). \\cite[Putman et al. (2003)]{P03} detected diffuse HI in that region that follow similar velocity gradients as the main stream (their Fig. 7), but otherwise material in that region has been largely ignored by observers and theorists alike. The offset orbits suggest that the MS may be significantly more extended than previously believed and further observations along the region of sky they trace are warranted." }, "0809/0809.1986_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{For many years modeling of double-mode pulsation of classical pulsators was a challenging problem. Inclusion of turbulent convection into pulsation hydrocodes finally led to stable double-mode models. However, it was never analysed, which factor of turbulent convection is crucial. We show that the double-mode behaviour displayed in the computed models results from incorrect assumptions adopted in some of the pulsation hydrocodes, namely from the neglect of buoyant forces in convectively stable layers. This leads to significant turbulent energies and consequently to strong eddy-viscous damping in deep, convectively stable layers of the model. Resulting differential reduction of fundamental and first overtone amplitudes favours the occurrence of double-mode pulsation. Once buoyant forces in convectively stable regions are taken into account (as they should), no stable double-mode behaviour is found. The problem of modeling double-mode behaviour of classical pulsators remains open.}{hydrodynamics -- convection -- overshooting -- stars: oscillations -- stars: variables: Cepheids -- methods: numerical} ", "introduction": "% Among classical pulsators (Cepheids and RR~Lyrae stars) double-mode pulsators (or beat pulsators) represent a small, but very interesting group. These stars pulsate simultaneously in two, low-order radial modes of pulsation, either in fundamental and first overtone (F/O1) or in two lowest overtones (O1/O2). Their astrophysical importance results from the fact, that two radial modes of pulsation simultaneously observed strongly constrain the physical parameters of the star. More than 30 years ago Petersen (1973) showed, that simple linear theory may be used to calculate the masses of such pulsators. Disagreement between these so-called beat masses and masses derived from evolutionary calculations was one of the factors motivating revision of the opacity tables (Simon 1982). Indeed, with improved physics, new opacity tables solved the beat-mass discrepancy problem (Moskalik, Buchler \\& Marom 1992). Beat pulsators proved to be a powerful diagnostic tool for our knowledge of physical processes acting in stars. Recently Kov\\'acs (2000a,b) used double-mode Cepheids and RR~Lyrae stars to derive the distance modulus to the Magellanic Clouds. More detailed study of the Petersen diagram for double-mode RR~Lyrae stars in Magellanic Clouds was performed by Popielski, Dziembowski \\& Cassisi (2000). Beaulieu \\etal (2006) used beat Cepheids to study the metallicity distribution in M33 galaxy. Their methods were further developed by Buchler \\& Szab\\'o (2007), who show how the metallicity of beat Cepheid may be constrained, using the Petersen diagram. Results mentioned in the previous paragraph, are based on computations done with linear pulsation hydrocodes. In these codes stability of the model against small perturbations is studied. As a result the pulsation eigenmodes, their periods and growth rates are calculated. Necessary condition for beat pulsation to occur is that the two pulsation modes are simultaneously linearly unstable, that is their linear growth rates, $\\gamma$, are positive. For F/O1 beat pulsations one requires that $\\gamma_0>0$ and $\\gamma_1>0$. These conditions are satisfied in a wide range of astrophysical parameters, covering a significant part of the instability strip. However, the relative scarcity of the beat pulsators in comparison to single-mode pulsators indicate, that the double-mode pulsation domain is much smaller, and is determined by nonlinear effects. Nonlinear computations may further constrain the astrophysical parameters of the beat pulsators. Therefore, from the very beginning of nonlinear pulsation computations, modeling of the beat phenomenon was one of the major objectives. Early attempts to model the beat phenomenon with direct time integration, radiative hydrocodes were inconclusive. Limited computer resources didn't allow to perform long-lasting integrations. Mixed-mode states persisting for tens of periods were observed, however, their permanent double-mode nature could not be confirmed. Introduction of relaxation technique (Baker \\& von Sengbush 1969, Stellingwerf 1974) greatly facilitated the search for double-mode phenomenon. Relaxation scheme allows for fast convergence to a limit cycle (monoperiodic, finite-amplitude oscillation) and additionally provides information about limit cycle stability through the Floquet stability coefficients. Two stability coefficients are of interest, when one searches for F/O1 double-mode pulsation. $\\eta_{0,1}$ measures the stability of the first overtone limit cycle against the fundamental mode perturbation (switching rate toward fundamental mode), while $\\eta_{1,0}$ measures the stability of the fundamental mode limit cycle against the first overtone perturbation (switching rate toward first overtone). Positive value of a Floquet coefficient means, that the respective mode is unstable and will switch into the other mode. If both $\\eta_{0,1}$ and $\\eta_{1,0}$ are positive, double-mode state is unavoidable. Using relaxation technique several surveys of radiative models were performed to search for the beat pulsation. Examples of resonant, F/O1 doubly-periodic, however, triple-mode models were found by Kov\\'acs \\& Buchler (1988) (RR~Lyrae models), Buchler, Moskalik \\& Kov\\'acs (1990) and Smolec (2008) ($\\delta$~Cephei models). In all these cases, origin of the doubly-periodic pulsation is connected with the 2:1 resonance between the linearly unstable fundamental mode, and linearly damped higher order overtone (third overtone in case of RR~Lyrae models and second overtone in case of $\\delta$~Cephei models). Physical reasons for resonant doubly-periodic pulsation were analysed by Dziembowski \\& Kov\\'acs (1984) with the help of the amplitude equations formalism. Linearly damped, resonant overtone acts as an energy sink for the linearly unstable fundamental mode, leading to the decrease of its amplitude. As a result, otherwise dominant fundamental mode, is no longer able to saturate the pulsation instability on its own. This allows the growth of the first overtone mode. Due to nonlinear phase-lock, resulting triple-mode pulsation is doubly-periodic. Described resonant F/O1 doubly-periodic models are mainly of theoretical interest, as they do not fulfill the observational constraints. The search for non-resonant F/O1 (or O1/O2) double-mode pulsation with radiative codes failed, although partial success was achieved by Kov\\'acs \\& Buchler (1993). They obtained several non-resonant double-mode RR~Lyrae models, by playing with artificial viscosity dissipation. Their models however, are sensitive to numerical details, and do not satisfy all observational constraints. Experiments with artificial viscosity motivated the development of less dissipative codes with physical dissipation instead of artificial one. Inclusion of turbulent convection into pulsational hydrocodes finally led to robust double-mode behaviour in Cepheid (Koll\\'ath \\etal 1998) and in RR~Lyrae (Feuchtinger 1998) models. More detailed surveys of the double-mode pulsation models were performed by the Florida-Budapest group (Koll\\'ath \\& Buchler 2001, Koll\\'ath \\etal 2002, Szab\\'o, Koll\\'ath \\& Buchler 2004). These analysis showed, that the occurrence of the double-mode behaviour does not depend strongly on the parameters of the convection model used, and is mainly controlled by physical parameters of the stellar model. Detailed comparison with observed double-mode pulsators was not performed, however. Also, particular effect of turbulent convection, responsible for the occurrence of double-mode phenomenon, was not identified. In our recent paper (Smolec \\& Moskalik 2008, hereafter Paper~I), we described convective hydrocodes we have recently developed. In our hydrocodes, we adopt convection model based on Kuhfu\\ss{} (1986) work. Essentially the same convection model was used by Florida-Budapest group, however with modified treatment of the convectively stable layers. In these layers buoyant forces were neglected (Koll\\'ath \\etal 2002), which is unphysical. Also, convective flux was neglected in convectively stable regions. In Paper~I we showed the consequences of these neglects for the single-mode Cepheid models. In the present paper we show dramatic consequences for the double-mode models. The structure of this paper is as follows. In Section~2 we briefly discuss the turbulent convection models we use in this paper. In Section~3 we describe the methods of modal selection analysis we adopt, and discuss typical scenarios for two convection models considered, with buoyant forces present and buoyant forces neglected in convectively stable zones. Reasons for the occurrence of double-mode behaviour in the latter case are explained in Section~4. In Section~5 we describe the extensive survey of models we have computed in search for the double-mode behaviour with convection model including buoyant forces in convectively stable regions. We discuss our results and conclusions in Section~6. ", "conclusions": "% We have clearly identified the reasons for stable double-mode behaviour, observed in models ignoring negative buoyancy effects (PP models). Double-mode pulsation results from the neglect of the buoyant forces in convectively stable zones. As a consequence, turbulent velocities are not braked effectively below the envelope convective zone, which leads to artificial overshooting. The range of such artificial overshooting is very large, significant turbulent energies extend to more than 6 local pressure scale heights below the envelope convective zones (Paper~I). These turbulent energies are high enough to produce a significant eddy-viscous damping in the internal convectively stable regions of the model. This damping acts differentially on the pulsation modes, having stronger effect on the fundamental mode than on the first overtone, since the latter has significantly lower amplitude in the deep envelope. Without this damping (in NN models which take negative buoyancy into account) amplitude of the fundamental mode pulsation is significantly higher than the amplitude of the first overtone pulsation. Therefore, fundamental mode is able to saturate the pulsational instability of both modes. Its limit cycle is firmly stable. In PP models, amplitude of the fundamental mode is strongly reduced and it is no longer able to saturate the pulsation instability alone. This allows the first overtone to grow, and consequently double-mode pulsations arise. When convectively stable regions are treated properly and buoyant forces are included, no stable double-mode behaviour can be found (at least in the parameter range considered in this analysis). Most of the convective double-mode models published up to date, were computed with the Florida-Budapest hydrocode. In this code PP convection model was adopted: buoyant forces as well as convective flux were neglected in convectively stable zones. This assumption however, was never discussed by the Florida-Budapest group. One case of double-mode pulsation in RR~Lyrae models was published by Feuchtinger (1998). The model was computed with the Vienna pulsation hydrocodes (Wuchterl \\& Feuchtinger 1998, Feuchtinger 1999). Although it was not explicitly stated, that turbulent source function was neglected in convectively stable regions in the Vienna hydrocode, we suspect that it was so. Our believe is based on the results concerning first overtone Cepheid models computed with both Florida-Budapest and Vienna hydrocodes (Feuchtinger, Buchler \\& Koll\\'ath 2000). These authors state, that both codes give essentially the same results. If different treatments of source function in convectively stable zones are adopted in these codes, we would expect significant differences in the computed amplitudes of the single-mode models, as we have shown in Paper~I. No such differences were reported in this paper. This indicates that also the double-mode RR~Lyrae model computed by Feuchtinger (1998) may be physically not correct, although computations of RR~Lyrae models, similar to presented in this analysis are necessary to confirm this suspicion. Many convective models of both RR~Lyrae stars and Cepheids were published by Italian group (\\eg Bono \\& Stellingwerf 1994, Bono, Marconi \\& Stellingwerf 1999). We do not know whether any systematic search for double-mode behaviour was performed with this code. However, to our best knowledge, no nonlinear double-mode models were published. The source function in the Italian code has different form, as the convection model is based on the Stellingwerf (1982) model. In the original Stellingwerf model it was assumed that $S\\sim \\sqrt{Y}$ instead of $S\\sim Y$ as in the Kuhfu\\ss{} model. Such form of the source term, particularly the fact, that in convectively stable regions source term cannot damp the convective motions, was criticized by Gehmeyr \\& Winkler (1992). This drawback however, was removed in the Italian code, through setting $S\\sim\\mathrm{sgn}(Y)\\sqrt{|Y|}$ (Bono \\& Stellingwerf 1992, 1994). Therefore, Italian code is void of artificial eddy-viscous damping responsible for double-mode behaviour in PP models (see Paper~I, and work integrals \\eg in Bono, Marconi \\& Stellingwerf 1999). In the light of our analysis, the lack of double-mode models in the computations of Italian group is not surprising. Our extensive search for F/O1 double-mode Cepheid models with NN convection model (which include negative buoyancy effects) yielded null result. For 24 studied sets of convective and physical parameters, double-mode behaviour was not found. Instead, an either-or domain, where both F and O1 single-mode pulsations are stable, separates the first overtone pulsation domain at the hot side of the instability strip and fundamental mode pulsation domain at the cool side. What is more important, soon after fundamental mode becomes linearly unstable, its pulsation amplitude grows and strongly exceeds the pulsation amplitude of the first overtone. Consequently, fundamental mode limit cycle is firmly stable, across the significant part of the instability strip. It is the main factor preventing the occurrence of the double-mode behaviour. Nevertheless, the F/O1 double-mode Cepheids do exist in nature. Therefore, a question arises, what is missing or what physical effect is treated incorrectly in our pulsation hydrocodes. Double-mode Cepheid models computed with PP convection, although unphysical, may provide a hint. We need a mechanism that differentially reduces the modal amplitudes. It is also likely that this mechanism should act in the deep interior of the model, where properties of the fundamental and first overtone modes do differ. In our opinion, two issues should be considered in more detail. First, the treatment of turbulent convection in our models and second, the opacities. Turbulent convection models adopted in pulsation hydrocodes are very simplified. At the present moment, due to limited computer resources, only simple one equation models are suitable for extensive nonlinear computations. These models contain many free parameters and very simplified description of non-local phenomena, such as overshooting. Of these theories, the Kuhfu\\ss{} model seems most consistent and correct. Unfortunately, as we have shown, it is not able to reproduce the observed modal selection. As envelope convection zones are clearly present in classical pulsators, turbulent convection is a necessary component of pulsation hydrocodes. However, it is not sure at the the moment, whether convection is crucial in bringing up the double-mode behaviour at all. Non-resonant beat phenomenon is found in radiative, and numerically robust $\\beta$~Cephei models (Smolec \\& Moskalik 2007). Also radiative non-resonant double-mode RR~Lyrae models (Kov\\'acs \\& Buchler 1993) and $\\delta$~Cephei models (Smolec, unpublished) were computed. Although, these models were obtained through playing with artificial viscosity, they are just indication of the physics missing in our hydrocodes. This turns our attention into opacities. Recently there is a growing evidence that the opacity computations as well as solar chemical composition are still uncertain. This concerns specially the heavier elements and opacity computations in the hot temperature regimes, corresponding to iron opacity bump ($T\\sim 2\\cdot 10^5$K). Solar chemical composition was recently revised by Asplund \\etal (2005). With new solar mixture however, the standard helioseismic solar model is in serious trouble (see \\eg Montalban \\etal 2006). This indicates that solar chemical composition or opacity computations need further revisions. The strength of the opacity bump is still under debate and recent asteroseismic models indicate that enhancement of opacities is desired (Pamyatnykh, priv. comm.). Also, our computations of $\\beta$~Cephei models (Smolec \\& Moskalik 2007) indicate, that modal selection strongly depends on the opacities being used (OP \\vs OPAL opacities). Enhancement of iron-group opacities may have an effect on modal selection for Cepheid models. It affects the convective properties of our models, producing additional convection zone in the deep interior. For models considered in this analysis, that is of masses around 4.5\\MS and with solar metallicity, iron opacity bump is too weak to produce a convection zone, and hence eddy-viscous damping in the deep interior. With enhanced iron opacity bump, we expect that convective zone will develop in the deep interior, producing eddy-viscous damping. To check these effects we have computed additional sequence of models, AZ (Table~1) with all parameters of set A, but with increased metallicity to $Z=0.03$. In these models we observe a convection zone connected with the iron bump. It produces an eddy-viscous damping, that acts on fundamental mode, but has negligible effect on the first overtone. However, this effect is weak, as the convection zone is very narrow, and confined to typically $2-4$ zones. Double-mode solution is not found. One may draw conclusions about double-mode pulsators (\\eg their parameters, such as mass or metallicity, as well as properties of the stellar systems they are in) through linear as well as nonlinear computations. Our results invalidate the nonlinear studies done with PP convection model. However, conclusions and results obtained with linear analysis of models computed with PP convection are correct. Significant turbulent energies and consequently strong eddy-viscous damping in convectively stable zones of full amplitude models are clearly nonlinear effect. Crucial eddy-viscous terms do not affect the computed static structure of the models. If turbulent flux is turned off, turbulent energies are negligible in convectively stable regions of the static model (see Paper~I). As we describe in Paper~I, static structure computed with both PP and NN convection models is very similar. Hence, computed periods and period ratios agree very well. Also linear growth rates are similar, slightly differing for models with turbulent flux turned on. Therefore, the main outcome of the linear analysis, domains of simultaneous instability of fundamental and first overtone modes, as well as periods and period ratios, obtained with PP convection model are correct. Thus, we do not expect significant changes in the analysis of Petersen diagram in the context of beat Cepheid metallicities (Buchler \\& Szab\\'o 2007, Buchler 2008), if NN convection model is used instead of PP model. We have analysed the modal selection in classical Cepheid models, considering fundamental and first overtone modes only. Hence, our conclusions strictly apply to F/O1 double-mode Cepheids. We haven't searched for possible O1/O2 double-mode Cepheid models. We just note, that no systematic survey of such models was performed up to date. According to Buchler \\& Koll\\'ath (2000), some O1/O2 models were found by Florida-Budapest group, among models computed with P\\'eclet correction, that accounts for radiative losses, however, no details had been given. Since we haven't performed any analysis of possible overtone double-mode models, we cannot say, whether the same unphysical mechanism is responsible for these double-mode overtone models or not. We note however, that O1 and O2 are more confined to surface layers of the model. In the deep interior both these modes have significantly smaller amplitudes than the fundamental mode. The difference between O1 and O2 modes is less pronounced. Therefore, unphysical eddy-viscous dissipation, causing the differential reduction of modal amplitudes, crucial in F/O1 double-mode PP models, should play a lesser role (if any) in case of O1/O2 double-mode models. The search of O1/O2 double-mode behaviour with our pulsation hydrocodes (NN convection) is planned. \\Acknow{We are grateful to prof. Wojciech Dziembowski for fruitful discussions and commenting the manuscript. Alosza Pamyatnykh is acknowledged for the permission to use the opacity interpolating subroutines and computation of opacity tables with new solar mixture. This work has been supported by the Polish MNiSW Grant No. 1 P03D 011 30.}" }, "0809/0809.3721_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have constructed a thermally compensated field-widened monolithic Michelson interferometer that can be used with a medium-resolution spectrograph to measure precise Doppler radial velocities of stars. Our prototype monolithic fixed-delay interferometer is constructed with off-the-shelf components and assembled using a hydrolysis bonding technique. We installed and tested this interferometer in the Exoplanet Tracker (ET) instrument at the Kitt Peak 2.1m telescope, an instrument built to demonstrate the principles of dispersed fixed delay interferometry. An iodine cell allows the interferometer drift to be accurately calibrated, relaxing the stability requirements on the interferometer itself. When using our monolithic interferometer, the ET instrument has no moving parts (except the iodine cell), greatly simplifying its operation. We demonstrate differential radial velocity precision of a few m s$^{-1}$ on well known radial velocity standards and planet bearing stars when using this interferometer. Such monolithic interferometers will make it possible to build relatively inexpensive instruments that are easy to operate and capable of precision radial velocity measurements. A larger multi-object version of the Exoplanet Tracker will be used to conduct a large scale survey for planetary systems as part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS III). Variants of the techniques and principles discussed in this paper can be directly applied to build large monolithic interferometers for such applications, enabling the construction of instruments capable of efficiently observing many stars simultaneously at high velocity-precision. ", "introduction": "Since the discoveries of the first extrasolar planets \\citep{Wolszczan92, Mayor95} more than 290 planets have been discovered using radial velocity techniques, transit searches, and microlensing. The majority of the known extrasolar planets have been discovered using precision radial velocity measurements that detect the gravitational influence of the planet on the parent star. The presence of the planet induces a periodic change in the line of sight velocity of the star and this velocity is measured using the small Doppler shift in the spectral lines of the star. Ongoing radial velocity surveys with high resolution echelle spectrographs have achieved velocity precisions of $1-3$ m s$^{-1}$ \\citep{Butler96, Rupprecht04}, allowing the detection of $m\\sin{i}= 7-20$ Earth mass planets close to their host star \\citep{Santos04, Rivera05}. These echelle spectrographs are generally large and expensive instruments which are not easily duplicated, leading to the availability of such instruments becoming a limiting factor in intensifying high-precision radial velocity surveys. High precision radial velocity observations of more stars are necessary in order to discover lower mass planets, explore different regimes of stellar mass and evolution (Johnson et al. 2007), planet formation around young stars (Setiawan et al. 2007), and to discover more planets around low-mass M stars (e.g. Endl et al. 2007). Over the past few years we have developed the dispersed fixed-delay interferometer (DFDI) technique \\citep*{Erskine00, Ge02a, Ge02b} into viable instruments capable of achieving high precision radial velocity measurements on stars and detecting extrasolar planets. Such instruments are substantially less expensive than echelle spectrographs since they do not require high spectral resolutions or large-format gratings. At the heart of these instruments is a stable, field-widened, fixed-delay Michelson interferometer. One such instrument, the Exoplanet Tracker (ET) instrument at the Kitt Peak 2.1m has been used to confirm known exoplanets (van Eyken et al. 2004) and detect a hot Jupiter around HD102195 (Ge et al. 2006). The ability to reliably construct monolithic Michelson interferometers has the potential to make such instruments stable, easy to use, and relatively easy to duplicate. This will enable multiple versions of these instruments to easily be built to complement existing echelle spectrographs in order to meet the need for high precision radial velocity measurements to support upcoming space missions like {\\it KEPLER} (Borucki et al. 2003) and {\\it SIM} (Shao et al. 2007). An additional advantage of the DFDI technique is the ability to observe a large number of stars simultaneously using a wide field-of-view telescope. This technique will be utilized to conduct MARVELS (Multi-object Apache point observatory Radial Velocity Exoplanet Large-area Survey), a multi-object survey for exoplanets, as part of SDSS III (Ge et al. 2007). MARVELS will be able to simultaneously monitor 120 F,G, and K stars in the 3 degree field of view of the Sloan 2.5m telescope, efficiently searching for Jupiter-mass planets \\citep{Ge07}. The Michelson interferometer is a crucial component of the ET and MARVELS instruments and needs to be stable in order to reliably recover relative velocity drifts of a few m s$^{-1}$. Phase drifts of the interferometer during an exposure will tend to wash out the fringes, reducing the measured fringe visibility and the velocity precision. Large drifts between observing runs make it difficult to achieve coherent velocity links over large timespans. The current Michelson interferometer setup for the ET instrument at Kitt Peak uses a piezoelectric transducer (PZT) to control the path difference. This stabilizes the interferometer fringe and reduces the interferometer fringe phase drifts. The need to run a closed-loop system on the most critical component also makes observations difficult, since the observer has to continually monitor the phase, and restart the PZT after a software or computer failure. In terms of a long duration survey for exoplanets, failure of the PZT can lead to the inability to coherently link radial velocities. The PZT control also becomes increasingly more difficult for multi-object instruments based on ET that use much larger beamsplitters due to the need to accommodate more fibers. To address some of these problems and to make ET-like instruments more stable and substantially easier to use, we have been pursuing a program to design and build an inexpensive monolithic interferometer that satisfies our criteria of field widening and stability (see Mahadevan et al. 2004). Monolithic interferometers have also been discussed by Mosser et al. (2007) for use in asteroseismology from DOME C in Antarctica. Polarizing Michelson interferometers similar to our prototype have been in use for solar oscillation measurements for a number of years in the Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG, Harvey et al. 1995) and Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Michelson Doppler Imager (SOHO MDI) instruments and are the design chosen for the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) instrument (Graham et al. 2003) on the planned Solar Dynamics Observatory. Monolithic interferometer assemblies have also been used to measure the solar resonance fluorescence of OH (Englert et al. 2007). Polarizing interferometers are usually designed to observe a single absorption line, while interferometers built for spatial heterodyne spectroscopy are only effective over a small wavelength region. The monolithic interferometer for the ET instrument needs to be able to function in the wavelength range 5000-6000 \\AA, be non-polarizing, and have a slight tilt in one mirror to created the fringes observed with ET. In this paper we describe the construction of an inexpensive prototype monolithic interferometer and present results demonstrating the ability to acquire precise stellar radial velocities using the monolithic interferometer with the Exoplanet Tracker (ET) instrument. ", "conclusions": "Using off-the-shelf components and a novel bonding technique we have built a monolithic fixed-delay Michelson interferometer for the ET instrument. With this inexpensive prototype we have effectively demonstrated the ability of such an interferometers to recover precise radial velocities. The results for the stable and planet bearing stars demonstrate that the prototype monolithic interferometer, developed using only off-the-shelf components, is capable of allowing us to achieve a velocity precision of $\\sim 10$ m s$^{-1}$ or better over observing runs as long as two weeks. Monolithic interferometers are significantly more insensitive to vibrations, and do not need active locking using a PZT device. The temperature-compensated, field widened interferometer also makes the ET instrument significantly easier to use since the observer no longer has to constantly monitor the phase locking software. The performance of one of our prototype interferometers in the lab is substantially better than the one tested at KPNO. We believe that the large drifts seen at Kitt-Peak were caused by the warping on the copper ring. Nevertheless, we have demonstrated the ability of such a monolithic interferometer to aid in the precise measurement of radial velocities using a suitable reference to track the instrument and interferometer drifts. The hydrolysis catalyzed bonding technique we have employed is transparent over a wide wavelength region, and stable over a large range in temperatures. The next goal in our development efforts is a larger and very stable field-widened and temperature-compensated fixed-delay interferometer that can be used in a multi-object instrument to observe many stars simultaneously. We expect that the issues related to the warping of the ring can be avoided if a second glass material were used instead of an airgap. Better designs of such interferometers, coupled with better environmental control, may make it possible to build interferometers that are intrinsically stable enough to not require simultaneous iodine calibration in order to measure to radial velocities to a high precision. With high enough stability and good thermal control it may become possible to achieve acceptable velocity precision by bracketing the stellar observations with a velocity reference, or using another reference fiber to track the star fiber. With minor variations, such interferometers can potentially be employed in a variety of dispersed fixed delay interferometer instruments including large multi-object instruments planned for upcoming surveys like MARVELS." }, "0809/0809.5107_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Using {\\it Spitzer} IRAC and MIPS observations of the Large Magellanic Cloud, we have identified 13 objects that have extremely red mid-IR colors. Follow-up {\\it Spitzer} IRS observations of seven of these sources reveal varying amounts of SiC and C$_2$H$_2$ absorption as well as the presence of a broad MgS feature in at least two cases, indicating that these are extreme carbon stars. Preliminary estimates find these objects have luminosities of 4--11$\\times$10$^3$~$L_\\odot$ and preliminary model fitting gives mass-loss rates between 4$\\times$10$^{-5}$ and 2$\\times$10$^{-4}$~$M_\\odot$~yr$^{-1}$, higher than any known carbon-rich AGB star in the LMC. These spectral and physical properties require careful reconsideration of dust condensation and mass-loss processes for carbon stars in low metallicity environments. ", "introduction": "We have undertaken a study of star formation in the Large Magellanic Cloud \\citep[LMC;][]{GC08}, using archival {\\it Spitzer Space Telescope} observations, such as those of Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy's Evolution \\citep[SAGE;][]{Metal06}. In the process of identifying young stellar objects (YSOs) we noticed 13 bright mid-IR sources (Table 1) that all had similar photometric properties with spectral energy distributions (SEDs) markedly different from those of evolved stars or YSOs: (1) they have extremely red mid-IR colors, [4.5]-[8.0]$>$4.0; (2) their SEDs, peaking between 8 and 24~$\\mu$m, can be moderately well fit by blackbodies with effective temperatures of $\\sim$230--320~K; (3) they all fall in a narrow range of brightness, 7.0$>$[8.0]$>$8.5; and (4) none of the sources have counterparts in the Two Micron All Sky Survey Point Source Catalog \\citep[2MASS PSC;][]{Setal06} or in the Digitized Sky Survey. We dubbed these sources Extremely Red Objects (EROs). The EROs are not likely asteroids because of their high brightnesses and lack of proper motions in SAGE observations from two epochs separated by $\\sim$3 months. They cannot be background galaxies or Galactic sources, as the {\\it Spitzer} Wide-area IR Extragalactic Survey \\citep[SWIRE;][]{Letal03} and the Galactic Legacy IR Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire \\citep[GLIMPSE;][]{Betal03} do not have counterparts with similar mid-IR colors and brightnesses. These EROs are most likely associated with the LMC, and their high luminosities imply that their Galactic counterparts would have saturated in the SWIRE and GLIMPSE Surveys. Queries of the SIMBAD database found that some EROs had been detected previously in either {\\it MSX} or {\\it IRAS} observations \\citep[e.g.,][]{S89}. Five have been suggested as possible obscured AGB stars by \\citet{Letal97}; however, many of our EROs have also been suggested to be YSO candidates \\citep{Wetal08}. As these EROs have never been confirmed or rejected as YSOs spectroscopically, we included seven among our follow-up observations of massive YSOs in the LMC using the {\\it Spitzer} InfraRed Spectrograph \\citep[IRS;][]{Hetal04}. These IRS observations show unambiguously that the EROs are carbon stars; furthermore, the spectra reveal silicon carbide (SiC) absorption features. While SiC emission features are fairly common in both Galactic and LMC carbon stars, this is the first clear detection of SiC {\\it absorption} for LMC carbon stars. Preliminary analysis of the IRS spectra suggests that these are extraordinary carbon stars with very high mass-loss rates. This paper reports their discovery. In \\S{2} we describe their basic photometric properties and their possible optical and near-IR counterparts. In \\S{3} we introduce our IRS observations and in \\S{4} we discuss the results. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.0208_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Radio astronomical observations have very poor signal to noise ratios, unlike in other disciplines. On the other hand, it is possible to observe the object of interest for long time intervals as well as using a wider bandwidth. Traditionally, by averaging in time and in frequency, it has been possible to improve the signal to noise ratio of astronomical observations to improve the dynamic range. This is possible due to the inherent assumption that the object of interest in the sky is invariant over time and the frequency range of observation. However, in reality this assumption does not hold, due to intrinsic variation of the sky as well as due to errors generated by the instrument. In this paper, we shall discuss an alternative to averaging of images, without ignoring subtle changes in the observed data over time and frequency, using subspace decomposition. By separation of data to signal and noise subspaces, not only would this improve the quality of the data, but also enable us to detect faint artifacts due to calibration errors, interference etc. ", "introduction": "Astronomical observations have very weak signal to noise ratios (SNR). In radio astronomy (interferometry), this weak SNR is improved mainly by prolonging the observation time. This not only improves the SNR, but also sampling of the $uv$ plane. A typical observation has a bandwidth of a few MHz, divided into smaller narrowband channels. Normally the bandwidth of a single channel is about a few kHz. After interference mitigation, calibration and imaging (also deconvolution) each of these narrow band channels, it is normal procedure to average them, on the image plane. The resultant averaged image has an improved SNR compared to images made by each of the narrowband channels, assuming all systematic errors have been removed. This is the typical process by which current radio telescopes like the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT), is able to achieve dynamic ranges in the order of 1,000,000 to 1. However, there is a significant drawback in this averaging procedure, because it is based on a erroneous assumption: that the source as well as the effects of the instrument remains invariant in all averaged data. Only the noise varies and averaging significantly decreases the noise power. The invariance assumption is accurate to some extent, but closer scrutiny reveals that there is significant amount of variation: \\begin{itemize} \\item There is intrinsic variation of the sky (or the sources) with frequency (non zero spectral indices). \\item The $uv$ points scale with frequency, thus the point spread function (PSF) change in the images. \\item Transient sources as well as radio frequency interference (RFI) create temporal variation. \\item Calibration errors, small as they might be, create subtle variations in time as well as in frequency. \\end{itemize} Indeed, by averaging, both noise and the aforementioned effects get suppressed. However, it is to our advantage that we detect such variations in our images. For instance, we could detect trace amounts of RFI and calibration errors etc., that appear only in certain time or frequency ranges. This could also enable us to discard certain parts of the data, where such effects are dominant, and thus improve the quality of our averaged, final image. Subspace techniques have previously being used in image compression \\cite{Andrews76, Yang95}, as well as image comparison. However, to the best of our knowledge, this has not been used in (radio) astronomical image processing. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In the next section, we give a formal representation of images and subspace decomposition. Next, we investigate various uses of the image subspace decomposition. Later, we consider possible extensions of the proposed method, by taking into account the data weights as well as the affect of PSF. Finally, we give our conclusions. Notation: All bold lowercase letters represent a column vector, all bold uppercase letters represent a matrix. ", "conclusions": "We have proposed a technique to improve the quality of the data in astronomical observations using subspace decomposition. Application of this technique to real data has shown us that it is superior to the normally used averaging techniques." }, "0809/0809.5041_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{}{Emission lines in polars show complex profiles with multiple components that are typically ascribed to the accretion stream, threading region, accretion spot, and the irradiated secondary-star. In low-state polars the fractional contribution by the accretion stream, and the accretion spot is greatly reduced offering an opportunity to study the effect of the secondary-star irradiation or stellar activity. We observed VV Pup during an exceptional low-state to study and constrain the properties of the line-forming regions and to search for evidence of chromospheric activity and/or irradiation.} {We obtained phase-resolved optical spectra at the ESO VLT+FORS1 with the aim of analyzing the emission line profile and radial velocity as a function of the orbital period. We also tailored irradiated secondary-star models to compare the predicted and the observed emission lines and to establish the nature of the line-forming regions.} {Our observations and data analysis, when combined with models of the irradiated secondary-star, show that, while the weak low ionization metal lines (FeI and MgI) may be consistent with irradiation processes, the dominant Balmer H emission lines, as well as NaI and HeI, cannot be reproduced by the irradiated secondary-star models. We favor the secondary-star chromospheric activity as the main forming region and cause of the observed H, NaI and He emission lines, though a threading region very close to the L1 point cannot be excluded. } {} ", "introduction": "Different types of cataclysmic variables (CVs, i.e. dwarf novae, polars, etc) in different states (outburst or quiescence) have shown Balmer emission lines forming close to the secondary-star. Depending on the system, plausible origins of these emission lines have been identified as the irradiated secondary hemisphere (e.g. Steeghs et al. 2001; Araujo-Betancor et al. 2003; Thoroughgood et al. 2005), or the accretion stream (e.g. Cowley et al. 1982; Mukai 1988; Schwope et al. 1997). More recently, it has been proposed that the Balmer emission lines in low-state polars could be the signature of chromosphere activity on the secondary-stars in AM Her, ST LMi, and EF Eri (Kafka et al. 2006, 2007, Howell et al. 2006b). This scenario is particularly intriguing if we consider that V471~Tau H$\\alpha$ emission line, previously thought to be caused by irradiation\\footnote{Young et al. (1988) use the word {\\it fluorescence} in the broader context of conversion of high energy photons to low energy ones.} (Young et al. 1988), is best explained by stellar activity (Rottler et al. 2002). In order to understand the source and formation mechanism of the observed Balmer emission lines in low-state polars, we analyzed time-resolved optical spectra of VV~Pup obtained during a low-state. The spectra were secured at the ESO VLT+FORS1 and have been already presented in Mason et al. (2007), where we focused on the white dwarf magnetic field signatures and, in particular, the first detection of the Zeeman absorptions. Here we present in Sec.~\\ref{uno} the data sample, in Sec.~\\ref{due} our radial velocity study and the emission line profile analysis. In Sec.~\\ref{tre} the irradiated atmosphere model tailored for the VV~Pup system is compared to the observations. Sec.\\ref{quattro} summarizes our results and conclusions. ", "conclusions": "\\label{quattro} Phase-resolved optical spectroscopy of the polar VV~Pup during a low-state has shown the presence of Balmer H, FeI, MgI, NaI and HeI emission lines, which form on the side of the secondary-star facing the white dwarf. Their radial velocity curves are roughly consistent with each other but different from the secondary-star radial velocity curve measured by Howell et al. (2006a). Also, the application of the inverse K-correction is insufficient to produce agreement between our and the Howell et al. radial velocity. The emission line fluxes show a bell shaped modulation across the orbit during epoch 1 observations, which is often taken as irradiation of the secondary-star. We produced irradiated secondary-star models tailored for VV~Pup and, though irradiation predicts low ionization metal lines, it does not explain the Balmer, Na and HeI emission lines strengths we observed. In particular, to produce these emission lines % would require a $>$20000K white dwarf in VV Pup, contrary to the UV observations. The possible presence of a hot spot (20000 to 24000K) on the magnetic white dwarf, similar to that observed in low-state polars such as EF Eri and AM Her, could alternatively provide some Balmer, Na and possibly He emission lines. However, in epoch 2 observations taken while VV~Pup was experiencing an increase in mass transfer, we observed the same lines to strengthen and show a more scattered flux distribution with the orbital period. This also disfavors irradiation of the secondary-star. Our observations are better explained by a scenario in which the H, Na and HeI emission lines form mainly on the white dwarf facing side of the secondary-star either in the threading region close to the L1 point, or in chromospheric prominence-loops possibly shocked near the location of the white dwarf magnetospheric radius. We note that the NaI doublet and the H$\\alpha$ emission lines are known to be good indicators of chromosphere activity in M and L dwarfs (Andretta et al. 1997, Schmidt et al. 2007). Flux ratios of the HeI$\\lambda$5875/HeI$\\lambda$6678$\\sim$2.5-3.5, as measured by us in the ``bursting'' spectra of epoch 2, are consistent with low density gas regions having temperatures higher than 8000K as in the stellar chromosphere or chromosphere-like regions (Giampapa et al. 1978; Howell et al. 2006b). In addition, the strengthening of the chromospheric activity line indicators is consistent with stellar activity phenomena which, depending on the secondary-star dynamo magnetic field, might trigger episodes of enhanced mass transfer rate as observed in our epoch 2 ``bursting'' spectra." }, "0809/0809.2382_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A kinetic theory for spin plasmas is put forward, generalizing those of previous authors. In the model, the ordinary phase space is extended to include the spin degrees of freedom. Together with Maxwell's equations, the system is shown to be energy conserving. Analysing the linear properties, it is found that new types of wave-particle resonances are possible, that depend directly on the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron. As a result new wave modes, not present in the absence of spin, appear. The implications of our results are discussed. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.4667_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\noindent Gravitino dark matter, together with thermal leptogenesis, implies an upper bound on the masses of superparticles. In the case of broken R-parity the constraints from primordial nucleosynthesis are naturally satisfied and decaying gravitinos lead to characteristic signatures in high energy cosmic rays. We analyse the implications for supergravity models with universal boundary conditions at the grand unification scale. Together with low-energy observables one obtains a window of superparticle masses, which will soon be probed at the LHC, and a range of allowed reheating temperatures. ", "introduction": "Standard thermal leptogenesis \\cite{Fukugita:1986hr} provides a simple and elegant explanation of the origin of matter. It is a natural consequence of the seesaw mechanism, and it is perfectly consistent with the small neutrino masses inferred from neutrino oscillation data \\cite{Buchmuller:2005eh}. Thermal leptogenesis works without and with supersymmetry. In the latter case, however, there is a clash with the `gravitino problem' \\cite{Weinberg:1982zq, Ellis:1984er,Kawasaki:2004yh}: the large temperature required by leptogenesis exceeds the upper bound on the reheating temperature from primordial nucleosynthesis (BBN) in typical supergravity models with a neutralino as lightest superparticle (LSP) and an unstable gravitino. If the gravitino is the LSP, the condition that relic gravitinos do not overclose the universe yields an upper bound on the reheating temperature \\cite{Moroi:1993mb}. Furthermore, the next-to-lightest superparticle (NLSP) is long lived, and one has to worry about the effect of NLSP decays on nucleosynthesis. It is remarkable that, despite these potential problems, a large leptogenesis temperature of order $10^{10}$~GeV can account for the observed cold dark matter in terms of thermally produced relic gravitinos \\cite{Bolz:1998ek}. Requiring consistency with nucleosynthesis yields constraints on the superparticle mass spectrum. Due to improved analyses of BBN, the original proposal of a higgsino NLSP is no longer viable, and also other possible NLSPs are strongly constrained. The case of a stau NLSP is cornered by bounds following from catalyzed production of $^6{\\rm Li}$ \\cite{Pospelov:2006sc}, with the possible exception of a large left-right mixing in the stau sector \\cite{Ratz:2008qh}. In some models a sneutrino \\cite{Kanzaki:2006hm} or a stop \\cite{DiazCruz:2007fc} can still be a viable NLSP. Recently, it has been shown that in the case of small R-parity and lepton number breaking, such that the baryon asymmetry is not erased by sphaleron processes \\cite{Campbell:1990fa}, thermal leptogenesis, gravitino dark matter and primordial nucleosynthesis are naturally consistent \\cite{Buchmuller:2007ui}. Although the gravitino is no longer stable, its decay into standard model (SM) particles is doubly suppressed by the Planck mass and the small R-parity breaking parameter. Hence, its lifetime exceeds the age of the universe by many orders of magnitude, and it remains a viable dark matter candidate \\cite{Takayama:2000uz}. Gravitino decays lead to characteristic signatures in high energy cosmic rays. The produced flux of gamma-rays \\cite{Takayama:2000uz,Buchmuller:2007ui,Bertone:2007aw, Ibarra:2007wg, Ishiwata:2008cu} and positrons \\cite{Ibarra:2008qg,Ishiwata:2008cu} may explain the observed excess in the EGRET \\cite{Strong:2004ry} and HEAT \\cite{Barwick:1997ig} data. This hypothesis will soon be tested by the satellite experiments FGST and PAMELA. In this paper we study the implications of leptogenesis and gravitino dark matter with broken R-parity on the mass spectrum of superparticles. Since the unification of gauge couplings in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model (MSSM) is one of the main motivations for low-energy supersymmetry, we shall focus on versions of the MSSM with universal boundary conditions for scalar and gaugino masses at the grand unification (GUT) scale. As we shall see, the corresponding spectrum of superparticle masses will be fully covered at the LHC. This is the main result of our analysis. After some comments on R-parity violation in Section~2, we discuss the lower bound on the reheating temperature from leptogenesis and the upper bound on the NLSP mass from gravitino dark matter in Section~3. Section~4 deals with constraints on MSSM parameters from low-energy observables, and the results of our numerical analysis are presented in Section~5, followed by some conlusions in Section~6. ", "conclusions": "\\label{Sec:Conclusion} We have studied the implications of thermal leptogenesis and gravitino dark matter for the mass spectrum of superparticles. In the case of broken R-parity the constraints from nucleosynthesis are naturally fulfilled, and universal gaugino masses at the GUT scale are possible, contrary to the case of stable gravitinos. As an illustration, we have considered two boundary conditions which lead to a bino-like NLSP and a stau NLSP, respectively. Low-energy observables and gravitino dark matter together with thermal leptogenesis yield upper and lower bounds on NLSP and gluino masses, which in both cases lie within the discovery range of the LHC. It is encouraging that the supersymmetric explanation of the muon $g-2$ anomaly favours smaller masses within these mass windows. A cosmology with leptogenesis and gravitino dark matter also leads to the prediction of a maximal temperature in the early universe. In the case of universal gaugino masses at the unification scale we find the upper bound $T_R^{\\rm max}\\simeq 6\\times 10^9$~GeV, which is somewhat relaxed for large scalar masses. This bound has been obtained under the assumption of thermal equilibrium, which appears unlikely for a maximal temperature. Nevertheless, it is intriguing that the temperature $T_R^{\\rm max}$ is of the same order of magnitude as the critical for the destabilization of compact dimensions in higher-dimensional supersymmetric theories \\cite{Buchmuller:2004xr}. The effect of the reheating process on the stabilization of extra dimensions and the relation to baryogenesis and dark matter require futher investigations. Gravitino decays produce a flux of photons and positrons, which can significantly contribute to the EGRET and HEAT anomalies for a lifetime $\\tau_{3/2} \\sim 10^{26}$~s. If these anomalies are indeed related to gravitino decays, the satellite experiments FGST and PAMELA should soon detect characteristic features in the photon and positron spectrum, respectively. Observation of a line in the gamma-ray spectrum by FGST and a rise with sharp cutoff in the positron spectrum by PAMELA would lead to a determination of the gravitino mass. This would considerably tighten the predictions for superparticle mass windows which will be probed at the LHC." }, "0809/0809.3337_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study the bulk viscosity of neutron star matter including $\\Lambda$ hyperons in the presence of quantizing magnetic fields. Relaxation time and bulk viscosity due to both the non-leptonic weak process involving $\\Lambda$ hyperons and direct Urca processes are calculated here. In the presence of a strong magnetic field of $10^{17}$ G, the hyperon bulk viscosity coefficient is reduced whereas bulk viscosity coefficients due to direct Urca processes are enhanced compared with their field free cases when many Landau levels are populated by protons, electrons and muons. \\pacs{97.60.Jd, 26.60.-c, 04.40.Dg} ", "introduction": "R-mode instability plays an important role in regulating spins of newly born neutron stars as well as old and accreting neutron stars in low mass x-ray binaries \\cite{Nar}. Gravitational radiation drives the r-mode unstable due to Chandrasekhar-Friedman-Schutz mechanism \\cite{Chan,Frie,Kok,And01,And98,Fri98,Lin98,And99,Ster}. R-mode instability could be a promising source of gravitational radiation. It would be possible to probe neutron star interior if it is detected by gravity wave detectors. Like gravitational radiation, electromagnetic radiation also drives the r-mode unstable through Chandrasekhar-Friedman-Schutz mechanism. There exists a class of neutron stars called magnetars \\cite{Tho} with strong surface magnetic fields $10^{14}-10^{15}$ G as predicted by observations on soft gamma-ray repeaters and anomalous x-ray pulsars \\cite{Kou,Vas}. The effects of magnetic fields on the spin evolution and r-modes in protomagnetars were investigated by different groups \\cite{Rez1,Lai,Rez2}. On the one hand, it was shown that the growth of the r-mode due to electromagnetic and Alfv\\'en wave emission for strong magnetic field and slow rotation could compete with that of gravitational radiation \\cite{Lai}. On the other hand, it was argued that the distortion of magnetic fields in neutron stars due to r-modes might damp the mode when the field is $\\sim 10^{16}$ G or more \\cite{Rez1,Rez2}. The evolution of r-modes proceeds through three steps \\cite{Owen}. In the first phase, the mode amplitude grows exponentially with time. In the next stage, the mode saturates due to nonlinear effects. In this case viscosity becomes important. Finally, viscous forces dominate over gravitational radiation driven instability and damp the r-mode. This shows that viscosity plays an important role on the evolution of r-mode. Bulk and shear viscosities were extensively investigated in connection with the damping of the r-mode instability \\cite{Nar,Jon1,Jon2,Lin02,Dal,Dra,Chat1,Chat2,Chat3,Han,And06,Mad92,Mad00,Don1,Don2,Pan,Bas,Schm,Alf,Bas2}. In particular, it was shown that the hyperon bulk viscosity might effectively damp the r-mode instability \\cite{Chat3}. However all these calculations of viscosity were performed in the absence of magnetic fields. The only calculation of bulk viscosity due to Urca process in magnetised neutron star matter was presented in Ref.\\cite{anand}. This motivates us to investigate bulk viscosity due to non-leptonic process involving hyperons in the presence of strong magnetic fields. It is to be noted that the magnetic field in neutron star interior might be higher by several orders of magnitude than the surface magnetic field \\cite{Lai2}. Further it was shown that neutron stars could sustain strong interior magnetic field $\\sim 10^{18}$ G \\cite{Car,Bro}. The paper is organised in the following way. In Section \\ref{eos} we describe hyperon matter in strong magnetic fields. We calculate bulk viscosity due to the non-leptonic process involving $\\Lambda$ hyperons and due to leptonic processes in Section \\ref{bv}. We discuss results in Section \\ref{rd} and a summary is given in Section \\ref{sum}. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.4517_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "% We report preliminary $VRI$ differential photometric and spectroscopic results for KBS~13, a recently discovered non-eclipsing sdB+dM system. Radial velocity measurements indicate an orbital period of $0.2923 \\pm 0.0004$ days with a semi-amplitude velocity of 22.82 $\\pm$ 0.23 ${\\rm km\\,s^{-1}}$. This suggests the smallest secondary minimum mass yet found. We discuss the distribution of orbital periods and secondary minimum masses for other similar systems. ", "introduction": "% SdB and dM binaries are fairly rare (Green et al.\\ 2005), even though it is photometrically straightforward to detect an M dwarf secondary by its `reflection effect' for orbital periods less than a day or two. Still, even though the peak in the orbital period histogram is close to one day, there are about 20 to 30 times as many known post-common envelope sdB+white dwarf binaries as there are sdB+dM binaries. The latter are particularly interesting because they will eventually evolve into cataclysmic variables (CV). Understanding the pre-CV evolution may shed additional light on, for example, the CV period gap. KBS~13 was selected from a list of blue objects in the fields of the Kepler mission. D.~Sing's spectroscopic survey (priv.~communication) of Kepler Blue Stars (KBS) identified it as an sdB. Exploratory lightcurves for several KBS sdB candidates in November 2005 showed a reflection effect for KBS~13. Its 2MASS colors constrain the main sequence companion to be no brighter than a mid-M dwarf. Follow-up photometry in May and September 2006 confirmed the reflection effect, and showed that KBS~13 does not eclipse. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.2936_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We present updated values for the mass-mixing parameters relevant to neutrino oscillations, with particular attention to emerging hints in favor of $\\theta_{13}>0$. We also discuss the status of absolute neutrino mass observables, and a possible approach to constrain theoretical uncertainties in neutrinoless double beta decay. Desiderata for all these issues are also briefly mentioned.} \\normalsize\\baselineskip=15pt ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "Since the atmospheric $\\nu$ oscillation discovery 10 years ago, important pieces of information are being slowly added to the puzzle of absolute $\\nu$ masses. We have discussed the most recent oscillation and non-oscillation updates in the field, as presented at this NO-VE Workshop---and updated after the recent Neutrino~2008 Conference. Oscillation parameters are robustly constrained, and an intriguing indication for $\\theta_{13}>0$ appears to emerge. Concerning non-oscillation observables, despite some recent experimental and theoretical progress, a coherent picture remains elusive. In particular, the $0\\nu2\\beta$ claim is still under independent experimental scrutiny, and it may be compatible or incompatible with the cosmological bounds, depending on data selection (especially Ly$\\alpha$). Reduction of nuclear matrix element uncertainties is also crucial to improve the comparison of different $0\\nu2\\beta$ results. A confident assessment of the $\\nu$ mass scale will require converging evidence from at least two of the three observables $(m_\\beta,\\,m_{\\beta\\beta},\\,\\Sigma)$ within the narrow limits allowed by oscillation data." }, "0809/0809.0354.txt": { "abstract": "In clusters of galaxies, the specific entropy of intracluster plasma increases outwards. Nevertheless, a number of recent studies have shown that the intracluster medium is subject to buoyancy instabilities due to the effects of cosmic rays and anisotropic thermal conduction. In this paper, we present a new numerical algorithm for simulating such instabilities. This numerical method treats the cosmic rays as a fluid, accounts for the diffusion of heat and cosmic rays along magnetic field lines, and enforces the condition that the temperature and cosmic-ray pressure remain positive. We carry out several tests to ensure the accuracy of the code, including the detailed matching of analytic results for the eigenfunctions and growth rates of linear buoyancy instabilities. This numerical scheme will be useful for simulating convection driven by cosmic-ray buoyancy in galaxy cluster plasmas and may also be useful for other applications, including fusion plasmas, the interstellar medium, and supernovae remnants. %%%%% %This article is the first of a series of two papers. The ultimate goal %of these papers is to carry out 3D high-resolution cooling-flow %cluster simulations including cosmic rays, magnetic fields, and %anisotropic transport. In this paper, we present the numerical %schemes that we have developed to simulate a composite of plasma plus %cosmic rays undergoing anisotropic thermal conduction and cosmic-ray %diffusion, as well as several numerical tests. %We base our code on an existing total variation diminishing (TVD) %scheme, which we extend to include a second fluid component of cosmic %rays. We then implement a new, second-order method for purely %anisotropic transport. This method involves only a small amount of %numerical cross-field diffusion, and also ensures that temperature %minima are heated while temperature maxima are cooled, thereby %preventing unphysical results such as negative temperatures or %cosmic-ray pressures, even in the presence of sharp temperature and %cosmic-ray-pressure gradients. %We carry out several tests to ensure the accuracy of the code, %including a shock-tube test for a composite of plasma and cosmic %rays. We test the anisotropic transport scheme for static, circular %field lines, and find a ratio of perpendicular to parallel conduction %as low as 0.0002 for 100 by 100 grid. We also compare numerical %simulations of small-amplitude convective instabilities to the %eigenfunctions and growth rates from the analytic theory of linear %convective instabilities in a composite of plasma and cosmic rays %undergoing anisotropic transport. In all cases, we find that the code %agrees very well with theory. We note that in the presence of magnetic %fields and anisotropic transport, the convective stability criterion %is strongly modified from the Schwarzchild one, and negative %temperature gradients and/or negative cosmic-ray-pressure gradients %can trigger Parker/convective modes even in the presence of a positive %entropy gradient. Negative temperature gradients are observed in the %outer regions of galaxy clusters, and negative cosmic-ray pressure %gradients are expected in galaxy-cluster cores. The Parker/convective %instability may thus play an important role in clusters, a point that %we will address in more detail in the second paper of this series. We %also note that our numerical scheme may be useful for other %applications, including fusion plasmas, the interstellar medium, and %supernovae remnants. %%%%% %This article is the first of a series of 2 papers. The ultimate goal of these papers is to carry-out 3D high-resolution cooling-flow cluster simulations including cosmic rays, magnetic fields and anisotropic transport. In this paper, we methodically present the numerical schemes implemented to evolve a composite of plasma plus cosmic rays undergoing anisotropic diffusion and thermal conduction. In each part, a linear and a non-linear test are presented, the last part showing a linear test for the overall system as well as a physical insight into the non-linear regime of the Parker/convective instability (PCI). Our methodology is the following. We first use the TVD MHD code to solve the magnethohydrodynamics (MHD) equations. Cosmic rays are then evolved using the same total variation diminishing (TVD) method. The implementation is successfully tested with the shock-tube test for a composite of plasma plus cosmic rays. Finally, a great effort has been done to develop a new, second order, positive and accurate method for purely anisotropic transport. This is indeed essential to avoid unphysical results such as negative temperature. The idea is to consider small magnetic flux-tubes and to compute temperature gradients and heat flux directly along the field lines. This flux-tube scheme has been tested on circular field lines and shows a ratio of perpendicular to parallel conduction as low as 2/10000 for a 100 by 100 grid points simulation. In presence of such physical ingredients the convective stability criterion is strongly modified from the Schwarzchild one. Negative temperature gradients as well as negative non-thermal pressure-gradients (expected in clusters) could trigger Parker/convective modes even in presence of a positive entropy gradient. We therefore compare carefully the eigenfunctions of such convective mode with the numerical results to test our overall implementation. Afterwards, in the non-linear regime, the magnetic and kinetic energy of the fluctuations saturate. The heat transport by conduction, diffusion and convection tends to homogenize the temperature and cosmic-ray pressure. The behavior is therefore very similar to the magnetothermal instability. Since the Parker/convective instability is a key ingredient of the AGN-driven convection model of galaxy-cluster plasmas, this is an obvious future application. However, the code could find various other applications ranging from fusion plasma, to interstellar medium or supernov{\\ae} remnants. ", "introduction": "The hierarchical model of galaxy formation succesfully predicts the evolution of baryons in the universe over a wide range of scales assuming that supernov{\\ae} feedback is taken into account \\citep{kauffmann99,somerville99,cole00,hatton03,springel03,rasera06}. However, the baryon budget remains inaccurate in large scale structures (large galaxies, groups or clusters) where the total amount of cold gas and stars is overestimated. This overcooling problem is particularly critical for galaxy clusters, in which the cooling time near the center of a cluster is often much shorter than a cluster's age. In the absence of heating, one would expect cooling flows to form in these clusters, with large amounts of plasma cooling and flowing in towards the center. However, the star formation rate in cluster cores is typically 10-100 times lower than the predictions of the cooling-flow model \\citep{mcnamara04}, and line emission from plasma at temperatures lower than one third of the virial temperature of the cluster is weak \\citep{peterson03,mcnamara04}. The inconsistency between the cooling-flow model and these observations is known as the ``cooling-flow problem''. A promising hypothesis to solve this puzzle is heating by active galactic nuclei (AGN) in cluster cores. Two main arguments support this idea. First, AGN power is expected to be a decreasing function of the specific entropy at a cluster's center and therefore tends naturally towards a self-regulated state in which heating balances cooling \\citep{nulsen04,boehringer04}. Second, almost all cooling core clusters possess active central radio sources \\citep{eilek04}. However, one important problem remains: how is AGN power transferred to the ambiant plasma? Over the last decade, a number of numerical simulations have been carried out to answer this question. In the first simulations \\citep{churazov01,quilis01,bruggen02a,bruggen02b}, thermal energy was injected near the center of a 2D or 3D cluster-like hydrostatic profile. This resulted in hot and underdense bubbles, which then rose buoyantly. By agitating the surrounding medium, these bubbles were able to reduce the cooling while achieving some correspondence with the observations of X-ray cavities seen in roughly one-fourth of the clusters of the Chandra archive \\citep{birzan04}. Subsequent simulations extended these earlier works to include new physical ingredients, such as viscosity \\citep{ruszkowski04a,ruszkowski04b,reynolds05,bruggen05,sijacki06}. It was found that viscous dissipation contributed to the energy transfer, and that viscosity helped to prevent bubbles from breaking up. Other studies \\citep{reynolds01,reynolds02, omma04a,omma04b, cattaneo06, heinz06} injected not only thermal energy but also kinetic energy in subrelativistic bipolar jets. This approach also leads to cavities, but the dynamics are different than in the previous works because of the initial momentum of the bubbles and because the energy is deposited over a more narrow range of angles. In this context, the importance of turbulence, magnetohydrodynamics effects, and plasma transport processes has been underlined by \\citet{vernaleo06}, who suggested that these ingredients could prevent the heating from being highly concentrated along the jet axis, as is the case for one-fluid pure-hydrodynamics simulations of jets in clusters that are initially at rest. %However, one important problem remains: how to transfer the AGN power to the ambiant plasma? In this context, many hypotheses have been invoked: MHD-wave-mediated heating from cosmic rays \\citep{boehringer88,rosner89,loewenstein91}, heating by shocks from central jets \\citep{omma04,soker05,brighenti06,cattaneo07}, cosmic-ray bubbles and the associated turbulence \\citep{loewenstein90,chandran04,churazov04}, sound waves \\citep{fabian03, ruszkowski04,ruszkowski04b, fabian05}, and work that they generate \\citep{churazov00,churazov01,ruszkowski02}, etc. The above simulations treated the intracluster medium (ICM) as a single fluid. In single-fluid simulations, when AGN-heated plasma at temperature $T_{\\rm hot}$ mixes with ambient intracluster plasma at temperature~$T_0$, the result is a Maxwellian plasma with a temperature intermediate between $T_0$ and $T_{\\rm hot}$. Although this approach is valid in clusters if~$T_{\\rm hot}$ is not too large, it breaks down if the hot particles are relativistic or transrelativistic, because then Coulomb collisions do not have sufficient time to bring the hot particles into thermal equilibrium with the ambient intracluster plasma. If we focus on hot protons, the type of collision that brings such protons most rapidly into thermal equilibrium with the background plasma is collisions with background electrons. The time scale for thermal electrons to remove energy from a hot proton is \\citet{gould72}, \\begin{eqnarray} \\tau_\\epsilon=\\frac{(\\gamma-1) m_p m_e v_p c^2}{4 \\pi e^4 n_e} \\left[\\textrm{ln}\\left( \\frac{2 m_e c v_p p}{\\hbar (4 \\pi e^2 n_e/m_e)^{\\frac{1}{2}}} \\right)-\\frac{v_p^2}{2 c^2}\\right], \\label{eq:taue} \\end{eqnarray} with $n_e$ the electron density, $\\gamma$ the Lorentz factor, $v_p$ the proton velocity, $e$ and $m_e$ the electon charge and mass, $p$ and $m_p$ the proton momentum and mass, and $\\hbar$ the reduced Plank constant. %\\begin{equation} %\\tau_\\epsilon \\simeq 8\\times 10^9 E_{\\rm GeV}^{3/2} %[(10^{-2} \\mbox{ cm}^{-3})/n_e] \\mbox{ yr} %\\label{eq:taue} %\\end{equation} %(assuming a Coulomb logarithm of 35), where $E_{\\rm GeV}$ is the %proton energy in~GeV. (YANN: would you CHECK THIS NUMBER, and look for %a value that extends to the relativistic regime? BOOK 1990) For a typical proton energy of $E \\simeq 1$~GeV (transrelativistic regime) and a typical cluster-core electrons density of $n_e=0.01$~cm$^{-3}$, the thermalization time scale is $\\tau_\\epsilon \\simeq 7$~Gyr, which is much larger than the time for protons to escape the cluster core via diffusion or convection. In this case, the ICM is essentially a two-fluid system similar to the interstellar medium of the galaxy, with a thermal background plasma plus a population of high-energy particles (cosmic rays). There are a few problems with treating a mix of cosmic rays and thermal plasma as a single Maxwellian fluid. One is that the single-fluid approximation to the temperature contains the cosmic-ray contribution to the energy density, and thus overestimates the actual temperature of the thermal plasma. If the cosmic-ray energy density is a significant fraction of the total energy density, the single-fluid model is unable to accurately predict the temperature profile of a cluster. In addition, since the thermal conductivity depends sensitively on the temperature ($\\kappa_T \\propto T^{5/2}$), and since conduction can make an important contribution to the heating of a cluster core \\citep{zakamska03} errors in the temperature profile can also lead to significant secondary errors in the thermal balance of the ICM. A more subtle difficulty in applying a one-fluid model to a cosmic-ray/thermal-plasma mixture concerns the convective stability of intracluster plasma. It turns out that a radial gradient in the cosmic-ray energy density is much more destabilizing than a radial gradient in the thermal plasma energy density when the plasma mass density decreases outwards (see Eq.\\ref{criterion} below). A correct accounting of the fraction of the total pressure contribution by cosmic rays is thus essential for understanding the convective stability of clusters. A more extensive discussion of this point is given by \\citet{chandran06}. %It turns out that the convective stability of %low-density intracluster plasmas depends critically on the way in %which heat and particles diffuse along magnetic field lines \\citep{balbus00, balbus01, parrish05, parrish07, chandran05, chandran06}. In stellar interiors where heat is conducted %isotropically by photons, convective stability is governed by the %Schwarzchild criterion, and requires that the specific entropy %increase outwards. The situation is very different in a low-density %plasma in which heat and cosmic rays diffuse primarily along magnetic %field lines. It turns out that the Schwarzchild criterion does not %apply, and the actual convective stability criterion makes convection %in clusters likely \\citep{chandran05, chandran06}. %Moreover, the way in which cosmic rays and thermal plasma enter the %convective stability criterion is very different (see, e.g. equation \\ref{criterion} %below). The essential reason for this is that thermal conduction %equalizes the temperature along magnetic field lines, whereas %cosmic-ray diffusion equalizes the cosmic-ray pressure along field %lines. [See \\citet{chandran06} for a more detailed % discussion.] As a result, a modest cosmic-ray pressure fraction can destabilize the intracluster medium to convection \\citep{chandran05,chandran06,chandran07}. A correct accounting of the fraction of the total pressure %contributed by cosmic rays is thus essential for understanding the %convective stability of clusters. A more accurate treatment of the ICM, in which the cosmic rays are treated as either a second fluid or as collisionless particles, is thus needed. In this paper, we present a new numerical algorithm for simulating the ICM that treats the ICM as a two-fluid (cosmic-ray plus thermal-plasma) system. We also present the results of a suite of tests for our code. Our numerical approach is similar to that of Mathews \\& Brighenti (2008), who carried out two-fluid simulations of cosmic-ray bubbles in the ICM. However, in contrast to this latter study, we take thermal conduction and cosmic-ray diffusion to occur almost entirely along magnetic field lines (cross-field transport arising only from numerical diffusion). Such anisotropic transport arises in clusters because the Coulomb mean free paths of thermal particles in clusters are much larger than their gyroradii, and the scattering mean free paths of cosmic rays are much larger than their gyroradii. The effects of magnetic fields on conduction are some times taken into account in when considering thermal conduction over length scales much larger than the correlation length of the (tangled) intracluster magnetic field, $l_B \\simeq 1-10$~kpc \\citep{kronberg94,taylor01,taylor02,vogt03}. In this case, the conductivity~$\\kappa_T$ is effectively isotropic \\citep{rechester78,chandran98} with a value that is $\\simeq 0.1-0.2$ times the Spitzer thermal conductivity for a non-magnetized plasma \\citep{narayan01, chandran04b, maron04}. However, on scales~$\\lesssim l_B$, the anisotropy of the thermal conductivity has a powerful effect on the convective stability of the intracluster medium \\citep{balbus00, balbus01, parrish05,chandran06, parrish07, parrish08, quataert08}, in such a way as to make convection much more likely than when the conductivity is treated as isotropic. This is true even if the magnetic field is so weak that the Lorentz force is negligible. In order to simulate buoyancy instabilities and convection in clusters, it is thus essential to incorporate anisotropic transport. %In any case, realistic simulations have to be carried out in order to get rigourous conclusion. It means that, in addition to the plasma, non-thermal components have to be taken into account. Indeed, \\citet{ensslin04, dunn06,vernaleo06} emphasize the important role of magnetic field and cosmic rays in cluster cores. They contribute to a non-negligible part of the pressure. Also, two-fluid approach is very important to not overestimate the plasma temperature and the associated conduction. Finally, it modifies the convective stability criterion \\citep{chandran01,chandran05,chandran06,dennis07}. Another fundamental ingredient which is often neglected in cooling flow studies with AGN heating is the anisotropic conduction. It has been shown that isotropic conduction with a conductivity of 10-100\\% of the Spitzer value could balance cooling in large clusters \\citep{fabian02, voigt02,zakamska03}. Even though cpmduction is unable to balance radiative cooling in small clusters, it indicates that conduction should not be neglected. However, in all this studies the conductivity is quite uncertain since it depends on assumption about the geometry of the underlying magnetic field. This is why a proper and self-consistent modelisation needs to take into account the highly anisotropic character of conduction in clusters. Here again, this will modify the convective instability criterion \\citep{balbus00,parrish05}. %Our objective in this series of two articles is to carry-out high-resolution cooling-flow cluster simulations in order to undersand the role of the non-thermal components and anisotropic transport. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In section~\\ref{sec:equations} we present the basic equations of our two-fluid model. In section~\\ref{sec:notransport} we present the total-variation-diminishing (TVD) code that we use to solve these equations as well as several numerical tests, focusing on the case in which there is no conduction or diffusion. In section~\\ref{TVD anisotropic transport} we present the standard numerical discretization method for anisotropic conduction. We show how it can lead to negative temperature as emphasized before by \\citet{sharma07}. We then describe our new method that does not suffer from negative temperature problems. Tests such as the circular conduction test and Sovinec-test are also presented. Finally, in section~\\ref{sec:buoyancy} we present results for the linear buoyancy instabilities involving cosmic rays and anisotropic transport and compare our numerical solutions to analytic results. % and compare these results to the magnetothermal instability \\citep{parrish05}. ", "conclusions": "This article could be viewed as a test guide for those who want to implement cosmic-ray and anistropic transport routines, which are essential ingredients to simulate cooling-flow clusters. We indeed used many linear and non-linear tests for each physical ingredient as well as a new linear test for the full system. Our contribution could be divided into three parts. First, we showed that the TVD method of \\citet{pen03} can be used to evolve the cosmic rays and the plasma simultaneously. The shock tube problem for a composite of plasma and cosmic rays is an example of the successful implementation. Second, we insisted on the importance of having a positive implementation of the anisotropic conduction in order to ensure physical results even in the presence of sharp gradients. We therefore presented a new flux-tube method which has two important properties: positivity and accuracy. This is important for clusters of galaxies since the conduction is highly anisotropic as opposed to a very diffusive scheme. Moreover, the random magnetic fields and potential large temperature and cosmic-ray-pressure gradients in cluster cores may cause negative temperatures in a non-positive scheme. Third, the linear regime of the cosmic ray magnetothermal instability (CRMTI) provides a new, sensitive test, of the overall implementation. The main interest is that this instability has a broader range of applications since the criterion is $n k_{B}dT/dz+dp_{cr}/dz+de_{mag}/dz>0$. One interesting future application of this code concerns the cores of clusters of galaxies. Indeed, in these regions, negative radial gradients of cosmic-ray pressure may trigger convection. Moreover, possible large gradients of cosmic-ray pressure near the edges of X-ray cavities (cosmic-ray bubbles) require positive implementation of the anisotropic transport. It is worth noting that even though our discussion has focused mainly on clusters of galaxies, the flux-tube method that we have developed could be used to simulate a variety of physical systems, including the interstellar medium, fusion plasmas, and supernovae-remnants." }, "0809/0809.2107_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "It has been suggested that the accelerated expansion of the Universe is due to backreaction of small scale density perturbations on the large scale spacetime geometry. While evidence against this suggestion has accumulated, it has not yet been definitively ruled out. Many investigations of this issue have focused on the Buchert formalism, which computes spatial averages of quantities in synchronous comoving gauge. We argue that, for the deceleration parameter of this formalism to agree with observations, the spatial average of the three dimensional Ricci scalar (spatial curvature) must be large today, with an $\\Omega_k$ in the range of $1 \\le \\Omega_k \\le 1.3$. We argue that this constraint is difficult to reconcile with observations of the location of the first Doppler peak of the CMBR. We illustrate the argument with a simple toy model for the effect of backreaction, which we show is generically incompatible with observations. ", "introduction": "Measurements of luminosity distance as function of redshift for type Ia supernovae, as well as measurements of inhomogeneities in the cosmic microwave background radiation, indicate that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating today \\cite{Riess,Perlmutter,Bennett}. Explanations of this phenomenon usually involve either an introduction of \"dark energy\" -- a form of matter with negative pressure, or a modification of general relativity. Recently, a different explanation has been put forward \\cite{Rasanen,Notari,Kolb1,Kolb2,lisch1,lisch2,Wiltshire,lnw,buchert2}, where the acceleration is a consequence of subhorizon density perturbations. According to this idea, small scale cosmological density perturbations evolve in a nonlinear manner to produce backreaction that affects the large scale spacetime geometry and modifies the expansion of the Universe. This explanation is controversial and many authors have argued that backreaction can not explain the current acceleration of the Universe \\cite{sf,iw,bbr}. Our viewpoint is that backreaction is likely to be too small to produce a significant modification to the large scale expansion of the universe. However, it deserves to be investigated in detail since the backreaction explanation has not yet been definitively refuted. To quantify the rate of expansion of an inhomogeneous Universe, Buchert \\cite{buchert1,buchert2} introduced a particular method of taking a spatial average of the Einstein equations. He specialized to comoving synchronous gauge, and on each surface of constant time, denoted by $t$, he considers a spatial domain $D(t)$ such that the boundary of $D(t)$ is comoving [i.e. $D(t)$ is independent of time in the synchronous comoving coordinates]. Defining $V_D(t)$ to be the proper volume of this domain, the effective scale factor $a_D(t)$ is given by \\[ \\frac{4\\pi}{3} a^3_D(t)=V_D(t)\\,. \\] By averaging the Einstein equations for an irrotational dust Universe, Buchert derived the following evolution equations for $a_D(t)$ \\begin{eqnarray}\\label{ad}\\label{aprime} &&\\left(\\frac{a'_D}{a_D}\\right)^2 =\\frac{8\\pi}{3}\\rho_{eff} \\,,\\\\ \\label{adbprime} &&- \\frac{a''_D}{a_D} = \\frac{4\\pi}{3}(\\rho_{eff}+ 3p_{eff})\\,, \\end{eqnarray} where prime denotes differentiation with respect to cosmic time $t$, and throughout this paper we use geometrized units where $G=c=1$. Equations (\\ref{aprime},\\ref{adbprime}) have the same form as the Friedmann equations, except that their sources are an effective density and an effective pressure, $\\rho_{eff}$ and $p_{eff}$, respectively, which are defined by \\begin{eqnarray}\\label{rhoeff} \\rho_{eff}\\equiv\\langle \\rho \\rangle_D -\\frac{1}{16\\pi}(\\langle R_3 \\rangle_D + \\langle Q \\rangle_D) \\,,\\\\ \\label{peff} p_{eff} \\equiv -\\frac{1}{16\\pi}(\\langle Q \\rangle_D -\\frac{1}{3} \\langle R_3 \\rangle_D)\\,. \\end{eqnarray} Here $\\rho $ denotes the matter density, and $R_3$ denotes the spatial three-dimensional Ricci scalar. The brackets $\\langle...\\rangle_D$ denote an average over the domain $D(t)$, for example \\[ \\langle R_3 \\rangle_D\\equiv \\int_D R_3 \\sqrt{ \\det(g_{ij})} dV\\ /\\ \\int_D \\sqrt{\\det(g_{ij})}dV= V_D^{-1}\\int_D R_3 \\sqrt{ \\det(g_{ij})} dV\\,, \\] where ${\\det(g_{ij})}$ denotes the determinant of the spatial 3-dimensional induced metric, and $dV$ denotes the three-dimensional coordinate volume-element. The quantity denoted $\\langle Q \\rangle_D$ is defined by \\begin{equation} \\langle Q \\rangle_D \\equiv \\frac{2}{3}\\langle(\\theta-\\langle \\theta \\rangle_D)^2 \\rangle_D-\\langle \\sigma_{\\alpha\\beta} \\sigma^{\\alpha\\beta} \\rangle_D\\,. \\end{equation} Here $\\theta$ denotes the dust expansion parameter and $\\sigma_{\\alpha\\beta}$ denotes the shear tensor. Notice that the quantity $\\langle Q \\rangle_D$ vanishes for a homogeneous and isotropic Universe, but becomes nonzero if one includes density perturbations. Furthermore, Eq. (\\ref{adbprime}) implies that a sufficiently large value of $\\langle Q \\rangle_D$ could produce a negative value for $\\rho_{eff}+ 3p_{eff}=\\langle \\rho \\rangle_D -({1}/{4\\pi})\\langle Q \\rangle_D$, and by virtue of Eq. (\\ref{adbprime}) give rise to an accelerated expansion $a''_D>0$. While the effective scale factor $a_D$ is a mathematically well defined quantity, its relation to cosmological observations is not completely clear. The physical interpretation of $a_D$ faces three main difficulties. First, $a_D$ is a quantity defined on a spacelike hypersurface, and so, in general, it can not be directly related to cosmological observations which are determined by quantities on the past lightcone of the observer. Second, the time evolution of $a_D$ does not provide sufficient information to allow calculation of cosmological observables such as luminosity distance as function of redshift, which requires a metric for its calculation. Third, defining a quantity related to a constant time hypersurface is somewhat arbitrary, since one is free to choose a different time coordinate that defines a different spacetime foliation. Despite these difficulties, it has been argued that if the Buchert formalism predicts an effective declaration parameter $q_D$ which is approximately $-1/2$, then it is likely that the predicted value of the actual declaration will also be large and negative. In this paper we will adopt this point of view, and ignore the above mentioned difficulties with the interpretation of $a_D$. In Ref. \\cite{lisch1}, Buchert's formalism is used to calculate the evolution of $a_D$ in a perturbed Friedmann Robertson Walker (FRW) irotational dust Universe. In particular the term $\\langle Q \\rangle_D$ which presumably drives the accelerated expansion of the Universe is calculated to second order in perturbation theory, and is found to be a boundary term, depending only on the metric perturbations on the boundary of the domain $D(t)$. This result generalizes other previous computation using Newtonian cosmological perturbation theory, which calculates a quantity related to $\\langle Q \\rangle_D$ which is also found to be a boundary term \\cite{aei}. However, there is a difficulty in reconciling this property of $\\langle Q \\rangle_D$ at second-order with the interpretation of $\\langle Q \\rangle_D$ as the source of backreaction. To see this, suppose that the Universe is spatially compact, and that the domain $D$ is chosen to be the complete space. In this case any boundary term must vanish identically, and can have no affect on the time evolution of the Universe. While there is no observational evidence for a compact Universe, the fact that an FRW Universe has a particle horizon implies that a noncompact Universe is observationally indistinguishable from a spatially compact one as long as the scale of compactness is larger then the observer's particle horizon at decoupling. This bound translates into a lower bound on the scale of compactness today of about twice the size of the horizon. We are therefore free to choose the scale of compactness to be roughly twice the horizon size today, without changing anything we can measure. This implies that $\\langle Q \\rangle_D=0$ for $D\\approx 2\\times{\\rm horizon}$. Now Buchert's formalism is valid for all choices of $D$ and gives no guidelines as to what choice of $D$ to make. This ambiguity is part of the overall problem of relating the Buchert formalism to observations. Yet, it seem plausible that the correct answer (if it exist) should be roughly $D\\approx {\\rm horizon\\ size\\ today}$. It seems reasonable that the value of $\\langle Q \\rangle_D$ should not change much if we reduce $D$ from $2\\times{\\rm horizon}$ to roughly the horizon size, and if so, for this choice of $D$, the Buchert formalism predicts that expansion of the Universe is unaffected by the vanishing $\\langle Q \\rangle_D$ at second-order. Nevertheless, there remains the possibility that third order and higher order perturbations could produce a large backreaction effects \\cite{Notari} which can not be represented by a boundary term so the backreaction issue is not settled. In this paper we argue that general considerations suggest that it is hard to reconcile a large cosmological backreaction described by the Buchert formalism with observational constraints coming from measurements of luminosity distance and angular-diameter distance as functions of redshift. Observations of the the first Doppler peak of the CMBR together with baryon acoustic oscillation and supernovae data has been used to severely constrain the spatial curvature of a ${\\rm\\Lambda CDM}$ Universe. By combining these observations with the assumptions that the dynamics of Universe is governed by the FRW metric and that the effect of density perturbations is negligible it has been found that spatial curvature satisfies $\\Omega_K=-0.0052\\pm0.0064$ ($68\\%$ CL) \\cite{WMAP}, where $\\Omega_K=-R_3(t_0)/(6H_0^2)$, $t_0$ denotes the current time and $H_0$ denotes the current Hubble rate. In this paper we shall consider a more general theoretical framework that include perturbations and possibly large backreaction. One might expect that these observations should also place constraints on the average curvature $\\langle R_3 (t_0)\\rangle_D$. In order for the Buchert formalism to reproduce the desired accelerated expansion from backreaction alone, it must have a significant averaged curvature with $0.975 \\le \\Omega_k \\le 1.294 $ (see Sec. \\ref{k0}), where we have defined $\\Omega_k\\equiv-\\langle R_3 (t_0)\\rangle_D/[6H_D^2(t_0)]$, and denoted the effective Hubble rate by $H_D=a'_D/a_D$. This large averaged curvature seems to be hard to reconcile with the flat Universe implied by observations. One possible avenue for evading this observational constraint in spatial curvature, suggested in Ref. \\cite{buchert2}, is the fact that in the Buchert formalism the effective energy density in the spatial curvature need not have the standard scaling $\\propto a^{-2}$. It is not clear whether the strong constraints coming from CMBR are more sensitive to the low redshift curvature or high redshift curvature. If the constraint principally applies to high redshift curvature, then an evolving curvature that is negligible at high redshift could evade the CMBR constraints. In this paper we shall argue that this avenue for evading the constraint is unlikely. Any nonstandard time evolution of the spatial curvature is quite constrained, since at high redshifts the density perturbations evolve linearly and the Universe is accurately described by a weakly perturbed CDM Universe. Non-standard time evolution must therefore be confined to the low redshifts, where nonlinear effects are presumably important. However, in this regime the spatial curvature is constrained by the requirement that the backreaction formalism reproduces the correct luminosity distance as function of redshift that agrees with supernovae data. These observations constrain the time evolution of the metric. Therefore, a nonstandard time evolution of the curvature in this regime would require a nonstandard evolution of the metric such that supernovae data observations are reproduced despite the large spatial curvature. In this scenario the full time evolution of the metric has two regimes. In the first low redshift regime, the metric evolves in a highly non-standard manner, and in the second high redshift regime, it evolves according to a standard weakly perturbed CDM Universe. The difficulty that it is not guaranteed that this time evolution reproduces the correct angular power spectrum as measured by WMAP. In this paper we construct a simple toy model that illustrates the observational difficulties that arise in models with a large value of averaged spatial curvature today, even allowing for nonstandard evolution of that curvature. For this purpose, we adopt the point of view of the Buchert backreaction formalism, and assume that we can replace the actual spacetime geometry by a set of averaged quantities. To be able to make predictions, we assemble these quantities and construct an averaged metric that allows us to calculate observables. Here we should make the following remarks. First, the spatial averaged curvature in the Buchert formalism need not be dominated by low spatial frequency components, it may be mostly high spatial frequency components. Nevertheless, CMBR photons traveling along our past lightcone experience some sort of average curvature along their way. While this average is different from that of the Buchert formalism, it is plausible that they are not too much different. We will not address this issue in this paper. Second, in this paper we shall calculate an average spatial curvature using an expression for an averaged metric. However, this calculation is in general different from an average of the curvature of the true metric. We shall ignore this discrepancy in this paper. We construct the following averaged metric toy model \\begin{equation}\\label{metric} d{s}^2=a^2(\\eta)\\left[-d\\eta^2+\\frac{dr^2}{1-k(\\eta)r^2}+r^2d\\Omega^2\\right]\\,. \\end{equation} The time coordinate $t$ is related to $\\eta$ by $dt^2=a^2 d\\eta^2$. It should be emphasized that this metric should be thought of as an averaged metric and so it does not have to satisfy the Einstein field equations. Here, $a(\\eta)$ and $k(\\eta)$ are certain functions of the conformal time $\\eta$, where we set the present value of the scale factor to unity $a(\\eta_0)=1$. This averaged metric is designed to allow for a time evolution of the averaged spatial curvature to mimic what is presumably produced by backreaction. Notice that for every constant time hypersurface the induced three dimensional metric obtained from (\\ref{metric}) coincides with a corresponding induced three-metric of an FRW constant time slice, and so this three-metric is isotropic and homogeneous about every point. However, for a generic function $k(\\eta)$, the overall four-dimensional spacetime is not maximally symmetric. Finally, we should mention here that after completing this work we learned that the form (\\ref{metric}) of an averaged metric has been suggested before in Refs. \\cite{buchert2}, see also Refs. \\cite{mwmk,Rasanen2}. Recently the toy model (\\ref{metric}) was studied in detail by Larena et. al. \\cite{buchert3}. This study claims that there is a good agreement between this toy model and data from WMAP and supernovae observations, while we reach the opposite conclusion. We believe that the reason for this discrepancy originates from the fact that Larena et. al. use a different expression for the redshift in terms of the scale factor and the function $k(\\eta)$. In their study it is argued that under some approximation the relation between redshift and scale factor is the standard $1+{z}\\propto a^{-1}$ relation [see their Eq. (31)]. Using the standard definition of redshift (\\ref{rshift1}) we show that the nonstandard time evolution of the spatial curvature significantly changes this relation, and the correct relation is given by Eq. (\\ref{rshift3}). As we show, this nonstandard expression for the redshift has a significant effect on the calculation of observables in this model. Our goal in this paper is to confront the model (\\ref{metric}) with observations. For this purpose we calculate the luminosity distance $D_L(z)$ and angular diameter distance $D_A(z)$ as functions of redshift, using the metric (\\ref{metric}) and compare the results with observational constraints\\footnote{In practice, it is sufficient to calculate $D_A(z)$, since $D_L(z)$ can be obtained from the relation $D_L(z)=(1+z)^2 D_A(z)$ which is valid in any spacetime, see Refs. \\cite{Ellis,Etherington}. } . We start by choosing a set of functions $k(\\eta)$ parametrized by two parameters [see Eq. (\\ref{ketadef}) below]. For each set of values of the parameters we then choose $a(\\eta)$ to enforce the equation $D_L(z)=D^{{\\rm\\Lambda}CDM}_L(z)$ at low redshifts, where $D^{{\\rm\\Lambda}CDM}_L(z)$ is the luminosity distance derived from a $\\Lambda CDM$ FRW model with parameter values agreeing with supernovae observations. This equation is enforced up to a maximum redshift. Using this requirement we calculate $a(\\eta)$ for this low redshift part of the spacetime. We focus attention only on those metrics in which the the spatial curvature vanishes at a large redshift. Once the averaged spatial curvature vanishes the backreaction effect should vanish as well, and so in this high redshift regime we assume that $a(\\eta)$ follows the standard evolution of a $CDM$ cosmology without a cosmological constant. Using this law of evolution we calculate the function $a(\\eta)$ for the remaining part of spacetime. Once we have calculated $a(\\eta)$, we use the metric (\\ref{metric}) to compare the characteristic angular scale of the CMBR power spectrum as derived from our model with observation of WMAP. We find that generically the characteristic angular scale of our model is at odds with WMAP observations. This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. \\ref{findfunctions} we explain in detail how we determine the the functions $a(\\eta)$ and $k(\\eta)$ of our model . In Sec. \\ref{firstpeak} we calculate the sound horizon that determines the location of first CMBR peak in our model. In Sec. \\ref{results} we explore various values of the parameters which determines the function $k(\\eta)$ and describe the results. \\section {Construction of the backreaction model} \\label{findfunctions} To be able to interpolate between an initially vanishing averaged spatial curvature that corresponds to a weakly perturbed FRW Universe, and a current large value of averaged spatial curvature needed for the backreaction picture, we assume that the function $k(\\eta)$ in the metric (\\ref{metric}) takes the following form \\begin{equation}\\label{ketadef} k(\\eta) = \\begin{cases} H_0^2 \\bar{k}\\frac{f^2} {f^2+1} & , \\eta\\ge\\bar{\\eta} \\\\ 0 & , \\eta\\le\\bar{\\eta} \\end{cases} \\end{equation} where \\[ f\\equiv\\frac{H_0(\\eta - \\bar{\\eta})} {w} \\,. \\] Here $H_0=(a^{-1} \\frac{da}{dt})_{t_0}$ is the value of the Hubble constant today, and $\\bar{k}$, $w$ and $H_0 \\bar{\\eta}$ are dimensionless parameters. The parameter $\\bar{\\eta}$ marks the conformal time of the transition between a conformally flat spacetime and a conformally curved spacetime, and $w$ governs the rapidity of this transition. Using the definition $\\Omega_k\\equiv-\\langle R_3 (t_0)\\rangle_D/[6H_D^2(t_0)]$ together with Eq. (\\ref{ketadef}) and identifying $H_0$ with $H_D(t_0)$ we find that \\begin{equation}\\label{omegak} \\Omega_k=-\\bar{k}\\left(1+\\frac{w^2}{(\\eta_0 - \\bar{\\eta})^2}\\right)^{-1}\\,, \\end{equation} where $\\eta_0$ is the value of the conformal time today. Below we explore various values for the parameters $w$ and $\\bar{\\eta}$, while $\\bar{k}$ is determined from the requirement that the Buchert formalism gives an equation of state parameter of dark energy near $-1$ [see Sec. \\ref{k0}]. To calculate the scale factor $a(\\eta)$, we demand that the luminosity distance as function of redshift, $D_L^{model}(z)$, in our model matches observational data. Since the luminosity distance of a ${\\rm\\Lambda}CDM$ cosmology matches observational data we impose \\begin{equation}\\label{fitdl} D^{model}_L(z)=D^{{\\rm\\Lambda}CDM}_L(z)\\,, \\end{equation} where throughout the superscripts 'model' and $'{\\rm\\Lambda}CDM'$ refer to our model and to a flat ${\\rm\\Lambda}CDM$ cosmology, respectively. We impose the condition (\\ref{fitdl}) only at low redshifts, in the range of values of $\\eta$ given by $\\eta\\ge \\bar{\\eta}$. At high redshifts, we switch to imposing the Friedmann equation, since backreaction should be negligible at high redshifts. The evolution of $a(\\eta)$ for $\\eta\\le \\bar{\\eta}$ is determined from an Einstein- de Sitter model for which the scale factor satisfies \\[ \\dot{a}=h \\sqrt{ a}\\,, \\] where an overdot denotes differentiation with respect to $\\eta$. We determine the constant $h$ by demanding continuity of $\\dot{a}$ at the transition time $\\bar{\\eta}$. The solution of this equation is given by \\begin{equation} a(\\eta)=\\left[\\frac{h}{2}(\\eta-\\bar{\\eta})-\\sqrt{a(\\bar{\\eta})}\\right]^{2}\\ ,\\ \\eta\\le \\bar{\\eta} \\,. \\end{equation} where we used the continuity of $a({\\eta})$ at $\\eta=\\bar{\\eta}$ . \\subsection{Matching luminosity distances as function of redshift} In this section we describe how we calculate $a(\\eta)$ in practice from the matching requirement (\\ref{fitdl}) . In a general spacetime the luminosity distance $D_L(z)$ is related to the angular diameter distance $D_A(z)$ by \\cite{Etherington,Ellis} \\begin{equation}\\label{dlda} D_L(z)=D_A(z)(1+z)^2\\,. \\end{equation} Using Eq. (\\ref{dlda}), the matching requirement (\\ref{fitdl}) takes the form of \\begin{equation}\\label{fitda} D^{model}_A(z)=D^{{\\rm\\Lambda}CDM}_A(z)\\,. \\end{equation} In a flat ${\\rm\\Lambda}CDM$ cosmology the right hand side of Eq. (\\ref{fitda}) is given by \\begin{equation}\\label{dafrw} D^{{\\rm\\Lambda}CDM}_A(z)=\\frac{1}{(1+z)H_0}\\int_0^z [\\Omega_m(1+z')^3+\\Omega_\\Lambda]^{-1/2}dz'\\,. \\end{equation} Here the parameters $\\Omega_m$ and $\\Omega_\\Lambda$ satisfy $\\Omega_m+\\Omega_\\Lambda=1$, and the contribution from radiation energy-density has been neglected since we confine the discussion to the epoch after recombination. We now consider the left hand side of Eq. (\\ref{fitda}) and derive an expression for $D^{model}_A$. Suppose that an observer views a sizeable distant object (e.g. a distant galaxy or a structure of the CMB anisotropy) that has a transverse proper cross sectional area $\\delta A$, and subtends a small solid angle $\\delta{\\Omega}$. From these quantities the observer can determine the angular diameter distance \\[ D_A=\\sqrt{\\frac{\\delta A}{\\delta\\Omega}}\\,. \\] Since the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation is typically much smaller than the spacetime curvature, we can safely use the geometric optics approximation and describe the electromagnetic radiation as a bundle of light rays that trace a congruence of null geodesics. We assume that the light rays converge at an event $p$ at the location of the observer, which is chosen to be at the origin, so that $r(p)=0$ and $\\eta(p)=\\eta_0$. Since the metric (\\ref{metric}) is isotropic about the origin, the light rays trace radial null geodesics from the source at $r(\\eta)$, where $\\eta<\\eta_0$, to the observer; and the angular diameter distance is given by \\begin{equation}\\label{daar} {D}^{model}_A=a(\\eta)r(\\eta) \\,. \\end{equation} Substituting Eqs. (\\ref{dafrw}) and (\\ref{daar}) into Eq. (\\ref{fitda}) and differentiating with respect to $\\eta$ gives \\begin{equation}\\label{fit2} H_0 \\frac{d}{d\\eta}[(1+z)a r]=\\frac{dz}{d\\eta} [\\Omega_m(1+z)^3+\\Omega_\\Lambda]^{-1/2} \\,. \\end{equation} Our goal to solve Eq. (\\ref{fit2}) for $a(\\eta)$. As a preliminary step, we first calculate $r(\\eta)$ and $z(\\eta)$ and then substitute these functions into Eq. (\\ref{fit2}). The calculation of $r(\\eta)$ for radial null geodesics follows directly from the metric (\\ref{metric}), which gives $\\dot{r}^2=1-k(\\eta)r^2$, where dot denotes differentiation with respect to $\\eta$. Later we shall assume that $k(\\eta)<0$ and so $\\dot{r}^2>0$ implies that the null geodesics have no turning points. Since $\\eta$ is a monotonically decreasing function of $r$ we have \\begin{equation}\\label{rdot} \\dot{r}=-\\sqrt{1-k(\\eta)r^2} \\,. \\end{equation} Below we use Eq. (\\ref{ketadef}) to specify $k(\\eta)$ and solve Eq. (\\ref{rdot}) numerically together with the initial condition $r(\\eta_0)=0$. We now consider the calculation of the redshift $z(\\eta)$. By definition the redshift is given by \\begin{equation}\\label{rshift1} 1+{z}=\\frac{{({k}^\\alpha {u}^\\beta {g}_{\\alpha\\beta})}_{source}}{{({k}^\\alpha {u}^\\beta {g}_{\\alpha\\beta})}_{observer}}\\,, \\end{equation} where $k^\\alpha$ is the 4-momentum of the photon, and $u^\\alpha$ is the 4-velocity of the cosmological fluid. For simplicity we assume that both the observer and the source have four-velocities of the form ${u}^\\alpha=a^{-1}\\delta^\\alpha_\\eta $ meaning that their peculiar velocities vanish. We normalize $k^\\alpha$ by demanding that ${k}^\\alpha {u}^\\beta g_{\\alpha\\beta}=-1$ at the observer. Some simplification is gained by considering a conformal transformation of the form \\begin{equation}\\label{conformal} g_{\\alpha\\beta}=a^2 \\hat{g}_{\\alpha\\beta} \\ \\ , \\ \\ {k}^\\alpha=a^{-2}\\hat{k}^\\alpha\\,. \\end{equation} Combining our choices for normalization and velocities with Eqs. (\\ref{rshift1}) and (\\ref{conformal}) gives \\begin{equation}\\label{rshift2} {z}=a^{-1}\\hat{k}^\\eta-1\\,. \\end{equation} The conformal null vector field $\\hat{k}^\\eta$ satisfies a geodesic equation in the conformal spacetime where the metric is $\\hat{g}_{\\mu\\nu}$, and so it is independent of $a(\\eta)$. Using this geodesic equation together with Eq.(\\ref{rdot}) we obtain \\begin{equation}\\label{ketadot} (\\hat{k}^\\eta)^{-1} \\frac{d}{d\\eta}\\hat{k}^\\eta =-\\frac{r^2\\dot{k}}{2(1-kr^2)}\\,. \\end{equation} Integrating Eq. (\\ref{ketadot}) and using Eq. (\\ref{rshift2}) we find that the red shift is given by \\begin{equation}\\label{rshift3} {z}=a^{-1}e^{1/2\\int_{\\eta}^{\\eta_0} r^2\\dot{k} {(1-kr^2)}^{-1} d\\eta' }-1 \\,. \\end{equation} Notice that for $k={\\rm const}$ Eq. (\\ref{rshift3}) reduces to the FRW relation $z+1\\propto 1/a$. Eq. (\\ref{rshift3}) is at odds with Eq. (30) of Ref. \\cite{buchert3} which seems to be inconsistent with the standard definition of redshift (\\ref{rshift1}). Below we solve for $r(\\eta)$ by specifying $k(\\eta)$ and solving Eq. (\\ref{rdot}). Using $r(\\eta)$ we evaluate the integral in Eq. (\\ref{rshift3}) and obtain $z(\\eta)$. Both $r(\\eta)$ and $z(\\eta)$ are then substituted into Eq. (\\ref{fit2}) which is solved to give $a(\\eta)$. Finally $a(\\eta)$ and $r(\\eta)$ are inserted into Eq. (\\ref{daar}) to obtain ${D}^{model}_A(\\eta)$, and this is combined with $z(\\eta)$ to obtain the angular diameter distance $D_A^{model}(z)$ as function of redshift $z$. All these calculations are done numerically. \\subsection{Constraining the toy model parameters}\\label{k0} In this section we use observational constraints on the cosmological parameters to place constraints on the parameters of our toy model. The calculation is based on Buchert's formalism \\cite{buchert1} which was summarized in Sec. \\ref{intro}. In this formalism the equation of state parameter of dark energy is given by \\begin{equation}\\label{eqofstate} w_{de}(\\eta)=\\frac{p_{de}(\\eta)}{\\rho_{de}(\\eta)}\\,, \\end{equation} where $\\rho_{de}$ denotes the dark energy density, and $p_{de}$ denotes the dark energy pressure. These quantities are related to the effective density $\\rho_{eff}$ and effective pressure $p_{eff}$, which are given by Eqs. (\\ref{rhoeff}) and (\\ref{peff}), trough the relations $\\rho_{eff}=\\langle \\rho \\rangle_D+\\rho_{de}$ and $p_{eff}=p_{de}$. Eq. (\\ref{eqofstate}) together with Eqs. (\\ref{rhoeff},\\ref{peff}) give \\begin{equation}\\label{wde} w_{de}=\\frac{-(1/3)\\langle R_3\\rangle_D+\\langle Q\\rangle_D}{\\langle Q\\rangle_D+\\langle R_3\\rangle_D}\\,. \\end{equation} The current value of this parameter is in the range $-1.1 \\le w_{de}(\\eta_0) \\le -0.9$ \\cite{woodetal}. Using this constraint together with Eq. (\\ref{wde}) gives \\begin{equation}\\label{qr} -\\frac{57}{17}\\langle Q (\\eta_0)\\rangle_{D}\\le \\langle R_3 (\\eta_0) \\rangle_{D} \\le -\\frac{63}{23}\\langle Q (\\eta_0)\\rangle_{D} \\,. \\end{equation} We define the effective deceleration parameter by \\begin{equation}\\label{qdef} q_D=-\\frac{a''_D}{a_D H_D^2}\\,, \\end{equation} and substitute Eq. (\\ref{adbprime}) into Eq. (\\ref{qdef}) and use Eqs. (\\ref{rhoeff}) and (\\ref{peff}). This gives \\begin{equation}\\label{qd} q_D(\\eta_0)=\\frac{1}{2}\\Omega_{m(D)}-\\frac{\\langle Q(\\eta_0)\\rangle_D}{3H_D^2}\\,, \\end{equation} where $\\Omega_{m(D)}=8\\pi\\langle \\rho \\rangle_D/3H_D^2$. We demand that this expression be equal to the current deceleration of a standard flat ${\\rm \\Lambda}CDM$ cosmology, where the deceleration parameter is given by \\begin{equation}\\label{q0frw} q_{\\rm \\Lambda CDM}(\\eta_0)=\\frac{1}{2}\\Omega_m-\\Omega_\\Lambda\\,. \\end{equation} where $\\Omega_m$ and $\\Omega_\\Lambda$ are the ${\\rm \\Lambda CDM}$ densities of matter and dark energy, respectively. Assuming that we can substitute $\\Omega_m$ in place of $\\Omega_{m(D)}$ we find from Eq. (\\ref{qd}) and Eq.(\\ref{q0frw}) that \\begin{equation}\\label{qom} \\frac{\\langle Q(\\eta_0)\\rangle_D}{3H_D^2}=\\Omega_{\\Lambda}\\,, \\end{equation} The 5-year WMAP data \\cite{WMAP} reveals that the dark energy density is in the range $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0.742\\pm 0.030$. We use the WMAP constraint on $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}$ and Eqs. (\\ref{qom}), (\\ref{qr}) together with the definition $\\Omega_k\\equiv-\\langle R_3 (t_0)\\rangle_D/[6H_D^2(t_0)]$, to obtain \\begin{equation}\\label{findk0} 0.975 \\le \\Omega_k \\le 1.294 \\,. \\end{equation} By combining $ \\Omega_k\\approx1.1$ together with Eq. (\\ref{omegak}) and Eq. (\\ref{findk0}) we determine the parameter $\\bar{k}$ once the parameters $w$ and $\\eta_0$ have been specified. ", "conclusions": "In this paper we studied a toy model of a backreaction mechanism. In this model the averaged spatial curvature grows at low redshifts so that the expansion of the Universe presumably induced by backreaction could be consistent with supernovae data. In the high redshift regime, we assumed that Universe evolves according to a standard weakly perturbed CDM Universe. We showed that this model alters the predictions for the sound horizon at decoupling and that it is generically inconsistent with the power spectrum as measured by WMAP." }, "0809/0809.0334_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Inhomogeneous cosmological models have recently become a very interesting alternative to standard cosmology. This is because these models are able to fit cosmological observations without the need for dark energy. However, due to inhomogeneity and pressure-less matter content, these models can suffer from shell crossing singularities. These singularities occur when two shell of dust collide with each other leading to infinite values of the density. In this {\\em Letter} we show that if inhomogeneous pressure is included then these singularities can be prevented from occurring over the period of structure formation. Thus, a simple incorporation of a gradient of pressure allows for more comprehensive studies of inhomogeneous cosmological models and their application to cosmology. ", "introduction": "There has been a significant amount of recent interest in inhomogeneous cosmological models as an alternative to the $\\Lambda$CDM concordance model [for a review see \\citet{C07}]. These inhomogeneous models are able to fit many cosmological observations without the need for dark energy \\citep*{DH98,C00,GSS04,AAG06,AA06,CR06,AA07,EM07,ABNV07,BTT07a,BTT07b,BMN07,MKMR07,KKMA08,BN08,B08,GH08a,E08,YKN08}. One principle method underlying these schemes is to use inhomogeneous solutions of the Einstein field equations rather than the standard Friedmann-Robertson-Walker solutions used in $\\Lambda$CDM models. The implementation of these models suggests that we need to live close to the centre of the Gpc-scale void. There have already been several methods suggested as a test for these types of models. They are based on the time drift of cosmological redshift \\citep*{UCE08}, spectral distortions of the CMB power spectrum \\citep{CS08}, the kinematic Sunyaev--Zel'dovich effect \\citep{GH08b}, future measurements of supernova in the redshift range of 0.1-0.4 \\citep{CFL08} and future Baryon Acoustic Oscillations measurements \\citep{BW08}. Based on current observations, the alternative of a Gpc-scale underdensity is indistinguishable from the dark energy scenario. However, there remain a number of concerns regarding these inhomogeneous cosmologies. In particular, it is known that pressure-free Lema\\^itre--Tolman \\citep{L33,T34} models can evolve to form shell crossing singularities. This is an additional singularity to the Big Bang that occurs when two shells of matter collide with each other, leading to infinite values of the density. These singularities were first discussed in the context of astrophysical applications of gravitational collapse, where it has been shown that they can form without being hidden inside an horizon, and are therefore globally naked \\citep{YSM73}. However, they are not considered as real singularities for a number of reasons. First of all because they are weak in the sense that the spacetime can be extended through the singularity \\citep{N86,FK95,N03,PK}. Secondly, as was shown by \\cite{J93}, an object sent through the singularity would not be crushed (i.e. they would not be focused onto a surface or a line). Finally, in spherically symmetric, asymptotically flat Einstein-Vlasov systems, these types of singularities have been proved not to occur \\citep{RRS95}. However, this has not been proved in cosmological models which are not asymptotically flat. In gravitational collapse scenario's, shell crossings generally do not require consideration because the initial conditions are generally unrealistic. However, this is not the case in cosmological models. \\cite{BKH05} showed that a large class of realistic models of voids exhibit shell crossing singularities when the galaxy wall surrounding the void began to form. In many applications, initial conditions are chosen such that the subsequent evolution does not exhibit shell crossings \\citep{HL85}, however this is extremely inconvenient and prevents the study of a wide class of models. In this {\\em Letter} we show that the simple incorporation of pressure gradients leads to an elimination of shell crossings over the time scales involved with structure formation. Anomalies in the evolution associated with the formation of acoustic oscillations (see Sec. \\ref{acousticosc}) prevent us from determining conclusively whether this simple incorporation of inhomogeneous pressure can permanently prevent the shell crossing singularities. The structure of the {\\em Letter} is as follows; In Sec. \\ref{ssist} the Lema\\^itre model is presented. Sec. \\ref{setup} gives an explicit specification of the models being considered. Sec. \\ref{evolution} presents the evolution of both models and shows that sufficiently large pressure gradients can prevent shell crossing singularities. Sec. \\ref{acousticosc} then discuss the occurrence of acoustic oscillations due to non-zero pressure gradient. ", "conclusions": "In this {\\em Letter} we studied the shell crossing singularities which occur in pressure-free spherically symmetric cosmological models. These models have recently become very popular because they can fit cosmological observations without the need for dark energy. However, because of shell crossing singularities, which occur when two shells of matter collide, the full parameter space cannot be considered. We have investigated the incorporation of pressure into these models. Adding a gradient of pressure implies the equations can no longer be solved analytically, although conceptually they are no more difficult -- see eq. (\\ref{mr}) -- and they are still simple to compute numerically. We showed that the incorporation of a pressure gradient can prevent shell crossing singularities occurring over the period of structure formation. This will enable the unlimited investigation of these inhomogeneous cosmological models without the occurrence of these anomalous singularities. We also showed in this {\\em Letter} that, in some cases, when the density contrast is sufficiently high, the existence of pressure gradients leads to acoustic oscillations. At this stage the numerical investigation becomes troublesome. However, by choosing a harder form of the equation of state we can postpone the occurrence of shell crossing singularities so they do not occur over the time of structure evolution. It should be noted that such harder equations of state require that the constant $K$ in (\\ref{peos}) be unnaturally large -- by several orders of magnitude larger that the realistic value. This means that to fully describe the process of acoustic oscillations we need to perform a more comprehensive analysis. In particular, an application of more realistic fluids which allows for an anisotropic pressure and heat flow is essential." }, "0809/0809.1738.txt": { "abstract": "We present the results of a pair of 100 ksec {\\it Chandra} observations in the Small Magellanic Cloud to survey HMXBs, stars and LMXBs/CVs down to $L_x$ = 10$^{32}$ erg/s. The two SMC deep-fields are located in the most active star forming region of the bar. Deep Field-1 is positioned at the most pulsar-rich location (identified from previous surveys). Two new pulsars were discovered in outburst: CXO J004929.7-731058 (P=894s), CXO J005252.2-721715 (P=326s), and 14 candidate quiescent pulsars were identified from their timing and spectral properties. Out of 12 previously known pulsars in the fields, 9 were detected, with pulsations seen in five of them. This demonstrates for the first time that a significant fraction (at least 60\\%) of these systems have appreciable accretion driven X-ray emission during quiescence. Two known pulsars in the field were not detected, with an upper limit of $L_x$ $<$ 5 $\\times$10$^{32}$. The full catalog of 394 point-sources is presented along with detailed analyses of timing and spectral properties. Future papers will report associated observations obtained with HST and Magellan to identify optical counterparts. \\end {abstract} ", "introduction": "The Small Magellanic Cloud has proven to be an incomparable laboratory for astrophysics. The SMC is dwarf irregular satellite of the Milk Way, and unlike all other members of that group is experiencing an era of intense star formation. Situated in a part of the sky unobstructed by the galactic plane, the SMC affords a ringside seat to the unfolding drama. The combination of low extinction ($nH\\sim$10$^{21}$) and a small physical dimensions in relation to its distance from earth (53 kpc ) effectively puts the entire population at a common distance. A substantial fraction of the SMC can be observed simultaneously thanks to its compact size, which facilitates population studies. Monitoring surveys with e.g. RXTE \\cite{laycock2005} only see pulsars in outburst at $>$10$^{36}$ yet most X-ray binary pulsars spend the majority of the time in quiescence. In order to obtain a measure of the true population, it is necessary to observe and count X-ray pulsars in their low luminosity state. The very concept of a quiescent low-luminosity state is an open hypothesis, so we target a densely populated environment at known distance and low nH with sufficient sensitivity (10$^{33}$erg/s) to detect the unseen majority. Based on observational evidence and theoretical calculations we predicted that Chandra could detect these systems, or place strong restrictions on the quiescent emission scenarios if none were found. The focus of this paper is the search for X-ray pulsars in a quiescent state. That is, exhibiting emission (whether pulsed or not), at times other than during a type I or \"normal\" periastron outburst (and excluding type II, \"giant\" outbursts). In this work ~\\ref{sect:known} we present new evidence for quiescent emission in previously known pulsars, whose expected outburst dates are predicted by ephemerides. However if the SMC harbors a large population of systems that spend most of the time in quiescence it will not be possible to find their orbital parameters by X-ray monitoring. Instead these systems can only be found by deep pointed X-ray observations with sufficient angular resolution to guide searches for optical counterparts. The orbital parameters can then be measured by photometric monitoring or radial velocity studies. There are two compelling scenarios that lead us to expect that such a population exists. (1) The physics of magnetically channelled accretion (see for example \\cite{king}) predicts the existence of a centrifugal barrier. Magnetic field lines emanating from the neutron star's polar regions co-rotate with the NS itself, causing plasma attached to the field lines beyond the co-rotation radius (where the keplerian orbital period equals the NS rotation period) to be flung away by centrifugal force. For accretion to occur, the ram-pressure of the infalling matter must drive the magnetosphere boundary inside the co-rotation radius ($r_c$). Matter orbiting inside $r_c$ has angular velocity equal to or greater than co-rotation, and is channelled onto the NS polar caps, spinning up the pulsar in the process. This condition is a strong function of pulse period because the $r_c$ gets progressively closer to the NS surface for increased spin rate. The most rapidly rotating neutron stars are therefor only expected to switch on as pulsars at very high mass transfer rates. Observational evidence for this picture is mounting, as many more outbursts are seen in SMC pulsars with periods longer than a few tens of seconds, compared to shorter period systems. (2)The majority of X-ray pulsars, and all but one of those in the SMC with identified optical counterparts, have been found in binary systems with Be-star companions (See \\cite{mcbride2008} for a recent review of the evidence). The accreted material powering X-ray emission from the pulsar comes from a circumstellar disk around the Be star. The exact mechanism of disk formation is unclear at present, but progress has been made in understanding the disk-NS interaction \\cite{okazaki2001}. Several lines of observational and theoretical evidence point to the role of orbital eccentricity in producing regular ``normal'' (type-I) X-ray outbursts in Be-HMXB. Systems with circular orbits (or nearly so) are thought to exhibit only occasional giant (type-II) outbursts. It is further speculated that these systems can experience constant low-level accretion, yielding X-ray luminosites not detectable by the pre-Chandra generation of instruments. In the Milky-Way, the Be/X system X Persei is the prototype of this class with eccentricity=0.11, and there are at least two other galactic examples \\cite{delgado2001}. X Per fortuitously lies somewhat out of the galactic plane otherwise it would be hidden by dust/gas, as we presume are many of its brethren. The X-ray luminosity of X Per varies, but is seldom above $L_x$=10$^{35}$ erg/s. Our expectation is that X-ray binaries containing fast-rotating neutron stars, and those with circular orbits are under-represented in current catalogs. In both cases due to low quiescent luminosity and the infrequent occurrence of giant outbursts. One of our aims is to provide a complete sample of X-ray binaries, with greatly reduced luminosity bias compared to the existing sample. Stellar population synthesis models will greatly benefit from hard numbers upon which to base the relative probabilities of various evolutionary paths. For example in modelling the supernovae that occur in formation of XRBs, one needs to reproduce the actual distribution of orbital periods and eccentricities. If current catalogs under represent systems with large orbital separations and low $\\eta$ the input to these models will be flawed. Studies of archival Chandra data for a large number of galaxies by \\cite{grimm2003} have found an apparently universal correlation between star formation rate (SFR) and the integrated luminosity of HMXB. The absolute number normalization of this relationship is however unknown, because sufficiently faint fluxes have not been probed to discover the underlying numbers of HMXBs. It is for example physically relevant to know the number of neutron stars formed in binaries per unit SFR, which one might not be able to tell purely from the luminosity function, if it is missing a significant sub-class of HMXB. We present the complete X-ray source catalog as an electronic table accompanying this paper. We describe below in detail the properties of the brightest sources, and give an analysis of the timing and spectral properties of the sample, focussing on X-ray pulsars. An optical survey is being conducted in parallel \\cite{antinou2008} to enable more robust and complete classifications of X-ray binaries, Cataclysmic variables, stellar coronae and background active galactic nuclei (AGN). Initial results are reported by \\cite{zezas2008}. ", "conclusions": "The complete source catalog is available on-line in electronic form, it contains positions, count-rates, fluxes and quantiles for 394 X-ray sources (211 in DF1 \\& 183 in DF2). We have detected 16 X-ray pulsar candidates in the SMC Chandra Deep Fields (7 in DF-1, 9 in DF-2) based primarily on periodogram analysis of the lightcurves. Two of the newly discovered pulsars were in outburst, and their periods were measurable to a high degree of accuracy. We have therefore assigned the names SXP892 \\& SXP326 following the convention used by the SMC RXTE monitoring project \\cite{laycock2005} , \\cite{galache2008}. An additional three candidates were detected with sufficient S/N to place them unambiguously on the quantile diagram in the region inhabited by pulsars, in tight agreement with the powerlaw spectral model ($\\Gamma$=1, nH$\\sim$10$^{21}$) characteristic of SMC pulsars. The remaining 11 pulsar candidates were identified from periodogram detections with blind search significance levels between 90\\%--95\\%, or in sources with fewer than 250 net counts. We report these candidate pulsars without an SXP name due to the uncertainty attached to their period determinations, for example we cannot be confident that the fundamental is the most significant peak in the periodogram, or that a small fraction ($\\sim$10\\% for the 90\\% significance threshold) of these periods could be spurious. In the following discussion we assume that all the candidate pulsars are real detections. There were 12 X-ray pulsars known in the survey region prior to these observations, 7 in DF1 and 5 in DF2. Thus we have increased the sample of pulsars in the region to a total of 28 ([7+7] + [5+9]). Most interesting is the fact that we were able to detect all the known pulsars in DF2 and most (4/7) in DF1. One of the primary objectives of this project was to find out if HMXB pulsars could be detected between outbursts, and to determine their quiescent luminosity. Using the latest X-ray ephemerides produced by the RXTE monitoring program \\cite{galache2008} we can calculate the (presumed orbital) phase of each pulsar at the time of the Chandra Deep Field observations. The ephemerides were constructed from pulsed-flux lighturves spanning about 10 years of weekly RXTE observations. As such they predict the most likely time of X-ray outburst, which is presumed to reflect orbital modulation of the mass-transfer rate from the mass-donor star to the neutron star (the actual orbital ephemeris is not known for any SMC pulsars except SMC X-1). Of the 10 pulsars with an X-ray ephemeris fromn RXTE, 6 were detected far from their normal range of outburst-phase and with luminosity well below outburst levels. Two pulsars (SXP59, SXP7.78) were detected during their normal range of outburst phase. Three known pulsars were not detected, which for a requirement of 5 counts in 100ksec gives an upper limit of L$_x <2.6\\times$10$^{32}$erg/s. Of the undetected pulsars, two have X-ray ephemerides and were both observed outside their normal range of outburst-phase. By detecting 6/10 pulsars for which there are ephemerides, outside of their predicted outburst phase, we have demonstrated that a significant fraction (at least 60\\%) of these systems have appreciable accretion driven X-ray emission during quiescence. To the six confirmed quiescent pulsars we can add the 14 candidate quiescent pulsars, whose 2-10 keV luminosities are substantially lower than normal Be-pulsar outbursts. This new sample is consistent with a large population -about twice the size of the known pulsar population- of quiescent \"normal\" pulsars. It is also possible that some are in a perpetually low luminosity state, such systems are known in the Galaxy, for example X Per. The theoretical work of \\cite{okazaki2001} informs us that Be/NS systems with low orbital eccentricity accrete at a very low constant rate. The Be star's circumstellar disk in such systems is permanently tidally truncated (at the 3:1 resonance) well within the neutron star's orbital radius, except during large mass-ejections (the assumed cause of type II \"giant\" outbursts). This picture neatly explains how more than 50\\% of the X-ray pulsar population has remained hidden from RXTE and is only now coming to light. Pulse profiles created for every pulsar detected in the Chandra data show a range of forms. The typical profile shows significant flux above the un-pulsed component for most of the pulsation cycle. A qualitative distinction exists between profiles that are broad and asymmetric (e.g. SXP326), and those that are strongly peaked which tend to be narrower and more symmetric (e.g. SXP172). These differences are likely due to differences in geometry of the emission regions (polar caps). The literature documents several efforts to model X-ray pulse profiles in terms of combinations of fan and pencil beams (See for example \\cite{parmar1989}). Broad and cuspy profiles are attributed to fan beam geometry, where the X-ray beam has the form of a (somewhat irregular) hollow cone, due to obscuration of the central part of the polar cap by the incoming accretion stream, or reflection/re-processing effects. Narrow profiles more closely resemble radio pulsars and are accordingly interpreted in the \"light-house\" model, as collimated beams (pencil-beams) emanating directly from the polars caps. Including only sources with S/N$>$5, and counting the sources populating regions defined on the quantile diagram (Figures~\\ref{fig:quantiles1}b \\& ~\\ref{fig:quantiles2}b), we estimate of the proportion of candidate HMXB, Stars, AGN \\& obscured AGN in each field. These numbers are then used to estimate the absolute number of XRB, stars \\& AGN in the Deep Fields. We multiply by the fraction of high S/N sources in each category by the total size of the catalog down to the completeness limit of our dataset. Uncertainties are computed by taking $\\sqrt{N}$ of the number of 5$\\sigma$ sources, propagated to the full sample. We defined a flux limit corresponding 10 count source at the Chandra/ACIS-I aimpoint in our 100 ksec stacked dataset, to approximate the completeness limit of our sample. We do this calculation using a flux limited sample because our flux calculations include correction for Chandra's changes in sensitivity and spectral response with distance from the aim-point. If a count limit were used instead, it would not be uniform across the field. Each source has a 0-5-8 keV flux computed based on its quantile values and the exposure map, a 10 count limit at the aimpoint translates to a flux limit $F_{x} > $10$^{-15}$ erg/cm$^{2}$/s. In Deep-Field-1 we find 10.7\\% Stars, 53.3\\% AGN (of which 9\\% are obscured), and 35.7\\% XRB. Multiplying these percentages by the number (131) of sources down to our completeness limit yields 14$\\pm$6 stars, 71$\\pm$17 AGN, and 46$\\pm$13 HMXB. The same analysis of Deep-Field-2 yields 10.5\\% Stars, 50\\% AGN (of which 7.9\\% are obscured), and 39.5\\% XRB. Multiplying these percentages by the number (107) of sources down to our completeness limit yields 11$\\pm$6 Stars, 54$\\pm$16 AGN, and 42$\\pm$14 XRB. For comparison with our observations, we first estimated the expected number of background AGN in our survey based on the work of \\cite{kim2007}. For the same flux limit of $F_{x} > $10$^{-15}$ erg/cm$^{2}$/s, \\cite{kim2007} Figure 4 shows of order 10$^3$ AGN per sq. degree. Thus for an ACIS-I field of view (16'$\\times$16') one expects to see $\\sim$71 AGN per field. The purpose of this comparison is to determine whether our proposed large expansion in the X-ray binary population of the SMC is reasonable in the light of what is known about the background AGN population. The AGN number for DF1 is remarkably consistent with our prediction based on the AGN luminosity function of \\cite{kim2007} . We note that DF2 contains a large X-ray bright supernova remnant which likely explains the slightly (23\\%) lower AGN numbers in this field. Systematic errors were estimated by varying the boundary of the region in the quantile plane used to classify the AGN. Moving the boundary between $\\Gamma$=1.2 --1.5 changed AGN vs XRB fractions by an insignificant amount compared to the statistical error. Based on the above results, we argue for a large quiescent population of High Mass X-ray binaries (HMXB) in the SMC. Only a small fraction of these systems are in outburst at a given instant in time. The work of \\cite{grimm2003} demonstrates a universal relation between the integrated X-ray luminosity of HMXBs in a galaxy and the instantaneous star formation rate. This result now must be seen in the light of a similarly universal duty cycle distribution for HMXB populations. At any instant, the proportion of systems in outburst is roughly the same. Although more numerous, the quiescent systems evidently do not contribute significantly to the total luminosity of the galaxy. We note that Cataclysmic variables and LMXB are expected to occupy the same quantile parameter-space as the AGN, due to their soft power-law and/or hot thermal spectra. Given that our AGN-count is consistent with predictions, there is not a great deal of room for additional source populations. Thus we can already constrain the total number of LMXB and CVs to be within the error bars of the AGN estimate. The further goals of this project are as follows, and are being pursued in a series of papers in collaboration with our co-proposers. (1) Classify all the sources by finding and studying their optical counterparts. Discriminating the different source classes is a requisite for aims 3-5 below. Our optical survey is being carried out in parallel with the X-ray survey using the Hubble Space Telescope and Magellan 6.5m telescope. With high resolution imaging/photometry to R,I$<$26 we will be able to independently classify the optical counterparts to most of the sample. The optical counterpart identifications will enable items 2-4 below. (2) Construct the luminosity distribution down to faint X-ray fluxes, this will test whether multiple point source populations may be present, vs a monolithic HMXB ensemble. (3) Search for coronal X-ray emission from the most active stars in the SMC. (4) Constrain the incidence of LMXBs and CVs in the SMC. CVs should be present throughout the SMC which is dominated by an old population of red giants. Outbursts (Novae and dwarf novae) are extremely infrequent and fainter in X-rays than HMXB. Thus they will be harder to find. No LMXBs or CVs are known in the SMC, and extrapolation from the total mass in stars predicts only a handful of LMXBs , thus an observational constraint (or positive discoveries of LMXB) will provide important input to population synthesis models." }, "0809/0809.2088_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "NGC~1407 is the central elliptical in a nearby evolved group of galaxies apparently destined to become a galaxy cluster core. We use the kinematics of globular clusters (GCs) to probe the dynamics and mass profile of the group's center, out to a radius of 60 kpc ($\\sim$~10 galaxy effective radii)---the most extended data set to date around an early-type galaxy. This sample consists of 172 GC line-of-sight velocities, most of them newly obtained using Keck/DEIMOS, with a few additional objects identified as dwarf-globular transition objects or as intra-group GCs. We find weak rotation for the outer parts of the GC system ($v/\\sigma \\sim 0.2$), with a rotational misalignment between the metal-poor and metal-rich GCs. The velocity dispersion profile declines rapidly to a radius of $\\sim$~20~kpc, and then becomes flat or rising to $\\sim$~60~kpc. There is evidence that the GC orbits have a tangential bias that is strongest for the metal-poor GCs---in possible contradiction to theoretical expectations. We construct cosmologically-motivated galaxy+dark halo dynamical models and infer a total mass within 60~kpc of $\\sim 3\\times10^{12} M_{\\odot}$, which extrapolates to a virial mass of $\\sim 6\\times 10^{13} M_{\\odot}$ for a typical $\\Lambda$CDM halo---in agreement with results from kinematics of the group galaxies. We present an independent {\\it Chandra}-based analysis, whose relatively high mass at $\\sim$~20~kpc disagrees strongly with the GC-based result unless the GCs are assumed to have a peculiar orbit distribution, and we therefore discuss more generally some comparisons between X-ray and optical results. The group's $B$-band mass-to-light ratio of $\\sim$~800 (uncertain by a factor of $\\sim$~2) in Solar units is extreme even for a rich galaxy cluster, much less a poor group---placing it among the most dark matter dominated systems in the universe, and also suggesting a massive reservoir of baryons lurking in an unseen phase, in addition to the nonbaryonic dark matter. We compare the kinematical and mass properties of the NGC~1407 group to other nearby groups and clusters, and discuss some implications of this system for structure formation. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} In our current understanding of the universe, stellar systems larger than a globular cluster (GC; baryon mass $\\sim 10^6 M_{\\odot}$) are generally embedded in massive halos of dark matter (DM). Their systemic properties versus increasing DM halo mass show that there must be shifts between the various regimes of physical processes shaping the baryonic properties (e.g., \\citealt{1977MNRAS.179..541R}; \\citealt{2003ApJ...599...38B}; \\citealt{2004MNRAS.355..694M}; \\citealt{2006MNRAS.368....2D,2007MNRAS.381..389K,2007MNRAS.382.1481N,2008MNRAS.385L.116G}). In particular, somewhere between the scales of individual galaxies and clusters of galaxies, the mass of a halo's primary galaxy stops scaling with the halo mass, and reaches a universal upper limit (see e.g., \\citealt{2004A&A...415..931R}; \\citealt{2005ApJ...627L..85C}; \\citealt{2006AJ....131.2018B}; \\citealt{2007arXiv0709.2192K}; \\citealt{2007arXiv0710.3780H}), while the bulk of the baryons become spread out as a hot intergalactic medium (IGM). The high-mass systems behave less like galaxies with their own enveloping halos and unique histories, and more like extended halos shaping the destinies of their captive galaxian members (e.g., \\citealt{2006PASA...23...38F}). In collapsed galaxy clusters, the dominant processes affecting the larger galaxies involve cooling, heating, and stripping by the IGM, while some level of harassment and stripping also occurs by galaxy fly-bys within the cluster. However, it is thought that processes such as gas strangulation and major galaxy mergers occurred earlier, within the groups that went on to conglomerate into the cluster (e.g., \\citealt{1985MNRAS.215..517B,1998ApJ...496...39Z,2001MNRAS.326..637K,2001ApJ...563..736C,2004PASJ...56...29F,2006MNRAS.370.1223B}, hereafter B+06a; \\citealt{2007ApJ...671.1503M,2008ApJ...672L.103K,2008ApJ...680.1009W}; \\citealt{2008ApJ...688L...5K,2008arXiv0812.2021P}). In this picture, the characteristic properties of cluster galaxies (dominated by early-types) would primarily arise by ``pre-processing'' in groups. Thus by studying galaxy groups, one can learn not only about the ecosystems of most of the galaxies in the universe (\\citealt{2004MNRAS.348..866E}), but also about the pre-history of the rarer but interesting galaxy clusters. The nearby group surrounding the elliptical galaxy NGC~1407, sometimes called the ``Eridanus A'' group (\\citealt{1989AJ.....98.1531W}; \\citealt{1990AJ....100....1F}; \\citealt{2006MNRAS.369.1351B}, hereafter B+06b), is a potentially informative transitional system. It has the X-ray and optical luminosities of a group (with 1--3 galaxies of at least $L^*$ luminosity, and highly dominated by early-types), but possibly the mass of a cluster. An early study of its constituent galaxy redshifts suggested a group mass-to-light ratio of $\\Upsilon \\sim$~2500~$\\Upsilon_{\\odot}$ ($B$-band; \\citealt{1993ApJ...403...37G}), and while subsequent studies have brought this estimate down to $\\sim$~300--1100 (partially through longer distance estimates; \\citealt{1994A&A...283..722Q,2005ApJ...618..214T}; B+06b; \\citealt{2006MNRAS.369.1375T,2006MNRAS.372.1856F}; \\citealt{2007ApJ...656..805Z}, hereafter Z+07), these are still high values more reminiscent of clusters than of groups. The NGC~1407 group may provide insight into the origins of the properties of galaxy cluster cores and of brightest cluster galaxies. The group is part of a larger structure or ``supergroup'' that should eventually collapse to form a cluster with NGC~1407---and possibly its associated group---at its core (B+06b; \\citealt{2006MNRAS.369.1375T}). Major mergers are prone to scramble the memories of their progenitors' prior properties, but the future assembly of the NGC~1407 cluster appears to involve low mass ratios of $\\sim$1:5 to 1:10. Thus it is likely that the NGC~1407 group will remain relatively unscathed at the core of the resulting cluster, and we can make a fair comparison of its current dynamical properties with those of existing cluster cores (such as M87 in Virgo and NGC~1399 in Fornax) to see if these systems are part of the same evolutionary sequence. NGC~1407, like many bright elliptical galaxies, is endowed with a swarm of GCs visible as bright sources extending far out into its halo, beyond the region of readily observable galaxy light. GCs are invaluable as tracers of major episodes of star formation in galaxies \\citep{1995AJ....109..960W,2000A&A...354..836L,2006ARA&A..44..193B}. In NGC~1407, \\citet[hereafter C+07]{2007AJ....134..391C} have used them to study the galaxy's early metal enrichment history, and to search for signs of recent gas-rich mergers. Here our focus is on using GCs as bountiful kinematical tracers, useful for probing both the dynamical properties of their host galaxy's outer parts, and the mass distribution of the surrounding group. The use of GCs as mass tracers is well established: see \\citet{2006ARA&A..44..193B} and \\citet{2009gcgg.book..433R} for reviews, and \\S\\ref{sec:massprof} of this paper for specific examples. GCs are so far less widely exploited as {\\it orbit tracers}---using the internal dynamics of a globular cluster system (GCS) to infer its formation history and its connections with other galaxy subcomponents. Studies of GCS rotation have implicitly treated the GCs as proxies for the halo field stars or for the DM particles (e.g., \\citealt{1998AJ....116.2237K}), but the connections between these different entities have not yet been established. \\citet[hereafter B+05]{2005MNRAS.363.1211B} presented pioneering work in this area, deriving predictions for GCS, stellar, and DM kinematics from galaxy merger simulations. We will make some comparisons of these predictions to the data. The 10-meter Keck-I telescope with the LRIS multi-slit spectrograph \\citep{1995PASP..107..375O} has produced a legacy of the first large samples of extragalactic GC kinematics outside of the Local Group (\\citealt{1997ApJ...486..230C,2000AJ....119..162C,2003ApJ...591..850C}, hereafter C+03). Now we present the first use of DEIMOS on Keck-II \\citep{2003SPIE.4841.1657F} to study extragalactic GCS kinematics, representing a significant advance in this field. Its 80~arcmin$^2$ field-of-view is one of the most expansive available on a large telescope, and its stability, red sensitivity, and medium resolution make it highly efficient for acquiring accurate velocities for GCs (which are intrinsically red objects) even in gray skies, using the Ca~{\\small II} absorption line triplet (CaT). Our results here inaugurate the SAGES Legacy Unifying Globulars and Galaxies Survey of the detailed photometric and spectroscopic properties of $\\sim$~25 representative galaxies and their GCSs. NGC~1407 is a moderately-rotating E0 galaxy, neither boxy nor disky, with a ``core-like'' central luminosity profile, a weak central AGN, and absolute magnitudes of $M_B = -21.0$ and $M_K=-24.8$ (B+06b). Its GCS displays a typical color bimodality of ``blue'' and ``red'' GCs (\\citealt{1997AJ....113..895P}; \\citealt{2006MNRAS.366.1230F}; \\citealt{2006ApJ...636...90H}, hereafter H+06a; \\citealt{Harris09}). Its overall specific frequency of GCs per unit luminosity was previously found to be a modest $S_N \\sim 4$, but a new deep wide-field study has produced a richer estimate of $S_N \\sim 6$ (L.~Spitler et al., in preparation, hereafter S+09). NGC~1407 hosts bright, extended X-ray emission that extends as far out as 80~kpc into the surrounding group (B+06b; Z+07), although there is nothing about its X-ray properties that marks it as a particularly unusual galaxy (\\citealt{2004MNRAS.350.1511O}, hereafter OP04). We adopt a galaxy stellar effective radius of \\Reff$=57''=$~5.8~kpc (see \\S\\ref{sec:assumpt}), with a distance to the galaxy and group of 20.9~Mpc \\citep{2006MNRAS.366.1230F}---discussing later the effects of the distance uncertainty. We present the spectroscopic GC observations in \\S\\ref{sec:obs}, and convert these into kinematical parameters in \\S\\ref{sec:kin}. In \\S\\ref{sec:mass}, we analyze the group mass profile using GC dynamics and X-ray constraints, and review independent mass constraints more generally. We place our findings for NGC~1407 into the wider context of galaxy groups in \\S\\ref{sec:context}, and \\S\\ref{sec:conc} summarizes the results. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.2794_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We measure the logarithmic scatter in mass at fixed richness for clusters in the maxBCG cluster catalog, an optically selected cluster sample drawn from SDSS imaging data. Our measurement is achieved by demanding consistency between available weak lensing and X-ray measurements of the maxBCG clusters, and the X-ray luminosity--mass relation inferred from the 400d X-ray cluster survey, a flux limited X-ray cluster survey. We find $\\sigma_{\\ln M|N_{200}}=0.45^{+0.20}_{-0.18}$ ($95\\%$ CL) at $N_{200}\\approx 40$, where $N_{200}$ is the number of red sequence galaxies in a cluster. As a byproduct of our analysis, we also obtain a constraint on the correlation coefficient between $\\ln \\Lx$ and $\\ln M$ at fixed richness, which is best expressed as a lower limit, $r_{L,M|N} \\geq 0.85\\ (95\\%\\ \\mbox{CL})$. This is the first observational constraint placed on a correlation coefficient involving two different cluster mass tracers. We use our results to produce a state of the art estimate of the halo mass function at $z=0.23$ --- the median redshift of the maxBCG cluster sample --- and find that it is consistent with the WMAP5 cosmology. Both the mass function data and its covariance matrix are presented. ", "introduction": "The space density of galaxy clusters as a function of cluster mass is a well-known cosmological probe \\citep[see e.g.][]{holderetal01,haimanetal01,rozoetal04,limahu04}, and ranks among the best observational tools for constraining $\\sigma_8$, the normalization of the matter power spectrum in the low redshift universe \\citep[see e.g.][]{frenketal90,henry91, schueckeretal03,gladdersetal07,rozoetal07a}.\\footnote{$\\sigma_8$ is formally defined as the variance of the linear matter density averaged over spheres with radius $R=8\\ h^{-1}\\ \\Mpc$.} The basic idea is this: in the high mass limit, the cluster mass function falls off exponentially with mass, with the fall-off depending sensitively on the amplitude of the matter density fluctuations. Observing this exponential cutoff can thus place tight constraints on $\\sigma_8$. In practice, however, the same exponential dependence that makes cluster abundances a powerful cosmological probe also renders it susceptible to an important systematic effect, namely uncertainties in the estimated masses of clusters. Because mass is not a direct observable, cluster masses must be determined using observable mass tracers such as X-ray emission, SZ decrements, weak lensing shear, or cluster richness (a measure of the galaxy content of the cluster). Of course, such mass estimators are noisy, meaning there can be significant scatter between the observable mass tracer and cluster mass. Since the mass function declines steeply with mass, up-scattering of low mass systems into high mass bins can result in a significant boost to the number of systems with apparently high mass \\citep{limahu05}. If this effect is not properly modeled, the value of $\\sigma_8$ derived from such a cluster sample will be overestimated. One approach for dealing with this difficulty is to employ mass tracers that have minimal scatter, thereby reducing the impact of said scatter on the recovered halo mass function. For instance, \\citet{kravtsovetal06} introduced a new X-ray mass estimator, $Y_X=M_{gas}T_X$, which in their simulations exhibits an intrinsic scatter of only $\\approx 8\\%$, independent of the dynamical state of the cluster. Use of a mass estimator with such low scatter should lead to improved estimates of $\\sigma_8$ from X-ray cluster surveys \\citep{pierpaolietal01,rb02,schueckeretal03, henry04,staneketal06}. Such tightly-correlated mass tracers are not always available. In such cases, determination of the scatter in the mass-observable relation is critical to accurately inferring the mass function and thereby determining cosmological parameters. Of course, in practice, it is impossible to determine this scatter to arbitrary accuracy, but since the systematic boost to the mass function is proportional to the square of the scatter \\citep{limahu05} (i.e. the variance), even moderate constraints on the scatter can result in tight $\\sigma_8$ constraints. In this paper, we use optical and X-ray observations to constrain the scatter in the mass--richness relation for the maxBCG cluster catalog presented in \\citet{koesteretal07a}. Specifically, we use observational constraints on the mean mass--richness relation, and on the mean and scatter of the $\\Lx-$richness relation, to convert independent estimates of the scatter in the $\\Lx-M$ relation into estimates of the scatter in the mass--richness relation. An interesting byproduct of our analysis is a constraint on the correlation coefficient between mass and X-ray luminosity at fixed richness. To our knowledge, this is the first time that a correlation coefficient involving multiple cluster mass tracers has been empirically determined. The layout of the paper is as follows. In section \\ref{sec:notation} we lay out the notation and definitions used throughout the paper. Section \\ref{sec:data} presents the data sets used in our analysis. In section \\ref{sec:rough} we present a pedagogical description of our method for constraining the scatter in the richness-mass relation, while section \\ref{sec:formalism} formalizes the argument. Our results are found in section \\ref{sec:results}, and we compare them to previous work in section \\ref{sec:other_work}. In section \\ref{sec:mf}, we use our result to estimate the halo mass function in the local universe at $z=0.23$, the median redshift of the maxBCG cluster sample, and we demonstrate that our recovered mass function is consistent with the latest cosmological constraints from WMAP \\citep{wmap08}. A detailed cosmological analysis of our results will be presented in a forthcoming paper (Rozo et al., in preparation). Our summary and conclusions are presented in section \\ref{sec:conclusions}. \\subsection{Notation and Conventions} \\label{sec:notation} We summarize here the notation and conventions employed in this work. Given any three cluster mass tracers (possibly including mass itself) $X,Y,$ and $Z$, we make the standard assumption that the probability distribution $P(X,Y|Z)$ is a bivariate lognormal. The parameters $A_{X|Z}$, $B_{X|Z}$, and $\\alpha_{X|Z}$ are defined such that \\begin{eqnarray} \\avg{\\ln X|Z} & = & A_{X|Z}+\\alpha_{X|Z}\\ln Z \\\\ \\ln \\avg{X|Z} & = & B_{X|Z} + \\alpha_{X|Z}\\ln Z. \\end{eqnarray} Note the slopes of the mean and logarithmic mean are the same, as appropriate for a log-normal distribution. The scatter in $\\ln X$ at fixed $Z$ is denoted $\\sigma_{X|Z}$, and the correlation coefficient between $\\ln X$ and $\\ln Y$ at fixed $Z$ is denoted $r_{X,Y|Z}$. {\\it We emphasize that all quoted scatters are the scatter in the natural logarithm, not in dex.} Note these parameters are simply the elements of the covariance matrix specifying the Gaussian distribution $P(\\ln X,\\ln Y|\\ln Z)$. Under our lognormal assumption for $P(X,Y|Z)$, the parameters $A_{X|Z}$ and $B_{X|Z}$ are related via \\begin{equation} B_{X|Z} = A_{X|Z}+\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma_{X|Z}^2. \\end{equation} In this work, the quantities of interest are cluster mass $M$, X-ray luminosity $\\Lx$, and cluster richness $N$. Unless otherwise specified, cluster mass is defined as $M_{500c}$, the mass contained within an overdensity of 500 relative to critical. $\\Lx$ is the total luminosity in the rest-frame $0.5-2.0\\ \\keV$ band, and $N$ is the maxBCG richness measure $N_{200}$, the number of red sequence galaxies with luminosity above $0.4L_*$ within an aperture such that the mean density within said radius is, on average, $200\\Omega_m^{-1}$ times the mean galaxy density assuming $\\Omega_m=0.3$. Likewise, unless otherwise stated all parameters governing the relations between $M$, $\\Lx$, and $N$ assume that $M$ is measured in units of $10^{14}\\ \\msun$, $\\Lx$ is measured in units of $10^{43}\\ \\mathrm{ergs}/\\mathrm{s}$, and $N$ is measured in ``units'' of $40$ galaxies. For instance, including units explicitly, the mean relation between cluster mass and richness reads \\begin{equation} \\frac{\\avg{M|N}}{10^{14}\\ \\msun} = \\exp(B_{M|N}) \\left (\\frac{N}{40}\\right)^{\\alpha_{M|N}}. \\end{equation} A Hubble constant parameter $h=0.71$ is assumed through out.\\footnote{For other values of $h$, our weak lensing masses scale as $M \\propto h^{-1}$ and the X-ray luminosities as $\\Lx \\propto h^{-2}$.} In addition, the weak lensing data presented in this analysis assumed a flat $\\Lambda$CDM cosmology with $\\Omega_m=0.27$. The recovered mass function has the standard hubble parameter degeneracy. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} We have shown that by combining the information in the maxBCG richness function, the mean richness-mass relation, the mean and scatter of the $\\Lx-$richness relation, and the mean and scatter of the $\\Lx-M$ relation, we can constrain both the scatter in mass at fixed richness for maxBCG clusters, as well as the correlation coefficient between mass and $\\Lx$ at fixed richness. We find \\begin{eqnarray} \\sigma_{M|N} & = & 0.45^{+0.20}_{-0.18}\\ (95\\%\\ \\mbox{CL}) \\\\ r_{L,M|N} & \\geq & 0.85\\ (95\\%\\ \\mbox{CL}). \\end{eqnarray} These constraints are dominated by uncertainties in the $\\Lx-M$ relation, and can be significantly tightened if our understanding of the $\\Lx-M$ relation improves. We also found our results are consistent with those presented in \\citet{beckeretal07} once miscentering of maxBCG clusters is taken into account. Our lower limit on the correlation between $M$ and $\\Lx$ at fixed richness constitutes the first observational constraint on a correlation coefficient involving two different halo mass tracers. Note that the large correlation between $\\Lx$ and $M$ implies that $\\Lx$ - even without core exclusion - is a significantly better mass tracer than the maxBCG richness estimator (i.e. at fixed richness, over-luminous cluster are nearly always more massive). This is an important result, which we use in a concurrent paper to help us define new richness estimators that are better correlated with cluster mass~\\citep{rozoetal08b}. Using our results, and assuming $\\Omega_m=0.27$ and $h=0.71$, we have estimated the halo mass function at $z=0.23$, corresponding to the median redshift of the cluster sample. We find that our recovered mass function is in good agreement with the mass function predicted by \\citet{tinkeretal08} for the WMAP5 cosmology \\citep{wmap08}. A detailed cosmological analysis will be presented in a forthcoming paper (Rozo et al, in preparation). Our work sheds new light on the interrelationship of bulk properties of massive halos. We have used weak lensing, X-ray luminosities, and optical richness estimates to constrain the scatter in the richness-mass relation, which can lead to improved cosmological constraints. In principle, one could also turn this question around, and, assuming cosmology, we could constrain the scatter in the richness-mass relation, which would then allow us to place constraints on the amplitude, slope, and scatter of the $\\Lx-M$ relation. Such an analysis would be interesting in that, by doing so, one could compare the predicted amplitude of the $\\Lx-M$ relation to that derived from hydrostatic mass estimates, thereby directly probing the amount of non-thermal pressure support in galaxy clusters. Note that even though this question can also be directly addressed by comparing weak lensing and X-ray mass estimates of individual clusters, the analysis suggested here would benefit from having small uncertainties, whereas projection effects result in rather noisy weak lensing mass estimates for individual systems." }, "0809/0809.0791_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Long-term precise timing of Galactic millisecond pulsars holds great promise for measuring the long-period (months-to-years) astrophysical gravitational waves. Several gravitational-wave observational programs, called Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTA), are being pursued around the world. Here we develop a Bayesian algorithm for measuring the stochastic gravitational-wave background (GWB) from the PTA data. Our algorithm has several strengths: (1) It analyses the data without any loss of information, (2) It trivially removes systematic errors of known functional form, including quadratic pulsar spin-down, annual modulations and jumps due to a change of equipment, (3) It measures simultaneously both the amplitude and the slope of the GWB spectrum, (4) It can deal with unevenly sampled data and coloured pulsar noise spectra. We sample the likelihood function using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulations. We extensively test our approach on mock PTA datasets, and find that the algorithm has significant benefits over currently proposed counterparts. We show the importance of characterising all red noise components in pulsar timing noise by demonstrating that the presence of a red component would significantly hinder a detection of the GWB Lastly, we explore the dependence of the signal-to-noise ratio on the duration of the experiment, number of monitored pulsars, and the magnitude of the pulsar timing noise. These parameter studies will help formulate observing strategies for the PTA experiments. ", "introduction": "At the time of this writing several large projects are being pursued in order to directly detect astrophysical gravitational waves. This paper concerns a program to detect gravitational waves using pulsars as nearly-perfect Einstein clocks. The practical idea is to time a set of millisecond pulsars (called the ``Pulsar Timing Array'', or PTA) over a number of years \\citep{Foster}. Some of the millisecond pulsars create pulse trains of exceptional regularity. By perturbing the space-time between a pulsar and the Earth, the gravitational waves (GWs) will cause extra deviations from the periodicity in the pulse arrival times \\citep{Estabrook, Sazhin, Detweiler}. Thus from the measurements of these deviations (called ``timing-residuals'', or TR), one may measure the gravitational waves. Currently, several PTA project are operating around the globe. Firstly, at the Arecibo Radio Telescope in North-America several millisecond pulsars have been timed for a number of years. These observations have already been used to place interesting upper limits on the intensity of gravitational waves which are passing through the Galaxy \\citep{Kaspi, Lommen}. Together with the Green Bank Telescope, the Arecibo Radio Telescope will be used as an instrument of NANOGrav, the North American PTA. Secondly, the European PTA is being set up as an international collaboration between Great Britain, France, Netherlands, Germany, and Italy, and will use 5 European radio telescopes to monitor about 20 millisecond pulsars \\citep{Stappers}. Finally, the Parkes PTA in Australia has been using the Parkes multi-beam radio-telescope to monitor 20 millisecond pulsars \\citep{Manchester}. Some of the Parkes and Arecibo data have also been used to place the most stringent limits on the GWB to date \\citep{Jenet-2006}. One of the main astrophysical targets of the PTAs is the stochastic background of the gravitational waves (GWB). This GWB is thought to be generated by a large number of black-hole binaries which are thought to be located at the centres of galaxies \\citep{Begelman, Phinney, Jaffe, Wyithe, Sesana}, by relic gravitational waves \\citep{Grishchuk}, or, more speculatively, by cusps in the cosmic-string loops \\citep{Damour}. This paper develops an algorithm for the optimal PTA measurement of such a GWB. The main difficulty of such a measurement is that not only Gravitational Waves create the pulsar timing-residuals. Irregularities of the pulsar-beam rotation (called the ``timing noise''), the receiver noise, the imprecision of local clocks, the polarisation calibration of the telescope \\citep{Britton}, and the variation in the refractive index of the interstellar medium all contribute significantly to the timing-residuals, making it a challenge to separate these noise sources from the gravitational-wave signal. However, the GWB is expected to induce correlations between the timing-residuals of different pulsars. These correlations are of a specific functional form [given by Eq.~(\\ref{eq:alphaab}) below], which is different from those introduced by other noise sources \\citep{Hellings}. \\citet[hereafter J05]{Jenet-2005} have invented a clever algorithm which uses the uniqueness of the GWB-induced correlations to separate the GWB from other noise sources, and thus to measure the magnitude of the GWB. Their idea was to measure the timing-residual correlations for all pairs of the PTA pulsars, and check how these correlations depend on the sky-angles between the pulsar pairs. J05 have derived a statistic which is sensitive to the functional form of the GWB-induced correlation; by measuring the value of this statistic one can infer the strength of the GWB. While J05 algorithm appears robust, we believe that in its current form it does have some drawbacks, in particular: \\newline (1) The statistic used by J05 is non-linear and non-quadratic in the pulsar-timing-residuals, which makes its statistical properties non-transparent.\\newline (2) The pulsar pairs with the high and low intrinsic timing noise make equal contributions to the J05 statistic, which is clearly not optimal.\\newline (3) The J05 statistic assumes that the timing-residuals of all the PTA pulsars are measured during each observing run, which is generally not the case.\\newline (4) The J05 signal-to-noise analysis relies on the prior knowledge of the intrinsic timing noise, and there is no clean way to separate this timing noise from the GWB.\\newline (5) The prior spectral information on GWB is used for whitening the signal; however, there is no proof that this is an optimal procedure. The spectral slope of the GWB is not measured. In this paper we develop an algorithm which addresses all of the problems outlined above. Our method is based on essentially the same idea as that of J05: we use the unique character of the GWB-induced correlations to measure the intensity of the GWB. The algorithm we develop below is Bayesian, and by construction uses optimally all of the available information. Moreover, it deals correctly and efficiently with all systematic contributions to the timing-residuals which have a known functional form, i.e.~the quadratic pulsar spin-downs, annual variations, one-time discontinuities (jumps) due to equipment change, etc. Many parameters of the timing model (the model popular pulsar timing packages use to generate TRs from pulsar arrival times) fall in this category. The plan of the paper is as follows. In the next section we review the theory of the GWB-generated timing residuals and introduce our model for other contributions to the timing residuals. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:bayes} we explain the principle of Bayesian analysis for GWB-measurement with a PTA, and we evaluate the Bayesian likelihood function. There we also show how to analytically marginalise over the contributions of known functional form but unknown amplitude (i.e., annual variations, quadratic residuals due to pulsar spin-down, etc.). The details of this calculation are laid out in Appendix A. Section~\\ref{sec:montecarlo} discusses the numerical integration technique which we use in our likelihood analysis: the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). In Sec.~\\ref{sec:results} we show the analyses of mock PTA datasets. For each mock dataset, we construct the probability distribution for the intensity of the GWB, and demonstrate its consistency with the input mock data parameters. We study the sensitivity of our algorithm for different PTA configurations, and investigate the dependence of the signal-to-noise ratio on the duration of the experiment, on redness and magnitude of the pulsar timing noise, and on the number of clocked pulsars. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:conclusions} we summarise our results. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} In this paper we have introduced a practical Bayesian algorithm for measuring the GWB using Pulsar Timing Arrays. Several attractive features of the algorithm should make it useful to the PTA community:\\newline (1) the ability to simultaneously measure the amplitude and slope of GWB,\\newline (2) its ability to deal with unevenly sampled datasets, and \\newline (3) its ability to treat systematic contributions of known functional form. From the theoretical point of view, the algorithm is guaranteed to extract information optimally, provided that our parametrization of the timing noise is correct. Test runs of our algorithm have shown that the experiments signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio strongly decreases with the redness of the pulsar timing noise, and strongly increases with the duration of the PTA experiment. We have also charted the S/N dependence on the number of well-clocked pulsars and the level of their timing noise. These charts should be helpful in the design of the optimal strategy for future PTA observations." }, "0809/0809.2198_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "At low metallicity, B-type stars show lower loss of mass and, therefore, angular momentum so that it is expected that there are more Be stars in the Magellanic Clouds than in the Milky Way. However, till now, searches for Be stars were only performed in a very small number of open clusters in the Magellanic Clouds. Using the ESO/WFI in its slitless spectroscopic mode, we performed a Halpha survey of the Large and Small Magellanic Cloud. Eight million low-resolution spectra centered on Halpha were obtained. For their automatic analysis, we developed the ALBUM code. Here, we present the observations, the method to exploit the data and first results for 84 open clusters in the SMC. In particular, cross-correlating our catalogs with OGLE positional and photometric data, we classified more than 4000 stars and were able to find the B and Be stars in them. We show the evolution of the rates of Be stars as functions of area density, metallicity, spectral type, and age. ", "introduction": "Emission line stars (ELS) range from young to evolved stars (TTauri, Herbig Ae/Be, WR, Planetary Nebulae, etc), from hot to cool stars (Classical Be star, Oe, Supergiant star, Mira Ceti, Flare stars, etc). Among the ELS, here, we focus on the classical Be stars. They are non-supergiant B type stars, which have displayed at least once emission lines in their spectra, mainly in the Balmer series of the hydrogen. The emission lines come from a circumstellar decretion disk formed by episodic matter ejection of the central star. It appears that the Be phenomenon is related to fast rotation and probably additional properties such as non-radial pulsation or magnetic fields. For a comprehensive review of Be stars in the Milky Way we refer the reader to \\cite[Porter \\& Rivinius (2003)]{}. It seems also that the low metallicity plays a role (\\cite[Kudritzki et al. 1987]{}): at low metallicity, typical of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), the stellar radiatively driven winds are less efficient than at high metallicity (typical of the Milky Way [MW]), thus the mass loss is lower and the stars keep more angular momentum. As a consequence, B-type stars rotate faster in the SMC/LMC than in the MW (\\cite[Martayan et al. 2007]{}). It is then expected that the metallicity has also an effect on the Be-phenomenon itself as reported by \\cite[Maeder et al. (1999)]{} or \\cite[Wisniewski \\& Bjorkman (2006)]{}, while the evolutionary phase could also play a role (\\cite[Fabregat \\& Torrej\\'on 2000]{}). In most cases, the study of open clusters was done by using photometric observations, in the MW. The work by \\cite[McSwain \\& Gies (2005)]{} is a typical example. To test these issues and improve the comparisons between SMC and MW, spectroscopic observations of stars in open clusters have to be done. In the SMC, a survey of emission line objects was performed by \\cite[Meyssonnier \\& Azzopardi (1993)]{} using photographic plates. However, they were not able to study the stars in open clusters but mainly in the field. This paper deals with our slitless spectroscopic survey of ELS and Oe/Be/Ae stars in SMC open clusters, while in the whole SMC 3 million spectra were obtained. \\begin{figure}[h!] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=3.1in, angle=-90]{marta1fig1.ps} \\includegraphics[width=3.1in, angle=-90]{marta1fig2.ps} \\caption{Absolute V magnitude vs. dereddened colour (B-V)-top or (V-I)-bottom for SMC stars of our sample. Blue crosses correspond to definite ELS, blue diamonds correspond to candidate ELS, and red + to absorption stars.} \\label{figs1} \\end{center} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "Preliminary studies have shown a trend of the increase of the fraction of Be stars with decreasing metallicity. However, up to now, the studies were only performed on a very limited sample of open clusters (less than 10 in the SMC) and with photometric data. Using the ESO/WFI in its slitless spectroscopic mode, we observed 84 open clusters in the SMC. Thanks to different codes and OGLE data, we were able to find and classify the emission line stars and absorption stars ($\\sim$4300 stars). The ratios of Be stars to B stars in the SMC and MW were studied. The comparison allows to quantify the increase of the number of Be stars with decreasing metallicity. Be stars in the SMC are 2 to 4 times more abundant than in the MW depending on the spectral types. It seems also that early Be stars follow the same distribution in the SMC and MW with a maximum at the spectral type B2. About the stellar phases at which Be stars appear, from our preliminary results, it seems that certain Be stars could be born as Be stars, while others could appear during the main sequence depending also probably on the metallicity and spectral types of stars." }, "0809/0809.0362_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": " ", "introduction": "\\label{s0} Lately, relativistic astrophysics has seen an increasing interest in papers where solutions with traversable wormholes (WHs) are discussed. This interest is caused, among other things, by projecting and constructing high-precision radiointerferometers which will make it possible to discriminate WHs from black holes. In this paper we consider a static and spherically symmetric WH solution which only slightly differs from that for the extremal charged Reissner-Nordstr\\\"{o}m black hole (see~\\cite{3} or \\cite{7}). As is shown in \\cite{2}, if the equation-of-state parameters of matter change their values the WH solution can smoothly turn into the extremal Reissner-Nordstr\\\"{o}m solution with a horizon and the WH stops being traversable. WH sustains its exotic properties thanks to phantom matter violating the null energy condition\\footnote{This condition means satisfying the following inequality (NEC): ${T_{ik}\\zeta^i\\zeta^k>0}$, $T_{ik}$ being the energy-momentum tensor of the matter and $\\zeta^i$ -- the null 4-vector of photon. Physically, the exoticness of the phantom matter violating the NEC leads to the possibility of choosing a reference frame where observed energy density is negative.} and surrounding a WH's throat -- see, for example,~\\cite{1} or \\cite{2}. What can be practically interesting is the WH that only slightly differs from the extremally (whether electrically or magnetically) charged Reissner-Nordstr\\\"{o}m black hole with the charge $q$. In this particular case the amount of the phantom matter can be taken arbitrarily small. ", "conclusions": "\\label{s-zakl} In spite the result obtained stating that the light distribution in the WH throat is homogeneous for each WH model, it is worth noting that in the real universe the number of visible stars is finite, though big. This implies that if angular resolution of the observer's instrument in our Universe is high enough they will be able to discover the changing star density in the throat ${\\bf J(h)}$. The left panel of Fig.~\\ref{R1} shows this plot for ${\\delta =0.001}$. Sharp minima on the plot correspond to zeros of the sine in expression (\\ref{2-1}). This is because at sufficiently large impact parameters the light rays are deflected by large angles (${\\theta>\\pi}$) so that in the vicinities of the points ${\\theta =\\pi n}$ abrupt declines in distribution arise. But near these declines the observed stellar brightness tends to infinity (lensing), which ultimately provides the (on average) uniform light flow over the WH throat (see the right panel of Fig.~\\ref{R1}). Positions of the declines depend on the value of $\\delta$. Hence, registering them makes it possible to determine the equation-of-state parameters of the WH matter and features of the WH model (which is highly analogous to processing the light spectra). Thus, in this paper we have proposed a technique of calculating the deflection of light passing through wormholes as well as methods of observing distinctive features of specific WH models." }, "0809/0809.0012_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The transfer of polarized radiation in magnetized and non-magnetized relativistic plasmas is an area of research with numerous flaws and gaps. The present paper is aimed at filling some gaps and eliminating the flaws. Starting from a Trubnikov's linear response tensor for a vacuum wave with ${\\bf k}=\\omega/c$ in thermal plasma, the analytic expression for the dielectric tensor is found in the limit of high frequencies. The Faraday rotation and Faraday conversion measures are computed in their first orders in the ratio of the cyclotron frequency $\\Omega_0$ to the observed frequency $\\omega$. The computed temperature dependencies of propagation effects bridge the known non-relativistic and ultra-relativistic limiting formulas. The fitting expressions are found for high temperatures, where the higher orders in $\\Omega_0/\\omega$ cannot be neglected. The plasma eigenmodes are found to become linearly polarized at much larger temperatures than thought before. The results are applied to the diagnostics of the hot ISM, hot accretion flows, and jets. ", "introduction": "We learn much of our information about astrophysical objects by observing the light they emit. Observations of the polarization properties of light can tell us the geometry of the emitter, strength of the magnetic field, density of plasma, and temperature. The proper and correct theory of optical activity is essential for making accurate predictions. While the low-temperature propagation characteristics of plasma are well-established \\citep{landau10}, the theory of relativistic effects has not been fully studied. In this paper I discuss the propagation effects through a homogeneous magnetized relativistic plasma. A non-magnetized case emerges as a limit of the magnetized case. The discussion is divided into three separate topics. Two linear plasma propagation effects are Faraday rotation and Faraday conversion \\citep{mueller}. Traditionally, these effects are considered in their lowest orders in the ratio $\\beta$ of the cyclotron frequency $\\Omega_0$ to the circular frequency of light $\\omega,$ id est in a high-frequency approximation. The distribution of particles is taken to be thermal \\begin{equation}\\label{distrib} dN=\\frac{n \\exp (-\\gamma/T)}{4\\pi m^2 T^2 K_2(T^{-1})}d^3p \\end{equation} with the dimensionless temperature $T$ in the units of particle rest mass temperature $m c^2/k_B.$ The Faraday rotation measure $RM$ and conversion measure are known in a non-relativistic $T\\ll 1$ and an ultra-relativistic $T\\gg 1$ limits \\citep{melrosec}. I derive a surprisingly simple analytic expression for arbitrary temperature $T.$ The smallness of $\\beta=\\Omega_0/\\omega,$ $\\beta\\ll1$ in the real systems led some authors \\citep{melrosea} to conclude that the high-frequency approximation will always work. However, there is a clear indication that it breaks down at high temperatures $T\\gg 1.$ It was claimed that the eigenmodes of plasma are linearly polarized for high temperatures $T\\gg 1$ \\citep{melrosec}, because the second order term $\\sim\\beta^2$ becomes larger than the first order term $\\sim \\beta$ due to the $T$ dependence. The arbitrarily large $T$-factor may stand in front of higher order expansion terms in $\\beta$ of the relevant expressions. I find the generalized rotation measure as a function of $\\beta$ and $T$ without expanding in $\\beta$ and compare the results with the known high-frequency expressions. The high-$T$ behavior of the plasma response is indeed significantly different. Plasma physics involves complicated calculations. This led to a number of errors in the literature \\citep{melrosec}, some of which have still not been fixed. In the article I check all the limiting cases numerically and analytically and expound all the steps of derivations. Thus I correct the relevant errors and misinterpretations made by previous authors, hopefully not making new mistakes. The analytical and numerical results are obtained in Mathematica 6 system. It has an enormous potential in these problems \\citep{mathem_blog}. The paper is organized as follows. The formalism of plasma response and calculations are described in \\S \\ref{method}. Several applications to observations can be found in \\S \\ref{applications}. I conclude in \\S \\ref{discussion} with a short summary and future prospects. ", "conclusions": "\\label{discussion} This paper presents several new calculations and amends the previous calculations of propagation effects in uniform magnetized plasma with thermal particle distribution equation (\\ref{distrib}). The expression (\\ref{main}) for the correct response tensor is given in a high-frequency approximation. The exact temperature dependence (\\ref{diag}) and (\\ref{nondiag}) is found in first orders in $\\Omega_0/\\omega$ in addition to the known highly-relativistic and non-relativistic results. The higher order terms may be important for relativistic plasmas in jets and hot accretion flows. The fitting expressions (\\ref{gaunt_diag}) and (\\ref{gaunt_nondiag}) are found for the dielectric tensor components (\\ref{diagdifffit}) and (\\ref{nondiagfit}) at relatively high temperatures. The results of numerical computations are given only when the corresponding analytical formulas are found. One can always compute the needed coefficients numerically for every particular frequency $\\omega$, plasma frequency $\\omega_p,$ cyclotron frequency $\\Omega_0,$ and distribution of electrons. However, the analytic formulas offer a simpler and faster way of dealing with the radiative transfer for a non-specialist. The eigenmodes were not considered in much detail, since radiative transfer problems do not require a knowledge of eigenmodes. However the knowledge of eigenmodes is needed to compute the self-consistent response tensor (see \\S~\\ref{exact}). The response tensor in the form (\\ref{main}) can be expanded in $\\Omega_0/\\omega$ and $\\omega_p/\\omega.$ This expansion is of mathematical interest and will be presented in a subsequent paper as well as the expressions for a power-law electron distribution. Propagation through non-magnetized plasmas will also be considered separately." }, "0809/0809.2826_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{A brief overview of the $r$-process is given with an emphasis on the observational implications for this process. The conditions required for the major production of the heavy $r$-process elements ($r$-elements) with mass numbers $A>130$ are discussed based on a generic astrophysical model where matter adiabatically expands from a hot and dense initial state. Nucleosynthesis in the neutrino-driven winds from nascent neutron stars is discussed as a specific example. Such winds readily produce the elements from Sr to Ag with $A\\sim 88$--110 through charged-particle reactions in the $\\alpha$-process but appear incapable of making the heavy $r$-elements. Observations of elemental abundances in metal-poor stars have provided many valuable insights into the $r$-process. They have demonstrated that the production of the heavy $r$-elements must be associated with massive stars evolving on short timescales, provided evidence strongly favoring core-collapse supernovae over neutron star mergers as the major source for these elements, and shown that this source cannot produce any significant amount of the low-$A$ elements from Na to Ge including Fe. A self-consistent astrophysical model of the $r$-process remains to be developed, and it appears well worthwhile to carry out more comprehensive studies on the evolution and explosion of the massive stars of $\\sim 8$--$11\\,M_\\odot$ that undergo O-Ne-Mg core collapse and produce a very insignificant amount of the low-$A$ elements.} \\FullConference{10th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos\\\\ July 27 - August 1, 2008\\\\ Mackinac Island, Michigan, USA} \\begin{document} ", "introduction": "This paper discusses some of the progress that has been made in the understanding of the $r$-process since the publication of \\cite{cowa91}, a major review on this process, in 1991. More detailed discussion can be found in \\cite{qian03,qw07}. Readers are referred to \\cite{arno07} for a review of the $r$-process that covers a wider range of topics and has different emphases. For convenience of discussion, an $r$-process event can be separated into two phases. During the first phase, relatively heavy nuclei are produced mostly via charged-particle reactions (CPRs). These nuclei become the seed nuclei to capture the neutrons during the second phase. The crucial result of the first phase is a large (number) abundance ratio of the neutrons to the seed nuclei. The second phase involves neutron-rich nuclei far from stability participating in a number of types of nuclear reactions, which include neutron capture, photo-disintegration, $\\beta$-decay, and possibly fission. The properties of such nuclei play an essential role in determining the exact abundance pattern produced by the $r$-process event. This important aspect of the $r$-process will not be discussed here. For the presentation below, the abundance pattern resulting from the second phase is characterized by the average mass number $\\langle A_r\\rangle$ of the corresponding $r$-process nuclei. Assuming that all the neutrons are captured, the results from the first and second phases are related by mass conservation as \\begin{equation} \\langle A_s\\rangle Y_s+Y_n=\\langle A_r\\rangle Y_r, \\label{eq-ns} \\end{equation} where $\\langle A_s\\rangle$ is the average mass number of the seed nuclei, $Y_s$ is their initial total (number) abundance, $Y_n$ is the initial neutron abundance, and $Y_r$ is the final total abundance of the $r$-process nuclei produced. In the absence of fission, the total number of heavy nuclei is conserved. For this case $Y_r=Y_s$ and Equation~(\\ref{eq-ns}) can be rewritten as \\begin{equation} \\langle A_s\\rangle + \\frac{Y_n}{Y_s}=\\langle A_r\\rangle, \\label{eq-ns2} \\end{equation} which relates the average $r$-process nuclei to the average seed nuclei by the neutron-to-seed ratio $Y_n/Y_s$. Extensive fission cycling occurs for $Y_n/Y_s\\gg\\langle A_s\\rangle$, in which case Equation~(\\ref{eq-ns}) approximately becomes \\begin{equation} Y_n\\approx\\langle A_r\\rangle Y_r. \\end{equation} For this extreme case, a regular abundance pattern is expected from the steady-state nature of the nuclear flow between the fission products and the fissioning nuclei, and the final outcome is governed by the initial neutron abundance but not the exact abundance or form of the seed nuclei. It can be seen from the above discussion that the neutron-to-seed ratio $Y_n/Y_s$ is crucial to the success of an $r$-process event. Before discussing how this ratio is determined in the astrophysical models of these events, some general comments regarding the $r$-process based on observations are in order. Figure~\\ref{fig1} shows the $\\log\\epsilon$ values\\footnote{For an element E with a (number) abundance ratio (E/H) relative to hydrogen, $\\log\\epsilon({\\rm E})\\equiv\\log({\\rm E/H})+12$.} for the elements from Sr to Ag with mass numbers $A\\sim 88$--110 and those from Ba to Au with $A>130$ observed in four metal-poor stars CS~22892--052 \\cite{sned03}, HD~221170 \\cite{ivan06}, CS~31082--001 \\cite{hill02}, and BD~$+17^\\circ3248$ \\cite{cowa02} with ${\\rm [Fe/H]}\\equiv\\log{\\rm (Fe/H)}-{\\rm (Fe/H)}_\\odot=-3.1$, $-2.2$, $-2.9$, and $-2.1$, respectively. The solid curves in Fgiures~\\ref{fig1}a and \\ref{fig1}b represent the so-called solar ``$r$-process'' abundance pattern ($r$-pattern) that is translated to pass through the Eu data for CS~22892--052 and CS~31082--001, respectively. This pattern was derived by subtracting the $s$-process contributions calculated in \\cite{arla99} from the total solar abundances. It can be seen from Figure~\\ref{fig1} that the data for the elements with $A>130$ (Ba to Au with atomic numbers $Z=56$--79) in all four stars follow the translated solar $r$-pattern rather well, especially for the two stars in Figure~\\ref{fig1}a. These elements will be referred to as the heavy $r$-process elements ($r$-elements) hereafter. However, the data for the elements with $A\\sim 88$--110, especially Sr and Ag ($Z=38$ and 47, respectively), exhibit significant to large deviations. As will be discussed in Section~\\ref{sec2}, these elements are routinely produced by the CPRs in the neutrino-driven wind from a newly-formed neutron star, and therefore, are not the true $r$-elements produced by rapid neutron capture. They will be referred to as the CPR elements hereafter. The remarkable agreement between the solar $r$-pattern and the data for the heavy $r$-elements in four metal-poor stars demonstrates that the $r$-process already occurred in the early Galaxy, and therefore, must be associated with massive stars evolving on short timescales. The rather regular abundance pattern exhibited by the heavy $r$-elements also suggests that fission cycling may be involved in their production. \\begin{figure} \\vskip -0.75cm \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[angle=270,width=0.52\\textwidth]{f1a.eps}\\hspace{-0.61cm}% \\includegraphics[angle=270,width=0.52\\textwidth]{f1b.eps} \\caption{Data on the $\\log\\epsilon$ values for the CPR elements from Sr to Ag ($Z=38$--47, $A\\sim 88$--110) and the heavy $r$-elements from Ba to Au ($Z=56$--79, $A>130$) for (a) CS~22892--052 (squares with error bars; \\cite{sned03}) and HD~221170 (circles with error bars; \\cite{ivan06}) and (b) CS~31082--001 (squares with error bars; \\cite{hill02}) and BD~$+17^\\circ3248$ (circles with error bars; \\cite{cowa02}). The solid curves in (a) and (b) represent the solar ``$r$-pattern'' \\cite{arla99} that is translated to pass through the Eu data for CS~22892--052 and CS~31082--001, respectively. Note that the data on the heavy $r$-elements follow the translated solar $r$-pattern rather well, especially for the two stars in (a). However, the CPR elements, especially Sr and Ag, exhibit significant to large deviations. As discussed in Section~\\protect\\ref{sec2}, these elements are not the true $r$-elements produced by rapid neutron capture.\\label{fig1}} \\end{center} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "There has been significant progress in the understanding of the $r$-process through both theoretical and observational studies over the last few decades. The conditions required for the major production of the heavy $r$-elements have been derived for a generic astrophysical model where matter adiabatically expands from a hot and dense initial state. Nucleosynthesis in the neutrino-driven winds from nascent neutron stars has been studied extensively. While such winds readily produce the elements from Sr to Ag through charged-particle reactions in the $\\alpha$-process, they appear incapable of making the heavy $r$-elements. The insights provided by observations of elemental abundances in metal-poor stars are especially important. These observations have demonstrated that the production of the heavy $r$-elements must be associated with massive stars evolving on short timescales, provided evidence strongly favoring CCSNe over NSMs as the major source for these elements, and shown that this source cannot produce any significant amount of the low-$A$ elements from Na to Ge including Fe. A self-consistent astrophysical model of the $r$-process remains to be developed, and it appears well worthwhile to carry out more comprehensive studies on the evolution and explosion of the massive stars of $\\sim 8$--$11\\,M_\\odot$ that undergo O-Ne-Mg core collapse and produce a very insignificant amount of the low-$A$ elements." }, "0809/0809.1708_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "When the accretion rate is more than a small fraction of Eddington, the inner regions of accretion disks around black holes are expected to be radiation-dominated. However, in the $\\alpha$-model, these regions are also expected to be thermally unstable. In this paper, we report two 3-d radiation MHD simulations of a vertically-stratified shearing box in which the ratio of radiation to gas pressure is $\\sim 10$, and yet no thermal runaway occurs over a timespan $\\simeq 40$ cooling times. Where the time-averaged dissipation rate is greater than the critical dissipation rate that creates hydrostatic equilibrium by diffusive radiation flux, the time-averaged radiation flux is held to the critical value, with the excess dissipated energy transported by radiative advection. Although the stress and total pressure are well-correlated as predicted by the $\\alpha$-model, we show that stress fluctuations precede pressure fluctuations, contrary to the usual supposition that the pressure controls the saturation level of the magnetic energy. This fact explains the thermal stability. Using a simple toy-model, we show that independently-generated magnetic fluctuations can drive radiation pressure fluctuations, creating a correlation between the two while maintaining thermal stability. ", "introduction": "As first demonstrated by \\citet{sha73}, radiation pressure must dominate gas pressure in the innermost parts of black hole accretion disks radiating at any non-negligible fraction of the Eddington limit. Although the original argument made use of the assumption that the stress and the pressure are related by a fixed ratio $\\alpha$, the critical radius within which radiation pressure exceeds gas pressure depends so weakly on the value of $\\alpha$ that this conclusion would be virtually unaltered even if the ratio of stress to pressure varied substantially from place to place. In this sense, the expectation of radiation dominance in the inner rings of brightly-radiating accretion disks rests only on the supposition that stress and pressure are comparable, the dimensional analysis foundation from which the $\\alpha$ model began. It is therefore crucial that we understand the role that radiation pressure plays in the physics of accretion disks if we are to understand luminous black hole sources. Yet, for the past thirty years the canonical internal equilibrium of disks in the radiation-dominated limit has been believed to be unstable \\citep{lig74,sha76,pir78}. In contrast to other physical regimes, the vertical structure of a stationary disk is in some ways very tightly constrained if radiation pressure truly dominates the hydrostatic support of the disk against the tidal gravitational field of the hole. Neglecting relativistic corrections for simplicity, one finds that the outward radiation flux in a geometrically thin disk as a function of height $z$ above the midplane is \\begin{equation} F(z)={c\\over\\kappa}g(z)={c\\over\\kappa}\\Omega^2z, \\label{eqfz} \\end{equation} where $c$ is the speed of light, $\\kappa$ is the opacity (usually dominated by electron scattering), and the orbital angular velocity $\\Omega$ determines the vertical tidal gravitational acceleration $g$. Because energy conservation in a time-steady disk demands (if we neglect inner boundary condition effects) that the flux emerging from the disk surface is $(3/8\\pi)\\dot M \\Omega^2$, the half-thickness $H$ of the disk depends only on the accretion rate $\\dot{M}$ and is independent of radius and the nature of the turbulent stress: $H=3\\kappa\\dot{M}/(8\\pi c)$. Moreover, equation (\\ref{eqfz}) combined with the condition of radiative equilibrium immediately implies that the dissipation rate per unit volume $Q$ is constant as a function of height above the disk midplane: $Q = dF/dz = c\\Omega^2/\\kappa$. Given that $Q$ must, on average, be given by the turbulent stress $\\tau_{r\\phi}$ times the rate of strain $r|d\\Omega/dr|$, we also have a tight constraint on the vertically-averaged stress: \\begin{equation} \\tau_{r\\phi}={2c\\Omega\\over3\\kappa}, \\end{equation} a conclusion first reached in slightly different form by \\citet{sha76}. On the other hand, other aspects of radiation-dominated disks are left totally unconstrained. Because $\\kappa$ (when it is dominated by electron scattering) is independent of density, the vertical density profile $\\rho(z)$ is completely irrelevant to both the hydrostatic and the thermal equilibrium of the disk. In the absence of additional information about how the dissipation rate depends on density, it is therefore completely undetermined, and even within Shakura-Sunyaev models it must be specified in some {\\it ad hoc} manner. Often it is assumed that the dissipation rate per unit mass is constant, which leads to a vertically constant density out to the photospheres. This element of arbitrariness is in addition, of course, to the {\\it ad hoc} ``$\\alpha$-viscosity'' prescription for the stress used in such models. The freedom to choose arbitrary values of $\\alpha$ in that stress prescription has always been one of its unfortunate aspects, but in the radiation pressure dominated regime we also have freedom in the choice of which pressure with which to scale the stress. The standard \\citet{sha73} assumption is that the stress $\\tau_{r\\phi}$ should be proportional to the total (gas plus radiation) pressure, and this choice leads to both thermal (e.g. \\citealt{sha76}) and ``viscous'' (more properly, ``inflow\"; \\citealt{lig74}) instabilities where the radiation to gas pressure ratio exceeds 3/2. The thermal instabilities generally have faster growth rates than the inflow modes, and are the ones of primary interest here. The origin of the thermal instability is most simply expressed in terms of the different dependences of the heating and cooling rates on the midplane temperature $T$, assuming constant surface mass density $\\Sigma$ \\citep{pir78}. In the limit of radial wavelength long compared to the disk thickness, radiative diffusion implies that the cooling rate per unit area $F^-\\sim4caT^4/(3\\kappa\\Sigma)\\propto T^4/\\Sigma$, where $a$ is the radiation density constant. This must balance the heating rate per unit area $F^+\\sim2H\\tau_{r\\phi}r|d\\Omega/dr|$. Combining these two expressions with the $\\alpha$-prescription $\\tau_{r\\phi}=\\alpha aT^4/3$ and the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium, we find $H=2aT^4/(3\\Sigma\\Omega^2)$ and $F^+\\sim2\\alpha a^2T^8/(3\\Omega\\Sigma)\\propto T^8/\\Sigma$. Thermal instability follows because positive temperature perturbations lead to greater increases in heating than in cooling. It is also possible to express these relationships in terms of the total radiation energy content per unit area $U\\sim2aT^4 H$, in which case $F^-\\propto U^{1/2}/\\Sigma^{1/2}$ and $F^+\\propto U$; once again, instability is indicated. However, it has never been clear whether the assumption that the stress is proportional to the radiation pressure is correct, and the existence of the thermal instability has therefore always been suspect. Alternative prescriptions that make the stress proportional to either the gas pressure alone or some combination of the gas and radiation pressure have been advocated over the years, and give rise to more stable configurations (e.g. \\citealt{sak81,ste84,bur85,szu90,mer02,mer03}). Moreover, all of these prescriptions refer to vertically-integrated or one-zone vertical structure models of the accretion disk. The actual vertical distribution of dissipation may also be important. If much of the local accretion power is actually dissipated in optically thin regions above and below the disk, then the disk itself can become supported by gas pressure and there would then be no thermal instability \\citep{sve94}. It is now widely believed that the turbulence in black hole accretion disks resembles that seen in simulations of the nonlinear development of the magnetorotational instability (MRI, e.g. \\citealt{bal98}). Such simulations, if they include radiation physics, could in principle help resolve these uncertainties by calculating the spatial and temporal structure of the turbulent dissipation within the disk, and checking to see whether a long-lived, and therefore presumably stable, equilibrium exists in the radiation pressure dominated regime. It may also be possible to investigate the scaling of average turbulent stresses with local averages of gas and/or radiation pressure using the data from these simulations. Well-resolved, global simulations of optically thick accretion disks that include radiation transport have not yet been published, but it is computationally feasible to investigate the thermal physics locally within the disk using a stratified shearing box geometry \\citep{bra95,sto96,mil00}. The necessity of (sheared)-periodic radial boundary conditions zeroes any net accretion rate through the box, precluding any investigation of inflow instabilities, but thermal instabilities can still be studied. These same boundary conditions also preclude studying any modes with wavelengths longer than twice the box width, except for infinite wavelength modes---the sheared periodic radial boundary conditions place no restriction on modes that are completely independent of radius. The first attempt at this was made by \\citet{tur04}, who performed a radiation magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation of a stratified shearing box resulting in an average midplane radiation to gas pressure ratio of 14. Despite this large ratio, the simulation produced no obvious thermal instability over eight thermal times. The robustness of this result is somewhat suspect, however, given that the computational methods employed precluded the photospheres (top and bottom) from being included within the simulation domain. Moreover, $27\\%$ of the work done on the box disappeared due to numerical losses, and half the mass was lost from the simulation domain during a heating/expansion phase. More recently, we \\citep{hir06} developed numerical techniques that conserve energy with high accuracy, place both photospheres within the problem volume, and retain nearly all the initial mass on the grid. Solving the total energy equation enables us to capture all grid scale losses of magnetic and kinetic energy and convert them to internal energy in the gas. Furthermore, by simultaneously solving the internal energy equation, we can compute the instantaneous local losses of magnetic and kinetic energy, i.e. the energy dissipation rate. The only violations of energy conservation come from the small amounts of energy (generally $\\sim 0.1$\\% of the total dissipated energy\\footnote{0.09\\% in ``1112a'' and 0.15\\% in ``1126b''; see section \\ref{sec:initial_condition} for the labels.}) artificially injected by the action of the density floor and similar numerical limiters. Using this code, we have previously studied a case in which gas pressure dominated over radiation pressure \\citep{hir06} and, in \\citet{kro07,bla07}, one in which the gas and radiation pressures were comparable. Both of the simulations studied in our previous papers achieved a thermal balance between heating and cooling on time scales comparable to the thermal time. However, no real steady state was achieved in the simulation with comparable gas and radiation pressure. Instead, there were long term ($\\sim7$ thermal times) up and down variations in total energy content by factors of three to four. The two hottest epochs in this simulation marginally violated the thermal instability criterion of \\citet{sha76}, but no thermal runaway occurred. In this paper we present results of two simulations that are in the fully radiation pressure dominated regime, with box-integrated radiation to gas pressure ratios $\\sim10$. The two simulations shared the same parameters, boundary conditions, and (almost) the same initial conditions, differing only in the small noise fluctuations imposed on the initial state to seed the MRI. Despite being in gross violation of the standard thermal instability criterion, there is no evidence for such an instability in either of their time evolutions, which in both cases extended over $\\sim 40$ thermal times. This paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we briefly summarize how the code works and discuss the parameters of the new simulations. Quantitative results about the thermodynamics, internal vertical structures, and variability of the simulations are presented in section 3. In section 4 we discuss a simple model that might explain the thermal stability we observe, and we summarize our findings in section 5. ", "conclusions": "In this paper we have presented the results of two simulations that each followed the evolution of a vertically-stratified shearing box with the same surface density and orbital frequency for $\\sim 600$~orbits, or $\\sim 40$~thermal times. The initial conditions of the two simulations differed only in being given different realizations of the small amplitude noise that was imposed on their otherwise smooth initial state. Because the magneto-rotational instability generates MHD turbulence, these systems are chaotic; differing small amplitude noise therefore leads to order unity contrasts in their subsequent evolution. The two simulations should thus be viewed as two different realizations of the many evolutions possible for these parameters. Their qualitative aspects are, nonetheless, similar. For example, just as we have found in previous simulations studying shearing boxes with $p_r \\simeq 0.2p_g$ \\citep{hir06} and $p_r \\sim p_g$ \\citep{kro07}, most of the disk mass is found near the midplane, where the magnetic field energy is $\\sim 10^{-2}$ times the combined gas and radiation pressure (see also \\citealt{tur04}). Likewise, in all cases the upper layers of the disk are magnetically-dominated, and the photosphere lies within this region. Unlike the earlier simulations, in these two the box-averaged radiation pressure is $\\sim 10$ times greater than the gas pressure at all times. Most importantly, in both cases, the energy content of the box undergoes order unity fluctuations over timescales of many tens of orbits, but these fluctuations have no long-term trend. This result directly challenges the prediction made in \\citet{sha76} that radiation pressure-dominated disk segments should be thermally unstable. Note, however, that the prediction by \\citet{lig74} of inflow instability in radiation-dominated disks remains to be investigated. In our simulations, the time-averaged dissipation rate in the disk body is roughly equal to the characteristic value $c\\Omega^{2}/\\kappa_{\\rm es}$, the rate at which diffusive radiation flux maintains hydrostatic balance \\citep{sha76}. However, in some places ($|z|\\sim H$), the local dissipation rate exceeds the characteristic value by more than $30\\%$. If this heat went into radiation flux, hydrostatic balance would be disrupted. We find that the excess is exactly compensated by radiative advection associated with an acoustic breathing mode. At the same time, mechanical work done on the fluid by the shearing boundaries in excess of the local dissipation rate is transported outward by Poynting flux and radiation pressure work associated with the breathing mode. Both the dissipated energy carried by radiation advection and (non-dissipated) energy carried by Poynting flux and radiation pressure work are finally deposited and dissipated at $|z|\\sim 2H$, and from there all the way through the rest of the structure radiation diffusion overwhelms all other energy fluxes. To explain the thermal stability of radiation-dominated disks, we argue that the comparability of stress and pressure inferred from dimensional analysis (which underlies the $\\alpha$-model, and the prediction of instability) is due to dissipation of magnetic turbulence (which produces the stress) providing the heat that is then transformed into radiation pressure. Consequently, fluctuations in magnetic energy drive fluctuations in pressure, and not (as has been commonly assumed) the other way around. Our claim is supported by two lines of evidence: First, crosscorrelation analysis of simulation data demonstrates that magnetic fluctuations {\\it lead} radiation energy fluctuations by 5--15 orbits, a little less than a thermal time. Pressure fluctuations cannot, then, drive magnetic fluctuations. Second, we constructed a simple model realizing this picture, and this model reproduces two other important features observed in the simulation data: The system undergoes thermal fluctuations closely resembling in amplitude and timescale those seen in the simulations. In addition, although {\\it no} correlation between magnetic energy and radiation pressure is built into the model, thermal balance automatically creates one after the fact. Thus, correlations between stress and pressure are due to the dissipation of magnetic energy supplying thermal energy, not to the pressure defining a characteristic scale for the stress. A logical consequence of this point of view, in which stress determines pressure, rather than the other way around, is that the fundamental independent variables are surface density and orbital frequency. That the orbital frequency is independent of disk parameters is obvious, so long as the disk mass is small compared to the central mass. So long as the inflow timescale is long compared to the thermal timescale, the surface density must likewise be regarded as an independent parameter with respect to thermal and dynamical fluctuations. These two independent parameters, through the intertwined and nonlinear processes of MHD instability, tapping the energy reservoir of orbital shear, magnetic dissipation, thermal radiation, and radiative diffusion, with all of these taking place under conditions of vertical (as well as radial) gravitational confinement, combine to determine the magnetic field strength, both its mean saturation level and its fluctuations. Orbital shear fixes the stress exerted by this field, while the turbulent cascade sets the dissipation rate. These two are not entirely separate, of course, as the time-averaged accretion rate is equivalent to either one. The pressure follows from the heating rate, as regulated by photon diffusion, and, in turn, closes the loop by determining the disk thickness. Despite all these complications, at bottom, everything is still determined by only two variables, surface density and orbital frequency. We are grateful to Shane Davis, Jim Stone, and Neal Turner for very useful discussions and comments. This work was partially supported by NSF Grant AST-0507455 and NASA ATP Grant NNG06GI68G (JHK) and NSF Grants AST-0307657 and AST-0707624 (OMB). The computations were performed on the SX8 at the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics of Kyoto University and the VPP5000 at the Center for Computational Astrophysics of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan." }, "0809/0809.4407_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{} { We present new extraction and identification techniques for supernova (SN) spectra developed within the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) collaboration.} {The new spectral extraction method takes full advantage of photometric information from the Canada-France-Hawa\\\"{\\i} telescope (CFHT) discovery and reference images by tracing the exact position of the supernova and the host signals on the spectrogram. When present, the host spatial profile is measured on deep multi-band reference images and is used to model the host contribution to the full (supernova + host) signal. The supernova is modelled as a Gaussian function of width equal to the seeing. A $\\chi^2$ minimisation provides the flux of each component in each pixel of the 2D spectrogram. For a host-supernova separation greater than $\\gesim$ 1 pixel, the two components are recovered separately and we do not use a spectral template in contrast to more standard analyses. This new procedure permits a clean extraction of the supernova separately from the host in about 70\\% of the 3rd year ESO/VLT spectra of the SNLS. A new supernova identification method is also proposed. It uses the SALT2 spectrophotometric template to combine the photometric and spectral data. A galaxy template is allowed for spectra for which a separate extraction of the supernova and the host was not possible.} {These new techniques have been tested against more standard extraction and identification procedures. They permit a secure type and redshift determination in about 80\\% of cases. The present paper illustrates their performances on a few sample spectra.} {} ", "introduction": "Observing Type Ia supernovae (SNe~Ia) for the purpose of constraining cosmological parameters is now a mature activity. Large-scale projects of detection and spectrophotometric follow up of hundreds of \\Iae from ground-based telescopes reach completion today \\citep{Astier06,Wood-Vasey07}, and future \\Iae surveys will bring this number up to several thousand. These current and future surveys yield and will yield new samples of \\Iae observations of unprecedented number and quality. Extracting the most possible out of these exceptional sets of \\Iae data is a challenge for the teams involved in these projects. At redshifts greater than $z\\gesim 0.2$, the problem of spectroscopically identifying supernovae is more challenging than it is at low redshift. At low redshift, galaxies have a larger angular size, so at the position of the supernova (SN) the spectrograph slit usually contains little contaminating host galaxy light. As redshift increases, apparent galaxy sizes decrease and the galaxy light can be comparable to, or dominate, the supernova light at a given position. For observations of high-redshift supernovae, new techniques are therefore required to efficiently recover the supernova signal (see e.g., Blondin at al. 2005). Currently, the \\Iae spectroscopic sample of the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) represents more than 500 spectra taken from 8-10m diameter telescopes, both in the Southern and Northern hemispheres (VLT, Gemini N and S, Keck-I and -II) during large observing programmes of hundreds of hours run from 2003 up to the present day. The spectra obtained with such programmes sample a large fraction of the wavelength space (depending on the instrument used) in the visible. They have restframe phases\\footnote{Throughout this paper, the phase $\\phi$ is the restframe age of the supernova in days with respect to the B-band maximum light.} comprised between -15 and +30 days and sufficient signal-to-noise ratios (S/N) for an unambiguous identification in $\\sim 80$\\% of cases. Besides their use for cosmological purposes -- that is identification of the supernova type and determination of their redshift for their inclusion in a Hubble diagram, these spectra contain valuable information to understand the nature and the diversity of SNe~Ia and test the adequacy of using them as ``standardisable\", if not standard, candles. As an example, \\citet{Guy07} have implemented a number of SNLS spectra in the training set of the spectrophotometric template SALT2, one of the fitters used to fit the light curves of \\Iae in the 3rd year SNLS Hubble diagram. Moreover, comparison of the spectral properties of these high-redshift ($\\sim 0.5-0.6$) supernovae with their low-$z$ counterparts (from, e.g., the spectral time series currently collected by the SN Factory experiment, see \\citealt{Aldering02} and \\citealt{Matheson08}) should help in understanding possible evolutionary effects in \\Iae populations \\citep{Bronder08,Balland06,Balland07,Blondin06,Garavini07,Foley08}. Another interesting particularity of the SNLS spectral sample is that, due to the high average redshift of the SNLS SNe~Ia, the ultraviolet (UV) part of the supernovae spectra down to $\\approx 3200$ $\\AA$ is accessible for a large number of supernovae at various phases (see, e.g., \\citealt{Ellis08} for a study of the UV features of 36 SNLS-Keck spectra). This is of particular interest as it has been suggested that possible evolution with redshift, due to different progenitor metallicities at low and high redshift, might be imprinted in the spectral features of this region of the spectrum \\citep{Hoeflich98, Lentz00}. Optimal extraction of SNLS spectra and their identification are thus not only a crucial step in building the Hubble diagram but are also crucial for their subsequent use in studies of the physics of SNe~Ia. Standard analyses of spectra are often based on the Horne's extraction method \\citep{Horne86} that uses the spatial profile of the source light to perform an optimal (minimum-variance unbiased) spectral extraction. A drawback of this approach is that only mild geometrical distortions due, for example, to flexure of the instrument are corrected for (however, see \\citet{Marsh89} for an extension of Horne's method suited for highly distorted spectra). Another major problem of this approach is that it does not permit the separate extraction of the supernova from the host signal, except if the two components (SN and host galaxy) are well separated on the spectrogram (and in this case, correlations between the host and the SN spectra are usually unavoidable, even if the extraction window is adjusted to maximise the supernova signal and minimise the host contamination). In most cases, the SN/host separation is performed {\\it a posteriori} by fitting a two-component model (built from a supernova and a galaxy template), the contribution of each component to the total model being evaluated by a $\\chi^2$ minimisation \\citep{Howell02,Howell05,Balland06,Balland07}. As the model is built from a (limited) set of templates, the SN and host spectra obtained by this procedure are strongly model-dependent and provide at best a hint of the host contribution to the full spectral {\\it model}. \\citet{Ellis08} have developed an improved separation technique based on fitting synthetic galaxy spectra to the host photometry measured on reference images. By doing so, they still rely on a spectral model to estimate the host contribution to the full signal. \\citet{Blondin05} use a convolution technique to simultaneously recover a host-free PSF-like SN component and its background galaxy spectrum. This method does not use any spectral template for the host modeling and thus improves over more classical extraction techniques. However, this technique is sensitive to the width of the spatial resolution {\\em Gaussian} kernel used to recover the background (host) component. The width has to be tuned by the user and highly depends on the spatial extension of the host galaxy. Moreover, the method does not use photometric information that potentially goes along with the spectrum. To circumvent these drawbacks and improve over standard extraction methods, we have developed a dedicated reduction and extraction pipeline, called PHASE (PHotometry Assisted Spectral Extraction). This new technique uses photometric priors from Canada-France-Hawa\\\"{\\i} Telescope (CFHT) detection images obtained with {\\sc megacam} \\citep{Boulade03} to derive the exact trace of the supernova on the spectrogram. This trace is then used as a guide for extraction. Here, \"true\" photometric information of the host contribution in each pixel, obtained from CFHT Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) deep reference images in various photometric bands, is used, when possible, at the stage of the extraction. In the favourable cases of large enough host/SN separation, we do not use a spectral template to model the host galaxy contribution. The spatial profile of the host, measured on the reference image along columns parallel to the slit, is used instead. Technical choices sometimes different from the standard ones have been investigated to select the most efficient and robust ones necessary for a clean and final extraction. We have automated the reduction pipeline as much as possible to reduce the operator work load as well as unavoidable human errors. Besides the technical aspects of this new approach, in all the reduction and extraction processing, one of our main concerns is to control and propagate the noise level estimation from raw data up to the final reduced spectrum in the cleanest way possible. In particular, re-sampling of data that introduce correlations among pixels is kept to a minimum and is done as late as possible in order to preserve as long as possible the independence of pixels. This allows us to extract a clean, optimal\\footnote{In fact, our extraction is not strictly optimal because of the PSF modelling as a Gaussian (see below). However, we are close to optimality (within a few percent of minimum variance). In the following, the word 'optimal' stands for 'close to optimal'.} signal-to noise spectrum, and in about 70\\% of the currently treated spectra (3rd year VLT spectra of the SNLS, see \\citealt{Balland08}), this is a host-free supernova spectrum. We discuss in this paper the improvement in terms of S/N over more standard extractions. Identification of the supernova type is then performed by combining spectral and light curve informations using the spectrophotometric template SALT2 developed by \\citet{Guy07}. In this approach, all available information on a given supernova (both photometric and spectral) is used to ease the identification. This contrasts with the more straightforward method of a two component spectral model. As underlined in, e.g., \\citet{Hook05,Lidman05,Balland06,Balland07}, a difficulty of this approach is the possible confusion of \\Iae spectra past maximum with Type Ic supernovae (SNe~Ic) at an earlier phase. Using the photometric phase as a constraint is crucial to alleviate this degeneracy. In this paper, we present the techniques developed for the spectral extraction and the identification of our spectra. {We illustrate our results with a few sample spectra obtained at VLT, as part of two large spectroscopic programmes running from June 2003 to September 2007, that are being processed using this technique \\citep{Balland08}}. In Sections 2, 3 and 4, we describe the PHASE technique and test it on simulated data. In Section 5, we illustrate PHASE results and discuss the improvements over standard extractions. In Section 6, the identification method of SNLS spectra using the SALT2 spectral template is described and results are discussed on a few examples. Discussion and conclusion are in Section 7 and Section 8, respectively. ", "conclusions": "We have developed new techniques for both supernova spectral extraction and identification. These new tools have been developed for the purpose of making use of the deep imaging obtained at CFHT to obtain an homogeneous set of SNLS supernova spectra. Considerable effort has been put into extracting, in the most efficient way, VLT spectra in order to get a clean set of supernova spectra at redshifts ranging from $z=0.1$ to $z\\approx 1$. One key feature of our so-called PHASE extraction is that the extraction is guided by computing the trace of the supernova on the spectrogram. This is done by using deep CHTLS reference images, in various photometric bands, to recover the profile of the non-transient objects present in the slit, from which a multi-component model is built by adding the (point-like) supernova flux as a Gaussian of width equal to the seeing. Fitting the model to the spectrogram light yields the flux of each component in each pixel. As we have shown, this improves the host-supernova separation over more standard techniques. A second key feature of the PHASE extraction is that it avoids re-sampling the data and correlating pixels along the procedure. This ensures a clean estimation of the error level associated with the signal used later for the identification. We use the spectrophotometric model of SALT2 \\citep{Guy07} as an help to determine the type of supernova candidates. Taking advantage of an ever increasing training set as new supernovae are discovered and followed up by the SNLS and other collaborations, the model is able to adequately reproduce \\Ia features in a wide range of cases (\\citealt{Balland08} show that it is true from phases as early as -10,-15 days up to a few weeks after maximum light and for a wide spectral range, including the UV region down to 2100 $\\AA$ for the most distant supernovae). The combined fit of light curves and spectrum tightens the constraints on the parameters that describe the supernova. Non \\Iae candidates are identified on a case-by-case basis as their spectrophotometric best-fitting parameters deviate from the average properties of the SNe~Ia training sample. Uncertainty however remains for the most host-contaminated (host fraction $>$ 70-80\\%) and most distant ($z\\gesim 1$) cases. PHASE extractions have been tested against simulations, and SALT2 based identifications have been cross-checked with template fitting identifications performed on the VLT data using the technique described in \\citet{Howell05}. We find that using SALT2 for the purpose of identification improves the reliability of the type determination over standard techniques. For VLT spectra, PHASE extraction combined to SALT2 identification takes the most possible out of the data to secure a clean type and redshift determination." }, "0809/0809.1364_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We examine the biases induced on cosmological parameters when the presence of secondary anisotropies is not taken into account in Cosmic Microwave Background analyses. We first develop an exact analytical expression for computing the biases on parameters when any additive signal is neglected in the analysis. We then apply it in the context of the forthcoming \\emph{Planck} experiment. For illustration, we investigate the effect of the sole residual thermal Sunyaev--Zel'dovich signal that remains after cluster extraction. We find in particular that analyses neglecting the presence of this contribution introduce on the cosmological parameters $n_{\\rm s}$ and $\\tau$ biases, at least $\\sim 6.5$ and $2.9$ times their one $\\sigma$ confidence intervals. The $\\Omega_{\\rm b}$ parameter is also biased to a lesser extent. ", "introduction": "Future Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiments, which are designed to be cosmic variance limited, will allow us to determine the cosmological parameters with a relative precision of the order of, or better than, one percent. It will be made possible in particular through the measurement of CMB temperature and polarisation anisotropies with unequalled sensitivities, exquisite angular resolution and optimal frequency coverage. In this context, additional contributions to the signal (galaxies, point sources, secondaries arising from the interaction of CMB photons with matter after decoupling, etc.) can no more be neglected. More specifically, a precise quantification of the biases on the parameters and of their sources is now needed. The study of biases in cosmology is receiving growing attention. In the context of weak lensing, \\citet{amara07} have derived a method based on a Fisher matrix type analysis for quantifying systematic biases. In CMB analyses, \\citet{Miller08} examined the biases introduced by beam systematics for five upcoming experiments that will measure the B-mode polarisation (\\emph{Planck}, PolarBeaR, Spider, Q/U Imaging Experiment (QUIET)+Clover and CMBPol). Similarly, using \\emph{Planck} characteristics, previous studies have estimated the biases induced by the contribution from patchy reionisation \\citep{zahn05}. They concluded that the biases, depending on the model of reionisation, can be as high as a few in units of the one sigma error. More recently, \\citet{serra08} have focused on the contribution from clustered IR point sources and its effect on the cosmological parameters. Those two studies used quite different approaches. While the \\citet{serra08} analysis was based on Monte Carlo Markov Chains (MCMC), \\citeauthor{zahn05} used an approximate analytic computation of the biases \\citep[see also][]{huterer06}. In this study, we present an analytical derivation of the biases on the cosmological parameters that goes beyond the aforementioned approximations. It is a method valid when the primary signal and secondary contribution (astrophysical or systematic) are additive and it is exact as it can be applied even when the secondary signal is dominant over the primary. The method presented here is applied to the estimate of the cosmological parameters with the CMB power spectrum. We furthermore focus on one single source of additional anisotropies: those associated with undetected clusters. The Sunyaev--Zel'dovich (SZ) effect of galaxy clusters \\citep{SunyaevZeldovich72} is indeed the major source of secondary temperature anisotropies \\citep[][ and references therein]{Aghanimrevue08}. The SZ effect is two-fold: the thermal SZ due to the inverse Compton scattering of photons off the hot electrons in the intra-cluster gas \\citep[e.g.][]{Rephaeli95, Itoh98}, and the kinetic effect due to the Doppler shift caused by the proper motion of the clusters in the CMB reference frame. The upcoming large multi-frequency surveys will be able to detect and extract galaxy clusters using their specific thermal SZ spectral signature. We nevertheless expect some level of residual SZ contribution from undetected clusters in the temperature anisotropy maps. Such a residual signal might be the cause of the excess of power measured by small scale CMB experiments like BIMA (Berkeley Illinois Maryland Association Array), CBI, ACBAR \\citep{bima, cbi, acbar, cbi2}. The excess could be also due to unremoved point sources \\citep[][]{toffolatti05,Marian06}. Our article is organised as follows, we present in Section 2 the method to calculate the biases on cosmological parameters. We then apply our method to estimate the biases induced by the SZ residuals. We present our results in Section 3 and discuss them in the following section. Finally, we conclude in Section 5. Throughout the article, we assume a flat $\\Lambda$ cold dark matter ($\\Lambda$CDM) cosmological model and use for the reference model the \\emph{Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe5} (WMAP5) cosmological parameters \\citep{wmap5}, unless otherwise stated. ", "conclusions": "In this study, we develop an analytical method to calculate the biases on the cosmological parameters. Our method applies to any contamination provided the primary signal and the contamination are additive. Additionally, it is an exact derivation to the second order with the advantage of being applicable even when the contaminant dominates over the primary signal. The next generation of CMB experiments will measure, with a high sensitivity, the signal at small angular scales where secondary contributions intervene. We apply our method to the case of a contribution from undetected thermal SZ clusters to the primary CMB signal (assuming no contribution from foregrounds or point sources). For illustration, we take the characteristics (noise, beam size) of \\emph{Planck} and compute the residual SZ signal from the undetected clusters assuming all clusters above 3 or 5$\\sigma_Y$ are detected simultaneously in the channels 100, 143 and 353~GHz. The residual SZ signal contributes more than 10 per cent of the total signal at multipoles higher than 1000. The higher the SZ cluster detection threshold, the higher the contamination. We perform a bias estimation simultaneously on six cosmological parameters ($\\Omega_\\Lambda$, $\\Omega_{\\rm b}$, $H_0$, $n_{\\rm s}$, $\\sigma_8$ and $\\tau$) using temperature and polarisation anisotropy TT, TE and EE power spectra. This quantifies the effect of fitting the data, that include a residual contribution, with a model that ignores it. We then compare the biases to the expected 1$\\sigma$ errors on each parameter. We find that the biases induced by the thermal SZ residual signal on $\\Omega_\\Lambda$ and $H_0$ are negligible. At most, they are of the order of 0.08 and 0.6 in units of the 1$\\sigma$ error on the parameters. On the contrary, the determination of $\\Omega_{\\rm b}$, $n_{\\rm s}$ and $\\tau$ is significantly altered by the residual SZ signal. The biases are 2.4, 6. and 10.4$\\sigma$ respectively. This is easily understood as they are the most sensitive parameters to an excess of power at small scales and, moreover, they are degenerate. We point out the importance of taking into account the SZ residuals in the analysis of the small scale high sensitivity CMB data. The SZ residual power spectrum depends on the cosmological parameters and on the cluster selection function. A joint analysis of primary and secondary CMB signal will provide additional constraints on the cosmological parameters and thus reduce the biases arising from the SZ residual power excess at high multipoles. A coherent analysis, including full cosmological parameters dependency of the primary and secondary signal, allow one to use the whole range of multipoles, including the highest ones." }, "0809/0809.3157_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The recent discovery of a new class of recurrent and fast X--ray transient sources, the Supergiant Fast X--ray Transients, poses interesting questions on the possible mechanisms responsible for their transient X--ray emission. The association with blue supergiants, the spectral properties similar to those of accreting pulsars and the detection, in a few cases, of X-ray pulsations, confirm that these transients are High Mass X-ray Binaries. I review the different mechanisms proposed to explain their transient outbursts and the link to persistent wind accretors. I discuss the different models in light of the new observational results coming from an on-going monitoring campaign of four Supergiant Fast X--ray Transients with \\emph{Swift}. ", "introduction": "An unusual X--ray transient in the direction of the Galactic centre region, XTE~J1739--302, was discovered in 1997 (Smith et al. 1998). It displayed peculiar properties, particularly related with the duration of the outburst: this source remained active only one day. Since the X--ray spectrum was well fitted with a thermal bremsstrahlung with a temperature of $\\sim$20~keV, resembling the spectral properties of accreting pulsars, it was at first classified as a peculiar Be/X-ray transient with an unusually short outburst (Smith et al. 1998). The INTEGRAL satellite has been performing a monitoring of the Galactic plane since its launch in October 2002 (Bird et al. 2007). Thanks to these observations, several other sources have been discovered, displaying similar properties to XTE~J1739--302: they show sporadic, recurrent, bright and short flares (with a typical duration of a few hours; Sguera et al. 2005, 2006; Negueruela et al. 2006a). The X-ray spectra resemble the typical shape of High Mass X--ray Binaries (HMXBs) hosting X--ray pulsars, with a flat hard power law below 10 keV, and a high energy cut-off at about 15-30~keV, sometimes strongly absorbed at soft energies (Walter et al., 2006; Sidoli et al., 2006). Follow-up X--ray observations (e.g. Kennea et al. 2005, Tomsick et al. 2006) allowed to refine the source positions at the arcsec level, and to perform IR/optical observations, which permitted to associate these transients with OB supergiant companions (e.g. Halpern et al. 2004, Pellizza et al. 2006, Masetti et al. 2006, Negueruela et al. 2006b, Nespoli et al. 2008). These two main characterizing properties (the unusually short transient X--ray emission together with the association with blue supergiant companions) suggested that these sources define a new class of HMXBs, later named Supergiant Fast X--ray Transients (SFXTs). Indeed, HMXBs with supergiant companions were previously known to show only persistent X--ray emission (e.g. Nagase, 1989). Thanks to the observations of several new SFXTs performed with INTEGRAL (e.g., Sguera et al. 2005, 2006, 2007a; Negueruela et al. 2006a; Walter \\& Zurita Heras 2007; Blay et al. 2008) and, at softer energies, with \\emph{Chandra} (in't Zand 2005), XMM-Newton (Gonzalez-Riestra et al. 2004; Walter et al. 2006) and archival observations with ASCA (Sakano et al. 2002), other important properties have been observed: SFXTs display a high dynamic range, spanning 3 to 5 orders of magnitudes, from a quiescent emission at 10$^{32}$~erg~s$^{-1}$ (characterized by a very soft spectrum, likely thermal; IGR~J17544--2619, in't Zand 2005; IGR J08408--4503, Leyder et al. 2007) up to a peak emission in outburst of 10$^{36}$--10$^{37}$~erg~s$^{-1}$. At least two SFXTs are X--ray pulsars: IGR~J11215--5952 ($P_{\\rm spin}=186.78\\pm0.3$\\,s, Swank et al. 2007) and AX~J1841.0--0536 ($P_{\\rm spin}$$\\sim$4.7\\,s, Bamba et al. 2001). To date, eight are the confirmed members of the class of SFXTs (IGR~J08408--4503, IGR~J11215--5952, IGR~J16479--4514, XTE~J1739--302, IGR~J17544--2619, SAX~J1818.6--1703, IGR~J18410-0535/AX~J1841.0-0536, IGR~J18483--0311), with other $\\sim$15 candidates (see e.g., the new INTEGRAL sources web page at http://isdc.unige.ch/$\\sim$rodrigue/html/igrsources.html) which showed short transient flaring activity, but with no confirmed association with an OB supergiant companion. The field is rapidly evolving, with an increasing number of new transients discovered by instruments with a wide field of view (INTEGRAL/IBIS or Swift/BAT), so we expect that the whole class will grow in the near future. The first SFXT displaying periodic outbursts is IGR~J11215--5952 (Sidoli et al. 2006, Smith et al. 2006) which undergoes an outburst about every 165~days (Romano et al. 2007b). This periodically recurrent X--ray activity is probably related to the orbital period of the system. Thanks to the predictability of the outbursts, an observing campaign was planned in February 2007 with \\emph{Swift} (Romano et al. 2007a) of the fifth known outburst from IGR~J11215--5952. Thanks to the combination of sensitivity and time coverage, \\emph{Swift} observations are a unique data-set and allowed a study of this SFXT from outburst onset to almost quiescence. These observations demonstrated (see the \\emph{Swift}/XRT lightcurve in Fig.~\\ref{fig:igr11215}) that short duration and bright flares are actually part of a longer accretion phase at a lower level, lasting days, not only hours. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.5151_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ RAVE, the RAdial Velocity Experiment, is an ambitious program to conduct a survey to measure the radial velocities, metallicities and abundance ratios for up to a million stars using the 1.2-m UK Schmidt Telescope of the Anglo-Australian Observatory (AAO), over the period 2003 - 2010. The survey represents a giant leap forward in our understanding of our own Milky Way galaxy, providing a vast stellar kinematic database larger than any other survey proposed for this coming decade. The main data product will be a southern hemisphere survey of about a million stars. This survey would comprise 0.7 million thin disk main sequence stars, 250\\,000 thick disk stars, 100\\,000 bulge and halo stars, and a further 50\\,000 giant stars including some out to 10 kpc from the Sun. RAVE will offer the first truly representative inventory of stellar radial velocities for all major components of the Galaxy. Here we present the first scientific results of this survey as well as its second data release which doubles the number of previously released radial velocities. For the first time, the release also provides atmospheric parameters for a large fraction of the 2$^{nd}$ year data making it an unprecedented tool to study the formation of the Milky Way.} ", "introduction": "It is now widely accepted that the Milky Way galaxy is a suitable laboratory to study the formation and evolution of galaxies. Despite the fact that the Galaxy is one unique system, understanding its formation holds important keys to understand the broader context of disc galaxy formation. Thanks to the past and ongoing large surveys such as Hipparcos, SDSS, 2MASS or DENIS, we have access to data which contains a wealth of information which enable us to refine our knowledge of Galaxy formation. However, with the exception of the SDSS survey, the full description of the 6D phase space, the combination of the position and velocity spaces, is not available due to the missing radial velocity and/or distance. With the advent of multi-fiber spectroscopy, combined to the large field of view of Schmidt telescopes, it is now possible to acquire spectra for a large sample of stars representative of the populations of the Galaxy in a reasonable amount of time. Spectroscopy enables us to measure the generally missing radial velocity, which allows us to study the details of the dynamics of a system. Spectroscopy also permits to measure the abundance of chemical elements in a stars atmosphere which holds important clues on the chemical evolution of its parent system. Measuring this missing radial velocity and the chemical abundances to complement the existing astrometric and photometric catalogues is the main purpose of the RAVE project, with the driving goal to understand how the Milky Way formed. RAVE uses the 6dF, the multi--fiber spectroscopic facility at the UK Schmidt telescope of the Anglo--Australian Observatory in Siding Spring, Australia. The 6dF enables us to collect up to 150 spectra in one single pointing, with a resolution of 7\\,500 in the Calcium triplet region around 8\\,600\\AA. This medium resolution allows the measurement of accurate radial velocities ($\\sim$2~km/s) as well as atmospheric parameters ($T_{eff}$, $\\log g$, [M/H]) and chemical abundances. In Section 2 we present the first scientific outcomes obtained using the RAVE data, while Section 3 presents the second data release of the RAVE project (DR2) and discusses the current status and prospects of the project. ", "conclusions": "RAVE released its second catalogue in July 2008, reporting radial velocities for 51\\,829 spectra and 49\\,327 different stars, randomly selected in the magnitude range of $93\\,\\msun$ and the distance is $>10$\\,kpc. Despite the fact that we do not have a firm estimate of mass and distance for \\fu, the relativistic disk models still strongly statistically prefer rapid spin solutions. Essentially, this is because the {\\tt diskbb} models fit very high temperatures -- as high as 1.7\\,keV -- with fairly low normalizations. We saw, however, that for the \\chandra\\ observation, or for the \\rxte\\ observations where the power-law/Comptonization component strengthens, the need for spectral hardening of the disk, either via a color-correction factor (${\\rm h_d}$) or rapid spin, was greatly reduced. Phenomenologically, a coronal component can mimic the effects of rapid spin. This naturally leads to the question of whether or not one is sure that any residual coronal component completely vanishes at low flux. Does one ever observe a ``bare'' disk spectrum? It is a rather remarkable fact that the \\chandra\\ observation, and the low flux \\rxte\\ observations, are mostly described via three parameters: absorption, {\\tt diskbb} temperature, and {\\tt diskbb} normalization. Even more remarkably, changes in the spectrum, both in terms of amplitude and overall shape, are mainly driven by variations of only \\emph{one} parameter: {\\tt diskbb} temperature. The relativistic disk models, on the other hand, must ascribe essentially this one parameter to a combination of four parameters: $a^*$, disk inclination (which affects the appearance of relativistic features), $({\\rm \\dot M/M}^2)$, and ${\\rm h_d}$. In principle, any of the latter three can vary among observations. (Disk inclination can vary due to warping; see \\citealt{pringle:96a}.) Unfortunately, there is no truly unique, sharp feature in the high resolution spectrum that completely breaks degeneracies among these parameters. The overall magnitude of the {\\tt diskbb} temperature and shape of the \\fu\\ spectra, however, seem best reproduced with the most rapid spin models; simply increasing accretion rates or spectral hardening factors is insufficient to model the spectra fully. We do not see the essential question as being whether or not \\fu\\ is rapidly spinning. Instead, we view the more observationally motivated and perhaps more fundamental question as being: why is the characteristic disk temperature of \\fu\\ so high? Rapid spin is one hypothesis. Another would be that there is indeed a residual, low temperature corona, even at low flux. The possibly high inclination of this source ($\\approx 75^\\circ$ to be consistent with optical lightcurve variations, while being consistent with the lack of X-ray eclipses) would mean that we are viewing the disk through a larger scattering depth than would be usual for most BHC in the soft state. We also note that there exists very little, self-consistent theoretical modeling of low temperature Comptonizing coronae with high temperature (1--2\\,keV) seed photon temperatures. Most energetically balanced, self-consistent models \\citep[e.g.,][]{dove:97a} have focused on high coronal temperatures (50--200\\,keV) with low seed photon temperatures (100--300\\,eV). If one is to take the rapid spin hypothesis for the high {\\tt diskbb} temperature at face value, then these observations offer something of a prediction. Statistically, they do prefer rapid spin, and based upon observations of other BHC we would have expected to observe a hard state if the faintest observations were $\\aproxlt 3\\%\\,{\\rm L_{Edd}}$. If the theoretically preferred value of the spectral hardening factor is indeed ${\\rm h_d}=1.7$, future measurements should find \\fu\\ to be an $\\approx 16\\,\\msun$ black hole at $\\approx 22$\\,kpc. Whether or not this turns out to be the case, given the nature of \\fu\\ as perhaps the simplest, cleanest example of a BHC soft state, observations to independently determine this system's parameters (mass and distance) are urgently needed." }, "0809/0809.0006_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report about the detection of 10 clusters of galaxies in the ongoing {\\it Swift}/BAT all-sky survey. This sample, which comprises mostly merging clusters, was serendipitously detected in the 15--55\\,keV band. We use the BAT sample to investigate the presence of excess hard X-rays above the thermal emission. The BAT clusters do not show significant (e.g. $\\geq$2\\,$\\sigma$) non-thermal hard X-ray emission. The only exception is represented by Perseus whose high-energy emission is likely due to NGC 1275. Using XMM-Newton, Swift/XRT, Chandra and BAT data, we are able to produce upper limits on the Inverse Compton (IC) emission mechanism which are in disagreement with most of the previously claimed hard X-ray excesses. The coupling of the X-ray upper limits on the IC mechanism to radio data shows that in some clusters the magnetic field might be larger than 0.5\\,$\\mu$G. We also derive the first log $N$ - log $S$ and luminosity function distribution of galaxy clusters above 15\\,keV. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} Galaxy clusters are potentially powerful observational probes of dark matter and dark energy. However, the use of clusters to measure cosmological parameters becomes accessible only when astrophysical uncertainties are well understood and controlled. Indeed the non-thermal pressure due to Cosmic Rays (CRs), magnetic fields and turbulence, is a source of systematic bias when cluster masses are estimated using the assumption of hydrostatical equilibrium \\citep[e.g.][]{ensslin97}. The detection of clusters' X-ray emission above $\\sim$20\\,keV is a fundamental step towards the firm grasp of these processes. It is well understood that clusters of galaxies contain a large amount of hot gas, called intracluster medium (ICM), that comprises 10--15\\,\\% of their total mass. Already the first X-ray observations indicated the presence of this optically thin plasma, characterized by an atomic density of about $10^{-4}$--$10^{-2}$\\,cm$^{-3}$ and temperatures of the order of $10^7$--$10^8$\\,K \\citep[e.g.][]{fel66,cat72}. Also well established is the fact that the observed X-ray radiation from clusters of galaxies is primarily due to the thermal bremsstrahlung emission of such diffuse hot plasma \\citep{sar88,petrosian01}. However, evidences gathered at different wavelengths point to the existence of a non-thermal component. In particular the detections of an extended synchrotron radio emission \\citep[e.g.][]{wil70,har78,gio93,gio00,kem01,thierbach03} and, more recently, of a possibly non-thermal extreme ultraviolet (EUV) excess \\citep{lieu96,bow99,bon01,dur02} and soft excess \\citep[e.g.][]{wer07} suggest the existence of a non-thermal X-ray component originating from a population of relativistic electrons. This scenario is confirmed by the detection of non-thermal emission in the hard X-ray spectra of a few galaxy clusters \\citep[see e.g.][for a complete review]{kaastra08,rephaeli08}. Still its actual presence and origin remain controversial \\citep{renaud06,fus07,wer07,lutovinov08}. A non-thermal component could arise from a population of point sources \\citep[e.g. AGN as in][]{katz76,fabian76,fujita07} or from inverse Compton (IC) scattering of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons by relativistic electrons \\citep[e.g.][]{rep79,sar99}. Other possible mechanisms are non-thermal bremsstrahlung \\citep[e.g.][]{sar99,sar00} and synchrotron emission from ultra-relativistic electrons \\citep[][]{tim04,ino05,eck07}. If the origin of the high-energy emission is IC scattering, then the presence of a large population of relativistic electrons (Lorentz factor $>>1000$) is required. This population could have been accelerated in shocks of different origin. Indeed it could be associated to merger shocks \\citep[e.g.][]{fuj03,bru04}, dark matter bow shocks \\citep[e.g.][]{byk00}, ram-pressure stripping of infalling galaxies \\citep[e.g.][]{dep06}, jets, Active Galactic Nuclei outbursts \\citep[][in the case of radio mini-halos such as in Perseus cluster]{fujita07}, accretion shocks \\citep[e.g.][]{ino05}. Non-thermal electrons loose energy on short timescales (below $1$ Gyr). Therefore some models consider a continued supply of primary accelerated electrons (i.e. via first order Fermi mechanism), while others assume a constant in-situ re-acceleration via CR collisions or second order Fermi mechanism. If clusters are a large reservoir of non-thermal particles, then they should emit at higher energies, up to the $\\gamma$-rays. Indeed, if CRs acceleration is taking place at the shock fronts then $\\gamma$-rays can be produced via IC, non-thermal bremsstrahlung and $\\pi^0$ decay \\citep[e.g.][]{rep79,dar95,rei03,reimer04,blasi07}. A statistical upper limit on the flux above $>100$ MeV was obtained by \\cite{rei03}, analyzing the emission from $58$ clusters observed with EGRET. The role of CRs in the formation and evolution of clusters of galaxies has been much debated. \\cite{chu07} suggest that in massive galaxy clusters hydrostatic equilibrium is satisfied reasonably well, as long as the source has not experienced a recent major merger. However, in non-relaxed clusters the non-thermal pressure due to CRs, magnetic fields and micro-turbulence can affect the mass estimates based on hydrostatic equilibrium \\citep[e.g.][]{mir95,nag07}. This would lead to a higher baryonic to total mass ratio. Knowing the importance of CRs, the mechanisms that heat the ICM and the frequency at which it is shocked, is crucial for the upcoming X-ray and Sunyaev-Zeldovich surveys \\citep[see][]{and07}. In this paper we report the {\\it Swift}/BAT all-sky detection of 10 galaxy clusters in the 15--55\\,keV band. This constitutes the first complete sample so far detected at these energies. We use this sample to investigate the role of non-thermal processes in clusters. The structure of the paper is the following. In $\\S$~\\ref{subsec:batsurvey} we describe the {\\it Swift}/BAT observations and discuss the properties of each individual cluster ($\\S$~\\ref{subsec:individual}). In $\\S$~\\ref{subsec:non-thermal}, we provide, for all the clusters, constraints on the non-thermal emission as well as an estimate of the clusters' magnetic fields ($\\S$~\\ref{subsec:magnetic}). The cluster source count distribution and the luminosity function are derived in $\\S$~\\ref{sec:pop}. We discuss the results of our analysis in $\\S$~\\ref{sec:disc}, while $\\S$~\\ref{sec:concl} summarizes our findings. We adopt a Hubble constant of $H_0 = 70$ h$_{70}$\\,km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$, $\\Omega_M$ = 0.3 and $\\Omega_\\Lambda$ = 0.7. Unless otherwise stated errors are quoted at the 90\\,\\% confidence level (CL) for one interesting parameter and solar abundances are determined using the meteoritic values provided in \\cite{anders89}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:concl} BAT is the first instrument to detect above 15\\,keV an all-sky sample of galaxy clusters\\footnotemark{}. \\footnotetext{We are aware of an independent work \\citep{okajima08} based on an alternative analysis of BAT survey data which reaches conclusions consistent with this analysis.} The BAT energy range (15--200\\,keV) is the best one to investigate the presence of non-thermal emission whose detection remained so far controversial. The results of our investigation can be summarized as follows: \\begin{itemize} \\item Perseus is the only cluster among the 10 BAT objects which displays an high-energy non-thermal component which extends up to 200\\,keV. It is very likely that the central AGN NGC 1275 is responsible for such emission. This claim is supported by several evidences: 1) the variability seen with BeppoSAX \\citep{nevalainen04}, 2) the XMM-Newton spectral analysis \\citep{churazov2003}, and 3) our combined BAT--XRT--XMM-Newton analysis which shows that the nucleus has a typical AGN spectrum. \\item The BAT spectra of the remaining 9 galaxy clusters is well fitted by a simple thermal model that constrains non-thermal flux to be below 1\\,mCrab in the 50--100\\,keV band. \\item Assuming that IC scattering is the main mechanism at work for producing non-thermal high-energy flux, it is possible to estimate the magnetic field using Radio data and the upper limits derived above. We obtain that in all the BAT clusters the (average) magnetic field is $>0.1$\\,$\\mu$G. These (rather uncertain) values are in disagreement (if the magnatic field intensities are close to the lower limits) with the, also uncertain, Faraday rotation measurements which show that the magnetic field is in the $\\sim$\\,$\\mu$G range. Our low magnetic field values would imply that the magnetic field is far from equipartition. \\item The stacked spectrum of the BAT clusters (except Perseus and Coma) confirms once again the absence of any non-thermal high-energy component. The $\\sim$56\\,Ms stacked spectrum constrains any non-thermal flux to be below 0.3\\,mCrab (or 1.9$\\times 10^{-12}$\\,erg cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$) in the 50--100\\,keV band. \\item Using Swift/XRT, XMM-Newton and Chandra, in addition to BAT data, we were able to produce X--ray cluster spectra which extend more than 3 decades in energy (0.5--50\\,keV). In all cases, but Perseus and Abell 0754, the broad-band X--ray spectrum is well approximated by a single-temperature thermal model. These spectra allowed us to put constrains on the IC emission mechanism which are a factor $>$5 lower than those derived using BAT data alone. This would in turn imply a larger intensity of the magnetic field. For both Perseus and Abell 0754 an additional power-law component is statistically required, but several evidences confirm that two X-ray point sources (NGC 1275 and 2MASS\t09091372-0943047) account for the total non-thermal emission. \\item The cluster centroid shift in different wavebands, the morphology and the complex temperature maps (available in literature), show that 8 out of 10 clusters are in the middle of a major merging phase. Shocks, which are revealed by XMM-Newton and Chandra images, are actively heating the ICM as the BAT high temperatures testify. The BAT observations and limits on the non-thermal emissions can help to calibrate the large scale structure formation simulations focusing in particular on the treatment of non-thermal particle emission and cooling. \\item We have produced the first cluster source count (also known as log {\\it N} - log {\\it S}) distribution above 15\\,keV. This shows that, at the limiting fluxes sampled by BAT, the surface density of clusters is $\\sim$5\\,\\% of that one of AGNs. Moreover, we find that the contribution of clusters to the Cosmic X-ray background is of the $\\sim$0.1\\,\\% order in the 15--55\\,keV band. The BAT log {\\it N} - log {\\it S} can be used to predict the cluster surface density for future hard X-ray instruments. \\item The X-ray luminosity function of the BAT clusters, the first derived above 15\\,keV, is in excellent agreement with the ROSAT luminosity function derived in the 0.1--2.4\\,keV band. \\end{itemize}" }, "0809/0809.0695_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We review the ensemble of anticipated gravitational-wave (GW) emission processes in stellar core collapse and postbounce core-collapse supernova evolution. We discuss recent progress in the modeling of these processes and summarize most recent GW signal estimates. In addition, we present new results on the GW emission from postbounce convective overturn and protoneutron star $g$-mode pulsations based on axisymmetric radiation-hydrodynamic calculations. Galactic core-collapse supernovae are very rare events, but within $3-5\\;\\mathrm{Mpc}$ from Earth, the rate jumps to 1 in $\\sim 2$ years. Using the set of currently available theoretical gravitational waveforms, we compute upper-limit optimal signal-to-noise ratios based on current and advanced LIGO/GEO600/VIRGO noise curves for the recent SN 2008bk which exploded at $\\sim$3.9 Mpc. While initial LIGOs cannot detect GWs emitted by core-collapse events at such a distance, we find that advanced LIGO-class detectors could put significant upper limits on the GW emission strength for such events. We study the potential occurrence of the various GW emission processes in particular supernova explosion scenarios and argue that the GW signatures of neutrino-driven, magneto-rotational, and acoustically-driven core-collapse SNe may be mutually exclusive. We suggest that even initial LIGOs could distinguish these explosion mechanisms based on the detection (or non-detection) of GWs from a galactic core-collapse supernova. ", "introduction": "\\label{section:intro} Ever since the very first experimental efforts to detect gravitational waves (GWs), core-collapse supernovae (SNe) have been considered as potential astrophysical emission sites. There are very strong indications from theory and observation that multi-D dynamics play a prominent and probably decisive role in core-collapse SNe (see, e.g., \\cite{burrows:00nature,janka:07}). GWs are emitted at lowest order by an accelerated mass-energy quadrupole moment. Hence, by their intrinsic multi-D nature, GWs, if detected from a core-collapse event, will very likely prove powerful messengers that can provide detailed and live dynamical information on the intricate multi-D dynamics occurring deep inside collapsing massive stars. Massive stars ($8$--$10\\;\\mmsun \\lesssim M \\lesssim 100\\;\\mmsun$ at zero-age main sequence [ZAMS]) form electron-degenerate cores composed primarily of iron-group nuclei in the final stages of their exoergic nuclear burning. Once such an iron core exceeds its effective Chandrasekhar mass (see, e.g., \\cite{baron:90,bethe:90}) it grows gravitationally unstable. Collapse ensues, leading to dynamical compression of the inner core material to nuclear densities. There, the nuclear equation of state (EOS) stiffens, resulting in the rebound of the inner core (``core bounce''). A hydrodynamic shock wave is launched at the outer edge of the inner core and propagates outward in mass and radius, slamming into the still infalling outer core. Owing to the dissociation of heavy nuclei and to energy losses to neutrinos that stream away from the postshock region, the shock quickly loses energy, stalls and must be \\emph{revived} to plow through the stellar envelope, blow up the star, and produce a SN explosion, leaving behind a neutron star. Without shock revival, black-hole (BH) formation is inevitable and even with a successful explosion, a BH may still form via fall-back accretion. Iron core collapse is the most energetic process in the modern universe, liberating some $10^{53}\\;\\mathrm{erg} = 100\\;\\mathrm{B}$ (Bethe) of gravitational energy. Most of this energy, $\\sim 99\\,\\%$, is emitted in neutrinos as the protoneutron star (PNS) contracts and cools over a timescale of $\\sim 100\\,\\mathrm{s}$. Only $\\sim 1\\,\\%$ goes into the asymptotic energy of the SN explosion and becomes visible in the electromagnetic spectrum. The fundamental question that core-collapse SN theory has been facing for the past $\\sim 45$ years is how exactly the necessary fraction of gravitational energy is transferred to revive the shock and ultimately unbind the stellar envelope. Shock revival must occur sooner than $1$--$1.5\\;\\mathrm{s}$ after bounce (depending on progenitor star structure setting the rate of mass accretion) in order to produce a compact remnant that obeys observational and theoretical neutron star upper baryonic mass limits around $\\sim 1.5$--$2.5\\;\\mmsun$ (see \\cite{lattimer:07} and references therein). The SN \\emph{explosion mechanism} may involve (a combination of) heating of the postshock region by neutrinos, multi-dimensional hydrodynamic instabilities of the accretion shock, in the postshock region, and in the PNS, rotation, PNS pulsations, magnetic fields, and nuclear burning (for a recent review, see \\cite{janka:07}, but also \\cite{burrows:07bethe}). Three SN mechanisms are presently discussed in the literature. The \\emph{neutrino mechanism} has the longest pedigree \\cite{bethewilson:85,bethe:90,janka:07}, is based on postbounce neutrino energy deposition behind the stalled shock, and appears to require \\cite{buras:06b,marek:07,murphy:08} convection and the standing-accretion-shock instability (SASI, see, e.g., \\cite{scheck:08} and references therein) to function in all but the very lowest-mass massive stars which may explode even in spherical symmetry~\\cite{burrows:07c,kitaura:06}. Recent detailed 2D neutrino-radiation hydrodynamics simulations by the Garching group produced explosions in particular $11.2$-$\\mmsun$ and $15$-$\\mmsun$ progenitor models \\cite{buras:06b,marek:07}. However, it is not yet clear how the neutrino mechanism's efficacy varies with progenitor ZAMS mass and structure and what its detailed dependence on the high-density nuclear EOS may be. The \\emph{magneto-rotational (or MHD) mechanism}, probably operating only in the context of rapid progenitor rotation, depends on magnetic-field amplification during collapse and at postbounce times. It leads to explosions that develop in jet-like fashion along the axis of rotation \\cite{leblanc:70,symbalisty:84,yamada:04,burrows:07b,sawai:08} and may reach hypernova energies of $\\sim 10\\,\\mathrm{B}$~\\cite{burrows:07b}. The MHD mechanism may also be relevant in the context of long-soft gamma-ray bursts~(GRBs, see, e.g., \\cite{wb:06}) and could be a precursor, setting the stage for a later GRB~(e.g., \\cite{burrows:07b}, but see \\cite{dessart:08a}). The \\emph{acoustic mechanism} for core-collapse SNe, as recently proposed by Burrows~et~al.~\\cite{burrows:06,burrows:07a,ott:06prl, burrows:07bethe}, requires the excitation of large-amplitude PNS pulsations (primarily $g$-modes) by turbulence and SASI-modulated accretion downstreams. These pulsations damp by the emission of strong sound waves that steepen to shocks and deposit energy in the postshock region, eventually leading to late explosions at $\\gtrsim 1\\;\\mathrm{s}$ after bounce. This mechanism appears to be sufficiently robust to blow up even the most massive and extended progenitors, but has so far not been confirmed by other groups (see also \\cite{yoshida:07,weinberg:08}). Constraining the core-collapse SN mechanism via astronomical observations is difficult. The intricate pre-explosion dynamics of the SN core deep inside the supergiant presupernova star are inaccessible by the traditional means of astronomy. Theoretical models of the SN mechanism can currently be tested via secondary observables only, including the asymptotic explosion energy, ejecta morphology, nucleosynthesis products, compact remnant mass and proper motion, and pulsar spin/magnetic fields. GWs and neutrinos are the only messengers with the potential of delivering first-hand information on the physical processes leading to explosion: Both are emitted deep inside the SN core and travel to observers on Earth practically without interaction with intervening material. A small number of neutrinos were detected from SN 1987A in the Large Magellanic (distance $D \\approx 50\\;\\mathrm{kpc}$; see, e.g., \\cite{bethe:90} and references therein). GWs have not yet been observed directly, but the advent of GW astronomy has begun. An international network of broad-band light-interferometric GW observatories is active, encompassing the US LIGOs \\cite{ligo}, the British-German GEO600 \\cite{geo600}, the French-Italian VIRGO~\\cite{virgo} and the Japanese TAMA 300 \\cite{tama300}. The three LIGO interferometers have recently reached their design sensitivities, and, in their S5 science run, have taken a year worth of data, partly in coincidence with GEO600 and VIRGO. In addition, there are a number of active resonant bar/sphere GW detectors in operation, including the four bar detectors of the International Gravitational Event Collaboration (IGEC-2), ALLEGRO, AURIGA, EXPLORER, and NAUTILUS~\\cite{astone:07}, and the resonant spheres MiniGrail~\\cite{minigrail} and Schenberg~\\cite{schenberg}. The current status of ground-based GW detection was recently summarized by Whitcomb~\\cite{whitcomb:08}. GWs from astrophysical sources are weak and notoriously difficult to detect (e.g., \\cite{thorne:87}). Hence, in order to disentangle an astrophysical GW signal from the mostly overwhelming detector noise, GW astronomy does not only require sensitive detectors, but also extensive processing and analysis of the detector output on the basis of reliable theoretical estimates for the GW signals presently expected from astrophysical sources. The latter must, in most cases, be obtained via detailed numerical modeling of the dynamics responsible for the GW emission in a given source. In iron core collapse and postbounce SN evolution, the emission of GWs is expected primarily from rotating collapse and bounce, nonaxi\\-symmetric rotational instabilities, postbounce convective overturn/SASI, and PNS pulsations. In addition, anisotropic neutrino emission, global precollapse asymmetries in the iron core and surrounding burning shells, aspherical mass ejection, magnetic stresses, and the late-time formation of a black hole may contribute to the overall GW signature. The aim of this topical review is to summarize the recent significant progress in the modeling of the various GW emission processes in core-collapse SNe with a focus on the early postbounce, pre-explosion SN evolution up to $\\sim1-2\\;\\mathrm{seconds}$ after bounce. We do not cover the GW emission from the collapse of supermassive primordial or very massive population III stars, dynamical fission processes, late-time fall-back accretion on black holes, nuclear phase-transitions in PNSs, or from late-time postbounce secular instabilities such as $r$-modes. Other reviews of the GW signature of core-collapse SNe are those of Kotake~et~al.~\\cite{kotake:06a} and Fryer~and~New~\\cite{new:03}. In \\sref{section:history}, we provide a concise historical overview on early work and go on to discuss computational core-collapse SN modeling and the various ways in which GR and GW extraction are treated in \\sref{section:snmodel}. Section~\\ref{section:rotcoll} covers the most extensively modeled GW emission mechanism, rotating core collapse and bounce. The potential for and the GW emission from nonaxisymmetric rotational instabilities is the topic of \\sref{section:rotinst}. Section~\\ref{section:convsasi} is devoted to the emission of GWs from convective overturn and SASI, while we discuss the GW signal from PNS core pulsations in \\sref{section:puls}. To both of these sections we add new, previously unpublished results obtained via 2D Newtonian radiation-hydrodynamics calculations. In \\sref{section:neutrinos}, we discuss the emission of GWs from anisotropic neutrino radiation fields and in \\sref{section:others} we summarize the GW signals associated with rapid aspherical outflows, precollapse global asymmetries, strong magnetic stresses, and PNS collapse to a black hole. While the SN rate in the Milky Way and the local group of galaxies is rather low and probably less than 1 SN per two decades (e.g., \\cite{vdb:91}), there may be 1 SN occurring about every other year between $3-5\\;\\mathrm{Mpc}$ from Earth~\\cite{ando:05}. The recent SN 2008bk, which exploded roughly $3.9\\;\\mathrm{Mpc}$ away, is an example SN from this region of space. Thus, in \\sref{section:2008bk}, we present optimal single-detector matched-filtering signal-to-noise ratios for LIGO/GEO600/VIRGO and advanced LIGOs for a subset of the gravitational waveforms reviewed in this article and with an assumed source distance corresponding to that of SN 2008bk. We find that initial LIGO-class detectors had no chance of detecting GWs from SN 2008bk. Advanced LIGOs, however, could put some constraints on the GW emission strength, but still would probably not allow detailed GW observations. We wrap up our review in section~\\ref{section:conclusions} with a critical summary of the subject matter and discuss in which way the various GW emission processes can be linked to particular SN explosion mechanisms. We argue that the GW signatures of the neutrino, MHD, and acoustic SN mechanisms may be mutually exclusive and that the mere detection, or, in fact non-detection, of GWs from a nearby core-collapse SN can constrain significantly the core-collapse SN explosion mechanism. In this review article, all values of the dimensionless GW signal amplitudes $h_+$ and $h_\\times$ are given for optimal source-observer orientation and a source distance of $10\\;\\mathrm{kpc}$ is typically assumed. In most figures showing GW signals, the waveforms are plotted as $h_{+,\\times}\\, D$, rescaled by distance $D$ and in units of centimeters. Summaries of GW extraction methods can be found in \\cite{thorne:87,moenchmeyer:91,zwerger:97,ott:04,ott:06phd} and a comparison of Newtonian and general relativistic methods were presented in \\cite{shibatasekiguchi:03,baiotti:08b}. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.5079_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present optical photometry and spectroscopy of SN~2005ip for the first 3~yr after discovery, showing an underlying Type II-L supernova (SN) interacting with a steady wind to yield an unusual Type IIn spectrum. For the first $\\sim$160~d, it had a fast linear decline from a modest peak absolute magnitude of about $-$17.4 (unfiltered), followed by a plateau at roughly $-$14.8 for more than 2~yr. Initially having a normal broad-lined spectrum superposed with sparse narrow lines from the photoionized circumstellar medium (CSM), it quickly developed signs of strong CSM interaction with a spectrum similar to that of SN~1988Z. As the underlying SN~II-L faded, SN~2005ip exhibited a rich high-ionization spectrum with a dense forest of narrow coronal lines, unprecedented among SNe but reminiscent of some active galactic nuclei. The line-profile evolution of SN 2005ip confirms that dust formation caused its recently reported infrared excess, but these lines reveal that it is the first SN to show clear evidence for dust in {\\it both} the fast SN ejecta and the slower post-shock gas. SN~2005ip's complex spectrum confirms the origin of the strange blue continuum in SN~2006jc, which also had post-shock dust formation. We suggest that SN~2005ip's late-time plateau and coronal spectrum result from rejuvenated CSM interaction between a sustained fast shock and a clumpy stellar wind, where X-rays escape through the optically thin interclump regions to heat the pre-shock CSM to coronal temperatures. ", "introduction": "Core-collapse supernovae (SNe) show a variety of spectral properties (see Filippenko 1997 for a review) based primarily on the amount of mass shed by the progenitor, causing the outer layers of the star to be stripped to different chemical layers at the time of its explosion. In the Type~IIn subclass, substantial mass stripping has occurred recently, leaving dense hydrogen gas in the circumstellar medium (CSM) into which the SN blast wave propagates. In this interaction, the blast wave is decelerated and the CSM is illuminated, giving rise to relatively narrow emission lines from the post-shock gas and the unshocked CSM. The Type~IIn subclass shows particularly wide diversity in both luminosity and spectral features, depending on density, speed, and how long before explosion the H-rich material was shed by the star. SNe~IIn can be among the most luminous SNe observed if the CSM is very dense, as in the case of SN~2006tf (Smith et al.\\ 2008b) --- but they can also be among the faintest SNe observed as in the case of the so-called ``supernova impostors'' and related objects, which are not yet clearly understood (e.g., Van Dyk et al.\\ 2005; Thompson et al.\\ 2008). In order for the CSM interaction luminosity to compete with the main peak of the SN (arising from the diffusion of radioactive decay luminosity and shock-deposited energy in the SN ejecta), the CSM must be dense. At lower densities where the conversion of shock energy into visual light is less efficient, signs of weaker CSM interaction might become more prominent in the spectrum once the underlying SN fades; indeed, here we suggest that SN~2005ip was an example of the latter. SN~2005ip was discovered (Boles 2005) on 2005 Nov.\\ 5.163 (UT dates are used throughout this paper), located 2$\\farcs$8~E and 14$\\farcs$2~N of the center its host Scd galaxy NGC~2906 ($\\sim$2.1 kpc in projection on the sky). Fox et al.\\ (2008) show images of SN~2005ip in its host galaxy. With an apparent redshift of $z = 0.00714$ (de Vaucouleurs et al.\\ 1991), NGC~2906 is located at a distance of roughly 29.7 Mpc (adopting $H_0 = 72$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$). Modjaz et al.\\ (2005) reported that in a spectrum obtained $\\sim$1~d after discovery, SN~2005ip appeared to be a normal Type~II event a few weeks after explosion, with a blue continuum and broad absorption features indicating a SN-ejecta expansion speed of roughly 15,400 km s$^{-1}$. Recently, Fox et al.\\ (2008) have shown that SN~2005ip had near-infrared (IR) excess emission from hot dust, and suggested that grains formed in the post-shock region, analogous to SN~2006jc (Smith et al.\\ 2008a). We present spectra showing that SN~2005ip also had narrow H$\\alpha$ emission indicative of a Type~IIn classification, even on day 1, plus an unusually rich forest of narrow coronal emission lines that dominate the spectrum at later times. Immler \\& Pooley (2007) reported a high X-ray luminosity at late times, implying a level of CSM interaction comparable to that of other SNe~IIn like SN 1988Z. We present a brief discussion of the remarkable light curve and focus on the spectral evolution of SN~2005ip, interpreting it as the result of rejuvenated late-time CSM interaction in a steady wind with relatively poor efficiency in converting shock energy to visual light. We confirm the suggestion by Fox et al.\\ (2008) that dust formed, but our analysis of line profiles reveals that dust formed in both the post-shock shell and the fast SN ejecta at different times. \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{0.99} \\plotone{fig1.eps} \\caption{The unfiltered (approximately $R$-band) absolute magnitude light curve of SN~2005ip measured by KAIT, compared to that of SN~1988Z (from Turatto et al.\\ 1993). The absolute magnitude of SN~2005ip is shown for a distance of 29.72 Mpc and an extinction of $A_R = 0.126$ mag (see text). The small triangles at the bottom mark dates for which we secured spectra of SN~2005ip, and the ``X'' marks the date (day 466) for which Immler \\& Pooley (2007) observed its X-ray emission. The gray curve shows a normal SN~II-P (SN~1999em) from our database for comparison, and the dot-dash line is $^{56}$Co decay luminosity for 0.08~M$_{\\odot}$ of $^{56}$Ni.} \\label{fig:one} \\end{figure} \\begin{deluxetable}{lcc}\\tabletypesize{\\scriptsize} \\tablecaption{Photometry of SN 2005\\lowercase{ip}} \\tablewidth{0pc} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{JD} &\\colhead{mag.} &\\colhead{$\\sigma$} } \\startdata 2453694.05 &15.15 &0.13 \\\\ 2453711.03 &15.62 &0.13 \\\\ 2453716.96 &15.73 &0.13 \\\\ 2453747.91 &16.20 &0.13 \\\\ 2453758.93 &16.42 &0.13 \\\\ 2453770.91 &16.70 &0.13 \\\\ 2453776.82 &16.79 &0.13 \\\\ 2453788.84 &17.06 &0.13 \\\\ 2453818.76 &17.52 &0.13 \\\\ 2453852.70 &17.77 &0.13 \\\\ 2454046.05 &17.62 &0.13 \\\\ 2454070.04 &17.69 &0.13 \\\\ 2454071.06 &17.62 &0.13 \\\\ 2454074.97 &17.74 &0.13 \\\\ 2454087.99 &17.63 &0.13 \\\\ 2454110.93 &17.75 &0.13 \\\\ 2454116.93 &17.67 &0.13 \\\\ 2454123.88 &17.72 &0.13 \\\\ 2454150.90 &17.55 &0.13 \\\\ 2454168.80 &17.65 &0.13 \\\\ 2454177.78 &17.70 &0.13 \\\\ 2454185.71 &17.70 &0.18 \\\\ 2454192.75 &17.67 &0.13 \\\\ 2454200.74 &17.76 &0.13 \\\\ 2454232.69 &17.70 &0.13 \\\\ 2454402.02 &17.65 &0.13 \\\\ 2454410.07 &17.66 &0.13 \\\\ 2454422.07 &17.73 &0.13 \\\\ 2454431.00 &17.75 &0.13 \\\\ 2454443.04 &17.67 &0.13 \\\\ 2454447.98 &17.68 &0.13 \\\\ 2454454.06 &17.71 &0.13 \\\\ 2454466.02 &17.77 &0.13 \\\\ 2454478.00 &17.58 &0.15 \\\\ 2454482.93 &17.55 &0.13 \\\\ 2454504.89 &17.74 &0.13 \\\\ 2454510.87 &17.57 &0.13 \\\\ 2454522.91 &17.62 &0.13 \\\\ 2454528.78 &17.77 &0.13 \\\\ 2454546.79 &17.84 &0.13 \\\\ 2454551.73 &17.70 &0.13 \\\\ 2454557.77 &17.87 &0.13 \\\\ 2454564.75 &18.01 &0.13 \\\\ 2454573.72 &17.66 &0.13 \\\\ 2454590.69 &17.68 &0.13 \\\\ 2454596.68 &18.05 &0.13 \\\\ \\enddata \\tablecomments{KAIT unfiltered photometry; roughly $R$ band.} \\end{deluxetable} \\begin{deluxetable}{lclccc}\\tabletypesize{\\scriptsize} \\tablecaption{Spectroscopy of SN~2005\\lowercase{ip}} \\tablewidth{0pt} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{UT Date} &\\colhead{Day\\tablenotemark{a}} &\\colhead{Inst.\\tablenotemark{b}} &\\colhead{$\\lambda$/$\\Delta\\lambda$} &\\colhead{Airmass} &\\colhead{Exp.\\ (s)} } \\startdata 2005 Nov. 06.65 &1 &DEIMOS &2500 &1.07 &100 \\\\ 2006 Jan. 05.40 &61 &Kast &600 &1.18 &1200 \\\\ 2006 Feb. 06.40 &93 &Kast &700 &1.19 &1800 \\\\ 2006 Feb. 22.36 &109 &Kast &600 &1.18 &1500 \\\\ 2006 Apr. 27.26 &173 &LRIS &1100 &1.03 &504 \\\\ 2006 Dec. 23.56 &413 &DEIMOS &2500 &1.03 &500 \\\\ 2007 Nov. 11.63 &736 &LRIS &1500 &1.10 &600 \\\\ 2008 Apr. 28.26 &905 &LRIS &1500 &1.03 &600 \\\\ \\enddata \\tablenotetext{a}{Days after discovery.} \\tablenotetext{b}{Kast, Lick 3-m; LRIS, Keck I; DEIMOS, Keck II.} \\end{deluxetable} ", "conclusions": "We present and analyze visual-wavelength photometry and spectroscopy of SN~2005ip obtained at the Lick and Keck Observatories during a period of $\\sim$3 yr after explosion. Our main conclusions are as follows. (1) The data show that SN~2005ip was composed of an underlying broad-lined Type II-L event that dominated the luminosity decline during the first $\\sim$160~d, superposed with a Type IIn spectrum arising from constant-luminosity CSM interaction that caused a remarkably steady late-time plateau. SN~2005ip was not unusually luminous compared with other SNe~IIn, and its initial mass of $^{56}$Ni was less than about 0.1~M$_{\\odot}$. (2) As the underlying SN~II-L faded, the spectrum of SN~2005ip came to exhibit a forest of narrow coronal emission lines, the number and strength of which dominated the spectrum to an unprecedented degree. Ionization levels as high as [Fe~{\\sc xiv}] are seen. These forbidden coronal lines arise exclusively in the pre-shock CSM, showing no broader components from the post-shock gas or SN ejecta. Only a subset of the narrow coronal lines was present in the day 1 spectrum. (3) Following the discovery by Fox et al.\\ (2008) that SN~2005ip showed near-IR excess emission attributable to freshly synthesized dust, we confirm evidence for this dust formation from its influence on the evolution of visual-wavelength emission lines. Components of both He~{\\sc i} $\\lambda$7065 and H$\\alpha$ have red wings that fade faster than the constant blue wings, as expected if new dust grains preferentially block the far side of the object. However, these two tracers reveal dust at different places at different times as the SN evolves. At very late times (2--3 yr after explosion), intermediate-width components of He~{\\sc i} lines reveal dust forming in a post-shock shell analogous to the post-shock dust formation in SN~2006jc (Smith et al.\\ 2008a), as proposed by Fox et al.\\ (2008). At early times, however, the situation is qualitatively different: we see no evidence for dust in the intermediate-width components of these lines, but instead, we see the same fading of the red wing in the {\\it broad} component of H$\\alpha$. This means that at early times, either (a) the dust formed directly in the fast SN ejecta, or (b) the dust formed in the post-shock gas of individual clumps, but was quickly incorporated into the rapidly expanding SN ejecta as the parent clumps were ablated and destroyed. At both epochs the dust in both locations is heated primarily by the constant luminosity from CSM interaction. (4) The photometric and spectroscopic evolution of SN~2005ip was most similar to that of the strongly interacting and X-ray/radio-bright SN~IIn 1988Z, especially with regard to the evolution of its H$\\alpha$ profile. The close comparison holds with the exceptions that SN~2005ip was less luminous, had a higher $L_X$/$L_{Bol}$ ratio than SN~1988Z, and exhibited stronger narrow coronal lines; moreover, the fastest speeds seen in SN~2005ip persisted longer than in SN~1988Z. (5) We propose a model for SN~2005ip that is similar to that of Chugai \\& Danziger (1994) for SN~1988Z, wherein a SN~II plows into a steady but clumpy progenitor wind. Dense clumps in the CSM persist into the post-shock zone as they are overtaken by the forward shock passing through the low-density region between them, while much slower shocks are driven into individual dense clumps giving rise to the intermediate-width components of the H$\\alpha$ and He~{\\sc i} lines. In this model, the differences between SNe~2005ip and 1988Z noted in point (4) above can be explained if the progenitor of SN~2005ip had a mass-loss rate a factor of $\\sim$5 lower than that of SN~1988Z, making its CSM interaction region less massive and less optically thick. The lower optical depth allows X-rays generated in the CSM interaction to thoroughly ionize unshocked CSM gas, giving rise to the coronal spectrum. (6) Given the rarity of coronal spectra like that of SN~2005ip, and in light of the similarity of its inferred progenitor's wind to the extreme conditions observed in the winds of the most luminous known RSGs such as VY~CMa, the most straightforward interpretation seems to be that moderate-luminosity SNe~IIn like SN~2005ip arise from extreme RSGs having relatively high initial masses of 20--40 M$_{\\odot}$. Since the fairly modest luminosity of SN~2005ip is apparently near the limit of what can be achieved by interaction with the densest steady stellar winds known, this finding underscores the requirement that exceptionally luminous SNe~IIn such as SNe 2006tf and 2006gy require much more extreme pre-SN mass ejections analogous to massive LBV eruptions (Smith et al.\\ 2007, 2008b). At the same time, SN~2005ip demonstrates that not necessarily {\\it all} core-collapse SNe~IIn require this type of LBV-like mass ejection." }, "0809/0809.1092_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Estimation of the angular power spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) on a small patch of sky is usually plagued by serious spectral leakage, specially when the map has a hard edge. Even on a full sky map, point source masks can alias power from large scales to small scales producing excess variance at high multipoles. We describe a new fast, simple and local method for estimation of power spectra on small patches of the sky that minimizes spectral leakage and reduces the variance of the spectral estimate. For example, when compared with the standard uniform sampling approach on a $8$ degree $\\times$ $8$ degree patch of the sky with $2\\%$ area masked due to point sources, our estimator halves the errorbars at $\\ell=2000$ and achieves a more than fourfold reduction in errorbars at $\\ell=3500$. Thus, a properly analyzed experiment will have errorbars at $\\ell=3500$ equivalent to those of an experiment analyzed with the now standard technique with $\\sim 16-25$ times the integration time. ", "introduction": "Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is a statistically isotropic \\citep{HS06} and Gaussian \\citep{Komatsu} random field. If we ignore secondary effects, all of the information in high resolution CMB maps is encoded in the angular correlation function or equivalently, in the angular power spectrum, $\\cl$. The angular power spectrum is widely used to estimate the cosmological parameters. Accurate measurements of angular power spectrum are needed for precise estimation of cosmological parameters.\\par Over the past decade, CMB power spectrum has been measured over a large range of multipoles, $\\ell$, by various groups \\citep{COBE, Nolta, Hinshaw, ACBAR, QUAD}. And more experiments are under way to measure the $C_\\ell$ on smaller scales with high accuracy \\citep{ACT, SPT, Planck}. Most power spectrum analyses use uniform or noise weighted maps. This performs reasonably well for power spectra that have nearly equal power in equal logarithmic intervals of multipoles, {\\it i.e.} $\\ell \\leq 1000$ for the CMB. For smaller scales, (larger $\\ell$) this method is non-optimal, as we show in section \\ref{master}. CMB power spectrum estimated from an incomplete sky map is the underlying full-sky power spectrum convolved with the power spectrum of the mask. This leads to coupling of modes in the estimated power spectrum. For high resolution experiments such as ACT and SPT which will map the small scale anisotropies of the CMB on small patches of the sky, this mode-mode coupling will be a serious problem. The reason is that CMB power spectrum is very red on those scales (it falls off as $\\ell^{-4}$ at large $\\ell$) and hence is highly vulnerable to the leakage of power due to mode-mode coupling. There are two methods to remedy this: to taper the map near the sharp edges, and to pre-whiten the CMB power spectrum. In order to minimize the loss of information due to applying a taper to the map, we use the multitaper method \\citep{Percival+93}. This method involves weighting the map with a set of orthonormal functions which are space limited but maximally concentrated in the frequency domain. Power spectrum of each of these tapered maps is a measurement of the power spectrum of that map with a different amount of mode coupling. Final power spectrum is obtained from a particular linear combination of these tapered power spectra that minimizes the bias in the estimated power spectrum. The use of multiple tapers also reduces the error-bars in the measured power spectrum. \\par Mode coupling is less harmful if the map has a nearly white power spectrum. Traditionally, an inverse covariance matrix weighting is used in analysis to prewhiten the maps \\citep{Tegmark}. This method works well, but is a computationally expensive, non-local operation and may be complicated to implement, specially for high resolution experiments \\citep{Dore, Smith}. We propose a simple and local prewhitening operator in real space (\\S~\\ref{prewhiten}) that is fast to implement and reduces the bias due to the leakage of power. This method prevents the unnecessarily large error bars at $\\ell \\gtrsim 1500$ due to the point source masks. Usually masks have sharp edges and holes at the positions of point sources. This leads to a mode-coupled power spectrum that is highly biased at large $\\ell$. Deconvolution of the mode-coupled power spectrum is a well-studied problem in the CMB data analysis literature \\citep{2002:Hivon} and has been applied to many experiments. But deconvolution of a highly biased power spectrum leads to large error bars in the final power spectrum at large $\\ell$. The mode coupling problem will be worse for the upcoming set of CMB experiments as bright point sources will be much more of a limiting foreground at high resolution.\\par As we show in \\S~\\ref{master}, prewhitening followed by the multitaper method for power spectrum estimation reduces the error-bars (specially at large $\\ell$) in the decoupled power spectrum (cf. Figs. \\ref{errorCompare} \\&~\\ref{PWMasteredErrors}).\\par We begin with a review of the multitaper method in one-dimension in \\S~\\ref{review} and discuss the salient features of the method, generalizing it to the two-dimensional case. Next, we discuss the statistical properties of multitaper spectrum estimators. As a simple application, we demonstrate the method in context of CMB power spectrum estimation in \\S~\\ref{application}. Next, we formulate the prewhitening method (\\S~\\ref{prewhiten}) and apply it to the case of CMB power spectrum estimation in presence of masks. In \\S~\\ref{master}, we describe the algorithm for deconvolving the power spectrum and the implications of the multitaper method and prewhitening in its context. We summarize and conclude in \\S~\\ref{conclusion}. ", "conclusions": "} Power spectrum estimation on small sections of the CMB sky is a non-trivial problem due to spectral leakage from the finite nature of the patch, which is further compounded by the application of point source masks. The direct application of standard decorrelation techniques, like the MASTER algorithm \\citep{2002:Hivon}, to obtain an unbiased estimate of the power spectrum leads to unnecessarily large uncertainties at high multipoles due to the highly biased nature of the pseudo power spectrum at those multipoles. We have put forward two techniques to reduce the uncertainties in the deconvolved power spectrum. First, we have formulated a two-dimensional adaptive multitaper method (AMTM) which produces nearly unbiased pseudo power spectra for maps without point source masks, by minimizing the leakage of power due to the finite size of the patch. This is achieved at the cost of lowered spectral resolution. The deconvolution of the pseudo power spectrum so produced, leads to an unbiased estimate of the true power spectrum that has several times smaller error bars at high multipoles than the deconvolved periodogram. In presence of point source masks, however, this method becomes non-optimal because the pseudo power spectrum estimated even by AMTM is no longer unbiased. To deal with the point source mask, we have put forward a novel way of prewhitening a CMB map, with manifestly local operations which has simple representations in the Fourier space. This operation produces a map, the power spectrum of which has several orders of magnitude lower dynamic range than the original map. This renders the leakage of power due to holes and edges a relatively benign issue for the prewhitened map. If the prewhitening operation can be tuned to make the power spectrum of the map nearly white, a pseudo power spectrum obtained via a simple periodogram may be nearly unbiased and therefore, can be deconvolved to give a precisely unbiased estimate of the power spectrum, thereby avoiding unnecessarily large error bars at large multipoles. If the map cannot be made sufficiently white for a periodogram, an AMTM method can be applied to the prewhitened map to guard against leakage and achieve the same result. We have shown that by applying these methods, one can reduce the error bar in the small scale power spectrum by a factor of $\\sim 4$ at $\\ell\\sim 3500$. This can be translated into a many-fold reduction in the required integration time of a CMB experiment to achieve some target uncertainty on the small scale power spectrum than that dictated by standard techniques. \\appendix \\begin{widetext}" }, "0809/0809.4024_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We investigate the occurrence of a CME-driven coronal dimming using unique high resolution spectral images of the corona from the Hinode spacecraft. Over the course of the dimming event we observe the dynamic increase of non-thermal line broadening in the 195.12\\AA{} emission line of \\ion{Fe}{12} as the corona opens. As the corona begins to close, refill and brighten, we see a reduction of the non-thermal broadening towards the pre-eruption level. We propose that the dynamic evolution of non-thermal broadening is the result of the growth of \\alfven{} wave amplitudes in the magnetically open rarefied dimming region, compared to the dense closed corona prior to the CME. We suggest, based on this proposition, that, as open magnetic regions, coronal dimmings must act just as coronal holes and be sources of the fast solar wind, but only temporarily. Further, we propose that such a rapid transition in the thermodynamics of the corona to a solar wind state may have an impulsive effect on the CME that initiates the observed dimming. This last point, if correct, poses a significant physical challenge to the sophistication of CME modeling and capturing the essence of the source region thermodynamics necessary to correctly ascertain CME propagation speeds, etc. ", "introduction": "Coronal dimmings, or ``transient coronal holes'' as they are sometimes known, have provoked great curiosity in the solar physics community since their initial observation with Skylab \\citep[][]{Rust1976, Rust1983}. They were first noticed as a rapid intensity reduction of the soft X-Ray corona around active regions, and have subsequently been connected to coronal mass ejections \\citep[CMEs; see, e.g.,][]{Forbes2000, Kahler2001}. Indeed, coronal dimmings are now viewed as the residual footprint of the CME in the corona \\citep[e.g.,][]{Thompson2000}, the radio and plasma signatures of which are observed in interplanetary space \\citep[e.g.,][]{Cane1984, Neugebauer1997, Attrill2008}. The connection between dimming and CME has been quantitatively fortified by the recent statistical surveys of \\citet{Reinard2008} and \\citet{Bewsher2008} using EUV instrumentation on the {\\em SOHO} spacecraft \\citep[][]{Fleck1995}. The former of these surveys indicates that at least 50\\% of front-sided CMEs have associated dimming regions, while the latter stressed that the relationship between the two phenomena is one that grows considerably when only narrowband spectroscopic observations are considered. Therefore, rigorously establishing the poorly understood physical connection between CMEs and coronal dimmings using detailed spectroscopic measurement is a must. We focus our analysis on observations of NOAA AR~10930 from the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer \\citep[EIS;][]{Culhane2007} on {\\em Hinode} \\citep[][]{Kosugi2007} between 19:00UT December 14 2006 and 06:00UT December 15 2006. This time period saw an X-Class flare and a $\\sim$1000km/s halo CME\\footnote{The CME properties were automatically derived from {\\em SOHO}/LASCO data by the NASA/GSFC CDAW ({\\url http://cdaw.gsfc.nasa.gov/}) and the Royal Observatory of Belgium/SIDC CACTUS \\citep[][\\-- {\\url http://www.sidc.be/cactus/}]{Robbrecht2004} catalogues.} emanating from this complex active region at around 20:12~UT \\citep[relative to SOHO/EIT imaging; ][]{Boudine1995}. In this Letter, we expand on the analysis of \\citet{Harra2007}, exploiting rare detailed spectroscopic measurements of a dimming region. EIS provides a tantalizing look at the dynamic behavior of EUV emission lines, and their non-thermal line widths in particular, over the course of the eruption. The interpretation of the dynamic evolution of the non-thermal line widths presented in this Letter forms a challenge to the rapidly increasing sophistication of numerical CME models, in that they need to cope with the complex thermodynamics of the CME source region. \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{0.65} \\plotone{f1.eps} \\caption{Contextual pre-CME images of NOAA AR 10930 from {\\em SOHO} and {\\em Hinode}. We show the closest EIT 195\\AA{} image to the start of the first EIS raster - shown inset as the peak intensity of the \\ion{Fe}{12} 195.12\\AA{} emission line. See the online edition of the journal to see a movie of the dimming evolution. \\label{f1}} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "\\label{discuss} \\citet{Harra2007} reported on the considerable (relative) blue-shifted Doppler velocities ($\\sim$40km/s) that emanated from the dimming region and are indicative of significant coronal outflows while the region is open. We believe that these outflows are real, are consistent with the measurements discussed above, and reinforce our belief that the transient dimmings are really short lived coronal holes. Unfortunately, the relative nature of the EUV Doppler measurements leaves some ambiguity in the absolute magnitude of these flows. However, we have demonstrated that the non-thermal line widths of these hot coronal emission lines also evolve dynamically, and are very responsive to the large-scale CME-related intensity fluctuations that historically constitute a coronal dimming event. The rapid growth of the coronal non-thermal line widths appears to be tied to the post-CME evacuation of the dimming region. Further, this rapid growth of non-thermal line widths is followed by a slow decrease, with values beginning to approach their pre-eruption levels - a result of the closing and gradual filling of the corona as the CME cuts its magnetic ties with the Sun \\citep[][]{Reinard2008, Attrill2008}. In an effort to explain this evolution, we invoke the ubiquitous presence of \\alfvenic{} plasma motions in the chromosphere \\citep[e.g.,][]{DePontieu2007} and corona \\citep[e.g.,][]{Tomczyk2007} and their likely connection to the non-thermal line widths measured in the upper atmosphere \\citep[e.g.,][]{Tomczyk2007,McIntosh2008}. The observed increase in non-thermal line width in the dimming region is consistent with sub-resolution Doppler broadening resulting from the increased amplitude of \\alfven{} waves in an increasingly rarefied plasma. For a constant volumetric energy flux in a uniform, unchanging, magnetic field, the amplitude of undamped \\alfven{} waves should grow, as the density drops, by a factor of $\\delta\\rho^{-1/4}$. Further, as the corona begins to refill, the wave amplitudes should shrink back to their nominal (pre-event closed magnetic topology) value, precisely as we have observed in this instance. We stress that the dynamic behavior of the 195.12\\AA{} non-thermal line widths is mimicked in the other spectrally isolated EIS lines studied for this event, but not shown in this Letter \\citep[][]{McIntosh2009}. The likely role of \\alfven{} waves in the acceleration of the fast solar wind \\citep[][]{Suzuki2005, DePontieu2007, Cranmer2007, Verdini2007} that originates in coronal holes and their observed connection following the passage of CMEs in interplanetary space \\citep[e.g.,][]{Neugebauer1997} is evocative. If a coronal dimming is indeed a transiently evolving coronal hole, then it {\\em must} carry some, if not all, of the same spectral, thermodynamic and compositional characteristics of its longer lived brethren. This implies that dimming regions are sources of fast wind streams blowing behind--in the magnetic envelopes of--CMEs. Such wind streams should ``switch-on'' on a timescale commensurate with the \\alfven{} crossing time of the region and ``blow'' for a length of time commensurate with that required for the open magnetic flux behind the CME to close again. If this conjecture is indeed true, we would expect that the amount of unsigned magnetic flux in the dimming region should correlate strongly with the speed of the eventual Interplanetary CMEs seen in situ - scaling with the amount of open wave-carrying magnetic flux \\citep[][]{Schwadron2008, McComas2008} - and observed by \\citet{Chen2006}. The potential link between CMEs, coronal dimmings and induced fast solar wind streams will require an increase in the sophistication of current numerical CME models to capture the rapidly evolving complex thermodynamic state of the lower boundary. Only then will we be able to assess the impact of the following wind stream on the CME. Such measures are essential to correctly estimate the propagation speed of CMEs and necessary for accurate space weather predictions. We surmise that the combination of the observed effect dictates that the evolution of the CME and the nearly instantaneous release of a fast wind stream are intrinsically coupled. This goes some way to explaining the frequent in situ observations of chromospheric compositional characteristics and the significant \\alfvenic{} modulation that closely follows the CME in interplanetary space \\citep[][]{Neugebauer1997, Skoug2004}. The influence of the dimming region-initiated wind stream on the flight characteristics of the CME remains to be seen. The hypothesis presented is one that we hope to directly test when the Coronal Multi-channel Polarimeter \\citep[CoMP;][]{Tomczyk2007,Tomczyk2008} instrument begins regular observation from the Mees Solar Observatory on Haleakala early in 2009." }, "0809/0809.2602_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study a sample of 43 early-type galaxies, selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) because they appeared to have velocity dispersions of $\\sigma\\ge$350~kms$^{-1}$. High-resolution photometry in the SDSS $i$ passband using the High-Resolution Channel of the Advanced Camera for Surveys on board the Hubble Space Telescope shows that just less than half of the sample is made up of superpositions of two or three galaxies, so the reported velocity dispersion is incorrect. The other half of the sample is made up of single objects with genuinely large velocity dispersions. None of these objects has $\\sigma$ larger than $426\\pm 30$~km~s$^{-1}$. These objects define rather different size-, mass- and density-luminosity relations than the bulk of the early-type galaxy population: for their luminosities, they are the smallest, most massive and densest galaxies in the Universe. Although the slopes of the scaling relations they define are rather different from those of the bulk of the population, they lie approximately parallel to those of the bulk {\\em at fixed $\\sigma$}. This suggests that these objects are simply the large-$\\sigma$ extremes of the early-type population -- they are not otherwise unusual. These objects appear to be of two distinct types: the less luminous ($M_r>-23$) objects are rather flattened, and their properties suggest some amount of rotational support. While this may complicate interpretation of the SDSS velocity dispersion estimate, and hence estimates of their dynamical mass and density, we argue that these objects are extremely dense for their luminosities, suggesting merger histories with abnormally large amounts of gaseous dissipation. The more luminous objects ($M_r<-23$) tend to be round and to lie in or at the centers of clusters. Their circular isophotes, large velocity dispersions, and environments are consistent with the hypothesis that they are BCGs. Models in which BCGs form from predominantly radial mergers having little angular momentum predict that they should be prolate. If viewed along the major axis, such objects would appear to have abnormally large velocity dispersions for their sizes, and to be abnormally round for their luminosities. This is true of the objects in our sample once we account for the fact that the most luminous galaxies ($M_r<-23.5$), and BCGs, become slightly less round with increasing luminosity. Thus, the shapes of the most luminous galaxies suggest that they formed from radial mergers, and the shapes of the most luminous objects in our big-$\\sigma$ sample suggest that they are the densest of these objects, viewed along the major axis. ", "introduction": "The most massive galaxies may place interesting constraints on models of galaxy formation (e.g. De Lucia et al. 2006; Almeida et al. 2007). But which observable one should use as a proxy for mass is debatable. If luminosity is a good proxy, then the Brightest Cluster Galaxies should be the most massive galaxies; this has led to considerable interest in their properties (Scott 1957; Sandage 1976; Thuan \\& Romanishin 1981; Malumuth \\& Kirschner 1981; Hoessel et al. 1987; Schombert 1987, 1988; Oegerle \\& Hoessel 1991; Lauer \\& Postman 1994; Postman \\& Lauer 1995; Crawford et al. 1999; Laine et al. 2003; Lauer et al. 2007; Bernardi et al. 2007a). \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[scale=1.33]{bernardi_A_fig1.ps} \\caption{Surface brightness isophotes of the objects in our sample, which provide the basis for determining which objects are singles. The two panels for each object show a larger $5\\times 5$~arcsec region with logarithmically spaced isophotes, and a $1\\times 1$~arcsec region with linearly spaced isophotes. Thick solid circle shows the size of the SDSS fiber; structure within this circle is likely to have contributed to the estimated velocity dispersion, whereas structures outside it have not.} \\label{A1} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[scale=1.33]{bernardi_A_fig2.ps} \\caption{Continued from previous figure. The assymetry in in the image which is second from top on the right is due to dust.} \\label{A2} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[scale=1.33]{bernardi_A_fig3.ps} \\caption{Continued from previous figure.} \\label{A3} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[scale=1.33]{bernardi_A_fig4.ps} \\caption{Continued from previous figure.} \\label{A4} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[scale=1.33]{bernardi_A_fig5.ps} \\caption{Continued from previous figure.} \\label{A5} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[scale=1.33]{bernardi_A_fig6.ps} \\vspace{-8cm} \\caption{Continued from previous figure.} \\label{A6} \\end{figure*} However, velocity dispersion is sometimes used as a surrogate for mass (the virial theorem has mass $\\propto R\\sigma^2$), so it is interesting to ask if a sample selected on the basis of velocity dispersion also contains the most massive galaxies. Such a sample is also interesting in view of the fact that black hole mass correlates strongly and tightly with velocity dispersion (Ferrarese \\& Merritt 2000; Gebhardt et al. 2000), so galaxies with large $\\sigma$ are expected to host the most massive black holes. With this in mind, Bernardi et al. (2006) culled a sample of $\\sim 100$ objects with $\\sigma > 350$~km~s$^{-1}$ from the First Data Release of the Sload Digital Sky Survey (SDSS DR1; Abazajian et al. 2003). The total area from which these objects were selected is about 2000~deg$^2$; for a spatially flat Universe with $\\Omega_m=0.3$ and Hubble constant $H_0 = 70$~km~s$^{-1}$, which we assume in what follows, this corresponds to a comoving volume of about $3.34\\times 10^8$~Mpc$^3$ out to $z=0.3$. Some of these objects turned out to be objects in superposition, evidence for which came primarily from the spectra (see Bernardi et al. 2006 for details). A random subset of the others, 43 objects in all, was observed with the High Resolution Camera of the Advanced Camera System on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST-ACS HRC). On the basis of this high-resolution imaging, we have been able to separate out the true singles from those which are objects in superposition. As a result, we are now able to study the properties of objects with large $\\sigma$. We describe the HST observations, our identification of the truly single objects, our classification of their isophotal shapes, and how we combine the HST imaging with SDSS data to determine the environments of these objects in Section~\\ref{hst}. The isophotal shapes of these objects are compared with those of BCGs in Section~\\ref{shapes}. Various scaling relations, size-luminosity, the fundamental plane, etc. are presented in Section~\\ref{scaling}. While these relations are different from those defined by the bulk of the early-type galaxy population, we show that they can actually be derived from the early-type scaling relations simply by studying what these relations look like at fixed velocity dispersion. These analyses show that our sample appears to contain two distinct types of objects: the more luminous objects tend to be round, have large sizes as well as velocity dispersions, and tend to be in crowded fields. Indeed, they are rounder than other objects of similar luminosities, so it is possible that they are prolate, and viewed along the long axis. The less luminous objects are not round, have abnormally small sizes and are not necessarily in crowded fields; even if rotational motions have compromised the SDSS velocity dispersion estimates, these objects may be amongst the densest galaxies for their luminosities. A final section summarizes our findings and discusses some implications of the bimodal distribution we have found, as well as of the fact that no galaxy appears to have a velocity dispersion larger than $426\\pm30$~km~s$^{-1}$. In a companion paper (Hyde et al. 2008), we study the surface brightness profiles of the objects classified as singles in much more detail, placing them in the context of other HST-based studies of early-type galaxies (e.g. Laine et al. 2003; Ferrarese et al. 2006; Lauer et al. 2007). ", "conclusions": "\\label{discuss} We used HST imaging (Figures~\\ref{A1}--\\ref{A6}) to separate genuinely single objects from those which are superpositions in a sample drawn from the SDSS DR1 and chosen to have $\\sigma\\ge 350$~km~s$^{-1}$. The abundance of these large $\\sigma$ objects that are singles is consistent with that given by extrapolating fits to the SDSS velocity function to higher $\\sigma$ -- there is no `toe' at $\\sigma > 400$~km~s$^{-1}$ (Figure~\\ref{phiv}). The scaling relations (size-$L$, mass-$L$ and density-$L$) defined by these objects are different from those defined by the bulk of the early-type galaxy population: for a given luminosity, these objects are amongst the most massive and densest early-type galaxies (Figures~\\ref{sizeL} and~\\ref{OvsL}). However, these differences can be understood by thinking of this sample as being the large-$\\sigma$ tail of the early-type galaxy population, but not being otherwise unusual. Table~2 lists the redshifts, luminosities, sizes, velocity dispersions, colors, Mg$_2$ abundances, shapes, and environments of these objects. (The luminosities, sizes and shapes have been corrected for known problems with SDSS sky-subtraction; Section~\\ref{photocorr}). These single galaxies with $\\sigma\\ge 350$~km~s$^{-1}$ appear to be of two types: the more luminous objects ($M_r<-23.5$ or so) are round ($b/a> 0.7$), whereas the less luminous objects are flatter (Figure~\\ref{ba}). In addition, Hyde et al. (2008) show that the HST-based surface brightness profiles of the low and high luminousity objects are `power-laws' and `cores' (in the language of Faber et al. 1997); the trend with luminosity is consistent with previous HST work on the centres of early-type galaxies, which shows that power-law galaxies may have significant rotation. The cores, in the galaxies which have them, are about a factor of ten smaller than the half-light radii. However, the cores are not unusually small for the total $L$ or $\\sigma$ (Hyde et al. 2008); this is in contrast to the half-light radii, which are (Figure~\\ref{sizeL}). On the other hand, if the objects we classify as power-laws actually have cores that are below our resolution limit, then the upper limits we can set to the core-size are already at the low-end of the expected sizes for their $\\sigma$, and perhaps also for their $L$ (Hyde et al. 2008). What do our observations imply for the formation histories of these two populations? At large $L$, these objects tend to be found in crowded fields so they may be BCGs. If so, then it is likely that they formed from merging or accreting smaller galaxies, and this would explain why their inner profiles are shallow. The puzzle is to explain why these objects are so much denser than the average galaxy or BCG of the same $L$ (bottom panels of Figures~\\ref{OvsL} and~\\ref{FP}), especially since the sizes of the inner core radii appear to be normal -- they do not appear to be small for their $L$ or $\\sigma$ (Hyde et al. 2008). One possibility is that these objects formed from predominantly radial mergers with little angular momentum. If the prolate objects which result are viewed along the long axis, this would produce slightly smaller half-light radii and slightly larger velocity dispersions. In this context, it is worth noting that the trend for the mean shape to become increasingly round as luminosity increases (e.g., Vincent \\& Ryden 2005) appears to reverse at $M_r<-23.5$ (Figures~\\ref{bazoom} and~\\ref{baLS}). This appears to be true for galaxies in the main sample, and for BCGs -- and is in qualitative agreement with models which postulate that radial mergers are common at large luminosities. Compared to this decrease in $b/a$ at large $L$, the luminous objects in our big-$\\sigma$ sample appear to be rounder than expected (Figure~\\ref{bazoom}), consistent with the hypothesis that projection effects have resulted in smaller sizes and larger velocity dispersions. Nevertheless, even if one accounts for this effect, these objects are amongst the densest BCGs for their luminosities. Whereas projection effects may be important at large $L$, they almost certainly cannot account for the flattened shapes we see at low $L$. We can think of two plausible models for these flattened objects. \\\\ i) These are objects which contain a substantial component that is rotationally supported. \\\\ ii) These are objects in which gaseous dissipation has been most efficient.\\\\ Option (i) must matter for the objects with $b/a\\le 0.6$, since anisotropic dispersions cannot produce extremely flat shapes. Indeed, the fact that we see small $b/a$ only at small $L$ (Figure~\\ref{ba}) suggests that these are examples of the low luminosity, fast-rotator population which has received considerable recent attention from e.g., the SAURON group (Cappellari et al. 2007). If so, then the SDSS velocity dispersions are artificially broadened by rotational motions, thus affecting the mass and density estimates. Reducing the mass estimates by the appropriate $b/a$-dependent factor would bring the flattened objects closer to the relation defined by the bulk of the population; it would also bring the objects closer to the $\\kappa_1+\\kappa_2=8$ boundary in $\\kappa-$space (Figure~\\ref{FP}). Further indirect evidence for rotation comes from Hyde et al. (2008) who show that these objects have `power-law' inner profiles, and significant amounts of dust. Previous work has shown that such objects often have a significant rotational component (e.g. Laine et al. 2003). Determining if this is the case for our sample requires spatially resolved kinematics. Nevertheless, we argue that even if one accounts for rotational motions, these objects are likely to remain the densest for their luminosities. Thus, it appears that both (i) and (ii) are true for these objects (e.g., Figure~\\ref{fig:mg2se} and related discussion). If the lower luminosity objects are indeed contaminated by rotation whereas the higher luminosity objects are not, then one might ask if the fact that both low and high luminosity objects define the same power-law scaling relations (Figures~\\ref{sizeL}--\\ref{kappa}) is simply fortuitous. However, both rotational and random motions contribute to the kinetic energy in the virial theorem. E.g., Appendix~B of Bender, Burstein \\& Faber (1992) suggests that using only the true $\\sigma$ of an isotropic oblate rotator underestimates the true mass by 35\\% if $b/a=0.6$. In addition, recent work on the velocity dispersion estimates of more distant objects suggests that including the effect of rotation on mass estimates may indeed be important (e.g. van der Vel \\& van der Marel 2008). So it may be that the contribution of ordered motions to SDSS velocity dispersion estimates helps to keep the scaling relations power-laws. In this regard, when comparing our sample of high-velocity dispersion galaxies with higher redshift z$\\sim$1.5 samples of passive galaxies (Figure~19 in Cimatti et al. 2008), the lower-luminosity galaxies in our sample populate a similar locus in the size, mass, surface density plane as the superdense z$\\sim$1.5 passive galaxies. It is possible that our low-redshift high-density galaxies are the rare examples of the high-redshift superdense galaxies which have not undergone any dry merging. This scenario is supported by the fact that the low luminosity galaxies in our sample are in low-density environments and have intact power-law centers. So it would be interesting to check if the superdense z$\\sim$1.5 galaxies are ``fast-rotators''. It is common to predict black hole abundances by transforming an observed luminosity or velocity dispersion function using an assumed scaling relation between black hole mass $M_\\bullet$ and galaxy $L$ or $\\sigma$ (e.g. Lauer et al. 2007; Tundo et al. 2007; Shankar et al. 2008). If one ignores the fact that there is scatter around the mean $M_\\bullet-L$ or $M_\\bullet-\\sigma$ relations, then one might conclude that the big-$\\sigma$ sample studied here would predict higher black hole masses from their $\\sigma$ than from their $L$s. However, the scatter is significant: the analysis in Bernardi et al. (2007b) shows how to include the possibility that the scatter in the $\\sigma-L$ relation is correlated with scatter in the $M_\\bullet-L$ and $M_\\bullet-\\sigma$ relations. See their Section 2.3 for a discussion of the effect of selecting objects with large $\\sigma$ for their $L$. Finally, we note that although we have focussed on the single objects in this sample, the superpositions are interesting in their own right. Because they are close superpositions in both angle and redshift, in which the spectra show little or no sign of recent star formation, and because they provide information about smaller scales than is possible with ground based data, they can be combined with other HST-based samples of early-type galaxies (e.g. Laine et al. 2003; Lauer et al. 2007) to constrain dry-merger rates more precisely than previously possible (e.g. Bell et al. 2006; Masjedi et al. 2007; Wake et al. 2008). Such combined samples can also be used to build more realistic models of the expected configurations of multiple-lens systems. These studies are in progress. \\small \\begin{table*} \\caption[]{Properties of the 23 objects identified as singles. Superscript $c$ means the inner profile is shallow core (from Hyde et al. 2008). Magnitudes, sizes, color and $b/a$ were computed by Hyde et al. (2008) on SDSS r-band images, while velocity dispersions and Mg$_2$ index-strenghts are from Bernardi et al. (2006). } \\begin{tabular}{ccccccccccccccc} \\hline &&&\\\\ ID$_{\\rm S}$ & $z$ & $M_r$ & $e_M$ & $g-r$ & $e_{g-r}$ & log$_{10} R$ & $e_R$ & $\\sigma$ & $e_\\sigma$ & Mg$_2$ & $e_{{\\rm Mg}_2}$ & $b/a$ & $e_{b/a}$ & Env \\\\ & & [mag] & [mag] & [mag] & [mag] & [kpc] & [kpc] & kms$^{-1}$ & kms$^{-1}$ & [mag] & [mag] & & & \\\\ \\hline &&&\\\\ 1 & 0.23949 & -23.40 & 0.06 & 0.74 & 0.04 & 1.00 & 0.03 & 360 & 37 & -- & -- & 0.74 & 0.04 & 0\\\\ $2^c$ & 0.19827 & -23.31 & 0.04 & 0.84 & 0.03 & 0.93 & 0.02 & 367 & 28 & -- & -- & 0.78 & 0.03 & 1\\\\ $3^c$ & 0.16773 & -23.59 & 0.03 & 0.84 & 0.02 & 1.09 & 0.02 & 367 & 29 & 0.307 & 0.010 & 0.80 & 0.02 & 0\\\\ $4^c$ & 0.32787 & -24.16 & 0.06 & 0.78 & 0.05 & 1.32 & 0.03 & 366 & 52 & -- & -- & 0.78 & 0.04 & 1\\\\ $5^c$ & 0.27775 & -24.09 & 0.05 & 0.83 & 0.04 & 1.24 & 0.03 & 371 & 30 & 0.324 & 0.009 & 0.84 & 0.04 & 1\\\\ $6^c$ & 0.21356 & -23.67 & 0.04 & 0.83 & 0.03 & 0.89 & 0.02 & 374 & 22 & 0.314 & 0.008 & 0.78 & 0.02 & 0\\\\ $7^c$ & 0.26271 & -24.38 & 0.04 & 0.77 & 0.04 & 1.36 & 0.02 & 372 & 29 & 0.310 & 0.009 & 0.73 & 0.03 & 1\\\\ $8^c$ & 0.24639 & -23.63 & 0.05 & 0.78 & 0.04 & 1.04 & 0.03 & 377 & 33 & -- & -- & 0.79 & 0.03 & 0\\\\ 9 & 0.20533 & -23.09 & 0.06 & 0.88 & 0.04 & 0.86 & 0.03 & 380 & 34 & -- & -- & 0.63 & 0.03 & 0\\\\ 10 & 0.22792 & -23.08 & 0.05 & 0.86 & 0.04 & 0.71 & 0.03 & 382 & 27 & -- & -- & 0.69 & 0.04 & 0\\\\ 11 & 0.15939 & -22.39 & 0.04 & 0.96 & 0.03 & 0.72 & 0.02 & 383 & 41 & -- & -- & 0.48 & 0.02 & 0\\\\ 12 & 0.15335 & -22.10 & 0.05 & 0.80 & 0.03 & 0.39 & 0.03 & 383 & 28 & 0.321 & 0.008 & 0.47 & 0.03 & 0\\\\ $13^c$ & 0.26275 & -24.20 & 0.04 & 0.81 & 0.03 & 1.24 & 0.02 & 383 & 34 & 0.316 & 0.009 & 0.63 & 0.02 & 1\\\\ $14^c$ & 0.23073 & -23.99 & 0.03 & 0.81 & 0.03 & 1.06 & 0.02 & 384 & 32 & 0.314 & 0.009 & 0.85 & 0.03 & 1\\\\ 15 & 0.21930 & -23.00 & 0.06 & 0.81 & 0.04 & 0.71 & 0.03 & 387 & 41 & -- & -- & 0.67 & 0.04 & 1\\\\ 16 & 0.28489 & -23.62 & 0.07 & 0.80 & 0.05 & 0.96 & 0.04 & 390 & 44 & -- & -- & 0.73 & 0.04 & 0\\\\ 17 & 0.12705 & -21.63 & 0.05 & 0.82 & 0.03 & 0.34 & 0.02 & 400 & 28 & 0.338 & 0.010 & 0.44 & 0.02 & 0\\\\ $18^c$ & 0.26965 & -24.20 & 0.05 & 0.77 & 0.03 & 1.20 & 0.03 & 399 & 35 & 0.315 & 0.009 & 0.87 & 0.03 & 1\\\\ 19 & 0.11610 & -21.85 & 0.03 & 0.83 & 0.02 & 0.20 & 0.02 & 412 & 27 & 0.351 & 0.009 & 0.61 & 0.02 & 1\\\\ 20 & 0.16037 & -22.44 & 0.04 & 0.88 & 0.03 & 0.53 & 0.02 & 405 & 26 & 0.371 & 0.009 & 0.60 & 0.03 & 0\\\\ $21^c$ & 0.29718 & -24.35 & 0.04 & 0.82 & 0.04 & 1.10 & 0.02 & 412 & 27 & 0.327 & 0.007 & 0.93 & 0.03 & 1\\\\ $22^c$ & 0.13343 & -22.74 & 0.02 & 0.81 & 0.01 & 0.63 & 0.01 & 423 & 31 & 0.367 & 0.010 & 0.70 & 0.02 & 1\\\\ $23^c$ & 0.25026 & -24.41 & 0.04 & 0.74 & 0.03 & 1.35 & 0.02 & 424 & 30 & 0.326 & 0.006 & 0.79 & 0.02 & 1\\\\ \\hline &&&\\\\ \\label{tab:singles} \\end{tabular} \\end{table*} \\normalsize" }, "0809/0809.2091_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Recent galaxy evolution models suggest that feedback from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) may be responsible for suppressing star formation in their host galaxies and the subsequent migration of these systems onto the red sequence. To investigate the role of AGN in driving the evolution of their hosts, we have carried out a study of the environments and optical properties of galaxies harboring X-ray luminous AGN in the Cl1604 supercluster at $z\\sim0.9$. Making use of \\emph{Chandra}, \\emph{HST}/ACS and \\emph{Keck}/DEIMOS observations, we examine the integrated colors, morphologies and spectral properties of nine moderate-luminosity ($L_{\\rm X} \\sim 10^{43}$ erg s$^{-1}$) type 2 Seyferts detected in the Cl1604 complex. We find that the AGN are predominantly hosted by luminous spheroids and/or bulge dominated galaxies which have colors that place them in the valley between the blue cloud and red sequence in color-magnitude space, consistent with predictions that AGN hosts should constitute a transition population. Half of the hosts have bluer overall colors as a result of blue resolved cores in otherwise red spheroids and a majority show signs of recent or pending interactions. We also find a substantial number exhibit strong Balmer absorption features indicative of post-starburst galaxies, despite the fact that we detect narrow [OII] emission lines in all of the host spectra. If the [OII] lines are due in part to AGN emission, as we suspect, then this result implies that a significant fraction of these galaxies (44\\%) have experienced an enhanced level of star formation within the last $\\sim1$ Gyr which was rapidly suppressed. Furthermore we observe that the hosts galaxies tend to avoid the densest regions of the supercluster and are instead located in intermediate density environments, such as the infall region of a massive cluster or in poorer systems undergoing assembly. Overall we find that the properties of the nine host galaxies are generally consistent with a scenario in which recent interactions have triggered both increased levels of nuclear activity and an enhancement of centrally concentrated star formation, followed by a rapid truncation of the latter, possibly as a result of feedback from the AGN itself. Our finding that the hosts of moderate-luminosity AGN within the Cl1604 supercluster are predominantly a transition population suggests AGN feedback may play an important role in accelerating galaxy evolution in large-scale structures. ", "introduction": "Several studies have demonstrated that galaxies segregate by rest-frame color, with passively evolving early-type galaxies forming a well defined ``red sequence'' and gas-rich, star forming systems located in a more diffuse ``blue cloud'' (e.g.~Baldry et al.~2004). This observed color bimodality is commonly thought to be the result of an evolutionary sequence, such that galaxies in the blue cloud quickly migrate onto the red sequence following the termination of star formation, leading to a sparsely populated transition zone between the two regions (Faber et al.~2007; although see Driver et al.~2006 for an alternative view). While simple passive evolution likely contributes to the migration of galaxies from blue to red, recent findings that galaxies exhibit reduced star formation rates as they assemble into regions of even moderate density (Lewis et al.~2002; Gomez et al.~2003) suggest that processes prevalent in richer environments must also play a role in terminating star formation and driving galaxy evolution. Recently merger-driven feedback from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) has been suggested as one such process (Hopkins et al.~2005, 2007; Somerville et al.~2008). In this scenario strong gravitational torques produced as a result of galaxy mergers funnel material to the nuclear region of a system, leading to elevated accretion onto the central black hole and enhanced star formation in the form of a nuclear starburst (Barnes \\& Hernquist 1991; Mihos \\& Hernquist 1996). If sufficiently energetic, the AGN eventually drives outflows that disrupt the host, effectively quenching ongoing star formation by removing the galaxy's gas supply (Springel et al.~2005; Hopkins et al.~2005). As the last generation of newly formed stars fade, the galaxy quickly migrates from the blue cloud to the red sequence, with the activity of the central black hole gradually declining over the same period. This feedback mechanism provides a method by which the overall properties of a galaxy can be regulated by its central black hole. Indeed there is a growing body of evidence that suggests AGN are directly linked to the evolution of their host galaxies. This includes the observed correlation between central black hole mass and the stellar velocity dispersion of a host galaxy's bulge (Gebhardt et al.~2000; Tremaine et al.~2002) and the coeval decline in both the cosmic star formation rate and nuclear activity since $z\\sim1$ (Boyle \\& Terlevich 1998). If AGN are directly responsible for driving the evolution of their hosts, then signs of recent or ongoing transformation should be present in these galaxies. This includes disturbed morphologies due to recent interactions, post-starburst signatures resulting from rapidly quenched star formation following a merger-induced enhancement, and colors consistent with the sparsely populated transition zone in the color-magnitude diagram. While many of these features are observed in the hosts of luminous quasars (QSO), studies of moderate-luminosity Seyferts ($L_{\\rm X}\\sim10^{43}$ erg s$^{-1}$) in this regard have produced mixed results. For example, while such AGN are predominantly found in massive, early-type galaxies which have younger stellar populations than their non-active counterparts (e.g. Kauffmann et al.~2003), only a small fraction show signs of recent merger activity (De Robertis et al.~1998; Grogin et al.~2005; Pierce et al.~2007). Likewise, although AGN are found in post-starburst galaxies more often than in normal galaxies (Heckman 2004, Yan et al.~2006, Goto et al.~2006), the fraction of Seyferts associated with post-starburst hosts at low redshift remains fairly small; on the order of $4\\%$ according to a recent study by Goto et al.~(2006). A clearer picture of the prevalence of AGN feedback as an evolutionary driver may be obtained by studying host galaxies in and around large-scale structures at high redshift. In addition to a considerably higher AGN density and galaxy merger rate at $z\\sim1$ relative to the present epoch (Barger et al.~2005; Kartaltepe et al.~2007), there are indications that AGN are triggered more often in structures than in the field (Gilli et al~2003; Cappelluti et al~2005; Eastman et al.~2007; Kocevski et al.~2008), presumably due to the presence of richer, dynamic environments where galaxy interactions are more common (Cavaliere et al.~1992). Several recent wide-field surveys have found that the colors of higher-redshift host galaxies are consistent with a population in transition (Sanchez et al.~2004; Nandra et al.~2007; Georgakakis et al.~2008; Silverman et al.~2008; although see also Westoby et al.~2007) and there are indications the fraction of AGN hosts exhibiting post-starburst signatures is higher at $z\\sim0.8$ (Georgakakis et al.~2008). Furthermore, Silverman et al.~(2008) found that a majority of host galaxies associated with two large-scale structures in the Extended \\emph{Chandra} Deep Field South (E-CDF-S) at $z\\sim0.7$ have colors consistent with the transition zone of the color-magnitude diagram. Coupled with the increased incidence of AGN in such regions, this finding implies that AGN related feedback may play an important role in accelerating galaxy evolution in large-scale structures. In this study we examine the environments and optical properties of galaxies hosting X-ray selected, moderate-luminosity AGN in the Cl1604 supercluster at $z=0.9$. The system is the largest structure mapped at redshifts approaching unity, consisting of eight spectroscopically confirmed galaxy clusters and groups and a rich network of filamentary structures. The system spans roughly 10 $h_{70}^{-1}$ Mpc on the sky and 100 $h_{70}^{-1}$ Mpc in depth. The complex structure of the supercluster, as mapped by extensive spectroscopic observations, is described in Gal et al.~(2008; hereafter G08) and our X-ray observations of the system are discussed in Kocevski et al.~(2008; hereafter K08). The Cl1604 supercluster is well suited for this study as it provides a diverse set of structures within which AGN may be preferentially found and a wide range of environments and local conditions that can help constrain the mechanisms responsible for triggering their activity. In the following sections we begin by describing our X-ray and optical observations of the Cl1604 system (\\S2) and the process by which we identify AGN in the supercluster (\\S3). This is followed by an examination of the morphology (\\S4.1), optical colors (\\S4.2), spectral properties (\\S4.3), and environments (\\S4.4) of the galaxies found to host AGN. We also determine the fraction supercluster members which harbor AGN and compare this to low-redshift results in \\S5. We discuss our results and their implications for the AGN feedback model in driving galaxy evolution in the Cl1604 system in \\S6. Finally we summarize our results in \\S7. Throughout this paper all quoted line equivalent widths are in the rest frame, magnitudes are in the AB system and we assume a $\\Lambda$CDM cosmology with $\\Omega_{m} = 0.3$, $\\Omega_{\\Lambda} = 0.7$, and $H_{0} = 70$ $h_{70}$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$. ", "conclusions": "In summary, we find that the X-ray selected AGN detected in the Cl1604 supercluster are largely hosted by luminous ($M_{V} < -21.1$), spheroidal and/or bulge dominated galaxies which are bluer than similar galaxies on the system's red sequence. The integrated colors of a majority of the hosts (5/8) place them in the valley between the supercluster red sequence and the more diffuse blue cloud. In half of the hosts, the bluer overall colors are the result of blue resolved cores in otherwise red spheroids. Given that the supercluster AGN luminosities do not reach the QSO level and the lack of obvious AGN contamination in their optical spectra, we interpret the blue cores as the result of recent star formation. Many of these galaxies do show signs of starburst activity within the last $\\sim1$ Gyr as $\\sim44\\%$ (4/9) of the host spectra exhibit either strong H$-\\delta$ absorption or a pronounced Balmer series. We also find a majority of hosts (6/9) show signs of recent or pending interactions, a possible indication of their triggering mechanism. With regard to environment, we observe that the hosts tend to avoid the densest regions of the supercluster and are instead located in intermediate density environments, such as the infall region of a massive cluster or in poorer systems undergoing assembly. Finally, we measure an increased fraction of supercluster members that harbor AGN relative to low-redshift ($z<0.3$) clusters, but we do not observe a substantial change from the fraction reported at $z\\sim0.6$. In general our observations are fairly consistent with theories that link AGN activity to galaxies undergoing transformation from star forming systems in the blue cloud to passively evolving galaxies on the red sequence. This is evidenced by the fact that (i) a significant fraction of the AGN hosts are located in the transition zone of the color-magnitude diagram, which is normally sparsely populated, (ii) several hosts show evidence of a recent enhancement of star formation that was abruptly terminated and (iii) there are indications of recent merger activity in many of the hosts, which are located in moderate-density environments thought to be conducive to galaxy interactions. An alternative theory that is also consistent with our observations is one of episodic star formation and AGN activity in red sequence galaxies triggered by galaxy interactions. In this scenario, AGN hosts in the supercluster are not in fact transitioning from blue to red, but instead from low to high luminosity (mass) on the red sequence. Many of these conclusions, especially those regarding the post-starburst-AGN connection, depend on our assumption that the [OII] emission lines seen in the host galaxies are due in part to AGN emission. We plan to test this assumption in the near future with near-infrared spectroscopic observations of each AGN host in order to obtain H$\\alpha$ and [NII] EWs and line ratios. The observations of one host which have already been completed have confirmed that AGN emission contributes to the galaxies [OII] line flux, leading to an overestimated SFR. If we find similar results for the remaining hosts, this will help confirm that a significant fraction of AGN in the Cl1604 supercluster have experienced a recent and rapid truncation of their star formation activity." }, "0809/0809.4742_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The first set of supermassive black hole mass estimates, published from 1977 to 1984 by \\'{E}. A. Dibai, are shown to be in excellent agreement with recent reverberation-mapping estimates. Comparison of the masses of 17 AGNs covering a mass range from about $10^6$ to $10^9 M_{\\sun}$ shows that the Dibai mass estimates agree with reverberation-mapping mass estimates to significantly better than $\\pm 0.3$ dex and were, on average, only 0.14 dex ($\\sim 40$\\%) systematically lower than masses obtained from reverberation mapping. This surprising agreement with the results of over a quarter of a century ago has important implication for the structure and kinematics of AGNs and implies that type-1 AGNs are very similar. Our results give strong support to the use of the single-epoch-spectrum (Dibai) method for investigating the co-evolution of supermassive black holes and their host galaxies. ", "introduction": "It is exactly 100 years this year since the publication of the first evidence of nuclear activity in galaxies \\citep{fath1908}. Over the last half century or so, active galactic nuclei (AGNs) have been the subject of increasingly intensive study which has resulted in tens of thousands of papers being published. \\citet{zeldovich64} and \\citet{salpeter64} proposed that the huge energy release lasting for millions of years from a typical AGN could be explained by the accretion of matter onto a supermassive black hole. In such accretion, the energy output efficiency may reach 43\\% of the accreting matter's rest mass energy. This gave the first estimates of lower limits to the masses of AGNs because the luminosity, $L$, cannot go much above the Eddington limit, $L_{Edd} \\sim 1.3 \\times 10^{38} (M/M_{\\sun})$ erg/s, so the mass of the black hole in an AGN has to be of the order of several million to several billion solar masses, depending on the luminosity of the AGN \\citep{zeldovich+novikov64}. While the Eddington limit gives a lower limit to the mass, $M_{BH}$, of the black hole, the actual mass could be orders of magnitude greater than this. To understand the working of AGNs, $M_{BH}$ needs to be determined observationally, so estimating $M_{BH}$ has always been considered to be a matter of utmost importance in AGN studies. If the motions of gas clouds are dominated by gravity, masses can be estimated in principle from the virial theorem if we know a velocity and an appropriate distance from the center (e.g., \\citealt{woltjer59}). The velocity along the line of sight can easily be determined from the Doppler broadening of emission lines, but determining the distance of the emitting material from the central object is difficult. It was not until the work of \\citet{dibai77,dibai78,dibai80,dibai81,dibai84a,dibai84b} that an attempt was made at a consistent spectroscopic determination of the masses of the central objects for a large sample of AGNs. This enabled Dibai to determine black hole masses and Eddington ratios, $L/L_{Edd}$, for dozens of AGNs for the first time \\citep{dibai80,dibai84b}, and to begin investigations in what promised to be (and indeed has turned out to be) a very fruitful area: the relationships between these quantities and other AGN parameters (see, for example, \\citealt{dibai84a} and \\citealt{dibai+zasov85}). Unfortunately, this work was cut short by Dibai's premature death, and in the two decades after his 1977 paper there were only a few papers by others using the Dibai method to estimate black hole masses (e.g., \\citealt{joly+85,wandel+yahil85,padovani+rafanelli88}). In the last decade, however, there has been an enormous growth of interest in determining masses by Dibai's method because of the close relationship between the masses of black holes and the masses of the bulges of their host galaxies (see \\citealt{kormendy+gebhardt01} for a review). It is only through the Dibai method that large numbers of black hole masses in AGNs can currently be determined, and the method has already been used in making tens of thousands of mass estimates for AGNs of all redshifts in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (e.g., \\citealt{mcclure+dunlop04,salviander+07,greene+ho07,shen+08}). It is therefore of interest to revisit the original Dibai mass estimates and see how they compare with more recent independent estimates. \\citet{dibai+pronik67} showed that the emitting regions of the broad and narrow components of AGN optical emission lines (what we now call the BLR and NLR respectively) had to originate in different locations in space, and that the emitting gas, in both cases, had to have a cloudy structure, that is, to fill only a small fraction, $\\epsilon$, of the volume of the corresponding region. It has long been recognized (e.g., \\citealt{bahcall+72}; see also \\citealt{bochkarev+pudenko75}) that BLR variability timescales could be used to estimate the effective distance of the emitting gas from the black hole, and hence to get masses via the virial theorem. \\citet{pronik+chuvaev72} presented the first long-term H$\\beta$ light curve for an AGN. \\citet{lyutyi+cherepashchuk72} and \\citet{cherepashchuk+lyutyi73} made narrow-band observations of three AGNs over several months and published the first actual estimates of BLR sizes from the time lag between continuum variability and line variability. \\citet{bochkarev+antokhin82}, \\citet{blandford+mckee82}, \\citet{capriotti+82}, and \\citet{antokhin+bochkarev83} independently developed methods for recovering information about the BLR from the response of the lines to continuum variations, a subject which has now become known as ``reverberation mapping''. Determining BLR sizes became practical and widespread with the introduction of cross-correlation techniques \\citep{gaskell+sparke86,gaskell+peterson87} a few years later. Once BLR radii were being reliably obtained from cross-correlation studies, the main remaining problem in estimating masses was in establishing that the gas motions were dominated by gravity. The dominant belief from the early days of AGN studies (e.g., \\citealt{burbidge58}) was that emission-line gas was outflowing from AGNs, and the virial theorem obviously cannot be applied to an outflowing wind. The idea of determining BLR kinematics diagnostics by line-profile variations was first brought forward by S.~N. \\citet{fabrika80}, then Dibai's graduate student. The first velocity-resolved reverberation mapping (\\citealt{gaskell88,koratkar+gaskell89}; see also \\citealt{shapovalova+01a, shapovalova+01b}) showed that the BLR was not outflowing, but instead showing some net inflow in combination with Keplerian and/or chaotic motion (see \\citealt{gaskell+goosmann08}). This discovery immediately permitted the first reverberation-mapping determinations of black hole masses \\citep{gaskell88}. Despite the promising results of the pioneering observations of \\citet{lyutyi+cherepashchuk72} and \\citet{cherepashchuk+lyutyi73}, it was emphasized by \\citet{bochkarev84}, confirming earlier calculations of \\citet{bochkarev+antokhin82} and \\citet{antokhin+bochkarev83}, that reliable results could only be obtained from of long time-sequences of well-sampled, high-accuracy, spectral and photometric observational data obtained through a large-scale international project. The urgent need for starting such collaborations was discussed in detail by \\citet{bochkarev87a,bochkarev87b}. The following decades saw the progress of the {\\it International AGN Watch} ({\\it IAW}) program (see \\citealt{clavel+91,peterson+91}, et seq.) aimed at determining the BLR size and structure from reverberation mapping. That project proved to be one of the largest global astronomical monitoring programs to date. More than 200 astronomers from 35 countries cooperated for 15 years in accumulating long, densely-sampled, UV, optical, and other wavelength time series for many AGN. As a result of this, and of additional optical monitoring campaigns, reverberation-mapping estimates of the AGN central black hole mass have now been obtained for over 40 AGNs (see \\citealt{peterson+04} and \\citealt{vestergaard+peterson06}). In this paper we make a comparison of AGN central object mass values from reverberation mapping campaigns with the masses obtained by Dibai over a quarter of a century ago. In Section 2 we briefly describe the assumptions made by Dibai. In Section 3 we compare the results yielded by the two methods. Section 4 discusses the implications of the comparison. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.4268_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We review our understanding of the kinematics of the LMC and the SMC, and their orbit around the Milky Way. The line-of-sight velocity fields of both the LMC and SMC have been mapped with high accuracy using thousands of discrete traces, as well as HI gas. The LMC is a rotating disk for which the viewing angles have been well-established using various methods. The disk is elliptical in its disk plane. The disk thickness varies depending on the tracer population, with $V/\\sigma$ ranging from $\\sim 2$--10 from the oldest to the youngest population. For the SMC, the old stellar population resides in a spheroidal distribution with considerable line-of-sight depth and low $V/\\sigma$. Young stars and HI gas reside in a more irregular rotating disk. Mass estimates based on the kinematics indicate that each Cloud is embedded in a dark halo. Proper motion measurements with HST show that both galaxies move significantly more rapidly around the Milky Way than previously believed. This indicates that for a canonical $10^{12} \\Msun$ Milky Way the Clouds are only passing by us for the first time. Although a higher Milky Way mass yields a bound orbit, this orbit is still very different from what has been previously assumed in models of the Magellanic Stream. Hence, much of our understanding of the history of the Magellanic System and the formation of the Magellanic Stream may need to be revised. The accuracy of the proper motion data is insufficient to say whether or not the LMC and SMC are bound to each other, but bound orbits do exist within the proper motion error ellipse.\\looseness=-2 ", "introduction": "\\label{s:intro} The Magellanic Clouds are two of the closest galaxies to the Milky Way, with the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) at a distance of $\\sim 50 \\kpc$ and the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) at $\\sim 62 \\kpc$. Because of their proximity, they are two of the best-studied galaxies in the Universe. As such, they are a benchmark for studies on various topics, including stellar populations and the interstellar medium, microlensing by dark objects, and the cosmological distance scale. As nearby companions of the Milky Way with significant signs of mutual interaction, they have also been taken as examples of hierarchical structure formation in the Universe. For all these applications it is important to have an understanding of the kinematics of the LMC and the SMC, as well the kinematics (i.e., orbit) of their center of mass with respect to the Milky Way and with respect to each other. These topics form the subject of the present review. Other related topics, such as the more general aspects of the structure of the LMC and SMC, the nature of the LMC bar, the possible presence of fore- or background populations, and the large radii extent of the Clouds are not discussed here. The nature, origin, and models of the Magellanic Stream are touched upon only briefly. All these topics are reviewed in others papers in this volume by, e.g., Harris, Majewski, Besla, Bekki, and others. ", "conclusions": "\\label{s:conc} The kinematics of the LMC are now fairly well understood, with velocities of thousands of individual tracers of various types having been fitted in considerable detail with (thick) disk models. Questions that remain open for further study include the reality and origin of kinematical differences between different stellar tracer populations, the differences between the gaseous and stellar kinematics, and the amount and origin of non-equilibrium features in the kinematics. The kinematics of the SMC are understood more poorly, but appear generally consistent with being a spheroidal system of old stars with an embedded irregular disk of gas and young stars. The HST PM work has provided the most surprising results in recent years, with important implications for both the history of the Magellanic System and the origin of the Magellanic Stream. Of course, it is natural in discussions about this to wonder about the robustness of the observational results. It should be noted in this context that many experimental features and consistency checks are built in that support the general validity of the HST PM results. These include: (1) the use of random telescope orientations causes systematic errors tied to the detector frame to cancel out when averaging over all fields; (2) the final PM errors are based on the observed scatter between fields, with no assumptions about the source and nature of the underlying errors; (3) two groups used different methods to analyze the same data and obtained consistent results; (4) P08 managed to measure a PM rotation curve for the LMC that is broadly consistent with expectation, which would have been impossible if the PM errors were in reality larger than claimed; (5) the difference between the LMC and SMC PMs is more or less consistent with expectation for a binary orbit, which would not generally have been the case if the measurements suffer from unknown systematics; (6) the LMC PM is consistent with expectation based on the line-of-sight velocity field of carbon stars (see Section~\\ref{ss:vtrans}); and (7) the LMC PM leads to an HI velocity field with a straight zero-velocity curve, by contrast to previously assumed values (see Section~\\ref{ss:vtrans}). One interesting feature in the observational PM results is that with the P08 PM values, there are no bound LMC-SMC orbits, given their different $\\mu_W$ and smaller error bars for the SMC compared to the K06b results. However, the SMC PM is significantly less certain that that for the LMC, due to the smaller number of fields observed with HST, and the fact that most of them were observed at a similar telescope orientation (which implies that potential systematic errors that are fixed in the detector frame do not average out when the results from different fields are combined). This underscores the need for additional PM observations. A third epoch of observations for most fields has already been obtained with HST/WFPC2, and preliminary analysis supports the validity of the results based on the first two epochs (Kallivayalil et al., these proceedings). A fourth epoch is planned with HST/ACS and HST/WFC3 in 2009. With the increased time baselines and use of multiple different instruments it will be possible to further reduce random errors and constrain possible systematic errors. In turn, this will allow new scientific problems to be addressed, such as the internal proper motion kinematics of the Clouds, and their rotational parallax distances (the distances obtained by equating the line-of-sight and proper motion rotation curves)." }, "0809/0809.4574_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Observations have evidenced that passively evolving massive galaxies at high redshift are much more compact than local galaxies with the same stellar mass. We argue that the observed strong evolution in size is directly related to the quasar feedback, which removes huge amounts of cold gas from the central regions in a Salpeter time, inducing an expansion of the stellar distribution. The new equilibrium configuration, with a size increased by a factor $\\gtrsim 3$, is attained after $\\sim$40 dynamical times, corresponding to $\\sim 2$ Gyr. This means that massive galaxies observed at $z\\geq 1$ will settle on the Fundamental Plane by $z\\sim 0.8$--1. In less massive galaxies ($M_{\\star}\\lesssim 2 \\times 10^{10}\\,M_{\\odot}$), the nuclear feedback is subdominant, and the mass loss is mainly due to stellar winds. In this case, the mass loss timescale is longer than the dynamical time and results in adiabatic expansion that may increase the effective radius by a factor of up to $\\sim 2$ in 10 Gyr, although a growth by a factor of $\\simeq 1.6$ occurs within the first 0.5 Gyr. Since observations are focused on relatively old galaxies, with ages $\\gtrsim 1\\,$Gyr, the evolution for smaller galaxies is more difficult to perceive. Significant evolution of velocity dispersion is predicted for both small and large galaxies. ", "introduction": "Several recent observational studies have found that massive, passively evolving, galaxies at $z>1$ are much more compact than local galaxies of analogous stellar mass (Ferguson et al. 2004; Trujillo et al. 2004, 2007; Zirm et al. 2007; Cimatti et al. 2008; Damjanov et al. 2008). Since similarly superdense massive galaxies are extremely rare or absent at $z\\simeq 0$ (Shen et al. 2003) a strong size evolution, by a factor $\\sim 3$ or more, is indicated. No convincing mechanism able to account for such size evolution has been proposed so far. In the following we show that an expansion consistent with the observed one is naturally expected as a consequence of feedback from active nuclei (Silk \\& Rees 1998; Granato et al. 2001, 2004), which is now widely recognized as a crucial ingredient of semi-analytic models (see, e.g., Di Matteo et al. 2008). In the local Universe spheroidal galaxies occupy a quite narrow region, the Fundamental Plane, in the 3-dimensional space identified by the effective or half-light radius $r_e$, by the central velocity dispersion $\\sigma_0$, and by the mean surface brightness within $r_e$ (Djorgovski \\& Davis 1987). The tight color-magnitude relation, the color-velocity dispersion relation, and spectral line indices imply that the bulk of stars of elliptical galaxies formed at $z\\geq 1.5$. The enhancement of $\\alpha$-elements abundances with respect to iron in massive elliptical galaxies entails that most of their stars formed within the first Gyr of their life (see Renzini 2006 for a comprehensive discussion). An additional key result is the generic presence of a Super Massive Black Hole (SMBHs) in the center of local elliptical galaxies. Its mass is directly proportional to the mass of the old stellar population, $M_{\\rm BH}\\sim 2\\times 10^{-3}\\,M_{\\star}$ (Magorrian et al 1998; see Ferrarese \\& Ford 2005 for a review), implying that quasars and spheroidal galaxies form and evolve in strict relation and with mutual feedback. Specifically, it has been suggested that the central SMBH grows until until its feedback unbinds the residual gas in the host galaxy and sweeps it out through a high velocity wind, thus halting both the star formation and its own fueling and establishing a relationship between the SMBH mass and the stellar velocity dispersion (Silk \\& Rees 1998). Strong AGN feedback also appears to be the only viable mechanism to explain the exponential cut-off at the bright end of the galaxy luminosity function (Croton et al. 2006) and the observed bimodality in the color-magnitude diagram of galaxies at $z\\gtrsim 1.5$ (Menci et al. 2006). Direct observational indications of massive outflows close to high redshift quasars, consistent with this scenario, have been reported (e.g. Simcoe et al. 2006; Prochaska \\& Hennawy 2008). As shown below, the amount of gas rapidly stripped from the central regions of the galactic halo can be large enough to drive a large increase of the galaxy size. The puffing up of a system by rapid mass loss is a well known phenomenon, extensively studied both analytically and through numerical simulations, with reference to galaxies (Biermann \\& Shapiro 1979), and, especially, to globular clusters (Hills 1980; Goodwin \\& Bastian 2006). Slower, adiabatic expansion is caused by mass loss due to stellar winds or supernova explosions (Hills 1980; Richstone \\& Potter 1982). In this {\\it Letter} we first summarize the effect of mass loss on the galaxy size evolution (\\S\\,2), then we present quantitative estimates on the evolution of the effective radius and of the central stellar velocity dispersion as a function of galactic mass, using the Granato et al. (2004) model as a reference (\\S\\,3), and finally, in \\S\\,4, we summarize and discuss our results. ", "conclusions": "The variation of the effective radius implies that elliptical galaxies spend the initial part of their life outside the 'local' fundamental plane and only subsequently settle on it. For massive galaxies ($M_\\star\\geq 2\\times 10^{10}\\,M_{\\odot}$), for which the expansion is mostly due to quasar-driven super-winds, Fig.~\\ref{fig:re} displays three steps in the evolution: {\\it i)} the end of the quasar phase at cosmic time $t_{\\rm QSO}\\simeq t_{\\rm vir}+\\Delta t_{\\rm burst}$, which corresponds to the end of the rapid mass loss; {\\it ii)} the intermediate time $t_{\\rm int}$ when the stellar component reaches a new virial equilibrium with a larger size; {\\it iii)} the present time $t_0$, at which a further, minor increase of the size is achieved due to stellar winds. The initial effective radius has been computed from eq.~(\\ref{eq:re}) with $f_{\\sigma}\\approx 1.3$. Equation~(\\ref{eq:fast}) shows that the size expansion can be extremely large as the fraction of expelled gas approaches 50\\% of the initial mass. However, at variance with the case of star clusters, confined by their own gravitation field, the presence of the DM halo, dynamically dominant at large radii, prevents the disruption and restricts the range of possible final structures of large elliptical galaxies. The time lapse required to reach the new virial equilibrium can be inferred from numerical simulations of stellar clusters, which show that the system reaches the new equilibrium after about 40 dynamical times (computed for the initial configuration), independently of the initial mass (Geyer \\& Burkert 2001; Goodwin \\& Bastian 2006). By scaling up this result, massive galaxies are expected to reach a new equilibrium after $\\sim 2\\,$Gyr, at $t_{\\rm int}\\sim t_{\\rm QSO}+2\\,$Gyr (asterisks in Fig.~\\ref{fig:re}). Since then only minor adiabatic mass losses occur, producing slight changes of radius and velocity dispersion (from asterisks to squares). We recall that the quasar activity statistically reaches its maximum at redshift $z\\sim 2$, corresponding to a cosmic time $t_{\\rm cosm}\\sim 3\\,$Gyr. The rapid mass loss is then expected to statistically peak at the same redshift, triggering size variations that stabilize after $\\sim 2\\,$Gyr. Thus the massive galaxies should on the average reach the local size-mass relation at $t_{\\rm cosm}\\sim 5\\,$Gyr, corresponding to $z\\sim 0.8$. This result is in keeping with sizes observed at $z \\lesssim 1$ (Cimatti et al. 2008) and with results of studies of the Fundamental Plane at $z\\leq 0.8$ (Renzini 2006). In the redshift interval $0.8 \\leq z \\leq 3$ a large scatter in the size--stellar mass relation is expected and indeed observed. This scenario may appear to be contradicted by observations of Ferguson et al. (2004), who found an average size $r_e\\simeq 1.7\\,$kpc for luminous Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) at $z\\simeq 4$, while we would expect $r_e\\sim 0.5\\,$kpc, inserting the appropriate masses in eq.~(\\ref{eq:re}). However as pointed out by Joung, Chen \\& Bryan (2008), the apparent effective radius could be a factor of about 3 larger than the intrinsic one, because of the presence of dust in the central star forming regions. In the case of rapid mass loss, the velocity dispersion of the stars at virial equilibrium scales as $\\sigma_{\\star}\\propto r_e^{-1/2}$. As shown by Fig.~\\ref{fig:sigma}, the size evolution illustrated by Fig.~\\ref{fig:re} brings the quite high velocities inferred from the observed values of $M_\\star$ and $r_e$ in the compact phase, to within the locally observed range. The structural evolution of low mass E galaxies follows a different path, driven by the slow mass loss due to galactic winds and supernova explosions, because their nuclear activity is of low power. Adopting a Chabrier (2005) Initial Mass Function (IMF), we find a mass loss of a factor of $\\sim 2$ on a time scale of several Gyrs (the factor is only $\\sim 1.4$ for a Salpeter (1955) IMF); after eq.~(\\ref{eq:slow}) the size increases by the same factor. However most of the expansion occurs when these galaxies are young. For a Chabrier IMF, already half a Gyr after the baryon collapse the size has increased by a factor of $\\sim 1.6$ (triangles in Fig.~\\ref{fig:re}) and the subsequent expansion is limited to a factor of $\\sim 1.3$ (squares). Thus such galaxies observed at ages $\\gtrsim 0.5\\,$Gyr should exhibit a size quite close to that of local spheroidal galaxies with the same stellar mass. As a consequence, high-$z$ galaxies with $M_\\star < 2\\times 10^{10}\\,M_{\\odot}$ should also exhibit a smaller scatter in the effective radius--stellar mass relation. They are predicted to have significantly more compact sizes only at ages $\\lesssim 0.5\\,$Gyr, when their star formation rates are of tens $M_\\odot$/yr (see Fig.~1 of Lapi et al. 2006), typical of relatively low luminosity, high-$z$ LBGs. In the adiabatic expansion case the velocity dispersion scales as $\\sigma_{\\star}\\propto r^{-1}$. Again, this brings the high initial velocities within the locally observed range. As apparent from Fig.~\\ref{fig:re}, we predict significant evolution for galaxies with $M_{\\star}\\geq 2\\times 10^{10}$ M$_{\\odot}$, well below the threshold of $M_{\\star}\\geq 5\\times 10^{11}\\,M_{\\odot}$ implied by the semi-analytic model of Khochfar \\& Silk (2006). In conclusion we suggest that the rapid mass loss driven by the quasar feedback is the main agent of the size and velocity dispersion evolution of massive spheroidal galaxies. Lower-mass galaxies experience a weaker, but non negligible evolution (of amplitude depending on the adopted IMF), due to mass loss mainly powered by supernova explosions; most of it occurs during their active star-formation phase. Although our calculations have been carried out in the framework of the Granato et al. (2004) model, this evolutionary behaviour is a generic property of all models featuring large mass loss due to quasar and/or supernova feedback. Observational evidences, some of which are briefly summarized in \\S\\,\\ref{sect:size}, suggest that quasar driven high velocity outflows may have removed from the central regions of massive galaxies a gas mass comparable to the mass in stars on a timescale shorter than the dynamical time. If so, simple, model independent, physical arguments, presented in \\S\\,\\ref{sect:loss}, imply a swelling of the stellar distribution and a decrease of the stellar velocity dispersion. The model contributes detailed, testable, predictions on the evolution of the effective radius and of the velocity dispersion as a function of the galactic age and of the halo mass. It specifically predicts different evolutionary histories for galaxies with present day stellar masses above and below $M_{\\star}= 2\\times 10^{10}\\, M_{\\odot}$. The energy injected by dry mergers into the stellar systems can also enlarge their size. However mergers increase the mass in stars too, and, to first order, move galaxies roughly parallel to the size-mass relation (van Dokkum et al. 2008; Damjanov et al. 2008), while the data show size evolution at fixed mass in stars. The simple analysis presented in this {\\it Letter} is intended to be a first exploration, sketching a promising scenario for interpreting challenging observational results. This scenario can be tested, on one side, by numerical simulations with appropriate time resolution, properly taking into account the interactions between baryons and DM, and, on the other side, by observations of size and velocity dispersion especially of lower mass high-$z$ galaxies, that are expected to show an evolutionary behaviour different from that of massive galaxies because of the different mass loss history." }, "0809/0809.3448_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We model the nonlinear saturation of the r-mode instability via three-mode couplings and the effects of the instability on the spin evolution of young neutron stars. We include one mode triplet consisting of the r-mode and two near resonant inertial modes that couple to it. We find that the spectrum of evolutions is more diverse than previously thought. We start our evolutions with a star of temperature $\\sim 10^{10}$ K and a spin frequency close to the Kepler break-up frequency. We assume that hyperon bulk viscosity dominates at high temperatures (T $\\sim$ $10^9-10^{10}$ K) and boundary layer viscosity dominates at lower temperatures ($\\sim$ a few $\\times$ $10^8$ K). To explore possible nonlinear behavior, we vary properties of the star such as the hyperon superfluid transition temperature, the strength of the boundary layer viscosity, and the fraction of the star that cools via direct URCA reactions. The evolution of the star is dynamic and initially dominated by fast neutrino cooling. Nonlinear effects become important when the r-mode amplitude grows above its first parametric instability threshold. The balance between neutrino cooling and viscous heating plays an important role in the evolution. Depending on the initial r-mode amplitude, and on the strength of the viscosity and of the cooling this balance can occur at different temperatures. If thermal equilibrium occurs on the r-mode stability curve, where gravitational driving equals viscous damping, the evolution may be adequately described by a one-mode model. Otherwise, nonlinear effects are important and lead to various more complicated scenarios. Once thermal balance occurs, the star spins-down oscillating between thermal equilibrium states until the instability is no longer active. The average evolution of the mode amplitudes can be approximated by quasi-stationary states that are determined algebraically. For lower viscosity we observe runaway behavior in which the r-mode amplitude passes several parametric instability thresholds. In this case more modes need to be included to model the evolution accurately. In the most optimistic case, we find that gravitational radiation from the r-mode instability in a very young, fast spinning neutron star within about 1 Mpc of Earth may be detectable by advanced LIGO for years, and perhaps decades, after formation. Details regarding the amplitude and duration of the emission depend on the internal dissipation of the modes of the star, which would be probed by such detections. ", "introduction": "\\footnotetext[1]{Current affiliation: Center for Gravitational Wave Physics, Department of Physics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA} Neutron stars are believed to be born in the aftermath of core-collapse supernova explosions as the stellar remnant becomes gravitationally decoupled from the stellar ejecta. Two interesting and timely question are: (1) Do neutron stars spin at millisecond periods at birth or do they spin closer to the observed periods of young pulsars?; (2) Do they emit gravitational radiation that is detectable by interferometers on Earth? % Theoretically, conservation of angular momentum in the core collapse of a $8 - 30 M_\\odot$ progenitor can lead to a newborn neutron star with a period of $\\sim 1$ ms or shorter. Observationally, the fastest known young pulsar is in the Large Magellanic Cloud supernova remnant N157B, and has a rotation period of 16 ms \\cite{16msDiscovery}. The Crab pulsar is the next fastest neutron star in a supernova remnant with an age $\\sim 10^3$ yr. Its current rotation period is 33 ms. Its initial period is estimated to be $\\sim 19$ ms \\cite{WangLai05} by assuming the rotational spin-down is well described by a power law $\\dot{\\Omega} \\propto - \\Omega^n$ with braking index $n = 2.51 \\pm 0.01$ \\cite{lyne}. One way to predict the distribution of initial pulsar periods is through population synthesis studies. These studies generally use present day observations with some assumption of their time evolution to reconstruct the birth distribution periods and magnetic fields of the pulsar population. Current studies favor initial periods in the range of several tens to several hundreds of milliseconds \\cite{kaspi2006, perna2007}. The apparent discrepancy between the theoretically possible fast rotation rates and the observed slow rotation rates of young neutron stars could be reconciled if the r-mode instability or some other mechanism could spin neutron stars down efficiently, preventing them from maintaining millisecond periods. R-modes are quasi-toroidal oscillations in rotating fluids that occur because of the Coriolis effect. These modes are driven unstable by gravitational radiation reaction via the Chandrasekhar-Friedman-Schutz (CFS) mechanism \\cite{C,FS}. In the absence of fluid dissipation, the CFS mechanism causes any mode that is retrograde in the co-rotating frame, but prograde in the inertial frame, to grow as gravitational radiation is emitted \\cite{nils, Sharon}. The most unstable r-mode is the $n=3, m=2$ mode, called the r-mode throughout the rest of the paper (Here $n$ and $m$ label the degree and order of the Legendre functions associated with the mode.) The gravitational driving equals viscous dissipation for this mode along a critical curve in the angular velocity - temperature ($\\Omega-T$) phase space. Above the critical curve the r-mode is linearly unstable and the r-mode amplitude grows exponentially. Once the r-mode amplitude passes its first parametric instability threshold, other near-resonant inertial modes are excited via energy transfer from the r-mode. At this point nonlinear effects become important. The parametric instability threshold amplitude depends on internal neutron star physics and changes with angular velocity and temperature. The first investigation that modeled the spin-down of a young neutron star due to the r-mode instability was performed by Lindblom {\\it et al.\\ }\\cite{LOM} (See also Owen {\\it et al.}~\\cite{OwenEtAl} for a more detailed analysis.) They used a simple one-mode evolution model that assumes the r-mode amplitude saturates because of nonlinear effects at some arbitrarily fixed value. The saturation amplitude was chosen to be of order 1. In this model, once the instability is saturated, the star spins down at fixed r-mode amplitude. Lindblom {\\it et al.\\ }estimated that a newborn neutron star would cool to approximately $10^9$ K and spin down from a frequency close to the Kepler frequency to about 100 Hz in $\\sim$ 1 yr. In their calculation they included the effects of shear viscosity and bulk viscosity for ordinary neutron star matter composed of neutrons, protons and electrons and assumed modified URCA cooling. Jones \\cite{Jones} and Lindblom \\& Owen \\cite{LO} pointed out that if the star contains exotic particles such as hyperons, internal processes could lead to a very high bulk viscosity in the cores of neutron stars. They predicted that for young neutron stars this viscosity would either eliminate the instability altogether or leave a short window of instability of up to a day or so for modified URCA cooling \\cite{LO,mohit} that would render the gravitational radiation undetectable. Andersson, Jones, and Kokkotas \\cite{AJK} found that, in the case of strange stars, young neutron stars can evolve along the r-mode stability curve reaching a quasi-adiabatic equilibrium at low r-mode amplitudes. Similar conclusions were reached by Reisenegger \\& Bonacic \\cite{nonlinearbulk2} for large hyperon bulk viscosity. We include nonlinear effects and find that the spectrum of possible evolutions is more diverse. Quasi-equilibrium evolutions along the r-mode stability curve are just one scenario. Schenk {\\it et al.\\ }\\cite{Schenk} developed a formalism to study nonlinear interactions of the r-mode with other inertial modes. They assumed a small r-mode amplitude and treated the oscillations of the modes with weakly nonlinear perturbation theory via three-mode couplings. This assumption was tested by Arras {\\it et al.\\ } \\cite{arras} and Brink {\\it et al.} \\cite{Jeandrew1, Jeandrew2, Jeandrew3,JeandrewThesis}. Arras {\\it et al.} proposed that a turbulent cascade will develop in the strong driving regime. They estimated that the r-mode amplitude was small and could have values between $10^{-4} - 10^{-1}$. Brink {\\it et al.\\ }computed the interactions of about 5000 modes via approximately $1.3 \\times 10^6$ couplings among modes with $n \\le 30$. They modeled the star as incompressible and calculated the coupling coefficients analytically. The couplings were restricted to near resonant modes with a fractional detuning of $\\delta \\omega/(2 \\Omega) < 0.002$. Brink {\\it et al.\\ }showed that the nonlinear evolution saturates at amplitudes comparable with the lowest parametric instability threshold. They did not include spin or temperature evolution in their calculation. In a previous paper \\cite{us} we investigated the nonlinear saturation of the r-mode instability for neutron stars in LMXBs and included temperature and spin evolution. In this paper we begin a study of the nonlinear development of the r-mode instability in newborn neutron stars. We use an effective three-mode treatment in that we include one triplet of modes with a statistically relevant coupling and detuning coefficient and treat it as the lowest parametric instability threshold. The triplet consists of the $n=3$, $m=2$ r-mode and two near-resonant inertial modes with $n=14$ and $n=15$ that couple to it. The exact inertial modes that are excited when the r-mode grows above its parametric instability threshold will change as the star spins down. However, since the nearest resonance is statistically expected to be at a detuning of $\\delta \\omega/2 \\Omega \\sim 10^{-4}$ and the mode coupling coefficient for the lowest parametric instability threshold is typically of order one~\\cite{JeandrewThesis}, a mode triplet using these values should provide a qualitatively correct picture. The model also includes neutrino cooling via a combination of fast and slow processes, viscous heating due to hyperon bulk viscosity and boundary layer viscosity, and spin-down due to gravitational radiation and magnetic dipole radiation. In oder to explore possible nonlinear behaviors we vary: (1) the hyperon superfluid transition temperature $T_{\\rm h}$, which is believed to be $\\sim 10^9-10^{10}$ K; (2) the strength of the hyperon bulk viscosity; (3) the boundary layer viscosity via the slippage factor $S_{\\rm ns}$ that parametrizes the interaction between oscillating fluid core and the elastic crust \\cite{LU, GA}; and (4) the fraction of the star that cools via direct URCA reactions $f_{\\rm dU}$. We find a variety of scenarios that depend on these parameters and on the initial r-mode amplitude. The star cools until the cooling is balanced by viscous heating. It then follows a quasi-adiabatic evolution either on the r-mode stability curve or on other Cooling = Heating curves on which the neutrino cooling is balanced by viscous heating from the three modes. For low hyperon bulk viscosity or when we include only slow cooling, we find runaway behavior in which the energy dissipated by the two inertial modes is not sufficient to stop the growth of the r-mode amplitude and several parametric instability thresholds are passed. Modeling such behavior accurately requires the inclusion of multiple mode triplets, which is beyond the scope of this paper. The three mode problem is a natural first step in studying nonlinear effects for the r-mode instability. This model is valid as long as the r-mode amplitude does not grow above parametric instability thresholds that are higher than the lowest threshold. The thresholds are functions of the angular velocity and temperature of the star and depend on the viscous damping rates of the modes and model details. The star cools at constant angular velocity until the cooling is stopped by viscous heating and then spins down oscillating between thermal equilibrium states until the r-mode is no longer unstable. The r-mode amplitudes we find are still fairly low $\\sim 10^{-2} - 10^{-3}$ and the spin-down torque due to gravitational radiation reaction is typically lower than that due to magnetic dipole radiation. So, the spin down timescale, which is approximately the timescale on which the r-mode is unstable, is dominated by the magnetic dipole radiation timescale for $B \\sim 10^{13}$ G. Our evolutions are determined by competitions between cooling and heating, gravitational driving and viscous damping, and magnetic dipole and gravitational spin-down with the competition between cooling and heating playing the most prominent role. We expect that some of this behavior will hold for more sophisticated models as well. Our evolutions are determined by competitions between neutrino cooling and viscous heating, gravitational driving and viscous dissipation, neutrino cooling and gravitational driving, neutrino cooling and magnetic spin-down of the star with the competition between cooling and heating placing the most prominent role. The three-mode model is adequate as long as the mode amplitudes do not grow high enough to excite more modes in the star. Stable three-mode evolutions are more likely to happen for high viscosity such that due hyperons. % The results are summarized in Sec.\\ \\ref{summary}. Model details are presented in Sec.\\ \\ref{MB}. Stable evolutions are examined in detail Sec.~\\ref{stable}. The runaway evolutions are discussed in Sec.~\\ref{unstable}. The prospects of detecting gravitational radiation are considered in Sec.~\\ref{detection}. Limitations of the model are discussed in Sec.\\ \\ref{limitations}. Concluding remarks are presented in Sec.\\ \\ref{conclusion}. % ", "conclusions": "\\label{conclusion} This paper is the first treatment of the r-mode instability that uses a physical model for nonlinear saturation in newborn neutron stars. We use one triplet of modes: the $n=3, m=2$ r-mode, and two near-resonant inertial modes that couple to it. Nonlinear effects become important when the r-mode amplitude grows above its parametric instability threshold. This threshold provides a physical cutoff to the r-mode instability by energy transfer to other inertial modes in the system. The behavior we find is richer than expected from previous work. We find a variety of evolutions that depend on internal neutron star physics, which is still very uncertain. The competition between viscous heating and neutrino cooling plays the most prominent role. Once the cooling is stopped by dissipative heating, the star spins down oscillating around quasi-steady thermal equilibrium. Our model has some schematic aspects. We use typical detuning and coupling coefficients that will change as the model becomes more sophisticated. The detuning is roughly inversely proportional to the number of direct couplings to the r-mode, which is a function of the number of modes included. Some evolutions are independent of this frequency difference between modes. When the inertial mode viscosity is larger than the detuning, the parametric instability threshold becomes independent of the detuning. The threshold in the strong viscosity limit coincides with its value for zero detuning among the frequencies of the mode triplet and still leads to significant nonlinear effects. Some of our evolutions lead to a gravitational radiation amplitude that is detectable by Advanced LIGO. Assuming a broad band Advanced LIGO curve with two detectors and an integration time of about two weeks, we find that gravitational radiation would be detectable within about 1 Mpc of Earth. The sources would have to be young neutron stars within years or perhaps decades after formation. The gravitational wave amplitude and the duration of the emission depend on the internal dissipation of the modes of the star. Significant spin-down of the star over short periods of time ($\\sim$ weeks) would make detection challenging. However, if fast spinning young neutron stars exist and are detected, the gravitational wave amplitude could give unique information on internal neutron star physics." }, "0809/0809.1217_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{Extremely metal-deficient [\\oh$\\la$7.6] emission-line galaxies in the nearby universe are invaluable laboratories of extragalactic astronomy and observational cosmology since they allow us to study collective star formation and the evolution of galaxies under chemical conditions approaching those in distant protogalactic systems. However, despite intensive searches over the last three decades, nearby star-forming (SF) galaxies with strongly subsolar metallicity remain extremely scarce. } {We searched the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the Six-Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (6dFGRS) for promising low-metallicity candidates using a variety of spectroscopic criteria. } {We present long-slit spectroscopy with the 3.6m ESO telescope of eight \\h2\\ regions in seven emission-line dwarf galaxies, selected from the Data Release 4 of SDSS (six galaxies) and from 6dFGRS (one galaxy). In addition, we use SDSS imaging data to investigate the photometric structure of the sample galaxies. } {From the 3.6m telescope spectra, we determine the oxygen abundance of these systems to be \\oh$\\la$7.6, placing them among the most metal-poor star-forming galaxies ever discovered. Our photometric analysis reveals a moderately blue, stellar host galaxy in all sample galaxies.} {The detection of a stellar host in all galaxies studied here and all previously studied extremely metal-deficient SF galaxies implies that they are unlikely to be forming their first generation of stars. With regard to the structural properties of their host galaxy, we demonstrate that these systems are indistinguishable from blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies. However, in contrast to the majority ($>$90\\%) of BCDs that are characterised by red elliptical host galaxies, extremely metal-poor SF dwarfs (hereafter XBCDs) reveal moderately blue and irregular hosts. This is consistent with a young evolutionary status and in the framework of standard star formation histories implies that several XBCDs formed most of their stellar mass in the past $\\sim$2 Gyr. A large fraction of XBCDs reveal a \\emph{cometary} morphology due to the presence of intense SF activity at one edge of an elongated host galaxy with a gradually decreasing surface brightness towards its antipodal end. } ", "introduction": "} The identification and detailed studies of chemically unevolved, star-forming (SF) galaxies in the nearby universe, of almost pristine chemical composition, is a major task for contemporary observational cosmology. Some important aspects of these studies are the following. First, systematic studies of SF galaxies with strongly subsolar metal abundances are indispensable for placing tight observational constraints on the primordial $^4$He abundance $Y_{\\rm p}$ \\citep[][and references therein]{ITS2007,Peimbert2007}. Secondly, the metallicity plays a key role in virtually all aspects of star- and galaxy evolution since it influences e.g. a) the production rate of Lyman continuum photons and efficiency of radiative winds in massive stars \\citep[see e.g.][]{L92,SchaererdeKoter1997,Kudritzki2002}, including the properties of Wolf-Rayet stellar populations \\citep{Izotov1997-IZw18,ShaererVacca1998,Guseva2000-WR,Crowther2006,Brinchman2008}, as well as b) the cooling efficiency of the hot ($\\sim 10^7$ K) X-ray emitting gas \\citep{BoehringerHensler1989}, recognised to be an ubiquitous component of starburst galaxies \\citep[see e.g.][]{Heckman1995-NGC1569,PapaderosFricke1998a,Martin2002-NGC1569,Ott2005b}. Spatially resolved studies of extremely metal-poor nearby SF galaxies may therefore yield crucial insights into the early evolution of faint protogalactic systems forming out of primordial or almost metal-free gas in the young universe. The most suitable nearby objects for exploring these issues are blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies. These galaxies form a morphologically heterogeneous class of intrinsically faint ($M_B$ $\\ga$ --18 mag) extragalactic systems undergoing intense starburst activity on a spatial scale of typically $\\sim$1 kpc \\citep[see][hereafter P02 and references therein]{Papaderos2002-IZw18}. In $\\sim$90\\% of the local BCD population, SF activity proceeds in one or several luminous \\h2\\ regions within the central part of a more extended, low-surface brightness (LSB) elliptical host galaxy \\citep[][hereafter LT86 and P96a, respectively]{LooseThuan1986,Papaderos1996a}. This red (0.8$\\la B-R\\,\\,{\\rm (mag)}\\la$1.2; P96a) galaxy host contains, on average, one half of the optical emission of a BCD \\cite[][hereafter P96b]{Papaderos1996b} and typically dominates the line-of-sight intensity of this system for surface brightness levels fainter than 24.5 $B$ \\sbb\\ (P96a, P02). Deep surface photometry in the optical and near infrared \\citep{Noeske2003-NIR,Cairos2003-NIR,GildePazMadore2005} and colour-magnitude-diagram analyses \\citep[e.g.,][]{SchulteLadbeck1999-7Zw403,Tosi2001-NGC1705} confirmed the earlier conclusion (LT86, P96b) that BCDs are, overwhelmingly, evolved gas-rich dwarfs undergoing recurrent starburst activity. BCDs are the most metal-deficient emission-line galaxies known in the nearby universe. However, while all BCDs show subsolar chemical abundances, it is notoriously difficult to find extremely metal-deficient systems in the range \\oh$\\la$7.6. The BCD abundance distribution peaks at \\oh$\\approx$8.1 with a sharp drop-off at lower values \\citep{Terlevich1991,Thuan1995,IT98a,KunthOstlin2000}. One of the first BCDs discovered, I\\,Zw\\,18 \\citep{SargentSearle1970} with \\oh=7.17$\\pm$0.01 \\citep{Izotov1997-IZw18}, held the record as the most metal-deficient SF galaxy known for more than three decades. Only very recently was this system replaced in the metallicity ranking by the BCD SBS 0335--052\\,W with an oxygen abundance \\oh=7.12$\\pm$0.03 \\citep{Izotov2005-SBS0335W}. Despite large observational efforts over the past three decades and systematic studies of several $10^5$ catalogued emission-line galaxies, less than 20 BCDs with \\oh$\\la$7.6 (hereafter XBCDs) were identified in the nearby ($z\\la 0.04$) universe until a few years ago \\citep[][and references therein]{KunthOstlin2000}. Since then substantial progress has been achieved, and more than one dozen further XBCDs discovered \\citep{K03,K04b,Guseva2003-SBS1129,Guseva2003-HS1442, Pustilnik2005-DDO68,Pisano2005,Pustilnik2006-HS2134, Izotov2006-2XBCD,Papaderos2006-2dF,IzotovThuan2007-MMT,Kewley2007-SDSS0909}. At higher redshift ($0.2 \\la z \\la 0.8$), dedicated surveys utilising 10m-class telescopes and optimised search strategies led to the discovery of about ten more SF dwarf galaxies with \\oh$\\la$7.6 and an absolute rest-frame magnitude in the range of BCDs \\citep{Kakazu2007}. In spite of the extreme scarcity and intrinsic faintness of XBCDs, there is therefore a tangible prospect of unveiling a significant number of these systems in the years to come. \\begin{table*} \\caption{Coordinates of the sample galaxies (J2000.0) \\label{tab1}} \\begin{tabular}{lccccccc} \\hline Name & R.A. & DEC & redshift & Distance$^{\\rm a}$ (Mpc) & airmass & P.A. ($^{\\circ}$) & exp.time (sec)\\\\ \\hline J 0133$+$1342 & 01 33 52.6 & $+13$ 42 09 & 0.00879 & 37.8 & 1.37 & 170.4 & 3600 (3 $\\times$ 1200) \\\\ g0405204-364859 & 04 05 20.4 & $-36$ 48 59 & 0.00268 & 11.4 & 1.04 & 122.0 & 2400 (3 $\\times$ 800) \\\\ J 1044+0353a & 10 44 57.8 & $+03$ 53 13 & 0.01274 & 51.2 & 1.19 & 101.5 & 3600 (3 $\\times$ 1200) \\\\ J 1044+0353b & 10 44 58.0 & $+03$ 53 13 & 0.01284 & 51.2 & 1.19 & 101.5 & 3600 (3 $\\times$ 1200) \\\\ J 1201+0211 & 12 01 22.3 & $+02$ 11 08 & 0.00327 & 14.0 & 1.21 & 119.0 & 2400 (2 $\\times$ 1200) \\\\ J 1414-0208 & 14 14 54.1 & $-02$ 08 23 & 0.00528 & 23.0 & 1.16 & 155.3 & 3600 (3 $\\times$ 1200) \\\\ J 2230-0006 & 22 30 36.8 & $-00$ 06 37 & 0.00559 & 24.9 & 1.33 & 156.0 & 3600 (3 $\\times$ 1200) \\\\ J 2302+0049 & 23 02 10.0 & $+00$ 49 39 & 0.03302 & 134.6 & 1.17 & 156.0 & 2400 (2 $\\times$ 1200) \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\vspace*{0.5ex}\\parbox{16cm}{ $^{\\rm a}$: Distance, derived after correction of the measured redshifts for the motion relative to the Local Group centroid and the Virgocentric flow, assuming a Hubble constant of 75 km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$.} \\end{table*} \\smallskip Third, recent work provides strong observational support to the idea that some XBCDs in the nearby universe formed most of their stellar mass in the past $\\sim$1 Gyr, which implies that they are cosmologically young systems \\citep{Papaderos1998-SBS0335,Vanzi2000-SBS0335E,Guseva2001-SBS0940,Papaderos2002-IZw18, Guseva2003-SBS1129,Guseva2003-HS1442,Guseva2003-SBS1415,Hunt2003-IZw18,Pustilnik2004-SBS0335}. The youth hypothesis for XBCDs is further supported by a number of evolutionary synthesis and colour-magnitude diagram (CMD) studies that indicate an upper age of 0.1-2 Gyr for the stellar component of some of those systems \\citep{Izotov1997-SBS0335E,Thuan1997-SBS0335E,Izotov2001-IZw18, Fricke2001-T1214,IzotovThuan2004-IZw18,IzotovThuan2004-UGC4483}.\\\\ In the case of the XBCD I Zw 18, the conclusion that this system started forming stars not earlier than $\\la$0.5 Gyr ago \\citep{IzotovThuan2004-IZw18}, was recently disputed by the subsequent CMD studies of \\citet{Aloisi2007-IZw18}. However, apart from the question of when the first stars in a XBCD were formed, there appears to be broad consensus that many of these systems underwent the dominant phase of their formation only recently. If so, XBCDs may be regarded as convenient laboratories to explore the main processes driving dwarf galaxy formation, as long as their morphological and dynamical relics have not had time to be erased in the course of the secular galactic evolution, through e.g. two-body relaxation, galaxy merging and subsequent star formation episodes. Low-mass protogalaxies in the distant universe, once detected, will remain due to the cosmological dimming and their intrinsic faintness and compactness challenging to study with sufficient resolution and accuracy, even with the next generation of extremely large telescopes. Young XBCD candidates provide in this respect a bridge between near-field and high-redshift observational cosmology and invaluable laboratories of extragalactic research. This paper investigates the spectroscopic, photometric, and morphological properties of a new sample of XBCDs. It is organised as follows: the sample selection, data acquisition, and reduction are described in Sect. \\ref{obs}. Our spectroscopic and photometric analysis is presented in Sect. \\ref{results}, and in Sect. \\ref{objects}, we discuss the properties of individual sample galaxies. The photometric and morphological properties of XBCDs are reviewed in Sect. \\ref{discussion}, and in Sect. \\ref{summary}, we summarise our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "} Including the seven galaxies studied here, the total number of XBCDs has increased to $\\sim$35. It is therefore timely to review their general photometric and morphological properties, in order to explore possible trends and better coordinate future searches for these systems in the nearby universe and at higher redshift. \\begin{figure*} \\hspace*{0.0cm}\\psfig{figure=aa10028f33.ps,angle=-90.0,width=11.5cm,clip=} \\hspace*{-2.2cm}\\psfig{figure=aa10028f34.ps,angle=-90.0,width=11.5cm,clip=} \\caption{Comparison of the structural properties of the host galaxy of XBCDs, BCDs, dIs, dwarf ellipticals (dEs) and Low-Surface Brightness (LSB) galaxies. Data for iE/nE BCDs are compiled from \\citet{Cairos2001a}, \\citet{drinkwater91}, \\citet{Marlowe1997}, \\citet{PapaderosFricke1998a}, \\citet{Noeske2000-cometary}, P96a, \\citet{Papaderos1998-PhD} and P02. Data for other types of dwarf galaxies are taken from \\citet{BinggeliCameron91}, \\citet{BinggeliCameron93}, \\citet{Bothun91}, \\citet{Caldwell87}, \\citet{Carignan89}, \\citet{Hopp91}, \\citet{PT1996}, \\citet{Vigroux86} and \\citet{vanZee2000}. Photometric quantities in the SDSS $g$ and $V$ band were transformed into $B$ band assuming $B - g = 0.3$ mag and $B - V = 0.5$ mag (see discussion in Sect. \\ref{photo2} and in P06). The lines show the shift of the data points caused by a change of the Hubble constant from 75 to 50 and 100 km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$. {\\bf (a)} Central surface brightness $\\mu _{\\rm E,0}$ vs. absolute $B$ magnitude $M_{\\rm host}$ of the LSB component. {\\bf (b)} Logarithm of the exponential scale length $\\alpha $ in pc vs. $M_{\\rm host}$. Data for XBCDs are compiled from \\citet{Papaderos1998-SBS0335}, \\citet{Papaderos1999-Tol65}, \\citet{Kniazev2000-HS0822}, \\citet{Guseva2001-SBS0940}, \\citet{Fricke2001-T1214}, P02, \\citet{Guseva2003-SBS1129}, \\citet{Guseva2003-HS1442}, \\citet{Guseva2003-SBS1415}, P06 and \\citet{Pustilnik2005-DDO68}. Five further systems with an oxygen abundance slightly above \\oh=7.6 are also included: \\object{2dF 169299, UM 570, UM 559} and \\object{2dF 84585} [\\oh=7.68, 7.71, 7.72, 7.66, respectively; P06] and \\object{Pox 186} \\citep[\\oh=7.74, ][]{Guseva2004-Pox186}. } \\label{structure} \\end{figure*} A first important conclusion from the present and previous studies is that, similar to other dwarf galaxies, the host galaxy of XBCDs can be approximated by an exponential fitting law in its outer parts, i.e. for galactocentric radii $3\\,\\alpha \\la $\\rr$\\la 6\\,\\alpha$. Additionally, several XBCDs display extended central flat cores in their host galaxies, reaching in some cases out to \\rr$\\sim$3$\\alpha$. Centrally flattened exponential profiles have also been observed in a sizeable fraction of early and late-type dwarfs spanning a wide range in absolute magnitude \\citep[][P96a]{BinggeliCameron91,Noeske2003-NIR}. The XBCD -- BCD connection is further supported by the fact that both object classes populate roughly the same locus in the $\\mu_{\\rm E,0}$ versus $M_{\\rm host}$ and log($\\alpha$) versus $M_{\\rm host}$ parameter space (Fig. \\ref{structure}) and are comparable in their effective radius (P06). These lines of evidence suggest that XBCDs do not represent peculiar cases of dwarf galaxy evolution, reflected in strongly distinct structural properties (e.g. an abnormally diffuse or an ultra-compact LSB host), but that they share similar structural properties and are therefore likely also to lie on a common evolutionary track with the main population of more metal-rich BCDs with \\oh$\\ga$8. Of course, this conclusion may not be free of selection biases, given that XBCDs are mostly detected by their high EW(\\hb), blue colours, and compactness. It is therefore conceivable that a substantial population of relatively quiescent and more diffuse metal-poor SF dwarfs remains strongly under-represented in current XBCD surveys. The irregular SF dwarf \\object{J0113+0052}, discovered by \\citet{Izotov2006-2XBCD}, may be regarded as an example of this kind. Additionally, it might be questioned that optical spectroscopic searches for XBCDs, based on forbidden line measurements in \\h2\\ regions, can uncover systems with a gas-phase metallicity significantly lower than \\oh$\\sim$7.0 \\cite[$\\sim$\\zsun/60, adopting a solar abundance of 8.76,][]{Caffau2008}, thus better constrain the minimum level of chemical enrichment in the warm ISM of SF galaxies. This is because, below some abundance level and ionization parameter, oxygen forbidden lines become too weak to be measurable. For example, calculations with the photoionization code CLOUDY \\citep{Ferland1998_CLOUDY90} show that, at a metallicity \\oh=7.0, electron density $N_{\\rm e}$=100 cm$^{-3}$ and ionization parameter $U$=10$^{-3}$, the oxygen [O {\\sc iii}]$\\lambda$4363 and [O {\\sc iii}]$\\lambda$5007 line intensities decrease to $<$1\\% and 38\\% of that of the H$\\beta$ line, respectively, a determination of the electron temperature based on the [O {\\sc iii}]$\\lambda$4363 line becomes therefore practically impossible. \\smallskip It is important to note that the detection of a \\emph{stellar} LSB host in all known XBCDs, including \\object{SBS 0335-052E} \\citep[][P98]{Izotov1997-SBS0335E,Thuan1997-SBS0335E} and \\object{I Zw 18} \\citep[][P02]{Izotov2001-IZw18,Papaderos2001-IZw18} suggests that none of these systems are currently forming \\emph{in situ} its first generation of stars. This is also indicated by spatially resolved evolutionary synthesis studies \\citep{Izotov1997-SBS0335E,Vanzi2000-SBS0335E,Guseva2001-SBS0940,Guseva2003-SBS1415,Hunt2003-IZw18} and colour-magnitude diagram analyses of selected systems \\citep[e.g.,][]{IzotovThuan2004-IZw18,IzotovThuan2004-UGC4483,OstlinMouhcine2005-IZw18,Aloisi2007-IZw18}. On the other hand, the existing work consistently suggests that the host galaxies of XBCDs are less evolved than those of BCDs. This is indicated by deep surface photometry studies that reveal uniformly blue colours in the XBCD hosts, with a $V-I$ and $g-i$ index in the range between $\\sim$0.1 and $\\la$0.5 mag \\citep[e.g., P02;][and references therein]{Guseva2003-SBS1415} and $<$0.4 mag (this paper), respectively. By contrast, the LSB hosts of iE/nE BCDs, representing $\\sim$90\\% of the BCD population (LT86) show typically red ($\\sim$1 mag) $B-R$ and $V-I$ colours \\citep[P96b;][]{Cairos2001b,GildePazMadore2005}. Another important, largely overlooked aspect concerns the morphology of XBCDs. The hosts of these systems reveal in their majority conspicuous deviations from axis-symmetry suggesting a little degree of dynamical relaxation. By this, they again significantly differ from the \\emph{bona fide} old, more metal-rich iE/nE BCDs whose defining property is a smooth \\emph{elliptical} LSB host galaxy. \\begin{figure*} \\hspace*{0.7cm}\\psfig{figure=aa10028f35.ps,angle=0.0,width=17.0cm,clip=} \\caption{ Comparison of systems in the range of XBCD metallicity with the main class of the more metal-rich, \\emph{bona fide} old BCDs \\object{Mkn 996} and \\object{Mkn 86}. These two systems may be regarded as prototypical examples of the dominant nE/iE morphological BCD type (cf. LT86). All galaxy images were scaled to a common distance to better facilitate a comparison. Those images that are displayed magnified or downsized for the sake of better visibility are labeled with the respective scaling factor. Off-center low-metallicity \\h2\\ regions are marked with crosses for clarity. Within brackets we indicate the oxygen abundance of the lowest-metallicity \\h2\\ region in each XBCD. Metallicities are taken from the literature sources given in pages \\pageref{irr_xbcds1} and \\pageref{irr_xbcds2}. The images are from P06 (\\object{2dF 169299, 2dF 115901, 2dF 171718, 2dF 84585}), P98 (\\object{SBS 0335-052E}, see also Thuan et al. 1997, HST program 5408), \\citet[][\\object{SBS 0335-052W}]{Papaderos2006-IAU}, \\citet[][\\object{SBS 0940+544}]{Guseva2001-SBS0940}, \\citet[][\\object{SBS 1129+576}]{Guseva2003-SBS1129}, \\citet[][\\object{SBS 1415+437}, HST program 5408]{Guseva2003-SBS1415}, \\citet[][\\object{I Zw 18}, $R$ band HST WFPC2 exposure with the \\ha\\ emission subtracted out, HST program 5309]{Papaderos2001-IZw18}, the HST archive (\\object{Tol 65, Tol 1214-277, Mkn 996}; HST programs 5408 and 6678), Papaderos \\& Noeske (2008, in preparation, \\object{HS 0822+3542, UGC 4483, Mkn 86}), and from the SDSS (\\object{J1414-0208, J1044+353, J2302-0049, J1201+211, J2104-0035, J0301-0052, J0911+3135, DDO68, J2238+1400}). } \\label{XBCD-morph} \\end{figure*} Faint, non-axisymmetric distortions are present in roughly one half of the XBCDs studied here. The irregular outer morphology of those systems is certainly not due to insufficient detection of their underlying galaxy host. This is because, as is evident from Fig. \\ref{colour_maps}, SDSS images allow us to interpolate contours down to a $g$ band surface brightness $\\mu_g \\geq 25.5$ \\sbb, corresponding to $\\mu_B \\approx 25.8$ \\sbb. At such intensity levels the elliptical host of evolved BCDs dominates the light \\citep[P96b, ][P02]{Cairos2001b} and should have been detected if it were present. Furthermore, with the possible exception of \\object{J1201+0211}, stacked $gri$ images do not reveal tidal features in any of our sample SDSS galaxies, ruling out \\emph{strong} gravitational interactions or galaxy merging as the origin of the observed morphological distortions. Widespread SF activity in the LSB host can also be excluded from $g-i$ colour maps and long-slit spectra. Likewise, most of the XBCDs investigated previously on the basis of deep surface photometry are as well characterised by irregular host galaxies. \\label{irr_xbcds1} Such examples are \\object{SBS 0335-052W} \\citep[\\oh=7.12, ][see P98 and Papaderos et al. 2006c for photometry]{Izotov2005-SBS0335W}, \\object{Tol 65} \\citep[\\oh=7.54, ][see Papaderos et al. 1999 for photometry]{Izotov2004-T1214-T65}, \\object{SBS 1415+437} \\citep[\\oh=7.6,][]{Thuan1999-SBS1415,Guseva2003-SBS1415}, \\object{Tol 1214-277} \\citep[\\oh=7.55, ][see Fricke et al. 2001 for photometry]{Izotov2004-T1214-T65}, \\object{I Zw 18} \\citep[\\oh=7.17, ][see Papaderos et al. 2001 and P02 for photometry]{Izotov1997-IZw18}, \\object{SBS 0940+544} \\citep[\\oh=7.46, ][]{Guseva2001-SBS0940}, \\object{SBS 1129+576} \\citep[\\oh=7.36, ][]{Guseva2003-SBS1129}, \\object{HS 0837+4717} \\citep[\\oh=7.64,][]{Pustilnik2004-HS0837}, \\object{DDO 68} \\citep[\\oh=7.21\\dots 7.13, ][respectively]{Pustilnik2005-DDO68,IzotovThuan2007-MMT}, \\object{HS 2134+0400} \\citep[\\oh=7.44,][]{Pustilnik2006-HS2134,Guseva2007-BJ}, \\object{J2104-0035} and \\object{J0113+0052} \\citep[\\oh$\\approx$7.2 and 7.26, respectively,][]{Izotov2006-2XBCD}, \\object{2dF 171716, 2dF 115901} (\\oh=7.5, 7.57, respectively; P06) and \\object{J0301-0052}, \\object{J0911+3135}, \\object{J2238+1400} \\citep[\\oh=7.52, 7.51 and 7.56, respectively, ][]{IzotovThuan2007-MMT}. This is also the case for several systems with an oxygen abundance slightly above \\oh=7.6, such as \\object{2dF 84585} and \\object{2dF 169299} (\\oh=7.66 and 7.68, respectively; P06). \\smallskip With regard to the morphological properties of the star-forming component of XBCDs (e.g. multiplicity, luminosity distribution, and the degree of the confinement of SF regions to the center of the XBCD host), these have never been studied in a systematic manner before, and a comparison with iE/nE BCDs would therefore be premature at this point. However, two trends are apparent. First, in a significant fraction of XBCDs, star-forming activities are not strongly confined to the geometrical center of the host galaxy and, second, the global SF process in several of these systems appears to be largely driven by propagation. Figure \\ref{XBCD-morph} contains several examples of XBCDs with off-center SF activity, including \\object{2dF 115901}, \\object{SBS 0335-052W}, \\object{J1414-0208}, and \\object{J0911+3135}. The most impressive instances of off-center SF activity among XBCDs are \\emph{cometary} systems (iI,C type in the BCD classification scheme devised by LT86). These objects contain a luminous SF region at the one tip of an elongated blue and irregular host galaxy with a gradually decreasing surface brightness towards its antipodal end. The hypothesis that these systems are edge-on disks with a dominant SF complex in their outermost periphery can be dismissed on statistical grounds. Some iI,C XBCDs (for example, \\object{SBS 1415+437} and \\object{SBS 0940+544}) display signatures of low-level ongoing or recent star formation along their major axis or colour gradients suggesting propagation of SF activities from the far-end side of their elongated host galaxy towards the young, dominant SF region \\citep[see e.g. P98,][]{Guseva2001-SBS0940,Guseva2003-SBS1415}. That the formation of the stellar component in a XBCD may largely be driven by SF propagation has been suggested from an analysis of \\label{irr_xbcds2} \\object{SBS 0335-052E} \\cite[\\oh=7.3\\dots 7.2,][respectively]{Izotov1997-SBS0335E,Papaderos2006-SBS0335}, for which P98 have estimated a SF propagation velocity of $\\sim$20 km/sec, of the order of the sound speed in the warm ISM. It is unclear for how long this process can continue; however, as long as gas supply of the appropriate temperature and density is available ahead of the SF front, no self-limiting mechanism should exist. Propagating star formation with a constant speed $u$ over a period $\\tau$ may naturally lead to a cometary morphology on a linear scale $l \\sim$ 10 kpc $\\times (u/10\\,\\,{\\rm km/s}) \\times (\\tau/1\\,\\,{\\rm Gyr})$. As evident from Fig. \\ref{XBCD-morph}, $l$ is of the order of the projected major-axis of several cometary XBCDs. We note that the iI,C morphology is not uniquely observed in XBCDs and that examples of this kind also exist among BCDs of higher metallicity \\citep{Noeske2000-cometary,Cairos2001a,Noeske2003-NIR,GildePaz2003}. The essential trend, however, is that whereas systems with cometary morphology or strongly off-center SF activity comprise less than 10\\% of the BCD population (LT86), they apparently dominate the XBCD population. In this context, it is worth pointing out that studies of iI,C BCDs in the metallicity range between $\\approx$7.8 and 8.0 by \\cite{Noeske2000-cometary} suggest that these systems are younger ($\\la$4 Gyr) than the main class of iE/nE BCDs, they are therefore likely to represent intermediate stages of BCD evolution. This conjecture is consistent with the high incidence of cometary systems among young XBCD candidates discussed here. It is unclear whether or not cometary morphology is linked to galaxy interactions, as neither observations nor numerical simulations presently provide tight constraints in this respect. However, it is known that a significant fraction ($>$30\\%) of BCDs are not truly isolated but have optically faint nearby companions \\citep{Noeske2001,Pustilnik2001-env}. Dwarf galaxy encounters with a wide range of impact parameters are therefore likely to play an important role in BCD evolution. The frequency of strong collisions and, eventually, subsequent merging of BCD progenitors is still not constrained well. However, several notable examples (iI,M BCDs in the classification scheme of LT86) exist in the samples of \\cite{Cairos2001a} and \\cite{GildePaz2003}, and there is growing evidence that the major fraction of intrinsically luminous ($M_B<$--18 mag) Blue Compact Galaxies are of merger origin \\citep{Ostlin2001-BCGII}. In addition, the morphology of some XBCDs (for example, \\object{2dF 169299}, \\object{2dF 115901}, and \\object{2dF 171716}; cf. Fig. \\ref{XBCD-morph}) is consistent with the merger interpretation. The importance of gravitational interactions to BCD evolution is indicated further by radio interferometry that reveals HI clouds in the close vicinity ($\\la$100 kpc) of numerous systems \\citep{Taylor1993,THL2004}. The hypothesis that \\emph{strong} gravitational interactions or galaxy merging are the origin of cometary morphology does not however appear to be tenable. If cometary BCDs were indeed forming by galaxy merging, one would expect tidal features to protrude far beyond their Holmberg radius and be readily detectable at surface brightness levels of $\\mu\\sim$24 $B$ \\sbb, in a similar way to merging disk galaxies. Since the visibility timescale of tidally ejected stellar and gaseous matter is long \\cite[$\\sim$1 Gyr;][and references therein]{HibbardMihos1995}, of the order of the luminosity-weighted age of the XBCD galaxy host, these features should be almost ubiquitous in iI,C systems. The probability that both merging counterparts are metal poor and retain their gas-phase metallicity of a level \\oh$\\la$7.6, even after a strong, merging-induced starburst, is also low. A more viable interpretation involves \\emph{weak} interactions with low-mass stellar or gaseous companions. These may have a twofold effect, leading to a bar-like gas distribution and triggering SF activities that, by propagation along the direction of maximum gas density, could subsequently produce a cometary BCD morphology. Alternatively, a propagating shock wave induced by gas-cloud infall onto a quiescent late-type dwarf might generate a similar star formation pattern. In summary, the hypothesis that SF propagation is the main process driving the formation of cometary XBCDs is not in conflict with the hypothesis that the evolution of these systems is largely influenced by interactions. However, lacking theoretical guidence and robust statistics on the gas distribution and kinematics of these systems, the possible role of interactions cannot be reliably assessed. However, numerical simulations of increasing sophistication continue to reproduce important properties of SF dwarfs \\cite[e.g.][]{Noguchi2001,Recchi2002,Pelupessy2004,Pelupessy2006, Hensler2004,Bekki2008}, and promise to provide key insights into the star formation history and morphological evolution of cometary dwarfs in the near future. Dedicated observational studies of these extremely metal-poor cometary galaxies will also hopefully provide important constraints and incentives for theoretical work. \\smallskip As mentioned above, a compelling argument that XBCDs have undergone previous evolution derives from the detection of an extended \\emph{stellar} host galaxy. The blue, luminosity-weighted colours of this component, interpreted in the framework of simple SFH parametrisations (e.g., {\\lvss SFH2}) suggest that XBCDs form a heterogeneous class of predominantly cosmologically young objects, with examples among them which have formed most of their stellar mass in the past few $10^8$ yrs and are possibly still experiencing the major phase of their dynamical assembly (e.g. \\object{SBS 0335-052E}, \\object{I Zw 18}) to moderately evolved cometary systems that likely formed most of their stellar mass within the last $\\sim$2 Gyr (\\object{Tol 65}, \\object{Tol 1214-277}, \\object{SBS 1415+437}, \\object{SBS 0940+544}, \\object{J1044+0353}). This conclusion is supported further by detailed evolutionary synthesis models \\cite[e.g.][]{Izotov2001-IZw18,Guseva2001-SBS0940,Guseva2003-SBS1129,Guseva2003-SBS1415} involving more complex SFHs and which aim to account self-consistently for a variety of observables, such as the EWs of Balmer emission and absorption lines, the slope of the spectral energy distribution (SED), and spatially resolved colours. In the case of the XBCD \\object{I Zw 18}, CMD studies based on HST ACS images do not converge into a broadly accepted interpretation about the age of its stellar component, yielding values between $\\leq$0.5 Gyr \\citep{IzotovThuan2004-IZw18} and $>$1 Gyr \\citep{Aloisi2007-IZw18}. This might be partly due to the specific properties of this system. \\cite{Papaderos2002-IZw18} showed that the exponential LSB host of \\object{I Zw 18}, which was previously thought to be dominated by stellar emission, is due entirely to extended, patchy ionized gas emission, therefore extreme caution is required when using CMDs and surface photometry to place constraints on the formation history of its stellar component. The \\emph{stellar} component of \\object{I Zw 18} is by a factor of approximately 2 more compact that the ionized gas halo and, in contrast to the main class of evolved BCDs, has uniformly blue colours down to a surface brightness level of $\\mu \\sim$ 26 $B$ \\sbb. Additionally, as found by \\cite{Cannon2002-IZw18}, \\object{I Zw 18} shows a highly inhomogeneous extinction pattern, a fact that further complicates CMD analyses. The nature of point sources detected in the presense of dominant ionized gas emission in \\object{I Zw 18}, at a distance of 18.2 Mpc \\citep{Aloisi2007-IZw18}, which corresponds to a projected area of $\\sim$20 pc$^2$ per HST ACS pixel, is undoubtedly an important question in XBCD research. The formation history of the XBCD host is clearly a crucial and outstanding issue. XBCDs may all contain a faint substrate of stars of cosmological age (see discussion in P98), quite similar to the ancient metal-poor stellar population in Local Group dwarf spheroidals \\citep{GrebelGallagher2004}. As pointed out in P98, this putative ancient stellar background cannot be entirely ruled out on spectrophotometric grounds, since its effect on the observed SED might be barely detectable. It is only possible to infer an upper bound to the mass fraction of this hypothetical old stellar population that, by necessity, is tied to simplifying assumptions about the SFH and intrinsic extinction. Current upper limits for a few thoroughly analysed XBCDs range between $\\sim$15\\% and $<$50\\% \\citep{Vanzi2000-SBS0335E,Guseva2001-SBS0940, Guseva2003-SBS1415,Hunt2003-IZw18,Pustilnik2004-SBS0335}. Arguably, a low mass fraction of ancient stars possibly present in XBCDs do not rule out the young evolutionary status of these systems. This would only be the case if the formation epoch of those first stars were coeval with the dominant phase of XBCD formation, and XBCDs/BCDs were invariably forming in a single, short (1--3 Gyr) SF episode that converted most of their gaseous reservoir into stars. This interpretation is untenable, however, inter alia, because of the gas-richness and recurrent starburst activity of these systems \\citep[see e.g.][]{Thuan1991,MasHesseKunth1999}. As a matter of fact, dwarf galaxies of a given baryonic mass may have followed quite diverse evolutionary pathways. This is manifestated in e.g. the Local Group galaxies for which we observe an impressive manyfold of SFHs and morphologies, comprising both ancient metal-poor dwarf spheroidals and metal-rich dEs \\citep[e.g. \\object{NGC 185, NGC 205}][see also Mateo 1998]{Dolphin2005} as well as late-type irregulars that underwent the dominant phase of their build-up only $\\sim$1 Gyr ago \\citep[e.g. \\object{Sextans A}][]{Dolphin2003-SexA}. The inherent variety of SFHs in dwarf galaxies is further enhanced by the role of the environment, which is recognised to be an important factor in galaxy evolution \\citep{BO1984,Dressler1980,Dressler1997,Poggianti1997,Pustilnik2001-env}. For example, it is well established that the EW(\\hb) of SF dwarfs increases towards the periphery of galaxy clusters \\citep{Vilchez1995} and that XBCDs preferentially populate the extreme field \\citep{Pustilnik2001-env}. These findings are consistent with the idea that the formation timescale of relatively isolated late-type dwarfs is the longest, making low-density regions promising sites to search for young XBCDs candidates. In view of such considerations, the existence of a small number of unevolved XBCDs in the nearby universe is unsurprising, and a manifestation of the diversity in the SFHs of dwarf galaxies." }, "0809/0809.1021_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{Gravitational lensing is predicted by general relativity and is found in observations. When a gravitating body is surrounded by a plasma, the lensing angle depends on a frequency of the electromagnetic wave due to refraction properties, and the dispersion properties of the light propagation in plasma. The last effect leads to dependence, even in the uniform plasma, of the lensing angle on the frequency, what resembles the properties of the refractive prism spectrometer. The strongest action of this spectrometer is for the frequencies slightly exceeding the plasma frequency, what corresponds to very long radiowaves. } ", "introduction": "An ordinary theory of the gravitational lensing is developed for the light propagation in the vacuum. Gravi\\-ta\\-tio\\-nal lensing in the vacuum is achromatic because the deflection angle for the photon does not depend on the frequency of the photon \\cite{GL}. In the limit of a weak lensing in vacuum by a body with a mass $M$ the deflection angle for the photon (Einstein angle) is $\\hat{\\alpha} = 4GM/c^2 b = 2 r_g/b$, under condition $b \\gg r_g$, where $b$ is impact parameter, $r_g$ is the Schwarzschild radius \\cite{GL}. Propagation of the light in the medium at presence of the gravity field was considered by many authors \\cite{Muhl1966}, \\cite{Muhl1970}, \\cite{Noonan}, \\cite{B-Minakov} and references there. If we consider inhomogeneous medium (without gravity) the light rays move along the curved trajectories in this medium. In the papers concerning gravitational deflection the inhomogeneous medium was considered. The deflection due to the gravitation, and the deflection due to the inhomogenity of the medium had been considered separately, without an account of the influence of the dispersion in plasma on the light propagation in the gravitational field. In this work we show that even in the homogeneous medium the dispersion in the plasma leads to dependence of the light deflection angle on the wavelength, what is different from the constant deflection angle in the vacuum. It have been shown \\cite{GL}, \\cite{B-Minakov}, \\cite{Fok}, \\cite{LL2}, \\cite{Myoller}, that light propagation in the gravitational field in the vacuum may be formulated as its propagation in a inhomogeneous medium with an effective refraction index $n_g$, depending on metric. It have been shown also, that in presence of the medium in the gravitation field, such analogy is valid too. In this case we should use the refraction index, which is a multiplication of the effective gravitational refraction index $n_g$ and usual refraction index $n$, determined by the physical properties of the medium: $n_{eff} = n_g n$ \\cite{B-Minakov}, \\cite{Noonan}. In the case when both $n_g$ and $n$ are close to unity, the combined deviation of the refraction index from unity is reduced to the sum of both separate effects \\cite{Muhl1966}, \\cite{Muhl1970}, \\cite{B-Minakov}. In this work we consider the gravitational lensing in a homogeneous plasma. Plasma is a dispersive medium, where the refraction index depends on the frequency of the photon. Therefore in the plasma the photons with different frequencies move with different velocities, namely the photons with smaller frequency (or bigger wavelength) move with smaller group velocity of the light signal. We obtain here, that in a homogeneous plasma, in the presence of gravity, the deflection angle of the photon depends on the frequency of the photon, and discuss observational effects of this phenomenon. In the works, where the effect of the light dispersion in the plasma was not taken into account, the dependence of the gravitational deflection on frequency was connected only with the plasma inhomogeneity, and disappeared in the uniform plasma. In the book of Synge \\cite{Synge}, the geometrical optics in the medium with gravity was considered in great details, and he had derived equations for the photon propagation in an arbitrary medium with gravity. Here we calculate, on the basis of equations of Synge \\cite{Synge}, the deflection angle for the photon wave packet, moving in the gravitational field in the presence of a uniformly distributed plasma. We obtain the dependence of the deflection angle on the frequency for the case of a week field of the Schwarzschild black hole metric. The deflection angle increases with decreasing of the frequency, and when the frequency is approaching the electron plasma frequency $\\omega_e^2=\\frac{4\\pi e^2 n_e}{m_e}$, all photons are falling into the black hole, if their impact parameter is less than the critical one, depending on frequency, $b < b_c(\\omega)$. When $\\omega$ approaching $\\omega_e$, the critical $b_c$ formally goes to $\\infty$. ", "conclusions": "Let us consider the case of a weekly inhomogeneous medium without gravity, with the refraction index $n = n_0 + n_1$, $n_0 =$const, $n_1 \\ll n_0$. The system of equation for the trajectory of the photon in this case follows from equations (\\ref{syst-gen}) with the flat metric $g_{ik}=\\eta_{ik}$, see \\cite{LL8}, \\begin{equation} \\label{inhom-n} \\frac{d x^\\alpha}{dz} = p^\\alpha, \\; \\; \\frac{d p^\\alpha}{dz} = - \\frac{1}{2} \\, \\eta^{\\beta \\gamma}_{, \\alpha} p_\\beta p_\\gamma + \\frac{1}{2} \\left(n^2 \\chi^2\\right)_{, \\alpha} = \\frac{1}{2 n_0^2} \\frac{\\partial n^2}{\\partial x^{\\alpha}} \\simeq \\frac{1}{n_0} \\frac{\\partial n}{\\partial x^{\\alpha}} \\, . \\end{equation} The light propagation in a week gravitational field may be considered, as a propagation in a flat space with the \"gravitational\" refraction index, which for the Schwarzschild metric is written as \\cite{GL, Muhl1966, Muhl1970, Noonan, B-Minakov, Fok} \\begin{equation} \\label{ng} n_g=1+\\frac{r_g}{r}, \\quad \\frac{r_g}{r} \\ll 1. \\end{equation} The total effective refraction index $n_{eff}$, in presence of plasma with the proper refraction index $n$, is determined \\cite{Noonan},\\cite{B-Minakov} as $n_{eff}=nn_g$. When plasma in a week gravitational field has a refraction index close to unity, it follows from the definition of $n_{eff}$, that in the linear approximation the effective refraction index is obtained as a sum of two different additions to the unity \\cite{Muhl1966}, \\cite{Muhl1970},\\cite{B-Minakov}: \\begin{equation}\\label{ntot} n_{eff} = 1 + \\frac{r_g}{r} - \\frac{\\omega_e^2(r)}{2\\omega^2}, \\; \\; \\frac{r_g}{r} \\ll 1, \\; \\; \\frac{\\omega_e^2(r)}{\\omega^2} \\ll 1. \\end{equation} From (\\ref{inhom-n}) we obtain the deflection angle (\\ref{angle-fin-BM}). Note that when $|n^2-1|$ is not small, $n_{eff}$ cannot be represented in the form (\\ref{ntot}), and such case was considered in the subsection 3.2. The main new result of this work is obtaining of the dependence, of the lensing angle on the frequency in a homogeneous plasma in the gravitational field. This effect has a relativistic nature, and is connected with the dispersive properties of plasma. It is interesting, that, as shown in the subsection 3.1, in the medium without dispersion, the trajectories of photons with different frequencies (energies) are exactly the same as in the vacuum, while their velocities are less that the vacuum light velocity $c$. Observational effect of such frequency dependence is easy to explain on the example of lensing by the Schwarzschild point-mass lens. This lens gives two images of source, on the opposite sides from lens. Angular positions of images depend on the Schwarzschild radius of lens and positions of source, lens and observer. The dependence of the deflection angle on the frequency in plasma lead to the phenomenon, that instead of two concentrated images with complicated spectra, we will have two line images, formed by the photons with different frequencies, which are deflected by different angles (Fig.1,2). The description of the mass distribution as a point mass (Schwarzschild lens) is rarely sufficient for gravitational lensing considerations \\cite{GL}. In reality the gravitational lenses have more a complicated structure, and position of images different from that of the point-mass lens. But all standard models of gravitational lenses are based on the same Einstein deflection angle $2r_g/b$, which should be modified for sufficiently long waves, according to our formula (\\ref{main-res}), in the presence of plasma. Note also, that taking into account of plasma effects on the gravitational lensing may influence the spectrum of the microwave background radiation, leading to the dependence of power spectrum of the fluctuations on the photon wavelength. The light signals are propagated with the group velocity. It follows from (\\ref{main-res}), that the smaller group velocity (smaller frequency and bigger wavelength) corresponds to a larger deflection angle. Hence the effect of difference in the gravitational deflection angles is significant for larger wavelengths, when $\\omega$ is approaching $\\omega_e$, what is possible only for the radio waves. Therefore, the gravitating center in plasma is acting as a radiospectrometer. The longest radiowaves are registered \\cite{Braude} in the band $\\sim 3 \\cdot 10^3$ cm, corresponding to $\\nu \\simeq 10^7$ Hz $= 10$ MHz and $\\omega = 2 \\pi \\nu \\simeq 6 \\cdot 10^7$ sec$^{-1}$. The spectroscopic effects of lensing will be important when $N_e \\geq 3 \\cdot 10^5$ cm$^{-3}$, corresponding to 10 $\\%$ difference in the lensing angles. Such electron densities may be expected around the supermassive black holes, or during lensing at earlier stages of the universe expansion at $z \\geq 10^3$. \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\hbox{\\includegraphics[width=0.6\\textwidth]{fig1.eps}}} \\caption{Lensing of the point source by the Schwarzschild point-mass lens. Instead of two point images due to lensing in the vacuum we have two line images. The pairs of images, corresponding to the same photon frequency, are indicated by the same numbers. Two images with number 1 correspond to the vacuum lensing. } \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\hbox{\\includegraphics[width=0.6\\textwidth]{fig2.eps}}} \\caption{Axis on lensing by the Schwarzschild point-mass lens. The case of the Einstein ring. Instead of a thin ring corresponding to the vacuum lensing (the inner circle of the ring) we have a thick ring, formed by the photons of different frequencies.} \\end{figure}" }, "0809/0809.0161_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{The radial-orbit instability is a collective phenomenon that has heretofore only been observed in spherical systems. We find that this instability occurs also in triaxial systems, as we checked by performing extensive $N$-body simulations whose initial conditions were obtained by sampling a self-consistent triaxial model of a cuspy galaxy composed of luminous and dark matter. $N$-body simulations show a time evolution of the galaxy that is not due to the development of chaotic motions but, rather, to the collective instability induced by an excess of box-like orbits. The instability quickly transforms such models into a more prolate configuration, with $0.64 12.5$\\,km from the work of \\\"Ozel and collaborators, the $z=0.24$ value provides a minimum neutron-star mass of $M > 1.48$\\,M$_\\odot$, instead of $M > 1.9$\\,M$_\\odot$, when assuming $z=0.35$.} {The current state of line identifications in the neutron star of \\exo\\ must be regarded as highly uncertain. Our model atmospheres show that lines other than those previously thought must be associated with the observed absorption features.} ", "introduction": "\\label{sect:intro} \\citet[][hereafter CPM02]{cpm2002} identified discrete absorption features corresponding to electronic transitions in highly ionized iron in the burst spectra of the neutron star in \\exo\\ observed with \\emph{XMM-Newton}. They identified $n=2-3$ absorption features of H-like (\\ion{Fe}{xxvi}) and He-like iron (\\ion{Fe}{xxv}) in early and late phases of the bursts, respectively. These features provided a redshift measurement of $z=0.35$, corresponding to a mass-radius ratio of $M/R=0.152$\\,M$_\\odot$\\,km$^{-1}$. Using this redshift and an estimate for the stellar radius of $R>13.8$\\,km, \\citet{ozel06} inferred a neutron star mass of $M>2.10$\\,M$_\\odot$. However, using \\\"Ozel's numbers and formulae, we obtain slightly different values ($R>12.5$\\,km, $M>1.9$\\,M$_\\odot$). The identification of only a few observed lines in burst spectra of NS with unknown redshift is potentially ambiguous. It is the aim of our paper to confirm the proposed line identifications in \\exo. To this end, we performed LTE and non-LTE model-atmosphere calculations in a wide parameter range using two independently developed stellar atmosphere modeling codes. In this systematic study, we elaborate on our earlier suspicion that an alternative line identification is more likely \\citep{wea2007}. In the past two decades, spectral analysis of hot, compact stars by means of fully line-blanketed NLTE model atmospheres \\citep[e.g.][]{r2003} has achieved a high level of sophistication. For our analyses, the T\\\"ubingen NLTE Model Atmosphere Package \\citep[\\emph{TMAP}\\footnote{http://astro.uni-tuebingen.de/$^\\sim$rauch/TMAP/TMAP.html},][]{wea2003, rd2003} was used to calculate plane-parallel NLTE model atmospheres that are in radiative and hydrostatic equilibrium. Such model atmospheres were used successfully in the analysis of hot white dwarfs, e.g\\@. \\lsv\\ \\citep[\\TeffwkK{95},][]{rea2007} and \\kpd\\ \\citep[\\TeffwkK{200},][]{wrk2008}. \\emph{TMAP} models were also calculated for the extremely hot super-soft X-ray source \\vsgr\\ \\citep[\\TeffwkK{610},][]{rea2005}. The \\emph{TMAP} NLTE model atmospheres can also be employed in the analysis of neutron stars with low magnetic fields, i.e\\@. in the range where the magnetic field strength has no significant impact on atomic data ($B \\sla 10^{12}\\,\\mathrm{G}$). Since magnetic fields in low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) are believed to be small, X-ray spectra of the neutron star in \\exo\\ can be compared with our synthetic spectra. We calculated \\emph{TMAP} models for the relevant \\Teff\\ range and investigated their \\Teff-dependence \\sK{sect:models}. We describe results of a comparison of LTE and NLTE model-atmosphere fluxes in \\se{sect:LTEvsNLTE}. A comparison of \\exo\\ X-ray observations with our models follows in \\se{sect:exo0748-676} and we conclude in \\se{sect:conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sect:conclusions} We have performed model-atmosphere calculations to describe the X-ray spectra of thermal radiation from neutron stars. We have compared our computed spectra with X-ray burst spectra of the LMXB \\exo. We have been unable to confirm the line identification by CPM02 as being due to subordinate transitions of H- and He-like iron. These line features were too weak at any \\Teff\\ and iron content. Our models suggested that a more likely identification was the resonance line of Li-like iron. As a consequence, the measured line redshift was $z=0.24$ rather than $z=0.35$. This implied a larger neutron star radius of $R=12-15$\\,km for the mass range $M=1.4-1.8$\\,M$_\\odot$. We compared results from two entirely different model codes, a LTE and a NLTE code, and concluded that NLTE effects were less important than uncertainties in the chemical composition of the bursting neutron-star atmospheres. Given the current state of observations, NLTE effects on continuum shape and spectral line profiles are negligible. On the other hand, we investigated the influence of the various chemical compositions and found that the derived conclusion concerning line identification does not depend on the chemical composition. We investigated the relevance of Compton electron scattering and found that it was unimportant for solar composition models with $T_{\\rm eff} < 15\\,\\mathrm{MK}$. \\begin{figure}[ht!] \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{xm_15.eps}} \\caption[]{Comparison of redshifted ($z=0.24$) NLTE model-atmosphere fluxes calculated from \\Teffw{8 - 14} models of solar iron abundance. Note that for clarity these lines have not been convolved with either the instrument's resolution or any rotational profile (cf\\@. \\ab{fig:nature}). } \\label{fig:8-14MK} \\end{figure} The comparison of model-atmosphere spectra with blackbody flux distributions \\sA{fig:10MK} has shown that model-atmosphere spectra peak at higher energies and have a higher peak intensity. A determination of \\Teff\\ by assuming blackbody spectra, as performed by CPM02, therefore overestimates \\Teff\\ \\citep[cf\\@.][]{rea2005}. \\begin{figure}[ht!] \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{xm_16.eps}} \\caption[]{Comparison of unredshifted NLTE model-atmosphere fluxes calculated from \\Teffw{10} models with different iron content (thin: solar, thick: 30\\,\\% Fe content, short dashes: 9\\,\\% Fe) The long-dashed line represents a blackbody spectrum. } \\label{fig:10MK} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[ht!] \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{xm_17.eps}} \\caption[]{Allowed values for $M$ and $R$ of \\exo\\ for redshifts $z=0.24$ and $z=0.35$ (straight lines; thick portions of the graphs denote the mass range $1.4-1.8$~M$_\\odot$) compared to various theoretical $M-R$ relations \\citep{Hae06}. The thick dot on the $z=0.35$ line denotes the minimum $M$ and $R$ derived by \\citet{ozel06}. The arrow indicates the shift of this result when we assume $z=0.24$. A description of the theoretical mass-radius relations is given in the text.} \\label{fig:eos} \\end{figure}" }, "0809/0809.2036_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study six groups and clusters of galaxies suggested in the literature to be `fossil' systems (i.e. to have luminous diffuse X-ray emission and a magnitude gap of at least 2 mag-R between the first and the second ranked member within half of the virial radius), each having good quality X-ray data and SDSS spectroscopic or photometric coverage out to the virial radius. The poor cluster AWM\\,4 is clearly established as a fossil system, and we confirm the fossil nature of four other systems (RX\\,J1331.5+1108, RX\\,J1340.6+4018, RX\\,J1256.0+2556 and RX\\,J1416.4+2315), while the cluster RX\\,J1552.2$+$2013 is disqualified as fossil system. For all systems we present the luminosity functions within 0.5 and 1 virial radius that are consistent, within the uncertainties, with the universal luminosity function of clusters. For the five {\\em bona fide} fossil systems, having a mass range $2\\times10^{13}-3\\times10^{14}~\\mathrm{M_\\odot}$, we compute accurate cumulative substructure distribution functions (CSDFs) and compare them with the CSDFs of observed and simulated groups/clusters available in the literature. We demonstrate that the CSDFs of fossil systems are consistent with those of normal observed clusters and do not lack any substructure with respect to simulated galaxy systems in the cosmological $\\mathrm{\\Lambda}$CDM framework. In particular, this holds for the archetype fossil group RX\\,J1340.6$+$4018 as well, contrary to earlier claims. ", "introduction": "Early numerical simulations suggested that the most compact galaxy groups could merge to form a single elliptical galaxy (hence a `fossil group') in a few billion years \\citep{barnes_89}. An elliptical galaxy formed by the merger of such a group retains its X-ray emitting halo of hot gas, which is unaffected by merging \\citep{ponman_bertram_93}. Following this indication, \\cite{ponman_etal_94} discovered the archetype fossil group RX\\,J1340.6$+$4018. \\cite{vikhlinin+99} and \\cite{jones+03}, on the basis of ROSAT observations, have suggested that fossil groups constitute a considerable population of objects. Their X-ray extent, bolometric X-ray luminosity ($L_{\\mathrm{X, bol}} > 10^{42} h_{50}^{-2}~\\mathrm{erg}~\\mathrm{s}^{-1}$), dark matter dominated total mass, and mass in the diffuse hot gas component are comparable to those of bright groups and poor clusters of galaxies ($\\sim 10^{13}$--$10^{14}~h_{70}^{-1}~\\mathrm{M}_{\\sun}$). The brightest member of a fossil group has an optical luminosity comparable to that of a cluster cD galaxy (i.e., $M_\\mathrm{R} < -22.5 + 5 \\mathrm{log}~h_{50}$) and dominates the galaxy luminosity function of the system. The observational definition of a fossil system lies in the detection of extended, very luminous X-ray emission from the hot gas of the intracluster medium (ICM), and in the existence of an R-band magnitude gap $\\Delta m_{12} > 2$ between the brightest and second brightest members within $0.5 R_\\mathrm{vir}$ \\citep{jones_ponman_forbes_00}. As noted by \\cite{vikhlinin+99}, fossil groups may represent the ultimate examples of hydrostatic equilibrium in virialised systems, since they must have been undisturbed for a very long time if they are the result of galaxy merging within a group. High-resolution hydrodynamical cosmological simulations in the $\\mathrm{\\Lambda}$CDM framework have shown that fossil groups have already assembled half of their final DM mass at redshifts $z \\ge 1$, and subsequently they typically grow by minor mergers only, whereas non-fossil systems of similar masses on average form later \\citep{donghia+05}. The early assembly of fossil groups leaves sufficient time for objects with luminosities close to the characteristic luminosity (i.e., $L \\sim L^{\\star}$) to merge into the central galaxy by dynamical friction, producing the magnitude gap which defines a fossil system. In addition, the simulated fossil groups were found to be over-luminous in X-rays relative to non-fossil groups of the same optical luminosity, in qualitative agreement with observations \\citep[cf.][]{vikhlinin+99,jones_ponman_forbes_00}. In a recent paper, \\cite{vonbendabeckmann+08} showed that many galaxy groups may undergo a fossil phase in their lives but may not necessarily stay fossil down to $z=0$, owing to renewed infall of $L \\sim L^{\\star}$ galaxies from the large-scale environment. Such infall episodes are statistically more likely for more massive systems, so that the fraction of quasi-fossil systems (i.e. those with a large luminosity gap between the central galaxy and the most luminous satellite) is lower among clusters than among groups \\citep{milosavljevic+06,yang+08}. Fossil groups have become a puzzling problem to cosmology since \\citet[DL04]{donghia_lake_04} showed that, with respect to state-of-the-art predictions on the frequency of substructures in cold dark matter (CDM) halos \\citep{delucia+04a}, a virialised system like RX\\,J1340.6$+$4018 lacks galaxies nearly as luminous as the Milky Way. Conversely, the same numerical simulations are able to accurately describe the frequency of substructures in galaxy clusters as massive as Virgo or Coma to well below the circular velocity of a Milky Way-size dark halo (i.e., with $\\vcirc \\le 220~\\mathrm{km}~\\mathrm{s}^{-1}$). In this respect, fossil groups appeared to exacerbate the so-called `small-scale crisis' of CDM universes \\citep{klypin+99b}. In fact, DL04 concluded that the missing substructure problem affects systems up to the scale of groups (typically with $\\mathrm{k} T_\\mathrm{X} \\le 1~\\mathrm{keV}$). However, this result has been challenged by \\cite{sales+07}, who find that the abundance and luminosity function of simulated fossil systems are in reasonable agreement with the few available observational constraints. Given the great interest of this cosmological issue, some optical studies have aimed at better characterizing the mass and luminosity function (LF) of already known fossil systems \\citep[e.g.][]{mendesdeoliveira+06,cypriano+06} or identifying new ones \\citep[e.g.][]{santos+07}, although identifying low-mass fossil systems is hampered by the fact that groups are under-represented in existing X-ray catalogs. In spite of the increasing quality of the data and number of candidates, no new cumulative substructure distribution function (CSDF)\\footnote{The cumulative substructure distribution function gives the number of sub-halos with circular velocity $\\vcirc$ larger than a given fraction of the circular velocity of the parent halo $V_\\mathrm{parent}$.} has so far been produced for a fossil system to compare with that obtained by DL04 for the archetype fossil group RX\\,J1340.6$+$4018. The determination of the CSDF for fossil systems with a range of masses is the objective of the present study. In the following, we adopt a $\\mathrm{\\Lambda}$CDM cosmological model ($\\Omega_{\\mathrm{m}} = 0.3$, $\\Omega_{\\mathrm{\\Lambda}} = 0.7$) with $H_0 = 70~h_{70}^{-1}~\\mathrm{km}~\\mathrm{s}^{-1}~\\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}$. This model is consistent with the main {\\em WMAP5} results \\citep[cf.][]{hinshaw+08}. This work is mainly based on Sloan Digital Sky Survey \\citep[SDSS]{SDSS} data from the sixth data release \\citep[DR6, and references therein]{DR6}. ", "conclusions": "We have studied six galaxy groups and clusters suggested in the literature to be fossil systems, and having high quality X-ray and SDSS spectroscopic or photometric information. Among them, we have established AWM\\,4 as fossil system. We confirm three other systems (RX\\,J1331.5$+$1108, RX\\,J1340.6+4018 and RX\\,J1416.4+2315) to be fossil. RX\\,J1256.0+2556 has characteristics very close to a genuine fossil system, although observational errors are still too large for a robust classification as fossil. Finally we demonstrate that RX\\,J1552.2$+$2013 does not match the magnitude gap requirement to qualify as a fossil. For each system we have computed the luminosity functions within 0.5 and 1 virial radius. Although with uncertainties, that are remarkably large for the least massive systems, they are consistent with the universal luminosity function of clusters derived by \\cite{popesso+04_Xscale}. We have derived detailed cumulative substructure distribution functions (CSDFs) for the six galaxy groups and clusters. Our motivation was to produce CSDFs for systems with a range of masses in the group and poor cluster regime, for comparison with the original CDSF derived for the archetype fossil system RX\\,J1340.6$+$4018 by \\citet[DL04]{donghia_lake_04}. In fact, these authors claimed a lack of substructure for RX\\,J1340.6$+$4018, suggesting that the so-called `small-scale crisis' of Milky-Way-size haloes \\citep{klypin+99b} exists up to the scale of X-ray bright groups. In addition we wanted to compare the CSDFs of our fossil systems with results from normal groups and clusters identified in the SDSS \\citep{desai+04c}, and in cosmological simulations \\citep{desai+04c,sales+07}.\\\\ Our conclusions are as follows: \\vspace{-0.2cm} \\begin{itemize} \\item The CSDF of AWM\\,4, based on spectroscopic data, is completely consistent both with \\cite{desai+04c}'s data and with simulations. AWM\\,4 also matches the simulations by \\cite{sales+07} of isolated bright galaxies in terms of central galaxy luminosity vs. magnitude gap between the first and the tenth ranked member. \\item The photometrically derived CSDFs of the other four {\\em bona fide} fossil systems are all completely consistent with the CSDF envelope derived from observed normal groups and clusters \\citep{desai+04c}. With respect to numerically simulated systems in \\cite{desai+04c} none of our fossil systems appears to lack any substructure. \\end{itemize} \\vspace{-0.2cm} We therefore conclude that no evidence can be provided that the `small-scale crisis' is occurring on the scale of fossil systems. In other words, the presence of a large magnitude gap between the first and second ranked members of a group/cluster does not imply anything special about its substructure, which can be fully accounted for by existing LCDM simulations. Interestingly, we also observe a systematic shift of the CSDFs toward lower $\\vcirc/V_\\mathrm{parent}$ at increasing $V_\\mathrm{parent}$. This can be reproduced using the scaling relations of first and second brightest members vs. halo mass derived for a representative sample of groups and clusters by \\cite{yang+08}. Once more, this reinforces the idea that fossil systems are not anomalous as far as scaling relations are concerned. Further deep, wide-field spectroscopic observations of fossil systems are required to confirm the results we have obtained in the present work. This is particularly necessary at the low end of the mass range. On the theoretical side, analyses which mimic observational approaches such as that described here would allow us to compare real data and simulations on an equal footing. This paper is the first in a series which will characterise many of these aspects of fossil groups." }, "0809/0809.3801_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We report the 2006-2008 light curves obtained with the REM telescope in VRIJHK bands for the two BL Lac objects PKS 0537-441 and PKS 2155-304} \\FullConference{Workshop on Blazar Variability across the Electromagnetic Spectrum\\\\ April 22-25 2008\\\\ Palaiseau, France} \\begin{document} ", "introduction": "Since 2004 we are using the Rapid Eye Mount robotic telescope (REM, la Silla Chile, Zerbi et al 2004), for an intensive Blazar monitoring program in near-infrared (JHK) and optical (IRV) bands (see Tosti, these proceedings). The remarkable activities of PKS 0537- 441 (z=0.896), and PKS 2155-304 (z=0.116) observed with REM in 2004-2005 are described in Dolcini et al. (2005, 2007) and in Pian et al (2007).\\\\ Here we report preliminary results obtained for these two sources in 2006-2008. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.3495_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The eastern tip region of the Carina Nebula was observed with the Suzaku XIS for 77 ks to conduct a high-precision spectral study of extended X-ray emission. XMM-Newton EPIC data of this region were also utilized to detect point sources. The XIS detected strong extended X-ray emission from the entire field-of-view with a 0.2--5 keV flux of $0.7\\sim4\\times10^{-14}$ erg s$^{-1}$ arcmin$^{-2}$. The emission has a blob-like structure that coincides with an ionized gas filament observed in mid-infrared images. Contributions of astrophysical backgrounds and the detected point sources were insignificant. Thus the emission is diffuse in nature. The X-ray spectrum of the diffuse emission was represented by a two-temperature plasma model with temperatures of 0.3 and 0.6 keV and an absorption column density of 2$\\times10^{21}$ cm$^{-1}$. The X-ray emission showed normal nitrogen-to-oxygen abundance ratios and a high iron-to-oxygen abundance ratio. The spectrally deduced parameters, such as temperatures and column densities, are common to the diffuse X-ray emission near $\\eta$ Car. Thus, the diffuse X-ray emission in these two fields may have the same origin. The spectral fitting results are discussed to constrain the origin in the context of stellar winds and supernovae. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Diffuse X-ray emission extending over several to tens pc has been reported in many massive star-forming regions, such as NGC 2024 \\citep{Ezoe2006a}, the Orion Nebula \\citep{Guedel2008}, the Rosette Nebula, \\citep{Townsley2003}, M17 \\citep{Townsley2003,Hyodo2008}, RCW 38 \\citep{Wolk2002}, NGC 6334 \\citep{Ezoe2006b}, the Carina Nebula \\citep{Hamaguchi2007}, W49 \\citep{Tsujimoto2006}, NGC 3603 \\citep{Moffat2002}, the Arches Cluster \\citep{Yusef-Zadeh2002,Tsujimoto2007}, and the Quintuplet Cluster \\citep{Wang2002}. This diffuse component contributes a considerable fraction of the total X-ray emission and shows different spectral characteristics among these regions. Diffuse X-ray emission can be roughly classified into three types: thin-thermal plasma emission with a temperature $kT\\sim$ 0.1--1 keV, higher-temperature plasma emission with $kT\\sim$ 2--10 keV, and possibly non-thermal emission with a photon index of 1-1.5. These phenomena can be explained by plasma heating and particle acceleration in strong shocks by fast stellar winds from young OB stars \\citep{Townsley2003,Ezoe2006a,Ezoe2006b,Guedel2008} and/or past supernova remnants (SNRs) \\citep{Wolk2002,Hamaguchi2007}. The precise origin of diffuse X-ray emission, however, is often unclear. Recently \\citet{Hamaguchi2007} suggest that the origin of diffuse X-ray emission can be constrained by plasma diagnostics or measurements of elemental abundances. While main-sequence late-O to early B stars have nearly solar abundances (e.g., \\cite{Cunha1994,Daflon2004}), evolved stars show non-solar elemental compositions due to the CNO cycle. For instance, the plasma will be overabundant in nitrogen if its origin is the wind from a nitrogen-rich Wolf-Rayet star. On the other hand, the plasma will be overabundant in oxygen, neon, and silicon if it is produced by a Type II SNR (e.g., \\cite{Tsujimoto1995}). The low-temperature ($kT\\sim$0.1--1 keV) type of diffuse X-ray emission is ideal for such diagnostic studies, because a variety of K-shell lines exist in the 0.2--2 keV range. The Carina Nebula is an excellent site to investigate plasma diagnostics of diffuse X-ray emission. At a distance of 2.3 kpc, it is one of the most active massive star forming regions in the Galaxy. It contains eight massive stellar clusters: Trumpler 14, 15, 16, Collinder 228, Bochum 10, 11, NGC 3293, and NGC 3324. In total, there exist more than 64 O stars \\citep{Feinstein1995, Smith2006}, including the extreme-type luminous blue variable $\\eta$ Car and four Wolf-Rayet stars. The age of the nebula is estimated to be $\\sim3$ Myr based on the most evolved stars and the size of the HII region \\citep{Smith2000}. The young massive stars that are still enshrouded in gas and dust have been observed in optical, infrared, and radio wavelengths (e.g., \\cite{Harvey1979, Smith2000, Yonekura2005}). The number counts of the most massive O stars, e.g., O3 stars, suggest that the star-formation activity of the Carina Nebula rivals those of the most active regions, such as NGC 3603 at $D=6.9$ kpc and W49 at $D=11.4$ kpc. The proximity of the Carina Nebula, compared with NGC 3603 and W49, makes it the best target to study diffuse X-ray emission resulting from star-forming activities. Seward et al.\\ (1979) first suggested the existence of possible diffuse soft X-ray emission in the Carina Nebula with a luminosity of $\\sim$10$^{35}$ erg s$^{-1}$ and a spatial extent of several pc, using {Einstein} observations. Although the limited energy and spatial resolution of Einstein hindered the determination of precise plasma parameters and the contribution from point sources, \\citet{Seward1982} postulated that the extended X-rays were from hot gas with $T\\sim10^{7}$ K. With {Chandra}, Evans et al.\\ (2003) confirmed the existence of diffuse X-ray emission near $\\eta$ Car in addition to point sources; however, the limited photon statistics and high background prevented detailed spectral analysis. Hamaguchi et al.\\ (2007) obtained spectra of the diffuse X-ray emission around $\\eta$ Car with {Suzaku}. Owing to the good low-energy response and the low background of the X-ray CCD onboard {Suzaku}, % the spectra extracted from the regions north and south of $\\eta$ Car can be modeled with high precision; both spectra are best represented by three-temperature plasma models with $kT\\sim0.2$, $\\sim0.6$, and $\\sim5$ keV. Analyzing the {Suzaku} data in conjunction with XMM-Newton and Chandra data, Hamaguchi et al.\\ (2007) concluded that the 0.2 keV and 0.6 keV components most likely originated from diffuse plasma, but the 5 keV component could not be easily distinguished from the unresolved point sources. They found that the iron and silicon abundances were significantly different in the north and south regions, and that the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundance ratios in both regions were far lower than those of stellar winds from evolved massive stars such as $\\eta$ Car and WR25 in this field. From these results, they concluded that the diffuse X-ray emission near $\\eta$ Car originated from one or multiple SNRs. We have studied extended X-ray emission from an eastern tip region of the Carina Nebula. Located $\\sim$ 30$'$ ($\\sim$ 20 pc) from $\\eta$ Car, this region is less contaminated by X-ray emission from OB stars than the regions near $\\eta$ Car. Previous {Einstein} observations have revealed strong extended X-ray emission in this region, although no massive stars earlier than B3 are known here \\citep{Seward1982}. It is not known whether this emission is truly diffuse and, if so, whether its origin is similar to that of the regions near $\\eta$ Car. In this paper we report the first detailed spectral analysis of the extended X-ray emission in this eastern tip region of the Carina Nebula using Suzaku observation. To augment the limited angular resolution of Suzaku, the analysis also made use of {XMM-Newton} data. ", "conclusions": "In the present paper, we have investigated the properties of diffuse X-ray emission associated with the eastern tip region of the Carina Nebula using the Suzaku and XMM-Newton data. Our conclusion is as follows. (1) Strong extended X-ray emission was detected from the entire field-of-view of Suzaku with a 0.2--5 keV surface brightness of 0.7$\\sim$4$\\times10^{-14}$ erg s$^{-1}$ arcmin$^{-2}$. Comparisons with the estimated contamination from astrophysical backgrounds and point sources suggest that most of the emission is diffuse in nature. (2) The observed absorption column density and temperature are consistent with those in the $\\eta$Car region, suggesting the same origin as the diffuse X-ray emission in the vicinity of the Carina Nebula. (3) Estimated physical properties of the plasma such as pressure, total energy, and mass can be explained by stellar winds from OB stars in the Carina Nebula or young SNR(s) with the age less than $\\sim$10$^4$ yr. The SNR interpretation can provide the necessary energy and mass more easily. (4) Absolute abundance values are strongly affected by abundances of metals fixed in spectral fits, allowing both the stellar-wind and SNR interpretations. The low nitrogen-to-oxygen and high iron-to-oxygen ratios derived from the spectral fits may support that the diffuse plasma heated up by stellar winds from main-sequence OB stars. The abundance ratios can be produced by a mixture of stellar winds and SNRs, as well. The authors acknowledge discussion with Y. Hydo. K.H. is supported by the NASA Astrobiology Program under RTOP 344-53-51. \\clearpage \\begin{figure}[p] \\begin{center} \\FigureFile(0.7\\textwidth,){fig1av1p.eps} \\FigureFile(0.7\\textwidth,){fig1bv1.eps} \\end{center} \\caption{(a) % An MSX band-A 8.28 $\\mu$m image of the Carina nebula taken from the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archieve. Yellow contours show the 12CO (J$=$2-1) map \\citep{Yonekura2005}. Two white boxes represent field-of-views of this (upper left) and previous Suzaku observations (lower right, \\cite{Hamaguchi2007}). (b) An EPIC MOS mosaic of the same nebula with XMM-Newton taken from the XMM-Newton Image Gallery. The red, green and blue colors show soft (0.4--0.7 keV), medium (0.7--1.3 keV) and hard (2--7 keV) X-ray emission, respectively. Circles and numbers indicate point sources detected in our analysis (see \\S \\ref{sec:ps}). }\\label{fig:overview} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure}[p] \\begin{center} \\FigureFile(0.8\\textwidth,){fig2v2.eps} \\end{center} \\caption{Suzaku BI images of the eastern tip region of the Carina nebula in the (a) 0.2--2 keV and (b) 2--10 keV bands, displayed on the J2000.0 coordinates. For clarity, images are binned by a factor of 8 and smoothed by a Gaussian of $\\sigma$ = 3 pixels. % Vignettings are corrected (see \\S \\ref{sec:obs}). The unit of intensity in the greyscale wedge is arbitrary. Solid black lines mark regions utilized in the spectral analysis. The strong emission at the bottom-left and -right parts of the panel (b) corresponds to calibration 55Fe sources. }\\label{fig:xisimage} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure}[p] \\begin{center} \\FigureFile(0.55\\textwidth,){fig3v2.eps} \\end{center} \\caption{Background-subtracted BI (black) and FI (red) spectra of (a) the blob, (b) the east, and (c) the nw regions. Center energies of emission lines are shown in the panel (a). For comparison, the vertical axis is normalized by the angular size of each region. }\\label{fig:xisdiffspec} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure}[p] \\begin{center} \\FigureFile(0.8\\textwidth,){fig4v0.eps} \\end{center} \\caption{XMM-Newton EPIC-pn spectra of the bright point sources (No.1, 2, 4, and 7). The solid lines show the best-fit absorbed plasma models. The dotted lines in the panel (a) show two plasma components. The bottom panels exhibit residuals from the best-fit models. }\\label{fig:xmmsrcspec} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure}[p] \\begin{center} \\FigureFile(0.55\\textwidth,){fig5v2.eps} \\end{center} \\caption{Background-subtracted BI spectra of (a) the blob, (b) the east, and (c) the nw regions. Solid lines show estimated contamination from X-ray sources. }\\label{fig:bgdest} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[p] \\begin{center} \\FigureFile(0.55\\textwidth,){fig6v2.eps} \\end{center} \\caption{Best-fit spectral results of the diffuse X-ray emission in (a) the blob, (b) the east, and (c) the nw regions. The best-fit model is shown in a solid black line. The model components for the XIS1 spectrum are shown in solid colored lines (cyan: the LHB component, magenta and red: the two-temperature plasma component, blue: the power-law component). See tables \\ref{tbl:fit1} and \\ref{tbl:fit2} for the obtained parameters. }\\label{fig:fit12} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{figure}[p] \\begin{center} \\FigureFile(0.55\\textwidth,){fig7v0.eps} \\end{center} \\caption{XMM-Newton MOS fitting result of the diffuse X-ray emission in the blob region. Line colors are the same as figure \\ref{fig:fit12} but for the MOS1 and MOS2 data. See table \\ref{tbl:fit3} for the obtained parameters. }\\label{fig:fit3} \\end{figure} \\bigskip \\begin{figure}[p] \\hspace*{-10mm} \\FigureFile(1.1\\textwidth,){fig8v3.eps} \\bigskip \\caption{Abundance distributions in (a) the blob region in the eastern tip region (this paper), (b) the north and south regions in the $\\eta$ Car region \\citep{Hamaguchi2007}, and (c) sub-regions in M17 \\citep{Hyodo2008}. The filled marks represent the fixed values. }\\label{fig:abd} \\end{figure} \\clearpage \\begin{table}[p] \\caption{Properties of XMM-Newton point sources.}\\label{tbl:srclist} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{lcccccccc} \\hline No. & R.A.$^{\\rm a}$ & Decl.$^{\\rm a}$ & $C_{\\rm MOS}$$^{\\rm b}$ & $C_{\\rm pn}$$^{\\rm b}$ & Flux$^{\\rm c}$ & Var$^{\\rm d}$ & Counterpart$^{\\rm e}$ \\\\ \\hline 1 & 10:47:31.68 & -59:32:33.7 & 199$\\pm13$ & 411$\\pm30$ & 3.8 & No & 2MASS J 10473148-5932345 \\\\ 2\t & 10:49:28.08 & -59:34:55.2 & 68$\\pm8$ & 124$\\pm$17 & 1.1 & No & 2MASS J 10492780-5935000 \\\\ 3$^{\\rm f}$\t & 10:48:52.80 & -59:40:39.4 & 62$\\pm9$ & 22$\\pm13$ & 0.07 & Yes & 2MASS J 10485248-5940392 \\\\ 4\t & 10:47:22.80 & -59:23:37.3 & 66$\\pm8$ & 174$\\pm$19 & 0.38 & No & 2MASS J 10472233-5923392 \\\\ 5\t & 10:46:45.84 & -59:30:13.0 % & 30$\\pm7$ & 83$\\pm15$ & 0.27 & No & \\begin{tabular}{c} 2MASS J 10464595-5930130 \\\\ GSC 0862602325\\\\ \\end{tabular}\\\\ 6\t & 10:47:05.28 & -59:30:27.0 % & 15$\\pm7$ & 61$\\pm17$ & 0.20 & No & 2MASS J 10470505-5930247 \\\\ 7$^{\\rm g} $& 10:46:09.12& -59:43:08.0 % & --- & 336$\\pm28$ & 0.79 & No & 2MASS J 10460901-5943025 \\\\ 8 & 10:48:10.80 & -59:41:44.9 % & 47$\\pm10$ & 73$\\pm22$ & 0.23 & No & 2MASS J 10480990-5941489 \\\\ 9 & 10:48:30.96 & -59:42:14.8 % & 26$\\pm8$ & 78$\\pm19$ & 0.25 & No & 2MASS J 10483064-5942144 \\\\ 10 & 10:48:14.16 & -59:43:32.2 % & 15$\\pm9$ & 81$\\pm19$ & 0.26 & No & --- \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} {\\noindent $^{\\rm a}$ Source positions in J2000 coordinates.\\\\ $^{\\rm b}$ Background-subtracted photon counts detected with EPIC MOS and pn in 0.4--10 keV. $C_{\\rm MOS}$ is the average counts of MOS1 and MOS2. Errors are 1$\\sigma$.\\\\ $^{\\rm c}$ The 0.4--10 keV X-ray flux in 10$^{-13}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ which corresponds to 6$\\times10^{31}$ erg s$^{-1}$ at 2.3 kpc. Fluxes of No.1, 2, 4, and 7 are derived from the spectral fittings, while the other are estimated from $C_{\\rm pn}$ assuming the thin-thermal plasma model (see text).\\\\ $^{\\rm d}$ Time variability based on the $\\chi^2$ statistics.\\\\ $^{\\rm e}$ Counterpart candidates within 10 arcsec of the X-ray position, based on searches of the 2MASS and AGAST catalogs.\\\\ $^{\\rm f}$ This source falls in the CCD gap of pn.\\\\ $^{\\rm g}$ This source is outside the FOV of MOS.\\\\ } \\end{table} \\begin{table}[p] \\caption{Results of the spectral fits to the point sources$^{\\rm a}$.} \\label{tbl:srcfit} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{lccccc} \\hline No. & $N_{\\rm H}$$^{\\rm b}$ & $kT$$^{\\rm c}$ & Normalization$^{\\rm d}$ & $L_{\\rm X}$$^{\\rm e}$ & $\\chi^2$/d.o.f. \\\\ \\hline 1 & 0.17$_{-0.12}^{+0.57}$ & 0.42$_{-0.18}^{+0.45}$, $>32$ & 4.8$_{-2.9}^{+4.1}$$\\times10^{-5}$, 2.5$_{-0.6}^{+0.5}$$\\times10^{-4}$ & 3 & 19.5/25 \\\\ 2 & 9.6$_{-3.8}^{+6.3}$ & 1.8$_{-0.8}^{+2.3}$ & 1.0$\\pm{0.1}$$\\times10^{-3}$ & 6 & 3.5/7 \\\\ 4 & $<0.95$ & 0.70$_{-0.44}^{+0.10}$ & 4.4$\\pm0.7$$\\times10^{-5}$ & 0.3 & 7.1/9 \\\\ 7 & $0.72_{-0.16}^{+0.17}$ & $0.12_{-0.03}^{+0.04}$ & 8.4$_{-4.5}^{+4.6}$$\\times10^{-2}$ & 80 & 37.6/23 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} {\\noindent $^{\\rm a}$ A single plasma model is assumed for No. 2, 4, and 7, while a two temperature model is used for No.1. A metal abundance is fixed at 0.3 solar value. Errors refer to the 90\\% confidence range. \\\\ $^{\\rm b}$ Hydrogen column density in 10$^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$.\\\\ $^{\\rm c}$ Plasma temperature in keV.\\\\ $^{\\rm d}$ Normalization factor of the APEC model, representing 10$^{-14}$/4$\\pi D^2$ $EM$, where $D$ is a distance to the Carina nebula and $EM$ is an emission measure in cm$^{-3}$.\\\\ $^{\\rm e}$ Absorption-corrected 0.4--10 keV luminosity in 10$^{32}$ erg s$^{-1}$ assuming a distance of 2.3 kpc.\\\\ } \\end{table} \\begin{table}[p] \\caption{Results of the two-temperature plasma model fit to the diffuse X-ray emission in the blob region.} \\label{tbl:fit1} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{lccccc} \\hline\\hline Model$^{\\rm a}$ & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & Typical error$^{\\rm b}$ \\\\ \\hline Two-temperature plasma component$^{\\rm c}$\\\\ $N_{\\rm H}$ (10$^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$) & 0.23 & 0.25 & 0.22 & 0.26 & 0.01\\\\ % $kT_1$ (keV) & 0.25 & 0.24 & 0.25 & 0.24 & 0.01 \\\\ % $kT_2$ (keV) & 0.55 & 0.56 & 0.55 & 0.54 & 0.01 \\\\ % C (solar) & 0.3 (fixed) & 1.0 (fixed) & 0.0 (fixed) & 0.0 (fixed) & $-$ \\\\ N (solar) & 0.3 (fixed) & 1.0 (fixed) & 0.0 (fixed) & 0.0 (fixed) & $-$ \\\\ O (solar) & 0.24 & 0.55 & 0.16 & 0.10 & 0.01 \\\\ % Ne (solar) & 0.46 & 0.93 & 0.36 & 0.21 & 0.01 \\\\ % Mg (solar) & 0.44 & 0.94 & 0.32 & 0.24 & 0.01 \\\\ % Al (solar) & 0.3 (fixed) & 1.0 (fixed)& 0.075 (fixed)& 0.029 (fixed)& $-$ \\\\ Si (solar) & 0.54 & 1.1 & 0.40 & 0.37 & 0.02 \\\\ % S (solar) & 0.74 & 1.5 & 0.56 & 0.57 & 0.1 \\\\ % Ar (solar) & 0.3 (fixed) & 1.0 (fixed) & 0.0 (fixed) & 0.13 (fixed) & $-$ \\\\ Ca (solar) & 0.3 (fixed) & 1.0 (fixed) & 0.0 (fixed) & 0.0 (fixed) & $-$ \\\\ Fe (solar) & 0.32 & 0.71 & 0.23 & 0.19 & 0.01 \\\\ % Ni (solar) & 0.3 (fixed) & 1.0 (fixed) & 0.089 (fixed)& 0.78 (fixed) & $-$ \\\\ log$EM_1$ (cm$^{-3}$ arcmin$^{-2}$) & 54.9 & 54.6 & 55.0 & 55.4 & 0.02 \\\\ % log$EM_2$ (cm$^{-3}$ arcmin$^{-2}$) & 54.5 & 54.2 & 54.6 & 54.7 & 0.02 \\\\ % Flux1 (10$^{-14}$ erg s$^{-1}$ arcmin$^{-2}$) & 1.8 & 1.8 & 1.8 & 2.3 & 0.1 \\\\ % Flux2 (10$^{-14}$ erg s$^{-1}$ arcmin$^{-2}$) & 2.2 & 2.2 & 2.2 & 1.8 & 0.1 \\\\ % \\hline Power-law component$^{\\rm d}$ \\\\ Flux (10$^{-14}$ erg s$^{-1}$ arcmin$^{-2}$) & 0.56 & 0.57 & 0.56 & 0.56 & 0.02 \\\\ % \\hline LHB component$^{\\rm e}$ \\\\ Flux (10$^{-14}$ erg s$^{-1}$ arcmin$^{-2}$) & 0.10 & 0.11 & 0.10 & 0.10 & 0.02 \\\\ % \\hline $\\chi^2$/d.o.f. & 1.24 & 1.31 & 1.21 & 1.22 & \\\\ d.o.f. & 1231 & 1231 & 1231 & 1231 & \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} {\\noindent $^{\\rm a}$ Fitting models with different fixed abundances. \\\\ $^{\\rm b}$ Typical fitting errors at the 90\\% confidence level.\\\\ $^{\\rm c}$ A commonly-absorbed plasma model. Arabic numbers 1 and 2 denote the two temperature components. Parameter definitions are the same as those in table \\ref{tbl:srcfit}. Fluxes are calculated in 0.2--5 keV.\\\\ $^{\\rm d}$ A power-law model representing CXB, GRXE, and point sources. A photon index is fixed at 1.5. The same absorption for the two-temperature plasma is assumed. Normalization is photon keV$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ at 1 keV.\\\\ $^{\\rm e}$ A single-temperature plasma model representing LHB. A plasma temperature is fixed at 0.1 keV.\\\\ } \\end{table} \\begin{table}[p] \\caption{Results of the two-temperature plasma model fit to the diffuse X-ray emission in the east and nw regions$^{\\rm a}$.} \\label{tbl:fit2} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{lccccc} \\hline\\hline Region & east & nw \\\\ \\hline Two-temperature plasma component\\\\ $N_{\\rm H}$ (10$^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$) & 0.21$_{-0.07}^{+0.09}$ & 0.32$_{-0.07}^{+0.11}$ \\\\ % $kT_1$ (keV) & 0.20$_{-0.02}^{+0.04}$ & 0.19$_{-0.03}^{+0.02}$ \\\\ % $kT_2$ (keV) & 0.54$_{-0.07}^{+0.04}$ & 0.41$_{-0.08}^{+0.10}$ \\\\ % C (solar) & 0.3 (fixed) & 0.3 (fixed) \\\\ N (solar) & 0.3 (fixed) & 0.3 (fixed) \\\\ O (solar) & 0.15$_{-0.06}^{+0.12}$ & 0.07$_{-0.02}^{+0.04}$ \\\\ % Ne (solar) & 0.33$_{-0.14}^{+0.31}$ & 0.27$_{-0.05}^{+0.14}$ \\\\ % Mg (solar) & 0.30$_{-0.14}^{+0.29}$ & 0.25$_{-0.10}^{+0.16}$ \\\\ % Al (solar) & 0.3 (fixed) & 0.3 (fixed) \\\\ Si (solar) & 0.43$_{-0.20}^{+0.37}$ & 0.96$_{-0.43}^{+0.57}$ \\\\ % S (solar) & 0.74 (fixed) & 0.74 (fixed) \\\\ % Ar (solar) & 0.3 (fixed) & 0.3 (fixed) \\\\ Ca (solar) & 0.3 (fixed) & 0.3 (fixed) \\\\ Fe (solar) & 0.16$_{-0.05}^{+0.10}$ & 0.17$_{-0.06}^{+0.03}$ \\\\ % Ni (solar) & 0.3 (fixed) & 0.3 (fixed) \\\\ log$EM_1$ (cm$^{-3}$ arcmin$^{-2}$) & 54.3$_{-0.5}^{+0.4}$ & 55.0$\\pm{0.7}$ \\\\ % log$EM_2$ (cm$^{-3}$ arcmin$^{-2}$) & 54.0$\\pm{0.2}$ & 54.3$_{-0.3}^{+0.8}$ \\\\ % Flux1 (10$^{-14}$ erg s$^{-1}$ arcmin$^{-2}$) & 0.23$_{-0.15}^{+0.41}$ & 0.41$\\pm{0.08}$ \\\\ % Flux2 (10$^{-14}$ erg s$^{-1}$ arcmin$^{-2}$) & 0.48$_{-0.20}^{+0.31}$ & 0.45$_{-0.20}^{+0.11}$ \\\\ % \\hline Power-law component \\\\ Flux (10$^{-14}$ erg s$^{-1}$ arcmin$^{-2}$) & 0.56$\\pm{0.06}$ & 0.55$\\pm{0.09}$ \\\\ % \\hline LHB component \\\\ Flux (10$^{-14}$ erg s$^{-1}$ arcmin$^{-2}$) & 0.087$_{-0.032}^{+0.031}$& 0.15$_{-0.06}^{+0.05}$ \\\\ % \\hline $\\chi^2$/d.o.f. & 0.77 & 0.60 \\\\ d.o.f. & 245 & 111 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} {\\noindent $^{\\rm a}$ Notations and symbols are the same as table \\ref{tbl:fit1}. } \\end{table} \\clearpage \\begin{table}[p] \\caption{Result of the two-temperature plasma model fit to the XMM MOS spectra of the blob region$^{\\rm a}$.} \\label{tbl:fit3} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{lccccc} \\hline\\hline Model & 1 \\\\ \\hline Two-temperature plasma component\\\\ $N_{\\rm H}$ (10$^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$) & 0.19$_{-0.02}^{+0.03}$ \\\\ % $kT_1$ (keV) & 0.24$\\pm{0.01}$ \\\\ % $kT_2$ (keV) & 0.58$\\pm{0.01}$ \\\\ % C (solar) & 1.2$_{-0.9}^{+0.4}$ \\\\ N (solar) & 0.3 (fixed) \\\\ O (solar) & 0.23$_{-0.03}^{+0.02}$ \\\\ % Ne (solar) & 0.44$\\pm{0.07}$ \\\\ % Mg (solar) & 0.46$\\pm{0.07}$ \\\\ % Al (solar) & 0.3 (fixed) \\\\ Si (solar) & 0.48$_{-0.08}^{+0.07}$ \\\\ % S (solar) & 0.48$_{-0.18}^{+0.20}$ \\\\ % Ar (solar) & 0.3 (fixed) \\\\ Ca (solar) & 0.3 (fixed) \\\\ Fe (solar) & 0.32$_{-0.04}^{+0.05}$ \\\\ % Ni (solar) & 0.3 (fixed) \\\\ log$EM_1$ (cm$^{-3}$ arcmin$^{-2}$) & 54.8$\\pm{0.1}$ \\\\ % log$EM_2$ (cm$^{-3}$ arcmin$^{-2}$) & 54.5$\\pm{0.1}$ \\\\ % Flux1 (10$^{-14}$ erg s$^{-1}$ arcmin$^{-2}$) & 1.7$\\pm{0.2}$ \\\\ % Flux2 (10$^{-14}$ erg s$^{-1}$ arcmin$^{-2}$) & 2.7$_{-0.4}^{+0.2}$ \\\\ % \\hline Power-law component \\\\ Flux (10$^{-14}$ erg s$^{-1}$ arcmin$^{-2}$) & 0.84$\\pm{0.05}$ \\\\ % \\hline LHB component \\\\ Flux (10$^{-14}$ erg s$^{-1}$ arcmin$^{-2}$) & $<0.06$ \\\\ % \\hline $\\chi^2$/d.o.f. & 1.20 \\\\ d.o.f. & 337 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} {\\noindent $^{\\rm a}$ Notations and symbols are the same as table \\ref{tbl:fit1}. } \\end{table} \\clearpage \\begin{table}[p] \\caption{Physical properties of the diffuse plasma in the blob region$^a$.} \\label{tbl:plasma} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{lccccc} \\hline\\hline Parameter & Scale Factor & $T_1$ & $T_2$\\\\ \\hline \\multicolumn{4}{c}{Observed X-ray Properties}\\\\ \\hline $kT$ (keV) & $-$ & 0.3 & 0.6 \\\\ $L_{\\rm X}$ (ergs s$^{-1}$) & $-$ & 2$\\times10^{34}$ & 1$\\times10^{34}$\\\\ $V$ (cm$^{3}$) & $\\eta$ & 1$\\times10^{57}$ & 1$\\times10^{57}$\\\\ \\hline \\multicolumn{4}{c}{Estimated X-ray Plasma Properties}\\\\ \\hline $n_{\\rm e}$ (cm$^{-3}$) & $\\eta^{-1/2}$ & 0.3 & 0.4 \\\\ $P/k$ (K cm$^{-3}$) & $\\eta^{-1/2}$ & 2$\\times10^{6}$ & 5$\\times10^{6}$\\\\ $U$ (ergs) & $\\eta^{1/2}$ & 4$\\times10^{47}$ & 1$\\times10^{48}$\\\\ $t_{\\rm cool}$ (yr) & $\\eta^{1/2}$ & 1$\\times10^{6}$ & 4$\\times10^{6}$\\\\ $M_{\\rm plasma}$ ($M_\\odot$) & $\\eta^{1/2}$ & 0.2 & 0.2 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} {\\noindent $^{\\rm a}$ $\\eta$ is a filling factor for the volume of the plasma. $T_1$ and $T_2$ indicate the two temperature plasma component in table \\ref{tbl:fit1} model 1. } \\end{table} \\clearpage" }, "0809/0809.3947_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{} {We present the first direct comparison of the distribution of the gas, as traced by the [\\ion{O}{i}] 6300\\AA\\ emission, and the dust, as traced by the 10 $\\mu$m emission, in the planet-forming region of proto-planetary disks around three intermediate-mass stars: HD 101412, HD 135344 B and HD 179218.} {$N$-band visibilities were obtained with VLTI/MIDI. Simple geometrical models are used to compare the dust emission to high-resolution optical spectra in the 6300\\,\\AA\\ [\\ion{O}{i}] line of the same targets.} {HD 101412 and HD 135344 B show compact ($<$ 2 AU) 10 $\\mu$m emission while the [\\ion{O}{i}] brightness profile shows a double peaked structure. The inner peak is strongest and is consistent with the location of the dust, the outer peak is fainter and is located at 5-10 AU. In both systems, spatially extended PAH emission is found. HD 179218 shows a double ring-like 10 $\\mu$m emission with the first ring peaking at $\\sim$ 1 AU and the second at $\\sim$ 20 AU. The [\\ion{O}{i}] emitting region is more compact, peaking between 3 -- 6 AU.} {The disks around HD 101412 and HD 135344 B appear strongly flared in the gas, but self-shadowed in the dust beyond $\\sim$ 2 AU. The difference in the gas and dust vertical structure beyond 2 AU might be the first observational evidence of gas-dust decoupling in protoplanetary disks. The disk around HD 179218 is flared in the dust. The 10 $\\mu$m emission emerges from the inner rim and from the flared surface of the disk at larger radii. No dust emission is detected between $\\sim$ 3 -- 15 AU. The oxygen emission seems also to come from a flared structure, however, the bulk of this emission is produced between $\\sim$ 1 -- 10 AU. This could indicate a lack of gas in the outer disk or could be due to chemical effects which reduce the abundance of OH -- the parent molecule of the observed [\\ion{O}{i}] emission -- further away from the star. It may also be a contrast effect if the [\\ion{O}{i}] emission is much stronger in the inner disk. We suggest that the three systems, HD 179218, HD 135344 B and HD 101412, may form an evolutionary sequence: the disk initially flared becomes flat under the combined action of gas-dust decoupling, grain growth and dust settling.} ", "introduction": "Many pre-main-sequence stars are characterized by excess infrared emission above the stellar photospheric level which, depending on the evolutionary state of the system, may start in the near infrared (1 -- 5~$\\mu$m) or at longer wavelengths. The dust distributed around the young star is responsible for this emission. The dust particles absorb a large fraction of the short wavelength stellar photons and re-emit them at infrared wavelengths. This dust is believed to be confined to a disk-like structure which forms in the early phase of star formation as a result of the conservation of the angular momentum of the parental cloud. Disk formation is followed by a longer phase of disk accretion during which disk material accretes onto the young star at a typical accretion rate of $10^{-7} - 10^{-10}$ M$_{\\sun}$ yr$^{-1}$. The interstellar dust and gas that forms the disk undergoes changes in its composition and size. Infrared surveys show that after a mean age of 3 Myr the inner part of the disk is cleared of dust. Viscous accretion, photo-evaporation and planet formation are the likely mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon (see review in Henning \\cite{henning}). \\noindent \\begin{table*} \\caption{Properties of the programme stars. The column \"Meeus group\" gives the classification in {\\it flared} (group I) and {\\it self-shadowed} (group II) disks by Meeus et al. (\\cite{meeus}). Column ``[\\ion{O}{i}] extent'' reports the extent (minimum and maximum radius) of the [\\ion{O}{i}] emitting region as derived in paper I. The disk position angle (PA) and inclination are taken from paper I.} \\label{tab:prop} \\centering \\begin{tabular}{lllllllllll} \\hline\\hline Star & RA & DEC & Sp.T & M$_{star}$ & F$_{12\\mu m}$ & Distance & Meeus Group & PA & Inclination & [\\ion{O}{i}] extent\\\\ & (J2000) & (J2000) & & [M$_{\\sun}$] & [Jy] & [pc] & & [\\degr] & [\\degr] & [AU] \\\\ \\hline HD 101412 & 11:39:44.46 & -60:10:27.7 & A0IIIe & 2.3 & 3.22 & 160 & II & -- & 30 & 0.15 - 10 \\\\ HD 135344 B & 15:15:48.44 & -37:09:16.0 & F4Ve & 1.7 & 1.59 & 140 & I & 100 & 45 & 0.1 - 100 \\\\ HD 179218 & 19:11:11.25 & +15:47:15.6 & B9e & 2.7 & 23.4 & 240 & I & 10 & 40 & 0.4 - 50 \\\\ \\hline\\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table*} A circumstellar disk is believed to be the locus where planet formation takes place. The large number of recently discovered exo-planetary systems and the variety of such systems raised many new questions about the structure and evolution of {\\it protoplanetary} disks. Of particular interest for the understanding of disk evolution and planet formation is the coupling of gas and dust in disks. A main assumption underlying essentially all proto-planetary disk models is that dust and gas are thermally coupled. It is an open question whether this assumption holds on the disk surface and efforts have been made to improve disk models by taking into account the dust-gas decoupling (e.g. Kamp \\& Dullemond \\cite{kd}). While gas and dust are thermally coupled in the disk interior, in the low density environments of the disk surface layer, the two components may decouple. \\smallskip \\noindent The detailed structure of the disk surface temperature in the presence of gas-dust decoupling was studied by Jonkheid et al. (\\cite{jonkheid}), Kamp \\& Dullemond (\\cite{kd}) and Nomura \\& Millar (\\cite{nomura}). Different heating/cooling processes act at different heights in the disk. In particular, very high in the atmosphere, with particle densities as low as {\\it n} $< 10^5 {\\rm cm}^{-3}$ (A$_V$ $\\lesssim$ 10$^{-3}$ mag), the gas temperature is set by the balance of photoelectric heating and fine structure line cooling of neutral oxygen (Jonkheid et al. \\cite{jonkheid}, Kamp \\& Dullemond \\cite{kd}). In the upper layers of protoplanetary disks the gas temperature may exceed the dust temperature. At small radii ($<$ 50 AU) the temperature of the gas above the disk photosphere may reach $\\sim 10^4$ K. At larger radii ($>$ 50 AU) the gas can become as hot as a few hundred Kelvin (Kamp \\& Dullemond \\cite{kd}). However, it is not obvious that such a hot and tenuous disk atmosphere can remain as a stable structure of a disk. The difference in gas and dust temperature as well as other processes (e.g. disk wind, disk evaporation, dust coagulation and settling) may lead to a physical decoupling of gas and dust in disks. \\smallskip \\noindent In this paper we present the first direct comparison of the dust and gas emission of three pre-main-sequence stars: \\object{HD 101412}, \\object{HD 135344 B} and \\object{HD 179218}. These are intermediate-mass (1.7 - 2.7 M$_{\\sun}$) stars belonging to both group I (flaring disk: HD 135344 B and HD 179218) and group II (flattened disk: HD 101412) according to the classification of Meeus et al. (\\cite{meeus}). In a previous paper (van der Plas et al. \\cite{plas}, hereafter paper I) we presented high resolution spectroscopy ($\\frac{\\lambda}{\\Delta\\lambda} = 77000$) of the optical [\\ion{O}{i}] 6300.304\\AA\\ line with VLT/UVES of these three stars. Here we present $N$-band interferometric observations obtained with VLTI/MIDI aimed at spatially resolving the mid-infrared emitting region of the disk. We will also compare the thermal coupling between dust and gas in the disks surroundings our three targets by comparing the MIDI observations to a simple phenomenological model derived from the [\\ion{O}{i}] data. The properties of the programme stars are reported in Table \\ref{tab:prop}. The paper is organized as follow: section 2 briefly summarizes the results of paper I; section 3 contains information about observations and data reduction; in section 4 and 5 we report respectively an analysis of the interferometric measurements and the comparison with the optical data of paper I. The discussion and conclusion are given in section 6. ", "conclusions": "In this paper we presented the first direct comparison of gas and dust emission from the surface of three protoplanetary disks. The comparison of high optical spectroscopy with infrared interferometric observations gives some insight into the relative size and shape of the gas and the dust emitting region. \\smallskip \\noindent For HD 179218 the new MIDI results presented here and the UVES results of paper I are in good agreement with a flared disk structure. The 10 $\\mu$m emission comes from two separate regions: an inner part located between $\\sim$ 0.3 -- 3 AU (likely the disk inner rim) and an outer part between $\\sim$ 15 -- 23 AU (flared disk surface). No dust emission is detected between 3 -- 15 AU. The [\\ion{O}{i}] brightness profile shows instead a single strong peak centered at $\\sim$ 3 -- 6 AU. The difference between gas and dust emitting regions for HD 179218 may reflects a real different structure for the two components or might be caused by other effects such as: 1) the action of chemical processes that reduce the abundance of OH in the outer part of the disk (in this case plenty of gas may still exist but we are not able to see it); 2) a contrast effect of the [\\ion{O}{i}] emission. In the latter case the [\\ion{O}{i}] emission is much stronger in the inner disk and it may outshine the [\\ion{O}{i}] from the outer disk. The presence of a dust gap needs further investigation as it may indicate possible ongoing planet formation. \\smallskip \\noindent HD 135344 B and HD101412 show a compact 10 $\\mu$m emitting region. The oxygen instead has a double peak brightness radial profile with the first peak coincident with the dust emission and a second peak further away from the star at $\\sim$ 5 -- 10 AU. In the case of HD 135344 B extended dust emission is found at 20.5 $\\mu$m (Doucet et al. \\cite{doucet}). Modelling the SED of HD 135344 B, Brown et al. (\\cite{brown}) propose a ``cold-disk'' geometry where the disk is mostly void of dust between 0.4 -- 45 AU. Dust is present within the inner 0.4 AU and outside 45 AU. This is in agreement with our result in the sense that we detect a compact mid-infrared dust emission; the dust at larger radii is cold and radiates at wavelengths longer than those traced by our observations. We suggest that the second [\\ion{O}{i}] peak arises either from a dust gap or from a dust-free layer above the shadow of the inner rim. Following the phenomenological classification of Meeus et al. (\\cite{meeus}), HD 101412 is a group II source, i.e. the disk is flat and self-shadowed in the dust. At the dust sublimation radius the disk is puffed-up and shadows the outer disk, which is not reached by the stellar UV radiation. The second peak of the [\\ion{O}{i}] emission (Fig. 8) is not expected for such a self-shadowed geometry. We suggest that this is the result of a flat disk geometry for the dust and a flared geometry for the gas. This might be the signature of a different scale height, and hence vertical structure, between gas and dust beyond the inner rim. This means that -- in this object -- gas and dust are physically decoupled in the surface layers of the disk allowing the gas to emerge from the shadow of the inner rim. If this is confirmed, it may have important consequences for the disk evolution: once gas and dust decouple the dust grains settle faster towards the mid-plane. The dust settling favors the physical separation between gas and dust until all the dust settles towards the mid-plane (Dullemond \\& Dominik \\cite{dullemond04}) eventually leaving a region of gas in the upper layers of the disk. We thus suggest that HD 179218, HD 135344 B and HD 101412 form an evolutionary sequence where the disk, initially flared, becomes flat under the combined action of gas-dust decoupling, grain growth and dust settling. Interestingly, Acke et al. (\\cite{acke04}) already found that cold grains in the mid-plane of the disk have grown to considerably larger sizes in Meeus et al., group II sources than in group I sources, suggesting that disks may evolve from a flared to a self-shadowed geometry. Similarly, Bouwman et al. (\\cite{bouwman}) find a correlation between the strength of the amorphous silicate feature and the shape of the SED, consistent with the settling of dust as a consequence of grain growth. What we add to this picture is a completely independent piece of evidence supporting this and perhaps the identification of the driving mechanism of this process. \\begin{appendix}" }, "0809/0809.5200_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report on our attempt for the first non-LTE modeling of gaseous metal disks around single DAZ white dwarfs recently discovered by G\\\"ansicke \\etal and thought to originate from a disrupted asteroid. We assume a Keplerian rotating viscous disk ring composed of calcium and hydrogen and compute the detailed vertical structure and emergent spectrum. We find that the observed infrared \\ion{Ca}{ii} emission triplet can be modeled with a hydrogen-deficient gas ring located at $R$\\,=\\,1.2\\,R$_\\odot$, inside of the tidal disruption radius, with \\Teff$\\approx$\\,6000\\,K and a low surface mass density of $\\approx$\\,0.3\\,g/cm$^{2}$. A disk having this density and reaching from the central white dwarf out to $R=1.2$\\,R$_\\odot$ would have a total mass of $7\\cdot 10^{21}$\\,g, corresponding to an asteroid with $\\approx$160\\,km diameter. ", "introduction": "More than two decades ago Zuckerman \\& Becklin (1987) announced the discovery of an IR excess around the DAZ white dwarf G29$-$38. The white dwarf itself is enriched in metals. Considering the short sedimentation timescales in the photosphere this implies that the star is accreting matter at a relatively high rate (Koester \\etal 1997). Since no cool companion has been found at G29$-$38, the hypothesis was put forward that a dust cloud around the white dwarf causes the IR excess. In fact, the presence of dust has been confirmed by \\emph{Spitzer} observations (Reach \\etal 2005). Graham \\etal (1990) concluded that the dust is located in the equatorial plane. Subsequently, further DAZ white dwarfs with potential dust disks were found (Becklin \\etal 2005, Kilic \\etal 2005, 2006). As a possible origin of these disks tidally disrupted comets were discussed (Debes \\& Sigurdsson 2002) and, more likely because of the absence of H and He, disrupted asteroids (Jura 2003). ", "conclusions": "The infrared \\ion{Ca}{ii} emission triplet in the spectrum of the DAZ white dwarf \\sdss\\ can be modeled with a geometrically and optically thin, Keplerian viscous gas disk ring at a distance of 1.2~$\\rsun$ from the WD, with \\Teff\\,$\\approx$\\,6000\\,K and a low surface mass density $\\Sigma$\\,$\\approx$\\,0.3\\,g/cm$^{2}$. One serious open problem is the unknown disk-heating mechanism. The disk is hydrogen-deficient (H\\,$\\leq$\\,1\\% by mass) and it is located within the tidal disruption radius ($R_{\\rm tidal}$\\,=1.5\\,\\rsun). If one assumes that the disk reaches down to the WD and that it has uniformly this surface density, then its total mass would be 7$\\cdot\\,10^{21}$\\,g. A rocky asteroid ($\\bar{\\rho}$\\,=\\,3\\,g/cm$^{3}$) with this mass would have a diameter of about 160\\,km. An asteroid of this size in our solar system is, e.g., 22~Kalliope. Future work will include other abundant metal species, with a composition appropriate for asteroids. However, at the moment there are only two \\ion{Fe}{ii} lines detected. Real progress for an abundance analysis of the gas disk around \\sdss\\ is only possible with future UV spectroscopy. While the determination of the composition of accreted material from abundance analyses in DAZ atmospheres is an indirect method that depends on our theoretical knowledge about metal settling timescales, the analysis of the gas disks has the obvious advantage that is a direct composition measurement. \\ack We thank Boris G\\\"ansicke for sending us his \\sdss\\ spectrum in electronic form and for useful discussions. T.R. is supported by the \\emph{German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory} project of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (grant 05\\,AC6VTB)." }, "0809/0809.1753_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present VLT and Magellan spectroscopy and NTT photometry of nine faint cataclysmic variables (CVs) which were spectroscopically identified by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We measure orbital periods for five of these from the velocity variations of the cores and wings of their H$\\alpha$ emission lines. Four of the five have orbital periods shorter than the 2--3\\,hour period gap observed in the known population of CVs. SDSS J004335.14$-$003729.8 has an orbital period of $\\Porb = 82.325 \\pm 0.088$\\,min; Doppler maps show emission from the accretion disc, bright spot and the irradiated inner face of the secondary star. In its light curve we find a periodicity which may be attributable to pulsations of the white dwarf. SDSS J163722.21$-$001957.1 has $\\Porb = 99.75 \\pm 0.86$\\,min. By combining this new measurement with a published superhump period we estimate a mass ratio of $q \\approx 0.16$ and infer the physical properties and orbital inclination of the system. For SDSS J164248.52$+$134751.4 we find $\\Porb = 113.60 \\pm 1.5$\\,min. The Doppler map of this CV shows an unusual brightness distribution in the accretion disc which would benefit from further observations. SDSS J165837.70$+$184727.4 had spectroscopic characteristics which were very different between the SDSS spectrum and our own VLT observations, despite only a small change in brightness. We measure $\\Porb = 98.012 \\pm 0.065$\\,min from its narrow H$\\alpha$ emission line. Finally, SDSS J223843.84$+$010820.7 has a comparatively longer period of $\\Porb = 194.30 \\pm 0.16$\\,min. It contains a magnetic white dwarf and, with $g = 18.15$, is brighter than the other objects studied here. These results continue the trend for the fainter CVs identified by the SDSS to be almost exclusively shorter-period objects with low mass transfer rates. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Cataclysmic variables (CVs) are interacting binary stars containing a white dwarf primary component in a close orbit with a low-mass secondary star which fills its Roche lobe. In most of these systems the secondary component is hydrogen-rich and transfers material to the white dwarf via an accretion disc. Comprehensive reviews of the properties of CVs have been given by \\citet{Warner95book} and \\citet{Hellier01book}. The evolution of CVs is thought to be governed primarily by the loss of orbital angular momentum due to gravitational radiation \\citep{Paczynski67aca} and magnetic braking \\citep{VerbuntZwaan81aa,Rappaport++82apj}. These effects \\reff{are predicted to} cause CVs to evolve towards shorter orbital periods until a minimum value of about 80\\,min, at which point the secondary stars become degenerate and the CVs evolve back to longer periods \\reff{(e.g.\\ \\citealt{Patterson98pasp})}. The distribution of orbital periods of the observed population of CVs has a characteristic `period gap' \\citep{WhyteEggleton80mn,Knigge06mn} in the interval between 2.2 and 3.2 hours. The deficiency in the number of systems in this period range is thought to result from the sudden cessation of magnetic braking due to structural changes in CV secondary stars \\citep{SpruitRitter83aa}. The number of CVs shortwards of this period gap are observed to be roughly equal to the number which are longward of the gap \\citep[e.g.][]{Downes+01pasp,RitterKolb03aa}. Unfortunately, theoretical studies of the population of CVs have consistently predicted that the vast majority of these objects should have short periods ($\\Porb \\la 2$\\,hours) due to their relatively longer evolutionary timescale \\citep{Dekool92aa, DekoolRitter93aa, Kolb93aa, KolbDekool93aa, Politano96apj, Politano04apj, KolbBaraffe99mn, Howell++01apj, Willems+05apj}, culminating in a strong `spike' in the population at a minimum period of about 65\\,min. The remarkable differences between the predicted and observed populations of CVs have not yet been satisfactorily explained, although it is clear that observational selection biases have a lot to answer for. To understand these selection biases, and to discover what the properties of the intrinsic population of CVs are, we are conducting a research program to characterise the sample of CVs identified by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS\\footnote{\\tt http://www.sdss.org/}; \\citealt{York+00aj}). A total of 212 of these objects have been found spectroscopically from an initial selection based on single-epoch photometric colour indices \\citep{Szkody+02aj, Szkody+03aj, Szkody+04aj, Szkody+05aj, Szkody+06aj, Szkody+07aj}. This sample is therefore not biased towards CVs which are variable or strong X-ray emitters, and also has a much wider coverage of colour space than previous large-scale surveys \\citep{Green++86apjs,Chen+01mn,Aungwerojwit+06aa}. Results and further discussion of our project to measure the orbital periods of SDSS CVs can be found in \\citet{Gansicke+06mn}, \\citet[][hereafter Paper\\,I]{Me+06mn}, \\citet{Me+07mn,Me+07mn2,Me++08mn}, \\citet{Dillon+08mn,Dillon+08}, and \\citet{Littlefair+06mn, Littlefair+06sci, Littlefair+07mn, Littlefair+08}. In this work we present time-resolved spectroscopy and photometry of nine CVs, and measure orbital period for five of these. We shall abbreviate the names of the targets to SDSS\\,J0043, SDSS\\,J0337, SDSS\\,J1601, SDSS\\,J1637, SDSS\\,J1642, SDSS\\,J1658, SDSS\\,J1659, SDSS\\,J2232 and SDSS\\,J2238. Their full names and $ugriz$ apparent magnitudes are given in Table\\,\\ref{tab:iddata}. In Fig.\\,\\ref{fig:sdssspec} we have plotted their SDSS spectra for reference. \\begin{table*} \\begin{center} \\caption{\\label{tab:iddata} Apparent magnitudes of our targets in the SDSS $ugriz$ passbands. $g_{\\rm spec}$ are apparent magnitudes we have calculated by convolving the SDSS flux-calibrated spectra with the $g$ passband function. They are obtained at a different epoch to the $ugriz$ magnitudes measured from the imaging observations, but are less reliable as they are affected by `slit losses', and any errors in astrometry or positioning of the spectroscopic fibre entrance.} \\begin{tabular}{lllccccccc} \\hline SDSS name & Short name & Reference & $u$ & $g$ & $r$ & $i$ & $z$ & $g_{\\rm spec}$ \\\\ \\hline SDSS J004335.14$-$003729.8 & SDSS\\,J0043 & \\citet{Szkody+04aj} & 20.18 & 19.86 & 19.81 & 19.97 & 19.84 & 19.95 \\\\ SDSS J033710.91$-$065059.4 & SDSS\\,J0337 & \\citet{Szkody+07aj} & 19.64 & 19.54 & 19.72 & 19.97 & 20.14 & 23.27 \\\\ SDSS J160111.53$+$091712.6 & SDSS\\,J1601 & \\citet{Szkody+06aj} & 19.96 & 20.11 & 20.12 & 20.22 & 19.74 & 20.39 \\\\ SDSS J163722.21$-$001957.1 & SDSS\\,J1637 & \\citet{Szkody+02aj} & 16.83 & 16.60 & 16.59 & 16.75 & 16.84 & 20.57 \\\\ SDSS J164248.52$+$134751.4 & SDSS\\,J1642 & \\citet{Szkody+07aj} & 18.48 & 18.64 & 18.50 & 18.42 & 18.21 & 18.03 \\\\ SDSS J165837.70$+$184727.4 & SDSS\\,J1658 & \\citet{Szkody+06aj} & 20.51 & 20.07 & 20.12 & 20.09 & 19.68 & 19.71 \\\\ SDSS J165951.68$+$192745.6 & SDSS\\,J1659 & \\citet{Szkody+06aj} & 16.84 & 16.73 & 16.78 & 16.86 & 16.96 & 17.12 \\\\ SDSS J223252.35$+$140353.0 & SDSS\\,J2232 & \\citet{Szkody+04aj} & 17.74 & 17.66 & 17.80 & 17.88 & 17.97 & 23.16 \\\\ SDSS J223843.84$+$010820.7 & SDSS\\,J2238 & \\citet{Szkody+03aj} & 18.29 & 18.15 & 18.08 & 18.18 & 18.17 & 18.27 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\end{table*} \\begin{table*} \\begin{center} \\caption{\\label{tab:obslog} Log of the observations presented in this work. The acquisition magnitudes were measured from the VLT/FORS2 acquisition images and are discussed in Section\\,\\ref{sec:obs:vltphot}. The passbands for the acquisition magnitudes are indicated, where `$V$' denotes the Johnson $V$ band and `$Wh$' indicates that no filter was used.} \\begin{tabular}{lcccccccc} \\hline Target & Date & Start time & End time & Telescope and & Optical & Number of & Exposure & Mean \\\\ & (UT) & (UT) & (UT) & instrument & element & observations & time (s) & magnitude \\\\ \\hline SDSS\\,J0043 & 2007 08 16 & 07:47 & 10:25 & VLT\\,/\\,FORS2 & 1200R grism & 21 & 400 & $V = 19.9$ \\\\ SDSS\\,J0043 & 2007 08 17 & 07:13 & 09:03 & VLT\\,/\\,FORS2 & 1200R grism & 14 & 440 & $V = 19.8$ \\\\ SDSS\\,J0043 & 2005 10 08 & 05:05 & 06:49 & APO\\,3.5m\\,/\\,DIS & unfiltered & 175 & 15--20 & $V = 19.8$ \\\\ [2pt] SDSS\\,J0337 & 2007 08 17 & 09:20 & 10:18 & VLT\\,/\\,FORS2 & 1200R grism & 6 & 600 & $V = 21.4$ \\\\ [2pt] SDSS\\,J1601 & 2007 08 10 & 23:25 & 00:10 & NTT\\,/\\,SUSI2 & unfiltered & 36 & 60 & $Wh = 20.1$ \\\\ [2pt] SDSS\\,J1637 & 2007 08 16 & 01:18 & 04:06 & VLT\\,/\\,FORS2 & 1200R grism & 20 &600--400& $V = 20.3$ \\\\ SDSS\\,J1637 & 2007 08 16 & 23:28 & 00:40 & VLT\\,/\\,FORS2 & 1200R grism & 8 & 480 & $V = 20.6$ \\\\ [2pt] SDSS\\,J1642 & 2007 08 06 & 23:38 & 02:55 & NTT\\,/\\,SUSI2 & $V$ filter & 262 & 30 & $V = 19.5$ \\\\ SDSS\\,J1642 & 2007 08 07 & 23:21 & 04:21 & NTT\\,/\\,SUSI2 & $V$ filter & 414 & 28 & $V = 19.6$ \\\\ SDSS\\,J1642 & 2007 08 17 & 00:48 & 03:41 & VLT\\,/\\,FORS2 & 1200R grism & 29 & 300 & $V = 18.5$ \\\\ [2pt] SDSS\\,J1658 & 2007 08 15 & 00:17 & 03:23 & VLT\\,/\\,FORS2 & 1200R grism & 19 & 480 & $Wh = 19.5$ \\\\ SDSS\\,J1658 & 2007 08 15 & 23:33 & 01:01 & VLT\\,/\\,FORS2 & 1200R grism & 12 & 400 & $V = 20.1$ \\\\ [2pt] SDSS\\,J1659 & 2007 08 11 & 00:19 & 02:45 & NTT\\,/\\,SUSI2 & $V$ filter & 166 & 30--60 & $V = 17.0$ \\\\ [2pt] SDSS\\,J2232 & 2005 08 11 & 00:10 & 05:34 & NOT\\,/\\,ALFOSC & unfiltered & 177 & 60 & $Wh = 22.1$ \\\\ SDSS\\,J2232 & 2006 07 21 & 02:03 & 05:12 & NOT\\,/\\,ALFOSC & unfiltered & 109 & 60 & $Wh = 21.8$ \\\\ SDSS\\,J2232 & 2007 08 15 & 03:37 & 06:10 & VLT\\,/\\,FORS2 & 1200R grism & 14 & 600 & $V = 21.4$ \\\\ [2pt] SDSS\\,J2238 & 2007 08 14 & 07:27 & 09:44 & Magellan\\,/\\,IMACS & 600\\,$\\ell$\\,mm$^{-1}$ grism & 22 & 300 & \\\\ SDSS\\,J2238 & 2007 08 15 & 07:24 & 09:51 & Magellan\\,/\\,IMACS & 600\\,$\\ell$\\,mm$^{-1}$ grism & 17 & 300 & \\\\ SDSS\\,J2238 & 2007 08 16 & 07:39 & 09:42 & Magellan\\,/\\,IMACS & 600\\,$\\ell$\\,mm$^{-1}$ grism & 19 & 300 & \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\end{table*} \\begin{figure} \\includegraphics[width=0.48\\textwidth,angle=0]{plotsdss.eps} \\\\ \\caption{\\label{fig:sdssspec} SDSS spectra of the CVs studied in this work. For this plot the flux levels have been smoothed with 10-pixel Savitsky-Golay filters. The units of the abscissae are $10^{-21}$\\,W\\,m$^{-2}$\\,nm$^{-1}$, which corresponds to $10^{-17}$\\,erg\\,s$^{-1}$\\,cm$^{-2}$\\,\\AA$^{-1}$.}\\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusion} \\label{sec:discussion} \\begin{table} \\begin{center} \\caption{\\label{tab:result} Summary of the orbital periods obtained for the objects studied in this work.} \\setlength{\\tabcolsep}{4pt} \\begin{tabular}{l r@{.}l@{\\,$\\pm$\\,}r@{.}l l} \\hline Object & \\multicolumn{4}{c}{Period (min)} & Notes \\\\ \\hline SDSS\\,J0043 & 82&325 & 0&088 & VLT spectroscopy \\\\ SDSS\\,J0337 & \\multicolumn{4}{c}{} & Faint, no RV motion noticed \\\\ SDSS\\,J1601 & \\multicolumn{4}{c}{short period} & More photometry needed \\\\ SDSS\\,J1637 & 97&04 & 0&19 & VLT spectroscopy \\\\ SDSS\\,J1642 & 113&6 & 1&5 & VLT spectroscopy \\\\ SDSS\\,J1658 & 98&012 & 0&065 & VLT spectroscopy, low state \\\\ SDSS\\,J1659 & \\multicolumn{4}{c}{} & NTT photometry \\\\ SDSS\\,J2232 & \\multicolumn{4}{c}{} & VLT spec., period may be $\\sim$4.5\\,hr \\\\ SDSS\\,J2238 & 194&30 & 0&16 & Magellan spectroscopy \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\end{table} We have presented time-resolved photometry and spectroscopy of nine faint CVs which were identified by the SDSS. For five of these systems we have determined orbital periods (Table\\,\\ref{tab:result}), and four of these are shorter than the 2--3\\,hour period gap apparent in the known population of CVs. This work brings the total number of SDSS CVs with measured orbital periods to approximately 110 of the total population of 212 objects. From VLT spectroscopy of SDSS\\,J0043 we found an orbital period of $\\Porb = 82.325 \\pm 0.088$\\,min, placing this object close to the observed minimum period for hydrogen-rich CVs. Its spectrum shows a strong contribution from the white dwarf in the system, indicating that the accretion disc is faint and the mass transfer rate is low. We have used Doppler tomography to decompose the spectra into a Doppler map in velocity space. The map shows a circular accretion disc and an inner emission peak. The latter feature can be attributed to the irradiated inner face of the secondary star, if the velocity amplitude measured from the H$\\alpha$ emission line overestimates the motion of the white dwarf by a factor of two. The Doppler map shows enhanced emission from two bright regions on the accretion disc. If the inner emission peak does indeed come from the secondary star, one of these bright regions is in the correct position to be a bright spot caused by the mass transfer stream impacting the disc. This interpretation is supported by its presence in a Doppler map of the \\ion{He}{I} 6678\\,\\AA\\ line. The second region of enhanced emission is in an unusual position in velocity space and its origin is not straightforwardly explicable. A short light curve of SDSS\\,J0043 shows evidence of a variation with a period of $207 \\pm 1$\\,s and an amplitude of $17 \\pm 5$\\,mmag. The white dwarf component may be a ZZ\\,Ceti-type pulsating star. SDSS\\,J1637 was observed with the VLT during quiescence, resulting in an orbital period measurement of $\\Porb = 97.01 \\pm 0.19$\\,min. This object is a dwarf nova which has previously been observed in superoutburst, when superhumps with a period of $99.75 \\pm 0.86$\\,min were detected. Using the calibrations presented by \\citet{Patterson98pasp} and \\citet{Knigge06mn}, we find $q \\approx 0.16$ from these two period measurements. Assuming a white dwarf mass of 0.8\\Msun\\ gives an estimated secondary mass of 0.13\\Msun. This is in good agreement with the expected properties of a CV with $\\Porb = 97$\\,min, and together with the velocity amplitude from the H$\\alpha$ emission line point to the system having an orbital inclination of roughly 40$^\\circ$. SDSS\\,J1642 was studied both photometrically with the NTT and spectroscopically with the VLT. The VLT data yield an unambiguous period of $\\Porb = 113.6 \\pm 1.5$\\,min. The NTT photometry shows a number of features and results in a periodogram with a small forest of peaks at frequencies below 15\\cd. The spectroscopic period is in best agreement with the peak corresponding to a period of $110.60 \\pm 0.16$\\,min, but we prefer the spectroscopic value for our final orbital period measurement. Doppler maps of the H$\\alpha$ and \\ion{He}{I} emission lines reveal a clear accretion disc and bright spot as well as weak emission from the secondary star. More surprisingly, the \\ion{He}{I} maps show an accretion disc with much higher velocities than those for H$\\alpha$, indicating that the emitting region for \\ion{He}{I} is physically smaller and closer to the white dwarf than for H$\\alpha$. The H$\\alpha$ map also shows strong emission arising from the part of the disc opposite the bright spot, but the short duration of our spectroscopic observations means this unusual feature could be caused by brightness variation which differ from orbit to orbit. SDSS\\,J1658 is perhaps the most unusual system studied in this work. Its SDSS spectrum shows the strong emission lines characteristic of a short-period CV whose light is dominated by a hydrogen-rich accretion disc. However, our VLT spectra show a much weaker and narrower central emission line, and broad absorption features arising from both the white dwarf and secondary star, but no flux which could be unambiguously assigned to an accretion disc. The object was only 0.4\\,mag fainter during our observations than when the SDSS spectrum was taken, so the strong emission lines in that spectrum were accompanied by only weak continuum flux from the accretion disc. The velocity variation of the narrow H$\\alpha$ emission in our VLT spectra yields a period measurement of $\\Porb = 98.012 \\pm 0.065$\\,min, confirming that this object is a short-period binary star system. The velocity amplitude (125\\kms) is too large for the white dwarf, \\reff{so we have attempted to assign it to the secondary star. The observational constraints can be satsified in this scenario if the white dwarf is massive ($\\la$1\\Msun) and the orbital inclination is low (10--30$^\\circ$).} A modest number of photometric and spectroscopic observations of SDSS\\,J2232 suggest that this is a dwarf nova with an orbital period close to 4.5\\,hr. \\reff{From the flux contribution of the secondary star we infer a distance of roughly 3\\,kpc, corresponding to distance of 2\\,pkc from the Galactic plane.} Further investigation is needed to prove its membership of this old stellar population. We obtained 59 Magellan spectra of SDSS\\,J2238, which is the brightest of the five objects for which we determine orbital periods in this work. Velocity measurements of its H$\\alpha$ emission line give a period of $\\Porb = 194.30 \\pm 0.16$. This value is in good agreement with a published photometric period, which also confirmed that the system contains a magnetic white dwarf with a rotational period of 6.7284\\,min. These observations provide further confirmation that the faintest of the CVs identified by the SDSS have predominantly short orbital periods. Theoretical population studies of CVs predict a huge population of faint short-period CVs which has not previously been detected. Our observations are now uncovering this `quiet majority' of the CV population. The unusual characteristics of several of the objects studied in this work show that even the short-period CVs demonstrate impressively varied behaviour, many aspects of which cannot easily be explained in the standard picture of CV structure. Our project to study the SDSS CV population is invaluable for extending our knowledge of these fascinating objects." }, "0809/0809.0506_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We use a Press-Schechter-like calculation to study how the abundance of voids changes in models with non-Gaussian initial conditions. While a positive skewness increases the cluster abundance, a negative skewness does the same for the void abundance. We determine the dependence of the void abundance on the non-Gaussianity parameter $\\fnl$ for the local-model bispectrum---which approximates the bispectrum in some multi-field inflation models---and for the equilateral bispectrum, which approximates the bispectrum in e.g. string-inspired DBI models of inflation. We show that the void abundance in large-scale-structure surveys currently being considered should probe values as small as $\\fnl \\lesssim 10$ and $\\fnl^{\\mathrm{eq}}\\lesssim 30$, over distance scales $\\sim10$~Mpc. ", "introduction": "The paradigm of cosmological structure formation from a spectrum of primordial perturbations like those predicted by inflation has now been fairly well established by cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments \\cite{cmbexperiments}. We are thus now motivated to test more precisely the predictions of inflation and to look for possible deviations. One of several such possibilities is measurement of departures from Gaussianity of the initial perturbations (see, e.g., Ref.~\\cite{NGReview} and references therein). The simplest slow-roll single-field models of inflation predict that primordial perturbations should be very closely Gaussian \\cite{inflation}, but with predictably small departures from Gaussianity \\cite{localmodel,Equil}. Multi-field \\cite{larger} models, such as the curvaton model \\cite{curvaton}, and string-inspired DBI \\cite{Dvali:1998pa} inflationary models can produce larger deviations from non-Gaussianity. Departures from primordial Gaussianity can be sought in the CMB \\cite{Luo:1993xx,Verde:1999ij,Komatsu:2001rj}, large-scale structure (LSS) \\cite{LSS}, and the abundances and properties of the most massive gravitationally-bound objects in the Universe today or at high redshift \\cite{abundances,MVJ00,Verde:2000vr}. The CMB provides a more powerful and clean probe of primordial non-Gaussianity than direct measurement of the bispectrum in low-redshift LSS surveys in models with scale-invariant non-Gaussianity \\cite{Verde:1999ij}, although biasing may amplify the effects of non-Gaussianity on LSS to the level where they may be comparable in detectability to the CMB % \\cite{Dalal:2007cu, MV08, Slosar:2008hx,CVM08}. Measurements of the cluster abundance may do better than the CMB and LSS if the non-Gaussianity is not scale-invariant \\cite{LoVerde:2007ri}, as may occur in DBI models. What is clear, however, is that the thorny systematic effects that enter in all of these approaches will require that a variety of complementary avenues be taken to establish a robust detection of non-Gaussianity. Voids have been considered as probes of cosmology, but no systematic study has been carried out for voids as probes of primordial non-gaussianity \\cite{grossivoids}. In this paper, we consider the abundance of voids as a test of the distribution of the primordial perturbations. Galaxy clusters form at the highest overdensities of the primordial density field and thus probe the high-density tail of the primordial density distribution function. Similarly, voids form in low-density regions and should thus probe the low-density tail of the distribution function. If there is a large negative skewness, the void-size distribution function will be increased at the largest void sizes and decreased at smaller void sizes, opposite to the effect on the cluster mass function. In Section \\ref{sec:PSabundance}, we develop a Press-Schechter (PS) estimate of the void abundance for Gaussian initial conditions. This PS-like calculation is far from state of the art \\cite{Sheth:2003py,Furlanetto:2005cc} for Gaussian initial conditions. However, it is easily generalized to non-Gaussian initial conditions and should be sufficiently reliable to estimate the {\\it fractional} effects of non-Gaussianity on the void abundance (as it describes well the halo abundance \\cite{paper_in_prep}. In Section \\ref{sec:skewness}, we discuss the relation between the skewness and the non-Gaussian parameter $\\fnl$ for the local model \\cite{localmodel}, which approximates the non-Gaussianity in multi-field models, and the equilateral model \\cite{Equil}, which approximates that in e.g. string-inspired DBI models. In Section \\ref{sec:results}, we provide results of the void-abundance calculation, and we estimate the smallest $\\fnl$, for the local model and for the equilateral model (with and without scale dependence) that should be detectable in several surveys currently under study. In Section \\ref{sec:conclusions}, we make some concluding remarks and outline further steps that must be taken before the void abundance can be used to probe non-Gaussianity. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} The bottom line of our analysis is that the abundance of voids in LSS surveys that are currently being considered can probe values of the non-Gaussianity parameter in the local model as small as $\\fnl\\sim10$ and in the equilateral model (with no scale dependence) as small $\\fnl^{\\mathrm{eq}}\\sim 30$. This probe of non-Gaussianity may be competitive with those coming from the CMB, LSS, and cluster abundances \\cite{Verde:1999ij,Verde:2000vr,LoVerde:2007ri}. They will complement CMB constraints by (a) providing a different avenue with different systematic effects, and (b) probing non-Gaussianity primarily over distance scales 2--60 Mpc, scales generally smaller than those that will be probed by the CMB. The fact that voids constraints on the different types of non gaussianity are comparable is particularly interesting. In fact the large-scale bias effect due to equilateral non-gaussianity is orders of magnitude smaller than the effect for the local case. Thus the combination of the two measurements will help discriminate among different type of non-gaussian initial conditions. Finally, we note that we have here done no more than estimate the smallest $\\fnl$ detectable with the void abundance. To do so, we have taken a simple Press-Schechter approach to estimate the fractional change in the void abundance. While this approach should provide reasonable rough estimates to the fractional change in the abundance, it will not reliably provide the abundances themselves. Before the void-abundance probe of $\\fnl$ can be implemented, we will therefore require significantly more sophisticated calculations, which will probably require numerical simulations, to accurately model not only the void growth, but also the systematic effects that will arise in any realistic void-identification algorithm. We hope that our results motivates this type of future work." }, "0809/0809.0409.txt": { "abstract": "We present the results of optical panoramic and long-slit spectroscopy of the nebula MF16 associated with the Ultraluminous X-ray Source NGC6946~ULX-1. More than 20 new emission lines are identified in the spectra. Using characteristic line ratios we find the electron density $n_e \\sim 600\\,\\cmc$, electron temperature in the range from $ \\sim 9\\,000~\\rm K$ to $ \\sim 20\\,000\\,\\rm K$ (for different diagnostic lines) and the total emitting gas mass $M \\sim 900 \\Msun$. We also estimate the interstellar extinction towards the nebula as $A_V \\simeq 1\\magdot{.}54$ somewhat higher than the Galactic absorption. Observed line luminosities and ratios appear to be inconsistent with excitation and ionization by shock waves so we propose the central object responsible for powering the nebula. We estimate the parameters of the ionizing source using photon number estimates and {\\it Cloudy } modelling. Required EUV luminosity ($\\sim 10^{40}$\\ergl) is high even if compared with the X-ray luminosity. We argue that independently of their physical nature ULXs are likely to be bright UV and EUV sources. It is shown that the UV flux expected in the {\\it GALEX} spectral range (1000$\\div$3000$\\AAA$) is quite reachable for UV photometry. Measuring the luminosities and spectral slopes in the UV range may help to distinguish between the two most popular ULX models. ", "introduction": "\\subsection{ULXs and their Optical Nebulae} A point-like X-ray source in an external galaxy is considered an Ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) if its luminosity exceeds $10^{39} \\ergl$ and it is not an active galactic nucleus. It also makes sense to exclude X-ray bright SNe and young (such as several years) Supernova Remnants (SNR) that can shine as bright as $10^{41}\\ergl$ in X-rays like the remnant of SN1988Z \\citep{FaTer}. There are more than 150 ULXs known at the present time \\citep{swartz} but very little is clear yet about the physical nature of these objects. ULXs are widely accepted as a class of accreting compact objects violating the Eddington luminosity limit for a conventional stellar mass black hole (about $1.3 \\times 10^{39}$\\ergl\\ for $10\\Msun$). High luminosity may be a consequence of a higher accretor mass, supercritical accretion, mild geometrical collimation, relativistic beaming \\citep{koer} or some combination of these effects. Two models are the most popular: {\\it (i)} Intermediate-Mass Black Holes (IMBHs) with masses in the range $10^2\\div 10^4 \\Msun$ \\citep{IMBH,MR2001} accreting at sub-Eddington rates; {\\it (ii)} supercritical accretion discs like that of SS433 around stellar mass black holes observed at low inclinations $i \\lesssim 20^\\circ$ \\citep{katz86,king,FaMes}. Some authors \\citep{soria_kuncic} propose ``hybrid'' models involving $20\\div 100~\\Msun$ black holes accreting in a moderately supercritical regime. Supercritical accretion discs are considered by different authors either in the wind-dominated regime first introduced by \\citet{SS73} or in the advection-dominated regime known as slim disc \\citep{ACLS1988,Okajima2007}. Large number of ULXs are surrounded by large-scale bubble nebulae \\citep{pakull03}, probably shock-powered. ULX nebulae (ULXNe), however, do not form a homogeneous class of objects. In \\citet{list} we review the observational properties of 8 ULXNe including the object under consideration. We conclude that only about 50\\% of ULXNe may be considered shock-powered shells. In some of the observed ULXNe high-excitation lines such as \\oiii$\\lambda$4959,5007 are enhanced. In some cases HeII$\\lambda$4686 emission is detected as bright as 0.2$\\div$0.3 in H$\\beta$ units \\citep{lehmann}. The line may have stellar origin \\citep{kuntz} as well as nebular. Measuring line widths may help to distiguish between these two cases. %The question about the sources of ionization in ULX nebulae remains %open. % and may be solved differently for different objects. %In \\citet{list} we review the observational %properties of 8 well-studied ULX nebulae, including the object under %consideration. %They appear to be diverse in their observational properties. %In different cases either shocks or photoionization seem %to play the main role. The nebulae may clarify the nature of corresponding X-ray sources in two ways: {\\it (i)} probing the photoionizing radiation of the central object via gas excitation and ionization conditions; {\\it (ii)} detecting and measuring jet/wind activity by kinematical effects and shock emission. Dynamically disturbed gas may be considered an evidence against the IMBH hypothesis because a standard accretion disc is unlikely to produce strong jets or wind. Supercritical accretion, on the other hand, is supposed to provide a massive outflow in the form of a strong wind carrying practically all the accreted mass and having kinematical luminosity $\\sim 10^{38}$\\ergl\\ in the case of SS433 \\citep{ss2004}. Power comparable with the Eddington luminosity ($\\sim 10^{39}$\\ergl) may be provided in the form of relativistic jets. Their mechanical luminosity acting for $\\sim 10^5$ years is sufficient to produce a wind-blown bubble with properties close to those of some of the existing ULX nebulae \\citep{pakull03,list}. ULXNe exhibit very diverse observational properties such as size, morphology and line ratios \\citep{list,pakull03}. Integral luminosities in Balmer lines are in some cases of the order $10^{38}$\\ergl\\ or higher that requires an energy source with luminosity $\\gtrsim 10^{39}$\\ergl\\ %Existence of ULX nebulae sometimes as bright as $\\gtrsim 10^{38}$\\ergl %\\citep{pakull03,list} in optical emission lines, indicates that ULXs are indicating that ULXs are really powerful objects. Therefore strong beaming effects are excluded as the reason of apparently high luminosities of ULXs. For some objects like HoIX~X-1 and IC342~X-1 the nebula is clearly shock-powered. In other cases (HoII~X-1, M101-P098) low intensity of low-excitation lines, bright \\oiii\\ and \\heii\\ emissions and quiet kinematics\\footnote{For HoII~X-1 \\citet{lehmann} report velocity dispersion $\\sim 13 \\kms$ in the vicinity of the X-ray source.} suggest photoionization to be the main energy source. %Supercritical accretors are likely to provide both outflows with the %power close to the Eddington luminosity and EUV luminosity of the same %order or higher. The only proven example of a persistent supercritical accretor is the peculiar binary SS433 \\citep{ss2004}. Its accretion rate is of the order $10^{-4}\\Msun\\,\\rm yr^{-1}$, indicating mass transfer on the thermal timescale of a massive star. %Significant part of the outflow %energy is depleted in the form of a pair of relativistic jets, powering a %bright elongated radio nebula W50. Most of the accreting material is ejected in the form of optically-thick wind with velocities $V \\simeq 1000 \\div 2000 $\\kms. The total kinetic power of the jets of SS433 is of the order of $10^{39}$\\ergl. SS433 is surrounded by a large (roughly $40\\times 120$\\pc) radionebula W50 \\citep{dubner}. The nebula harbors several optical emission-line filaments situated in the propagation direction of the jets. % and originating most probably in the secondary shocks produced % by jet activity. Large difference in angular size and heavy absorption in the case of W50 make comparison with ULXNe difficult. %The total optical %emission-line luminosity of the nebula is highly uncertain due to the large angular size of the nebula %($\\sim 1^\\circ$). \\subsection{NGC6946~ULX-1} The X-ray source under consideration is known as NGC6946~ULX-1 \\citep{swartz}, NGC6946~X-8 \\citep{MF16_lira}, N58 \\citep{MF16_Holt} or NGC6946~X-11 \\citep{RoCo}. It was first detected by {\\it ROSAT} \\citep{schlegel94} %% first detection! and identified with an optical nebula by % \\citet{BF_94} and a marginally resolved radiosource by \\citet{vandyk}. %PA The nebula is known as MF16 -- Matonick and Fesen~16 \\citep{MF_cat}. It was considered a SNR luminous in X-rays, in fact the most luminous in X-rays among the optically bright SNRs \\citep{dunne}, till it was proved by \\citet{RoCo} that the X-ray emission originates from a much more compact source in the center of the nebula. {\\it Chandra} source coordinates for J2000 epoch are: $ \\alpha = 20^h 35^m 00^s.74$, $\\delta = +60^\\circ\\, 11\\arcmin{\\,} 30\\farcs6$. %{\\it Chandra} coordinates have absolute accuracy about $0\\farcs6$ %\\citep{swartz} mainly originating from systematic errors. The host galaxy NGC6946 is a late-type spiral with active star formation \\citep{degioia_sfr} and the greatest number of detected supernovae (no less than 8, according to \\citet{SN_n6946}). The distance to the galaxy is estimated by different authors as 5.1 \\citep{dist_5.1}, 5.5 \\citep{dist_5.5}, 5.7 \\citep{dist_5.7} and 5.5$\\,\\Mpc$ \\citep{dist_5.9} therefore we assume $D=5.5\\,\\Mpc$. The divergence in distance estimates leads to a 15\\% uncertainty in all the luminosities inferred. Spatial scale for $D=5.5\\,\\Mpc$ is about $27\\,\\pc$ per arcsecond. %The nebula is known as MF16 -- Matonick\\&Fesen~16 \\citep{MF_cat}. It was %considered a SNR luminous in X-rays, in fact the %most luminous in X-rays among the optically %bright SNRs \\citep{dunne}, till it was proved by \\citet{RoCo} %that the X-ray emission originates from a compact %source in the center of the nebula. A point source in the center of MF16 was detected by \\citet{BFS} in {\\it HST} data. The source (star {\\bf d} as denoted by \\citet{BFS}) has a V magnitude of $22\\magdot{.}64$ and a colour index of $B-V = 0\\magdot{.}46$. The object is significantly redder than %in comparison with %relative to the nearby stars \\textbf{a}-\\textbf{c} offset to the North-West by several seconds. %(stars \\textbf{a}-\\textbf{c} as denoted by \\citet{BFS}). %If the intrinsic absorption is negligible If one accounts only for Galactic interstellar extinction (see discussion in section \\ref{sec:charlines}) equal to $A^{(GAL)}_V = 1\\magdot{.}14$ according to \\citet{schlegel_abs} in the direction of MF16, the point-like counterpart resembles an early A~Ia supergiant with $M_V \\simeq -7\\magdot{\\,}$ and $B-V \\simeq 0\\magdot{\\,}$. % \\citep{leng}. Additional intrinsic absorption $A_V \\sim 0\\magdot{.}5$ (reported by \\citet{BFS}) places the object slightly above the Ia sequence in the upper left part of the HR diagram. Optical emission-line spectrum of the nebula is generally consistent with the suggestion of shock heating but also contains high-excitation lines such as \\heii$\\lambda4686$ and \\oiii$\\lambda5007,4959$ doublet \\citep{BF_94, BFS} too intensive for optically-bright SNRs \\citep{MFB_opt}. Partially radiative shocks were proposed to explain the emission-line spectrum of MF16 \\citep{BFS} but they require a very powerful energy source (see discussion in section \\ref{sec:balance}). %, as it will be shown %below in section~\\ref{sec:balance}. The object is much brighter in the optical than a usual SNR. Its H$\\alpha$ luminosity is about $2\\times 10^{38}$\\ergl, an order of magnitude higher than the upper limiting H$\\alpha$ luminosity for optically-bright SNRs in nearby galaxies \\citep{braunm31}. \\citet{dunne} detected two-component structure in the emission lines of the object in high-resolution echelle spectra. Broader components suggest expansion velocities about $250$\\kms, narrower components have velocity dispersion $\\sim 20\\div 40$\\kms. MF16 is also known as a radio source as bright as $1.3\\rm mJy$ at $20\\rm cm$ \\citep{vandyk} marginally resolved by VLA observations as a $\\sim 1\\arcsec{\\,}$ size object. The radio source appears to be displaced relative to the X-ray object and the optical source {\\bf d} by $\\sim 0\\farcs5$ (see figure ~\\ref{fig:FOV}). Luminosity of the radio counterpart is about 20 times higher than that of W50 at 20$\\rm cm$ \\citep{dubner}. The size of the radiosource is poorly known but the optical nebula is about 5 times more compact than W50. MF16 is practically isolated from other HII regions. The nearest one with comparable brightness is situated about $200\\pc$ away \\citep{BFS}. The inner brighter part of the nebula has a shape of a shell $20 \\pc \\times 34 \\pc$ elongated in East to West direction with a brighter Western loop. In the deep {\\it HST} images a faint asymmetric halo may be seen \\citep{BFS}. %(figure \\ref{fig:FOV}). In the following section we describe the observational data. In section~\\ref{sec:spectra} we present the results of spectral analysis. In section~\\ref{sec:balance} we analyze the excitation and ionization sources of the nebula and model the observed spectrum using {\\it Cloudy}. In section~\\ref{sec:trep} we discuss our results and the perspectives of UV observations of ULXs. ", "conclusions": "In our optical spectra of MF16 we detect more than 30 %% PA: emission lines including several high-excitation lines of \\heii\\ and \\ariv\\ and a rich spectrum of moderately high excitation \\feiii\\ lines. \\heii\\ lines are narrow (broadened by $\\lesssim 300\\kms$). We also do not detect any Wolf-Rayet features. Therefore we suggest that the \\heii$\\lambda$4686 line is of nebular origin. Large intensities of iron lines indicate moderately low depletion of the element into dust ($30\\div 50\\%$ in the gas phase), probably due to dust destruction in shock waves. Destruction is probably incomplete because {\\it Cloudy} models overestimate the intensities of \\feiii\\ lines. We find the electron density in the nebula $n_e = 570\\, \\pm 60\\,\\cmc$ (\\sii$\\lambda$6717,6731), electron temperatures for different ions are $T(\\oiii) = 17\\,700\\pm1\\, 200\\,\\rm K$, % (\\oiii\\ diagnostic lines), $T(\\nii) = 15\\,600\\pm 2\\,000\\,\\rm K$ % (\\nii\\ lines) and $T(\\sii) = 9\\,000\\pm 1000\\,\\rm K$ % (\\sii\\ lines) indicating the presence of regions with different electron temperatures. Total hydrogen emitting gas mass is $M \\sim 900\\,\\Msun$. Interstellar absorption is $A_V \\simeq 1\\magdot{.}34$ in traditional H$\\alpha$/H$\\beta$=3 assumption. More realistic value H$\\alpha$/H$\\beta$=2.8 results in a higher extinction value $A_V = 1\\magdot{.}54$. The observed line luminosities and diagnostic line ratios appear to be inconsistent with excitation and ionization by shock waves, therefore we suggest an EUV source responsible for powering the nebula. Photoionization modelling with {\\it Cloudy} as well as Zanstra estimates suggest the central source must be ultraluminous not only in X-rays but also in the UV/EUV range emitting about $10^{40}$\\ergl\\ in the spectral range $100-1000\\AAA$. Using the observed X-ray spectrum, ionizing flux estimates from \\heii, \\hei\\ and H lines and the optical point-like counterpart (star {\\bf d}) we reconstruct the SED of the central object from X-rays to the optical. The derived spectrum is roughly flat, $\\nu L_{\\nu} \\sim const$. Both most popular models of ULXs (IMBHs and supercritical accretion discs) predict high UV/EUV luminosities. However these two models predict different spectral slopes in the UV region. We conclude that measuring the spectral slope will help to distinguish between the two models as well as to determine the parameters of the successfull model such as the black hole mass in the case of IMBH or accretion rate in the case of a supercritical accretion. Actual excitation and ionization conditions in MF16 may be much more complicated. Though introducing a bright EUV source is a possible way to explain the spectrum, we suggest that other explanations such as high pre-shock density and multiple shocks with different velocities are not completely excluded. Observations with higher angular and spectral resolution (but also higher S/N ratio than that used by \\citet{dunne}) may provide additional information about the enigmatic nebula MF16. %% Acknowledgements: \\bigskip We thank V. Afanasiev and N. Borisov for assistance with the observations and the anonymous referee for valuable comments and suggestions. This work was supported by the Russian RFBR grants 06-02-16865 and 07-02-00909 and the RFBR/JSPS grant 05-02-19710. TK is supported by a 21st Century COE Program at Tokyo Tech ``Nanometer-Scale Quantum Physics'' by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. This work is supported by the Japan-Russia Research Cooperative Program of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. \\newpage" }, "0809/0809.2997_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the detection of the cool, Jovian-mass planet MOA-2007-BLG-400Lb. The planet was detected in a high-magnification microlensing event (with peak magnification $A_{\\rm max} = 628$) in which the primary lens transited the source, resulting in a dramatic smoothing of the peak of the event. The angular extent of the region of perturbation due to the planet is significantly smaller than the angular size of the source, and as a result the planetary signature is also smoothed out by the finite source size. Thus the deviation from a single-lens fit is broad and relatively weak ($\\sim$ few percent). Nevertheless, we demonstrate that the planetary nature of the deviation can be unambiguously ascertained from the gross features of the residuals, and detailed analysis yields a fairly precise planet/star mass ratio of $q=2.6\\pm 0.4 \\times 10^{-3}$, in accord with the large significance ($\\Delta\\chi^2=1070$) of the detection. The planet/star projected separation is subject to a strong close/wide degeneracy, leading to two indistinguishable solutions that differ in separation by a factor of $\\sim 8.5$. Upper limits on flux from the lens constrain its mass to be $M<0.75\\,M_\\odot$ (assuming it is a main-sequence star). A Bayesian analysis that includes all available observational constraints indicates a primary in the Galactic bulge with a mass of $\\sim 0.2-0.5 M_\\odot$ and thus a planet mass of $\\sim 0.5-1.3 M_{\\rm Jup}$. The separation and equilibrium temperature are $\\sim 0.6-1.1~{\\rm AU}$ ($\\sim 5.3-9.7~{\\rm AU}$) and $\\sim 103~{\\rm K}$ ($\\sim 34~{\\rm K}$) for the close (wide) solution. If the primary is a main-sequence star, follow-up observations would enable the detection of its light and so a measurement of its mass and distance. ", "introduction": "} In the currently favored paradigm of planet formation, the location of the snow line in the protoplanetary disk plays a pivotal role. Beyond the snow line, ices can condense, and the surface density of solids is expected to be higher by a factor of several relative to its value just inside this line. As a result of this increased surface density, planet formation is expected to be most efficient just beyond the snow line, whereas for increasing distances from the central star the planet formation efficiency drops, as the surface density decreases and the dynamical time increases \\citep{lissauer87}. In this scenario, gas-giant planets must form in the region of the protoplanetary disk immediately beyond the snow-line, as the higher surface density is required to build icy protoplanetary cores that are sufficiently massive to accrete a substantial gaseous envelope while there is remaining nebular gas \\citep{pollack96}. Low-mass primaries are expected to be much less efficient at forming gas giants because of the longer dynamical times and lower surface densities at the snow lines of these stars \\citep{laughlin04,ida05,kennedy08}. Migration due to nebular tides and other dynamical processes can then bring the icy cores or gas giants from their formation sites to orbits substantially interior to the snow line \\citep{lin96,ward97,rasio96}. The precise location of the snow line in protoplanetary disks is a matter of some debate (e.g., \\citealt{lecar06}), and is even likely to evolve during the epoch of planet formation, particularly for low-mass stars \\citep{kennedy06,kennedy08}. The condensation temperature of water is $\\sim 170~{\\rm K}$, and a fiducial value for the location of the snow line in solar-mass stars motivated by observations in our solar system is $\\sim 2.7~{\\rm AU}$. This may scale linearly with the stellar mass $M$, since the stellar luminosity during the epoch of planet formation scales as $\\sim M^2$ for stars with $M \\la M_\\odot$ \\citep{burrows93,burrows97}. Whereas the radial velocity and especially transit methods are most sensitive to planets that are close to their parent star at distances well inside the snow line, the sensitivity of the microlensing method peaks at planetary separations near the Einstein ring radius of the primary lens \\citep{mp91,gould92}, which is $\\sim 3.5~{\\rm AU}(M/M_\\odot)^{1/2}$ for typical lens and source distances of $6~{\\rm kpc}$ and $8~{\\rm kpc}$, respectively. This corresponds to a peak sensitivity at equilibrium temperatures of $T_{\\rm eq} \\sim 150~{\\rm K} (M/M_\\odot)$ for a mass-luminosity relation of the form $L \\propto M^{5}$, and distances relative to the snow line of $\\sim 1.3 (M/M_\\odot)^{-1/2}$ if the location of the snow line at the epoch of planet formation scales as $M$. Thus microlensing is currently the best method of probing planetary systems in the critical region just beyond the snow line \\citep{gould92}. Planetary perturbations in microlensing events come in two general classes. The majority of planetary perturbations are expected to occur when a planet directly perturbs one of the two images created by the primary lens, as the image sweeps by the planet during the microlensing event \\citep{gould92}. Although these perturbations are more common, they are also unpredictable and can occur at any time during the event. Early microlensing planet searches focused on this class of perturbations, as it was the first to be identified and explored theoretically \\citep{gould92,bennett96,gaudi97}. The second class of planetary perturbations occurs in high-magnification events, in which the source becomes very closely aligned with the primary lens \\citep{griestsafi}. In such events, the two primary-lens images become highly distorted and sweep along nearly the entirety of the Einstein ring \\citep{liebes}. These sweeping images probe subtle distortions of the Einstein ring caused by nearby planets, which will give rise to perturbations within the full-width half-maximum of the event \\citep{bond02,rattenbury02}. Although high-magnification events are rare and so contribute a minority of the planetary perturbations, they are individually more sensitive to planets because the images probe nearly the entire Einstein ring. Furthermore, since the perturbations are localized to the peak of the event which can be predicted beforehand, they can be monitored more efficiently with limited resources than the more common low-magnification events. For these reasons, current microlensing planet searches tend to deliberately focus on high-magnification events. Thus, of the seven prior microlensing planets discovered to date \\citep{ob03235,ob05071,ob05390,ob05169,ob06109,mb07192}, five have been found in high-magnification events, with peak magnifications ranging from $A=40$ to $A=800$. However, despite the fact that this planet-search strategy has proven to be so successful, the properties of the planetary perturbations generated in high-magnification events are less well-understood than those in low-magnification events. Most of the studies of the properties of planetary perturbations in high-magnification events have focused on the properties of the caustics, the locus of points defining one or more closed curves, upon which the magnification of a point source is formally infinite. The morphology and extent of the region of significant perturbation by the planetary companion can be largely understood by the shape and size of these caustic curves. Planetary perturbations in high-magnification events are caused by a central caustic located near the position of the primary, and thus several authors have considered the size and shape of these central caustics as a function of the parameters of the planet \\citep{griestsafi,dominik99,chung05}. These and other authors have identified several potential degeneracies that complicate the unique interpretation of central caustic perturbations. The first to be identified is a degeneracy such that the caustic structure (and so light curve morphology) of a planet with mass ratio $q \\ll 1$ and projected separation in units of the Einstein ring $d$ not too close to unity is essentially identical under the transformation $d \\leftrightarrow d^{-1}$ \\citep{griestsafi}. A second degeneracy arises from the fact that very close or very wide roughly equal-mass binaries also produce perturbations near the peak of the light curves. These give rise to perturbations that have the same gross observables as planetary perturbations. The severity of these degeneracies depends on both the specific parameters of the planetary/binary companion, as well as on the data quality and coverage. \\citet{griestsafi} and \\cite{chung05} demonstrated that the $d \\leftrightarrow d^{-1}$ degeneracy is less severe for more massive planets with separations closer to the Einstein ring ($d \\sim 1$). Empirically, this degeneracy was broken at the $\\Delta \\chi^2 \\sim 4$ level for the relatively large mass-ratio planetary companion OGLE-2005-BLG-071Lb \\citep{dong08}, for which the light curve was well-sampled, but was essentially unresolved for the low mass-ratio planetary companion MOA-2007-BLG-192Lb \\citep{mb07192}, for which the planetary perturbation was poorly sampled. For the planetary/equal-mass binary degeneracy, \\citet{han08} argued that, although the gross features of central caustic planetary perturbations can be reproduced by very close or very wide binary lenses, the morphologies differ in detail, and thus this degeneracy can be resolved with reasonable light curve coverage and moderate photometric precision. Indeed for every well-sampled high-magnification event containing a perturbation near the peak (and that is not in the \\citet{cr1} limits), this degeneracy has been resolved \\citep{albrow02,ob05169,dong08}. Even for the relatively poorly-sampled light curve of MOA-2007-BLG-192Lb, an equal-mass binary model is ruled out at $\\Delta\\chi^2\\sim 120$ \\citep{mb07192}, although in this case this is partially attributable to the exquisite photometric precision ($<1\\%$). One complication with searching for planets in high-magnification events is that, the higher the magnification, the more likely it is that the primary lens will transit the source. When this happens, the peak of the event is suppressed and smoothed out, as the lens strongly magnifies only a small portion of the source. If the source is also larger than the region of significant perturbations due to a planetary companion (roughly the size of the central caustic), then the planetary deviations will also be smoothed out and suppressed \\citep{griestsafi,han07}. These finite source effects have potential implications for both the detectability of central caustic perturbations, as well as the ability to uniquely determine the planetary parameters, and in particular resolve the two degeneracies discussed above. In practice, the caustic structures of all four high-magnification planetary events (containing five planets) were larger than the source. Hence, while there were detectable finite-source effects in all cases (which helped constrain the angular Einstein radius and so the physical lens parameters), the planetary perturbations were in all four cases quite noticeable. Thus the effect of large sources on the the detectability and interpretation of central-caustic perturbations has not been explored in practice. Theoretical studies of detectability of central caustic perturbations when considering finite source effects have been performed by \\citet{griestsafi}, \\citet{chung05}, and \\citet{han07}. These authors demonstrated that the qualitative nature of planetary perturbations from central caustics is dramatically different for sources that are larger than the caustic. In particular, the detailed structure of the point-source magnification pattern, which generally follows the shape of the caustic, is essentially erased or washed out. Rather, the perturbation structure is characterized by a roughly circular region of very low-level, almost imperceptible deviation from the single-lens form that is roughly the size of the source and centered on the primary lens. This region is surrounded by an annular rim of larger deviations that has a width roughly equal to the width of the caustic \\citep{griestsafi,chung05}. Finally, there are less pronounced deviations that extend to a few source radii. Planets are detectable even if their central caustics are quite a bit smaller than the source, provided that the $\\chi^2$ deviation is sufficiently high. (Often $\\Delta\\chi^2>60$ is adopted, although $\\Delta\\chi^2>150$ may be more realistic.) The magnitude of these perturbations decrease as the ratio between the source size and caustic size increases, making it difficult to detect very small planets for large sources \\citep{chung05,han07}. Although central caustics may formally be detectable when the source is substantially larger than the caustic, it remains a significant question whether these very washed out caustics can be recognized in practice, and even if they can, whether they can be uniquely interpreted in terms of planetary parameters. Indeed, it is unknown whether a washed out central caustic due to a planet can actually be distinguished from one due to a binary companion. This question is especially important with regard to low-mass planets. The size of the central caustic scales as the product of the planet/star mass ratio and a definite function of planet-star separation. Hence, taken as a whole, smaller planets produce smaller caustics, meaning that events of higher magnification are required to detect them. These are just the events that are most likely to have their peaks washed out by finite-source effects. Here we analyze the first high-magnification event with a buried signature of a planet, in which the source size is larger than the central caustic of the planet. The caustic is indeed so washed out that the event appears unperturbed upon casual inspection. However, the residuals to a point-lens fit are clear and highly significant. We show that one can infer the planetary (as opposed to binary) nature of the perturbation from the general pattern of these residuals, and that a detailed analysis constrains the mass ratio of the planet quite well, but leaves the close/wide ($d \\leftrightarrow d^{-1}$) degeneracy intact. Hence, at least in this case, the fact that the caustic is buried in the source does not significantly hinder one's ability to uncover the planet and measure its mass ratio. ", "conclusions": "} MOA-2007-BLG-400 is the first high-magnification microlensing event for which the central caustic generated by a planetary companion to the lens is completely enveloped by the source. As a comparison, the planetary caustic of OGLE-2005-BLG-390 \\citep{ob05390} is smaller than its clump-giant source star in angular size. When the planetary caustics is covered by the source, the finite-source effects broaden the ``classic'' \\citet{gould92} planetary perturbation features \\citep{gaudi97}. By contrast, planet-induced deviations in MOA-2007-BLG-400 are mostly obliterated, rather than being broadened, because the source crosses the central caustic rather than the planetary caustic. We showed, nevertheless, that the planetary character of the event can be inferred directly from the light-curve features and that the standard microlensing planetary parameters $(d,q)=(2.9,2.6\\times 10^{-3})$ can be measured with good precision, up to the standard close/wide $d\\leftrightarrow d^{-1}$ degeneracy. We demonstrated that, in this case, the close/wide degeneracy is quite severe, and the wide solution is only preferred by $\\Delta\\chi^2 = 0.2$. This is unfortunate, since the separations of the two solutions differ by a factor of $\\sim 8.5$. We argued that the severity of this degeneracy was primarily related to the intrinsic parameters of the planet, rather than being primarily a result of the large source size. Although the mass ratio alone is of considerable interest for planet formation theories, one would also like to be able to translate the standard microlensing parameters to physical parameters, i.e., the planet mass $m_p = qM$, and planet-star projected separation $r_\\perp = d\\theta_\\e D_L$. Clearly this requires measuring the lens mass $M$ and distance $D_L$. In this case, the pronounced finite source effects have already permitted a measurement of the Einstein radius $\\theta_\\e=0.32\\,\\mas$, which gives a relation between the mass and lens-source relative parallax (eq.~[\\ref{eqn:mpirel}]). This essentially yields a relation between the lens mass and distance, since the source distance is close enough to the Galactic center that knowing $D_L$ is equivalent to knowing $\\pi_{\\rm rel}$. Therefore, a complete solution could be determined by measuring either $M$ or $D_L$, or some combination of the two. One way to obtain an independent relation between the lens mass and distance is to measure the microlens parallax, $\\pi_\\e$. There are two potential ways of measuring $\\pi_\\e$. First, one can measure distortions in the light curve arising from the acceleration of the Earth as it moves along its orbit. Unfortunately, this is out of the question in this case because the event is so short that these distortions are immeasurably small. Second, one can measure the effects of terrestrial parallax, which gives rise to differences between the light curves simultaneously observed from two or more observatories separated by a significant fraction of the diameter of the Earth. Practically, measuring these differences requires a high-magnification event, which would appear to make this event quite promising. Unfortunately, although we obtained simultaneous observations from two observatories separated by several hundred kilometers during the peak of the event, one of these datasets suffers from large systematic errors and an unknown time zero point, rendering it unusable for this purpose. The only available alternative for breaking the degeneracy between the lens mass and distance would be to measure the lens flux, either under the glare of the source or, at a later date, to separately resolve it after it has moved away from the line of sight to the source \\citep{alcock01,koz07}. Panels (e) and (f) of Figure~\\ref{fig:prop} show the Bayesian estimates of the lens brightness in $I$-band and $H$-band, respectively. If the lens flux is at least 2\\% of the source flux, then the former kind of measurement could be obtained from a single epoch {\\it Hubble Space Telescope} observation, provided it were carried out in the reasonably near future. At roughly 99\\% probability, the blended light would be either perfectly aligned with the source (and so associated with the event) or well separated from it. {\\it HST} images can be photometrically aligned to the ground-based images using comparison stars with an accuracy of better than 1\\%. Hence, photometry of the source+blend would detect the blend, unless it were at least 4 mag fainter than the source. In principle, the blend could be a companion to either the source or lens. Various arguments can be used to constrain either of those scenarios. We do not explore those here, but see \\citet{dong08}. If the lens is not detectable by current epoch {\\it HST} observations (or no {\\it HST} observations are taken), then it will be detectable by ground-based AO $H$-band observations in about 5 years. This is because the lens-source relative proper motion is measured to be $\\mu_\\rel = 8\\,\\mas\\,\\rm yr^{-1}$, and the diffraction limit at $H$ band on a 10m telescope is roughly 35 mas. If the lens proves to be extremely faint, then a wider separation (and hence a few years more time baseline) would be required. In the absence of additional observational constraints, we must rely on a Bayesian analysis to estimate the properties of the host star and planet, which incorporates priors on the distribution of lens masses, distances, and velocities \\citep{dominik06,ob04343}. This is a standard procedure, which we only briefly summarize here. We adopt a \\citet{han95} model for the Galactic bar, a double-exponential disk with a scale height of 325 pc, and a scale length of 3.5 kpc, as well as other Galactic model parameters as described in \\citet{bennett02}. We incorporate constraints from our measurement of the lens angular Einstein radius $\\theta_\\e$ and the event timescale, as well as limits on the microlens parallax and $I$-band magnitude of the lens. In practice, only the measurements of $\\theta_\\e$ and $t_{\\e}$ provide interesting constraints on these distributions. In addition, we include the small penalty on the close solution, $\\exp(-\\Delta \\chi^2/2)$, where the wide solution is favored by $\\Delta\\chi^2 = 0.2$. For the estimates of the planet semimajor axis, we assume circular orbits and that the orbital phases and cos(inclinations) are randomly distributed. The resulting probability densities for the physical properties of the host star, as well as selected properties of the planet, are shown in Figure~\\ref{fig:prop}. The Bayesian analysis suggests a host star of mass $M=0.30_{-0.12}^{+0.19} M_\\odot$ at distance of $D_L=5.8_{-0.8}^{+0.6}~{\\rm kpc}$. In other words, given the available constraints, the host is most likely an M-dwarf, probably in the foreground Galactic bulge. Given that the planet/star mass ratio is measured quite precisely, the probability distribution for the planet mass is essentially just a rescaled version of the probability distribution for the host star mass. We find $m_p=0.82_{-0.33}^{+0.52}~M_{\\rm Jup}$. The close/wide degeneracy is apparent in the probability distribution for the semimajor axis $a$. We estimate $a_{\\rm close}= 0.72_{-0.16}^{+0.38}~{\\rm AU}$ for the close solution, and $a_{\\rm wide}=6.5_{-1.2}^{+3.2}~{\\rm AU}$ for the wide solution. The equilibrium temperatures for these orbits are $T_{\\rm eq., close}=103_{-26}^{+28}~{\\rm K}$ and $T_{\\rm eq., wide}=34\\pm{9}~{\\rm K}$ for the close and wide solutions, respectively. Thus our Bayesian analysis suggests that this system is mostly likely a bulge mid-M-dwarf, with a Jovian-mass planetary companion. The semimajor axis of the planetary companion is poorly constrained primarily because of the close/wide degeneracy, but the implied equilibrium temperatures are cooler than the condensation temperature of water. Specifically we find that $T_{\\rm eq} \\la 173~{\\rm K}$ at $2\\,\\sigma$ level. Alternatively, if we assume the snow line is given by $a_{\\rm snow}=2.7~{\\rm AU}(M/M_\\odot)$, we find for this system a snow line distance of $\\sim 0.81~{\\rm AU}$, very close to the inferred semimajor axis of the close solution. Thus this planet is quite likely to be located close to or beyond the snow line of the system. Although we cannot distinguish between the close and wide solutions for the planet separation, theoretical prejudice in the context of the core-accretion scenario would suggest that a gas-giant planet would be more likely to form just outside the snow line, thus preferring the close solution. However, we have essentially no observational constraints on the frequency and distribution of Jupiter-mass planets at the separations implied by the wide solution ($\\sim 5.3-9.7~{\\rm AU}$), for such low-mass primaries. Unfortunately, the prospects for empirically resolving the close/wide degeneracy in the future are poor. The only possible method of doing this would be to measure the radial velocity signature of the planet. Given the faintness of the host star (see \\S\\ref{sec:blend} and Fig.\\ \\ref{fig:prop}), this will likely be impossible with current or near-future technology. The mere existence of a gas-giant planet orbiting a mid-M-dwarf is largely unexpected in the core-accretion scenario, as formation of such planets is thought to be inhibited in such low-mass primaries \\citep{laughlin04}. Observationally, however, although the frequency of Jovian companions to M-dwarfs with $a\\la 3~{\\rm AU}$ does appear to be smaller than the corresponding frequency of such companions to FGK dwarfs \\citep{endl06,johnson07,cumming08}, several Jovian-mass companions to M dwarfs are known (see \\citealt{dong08} for a discussion), so this system would not be unprecedented. Furthermore, it must be kept in mind that the estimates of stellar (and so planet) mass depend on the validity of the priors, and even in this context have considerable uncertainties. Most of the ambiguities in the interpretation of this event would be removed with a measurement of the host star mass and distance, which could be obtained by combining our measurement of $\\theta_\\e$ with a measurement of the lens light as outlined above. The Bayesian analysis informs the likelihood of success of such an endeavor. This analysis suggests that, if the host is a main-sequence star, its magnitude will be $I_L=23.9_{-1.0}^{+0.8}$ and $H_L=21.4_{-1.0}^{+0.7}$, which corresponds to $0.6\\%$ and $1.7\\%$ of the source flux, respectively. If initial efforts to detect the lens fail, more aggressive observations would certainly be warranted: microlensing is the most sensitive method for detecting planets around very low-mass stars simply because it is the only method that does not rely on light from the host (or the planet itself) to detect the planet. And given equation~(\\ref{eqn:mpirel}), even an M dwarf at the very bottom of the main sequence $M=0.08\\,M_\\odot$, would lie at $D_L=3.5\\,\\kpc$ and so would be $H\\sim 24$." }, "0809/0809.0992_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We showed that the part of strings could be detected by optical method is only $20\\%$ from the total available amount of such objects, therefore the gravitational lensing method has to be \"`completed\"' by CMB one. We found the general structure of the CMB anisotropy generated by a cosmic string for simple model of straight string moving with constant velocity. For strings with deficit angle 1-2 arcsec the amplitude of generated anisotropy has to be $15-30 \\mu K$ (the corresponding string linear density is $G \\mu \\propto 10^{-7}$ and energy is GUT one, $10^{15}$GeV). To use both radio and optical methods the deficit angle has to be from 0.1 arcsec to 5-6 arcsec. If cosmic string can be detected by optical method, the length of corresponding brightness spot of anisotropy has to be no less than 100 degrees. ", "introduction": "Cosmic strings are linear topological defects could form in the early Universe during face transitions. These objects have been introduced in theoretical cosmology by \\cite{k}, \\cite{z}, \\cite{v}. Among all possible types of topological defects, cosmic strings are particularly interesting and their existence finds support in superstring theories, both in compactification models and in theories with extended additional dimensions \\cite{h}, \\cite{vs}, \\cite{dk}. The energy scale for cosmic strings is the scale of GUT or less. The energy scale for fundamental strings is Planck scale. Such heavy strings do not exist in our Universe today, and cannot have played any role in cosmological evolution except in the first few Planck times. Now we know models with large compact dimensions, in which the string scale may be much lower, down to the GUT scale or even less. Branes, which now play key role in superstring theory, can collide and generate cosmic strings. At the current moment there are no observational evidences to prove the existence of cosmic strings, neither to disprove it. The status of cosmic strings as theory related with observational data is based on the possibility to restrict number, linear density and spatial distribution of such objects. These topological defects can influence on the CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background) anisotropy: according to WMAP 5-years data they are not primary source of primordial density perturbations and not responsible for large scale structure formation, therefore their density has to be hard restricted and be small enough. From theoretical point of view all characteristics of cosmic strings are resulted mostly by extensive multiparameter computer simulations of string networks. But it is very important to note that these simulations are oriented to search string networks only, not individual strings as we now proposed in our work, because no theory tells us how many strings could exist in the Universe. The modern methods of cosmic string detection can be divided in three main parts: \\begin{itemize} \\item by optical surveys looking for gravitational lensing events, \\item by radio surveys investigating the structure of CMB anisotropy, \\item looking for model depended and rare features, as gravitational radiation from string loops and from straight string, interactions of strings and black holes, decay of heavy particles emitted by string, interaction of two strings etc. \\end{itemize} The superstring theory permits existence of cosmic strings in wide range of their parameters: with linear density varying from the scale of electroweak unification to GUT scales and with velocity from zero to speed of light. Also there are permissible strings possessed of curvature and loop like structures. All strings share two properties which are model independent: the extremely long cosmological length and a negligibly small cross-section. The investigation of the structure of CMB anisotropy looking for string footprints and search for gravitational lensing events induced by strings are so attractive because these effects should exist for all theoretically possible cosmic strings. Gravitational lensing events should have particularly and easy distinguishing with high resolution instruments (as HST) features. Cosmic string always generates gravitational lensed pairs of images of background sources, therefore direct detection of such pairs should be direct proof of cosmic string existence. On 11th January 2006 the russian-italian group (\\cite{s0},\\cite{s1}) received and completely analyzed the data from HST on the object CSL-1 which was unique candidate to be produced by a cosmic string, and it was proved that this is not a case of cosmic string lensing. A base of this experience it was elaborated the technique of cosmic string search through gravitational lensing using ultra-deep optical surveys with high resolution instruments (see, for example, \\cite{s1}). Analizing the results we found that the gravitational lensing method possesses very serious lack of sky covering both in terms of area and depth. The method of searching of gravitational lensing events is optical one. Modern optical surveys cover only $1/6$ part of the whole sky and their red shift depth is not more than z=7. Therefore, approximately only $3\\%$ of possible strings could be detected by this method (if we suppose simple homogeneous distribution of straight strings in the Universe). Taking into account the predicted number of cosmic strings it was estimated that gravitational lensing events are very rare ones: the number of so-called \"chains\" of gravitational lensed pairs is from 0.3 up to 3 in the most optimistical models. This estimation can explain unsuccessful previous experience and shows that additional methods of cosmic string search are urgently required because even utilization of ultra deep galaxy surveys is not enough. The investigation of CMB anisotropy seems to be the most fruitful and natural in cosmic string search, because of two following reasons. Firstly, this method operates with one of the model independent properties of cosmic strings, their possibility to form conical space-time. Secondly, the red shift depth of radio surveys is z=1000 and covers the whole sky. Therefore using the WMAP 5-years data on CMB anisotropy we can make search of cosmic strings in all volume inside the surface of last scattering and could detect $100\\%$ strings, not $3\\%$ as in optical surveys, or well-groundedly disprove existence of such objects for wide range of their parameters. In the present work it was elaborated the method of searching for cosmic strings based on analysis of the CMB anisotropy. Moving straight cosmic string was shown to generate distinctive structures of enhanced and reduced temperature fluctuations on the surface of last scattering. It was analized the conditions under which a cosmic string could be detected by both CMB anisotropy and gravitational lensing. ", "conclusions": "Cosmic string could produce distinctive features in distribution of CMB: the temperature would have step-like discontinuities. It was analyzed in details the geometry of such step-like structures, depending on the distance to a cosmic string and its velocity. We analyzed the simplest model of string dynamic with isotropy CMB. An appeared anisotropy induced by single cosmic string represents a sequence of zones of decreased and increased temperature: the cold spot in front of moving string, then the step-like jump and appearance of hot spot and than a cold spot follows again (see Fig.1 --- Temperature distribution over the sky sphere (Molweide projection). The equator coincides with the horizontal line. The string lies along the axis connecting the poles. The angle $\\phi$ is measured from the string front from right to left. There is a small cold spot in front of the string; a sharp temperature jump occurs at the front followed by an extended hot spot, which again gives way to an indistinct cold spot. The temperature distribution is typical of a moving string and is virtually independent of its parameters, only the spot width and the temperatures at a maximum and local minima change.). The amplitude of these discontinuities and their extension depend on position of the string with respect of an observer, on the string velocity and its direction, and on the string linear density. But the structure always remains the same. For a cosmic string with deficit angle from 1 to 2 arcsec the amplitude of generated anisotropy would be from 15 to 30 $\\mu$K. It was obtained the structure and amplitude of expected anisotropy induced by cosmic string as function of its parameters. It was shown that in order to detect cosmic strings by both methods of gravitational lensing and CMB anisotropy the range of deficit angle has to be from 0.1 arcsec to 6 arcsec, which covers the huge amount of theoretically predicted strings. If cosmic string can be detected by optical method, the length of corresponding brightness spot of anisotropy has to be no less than 100 degrees. Therefore our current investigations achieved the level which can certainly indicate the direct way to find cosmic strings in the whole Universe for wide range of string parameters or for the first time prove that such topological defects do not exist. According to superstring approach, cosmic strings are the most preferable objects to be formed in early Universe among other topological defects. There are also deep connections between cosmic strings and brane-world scenario based on superstrings. Long superstrings - macroscopic fundamental strings - may be stable and may appear at the same energy as GUT scale cosmic strings. They could have been produced in the early Universe and then grown to macroscopic size with the expansion of the Universe. But more work is required. To really detect the string on the sky we have to distinguish the CMB anisotropy induced by scalar density perturbation from the cosmic string one; the problem is a low signal to noise ratio. The amplitude of noise (adiabatic perturbations) is larger then expected signal from cosmic strings. To detect a cosmic string with parameters set by GUT we have to detect anisotropy with signal to noise ratio much less then unity. For detection of the signal which is less then noise we intent to apply two method: wavelet and curvelet analysis and detection by optimal filtering." }, "0809/0809.4263_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In HST Cycles 11 and 13 we obtained two epochs of ACS/HRC data for fields in the Magellanic Clouds centered on background quasars. We used these data to determine the proper motions of the LMC and SMC to better than 5\\% and 15\\% respectively. The results had a number of unexpected implications for the Milky Way-LMC-SMC system. The implied three-dimensional velocities were larger than previously believed and close to the escape velocity in a standard $10^{12}$ solar mass Milky Way dark halo, implying that the Clouds may be on their first passage. Also, the relative velocity between the LMC and SMC was larger than expected, leaving open the possibility that the Clouds may not be bound to each other. To further verify and refine our results we requested an additional epoch of data in Cycle 16 which is being executed with WFPC2/PC due to the failure of ACS. We present the results of an ongoing analysis of these WFPC2 data which indicate good consistency with the two-epoch results. ", "introduction": "The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC \\& SMC) at distances of $\\sim 50$ kpc from the Sun, and $\\sim 25$ kpc from the Galactic Plane, provide one of our best probes of the composition and properties of the Galactic dark halo, and have long been upheld as the poster-child for a strongly interacting system, both with each other and with the Milky Way (MW). It has commonly been assumed that the Clouds have made multiple pericentric passages about the MW, and indeed current formation theories for the Magellanic Stream, which may involve tidal or ram-pressure forces, require multiple pericentric passages in order to be viable stripping mechanisms (\\cite[Gardiner \\& Noguchi 1996]{GN96}; hereafter GN96, \\cite[Connors \\etal \\ 2006]{Connors06}, \\cite[Mastropietro \\etal \\ 2005]{Mastropietro05}, \\cite[Yoshizawa \\& Noguchi 2003]{YN03}, \\cite[Lin \\etal \\ 1995]{Lin95}, \\cite[Moore \\& Davis 1994]{MD94}, \\cite[Heller \\& Rohlfs 1994]{HR94}, \\cite[Lin \\& Lynden-Bell 1982]{LL82}, \\cite[Murai \\& Fujimoto 1980]{MF80}). However, recent high-precision proper motion measurements for the Clouds made by our group with two epochs of ACS High Resolution Camera (HRC) data in Cycles 11 and 13, where we measured the proper motion of LMC stars relative to background quasars, imply that the LMC tangential velocity is $\\sim 370 \\kms$, approximately $100 \\kms$ higher than previously thought (\\cite[Kallivayalil \\etal \\ 2006a]{K1}, \\cite[Kallivayalil \\etal \\ 2006b]{K2}; hereafter K1 \\& K2). The proper motion values of GN96, which have been adopted in all theoretical models of the formation of the Stream thus far, are not consistent with the new HST result. In particular, for the LMC there is a 7-$\\sigma$ difference. The values for the SMC are in more acceptable agreement (3-$\\sigma$ difference). The new measurements also indicate a significant relative velocity between the LMC \\& SMC of $105 \\pm 42$ ${\\rm km \\ s^{-1}}$. This has been assumed to be closer to $\\sim 60 \\kms$ in theoretical models, i.e., approximately the value for the SMC to be on a circular orbit around the LMC. These results have surprising physical implications which require a reconsideration of the formation mechanism for the Stream. These include the possibility that the LMC may only be on its first passage about the MW (\\cite[Besla \\etal \\ 2007]{Besla07}; hereafter B07). B07 demonstrated this by studying the past orbital paths of the LMC using our observed proper motions and errors in a $\\Lambda$CDM-motivated dark halo with a NFW profile (\\cite[Navarro \\etal \\ 1996]{Navarro96}). This gave rise to starkly different trajectories for the LMC than those produced in a simple isothermal halo potential: even in the `best case' scenario (proper motion in the west direction, $\\mu_W, \\ +4 \\sigma$), the LMC only completes 1 orbit within 10 Gyr and reaches an apogalacticon distance of 550 kpc (see Figure~4 in B07). Subsequently, this has led to a series of papers exploring whether the LMC is indeed \\textit{bound} to the MW (e.g., \\cite[Shattow \\& Loeb 2008]{SL08}, \\cite[Wu \\etal \\ 2008]{Wu08}). Perhaps even more provocative is the possibility that that the LMC \\& SMC may have only recently become a binary system (K2, although see Besla \\etal \\ these proceedings). Such large motions were unexpected in light of our previous understanding of the MW-LMC-SMC system, and it is therefore crucial that they be verified and further improved through the acquisition of additional data. Because of the large distances involved, even small differences in the proper motions can give vastly different orbits for the Clouds ($1 \\masyr$ $\\approx 238$ ${\\rm km \\ s^{-1}}$ at the distance of the LMC). We thus applied for and were successful in getting a third epoch of snapshot imaging for our quasar-fields in Cycle 16. These executed with WFPC2 due to the failure of ACS. In this paper we present the preliminary results of an on-going analysis of these WFPC2 data. In \\S~2 we present the WFPC2 data and analysis strategy with special attention to the relative size of the position errors vis-a-vis ACS. We describe the main sources of systematic error in both the ACS and WFPC2 data. In \\S~3 we present results based on simple cuts aimed at minimizing these systematic errors, and discuss the expected overall improvement that this additional epoch affords. Since our analysis is still in the process of being refined, we present the results only in comparative fashion, both to our ACS-only two-epoch results (K1 \\& K2), and to those of \\cite[Piatek \\etal \\ 2008]{Piatek08} (hereafter P08), who recently re-analyzed our ACS data using their own methods to obtain results that are consistent with ours. A brief summary and future prospects are presented in \\S~4. ", "conclusions": "We have presented an ongoing analysis of the proper motions of the Magellanic Clouds using a third epoch of WFPC2 data centered on background quasars. At present the RMS error in the position of the quasar is roughly 3 times as large for WFPC2 as for ACS ($\\sim 0.021$ pixels versus 0.008 pixels). However, with an improved method to deal with CTE and magnitude-related effects, and with the increase in time-baseline from 2 to 5 years, we expect final error bars for the proper motions that are smaller by a factor of $\\sim 2$ from the two-epoch analysis: the two-epoch error bars in the north and east directions are $(0.05, 0.08 \\masyr)$, while we expect three-epoch error bars of $(0.04,0.04 \\masyr)$. This will have several benefits, not the least of which is an important consistency check on our earlier results. This will allow us to better understand the orbit of the Clouds around each other. Combined with our understanding of the properties of the Magellanic Stream, this will allow us to better constrain the MW dark halo potential, as well as weigh into whether the LMC is indeed bound to the MW. Finally, we have a fourth epoch of observations scheduled in Cycle 17 with ACS and WFC3. The expected improvement in accuracy will continue to provide fundamental new insights into the unique and enigmatic Milky Way-LMC-SMC system." }, "0809/0809.1500_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{Molecular hydrogen (H$_2$) is the most abundant molecule in the circumstellar (CS) environments of young stars, and is a key element in giant planet formation. The measurement of the H$_2$ content provides the most direct probe of the total amount of CS gas, especially in the inner warm planet-forming regions of the disks. } {Most Herbig Be stars (HBes) are distant from the Sun and their nature and evolution are still debated. We therefore conducted mid-infrared observations of H$_2$ as a tracer of warm gas around HBes known to have gas-rich CS environments.} {We report a search for the H$_2$ S(1) emission line at 17.0348 $\\mu$m in the CS environments of 5 HBes with the high resolution spectroscopic mode of \\visir\\ ({\\it ESO VLT Imager and Spectrometer for the mid-InfraRed}). } {No source shows evidence for H$_2$ emission at 17.0348 $\\mu$m. Stringent 3$\\sigma$ upper limits on the integrated line fluxes are derived. Depending on the adopted temperature, limits on column densities and masses of warm gas are also estimated. These non-detections constrain the amount of warm ($>150~K$) gas in the immediate CS environments of our target stars to be less than $\\sim 1-10 M_{\\rm Jup}$.} {} ", "introduction": "Molecular hydrogen (H$_2$) is the most abundant molecule in the environment of young stars. It remains optically thin up to high column densities ($\\sim$10$^{23}$ cm$^{\u22122}$), and does not freeze onto dust grain surfaces. It furthermore self-shields efficiently against photodissociation by far-ultraviolet (FUV) photons. Therefore, H$_2$ is the only molecule that can directly constrain the mass reservoir of molecular gas in the circumstellar (CS) environment of pre-main sequence stars. On the other hand, H$_2$ is one of the most challenging molecules to detect. Electronic transitions occur in the UV to which the Earth's atmosphere is opaque, and rotational and rovibrational transitions at infrared (IR) wavelengths are faint because of their quadrupolar origin. FUV spectroscopic observations of H$_2$ absorption lines have provided evidence for the presence of cold and warm excited H$_2$ around numerous Herbig Ae/Be stars (HAeBes) but have not allowed us to determine the spatial distribution of the observed gas \\citep[e.g.][]{klr08a}. Detections of H$_2$ line emission from disks around young stars with {\\it ISO} \\citep{Thi01} were contradicted by ground-based observations \\citep{Richter02, Sako05}, which showed that the observed emission could be due to the surrounding cloud material. \\cite{Carmona08} modeled the mid-IR H$_2$ lines originating in a gas-rich disk, seen face-on, surrounding a Herbig Ae (HAe) star at 140 pc from the Sun. By assuming that the gas and dust were well-mixed in the disk, a gas-to-dust ratio of about 100, and that $T_{gas}=T_{dust}$, those authors demonstrated that mid-IR H$_2$ lines could not be detected with the existing instruments. Indeed, they were unable to detect any H$_2$ mid-IR emission line in their sample of 6 HAe stars. At the present time, observations of H$_2$ mid-IR emission lines have been reported in 8 of 76 T\\,Tauri stars observed with {\\it Spitzer} \\citep{Lahuis07}. Although mid-IR windows are strongly affected by sky and instrument background emission, the advent of high spectral and spatial resolution spectrographs allows us to study the H$_2$ emission from the ground, as demonstrated in the cases of two HAeBes, \\object{HD~97048} \\citep{klr07a} and AB Aur \\citep{Bitner07}, for which particular conditions are required in their CS disks. The analyses of these data usually assumes that the H$_2$ excitation is in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) and can thus be characterized by a single excitation temperature, which should be close to the gas temperature because of the low critical densities. The AB Aur observations infer an H$_2$ gas temperature that is significantly higher than the dust temperature. \\begin{table*} \\begin{center} \\caption{Astrophysical parameters of the sample stars (columns 2 to 6). \\vrad\\ is the radial velocity of the star in the heliocentric rest frame. Columns 7 to 12 summarize the observations. The airmass and seeing intervals are given from the beginning to the end of the observations. \\vspace{-0.4cm}} \\begin{tabular}{lcccccccccccccccccc} \\hline \\hline Star & Sp. & $T_{eff}$ & \\Av & \\vrad & $d$ & $t_{exp}$ & Airmass & Optical & Standard & Airmass & Optical\\\\ & Type & (K) & (mag) & (\\kms) & (pc) & (s) & & Seeing & Star & & Seeing \\\\ & & & & & & & & ('') & & & ('') \\\\ \\hline HD~98922 & B9 & 10470$^{(1)}$ & 0.34$^{(1)}$ & -15$^{(2)}$ & $>$540$^{(1)}$ & 2700 & 1.14-1.15 & 0.76-1.41 & HD~25025 & 1.024-1.025 & 0.69-0.71 \\\\ HD~250550 & B7 & 12800$^{(3)}$ & 0.57$^{(3)}$ & +31$^{(4)}$ & 606$\\pm$367$^{(5)}$ & 3600 & 1.32-1.50 & 0.83-1.50 & HD~93813 & 1.018-1.023 & 0.91-1.05 \\\\ HD~259431 & B5 & 15900$^{(3)}$ & 0.88$^{(3)}$ & +43$^{(4)}$ & 290$\\pm$84$^{(5)}$ & 2250 & 1.23-1.32 & 0.75-1.28 & HD~39425 & 1.12-1.14 & 1.51-1.62 \\\\ HD~76534 & B2 & 20000$^{(6)}$ & 0.80$^{(7)}$ & +17$^{(4)}$ & $>$160$^{(1)}$ & 3600 & 1.05-1.14 & 0.85-1.25 & HD~93813 & 1.014-1.017 & 0.92-0.96 \\\\ HD~45677 & B2/B1 & 21400$^{(1)}$ & 0.87$^{(1)}$ & +21.6$^{(8)}$ & 500$^{(9)}$ & 3450 & 1.02-1.08 & 0.69-1.40 & HD~25025 & 1.024-1.025 & 0.69-0.71 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\begin{list}{}{} References: $^{(1)}$ \\cite{VdA98b}; $^{(2)}$ \\cite{Acke05}; $^{(3)}$ \\cite{JCB03b}; $^{(4)}$ \\cite{FINK_JAN84}; $^{(5)}$\\cite{Brittain07}; $^{(6)}$ \\cite{klr04b}; $^{(7)}$ \\cite{valenti00}; $^{(8)}$ \\cite{Evans67}; $^{(9)}$ \\cite{Zorec98} as quoted in \\cite{Cidale01}. \\vspace{-0.8cm} \\\\ \\end{list} \\label{param} \\end{center} \\end{table*} In contrast to HAes, the more distant Herbig Be stars (HBes) earlier than B9 type have been poorly studied. As a consequence, the nature and evolution of the CS material surrounding HBes is still a subject of controversy. The Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) are very different from one HBe to another \\citep[e.g.][]{HILL92}. Some have SEDs that are comparable to those observed for HAes, and have been classified as group I or group II stars haboring disks according to the classification of \\citet[][]{Meeus01}. However, numerous HBes SEDs with little IR excess have been modeled successfully by free-free emission originating in a gaseous CS envelope, and compared with rapidly rotating classical Be stars. In addition, the mid-IR emission observed in HBes is generally not confined to optically thick disks but originates in more complex environments such as remnant envelopes or halos \\citep{LEINERT01, POLOMSKI02, Vinkovic06}. This implies that there are structural differences between HAes and the more luminous HBes \\citep{NATTA00, LEINERT01}. These results are fully consistent with the more rapid evolution of the more massive HAeBes, which should still be partially embedded in their natal cloud. On the other hand, near-IR interferometric data of HBes have been interpreted using flared disks models \\citep[e.g.][]{Kraus07}. We selected five HBe stars whose CS environments are rich in gas as observed by the \\fuse\\ satellite \\citep{klr08a}. The selected stars have IR excesses that are assumed to represent the presence of CS dusty disks \\citep[e.g.][]{HILL92, POLOMSKI02}, but the disk scenario has not yet been clearly established. The aim of our study is to detect the H$_2$ pure rotational emission line at 17.0348 $\\mu$m in the vicinity of these stars with the high resolution mode of the VLT/\\visir\\ spectrograph \\citep{Lagage04} and constrain the warm CS gaseous component. ", "conclusions": "\\label{concl} We observed five HBe stars with the high resolution spectroscopic mode of \\visir\\ to search for H$_2$ pure rotational S(1) emission at 17.0348 $\\mu$m. As probed by previous \\fuse\\ observations, the CS environments of these stars provide evidence of large reservoirs ($N({\\rm H}_2) \\sim 10^{21}$~cm$^2$) of cold H$_2$ ($T \\sim 100$~K), and also evidence for the presence of warm/hot excited H$_2$ ($T \\geq 500$~K). The H$_2$, observed by \\fuse, probably corresponds to the remnant of the molecular cloud in which the stars were formed and the observed H$_2$ FUV lines do not originate in a CS disk. \\cite{klr08a} modeled the excitation conditions of H$_2$ and the \\fuse\\ spectra of HBes stars using the {\\it Meudon PDR Code} and showed that the observed gas was located in relatively diffuse regions ($10-3000$ cm$^{-3}$) at significant distances from the central stars ($0.03-1.5$ pc). None of the four targets with spectra of sufficiently high S/N showed any evidence for H$_2$ emission. From the 3$\\sigma$ upper limits to the emission line flux, we calculated upper limits on the column density and mass of H$_2$ for each star. We found that the column densities should be lower than $\\sim$10$^{23}$ cm$^{-2}$ at 150~K, and lower than $\\sim$10$^{21}$ cm$^{-2}$ at 1000~K, which does not contradict the column densities derived from the \\fuse\\ observations. Upper limits to the masses of warm gas have been estimated to be in the range from $\\sim$10$^{-2}$ to $\\sim$6 $M_{\\rm Jup}$ (1 $M_{\\rm Jup}$ $\\sim$ 10$^{-3}$ $M_{\\odot}$), assuming LTE excitation, and depending on the adopted temperature. It should be pointed out that mid-IR H$_2$ lines only probe warm gas located in the surface layers of the observed media because of the opacity of the interior layers when dust is present. The surface layers of any potential disks surrounding our target stars do not therefore contain sufficient warm gas to enable it to be detected in emission at mid-IR wavelenghs. Following the calculations of \\cite{Carmona08}, the H$_2$ mid-IR lines produced by a gas-rich disk with $T_{gas} = T_{dust}$ should not be observable with existing instruments. As shown by \\cite{Bitner07} and \\cite{klr07a}, the warm H$_2$ can be detected in the CS disk of a Herbig star, but to explain the detection, particular conditions have to be assumed for the gas and dust, such as $T_{gas} > T_{dust}$, which may be created by gas heating by X-rays or UV photons. Our non-detections therefore imply either that the gas and dust in any potential disks are well mixed and have almost equal temperatures, or that these disks are simply not present at all." }, "0809/0809.4922_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{To investigate the joint evolution of active galactic nuclei and star formation in the Universe.} {In the 1.4\\,GHz survey with the Australia Telescope Compact Array of the Chandra Deep Field South and the European Large Area ISO Survey\\,-\\,S1 we have identified a class of objects which are strong in the radio but have no detectable infrared and optical counterparts. This class has been called Infrared-Faint Radio Sources, or IFRS. 53 sources out of 2002 have been classified as IFRS. It is not known what these objects are.} {To address the many possible explanations as to what the nature of these objects is we have observed four sources with the Australian Long Baseline Array.} {We have detected and imaged one of the four sources observed. Assuming that the source is at a high redshift, we find its properties in agreement with properties of Compact Steep Spectrum sources. However, due to the lack of optical and infrared data the constraints are not particularly strong.} {} ", "introduction": "Infrared-Faint Radio Sources (IFRS) were recently discovered as a class by \\cite{Norris2006a}, and may be related to the Optically Invisible Radio Sources (OIRS) identified by \\cite{Higdon2005}. IFRS are radio sources which have no counterparts in infrared images from the {\\it Spitzer} Wide-Area Extragalactic Survey (SWIRE) between 3.6\\,\\um\\ and 24\\,\\um, and are discovered in arcsec-scale radio observations. They are unexpected because it was thought that any galaxy which is detected in radio observations should be detected in the infrared with relatively short integrations. Assuming the SED of known classes of galaxy, a 5\\,mJy radio source in the local Universe should produce a detectable Spitzer source, regardless of whether it is generated by star formation or AGN (active galactic nuclei). Similarly a normal L$_*$ galaxy at $z<1$, whether spiral or elliptical, should be visible in our Spitzer and I-band data. \\cite{Norris2006a} and \\cite{Middelberg2008a} together identified 53 such sources out of 2002 (2.7\\,\\%) detected in the ATLAS survey, co-located with the SWIRE survey. Most of these sources have flux densities of only a few hundred microjansky, but some are strong and have flux densities of more than 20\\,mJy. Stacking 3.6\\,\\um\\ {\\it Spitzer} images at the positions of 22 IFRS, \\cite{Norris2006a} were unable to make a detection in the averaged image and so demonstrated that IFRS are well below the detection threshold of the SWIRE survey. The nature of IFRS and the reason for their faintness at infrared wavelengths is unclear. Possible explanations are that (i) these sources are extremely redshifted Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN); (ii) they are dust-rich, extremely obscured galaxies which makes them invisible in the infrared; (iii) they are lobes of nearby, unidentified radio galaxies; or (iv) they are an unknown type of galactic or extragalactic object. Because IFRS have so far only been detected at radio wavelengths it is not possible to measure their redshifts, as spectroscopy requires sub-arcsecond positional accuracy, which the radio observations cannot provide. Also, the comparatively low resolution of the radio images makes it difficult to select the correct optical counterpart, because the corresponding optical observations are deep, and hence confusion-limited. A promising route to find out more about IFRS is radio observations with Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). VLBI observations are sensitive only to very compact structures with brightness temperatures of the order of $10^6$\\,K or more, which are unambiguous signposts of AGN activity. They also yield, when astrometric calibrators are used, positions accurate to milliarcseconds, and milliarcsecond-scale morphologies which can be interpreted in terms of the emission mechanism at work. \\cite{Norris2007b} have observed two IFRS with VLBI and discovered one. Unfortunately, their $(u,v)$ coverage was too poor to make a reliable image of the detected source. They concluded that the VLBI observations were consistent with a radio-loud AGN at high redshift, or with a lower-power AGN at lower redshift in an abnormally obscured galaxy. Here we present VLBI observations of four IFRS discovered in the ATLAS/ELAIS field (\\citealt{Middelberg2008a}). We selected S427 and S509 because they were the strongest IFRS in the ATLAS/ELAIS field, and S775 because it is very extended on arcsecond scales, showing structures reminiscent of lobes and jets frequently seen in AGN. After the observations it was discovered that the weak IFRS S433 was located only 24.6\\,arcsec north-east of S427 (Fig.~\\ref{fig:S427+ir}), and was well within the field of view of the VLBI array. The details of the sources observed are listed in Table~\\ref{tab:sources}. \\begin{figure} \\centering \\includegraphics[width=\\linewidth]{0454fig1.eps} \\caption{Contour plot of the ATCA 20\\,cm image of S427 superimposed on the 3.6\\um\\ {\\it Spitzer} image made as part of the SWIRE survey (\\citealt{Lonsdale2003}). Contours are drawn at 0.1\\,mJy$\\times$(1, 2, 4, ...) and the restoring beam was 10.3$\\times$7.2\\,arcsec. The nearest infrared source, located towards the south-east, is more than 6\\,arcsec away, making it very unlikely to be the infrared counterpart. Source S433, visible as a two-contour object 24.6\\,arcsec north-east of S427, also was classified as an IFRS. It has a flux density of 245\\,\\uJy.} \\label{fig:S427+ir} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "We present the first VLBI image of an Infrared-Faint Radio Source and report the non-detection of three more IFRS discovered in the ATCA 1.4\\,GHz observations of the ATLAS/ELAIS field. The main result of our observations is that S427 harbours an AGN, and that it is not simply a radio lobe of an unidentified radio galaxy. The size, spectrum, and radio and IR luminosity of the detected IFRS S427 are consistent with those of a high-redshift Compact Steep-Spectrum source, and are inconsistent with a standard L$_*$ galaxy at z$<$1, or a FR\\,I/II galaxy at any redshift. Together with the two IFRS observed by Norris et al. (2007) the number of IFRS observed with VLBI is now 6, and the number of detections is 2, showing that at least some fraction of IFRS are associated with AGN. We plan further VLBI studies to determine the nature of these enigmatic objects." }, "0809/0809.3733_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "This paper presents detailed analysis of large-scale peculiar motions derived from a sample of $\\sim 700$ X-ray clusters and cosmic microwave background (CMB) data obtained with WMAP. We use the kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich (KSZ) effect combining it into a cumulative statistic which preserves the bulk motion component with the noise integrated down. Such statistic is the dipole of CMB temperature fluctuations evaluated over the pixels of the cluster catalog (Kashlinsky \\& Atrio-Barandela 2000). To remove the cosmological CMB fluctuations the maps are filtered with a Wiener-type filter in each of the eight WMAP channels (Q, V, W) which have negligible foreground component. Our findings are as follows: The thermal SZ (TSZ) component of the clusters is described well by the Navarro-Frenk-White profile expected if the hot gas traces the dark matter in the cluster potential wells. Such gas has X-ray temperature decreasing rapidly towards the cluster outskirts, which we demonstrate results in the decrease of the TSZ component as the aperture is increased to encompass the cluster outskirts. We then detect a statistically significant dipole in the CMB pixels at cluster positions. Arising exclusively at the cluster pixels this dipole cannot originate from the foreground or instrument noise emissions and must be produced by the CMB photons which interacted with the hot intracluster gas via the SZ effect. The dipole remains as the monopole component, due to the TSZ effect, vanishes within the small statistical noise out to the maximal aperture where we still detect the TSZ component. We demonstrate with simulations that the mask and cross-talk effects are small for our catalog and contribute negligibly to the measurements. The measured dipole thus arises from the KSZ effect produced by the coherent large scale bulk flow motion. The cosmological implications of the measurements are discussed by us in Kashlinsky et al (2008). ", "introduction": "In the popular gravitational instability picture for growth of the large scale structure in the Universe, peculiar velocities on large cosmological scales probe directly the peculiar gravitational potential and provide important information on the underlying mass distribution in the Universe [e.g. see review by Kashlinsky \\& Jones 1991]. Previous attempts to measure the peculiar flows in the local Universe mostly used empirically established (but not well understood theoretically) galaxy distance indicators. While very important, such methods are subject to many systematic uncertainties [e.g. see reviews by \\cite{strauss-willick,willick}] and lead to widely different results. Early measurements by \\cite{rubin-ford} indicated large peculiar flows of $\\sim$700 km/sec. A major advance was made using the ``Fundamental Plane\" (FP) relation for elliptical galaxies \\cite{7s-di,djorgovski} with the implication that elliptical galaxies within $\\sim 60h^{-1}$Mpc were streaming at $\\sim 600$ km/sec with respect to the rest frame defined by the cosmic microwave background (CMB) \\cite{7s-motion}. Mathewson et al (1992) used the Tully-Fisher (TF) relation for a large sample of spiral galaxies suggesting that the flow of amplitude 600 km/sec does not converge until scales much larger than $\\sim 60 h^{-1}$ Mpc. This finding was in agreement with a later analysis by \\cite{willick99}. Employing brightest cluster galaxies as distance indicators \\cite{lauer-postman} measured a bulk flow of $\\sim$700 km/sec for a sample 119 rich clusters of galaxies on scale of $\\sim$150$h^{-1}$Mpc suggesting significantly larger amount of power than expected in the concordance $\\Lambda$CDM model. However, a re-analysis of these data \\cite{hudson-ebeling} taking into account the correlation between the luminosities of brightest-cluster galaxies and that of their host cluster found a bulk flow in a greatly different direction and at a smaller amplitude. Using the FP relation for early type galaxies in 56 clusters \\cite{hudson} find a bulk flow of a similarly large amplitude of $\\sim 630$ km/sec to \\cite{lauer-postman} on a comparable scale, but in a different direction. On the other hand, a sample of 24 SNIa shows no evidence of significant bulk flows out to $\\sim 100 h^{-1}$ Mpc \\cite{riess} and similar conclusion is reached with the TF based survey of spiral galaxies by \\cite{courteau}. The directions associated with each bulk-flow measurement are equally discrepant. The current situation with measurements based on the various distance indicators is confusing and it is important to find alternative ways to measure the large scale peculiar flows. One way to achieve this is via the kinematic component of the Sunyaev Zeldovich (SZ) effect produced on the CMB photons from the hot X-ray emitting gas in clusters of galaxies ([see review by \\cite{birkinshaw}]. The kinematic SZ (KSZ) effect is independent of redshift and measures the line-of-sight peculiar velocity of a cluster in its own frame of reference. For each individual cluster the KSZ temperature distortion will be small and difficult to measure. Attempts at measuring the peculiar velocities of individual clusters from the KSZ effect using the current generation of instruments lead to uncertainties of $\\gsim 1000$ km/sec per cluster [see review by \\cite{carlstrom}]. On the other hand, as proposed by \\cite{kab} (hereafter KA-B) for many clusters moving at a coherent bulk flow one can construct a measurable quantity using data on CMB temperature anisotropies which will be dominated by the bulk flow KSZ component, whereas the various other contributions will integrate down. This quantity, {\\it the dipole of the cumulative CMB temperature field evaluated at cluster positions}, is used in this investigation on the 3-year WMAP data in conjunction with a large sample of X-ray clusters of galaxies to set the strongest to-date limits on bulk flows out to scales $\\sim 300 h^{-1}$Mpc. In the accompanying Letter (Kashlinsky et al 2008) we summed the results and their cosmological implications. These are obtained using the KA-B method applied to 3-year WMAP CMB data and the largest all-sky X-ray cluster catalog to date. This paper provides the details relevant for the measurement and is structured as follows: Sec \\ref{steps} summarizes the KA-B method and the steps leading to the measurement. Sec. \\ref{catalog} describes the cluster X-ray catalog used in this study and Sec. \\ref{cmb} outlines the CMB data processing. Sec. \\ref{errors} discusses the methods to estimate the errors followed by Sec \\ref{results} with the results on the dipole measurement. Sec. \\ref{tsz} shows why the measured dipole arises from the KSZ component due to the cluster motion and Sec. \\ref{calibration} dicusses the translation of the measured dipole in $\\mu$K into velocity in km/sec and its uncertainty. Future prospects foreseeable at this time to improve this measurement are discussed in Sec. \\ref{future}. We summarize our results in Sec. \\ref{summary}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{summary} We now summarize the main conclusions from this study: $\\bullet$ Our measurements indicate the existence of the residual CMB dipole evaluated over the CMB pixels associated with the hot SZ producing gas in clusters of galaxies. The dipole is measured at high-signifance level ($\\sim 8\\sigma$ in the outer bins) and persists out the limit of our cluster catalog $z_{\\rm median}\\simeq 0.1$. Its direction is not far off the direction of the \"global CMB dipole\" measured from the entire unprocessed maps. $\\bullet$ We show with detailed simulation that the CMB mask and/or cluster sample discreteness induced cross-talk effects are negligible and cannot mimic the measured dipole. $\\bullet$ The dipole originates exclusively at the cluster pixels and, hence, cannot be produced by foregrounds or instrument noise. It must originate from the CMB photons that have passed through the hot gas in the catalog clusters. $\\bullet$ We prove that the signal arises from the hot SZ producing cluster gas because we demonstrate that in the unfiltered CMB maps there remains statistically significant temperature {\\it decrement} as expected from the TSZ effect. Its profile is consistent with the NFW profile out the largest aperture where we still detect hot gas ($\\sim 30^\\prime$). At larger radii the dipole begins to decrease as expected. $\\bullet$ In the filtered maps, designed to reduce the cosmological CMB fluctuations, the dipole is isolated simultaneously as the monopole component vanishes. This proves that its origin lies in the KSZ component. The monopole vanishes (within the noise) because for the NFW profile the gas in hydrostatic equilibrium must have a strong decrease in the X-ray temperature in the outer parts. This decrease is consistent with the available direct X-ray measurements, but more importantly is demonstrated empirically in AKKE. $\\bullet$ With the current cluster catalog we determine that the amplitude of the dipole corresponds to bulk flow of 600-1000 km/sec. This conversion factor, $C_{\\rm 1,100}$, may however have some systematic offset related to our current cluster modelling. However, this possible uncertainty only affect the amplitude of the motion, not its coherence scale or existence. $\\bullet$ The cosmological implications are discussed in Kashlinsky et al (2008). We show there that the concordance $\\Lambda$CDM model cannot account for this motion at many standard deviations. Instead, it is possible that this motion extends all the way to the current cosmological horizon and may originate from the tilt across the observable Universe from far away pre-inflationary inhomogeneities \\cite{ktf,turner}. This work is supported by the NASA ADP grant NNG04G089G in the USA (PI - A. Kashlinsky) and by the Ministerio de Educaci\\'on y Ciencia and the ''Junta de Castilla y Le\\'on'' in Spain (FIS2006-05319, PR2005-0359 and SA010C05, PI - F. Atrio-Barandela). We thank Gary Hinshaw for useful information regarding the WMAP data specifics. FAB thanks the University of Pennsylvania for its hospitality when part of this work was carried out. We thank Carlos Hernandez-Monteagudo for spotting a technical correction in the SZ energy distribution, eq. 4 and Fig. 7. {\\it NOTE ADDED IN PROOF}: Our results have received recently additional support from an independent study by Watkins, Feldman and Hudson (arXiv:0809.4041; 2009, MNRAS, 392, 743) . The Watkins et al. study compiled all major peculiar velocity surveys to date to determine bulk flows within a 100 $h^{-1}$Mpc sphere. Although the scales involved are much smaller than, and the method completely different from ours, Watson et al find that the galaxies within a $\\sim 50-100 h^{-1}$Mpc sphere are moving at a significant velocity in the same direction as found in our work. The amplitude of their motion, at $\\sim400-500$ km/sec, appears somewhat smaller, but still overlaps within $<$ 2 standard deviations with our velocity assuming the calibration above. We anticipate that recalibrating the cluster sample as described in Sec. 8 will further decrease the difference between the measured velocity amplitudes." }, "0809/0809.2609_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We used the {\\em Advanced Camera for Surveys} on board the {\\em Hubble Space Telescope} to obtain high resolution $i$-band images of the centers of 23 single galaxies, which were selected because they have SDSS velocity dispersions larger than $350$~km~s$^{-1}$. The surface brightness profiles of the most luminous of these objects ($M_i<-24$) have well-resolved `cores' on scales of 150-1000~pc, and share similar properties to BCGs. The total luminosity of the galaxy is a better predictor of the core size than is the velocity dispersion. The correlations of luminosity and velocity dispersion with core size agree with those seen in previous studies of galaxy cores. Because of high velocity dispersions, our sample of galaxies can be expected to harbor the most massive black holes, and thus have large cores with large amounts of mass ejection. The mass-deficits inferred from core-Sersic fits to the surface-brightness profiles are approximately double the black-hole masses inferred from the $M_\\bullet-\\sigma$ relation and the same as those inferred from the $M_\\bullet-L$ relation. The less luminous galaxies ($M_i>-23$) tend to have steeper `power-law' inner profiles, higher-ellipticity, diskier isophotes, and bulge-to-total ratios of order 0.5 -- all of which suggest that they are `fast-rotators' and rotational motions could have contaminated the velocity dispersion estimate. There are obvious dust features within about 300~pc of the center in about 35\\% of the sample, predominantly in power-law rather than core galaxies. \\\\ ", "introduction": "This is the third in a series of papers about the galaxies with the highest velocity dispersions ($\\sigma>350$~km s$^{-1}$) in the low redshift Universe ($z<0.3$). Using imaging and spectroscopy from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) (Abazajian et al. 2003), Bernardi et al. (2006, hereafter Paper I) constructed a sample of 70 objects which were likely to be single galaxies with high ($>350$ km/s) velocity dispersion. However, in this sample there still remained the strong possibility that some of these measured velocity dispersions were contaminated by the presence of another galaxy along the line of sight. In a companion to this work, Bernardi et al. (2008, hereafter Paper II) resolve this problem with observations which take advantage of the superior angular resolution of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) to identify superpositions, and exclude them from the sample of true high velocity dispersion galaxies. Of the original sample of 70 objects, HST observed 43 (as this was a SnapShot program, not all 70 targets were observed), and 23 of these appear to be truly single galaxies. Paper II shows that these appear to be of two types: luminous, round galaxies which share many properties with BCGs (e.g., Laine et al. 2003, Bernardi et al. 2007), and fainter, higher ellipticity, disky galaxies which point to having over-estimated measured velocity dispersions because of rotational velocities. One of the goals of this paper is to see if a detailed photometric analysis of the HST data supports those conclusions. However, our analysis of the HST photometry also allows us to place our sample in the context of other HST-based studies of early-type galaxies. In particular, the centers of early-type galaxies have been studied extensively with HST by the Nuker Team (e.g., Lauer et al. 1995, Faber et al. 1997, Laine et al. 2003, Lauer et al. 2005, Lauer et al. 2007) using WFPC1 and WFPC2, and by the Virgo Cluster Survey (VCS) (e.g., Ferrarese et al. 2006a, Ferrarese et al. 2006b, C{\\^o}t{\\'e} et al. 2006) using ACS WFC. Both groups have found that the centers of early-type galaxies can contain nuclei (corresponding to a point-like increase in the light profile), follow a single power-law or Sersic (continuously changing power-law) light distribution, or have a break radius inside of which the surface brightness follows a shallow or flat power law. It has been established that bright early-types have round isophotes and shallow central slopes while fainter early-types have elongated, disky isophotes and steep central slopes (Ferrarese et al. 1994, Lauer et al. 1995, Faber et al. 1997, Ravindranath et al. 2002, Ferrarese et al. 2006a). There is active debate regarding whether the inner light profile slopes of early-type galaxies form a bimodal distribution of ``cores'' and ``power-law galaxies'' (Lauer et al. 2007, Rest et al. 2001), or a continuous distribution (Graham et al. 2003, Ferrarese et al. 2006a). But there is general agreement that the connection between the properties of the centers of core galaxies and their overall structure can be explained by the presence of a central supermassive black hole binary system. Since there is a correlation between central black hole mass and velocity dispersion (Ferrarese \\& Merritt 2000, Gebhardt et al. 2000, Tremaine et al. 2002), our sample of galaxies can be expected to harbor the most massive black holes, and thus have large cores with large amounts of mass ejection. This paper is organized as follows. Section~\\ref{s_data} describes the observations and pre-processing steps we undertook to prepare the images for model-fitting and profile analysis. Section~\\ref{s_model} presents global properties of these galaxies from fitting parametric models to the surface brightness profiles. Central structure and core properties are studied in Sections~\\ref{s_center} and~\\ref{s_binary_bh}, and photometric evidence for rotation in some of these galaxies is presented in Section~\\ref{s_rotation}. Section~\\ref{s_dust} studies the difference images to see if they show evidence for dust, and a final section summarizes our results. ", "conclusions": "We presented our methodology for obtaining parameters which describe the global and inner structure of high velocity dispersion galaxies ($\\sigma > 350$~km~s$^{-1}$). We performed model-fits to obtain effective radii, luminosities, eliipticities, bulge fractions, and Sersic indices which describe the global structure of the galaxies. We showed that the deVaucouleurs quantities obtained from HST imaging agreed with the SDSS values from which we drew the scaling relations presented in Paper II (Figure~\\ref{f_SDSS_HST}). We studied the galaxies' isophotal deviations from true ellipticity using the $a4$ parameter. This parameter, in combination with the bulge-disk decompositions, ellipticity, and inner profile shape, established the fainter galaxies in our sample as almost certainly fast-rotating ellipticals (Section~\\ref{s_rotation}), meaning that our measured velocity dispersions are likely to be over-estimates. We also studied the central profile shapes of the galaxies, fitting core-Sersic and Nuker models to the surface brightness profiles to estimate core radii (Section~\\ref{s_center}). The location of the most luminous of our core-galaxies on the luminosity$-$core-size plane (Figure~\\ref{f_core_radius}) coincides with that of BCGs of Laine et al. (2003). This adds further evidence to the argument presented in Paper II, that the brighter galaxies in our sample are BCGs --- although they are amongst the densest BCGs for their luminosities. These objects are interesting for the following reason: when half-light radius is plotted vs luminosity, BCGs are known to have larger radii than the bulk of the early-type galaxy population (Lauer et al. 2007, Bernardi et al. 2007), and this has been used to argue for merger-dominated formation histories. That they also have core-profiles, and that the cores have {\\em smaller} radii (than expected by extrapolating the core-$L$ relation of the bulk of the population to large $L$) suggests that these objects indeed had formation histories with substantial merger/accretion activity. The fact that they do not have power-law profiles suggests that in situ star formation is unlikely to be the primary reason for their large central densities. Either these objects had dense cores around which more stars have since built up, or mergers and accretion events have driven the dense stellar cores of smaller galaxies into the center, erasing a cusp (if there was one). Such objects are expected to host massive black holes which may have consumed or ejected substantial amounts of mass from the center. The mass deficit associated with extrapolating the outer Sersic fit inwards, and subtracting the light in the actual best-fit core-Sersic were found to be on average, twice as much as $M_\\bullet$ estimated from the $M_\\bullet-\\sigma$ relation, and equal to $M_\\bullet$ estimated from the $M_\\bullet-L$ relation (Figure~\\ref{f_deficit}) in agreement with previous work (e.g., Graham 2004, Ferrarese et al. 2006a). Cimatti et al. (2008) studied a sample of superdense z$\\sim$1.5 passive galaxies. They found, when comparing with our sample of high-velocity dispersion galaxies (their figure 19), that the lower-luminosity galaxies in our sample populate a similar locus in the size, mass, surface density plane as their superdense z$\\sim$1.5 passive galaxies. Although rotation may somewhat complicate the picture, it is possible that our low-redshift high-density galaxies are the rare examples of the high-redshift superdense galaxies which have not undergone any dry merging. This scenario is supported by the fact that the low luminosity galaxies in our sample are in low-density environments (Paper II) and have intact power-law centers. It would be interesting to check if the superdense z$\\sim$1.5 galaxies are `fast-rotators' as well. Finally we found that 35\\% of the objects in this sample (8/23) had nuclear dust, with the majority of these being power-law rather than core galaxies. This also agrees well with previous work (e.g. Laine et al. 2003; Lauer et al. 2005)." }, "0809/0809.5029_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present multicolour photometry and modelling of the active eclipsing binary star V405 And. The components of 0.2 and 0.5 solar masses are just below and above the theoretical limit of the full convection, that is thought to be around 0.3 solar mass. The light curves are compositions of constant and variable features: the distorted shape of the components (about 25\\%), a small eclipse, and mainly of spots (about 75\\%) and flares. ", "introduction": "The manifestations of stellar activity appearing as spots, plages, flares, activity cycles etc., are consequences of the strong magnetic fields. The origin of this magnetic field of stars is some kind of a dynamo mechanism, which can be the so-called $\\alpha\\Omega$ dynamo, based on the amplification of the fields by differential rotation in the tachocline, which is a thin interface layer between the convection zone and the radiative core. Less massive stars are thought to be fully convective, wherein the $\\alpha^2$ dynamo generates strong, long-lasting, axisymmetric magnetic fields. The mass limit for full convection is thought to be around ~0.35 solar mass. The late type binary V405~And is an excellent target to study the effects of the two possible dynamos, since one component is below, the other is above the mass limit of the full convection \\cite{1997A&A...326..228C}. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.0921_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We are searching for new He atmosphere white dwarf pulsators (DBVs) based on the newly found white dwarf stars from the spectra obtained by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. DBVs pulsate at hotter temperature ranges than their better known cousins, the H atmosphere white dwarf pulsators (DAVs or ZZ Ceti stars). Since the evolution of white dwarf stars is characterized by cooling, asteroseismological studies of DBVs give us opportunities to study white dwarf structure at a different evolutionary stage than the DAVs. The hottest DBVs are thought to have neutrino luminosities exceeding their photon luminosities (Winget et al. 2004), a quantity measurable through asteroseismology. Therefore, they can also be used to study neutrino physics in the stellar interior. So far we have discovered nine new DBVs, doubling the number of previously known DBVs. Here we report the new pulsators' lightcurves and power spectra. ", "introduction": "White dwarf stars (WDs) are the endpoints of evolution for most stars. Their internal structures provide key clues into their complex pre-WD evolution. As WDs, their subsequent evolution is dominated by cooling. The older they are, the cooler they become. Why then, does there exist a range of temperatures within which we hardly see any He atmosphere WDs (DBs) while we see both the H atmosphere WDs (DAs) and non-DAs (He atmosphere DOs and DBs) at both hotter and cooler temperature than this? This paradox is the so-called ``DB gap'' (Fontaine \\& Wesemael 1987). Recently, Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data have shown us that the DB gap is not completely void of DBs, but rather deficient in the number of DBs (Eisenstein et al. 2006a). The current best explanation for this effect is based on WDs having specific layer masses (the large gravity in a WD makes it compositionally stratified) which mix and settle at certain temperatures, causing the surface ``flavor'' of a WD to change with time and temperature (Fontaine \\& Wesemael 1987). This explanation demands a thin H layer in at least a substantial fraction of DAs. However, there have been several works (Fontaine et al. 1992; Clemens 1994; Fontaine et al. 1994; Robinson et al. 1995; Kleinman et al. 1998; Benvenuto et al. 2002) suggesting that perhaps all DAs have thick H layers and if so, spectral evolution by the current model cannot happen. Once a WD cools past the onset of its instability strip (at a temperature primarily determined by its atmospheric composition and total mass), it begins pulsating in a series of non-radial g-modes, allowing us to study its interior via the technique of asteroseismology. Asteroseismology, the study of stellar pulsations, is an important way to directly measure quantities of the stellar interior. And understanding the interior structure of the DBVs is one very important way to address some of the mysteries of DB evolution. Among the 9 DBVs known prior to our work, the first DBV discovered (Winget et al. 1982), GD\\,358, is by far the best studied WD pulsator. It has had its internal structure substantially explored by asteroseismology (Winget et al. 1994, Bradley \\& Winget 1994; Vuille et al. 2000; Metcalfe Salaris \\& Winget 2002; Metcalfe 2003; Kepler et al. 2005; Metcalfe et al. 2005). The results from the asteroseismological investigations of GD\\,358 (Winget et al., 1994) are impressive: total mass of $0.61\\pm0.03 M_{\\sun}$, He layer mass of log$M_{He}/M_{\\star} = -5.7(+0.18, -0.30)$, $R_{\\star}/R{\\sun}=0.0127\\pm0.0004$, He to C transition zone thickness of about 8 pressure scale heights, absolute luminosity log$L_{\\star}/L{\\sun}=-1.30 (+0.09, -0.12)$ hence a distance of $42\\pm3pc$, weak magnetic field of $1300\\pm300$G and the measurements of radial differential rotation. More recent detailed model fitting techniques using genetic algorithms along with improvements to the models have been successful in revealing even more information. We now have a measurement of the oxygen mass fraction in the core which places constraints on both the nuclear burning rate $^{12}C(\\alpha, \\gamma)^{16}O$ and even more detailed structure information, such as the extent of the He/C envelope beneath the pure He envelope (Metcalfe, Salaris \\& Winget 2002; Metcalfe 2003; Metcalfe et al. 2005). Except for one other DBV, the rest of the class have not been so forthcoming in revealing their internal structures, primarily due to their lack of the abundance of pulsation modes compared to GD\\,358's over 100 detected frequencies. CBS\\,114 is a DBV which showed promise for successful asteroseismological analysis by exhibiting a rich pulsation spectrum, but earlier observational comparisons to the models produced a $\\mathrm{C}(\\alpha,\\gamma)\\mathrm{O}$ nuclear burning rate which was at odds with that obtained from GD\\,358 (Handler, Metcalfe \\& Wood 2002). After several years of additional observations of CBS\\,114, which lead to identifying eleven independent pulsation modes (four of which were new) along with improvements in pulsation models and fitting techniques, Metcalfe et al.(2005) have achieved new asteroseismological results for both stars which are now in agreement with each other. The one thing CBS\\,114 did not show and which GD\\,358 did were the many fine structure splittings of the pulsation modes caused predominantly by stellar rotation. Our understanding of the pulsation amplitude determining mechanism on these stars is incomplete and we cannot explain why we see significant fine-structure splitting in GD\\,358 and not much in CBS\\,114. We certainly do not believe it is due to lack of rotation on CBS\\,114's part though it could be due to the star being observed near pole on. So the search goes on for a third solvable pulsator to try and distinguish modes, models, fits and reality in these objects. Another important reason to study DBVs is that they are great cosmic laboratories for high energy physics. Winget et al. (2004) predict that hot DBs should have significant plasmon neutrino production. Their DB models suggest that 30,000K, $0.6M_{\\sun}$ DBs have a neutrino luminosity that is 1.8 times higher than their photon luminosity. On the cool end, 22,000K, $0.6M_{\\sun}$ DBV models have a neutrino luminosity less than half of their photon luminosity. Thus the hottest DBVs should be losing energy and cooling significantly faster than the cooler ones. Since a pulsation mode's period is a function of temperature, we can directly measure a star's cooling rate by measuring a mode's rate of period change (e.g. Kepler et al. 2005b). And thus, the DBVs may be quite revealing laboratories for neutrino physics. Finally, an increase in the number of known DBVs will help us understand their properties as a group. Clemens (1994) and Kleinman (1995, 1998) found that the DA pulsators break down nicely into two distinct classes, each subclass exhibiting common class properties which they have used to investigate the dynamics of the pulsation mechanism in these stars. By increasing the number of known DBVs, we can search for possible subclass distinctions. Nather, Robinson \\& Stover (1981) noted that the interacting binary white dwarf stars will each eventually form a single DB at the end of their evolution. This means that there may be more than one evolutionary channel leading to the DBs. Perhaps we will find two distinct classes, each of them retaining the evidence of their evolutionary paths in their pulsation structures. SDSS is a photometric and spectroscopic survey of the sky covering about 10,000 square degrees around the Northern Galactic cap (York et al. 1996; Stoughton et al. 2002; Gunn et al. 1998; Gunn et al. 2000). In SDSS's Sixth Data Release (Adelman-McCarthy, et al. 2008), there are photometry of close to 10,000 square degrees in five filters (Fukugita et al. 1996) and 1.27 million spectra. Although the survey's main goal was to produce a 3D map of the large scale structure of the universe, it also contains data on many galactic stellar objects, including WDs. SDSS data provide the perfect basis set for finding new DBVs which will eventually help solve the DB Gap mystery, measure the neutrino production rates inside the DBs, as well as answer some other questions about WD structure and evolution. Kleinman et al. (2004) published the first WD catalogue based on the spectra obtained by SDSS. and doubled the number of then known WDs. The newest WD catalogue from the SDSS (Eisenstein et al. 2006b, DR4 WD catalogue hereafter) has almost quadrupled the number of WDs. Among the new WDs are DBs whose physical parameters determined from model fitting suggest they are inside the instability strip. Therefore, we started a project to search for new DBVs using our spectroscopic fits to SDSS spectra, originally from Kleinman et al. (2004) and later using the DR4 WD catalogue, to identify likely DBV candidates and follow them up with time-series photometry. This survey is the counterpart to the search for new SDSS DAVs reported by Mukadam et al. (2004), Mullally et al.(2005), Kepler et al. (2005a) and Castanheira et al. (2006a, 2007). ", "conclusions": "From the DR4 WD catalogue, we have about 70 DBV candidates brighter than $g=20$mag. To date, we have observed 29 of them and found nine new DBVs, doubling the number of known DBVs. We seek an increased number of DBVs to help us understand their group properties, better determine the location of the instability strip, and perhaps find hot DBVs we can use to measure their cooling rates and place a limit on the neutrino production rate in their interiors. Based on these statistics, we can expect at least another 12 new DBVs from the DR4 sample and 20 more from DR6. These are probably lower limits though, since we suspect additional observations of our 29 currently observed objects will probably reveal new low amplitude pulsators as well." }, "0809/0809.2786_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We use a non-equilibrium chemical network to revisit and study the effect of $H_{2}$, $HD$ and $LiH$ molecular cooling on a primordial element of gas. We paid special attention in the variation of $HD$ abundance. We solve both the thermal and chemical equations for a gas element with an initial temperature $T = 1000K$ and a gas number density in the range $n_{tot}=1-10^{3} cm^{-3}$. These are typical propierties of the first halos which formed stars. At low densities, $n_{tot}<10^{2} cm^{-3}$, the gas reaches temperatures $\\sim 100K$ and the main coolant is $H_{2}$, but at higher densities, $n_{tot}>10^{2} cm^{-3}$, the $HD$ molecule dominates the gas temperature evolution and the gas reaches temperatures well below $100K$. The effect of $LiH$ is negligible in all cases. We studied the effect of $HD$ abundance on the gas cooling. The $HD$ abundance was set initially to be in the range $n_{HD}/n_{H}=10^{-7}-10^{-5}$. The simulations show that at $n_{tot}>10^{2} cm^{-3}$ the HD cooling dominates the temperature evolution for $HD$ abundances greater than $10^{-6}n_{H}$. This number decrease at higher densities. Furthermore, we studied the effect of electrons and ionized particules on the gas temperature. We followed the gas temperature evolution with $n_{H_{+}}/n_{H}=10^{-4}-10^{-2}$. The gas temperature reached lower values at high ionization degree because electrons, $H^{+}$ and $D^{+}$ are catalizers in the formation paths of the $H_{2}$ and $HD$ molecules. Finaly, we studied the effect of an OB star, with $T_{eff}=4\\times 10^{4}K$, would have on gas cooling. It is very difficult for a gas with $n_{tot}$ in the range between $1-100 cm^{-3}$ to drop its temperature if the star is at a distance less than $100 pc$. ", "introduction": "In a $\\Lambda CDM$ Universe, the first luminous objetcs were formed due to fall-in of gas inside the dark matter potential wells (for a review see \\citet{Barkana 2001}). In order to let the fall-in of gas inside the dark matter potential wells, the gas thermal energy should have been radiated away by some physical mechanism. Since the primordial molecular clouds would have zero metallicity, the collisional excitation of the existing molecules is the most plausible mechanism for the cooling of baryonic matter in this environment because the collisional excitation cooling of both $H$ and $He$ atoms are inefficient at temperatures lower than $8000K$, which is higher than the temperature of star formation clouds. \\citet{Tegmark 1997} showed that the first lumious objects may have formed at $z\\sim 30$ inside a $10^{6}M_{\\odot}$ halo ($T_{vir}\\sim 1000K$), which have recently been confirmed by \\citet{O'Shea 2007} and \\citet{Gao 2007}. \\citet{Tegmark 1997} also showed that the stars formed in this environment could be as massives as $\\sim 100M_{\\odot}$ \\citep{Abel2002}. After the recombination era, the most abundant molecule in the Universe is molecular hydrogen $H_{2}$. Despite of its low primordial abundance, $\\sim 10^{-3}-10^{-4}n_{H}$ \\citep{Palla et al. 1983}, this molecule has a fundamental role in the gas cooling at temperatures less than $8000K$. The first authors to highlight the role of $H_{2}$ in this context were \\citet{Saslaw} and \\citet{Peebles 1968}. Saslaw \\& Zipoy (1967) showed the importance of the charge transfer reaction between $H_{2}^{+}$ and $H$ to form $H_{2}$, and Peebles \\& Dicke (1968) suggested a mechanism to form $H_{2}$ from $H^{-}$. The $H_{2}$ molecule forms by the $H^{-}$ and $H_{2}^{+}$ channels mainly. The reactions \\begin{eqnarray} H+H^{+}\\rightarrow H_{2}^{+}+\\gamma \\\\ H+e\\rightarrow H^{-}+\\gamma \\end{eqnarray} are followed by \\begin{eqnarray} H_{2}^{+}+H\\rightarrow H_{2}+H^{+}.\\\\ H^{-}+H\\rightarrow H_{2}+e. \\end{eqnarray} Due to its zero dipolar moment only quadrupolar rotational transitions are allowed, $J\\rightarrow J \\pm 2$, where $J$ is the quantum number for angular momentum; \\citet{Abgrall}. Furthermore, due to its small moment of inertia (the smallest one between all molecules) the energy gap between its rotational quantum states, $\\Delta E$, is large compared with other molecules ($\\Delta E_{J\\rightarrow J\\pm 2}\\propto 1/I$, where $I$ is the moment of inertia). The smallest energy gap is $\\Delta E_{2\\rightarrow 0}\\approx 500 K$. With this energy difference it is very diffucult to reach temperatures below $\\sim 100K$, (see \\citet{Palla 1999} and references therein). The $HD$ molecule forms through $D^{+}$ and $D$ channel mainly (see \\citet{Dalgarno 1973}; \\citet{Galli 2002}) \\begin{eqnarray} D^{+}+H_{2} \\rightarrow H^{+}+HD,\\\\ D+H_{2} \\rightarrow H+HD. \\end{eqnarray} $HD$ has a moment of inertia greater than the $H_{2}$ one. Furthermore, it has a finite dipolar moment which allows internal dipolar trasitions (transitions of the kind $J\\rightarrow J\\pm 1$) and internal transition rates greater than in $H_{2}$, \\citet{Abgrall}. Due to its small moment of inertia, the differences between its energy states are smaller than the energy differences of the $H_{2}$ molecule. All these properties make the $HD$ molecule an efficient cooler at low temperatures, below $\\sim 100K$, (see \\citet{NagakuraOmukai}; \\citet{Ripamonti 2007}; \\citet{McGreerBryan 2008}; \\citet{Palla 1999} and references therein).\\\\ The $LiH$ molecule is formed mainly by radiative association of $Li$ and $H$ and associative detachment of $Li^{-}$ and $H$ \\citep{Stancil 1996}: \\begin{eqnarray} Li+H & \\rightarrow & LiH+\\gamma.\\\\ Li^{-}+H & \\rightarrow & LiH+e^{-}. \\end{eqnarray} Moreover, this molecule have both a dipolar moment and a moment of inertia larger than the ones of the $HD$ molecule. These characteristics could make the $LiH$ molecule an efficient cooler at low temperatures, but the cooling functions depend on the number density of the specie, so if the abundance of $LiH$ is too low as expected in primordial environments \\citep{Stancil 1996} its cooling effect will be negligible. For a review of $Li$ chemestry see \\citet{Bodo 2001} and \\citet{Bodo 2003}. In the work of \\citet{Galli 1998} the effect of $HD$ and $LiH$ was included on the gas cooling. To calculate the photo-destruction ratescoefficient, for photoionization, photodetachment, and photodissociation, they assumed detailed balance with CMB photons. But, to study the effect of the first stars on the primordial gas we need the cross section for each photo-destruction process, in the spirit of \\citet{Glover}. These cross sections are described below. Our current work includes the photo-destruction cross sections of both $Li$ and $Li^{-}$ and the photodisociation of $LiH$ (in its rovibrational ground state) in contrast to previous work. We improve over recent works \\citep{Glover,GA08} that have studied primordial cooling by exploring the effect of the $HD$ abundance and the inclusion of a stellar radiation field. This paper is organized as follow. In \\S2 we describe both the thermal and chemical model required to follow the evolution of the gas temperature. In \\S3 we present results and discussion. It includes the gas temperature evolution as a function of gas density and molecular coolers; the gas temperature evolution as a function of $HD$ abundance; the temperature evolution as a function of the ionization degree and finaly we show the effect of a star radiation field on the gas temperature. In \\S4 we present the conclusions. ", "conclusions": "In this work we have developed a model for the temperature evolution of a primordial gas including 21 different chemical species including reaction rates and cross sections available in the literature. We have paid careful attention to explore the space parameter in abundance, specially $HD$, and to include the $LiH$ to study in detail at what abundances the molecular coolants are relevant. The main results are the following: \\begin{enumerate} \\item The $HD$ molecule dominates the gas cooling at temperatures below $\\sim 100-200K$ in the range of densities $10^{2}-10^{3} cm^{-3}$ for $HD$ abudances over $10^{-6}n_{H}$. The $HD$ effect is more evident at higher densities. \\item The $LiH$ molecule does not have a clear effect on the gas cooling. The gas would need an abundance at least ten orders of magnitude higher to be an efficient cooler, so $LiH$ is ruled out as an important cooler in primordial gas (\\citet{Mizusawa}). \\item A gas with high ionization degree can drop its temperature more than a neutral gas because both the ionized $H$ and $D$ and electrons are catalizers in the formation of $H_{2}$ and $HD$ cooling molcules. These ionization conditions could be presents in post-shock waves zones or relic $HII$ regions, \\citet{Johnson06}. \\item Is very difficult for a gas to drop its temperature in the presence of an OB star located closer than $100 pc$. So, in order to form more than one star in a primordial halo the formation of seed clumps should almost be instantaneous, otherwise the radiation feedbak of first stars will suppress the star formation conditions (\\citet{OmukaiNishi}). \\end{enumerate} This work, as previos ones, suggests the importance of studing the effect firts stars would have on their sorrounding gas in the formation of more than one star within primordial halos (see e.g. \\citet{JimenezHaiman}). For a more accurate study, we need to follow the star formation in a hydrodinamical model, which will we present in forthcoming papers." }, "0809/0809.0260_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study the degree to which non--radiative gas dynamics affects the merger histories of haloes along with subsequent predictions from a semi--analytic model (SAM) of galaxy formation. To this aim, we use a sample of dark matter only and non--radiative SPH simulations of four massive clusters. The presence of gas--dynamical processes (e.g. ram-pressure from the hot intra--cluster atmosphere) makes haloes more fragile in the runs which include gas. This results in a 25 per cent decrease in the total number of subhaloes at $z=0$. The impact on the galaxy population predicted by SAMs is complicated by the presence of `orphan' galaxies, i.e. galaxies whose parent substructures are reduced below the resolution limit of the simulation. In the model employed in our study, these galaxies survive (unaffected by the tidal stripping process) for a residual merging time that is computed using a variation of the Chandrasekhar formula. Due to ram--pressure stripping, haloes in gas simulations tend to be less massive than their counterparts in the dark matter simulations. The resulting merging times for satellite galaxies are then longer in these simulations. On the other hand, the presence of gas influences the orbits of haloes making them on average more circular and therefore reducing the estimated merging times with respect to the dark matter only simulation. This effect is particularly significant for the most massive satellites and is (at least in part) responsible for the fact that brightest cluster galaxies in runs with gas have stellar masses which are about 25 per cent larger than those obtained from dark matter only simulations. Our results show that gas-dynamics has only a marginal impact on the statistical properties of the galaxy population, but that its impact on the orbits and merging times of haloes strongly influences the assembly of the most massive galaxies. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} During the last decade, a number of observational tests of the standard cosmological model have ushered in a new era of `precision cosmology'. Precise measurements of angular structure in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), combined with other geometrical and dynamical cosmological tests have constrained cosmological parameters tightly \\citep[][and references therein]{Komatsu2008} confirming the hierarchical cold dark matter model (CDM) as the `standard' model for structure formation. While the cosmological paradigm is well established, our understanding of the physical processes regulating the interplay between different baryonic components is still far from complete, and galaxy formation and evolution remains one of the most outstanding questions of modern astrophysics. Different approaches have been developed in order to link the observed properties of luminous galaxies to those of the dark matter haloes in which they reside. Among these, semi--analytic models (SAMs) of galaxy formation have developed into a flexible and widely used tool that allows a fast exploration of the parameter space, and an efficient investigation of the influence of different physical assumptions. Computational costs are therefore reduced with respect to hydrodynamical simulations, but this is done at the expense of an explicit description of the gas dynamics \\citep[for a recent review on SAMs, see][]{2006RPPh...69.3101B}. Although recent work has started analysing the properties of the galaxy populations in hydrodynamical simulations \\cite[e.g.][]{1996ApJ...472..460F,1999ApJ...521L..99P,2005ApJ...618...23N,2005ApJ...618..557N,2006MNRAS.373..397S,2006MNRAS.373.1265O}, the computational time is still prohibitive for simulations of galaxies in large cosmological volumes. In addition, the uncertainties inherent in the physical processes at play obviously place strong limits on the accuracy with which galaxies can be simulated. As a consequence, these numerical studies also require an adequate handling of `sub-grid' physics either because the resolution of the simulation becomes inadequate to resolve the scale of the physical process considered, or because we do not have a ``complete theory'' of that particular physical process (which is almost always true). It is therefore to be expected that SAMs will remain a valid method to study galaxy formation for the foreseeable future. In their first renditions, SAMs took advantage of Monte Carlo techniques coupled to merging probabilities derived from the extended Press-Schechter theory to construct merging history trees of dark matter haloes \\citep{1993MNRAS.264..201K,1994MNRAS.271..781C}. An important advance of later years has been the coupling of semi-analytic techniques with direct $N$-body simulations \\citep{Kauffmann_etal_1999,Benson_etal_2000}. Since dark matter only simulations can handle large numbers of particles, such `hybrid' models can access a very large dynamic range of mass and spatial resolution offering, at the same time, the possibility to model the spatial distribution of galaxies within dark matter haloes. It is also interesting to note that there have been a number of recent studies showing that the extended Press-Schechter formalism does not provide a faithful description of the merger trees extracted directly from N-body simulations \\citep{Benson_et_al_2005,Li_et_al_2007,Cole_et_al_2008}. This might have important consequences on the predicted properties of model galaxies, although a detailed investigation of the influence of analytical versus numerical merger trees on the predicted properties of model galaxies has not been carried out yet. A related question is whether the inclusion of the baryonic component alters the halo dynamics with respect to a purely dark matter (DM) simulation. Processes like ram--pressure stripping and gas viscosity are expected to produce a significant segregation between the collisional and collisionless components \\citep{2001ApJ...561..708V}. These effects are likely more important in environments characterised by high densities and large velocity dispersions (like galaxy clusters), and are expected to change the dynamics and the timing of halo mergers. As the merger history of model galaxies in a SAM is essentially driven by the merger history of its parent halo, any physical process that affects halo mergers will influence model predictions in some measure. We note that recent work has used merger trees from non--radiative hydrodynamic simulations \\citep[e.g.][]{cora08} to study the chemical enrichment of the intra--cluster medium (ICM). This approach offers the advantage of providing a three-dimensional picture of the ICM, while keeping the advantage of exploring different physical choices with sensibly reduced computational times with respect to hydrodynamical simulations. The question of how SAM predictions are affected by using merger trees from different types of simulations (e.g. DM and hydrodynamical simulations) has, however, not been addressed. The purpose of this paper is to quantify the effects of the presence of gas on the merger histories of haloes, and on predictions from a galaxy formation model. To this aim, we have used a sample of DM-only and non--radiative hydrodynamical simulations of four massive galaxy clusters (see Sec.~\\ref{sec:sims}). The merger trees constructed from these simulations have been used as input for a SAM (see Sec.~\\ref{sec:SAM}), and results have been used to carry out a careful comparison of the statistical properties of the galaxy populations and of the formation history of the brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) from the two sets of simulations. The use of non--radiative hydrodynamics is only a first step towards a detailed comparison between SAMs and hydrodynamic simulations. A more realistic comparison should include also gas cooling and processes related to compact object physics, such as star formation, supernovae feedback and supermassive black holes production and evolution. We will present this analysis in a future work. We note that previous work has already compared results of smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations and SAMs to calculate the evolution of cooling gas during galaxy formation (\\citealt{Benson_et_al_2001,Yoshida_et_al_2002,Helly_et_al_2003}; see also \\citealt{Cattaneo_et_al_2007}), but a detailed comparison is still lacking. The plan of the paper is as follows. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:sims} we describe the cluster simulations used in this study, and describe the method used for the construction of the galaxy merger trees. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:SAM} we provide a brief description of the SAM adopted, and in Sec.~\\ref{sec:Res} we present the results of our analysis. Finally, in Sec.~\\ref{sec:Concl}, we summarise our findings and give our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:Concl} In this paper we have used numerical simulations to analyse how the presence of non--radiative gas dynamics affects the predictions of semi-analytic models of galaxy formation for the properties of cluster galaxies. The main results of our work can be summarised as follows. \\begin{enumerate} \\item The stellar mass function of galaxies from DM-only runs is in quite good agreement with that obtained from non--radiative hydrodynamical runs. This result is a combination of two different and opposite effects. \\begin{itemize} \\item Due to a reduced number of subhaloes in the GAS runs (see Figure \\ref{fi:MF_haloes}), these simulations result in a galaxy population with a reduced number of Type-0 and Type-1 galaxies (i.e. central galaxies of a halo, either the main halo or a proper substructure). \\item Due to a systematic increase of the residual merging times assigned to Type-2 galaxies (those associated with haloes disrupted below the resolution limit of the simulation), the cluster galaxy population in the GAS runs contains a larger number of Type-2 galaxies than the DM runs. \\end{itemize} \\item The longer merging times assigned on average to Type-2 galaxies in the GAS runs are due to ram--pressure stripping, which removes gas from the merging subhaloes and makes them more fragile. The effect of ram--pressure is more important at lower redshift, when the cluster has already assembled in a dominant structure with a high--pressure atmosphere that can efficiently remove gas from substructures. When considering the entire satellite population, we find a systematic difference between the DM and GAS runs in the sense that merging substructures are less massive in the runs with gas. This trend, however, is reversed when concentrating on the most massive satellites (see item iv below). \\vspace{0.1cm} \\item Type-2 galaxies dominate the radial density profile of cluster galaxies particularly in the inner regions, in agreement with results by \\citet{Gao_etal_2004}. Galaxies associated with distinct dark matter substructures (Type-1 galaxies) exhibit a flatter distribution and their contribution to the inner regions of galaxy clusters is negligible. We did not find any significant difference, in terms of spatial distribution, between the DM and the GAS runs.\\vspace{0.1cm} \\item Although a statistical comparison between galaxy populations from the two sets of runs results in a quite nice agreement, a one-to-one comparison for the brightest central galaxies shows that these galaxies tend to have larger stellar masses in runs with gas. The difference varies from cluster to cluster and it is generally due to single merging events of relatively massive satellites which get assigned lower merging times in the GAS runs (see the example shown in Figure \\ref{fi:traj}). The final difference in stellar mass is then due primarily to a different accretion history of satellite galaxies in the two sets of runs, and not to intrinsic differences in the star formation rates in the main progenitor. \\end{enumerate} Our results demonstrate that predictions of semi-analytic models of galaxy formation are not significantly affected when non-radiative hydrodynamic simulations are used to construct the halo merger trees which provide the skeleton of the model. This statement is, however, correct only in a statistical sense. The presence of the gas induces significant differences in the timing of the halo mergers, and affects significantly the halo orbits making them more circular, on average. Although these effects might be over-estimated in our non--radiative runs, our results suggest that an accurate treatment of merging times is crucial for predicted quantities like the mass accretion history of model brightest cluster galaxies. As subhaloes are fragile systems that are rapidly reduced below the resolution limit of the simulation \\citep{2004MNRAS.348..333D,2004MNRAS.355..819G}, the treatment of satellite mergers in semi-analytic models requires the use of analytic formulations (e.g. the Chandrasekhar formula). Recent work \\citep{2008MNRAS.383...93B,2008ApJ...675.1095J} has shown the limits of the formulation usually adopted in semi-analytic models. This recent work, however, does not provide consistent alternative formulations. Additional work is therefore needed in order to obtain a more realistic and detailed description of the merging process, which represents a crucial ingredient of semi-analytic models of galaxy formation." }, "0809/0809.1785_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{} {We have studied the bulge and the disk kinematics of the giant low surface brightness galaxy ESO 323-G064 in order to investigate its dynamical properties and the radial mass profile of the dark matter (DM) halo.} {We observed the galaxy with integral field spectroscopy (VLT/VIMOS, in IFU configuration), measured the positions of the ionized gas by fitting Gaussian functions to the \\oiiipg\\ and \\hb\\ emission lines, and fit stellar templates to the galaxy spectra to determine velocity and velocity dispersions. We modeled the stellar kinematics in the bulge with spherical isotropic Jeans models and explored the implications of self consistent and dark matter scenarios for NFW and pseudo isothermal halos.} {In the bulge-dominated region, $r<5''$, the emission lines show multi-peaked profiles. The disk dominated region of the galaxy, $13'' > 1$). The circular velocity, $248 \\pm 6$ \\kms\\ measured from the gaseous disk, places ESO 323-G064 in good agreement with the location of LSB galaxies in the $V_C -\\sigma_c$ plane \\citep{Courteau+07b, Courteau+07}. On the other hand, this value is lower then the value of 320 \\kms predicted by \\citet{Pizzella+05}. The intrinsic bulge ellipticity value for ESO 323-G064 ($\\epsilon_{INTR}=0.20 \\pm 0.07 $) is consistent with the mean value of bulges of the high surface brightness disk galaxies $<\\epsilon_{HSB}>=0.15$ (as determined by \\citealt{Mendez-Abreu+08}) while it is lower than the average value for bulge dominated LSB galaxies $<\\epsilon_{LSB}>=0.45$ (as found by \\citealt{Pizzella+08} in a small sample of 6 bulge dominated LSB). The amplitude of the gaseous rotation curve ($248\\pm6$ \\kms) leads to an estimate of the total baryonic mass in the galaxy of $M_{bar}=(1.9\\pm0.2)\\cdot 10^{11}$ \\msun using the empirical baryonic Tully Fisher, as done in \\citet{McGaugh05}. Moreover, under the hypothesis of a $\\Lambda$CDM universe (see Section \\ref{sec:largeRadiiGas} for details on the assumed parameters), we estimate the total mass for the dark matter halo $M_{DM} \\sim 5 \\cdot 10^{12}$ M$_{\\odot}$. We produce spherical isotropic Jeans models for the stellar kinematics in the bulge, exploring the self consistent, NFW and pseudo isothermal scenarios. Even though the data are to be taken with some caveats (due to the lack of good photometry, limited spatial extension and resolution of the stellar kinematics) with this simple analysis we show that dark matter scenarios fit the data better than the self consistent model. The derived total bulge mass is $(7 \\pm 3)\\cdot 10^{10}$ \\msun\\ but we are not able to disentangle between the two different dark matter models. The derived central bulge mass density (see Table \\ref{tab.model.result}) is $\\rho =15^{+9}_{-5}$ [M$_{\\odot}$ pc$^{-3}$] in the NFW scenario, and $\\rho =5^{+2}_{-1}$ [M$_{\\odot}$ pc$^{-3}$] in the pseudo isothermal scenario. Typical values of central mass density range from few $10^{-3}$ M$_{\\odot}$ pc$^{-3}$ to few $10^{-2}$ M$_{\\odot}$ pc$^{-3}$ for regular low surface brightness (see for example \\citealt{Kuzio+06, deBlok+01}) and giant low surface brightness galaxies (\\citealt{Pickering+97}). On the contrary, a much wider range of values is measured for regular galaxies, from few $10^{-3}$ M$_{\\odot}$ pc$^{-3}$ to several $10^3$ M$_{\\odot}$ pc$^{-3}$ (i.e. \\citealt{Salucci+01, Noordermeer+07}). Therefore, in this picture, the bulge of ESO 323-G064 resembles more the central mass density of regular bulges than those measured in low surface brightness galaxies. This is consistent also with the fact that bulges of giant LSB galaxies are photometrically similar to those of regular high surface brigthtness galaxies \\citep{McGaugh+95, Beijersbergen+99} \\begin{figure} \\psfig{file=figure20.ps,width=8.0cm,clip=} \\caption{Fraction of dark matter mass compared to total mass, as a function of radial distance, for the inner $5''$ of ESO 323-G064. NFW ({\\it solid line}); pseudo isothermal ({\\it dashed line}).} \\label{fig:dm_ratio} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\psfig{file=figure21.ps,width=8.0cm,clip=} \\caption{{\\it Filled circles:} mass density values derived from the observed velocity and velocity dispersion (Equation \\ref{eqn.mass.density.derived}) compared to the best fit NFW ({\\it continuous line}), pseudo isothermal ({\\it dashed line}) and self consistent ({\\it dotted line}) model predictions.} \\label{fig.density.profile} \\end{figure} \\noindent {\\bf Acknowledgments.} The authors wish to thank the referee A. Bosma for useful suggestions which improved the paper content and the discussion." }, "0809/0809.3113_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study the dynamics of the scalar field FLRW flat cosmological models within the framework of the {\\it Unified Dark Matter} (UDM) scenario. In this model we find that the main cosmological functions such as the scale factor of the Universe, the scalar field, the Hubble flow and the equation of state parameter are defined in terms of hyperbolic functions. These analytical solutions can accommodate an accelerated expansion, equivalent to either the {\\em dark energy} or the standard $\\Lambda$ models. Performing a joint likelihood analysis of the recent supernovae type Ia data and the Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations traced by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) galaxies, we place tight constraints on the main cosmological parameters of the UDM cosmological scenario. Finally, we compare the UDM scenario with various dark energy models namely $\\Lambda$ cosmology, parametric dark energy model and variable Chaplygin gas. We find that the UDM scalar field model provides a large and small scale dynamics which are in fair agreement with the predictions by the above dark energy models although there are some differences especially at high redshifts. ", "introduction": "The detailed analysis of the available high quality cosmological data (Type Ia supernovae \\cite{Riess07}, \\cite{essence}; CMB \\cite{Spergel07}, \\cite{Komatsu08}, etc.) leads to the conclusion that we live in a flat and accelerating universe. In order to investigate the cosmic history of the observed universe, we have to introduce a general cosmological model which contains cold dark matter to explain the large scale structure clustering and an extra component with negative pressure, the vacuum energy (or in a more general setting the ``dark energy''), to explain the observed accelerated cosmic expansion (Refs. \\cite{Riess07,essence,Spergel07,Komatsu08} and references therein). The nature of the dark energy is one of the most fundamental and difficult problems in physics and cosmology. There are many theoretical speculations regarding the physics of the above exotic dark energy, such as a cosmological constant (vacuum), quintessence, $k-$essence, vector fields, phantom, tachyons, Chaplygin gas and the list goes on (see \\cite{Ratra88,Weinberg89,Wetterich:1994bg,Caldwell98,KAM,Caldwell,Peebles03, Brax:1999gp,fein02,chime04,Brookfield:2005td,Copel06,Boehmer:2007qa,Friem08} and references therein). Such studies are based on the general assumption that the real scalar field $\\phi$ rolls down the potential $V(\\phi)$ and therefore it could resemble the dark energy \\cite{Ozer87,Peebles88, Weinberg89,Turner97,Caldwell98,Padm03,Peebles03}. This is very important because scalar fields could provide possible solutions to the cosmological coincidence problem. In this framework, the corresponding stress-energy tensor takes the form of a perfect fluid, with density $\\rho_{\\phi}={\\dot \\phi}^{2}/2+V(\\phi)$ and pressure $P_{\\phi}={\\dot \\phi}^{2}/2-V(\\phi)$. From a cosmological point of view, if the scalar field varies slowly with time, so that ${\\dot \\phi}^{2}/2V \\ll 1$, then ${\\rm w}\\equiv P_{\\phi}/\\rho_{\\phi}\\approx -1$, which means that the scalar field evolves like a vacuum energy. Of course in order to investigate the overall dynamics we need to define the functional form of the potential energy. The simplest example found in the literature is a scalar field with $V(\\phi)\\propto \\phi^{2}$ (see for review \\cite{Peebles03}, \\cite{Dolgov90}) and it has been shown that the time evolution of this scalar field is dominated by oscillations around $\\phi=0$. Of course, the issue of the potential energy has a long history in scalar field cosmology (see \\cite{sahni00,santi00,sen02,kehagias04,Gorini05} and references therein) and indeed several parameterizations have been proposed (exponential, power law, hyperbolic etc). The aim of the present work is to investigate the observational consequences of the overall dynamics of a family of flat cosmological models by using a hyperbolic scalar field potential which appears to act both as dark matter and dark energy \\cite{Bertacca07}. To do so, we use the traditional Hamiltonian approach. In fact, the idea to build cosmological models in which the dark energy component is somehow linked with the dark matter is not new in this kind of studies. Recently, alternative approaches to the unification of dark energy and dark matter have been proposed in the framework of the generalized Chaplygin gas \\cite{Kam01,Bili02} and in the context of supersymmetry \\cite{Taka06}. The structure of the paper is as follows. The basic theoretical elements of the problem are presented in section 2 by solving analytically [for spatially flat Unified Dark Matter (UDM) scalar field models] the equations of motion. In section 3, we present the functional forms of the basic cosmological functions [$a(t)$, $\\phi(t)$ and $H(t)$]. In section 4 we place constraints on the main parameters of our model by performing a joint likelihood analysis utilizing the SNIa data \\cite{essence} and the observed Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) \\cite{Eis05} and \\cite{Pad07}. In particular, we find that the matter density at the present time is $\\Omega_{m} \\simeq 0.25$ while the corresponding scalar field is $\\phi_{0} \\simeq 0.42$ in geometrical units (0.084 in Planck units). Section 5 outlines the evolution of matter perturbations in the UDM model. Also we compare the theoretical predictions provided by the UDM scenario with those found by three different type of dark energy models namely $\\Lambda$ cosmology, parametric dark energy model and variable Chaplygin gas. We verify that at late times (after the inflection point) the dynamics of the UDM scalar model is in a good agreement, with those predicted by the above dark energy models although there are some differences especially at early epochs: (i) the UDM equation of state parameter takes positive values at large redshifts, (ii) it behaves well with respect to the cosmic coincidence problem, and (iii) before the inflection point the cosmic expansion in the UDM model is much more decelerated than in the other three dark energy models implies that the large scale structures (such as galaxy clusters) are more bound systems with respect to those cosmic structures which produced by the other three dark energy models. Finally, we draw our conclusions in section 6. ", "conclusions": "In this work we investigate analytically and numerically the large and small scale dynamics of the scalar field FLRW flat cosmologies in the framework of the so called {\\it Unified Dark Matter} scenario. In particular using a Hamiltonian formulation we find that the time evolution of the basic cosmological functions are described in terms of hyperbolic functions. This theoretical approach yields analytical solutions which can accommodate a late time accelerated expansion, equivalent to either the dark energy or the standard $\\Lambda$ models. Furthermore, based on a joint likelihood analysis using the SNIa data and the Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations, we put tight constraints on the main cosmological parameters of the UDM cosmological model. In particular we find $\\Omega_{m}\\simeq 0.25$ and the scalar field at the present time is $\\phi_{0}\\simeq 0.42$ or 0.084 (in Planck units). Also, we compare the UDM scenario with various dark energy models namely $\\Lambda$ cosmology, parametric dark energy model and variable Chaplygin gas. We find that the cosmological behavior of the UDM scalar field model is in a good agreement, especially after the inflection point, with those predicted by the above dark energy models although there are some differences especially at early epochs. In particular, we reveal that the UDM scalar field cosmology has three important differences over the other three dark energy models considered: \\begin{itemize} \\item It can pick up positive values of the equation of state parameter at large redshifts ($z>0.8$). Also, it behaves relatively well with respect to the cosmic coincidence problem. \\item At early enough epochs ($a \\sim 0.15$ or $z\\sim 5.5$) the cosmic expansion in the UDM model is much more decelerated than in the other three dark energy models. In order to investigate whether the expansion of the observed universe has the above property, we need a visible distance indicator (better observations) at high redshifts ($2\\le z \\le 6$). \\item Close to the cluster formation epoch, its collapse factor $\\lambda_{UDM}$ is less than $12\\%$ of the corresponding factor of the other three dark energy models. This feature points to the direction that perhaps the $\\lambda$ parameter can be used as a cosmological tool. \\end{itemize}" }, "0809/0809.4505_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The low number density of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs) suggests that LRGs occupying the same dark matter halo can be separated from pairs occupying distinct dark matter halos with high fidelity. We present a new technique, Counts-in-Cylinders (CiC), to constrain the parameters of the satellite contribution to the LRG Halo-Occupation Distribution (HOD). For a fiber collision-corrected SDSS spectroscopic LRG subsample at $0.16 < z < 0.36$, we find the CiC multiplicity function is fit by a halo model where the average number of satellites in a halo of mass $M$ is $\\left = ((M - M_{cut})/M_1)^{\\alpha}$ with $M_{cut} = 5.0^{+1.5}_{-1.3} (^{+2.9}_{-2.6}) \\times 10^{13} M_{\\sun}$, $M_1 = 4.95^{+0.37}_{-0.26} (^{+0.79}_{-0.53}) \\times 10^{14} M_{\\sun}$, and $\\alpha = 1.035^{+0.10}_{-0.17} (^{+0.24}_{-0.31})$ at the 68\\% and 95\\% confidence levels using a WMAP3 cosmology and $z=0.2$ halo catalog. Our method tightly constrains the fraction of LRGs that are satellite galaxies, $6.36^{+0.38}_{-0.39}$\\%, and the combination $M_{cut}/10^{14} M_{\\sun} + \\alpha = 1.53^{+0.08}_{-0.09}$ at the 95\\% confidence level. We also find that mocks based on a halo catalog produced by a spherical overdensity (SO) finder reproduce both the measured CiC multiplicity function and the projected correlation function, while mocks based on a Friends-of-Friends (FoF) halo catalog has a deficit of close pairs at $\\sim 1$ Mpc/$h$ separations. Because the CiC method relies on higher order statistics of close pairs, it is robust to the choice of halo finder. In a companion paper we will apply this technique to optimize Finger-of-God (FOG) compression to eliminate the 1-halo contribution to the LRG power spectrum. ", "introduction": "The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS; \\citet{york/etal:2000}) has recorded the largest sample of Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs), probing a volume of $\\sim 1 \\; (h^{-1}$ Gpc$)^3$ out to $z \\sim 0.5$ \\citep{eisenstein/etal:2001} and making it ideal for studying large scale structure. Understanding the small-scale relationship between the galaxy and dark matter density fields is essential to extracting the linear matter power spectrum from the galaxy power spectrum, even on very large scales \\citep{schulz/white:2006, sanchez/cole:2008}.\\\\ The Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) is a popular and useful description of this relationship \\citep{seljak:2000,peacock/smith:2000,cooray/sheth:2002}, and can be used to constrain the rate of merging, disruption or evolution in well-defined galaxy populations. \\citet{conroy/ho/white:2007}, \\citet{white/etal:2007}, and \\citet{wake/etal:2008} have used this framework to constrain the rate at which LRGs merge or are disrupted in clusters. \\citet{brown/etal:2008} combine HOD constraints with luminosity function measurements of red galaxies to deduce that stellar mass build-up in clusters occurs primarily in the satellite galaxies or intracluster light between $z=1$ and $z=0$, while the central galaxies grow only modestly, with $L_{cen} \\sim M^{1/3}$. \\citet{zheng/coil/zehavi:2007} constrain stellar mass growth between DEEP2 ($z\\sim1$) and SDSS ($z\\sim0$) galaxies using the HOD description, and \\citet{conroy/etal:2007} employ HOD modeling to illuminate the fate of $z \\sim 2$ star-forming galaxies. Others researchers, e.g., \\citet{chen:2007} and \\citet{ho/etal:2007}, use the HOD description to study the spatial distribution of satellite galaxies. \\citet{wake/etal:2008} also argue that the small-scale clustering at different redshifts constrains the scatter in halo merger histories which can be compared with predictions of hierarchical models.\\\\ Several groups have used two and three point statistics \\citep{blake/collister/lahav:2007, kulkarni/etal:2007, white/etal:2007, zheng/etal:2008, wake/etal:2008, padmanabhan/etal:2008} as well as galaxy-galaxy lensing \\citep{mandelbaum/etal:2006} to constrain the HOD of LRGs. \\citet{ho/etal:2007} have taken a more direct approach and used X-ray determined cluster masses to measure $N_{LRG}(M)$. Though these analyses were performed on samples with different luminosity and redshift ranges, they offer seemingly conflicting results on both the slope $\\alpha$ at the high mass limit of the satellite term $N_{sat} \\sim M^{\\alpha}$ and the fraction of LRGs that are satellite galaxies. \\citet{ho/etal:2007} find $\\alpha \\approx 0.6$ when fitting the {\\em total} LRG number $N_{tot}(M) \\propto M^{\\alpha}$, \\citet{kulkarni/etal:2007} find $\\alpha = 1.4$, \\citet{blake/collister/lahav:2007} find $\\alpha \\sim 2.1 - 2.6$, and \\citet{zheng/etal:2008} find $\\sim 1.8$ for $\\sigma_8 = 0.8$; \\citet{kulkarni/etal:2007} report a satellite fraction of $\\sim 17\\%$, while \\citet{blake/collister/lahav:2007}'s redshift slices span 3-8\\%, and \\citet{zheng/etal:2008} find $5-6\\%$ for the LRG subsample studied in this paper. The most luminous elliptical galaxies in \\citet{mandelbaum/etal:2006} have a satellite fraction of $\\lesssim 10\\%$.\\\\ The low number density of the SDSS Luminous Red Galaxy (LRG) sample {\\em suggests} that LRG pairs occupying the same dark matter halo can be separated from pairs occupying distinct dark matter halos with high fidelity. In this paper we explore that intuition, and show that one-halo pairs can be identified with $\\sim 75\\%$ completeness and $\\lesssim 27\\%$ contamination by simple cuts in the transverse separation $\\Delta r_{\\perp}$ and LOS separation $\\Delta r_{\\parallel}$. Furthermore, these pairs can be grouped together using a Friends-of-Friends (FoF) algorithm to estimate the LRG group multiplicity function. We apply this technique to a sample of LRGs from SDSS to constrain their HOD. We find that both the high values of $\\alpha \\sim 2$ and high satellite fractions reported in previous papers are inconsistent with the $0.16 < z < 0.36$ SDSS LRG group multiplicity function measured here. In contrast to previous methods which rely on 2 and 3 point statistics to constrain the HOD (as in \\citet{kulkarni/etal:2007}), our method probes the HOD more directly by estimating the group multiplicity function from the higher order statistics in the LRG density field in the one-halo dominant regime.\\\\ We present an overview of the CiC method in \\S~\\ref{overview} and apply it to an approximately volume limited subsample of SDSS LRGs in \\S~\\ref{data}, addressing the complications of fiber collisions, incompleteness, and complex angular masks. The CiC technique developed here requires calibration on mock galaxy catalogs. We summarize our $N$-body simulation parameters in \\S~\\ref{sims}. \\S~\\ref{hodmodel} presents the HOD model we employ throughout this analysis and details how we populate our simulations with galaxies. \\S~\\ref{CiCtechnique} describes the CiC technique to measure the LRG group multiplicity function and its calibration with simulations. The HOD parameters are fit using a maximum likelihood analysis explicated in \\S~\\ref{maximumL}. In \\S~\\ref{results} we present the CiC multiplicity function of our SDSS LRG subsample and describe the relation between the CiC and true group multiplicity functions. We present the constraints on the HOD parameters and their implications for the fraction of LRGs that are satellites, as well as the mass distribution of halos hosting LRG groups with $n_{sat}$ satellites. Mock catalogs produced using the CiC maximum likelihood HOD and a spherical overdensity (SO) halo catalog agree with the \\citet{masjedi/etal:2006} measurement of $w_p(r_p)$ for this sample when the large scale bias is adjusted with a single parameter for the central galaxy HOD. In \\S~\\ref{fofkulksec} we compare these results with a mock LRG catalog based on a FoF halo catalog and with other HOD measurements in the literature. We show that while the FoF and SO catalogs can both match the observed CiC multiplicity function, the FoF catalog produces mock catalogs with a deficit of halos at 1 Mpc/$h$ that is evident in the projected correlation function. In \\S~\\ref{assessCiC} we comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the CiC method and summarize our conclusions in \\S~\\ref{conc}.\\\\ Throughout this paper we adopt the \\citet{spergel/etal:2007} cosmological parameters used in our simulations to convert redshifts to distances: ($\\Omega_m, \\Omega_b, \\Omega_{\\Lambda}, n_s, \\sigma_8, h$) = (0.26, 0.044, 0.74, 0.95, 0.77, 0.72). All distances and separations are in comoving coordinates. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conc} The low number density of SDSS LRGs allows us to partially separate LRG pairs occupying the same dark matter halo from pairs occupying distinct dark matter halos. Candidate one-halo pairs are identified using simple cuts in the transverse and LOS separations. We group these pairs using the FoF algorithm to compute the CiC group multiplicity function. We measure the CiC group multiplicity function for the subsample of SDSS LRGs satisfying $-23.2 < M_{g} < -21.2$ and $ 0.16 < z < 0.36$, carefully accounting for the effects of fiber collisions and survey boundaries, holes, and incompleteness.\\\\ In order to derive HOD constraints from our measurement, we calibrated the relation between the CiC and true one-halo group multiplicity functions using mock LRG catalogs. The variance about the mean relation is comparable to the Poisson sampling variance of the CiC multiplicity function and must be properly accounted for in the maximum likelihood parameter estimation.\\\\ The CiC group multiplicity function places strong constraints on the satellite LRG HOD, $N_{sat}(M)$. When we fix $\\sigma_{log M} = 0.7$ and $\\bar{n}_{LRG} = 10^{-4}$ (Mpc/$h)^{-3}$, the maximum likelihood HOD parameters and marginalized one-dimensional 68\\% and 95\\% confidence intervals are $M_{cut} = 5.0^{+1.5}_{-1.3} (^{+2.9}_{-2.6}) \\times 10^{13} M_{\\sun}$, $M_1 = 4.95^{+0.37}_{-0.26} (^{+0.79}_{-0.53}) \\times 10^{14} M_{\\sun}$, and $\\alpha = 1.035^{+0.10}_{-0.17} (^{+0.24}_{-0.31})$, with $M_{min} = 8.05 \\times 10^{13} M_{\\sun}$ at the maximum likelihood point. We tightly constrain the satellite fraction to $f_{sat} = 0.0636^{+0.0019}_{-0.0020} (^{+0.0038}_{-0.0039})$. The projected correlation function $w_p(r_p)$ of mock catalogs derived from an SO halo catalog is an excellent agreement with the measurements of \\citet{masjedi/etal:2006} and \\citet{zehavi/etal:2005a} when the large scale clustering is used to fix $\\sigma_{log M}$. Fig.~\\ref{fig:fofcompare} shows that FoF halo catalogs have a severe deficit of pairs at $\\sim 1$ Mpc/$h$. In \\S~\\ref{fofkulksec} we point out that methods using $w_p(r_p)$ with an analytic estimate of the two-halo term calibrated using FoF halos will severely overestimate the number of satellites and the maximum expected one-halo group size. Our measured CiC group multiplicity function rules out the best fit HOD from \\citet{kulkarni/etal:2007}.\\\\ Despite the increased complexity of our approach and necessary calibration using simulations, we have produced high quality mock catalogs which reproduce both higher order statistics in the density field and the features of the projected correlation function. These mock catalogs will be used in a forthcoming paper to study the large scale structure statistics of our CiC groups.\\\\" }, "0809/0809.1428_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{}% { We study the coronal magnetic field structure inside active regions and its temporal evolution. We attempt to compare the magnetic configuration of an active region in a very quiet period with that for the same region during a flare. } { Probably for the first time, we use vector magnetograph data from the Synoptic Optical Long-term Investigations of the Sun survey (SOLIS) to model the coronal magnetic field as a sequence of nonlinear force-free equilibria. We study the active region NOAA 10960 observed on 2007 June 7 with three snapshots taken during a small C1.0 flare of time cadence 10 minutes and six snapshots during a quiet period. } { The total magnetic energy in the active region was approximately $3 \\times 10^{25}$ J. Before the flare the free magnetic energy was about 5~\\% of the potential field energy. A part of this excess energy was released during the flare, producing almost a potential configuration at the beginning of the quiet period. } { During the investigated period, the coronal magnetic energy was only a few percent higher than that of the potential field and consequently only a small C1.0 flare occurred. This was compared with an earlier investigated active region 10540, where the free magnetic energy was about 60~\\% higher than that of the potential field producing two M-class flares. However, the free magnetic energy accumulates before and is released during the flare which appears to be the case for both large and small flares. } ", "introduction": "Methods have been developed to extrapolate the observed photospheric magnetic field vector into the corona. Using the fact that the magnetic field is dominant in solar active regions (ARs), we are able to neglect non-magnetic forces and to assume that the coronal magnetic field is force-free. Different instruments provide photospheric vector magnetograph data, which are used as input to the extrapolation methods. These data have, however had a rather low time cadence. Data of high time cadence are required to investigate in detail, for example the different evolutionary stages of solar flares. Suitable data include magnetic field observations of the Sun provided by the SOLIS Vector-SpectroMagnetograph. With a time cadence of $\\approx$ 10 minutes, the instrument is designed to measure multiple area scans of ARs, which enables us for the first time to investigate the evolution of the coronal magnetic field energy with a high time cadence. Many existing studies deal with the extrapolation based on vector magnetograph data. For instance, \\cite{reg_07b} dealt with the photospheric vector magnetic field provided by the Mees Solar Observatory Imaging Vector Magnetograph, \\cite{wie_05} used spectropolarimetric data recorded with the Tenerife Infrared Polarimeter of the German Vacuum Tower Telescope, and \\cite{tha_08} performed extrapolations of Solar Flare Telescope Vector Magnetograph data. In all of these studies, only one snapshot was however used or, as in the last of the aforementioned studies, a sequence of vector magnetograms with a low time cadence of one magnetogram per day. Therefore, an improvement is achieved by applying our extrapolation technique to the high time cadence SOLIS/VSM data as described in the present study. ", "conclusions": "\\begin{figure}[ht]\\centering \\centerline{\\includegraphics[width=0.3\\textwidth]{0235fig4}} \\caption{Panels (a), (b), and (c) show the magnetic field configuration during the C1.0 flare. Panel (d) shows the minimum energy configuration. Shown are field lines of the potential (gray) and NLFF (black) field. For improved visibility, the $z$-axis is drawn elongated.} \\label{fig:fig4} \\end{figure} We have investigated the coronal magnetic field associated with the NOAA AR 10960 on 2007 June 7 by analyzing SOLIS/VSM data. Three vector magnetograms with a time cadence of $\\approx$ 10 minutes were available to investigate the magnetic energy content of the coronal field during a C1.0 flare, and six further snapshots were acquired to analyze a very quiet time about three hours after the flare. Before as well as after the small flare, the magnetic field energy was $E_{nlff} \\approx 3 \\times 10^{25}$~J. The NLFF field had a free energy of $E_{free} \\approx 1.5 \\times 10^{24}$ J before the flare. As a consequence of the flare/CME, this free magnetic energy reduced by almost a factor of 10 and produced an almost potential configuration. Six snapshots acquired within a time period of about $70$ minutes, during a quiet period of 3 -- 4 hours after the flare, showed again an increase in the free magnetic energy. Since the estimated free magnetic energy remained only about 5~\\% of the total energy content, no large eruption was produced by AR 10960.\\\\ This is clearly different from the flaring of AR 10540 observed on 2004 January 18 -- 21, which was analyzed in a previous work with the help of vector magnetograph data from the Solar Flare Telescope in Japan of time cadence of about 1 day. In this AR, the free energy was $E_{free}\\approx$ 66~\\% of the total energy, which was sufficiently high to power a M6.1 flare \\citep[for details see][]{tha_08}. The activity of AR 10540 investigated earlier was significantly higher than for the data analyzed in the current paper, as was the total magnetic energy. However, despite these differences, we also found some common features. Magnetic energy accumulates before the flare and a significant part of the excess energy is released during the flare. The high amount of free magnetic energy available in AR 10540 produced M-class flares, while the relatively small amount of free energy in AR 10960 powered only a small C-class flare. In both cases, all three components of the vector magnetogram changed during the flare, but the energy decrease in the NLFF field was always higher than that of the potential field, i.e. the energy release was more related to the change in the transverse magnetic field components -- which correspond to the field aligned electric currents in the corona -- than to that of the longitudinal component." }, "0809/0809.1875_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{Optical interferometry is a powerful tool for observing the intensity structure and angular diameter of stars. When combined with spectroscopy and/or spectrophotometry, interferometry provides a powerful constraint for model stellar atmospheres.} {The purpose of this work is to test the robustness of the spherically symmetric version of the \\textsc{Atlas} stellar atmosphere program, \\textsc{SAtlas}, using interferometric and spectrophotometric observations.} {Cubes (three dimensional grids) of model stellar atmospheres, with dimensions of luminosity, mass, and radius, are computed to fit observations for three evolved giant stars, $\\psi$ Phoenicis, $\\gamma$ Sagittae, and $\\alpha$ Ceti. The best--fit parameters are compared with previous results.} {The best--fit angular diameters and values of $\\chi^2$ are consistent with predictions using \\textsc{Phoenix} and plane--parallel \\textsc{Atlas} models. The predicted effective temperatures, using \\textsc{SAtlas}, are about $100$ to $200$ $\\rm{K}$ lower, and the predicted luminosities are also lower due to the differences in effective temperatures.} {It is shown that the \\textsc{SAtlas} program is a robust tool for computing models of extended stellar atmospheres that are consistent with observations. The best--fit parameters are consistent with predictions using \\textsc{Phoenix} models, and the fit to the interferometric data for $\\psi$ Phe differs slightly, although both agree within the uncertainty of the interferometric observations.} ", "introduction": "Optical interferometry accurately measures the combination of the angular diameter and the structure of the intensity distribution of a stellar disk. The combination of interferometry with spectroscopy and/or spectrophotometry is a powerful tool for determining effective temperatures and other properties of stars, and the growth of optical interferometry is testing theoretical models of stellar atmospheres in new ways. In a series of articles, \\cite{Wittkowski2004, Wittkowski2006b, Wittkowski2006a} fit Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) observations of cool giants using the VINCI instrument with spherically symmetric stellar atmosphere models in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) computed with the \\textsc{Phoenix} program \\citep{Hauschildt1999}, and with plane parallel models from \\textsc{Phoenix} and \\textsc{Atlas} \\citep{Kurucz1970, Kurucz1993}. The authors demonstrated that optical interferometry can detect the wavelength--dependent limb--darkening of cool giants and that the limb--darkening can be used to constrain model stellar atmospheres. These works are based on observations of three stars: $\\psi$ Phoenicis (M4 III), $\\gamma$ Sagittae (M0 III), and $\\alpha$ Ceti (M1.5 III) also called Menkar. The purpose of this note is to model these interferometric observations using the new spherically symmetric version of the \\textsc{Atlas} program (\\textsc{SAtlas}) developed by \\cite{Lester2008} and to determine fundamental parameters of the three stars. There are two versions of the \\textsc{SAtlas} program, one using opacity distribution functions while the other uses opacity sampling; in this work we use the first version. The radiation field is computed using the method suggested by \\cite{Rybicki1971}, which is a reorganization of the \\cite{Feautrier1964} method. In this work we compute cubes (three dimensional grids) of spherically symmetric stellar atmospheres with dimensions of luminosity, mass, and radius to model interferometric visibilities to fit the VLTI/VINCI observations and broadband spectrophotometry from \\cite{Johnson1975}. This will provide a robust test of the program and a comparison to the results predicted using spherically symmetric \\textsc{Phoenix} models. In the next section, we outline the method for computing synthetic visibilities and predicting radii, effective temperatures, luminosities, masses, and gravities. We present the results in the third section and the discussion in the fourth section. ", "conclusions": "The purpose of this work is to test the spherical version of the \\textsc{Atlas} program. By fitting interferometric and spectrophotometric observations using model stellar atmospheres, we derive the properties of $\\psi$ Phe, $\\gamma$ Sge, and $\\alpha$ Cet. The derived parameters are compared to earlier results. The angular diameters that are determined by fitting model stellar atmospheres to interferometric observations are the same, except for $\\alpha$ Cet, for which we predict an angular diameter that is $0.1$ $\\rm{mas}$ smaller. The differences in predicted angular diameter are likely due to differences in limb--darkening of the model atmospheres generated using \\textsc{SAtlas} and \\textsc{Phoenix}. Also our minimum $\\chi^2$ value of the fit of the limb--darkened angular diameter for $\\psi$ Phe, $1.66$, is smaller than the predicted value of $\\chi^2$ from the spherically symmetric \\textsc{Phoenix} models, $1.8$. The \\textsc{SAtlas} models for $\\psi$ Phe that best fit the \\emph{interferometric} data have effective temperatures in the range of $4000$ to $4500$ $\\rm{K}$, while the \\textsc{Phoenix} models from \\cite{Wittkowski2004} are all $3550$ and $3600$ $\\rm{K}$. The fit of the \\textsc{SAtlas} models to \\emph{spectrophotometric} observations predict an effective temperature of $3415$ $\\rm{K}$ conflicting with the prediction of a higher temperature. For the effective temperature range of $3400$ to $3800$ $\\rm{K}$, the minimum $\\chi^2$ values predicted by fitting \\textsc{SAtlas} models are $1.70$ to $1.72$, similar to the values found using plane--parallel \\textsc{Atlas} models. The fit of the \\textsc{SAtlas} models to broadband spectrophotometric observations are used to determine the effective temperatures of the three stars because spectrophotometry is much more sensitive to the effective temperature than interferometry. The predicted effective temperatures are smaller than those found in the previous works, but this difference is due to the methods used for determining the effective temperature, \\emph{not} differences in the stellar atmosphere programs. If we use the method from \\cite{Wittkowski2004} where the bolometric flux $f_{\\rm{bol}}$ is calculated by integrating the spectrophotometric data and then $T_{\\rm{eff}}^4 = 4f_{\\rm{bol}}/(\\sigma \\theta_{\\rm{Ross}}^2)$, we would predict similar effective temperatures. Any variation in that case would be due to differences in the calculation of the bolometric flux and differences in the angular diameter. This suggests the effective temperatures here would differ by at most $1\\%$. Our results also differ because of the spectrophotometric data used. The difference is smallest for $\\psi$ Phe because the \\textsc{Phoenix} and \\textsc{SAtlas} fits both use the same spectrophotometric data for the fitting and agree within the uncertainty. For $\\gamma$ Sge, \\cite{Wittkowski2006a} complement the \\cite{Johnson1975} data with narrow--band data from \\cite{Alekseeva1997} while for $\\alpha$ Cet, \\cite{Wittkowski2006b} use optical \\citep{Glushneva1998b, Glushneva1998a} and infrared \\citep{Cohen1996} spectrophotometry. The effective temperature difference for the remaining two stars are about $150$ to $200$ $\\rm{K}$. Because the angular diameters are similar, the predicted radii are also similar for both fits with \\textsc{SAtlas} and \\textsc{Phoenix}. Therefore the differences between predicted luminosities are due to differences in effective temperatures and thus due to the different methods for determining the effective temperatures. The lower effective temperatures and luminosities imply lower masses when compared to \\cite{Girardi2000} evolutionary tracks and smaller gravities. The \\textsc{SAtlas} models are consistent with previous results. Fitting the models to interferometric and spectrophotometric observations have provided a robust test of the spherically symmetric version of the \\textsc{Atlas} program and have shown that the \\textsc{SAtlas} program is a powerful tool for studies of stellar atmospheres." }, "0809/0809.3088_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Based on a sample of 355 quasars with significant optical polarization, we found that quasar polarization vectors are not randomly oriented over the sky as naturally expected. The probability that the observed distribution of polarization angles is due to chance is lower than 0.1\\%. The polarization vectors of the light from quasars are aligned although the sources span huge regions of the sky ($\\sim$ 1~Gpc). Groups of quasars located along similar lines of sight but at different redshifts (typically z $\\sim$ 0.5 and z $\\sim$ 1.5) are characterized by different preferred directions of polarization. These characteristics make the observed alignment effect difficult to explain in terms of a local contamination by interstellar polarization in our Galaxy. Interpreted in terms of a cosmological-size effect, we show that the dichroism and birefringence predicted by a mixing between photons and very light pseudoscalar particles within a magnetic field can qualitatively reproduce the observations. We find that circular polarization measurements could help constrain this mechanism. ", "introduction": "Large-scale alignments of quasar polarization vectors were first uncovered looking at a sample of 170 quasars selected from the literature (Hutsem\\'ekers 1998, hereafter Paper I). The presence of such alignments was confirmed later on a larger sample (Hutsem\\'ekers \\& Lamy 2001, hereafter Paper II). The departure from random orientations was found at significance levels small enough to merit further investigation. Moreover, these alignments seemed to come from high redshift regions, implying that the underlying mechanism might cover physical distances of gigaparsecs. A large survey of linear polarization was then started, with the goal to characterize better the polarization properties of quasars and to investigate the reality of the alignments. A final sample of 355 quasars with reliable polarization measurements was then built on the basis of the new polarization measurements and of a comprehensive compilation from the literature. A detailed analysis of this sample was carried out by Hutsem\\'ekers et al. (2005, hereafter Paper III). The main results are reviewed here and a possible interpretation based on photon-pseudoscalar mixing is presented. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.0568_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Distances of galaxies in the Hubble Space Telescope Key Project are based on the Cepheid period-luminosity relation. An alternative basis is the tip of the red giant branch. Using archival HST data, we calibrate the infrared Tully-Fisher relation using 14 galaxies with tip of the red giant branch measurements. Compared with the Key Project, a higher value of the Hubble Constant by 10\\% $\\pm$ 7\\% is inferred. Within the errors the two distance scales are therefore consistent. We describe the additional data required for a conclusive tip of the red giant branch measurement of H$_0$. ", "introduction": "The extragalactic distance scale based on the Cepheid period-luminosity (PL) relation and secondary distance indicators, such as the Tully-Fisher relation, the supernova standard candle \\citep{gib00}, surface brightness fluctuations, and the fundamental plane \\citep{{fr01},{mo00}} has been criticized recently \\citep{{str08},{str07}} on the grounds that the PL relation may not be unique. Indeed, the finite width of the Cepheid instability strip in the HR diagram implies that nuisance parameters such as metallity and star formation history may play a role in determining the PL relation. Metallicity was considered as a second parameter by \\cite{fr01}, \\cite{sa04}, and \\cite{ma06}. \\cite{rom} have reviewed the situation and concluded that the Cepheid PL relation is not universal. It is of interest, therefore, to see how well the distance scale can be measured without reference to Cepheids at all. In this Letter we use the tip of the red giant branch (TRGB) distance indicator to calibrate the Tully-Fisher relation. The TRGB is a good standard candle because it results from the helium flash on the red giant branch, which theory suggests is relatively immune to metallicity effects in old stellar populations. ", "conclusions": "\\cite{sa00} obtained H$_0$ = 71 $\\pm$ 4 $\\pm$ 7 km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ from their multiwavelength Cepheid-based Tully-Fisher calibration. The largest term in the 7 km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ systematic error is due to the distance of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The largest term in the absolute calibration of the TRGB (population II) distance scale is the uncertainty in M$_{I,TRGB}$ = --4.05 $\\pm$ 0.02 mag \\citep{ri07}, associated with the absolute magnitude of the horizontal branch. Our principal finding is that, within the 1.5$\\sigma$ uncertainty, the mean difference of the distance moduli derived from Cepheids and from the TRGB magnitude for our sample of 14 galaxies is consistent with zero. In addition, we conclude that the further steps to a more accurate Cepheid-independent value of H$_0$ are (i) a larger sample of TRGB distances to galaxies which calibrate secondary distance indicators, (ii) multiwavelength photometry of these galaxies, and (iii) TRGB calibration of type Ia supernovae \\citep{tsr08}, surface brightness fluctuations, and the fundamental plane." }, "0809/0809.0797_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The plasmoid-induced-reconnection model explaining solar flares based on bursty reconnection produced by an ejecting plasmoid suggests a possible relation between the ejection velocity of a plasmoid and the rate of magnetic reconnection. In this study, we focus on the quantitative description of this relation. We performed magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of solar flares by changing the values of resistivity and the plasmoid velocity. The plasmoid velocity has been changed by applying an additional force to the plasmoid to see how the plasmoid velocity affects the reconnection rate. An important result is that the reconnection rate has a positive correlation with the plasmoid velocity, which is consistent with the plasmoid-induced-reconnection model for solar flares. We also discuss an observational result supporting this positive correlation. ", "introduction": "Magnetic reconnection is a process in which the magnetic energy is converted into the kinetic and thermal energy \\citep{1958IAUS....6..123S, 1963ApJS....8..177P, 1964psf..conf..425P}, and it has been widely believed to play a fundamental role in causing solar flares. A model for flares based on magnetic reconnection has been developed since 1960s by \\citet{1964psf..conf..451C}, \\citet{1966Natur.211..697S}, \\citet{1974SoPh...34..323H}, and \\citet{1976SoPh...50...85K}, so this model has been called the CSHKP model. The observations supporting this model has been reported, such as cusps \\citep{1992PASJ...44L..63T}, arcades \\citep{1992PASJ...44L.211T, 1992PASJ...44L.205M, 2002GeoRL..29u..10I}, loop top hard X-ray (HXR) sources \\citep{1994Natur.371..495M,2003ApJ...596L.251S}, X-ray jets \\citep{1992PASJ...44L.173S, 1996PASJ...48..123S}, and so on. Furthermore Yohkoh \\citep{1991SoPh..136....1O} discovered the common property of flares with different appearances, such as Long Duration Events (LDE flares) and impulsive flares (see \\citealt{1999Ap&SS.264..129S} and \\citealt{2002SSRv..101....1A} for review). So far the dynamic process caused by magnetic reconnection in flares has been widely studied by MHD simulations \\citep[e.g.][]{1983SoPh...84..169F, 1990JGR....9511919F, 1991SoPh..135..361F, 1996ApJ...466.1054M, 1996PhPl....3.4172U, 2000JGR...105.2375L, 2001ApJ...549.1160Y}. Most of these works have been focused on MHD processes producing apparent features of flares such as cusp shaped loops, ejecting plasmoid (blob of plasma), inflows and loop-top HXR sources. However, these works have not clearly explained the fundamental physical process, that is what determines the energy release rate in flares. This question is related to the rate of magnetic reconnection, so to identify the condition under which fast magnetic reconnection \\citep{1977JPlPh..17..337U} operates is important. Observationally, solar flares are often associated with plasmoid ejections. \\citet{1995ApJ...451L..83S} found that 8 impulsive flares on the limb (Masuda-type; \\citealt{1995PASJ...47..677M}) were associated with plasmoid ejections. \\citet{1997PASJ...49..249O, 1998ApJ...499..934O} carefully analyzed plasmoid ejections in impulsive flares and found that plasmoids undergo strong acceleration during the impulsive phase of these flares. \\citet{2004ApJ...616..578S} found the tiny two-ribbon flare driven by emerging flux accompanying the miniature filament eruption (=plasmoid). This feature was also found in other observations \\citep{2001ApJ...559..452Z,2004ApJ...613..592T,2005ApJ...630.1148S} and numerical simulations \\citep{1997ApJ...487..437M}. It is also found that there is a positive correlation between the plasmoid velocity and the reconnection rate \\citep{1995ApJ...451L..83S, 2005ApJ...634L.121Q, shimizu2008}. There are other literatures discussing this topic \\citep{1999ApJ...525L..57N,2000JGR...10523153F, Klimchuk2001, 2002A&ARv..10..313P,2003NewAR..47...53L,2005ApJ...635.1291K}. \\citet{2000JGR...105.2375L} derived an analytic relation between the acceleration of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and reconnection rate. The observations above show an important suggestion that plasmoid ejection plays a key role in causing fast magnetic reconnection. Based on these observational results, \\citet{1996AdSpR..17....9S, 1997cswn.conf..103S} extended the classical CSHKP model and proposed the plasmoid-induced reconnection model. In this model, a plasmoid (or flux rope in a 3D situation) is created in the anti-parallel magnetic field by the magnetic reconnection (Figure \\ref{figure:pir}a, b, c). Then the plasmoid situates in a current sheet inhibits inflows into the sheet, so reconnection is inefficient and magnetic energy is stored (Figure \\ref{figure:pir}d). Then the plasmoid starts to move at the velocity $v_{plasmoid}$, inflows toward the X-point ($v_{inflow}$) are induced following mass conservation and reconnection starts (Figure \\ref{figure:pir}e). If we assume the incompressibility, the mass flux into the reconnection region is given by $\\sim v_{inflow} L_{inflow}$ and the mass flux ejected by the plasmoid is $\\sim v_{plasmoid} W_{plasmoid}$, and these are balanced, where $W_{plasmoid}$ is the typical width of the plasmoid, and $L_{inflow}$ $(\\ge W_{plasmoid})$ is the typical length of the inflow region. Consequently the induced inflow speed can be estimated as follows: \\begin{equation} v_{inflow} \\sim v_{plasmoid} W_{plasmoid} / L_{inflow}. \\end{equation} Since the reconnection rate is determined by the speed of the inflows, fast reconnection becomes possible when plasmoid ejection is fast. Moreover the jet from a reconnection point accelerate the plasmoid \\footnote{Note that in addition to the acceleration by the reconnection jet, the magnetic pressure gradient force can also accelerate the plasmoid if there is a global magnetic pressure gradient around the plasmoid. See more detailed discussion in Appendix.}, so the fast reconnection further drives fast plasmoid ejection. This suggests a positive correlation between the plasmoid velocity and the reconnection rate. The merit of this model is to provide us with a unified view for understanding various types of flares with different spatial sizes and timescales, and it can naturally cause fast reconnection \\citep{1986JGR....91.5579P} in a current sheet where many plasmoids with different sizes are created by tearing instability \\citep{2000A&A...360..715K,2001EP&S...53..473S,2004A&A...417..325K}. \\begin{figure} \\plotone{f1a.eps} \\caption{Schematic picture of the plasmoid-induced reconnection model. Solid lines indicate magnetic field lines. Panel (a), (b) and (c) shows the process creating the plasmoid in the anti-parallel magnetic field by the magnetic reconnection. Panel (d) shows how the plasmoid in the current sheet inhibits the magnetic reconnection in the reconnection region shown by a light gray area in panel (e). Thick black arrows indicate inflows to a reconnection point, and thick white arrows indicate reconnection jets. Panel (e) explains how the plasmoid ejection can induce strong inflows into the reconnection region.} \\label{figure:pir} \\end{figure} \\setcounter{figure}{0} \\begin{figure} \\plotone{f1b.eps} \\caption{cont.} \\end{figure} So far there have been no MHD simulations performed to examine the plasmoid-induced-reconnection model, which should reproduce the correlation between the plasmoid velocity and the reconnection rate. In this study, we performed a series of these MHD simulations by changing the parameters related to resistivity and plasmoid velocity to investigate the relation between these two quantities. The model and the numerical method are described in section \\ref{section:model}, and the numerical results are presented in section \\ref{section:results}. The discussion is given in section \\ref{section:discussion} and the conclusions are given in section \\ref{section:conclusion}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{section:conclusion} In this paper, we performed several MHD simulations to examine the basic physical relation between the plasmoid velocity and reconnection rate in the context of the plasmoid-induced-reconnection model for solar flares. The initial magnetic configuration, resistivity, and the additional force are parameters in these simulations. When we changed the amplitude of resistivity (case A), the reconnection rate and the plasmoid velocity changed, showing a positive correlation. We showed that the reconnection rate (i.e. inflow speed) and the plasmoid velocity are closely related to each other. This result is consistent with observations \\citep{1995ApJ...451L..83S, 2005ApJ...634L.121Q, shimizu2008} supporting the plasmoid-induced-reconnection model of impulsive flares." }, "0809/0809.2337_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{Using the IRAM 30m telescope, we have detected the $^{12}$CO $J=2-1$, $4-3$, $5-4$, and $6-5$ emission lines in the millimeter-bright, blank-field selected AGN COSMOS J100038+020822 at redshift $z=1.8275$. The sub-local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) excitation of the $J=4$ level implies that the gas is less excited than that in typical nearby starburst galaxies such as NGC253, and in the high-redshift quasars studied to date, such as J1148+5251 or BR1202-0725. Large velocity gradient (LVG) modeling of the CO line spectral energy distribution (CO SED; flux density vs. rotational quantum number) yields H$_{2}$ densities in the range $10^{3.5}-10^{4.0}$ cm$^{-3}$, and kinetic temperatures between 50 K and 200 K. The H$_{2}$ mass of $(3.6 - 5.4) \\times 10^{10}$ M$_{\\sun}$ implied by the line intensities compares well with our estimate of the dynamical mass within the inner 1.5 kpc of the object. Fitting a two-component gray body spectrum, we find a dust mass of $1.2 \\times 10^{9}$ M$_{\\sun}$, and cold and hot dust temperatures of 42$\\pm$5 K and 160$\\pm$25 K, respectively. The broad MgII line allows us to estimate the mass of the central black hole as $1.7 \\times 10^{9}$ M$_{\\sun}$. Although the optical spectrum and multi-wavelength SED matches those of an average QSO, the molecular gas content and dust properties resemble those of known submillimeter galaxies (SMGs). The optical morphology of this source shows tidal tails that suggest a recent interaction or merger. Since it shares properties of both starburst and AGN, this object appears to be in a transition from a strongly starforming submillimeter galaxy to a QSO. }{} ", "introduction": "\\label{introduction} Submillimeter blank field surveys have discovered a population of dust enshrouded high-redshift galaxies \\citep{Smail1997,Hughes1998,Eales1999}, which are massive systems with huge molecular gas reservoirs and star formation at high rates \\citep{Neri2003,Greve2005,Solomon2005}. Their faint X-ray emission \\citep{Alexander2005} suggests that most of the submillimeter output is not powered by active galactic nuclei (AGN), but by massive star formation. These starbursting submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) account for a substancial fraction of the far-infrared (IR) background, and current models suggest this population may represent the formation of massive spheroidals at high-redshift \\citep{Dunlop2001}. In the local Universe, an evolutionary connection between starbursting ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) and QSOs has been suggested \\citep{Sanders1988a} and discussed controversially \\citep[e.g.][]{Sanders1988a,Sanders1988b, Genzel1998, Tacconi2002}. This evolutionary cycle has found support from hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation \\citep[e.g.][]{DiMatteo2005, Hopkins2005, Hopkins2006} and observations \\citep{Sanders1988a,Page2004,Stevens2005}. The ubiquitous presence of AGN activity in most SMGs \\citep{Alexander2005} suggests a close link between the AGN and starburst activity at redshifts $z \\sim 1-3$. If a QSO is found to be far-IR luminous, it means that large amounts of gas and dust should still be present. Such a source may, in fact, be a good candidate for an object in the transition from a starburst to a QSO, in particular when it shows absorbed X-ray emission \\citep{Page2004, Stevens2005}. Yet only a few high-redshift composite starburst/AGN have been studied in its molecular and multi-wavelength continuum emission \\citep{RowanRobinson2000, leFloch2007, Coppin2008}. Observations of carbon monoxide (CO) in galaxies are important probes of the physical conditions of the cold and warm molecular gas in the galactic nuclei and disks. They provide estimates of the total amount of gas available to fuel starburst and/or AGN activity, and the CO line profile and intensity can be used to obtain important information about the galaxy kinematics, such as dynamical mass or size of the emitting region \\citep{Solomon1997,Solomon2005}. Because of their diagnostic value, great efforts have been made to observe CO emission lines in SMGs. These studies have benefited from deep radio continuum imaging (e.g. VLA 1.4 GHz) to locate the SMG accurately \\citep{Ivison2002,Ivison2005, Ivison2007}, and from the determination of optical spectroscopic redshifts \\citep[e.g.][]{Chapman2005}. Due the small spectroscopic bandwidths of current (sub)millimeter telescopes and interferometers, this was necessary to permit the proper frequency tuning for line observations (e.g. of CO, [CI], [CII]). Yet only 19 SMGs have been reported in CO so far \\citep[][]{Frayer1998, Frayer1999, Andreani2000, Sheth2004, Hainline2004, Neri2003, Greve2005, Frayer2008, Coppin2008, Tacconi2008} and only a few have been observed in multiple molecular transitions to study the excitation conditions of their molecular gas reservoir \\citep{Solomon2005}. Spatial structure and dynamics were studied for some SMGs through high resolution CO imaging \\citep{Tacconi2006, Tacconi2008}. Overall, only $\\sim 50$ high-redshift ($z>1$) objects have been detected in CO, most of which are luminous, optically selected QSOs \\citep[][]{Omont1996, Guilloteau1997, Guilloteau1999, Carilli2002, Walter2003, Bertoldi2003, Beelen2004, Riechers2006, Carilli2007} and high-redshift radio galaxies \\citep[HzRG;][]{DeBreuck2003, DeBreuck2005, Klamer2005, Papadopoulos2005}. \\begin{figure*}[!ht] \\centering \\includegraphics[width=15cm]{all_lines.ps} \\caption{Observed spectra of the CO $J=2-1, 4-3, 5-4$ and $6-5$ emission lines in J100038+020822, obtained with the IRAM 30m telescope. Gaussian fits to the spectra are shown as dotted lines. The velocity reference is at $z=1.8275$.} \\label{fig:lines} \\end{figure*} Here we report the detection of CO $2-1$, $4-3$, $5-4$, and $6-5$ line emission from a millimeter selected QSO, J$100038.01+020822.4$. Its CO line intensities and flux density ratios allow us to estimate its molecular gas content and its excitation conditions. Its spectral properties suggest that this object may be evolving from a starburst to a QSO. After a description of the observations in Section 2, we present the molecular gas and dust properties of our source in Sections \\ref{sect:lvg} to \\ref{sect:co_prop2}. We study its morphology and multi-wavelength properties in Sections \\ref{sect:optical_morph}, \\ref{sect:sed} and \\ref{sect:bhmass}. We discuss the results in Section 4 and give a brief summary in Section 5. Throughout, we use a $\\Lambda$CDM cosmology, $H_{0}=70$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$, $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0.7$ and $\\Omega_{\\mathrm{M}}=0.3$. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sect:discussion} \\subsection{Comparison of Excitation Conditions} The observations of the CO lines in J100038 show that its molecular gas is somewhat less excited than observed in local starburst or high-redshift QSOs. We find that the turn-over of the CO line SED occurs between the CO\\ $5-4$ and CO\\ $6-5$ transitions whereas in most local starbursts/AGNs, or high-redshift QSOs studied to date, the peak of the CO line SED is typically located between the CO\\ $6-5$ and CO\\ $7-6$ transitions. Examples of such higher excitation CO emission in the local Universe are NGC253 \\citep{Guesten2006}, M82 \\citep{Weiss2005a}, and at high-redshift, J1148+5251 \\citep{Bertoldi2003,Walter2003}, BR1202-0725 \\citep{Carilli2002, Riechers2006} and APM08279+5255 \\citep{Weiss2007}. The only SMG for which the CO SED has been traced over its peak is J16359+6612 \\citep{Weiss2005b}, which interestingly, shows a similar CO excitation to J100038. Other examples of lower excitation are found toward the centers of the local starburst/AGN of Circinus and NGC4945 \\citep{Hitschfeld2008}, or in the main starburst region of the Antennae galaxy \\citep{Zhu2003}. The lower excitation of the molecular gas observed in these cases, and in particular towards J100038, is likely produced by the relatively low H$_{2}$ density values ($n(\\mathrm{H}_{2})<10^{4}$ cm$^{3}$). Furthermore, the best solution derived from the LVG analysis indicates a moderate kinetic temperature ($\\sim95$ K), suggesting that the AGN does not contribute strongly to the heating of the molecular gas. Conversely, this may imply that most of the heating is produced by star formation, as it is also suggested by the similarity of molecular gas conditions ($T_{\\mathrm{kin}}$, $n$(H$_{2}$)) observed between J16359+6612 and J100038. \\begin{table} \\caption{Summary of derived properties of J100038+020822} % \\label{table:3} % \\centering% \\begin{tabular}{l l c} % \\hline\\hline Property & Name & Value \\\\% inserts double horizontal lines \\hline $M(\\mathrm{H}_{2})$ &Molecular Gas Mass ($10^{10}\\ M_{\\sun})$ & $3.6 - 5.4$ \\\\ $M_{\\mathrm{dyn}}$ &Dynamical Mass ($10^{10}\\ \\mathrm{sin}^{-2}(i)\\ M_{\\sun}$)& $3.0$ \\\\ $M_{\\mathrm{dust}}$ &Dust Mass ($10^{9}\\ M_{\\sun}$) & $1.2$\\\\ SFR &Star Formation Rate ($10^{3}\\ M_{\\sun}$ yr$^{-1}$) & $1.7 $ \\\\ SFE &Star Formation Efficiency ($L_{\\sun}\\ M_{\\sun}^{-1}$) & $190 $ \\\\ % $\\tau_{\\mathrm{SF}}$&Gas Depletion Lifetime (Myr) & 30 \\\\ $M_{\\mathrm{V}}$ &Optical Absolute Magnitude & -24.2 \\\\ $M_{\\mathrm{BH}}$ &Black Hole Mass ($10^{9}\\ M_{\\sun}$)& $1.7$\\\\ \\hline % \\end{tabular} \\end{table} \\subsection{J100038+020822: A Starburst-QSO Composite} The general picture for QSO and stellar spheroid formation is based on the merger of two gas-rich disk galaxies. The large amounts of gas and dust involved in these mergers provide the fuel for infrared luminous starbursts to occur, and the gas inflow into the inner regions of the galaxy likely feeds the central massive black hole \\citep{Mihos1994,Barnes1996}. Observations of local ULIRGs indicate that the most luminous phase occurs close to the final stage of the merger, when both galaxy disks overlap \\citep{Sanders1988a,Sanders1988b,Veilleux1999}. When the central massive black hole has reached a sufficient size and luminosity, feedback from an active nucleus phase dissipates the dust \\citep{DiMatteo2005} and an optically luminous QSO emerges. As the gas is being expelled, the feeding of the QSO ceases, stopping its activity, and the system relaxes into a spheroidal galaxy hosting a (quiescent) supermassive black hole at its center \\citep{Hopkins2006}. One important question in galaxy evolution is whether this scenario connecting gas-rich starburst galaxies and optically bright QSOs constitutes a rule for most of these systems or whether it is a phenomenon that applies only to the most luminous and massive objects. This evolutionary connection has been studied with vast supporting evidence in the local Universe \\citep[e.g.][]{Sanders1988a}. However, for the crucial epoch of star formation and QSO activity ($11$. J100038 appears to be in a transition between the starburst and QSO phases, as a comparison of its properties to those of a sample of typical SMGs \\citep{Greve2005} and QSOs \\citep[][]{Solomon2005} shows. We start by describing its QSO properties followed by the features that classify this source as a starburst galaxy. J100038 shows an optical spectrum typical of a Type-1 AGN (Figure \\ref{fig:spectra}) with a prominent MgII broad emission line. It is relatively luminous at optical wavelengths ($M_{\\mathrm{V}}\\sim-24$ magnitudes, extinction corrected), shows mild optical extinction with $A_{\\mathrm{V}}\\sim1$ and its X-ray emission indicates it is a heavily absorbed QSO (log$N(\\mathrm{H})=22-23$ cm$^{-2}$). Moreover, its optical to mid-IR SED resembles that of typical QSOs (Figure \\ref{fig:sed}), well in agreement with \\citet{Elvis1994} templates. In addition, we derived a diameter of $\\sim1.5$ kpc for the CO line emitting region. This size is consistent with values observed in high-redshift QSOs which range between 1 and 3 kpc \\citep{Walter2004, Solomon2005, Maiolino2007} and similar to those found in local ULIRGs \\citep[$\\sim 0.5$ kpc;][]{Downes1998, Soifer2000}, but smaller than the diameters for the CO emitting region in SMGs \\citep[$\\lesssim4$ kpc;][]{Tacconi2006}. On the other hand, J100038 shows distinctive features of on-going starburst activity. The optical morphology of J100038 seen in the HST imaging is suggestive of a recent merger event (Figure \\ref{fig:closeup_i}). While most of the emission is concentrated in the point-like central source ($C$), the faint emission from the eastern source ($E$) may be indicative of a tidal tail, hinting at a past interaction or merger, although it could also imply the influence of gravitational lensing. The low number density of HST $I$-band sources in the surroundings of J100038 , $\\rho(I<25.5)=62$ arcmin$^{-2}$, implies that the probability of chance association between $E$ and $C$ is only 4.1\\%. If both sources ($E$ and $C$) are physically related, the projected distance between them would be 7.5 kpc. A large fraction of the optical emission from the host galaxy in J100038 could still be absorbed by surrounding dust (Jahnke et al, in prep.), and could be hiding the actual link to the eastern component. We note that the optical emission of the host galaxy is consistent with the obscured SED of the prototypical local starburst galaxy Arp220. Indeed, the optical morphology of this system is strikingly similar to that observed in local ULIRG/PG-QSOs \\citep[IRAS 05189-2524;][]{Sanders1988b, Surace1998}. Furthermore, the far-IR to radio SED of J100038 agrees very well with that of Arp220 (Figure \\ref{fig:sed}), and does not follow the typical behavior of radio-loud or radio-quiet QSOs at these wavelengths. In fact, its radio to far-IR spectral index, when used as a redshift indicator results in $z=1.9$ \\citep{Bertoldi2007}, a strong indication that the far-IR and radio emission are both produced by star formation. As mentioned before, the analysis of the molecular gas physical conditions suggest that the AGN plays a moderate role in the gas heating and hints that the heating may actually be dominated by starforming regions. All the evidence exposed permits to well fit J100038 in the Sanders et al. scenario. Studies of these transitional cases in the local Universe have found that about $30-50\\%$ of the most luminous ULIRGs ($L_{\\mathrm{FIR}}>10^{12.3}\\ L_{\\sun}$) show broad emission lines \\citep{Veilleux1999} and the presence of compact nuclei in 40\\% of all ULIRGs \\citep{Scoville2000,Soifer2000} as well as large molecular gas reservoirs \\citep{Evans2002, Evans2005}, even in the late stages of this evolutionary sequence. All these properties apply to J100038. Furthermore, the presence of both starburst and QSO attributes imprinted in the galaxy SEDs have largely been observed in nearby objects, constituting the basis of this evolutionary scenario \\citep{Sanders1988a, Sanders1988b, Sanders1989}. These templates compare favorably with the SED observed for J100038, strongly suggesting that this object is evolving from a starburst to a QSO. In fact, it is possible to classify it in a stage between the ``warm ULIRG'' and the ``infrared excess'' QSO phases following the mentioned scenario \\citep{Sanders2004}." }, "0809/0809.1664_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present ground-based observations of the transiting Neptune-mass planet Gl 436b obtained with the 3.5-meter telescope at Apache Point Observatory and other supporting telescopes. Included in this is an observed transit in early 2005, over two years before the earliest reported transit detection. We have compiled all available transit data to date and perform a uniform modeling using the JKTEBOP code. We do not detect any transit timing variations of amplitude greater than $\\sim$1 minute over the $\\sim$3.3 year baseline. We do however find possible evidence for a self-consistent trend of increasing orbital inclination, transit width, and transit depth, which supports the supposition that Gl 436b is being perturbed by another planet of $\\lesssim$ 12 M$_{\\earth}$ in a non-resonant orbit. ", "introduction": "Gliese 436 is an M-dwarf (M2.5V) with a mass of 0.45 M$_{\\sun}$ and hosts the extrasolar planet Gl 436b, which is currently the least massive transiting planet with a mass of 23.17 M$_{\\earth}$ \\citep{Torres07}, and the only planet known to transit an M dwarf. Gl 436b was first discovered via radial-velocity (RV) variations by \\citet{Butler04}, who also searched for a photometric transit, but failed to detect any signal greater than 0.4\\%. It was thus a surprise when \\citet{Gillon07b} reported the detection of a transit with a depth of 0.7\\%, implying a planetary radius of 4.22 R$_{\\earth}$ \\citep{Torres07} and thus a composition similar to Uranus and Neptune. In addition, both \\citet{Deming07} and \\citet{Maness07} calculated that the significant eccentricity of the orbit, e = 0.15, coupled with its short period of $\\sim$2.6 days, should result in circularization timescales of $\\sim$10$^{8}$ years, which contrasts with the old age of the system at $\\ga$6$\\times$10$^{9}$ years. The existence of one or more additional planets in the system could be responsible for perturbations to Gl 436b's orbit, and thus result in the observed peculiarities. We considered this possibility right after the initial publication of \\citet{Gillon07b}, and began an intensive campaign to observe the photometric transits of Gl 436b in order to search for variations indicative of orbital perturbations \\citep{Stringfellow08}. Early this year, \\citet{Ribas08a} reported the possible detection of a $\\sim$5 M$_{\\earth}$ companion in the Gl 436 system located near the outer 2:1 resonance of Gl 436b via analysis of all the RV data compiled to date. Theoretically this planet would be perturbing Gl 436b so as to increase its orbital inclination at a rate of $\\sim$0.1 deg yr$^{-1}$, and thus its transit depth and length, so that the non-detection by \\citet{Butler04} and the observed transit of \\citet{Gillon07b} were compatible. Since the RV detection of this second planet had a significant false-alarm probability of $\\sim$20\\%, \\citet{Ribas08a} proposed that confirmation could be achieved through 2008 observations of Gl 436b's transits, which would show a lengthening of transit duration by $\\sim$ 2 minutes compared to the \\citet{Gillon07b} data. As well, transit-timing variations (TTVs) of several minutes should also be detectable by observing a significant number of transits. Recently, \\citet{Alonso08} reported a lack of observed inclination changes and TTV evidence for the second planet, based on a comparison of a single H band light curve obtained in March 2008 to 8$\\micron$ data taken with Spitzer 254 days earlier \\citep{Gillon07a,Deming07}. This result, combined with additional radial velocity measurements \\citep{Howard08,Bonfils08} that contradicted the proposed period of the second planet, drove \\citet{Ribas08b} to retract their claim of the companion at IAU Symposium 253. However, very recently \\citet{Shporer08} presented multiple light curves obtained in May 2007, and could not rule out TTVs on the order of a minute. While the planet specifically proposed by \\citet{Ribas08a} most likely does not exist, \\citet{Ribas08b} makes a strong case that a second planet is still needed to explain the peculiarities of Gl 436b, and most likely exists in a non-resonant configuration where no strong TTVs are induced. Amateur astronomers have been diligent in observing Gl 436b since it's initial transit discovery, and thus along with this data, published data, and our own data, we are able to present a thorough analysis of the TTVs, inclination, duration, and depth of the transit changes in the Gliese 436 system. We present our observations in \\S2, our modeling and derivation of parameters in \\S3, and explore the observed TTVs and parameters of the system over time in \\S4.\\\\ \\\\ ", "conclusions": "We have presented a total of ten new transit light curves of Gl 436b, three of which come from the 3.5-meter telescope at APO, and one of which is from the NMSU 1-meter in January 2005. We have collected and uniformly modeled all available professional and amateur light curves, and searched for any trends in transit timing, width of transit, and depth of transit variations. We find statistically significant, self-consistent trends that are compatible with the perturbation of Gl 436b by a planet with mass $\\lesssim$ 12 M$_{\\earth}$ in a non-resonant orbit with semi-major axis $\\lesssim$ 0.08 AU. This conclusion is based on the numerical simulations of \\citet[][see Fig. 1]{Ribas08a} who constrain the mass and semi-major axis of the theoretical second planet by examining which configurations could produce the observed orbital perturbations while still remaining undetected by the existing radial-velocity data. From our analysis, we infer a non-resonant orbit based on a lack of detected TTVs with amplitude $\\gtrsim$ 1 minute. We stress that our measured trends are moderately dependent on our 2005 data, and thus subsequent high-precision observations over the next few years need to be carried out to confirm or refute this trend. If confirmed, it would be strong evidence for the first extrasolar planet discovered via orbital perturbations to a transiting planet. Also, we would like to note that although \\citet{Alonso08} had previously limited the rate of inclination change to 0.03$\\pm$0.05 deg/yr, they did so only by measuring the change in width between the 2007 Spitzer observations and their own 2008 H-band data, which they found to be 0.5$\\pm$1.2 minutes. Via Table 1, we find the difference in transit width between the two observations to be 1.5$\\pm$1.4 minutes, which is in agreement with our derived inclination and width values, and is a more reliable result due to using full model fits with proper limb-darkening coefficients. With respect to the the amateur observations, although they are numerous, the very small depth of the transit makes it a challenge for most small aperture systems, resulting in very large uncertainties in i and T$_{0}$. Also, while amateur observers are aware of the importance of precision timing, we of course cannot examine each of their observing set-ups, and thus one must be aware of the possibility, although small, of systemic time offsets on a given night when interpreting their data." }, "0809/0809.4041_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The bulk flow, \\ie the dipole moment of the peculiar velocity field, is a sensitive probe of matter density fluctuations on very large scales. However, the peculiar velocity surveys for which the bulk flow has been calculated have non-uniform spatial distributions of tracers, so that the bulk flow estimated does not correspond to that of a simple volume such as a sphere. Thus bulk flow estimates are generally not strictly comparable between surveys, even those whose effective depths are similar. In addition, the sparseness of typical surveys can lead to aliasing of small scale power into what is meant to be a probe of the largest scales. Here we introduce a new method of calculating bulk flow moments where velocities are weighted to give an optimal estimate of the bulk flow of an idealized survey, with the variance of the difference between the estimate and the actual flow being minimized. These ``minimum variance'' estimates can be designed to estimate the bulk flow on a particular scale with minimal sensitivity to small scale power, and are comparable between surveys. We compile all major peculiar velocity surveys and apply this new method to them. We find that most surveys we studied are highly consistent with each other. Taken together the data suggest that the bulk flow within a Gaussian window of radius 50 \\hmpc\\ is $407\\pm81$ \\kms\\ toward \\lb{287\\arcdeg\\pm9}{8\\arcdeg\\pm6}. The large-scale bulk motion is consistent with predictions from the local density field. This indicates that there are significant density fluctuations on very large scales. A flow of this amplitude on such a large scale is not expected in the WMAP5-normalized $\\Lambda$CDM cosmology, for which the predicted one-dimensional r.m.s.\\ velocity is $\\sim 110$ \\kms. The large amplitude of the observed bulk flow favors the upper values of the WMAP5 $\\Om h^2$-$\\sigma_8$ error-ellipse, but even the point at the top of the WMAP5 95\\% confidence ellipse predicts a bulk flow which is too low compared to that observed at $>98$\\% confidence level. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} A long-standing question in cosmography is the origin of the $\\sim 600$ km/s peculiar velocity of the Local Group (LG) with respect to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). The motion of the LG with respect to the ``Local Sheet'' in which it is embedded is only $\\sim 60$ km/s \\citep{TulShaKar08}, thus most of the LG's motion is due to structures on scales larger than the Local Sheet, i.e.\\ beyond 5 \\hmpc\\ (where $h$ is the Hubble constant in units of 100 km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$). In the gravitational instability paradigm \\citep{FelFriFry01,ScoFelFri01,VerHeaPer02}, this motion is due to the gravity of structures on larger scales. For a galaxy at position {\\bf{r}}, the peculiar velocity {\\bf{v}} is given by \\citep{PPC} \\begin{equation} {\\bf{v}}\\left( {\\bf{r}} \\right) = \\frac{\\Omega\\sbr{m}^{0.55}}{4\\pi }\\int d^3 {\\bf{r}}^{\\prime } \\delta\\sbr{m}\\left( \\mathbf{r}^{\\prime }\\right) \\frac{\\left( \\mathbf{r}^{\\prime }-\\mathbf{r}\\right) }{\\left| \\mathbf{r}^{\\prime }-\\mathbf{r}\\right| ^3}. \\label{eq:peculiar} \\end{equation} where $\\delta\\sbr{m} \\left( \\mathbf{r}\\right) = ({\\rho -\\overline{\\rho}})/{\\overline{\\rho}}$, and $\\overline{\\rho}$ is the average density of the Universe, $\\Om$ is the matter density parameter, and we have used 0.55 instead of 0.6 for the power of $\\Omega_m$ in the pre-factor to improve accuracy for models with dark energy \\citep{Lin05}. The issue of the LG's motion and that of other nearby galaxies has important cosmological and cosmographical implications. Specifically, as shown by Eq. \\ref{eq:peculiar}, the peculiar velocities of individual galaxies are sensitive to the matter power spectrum over a wide range of scales. Indeed, apart from the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect \\citep{SacWol67}, peculiar velocities are the only probe of the matter density fluctuations on scales of $\\sim 100 \\hmpc$ and clearly the only dynamical probe in the low-redshift universe. A given power spectrum predicts the r.m.s.\\ of the components of a galaxy's peculiar motion. For models with more power, i.e. a higher normalization, one predicts a larger r.m.s.\\ velocity. For a single galaxy, the contributions to its motion arise from a range of scales: from the local ($\\sim$ 5 \\hmpc) to the very large ($\\ga 100 \\hmpc$) scales. One may reduce the effects of small scale density fluctuations by studying the peculiar velocity of a larger volume using a sample of peculiar velocity tracers such as galaxies, clusters, or Type Ia supernovae. Beginning with the work of \\cite{RubRobTho76}, a number of such surveys have been undertaken over the last couple of decades \\citep{ DreFabBur87, LynFabBur88, AarBotCor89, Wil90, Cou92, HanMou92, MatForBuc92b, LauPos94, HudLucSmi97, WilCouFab97, GioHayFre98, HudSmiLuc99, DalGioHay99, DalGioHay99b, Wil99b, CouWilStr00, ColSagBur01, HudSmiLuc04, HauHanTho06, SprMasHay08}. The simplest statistic that can be derived from a sample of peculiar velocities is the dipole moment of the sample, also known as its bulk flow. It was quickly realized that the bulk flow was closely related to the amplitude of fluctuations on large scales, and could be used to test cosmological models \\citep{CluPee81, VitJusDav86}. At face value, however, the surveys cited above yield apparently conflicting results: the measured bulk flow ranges from 0 to $\\sim 1000$ km/s. Note, however, that many of the above-mentioned surveys are sparsely-sampled, and that while authors quote the bulk flow of the sample, this sample bulk flow is often mis-interpreted as the coherent bulk flow of the whole volume occupied by the survey. The issue of sparse sampling, small-scale aliasing and their effects on statistics such as the bulk flow were first analyzed by \\cite{Kai88}, and later \\citet{WatFel95} and others \\citep{pairwise00,Hud03,pairwise03,SarFelWat07,WatFel07,FelWat08}. These studies addressed the issue of comparing sparse surveys both to each other (to check for consistency between different sparse surveys) and the comparison of sparse peculiar velocity samples with expectations from cosmological models. One lesson from this work is that both sparse sampling and aliasing present an important effect that must be accounted for in interpreting the results, particularly those from sparse surveys such as clusters or SNe. Bulk flow estimates are essentially weighted averages of the individual velocities in a survey. Previous work has focused on a weighting scheme that produces a maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of the bulk flow of a survey, an estimate that minimizes the uncertainties due to measurement noise but does not make any correction for the survey geometry . Thus the MLE bulk flow is obviously dependent on a given survey's particular geometry and statistical properties. In this paper, we instead address the question of how peculiar velocity data can be used to estimate a more general statistic: the bulk flow of an ideal, densely-sampled survey with a given depth. Our approach will be to calculate \\emph{optimal} weights which produce the best possible estimate of this statistic. An approach related to this question is that of Zaroubi and collaborators, who used Wiener filtering \\citep{ZarHofDek99} and variants \\citep{Zar02} to reconstruct the matter density field directly from peculiar velocities. That work, however, was focussed more on the mapping of the density field and the measurement of $\\beta = f(\\Om)/b$, where $b$ is the bias parameter, than on the bulk flow \\cite[but see][]{HofEldZar01}. In this paper, our aim is somewhat different: to construct dipole moments that probe the largest scales. The goal of this paper is to make the cleanest measurement of the large-scale bulk flow using the best peculiar velocity data available. We discuss the peculiar velocity surveys used in this analysis in Section~\\ref{sec:surveys}. In Section~\\ref{sec:mom}, we describe the construction of the velocity moments, the power spectrum model, and the optimal weighting scheme used to estimate bulk flow components free of small scale noise. In Section~\\ref{sec:res} we apply these optimal weights to the data. In Section~\\ref{sec:consist}, we assess whether the optimally-weighted bulk flow results from different surveys are mutually consistent. In Section~\\ref{sec:implic}, we discuss the cosmographic implications of our results. In Section~\\ref{sec:compare}, we compare the measured bulk flow with expectations from cosmological models. We discuss our resuts in Section~\\ref{sec:discuss} and conclude in Section~\\ref{sec:conc}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conc} We have calculated optimal ``minimum variance'' weights designed to measure bulk flows with minimal sensitivity to small scale power, and have applied these weights to a number of recent peculiar velocity surveys. We find that all of the surveys we studied are consistent with each other, with the possible exception of the \\cite{LauPos94} BCG survey. Taken together the data suggest that the bulk flow within a Gaussian window of radius 50 \\hmpc\\ is $407\\pm81$ \\kms\\ toward \\lb{287\\arcdeg\\pm9}{8\\arcdeg\\pm6}. This motion is not due to nearby sources, such as the Great Attractor (at a distance of $\\sim40$\\hmpc), but rather to sources at greater depths that have yet to be fully identified. A flow of this amplitude on such a large scale is not expected in the WMAP5-normalized $\\Lambda$CDM cosmology. The observed bulk flow favors the upper values of the WMAP5 $\\Om h^2$-$\\sigma_8$ error-ellipse, but even the point at the top of the WMAP5 95\\% confidence ellipse predicts a bulk flow which is too small compared to that observed at a confidence level $> 98$\\%. There are several possible explanations for the discrepancy we have observed. There is the possibility that we happen to live in a volume with a statistically unlikely ($\\lesssim 2$\\%) bulk flow magnitude. If this is the case, then the structures that cause this flow should be eventually identified as the depth and sky coverage of redshift surveys increase. Alternatively, it is possible that the large observed flow is the result of a systematic error in the data, although the independence of the distance indicators (TF, FP and SN Ia) and methodology of the various surveys, as well as the agreement between different surveys makes this unlikely. The bulk flow in the nearby ($d \\lesssim 60 \\hmpc$) Universe is no longer noise-limited but rather cosmic variance limited, so that increasing the quantity of nearby peculiar velocity data will not alter the significance of this result. At very large depths ($d > 100 \\hmpc$), however, the bulk flow measurement is still quite noisy. Future peculiar velocity surveys, such as the NOAO Fundamental Plane Survey \\citep{SmiHudNel04}, as well as nearby supernovae surveys \\citep{FilLiTre01,WooAldLee04,KelSchBes07, FriBasBec08}, are expected to yield more precise measurements of the amplitude of the bulk motion on these very large scales, and thus have the potential to strengthen the cosmological constraints therefrom. In order to measure the bulk flow variance directly, one must measure the bulk flow in independent (i.e. distant) regions. For the standard distance estimators used in traditional peculiar velocity work, the errors grow proportional to distance and hence become infeasible at large distances. So other techniques, such as those based on the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect \\citep{SunZel72,RepLah91,HaeTeg96, RuhAdeCar04, Kos06, ZhaFelJus08, KasAtrKoc08a} will be needed to access independent volumes. To reiterate, the results presented in this paper pose a challenge to the standard $\\Lambda$CDM model with the WMAP5 parameters. As this study shows, the implications to the standard scenario should be explored with as many independent cosmological observations as we can muster, with particular attention paid to clues from probes at low redshift and on the largest scales. \\vspace{0.2cm} \\noindent{\\bf Acknowlegements:} We thank Niayesh Afshordi and Russell Smith for interesting discussions and helpful comments on earlier versions of this paper. HAF would like to thank Danny Marfatia for helpful comments and Brad Klee for programming help. HAF has been supported in part by a grant from the Research Corporation, by an NSF grant AST-0807326 and by the National Science Foundation through TeraGrid resources provided by the NCSA. MJH is supported by NSERC." }, "0809/0809.2983_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We present the main results of the first long-term spectrophotometric monitoring of the ``Einstein cross'' Q2237+0305 and of the single-epoch spectra of the lensed quasar J1131-1231. \\\\ From October 2004 to December 2006, we find that two prominent microlensing events affect images A \\& B in Q2237+0305 while images C \\& D remain grossly unaffected by microlensing on a time scale of a few months. Microlensing in A \\& B goes with chromatic variations of the quasar continuum. We observe stronger micro-amplification in the blue than in the red part of the spectrum, as expected for continuum emission arising from a standard accretion disk. Microlensing induced variations of the \\ciii\\ emission are observed both in the integrated line intensity and profile. Finally, we also find that images C \\& D are about 0.1-0.3 mag redder than images A \\& B. \\\\ The spectra of images A-B-C in J1131-1231 reveal that, in April 2003, microlensing was at work in images A and C. We find that microlensing de-amplifies the continuum emission and the Broad Line Region (BLR) in these images. Contrary to the case of Q2237+0305, we do not find evidence for chromatic microlensing of the continuum emission. On the other hand, we observe that the Balmer and \\MgII\\ broad line profiles are deformed by microlensing. These deformations imply an anti-correlation between the width of the emission line and the size of the corresponding emitting region. Finally, the differential microlensing of the \\FeII\\ emission suggests that the bulk of \\FeII\\ is emitted in the outer parts of the BLR while another fraction of \\FeII\\ is produced in a compact region. } \\FullConference{The Manchester Microlensing Conference: The 12th International Conference and ANGLES Microlensing Workshop\\\\ January 21-25 2008\\\\ Manchester, UK} \\begin{document} ", "introduction": "So far, the effect of microlensing on the continuum and on the Broad Line Region (BLR) of quasars has been investigated mainly theoretically (e.g. Schneider \\& Wambsganss 1990, Wambsganss \\& Paczynski 1991, Lewis et al. 1998, Abajas et al. 2002, Lewis \\& Ibata 2004). In this contribution, we report the main results from a spectrophotometric study of microlensing occurring in two gravitationally lensed quasars: the ``Einstein cross'' Q2237+0305 and J1131-1231 (Fig.~\\ref{fig:aquisition}). The Einstein cross consists of a $z_s= 1.695$ quasar gravitationally lensed into four images in a cross-like pattern about the bulge of a nearby Sab galaxy ($z_l= 0.0394$). Due to the low redshift of the lensing galaxy, to the high density of stars on the line of sight to the lensed images and to the negligible time delay, this system is among the best ones to study microlensing. We present hereafter some results of the first long-term regular spectro-photometric monitoring campaign of this object. The second target, J1131-1231, is one of the nearest gravitationally lensed quasar. The lensing galaxy at $z_l = 0.295$ splits the light rays from the source at $z_s = 0.658$ into four macro-images: three bright images (A-B-C) separated on the sky by typically 1'' and a fainter component (D) located at 3.6'' from A (Sluse et al. 2003). We study microlensing between the three brightest images which also happen to have negligible differential time delays. \\begin{figure}[!ht] \\begin{centering} \\includegraphics[width=6.5cm]{Q2237_slits3.eps} \\includegraphics[width=6.5cm]{J1131Manchester.eps} \\caption{{\\it Left:} FORS1 R-band acquisition image of Q2237+0305 taken on 12 September 2005. Two different slits (0.7'' width) placed on images A \\& D (mask 1) C \\& D (mask 2) have been used. {\\it Right:} FORS2 R-band image of J1131-1231 taken on 26 April 2003. The slit (1'' width) used is shown. The seeing on both images is of the order of 0.6''.} \\label{fig:aquisition} \\end{centering} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "We have presented the main results of the first long term spectro-photometric monitoring of the Einstein Cross Q2237+0305 and of the single-epoch spectroscopic observations of the lensed quasar J1131-1231. The microlensing spectral signatures observed in the lensed images of these two systems confirm that quasar microlensing is a powerful tool for studying the continuum and the broad line emitting region of lensed quasars. We find that all images of the Q2237+0305 are affected by some microlensing during the observing period. Image D seems to be the less affected. Our observations have monitored two important microlensing brightening episodes in image B and A on resp. May 2005-Dec 2005 (HJD 3500-3710) and May 2006-Dec 2006 (HJD 3880-4100). For each of these events, the continuum becomes bluer when the image gets brighter as expected from microlensing magnification of an accretion disk. In addition to the microlensing induced chromatic variations of the quasar continuum we have also observed time-independent reddening of images C and D with respect to A and B. We estimate that the amount of differential extinction between pairs of quasar images is in the range 0.1-0.3 mag, with images C and D being the most reddened. We also report microlensing induced variations of the BELs affecting both the integrated line intensities and profiles. The microlensing of the BLR is the strongest in image A where we observe that the broad component of the broad lines is more microlensed than the core. This is compatible with an anti-correlation between the line width and the size of the corresponding emitting region. Finally, we observe that the continuum of images C and A are significantly more magnified than the BELs during the whole observing period, indicating that long-term microlensing is at work in those two images. The analysis of the single-epoch spectra of images A-B-C of J1131-1231 has revealed microlensing de-amplification of the quasar images A and C. In these two cases, the continuum and the BELs are microlensed. However, a larger fraction of the BELs is microlensed in image C, indicating that the Einstein radius of the microlens is larger for that image. Microlensing of the BELs confirms that the size of the emission line region is anti-correlated with the FWHM of the corresponding line component. Contrary to the case of Q2237+0305, we do not find evidence for chromatic microlensing of the continuum. The most interesting result concerns the microlensing of the \\FeII\\ emission. On one hand, we find that a large fraction of the near UV and optical \\FeII\\, emission takes place in a region similar to the outer parts of the Balmer Line Emitting Region. On the other hand we find that the \\FeII\\ emitted in the rest-frame ranges 4630-4800 \\& 3080-3540\\AA\\ likely arises from a more compact region possibly similar in size to the region emitting the very broad \\MgII\\ emission. Our observations have demonstrated that the BLR of the quasars Q2237+0305 and J1131-1231 is small enough to be significantly microlensed. Because of the different source redshifts, these two targets allow to study very different emitting regions in the optical range. Microlensing in Q2237+0305 allows to study the near UV continuum emission, the \\FeII$_{\\rm UV}$, and the high ionisation \\ciii, \\civ\\ broad emission lines while microlensing in J1131-1231 allows to probe the rest-frame continuum emission in the range 2500-6000 \\AA, the \\FeII$_{\\rm opt}$, the low ionisation \\MgII, and the Balmer broad emission lines. The spectro-photometric monitoring of Q2237+0305 demonstrates the great asset of the time information in the study of quasar microlensing. We have began a 2 year spectrophotometric monitoring of J1131-1231 with the VLT to track the microlensing induced deformation of the BELs in this system. The spectro-photometric monitoring data gathered for Q2237+0305 and soon for J1131-1231 will allow to put sharp upper limits on the size of the continuum emission region and on the geometry of the BLR (for different ionization levels) using state-of-the-art inverse ray-shooting simulations. {\\large{\\bf {Acknowledgements:}}} This work is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, by ESA PRODEX under contract PEA C90194HST and by the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office." }, "0809/0809.3917_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{The Mini-Calorimeter (MCAL) instrument on-board the AGILE satellite is a non-imaging gamma-ray scintillation detector sensitive in the 300~keV--100~MeV energy range with a total on-axis geometrical area of $1400~\\mathrm{cm^2}$. Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are one of the main scientific targets of the AGILE mission and the MCAL design as an independent self-triggering detector makes it a valuable all-sky monitor for GRBs. Furthermore MCAL is one of the very few operative instruments with microsecond timing capabilities in the MeV range.} {In this paper the results of GRB detections with MCAL after one year of operation in space are presented and discussed.} {A flexible trigger logic implemented in the AGILE payload data-handling unit allows the on-board detection of GRBs. For triggered events, energy and timing information are sent to telemetry on a photon-by-photon basis, so that energy and time binning are limited by counting statistics only. When the trigger logic is not active, GRBs can be detected offline in ratemeter data, although with worse energy and time resolution.} {Between the end of June 2007 and June 2008 MCAL detected 51 GRBs, with a detection rate of about 1~GRB/week, plus several other events at a few milliseconds timescales. Since February 2008 the on-board trigger logic has been fully active. Comparison of MCAL detected events and data provided by other space instruments confirms the sensitivity and effective area estimations. MCAL also joined the $3^{rd}$ Inter-Planetary Network, to contribute to GRB localization by means of triangulation. } {} ", "introduction": "The AGILE satellite \\citep{Tavani2008,Tavani2008b}, the Italian space mission dedicated to gamma-ray and hard-X astrophysics, has the study of GRBs among its main scientific targets. The Gamma-Ray Imaging Detector (GRID), composed of a tungsten-silicon tracker \\citep{Prest2003} and a CsI(Tl) Mini-Calorimeter, has a wide field of view that makes it a valuable instrument for GRB detection in the poorly explored 30~MeV-50~GeV energy band. SuperAGILE \\citep{Feroci2007}, the hard X-ray imager on-board AGILE operating in the 18-60~keV energy band, is equipped with an on-board trigger logic and localization algorithm providing few arcmin position accuracy, allowing rapid dissemination of the coordinates \\citep{DelMonte2007c}. The Mini-Calorimeter, despite being a subsystem of the GRID, is also equipped with a self-triggering operative mode and on-board logic making it an all-sky monitor in the 300~keV-100~MeV energy range. A simultaneous GRB detection with GRID, MCAL and SuperAGILE would allow spectral coverage over six orders of magnitude. In this paper the status of the GRB detection with MCAL, one year after the AGILE launch, is reviewed and discussed. ", "conclusions": "MCAL is tailored to the detection of medium-bright GRBs with peak energies above a few hundred keV, as expected from sensitivity calculations and experimental evidence reported in section \\ref{sensitivity}. The main characteristics of the instrument are its spectroscopic capabilities in the MeV range and the microsecond timing accuracy. Between $22^{nd}$ June 2007 and $30^{th}$ June 2008 MCAL detected 51 GRBs, with an average detection rate of about 1~GRB/week. A preliminary flux calibration is in good agreement with expectations. Since the beginning of February 2008 the on-board trigger logic has been active and calibration activities are in progress." }, "0809/0809.1065_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the first results of a survey of 14 low redshift galaxy clusters using {\\sl Suzaku}. Although luminous ($L_x> 1\\times 10^{43}$ erg s$^{-1}$ (0.1-2.4 keV)), these clusters have no prior pointed X-ray data. Together with 47 other systems they form a flux limited sample ($f_x >1.0 \\times 10^{-11}$ erg s$^{-1}$cm$^{-2}$ (0.1-2.4 keV)) with $z\\leq 0.1$ in the northern celestial hemisphere. Using this total sample we evaluate the local $L-T$ relationship and the local cluster temperature function. {\\sl Suzaku} temperature measurements appear to be in accord with those of other missions. General agreement is found with other published estimates of the low redshift cluster temperature function, however the sample used here exhibits slightly lower space densities at gas temperatures below 4-5 keV. We find a corresponding deficit in the number of clusters with temperatures between approximately 4.5 and 5.5 keV. Although at low significance, a similar feature exists in previous low redshift cluster datasets. We suggest that low-redshift cluster samples, while crucial for calibrating precision cosmology measurements, must be used with caution due to their limited size and susceptibility to the effects of cosmic variance. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:introduction} The nature and evolution of galaxy clusters offers an independent and complementary probe of cosmology to those of the cosmic microwave background \\citep{hinshaw08} or supernova (e.g. Permlmutter \\& Schmidt 2003). Theoretical work (e.g. Haiman, Mohr \\& Holder 2001) has shown that large surveys of clusters to reasonably high redshift ($z\\sim 1$) can not only provide these much needed constraints, but can, through the use of information such as the spatial distribution of clusters, be made ``self-calibrating'' - {\\em if} the evolution of cluster structure can be parameterized (Hu 2003, Majumdar \\& Mohr 2003), and {\\em if} the scatter between cluster mass and observables (luminosity, temperature) is understood for clusters {\\em at the survey detection threshold}. Future X-ray surveys or Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect (SZE) surveys, such as the South Pole Telescope (SPT), and the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT), will be designed to detect $\\sim 10^4$ clusters to high redshift within a limited sky area and will not sample very many local clusters, or obtain very high physical resolution data. However, both of these characteristics are vital in order to establish the zero-redshift baseline from which we can then evaluate the global evolution of cluster scaling laws and structure, and calibrate possible systematic effects induced by potentially complex astrophysics. In this paper we describe the results of an effort to utilize existing X-ray cluster data, and new observations by the {\\sl Suzaku} (JAXA/NASA) mission to add to the existing body of work on the low redshift population of clusters (e.g. Henry 2000; Reiprich \\& Bohringer 2002; Ikebe et al. 2002). Specifically, we present the results of a {\\sl Suzaku} survey of 14 nearby, X-ray luminous, clusters that have otherwise {\\em never} been observed in a direct, pointed X-ray observation with earlier, spectrally sensitive instruments. Our motivation is to increase the robustness of the local cluster temperature function at {\\em lower} masses, which are typical of the mass threshold of the majority of likely future X-ray and SZE cluster surveys. The range of masses probed by this data combined with pre-existing data (a total, complete, sample of 61 objects) is approximately $8\\times 10^{13}$---$10^{15}$ M$_{\\odot}$ ($H_0=70$). We therefore bracket the expected low mass limit of future surveys, all of which are designed to probe to $\\sim 2\\times 10^{14}$ M$_{\\odot}$ (locally for the X-ray, and across essentially all redshifts for SPT/ACT). For modern cosmological tests based on the form of $\\frac{dN(>M)}{dz}$ (the number of clusters per unit redshift above a mass $M$, c.f. Haiman, Mohr \\& Holder 2001), the {\\em only} theoretical requirement is a precise understanding of the scatter in mass around the detection threshold (e.g. X-ray flux limit). The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In \\S~\\ref{sec:sample}, we compile the local, flux-limited, complete sample. In \\S~\\ref{sec:data}, we describe the Suzaku data, and the spectral analysis method. We also present spectral fitting result for the 14 clusters. In \\S~\\ref{sec:t_l}, we fit the $L-T$ relation in two different ways. In \\S~\\ref{sec:xtf}, we describe our procedures for computing the XTF and present our results. We also make a comparison with previous results. In \\S~\\ref{sec:conclude}, we briefly summarize our conclusions and the implications of this work. Throughout this paper, we adopt a spatially flat universe dominated by a cosmological constant and cold dark matter (CDM), with the following set of cosmological parameters: $\\Omega_m=0.27$, $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0.73$ and $H_0=70~{\\rm km~s^{-1}~Mpc^{-1}}$. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclude} We have conducted an X-ray galaxy cluster survey of 14 systems using {\\sl Suzaku}. These clusters are part of a statistically complete sample of 61 clusters in the local ($z<0.1$) Universe with $f_x>1.0 \\times 10^{-11}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ (0.1-2.4 keV), in the northern celestial hemisphere. None of these 14 clusters have been observed previously in pointed X-ray observations, despite being luminous systems ($L_x>1 \\times 10^{43}$ erg s$^{-1}$ (0.1-2.4 keV)). The {\\sl Suzaku} data is shown to be of high quality and enables robust imaging and spectral analyses to be made. A comparison of spectral analyses of {\\sl Suzaku} data on 3 well known clusters (not in our sample) with those from earlier missions indicates no obvious biases either in the {\\sl Suzaku} calibration or the analysis approach that we use. We present the first results of a spectral analysis of these 14 clusters with the aim of deriving gas temperatures that reflect the true virial temperature. To do this we employed a spectral modeling scheme that determines whether a one or two plasma temperature model is appropriate. Two temperature models allow us to separate out the contribution of cooling cores in 7 of the clusters. Combining the new {\\sl Suzaku} data with preexisting temperature data for the flux limited sample we obtain a dataset of 57 objects with spectroscopically confirmed gas temperatures and 4 objects for which pointed X-ray data is either not yet public or has not yet been analyzed. For these 4 systems we simply use estimated temperatures based on the $L-T$ relation, and note that their inclusion or exclusion has a negligible impact on our results. We have determined both the $L-T$ relation and the cumulative XTF for the full sample. In fitting the $L-T$ relationship with a power law we argue that the often used BCES method can produce a power law index that is dependent on the actual measurement errors in $L$ and $T$, owing to the weighting scheme employed. We have therefore also employed a modified $\\chi^2$ fit that takes intrinsic scatter into account in an attempt to mitigate any bias in the fit. We find that this modified $\\chi^2$ and the BCES method are in quite close agreement, with power-law indices differing by $\\sim 4$\\% and normalizations by $\\sim 0.1$ \\%. The modified $\\chi^2$ yields $L_{0.1-2.4\\rm{keV}}= 10^{42.31} T^{2.45}$. The measured XTF is in close agreement with that of previous studies. Obviously there is significant overlap in the actual clusters contained in all such works. However, our lower flux limit (by a factor of 2 from, for example, I02) and the fact that 22\\% of our sample has never been studied in the X-ray before, helps reduce this problem. There is some evidence that our XTF is slightly lower at temperatures less than $\\sim 4.5$ keV than the earlier measurements. This appears to be partially a consequence of a deficit of clusters in the range of 4.5-5.5 keV. We have considered several possible causes for this. These include; a systematic bias in our spectral analyses, a statistical fluke, or a consequence of large-scale structure and cosmic variance in this very local sample. Since a similar deficit is also apparent in two earlier XTF measurements (I02, Henry (2000)) it may be that a statistical or cosmic variance effect is the most likely. If local galaxy cluster samples are to be used to construct robust calibrations for future high-precision cosmological tests then it will be crucial to ensure that we understand the finite volume effects (e.g. cosmic variance) that may produce systematic biases. One solution will be to push measurements to slightly lower mass scales where clusters are more numerous. We have demonstrated that {\\sl Suzaku} is an excellent instrument for doing just that, by exploring the population of luminous, nearby, clusters that has nonetheless not yet been fully studied. \\vspace{-0.5\\baselineskip}" }, "0809/0809.0255_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Starting from a complete sample of type I AGN observed by \\emph{INTEGRAL} in the 20-40 keV band, we have selected a set of 8 AGN which can be classified as radio loud objects according to their 1.4 GHz power density, radio to hard X-ray flux flux density ratio and radio morphology. The sample contains 6 Broad Line Radio Galaxies and 2 candidate ones. Most of the objects in our sample display a double lobe morphology, both on small and large scales. For all the objects, we present broad-band (1-110 keV) spectral analysis using \\emph{INTEGRAL} observations together with archival \\emph{XMM-Newton}, \\emph{Chandra}, \\emph{Swift/XRT} and \\emph{Swift/BAT} data. We constrain the primary continuum (photon index and cut-off energy), intrinsic absorption and reprocessing features (iron line and reflection) in most of the objects. The sources analysed here show remarkable similarities to radio quiet type I AGN with respect to most of the parameters analysed; we only find marginal evidence for weaker reprocessing features in our objects compared to their radio quiet counterparts. Similarly we do not find any correlation between the spectral parameters studied and the source core dominance or radio to 20-100 keV flux density ratios, suggesting that what makes our objects radio loud has no effect on their high energy characteristics. ", "introduction": "Most of what is known about Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) is essentially based on studies of radio quiet sources, which make up almost 90\\% of the entire AGN population. It is now widely accepted that active galaxies are powered by accretion onto a supermassive black hole: the observed radiation, spanning the entire electromagnetic spectrum, is produced by a cold accretion disk and by a hot corona, as proposed in the so-called two-phase model \\citep{b15}. In the X-ray domain, the emission of radio quiet Broad Line AGN (Seyfert 1) is, to the first order, well described by a power law of photon index 1.8-2.0, extending from a few keV to over 100 keV; at higher energies there is evidence for an exponential cut-off, the exact value of which is still uncertain \\citep{b22,b23}. Secondary features such as the Fe K$\\alpha$ line and the Compton reflection component are also commonly observed; they are considered to be the effects of reprocessing of the primary continuum and are relatively well understood \\citep{b19}. Studies performed on samples of Broad Line Radio Galaxies (BLRG from now on; \\citealt{b24,b7}) have shown that these objects show optical/UV continuum and emission line characteristics similar to their radio quiet counterparts, but display some fundamental differences in their X-ray behaviour. BLRG, in fact, exhibit flatter/harder power law slopes than radio quiet Seyfert 1 galaxies and are also known to have weaker reprocessing features (e.g. \\citealt{b24} and \\citealt{b7}). The origin of these differences is however far from being understood. A possible cause for the observed diversity could be ascribed to a different disk geometry and/or accretion flow efficiencies, or to the presence of jets and beaming effects that contaminate/dilute the AGN component and the reprocessing features; ionised reflection, which naturally produces weaker reflection features, has also been considered in the literature \\citep{b60}. Now that a large sample of AGN detected above 20 keV by \\emph{INTEGRAL} is available, it is possible and important to perform a comparison between different classes of AGN, by measuring the shape of the primary continuum together with the high energy cut-off and the reflection component. In the present work we focus on the broad-band (1-110 keV) spectral analysis of a sample of eight radio loud type 1 AGN, combining \\emph{XMM-Newton}, \\emph{Chandra}, \\emph{Swift/XRT} and \\emph{BAT} data together with \\emph{INTEGRAL/ISGRI} measurements. We also compare our results to a sample of radio quiet Seyfert 1s detected by \\emph{INTEGRAL} and recently studied by \\citet{b21} and finally discuss the implications of our findings. ", "conclusions": "In the following we discuss the distribution of the fit parameters in our sample of AGN (see table 6) in comparison to a similar study made on a set of 9 radio quiet Seyfert 1 \\citep{b21} also detected by \\emph{INTEGRAL}. The power law slopes are found to be similar in both samples, i.e. around 1.5-2.0; only one of the radio bright AGN (the one requiring complex absorption) shows a flat power law continuum, while low values of $\\Gamma$ are more numerous in the sample of \\citet{b21}. The intrinsic absorption measured in our sources is generally small or absent ($\\lesssim$2$\\times$10$^{21}$ atoms cm$^{-2}$), except for 3C 111 and IGR J21247+5058, and also similar to the values found for radio quiet type 1 AGN; in 3C 111 the extra absorption is probably due to intervening material between us and the source, while in the case of IGR J21247+5058 complex absorption is strongly required by the data. It is interesting to note that similar complexity, i.e. one or more layers of cold material partially covering the central nucleus, is also observed in 2 of the 9 objects studied by \\citet{b21}. We also point out that, up to very recently, the only other BLRG known to have a similar spectral complexity regarding the absorption was 3C 445 \\citep{b40}, for which three layers of cold material were required to model the spectrum. Our analysis suggests that objects with complex absorption are present within the population of broad line AGN, independent of them being radio quiet or radio loud. \\citet{b7} found evidence in their data for a correlation between absorption and radio core dominance, with more absorbed objects showing lower \\emph{CD} values. We do not find such a trend; furthermore we do not have any indication of a correlation between photon index or absorption and R$_{HX}$ using both our sources and the radio quiet Seyferts of \\citet{b21}. From the spectral analysis presented here, it is also evident that the high energy cut-off (although not required by all the sources in the sample) spans a wide range of values from $\\sim$40 keV up to more than 300 keV, as already found for radio quiet AGN (see for instance \\citealt{b35} and \\citealt{b21}). We also explored the possibility of a correlation between the high energy cut-off and the photon index but found nothing; a trend of increasing cut-off energy with higher $\\Gamma$ has been reported in the literature (see for instance \\citealt{b22}), but due to the strong dependency between these two parameters in the fitting procedure, it is difficult to discriminate between any true correlation and induced effects. As far as the reflection fraction is concerned, we find in all but two cases (namely B3 0309+411 and 4C 74.26) very low values for this component, typically below 1; as expected in these sources, the EW of the iron line is $\\lesssim$100 eV. Indeed if the iron line emission is associated with the optically thick material of the disk, one would expect the line EW to correlate with the reflection fraction as observed. However, in B3 0309+411 and 4C 74.26 the observed iron line EW is too small for the reflection measured: a possible explanation resides in the scatter expected in the EW values due to a variation in the iron abundance, or to a possible anisotropy of the source seed photons which might affect the observed spectrum \\citep{b42,b43}. For a given value of \\emph{R}, the EW could also differ according to the value of the power law photon index: up to $\\Gamma$=2 the EW decreases as the spectrum steepens, while above $\\Gamma$=2 the trend is reversed \\citep{b22, b41}. B3 0309+411 and 4C 74.26 both have steep spectra and so a lower EW than expected on the basis of the measured \\emph{R} value is not a surprise. Overall we can conclude that, as already observed by a number of authors (i.e. \\citealt{b7} and \\citealt{b24}), the reprocessing features of ttthe radio loud AGN analysed here tend to be, on average, quite weak. For a better comparison with their radio quiet counterparts, we have again used our data in combination with those of \\citet{b21}. Figure \\ref{r_ew} shows a plot of \\emph{R} vs. EW for the entire sample. It is evident that radio loud AGN are more confined to a region of the plot characterized by low values of EW and to a lesser extent of \\emph{R}, whereas radio quiet objects tend to be more spread over both axes. This evidence does not seem to be related to the radio core dominance, suggesting that any dilution of the reprocessing features, at least for the sources reported here, is not caused by the presence of a jet. Since the observed difference is not striking, an accretion flow origin for the X/gamma-ray emission is a likely explanation for the production of the reprocessing features in our radio loud AGN; this agrees well with some of them being classified as FR II sources, i.e. the BLRG most closely resembling radio quiet AGN \\citep{b44}. Within this scenario, it is still possible that a different geometry and/or accretion flow efficiency involving the disk provides the condition for weaker reflection components in BLRG. Alternatively weaker reflection features might be the result of reprocessing in an ionised accretion disk, as suggested by \\citet{b60}; this would alleviate the need for a change in the accretion disk geometry and provide a more similar enviroment for both radio loud and radio quiet AGN. Our sample is of course very small, limited to sources which have a small dynamic range of parameters (redshift, loudness, core dominance, etc.), and contains two objects (i.e. QSO B0241+62 and IGR J13109-5552) which deserve further radio studies and are not immediately confirmed as BLRG. We hope in the near future to improve the statistics, adding newly discovered AGN selected in the hard X-ray band in order to verify our findings as well as our novel approach of selecting radio loud type 1 sources. \\begin{table*} \\scriptsize \\begin{center} \\centerline{{\\bf Table 3}} \\vspace{0.2cm} \\begin{tabular}{lcccccccc} \\multicolumn{9}{c}{{\\bf Spectral Fit Results: \\texttt{wa$_g$*wa*(po+zga)}}}\\\\ \\hline {\\bf Name} & {\\bf N$_H$} & {\\bf $\\Gamma$}&{\\bf E$_{line}$} & {\\bf $\\sigma$} & {\\bf EW} & {\\bf C$_1^A$} &{\\bf C$_2^B$}&{\\bf $\\chi^2$ (dof)}\\\\ &{\\bf (10$^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$)}& & {\\bf (keV)} & {\\bf (eV)} & {\\bf (eV)} & & & \\\\ \\hline QSO B0241+62 &0.23$^{+0.08}_{-0.08}$&1.65$^{+0.07}_{-0.07}$&6.40$^{+0.06}_{-0.05}$& 10f &85$^{+43}_{-45}$ &1.02$^{+0.22}_{-0.18}$&1.32$^{+0.32}_{-0.26}$& 227.1 (234) \\\\ B3 0309+411 & - &1.82$^{+0.03}_{-0.03}$&6.34$^{+0.07}_{-0.09}$& 10f &100$^{+43}_{-50}$& - &4.65$^{+2.11}_{-2.00}$& 574.6 (603)\\\\ 3C 111 &0.43$^{+0.02}_{-0.02}$&1.69$^{+0.02}_{-0.02}$&6.40$^{+0.05}_{-0.05}$& 10f & $<$30 &0.44$^{+0.05}_{-0.04}$&0.54$^{+0.11}_{-0.10}$& 1245.7 (1498) \\\\ IGR J13109-5552& 0.27$^{+0.23}_{-0.27}$ &1.70$^{+0.24}_{-0.22}$& - & - & - & - &2.39$^{+1.84}_{-0.99}$& 41.2 (55)\\\\ 3C 390.3 & - &1.74$^{+0.01}_{-0.01}$&6.44$^{+0.02}_{-0.04}$& 10f & 71$^{+8}_{-18}$&0.90$^{+0.07}_{-0.07}$&0.94$^{+0.10}_{-0.11}$& 2200.4 (2234)\\\\ 4C 74.26 &0.12$^{+0.01}_{-0.01}$&1.73$^{+0.02}_{-0.01}$&6.44$^{+0.05}_{-0.06}$&183$^{+84}_{-65}$&103$^{+32}_{-25}$&0.54$^{+0.09}_{-0.09}$&0.87$^{+0.25}_{-0.25}$& 1992.0 (2060)\\\\ S5 2116+81 & $<$0.19 &1.97$^{+0.12}_{-0.12}$& - & - & - &1.52$^{+0.60}_{-0.44}$&2.76$^{+1.34}_{-0.95}$& 89.1 (128) \\\\ IGR J21247+5058&0.69$^{+0.02}_{-0.02}$&1.33$^{+0.02}_{-0.01}$&6.39$^{+0.05}_{-0.08}$& 10f & $<$30 &0.32$^{+0.02}_{-0.02}$&0.36$^{+0.02}_{-0.02}$& 2692.3 (2559)\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\scriptsize \\emph{A}: cross-calibration constant between \\emph{XMM} and \\emph{BAT}; \\emph{B}: cross-calibration constant between \\emph{XMM} and \\emph{INTEGRAL/ISGRI}. \\end{table*} \\begin{table*} \\scriptsize \\begin{center} \\centerline{{\\bf Table 3A}} \\vspace{0.2cm} \\begin{tabular}{lccccccc} \\multicolumn{8}{c}{{\\bf 3C 390.3 Spectral Fits Results: \\texttt{wa$_g$*(bb+po+zga)}}}\\\\ \\hline {\\bf N$_H$} &{\\bf $\\Gamma$} & {\\bf kT} &{\\bf E$_{line}^{\\dagger}$} & {\\bf EW} &{\\bf C$_1^A$}& {\\bf C$_2^B$}& {\\bf $\\chi^2$ (dof)}\\\\ {\\bf (10$^{22}$cm$^{-2}$)}& & {\\bf (keV)} & {\\bf (keV)} & {\\bf (eV)}& & & \\\\ \\hline - &1.89$^{+0.02}_{-0.02}$&2.41$^{+0.22}_{-0.17}$ &6.42$^{+0.04}_{-0.03}$& 49$^{+9}_{-15}$&1.37$^{+0.16}_{-0.15}$&1.58$^{+0.24}_{-0.21}$& 1970.4 (2232)\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\scriptsize $^{\\dagger}$: line width fixed to 10 eV.\\\\ \\emph{A}: cross-calibration constant between \\emph{XMM} and \\emph{BAT}; \\emph{B}: cross-calibration constant between \\emph{XMM} and \\emph{INTEGRAL/ISGRI}. \\end{table*} \\begin{table*} \\scriptsize \\begin{center} \\centerline{{\\bf Table 3B}} \\scriptsize \\vspace{0.2cm} \\begin{tabular}{lccccccccc} \\multicolumn{10}{c}{{\\bf IGR J21247+5058 Spectral Fit Results: \\texttt{wa$_g$*pcfabs*pcfabs*(po+zga)}}}\\\\ \\hline {\\bf $\\Gamma$}&{\\bf N$_H^1$} &{\\bf cf$_1$}& {\\bf N$_H^2$} &{\\bf cf$_2$}&{\\bf E$_{line}^{\\dagger}$}&{\\bf EW}&{\\bf C$_1^A$}&{\\bf C$_2^B$}&{\\bf $\\chi^2$ (dof)}\\\\ &{\\bf (10$^{22}$cm$^{-2}$)}& &{\\bf (10$^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$)}& & {\\bf (keV)} &{\\bf (eV)} & & & \\\\ \\hline 1.73$^{+0.05}_{-0.04}$&10.81$^{+1.88}_{-1.49}$&0.38$^{+0.03}_{-0.03}$&1.08$^{+0.16}_{-0.15}$&0.86$^{+0.04}_{-0.03}$&6.39$^{+0.07}_{-0.08}$&$<$30&0.62$^{+0.06}_{-0.05}$&0.79$^{+0.08}_{-0.06}$& 2356.2 (2556)\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\scriptsize $^{\\dagger}$: line width fixed to 10 eV.\\\\ \\emph{A}: cross-calibration constant between \\emph{XMM} and \\emph{BAT}; \\emph{B}: cross-calibration constant between \\emph{XMM} and \\emph{INTEGRAL/ISGRI}. \\end{table*} \\begin{table*} \\scriptsize \\begin{center} \\centerline{{\\bf Table 4}} \\vspace{0.2cm} \\begin{tabular}{lcccccccccc} \\multicolumn{11}{c}{{\\bf Spectral Fit Results: \\texttt{wa$_g$*wa*(cutoffpl+zga)}}}\\\\ \\hline {\\bf Name} & {\\bf N$_H$} & {\\bf $\\Gamma$}& {\\bf E$_{cut}$} &{\\bf E$_{line}$} & {\\bf $\\sigma$} & {\\bf EW} & {\\bf C$_1^A$} &{\\bf C$_1^B$}&{\\bf $\\chi^2$ (dof)}&{\\bf Prob.$^{\\dagger}$}\\\\ &{\\bf (10$^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$)}& & {\\bf (keV)} & {\\bf (keV)} & {\\bf (eV)} & {\\bf (eV)} & && &\\\\ \\hline QSO B0241+61 &0.18$^{+0.09}_{-0.09}$&1.58$^{+0.09}_{-0.09}$&$>$78&6.40$^{+0.07}_{-0.05}$&10f &80$^{+41}_{-45}$&1.14$^{+0.23}_{-0.21}$&1.54$^{+0.39}_{-0.34}$& 222.9 (233)& 96\\%\\\\ B3 0309+411 &- &1.80$^{+0.05}_{-0.05}$& $>$43 &6.34$^{+0.07}_{-0.09}$&10f &99$^{+46}_{-47}$&-&6.75$^{+3.44}_{-3.81}$&573.9 (602)& 91\\%\\\\ 3C 111 &0.42$^{+0.02}_{-0.02}$&1.65$^{+0.03}_{-0.03}$&110$^{+118}_{-40}$&6.40$^{+0.05}_{-0.05}$&10f &$<$30 &0.56$^{+0.09}_{-0.08}$&0.74$^{+0.19}_{-0.17}$&1234.2 (1497)&99.9\\% \\\\ IGR J13109-5552 &$<$0.46 &1.55$^{+0.31}_{-0.26}$&$>$58 & - & - & - &-&2.29$^{+1.84}_{-0.99}$& 39.8 (54)& 83\\%\\\\ 4C 74.26 &0.11$^{+0.01}_{-0.01}$&1.70$^{+0.03}_{-0.03}$& $>$78&6.44$^{+0.05}_{-0.06}$&184$^{+78}_{-66}$&104$^{+31}_{-26}$&0.63$^{+0.16}_{-0.14}$&1.09$^{+0.44}_{-0.37}$&1989.9 (2059)& 86\\%\\\\ S5 2116+81 &$<$0.18 &1.95$^{+0.14}_{-0.14}$&$>$81&-&- &-&1.54$^{+0.64}_{-0.44}$&2.87$^{+1.59}_{-1.04}$&89.2 (127) & -\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\scriptsize \\emph{A}: cross-calibration constant between \\emph{XMM} and \\emph{BAT}; \\emph{B}: cross-calibration constant between \\emph{XMM} and \\emph{INTEGRAL/ISGRI}.\\\\ $^{\\dagger}$: fit improvement with respect to table 3. \\end{table*} \\begin{table*} \\scriptsize \\begin{center} \\centerline{{\\bf Table 4A}} \\vspace{0.2cm} \\begin{tabular}{lccccccccc} \\multicolumn{10}{c}{{\\bf 3C390.3 Spectral Fits Results: \\texttt{wa$_g$*(bb+cutoffpl+zga)}}}\\\\ \\hline {\\bf N$_H$} & {\\bf $\\Gamma$} & {\\bf kT} & {\\bf E$_{cut}$}& {\\bf E$_{line}^{\\ddagger}$} & {\\bf EW} & {\\bf C$_1^A$} & {\\bf C$_2^B$}& {\\bf $\\chi^2$ (dof)}&{\\bf Prob.$^{\\dagger}$}\\\\ {\\bf (10$^{22}$cm$^{-2}$)}& &{\\bf (keV)} & {\\bf (keV)} & {\\bf (keV)} & {\\bf (eV)}& & & \\\\ \\hline - &1.89$^{+0.02}_{-0.01}$ & 2.41$^{+0.21}_{-0.16}$ & NC &6.43$^{+0.03}_{-0.04}$ & 48$^{+9}_{-14}$ & 1.37$^{+0.16}_{-0.15}$&1.58$^{+0.23}_{-0.11}$ & 1970.2 (2231)& 37\\%\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\scriptsize $^{\\ddagger}$: line width fixed to 10 eV.\\\\ \\emph{A}: cross-calibration constant between \\emph{XMM} and \\emph{BAT}; \\emph{B}: cross-calibration constant between \\emph{XMM} and \\emph{INTEGRAL/ISGRI}.\\\\ $^{\\dagger}$: fit improvement with respect to table 3A. \\end{table*} \\begin{table*} \\scriptsize \\begin{center} \\centerline{{\\bf Table 4B}} \\tiny \\vspace{0.2cm} \\begin{tabular}{lccccccccccc} \\multicolumn{12}{c}{{\\bf IGR J21247+5058 Spectral Fit Results: \\texttt{wa$_g$*pcfabs*pcfabs*(cutoffpl+zga)}}}\\\\ \\hline {\\bf $\\Gamma$}&{\\bf N$_H^1$} &{\\bf cf$_1$}& {\\bf N$_H^2$} &{\\bf cf$_2$}&{\\bf E$_c$}&{\\bf E$_{line}^{\\ddagger}$}&{\\bf EW}&{\\bf C$_1^A$}&{\\bf C$_2^B$}&{\\bf $\\chi^2$ (dof)}&{\\bf Prob.$^{\\dagger}$}\\\\ &{\\bf (10$^{22}$cm$^{-2}$)}& &{\\bf (10$^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$)}& & {\\bf (keV)}& {\\bf (keV)} &{\\bf (eV)} & & & &\\\\ \\hline 1.49$^{+0.05}_{-0.07}$&0.80$^{+0.15}_{-0.17}$&0.88$^{+0.11}_{-0.05}$&8.23$^{+1.70}_{-2.05}$&0.27$^{+0.04}_{-0.05}$&80$^{+100}_{-63}$&6.39$^{+0.07}_{-0.08}$&$<$30&0.65$^{+0.05}_{-0.06}$&0.86$^{+0.07}_{-0.07}$& 2276.8 (2555)& $>$99.9\\%\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\scriptsize $^{\\ddagger}$ line width fixed to 10 eV.\\\\ \\emph{A}: cross-calibration constant between \\emph{XMM} and \\emph{BAT}; \\emph{B}: cross-calibration constant between \\emph{XMM} and \\emph{INTEGRAL/ISGRI}.\\\\ $^{\\dagger}$: fit improvement with respect to table 3B. \\end{table*} \\begin{table*} \\scriptsize \\begin{center} \\centerline{{\\bf Table 5}} \\vspace{0.2cm} \\begin{tabular}{lcccccccccc} \\multicolumn{11}{c}{{\\bf Spectral Fit Results: \\texttt{wa$_g$*wa*(pexrav+zga)}, 0$\\leq$R$\\leq$2, E$_c$=10000}}\\\\ \\hline {\\bf Name} & {\\bf N$_H$} & {\\bf $\\Gamma$} & {\\bf R} & {\\bf E$_{line}$} & {\\bf $\\sigma_{line}$} & {\\bf EW} & {\\bf C$_1^A$} &{\\bf C$_2^B$}&{\\bf $\\chi^2$ (dof)}&{\\bf Prob.$^{\\dagger}$}\\\\ &{\\bf (10$^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$)}& & & {\\bf (keV)} & {\\bf (eV)} & {\\bf (eV)} & & & &\\\\ \\hline QSO B0241+61 & 0.31$^{+0.04}_{-0.10}$&1.83$^{+0.07}_{-0.15}$&$>$0.37&6.40$^{+0.08}_{-0.03}$&10f&67$^{+40}_{-42}$&0.59$^{+0.28}_{-0.11}$&0.74$^{+0.36}_{-0.16}$& 224.1 (233)& 92\\%\\\\ B3 0309+411 & - &1.92$^{+0.03}_{-0.04}$&$>$1.20&6.33$^{+0.09}_{-0.10}$&10f & 70$^{+41}_{-43}$ &-&2.42$^{+1.06}_{-0.97}$&560.4 (602)& 99.99\\%\\\\ 3C 111 &0.48$^{+0.03}_{-0.03}$&1.78$^{+0.05}_{-0.06}$&1.06$^{+0.63}_{-0.68}$&6.40$^{+0.07}_{-0.08}$&10f&$<$30&0.30$^{+0.07}_{-0.04}$&0.35$^{+0.11}_{-0.07}$& 1238.5 (1497)&99.7\\%\\\\ IGR J13109-5552 &0.26$^{+0.25}_{-0.25}$ &1.75$^{+0.23}_{-0.25}$&$>$0.1 & - & - & - &-&1.30$^{+2.69}_{-0.74}$& 40.5 (54)& 66\\%\\\\ 4C 74.26 &0.16$^{+0.02}_{-0.02}$&1.84$^{+0.05}_{-0.04}$&1.30$^{+0.67}_{-0.51}$&6.45$^{+0.04}_{-0.06}$&$<$186&51$^{+37}_{-16}$&0.33$^{+0.07}_{-0.06}$&0.54$^{+0.16}_{-0.17}$& 1977.0 (2059)&99.99\\%\\\\ S5 2116+81 &$<$0.22 &2.03$^{+0.20}_{-0.16}$ &$>$0.1&-&- & -&1.10$^{+0.73}_{-0.43}$&1.97$^{+1.51}_{-0.87}$& 88.5 (127)&64\\%\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\scriptsize \\emph{A}: cross-calibration constant between \\emph{XMM} and \\emph{BAT}; \\emph{B}: cross-calibration constant between \\emph{XMM} and \\emph{INTEGRAL/ISGRI}.\\\\ $^{\\dagger}$: fit improvement with respect to table 3. \\end{table*} \\begin{table*} \\scriptsize \\begin{center} \\centerline{{\\bf Table 5A}} \\vspace{0.2cm} \\begin{tabular}{lccccccccc} \\multicolumn{10}{c}{{\\bf 3C 390.3 Spectral Fits Results: \\texttt{wa$_g$*wa*(bb+pexrav+zga)}, 0$\\leq$R$\\leq$2, E$_c$=10000}}\\\\ \\hline {\\bf N$_H$} & {\\bf $\\Gamma$} & {\\bf kT} & {\\bf R} & {\\bf E$_{line}^{\\ddagger}$} & {\\bf EW} & {\\bf C$_1^A$} &{\\bf C$_2^B$}& {\\bf $\\chi^2$ (dof)}&{\\bf Prob.$^{\\dagger}$}\\\\ {\\bf (10$^{22}$cm$^{-2}$)}& & {\\bf (keV)} & & {\\bf (keV)} & {\\bf (eV)} & & &\\\\ \\hline - &1.89$^{+0.03}_{-0.02}$ & 2.38$^{+0.27}_{-0.22}$ & 0.70$^{+0.48}_{-0.59}$ & 6.43$^{+0.03}_{-0.04}$ & 44$^{+10}_{-13}$ & 0.88$^{+0.42}_{-0.13}$ & 0.93$^{+0.55}_{-0.22}$&1965.4 (2231)& 98\\%\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\scriptsize $^{\\ddagger}$: line width fixed to 10 eV.\\\\ \\emph{A}: cross-calibration constant between \\emph{XMM} and \\emph{BAT}; \\emph{B}: cross-calibration constant between \\emph{XMM} and \\emph{INTEGRAL/ISGRI}.\\\\ $^{\\dagger}$: fit improvement with respect to table 3A. \\end{table*} \\begin{table*} \\scriptsize \\begin{center} \\centerline{{\\bf Table 5B}} \\tiny \\vspace{0.2cm} \\begin{tabular}{lccccccccccc} \\multicolumn{12}{c}{{\\bf IGR J21247+5058 Spectral Fit Results: \\texttt{wa$_g$*pcfabs*pcfabs*(pexrav+zga)}, 0$\\leq$R$\\leq$2, E$_c$=10000}}\\\\ \\hline {\\bf $\\Gamma$}&{\\bf N$_H^1$} &{\\bf cf$_1$}& {\\bf N$_H^2$} &{\\bf cf$_2$}& {\\bf R}& {\\bf E$_{line}^{\\ddagger}$}&{\\bf EW}&{\\bf C$_1^A$}& {\\bf C$_2^B$}&{\\bf $\\chi^2$ (dof)}&{\\bf Prob.$^{\\dagger}$}\\\\ &{\\bf (10$^{22}$cm$^{-2}$)}& &{\\bf (10$^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$)}& & & {\\bf (keV)} &{\\bf (eV)} & & &\\\\ \\hline 1.77$^{+0.05}_{-0.05}$&8.14$^{+1.81}_{-1.69}$&0.36$^{+0.03}_{-0.04}$&0.99$^{+0.16}_{-0.18}$&0.88$^{+0.05}_{-0.03}$&0.93$^{+0.59}_{-0.45}$ &6.38$^{+0.08}_{-0.08}$&$<$30&0.41$^{+0.08}_{-0.06}$&0.50$^{+0.10}_{-0.08}$& 2341.7 (2555)& 99.99\\% \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\scriptsize $^{\\ddagger}$: line width fixed to 10 eV.\\\\ \\emph{A}: cross-calibration constant between \\emph{XMM} and \\emph{BAT}; \\emph{B}: cross-calibration constant between \\emph{XMM} and \\emph{INTEGRAL/ISGRI}.\\\\ $^{\\dagger}$: fit improvement with respect to table 3. \\end{table*} \\begin{table*} \\scriptsize \\centering \\begin{center} \\centerline{{\\bf Table 6}} \\vspace{0.2cm} \\begin{tabular}{lcccccccc} \\multicolumn{9}{c}{{\\bf Spectral Fit Results: \\texttt{wa$_g$*wa*(pexrav+zga)}}}\\\\ \\hline {\\bf Name} &{\\bf N$_H$} &{\\bf $\\Gamma$}&{\\bf R}&{\\bf E$_c$}&{\\bf EW$^{\\dagger}$} &{\\bf C$_1^A$}&{\\bf C$_2^B$}&{\\bf $\\chi^2$ (dof)}\\\\ & {\\bf (10$^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$}& & &{\\bf (keV)}&{\\bf (eV)} & & & \\\\ \\hline QSO B0241+61 &0.21$^{+0.15}_{-0.10}$&1.64$^{+0.22}_{-0.14}$& 0.56$^{+0.82}_{-0.41}$ & $>$86 &73$^{+44}_{-42}$& 0.85$^{+0.44}_{-0.32}$&1.12$^{+0.65}_{-0.48}$&222.2 (233)\\\\ B3 0309+411 & - & 1.90$^{+0.08}_{-0.08}$&3.48$^{+2.24}_{-1.58}$&35$^{+91}_{-17}$&59$^{+42}_{-43}$&-&6.89$^{+9.39}_{-3.90}$&554.2 (601)\\\\ 3C 111 &0.46$^{+0.03}_{-0.03}$&1.73$^{+0.06}_{-0.06}$&0.85$^{+0.57}_{-0.58}$&126$^{+193}_{-50}$& $<$30 &0.40$^{+0.11}_{-0.08}$&0.52$^{+0.19}_{-0.13}$&1227.9 (1497)\\\\ 3C 390.3& - &1.89$^{+0.03}_{-0.02}$ &0.60$^{+0.60}_{-0.44}$ &$>$300&41$^{+12}_{-11}$&0.95$^{+0.17}_{-0.25}$&1.01$^{+0.39}_{-0.30}$& 1966.3 (2231)\\\\ 4C 74.26 &0.14$^{+0.02}_{-0.03}$&1.79$^{+0.06}_{-0.07}$&1.22$^{+0.69}_{-0.70}$&100$^{+680}_{-52}$&88$^{+23}_{-20}$&0.95$^{+0.17}_{-0.25}$&1.01$^{+0.39}_{-0.30}$ & 1976.0 (2060)\\\\ IGR J21247+5058& complex$^{\\star}$&1.48$^{+0.06}_{-0.06}$&$<$0.21&79$^{+23}_{-15}$&$<$30&0.65$^{+0.05}_{-0.08}$&0.86$^{+0.08}_{-0.12}$& 2276.7 (2555) \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\scriptsize $^{\\dagger}$: line parameters fixed at value obtained in table 3.\\\\ \\emph{A}: cross-calibration constant between \\emph{XMM} and \\emph{BAT}; \\emph{B}: cross-calibration constant between \\emph{XMM} and \\emph{INTEGRAL/ISGRI}\\\\ $^{\\star}$: N$_H^1$=7.86$^{+2.02}_{-1.66}$, cf$_1$=0.27$^{+0.04}_{-0.05}$; N$_H^2$=0.77$^{+0.18}_{-0.13}$, cf$_2$=0.89$^{+0.10}_{-0.06}$. \\end{table*} \\begin{small} \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[scale=0.3,angle=-90]{qso0241_pex_bat_uf.ps} \\hspace{0.5cm} \\includegraphics[scale=0.3,angle=-90]{b0309_pex_uf.ps}\\\\ \\caption{Table 6 model for QSO B0241+62 (left panel) and B3 0309+411 (right panel). The model is a cut-off power law absorbed both by Galactic and intrinsic column density reflected by neutral material plus a narrow Gaussian component describing the iron line.} \\label{qso_b3} \\end{figure*} \\end{small} \\begin{small} \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[scale=0.3,angle=-90]{3c111_pex_bat_uf.ps} \\hspace{0.5cm} \\includegraphics[scale=0.3,angle=-90]{3c390_pex_bat_uf.ps}\\\\ \\caption{Table 6 model for 3C 111 (left panel) and 3C390.3 (right panel). The model is a cut-off power law absorbed both by Galactic and intrinsic column density reflected by neutral material plus a narrow Gaussian component describing the iron line.} \\label{3c111_3c390} \\end{figure*} \\end{small} \\begin{small} \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[scale=0.3,angle=-90]{4c74_pex_bat_uf.ps} \\hspace{0.5cm} \\includegraphics[scale=0.3,angle=-90]{21247_pex_bat_uf.ps}\\\\ \\caption{Table 6 model for 4C 74.26 (right panel) and IGR J21247+5058 (left panel). The model is a cut-off power law absorbed both by Galactic and intrinsic column density reflected by neutral material plus a narrow Gaussian component describing the iron line.} \\label{4c_21247} \\end{figure*} \\end{small} \\begin{small} \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[scale=0.3,angle=-90]{s2116_po_bat_uf.ps} \\hspace{0.5cm} \\includegraphics[scale=0.3,angle=-90]{13109_po_uf.ps}\\\\ \\caption{Table 3 model for S5 2116+81 (left panel) and IGR J13109-5552 (right panel). The model is a simple power law, absorbed both by Galactic and intrinsic column densities.} \\label{s5_13109} \\end{figure*} \\end{small} \\begin{small} \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[scale=0.4,angle=-90]{ew_r.ps} \\caption{Reflection fraction vs. EW for the sample analysed here and the sources presented in \\citet{b21}. Blue squares are radio quiet sources, while radio loud sources are represented by magenta circles. Arrows represent upper or lower limits on the parameter values.} \\label{r_ew} \\end{figure*} \\end{small}" }, "0809/0809.2066_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We present an update to the photometric calibration of the COMBO-17 catalogue on the Extended Chandra Deep Field South, which is now consistent with the GaBoDS and MUSYC catalogues. As a result, photometric redshifts become slightly more accurate, with $<0.01$ rms and little bias in the $\\delta z/(1+z)$ of galaxies with $R<21$ and of QSOs with $R<24$. With increasing photon noise the rms of galaxies reaches 0.02 for $R<23$ and 0.035 at $R\\approx 23.5$. Consequences for the rest-frame colours of galaxies at $z<1$ are discussed. ", "introduction": "Almost five years ago, a catalogue of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS) was published by the COMBO-17 survey project \\citep{Wolf04}. It comprised photometry in 17 bands, viz. the broad-band filters UBVRI and 12 medium-band filters covering the wavelength range from 400 to 930~nm. On the basis of the SEDs they derived and published photometric classifications into star, galaxy, QSO or white dwarf, as well as photometric redshifts for galaxies and QSOs. While the A901 and S11 fields of the COMBO-17 survey had straightforward calibrations, it was known that the ECDFS calibration was ambiguous. In spite of this, photometric redshifts in the ECDFS were of very good quality with $\\sigma_z/(1+z)\\approx 0.02$ for galaxies with $R<23$ and for QSOs (=type-1 AGN) brighter than $M_B<-22$. Recently, it became clear that the photometric calibration was indeed in error with an almost monotonic drift across wavelength. Since the publishing of the original COMBO-17 ECDFS catalogue, two separate projects -- MUSYC \\citep{MUS} and GaBoDS \\citep{Gab} -- have constructed broadband photometric catalogues of the ECDFS. The GaBoDS consortium retrieved and combined all existing WFI imaging (up to Dec 2005), including raw COMBO-17 data, and calibrated them from nightly standard star imaging. Both the GaBoDS and MUSYC projects use the same WFI data; the MUSYC catalogue adds NIR data to the GaBoDS--reduced optical data. It was through comparison of the catalogue photometry between them and COMBO-17 that the calibration issue was first noticed. Broad-band photo-z's are susceptible to calibration offsets, but photo-z's from medium-band surveys are more robust against calibration errors. This applies to both random calibration offsets, whose impact is diminished by a large number of bands, and to systematic calibration drifts, since spectral features are reliably located by medium-band filters even when the SED is globally wrong. Hence, the presence of the calibration drift could not be deduced from the fully satisfying photo-z performance. In this paper, we publish a refined calibration alongside an updated catalogue and explain the origin of the calibration error (see Sect.~2), the details of which might be useful for future multi-band surveys. We then compare the new calibration to the two other ground-based surveys that quantified the calibration difference in the broad-bands originally (see Sect.~3). In Sect.~4 we discuss subtle consequences for the photo-z accuracy and the more important update of the rest-frame colours. ", "conclusions": "The calibration of the CDFS field of COMBO-17 is updated over the original publication of the data in 2004. Each COMBO-17 field is calibrated by two spectrophotometric standard stars in each of its fields. While the calibration of the other COMBO-17 fields was straightforward, the two stars on the CDFS suggested calibrations that were inconsistent in colour at the 0.15~mag level from B to I. Both were marginally consistent with the colours of the Pickles atlas, so the choice was unconstrained. Wolf et al. (2004) ended up choosing the wrong star and introduced a colour bias to the blue. Here, we have changed the calibration to follow the other star, and it is now consistent with both the GaBoDS and MUSYC photometry. The consequences of the calibration change for the photometric redshifts is little when all 17 filters are used, but larger when only broad bands are used. Broad-band photo-z's hinge more on colours than on spectral features that are traced in medium-band photo-z's. However, a small positive change in the photo-z's is observed. Galaxies at $R<21$ and QSOs at $R<24$ have photo-z's accurate to within $<0.01$ rms of $\\delta z/1(+z)$ after exclusion of outliers. The new catalogue version is accessible from the COMBO-17 or CDS websites." }, "0809/0809.5193_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We propose an experimental approach to {\\it macro}scopically test the Kochen-Specker theorem (KST) with superconducting qubits. This theorem, which has been experimentally tested with single photons or neutrons, concerns the conflict between the contextuality of quantum mechnaics (QM) and the noncontextuality of hidden-variable theories (HVTs). We first show that two Josephson charge qubits can be controllably coupled by using a two-level data bus produced by a Josephson phase qubit. Next, by introducing an approach to perform the expected joint quantum measurements of two separated Josephson qubits, we show that the proposed quantum circuits could demonstrate quantum contextuality by testing the KST at a macroscopic level. PACS number(s): 03.65.Ta, % 03.67.Lx, % 85.25.Dq. % ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.0852_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The past decade has witnessed impressive progress in our understanding of the physical properties of massive stars in the Magellanic Clouds, and how they compare to their cousins in the Galaxy. I summarise new results in this field, including evidence for reduced mass-loss rates and faster stellar rotational velocities in the Clouds, and their present-day compositions. I also discuss the stellar temperature scale, emphasizing its dependence on metallicity across the entire upper-part of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. ", "introduction": "The prime motivation for studies of early-type stars in the Magellanic Clouds over the past decade has been to quantify the effect of metallicity ($Z$) on their evolution. The intense out-flowing winds in massive stars are thought to be driven by momentum transferred from the radiation field to metallic ions (principally iron) in their atmospheres; a logical consequence of this mechanism is that the wind intensities should vary with $Z$ (Kudritzki et al., 1987). Monte Carlo simulations predict that, for stars with T$_{\\rm eff}\\,>$\\,25,000\\,K, the wind mass-loss rates should scale with metallicity as $Z^{0.69}$ (Vink et al., 2000; 2001). This has a dramatic impact on their subsequent evolution. For example, an O-type star in the SMC should lose significantly less mass over its lifetime than a star in the Galaxy, thus retaining greater angular momentum. This could then lead to different late-phases of evolution such as the type of core-collapse supernova (SN), and offers a potential channel for long duration, gamma-ray bursts at low $Z$. The $Z$-dependence of the {\\em initial} rotational velocity distributions of massive stars and the importance of rotationally-induced mixing have also been active areas of research. For instance, \\cite{mgm99} noted that the relative fraction of Be- to B-type stars increases with decreasing metallicity\\footnote{The sample of Maeder et al. comprised only one SMC cluster, NGC\\,330, long known to have a significant Be-fraction (e.g. Grebel et al., 1992) and sometimes suggested as a `pathological' case. However, new results from Martayan et al. (these proceedings) also find similarly large fractions for other SMC clusters.}, suggesting that this might arise from faster rotational velocities at lower $Z$. The recent generation of evolutionary models has explored the effects of rotational mixing (e.g. Heger \\& Langer, 2000; Meynet \\& Meynet, 2000), with the prediction of larger relative surface-nitrogen enhancements at faster rotation rates, and at lower Z (Maeder \\& Meynet, 2001). To date, we have lacked sufficient observations to explore the effects of metallicity thoroughly. Robust empirical results were needed with which to confront both the stellar wind and evolutionary models for early-type stars -- here I summarise recent observations and quantitative analyses toward this objective. \\newpage ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.0313_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have derived a model of the Kuiper belt luminosity function exhibited by a broken power-law size distribution. This model allows direct comparison of the observed luminosity function to the underlying size distribution. We discuss the importance of the radial distribution model in determining the break diameter. We determine a best-fit break-diameter of the Kuiper belt size-distribution of $30 -$1.2 dex), this trend is reversed. Using mean magnitudes of MACHO RR Lyrae stars, we searched for the evidence of the Galactic bar, and found marginal evidence of a bar. The absence of a strong bar indicates that the RR Lyrae in the bulge represent a different population than the majority of the bulge stars, which are metal rich and are part of a bar. ", "introduction": "The bulge RR Lyrae variables are likely to be among the oldest and most metal poor stars in the bulge, so their metal abundances are of considerable importance in determining the mix of populations in the Galactic Bulge, and vital to our understanding of the nature of the bulge itself \\citep{walkThisTurn}. Studying abundances of RR Lyrae stars lets us probe early chemical evolution of the Milky Way and allows the chemical history of the the oldest population of the bulge to be traced out. Direct studies of the bulge are difficult due to the severe crowding toward the central regions of the Galaxy and the large, patchy, reddening along the line of sight. Therefore, astronomical literature contains limited spectroscopy of RR Lyrae stars toward the bulge and most spectroscopic studies focus on Baade's window (BW) centered roughly on the globular cluster NGC 6522 at $(l, b) = (1 \\hbox{$.\\!\\!^\\circ$} 0, -3 \\hbox{$.\\!\\!^\\circ$} 9)$. \\citet{but76} measured $\\Delta S$ abundances \\citep{preston59} for nine RR Lyrae stars in BW and derived a mean metallicity of $<\\feh>$ $= -0.82 \\pm 0.14 $ from a broad abundance distribution. \\citet{gratzi} measured $\\Delta S$ values for 17 BW variables and found $<\\feh>$ $= -0.76 \\pm 0.12$. Again the results suggested a wide range of abundance. \\citet{walkThisTurn} found a somewhat lower abundance of $<\\feh>$ $= -1.0$. from 59 RR Lyrae variables in BW. In contrast to other studies, they concluded that the RR Lyrae stars in BW had a relatively narrow range in abundance. In this paper, we determine iron metallicities of bulge RR0\\footnote{RR0 stars have been traditionally called RRab stars and are simply fundamental pulsators. See \\citet{alc00} for further explanation on the more intuitive nomenclature.} Lyrae stars determined indirectly from pulsational properties of the variables. A number of studies have shown that Fourier parameters of light curves of RR Lyrae stars are related to their physics properties, including the metallicity \\citep{sc93}. \\citet{jk96} used spectroscopic and photometric observations of field RR0 stars to calibrate a relationship between the \\feh of RR0 Lyrae stars and Fourier parameters. Because of the accurate fit of the Fourier formula to the observed metallicities of the RR0 Lyrae field stars, it appears to be very attractive to use this on various large databases. Recently, \\citet{kinemuchi06} applied the \\citet{jk96} formula to find photometric metallicities of 433 of 1188 RR0 Lyrae stars in the Northern Sky Variability Survey. Although this \\feh method has been used frequently and appears to be reasonably reliable, there has been some question as to the validity of the \\citet{jk96} method \\citep[see discussions in][]{diFab05, grat04}. This is investigated in detail in Appendix A where it is demonstrated that the \\feh derived from MACHO LMC RR0 Lyrae lightcurves using \\citet{jk96} method agrees well with spectroscopic determinations from \\citet{grat04} and \\citet{bori06}. We utilize the Fourier coefficients for 2690 RR0 Lyrae stars in the MACHO bulge survey to derive \\feh abundances of these variables. This paper first addresses the observational data and Fourier Coefficients in \\S2. Next, the derivation of \\feh, along with various tests, is described in \\S3. The presentation of bulge and Sgr metallicities and implications regarding these metallicities follow in \\S4. Using reddenings determined from the minimum V-band light of the RR0 Lyrae stars, in \\S5, trends coinciding with distance are elucidated. A summary is presented in \\S6. ", "conclusions": "Metallicity measurements of 2690 RR0 Lyrae stars are presented from the MACHO bulge database using the Fourier coefficients of their light curves, with an error of 0.20 dex. Parameters derived for individual stars are available electronically in Table~\\ref{tab1} for the bulge stars and Table~\\ref{tab2} for Sgr stars. We find that RR0 stars in the Galactic Bulge span a broad metallicity range from $\\rm \\feh = -2.26$ to $-0.15$ dex, and have an average metallicity of $\\rm <\\feh>$ $= -$1.25. This compares favorably to other bulge metallicity studies. Using mean magnitudes of MACHO RR Lyrae stars we searched for the evidence of the Galactic bar, and found a slight signature of a Galactic bar with Galactic latitude $|b| < 3.5^\\circ$. The most straightforward interpretation of the absence of a strong bar is that the metal-rich RR Lyrae in the bulge represent a different population than the metal-poor majority. As we also found that the average metallicity in this region is considerably less varied and diverse, we conclude that there is evidence indicating the presence of a population belonging to the inner extension of the halo, which is relatively metal-poor and which could be among the oldest known stars in our Galaxy. The RR0 Lyrae stars believed to be in the northernmost extension of the Sgr galaxy have a $\\rm <\\feh>$ $= -$1.53 which is on average more metal poor than the RR0 Lyrae stars from the bulge. This value lies within the range of metallicity of \\citet{marconi98}, and agrees well with the metallicity found for the $V$-magnitude data of RR0 stars given by \\citet{mateo}. Based on metallicities of RR0 Lyrae stars, we estimate their absolute magnitude and distances to all stars. The distance to the Galactic Center is 8.0 $\\pm$ 0.3 kpc, where the error takes into account the estimated error in the MACHO photometry calibration as well as the zero-point in the RR0 Lyrae absolute magnitude relation. A correlation between metallicity and galactocentric distance is found. For metal-poor RR Lyrae stars the closer a star is to the Galactic center, on average, the more metal rich it is. However for the metal-rich RR0 Lyrae stars, we find that this is not the case; instead, on average, the closer a star is to the Galactic center, the more metal poor it is. The result that the metal-rich and metal-poor RR0 Lyrae stars show a different trend in galactocentric distance needs to be addressed when modeling the chemical evolution of the Milky Way. The Sgr RR0 Lyrae stars do not show a strong metallicity gradient. However, the metal-poor Sgr RR0 Lyrae stars do indicate a metallicity gradient of $\\sim$ +0.15 dex from $\\sim$ 2 kpc to 10 kpc of the galaxy. (The further the RR0 Lyrae star from the center of Sgr, the more metal rich.) This metallicity gradient is in the opposite direction as that found using giant stars by \\citet{ald01, marconi98, bellazzini99}." }, "0809/0809.2470_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We used merger trees realizations, predicted by the extended Press-Schechter theory, in order to study the growth of angular momentum of dark matter haloes. Our results showed that:\\\\ 1) The spin parameter $\\lambda'$ resulting from the above method, is an increasing function of the present day mass of the halo. The mean value of $\\lambda'$ varies from 0.0343 to 0.0484 for haloes with present day masses in the range of $ 10^9\\mathrm{h}^{-1}M _{\\odot}$ to $10^{14}\\mathrm{h}^{-1}M_{\\odot}$.\\\\ 2)The distribution of $\\lambda'$ is close to a log-normal , but, as it is already found in the results of N-body simulations, the match is not satisfactory at the tails of the distribution. A new analytical formula that approximates the results much more satisfactorily is presented.\\\\ 3) The distribution of the values of $\\lambda'$ depends only weakly on the redshift. \\\\ 4) The spin parameter of an halo depends on the number of recent major mergers. Specifically the spin parameter is an increasing function of this number. ", "introduction": "There are two more likely pictures regarding the growth of angular momentum in dark matter haloes.\\\\ The first is that galactic haloes acquired their angular momentum from the tidal torques of the surrounding matter. This is an old idea of Hoyle (1949) that has been investigated in a large number of studies (e.g. Peebles 1969; Doroshkevich 1970; Efstathiou \\& Jones 1979, Barnes \\& Efstathiou 1987, White 1984; Voglis \\& Hiotelis 1989, Warren et al. 1992, Steinmetz \\& Bartelmann 1995). The results of the above studies, analytical and numerical, show that the spin parameter $\\lambda$, introduced by Peebles (1969) and defined by the relation $\\lambda\\equiv J \\sqrt{\\mid E\\mid}/GM^{5/2}$, has an average value of about 0.05-0.07, where $J$ is the modulus of the spin of halo, $M,E $ are the mass and the energy respectively and $G$ is the gravitational constant. According to the above picture, haloes acquire their angular momentum during their linear stage of their evolution because during this stage they have large linear sizes and thus the environment is capable to affect their evolution by tidal torques. Since their expansion is decelerating their relative linear size becomes smaller and the affection by the environment becoms less significant. The moment of the maximum expansion is in practice the end of the epoch of growth of angular momentum. At latter times, the halo evolves as a dynamically isolated system. Steinmetz \\& Bartelmann (1995) showed that the dependence of the probability distribution of $\\lambda$ on the density parameter of the model Universe as well as on the variance of the density contrast field is very weak. Only a marginal tendency for $\\lambda$ is found to be larger for late-forming objects in an open Universe.\\\\ The second picture is closely related to the hierarchical clustering scenario of cold dark matter (CDM; Blumenthal et al. 1986). According to this scenario, structures in the Universe grow from small initially Gaussian density perturbations that progressively detach from the general expansion, reach a maximum radius and then collapse to form bound objects. Larger haloes are formed hierarchically by mergers between smaller ones, called progenitors. The buildup of angular momentum is a random walk process associated with the mass assembly history of the halo's major progenitor. The main role of tidal torques in this picture is to produce the random tangential velocities of merging progenitors.\\\\ The above two pictures of formation are usually studied by two different kinds of methods. The first kind is the N-body simulations that are able to follow the evolution of a large number of particles under the influence of the mutual gravity, from initial conditions to the present epoch. The second kind consists of semi-analytical methods. Among them, the Press-Schechter (PS) approach and its extensions (EPS) are of great interest since they allow to compute mass functions (Press \\& Schechter 1974; Bond et al. 1991) to approximate merging histories (Lacey \\& Cole 1993, Bower 1991, Sheth \\& Lemson 1999b) and to estimate the spatial clustering of dark matter haloes (Mo \\& White 1996; Catelan et al. 1998, Sheth \\& Lemson 1999a).\\\\ Recently large cosmological N-body simulations have been performed in order to study the angular momentum of dark matter haloes in $\\Lambda CDM$ models of the Universe (e.g. Bullock 2001, Kasun \\& Evrard 2005, Bailin \\& Steinmetz 2005, Avila-Reese et al. 2005, Gottl\\\"{o}ber \\& Turchaninov 2006).\\\\ Additionally, semi-analytical methods like merging histories resulting from EPS methods, have been used for similar studies (Vitvitska et. al 2002, Maller et. al 2002). \\\\ In this paper, we use such merging histories based on EPS approximations to study the distribution of spins.\\\\ The paper is organized as follows: In Sect.2, basic equations are summarized. In Sect.3, we present our results while a discussion is given in Sect.4. \\begin{figure}[t] \\includegraphics[width=8cm]{hiotelis-fig1.eps} \\caption{The figure shows the conditions at the onset of the merger of two haloes with masses $m_1$ and $m_2$ and virial radii $R_1$ and $R_2$ respectively with $m_1 > m_2$ and $R_1 > R_2$. The centers of their masses are indicated by $CM_1$ and $CM_2$ and their distance is $r\\equiv max(R_1,R_2)=R_1$. The position vectors of their centers of mass are $\\mathbf{r_1}$ and $\\mathbf{r_2}$ respectively so their relative position is $\\mathbf{CM_{12}}=\\mathbf{r_2}-\\mathbf{r_1}$. The vectors of the velocities of their center of mass are $\\mathbf{v_1}$ and $\\mathbf{v_2}$ and the vector of their relative velocity is $\\mathbf{v_{rel}}=\\mathbf{v_2}-\\mathbf{v_1}$. Haloes merge if they approach each other, that is the condition $\\mathbf{v_{rel}}\\cdot \\mathbf{CM_{12}} <0$ is fulfilled. See text for more details. }\\label{fg1-eps} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[t] \\includegraphics[width=8cm]{hiotelis-fig2.eps} \\caption{Spin parameter $\\lambda'$ for the most massive progenitor at scale factor $\\alpha$ for the cases $1, 2$ and $3$. Solid, dashed and dotted lines correspond to the cases 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The evolution of $\\lambda'$ is characterized by sharp increases and decreases due to mergers.}\\label{fg2-eps} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "This study describes a picture for the growth of the angular momentum of dark matter haloes in terms of a hierarchical clustering scenario. The results presented above are, in general, in good agreement with the results that were already known in the literature. Comparing our results with those of large N-body simulations, we have found satisfactory agreement in the following points:\\\\ 1) The values of spin parameter are in the range of 0.0343 to 0.0484 for haloes with present day masses in the range of $ 10^9\\mathrm{h}^{-1}M _{\\odot}$ to $10^{14}\\mathrm{h}^{-1}M_{\\odot}$.\\\\ 2) A log-normal distribution approximates satisfactorily the distributions of the values of the spin parameter but it fails to describe accurately the tails of the resulting distributions. A new, more satisfactory formula, is presented.\\\\ 3) The role of recent major mergers is very important. The distribution of the spin parameter is appreciably affected by the number of recent major merger. The present day value of the spin parameter of a halo is an increasing function of the number of the recent major mergers.\\\\ 4) The distributions of the spin parameter do not depend significantly on the redshift.\\\\ 5) The value of the spin parameter is a function of the present day mass of the halo. The form of this function depends, in N-body simulations, on the halo-finding algorithm but in general seems that spin parameter is a decreasing function of mass. Instead, in our results, $<\\lambda'>$ is an increasing function of mass, approximately very closely a power-law form.\\\\ Our results give rise to some questions, as for example: Why semi-analytical methods are not able to predict the correct relation between the spin parameter and the virial mass of the halo? Does this disagreement reflects the null role of tidal fields in the orbital-merger picture or it arises from other problems associated with the nature of merger-trees? Are merger-trees able to give the correct relation for better description of the velocity field during the merge? Is any way improvements on both analytical and numerical methods are required in order to help us answering some of the above questions and to advance our understanding about the physical processes that created the structures we observe." }, "0809/0809.2193_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present multi-colour photometry of the M8.5V ultracool dwarf ``pulsar'' TVLM 513-46546 (hereafter TVLM 513) obtained with the triple-beam photometer {\\sc ultracam}. Data were obtained simultaneously in the Sloan-$g'$ and Sloan-$i'$ bands. The previously reported sinusoidal variability, with a period of 2-hrs, is recovered here. However, the Sloan-$g'$ and Sloan-$i'$ lightcurves are anti-correlated, a fact which is incompatible with the currently proposed starspot explanation for the optical variability. The anti-correlated nature and relative amplitudes of the optical lightcurves are consistent with the effects of persistent dust clouds rotating on the surface of the star. In the absence of other plausible explanations for the optical variability of TVLM 513, it seems likely that dust cloud coverage combined with the rapid rotation of TVLM 513 is responsible for the optical variability in this object. However, crude modelling of a photosphere with partial dust cloud coverage shows that the anti-correlation can only be reproduced using cooler models than the literature temperature of TVLM 513. We suggest this discrepancy can be removed if more dust is present within the photosphere of TVLM 513 than theoretical model atmospheres predict, though a definitive statement on this matter will require the development of self-consistent models of partially dusty atmospheres. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:introduction} \\alph{footnote} \\protect\\footnotetext[1]{Based on observations made at the European Southern Observatory, Paranal, Chile (ESO program 079.C-0686)} Brown dwarfs and very-low mass stars (collectively known as ultracool dwarfs, or UCDs) are strongly affected by the presence of dust in their photospheres. Dust absorbs elements from the gas phase, changing the opacity and metallicity of the atmosphere. Dust begins to form at temperatures corresponding to the transition between M and L spectral types, and becomes more prominent as the atmosphere cools; the presence of dust thus defines the L-dwarfs. Finally, when the dust clouds ``rain-out'' at lower temperatures still, they are responsible for the L-T transition. Thus understanding the formation, chemistry and atmospheric dynamics of dust is the central challenge facing theories of ultracool dwarf atmospheres \\citep{burrows06}. The presence of dust is also thought to affect the magnetic properties of ultracool dwarfs. A combination of an increasingly neutral atmosphere, and frequent collisions between charged particles and dust grains in the dense atmosphere results in the atmospheres of ultracool dwarfs having a high electrical resistivity \\citep{mohanty02}. Thus, whilst strong quiescent and flaring radio emission reveals strong magnetic fields amongst the ultracool dwarfs \\citep[e.g][]{berger01,burgasser05,hallinan07}, the predominantly neutral atmospheres may explain the relatively low levels of other activity indicators, such as H$\\alpha$ emission and X-rays \\citep[e.g][]{gizis00,west04}. TVLM 513 (M8.5V) is an ideal object in which to study the interplay of magnetic fields with a cool, dense atmosphere. It is close by \\citep[${\\rm d}=10.6$\\,pc; ][]{dahn02}, has known radio and H$\\alpha$ activity, and is rapidly rotating \\citep{mohanty03}. The radio emission of TVLM 513 is fascinating; observations from 1.4 to 8.5 GHz show the radio emission can switch states between highly polarised pulses with a 2-hr period \\citep{hallinan07} to a fainter, quiescent state interrupted by stochastic flares \\citep{berger07}. The periodic nature of the radio emission has led to this object being dubbed an ultracool dwarf ``pulsar''. Strong H$\\alpha$ emission, modulated on the same 2-hr period, and a detection of X-ray emission \\citep{berger07}, show that TVLM 513 is a magnetically active star, which is capable of supporting a chromosphere and a corona. This is despite its low effective temperature of $\\sim$2300\\,K \\citep{dahn02}, roughly the temperature at which dust is believed to start forming within the photosphere \\citep[see][and references within]{burrows06}. Optical I-band photometry of TVLM 513 revealed the same 2-hr periodicity as seen in the radio and H$\\alpha$ emission; this was assumed to be due to starspots \\citep{lane07}. However, optical variability in ultracool dwarfs can also be caused by dust clouds within the photosphere \\citep[see][for a review]{bailer-jones02}. Simultaneous optical photometry in two or more bands can distinguish between variability caused by starspots \\citep{rockenfeller06a} and dust clouds \\citep{littlefair06}. We therefore obtained simultaneous, multi-colour photometry using the fast photometer {\\sc ultracam} \\citep{dhillon07} to determine the cause of the optical variability in TVLM 513. The observations are described in Section~\\ref{sec:obs}, the results presented in Section~\\ref{sec:results} and discussed in Section~\\ref{sec:disc}, whilst in Section~\\ref{sec:conc} we draw our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conc} We present simultaneous monitoring of the M8.5V star TVLM 513 in the Sloan-$g'$ and $i'$ bands. Both bands show sinusoidal variability on the $\\sim$2-hr rotation period. The $g'$ and $i'$ band lightcurves are in anti-phase, a fact which is incompatible with the optical variability being due to starspots. Without a plausible alternative explanation for this behaviour, we conclude that the optical variability in TVLM 513 is caused by the presence of a dust cloud in a predominantly dust-free photosphere. The optical variability is consistent with a dust cloud covering a significant fraction of the photosphere, but only if cooler stellar models than appropriate are used. This could be a consequence of the crudity of our modelling, or it may imply there is more dust in the atmosphere of TVLM 513 than the stellar atmosphere models of \\cite{allard01} predict. The $i'$-band variability reported here is a factor of four smaller than previously reported by \\cite{lane07}. Since such a high amplitude of variability is difficult to reconcile with dust cloud models, we suggest that the optical variability of TVLM 513-46546 can change in nature. It is unclear if this is related to the observed changes in radio emission from this object." }, "0809/0809.2464_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We compile a large sample of broad absorption lines (BAL) quasars with X-ray observations from the \\xmm\\ archive data and Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 5. The sample consists of 41 BAL QSOs. Among 26 BAL quasars detected in X-ray, spectral analysis is possible for twelve objects. X-ray absorption is detected in all of them. Complementary to that of \\citet{gall06} (thereafter G06), our sample spans wide ranges of both BALnicity Index (BI) and maximum outflow velocity (\\vmax\\ ). Combining our sample with G06's, we find very significant correlations between the intrinsic X-ray weakness with both BALnicity Index (BI) and the maximum velocity of absorption trough. We do not confirm the previous claimed correlation between absorption column density and broad absorption line parameters. We tentatively interpret this as that X-ray absorption is necessary to the production of the BAL outflow, but the properties of the outflow are largely determined by intrinsic SED of the quasars. ", "introduction": "About 10\\%-30\\% of optically selected QSOs show broad absorption lines (BAL) in their UV spectra, indicative of outflows with velocities up to 0.1c\\citep{hewett03,reichard03}. The similarity in the UV continuum and emission lines between BAL and non-BAL QSOs suggests that BAL QSOs are otherwise normal QSOs viewed in the direction covered by the outflow \\citep[e.g.][]{weymann91}. One exception to these similarities is that BAL QSOs are soft X-ray faint compared to non-BAL QSOs \\citep[e.g.][]{green95,brinkmann99}. The weakness in X-rays is interpreted as due to strong absorption rather than intrinsic difference. Evidence for this has been accumulated now from detailed studies of X-ray spectra of a few bright BAL quasars, which display X-ray absorption with column densities from $10^{22}$ to $\\geq10^{24}$\\cmsq\\ \\citep{wang99,gall99, gall02}. Giving the ubiquity of X-ray absorption in BAL quasars, it is natural to ask whether and how the X-ray absorbing gas is connected to the UV BAL phenomenon. It has been known for quite long time that BAL gas should be either confined into small clumps or shielded from the intense soft X-rays in order to match the observed profile. \\citet{murray95} proposed that the highly ionized gas at the base of disk wind (shielding gas) can naturally filter the soft X-ray radiation to prevent the gas to be over-ionized so that the radiative acceleration is effective \\citep[See also][]{proga00}. As both UV and X-ray absorbers are part of the continuous outflow, the column densities of the two are expected to be correlated. Indeed, \\citet{brandt00} identified a correlation between the equivalent width of \\CIV\\ absorption line and the soft X-ray weakness in a sample of bright quasars, including half a dozen BAL QSOs. \\citet{wang05,wang07} found that electron scattering of the shielding gas can explain the distribution of continuum polarization in quasars, and the resonant scattering of BAL outflow can explain the observed polarized spectrum of BAL. They further noted that certain special features should appear in the polarized spectrum if the size of the shielding gas is comparable with that of the BAL outflows. As these features are only found in several low-ionization BAL (LoBAL) QSOs \\citep[see their paper for details and also][]{ogle99}, the shielding gas is likely well inside the BAL outflow except in LoBAL QSOs. A similar conclusion has been reached by studying the X-ray spectra of BAL QSOs \\citep[e.g.][]{gall04,gall06}. On the other hand, as pointed by \\citet{wang00}, in order to keep sufficient opacity in the soft X-ray between $0.2-0.3$~keV, the absorber must have large column density also of Li-like ions because those ions are responsible for both the soft X-ray absorption between $0.2-0.3$~keV and the high ionization UV BALs. Though this band is notoriously difficult to be studied, they argued that at least in three bright low redshift BAL QSOs, the X-ray absorption opacity around $0.2-0.3$ ~keV is large, suggesting very large column density of Li-like ions. However, a relatively small fraction of X-ray absorbing gas at moderate ionization level will be sufficient to suppress the soft X-ray flux. If the X-ray shielding is critical to the ionization balance in the BAL outflow, which in turn affects the radiative accelerating force on the outflow, one would expect that kinematic properties and column density of BAL outflow will somehow correlate with the properties of the X-ray absorber. In a sample of BAL quasars observed by \\chandra\\ , G06 found a weak correlation between the maximum outflow velocity(\\vmax\\ ) of BAL and the indicator (\\daox\\ ) of X-ray absorption. Their finding agrees with the qualitative analysis that the strong soft X-ray absorption leads to more Li-like ions, thus more efficiently radiative acceleration by UV photons. However just as G06 pointed out that they had only four sources at the low \\vmax, and their sample of BAL QSOs is biased towards strongly absorbed sources comparing to the BI distribution of SDSS EDR BAL QSOs \\citep{reichard03}. Giving the importance of this question, more study based on a uniform sample is clearly required. X-ray absorption is not the only factor that affects the ionization equilibrium of BAL gas. \\citet{steffen06} showed that the X-ray luminosity of non-BAL QSOs has a large scatter for a given optical luminosity. According to the current popular scenario that BAL and non-BAL are only a matter of whether our line of sight passes through BAL region or not, the intrinsic spectral energy distribution (SED) between UV and X-ray of BAL QSOs should be also diverse. Therefore, it would be interesting to study how the wind properties depend on the intrinsic SED because ionization equilibrium is also closely related to the intrinsic SED. If such a relation does exist, it may offer insight into the driver of the outflows. In this paper, we present a study of BAL QSOs from SDSS Data Release 5 (DR5) \\citep{adelman07} that observed by \\xmm\\ satellite in X-ray in order to explore the relations between UV and X-ray absorbers as well as the relations between BAL properties and the intrinsic UV to X-ray spectra. In \\S2 we describe the selection of our \\CIV\\ BAL QSOs sample and the data analysis in \\S3. We show our results and discuss the underlying physics in \\S4. Finally, we summarize our results in \\S5. Throughout the paper, we assume the cosmological parameters $H_0$ = 70 km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$, $\\Omega_\\mathrm{M}$ = 0.3 and $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}$ = 0.7. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec_res} \\subsection{X-ray Properties Of BAL QSOs}\\label{sec xrayprop} To investigate the general X-ray properties of our SDSS/\\xmm\\ BAL sample (this paper), we try to measure the intrinsic absorption adopting a simple neutral absorption. However, only 12 of 41 sources can be fitted directly to give the intrinsic absorption column densities \\nh\\ in the range $\\sim 4\\times10^{21}$ to $\\sim 2\\times10^{23}$\\cmsq. For 14 sources, upper/lower limits can be placed by the hardness ratios HR. The final sample spans a wide range of intrinsic absorption column densities from $<10^{20}$\\cmsq\\ to $\\sim 10^{24}$\\cmsq\\ (Table 3). The lowest limit is obtained for the LoBAL QSO, SDSS J092238.43+512121.2. We have rechecked the optical spectrum, the identification of this quasar as LoBAL might be questionable because of the presence of narrow absorption lines. Notably, five LoBAL QSOs do not show stronger absorption than HiBAL QSOs. Following G06,we measure \\aox\\ or place upper/lower limits on it, which ranges from $-1.36$ to $-2.26$ with an average $-1.86$ (Table 3). Similar to G06, we show the \\daox, to account for the luminosity dependence of \\aox(Table 3,see also the dot-dashed line in Fig. \\ref{fig_xdis}). The average value of \\daox\\ is $-0.25$, suggesting that 2~keV X-ray luminosities (at rest frame) of our SDSS/\\xmm\\ BAL sample are roughly three times fainter than the SDSS/\\rosat\\ non-BAL sample\\citep{stra05}. And in Table 3 we also present the \\aoxcorr\\ and \\daoxcorr\\ as a surrogate of the intrinsic X-ray properties of BAL QSOs. \\aoxcorr\\ is calculated by assuming $\\Gamma=2.0$ and using the hard-band counts rate to normalize the X-ray continuum and \\daoxcorr\\ =\\aoxcorr\\ $-$ \\aoxl\\ (see G06 or \\S3.1 for the definition). We find \\daoxcorr\\ in the range from $-0.36$ to $0.29$ with an average value of 0.11, which indicates our SDSS/\\xmm\\ BAL sample is slightly X-ray brighter, relative to the average quasars at that UV luminosity, than the SDSS/\\rosat\\ non-BAL sample\\citep[see Fig. \\ref{fig_xdis}]{stra05}.The X-ray brighter of our sample may be due to the relative shallower detection threshold of \\xmm\\ relative to \\chandra . Comparing the \\daoxcorr\\ distribution of the LBQS/\\chandra\\ BAL sample(G06) with the SDSS/\\rosat\\ non-BAL sample\\citep[figure 2 of G06]{stra05} one can find the LBQS/\\chandra\\ BAL sample(G06) is slightly intrinsic X-ray weaker with a median \\daoxcorr$=-0.14$ than the normal QSOs. Alternately, even hard X-rays are absorbed in the LBQS/\\chandra\\ BAL sample(G06) so that the simple assumption is broken down (See G06 or \\S3.1 for detail). We have carried out simulations to test this effect. Using \\xspec, we simulate the dependence of the \\daoxcorr\\ on the varying neutral hydrogen column density \\nh. We assume that \\daoxcorr\\ equals to zero for a single $\\Gamma=2$ power-law with \\nh$=10^{20}$\\cmsq\\ at the redshift 2. We find that an absorption column density of $3\\times10^{23}$\\cmsq\\ is required in order to account for the mean offset, about $-0.14$, of \\daoxcorr\\ of the LBQS/\\chandra\\ BAL sample(G06) relative to the SDSS/\\rosat\\ non-BAL sample\\citep{stra05}. If this is the main cause, most of X-ray weak sources in the LBQS/\\chandra\\ BAL sample(G06) will have a column density at least order of this. Future X-ray observation is certainly needed to assess this. Either intrinsic X-ray weak or large column density of absorber may indicate that the LBQS/\\chandra\\ BAL sample(G06) is biased in X-ray properties. Their sample obviously has larger values of BI and \\vmax\\ than the SDSS BAL QSOs\\citep{reichard03} and is not uniform on UV properties too. Note that our SDSS/\\xmm\\ BAL sample is more uniform, especially on UV properties, and can be used as a complement to the LBQS/\\chandra\\ BAL sample(G06). For direct comparison, we show the distribution of \\daox\\ for the SDSS/\\rosat\\ non-BAL sample\\citep{stra05} and \\daoxcorr\\ for our SDSS/\\xmm\\ BAL sample(this paper) and the LBQS/\\chandra\\ BAL QSO sample(G06) in Fig. \\ref{fig_xdis}. In the following we used the combined sample of ours 41 and G06's 35 sources to study the relations between X-ray and UV properties. Note again, the UV properties of the LBQS/\\chandra\\ BAL QSO sample(G06) used in this paper are obtained by using our procedures so that we can use the consistent definition of BI and \\vmax. We also use the hardness ratios presented in G06 to calculate \\nh\\ of these G06 QSOs following the same approach as we have done for \\xmm\\ sources. \\subsection{X-ray And UV Absorptions}\\label{sec_ab} One of the purposes of this paper is to study the relationship between the UV and X-ray absorbers. It is generally believed that the X-ray absorber shields the disk winds from soft X-rays and makes line driving more efficient. A naive deduction is that the properties of UV and X-ray absorptions are correlated. Basing on this idea, G06 presented a correlation analysis between the X-ray absorption using \\daox\\ as an indicator and the UV absorption properties such as BI, DI, \\vmax\\ and $f_{\\rm deep}$. They found only a weak correlation between \\daox\\ and \\vmax. We will carry out a similar analysis using a larger sample covering more uniformly the whole BI range. In the following analysis, we will use Kendall-$\\tau$ test to quantify the significance of a correlation. First, we check whether \\daox\\ is a good indicator of X-ray absorption. In the left panel of the Fig. \\ref{fig_nhaox}, we show \\nh\\ versus \\daox\\ for the combined subsample of 51 BAL QSOs that \\nh\\ is obtained either from spectral fit or from HR analysis. Similar to G06, we find a clear correlation between the two quantities. The probability for null hypothesis is less than 0.01\\%~ using non-parametric Kendall $\\tau$-test (See Table 4). Then we compare the redshift distributions of sources with \\daox\\ $> -0.2$ and \\daox\\ $< -0.2$.The result is their distributions are very similar,which indicates that the correlation between \\nh\\ and \\daox\\ is not from selection effect of redshift.These suggest that \\daox\\ can be used as a measure for X-ray absorption indeed. Next, we examine the correlations between BAL properties and the X-ray absorption column density \\nh\\ (Fig. \\ref{fig_nhuv}) measured through X-ray spectral fit or HR analysis. We do not find any correlation with a probability of null hypothesis less than 1\\% (Table 4). However, a weak correlation between BI and \\nh\\ cannot be rejected because the large uncertainty in the \\nh\\ measurement may reduce the significance of a weak correlation to the measured level (2\\%). We show \\daox\\ versus BI and \\daox\\ versus \\vmax\\ in Fig. \\ref{fig_daouv}. Two lensed BAL QSOs are excluded from following analysis because their UV and X-ray light may have been differntly amplified. There appears a correlation between \\daox\\ and BI with the probability for null hypothesis of only 0.05\\% (Table 4). The correlation appears not linear, rather there is an upper envelope. Since LoBAL QSOs may be different from the HiBAL QSOs \\citep{boroson92,wang07}, we also make Kendall test for 45 HiBAL QSOs only. The correlation is marginally significant with a null probability of 1\\%. The decrease in significance is caused by reducing the sample size. However, we do not find any significant correlation between \\vmax\\ and \\daox, which was seen in G06, in neither the whole sample nor in the HiBAL subsample with a null probability of 5\\% and 68\\%, respectively (Table 4). Comparison with the LBQS/\\chandra\\ BAL sample(G06), our sample has a handful BAL QSOs on the upper right of the figure. These BAL QSOs destroy the weak correlation trend of \\vmax\\ vs \\daox\\ in the LBQS/\\chandra\\ BAL sample(G06). These correlations are more or less similar to the correlations using \\nh\\ with an exception of higher significance. It is worthwhile to note that \\daox\\ reflects a combination of the X-ray absorption and the intrinsic deviation to the average quasar SED. Therefore, one must be careful as using it as an indicator of X-ray absorption. We will discuss below the implication of these results. \\subsection{Intrinsic X-ray Properties And The Outflow} Previous studies have shown that UV properties, such as the blueshift and the equivalent width of \\CIV\\ emission line, are correlated with X-ray to optical flux ratio for non-BAL QSOs (e.g. \\citet{baskin04,richards06}). It would be interesting to explore whether the BAL properties are correlated with the intrinsic \\aox. Unlike the correlation with X-ray absorption, such correlation should give information for the primary driver of the outflow. Here we use a corrected \\aox\\, i.e. \\aoxcorr\\ to represent the intrinsic \\aox\\, and investigate its relation with the UV absorption line properties. We also study the correlations between UV properties and \\daoxcorr\\ so that we can compare the results with those in previous section and G06. We note that the range of UV luminosity, $l_{2500}$, for the combined sample is only 2 dex, which introduce a scatter in \\aoxcorr\\, through \\aox$\\sim l_{2500}$ correlation, of less than 0.27, a factor of about 2.5 smaller than the dynamic range of \\aoxcorr. Therefore, the difference between \\daoxcorr\\ and \\aoxcorr\\ should be small in correlation analysis. This is verified below that the relationships between \\daoxcorr\\ and UV properties have a very similar behavior as those between \\aoxcorr\\ and UV properties. Before exploring UV and X-ray connection, we first check whether \\aoxcorr\\ and \\daoxcorr\\ are affected by the X-ray absorption or not. We plot \\nh\\ versus \\daoxcorr\\ on the right panel of Fig. \\ref{fig_nhaox}. There is no apparent correlation between the two quantities. Kendall test gives a probability of chance coincidence of 36\\% (Table 4). Therefore, we can conclude that there is no evidence that \\aoxcorr\\ and \\daoxcorr\\ are significantly affected by X-ray absorption. We then explore the correlations between \\aoxcorr\\ and BI or \\vmax\\ with Kendall and Spearman tests. We find that \\aoxcorr\\ is significantly correlated with both BI and \\vmax\\ with a Null probability of less than 0.1\\% for either test(See Fig 5; also Table 4). The correlation is still very significant ($P<0.1\\%$) for HiBAL QSO subsample (45 QSOs). For clarity we show only QSOs detected in the hard X-ray band in Fig.\\ref{fig_aocuvd}. Furthermore, these QSOs are more important for the Kendall and Spearman tests than the rest objects, and can give us a clear trend about these correlations. We note that one LoBAL QSOs, SDSS J133553.61+514744.1, which appears largely discrepant with the main sample in Fig. \\ref{fig_aocuv} and \\ref{fig_aocuvd}. This quasar has very steep X-ray photon index $\\Gamma\\sim2.56$ so that our `absorption-correction' underestimate the intrinsic X-ray luminosity. If we set \\aox$=-1.82$ as the lower limit of \\aoxcorr (it is reasonable since \\aoxcorr\\ is larger than \\aox), this quasar would move rightward and is consistent with other quasars. The correlations between \\daoxcorr\\ and UV properties are very similar to above correlations using \\aoxcorr\\ except the latter appear slightly more significant (Table 4). This may indicate that the dependence of UV properties on \\aoxcorr\\ is more fundamental than on \\daoxcorr. Is it possible that these correlations are introduced by some selection effect in the sample? If it is the case this effect would tend to miss the objects which occupy the bottom-left (X-ray weak and high UV absorption) and top-right (X-ray strong and low UV absorption) corners of Fig. \\ref{fig_aocuv} and \\ref{fig_aocuvd}. Note that the sample selections of ours and G06's are both based on the optical luminosity and have nothing to do with the X-ray properties. If the relative X-ray luminosity is uncorrelated with BAL properties it is hard to understand why G06 and we select the objects at the bottom-right(top-left) corner but miss those at the bottom-left(top-right) corner. Since objects at top-right (bottom-left) corners, if they really exist, should have the same optical properties as these at top-left (bottom-right). All of these analysis indicate the correlations between the intrinsic \\aox\\ and the properties of UV absorber are real. We discuss the implications of the correlations in details in the next subsection. \\subsection{Discussion}\\label{sec_dis} Using a larger and more uniform sample, we reexamine the correlations between BAL properties and X-ray absorption presented in G06. Two indicators of X-ray absorption, \\nh\\ and \\daox, are used in the work. We identify the correlation between \\daox\\ and $BI$ as the only significant one. In particular, we do not find the correlation between \\daox\\ and \\vmax\\ claimed in G06, and any correlation between \\nh\\ and the UV absorption properties. Although we can not rule out a weak correlation between \\nh\\ and the UV absorption line properties due to relative large error bar of \\nh\\, our results clearly suggest that X-ray absorption is {\\em not} the major factor that determines UV absorption properties. Given the fact that almost all BAL QSOs show strong absorption in X-ray, it seems that X-ray absorption is a necessary condition for launching of the BAL winds, but the properties of the wind depend on other factors. As shown above, the observed correlation between \\daox\\ and BI may be the secondary effect of the correlation between BI and \\aoxcorr\\ or \\daoxcorr, as \\daox\\ is composed of the contributions of absorption and of \\daoxcorr. In passing, we note that lack of correlations between the X-ray absorption column density and UV properties does not necessarily contradict with the scenario of radiatively accelerated wind as naively thought. For locally optically thin material, the ratio of the radiation force to the gravitational force is a function of Eddington ratio and the cross-section ratio of effective absorption to Thomson scattering. If resonant scattering is responsible for the absorption opacity, the cross-section will be determined by the fraction Li-like ions. According to the equatorial wind model\\citep{murray95}, a clump of highly ionized gas (shielding gas), which accounts for most X-ray opacity, blocks the soft X-ray interior to the wind. The transmitted flux of soft X-rays that ionize Li-like ions in the wind depends strongly on the X-ray column density, \\nh. If \\nh\\ along the direction is very small, high-velocity wind cannot be launched because of the reduction of the radiation force caused by the over-ionization. On the other hand, if \\nh\\ is very large, the wind will end up with a turbulent flow due to the blocking of thick very-low-ionized gas behind\\citep[see the figure 4 of ][]{proga00}. Thus, high-velocity wind can only be launched when the radial column density \\nh\\ is moderate as the fraction of Li-like ions, such as \\CIV\\ and \\NV, is large enough. As far as the X-ray absorption column density is in the right range, the fraction of Li-like ions should be the dominant species. The flow properties are then determined self-consistently by the launching radius, the gas density at the launching radius and the radiation intensity. If X-ray absorber is well separated from the UV absorber, then we would not expect any correlation between the X-ray absorption column density and the flow properties for BAL QSOs apart. On the other hand, the X-ray absorber may be the 'hitchhiking' gas just located at the inner edge of the wind, and its properties may have a close connection with the boundary conditions of the disk wind\\citep{murray95}. In that case, we should consider globally the structure of gas along a line of sight. The wind starts at a radius where the radiation force is substantially larger than the gravitational force. As far as the gas density is high enough, such a region can certainly exist. \\citet{murray95} has worked out a consistent line acceleration model, and they found that gas column density and final velocity are correlated for a constant Eddington ratio and at a given launch radius. However, if the launching radius is not exactly scaled with luminosity as $L^{1/2}$ and there are a range of Eddington ratio, as they assumed, the correlation can be smeared out. More interesting results of our work are the strong correlations between the parameters of outflow and intrinsic \\aox. We argue that these correlations are essential rather than due to some selection effect or the secondary effect of other correlations (see previous subsection for details). In fact our results are consistent with \\citet{richards06} who found that the QSOs with large blueshifts of \\CIV\\ emission line, i.e. the parent population of BAL QSOs as suggested by \\citet{richards06}, tend to have lower X-ray luminosity for given optical luminosity (their figure 5). It is also upheld by \\citet{laor02} who presented significant correlation between the equivalent width of \\CIV\\ absorption and \\aox\\ in a sample of non-BAL QSOs. This correlation is actually predicted by \\citet{murray95}, in which they found that quasars with a large X-ray to UV ratio can only produce weak low velocity winds while quasars with a small X-ray to UV ratio can produce strong and large velocity winds. This is exactly what we have found here. As we discussed above, their model also predicted a correlation between the X-ray absorption column density and the maximum velocity of the flow, which is not observed in this sample. Lack of such correlation may be due to two important factors that (1) variation in the Eddington ratio and launching radius; (2) the large uncertainties in the measurement of absorption column density. We do not fully understand why the variation in the Eddington ratio and launching does not completely smeared out the correlation with \\aoxcorr. There seems one reason for this. \\citet{wang04} found that the 2-10kev luminosities to bolometric luminosities ratio tightly anti-correlated with Eddington ratio for a sample of broad-line and narrow-line Seyfert 1 AGNs. If this correlation holds up for BAL QSOs, one would expect that quasars with high Eddington ratio would have larger radiative acceleration force, or large terminal velocity, and at the same time X-ray weaker. \\citet{ganguly07} find that \\vmax\\ as a function of Eddington ratio has an upper envelope in the SDSS3 BAL catalog, exactly as expected. Since there is no clear correlation of BI with UV luminosities\\citep[cf.][]{laor02}, Eddington rate and black hole mass\\citep{ganguly07},it is very likely that the BAL properties are more likely determined by the SED of quasars rather than Eddington ratio." }, "0809/0809.4242_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The first metal enrichment in the universe was made by supernova (SN) explosions of population (Pop) III stars. The trace remains in abundance patterns of extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars. We investigate the properties of nucleosynthesis in Pop III SNe by means of comparing their yields with the abundance patterns of the EMP stars. We focus on (1) jet-induced SNe with various energy deposition rates [$\\Ed=(0.3-1500)\\times10^{51}$\\ergs], and (2) SNe of stars with various main-sequence masses ($\\Mms=13-50\\Msun$) and explosion energies [$E=(1-40)\\times10^{51}$ergs]. The varieties of Pop III SNe can explain varieties of the EMP stars: (1) higher [C/Fe] for lower [Fe/H] and (2) trends of abundance ratios [X/Fe] against [Fe/H]. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Long-duration $\\gamma$-ray bursts (GRBs) have been found to be accompanied by luminous and energetic Type Ic supernovae [SNe Ic, called hypernovae (HNe)] (\\eg \\cite[Galama \\etal\\ 1998]{gal98}). Although the explosion mechanism is still under debate, photometric observations (a ``jet break'', \\eg \\cite[Frail \\etal\\ 2001]{fra01}) and spectroscopic observations (a nebular spectrum, \\eg \\cite[Maeda \\etal\\ 2002]{mae02}) indicate that they are aspherical explosions with jet(s). The aspherical explosions are also indirectly suggested from the abundance patterns of extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars with [Fe/H] $<-3$.\\footnote{Here [A/B] $\\equiv\\log_{10}(N_{\\rm A}/N_{\\rm B})-\\log_{10}(N_{\\rm A}/N_{\\rm B})_\\odot$, where the subscript $\\odot$ refers to the solar value and $N_{\\rm A}$ and $N_{\\rm B}$ are the abundances of elements A and B, respectively.} The EMP stars are suggested to show nucleosynthesis yields of a single core-collapse SN (\\eg \\cite[Beers \\& Christlieb 2005]{bee05}). Particularly, C-enhanced EMP (CEMP) stars have been well explained by the faint SNe with large fallback (\\cite[Umeda \\& Nomoto 2005; Iwamoto \\etal\\ 2005; Nomoto \\etal\\ 2006; Tominaga \\etal\\ 2007b]{ume05,iwa05,nom06,tom07b}). On the other hand, some CEMP stars show enhancement of Co and Zn (\\eg \\cite[Depagne \\etal\\ 2002]{dep02}) that requires explosive nucleosynthesis under high entropy. In a {\\sl spherical} model, however, a high entropy explosion is equivalent to a high energy explosion that inevitably synthesizes a large amount of \\Nifs, \\ie leads a bright SN (\\eg \\cite[Woosley \\& Weaver 1995]{woo95}). This incompatibility will be solved if a faint SN is associated with a narrow jet within which a high entropy region is confined (\\cite[Umeda \\& Nomoto 2005]{ume05}). ", "conclusions": "We focus on two interesting properties observed in the abundance patterns of the metal-poor stars: (1) the higher [C/Fe] for lower [Fe/H] and (2) the trends of [X/Fe] against [Fe/H]. The variations of the metal-poor stars are explained by the variations of SNe that contribute the metal enrichment of the early universe. Especially, (1) the variation of the energy deposition rates explains the tendency of [C/Fe] against [Fe/H] and (2) the variations of $\\Mms$ and $E$ explain the trends of [X/Fe] against [Fe/H]. We propose that the abundance patterns of the metal-poor stars will provide additional constraints on the explosion mechanism of GRBs and SNe other than the direct observations of present GRBs and SNe. \\vspace{.5cm} \\noindent This work has been supported in part by WPI Initiative, MEXT, Japan." }, "0809/0809.1651_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Existing exoplanet radial velocity surveys are complete in the planetary mass-semimajor axis ($M_p-a$) plane over the range 0.1 AU $< a <$ 2.0 AU where $M_p \\gtrsim 100~M_{\\oplus}$. We marginalize over mass in this complete domain of parameter space and demonstrate that the observed $a$ distribution is inconsistent with models of planet formation that use the full Type I migration rate derived from a linear theory and that do not include the effect of the ice line on the disk surface density profile. However, the efficiency of Type I migration can be suppressed by both nonlinear feedback and the barriers introduced by local maxima in the disk pressure distribution, and we confirm that the synthesized $M_p-a$ distribution is compatible with the observed data if we account for both retention of protoplanetary embryos near the ice line and an order-of-magnitude reduction in the efficiency of Type I migration. The validity of these assumption can be checked because they also predict a population of short-period rocky planets with a range of masses comparable to that of the Earth as well as a ``desert\" in the $M_p-a$ distribution centered around $M_p \\sim 30-50~M_{\\oplus}$ and $a <1$ AU. We show that the expected ``desert\" in the $M_p-a$ plane will be discernible by a radial velocity survey with 1 m s$^{-1}$ precision and $n \\sim 700$ radial velocity observations of program stars. ", "introduction": "Over 200 planets with reliable mass ($M_p$) and semimajor axis ($a$) measurements have been discovered around nearby FGK stars in the past decade. At the same time, attempts to build a comprehensive deterministic theory of planet formation have lead to the development of population synthesis models based on the sequential accretion scenario. In \\citet{ida04}, two of us studied the growth of planetesimals into dynamically isolated embryos as well as their tidal interactions with their parent disks. Using the observed ranges of disk mass, size, and accretion rate we showed that a fraction of embryos evolve into cores with more than a few Earth masses ($M_\\oplus$), accrete massive envelopes, open up gaps near their orbits, and attain asymptotic masses comparable to that of Jupiter. In some massive and persistent disks, the newly formed gas giant planets may migrate toward the proximity of their host stars. In the end these simulations produced the distribution of dynamical and structural properties of planets. Presently, the observed sample of extrasolar planetary properties has become large enough to enable direct comparisons between the theoretically predicted and observed $M_p-a$ distributions that not only delineate the dominant physical mechanisms at work in planet formation, but also provide quantitative constraints on the efficiencies of those processes. In the latest update of the planet formation models two of us have incorporated the effect of Type I migration \\citep{ida08a}. This process is a direct consequence of a protoplanetary core's tidal interaction with its parent protoplanetary disk. The efficiency of Type I migration was first determined by a linear theory \\citep{gol80,war86,tan02} that neglected the embryo's perturbation on the surface density distribution of its parent protoplanetary disk. In the environment of a minimum mass nebula though, this efficiency factor would imply that a protoplanetary embryo with mass a fraction of an Earth mass would migrate from $\\sim 1$ AU into its host star before the severe depletion of the disk gas that is known to occur over a time scale of several Myr. Although this critical mass at which Type I migration causes AU-scale migration on the disk depletion time increases with $a$, it is still difficult to retain sufficiently massive cores for the onset of dynamical accretion of gas. This argument implies that gas giants should be very rare \\citep{ida08a} and this paradox has led to many in-depth analyses of the Type I migration process. Numerical nonlinear simulations of Type I migration were reviewed by \\citet{pap06} and many potential explanations for slow Type I migration are in the literature: intrinsic turbulence in the disk \\citep{lau04,nel04}, self-induced unstable flow \\citep{kol04,li05}, nonlinear radiative and hydrodynamic feedback \\citep{mas06a}, and variation in surface density and temperature gradients \\citep{mas06b}. \\citet{dob07} has shown that in some situations the nonlinear Type I migration rate can be less than 10\\% of the linear prediction. \\defcitealias{ida08b}{IL} Another issue studied by two of us \\citep[IL hereafter]{ida08b} is the critical embryo mass $M_{crit} >$ at least a few $M_{\\oplus}$ required by current models for runaway gas accretion. The embryo is limited by its isolation mass $M_{iso}$, and the solid surface density profile of the minimum mass solar nebula (MMSN) $\\Sigma_d \\propto a^{-3/2}$ requires that the $M_{iso}$ scales like $a^{3/4}$. On the other hand, the timescale for growth $\\tau_{c,acc}$ scales with $a^{27/10}$. As a result, after the characteristic gas depletion time $\\tau_{dep}$ the most massive embryos near the ice line have masses $M_c \\sim M_{iso} < M_{crit}$. However, since we observe many exoplanets with Jupiter masses at $a \\sim 1$ AU, there must be some physical process that is neglected in this simple analysis. \\citet{kre07} outlined one possible solution to this problem in which solids are trapped near regions of the disk where the local pressure requires the gas to rotate with super-Keplarian velocities. When the combined contribution of both Lindblad and corotation resonances are taken into account \\citep{mas06b}, the migration of protoplanetary cores may be suppressed as well \\citepalias{ida08b}. In this paper, we utilize the observed data to calibrate the population synthesis models. In \\S2 we quantitatively show that the existing distribution of exoplanets cannot be explained by models of planet formation that apply the full Type I migration rate predicted from linear theory and that do not include the effects of the ice line. We also point out that the existing observed and synthesized $M_p-a$ distributions are in agreement with each other if we take into account the effect of an ice line barrier and assume a reduction in the magnitude of Type I migration. In addition, we describe the parameters of a radial velocity survey capable of verifying the existence of ``desert\" in the $M_p-a$ diagram predicted by \\citetalias{ida08b}. In \\S3 we consider the implications of these models and suggest methods to test our assumptions. In \\S4 we summarize our findings. ", "conclusions": "We used the fact that existing exoplanet radial velocity surveys are complete in the planetary mass-semimajor axis ($M_p-a$) plane where 0.1 AU $< a <$ 2.0 AU and $M_p$ is in the range specified by Equation~(\\ref{eq2}) to show that the observed semimajor axis distribution in the complete region cannot be explained by models of planet formation that use the full Type I migration rate predicted by linear theory and that do not include the effects of the ice line. Moreover, we also demonstrated that the expected ``desert\" in the $M_p-a$ plane at about $M_p \\sim 30~M_{\\oplus}$ and $a <1$ AU predicted by \\citetalias{ida08b} will be discernible by a radial velocity survey with 1 m s$^{-1}$ precision and $n \\sim 700$ radial velocity observations of program stars. Such an observational campaign will also verify the predicted inner boundary of the ``desert\" where we expect a large population of super-Earths have migrated to and halted in the proximity of their host stars." }, "0809/0809.4597_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We report the discovery of a sub-Jupiter mass exoplanet transiting a magnitude $\\mathrm{V}=11.7$ host star 1SWASP~J030928.54+304024.7. A simultaneous fit to the transit photometry and radial-velocity measurements yield a planet mass $\\rmsub{M}{p}=0.53\\pm 0.07\\,\\mathrm{M_J}$, radius $\\rmsub{R}{p}=0.91^{+0.06}_{-0.03}\\,\\mathrm{R_J}$ and an orbital period of $3.722465^{+0.000006}_{-0.000008}$\\,days. The host star is of spectral type K3V, with a spectral analysis yielding an effective temperature of $4800\\pm 100\\,\\mathrm{K}$ and $\\log g=4.45\\pm 0.2$. It is amongst the smallest, least massive and lowest luminosity stars known to harbour a transiting exoplanet. WASP-11b is the third least strongly irradiated transiting exoplanet discovered to date, experiencing an incident flux $\\rmsub{F}{p}=1.9\\times10^{8}$\\,erg\\,s$^{-1}$\\,cm$^{-2}$ and having an equilibrium temperature $\\rmsub{T}{eql}=960\\pm 70$\\,K. } ", "introduction": "Observations of planets that transit their host star represent the current best opportunity to test models of the internal structure of exoplanets and of their formation and evolution. Since the first detection of an exoplanetary transit signature \\citep{charbonneau00, henry00} over fifty transiting planetary systems have been identified. A number of wide-field surveys are in progress with the goal of detecting transiting exoplanets, for example OGLE \\citep{udalski02}, XO \\citep{mccullough05}, HAT \\citep{bakos04}, TrES \\citep{odonovan06} and WASP \\citep{pollacco06}. The WASP project operates two identical instruments, at La Palma in the Northern hemisphere, and at Sutherland in South Africa in the Southern hemisphere. Each telescope has a field of view of just under 500 square degrees. The WASP survey is sensitive to planetary transit signatures in the light-curves of hosts in the magnitude range V\\,$\\sim$9--13. A detailed description of the telescope hardware, observing strategy and pipeline data analysis is given in \\citet{pollacco06}. In this paper we report the discovery of WASP-11b, a sub-Jupiter mass gas giant planet in orbit about the host star 1SWASP~J030928.54+304024.7. We present the WASP discovery photometry plus higher precision optical follow-up and radial velocity measurements which taken together confirm the planetary nature of WASP-11b. ", "conclusions": "\\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{wasp11_evol_baraffe.ps}} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{wasp11_evol_girardi.ps}} \\caption[]{The position of WASP-11 in the $R/M^{1/3}-\\rmsub{T}{eff}$ plane. Evolutionary tracks for a solar metallicity star from \\citet{baraffe98} (upper panel) and \\citet{girardi00} (lower panel) are plotted along with isochrones for ages 10\\,Myr (solid), 1\\,Gyr (dashed), 5\\,Gyr (dot-dashed), 10\\,Gyr (dotted). Evolutionary mass tracks are shown for 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 and 1.0\\,M$_\\odot$.} \\label{starevol} \\end{center} \\end{figure} The system parameters derived here place WASP-11b towards the lower end of the mass range of known transiting planets, falling approximately mid-way between the masses of Jupiter and Saturn. The host star WASP-11 is also amongst the smallest and lowest luminosity stars known to host a transiting planet, however it is relatively nearby and thus quite bright ($\\mathrm{V}=11.7$). WASP-11b is irradiated by a stellar flux $\\rmsub{F}{p}=1.9\\times 10^8$\\,erg\\,cm$^{-2}$\\,s$^{-1}$ at the sub-stellar point making it the third least heavily irradiated transiting planet after GJ436b and HD17156b. We compute an equilibrium temperature for WASP-11b of $\\rmsub{T}{eql}(A=0; f=1)=960\\pm70$\\,K, which makes it more typical of the bulk of known exoplanets than of the ``hot Jupiter'' class most commonly found by the transit method. Theoretical models of the atmospheres of hot giant exoplanets \\citep{fortney06, burrows07} have shown that heavy irradiation can lead to the development of a temperature inversion and a hot stratosphere. This is due to the absorption of stellar flux by an atmospheric absorber, possibly TiO and VO. In both sets of models the magnitude of the incident stellar flux is the key controlling variable determining whether a given extra-solar giant planet (EGP) will possess a hot stratosphere. Recent observations by \\citet{machalek08} of secondary transits of XO-1b using the {\\it Spitzer Space Telescope} suggest the presence of a temperature inversion in the atmosphere of that exoplanet. On the other hand analogous observations of HD189733b \\citep{charbonneau08} show no evidence for an inversion, despite the irradiating fluxes of XO-1b and HD189733b being almost identical ($\\rmsub{F}{p}=0.49\\times 10^9$ and $\\rmsub{F}{p}=0.47\\times 10^9$\\,erg\\,cm$^{-2}$\\,s$^{-1}$ respectively). This strongly suggests that the incident stellar flux is not the sole controlling parameter determining the presence of the inversion, a likelihood which the authors of the atmosphere models readily point out themselves. Further observations of planets particularly in the low-irradiation regime are required to help parameterise the thermal inversion. WASP-11b is amongst the nearest and brightest low-irradiation EGPs making it a good candidate for such studies. Moreover we note that the orbital eccentricity of WASP-11b is much lower than the other two bright low-irradiation transiting exoplanets, GJ436b and HD17156b ($e=0.15$ and $e=0.67$ respectively). As a consequence the secular variation in irradiation around the orbit will be correspondingly lower in WASP-11b, removing a potentially complicating factor when comparing follow-up observations with predictions from atmospheric models developed assuming steady-state irradiation. To estimate the age of the WASP-11 we compared the observed stellar density and temperature against the evolutionary models of low- and intermediate-mass stars of \\citet{girardi00} and \\citet{baraffe98}. In Figure~\\ref{starevol} we plot the position of WASP-11 in the $R/M^{1/3}$ versus $\\rmsub{T}{eff}$ plane atop isochrones of different ages from the two models. For such a cool star, the isochrones are closely spaced in this parameter plane due to the slow post-main-sequence evolution of late-type stars. The sets of isochrones from the two models overlap in this regime, and both models suggest the same mass and age for the host star. WASP-11 falls above the 10\\,Gyr isochrone for both models, though it is consistent with this age within the errors. The very low lithium abundance also points toward WASP-11 being $\\ga 1$--2\\,Gyr old \\citep{sestito05}. We investigated using gyrochronology to age the host star, following \\citet{barnes07}, however we were unable to measure a definite rotational period. No rotation modulation was detected in the lightcurve to an amplitude limit of a few milli-magnitudes. The spectral analysis furnishes only an upper-limit to $v\\sin i$, so no rotational period can be determined in that way. Taken together these factors are all consistent with WASP-11 being an old star, older than maybe 1\\,Gyr, however it is not possible to be more definite than that with the available data. \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics{fort_mr.ps}} \\caption[]{Planetary mass-radius relations as a function of core mass and system age, interpolated from the models of \\protect\\citet{fortney07}.} \\label{coremass} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\citet{fortney07} present models of the evolution of planetary radius over a range of planetary masses and orbital distances, and under the assumption of the presence of a dense core of various masses up to 100\\,M$_\\oplus$. To compare our results with the Fortney et al. models we plotted the modelled mass-radius relation as a function of core mass in Figure~\\ref{coremass}. To account for the lower-than-Solar luminosity of the host star WASP-11 we calculated the orbital distance $a_\\odot=a(M_\\star/M_\\odot)^{-3.5/2}$ at which a planet in orbit about the Sun would receive the same incident stellar flux as WASP-11b does from its host. We then interpolated the models of Fortney et al. to this effective orbital distance ($a_\\odot=0.068$ for WASP-11b). As the age of the WASP-11 system is poorly constrained we compare our results with the modelled mass-radius relation at 300\\,Myr, 1\\,Gyr and 4.5\\,Gyr. We find that the radius of WASP-11b is consistent with the presence of a dense core with a mass in the range $\\rmsub{M}{core}\\sim$ 42--77\\,M$_{\\oplus}$ for a system age of 300\\,Myr, $\\rmsub{M}{core}\\sim$33--67\\,M$_{\\oplus}$ at 1\\,Gyr, and $\\rmsub{M}{core}\\sim$22--56\\,M$_{\\oplus}$ at 4.5\\,Gyr." }, "0809/0809.3462_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "While there is plentiful evidence in all fronts of experimental cosmology for the existence of a non-vanishing dark energy (DE) density $\\rD$ in the Universe, we are still far away from having a fundamental understanding of its ultimate nature and of its current value, not even of the puzzling fact that $\\rD$ is so close to the matter energy density $\\rM$ at the present time (i.e. the so-called ``cosmic coincidence'' problem). The resolution of some of these cosmic conundrums suggests that the DE must have some (mild) dynamical behavior at the present time. In this paper, we examine some general properties of the simultaneous set of matter and DE perturbations $(\\delta\\rho_M, \\delta\\rho_D)$ for a multicomponent DE fluid. Next we put these properties to the test within the context of a non-trivial model of dynamical DE (the $\\CC$XCDM model) which has been previously studied in the literature. By requiring that the coupled system of perturbation equations for $\\delta\\rM$ and $\\delta\\rD$ has a smooth solution throughout the entire cosmological evolution, that the matter power spectrum is consistent with the data on structure formation and that the ``coincidence ratio'' $r=\\rD/\\rM$ stays bounded and not unnaturally high, we are able to determine a well-defined region of the parameter space where the model can solve the cosmic coincidence problem in full compatibility with all known cosmological data. ", "introduction": "\\label{Introduction} Undoubtedly the most prominent accomplishment of modern cosmology to date has been to provide strong indirect support for the existence of both dark matter (DM) and dark energy (DE) from independent data sets derived from the observation of distant supernovae\\,\\cite{Supernovae}, the anisotropies of the CMB\\,\\cite{WMAP3}, the lensing effects on the propagation of light through weak gravitational fields\\,\\cite{Lensing}, and the inventory of cosmic matter from the large scale structures (LSS) of the Universe\\,\\cite{Cole05,Lahav02}. But, in spite of these outstanding achievements, modern cosmology still fails to understand the ultimate physical nature of the components that build up the mysterious dark side of the Universe, most conspicuously the DE component of which the first significant experimental evidence was reported $10$ years ago from supernovae observations. The current estimates of the DE energy density yield $\\rD^{\\rm exp}\\simeq (2.4\\times 10^{-3}\\,eV)^4$ and it is believed that it constitutes roughly $70\\%$ of the total energy density budget for an essentially flat Universe. The big question now is: what is it from the point of view of fundamental physics? One possibility is that it is the ground state energy density associated to the quantum field theory (QFT) vacuum and, in this case, it is traditional to associate $\\rD$ to $\\rL=\\CC/8\\pi\\,G$, where $\\CC$ is the cosmological constant (CC) term in Einstein's equations. The problem, however, is that the typical value of the (renormalized) vacuum energy in all known realistic QFT's is much bigger than the experimental value. For example, the energy density associated to the Higgs potential of the Standard Model (SM) of electroweak interactions is more than fifty orders of magnitude larger than the measured value of $\\rD$. Another generic proposal (with many ramifications) is the possibility that the DE stands for the current value of the energy density of some slowly evolving, homogeneous and isotropic scalar field (or collection of them). Scalar fields appeared first as dynamical adjustment mechanisms for the CC\\,\\cite{Dolgov,PSW} and later gave rise to the notion of quintessence\\,\\cite{quintessence}. While this idea has its own merits (specially concerning the dynamical character that confers to the DE) it has also its own drawbacks. The most obvious one (often completely ignored) is that the vacuum energy of the SM is still there and, therefore, the quintessence field just adds up more trouble to the whole fine-tuning CC problem\\,\\cite{weinRMP,CCRev}! Next-to-leading is the ``cosmological coincidence problem'', or the problem of understanding why the presently measured value of the DE is so close to the matter density. One expects that this problem can be alleviated by assuming that $\\rD$ is actually a dynamical quantity. While quintessence is the traditionally explored option, in this paper we entertain the possibility that such dynamics could be the result of the so-called cosmological ``constants'' (like $\\CC$, $G$,...) being actually variable. It has been proven in \\,\\cite{SS12} that this possibility can perfectly mimic quintessence. It means that we stay with the $\\CC$ parameter and make it ``running'', for example through quantum effects\\,\\cite{cosm,JHEPCC1,Babic}\\,\\footnote{ For a general discussion, see \\,\\cite{SSIRGAC06,ShS08}.}. However, in \\,\\cite{LXCDM12} it was shown that, in order to have an impact on the coincidence problem, the total DE in this context should be conceived as a composite fluid made out of a running $\\CC$ and another entity $X$, with some effective equation of state (EOS) parameter $\\wX$, such that the total DE density and pressure read $\\rD=\\rL+\\rX$ and $\\pD=-\\rL+\\wX\\rX$, respectively. We call this system the $\\CC$XCDM model\\,\\cite{LXCDM12}. Let us emphasize that $X$ (called ``the cosmon'') is not necessarily a fundamental entity; in particular, it need not be an elementary scalar field. As remarked in \\,\\cite{LXCDM12}, $X$ could represent the effective behavior of higher order terms in the effective action (including non-local ones). This is conceivable, since the Bianchi identity enforces a relation between all dynamical components that enter the effective structure of the energy-momentum tensor in Einstein's equations, in particular between the evolving $\\CC$ and other terms that could emerge after we embed General Relativity in a more general framework\\,\\cite{Gruni,fossil}. Therefore, at this level, we do not impose a microscopic description for $X$ and in this way the treatment becomes more general\\,\\footnote{See e.g. \\cite{Ratra08ab,Percival07,Zhang08a} for recent constraints on $\\CC$CDM, XCDM and quintessence-like models. The margin for the energy densities and EOS parameter $\\wX$ is still quite high. In the $\\CC$XCDM case, the fact that $\\CC$ is running provides an even wider range of phenomenological possibilities.}. The only condition defining $X$ is the DE conservation law, namely we assume that $\\rD=\\rL+\\rX$ is the covariantly self-conserved total DE density. In this paper, we analyze the combined dynamics of DE and matter density perturbations for such conserved DE density $\\rD$. The present study goes beyond the approximate treatment presented in \\cite{GOPS}, where we neglected the DE perturbations and estimated the matter perturbations of the $\\CC$XCDM model using an effective (variable) EOS $\\we$ for the composite fluid $(\\rL,\\rX)$. The main result was that a sizeable portion of parameter space was still compatible with a possible solution of the cosmic coincidence problem. The ``effective approach'' that we employed in \\cite{GOPS} was based on three essential ingredients: i) the use of the effective EOS representation of cosmologies with variable cosmological parameters\\,\\cite{SS12}; ii) the calculation of the growth of matter density fluctuations using the effective EOS of the DE\\,\\cite{LinderJenkins03}; and iii) the application of the, so-called, ``F-test'' to compare the model with the LSS data, i.e. the condition that the linear bias parameter, $b^2(z)= P_{GG}/P_{MM}$ does not deviate from the $\\CC$CDM value by more than $10\\%$ at $z=0$, where $P_{MM}\\propto (\\delta\\rho_M/\\rho_M)^2$ is the matter power spectrum and $P_{GG}$ is the galaxy fluctuation power spectrum\\,\\cite{Cole05,Lahav02} -- see \\cite{GOPS,Ftest} for details. This three-step methodology turned out to be an efficient streamlined strategy to further constrain the region of the original parameter space\\,\\cite{LXCDM12}. However, there remained to perform a full fledged analysis of the system of cosmological perturbations in which the DE and matter fluctuations are coupled in a dynamical way. This kind of analysis is presented here. The structure of the paper is as follows. In the next section, we outline the meaning of the cosmic coincidence problem within the general setting of the cosmological constant problem. In section \\ref{sect:perturbations}, the basic equations for cosmological perturbations of a multicomponent fluid in the linear regime are introduced. In section \\ref{sect:effEOS}, we describe the general framework for addressing cosmological perturbations of a composite DE fluid with an effective equation of state (EOS). In section \\ref{sect:genericfeatures}, we describe some generic features of the cosmological perturbations for the dark energy component. The particular setup of the $\\CC$XCDM model is focused in section \\ref{sect:LXCDM}. In sections \\ref{sect:perturbLXCDM} and \\ref{numerical}, we put the $\\CC$XCDM model to the stringent test of cosmological perturbations and show that the corresponding region of parameter space becomes further reduced. Most important, in this region the model is compatible with all known observational data and, therefore, the $\\CC$XCDM proposal can be finally presented as a robust candidate model for solving the cosmic coincidence problem. In section \\ref{DEfluct}, we offer a deeper insight into the correlation of matter and DE perturbations. In the last section, we present the final discussion and deliver our conclusions. \\noindent ", "conclusions": "\\label{sect:conclusions} In this paper, we have addressed the impact of the cosmological perturbations on the coincidence problem. In contrast to the previous study\\,\\cite{GOPS}, where this problem was examined in a simplified ``effective approach'' in which the dark energy (DE) perturbations were neglected, in the present work we have taken them into account in a full-fledged manner. We find that the results of the previous analysis were reasonable because the DE perturbations generally tend to smooth at scales below the sound horizon. However, the inclusion of the DE perturbations proved extremely useful to pin down the physical region of the parameter space and also to put the effective approach within a much larger perspective and to set its limitations. First of all, we have performed a thorough discussion on the coupled set of matter and DE perturbations for a general multicomponent fluid. This has prepared the ground to treat models in which the DE is a composite medium with a variable equation of state (EOS). We have concentrated on those cases in which the DE, despite its composite nature, is described by a self-conserved density $\\rD$. Notice that if matter is covariantly conserved, the covariant conservation of the DE is mandatory. In particular, this is the situation for the standard $\\CC$CDM model, although in this case the self-conservation of the DE appears through a trivial cosmological constant term, $\\rL=\\rL^0$, which remains imperturbable throughout the entire history of the Universe. One may nevertheless entertain generalized frameworks where the DE is not only self-conserved, but is non-trivial and dynamical. This is not a mere academic exercise; for instance, in quantum field theory in curved space-time we generally expect that the vacuum energy should be a running quantity\\,\\cite{JHEPCC1,SSIRGAC06,ShS08}. Therefore, in such cases, the CC density becomes an effective parameter that may evolve typically with the expansion rate, $\\rL=\\rL(H)$, and constitutes a part of the full (dynamical) DE of the composite cosmological system with variable EOS. In these circumstances, if the gravitational coupling $G$ is constant, the running CC density $\\rL=\\rL(H)$ cannot be covariantly conserved unless other terms in the effective action of this system compensate for the CC variation. We have called the effective entity that produces such compensation ``$X$'' or ``cosmon'', and denoted with $\\rX$ its energy density. Therefore, $\\rD=\\rL+\\rX$ is the self-conserved total DE density in this context, which must be dealt with together with the ordinary density of matter $\\rM$. A generic model of this kind is what we have called the $\\CC$XCDM model\\,\\cite{LXCDM12,GOPS}. Furthermore, from general considerations based on the covariance of the effective action of QFT in curved space-time\\,\\cite{JHEPCC1,SSIRGAC06,ShS08}, we expect that the running CC density $\\rL=\\rL(H)$ should be an affine quadratic law of the expansion rate $H$, see Eq.\\,(\\ref{runlamb}). Using this guiding principle and the ansatz of self-conservation of the DE, we find that the evolution of $\\rX$, and hence of $\\rD$, becomes completely determined, even though its ultimate nature remains unknown. In particular, $X$ is \\textit{not} a scalar field in general. The $\\CC$XCDM model was first studied in \\cite{LXCDM12} as a promising solution to the cosmic coincidence problem, in the sense that the coincidence ratio $r=\\rD/\\rM$ can stay relatively constant, meaning that it does not vary in more than one order of magnitude for many Hubble times. The main aim of the present paper was to make a further step to consolidate such possible solution of the coincidence problem, specifically from the analysis of the coupled system of matter and DE perturbations. Let us remark that this has been a rather non-trivial test for the $\\CC$XCDM model. Indeed, after intersecting the region where the DE perturbations of this model can be consistently defined, with the region where the coincidence problem can be solved\\,\\cite{LXCDM12,GOPS}, we end up with a significantly more reduced domain of parameter space where the model can exist in full compatibility with all known cosmological data. The main conclusion of this study is that the predictivity of the model has substantially increased. Therefore, it can be better put to the test in the next generation of precision cosmological observations, which include the promising DES, SNAP and PLANCK projects\\,\\cite{SNAP}. Interestingly enough, we have found that the final region of the parameter space is a naturalness region which is more accessible to the aforementioned precision experiments. For example, we have obtained the bound $0\\leqslant\\nu\\lesssim \\nu_0\\sim 10^{-2}$ for the parameter that determines the running of the cosmological term. This bound is perfectly compatible with the physical interpretation of $\\nu$ from its definition (\\ref{nu}). Moreover, our analysis indicates that the cosmon entity $X$ behaves as ``phantom matter''\\cite{LXCDM12}, i.e. it satisfies $\\wX<-1$ with negative energy density. This result is a clear symptom (actually an expected one) from its effective nature. It is also a welcome feature; let us recall\\,\\cite{LXCDM12} that ``phantom matter'', in contrast to the ``standard'' phantom energy, prevents the Universe from reaching the Big Rip singularity. Finally, perhaps the most noticeable (and experimentally accessible) feature that we have uncovered from the analysis of the DE perturbations in the $\\CC$XCDM model, is that the overall EOS parameter $\\we$ associated to the total DE density $\\rD$ behaves effectively as quintessence ($\\we\\gtrsim -1$) in precisely the region of parameter space where the cosmic coincidence problem can be solved. In other words, quintessence is mimicked by the $\\CC$XCDM model in that relevant region, despite that there is no fundamental quintessence field in the present framework. A detailed confrontation of the various predictions of the $\\CC$XCDM model (in particular, the kind of dependence $\\we=\\we(z)$) with the future accurate experimental data\\,\\cite{SNAP}, may eventually reveal these features and even allow to distinguish this model from alternative DE proposals based on fundamental quintessence fields. To summarize: we have demonstrated that the set of cosmological models characterized by a composite, and covariantly conserved, DE density $\\rD$ in which the vacuum energy $\\rL$ is a dynamical component (specifically, one that evolves quadratically with the expansion rate, see Eq.\\,(\\ref{runlamb})), proves to be a distinguished class of models that may provide a consistent explanation of why $\\rD$ is near $\\rM$, in full compatibility with the theory of cosmological perturbations and the rest of the cosmological data. Remarkably, such class of models is suggested by the above mentioned renormalization group approach to cosmology. We conclude that the $\\CC$XCDM model can be looked upon as a rather predictive framework that may offer a robust, and theoretically motivated, dynamical solution to the cosmic coincidence problem. \\vspace{1cm} {\\bf Acknowledgments.}\\ The authors are grateful to Julio Fabris for useful discussions. We have been supported in part by MEC and FEDER under project FPA2007-66665 and also by DURSI Generalitat de Catalunya under project 2005SGR00564. The work of J.G. is also financed by MEC under BES-2005-7803. We acknowledge the support from the Spanish Consolider-Ingenio 2010 program CPAN CSD2007-00042. \\newcommand{\\JHEP}[3]{ {JHEP} {#1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\NPB}[3]{{\\sl Nucl. Phys. } {\\bf B#1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\NPPS}[3]{{\\sl Nucl. Phys. Proc. Supp. } {\\bf #1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\PRD}[3]{{\\sl Phys. Rev. } {\\bf D#1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\PLB}[3]{{\\sl Phys. Lett. } {\\bf B#1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\EPJ}[3]{{\\sl Eur. Phys. J } {\\bf C#1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\PR}[3]{{\\sl Phys. Rep. } {\\bf #1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\RMP}[3]{{\\sl Rev. Mod. Phys. } {\\bf #1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\IJMP}[3]{{\\sl Int. J. of Mod. Phys. } {\\bf #1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\PRL}[3]{{\\sl Phys. Rev. Lett. } {\\bf #1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\ZFP}[3]{{\\sl Zeitsch. f. Physik } {\\bf C#1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\MPLA}[3]{{\\sl Mod. Phys. Lett. } {\\bf A#1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\CQG}[3]{{\\sl Class. Quant. Grav. } {\\bf #1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\JCAP}[3]{{ JCAP} {\\bf#1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\APJ}[3]{{\\sl Astrophys. J. } {\\bf #1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\AMJ}[3]{{\\sl Astronom. J. } {\\bf #1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\APP}[3]{{\\sl Astropart. Phys. } {\\bf #1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\AAP}[3]{{\\sl Astron. Astrophys. } {\\bf #1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\MNRAS}[3]{{\\sl Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.} {\\bf #1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\JPA}[3]{{\\sl J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.} {\\bf #1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\ProgS}[3]{{\\sl Prog. Theor. Phys. Supp.} {\\bf #1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\APJS}[3]{{\\sl Astrophys. J. Suppl.} {\\bf #1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\Prog}[3]{{\\sl Prog. Theor. Phys.} {\\bf #1} (#2) {#3}} \\newcommand{\\IJMPA}[3]{{\\sl Int. J. of Mod. Phys. A} {\\bf #1} {(#2)} {#3}} \\newcommand{\\IJMPD}[3]{{\\sl Int. J. of Mod. Phys. D} {\\bf #1} {(#2)} {#3}} \\newcommand{\\GRG}[3]{{\\sl Gen. Rel. Grav.} {\\bf #1} {(#2)} {#3}}" }, "0809/0809.0307_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{To obtain an accurate description of broad-band photometric star cluster evolution, certain effects should be accounted for. {{Energy equipartition}} leads to {{mass segregation and}} the preferential loss of low-mass stars, while stellar remnants severely influence cluster mass-to-light ratios. Moreover, the stellar initial mass function and cluster metallicity affect photometry as well. Due to the continuous production of stellar remnants, their impact on cluster photometry is strongest for old systems like globular clusters. This, in combination with their low metallicities, evidence for mass segregation, and a possibly deviating stellar initial mass function, makes globular clusters interesting test cases for cluster models.} {In this paper we describe cluster models that include the effects of {{the preferential loss of low-mass stars}}, stellar remnants, choice of initial mass function and metallicity. The photometric evolution of clusters is predicted, and the results are applied to Galactic globular clusters.} {The cluster models presented in this paper represent an analytical description of the evolution of the underlying stellar mass function due to stellar evolution and dynamical cluster dissolution. Stellar remnants are included by using initial-remnant mass relations, while cluster photometry is computed from the Padova 1999 isochrones.} {Our study shows that the preferential loss of low-mass stars strongly affects cluster magnitude, colour and mass-to-light ratio evolution, as it increases cluster magnitudes and strongly decreases mass-to-light ratios. The effects of stellar remnants are prominent in the evolution of cluster mass, magnitude and mass-to-light ratio, while variations of the initial mass function induce similar, but smaller changes. Metallicity plays an important role for cluster magnitude, colour and mass-to-light ratio evolution. The different effects can be clearly separated with our models. We apply the models to the Galactic globular cluster population. Its properties like the magnitude, colour and mass-to-light ratio ranges are well reproduced with our models, provided that {{the preferential loss of low-mass stars}} and stellar remnants are included. We also show that the mass-to-light ratios of clusters of similar ages and metallicities cannot be assumed to be constant for all cluster luminosities. Instead, mass-to-light ratio increases with cluster luminosity and mass.} {These models underline the importance of more detailed cluster models when considering cluster photometry. By including the preferential loss of low-mass stars and the presence of stellar remnants, the magnitude, colour and mass-to-light ratio ranges of modelled globular clusters are significantly altered. With the analytic framework provided in this paper, observed cluster properties can be interpreted in a more complete perspective.} ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} In recent studies, the photometric evolution of star clusters has been extensively treated from various approaches \\citep[e.g.,][]{andersfritze03,lamers06,vonhippel06,fagiolini07}. Because cluster photometry is used for a broad range of applications, like age-dating galaxies and tracking their formation history, it is crucial to obtain an accurate description of the photometric evolution of clusters. While {\\it Simple Stellar Population} (SSP) models \\citep[e.g.,][]{leitherer99,bruzual03,andersfritze03,maraston05} only consider the changing photometric properties due to stellar evolution, other models that also use the dynamical input of $N$-body simulations can predict the photometric evolution of clusters under a wider variety of conditions \\citep[e.g.,][]{lamers06,fagiolini07,borch07}. In reality, not only stellar evolution but also the dynamical interaction of a cluster with its environment causes it to lose stars \\citep[e.g.,][]{baumgardt03}. This process, which is called dissolution, occurs due to internal two-body relaxation and external effects like tidal perturbation, spiral arm passages or encouters with Giant Molecular Clouds \\citep[e.g.,][]{baumgardt03,gieles06,gieles07}. It can change the shape of the stellar mass function, and will also affect photometric cluster evolution. This is the case as a cluster {evolves towards energy equipartition}, causing it to preferentially lose low-mass stars \\citep[e.g.,][]{portegieszwart01,baumgardt03,hurley05}. {The physical driving force of the preferential loss of low-mass bodies is subject to debate. On the one hand, energy equipartition between the bodies constituting a cluster increases the velocities of low-mass objects and thereby gives rise to the preferential loss of low-mass stars. On the other hand, it has been proposed that mass segregation, a phenomenon in which due to energy equipartition the more massive stars sink towards the cluster centre and low-mass objects move outwards, leads to the same effect since bodies in the cluster outskirts are more loosely bound than objects in the cluster centre and are thus more easily lost \\citep[e.g.,][]{leon00,portegieszwart01,lamers06}. This line of reasoning is not compatible with \\citet{king66}, where it is shown that the escape rate of stars from a cluster does not vary with radius. In that scenario, the preferential loss of low-mass stars and mass segregation are both the effects of energy equipartition, but do not necessarily share any causal connection \\citep[e.g.,][]{delafuentemarcos00}. Regardless of its specific nature, in the remainder of this paper we consider energy equipartition to be the fundamental cause of the preferential loss of low-mass stars: either directly, via mass segregation, or a combination of the two. In any case, mass segregation can serve as an indicator for clusters that have undergone a strong preferential loss of low-mass stars \\citep[e.g.,][]{portegieszwart01,baumgardt03} and will therefore be used in that respect.} There have been many observations of Galactic open and globular clusters in which evidence of mass segregation was found \\citep[e.g.,][]{anderson96,hillenbrand98,zoccali98,albrow02,richer04,koch04,pasquali04}. These clusters can be expected to exhibit non-canonical photometric evolution. Furthermore, for a number of clusters overall mass-to-light ratios are observed that strongly deviate from the mean value presented in \\citet{mclaughlin00} \\citep[e.g.,][]{baumgardt03b,vandeven06}, which suggests a range of scenarios for photometric cluster evolution. This, in combination with the high mass-to-light ratio {\\it in the centre} of some globular clusters \\citep[e.g.,][]{pasquali04,vandenbosch06} and the consequent invocation of intermediate mass black holes (IMBHs) \\citep[e.g.,][]{portegieszwart02,gurkan04}, asks for a cluster model that can explain the observed range of mass-to-light ratios. While some studies suggest IMBHs to explain the high mass-to-light ratio in the centres of globular clusters \\citep[e.g.,][]{gebhardt05,noyola06}, others show that these are not required and central concentrations of stellar remnants also provide a solution \\citep[e.g.,][]{baumgardt03a,baumgardt03b,hurley07}. Therefore, it is important to investigate to what extent either model can be used to explain the observed range of mass-to-light ratios, colours and magnitudes. A model describing cluster mass-to-light ratios may also be able to provide insight in the connection between globular clusters and ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs), the latter having a different mass-to-light ratio range than globular clusters \\citep[e.g.,][]{hasegan05,evstigneeva07,rejkuba07,mieske08a}. In this paper we present cluster models that are based on stellar isochrones like all SSP models, but analytically incorporate dynamical effects on cluster photometry by following the results from $N$-body simulations \\citep{baumgardt03}. The resulting speed and applicability to a large parameter space makes it very suitable for studying the effect of a range of parameters on cluster evolution. We show how photometric properties of clusters like their magnitude, colour and overall mass-to-light ratio are affected by {the preferential loss of low-mass stars}, the inclusion of stellar remnants, the stellar initial mass function (IMF) and metallicity. The structure of the paper is as follows. Our cluster evolution models are presented in Sect.~\\ref{sec:clevo}. In Sect.~\\ref{sec:evo} it is shown how stellar evolution affects the cluster content, including the production of stellar remnants. We derive the equations describing dynamical effects of cluster evolution on a multi-component powerlaw IMF \\citep[e.g.,][]{kroupa01} in Sect.~\\ref{sec:diss}. The effects of {the preferential loss of low-mass stars} and the dynamical loss of remnants are included. In that section, we also provide the final set of equations to describe cluster evolution with our models. The computation of photometric evolution is treated in Sect.~\\ref{sec:phot}. The results are presented in Sect.~\\ref{sec:results}, where also the influences of {the preferential loss of low-mass stars}, stellar remnants, IMF and metallicity are investigated, and the results are compared to previous studies. In Sect~\\ref{sec:appl}, the models are applied to Galactic globular clusters. Section~\\ref{sec:disc} contains a discussion of the results, while our conclusions are provided in Sect.~\\ref{sec:concl}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:concl} We have treated the influence of {the preferential loss of low-mass stars}, stellar IMF, metallicity and the inclusion of stellar remnants on cluster mass, magnitude, colour and mass-to-light ratio evolution. We presented analytical models that describe the evolution of cluster content and photometry, based on stellar evolution from the Padova 1999 isochrones and on simplified dynamical dissolution models as first presented in \\citet{lamers05}. The latter, in turn, is based on the $N$-body simulations by \\citet{baumgardt03}. {The models represent the cluster evolution part of our new cluster population synthesis code {\\it SPACE}.} We considered Kroupa and Salpeter IMFs and metallicities in the range $Z=0.0004$---0.05. The obtained data are publicly available in electronic form at the CDS and also at \\texttt{http://www.astro.uu.nl/\\~{}kruijs}. The results from our models are as follows. \\begin{itemize} \\item[(1)] {\\it The preferential loss of low-mass stars} slightly decreases the total disruption time of a cluster by a few percent. However, the most significant changes are effected in cluster photometry. The effect of fading is decreased as clusters {including mass loss in the preferential mode} can stay more than 1.5 $V$-band magnitudes brighter than clusters losing mass in the canonical mode, because most of the dynamical mass loss occurs in the form of low-mass stars that contribute little to cluster luminosity. Initially, clusters {exhibiting the preferential loss of low-mass stars} are bluer than standard ones, but they become redder during the last $\\sim 10\\%$ of cluster lifetime. The cluster mass-to-light ratio is severely decreased due to {the preferential loss of low-mass stars}. The decrease typically ranges from 2---4$~\\msun~{\\rm L}_\\odot^{-1}$ (i.e., up to 0.6~dex) near total cluster disruption {for total disruption times $\\tdis>12$~Gyr}. {If the upturn of the $M/L_V$ evolution that is much more prominent in \\citet{baumgardt03} than in our models (see Sect.~\\ref{sec:assump}, point (5)) is accounted for, this range of $M/L_V$ decrease is at most 0.5$~\\msun~{\\rm L}_\\odot^{-1}$ smaller.} \\item[(2)] {Including the mass of {\\it stellar remnants} obviously yields an increase} in the total cluster mass and consequently also in total disruption time with respect to cluster evolution without remnants. The extended lifespan also implies that cluster luminosity less rapidly decreases. The mass-to-light ratio is enhanced by almost 2 $~\\msun~{\\rm L}_\\odot^{-1}$ at its maximum, close to total disruption. \\item[(3)] We compared the evolution of clusters with {\\it Salpeter and Kroupa IMFs}, which can be considered to {favour high stellar masses (Kroupa, or a `top-oriented' IMF) or low masses (Salpeter, or a `bottom-oriented' IMF) alternatives due to the bend in the Kroupa IMF and a slight slope difference}. As can be expected, clusters with a bottom-{oriented} IMF retain more mass due to stellar evolution, which eventually causes these clusters to become brighter than clusters with a top-{oriented} IMF. However, they start out being slightly fainter since a top-{oriented} IMF favours massive stars and is thus brighter than a bottom-{oriented} one. Similarly, clusters with a top-{oriented} IMF are bluer and have smaller mass-to-light ratios than clusters with a bottom-{oriented} IMF. {For the Kroupa and Salpeter IMFs}, the latter change can amount up to several $~\\msun~{\\rm L}_\\odot^{-1}$. \\item[(4)] {\\it Metallicity} variations hardly influence the total mass evolution of clusters. In accordance with stellar studies \\citep{hurley04} low-metallicity clusters are brighter and also much bluer than high-metallicity ones. Consequently, the mass-to-light ratio is a strongly increasing function of metallicity. \\item[(5)] When applying our results to {\\it Galactic globular clusters}, it is evident that {the preferential loss of low-mass stars} is required to explain their low observed {\\it mass-to-light ratios}, especially if stellar remnants are accounted for. Low metallicity is insufficient to serve as an explanation. Another important implication of our study is that the mass-to-light ratio can {\\it not} be assumed to be constant over varying luminosity, as it is strongly affected by the dynamical history of clusters. \\item[(6)] The fact that clusters of high masses may not have reached energy equipartition yet suggests that the effects of {the preferential loss of low-mass stars} disappear with increasing cluster mass. Because clusters {exhibiting the preferential loss of low-mass stars} have much lower mass-to-light ratios than clusters that lose their mass in the canonical mode, clusters with high masses would then have much higher mass-to-light ratios than ones with lower masses. This effect may have been found by \\citet{rejkuba07}. The above interpretation and its application to the observations of \\citet{rejkuba07} is treated more extensively in \\citet{kruijssen08b}. \\item[(7)] The typical {\\it colour range of globular clusters} is covered by our models. When considering the colour-metallicity relation as reported by \\citet{smith07}, from an order-of-magnitude comparison we suggest that the observed colour scatter at fixed metallicity could be the effect of {the preferential loss of low-mass stars}. \\item[(8)] {Only when adopting a Salpeter IMF down to $\\mmini=0.1$~\\msun, the mass-to-light ratios of UCDs are reproduced by our models. While UCDs could represent a natural continuation of the trend of increasing mass-to-light ratio with (globular) cluster mass \\citep{rejkuba07}, this is not expected to be of a dynamical nature, since more massive UCDs are not expected to have reached energy equipartition within a Hubble time.} \\end{itemize} The retain of remnants and the existence of {the preferential loss of low-mass stars} are found in $N$-body simulations of clusters and in observations, while metallicity and IMF variations are observed among real clusters. Therefore the effects described in this paper should be considered when observing clusters, and observed cluster properties have to be interpreted very carefully\\footnote{Predictions for specific models can be made by the first author upon request.}." }, "0809/0809.0594_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We observed the southwestern region of the Cygnus Loop in two pointings with \\textit{XMM-Newton}. The region observed is called the ``blow-out'' region that is extended further in the south. The origin of the ``blow-out'' is not well understood while it is suggested that there is another supernova remnant here in radio observation. To investigate the detail structure of this region in X-ray, we divided our fields of view into 33 box regions. The spectra are well fitted by a two-component nonequilibrium ionization model. The emission measure distributions of heavy elements decrease from the inner region to the outer region of the Loop. Then, we also divided our fields of view into 26 annular sectors to examine the radial plasma structure. Judging from metal abundances obtained, it is consistent with that the X-ray emission is the Cygnus Loop origin and we concluded that high-$kT_{e}$ component ($\\sim$0.4\\,keV) originates from the ejecta while low-$kT_{e}$ component ($\\sim$0.2\\,keV) is derived from the swept-up interstellar medium. The flux of low-$kT_{e}$ component is much less than that of high-$kT_{e}$ component, suggesting the ISM component is very thin. Also, the relative abundances in the ejecta component shows similar values to those obtained from previous observations of the Cygnus Loop. We find no evidence in X-ray that the nature of the ``blow-out'' region originated from the extra supernova remnant. From the ejecta component, we calculated the masses for various metals and estimated the origin of the Cygnus Loop as the core-collapse explosion rather than the Type Ia supernova. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} The Cygnus Loop is one of the brightest Supernova Remnant (SNR) in the X-ray sky. Its age is estimated to be $\\sim$\\,10,000 yrs \\cite{Blair05}. Since the distance is comparatively close to us (540\\,pc; Blair et al. 2005), the apparent size is quite large ($2.5^\\circ\\times3.5^\\circ$; Levenson et al. 1997), which enables us to study the plasma structure of the Loop in detail. Although the \\object{Cygnus Loop} is an evolved SNR, a hot plasma is still confined inside the Loop \\cite{Hatsukade90}. Miyata et al. (1998) observed the Loop with the \\textit{Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics} (ASCA), and detected the strong highly-ionized Si-K, S-K line and Fe-L line near the center of the Cygnus Loop. They concluded that the hot plasma, a ``fossil'' of the supernova explosion, left in the core of the Loop. Tsunemi et al. (2007) (hereafter TKNM07) observed the Cygnus Loop along the diameter from the northeast (NE) to the southwest (SW) with \\textit{XMM-Newton} and studied the radial plasma structure. From the spectral analysis, they showed that the Cygnus Loop consists of two component plasma. They concluded that the low-$kT_e$ component originating from the interstellar medium (ISM) surrounds the high-$kT_e$ component originating from the ejecta. In addition, they measured the metal abundances of the high-$kT_e$ component and showed the metal distribution of the ejecta. The results indicate that the abundances are relatively high ($\\sim$5 times solar) and each element is nonuniformly distributed: Si, S and Fe are concentrated in the inner region while the other elements such as O, Ne and Mg are abundant in the outer region. They also estimated the progenitor star's mass to be 15 M$_\\odot$. The Cygnus Loop is a typical shell-like SNR; this structure is thought to be generated by the cavity explosion \\cite{Levenson97}. The Cygnus Loop is almost circular in shape, however, we can see some breakout in the SW. It is called the ``blow-out'' region \\cite{Aschenbach99}. The origin of the ``blow-out'' is not well understood. Aschenbach \\& Leahy (1999) have explained this extended structure as a breakout into a lower density ISM. On the other hand, Uyaniker et al. (2002) suggested the existence of a secondary SNR (named G72.9-9.0) in the south from a radio observation and some other radio observations support this conclusion (Uyaniker et al. 2004; Sun et al. 2006). Our observations were performed in a direction from the Cygnus Loop center toward the south ``blow-out'' region. In this paper, we report the result of the spectral analysis and discuss about the plasma structure of this region. ", "conclusions": "We observed the SW region of the Cygnus Loop with \\textit{XMM-Newton}. To examine the plasma structure, we divided our FOV in two different ways: 33 box sectors and 26 annular sectors. We fitted the spectrum extracted from each region with two-$kT_{e}$ VNEI model. The plasma structure of the low-$kT_{e}$ component and that of the high-$kT_{e}$ component are quite different from each other: each temperature is $\\sim$0.2\\,keV and $\\sim$0.4\\,keV for the former and the latter, respectively. The EM distribution of the low-$kT_{e}$ component suggest the rim brightening structure, while that of the high-$kT_{e}$ component monotonously decreases from the center of the Loop to the outside. In the high-$kT_{e}$ component, the abundances of Si and Fe are relatively high compared to those of Ne and Mg. The distributions of EMs as well as the relative abundances in the high-$kT_{e}$ component match the view that the low- and high-$kT_{e}$ components, respectively, originate from the ISM and the ejecta of the Cygnus Loop, which was derived by earlier observations such as TKNM07 or Katsuda et al. (2008b). We found that the emission from this ISM component is relatively weak. This suggests that the thickness of the shell is thin in Pos-8 and 9. We also calculated the relative abundances of Ne, Mg, Si, and Fe to O in the ejecta component for the entire FOV, and estimated the origin of the Cygnus Loop as the core-collapse explosion rather than the Type Ia supernova. We found no evidence in X-ray that the nature of the ``blow-out'' region originated from the extra SNR." }, "0809/0809.2591_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present infrared photometry of SN~1999em, plus optical photometry, infrared photometry, and optical spectroscopy of SN~2003hn. Both objects were Type II-P supernovae. The $V-[RIJHK]$ color curves of these supernovae evolved in a very similar fashion until the end of plateau phase. This allows us to determine how much more extinction the light of SN~2003hn suffered compared to SN~1999em. Since we have an estimate of the total extinction suffered by SN~1999em from model fits of ground-based and space-based spectra as well as photometry of SN~1999em, we can estimate the total extinction and absolute magnitudes of SN~2003hn with reasonable accuracy. Since the host galaxy of SN~2003hn also produced the Type Ia SN~2001el, we can directly compare the absolute magnitudes of these two SNe of different types. ", "introduction": "Supernovae (SNe) come in two basic models: exploding white dwarfs that are members of close binary systems, and single massive stars that develop iron cores. Type Ia SNe are generally regarded to be exploding carbon-oxygen white dwarf stars that have reached the Chandrasekhar limit due to mass transfer from a nearby non-degenerate donor star \\citep[][and references therein]{Liv00}. Therefore, Type Ia SNe are explosions constrained by a uniform energy budget. This leads to a high degree of uniformity of their light curves. The objects with more rapidly declining light curves are fainter at maximum light, and the slow decliners are brighter \\citep{Phi93, Ham_etal96, Rie_etal96, Per_etal97, Phi_etal99, Jha_etal07}. In the near-infrared, however, Type Ia SNe are even better. They are standard candles \\citep{Kri_etal04a, Kri_etal04b, Woo_etal07}. Except for the fastest declining objects, there are essentially no ``decline rate relations'' in the IR. As we have shown in a recent series of papers \\citep[see][and references therein]{Kri_etal07,Wan_etal08}, a combination of optical and near-IR photometry allows the accurate determination of host galaxy extinction of Type Ia SNe, even if the dust is different than ``standard'' Galactic dust with R$_V$ = 3.1. Type II SNe are thought to be single stars born with 8 M$_{\\odot}$ or more which, after a few million years of evolution, undergo the collapse of their iron cores and the subsequent ejection of their hydrogen-rich envelopes \\citep{Heg_etal03}. Observationally, Type II-P SNe are distinguished by prominent hydrogen lines in their spectra. When the star explodes with a significant fraction of its H-rich envelope, in theory it should display a light curve characterized by a phase of $\\sim$ 100 days of nearly constant luminosity followed by a sudden drop of 2-3 mag \\citep{Lit_etal83}. More than half of all Type II SNe belong to this class of ``Plateau'' SNe whose progenitors are attributed to stars born with less than 25 M$_{\\odot}$ \\citep{Hen_etal06,Li_etal07}. Type II-P SNe show a wide mass range, a considerable spread in explosive power, absolute magnitudes, and ejecta velocities \\citep{Ham_03}. \\citet{Ham_Pin02} have shown that there is a correlation between the expansion velocities of Type II-P SNe and their bolometric luminosities during the plateau phase. Thus, Type II-P SNe can be useful as standardizable candles in their own right. In this paper we address a simple question. Can Type II-P SNe be found that exhibit similar enough color curves such that we may attribute the systematic differences of their colors to different amounts of dust extinction along the light of sight? If the answer to this question is Yes, then in principle photometry can be used to obtain absolute magnitudes of Type II-P SNe which have minimal systematic errors owing to dust extinction along the line of sight. Accurate distances give us accurate luminosities, which are critical for constraining hydrodynamic models of Type II-P SNe as well as for cosmological studies. ", "conclusions": "\\citet{Ham_etal01} give an EPM distance to SN~1999em of 7.5 $\\pm$ 0.5 Mpc. A similar analysis by \\citet{Leo_etal02} yields 8.2 $\\pm$ 0.6 Mpc. Using improved photospheric velocities \\cite{Jon_etal08} obtain a distance of 9.3 $\\pm$ 0.5 Mpc. All these EPM distances were obtained using the same set of dilution factors calculated by \\citet{Eas_etal96}. Recently a new set of atmosphere models was calculated by \\citet{Des05} whose dilution factors are systematically higher than those of Eastman et al. and which lead to greater distances. Based on these new models \\citet{Des06} and \\citet{Jon_etal08} obtain 11.5 $\\pm$ 1.0 and 13.9 $\\pm$ 1.4 Mpc, respectively. \\citet{Leo_etal03} give a Cepheid-based distance of 11.7 $\\pm$ 1.0 Mpc, in good agreement with the EPM results derived from the new models of \\citet{Des05}, which are considerably greater than those obtained with the \\citet{Eas_etal96} models. If we adopt the Cepheid-based distance, the maximum observed $V$-band magnitude of 13.79 and total $V$-band extinction of 0.34 mag, it follows that M$_V$ = $-$16.89 $\\pm$ 0.24 mag for SN~1999em. Using the \\dmm\\ method of \\citet{Phi_etal99}, the distance to NGC 1448, the host of SNe 2001el and 2003hn, is 17.9 $\\pm$ 0.8 Mpc \\citep{Kri_etal03}. Adopting the total $V$-band extinction of 0.586 $\\pm$ 0.050 mag for SN~2001el \\citep{Kri_etal07}, it follows that M$_V$(max) = $-$19.12 $\\pm$ 0.11. A check on the distance of NGC 1448 can be obtained by assuming that the $JHK$ absolute magnitudes at maximum of SN~2001el equal the mean values given in Table 17 of \\citet{Kri_etal04b}. \\citet{Kri_etal07} also found that R$_V$ = 2.15 is the most appropriate value for the host galaxy dust associated with SN~2001el. From the near-IR maxima we obtain a distance of 18.1 $\\pm$ 0.4 Mpc. For comparison, the EPM analysis of SN~2003hn by \\citet{Jon_etal08} yields 16.9 $\\pm$ 2 and 26.3 $\\pm$ 7 Mpc, using dilution factors from \\citet{Eas_etal96} and \\citet{Des05}, respectively. The ``Standardized Candle Method'' (SCM) applied to SN~2003hn yields a distance of 17.8 $\\pm$ 1 Mpc \\citep{Oli_etal08}. Under the assumption that the early-time photometric behavior of SN~2003hn was the same as that of SN~1999em, we can extrapolate that SN~2003hn was 0.056 mag brighter than our earliest $V$-band measurement. Adopting V$_{max}$ = 14.41 $\\pm$ 0.03, A$_V$(total) = 0.58 $\\pm$ 0.14, and $d$ = 17.9 $\\pm$ 0.8 Mpc, it follows that M$_V$(max) = $-$17.44 $\\pm$ 0.17. Taken at face value, SN~2003hn was 0.55 $\\pm$ 0.30 mag brighter than its ``cousin'' SN~1999em. Since SN~2003hn and 2001el occurred in the same galaxy, a comparison of their absolute magnitude differences involves no uncertainties in distance. Corrected for extinction, at the time of maximum light SN~2003hn was 1.68 mag fainter in $V$ than SN~2001el. This confirms the notion that a typical Type II-P SN is significantly fainter than a Type Ia SN for the optical maxima. In the near-IR, SNe 2001el and 2003hn are not so dissimilar in brightness at maximum. For SN~2001el the observed $K_{max}$ = 12.83 $\\pm$ 0.04 \\citep{Kri_etal03}. Its total $K$-band extinction was about 0.057 mag. The absolute magnitude M$_K$(max) $\\approx -18.49$. For SN~2003hn, $K_{max}$ = 13.27 $\\pm$ 0.03 (from Table \\ref{03hn_yjhk}), A$_K \\approx 0.064$ mag, so M$_K$(max) $\\approx -18.06$. This is only 0.43 mag fainter than SN~2001el. The implication is that a wide angle SN survey carried out at 2.2 microns would find Type II-P SNe almost as easily as Type Ia SNe. Since Type II SNe are single massive stars that have very short main sequence lifetimes, they end their lives very close to where they were born, in regions of significant levels of star formation. As a result, the light curves of most (or all) Type II SNe would be affected by interstellar extinction along the line of sight. We have found two Type II-P SNe whose color curves vary in a similar manner until the end of the plateau phase. The similarities of these color curves and increasing color excesses as we proceed from $V-R$ through $V-K$ imply that the observed color differences are simply due to differing amounts of dust along the line of sight. The implication is that some fraction of Type II-P SNe may exhibit sufficiently uniform color curves that they may be used for a determination of the {\\em relative} amounts of dust extinction that they suffer. Once we are confident we have data on Type II-P SNe which are minimally reddened in their host galaxies, we can obtain accurate total extinctions for all the SNe with good optical and IR light curves which show those similar color curves. This will lead to a more accurate distance calibration for Type II-P SNe. As future projects such as Pan-STARRS and LSST discover large numbers of SNe, we should be able to use Type Ia and Type II-P SNe for cosmology." }, "0809/0809.3673.txt": { "abstract": "We investigate the connection between dark energy and fourth order gravity by analyzing the behavior of scalar perturbations around a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker background. The evolution equations for scalar perturbation are derived using the covariant and gauge invariant approach and applied to two widely studied $f(R)$ gravity models. The structure of the general {\\it fourth order} perturbation equations and the analysis of scalar perturbations lead to the discovery of a characteristic signature of fourth order gravity in the matter power spectrum, the details of which have not seen before in other works in this area. This could provide a crucial test for fourth order gravity on cosmological scales. ", "introduction": "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% In spite of all the efforts made so far, the problem of the nature of Dark Energy (DE) is still far from a completely satisfactory resolution. Among the many theoretical frameworks proposed, the idea of a geometrical origin of Dark Energy has recently received a great deal of attention. The main reason for this popularity can be found in the fact that these type of theories of gravity, which are suggested by the low energy limit of very fundamental schemes \\cite{stringhe,birrell}, lead to cosmologies which admit naturally a Dark Energy era \\cite{SalvSolo,revnostra,Odintsov, Carroll,star2007} (and possibly even an inflationary one \\cite{kerner1,star80,Cognola1}) without the introduction of any additional cosmological fields. Much of the investigation performed up to now on the idea of Geometric Dark Energy has been focused on the so-called fourth order theories of gravity. In these theories the Hilbert-Einstein action is modified with terms that are at most of order four in the metric tensor. The features of fourth order gravity have been analyzed with different methods \\cite{OurDynSys, BarrowDyn,Barrow Hervik,OdintRec,CognolaDyn} and it has been shown that their cosmologies can give rise to a phase of accelerated expansion which is considered the footprint of Dark Energy. Although these results are very encouraging there are still some important open problems to be addressed. One of them is the analysis of the evolution of the linear perturbations and their comparison with observations. Over the past year this problem has been studied by a number of authors, by (1) considering different ways of parameterizing the non-Einstein modifications of gravity or (2) by simplifying the underlying fourth-order perturbation equations using a quasi-static approximation or a combination of (1) and (2) \\cite{Li:2008ai,HuSawicki,Bertschinger:2008zb,otherperts}. In a number of recent papers \\cite{SantePert, K1} we derived the evolution equations for scalar and tensor perturbations of a subclass of fourth order theories of gravity characterized by an action which is a general analytic function of the Ricci scalar. In our work we study the dynamics of linear scalar perturbations using the covariant and gauge invariant approach developed for General Relativity (GR) in \\cite{EllisCovariant,EB,EBH,BDE,DBE,BED,DBBE}. This approach has the advantage of using perturbation variables with a clear geometrical and physical interpretation. Furthermore, we use a specific recasting of the field equations that will make the development of the cosmological perturbation theory even more transparent, allowing one to integrate the perturbation equations exactly for a given $f(R)$ model without making any additional approximations. The preliminary results obtained in \\cite{SantePert} showed some interesting features. First of all the evolution of scalar perturbations is determined by a fourth order differential equation rather than a second order one. This implies that the evolution of the density fluctuations contains, in general, four modes rather that two and can give rise to a more complex evolution than the one of General Relativity (GR). Secondly, the perturbations are found to depend on the scale for any equation of state for standard matter (while in GR the evolution of the dust perturbations are not scale dependent). This means that, for example, in this framework the evolution of super-horizon and sub-horizon perturbations is different. Third, and more surprisingly, we found that growth of large density fluctuations can occur also in backgrounds in which the expansion rate is increasing in time. This is in striking contrast with what one finds in GR and what one would naively expect, but at the same time suggests new ways to tackle the DE problem. The features mentioned above imply that the evolution of perturbations in this framework can be completely different from the one we are familiar with. Yet this does not necessarily mean that they are incompatible with observations. Rather, they are a sign of the fact that in dealing with these models one has to resist the temptation of using assumptions which work well in GR. In this paper, following in this spirit, we will analyze further what was found in \\cite{SantePert} with the aim of achieving a clearer understanding of the physics of the matter dominated era in fourth order gravity. In order to do this, we will rewrite the perturbation equations in a more physically meaningful way and will develop a series of tools which will make the analysis of the evolution of density perturbations easier to understand and to compare with GR. The paper is organized as follows. In section II we will give some basic equations and we will present briefly the covariant gauge invariant formalism we use to develop the perturbation theory. In section III, we give the background and the perturbation equations. In section IV we rewrite these equation in an interesting form allowing us to discuss their general structure. In section V we propose some useful tools to understand the behavior of the perturbations and compare it with what one obtains in General Relativity. In section VI we apply these tools to some simple specific examples. Section VII is dedicated to the conclusions. Unless otherwise specified, natural units ($\\hbar=c=k_{B}=8\\pi G=1$) will be used throughout this paper, Latin indices run from 0 to 3. The symbol $\\nabla$ represents the usual covariant derivative and $\\partial$ corresponds to partial differentiation. We use the $-,+,+,+$ signature and the Riemann tensor is defined by \\begin{equation} R^{a}{}_{bcd}=W^a{}_{bd,c}-W^a{}_{bc,d}+ W^e{}_{bd}W^a{}_{ce}- W^f{}_{bc}W^a{}_{df}\\;, \\end{equation} where the $W^a{}_{bd}$ are the Christoffel symbols (i.e. symmetric in the lower indices), defined by \\begin{equation} W^a_{bd}=\\frac{1}{2}g^{ae} \\left(g_{be,d}+g_{ed,b}-g_{bd,e}\\right)\\;. \\end{equation} The Ricci tensor is obtained by contracting the {\\em first} and the {\\em third} indices \\begin{equation}\\label{Ricci} R_{ab}=g^{cd}R_{acbd}\\;. \\end{equation} Finally the Hilbert--Einstein action in the presence of matter is given by \\begin{equation} {\\cal A}=\\int d x^{4} \\sqrt{-g}\\left[\\frac{1}{2}R+ L_{m}\\right]\\;. \\end{equation} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ", "conclusions": "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% In this paper we have discussed the properties of scalar perturbations in fourth order gravity and described some useful methods for extracting physical information from the complex equations that govern their evolution. These tools are devised in such a way to gain as clear an understanding as possible of the behavior of scalar perturbations on all scales and to facilitate a direct comparison of these results with the corresponding ones in GR. Two simple models: $f(R)=R^{n}$ and $f(R)=R+\\alpha R^{n}$ were analyzed in detail because of their simplicity and because we have a relatively good understanding of their background via the dynamical systems approach. The results obtained show profound differences in the dynamics of the perturbations compared to what occurs in GR: in these models we find the growth rate of the perturbations is in general different from the GR one and always dependent on the scale. This implies, for example, that depending on the value of the parameters the perturbation can grow or dissipate (or both) at different rates, with obvious consequences for the global cosmic history. The fourth order system of differential equations that governs the behavior of the scalar perturbations of these models, in particular when written in terms of $\\Delta_m$ and $\\Delta_R$, has a structure that resembles closely one of a two fluids GR model. Although the $\\Delta_m$ and $\\Delta_R$ system of equations is enormously more complicated than (\\ref{EqPerIIOrd1}-\\ref{EqPerIIOrd2}), one can still use it to get an idea of the nature of the interaction between the non-Einstein part of the gravitational interaction and standard matter. In section VII we found that the wavenumber structure of these coefficients is such that for very large or very small $k$ they become scale invariant. This implies, in turn, that the matter power spectrum is scale invariant for $k\\rightarrow 0,\\infty$ and can present some characteristic features on scales that depend on the different parameters of the model. Another way of interpreting the form of the spectrum without necessarily using the curvature fluid idea is to interpret $\\mathcal{R}$ and $\\Re$ as being associated with the propagation of the scalar degree of freedom of the theory, or a scalar gravitational mode, whose interaction with matter is able to emulate the effect of a relativistic component, which, like photons in GR, induces power loss in the oscillations that appear in the spectrum. The picture that emerges from our results is that in our examples, fourth order gravity influences deeply the structure formation process, but the modifications are only detectable around a specific value of $k$. Everywhere else in $k$ space the results are very close (although dynamically different) to GR. This is particularly interesting since it means that for a suitable choice of values for the parameters, the oscillations can be positioned beyond the observational boundary of currently available data. Hence our results seems to imply that not only could these models be compatible with the observed matter power spectrum, but that we also have a systematic way of constraining their parameters using data coming from a range of scales, for example by combining CMB and LSS data \\cite{WMAP, SDSS}. It is also worth commenting briefly about the compatibility of our analysis with the existing literature. For example in \\cite{Li:2008ai} a class of models which is very similar to the one we analyzed in Section \\ref{SecRRn} is considered. Using a specific background the authors showed that the matter power spectrum is characterized by an excess of power at small scales when the theory is very close to $\\Lambda$CDM. A similar result is found in \\cite{HuSawicki} in which classes of models are considered which contain additive corrections to the Hilbert -Einstein action (i.e. they have the form $R+g(R)$ ). These general corrections are parameterized by a quantity $B$, which measures the deviation from GR. Instead in \\cite{Bertschinger:2008zb}, generic modifications are considered (both scale-dependent and scale-independent), using a more flexible parameterization. In the sub-case of scale dependent modifications (like in the $f(R)$ case) examples are given in which one finds once again excess of power on small scales in the power spectrum. Also one should note that in the same sub-case examples were given when one finds a deficit in power. Interestingly, both the examples considered in this paper exhibit excess power on small scales for $n\\rightarrow 1^{+}$ in the case of $R^{n}$-gravity and for $n\\rightarrow 1^{+}$ and $\\alpha\\ll 1$ in the case $R+\\alpha R^n$. This indicates that, for small corrections to GR, excess power at large scale seems to be a generic feature in $f(R)$-gravity. However there are situations in which one might want to analyze theories which are not necessarily close to GR. For example in \\cite{Salv06,Salv07,Salucci} a fit of $R^n$-gravity with the data coming from the rotation curves of galaxies and supernovae type Ia leads to values of $n$ in the range $[1.7, 3.5]$. For these values of $n$, both our examples indicate a loss of power at small scales, which means that we are provided with an opportunity to rule out this model by testing it against available data. Although the presence of an excess or deficit of power on small scales seems closely related to the value of the specific parameters of the model itself, there are some indications that other features of the spectrum found in our examples are indeed general. For example, the $k$ structure of the general equations (\\ref{EqPerIIOrdParGen1}-\\ref{EqPerIIOrdParGen2}) suggests that the evolution of perturbations in a generic $f(R)$ theory presents at least three different regimes. Also looking at the derivation of the $(\\Delta_m, \\Delta_R)$ equations (which can be performed in general, provided a sufficiently large amount of paper and time) one realizes that the $k$ dependence of the dissipation and source coefficients we have found in our examples is expected to be common to any $f(R)$ Lagrangian because it originates from the $\\3nab^2\\3nab^2$ terms in the perturbation equations. We end by commenting that these results together with the dynamical systems analysis of the background cosmological history presented in other papers \\cite{OurDynSys,SanteGenDynSys} provides a unified and consistent approach to the combined study of FLRW observational constraints and a complete analysis of linear structure growth in the context of $f(R)$ gravity. \\vfill {\\noindent{\\bf Acknowledgements:}\\\\ The authors wish to thank Dr J. Larena for useful discussion and suggestions. SC wish to thanks J Donkers for useful discussion and support during the development of this paper. KNA and SC are supported by Claude Leon Foundation fellowships. This work was supported by the National Research Foundation (South Africa) and the {\\it Ministrero degli Affari Esteri - DIG per la Promozione e Cooperazione Culturale} (Italy) under the joint Italy/South Africa science and technology agreement. \\newpage \\appendix %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" }, "0809/0809.2448_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "An observation of the West lobe of radio galaxy Fornax~A (NGC~1316) with Suzaku is reported. Since \\citet{feigelson95} and \\citet{kaneda95} discovered the cosmic microwave background boosted inverse-Comptonized (IC) X-rays from the radio lobe, the magnetic field and electron energy density in the lobes have been estimated under the assumption that a single component of the relativistic electrons generates both the IC X-rays and the synchrotron radio emission. However, electrons generating the observed IC X-rays in the 1 -- 10 keV band do not possess sufficient energy to radiate the observed synchrotron radio emission under the estimated magnetic field of a few $\\mu$G. On the basis of observations made with Suzaku, we show in the present paper that a 0.7 -- 20 keV spectrum is well described by a single power-law model with an energy index of 0.68 and a flux density of $0.12\\pm0.01$ nJy at 1 keV from the West lobe. The derived multiwavelength spectrum strongly suggests that a single electron energy distribution over a Lorentz factor $\\gamma = 300 - 90000$ is responsible for generating both the X-ray and radio emissions. The derived physical quantities are not only consistent with those reported for the West lobe, but are also in very good agreement with those reported for the East lobe. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} % Cosmic jets of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are significant kinetic energy channels from supermassive blackholes to intergalactic space. Some bulk flows release their entire kinetic energy into expanding radio lobes, which can be regarded as calorimeters for AGN outflows. The injected kinetic energy is thought to be turned into internal energy of plasma and induced magnetic field energy in the lobes. Although the energy densities of electrons and magnetic fields are often estimated assuming equipartition between the electron and magnetic fields, recent X-ray and radio imaging spectroscopy techniques have provided a way to resolve the two physical quantities without relying on this assumption. From observations of the radio galaxy Fornax~A (NGC~1316) with ASCA and ROSAT, it was first discovered that the radio lobes generate inverse-Compton (IC) X-rays as well as a synchrotron radio emission. It was concluded that the IC X-rays were generated from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons (\\cite{kaneda95}; \\cite{feigelson95}), as has long been suspected (e.g. \\cite{harris79}). Following this discovery, through X-ray imaging spectroscopic measurements carried out by satellites in the past decade, including ASCA, ROSAT, Beppo-SAX, Chandra, and XMM-Newton, measurements of the electron energies of the lobes and the magnetic fields of a new level of precision have been achieved, in cooperation with measurements made using radio interferometers (e.g., \\cite{brunetti01}; \\cite{isobe02}; \\cite{isobe05} hereafter I05; \\cite{hardcastle02}; \\cite{grandi03}; \\cite{comastri03}; \\cite{croston04}). The derived electron energy densities often exceeded those of the magnetic fields by a factor of a few to several dozen in a number of the observed radio lobe objects (e.g. \\cite{isobe02}; I05; \\cite{croston05}). However, we note that there is still room for argument against this observational claim. These evaluations are based on another assumption that the synchrotron and IC emissions are generated by relativistic electrons with a power law shaped energy spectrum; however, the validity of this law has not been strictly proven yet. In the case of typical radio lobes, the radio synchrotron radiation is generated by electrons with $\\gamma \\sim (1-6) \\times10^4$, whereas the observed IC X-rays in the range of 1 -- 10 keV are generated by electrons with $\\gamma \\sim (1-3) \\times 10^3$. In this regard, we need to examine the electron energy distribution in the range of $\\gamma > 3 \\times 10^3$ by observing IC X-rays with energies of over 10~keV. We, therefore, used Suzaku to observe the hard X-ray extension of IC X-rays with energies of up to 20~keV to cover this observational gap. We expected to observe that the electrons producing the $\\sim 20$ keV IC X-rays, would also be responsible for generating sub-100MHz synchrotron radio radiation. Suzaku, which is equipped not only with a high-throughput X-ray telescope (XRT; \\cite{xrt07}) and CCD cameras (XISs; \\cite{xis07}) but also with the most sensitive hard X-ray spectrometer (HXD; \\cite{hxd07}) currently available, is one of the most suitable instruments for the purpose of measuring the spectrum over 10~keV, the region corresponding to the electrons. The structure of this paper is as follows. We describe the Suzaku observation and the results in \\S~2 and \\S~3. Following the presentation of the results, we evaluate the newly obtained X-ray spectra from the viewpoint of a multiwavelength spectrum and derive the physical quantities with respect to the lobe field in \\S~4. Finally, we summarize these results in the last section. In the Appendix, we present our analysis and results previously obtained by XMM-Newton in order to evaluate contaminant point sources in the West radio lobe region. Throughout the present paper, we assume the distance to Fornax~A to be 18.6 Mpc (\\cite{madore99}), on the basis of measurements made by the Hubble Space Telescope of Cepheid variables in NGC~1365, a galaxy that, along with Fornax~A, belongs to the Fornax Cluster. This distance gives an angle-to-physical size conversion ratio of 5.41 kpc~arcmin$^{-1}$ and a red shift of the rest frame $z_{\\rm rest}=0.00465$, while the measured red shift, including the proper motion, is reported to be $z_{\\rm obs} = 0.005871$ (\\cite{longhetti98}). ", "conclusions": "% We succeeded in observing non-thermal X-rays from the Fornax~A West lobe with the HXD/PIN instrument onboard Suzaku. Having assumed a hard X-ray emission extending over the lobe with a radius of $12'$, we confirmed that the measured hard X-ray spectral slope and flux are in good agreement with the extrapolation of the diffuse non-thermal component observed with XIS below 10~keV. The non-thermal X-rays can be described sufficiently well by a single power law model over the entire range from 0.5 up to 16 keV (with the nominal NXB) or to 20 (with the rescaled NXB) keV, and the spectral slope is consistent with that observed in the radio spectrum. Employing the derived power law component for the diffuse hard X-rays, we plotted the spectral energy distribution (SED) together with the radio spectra in figure~\\ref{fig:sed}. \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\FigureFile(80mm,80mm){fig4.eps} \\end{center} \\caption{(A) Spectral energy distribution from the West lobe (squares), East lobe (smaller diamonds with crosses), and total (larger diamonds). Derived models for the synchrotron emission (dashed line) and the CMB-boosted IC emissions (solid line) are shown with lines (see text). The 29.9 and 100 MHz data points are taken from \\citet{finlay73}, the 408 MHz data points from \\citet{robertson73}, the 843 MHz data points from \\citet{jones92}, the 1.4 GHz data points from \\citet{ekers83}, the 2.7 GHz data points from \\citet{ekers69}, \\citet{shimmins79} and \\citet{kuehr81}, and the 5.0~GHz data point from \\citet{kuehr81}.}\\label{fig:sed} \\end{figure}% An X-ray spectrum following a single power law distribution, which does not smoothly connect to the synchrotron component, requires another origin. The IC process is the most promising origin for the observed hard X-rays reported so far. Taking the size of and the distance from the host galaxy into account, we found that the photon energy density of the CMB at the source rest frame ($4.3\\times 10^{-13}$erg~cm$^{-3}$) exceeds both emissions from the host galaxy emission ($\\sim$ a few $\\times 10^{-15}$erg~cm$^{-3}$) and synchrotron emission from the lobe ($\\sim 6 \\times 10^{-17}$erg~cm$^{-3}$) by two orders of magnitude (e.g. \\cite{rband07} and references in the caption of figure~\\ref{fig:sed}). In accordance with \\citet{harris79}, we derived the estimated energy density of the electrons and the magnetic field energy density to be $u_{\\rm e} = (5.1 \\pm 1.0) \\times 10^{-13}$erg~cm$^{-3}$ and $u_{\\rm m} = (0.67 \\pm 0.08)\\eta^{-1} \\times 10^{-13}$erg~cm$^{-3}$, respectively, where $\\eta$ is the filling factor of magnetic field against the electron spatial distribution. Here, we assumed an electron Lorentz factor of $\\gamma = 300 - 90000$, as we describe below, and included the systematic errors arising from the ambiguity of the reported radio flux and slope according to \\S~4 in I05. Note that the difference in brightness profiles between radio and X-rays is discussed with ASCA (T01). The displacement is thought to originate from partial displacement between the magnetic field and the electron distribution. T01 examined it and showed the magnetic field filling factor could be $\\eta = 0.95$ or less, with the electrons filling the entire volume homogeneously. Adopting the above values, we calculated the CMB boosted IC spectrum and plotted the results in the obtained SED in figure~\\ref{fig:sed}. Here, we assumed an electron differential energy spectrum with a single power law distribution of \\begin{displaymath} N_{\\gamma} = 2.0 \\times 10^{-6} \\gamma^{-2.36} \\;\\; {\\rm electrons~cm}^{-3}, \\end{displaymath} Here, we employed the lower boundary electron energy distribution of $\\gamma = 300$ to describe the lower energy end of the detected X-rays, although we have no evidence of a lower energy cutoff of the electron energy distribution. Similarly, we set the upper boundary of $\\gamma=90000$ in accordance with the higher end of the radio observation of the total lobe observations. The calculation program was written to use the SSC equations presented in \\citet{kataoka00}, to which we added the CMB/IC spectrum, and it can be seen that it provides a good description of the obtained multiwavelength data. The electron Lorentz factor of $\\gamma = 300 - 4000$ (or 4500) is required by the CMB/IC X-ray spectrum in the range of 0.5 -- 16 (or 20) keV, where we employed the nominal (or rescaled) NXB model for the HXD/PIN. At the same time, adopting the derived magnetic field, the observed synchrotron radiation spectrum requires a Lorentz factor of $\\gamma > 4200$. Thus, we conclude that a single electron energy distribution can naturally explain the two independent measurements in radio and X-ray bands. The derived parameters are summarized in table~\\ref{tab:param}. We also note that the derived electron and magnetic field energy densities are not only consistent with those determined in previous reports (T01) but are also in very good agreement with those determined for the East lobe (I05). \\begin{table} \\caption{Derived physical quantities}\\label{tab:param} \\begin{tabular}{cccc} \\hline \\hline % & West Lobe & East Lobe\\footnotemark[$\\dagger$] & unit \\\\ \\hline % (1) $B_{\\rm eq}$ & 1.59 & 1.55 & $\\mu$G \\\\ (2) $B_{\\rm IC}$ & $1.3\\pm0.1$ & $1.23^{+0.08}_{-0.06}$ & $\\mu$G \\\\ (3) $u_{\\rm m}$ & $0.67\\pm0.08$ & $0.60^{+0.08}_{-0.06}$ & $10^{-13}$ erg~cm$^{-3}$ \\\\ (4) $u_{\\rm e}$ & $5.0\\pm1.0$ & $5.0^{+1.1}_{-1.0}$ & $10^{-13}$ erg~cm$^{-3}$ \\\\ $u_{\\rm e}/u_{\\rm m}$ & $7.5 \\pm 0.6$ & $5.0^{+1.1}_{-1.0}$ & \\\\ \\hline % \\end{tabular} \\footnotemark[$\\dagger$]: Taken from I05 for reference.\\\\ (1) Estimated magnetic field assuming electron-magnetic field energy equipartition.\\\\ (2)---(4) Magnetic field strength, magnetic field energy density, and electron energy density as derived from the observed CMB/IC X-rays and the synchrotron radio waves, respectively (see the text). \\end{table}" }, "0809/0809.1741_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{} % {We aim to identify the stellar populations (mostly red giants and young stars) detected in the ISOGAL survey at 7 and 15$\\mu$m towards a field (LN45) in the direction $\\ell=-45, b=0.0$.} {The sources detected in the survey of the Galactic plane by the Infrared Space Observatory are characterized based on colour-colour and colour-magnitude diagrams. We combine the ISOGAL catalog with the data from surveys such as 2MASS and GLIMPSE. Interstellar extinction and distance are estimated using the red clump stars detected by 2MASS in combination with the isochrones for the AGB/RGB branch. Absolute magnitudes are thus derived and the stellar populations are identified based on their absolute magnitudes and their infrared excess. } {A standard approach to the analysis of ISOGAL disk observations has been established. We identify several hundred RGB/AGB stars and 22 candidate young stellar objects in the direction of this field in an area of 0.16 deg$^2$. An over-density of stellar sources is found at distances corresponding to the distance of the Scutum-Crux spiral arm. In addition, we determine mass-loss rates of AGB-stars using dust radiative transfer models from the literature.} {} ", "introduction": "% ISOGAL survey data at 7 and 15~$\\mu$m of about 16deg$^2$ in selected fields of the inner Galactic disk have allowed the detection of about 1~$\\times$~10$^5$ point sources down to $\\sim$10~mJy at 15~$\\mu$m and 7~$\\mu$m. In conjunction with ground based near-IR surveys (DENIS, 2MASS), they offer the possibility to investigate the different populations of infrared stars in the Galactic disk up to 15~$\\mu$m. The technical characteristics of the five wavelength ISOGAL-DENIS point source catalogue are presented and discussed in detail by \\citet{Schuller2003}, while \\citet{Omont2003} have reviewed the scientific capabilities and the main outcome of ISOGAL. The best detected stellar class is that of AGB stars which are almost completely detected above the RGB tip at least at 7~$\\mu$m up to the Galactic Center \\citep{Glass1999,Omont1999}. The infrared color ($K_S$-[15])$_\\mathrm{0}$ is a very good measure of their mass-loss rate \\citep{Ojha2003}. The mass-loss rate can also be derived from the pure ISOGAL color [7]-[15], which is practically independent of extinction. Combined with variability data from MACHO\\citep{Alcock1997} or EROS\\citep{Palanque1998}, ISOGAL data of bulge fields have shown that practically all sources detected at 15~$\\mu$m are long period variables with interesting correlations between the mass-loss rate traced by the 15~$\\mu$m excess and variability intensity and period \\citep{Alard2001}. The 15~$\\mu$m data from the fields observed (0.29 deg$^2$ in total) in the Galactic bulge ($\\vert b \\vert \\geq 1^\\circ$) have been used by \\citet{Ojha2003} to infer global properties of the mass returned to the interstellar medium by AGB stars in the bulge. However, similar work has not yet been carried out in the disk ISOGAL fields because of the difficulty in properly estimating distances along the line of sight. Red giants are by far the most numerous population of luminous bright stars in the near and mid-infrared. They are detectable through out the Galaxy with modern surveys such as 2MASS, DENIS, GLIMPSE, ISOGAL and MSX. The reddening of various infrared colours may be used to trace the interstellar extinction, A$_\\mathrm{V}$. However, the near-IR colours $J-K_S$ or $H-K_S$ are generally the most useful because of greater sensitivity to extinction with A$_\\mathrm{J}$-A$_\\mathrm{Ks}$~$\\sim$~0.17\\,A$_\\mathrm{V}$ and A$_\\mathrm{H}$-A$_\\mathrm{Ks}$~$\\sim$~0.06\\,A$_\\mathrm{V}$ \\citep{Glass1999book}. Such methods have been used for systematic studies of the extinction in large areas from DENIS \\citep{Schultheis1999} and 2MASS \\citep{Dutra2003}, and also for modeling of Galactic stellar populations from these surveys \\citep{Marshall2006}. When the luminosities of the red giants are known, e.g. those of the 'red clump' or the RGB tip, one may infer both extinction and the distance from colour-magnitude diagrams (CMD) such as $J$ vs $J-K_S$. The numerous giants of the red clump are known to be, by far, the best way to make 3D estimates of the extinction along Galactic lines of sight by determining distance scales from their well defined luminosities and intrinsic colours. \\citet{Lopez-Corredoira2002}, \\citet{Drimmel2003} and \\citet{Indebetouw2005} have exploited the red clump stars of DENIS and 2MASS to explore the extinction along various lines of sight. The 6-8~$\\mu$m range is not as good an indicator of AGB mass-loss as 15~$\\mu$m. However, the sensitivity of ISOGAL at 7~$\\mu$m allows the detection of less luminous giants below the RGB tip at the distance of the bulge \\citep{Glass1999}. The large number of such stars, $\\sim$10$^5$, detected by ISOGAL in the Galactic disk and inner bulge may also be used to study the mid-infrared extinction law at 7~$\\mu$m by comparing $K_S$-[7] with $J-K_S$. \\citet{Jiang2003} have used this approach along one line of sight. This method may even be extended to the derivation of extinction at 15~$\\mu$m from the ratio $K_S$-[15]/$J-K_S$. It has recently been applied to all the exploitable ISOGAL lines of sight (more than 120 directions at both wavelengths of ISO) in the Galactic disk and inner bulge \\citep{Jiang2006}. Young stars with dusty disks or cocoons are the other class of objects to be addressed using ISOGAL's ability to detect 15 $\\mu$m excess. \\citet{Felli2002} have thus identified 715 candidate young stars from relatively bright ISOGAL sources with a very red [7]-[15] color. \\citet{Schuller2002} has proposed another criteria for identifying such luminous young stellar objects based on the non-point source like behaviour of the 15~$\\mu$m emission. However, various reasons have limited the full exploitation of ISOGAL for young star studies; e.g. lack of complementary data at longer or shorter wavelengths which makes it difficult to have a good diagnostic of the nature of the objects, their luminosity and mass; lack of angular resolution which may preclude deblending of nearby sources; limited quality of the data, especially in the regions of active star formation with high diffuse infrared background. Other infrared surveys, IRAS and MSX \\citep{Price2001}, have covered the complete Galactic disk, including bands at longer wavelengths, but with a very limited sensitivity, especially in the range 12--20~$\\mu$m where ISOGAL is three or four magnitudes deeper than MSX. However, the much increased panoramic capabilities of {\\it Spitzer Space Observatory} have now made available much deeper data in the four IRAC bands (3.6, 4.5, 5.8 and 8.0$~\\mu$m) in the main part of the whole Galactic disk from the GLIMPSE {\\it Spitzer Legacy Project} \\citep{Benjamin2003,Benjamin2005}, extended to the whole inner disk with GLIMPSE II. GLIMPSE is about one order of magnitude deeper than ISOGAL in the range 6-8$\\mu$m, and it has a better angular resolution, but it lacks extension at longer wavelength as provided by ISOGAL at 15~$\\mu$m. We note that the MIPSGAL project with {\\it Spitzer} will provide longer wavelength (MIPS bands at 24$\\mu$m and 70$\\mu$m) coverage in the near future \\citep{Carey2005}. The main purpose of the present paper is to begin a reassessment of ISOGAL data in conjunction with the availability of GLIMPSE data. We have chosen a standard ISOGAL field with good quality data and covering a relatively large area and latitude range, allowing a valuable statistical study. We have made a complete analysis of the ISOGAL data and validated their quality using the GLIMPSE data. We discuss their various science outputs, especially at 15~$\\mu$m, including complementary information in the line of sight, especially from GLIMPSE/2MASS and \\element{C}\\element{O} millimetre observations. Our main goal from such a case study is to validate general methods for a subsequent complete exploitation of 15~$\\mu$m data in all ISOGAL fields, complemented by near-IR and GLIMPSE data, especially for systematic studies of AGB stars and their mass-loss and dusty young stars of intermediate mass. The paper is organized as follows: Sect. \\ref{sec_dataset} recalls the general properties of ISOGAL data and describes the associations of ISOGAL point sources in this field with GLIMPSE, 2MASS, and MSX sources. Section \\ref{sec_stats} discusses corresponding statistics and the validation of ISOGAL quality using GLIMPSE data. Section \\ref{sec_ext_dist} is devoted to interstellar extinction in this direction, the mid-IR extinction law and stellar dereddening, and comparison with \\element{C}\\element{O} emission across the field, in order to infer a rough three dimensional picture of extinction and source distribution. Section \\ref{sec_nature} deals with the nature of the sources: the AGB population, its mass-loss, luminosity function and relation with the RGB population, identification of the relatively few young stars in this direction and their properties and relationship with various other indicators of star formation. ", "conclusions": "% We have studied a large ISOGAL field towards the Galactic disk and established a standard mode of studying the large set of ISOGAL observations of the disk. We show that the stars of the red clump can be traced all along the line of sight using the 2MASS $J$ and $K_S$ data up to the start of the Scutum--Crux arm towards the $\\ell=-45\\degr$ direction. We find that the locally accepted value of the extinction per unit distance, $c_\\mathrm{J}$, is sufficient to fit well the red clump locus up to 2.5kpc in this direction. However, beyond 2.5kpc, $c_\\mathrm{J}$ varies with galactic latitude and increases with distance. We use the red clump locus to obtain the distance and extinction towards individual stars assuming them to be red giants and thus following the RGB/AGB isochrone. The distribution of stellar density rises as one hits the spiral arm at 4kpc. The 2MASS data are not deep enough to detect the stars of the red clump at distances larger than 4kpc at the lowest galactic latitudes. We do see more luminous AGB stars to larger distances. Most of the red giants brighter than the stars of the red clump are detected by ISOGAL at 7$\\mu$m. The ($K_S$-[15])$_0$ colour provides the mass loss rates for the AGB stars. There are not many AGBs with large mass-loss rate in this direction. From the mid infrared colour excess we identify a total of 22 YSO candidates in this field. We provide a catalog of the sources detected by ISOGAL with the estimated extinction and distance. We tabulate also the mass-loss rates for the several hundred red giants towards this field. \\medskip {\\it Acknowledgements.} This work is based on observations made with the {\\em Spitzer Space Telescope}, which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology under a contract with NASA. We are grateful to the GLIMPSE project for providing access to the data. This publication makes use of data products from the Two Micron All Sky Survey, which is a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/California Institute of Technology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Science Foundation. This research made use of data products from the Midcourse Space Experiment. Processing of the data was funded by the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization with additional support from NASA Office of Space Science. This research has made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France. We acknowledge use of the TOPCAT software from Starlink and the VOPLOT virtual observatory software from VO-India (IUCAA) in this work. We thank the referee, Sean Carey, for constructive comments and criticisms which have improved the paper. S. Ganesh was supported by Marie-Curie EARA fellowship to work at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris. We are grateful to the Indo-French Astronomy Network for providing travel support to enable M. Schultheis to visit PRL. Work at the Physical Research Laboratory is supported by the Department of Space, Govt. of India." }, "0809/0809.1094_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The effective extinction law for supernovae surrounded by circumstellar dust is examined by Monte-Carlo simulations. Grains with light scattering properties as for interstellar dust in the Milky-Way (MW) or the Large Magellanic Clouds (LMC), but surrounding the explosion site would cause a semi-diffusive propagation of light up to the edge of the dust shell. Multiple scattering of photons predominantly attenuates photons with shorter wavelengths, thus steepening the effective extinction law as compared to the case of single scattering in the interstellar medium. Our simulations yield typical values for the total to selective extinction ratio $R_V\\sim 1.5-2.5$, as seen in recent studies of Type Ia supernova colors, with further stiffening differential extinction toward the near-UV. ", "introduction": "The uncertainties in the brightness corrections of Type Ia supernovae (SNIa) for color excess is among the largest systematic uncertainties in the use of Type Ia supernovae to measure cosmological distances \\citep{smock}. The standard interpretation of color excess being due to extinction by interstellar dust in the supernova host galaxy has recently been challenged by the empirically deduced color-brightness relation for SNIa. While studies of differential extinction of quasars shining through foreground galaxies yield values of $R_V= A_V/E(B-V)$ compatible with the average MW value \\citep{QSO}\\footnote{It should be noted that low $R_V$ values to individual QSO systems have been found in e.g. \\citep{QSO} and \\citep{Wang04}}, the SNIa Hubble diagram scatter is minimized for values significantly smaller than $R_V=3.1$ \\citep{SNLS,scp08}. Furthermore, the use of SNIa for cosmology benefits significantly from the understanding the extinction law for the full optical and near-IR wavelength range. E.g. the wavelength dependence of extinction toward the Magellanic Clouds differ from the Milky-Way extinction law in \\citep{CCM}, even for very similar values of $R_V$. For quasar sight-lines, \\citet{QSO} tested both Milky-Way like extinction as well as Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) extinction law, both giving comparable goodness of fit. A preference for SMC dust for extinction of AGNs has been suggested by \\citet{li}. Recently, the detection of circumstellar (CS) matter in the local environment surrounding the Type Ia supernova SN2006X in the nearby galaxy M100 has been reported by \\citet{Patat07}. A shell within a few $10^{16}$ cm ($\\sim 0.01$ pc) of the center of the explosion has been suggested to explain the time-variable Na I D lines in the SN spectrum. \\citet{Wang08a} report $R_V=1.48 \\pm 0.06$ and $E(B-V) = 1.42 \\pm 0.04$ mag for SN2006X and a light echo in the lightcurve was found by \\citet{Wang08b} consistent with dust illuminated at a distance of 27-170 pc from the site of the explosion. Even if the local environment around this supernova may not be very common among SNIa, similar values for the total to selective extinction ratio have been reported for several SNIa with good wavelength coverage. E.g. \\citet{Krisciunas07} found $R_V=1.55 \\pm 0.08$ for SN 1999cl; \\citet{Elias-Rosa06,Elias-Rosa08} report $R_V=1.80 \\pm 0.19$ and $R_V=1.59 \\pm 0.07$ for SN2003cg and SN 2002cv respectively. Furthermore, a statistical study of optical colors of a sample including 80 near-by SNIa, \\citet{Nobili&Goobar} found an average value of $\\bar R_V=1.75 \\pm 0.27$ for SNIa with $E(B-V)<$0.7, and even lower for a subsample of low-reddening SNIa. Next, we examine the possibility that low values of $R_V$ stem from the semi-diffusive propagation of photons in the neighborhood of the site of the supernova explosion. ", "conclusions": "Simple simulations show that circumstellar material, detected in at least one Type Ia supernova, SN2006X \\citep{Patat07,Wang08b}, could potentially explain the empirically determined extinction law for low redshift SNIa, especially if the circumstellar material resembles LMC dust grains. Adopting the CS shell size of \\citet{Patat07}, $R_{CS}\\sim 10^{16}$ cm, we find that for $\\tau\\sim1$, the required mass in dust around the supernova is $M_{dust}\\sim 4 \\pi R_{CS}^2/(\\sigma_a/m_{dust})\\sim 10^{-4} M_\\odot$ when inserting typical values of the absorption cross-section from Table~\\ref{tbl-1}. A simple power-law expression is found to fit very well the effective extinction law for dust in the CS environment of the supernova produced by Monte-Carlo simulations. Depending on the thickness of the CS shell, shifts in the time of lightcurve maximum may be expected for different bands since the amount of quasi random-walk will differ. In particular, photons in redder bands will suffer less scattering and thereby less time delay. This effect should correlate with the measured reddening, $E(B-V)$. The assumption of a uniform density is not expected to be critical for the results at first order. However, a second order effect may be expected since a large scale of $R_{CS}$ would result in a longer time for photons being ``trapped'' in the scattering sphere. As the the intrinsic colors of Type Ia change on a time scale of days \\citep{Nobili&Goobar}, time delays of photons of that time scale would affect the measured colors as a function of time. In a forthcoming paper, potential direct observables from interaction between photons and dust will be investigated. Also, the sensitivity of the effective extinction law to the dust grain sizes and density profile in CS medium and the combination of both scattering in the circumstellar material and the interstellar medium needs to be further investigated. If the presence of CS material is indeed the source of the color-brightness relation found in SNIa, the case for restframe near-IR observations is further strengthened: the peak magnitude corrections, and their model dependence, are smaller than at optical wavelengths." }, "0809/0809.4491.txt": { "abstract": "% context heading (optional) {} % aims heading (mandatory) {This work aims to provide a theoretical formulation of Surface Brightness Fluctuations (SBF) in the framework of probabilistic synthesis models, in which there are no deterministic relations between the different stellar components of a population but only relations on average, and to distinguish between the different distributions involved in the SBF definition.} % methods heading (mandatory) {By applying the probabilistic theory of stellar population synthesis models, we estimate the shape (mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis) of the distribution of fluctuations across resolution elements, and examine the implications for SBF determination, definition and application.} % results heading (mandatory) {We propose three definitions of SBF: (i) stellar population SBF, which can be computed from synthesis models and provide an intrinsic metric of fit for stellar population studies; (ii) theoretical SBF, which include the stellar population SBF plus an additional term that takes into account the distribution of the number of stars per resolution element $\\psi(N)$; theoretical SBF coincide with Tonry \\& Schneider (1998) definition in the very particular case that $\\psi(N)$ is assumed to be a Poisson distribution. However, the Poisson contribution to theoretical SBF is around 0.1\\% of the contribution due to the stellar population SBF, so there is no justification to include any reference to Poisson statistics in the SBF definition; (iii) observational SBF, which are those obtained in observations that are distributed around the theoretical SBF. Finally, we show alternative ways to compute SBF and extend the application of stellar population SBF to defining a metric of fitting for standard stellar population studies. } %conclusions heading (optional), leave it empty if necessary {We demostrate that SBF are observational evidence of a probabilistic paradigm in population synthesis, where integrated luminosities have an intrinsic distributed nature, and they rule out the commonly assumed deterministic paradigm of stellar population modeling. } ", "introduction": "Stellar population synthesis studies aim to decompose the integrated light, $L_{\\mathrm{tot};\\lambda}(N^*)$, of a sample of $N^*$ stars into a combination of particular stellar classes or populations, $n_i$. These studies can be developed by following two different methods. The first method \\cite[][ as examples]{ST71,Fab72} completes a direct decomposition of the integrated light into principal components. The resulting solutions are {\\it a posteriori} constrained by additional assumptions to obtain the description of the entire stellar population. In the second method \\cite[evolutionary stellar population synthesis, hereafter EPS; see][for an example]{Tin68} the stellar populations are modeled following {\\it a priori} rules related to stellar evolution and the relative contribution of each stellar population. Model results are compared with observations, and properties of the stellar populations (and their evolutionary status) of the targeted source are inferred. In both types of methods, degenerate solutions are present. The EPS method, however, is based on stellar evolution theory and provides both a tool for both studying the integrated light of galaxies and comparing its properties with stellar model predictions. By construction, EPS needs to assume the existence of a probability distribution function that describes the mean value of the relative contribution of different populations to the integrated light, $\\mu_1'(n_i)/N^*$. In addition, it assumes that each population can be characterized by a mean luminosity, $\\mu_1'(l_{i;\\lambda})$. EPS studies therefore refer to the {\\it generic} emission of the integrated light of a set of systems rather than the {\\it particular} emission of a given system. In a work inspired by \\cite{GGS04}, \\cite{CLCL06}, demonstrate that EPS provides a characterization of the probability distributions that describe {\\it all} the possible integrated luminosities of an ensemble of stars with given evolutionary conditions\\footnote{Throughout the paper, evolutionary conditions mean the age, metallicity, and star formation history of the stellar ensemble.}. In general, this characterization is expressed in terms of the {\\it mean}, $\\mu_1'(\\ell_\\lambda)$, of the distribution of the integrated luminosity of a system with a reference number of stars, $N^*_\\mathrm{norm}$, that allows us to obtain the mean value of a distribution for a different number of stars, $N^*$, by simple transformations\\footnote{In the following, we assume $N_\\mathrm{norm}=1$ and we do not include the subindex $\\lambda$ in the luminosities to simplify the notation. We also omit the subindex $\\lambda$ in the following equations.}, $\\mu_1'(L_{\\mathrm{tot};\\lambda};N^*) = \\frac{N^*}{N^*_\\mathrm{norm}} \\, \\mu_1'(\\ell_\\lambda)$. However, it is also possible to provide a more accurate characterization of such distributions using additional parameters of the distribution, such as the second raw moment, $\\mu_2'(\\ell_\\lambda)$, the variance, $\\kappa_2(\\ell_\\lambda)$, the skewness, $\\gamma_1$, and the kurtosis, $\\gamma_2$, or even provide the distribution itself \\citep{CLCL06}. This natural description of EPS in probabilistic terms, in which it is possible to establish the distribution of the integrated luminosity of a stellar ensemble, but not the precise position of this ensemble in the distribution, is not commonly considered in EPS literature, nor its application. A deterministic paradigm is usually applied: $\\mu_1'(n_i)/N^*$ is not a mean value but the actual fraction of stars of a given class present in the stellar system, regardless of the number of stars in the system. In the deterministic paradigm, given the total number of stars in the system and its evolutionary conditions, there is one and only one possible value of the integrated luminosity. However, the probabilistic description of stellar populations, although not recognized and studied in detail before, has been present in the literature since the late eighties. \\cite{TS88} presented the first description of the distribution of the integrated luminosities of stellar populations making use of the mean and the variance in the associated theoretical distributions, and defined theoretical Surface Brightness Fluctuations (SBF, $\\bar{L}_{\\mathrm{tot}}(N^*)$) as the variance of the integrated luminosity of a stellar population divided by its mean: $\\bar{L}_{\\mathrm{tot}}(N^*) = \\kappa_2[{L}_{\\mathrm{tot}}(N^*)]/\\mu_1'[{L}_{\\mathrm{tot}}(N^*)]$. Interestingly the dependence of $\\kappa_2[{L}_{\\mathrm{tot}}(N^*)]$ and $\\mu_1'[{L}_{\\mathrm{tot}}(N^*)]$ on the total number of stars cancels out numerically and $\\bar{L}_{\\mathrm{tot}}(N^*) = \\bar{\\ell}$ is independent of the number of the stars in the system. {\\it Assuming a Poisson distribution} for the number of stars in each given stellar population, SBF can also be expressed as the ratio of the second to the first raw moments of the distribution of integrated luminosities, and in this case, it can be redefined to be the luminosity-weighted luminosity of the population. \\cite{Buzz89} presented an independent probabilistic description of EPS, also based on the variance of the corresponding distributions, and defined the effective number of stars, ${\\cal{N}}(\\ell)$, to be the ratio $\\mu_1'(\\ell)^2/\\kappa_2(\\ell)$. The value of ${\\cal{N}}[L_\\mathrm{tot}(N^*)]$ for a system with $N^*$ stars scales directly with $\\cal{N}(\\ell)$ and it is an useful parameter for estimating sampling effects produced by the discreteness of real stellar populations. In his formulation, it was assumed that the relative number of stars in a given population fluctuates around the theoretical value way described by a Poisson distribution \\cite[but see][ and below]{CLCL06}. The connection between $\\cal N$ and SBF was defined by \\cite{Buzz93}, who related both quantities to the statistical entropy of stellar systems \\cite[see also][ for a recent review]{Buzz07}. As shown by \\cite{TS88}, SBF is not only a theoretical concept, but a real observable that provides a relatively direct technique for determining extragalactic distances. The amplitude of the relative fluctuations in the observed flux with respect to a suitable mean is related directly to the theoretical SBF luminosity, and therefore to distance. In the observational domain, its principal asset is being able to disentangle the fluctuations that provide physical information about the system from the noise. Since they are related to evolutionary conditions, SBF provide information about stellar evolution and stellar population studies \\cite[e.g.][]{CRBC03,GLLB07}. Most work performed on theoretical SBF was related to its calibration as a distance indicator \\cite[e.g.][]{TAL90}, although current calibrations are performed empirically. Further examples of SBF in stellar populations studies are \\cite{W94,Con97,BCC98,BVA01}, and \\cite{LCG00}. In the SBF definition, it is customary to assume that the number of stars in a given stellar population follows a Poisson distribution. Unfortunately, no complete study exists on theoretical SBF themselves and their implication in the use of EPS: the very observation of SBF implies that EPS models cannot be interpreted in a deterministic way, but as a description of a probability distribution that defines naturally an intrinsic {\\it metric of fit} when physical properties are inferred from comparisons with model results \\cite[see][ for more details]{CL07a,CL07b}. On the other hand, the distributed nature described by EPS models was established clearly in theoretical studies of systems with a low number of stars, where the most probable number of stars in a given evolutionary stage $n_i/N^*$ differs significantly from the expected value i.e. the mean $\\mu_1'(n_i)/N^*$. The characterization of integrated light in probabilistic terms began more recently. Partial solutions to the problems were presented by \\cite{CLC00,BruTuc02,Gi02,LM00,CVGLMH02,Ceretal01,CVG03,CL04}, and \\cite{FRDI07} among others, and a comprehensive solution to the problem was presented by \\cite{CLCL06}, who introduced a probabilistic paradigm of EPS that applies to both under-sampled and well sampled systems. In this paper, we establish a framework for theoretical SBF based on the probability distribution theory of stellar populations. The formalism allow us to describe the behavior of SBF for systems with a low number of stars per pixel, which was demonstrated by \\cite{AT94} to be a limitation of the method. Our main objective is to establish a robust definition of SBF. In particular, we show that the Poisson assumption is not essential to the SBF definition. We examine the implications of this robust definition and explore new ways to obtain observational SBF. Paraphrasing \\citet{KP99}, ``once the definitions are laid out, the theory tends to fall into place, and understanding it is comparatively easy''. The present paper is organized as follows. In Sect. \\ref{sec:probabilityetc}, we summarize the theoretical probability distributions involved in SBF studies and provide an introduction to the probabilistic description of stellar populations. In Sect.~\\ref{sec:theoreticalSBF}, we present a detailed and quantitative description of SBF, establish the origin of SBF in probabilistic terms, and provide robust definitions of SBF according to the distributions involved. A discussion about the implications of the present result for SBF studies and additional SBF analysis methods are presented in Sect. \\ref{sec:discussion}. Finally, our conclusions are given in Sect. \\ref{sec:conclusion}. In a companion paper (Cervi\\~no et al. in preparation, hereafter Paper II), we will theoretically evaluate the observational error budget of the different ways to obtain SBF. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusion} In this work we have investigated the nature of SBF. We have introduced a distinction between stellar population SBF, theoretical SBF, and observational SBF. Stellar population SBF depend only on the intrinsic properties of stellar populations; theoretical SBF are determined by both the population and the contribution from the distribution of the total number of stars in the used resolution element; and the observational SBF represent the observational counterpart of theoretical SBF. Stellar population SBF and theoretical SBF should be considered in probabilistic terms. On the other hand, observed SBF are statistically distributed and should therefore be interpreted in statistical terms. In this paper, we have applied the probabilistic description of synthesis models to SBF. We have found that SBF are simply a manifestation of the way in which Nature samples either the integrated luminosity distribution function (pLDF) in integrated systems across different resolution elements, or the stellar luminosity distribution function (sLDF) of resolved systems. We have also found that this definition does not require any assumption about the distribution of stars across different stellar types. Stellar population SBF are therefore simply defined to be the ratio between the {\\it variance} and the mean of the luminosity {\\it distribution} function in linear fluxes: \\begin{equation} \\bar{L}_{\\mathrm{SP}} = \\frac{\\kappa_{2}}{\\mu_{1}'} = \\frac{\\kappa_{2}(L_{\\mathrm{tot};N^*})}{\\mu_{1}'(L_{\\mathrm{tot};N^*})}. \\end{equation} In addition to the definition of stellar population SBF, we have introduced a definition for theoretical SBF, which consists in general of a theoretical description of an observational method. We have shown that the effect of the distribution in the number of stars per resolution element, $N$, is included in theoretical SBF in two ways. First, this distribution affects the computation of the mean flux needed to define the amplitude of renormalized fluctuations for each resolution element. Second, the distribution of mean fluxes also affects theoretical SBF. Both effects introduce a term that is added to the population contribution. Only for flat galaxy profiles can this term be a simple Poisson contribution; in the case of a different profile, the term differs and must be evaluated explicitly. As a result, theoretical SBF are defined to be: \\begin{equation} \\bar{L}_{\\mathrm{theo}} = \\frac{\\kappa_{2}}{\\mu_{1}'} + \\mu_{1}'\\,\\frac{\\kappa_2(N)}{\\mu_{1}'(N)} = \\bar{L}_{\\mathrm{SP}} + \\mu_{1}'\\,\\frac{\\kappa_2(N)}{\\mu_{1}'(N)}. \\end{equation} Observational SBF are an {\\it estimation} of theoretical SBF and must be corrected for the contribution of the variation in the total number of stars per pixel, which depends on both the observational strategy (by means of the way in which the local mean is computed) and the particular galaxy (by means of the galaxy profile), before being compared with stellar population SBF. Assuming, as a particular case, that the total number of stars per resolution element is Poisson-distributed, we have shown that the corresponding contribution is negligible compared with the contribution of the stellar population in the break-up of theoretical SBF. Therefore, the common theoretical definition of SBF as \"mean, luminosity-weighted luminosity of the stellar population'' resulting from a Poisson assumption is a restrictive definition that does not necessary apply to the observed SBF, nor any definitions based on an interpretation of SBF as Poisson fluctuations in the number of stars. We have also characterized the distribution of renormalized fluctuations for different cases in terms of skewness and kurtosis, showing their relation with the skewness and kurtosis of the sLDF. We have shown that the shape of the renormalized fluctuation distributions for a system with $N^*$ stars per resolution element is similar to the shape of the integrated luminosity distribution of clusters with $N^*$ stars, the population luminosity distribution function (pLDF). Taking advantage of the results by \\cite{CLCL06}, we have shown that the renormalized fluctuations of flux across galaxies are not Gaussian, as had been commonly assumed. Additionally, we have shown alternative ways of compute SBF and that stellar population SBF define an intrinsic metric of fit for the comparison of single observations with synthesis models results. In fact, {\\it SBF are observationaling evidence that the results of evolutionary synthesis models cannot be interpreted in a deterministic way, but must be interpreted using a probabilistic paradigm.} Finally, as a caution to theoretical computations of SBF, it is fundamental to ensure that the stellar types considered in the computations are defined in so that the luminosity can be assumed to be constant within each stellar class considered. SBF computed with isochrones that include a detailed treatment of the post-AGB evolution \\citep{Cioni06a,Cioni06b} yield only lower limits to real SBF, since the post-AGB sequence provided by these isochrones are the {\\it average} luminosity during the post-AGB evolution. The variance in this average luminosity must also be known before realistic SBF computations can be obtained based on these isochrones." }, "0809/0809.2432_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{} {We theoretically and phenomenologically investigate the question whether the \\gr emission from the remnants of the type Ia supernovae SN 1006, Tycho's SN and Kepler's SN can be the result of electron acceleration alone.} {The observed synchrotron spectra of the three remnants are used to determine the average momentum distribution of nonthermal electrons as a function of the assumed magnetic field strength. Then the inverse Compton emission spectrum in the Cosmic Microwave Background photon field is calculated and compared with the existing upper limits for the very high energy \\gr flux from these sources.} {It is shown that the expected interstellar magnetic fields substantially overpredict even these \\gr upper limits. Only rather strongly amplified magnetic fields could be compatible with such low \\gr fluxes. However this would require a strong component of accelerated nuclear particles whose energy density substantially exceeds that of the synchrotron electrons, compatible with existing theoretical acceleration models for nuclear particles and electrons.} {Even though the quantitative arguments are simplistic, they appear to eliminate simplistic phenomenological claims in favor of a inverse Compton \\gr scenario for these sources.} ", "introduction": "The question, whether the very high energy (VHE) ($E_\\gamma>100$~GeV) \\gr emission of the Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs) implies a sufficiently large production of nuclear cosmic rays (CRs) -- of the same order as that required to replenish the Galactic CRs -- is one of the key problems addressed by \\gr astronomy. There are two ways to deal with this question in the investigation of an individual SNR. The first approach is a theoretical one. It uses a nonlinear combination of gas dynamics (or eventually magnetohydrodynamics) for the thermal gas/plasma and kinetic transport theory for the collisionless, nonthermal relativistic particle component that is coupled with the plasma physics of the electromagnetic field fluctuations which scatter these particles. In the environment of the collisionless shock wave of a supernova explosion this allows the description of diffusive shock acceleration of the energetic particles which are originally extracted from the thermal gas and thus {\\it injected} into the acceleration process. Since the field fluctuations are excited by the accelerating particles themselves and since the pressure of these particles (typically comparable with the thermal pressure) is reacting back on the thermal plasma, this strongly coupled system becomes a complex problem of nonlinear dynamics, not only for the charged particle components but also for the electromagnetic field and its fluctuations. Models suggest that a sizeable fraction of the entire hydrodynamic explosion energy will be transformed into energetic particle energy. This suggests that the SNRs are indeed the sources of the Galactic CRs. Both nuclear charged particles and electrons can be accelerated to achieve nonthermal momentum distributions. The energetic electrons show their presence through synchrotron emission from radio frequencies to hard X-ray energies. They may also interact with diffuse interstellar radiation field photons, like the Cosmic Microwave Background, to produce high energy \\grs in inverse Compton (IC) collisions. The injection of electrons into the acceleration process is however poorly understood quantitatively. Even assuming that the electron momentum distribution at high particle energies is only proportional to the total number of electrons injected per unit time at the shock, the amplitude factor of the electron momentum distribution is therefore not known from theory. It is typically inferred from the measured synchrotron spectrum produced by the accelerated electrons by assuming a mean strength of the magnetic field. This will be a key question in the discussion of this paper. The injection of nuclear particles from the suprathermal tail of the momentum distribution produced in the dissipative shock transition is much better understood, because the same mechanism that produces scattering fluctuations for higher-energy nuclei -- essentially a beam instability from the accelerated nuclei that is so strong that asymptotically the particles scatter along the mean field direction already after one gyro-period -- also works at injection energies. In addition, where heavy ion injection takes place \\citep{vbk03}, it is to be expected that these ions dominate the nonthermal energy density behind a strong shock like in a young SNR. Then the main nonlinear shock modification consists in a weakening of the quasi-discontinuous part of the shock structure, associated with a broad shock precursor. Low energy particles -- ions and electrons -- in the accelerated spectrum are then only accelerated at this weaker subshock and this implies a significantly softer momentum spectrum at low energies than at high energies. This physical effect is visible in the radio part of the electron synchrotron spectrum and therefore a quantitative indication of the degree of shock modification. It provides a means to determine the injection rate of nuclear particles, de facto of protons, from the radio synchrotron spectrum. In all cases, where the synchrotron spectrum of SNRs was measured, this softening was observed. Together with the nonlinear theory of acceleration, and in the strong scattering limit, this determines the nonthermal pressure $P_\\mathrm{c}$, which turns out to be comparable with the kinetic pressure $\\rho V_\\mathrm{s}^2$ of the gas. Here $ V_\\mathrm{s}$ and $\\rho$ denote the shock velocity and the the upstream mass density, respectively. Using therefore the synchrotron measurement, the nonthermal quantities can be determined from theory. The exception is at first sight the mean magnetic field strength. However, it needs to be consistent with the {\\it overall form} of the synchrotron spectrum, from radio to X-rays, and with the X-ray synchrotron {\\it morphology} that depends on the effective strength of the magnetic field. In this way an interior effective magnetic field strength is determined. It is typically an order of magnitude larger than the MHD-compressed upstream field strength. This amplification of the magnetic field is a characteristic of the effective acceleration of CR nuclei in a SNR, because it can only be the result of strong acceleration of nuclear particles. The pressure of the accelerated electrons -- also for the cases discussed below -- is more than two orders of magnitude below $\\rho V_\\mathrm{s}^2$. The question is then, whether the observed \\gr emission is also dominated by nuclear particles through their inelastic, $\\pi^0$ - producing collisions with thermal gas nuclei. This need not be the case if the target density of the thermal gas is very low, despite the fact that the energy density of the accelerated nuclear particle component is very high, in fact comparable to the thermal energy density. Using this theoretical approach \\citep[for reviews, see e.g.][]{Malkov01,vbk04,ber05,ber08} the investigation of half a dozen of {\\it young} Galactic SNRs has shown that the nuclear CR production is in all cases so high that the Galactic SNRs are viable candidates for the Galactic CR population up to particle energies $\\sim 10^{17}$ eV, well above the so-called knee in the spectrum \\citep{bv07}. Even though important details are open to debate because the time-dependent evolution of a point explosion can only be calculated numerically \\citep{byk96}, we believe that this result is quite a robust one. However, from a strictly observational point of view, the hadronic nature of most of the SNR \\gr sources is not proven this way. This might ultimately be possible in a direct way with a very sensitive neutrino detector. The remaining question whether the Galactic CR population has a SNR origin then still requires the consistency of the observational result and the theoretical picture. As far as \\gr observations are concerned, there is also a different approach, basically phenomenological. It considers the question, whether and to which extent the hadronic or leptonic origin of the measured \\gr emission can be decided by favoring either one mechanism at the expense of the other directly from the data. For example, it can ask the question whether the necessarily limited dynamical range of the observed \\gr emission allows a distinction between a hadronic and a leptonic scenario. Or it can ask whether observations in other wavelength ranges tend to empirically contradict the theoretically favored scenario of a predominantly nuclear energetic particle energy density. A possible topic consists in the interpretation of spatial correlations in resolved \\gr SNRs, like those noted in RX~J1713.7-3946 \\citep{aha06} and RX~J0852.0-4622 (Vela Jr.) \\citep{aha07}. The correlation of the hard X-ray synchrotron emission with the VHE \\gr emission features might be considered to favor energetic electrons to produce both emissions. Discussions of the above and similar issues have recently been given for instance in \\citet{aha06,port07,aha07,Katz08,Plaga08}, and \\citet{bv08}. However, the complexity of the configurations that characterize these extended sources introduces severe uncertainties. They arise from the poorly known structure of the circumstellar medium, which could be partly due to the strong winds expected from the progenitor stars or could be partly pre-existing in the form of neighboring interstellar clouds, affected by the progenitor and its subsequent explosion. We shall add in this paper such a phenomenological argument. It concerns the spatially integrated synchrotron emission spectrum for the simplest available objects, the remnants of the three young type Ia SNe, observed in VHE $\\gamma$-rays. Even though only upper limits exist from the HEGRA, \\hess \\, and CANGAROO experiments for SN 1006 \\citep{aha05}, Tycho's SNR \\citep{aha01}, and Kepler's SNR \\citep{enomoto08,aha08}, they can nevertheless be used to estimate lower limits to the effective mean magnetic field strengths in the SNR that are consistent with the observed spatially-integrated synchrotron spectra. These somewhat naively estimated magnetic fields are then compared to the expectations for these types of SN explosions. The large discrepancies found disfavor leptonic scenarios for these objects. ", "conclusions": "Simple one box approximations indicate that a leptonic scenario for the \\gr emission from the three known Galactic type Ia SNRs SN 1006, Tycho's SNR and Kepler's SNR significantly overpredicts the \\gr flux, even when compared to the existing upper limits from observations. The calculation makes direct use of the observed synchrotron emission spectra. Even though the arguments are simplistic, they appear to eliminate equally simplistic phenomenological arguments in favor of such a scenario. Any positive argument in favor of a purely leptonic scenario would therefore have to be based on a full solution of the governing nonlinear equations. From our results, however, we believe that such a positive argument can not be made." }, "0809/0809.2604_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We construct domain walls and instantons in a class of models with coupled scalar fields, determining, in agreement with previous studies, that many such solutions contain naked timelike singularities. Vacuum bubble solutions of this type do not contain a region of true vacuum, obstructing the ability of eternal inflation to populate other vacua. We determine a criterion that potentials must satisfy to avoid the existence of such singularities, and show that many domain wall solutions in Type IIB string theory are singular. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.0601_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present an analysis of the chemical abundances of the star Tycho G in the direction of the remnant of supernova (SN) 1572, based on Keck high-resolution optical spectra. The stellar parameters of this star are found to be those of a G-type subgiant with $T_{\\mathrm{eff}} = 5900 \\pm 100$ K, \\loggl\\ $ = 3.85 \\pm 0.30$ dex, and $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} = -0.05 \\pm 0.09$. This determination agrees with the stellar parameters derived for the star in a previous survey for the possible companion star of SN 1572 (Ruiz-Lapuente et al. 2004). The chemical abundances follow the Galactic trends, except for Ni, which is overabundant relative to Fe, $[{\\rm Ni/Fe}] $ $=$ 0.16 $\\pm$ 0.04. Co is slightly overabundant (at a low significance level). These enhancements in Fe-peak elements could have originated from pollution by the supernova ejecta. We find a surprisingly high Li abundance for a star that has evolved away from the main sequence. We discuss these findings in the context of companion stars of supernovae. ", "introduction": "Type Ia supernovae (SNe~Ia) are the best known cosmological distance indicators at high redshifts. Their use led to the discovery of the currently accelerating expansion of the Universe (Riess et al. 1998; Perlmutter et al. 1999); see Filippenko (2005) for a review. They were also used to reveal an early era of deceleration, up through about 9 billion years after the big bang (Riess et al. 2004, 2007). Larger, higher-quality samples of SNe~Ia, together with other data, are now providing increasingly accurate and precise measurements of the dark energy equation-of-state parameter, $w = P/(\\rho c2)$ (e.g., Astier et al. 2006; Riess et al. 2007; Wood-Vasey et al. 2007; Kowalski et al. 2008). Though the increase in the empirical knowledge of SNe~Ia has led to an enormous advance in their cosmological use, the understanding of the explosion mechanism still requires careful evaluation (e.g., Hillebrandt \\& Niemeyer 2000; Wheeler 2007). While in Type II SNe we have the advantage that the explosion leaves a compact star to which surviving companions (if they exist) often remain bound, thus enabling a large number of studies (e.g., Mart{\\'\\i}n et al. 1992; Israelian et al. 1999), in SNe~Ia the explosion almost certainly does not produce any compact object. To investigate how the explosion takes place, we examine the rates of SNe~Ia at high redshifts, or we can take a more direct approach and survey the field of historical SNe Ia. The latter strategy has been followed since 1997 in a collaboration that used the observatories at La Palma, Lick, and Keck (Ruiz-Lapuente et al. 2004). The stars appearing within the 15$\\%$ innermost area of the remnant of SN 1572 ($0.65'$) were observed both photometrically and spectroscopically at multiple epochs over seven years. The proper motions of these stars were measured as well using images obtained with the WFPC2 on board the {\\it Hubble Space Telescope (HST)} (GO--9729). The results revealed that many properties of any surviving companion star of SN 1572 were unlike those predicted by hydrodynamical models. For example, the surviving companion star (if present) could not be an overluminous object nor a blue star, as there were none in that field. Red giants and He stars were also discarded as possible companions. A subgiant star (G2~IV) with metallicity close to solar and moving at high speed for its distance was suggested as the likely surviving companion of the exploding white dwarf (WD) that produced SN 1572 (Ruiz-Lapuente et al. 2004). This star, denoted Tycho G, has coordinates $\\alpha = 00^{\\rm h}25^{\\rm m}23.7^{\\rm s}$ and $\\delta = +64^\\circ08'02''$ (J2000.0). Comparisons with a Galactic model showed that the probability of finding a rapidly moving subgiant with solar metallicity at a location compatible with the distance of SN 1572 was very low. A viable scenario for the Tycho SN 1572 progenitor would be a system resembling the recurrent nova U~Scorpii. This system contains a white dwarf of $M_{\\rm WD} = 1.55 \\pm 0.24$~\\Msun and a secondary star with $M_2 = 0.88 \\pm 0.17$~\\Msun orbiting with a period $P_{\\rm orb} \\approx 1.23$~d (Thoroughgood et al. 2001). On the other hand, based on analysis of low-resolution spectra, Ihara et al. (2007) recently claimed that the spectral type of Tycho G is not G2~IV as found by Ruiz-Lapuente et al. (2004), but rather F8~V. In addition, Ihara et al. (2007) suggested the star Tycho~E as the companion star of the Tycho SN 1572, but we consider their conclusion to be unjustified. They base it on a single \\ion{Fe}{1} feature at 3720~{\\AA} in a spectrum having a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of only $\\sim 13$. The short spectral range of their data (3600--4200~{\\AA}) and the low resolution ($\\lambda/\\Delta\\lambda \\approx 400$, with a dispersion of 5~{\\AA}/pixel) add to our concern. The present work resolves questions regarding the metallicity and spectral classification of Tycho G. We concentrate on providing both the chemical composition of the star and the stellar parameters as derived from new data. In addition, we present a detailed chemical analysis of Tycho G aimed at examining the possible pollution of the companion star by the supernova. Although more data are still required to definitively settle this issue, the overall properties of this star remain consistent with being the surviving companion of SN 1572. ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Has Tycho G been Polluted by the SN Ia?\\label{polluted}} The measured ratio [Ni/Fe] $= 0.16 \\pm 0.04$ in Tycho G is 4--5$\\sigma$ above the average value of this ratio in the Galaxy ([Ni/Fe] $\\approx -0.05$). It indicates an overabundance of Ni with respect to the Galactic trend. Ni may have been trapped by the star as slowly moving material from deep layers of the SN ejecta orbited around it. While the rapidly moving ejecta consisting mainly of intermediate-mass elements would have escaped away from the site of the explosion, the very slowly moving tail made of heavy elements like Ni could have been captured by the companion. To be consistent with the evolutionary path suggested above (and also by Ruiz-Lapuente et al. 2004), we use $a = 19.28$ R$_{\\odot}$ for the separation between the white dwarf and its companion, and $R_{*}= R_{L} = 6.75$ R$_{\\odot}$ for the radius of the companion (just before the SN explosion). The mass that could be trapped by the companion is given by the subtended angle, \\begin{equation} m_{\\rm t} = \\Delta M \\ (\\pi R_{2}^{2}/4\\pi \\ a^{2}) \\ f, \\end{equation} \\noindent where $\\Delta M$ is the ejected mass and $f$ is the fraction of retained material. \\noindent We try to model the contamination of the companion star by the nucleosynthetic products of different SN~Ia models from Iwamoto et al. (1999). In Table~\\ref{tbl4} we show the expected abundances of Tycho G after having captured a significant amount of the SN ejecta. In these model computations, we adopt the yields from SN~Ia models with different kinetic explosion energies in the range (1.30--$1.44)\\,\\times\\,10^{51}$ ergs, different central densities (in units of $109$ g~cm$^{-3}$) of $\\rho_9=1.37$ (C) and 2.12 (W), and different deflagration velocities with fast deflagration in the models W7 and W70 (Nomoto, Thielemann, \\& Yokoi 1984) and slow deflagration in the others. We assumed as initial abundances the average abundances of disk stars with a metallicity of ${\\rm [Fe/H]} = -0.20\\pm 0.09$, and a capture efficiency factor $f=0.03$. The matter that is captured by the companion has a much larger mean molecular weight than the composition of its atmosphere and then is completely mixed with the whole star due to thermohaline mixing, in a short timescale (Podsiadlowski et al. 2002). Badenes et al. (2006) found, by comparing a grid of X-ray synthetic spectra based on hydrodynamical models, that the fundamental properties of X-ray emission in Tycho SN 1572 are well reproduced with one-dimensional delayed detonation models having a kinetic energy of $\\sim1.2\\,\\times\\,10^{51}$ ergs. In Table~\\ref{tbl4}, the models called WDD1,2,3 and CDD1,2 include transitions from slow deflagration to detonation, which are equivalent to delayed detonation models. In Figure~\\ref{snfig}, we display the observed abundances of Tycho G in comparison with the expected abundances from several SN~Ia models. Except for Na and Al, we find reasonable agreement between the observed abundances of Tycho G and the expected abundances after contamination from the nucleosynthetic products of the SN~Ia. Surprinsingly, Gonz\\'alez Hern\\'andez et al. (2008a) measured the chemical abundances of the secondary star of the black hole binary Nova Scorpii 1994 and found several $\\alpha$ elements significantly enhanced in the companion star while Al and Na were not enhanced. The enhanced $\\alpha$ elements in that star were explained by comparing the observed abundances with supernova/hypernova explosion models. However, these models also predict that Al and Na should be enhanced at a comparable level as oxygen, and they did not find an explanation for this discrepancy. Therefore, the model of contamination of Tycho G by using SN~Ia models could provide an explanation for the relatively high observed [Ni/Fe] with respect to the Galactic trend of this element. \\begin{figure}[!ht] \\centering \\includegraphics[width=8cm,angle=0]{f11_color.eps} \\caption{Expected abundances in Tycho G after contamination from the nucleosynthetic products in SN~Ia models (Iwamoto et al. 1999), in comparison with the observed abundances.} \\label{snfig} \\end{figure} One could find stable isotopes of Co as well among the slowly moving material in a SN~Ia. The ratio [Co/Fe] $ = 0.18 \\pm 0.08$ in Tycho G is consistent with contamination from the SN ejecta. The study by Reddy et al. (2006) finds that [Co/Fe] shows flat behavior with [Fe/H] for thin-disk stars ([Co/Fe] $ = -0.05 \\pm 0.02$). For thick-disk stars, a weak trend of decreasing [Co/Fe] with increasing [Fe/H] is apparent, falling to [Co/Fe] $ = 0.00 \\pm 0.04$ at the metallicity of Tycho G. The effect of a larger [Co/Fe] is $>1\\sigma$, a lower significance level compared to the ratio [Ni/Fe] (see also Fig. 6). The ratios of the $\\alpha$ elements (O, Si, Ca, and Ti) to iron do not show enhancements over Galactic values. \\begin{figure*}[!ht] \\centering \\includegraphics[width=15cm,angle=0]{f12.eps} \\caption{Li abundance of Tycho G in comparison with that of subgiant stars from Randich et al. (1999) having similar stellar parameters, metallicity, and rotational velocity.} \\label{lifig} \\end{figure*} A study of the SN 1572 remnant in X-rays (Hamilton et al. 1985) suggests that it contains $\\sim$0.66 \\Msuno, including 0.20 \\Msun of Fe and 0.02 \\Msun of Ni in an inner layer as well as $\\sim$0.44 \\Msun of Fe plus Ni unshocked by the reverse shock and consequently moving in free expansion. The energy of this supernova is estimated from the ejecta to be $E \\approx$ (4--5) $\\times 10^{50}$ ergs (Hughes 2000). \\subsection{Li Abundance\\label{licap}} As shown in Figure~\\ref{fig3}, the Li line at 6708~\\AA\\ is pronounced in Tycho G. The abundance of this element, $A$(Li) = $2.50 \\pm 0.09$, raises the question of how much Li could have survived in this star that has already evolved off the main sequence. Similar abundances have been found in some turn-off stars (with $6300 < T_{\\rm eff} < 6800$~K) in the sample of do Nascimento et al. (2000, 2003), and in a few subgiant stars with stellar parameters similar to those of Tycho G. In the sample of Randich et al. (1999), there are also a few subgiants with similar stellar parameters and Li abundance as Tycho G; see Figure~\\ref{lifig}. Although the Li abundance of Tycho G is somewhat high for its relatively low effective temperature and surface gravity, the upper-right panel of Figure~\\ref{lifig} shows two stars (with \\teff $\\approx 5500$ K and 6000~K, and \\loggl\\ $\\approx 3.3$ dex) that are even more anomalous than Tycho G. Canto Martins et al. (2006) found a Li-rich subgiant star (S1242) in the open cluster M67, with \\teff $=5800$~K, \\loggl\\ $=3.9$ dex, [Fe/H] $= -0.05$, and $A$(Li) = 2.7, all similar to the properties of Tycho G. This star is in a wide eccentric binary system, and these authors proposed that the Li has been preserved due to tidal effects. There exist other subgiant stars of similar type showing high Li abundances and belonging to binary systems. Again, this could be linked to being in a close binary system where tidal interaction might inhibit Li destruction. An alternative is that Li was created as a result of energetic processes. Mart{\\'\\i}n et al. (1992, 1994a,b) suggest that in soft X-ray transients (SXTs) one is observing freshly synthesized Li, and that the Li could come from $\\alpha \\alpha$ and/or other spallation reactions during the outbursts of these binary systems that contain black holes or neutron stars. Spallation reactions are produced by protons and $\\alpha$ particles with energies above a few MeV when hitting C, N, and O nuclei, and also by $\\alpha + \\alpha$ collisions at similar energies. In addition, in the case where the compact object is a white dwarf, Mart{\\'\\i}n et al. (1995) have shown that their companion stars do not show high Li abundances. They claimed that this is consistent with the Li production scenario in SXTs, because the weaker gravitational potential well of the white dwarfs does not allow particles to be accelerated to the required high energies (Mart{\\'\\i}n, Spruit, \\& van Paradijs 1994b). However, other authors have shown that Li production is possible during nova explosions (Starrfield et al. 1978; Boffin, Paulus, \\& Arnould 1993). The energy arguments could also work for the enhancement of Li in the companion of a carbon-oxygen white dwarf. The accretion lasts for a sufficiently long time to build enough Li nuclei in the convective envelope of the secondary star. At the onset of the explosion, the supernova is able to unbind part of the material from the convective envelope. If part of the convective envelope were to survive, it would display a high Li abundance. However, this scenario of Li production during outbursts in SXTs also predicts Li isotopic ratios in the range $0.1 < N(^6$Li)/$N(^7$Li$) < 10$; see Casares et al. (2007), and references therein. These authors conclude that the preservation scenario by tidal effects is the most likely mechanism to explain the high Li abundances of SXTs. There are two other alternatives for enrichment of Li in the companions of SNe~Ia. The first is that the high-energy particles accelerated by the shock wave in the outermost layers of the exploding white dwarf induce spallation reactions in the surface of the companion. A fraction of the irradiated material could mix with the layers now making the surface of the companion, and Li enrichment would show. The second alternative is that the surface of the companion, after the explosion, can be bombarded by high-energy particles accelerated in the SN remnant, producing spallation reactions. Steady bombardment by those high-energy particles has the restriction that while it enriches Li, the energy deposited would increase the star's luminosity. However, if Li enrichment is limited to a thin layer extending not much below the photosphere, the increase in luminosity would be negligible." }, "0809/0809.0615_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a measure of the inclination of the velocity ellipsoid at 1~kpc below the Galactic plane using a sample of red clump giants from the RAVE DR2 release. We find that the velocity ellipsoid is tilted towards the Galactic plane with an inclination of $7.3\\pm1.8^{\\circ}$. \\noindent We compare this value to computed inclinations for two mass models of the Milky Way. We find that our measurement is consistent with a short scale length of the stellar disc ($R_d\\simeq2$~kpc) if the dark halo is oblate or with a long scale length ($R_d\\simeq3$~kpc) if the dark halo is prolate. \\noindent Once combined with independent constraints on the flattening of the halo, our measurement suggests that the scale length is approximately halfway between these two extreme values , with a preferred range [$2.5$-$2.7$]~kpc for a nearly spherical halo. Nevertheless, no model can be clearly ruled out. With the continuation of the RAVE survey, it will be possible to provide a strong constraint on the mass distribution of the Milky Way using refined measurements of the orientation of the velocity ellipsoid. ", "introduction": "Our understanding of Galactic stellar populations and kinematics makes regular progress with the advent of new large Galactic stellar surveys providing distances, photometry, radial velocities or proper motions. Our Galaxy is at the present the only place where we can probe the 6D phase space of stellar positions and velocities. For instance, the Galactic 3D potential can be probed through the orbits of the Sagittarius stream \\citep{ib01,rm05,newberg02,fel06,helmi04} or Palomar 5 tidal tails \\citep{od03,gd06,gj06}, or through the kinematics of halo stars \\citep{ba05}. At smaller scales, the potential can also be analysed through the force perpendicular to the galactic plane (Oort 1960; Cr\\'ez\\'e et al. 1998; Kuijken \\& Gilmore 1989a,b,c,1991; Siebert et al. 2003; Holmberg \\& Flynn 2004) or through the coupling between the 3 components of the velocity in the solar neighbourhood \\citep{bien99}.\\\\ Here, we concentrate on the question of the orientation of the velocity ellipsoid that is known to be tightly related to the shape and symmetry of the galactic potential \\citep{oll62,hor63,lyn62,ac91}. In spite of the long interest in this problem, measuring observationally the orientation of the velocity ellipsoid outside of the galactic plane has proven to be very difficult. This is due mainly to the absence of reliable distances away from the Solar neighbourhood. Despite this limitation, the first stellar stream detected within the Milky Way halo towards the north Galactic pole by \\citet{maj96} shows a velocity tilt, the ellipsoid being inclined towards the Galactic plane. This tilt could result from the expected velocity correlation induced by a spheroidal potential if these stars had similar integrals of motion \\citep{bien98}. However we note that this stream is not detected locally in the RAVE data \\citep{seabroke08}. Building realistic Galactic potentials shows that the main axis of the velocity ellipsoid, at 1\\,kpc above the Galactic plane, points in the direction of the $z$-axis of symmetry of the Galaxy towards a point located at 5 to 8 kpc behind the Galactic centre: for instance from numerical orbit computations \\citep{bin83,kg89a} or applying to the \\citet{ci87} Galactic potential the \\citet{ac91} formulae. Such estimates of the velocity ellipsoid tilt are necessary for an accurate determination of the asymmetric drift\\footnote{The asymmetric drift is the tendency of a population of stars to lag behind the local standard of rest for its rotational velocity, the lag increasing as a function of age.} \\citep{bt87}, and for a correct measurement of the force perpendicular to the Galactic plane \\citep{sta89}.\\\\ In this paper, we study the 2D velocity distribution perpendicular to the Galactic plane for a sample of red clump stars from the RAVE survey \\citep{dr1,dr2}. These stars are selected between 500\\,pc and 1500\\,pc below the Galactic plane and provide a measurement of the tilt of the velocity ellipsoid at $\\simeq$1~kpc. In Section~\\ref{s:sample}, we present the selection of the sample while Section~\\ref{s:tilt} focuses on the measurement of the inclination and possible biases. Finally, in Section~\\ref{s:model} we compare our measurement to computed inclinations for two extreme classes of mass models and we discuss possible outcomes of this measurement. ", "conclusions": "We measured the tilt of the velocity ellipsoid at $\\simeq$1~kpc below the Galactic plane using a sample of red clump giants from the RAVE DR2 catalogue. We find its inclination to be 7.3$\\pm$1.8$^{\\circ}$. Estimates of the effect of contamination by foreground stars and substructures have been shown to be small and their effect on our measured value can be neglected. We compared this value to predictions from two extreme cases of mass models for the Milky Way proposed by BT08. In the case of a massive disc with a small scale length ($R_d=2$~kpc), the inclination is compatible with an oblate halo whose minor--to--major axis ratio $c/a_\\rho$ is lower than 0.9 at the \\mbox{1--$\\sigma$} level. On the other hand, in the case of a massive halo with large disc scale length ($R_d\\simeq3$~kpc), prolate haloes are prefered with $c/a_\\rho \\geq 1$. When a direct measurement is used, low values for $c/a_{\\rho}$ can be marginally rejected, indicating that $c/a_{\\rho}>0.7$. When further independent constraints from previous studies are considered, we find that an intermediate value for the disc scale length $R_d\\simeq[2.5-2.7]$~kpc is preferred for a nearly spherical halo, but no extreme model can be clearly ruled out, due to our large error bars. This range is in good agreement with other studies relying on star count analysis and deep photometric surveys. Nevertheless these results have large error bars of the same order as our measurement and cannot be used to further constrain the mass distribution. \\\\ RAVE continues to acquire spectra and this work relies on the second data release of the survey. So far RAVE has collected more than 200~000 spectra, 4 times the size of the sample used here. With the current observing rate, we can expect to multiply by ten the size of our sample in the coming years which will allow us to significantly reduce our error bars. By the end of the survey, we will be able to provide a new mass model for the Milky Way galaxy with a constrained scale length of the disc and minor--to--major axis ratio of the dark halo." }, "0809/0809.0109_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Suzaku observation of the edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 4631 confirmed its X-ray halo extending out to about 10 kpc from the galactic disk. The XIS spectra yielded the temperature and metal abundance for the disk and the halo regions. The observed abundance pattern for O, Ne, Mg, Si and Fe is consistent with the metal yield from type II supernovae, with an O mass of about $10^{6} M_\\odot$ contained in the halo. These features imply that metal-rich gas produced by type II supernova is brought into the halo region very effectively, most likely through a galactic wind. Temperature and metal abundance may be affected by charge exchange and dust. An upper limit for the hard X-ray flux was obtained, corresponding to a magnetic field higher than $0.5 \\mu$G\\@. ", "introduction": "For the understanding of the chemical evolution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies, precise knowledge about the metal production from Type Ia (SN Ia) and Type II (SN II) supernovae (SNe) is of vital importance. X-ray imaging spectroscopy of supernova remnants (SNRs), galaxies and intra-cluster medium (ICM) has shown that metal abundances generally vary from source to source. However, \\citet{sato07a} determined the abundances of O, Ne, Mg, Si, and Fe in several galaxy clusters based on Suzaku observations, and found that the abundance patterns are commonly represented by a combination of type Ia and II supernovae products with an occurrence number ratio of $1:3.5$, based on the theoretical yields from SN II and SN Ia. In order to further look into the past history of the two types of supernova, we need more precise knowledge about the metal yields from the different SNe types. It is, however, quite difficult to extract pure supernova products, in particular for the X-ray emitting hot gas. When we observe young supernova remnants (SNR), there is always a mixture of supernova ejecta and surrounding ISM and line intensities also strongly depend on the ionization condition. One way to provide a good constraint is to observe X-ray halos around starburst galaxies, which are considered to be maintained by the enhanced SNe II activity in the recent time. Recent X-ray observations of starforming galaxies showed that metals are contained in the extended hot halo of the galaxies. For M82 and NGC 253, RGS spectra for several sliced regions along the outflow axis showed lines from highly ionized O, Ne, Mg, Si and Fe \\citep{read02,bauer07}. The observed intensity ratios of the lines indicates that the gas is cooling as it travels outward from the galaxy disk and that the gas around NGC 253 could be partly out of ionization equilibrium. Suzaku observations of a ``cap'' region of M82, which is 11.6 kpc north of the galaxy and is possibly a termination region of the hot-gas outflow, showed a spectrum consisting of emission lines from O through Fe \\citep{tsuru07}. These spectral features strongly suggest that fresh metal-rich gas produced in the starforming region is flowing out mainly along the minor axis of galaxies. However, metal abundances in the halo gas has so far not been well-constrained. RGS data are limited in statistics, and both the EPIC and the ACIS instruments do not have sufficient energy resolution below 1 keV\\@ (e.g.\\ \\cite{tuellmann06}). Suzaku offers a good opportunity for measuring the metallicity of the outflowing hot gas. NGC~4631 is a nearby Sc/SBd galaxy with an edge-on morphology with the distance estimated to be about 7.5 Mpc, where $1'$ corresponds to 2.2~kpc. Estimated mass by the Tully-Fisher relation is $2.6\\times 10^{10} M_{\\odot}$ \\citep{strickland04}. The inclination and position angle are $81^\\circ$ and $356^\\circ$ respectively. This galaxy is suitable for Suzaku observations of the X-ray halo maintained by its SN activity. With its radio halo \\citep{hummel90} and warm IR ratio, it is classified as a mild disk-wide starburst galaxy \\citep{golla94b}. An extended X-ray halo was discovered by ROSAT \\citep{wang95}, and it has been well studied with Chandra \\citep{wang01,oshima03,strickland04} and XMM-Newton \\citep{tuellmann06}. The size of the halo is several arcmin and no X-ray counterpart for the central AGN has been detected \\citep{strickland04}. The association of an H$\\alpha$ filament with the X-ray emission has been discovered \\citep{wang01}, and FUSE also detected O\\emissiontype{VI} lines from a region at $2'$ above the disk \\citep{otte03}. These strongly suggest that a halo around NGC 4631 is the site of galactic outflow or fountain, where the gas is floating up from the disk by the SN energy input and possibly cooling. Another important feature of the halo is the extended synchrotron radio emission, which is observed from several star-forming galaxies (e.g.\\ \\cite{veilleux05}). These radio halos are populated with relativistic electrons together with magnetic fields of an order of $10 \\mu$G\\@. The radial orientation of the magnetic field lines suggests that the field has been carried into the halo region by the outflow of hot gas \\citep{golla94a}. In some cases, the hot gas may be confined in the halo when the magnetic pressure exceeds the thermal pressure \\citep{wang95}. To constrain how the non-thermal energy is distributed in the halo, it is important to look into the possibility of non-thermal emission in the hard X-ray band. Throughout this paper we adopt the Galactic hydrogen column density of $N_{\\rm H} = 1.27\\times10^{20}$ cm$^{-2}$ \\citep{dickey90} in the direction of NGC~4631\\@. The solar abundance table is given by \\citet{anders89}, and the errors are the 90\\% confidence limits for a single interesting parameter. ", "conclusions": "We determined the temperature and metal abundance of the X-ray emitting halo gas around NGC 4631. The total energy, mass, and metals in the halo can by supplied by SNe with the currently estimated SFR, if the outflow efficiently carries metal-rich gas from the starforming regions into the halo. The effect of neutral material and dust should be taken into account to understand the plasma properties in the halo. \\begin{figure} \\FigureFile(\\columnwidth,\\columnwidth){figure4.eps} \\caption{Number ratios of Ne, Mg, Si, S, and Fe to O for disk and halo regions. Solid, dotted, dashed, and dot-dashed lines correspond to the number ratios of metals to O for abundance patterns of SNe II yield of \\citet{nomoto06}, solar abundance by \\citet{anders89}, cluster average in \\citet{sato07a}, and SNe Ia yield of \\citet{iwamoto99}, respectively.} \\label{fig:ratio} \\end{figure}" }, "0809/0809.5030_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\noindent The gravitino is a promising supersymmetric dark matter candidate which does not require exact $R$-parity conservation. In fact, even with some small $R$-parity breaking, gravitinos are sufficiently long-lived to constitute the dark matter of the Universe, while yielding a cosmological scenario consistent with primordial nucleosynthesis and the high reheating temperature required for thermal leptogenesis. In this paper, we compute the neutrino flux from direct gravitino decay and gauge boson fragmentation in a simple scenario with bilinear $R$-parity breaking. Our choice of parameters is motivated by a proposed interpretation of anomalies in the extragalactic gamma-ray spectrum and the positron fraction in terms of gravitino dark matter decay. We find that the generated neutrino flux is compatible with present measurements. We also discuss the possibility of detecting these neutrinos in present and future experiments and conclude that it is a challenging task. However, if detected, this distinctive signal might bring significant support to the scenario of gravitinos as decaying dark matter. ", "introduction": "The question of the nature of dark matter is still one of the unsolved mysteries in modern cosmology. Many particle candidates have been put forward, but until now the only dark matter evidence we have is based on the gravitational interaction. In the context of supersymmetry with conserved $R$-parity, one naturally encounters one of the most favoured solutions to the dark matter problem. There, the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) is stable and can be a successful dark matter candidate if it is neutral and weakly interacting like the neutralino. The neutralino is the most thoroughly studied dark matter candidate and will be tested in the near future in accelerator, direct detection and indirect detection experiments~\\cite{Bertone:2004pz}. On the other hand, it is also possible that the dark matter interacts only gravitationally, and supersymmetry also offers candidates of this type. A prominent example is the gravitino, the superpartner of the graviton, which was the first supersymmetric dark matter candidate proposed~\\cite{Pagels-Primack}. It is one of the most elusive dark matter candidates due to its extremely weak interactions. In fact, as part of the gravity multiplet, all gravitino interactions are suppressed either by the Planck scale (for the spin-3/2 component) or by the supersymmetry-breaking scale (for the Goldstino component). Usually, having an LSP with such extremely weak interactions poses a severe problem to Big Bang nucleosynthesis, as it makes the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP) so long-lived that it decays during or after the formation of the primordial nuclei, typically spoiling the successful predictions of the standard scenario~\\cite{BBN-gravitino}. Moreover, if the NLSP is charged, the formation of a bound state with $^4$He catalyzes the production of $^6$Li~\\cite{Pospelov:2006sc} leading to an overproduction of $^6$Li by a factor 300-600~\\cite{Hamaguchi:2007mp}. One way to avoid these constraints is to lower the scale of supersymmetry breaking, thus enhancing the Goldstino interactions. However, the reheating temperature of the Universe has to be lowered accordingly in order to avoid overclosure~\\cite{gravitino-TH} and is then in conflict with the minimal value required by thermal leptogenesis in order to explain the baryon asymmetry of the Universe~\\cite{lepto-TH}. It was recently proposed in~\\cite{bchiy} that these problems are automatically solved if a small breaking of $R$-parity is introduced in the model. Even though in the presence of $R$-parity violation the neutralino LSP is too short-lived to play the role of dark matter, the gravitino LSP can still have a sufficiently long lifetime, which is typically many orders of magnitude greater than the age of the Universe due to the suppression of the decay rate by the Planck scale and the small $R$-parity violating couplings~\\cite{ty00}. In this scenario, the NLSP population in the early Universe quickly decays into Standard Model particles via $R$-parity violating interactions. Apart from the presence of a rather inert population of gravitinos, produced thermally from superpartner scatterings at reheating, the cosmology then reduces to the non-supersymmetric case well before the synthesis of primordial nuclei. An intriguing feature of the scenario with $R$-parity breaking is that gravitino dark matter is not necessarily invisible anymore, since it will decay into Standard Model particles at a very slow rate. Since the huge number of gravitinos in our own Galaxy, as well as in nearby galaxies and clusters, may compensate for the highly suppressed decay rate, this opens up the possibility of observing the dark matter decay products as an anomalous contribution to the diffuse gamma-ray flux~\\cite{bbci07,it07} or the cosmic-ray antimatter fluxes~\\cite{it08,imm08}. Indeed, anomalous excesses have been observed both in the diffuse extragalactic gamma-ray spectrum and in the positron fraction in similar energy ranges. It has been pointed out that the decay of gravitino dark matter with a lifetime of $\\sim 10^{26} \\usk \\unit{s}$ and a mass of $\\sim 150 \\usk \\unit{GeV}$ can account for both of these excesses at the same time~\\cite{it08,imm08}. This motivates our study of the corresponding neutrino spectrum for the same choice of parameters, both as a consistency check and to find out whether in this scenario an anomalous contribution to the neutrino flux may be expected in present and future neutrino experiments. This paper is organised as follows: in the next section we will briefly review bilinear $R$-parity violating models and discuss the resulting gravitino decay modes. In Section~\\ref{Spectrum} we will present the neutrino spectrum from dark matter decay and describe its main features. In Section~\\ref{Fluxes} we will then give the neutrino flux as a function of the gravitino lifetime and mass both for neutrinos from our own Galaxy and from diffuse extragalactic sources and consider the effect of neutrino oscillations on the signal expected at the Earth. In Section~\\ref{Backgrounds} we will discuss the different neutrino backgrounds in the energy range we are interested in and compare them to our signal. In Section~\\ref{Detection} we will propose strategies to disentangle the signal from the background, compare the result to present neutrino data from Super-Kamiokande. We will then discuss the feasibility of detection in future detectors in Section~\\ref{Future} and conclude in Section~\\ref{Conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{Conclusions} We have examined the neutrino spectrum from the decay of unstable gravitino dark matter in a scenario with bilinear $R$-parity violation. It has been pointed out in the recent literature that the decay of gravitino dark matter particles with a lifetime of $\\sim 10^{26}$\\usk s and a mass of $\\sim 150 \\usk \\unit{GeV}$ into massive gauge bosons may account for the anomalies observed in the diffuse extragalactic gamma-ray spectrum as measured by EGRET as well as in the positron fraction as measured by HEAT.\\footnote{The existence of a positron excess seems to be supported by preliminary results from PAMELA~\\cite{pamela08}.} Motivated by this observation, we have computed the neutrino spectrum for the same choice of parameters as a consistency check of this scenario. We find that this spectrum is compatible with results from neutrino experiments. We have also examined the detectability of this exotic component of the neutrino flux to find an independent way to test this scenario. While the signal in the neutrino spectrum with two or more distinct peaks, resulting from two-body gravitino decays into gauge/Higgs boson and neutrino, is very characteristic, it will be challenging to detect these features in neutrino experiments. On one side, present neutrino detectors do not achieve a sufficiently high energy resolution to resolve the subdominant peaks, and on the other side, the event rate is expected to be so small that the background of atmospheric neutrinos overwhelms the signal in all flavours. The most promising signal-to-background ratio is found in the tau neutrino flavour, especially when analysing only the flux from the upper hemisphere since there the atmospheric tau neutrino flux is vastly reduced. However, tau neutrinos are difficult to identify in Cherenkov detectors and probably only an event-by-event identification procedure could allow the signal to be seen with such extremely limited statistics. At present, therefore, it is not possible to detect this contribution due to technological limitations. The ideal detector for testing the present scenario would be one of megaton mass with the ability to identify and measure tau neutrinos event by event. Should such a detector ever become available, it could be worthwhile to look for this component of the neutrino flux by employing strategies for background reduction such as the ones discussed here, especially if the anomalous signatures in the positron fraction and the diffuse extragalactic gamma-ray spectrum are confirmed by PAMELA and FGST, respectively. The detection of a signal in neutrinos compatible with signals in the other indirect detection channels would in fact bring significant support to the scenario of decaying dark matter, possibly consisting of gravitinos that are unstable due to bilinear $R$-parity violation." }, "0809/0809.4493_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "One of the most sought-after signatures of reionization is a rapid increase in the ionizing background (usually measured through the \\lya optical depth toward distant quasars). Conventional wisdom associates this with the ``overlap\" phase when ionized bubbles merge, allowing each source to affect a much larger volume. We argue that this picture fails to describe the transition to the post-overlap Universe, where Lyman-limit systems absorb ionizing photons over moderate lengthscales ($\\la 20$--$100 \\Mpc$). Using an analytic model, we compute the probability distribution of the amplitude of the ionizing background throughout reionization, including both discrete ionized bubbles and Lyman-limit systems (parameterized by an attenuation length). We show that overlap does \\emph{not} by itself cause a rapid increase in the ionizing background or a rapid decrease in the mean \\lya transmission toward distant quasars. More detailed semi-numeric models support these conclusions. We argue that rapid changes should instead be interpreted as evolution in the attenuation length itself, which may or may not be directly related to overlap. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} In the last several years, the cosmological community has made an enormous effort to measure the reionization history of the intergalactic medium (IGM). But the picture remains murky: some evidence (principally the cosmic microwave background, or CMB) points toward a mostly-ionized universe at $z \\ga 9$ \\citep{page07, komatsu08, dunkley08}, but other observations (principally from quasar absorption) are usually taken to imply that reionization ends only at $z \\approx 6$ \\citep{fan02, mesinger04, fan06, mesinger07-prox}. Many other techniques cannot yet distinguish between early and late reionization scenarios (e.g., \\citealt{totani06, kashikawa06, ota07, mcquinn07-lya, mcquinn08-damp}; see also \\citealt{fan06-review} for a review). While there is not necessarily a contradiction between the CMB and quasar measurements -- reionization may simply be relatively extended, which would hardly be surprising from a theoretical standpoint (e.g., \\citealt{cen03-letter, wyithe03-letter, furl05-double, iliev07-selfreg}) -- the tension does call for a critical examination of the existing evidence. The most widely-recognized point in favor of late reionization is the apparent rapid decrease in the mean \\lya transmission toward quasars at $z \\ga 6$ \\citep{fan01, fan02, white03, fan06}. There are two aspects to this. First, a complete \\citet{gunn65} absorption trough appears toward some quasars, although the enormous optical depth of that line means that this still only requires a small neutral fraction. Second, there appears to be a substantial steepening of the amount of absorption beyond $z \\sim 6$ \\citep{fan06}. However, the latter conclusion has been challenged on empirical grounds \\citep{songaila02, songaila04, oh05, becker07}; unfortunately, known lines of sight are sparse enough that no clear resolution has emerged (e.g., \\citealt{lidz06}). Here, we take a complementary approach and examine the theoretical underpinnings of the conclusion that such a rapid change implies a detection of ``reionization.\" The crux of this argument is that the moment of ``overlap\" (i.e., the point at which ionized bubbles merge into much larger units, usually considered to be the ``end\" of reionization) must be accompanied by a sudden, rapid increase in the amplitude $\\Gamma$ of the ionization rate. Qualitatively, this expectation comes from percolation models of the reionization process: when ionized bubbles (presumed to be transparent to ionizing photons) overlap, many more sources illuminate any given patch, so $\\Gamma$ should increase rapidly. Quantitatively, the first self-consistent simulation of reionization showed precisely such a jump \\citep{gnedin00}. In that simulation, $\\Gamma$ evolved much more sluggishly both before overlap (when ionized regions grew slowly because the photons had to ionize fresh material) and afterwards (when the ionizing photons were already able to propagate large distances), so overlap appeared to be clearly defined. However, this picture does not match properly onto the well-understood post-reionization Universe, where dense ``Lyman-limit systems\" (LLSs) absorb ionizing photons over relatively small distances (e.g., $\\sim 110 \\Mpc$ at $z=4$; \\citealt{storrie94, miralda03}, probably falling to $\\la 30 \\Mpc$ by $z=6$; \\citealt{lidz07}). Once ionized regions grew beyond the mean separation of these systems, LLSs (rather than the edges of ionized bubbles) controlled the mean free path of ionizing photons \\citep{furl05-rec, gnedin06} and by extension the effective horizon to which sources could be seen. Because reionization is so inhomogeneous, many ionized regions will reach this size ($\\ga 20 \\Mpc$) well before complete overlap \\citep{barkana04, furl04-bub}; there must in fact be a gradual transition from the ``bubble-dominated\" ionization topology characteristic of reionization to the ``web-dominated\" topology characteristic of the post-reionization Universe \\citep{furl05-rec}. Here we ask whether overlap \\emph{must} be accompanied by a rapid increase in $\\Gamma$ and, conversely, whether such an increase is a robust signal of overlap. We also examine the implications of recent reionization models for the \\lya forest observations conventionally used to argue for late reionization. Unfortunately, numerical simulations do not yet have the dynamic range to sample the large ($\\sim 100 \\Mpc$) scales necessary for reionization and simultaneously predict detailed properties of the \\lya forest (though see \\citealt{gnedin06} for a detailed study of LLSs and the \\lya forest during reionization in a $8 h^{-1} \\Mpc$ box). Thus we will use a simple analytic model that incorporates both the discrete ionized bubbles and intervening absorption by LLSs to show that, during the end stages of reionization, $\\Gamma$ is primarily controlled by the mean separation of LLSs, which may not evolve rapidly at the moment of overlap -- and, more importantly, may continue evolving long afterwards. In our numerical calculations, we assume a cosmology with $\\Omega_m=0.26$, $\\Omega_\\Lambda=0.74$, $\\Omega_b=0.044$, $H_0=100 h \\hunits$ (with $h=0.74$), $n=0.95$, and $\\sigma_8=0.8$, consistent with the most recent measurements \\citep{dunkley08,komatsu08}. Unless otherwise specified, we use comoving units for all distances. ", "conclusions": "\\label{disc} We have shown that, because attenuation due to LLSs must become important before overlap, the late stages of reionization need not be accompanied by a rapid increase in $\\VEV{\\Gamma}$ (or $\\tau_{\\rm eff}$). Thus, the conventional wisdom that a sharp increase in the ionizing background is a robust indicator of overlap must be modified: namely, such a feature indicates only that the attenuation length $r_0$ is evolving rapidly. Of course, it may be that $r_0$ does evolve quickly at the end of reionization (and some theoretical calculations suggest that this does occur; \\citealt{wyithe08-prox, choudhury08}). For example, $\\VEV{\\Gamma}$ must (at least to some degree) control the ionization structure of LLSs and hence $r_0$ \\citep{miralda05, schaye06}. As $\\VEV{\\Gamma}$ increases, LLSs will shrink, increasing $r_0$ and hence $\\VEV{\\Gamma}$, creating a positive feedback loop. Thus even a slow initial increase in the emissivity and/or mean free path at the end of reionization may spiral into a relatively rapid change in $\\VEV{\\Gamma}$. Unfortunately, our understanding of LLSs is not yet advanced enough to determine the effectiveness of such a feedback loop; for now, we can only say that effective feedback requires that the LLSs have quite steep density profiles (see, e.g., the Appendix to \\citealt{furl05-rec}). More importantly, there is no obvious reason that the mean free path can \\emph{only} change during overlap: so long as (i) the emissivity continues to increase and (ii) $\\VEV{\\Gamma}$ controls the properties of LLSs, the feedback loop will continue -- and with the rapid increase in the collapsed fraction at $z \\ga 6$, such a scenario seems entirely plausible. Thus, even if $\\VEV{\\Gamma}$ is evolving strongly at $z \\sim 6$ \\citep{fan02, fan06}, we do not have a robust indicator of overlap. Indeed, it may be better to regard the final stage of reionization as the disappearance of LLSs \\emph{after} overlap. This ``post-overlap\" phase, which consumes just a few percent of the neutral gas, is typically thought to be indistinguishable from the cosmic-web dominated Universe at later times. We have shown instead that $\\VEV{\\Gamma}$ may evolve slowly during overlap but rapidly afterwards, making quasar absorption spectra a useful probe of this tail end of reionization (which matches smoothly onto the post-reionization Universe) but not necessarily of overlap itself. This contrasts with the conventional picture in which $\\VEV{\\Gamma}$ evolves rapidly \\emph{only} during overlap; that intuition came from reionization simulations that were too small to include the full inhomogeneity of reionization and so exaggerated the importance of overlap (e.g., \\citealt{gnedin00}). The recent semi-numeric calculations of \\citet{choudhury08}, which included an approximate prescription for self-shielding gas, present a similar picture to ours, in which these LLSs are burned off over the (rather extended) final stages of reionization that follow overlap. Beyond an increase in $\\Gamma$, there are other reasons that $r_0$ may evolve throughout (and after) reionization. For example, photoheating can evaporate loosely-bound structures, substantially modifying the IGM gas distribution by eliminating dense systems \\citep{haiman01, shapiro04, pawlik08}. This will increase $r_0$ as well; however, the process should happen gradually throughout reionization as more and more of the volume is illuminated (and so will be particularly slow if reionization is extended). Evaporation also occurs over the sound-crossing time, which is relatively long for the moderate overdensities of most interest at these high redshifts \\citep{pawlik08}, so that LLSs probably continue to evolve past the ``end\" of reionization. Given the challenges we have raised to the conventional interpretation, it is worth asking two further questions about the data. First, are there other effects that can cause a rapid increase in $\\tau_{\\rm eff}$ \\emph{without} a significant change in $\\Gamma$? One possibility is the density distribution itself: at least according to current models, it is extremely steep in the low-density tail that is responsible for \\lya forest transmission, so it is possible that a small increase in the ionizing background renders a relatively large fraction of the IGM visible \\citep{oh05}. This must await more detailed calculations of the evolving density field at the end of reionization. Second, how certain can we be that overlap has actually occurred by $z \\sim 6$? Is it possible that, although most of the IGM is highly ionized before that point, a small fraction far from ionizing sources could still be completely neutral \\citep{lidz07}? In the conventional picture, in which $\\VEV{\\Gamma}$ evolves rapidly at overlap, such a conclusion can be easily dismissed. However, our results suggest that overlap itself may be buried inside the smoothly evolving transmission at $z \\la 6$ -- or it may have occurred at much higher redshifts. Finally, we expect our conclusions to hold with even more force during helium reionization: the clumpy IGM and enhanced recombination rate during that era makes attenuation more important \\citep{furl08-helium, mcquinn08, bolton08} and high-energy photons can more easily create a nearly-uniform ionizing background, so the transition from bubble-domination to web-domination will be even smoother. In summary, with our present knowledge of high-$z$ LLSs there is no compelling reason to associate evolution in $r_0$ or \\lya forest transmission exclusively with overlap. If indeed the quasar data shows a more rapid evolution in $\\tau_{\\rm eff}$ at $z > 6$ \\citep{fan06}, this may indicate that we are seeing a rapid increase in $r_0$ that followed or even preceded overlap (note, however, that this measurement is itself controversial; \\citealt{songaila02, songaila04, becker07}). More detailed studies of the coupling between the ionizing background and the dense, neutral blobs that trap ionizing photons are needed before the next step -- associating such a jump with overlap itself -- can be taken securely. We thank A. Lidz and S.~P. Oh for comments that greatly improved the manuscript. This research was partially supported by the NSF through grant AST-0607470 to SF. Support for this work was also provided by NASA through Hubble Fellowship grant \\#HF-01222.01 to AM, awarded by the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., for NASA, under contract NAS 5-26555." }, "0809/0809.4941_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study brane inflation in a warped deformed conifold background that includes general possible corrections to the throat geometry sourced by coupling to the bulk of a compact Calabi-Yau space. We focus specifically, on the perturbation by chiral operator of dimension 3/2 in the CFT. We find that the effective potential in this case can give rise to required number of e-foldings and the spectral index $n_S$ consistent with observation. The tensor to scalar ratio of perturbations is generally very low in this scenario. The COBE normalization, however, poses certain difficulties which can be circumvented provided model parameters are properly fine tuned. We find the numerical values of parameters which can give rise to enough inflation, observationally consistent values of density perturbations, scalar to tensor ratio of perturbations and the spectral index $n_S$. ", "introduction": "It is well known that the standard model for Big bang cosmology is plagued with some intrinsic problems like horizon and flatness problems. Such problems could be cured if one postulates that the early universe went through a brief period of accelerated expansion, otherwise called the cosmological inflation \\cite{inflation}. The inflationary scenario not only explains the large-scale homogeneity of our universe but also proposes a mechanism, of quantum nature, to generate the primordial inhomogeneities which is the seed for understanding the structure formation in the universe. Such inhomogeities have been observed as anisotropies in the temperature of the cosmic microwave background, thus the theoretical ingredients of inflation are subject to observational constraints. Moreover, the paradigm of inflation has stood the test of theoretical and observational challenges in the past two decades \\cite{Spergel1,Spergel2}. However, in spite of its cosmological successes, it still remains a paradigm in search of a viable theoretical model that can be embedded in a fundamental theory of gravity . In this context, enormous amount of efforts are underway to derive inflationary models from string theory, a consistent quantum field theory around the Planck's scale. Progress in the understanding of the nonperturbative dualities in string theory, to be precise, discovery of D-branes, has further provided an important framework to build and test inflationary models of cosmology. In past few years, many inflationary models have been constructed in the context of D-brane cosmology. It includes inflation due to tachyon condensation on a non-BPS brane, inflation due to the motion of a D3-brane towards an anti-D3-brane \\cite{sen,linde,kallosh,lindeD}, inflation due to geometric tachyon arising from the motion of a probe brane in the background of a stack of either NS5-branes or the dual D5-branes \\cite{GTach} . However, these models are based on effective field theory and assume an underlying mechanism for the stabilization of various moduli fields. Thus, they do not take into account the details of compactification and the effects of moduli stabilization and hence any predictions from these models are questionable. Progress in search of a realistic inflationary model in string theory was made when it was learnt that background fluxes can stabilize all the complex structure moduli fields. In fact it has been shown in Ref.~\\cite{GKP} that the fluxes in a warped compactification, using a Klebanov-Strassler (KS) throat \\cite{KS}, can stabilize the axio-dilaton and the complex structure moduli of type IIB string theory compactified on an orientifold of a Calabi-Yau threefold. Further important progress was achieved when it was shown in Ref.~\\cite{KKLT} that the K\\\"ahler moduli fields also can be stabilized by a combination of fluxes and nonperturbative effects. The nonperturbative effects, in this context, arise, via gauge dynamics of either an Euclidean D3-brane or from a stack of D7-branes wrapping super-symmetrically a four cycle in the warped throat. The warped volume of the four cycle controls the magnitude of the nonperturbative effect since it affects the gauge coupling on the D7-branes wrapping this four cycle. Armed with these results, an inflationary model \\cite{KKLMMT} has been built taking into account of the compactification data (see also Refs.~\\cite{dbpapers}). The inflaton potential is obtained by performing string theoretic computations involving the details of the compactification scheme. In this setup inflation is realized by the motion of a D3-brane towards a distant static anti-D3-brane, placed at the tip of the throat and the radial separation between the two is considered to be the inflaton field. The effect of the moduli stabilization resulted in a mass term to the inflaton field which is computed in \\cite{KKLMMT}. It turned out, unfortunately that the mass is large and of the order of hubble parameter and hence spoils the inflation. To avoid this disappointment (see, however, \\cite{IT}), one needs to search for various sources of correction to the inflaton potential. For example, in Ref.~\\cite{Bau1}, the embedding of the D7-branes as given in \\cite{Kup} was considered. Assuming that at least one of the four-cycles carrying the nonperturbative effects descend down a finite distance into the warped throat so that the brane is constrained to move only inside the throat, it was found that such a configuration leads to a perturbation to the warp factor affecting a correction to the warped four cycle volume. Further, this correction depends on the position of the D3-brane and thus the superpotential for the nonperturbative effect gets corrected by an overall position-dependent factor. Thus the full potential on the brane is the sum of the potential (F-term) coming from the superpotential and the usual D-term potential contributed by the interaction between the D3-brane and the anti-D3-brane. Taking these corrections into account, the volume modulus stabilization has been re-analyzed in Refs.~\\cite{Bau2,Bau3,KP} and the viability of inflation was investigated in this modified scenario. The stabilization of the volume modulus puts severe constraint which is difficult to solve analytically without invoking approximations. Moreover, the model needs extreme fine tuning. The above model has been reexamined in Ref.~\\cite{PSS} where inflation, involving both the volume modulus and the radial distance between the brane and the anti-brane participate in the dynamics. Making a rotation in the trajectory space, a linear combination of the two fields, which become independent of time and hence can be stabilized, is identified with the volume modulus. The orthogonal combination then becomes the inflaton field. The model again needs severe fine tuning and further it has been observed that when the spectral index of scalar perturbation reaches the scale invariant value, the amplitude tends to be larger than the COBE normalized value by about three order of magnitude, making the model seemingly unrealistic. However, a recent analysis using Monte Carlo method for searching the parameter space shows that COBE normalization as well as the requirement of nearly flat spectrum can be satisfied at the same time \\cite{HC}. In this paper, we analyse the possibility of a realistic model for brane inflation remaining within the large volume compactification scheme but incorporating a different correction to the inflaton potential. Infact, the authors of Ref.~\\cite{BDKKM} have recently reported that there can be corrections to the inflaton potential that arise from ultra violet deformations corresponding to perturbation by the lowest-dimension operators in the dual conformal field theory. These contributions to the potential have sensitive dependence on the details of moduli stabilization and the gluing of the throat into the compact Calabi-Yau space. In the next section we briefly review the origin and form of these contributions to the potential. In section 3, we analyse the inflationary dynamics based on the full potential. Section 4 is devoted to the summery of our analysis and conclusions. ", "conclusions": "In this paper we have analysed the possibilities of inflation in a warped background with an effective potential (\\ref{Spot}). The model includes three parameters, ${\\cal D}$, $\\alpha=M_{UV}/M_P$ and $C_{3/2}$. The fact that $D3$ brane moves towards the tip of the throat and can reach close to it and not vise-versa imposes constraints on the model parameters, namely, $C_{3/2} \\lesssim 0.1$ for a viable range of $\\alpha$. The COBE normalization demands that typically, ${\\cal D}^{1/4}\\sim 10^{-4}$ which makes $C_{3/2}$ much smaller than one. Inflation becomes possible near the origin where potential can be made sufficiently flat by appropriately choosing the parameters. Numerical values of model parameters can easily be set to obtain enough inflation and observationally consistent value of $n_S$. For instance, in case of, $\\alpha^{-1}=2.000, C_{3/2}=0.00982,{\\cal D}=1.000\\times 10^{-15}$, we find that $N\\simeq 60$ and $n_S \\simeq 0.96$. The tensor to scalar ratio is very low in this case. The problem is caused by COBE normalization; the amplitude of density perturbations is large in this case, $\\delta_H^2 \\simeq 6\\times 10^{-8}$ . This is related to the fact that the constant ${\\cal D}$ does not give the over all scale of the potential but crucially effects the slow roll parameters and the spectral index. Infact, for several other choices of ${\\cal D}$, we can obtain the required values of $N$ and $n_S$ keeping the low value of tensor to scalar ratio of perturbations. However, it is tricky to satisfy the COBE normalization. Our search led to the viable numerical values of the parameters and we have shown that for ${\\cal D}=1.210\\times 10^{-17},~~\\alpha^{-1}=2.11991,~~C_{3/2}=0.0062284$; the total number of e-foldings after horizon crossing $N$ is around $60$ and $n_S\\simeq 0.96$ at the cosmologically relevant scales. For this choice of parameters, the COBE normalization can be set correctly and we find that $\\delta_H^2 \\simeq 2.4\\times 10^{-9}$. It is really interesting that in this case the tensor to scalar ratio is very low, $r=16\\epsilon \\simeq 10^{-11}$, at the horizon crossing. It is possible to vary the parameters around the given values and still satisfy the observations constraints provided that we fine tune the parameters ${\\cal D}$, $\\alpha$ and $C_{3/2}$. Our search in the parameter space was carried out manually which allowed us to demonstrate that the scenario under consideration can be made consistent with the findings of WMAP5. Finally, we should comment on the phenomenological aspects of model discussed in Ref.[18] and compare it with the analysis presented here. It was demonstrated in Ref.[20] that the single field models based upon the scenario of Ref.[18] can give rise to only few e-folds given the constrains on the model parameters. However, the two field model (i.e. the volume modulus also participates in the inflation dynamics) performs much better in this case. But it is difficult to satisfy all the observational constraints simultaneously [20], specially constraints of the spectral index and the COBE normalization are problematic. In the scenario of Ref.[22](where the microscopic theory is different from Ref.[18]) analyzed here, the constraints on model parameters are relaxed and hence the phenomenology of single field inflation dynamics becomes possible. For such a single field model, we have demonstrated that it is possible to satisfy all the observational constraints." }, "0809/0809.4988_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the characterization of additional properties of the night-sky at the Calar Alto observatory, following the study started in S\\'anchez et al. (2007), hereafter Paper I. We focus here on the night sky-brightness at the near-infrared, the telescope seeing, and the fraction of useful time at the observatory. For this study we have collected a large dataset comprising 7311 near-infrared images taken regularly along the last four years for the ALHAMBRA survey ($J$, $H$ and $Ks$-bands), together with a more reduced dataset of additional near-infrared images taken for the current study. In addition we collected the information derived by the meteorological station at the observatory during the last 10 years, together with the results from the cloud sensor for the last $\\sim$2 years. We analyze the dependency of the near-infrared night sky-brightness with the airmass and the seasons, studying its origins and proposing a zenithal correction. A strong correlation is found between the night sky-brightness in the $Ks$-band and the air temperature, with a gradient of $\\sim -$0.08 mag per 1 $\\degree$ C. The typical (darkest) night sky-brightness in the $J$, $H$ and $Ks$-band are 15.95 mag (16.95 mag), 13.99 mag (14.98 mag) and 12.39 mag (13.55 mag), respectively. These values have been derived for the first time for this observatory, showing that Calar Alto is as dark in the near-infrared as most of the other astronomical astronomical sites in the world that we could compare with. Only Mauna Kea is clearly darker in the $Ks$-band, but not only compared to Calar Alto but to any other observatory in the world. The typical telescope seeing and its distribution was derived on the basis of the FWHM of the stars detected in the considered near-infrared images. This value, $\\sim$1.0$\\arcsec$ when converted to the V-band, is only slightly larger than the atmospheric seeing measured at the same time by the seeing monitor, $\\sim$0.9$\\arcsec$. Therefore, the effects different than the atmosphere produce a reduced degradation on the telescope seeing, of the order of $\\sim$10\\%. Finally we estimate the fraction of useful time based on the relative humidity, gust wind speed and presence of clouds. This fraction, $\\sim$72\\%, is very similar to the one derived in Paper I, based on the fraction of time when the extinction monitor is working. ", "introduction": "The night sky brightness in the optical and near-infrared, the number of clear nights, the seeing, transparency and photometric stability are some of the most important parameters that qualify a site for front-line ground-based astronomy. There is limited control over all these parameters, and only in the case of the sky brightness is it possible to keep it at its natural level by preventing light pollution from the immediate vicinity of the observatory. Previous to the installation of any observatory, extensive tests of these parameters are carried out in order to find the best locations, maximizing then the efficiency of these expensive infrastructures. However, most of these parameters are not constant along the time. We have started a program to determine the actual values of the main observing conditions for the Calar Alto observatory. The Calar Alto observatory is located at 2168m height above the sea-level, in the Sierra de los Filabres (Almeria-Spain) at $\\sim$45 km from the Mediterranean sea. It is the second largest European astronomical site in the north hemisphere, behind the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (La Palma), and the most important in the continental Europe. Currently there are six telescopes located in the complex, three of them operated by the Centro Astronomico Hispano Aleman A.I.E. (CSIC-MPG), including the 3.5m, the largest telescope in the continental Europe. Along its 26 years of operations there has been different attempts to characterize some of the main properties described before: (i) Birkle et al. (1976) presented the first measurements of the seeing at Calar Alto, being the basis of the site testing; (ii) Leinert et al. (1995) determined the optical sky brightness corresponding to the year 1990; (iii) Hopp \\& Fernandez (2002) studied the extinction curve corresponding to the years 1986-2000; (iv) Ziad et al. (2005) estimated the median site seeing in the observatory from a single campaign in may 2002. A consistent study of all these properties was presented in S\\'anchez et al. (2007), including the first results of our program. In that study, hereafter Paper I, we focused on the optical properties of the night sky, presenting (i) the first optical night-sky spectrum, identifying the natural and light pollution emission lines and their strength, (ii) the moon-less night-sky brightness in different optical bands, (iv) the extinction and its yearly evolution and (v) the atmospheric seeing and its yearly evolution. It was found that most of these properties were similar to those of major astronomical sites. In particular Calar Alto is among the darkest places in the world in the optical range. In the current study we focus on the near infrared (NIR) properties of the sky at Calar Alto. In particular we characterize here the typical and darkest sky brightness in the $J$, $H$ and $K$-bands, comparing them with similar properties in other observatories world-wide. Their dependencies with positioning in the sky and seasons are also analyzed. The typical seeing measured in real observations (telescope seeing) is derived and compared with the atmospheric seeing estimated by the seeing monitor (out of the telescope). Finally we estimate the fraction of useful time in the observatory based on the data obtained by the meteorological station along the last ten years (relative humidity and gust wind) and the presence of clouds based on the cloud sensor. The structure of this article is as follows: in Section \\ref{data} we describe the dataset collected for the current study, including a description of data and the data reduction; in Section \\ref{ana} we show the analysis and results performed over the different types of data and the results derived for each one; in Section \\ref{conc} we summarize the main results and present the conclusions. All the magnitudes listed in this article are in the Vega system. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conc} In this article we have continued the characterization of the main properties of the night-sky at the Calar Alto observatory that we started in Paper I. These properties were compared with similar ones of other different astronomical sites. The main results of this article can be summarized in the following points: \\begin{itemize} \\item The night sky brightness at the near-infrared presents a strong airmass dependency in the $J$ and $H$ band, and a mild one in the $Ks$-band. These dependencies can be modelled and corrected (or predicted) for any night and airmass by assuming that they are due to airmass dependency of the OH lines emission. Obviously, $J$ and $H$-band observations are recomended to be performed near the zenith, while at the $Ks$-band this is less critical. This result should be taken into account when defining observing strategies in the future. \\item There is a seasonal pattern in the $Ks$-band sky brightness, which shows an average difference of $\\sim$0.8 mag from summer, when is brighter, to winter, when is darker. This pattern is due to the strong dependecy of the sky-brightness in this band with the atmospheric temperature, which may indicate that the contribution from the thermal background emission is the dominant component in this band. \\item The brightness of the night sky at Calar Alto is similar or darker than any in other major astronomical site in the $J$ and $H$ bands, including both Paranal and Mauna Kea. In the $Ks$-band all the astronomical sites are very similar apart from Mauna Kea, which is clearly darker (by $\\sim$1 mag). Indeed, Calar Alto has a similar sky brightness than Paranal or La Palma at this wavelength range. \\item The seeing on the detector is only slightly larger than the site seeing measured by the DIMM, outside the dome (at least for the 3.5m telescope). The effects different than the purely atmospheric ones produce a statistical increase of a $\\sim$10\\% in the measured seeing on the detector compared with the site one. \\item The fraction of useful time at the observatory is of the order of $\\sim$70\\%, with $\\sim$40\\% of the nights 100\\% completely useful. These fractions are better during Summer and worst during Winter. \\end{itemize} We finally conclude that our additional analysis of the astronomical conditions at Calar Alto agree with our previous results presented in Paper I. The new data strength our previous conclusion that it is a good astronomical site, similar in many aspects to places where there are 10m-like telescopes under operation or construction. For both reasons we consider that this observatory is a good candidate for the location of future large aperture optical/NIR telescopes." }, "0809/0809.2389_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present spectra of a sample of Herbig Ae and Be (HAeBe) stars obtained with the Infrared Spectrograph on the \\textit{Spitzer Space Telescope}. All but one of the Herbig stars show emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and seven of the spectra show PAH emission, but no silicate emission at 10~\\mum. The central wavelengths of the 6.2, 7.7--8.2, and 11.3~\\mum\\ emission features decrease with stellar temperature, indicating that the PAHs are less photo-processed in cooler radiation fields. The apparent low level of photo processing in HAeBe stars, relative to other PAH emission sources, implies that the PAHs are newly exposed to the UV-optical radiation fields from their host stars. HAeBe stars show a variety of PAH emission intensities and ionization fractions, but a narrow range of PAH spectral classifications based on positions of major PAH feature centers. This may indicate that, regardless of their locations relative to the stars, the PAH molecules are altered by the same physical processes in the proto-planetary disks of intermediate-mass stars. Analysis of the mid-IR spectral energy distributions indicates that our sample likely includes both radially flared and more flattened/settled disk systems, but we do not see the expected correlation of overall PAH emission with disk geometry. We suggest that the strength of PAH emission from HAeBe stars may depend not only on the degree of radial flaring, but also on the abundance of PAHs in illuminated regions of the disks and possibly on the vertical structure of the inner disk as well. ", "introduction": "Circumstellar accretion disks that contain dust and gas are common around intermediate mass stars. Studying the material in these disks and their evolution can aid us in understanding the very latest stages of star formation and the early stages of planet formation. Herbig Ae/Be (HAeBe) stars are intermediate-mass (M$\\sim$2-10 M$_{\\sun}$) pre-main-sequence stars of spectral class A, B, or early F \\citep{her60, str72, the94, mal98}. Though often associated with nebulosity, HAeBe photospheres are directly observable at visible wavelengths. Unlike normal A and B stars, HAeBe stars have strong emission lines (e.g. H$\\alpha$ and Br$\\gamma$) in their spectra, they can be highly variable at visible wavelengths, and their infrared fluxes are strongly in excess of purely photospheric emission. Current theory predicts that intermediate-mass stars should form more quickly than lower-mass (T Tauri) stars, but they will not reach their stellar birth lines heavily enshrouded in dense circumstellar envelopes as high-mass stars do. This means that we can directly view the stellar photospheres and residual accretion disks of HAeBe stars, with a relatively unobscured view of both. Unlike high-mass stars, while some HAeBe stars are associated with star forming regions they are not common in the extreme environments of HII regions near OB associations. Thus the stars themselves, and not their environments, drive their disk structure, chemistry, and evolution. Chemical and dynamical studies of Galactic HAeBe stars have shown holes and gaps in their inner disks indicating the possible dynamical influence of newly formed planets \\citep[e.g.][]{gra05,bri07}, as well as evidence of different disk geometries from those that flare with increasing radius and have dust with a large abundance of small grains, to flattened disks composed of larger dust grains \\citep[e.g.][]{mee01,aa04}. These characteristics are similar to those of the lower-mass T Tauri systems. Solid-state features and thermal radiation from warm dust, as well as emission from atomic and molecular gas all produce measurable signatures in the mid-IR spectra of young stars with circumstellar disks. Mid-IR imaging and spectroscopy, much of it from space telescopes, have therefore played a major role in measuring and characterizing the disks orbiting T Tauri and HAeBe stars. Unlike T Tauri stars, of which only $\\sim$8\\% show emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons \\citep[PAHs,][]{gee06}, nearly 50\\% of HAeBe stars have strong PAH emission \\citep[e.g.][]{mee01,aa04}, which requires a direct line of sight from the emitting material---presumably located on the surfaces and/or inner rims of disks---to the photospheric optical and UV radiation fields. Furthermore, spectra from the Infrared Space Observatory (\\iso) and recent \\textit{Spitzer} observations have revealed that many HAeBe stars in the Galaxy have large abundances of crystalline silicate grains in their disks indicating significant thermal dust processing subsequent to the formation of the star-disk system. These latter characteristics are not as common in T Tauri disks. Moreover, an evolutionary link from HAeBe proto-planetary disks to Vega-like debris disks is becoming evident in studies of large samples of HAeBe stars \\citep[e.g.][]{her06,gra07}, but the details have yet to be completely worked out. Though details of time scale and evolution remain elusive, recent modeling efforts have succeeded in predicting spectral energy distributions from varying physical characteristics in the disks like dust grain size and composition, properties of the stellar radiation field, disk heating and cooling, and disk geometry \\citep[e.g.][]{dul04,dal06,dul07,rob07}. It is remarkable that such a large fraction of HAeBe stars are PAH emission sources. \\cite{mee01} suggested that PAH emission may change measurably with the structure and physical properties of the disks and perhaps with disk evolution. PAHs have been observed in many different astrophysical contexts: the Galactic and extra-galactic ISM, dust envelopes surrounding post-AGB (asymptotic giant branch) stars, planetary nebulae (PNe), and young stellar objects (YSOs). The molecular structure of PAHs can differ significantly depending on the physical characteristics of the objects or environments where they are found. The bottom line is that PAHs are abundant in interstellar and circumstellar environments, and they can be important constituents in the energy balance of those environments as sources of photoelectrons that heat the gas component \\citep{kam04}. Emission from PAH molecules may also trace proto-planetary disk geometry \\citep{mee01,aa04,gra05}. Exactly what the PAH emission can tell us about the disk environments will depend upon a thorough and detailed understanding of how the molecules are energized and processed by the stellar radiation fields and how they are distributed radially and vertically in the disks. Throughout this paper when we refer to \"processing\" of PAHs, we mean photo-processing by which the optical and UV stellar radiation break molecular bonds producing smaller PAH molecules or completely destroying them. We have begun a detailed analysis of PAH emission from HAeBe stars using very high S/N spectra that allow much higher precision in analyzing PAH feature strengths and wavelengths, and thus the molecular structure that produces them, than has been possible before. In a previous paper (Sloan et. al. 2005, hereafter Paper 1), we analyzed four HAeBe stars in the 5-14~\\mum\\ range that have strong PAH emission but no silicate peak at 10~\\mum. We identified a trend towards decreasing PAH molecule size with increasing PAH ionization fraction and noted that the center wavelengths of the PAH features shift systematically with increasing UV field strength from the stars. We suggested that HAeBe stars may have distinctive PAH spectra relative to other PAH sources (e.g. interstellar photon-dominated regions, PNe, etc). We present 5-36~\\mum\\ spectra of 18 HAeBe stars, two intermediate-mass T Tauri stars, HD 97300, and 51 Oph for a total of 22 sources observed with \\textit{Spitzer}. This extends our original sample of HAeBe stars in Paper 1 by more than a factor of four, and we now analyze HAeBe stars that do have the 10~\\mum\\ silicate emission feature. We present a detailed analysis of the PAH feature strengths and their ratios in an attempt to infer their physical environments and to test for trends in PAH emission when compared with other diagnostics of proto-planetary disk evolution that have recently been helpful in understanding the evolution of T Tauri disks \\citep[e.g.][]{fur06}. The major trends suggested in Paper 1 persist in the present, larger sample. \\cite{aa04} noted in their study of 46 HAeBe stars that those with strong mid-IR excesses relative to near-IR excesses have stronger PAH emission than those with weaker mid-IR excesses. This result supports a relation between the detailed structure of PAH emission and the evolution of the disks. Recent studies by \\cite{gra05} suggest that the strength of (UV-optical) photon-dominated spectral features should correlate with overall disk geometry. Disks that are flat and whose outer disks are therefore shadowed or illuminated at grazing incidence should have weaker H$_{2}$ line and PAH features relative to disks that are flared and therefore well-illuminated by the photospheres of their host stars. These results imply a strong correlation between PAH strength and disk structure, which we can now test with our data. ", "conclusions": " \\begin{itemize} \\item PAHs exposed to stronger stellar radiation fields may become shattered and develop more jagged edges so that the 11.3~\\mum\\ mono C-H bending mode is attenuated with respect to the 12.7~\\mum\\ trio C--H bending mode. PAH ionization fraction, inferred from the PAH F$_{7.7-8.2}$/F$_{11.3}$ ratio, is related to the structure (and possibly the size) of the PAH molecules. \\item The center wavelengths of the 6.2, 7.7--8.2, 8.6, and 11.3~\\mum\\ emission features change as the stellar effective temperature changes. We confirm our previous finding that the center wavelengths of the PAH emission features increase with decreasing effective temperature of the host star, now with a much larger sample of stars. We conclude that hotter stars photo-process the PAHs more than cooler stars do and that the degree of processing alters the PAH spectrum measurably. \\item Our sample shows spectral characteristics generally consistent with the boundary between Class B or C PAH emission sources defined by \\cite{pee02}, viz. a 6.2~\\mum\\ feature shifted to 6.3~\\mum\\ and 7.7--8.2~\\mum\\ emission dominated by the component at 7.9~\\mum. However, in some of our sources, the 7.7--8.2~\\mum\\ feature center is shifted closer to 8.0~\\mum, as in the spectrum of HD 100546, a HAeBe star observed by the SWS on \\iso\\ and included in our sample. It is remarkable that HAeBe stars as a class have such a variety of PAH luminosities and ionization fractions, but such a narrow range of PAH spectral classifications. This may indicate that the PAH molecules are altered by the same physical processes in the disks, perhaps unique to HAeBe stars. In any case we propose that the HAeBe stars comprise a distinct PAH spectral group of their own. HAeBe PAH spectra indicate very little processing of the PAH molecules by the stellar radiation field, relative to other types of PAH source (e.g. HII regions, PDRs, and PNe). \\item The other Peeters Class B objects are post-AGB and that implies that the PAH are less processed and therefore relatively new to the scene in Herbig Ae/Be disks. This is consistent with the suggestion that the PAHs are introduced at a stage of disk evolution when icy mantles evaporate from large dust grain surfaces. If this is the case, then the PAHs near HAeBe stars are being constantly destroyed and replenished by interactions with the stellar radiation field since we do not observe HAeBe systems with the (apparently more processed) Class A spectra. \\item We have detected the 17~\\mum\\ PAH complex in one of our sample HAeBe stars, HD 97300, which stands apart form the rest of our sample as the only class A (e.g. highly photo-processed) PAH spectrum and is likely not a Herbig Ae/Be star. The 17~\\mum\\ feature is commonly observed in the Galactic ISM and in other galaxies where strong UV fields excite extensive PDRs. HD 97300 is also a Meeus Group IIb source having no warm small grain component in its SED and no silicate features at 10~\\mum\\ or longward of 20~\\mum. We suggest that, whatever the classification of HD 97300, it's spectrum is dominated by PAHs in the surrounding interstellar gas and not in a circumstellar disk. \\item Our sample includes both flared (Meeus et al. 2001, Group I) and flattened/settled (Group II) systems, but the overall PAH emission does not decrease monotonically with indicators of depletion of small dust grains and disk settling, as one would expect if the PAH emission only originates in an optically and geometrically thin surface layer of a radially flared disk. \\item Taking into account estimates of disk inclination for the sources in our sample does not uncover a direct correlation of weak PAH emission with indicators of nearly edge-on disk geometry. Nor can we explain the anomaly by invoking strong stellar radiation fields to destroy or process the PAHs so that they emit less light in some disks. \\item Differences in PAH abundance in the illuminated parts of HAeBe disks and/or evolution of the inner disk scale height appear to be possibilities for explaining highly flared disks that have relatively weak PAH emission. These sources may be intermediate-mass versions of the transitional T Tauri disks. \\end{itemize} A larger sample of HAeBe stars will allow us to better determine what a \"normal\" HAeBe star looks like. We have begun the next step, a thorough modeling effort including the addition of detailed PAH spectral synthesis and careful application of mineralogical models for an even larger sample of stars." }, "0809/0809.1175_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Using measured radial velocity data of nine double lined spectroscopic binary systems NSV 223, AB And, V2082 Cyg, HS Her, V918 Her, BV Dra, BW Dra, V2357 Oph, and YZ Cas, we find corresponding orbital and spectroscopic elements via the method introduced by Karami \\& Mohebi (2007a) and Karami \\& Teimoorinia (2007). Our numerical results are in good agreement with those obtained by others using more traditional methods. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} Determining the orbital elements of binary stars helps us to obtain fundamental information, such as the masses and radii of individual stars, that has an important role in understanding the present state and evolution of many interesting stellar objects. Analysis of both light and radial velocity (hereafter RV) curves, derived from photometric and spectroscopic observations, respectively, yields a complete set of basic absolute parameters. One historically well-known method to analyze the RV curve is that of Lehmann-Filh\\'{e}s (cf. Smart, 1990). In the present paper we use the method introduced by Karami $\\&$ Mohebi (2007a) (=KM2007a) and Karami $\\&$ Teimoorinia (2007) (=KT2007), to obtain orbital parameters of the nine double-lined spectroscopic binary systems: NSV 223, AB And, V2082 Cyg, HS Her, V918 Her, BV Dra, BW Dra, V2357 Oph, and YZ Cas. Our aim is to show the validity of our new method to a wide range of different types of binary. The NSV 223 is a contact system of the A type and the mass ratio is believed to be small (Rucinski et al. 2003a,b). The large semiamplitudes ,$K_i$, suggest that the orbital inclination is close to $90^\\circ$. The spectral type is $F7V$ and the period is $0.366128$ days (Rucinski et al. 2003a,b). The AB And is a contact binary. The spectral type is $G8V$. The period is $0.3318919$ days. It is suggested that observed period variability may be a result of the orbital motion in a wide triple system. The third body should then have to be a white dwarf (Pych et al. 2003,2004). V2082 Cyg is most probably an A-type contact binary with a period of $0.714084$ days. The spectral type is $F2V$ (Pych et al. 2003,2004). In HS Her, the effective temperatures were found to be $T_1=15200\\pm750K$ and $T_2=7600\\pm400K$ for the primary and secondary stars, respectively (Cakirli et al. 2007). The secondary component appears to rotate more slowly. The presence of a third body physically bound to the eclipsing pair has been suggested by many investigators. The two component are located near the zero-age main sequence, with age of about $32$ Myr (Cakirli et al. 2007). It is classified as an Algol-type eclipsing binary and single-lined spectroscopic binary. The spectral type of more massive primary component is $B4.5V$. The effective temperature is about $15200\\pm750K$ for the primary component and $7600\\pm400K$ for the secondary component. The period is $1.6374316$ days (Cakirli et al. 2007). The V918 Her is an A-type contact binary. The spectral classification is A7V. The period of this binary star is $0.57481$ days (Pych et al. 2003,2004). The BV Dra and BW Dra have a circular orbit. From spectrophotometry the components of BV Dar are classified as F9 and F8 while the components of BW Dra are G3 and G0. The period of BV Dra is $0.350066$ days and for BW Dra is $0.292166$ days (Batten \\& Wenxian 1986). The V2357 Oph was classified as a pulsating star with a period of $0.208$ days. The spectral type is G5V (Rucinski et al. 2003a,b). The spectral type of primary component of YZ Cas is A1V and for the secondary is F7V. The period of this binary is $4.4672235$ days (Lacy 1981). This paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we give a brief review of the method of KM2007a and KT2007. In Sect. 3, the numerical results are reported, while the conclusions are given in Section 4. ", "conclusions": "Using the method introduced by KM2007a and KT2007, we obtain both the orbital elements and the combined spectroscopic parameters of nine double lined spectroscopic binary systems. Our results are in good agreement with the those obtained by others using more traditional methods. There are some awareness about very close or contact binaries which show some anomalies from more general (detached) binaries. Systematic differences are sometimes found from standard Keplerian models. Even so, the results which are obtained appear comparable to those found by other authors using other methods. This does not mean that all these results are correct. It just implies that where systematic differences appear they affect the results found by different methods of analysis in similar ways. There are also some awareness about the complication binaries which do not behave in an ideal way. For example, active RS CVn type binaries with spots and the non-uniform surface flux distribution should affect the radial velocities.\\\\\\\\ \\noindent{{\\bf Acknowledgements}} This work has been supported financially by Research Institute for Astronomy $\\&$ Astrophysics of Maragha (RIAAM), Maragha, Iran." }, "0809/0809.4420_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "This document presents the results from our spectroscopic survey of H$\\alpha$ emitters in galactic and SMC open clusters with the ESO Wide Field Imager in its slitless spectroscopic mode. First of all, for the galactic open cluster NGC6611, in which, the number and the nature of emission line stars is still the object of debates, we show that the number of true circumstellar emission line stars is small. Second, at low metallicity, typically in the Small Magellanic Cloud, B-type stars rotate faster than in the Milky Way and thus it is expected a larger number of Be stars. However, till now, search for Be stars was only performed in a very small number of open clusters in the Magellanic Clouds. Using the ESO/WFI in its slitless spectroscopic mode, we performed a H$\\alpha$ survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud. 3 million low-resolution spectra centered on H$\\alpha$ were obtained in the whole SMC. Here, we present the method to exploit the data and first results for 84 open clusters in the SMC about the ratios of Be stars to B stars. ", "introduction": "Observations were performed in 2002, at the 2.2m of the ESO at la Silla equiped with the Wide Field Imager in its slitless spectroscopic mode (Baade et al. 1999). This kind of instrumentation is not sensitive to the ambient diffuse nebula and displays only emission lines, which come from circumstellar matter like in the case of Be stars. Be stars are very fast rotating stars, which are surrounded by a circumstellar decretion disk. This instrumentation allowed Martayan et al. (2008a) to find true cirumstellar emission line stars in the Eagle Nebula and NGC6611 open cluster located in the Milky Way, while slit-spectroscopic observations show strong nebular lines. Only a small number of true emission line stars (less than 10) was found. In the Milky Way, we used broad bandpass filter centered in H$\\alpha$, but in the Magellanic Clouds due to the crowding of the fields, we used a narrow bandpass filter also centered in H$\\alpha$. The exposure times range from 120 to 600s, and the resolving power is low ($\\sim$100). In the SMC, 14 images were obtained, $\\sim$8000 spectra were treated in 84 SMC open clusters among the 3 million obtained for the whole SMC, and in NGC6611 $\\sim$10000 spectra were treated. In the LMC, 5 million spectra were obtained. The data-reduction was performed using IRAF tasks and the spectra extraction with SExtractor (Bertin \\& Arnouts 1996). The analysis of spectra and emission line stars detection were done using lecspec and ALBUM codes by Martayan et al. (2008a,b). To classify the stars in SMC open clusters, we cross-correlated our WFI catalogues with OGLE ones (Udalski et al. 1998) to obtain the photometry (B, V, I) for each star and various information for each open cluster (E[B-V], age, reddening). More than 4000 stars of SMC open clusters were classified. An example of colour-magnitude digrams is shown for different open clusters in the SMC in Fig.~\\ref{fig1}. \\begin{figure}[ht] \\begin{center} \\resizebox{8cm}{!}{\\includegraphics[angle=-90] {martayan1_fig1.ps}} \\resizebox{8cm}{!}{\\includegraphics[angle=-90] {martayan1_fig2.ps}} \\caption{{\\bf Left}: SMC open cluster OGLE-SMC107 (NGC330). {\\bf Right}: SMC open cluster OGLE-SMC069. Black dots correspond to the absorption stars, red full circles to definite emission line stars, and red empty circles to candidate emission line stars.} \\label{fig1} \\end{center} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "We conducted a large slitless spectroscopic survey in the Magellanic Clouds and in 2 open clusters in the Milky Way with the ESO/WFI in its slitless spectroscopic mode. In the open cluster NGC6611 and the Eagle Nebula (M16), we show that there is only a small number of true emission line stars. With the stars from 83 open clusters in the SMC, we show that there are twice to four times more Be stars in the SMC than in the MW open clusters. The exploitation of the spectra in the SMC field and in the whole LMC (field and open clusters) is currently ongoing." }, "0809/0809.3036_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "This article investigates the full Boltzmann equation up to second order in the cosmological perturbations. Describing the distribution of polarized radiation by a tensor valued distribution function, we study the gauge dependence of the distribution function and summarize the construction of the gauge-invariant distribution function. The Liouville operator which describes the free streaming of electrons, and the collision term which describes the scattering of photons on free electrons are computed up to second order. Finally, the remaining dependence in the direction of the photon momentum is handled by expanding in projected symmetric trace-free multipoles and also in the more commonly used normal modes components. The results obtained remain to be used for computing numerically the contribution in the cosmic microwave background bispectrum which arises from the evolution of second order perturbations, in order to disentangle the primordial non-Gaussianity from the one generated by the subsequent non-linear evolution. ", "introduction": "\\label{Sec_Genform} \\subsection{Momentum and tetrad} In the kinetic description of radiation, the momentum of photons is usually decomposed onto an orthonormal basis, that is using a tetrad field. Though not compulsory, this facilitates the separation between the magnitude of the momentum and its direction represented by a spacelike unit vector. The tetrad vectors $\\gr{e}_\\aT$ and their corresponding tetrad forms $\\gr{e}^\\aT$ satisfy the orthonormality conditions \\be\\label{deftetrad} \\gr{e}_\\aT.\\gr{e}_\\bT\\equiv e_{\\aT}^{\\,\\,\\mu} e_{\\bT}^{\\,\\,\\nu} g_{\\mu \\nu}=\\eta_{\\aT \\bT},\\qquad\\gr{e}^\\aT.\\gr{e}^\\bT\\equiv e^{\\aT}_{\\,\\,\\mu} e^{\\bT}_{\\,\\,\\nu} g^{\\mu \\nu}=\\eta^{\\aT \\bT}, \\ee where $g_{\\mu\\nu}$ is the space-time metric, $g^{\\mu\\nu}$ its inverse and $\\eta^{\\aT \\bT}=\\eta_{\\aT \\bT}$ the Minkowski metric. In the previous expressions and throughout this paper, we use Greek indices ($\\mu,\\nu,\\rho,\\sigma\\dots$) for abstract indices and the beginning of the Latin alphabet ($\\aT,\\bT,\\cT,\\dT\\dots$) for tetrad labels. Since the tetrad labels run from $0$ to $3$, we also use Latin indices starting from the letter $\\iT$ (that is $\\iT,\\jT,\\kT,\\lT\\dots$) with values ranging from $1$ to $3$ to label the spacelike vectors or forms of a tetrad. We then reserve the label $\\zT$ for the timelike vector and form in a tetrad. A momentum can then be decomposed as \\be \\gr{p}=p^\\aT \\gr{e}_\\aT=p^\\zT \\gr{e}_\\zT +p^\\iT \\gr{e}_\\iT\\,, \\ee where the components can be extracted as \\be p^\\aT=\\gr{p}.\\gr{e}^\\aT \\equiv e^{\\aT}_{\\,\\mu}p^\\mu\\,. \\ee It can be decomposed into a magnitude $p^\\zT$ and the a direction vector $\\gr{n}$ according to \\be p^\\mu=p^\\zT (e_{\\zT}^{\\,\\mu} +n^\\mu)\\,,\\quad \\gr{n}.\\gr{e}_\\zT \\equiv n_\\mu e_{\\zT}^{\\,\\mu}=0\\,, \\quad n^\\mu n_\\mu\\equiv\\gr{n}.\\gr{n}=1\\,. \\ee This decomposition can be used to define a screen projector \\be\\label{DefScreen} {S_{\\gr{e_\\zT}}}_{\\mu\\nu}(\\gr{p})=g_{\\mu \\nu}+e^\\zT_{\\,\\mu} e^\\zT_{\\,\\nu}-n_\\mu n_\\nu\\,, \\ee which projects on a space which is both orthogonal to $\\gr{e}_\\zT$ and orthogonal to the direction $\\gr{n}$, since \\be \\flamoi{S_{\\gr{e}_\\zT}}_{\\mu \\nu} e_\\zT^{\\,\\mu}=0,\\qquad {S_{\\gr{e}_\\zT}}_{\\mu \\nu}p^\\mu=0,\\qquad {S_{\\gr{e}_\\zT}}_{\\mu \\nu}n^\\nu=0,\\qquad {S_{\\gr{e}_\\zT}}_{\\mu}^{\\,\\,\\nu}{S_{\\gr{e}_\\zT}}_{\\nu\\sigma}={S_{\\gr{e}_\\zT}}_{\\mu\\sigma}\\,. \\ee In this paper, a projected tensorial quantity is orthogonal to $\\gr{e}_\\zT$ only and a screen projected quantity is orthogonal to both $\\gr{n}$ and $\\gr{e}_\\zT$. If there is no risk of confusion about the choice of the observer in this screen projector, then we will use the notation $S_{\\mu \\nu}$ instead of ${S_{\\gr{e}_\\zT}}_{\\mu\\nu}$. If we also omit the dependence of the screen projector in the photon momentum, then we abbreviate $S_{\\mu \\nu}(\\gr{p})$ in $S_{\\mu \\nu}$, and $S_{\\mu \\nu}(\\gr{p}')$ in $S'_{\\mu \\nu}$. The polarization of a photon is represented by its polarization vector $\\mybepsilon(\\gr{p})$ which is a complex spacelike unit vector ($\\epsilon_\\mu^\\star (\\gr{p})\\epsilon^\\mu(\\gr{p})=1$) and taken in the Lorentz gauge ($\\epsilon_\\mu(\\gr{p}) p^\\mu =0$). Since there is a residual gauge freedom (of electromagnetism) in the choice of the polarization vector, we will work with the screen projected polarization vector $S^\\mu_{\\,\\,\\nu}\\epsilon^\\nu(\\gr{p})$ which is unique. \\subsection{The (screen-projected) polarization tensor} The radiation is represented by a Hermitian tensor valued distribution function (which is thus complex valued), also called polarization tensor~\\cite{Bildhauer1989,Kosowsky1996,Tsagas2007,Stebbins2007} satisfying \\be F_{\\mu \\nu}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)\\qquad p^\\mu F_{\\mu\\nu}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)=0\\,, \\ee from which we can form the distribution function of photons in a given state of polarization $\\mybepsilon$ by \\be F_{\\mu \\nu}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT){\\epsilon^\\star}^\\mu(\\gr{p}) \\epsilon^\\nu(\\gr{p})\\,. \\ee Here the $x^\\aB$ are the coordinates used to label points on the space-time manifold. Throughout this paper, indices which refer to these coordinates are $\\aB,\\bB,\\cB,\\dots$ if they run from $0$ to $3$. Furthermore, indices which are $\\iB,\\jB,\\kB,\\dots$ run from $1$ to $3$, and the time component index is $\\zB$.\\\\ For a given electromagnetic plane wave with potential vector amplitude $A^\\mu=A \\epsilon^\\mu$ and wave vector $k^\\mu$ in the geometric optics limit, this polarization tensor can be defined~\\cite{MTW} by \\be\\label{Def_buildpolartensor} \\dirac{1}(\\gr{p}.\\gr{p})F_{\\mu \\nu}(p^\\aT) \\equiv \\frac12 (2\\pi)^3 \\dirac{4} (\\gr{k} -\\gr{p}) A^2 \\epsilon_\\mu(\\gr{k}) \\epsilon^\\star_\\nu(\\gr{k}) \\,, \\ee where $\\dirac{n}$ is the Dirac function of dimension $n$. This tensor $F_{\\mu\\nu}$ should not be confused with the Faraday tensor. Since the remaining gauge freedom of electromagnetism also affects the polarization tensor, we can define the screen-projected distribution function by \\be f_{\\mu\\nu}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)=S_\\mu^\\rho S_\\nu^\\sigma F_{\\rho \\sigma}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)\\,. \\ee This tensor is no more dependent on the residual gauge freedom and encodes all the polarization properties of radiation as seen by an observer having a velocity $\\gr{e}_\\zT$. Similarly to the definition of the screen projector, if the context requires it, we will use an index notation of the type $f_{\\gr{e}_\\zT}^{\\mu\\nu}$ to remind with which velocity, and thus with which screen projector, it is defined. The screen projected tensor has four degrees of freedom which can be split according to \\be f_{\\mu \\nu}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)\\equiv\\frac{1}{2} I(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)S_{\\mu \\nu}+P_{\\mu \\nu}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)+\\frac{\\ii}{2} V(x^\\aB,p^\\aT) \\epsilon_{\\mu \\nu \\sigma} n^\\sigma, \\ee with $\\epsilon_{\\mu \\nu \\sigma}\\equiv e_\\zT^\\rho\\epsilon_{\\rho \\mu \\nu \\sigma}$, and where $\\epsilon_{\\rho \\mu \\nu \\sigma}$ is the completely antisymmetric tensor. $P_{\\mu \\nu}$, which encodes the degree of linear polarization, is real symmetric and trace free, as well as orthogonal to $\\gr{e}_\\zT$ and $\\gr{n}$, and thus encodes two degrees of freedom, which can be described by the Stokes functions $Q$ and $U$~\\cite{Tsagas2007}. $I(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)$ and $V(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)$ are respectively the intensity (or distribution function) for both polarizations and the degree of circular polarization. We also define the normalized (screen-projected) polarization tensor by \\be U_{\\mu \\nu}\\equiv \\frac{f_{\\mu\\nu}}{f^{\\alpha}_{\\,\\,\\alpha}}=\\frac{f_{\\mu\\nu}}{I}\\,\\,. \\ee \\subsection{Stress-energy tensor and energy-integrated functions} For a distribution of photons, a stress-energy tensor can be defined by \\be T^{\\mu \\nu}(x^\\aB)\\equiv e_\\aT^{\\,\\mu} e_\\bT^{\\,\\nu} \\left(\\int \\dirac{1}(\\gr{p}.\\gr{p})I(x^\\aB,p^\\cT) p^\\aT p^\\bT \\frac{\\dd p^\\zT \\dd^3 p^{\\iT}}{(2 \\pi)^3}\\right). \\ee Performing the integral over $p^\\zT$ (we choose the convention in which we integrate on the two mass hyperboloides), we eliminate the Dirac function and it leads to \\be T^{\\mu \\nu}(x^\\aB)\\equiv e_\\aT^{\\,\\mu} e_\\bT^{\\,\\nu} \\left(\\int I(x^\\aB,p^\\iT) p^\\aT p^\\bT \\frac{\\dd^3 p^{\\iT}}{p^\\zT (2\\pi)^3}\\right)\\,, \\ee where now the intensity distribution function has to be considered as a function of $p^\\iT$, and $p^\\zT$ is positive and taken on the mass shell, that is $p^\\zT=\\sqrt{p_\\iT p^\\iT}$, and is thus identified with the energy of the photon. Splitting the integral over $\\dd^3 p^\\iT$ into magnitude and angular direction leads to \\be\\label{Def_Tmunu3} T^{\\mu \\nu}(x^\\aB)\\equiv \\frac{1}{(2\\pi)^3}e_\\aT^{\\,\\mu} e_\\bT^{\\,\\nu} \\left(\\int I(x^\\aB,p^\\iT) \\left(p^\\zT\\right)^3 N^\\aT N^\\bT \\dd p^\\zT \\dd^2 \\Omega\\right)\\,, \\ee where $\\dd^2 \\Omega$ is the differential solid angle associated with the unit vector $n^\\iT$, and where $N^\\iT \\equiv n^\\iT$ and $N^\\zT\\equiv 1$. This motivates the definition of the (energy-) integrated counterparts of $I$, $V$ and $P_{\\mu \\nu}$ which are \\bea\\label{Brightnessdef} {\\cal I}(x^\\aB,n^\\iT)&\\equiv &\\frac{4 \\pi}{(2 \\pi)^3} \\int I(x^\\aB,p^\\zT,n^\\iT)(p^\\zT)^3 \\dd p^\\zT\\,,\\\\* {\\cal V}(x^\\aB,n^\\iT)&\\equiv& \\frac{4 \\pi}{(2 \\pi)^3} \\int V(x^\\aB,p^\\zT,n^\\iT)(p^\\zT)^3 \\dd p^\\zT\\,,\\\\* {\\cal P}_{\\mu \\nu}(x^\\aB,n^\\iT)&\\equiv& \\frac{4 \\pi}{(2 \\pi)^3} \\int P_{\\mu \\nu}(x^\\aB,p^\\zT,n^\\iT)(p^\\zT)^3 \\dd p^\\zT\\,. \\eea $\\cal I$ is the brightness, ${\\cal V}$ is the degree of linear polarization in units of ${\\cal I}$, and ${\\cal P}_{\\mu \\nu}$ is the tensor of linear polarization in units of ${\\cal I}$. \\subsection{Description of massive particles} For massive particles such as electrons ($\\ie$), protons ($\\ip$) or cold dark matter ($\\ic$), we do not need to describe polarization and thus we can rely solely on a the distribution functions $\\gel$, $g_{\\mathrm p}$ and $g_{\\mathrm c}$ (chosen to describe the two helicities). Additionally, following common practice in cosmology, we will refer to electrons and protons together as baryons though electrons are leptons. This is motivated by the fact that most of the mass is carried by protons which are baryons, and the Compton interaction between protons and electrons makes these two components highly interdependent. For a particle with impulsion $q^\\aT$, we use the following notation \\be \\flamoi n^\\iT\\equiv \\frac{q^\\iT}{q^\\zT}\\,,\\quad \\beta=\\sqrt{n^\\iT n_\\iT}\\,,\\quad\\lambda \\equiv \\beta q^\\zT\\,, \\quad \\hat n^\\iT= n^\\iT/\\beta\\,, \\quad \\gamma= \\left(1 -\\beta^2 \\right)^{-1/2}\\,, \\ee where now we have to distinguish between the unit vector $\\hat n^\\iT$ and the velocity vector $n^\\iT$ because of the mass $m$ of the particles. The stress-energy tensor can be defined in a similar manner to equation~(\\ref{Def_Tmunu3}) by \\be T^{\\mu \\nu}(x^\\aB)\\equiv e_\\aT^{\\,\\mu} e_\\bT^{\\,\\nu} \\left(\\int \\dirac{1}(\\gr{q}.\\gr{q}-m^2) g(x^\\aB,q^\\cT) q^\\aT q^\\bT \\frac{\\dd q^\\zT \\dd^3 q^{\\iT}}{(2 \\pi)^3}\\right). \\ee Integrating over $q^\\zT$, this leads to \\be\\label{Def_Tmunu4} T^{\\mu \\nu}(x^\\aB)\\equiv \\frac{1}{(2\\pi)^3}e_\\aT^{\\,\\mu} e_\\bT^{\\,\\nu} \\left(\\int g(x^\\aB,q^\\iT) q^\\zT N^\\aT N^\\bT \\dd^3 q^\\iT\\right)\\,, \\ee where we recall that $N^\\aT \\equiv (1,n^\\iT)$, and $q^\\zT$ is taken on the mass shell ($q^\\zT=\\sqrt{q_\\iT q^\\iT+m^2}$).\\\\ \\subsection{The fluid limit}\\label{Fluidlimit} The stress-energy tensor of radiation or matter is equivalent to the one of an imperfect fluid with stress-energy tensor \\begin{equation} T_{\\mu\\nu} = \\rho u_\\mu u_\\nu + P\\left( g_{\\mu\\nu} + u_\\mu u_\\nu\\right) +\\Pi_{\\mu \\nu}\\,. \\label{defstressenergytensor} \\end{equation} In this decomposition $\\rho$ is the energy density, $P$ is the pressure, $u^\\mu$ is the fluid velocity and $\\Pi^{\\mu \\nu}$, which satisfies $\\Pi^{\\mu}_{\\,\\,\\mu}=u^\\mu \\Pi_{\\mu \\nu}=0$, is the anisotropic stress. For an isotropic distribution of radiation, that is where ${\\cal I}(x^\\aB,p^\\iT)$ depends only on the magnitude of $p^\\iT$, it is straightforward to show by comparison of the expressions~(\\ref{Def_Tmunu3}) and (\\ref{defstressenergytensor}) that $P=\\rho/3$. Similarly, for a set of heavy particles (or non-relativistic particles), that is with $\\sqrt{q^\\iT q_\\iT} \\ll m$, the pressure satisfies $P\\ll \\rho$ and the anisotropic stress tensor is also similarly small. For cold dark matter, it is assumed that the mass of particles is large enough so that we can use this approximation.\\\\ In the case of electrons and protons, that is baryons, the Coulomb interaction ensures that the distribution of momenta follows a Fermi-Dirac distribution in the reference frame where they have no bulk velocity~\\cite{Bernstein1988}, at least as long as the baryonic matter is ionized. This distribution is isotropic in this adapted frame and depends only on $\\lambda$ \\be g_{\\mathrm{fd}}(\\lambda)=\\left(\\exp\\left[\\frac{\\sqrt{(\\lambda^2+m^2)}-\\mu}{T}\\right]+1\\right)^{-1}\\,\\,\\,. \\ee As a consequence, the anisotropic stress vanishes, and in this adapted frame the baryons are then ideally described by the energy density and the pressure \\bea \\rho_\\ib&\\equiv& \\frac{4\\pi}{(2\\pi)^3}\\int g_{\\mathrm{fd}}(\\lambda)\\sqrt{\\lambda^2+m^2}\\lambda^2 \\dd \\lambda\\,,\\\\* P_\\ib&\\equiv& \\frac{4\\pi}{3(2\\pi)^3}\\int g_{\\mathrm{fd}}(\\lambda)\\frac{\\lambda^4}{\\sqrt{\\lambda^2+m^2}} \\dd \\lambda\\,. \\eea If we can neglect the chemical potential $\\mu$, which is the case in the cosmological context, then for non-relativistic particles we obtain \\bea \\rho_\\ib&\\simeq&m\\left(1+\\frac{3T}{2m}\\right) n_\\ib\\,,\\\\* P_\\ib&\\simeq&n_\\ib T\\,. \\eea The baryonic matter is ionized roughly until recombination where the temperature of photons is of order $T_{\\mathrm{LSS}} \\simeq 0.25\\,\\, \\mathrm{eV}$~\\cite{Komatsu2008}. For electrons, the thermal correction is of order $T_{\\mathrm{LSS}}/\\me\\simeq 0.25/511000\\simeq 0.5\\,\\, 10^{-6}$, and this ratio is even $m_{\\ip}/m_{\\ie}\\simeq 1836$ times smaller for protons. We thus deduce that the baryons either have no anisotropic stress because of Coulomb interaction, or have a very tiny pressure and anisotropic stress after recombination has occurred. However, as discussed in section~\\ref{Sec_pertscheme} this thermal correction is still of order of the metric perturbations and should not {\\it in principle} be ignored for second order computations. Nevertheless, the thermal corrections are not relevant for computing the bispectrum and it is for this reason that we will, from now on, drop terms in $T/m$ and describe baryons as cold matter (but not dark since it can interact with radiation). It should be mentionned that for neutrinos these conclusions are not valid anymore since they are very light~\\cite{Lesgourgues2006}. We will here assume that they are light enough to be treated as collisionless radiation, and the equations which govern their evolution can be found by setting $\\st=0$ in the equations for photons, where $\\st$ is the Thomson cross section. \\subsection{Multipole expansion for radiation} Functions of $p^\\aT$ can be viewed as functions of $(p^\\zT,n^\\aT)$ and we can separate the dependence into the energy and the direction of the momentum. The dependence in the direction can be further expanded in multipoles using projected symmetric trace-free (PSTF) tensors, where projected means that they are orthogonal to $\\gr{e}_\\zT$. For instance, $I$ can be expanded as \\be\\label{Def_multipoleS} I(x^\\aB,p^\\zT,n^\\aT)=\\sum_{\\ell=0}^\\infty I_{\\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}(x^\\aB,p^\\zT)n^{\\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}\\,, \\ee where the $I_{\\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}\\equiv I_{\\aT_1\\dots\\aT_\\ell}$ are PSTF. For the lowest multipole, i.e. the one corresponding to $\\ell=0$, we use the notation $I_{\\emptyset}$. Note that we have defined the notation $n^{\\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}\\equiv n^{\\aT_1}\\dots n^{\\aT_\\ell}$. We also remind that $n^\\aT\\equiv \\gr{n}.\\gr{e}^\\aT\\equiv n^\\mu e^\\aT_{\\,\\mu}$. Since $\\gr{n}$ is projected, $n^\\zT=0$ and thus if any of the indices in $I_{\\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}$ is $\\zT$, then the multipoles is chosen to vanish. These multipoles can be obtained by performing the following integrals \\be \\flamoi I_{\\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}(x^\\aB,p^\\zT)=\\Delta_\\ell^{-1}\\int I(x^\\aB,p^\\zT,n^\\aT) n_{\\langle \\uline{\\aT_\\ell}\\rangle}\\dd^2 \\Omega\\,,\\qquad \\Delta_\\ell\\equiv 4 \\pi \\frac{\\ell!}{(2\\ell+1)!!}\\,\\,\\,, \\ee where $\\langle \\dots\\rangle$ means the symmetric trace-free part. A similar expansion can be performed on $V$, by replacing $I$ by $V$ in the above expressions, as well as for their energy integrated counterparts. Note that in particular \\bea {\\cal I}^{\\emptyset}&=&T^{\\zT \\zT}\\,,\\\\* {\\cal I}^\\iT&=&4 \\pi \\Delta_1^{-1} T^{\\zT \\iT}\\,,\\\\* {\\cal I}^{\\iT \\jT}&=&4 \\pi \\Delta_2^{-1} T^{\\langle \\iT \\jT \\rangle}\\,. \\eea As for $P_{\\aT \\bT}\\equiv P_{\\mu \\nu} e_\\aT^{\\,\\mu}e_\\bT^{\\,\\nu}$, it can be expanded in electric and magnetic type components according to~\\cite{Challinor2000,Tsagas2007,Dautcourt1978,Thorne1980} \\be\\label{Def_multipoleP} \\flamoi P_{\\aT \\bT}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)=\\sum_{\\ell=2}^\\infty \\left[E_{\\aT \\bT \\uline{\\cT_{\\ell-2}}}(x^\\aB,p^\\zT)n^{ \\uline{\\cT_{\\ell-2}}} \\,- n_{\\cT}\\epsilon^{\\cT \\dT}_{\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,(\\aT}B_{\\bT)\\dT \\uline{\\cT_{\\ell-2}}}(x^\\aB,p^\\zT)n^{\\uline{\\cT_{\\ell-2}}}\\right]^{\\mathrm{TT}}, \\ee where the notation $\\mathrm{TT}$ denotes the transverse (to $\\gr{n}$) symmetric trace-free part, which for a second rank tensor is \\be \\left[X_{\\aT\\bT}\\right]^{\\mathrm{TT}}\\equiv S_{(\\aT}^{\\,\\,\\cT} S_{\\bT)}^{\\,\\,\\dT}X_{\\cT \\dT}-\\frac{1}{2}S_{\\aT\\bT} S^{\\cT\\dT}X_{\\cT \\dT}\\,. \\ee The electric and magnetic multipoles can be obtained by performing the integrals \\bea E_{\\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}(x^\\aB,p^\\zT)&=&M_\\ell^2\\Delta_\\ell^{-1}\\int \\,n_{\\langle \\uline{\\aT_{\\ell-2}}}P_{\\aT_{\\ell-1}\\aT_{\\ell}\\rangle}(x^\\aB,p^\\zT,n^\\aT)\\dd^2 \\Omega\\,\\,,\\\\* B_{\\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}(x^\\aB,p^\\zT)&=&M_\\ell^2\\Delta_\\ell^{-1}\\int \\,n_\\bT \\epsilon^{\\bT \\dT}_{\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,\\langle \\aT_\\ell}n_{\\uline{\\aT_{\\ell-2}}}P_{\\aT_{\\ell-1}\\rangle \\dT}(x^\\aB,p^\\zT,n^\\aT)\\dd^2 \\Omega\\,\\,, \\eea where \\be M_\\ell=\\sqrt{\\frac{2 \\ell (\\ell-1)}{(\\ell+1)(\\ell+2)}}\\,\\,. \\ee \\subsection{Transformation rules under a change of frame}\\label{Sec_Changeframe} \\subsubsection{The photon momentum} So far, everything was defined with respect to an observer having a velocity $\\gr{e}_\\zT$. How does all this machinery transform when the radiation is observed by an observer with a different velocity ${\\tilde{\\gr{e}}}_{\\zT}$? Since two velocities can be related by a Lorentz transformation, there exists a vector $\\gr{v}$ such that \\be {\\tilde{\\gr{e}}}_{\\zT}=\\gamma(\\gr{e}_\\zT+\\gr{v}),\\qquad\\gamma\\equiv\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{1-\\gr{v}.\\gr{v}}}\\,\\qquad v^\\zT\\equiv\\gr{v}.\\gr{e}^\\zT=0\\,\\,. \\ee We deduce immediately that the magnitude and the direction unit vector of the photon momentum transform as \\bea\\label{Eq_Tmomentum1} p^{\\zTt}&\\equiv& \\gr{p}.\\tilde{\\gr{e}}^{\\zT}=\\gamma p^\\zT\\left(1-\\gr{n}.\\gr{v} \\right)\\,,\\\\* {\\tilde{\\gr{n}}}&=&\\frac{1}{\\gamma(1- \\gr{v}.\\gr{n})}(\\gr{e}_\\zT+\\gr{n})-\\gamma(\\gr{e}_\\zT + \\gr{v})\\,. \\eea We remind that the direction, as observed by the transformed observer, is given by the decomposition $ \\gr{p}=p^{\\zTt} ({\\tilde{\\gr{e}}}_{\\zT} +{\\tilde{\\gr{n}}})$. These rules imply the following transformation rule for the screen projector \\be \\tilde S_{\\mu \\nu}=S_{\\mu \\nu}+\\frac{2 \\gamma}{p^{\\zTt}}p_{(\\mu}S_{\\nu)\\rho}v^\\rho+\\left(\\frac{\\gamma}{p^{\\zTt}}\\right)^2 p_\\mu p_\\nu S_{\\alpha \\beta}v^\\alpha v^\\beta\\,, \\ee which implies directly the following useful relations \\bea\\label{TruleforS} \\tilde S_{\\mu \\nu}=\\tilde S_\\mu^{\\,\\,\\rho} \\tilde S_\\nu^{\\,\\,\\sigma} S_{\\rho \\sigma}\\,,\\qquad \\tilde n^\\mu \\tilde \\epsilon_{\\mu \\rho \\sigma}=n^\\mu \\epsilon_{\\mu \\alpha \\beta} \\tilde S^\\alpha_{\\,\\,\\rho}\\tilde S^\\beta_{\\,\\,\\sigma}\\,. \\eea The last relation can also be demonstrated easily by noting that $n^\\mu \\epsilon_{\\mu \\alpha \\beta} \\tilde S^\\alpha_{\\,\\,\\rho}\\tilde S^\\beta_{\\,\\,\\sigma}$ is by construction orthogonal to $\\tilde{\\gr{e}}_\\zT$ and ${\\tilde{\\gr{n}}}$, and since it is also obviously antisymmetric in its two free indices, it has to be proportional to $\\tilde n^\\mu \\tilde \\epsilon_{\\mu \\rho \\sigma}$. By contracting both expressions with themselves we obtain that they are indeed equal.\\\\ The rest of the tetrad can be transformed without rotation, that is with a pure boost, by \\be \\tilde e^{\\aT} = \\Lambda^\\aT_{\\,\\,\\bT}e^\\bT,\\qquad\\tilde e_\\aT = e_\\bT \\Lambda^\\bT_{\\,\\,\\aT}\\,, \\ee and the components of this transformation are given by \\be \\Lambda^\\zT_{\\,\\zT}=\\gamma,\\qquad \\Lambda^\\zT_{\\,\\iT}=-\\gamma v_\\iT,\\qquad \\Lambda^\\iT_{\\,\\jT}=\\delta^\\iT_\\jT+\\frac{\\gamma^2}{1+\\gamma}v^\\iT v_\\jT, \\ee where we remind that $v^\\iT$ is the component of $\\gr{v}$ along the tetrad $\\gr{e}^\\iT$, that is $v^\\iT=\\gr{v}.\\gr{e}^\\iT $ . The transformation rule for the photon direction when expressed along tetrads is thus \\be \\tilde n^{\\iTt}\\equiv{\\tilde{\\gr{n}}}. {\\tilde{\\gr{e}}}^\\iT=\\frac{1}{\\gamma(1-\\gr{n}.\\gr{v})}\\left[n^\\iT+\\frac{\\gamma^2}{(1+\\gamma)}\\gr{n}.\\gr{v} \\,v^\\iT-\\gamma v^\\iT \\right]. \\ee \\subsubsection{The radiation multipoles}\\label{Transfomultipoles} It can be easily checked that for a vector orthogonal to $\\gr{p}$, such as the polarization vector, $\\tilde S^\\mu_{\\,\\,\\nu}S^\\nu_{\\,\\,\\sigma}\\epsilon^\\sigma=\\tilde S^\\mu_{\\,\\,\\sigma}\\epsilon^\\sigma$. As an immediate consequence, we deduce from equation~(\\ref{Def_buildpolartensor}) that the screen-projected polarization tensor transforms according to \\be\\label{Eq_Tpropertydebase} \\tilde f_{\\mu \\nu}(x^\\aB,p^{\\zTt},\\tilde n^\\aTt)=\\tilde S^\\mu_{\\,\\,\\alpha} \\tilde S^\\nu_{\\,\\,\\beta} f_{\\alpha \\beta}(x^\\aB,p^{\\zT},n^\\aT)\\,. \\ee We deduce from equation~(\\ref{TruleforS}) that $P_{\\mu \\nu}$ transforms following the same rule, whereas $I$ and $V$ transform as scalars \\be \\tilde I(p^{\\zTt},\\tilde n^\\aTt)=I(p^{\\zT},n^\\aT)\\,,\\qquad\\tilde V(p^{\\zTt},\\tilde n^\\aTt)=V(p^{\\zT},n^\\aT)\\,. \\ee Here and in the rest of this paper, we omit the dependence in the position $x^\\aB$ to simplify the notation. We can deduce from equation~(\\ref{Eq_Tmomentum1}) that the differential solid angle transforms according to (this can also be deduced from using the transformation rule of $p^\\zT$ and the fact that $\\dd^3 p^\\iT/p^\\zT =p^\\zT \\dd p^\\zT \\dd^2 \\Omega$ is a scalar) \\be \\dd \\tilde \\Omega =\\left[\\frac{1}{\\gamma(1-\\gr{v}.\\gr{n})}\\right]^2\\dd \\Omega\\,, \\ee and this can be used to deduce the transformation rules of the multipoles \\be\\label{Eqinttochangeframe} \\flamoi\\tilde I_{\\uline{\\tilde{\\aT}_\\ell}}(p^{\\zTt})=\\Delta_\\ell^{-1}\\int \\dd \\Omega \\left[\\gamma(1-\\gr{v}.\\gr{n})\\right]^{-2}\\sum_{\\ell'=0}^\\infty I_{\\uline{\\bT_{\\ell'}}}[p^{\\zTt}\\gamma^{-1}(1-n^\\cT v_\\cT)^{-1}]n^{\\uline{\\bT_{\\ell'}}} \\tilde n_{\\langle \\uline{\\tilde{\\aT}_\\ell}\\rangle}\\,. \\ee In the previous integral, $I_{\\uline{\\bT_{\\ell'}}}[p^{\\zTt}\\gamma^{-1}(1-n^\\cT v_\\cT)^{-1}]$ has to be considered as a function of the direction $n^\\aT$. It is thus necessary to Taylor expand it as \\be I_{\\uline{\\bT_\\ell}}[p^{\\zTt}\\gamma^{-1}(1-n^\\cT v_\\cT)^{-1}]=\\sum_{n=0}^\\infty\\frac{1}{n!}\\left( \\frac{\\gamma^{-1}n^\\cT v_\\cT}{1-\\gamma^{-1}n^\\cT v_\\cT}\\right)^n I^{\\{n\\}}_{\\uline{\\bT_\\ell}}[p^{\\zTt}\\gamma^{-1}]\\,, \\ee where we define \\be I^{\\{n\\}}_{\\uline{\\bT_\\ell}}(p^\\zT)\\equiv (p^\\zT)^n\\frac{\\partial^n I_{\\uline{\\bT_\\ell}}(p^\\zT)}{\\partial (p^\\zT)^n}\\,, \\ee with the conventions $I'_{\\uline{\\bT_\\ell}} \\equiv I^{\\{1\\}}_{\\uline{\\bT_\\ell}}$ and $I''_{\\uline{\\bT_\\ell}} \\equiv I^{\\{2\\}}_{\\uline{\\bT_\\ell}}$. Under this form, it is then possible to perform the integration using the following well known integrals~\\cite{Uzan1998} \\ifcqg \\be\\label{Intonn} \\flamoi \\int n^{\\iT_1}\\dots n^{\\iT_k}\\frac{\\dd^2 \\Omega}{4 \\pi} = \\cases{0\\,, &if\\;\\;$k= 2p + 1$,\\\\\\frac{1}{k+1}\\left[\\delta^{(\\iT_1 \\iT_2}\\dots\\delta^{\\iT_{(k-1)}\\iT_k)}\\right]\\,, &if\\;\\;$k= 2p$.} \\ee \\else \\be\\label{Intonn} \\flamoi \\int n^{\\iT_1}\\dots n^{\\iT_k}\\frac{\\dd^2 \\Omega}{4 \\pi} = \\begin{cases}0\\,, &if\\;\\;$k= 2p + 1$,\\\\\\frac{1}{k+1}\\left[\\delta^{(\\iT_1 \\iT_2}\\dots\\delta^{\\iT_{(k-1)}\\iT_k)}\\right]\\,, &if\\;\\;$k= 2p$.\\end{cases} \\ee \\fi Note that we have used the standard notation $(\\dots)$ for the symmetrization of indices which leaves unchanged an symmetric tensor and we will also use the notation $[\\dots]$ for the antisymmetrization of indices which leaves unchanged an antisymmetric tensor. The integrals~(\\ref{Intonn}) used in the transformation rule~(\\ref{Eqinttochangeframe}) are ideally suited for a tensor calculus package, and we used \\emph{xAct}~\\cite{xAct} to compute them. \\\\ Since the result of equation~(\\ref{Eqinttochangeframe}) will involve terms like $I^{\\{n\\}}_{\\uline{\\bT_\\ell}}[p^{\\zTt}\\gamma^{-1}]=I^{\\{n\\}}_{\\uline{\\bT_\\ell}}[p^\\zT(1-n^\\cT v_\\cT)]$, it will require an additional Taylor expansion in order to have the result expressed only in function of the $I^{\\{n\\}}_{\\uline{\\bT_\\ell}}[p^\\zTt]$ or $I^{\\{n\\}}_{\\uline{\\bT_\\ell}}[p^\\zT]$. Note that the expression of $\\tilde I_{\\uline{\\tilde{\\aT}_\\ell}}(p^{\\zTt})$ in function of the $I^{\\{n\\}}_{\\uline{\\bT_\\ell}}[p^\\zTt]$, which is the choice that we make in the expressions that we report below, does not depend on the direction $n^\\iT$, whereas it does when expressed in function of the $I^{\\{n\\}}_{\\uline{\\bT_\\ell}}[p^\\zT]$ since $p^\\zT$ is unambiguously defined from $p^\\zTt$ only once a direction $n^\\iT$ is specified. A similar method, with similar definitions can be used to determine the transformation rules of the electric and magnetic multipoles~\\cite{Tsagas2007}. At first order in the velocity $\\gr{v}$, we obtain the following transformation rules \\bea \\flamoi\\tilde I_{ \\uline{\\aTt_\\ell}}(p^{\\zTt})&=&I_{\\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}(p^{\\zTt})+\\frac{(\\ell+2)(\\ell+1)}{(2\\ell+3)}v^\\bT I_{\\bT \\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}(p^{\\zTt})+\\frac{(\\ell+1)}{(2\\ell+3)}v^\\bT I'_{\\bT \\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}(p^{\\zTt})\\nonumber\\\\* \\flamoi&&-(\\ell-1)v_{\\langle \\aT_\\ell}I_{\\uline{\\aT_{\\ell-1}}\\rangle}(p^{\\zTt}) +v_{\\langle \\aT_\\ell}I'_{\\uline{\\aT_{\\ell-1}}\\rangle}(p^{\\zTt})\\,, \\eea \\bea \\flamoi\\tilde E_{ \\uline{\\aTt_\\ell}}(p^{\\zTt})&=&E_{\\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}(p^{\\zTt})+\\frac{(\\ell-1)(\\ell+2)(\\ell+3)}{(\\ell+1)(2\\ell+3)}v^\\bT E_{\\bT \\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}(p^{\\zTt})+\\frac{(\\ell-1)(\\ell+3)}{(\\ell+1)(2\\ell+3)}v^\\bT E'_{\\bT \\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}(p^{\\zTt})\\nonumber\\\\* \\flamoi&&-(\\ell-1)v_{\\langle \\aT_\\ell}E_{\\uline{\\aT_{\\ell-1}}\\rangle}(p^{\\zTt}) +v_{\\langle \\aT_\\ell}E'_{\\uline{\\aT_{\\ell-1}}\\rangle}(p^{\\zTt})\\nonumber\\\\* \\flamoi&&-\\frac{2}{(\\ell+1)}v_\\bT \\epsilon^{\\bT \\cT}_{\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,\\langle \\aT_\\ell}B_{\\uline{\\aT_{\\ell-1}}\\rangle \\cT}(p^{\\zTt})-\\frac{2}{(\\ell+1)}v_\\bT \\epsilon^{\\bT \\cT}_{\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,\\langle \\aT_\\ell}B'_{\\uline{\\aT_{\\ell-1}}\\rangle \\cT}(p^{\\zTt})\\,, \\eea \\bea \\flamoi\\tilde B_{\\uline{\\aTt_\\ell}}(p^{\\zTt})&=&B_{\\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}(p^{\\zTt})+\\frac{(\\ell-1)(\\ell+2)(\\ell+3)}{(\\ell+1)(2\\ell+3)}v^\\bT B_{\\bT \\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}(p^{\\zTt})+\\frac{(\\ell-1)(\\ell+3)}{(\\ell+1)(2\\ell+3)}v^\\bT B'_{\\bT \\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}(p^{\\zTt})\\nonumber\\\\* \\flamoi&&-(\\ell-1)v_{\\langle \\aT_\\ell}B_{\\uline{\\aT_{\\ell-1}}\\rangle}(p^{\\zTt}) +v_{\\langle \\aT_\\ell}B'_{\\uline{\\aT_{\\ell-1}}\\rangle}(p^{\\zTt})\\nonumber\\\\* \\flamoi&&+\\frac{2}{(\\ell+1)}v_\\bT \\epsilon^{\\bT \\cT}_{\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,\\langle \\aT_\\ell}E_{\\uline{\\aT_{\\ell-1}}\\rangle \\cT}(p^{\\zTt})+\\frac{2}{(\\ell+1)}v_\\bT \\epsilon^{\\bT \\cT}_{\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,\\langle \\aT_\\ell}E'_{\\uline{\\aT_{\\ell-1}}\\rangle \\cT}(p^{\\zTt})\\,. \\eea As for the energy-integrated counterparts, they transform at first order in $\\gr{v}$ as \\be \\flamoi\\tilde {\\cal I}_{\\uline{\\aTt_\\ell}}={\\cal I}_{\\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}+\\frac{(\\ell-2)(\\ell+1)}{(2\\ell+3)}v^\\bT {\\cal I}_{\\bT \\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}-(\\ell+3)v_{\\langle \\aT_\\ell}{\\cal I}_{\\uline{\\aT_{\\ell-1}}\\rangle}\\,, \\ee \\be \\flamoi\\tilde {\\cal E}_{ \\uline{\\aTt_\\ell}}={\\cal E}_{\\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}-\\frac{(\\ell-1)(\\ell-2)(\\ell+3)}{(\\ell+1)(2\\ell+3)}v^\\bT {\\cal E}_{\\bT \\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}-(\\ell+3)v_{\\langle \\aT_\\ell}{\\cal E}_{\\uline{\\aT_{\\ell-1}}\\rangle}-\\frac{6}{(\\ell+1)}v_\\bT \\epsilon^{\\bT \\cT}_{\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,\\langle \\aT_\\ell}{\\cal B}_{\\uline{\\aT_{\\ell-1}}\\rangle \\cT}\\,, \\ee and \\be \\flamoi\\tilde {\\cal B}_{\\uline{\\aTt_\\ell}}={\\cal B}_{\\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}-\\frac{(\\ell-1)(\\ell-2)(\\ell+3)}{(\\ell+1)(2\\ell+3)}v^\\bT {\\cal B}_{\\bT \\uline{\\aT_\\ell}}-(\\ell+3)v_{\\langle \\aT_\\ell}{\\cal B}_{\\uline{\\aT_{\\ell-1}}\\rangle}+\\frac{6}{(\\ell+1)}v_\\bT \\epsilon^{\\bT \\cT}_{\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,\\langle \\aT_\\ell}{\\cal E}_{\\uline{\\aT_{\\ell-1}}\\rangle \\cT}\\,. \\ee We report in~\\ref{AppTrule2} the transformation rules up to second order in $\\gr{v}$ for multipoles of further interest. \\subsection{The Liouville equation} In this section, we present the equation which governs the free-streaming of photons directly in the tetrad basis though nothing prevents it from being expressed with formal indices. The evolution of the polarization tensor is dictated by the Boltzmann equation \\be\\label{EqBoltzmann} L[f_{\\aT \\bT}(x^\\aB,p^\\zT,n^\\iT)]=C_{\\aT \\bT}(x^\\aB,p^\\zT,n^\\iT)\\,. \\ee $L$ is the Liouville operator whose action on TT tensors like the screen-projected polarization tensor $f_{\\aT \\bT}$ is given by~\\cite{Tsagas2007} \\be \\flamoi L[f_{\\aT \\bT}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)]\\equiv S_\\aT^{\\,\\cT} S_\\bT^{\\,\\dT}\\left[p^\\hT \\nabla_\\hT f_{\\cT \\dT}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)+ \\frac{\\partial f_{\\cT \\dT}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)}{\\partial p^\\hT}\\frac{\\dd p^\\hT}{\\dd s} \\right]\\,, \\ee where $s$ is the affine parameter along the particle geodesic. $\\nabla$ is the covariant derivative which in the tetrad basis is related to the partial derivative by \\be \\flamoi p^\\hT \\nabla_\\hT f_{\\cT \\dT}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)\\equiv p^\\hT \\partial_\\hT f_{\\cT \\dT}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)+p^\\hT\\omega_{\\hT\\cT}^{\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,\\bT}f_{\\bT \\dT}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)+p^\\hT\\omega_{\\hT\\dT}^{\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,\\bT}f_{\\cT \\bT}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)\\,, \\ee where the $\\omega_{\\aT\\bT\\cT}$ are the Ricci rotation coefficients (see \\ref{app_TRS} and \\cite{Wald1984} for details). $C_{\\aT \\bT}$ is the collision tensor whose expression will be detailed in section~\\ref{Sec_Collision}.\\\\ In the case where the collision tensor can be ignored, that is when the collision of photons with electrons or protons can be neglected [the latter type of collision can be always ignored compared to the former since its cross section is reduced by a factor $(m_\\ie/m_\\ip)^2$], this reduces to the Liouville equation. The Liouville equation arises from the fact that the polarization vector $\\mybepsilon$ of a photon is parallel transported and thus satisfies $p^\\mu \\nabla_\\mu \\epsilon^\\nu=0$, and then it follows from the construction~(\\ref{Def_buildpolartensor}) of the (not screen projected) polarization tensor $F_{\\mu \\nu}$ that \\be p^\\hT \\nabla_\\hT F_{\\cT \\dT}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)+ \\frac{\\partial F_{\\cT \\dT}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)}{\\partial p^\\hT}\\frac{\\dd p^\\hT}{\\dd s}=0\\,. \\ee By using the expression~(\\ref{DefScreen}) for $S^{\\mu \\nu}$ and the property $F_{\\mu \\nu}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)p^\\mu=0$, we obtain directly from the previous equation that the screen-projected tensor satisfies $L[f_{\\aT \\bT}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)]=0$. It can also be shown that the Liouville operator preserves the decomposition of $f_{\\mu \\nu}$ in an antisymmetric part ($V$), a trace ($I$) and a symmetric traceless part ($P_{\\mu \\nu}$), that is \\be \\flamoi L[f_{\\aT \\bT}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)]=\\frac{1}{2}L[I(x^\\aB,p^\\dT)]S_{\\aT \\bT}+L[P_{\\aT \\bT}(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)]+\\frac{\\ii}{2}L[V(x^\\aB,p^\\dT)]n^\\cT \\epsilon_{\\cT \\aT \\bT}\\,, \\ee with the Liouville operator acting on a scalar valued function like $I$ or $V$ according to \\be L[I(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)]\\equiv p^\\hT \\partial_\\hT I(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)+ \\frac{\\partial I(x^\\aB,p^\\aT)}{\\partial p^\\hT}\\frac{\\dd p^\\hT}{\\dd s}\\,\\,. \\ee To see this, we need only to use the property $\\omega_{\\aT [\\bT \\cT]}=\\omega_{\\aT \\bT \\cT}$ and remark that \\be S^\\cT_{(\\aT}S_{\\,\\,\\bT)}^{\\dT} p^\\hT \\omega_{\\hT\\cT \\fT}S^\\fT_{\\,\\dT}= p^\\hT \\omega_{\\hT\\cT \\fT}S^\\cT_{(\\aT}S^\\fT_{\\,\\bT)}=0\\,, \\ee \\be S^\\cT_{[\\aT}S_{\\,\\,\\bT]}^{\\dT} p^\\hT \\omega_{\\hT\\cT \\fT} \\epsilon^{\\fT}_{\\,\\,\\dT}\\propto S^\\cT_{[\\aT}S_{\\,\\,\\bT]}^{\\dT} \\epsilon_{\\cT \\fT} \\epsilon^{\\fT}_{\\,\\,\\dT}=\\epsilon_{\\fT[\\aT} \\epsilon^{\\,\\,\\fT}_{\\bT]}=0\\,, \\ee where we have used the definition $\\epsilon_{\\mu \\nu} \\equiv n^\\alpha \\epsilon_{\\alpha \\mu\\nu}$.\\\\ Additionally, since the affine parameter $s$ is a scalar, the transformation properties of the Liouville operator and the collision tensor under a local change of frame is the same as the transformation property of $f_{\\mu \\nu}$ given in equation~(\\ref{Eq_Tpropertydebase})~\\cite{Tsagas2007}. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.1519_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Dark stars powered by dark matter annihilation have been proposed as the first luminous sources in the universe. These stars are believed to form {in the central dark matter cusp} of low-mass minihalos. {Recent calculations indicate stellar masses up to $\\sim1000\\,M_\\odot$ and/or have very long lifetimes. The UV photons from these objects could therefore contribute significantly to cosmic reionization.} Here we show that such dark star models would require a somewhat artificial reionization history, based on a double-reionization phase and a late star-burst near redshift $z\\sim6$, in order to fulfill the WMAP constraint on the optical depth as well as the Gunn-Peterson constraint at $z\\sim6$. This suggests that, if dark stars were common in the early universe, then models are preferred which predict a number of UV photons similar to conventional Pop.~III stars. This excludes $800\\ M_\\odot$ dark stars that enter a main-sequence phase and other models that lead to a strong increase in the number of UV photons.\\\\ We also derive constraints {for massive as well as light dark matter candidates} from the observed X-ray, gamma-ray and neutrino background, considering dark matter profiles which have been steepened during the formation of dark stars. This increases the clumping factor at high redshift and gives rise to a higher dark matter annihilation rate in the early universe. {{We furthermore estimate the potential contribution from the annihilation products in the remnants of dark stars, which may provide a promising path to constrain such models further, but which is currently still uncertain.}} ", "introduction": "Growing astrophysical evidence suggests that dark matter in the universe is self-annihilating. X-ray observations from the center of our Galaxy find bright $511$ keV emission which cannot be attributed to single sources \\citep{Jean06, Weidenspointner06}, but can be well-described assuming dark matter annihilation \\citep{BoehmHooper04}. {Further observations indicate also an excess of GeV photons \\citep{deBoer05}, of microwave photons \\citep{Hooper07}, and of positrons \\citep{Cirelli08}. A common feature of these observations is that the emission seems isotropic and not correlated to the Galactic disk. However, there is usually some discrepancy between the model predictions and the amount of observed radiation, which may be due to uncertainties in the dark matter distribution, astrophysical processes and uncertainties in the model for dark matter annihilation \\citep{deBoer08}. } {It is well-known that weakly-interacting massive dark matter particles may provide a natural explanation of the observed dark matter abundance \\citep{Drees93, Kolb90}.} Calculations by \\citet{Ahn05b} indicated that the extragalactic gamma-ray background cannot be explained from astrophysical sources alone, but that also a contribution from dark matter annihilation is needed at energies between $1$-$20$ GeV. {It is currently unclear whether this is in fact the case or if a sufficient amount of non-thermal electrons in active galactic nuclei (AGN) is available to explain this background radiation \\citep{Inoue08}. Future observations with the FERMI satellite \\footnote{http://www.nasa.gov/mission\\_pages/GLAST/science/index.html} will shed more light on such questions and may even distinguish between such scenarios due to specific signatures in the anisotropic distribution of this radiation \\citep{Ando07}. } {The first stars have been suggested to have high masses of the order $\\sim100\\ M_\\odot$, thus providing powerful ionizing sources in the early universe \\citep{Abel02, Bromm04}. The effect of dark matter annihilation on the first stars has been explored recently in different studies. \\citet{Spolyar08} showed that an equilibrium between cooling and energy deposition from dark matter annihilation can always be found during the collapse of the proto-stellar cloud. This has been explored further by \\citet{Iocco08} and \\citet{FreeseSpolyar08}, who considered the effect of scattering between baryons and dark matter particles, increasing the dark matter abundance in the star. \\citet{IoccoBressan08} considered dark star masses in the range $5\\leq M_*\\leq600\\ M_\\odot$ and calculated the evolution of the pre-main-sequence phase, finding that the dark star phase where the {energy input} from dark matter annihilation dominates may last up to $10^4$~yr. \\citet{FreeseBodenheimer08} examined the formation process of the star in more detail, considering polytropic equilibria and {additional mass accretion} until the total Jeans mass of $\\sim800\\ M_\\odot$ is reached. They find that this process lasts for $\\sim5\\times10^5$~yr. They suggest that dark stars are even more massive than {what is} typically assumed for the first stars, and may be the progenitors for the first supermassive black holes at high redshift. {\\citet{IoccoBressan08}, \\citet{Taoso08} and \\citet{Yoon08} have calculated the stellar evolution for the case in which the dark matter density inside the star is enhanced by the capture of addition WIMPs via off-scattering from stellar baryons. \\citet{IoccoBressan08} followed the stellar evolution until the end of \\HeI burning, \\citet{Yoon08} until the end of oxygen burning and \\citet{Taoso08} until the end of \\HI burning. \\citet{Yoon08} also took the effects of rotation into account.} The calculations found a potentially very long lifetime of dark stars and correspondingly a strong increase in the number of UV photons that may contribute to reionization. Dark stars in the Galactic center have been discussed by \\citet{Scott08a, Scott08b}. } {Such models for the stellar population in the early universe imply} that the first luminous sources produce much more ionizing photons, and reionization starts earlier than for a population of conventional Pop.~III stars. In fact, we recently demonstrated that reionization based on massive Pop.~III can well reproduce the observed reionization optical depth \\citep{SchleicherBanerjee08a}. Increasing the number of ionizing photons per stellar baryon may thus reionize the universe too early and produce a too large reionization optical depth. This can only be avoided by introducing a transition to a stellar population which produces less ionizing photons, such that the universe can recombine after the first reionization phase. We therefore consider a double-reionization scenario in order to re-obtain the required optical depth. We discuss such models in \\S \\ref{reionization} and demonstrate that some models of dark stars require considerable fine-tuning in reionization models in order to be compatible with the reionization optical depth from the WMAP \\footnote{http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/} 5-year data \\citep{Nolta08, Komatsu08} and to complete reionization at redshift $z\\sim6$ \\citep{Becker01}. In \\S \\ref{21cm}, we show how such scenarios can be tested via $21$ cm measurements. A further consequence of the formation of dark stars is the steepening of the density profiles in minihalos \\citep{FreeseBodenheimer08, Iocco08}, thus increasing the dark matter clumping factor with respect to standard NFW models. In \\S \\ref{xray}, we estimate the increase in the clumping factor during the formation of dark stars and compare the calculation with our expectation for conventional NFW profiles {and heavy dark matter candidates. In \\S \\ref{light}, we perform similar calculations for the light dark matter scenario}. Further discussion and outlook is provided in \\S \\ref{outlook}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{outlook} In this work, we have examined whether the suggestion of dark star formation in the early universe is consistent with currently available observations. We use these observations to obtain constraints on dark star models and dark matter properties. From considering cosmic reionization, we obtain the following results: \\begin{itemize} \\item Dark stars with masses of the order $800\\ M_\\odot$ as suggested by \\citet{FreeseBodenheimer08} can only be reconciled with observations if somewhat artificial double-reionization scenarios are constructed. They consist of a phase of dark star formation followed by a phase of weak Pop.~II star formation and a final star burst to reionize the universe until redshift $6$. \\item The same is true for dark stars in which the number of UV photons is significantly increased due to dark matter capture, as suggested by \\citet{IoccoBressan08}. \\item It appears more reasonable to require that dark stars, if they were common, should have similar properties as conventional Pop.~III stars. For MS-dominated models, this requires that typical dark star masses are of order $100\\ M_\\odot$ or below. For CD models it requires a dark matter density {above} $10^{11}-10^{12}\\ \\mathrm{GeV}\\ \\mathrm{cm}^{-3}$ if a spin-dependent elastic scattering cross section of $t\\times10^{-39}$~cm$^2$ is assumed \\citep{Yoon08}. \\item {Alternatively, it may imply that the elastic scattering cross section is smaller than the current upper limits, that the dark matter cusp is destroyed by mergers or friction with the gas or that the star is displaced from the center of the cusp.} \\item A further interpretation is that dark stars are very rare. This would require some mechanism to prevent dark star formation in most minihalos. \\item However, if the double-reionization models are actually true, it would indicate that dark stars form only at redshifts beyond $14$, which makes direct observations difficult. \\item We also note that $21$ cm observations may either confirm or rule out double-reionization models. \\end{itemize} We have also examined whether the formation of dark stars and the corresponding enhancement of dark matter density in dark matter halos due to adiabatic contraction may increase the observed X-ray, gamma-ray and neutrino background. Here we found the following results: \\begin{itemize} \\item {For massive dark matter particles, direct annihilation into gamma-rays provides significant constraints for masses less than $30$~GeV.} \\item {For massive dark matter particles, the contribution from direct annihilation into neutrinos is well below the observed background.} \\item {In light dark matter scenarios, the $511$ keV emission is significantly enhanced below frequencies of $100$ keV in the observers restframe. For a certain range of parameters, this emission may even form a significant contribution of the total X-ray background. In this case, we derive a lower limit of $10$ MeV for the dark matter particle mass (while we find $7$ MeV for standard NFW profiles). } \\item {In light dark matter scenarios, the background radiation due to internal bremsstrahlung is not affected significantly from adiabatic contraction at early times, as the main contribution comes from low redshift. \\\\} \\item {Both for light and massive dark matter particles, the annihilation products in the remnants of dark stars may provide significant contributions {that may be used to constrain such models in more detail. However, whether this contribution can be reached is highly model-dependent and relevant questions regarding the death of dark stars has not been explored in the literature.}} \\end{itemize} Future observations may provide further constraints on this exciting suggestion. Small-scale $21$ cm observations may directly probe the HII regions of the first stars and provide a further test of the luminous sources at high redshift, and extremely bright stars might even be observed with the James-Webb telescope, if they form sufficiently late. With this work, we would like to initiate a discussion on observational tests and constraints on dark stars, which may tighten theoretical dark star models and provide a new link between astronomy and particle physics." }, "0809/0809.3807_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the results of a deep ($15 \\la r \\la 23$), 20 night survey for transiting planets in the intermediate age open cluster M37 (NGC 2099) using the Megacam wide-field mosaic CCD camera on the 6.5m MMT. We do not detect any transiting planets among the $\\sim 1450$ observed cluster members. We do, however, identify a $\\sim 1~R_{J}$ candidate planet transiting a $\\sim 0.8~M_{\\odot}$ Galactic field star with a period of $0.77~{\\rm days}$. The source is faint ($V = 19.85~{\\rm mag}$) and has an expected velocity semi-amplitude of $K \\sim 220~{\\rm m/s}~(M/M_{J})$. We conduct Monte Carlo transit injection and recovery simulations to calculate the $95\\%$ confidence upper limit on the fraction of cluster members and field stars with planets as a function of planetary radius and orbital period. Assuming a uniform logarithmic distribution in orbital period, we find that $< 1.1\\%$, $< 2.7\\%$ and $< 8.3\\%$ of cluster members have $1.0~R_{J}$ planets within Extremely Hot Jupiter (EHJ, $0.4 < P < 1.0~{\\rm day}$), Very Hot Jupiter (VHJ, $1.0 < P < 3.0~{\\rm day}$) and Hot Jupiter (HJ, $3.0 < P < 5.0~{\\rm day}$) period ranges respectively. For $0.5~R_{J}$ planets the limits are $< 3.2\\%$, and $< 21\\%$ for EHJ and VHJ period ranges, while for $0.35~R_{J}$ planets we can only place an upper limit of $< 25\\%$ on the EHJ period range. For a sample of $7814$ Galactic field stars, consisting primarily of FGKM dwarfs, we place $95\\%$ upper limits of $< 0.3\\%$, $< 0.8\\%$ and $< 2.7\\%$ on the fraction of stars with $1.0~R_{J}$ EHJ, VHJ and HJ assuming the candidate planet is not genuine. If the candidate is genuine, the frequency of $\\sim 1.0 R_{J}$ planets in the EHJ period range is $0.002\\% < f_{EHJ} < 0.5\\%$ with $95\\%$ confidence. We place limits of $< 1.4\\%$, $< 8.8\\%$ and $< 47\\%$ for $0.5~R_{J}$ planets, and a limit of $< 16\\%$ on $0.3~R_{J}$ planets in the EHJ period range. This is the first transit survey to place limits on the fraction of stars with planets as small as Neptune. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} The discovery by \\citet{Mayor.95} of a planet with half the mass of Jupiter orbiting the solar-like star 51 Pegasi with a period of only $4.23~{\\rm days}$ shocked the astronomical community. The existence of such a ``hot Jupiter'' (HJ) defied the prevailing theories of planet formation which had been tailored to explain the architecture of the Solar System. Since then, radial velocity (RV) surveys for planets orbiting nearby F, G and K main-sequence stars have determined that $1.2\\% \\pm 0.2\\%$ of these stars host a HJ \\citep[][where a HJ is defined as a planet roughly the size of Jupiter that orbits within $0.1~{\\rm AU}$ of its star]{Marcy.05}, with indications that this frequency depends on the metallicity of the host star \\citep[such that the frequency is roughly proportional to $10^{2{[}Fe/H{]}}$,][]{Fischer.05}. Over the last decade there have been numerous surveys for extra-solar planets following a variety of techniques \\citep[e.g.][]{Butler.06} with the goal of determining the planet occurrence rate in new regions of parameter space. A successful technique has been to conduct photometric searches for planets that transit their host stars. This technique is particularly sensitive to planets on close-in orbits. To date more than 50 planets have been discovered by this technique\\footnote{http://exoplanet.eu}, including numerous very hot Jupiters (VHJ) with orbital periods between 1 and 3 days. \\citet{Gaudi.05} used the four transiting planets discovered at the time by the OGLE collaboration \\citep{Udalski.02a, Konacki.03, Bouchy.04, Konacki.04, Pont.04} to determine that only $0.1 - 0.2\\%$ of FGK stars host a VHJ. \\citet{Gould.06} conducted a thorough analysis of the OGLE survey to determine that the frequency of VHJs is $f_{VHJ} = (1/710)(1^{+1.10}_{-0.54})$ and $f_{HJ} = (1/320)(1^{+1.37}_{-0.59})$, while \\citet{Fressin.07} found $f_{VHJ} = (1/560)$ and $f_{HJ} = (1/320)$. The SWEEPS survey for transiting planets in the Galactic bulge conducted with the Hubble Space Telescope \\citep{Sahu.06} identified a putative class of ultra-short-period planets, or Extremely Hot Jupiters (EHJ) with periods less than $1.0~{\\rm day}$ orbiting stars lighter than $0.88 M_{\\odot}$. They conclude that $\\sim 0.4\\%$ of bulge stars more massive than $\\sim 0.44 M_{\\odot}$ are orbited by a Jupiter-sized planet with a period less than $4.2~{\\rm days}$, though they estimate that this fraction is uncertain by a factor of 2. Note that due to their faintness the majority of the SWEEPS candidates are unconfirmed with RV follow-up. In addition to these two surveys, the TrES \\citep[e.g][]{Alonso.04}, HAT \\citep[e.g.][]{Bakos.07}, XO \\citep[e.g.][]{McCullough.06}, and WASP \\citep[e.g.][]{CollierCameron.06} surveys have all discovered planets orbiting relatively bright stars in the Galactic field, though to date these surveys have not been used to calculate the planet occurrence frequency. While photometric surveys of Galactic field stars have been quite successful at finding transiting planets over the last few years, it is generally difficult to measure the planet occurrence frequency with these surveys \\citep[for discussions of how this can be done despite the difficulties see][]{Gould.06,Fressin.07,Gaudi.07,Beatty.08}. The difficulty arises from the uncertainty in the parameters (mass, radius, metallicity) of the surveyed stars. Moreover, typical field surveys yield numerous false positives that are often culled in part by eye, these culling procedures are generally difficult to model in determining the detection efficiency of the survey. In contrast to field surveys, surveys of globular and open star clusters observe a population of stars with parameters that are relatively easy to determine en masse, moreover many of the false positive scenarios are less common for this type of survey. There has been significant work invested in developing optimum strategies to search for planets in stellar clusters \\citep{Janes.96,vonBraun.05,Pepper.05}. A number of groups have completed transit surveys of open clusters, including the UStAPS \\citep{Street.03,Bramich.05,Hood.05}, EXPLORE-OC \\citep{vonBraun.05}, PISCES \\citep{Mochejska.05, Mochejska.06}, STEPSS \\citep[][hereafter B06]{Burke.06} and MONITOR \\citep{Aigrain.07} projects and a survey by \\citet{Montalto.07}. There have also been several surveys of globular clusters \\citep{Gilliland.00, Weldrake.05, Weldrake.08}. While to date no confirmed transiting planet has been found in a stellar cluster, many of these surveys have placed limits on the frequency of hot transiting planets, typically as functions of planetary radius as well as period. The globular cluster surveys have placed the most stringent constraints; the null result for the core of 47~Tucanae by \\citet{Gilliland.00} suggests that the frequency of HJ in this environment is at least an order of magnitude less than for the solar neighborhood, while the null result for the outskirts of the same cluster by \\citet{Weldrake.05} is inconsistent with the planet frequency in the solar neighborhood at the $3.3\\sigma$ level and suggests that the dearth of planets in this globular cluster is due to low metallicity rather than crowding effects. The open cluster surveys, on the other hand, have typically placed limits on the occurrence frequency that are well above the $1.2\\%$ measured by the RV surveys. Notably B06 conducted a thorough Monte Carlo simulation of their transit survey of the open cluster NGC 1245 to limit the frequency of EHJ, VHJ and HJ with radii of $1.5~R_{J}$ to $< 1.5\\%$, $< 6.4\\%$ and $< 52\\%$ respectively. The fundamental limit on the ability of open cluster surveys to place meaningful limits on the occurrence frequency of Jupiter-sized planets appears to be due to the relatively small number of stars in an open cluster. B06 find that for their survey strategy, $\\sim 7400$ dwarf stars would have to be observed for at least a month to put a limit of less than $2\\%$ on the planet frequency, which is significantly larger than the typical size of an open cluster. One open cluster that has been a popular target is NGC 6791. This cluster is old \\citep[$t \\sim 8~{\\rm Gyr}$,][]{Carraro.06, Kalirai.07}, metal rich \\citep[${[}M/H{]} \\sim +0.4$,][]{Gratton.06, Origlia.06} and contains a large number of stars \\citep[$M > 4000 M_{\\odot}$,][]{Kaluzny.92}, though it is also very distant \\citep[$(m-M)_{0} \\sim 12.8$,][]{Stetson.03} so that lower main sequence stars in the cluster are quite faint. It has been the target of three transit searches \\citep{Bruntt.03,Mochejska.05,Montalto.07}, the most recent of which found that their null result is inconsistent at the $\\sim 95\\%$ level with the RV HJ frequency at high metallicity. The paucity of stars in open clusters appears to limit their usefulness as probes of the HJ frequency \\citep[excluding, perhaps, the result from][]{Montalto.07}. They may, however, be useful for probing smaller planet radii \\citep[see][]{Pepper.06a}. In the last several years RV surveys have discovered a number of Neptune and super-Earth-mass planets \\citep[HN, $M < 0.1 M_{J}$;][]{Butler.04,Endl.07,Fischer.07,Lovis.06,Melo.07,Rivera.05,Santos.04a,Udry.05,Udry.07,Vogt.05}. One of these planets, GJ 436 b, has been discovered to transit its host star \\citep{Gillon.07}. Little, however, is known about the frequency of these planets. Determining, or placing meaningful limits on this frequency would provide a powerful test of planet formation models. The theoretical predictions of the frequency of these objects run the gamut from a steep decline in the frequency of HN relative to HJ \\citep{Ida.04}, except perhaps for M-dwarfs \\citep{Ida.05}, to HN being ubiquitous \\citep{Brunini.05}. In this paper, the fourth and final in a series, we present the results of a survey for transiting hot planets as small as Neptune in the intermediate age open cluster M37 (NGC 2099) using the MMT. We were motivated to conduct this transit survey by \\citet{Pepper.05,Pepper.06a} who suggested that it may be possible to find Neptune-sized planets transiting solar-like stars by surveying an open cluster with a large telescope. The Megacam mosaic imager on the MMT \\citep{McLeod.00} is an ideal facility for conducting such a survey due to its wide field of view and deep pixel wells that oversample the stellar point spread function (PSF). Preliminary observations of NGC 6791 suggested that finding Neptune-sized planets was indeed technically feasible using this facility \\citep{Hartman.05}. Using the formalism developed by \\citet{Pepper.05} we found that M37 is the optimum target for MMT/Megacam to maximize the number of stars to which we would be sensitive to Neptune-sized planets. We note that a drawback of this type of survey is that any identified candidates will be quite faint making follow-up RV confirmation difficult. For planets significantly smaller than $1.0 R_{J}$, false positives where the transiting object is a small star or brown dwarf are no longer applicable. Given the depth of the survey very few giants will be included in the sample, and those that are, can easily be rejected based on their colors. Low-precision spectroscopy may be sufficient to rule out various blended binary scenarios. Therefore, it is reasonable to suppose that for a given small-radius candidate one could make a strong argument that the object is a real planet without obtaining a RV determination of its mass. Also note that similar difficulties will be faced by the \\emph{Corot} and \\emph{Kepler} space missions (albeit for even smaller planets), so our experiment may provide a useful analogy to these missions. We conducted the survey over twenty nights between December, 2005 and January, 2006, accumulating more than 4000 quality images of the cluster. This is easily the largest telescope ever utilized for such a survey. In the first paper in the series \\citep[Paper I]{Hartman.08a} we describe the observations and data reduction, combine photometric and spectroscopic data to refine estimates for the cluster fundamental parameters ($t = 550 \\pm 30~{\\rm Myr}$ with overshooting, $[M/H] = +0.045 \\pm 0.044$, $(m-M)_{V} = 11.57 \\pm 0.13~{\\rm mag}$ and $E(B-V) = 0.227 \\pm 0.038~{\\rm mag}$), and determine the cluster mass function down to $0.3 M_{\\odot}$. In the second paper \\citep[Paper II]{Hartman.08b} we analyze the light curves of $\\sim 23000$ stars observed by this survey to discover 1430 variable stars. In the third paper \\citep[Paper III]{Hartman.08c} we use the light curves to measure the rotation periods of 575 probable cluster members. This is the largest sample of rotation periods for a cluster older than a few hundred Myr, and thus provides a unique window on the late time rotation evolution of low-mass main sequence stars. In the following section we will summarize our observations and data reduction. In \\S~\\ref{sec:transselect} we discuss the pipeline used to remove systematic variations from light curves and identify candidate transiting planets. In \\S~\\ref{sec:transcand} we describe the candidate transiting planets identified by this survey, finding no candidates that are probable cluster members. In \\S~\\ref{sec:deteff} we conduct Monte Carlo simulations to determine the transit detection efficiency of our survey. In \\S~\\ref{sec:results} we present our results on the limit of stars with planets for various planetary radii and orbital periods. Finally, we conclude in \\S~\\ref{sec:discussion}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:sumobs} The observations and data reduction procedure were described in detail in Papers I and II, we provide a brief overview here. The photometric observations consist of $gri$ photometry for $\\sim 16,000$ stars, $gri$ photometry for stars in a field located two degrees from the primary M37 field and at the same Galactic latitude, and $r$ time-series photometry for $\\sim 23,000$ stars, all obtained with the Megacam instrument \\citep{McLeod.00} on the 6.5 m MMT. Megacam is a $24\\arcmin \\times 24\\arcmin$ mosaic imager consisting of 36 2k$\\times$4k, thinned, backside-illuminated CCDs that are each read out by two amplifiers. The mosaic has an unbinned pixel scale of $0\\farcs 08$ which allows for a well sampled point-spread-function (PSF) even under the best seeing conditions. To decrease the read-out time we used $2 \\times 2$ binning with the gain set so that the pixel sensitivity became non-linear before the analog-to-digital conversion threshold of 65,536 counts. Because of the fine sampling and the relatively deep pixel wells, one can collect $2\\times 10^7$ photons in $1\\arcsec$ seeing from a single star prior to saturation, setting the photon limit on the precision in a single exposure to $\\sim$ 0.25 mmag. The primary time-series photometric observations consist of $\\sim 4000$ high quality images obtained over twenty four nights (including eight half nights) between December 21, 2005 and January 21, 2006. We obtained light curves for stars with $14.5 \\la r \\la 23$ using a reduction pipeline based on the image subtraction technique and software due to \\citet{Alard.98} and \\citet{Alard.00}. The resulting light curves were passed through the processing and transit detection pipeline that we describe in the following section. We used the {\\scshape Daophot} 2 and {\\scshape Allstar} PSF fitting programs and the {\\scshape Daogrow} program \\citep{Stetson.87,Stetson.90,Stetson.92} to obtain the $g$, $r$, and $i$ single-epoch photometry. As described in Paper I we also take $BV$ photometry for stars in the field of this cluster from \\citet{Kalirai.01}, $K_{S}$ photometry from 2MASS \\citep{Skrutskie.06} and we transform our $ri$ photometry to $I_{C}$ using a transformation based on the $I_{C}$ photometry from \\citet{Nilakshi.02}. In addition to the photometry, we also obtained high-resolution spectroscopy of 127 stars using the Hectochelle multi-fiber, high-dispersion spectrograph \\citep{Szentgyorgyi.98} on the MMT. The spectra were obtained on four separate nights between February 23, 2007 and March 12, 2007 and were used to measure $T_{eff}$, $[Fe/H]$, $v\\sin i$ and the radial velocity (RV) via cross-correlation against a grid of model stellar spectra computed using ATLAS 9 and SYNTHE \\citep{Kurucz.93}. The classification procedure was developed by Meibom et al. (2008, in preparation), and made use of the \\emph{xcsao} routine in the {\\scshape Iraf}\\footnote{{\\scshape Iraf} is distributed by the National Optical Astronomy Observatories, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under agreement with the National Science Foundation.} \\emph{rvsao} package \\citep{Kurtz.98} to perform cross-correlation. We use these spectra to provide stellar parameters and radial velocity measurements for several of the host stars to the candidate transiting planets. \\label{sec:discussion} We have presented the results of a deep $\\sim 20$ night survey for transiting hot planets in the open cluster M37. This survey stands out from previous ground-based transit surveys both in terms of the size of the telescope used, and the photometric precision attained. We observed $\\sim 1450$ cluster members with masses between $0.3~M_{\\odot} \\la M \\la 1.3~M_{\\odot}$ as well as 7814 Galactic field stars with masses between $0.1~M_{\\odot} \\la M \\la 2.1~M_{\\odot}$. While no candidate planets were found among the cluster members, we did identify one candidate extremely hot Jupiter with a period of $0.77~{\\rm days}$ transiting a Galactic field star. However, the follow-up spectroscopic observations needed to confirm the planetary nature of this candidate would be difficult (although perhaps not impossible) to obtain with current technology, given the faintness of the source. We note that if this candidate is real, then we conclude that $0.09^{+0.2}_{-0.077}\\%$ of FGKM stars have Jupiter-sized planets with periods between 0.5 and 1.0 days. This result would be consistent with the results from the SWEEPS survey, and would confirm this new class of ultra short period planets. We also note that this planet frequency is small enough that these planets could have escaped detection in most other radial velocity and transit surveys. The primary result of this survey is an upper limit on the frequency of planets smaller than $1.0R_{J}$. For cluster members, we find that at $95\\%$ confidence $< 25\\%$ of stars have planets with radii as small as $0.35 R_{J}$ and periods shorter than $1.0~{\\rm day}$, $< 44\\%$ of stars have planets with radii as small as $0.45 R_{J}$ and periods between $1.0$ and $3.0~{\\rm days}$, and $< 49\\%$ of stars have planets with radii as small as $0.6 R_{J}$ and periods between $3.0$ and $5.0~{\\rm days}$. The upper limits on the smallest planets may be as much as a factor of $50\\%$ higher if all the variable stars near the cluster main sequence are cluster members. For the field stars we are able to place $95\\%$ confidence upper limits of $16\\%$ on the fraction of stars with planets as small as $0.3 R_{J}$ with periods less than $1.0~{\\rm day}$, $8.8\\%$ on the fraction of stars with planets as small as $0.5 R_{J}$ with periods between $1.0$ and $3.0~{\\rm days}$ and $47\\%$ on the fraction of stars with planets as small as $0.5 R_{J}$ with periods between $3.0$ and $5.0~{\\rm days}$. We estimate that these upper limits may be higher by at most a factor of $\\sim 11\\%$ due to binarity. While these limits do not approach the observed frequency of Jupiter-sized planets with similar periods, they do represent the first limits on the frequency of planets as small as Neptune. We can now state empirically that extremely hot Neptunes (periods shorter than $1~{\\rm day}$) are not ubiquitous, nor are very hot planets with radii intermediate between Neptune and Saturn. The limits that we place on Jupiter-sized planets are more stringent than previous open cluster transit surveys, but are still above the frequencies measured by RV and Galactic field transit surveys. The primary limitation on open cluster transit surveys appears to be the paucity of stars in these systems. To place a limit on the frequency of HJ that is less than $2\\%$ with the same set of observations, M37 would have to have been $\\sim 4$ times richer than it is. We also note that for a relatively young cluster like M37, variability may reduce the detectability of Neptune-sized planets by as much as $\\sim 50\\%$." }, "0809/0809.0919_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have discovered two dusty intervening Mg~{\\sc ii} absorption systems at $z\\sim1.3$ in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) database. The overall spectra of both QSOs are red (u-K$>$4.5 mag) and are well modelled by the composite QSO spectrum reddened by the extinction curve from the Large Magellanic Cloud(LMC2) Supershell redshifted to the rest-frame of the Mg~{\\sc ii} systems. In particular, we detect clearly the presence of the UV extinction bump at $\\lambda_{\\rm rest}\\sim 2175$~\\AA. Absorption lines of weak transitions like Si~{\\sc ii}$\\lambda$1808, Cr~{\\sc ii}$\\lambda$2056, Cr~{\\sc ii}+Zn~{\\sc ii}$\\lambda$2062, Mn~{\\sc ii}$\\lambda$2594, Ca~{\\sc ii}$\\lambda$3934 and Ti~{\\sc ii}$\\lambda$1910 from these systems are detected even in the low signal-to-noise ratio and low resolution SDSS spectra, suggesting high column densities of these species. The depletion pattern inferred from these absorption lines is consistent with that seen in the cold neutral medium of the LMC. Using the LMC $A_V$ vs. $N$(H~{\\sc i}) relationship we derive $N$(H~{\\sc i})$\\sim 6\\times 10^{21}$ cm$^{-2}$ in both systems. Metallicities are close to solar. Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) observations of these two relatively weak radio loud QSOs (f$_\\nu$ $\\sim$ 50 mJy) resulted in the detection of 21-cm absorption in both cases. We show that the spin temperature of the gas is of the order of or smaller than $500$~K. These systems provide a unique opportunity to search for molecules and diffuse interstellar bands at $z>1$. ", "introduction": "Studying the physical conditions in the interstellar medium (ISM) at high redshift and the processes that maintain these conditions is important for our understanding of how galaxies form and evolve. The presence of dust influences the physical state of the gas through photo-electric heating, UV shielding, and formation of molecules on the surface of grains. However, we know very little about dust properties in the ISM at high redshifts. Properties of the dust can be derived from extinction curves observed in different astrophysical objects. Recently, Noll et al. (2007) found evidence for the presence of a moderate UV bump in at least part of the population of massive galaxies at $z>1$. Studies of dust extinction in the circum-burst environment of Gamma Ray Bursts indicate that in most cases, a LMC-like extinction curve is preferred (e.g. Heng et al. 2008). The depletion of Cr with respect to Zn in intervening damped Lyman-$\\alpha$ systems (DLAs) shows that dust is indeed an important component of the high density gas (Pettini, Smith \\& Hunstead 1994). A correlation is observed in DLAs between metallicity and dust-depletion (Ledoux, Petitjean \\& Srianand 2003) which is confirmed by the higher detection rate of H$_2$ in DLAs with higher metallicities (Petitjean et al. 2006; Noterdaeme et al. 2008). The corresponding gas is cold (T$\\sim$150 K; Srianand et al. 2005) as expected from multiphase ISM models in which the gas with high metallicity and dust content has lower kinetic temperature than the gas with lower metallicity and dust content (Wolfire et al. 1995). However, even in the highest metallicity DLAs typical dust signatures like high extinction (i.e 0.16$\\le$ E(B$-$V)$\\le$0.40), 2175~\\AA~absorption bump or the diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) are not seen. Signatures of dust are seen from few intermediate and low redshift absorption systems. Both DIBs and 2175\\AA~absorption bump have been detected in the $z_{\\rm abs}$~=~0.524 system toward AO~0235+164 (Wolfe \\& Wills 1977; York et al. 2006; Junkkarinen et al. 2004; Kulkarni et al. 2007). This system also shows strong 21-cm absorption (Wolfe \\& Wills 1977) and has $N$(H~{\\sc i}) = 5$\\times10^{21}$ cm$^{-2}$, E(B-V) = 0.23 (Junkkarinen et al. 2004) and $T_{\\rm s}$ = 220$\\pm$60 K. Wang et al. (2004) have reported the detection of the 2175\\AA~absorption bump in 3 intermediate redshift ($z\\sim1.3$) Mg~{\\sc ii} systems. Recently, Ellison et al. (2008) have detected DIBs in the \\zabs = 0.1556 Ca~{\\sc ii} systems towards SDSS J001342.44-002412.6. Composite spectra have been obtained for different samples of absorbers from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). They show in a statistical way that dust is present in strong Mg~{\\sc ii} (York et al. 2006a) and Ca~{\\sc ii} systems (Wild, Hewett \\& Pettini 2006). In the former case the mean extinction curve is similar to the SMC curve with a rising ultraviolet extinction below 2175~\\AA~ with E(B$-$V)$\\le$0.08 and with no evidence of an UV bump. In the latter case, evidence for the UV bump is marginal and LMC extinction curve provides E(B-V)$\\le$0.103 for different sub-samples. An efficient way to reveal cold and dusty gas is to search for 21-cm absorption as shown by the high detection rate of 21-cm absorption towards red QSOs (Carilli et al. 1998; Ishwara-Chandra, Dwarakanath \\& Anantharamaiah 2003; Curran et al. 2006). Multiple lines of sight toward lensed QSOs passing through regions producing high extinction also show 21-cm and molecular absorption lines (see Wiklind \\& Combes 1996). We have recently completed a systematic search for 21-cm absorption in a complete sample of 38 Mg~{\\sc ii} systems, drawn from the SDSS DR5, with redshifts in the range $1.10\\le z\\le 1.45$ corresponding to the frequency coverage of 610~MHz feed at GMRT (see Gupta et al. 2007 for early results). Using an automatic procedure we have identified 5 systems in this sample showing strong absorption lines from Si~{\\sc ii}, Zn~{\\sc ii}, Cr~{\\sc ii}, Fe~{\\sc ii}, Mg~{\\sc ii} and Mg~{\\sc i} in front of radio-loud QSOs with flux density $\\ge50$ mJy. Here, we report the detection of 21-cm absorption from two of these systems at \\zabs$\\sim$1.3 towards red (u-K$\\ge$4.5 mag) QSOs. The optical spectra of these two quasars possess 2175\\AA~dust absorption features. ", "conclusions": "\\begin{figure} \\psfig{figure=J0850dusta.ps,height=7.0cm,width=8.cm,angle=0} \\psfig{figure=J0852dusta.ps,height=7.cm,width=8.cm,angle=0} \\caption[]{The SDSS spectrum of J0850+5159 (top) and J0852+3435(bottom) are fitted with SDSS composite spectrum corrected using average extinction curves from the Milky Way (dotted), the LMC2 Supershell (solid) and the SMC (dashed). Rest wavelengths at \\zabs are indicated at the top of the figure. The arrow marks the location of 2175 {\\AA} feature at \\zabs. For presentation purpose the observed spectrum is boxcor smoothed by 10 pixels. } \\label{fig1} \\end{figure} \\subsection {The $z_{\\rm abs} = 1.3265$ absorption system towards J085042.21$+$515911.7} The spectrum of this QSO (with u-K $\\sim$ 4.8 mag) shows a curvature around 2175~\\AA~ in the rest frame of the Mg~{\\sc ii} system (see top panel of Fig.~\\ref{fig1}). The Milky Way extinction curve that fits the 2175 {\\AA} feature over predicts the QSO flux below 4500~\\AA. This is also the case (not shown in Fig.~\\ref{fig1}) when we use the average LMC extinction curve. The SMC extinction curve that fits the observed spectrum around 5500~{\\AA} under predicts flux below 4500~{\\AA}. The LMC2 extinction curve that has a shallow UV-bump and relatively high extinction at rest wavelength $\\lambda_r < 2100$ {\\AA} compared to that of the Milky Way (and of the LMC) reproduces the data better. We also fitted the spectra of $\\sim$ 200 non-BAL QSOs with \\zem =1.892$\\pm$0.005 using SMC extinction curve and find the probability of the 2175~{\\AA} feature being produced by QSO-to-QSO spectral variation to be $\\le$0.03. For the range of composite spectra considered here, the mean $A_{V_a}$ is 0.74$\\pm$0.07 (and E(B$-$V) = 0.27). Our best fit model prediction J = 16.7, H = 15.8 and K = 14.7 mag, with a typical uncertainty of 0.2 mag, agrees well with the observed values, J = 16.99$\\pm$0.23, H = 15.72$\\pm$0.16 and K = 15.27$\\pm$0.15, from Strutskie et al. (2006). The excess flux predicted in K band can be mainly attributed to the known host galaxy contribution ($\\sim$0.3 mag) in the SDSS composite spectrum (See Vanden Berk et al. 2001) at $\\lambda_r>$ 6000\\AA. From Table~2 of Gordon et al. (2003) we have, \\begin{equation} N({\\rm HI})\\sim {A_{V_a}\\over \\kappa} (6.97\\pm0.67)\\times 10^{21} {\\rm cm}^{-2}. \\end{equation} Here $\\kappa$ is the ratio of dust-to-gas ratio in the absorption system to that in LMC. We can use the equivalent widths of weak transitions (Table~\\ref{sdssuv}) to estimate the column densities of species and derive the depletion factors onto dust-grains assuming Zn is not depleted: $-$0.5,$-$0.9, $-$1.0, $-$0.9, and $-$1.0 for [Si/Zn], [Cr/Zn], [Fe/Zn], [Ti/Zn], and [Mn/Zn] respectively. Note that Zn~{\\sc ii}$\\lambda2062$ is blended with a Cr~{\\sc ii} absorption but we can remove the contribution from Cr~{\\sc ii} by using the average $N$(Cr~{\\sc ii}) derived from unblended lines. Depletion is higher than what is typically seen in high-$z$ absorption systems and are intermediate between what is seen in the Cold and Warm phases in the Galactic ISM (Welty et al. 1999). Clearly more than 90\\% of the refractory metals are in dust as in the LMC. If we assume $\\kappa\\sim 0.9$ then we get $N$(H~{\\sc i}) = (5.73$\\pm$1.10)$\\times10^{21}$ cm$^{-2}$. Our GMRT spectrum shows very strong absorption that can be modelled with two Gaussian components (see Table~\\ref{gmrtres} and upper panel in Fig.~\\ref{gmrtdet}). The radio spectrum of this source is flat and VLBA maps at 5 and 15 GHz show that more than 90\\% of the flux density is in the unresolved core (Taylor et al. 2005). Using $f_{\\rm c} =0.9$ in Eq.~1, we derive $N$(H~{\\sc i}) = 3.02$\\pm0.84\\times10^{19}$ $T_{\\rm s}$ cm$^{-2}$. From the total $N$(H~{\\sc i}) inferred from extinction we can estimate the spin temperature, $T_{\\rm s}\\sim190^{+124}_{-69}$ K. Note that this value is an upper limit as the dust-to-gas ratio may be larger than 1. All this is consistent with the system being associated with a cold neutral medium with dust properties similar to that seen in LMC2 supershell sample of Gordon et al. (2003). \\par\\noindent \\subsection{The $z_{\\rm abs} = 1.3095$ absorption system towards J085244.74$+$343540.5} This QSO has u-K$\\sim$5.6 mag and shows a curvature around 2175~\\AA~in the rest frame of the Mg~{\\sc ii} system (see bottom panel of Fig.~\\ref{fig1}) that is stronger than for the previous quasar. The Mg~{\\sc ii} system at \\zabs = 1.3095 shows absorption lines that are also stronger than that of the previous system. The SDSS spectrum of this quasar is also well reproduced when applying a LMC2 like extinction curve to the QSO composite spectrum (with $A_{V_a}$ = 1.00$\\pm$0.09 and E(B$-$V) = 0.36). { Using spectra of $\\sim$ 330 non-BAL QSOs with \\zem=1.655$\\pm$0.005, we find the probability of the 2175~{\\AA} feature being produced by QSO-to-QSO spectral variation to be $\\le$0.001. } {Our best fit model prediction J = 16.5, H = 15.2 and K = 14.2 mag agrees reasonably with the observed values, J = 16.75$\\pm$0.14, H = 15.57$\\pm$0.11 and K = 15.10$\\pm$0.12, considering the possible uncertainties in the QSO composite spectrum discussed above. } We derive lower limits on the column densities using the weaker metal lines. The absence of Cr~{\\sc ii}$\\lambda$2056 and Fe~{\\sc ii}$\\lambda$2249 features together with the high equivalent width of the Zn~{\\sc ii}+Cr~{\\sc ii} blend at $\\lambda_r = 2062$~\\AA~ is consistent with higher depletion factor and higher metallicity in this system. The detection of Ca~{\\sc ii} absorption strongly supports this conclusion. From the SED fit and assuming $\\kappa = 1$ we derive ${\\sl N}$(H~{\\sc i}) = 6.97$\\pm1.30\\times10^{21}$ cm$^{-2}$. This may well be an upper limit as $\\kappa$ could be larger than 1. This system, despite having $N$(H~{\\sc i})$\\kappa$ similar to that in the \\zabs = 1.3265 towards J0850+5159, has a factor of two lower total integrated $N$(H~{\\sc i}) from 21-cm absorption. This source has a flat radio spectrum and is unresolved in the VLA A-array 8.4 GHz image\\footnote{from CLASS (Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey) and JVAS (Jodrell/VLA Astrometric Survey) archive website\\\\ http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/research/gravlens/class/gmodlist.html} having a resolution of 0''.255$\\times$0''.236. However, high resolution (few mas scale) VLBA map is not available for this source. Therefore, while $f_{\\rm c}$ could be close to 1 its exact value is still uncertain. We get a constraint $N$(H~{\\sc i})$f_{\\rm c}$/$T_{\\rm s}$ = $1.31\\pm0.26\\times 10^{19}$ cm$^{-2}$ K$^{-1}$. By comparing the two $N$(H~{\\sc i}) estimates we derive $T_{\\rm s}/f_{\\rm c} = 536^{+234}_{-88}$ K. As $f_{\\rm c}$ can be less than unity and $\\kappa$ is probably larger than one, the above value is an upper limit for the gas kinetic temperature. This is consistent with the gas being part of a cold neutral medium." }, "0809/0809.0896_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a sample of 42 high-mass low-metallicity outliers from the mass--metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies. These galaxies have stellar masses that span $\\log(M_{\\star}/\\mbox{M}_{\\odot}) \\sim 9.4$ to 11.1 and are offset from the mass--metallicity relation by $-0.3$ to $-0.85$\\,dex in \\tlogoh. In general, they are extremely blue, have high star formation rates for their masses, and are morphologically disturbed. Tidal interactions are expected to induce large-scale gas inflow to the galaxies' central regions, and we find that these galaxies' gas-phase oxygen abundances are consistent with large quantities of low-metallicity gas from large galactocentric radii diluting the central metal-rich gas. We conclude with implications for deducing gas-phase metallicities of individual galaxies based solely on their luminosities, specifically in the case of long gamma-ray burst host galaxies. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Star-forming galaxies fall on a luminosity--metallicity relation such that more luminous galaxies tend to have higher gas-phase metallicities (the proxy for which is typically the oxygen abundance in units of {$12+\\log[\\mbox{O}/\\mbox{H}]$). This relation is observed to hold---shifted to lower metallicities---at redshifts as high as $z\\sim 3.5$ \\citep{erb06a,maiolino08}, and its scatter decreases to $\\sim 0.15$\\,dex at $z\\sim 0$ when galaxy stellar mass replaces luminosity in the relation \\citep{tremonti04}. Most commonly-accepted theories as to the origin of the mass--metallicity relation have as a central proposition that low-mass galaxies are metal-deficient, rather than that high-mass galaxies are metal-enhanced \\citep{larson74, dalcanton07,finlator08}. In fact, there is some evidence that the mass--metallicity relation may flatten at large stellar masses, $\\log(M_{\\star}/\\mbox{M}_{\\odot}) \\gtrsim 10.5$ \\citep[e.g.,][]{tremonti04}, though it is unclear to what extent this flattening is due to a saturation of the metallicity indicator used at high oxygen abundances \\citep[see e.g.,][]{kewley02,bresolin06,kewley08}. Because most star-forming galaxies {\\em do} lie on a mass--metallicity locus, we can also learn about the gas-phase metallicity evolution of galaxies by studying the properties of galaxies that do {\\em not} fall on the relation. In \\citet[][hereafter Paper~I]{peeples08}, we explored the population of low-mass high-metallicity outliers, and postulated that these metal-rich dwarf galaxies have low gas fractions and are therefore nearing the end of substantial epochs of star formation. Here we investigate the other corner of the mass--metallicity plane by asking what we can learn about the evolution of massive galaxies from the properties of the high-mass low-metallicity outliers. As shown in Figure~\\ref{fig:ohmstar}, we find 42 low-metallicity high-mass galaxies with masses ranging from $\\log(M_{\\star}/\\mbox{M}_{\\odot}) \\sim 9.4$ to 11.1 and offsets from the central mass--metallicity relation of $-0.3$ to $-0.85$\\,dex. We describe in \\S\\,\\ref{sec:sample} how we selected this sample and verified the galaxies' outlier status. In \\S\\,\\ref{sec:disc}, we describe the physical properties of these galaxies and discuss possible origins for their low oxygen abundances. Specifically, we find that they have highly disturbed morphologies strongly suggestive of merging or post-merging systems, are extremely blue, and have high specific star formation rates. We summarize our conclusions and state some implications of these findings in \\S\\,\\ref{sec:conc}. \\begin{figure*} \\plotone{OHmstar_grey_95.ps} \\caption{\\label{fig:ohmstar}Plot of \\tlogoh\\ v.\\ $\\log(\\mbox{M}_{\\star}/\\mbox{M}_{\\odot})$. The small grey points represent galaxies from the main \\citet{tremonti04} SDSS sample described in \\S\\,\\ref{sec:sample}, and the step-curve is the median of these points in bins of $0.1$\\,dex of total stellar mass. The high-mass low-metallicity massive galaxies in our sample are plotted as the large grey circles in the lower-right region of the diagram; the only two clearly spiral galaxies in the sample are denoted with ``\\S'' symbols. For reference we also plot the high-metallicity outliers from Paper~I as large open points ({\\em upper left}). } \\end{figure*} ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conc} We have identified a sample of 42 low-metallicity high-mass outliers from the mass--metallicity relation. As a population, these galaxies have disturbed morphologies and high specific star formation rates, implying that they are undergoing a merger-induced starburst. We propose that their observed low oxygen abundances are due the tidal interaction inducing large-scale gas inflow which subsequently dilutes the central interstellar medium in these galaxies. While there have been several observational and theoretical suggestions that interacting galaxies will result in a decreased observed gas-phase metallicity, this is the first work that has shown that the vast majority of severe low-metallicity outliers from the mass--metallicity relation are morphologically disturbed. Finally, we note that the cuts outlined in \\S\\,\\ref{sec:sel} provide an effective means of using {\\em only} colors and spectra to identify a rather pure (though not necessarily complete) sample of tidally disturbed galaxies. One striking implication of these results is that, while it is safe to assume that the metallicities for {\\em populations} of galaxies will fall within a particular range of values given their luminosities at redshifts for which the luminosity--metallicity relation has been measured, one should not assign metallicities to {\\em individual} galaxies based solely on their luminosities. For example, while studies of the host galaxies of long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) suggest that GRBs are only found in low-metallicity environments \\citep{stanek06,kewley07}, several recent GRBs have been associated with very luminous hosts, such as GRB~070306 and its $M_B \\sim -22.3$ host galaxy \\citep{jaunsen08}. As we have shown in this paper and Paper~I, assuming an oxygen abundance for a galaxy from its luminosity alone can result in mis-estimating \\tlogoh\\ in luminous galaxies by a whole dex, and thus one should not assume that, e.g., the host of GRB~070306 necessarily has a high metallicity. For cases in which \\logoh\\ has been measured via emission line spectra for GRB hosts, it is generally low, even if the galaxy is luminous. For example, the host galaxy of GRB~031203 has an absolute $B$-band magnitude similar to that of the Milky Way, yet \\citet{margutti07} find it to have a low metallicity ($12+\\log[\\mbox{O}/\\mbox{H}] = 8.12$) as well as a high star formation rate ($\\sim 13\\, \\mbox{M}_{\\odot}$\\,yr$^{-1}$). \\citet{prochaska04} interpret this offset in metallicity as a sign that GRB~031203 went off in a ``very young star-forming region,'' which is in line with our interpretation in \\S\\,\\ref{sec:merge}. Futhermore, the brighter GRB hosts studied by \\citet{fruchter06} are morphologically very similar to our massive low-metallicity galaxies, and our results strongly suggest that the oxygen abundances inferred from luminosity alone are uncertain by as much as 1\\,dex. Specifically, if a luminous galaxy is morphologically disturbed, has a high specific star formation rate, and is extremely blue, then it should not be assumed to lie within the luminosity--metallicity locus of star-forming galaxies." }, "0809/0809.0291_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have studied the sensitivity of \\textsl{s}-process nucleosynthesis in massive stars to $\\pm {2\\sigma}$ variations in the rates of the triple-$\\alpha$ and $^{12}$C($\\alpha,\\gamma$)$^{16}$O reactions. We simulated the evolution of massive stars from H-burning through Fe-core collapse, followed by a supernova explosion. We found that: the production factors of \\textsl{s}-process nuclides between $^{58}$Fe and $^{96}$Zr change strongly with changes in the He burning reaction rates; using the \\citet{lod03} solar abundances rather than those of \\citet{and89} reduces \\textsl{s}-process nucleosynthesis; later burning phases beyond core He burning and shell C burning have a significant effect on post-explosive production factors. We also discuss the implications of the uncertainties in the helium burning rates for evidence of a new primary neutron capture process (LEPP) in massive stars. ", "introduction": "Half of the elements between Fe and Bi are produced by the slow (\\textsl{s}) neutron capture process and most of the remainder by the rapid (\\textsl{r}) neutron capture process. About 35 additional neutron deficient stable nuclides above $^{56}$Fe, the \\textsl{p}-process nuclei, are produced in explosive processes (\\citealt{pra90a}). Two components, the main and the weak \\textsl{s}-processes, are required to explain the isotopic distributions of \\textsl{s}-process nuclides. The main \\textsl{s}-process occurs in low-mass ($\\lesssim4\\,\\Msun$) asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and contributes mainly to the production of heavier elements, with a smaller contribution to $A \\leq 90$. The weak \\textsl{s}-process occurs during the late evolutionary stages of massive stars ($\\gtrsim 10\\,\\Msun$) and produces nuclides up to $A \\simeq 90$. Recently, \\cite{tra04} summed the contributions of the \\textsl{r}-process, the main and weak \\textsl{s}-process, and the \\textsl{p}-process to the abundances of Sr, Y, and Zr. The summed contributions were smaller than the observed solar abundances by 8\\%, 18\\%, and 18\\%, respectively. They concluded that an additional light element primary \\textsl{s}-process contribution from massive stars (LEPP) is needed to explain this difference; the nature and site of the LEPP are unknown. This LEPP has also been invoked by \\cite{mon07} to explain the abundances of a larger group of light \\textsl{r}-process elements. Since the LEPP effects are relatively small, and since some of the LEPP elements are produced with relatively large abundance in the weak \\textsl{s}-process, it is important to establish whether the uncertainties in the weak \\textsl{s}-process are sufficiently small that the claim of LEPP contributions is robust. Nuclide production in the weak \\textsl{s}-process also depends on the rate of the neutron source $^{22}$Ne($\\alpha,n$)$^{25}$Mg and on the capture cross sections for the neutron poisons (medium-weight isotopes up to Fe, including $^{12}$C, $^{16}$O, $^{20}$Ne, $^{22}$Ne, $^{23}$Na, $^{24}$Mg, and $^{25}$Mg). Neither the source strength nor the neutron capture cross sections for the poisons are known with sufficient accuracy (\\citealt{hei08}). We shall not deal with these issues in this paper, but rather with the more indirect effects of uncertainties in the rates ($R_{3\\alpha}$ and $R_{\\alpha,12}$) of the triple alpha and $^{12}$C($\\alpha,\\gamma$)$^{16}$O reactions, and in the initial stellar composition. For example, we have shown in a previous paper (\\citealt{tur07}; see also \\citealt{wea93}; \\citealt{woo03}; \\citealt{woo07}), that the amount of the above neutron poisons present during the weak \\textsl{s}-process in massive stars depends sensitively on these rates and the initial stellar composition. Most earlier studies of the weak \\textsl{s}-process focused on production toward the end of core He burning by neutrons from the $^{22}$Ne($\\alpha,n$)$^{25}$Mg reaction (\\citealt{cou74}; \\citealt{lam77}; \\citealt{arn85}; \\citealt{bus85}; \\citealt{lan89}; \\citealt{pra90b}; \\citealt{the00}; \\citealt{rai91a}; \\citealt{bar92}). Later papers considered also a second exposure at higher temperatures and neutron densities peaking during shell C burning (\\citealt{rai91b}; \\citealt{rai92}; \\citealt{rai93}; \\citealt{the07}). Explosive processing in the supernova explosion was not considered. Recent calculations of \\textsl{s}-process yields have been extended to consider the entire evolutionary history of the star, including explosive burning (\\citealt{hof01}; \\citealt{rau02}; \\citealt{lim03}). In this paper we simulate the evolution of massive stars from H-burning through Fe-core collapse, followed by a supernova explosion. Our principal purposes are (1) to establish the magnitude of weak \\textsl{s}-process production in a self-consistent model; (2) to study the uncertainties in weak \\textsl{s}-process nucleosynthesis arising from uncertainties in $R_{3\\alpha}$ and $R_{\\alpha,12}$; (3) to study the effects of different stellar abundances, specifically those of \\cite{lod03} and \\cite{and89}, hereafter L03 and AG89; (4) to delineate the stages of stellar evolution during which weak \\textsl{s}-process elements are produced; and (5) to assess the bearing of these uncertainties on the robustness of the LEPP process. In Section~2, we describe the stellar model and the input physics relevant to the treatment of the weak \\textsl{s}-process. Section~3 gives our results for the dependence of the post-explosive weak-s process production factors on changes in the rates of the helium burning reactions and on different initial stellar abundances. In Section~4, we show the contribution to the weak \\textsl{s}-process abundances of the various stellar burning stages prior to the supernova explosion. In Section~5, we investigate the range of weak \\textsl{s}-process production of Sr, Y, and Zr allowed by the uncertainties in the helium burning reactions. \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[angle=90,width=0.475\\textwidth]{AA_15Msun_pfVsRate_final.eps} \\hfill \\includegraphics[angle=90,width=0.475\\textwidth]{LA_15Msun_pfVsRate_final.eps} \\hfill \\includegraphics[angle=90,width=0.475\\textwidth]{AA_20Msun_pfVsRate_final.eps} \\hfill \\includegraphics[angle=90,width=0.475\\textwidth]{LA_20Msun_pfVsRate_final.eps} \\hfill \\includegraphics[angle=90,width=0.475\\textwidth]{AA_25Msun_pfVsRate_final.eps} \\hfill \\includegraphics[angle=90,width=0.475\\textwidth]{LA_25Msun_pfVsRate_final.eps} \\caption{Post-explosive production factors as a function of $R_{\\alpha,12}$. \\textbf{(a)} The AA series, $15\\,\\Msun$. \\textbf{(b)} The LA series, $15\\,\\Msun$. \\textbf{(c)} The AA series, $20\\,\\Msun$. \\textbf{(d)} The LA series, $20\\,\\Msun$. \\textbf{(e)} The AA series, $25\\,\\Msun$. \\textbf{(f)} The LA series, $25\\,\\Msun$.} \\label{pfVs12cag} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[angle=90,width=0.475\\textwidth]{sOnlyPfVsR12Cag_AA15Msun.eps} \\hfill \\includegraphics[angle=90,width=0.475\\textwidth]{sOnlyPfVsR12Cag_LA15Msun.eps} \\hfill \\includegraphics[angle=90,width=0.475\\textwidth]{sOnlyPfVsR12Cag_AA20Msun.eps} \\hfill \\includegraphics[angle=90,width=0.475\\textwidth]{sOnlyPfVsR12Cag_LA20Msun.eps} \\hfill \\includegraphics[angle=90,width=0.475\\textwidth]{sOnlyPfVsR12Cag_AA25Msun.eps} \\hfill \\includegraphics[angle=90,width=0.475\\textwidth]{sOnlyPfVsR12Cag_LA25Msun.eps} \\caption{Post-explosive production factors for s-only isotopes as a function of $R_{\\alpha,12}$. \\textbf{(a)} The AA series, $15\\,\\Msun$. \\textbf{(b)} The LA series, $15\\,\\Msun$. \\textbf{(c)} The AA series, $20\\,\\Msun$. \\textbf{(d)} The LA series, $20\\,\\Msun$. \\textbf{(e)} The AA series, $25\\,\\Msun$. \\textbf{(f)} The LA series, $25\\,\\Msun$.} \\label{sOnlyPfVs12cag} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[angle=0,width=\\columnwidth]{3a-c12-ne22-fe56-t9c.eps} \\caption{Central temperature at the end of central helium burning ($1\\,\\%$ helium mass fraction - ``$Y=0.01$'') in units of $10^9\\,$K ($T_{9,\\mathrm{c}}$), central abundances of $^{12}$C, $^{22}$Ne, and $^{56}$Fe after core helium depletion (``$Y=0.00$'') for $25\\,\\Msun$ stars with L03 initial abundance as a function of $R_{3\\alpha}$. }\\label{hedep} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[angle=90,width=0.475\\textwidth]{LC_25Msun_pfVsRate_final.eps} \\hfill \\includegraphics[angle=90,width=0.475\\textwidth]{LB_25Msun_pfVsRate_final.eps} \\caption{Post-explosive production factors for a 25 \\Msun star as a function of $R_{3\\alpha}$. \\textbf{(a)} The LC series. \\textbf{(b)} The LB series. The ``reaction rate multiplier'' is the factor that multiplies both the standard rates.} \\label{pfVs3alpha} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*} \\centering \\includegraphics[angle=90,width=0.475\\textwidth]{sOnlyPfVsR3alpha_LC25Msun.eps} \\hfill \\includegraphics[angle=90,width=0.475\\textwidth]{sOnlyPfVsRate_LB25Msun.eps} \\caption{Post-explosive production factors for s-only isotopes for a 25 \\Msun star as a function of $R_{3\\alpha}$. \\textbf{(a)} The LC series. \\textbf{(b)} The LB series. The ``reaction rate multiplier'' is the factor that multiplies both the standard rates.} \\label{sOnlyPfVs3alpha} \\end{figure*} ", "conclusions": "We followed the entire nucleosynthesis throughout the life of massive stars, from H-burning through Fe-core collapse, followed by a supernova explosion. We observe a strong sensitivity of the PFs for weak-\\textsl{s} process isotopes to $\\pm 2\\sigma$ variations of the rates of the triple-$\\alpha$ and of the $^{12}$C($\\alpha,\\gamma$)$^{16}$O reactions. This can be explained by the variations in the PFs of medium-weight neutron poisons found by \\cite{tur07}, the changes in the amount of carbon left at the end of central helium burning, and the amount of $^{22}$Ne burnt in central helium burning. In most cases, our simulations yield lower PFs for the abundances of L03 than for the abundances of AG89; the lower CNO content of the L03 abundance set is responsible for the reduced efficiency of the \\textsl{s}-processing. This tendency is not always followed, however, as we see for the \\textsl{s}-only nuclei with the central rates, in Table~\\ref{sonlySumm}. The production of the weak-\\textsl{s} nuclei is highly sensitive to the rates of the helium burning reactions. In some cases (see the discussion of the results of Table~\\ref{sonlySumm}), we find that a $15\\,\\%$ change in these rates may change the nucleosynthesis rates by more than a factor of two. We find that one must follow the entire evolution of the star to evaluate accurately the contribution of massive stars to \\textsl{s}-process abundances. Most earlier studies took into account only the contribution of core He burning and shell C burning. We show that significant production takes place in later burning phases as detailed for the \\textsl{s}-only isotopes in Figure~\\ref{stages}. The burning phases beyond shell C burning mostly destroy isotopes in the core (especially near the mass cut), but overall lead to an increased production of some isotopes. The passage of the shock wave further modifies those PFs, usually reducing them slightly. We have examined the uncertainties in the weak-\\textsl{s} process production for Sr, Y, Zr owing to uncertainties in the helium-burning reaction rates, and find that they are in the $3\\,\\%-7\\,\\%$ range. This is smaller than the observed deficiencies of $8\\,\\%-18\\,\\%$ in the known production mechanisms that led to the introduction of the LEPP process. On the other hand, we surely underestimate the total uncertainties. Uncertainties in the reaction rates of the neutron producing and capture reactions are significant. In addition, uncertainties in the stellar models can have significant effects (e.g., the treatment of hydrodynamics, convection, overshoot, etc.; see \\citealt{cos07} for a study of the effects of overshooting). We refer the reader to \\cite{tur07} for a more complete discussion of those approximations and physics uncertainties. Combining all these uncertainties may render the evidence for the LEPP process less convincing. We have shown that many aspects of nucleosynthesis in supernovae, the production of the medium weight nuclei, as discussed in \\cite{tur07}, and that of the weak-\\textsl{s}-process nuclei described here, are highly sensitive to variations of the helium burning reaction rates, within their experimental uncertainties. This further emphasizes the need for better values of the helium burning reaction rates." }, "0809/0809.4151_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have imaged the disc of the young star HL Tau using the VLA at 1.3~cm, with $0.08''$ resolution (as small as the orbit of Jupiter). The disc is around half the stellar mass, assuming a canonical gas-mass conversion from the measured mass in large dust grains. A simulation shows that such discs are gravitationally unstable, and can fragment at radii of a few tens of AU to form planets. The VLA image shows a compact feature in the disc at 65~AU radius (confirming the `nebulosity' of \\citet{welch}), which is interpreted as a localised surface density enhancement representing a candidate proto-planet in its earliest accretion phase. If correct, this is the first image of a low-mass companion object seen together with the parent disc material out of which it is forming. The object has an inferred gas plus dust mass of $\\approx 14$~M$_{\\rm Jupiter}$, similar to the mass of a proto-planet formed in the simulation. The disc instability may have been enhanced by a stellar flyby: the proper motion of the nearby star XZ Tau shows it could have recently passed the HL Tau disc as close as $\\sim 600$~AU. ", "introduction": "The mechanisms by which giant planets form are uncertain. Core-accretion models \\citep[e.g.]{pollack,hubickyj} have successfully linked high abundances of rocky elements in the star to higher planet-probability \\citep[e.g.]{fischer,santos}, and may explain planets with substantial rocky cores \\citep{sato} -- but have theoretical difficulties with slow planetary cooling that limits mass accretion rates and with rapid inwards migration leading to loss of cores into the star. Also, the time of around 6~Myr to complete Jupiter may conflict with the infrared detection rate of discs that declines close to zero by 6~Myr \\citep{haisch}, and with the latest ages of $\\sim 15$~Myr when gas is detected \\citep{dent} since planet completion takes longer in low-mass discs. The alternative model of gravitational instability can create a proto-planet very rapidly, on dynamical (orbital) timescales \\citep{boss,rice05}, provided that the disc cooling time is similarly short \\citep{gammie01,rafikov}. Only relatively rare discs of $\\ga 0.1 \\times M_{star}$ will be unstable, but recent radio studies \\citep[e.g]{rodmann} that account for mass in large dust grains may boost more of the total disc masses into this category. Since metre-sized particles are gathered up into the gas fragments \\citep{rice06}, this model may also account for solid cores to giant planets. \\begin{figure*} \\label{fig1} \\includegraphics[width=145mm,angle=0]{NATUNANSUB.CPS} \\caption{VLA 1.3 cm images towards HL Tau. Main image: natural weighting with a beam (small inset) of $0.11''$ for maximum sensitivity; contours increase by $\\sqrt{2}$ and are at (4.0, 5.7, 8.0, 11.4, 16.0) $\\times 17 \\umu$Jy/beam (1$\\sigma$). The arrow indicates the jet axes and the ellipse shows the approximate extent of the inclined disc in a previous $0.6''$ resolution image at 2.7~mm \\citep{looney}. The compact object lies to the upper-right. Upper inset: same but with central peak of 263 $\\umu$Jy subtracted, to highlight the jet bases and two features at $\\approx 20$~AU at the ends of the disc major axis. Contours from the unsubtracted image are overlaid. Lower inset: uniform weighted image at higher resolution of $0.08''$, with contours at (3.0, 4.2, 6.0, 8.5, 12.0) $\\times 21 \\umu$Jy/beam (1$\\sigma$), highlighting the compact object. } \\end{figure*} Imaging a planet within its birth-disc would illuminate the processes involved. Companions of several Jupiter masses upwards have been imaged, but large separations from the primary and in some cases small mass-ratios of the two components suggest that these objects may have formed like binary stars \\citep{luhmann}. No discs within these systems have been imaged, so the formation processes remain obscure -- the most direct observational evidence for a forming object is a cleared cavity within the disc of AB~Aur \\citep{oppenheimer}. In this letter, we present the first candidate for a low mass companion imaged in the accretion stage and within the parent disc. Such an object would be expected to appear as a cool condensation of dust and gas, possibly without a distinct dense core as sedimentation timescales for large dust grains can be a few $10^4$ years \\citep{helled}. Here, we use radio-wavelength data to trace the thermal emission from large dust particles in the disc around HL Tau. This pre-main-sequence Class~I (remnant envelope) object has been modelled by \\citet{tom} at around 0.33~M$_{\\odot}$ and 5~L$_{\\odot}$, seen at $< 10^5$~years old. The HL~Tau disc was selected as one of the brightest known at millimetre wavelengths, with estimates for gas plus dust mass of up to 0.1~M$_{\\odot}$ \\citep{beckwith}, and thus within the disc-to-star mass regime where instability could occur. Millimetre interferometry (resolving out the envelope) has shown emission from the dust-disc extending out to at least $\\sim 100$~AU radius \\citep{wilner,mundy,lay,looney,rodmann}. ", "conclusions": "Including the large grains now detected, the HL~Tau disc mass is $\\approx 0.13$~M$_{\\odot}$. \\citet{tom} find good fits to the stellar mass for 0.2--1~M$_{\\odot}$; for their best-fit value of 0.33~M$_{\\odot}$ the disc is around $0.4 M_{\\rm star}$. This proportionally massive disc should be gravitationally unstable, and a simulation at the higher end of the $M_{\\rm disc, star}$ ranges confirms that planetary objects could form at a few tens of AU. The VLA data show such a flux peak in the parent disc material, interpreted here as a surface density enhancement. (The clump is three times brighter than the local disc flux, while warming of the gas by gravitational collapse should only contribute marginally to higher emission; simulation results suggest the beam-averaged dust temperature is raised by $\\approx 50$~\\%.) This clump at 65 AU from HL Tau lies in the appropriate unstable region, and is compact as expected for a low-mass object accreting from the disc. The simulated disc is unstable for the adopted parameters, but external forces could have increased the real disc's tendency to fragment. Notably, another cluster member, XZ Tau, appears close-by, which is unusual within the diffuse Taurus association, and the relative motions suggest a possible recent encounter of the two stars. Their line-of-sight distances are unknown, but the similar radial velocities \\citep{folha} suggest they are not located in very different parts of the association, and in 2-D the stars are presently diverging. XZ Tau lies $23''$ east of HL Tau and the proper motions \\citep{ducourant} are (+11,--19) and (--3,--21) milliarcsec/year respectively (errors of 2-5 mas/yr). Around 1600 years earlier, the stars could thus have passed within $\\sim 600$~AU (in 2-D projection). Such an event would have been dynamically recent, given that the compact object has an orbital period of 900~years for $M_{star}$ of 0.33~$M_{\\odot}$. The final mass of this still-forming companion may increase, by absorbing more of the disc, but our estimate of 14~M$_{\\rm Jupiter}$ for the condensation is well down into the sub-stellar regime. If all this material is accreted, the final object would be around the brown dwarf / planet boundary by the definition of short-lived deuterium-burning capability, which occurs at $\\ga 12$--13~M$_{\\rm Jupiter}$. A more recently developed definition of a planet is a low-mass object that formed in the disc of a star. This `origins' definition sidesteps the deuterium-burning issue, which as \\citet{chabrier} point out is irrelevant for the evolution of brown dwarfs. In the case of HL~Tau `b', imaging the object within the parent disc marks it as a candiate proto-planet by this origins definition." }, "0809/0809.1859_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{\\vspace{5pt}\\par The impact of a kination-dominated phase generated by a quintessential exponen-tial model on the thermal abundance of gravitinos and axinos is investigated. We find that their abundances become proportional to the transition temperature from the kination to the radiation era; since this temperature is significantly lower than the initial (``reheating\") temperature, the abundances decrease with respect to their values in the standard cosmology. For values of the quintessential energy-density parameter close to its upper bound, on the eve of nucleosynthesis, we find the following: (i) for unstable gravitinos, the gravitino constraint is totally evaded; (ii) If the gravitino is stable, its thermal abundance is not sufficient to account for the cold dark matter of the universe; (iii) the thermal abundance of axinos can satisfy the cold dark matter constraint for values of the initial temperature well above those required in the standard cosmology. A novel calculation of the axino production rate by scatterings at low temperature is also presented.} ", "introduction": "\\setcounter{equation}{0} A plethora of recent data \\cite{wmap, snae} indicates \\cite{wmapl} that the two major components of the present universe are \\emph{Cold Dark Matter} (CDM) and \\emph{Dark Energy} (DE) with density parameters \\cite{wmap} \\beq {\\sf (a)}~~\\Omega_{\\rm CDM}=0.214\\pm0.027~~\\mbox{and}~~{\\sf (b)}~~\\Omega_{\\rm DE}=0.742\\pm0.03 \\label{cdmba}\\eeq at $95\\%$ \\emph{confidence level} (c.l.). Identifying the nature of these two unknown substances, is one of the major challenges in contemporary cosmo-particle theories. The DE component can be explained by modifying the \\emph{standard cosmology} (SC) via the introduction of a slowly evolving scalar field called quintessence \\cite{early} (for reviews, see Ref.~\\cite{der}). An open possibility in this scenario is the existence of an early \\emph{kination dominated} (KD) era \\cite{kination}, where the universe is dominated by the kinetic energy of the quintessence field; this period is an indispensable ingredient of quintessential inflationary scenaria \\cite{qinf, dimopoulos, chung}. During this era, the expansion rate of the universe is larger compared to its value during the usual \\emph{radiation domination} (RD) epoch. This implies that the relic abundance of the \\emph{weakly interacting massive particles} (WIMPs) can be significantly enhanced \\emph{with respect to} (w.r.t) its value in the SC \\cite{Kam, salati, prof, jcapa}, provided that they decouple from the thermal bath during the KD era. Further phenomenological implications of this effect for the future collider or astrophysics experiments have also been studied \\cite{kinpheno}. WIMPs are the most natural candidates \\cite{candidates} to account for the second major component of the present universe, the CDM. Among them, the most popular is the lightest neutralino \\cite{goldberg, lkk} which turns out to be the \\emph{lightest supersymmetric particle} (LSP) in a sizeable fraction of the parameter space of \\emph{sypersymmetric} (SUSY) models and therefore, stable under the assumption of the conservation of $R$-parity. However, SUSY theories predict the existence of even more weakly interacting massive particles, known as \\emph{e}-WIMPs \\cite{ewimps} which can naturally play the role of LSP. These are the gravitino, $\\Gr$, and the axino, $\\ax$ ($\\Gr$ is the spin-3/2 fermionic SUSY partner of the graviton, and $\\ax$ the spin-$1/2$ fermionic SUSY partner of the axion which arises in SUSY extensions \\cite{goto} of the \\emph{Peccei-Quinn} (PQ) solution \\cite{pq} to the strong CP problem). As their name indicates, the interaction rates of gravitinos and axinos are \\emph{extremely} weak, since they are respectively suppressed by the reduced Planck scale, $m_{\\rm P}=M_{\\rm P}/\\sqrt{8\\pi}$ ($M_{\\rm P}=1.22\\times10^{19}~{\\rm GeV}$ being the Planck mass) and by the axion decay constant, $f_a\\sim(10^{10}-10^{12})~{\\rm GeV}$ (for a review, see Ref.~\\cite{kim}). Due to the weakness of their interactions, \\emph{e}-WIMPs depart from chemical equilibrium very early ($\\Gr$ at a energy scale close to $m_{\\rm P}$ and $\\tilde a$ close to $f_a$) and we expect that their relic density (created due to this early decoupling) is diluted by the primordial inflation. However, they can be reproduced in the following ways: (i) in the thermal bath, through scatterings \\cite{gravitinoc, moroi1, Bolz, steffen, axino, steffenaxino} and decays \\cite{axino, small, strumia} involving superpartners, and (ii) non-thermally \\cite{gravitinont, axinont}, from the out-of-equilibrium decay of the \\emph{next-to-LSP} (NLSP). In this paper we do not consider the possible non-thermal production of \\emph{e}-WIMPs, since this mechanism is highly model dependent (i.e., it is sensitive to the type and decay products of the NLSP). As a consequence, we do not consider either the out-of-equilibrium decay of the one \\emph{e}-WIMP to the other (as in the case of \\cref{asaka}, where $\\Gr$ is the NLSP and $\\ax$ the LSP). In all these cases, extra restrictions have to be imposed in order not to jeopardize the success of the standard Big Bang \\emph{Nucleosynthensis} (NS). The latter requirement has to be satisfied also for unstable $\\Gr$. This restriction imposes a tight upper bound on the initial (``reheating\") temperature, $\\Ti$, of the universe in the SC \\cite{gravitinoc, moroi1,kohri, kohri2, oliveg}. On the other hand, if one of the \\emph{e}-WIMPs is a stable LSP, it has to obey the CDM constraint. In particular, its relic density $\\Omega_{\\chia}h^2$ has to be confined in the region \\cite{wmap} \\beq\\label{cdmb} {\\sf (a)}~0.097\\lesssim \\Omega_{\\chia}h^2 \\lesssim 0.12~~\\mbox{for}~~{\\sf (b)}~10~\\keV\\leq m_\\chia\\leq m_{\\rm NLSP} \\eeq where $m_{\\rm NLSP}$ is the mass of the NLSP. Let us note, in passing, that the lower bound of \\sEref{cdmb}{a} is valid under the assumption that CDM is entirely composed by $X$'s and the abundance of non-thermaly produced $X$'s is negligible. The lower bound on $m_{\\chia}$ arises from the fact that smaller $m_\\chia$ cannot explain \\cite{sformation} the observed early reionization \\cite{wmap}. For about $10\\leq m_\\chia/\\keV\\leq 100$, $X$'s may constitute warm dark matter (the mass limits above are to be considered only as indicative). In this paper we reconsider the creation of a KD era in the context of the exponential quintessential model \\cite{wet, expo}, taking into account restrictions arising from NS, the inflationary scale, the acceleration of the universe and the DE density parameter. Although this model does not possess a tracker-type solution \\cite{salati, attr} in the allowed range of its parameters, it can produce a viable present-day cosmology in conjunction with the domination of an early KD era, for a reasonable region of initial conditions \\cite{brazil, cline, silogi, german}. We then investigate the impact of KD on the thermal production of \\emph{e}-WIMPs, solving the relevant equations both numerically and semianalytically. We find that the abundance of \\emph{e}-WIMPs becomes proportional to the transition temperature from KD to RD era, $\\Tkr$, and decreases w.r.t its value in the SC since $\\Tkr$ can be much lower than $\\Ti$. In particular, we consider two cases, depending on whether $\\Tkr$ is higher -- \\emph{high $T$ regime} (HTR) -- or lower -- \\emph{low $T$ regime} (LTR) -- than a threshold $\\Tc\\simeq10~\\TeV$, below which the thermal production of $\\ax$ via the decay of the superpartners becomes important; for this low temperature region, a novel formulae for the production of $\\ax$'s through scatterings is presented. It turns out that, in this part of the parameter space, $\\ax$ becomes an attractive CDM candidate within the \\emph{quintessential kination scenario} (QKS). Modifications to the thermal production of \\emph{e}-WIMPs have also been investigated in the context of extra dimensional theories \\cite{seto, panot}, where the expansion rate of the universe can be also enhanced w.r.t its value in the SC, due to the presence of an extra term including the brane-tension. However, this increase is more drastic than in the QKS. In addition, the production of $\\ax$ via scatterings at low temperature and via the decay \\cite{axino} of the SUSY particles has not been taken into account \\cite{panot}. We start our analysis by reviewing the basic features of the exponential quintessential model in Sec.~\\ref{sec:quint}. We then present our numerical and semi-analytical calculations of the thermal abundance of \\emph{e}-WIMPs in Sec.~\\ref{sec:boltz} and study the parameter space allowed by several requirements for $\\Gr$ (Sec.~\\ref{sec:grv}) and for $\\ax$ (Sec.~\\ref{sec:axn}). Our conclusions are summarized in Sec.~\\ref{sec:con}. Computational issues on the low temperature $\\ax$-production are discussed in Appendix A. Throughout the text, brackets are used by applying disjunctive correspondence, natural units ($\\hbar=c=k_{\\rm B}=1$) are assumed, the subscript or superscript $0$ refers to present-day values (except in the coefficient $V_0$) and $\\log~[\\ln]$ stands for logarithm with basis $10~[e]$. Moreover, we assume that the domain wall number \\cite{kim} is equal to 1. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:con} We presented an exponential quintessential model which generates a period dominated by the kinetic energy of the quintessence field. The parameters of the quintessential model ($\\lambda, \\Ti, \\Omqns$) were confined so that $0.5\\leq\\Omega_q(\\Ti)\\leq1$, and were constrained by current observational data originating from NS, the acceleration of the universe, the inflationary scale and the DE density parameter. We found $0<\\lambda<0.9$ and studied the allowed region in the ($\\Ti, \\Omqns$)-plane. We proceeded to examine the impact of this KD epoch to the thermal abundance of $\\Gr$ and $\\tilde a$. We solved the problem {\\sf (i)} semi-analytically, producing approximate relations for the cosmological evolution before and after the transition from KD to RD, and solving the appropriately re-formulated Boltzmann equation that governs the evolution of the $\\chia$-number density and {\\sf (ii)} numerically, integrating the relevant system of the differential equations. Although we did not succeed to achieve general analytical solutions in all cases, we consider as a significant development the derivation of a result by solving numerically just one equation, instead of the whole system above. Moreover, for typical values of $m_i$'s in \\Eref{mi}, empirical formulas that reproduce quite successfully our numerical results were derived. For unstable $\\Gr$, the $\\Gr$-constraint poses a lower bound on $\\Omqns$, which turns out to be almost independent of $\\Ti$. The CDM constraint can be satisfied by the thermal abundance of $\\Gr$ for extremely low values $(10^{-23}-10^{-24})$ of $\\Omqns$. On the contrary, the former constraint can be fulfilled by the thermal abundance of $\\ax$ with values of $\\Omqns$ close to the upper bound posed by the requirement for successful NS. Let us also comment here on three minor subtleties of our calculation which, do not alter the basic features of our conclusions (although could potentially create some quantitative modifications to our results). In particular: \\begin{itemize} \\item Throughout our investigation we did not identify the nature of NLSP. Therefore the upper bound, shown in Fig. 5-a [Fig. 7], on $m_{\\Gr}$ [$m_{\\ax}$] derived from the requirement [$m_{\\Gr}\\leq m_{\\tilde B }$] $m_{\\ax}\\leq m_{\\tilde B }$ could be modified if there is another SUSY particle lighter than $\\tilde B$. Moreover, we did not consider the NS constraints concerning the late decays of the NLSP into $X$'s. These constraints \\cite{axino,gravitinont, axinont} depend very much on the properties of the NLSP, i.e. its composition, its mass relative to the $m_X$, and its coupling to $X$'s. Consequently, additional bounds on the $m_X$ might arise. As the $\\ax$ interactions are not as strongly suppressed as the $\\Gr$ interactions, the $\\ax$ LSP anyhow is far less problematic than the $\\Gr$ LSP w.r.t these constraints. \\item In the case of $\\Gr$, we did not incorporate contributions to $\\Omgr$ from the process of reheating. Indeed, these extra contributions can be a fraction of the result shown in \\Eref{YhT} \\cite{kohri2,sahu}, in the case of the usual reheating realized by the coherent oscillations of a massive particle \\cite{turner}. However, in the QKS several reheating processes have been proposed \\cite{sami} and therefore, any safe comparison between the SC and the QKS has to be performed for $T<\\Ti$. In other words, to keep our investigation as general as possible, we preferred to study the evolution of the universe after the start of the RD [KD] era in the SC [QKS] (we simply assumed the existence of an earlier inflationary epoch). \\item In the case of the $\\ax$-CDM, we used throughout our investigation some representative masses for the superpartners, given in \\Eref{mi}. Variation in these values (especially in $m_{\\gl}$ and $m_{\\sq}$) has an impact on $\\Omax$ in the LTR (e.g., for $m_{\\gl}\\simeq m_{\\sq}$ the contribution of the process $\\sq^*q$ to $C_{\\ax}^{\\rm LT}$ can be enhanced). In addition, a further uncertainty in our calculation arises from the determination of $\\Ts$ below which $C_{\\ax}^{\\rm HT}$ is replaced by $C_{\\ax}^{\\rm LT}$ in the integration of the relevant equations. Note however, that the aim of the present paper is to demonstrate the change of $\\Omx$ due to the presence of the KD era and not a full scan of the SUSY parameter space. \\end{itemize} Although our results have been derived in the context of an exponential quintessential model, their applicability can be extended to every model that generates a KD phase, even without \\cite{kination} quintessential consequences. It is worth mentioning that in the presence of kination we can obtain simultaneous compatibility of both the gravitino and the CDM constraint (i.e., the lower bound on $\\Omqns$ from the gravitino constraint is compatible with the $\\Omqns$'s needed in order to have the correct amount of $\\ax$ CDM). It would be probably interesting to check if we can obtain a simultaneous compatibility of these two constraints with additional bounds, arising e.g. from leptogenesis and neutrino masses \\cite{kinlept, Bento} or the quintessino abundance \\cite{quintessino}. \\ack We would like to thank K.Y. Choi, R. Ruiz de Austri and L. Roszkowski for helpful discussions. The research of S.L was funded by the FP6 Marie Curie Excellence Grant MEXT-CT-2004-014297. The work of M.E.G, C.P and J.R.Q was supported by the Spanish MEC project FPA2006-13825 and the project P07FQM02962 funded by the ``Junta de Andalucia''. \\appendix" }, "0809/0809.1890_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In an earlier investigation, we proposed population boundaries for both inspiralling and mass-transferring double white dwarf (DWD) systems in the distance independent ``absolute'' amplitude-frequency domain of the proposed space-based gravitational-wave (GW) detector, {\\it LISA}. The degenerate zero temperature mass-radius (M-R) relationship of individual white dwarf stars that we assumed, in combination with the constraints imposed by Roche geometries, permits us to identify five key population boundaries for DWD systems in various phases of evolution. Here we use the non-zero entropy donor M-R relations of \\cite{DB2003} to modify these boundaries for both DWD and neutron star-white dwarf (NSWD) binary systems. We find that the mass-transferring systems occupy a larger fraction of space in ``absolute'' amplitude-frequency domain compared to the simpler $T=0$ donor model. We also discuss how these boundaries are modified with the new evolutionary phases found by \\cite{Deloyeetal2007}. In the initial contact phase, we find that the contact boundaries, which are the result of end of inspiral evolution, would have some width, as opposed to an abrupt cut-off described in our earlier $T=0$ model. This will cause an overlap between a DWDs $\\&$ NSWDs evolutionary trajectories, making them indistinguishable with only LISA observations within this region. In the cooling phase of the donor, which follows after the adiabatic donor evolution, the radius contracts, mass-transfer rate drops and slows down the orbital period evolution. Depending upon the entropy of the donor, these systems may then lie inside the fully degenerate $T=0$ boundaries, but LISA may be unable to detect these systems as they might be below the sensitivity limit or within the unresolved DWD background noise. We assess the limits and applicability of our theoretical population boundaries with respect to observations and find that a measurement of $\\dot f$ by LISA at high frequencies (Log $[f] \\geq 2$) would likely distinguish between DWD/NSWD binary. For low frequency sources, GW observations alone would unlikely tell us about the binary components, without the help of electromagnetic observations. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec1} The proposed space-based Gravitational-wave (GW) detector, {\\it LISA}\\footnote{http://lisa.nasa.gov} ({\\it Laser Interferometer Space Antenna}) \\citep{FB84,EIS87,Bender98}, is sensitive to GWs in the $10^{-4} - 1$ Hz frequency range. Within this band, one of the most promising sources are double white dwarf (DWD) binary systems, as it is expected that a large fraction of main-sequence binaries end their lives as close DWDs \\citep{IT84, IT86}. For this reason, the GWs emitted by these systems in our Galaxy may form a background noise in the low frequency ($\\leq 3 \\times 10^{-3}$ Hz) band of {\\it LISA}. The population of DWDs in our Galaxy is expected to be dominated by systems that undergo two distinct, long-lived phases of evolution: an ``inspiral'' phase, where both the stars are detached from their Roche lobes and the loss of angular momentum in the form of GW emission causes the two stars to slowly spiral in towards each other; and a ``stable mass transfer'' phase, where the less massive star fills its Roche lobe initially and starts transferring mass steadily to its companion. An example of the stable mass transferring systems are the AM CVn type systems, of which 18 \\citep{Nelemans2005} are known through electromagnetic observations\\footnote{Two controversial candidate systems, RX J0806+15 and V407 Vul may change their number to $16$. See \\cite{Cropper1998, Wu2002, MS2002} for more details.}. Apart from DWDs, neutron star white dwarf (NSWD) binary systems are also one of the promising sources of GWs for LISA. Various authors \\citep{Kim2004, cooray2004, Nelemans2001} have estimated the GW background from these systems and concluded that the number of NSWD systems detectable with LISA is 1-2 orders of magnitude less than DWD systems. Similar to DWDs, NSWD systems also undergo inspiral and stable mass transfer phases. Specifically, several studies \\citep[see for example:][]{Nelson1986, BT2004a, Nelemans2006} have suggested that one of the possible formation scenarios of the so-called ultra compact x-ray binary (UCXB) systems, with orbital periods $\\le 80$ minutes, is that a low mass white-dwarf donor ($\\le 0.1 M_\\mathrm{\\odot}$) transferring mass to an accreting neutron star (NS) primary in a short orbit. In this scenario, a detached NSWD binary system initially evolves to a minimum orbital period as angular momentum is lost from the system due to GW radiation. At this minimum orbital period, the companion white dwarf (WD) star starts filling its Roche lobe and transfers mass to the NS and the system evolves to longer orbital periods. At present, there are $12$ known UCXB systems with measured orbital periods, see Table\\ref{table1}. Some of these systems have accreting millisecond pulsars (XTE J1807-294, XTE J1751-305 \\& XTE J0929-314: see \\cite{Mark2002}, for example) and several of them are found in globular clusters as the stellar density and close encounters are more common \\citep{clark1975,ivanova2007}. The total population of field UCXBs may be low, $\\sim 10$ \\citep{BT2004a, cooray2004} and theoretical studies by \\cite{BT2004b} indicates that even at the Galactic center, accreting NS systems do not contribute much to the faint x-ray population. In general, the capabilities of {\\it LISA} as a GW detector are usually discussed in the context of the log $(h)$-- log $(f)$ domain. \\cite{KT2007} proposed that an analogy can be drawn between the astronomy community's familiar color-magnitude (CM) diagram and {\\it LISA}'s amplitude-frequency diagram. For LISA sources, an analogous quantity to absolute magnitude $M$ is $\\log(rh)$, where $r$ is the distance to the source. The underlying physical properties of compact binary systems such as DWDs and NSWDs, their evolution, and their relationship to one another in the context of stellar populations can be ascertained only if the observational properties of such systems are displayed in a $\\log(rh) - \\log(f)$ diagram, rather than in a plot of $\\log(h)$ versus $\\log(f)$. \\cite{KT2007} discussed the DWD binary systems in this context of ``absolute'' amplitude-frequency domain assuming that the donors in these systems follow zero temperature mass-radius relation. Here, we will consider the effect of ``warm'' donors as proposed in \\cite{DB2003, Deloyeetal2005, Deloyeetal2007} and extend the discussion to NSWD binary systems and compare the population boundaries between both of them. We also discuss the limits and applicability of these population boundaries in the log$(rh)$ - log$(f)$ space within the context of observed AM CVn and UCXB systems. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec3} The population boundaries for DWD $\\&$ NSWD binary systems discussed in previous sections were generated using \\cite{DB2003} non-zero entropy donor models, which assume that the donors are fully convective and undergo adiabatic evolution throughout the mass-loss phase. Recently, \\cite{Deloyeetal2007} showed that these assumptions may not properly estimate the donor's orbital period evolution and specifically the donor's adiabatic evolution may not hold true for whole mass-transfer phase. Instead they identified three distinct evolutionary phases and here we discuss the implications of their new findings on our population boundaries. During the first phase, which happens during the mass-transfer ``turn-on'' phase (when the donor comes into contact initially), the radius of the donor decreases , the mass-transfer rate $\\dot M_\\mathrm{d}$ increases and the orbital period $P_\\mathrm{orb}$ continues to decrease until the donor radius reaches it's minimum value ($\\dot M_\\mathrm{d}$ becomes maximum) and starts expanding again. \\cite{Deloyeetal2007} calculated that this turn on phase lasts up to $\\sim 10^{6}$ years. In the second phase, the donor responds to the mass loss adiabatically and starts expanding, which is considered to be the normal AM CVn phase. But this phase of adiabatic expansion ends and a third phase of evolution begins at around $P_\\mathrm{orb} \\sim 45$ min, when the mass-transfer rate (and the donors thermal time) drop enough for the donor to cool and start contracting to a fully degenerate configuration, stalling the $P_\\mathrm{orb}$ evolution. In the case of DWDs, the initial turn-on phase will result in the $q=1$ contact boundary (green curve with crosses in Fig. \\ref{fig1}) to have a width, instead of a sharp boundary as discussed in \\cite{KT2007}. This is because it is calculated assuming that once the system comes into contact, it would evolve towards lower amplitudes and frequencies, whereas $P_\\mathrm{orb}$ decreases in the turn on phase, to a minimum even after the initial contact. Accordingly, there will be a slight overlap of lower contact boundaries for He, C $\\&$ O donors. Once the system evolves off this initial contact phase, the donor expands adiabatically in response to the mass-transfer and the system follows a typical AM CVn evolution, where the GW amplitude $\\&$ frequency keeps decreasing as $P_\\mathrm{orb}$ increases. Assuming an adiabatic evolution means that the cooling time of the donor is longer than the mass-transfer time-scale ($M_\\mathrm{d} / \\dot M_\\mathrm{d}$), it will in turn affects the orbital evolution time-scale. Accordingly, the donor follows a trajectory where it passes through different isotherms of decreasing $q$, after the initial contact. As \\cite{KT2007} illustrate, the lower right curve in Fig. \\ref{fig1} shows the contact boundary for $q=1$ systems and similar contact boundaries for lower $q$'s would lie to the left of it, but the contact boundaries will shift towards lower amplitudes and frequencies. This phase of adiabatic evolution comes to an end between $P_\\mathrm{orb} \\approx 40-55$ min, when the donor starts to cool and contract eventually towards a fully degenerate star. This will drastically (almost an order of magnitude, see \\cite{Deloyeetal2007} Fig. 15) reduce $\\dot M_\\mathrm{d}$ at these long orbital periods. Hence, after this range of $P_\\mathrm{orb}$, the systems GW frequency evolution slows down in accordance with the drop in $P_\\mathrm{orb}$ evolution. If the donor has cooled enough to approximate it as a $T=0$ degenerate model, then it may lie close to one of the $T=0$ contact boundaries, depending upon its $q$. But these $T=0$ boundaries are bounded within the region constrained by $M_\\mathrm{a} = M_\\mathrm{ch}$ (light blue dot-dashed) curve and the $q=1$ contact boundary (green curve with crosses in Fig. \\ref{fig1}), because these boundaries are drawn assuming that the donor is a fully degenerate star with $T=0$ and such a system can not exist beyond these curves. Therefore, we have drawn a vertical (brown) dot-dashed line in Fig. \\ref{fig1} at $P_\\mathrm{orb} = 55$ min (Log$f = 3.21$) beyond which we would expect these systems to be within the $T=0$ contact boundaries. Note that this vertical line is not a sharp boundary: some systems may not reach a fully degenerate configuration by this $P_\\mathrm{orb}$. Rather, a system's $P_\\mathrm{orb}$ evolution slows down at a particular GW frequency once they start cooling towards a degenerate configuration at the above mentioned $P_\\mathrm{orb}$. Fig. \\ref{fig1} also shows the observed AM CVn type systems, for which the masses and $P_\\mathrm{orb}$ are taken from \\cite{Deloyeetal2005} $\\&$ \\cite{Roelofs2007}. Couple of them are clearly outside $T=0$ region; for some of them, the system's mass function limits the minimum donor mass to a value above that of a Roche-filling $T=0$ donor at the same $P_\\mathrm{orb}$. It is very difficult to know their exact temperature and/or composition purely from GW observations, as there is a good overlap of systems with these characteristics\\footnote{Out of these systems, CE 315 (the system with lowest GW amplitude and frequency in Fig. \\ref{fig1}) has $P_\\mathrm{orb} = 65$ min and lies to the left of the $P_\\mathrm{orb} = 55$ line and below $T=0, M_\\mathrm{a} = M_\\mathrm{ch}$ boundary. This may seem to imply that this system may be cooling off and trying to reach a $T=0$ degenerate configuration. But in Fig 1. of \\cite{Deloyeetal2005}, they give a temperature range of Log $T = 4.0-6.5$ and \\cite{Bildsten2006} noted that this system may have a hot donor. If that is the case, \\cite{Bildsten2006} note that this donor may have evolved with constant entropy that it was born with or may have been heated by either the disk or the accretor. However, if irradiation is the cause, then \\cite{Deloyeetal2007} note that it will delay the onset of donor's cooling and increases the temperature of the donor. So though this system lies below the $T=0, M_\\mathrm{a} = M_\\mathrm{ch}$ boundary, it does not necessarily mean that the donor can be approximated as a zero-temperature object. }. For NSWDs, similar to DWDs, the contact boundaries with He composition drawn assuming NS mass is $1.2 M_\\odot$ (green curve with crosses ) and $3.0 M_\\odot$ (green dashed curve) will also have a width due to decrease in $P_\\mathrm{orb}$ even after the contact. Furthermore, the lower contact boundary lies {\\it below} the upper contact boundary for DWDs ($M_\\mathrm{a} = 1.44 M_\\mathrm{\\odot}$). This will make the contact boundaries to ``overflow'' into the DWD region and LISA observations may not be able to distinguish these two types of systems in this region. Here also the donor undergoes adiabatic evolution after $\\dot M_\\mathrm{d}$ reaches a maximum and consequently enters the cooling phase at $P_\\mathrm{orb}\\approx 55$ min. Accordingly, in Fig. \\ref{fig2}, the brown line shows the orbital period of this transition phase. Beyond this line, the donors should start cooling and GW frequency slows down accordingly. Fig. \\ref{fig2} also shows the currently observed UCXBs, which we assume to be mass-transferring NSWD binary systems. Table \\ref{table1} gives the values of the masses of donors and orbital periods that we used. Some of the UCXBs shown in Fig. \\ref{fig2} lie {\\it below} the lower contact boundary (green cross curve), indicating that probably the donors are not of He composition. Although, this contact boundary has a width, and hence they may have He composition, it is unlikely that we can observe them during this relatively short lived phase. Moreover, these systems are plotted assuming the minimum mass of the donors mass range derived from observations, so this provides additional uncertainty in determining the composition of donors. It is unlikely that LISA will be able to observe cooling donors in either DWD or NSWD systems because of the instrumental and/or DWD background noise. In Fig.\\ref{fig3}, we plot the known UCXBs and AM CVns on top of LISA's sensitivity curve\\footnote{http://www.srl.caltech.edu/~shane/sensitivity/MakeCurve.html} (SNR = 1) to assess the detectability of these systems. In the case of known UCXBs, it is clear that only one system (4U 1820-30) has enough signal strength to be visible to LISA, whereas some of the known AM CVns emit GWs above the instrumental and DWD background noise. Recalling from \\S\\ref{sec1}, in order to transform from log$(h_\\mathrm{norm})$ to log$(rh_\\mathrm{norm})$ space, we need to know the distance $r$ to the binary system. The relation between the unknown binary parameters $r$, $M_\\mathrm{tot}$ and $q$ and the observables $h_\\mathrm{norm}$, $f$ and $\\dot f$ can be written as \\citep{KT2007} \\begin{eqnarray} \\label{mass_r_relation} \\frac{M_\\mathrm{tot}^{5}}{r^{3}}\\biggl[\\frac{q}{(1+q)^{2}}\\biggr]^{3} &=& \\frac{c^{12}} {2^{6}\\pi^{2}G^{5}}\\frac{h_\\mathrm{norm}^{3}}{f^{2}} , \\\\ r(1 - 2 g) &=& \\frac{5 c}{24 \\pi^{2}} \\frac{\\dot f}{h_\\mathrm{norm} f^{3}} \\label{r_fdot_relation} \\end{eqnarray} where $g=0$ in the inspiral phase of evolution and hence, it is easy to determine $r$ from $h_\\mathrm{norm}$, $f$ and $\\dot f$ through Eq.(\\ref{r_fdot_relation}). For mass-transferring systems $g$ is a function of $M_\\mathrm{tot}$ and $q$, and they can be related to the observable $f$ by the requirement that in the mass transfer phase, $R_\\mathrm{d} = R_\\mathrm{L}$. The determination of $r$ and/or the masses of the stars in DWD/NSWD binary system depends on the determination of $\\dot f$. If an $\\dot f$ can not be measured for a system, then there is no way to tell whether that system is a NSWD or DWD system based only on LISA observations. If an $\\dot f$ can be measured, and if it turns out to be negative, then it is possible that particular system is a mass-transferring system (DWD or NSWD). But as shown in Figs. \\ref{fig1} $\\&$ \\ref{fig2}, it will still not be possible to know the type of the system, at least for low frequency sources (Log$[f] \\lessapprox -2$). There is a fairly good overlap in $\\dot f$ between DWD $\\&$ NSWD systems in this region because of the non-zero entropy nature of the donors and also due to the lower limit on the mass of the NS ($1.2 M_\\odot$). But for high frequency mass-transferring sources (Log$[f] \\gtrapprox -2$), it {\\it may} still be possible to know the type of the system, as the overlap region reduces\\footnote{There still will be some uncertainty for systems with NS mass lower than $M_\\mathrm{ch}$, but for NS masses higher than $M_\\mathrm{ch}$, LISA should be able to distinguish both types of systems through the measurement of $\\dot f$. }. The same thing can be said about inspiralling systems because there is a large overlap of DWD and NSWD inspirals at low frequencies and even a measurement of positive $\\dot f$ would unlikely be able distinguish these two types of inspiralling systems." }, "0809/0809.0966.txt": { "abstract": "An abundance analysis is presented of 60 metal-poor stars drawn from catalogues of nearby stars provided by Ariyanto et al. (2005) and Schuster et al. (2006). In an attempt to isolate a sample of metal-weak thick disc stars, we applied the kinematic criteria $V_{\\rm rot} \\geq 100$ km s$^{-1}$, $|U_{LSR}| \\leq 140$ km s$^{-1}$, and $|W_{LSR}| \\leq 100$ km s$^{-1}$. Fourteen stars satisfying these criteria and having [Fe/H] $\\leq -1.0$ are included in the sample of 60 stars. Eight of the 14 have [Fe/H] $\\geq -1.3$ and may be simply thick disc stars of slightly lower than average [Fe/H]. The other six have [Fe/H] from $-1.3$ to $-2.3$ and are either metal-weak thick disc stars or halo stars with kinematics mimicking those of the thick disc. The sample of 60 stars is completed by eight thick disc stars, 20 stars of a hybrid nature (halo or thick disc stars), and 18 stars with kinematics distinctive of the halo. ", "introduction": "Stars in the the Sun's immediate neighbourhood belong in the main to the Galactic disc with a sprinkling of halo stars. The majority of the disc stars are from the thin disc with a minority from the thick disc. Introduction of the concept of the thick disc is broadly attributed to Gilmore \\& Reid (1983) who from star counts found that a double-exponential offered a fit to the space density perpendicular to the Galactic plane toward the south Galactic pole. The dominant component with a scale height of 300 pc was the familiar disc, now referred to as the thin disc. The second component with a scale height of 1350 pc was dubbed the thick disc. At the Galactic plane, the thick disc stars comprise no more than a few per cent of the thin disc population. Obviously, the fractional population represented by the thick disc increases with height above the plane. After its introduction, the thick disc was a controversial innovation for quite some years but, today, many properties of the thick disc in the solar neighbourhood are rather well determined. Many studies have found thick disc stars to be old with ages in the range of 8-13 Gyr (Fuhrmann 1998; Reddy et al. 2006) but other studies have proposed ages as young as 2 Gyr for some thick disc stars (Bensby et al. 2007). Their velocity dispersion perpendicular to the Galactic plane is about 40 km s$^{-1}$, a value to be compared with about 20 km s$^{-1}$ for the old thin disc, and 90 km s$^{-1}$ for the halo. Thick disc stars lag behind thin disc stars in rotation about the centre of the Galaxy by about 50 km s$^{-1}$. The mean metallicity of the thick disc is about [Fe/H] $= -0.6$ with most stars falling in the interval [Fe/H] of $-0.3$ to $-1.0$. Differences in relative abundances [X/Fe] between thin and thick disc stars are now well established over this [Fe/H] range (Bensby et al. 2005; Reddy, Lambert, \\& Allende Prieto 2006). Remaining significant controversies surround the upper and lower bounds to the [Fe/H] distribution function for thick disc stars. In this paper, we are concerned with the lower bound for thick disc stars in the solar neighbourhood. Stars of the thick disc with [Fe/H] less than about $-1$ are referred to as `metal-weak thick disc' stars (here, metal-weak thick disk stars). The metal-weak thick disk has now been the subject of many investigations. But, although many studies of putative metal-weak thick disk stars exist, the results as far as their composition are concerned have been limited to a measurement of metallicity, usually [Fe/H]. In broad terms, two kinds of samples have been discussed: stars in the Sun's immediate neighbourhood and giant stars beyond the solar neighbourhood. The significant advantage provided by local stars is that the sample has well determined kinematics. The advantage of a sample composed of stars at greater distances from the Galactic plane is that the relative fraction of thick to thin disc stars will be higher than locally but the obvious disadvantage is, in general, that knowledge of stellar kinematics is compromised by the lack of accurate distance and the small amplitude of the proper motions. In addition, halo stars provide an increasingly severe contamination of stellar samples as distance from the Galactic plane increases. The persisting controversy about the existence of metal-weak thick disk stars may be traceable to reconsideration of the metallicities obtained by Morrison et al. (1990) from DDO photometry for their sample of giants with disclike kinematics. Ryan \\& Lambert (1995) undertook a high-resolution spectroscopic analysis of a subset of Morrison et al.'s stars and showed that the most of the stars identified as belonging to the metal-weak thick disk have metallicities [Fe/H] $>$ $-1$ and are thus `normal' thick disc stars. Twarog \\& Anthony-Twarog (1994, 1996) provided a recalibration of the DDO photometry that also weakened Morrison et al.'s evidence for existence of metal-weak thick disk stars. These critiques of the pioneering paper on metal-weak thick disk stars have percolated through the literature. Beers et al. (2002), ardent advocates for metal-weak thick disk stars as an important component of Galactic structure, wrote that `acceptance of their [metal-weak thick disk stars] presence has been cast in doubt because of incorrectly assigned metallicities'. Oddly, major studies of candidate metal-weak thick disk stars have rarely obtained the metallicity and never elemental abundances from high-resolution high-signal-to-noise ratio spectra. In this paper, we search for metal-weak thick disk stars among two recent catalogues of local main sequence stars with reliable kinematics and metallicities. A comprehensive abundance analysis is undertaken for metal-weak thick disk candidates and halo stars in order to search for definitive differences in composition between candidate metal-weak thick disk stars and halo stars of similar metallicity. ", "conclusions": "Our collection of 14 stars in Table 1 are offered as metal-weak thick disk candidates but by no means as certain members of the elusive metal-weak thick disk population. We have been unable to identify a conclusive signature distinguishing a metal-weak thick disc star from a halo star. In terms of age, present knowledge and precision of age determinations do not provide a discriminant between thick disc and halo. At a given [Fe/H], the relative abundances [X/Fe] of metal-poor stars appear to show a dispersion no larger than the measurement uncertainties. Relative to the uncertainties, the halo stars and our metal-weak thick disk candidates of similar [Fe/H] are not distinguishable. Our sole proposed discriminant involves a combination of the LSR-velocities. This discriminant is imperfect because kinematics of the thick disc and halo involve overlapping distribution functions. The overlap is essentially complete for the $U$ and $W$ components: the thick disc velocity distributions are wholly contained within the broader halo distributions. The overlap for the $V$ distributions is dependent on the Fe-dependence of the (unknown) velocity distribution of the halo stars (see the difference between Figures~2a and 2b) and on the extrapolation of the thick disc velocity distribution into the regime of [Fe/H] $\\leq -1$, as discussed above. The $V_{\\rm rot}$ of the metal-weak thick disk candidates is comparable to that of Schuster et al's second group of thick disc stars. While our velocity criteria are intended to favour selection of thick disc stars, contamination of the metal-weak thick disk candidates by halo stars remains a possibility. The eccentricity is no more than an intriguing discriminator. Selection of metal-weak thick disk candidate stars by their $V_{\\rm rot}$ ensures that they have a lower eccentricity than the stars of much lower $V_{\\rm rot}$ in Table 2. %The distribution %functions for the LSR-velocities admit of stars with velocities %satisfying the criteria we impose on the metal-weak thick disk candidates. Selection effects influencing the two catalogues certainly play a role. This is strongly suggested, as noted above, by the rather different distributions of metal-poor ([M/H] $< -1$) stars in the Arifyanto et al. catalogue (Figure~2a) and the Schuster et al. catalogue (Figure~2b). In Figure~2a, the stars are rather symmetrically distributed about $V_{\\rm rot}$ = 0, the boundary between stars on prograde and retrograde orbits. In contrast, Figure~2b shows a preponderance of retrograde orbits and a mean $V_{\\rm rot}$ decreasing with decreasing [M/H]. Setting aside the influence of selection effects, very different models of the halo $V_{\\rm rot}$ distribution versus [M/H] result from the two catalogues. In turn, these different models would result in different conclusions about the extension of the thick disc to [M/H] $< -1$ that result from subtraction of the halo distribution from the observed distribution. Most probably, neither represents the true halo distribution. The small sample of metal-weak thick disk candidates have the composition established for the thick disc and the halo at their interface. Obviously, the case for a metal-weak thick disk population needs refinement beginning with the isolation of a larger sample with reliable metallicities assuring that stars are indeed metal-weak and reliable kinematics from accurate distances, radial velocities, and proper motions to establish that the stars have disc-like motions. The tools with which to meet these goals are on the horizon. Inevitably, the tools will enable stars of the halo, the thick disc and its metal-weak tail to be examined at up to several kpc from the Sun. Examination of the populations characteristics as a function height from the Galactic plane and distance from the Galactic centre will provide much needed information for digestion by theorists seeking to unravel the history of the Galaxy. Results are now beginning to appear from analyses of the SDSS database - see, for example, Allende Prieto et al. (2006) and Ivezi\\'{c} et al. (2007) who use the SDSS data to analyse spectra of large numbers of F and G dwarfs at kpc distances from the Sun. It will now be interesting to obtain detailed abundances (i.e., [X/Fe]) for samples of these faint stars. Two considerations strongly imply that stars different in [X/Fe] at a given [Fe/H] should be uncovered by examining such samples. First, stars in dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) and the Magellanic Clouds have lower [$\\alpha$/Fe] at a given [Fe/H] than the Galactic halo and thick disc stars; a compilation by Koch et al. (2008) shows that across the range of [Fe/H] from about $-0.5$ to $-3$ the [$\\alpha$/Fe] of the dSphs is 0.2 to 0.3~dex smaller than for the Galactic halo and thick disc stars (see their Figure~3). Second, the Galaxy is known to be accreting dSphs. Therefore, accretion of stellar systems akin to the present day dSphs is expected to add stars of lower than typical [$\\alpha$/Fe] to the halo populations. Conversely, the seeming rarity of such stars in the general local stellar population implies that systems like the dSphs did not play a major role in the merger history of the halo and thick disc. This research has been supported in part by the Robert A. Welch Foundation of Houston, Texas. We thank anonymous referee for the detailed review which helped to improve the paper. \\newpage" }, "0809/0809.2227_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{} {The BL Lac object S5\\,0716+71 was observed in a global multi-frequency campaign to search for rapid and correlated flux density variability and signatures of an inverse-Compton (IC) catastrophe during the states of extreme apparent brightness temperatures.} {The observing campaign involved simultaneous ground-based monitoring at radio to IR/optical wavelengths and was centered around a 500-ks pointing with the INTEGRAL satellite (November 10--17, 2003). Here, we present the combined analysis and results of the radio observations, covering the cm- to sub-mm bands. This facilitates a detailed study of the variability characteristics of an inter- to intra-day variable IDV source from cm- to the short mm-bands. We further aim to constrain the variability brightness temperatures ($T_{B}$) and Doppler factors ($\\delta$) comparing the radio-bands with the hard X-ray emission, as seen by INTEGRAL at 3--200\\,keV.} {0716+714 was in an exceptionally high state and different (slower) phase of short-term variability, when compared to the past, most likely due to a pronounced outburst shortly before the campaign. The flux density variability in the cm- to mm-bands is dominated by a $\\sim 4$\\,day time scale amplitude increase of up to $\\sim\\,35$\\,\\%, systematically more pronounced towards shorter wavelengths. The cross-correlation analysis reveals systematic time-lags with the higher frequencies varying earlier, similar to canonical variability on longer time-scales. The increase of the variability amplitudes with frequency contradicts expectations from standard interstellar scintillation (ISS) and suggests a source-intrinsic origin for the observed inter-day variability. We find an inverted synchrotron spectrum peaking near 90\\,GHz, with the peak flux increasing during the first 4 days. The lower limits to $T_{B}$ derived from the inter-day variations exceed the $10^{12}$\\,K IC-limit by up to 3--4 orders of magnitude. Assuming relativistic boosting, our different estimates of $\\delta$ yield robust and self-consistent lower limits of $\\delta \\geq 5 - 33$ -- in good agreement with $\\delta_{VLBI}$ obtained from VLBI studies and the IC-Doppler factors $\\delta_{IC}\\,>$\\,14--16 obtained from the INTEGRAL data.} {The non-detection of S5\\,0716+714 with INTEGRAL in this campaign excludes an excessively high X-ray flux associated with a simultaneous IC catastrophe. Since a strong contribution from ISS can be excluded, we conclude that relativistic Doppler boosting naturally explains the apparent violation of the theoretical limits. All derived Doppler factors are internally consistent, agree with the results from different observations and can be explained within the framework of standard synchrotron-self-Compton (SSC) jet models of AGN.} ", "introduction": "Rapid intensity and polarization variability on time scales of hours to days is frequently observed in compact blazar cores at centimeter wavelengths. Since its discovery in 1985 such IntraDay variability (IDV, Witzel et al. 1986, Heeschen et al. 1987) has been found in a significant fraction ($\\sim$\\,20--30\\%) of flat-spectrum quasars and BL\\,Lac objects (Quirrenbach et al. 1992, Kedziora-Chudczer et al. 2001, Lovell et al. 2003). The `classical' IDV sources \\citep[of type II,][]{1987AJ.....94.1493H} show flux density variations in the radio bands on time scales of $\\lesssim$\\,0.5\\,--2\\,days and variability amplitudes ranging from a few up to 30\\,\\%. Stronger and often faster variability is seen in both linear polarization \\citep[e.g.][]{1989A&A...226L...1Q,2003A&A...401..161K} and more recently also in circular polarization \\citep[][]{2000ApJ...538..623M}. When the observed IDV is interpreted as being source-intrinsic, the apparent variability brightness temperatures of $T_{B}\\,\\geq\\,10^{18}$\\,K, largely exceed the inverse Compton (IC) limit of $10^{12}$\\,K \\citep[][]{1969ApJ...155L..71K,1994ApJ...426...51R} by several orders of magnitude \\citep[see also][]{1995ARA&A..33..163W}. Consequently, extreme relativistic Doppler-boosting factors ($\\delta\\,>$\\,100) would be required to bring these values down to the IC-limit. As such high Doppler-factors (and related bulk Lorentz factors) are not observed in AGN jets with VLBI, alternate jet (and shock-in-jet) models use non-spherical geometries, which allow for additional relativistic corrections \\citep[e.g.][]{1999ApJ...511..136S,1991A&A...241...15Q}. It is also possible that the brightness temperatures are intrinsically high and coherent emission processes are involved \\citep[][]{1992ApJ...391L..59B,1998MNRAS.301..414B}. Another possibility to explain intrinsic brightness temperatures of $>\\,10^{12}$\\,K is a more homogeneous ordering of the magnetic field \\citep[][]{2006ChJAA...6..530Q}. Owing to the small source sizes in compact flat-spectrum AGN, interstellar scintillation (ISS) is an unavoidable process. For a small number of more rapid, intra-hour variable sources, seasonal cycles and/or variability pattern arrival time delays are observed. This is used as convincing argument that such rapid variability is caused by ISS \\citep[PKS\\,0405$-$385, PKS\\,1257$-$326 and J1819+3845, e.g.][] {2000aprs.conf..147J,2003ApJ...585..653B,2002Natur.415...57D}. The situation for the slower and `classical' (type II) IDV sources is less clear. The much longer and complex variability time scales and the existence of more than one characteristic variability time-scale, did not yet allow to unambiguously establish seasonal cycles nor arrival time measurements and by one of this proof that IDV of type II is solely due to ISS. In fact, many of these sources show an overall more complex variability behavior, \\citep[e.g. QSO 0917+624, BL 0954+658, J\\,1128+5925;][]{2001ApJ...550L..11R,2001A&A...370L...9J, 2002PASA...19...64F,2004PhDT........38K,2006astro.ph.10795B,2007A&A...470...83G}, which points towards a more complicated and time-variable blending between propagation induced source extrinsic effects and source intrinsic variability. In order to shed more light on the physical origin of IDV in such type II sources, we performed a coordinated broad-band variability campaign on one of the most prominent IDV sources. Since the late 1980's, the compact blazar S5\\,0716+71 (hereafter 0716+714) showed strong and fast IDV of type II whenever it was observed. In the optical band, 0716+714 is identified as a BL\\,Lac, but has unknown redshift. A redshift of $z\\,>$\\,0.3 was deduced using the limits on the surface brightness of the host galaxy \\citep[][]{1991ApJ...372L..71Q,1993A&AS...97..483S,1996AJ....111.2187W,2005ApJ...635..173S,2008arXiv0807.0203N}. In this paper we will use $z\\,\\geq$\\,0.3, which is within the measurement uncertainty of the previous redshift estimates. Consequently, only lower limits to any linear size and brightness temperature measurement can be obtained. The observed IDV time scales imply -- via the light travel time argument -- source sizes of only light-hours (corresponding to micro-arcsecond scales) leading to lower limits of $T_{B} \\geq 10^{18}$\\,K. Direct measurement of the nucleus with space-VLBI at 5 GHz gives a robust lower limit of $T_{B} \\ge\\!2\\times 10^{12}$\\,K, implying a minimum equipartition Doppler factor of $\\delta \\!\\ge\\!4$ \\citep[][]{2006A&A...452...83B}. The VLBI kinematics leads to estimates of the bulk jet Lorentz factor $\\gamma_{\\rm min}\\,\\geq$\\,16--21, based on the measured jet speeds \\citep[][]{2001ApJS..134..181J,2005A&A...433..815B}. This is is unusually high for a BL\\,Lac object. 0716+714 is one of the best studied blazars in the sky \\citep[e.g.][] {1996AJ....111.2187W,1998A&A...333..445G,2000A&AS..141..221Q,2003A&A...401..161K, 2005A&A...433..815B,2006A&A...452...83B}. It has been observed repeatedly in various multi-frequency campaigns \\citep[e.g.][]{1990A&A...235L...1W,1996AJ....111.2187W,1999hxra.conf..170O, 1999A&A...351...59G,2003A&A...400..477T,2003A&A...402..151R} and is well known to be extremely variable ($\\lesssim$\\,hours to months) at radio to X-ray bands \\citep[e.g.][and references therein]{1996AJ....111.2187W,2003A&A...402..151R}. 0716+714 is so far the only source in which a correlation between the radio/optical variability was observed \\citep[see][]{1991ApJ...372L..71Q,1995ARA&A..33..163W} indicating that the radio/optical emission has a common and source-intrinsic origin, during the observations in 1990 \\citep[][]{1996ChA&A..20...15Q,2002ChJAA...2..325Q}. Further, the detection of IDV at mm-wavelengths and the observed frequency dependence of the IDV variability amplitudes \\citep[][]{2002PASA...19...14K,2003A&A...401..161K} make it difficult to interpret the IDV in this source solely by standard ISS. In a source-intrinsic interpretation of IDV it is unclear if and for how long the IC-limit can be violated \\citep[][]{1992ApJ...391..453S,2002PASA...19...77K}. The quasi-periodic and persistent violation of this limit (on time scales of hours to days) would imply subsequent Compton catastrophes, each leading to outbursts of IC scattered radiation. The efficient IC-cooling would rather quickly restore the local $T_{B}$ in the source, and the scattered radiation should be observable as enhanced emission in the X-/$\\gamma$\\,-ray bands \\citep[][]{1969ApJ...155L..71K,1996ApJ...461..657B,2006A&A...451..797O}. In order to search for multi-frequency signatures of such short-term IC-flashes, 0716+714 was the target of a global multi-frequency campaign carried out in November 2003, and centered around a 500-ks INTEGRAL\\footnote{INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory} pointing on November 10\\,--\\,17, 2003 (`core-campaign'). In order to detect contemporaneous IC-limit violations at lower energies, quasi-simultaneous and densely time-sampled flux density, polarization and VLBI monitoring observations were organized, covering the radio, millimeter, sub-millimeter, IR and optical\\footnote{The IR/optical data were collected in collaboration with the WEBT; http://www.to.astro.it/blazars/webt} wavelengths. Early results of this campaign including radio data at two frequencies, optical and INTEGRAL soft $\\gamma$-ray data were presented by \\citet{2006A&A...451..797O}, who also showed the simultaneous spectral energy distribution. The results from the mm-observations (3\\,mm, 1.3\\,mm) performed with the IRAM 30\\,m radio-telescope were presented by \\citet{2006A&A...456..117A}. The results of the VLBI observations will be presented in a forthcoming paper. In this paper III we present the intensity and polarization data obtained with the Effelsberg 100\\,m radio telescope (5, 10.5, \\& 32\\,GHz) during the time of the core-campaign. We then combine these data with the (sub-) millimeter and optical data in order to determine the broad-band variability and spectral characteristics of 0716+714, with special regard to (i) the intra- to inter-day cm-/mm-variability, (ii) the brightness temperatures and IC-limit, and (iii) the Doppler factors combining the radio and high energy INTEGRAL data from this campaign. \\begin{table*} \\begin{center} \\caption{ The participating radio observatories, their observing wavelengths/frequency, dates and total observing time $T_{Obs}$.} \\begin{tabular}{l|lllll} \\hline \\hline Radio telescope \\& Institute & Location & $\\lambda_{obs}$ [mm] & $\\nu_{obs}$ [GHz] & dates & $T_{obs}$ [hrs]\\\\ \\hline WSRT (14x25\\,m), ASTRON & Westerbork, NL & 210, 180 & 1.4, 2.3 & Nov. 10--11 & 8 \\\\ Effelsberg (100\\,m), MPIfR & Effelsberg, D & 60, 28, 9 & 4.85, 10.45, 32 & Nov. 11--18 & 164 \\\\ Pico Veleta (30\\,m), IRAM & Granada, E & 3.5, 1.3 & 86, 229 & Nov. 10--16 & 135 \\\\ Mets\\\"ahovi (14\\,m), MRO & Mets\\\"ahovi, Finland & 8 & 37 & Nov. 08--19 & 263 \\\\ Kitt Peak (12\\,m), ARO & Kitt Peak, AZ, USA & 3 & 90 & Nov. 14--18 & 91 \\\\ SMT/HHT (10\\,m), ARO & Mt. Graham, AZ, USA & 0.87 & 345 & Nov. 14--17 & 77 \\\\ JCMT (15\\,m), JAC & Mauna Kea, HI, USA & 0.85, 0.45 & 345, 666 & Nov. 09--13 & 99 \\\\ \\hline \\hline \\end{tabular} \\label{observatories} \\end{center} \\end{table*} ", "conclusions": "We presented the results of a combined variability analysis from an intensive multi-frequency campaign on the BL Lac 0716+714 performed during seven days in November 2003. From seven participating radio observatories we obtain a frequency coverage of 1.4--666\\,GHz. Densely sampled IntraDay Variability (IDV) light curves obtained at wavelengths of 60, 28, 9, 3, and 1.3\\,mm allowed for the first time a detailed analysis of the source's intra- to inter-day variability behavior over the full radio- to short mm-band. In this observing campaign 0716+714 was found to be in a particular slow mode of variability, when compared to all previous IDV observations of this source. While in total intensity a component of faster variability was observed only at $\\lambda$\\,60\\,mm, the source's flux density in the cm- to mm-regime was dominated by a nearly monotonic increase on inter-day time scales and with variability amplitudes strongly increasing towards higher frequencies. Here, our CCF analysis confirms that the flux density variations are correlated across the observing bands, with variability at shorter wavelengths leading. This and the observed frequency dependence, which cannot be explained by a model for weak scintillation, strongly suggest that the observed inter-day variability has to be considered as source-intrinsic rather than being induced by ISS. Only at 60\\,mm wavelength a component of faster variability is seen and implies an unusually high apparent brightness temperature $T_{B}$. Hence, ISS might be present at this frequency. The non-detection of the `classical', more rapid (type II) IDV behavior of 0716+714 in the cm-bands is most likely caused by opacity effects and can be related to the overall flaring activity of the source shortly before and during this campaign. Since episodic IDV behavior is also observed in other sources \\citep[e.g.][]{2002PASA...19...64F,2006MNRAS.369..449K}, it appears likely that the variability pattern in `classical' type\\,II IDV sources is strongly affected by the evolution of their intrinsic complex structure on time scales of weeks to months. The observed complicated variability patterns in total intensity and polarization, and their correlations, indicate the existence of a multi-component structure with individually varying and polarized sub-components of different size. From daily averages, the spectral evolution of the highly inverted radio-to-sub-mm spectrum of 0716+714 could be studied. During the seven observing days the spectrum always peaked near $\\nu_{m}\\!\\sim\\!86$\\,GHz. Significant changes of the peak flux mainly occurred during the first 5 days with a continuous {\\bf rise} of the peak flux density from 4 to 5\\,Jy. Together with possibly small changes in the daily spectral slopes and the peak frequency $\\nu_{m}$, the observed variations follow the `canonical' behavior and indicate time-variable synchrotron self-absorption and adiabatic expansion of a shock or a flaring component as described by standard models \\citep[e.g.][]{1985ApJ...298..114M}. The apparent brightness temperatures $T_{B}$ obtained from the inter-day variations exceed theoretical limits by several orders of magnitudes. Although $T_{B}$ decreases towards the mm-bands, the $10^{12}$\\,K IC-limit is always violated. Assuming relativistic boosting of the radiation, the source must always be strongly Doppler boosted. We obtain lower limits to the Doppler factor of the source using different methods, including (i) inverse Compton ($\\delta_{var,IC}$) and equipartition ($\\delta_{var,eq}$) estimates using the variability brightness temperatures, (ii) an estimate $\\delta_{eq}$ using calculations of the synchrotron and equipartition magnetic field, and (iii) an inverse Compton Doppler factor $\\delta_{IC}$ using the data from the simultaneous INTEGRAL observations. These methods reveal robust and self-consistent lower limits to the Doppler factor with $\\delta_{var,IC}>$\\,5, $\\delta_{var,eq}>$\\,8 and $\\delta_{eq}>$\\,12. These limits are in good agreement with estimates based on recent kinematical VLBI studies of the source and the IC Doppler factor $\\delta_{IC}>$\\,14 obtained from the upper limits to the high energy emission in the 3--200\\,keV bands. The non-detection of the source in the soft $\\gamma$-ray bands implies the absence of a simultaneous strong IC catastrophe during the period of our IDV observations. Since a strong contribution of interstellar scintillation to the observed inter-day variability can be excluded, we conclude that relativistic Doppler boosting appears to naturally explain the observed apparent violation of the theoretical brightness temperature limits." }, "0809/0809.2157_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{} {X-ray observations of gravitationally lensed quasars may allow us to probe the inner structure of the central engine of a quasar. Observations of Q2237+0305 (Einstein Cross) in X-rays may be used to constrain the inner structure of the X-ray emitting source.} {Here we analyze the XMM-$\\it{Newton}$ observation of the quasar in the gravitational lens system Q2237+0305 taken during 2002. Combined spectra of the four images of the quasar in this system were extracted and modelled with a power-law model. Statistical analysis was used to test the variability of the total flux.} {The total X-ray flux from all the images of this quadruple gravitational lens system is $6\\cdot10^{-13}$ erg/(cm$^2\\cdot$sec) in the range 0.2--10~keV, showing no significant X-ray spectral variability during almost 42~ks of the observation time. Fitting of the cleaned source spectrum yields a photon power-law index of $\\Gamma=1.82_{ - 0.08}^{ + 0.07}$. The X-ray lightcurves obtained after background subtraction are compatible with the hypothesis of a stationary flux from the source.} {} \\keywords {gravitational lensing -- X-rays: general -- quasars: general} ", "introduction": "Since its discovery, the gravitational lens system (GLS) Q2237+0305 (Einstein Cross; (Huchra et al., \\cite{huchra}) has attracted much attention as a unique laboratory to study gravitational lensing effects. This GLS consists of a quadruply-imaged quasar and a lensing galaxy that is the nearest among all known gravitational lens systems (the quasar redshift is $z_Q=1.695$, while the lens redshift is $z_G=0.0395$). Due to its very convenient configuration, it is one of the best investigated GLSs. It has been continuously monitored by a number of groups from 1992--2005 (Rix et al., \\cite{rix}; Falco et al., \\cite{vla}; Oestensen et al., \\cite{not}; Blanton et al., \\cite{hubble}; Bliokh et al., \\cite{maidanak}; Nadeau et al., \\cite{monica}; Wozniak et al., \\cite{ogle}; Alcalde et al., \\cite{glitp}; Schmidt et al., \\cite{apo}). Significant microlensing-induced brightness peaks on lightcurves of quasar images were detected in this system (see, e.g., Wozniak et al., \\cite{ogle}; Alcalde et al. \\cite{glitp}; Moreau et al., \\cite{moreau}). The OGLE group is continuing observations of the Einstein Cross and the database $http://bulge.princeton.edu/\\sim ogle$ is being constantly renewed. Observations of the Einstein Cross in X-rays are likely to provide important data that can be used to constrain the source inner structure. It is hoped that the detection of a variable X-ray flux from this system will lead to estimates of the relative time-delays $\\Delta\\tau$ between the images. The X-ray emission of Q2237+0305 was first detected during {\\it ROSAT} observations in 1997 (Wambsganss et al., \\cite{rosat}). From the analysis of Wambsganss et al. (\\cite{rosat}), a 0.1-2.4 keV count rate of 0.006 count/sec was obtained and, assuming a $\\Gamma=1.5$ power-law model and Galactic absorption (hydrogen column density $N_{H}=5.5\\cdot 10^{20}$~cm$^{-2}$; Dickey \\& Lockman, \\cite{HI}), a flux of $2.2\\cdot 10^{-13}$ erg/(cm$^{2}\\cdot$ s) was derived. The {\\it ROSAT} observation of Q2237+0305 did not show any significant flux variability, and the spatial resolution of the {\\it ROSAT}/HRI detector is not sufficient to resolve the different quasar images. After {\\it ROSAT}, GLS Q2237+0305 was observed several times with the Advanced CCD Imaging spectrometer onboard the $\\it{Chandra\\ X-ray\\ Observatory}$. Results from a 30~ks and a 10~ks observation of Q2237+0305, carried out on September 2000 and on December 2001, respectively, were published by Dai et al. (\\cite{dai}). For the former of these $\\it{Chandra}$ observations, the X-ray flux was $4.6 \\cdot 10^{-13}$ erg/(cm$^{2}\\cdot$s) in the energy range 0.4--8.0~keV, and the lensed luminosity was $1.0 \\cdot 10^{46}$ erg/s; for the latter observation, the flux was $3.7 \\cdot 10^{-13}$ erg/(cm$^{2}\\cdot$ s) and the lensed luminosity $8.3 \\cdot 10^{45}$ erg/s (in the same energy range). An important point concerns the variability of the X-ray signal from the source that carries useful information about the innermost source structure. In the case of Q2237+0305, the detection of X-ray variability is especially important because it may lead to a direct estimate of the gravitational time-delays that are a significant characteristic of lensed systems. The model prediction of $\\Delta\\tau$ between different Einstein Cross images is of the order of hours (Schmidt et al. \\cite{schmidt}), whereas the optical data may provide time-delay values that are accurate to only 1-2 days (Vakulik et al., \\cite{vakulik}). The only observational estimate of the shortest time-delay is obtained by cross-correlating the X-ray lightcurves from different images of Q2237+0305 (Dai et al., \\cite{dai}) of the $\\it{Chandra}$ observations: here all four X-ray images of this quasar have been resolved and sufficient variability has been reported (the difference between total fluxes during the first and the second $\\it{Chandra}$ observations is close to 20$\\%$ of the averaged value). The latter observation enabled Dai and collaborators to determine the time delay of $\\Delta\\tau_{BA}= 2.7_{-0.9}^{+0.5}$~hours between two of the four GLS images. The delays of the other images of Einstein Cross are still unknown. The XMM-$\\it{Newton}$ receivers cannot separate different images of the Einstein Cross. Nevertheless, one may hope to obtain some useful information about the source from the autocorrelation function of the total X-ray flux from all the images. The applicability of this method depends on the presence of sufficient flux variability and may be complicated by the presence of possible microlensing. In the present paper we analyze the XMM-$\\it{Newton}$ observation of the GLS Q2237+0305 taken in 2002. We describe the data reduction and present the parameters of the X-ray spectra obtained by EPIC cameras and RGS spectrometers onboard XMM-$\\it{Newton}$. Also, we present the results on variability in the range 0.2--10~keV. Then we discuss an estimate of the source inhomogeneity scale in view of high-magnification microlensing events in this GLS. \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize } {!} { \\includegraphics{Q2237fig1.ps} } \\caption{EPIC pn (upper left), MOS1 (upper right) and MOS2 (below) images of the Q2237+0305. Black circles define areas collecting source signal, while white-bordered areas show the regions chosen for estimates of the background.} \\label{fig1} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "We analysed the XMM-$\\it{Newton}$ data (May, 2002) on the total X-ray flux from all four images of the GLS Q2237+0305 ``Einstein Cross\". The flux value in the 0.2--10~keV range is $5.9\\cdot 10^{-13}$ erg/(cm$^2\\cdot$ sec), corresponding to a lensed luminosity of $1.25\\cdot 10^{46}$ erg/sec. In order to obtain the true quasar luminosity, this value must be corrected, taking into account the lens magnification. The most recent model estimate of the magnification is $16^{+5}_{-4}$ (Schmidt et al., \\cite{schmidt}). Fitting the X-ray spectra in the 0.2--10~keV energy range by an absorbed power-law yields the photon index $\\Gamma=1.88\\pm0.10$ and hydrogen column density in the lensing galaxy $N_H=(7\\pm$2)$\\cdot 10^{20}$~cm$^{-2}$. This is in satisfactory agreement with the results of Dai et al. (\\cite{dai}). The XMM-$\\it{Newton}$ lightcurves obtained after the background subtraction are compatible with the hypothesis of a constant flux from the source. An additional argument in favor of no variability is the absence of a significant correlation between the light-curves from different cameras. This does not completely rule out source variability: (i) it may be obscured by the Poisson variance; (ii) it may be smeared out in the total X-ray flux from all the images that have different time delays; (iii) there may be periods of different variability amplitudes. These periods may correspond to the lifetimes of X-ray emitting blobs orbiting the black hole and therefore we might expect variability periods of the order of the revolution time around the black hole. In any case, the net variability during the XMM-$\\it{Newton}$ observation cannot be large. As for concern (iii), we note that the {\\it ROSAT} (1997) observations did not reveal significant variability. On the other hand, the variability was considerable during the $\\it{Chandra}$ (2000, 2001) observations (Dai et al., \\cite{dai}). This suggests the presence of slow variability changes with characteristic times much longer than the inner variability timescale $\\tau_v\\sim 1$~hour following from the results of Dai et al. (\\cite{dai}). Light-travel arguments imply that the one hour time-scale variability corresponds to a size-scale of the X-ray emitting region responsible for this variation of $R_X\\sim\\tau_v c/(1+z_s)=4\\cdot10^{13}$ cm. An interesting question is whether $R_X$ represents an inhomogeneity in the accretion disk or the entire X-ray emitting region. This question might be answered, provided that the black hole mass in QSO 2237+0305 is known. Kochanek (\\cite{kochan}) estimated this mass, implying a radius of the innermost stable circular orbit of $3r_g\\approx (4\\div 22.5)\\cdot10^{14}$ cm (see, e.g., Chandrasekhar, \\cite{chandrasekhar}) in the case of a non-rotating black hole (where $r_g=2GM/c^2$ is the gravitational radius). The inner radius of a real accretion disk must be even larger. However, the mass estimate of Kochanek (\\cite{kochan}) is model dependent and it is not sufficient to make a rigorous judgement concerning a comparison with the order-of-magnitude estimate of $R_X$. One may ask how this inhomogeneous structure (if it exists) would appear in the presence of microlensing. The theory of high-amplification events in the case of a small continuous source is well known (see, e.g., Grieger et al., \\cite{grieger}; Shalyapin et al., \\cite{shalyapin}; Popovic et al., \\cite{popovic} and references in these papers). In the case of one emitting spot, the microlensing amplification scales as $\\sim R_X^{-1/2}$. Obviously, in the case of a large number of small inhomogeneities, the total amplification may be smeared out over the source. However, different regions of the time-dependent inhomogeneous structure will be differently amplified, resulting in an increase of the variability amplitude in microlensed image. Note that independent contributions of this microlensing effect may reduce the correlation between the lightcurves in different images. On the other hand, any prominent peak in the lightcurve without repetitions after the expected time delays can be considered as a probable sign of microlensing. The idea of inhomogeneity of the quasar core in GLS has been repeatedly discussed from different viewpoints (see, e.g., Wyithe \\& Turner, \\cite{wyither1}; Wyithe \\& Loeb, \\cite{wyither2}; Schechter et al., \\cite{schechter}). Some evidence in favor of inhomogeneous structure may be found in optical observations of different GLSs, where the rapid flux variations are observed on the background of slower changes (Colley \\& Schild, \\cite{colley}; Paraficz et al., \\cite{paraficz}). Note that there is an alternative explanation for these variations that invoke a planetary-mass object in the lensing galaxy (Schild \\& Vakulik, \\cite{vakshild}, Colley \\& Schild, \\cite{colley}). It might be possible to distinguish between these two models by long-term optical and X-ray monitoring of microlensing events in AGN. Observations of the resolved X-ray images with $\\it{Chandra}$ are more informative for the Q2237+0305 variability studies and determination of the time delays. Nevertheless, observations of the total X-ray flux with XMM-$\\it{Newton}$ may provide valuable complementary information on this issue. In the case of XMM-$\\it{Newton}$, sufficiently long observations are needed to obtain a good result for the autocorrelation function. To avoid uncorrelated contributions from different images to the autocorrelation function, the monitoring period must be larger than the differential time delays in this system. In the case of Q2237+0305, the available measurement interval of almost 42~ks is clearly not long enough. The model prediction (Schmidt et al., \\cite{schmidt}) of maximal delay for Q2237+0305 is 17~hours. Large delays ($>35$~ks) are also predicted by earlier models of Q2237+0305 (Rix et al., \\cite{rix}; Schneider et al., \\cite{schneidtau}). This is consistent with the analysis of the optical lightcurves of Q2237+0305 (Vakulik et al., \\cite{vakulik}), which yields an upper limit for the delays of about $\\sim 2$~days. While waiting for new observations one may ask whether in principle it is possible to determine the variable X-ray signal $x(t)$ from the source if the total flux from all the GLS images is available. Typically, this problem has an infinite number of solutions. However, if we know $x(t)$ over a sufficiently large initial interval, then $x(t)$ may be recovered uniquely from the total flux lightcurve (Zhdanov et al., \\cite{zh}). This may be of interest if one needs to combine results of long GLS monitoring of the total flux (cf. XMM-$\\it{Newton}$) with shorter observations of separated different X-ray images (cf. $\\it{Chandra}$)." }, "0809/0809.4292_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We investigate the effect of a finite source on the planetary-lensing signals of high-magnification events. From this, we find that the dependency of the finite-source effect on the caustic shape is weak and perturbations survive even when the source is substantially bigger than the caustic. Specifically, we find that perturbations with fractional magnification excess $\\geq 5\\%$ survive when the source star is roughly 4 times bigger than the caustic. We also find characteristic features that commonly appear in the perturbation patterns of planetary lens systems affected by severe finite-source effect and thus can be used for the diagnosis of the existence of a companion. These features form in and around a circle with its center located at the caustic center and a radius corresponding to that of the source star. The light curve of an event where the source crosses these features will exhibit a distinctive signal that is characterized by short-duration perturbations of either positive or negative excess and a flat residual region between these short-duration perturbations. ", "introduction": "Since the first discovery in 2004, eight planets have been detected by using the microlensing method \\citep{bond04, udalski05, beaulieu06, gould06, gaudi08, bennett08, dong08}. The microlensing method is important in various aspects of exoplanet studies. First, due to its high sensitivity to planets located in the outer region of planetary systems beyond the snow line, the microlensing method is complementary to other methods such as the radial velocity and the transit methods that are sensitive to planets orbiting close to their host stars. In addition, the sensitivity of the microlensing method extends to very low-mass planets and Earth-mass planets can be detected from ground-based observations. Furthermore, it is the only proposed method that can detect free-floating planets \\citep{bennett02, han06b} that are thought to be kicked out from planetary systems. The detection rate of microlensing planets is rapidly increasing and at least five additional planet candidates were detected during the 2007 and 2008 observation seasons (A.\\ Gould 2008, private communication). The microlensing signal of a planet is a perturbation to a smooth standard light curve of a primary-induced lensing event occurring on a background star \\citep{mao91, gould92}. The duration of the perturbation is short: several hours for an Earth-mass planet and several days even for a gas-giant planet. Thus it is difficult to detect planetary signals from microlensing survey observations where stars are monitored on a roughly nightly basis. Currently, the observational frequency required for planet detections is achieved by employing an early-warning system and follow-up observations, where the early-warning system (OGLE: Udalski et al.\\ 1994; MOA: Bond et al.\\ 2001) enables to issue alerts of ongoing events by analyzing data from survey observations real time and follow-up observations (PLANET: Kubas et al.\\ 2008; Micro-FUN: Dong et al.\\ 2006) are focused on these alerted events. However, the limited number of telescopes available for follow-up observations restricts the number of events that can be followed up at any given time and thus priority is given to events which will maximize the planet detection probability. Currently, the highest priority is given to high-magnification events \\citep{bond02, yoo04}. These events have high intrinsic planet detection efficiency because the source trajectories always pass close to the perturbation region around the central caustic induced by the planet \\citep{griest98}. Despite the high chance of perturbation, however, it is often thought that detecting low-mass planets through the channel of high-magnification events would be difficult. This thought is based on the fact that the central caustic induced by a low-mass planet is usually smaller than the source star and thus the planetary signal would be greatly washed out by severe finite-source effect \\citep{bennett96}. However, it might be that perturbations persist despite the finite-source effect and could still be detected thanks to the high photometry precision achieved by the enhanced brightness of the highly magnified source star. In this paper, we test this possibility by investigating how the pattern of central planetary perturbations is affected by the finite-source effect. The paper is organized as follows. In \\S\\ 2, we briefly describe the physical properties of central caustics. In \\S\\ 3, we investigate the effect of a source size on the perturbation pattern. For this, we construct maps of perturbation pattern for planetary systems with various caustic/source size ratios and caustic shapes. Based on these maps, we search for characteristic features that may be used to identify the existence of planets. We summarize the results and conclude in \\S\\ 4. ", "conclusions": "We investigated the effect of a finite source on the central perturbation pattern. From this, we found that the dependency of the finite-source effect on the caustic shape is weak and perturbations survive even when the source is substantially bigger than the caustic. Specifically, we found that perturbations with fractional magnification excess $\\geq 5\\%$ survive when the source star is roughly 4 times bigger than the caustic. We also found characteristic features that commonly appear in the perturbation patterns of lens systems affected by severe finite-source effect and thus can be used for the diagnosis of the existence of a companion. These features form in and around a circle with its center located at the caustic center and a radius corresponding to that of the source star. The light curve of an event where the source crosses these features will exhibit a distinctive signal that is characterized by short-duration perturbations of either positive or negative excess and a flat residual region between these short-duration perturbations." }, "0809/0809.1648_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present observations of SCP 06F6, an unusual optical transient discovered during the \\emph{Hubble Space Telescope} Cluster Supernova Survey. The transient brightened over a period of $\\sim$100 days, reached a peak magnitude of $\\sim$21.0 in both $i_{775}$ and $z_{850}$, and then declined over a similar timescale. There is no host galaxy or progenitor star detected at the location of the transient to a $3\\sigma$ upper limit of $i_{775} \\ge 26.4$ and $z_{850} \\ge 26.1$, giving a corresponding lower limit on the flux increase of a factor of $\\sim$120. Multiple spectra show five broad absorption bands between $4100$~\\AA\\ and $6500$~\\AA\\ and a mostly featureless continuum longward of $6500$~\\AA. The shape of the lightcurve is inconsistent with microlensing. The transient's spectrum, in addition to being inconsistent with all known supernova types, is not matched to any spectrum in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) database. We suggest that the transient may be one of a new class. ", "introduction": "Supernova (SN) surveys are designed to detect the brightening of supernovae over timescales of days to weeks. They often cover large areas at high sensitivity. As a result, they are able to discover unusual and rare transients with similar timescales. For example, in 2006 the Lick Observatory Supernova Search (LOSS) discovered an optical transient in the galaxy M85 \\citep{kulkarni07a,rau07b,ofek08a} with a lightcurve plateau of $\\sim$80 days. It is suggested that the origin of this transient is a stellar merger and that an entire class of similar transients, \\emph{luminous red novae}, exists. Other recent discoveries of rare objects include a Type Ia SN with a super-Chandrasekhar mass progenitor \\citep{howell06a} from the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) and SN 2005ap, the most luminous SN ever observed \\citep{quimby07a} from the Texas Supernova Search (TSS). Here we report the observations of the optical transient SCP 06F6 discovered during the course of the 2005-2006 \\emph{Hubble Space Telescope} (\\emph{HST}) Cluster SN Survey (PI: Perlmutter; Dawson et al. 2008, in preparation). The discovery was originally reported in a June 2006 IAU circular \\citep{dawson06a}. Its lightcurve rise time of $\\sim$100 days is inconsistent with all known SN types, and its spectroscopic attributes are not readily matched to any known variable. We present photometry in \\S2 and spectroscopy in \\S3. In \\S4, we discuss constraints and summarize. ", "conclusions": "We have presented photometric and spectroscopic data of an unusual optical transient discovered during the \\emph{HST} Cluster SN Survey. Its key features are as follows: a rise time of $\\sim$100 days with a roughly symmetric lightcurve; small but statistically significant color variations across the lightcurve; no detected host galaxy or progenitor; broad spectral features in the blue, with a red continuum, and some evidence for spectral evolution. Below, we first discuss constraints on the distance to the source. Next we consider the possibility that the transient is the result of microlensing, finding this to be unlikely. Lastly, we search for similar objects in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectral database, finding no convincing matches. Any detection of proper motion or parallax would be strong evidence of a galactic source. We tested for this by fitting the position of the transient in each of the six ACS detection epochs using a 2-d Gaussian (Fig.~\\ref{fig:propmotion}). In all epochs the position uncertainty is dominated by image coalignment errors caused by residual distortion, rather than statistical error in the fit. Note that this uncertainty in relative position between epochs is distinct from the uncertainty in the absolute position of the transient discussed in \\S2. For these images and this position, we estimate this error to be ~0.1 pixel ($0.''005$) in each coordinate. The most discrepant positions differ by approximately 0.25~pixels ($0.''0125$). As a whole, the positions are consistent with no proper motion or parallax and give little indication of either. The upper limit on proper motion is $62~\\mathrm{mas}~\\mathrm{yr}^{-1}$. The upper limit on parallax is $\\sim$25~mas, which gives a lower limit on distance of $\\sim$40~pc. This limit excludes virtually any possible solar system object as the source of the brightening. \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{f4.eps} \\end{center} \\caption{Position of transient in each of the six ACS detection epochs with respect to the overall best fit position, $\\alpha = 14^\\mathrm{h} 32^\\mathrm{m} 27^\\mathrm{s}.395$, $\\delta = +33^\\circ 32' 24''.83$ (J2000.0). The \\emph{top} and \\emph{bottom} panels are the position in Right Ascension ($\\alpha$) and Declination ($\\delta$), respectively. 5 mas = 0.1 pixels. \\label{fig:propmotion}} \\end{figure} We can derive a more significant constraint on distance from reference image magnitude limits, assuming that the transient is an outburst and a progenitor star exists. The dimmest stars (aside from neutron stars) known to undergo outbursts are white dwarfs (WDs). WDs range in absolute magnitude from approximately 10~mag ($T_\\mathrm{eff}\\sim25000$~K) to approximately 16~mag ($T_\\mathrm{eff}\\sim3000$~K) and dimmer. If we assume the progenitor is a WD with absolute magnitude $i_{775} = 16$, the reference image $3\\sigma$ upper limit of $i_{775} > 26.4$ gives a distance $3\\sigma$ lower limit of $\\sim$1.2~kpc. If the progenitor is a source dimmer than $i_{775} = 16$ (e.g., a cooler WD or a neutron star), the constraints on distance are weaker. Because the source is at high galactic latitude ($b = 67.3^\\circ$), a limit of 1.2~kpc places the WD outside the thin disk of the galaxy, as the thin disk has a WD scale height of approximately 300~pc \\citep{boyle89a}. However, there is a significant population of relatively cool WDs residing in the thick disk and stellar halo. Galaxy models predict between tens \\citep{castellani02a} and hundreds \\citep{robin03a} of WDs far dimmer than our reference image detection limit in a single ACS field at this galactic latitude. Despite the large range (which reflects the uncertainty in the density of ancient WDs in the stellar halo) it is clear that the density is high enough to make a galactic WD a possible progenitor. Although the symmetry of the lightcurve (Fig.~\\ref{fig:lightcurve}) suggests that the transient is a microlensing event, this interpretation is unlikely. The lightcurve is dramatically broader than the theoretical lightcurve for microlensing of a point source by a single lens \\citep{paczynski86a}. The typical lightcurve FWHM of high-magnification (peak magnification $\\ge$ 300) microlensing events is on the order of a few hours \\citep[e.g.,][]{abe04a,dong06a} whereas the transient's lightcurve FWHM is $\\sim$100 days with a peak magnification $3\\sigma$ lower limit of $\\sim$120. Also, the color evolves a small but significant amount over the lightcurve, particularly between epochs eight and nine. Some of these difficulties can be overcome if we assume the source is resolved; this can both change the shape of the lightcurve and allow for color variation as different source regions are differentially magnified. However, this typically results in a lower peak magnification. Finally, microlensing would still not explain the mysterious spectrum. In an effort to identify objects with similar spectra, we cross-correlated the broad features of the spectrum with the SDSS spectral database. Each SDSS spectrum was warped with a polynomial function to best fit the Keck spectrum, based on a least squares fit. The value of the root mean square of the difference between the spectra was used to determine the correlation. An allowance for relative redshift was made, with the requirement that the spectra overlapped in the range of the strongest features (3500 to 6200~\\AA). No convincing matches were found. Changing the warping function between linear and quadratic and varying the wavelength range used in the fit altered which SDSS objects had the highest correlation, but did not result in a more convincing match. The SDSS objects with the highest correlation were broad absorption line quasars (BAL QSOs) at various redshifts and carbon (DQ) WDs. Although BAL QSOs do have similarly broad features, they don't exhibit the spacing or rounded profiles of those of the transient. Also, BAL QSOs typically include emission features. The DQ WDs most similar to the transient are known as DQp WDs. Like the transient, DQp WDs have broad, rounded absorption features between 4000 and 6000~\\AA\\ with a red continuum \\citep[see, e.g.,][]{hall08a}. However, the positions and spacing of the absorption features shortward of 5000~\\AA\\ differ greatly from those of the transient spectrum. In addition, DQp WDs show increased emission toward the UV, which is not seen in the transient. The absence of similar spectra in the SDSS database implies that such variables are either very rare or typically fainter than the SDSS detection threshold, or both. If they are typically faint, this would seem to argue for an extragalactic origin, though a galactic origin is of course still possible. If this transient does indeed represent a new class of either galactic or extragalactic transients, such objects will be of great interest for future extensive surveys of the time-variable sky." }, "0809/0809.3151_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{The Mn to Cr mass ratio in supernova ejecta has recently been proposed as a tracer of Type Ia SN progenitor metallicity. We review the advantages and problems of this observable quantity, and discuss them in the framework of two Galactic supernova remnants: the well known Tycho SNR and W49B, an older object that has been tentatively classified as Type Ia. The fluxes of the Mn and Cr K$\\alpha$ lines in the X-ray spectra of these SNRs observed by the \\textit{Suzaku} and \\textit{ASCA} satellites suggest progenitors of supersolar metallicity for both objects.} \\FullConference{10th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos\\\\ July 27 - August 1 2008\\\\ Mackinac Island, Michigan, USA} \\begin{document} ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "In \\cite{badenes08:mntocr}, the $M_{Mn}/M_{Cr}$ ratio was introduced as a tracer of SN Ia progenitor metallicity. It might be more appropriate to say that it is a tracer of \\textit{neutron excess} in the explosive Si burning region of Type Ia SNe. This is interesting in its own right, because it also opens a window into the extent of the convective core of pre-explosion WDs. We hope that more and better observations will let us disentangle the contributions of metallicity and C simmering to the neutron excess in Type Ia SNe, and that this can help us to understand the lingering mystery of Type Ia progenitors." }, "0809/0809.4637_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\noindent We present a new method of incorporating radiative transfer into Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). There have been many recent attempts at radiative transfer in SPH \\cite{Stam_2005_1,Stam_2005_2,Mayer,WB_1}, however these are becoming increasingly complex, with some methods requiring the photosphere to be mapped (which is often of non-trivial geometric shape), and extra conditions to be applied there (matching atmospheres as in \\cite{Mejia_4}, or specifying cooling at the photosphere as in \\cite{Mayer}). The method of identifying the photosphere is usually a significant addition to the total simulation runtime, and often requires extra free parameters, the changing of which will affect the final results. Our method is not affected by such concerns, as the photosphere is constructed implicitly by the algorithm without the need for extra free parameters. The algorithm used is a synergy of two current formalisms for radiative effects: a) the polytropic cooling formalism proposed by \\cite{Stam_2007}, and b) flux-limited diffusion, used by many authors to simulate radiation transport in the optically thick regime (e.g. \\cite{Mayer}). We present several tests of this method: \\begin{itemize} \\item The evolution of a \\(0.07\\, M_{\\odot}\\) protoplanetary disc around a \\(0.5\\,M_{\\odot}\\) star (\\cite{Mejia_1,Mejia_2,Mejia_3,Mejia_4}) \\item The collapse of a non-rotating \\(1\\,M_{\\odot}\\) molecular cloud (\\cite{Masunaga_1,Stam_2007}) \\item The thermal relaxation of temperature fluctuations in an static homogeneous sphere (\\cite{Masu_98,Spiegel,Stam_2007}) \\end{itemize} ", "introduction": "\\subsection{The Equation of State} \\noindent SPH alone only evolves the density and internal energy of each particle: radiative transfer requires extra variables such as temperature and opacity. Therefore, some kind of prescription is required to calculate all required variables using only the density and internal energy. The prescription used in this work is split into two expressions: the \\emph{equation of state} which calculates temperatures and mean molecular weights, and the \\emph{opacity law} which calculates opacities. The equation of state is the same as used by \\cite{Stam_2007}: it accounts for the vibrational and rotational energy states of hydrogen and helium, as well as their various dissociation and ionisation states. \\subsection{Polytropic Cooling} \\noindent This approximation uses an SPH particle's density \\(\\rho_i\\), temperature \\(T_i\\), and gravitational potential \\(\\psi_i\\) to estimate a mean optical depth for the particle \\cite{Stam_2007}. This relies on calculating a mass averaged column density, and a mass averaged opacity. This averaging process allows us to account for the particle's surroundings: hot particles may be surrounded by a cooler, denser environment, increasing the effective opacity. The formalism guarantees optimum cooling at the photosphere - however, this formalism cannot model detailed energy exchange between particles. \\subsection{Flux Limited Diffusion} \\noindent This approximation handles the exchange of energy between pairs of neighbouring particles, using the diffusion approximation. This approximation is only valid in the optically thick regime, so a flux limiter is used to allow the approximation to be expanded to less optically thick situations. Energy flows along temperature gradients in accordance with the laws of thermodynamics. However, energy exchange terms are \\emph{pairwise}: hence there is no energy loss from the system. \\subsection{The Hybrid Method} \\noindent Comparing the limitations of the above two methods, it should be clear that a union of these two procedures should be complementary: polytropic cooling handles the important energy loss from the system (which flux-limited diffusion cannot), and flux-limited diffusion handles the detailed exchange of heat between neighbouring fluid elements (which polytropic cooling cannot). Indeed, polytropic cooling's inability to model the detailed exchange of heat between neighbouring fluid elements - and flux-limited diffusion's inability to model energy loss - allow the two methods to work together correctly, modelling all aspects of the system's energy budget without encroaching on each other. ", "conclusions": "\\noindent We have created a new radiative transfer algorithm by merging two currently existing methods. By doing so, the algorithm can model in detail frequency-averaged radiative transfer. Several tests of the algorithm against both analytic and numerical benchmarks have shown it to be successful in capturing the necessary physics. \\begin{theacknowledgments} \\noindent The authors would like to acknowledge D. Price for the use of SPLASH \\citep{Price}. All simulations were performed using the supa64 machine at the University of St. Andrews. DS and AW gratefully acknowledge the support of an STFC rolling grant (PP/E000967/1) and a Marie Curie Research Training Network (MRTN-CT2006-035890). \\end{theacknowledgments}" }, "0809/0809.4415_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{IGR~J18483$-$0311 is a high-mass X-ray binary recently discovered by \\textit{INTEGRAL}. Its periodic fast X-ray transient activity and its position in the Corbet diagram - although ambiguous - led to the conclusion that the source was a likely Be/X-ray binary (BeXB), even if a supergiant fast X-ray transient (SFXT) nature could not be excluded.} {We aimed at identifying the companion star of IGR~J18483$-$0311 to discriminate between the BeXB and the SFXT nature of the source.} {Optical and near-infrared photometry, as well as near-infrared spectroscopy of the companion star were performed to identify its spectral type. We also assembled and fitted its broad-band spectral energy distribution to derive its physical parameters.} {We show that the companion star of IGR~J18483$-$0311 is an early-B supergiant, likely a B0.5Ia, and that its distance is about 3-4~kpc.} {The early-B supergiant nature of its companion star, as well as its fast X-ray transient activity point towards an SFXT nature of IGR~J18483$-$0311. Nevertheless, the long duration and the periodicity of its outbursts, as well as its high level of quiescence, are consistent with IGR~J18483$-$0311 being an intermediate SFXT, in between classical supergiant X-ray binaries (SGXBs) characterised by small and circular orbits, and classical SFXTs with large and eccentric orbits.} ", "introduction": "High-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) are X-ray sources for which high-energy emission stems from accretion onto a compact object of material coming from a massive companion star. Until recently, the majority of known HMXBs were Be/X-ray binaries (BeXBs), and just a few were supergiant X-ray binaries (SGXBs). The launch of the \\textit{INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory} \\citep[\\textit{INTEGRAL}, ][]{2003Winkler} in October 2002 completely changed the situation, as many more HMXBs whose companion stars are supergiants were discovered during the monitoring of the Galactic centre and the Galactic plane using the onboard IBIS/ISGRI instruments \\citep{2003Ubertini, 2003Lebrun}. Most of these sources are reported in \\citet{2007Bird} and \\citet{2007Bodaghee}, and their studies reveal two main features which were not present on previously known SGXBs: first, many of them exhibit a considerable intrinsic absorption, far above the interstellar level; second, some of these new sources revealed a transitory nature and occasionally exhibit a fast X-ray transient activity lasting a few hours. It then appears that the \\textit{INTEGRAL} supergiant HMXBs can be classified in two classes: one class of considerably obscured persistent sources \\citep[see e.g. ][]{2006Chaty} and another of transitory sources called supergiant fast X-ray transients \\citep[SFXTs,][]{2006Negueruelaa}. \\newline IGR~J18483$-$0311 was discovered during observations performed with \\textit{INTEGRAL} in 2003 April 23-28 \\citep{2003Chernyakova}, and it was found to have average fluxes of about 10~mCrab and 5~mCrab in the 15$-$40~keV and 40$-$100~keV bands, respectively. \\citet{2004Molkov} also detected the source in 2003 March-May during a survey of the Sagittarius arm tangent with \\textit{INTEGRAL}, and gave average fluxes of about 4.3~mCrab and 3.9~mCrab in the 18$-$60~keV and the 60$-$120~keV bands, respectively. Moreover, analysing archival data from the \\textit{Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer} (\\textit{RXTE}) All-Sky Monitor (ASM), \\citet{2006Levine} reported a 18.55~days periodicity of the lightcurve of IGR~J18483$-$0311, likely corresponding to its orbital period. With archival data from observations performed with \\textit{INTEGRAL} from 2003 May to 2006 April, \\citet{2007Sguera} found five new outbursts from IGR~J18483$-$0311 whose activity lasted no more than a few days, and characterised by fast flares lasting a few hours. They fitted its 3$-$50~keV spectrum with an absorbed cut-off power law, and derived $N_{\\rm H}\\sim9\\times10^{22}$~cm$^{-{2}}$ (well above the galactic column density in the line of sight of about $1.6\\times10^{22}$~cm$^{-{2}}$), $\\Gamma\\sim1.4$, and $\\textrm{E}_\\textrm{c}\\sim22$~keV. They also showed that all the outbursts are well-fitted by an absorbed bremsstrahlung whose parameters are $N_{\\rm H}\\sim7.5\\times10^{22}$~cm$^{-{2}}$ and $\\textrm{kT}\\sim21.5$~keV. They reported a periodicity in the long term ISGRI light curve of about 18.52~days - confirming the result of \\citet{2006Levine} - and argued it is most likely an orbital period. They also derived a periodicity of about 21.05~s in the JEM-X light curve of the first outburst, which is likely a neutron star pulse period. Finally, from archival \\textit{Swift} observations, the authors obtained a very accurate position of IGR~J18483$-$0311, which allowed them to pinpoint its USNO~B1.0~0868$-$0478906 and 2MASS~J18481720$-$0310168 counterparts. They found that the magnitudes were typical of an absorbed massive late O/early B star which, along with the position of the source in the Corbet diagram as well as the periodicity of its high-energy activity, led them to conclude that IGR~J18483$-$0311 was likely a BeXB, without excluding the possibility of an SFXT nature. \\citet{2008Chaty} assembled the broad-band spectral energy distribution (SED) of the companion star of IGR~J18483$-$0311 from 0.7~$\\mu$m to 8~$\\mu$m, with near-infrared (NIR) photometric observations performed at the ESO/NTT using the SofI instrument, as well as archival optical data from the USNO-A.2 catalogue, and mid-infrared (MIR) data from the GLIMPSE survey. They fitted it with a combination of two absorbed black bodies and showed that the best fit was consistent with the companion star being a heavily absorbed B star, confirming the HMXB nature of IGR~J18483$-$0311. At last, \\citet{2008Masetti} performed optical spectroscopy of the companion star of IGR~J18483$-$0311, and concluded that it was an O/B giant star because of the large equivalent width of the H$_{\\rm \\alpha}$ emission line. \\newline In this paper, we report optical and NIR observations of IGR~J18483$-$0311 performed in service mode at the ESO/NTT through our Target of Opportunity program ID~078.D-0268 (P.I. S. Chaty). These observations aimed at constraining the nature of its companion star and of the binary system. In Sect. 2, we describe the optical/NIR photometric and spectroscopic observations, as well as their reduction. In Sect. 3, we present the results and show the broad-band SED of the companion star of IGR~J18483$-$0311. We finally discuss the outcomes in Sect. 4. ", "conclusions": "The identification of its companion star as a B0.5Ia supergiant, as well as its fast X-ray transient activity, are consistent with IGR~J18483$-$0311 being an SFXT. Nevertheless, as already pointed out in \\citet{2007Sguera}, the IGR~J18483$-$0311 X-ray behaviour appears unusual. Indeed, whereas outbursts last a few hours and $L_{\\rm max}$/$L_{\\rm min}\\sim10^4$ for typical SFXTs, the outbursts of IGR~J18483$-$0311 last a few days and its $L_{\\rm max}$/$L_{\\rm min}$ ratio is $\\sim\\,10^3$ (meaning that its quiescence is higher). Moreover, \\citet{2006Levine} and \\citet{2007Sguera} reported a 18.52~days orbital period, which is quite low compared to what is expected for classical SFXTs, with large and eccentric orbits. Recently, several authors pointed out the importance of clumpy winds to explain the SFXT behaviour \\citep{2005Zand, 2007Leyder, 2007Walter, 2008Negueruela}. They argue that the flares are created by the interaction of the compact object with dense clumps (created in the stellar wind of the companion star), the frequency of the flares depending mainly on the geometry of the system. On the contrary, the quiescent emission would be due to the accretion onto the compact object of diluted inter-clumps medium, which would explain the very low quiescence exhibited by classical SFXTs. Moreover, by classifying twelve SFXTs in function of the duration and the frequency of their outbursts, as well as their $L_{\\rm max}$/$L_{\\rm min}$ ratio, \\citet{2007Walter} showed the existence of intermediate SFXTs, characterised by a lower ratio and longer flares. Finally, \\citet{2008Negueruela} proposed a general scheme to explain the emission of both SGXBs and SFXTs. The authors argued about the existence of a zone around the companion supergiant star (radius $\\le\\,2R_{\\rm \\ast}$), in which the clump density is very high, and another one (radius $\\ge\\,3R_{\\rm \\ast}$) in which it is low. In function of the orbital parameters of the compact object, the system could be a classical SGXB (small and circular orbit inside the zone of high clump density), a classical SFXT (large and eccentric orbit), or an intermediate SFXT (small orbits, circular or eccentric) with possible periodic outbursts \\citep[see also][for an alternative model]{2007Sidoli}. Considering the longer duration of its flares as well as their 18.52~days periodicity, and its lower $L_{\\rm max}$/$L_{\\rm min}$ ratio, IGR~J18483$-$0311 is likely an intermediate SFXT. Moreover, to figure out - in the framework of the model proposed by \\citet{2008Negueruela} - whether its orbit is circular or elliptic, we can first use the Kepler's third law for a B0.5Ia supergiant mass and radius $M_{\\rm \\ast}=33{\\textrm{M}_{\\rm \\odot}}$ and $R_{\\rm \\ast}=33.8{\\textrm{R}_{\\rm \\odot}}$ \\citep{2008Searle}, and a neutron star mass of $1.4{\\textrm{M}_{\\rm \\odot}}$ to derive the semi-major axis and we find $a\\,\\sim\\,2.83R_{\\rm \\ast}$. Then, assuming that IGR~J18483$-$0311 only gets into activity when orbiting within the zone of high clump density, we find that an eccentricity $0.43 \\le e \\le 0.68$ is needed to explain the average three days bursting activity reported in \\citet{2007Sguera}. We then conclude that IGR~J18483$-$0311 is an intermediate SFXT with a small and eccentric orbit." }, "0809/0809.1006_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We consider the evaporation of rotating micro black holes produced in highly energetic particle collisions, taking into account the polarization due to the coupling between the spin of the emitted particles and the angular momentum of the black hole. The effect of rotation shows up in the helicity dependent angular distribution significantly. By using this effect, there is a possibility to determine the axis of rotation for each black hole formed, suggesting a way to improve the statistics. Deviation from thermal spectrum is also a signature of rotation. This deviation is due to the fact that rapidly rotating holes have an effective temperature $T_{\\rm eff}$ significantly higher than the Hawking temperature $T_H$. The deformation of the spectral shape becomes evident only for very rapidly rotating cases. We show that, since the spectrum follows a blackbody profile with an effective temperature, it is difficult to determine both the number of extra-dimensions and the rotation parameter from the energy spectrum alone. We argue that the helicity dependent angular distribution may provide a way to resolve this degeneracy. We illustrate the above results for the case of fermions. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.1230_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ \\grb\\ is the first {gamma ray burst (GRB)}, since the time of EGRET, for which individual photons of energy above several tens of MeV have been detected with a pair-conversion tracker telescope. This burst was discovered with the Italian \\textit{AGILE} gamma-ray satellite. The GRB was localized with a cooperation by \\textit{AGILE} and {the interplanetary network (IPN)}. The gamma-ray imager (GRID) estimate of the position, obtained before the SuperAGILE-IPN localization, is found to be consistent with the burst position. {The hard X-ray emission observed by SuperAGILE lasted about 7 s, while there is evidence that the emission above 30 MeV extends for a longer duration (at least ~13 s).} Similar behavior was seen in the past from a few other GRBs observed with EGRET. However, the latter measurements were affected, during the brightest phases, by instrumental dead time effects, resulting in only lower limits to the burst intensity. Thanks to the small dead time of the \\textit{AGILE}/GRID we could assess that in the case of \\grb\\ the gamma-ray to X--ray flux ratio changes significantly between the prompt and extended emission phase. ", "introduction": "Only a relatively small number of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been detected so far at energies above the MeV region. The largest sample of high-energy observations has been collected using the large calorimeter of the EGRET instrument on board the {Compton Gamma Ray Observatory} (\\textit{CGRO}). This detector provided GRB light curves and spectra in the 1--200 MeV energy range, thus extending the spectral coverage of the brightest bursts discovered at lower energy with the {Burst And Transient Source Experiment} \\citep[BATSE][]{kaneko2008}. Only for a handful of GRBs were high-energy photons detected also with the EGRET spark chamber, {sensitive in the energy range 30 MeV - 10 GeV} \\citep[see, e.g.][and references therein]{dingus2001}. These observations showed the existence of a few bursts with very hard spectra, with peak energy up to \\gsim170 MeV, and possibly of GRBs with high energy ``excesses'', {i.e. an emission above 100 MeV larger than the extrapolation of their X-rays spectra}. It is particularly important for theoretical models to understand whether the high-energy emission is a separate spectral component, possibly with a different time evolution from than of the prompt emission. This possibility is supported by the slow time decay of the high-energy flux in GRB 941017 \\cite{gonzalez2003}, as well as by the EGRET detection of delayed photons from GRB 940217 \\cite{hurley1994}, including one with an energy of 18 GeV after 1.3 hours. Two factors that affected the study of GRBs at high energy are intrinsic to gamma-ray imagers of the old generation, based on spark chamber trackers: the relatively small field of view, limiting the sample of observed GRBs, and the significant instrumental dead time, reducing the number of detected photons in the brightest parts of the bursts, thus preventing a reliable measure of their peak flux and fluence. Both limitations are overcome by new gamma-ray satellites using self-triggering trackers based on silicon microstrip technology, like \\textit{AGILE} \\cite{tavani}. The \\textit{AGILE} Gamma-Ray Imaging Detector (GRID), operating in the 30 MeV -- 50 GeV energy range, has a field of view as large as one fifth of the whole sky and a dead time of only $\\sim$200 $\\mu$s, which makes it particularly suited for the observation of GRBs. {For comparison, EGRET had a field of view of $\\sim$1 sr and a dead time of $\\sim$200 ms}. Furthermore, \\textit{AGILE} carries other detectors that allow the study of GRB emission in different energy ranges: SuperAGILE provides two one-dimensional images (along orthogonal directions), light curves and spectra in the 17--50 keV range \\cite{Feroci2007}. The MiniCalorimeter (MCAL) \\cite{Labanti2008}, besides being used as part of the GRID, can be used to autonomously detect and study GRBs in the 0.35--100 MeV range. Finally, GRB light curves in the hard X-ray band can be obtained from the GRID Anti Coincidence scintillator panels \\citep[ACS,][]{perotti}. The SuperAGILE capabilities in terms of rapid and accurate localizations of GRBs have been well demonstrated already with the discovery of its first GRB, 070724B \\citep{Del_Monte_et_al_2008} and continue with a rate of about 1 GRB per 1--2 months. Instead, MCAL detects approximately 1 GRB per week, as described in \\citep{Marisaldi2008}. Here we present the observation of the first GRB for which a positive detection has been obtained by the GRID. Interestingly, the AGILE data give strong evidence that the GRB duration at energies above 30 MeV is at least double than that observed at lower energies, suggesting that different emission processes might be at work in the gamma and X-ray range. \\begin{figure}[ht!]% \\centering \\includegraphics[angle=90, width=9. cm]{IPN-SA_position.eps} \\caption{ Combined SuperAGILE and IPN localization of GRB 080514B. The star ($*$) marks the position of the afterglow found in X-rays by the Swift-XRT \\citep[see][]{Page08_GCN7723} and in optical by IAB80 telescope \\citep[see][]{GCN_7719, GCN_7720}, the solid lines indicate the SuperAGILE error box and the dashed lines represent the IPN triangulation based on SuperAGILE and Mars Odyssey data. } \\label{fig:SuperAGILE-IPN_position} \\vspace{-0.4 cm} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "We have reported evidence for high-energy ($>$25 MeV) emission from \\grb\\ , a burst belonging to the class of long duration GRBs, discovered thanks to the complement of detectors on board the \\textit{AGILE} satellite. The highest-energy photon consistent with the direction of the burst has an energy of about 300 MeV. Most of the detected GRB photons are at lower energy, in the range $\\sim$25-50 MeV, consistent with a power law spectrum with photon index $2.5$. Previous detections of GRBs at these high energies were obtained more than 10 years ago with EGRET, before the discovery of GRB afterglows confirmed their cosmological origin. {X-ray and optical/NIR observations indicate that the afterglow properties of \\grb\\ are similar to those of other bursts \\cite{rossi2008}}. The most striking feature of \\grb\\ concerns the fact that the arrival times of the high energy photons detected with the \\textit{AGILE}/GRID do not coincide with the brightest peaks seen at hard X-rays. Three photons are concentrated within 2 s at the beginning of the burst, while the next ones arrive only when the X-ray emission has returned to a level consistent with the background (7 s after the beginning of the burst). It is important to note that the number of photons in the initial 2 s is not limited by instrumental dead time effects, as was the case for some of the EGRET GRBs for which only a flux lower limit could be measured in correspondence of the brightest peaks. This implies a rapid time evolution of the gamma-ray to X-ray flux ratio, although a quantitative assessment of this variability is hampered by the small statistics. {Previous EGRET observations indicated a similar behavior for the bursts GRB 941017 \\cite{gonzalez2003} and GRB 940217 \\cite{hurley1994}, suggesting the possibility that the high-energy emission, at least in some cases, is not a simple extension of the main component, but originates from a different emission mechanism and/or region. Theoretical models predict that Inverse Compton (IC) plays a significant role in the high-energy emission from GRBs.% The ratio of IC ($\\sim$MeV-GeV) to synchrotron ($\\sim$keV) fluences depends on the energy of the relativistic electrons accelerated in the shocks and on the ratio between magnetic field and photon densities. Detailed time resolved spectroscopy covering the whole energy range, as now possible with further \\textit{AGILE} and \\textit{GLAST} observations (complemented by low energy data from one of the X and soft gamma-ray experiments currently on orbit) is required to disentangle the different components and obtain some constraints on the physical parameters of the sources.}" }, "0809/0809.1189_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We define a volume limited sample of over 14,000 early-type galaxies (ETGs) selected from data release six of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The density of environment of each galaxy is robustly measured. By comparing narrow band spectral line indices with recent models of simple stellar populations (SSPs) we investigate trends in the star formation history as a function of galaxy mass (velocity dispersion), density of environment and galactic radius. We find that age, metallicity and $\\alpha$-enhancement all increase with galaxy mass and that field ETGs are younger than their cluster counterparts by $\\sim 2\\;\\rm Gyr$. We find negative radial metallicity gradients for all masses and environments, and positive radial age gradients for ETGs with velocity dispersion over $180\\;\\rm km\\,s^{-1}$. Our results are qualitatively consistent with a relatively simple picture for ETG evolution in which the low-mass halos accreted by a proto-ETG contained not only gas but also a stellar population. This fossil population is preferentially found at large radii in massive ETGs because the stellar accretions were dissipationless. We estimate that the typical, massive ETG should have been assembled at $z \\lesssim 3.5$. The process is similar in the cluster and the field but occurred earlier in dense environments. ", "introduction": "Observational determinations of the history of star formation in Early-Type Galaxies (hereafter ETGs) are of great importance because hierarchical models of galaxy formation make firm predictions for the relation between age, metallicity and $\\alpha$-enhancement as a function of mass. These scaling relations, plotted against the observational proxy for mass, the velocity dispersion (hereafter $\\sigma$), have been the focus of many recent studies of ETGs (Annibali et al. 2007, Bernardi et al., 2006, de la Rosa et al. 2007, Gallazzi et al. 2006, Jimenez et al. 2007, Kuntschner et al. 2001/2, Lucey et al. 2007, Mateus et al. 2007, Nelan et al. 2005, Proctor et al. 2004/8, S{\\'a}nchez-Bl{\\'a}zquez et al. 2006, Smith et al. 2007, Terlevich \\& Forbes 2002, Thomas et al. 2005). These studies clearly show that the simple picture of early formation of low mass galaxies, which then merge to form more massive systems is incorrect. The oldest stellar populations are found in the most massive galaxies -- one aspect of so-called ``downsizing''. However, the observational constraint is sensitive to the epoch at which star formation ceased, not when it started, so that low mass ETGs can still be ``old'', as dynamically bound objects, but have a \\emph{mean} stellar age that is much younger. However, this is not sufficient to save the simple hierarchical picture because the $\\alpha$-enhancement is also seen to increase with mass - implying more rapid formation for massive objects. This is a prediction of monolithic collapse models. It is important to remember that both the star formation history and mass assembly history of ETGs determine their evolution. The most common method of determining the age, metallicity and $\\alpha$-enhancement of ETGs is by comparison of the narrow band absorption line indices with simple stellar population (SSP) models. It is well-known that stellar population parameters based on these indices are also sensitive to minor episodes of recent star formation. Luminosity-weighted, SSP equivalent stellar population parameters, such as those discussed here, do not therefore, distinguish between a genuinely young galaxy and an old galaxy that has experienced a ``rejuvenation'' event. Some recent studies, based on the colour-magnitude relation of ETGs using colours that are extremely sensitive to recent star formation, in fact paint a surprising picture of ETG evolution. Schawinski et al. (2007) have used GALEX ultraviolet imaging to show that 30\\% of massive ETGs show \\emph{ongoing} star formation and that this fraction is higher in low-density environments. A similar picture is given by mid-infrared Spitzer data. Both Clemens et al. (2008) and Bressan et al. (2006) find that $\\sim 30\\%$ of ETGs in the Coma and Virgo clusters have experienced some star formation in the recent past. A recent study by Rogers et al. (2007) has combined SDSS spectra and GALEX data to conclude that ``weak episodes of recent star formation'' are a phenomenon more commonly associated with ETGs in the \\emph{cluster} environment, a result seemingly, but not necessarily, inconsistent with several studies that find older SSP-equivalent ages in denser environments. Here we repeat the analysis carried out in Clemens et al. (2006, hereafter Paper~I), which used 3614 objects selected from data release 3 (DR3) of the SDSS. Applying the same selection criteria to DR6 we define a sample of 14353 ETGs, four times as many objects. ", "conclusions": "We find positive correlations between age, metallicity and $\\alpha$-enhancement and the velocity dispersion, $\\sigma$, in ETGs. Galaxies in dense environments are $\\sim 20\\%$ older than those in low density environments for all $\\sigma$ ($\\sim 2\\;\\rm Gyr$ for an age of $10\\;\\rm Gyr$). The trend with age flattens above $\\sigma \\sim 200\\;\\rm km\\,s^{-1}$, especially for galaxies in low density environments. We find a marginally significant trend towards higher metallicities in low density environments but the environment has no effect on the $\\alpha$-enhancement. Apart from the marginal metallicity difference between field and cluster the results are very similar to those of Paper~I. There we concluded that an anti-hierarchical scenario, in which star formation lasts longer but with lower efficiency in lower mass objects (see Granato et al. 2004) was consistent with the data. Here the additional determination of SSP parameters as a function of galactic radius places additional constraints on the evolutionary scenario. Massive ETGs ($\\sigma > 180\\;\\rm km\\,s^{-1}$) have positive radial age gradients, negative metallicity gradients and marginally significant negative $\\alpha$-enhancement gradients. When a massive halo becomes non-linear it accretes smaller halos which started to collapse at earlier times. The radial trends suggest that these halos do not contain only gas, but also pristine stars. The gaseous component falls dissipatively into the potential well of the massive (proto-)spheroid, fueling rapid star formation. The increase in mass increases the rate and efficiency of star formation, driving the main correlations with galaxy mass. The pristine stellar component of each sub-halo, however, being dissipationless, is deposited at a radius consistent with the angular momentum of the encounter. These stars, which are slightly older, more metal poor and have moderate $\\alpha$-enhancement will therefore be spread over larger radii. At early times, rapid gas-rich mergers lead to an almost monolithic formation, at later times mergers become increasingly ``dry''. Very similar scenarios have been proposed to explain both the bi- modal metallicity distribution of globular clusters and the greater radial scale length of metal-poor relative to metal-rich globular clusters in elliptical galaxies (C\\^ot\\'e, Marzke \\& West, 1998, Bekki et al. 2008). Our results imply that the metal-poor globular cluster population in ETGs should be older, less metal-rich and slightly less $\\alpha$-enhanced than the metal-rich clusters. Because the age difference at larger radii is actually the luminosity weighted SSP equivalent age in a larger aperture (not an annulus), the value of 0.05 dex, $\\sim 1\\;\\rm Gyr$, is a lower limit to the real age difference at larger radii. This time difference limits the assembly redshift of massive ETGs simply due to the lack of time to accommodate the formation of stars in the lower mass halos. Our limit translates into an upper limit to the assembly redshift of massive ETGs of $z \\lesssim 3.5$; in which case the stars in low mass halos formed at $z\\sim 10$, for a standard cosmology ($H_0=70$, $\\Omega_m = 0.3$, $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0.7$). This also provides an estimate of the star formation rate in the assembled spheroid. If the final stellar mass were $10^{12}\\;\\rm M_{\\odot}$ then stars must have formed at a rate $\\sim 10^{12}\\;\\rm M_{\\odot}/1\\;\\rm Gyr \\sim 10^3\\;\\rm M_{\\odot}\\,yr^{-1}$. We conclude by stressing the statistical nature of our results. Because a galaxy's velocity dispersion is a function of both the halo mass and virialization redshift, variations in these parameters may render small samples insensitive to the trends we find. The catalogue on which this article is based can be found at, {\\tt www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/$\\sim$bn204/galevol/clemensetal08.html}." }, "0809/0809.4765_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "High resolution observations of solar filaments suggest the presence of groups of prominence threads, i.e. the fine-structures of prominences, which oscillate coherently (in phase). In addition, mass flows along threads have been often observed. Here, we investigate the effect of mass flows on the collective fast and slow nonadiabatic magnetoacoustic wave modes supported by systems of prominence threads. Prominence fine-structures are modeled as parallel, homogeneous and infinite cylinders embedded in a coronal environment. The magnetic field is uniform and parallel to the axis of threads. Configurations of identical and nonidentical threads are both explored. We apply the $T$-matrix theory of acoustic scattering to obtain the oscillatory frequency and the eigenfunctions of linear magnetosonic disturbances. We find that the existence of wave modes with a collective dynamics, i.e. those that produce significant perturbations in all threads, is only possible when the Doppler-shifted individual frequencies of threads are very similar. This can be only achieved for very particular values of the plasma physical conditions and flow velocities within threads. ", "introduction": "Prominences/filaments are fascinating coronal magnetic structures, whose dynamics and properties are not well-understood yet. The long life of the so-called quiescent prominences (several weeks) suggests that the cool and dense prominence material is maintained against gravity and thermally shielded from the much hotter and much rarer solar corona by means of some not well-known processes. However, it is believed that the magnetic field must play a crucial role in both the support and isolation of prominences. High-resolution observations of solar filaments reveal that they are formed by a myriad of horizontal structures called threads \\citep[e.g.,][]{lin2005}, which have been observed in the spines and barbs of both active region and quiescent filaments \\citep{lin2008}. The width of these fine-structures is typically in the range 0.2~arcsec -- 0.6~arcsec, which is close to the resolution of present-day telescopes, whereas their lengths are between 5~arcsec and 20~arcsec \\citep{lin2004}. Threads are assumed to be the basic substructures of filaments and to be aligned along magnetic field lines. From the point of view of theoretical modeling, prominence threads are interpreted as large coronal magnetic flux tubes, with the denser and cooler (prominence) region located at magnetic field dips that correspond to the observed threads. Although some theoretical works have attempted to model such structures \\citep[e.g.,][]{ballesterpriest, schmitt, rempel, heinzel06}, there are some concerns about their formation and stability that have not been resolved yet. Small amplitude oscillations, propagating waves and mass flows are some phenomena usually observed in prominences and prominence threads \\citep[see some recent reviews by][]{oliverballester02, ballester, banerjee}. Periods of small-amplitude prominence oscillations cover a wide range from less than a minute to several hours, and they are usually attenuated in a few periods \\citep{molowny, terradasobs}. Focusing on prominence threads, some works have detected oscillations and waves in such fine-structures \\citep[e.g.,][]{yi1, yi2, lin2004, okamoto,lin2007}. In particular, \\citet{yi1} and \\citet{lin2007} suggested the presence of groups of near threads that moved in phase, which may be a signature of collective oscillations. On the other hand, mass flows along magnetic field lines have been also detected \\citep{zirker94, zirker, lin2003, lin2005}, with typical flow velocities of less than 30~km~s$^{-1}$ in quiescent prominences, although larger values have been detected in active region prominences \\citep{okamoto}. Regarding the presence of flows, a phenomenon which deserves special attention is the existence of the so-called counter-streaming flows, i.e., opposite flows within adjacent threads \\citep{zirker, lin2003}. Motivated by the observational evidence, some authors have broached the theoretical investigation of prominence thread oscillations by means of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) theory in the $\\beta = 0$ approximation. First, some works \\citep{joarder,diaz2001,diaz2003} focused on the study of the ideal MHD oscillatory modes supported by individual nonuniform threads in Cartesian geometry. Later, \\citet{diaz2002} considered a more representative cylindrical thread and obtained more realistic results with respect to the spatial structure of perturbations and the behavior of trapped modes. Subsequently, the attention of authors turned to the study of collective oscillations of groups of threads, and the Cartesian geometry was adopted again for simplicity. Hence, \\citet{diaz2005} investigated the collective fast modes of systems of nonidentical threads and found that the only nonleaky mode corresponds to that in which all threads oscillate in spatial phase. Later, \\citet{diazroberts} considered the limit of a periodic array of threads and obtained a similar conclusion. Therefore, these results seem to indicate that all threads within the prominence should oscillate coherently, even if they have different physical properties. However, one must bear in mind that the Cartesian geometry provides quite an unrealistic confinement of perturbations, and so systems of more realistic cylindrical threads might not show such a clear collective behavior. The next obvious step is therefore the investigation of oscillatory modes of systems of cylindrical threads. The first approach to a similar problem was done by \\cite{luna1}, who considered a system of two identical, homogeneous cylinders embedded in an unlimited corona. Although \\cite{luna1} applied their results to coronal loops, they are also applicable to prominence threads. These authors numerically found that the system supports four trapped kink-like collective modes. These results have been analytically re-obtained by \\citet{tom}, by considering the thin tube approximation and bicylindrical coordinates. Subsequently, \\citet{luna2} made use of the $T$-matrix theory of acoustic scattering to study the collective oscillations of arbitrary systems of non-identical cylinders. Although the scattering theory has been previously applied in the solar context \\citep[e.g.,][]{bogdan87,keppens}, the first application to the study of normal modes of magnetic coronal structures has been performed by \\citet{luna2}. They concluded that, contrary to the Cartesian case of \\citet{diaz2005}, the collective behavior of the oscillations diminishes when cylinders with nonidentical densities are considered, the oscillatory modes behaving in practice like individual modes if cylinders with mildly different densities are assumed. The present study is based on \\citet{luna2} and applies their technique to the investigation of MHD waves in systems of cylindrical prominence threads. Moreover, we extend their model by considering some effects neglected by them. Here, the more general $\\beta \\neq 0$ case is considered, allowing us to describe both slow and fast magnetoacoustic modes. In addition, the adiabatic assumption is removed and, following previous papers \\citep{soler1,solerapj}, the effect of radiative losses, thermal conduction and plasma heating is taken into account. The detection of mass flows in prominences has motivated us to include this effect in our study, and so the presence of flows along magnetic field lines is also considered here. Therefore, the present work extends our recent investigation \\citep[][hereafter Paper~I]{solerapj}, which was focused on individual thread oscillations, to the study of collective MHD modes in prominence multi-thread configurations with mass flows. On the other hand, the longitudinal structure of threads \\citep[e.g.,][]{diaz2002} is neglected in the present investigation. For this reason, the effect of including a longitudinal variation of the plasma physical conditions within threads should be investigated in a future work. Finally, the prominence multi-thread model developed here could be an useful tool for future seismological applications \\citep[similar to that of][]{hinode}. This paper is organized as follows. The description of the model configuration and the mathematical method are given in \\S~\\ref{sec:math}. Then, the results are presented in \\S~\\ref{sec:results}. First, the case of two identical prominence threads is investigated in \\S~\\ref{sec:2treads}. Later, this study is extended to a configuration of two different threads in \\S~\\ref{sec:ntreads}. Finally, our conclusion is given in \\S~\\ref{sec:conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} In this work, we have assessed the effect of mass flows on the collective behavior of slow and fast kink magnetosonic wave modes in systems of prominence threads. We have seen that the relation between the individual Alfv\\'en (sound) speed of threads is the relevant parameter which determines whether the behavior of kink (slow) modes is collective or individual. In the absence of flows and when the Alfv\\'en speeds of threads are similar, kink modes are of collective type. On the contrary, perturbations are confined within an individual thread if the Alfv\\'en speeds differ. In the case of slow modes, the conclusion is equivalent but replacing the Alfv\\'en speeds by the sound speeds of threads. On the other hand, when flows are present in the equilibrium, one can find again collective motions even in systems of non-identical threads by considering appropriate flow velocities. These velocities are within the observed values if threads with not too different temperatures and densities are assumed. However, since the flow velocities required for collective oscillations must take very particular values, such a special situation may rarely occur in real prominences. Therefore, if coherent oscillations of groups of threads are observed in prominences \\citep[e.g.,][]{lin2007}, we conclude that either the physical properties and flow velocities of all oscillating threads are quite similar or, if they have different properties, the flow velocities within threads are the appropriate ones to allow collective motions. From our point of view, the first option is the most probable one since the flow velocities required in the second case correspond to a very peculiar situation. This conclusion has important repercussions for future prominence seismological applications, in the sense that if collective oscillations are observed in large areas of a prominence, threads in such regions should possess very similar temperatures, densities, and magnetic field strengths Here, we have only considered two-thread systems, but the method can be applied to an arbitrary multi-thread configuration. So, the model developed here could be used to perform seismological studies of large ensembles of prominence threads if future observations provide with positions and physical parameters of such systems." }, "0809/0809.0693_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the first systematic derivation of the one-loop correction to the large scale matter power spectrum in a mixed cold+hot dark matter cosmology with subdominant massive neutrino hot dark matter. Starting with the equations of motion for the density and velocity fields, we derive perturbative solutions to these quantities and construct recursion relations for the interaction kernels, noting and justifying all approximations along the way. We find interaction kernels similar to those for a cold dark matter-only universe, but with additional dependences on the neutrino energy density fraction $f_\\nu$ and the linear growth functions of the incoming wavevectors. Compared with the $f_\\nu=0$ case, the one-loop corrected matter power spectrum for a mixed dark matter cosmology exhibits a decrease in small scale power exceeding the canonical $\\sim 8 f_\\nu$ suppression predicted by linear theory, a feature also seen in multi-component $N$-body simulations. ", "introduction": "Standard big bang theory predicts a background of relic neutrinos, permeating the universe at an average of 112 neutrinos per cubic cm per neutrino flavour. This enormous abundance means that even a sub-eV to eV neutrino mass $m_\\nu$ will render these otherwise elusive particles a significant dark matter component, $\\Omega_\\nu h^2 = \\sum m_\\nu/(93 \\ {\\rm eV})$. Experimentally, a lower limit of $\\sum m_\\nu \\gwig 0.05 \\ {\\rm eV}$ on the sum of the neutrino masses has been established by neutrino oscillation experiments~(e.g., \\cite{Amsler:2008zz}). On the other hand, tritium $\\beta$-decay end-point spectrum measurements point to an upper limit of $\\sum m_\\nu \\lwig 6 \\ {\\rm eV}$~(e.g., \\cite{Amsler:2008zz}). The corresponding energy densities, $0.001 \\lwig \\Omega_\\nu \\lwig 0.12$, make for an interesting prediction to be tested against cosmological observations. Importantly, neutrino dark matter is of the hot variety because of their inherent thermal velocity, which prevents them from clustering gravitationally on scales smaller than their free-streaming length. This free-streaming effect then feedbacks into the evolution of the dominant cold dark matter (CDM) component via the gravitational source term, leading to a suppressed rate in the formation of structures on small length scales that is in principle manifest in the power spectrum of the large scale structure distribution~\\cite{Bond:1980ha,Doroshkevich:1980zs,bib:khlopov,Shafi:1984ek,Schaefer:1989ua}. At present, observations of the cosmic microwave background anisotropies, galaxy clustering, and type Ia supernovae together engender a conservative upper limit on the contribution of neutrino dark matter, or equivalently, on the neutrino masses, of $\\sum m_\\nu \\lwig 1 \\ {\\rm eV}$ within the $\\Lambda$CDM framework. See~\\cite{Lesgourgues:2006nd,Hannestad:2006zg} for recent reviews. Many future cosmological probes will continue to improve on this limit, or perhaps even detect neutrino dark matter (e.g., \\cite{Lesgourgues:2006nd,Abdalla:2007ut,% Hannestad:2007cp,Hannestad:2006as,% Kitching:2008dp,Lesgourgues:2005yv,Gratton:2007tb,Ichikawa:2005hi,% Lesgourgues:2007ix,Pritchard:2008wy}). To this end, it is important to note that many of these probes, particularly high redshift galaxy surveys and weak gravitational lensing, will derive most of their constraining power at wavenumbers $k \\sim 0.1 \\to 1 \\ h \\ {\\rm Mpc}^{-1}$, where the evolution of density perturbations has become weakly nonlinear. Coincidentally, these are also the scales at which neutrino free-streaming is expected to produce the largest effect on the large scale matter power spectrum. Thus, it is crucial that we understand the nonlinear evolution of density perturbations at these scales, in order to maximise our gain in detecting/constraining neutrino dark matter. A number of recent works have attempted to model the effects of massive neutrinos on the matter power spectrum at nonlinear scales using various different techniques. These include multi-component $N$-body simulations~\\cite{Brandbyge:2008rv} and semi-analytic halo models~\\cite{Abazajian:2004zh,Hannestad:2005bt,Hannestad:2006as}. However, with the exception of $N$-body simulations, these methods all contain elements that require prior calibration against simulation results, and not surprisingly, all calibrations to date have been performed in a $\\Lambda$CDM setting. This renders these nonlinear models at present not completely satisfactory for use with cosmologies containing massive neutrinos. Recalibration against simulations in the appropriate cosmology will, however, enhance/restore our confidence in these methods. Recently, Saito {\\it et al.}~\\cite{Saito:2008bp} proposed an alternative method based on higher order cosmological perturbation theory. Since its inception in the 1980s~\\cite{bib:juszkie,bib:vishniac,Fry:1983cj,Goroff:1986ep}, higher order cosmological perturbation theory has found numerous applications ranging from computation of the weakly nonlinear power spectrum and gravity-induced bispectrum, to the exploration of nonlinear galaxy bias. See reference~\\cite{Bernardeau:2001qr} for a review. In the perturbative approach, one envisages nonlinear evolution as the outcome of interactions of a collection of linear waves (perturbations). The equations of motion of the system define the interaction kernels. Saito {\\it et al.}'s recipe is simple: assume the neutrino density perturbations remain linear at all times, and apply nonlinear modelling only to the CDM+baryon component. This basic scheme has also been adopted in some earlier nonlinear models including massive neutrinos~\\cite{Hannestad:2006as}. For $\\sum m_\\nu \\lwig 0.6 \\ {\\rm eV}$, multi-component $N$-body simulations have confirmed that a linear approximation for the neutrino density contrast is sound~\\cite{Brandbyge:2008rv}. For the CDM+baryon component, Saito {\\it et al.}~calculated the one-loop correction to the CDM+baryon auto-correlation power spectrum, using the correctly computed linear waves (perturbations), but interaction kernels that have been developed for a CDM-only universe. This amounts to ignoring additional mode-coupling effects between the linear growth functions at different wavenumbers. Although, as we shall show, this approximation does lead to a considerable simplification in the final form of the nonlinear power spectrum, it is nonetheless reminiscent of the mismatch between the cosmology to which we apply and that on which we calibrate some of the semi-analytic methods discussed above, and therefore calls for closer scrutiny. In this paper we present a systematic derivation of the one-loop correction to the matter power spectrum in the presence of massive neutrinos from first principles. As in~\\cite{Hannestad:2006as,Saito:2008bp}, we assume linearity for the neutrino component. For CDM+baryons, however, we begin with the relevant equations of motion, and solve them (approximately) perturbatively in an Einstein--de Sitter $\\Omega_m=1$ background at high redshifts ($z \\gwig 0.5$). From these solutions we derive interaction kernels that capture also the physics of mode-coupling between linear growth functions at different wavenumbers. With these kernels we compute the correct nonlinear power spectrum. In section~\\ref{sec:eom} we give the relevant equations of motion. We discuss briefly the linear order solutions in section~\\ref{sec:linear}, before formulating our higher order perturbative approach in section~\\ref{sec:beyond}. In section~\\ref{sec:approx} we outline our scheme to obtain approximate solutions to the equations of motion for higher order perturbations, while in section~\\ref{sec:nthorder} we derive recursion relations for the interaction kernels and thus generalise our approximate solutions to arbitrary orders in perturbative expansion. Section~\\ref{sec:spectra} deals with the calculation of the one-loop correction to the matter power spectrum, which we evaluate numerically for realistic cosmological models and discuss in detail in section~\\ref{sec:discuss}. We conclude in section~\\ref{sec:conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "} In this paper we have presented the first rigorous and systematic derivation of the one-loop correction to the large scale matter power spectrum in a mixed dark matter cosmology with subdominant massive neutrino hot dark matter. Beginning with the relevant equations of motion, we find that by invoking an ``adiabatic'' approximation, accurate to better than $\\sim 0.1 f_\\nu$, higher order corrections to the CDM+baryon density contrast and velocity field can be rendered into a form nearly identical to that for a pure-CDM cosmology. The interaction kernels and their recursion relations also exhibit striking similarities to their standard CDM-only counterparts, but contain additional dependences on the neutrino energy density fraction $f_\\nu$ and the linear growth functions of the incoming wavevectors. These results, generalised to $n$th order in perturbative expansion, are summarised in equations~(\\ref{eq:solution}) to (\\ref{eq:sigmastuff}). Using these approximate solutions we compute the usual ``22'' and ``13'' one-loop correction terms to the matter power spectrum. As in the standard CDM-only case, these correction terms take the form of integrals over the wavevector ${\\bm q}$ of the linear power spectrum $P^L(q,\\tau)$ multiplied by the interaction kernels. In addition to the corrections to the CDM+baryon auto-correlation, we also find a one-loop correction term for the cross-correlation between the CDM+baryon and the neutrino components which was previously neglected. These correction terms appear in their evaluated and most simplified form in equations~(\\ref{eq:22explicit}) to (\\ref{eq:13explicit}), (\\ref{eq:xintegral}) and (\\ref{eq:t}). Evaluating these expressions numerically, we find that nonlinear corrections to the large scale matter power spectrum can enhance the suppression of small scale power due to neutrino free-streaming relative to the $f_\\nu=0$ case to beyond the canonical linear suppression factor of $\\sim 8 f_\\nu$. This enhanced suppression has been observed in multi-component $N$-body simulations~\\cite{Brandbyge:2008rv}. As said, the interaction kernels contain hitherto unaccounted dependences on $f_\\nu$ and the linear growth functions. Neglecting these dependences in principle generates large deviations in the one-loop corrections. However, since these deviations occur at wavenumbers at which the linear contribution dominates over the correction terms, their net effect on the total matter power spectrum never exceeds 1\\%. Future cosmological probes will require an accuracy of $\\sim 1$\\% in the matter power spectrum in order not to bias parameter estimation. We have thus verified the validity of the approach of~\\cite{Saito:2008bp}. An important assumption in our present treatment is that the neutrino density perturbations have been taken to remain linear at all times. Although for realistic values of $f_\\nu$ this can be justified by $N$-body simulation results~\\cite{Brandbyge:2008rv}, a truly complete analysis of higher order corrections to the clustering statistics of the large scale structure distribution in the presence of massive neutrinos should include also a proper account of nonlinear neutrino evolution. We defer this investigation to a future publication. Finally, as noted in reference~\\cite{Saito:2008bp}, although higher order perturbation theory appears at first glance to have a limited range of validity---we expect our one-loop corrections to improve on linear theory to better than 1\\% accuracy in the region $0.1 \\lwig k/(h \\ {\\rm Mpc}^{-1}) \\lwig 0.4$ at $z=3$, it does enable an approximate factor of four increase in the maximum usable wavenumber in a data set. This is equivalent to a factor of 64 gain in the number of independent Fourier modes, or an eight-fold gain in statistical power for a fixed survey volume. Such an improvement is no small feat, and may very well be just what we need to detect neutrino dark matter. \\ack ${\\rm Y}^3$W thanks Jacob Brandbyge, Steen Hannestad and Georg Raffelt for useful discussions and/or comments on the manuscript." }, "0809/0809.0236_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present observational constraints on the nature of the different core-collapse supernova types through an investigation of the association of their explosion sites with recent star formation, as traced by \\ha +\\NII\\ line emission. We discuss results on the analysed data of the positions of 168 core-collapse supernovae with respect to the \\ha\\ emission within their host galaxies.\\\\ From our analysis we find that overall the type II progenitor population does not trace the underlying star formation. Our results are consistent with a significant fraction of SNII arising from progenitor stars of less than 10\\msun . We find that the supernovae of type Ib show a higher degree of association with HII regions than those of type II (without accurately tracing the emission), while the type Ic population accurately traces the \\ha\\ emission. This implies that the main core-collapse supernova types form a sequence of increasing progenitor mass, from the type II, to Ib and finally Ic. We find that the type IIn sub-class display a similar degree of association with the line emission to the overall SNII population, implying that at least the majority of these SNe do not arise from the most massive stars. We also find that the small number of SN `impostors' within our sample do not trace the star formation of their host galaxies, a result that would not be expected if these events arise from massive Luminous Blue Variable star progenitors. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} Despite years of observational and theoretical research on the nature of supernova (SN) explosions and the properties of their progenitors there remain substantial gaps in our knowledge of all SN types. Although there are many different theoretical predictions as to the nature of SN progenitors, the observational evidence to discriminate between various progenitor scenarios remains sparse. SNe can be split into two theoretical classes; SNIa which are thought to arise from the thermonuclear explosion of an accreting white dwarf, and core-collapse (CC) SNe which are believed to signal the collapse of the cores of massive stars at the end points in their stellar evolution. \\\\ Results from the first paper in this series (\\citealt{jam06}, JA06 henceforth) suggested that the SNIb/c arise from higher mass progenitors than SNII (albeit with small statistics; only 8 SNIb/c). We test these initial results with an increased sample size enabling us to distinguish between the various CC sub-types, and present results from a combined sample of 100 SNII (that can be further separated into 37 IIP, 8 IIL, 4 IIb, 12 IIn), 62 SNIb/c (22 Ib, 34 Ic and 6 that only have Ib/c classification), and 6 SN `impostors'. We will present results and discussion of SNIa within the context of the methods used in this paper elsewhere. We will also present further research on the radial positions of SNe within galaxies, and on correlations between CC SN type and local metallicity in future publications. Here we concentrate on results on the progenitor masses of the different CC SNe. \\subsection{Core-collapse supernovae} \\label{cc} CC SNe are thought to be the final stage in the stellar evolution of stars with initial masses $>$8-10\\msun , when fusion ceases in the cores of their progenitors and they can no longer support themselves against gravitational collapse. The different types of CC SNe are classified according to the presence/absence of spectral lines in their early time spectra, plus the shape of their light curves. The first major classification comes from the presence of strong hydrogen (H) emission in the SNII. SNIb and Ic lack any detectable H emission, while the SNIc also lack the helium lines seen in SNIb. SNII can also be separated in various sub-types. SNIIP and IIL are classified in terms of the decline shape of their light curves (\\citealt{bar79}; plateau in the former and linear in the latter), thought to indicate different masses of their H envelopes prior to SN, while SNIIn show narrow emission lines within their spectra \\citep{sch90}, thought to arise from interaction of the SN ejecta with a slow-moving circumstellar medium (e.g. \\citealt{chug94}). SNIIb are thought to be intermediate objects between the SNII and Ib as at early times their spectra are similar to SNII (prominent H lines), while at later times they appear similar to SNIb (\\citealt{fil93}).\\\\ Strong evidence has been presented to support the belief that SNII and SNIb/c arise from massive progenitors, through their absence in early type galaxies \\citep{bergh02}, and the direct detection of a small sample of progenitors on pre-explosion images (\\citealt{sma04,maun05,hen06,li06,gal07,li07,crock08}). However, it is unclear how differences in the nature of their progenitors produce the different SNe we see. It is clear that there must be some process by which the progenitors of the different SNe lose part (or almost all in the case of SNIb and Ic) of their envelopes prior to explosion. The differences in efficiency of this mass loss process could be dependent primarily on progenitor mass, with higher mass progenitors having higher mass loss rates due to stronger stellar winds, and losing more of their envelopes. In this picture a sequence of SNe types emerges from SNIIP and IIL to SNIIb, SNIb and finally Ic having successively higher initial masses. There are also other factors that probably play an important role. Initial chemical abundance will also affect the progenitor mass loss, with higher metallicity producing stronger radiatively driven winds ({e.g. \\citealt{pul96,kud00,mok07}). It has also been proposed \\citep{pod92} that massive binaries could produce a significant fraction of CC SNe, with mass transfer ejecting matter and leading to some of the various CC sub-types.\\\\ Since the theoretical separation of SNe into two distinct explosion classes by \\cite{hoy60}, there have been many predictions as to how the different CC SN types emerge from different progenitors. There are two main theoretical routes to achieving the observed different SN types. The first attempts to describe the full range of SNe from a single star progenitor scenario. \\cite{heg03} and \\cite{eld04} produced SN progenitor maps showing how variations in initial mass and metallicity produced the different CC SN types. These models both predict that single stars of up to $\\sim$25-30\\msun\\ will produce SNIIP, with stars of slightly higher mass producing SNIIL and IIb, and those of $>$30\\msun\\ ending their lives as SNIb/c (both authors also predict that these initial mass ranges will shift to higher values with decreasing metallicity). In both of these models no attempt was made to differentiate between the SNIb and the SNIc, but one would presume that within this single star scenario SNIc would arise from higher mass progenitors than the SNIb as they have lost even more of their stellar envelopes. Alternatively it could be that massive binaries produce the majority of CC SNe other than SNIIP (with these SNe still arising from single star progenitors). The initial mass of the stars producing SNIb/c, SNIIL and SNIIb would then be similar to those of SNIIP (12-20\\msun , e.g. \\citealt{shi90}) but would arise from binary evolutionary processes. There is also a growing number of SNe that show evidence of binarity (e.g. SN 1987A; \\citealt{pod90} and SN 1993J; \\citealt{nom93,pod93,maun04}). Recent comparisons of the observed ratio of SNIb/c rates to those of SNII also argue that binaries are playing the dominant role in producing SNIb/c \\citep{kob07}, while \\cite{eld08} predict a SNIb/c rate produced by a combination of single and binary progenitors that best produces the observed SN rate. Again one should note that these binary models group SNIb and Ic together and do not attempt to predict what differences in progenitor produce these two types.\\\\ Given the different predictions for the origin of the CC SN types described above, observations are needed to discriminate between these models and thus firmly tie down the progenitors of the different SN types. However, apart from a small number of direct detections of progenitors (\\citealt{sma04,maun05,hen06,li06,gal07,li07,crock08}) this observational evidence remains sparse. Therefore here we present results to test the above predictions and constrain differences in progenitor mass of the different CC SN sub-types by investigating the nature of their parent stellar populations within host galaxies. \\subsection{Progenitor constraints from parent stellar populations} \\label{pops} The most obvious way to determine the nature of SN progenitors is to investigate the properties of their stars on pre-explosion images. This has had some success although it is only possible for events in very nearby galaxies and therefore the statistics remain low. Another way is to investigate how the rates of the various SN types vary with different parameters, such as redshift or host galaxy properties. Our approach is intermediate to these methods as we attempt to constrain the nature of SN progenitors through investigating the environments and stellar populations at the positions of historical SNe. Here we concentrate on the association of the different CC SNe types with recent star formation (SF) as traced by \\ha\\ emission.\\\\ \\cite{ken98} states in a review paper on \\ha\\ imaging techniques that: ``only stars with masses $>$10\\msun\\ and lifetimes of $<$20 Myr contribute significantly to the ionising flux''. Thus, if our understanding of this line emission is correct, we can use this assumption as a starting point to constrain the relative stellar lifetimes and therefore the relative masses of the various SN progenitors, through investigating how accurately the different SN types trace the emission. In JA06 we presented a statistic to quantitatively measure the association of individual SNe with the \\ha\\ emission of their host galaxies, and presented results from an initial galaxy sample (\\ha GS, discussed in \\S \\ref{data}). It was found that overall the SNII progenitor population did not trace the underlying SF of their host galaxies, with a significant fraction lying on regions of low or zero emission line flux which were ascribed to a `Runaway' fraction of progenitor stars (however, this assumed that SNII arise from progenitors of $>$10\\msun ). The SNIb/c did appear to follow the emission implying that these progenitors come from higher mass stars than the SNII, although the statistics on this class were small (only 8 SNe for SNIb and Ic combined). This SN/galaxy sample has now been significantly increased, enabling the full parameter space of CC SN progenitors to be investigated and results from this increased sample are presented here.\\\\ The paper is arranged as follows: in the next section we present the data and discuss the reduction techniques employed, in \\S \\ref{ncr} we summarise the statistic introduced in JA06 and used throughout this paper, in \\S \\ref{results} we present the results for the different CC SN types, in \\S \\ref{diss} we discuss possible explanations for these results and their implications for the relative masses of the SN progenitors, and finally in \\S \\ref{con} we draw our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "\\label{con} We find that there is a significant fraction of the SNII population that do not show any association to the distribution of \\ha\\ line emission. This excess of $\\sim$35\\%\\ of SNII falling on sites of little or zero \\ha\\ flux, compared to what would be expected if they accurately traced the underlying SF, suggests that a large fraction of SNII arise from progenitor stars of less than 10\\msun . Our results also imply that the different CC SN types can be separated into a sequence of increasing progenitor mass running from the SNII through the Ib, with finally the SNIc arising from the highest mass progenitors. We now summarise our findings on the possible relative mass ranges of the progenitors of the different CC SN types. \\begin{itemize} \\item Assuming that only stars of 10\\msun\\ and above significantly contribute to the ionising flux that produces \\ha\\ emission within galaxies, we calculate a lower mass limit for producing SNII of 7.8\\msun . \\item We confirm the results of JA06, that the SNIb/c trace the SF of their host galaxies more accurately than the SNII, implying that they arise from a higher mass progenitor population than the SNII. \\item SNIc accurately trace the underlying SF within their host galaxies and therefore probably arise from the highest mass progenitors of all SNe. \\item SNIIL show a similar degree of association to \\ha\\ emission as the overall SNII population implying that they arise from stars of similar mass to those of SNIIP, with metallicity or binarity probably playing an important role in removing part of their envelopes and thus changing the shape of their light curves. \\item Our results suggest that SNIIb arise from more massive stars than the overall SNII population. \\item Although some SNIIn may arise from very massive stars, our results suggest that the majority come from the low end of the CC mass spectrum. \\item SN `impostors' do not seem to trace the high mass SF within host galaxies. \\end{itemize}" }, "0809/0809.4003_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We perform an autocorrelation study of the Auger data with the aim to constrain the number density $n_s$ of ultrahigh energy cosmic ray (UHECR) sources, estimating at the same time the effect on $n_s$ of the systematic energy scale uncertainty and of the distribution of UHECR. The use of global analysis has the advantage that no biases are introduced, either in $n_s$ or in the related error bar, by the \\emph{a priori} choice of a single angular scale. The case of continuous, uniformly distributed sources is nominally disfavored at 99\\% C.L. and the fit improves if the sources follow the large-scale structure of matter in the universe. The best fit values obtained for the number density of proton sources are within a factor $\\sim$2 around $n_s\\simeq 1\\times 10^{-4}/$Mpc$^3$ and depend mainly on the Auger energy calibration scale, with lower densities being preferred if the current scale is correct. The data show no significant small-scale clustering on scales smaller than a few degrees. This might be interpreted as a signature of magnetic smearing of comparable size, comparable with the indication of a $\\ap 3^\\circ$ magnetic deflection coming from cross-correlation results. The effects on the above results of some approximations done is also discussed. ", "introduction": "Evidence is now emerging that ultrahigh energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) have an astrophysical origin, as opposed to being generated in exotic top-down models: The detection of a spectral suppression consistent with the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin (GZK) effect \\cite{Greisen:1966jv,Zatsepin:1966jv} by both HiRes~\\cite{Abbasi:2007sv} and Auger~\\cite{Abraham:2008ru} collaborations, together with the Auger bounds on the UHE neutrino flux~\\cite{Abraham:2007rj}, on the photon fraction~\\cite{Aglietta:2007yx} and on the anisotropy towards the Galactic Center~\\cite{Aglietta:2006ur,Aloisio:2007bh} are all consistent with this scenario. The next step is clearly the identification of the sources of UHECRs, an arena where anisotropy studies play a crucial role. Yet, the limited angular resolution of extensive air shower detectors and especially the deflections that charged particles suffer in astrophysical magnetic fields make the task highly non trivial. This is especially troublesome given that the UHECRs chemical composition is unknown, that we lack a detailed knowledge of the Galactic magnetic field structure and, above all, of the very magnitude and structure of extragalactic magnetic fields (EGMF) outside of cluster cores. These limitations---together with the small statistics available at present---suggest that, at least in an initial phase, charged particle astronomy may be limited to the inference on the statistical properties of UHECR sources, rather than a detailed study of single accelerators. In Ref.~\\cite{I}, we found that a global comparison of the two-point auto-correlation function of the data with the one of catalogues of potential sources is a powerful diagnostic tool: This observable is less sensitive to unknown deflections in magnetic fields than the cross-correlation function, while keeping a strong discriminating power among source candidates. In particular, the autocorrelation function of (sub-) classes of galaxies have different biases with respect to the large-scale structure (LSS) of matter. As a result, the best fit value for the density $n_s$ of different source classes may differ, especially if only one or a small range of angular scales is considered. Although the bias of different source classes differs maximally at small angular scales, we showed that the statistically most significant differences are at intermediate angular scales, where both the larger number of cosmic ray pairs (CR) and of galaxy pairs leads to relatively smaller error bars. Moreover, the autocorrelation function on larger angular scales becomes less dependent on possible deflections in the Galactic and extragalactic fields.\\\\ \\indent In this article we derive the number density of UHECR sources using the recently published arrival directions and energies of the 27 Auger events~\\cite{PAO} with estimated energy $E\\geq 57$\\,EeV, thereby complementing the study~\\cite{I} with a concrete example for a comparison of the {\\em global\\/} cumulative autocorrelation function of sources and UHECRs. Note that we showed in Ref.~\\cite{I} that, even in an idealized case where systematics play no major role, roughly three times the number of ``useful'' events that can be extracted from Ref.~\\cite{PAO} are required to start distinguishing between different sub-classes of sources. Thus a study of the kind envisaged in Ref.~\\cite{I} is unrealistic at present. Here, we restrict ourselves to more modest goals: i) To compare the data against predictions of two toy model cases of uniformly distributed sources and of ``normal galaxies'' (i.e.\\ sources that have the same distribution as the PSCz catalogue~\\cite{Saunders:2000af}) which we shall refer to with the two values for the label $\\kappa=\\{{\\rm uni},{\\rm LSS}\\}$, respectively. ii) To study the effect on the allowed range of $n_s$ of a systematic error on the energy scale of the UHECR experiment. Note that preliminary results of the clustering of the Auger events has been presented in \\cite{Mollerach:2007vb}, but astrophysical implications have not been discussed there. We review the statistical method we use in Sec.~\\ref{analysis}, and apply it in Sec.~\\ref{int} to the Auger data, providing some interpretation of the results. In Sec.~\\ref{disc} we discuss some limitations and caveats of the analysis. Finally, we summarize in Sec.~\\ref{sum}. ", "conclusions": "i) that a correlation between the two optimal cuts in energy is indeed present; ii) that a slightly different cut, in the range $40\\lsim E_{\\rm cut}/{\\rm EeV}\\lsim 60$, should still lead to an appreciable clustering of the events. We checked that this is indeed the case by performing the same analysis as before, but now adding a further scan over the range of accessible energy-cuts, i.e. any value $E>57\\,$EeV. We plot the results in Fig.~\\ref{fig:energyscan}\\footnote{Some ripples visible in Fig.~\\ref{fig:energyscan} are due to the relatively low number of Montecarlo: the scan to account for the further penalty factor is computationally quite expensive and given the partial nature of the answer there is no motivation to refine the results further.}. One can note that in all cases the best fit improves and the constraints on $n_s$ worsen, as expected given the further penalty due to the energy scan. Yet, most qualitative features described in the previous section stay the same: for example, the LSS model is still preferred over a uniform one. It should be also said that if the true minimum of the chance probability is below $E=57$ EeV and thus not included in the scan, then these constraints are ``over-penalized'' and thus looser than necessary. At the moment, it is impossible to draw more quantitative conclusions, since our scan suggests that it is likely that the optimal cut for the autocorrelation function is below $E=57$ EeV, a range for which the events are not publicly available. \\begin{figure*}[!htbp] \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{cc} \\epsfig{file=penalty_like_Uniform60EeV_EnergyScan.eps,width=0.47\\textwidth} & \\epsfig{file=penalty_like_LSS60EeV_EnergyScan.eps,width=0.47\\textwidth}\\\\ \\end{tabular} \\begin{tabular}{cc} \\epsfig{file=penalty_like_Uniform80EeV_EnergyScan.eps,width=0.47\\textwidth} & \\epsfig{file=penalty_like_LSS80EeV_EnergyScan.eps,width=0.47\\textwidth}\\\\ \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\vspace{0pc} \\caption{ Penalized chance probabilities $p_{-}(n_s)$, $p_{+}(n_s)$ and $p(n_s)$, for $\\Ecut=60\\,$EeV (top panels) and $\\Ecut=80\\,$EeV (bottom panels) taking into account the effect of the energy scan. The left column reports the case for uniformly distributed sources, the right panel for sources following LSS with the bias of the PSCz Galaxy catalogue. Also shown is the 95\\% and 99\\% confidence level.}\\label{fig:energyscan} \\end{figure*} \\subsection{Assumptions on the chemical composition}\\label{chemadd} In this article, we assumed dominant proton primary as a basic working hypothesis. It is worth noting, however, that the experimental situation on the chemical composition at UHE is far from settled: while anisotropy data point to a relatively light composition, the results of the fluorescence detector of the Pierre Auger Collaboration favor a significant fraction of heavy nuclei~\\cite{Unger:2007mc}. Yet, for the interpretation of these results one must rely on simulations employing hadronic interaction models. These are not based on a first-principle theory, rather on models calibrated on ``low-energy'' collider data, then {\\it extrapolated} about two orders of magnitude beyond the center of mass energies experimentally probed. A proper quantitative assessment on how our conclusions vary in a mixed composition scenario goes beyond the purpose of the present paper. Yet, at a qualitative level, we can note that several effects would come into play. First of all, in the unrealistic case where one could forget about magnetic deflections, the major effect would be a reduction of the energy-loss horizon (but for iron, whose horizon is similar to the proton one). This should {\\it enhance} the anisotropy pattern, due to the prominence of nearby accelerators. When including (the poorly known) magnetic fields, two additional effects are relevant: i) for a given energy, the higher the charge the larger the deflection and hence the loss of information at {\\it small} angular separations. Quantifying how large is this scale is a difficult task. We note that protons of these energies in the sole Galactic field likely suffer a few degrees absolute deflections, see~\\cite{Kachelriess:2005qm}, implying a degree-scale smoothing in the relative deflections important for the 2pcf. This is comparable with the angular resolution of the PAO: in this optimal case the whole information in the 2pcf starting at $\\theta_{\\rm min}\\sim 1^\\circ$ could be used. However, a different Galactic field model (especially towards the Galactic Center), the presence of heavy nuclei, and/or significant extragalactic magnetic fields can easily lift $\\theta_{\\rm min}$ by one order of magnitude or more. ii) the other effect is that the real path-length of the nucleus would be longer than the distance to the source: thus, the distance of accessible sources would be even shorter than estimated from energy-loss considerations. This is particularly relevant if the nucleus spends a lot of time in a magnetized region surrounding the accelerator (e.g. a magnetized cluster in which it is immersed) before escaping in the Intergalactic Medium. Finally, if the maximal energy of acceleration of different species of nuclei fall by unfortunate coincidence in the same region expected for the GZK feature, slightly different energy cuts in the data (as well as statistical and systematic errors on the energy scale) might significantly change the expected pattern of anisotropies. The same happens if the proportions of different nuclei accelerated at the source change as a function of the energy. This is in principle a possibility, especially if different classes of objects contribute to the events at slightly different energies. The general pessimistic conclusion is that if several of the above effects are relevant (or perhaps a single one is {\\it dominant}) the capability of performing UHECR astronomy would be greatly reduced. While one still expects indications for anisotropies, inverting the problem and inferring the source/propagation medium properties would require a much larger statistics (especially in the trans-GZK region): disentangling the different effects is in fact a formidable task. To provide a glimpse of how some of the above effects alter the reconstruction of $n_s$ (our main topic here), in Table~\\ref{tab:2} we report how the constraint on $n_s$ degrades as a function of a ``smoothing angle'' $\\theta_{\\rm min}$, below which we assume that the 2pcf information is completely lost. The main trend is that, if the smallest angular scales are neglected, it is easier to find parameter configuration fitting the data and, correspondingly, the allowed range for $n_s$ widens. This had to be expected, given the shape of the correlation functions shown in Figs. 2-3. In particular we find that with $\\theta_{\\rm min}=3^\\circ$ we obtain almost the same results as in the global case. The case $\\theta_{\\rm min}=10^\\circ$ still places useful constraints especially for the $\\Ecut=80\\,$EeV case, while finally using only the information above $\\theta_{\\rm min}=30^\\circ$ basically no constraints on $n_s$ are obtained. Note however that relative deflection angles of that sort would imply overall deflections even larger, seriously questioning the perspectives of present instruments to perform some form of UHECR astronomy. \\begin{table*}[!t] \\begin{center} \\footnotesize{ \\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c||c|} \\hline $n_s/10^{-4}$Mpc$^{-3}$, \\, $\\theta_{\\rm min}$= & $3^\\circ$ & $10^\\circ$ & $30^\\circ$ & global \\\\ \\hline \\hline LSS (80)& $\\; 1.0^{+100}_{-0.8} \\;$ & $\\; 0.5^{+30}_{-0.4} \\;$& $\\; 0.5^{+\\infty}_{-0.4} \\; $ & $\\; 1.3^{+100}_{-0.8} \\;$\\\\ \\hline Uniform (80)& $\\;0.8^{+1.5}_{-0.6} \\;$ & $\\; 0.3^{+1.7}_{-0.2} \\;$& $\\; 0.3^{+\\infty}_{-0.2} \\; $ & $\\; 1.4^{+1.4}_{-0.7} \\;$\\\\ \\hline LSS (60) & $\\; 0.3^{+20}_{-0.28} \\;$ & $\\; 0.1^{+5}_{-0.09} \\;$& n.c. & $\\; 0.8^{+19}_{-0.6} \\;$\\\\ \\hline Uniform (60) & $\\; 0.2^{+0.8}_{-0.12} \\;$ & $\\; 0.1^{+0.9}_{-0.085} \\;$& n.c. & $\\; 0.5^{+0.5}_{-0.2} \\;$\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} } \\end{center} \\caption{\\label{tab:2} The estimated number density of sources (at 95\\% confidence level) under different assumptions on the minimum angle above which the 2pcf information is preserved, $\\theta_{\\rm min}$. n.c. stands for ``no constraints''.} \\end{table*}" }, "0809/0809.0766_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present Hubble Space Telescope imaging and spectroscopic observations of three Brightest Cluster Galaxies, Abell 1836-BCG, Abell 2052-BCG, and Abell~3565-BCG, obtained with the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2, the Advanced Camera for Surveys and the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph. The data provide detailed information on the structure and mass profile of the stellar component, the dust optical depth, and the spatial distribution and kinematics of the ionized gas within the innermost region of each galaxy. Dynamical models, which account for the observed stellar mass profile and include the contribution of a central supermassive black hole (SBH), are constructed to reproduce the kinematics derived from the H$\\alpha$ and [N II]$\\lambda\\lambda$6548,6583 emission lines. Secure SBH detection with $M_{\\bullet} = 3.61^{+0.41}_{-0.50} \\times 10^9$ M$_{\\odot}$ and $M_{\\bullet} = 1.34^{+0.21}_{-0.19} \\times 10^9$ M$_\\odot$, respectively, are obtained for Abell 1836-BCG and Abell 3565-BCG, which show regular rotation curves and strong central velocity gradients. In the case of Abell~2052-BCG, the lack of an orderly rotational motion prevents a secure determination, although an upper limit of $M_{\\bullet} \\lesssim 4.60 \\times 10^9$ M$_{\\odot}$ can be placed on the mass of the central SBH. These measurements represent an important step forward in the characterization of the high-mass end of the SBH mass function. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Within the past decade, the focus in supermassive black holes (SBHs) studies has moved from the dynamical measurement of SBH masses, $M_{\\bullet}$, in nearby galaxies (see review by Ferrarese \\& Ford 2005), to the characterization of scaling relations connecting $M_{\\bullet}$ to the large scale properties of their hosts (Kormendy \\& Richstone 1995; Ferrarese \\& Merritt 2000; Gebhardt et al. 2000; Graham et al. 2001; Ferrarese 2002; Marconi \\& Hunt 2003). Such relations, combined with the knowledge of the galaxy luminosity or velocity dispersion functions, lead to a direct determination of the local SBH mass function and, by comparison with the energetics of high redshift AGNs, accretion history (e.g. Marconi et al. 2004; Shankar et al. 2004; Benson et al. 2007; Tundo et al. 2007; Graham et al. 2007; Lauer et al. 2007). Furthermore, the tightness of the relations linking galactic properties to $M_{\\bullet}$ is indicative of a formation/evolutionary history in which SBHs and galaxies are causally connected. Indeed, feedback from AGN activity is believed to play an important, perhaps even fundamental role in the evolution of galaxies (e.g. Binney \\& Tabor 1995; Suchkov et al. 1996; Ciotti \\& Ostriker 2001; Schawinski et al.2006; Springel et al. 2005; Hopkins et al. 2007; Di Matteo et al. 2007). In this context, Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs) are of particular interest. Their privileged location at the center of a massive cluster implies that they have undergone a particularly extensive merging history (Khochfar \\& Silk 2006) and are likely to host the most massive SBHs in the local Universe (Yoo et al. 2007). The latter conclusion is also supported by all scaling relations which are known to be obeyed by local SBHs, that predict the most massive SBHs to reside in most massive galaxies. As such, BCGs constitute an excellent laboratory to search for the local relics of the most powerful high-redshift quasars (Willott et al. 2003; Vestergaard 2004), and to investigate the role of mergers in the black hole mass function. Unfortunately, direct dynamical measurements of SBHs masses in BCGs are exceedingly difficult - with only two such measurements made to-date (in M87 and NGC 1399, Harms et al. 1994; Macchetto et al. 1997; Houghton et al. 2006). The reason for this is simple: SBH mass measurements based on resolved kinematic tracers (gas or stars) need to be carried out within the SBH ``sphere of influence\", i.e. the region of space within which the SBH dominates the overall gravitational potential. For a $10^9$ $M_{\\odot}$ SBH, the sphere of influence becomes unresolved for optical measurements with the Hubble Space Telescope at distances beyond $\\sim 100$ Mpc (see Figure 44 of Ferrarese \\& Ford 2005). Few BCGs are located within this limit. To compound the problem, bright ellipticals are characterized by shallow stellar density profiles and faint central surface brightnesses (e.g., Ferrarese et al. 1994; Lauer et al. 1995; Rest et al. 2001; Ferrarese et al. 2006) making the detection of stellar absorption lines with {\\it HST} prohibitively expensive. The latter difficulty can be overcome with the use of gas dynamics. Emission lines (mainly \\ha\\ and \\nii) from the gas are bright and easily measured. If the gas is confined in a disk, there is little ambiguity in the velocity distribution (Ho et al. 2002), and since the method was first used (Harms et al. 1994; Ferrarese et al. 1996; Ferrarese \\& Ford 1999) an increasing amount of attention has been devoted to the theoretical aspects of the dynamical modeling (Maciejewski \\& Binney 2001; Barth et al. 2001; Cappellari et al. 2002; Coccato et al. 2006). The lack of a secure characterization of the SBH mass function above the $10^9$ $M_{\\odot}$ mark is troublesome. Lauer et al. (2007) suggest that the relations between $M_{\\bullet}$ and host bulge luminosity, $L_{bulge}$, (Kormendy \\& Richstone 1995) and velocity dispersion (Ferrarese \\& Merritt 2000; Gebhardt et al. 2000) would predict significantly different $M_{\\bullet}$ if extrapolated above $10^9$ $M_{\\odot}$. In particular, the $M_{\\bullet} - \\sigma$ relation would predict less massive SBHs in BCGs than the $M_{\\bullet} - L_{bulge}$ relation, due to the slower increase of $\\sigma$ with galaxy luminosity observed for BCGs compared to the bulk of the Early-Type galaxy population (Bernardi et al. 2007). The difference in the predicted mass is such to significantly affect (by an order of magnitude) the high-mass end of the local SBH mass function. von der Linden et al. (2007) argue that the shallower dependence of $\\sigma$ on $L$ applies to BCG but not to comparably massive non-BCG galaxies, which instead follow the canonical Faber-Jackson relation defined by less massive systems. This implies that BCGs and non-BCG galaxies of comparable mass must occupy a different locus in either, or both, the $M_{\\bullet} - \\sigma$ and $M_{\\bullet} - L_{bulge}$. This result is in contrast with the findings of Batcheldor et al. (2007), who argue that SBHs masses predicted from NIR luminosities (Marconi \\& Hunt 2003) are consistent with those predicted from $\\sigma$. They attributed the discrepancy noted by Lauer et al. (2007) (who used $V-$band luminosities) to a bias introduced by the inclusion, when computing $L_{bulge}$, of extended blue envelopes around BCGs. At present these ambiguities prevent us from testing any theoretical prediction on the high-mass end of the black hole mass function based on the observed quasar abundances and merger histories. In this paper, we analyze the kinematics of the ionized gas in the nuclear region of three BCGs -- Abell~1836-BCG, Abell~2052-BCG, and Abell~3565-BCG -- in order to constrain the mass of the central SBHs. The data were obtained using the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), supplemented with imaging data from the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) and the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2). Furthermore, the central stellar velocity dispersion of Abell 1836-BCG was obtained from ground based spectroscopy. The paper is organized as follows. The criteria of galaxy selection are presented in \\S \\ref{sec:sample}. ACS and STIS observations are described and analyzed in \\S\\S \\ref{sec:imaging} and \\ref{sec:spectroscopy}, respectively. Ground based spectroscopic observations of Abell 1836-BCG are described and analyzed in \\S \\ref{sec:groundspectrospcopy}. The SBH masses of Abell~1836-BCG and Abell~3565-BCG, and an upper limit for the SBH mass of Abell~2052-BCG are derived in \\S \\ref{sec:model}. In \\S \\ref{sec:conclusions} results are compared to the predictions of the SBHs scaling laws and conclusions are given. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} We have presented a dynamical analysis aimed at constraining the masses of the SBHs in three brightest cluster galaxies: Abell 1836-BCG, at a distance of 147.2 Mpc, Abell 2052-BCG, at a distance of 141.0 Mpc, and Abell 3565-BCG, at a distance of 50.8 Mpc. The models are based on data obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope. Broad-band WFPC2 and broad and narrow-band ACS images were used to constrain the luminosity profile and the distribution of the ionized gas, as traced by the H$\\alpha+$[N~{\\small II}] emission, while STIS was employed to measure the rotation velocity and velocity dispersion profiles, from the [N~{\\small II}]$ \\,\\lambda6583$ emission, along three parallel slits positions, the first aligned along the photometric major axis, and the others adjacent to the first on either side of the nucleus. In the case of Abell~1836-BCG and Abell~3565-BCG, the regular morphology and kinematics observed for the ionized gas led to secure black hole mass detections of \\mbh$=$ $3.61^{+0.41}_{-0.50}\\times 10^9$ \\msun\\ and $1.34^{+0.21}_{-0.19}\\times 10^9$ \\msun\\ (where the uncertainties represent 1$\\sigma$ errors\\footnote{Barth et al. 2001 show that the total error budget for gas-dynamical modelling is likely to be twice as large as such formal error estimates.}), respectively. For Abell-2052-BCG, which displays irregular kinematics, an upper limit of \\mbh$\\leq 4.60 \\times10^9$ \\msun\\ was derived under the conservative assumption of a negligible stellar contribution to the gravitational potential, and an inclination angle for the gas disk of $33\\dg$. At face value, the black hole in Abell~1836-BCG is the most massive to have been dynamically measured to-date. In our modeling we have neglected the potential impact on our SBH mass determination of assigning a dynamical origin to the additional kinematic broadening that we have used in our models to match the observed profile for the gas velocity dispersion. Although it has been argued that this additional turbulence does not affect the bulk motion of the gas (e.g. van der Marel \\& van den Bosch 1998), it is important to notice that ignoring the possibility that the gas might be supported by dynamical pressure will lead to {\\it under-}estimate the SBH mass. For instance, Barth et al. (2001) have shown that including a classical asymmetric drift correction led to an 12\\% increase of their best \\mbh\\ value. Unfortunately, we could not repeat this analysis in our models since the observed line-broadening exceeds by far the circular velocity, breaking down the epicyclic approximation on which the asymmetric drift correction is based. Nonetheless, our best SBH mass measurements are still likely to be underestimations of the real SBH mass. Figure~\\ref{scal_rel} shows the location of Abell~1836-BCG, Abell~2052-BCG, and Abell~3565-BCG in the \\mbh$-$\\sigmac\\ (Ferrarese \\& Ford 2005; Tremaine et al. 2002) and near-infrared \\mbh$-$\\lbulge\\ (Graham 2007; Marconi \\& Hunt 2003) planes. $K$-band Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) magnitudes were retrieved from the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive, and corrected for Galactic extinction following Schlegel et al. (1998). Stellar velocity dispersions are from this paper (see \\S \\ref{sec:groundspectrospcopy}) for Abell 1836-BCG, from Smith et al. (2000) in the case of Abell~3565-BCG (we adopt his high S/N measurement, $\\sigma=335\\pm 12$ \\kms), and Tonry (1985) for Abell~2052-BCG. We note that published estimates of $\\sigma$ for Abell 2052-BCG range between $250$ \\kms\\ and $370$ \\kms; the high end of this spread is probably due to contamination from a companion galaxy located only $8''$ away in the North-East direction. The contribution from this galaxy was explicitly accounted for by Tonry (1985), whose value, $\\sigma=253\\pm 12 $ \\kms, we have adopted. Correcting the adopted values of $\\sigma$ to a circular aperture of size $1/8 r_e$ (Table~\\ref{tab:sample}), following Jorgensen et al. (1995), we find $\\sigma_c=288 \\pm 9$ \\kms, $\\sigma_c=233 \\pm 11$ \\kms, and $\\sigma_c=322\\pm12$ \\kms\\ for Abell~1836-BCG, Abell~2052-BCG and Abell~3565-BCG, respectively. The SBH mass detected in Abell~3565-BCG, \\mbh = $1.34^{+0.21}_{-0.19}\\times 10^9$ \\msun\\ , is consistent both with the \\mbh$-$\\sigmac\\ (Ferrarese \\& Ford 2005) and the $K$-band \\mbh$-$\\lbulge\\ (Graham 2007) relations, which predict \\mbh = $1.7^{+2.0}_{-0.9}\\times 10^9$ \\msun\\ (the error is computed adopting a 0.34 dex scatter in \\mbh) and \\mbh = $1.1^{+1.1}_{-0.6}\\times 10^9$ \\msun\\ (adopting a 0.30 dex scatter), respectively. For Abell~2052-BCG, although the conservative upper limit on the black hole mass obtained for reasonable assumptions for \\mlstar\\ and $i$ (\\S 5.3), is consistent with both the \\mbh$-$\\sigmac\\ (Ferrarese \\& Ford 2005) and the $K$-band \\mbh$-$\\lbulge\\ (Graham 2007) relations, these predict significantly different masses, $3.5^{+4.1}_{-1.9}\\times 10^8$ \\msun\\ (adopting a 0.34 dex scatter) and $1.3^{+1.3}_{-0.6}\\times10^9$ \\msun\\ (adopting a 0.30 dex scatter) respectively (but note the above caveat regarding the measurement of $\\sigma$ for this galaxy). Although the sense of the discrepancy is consistent with the one argued for by Lauer et al. (2007), the lack of a precise determination of the SBH mass in this galaxy prevents us from establishing which, if either, of the two relations better predicts $M_{\\bullet}$ in this case. The only two BCGs in the literature with a dynamically measured SBH mass are M87 (Macchetto et al. 1997) and NGC 1399 (Houghton et al. 2006). M87 appears to have a more massive black hole than expected based on its $K-$band luminosity while it obeys the \\mbh$-$\\sigmac\\ relation. NGC 1399 is consistent with both the relations within their scatter. Abell 1836-BCG appears to be an outlier in all SBH scaling relations. The dynamically measured SBH mass reported in this paper, $M_\\bullet=3.61^{+0.41}_{-0.50}\\times 10^9 $ \\msun, is larger, at the 3$\\sigma$ level, than the value of \\mbh = $9.6^{+9.5}_{-4.8}\\times 10^8$ \\msun\\ (adopting a 0.30 dex scatter), predicted by the $K-$band \\mbh$-$\\lbulge\\ relation (Graham 2007). It is also larger, at the 3$\\sigma$ level, than the value of \\mbh = $9.77^{+11.6}_{-5.30}\\times 10^8$ \\msun\\ (adopting a 0.34 dex scatter), predicted by the \\mbh$-$\\sigmac\\ relation of Ferrarese \\& Ford (2005). Finally, the SBH mass of Abell 1836-BCG is not consistent with the value of $M_\\bullet=6.3^{+11.5}_{-4.1}\\times 10^8 $ \\msun\\ predicted by the fundamental plane relation for SBHs by Hopkins et al. (2007), adopting an effective radius $r_e=13\\Sec1=9.3$ kpc with a scatter of 0.45 dex in \\mbh. The existence of extremely massive SBHs as outliers to the empirical \\mbh$-$\\sigmac\\ relation would not be surprising. As shown by Lauer et al. (2007), the \\mbh$-$\\lbulge\\ relation predicts a greater abundance of the most massive SBHs, given the luminosities of the BCGs and the lack of galaxies with velocity dispersions larger than $\\sim 350$ \\kms. At the same time, the observed luminosity function of AGN implies the presence of SBHs as massive as $\\sim 5\\times 10^9$~\\msun\\ within the distance of the clusters we have observed, and SBHs mergers can increase the highest SBH masses in these massive clusters up to $\\sim 10^{10}\\,$\\msun\\ (Yoo et al. 2007). A larger sample of SBH masses measured in massive clusters would be required to test models of the effect of mergers in increasing the largest SBH masses in the universe. In conclusion, both the \\mbh$-$\\sigmac\\ and \\mbh$-$\\lbulge\\ relations appear at their high-\\mbh\\ end to be consistent with the SBH mass measured for one BCG, Abell 3565-BCG, but inconsistent with another one, Abell 1836-BCG. For the remaining target, Abell 2052-BCG, although the ionized-gas kinematics allowed us only to set an upper-limit on \\mbh\\ it seems unlikely that this galaxy could obey both relations simultaneously. The fact that Abell 1836-BCG is an outliers in both the \\mbh$-$\\sigmac\\ and \\mbh$-$\\lbulge\\ relations would appear to weaken the claim of Lauer et al (2007) that \\lbulge\\ is more reliable predictor of \\mbh\\ for BCGs. Overall, our results might indicate that the scatter of SBH scaling relations increases at the high end, although additional data are necessary to test this claim." }, "0809/0809.5233_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Measurements by dust detectors on interplanetary spacecraft appear to indicate a substantial flux of interstellar particles with masses $> 10^{-12}\\gram$. The reported abundance of these massive grains cannot be typical of interstellar gas: it is incompatible with both interstellar elemental abundances {\\it and} the observed extinction properties of the interstellar dust population. We discuss the likelihood that the Solar System is by chance located near an unusual concentration of massive grains and conclude that \\newtext{this} is unlikely, unless dynamical processes in the ISM are responsible for such concentrations. Radiation pressure might conceivably drive large grains into ``magnetic valleys''. If the influx direction of interstellar gas and dust is varying on a $\\sim10$~yr timescale, \\newtext{as suggested by some observations,} \\newtext{this would} have dramatic implications for the small-scale structure of the interstellar medium. ", "introduction": "Introduction} The interstellar medium (ISM) consists of a partially-ionized, magnetized gas mixed with solid particles of dust. The ionization state and molecular fraction of the gas depend primarily on the gas density and the local intensity of ultraviolet radiation that can photodissociate molecules and photoionize molecules and atoms. The dust content is determined by the prior history of the gas, including injection of newly-formed dust in stellar winds and supernova explosions, grain destruction in violent events such as supernova blast waves, and grain growth in the interstellar medium by both vapor deposition and coagulation in dense regions. While we do not know the properties of interstellar dust with precision, they are strongly-constrained by a variety of observations. The observed wavelength dependence of interstellar extinction -- the so-called ``reddening curve'' (reviewed in \\S~\\ref{sec:ism dust}) -- provides strong constraints on both the composition and size distribution of interstellar dust. In the local regions of the Milky Way, interstellar dust is abundant, containing a large fraction of the elements (such as Mg, Si, and Fe) that can be incorporated into refractory solids. As discussed in \\S\\ref{sec:abundances}, interstellar abundances therefore provide a strong constraint on grain models. The size distribution of interstellar grains can be inferred from the observed average reddening curve together with interstellar abundance constraints. Microparticle impacts on detectors on Ulysses and Galileo have been interpreted as showing a flux of solid particles entering the Solar system from the local interstellar medium \\citep{Grun+Zook+Baguhl+etal_1993}. In \\S~\\ref{sec:abundances} we show that the population of large grains inferred from dust impact detectors on Ulysses and Galileo \\citep{Landgraf+Baggaley+Grun+etal_2000, Kruger+Landgraf+Altobelli+Grun_2007, Kruger+Grun_2008} is incompatible with average elemental abundances in the ISM. In \\S~\\ref{sec:extinction}, we show that such a large grain population would result in wavelength-dependent extinction very different from what is observed. The Ulysses and Galileo data, if correctly interpreted, imply that the Solar System is, by chance, located in a very atypical spot in the ISM, with an overabundance of very large grains. The likelihood of such a scenario is discussed in \\S~\\ref{sec:atypical}. In \\S~\\ref{sec:velocity structure} we comment on \\newtext{suggestions} that the interstellar dust inflow vector \\newtext{might have changed} appreciably over only $\\sim$5~yrs. Our conclusions are summarized in \\S~\\ref{sec:summary}. ", "conclusions": "Summary} The size distribution of interstellar grains entering the heliosphere, as inferred from observations by Ulysses and Galileo \\citep{Landgraf+Baggaley+Grun+etal_2000,Kruger+Landgraf+Altobelli+Grun_2007} cannot be typical of the general interstellar medium, as can be demonstrated by two independent arguments: \\begin{enumerate} \\item The required abundance of elements in grains would substantially exceed what is available in the interstellar medium. \\item If such a size distribution were generally present, it would produce an interstellar ``reddening law'' very different from what is observed. \\end{enumerate} Therefore, if the size distribution of local interstellar dust does have the large grain population reported by \\citet{Landgraf+Baggaley+Grun+etal_2000}, the dust grain/gas ratio in the interstellar medium must be quite nonuniform. The length scale characterizing these nonuniformities is not known. If the velocity vector of the incoming dust flow is \\newtext{actually} changing over time scales of only years \\newtext{ -- one possible explanation for the variations in the directions of impacting particles reported by} \\citet{Kruger+Landgraf+Altobelli+Grun_2007} \\newtext{--} this would require that the dust velocity vary over lengthscales of only tens of AU. Such small scale structure was not expected. Mechanisms that might account for such nonuniformity are considered. It seems extremely unlikely that the Sun is passing through a region that has recently been enriched with dust from a stellar source. The least unlikely scenario may involve concentration of dust in certain regions, and removal of dust from other regions, by dynamical processes. One possible mechanism involving anisotropic starlight driving dust grains along deformed magnetic field lines is outlined. Whether this can compete with the diffusive effects of turbulent mixing is far from clear, however. It is important to carry out additional observations to confirm the enhanced grain size distribution, and to confirm the time-dependence of the density and velocity vector of the inflowing dust and gas. If the reported density of large grains, and the time-dependence of the inflow, are confirmed, this may require revision of our understanding of the small-scale structure of the ISM. Absorption line studies seem to suggest that, by coincidence, the heliosphere is just now passing through the transition zone -- possibly a shock transition -- between the ``Local Interstellar Cloud'' and ``Cloud G''. If so, the flow into the heliosphere offers the opportunity to study the small-scale structure in this transition zone. The Ulysses observations indicate that this region is heavily enriched with large dust particles, although why this should be so remains unclear." }, "0809/0809.2902_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We calculate relativistic Fermi liquid parameters (RFLPs) for the description of the properties of dense nuclear matter (DNM) using Effective Chiral Model. Analytical expressions of Fermi liquid parameters (FLPs) are presented both for the direct and exchange contributions. We present a comparative study of perturbative calculation with mean field (MF) results. Moreover we go beyond the MF so as to estimate the pionic contribution to the FLPs. Finally, we use these parameters to estimate some of the bulk quantities like incompressibility, sound velocity, symmetry energy etc. for DNM interacting via exchange of $\\s$, $\\o$ and $\\p$ meson. In addition, we also calculate the energy densities and the binding energy curve for the nuclear matter. Results for the latter have been found to be consistent with two loop calculations reported recently within the same model. ", "introduction": "One of the most exciting field of contemporary nuclear research has been the studies of the properties of dense nuclear matter (DNM). Such studies are important both in the context of laboratory experiments and nuclear astrophysics. Therefore, several attempts have been made in recent years to ascertain the properties of nuclear system at densities higher than the normal nuclear matter densities \\cite{chin76,speth80,horowitz83,friman96,friman99,song01,holt07}. The suitable description of nuclear matter at such high densities is provided by Quantum Hadrodynamics (QHD) \\cite{serot92}. Historically, QHD was developed by Walecka \\cite{walecka74,chin74,vol16} to study the properties of neutron star where the nucleons are assumed to interact via the exchange of $\\sigma$ and $\\omega$ mesons. In this model starting with interacting Lagrangian the relativistic field equations are solved by making MF approximation where the meson fields are replaced by their vacuum expectation values. Subsequently, starting from the same model Chin developed a full diagrammatic scheme and showed that the MF results can be obtained by making Hartree approximation {\\em i.e.} by retaining only the direct terms in a relativistic field theoretic approach \\cite{chin77}. In the same work, it was also shown how exchange corrections can be made and analytical expressions can be found for the energy density and related quantities by making some long range approximation for the $n-n$ interaction. Since then the QHD has undergone a series of developments which we do not discuss here but refer the reader to ref.\\cite{serot79,kapusta81, serot82,furnstahl87,furnstahl93,furnstahl95,furnstahl96}. The most recent model which we use here for the description of dense nuclear system is provided by the Chiral Effective Field theory (chEFT) \\cite{furnstahl89,furnstahl97}. It might be recalled here, that, in such a framework, the explicit calculation of the Dirac vacuum is not required, rather, on the contrary, here, the short distance dynamics are absorbed into the parameters of the theory adjusted phenomenologically by fitting empirical data. For detail discussion refer the reader to ref. \\cite{furnstahl97,serot97,hu07,biswas08}. Recently this model has been applied \\cite{hu07} to calculate the exchange corrections by evaluating nucleon loops involving $\\sigma$, $\\omega$ and $\\pi$ as intermediate states, which we address here partly. Our approach here is to study the dense nuclear system in terms of relativistic Fermi liquid parameters (RFLPs). Such an extention of the Fermi Liquid theory \\cite{pines_book,baym_book} was first made by Baym and Chin in ref.\\cite{baym76}. It should, however, be noted that the calculation presented in ref.\\cite{baym76} were performed perturbatively where the original QHD model was used. It should, however, be noted that the first application of Fermi liquid theory (FLT) to study the nuclear system was due to Migdal \\cite{migdal78} who used FLT to investigate the properties of unbound nuclear matter and finite nuclei \\cite{mig_book}. FLT also provides theoretical foundation for the nuclear shell model \\cite{mig_book} as well as nuclear dynamics of low energy excitations \\cite{baym_book,krewald88}. The connection between Landau, Brueckner-Bethe and Migdal theories was discussed in ref.\\cite{brown71}. While these are all non-relativistic calculations, the relativistic calculations involving RFLT are rather limited. After the original work of \\cite{baym76}, the relativistic problem was revisited in \\cite{matsui81} where one starts from the expression of energy density in presence of scalar and vector meson MF and takes functional derivatives to determine the FLPs. The results are found to be qualitatively different than the perturbative results \\cite{baym76,matsui81}. Moreover, besides $\\sigma$ and $\\omega$ meson, ref.\\cite{matsui81} also includes the $\\rho$ and $\\pi$ meson and the model adopted was originally proposed by Serot that incorporates pion into the Walecka model. The latter, however, do not contribute to the parameters presented in \\cite{matsui81} as the calculation was restricted only to the MF level where pion fails to contribute. On the other hand, the Migdal parameters using one-boson-exchange models of the nuclear force calculated in ref.\\cite{celenza_book,anastasio83}, in which a comparison of relativistic and non-relativistic results have also been studied. In the present work, we use a model, where we have pions and we extend the calculation beyond MF to include the pionic contributions into the FLPs. Furthermore, we evaluate and compare the perturbative results with MF approximated results within the framework of the present model. In addition we also calculate various physical quantities like incompressibility, sound velocity and symmetry energy etc. Moreover, the results are compared whenever possible with the previous calculations by taking suitable limits. For instance, the exchange energy, we compare results calculated within the present scheme with a more direct evaluation of the loop diagrams like in ref.\\cite{hu07}. This paper is organized as follows. In Sec.II, we will depict brief outline of the formalism of FLT. We find the analytic expressions for the FLPs both for direct and exchange contributions in Sec.III. Subsequently, we determine chemical potential, energy density and various other thermodynamic quantities like incompressibility and sound velocity. Sec.IV, is devoted to calculate isovector LPs to which involves the $\\pi$ meson contribution, and used to express the symmetry energy. \\vskip 0.4in \\section {Formalism} In FLT total energy $E$ of an interacting system is the functional of occupation number $n_{p}$ of the quasi-particle states of momentum $p$. The excitation of the system is equivalent to the change of occupation number by an amount $\\delta n_{p}$. The corresponding energy of the system is given by \\cite{baym_book,baym76}, \\beq{\\label {total_energy}} E&=&E^{0}+\\sum_{s}\\int\\frac{d^3{p}}{(2\\pi)^3} \\varepsilon_{ps}^{0}\\delta n_{ps} +\\frac{1}{2}\\sum_{ss'}\\int\\frac{d^3{p}}{(2\\pi)^3}\\frac{d^3{p'}}{(2\\pi)^3} f_{ps,p's'} \\delta n_{ps}\\delta n_{p's'}, \\eeq where $E^0$ is the ground state energy and $s$ is the spin index, and the quasi-particle energy can be written as, \\beq\\label{quasi_energy} \\veps_{ps}=\\veps_{ps}^{0}+\\sum_{s'}\\int\\frac{d^3{p'}}{(2\\pi)^3}f_{ps,p's'} \\delta n_{p's'}, \\eeq where $\\veps_{ps}^{0}$ is the non-interacting single particle energy. The interaction between quasi-particles is given by $f_{ps,p's'}$, which is defined to be the second derivative of the energy functional with respect to occupation functions, \\beq\\label{quasi_interac} f_{ps,p's'}=\\frac{\\delta^{2}E}{\\delta{n}_{ps}~\\delta{n}_{p's'}}. \\eeq Since quasi-particles are well defined only near the Fermi surface, one assumes \\beq \\left.\\begin{array}{lll} &\\veps_{p}&=\\mu+v_{f}(p-p_{f})\\\\ {\\rm and~~~} & p&\\simeq p'\\simeq p_{f}. \\end{array} \\right\\} \\eeq Then LPs $f_{l}$s are defined by the Legendre expansion of $f_{ps,p's'}$ as \\cite{baym_book,baym76}, \\beq\\label{landau_para} f_l=\\frac{2l+1}{4}\\sum_{ss'}\\int\\frac{d\\Omega}{4\\pi}P_{l}(\\cos\\theta)f_{ps,p's'}, \\eeq where $\\theta$ is the angle between $p$ and $p'$, both taken to be on the Fermi surface, and the integration is over all directions of $p$ \\cite{baym76}. We restrict ourselves for $l\\le 1$ i.e. $f_{0}$ and $f_{1}$, since higher $l$ contribution decreases rapidly. Now the Landau Fermi liquid interaction $f_{ps,p's'}$ is related to the two particle forward scattering amplitude via \\cite{baym_book,baym76}, \\beq f_{ps,p's'}&=&\\frac{M}{\\veps_{p}^0}\\frac{M}{\\veps_{p'}^0} {\\cal M}_{ps,p's'}, \\eeq where $M$ is the mass of the nucleon and the Lorentz invariant matrix ${\\cal M}_{ps,p's'}$ consists of the usual direct and exchange amplitude, which may be evaluated directly from the relevant diagrams as shown in Fig.~\\ref{dir_jax} and Fig.~\\ref{ex_jax}. \\vskip 0.2in \\begin{figure}[htb] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[scale=0.65,angle=0]{dir_jax.eps} \\caption{Schematic diagrams of direct contribution to forward scattering amplitude. Nucleons are represented by solid lines. $\\sigma$, $\\omega$ and $\\pi$ mesons are denoted by dotted, wavy and dashed lines respectively.} \\label{dir_jax} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\vskip 0.2in \\begin{figure}[htb] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[scale=0.65,angle=0]{ex_jax.eps} \\caption{Schematic diagrams of exchange contribution to forward scattering amplitude. Nucleons are represented by solid lines. $\\sigma$, $\\omega$ and $\\pi$ mesons are denoted by dotted, wavy and dashed lines respectively.} \\label{ex_jax} \\end{center} \\end{figure} The spin averaged scattering amplitude $(f_{pp'})$ is given by \\cite{baym76}, \\beq\\label{fermi_inter} f_{pp'}&=&\\frac{1}{4}\\sum_{ss'}\\frac{M}{\\veps_{p}^0} \\frac{M}{\\veps_{p'}^0}{\\cal M}_{ps,p's'}. \\eeq The dimensionless LPs are $F_{l}=N(0)f_{l}$, where $N(0)$ is the density of states at the Fermi surface defined as, \\beq\\label{dens_of_state} N(0)&=&\\sum_{s}\\int\\frac{\\rm d^3{p}}{(2\\pi)^3} \\delta(\\veps_{ps}-\\mu)\\nn\\\\ &=&\\frac{g_{s}g_{I}p_{f}^2}{2\\pi^2}\\left(\\frac{\\del p}{\\del\\veps_{p}} \\right)_{p=p_{f}}\\nn\\\\ &\\simeq&\\frac{g_{s}g_{I}p_{f}\\veps_{f}}{2\\pi^2}. \\eeq Here $g_{s},g_{I}$ are the spin and isospin degeneracy factor respectively. In the above expression $(\\del p/\\del\\veps_{p})_{p=p_{f}}$ is the inverse Fermi velocity $(v_{f}^{-1})$ related to the FL parameter $F_{1}$, \\beq\\label{inv_vel} v_{f}^{-1}=(\\del p/\\del\\veps_{p})_{p=p_{f}}=(\\mu/p_{f})(1+F_{1}/3). \\eeq With the help of Eq.(\\ref{dens_of_state}) and Eq.(\\ref{inv_vel}) one writes {\\cite{matsui81}} \\beq\\label{relative} \\veps_{f}=\\mu(1+\\frac{1}{3}F_{1}). \\eeq To compare Eq.(\\ref{inv_vel}) and Eq.(\\ref{relative}) with the well known non-relativistic expressions one has to put $\\veps_{f}=M^*$ and $\\mu=M$. \\vskip 0.4in \\section {Chiral Lagrangian and Landau parameters} We adopt the non-linear chiral model to calculate the FLPs and consequently estimate various quantities of physical interest like effective chemical potential, sound velocity, incompressibility, symmetry energy etc. Here all the fields are treated relativistically \\cite{baym76}. By retaining only the lowest order terms in the pion fields, one obtains the following Lagrangian from the chirally invariant Lagrangian \\cite{furnstahl97,hu07}: \\beq \\cl &=& \\bar{\\Psi}\\left[\\gm(i\\del_{\\mu}-g_{\\o}\\o_{\\mu})-i\\frac{g_{A}}{f_{\\pi}} \\gm\\gamma_{5}\\del_{\\mu}\\underline{\\pi}-(M-g_{\\s}\\Phi_{\\s})\\right]\\Psi\\nn\\\\&& +\\frac{1}{2}\\del^{\\mu}\\Phi_{\\s}\\del_{\\mu}\\phi_{\\s}-\\frac{1}{2}m_{\\s}^2\\Phi_{\\s}^2 -\\frac{1}{4}\\o^{\\mn}\\o_{\\mn}+\\frac{1}{2}m_{\\o}^2\\o^{\\m}\\o_{\\m} +\\frac{1}{2}\\del^{\\m}{\\vec\\Phi_{\\p}}\\cdot\\del_{\\m}{\\vec\\Phi_{\\p}} -\\frac{1}{2}m_{\\p}^2{\\vec\\Phi_{\\p}^2}\\nn\\\\&& +\\cl_{NL}+\\delta\\cl, \\eeq where $\\o_{\\mn}=\\del_{\\m}\\o_{\\n}-\\del_{\\n}\\o_{\\m}$, $\\underline{\\p}=\\frac{1}{2}({\\vec\\tau}\\cdot{\\vec\\Phi_{\\p}})$ and ${\\vec\\tau}$ is the isospin index. Here $\\Psi$ is the nucleon field and $\\Phi_{\\s}$, $\\o_{\\m}$ and ${\\vec\\Phi_{\\p}}$ are the meson fields (isoscalar-scalar, isoscalar-vector and isovector-pseudoscalar respectively). The terms $\\delta\\cl$ and $\\cl_{NL}$ contain the non-linear and counterterms respectively (for explicit expression see{\\cite{hu07}}). Note that in this work, the convention of {\\cite {kapusta81}} is used. \\subsection{Perturbative calculation} Let us calculate the LPs perturbatively due to the exchange of scalar and vector mesons between the nucleons \\cite{baym76}. The direct contribution ({\\em see } Fig.~\\ref{dir_jax}) is given by \\cite{baym76} \\beq\\label{dir_int} \\left.\\begin{array}{ll} f_{pp'}^{dir,\\s}&=-\\frac{g_{\\sigma}^2}{m_{\\sigma}^2}\\frac{M^2} {\\veps_{p}^0\\veps_{p'}^0}\\\\ f_{pp'}^{dir,\\o}&=\\frac{g_{\\omega}^2}{m_{\\omega}^2}\\frac{P.P'} {\\veps_{p}^0\\veps_{p'}^0}, \\end{array} \\right\\} \\eeq where $\\veps_{p}^0=\\sqrt{p^2+M^2}$. Now with the help of Eq.(\\ref{landau_para}) and Eq.(\\ref{dir_int}), the LPs become \\beq\\label{f0_dir} \\left.\\begin{array}{ll} f_{0}^{dir,\\s}&=-\\f{g_{\\s}^2}{m_{\\s}^2}\\f{M^{2}}{\\veps_{f}^2}\\\\ f_{0}^{dir,\\o}&=\\f{g_{\\o}^2}{m_{\\o}^2}, \\end{array} \\right\\} \\eeq and \\beq\\label{f1_dir} \\left.\\begin{array}{ll} f_{1}^{dir,\\s}&=0\\\\ f_{1}^{dir,\\o}&=-\\f{g_{\\o}^2}{m_{\\o}^2}\\frac{p_{f}^2}{\\veps_{f}^2}. \\end{array} \\right\\} \\eeq One may neglect the contribution of $f_{1}^{dir,\\o}$ as discussed in ref.\\cite{speth80}. A better approach was developed by Matsui \\cite{matsui81} where the magnetic interaction is included which reduces the value of $f_{1}^{dir,\\o}$. One may now, for the direct contribution plug in $f_{pp'}^{dir,\\s}$ and $f_{pp'}^{dir,\\o}$ in Eq.(\\ref{total_energy}) and Eq.(\\ref{quasi_energy}) to obtain the energy density and the SPE spectrum, respectively. The SPE spectrum is given by \\cite{baym76} \\beq\\label{dir_single} \\veps_{p}^{dir}&=&\\veps_{p}^{0}+\\frac{g_{\\o}^2}{m_{\\o}^2}\\rho -\\frac{g_{\\s}^2}{m_{\\s}^2}\\frac{M}{\\veps_{p}^0}n_{s}. \\eeq Here $\\rho $ and $n_{s}$ are the baryon and scalar density given by \\beq\\label{baryon_den} \\rho&=&g_{s}g_{I}\\frac{p_{f}^3}{6\\p^2}, \\eeq and \\beq\\label{scalar_den} n_{s}&=&g_{s}g_{I}\\frac{M}{4\\p^2} \\left[p_{f}\\veps_{f}-M^2\\ln\\left(\\frac{p_{f}+\\veps_{f}}{M}\\right)\\right]. \\eeq The energy density for direct contribution is \\cite{baym76} \\beq\\label{dir_totalE} E^{dir}&=&E^0+\\frac{1}{2}\\frac{g_{\\o}^2}{m_{\\o}^2}\\rho^2 -\\frac{1}{2}\\frac{g_{\\s}^2}{m_{\\s}^2}n_{s}^2. \\eeq The chemical potential is \\beq\\label{mu_dir1} \\mu^{dir}&=&\\frac{\\del E^{dir}}{\\del \\rho}\\nn\\\\ &=&\\veps_{f}+\\frac{g_{\\o}^2}{m_{\\o}^2}\\rho-\\frac{g_{\\s}^2}{m_{\\s}^2}n_{s} \\frac{\\del n_{s}}{\\del \\rho}\\nn\\\\ &=&\\veps_{f}+\\frac{g_{\\o}^2}{m_{\\o}^2}\\rho -\\frac{g_{\\s}^2}{m_{\\s}^2}\\frac{M}{\\veps_{f}}n_{s}. \\eeq One can derive the same result directly from Eq.(\\ref{dir_single}) as $\\mu = \\veps_p{\\Big |_{p=p_f}}$. \\subsection{FLPs in mean field model} It is well known that in the MF approximation, one replaces the mesonic fields by their vacuum expectation values viz. $\\sigma \\ra <\\sigma> = \\sigma_0$, $\\omega \\ra <\\omega> = \\delta_{\\mu 0} \\omega^\\mu$. The pion, however, fails to contribute at the MF level as $ <\\pi> = 0$. In the MF approximation the energy density can be written as \\cite{vol16} \\beq\\label{mft_totalE} E^{MFT}&=&\\frac{1}{2}\\frac{g_{\\o}^2}{m_{\\o}^2}\\rho^2 +\\frac{1}{2}\\frac{g_{\\s}^2}{m_{\\s}^2}n_{s}^2+\\sum_{i}n_{i}\\sqrt{p_{i}^2+M^{*2}}. \\eeq In the above equation $M^*$ denotes the effective nucleon mass to be determined self consistently \\cite{matsui81,hu07}. With the help of Eq.(\\ref{quasi_interac}), the interaction parameter takes the following form \\cite{matsui81} \\beq\\label{mft_int} f_{pp'}^{MFT}&=&\\frac{g_{\\o}^2}{m_{\\o}^2}-\\frac{g_{\\s}^2}{m_{\\s}^2}\\frac{M^{*2}} {\\veps_{p}^0\\veps_{p'}^0}\\left[1+\\zeta(M^*)\\right]^{-1}. \\eeq Here $\\veps_{p}^0=\\sqrt{p^2+M^{*2}}$ and \\beq\\label{brk_trm} \\zeta(M^*)&=&\\frac{g_{\\s}^2}{m_{\\s}^2}{\\sum_{i}}n_{i} \\frac{p_{i}^2}{(p_{i}^2+M^{*2})^{3/2}}\\nn\\\\ &=&\\frac{g_{\\s}^2}{m_{\\s}^2}M^{*2}\\frac{g_{s}g_{I}v_{f}}{2\\p^2} \\left(1+\\frac{1}{2(1-v_{f}^2)}-\\frac{3}{4v_{f}} \\ln\\left\\vert\\frac{1+v_{f}}{1-v_{f}}\\right\\vert\\right), \\eeq where $v_{f}={p_{f}}/{(p_{f}^2+M^{*2})^{1/2}}$, is the relativistic Fermi velocity. The inverse part of Eq.(\\ref{mft_int}) reduces the magnitude of interaction parameter compared to what is obtained in absence of the MF Eq.(\\ref{dir_int}) \\cite{matsui81,anastasio83} The LPs as defined in ref.\\cite{matsui81} are \\beq\\label{f0_mft} \\left.\\begin{array}{ll} f_{0}^{MFT,\\s}&=-\\f{g_{\\s}^2}{m_{\\s}^2}\\f{M^{*2}}{\\veps_{f}^2} \\left[1+\\frac{g_{\\s}^2}{m_{\\s}^2} {\\sum_{i}}n_{i}\\frac{p_{i}^2}{(p_{i}^2+M^{*2})^{3/2}}\\right]^{-1}\\\\ f_{0}^{MFT,\\o}&=\\f{g_{\\o}^2}{m_{\\o}^2}. \\end{array} \\right\\} \\eeq When we evaluated the above Eq.(\\ref{f0_mft}), we neglect the ``magnetic interaction'' between the quasiparticles which is induced by the microscopic currents. In presence of current density \\cite{matsui81} \\beq\\label{f1_mft} f_{1}^{MFT,\\o}&=&-\\f{g_{\\o}^2}{m_{\\o}^2}\\f{p_{f}^2}{\\veps_{f}^2} \\left[1+\\frac{g_{\\o}^2}{m_{\\o}^2} {\\sum_{i}}n_{i}\\frac{\\f{2}{3}p_{i}^2+M^{*2}}{(p_{i}^2+M^{*2})^{3/2}}\\right]^{-1}. \\eeq Clearly, the current contribution reduces the value of $f_{1}^{MFT,\\o}$. Previously we showed in Eq.(\\ref{dir_single}) and Eq.(\\ref{dir_totalE}) the SPE spectrum and energy density in absence of MF, but in presence of MF, SPE is given by \\cite{matsui81,chin76,vol16,chin74} \\beq\\label{mft_single} \\veps_{p}^{MFT}&=&\\frac{g_{\\o}^2}{m_{\\o}^2}\\rho+\\sqrt{p^2+M^{*2}}. \\eeq Therefore, \\beq\\label{mu_mft} \\mu^{MFT}&=&\\frac{g_{\\o}^2}{m_{\\o}^2}\\rho+\\sqrt{p_{f}^2+M^{*2}}. \\eeq In the low density limit, Eq.(\\ref{mft_single}) reduces to Eq.(\\ref{dir_single}) as $M^*= M-\\frac{g_{\\s}^2}{m_{\\s}^2} {\\sum_{i}}n_{i}\\frac{M}{(p_{i}^2+M^{2})^{1/2}}$. It is to be noted that in the MF approximation scalar meson contribution is absorbed in the effective mass does not appear explicitly as in Eq.(\\ref{dir_single}). Another interesting difference is also noticed in the expressions for the total energy densities given by Eqs.(\\ref{dir_totalE}) and (\\ref{mft_totalE}). Note that, our MF result is consistent with ref.\\cite{matsui81} but differs with that of ref.\\cite{chin74}. \\begin{figure}[htb] \\vskip 0.2in \\begin{center} \\resizebox{8cm}{6.0cm}{\\includegraphics[]{mu_mat_chin.eps}} \\caption{Chemical potential for direct contribution with $\\sigma$ and $\\omega$ meson exchange in symmetric nuclear matter. The dashed and solid curve represent the perturbative and MF results, respectively.} \\label{fig1} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[htb] \\begin{center} \\resizebox{8cm}{6.0cm}{\\includegraphics[]{e_mf_per.eps}} \\caption{ Total energy from direct contribution with $\\sigma$ and $\\omega$ meson exchange in symmetric nuclear matter. The dashed and solid curve represent the perturbative and MF results, respectively.} \\label{fig1a} \\end{center} \\end{figure} In Fig(\\ref{fig1}) we present the comparative study of the chemical potential obtained perturbatively and with MF calculation. At low density they tend to merge, while at higher density MF results differ significantly from the perturbative result. Numerically $\\mu^{MFT}$ and $\\mu^{per}$ are given by 861.07 MeV and 832.64 MeV respectively at normal matter density ($\\rho_{0}=0.148{\\rm fm^{-3}}$). For the numerical estimate we adopt the coupling parameter set as designated by ${\\bf M0A}$ in ref.\\cite{hu07}. In Fig(\\ref{fig1a}) we compare the results for total energy obtained from perturbative and MF calculation. This also shows at low density they tend to merge, while at higher density MF results become larger than the perturbative results. This is easily understood from Eq.(\\ref{dir_totalE}) and (\\ref{mft_totalE}). At saturation density numerical values are given by 886.43 MeV and 893.31 MeV for perturbative and MF calculation respectively. Now we consider the exchange modification over the MF. Evaluating the exchange diagrams (Fig.~\\ref{ex_jax}), we obtain the interaction parameter as \\cite{baym76} \\beq \\left.\\begin{array}{ll} f_{pp'}^{ex,\\s}&=-\\frac{g_{\\sigma}^2}{4\\veps_{p}^0\\veps_{p'}^0}\\frac{P.P'+M^{*2}} {(P-P')^2-m_{\\sigma}^2}\\\\ f_{pp'}^{ex,\\o}&=-\\frac{g_{\\omega}^2}{2\\veps_{p}^0\\veps_{p'}^0}\\frac{P.P'-2M^{*2}} {(P-P')^2-m_{\\omega}^2}. \\end{array} \\right\\} \\eeq With the help of Eq.(\\ref{landau_para}), the LPs for scalar meson exchange reads as \\beq\\label{f0sig} f_{0}^{ex,\\sigma}&=&\\frac{g_{\\s}^2}{8\\veps_{f}^2}\\int_{-1}^{1} \\frac{p_{f}^2(1-\\cos\\theta)+2M^{*2}}{2p_{f}^2(1-\\cos\\theta)+m_{\\s}^2} {\\rm d(\\cos\\theta)}\\nn\\\\ &=&\\frac{g_{\\sigma}^2}{8\\veps_{f}^2}\\left[1-\\left( \\frac{m_{\\sigma}^2-4M^{*2}}{4p_{f}^2}\\right)\\ln\\left(1+\\frac{4p_{f}^2}{m_{\\sigma}^2} \\right)\\right], \\eeq and \\beq\\label{f1sig} \\frac{1}{3}f_{1}^{ex,\\sigma}&=&\\frac{g_{\\s}^2}{8\\veps_{f}^2}\\int_{-1}^{1} \\frac{p_{f}^2(1-\\cos\\theta)+2M^{*2}}{2p_{f}^2(1-\\cos\\theta)+m_{\\s}^2}(\\cos\\theta) {\\rm d(\\cos\\theta)}\\nn\\\\ &=&\\frac{g_{\\sigma}^2}{8\\veps_{f}^2}\\left[\\left(\\frac {m_{\\sigma}^2-4M^{*2}}{2p_{f}^2}\\right)\\left\\{1-\\left(\\frac{m_{\\sigma}^2+2p_{f}^2} {4p_{f}^2}\\right)\\ln\\left(1+\\frac{4p_{f}^2}{m_{\\sigma}^2}\\right)\\right\\}\\right]. \\eeq Using Eqs.(\\ref{f0sig}) and (\\ref{f1sig}) we have \\beq\\label{f0f1sig} f_{0}^{ex,\\sigma}-\\frac{1}{3}f_{1}^{ex,\\sigma}&=& \\frac{g_{\\s}^2}{8\\veps_{f}^2}\\int_{-1}^{1} \\frac{p_{f}^2(1-\\cos\\theta)+2M^{*2}}{2p_{f}^2(1-\\cos\\theta)+m_{\\s}^2} (1-\\cos\\theta){\\rm d(\\cos\\theta)}\\nn\\\\ &=&\\frac{g_{\\sigma}^2}{8\\veps_{f}^2} \\left[1-\\left(\\frac{m_{\\sigma}^2-4M^{*2}}{2p_{f}^2}\\right)\\left\\{1- \\frac{m_{\\sigma}^2}{4p_{f}^2}\\ln\\left(1+\\frac{4p_{f}^2}{m_{\\sigma}^2}\\right) \\right\\}\\right]. \\eeq It is this combination {\\em i.e.} $f_{0}-\\frac{1}{3}f_{1}$, which appears in the calculation of chemical potential and other relevant quantities. For massless scalar meson interaction, the above Eq.(\\ref{f0f1sig}) turns out to be finite, \\beq\\label{f0f1sig1} \\left(f_{0}^{ex,\\sigma}-\\frac{1}{3}f_{1}^{ex,\\sigma}\\right)_{m_{\\s}\\ra 0} &=&\\frac{g_{\\s}^2}{8p_{f}^2}\\left(1+\\frac{M^{*2}}{\\veps_{f}^2}\\right). \\eeq Note that in the limit $m_{\\s}\\ra 0$ both $f_{0}$ and $f_{1}$ are individually diverge because of the presence of $(1-\\cos\\theta)$ term in the denominator. In the massless limit such divergences are also contained in Eq.(\\ref{f0sig}) and Eq.(\\ref{f1sig}). The dimensionless LPs $F_{0}$ and $F_{1}$ are defined as $F_{0}=N(0)f_{0}$ and $F_{1}=N(0)f_{1}$, where $N(0)$ is the density of states at the Fermi surface defined in Eq.(\\ref{dens_of_state}). \\beq F_{0}^{ex,\\s}&=&g_{s}g_{I}\\frac{g_{\\sigma}^2p_{f}}{16\\pi^2\\veps_{f}}\\left[1-\\left( \\frac{m_{\\sigma}^2-4M^{*2}}{4p_{f}^2}\\right)\\ln\\left(1+\\frac{4p_{f}^2}{m_{\\sigma}^2} \\right)\\right], \\eeq and \\beq \\f{1}{3}F_{1}^{ex,\\s}&=&g_{s}g_{I}\\frac{g_{\\sigma}^2p_{f}}{16\\pi^2\\veps_{f}} \\left[\\left(\\frac {m_{\\sigma}^2-4M^{*2}}{2p_{f}^2}\\right)\\left\\{1-\\left(\\frac{m_{\\sigma}^2+2p_{f}^2} {4p_{f}^2}\\right)\\ln\\left(1+\\frac{4p_{f}^2}{m_{\\sigma}^2}\\right)\\right\\}\\right]. \\eeq Similarly, for vector meson exchange we have \\beq\\label{f0omega} f_{0}^{ex,\\omega}&=&\\frac{g_{\\omega}^2}{4\\veps_{f}^2}\\int_{-1}^{1} \\frac{p_{f}^2(1-\\cos\\theta)-M^{*2}}{2p_{f}^2(1-\\cos\\theta)+m_{\\o}^2} {\\rm d(\\cos\\theta)}\\nn\\\\ &=&-\\frac{g_{\\omega}^2}{8\\veps_{f}^2}\\left[-2+ \\frac{(m_{\\omega}^2+2M^{*2})}{2p_{f}^2}\\ln\\left(1+\\frac{4p_{f}^2}{m_{\\omega}^2} \\right)\\right], \\eeq and \\beq\\label{f1omega} \\frac{1}{3}f_{1}^{ex,\\omega}&=&\\frac{g_{\\omega}^2}{4\\veps_{f}^2}\\int_{-1}^{1} \\frac{p_{f}^2(1-\\cos\\theta)-M^{*2}}{2p_{f}^2(1-\\cos\\theta)+m_{\\o}^2} (\\cos\\theta){\\rm d(\\cos\\theta)}\\nn\\\\ &=&-\\frac{g_{\\omega}^2(m_{\\omega}^2+2M^{*2})} {16\\veps_{f}^2p_{f}^2}\\left[-2+\\left(1+\\frac{m_{\\omega}^2}{2p_{f}^2}\\right) \\ln\\left(1+\\frac{4p_{f}^2}{m_{\\omega}^2}\\right)\\right]. \\eeq Using Eq.(\\ref{f0omega}) and Eq.(\\ref{f1omega}) we have \\beq\\label{f0f1ome} f_{0}^{ex,\\omega}-\\frac{1}{3}f_{1}^{ex,\\omega}&=& \\frac{g_{\\omega}^2}{4\\veps_{f}^2}\\int_{-1}^{1} \\frac{p_{f}^2(1-\\cos\\theta)-M^{*2}}{2p_{f}^2(1-\\cos\\theta)+m_{\\o}^2} (1-\\cos\\theta){\\rm d(\\cos\\theta)}\\nn\\\\ &=&\\frac{g_{\\omega}^2}{4\\veps_{f}^2} \\left[1+\\frac{(m_{\\omega}^2+2M^{*2})}{4p_{f}^2}\\left\\{-2+\\frac{m_{\\omega}^2} {2p_{f}^2}\\ln\\left(1+\\frac{4p_{f}^2}{m_{\\omega}^2}\\right)\\right\\}\\right]. \\eeq In the limit $m_{\\o}\\ra 0$ the above Eq.(\\ref{f0f1ome}) turns into \\beq\\label{f0f1ome1} \\left(f_{0}^{ex,\\o}-\\frac{1}{3}f_{1}^{ex,\\o}\\right)_{m_{\\o}\\ra 0} &=&\\frac{g_{\\o}^2}{4p_{f}^2}\\left(1-\\frac{2M^{*2}}{\\veps_{f}}\\right). \\eeq This expression agrees with the previous calculation by Baym and Chin \\cite{baym76} who arrived at this result by direct evaluation of the integral by putting $m_{\\o}=0$ in Eq.(\\ref{f0f1ome}). Here also to be noted, in the limit $m_{\\o}\\ra 0$ both $f_{0}$ and $f_{1}$ are individually divergent, but the combination $f_{0}-\\frac{1}{3}f_{1}$ is finite as observed in the case of scalar ($\\s$) meson exchange. The dimensionless LPs for vector meson exchange reads: \\beq F_{0}^{ex,\\o}&=&-g_{s}g_{I}\\frac{g_{\\omega}^2p_{f}}{16\\pi^2\\veps_{f}}\\left[-2+ \\frac{(m_{\\omega}^2+2M^{*2})}{2p_{f}^2}\\ln\\left(1+\\frac{4p_{f}^2}{m_{\\omega}^2} \\right)\\right], \\eeq and \\beq \\f{1}{3}F_{1}^{ex,\\o}&=&-g_{s}g_{I}\\frac{g_{\\omega}^2(m_{\\omega}^2+2M^{*2})} {32\\pi^2p_{f}\\veps_{f}}\\left[-2+\\left(1+\\frac{m_{\\omega}^2}{2p_{f}^2}\\right) \\ln\\left(1+\\frac{4p_{f}^2}{m_{\\omega}^2}\\right)\\right]. \\eeq \\vskip 0.2in \\begin{figure}[htb] \\begin{center} \\resizebox{8cm}{6.0cm}{\\includegraphics[]{F_sca.eps}} \\caption{Dimensionless LPs in symmetric nuclear matter for $\\sigma$ meson exchange in relativistic theory. $F_{0}^{MF}$, $F_{0}^{ex}$, $F_{0}^{tot}$ and $F_{1}^{ex}$ are denoted by dot-dashed, dashed, solid and dotted line respectively.} \\label{fig2} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\begin{table} \\caption{Parameter sets used in this work.} \\label{table-1} \\begin{tabular}{ccccc} \\hline \\hline Meson &~~~~ & Mass &~~~~ & Coupling \\\\ \\hline $\\s$ &~~~~ & $m_{\\s}/M$=0.54 &~~~~ & $g_{\\s}/{4\\p}$=0.7936\\\\ $\\o$ &~~~~ & $m_{\\o}/M$=0.8328 &~~~~ & $g_{\\o}/{4\\p}$=0.9681\\\\ \\hline \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table} \\vskip 0.2in \\begin{figure}[htb] \\begin{center} \\resizebox{8cm}{6.0cm}{\\includegraphics[]{F_vec.eps}} \\caption{Dimensionless LPs for symmetric nuclear matter for $\\omega$ meson exchange in relativistic theory. $F_{0}^{MF}$, $F_{0}^{ex}$, $F_{0}^{tot}$ and $F_{1}^{ex}$ are denoted by dashed, dot-dashed, solid and dotted line respectively.} \\label{fig3} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\begin{table} \\caption{Dimensionless LPs for $\\s$ and $\\o$ exchange at $\\rho=\\rho_{0}$.} \\label{table-2} \\begin{tabular}{ccccccccc}\\hline\\hline Meson &~~~~&$F_{0}^{MF}$&~~~~&$F_{0}^{ex}$&~~~~&$F_{0}^{tot}$&~~~~&$F_{1}^{ex}$ \\\\ \\hline $\\s$ &~~~~& -8.65 &~~~~ & 3.61 &~~~~ & -5.04 &~~~~ & 0.875 \\\\ $\\o$ &~~~~& 7.35 &~~~~ & -1.91 &~~~~ & 5.44 &~~~~ & -0.932 \\\\ \\hline \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table} In Fig.(\\ref{fig2}) and Fig.(\\ref{fig3}) we present $F_{0}^{MF}$, $F_{0}^{ex}$, $F_{0}^{tot}$ and $F_{1}^{ex}$ as a function of baryon density for symmetric nuclear matter due to $\\sigma$ and $\\omega$ meson interaction respectively. It is to be noted, that $F_{0}^{MF}$ and $F_{0}^{ex}$ contribute in opposite sign for both $\\s$ and $\\o$ meson exchange as it is seen from Table~(\\ref{table-2}). We quote few numerical values of $F^{\\s}$ and $F^{\\o}$ in Table~(\\ref{table-2}) at normal matter density ($\\rho_{0}=0.148 {\\rm fm^{-3}}$). It is to be noted that the numerical estimation of $F_0$ with MF in our case, differs from ref.\\cite{matsui81}. This is due to different coupling parameters in these two models. We now proceed to calculate chemical potential due to the exchange terms denoted by $\\mu^{ex}$. As in ref.{\\cite{baym76}} we have \\beq\\label{delmu_deln} \\frac{\\del\\mu}{\\del \\rho}&=&\\frac{2\\pi^2}{g_{s}g_{I}p_{f}^2} \\left(\\frac{\\del\\veps_{p}}{\\del p}\\right)_{p=p_{f}}+f_{0} \\nn \\\\ &=&\\frac{2\\pi^2}{\\mu g_{s}g_{I}p_{f}}-\\frac{1}{3}f_{1}+f_{0}, \\eeq and \\beq\\label{fermi_vel} \\left(\\frac{\\del\\veps_{p}}{\\del p}\\right)_{p=p_{f}}=v_{f}&=& \\frac{p_{f}}{\\mu}-\\frac{g_{s}g_{I}p_{f}^2}{2\\pi^2}\\frac{f_{1}}{3}. \\eeq Now from Eq.(\\ref{delmu_deln}) one gets \\beq\\label{mudmu} \\mu{\\rm d\\mu}&=&\\left[p_{f}+g_{s}g_{I}\\frac{\\mu p_{f}^2}{2\\p^2} (f_{0}-\\frac{1}{3}f_{1})\\right]dp_{f}. \\eeq To calculate $\\mu$, it is sufficient to let $\\mu=\\veps_{f}$ in the right hand side of Eq.(\\ref{mudmu}). With the constant of integration adjusted so that at high density $ p_{f}\\simeq \\veps_{f}$, Eq.(\\ref{mudmu}) upon integration together with Eq.(\\ref{f0f1sig}) yield \\beq\\label{mu_sigma} \\mu^{ex}_{\\sigma}&=&\\veps_{f}+\\frac{g_{s}g_{I}g_{\\sigma}^2}{128\\pi^2\\veps_{f}}M^{*2} \\left[-2y_{\\sigma}(4-y_{\\sigma}^2)^{3/2}\\tan^{-1}\\left (\\frac{x\\sqrt{4-y_{\\sigma}^2}}{y_{\\sigma}\\sqrt{1+x^2}}\\right)\\right.\\nn\\\\&&\\left. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+\\frac{y_{\\sigma}^2(4-y_{\\sigma}^2)\\sqrt{1+x^2}}{x} \\ln\\left(1+\\frac{4x^2} {y_{\\sigma}^2}\\right)+4x\\sqrt{1+x^2} \\right.\\nn\\\\&&\\left. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+2(y_{\\sigma}^4-6y_{\\sigma}^2+6)\\ln(x+\\sqrt{1+x^2}) \\right], \\eeq where $x=p_{f}/M^*$ and $y_{\\s}=m_{\\s}/M^*$. \\vskip 0.2in \\begin{figure}[htb] \\begin{center} \\resizebox{8cm}{6.0cm}{\\includegraphics[]{muex_svp.eps}} \\caption{Density dependent of exchange chemical potential in symmetric nuclear matter. $\\s$,$\\o$ and $\\p$ mesons are denoted by solid, dotted and dashed line respectively.} \\label{fig4} \\end{center} \\end{figure} For massless meson limit {\\em i.e.} at $m_{\\s}\\ra 0$ implies $y_{\\s}\\ra 0$ we have \\beq \\mu^{ex}_{\\s}\\left\\vert\\right._{m_{\\s}\\ra 0}&=&\\veps_{f}+g_{s}g_{I} \\frac{g_{\\s}^2M^{*2}}{32\\p^2\\veps_{f}}\\left[x\\sqrt{1+x^2}+3\\ln(x+\\sqrt{1+x^2}) \\right]. \\eeq Similarly for vector meson interaction, using Eq.(\\ref{f0f1ome}) and Eq.(\\ref{mudmu}) one obtains \\beq \\mu_{\\omega}^{ex}&=&\\veps_{f}-\\frac{g_{s}g_{I}g_{\\omega}^2M^{*2}}{64\\pi^2\\veps_{f}} \\left[ \\frac{2y_{\\omega}(y_{\\omega}^4-2y_{\\omega}^2-8)}{\\sqrt{-y_{\\omega}^2+4}}\\tan^{-1} \\left(\\frac{x\\sqrt{-y_{\\omega}^2+4}}{y_{\\omega}\\sqrt{1+x^2}}\\right)\\right.\\nn\\\\ &&\\left.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+\\frac{y_{\\omega}^2(y_{\\omega}^2+2)\\sqrt{1+x^2}}{x} \\ln\\left(1+\\frac{4x^2}{y_{\\omega}^2}\\right)-4x\\sqrt{1+x^2}\\right.\\nn\\\\&&\\left. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+2(6-y_{\\omega}^4)\\ln(x+\\sqrt{1+x^2})\\right]. \\eeq Here $y_{\\o}=m_{\\o}/M^*$. For massless limit of vector meson the expression for chemical potential reads as \\beq \\mu^{ex}_{\\o}&=&\\veps_{f}+g_{s}g_{I}\\frac{g_{\\o}^2M^{*2}}{16\\p^2\\veps_{f}} \\left[x\\sqrt{1+x^2}-3\\ln(x+\\sqrt{1+x^2})\\right]. \\eeq In low density limit ($M^*\\ra M$) for the massless meson exchange we reproduce the expression derived earlier {\\cite{baym76,chin77}}. \\vskip 0.2in \\begin{figure}[htb] \\begin{center} \\resizebox{8cm}{6.0cm}{\\includegraphics[]{mu_direx_svp.eps}} \\caption{Comparison of mean field and exchange results of chemical potential in symmetric nuclear matter. Direct contributions are plotted by solid curve and exchange contributions by dashed curve.} \\label{fig5} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\vskip 0.2in \\begin{figure}[htb] \\begin{center} \\resizebox{8cm}{6.0cm}{\\includegraphics[]{mu_HF_MFT.eps}} \\caption{Comparison of chemical potential with MFT and HF case in symmetric nuclear matter. MF and HF results denoted by dashed and solid line respectively.} \\label{fig11} \\end{center} \\end{figure} Once the $\\mu^{ex}$ is determined, one can readily calculate its contribution to the energy density. For scalar meson interaction it is given by {\\cite{baym76,chin77}}, \\beq\\label{xe_sig} E^{ex}_{\\s}&=&\\frac{1}{2}\\int{\\rm d\\rho}(\\mu^{ex}_{\\s}-\\veps_{f})\\nn\\\\ &=&g_{s}^2g_{I}^2\\frac{g_{\\s}^2M^{*4}}{512\\p^4} \\left[y_{\\s}^2(4-y_{\\s}^2)\\left\\{-\\frac{x^2}{2}+\\frac{y_{\\s}^2+4x^2}{8} \\ln\\left(1+\\f{4x^2}{y_{\\s}^2}\\right)\\right\\}+x^4\\right.\\nn\\\\ &&\\left.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -\\f{1}{2}(y_{\\s}^4-6y_{\\s}^2+6)(\\{x\\sqrt{1+x^2}-\\ln(x+\\sqrt{1+x^2})\\}^2-x^4) +I_{\\s}\\right], \\eeq where \\beq I_{\\s}&=&-2y_{\\sigma}(4-y_{\\sigma}^2)^{3/2}\\int\\f{x^2}{\\sqrt{1+x^2}} \\tan^{-1}\\left(\\frac{x\\sqrt{4-y_{\\sigma}^2}}{y_{\\sigma}\\sqrt{1+x^2}}\\right) {\\rm d}x. \\eeq Similarly, for vector meson exchange we obtain \\beq\\label{xe_ome} E^{ex}_{\\o}&=&\\frac{1}{2}\\int{\\rm d\\rho}(\\mu^{ex}_{\\o}-\\veps_{f})\\nn\\\\ &=&-g_{s}^2g_{I}^2\\frac{g_{\\o}^2M^{*4}}{256\\p^4} \\left[y_{\\o}^2(2+y_{\\o}^2)\\left\\{-\\frac{x^2}{2}+\\frac{y_{\\o}^2+4x^2}{8} \\ln\\left(1+\\f{4x^2}{y_{\\o}^2}\\right)\\right\\}-x^4\\right.\\nn\\\\ &&\\left.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +\\left(\\f{y_{\\o}^4}{2}-3\\right)\\left(\\{x\\sqrt{1+x^2}-\\ln(x+\\sqrt{1+x^2})\\}^2-x^4 \\right)+I_{\\o}\\right], \\eeq where \\beq I_{\\o}&=&\\frac{2y_{\\o}(y_{\\o}^4-2y_{\\o}^2-8)}{\\sqrt{4-y_{\\o}^2}} \\int\\f{x^2}{\\sqrt{1+x^2}} \\tan^{-1}\\left(\\frac{x\\sqrt{4-y_{\\o}^2}}{y_{\\o}\\sqrt{1+x^2}}\\right) {\\rm d}x. \\eeq Thus for the case of massless mesons {\\cite{baym76,chin77}}, we have \\beq\\label{sig_eng_mless} E^{ex}_{\\s}|_{m_{\\s}\\ra 0}&=&\\f{g_{\\s}^2M^{*4}}{8\\p^4} [x^4-\\f{3}{4}\\{x\\sqrt{1+x^2}-\\ln(x+\\sqrt{1+x^2})\\}^2], \\eeq and \\beq\\label{omg_eng_mless} E^{ex}_{\\o}|_{m_{\\o}\\ra 0}&=&-\\f{g_{\\o}^2M^{*4}}{8\\p^4} [x^4-\\f{3}{2}\\{x\\sqrt{1+x^2}-\\ln(x+\\sqrt{1+x^2})\\}^2]. \\eeq Due to presence of pion fields in the chiral Lagrangian we have component in the interaction which acts on the isospin fluctuation. One can derive the quasiparticle interaction with isospin dependency by the same procedure as for $\\sigma$ and $\\omega$ meson. Pion, being a pseudoscalar, fails to contribute at the MF level forcing us to go beyond MFT so as to include pionic contribution to the FLPs. It is to be noted that, in exchange diagram pion have both isoscalar and isovector contribution to FLPs. Detailed calculation for isoscalar contribution to FLPs is similar as $\\sigma$ and $\\omega$ meson. For brevity, we present only dimensionless FLPs and their contribution to energy density. We also quote their numerical values. The dimensionless LPs due to $\\pi$ exchange are \\beq\\label{dless_F0_pi} F^{ex,\\p}_{0}=-g_{s}g_{I}\\f{3g_{A}^2p_{f}M^{*2}}{64\\p^2f_{\\p}^2\\veps_{f}} \\lt[-2+\\frac{m_{\\pi}^2}{2p_{f}^2} \\ln\\left(1+\\frac{4p_{f}^2}{m_{\\pi}^2}\\right)\\rt], \\eeq and \\beq\\label{dless_F1_pi} \\f{1}{3}F^{ex,\\p}_{1}=-g_{s}g_{I}\\f{3g_{A}^2m_{\\p}^2M^{*2}} {128\\p^2f_{\\p}^2p_{f}\\veps_{f}} \\lt[-2+\\left(\\frac{m_{\\pi}^2} {2p_{f}^2}+1\\right)\\ln\\left(1+\\frac{4p_{f}^2}{m_{\\pi}^2}\\right)\\rt]. \\eeq \\begin{figure}[tb] \\begin{center} \\resizebox{8cm}{6.0cm}{\\includegraphics[]{F_pi.eps}} \\caption{Dimensionless LPs in symmetric nuclear matter for pion exchange in relativistic theory. Solid and dashed line represent $F_{0}^{\\pi}$ and $F_{1}^{\\pi}$ respectively.} \\label{fig8} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[tb] \\begin{center} \\resizebox{8cm}{6.0cm}{\\includegraphics[]{F0_svp.eps}} \\caption{Dimensionless relativistic LP $F_{0}$ in symmetric nuclear matter. $\\s$, $\\o$, $\\p$ and total contribution are denoted by dashed, dot-dashed, dotted and solid line respectively.} \\label{fig9} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[tb] \\begin{center} \\resizebox{8cm}{6.0cm}{\\includegraphics[]{F1_svp.eps}} \\caption{Dimensionless relativistic LP $F_{1}$ in symmetric nuclear matter. $\\s$, $\\o$, $\\p$ and total contribution are denoted by dashed, dot-dashed, dotted and solid line respectively.} \\label{fig10} \\end{center} \\end{figure} In the non-relativistic limit $\\veps_{f}\\ra M^*$, one obtains the same expression of $F_{1}^{\\pi}$ as reported in \\cite{friman96,rho80}. In Fig.(\\ref{fig8}) we show the density dependence of $F_{0}$ and $F_{1}$ due to pionic interaction. Numerically at nuclear saturation density $(\\rho_{0}=0.148 {\\rm fm^{-3}})$, $F^{ex,\\p}_{0}=0.68$ and $F^{ex,\\p}_{1}=-0.2$. In Fig.(\\ref{fig9}) and Fig.(\\ref{fig10}) we plot separate and total contribution of $F_0$ and $F_1$ due to $\\s$, $\\o$ and $\\p$ exchange respectively. Interestingly, individual contribution to LPs of $\\s$ and $\\o$ meson are large while sum of their contribution to $F_{0}^{tot}$ is small due to the sensitive cancellation of $F_{0}^{\\s}$ and $F_{0}^{\\o}$ as can be seen from Fig.(\\ref{fig9}). Such a cancellation is responsible for the nuclear saturation dynamics \\cite{celenza_book,anastasio83}. Numerically, $F_{0}^{\\s+\\o}$ is approximately $3/2$ times smaller than $F_{0}^\\p$ as can be seen from Table (\\ref{table-3}). \\begin{figure}[!tb] \\begin{center} \\resizebox{8cm}{6.0cm}{\\includegraphics[]{xe.eps}} \\caption{Comparison of separate and total exchange energy obtained from FLT in symmetric nuclear matter.$\\s$, $\\o$, $\\p$ and total contribution are denoted by dashed, dot-dashed, dotted and solid line respectively.} \\label{fig12} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[tb] \\begin{center} \\resizebox{8cm}{6.0cm}{\\includegraphics[]{dir_xe.eps}} \\caption{Comparison of mean field energy and exchange energy obtained from FLT in symmetric nuclear matter. $E_{\\s}^{MF}$, $E_{\\o}^{MF}$, $E_{\\s}^{ex}$, $E_{\\o}^{ex}$ and $E_{\\p}^{ex}$ are denoted by solid, dashed, dot-dashed, dash-dashed and dotted line respectively.} \\label{fig13} \\end{center} \\end{figure} The exchange energy density is given by \\beq\\label{xe_pi} E^{ex}_{\\p}&=&-g_{s}^2\\frac{3g_{A}^2M^{*6}}{128f_{\\p}^2\\p^4} \\left[I_{\\p}+y_{\\p}^4\\left\\{-\\frac{x^2}{2}+\\frac{y_{\\p}^2+4x^2}{8} \\ln\\left(1+\\f{4x^2}{y_{\\p}^2}\\right)\\right\\}-x^4\\right.\\nn\\\\ &&\\left. +\\left(\\f{y_{\\p}^4}{2}-y_{\\p}^2-1\\right) \\left(\\{x\\eta-\\ln(x+\\eta)\\}^2-x^4\\right)\\right], \\eeq where $y_{\\p}=m_{\\p}/M^*$ and \\beq I_{\\p}=-2y_{\\p}^3\\sqrt{4-y_{\\p}^2} \\int\\f{x^2}{\\eta} \\tan^{-1}\\left(\\frac{x\\sqrt{4-y_{\\p}^2}}{y_{\\p}\\eta}\\right) {\\rm d}x. \\eeq For the massless pion this reads as \\beq\\label{pi_eng_mless} E^{ex}_{\\p}{\\Big\\vert}_{m_{\\p}\\ra 0}&=&\\f{3g_{A}^2M^{*6}}{32f_{\\p}^2\\p^4} [x\\eta-\\ln(x+\\eta)]^2. \\eeq In Fig.(\\ref{fig12}) and Fig.(\\ref{fig13}) we show the density dependence of energy due $\\s$, $\\o$ and $\\p$ meson exchanges. Numerical values are quoted in Table(\\ref{table-5}). It might be mentioned here that in the massless meson limit, Eq.(\\ref{sig_eng_mless}), (\\ref{omg_eng_mless}) and (\\ref{pi_eng_mless}) can be evaluated analytically from two loop ring diagrams of ref.\\cite{hu07} using Eqs.(54), (55) and (56). We have checked and the expression for the energies are found to be consistent with each other. With massive meson results are compared numerically. Numerical estimation of exchange energy from loop diagram and RFLT are found to be few percent limit. \\begin{table} \\caption{Dimensionless Landau parameters and chemical potential at $\\rho=\\rho_{0}$. Note that, $F_{0}$, $F_{1}$ are the dimensionless isoscalar LPs.} \\label{table-3} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{ccccccc} \\hline \\hline Meson & $F_{0}$ & ~~~~~~ & $F_{1}$ & ~~~~~~ & $\\mu^{ex}(MeV)$\\\\ \\hline $\\s$ & -5.04 & ~~~~~~ & 0.875 & ~~~~~~ & 731.89 \\\\ $\\o$ & 5.44 & ~~~~~~ & -0.93 & ~~~~~~ & 501.82 \\\\ $\\p$ & 0.68 & ~~~~~~ & -0.20 & ~~~~~~ & 609.88 \\\\ \\hline\\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\end{table} \\begin{table} \\caption{Chemical potential in MeV from FLT at $\\rho=\\rho_{0}$.} \\label{table-4} \\begin{tabular}{ccccccc} \\hline \\hline Meson &~~~~ & $\\mu^{ex}$ &~~~~ & $\\mu^{MF}$ &~~~~ &$\\mu^{HF}$\\\\ \\hline $\\s$ &~~~~ & 731.89 &~~~~ & - &~~~~ & - \\\\ $\\o$ &~~~~ & 501.82 &~~~~ & - &~~~~ & - \\\\ $\\p$ &~~~~ & 609.88 &~~~~ & - &~~~~ & - \\\\ $\\s+\\o+\\p$ &~~~~ & 675.63 &~~~~ & 861.07 &~~~~ & 952.73 \\\\ \\hline\\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table} Finally we reproduce saturation property of nuclear matter {\\em i.e.} $E/{\\rho}-M=-16.12$ MeV at $p_{f}=1.3 {\\rm fm^{-1}}$ with those energy calculated from RFLPs. \\begin{table} \\caption{MF and Exchange energy in MeV from FLT at $\\rho=\\rho_{0}$.} \\label{table-5} \\begin{tabular}{ccccc} \\hline \\hline Meson &~~~~ & $E^{MF}$ &~~~~ & $E^{ex}$ \\\\ \\hline $\\s$ &~~~~ & 193.86 &~~~~ & 40.48 \\\\ $\\o$ &~~~~ & 138.39 &~~~~ & -23.41 \\\\ $\\p$ &~~~~ & - &~~~~ & 12.49 \\\\ \\hline\\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table} \\begin{figure}[ht] \\vskip 0.15in \\begin{center} \\resizebox{8.0cm}{6.0cm}{\\includegraphics[]{be.eps}} \\caption{Binding energy graph from FLT for symmetric nuclear matter.} \\label{fig15} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\vskip 0.4in \\subsection{Incompressibility and First Sound Velocity} In nuclear matter several important relationships exist between nuclear observables and the FLPs. The thermodynamical parameters can be expressed in terms of few LPs. For example we present the incompressibility ($K$) and first sound velocity ($c_{1}$)\\cite{holt07,matsui81}. \\vskip 0.2in \\begin{figure}[htb] \\begin{center} \\resizebox{8cm}{6.0cm}{\\includegraphics[]{K_svp.eps}} \\caption{Compressibility $K$ in symmetric nuclear matter. } \\label{fig6} \\end{center} \\end{figure} Incompressibility of the Fermi liquid may be derived as in the non-relativistic theory by the second derivative of energy density ($E$) with respect to the number density $\\rho$ {\\cite{holt07,matsui81}}; \\beq K&\\equiv&\\rho\\frac{\\del^2 E}{\\del \\rho^2}\\nn\\\\ &=&\\rho\\frac{\\del\\mu}{\\del \\rho}. \\eeq If energy density $E$ is given in terms of number density $\\rho$, then the expression for incompressibility or compression modulus in terms of LPs is given by, \\beq\\label{incompressibility} K&=&\\frac{3p_{f}^2}{\\veps_{f}}(1+F_{0}). \\eeq Now consider the effect of quasiparticle collision on the collective modes of a neutral Fermi liquid. Suppose the frequency of the mode is $\\omega$, while the quasiparticle collision frequency is $\\nu$. For the limit $\\omega<<\\nu$, many quasiparticle collision takes place during time interval $\\omega^{-1}$. Then the region is collision-dominated, or {\\it hydrodynamic regime} {\\cite{matsui81}}. Under this circumstances, organized density fluctuation is possible and hydrodynamic or first sound waves are generated. Hydrodynamic sound propagates only when the system attains the local thermodynamic equilibrium in a time much shorter than the time interval of the sound oscillation. \\begin{figure}[tb] \\begin{center} \\resizebox{8cm}{6.0cm}{\\includegraphics[]{c1_svp.eps}} \\caption{First sound velocity $c_{1}$ in symmetric nuclear matter. } \\label{fig7} \\end{center} \\end{figure} The first sound velocity is given by {\\cite{baym76}} \\beq\\label{first_sound} c_{1}^2~=~\\frac{\\del P}{\\del E}&=&\\frac{\\del P}{\\del \\mu}\\frac{\\del \\mu} {\\del \\rho}\\frac{\\del \\rho}{\\del E}\\nn\\\\ &=&\\frac{\\rho}{\\mu}\\frac{\\del \\mu}{\\del \\rho}, \\eeq With the help of Eq.(\\ref{delmu_deln}), Eq.(\\ref{first_sound}) yields \\beq\\label{first_sound_1} c_{1}^2&=&\\frac{1}{3}\\frac{p_{f}^2}{\\mu^2}\\frac{1+F_{0}}{1+\\frac{1}{3}F_{1}}\\nn\\\\ &=&\\frac{1}{3}\\frac{p_{f}^2}{\\mu^2}\\left[1+\\frac{g_{s}g_{I}\\mu p_{f}}{2\\pi^2} (f_{0}-\\frac{1}{3}f_{1})\\right]. \\eeq Corresponding values of the incompressibility and the first sound velocity are plotted in Fig.(\\ref{fig6}) and Fig.(\\ref{fig7}) separately with $\\s+\\o$ and $\\s+\\o+\\p$ contribution. It is observed that for combined $\\s$ and $\\o$ meson at $\\rho<0.75\\rho_{0}$, $F_{0}<-1$ and the resulting compressibility turns out to be negative. While for $\\pi$ meson together with $\\s$ and $\\o$ meson the same conclusion can be drawn at $\\rho<0.55\\rho_{0}$ . This is the region where the attractive interaction due to the exchange of scalar mesons overwhelms the repulsive force coming from vector meson exchange, and consequently the system becomes unstable {\\cite{matsui81}}. On the other hand, as the density increases, the attractive scalar meson exchange force tends to be suppressed by the relativistic effect and the net quasiparticle interaction become repulsive. At nuclear saturation density ($\\rho_{0}=0.148 {\\rm fm^{-3}}$) we have $K=476.04$ MeV and $705.84$ MeV for combined $\\s+\\o$ and $\\s+\\o+\\p$ mesons respectively. The small effective mass is responsible for large incompressibility. The first sound velocity $c_{1}=0.19$ for $\\s+\\o$ and $0.23$ for $\\s+\\o+\\p$ at normal nuclear matter density and at all densities $c_{1}$ is smaller than the velocity of light, which is consistent with causality {\\cite{matsui81}}. \\vskip 0.4in \\section {Isovector Landau parameter and symmetry energy} In this section we proceed to calculate isovector LPs due to pion exchange. The isovector contribution to interaction parameter is \\beq\\label{pion_interaction} f_{pp'}^{\\prime}{\\Big\\vert}_{p\\simeq p'=p_{f}}&=& -\\frac{1}{2}\\f{g_{A}^2M^{*2}}{4f_{\\p}^2\\veps_{f}^2} \\lt\\{\\f{p_{f}^2(1-\\cos\\th)}{2p_{f}^2(1-\\cos\\th)+m_{\\p}^2}\\rt\\}. \\eeq where $g_{A}^2=1.5876$ , $f_{\\p}=93 MeV$ and $m_{\\p}=139$ MeV {\\cite{hu07}}. Here $-1/2$ is isospin factor in isovector channel {\\cite{friman99}}. Using Eq.(\\ref{landau_para}) and (\\ref{pion_interaction}) we derive isovector LPs $f'_{0}$ and $f'_{1}$, \\beq\\label{f0_pi} f^{\\prime}_{0}&=&-\\f{g_{A}^2M^{*2}p_{f}^2}{16f_{\\p}^2\\veps_{f}^2} \\int_{-1}^{1}\\f{(1-\\cos\\theta)}{2p_{f}^2(1-\\cos\\theta)+m_{\\p}^2} {\\rm d(\\cos\\theta)}\\nn\\\\ &=&\\f{g_{A}^2M^{*2}}{32f_{\\p}^2\\veps_{f}^2} \\left[-2+\\frac{m_{\\pi}^2}{2p_{f}^2} \\ln\\left(1+\\frac{4p_{f}^2}{m_{\\pi}^2}\\right)\\right], \\eeq and \\beq\\label{f1_pi} \\frac{1}{3}f^{\\prime}_{1}&=&-\\f{g_{A}^2M^{*2}p_{f}^2}{16f_{\\p}^2\\veps_{f}^2} \\int_{-1}^{1}\\f{\\cos\\theta(1-\\cos\\theta)}{2p_{f}^2(1-\\cos\\theta)+m_{\\p}^2} {\\rm d(\\cos\\theta)}\\nn\\\\ &=&\\f{g_{A}^2M^{*2}m_{\\p}^2} {64f_{\\p}^2\\veps_{f}^2p_{f}^2} \\left[-2+\\left(\\frac{m_{\\pi}^2} {2p_{f}^2}+1\\right)\\ln\\left(1+\\frac{4p_{f}^2}{m_{\\pi}^2}\\right)\\right]. \\eeq The dimensionless LPs $F_{0}^{\\prime}=N(0)f_{0}^{\\prime}$ and $F_{1}^{\\prime}=N(0)f_{1}^{\\prime}$ are given below. Here, $N(0)$ is the density of states at the Fermi surface defined in Eq.(\\ref{dens_of_state}). \\beq F^{\\prime}_{0}&=&g_{s}g_{I}\\f{g_{A}^2p_{f}M^{*2}}{64\\p^2f_{\\p}^2\\veps_{f}} \\lt[-2+\\frac{m_{\\pi}^2}{2p_{f}^2} \\ln\\left(1+\\frac{4p_{f}^2}{m_{\\pi}^2}\\right)\\rt], \\eeq and \\beq \\f{1}{3}F^{\\prime}_{1}&=&g_{s}g_{I}\\f{g_{A}^2m_{\\p}^2M^{*2}} {128\\p^2f_{\\p}^2p_{f}\\veps_{f}} \\lt[-2+\\left(\\frac{m_{\\pi}^2} {2p_{f}^2}+1\\right)\\ln\\left(1+\\frac{4p_{f}^2}{m_{\\pi}^2}\\right)\\rt]. \\eeq \\begin{figure}[tb] \\begin{center} \\resizebox{8cm}{6.0cm}{\\includegraphics[]{F_prm.eps}} \\caption{Density dependent of isovector LPs in symmetric nuclear matter.} \\label{fig14} \\end{center} \\end{figure} Knowing the isovector LPs, to which here only the pion contributes, one can calculate nuclear symmetry energy. The symmetry energy is defined as the difference of energy between the neutron matter and symmetric nuclear matter which we denote as $\\beta$ \\cite{matsui81}. Analytically, the symmetry energy is defined from the expansion of the energy per nucleon $E'(\\rho,\\alpha)$ in terms of the asymmetry parameter $\\alpha$ defined as {\\cite{greco03}} \\beq \\alpha \\equiv-\\frac{\\rho_{3}}{\\rho}=\\frac{\\rho_{n}-\\rho_{p}}{\\rho}=\\frac{N-Z}{A}. \\eeq We have \\beq E'(\\rho,\\alpha)\\equiv\\frac{E(\\rho,\\alpha)}{\\rho}=E'(\\rho)+E'_{sym}(\\rho)\\alpha^2 +{\\cal{O}}(\\alpha^4)+..... \\eeq and so, in general, \\beq E'_{sym}\\equiv\\beta&=&\\frac{1}{2}\\frac{\\del^{2}E'(\\rho,\\alpha)}{\\del\\alpha^2} {\\Big|}_{\\alpha=0}\\nn\\\\ &=&\\frac{1}{2}\\rho\\frac{\\del^{2}E}{\\del\\rho_{3}^2}{\\Big|}_{\\rho_{3}=0}. \\eeq In terms of LPs, the symmetry energy can be expressed as \\beq\\label{symm_energy} \\beta = \\frac{p_{f}^2}{6\\veps_{f}}(1+F'_{0}), \\eeq where $F'_{0}$ is the isospin dependent LP. Numerically at saturation density $(\\rho=\\rho_0)$ we obtain $\\beta=14.57$ MeV. So relatively small contribution to $\\beta$ comes from one-pion exchange diagram {\\cite{die03}}. Similar to the hydrodynamic sound corresponding to the total baryon density oscillation, we consider hydrodynamic isospin sound which accompany the out-of-phase oscillations of proton and neutron density. Isospin sound velocity $c_{1}^{\\prime}$ is given by {\\cite{matsui81}} \\beq\\label{iso_sound} c_{1}^{\\prime}&=& v_{f}\\sqrt{\\frac{\\veps_{f}}{3\\mu}(1+F_{0}^{\\prime})} \\eeq Numerically at saturation density $(\\rho=\\rho_0)$ we obtain $c_1^{\\prime}=0.17$. \\vskip 0.4in ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.3245_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "This article investigates the full Boltzmann equation up to second order in the cosmological perturbations. Describing the distribution of polarized radiation by using a tensor valued distribution function, the second order Boltzmann equation, including polarization, is derived without relying on the Stokes parameters. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.4805.txt": { "abstract": "{ XTE J1810$-$197 and 1E 1547.0$-$5408 are two transient AXPs exhibiting radio emission with unusual properties. In addition, their spin down rates during outburst show opposite trends, which so far has no explanation. Here, we extend our quark-nova model for AXPs to include transient AXPs, in which the outbursts are caused by transient accretion events from a Keplerian (iron-rich) degenerate ring. For a ring with inner and outer radii of $23.5$ km and $26.5$ km, respectively, our model gives a good fit to the observed X-ray outburst from XTE J1810$-$197 and the behavior of temperature, luminosity, and area of the two X-ray blackbodies with time. The two blackbodies in our model are related to a heat front (i.e. Bohm diffusion front) propagating along the ring's surface and an accretion hot spot on the quark star surface. Radio pulsations in our model are caused by dissipation at the light cylinder of magnetic bubbles, produced near the ring during the X-ray outburst. The delay between X-ray peak emission and radio emission in our model is related to the propagation time of these bubbles to the light cylinder and scale with the period as $t_{\\rm prop.}\\propto P^{\\frac{7}{2}-\\frac{\\alpha}{2}}/\\dot{P}^{1/2}$ where $\\alpha$ defines the radial dependence of matter density in the magnetosphere ($\\propto r^{-\\alpha}$); for an equatorial wind, $\\alpha=1$, we predict a $\\sim 1$ year and $\\sim 1$ month delay for XTE J1810$-$197 and 1E 1547.0$-$5408, respectively. The observed flat spectrum, erratic pulse profile, and the pulse duration are all explained in our model as a result of X-point reconnection events induced by the dissipation of the bubbles at the light cylinder. The spin down rate of the central quark star can either increase or decrease depending on how the radial drift velocity of the magnetic islands changes with distance from the central star. We suggest an evolutionary connection between transient AXPs and typical AXPs in our model. ", "introduction": "Anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) are magnetars with rotation period of 2-12 seconds and inferred surface magnetic field strength $B\\sim 10^{14-15}$ G (e.g. Woods \\& Thompson 2006; Kaspi 2007). In this work we focus on 2 AXPs, XTE J1810$-$197 and 1E 1547.0$-$5408, which are the only magnetars known to emit in the radio (Camilo et al. 2006). Both are demonstrably transient radio sources, having not been detected in previous surveys of adequate sensitivity. XTE J1810$-$197 is a transient AXP\\footnote{In the sense that in quiescence their surface temperature are as low as those of some ordinary young neutron stars} first detected when its X-ray flux increased $\\sim 100$-fold compared to a quiescent level it maintained for at least 24 years (Ibrahim et al. 2004). Discovered with the {\\it Einstein X-ray} satellite in 1980, 1E 1547.0$-$5408 was eventually identified as a magnetar candidate (Gelfand \\& Gaensler 2007) with spectral characteristics of an AXP. In this paper we look at these sources in the Quark-Nova context (hereafter QN; Ouyed et al. 2002) building on three previous papers where we explore its application to Soft Gamma-ray Repeaters (SGRs) (Ouyed, Leahy, \\& Niebergal 2007a; OLNI), to AXPs (Ouyed, Leahy, \\& Niebergal 2007b; OLNII), and to Rotating Radio Transients (RRATs) (Ouyed et al. 2009; OLNIII), and superluminous supernovae (Leahy\\&Ouyed 2008). But first, we briefly describe their observed X-ray and radio properties, during quiescence and bursting phases. \\subsection{The X-ray emission} In the pre-burst era, XTE J1810$-$197's ROSAT spectrum showed a single blackbody (BB) with temperature $T = 0.18$ keV, an emitting area of $\\sim 520\\ {\\rm km}^2 (d/3.3\\ {\\rm kpc})^2$, and a luminosity of $L_{\\rm BB}\\sim 5.6\\times 10^{33}\\ {\\rm erg\\ s}^{-1} (d/3.3\\ {\\rm kpc})^2$. During its bursting phase, XTE J1810$-$197 showed a hot blackbody ($T\\sim 0.65$ keV) with an exponential decay in X-ray luminosity of $\\sim 280$ days, as well as a warm blackbody ($T\\sim 0.3$ keV) decaying at a rate of $\\sim 870$ days (Gotthelf \\& Halpern 2007). For the case of 1E 1547.0$-$5408, after its radio detection (Camilo et al. 2007a), an X-ray outburst was confirmed (Halpern et al. 2008) with a record high luminosity of $\\sim 1.7\\times 10^{35}~(d/9.9\\ {\\rm kpc})^2$ erg s$^{-1}$ and with a total outburst energy of $10^{42}\\ {\\rm erg} < E_{\\rm b} < 10^{43}$ erg. \\subsection{The radio emission} For XTE J1810$-$197, the radio emission began within 1 yr of its only known X-ray outburst (Camilo et al. 2006 and references therein). At its observed peak more than 3 yr after the X-ray outburst, the radio flux density was more than 50 times the pre-burst upper limit. The X-ray flux has since returned to its quiescent level nearly 4 yrs after the burst. 1E 1547.0$-$5408, although not as well sampled as XTE J1810$-$197, exhibits similar variations in flux density and was reported with a factor of 16 times the pre-burst upper limit (Camilo et al 2007a). Trends in radio emission between the 2 sources can be summarized as follows: \\begin{itemize} \\item Both are very highly linearly polarized showing a flat spectrum over a wide range of frequencies. Their striking spectra (i.e. spectral index $> -0.5$) clearly distinguishable from ordinary radio pulsars (with a spectral index $\\sim -1.6$; Camilo et al. 2007a\\&b). \\item At their peak, both magnetars are very luminous in radio with luminosity at 1.4 GHz $L_{1.4}\\ge 100 {\\rm mJy}\\ {\\rm (d/kpc)}^2$, which is larger than the $L_{1.4}\\le 2 {\\rm mJy}\\ {\\rm (d/kpc)}^2$ of most any ordinary young pulsar (e.g. Camilo et al. 2006). For XTE J1810$-$197, its assumed isotropic radio luminosity up to 42 GHz is about $2\\times 10^{30}$ erg s$^{-1}$ (Camilo et al. 2006). \\item Both have variable pulse profiles (exhibiting sudden changes in radio pulse shape) and radio flux densities. The flux changes at all frequencies. At a given frequency there is no stable average pulse profile. Different pulse components change in relative intensity and new components sometimes appear. Sub-pulses with typical width approximately $<$ 10 ms are observed (Camilo et al. 2007a\\&b). \\item For XTE J1810$-$197, the torque was decreasing, at a time when the star was returning to quiescence years after the large outburst. As the torque decreased, so did the radio flux (Camilo et al. 2007b). \\item In 1E 1547.0$-$5408, in contrast, the torque has been increasing, at a time when the X-ray flux has been gradually decreasing (Camilo et al. 2007a). \\end{itemize} In this paper we extend our existing quark star model for AXPs to account for the observed behavior of these two transients. This paper is structured as follows: Section 2 gives the basic elements of the model. Section 3 describes the quiescent phase. Section 4, the bursting phase. Section 5, the radio emission. Model predictions are highlighted in Section 6 before we conclude in Section 7. ", "conclusions": "There are two fundamental components in our model for AXPs and transient AXPs namely, the QS and the Keplerian ring. In quiescence, vortex annihilation on the QS gives rise to thermal and non-thermal X-ray emission. The ring reprocesses the emission to give a second cooler BB emission component. Outburst is triggered by accretion of a small inner part of the ring (i.e. the wall). The two main consequences are production of light ($Z \\sim 13$) nuclei and triggering MHD accretion onto the QS (yielding the HS). The interplay between the Bohm diffusion (i.e. $R_{\\rm BF}$ term) and depletion of light nuclei (i.e. $\\mu$) gives rise to a rich behavior, necessary in order to account for the observed behavior of XTE J1810$-$197. Finally, one can ask if such a small Keplerian degenerate iron-rich ring could form around a neutron star. Ring formation when the neutron star is born appears implausible since a proto-neutron star is large compared to the ring size. After formation, there is no obvious mechanism to eject degenerate material unless a violent change of state, like a QN occurs. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" }, "0809/0809.3073_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the first results of $\\textit{AKARI}$ Infrared Camera near-infrared spectroscopic survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We detected absorption features of the H$_2$O ice 3.05$\\mu$m and the CO$_2$ ice 4.27$\\mu$m stretching mode toward seven massive young stellar objects (YSOs). These samples are for the first time spectroscopically confirmed to be YSOs. We used a curve-of-growth method to evaluate the column densities of the ices and derived the CO$_2$/H$_2$O ratio to be 0.45$\\pm$0.17. This is clearly higher than that seen in Galactic massive YSOs (0.17$\\pm$0.03). We suggest that the strong ultraviolet radiation field and/or the high dust temperature in the LMC may be responsible for the observed high CO$_2$ ice abundance. ", "introduction": "Properties of extragalactic young stellar objects (YSOs) provide us important information on the understanding of the diversity of YSOs in different galactic environments. The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), the nearest irregular galaxy to our Galaxy \\citep[$\\sim$50kpc;][]{Alv04}, offers an ideal environment for this study since it holds a unique metal-poor environment \\citep{Luc98}. Because of its proximity and nearly face-on geometry, various types of surveys have been performed toward the LMC \\citep[e.g., ][ and references therein]{Zar04,Mei06,Kat07}. An infrared spectrum of YSOs shows absorption features of various ices which are thought to be an important reservoir of heavy elements and complex molecules in a cold environment such as a dense molecular cloud or an envelope of a YSO \\citep[e.g., ][]{Chi98,Num01,Whit07,Boo08}. These ices are thought to be taken into planets and comets as a result of subsequent planetary formation activity \\citep{Ehr00}. Studying the compositions of ices as functions of physical environments is crucial to understand the chemical evolution in circumstellar environments of YSOs and is a key topic of astrophysics. H$_2$O and CO$_2$ ices are ubiquitous and are major components of interstellar ices \\citep{vDB98,BE04}. Since the absorption profile of the ices is sensitive to a chemical composition of icy grain mantles and a thermal history of local environments, the ices are important tracers to investigate the properties of YSOs. However, our knowledge about the ices around extragalactic YSOs is limited because few observations have been performed toward extragalactic YSOs. Therefore infrared spectroscopic observations toward YSOs in the LMC are important if we are to improve our understanding of the influence of galactic environments on the properties of YSOs and ices. $\\textit{AKARI}$ is the first Japanese satellite dedicated to an infrared astronomy launched in February 2006 \\citep{Mur07}. We have performed a near infrared spectroscopic survey of the LMC using a powerful spectroscopic survey capability of Infrared Camera \\citep[IRC;][]{TON07} on board $\\textit{AKARI}$. In this letter, we present 2.5--5$\\mu$m spectra of newly confirmed YSOs in the LMC with our survey, and discuss the abundance of H$_2$O and CO$_2$ ice. ", "conclusions": "The obtained column densities of H$_2$O and CO$_2$ ices are plotted in Fig 2. The error bars become larger for the larger column density due to the saturation effect of the curve-of-growth. A linear fit to the data points indicates that the CO$_2$/H$_2$O ice column density ratio in the LMC is 0.45 $\\pm$ 0.17. The large uncertainty mainly comes from the errors in the curve-of-growth analysis. For comparison, column densities of Galactic massive YSOs taken from \\citet{Gib04} and their CO$_2$/H$_2$O ice column density ratio of 0.17 $\\pm$ 0.03 \\citep{Ger99} are also plotted in Fig 2. A similar CO$_2$/H$_2$O ratio of 0.18 $\\pm$ 0.04 is also observed toward a Galactic quiescent dark cloud \\citep{Whit07}, while a relatively high CO$_2$/H$_2$O ratio of 0.32 $\\pm$ 0.02 is observed toward Galactic low-- and intermediate-- mass YSOs, and some of them reach $\\sim$0.4 \\citep{Pon08}. Although the uncertainty is large, it is clear from the present results that the CO$_2$/H$_2$O ice ratio in the LMC is higher than the typical ratios of the Galactic objects. Since the distribution range of the H$_2$O ice column density in the LMC is comparable to that of the massive Galactic YSOs, it can be concluded that the abundance of the CO$_2$ ice is higher in the LMC. The present results suggest that the different galactic environment of the LMC is responsible for the high CO$_2$ abundance. The formation mechanism of CO$_2$ ice in circumstellar environments of YSOs is not understood, however a number of scenarios have been proposed. Several laboratory experiments indicate that the CO$_2$ ice is efficiently produced by UV photon irradiation to H$_2$O-CO binary ice mixtures \\citep[e.g., ][]{Wat07}. The LMC has an order-of-magnitude stronger UV radiation field than our Galaxy due to its active massive star formation \\citep{Isr86}, which could lead to the higher CO$_2$/H$_2$O ratio in the LMC. The high CO$_2$/H$_2$O ratio toward a YSO in the LMC is also reported in \\citet{vanL05}, and they suggest that a different radiation environment in the LMC is one of the reasons for the high CO$_2$ abundance. On the other hand, the model of diffusive surface chemistry suggests that high abundance of CO$_2$ ice can be produced at relatively high dust temperatures \\citep{Ber99,Ruf01} . Several studies have reported that the dust temperature in the LMC is generally higher than in our Galaxy based on far-infrared to submillimeter observations of diffuse emission \\citep[e.g., ][]{Agu03, Sak06}. Therefore the high dust temperature may also have an effect on the high CO$_2$ ice abundance in the LMC. It is difficult to separate the effect of the UV radiation field and the dust temperature on the high abundance of CO$_2$ ice in the LMC by our low-resolution NIR spectra. The 4.62 $\\mu$m XCN feature is known to be indicative of strong UV irradiation \\citep{Ber00,Spo03}. On the other hand, detailed profile analysis of the 3.05 $\\mu$m H$_2$O ice stretching mode and the 15.2 $\\mu$m CO$_2$ ice bending mode should reveal the temperature and compositions of the ices \\citep{Ehr96,Obe07}. Future observations of the XCN feature and the H$_2$O and CO$_2$ ice features with a sufficient wavelength resolution will be useful to investigate this problem." }, "0809/0809.3559_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present results from the Suzaku observations of the dwarf nova SS~Cyg in quiescence and outburst in 2005 November. High sensitivity of the HXD PIN and high spectral resolution of the XIS enable us to determine plasma parameters with unprecedented precision. The maximum temperature of the plasma in quiescence $20.4^{+4.0}_{-2.6}\\,\\mbox{(stat.)}\\pm 3.0\\,\\mbox{(sys.)}$~keV is significantly higher than that in outburst $6.0^{+0.2}_{-1.3}$~keV. The elemental abundances are close to the solar ones for the medium-Z elements (Si, S, Ar) whereas they decline both in lighter and heavier elements, except for that of carbon which is 2 solar at least. The solid angle of the reflector subtending over an optically thin thermal plasma is $\\Omega^{\\rm Q}/2\\pi = 1.7\\pm 0.2\\,\\mbox{(stat.)}\\pm 0.1\\,\\mbox{(sys.)}$ in quiescence. A 6.4~keV iron {\\ka} line is resolved into narrow and broad components. These facts indicate that both the white dwarf and the accretion disk contribute to the reflection. We consider the standard optically thin boundary layer as the most plausible picture for the plasma configuration in quiescence. The solid angle of the reflector in outburst $\\Omega^{\\rm O}/2\\pi = 0.9^{+0.5}_{-0.4}$ and a broad 6.4~keV iron line indicate that the reflection in outburst originates from the accretion disk and an equatorial accretion belt. The broad 6.4~keV line suggests that the optically thin thermal plasma is distributed on the accretion disk like solar coronae. ", "introduction": "Dwarf novae (DNe) are non-magnetic cataclysmic variables (CVs; binaries between a white dwarf primary and a mass-donating late-type star) which show optical outbursts typically with $\\Delta m_V =$ 2--5 lasting 2--20~d with intervals of $\\sim$10~d to tens of years \\citep{1995CAS....28.....W}. These outbursts can be explained as a result of a sudden increase of mass-transfer rate within the accretion disk surrounding the white dwarf due to a thermal-viscous instability \\citep{1974PASJ...26..429O,1981A&A...104L..10M,1982MNRAS.199..267B,1984PASP...96....5S,1993ApJ...419..318C,1996PASP..108...39O}. A boundary layer (hereafter abbreviated as BL) is formed between the inner edge of the accretion disk and the white dwarf where matter transferred through the disk releases its Keplerian motion energy and settles onto the white dwarf. BL is a target of EUV and X-ray observations since its temperature becomes $T\\simeq 10^5$--10$^8$~K. \\citet{1979MNRAS.187..777P} and \\citet{1985ApJ...292..535P} have predicted that radiation from the BL starts to shift from hard X-ray to EVU when the high $\\dot{M}$ front arrives at the inner edge of the disk, because BL becomes optically thick to its own radiation. This prediction has been verified by a number of multi-waveband coordinated observations \\citep{1979MNRAS.186..233R,1992MNRAS.257..633J,2003MNRAS.345...49W}. The region around the inner edge of the disk is filled with a lot of intriguing but still unresolved issues. Within the framework of the standard accretion disk \\citep{1973A&A....24..337S}, half of the gravitational energy is released in the accretion disk, and hence, the other half is released in BL. The observations in extreme-ultraviolet band of VW~Hyi and SS~Cyg, however, revealed that the fractional energy radiated from BL is only $<10$\\% of the disk luminosity \\citep{1991ApJ...372..659M,1995ApJ...446..842M}. According to the classical theory, the temperature of BL in outburst is predicted to be 2--5$\\times 10^5$~K \\citep{1979MNRAS.187..777P}, whereas the temperature estimated by ultraviolet and optical emission lines is constrained to a significantly lower range 5--10$\\times 10^4$~K \\citep{1991MNRAS.249..452H}. These discrepancies may be resolved if we assume that BL is terminated not on the static white dwarf surface but on a rapidly rotating accretion belt on the equatorial surface of the white dwarf \\citep{1978necb.conf...89P,1978A&A....63..265K}. Suggestions of the accretion belt, rotating at a speed close to the local Keplerian velocity, have been reported from a few DNe in outburst \\citep{1993ApJ...405..327L,1996ApJ...458..355H,1996ApJ...471L..41S,1997AJ....114.1165C,1998ApJ...497..928S}. Mechanism has not been understood yet to drive a dwarf nova oscillation (DNO) which is a highly coherent oscillation of soft X-ray and optical intensities with a period of 3--40~s \\citep{1978ApJ...219..168R,1980ApJ...235..163C,1984ApJ...278..739C,1986A&A...158..233S,1998MNRAS.299..921M,1998PASP..110..403P,2001ApJ...562..508M}. \\citet{2002MNRAS.335...84W} try to understand DNO by assuming a magnetically driven accretion onto the accretion belt by enhancing a magnetic field the belt through a dynamo mechanism. One of the unresolved outstanding issues may be the origin of a hard X-ray optically thin thermal emission in outburst, since BL is believed to be optically thick. In order to identify its emission site, and to obtain some new insight on BL in quiescence as well, we planned to observe SS~Cyg both in quiescence and outburst with the X-ray observatory Suzaku \\citep{2007PASJ...59S...1M}. SS~Cyg is a dwarf nova in which the $1.19\\pm 0.02\\MO$ white dwarf and the $0.704\\pm 0.002 \\MO$ secondary star \\citep{1990MNRAS.246..654F} are revolving in an orbit of $i = 37^\\circ\\pm 5^\\circ$ \\citep{1983PhDT........14S} with a period of 6.6 hours. The distance to SS~Cyg is measured to be $166\\pm12$~pc using HST/FGS parallax \\citep{1999ApJ...515L..93H}. SS~Cyg shows an optical outburst roughly every 50 days, in which $m_V$ changes from 12th to 8th magnitude. The optically thin to thick transition of BL has clearly been detected with coordinated observations of optical, EUVE, and RXTE \\citep{2003MNRAS.345...49W}. In \\S~2, we show an observation log and procedure of data reduction. In \\S~3, detail of our spectral analysis is explained. Owing to a high spectral resolution of the X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS; \\cite{2007PASJ...59S..23K}) and a high sensitivity of the Hard X-ray Detector (HXD; \\cite{2007PASJ...59S..35T}; \\cite{2007PASJ...59S..53K}) over 10~keV enable us to determine spectral parameters of hard X-ray emission of SS~Cyg with unprecedented precision. In \\S~4, we discuss on the emission site and its spatial extension both in quiescence and outburst by utilizing the spectral parameters, a 6.4~keV iron line parameters in particular. We summarize our results and discussions in \\S~5. ", "conclusions": "We have presented results of the Suzaku observations on the dwarf nova SS~Cyg in quiescence and outburst in 2005 November. The X-ray spectra of SS~Cyg are composed of a multi-temperature optically thin thermal plasma model with a maximum temperature of a few tens of keV, its reflection from the white dwarf surface and/or the accretion disk, and a 6.4~keV neutral iron {\\ka} line from the reflectors via fluorescence. High sensitivity of the HXD PIN detector and the high spectral resolution of the XIS enable us to disentangle degeneracy between the maximum temperature and the reflection parameters, and to determine the emission parameters with unprecedented precision. The maximum temperature of the plasma in quiescence $kT^{\\rm Q}_{\\rm max} = 20.4^{+4.0}_{-2.6}\\,\\mbox{(stat.)}\\pm 3.0\\,\\mbox{(sys.)}$~keV is significantly higher than that in outburst $kT^{\\rm O}_{\\rm max} = 6.0^{+0.2}_{-1.3}$~keV. The elemental abundances of the plasma are close to the solar ones for the medium-Z elements (Si, S, Ar) whereas they declines both in lighter and heavier elements. Those of oxygen and iron are 0.46$^{+0.04}_{-0.03}\\,\\mbox{(stat.)}\\pm 0.01\\,\\mbox{(sys.)}Z_\\odot$ and 0.37$^{+0.01}_{-0.03}\\,\\mbox{(stat.)}\\pm 0.01\\,\\mbox{(sys.)}Z_\\odot$. The exception is carbon whose abundance is at least $2Z_\\odot$ even if we take into account all possible systematic errors. These trends are similar to other dwarf novae observed with XMM-Newton \\citep{2005ApJ...626..396P}. The solid angle of the reflector subtending over the optically thin thermal plasma is $\\Omega^{\\rm Q}/2\\pi = 1.7\\pm 0.2\\,\\mbox{(stat.)}\\pm 0.1\\,\\mbox{(sys.)}$ in quiescence. Since even an infinite slab can subtend a solid angle of $\\Omega/2\\pi = 1$ over a radiation source above it, this large solid angle can be achieved only if the plasma views both the white dwarf and the accretion disk with substantial solid angles. Thanks to high energy resolution of the XIS, we have resolved a 6.4~keV iron {\\ka} line into a narrow and broad components (significance of the broad component is $\\sim$99\\%), which also indicate contributions from both the white dwarf and the accretion disk to the reflected continuum spectra. The equivalent widths of them are both $\\sim$50~eV. From all these results, we consider the standard optically thin BL formed between the inner edge of the accretion disk and the white dwarf surface \\citep{1985ApJ...292..535P} as the most plausible model to explain the observed large solid angle. From the equivalent width of the narrow 6.4~keV component, the height of the BL from the white dwarf surface is $h < 0.12R_{\\rm WD}$. The total equivalent width of the 6.4~keV line ($\\sim$100~eV) is consistent with that expected from $\\Omega^{\\rm Q}/2\\pi$, the iron abundance, and the incident illuminating continuum spectrum. The solid angle of the reflector in outburst $\\Omega^{\\rm O}/2\\pi = 0.9^{+0.5}_{-0.4}$, on the other hand, is significantly smaller than that in quiescence, and is consistent with an infinite slab. Since the 6.4~keV iron emission line is broad with no narrow component ($\\lesssim$20\\% of the broad component), the reflection originates from the accretion disk. The accretion belt can also contribute to the reflection. The 6.4~keV line from the accretion belt is expected to be broad, which is consistent with the absence of the narrow 6.4~keV component. The EW of the 6.4~keV line is so large that it cannot be interpreted within a simple scheme of reflection from the disk. Even if Compton down-scattering of the observed He-like {\\ka} line is taken into account, we can only find a solution which marginally reconciles the large EW with the solid angle of the reflector. We consider the optically thin thermal plasma in outburst as being distributed on the accretion disk. The Chandra HETG observation in outburst revealed that the He-like and H-like emission lines from O, Ne, Mg, and Si are broad and their widths ($\\sim$2000~km~s$^{-1}$) are consistent with those expected from the Keplerian velocity of the accretion disk \\citep{2008ApJ...680..695O}. This fact suggests that the optically thin thermal plasma is anchored to the accretion disk and the accretion belt by magnetic field, for example, like solar coronae. \\appendix" }, "0809/0809.4186_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search experiment (CDMS) employs low-temperature Ge and Si detectors to detect WIMPs via their elastic scattering interaction with the target nuclei. The current analysis of 397.8\\,kg-days Ge exposure resulted in zero observed candidate events, setting an upper limit on the spin-independent WIMP-nucleon cross-section of 6.6\\,$\\times$\\,$10^{-44}$\\,cm$^2$ (4.6\\,$\\times$\\,$10^{-44}$\\,cm$^2$, when previous CDMS Soudan data is included) at the 90\\% confidence level for a WIMP mass of 60\\,GeV. To increase the sensitivity, new one inch thick detectors have been developed which will be used in the SuperCDMS phase. SuperCDMS 25kg will be operated at SNOLAB with an expected sensitivity on the spin-independent WIMP-nucleon elastic scattering cross-section of 1\\,$\\times$\\,$10^{-45}$\\,cm$^2$. ", "introduction": "The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) experiment operates 19 Ge (250\\,g each) and 11 Si (100\\,g each) detectors at the Soudan underground laboratory (MN, USA) to search for non-luminous, non-baryonic Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), that could form the majority of the matter in the universe \\cite{Spergel,Jungman} . Each detector is a disk 7.6\\,cm in diameter and 1\\,cm thick. The detectors are operated at cryogenic temperatures $\\sim$ 40 mK to collect the athermal phonons created upon an interaction in the crystal in four independent sensors. In addition, the electron hole pairs created by a recoil are drifted in a field of 3\\,V/cm (Ge), 4\\,V/cm (Si) towards two concentric electrodes lithographically patterned on one flat side of the crystals \\cite{zipdetectors}. In the analysis events from the outer part of the detectors are removed by a fiducial volume cut based on the partitioning of energy between the two concentric charge electrodes. The simultaneous measurement of the phonon and ionization recoil energy of an interaction in the crystals not only allows an accurate measurement of the recoil energy independent of recoil type (nuclear/electron recoil), but also allows the discrimination between nuclear and electron recoils by the so called ionization yield parameter, which is the ratio of the ionization and phonon energy, providing a rejection factor of $>$\\,$10^4$. Nuclear recoils produce fewer charge pairs, and hence less ionization energy than do electron recoils of the same energy. The ionization yield for electron and nuclear recoils is determined from $^{133}$Ba and $^{252}$Cf calibrations respectively, providing the bands shown in Fig.\\ref{fig:yieldtiming}. ", "conclusions": "The CDMS-II experiment has maintained high dark matter discovery potential by limiting expected backgrounds to less than one event in the signal region. The current data sets the world's most stringent upper limit on the spin-independent WIMP-nucleon cross-section for WIMP masses above 42\\,GeV/c$^2$ with a minimum of 4.6\\,$\\times $\\,$10^{-44}$\\,cm$^2$ for a WIMP mass of 60\\,GeV/c$^2$. Ongoing runs aim to accumulate roughly 2000\\, kg-days of WIMP search exposure until the end of 2008. By this the CDMS-II experiment is expected to reach a sensitivity of 1\\,$\\times$\\,$10^{-44}$\\,cm$^{2}$. \\begin{wrapfigure}{l}{0.5\\textwidth} \\centering \\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{bruch_tobias.fig4.eps} \\caption{\\small{Upper limits on the spin independent WIMP-nucleon cross-section from the current analysis (red dashed) and the combined limit by including previous CDMS data (red solid) \\cite{r123analysis}. Also shown are the limit from the XENON10 experiment \\cite{xenon10} (black solid) and expected sensitivities of the CDMS-II setup until the end of 2008 (light gray); two super towers operated at Soudan (dark gray/solid) and the SuperCDMS 25 kg stage (dark gray/dashed). Filled regions indicate CMSSM models \\cite{baltz,ruiz}.}} \\label{fig:exlimits} \\end{wrapfigure} The first two super towers with new 1\\,inch thick detectors will be installed at the Soudan site by 2009 demonstrating the improved discrimination capabilities. The next upgrade of the CDMS experiment to SuperCDMS 25\\,kg operating seven super towers will be installed at SNOLAB, increasing the sensitivity by one order of magnitude. \\begin{footnotesize}" }, "0809/0809.4523_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A recent paper by Stanimirovi{\\'c} \\etal \\ (2008) presents quit interesting results from H$_{\\rm I}$ observations of the Magellanic Stream (MS) tip. The high spatial resolution of the data reveals rich and complex morphological and kinematic structures; notably four coherent $H_I$ substreams extending over angular size of about $20^o$ were found. We suggest to use the data to search for the existence of an underlying turbulence in the residuals of velocity fields. If existent, a turbulence would provide a {\\it dynamical} evidence ,that the sub streams are cohorent structures. The characteristics of the turbulence could yield information about the energy source, as well as about the physical parameters of the gas in these streams. We use the position-velocity images of Stanimirovi{\\'c} \\etal \\ (2008) to derive spatial power spectra for the velocity residuals. These, indicate the presence of a large scale turbulence with size comparable to that of the streams themselves. The turbulent velocity on the largest scale is estimated to be about $15 \\ {\\rm km/s}$. Adopting, a distance of $120 \\ {\\rm kpc}$, implies a turbulent largest scale of $\\sim 40 \\ {\\rm kpc}$ and timescale for decay of about $3 {\\ \\rm Gyr}$. For a turbulence with scale that large, the natural energy source is the tidal interaction between the Magellanic Clouds, and between them and the Milky Way galaxy. The estimated turbulent timescale for decay is consistent with this mechanism. Such a mechanism has been suggested for the turbulence in the ISM of the SMC by Goldman (2000, 2007). In effect, the turbulence is a fossil from the era of the streams formation. The shape of derived turbulence spectrum is used here to obtain constraints on the inclination of the streams and on the density of the emitting neutral hydrogen. ", "introduction": "In a recent paper Stanimirovi{\\'c} \\etal \\ (2008) present quit interesting results from H$_{\\rm I}$ observations of the tip of the Magellanic Stream (MS) . The high spatial resolution of the data obtained by Stanimirovi{\\'c} \\etal \\ (2008), reveals rich and complex morphological and kinematic structures. The authors find four coherent $H_I$ substreams in the tip of the MS extending over projected angular size of about $20^o$. Three of the these streams (S2, S3, S4) originate from about the same location and are clumpy. The remaining, S1 stream, seems more diffuse and doesn't share the common location of the former streams. In all streams, the kinematic data show large scale velocity gradients of $\\sim (5-10){\\rm km\\ s^{-1}\\ deg^{-1}}$. By comparing the observations to the simulations of Connors \\etal \\ (2006), Stanimirovi{\\'c} \\etal \\ (2008), interpret the three former streams to be the result of the tidal splitting of the main MS by tidal interaction of the LMC and the MS about 1.05 Gyr and 0.55 Gyr ago. In this picture, the MS stream itself was formed about 1.5 Gyr ago by close tidal encounter of the SMC, LMC and the Milky Way (MW). The S1 sub-stream, is interpreted to have formed much more recently, about 0.2 Gyr ago, and consists of gas drawn from the Magellanic Bridge. Contrary to the former three streams, it had not enough time to cool and fragment. ", "conclusions": "The main results of the present work are: \\renewcommand{\\labelenumi}{\\arabic{enumi}.} \\begin{enumerate} \\item Each of the streams exhibits a large scale turbulence comparable to the size of the stream. This provides {\\it dynamical} proof that the streams are coherent structures, as stated in Stanimirovi{\\'c} \\etal \\ (2008). \\item For an assumed distance of 120 kpc to the MS tip, the projected size of the stream and the largest turbulence scale is $\\sim 40$ kpc. \\item The turbulent r.m.s velocity on the largest scale is about $15\\ {\\rm km s^{-1}}$, namely mildly supersonic. This is in line with the inertial range index of the turbulent spectral energy function being $-2$ instead of the Kolmogorov value $-5/3$, appropriate for subsonic turbulence. \\item The resulting timescale for decay of the turbulence is about 3 Gyr and is longer than the age of the MS, thus providing \"fossil evidence\". \\item The fact that a break in the power spectrum is evident in S1, and even more so in S3 indicates that the inclination angle of these stream, with respect to the line of sight is not large; they are viewed almost face-on. \\item The absence of a clear break in the power spectra of S2 and S4, suggest that their inclination is larger. Taking the absence of the break to imply that the projected depth is larger than about $8^0$ and assuming that the true depth is $4^0$, as deduced for S2 and S4, results in an inclination of $\\sim 60 ^0$. From Fig. 6 of Connors \\etal \\ (2006) one can deduce a similar inclination at the tip of the MS. \\item A depth of $4^0$ at a distance of 120 kpc corresponds to a physical depth of a 8 kpc. For column densities in the range $(1-10) \\times 10^{19} {\\rm cm^{-2}}$ this implies a depth-averaged density of the warm neutral medium: $n_{WNM} = (0.3 -3) \\times 10^{-3} {\\rm cm^{-3}}$. \\end{enumerate} \\begin{figure}[h] \\centerline{ \\includegraphics[scale=0.75]{fig.pdf}} \\caption{ {\\it Dots}: The power spectrum of the velocity residuals in arbitrary units as function of the normalized wavenumber. Wavenumber 1 corresponds to a largest angular scale in each stream-- S1: $15^0$, S2: $11.9^0$, S3: $17^0$, S4: $15.9^0$. {\\it Lines}: $k^{-2}, k^{-3}$ for S1 and S3; $k^{-3}$ for S2 and S4.} \\end{figure}" }, "0809/0809.3135_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Non-monotonic features of rotation curves, and also the related gravitational effects typical of thin disks -- like backward-reaction or amplification of rotation by negative surface density gradients -- which are characteristic imprints of disk-like mass distributions, are discussed in the axisymmetric thin disk model. The influence of the data cutoff in rotational velocity measurements on the determination of the mass distribution in flattened galaxies is studied. It has also been found that the baryonic matter distribution in the spiral galaxy NGC 5475, obtained in the axisymmetric thin disk approximation, accounts for the rotation curve of the galaxy. To obtain these results, the iteration method developed recently by the authors has been applied. ", "introduction": "The analysis of rotation curves provides the most reliable means for ascertaining at least the gross distribution of gravitating matter within spiral galaxies, as Alar Toomre pointed out \\citep{bib:toomre_ad_disk_eq}. In the same paper Toomre formulated a complete mathematical model of an axisymmetric and infinitely thin disk rotating under its own gravity. The model offers a tool for determining the equilibrium mass distribution directly from the rotation law of a highly flattened system, such as a spiral galaxy. It is assumed in the framework of the model, that orbits of stars, gas, etc., are circular, and that gravitational forces are balanced solely by centrifugal forces; the effect of pressure is thus ignored. A few years earlier, following the work reported by \\citep{bib:prender}, Brandt discussed less general situation of a very flattened system regarded as an assembly of osculating homoeoids compressed to a circular disk \\citep{bib:brandt}. All these papers followed many other pioneering ones referred to in \\citep{bib:brandt}. The customary parametric few-component models relate the mass distribution of baryonic matter mainly to luminosity measurements. The obtained amount of luminous mass is usually insufficient to account for the observed rotation of galaxies and a massive spherical dark halo is introduced as a remedy for the missing mass. The thin disk model with the surface mass density reconstructed mainly from rotation curves performs very well with strongly non-monotonic rotation curves, whereas the customary models have difficulties in explaining them. The thin disk model can easily account for high local gradients of rotational velocity, typically giving a lower total mass. In an extreme example, the rotational velocity of an outer galactic region, falling off faster than Keplerian, cannot be explained by the presence of a massive spherically symmetric halo. However, such a feature may be explained using a flattened mass distribution with a suitably changing mass profile. The major difficulty in the practical use of the disk model lies with unambiguous mass density reconstruction. Unlike for spherical symmetry, the density depends on the assumed extrapolation of the rotation curve beyond the last measurement point (referred to in this paper as the 'cutoff radius'). This is a consequence of the nonlocal relation between the surface density and the rotational velocity of a disk-like system. For a reliable reconstruction of the disk surface density, the rotation curve has to be known globally (which, for observational reasons, is impossible) or at least out to its Keplerian falloff.\\footnote{\\cite{bib:22} report on galaxies with Keplerian rotation curves at large radii} Therefore, the velocity measurements must be supplemented with independent data in order to constrain the sought mass distribution. This may be achieved, for example, by taking into account the amount of hydrogen measured in the outermost galactic regions as was done in \\citep{bib:bratek}. Mass estimates of spiral galaxies are strongly model-dependent. Rotational velocities, when interpreted in a spherical dark halo model, may greatly overestimate galactic masses as compared to the disk model. It is thus important to consider a phenomenologically acceptable model that gives a lower limit to the mass. The thin disk model may serve as such a reference model. NGC 4736 is an example of a spiral galaxy with a rotation curve of which outer parts cannot be satisfactorily reconstructed when a spherical halo is assumed. By a simple examination one finds that in the circular orbit approximation, the rotation curve of this galaxy cannot be created by a spherical matter distribution. By applying the thin disk model, with no constraining assumptions about the mass-to-light ratio profile, one can find a mass profile in this galaxy that perfectly conforms with its rotation curve, and agrees with the amount of hydrogen observed at large radii, beyond the cutoff radius \\citep{bib:bratek}. Only insignificant (if any) amount of dark matter is required, whereas the customary models predict the galaxy to be dark matter dominated. In this paper we report also on another spiral galaxy, NGC 5457, in which the amount of baryonic matter found in the disk model accounts for this galaxy rotation. \\subsection{The global thin disk model as a means of relating the rotation law to a mass distribution} The main objection against the use of the axisymmetric thin disk as a model of a spiral galaxy, is its instability with too short time scale \\citep{bib:toomre_stab, bib:stab_numer}. The simplest way to stabilize such a system is to add a sufficiently strong spherically symmetric potential. This is usually done by introducing a massive spherical halo of dark matter, which is believed to surround spiral galaxies. However, it should be noted that the galactic interior, irrespectively of its structure, produces at radii sufficiently large almost spherically symmetric potential that may stabilize the external circular orbits. Putting the stability issue aside, the disk model is still useful for approximate description of the gravitational field of a flattened galaxy. Suppose that the rotation curve of such a galaxy represents the velocity of the streaming motion of matter rotating on roughly circular orbits in the galactic disk. The disk model associates with this rotation curve a formal surface mass density that may be considered as an approximation of the column density of matter in this galaxy. To ensure its applicability, we use the model only for describing galaxies with rotation curves breaking the condition of spherical mass distribution at large distances from their centers. We assume that this non-sphericity can be attributed to flattening of these galaxies. In these regions we therefore expect the disk model to better reflect the oblateness of such galaxies than the models with massive spherical halo. What's more, the customary rotation curve modeling already assumes a resultant thin disk surface density as a superposition of the stellar disk component's surface density and of the column density of the spherical bulge component projected onto the thin disk's plane. Based on these premises the use of the single global thin disk for modeling the whole mass distribution in a flattened galaxy seems justified. The only new qualitative thing is that the effective disk becomes extended further out to the outer part in the case when the sphericity condition is broken there, that is, when the massive spherical halo cannot be introduced. ", "conclusions": "For the accuracy of determination of the mass distribution and its features in the disk component, local non-monotonic properties of rotation curves are important. They are not less important than the value of the rotational velocity. In particular, a local increase in the velocity field may be caused simply by a local decrease of matter density in the disk component and not by the increase of density in the spherical component of a galaxy. The important information about mass distribution carried by rotation curves may be simply overlooked if one assumes that the local mass distribution is proportional to the local brightness. In some cases the dark matter halo is introduced simply because the amount of luminous matter with the constant mass-to-light ratio found by the least square fitting method, cannot account for the rotation at large radii. The example of the spiral galaxy NGC 4736 discussed in \\citep{bib:bratek} very well illustrates this observation. This shows also that determination of mass distribution in spiral galaxies is model dependent. For more reliable predictions it is thus important to have a generic model, more flexible and general than the parametric models with smooth profiles and constant mass-to-light ratios. It seems that the global thin disk model provides such a generic model, at least for flattened galaxies with rotation curves breaking at large radii the sphericity condition. \\medskip Due to observational cutoff in rotation data, the surface mass density reconstruction in the galactic disk (and consequently in the whole galaxy), is subject to high uncertainties, which increase with the distance from the center. Only in particular situations of rotation curves with almost Keplerian tails, the cutoff errors can be eliminated and taken into account. The observationally determined part of a given rotation curve may be explained by various internal disk mass distributions depending on how the rotation law has been extrapolated beyond the cutoff radius. This uncertainty can be removed if additional constraints on the mass distribution in the outer parts, not covered with rotation measurements, are taken into account. In this respect the hydrogen distribution in the outer regions can be used. We have established for galaxies NGC4736 and NGC5457 that the observed amount of baryonic matter accounts for rotation of these galaxies in the approximation of the global disk model." }, "0809/0809.3373.txt": { "abstract": "We develop and demonstrate a probabilistic method for classifying rare objects in surveys with the particular goal of building very pure samples. It works by modifying the output probabilities from a classifier so as to accommodate our expectation (priors) concerning the relative frequencies of different classes of objects. We demonstrate our method using the {\\em Discrete Source Classifier}, a supervised classifier currently based on Support Vector Machines, which we are developing in preparation for the Gaia data analysis. DSC classifies objects using their very low resolution optical spectra. We look in detail at the problem of quasar classification, because identification of a pure quasar sample is necessary to define the Gaia astrometric reference frame. By varying a posterior probability threshold in DSC we can trade off sample completeness and contamination. We show, using our simulated data, that it is possible to achieve a pure sample of quasars (upper limit on contamination of 1 in 40\\,000) with a completeness of 65\\% at magnitudes of G=18.5, and 50\\% at G=20.0, even when quasars have a frequency of only 1 in every 2000 objects. The star sample completeness is simultaneously 99\\% with a contamination of 0.7\\%. Including parallax and proper motion in the classifier barely changes the results. We further show that not accounting for class priors in the target population leads to serious misclassifications and poor predictions for sample completeness and contamination. We discuss how a classification model prior may, or may not, be influenced by the class distribution in the training data. Our method controls this prior and so allows a single model to be applied to any target population without having to tune the training data and retrain the model. ", "introduction": "} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Finding rare objects is hard, because we expect to have to look at many objects %before we encounter one and even then we may not recognise it. Finding rare objects is hard, for two reasons. First, we expect to have to look at many objects before we encounter one, and second, we may not even recognise it even when we do. The reason for this is that the prior probability that any one object is of the rare class, $P(C_{\\rm rare})$, is very small. So even if it has very characteristic features, i.e.\\ the likelihood of the data given the rare object, $P({\\rm Data} \\,|\\, C_{\\rm rare})$, is high, the posterior probability, $P(C_{\\rm rare} \\,|\\, {\\rm Data}$), could still be low. A survey for rare objects obviously requires a very discriminating classifier, but we could assist it by modifying the class probabilities. If we raised the prior, $P(C_{\\rm rare})$, we are more likely to find the rare objects, but it is inevitable that we will then incorrectly classify other objects as being of the rare class. Depending on our goals, there may be a satisfactory balance between maximizing the expected number of true positives (sample completeness) and minimizing the expected number of false positives (sample contamination). Here we present a method for achieving an optimal balance and a correct prediction of this balance which, although simple, is not trivial and has important implications. We illustrate our method in the context of the problem of detecting quasars in the Gaia survey based on their low resolution ($R \\simeq 30$) optical spectra. Gaia is an all-sky astrometric and spectrophotometric survey complete to $G=20$, expecting to observe some $10^9$ stars, a few million galaxies and half a million quasars. Its primary mission is to study Galactic structure by measuring the 3D spatial distribution and 2D kinematic distribution of stars throughout the Galaxy and correlating these with stellar properties (abundances, ages etc.) derived from the spectra. With astrometric accuracies as good as 10\\,$\\mu$as, Gaia cannot be externally calibrated with an existing catalogue. Instead it must observe a large number of quasars over the whole sky with which to define its own reference frame. This quasar sample must be very clean (low contamination). (The quasar sample is also, of course, of intrinsic interest.) We present our Gaia classification model, the {\\em Discrete Source Classifier} (DSC), and report its classification performance using simulated data. We will show how, using our probabilty modification approach, we can use this to build pure quasar samples, at the (acceptable) loss of sample completeness. {\\bf Related work}. One of the most comprehensive search for quasars to date is that done with the SDSS. Richards et al.~\\cite{richards02} defined a colour locus in the {\\it ugriz} space to identify objects for spectroscopic follow up and estimated the contamination rate of their photometric selection to be 34\\%. Using the spectroscopy of all point sources taken in SDSS stripe 82, Vanden Berk et al.~\\cite{vandenberk05} assessed the completeness of the Richards et al.\\ selection at 95.7\\% for sources brighter than $i=19.1$. Later, Richards et al.~\\cite{richards04} trained a photometric classifier (based on kernel density estimation) on a set of 22,000 spectroscopically identified quasars and used this to build a sample of 100\\,000 quasars brighter than $g=21.0$. For the unresolved UV excess quasars in this sample, they estimated the completeness to be 94.7\\% down to $g$=19.5, with a contamination of just 5\\% down to $g$=21.0. Suchkov et al.~\\cite{suchkov05} and Ball et al.~\\cite{ball06} both use decision trees to classify objects in the SDSS photometric catalogue, by training on objects with spectroscopic classifications from SDSS. Gao et al.~\\cite{gao08} used support vector machines and Kd-tree nearest neighbours to classify spectroscopically-confirmed SDSS and 2MASS objects as quasars or stars using just the photometry, with stars and quasars present in equal proportions. With both methods they obtained contamination rates of a few percent (averaged across both classes). % Wolf et al.~\\cite{wolf01} discussed methods for photometric % classification of objects into quasar, galaxy or star classes and % recovery of redshifts for the extragalactic classes. Cabanac et % al.~\\cite{cabanac02} developed a photometric classifier based on % principal component analysis using simulated data in anticipation of % several large surveys. {\\bf Outline}. We start in section~\\ref{theory} by presenting our general prior modification method. In section~\\ref{model} we present the Gaia-DSC classifier and the data used to train and test it. The performance of this and the application of our method are given in section~\\ref{results} and discussed in section~\\ref{discussion}, where we also discuss the interpretation of the probabilities and some of the limitations of this work. We conclude in section~\\ref{conclusions}. {\\bf Definitions and notation}. We use the term {\\em class fractions} to mean the relative numbers of objects of each class in a data set. The {\\em nominal model} refers to the classifier ``as is'', i.e.\\ the output probabilities without any modifications. In contrast, in the {\\em modified model} we have modified these outputs to be appropriate to a situation in which there would be very different class fractions, e.g.\\ quasars very rare (section~\\ref{probmod}). The subscript $i$ refers to true classes and the subscript $j$ to model output classes. $f^{train}_i$, $f^{test}_i$ and $f^{mod}_i$ refer to the class fractions of class $i$ for the training data, test data and effective test data respectively. They are normalized, $\\sum_i f^{train}_i = \\sum_i f^{test}_i = \\sum_i f^{mod}_i = 1$. This {\\em effective test data set} is one which we don't actually have, but reflects a target population with different class fractions, e.g.\\ quasars very rare. We make predictions of the performance on this by using the actual test data but by modifying the performance equations (section~\\ref{modcalcs}). In the figures especially, lower case class names, e.g.\\ {\\tt quasar}, denote estimated classes and upper case names, e.g.\\ {\\tt STAR}, true classes. Thus $P({\\tt quasar} | {\\tt STAR})$ means ``the DSC-assigned quasar probability given that the source is truly a STAR''. This refers to DSC outputs for objects with known classes (e.g.\\ in a test set). This is not to be confused with the notation for the DSC outputs in the general case, $P(C_j | x_n, \\theta)$, which means ``the probability which DSC model $\\theta$ assigns to class $C_j$ for object $x_n$''. ``C\\&C'' stands for ``completeness and contamination''. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ", "conclusions": "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% We have introduced a method of probability modification which can be used to build clean samples of rare objects for which the completeness and contamination can be reliably predicted. We have demonstrated this using a support vector machine classifier, although it may, of course, be used in conjunction with any classifier which gives probabilities. The main conclusions of our work are as follows. \\begin{itemize} \\item To construct a pure sample of objects we should use a probabilistic classifier and only select objects with high probabilities. By varying this probability threshold we can trade off sample completeness and contamination. \\item To achieve pure samples of rare objects, we must take into account the expected class fractions in the target population, which act as a prior probability on the classifier. We use these to modify the nominal classifier outputs to give the {\\em modified model}. \\item We applied our modified model to a three class problem in which quasars are simulated to be 1000 times rarer than stars and galaxies. We can achieve a pure quasar sample (zero contamination) yet still reach a sample completeness of 50--65\\% for magnitudes down to G=20.0. Although the test set is finite in size, this correponds to an upper limit in the contamination of 1 in 39\\,000. This is more than adequate for establishing an astrometric reference frame for Gaia: If Gaia observes half a million quasars, we can build a quasar sample of 250\\,000 with no more than 13 contaminants. \\item While achieving this pure quasar sample, we simultanesouly achieve very complete galaxy and star samples (both 99\\%) with low contamination (both 0.7\\%) (figures for G=18.5). \\item These results were achieved after removing quasars with low equivalent width emission lines from the training sample (defined somewhat arbitrarily as 5000\\,\\AA). Including these precluded establishing a low contamination sample, because it resulted in cool (4000--8000\\,K) highly reddened (\\av\\,=\\,8--10) stars being confused with them. After removing these quasars, the first stars to contaminate a quasar sample (if we set a low threshold) are these reddened cool stars as well as hot stars (\\teff\\,$>$\\,40\\,000\\,K). \\item Including parallax and proper motion (either as additional SVM inputs, or in a separate mixture model classifier) hardly changes the performance. This is not surprising since the majority of objects with astrometry consistent with zero are actually stars. \\item Extending the training and testing sets to include quasars with a full range of interstellar extinction does not significantly alter the results (completeness slightly lower, but contamination unaffected) \\item All classification models have a prior, but the prior is often not explicit and are sometimes implicitly influenced by the training data distribution. We have introduced a simple method for calculating the implicit priors in a classification model, which we call the {\\em model-based priors}. In many cases we have experimented with, these priors are close to the true class fractions in the training data (nominal model) or modified class fractions (modified model). \\item We recommend that a classifier be trained on roughly equal numbers of objects in each class so that it can properly learn the class distributions or boundaries. By determining the model-based priors and replacing them with something more appropriate to the target population (e.g.\\ quasars being rare), we can produce a modified model with superior performance. In particular, this is far better at producing large, pure samples of the rare class. \\item With our approach we can apply the model to any new target population by specifying the appropriate class fractions (priors) without having to change the training data distribution or re-train the model. \\end{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" }, "0809/0809.0716_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We consider the early stages of cosmic hydrogen or helium reionization, when ionizing sources were still rare. We show that Poisson fluctuations in the galaxy distribution substantially affected the early bubble size distribution, although galaxy clustering was also an essential factor even at the earliest times. We find that even at high redshifts, a significant fraction of the ionized volume resided in bubbles containing multiple sources, regardless of the ionizing efficiency of sources or of the reionization redshift. In particular, for helium reionization by quasars, one-source bubbles last dominated (i.e., contained $90\\%$ of the ionized volume) at some redshift above $z=7.3$, and hydrogen reionization by stars achieved this milestone at $z>23$. For the early generations of atomic-cooling halos or molecular-hydrogen-cooling halos, one-source ionized regions dominated the ionized volume only at $z>31$ and $z>48$, respectively. To arrive at these results we develop a statistical model for the effect of density correlations and discrete sources on reionization and solve it with a Monte Carlo method. ", "introduction": "The earliest generations of stars are thought to have transformed the universe from darkness to light and to have reionized and heated the intergalactic medium. Knowing how the reionization process happened is a primary goal of cosmologists, because this would tell us when the early stars formed and in what kinds of galaxies. The strong fluctuations in the number density of galaxies, driven by large-scale density fluctuations in the dark matter, imply that the dense regions reionize first, producing on large scales an inside-out reionization topology \\citep{BLflucts}. This basic picture has been studied and confirmed with detailed analytical models \\citep{fzh04}, semi-numerical methods \\citep{mesinger}, and by a variety of large numerical simulations \\citep{mellema, zahn, cen} that solve gravity plus radiative transfer. The distribution of neutral hydrogen during reionization can in principle be measured from maps of 21-cm emission by neutral hydrogen \\citep{Madau}, although upcoming experiments such as the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA)\\footnote{http://www.haystack.mit.edu/ast/arrays/mwa/} and the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR)\\footnote{http://www.lofar.org/} are expected to be able to detect ionization fluctuations only statistically \\citep[for reviews see, e.g.,][]{fob06,bl07}. The infancy of cosmic reionization, when only a small fraction of the volume of the universe was ionized, is of interest for a number of reasons. First, when ionizing sources were rare at early times, they are expected to have formed separate H~II bubbles which if observed can be used to study directly the properties of individual sources and their surroundings \\citep{cen2}, without the complications of later times, when overlapping bubbles imply that galaxy clustering dominates the ionization distribution and the 21-cm power spectrum. Second, when ionization fluctuations disappear over much of the universe, it becomes possible to use the 21-cm technique for other applications including those of fundamental cosmology, without the complications of ionization fluctuations which are intrinsically non-linear (since the ionization fraction varies from 0 to 1). Major such applications include measurements of the density power spectrum \\citep{rees1,rees2}, of fluctuations in the \\Lya radiation emitted by the first galaxies \\citep{BL05b,Jonathan06a,Shapiro}, and of fluctuations in the rate of heating from early X-rays \\citep{Jonathan07}. If ionization fluctuations are negligible then the angular anisotropy of the 21-cm power spectrum makes it possible to measure separately various fluctuation sources, including in particular the cosmologically-interesting baryonic density power spectrum \\citep{BL05a}. On small scales, the existence of H~II bubbles (even when rare) affects the fluctuations in \\Lya and X-ray radiation, producing a small-scale cutoff in the 21-cm power spectrum that can be used to detect and study the population of galaxies that formed just 200 million years after the Big Bang \\citep{NB08}. While analytical models and numerical simulations exist that can be used to study the later epochs of reionization, the early times are very difficult to investigate. Simulations, which in general must overcome the huge disparity between the large characteristic scales of galaxy clustering at high redshift and the small scales of individual galaxies \\citep{BLflucts}, are stretched even further at early times, when ionizing sources become very rare and even larger cosmological volumes are required in order to assemble a reasonable statistical sample. As discussed in detail below, current analytical models based on the model of \\citet{fzh04} account for galaxy clustering but are based on continuous variables and cannot account for the fact that galaxies are discrete sources. This discreteness becomes a crucial factor in the early stages of reionization, when the number of ionizing sources per bubble is small. In this limit, Poisson fluctuations also become substantial, weakening the correlation between the galaxy distribution and the underlying large-scale density fluctuations in the dark matter. Discreteness can also play a significant role during the central stages of reionization, particularly in the case of He reionization by quasars, which are rare sources believed to form only in massive halos that correspond to many-$\\sigma$ density fluctuations at high redshift. These various aspects of discrete sources are not accounted for in current analytical models. \\citet{FurOh} considered helium reionization and showed that the continuous models break down when discreteness is important. They suggested to instead use a pure stochastic Poisson model, without halo correlations, when He is less than $\\sim 50\\%$ ionized globally. In this paper we develop a model that accounts for discrete sources as well as density correlations. We solve the model with a Monte Carlo method and use it to show that galaxy correlations play a major role even in the infancy of cosmic reionization. Isolated one-source bubbles do dominate at sufficiently high redshifts, but the pure stochastic Poisson model is essentially never a good description of the bubble size distribution. In the next section we first review previous models (section~\\ref{s:prev}), then develop ours (section~\\ref{s:full}) and summarize all the various models whose results we later compare (section~\\ref{s:sum}). We illustrate our results during the infancy of reionization (section~\\ref{s:1perc}) and then develop an approximate calculation that allows us to scan through a wide parameter space of possible reionization scenarios (section~\\ref{s:aprx}). Finally, we illustrate our results during later stages of reionization (section~\\ref{s:late}) and summarize our conclusions (section~\\ref{s:conc}). We assume a standard $\\Lambda$CDM universe with cosmological parameters that match the five-year WMAP data and other large scale structure observations \\citep{wmap}, namely $\\Omega_m=0.28$ (dark matter plus baryons), $\\Omega_\\Lambda=0.72$ (cosmological constant), $\\Omega_b=0.046$ (baryons), $h=0.7$ (Hubble constant), $n=0.96$ (power spectrum index) and $\\sigma_8=0.82$ (power spectrum normalization). ", "conclusions": "\\label{s:conc} We have developed a model of reionization that adds discrete ionizing sources and Poisson fluctuations to the continuous model of \\citet{fzh04}. We have shown how to obtain the distribution of ionized bubbles, versus both bubble size and number of ionizing sources, with a two-step Monte Carlo method that accounts for both density and Poisson correlations among regions of various sizes surrounding a given random point in the universe. The bubble size distribution we obtained differs substantially from previous models, but if the continuous barrier model is cut off below $\\Vb$ (the minimum bubble volume corresponding to a single halo of mass $M_{\\rm min}$) then it yields a reasonable rough estimate to the true bubble size distribution. More specifically, this estimate is generally accurate for H reionization even as early as a mean ionized fraction $\\bar{x}^i = 1\\%$, while for He reionization it works best for small volumes and at later times, and at $\\bar{x}^i = 1\\%$ is accurate only up to $V \\sim 3 \\Vb$. Note that with the cutoff at $\\Vb$, the linear barrier approximation (which can be calculated analytically) gives nearly identical results to the exact continuous barrier. Our full model yields a bubble distribution by number $N$ that drops more rapidly with $N$ than does the volume distribution drop with $V$, but still, multi-source bubbles are always far more abundant than a pure stochastic Poisson model would suggest. This is due to the fact that density fluctuations are strongly correlated with ionization even when Poisson fluctuations are large. Thus, the density of ionized regions is strongly biased high compared to unconstrained regions, but on the other hand, Poisson fluctuations allow regions to fully ionize themselves even if their density is not as high as would be needed in the continuous barrier model. The main parameters controlling the relative dominance of single-source bubbles are the effective efficiency $\\zeta$ and the effective slope $n$ of the power spectrum on the scale of a one-source bubble. The ratio of how much harder (in terms of number of $\\sigma$ of the fluctuation) it is to ionize large bubbles compared to small ones, is approximately proportional to $\\zeta^{1+(n/3)}-1$. Reionization by rare sources that are massive and bright corresponds to having a high $\\zeta$ and to a high minimum bubble size, which brings larger scales into play, making the effective $n$ less negative and thus making it harder to produce multi-source bubbles. We have developed a quick, $15\\%$ accuracy approximate calculation of the ratio $N_{1/2}$ between the total ionized volume and that in multi-source bubbles. This allowed us to sweep through the full parameter space of possible halo masses and efficiencies of the ionizing sources, and to show that sources with a given minimum circular velocity $V_c$ can only achieve a dominance of one-source bubbles at high redshift, regardless of their efficiency or of the reionization redshift. In particular, for He reionization by quasars, one-source bubbles can dominate (i.e., contain $90\\%$ of the ionized volume) only at $z>7.3$, and fill half the ionized volume at $z>4.9$, while H reionization by stars can achieve these milestones only at $z>23$ and $z>18$, respectively (assuming $10 < \\zeta < 1000$). The generation of atomic-cooling halos can place $90\\%$ of the ionized volume in isolated bubbles only at $z>31$ and $50\\%$ at $z>24$, while the earliest generation of molecular-hydrogen-cooling halos can achieve the same only at $z>48$ and $z>36$, respectively. We note that reality likely includes even more fluctuations than included in our Poisson model, since we have still assumed that the number of ionizing photons emitted from a galactic halo is proportional to its mass. In reality, variations in the ionizing efficiency (through spatial or temporal fluctuations in the star formation efficiency and in the escape fraction of ionizing photons), and in the merger histories of halos of a given mass (even within a given environment, as measured by the average density of a surrounding region) will increase the role of (now generalized) Poisson fluctuations compared to that of galaxy bias due to the underlying large-scale density fluctuations. Simple forms of such variability can be included in a model of the type that we presented, since the ionizing photon outputs from sources are added as individual units (which could be generated from additional distributions for a given halo mass). In general, the model we developed can be used to investigate helium reionization and observational prospects for 21-cm observations during the infancy of hydrogen reionization." }, "0809/0809.2180_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "IGR J17091--3624 and IGR J17098--3628 are two X-ray transients discovered by {\\it INTEGRAL} and classified as possible black hole candidates (BHCs). We present here the results obtained from the analysis of multi-wavelength data sets collected by different instruments from 2005 until the end of 2007 on both sources. IGR J17098--3628 has been regularly detected by {\\it INTEGRAL} and {\\it RXTE} over the entire period of the observational campaign; it was also observed with pointed observations by {\\it XMM} and {\\it Swift}/XRT in 2005 and 2006 and exhibited flux variations not linked with the change of any particular spectral features. IGR J17091--3624 was initially in quiescence (after a period of activity between 2003 April and 2004 April) and it was then detected again in outburst in the XRT field of view during a {\\it Swift} observation of IGR J17098--3628 on 2007 July 9. The observations during quiescence provide an upper limit to the 0.2-10 keV luminosity, while the observations in outburst cover the transition from the hard to the soft state. Moreover, we obtain a refined X-ray position for IGR J17091--3624 from the {\\it Swift}/XRT observations during the outburst in 2007. The new position is inconsistent with the previously proposed radio counterpart. We identify in VLA archive data a compact radio source consistent with the new X-ray position and propose it as the radio counterpart of the X-ray transient. ", "introduction": "Among the sources included in the {\\it INTEGRAL} IBIS/ISGRI survey catalog~\\citep{Bird}, the two X-ray transients IGR J17091--3624 and IGR J17098--3628 are remarkable because of their proximity, being only 9\\arcmin.6 away from each other. The two sources have been detected in different periods of time from April 2003 until the beginning of 2008. In particular, IGR J17091--3624 was detected by IBIS in 2003 and remained detectable for one year and, after a period of quiescence, it was again in outburst in July 2007. IGR J17098--3628 was detected for the first time by {\\it INTEGRAL} in 2005 (while IGR J17091--3624 was not visible) and it has then remained detectable with variable flux in the soft X-ray energy range (E $<$ 20 keV) up to now. On the basis of their spectral behavior, both IGR J17091--3624 and IGR J17098--3628 are classified as probable BHCs \\citep{Luto03,Greb2007}. In this paper, we present the results of a long term monitoring, primarily at high energy, of these two transients, and discuss the identification in archival data of a radio counterpart for IGR J17091--3624. The date, the exposure time, the instruments used and the sources detection of the different observations are summarized in Table~\\ref{log}. The paper is organized as follows: in \\S\\ref{intro1} and \\S\\ref{intro2}, we introduce the two BHCs; in \\S\\ref{obs}, we describe our observations; in \\S\\ref{res}, we present the results; finally, we give a discussion and present our conclusions in \\S\\ref{disc}. \\begin{table} \\begin{center} \\caption{IGR J17098-3628 and IGR J17091-3624 observations log from 2003 until September 2007} \\label{log} \\begin{tabular}{lcccc} \\hline \\hline Start date & End date & Satellite & Detected sources & Exposure \\\\ 2003-04-12 & 2003-04-21 & {\\it INTEGRAL} & IGR J17091-3624\\tablenotemark{a} & 15 ks \\\\ 2003-04-20 & \\nodata & {\\it RXTE} & IGR J17091-3624\\tablenotemark{b} & 4.5 ks \\\\ 2003-04-23 & 2003-05-09 & VLA\\tablenotemark{c}& IGR J17091/IGR J17098 & 500 s \\\\ 2003-08-10 & 2004-04-02 & {\\it INTEGRAL} & IGR J17091-3624\\tablenotemark{a} & 154 ks \\\\ 2005-02-20 & 2005-05-01 & {\\it INTEGRAL} & IGR J17098-3628\\tablenotemark{d} & 300 ks \\\\ 2005-03-29 & \\nodata & {\\it RXTE} & IGR J17098-3628\\tablenotemark{d}& 2.1 ks \\\\ 2005-05-01 & 2007-02-28 & {\\it INTEGRAL} & IGR J17098-3628 & 450 ks\\\\ 2005-05-01 & 2005-09-14 & {\\it Swift} & IGR J17098-3628 & 8.5 ks \\\\ 2006-08-25 & \\nodata & {\\it XMM} & IGR J17098-3628 & 8 ks \\\\ 2007-02-19 & \\nodata & {\\it XMM} & IGR J17098-3628 & 16 ks \\\\ 2007-07-19 & 2007-08-07 & {\\it Swift} & IGR J17091/IGR J17098 & 11 ks \\\\ 2007-08-25 & 2007-09-30 & {\\it INTEGRAL} & IGR J17091-3624 & 50 ks \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\tablenotetext{a}{Capitanio et al. 2006} \\tablenotetext{b}{$ $Lutovinov \\& Revnivtsev 2003} \\tablenotetext{c}{Rupen et al. 2003} \\tablenotetext{d}{Grebenev et al. 2007} \\end{center} \\end{table} \\subsection{IGR J17091--3624} \\label{intro1} IGR J17091--3624 was discovered by {\\it INTEGRAL}/IBIS during a Galactic Center observation on 2003 April 14--15~\\citep{Kuulk}. Initially, the flux was $\\sim$20 mCrab in the 40--100 keV energy band exhibiting a hard spectrum, while it was not detected in the 15--40 keV band, with an upper limit of $\\sim$10 mCrab. During subsequent observations of the Galactic Center Deep Exposure (GCDE) on 2003 April 15--16, the source flux increased to $\\sim$40 mCrab in the 40--100 keV band and to 25 mCrab in the 15--40 keV (the IBIS flux statistical error is less then 10\\%). Immediately after the {\\it INTEGRAL} discovery, providing the position of IGR J17091--3624, an {\\it RXTE\\/} observation was performed and the source was then searched in the X-ray catalogs. IGR J17091-3624 was found in the archival data of both the TTM telescope on board the KVANT module of the {\\it Mir\\/} orbital station \\citep{Atel2}, and in the {\\it BeppoSAX} WFC \\citep{Atel4}. A first study of the IBIS/ISGRI spectral evolution of the source~\\citep{Luto03, Luto05} showed a source hardening with a photon index changing from $\\Gamma = 2.2 \\pm 0.1$ to $\\Gamma=1.6\\pm 0.1$ from 2003 April to 2003 August. A subsequent detailed analysis of the IBIS, JEM-X and {\\it RXTE}/PCA data of the entire outburst duration~\\citep{Cap2006} revealed an indication of an hysteresis like behavior and the presence of a hot disc black body emission component during the source softening. From the investigations reported above, IGR J17091--3624 appears as a moderately bright variable transient source, with a flaring activity in 1994 October ({\\it Mir}/KVANT/TTM), 1996 September ({\\it BeppoSAX}/WFC), 2001 September \\citep[{\\it BeppoSAX}/WFC,][]{Atel4}, 2003 April \\citep[{\\it INTEGRAL}/IBIS,][]{Kuulk}, and 2007 July. In this paper, we report on the last episode of activity, as well as on limits on the quiescent state. \\subsection{IGR J17098--3628} \\label{intro2} IGR J17098--3628 was detected for the first time with {\\it INTEGRAL}/IBIS 9.4' off IGR J17091--3624 \\citep{Atel444} during deep Open Program observations of the Galactic Center region on 2005 March 24. The average fluxes were 28.2 $\\pm$ 1.4 and 38.7 $\\pm$ 2.8 mCrab in the 18--45 and 45--80 keV bands, respectively. Further analysis \\citep{Atel447} reported that the source was evolving in both brightness and spectral shape with an indication of softening. From 2005 March 29 to April 4, an observational campaign was performed with {\\it RXTE}/PCA. The spectral shape given by {\\it INTEGRAL}/IBIS and {\\it RXTE}/PCA varied throughout the observations and it is modelled by a soft black body emission component plus a hard tail and an absorption consistent with the Galactic one~\\citep{Greb2007}. The spectral variations suggested that this source was an X-ray nova going in outburst and probably a BHC \\citep{Greb2007}. The source was then observed with the {\\it Swift} satellite \\citep{Atel476} with an exposure time of 2.8 ks on 2005 May 1; it was quite bright, with an estimated flux of 1.3 $\\times$ $ 10^{-9}$ ergs s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ in the 0.5--10 keV energy band. The analysis of the {\\it Swift}/XRT data for IGR J17098--3628 refined the source coordinates as follows: RA 17$^h$ 09$^m$ 45.9$^s$, Dec --36$^\\circ$ 27$\\arcmin$ 57$\\arcsec$ (J2000), with an uncertainty radius of about 5$\\arcsec$ \\citep{Atel476}. This position is 30$\\arcsec$ from the {\\it INTEGRAL} position reported by \\cite{Atel444}. Following the soft X-ray detection of IGR J17098--3628 with {\\it Swift}/XRT, a probable radio counterpart has also been found \\citep{Atel490}. In particular, the first data set of four consecutive Very Large Array (VLA) radio observations, made on 2005 March 31, April 5, April 12, and May 4 at 4.86 GHz, showed only one significant radio source within the 2$\\arcmin$ {\\it INTEGRAL} error circle, located at RA 17$^h$ 09$^m$ 45.934$^s$ $\\pm$ 0.011s, Dec --36$^\\circ$ 27$\\arcmin$ 57.30$\\arcsec~\\pm$ 0.55$\\arcsec$ (J2000) \\citep{Atel490}. Thanks to the radio observations, a probable optical/infrared identification has been found within the 2MASS All-Sky Catalog and the SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey~\\citep{Atel478,Atel479,Atel490,Atel494}. On the base of the optical identification, \\citet{Greb2007} estimated the source distance as ${\\it d}$= 10.5 kpc and an upper limit on the inclination angle: ${\\it }\\geq$ 77$^{\\circ}$. ", "conclusions": "\\label{disc} The huge amount of data collected and the broad energy coverage allowed us to perform a detailed spectral analysis of these two sources, following their evolution during more than two years and fixing upper limits when one of the sources was not visible. In the following a detailed summary of the results for both sources can be found. \\subsection{IGR J17098--3628} Our analysis, spanning from May 2005 to September 2007, proves that the source spectrum shows a soft black body component with an internal temperature of about $\\sim$ 1 keV and an internal radius comparable to the last stable orbit of the accretion disc. The luminosity due to soft component \\citep[assuming $d=10.5$ kpc,][]{Greb2007} varied during the two years of our observational campaign from $\\sim 2 \\times 10^{37}$ to $\\sim 5 \\times 10^{36}$ ergs~s$^{-1}$. The flux variation range and the spectral parameters are comparable with the ones reported by \\citet{Greb2007} during the first phases of the outburst on April 2005. In our data set each flux variation seems not to be correlated with any relevant spectral features, as confirmed by the lack of evident variation of the {\\it RXTE}/ASM hardness-intensity diagram (Figure~\\ref{2005Camp}). However respect to the previous April 2005 observations, we did not detect any power law emission at higher {\\it INTEGRAL}/IBIS energy band. This indicates that the spectral shape was evolved from the first phase of the outburst being dominated only by a thermal disc component coming from the accretion disc around the compact object. We can conclude that this source seems to have spent 2.5 years in the high soft state with a disc black body component substantially identical to the one previously observed at the beginning of the outburst~\\citep{Greb2007}. Curiously the only difference is the lack of any high energy emission. In fact the hard component fell below the detection limit of IBIS after about three months from the beginning of the outburst. Hence the geometry and the temperature of the accretion disc have not shown any significant variation up to now, on the other end the power law emission quenched probably because of the electron temperature of the corona fallen below the disc seed photons temperature making the inverse Compton scattering processes inefficient. \\subsection{IGR J17091--3624} Previous studies have demonstrated that the X-ray luminosity of the BHCs in quiescence is lower than that of neutron star X-ray binaries and falls below $\\sim$ 10$^{32}$-10$^{33}$ ergs~s$^{-1}$ \\citep{Campana}. In the quiescent state, neutron star X-ray binaries are normally detected and hence the {\\it XMM} upper limit of IGR J17091--3624 is a good indication that the source is a BHC. The {\\it Swift} ToO caught the source at the beginning of its outburst when it was still in a low/hard state. The best fit of the first observation (2007-07-09/16) is a power law spectrum with $\\Gamma$=1.4$\\pm$ 0.1. The source spectrum substantially softened and the black body component became dominant with an increasing temperature and a steeper power law. {\\it INTEGRAL} continued to monitor the source with IBIS after the end of the XRT observational campaign, up to the end of September 2007. These observations confirm the softening of the source. A power law component without an energy cutoff provided the best fit of the IBIS spectra between 20 and 80 keV, probably due to jets or corona reprocessing of disc seed photons. The power law photon index varied during two month period from about 1.4 (beginning of July) to about 3 (end of September). Unfortunately the relatively low source flux at high energies (7 $\\times$ 10$^{-10}$ ergs~cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ between 20-100 keV) and the variation of the spectral shape did not provide sufficient statistics to extend the spectra up to 80 keV and to verify the presence or not of an high energy cutoff in the spectrum. Thanks to the XRT refined position, we found the radio counterpart of the source. As soon as 9 days after the detection by IBIS in 2003, a radio source at the sub-mJy level was detected at 5 GHz. The source has been detected also at 8.4 GHz, and it showed an increase in flux over the subsequent two weeks. The spectrum is inverted, characteristic of self-absorbed synchrotron radiation from a compact jet. This behavior is typical of BHC in low hard states. Although it is difficult to guess the spectral shape at higher frequencies, it is reasonable to estimate that the total radiative luminosity of the compact jet is of the order of 10$^{31}$ erg sec$^{-1}$, assuming the distance to the Galactic Center. No information is available after the 2007 outburst, and it will be clearly valuable to obtain new radio observations after future episodes of activity. Chaty et al. 2008, on the basis of ESO NTT observations, report on two possible infrared counterparts of IGR J17091--3624 consistent with the {\\it Swift}/XRT error box. Our refined position, based on the radio observations, could support the identification of the real infrared counterpart of this source. Little is known about nature, duration and recurrence of outbursts in transient X-ray binaries. It is probable that the outbursts are due to randomly acting factors such as the mass transfer variations or truncation of the inner disc radius. However for IGR J17091--3624 five outbursts are known from 1994 to 2007. Thus, it appears that this source goes in outburst every three or five years. Generally the flux varies from 5 mCrab to about 20 mCrab in the range 2-10 keV over a period of few months. The 2003 outburst was the first detected at higher energy range (20-150 keV) for one year period. Comparing the two hard states of respectively the 2003 and 2007 outbursts, the last one seems to be the hardest. In fact it was possible to determine the high energy power law cutoff of the 2003 hard state \\citep[$\\sim$ 49 keV,][]{Cap2006} while in the 2007 hard state the cutoff is not detectable up to 80 keV. Concerning the soft state the 2003 outburst has an higher temperature black body emission~\\citep{Cap2006} that does not appear to be present in the 2007 outburst. However the XRT monitoring campaign observed the source only at the beginning of its transition to the soft state and unfortunately in the subsequent {\\it INTEGRAL} monitoring the source was outside the JEM-X field of view and so it was not possible to follow the entire evolution of the black body temperature." }, "0809/0809.2463_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In May 2007 the compact radio source Sgr\\,A* was observed in a global multi-frequency monitoring campaign, from radio to X-ray bands. Here we present and discuss first and preliminary results from polarization sensitive VLBA observations, which took place during May 14-25, 2007. Here, Sgr\\,A* was observed in dual polarization on 10 consecutive days at 22, 43, and 86\\,GHz. We describe the VLBI experiments, our data analysis, monitoring program and show preliminary images obtained at the various frequencies. We discuss the data with special regard also to the short term variability. ", "introduction": "There is overwhelming evidence that Sagittarius\\,A* (Sgr\\,A*), the extremely compact radio source at the center of our Galaxy, is associated with a super-massive black hole. It shows sudden bursts of radiation (called flares) a few times per day, which are thought to be related to the guzzling of gas and dust from its environment and which can be detected in X-ray and near infra-red (NIR) regime (e.g., \\cite{eckart08} and references therein). To search for correlated short term variability and to investigate the flares in as many wavebands as possible, a world wide radio--sub-mm--NIR--X-ray observing campaign on Sgr\\,A* has been carried out in May 2007, making use of many telescopes including in the radio bands the VLBA (Very Long Baseline Array), GMVA (The Global Millimeter VLBI Array), CARMA (Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-Wave Astronomy), ATCA (Australia Telescope Compact Array), IRAM (Institut de Radio Astronomie Millimetrique), and Effelsberg. The VLBA observed Sgr\\,A* at 22, 43, and 86\\,GHz on 10 consecutive days. These data are used to measure the source size and to search for possible deviations from point-like (or symmetric) structure, and variations of the source on time scales of $\\sim$ 1 week. Since the intrinsic source size and shape is masked by the interstellar scattering at centimeter wavelengths, the combination of our 3 observing frequencies is of great importance for the size determination and is crucial for discriminating interstellar broadening from the source intrinsic structure of Sgr\\,A* by the known scattering law (e.g., \\cite{bower06}). Here we show and discuss preliminary images obtained with the VLBA at the 3 frequencies and focus our discussion on the results mainly obtained at 43\\,GHz. Other results regarding to the total flux density measurements in this global campaign are presented in other papers (see Kunneriath \\textit{et al}, Eckart \\textit{et al}, this conference). ", "conclusions": "We have shown images and parameters from 10 epochs of high frequency VLBI observations of Sgr\\,A* during a multi-frequency campaign in May 2007. In particular, we have measured the flux density variations and shown the size measurement at 43\\,GHz. Our result indicate that the measured size at 43\\,GHz is stable on a daily basis. Future studies will show if there is a correlation between the NIR flaring activities and the radio flux density variations. The radio (cm-mm-wavelengths) flux of Sgr\\,A* is known to be variable on timescales of months to hours, with variability being more pronounced at shorter wavelengths. The time scales of the variations indicate that the higher frequency emission originates from a very compact region (e.g.,~\\cite{Miya}, ~\\cite{Mau}). The mm-variability naturally raises the question of whether or not the flux density variations are accompanied by the structural change, which could be detected with VLBI at 86\\,GHz. Previous size measurements at 86\\,GHz may have already indicated possible structural variability, where the increase in size seems to correlate with a higher flux density level~\\cite{kri06}. However, these variations of the source size is at present uncertain and still requires confirmation. As such, the 86\\,GHz VLBI measurements from this campaign will be very crucial for the possible structural variability. \\ack % R-S Lu and D Kunneriath are members of the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Astronomy and Astrophysics. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc." }, "0809/0809.0650_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{N-body simulations have shown that the dynamical decay of the young ($\\sim 1$ Myr) Orion Nebula cluster could be responsible for the loss of at least half of its initial content of OB stars. This result suggests that other young stellar systems could also lose a significant fraction of their massive stars at the very beginning of their evolution. To confirm this expectation, we used the Mid-Infrared Galactic Plane Survey (completed by the {\\it Midcourse Space Experiment} satellite) to search for bow shocks around a number of young ($\\la$ several Myr) clusters and OB associations. We discovered dozens of bow shocks generated by OB stars running away from these stellar systems, supporting the idea of significant dynamical loss of OB stars. In this paper, we report the discovery of three bow shocks produced by O-type stars ejected from the open cluster NGC\\,6611 (M16). One of the bow shocks is associated with the O9.5Iab star HD165319, which was suggested to be one of ``the best examples for isolated Galactic high-mass star formation\" (de Wit et al. 2005). Possible implications of our results for the origin of field OB stars are discussed.} ", "introduction": "Dynamical three- and four-body encounters between stars in the dense cores of young star clusters impart to some stars velocities exceeding the escape velocity from the cluster's potential well (Poveda et al. \\cite{po67}; Leonard \\& Duncan \\cite{le90}). The concentration of massive stars towards the center of young clusters (e.g. Hillenbrand \\& Hartmann \\cite{hi98}; Gouliermis et al. \\cite{go04}; Chen et al. \\cite{ch07}) implies that the dynamical evolution of cluster cores is dominated by massive stars and that the majority of escaping stars should be massive. The escaping massive stars constitute a population of OB field stars (Gies \\cite{gi87}). The escape velocity ranges from several ${\\rm km} \\, {\\rm s}^{-1}$ (for loose and low-mass clusters) to several tens of ${\\rm km} \\, {\\rm s}^{-1}$ (for compact and massive ones), so that the typical space velocity of OB field stars is $\\sim 10 \\, {\\rm km} \\, {\\rm s}^{-1}$ (e.g. Gies \\cite{gi87}). The stars with peculiar (transverse) velocities exceeding $30 \\, {\\rm km} \\, {\\rm s}^{-1}$ are called runaway stars (Blaauw \\cite{bl61}). It should be realized, however, that any star unbound from the parent cluster should be considered as a `runaway', independently of its peculiar velocity (cf. de Wit et al. \\cite{de05}). Although the peculiar velocity of some runaway OB stars could be as high as several $100 \\, {\\rm km} \\, {\\rm s}^{-1}$ (e.g. Ramspeck et al. \\cite{ra01}) or even $\\sim 500-700 \\, {\\rm km} \\, {\\rm s}^{-1}$ (Edelmann et al. \\cite{ed05}; Heber et al. \\cite{he08}), the majority have velocities of several tens of ${\\rm km} \\, {\\rm s}^{-1}$. Therefore, most runaway OB field stars should be located not far from their birth clusters. A (massive) star moving supersonically with respect to the ambient medium generates a bow shock (Baranov et al. \\cite{ba71}; Van Buren \\& McCray \\cite{va88}) visible in infrared (Van Buren et al. \\cite{va95}; Noriega-Crespo et al. \\cite{no97}; France et al. \\cite{fr07}) and/or ${\\rm H}_{\\alpha}$ (Kaper et al. \\cite{ka97}; Brown \\& Bomans \\cite{br05}). Observations of runaway OB stars showed that only a small fraction ($\\la 20$ per cent) produce bow shocks (Van Buren et al. \\cite{va95}; Noriega-Crespo et al. \\cite{no97}; Huthoff \\& Kaper \\cite{hu02}). The main reason for this is that many runaway stars move through the hot interstellar gas and their peculiar velocities are lower than the sound speed in the ambient medium (Huthoff \\& Kaper \\cite{hu02}). The geometry of a bow shock allows us to infer the direction of motion of the associated star and thereby trace its trajectory backwards to the parent cluster in those cases in which the proper motion of the star has not been measured directly. N-body simulations by Pflamm-Altenburg \\& Kroupa (\\cite{pf06}) showed that the dynamical decay of the young ($\\sim 1$ Myr) Orion Nebula cluster could be responsible for the loss of at least half of its initial content of OB stars (see also Kroupa \\cite{kr04}; cf. Aarseth \\& Hills \\cite{aa72}). This result suggests that other young stellar systems could also lose a significant fraction of their massive stars at the very beginning of their evolution. We therefore expect to observe numerous signatures of interaction between ejected stars and the dense environment of young star clusters. To confirm this expectation, we searched for bow shocks around a number of young ($\\la$ several Myr) clusters and OB associations using the Mid-Infrared Galactic Plane Survey. This survey, carried out with the Spatial Infrared Imaging Telescope onboard the {\\it Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX)} satellite (Price et al. \\cite{pr01}), covers the entire Galactic plane within $|b|<\\pm 5\\degr$ and provides images at $18\\arcsec$ resolution in four mid-infrared spectral bands centered at 8.3~$\\mu$m (band A), 12.1~$\\mu$m (band C), 14.7~$\\mu$m (band D), and 21.3~$\\mu$m (band E). To search for possible optical counterparts to the detected bow shocks, we used the SuperCOSMOS H-alpha Survey (SHS; Parker et al. \\cite{pa05}) and the Digitized Sky Survey (McLean et al. \\cite{mc00}). Our choice of young stellar systems implies that the majority of ejected stars should not have traveled far from their birth places (so that the parent clusters could be identified with more confidence) and that supernova explosions in massive binaries do not significantly contribute to the production of runaway stars (Blaauw \\cite{bl61}). We discovered dozens of bow shocks. Three are discussed in this paper, while the results of study of other objects are presented elsewhere. The geometry of the three bow shocks suggests that they are driven by stars expelled from the young open star cluster \\object{NGC\\,6611}. In Sect.\\,2, we review the relevant data for this cluster. The results of the search for bow shocks around NGC\\,6611 are presented in Sect.\\,3 and discussed in Sect.\\,4. Conclusions are summarized in Sect.\\,5. ", "conclusions": "With the detection of three bow-shock-producing stars in the vicinity of NGC\\,6611, we have found strong evidence that the proposed loss of massive stars, due to dynamical processes in the early evolution of young clusters, is indeed operating. While existing astrometric data for the three stars do not allow us to determine precisely the timing of the ejection or study the interaction of the runaway stars with the ISM in detail, the morphology of the bow shocks and the proper motion of the cluster itself allows us to argue that these stars originated in NGC\\,6611. Clearly, our finding opens up a number of possibilities for follow-up investigations of the NGC\\,6611 bow shocks and the ejected stars. More accurate proper motion measurements will allow us to check if the stars were ejected continuously or during a short period of cluster evolution. The most important point nevertheless is that the idea proposed by Pflamm-Altenburg \\& Kroupa (\\cite{pf06}) is supported by direct observation, at least in the case of NGC\\,6611. The results for several other young clusters will be presented in forthcoming papers." }, "0809/0809.1183_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The strong equivalence principle is extended in application to averaged dynamical fields in cosmology to include the role of the average density in the determination of inertial frames. The resulting cosmological equivalence principle is applied to the problem of synchronisation of clocks in the observed universe. Once density perturbations grow to give density contrasts of order one on scales of tens of megaparsecs, the integrated deceleration of the local background regions of voids relative to galaxies must be accounted for in the relative synchronisation of clocks of ideal observers who measure an isotropic cosmic microwave background. The relative deceleration of the background can be expected to represent a scale in which weak--field Newtonian dynamics should be modified to account for dynamical gradients in the Ricci scalar curvature of space. This acceleration scale is estimated using the best--fit nonlinear bubble model of the universe with backreaction. At redshifts $z\\lsim0.25$ the scale is found to coincide with the empirical acceleration scale of modified Newtonian dynamics. At larger redshifts the scale varies in a manner which is likely to be important for understanding dynamics of galaxy clusters, and structure formation. Although the relative deceleration, typically of order $10^{-10}$ms$^{-2}$, is small, when integrated over the lifetime of the universe it amounts to an accumulated relative difference of 38\\% in the rate of average clocks in galaxies as compared to volume--average clocks in the emptiness of voids. A number of foundational aspects of the cosmological equivalence principle are also discussed, including its relation to Mach's principle, the Weyl curvature hypothesis and the initial conditions of the universe. ", "introduction": "The strong equivalence principle (SEP) stands at the conceptual core of general relativity, as a physical principle which limits the choice of our physical theory of gravitation among all possible metric theories of gravitation one can construct. In this paper I will argue that the ramifications of this principle have not been fully explored, and that its physical interpretation requires further clarification to deal with the dynamical properties of spacetime inherent in Einstein's theory when the nonequilibrium situation is considered. In particular, the problem of how to synchronise clocks in the absence of a spacetime background with specific symmetries does not have a general solution in general relativity. In this paper I will show that at least for universes which began with a great deal of symmetry, as ours did, the reasoning of the equivalence principle can be extended: the average regional density provides a clock in expanding regions. This has particular consequences for cosmological models and the definition of gravitational energy. It underlies the author's proposal that dark energy is a misidentification of cosmological gravitational energy gradients in an inhomogeneous void--dominated universe \\cite{clocks,sol,essay}. Broader foundational consequences may also follow. To set the scene, it pays to recall that historically the equivalence principle\\cite{eep}, and indeed general relativity\\cite{GR}, was formulated at a time before the dynamical properties of spacetime were understood. The conceptual route that Einstein took began with the {\\em weak equivalence principle} or the {\\em principle of uniqueness of free fall}, known since the experiments of Galileo, that all bodies (subject to no forces other than gravity) will follow the same paths given the same initial positions and velocities. Realising that this observational statement embodies a feature of universality of the gravitational interaction, Einstein created a theory in which gravity is a property of spacetime itself. Einstein's identification of what the true gravitation field should be began 101 years ago with first identifying what it is not, based on thought experiments with elevators, concerning what motions of particles cannot be distinguished operationally. His 1907 principle of equivalence \\cite{eep} may be translated as follows: {\\em All motions in an external static homogeneous gravitational field are identical to those in no gravitational field if referred to a uniformly accelerated coordinate system}. A uniformly accelerated reference frame may be found operationally in empty Minkowski spacetime by firing rockets; if matter is the source of the true gravitational field then such choices of frame cannot represent gravity. More generally, since special relativity with nongravitational forces appears to always be valid in small regions, one should always be able to get rid of gravity near a point. This is embodied in the SEP: {\\em At any event, always and everywhere, it is possible to choose a local inertial frame such that in a sufficiently small spacetime neighbourhood all nongravitational laws of nature take on their familiar forms appropriate to the absence of gravity, namely the laws of special relativity}. This means that gravity is made to be universal, as it is contained in spacetime structure. The true gravitational field strength is encoded in the Riemann curvature tensor, and is determined regionally by the tidal effects of geodesic deviation. One of the most profound and difficult consequences of the SEP is that gravitational energy and momentum cannot be described by a local density, and so are not local quantities. General relativity overcomes the nonlocality problem of Newtonian gravity: there is no action at a distance. General relativity is an entirely local theory in the sense of {\\em propagation} of the gravitational interaction, which is causal. However, the background on which the interaction propagates may contain its own energy and momentum, when integrated over sufficiently large regions, and this has to be understood in the calibration of local rods and clocks at widely separated events. Whereas the calibration of rods and clocks is mathematically determined by invariants of the {\\em local} metric, and the spacetime connection which relates local invariants at widely separated events, in practice we cannot analytically solve Einstein's equations for the most general distribution of matter to unambiguously determine the metric and its connection. A slicing of spacetime into hypersurfaces, and a threading of these hypersurfaces by timelike worldlines of observers or by null geodesics, is inevitable for any operational description of spacetime in terms of rods and clocks. Such splittings of space and time, together with additional symmetry assumptions, are also necessary for analytically solving Einstein's equations in particular cases, or more generally for numerical modelling. The definition of quasilocal gravitational energy and momentum \\cite{quasi_rev} then turns out to depend on the choice of slicing, associated surfaces of integration, and the identification of observers that thread the slices. These procedures are inherently noncovariant and nonunique, and many questions of naturalness of any particular definition inevitably arise. (See Ref.\\ \\cite{NSV} for a recent discussion.) We have the dilemma that a spacetime split inevitably breaks any given particle motion into a motion of the background and a motion with respect to the background; and this may involve a degree of arbitrariness. The viewpoint that will be adopted here is that since quasilocal gravitational energy gradients have their origin in the equivalence principle, the primary criterion for making canonical identifications of physically relevant classes of observer frames is that the equivalence principle itself must be properly formulated, and respected, when making macroscopic cosmological averages. If the SEP is applied to macroscopic objects then strictly speaking we can only apply it to systems in which the gravitational interaction is ignored. Yet we implicitly apply the SEP to scales at least as large as galaxies which are treated as particles of dust in an expanding fluid -- with an expansion rate given by a Friedmann--Lema\\^{\\i}tre--Robertson--Walker (FLRW) model -- subject to additional Newtonian gravitational interactions. The Newtonian approximation, which is made in present--day numerical simulations of structure formation must, by the rules of general relativity, presuppose that a sufficiently large static Minkowski frame can be found. I shall argue in this paper that to correctly derive a Newtonian limit, without prior assumptions about the cosmological background geometry, we must first correctly apply the SEP. If galaxies are to be treated as particles of dust we must address the following question: given that the background is not static, what is the largest scale on which the SEP can be applied? An attempt to answer this question, which is unavoidable if we are to consistently apply the principles of general relativity to cosmology, means that we have to deal with the relationship of inertial frames to averages of matter fields and motions. In other words we must address Mach's principle, which may be stated as \\cite{Bondi,BKL} follows: {\\em``Local inertial frames are determined through the distributions of energy and momentum in the universe by some weighted average of the apparent motions''}. The leading questions in this statement are what is to be understood by ``local'', and what is the ``suitable weighted average''? The problem with any process of averaging in general relativity is that by coarse graining we can lose information about the calibration of local rods and clocks within the coarse grained cells relative to average quantities. Rods and clocks are related to invariants of the local metric, can vary greatly within an averaging cell, and will not in general coincide with some average calibration of rods and clocks once averaging cells become sufficiently large in the nonlinear regime of general relativity. Galaxies, for example, contain supermassive black holes, in whose local neighbourhood the determination of proper lengths and times for typical observers differs extremely from typical observers in the outskirts of a galaxy. It is commonly believed that as long as we are ``in the weak--field limit'' we do not have to worry about complications such as the extreme ones posed by black holes. However, the weak--field limit is always taken about a {\\em background}, and once inhomogeneities develop in the universe there are no exact symmetries to describe the background. One set of uniformly calibrated rods and clocks is no longer sufficient to describe the background itself. Given an initially homogeneous isotropic universe with small scale--invariant density perturbations, once one is within the nonlinear regime of structure formation, homogeneity and isotropy are only defined in a statistically average sense. Within a cell of statistical homogeneity -- which can be taken to be \\cite{clocks} of the same order as the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) scale, $100h^{-1}$Mpc, $h$ being the dimensionless parameter related to the Hubble constant by $H\\Z0=100h\\kmsMpc$ -- there are density contrasts of order unity over scales of tens of megaparsecs. Since the universe is inhomogeneous over these scales {\\em not every observer is the same average observer}. Different classes of canonical observers are required to interpret cosmological parameters \\cite{clocks}. In particular, we and the objects we see are typically in galaxies in locally nonexpanding regions which formed from density perturbations which were greater than the critical density. In such regions local spatial curvature can differ markedly from the volume--average location in voids, where space is freely expanding. Small differences of spatial curvature and rates of clocks can accumulate to give large differences over the lifetime of the universe \\cite{clocks}. Dynamical gradients in the curvature of space are a physical reality which must be properly understood. In this paper I will estimate the scale of the small relative deceleration of the background in regions of different density, by proposing an extension of the SEP to cosmology. I will demand an equivalence between the particular example of geodesic flow of a congruence of particles ``at rest'' in a dynamically expanding universe, whose average volume expansion is governed by an average over all masses and motions of the particles, and the equivalent ``volume--expanding'' motion of point particles in a Minkowski space. In other words, the local Ricci scalar curvature due to the volume average of pressureless dust can always be ``renormalised away'' on sufficiently small scales, but in a way which may lead to relative recalibrations of local rods and clocks between different spacetime regions. Equivalently, for volume expansion we cannot {\\em locally} distinguish between particles at rest in a dynamic spacetime, and particles moving in a static spacetime: the two situations are equivalent in a sense which deserves the designation {\\em cosmological principle of equivalence}. This might be viewed as a further Machian style refinement of the notion of inertia. Although we measure geodesic deviation, in terms of the scalar curvature part of the Riemann tensor and volume expansion, we are unable to distinguish whether the geodesics are deviating because of local accelerations of particles in a static space, or whether the particles are ``at rest'' in an expanding space which is decelerating due to the gravitational attraction of the average density of matter. Historically, it might be said that although Einstein was conceptually guided by Mach's principle, he never quite succeeded in fully implementing it in general relativity, because when he first formulated the theory he did not fully appreciate the dynamical nature of spacetime. His first attempt to study cosmology indicated that for any usual source of matter the theory was not stable, but intrinsically dynamical \\cite{esu}. Famously, he invoked the cosmological constant -- his {\\em``gr\\\"o{\\ss}te Eselei''} -- to avoid the issue. This paper attempts to lay the conceptual groundwork for an alternative first principles route to the physical interpretation of cosmological general relativity, taking account of observational evidence that is immeasurably better now than it was in 1917. The plan of the paper is as follows. Preliminary definitions, motivations, and a statement of the cosmological equivalence principle are presented in Sec.\\ \\ref{aep}. In Sec.\\ \\ref{gedanken} the thought experiments introduced in Sec.\\ \\ref{aep} are generalised to the case of regions of different density, and an estimate of clock rate variance is given based on presently observed density contrasts. The definition of the cosmic rest frame, and its relation to other frames used in cosmological averaging, is clarified in Sec.\\ \\ref{frame}. In Sec.\\ \\ref{alpha} a numerical estimate of the time--varying relative deceleration of voids relative to walls, where galaxies are located, is computed over the lifetime of the universe, and its cosmological implications discussed. The role of initial conditions and a possible conceptual relationship to Penrose's Weyl curvature hypothesis are discussed in Sec.\\ \\ref{Weyl}. The paper concludes with a summary discussion, including some further speculations, in Sec.\\ \\ref{conclude}. ", "conclusions": "} In this paper I have extended the strong equivalence principle to account for the average effect of the density of matter in the definition and relative calibration of clocks in inertial frames on cosmological scales. Since the resulting cosmological equivalence principle relates the single scalar degree of freedom of Newtonian gravity to the framework of general relativity, it may provide a means to better understand the calibration of cosmological weak fields once density perturbations have grown large to form a universe that is very inhomogeneous on scales of tens of megaparsecs. It should thereby give a setting for better understanding the Newtonian limit in the dynamical situation of cosmology. The numerical estimate of the relative deceleration between observers in the walls around galaxy clusters and volume-average observers in voids, typically of order $10^{-10}$ms$^{-2}$, is acceptably small for weak field scales and yet leads cumulatively to the present epoch clock rate variance of 38\\% found in Refs.\\ \\cite{clocks,LNW}. Intriguingly, at redshifts $z\\lsim0.25$ the relative deceleration required by the CEP coincides precisely with the empirical acceleration scale of MOND \\cite{mond,McGaugh}. At a conceptual level I have attempted to present a framework for the consistent definition of average inertial frames in relation to average dynamically--varying matter densities in cosmological general relativity. The hope is that the cosmological equivalence principle is thereby a key step to the incorporation of Mach's principle into general relativity, in the way that Einstein intended but never quite realised. Mach's principle is most commonly invoked in distinguishing inertial frames from rotating frames \\cite{BKL,BKL2,Schmid,wave}. What is studied here is a different aspect of Mach's principle: the role of the average volume deceleration of the local geometry in defining the standard of time of inertial frames. In the absence of a timelike Killing vector, the evolution of the average density provides a relevant clock. To fully incorporate Mach's principle in general relativity, it is of course necessary to deal with the other dynamical gravitational degrees of freedom which can affect the distinction of inertial frames from rotating ones, such as gravitational waves \\cite{wave}. In this paper I have expounded the view that to deal with the volume--contracting average dynamical effects of matter density, a reduction to a frame (\\ref{cif}) is the relevant step in the normalisation of gravitational energy before the final step to a static Minkowski space. It is quite possible that when average degrees of freedom in addition to the scalar Ricci curvature are considered, in order to deal with gravitational waves and spinning matter fluids, there are other steps in the relevant relative calibrations of rods and clocks. After all, energy, momenta, and angular momenta are only defined with respect to a frame. In the dynamical regime of general relativity the question arises as to which collective average frames have physical utility in the absence of exact symmetries described by Killing vectors. My view is that a truly deep understanding of quasilocal gravitational energy and momentum is still to be found, but the path to such enlightenment requires a better conceptual understanding of the equivalence principle in application to collective dynamical degrees of freedom of matter fields. Historically speaking, in the early stages of the development of general relativity Einstein did not fully appreciate the dynamical importance of the energy and momentum of spacetime itself. Spacetime is inevitably dynamical for matter obeying the strong energy condition. Einstein's first journey through the conceptual landscape of cosmological general relativity had him worrying about boundary conditions at spatial infinity \\cite{esu}, as he overlooked the possibility that the universe had a beginning. Since general relativity is causal the geometry at any event can only depend on events within its past light cone, and is independent of what lies beyond the particle horizon. Thus boundary conditions at spatial infinity beyond the particle horizon are physically irrelevant if the universe had a beginning, a possibility that Einstein did not consider when he first formulated his static universe \\cite{esu}. For a universe like ours which had a beginning, the initial conditions are of vital importance in determining the relevant weighted average of the apparent motions, as I have discussed in Sec.\\ \\ref{Weyl}. The conceptual journey discussed in this paper arose in an effort to model the universe more realistically \\cite{clocks,sol,LNW}, to account for the structure we actually observe, by realising that the quasilocal gravitational energy of a dynamical spacetime geometry -- which has real effects on the calibration of clocks -- should be an essential feature of a universe with large dynamical density gradients. If successful, this will eliminate the need for a cosmological constant or other fluidlike vacuum energy as the source of ``dark energy'', but it still leaves the other cosmological problem, why $\\Lambda=0$, unsolved. If we take the strong equivalence principle literally then $\\Lambda$ must be zero since otherwise we could not have a vacuum Minkowski spacetime for our local inertial frames. My own personal view is that quantum field theoretic calculations based in a flat spacetime which suggest that $\\Lambda\\goesas M\\ns{Planck}^4$ miss the mark, because the spacetime vacuum cannot be understood without accounting for the intrinsically dynamic nature of spacetime. It is not a problem for flat space quantum field theory. While the cosmological constant problem is no doubt a problem for quantum gravity, I believe that quantum gravity research might benefit from a more physical understanding of dynamical gravitational energy and the equivalence principle. \\medskip {\\bf Acknowledgement} I wish to thank many people for discussions and correspondence including in particular Thomas Buchert, Syksy R\\\"as\\\"anen, Frederic Hessman, Herbert Balasin, Helmut Rumpf, Peter Aichelburg, Lars Andersson and Stacy McGaugh. I warmly thank Prof.\\ Remo Ruffini and ICRANet for support and hospitality while the paper was completed." }, "0809/0809.4590_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We are currently involved in a multifaceted campaign to study extragalactic classical novae in the Local Group and beyond. Here we report on-going results from the exploitation of the POINT-AGAPE M31 dataset; initial results from our Local Group imaging, and spectroscopic CNe follow-up campaign and introduce the Liverpool Extragalactic Nova Survey. ", "introduction": "Although much has been learnt from the study of Galactic classical novae (CNe), it is clear that Galactic data are not ideal for establishing the population characteristics of novae because these data are often heavily biased by selection effects. To-date no RNe have been identified outside the Milky Way and its companions, but CNe have been studied in about a dozen galaxies. To gain further insight into the population of novae, and specifically to explore further the question of whether there exist two distinct nova populations \\citep[see e.g.][]{1992A&A...266..232D}, we are involved in a number of campaigns to study a large sample of novae in the Local Group and beyond. The following sections briefly describe the current status of the three parts of our extragalactic CN work: the POINT-AGAPE survey; our Local Group CN follow-up project, and the Liverpool Extragalactic Nova Survey. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.3465_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The precision study of dark matter using weak lensing by large scale structure is strongly constrained by the accuracy with which one can measure galaxy shapes. Several methods have been devised but none have demonstrated the ability to reach the level of precision required by future weak lensing surveys. In this paper we explore new avenues to the existing {\\it Shapelets} approach, combining a priori knowledge of the galaxy profile with the power of orthogonal basis function decomposition. This paper discusses the new issues raised by this matched filter approach and proposes promising alternatives to shape measurement techniques. In particular it appears that the use of a matched filter (e.g. \\sersic\\ profile) restricted to elliptical radial fitting functions resolves several well known Shapelet issues. ", "introduction": "Galaxy shapes provide the unique signature of gravitational lensing by large scale structure, which has been recognized as a key to the study of dark matter and dark energy \\citep{munshi2008}. A limiting factor is the accuracy with which one can measure shapes \\citep{CH2006,M2007,HJ2008}. Among the different existing methods, one particularly interesting approach is the decomposition of galaxy images using basis functions e.g. \\citet{bj2002} or {\\it Shapelets} \\citep{ref1,rb2003,mr1}. The strengths of this approach rely on the fact that the shape measurement is analytical and therefore time efficient as it involves rather small matrix multiplications. {\\it Shapelets} decompose an image into a linear combination of orthonormal components up to some truncation order, and the shape parameters are extracted from a least-squares best fit using the recomposed (noise free) model. However, the Shapelet type approach suffers from a few difficulties: (i) The choice of the decomposition truncation order is arbitrary. In \tpractice, different lensing groups use radically different ``optimal'' truncation orders. Some prefer low \\citep{KK2006}, while others prefer high \\citep{BPR2008}, although the $\\chi^2$ values for different truncation order could be very different. Therefore a constant $\\chi^2$ criterion to measure the shape does not appear to be a robust guarantee of unbiased shape measurement. (ii) ``Easy cases'' such as large and bright elliptical galaxies are poorly fitted. This suggests that a good fit for low signal-to-noise galaxies does not necessarily mean that the shape has been correctly measured, since it could just be buried in the sky noise. This is the overfitting problem. (iii) Basis decomposition has too many degrees of freedom for shear measurement, since ideally we are only interested in two numbers (or six if we include the flexion). This is where galaxy morphology and shear measurement are clearly two different problems. All of those problems have one common origin, namely the choice of the zeroth order weight function -- Gaussian functions for both Cartesian \\citep{ref1} and Polar Shapelets \\citep{mr1}, as well as \\citet{bj2002}. Unfortunately, Gaussian functions are poor matches to real galaxy profiles. Ideally, we would like the zeroth order to be as close as possible to the real profile, and leave to the basis decomposition the task to fit departures from this ``typical'' profile. Currently the most promising shape measurement method uses a bayesian model fitting approach \\citep{MKH2007,K2008}. This method does not suffer from the same issues as Shapelets, but is limited by the strong galaxy profile prior. In this paper, we investigate how the change of the weight function affects the basis decomposition method, and how it leads naturally to a hybrid method which combines Shapelets and fitting techniques. We choose to focus on the \\sersic\\ profile (hence the term Sersiclets), but our discussion can be extended to any profile\\footnote{While working on the concepts discussed in this paper, we became aware of similar investigations using exponential and hyperbolic sech functions (Kuijken \\& van Uitert in prep).}, e.g. Moffat profile for ground based point spread function (PSF). \\sect{methodology} introduces the notation and gives a technical description of the new fitting functions. \\sect{experiment} shows the impact of those fitting functions on shape fitting and decomposition. Finally, \\sect{conclusion} summarizes our work so far and future possibilities. Note that in this paper we choose not to discuss the PSF deconvolution. Indeed, the problems we mentioned earlier affect equally the measurement of galaxy shapes whether or not the galaxies are convolved with a PSF, and Shapelets are a popular approach because their Gaussian properties allow for very efficient PSF treatment. The PSF deconvolution issue goes beyond this work because it depends on how the PSF is measured and interpolated between stars. Moreover the approach developed here could as well be applied to the PSF profile measurement separately, and then used later to address the deconvolution step through a forward convolution model fitting method. See for example \\citet{K2008}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusion} We presented an extension of Shapelets by using an arbitrary weight function in place of the Gaussian function. As galaxies' light profiles follow the \\sersic\\ profile on average, we used the \\sersic\\ function as our weight function. This allowed us to fit cuspy galaxies at lower orders than Shapelets could. Because the \\sersic\\ function lacks analytical properties, we used the Gram-Schmidt process to generate the orthonormal polynomials as radial components for the fitting functions, where the integrals in the process must be evaluated numerically. As the \\sersic\\ profile has poor local support, the integration limit must be truncated to a finite limit. We found that the full set of fitting functions for Sersiclets cannot decompose an arbitrary image even at high orders, as the fitting functions do not form a complete set. Instead of modeling objects using all fitting functions, we reduced the fitting set to only the circularly symmetric components ($m=0$). The model was then sheared by $e_1$ and $e_2$ to render elliptical shapes. The reduced set of fitting functions defines a hybrid method which combines the most interesting features of the basis decomposition and the fitting technique. Our experiments so far only focused on idealized images simulated using known profiles and noise. Both the full and the reduced Sersiclets outperformed Shapelets, as we expected. The Shapelet matched filter's true performance will be tested in a future paper on image simulations such as those for GREAT08 \\citep{Br2008}. The C code to evaluate Sersiclet models is publicly available on request." }, "0809/0809.2092.txt": { "abstract": "We present the Observations of Redshift Evolution in Large Scale Environments (ORELSE) survey, a systematic search for structure on scales greater than 10 $h_{70}^{-1}$ Mpc around 20 well-known clusters at redshifts of $0.6 < z < 1.3$. The goal of the survey is to examine a statistical sample of dynamically active clusters and large scale structures in order to quantify galaxy properties over the full range of local and global environments. We describe the survey design, the cluster sample, and our extensive observational data covering at least 25$'$ around each target cluster. We use adaptively-smoothed red galaxy density maps from our wide-field optical imaging to identify candidate groups/clusters and intermediate-density large scale filaments/walls in each cluster field. Because photometric techniques (such as photometric redshifts, statistical overdensities, and richness estimates) can be highly uncertain, the crucial component of this survey is the unprecedented amount of spectroscopic coverage. We are using the wide-field, multi-object spectroscopic capabilities of the DEep Multi-Object Imaging Spectrograph to obtain 100-200+ confirmed cluster members in each field. Our survey has already discovered the Cl 1604 supercluster at $z \\approx 0.9$, a structure which contains at least eight groups and clusters and spans 13 Mpc $\\times$ 100 Mpc. Here, we present the results on the large scale environments of two additional clusters, Cl 0023+0423 at $z = 0.84$ and RX J1821.6+6827 at $z = 0.82$, which highlight the diversity of global properties at these redshifts. The optically--selected Cl 0023+0423 is a four-way group-group merger with constituent groups having measured velocity dispersions between 206--479 km s$^{-1}$. The galaxy population is dominated by blue, star-forming galaxies, with 80\\% of the confirmed members showing [OII] emission. The strength of the H$\\delta$ line in a composite spectrum of 138 members indicates a substantial contribution from recent starbursts to the overall galaxy population. In contrast, the X-ray--selected RX J1821.6+6827 is a largely-isolated, massive cluster with a measured velocity dispersion of $926 \\pm 77$ km s$^{-1}$. The cluster exhibits a well defined red sequence with a large quiescent galaxy population. The results from these two targets, along with preliminary findings on other ORELSE clusters, suggest that optical selection may be more effective than X-ray surveys at detecting less-evolved, dynamically-active systems at these redshifts. ", "introduction": "Clusters of galaxies are accurate tracers of the large scale structure in the local Universe. Redshift surveys at $z < 0.1$ (e.g., Geller \\& Huchra 1989; Einasto et al.\\ 1997; Colless et al.\\ 2001) and numerical simulations (e.g., Colberg et al.\\ 2000; Evrard et al. 2002; Dolag et al.\\ 2006) reveal the filamentary structure of the Universe, stretching between clusters and superclusters of galaxies. Clusters form at the nodes of these filaments, growing through the continuous accretion of individual galaxies and groups from the surrounding field (e.g., Frenk et al\\ 1996; Eke et al.\\ 1998). The precursors of the filaments should be present around distant clusters, containing many of the galaxies which will eventually infall into the virialized core and form the cluster population observed today. Since galaxy environment should change dramatically during the course of vigorous cluster assembly, the large scale structure present around high-redshift clusters offers us the unique opportunity to probe, over the full range of local environments, the physical effects on galaxies as they assemble into denser regions. As a result, we are undertaking the Observations of Redshift Evolution in Large Scale Environments (ORELSE) survey, a systematic search for structure on scales greater than 10 $h_{70}^{-1}$ Mpc around 20 known clusters at $z > 0.6$. The survey covers 5 square degrees, all targeted at overdense cluster %intermediate-to-high density regions, making it complementary and comparable to field surveys such as DEEP2 (Davis et al.\\ 2003) and COSMOS (Scoville et al.\\ 2007; Koekemoer et al.\\ 2007). While superclusters have been studied at low redshift (Davis et al.\\ 1980; Postman, Geller \\& Huchra 1988; Quintana et al.\\ 1995; Small et al.\\ 1998; Rines et al.\\ 2002; Fadda et al.\\ 2008; Porter et al.\\ 2008) and at $z \\approx 0.2 - 0.6$ (Kaiser et al.\\ 1999; Gray et al.\\ 2002; Kodama et al.\\ 2001, 2003, 2005; Ebeling et al.\\ 2004; Tanaka et al.\\ 2007a; Kartaltepe et al.\\ 2008), large scale structures at high redshift ($z \\ge 0.6$) are just now being explored (Kodama et al.\\ 2005; Nakata et al.\\ 2005; Tanaka et al.\\ 2006, 2007b; Swinbank et al.\\ 2007; Gal et al.\\ 2008; Fassbender et al.\\ 2008; Gilbank et al.\\ 2008; Patel et al.\\ 2008). Previous studies at these redshifts have largely focused on the central regions ($< 2~h_{70}^{-1}$ Mpc) of massive clusters. These studies have revealed strong evolution in the cluster galaxy population which includes (1) an increase in the fraction of blue, star-forming, late-type galaxies with redshift, implying that early-types are forming out of the excess of late-types over the last $\\sim 7$ Gyr (e.g., Butcher \\& Oemler 1984; Ellingson et al.\\ 2001; Dressler et al.\\ 1997; van Dokkum et al.\\ 2000, 2001; Lubin et al.\\ 2002); (2) a larger fraction of post-starburst (``K+A'') galaxies in the cluster versus field environment, indicating strong star formation activity in the recent past (e.g., Dressler et al.\\ 1999, 2004; Balogh et al.\\ 1999; Tran et al.\\ 2003); (3) a deficit of faint, passive, red galaxies, suggesting that a large fraction of these galaxies in present-day clusters has moved onto the red sequence relatively recently as a result of a truncation of star formation (e.g., Smail et al.\\ 1998; van Dokkum \\& Franx 2001; Kodama et al.\\ 2004; De Lucia et al.\\ 2004, 2007; Tanaka et al.\\ 2005, 2007b; Koyama et al.\\ 2007); and (4) an increase in the overdensities of X-ray and radio sources with cluster redshift, indicating enhanced starburst/nuclear activity in the past (e.g., Best 2003; Cappelluti et al.\\ 2005; Eastman et al.\\ 2007; Kocevski et al.\\ 2008a). All of these findings imply significantly increased star-forming, starburst, and nuclear emission in the past and raise the question -- what physical mechanisms associated with the cluster environment are responsible for the suppression of star formation and nuclear activity and the transformation of gaseous, disk galaxies into passive spheroids? Several mechanisms have been suggested, including galaxy harassment (Moore et al.\\ 1998), ram pressure stripping (Gunn \\& Gott 1972), starvation (Larson et al.\\ 1980), and merging (Mihos 1995, 1999). Most of these processes are associated {\\it not} with the densest cluster regions, but rather with the infall regions and lower-density environments far from the cluster cores. Studies at low-to-moderate redshift suggest that the non-cluster processes play a pivotal role in driving galaxy evolution well before the galaxies reach the cluster cores. Data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the 2dF Survey indicate a sharp transition between galaxies with field-like star formation rates (SFRs) and galaxies with low SFRs comparable to that of galaxies within the cluster cores (Lewis et al.\\ 2002; Gomez et al.\\ 2003; Goto et al.\\ 2003a,b; Balogh et al.\\ 2004). The density at which this transition occurs (log $\\Sigma \\sim 1$ Mpc$^{-2}$) corresponds to the cluster virial radius, well outside the core region on which most studies have been focused. The fact that low SFRs and passive (gas-less) spiral galaxies are observed well beyond the virial radius rule out severe processes, such as ram pressure stripping or galaxy-galaxy merging, as being completely responsible for the variations in galaxy properties with environment (Lewis et al.\\ 2002; Goto et al.\\ 2003b). Similarly, studies on large scales (clustocentric distances of $> 4~h_{70}^{-1}$ Mpc) at $z \\sim 0.4$ indicate that galaxy colors change sharply at relatively low densities and that the morphological mix, at a given density, is independent of cluster radius, implying that galaxy transformation occurs outside the cluster core and is physically associated with the infalling filaments and the chains of smaller galaxy groups within them (Kodama et al.\\ 2001; Treu et al.\\ 2003). Consequently, these groups serve as a pre-processing phase in the evolution of cluster galaxies (Kodama et al.\\ 2001, 2003, 2004; Gray et al.\\ 2002; Treu et al.\\ 2003; Bower \\& Balogh 2004; Mihos 2004). These trends continue to redshifts approaching $z \\sim 1$ where there are indications of ``downsizing'' with galaxy evolution accelerated in high-density and high-mass (cluster) regions, compared to lower-density and lower-mass (group) regions. Studies of large scale structures at $z \\sim 0.5-0.8$ suggest that the galaxy population in clusters is more evolved, with the faint-end of the red sequence being more developed and the red-sequence galaxies showing no signs of current or recent star formation. In contrast, groups and lower-density environments have a stronger deficit of the faint red-sequence galaxies and clear signs of star-formation activity (weak [OII] emission and/or strong H$\\delta$ absorption) in the existing red-galaxy population (De Lucia et al.\\ 2004, 2007; Kodama et al.\\ 2004; Tanaka et al.\\ 2005, 2005; Koyama et al.\\ 2007). As such, these results confirm that, at these epochs, much of the activity is taking place in lower-density, lower-mass environments. This environment--activity level connection also extends to the extremes of active galactic nuclei (AGN) and starburst galaxies. From studies covering a wide redshift range ($0.2 < z < 1.2$), excesses of 24 $\\mu$m and X-ray sources are observed preferentially in intermediate-density, not high-density, regimes, consisting of groups, cluster infall regions, and filaments (Cappelluti et al.\\ 2005; Gilmour et al.\\ 2007; Marcillac et al.\\ 2007, 2008; Kocevski et al. 2008b). These results, as well as those described above, imply that the environmental processes which induce nuclear activity, truncate star formation, and change galaxy properties are not necessarily driven by cluster specific mechanisms, like ram pressure stripping by the hot intracluster medium or harassment (i.e., truncation of the galaxy halo) by the cluster tidal field. Thus, it is essential to look well beyond the regions of traditional study (the cluster cores) to find answers to our questions concerning galaxy evolution. The ORELSE survey is designed specifically to target these largely-unexplored regions and answer these questions by correlating multi-wavelength (radio, optical, infrared, and X-ray) photometric data with galaxy kinematics and spectral features in a statistical sample of large scale structures at redshifts approaching unity. The first large scale structure detected in the ORELSE survey was the Cl 1604 supercluster at $z \\approx 0.9$ which includes two massive clusters Cl 1604+4304 at $z = 0.90$ and Cl 1604+4321 at $z = 0.92$ originally detected by Gunn, Hoessel \\& Oke (1986) and further studied by Oke, Postman \\& Lubin (1998). Wide-field imaging and spectroscopy as part of the ORELSE survey has revealed a more complex, massive structure, containing at least eight groups and clusters and spanning 13 Mpc $\\times$ 100 Mpc (Lubin et al.\\ 2000; Gal \\& Lubin 2004; Gal, Lubin \\& Squires 2005; Gal et al.\\ 2008). Our extensive spectroscopic data on the Cl 1604 supercluster (over 400 confirmed members) demonstrate that comprehensive redshift surveys, like ORELSE, are essential for understanding galaxy and cluster evolution. Specifically, (1) the entire structure size in redshift space is equivalent to typical photometric redshift errors (Margoniner \\& Wittman 2008); (2) superpositions of groups/clusters mean that mass measures based on weak lensing signal, richness, or X-ray luminosity are highly uncertain; (3) cluster velocity dispersions based even on traditionally large numbers of galaxies (i.e.\\ 20-40) can be substantially overestimated due to outliers (Gal et al.\\ 2008); and (4) the expected overdensities of radio and X-ray sources are small, making the identification and study of individual active galaxies impossible (Kocevski et al.\\ 2008a). In this paper, we build on our studies of the Cl 1604 supercluster. We present the experimental design of the full survey (\\S 2) and the photometric and spectroscopic results on two additional target clusters, Cl 0023+0423 (hereafter Cl 0023) at $z = 0.84$ and RX J1821.6+6827 (hereafter RX J1821) at $z = 0.82$, which highlight the significant diversity of structure properties at these redshifts (\\S 4 and 5). Throughout the paper we use a cosmology with $H_0=70$ $h_{70}^{-1}$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$, $\\Omega_m=0.3$ and $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}=0.7$. ", "conclusions": "In this paper, we have presented the motivation, design, and implementation of the Observations of Redshift Evolution in Large Scale Environments (ORELSE) survey, a systematic search for structure on scales of 10 $h^{-1}_{70}$ Mpc around 20 well-known clusters at $0.6 < z < 1.3$. The survey covers 5 square degrees, all targeted at intermediate-to-high-density regions, making it complementary and comparable to field surveys such as DEEP2 and COSMOS. The program utilizes optical/near-infrared imaging at the UKIRT 3.8-m, KPNO 4-m, Palomar 5-m, and Subaru 8-m covering at least 25$'$ around each target cluster. Following the successful application in the Cl 1604 supercluster at $z \\approx 0.9$, we use an adaptively smoothed red-galaxy density map to visually identify associated groups/clusters and larger scale filaments/walls. Guided largely by actual observations, we use the extensive sample of 400+ confirmed members in Cl 1604 supercluster to adapt our color and magnitude cuts, quantify significant density peaks, and estimate false contamination rates for other target fields at lower and higher redshifts. We find that this technique is highly efficient at detecting systems even down to group masses ($\\sigma \\sim 300$ km s$^{-1}$), as well as extended structures covering significant portions of the imaging field. The crucial component of the ORELSE survey, and what distinguishes it from similar surveys, is the unprecedented amount of spectroscopic coverage. Utilizing the wide field, multi-object spectrograph DEIMOS on the Keck 10-m, we are obtaining high quality spectra for 100--200+ confirmed members per system, allowing us to measure properties on a galaxy-to-galaxy basis. Targeting galaxies down to $i' = 24$, our system of color selection provides a spectroscopic efficiency for cluster members of up to 45\\%. Based on the first results from the survey, we already see significant diversity of large-scale and galaxy-scale properties at a given redshift. Although at similar redshifts, Cl 0023 and RX J1821 differ in their evolutionary state, global dynamics, activity level, and galaxy population. The optically-selected Cl 0023 shows multiple high-density peaks in the red-galaxy density map and a complex velocity structure, suggesting a four-way group-group merger. The measured velocity dispersions of the member groups range from 206--479 km s$^{-1}$. The overall galaxy population is exceptionally active, with a high fraction of blue galaxies and [OII] emitters. Conversely, the X-ray selected RX J1821 is a relatively isolated, centrally-condensed massive cluster. Only one significant overdensity and one redshift peak are observed in this field. The measured velocity dispersion is 926 km s$^{-1}$, indicative of a rich cluster. However, there are obvious signs of continuing dynamical evolution, including an elongated galaxy distribution and significant velocity substructure. The galaxy population is substantially more quiescent than that of Cl 0023; however, it still has a larger fraction of blue, star-forming galaxies than local clusters, consistent with the bluing of the cluster population with redshift. Composite spectra from both systems suggest some contribution from galaxies which have undergone a recent starburst (strong H$\\delta$ absorption), with the contribution in Cl 0023 being substantial. These two systems indicate that global cluster properties (i.e., mass) play a role in driving galaxy evolution (see also Discussion of Poggianti et al.\\ 2006). Cl 0023 is comprised of group-sized halos, has a small quiescent population, and subsequently contains more active galaxies. Cl 0023 will likely be a massive cluster, with a velocity dispersion on the order of RX J1821, in $\\sim 1$ Gyr, although noticeable dynamical evolution will still be taking place after $\\sim 3$ Gyr, i.e.\\ until $z \\lesssim 0.3$ (Lubin, Postman \\& Oke 1998). If this dynamical evolution does take place, the star formation in a significant fraction of the galaxy population must be quenched during this period in order to be consistent with average star-formation rates and blue fractions in moderate-redshift clusters of similar mass (e.g., Balogh et al.\\ 1997; Nakata et al.\\ 2005). The current activity level in Cl 0023 and this evolutionary time frame implies that the group and/or merger environment is efficient at inducing and quenching star formation. Conversely, RX J1821 is already a cluster-sized halo, with a galaxy population dominated by passive red galaxies (from both early-epoch formation and later-time quenching). Although both systems will end up as massive clusters by the present day, they have clearly different evolutionary histories. We note that these results, along with preliminary findings from other ORELSE targets, suggest that X-ray--selection may be biased, at least with respect to optical surveys, toward more evolved systems at a given redshift. On the other hand, due to projection effects, optical surveys detect multi-group systems and systems embedded in large scale structures that are not traditionally part of ``cluster'' surveys. As a result, the cluster detection technique may have a strong impact on any conclusions concerning the presence and effect of large scale structure, the relative importance of global versus local environment, and the timescales for galaxy and cluster evolution. The scientific goals of the ORELSE survey are to identify and examine a statistical sample of dynamically active clusters and large scale structures during an active period in their history. Based on our completed (including spectroscopic) observations so far, such as those presented here and in Gal et al.\\ (2008), we have found two superclusters (containing 7+ groups/clusters), a four-way group-group merger, and two largely-isolated, massive X-ray--selected clusters. When the survey is complete, we will have a significant sample with which to constrain large scale cluster dynamics, cluster formation mechanisms, and the effect of environment on galaxy evolution. Combining our ground-based databases with follow-up radio, X-ray, and/or mid-infrared observations, the program will (1) determine the relation between global cluster properties (such as richness, mass, luminosity, and dynamical state) and the nature of the surrounding large scale structures; (2) quantify the dependence of galaxy multi-wavelength and spectral properties on position and density to determine when, where, and why star formation and nuclear activity are triggered (or truncated) in and near the cluster environment; and (3) chart the process of structure formation and its effect on galaxy evolution over this active 3 Gyr period." }, "0809/0809.4135_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A dynamical classification of the cosmic web is proposed. The large scale environment is classified into four web types: voids, sheets, filaments and knots. The classification is based on the evaluation of the deformation tensor, i.e. the Hessian of the gravitational potential, on a grid. The classification is based on counting the number of eigenvalues above a certain threshold, $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th}$, at each grid point, where the case of zero, one, two or three such eigenvalues corresponds to void, sheet, filament or a knot grid point. The collection of neighboring grid points, friends-of-friends, of the same web attribute constitutes voids, sheets, filaments and knots as web objects. A simple dynamical consideration suggests that $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th}$ should be approximately unity, upon an appropriate scaling of the deformation tensor. The algorithm has been applied and tested against a suite of (dark matter only) cosmological N-body simulations. In particular, the dependence of the volume and mass filling fractions on $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th}$ and on the resolution has been calculated for the four web types. Also, the percolation properties of voids and filaments have been studied. Our main findings are: (a) Already at $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th}=0.1$ the resulting web classification reproduces the visual impression of the cosmic web. (b) Between $0.2 \\lesssim \\lambda_\\mathrm{th} \\lesssim 0.4 $, a system of percolated voids coexists with a net of interconected filaments. This suggests a reasonable choice for $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th}$ as the parameter that defines the cosmic web. (c) The dynamical nature of the suggested classification provides a robust framework for incorporating environmental information into galaxy formation models, and in particular the semi-analytical ones. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} The large scale structure of the Universe, as depicted from galaxy surveys, weak lensing mapping and numerical simulations, shows a web like three dimensional structure. There are three features that can be generally observed. First, most of the volume resides in underdense regions; second, most of the volume is permeated by filaments; third, the densest clumps are located at the intersection of filaments \\citep{1996Natur.380..603B}. This motivates a classification of the cosmic web into at least three categories: voids (underdense regions), filaments and knots (densest clumps). There are clear evidences for the correlations of the observed properties of galaxies with the environment. We have for instance the morphology density correlation, where elliptical galaxies are found preferentially in crowded environments, and spiral galaxies are found in the field \\citep{1980ApJ...236..351D}. The same kind of correlation can be found in terms of the colors of the galaxies \\citep{2005ApJ...629..143B}. According to the current paradigm of structure formation galaxies form and evolve in dark matter (DM) halos \\citep{1978MNRAS.183..341W}. It follows that the study of such environmental dependence should commence with the effort to understand the formation of DM halos in the context of the cosmic web \\citep{2005MNRAS.363L..66G,2005ApJ...634...51A,2007ApJ...654...53M}. This motivates us to search for a robust and meaningful method to classify the different environments in numerical simulations. Such a classification should provide the framework for studying the environmental dependence of galaxy formation. Translating the visual impression into an algorithm that classifies the local geometry into different environments is not a trivial task. A somewhat less challenging, yet very closely related, task is that of identifying just the voids out of the cosmic web. A thorough review and comparison of different algorithms of void finders has been recently presented in \\cite{2008MNRAS.387..933C}. The void finders can be classified according to the method employed. Most are based on the point distribution of galaxies or dark matter (DM) halos and some on the smoothed density or potential fields. Some of the finders are based on spherical filters while others assume no inherent symmetry \\citep{2007MNRAS.375..184B,2005MNRAS.360..216C,2003MNRAS.344..715G, 2002MNRAS.332..205A, 2008MNRAS.386.2101N, 2007MNRAS.380..551P, 2002MNRAS.330..399P, 2006MNRAS.367.1629S}. It should be emphasized that an environment finder should be evaluated by its merits and it cannot be labeled as correct or wrong. A good algorithm should provide a quantitative classification which agrees with the visual impression and it should be based on a robust and well defined numerical scheme. Yet, it is desirable for an algorithm to be based on an analytical prescription so that its outcome can be calculated analytically. Also, simplicity is always very highly desired. A variety of approaches have been employed in the classification of the cosmic environment into its basic elements. The simplest way is based on the association of the environment with the local density, evaluated with a top-hat filter, say, of some width \\citep{1999MNRAS.302..111L}. The density field can be analyzed in a much more sophisticated and elaborated way. This is the case of the web classification based on the multi-scale analysis of the Hessian matrix of the density field \\citep{2007A&A...474..315A} or the skeleton analysis of the density field \\citep{2006MNRAS.366.1201N,2008MNRAS.383.1655S}. Both methods classify the cosmic web by pure geometrical tools applied to the density field. A very different approach is done within a dynamical framework in which the analysis of the gravitational potential is used to classify the web. This has been inspired by the seminal work of \\cite{1970A&A.....5...84Z} that led to the \"Russian school of structure formation\" (e.g. \\cite{1982GApFD..20..111A, 1983MNRAS.204..891K}). The quasi-linear theory of the Zeldovich approximation predicts the existence of an infinitely connected web of pancakes (i.e. sheets), filaments and knots. This morphological classification is based on the study of the eigenvalues of the deformation tensor, namely the Hessian matrix of the linear gravitational field. A recent application of the Zeldovich-based classification has been provided by \\cite{2008arXiv0801.1558L} who used a Wiener filter linear reconstruction of the local density field and evaluated the linear deformation, and hence also the shear, tensor on a grid. The cosmic web has been classified according the structure of the shear tensor. A different approach has been followed by \\cite{2007MNRAS.375..489H} who suggested that the full non-linear gravitational potential should be used for the geometrical classification. Apart from the difference between the linear and the non-linear potential, both \\cite{2007MNRAS.375..489H} and \\cite{2008arXiv0801.1558L} are using the same classification. Namely, the Hessian of the gravitational potential is evaluated on a grid and its eigenvalues are examined locally. A grid point is classified as a void, sheet, filament or knot point if the number of eigenvalues greater that a null threshold is zero, one, two or three. The algorithm presented here is an extension and improvement of the one suggested by \\cite{2007MNRAS.375..489H}. The extension is represented in the selection of a new free parameter with a dynamical interpretation. As such it provides a classification of local environment. Namely each spatial point is flagged as belonging to a either a void, sheet, filament or a knot point. It is the collective classification of all points in space which gives rise to the geometrical construction we call the cosmic web. This opens the door for defining voids, sheets, filaments and knots as individual objects. Each object is defined as a collecion of connected points having the same environmental attribute. We use a friends-of-friends (FoF) algorithm to find connected sets of points in simulations. Having defined the web objects the statistical and dynamical properties of these can be readily studied. Here we shall focus on analyzing the statistical properties of the voids and filaments, aiming to better constrain the value for the free parameter we introduce. We perform as well a statistical study to asses effect of the cosmic variance on our conclusions. This paper is organized as follows. The web classification scheme is described in \\S \\ref{sec:web}. The N-body simulation used in the paper and the numerical implementation of the web classification are presented in \\S \\ref{sec:n-body}. \\S \\ref{sec:res-web} describes the main properties of the cosmic web and in particular its dependence on the smoothing scale and the free parameter of our classification scheme. \\S \\ref{sec:res-void} concentrates on the properties of the voids sector of the cosmic web. \\S \\ref{sec:frag-filament} studies the fragmentation of filaments in order to give a confidence interval to the free parameter that was introduced. In \\S \\ref{sec:cosmic-variance} we revisit the sections \\S \\ref{sec:res-web} and \\S \\ref{sec:res-void} to study the effect of cosmic variance. The paper concludes with a general discussion and a summary of the main results of the paper (\\S \\ref{sec:disc}). ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:disc} This paper presents an improved method to identify large scale environment in dark matter simulations. Our scheme is based on the analysis of the Hessian of the gravitational potential generated by the dark matter distribution. The algorithm presented here constitutes an improvement on the scheme of \\cite{2007MNRAS.375..489H}, involving a pertinent reinterpretation of the dynamics in the problem. The change is done through the addition of a free parameter $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th}$ related to the dynamical time associated with the collapse. This important improvement allows a more realistic treatment of the cosmic web. Inspection of the different plots of Figure \\ref{fig:factors} reveals the striking difference in the way the cosmic web, and in particular the voids, respond to the changes in the Gaussian smoothing and the $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th}$'s threshold. Keeping a null $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th}$ and changing $R_\\mathrm{s}$ we see that the non-linear evolution does not change the ranking of the VFF and MFF found in the deep linear regime (i.e., $R_\\mathrm{s}\\approx 12.5 \\hMpc$). Namely, for the null threshold the sheets have the highest VFF and the filaments the highest MFF, independent of $R_\\mathrm{s}$. Considering the case of a fixed $R_\\mathrm{s}=1.95\\hMpc$, the void VFF grows strongly with $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th}$ and above $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th} \\sim 0.5$ the voids have the highest VFF. The results on the VFF are extremely robust respect to the simulation size and cosmic variance effects. In the case of void MFF, it changes from the lowest one at $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th}=0$ to the second highest at $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th} =1.0$. The nature of the web changes dramatically with the threshold and it becomes volume dominated by the voids as $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th}$ increases. The MFF shows a larger cosmic variance, compared with the VFF. Also, it is equally sensitive to changes in the smoothing scale and the threshold value. The web classification provides a set of flagged points on a grid and the collection of neighboring grid points of a given environmental type, connected by a FoF algorithm, forms objects we call voids, sheets, etc. The statistical properties of the system of voids and their dependence on $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th}$ have been explored here. In particular the number of isolated voids and their sizes have been analyzed, finding that the number of isolated voids roughly decreases exponentially with $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th}$. In the $1 \\hGpc$ simulation the system of voids percolates between $0.1 \\lesssim \\lambda_\\mathrm{th} \\lesssim 0.2$, at which the largest void jumps from having less than $10\\%$ to $90\\%$ of the volume occupied by voids. The percolation dynamics is also seen on average in the different smaller simulations, with a wide spread on the way the percolation is observed, but keeping the same threshold interval for the transition. The association of the eigenvectors of the deformation tensor with the collapse time, and hence with the age of the universe, enables in principle a theoretical determination of $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th}$. Using the spherical collapse model, calculated within the WMAP3 cosmology, the threshold value is $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th}=3.21$. However, at that high value the web looks very fragmented, in particular the network of filaments. The application of the ellipsoidal collapse model \\citep{2002MNRAS.329...61S} might provide a better theoretical estimate. Short of a ``first principle'' determination of $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th}$ we resort to a heuristic approach. We look for the range of $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th}$ over which the percolated networks of the voids and filaments coexist for a fixed smoothing scale of $R_\\mathrm{s}=1.95 \\hMpc$ in the $1 \\hGpc$ simulation. The voids and filaments behave in an opposite way in terms of the dependence of the percolation on the threshold value. At low $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th}$ the voids are isolated and the filaments percolated and at high $\\lambda_\\mathrm{th}$ the voids percolate and the filaments are fragmented. Adopting a $95\\%$ in the fractional volume as defining the percolation transition we find the web to be defined by a threshold in the range of $0.20\\lesssim\\lambda_\\mathrm{th}\\lesssim 0.40$. This range stands in good agreement with the visual impression obtained from the simulations. The notion of the cosmic web is not new. The filamentary structure has been extensively studied, mostly within the context of the Zeldovich pancakes \\citep{1970A&A.....5...84Z}. The role of voids has also been heavily studied and many algorithms for voids finding have been suggested (see \\cite{2008MNRAS.387..933C}). We have been motivated by the computational simplicity and the elegance of the \\cite{2007MNRAS.375..489H} approach and have modified it in a way that reproduces the web as it emerges from observations and simulations. Our main drive is to provide a simple, fast and precise tool for classifying the environmental properties of each point in space. Using the non-zero thresholding of the eigenvalues of the Hessian of the potential indeed provides a very efficient tool that can be easily applied to simulations. The same analysis can be performed at different redshifts in the simulation, allowing the classification of environment as a function of time. The dynamical nature of the web classification implies that the web type might affects the dynamical evolution of DM halos and of galaxy formation. This might have profound consequences on the star formation timescale.... \\citep{2008arXiv0805.2191G}. It follows that the web classification can be introduced into semi-analytical modeling, as a dynamical tag that together with the mass of the DM halos dictate the the mode gas accretion onto galaxies. A major challenge that is still to be addressed is the application of the method to the distribution of galaxies. Short of that, the algorithm remains in the theoretical realm of simulations and semi-analytical modeling of galaxy formation." }, "0809/0809.3838_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Although the orbits of comparable mass, spinning black holes seem to defy simple decoding, we find a means to decipher all such orbits. The dynamics is complicated by extreme perihelion precession compounded by spin-induced precession. We are able to quantitatively define and describe the fully three dimensional motion of comparable mass binaries with one black hole spinning and expose an underlying simplicity. To do so, we untangle the dynamics by capturing the motion in the orbital plane and explicitly separate out the precession of the plane itself. Our system is defined by the 3PN Hamiltonian plus spin-orbit coupling for one spinning black hole with a non-spinning companion. Our results are twofold: (1) We derive highly simplified equations of motion in a non-orthogonal orbital basis, and (2) we define a complete taxonomy for fully three-dimensional orbits. More than just a naming system, the taxonomy provides unambiguous and quantitative descriptions of the orbits, including a determination of the zoom-whirliness of any given orbit. Through a correspondence with the rationals, we are able to show that zoom-whirl behavior is prevalent in comparable mass binaries in the strong-field regime, as it is for extreme-mass-ratio binaries in the strong-field. A first significant conclusion that can be drawn from this analysis is that all generic orbits in the final stages of inspiral under gravitational radiation losses are characterized by precessing clovers with few leaves and that no orbit will behave like the tightly precessing ellipse of Mercury. The gravitational waveform produced by these low-leaf clovers will reflect the natural harmonics of the orbital basis -- harmonics that, importantly, depend only on radius. The significance for gravitational wave astronomy will depend on the number of windings the pair executes in the strong-field regime and could be more conspicuous for intermediate mass pairs than for stellar mass pairs. The 3PN system studied provides an example of a general method that can be applied to any effective description of black hole pairs. ", "introduction": "To provide the reader with a road map through intermediate results accumulated on our way to the periodic taxonomy, we preview some highlights here. Our method can be broken into two main steps: \\begin{figure} \\hspace{-155pt} \\centering \\hfill \\includegraphics[width=90mm]{xplots/orbplane1.eps} \\hspace{0pt} \\includegraphics[width=60mm]{xplots/orbplane2.eps} \\hfill \\caption{Top: The orbital plane precesses around the $\\bhj=\\bhk$ axis through the angle $\\Psi$. Bottom: The orbital plane can be spanned by the vectors $(\\bhx,\\bhy)$ or the vectors $(\\bn,\\bhPhi)$. \\label{orbplane}} \\end{figure} {\\bf 1. Simplified Equations of Motion.} Since the perihelion precesses and the orbital plane precesses, the motion around a spinning black hole depends on angles as well as on the radius. In usual spherical coordinates, the equations of motion are quite complicated. By working in a non-orthogonal orbital basis, we show explicitly that the equations of motion are independent of (non-orthogonal) angular variables. Physically, we exploit the observation\\footnote{The orbital plane is also emphasized in applications of PN dynamics to pulsar timing \\cite{{schafer1993},{wex1998},{gong2004},{konigsdorffer2005}}.} that the orbit lies in the plane spanned by the coordinate $\\br$ and its canonical momentum $\\bp$; that is, the orbital plane is perpendicular to the orbital angular momentum, $\\bl=\\br \\times \\bp$. The plane itself then precesses around the constant total angular momentum, $\\bj$. The importance of the orbital plane was clear in some of the earliest papers on spin-precession \\cite{apostolatos1994}, although that early work generally imposed a quasi-circular restriction on the orbits. We decompose all motion into precession of the perihelion within the orbital plane with a precession of the entire plane superimposed, with no restrictions or approximations. A preview of the explicit construction is shown in Fig.\\ \\ref{orbplane}. A fully precessing orbit is shown on the top in Fig.\\ \\ref{4leaf} while on the bottom the orbital plane traps a much simplified orbit, reminiscent of the equatorial orbits of Kerr black holes \\cite{levin2008}. The simplified Hamilton's equations immediately inform us that all eccentric orbits have constant aphelia and perihelia.\\footnote{The constancy of periastron and apastron for every orbit might must have been implicitly understood in Refs.\\ \\cite{{hartl2005},{damoureob2001}}.} When the aphelia and perihelia are one and the same, we have non-equatorial constant radius orbits, also known as spherical orbits (as previously found in \\cite{{damoureob2001},{buonanno2006}}). The spherical orbits are not necessarily periodic; they fill out a band on the surface of a sphere. They are nonetheless significant in our campaign to fully dissect the dynamics and are treated in a companion paper \\cite{companion}. \\begin{figure} \\centering \\includegraphics[width=70mm]{xplots/4leaf.93dlong.eps} \\hspace{+15pt} \\includegraphics[width=45mm]{xplots/4leaf.9.eps} \\hfill \\caption{ Top: Fully three-dimensional orbit. Bottom: The trajectory as captured in the orbital plane.} \\label{4leaf} \\end{figure} The simplified Hamilton's equations show that zoom-whirl patterns will be symmetric from one radial cycle to another when viewed in the orbital plane, as can be seen on the right of Fig.\\ \\ref{4leaf}. A related subtle feature is that the three coordinate velocities in the orbital basis depend only on radius and are therefore periodic as an orbit executes a radial cycle from apastron to apastron. Taken together these symmetries in the orbital plane are intriguing for gravitational wave analysis. The waveforms must be decomposable into the orbital basis and therefore Fourier decomposable into the three fundamental frequencies that are the time average over one radial cycle of the instantaneous velocities. It remains to be seen how advantageous this might be for gravitational wave astronomy. We restrict ourselves to completing the dynamical picture in this article since it is the dynamics that shapes the gravitational waves. In this spirit, step 1 above allows us to proceed to step 2: {\\bf 2. Taxonomy of Fully 3D Orbits.} We offer a method to completely taxonomize the dynamics with the restriction that only one of the black holes spins. Our approach includes {\\it all} fully three-dimensional orbits described by the third-order Post-Newtonian (3PN) Hamiltonian plus spin-orbit couplings. Our taxonomy extends the periodic tables for Kerr equatorial orbits \\cite{levin2008} to fully non-equatorial orbits of comparable mass black hole binaries. In Ref.\\ \\cite{levin2008}, we introduced a taxonomy for equatorial Kerr motion with the following salient features. Each entry in the Kerr periodic tables of Ref.\\ \\cite{levin2008} is a perfectly closed equatorial orbit identified by a rational number \\begin{equation} q=w+\\frac{v}{z} \\end{equation} where $w$ counts the number of whirls, $z$ counts the number of leaves, and $v$ indicates the order in which the leaves are traced out. Since the rationals are dense on the number line, the periodics are dense in phase space. Consequently, {\\it any} generic equatorial orbit can be {\\it arbitrarily} well-approximated by a nearby periodic orbit. In this way, any generic orbit is approximately equivalent to a high-leaf orbit (high $z$). Additionally, any generic orbit can be approximated as a precession around a low-leaf orbit, a technique that might ultimately benefit signal extraction. Our ambition in this paper is both to extend the taxonomy to comparable mass binaries and to resolve the non-equatorial motion of spinning binaries. Truly periodic three-dimensional motion follows when the trajectory closes in the orbital plane {\\it and} the precession of the entire plane closes simultaneously. Fully closed motion requires two rationals, each representing a ratio of fundamental frequencies. And although in principle there must exist orbits that are fully periodic in the three-dimensional motion -- as Poincar\\' e argued \\cite{poincare1892} -- our taxonomy of bound orbits needs only the weaker condition of periodicity in the orbital plane. Not every orbit that is closed in the orbital plane will be closed in the full three-dimensional space. In other words, for the less restrictive condition of orbital plane periodicity we only need one rational ratio of frequencies. As will be explained in detail in \\S \\ref{closed}, the aperiodic orbit of Fig.\\ \\ref{4leaf} can be approximated as a precession around a 4-leaf clover in the orbital plane. Although the PN approximation is poor in the strong-field, the qualitative results should survive a full relativistic treatment. Spin-spin couplings will impose additional modulations on the orbital plane picture but since spin-spin couplings are higher-order in the PN expansion, the expectation has been that their effect can be treated as a perturbation \\cite{buonanno2006}. In a companion paper we will argue that although a small perturbation, the spin-spin couplings are responsible for the emergence of chaos around unstable orbits \\cite{companion}. We emphasize that for real spinning astrophysical black holes, the orbits we resolve in this paper are not an exotic subset of orbits, but rather are descriptive of {\\it all} bound orbits -- {\\it all} non-circular orbits are captured in the spectrum of rationals. There is a long-standing argument that black hole binaries will circularize by the time they enter the bandwidth of the gravitational wave observatories. However this is not possible for spinning black holes. Circular orbits {\\it do not exist} for misaligned spins. Although spherical orbits do exist, they are destroyed by the spin-spin effects \\cite{companion}. What's more, black hole pairs formed in dense clusters are not expected to circularize by the time of merger and are expected to be plentiful sources for advanced LIGO \\cite{{wen2003}} While we restrict ourselves to one spinning black hole and one non-spinning in this paper, the scenario is both astrophysically possible in its own right and theoretically important to lay the foundation for the two spinning case with spin-spin included, a task we return to in a companion paper \\cite{companion} We express Hamilton's equations in a non-orthogonal orbital basis in \\S \\ref{simple}. We discuss the closed orbit taxonomy in \\S \\ref{closed}. In \\S \\ref{periodic}, we show periodic tables for two different black hole binaries, a comparable mass binary and a non-spinning extreme mass ratio pair. Appendix \\S \\ref{orbitalapp} details the projection of Hamilton's equations onto our orbital basis. In the conclusions, \\S \\ref{conc}, we discuss the modulations predicted from spin-spin couplings and those imposed by spinning both black holes. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conc} To recap in bullet format, for comparable mass binaries with one spinning black hole and one non-spinning black hole as approximated by the 3PN Hamiltonian plus spin-orbit coupling, our main results are: {\\bf 1. Simplified Equations of Motion in an Orbital Basis}\\par From which we find \\par $\\bullet $ constant aphelia and perihelia for non-equatorial eccentric orbits, and \\par $\\bullet $ three fundamental frequencies that depend only on radius.\\par \\noindent and {\\bf 2. Taxonomy of Fully Three-Dimensional Orbits}\\par For which we find\\par $\\bullet $ there exists a spectrum of closed orbits in the orbital plane corresponding to a subset of the rationals;\\par $\\bullet $ one rational, not two is required for an orbital plane taxonomy of constant angular momentum slices;\\par $\\bullet ${\\it all} orbits can be approximated as near an orbit that is perfectly closed in the orbital plane; and\\par $\\bullet $ zoom-whirl behavior is ubiquitous in comparable mass binary dynamics and entirely quantifiable through the spectrum of rationals. The first discovery we made in Ref.\\ \\cite{levin2008} with our periodic taxonomy for equatorial Kerr orbits is that precessing elliptical orbits such as Mercury's are excluded in the strong-field Kerr regime -- just as Keplerian ellipses are excluded in any relativistic regime. Instead, at close separations, {\\it all } equatorial Kerr eccentric orbits trace out precessions of patterns best described as multi-leaf clovers, whirling around the central black hole before zooming out quasi-elliptically \\cite{{barack2004},{glampedakis2002}}. In this paper we have found that this same conclusion applies in the strong-field regime of our comparable mass black hole binaries, even out of the equatorial plane. Our periodic tables in the orbital plane show zoom-whirl behavior as the norm in the strong-field regime and not as the exception. The further importance of the orbital dynamics lies in its direct imprint in the gravitational waveform \\cite{{levino2000},{drasco2006}}. The waveform will necessarily reflect the features above. For instance, an equatorial circular orbit (neglecting radiation reaction) is described by essentially one frequency. By contrast, {\\it all other orbits} in the strong-field regime generate highly modulated waveforms naturally described by harmonics of the 3 orbital basis frequencies, which in turn directly correspond to the natural frequencies of a nearby periodic orbit. Naturally, we should ask about the astrophysical likeliness of detecting any such orbits with either the LIGO or LISA observatories. Although estimates vary \\cite{belczynski2007}, stellar mass black hole pairs are currently the favored source for advanced ground-based dectectors and intermediate mass black hole pairs are considered an important objective for space-based LISA science. It is challenging to definitively assess the spins and eccentricities of black hole/black hole binaries given the absence of observational constraints \\cite{oshaughnessy2005}. Still, one can guess that long-lived stellar binaries that might collapses to a pair of bound black holes would circularized by the time the pair enters the strong-field due to angular momentum lost in the form of gravitational radiation.\\footnote{However, when spin-spin coupling is included, there are no circular or even spherical orbits \\cite{companion}.} By contrast, for shorter-lived black hole binaries formed in globular clusters, the astrophysical likeliness of eccentric orbits sliding in the LIGO bandwidth is assessed to be $\\gtrsim 30\\%$ for eccentricities $>0.1$ in Ref.\\ \\cite{wen2003}. All such binaries would necessarily transit near the periodic set on inspiral. Even if the inspiral happens too quickly to witness multiple executions near a low-leaf clover, the orbit can still be sewn together as a skip from a piece of one periodic to a piece of another. Finally, the spins and eccentricities of intermediate black hole binaries detectable by LISA are most difficult to predict although we should expect them to spend a more generous allotment of windings on eccentric orbits in the strong-field. Before closing, we have to mention the effects of spin-spin coupling on the orbital basis picture. The spin-spin correction introduces additional precessions of the spin and this destroys the constancy of the angle between $\\bs\\cdot \\bl$ and generally introduces explicit angular dependence in the equations of motion. Interpreted as a small perturbation to the system here, the spin-spin couplings cause additional wobbling of the precessional motion. When both objects spin, the impact of spin-spin coupling can be particularly destructive. It is by now well documented that two spinning black holes in comparable mass binaries exhibit chaotic motion in the conservative system \\cite{{suzuki1997},{levin2000},{levin2003},{cornish2002},{cornish2003},{hartl2005},{wu2007},{wu2008}}. There are not enough constants of the motion to ensure regular behavior. Even the restricted spin-orbit scenario of this paper is clearly vulnerable to chaos even perturbed as it admits a homoclinic orbit. Under perturbation, homoclinic orbits tend to disrupt into a homoclinic tangle, an infinite intersection of stable and unstable manifolds. At root, chaos emerges as periodic orbits proliferate in a bounded region of space. Our clean taxonomy of periodic orbits corresponding to a simple set of rationals would give way to a glut of periodic orbits corresponding to some fractal set, as in systems with a strange repeller -- the Hamiltonian analog to the strange attractor. The complex motion may be damped by energy and angular momentum loses to gravitational waves but, at the least, chaos signals the breakdown of the simple set of periodic orbits. The onset of chaos can be directly identified with the spin-spin couplings, and we leave this task to a forthcoming companion paper \\cite{companion}. \\bigskip \\bigskip \\bigskip \\bigskip \\bigskip \\noindent{*Acknowledgments*} We are especially thankful to Gabe Perez-Giz for his valuable and generous contributions to this work and to Jamie Rollins for his careful reading of the manuscript. We also thank Szabi Marka for important discussions. JL and BG gratefully acknowledge the support of a Columbia University ISE grant. This material is based in part upon work supported under a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. \\vfill\\eject \\appendix" }, "0809/0809.4904_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "At the end of inflation, dynamical instability can rapidly deposit the energy of homogeneous cold inflaton into excitations of other fields. This process, known as preheating, is rather violent, inhomogeneous and non-linear, and has to be studied numerically. This paper presents a new code for simulating scalar field dynamics in expanding universe written for that purpose. Compared to available alternatives, it significantly improves both the speed and the accuracy of calculations, and is fully instrumented for 3D visualization. We reproduce previously published results on preheating in simple chaotic inflation models, and further investigate non-linear dynamics of the inflaton decay. Surprisingly, we find that the fields do not want to thermalize quite the way one would think. Instead of directly reaching equilibrium, the evolution appears to be stuck in a rather simple but quite inhomogeneous state. In particular, one-point distribution function of total energy density appears to be {\\em universal} among various two-field preheating models, and is exceedingly well described by a lognormal distribution. It is tempting to attribute this state to scalar field turbulence. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} The idea of inflation is a cornerstone of the modern theory of the early universe. According to inflationary paradigm, universe at early times undergoes a period of rapid (quasi-exponential) expansion, which wipes the initial state of the universe clean while seeding the primordial inhomogeneities with quantum fluctuations generated during expansion \\cite{Linde:2005dd, Linde:2005ht}. While universe is inflating, all of its energy sits in the homogeneous scalar field or condensate (known as inflaton), which is in a vacuum-like state with little entropy or particle excitations. But eventually inflation ends, and this energy has to be deposited into excitations of other matter fields, starting the thermal history of the universe with a hot big bang. Decay of the inflaton can be very efficient if the fields experience dynamical instability at the end of inflation; such a stage became known as preheating. In most chaotic inflation models, oscillations of the inflaton field can cause instability via parametric resonance \\cite{Dolgov:1989us, Traschen:1990sw, Kofman:1994rk, Shtanov:1994ce, Kofman:1995fi}. Although linear development of this instability can be understood analytically \\cite{Kofman:1997yn, Greene:1997fu}, it might be chaotic \\cite{Podolsky:2002qv}, and one needs to resort to numerical simulations to investigate non-linear dynamics that soon takes over \\cite{Khlebnikov:1996mc,Podolsky:2005bw, Dufaux:2006ee, Felder:2006cc}. In hybrid inflation models \\cite{Linde:1993cn}, in addition to parametric resonance \\cite{GarciaBellido:1997wm}, one also has a tachyonic instability associated with the symmetry breaking \\cite{Felder:1998vq}, dynamics of which has been explored in \\cite{Felder:2000hj, Felder:2001kt, GarciaBellido:2002aj}. Non-equilibrium dynamics of preheating can lead to a multitude of interesting phenomena. Some of the topics discussed in the literature are formation of topological defects \\cite{Tkachev:1998dc, Battye:1998xe}, production of various particles (with applications to baryo- and leptogenesis) \\cite{GarciaBellido:1999sv, GarciaBellido:2000dc, GarciaBellido:2001cb, GarciaBellido:2003wd}, possibility of primordial black hole formation \\cite{Suyama:2004mz, Suyama:2006sr}, generation of primordial magnetic fields \\cite{DiazGil:2007dy, DiazGil:2008tf}, and production of stochastic gravitational wave background \\cite{Easther:2006gt, Easther:2006vd, GarciaBellido:2007dg, GarciaBellido:2007af, Dufaux:2007pt, Caprini:2007xq}. Due to difficulties of dealing with non-linear evolution equations, most of these studies rely on numerical simulations. This paper describes a new code for simulating non-linear scalar field dynamics in expanding universe developed to study preheating, called DEFROST, and the first results obtained with it. There are other codes available for this purpose, most notably LATTICEEASY by Gary Felder and Igor Tkachev \\cite{Felder:2000hq}, and its parallel version CLUSTEREASY \\cite{Felder:2007nz}. Through the use of more advanced algorithms and careful optimization, the new code significantly improves both accuracy and performance achievable in simulations of preheating. An important design goal has been the ease of visualization and analysis of the results, which is all too important for understanding dynamics of complex systems. We present results on preheating in a simple two-field chaotic inflation model with massive inflaton decaying into another scalar field via quartic coupling \\cite{Felder:2006cc}. Through our simulations, a new and somewhat simpler picture of the late stages of preheating emerges. After initial transient when instability develops, bubbles form and then break-up, the matter distribution soon arranges itself in a clumpy state which persists with little changes for a long time. One-point probability distribution function of total energy density in this state appears to be {\\em universally lognormal} among various two-field preheating models. It is tempting to attribute this to relativistic turbulence \\cite{Nordlund:1998wj, Micha:2002ey, Micha:2004bv}. We also see some evidence that the structure formed during preheating continues to grow in size on a much longer timescale. Somehow, this picture reminds one of large scale structure formation \\cite{Bardeen:1985tr, Bernardeau:1994aq, Bond:1995yt}. This paper is organized in the following way: In Section~\\ref{sec:eom}, we introduce scalar field models of preheating, derive equations of motion, and discuss physical approximations we use. Section~\\ref{sec:solver} describes the detailed implementation of numerical evolution algorithm. Initial conditions including quantum fluctuations of the fields produced during inflation are discussed in Section~\\ref{sec:ic}, with particular attention paid to implementation of Gaussian random field generator. We briefly recount the theory of preheating via broad parametric resonance at the end of chaotic inflation in Section~\\ref{sec:chaotic}, and present our simulations in Section~\\ref{sec:results}. We conclude by summarizing our main results in Section~\\ref{sec:concl}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:concl} This paper presents a new numerical code I developed for simulating preheating of the Universe after the end of the inflation, which I call DEFROST. It is small (about 600 lines of Fortran code), fast, easy to modify, and is fully instrumented for 3D visualizations (using \\href{http://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit/}{LLNL's VisIt}, for example). The source code is available for download online at \\url{http://www.sfu.ca/physics/cosmology/defrost/} and is distributed under the terms of GNU Public License. While the main design goal of DEFROST has been the accuracy of the simulations, performance of the solver has also been significantly improved compared to LATTICEEASY~\\cite{Felder:2000hq}, which is the most mature and widely used reheating code publicly available today. As a result of all the optimizations (and a bit of black magic), DEFROST outperforms LATTICEEASY by about a factor of four in raw PDE solver speed (for 2 fields on a $256^3$ grid in double precision on a dual Xeon 5160 machine) while using more accurate (and more expensive) discretization. If one takes into account the time spent on analysis of the results, the difference is even larger, as FFTW libraries used by DEFROST are vastly faster than FFT routines shipped with LATTICEEASY (especially on multi-processor machines). The speed-up offered by DEFROST is so significant that the studies done a few years ago on a big parallel cluster \\cite{Podolsky:2005bw, Dufaux:2006ee} using MPI version of LATTICEEASY \\cite{Felder:2007nz} can now be carried out on a single fast workstation. The planned MPI version of DEFROST should be able to push the accessible simulation size over the $1024^3$ barrier, provided the code scales well. The code was tested on a number of chaotic inflation models which end via parametric resonance. In this paper, we report the simulations of the simplest two-field preheating model with massive inflaton and quartic coupling to decay field (\\ref{eq:model}). We reproduce the previously published numerical results for this model \\cite{Podolsky:2005bw, Felder:2006cc} (and the ones for trilinear coupling \\cite{Dufaux:2006ee}, which we will not discuss here, although our simulation data and results for that model are available \\href{http://www.sfu.ca/physics/cosmology/defrost/M2S12L4}{online} as well). We further investigate the dynamics of the scalar field evolution in these preheating models, taking advantage of advanced visualization and analysis capabilities DEFROST offers. In particular, we study the behaviour of energy density distribution and scalar gravitational potential during preheating, something which has not been looked at closely before. Our main science results are summarized by two observations, both novel and quite surprising. First, the evolving scalar fields quickly end up in a simple state, which, although highly inhomogeneous, appears to have a certain universality to it. In this state, the one-point distribution function of total energy density is nearly stationary (apart for the overall dilution due to expansion), and is described by a lognormal distribution for {\\em all two-field parametric resonance preheating models we tried so far}, namely the ones described by interaction potentials \\begin{itemize} \\item $V(\\phi,\\psi) = \\frac{1}{2}\\, m^2 \\phi^2 + \\frac{1}{2}\\, g^2 \\phi^2 \\psi^2$, \\item $V(\\phi,\\psi) = \\frac{1}{2}\\, m^2 \\phi^2 + \\frac{1}{2}\\, \\sigma \\phi \\psi^2 + \\frac{1}{4}\\, \\lambda \\psi^4$, \\item $V(\\phi,\\psi) = \\frac{1}{4}\\, \\lambda \\phi^4 + \\frac{1}{2}\\, g^2 \\phi^2 \\psi^2$, \\item $V(\\phi,\\psi) = \\frac{1}{4}\\, \\lambda (\\phi^2 + \\psi^2)^2$. \\end{itemize} This is true even if distributions of field values or other correlators might still be evolving, and appears to be a very general statement about random scalar fields one encounters in preheating. It is tempting to attribute this state to scalar field turbulence \\cite{Micha:2002ey, Micha:2004bv}, especially since lognormal density distributions are known to occur in supersonic isothermal turbulence in hydrodynamics \\cite{Nordlund:1998wj}. We do not see obvious signs of thermalization, even if the simulations are run for a time much longer than the dynamical timescale of the problem (the longest done so far for massive inflaton is $2^{12}/m$ corresponding to five $e$-folds since the end of inflation; this is limited mainly by my patience rather than the code stability). Second, less general but still amusing, is the observation that the small-scale structure in the gravitational potential can grow faster than comoving box expands. It is not quite clear whether the reason for it happening is kinematic or dynamical in nature. As we neglected gravitational interactions in our simulations, the only thing that can cause the structure to grow is the interaction between scalar fields themselves. In our preheating model it is repulsive; yet the structure still grows! Although one might suspect that any inhomogeneity in gravitational potential on sub-horizon scales would probably get washed away by subsequent evolution (and is too small to form primordial black holes), this effect still might have some interesting cosmological consequences. All in all, we find that the picture of preheating dynamics is simpler in real space than what it looks like in particle representation. The final stage of preheating, with growing structure and lognormal density distribution, eerily reminds one of large scale structure formation in later cosmology (although of course it occurs on vastly smaller scales and is driven by completely different physics). Perhaps the analytical methods developed for the latter \\cite{Bardeen:1985tr, Bernardeau:1994aq, Bond:1995yt} could be fruitfully applied to preheating as well. This is what we intend to explore next." }, "0809/0809.1829_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The CRESST cryogenic direct dark matter search at Gran Sasso, searching for WIMPs via nuclear recoil, has been upgraded to CRESST-II by several changes and improvements. The upgrade includes a new detector support structure capable of accommodating 33 modules, the associated multichannel readout with 66 SQUID channels, a neutron shield, a calibration source lift, and the installation of a muon veto. We present the results of a commissioning run carried out in 2007. The basic element of CRESST-II is a detector module consisting of a large ($\\sim$300 g) $\\mathrm{CaWO_4}$ crystal and a very sensitive smaller ($\\sim 2$ g) light detector to detect the scintillation light from the $\\mathrm{CaWO_4}$. The large crystal gives an accurate total energy measurement. The light detector permits a determination of the light yield for an event, allowing an effective separation of nuclear recoils from electron-photon backgrounds. Furthermore, information from light-quenching factor studies allows the definition of a region of the energy-light yield plane which corresponds to tungsten recoils. A neutron test is reported which supports the principle of using the light yield to identify the recoiling nucleus. Data obtained with two detector modules for a total exposure of 48 kg-days are presented. Judging by the rate of events in the ``all nuclear recoils'' acceptance region the apparatus shows a factor $\\sim$ten improvement with respect to previous results, which we attribute principally to the presence of the neutron shield. In the ``tungsten recoils'' acceptance region three events are found, corresponding to a rate of 0.063 per kg-day. Standard assumptions on the dark matter flux, coherent or spin independent interactions, then yield a limit for WIMP-nucleon scattering of $4.8 \\times 10^{-7}\\uu{pb}$, at $M_{\\uu{WIMP}}\\sim50\\uu{GeV}$. ", "introduction": "Evidence continues to grow that the majority of the mass of our galaxy and in the universe is made up of non-baryonic dark matter \\cite{bertone2005}. Precision measurements of the cosmic microwave background have given accurate figures for the density of matter and energy in the universe as a whole, suggesting that about a fourth of the energy density of the universe is in the form of dark matter \\cite{komatsu2008}. Measurements of the rotation curves of other spiral galaxies, indicate large amounts of dark matter, which would suggest it also dominates our own galaxy. Gravitational lensing of light by galactic clusters indicates large amounts of dark matter, and dark matter is necessary for a reasonable description of the formation of galaxies. Although some of these observations might also be explained by alternative theories such as modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) \\cite{sanders2002}, recent studies of the Bullet Cluster appear to favour the dark matter hypothesis \\cite{clowe2006}. However the need for direct detection of dark matter evidently remains strong. A plausible origin for dark matter comes from particle physics in the form of WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles). These would be stable massive particles with an interaction cross section typical for weak interaction processes. A relic density sufficient to make a significant contribution to the energy density of the universe arises naturally in this way. Supersymmetry provides a well motivated candidate in the form of the neutralino and this has been extensively studied theoretically. According to the WIMP hypothesis a galaxy has a large gravitationally bound halo of such particles, making up most of the mass. The local mass density may be estimated from halo models and is found to be on the order of $0.3\\uu{GeVcm^{-3}}$. The range of the coherent or spin-independent WIMP-nucleon scattering cross-sections predicted by minimal supersymmetric models extends from below $10^{-10}$ to above $10^{-7}\\uu{pb}$ \\cite{trotta2007,trotta2007b}; this makes the direct detection of such particles a difficult but in principle achievable task. The CRESST project is a dark matter search aiming to detect the nuclear scattering of WIMPs by the use of cryogenic detectors. Since only small recoil energies ($\\sim$ keV's) are anticipated in WIMP-nucleus scattering, cryogenic detectors with their high sensitivity are well suited to the problem. CRESST-II is an upgrade of the original CRESST appartus where the detectors are arranged in modules, each consisting of two detectors, a large detector comprising the target mass and a similar but much smaller light detector measuring the light yield. While the large detector gives an accurate total energy measurement, the light yield measurement permits an effective rejection of events which are not nuclear recoils. This arises from the property of electron-photon events, constituting the dominant background, to give a much higher light output than nuclear recoils. The large detector consists of a $\\mathrm{CaWO_4}$ crystal of $\\sim300\\uu{g}$ with a tungsten superconducting-to-normal thermometer deposited on the surface. The energy of an event is measured in this detector. The energy deposited in the crystal is quickly converted into a gas of phonons which are then absorbed in the superconducting thermometer. The separate light detector, based on the same principle, measures the simultaneously emitted scintillation light. A comparison of these two signals then allows an effective background discrimination. Results from an earlier prototype run with two modules were presented in Ref.\\,\\cite{angloher2005}, where taking the better of the two modules and assuming coherent WIMP scattering on the tungsten led to the limit $1.6\\times10^{-6}\\uu{pb}$. The improvements discussed here are aimed at ultimately increasing this sensitivity by up to two orders of magnitude. Such an increase would result, for example, with background free data and a threshold of 12 keV from 10 kg for 100 days giving 1000 kg-days. Or if the threshold could be reduced to 5 keV, with 300 kg days. During 2007 an extended commissioning run of the new setup was carried out. Although this was primarily for optimization purposes, the results also represent an interesting further improvement. We report on them and the modifications for CRESST-II in the present paper. ", "conclusions": "\\label{summary} CRESST-II successfully completed its commissioning run in 2007. New elements of the apparatus were successfully installed and operated. A neutron test demonstrated the ability to detect nuclear recoils with a light yield consistent with that found from quenching factor studies, supporting the principle of identifying the recoil nucleus via the light yield. Data were taken with two detector modules for a total of 48 kg-days. Three candidate events of uncertain origin are present in the acceptance region for tungsten recoils, yielding a rate of 0.063 per kg-day. A factor $\\sim 10$ improved performance is found with respect to previous work for the ``all nuclear recoils'' acceptance region. A limit on coherent WIMP-nucleon scattering, is obtained, which at its lowest value, for $M_{\\uu{WIMP}}\\approx 50 $GeV, is $4.8\\times10^{-7}\\uu{pb}$." }, "0809/0809.4537_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The primordial curvature fluctuation spectrum is reconstructed by the cosmic inversion method using the five-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe data of the cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropy. We apply the covariance matrix analysis and decompose the reconstructed spectrum into statistically independent band-powers. The statistically significant deviation from a simple power-law spectrum suggested by the analysis of the first-year data is not found in the five-year data except possibly at one point near the border of the wavenumber domain where accurate reconstruction is possible. ", "introduction": "Inflationary cosmology \\cite{inf1,inf2,inf3} explains the origin of cosmic structure on various scales in an unified way. The expansion history during the inflationary stage of the early universe is recorded in the spectrum of seed structure which can be revealed by modern cosmological observations such as the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) observation of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) \\cite{WMAPBASIC,WMAPTEMP,WMAPCOSMO,WMAPINF,WMAPTTTE,loglike,WMAP3TEMP,WMAP5,WMAP5ONLY,WMAP5COSMO}. The WMAP mission evaluated every multipole moment of the CMB anisotropy spectrum in a wide range of scales which is potentially a record of the inflationary expansion history with {\\it high time resolution}. It is a feasible challenge to probe the highly time-resolved behavior of the inflaton field (s) which drives inflation. Since the initial release of the WMAP results \\cite{WMAPBASIC,WMAPTEMP,WMAPCOSMO,WMAPINF,WMAPTTTE}, it has been argued that the CMB temperature anisotropy spectrum has nontrivial features such as running of the spectral index, oscillatory behaviors on intermediate scales, and lack of power on large scales \\cite{INFRA,JF94,COBE,JY99}, which cannot be explained by a power-law primordial spectrum that is a generic prediction of simplest inflation models. These features may provide clues to unnoticed physics of inflation. Some of these anomalous structures disappeared on the three-year spectrum, however several anomalies are still existing \\cite{WMAP3TEMP,COSPA07}. To explain these features, a number of inflation models have been proposed \\cite{CPKL03,CCL03,FZ03,KT03,HM04,LMMR04,KYY03,YY03,KS03,YY04,MR04A,MR04C,KTT04,HS04,HS07,CHMSS06}. As an observational approach to these possible nontrivial features, which can be an alternative to model fitting, there have been several attempts to reconstruct the primordial spectrum using CMB anisotropy data without any prior assumptions about the shape of the primordial spectrum \\cite{WSS99,BLWE03,MW03A,MW03B,MW03C,MW03D,SH01,SH04,BLH07,SVJ05,WMAP3COSMO,LSV08,VP08}. One such attempt to reconstruct the primordial spectrum is a filtering method where the primordial spectrum is characterized by amplitudes on a few number of representative scales. While such methods have an advantage for reconstructing the global structure of the primordial spectrum, they may miss possible fine structures if their scale width is narrower than the filtering scale, which has been chosen rather arbitrarily so far. On the other hand, there exist other methods which can reconstruct the primordial spectrum as a continuous function without any {\\it ad hoc} filtering scale to investigate detailed features such as the cosmic inversion method \\cite{MSY02,MSY03,KMSY04,KSY04,KSY05}, the Richardson-Lucy method \\cite{SS03,SS06,SS07}, or a nonparametric method \\cite{TDS04,THS05}. The cosmic inversion method has proved its ability of reconstructing the modulations off a power-law spectrum quite well by the analysis of mock anisotropy data. In the analysis of the first-year WMAP data, we pointed out the possibility of nontrivial structures in the primordial spectrum around the scales of $2.4\\times10^2 {\\rm Mpc}$ and $4.2\\times10^2 {\\rm Mpc}$. Theoretically, according to the standard inflation paradigm, each wavenumber ($k$-) mode of the power spectrum is mutually independent. On the other hand, each $k$-mode of the power spectrum reconstructed from the observed CMB anisotropy has a strong correlation with neighboring modes because each multipole of CMB anisotropy, $C_\\ell$, depends on the $k$-modes in the wide range around $k=\\ell/d$ where $d$ is the distance to the last scattering surface. In order to extract real features, therefore, it is important to decompose the reconstructed spectrum to mutually independent band-powers keeping resolution as high as possible. The purpose of this work is to apply the cosmic inversion method to the five-year WMAP temperature anisotropy spectrum \\cite{WMAP5}, update the reconstructed primordial curvature spectrum, and perform the above-mentioned band-power analysis by diagonalizing the covariance matrix. Then, we revisit the possibility of fine structures in the primordial spectrum. Because of the arbitrariness of the primordial spectrum, we inevitably incorporate infinite degree of freedom to our analysis, which results in degeneracy among spectral shape and cosmological parameters \\cite{KNN01,SBKET}. In this paper, we consider the concordance adiabatic $\\Lambda$CDM model, where the cosmological parameters (except for the ones characterizing the primordial spectrum) are those of the WMAP team's best-fit power-law model \\cite{WMAP5ONLY,WMAP5COSMO}, and instead focus on the detailed shape of the primordial spectrum. Note that, as shown in \\cite{KMSY04}, different choices of cosmological parameters affect only the overall shape. The fine structures of the reconstructed power spectrum remain intact in the relatively small wavenumber range we probe. This paper is organized as follows: In Sec. II, the overview of our analysis is described. In Sec. III, we show the reconstructed primordial power spectrum from the five-year WMAP data and discuss its implication. Finally, Sec. IV is devoted to the conclusion. ", "conclusions": "Using the cosmic inversion method, we have reconstructed the primordial power spectrum of curvature perturbations assuming the absence of isocurvature modes and the best-fit values of cosmological parameters for the power-law $\\Lambda$CDM model. While the range of accurate reconstruction is rather narrow, $120 \\lesssim kd \\lesssim 380$, we can reproduce the fine structures of modulations off a simple power-law with which we can recover the highly oscillatory features observed in $C_\\ell$. The statistical significance of the oscillatory structures in the reconstructed power spectrum is difficult to quantify due to the strong correlation among the neighboring $k$-modes. We have therefore performed the covariance matrix analysis to calculate the window matrix, $W$, which diagonalizes the covariance matrix into statistically independent modes. We have chosen the large enough number of band-powers, $N=40$, to probe the feature of the primordial spectrum as precisely as possible while keeping the overlap of the window functions $W_{ij}$ small enough. As a result we have found all the independent modes are consistent with the best-fit power-law $\\Lambda$CDM model for the five-year WMAP data except possibly for a point around $kd\\simeq 120$. Whereas, the possible deviation from a simple power-law around $kd \\simeq 180,~220$ and $ 350$ reported in the analysis of the first-year WMAP data \\cite{KMSY04} has disappeared. This difference is due to the fact that the observed $C_\\ell$ in the five-year WMAP data has become much smoother than the first-year counterpart around the first peak. On the other hand, there still remain some nontrivial deviations from the expected $C_\\ell$ of a simple power-law spectrum around $\\ell\\approx kd \\approx 40$ even in the five-year data. Unfortunately, the cosmic inversion method cannot probe the primordial spectrum in this region. So we need to develop a different method which can probe the power spectrum for smaller wavenumber region $kd \\leq 120$ precisely. From the covariance matrix analysis, we have shown that statistically independent bands of the primordial spectrum have an effective width $\\Delta kd \\approx 10$. This means that it is difficult to probe the possible fine structures on $A(k)$ predicted by, say, trans-Planckian processes \\cite{Martin:2000xs}, if the scale width of their characteristic modulation is narrower than $\\Delta kd \\approx 10$. In other words, even if our result is consistent with a simple power-law spectrum, this does not rule out such possibility of narrow modulation of $\\Delta kd \\ll 10$." }, "0809/0809.1124_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In a previous work (Pichardo \\etal 2005), we studied stable configurations for circumstellar discs in eccentric binary systems. We searched for ``invariant loops'': closed curves (analogous to stable periodic orbits in time-independent potentials) that change shape with the binary orbital phase, as test particles in them move under the influence of the binary potential. This approach allows us to identify stable configurations when pressure forces are unimportant, and dissipation acts only to prevent gas clouds from colliding with one another. We now extend this work to study the main geometrical properties of circumbinary discs. We have studied more than 100 cases with a range in eccentricity $0 \\le e \\le 0.9$, and mass ratio $0.1 \\le q \\le 0.9$. Although gas dynamics may impose further restrictions, our study sets lower stable bounds for the size of the central hole in a simple and computationally cheap way, with a relation that depends on the eccentricity and mass ratio of the central binary. We extend our previous studies and focus on an important component of these systems: circumbinary discs. The radii for stable orbits that can host gas in circumbinary discs are sharply constrained as a function of the binary's eccentricity. The circumbinary disc configurations are almost circular, with eccentricity $e_d < 0.15$, but if the mass ratio is unequal the disk is offset from the center of mass of the system. We compare our results with other models, and with observations of specific systems like GG Tauri A, UY Aurigae, HD 98800 B, and Fomalhaut, restricting the plausible parameters for the binary. ", "introduction": "\\label{Intro} It is currently believed that fragmentation is the most probable mechanism for star formation, and the main product of fragmentation are multiple stellar systems with preference for wide eccentric binaries with separations $\\ge 10 AU$ (Bonnell \\& Bastien 1992; Bate 1997; Bate \\& Bonnell 1997; Bodenheimer \\etal 2000). Even in isolated stars, there is evidence that the majority of Sun-like stars formed in clusters (Carpenter 2000; Lada \\& Lada 2003), including the Sun (Looney, Tobin \\& Fields 2006). In the last decade the interest in binary systems has increased. This is in part because of the discovery that many T-Tauri and other pre-main sequence binary stars possess circumstellar and circumbinary discs as inferred from observations of excess radiation at infrared to millimeter wavelengths, polarization, and both Balmer and forbidden emission lines (Mathieu \\etal 2000, Itoh \\etal 2002, for a review see Mathieu 1994). On the other hand, recent observations of binary star systems, using the Spitzer Space Telescope, show evidence of debris discs in these environments (Trilling \\etal 2007) and planets (Fischer \\etal 2008). In their studies they find that $60\\%$ of the observed close binary systems (separations smaller than 3 $AU$) have excess in their thermal emission, implying on-going collisions in their planetesimal regions. Over 150 extrasolar planets have been identified in surveys using the Doppler technique. Of the first 131 extrasolar planetary systems that have been confirmed, at least 40 are in binary or multiple systems (for an up-to-date list see Haghighipour 2006). Approximately 30 of them are on S-type orbits (around one of the components: circumstellar discs) with wide stellar separations (between 250 and 6500 $AU$), including at least 3 that orbit one member of a triple star (Raghavan \\etal 2006). Although most of these binaries are very wide, a few have separations smaller than 20 $AU$ (Els \\etal 2001; Hatzes \\etal 2003), challenging standard ideas of Jovian planet formation. Some interesting ideas try to explain the formation of Jovian planets within close binaries, but they could only explain few cases (Pfahl \\& Muterspaugh 2006), if more are discovered soon, these theories would not be sufficient. Although close binaries are not included in precise Doppler radial velocity search programs because of their complex and varying spectra, at least one planet with a minimum of $~2.5$ Jupiter masses has been detected in a P-type orbit (around both components: circumbinary discs), with a distance from the center of mass of $~23$ $AU$. The source is a radio pulsar binary comprised by a neutron star and a white dwarf in a $~191$ day stellar orbit (Lyne \\etal 1988; Sigurdsson and Phinney, 1993; Sigurdsson \\etal 2003). An example of accretion in P-type orbits about close binaries is given by Quintana \\& Lissauer (2006) who note the observation of the two small moons orbiting in nearly circular/planar orbits about the binary system Pluto-Charon (Weaver \\etal 2006). Specifically regarding to circumbinary disc material, millimeter and mid-infrared excess emission has been detected around several spectroscopic pre-main sequence binary star systems including GW Ori (Mathieu \\etal 1995), UZ Tau E (Jensen \\etal 1996), DQ Tau (Mathieu \\etal 1997). In this work we have followed the same steps as in Pichardo, Sparke \\& Aguilar (2005, hereafter Paper~I), where we opted for a simpler approach, analogous to using the structure of periodic orbits in a circular binary, to predict the gas flow. The path followed by a gas parcel in a stable disk around a star must not intersect itself, or the path of a neighboring parcel (unlike the case of planets, where the paths may cross). In our work we follow Rudak \\& Paczynski (1981) and explore those non-crossing orbits of test particles that could be interpreted as gas particles in the low pressure regime, or as protoplanets or planets. An important issue in Celestial Mechanics is to determine the regions around a stellar binary system where accretion discs can form. Important theoretical effort carried out to answer this question is reviewed in Paper~I, where we studied circumstellar and circumbinary discs in binaries of arbitrary eccentricity and mass ratio. In this work we extend those studies, which were based on identifying families of stable {\\it invariant loops}, a concept introduced by Maciejewski \\& Sparke (1997, 2000) in studies of nested galactic bars. We focus this time specifically on the geometry of circumbinary discs. We employ for this approach a test particle method probing the orbital structure of binaries of various eccentricities and mass ratios. In Section \\ref{method} we briefly review the concept of an {\\it invariant loop}, describe the method to solve the motion equations and the strategy used to find invariant loops. The geometry of the circumbinary discs including a fit for the inner radii of the circumbinary disc and a fit for the lopsidedness, are presented in Section \\ref{geom}. In Sections \\ref{theory} and \\ref{observations} we apply this study to compare with theoretical work and observations of some well known systems, respectively. Our conclusions are presented in section \\ref{conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "We have extended the studies started in Paper~I to a more detailed analysis of circumbinary discs in eccentric binary systems from the geometrical and physical point of view. The disks are defined by a family of stable {\\it invariant loops}, the analogs to stable periodic orbits around a circular binary, which do not cross each other or themselves. Thus they define paths that can be followed by clouds of gas, which dissipate energy when they run into each other. Just as with a binary in circular orbit, the circumbinary disk is truncated at its inner edge when there are no longer any stable non-crossing orbits for the gas to follow. We have used this property of the invariant loops to define the inner edge of the circumbinary disk. We showed already in Paper~I that the inner radius of a circumbinary disk depends strongly on eccentricity, opening wider gaps for higher eccentricities. The size of the inner hole depends only slightly on the mass ratio. The geometric centre of the circumbinary disc is off-centre with respect to the centre of mass of the binary system. The disc is closer to being symmetrical around the whole orbit of the secondary star. Here, we have explored the range of parameters to quantify both the off-centering of the circumbinary disc with respect to the centre of mass of the system, and the average inner radius of circumbinary discs, as a function of mass ratio and eccentricity. We compare our results with the work of HW99 who searched for initially-circular orbits that survive more than 10,000 periods of the binary. When the eccentricity is small this procedure gives similar results to ours, but at larger eccentricity HW99 find fewer stable orbits close to the binary, and hence larger inner gaps. This could be related to the fact that the larger the eccentricity, the smaller the available phase space of orbits that are trapped so that they must remain close to a stable invariant loop. If the properties of a circumbinary disc are observable, it is possible to constrain the binary system properties by comparing the predictions based on invariant loops with what is observed. Likewise, if the orbital parameters of a binary are known, the geometry of the circumbinary and circumstellar regions permitted for stable orbits are readily obtained. For the well known circumbinary disc of the binary system GG Tau A, we use the inner radius of the circumbinary disk to restrict the possibilities for the binary parameters. Since two stars have nearly equal masses, we would expect the ring to be nearly symmetrical about the center of mass of the stars. The observed offset is substantial and much larger than can be explained by orbital dynamics; effects such as the finite ring thickness may be important (e.g. Duch\\^ene \\etal 2004). In the case of UY Aurigae, we show that the observed radius of the circumbinary disk requires that the binary orbit be noncircular, with eccentricity $ e > 0.1$. The center of the disk should be offset from the mass center of the stars in the direction towards the center of the secondary star's orbit by $R_{sh}\\ga 0.05a$. We have modeled the system HD 98800 B with the parameters given by Boden \\etal (2005): the shift of the disc with respect to the centre of mass of the system should be about $0.1~AU$. Although the fits we provide here are valid for values of $q\\ge 0.1$, our technique is also applicable to extreme cases of $q \\le 0.001$. For the disk around Fomalhaut, we have used invariant loops to propose plausible solutions for the orbital parameters of a planet that explains the morphology of the debris disc of this system. We reach similar results to Quillen (2006), but for the larger planetary mass proposed by Deller \\& Maddison (2005) we find that the planet's orbit must be less eccentric." }, "0809/0809.3987.txt": { "abstract": "MOST (Microvariability \\& Oscillations of STars) and ASAS (All Sky Automated Survey) observations have been used to characterize photometric variability of TW~Hya on time scales from a fraction of a day to 7.5 weeks and from a few days to 8 years, respectively. The two data sets have very different uncertainties and temporal coverage properties and cannot be directly combined, nevertheless, they suggests a global variability spectrum with ``flicker noise'' properties, i.e.\\ with amplitudes $a \\propto 1/\\sqrt{f}$, over $>4$ decades in frequency, in the range $f = 0.0003$ to 10 cycles per day (c/d). A 3.7 d period is clearly present in the continuous 11 day, 0.07 d time resolution, observations by MOST in 2007. Brightness extrema coincide with zero-velocity crossings in periodic (3.56 d) radial velocity variability detected in contemporaneous spectroscopic observations of \\citet{Set2008} and interpreted as caused by a planet. The 3.56/3.7~d periodicity was entirely absent in the second, four times longer MOST run in 2008, casting doubt on the planetary explanation. Instead, a spectrum of unstable single periods within the range of 2 -- 9 days was observed; the tendency of the periods to progressively shorten was well traced using the wavelet analysis. The evolving periodicities and the overall flicker-noise characteristics of the TW~Hya variability suggest a combination of several mechanisms, with the dominant ones probably related to the accretion processes from the disk around the star. ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} Photometric variability of the very young, T~Tauri-type stars is still puzzling and remains an object of very active research; for the most recent literature, see \\citet{Percy2006} and \\citet{ROTOR-I}. The variability comes in part from accretion and matter ejection phenomena, in part from photospheric spots coming and going into view, and in part from the inner accretion disk and then the accretion region as matter is channelled by magnetic fields into the photosphere. \\citet{Herbst1994} identified 3 basic types of variability which may coexist in a given T~Tauri star: Type~I, photospheric dark spots; Type~II, variable accretion with some rotation modulation component; Type~III, totally random variations, mostly due to variable obscuration. Quasi-periodic variations, intertwined with chaotic changes are the most natural outcome of several different mechanisms contributing simultaneously. Typical time scales of T~Tauri stars are of the order of hours to days, but they are very difficult to characterize from the ground because of diurnal observation breaks and discontinuous temporal coverage. We are not aware of any attempt to obtain a continuous record of T~Tauri variability from a satellite or through inter-observatory coordination of efforts. In this paper we present new, single broad-band (located between $V$ and $R$ bands), continuous photometric observations of the T~Tauri star TW~Hya obtained by the MOST satellite mission over 11 days in 2007 and 46 days in 2008. Although the high frequency coverage (above 10 cycles per day) was inadequate, the temporal coverage at the once-per-orbit satellite sampling period of 101.4 minutes was practically uninterrupted permitting a study of the stellar variability on time scales of a fraction of a day to a few tens of days. For still longer time scales, we used the ASAS project data obtained over 8 yearly seasons from 2001 to 2008. These data sampled the brightness changes of TW~Hya in the $V$ and $I$ bands at intervals of a day to a few days. In this paper, after a brief introduction of TW~Hya itself (Section~\\ref{target}) and of its previous photometric variability studies (Section~\\ref{prev}), we discuss the results of the analysis of the 2007 and 2008 MOST data (Sections~\\ref{most7} and \\ref{most8}). The TW~Hya variability at very low frequencies is analyzed on the basis of the ASAS data (Section~\\ref{asas}). We conclude (Sections~\\ref{disc} and \\ref{concl}) that TW~Hya shows a flicker-noise variability spectrum (the special type of a ``red noise'' spectrum) over a wide range of the time scale from hours to years. ", "conclusions": "\\label{concl} Following our analysis of the MOST and ASAS very different but partly complementary observational data sets, and considering conclusions of the important paper by \\citet{Press1978} on the common occurrence of flicker noise (with Fourier amplitudes scaling as $a \\propto 1/\\sqrt{f}$), we cannot resist a comparison of the TW~Hya photometric variability with an orchestra. As pointed out by Press, the spectrum of the orchestra sound can be usually described by the prosaic flicker noise. Thus, although we hear the music defined by an entire orchestra where everybody plays a different piece, sometimes the melody (tune) produced by an individual instrument becomes noticeable against the general flicker-noise level. We observed such distinct, time-variable ``tones'' in the period range of 2 to 9 days; they may be manifestations of the accretion process as the matter spirals into the star. The flicker-noise spectrum of TW~Hya photometric variations appears to extend from very low frequency of 0.0003 c/d (accessible from 8 years of the ASAS data) to $\\simeq 10$ c/d (accessible to our MOST observations). The lowest frequencies require long monitoring time, so that good photometric stability and consistency of calibrations are essential, even at relatively moderate accuracy (0.01 -- 0.02 mag) of the ASAS project. At frequencies corresponding to days to weeks, the uniform time coverage and high accuracy of the MOST mission (0.003 -- 0.005 mag, even with the included intrinsic variability of the star in times scales shorter than an hour) permitted us to study the difficult (from the ground) frequency range of $\\simeq 0.025$ c/d to 10 c/d. In this range, we observed very clear, well defined, varying ``tones'' in the 0.1 -- 1.0 c/d range only (specifically, the periods 2 -- 9 days). It would be tempting to identify those changing periods as signatures of the orbital decay as the accreting material spirals into the star. The strong periodicity observed by MOST in 2007 with the period of 3.7 d, in phase with the 3.56 d radial-velocity variations of \\citet{Set2008}, appears to be one such ``tone''. It does not seem to be related to a possible planet orbiting TW~Hya because it disappeared within one year. However -- contrary to the clear period changes observed in 1.5 month of the MOST observations in 2008 -- it was relatively stable through the 3 month of the 2007 radial velocity observations. The wide range of variability frequencies suggests a multitude of mechanisms. While we suspect that the main mechanism in the range of time scales accessible to MOST is accretion within the innermost disk at distances of 2 -- 15 $R_\\odot$ from the star, it is hard to imagine that accretion would produce photometric variability on time scales of years at the implied radii of several astronomical units. Thus, in the symphony orchestra analogy, more instruments (mechanisms) must be contributing to create the extended, well defined flicker-noise variability spectrum of TW~Hya." }, "0809/0809.2899_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a novel solver for an analogue to Poisson's equation in the framework of modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). This equation is highly non-linear and hence standard codes based upon tree structures and/or FFT's in general are not applicable; one needs to defer to multi-grid relaxation techniques. After a detailed description of the necessary modifications to the cosmological \\nbody\\ code \\amiga\\ (formerly known as \\mlapm) we utilize the new code to revisit the issue of cosmic structure formation under MOND. We find that the proper (numerical) integration of a MONDian Poisson's equation has some noticable effects on the final results when compared against simulations of the same kind but based upon rather ad-hoc assumptions about the properties of the MONDian force field. Namely, we find that the large-scale structure evolution is faster in our revised MOND model leading to an even stronger clustering of galaxies, especially when compared to the standard \\LCDM\\ paradigm. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:introduction} Modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) was proposed by \\citet{Milgrom83} as an alternative to Newtonian gravity to explain galactic dynamics without the need for dark matter. Although current cosmological observations point to the existence of vast amounts of non-baryonic dark matter in the Universe \\citep[e.g.][]{Komatsu08}, it remains interesting to explore other alternatives, especially as not all of the features of CDM models appear to match observational data (e.g., the ``missing satellite problem'' \\citep{Klypin99, Moore99} and the so-called ``cusp-core crisis'' \\citep[e.g.][]{deBlok03,Swaters03}). In that regards it appears important to look for tests able to discriminate between MOND and Newtonian gravity, especially in the context of cosmology now that there exist various relativistic formulation of the MOND theory \\citep{Bekenstein04,Zhao07,Zhao08}. However, progress in that field has been hampered by the fact that MOND is a non-linear theory making any analytical predictions as well as numerical simulations a tedious task. To date, only a few codes exist that actually solve the MONDian analogue to Poisson equation in a non-cosmological context \\citep{Brada99, Nipoti07, Tiret07}, none of which is publically available. We are augmenting this list by making available a new solver for the MONDian Poisson's equation primarily designed to work in a cosmological context but readily adjusted to allow for simulations of isolated galaxies. Until recently MOND was merely a heuristic theory tailored to fit rotation curves with little (if any) predictive power for cosmological structure formation. One of the most severe problems for the general appreciation and acknowledgment of MOND as a \"real\" theory (and a conceivable replacement for dark matter) was the lack of success to formulate the theory in a general relativistic manner. This situation though changed during the last couple of years and at present there are a number of covariant theories (e.g. \\citep{Bekenstein04, Zhao07, Zhao08}) whose non-relativistic weak acceleration limit accords with MOND while its non-relativistic strong acceleration regime is Newtonian. However, there remains a lot to be done with regards to the relativistic formulations of MOND in order to a get completly acceptable theory. But nevertheless has MOND reached a stage of development in wich we can think in doing cosmology with reducing the need of unjustifiable assumptions. Furthermore, the study of cosmological structure formation in the non-linear regime will provide new constrains on such generalizations of MOND. The first valiant attempts at simulating cosmic structure formation under the influence of MOND were done by \\citet{Nusser02} and \\citet[][KG04 from now on]{Knebe04}. While their studies provided great insights into the non-linear clustering behaviour of MONDian objects (we dare to call them galaxies as none of these simulations included the physics of baryons) they were still based upon some rather unjustifyable assumptions. The main objective of this paper now is to refine the implementation of MOND in the \\nbody\\ code \\amiga\\ (successor of \\texttt{MLAPM}, \\citet{Knebe01}), i.e. we modified the code to numerically integrate a MONDian analogue to Poisson's equation. This equation is a highly non-linear partial differential equation whose solution is non-trivial to obtain. Only sophisticated multi-grid relaxation techniques (on adaptive meshes of arbitrary geometry) are capable of tackling this task. We argue that only when MOND has been thoroughly and \"properly\" studied and tested against \\LCDM\\ can we safely either rule it out for once and always or confirm this rather venturesome theory. The theory has become a valid competitor to dark matter and it therefore only appears natural -- if not mandatory -- to (re-)consider its implications. We developed a tool and the subsequently necessary analysis apparatus allowing to test and discriminate cosmological structure formation in a MONDian Universe from the standard dark matter paradigm and used it to study a particular model of MOND theory. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} We presented a novel solver for the analogue to Poisson's equation taking into account the effects of modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). This equation is a highly non-linear partial differential equation for which standard solvers based upon Fourier transformation techniques and/or tree structures are not applicable anymore; one has to defer to multi-grid relaxation techniques \\citep[e.g.,][]{Brandt77, Press92, Knebe01} in order to numerically solve it. The major part of this paper hence deals with the necessary (non-trivial) adaptions to the existing multi-grid relaxation solver \\amiga\\ (successor to \\mlapm\\ introduced by \\citet{Knebe01}). We show that the accuracy of our MOND solver is at a credible level for a static problem with known MONDian solution and that it reproduces correct results in the Newtonian limit for cosmological simulations. In the case that we don't want to adhere to any (undjustifyable and hence ad-hoc) assumptions as, for instance, done by KG04, we are facing the problem that there is still a lot of freedom from the covariant point of view to describe the original phenomenological MOND theory. To be able to actually perform MONDian cosmological simulations we decided to choose one particular model for MOND and to leave for later studies the analysis of the effects that differents theories producces on the structure formation. One of the suppositions KG04 made relates to the relation between the MONDian and the Newtonian force vector. They use the rather simple relation as given by setting $\\mathbf C=\\mathbf 0$ in \\Eq{eq:curl} making the right-hand side simply the Newtonian force. This implicit definition for $\\vecg_M$ could be inverted and used instead of $\\vecg_N$ when updating the particles' velocities during the time integration of \\Eq{eq:eom}. As noted in \\Eq{eq:curl} they neglected the so-called MONDian curl-field $\\mathbf C=\\nabla \\times \\mathbf h$. Others have shown that this field decreases like $O(r^{-3})$ and vanishes for any kind of symmetry \\citep{Bekenstein84}, it yet remains unclear whether it will leave any imprint on inhomogeneous strucure formation as found in cosmological simulations. In the second part of this paper we therefore presented a series of cosmological simulations set out to quantify both structure formation under MOND as well as the effects of the curl-field. Surprisingly, we found that our results are consistent with KG04 even if we take in account that they use a different MOND model and initial conditions generated with standard linear theory in a MONDian regimen. We revised some of their findings (mainly the discrepancy between the abundance of galaxies at galaxies at high redshift between \\LCDM\\ and OCBMond) and noted that the curl-field leaves marginal yet noticable effects. The major result of this study though is that the curl-field appears to drive structure formation! Our results obtained with the new solver (and hence including the effects of the curl-field) can be summarized as follows \\begin{itemize} \\item the curl-field drives structure formation, \\item the curl-field leads to more objects at $z=0$ where \\item cross-identified objects are more massive in OCBMond2 than in OCBMond, and \\item the OCBMond2 model shows a stronger two-point correlation function. \\end{itemize} We acknowledge that there are still a lot of puzzling results to be investigated in greater detail. However, we postpone this to future studies. The aim of this paper was primarily to describe the novel gravity solver that is freely available for download.\\footnote{\\amiga\\ can be downloaded from the following web page \\texttt{http://www.aip.de/People/aknebe/AMIGA}. The new MOND solver can be switched on via the compilation flag \\texttt{-DMOND2}. The code is able to run cosmological simulations, ie with expansion and periodic boundary conditions and to work also in isolation, wich implies no expansion and fixed boundary conditions. It can be also use without temporal evolution in order to get 3D potentials from density distributions given by particles or analitic formulas. Please contact the authors for more details.}" }, "0809/0809.0314_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present results from deep radio observations taken with the VLA at a center frequency of 1400 MHz covering a region of the SWIRE Spitzer Legacy survey, centered at 10$^h$46$^m$00$^s$, 59\\arcdeg01\\arcmin00\\arcsec (J2000). The reduction and cataloging of radio sources are described. An electronic catalog of the sources detected above 5 sigma is also presented. The survey presented is the deepest so far in terms of the radio source density on the sky. Perhaps surprisingly, the sources down to the bottom of the catalog appear to have median angular sizes still $> 1$ arcsecond, like their cousins 10-100 times stronger. The shape of the differential log N - log S counts also seems to require a correction for the finite sizes of the sources to be self-consistent. If the log N - log S normalization remains constant at the lowest flux densities, there are about 6 sources per square arcminute at 15 $\\mu$Jy at 20cm. Given the finite source size this implies that we may reach the natural confusion limit near 1 $\\mu$Jy. ", "introduction": "Understanding the growth and evolution of galaxies is one of the key goals of modern astronomy. A new generation of multi-wavelength surveys from X-ray to radio wavelengths are providing the starting point for new leaps of understanding of the subject. The key has proved to be deep surveys of the same fields at every wavelength possible, so that as complete a SED as possible can be determined for a large number of objects. At radio wavelengths, the VLA at 20cm is the workhorse instrument. The large field-of-view, high sensitivity and good spatial resolution allow images with thousands of sources per pointing and $\\sim$1.5 arcsecond resolution. New computing algorithms combined with the current generation of fast computers have unlocked this potential of the VLA, which has been there for 25 years. The $\\mu$Jy radio sky gives unique information about the evolution of faint, distant galaxies from the synchrotron emission observed from both star-forming and AGN-dominated systems. This complements data from other wavelength bands. The ratio of radio to FIR luminosity has the potential to tell us whether star-formation or AGN are dominant \\citep[e.g.,][]{Yun01}. For star-forming systems the physical size of the emitting regions and their relation to brightness distributions in other bands can tell us about the extent of the star-forming regions independent of dust extinction and perhaps can tell us if a wind is required. Radio AGN are dominantly radio jets and thus tell us about the mechanical energy flowing away from the black hole, instead of the radiation dominated emission seen at other wavelengths. Radiation and mechanical energy dominated AGN may result from different phases of the black hole growth \\citep{ch05,si07} and thus it is important to study both types of AGN. The sensitivity of this survey reaches a surface density of several sources per square arcminute and thus allows us to study a large sample of distant galaxies with only one pointing of the VLA. In this paper we report the results of the radio survey only. Other related papers will discuss the observations at other wavelengths and what we can learn by combining all the data on the objects in this field. ", "conclusions": "We have presented the deepest image so far of the radio sky in terms of source density and provided an electronic catalog for sources with peak signal-to-noise ratios $> 5$. The median size distribution for these sources continues to be $\\sim1.2$ arcseconds or a bit larger down to the bottom of the catalog. After a correction for incompleteness due to source size, we find that the log N - log S normalization factor remains approximately flat down to 15$\\mu$Jy, corresponding to about six sources per square arcminute. If this trend continues the 20cm natural confusion limit may be reached near one $\\mu$Jy. \\clearpage" }, "0809/0809.0913_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the discovery of a new quadruply lensed quasar. The lens system, SDSS J1330+1810 at $z_s=1.393$, was identified as a lens candidate from the spectroscopic sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Optical and near-infrared images clearly show four quasar images with a maximum image separation of $1\\farcs76$, as well as a bright lensing galaxy. We measure a redshift of the lensing galaxy of $z_l=0.373$ from absorption features in the spectrum. We find a foreground group of galaxies at $z=0.31$ centred $\\sim 120''$ southwest of the lens system. Simple mass models fit the data quite well, including the flux ratios between images, although the lens galaxy appears to be $\\sim 1$~mag brighter than expected by the Faber-Jackson relation. Our mass modelling suggests that shear from nearby structure is affecting the lens potential. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} \\begin{figure*} \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=0.75\\hsize]{f1.eps} \\end{center} \\caption{The SDSS $i$-band image of the SDSS~J1330+1810 field. The pixel scale of the image is $0\\farcs396$~${\\rm pixel^{-1}}$, and the seeing was $1\\farcs0$. The inset at lower left shows an expanded view of the lens system. Several bright galaxies in the field are indicated by G1-G3. The $i$-band Petrosian magnitudes of these galaxies (without correcting for Galactic extinction) are $17.72$ (G1), $18.20$ (G2), and $18.59$ (G3). \\label{fig:fc1330}} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=0.95\\hsize]{f2.eps} \\end{center} \\caption{The SDSS spectra of SDSS~J1330+1810 ({\\it upper}) and the nearby galaxy G2 ({\\it lower}). See Figure \\ref{fig:fc1330} for the relative positions. The spectral resolution is $R\\sim 2000$, but the spectra are smoothed with a 5-pixel boxcar to suppress noise. Thick vertical line segments in the upper panel mark MgII and Ca absorption lines, which suggest the lens redshift of $z_l=0.373$. A Mg/Fe absorption system at $z=1.054$ is also shown by thin lines. The feature at $\\sim 5600${\\AA} in the spectrum of G2 is due to poor subtraction of a strong sky emission line ($5575${\\AA}). \\label{fig:spec1330}} \\end{figure} Thus far about 100 gravitationally lensed quasars are known, of which $\\sim30$ are quadruple (four-image) lenses. The number ratio of quadruple lenses to double (two-image) lenses contains information on both the shapes of lensing galaxies and the luminosity function of source quasars \\citep{rusin01,chae03,huterer05,oguri07b,madelbaum08}. In addition, quadruple lenses allow more detailed mass modelling of individual lenses. For instance, the larger number of images provides more constraints on the lens potential, which is essential in probing the effects of external perturbations on primary lenses \\citep{keeton97} and constraining the Hubble constant from time delay measurements \\citep[e.g.,][]{suyu06}. Magnifications of merging image pairs in quadruple lenses satisfy distinct relations if the lens potential is smooth, but small-scale structures near the image can violate the relations. Thus flux ratios of quadruple lens images serve as unique probes of substructure or microlensing in lens galaxies \\citep{mao98,metcalf01,chiba02,dalal02,schechter02}. In this paper, we present the discovery of a new gravitationally lensed quasar with four lensed images, SDSS~J133018.65+181032.1 (SDSS~J1330+1810). It was discovered as part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Lens Search \\citep[SQLS;][]{oguri06,oguri08,inada08}, which takes advantage of the large spectroscopic quasar catalog \\citep[see][]{schneider07} of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey \\citep[SDSS;][]{york00} to locate new lensed quasars. We place particular emphasis on mass modeling and investigation of the structure around the lens. The outline of this paper is as follows. We describe the SDSS and follow-up data in Sections \\ref{sec:sdss} and \\ref{sec:followup}, respectively. The environment of the lens is discussed in Section \\ref{sec:env}. Section \\ref{sec:model} is devoted to mass modelling. Our results are summarised in Section \\ref{sec:sum}. Throughout the paper, we adopt the standard Lambda-dominated flat universe cosmology with matter density $\\Omega_M=0.26$ and the Hubble constant $h=0.72$ \\citep{dunkely08}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:sum} We have presented the discovery of a new four-image lensed quasar SDSS J1330+1810 ($z_s=1.393$). This source was selected as a lens candidate by the SQLS due to its extended morphology. Our observations in optical and near-infrared indicate that it is a typical fold-type quadruple lens, with a maximum separation between images of $1\\farcs76$. From the spectrum we measured a lens redshift of $z_l=0.373$. Standard simple elliptical mass models fit the data well, including the flux ratios, implying no evidence for substructure. The mass modelling suggests an important contribution of the external shear, probably from a nearby bright galaxy. There is also a foreground group of galaxies whose centre is $\\sim120''$ from the lens. The lens galaxy is $\\sim 1$~mag brighter than predicted by mass modelling. Thus far the SQLS has discovered 31 lensed quasars including SDSS J1330+1810\\footnote{The current status of the survey is summarised at http://www-utap.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/\\~{}sdss/sqls/}, of which 5 are quadruple lenses \\citep[e.g.,][]{inada03,kayo07}. The low fraction of quadruple lenses may imply that the faint end slope of the quasar optical luminosity function is shallow, although it is marginally consistent with standard theoretical expectations \\citep{oguri07b}. The SQLS has completed $\\sim 2/3$ of its survey, implying that a few more quadruple lenses will be discovered by the completion of the survey." }, "0809/0809.1725_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Using new \\ubvri\\halpha CCD photometric observations and the archival infrared and X-ray data, we have carried out a multi-wavelength study of a Perseus arm young galactic star cluster NGC 7419. An age of $22.5\\pm3.0$ Myr and a distance of $3230^{+330}_{-430}$ pc are derived for the cluster. Our photometric data indicates a higher value of color excess ratio $E(U-B)/E(B-V)$ than the normal one. There is an evidence for mass segregation in this dynamically relaxed cluster and in the range $1.4-8.6M\\subsun$, the mass function slope is in agreement with the Salpeter value. Excess emissions in near-infrared and \\halpha support the existence of a young ($\\le 2$ Myr) stellar population of Herbig Ae/Be stars ($\\geq 3.0 M_\\odot$) indicating a second episode of star formation in the cluster region. Using XMM-Newton observations, we found several X-ray sources in the cluster region but none of the Herbig Ae/Be stars is detected in X-rays. We compare the distribution of upper limits for Herbig Ae/Be stars with the X-ray distribution functions of the T-Tauri and the Herbig Ae/Be stars from previous studies, and found that the X-ray emission level of these Herbig Ae/Be stars is not more than $L_X \\sim 5.2\\times 10^{30}$ \\egs, which is not significantly higher than for the T-Tauri stars. Therefore, X-ray emission from Herbig Ae/Be stars could be the result of either unresolved companion stars or a process similar to T-Tauri stars. We report an extended X-ray emission from the cluster region NGC 7419, with a total X-ray luminosity estimate of $\\rm{\\sim 1.8\\times10^{31}~erg~s^{-1}~arcmin^{-2}}$. If the extended emission is due to unresolved emission from the point sources then we estimate $\\sim$288 T-Tauri stars in the cluster region each having X-ray luminosity $\\rm{\\sim 1.0\\times10^{30}~erg~s^{-1}}$. Investigation of dust attenuation and ${}^{12}$CO emission map of a square degree region around the cluster indicates the presence of a foreground dust cloud which is most likely associated with the local arm star forming region (Sh2-154). This cloud harbors uniformly distributed pre-main-sequence stars ($0.1-2.0M\\subsun$), with no obvious trend of their distribution with either $(H-K)$ excess or \\av. This suggests that the star formation in this cloud depend mostly upon the primordial fragmentation. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:int} NGC 7419 ($\\rm RA_{J2000}=22^h 54^m 20^s$, ${\\rm DEC_{J2000}}=+60\\degr 48\\arcmin 54\\arcsec$; $l=109\\fdg13$, $b=1\\fdg12$), is a moderately populated young and heavily reddened galactic star cluster in Cepheus with a large number of Be stars. The cluster contains high mass ($\\geq10M\\subsun$); intermediate mass ($2-10M\\subsun$) and low-mass ($\\leq2M\\subsun$) stars. It is therefore an ideal laboratory for the study of initial stellar mass distribution as well as duration of star formation process in a molecular cloud. Presence of statistically significant number of Herbig Ae/Be stars in the cluster makes it very attractive for understanding the formation of these stars and origin of various atmospheric activities like \\halpha emission and X-ray emission in them. However, to address these questions in detail, one would like to know accurate distance and age parameters of the cluster NGC 7419, which is lacking despite a number of photometric and spectroscopic studies. This is mainly because of the fact that the cluster is heavily reddened in comparison to the nearby clusters situated at the similar distances, and suffers from variable reddening. In order to determine cluster reddening reliably, accurate $UBV$ broadband photometry of early type stars is essential. A comparison of the photometries available in the literature indicates that $UB$ data, many have systematic calibration error. For example, \\citet{beauchamp94} have mentioned that their color may have an offset of $\\sim0.2$ mag due to the calibration problems in $U$ band. Their photometric observations have been carried out in the poor seeing ($2\\farcs5-4\\farcs0$) conditions. This will affect cluster photometric data particularly in the crowded regions. The main goals of present study are to determine the distance, age and its spread, and mass function (MF) of the cluster as accurate as possible. This will help us to understand the star formation history of the cluster, and to investigate the X-ray emission properties of Herbig Ae/Be stars. Deep optical \\ubvri observations ($V\\sim22.0$ mag), narrow band \\halpha photometric observations along with the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), Infrared All Sky Survey (IRAS), Midcourse Space experiment (MSX) and XMM-Newton archival data are used to understand the X-ray emission properties of Herbig Ae/Be stars, and the global scenario of star formation in the cluster NGC 7419 and its surrounding region. \\citet{blanco55} has reported the distance of this cluster as $\\sim$ 6 kpc based on the $RI$ photometric observations. A similar value for cluster distance has also been obtained by \\citet{moffat73}. However, \\citet{hulst54} has obtained a significantly smaller distance of 3.3 kpc. Using CCD data, a distance of 2.0 kpc and 2.3 kpc was estimated by \\citet{bhatt93} and \\citet{beauchamp94}, respectively. The age estimated by \\citet{bhatt93} is $\\sim$ 40 Myr while \\citet{beauchamp94} have estimated a much younger age of $\\sim$ 14 Myr. Recent CCD observations reported by \\citet{subramaniam06} estimated its distance as 2.9 kpc and an age of 20--25 Myr. The paper describes optical observations and the derivation of cluster parameters in \\S\\ref{sec:phoDat} and \\S\\ref{sec:proClu}. The near-infrared (NIR) data are dealt in \\S\\ref{sec:nirDat}, while distribution of young stellar objects (YSOs), MF and mass segregation are given in \\S\\ref{sec:spaDis}, \\S\\ref{sec:masFun} and \\S\\ref{sec:masSeg}. Finally, the X-ray data and its analysis (for the first time) are described in \\S\\ref{sec:xraDat}, followed by the summary and conclusions in \\S\\ref{sec:sumCon}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:sumCon} A deep optical $UBVRI$ and narrow band \\halpha observations along with multi-wavelength archival data from the surveys such as 2MASS, MSX, IRAS and XMM-Newton are used to understand the global scenario of star formation and the basic parameters of the cluster NGC 7419. XMM-Newton archival data have also been used to study the X-ray emission mechanism from the cluster. The radius of the cluster NGC 7419 has been found to be 4\\farcm0$\\pm$0\\farcm5 using radial density profile. The reddening law in the direction of the cluster is found to be normal at longer wavelengths but anomalous at shorter wavelengths. Reddening, $E(B-V)$, is found to be varying between 1.5 to 1.9 mag with a mean value $\\sim 1.7\\pm0.2$ mag. The turn-off age and the distance of the cluster are estimated to be $22.5\\pm2.5$ Myr and $\\rm{3230^{+330}_{-430}}$, respectively. The MF for the main-sequence stars in the cluster is estimated as having $ \\Gamma =-1.10 \\pm 0.19 $ in the mass range $8.6 M\\subsun < M \\leq 1.4 M\\subsun$, which is a similar to the \\citet{salpeter55} value. Effect of mass segregation is found in the main-sequence stars which may be the result of dynamical evolution. Using the NIR color-color diagram and narrow band $\\halpha$ observations, we have identified 21 Herbig Ae/Be in the cluster region with the masses lying between 3 to $7 M\\subsun$. The ages of these Herbig Ae/Be stars are found to be in the range of $\\sim$ 0.3 to 2.0 Myr. The significant difference between turn-off age and turn-on age of the cluster represents a second episode of star formation in the cluster. We have found 90 YSOs having masses in the range from 0.1 to $2.0 M\\subsun$ with the help of NIR color-color diagram around the cluster. The presence of such a large number of NIR excess sources (T-Tauri stars) shows a recent star formation episode in the surroundings of the cluster region. Using extinction, dust and $^{12}$CO maps, we found that these YSOs are probably associated with a foreground star forming region Sh-154 and not related with the cluster region. We found no obvious trend in spatial distribution of YSOs with $A_V$ and $(H-K)_{\\rm excess}$. The dispersion in $A_V$ and $(H-K)_{\\rm excess}$ is also very low which indicates that a majority of the YSOs are born at the same time in the same environment. Therefore, it is possible that primordial fragmentation of the cloud may be responsible for the formation of the low mass stars within this cloud. We have detected 66 X-ray sources in the observed field by XMM-Newton observatory using archival X-ray data. Out of these sources, 23 are knowm to be the probable members of the cluster based on analysis of their X-ray colors. Fifteen X-ray sources are without any optical or NIR counterparts. These may be the young embedded sources which need to be investigated further. We have derived the detection limits of X-ray observations based on the position of the X-ray source in the field of view and on its energy spectrum. Thus, the median value for the detection limit for the 21 Hebig Ae/Be stars in the field is $\\rm{L_X \\sim}$$\\rm{5.2\\times 10^{30}~erg~s^{-1}}$. We have compared the XLF for the cluster members with the T-Tauri stars and Herbig Ae/Be stars. Because of insufficient exposure and resolution, the sensitivity was not enough to reach the level of the median X-ray luminosity observed in T-Tauri stars in Taurus-Auriga region and Herbig Ae/Be stars in \\citet{stelzer06}. Therefore a conclusive comparison of X-ray properties of the stars cannot be made. However, the comparison indicates that Herbig Ae/Be stars in NGC 7419 tend to be less X-ray luminous than in the sample of \\citet{hamaguchi05}, which shows that X-ray activity level of the Herbig Ae/Be stars is not more than in the T-Tauri stars. Therefore, we can support the binary T-Tauri companion hypothesis for the generation of X-rays in Herbig Ae/Be stars. It is also possible that a Herbig Ae/Be star is itself emitting X-rays but the level of the X-ray emission is similar to that of the T-Tauri stars. The cluster region shows an extended X-ray emission with a total luminosity estimated to be $\\rm{ L_X \\approx 1.8\\times10^{31}~erg~s^{-1}~arcmin^{-2}} $. This diffuse emission might be the result of X-ray emission from T-Tauri type stars which could not be resolved by XMM-Newton observations. It requires $\\sim$288 T-Tauri stars each having $\\rm{L_X}$ $\\rm{\\sim 1.0\\times10^{30}~erg~s^{-1}}$, if it originates from such stars. High resolution deep observations such as from CHANDRA are required for a detailed analysis of this cluster region." }, "0809/0809.1349_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present the {\\it AEGIS-X} survey, a series of deep \\chandra\\ ACIS-I observations of the Extended Groth Strip. The survey comprises pointings at 8 separate positions, each with nominal exposure 200ks, covering a total area of approximately 0.67 deg$^{2}$ in a strip of length 2 degrees. We describe in detail an updated version of our data reduction and point source detection algorithms used to analyze these data. A total of 1325 band-merged sources have been found to a Poisson probability limit of $4 \\times 10^{-6}$, with limiting fluxes of $5.3 \\times 10^{-17}$ erg cm$^{2}$ s$^{-1}$ in the soft (0.5--2 keV) band and $3.8 \\times 10^{-16}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ in the hard (2--10 keV) band. We present simulations verifying the validity of our source detection procedure and showing a very small, $<1.5$\\%, contamination rate from spurious sources. Optical/NIR counterparts have been identified from the DEEP2, CFHTLS, and Spitzer/IRAC surveys of the same region. Using a likelihood ratio method, we find optical counterparts for 76\\% of our sources, complete to $R_{AB}$=24.1, and, of the 66\\% of the sources that have IRAC coverage, 94\\% have a counterpart to a limit of 0.9 $\\mu$Jy at 3.6 $\\mu m$ ($m_{AB}$=23.8). After accounting for (small) positional offsets in the 8 \\chandra\\ fields, the astrometric accuracy of the \\chandra\\ positions is found to be $0\\farcs8$ RMS, however this number depends both on the off-axis angle and the number of detected counts for a given source. All the data products described in this paper are made available via a public website. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} There is intense current interest in the formation of galaxies, the history of star formation and accretion power in the universe, and the inter-relations between these phenomena. This has motivated the investment of major observational resources in obtaining images and spectroscopy in various areas of the sky. These multi-wavelength surveys cover a wide range of areas, depths, angular resolutions and wavebands, ranging from very deep ``pencil\" beam surveys in small areas of the sky to wider surveys at shallower depths. Surveys at X-ray wavelengths provide an important component of the multiwavelength arsenal, primarily because of the efficiency and sensitivity of X-ray emission in selecting Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). There is apparently a strong relationship between AGN and their host galaxy bulges \\citep[e.g.][]{fm00,ge00}, so studying the growth of supermassive black holes in the context of the evolution of their host galaxies is likely to be a fruitful area of exploration. X-ray surveys also enable an estimate of the history of accretion power in the universe and the origin of the X-ray background \\citep[e.g.][]{bh05}. The deepest X-ray surveys in existence are the \\chandra\\ Deep Fields North and South (hereafter the CDF-N and CDF-S, respectively), which each cover an area of $\\sim 0.1$~deg$^{2}$ to nominal depths of $\\sim 2-3 \\times 10^{-17}$~erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ \\citep{al03,lu08}. The widest surveys to resolve a significant fraction of the X-ray background cover of order 10 deg$^{2}$, but to much shallower (by a factor $\\sim 100$) depths (e.g. XBootes: \\citealt{mu05}; \\citealt{ke05}; XMM-LSS: \\citealt{pi04}). The major advantage of ultradeep surveys is that they are able to probe into the distant universe, to detect ``typical\" objects at high redshift. On the other hand, larger areas are required to sample significant large scale structures in the universe and hence determine the relationship between galaxy evolution and local environmental density. Moreover, larger area surveys are able to sample and find unusual, rare objects. For a complete picture it is clearly also necessary to explore the parameter space in between the ultradeep and ultrawide surveys. Motivated by this, we have obtained deep X-ray observations using the \\chandra\\ X-ray observatory in a region of sky of area $\\sim 0.5$~deg$^{2}$ known as the Extended Groth Strip (EGS), covering the energy range 0.5--7~keV. Extensive multiwavelength data in this region have been obtained as part of the ``AEGIS\" project \\citep{da07} making it one of the premier datasets to study the co-evolution of black hole accretion and galaxy formation. The purpose of the present paper is to describe the X-ray dataset and reduction, and present a catalog of point sources derived from the \\chandra\\ X-ray survey, which we designate \\ax. The structure of the paper is as follows. In \\S\\ref{sec:dr} we describe the data and the reduction, including the method used to calculate the \\chandra\\ point spread function. Detailed descriptions of our source detection and photometry procedures are given in \\S\\ref{sec:detphot}. In \\S\\ref{sec:results} the results of the source detection and analysis are presented. In \\S\\ref{sec:counterpart} the optical and infrared counterparts to the X-ray sources are provided and in \\S\\ref{sec:conc} the conclusions are given. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.4270_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Photometric calibration to $\\sim5\\%$ accuracy is frequently needed at arbitrary celestial locations; however, existing all-sky astronomical catalogs do not reach this accuracy and time consuming photometric calibration procedures are required. I fit the Hipparcos $B_{T}$, and $V_{T}$ magnitudes, along with the 2MASS $J$, $H$, and $K$ magnitudes of Tycho-2 catalog-stars with stellar spectral templates. From the best fit spectral template derived for each star, I calculate the synthetic SDSS $griz$ magnitudes and constructed an all-sky catalog of $griz$ magnitudes for bright stars ($V\\ltorder12$). Testing this method on SDSS photometric telescope observations, I find that the photometric accuracy, for a single star, is usually about $0.12$, $0.12$, $0.10$ and $0.08$\\,mag (1\\,$\\sigma$), for the $g$, $r$, $i$, and $z$-bands, respectively. However, by using $\\sim10$ such stars, the typical errors per calibrated field (systematic + statistical) can be reduced to about 0.04, 0.03, 0.02, and 0.02\\,mag, in the $g$, $r$, $i$, and $z$-bands, respectively. Therefore, in cases for which several calibration stars can be observed in the field of view of an instrument, accurate photometric calibration is possible. ", "introduction": "\\label{Introduction} Often in astronomical research, absolute photometric accuracy better than $10\\%$, is required. In many cases, the method of choice is to observe photometric standards (e.g., Landolt 1992). However, this requires photometric observing conditions, and additional observations. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS; York et al. 2000) provides an excellent photometric calibration in $ugriz$ bands, with accuracy better than $2\\%$ (Adelman-McCarthy et al. 2008). However, this is available only for about a quarter of the sky. Other all-sky visible-light catalogue, like the USNO-B1 (Monet et al. 2003) and the US Naval Observatory CCD astrograph catalogue (Zacharias et al. 2004) provide relatively poor photometric accuracy. The magnitudes of individual stars in these catalogue are accurate to about $0.3$\\,mag, and even with a large number of stars there is still a considerable field-to-field systematic errors. In this paper, I calculate the SDSS $griz$ magnitudes of Tycho-2 stars over the entire sky. In case $\\gtorder10$ of these stars are visible in a camera field of view, these stars can be used to photometrically calibrate an astronomical image to accuracy of better than $0.04$\\,mag. The only overhead is that typically a shorter exposure in which the Tycho-2 catalog stars will not be saturated is required. ", "conclusions": "\\label{Disc} In order to test the accuracy of the derived synthetic magnitudes, I constructed a catalog of all the photometric measurements available from the SDSS photometric telescope ``secondary patches'' fields\\footnote{Available from: http://das.sdss.org/PT/} (Tucker et al. 2006). From this catalog I selected all the non-saturated stars brighter than 12th magnitude in both the $g$- and $r$-bands. Davenport et al. (2007) analyzed the systematic offset between the SDSS magnitude system and the SDSS photometric telescope bands. They found that the magnitudes of very red stars are different in the two systems. Using the transformations given by Davenport et al. (2007) I converted all the SDSS photometric-telescope magnitudes to the SDSS system. Next I cross-correlated this list with the catalog of $griz$ synthetic magnitudes presented in \\S\\ref{Cat}, and selected stars which have $JHK$ magnitudes fainter than 6 (i.e., not saturated); $B_{T}$ and $V_{T}$ magnitude errors smaller than 0.15; and RMS of the best RMS-fit template of less than 0.15\\,mag. For each of the 3714 stars satisfying these criteria, I compared the corrected magnitudes (i.e., Davenport et al. 2007) as measured by the SDSS photometric telescope with its best-fit synthetic magnitude. In Figure~\\ref{fig:Mag_SDSS_vs_Fit}, I show histograms of the fitted synthetic magnitudes minus the SDSS magnitudes for the $griz$-bands. The median value, along with half the range containing $68\\%$ of the stars, are indicated in each panel. \\begin{figure*} \\centerline{\\includegraphics[width=16.0cm]{f2.eps}} \\caption{Histograms of the actual SDSS magnitude minus the best fit magnitude for a set of 3714 stars which magnitude was measured by the SDSS photometric telescope. The histograms are shown for the $g$, $r$, $i$, and $z$-bands (from left to right), respectively. The upper row is for the best-fit magnitude obtained by minimizing the RMS, while the lower row is for the $\\chi^{2}$ fit, which is somewhat better. The median value is the median of the histogram, while std is half of the range containing $68\\%$ of the values in the histogram (rather than the usual definition). \\label{fig:Mag_SDSS_vs_Fit}} \\end{figure*} The upper row is for the best-fit magnitude by minimizing the RMS, while the lower row is for the $\\chi^{2}$ fit. This plot suggests that the $\\chi^{2}$ fit is marginally better. Therefore, it should be preferred over the RMS-fit. In all the bands there are small offsets, listed in Fig.~\\ref{fig:Mag_SDSS_vs_Fit}, between the SDSS photometric telescope magnitudes and the derived synthetic magnitudes. The magnitudes in the catalog (Table~\\ref{Tab-CatDesc}) are corrected for these small offsets. I note that I repeated this test using 42 SDSS photometric standards\\footnote{Electronic version available from: http://home.fnal.gov/$\\sim$dtucker/ugriz/tab08.dat} (Smith et al. 2002), and found similar results. The field of view of large format cameras may contain only several suitable Tycho-2 stars (see Fig.~\\ref{fig:Tyc2_StarDen}). To estimate the uncertainty in magnitude calibration when using several stars, I have carried out the following simulations: I randomly selected $N$ stars, for any $N$ between 2 and 100, out of the 3714 SDSS standard stars that I used for the comparison of the derived magnitudes with the actual SDSS magnitudes. For each set of randomly selected $N$ stars I calculated the median of differences between the $\\chi^{2}$-fitted synthetic magnitudes and the SDSS magnitudes. Next, I repeated this procedure 10,000 times (for each $N$), and calculated the standard deviation of the 10,000 median of differences. \\begin{figure} \\centerline{\\includegraphics[width=8.5cm]{f3.eps}} \\caption{The expected error in photometric calibration as a function of the number of stars used in the calibration process (see text). The thick-solid line, thick-dashed line, thin-dashed line, and thin-solid line, are for the $g$, $r$, $i$, and $z$-bands, respectively. \\label{fig:Error_vs_Nstars}} \\end{figure} In Figure~\\ref{fig:Error_vs_Nstars} I show the standard deviation of the distribution of the median of differences between the synthetic magnitudes and the measured SDSS magnitudes, as a function of $N$. The plot suggests that, for example, by using five stars the errors in photometry reduce to 0.07\\,mag, 0.04\\,mag, 0.03\\,mag and 0.03\\,mag in the $g$, $r$, $i$ and $z$-bands, respectively. When using ten stars the errors reduce to about 0.04\\,mag, 0.03\\,mag, 0.02\\,mag and 0.02\\,mag in the $g$, $r$, $i$ and $z$-bands, respectively. In order to remove outliers it is important to use the median of differences (i.e., and not mean of differences). To summarize, I suggest an alternative method for photometric calibration that may work to accuracy of about several percents. This method relies on selected stars in the Tycho-2 catalog for which I fitted spectral templates to their $B_{T}V_{T}JHK$ magnitudes. Two major limitation of this method is that several Tycho-2 stars are needed in the field of view, and that shorter exposures, in which these stars are not saturated, are required. Given the catalog star density as a function of Galactic latitude (Fig.~\\ref{fig:Tyc2_StarDen}), this method is applicable for instruments with large field of view or for low Galactic latitude observations." }, "0809/0809.3982_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The LMC clusters with similar ages to the Milky Way open clusters are in general more metal-poor and more populous than the latter, being located close enough to allow their stellar content to be well resolved. Therefore, they are unique templates of simple stellar population (SSP), being crucial to calibrate models describing the integral light as well as to test the stellar evolution theory. With this in mind we analyzed HST/WFPC2 (V, B--V) colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of 15 populous LMC clusters with ages between $\\sim$0.3 Gyr and $\\sim$4 Gyr using different stellar evolutionary models. Following the approach described by \\cite[Kerber, Santiago \\& Brocato (2007)] {KSB07}, we determined accurate and self-consistent physical parameters (age, metallicity, distance modulus and reddening) for each cluster by comparing the observed CMDs with synthetic ones generated using isochrones from the PEL and BaSTI libraries. These determinations were made by means of simultaneous statistical comparison of the main-sequence fiducial line and the red clump position, offering objective and robust criteria to select the best models. We compared these results with the ones obtained by \\cite[Kerber, Santiago \\& Brocato~(2007)]{KSB07} using the Padova isochrones. This revealed that there are significant trends in the physical parameters due to the choice of stellar evolutionary model and treatment of convective core overshooting. In general, models that incorporate overshooting presented more reliable results than those that do not. Furthermore, the Padova models fitted better the data than the PEL and BaSTI models. Comparisons with the results found in the literature demonstrated that our derived metallicities are in good agreement with the ones from the spectroscopy of red giants. We also confirmed that, independent of the adopted stellar evolutionary library, the recovered 3D distribution for these clusters is consistent with a thick disk roughly aligned with the LMC disk as defined by field stars. Finally, we also provide new estimates of distance modulus to the LMC center, that are marginally consistent with the canonical value of 18.50. ", "introduction": "The LMC contains a rich system of stellar clusters, with more than three thousand cataloged objects (\\cite[Bica \\etal\\ 2008]{Bica_etal08}) and covering ages from few Myr to about 13 Gyr. There are about one hundred that can be considered as populous ones ($> 10^{5}$ stars), which offer the opportunity to recover the age-metallicity relation for the LMC by means of accurate age (from CMD analysis) and metallicity (from spectroscopy analysis) determinations. Furthermore, the objects with ages between $\\sim$ 0.3 and 4 Gyr -- the intermediate-age LMC clusters (IACs) -- are more metal poor than the open clusters in the Milky Way, being therefore fundamental pieces in the local universe to calibrate integrated light models as well as to test the evolutionary models in the sub-solar metallicity regime. Taking the advantage of the superior photometric quality of the HST and the intrinsic large stellar statistics for the populous IACs we have applied a statistical method to recover accurate physical parameters -- not only age, but also metallicity, distance and reddening -- for these objects in a self-consistent way. By self-consistency we mean the ability to simultaneously infer these parameters from the same data-set without any prior assumptions about any of them. The method, presented by \\cite[Kerber, Santiago \\& Brocato~(2007)~(hereafter KSB07)]{KSB07} using the Padova isochrones (\\cite[Girardi \\etal\\ 2002]{Girardi_etal02}), joins CMD modelling and statistical analysis to objectively determine which are the synthetic CMDs that best reproduce the observed ones. In the present work we expanded this analysis to two other stellar evolutionary libraries: PEL (or Pisa, \\cite[Castellani \\etal\\ 2003]{Castellani_etal03}) and BaSTI (or Teramo, \\cite[Pietrinferni \\etal\\ 2004]{Pietrinferni_etal04}). This allowed us to quantify how the recovered physical parameters depend on the adoption of different stellar evolutionary libraries, including the treatment for the convective core overshooting. Furthermore, since we are determining the individual distance to each cluster, we could also probe the three dimensional distribution of these clusters, which seems to be roughly aligned with LMC disk (\\cite[KSB07]{KSB07}; \\cite[Grocholski \\etal\\ 2007]{Grocholski_etal07}), and to obtain new determinations of distance modulus to the LMC centre. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.5276_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{} {This paper reports on a search for new classical nova candidates in the M81 galaxy based on archival, as well as recent, new images.} {We used images from 1999--2007 to search for optical transients in M81. The positions of the identified classical nova candidates were used to study their spatial distribution. Kolmogorov - Smirnov test (KS) and bottom-to-top (BTR) ratio diagnostic were used to analyze the nova candidate distribution and differentiate between the disk and the bulge populations.} {In total, 49 classical nova candidates were discovered. In this study, we present the precise positions and photometry of these objects, plus the photometry of an additional 9 classical nova candidates found by Neill \\& Shara (2004). With our large sample, we find a different spatial distribution of classical nova candidates when compared to the results of earlier studies. Also, an extraordinarily bright nova was found and studied in detail.} {} \\keywords {galaxies: individual: M81 -- binaries: close -- novae} ", "introduction": "Novae are important objects for the study of close binary evolution, but our location in the Milky Way prevents us from getting an unbiased sample locally. Studying novae in nearby galaxies can provide a more homogeneous sample of these objects. For galaxies several Mpc away, long-term monitoring coupled with a rapid cadence using a relatively large telescope is necessary. Significant amounts of telescope time are difficult to obtain so searching for nova candidates using archival images (already obtained for a variety of different science studies) have the possibility for getting useful results. This method has several disadvantages,including a lack of control over cadence, bandpasses, and exposure depth. The outburst of classical novae (CNe) are caused by explosive hydrogen burning on the white dwarf (WD) surface of a close binary system with material transfer from the companion star onto the WD surface. During the thermonuclear runaway, a fraction of the envelope is ejected, while a part of it remains in steady nuclear burning on the WD surface (Jos\\'e \\& Hernanz 1998; Prialnik \\& Kovetz 1995). This powers a supersoft X-ray source (SSS). The duration of the SSS phase is inversely related to the WD mass (Pietsch et al. 2006). Since WD envelope models also show that the duration of the SSS phase depends on the metalicity of the envelope, monitoring of the SSS phase of CNe also provides important information about the chemical composition of the post-outburst envelope (Pietsch et al. 2006). Results of recent work aimed at X-ray monitoring optical novae in M31 (Pietsch et al. 2006) bring new important results, while showing the necessity of having a good catalog of optical novae available for such studies. Nearby galaxies with high annual nova rates are the best targets for statistically conclusive studies of the properties of extragalactic novae at optical, as well as X-ray, wavelengths. Besides M31, the M81 galaxy is another nearby large spiral galaxy. Only two recent papers aimed at the study of CNe in M81 have been published up to now -- Shara et al. (1999) and Neill \\& Shara (2004). Here, we take advantage of M81 being a relatively common target for optical imaging and, in order to search for classical nova (CN) candidates in this galaxy, we analyze available archival CCD images, together with our recent images. ", "conclusions": "We discovered and classified 49 transient objects as M81 CN candidates. Together with previously known CN candidates (35 objects in total; published by Shara et al., 1999 and by Neill \\& Shara, 2004), the number of all CN candidates is more than doubled. These results are important for future studies concerning the identification of optical counterparts of supersoft X-ray sources in the M81 galaxy and for possible identification of recurrent novae. {The relatively large number of CN candidates in this sample provides a more accurate view of the CN spatial distribution in M81 than we had before this study. There is no strong evidence of asymmetry in the distribution of our CN candidates across the major axis of M81. We cannot sustain the claim of a very high bulge-to-disk nova ratio in M81. Our results from the BTR diagnostic have give a low bulge-to-disk nova ratio and thus support the existence of a significant disk nova population. The KS test applied to the radial distribution of our CN candidates and the M81 light distributions indicate a good match between the CN candidates and the total light of the parent galaxy with a high confidence level. This indicates that both CN populations, i.e., the disk and the bulge, are certainly present in the galaxy. However, since we cannot rule out the possibility that we have missed a few novae in the outer part of the galaxy due to sparse time coverage with respect to the central part of the galaxy (and thus we tested conformity of distribution of galaxy light and CN candidates only up to radius of 323\\arcs), the conclusions from this method are probably of lower significance than the BTR statistics. We are not able to refine the annual nova rate due to time gaps in the coverage and a generally low cadence of images. However, the number of CN candidates detected is consistent with the previous result of 30 yr$^{-1}$ (Neill \\& Shara, 2004) within relatively large uncertainties. We have shown that relatively inhomogeneous material, as well as use of archival data originally obtained for different purposes, can be used to obtain significant results. However, only a long-period (three years running at least), deep (going down to $H_{\\alpha}$ = 21 mag) and comprehensive survey covering the whole galaxy with minimum detection incompleteness is able to provide an accurate bulge-to-disk nova ratio. Such a survey would significantly refine the characteristics of both bulge and disk nova populations as well as the total annual nova rate. \\medskip" }, "0809/0809.0515_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We simulate anisotropic outflows of AGN, and investigate the large-scale impact of the cosmological population of AGN outflows over the Hubble time by performing N-body $\\Lambda$CDM simulations. % Using the observed quasar luminosity function to get the redshift and luminosity distribution, and analytical models for the outflow expansion, AGNs are allowed to evolve in a cosmological volume. By the present epoch, $13 - 25\\%$ of the total volume % is found to be pervaded by AGN outflows, with $10^{-9}$ G magnetic field. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec-intro} Outflows from AGN are observed in a wide variety of forms: radio galaxies, broad absorption line quasars, Seyfert galaxies exhibiting intrinsic absorption in the UV, broad emission lines, warm absorbers and absorption lines in X-rays \\citep[e.g.,][]{crenshaw03, everett07}. There have been studies on the cosmological impact of quasar outflows in large scales (\\citealt{FL01}, hereafter FL01; \\citealt{so04}, hereafter SO04; \\citealt{lg05}, hereafter LG05). \\citet{barai08} investigated the cosmological influence of radio galaxies over the Hubble time. All these studies considered spherically expanding outflows. On cosmological scales an outflow is expected to move away from the high density regions of large-scale structures, with the outflowing matter getting channelled into low-density regions of the Universe \\citep{martel01}. We implement such anisotropic AGN outflows within a cosmological volume. The simulation methodology is given in \\S\\ref{sec-numerical}, and the results are discussed in \\S\\ref{sec-results}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec-results} \\begin{figure}[] \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics[clip=true]{f1.eps}} \\caption{ \\footnotesize Volume of the simulation box filled by AGN outflows ($N_{\\rm AGN}$) as a fraction of the total volume {\\it (solid)}, and as a fraction of volumes of various overdensities: $N (\\rho > \\overline{\\rho})$ {\\it (dash dot)}, $N (\\rho > 2 \\overline{\\rho})$ {\\it (dashed)}, $N (\\rho > 3 \\overline{\\rho})$ {\\it (dotted)}, $N (\\rho > 5 \\overline{\\rho})$ {\\it (dash dot dot dot)}, $N (\\rho > 7 \\overline{\\rho})$ {\\it (long dashes)}. } \\label{fig1} \\end{figure} At each timestep the total volume occupied by the AGN outflows is computed by counting the contributions of all the sources born by then, both the active ones and those in the anisotropic phase. We performed 4 simulations with opening angles of $\\alpha = 60^{\\rm o}, 90^{\\rm o}, 120^{\\rm o}, 180^{\\rm o}$, all with $\\epsilon_K = 0.1$, and one with $\\alpha = 120^{\\rm o}$ and $\\epsilon_K = 0.05$, whose results are shown in the figures. We count the grid cells in the simulation box which occur inside the volume of one or more AGN outflows. The total number of these filled cells, $N_{\\rm AGN}$, gives the total volume of the box occupied by outflows. We express the total volume filled as a fraction of volumes of various overdensities in the box, $N_{\\rho} = N (\\rho > {\\cal C} \\overline{\\rho})$, where $\\overline{\\rho} = (1+z)^3 \\Omega_M 3H_0^2 / (8 \\pi G)$ is the mean matter density of a spatially flat Universe (the box) at an epoch $z$. So $N_{\\rho}$ gives the number of cells which are at a density ${\\cal C}$ times the mean density. We find $N_{\\rho}$ for ${\\cal C} = 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7$; ${\\cal C} = 0$ gives the total volume of the box. Figure~\\ref{fig1} shows the redshift evolution of the volume filling factors for our 5 simulation runs. With $10\\%$ kinetic efficiency, $0.13$ of the entire Universe is filled at present % by AGN outflows with an opening angle of $60^{\\rm o}$; the fraction increases to $0.17$ with $90^{\\rm o}$, $0.21$ with $120^{\\rm o}$, and $0.25$ with $180^{\\rm o}$. A $5\\%$ kinetic efficiency and $\\alpha = 120^{\\rm o}$ fills $0.13$ of the volume. In all our runs, the outflows fill up all of the regions with $\\rho > 2 \\overline{\\rho}$ % by $z=0.3$. % With $\\epsilon_K = 0.1$ and $\\alpha = 90^{\\rm o}$ or higher, the outflows permeate all the overdense regions ($\\rho > \\overline{\\rho}$) by $z = 0.1$. \\begin{figure}[] \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics[clip=true]{f2.eps}} \\caption{ \\footnotesize Volume fraction filled by AGN outflows ({\\it top}), the volume weighted average of the total energy density inside outflow volumes $\\langle u_E \\rangle$ ({\\it middle}), and the equipartition magnetic field within the filled volumes $\\langle B_0 \\rangle$ ({\\it bottom}). } \\label{fig2} \\end{figure} It is the overdense regions of the Universe which gravitationally collapse to form stars and galaxies. So evidently the AGN outflows have a profound cosmological impact on the protogalactic regions. We note that the volumes obtained by LG05 (100\\% filling by $z\\sim1$) are higher than ours. We perform preliminary estimates of the energy density and magnetic field in the volumes of the Universe filled by the AGN outflows. The energy density inside the outflow behaves similar to the outflow pressure evolving adiabatically (\\S\\ref{sec-num-aniso}), $u_E = 3 p_0$. Assuming equipartition of energy between magnetic field of strength $B_0$ and relativistic particles inside the outflow, the magnetic energy density is $u_B = u_E / 2 = B_0^2 / (8 \\pi)$. We define the volume weighted average of a physical quantity ${\\cal A}$ as $\\langle {\\cal A} \\rangle (z) \\equiv \\sum ({\\cal A} V_0) / \\sum V_0$, where the summation is over all outflows existing in the simulation box at that epoch. Figure~\\ref{fig2} shows the redshift evolution of the total volume filling fraction, $\\langle u_E \\rangle$ and $\\langle B_0 \\rangle$. The energy density and magnetic field decrease with redshift as larger volumes are filled. At $z = 0$, a magnetic field of $\\sim 10^{-9}$ G permeates the filled overdense volumes, consistent with the results of \\citet{ryu08}. At a given redshift, the energy density and magnetic field are larger for smaller opening angles of the anisotropic outflows. We conclude that, using our N-body simulations, the cosmological population of AGN outflows pervade $13-25\\%$ of the volume of the Universe by the present. A magnetic field of $\\sim 10^{-9}$ G is infused in the filled volumes at $z = 0$." }, "0809/0809.0209_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Since that very memorable day at the Beijing 2008 Olympics, a big question on every sports commentator's mind has been ``What would the 100 meter dash world record have been, had Usain Bolt not celebrated at the end of his race?'' Glen Mills, Bolt's coach suggested at a recent press conference that the time could have been 9.52 seconds or better. We revisit this question by measuring Bolt's position as a function of time using footage of the run, and then extrapolate into the last two seconds based on two different assumptions. First, we conservatively assume that Bolt could have maintained Richard Thompson's, the runner-up, acceleration during the end of the race. Second, based on the race development prior to the celebration, we assume that he could also have kept an acceleration of 0.5 m/s$^2$ higher than Thompson. In these two cases, we find that the new world record would have been $9.61\\pm0.04$ and $9.55\\pm0.04$ seconds, respectively, where the uncertainties denote 95\\% statistical errors. ", "introduction": "On Saturday, August 16th 2008, Usain Bolt shattered the world record of 100 meter dash in the Bird's Nest at the Beijing Olympics 2008. In a spectacular run dubbed ``the greatest 100 meter performance in the history of the event'' by Michael Johnson, Bolt finished at 9.69 seconds, improving his own previous world record from earlier this year by 0.03 seconds. However, the most impressive fact about this run was the way in which he did it: After accelerating away from the rest of the field, he looked to his sides when two seconds and 20 meters remained, and when that noting he was completely alone, he started celebrating! He extended his arms, and appeared to almost dance along the track. \\begin{figure*} \\begin{center} \\mbox{\\epsfig{file=screenshot2.eps,width=0.8\\linewidth,clip=}} \\end{center} \\caption{Example screen shot used to estimate the runners' position as a function of time.} \\label{fig:screenshot} \\end{figure*} Despite this, he broke the world record by 0.03 seconds. But, needless to say, this celebration left spectators and commentators all over the world wondering about one big question: What would the world record have been if he had \\emph{not} celebrated the last 20 meters? Bolt's coach, Glen Mills, recently suggested at a press conference of the Golden League tournament in Z{\\\"u}rich, that the record could have been 9.52 seconds, or even better. We wanted to check this for ourselves, by attempting to measure Bolt's position as a function of time, and extrapolate from the dynamics before the celebration began, into the last two seconds of the race. Based on (hopefully) reasonable assumptions, we could then obtain an estimate of the new world record. In this paper we analyze footage of the run obtained from various web sites and the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK), with the goal of estimating this ``hypothetical'' world record. The main technical difficulty in performing this analysis lies in obtaining accurate distance measurements as a function of time for each runner. Fortunately, this task is made considerably easier by the presence of a moving camera mounted to a rail along the track. This rail is bolted to the ground at regular intervals, and thereby provides the required standard ruler. Using the methods detailed in the following sections, and properly taking into account all major sources of statistical uncertainty, we believe that our measurements are sufficiently accurate and robust to support interesting conclusions. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} Glen Mills, Usain Bolt's coach, suggested that the world record could have been 9.52 seconds if Bolt had not danced along the track in Beijing for the last 20 meters. According to our calculations, that seems like an good, but perhaps slightly optimistic, estimate: Depending on assumptions about Bolt's acceleration at the end of the race, we find that his time would have been somewhere between 9.55 and 9.61 seconds, with a 95\\% statistical error of $\\pm0.04$ seconds. Clearly, the uncertainties due to the assumptions about the acceleration are comparable to or larger than the statistical uncertainties. Therefore, 9.52 seconds does by no means seem to be out of reach. In Figure \\ref{fig:manipulated} we show an illustration of how such a record would compare to the actual world record of 9.69 seconds, relative to the rest of the field: The left version of Bolt shows his actual position at $\\sim9.5$ seconds, while the right version indicates his position in the new scenarios. Of course, there are potential several systematics errors involved in these calculations. For instance, it is impossible to know for sure whether Usain might have been tired at the end, which of course would increase the world record beyond our estimates. On the other hand, judging from his facial expressions as he crossed the finishing line, this doesn't immediately strike us as a very plausible hypothesis. \\begin{figure} \\mbox{\\epsfig{file=bolt_manip.eps,width=\\linewidth,clip=}} \\caption{Photo montage showing Bolt's position relative to his competitors for real (left Bolt) and projected (right Bolt) world records.} \\label{fig:manipulated} \\end{figure} Another issue to consider is the wind. It is generally agreed that a tail wind speed of 1 m/s improves a 100 meter time by 0.05 seconds \\citep{mureika:2000}. Further, for IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations) to acknowledge a given run as a record attempt, the wind speed must be less than +2 m/s. When Bolt ran in Beijing, there was no measurable wind speed at all, and one can therefore safely assume that the world record could have been further decreased, perhaps by as much as 0.1 seconds, under more favorable wind conditions. A corollary of this study is that a new world record of less than 9.5 seconds is within reach for Usain Bolt in the near future." }, "0809/0809.1619_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Astronomical mid-IR spectra show two minor PAH features at 5.25 and 5.7 $\\mu$m (1905 and 1754 cm$^{\\rm - 1}$) that hitherto have been little studied, but contain information about the astronomical PAH population that complements that of the major emission bands. Here we report a study involving both laboratory and theoretical analysis of the fundamentals of PAH spectroscopy that produce features in this region and use these to analyze the astronomical spectra. The ISO SWS spectra of fifteen objects showing these PAH features were considered for this study, however only four (HD 44179; NGC 7027; Orion Bar, 2 positions) have sufficient signal-to-noise between 5 and 6 $\\mu$m to allow for an in-depth analysis. All four astronomical spectra show similar peak positions and profiles. The 5.25 $\\mu$m feature is peaked and asymmetric, with a FWHM of about 0.12 $\\pm$ 0.01 $\\mu$m ($\\sim$40 $\\pm$ 6.5 cm$^{\\rm -1}$), while the 5.7 $\\mu$m feature is broader and flatter, with a FWHM of about 0.17 $\\pm$ 0.02 $\\mu$m (50 $\\pm$ 5.6 cm$^{\\rm -1}$). Detailed analysis of the laboratory spectra and quantum chemical calculations show that the astronomical 5.25 and 5.7 $\\mu$m bands are a blend of combination, difference and overtone bands primarily involving CH stretching and CH in-plane and CH out-of-plane bending fundamental vibrations. The experimental and computational spectra show that, of all the hydrogen adjacency classes possible on PAHs, solo and duo hydrogens consistently produce prominent bands at the observed positions whereas quartet hydrogens do not. In all, this study supports the picture that astronomical PAHs are large with compact, regular structures. From the coupling with primarily strong CH out-of-plane bending modes one might surmise that the 5.25 and 5.7 $\\mu$m bands track the neutral PAH population. However, theory suggests the role of charge in these astronomical bands might also be important. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:introduction} Some thirty years of observations, combined with computational and laboratory studies, have shown that the mid-IR astronomical emission features, formerly referred to as the Unidentified Infrared (UIR) bands, are produced by mixtures of highly vibrationally excited Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and closely related species. Detected in many Galactic and extra-galactic objects, including several with significant redshift \\citep[e.g.][]{2005ApJ...628..604Y}, the astronomical infrared emission features present an important and unique probe of astrochemical and astrophysical conditions across the universe. Recent reviews and papers of the observational and laboratory work \\citep[e.g.][]{2004ApJ...617L..65P, 2004ASPC..309..665H, 2004ARA&A..42..119V, 2007ApJ...659.1338S, 2007ApJ...656..770S, 2008ARA&A..46..289T} and work on theoretical models \\citep[e.g.][]{2001A&A...372..981V, 2001ApJ...556..501B, 2001ApJ...554..778L, 2002A&A...388..639P, 2006A&A...460..519R, 2007ApJ...657..810D} can be found elsewhere. The major features at 3.3, 6.2, `7.7', 8.6 and the complex of bands between 11 and 20 $\\mu$m have been studied in great detail \\citep[e.g.][and references therein]{2000A&A...357.1013V, 2001A&A...370.1030H, 2002A&A...390.1089P, 2004ApJ...611..928V}, and the fundamental spectroscopic information is now available with which one can analyze the strongest astronomical features. However, there are several components of the astronomical PAH emission spectra that have been widely overlooked. Many of these contain valuable, sometimes subtle, information which is equally important to that revealed by the more well-known features. This study focuses on just such features, namely the weak bands that fall between 5 and 6 $\\mu$m (2000 and 1667 cm$^{\\rm -1}$). One of the early predictions of the PAH hypothesis was the expectation of a weak emission feature near 5.25 $\\mu$m in all objects showing the major PAH bands. Its detection in 1989 (\\citeauthor{1989ApJ...345L..59A}) was an early confirmation of the PAH hypothesis. Since that time, although evident in many spectra showing the major PAH features, little has been published on this feature and its companion near 5.7 $\\mu$m. The weak 5.25 and 5.7 $\\mu$m PAH features do not correspond to fundamental vibrational frequencies ($\\nu_{i}, \\nu_{j}, \\cdots$), but are produced by overtones ($n\\times\\nu_{i}$), combinations ($\\nu_{i} + \\nu_{j}$), and difference ($\\nu_{i} - \\nu_{j}$)bands of these fundamental vibrations \\citep{1989ApJ...345L..59A}. For example, the strong CH out-of-plane (CH$_{\\rm oop}$) fundamental bending vibration ($\\nu_{\\rm oop}$) for solo hydrogens produces the well known band at 11.2 $\\mu$m (893 cm$^{\\rm -1}$). The overtone of this vibration, $2\\times\\nu_{\\rm oop}$, is expected to produce a much weaker feature near 5.6 $\\mu$m (1786 cm$^{\\rm -1}$) and is seen to contribute to the blue side of the broad 5.7 $\\mu$m interstellar feature. Likewise, $\\nu_{\\rm oop}$ could combine with a CC stretching vibration ($\\nu_{\\rm oop} \\pm \\nu_{\\rm CC}$), resulting in other weak features. Here we present high quality ISO SWS \\citep{1996A&A...315L..49D} spectra from four astronomical sources that show these features. The 5.25 and 5.7 $\\mu$m bands are analyzedin terms of overtone, combination and difference frequencies using experimental and theoretical PAH spectra. This manuscript is structured as follows. The astronomical observations are presented in Sect. \\ref{sec:data}, PAH spectroscopy is described in Sect. \\ref{sec:spectroscopy}, astrophysical implications are drawn in Sect. \\ref{sec:astrophysical} and a summary with conclusions is given in Sect. \\ref{sec:summary}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:summary} This paper presents a study of the two minor PAH features in the 5 - 6 $\\mu$m (2000 - 1667 cm$^{\\rm -1}$) region, centered at positions near 5.25 (1905 cm$^{\\rm -1}$) and 5.7 $\\mu$m (1739 cm$^{\\rm -1}$). These contain information about the interstellar PAH population and conditions in the emission regions that both complement and extend the information revealed by the major bands. Fifteen high quality ISO SWS spectra have been investigated for emission in the this wavelength region, with four spectra having sufficient signal-to-noise to allow for an in-depth analysis. Combined with a spectral database comprised of laboratory studies and dedicated quantum-chemical calculations, these spectra allow us to probe the main characteristics of the carriers of the astronomical PAH features. After continuum and emission line removal, all four astronomical spectra show similar, almost universal profiles. However, the signal-to-noise level can be improved and there are hints of subtle, but interesting, variations. The absence of bands between 5 - 6 $\\mu$m in laboratory spectra of deuterated polycyclic aromatic molecules, as well as the absence of fundamentals in the quantum-chemical calculations in this region along with the strong correlation between the 5.25 and 5.75 $\\mu$m band strength with the 11.2 $\\mu$m band strength in the astronomical spectra, substantiates the involvement of CH$_{\\rm ip}$ and CH$_{\\rm oop}$ bending vibrations. In-depth analysis of the laboratory spectra and quantum-chemical calculations show that the astronomical 5.25 and 5.75 $\\mu$m bands are a blend of combination, difference, and overtone bands, involving CH$_{\\rm ip}$ and CH$_{\\rm oop}$ bending and stretching modes and, likely for the larger ionized PAHs, CC$_{\\rm oop}$ modes. When it becomes possible to compute the intensities of overtone and combination bands, this work should be extended. Turning to the hydrogen adjacency classes, PAHs with solo and duo hydrogens consistently produce prominent bands in the appropriate wavelength regions, whereas PAHs with higher adjacency hydrogens show far richer spectra. These produce bands in-between and beyond the 5.25 and 5.7 $\\mu$m bands, ruling such species out as important members of the emitting population. The 5.7 $\\mu$m feature in itself - through its profile - contains adjacency class information that might be more easily accessible than through the 10 - 15 $\\mu$m CH$_{\\rm oop}$ region, where it is difficult to separate the duo and trio hydrogen modes. The data suggest that the emitting astronomical PAHs are mostly large (50 $\\simeq N_{\\rm C}\\simeq$ 100 ), compact, and not fully deuterated. Furthermore, both the quantum-chemical calculations and the absence of a correlation between the 5.25/6.2 and 5.7/6.2 $\\mu$m band strengths with the 11.2/6.2 $\\mu$m band strength ratio suggest that the 5.25 and 5.7 $\\mu$m PAH band do not trace ionization and are carried predominately by neutrals. This point is reinforced by the lack of connection with class A and class B PAH band behavior. This suggests that high quality spectra from 5 - 10 $\\mu$m provide insight into the neutral as well as the cation and anion members of the emitting astronomical PAH family. Even so, a bigger collection of spectra of large compact PAHs, with mixtures of solo, duo and trio hydrogens, is still needed to firm up these conclusions." }, "0809/0809.1333_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{A longstanding problem in astrochemistry is how molecules can be maintained in the gas phase in dense inter- and circumstellar regions at temperatures well below their thermal desorption values. Photodesorption is a non-thermal desorption mechanism, which may explain the small amounts of observed cold gas in cloud cores and disk mid-planes. } {This study aims to determine the UV photodesorption yields and to constrain the photodesorption mechanisms of three astrochemically relevant ices: CO, N$_2$ and CO$_2$. In addition, the possibility of co-desorption in mixed and layered CO:N$_2$ ices is explored.} {The UV photodesorption of ices is studied experimentally under ultra high vacuum conditions and at astrochemically relevant temperatures (15 -- 60~K) using a hydrogen discharge lamp (7--10.5~eV). The ice desorption is monitored by reflection absorption infrared spectroscopy of the ice and simultaneous mass spectrometry of the desorbed molecules.} {Both the UV photodesorption yield per incident photon and the photodesorption mechanism are highly molecule specific. The CO photodesorbs without dissociation from the surface layer of the ice, and N$_2$, which lacks a dipole allowed electronic transition in the wavelength range of the lamp, has a photodesorption yield that is more than an order of magnitude lower. This yield increases significantly due to co-desorption when N$_2$ is mixed in with, or layered on top of, CO ice. CO$_2$ photodesorbs through dissociation and subsequent recombination from the top 10 layers of the ice. At low temperatures (15 -- 18~K), the derived photodesorption yields are $2.7(\\pm1.3)\\times10^{-3}$ and $<2\\times10^{-4}$ molecules photon$^{-1}$ for pure CO and N$_2$, respectively. The CO$_2$ photodesorption yield is $1.2(\\pm0.7)\\times10^{-3}\\times (1-e^{-(x/2.9(\\pm1.1) \\rm)})+1.1(\\pm0.7)\\times10^{-3}\\times(1- e^{-(x/4.6(\\pm2.2)} \\rm))$ molecules photon$^{-1}$, where $x$ is the ice thickness in monolayers and the two parts of the expression represent a CO$_2$ and a CO photodesorption pathway, respectively. At higher temperatures, the CO ice photodesorption yield decreases, while that of CO$_2$ increases.} {} ", "introduction": "In dark clouds molecules and atoms collide with and stick to cold submicron-sized dust particles, resulting in icy mantles \\citep{Leger85, Boogert04}. The ices are subsequently processed by atom or light interactions to form more complex species \\citep{Tielens82, Watanabe03,Ioppolo08}. Observations show that H$_2$O, CO and CO$_2$ are the main ice constituents, with abundances up to $10^{-4}$ with respect to the total hydrogen density. These molecules are key constituents in the formation of more complex species \\citep{Tielens97}, and their partitioning between the grain and gas phase therefore strongly affects the chemical evolution in star- and planet-forming regions \\citep{Vandishoeck06b}. Whether formed on the grains or frozen out from the gas phase, chemical models of cloud cores show that all molecules except for H$_2$ are removed from the gas phase within $\\sim 10^9 / n_{\\rm H}$ years, where $n_{\\rm H}$ is the total hydrogen number density \\citep{Willacy98}. For a typical cloud core density of $10^4$ cm$^{-3}$, this time scale is much shorter than the estimated age of such regions and thus molecules like CO and CO$_2$ should be completely frozen out. Yet gas-phase molecules, like CO, are detected in these clouds \\citep{Bergin01, Bergin02}. Cold CO gas is also detected in the midplanes of protoplanetary disks \\citep{Dartois03, Pietu07} where the densities are higher and the freeze-out time scales are even shorter, suggesting the existence of either efficient non-thermal desorption or an efficient mixing process in the disks. Similarly \\citet{Sakai08} have detected cold HCO$_2^+$, tracing gas phase CO$_2$, toward the embedded low-mass protostar IRAS 04368+2557 in L 1527 also referred to as L 1527 IRS. From the high column density and the thin line profile they conclude that the observed CO$_2$ cannot originate from thermal evaporation of ices in the hot inner regions of the envelope. They instead suggest gas phase formation of CO$_2$ to explain their observations, but do not consider non-thermal desorption in the cold envelope as an alternative. HCO$_2^+$ is also detected by \\citet{Turner99} toward several small translucent molecular clouds. They conclude that the observed HCO$_2^+$ can only form through gas phase chemistry for very specific C/O ratios and time spans and that the source of gas phase HCO$_2^+$ may instead be desorbed CO$_2$ ice. Both the CO and CO$_2$ observations may thus be explained by non-thermal desorption of ices, but this has not been quantified to date. In dense clouds and in outer disks and disk midplanes, desorption must occur non-thermally since the grain temperature is low enough, around 10~K, that thermal desorption is negligible. Suggested non-thermal desorption pathways include photon and cosmic ray induced processes and desorption following the release of chemical energy \\citep{Shen04, Roberts07}.The importance of these processes depend both on the intrinsic desorption yields and on the local environment, especially the UV and cosmic ray fluxes. External UV photons from the interstellar radiation field can penetrate into the outer regions of dense clouds and disks and this UV field may be enhanced by orders of magnitude in disks through irradiation by the young star. In addition to direct interaction with ices, cosmic rays and X-rays also produce a UV field inside of the clouds through interaction with H$_2$. UV photodesorption is therefore possible in most dense astrophysical environments, but it has been proposed as an important desorption pathway of ices mainly in protoplanetary disks and other astrophysical regions with dense clumps of material and excess UV photons \\citep{Willacy00,Dominik05}. There is however a lack of experimentally determined photodesorption yields for most astrophysically relevant molecules. This has prevented progress in the field and in most models UV photodesorption is simply neglected. Recently we showed that CO photodesorption is an efficient process with a yield of $3(\\pm1)\\times10^{-3}$ photon$^{-1}$ \\citep{Oberg07b}. This is of the same order as H$_2$O photodesorption, investigated by \\citet{Westley95a,Westley95b}, though the dependence of the H$_2$O yield on different parameters remains unclear. The photodesorption of H$_2$O and benzene in a H$_2$O dominated ice has also been investigated by \\citet{Thrower08} who only find substrate and matrix mediated desorption processes. In this study we determine the photodesorption yield of CO$_2$ and its dependence on ice thickness, temperature, morphology, UV flux and integrated UV flux or fluence as well as UV irradiation time. In addition, we extend the previously reported investigation of CO and N$_2$ photodesorption to include different temperatures and ice morphologies. From the deduced yield dependencies we constrain the different desorption mechanisms and discuss the astrophysical implications. ", "conclusions": "\\begin{enumerate} \\item The CO photodesorption yield is temperature dependent between 15 and 27 K, which is described empirically by $2.7\\times10^{-3}-(T-15)\\times1.7\\times10^{-4}$ molecules photon$^{-1}$. The anti-correlation between yield and temperature is probably due to ice re-structuring into a more compact configuration -- the observed linearity may be coincidental, however. For most astrophysical applications the yield measured at 15 K is appropriate to use. \\item The CO photodesorption is initially reduced by more than 80\\% when the CO ice is covered by 1 ML of N$_2$ ice and decreases with UV fluence when mixed with N$_2$ due to surface build-up of N$_2$ ice, confirming that CO only desorbs from the ice surface. \\item N$_2$ co-desorbs with CO at 16 K in an ice mixture and in a layered ice with a yield of $3\\times10^{-4}$ molecules photon$^{-1}$. \\item A CO$_2$ photodesorption event starts with the photodissociation of a CO$_2$ molecule into CO and O. The fragments either desorb directly or react and recombine to form CO$_2$ and CO$_3$ before desorbing. The CO$_3$ yield is however less than 1\\% and the two main desorption products are CO and CO$_2$. \\item The CO$_2$ photodesorption yield is thickness dependent at all temperatures between 18 and 60 K. At 18--30 K the yield is well described by $1.2\\times10^{-3}\\times(1-e^{-x/2.9})+1.1\\times10^{-3}\\times(1-e^{-x/4.6})$, and at 40--60 K by $2.2\\times10^{-3}\\times(1-e^{-x/5.8})+0.22\\times10^{-3}\\times x$ molecules photon$^{-1}$, where $x$ is the ice thickness in monolayers. The first part in each yield equation is due to desorbing CO$_2$ molecules and the second part to desorbing CO molecules. \\item The thickness dependence of CO$_2$ photodesorption is understood from a mean-free-path perspective, where the different excited fragments travel a different average distance through the ice before being stopped. At higher temperatures, this mean free path increases due to increased mobility of molecules in the ice. \\item A simple model of an envelope using the observed CO$_2$ abundance in L 1527 IRS shows that CO$_2$ photodesorption can maintain CO$_2$ fractional abundances up to $1\\times10^{-6}$ in the gas phase at A$_V\\sim10$ mag after moderate grain growth and $2-3\\times10^{-8}$ using small ISM grains. At lower extinctions the photodesorption is higher due to the external irradiation field and a high fraction of the total CO$_2$ ice abundance is maintained in the gas phase. \\end{enumerate}" }, "0809/0809.3931_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\noindent We present observations of continuum ($\\lambda$ = 0.7, 1.3, 3.6 and 18 cm) and OH maser ($\\lambda$ = 18 cm) emission toward the young planetary nebula IRAS~17347$-$3139, which is one of the three planetary nebulae that are known to harbor water maser emission. From the continuum observations we show that the ionized shell of IRAS~17347$-$3139 consists of two main structures: one extended (size $\\sim$1$\\rlap{.}^{\\prime\\prime}$5) with bipolar morphology along PA=$-$30$^{\\circ}$, elongated in the same direction as the lobes observed in the near-infrared images, and a central compact structure (size $\\sim$0$\\rlap{.}^{\\prime\\prime}$25) elongated in the direction perpendicular to the bipolar axis, coinciding with the equatorial dark lane observed in the near-infrared images. Our image at 1.3 cm suggests the presence of dense walls in the ionized bipolar lobes. We estimate for the central compact structure a value of the electron density at least $\\sim$5 times higher than in the lobes. A high resolution image of this structure at 0.7 cm shows two peaks separated by about 0$\\rlap{.}^{\\prime\\prime}$13 (corresponding to 100-780 AU, using a distance range of 0.8$-$6 kpc). This emission is interpreted as originating in an ionized equatorial torus-like structure, from whose edges the water maser emission might be arising. We have detected weak OH~1612~MHz maser emission at $V_{\\rm LSR}$~$\\sim$~$-$70~km~s$^{-1}$ associated with IRAS 17347$-$3139. We derive a 3$\\sigma$ upper limit of $<$ 35\\% for the percentage of circularly polarized emission. Within our primary beam, we detected additional OH~1612~MHz maser emission in the LSR velocity ranges $-$5 to $-24$ and $-$90 to $-$123~km~s$^{-1}$, associated with the sources 2MASS J17380406$-$3138387 and OH 356.65$-$0.15, respectively. ", "introduction": "The study of transition objects from the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) to the planetary nebula (PN) phase is very important to understand the processes by which low and intermediate mass stars evolve. It has been observed that planetary nebulae (PNe) display a large variety of morphologies, including bipolar or multipolar structures (Balick 1987; Schwarz, Corradi, \\& Melnick 1992; Manchado et al. 1996). However, it is not well understood how they develop such morphologies. Given that the transition phase occurs in a very short time scale of $\\sim$1000 years (Kwok 1993), only a few objects are expected to be in this evolutionary stage, making the observational study of the physical conditions under which they evolve a difficult task. A simple model which in general explains the development of bipolar morphologies in PNe is the generalized interacting stellar winds (GISW) model (Kahn \\& West 1985; Balick 1987; Icke 1988, Mellema et al. 1991). This model assumes that the ``superwind'', expelled during the AGB phase, produces a circumstellar envelope (CSE) which has a latitude-dependent density profile, with an enhancement in the equatorial region and decreasing monotonically toward the poles. Subsequently, the slow massive wind is replaced by a fast tenuous wind; the latter interacts hydrodynamically with the former, resulting in the creation of the bipolar lobes (Mellema et al. 1991, Frank et al. 1993, Garc\\'\\i a-Segura et al. 1999, Balick \\& Frank 2002). High angular resolution and sensitive images of PNe obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) have revealed collimated structures whose formation cannot be explained by the GISW model (Miranda \\& Solf 1992; Sahai \\& Trauger 1998). The presence of a companion, collimated outflows (e.g. Sahai \\& Trauger 1998; Soker \\& Rappaport 2000; Vel\\'azquez et al. 2007) or magnetic fields (e.g. Garc\\'\\i a-Segura et al. 1999), are required in most cases to explain the formation of such collimated structures. Nonetheless, the existence and study of a disk or an equatorial density enhancement in the CSE is considered a key ingredient to understand the processes that form bipolar lobes. A detailed study of particular PNe can provide crucial information about the physical conditions under which they develop their morphologies, and help to determine the relevance of the different shaping mechanisms proposed. IRAS~17347$-$3139 is a young PN with a clear bipolar morphology, as revealed by the near-infrared images (de~Gregorio-Monsalvo~et~al. 2004 [hereafter dGM04], S\\'anchez-Contreras et al. 2006; Sahai et al. 2007). The lobes show an extent of $\\sim$4$^{\\prime\\prime}$, separated by a dark lane, which probably is tracing a dense dusty equatorial region. S\\'anchez-Contreras et al. (2006) suggest that the limb brightened appearance of the lobes could be indicating the presence of bubble-like structures with dense walls and tenuous interiors, presumably excavated by jet-like winds. dGM04 detected water masers arising from this young planetary nebula. Up to now, only other two PNe are known to exhibit water maser emission (Miranda et al. 2001; G\\'omez et al. 2008). Since the water maser emission is expected to last for a very short period after the intense mass-loss rate stops, at the end of the AGB phase ($\\sim$ 100 yr, G\\'omez, Moran \\& Rodr\\'\\i guez 1990), the detection of this emission suggests that these stars have entered the PN phase only some decades ago, making this objects good candidates to study the early stages of PN formation. On the other hand, the nature of the radio continuum emission in IRAS~17347$-$3139 has been discussed by dGM04 and G\\'omez et al. 2005 (hereafter G05). These authors showed that the flux density of IRAS~17347$-$3139 rises with frequency, deriving a spectral index $\\alpha $~$\\simeq$~0.7 ($S_{\\nu}\\propto \\nu^{\\alpha}$), between 4.9 and 22 GHz, which was interpreted in terms of free-free emission from an ionized nebula. Moreover, G05 found that the radio continuum flux density is increasing rapidly with time. They estimated a dynamic time scale for the ionized envelope of $\\sim$ 100 yr, supporting the idea that this star entered the PN phase only some decades ago. OH maser emission at 1612 MHz toward IRAS~17347$-$3139 was first reported by Zijlstra et al. (1989). Recently, Szymczak and G\\'erard (2004) presented single-dish polarimetric observations of OH masers toward this source. However, the association of this emission with the PN is uncertain due to the low angular resolution of their observations. In order to clarify some questions originated in previous works, and to further investigate the PN IRAS~17347$-$3139, we have carried out high sensitivity and angular resolution continuum and OH maser observations with the Very Large Array (VLA). This work is structured as follows: In \\S~2 we describe the new observations that allowed us to image with higher sensitivity and higher angular resolution the ionized envelope of this source. The results are presented in \\S~3, the analysis of the data is discussed in \\S~4, and the conclusions are given in \\S~5. ", "conclusions": "We have carried out sensitive high angular resolution VLA observations of the young planetary nebula IRAS 17374$-$3139. We present the first images of its ionized structure at cm wavelengths. The radio continuum images revealed the presence of a bright central structure, and an extended more tenuous bipolar component. A double Gaussian fit shows that the extended component is elongated in the same direction as the bipolar lobes observed in the near-infrared images, while the central structure shows an elongation in the perpendicular direction, parallel to the dark lane observed in the IR images. We interpret that the radio continuum emission is arising in two extended ionized lobes, and in an equatorial ionized torus. The electron density at the base of the lobes is 2-6$\\times$10$^{5}$~cm$^{-3}$, for a distance range from 6 to 0.8 kpc. This relatively high density in the lobes supports the idea that this source is a very young PN. Given the subtle point-symmetric morphology of the extended component, we suggest the possible presence of a collimated ionized wind in this source. On the other hand, we derive a lower limit for the electron density for the equatorial torus of $n_{e} \\geq 1$-$3\\times10^6$~cm$^{-3}$, given the same distance range as above. A high resolution image at 0.7 cm reveals the presence of a double peak structure in the central component, supporting the interpretation of the equatorial torus. We compared the distribution of the water maser emission with our high resolution radio continuum images; the relative positions of the maser and the continuum emission suggest that the water masers arise from the outer parts of the ionized torus. We detected OH maser emission at 1612~MHz toward IRAS~17347$-$3139. The spectrum shows only one weak feature at $V_{\\rm LSR}=$~$-$70~km~s$^{-1}$ which coincides spatially with the continuum emission. We derived a 3-$\\sigma$ upper limit of $<$ 35\\% for the percentage of circularly polarized emission (m$_{c}$=V/I). We also report the detection of OH 1612 MHz maser emission coming from two other sources, J17380406-3138387 and OH 356.65-015, located within our primary beam." }, "0809/0809.1105_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a catalog of 9017 X-ray sources identified in \\chandra\\ observations of a 2$\\times$0.8\\degree\\ field around the Galactic center. This enlarges the number of known X-ray sources in the region by a factor of 2.5. The catalog incorporates all of the ACIS-I observations as of 2007 August, which total 2.25 Msec of exposure. At the distance to the Galactic center (8~kpc), we are sensitive to sources with luminosities of $4\\times10^{32}$~\\ergsec\\ (0.5--8.0 keV; 90\\% confidence) over an area of one square degree, and up to an order of magnitude more sensitive in the deepest exposure (1.0~Msec) around \\sgrastar. The positions of 60\\% of our sources are accurate to $<$1\\arcsec (95\\% confidence), and 20\\% have positions accurate to $<$0\\farcs5. We search for variable sources, and find that 3\\% exhibit flux variations within an observation, 10\\% exhibit variations from observation-to-observation. We also find one source, CXOUGC J174622.7--285218, with a periodic 1745~s signal (1.4\\% chance probability), which is probably a magnetically-accreting cataclysmic variable. We compare the spatial distribution of X-ray sources to a model for the stellar distribution, and find 2.8$\\sigma$ evidence for excesses in the numbers of X-ray sources in the region of recent star formation encompassed by the Arches, Quintuplet, and Galactic center star clusters. These excess sources are also seen in the luminosity distribution of the X-ray sources, which is flatter near the Arches and Quintuplet than elsewhere in the field. These excess point sources, along with a similar longitudinal asymmetry in the distribution of diffuse iron emission that has been reported by other authors, probably have their origin in the young stars that are prominent at $l$$\\approx$0.1\\degree. ", "introduction": "Stars are detectable as X-ray sources at several important stages of their lives. Pre-main sequence stars are X-ray sources because of their enhanced magnetic activity \\citep{pf05}. Massive OB and Wolf-Rayet stars produce X-rays through shocks in their stellar winds \\citep{ber97,gagne05}, and possibly from magnetically-confined plasma close to their stellar surfaces \\citep{wc07}. Neutron stars are bright X-ray sources if they are young and still have latent heat from what was once the stellar core \\citep{wwn96}, if they accelerate particles in rotating, moderate-strength ($B$$\\sim$$10^{12}$ G) fields \\citep{gs06}, or if they have extremely strong fields ($B$$\\sim$$10^{14}$ G) that decay and accelerate particles \\citep{wt06}. White dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes are bright X-ray sources if they are accreting matter from a binary companion \\citep{war95,psa06}, or in principle from the interstellar medium \\citep[see, e.g.,][]{per03}. Therefore, X-ray surveys can be used to study the life cycles of stars, particularly their start and end points. Here we present a catalog of X-ray sources detected in \\chandra\\ observations toward the inner 2\\degree\\ by 0.8\\degree\\ of the Galaxy. The region encompasses about 1\\% of the Galactic stellar mass \\citep{lzm02}, and possibly up to 10\\% of the Galactic population of young, massive stars \\citep{mp79,fig04}. Therefore, these data provide a statistically meaningful sample of the Galactic stellar population. Previous catalogs based on \\chandra\\ data on the Galactic center have been published by \\citet{m-cat} using 630 ks of data taken through 2002 June on the central 17\\arcmin$\\times$17\\arcmin\\ around \\sgrastar, and by \\citet{m-wide} using observations taken through 2005 June on the inner 2\\degree$\\times$0.8\\degree\\ of the Galaxy. However, since the publication of these catalogs, a large amount of new data have been obtained. These data increase the number of point sources identified by a factor of 2.5. They also provide much better astrometry for individual X-ray sources. The improvement in astrometry enables the identification of rare objects such as Wolf-Rayet stars, X-ray binaries, and rotation-powered pulsars, through comparisons of our X-ray catalog with radio and infrared data sets (e.g., Mauerhan, J. \\etal, in prep). Therefore, we provide here an updated catalog of point sources, which incorporates and supercedes the previous catalogs. We also describe the spatial and luminosity distributions of the X-ray sources. Throughout this paper, we adopt a distance to the Galactic center of $D$=8~kpc \\citep{reid93,mcn00}, and an average absorption column of $N_{\\rm H}$=$6\\times10^{22}$~cm$^{-2}$ \\citep{bag03}. ", "conclusions": "We have presented a catalog of 9017 X-ray sources located in the inner 2\\degree\\ by 0.8\\degree\\ around the Galactic center. This increases the number of sources known in the region by a factor of 2.5. For all of the sources, we provide tables listing their positions (Table~\\ref{tab:positions}), photometry, and colors (Table~\\ref{tab:phot}). Of these sources, 6760 have hard colors that are consistent with high absorptions columns $N_{\\rm H}$$\\ga$$4\\times10^{22}$~cm$^{-2}$, which indicates that they lie at or beyond the Galactic center. In addition, the positions of the X-ray sources in this catalog are more accurate than earlier versions. This catalog contains 2029 sources with $<$0.5\\arcsec\\ uncertainties (90\\% confidence), and another 3981 with uncertainties between 0.5\\arcsec\\ and 1\\arcsec. This catalog will be excellent for comparisons with multi-wavelength ones, in order to search for young stars, high-mass X-ray binaries, and pulsars \\citep[e.g.,][]{wll02b,lwl03,mik06,m-ys,mau07}. The luminosity range that we cover, from $10^{31}$ to $10^{34}$~\\ergsec\\ (0.5--8.0 keV; assuming a $\\Gamma$=1.5 power law, $N_{\\rm H}$=$6\\times10^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$, and $D$=8 kpc), is at least an order of magnitude fainter than studies of Local Group galaxies \\citep[e.g.,][]{tp04,kil05,plu08}. Consequently, the natures of the sources that we study are also very different. Whereas the detectable stellar population of external galaxies in X-rays is dominated by accreting black holes and neutron stars, most of our sources are probably cataclysmic variables \\citep[e.g.,][]{m-wide}. The hardness of the X-ray colors (Fig.~\\ref{fig:hit}) suggests that the sources are specifically magnetically-accreting white dwarfs \\citep{ei99,m-wide}. Therefore, the X-ray population probably represents old stars. Indeed, the spatial distribution of sources brighter than $2\\times10^{-6}$~\\phcms\\ (2--8 keV) traces that of the old stellar population (Fig.~\\ref{fig:londist}). This makes the population of X-ray sources in the Galactic center similar to those seen in globular clusters \\citep[e.g.,][]{ver97,hei06}. Although the distribution of the majority of the X-ray sources traces that of the old stellar population, we have found 2.8$\\sigma$ evidence for an excess of sources in two regions where young, massive stars are forming: in the inner few arcminutes around \\sgrastar, and in the region where the Arches and Quintuplet star clusters lie. The excess of sources near these young star clusters also appears in the number of sources as a function of limiting flux, in which relatively more bright X-ray sources are found near the Arches and Quintuplet (Fig.~\\ref{fig:lognlogs} and Table~\\ref{tab:lognlogs}). In total, these two regions contain a couple dozen more bright sources than our stellar mass model predicts. We suggest that these excess X-ray sources are part of the young stellar population in these region \\citep{mik06,m-ys,mau07}. In the near future, we will publish additional OB and Wolf-Rayet stars that have been identified through infrared spectroscopy of counterparts to X-ray sources (J. Mauerhan \\etal, in prep). \\begin{deluxetable*}{llcccl}[htp] \\tabletypesize{\\scriptsize} \\tablecolumns{6} \\tablewidth{0pc} \\tablecaption{Luminous X-ray Binaries Covered by Our Observations\\label{tab:transients}} \\tablehead{ \\colhead{\\chandra\\ name} & \\colhead{Common Name} & \\colhead{RA} & \\colhead{DEC} & \\colhead{uncertainty} & \\colhead{Reference} \\\\ \\colhead{(CXOUGC J)} & \\colhead{} & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{(Degrees, J2000)} & \\colhead{(arcsec)} & colhead{} } \\startdata 174354.8-294441 & 1E 1740.7-2942 & 265.97864 & $-29.74499$ & 0.5 & \\citet{sid99} \\\\ 174417.2-293943 & AX J1744.3-2940 & 266.07190 & $-29.66234$ & 0.5 & \\citet{sid01} \\\\ 174433.0-284427 & Bursting Pulsar & 266.13788 & $-28.74096$ & 0.5 & \\citet{ww02} \\\\ 174451.6-292042 & KS 1741-293 & 266.21515 & $-29.34522$ & 0.5 & \\citet{int97} \\\\ 174457.4-285021 & XMM J174457-2850.3 & 266.23944 & $-28.83917$ & 0.3 & \\citet{sak05} \\\\ [2pt] 174502.3-285449 & Granat 1741.9-2853 & 266.25983 & $-28.91397$ & 0.4 & \\citet{m-grs} \\\\ 174535.6-290133 & AX J1745.6-2901 & 266.39853 & $-29.02612$ & 0.4 & \\citet{mae96} \\\\ 174535.5-290124 & \\nodata & 266.39822 & $-29.02337$ & 0.3 & \\citet{m-trans}\\\\ 174537.1-290104 & 1A 1742-289 & 266.40494 & $-29.01796$ & 0.4 & \\citet{dav76} \\\\ 174538.0-290022 & \\nodata & 266.40863 & $-29.00623$ & 0.3 & \\citet{m-trans} \\\\ [2pt] 174540.0-290005 & \\nodata & 266.41699 & $-29.00160$ & 0.4 & \\citet{m-trans} \\\\ 174540.0-290030 & \\nodata & 266.41684 & $-29.00859$ & 0.3 & \\citet{m-trans} \\\\ 174540.9-290014 & \\nodata & 266.42078 & $-29.00398$ & 0.4 & \\citet{m-trans} \\\\ 174553.9-290346 & SWIFT J174553.9-290347 & 266.47467 & $-29.06305$ & 0.4 & \\nodata \\\\ 174554.4-285455 & XMM J174554.4-285456 & 266.47690 & $-28.91533$ & 0.4 & \\citet{por05} \\\\ [2pt] 174621.0-284342 & 1E 1743.1-2843 & 266.58768 & $-28.72868$ & 0.4 & \\citet{por03} \\\\ 174702.5-285259 & SAX J1747.0-2853 & 266.76080 & $-28.88307$ & 0.4 & \\citet{wmw02} \\\\ \\nodata & XTE J1748-288 & 267.02108 & --28.47383 & 0.6 & \\citet{hrm98} \\\\ \\nodata & XMM J174544-2913.0 & 266.43546 & --29.21683 & 4.0 & \\citet{sak05} \\\\ \\enddata \\end{deluxetable*} A small fraction of the X-ray sources should be accreting black holes and neutron stars. Around 300 such X-ray binaries are known in the Galaxy, about half of which contain low-mass donors that over fill their Roche lobe, and half of which contain high-mass (OB and Wolf-Rayet) stars that donate mass through a stellar wind \\citep{liu06,liu07}. These X-ray binaries are most-easily identified when they are bright and variable \\citep{m-trans}. In total, over the history of X-ray astronomy, 19 X-ray sources in our survey field have been observed to be $>$$10^{34}$~\\ergsec\\ in X-rays, and have varied by at least an order of magnitude in X-ray flux (Table~\\ref{tab:transients}). Fifteen of these transient X-ray sources were bright during the time span of our \\chandra\\ observations (1A 1742-289 and XTE J1748-288 never entered outburst). Half of them have been discovered in the last 9 years using \\chandra, \\xmm\\, or {\\it Swift} \\citep[e.g.,][]{sak05,por05,m-trans,wij06,ken06}. Surprisingly, despite having obtained 600 ks of new data in 2006 and 2007, we did not detect any new, bright ($>$$10^{34}$~\\ergsec), transient X-ray sources. This suggests that we have identified all of the X-ray binaries that are active on time scales of a decade. As mentioned in \\S\\label{ref:obs}, the tables from this work will be available in the electronic edition of this journal, and additional products will be made available from the authors' web site.\\footnote{{\\tt http://www.srl.caltech.edu/gc\\_project/xray.html}} The data available from the authors' site includes FITS images of all of the images presented in this paper, as well as the averaged event lists, snapshot images, spectra, and calibration files for each source in the catalog. Combined with an increasing amount of multi-wavelength data, this data set can be used to better understand the interactions between stars and interstellar media in the Galactic center, and the population of X-ray emitting objects in general." }, "0809/0809.3100_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present deep radio images at 1.4 GHz of a large and complete sample of BL Lacertae objects (BL Lacs) selected from the Deep X-ray Radio Blazar Survey (DXRBS). We have observed 24 northern ($\\delta \\ga -30^{\\circ}$) sources with the Very Large Array (VLA) in both its A and C configurations and 15 southern sources with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) in its largest configuration. We find that in the DXRBS, as in the 1-Jy survey, which has a radio flux limit roughly ten times higher than the DXRBS, a considerable number (about a third) of BL Lacs can be identified with the relativistically beamed counterparts of Fanaroff-Riley type II (FR II) radio galaxies. We attribute the existence of FR II-BL Lacs, which is not accounted for by current unified schemes, to an inconsistency in our classification scheme for radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN). Taking the extended radio power as a suitable measure of intrinsic jet power, we find similar average values for low- (LBL) and high-energy peaked BL Lacs (HBL), contrary to the predictions of the blazar sequence. ", "introduction": "The basic nature of BL Lacertae objects (BL Lacs) is believed to be understood within the unified schemes for radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN). These sources are radio galaxies, which have their relativistic jets oriented close to the observer's line of sight. For objects with such a preferred jet alignment, which are commonly referred to as 'blazars', the relativistic beaming effect can explain most of the observed properties, such as, e.g., non-thermal continuum emission from radio up to $\\gamma$-ray frequencies, high core luminosities, core-dominated radio morphologies, irregular and rapid variability, and strong radio and optical polarization (see review by \\citet{Urry95} and references therein). Current unified schemes identify the parent population of BL Lacs with the low-luminosity Fanaroff-Riley type I \\citep[FR I;][]{Fan74} radio galaxies, whereas the high-luminosity Fanaroff-Riley type II (FR II) radio galaxies are assumed to appear as radio quasars when their jets are viewed at relatively small angles. However, in recent years evidence has accumulated that some BL Lacs might in fact be beamed FR II radio galaxies. Their extended radio powers are higher than those of known FR Is and their extended radio morphologies are consistent with those of FR IIs once orientation effects are accounted for \\citep[][]{Kol92, Cas99, Rec01}. If indeed a considerable number of FR IIs are part of the BL Lac parent population, it will have important implications. Estimates of relativistic beaming parameters such as, e.g., the jet bulk Lorentz factor or viewing angle, which are usually derived from a comparison of the radio luminosity function \\citep[e.g.,][]{Urry91, Urry95} or the distribution of radio core-dominance values \\citep[e.g.,][]{Kol92, Per93} of the parent population with that of the corresponding blazar class, will have to be revisited. Furthermore, since, by definition, the broad emission line region, which is assumed to trace directly the accretion disk power, is absent or only very weak in BL Lacs, the existence of a considerable number of FR II-like jet powers among this blazar class could mean that accretion disk and jet luminosities are not as closely linked as current jet formation models suggest \\citep[e.g.,][]{Bla82, Raw91, Mar03}. A further implication will concern the so-called 'blazar sequence' \\citep{Fos98, Ghi98}. This model posits that Compton-cooling determines the frequency of the jet synchrotron emission peak, in particular that the higher the (intrinsic) jet power, the stronger the cooling, and the lower the synchrotron emission peak frequency. Therefore, finding in particular high-energy peaked BL Lacs with FR II-like extended radio powers could present a severe challenge for this model \\citep[see also][]{Pad07}. Our current knowledge of the radio properties of BL Lacs is based mainly on deep radio observations of two complete samples selected at widely different frequencies, namely, the radio-selected 1-Jy \\citep{Sti91, Rec01} and the X-ray-selected {\\it Einstein} Medium Sensitivity Survey \\citep[EMSS;][]{Mor91, Rec00} BL Lac samples. However, these two surveys sample the extreme ends of the radio flux distribution of BL Lacs and, therefore, have presented a strongly biased view of BL Lac physics. In order to rectify this situation we have obtained deep radio images of a complete sample of BL Lacs with intermediate radio properties. The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we discuss the selection of the BL Lac sample, for which the radio images have been obtained and analyzed as detailed in Section 3. In Section 4 we address the question of the parent population of BL Lacs. In Section 5 we investigate if some BL Lacs with featureless optical spectra are at high redshifts rather than strongly relativistically beamed. The radio properties of low- and high-energy peaked BL Lacs are compared in Section 6. Finally, Section 7 summarizes of our main results and presents our conclusions. For consistency with previous work we have assumed throughout this paper cosmological parameters $H_0 = 50$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ and $q_0 = 0$. Energy spectral indices have been defined as $f_\\nu \\propto \\nu^{-\\alpha}$. ", "conclusions": "Our knowledge of the radio properties of BL Lacs is based mainly on the 1-Jy and EMSS samples. However, these surveys have presented a biased view of BL Lac physics. Therefore, we have obtained deep radio images of a complete sample of 44 BL Lacs selected from the Deep X-ray Radio Blazar Survey (DXRBS). We have observed the northern sources with the VLA in both its A and C configurations and the southern sources with the ATCA in its largest configuration. Our main results can be summarized as follows. (i) Current unified schemes identify the parent population of BL Lacs with FR I radio galaxies, however, in recent years evidence has accumulated that some BL Lacs might in fact be relativistically beamed FR II radio galaxies. We find that also in the DXRBS, based on both the extended radio powers as well as the radio morphologies, (at least) a third of the BL Lac sample can be identified with relativistically beamed FR IIs. (ii) We discuss an inconsistency in the current classification scheme for radio-loud AGN, which explains why FR II-BL Lacs are in fact {\\it expected} to exist. This inconsistency emerges since we separate radio galaxies and blazars into their subclasses based on different criteria, namely, radio morphology (and so radio power) and emission line strength, respectively. However, these two criteria are not equivalent. (iii) The so-called 'blazar sequence' posits that the amount of Compton cooling of the jet particles determines the frequency of the synchrotron emission peak \\citep{Fos98, Ghi98}. In particular, it expects low-energy peaked BL Lacs (LBL) to have on average higher {\\it intrinsic} jet powers than high-energy peaked BL Lacs (HBL). We compare the extended radio powers of the DXRBS LBL (23 objects) and HBL (21 objects) and find that, contrary to the expectations of the blazar sequence, their average values are similar ($\\log L_{\\rm ext}=25.35\\pm0.23$ and $25.28\\pm0.20$, respectively). We are currently extending our radio observation program for the DXRBS BL Lac sample to investigate smaller-scale source structure. In a future paper we will present results from VLBI." }, "0809/0809.4516_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "I discuss how the chemical abundance distributions, kinematics and age distributions of stars in the thin and thick disks of the Galaxy can be used to decipher the merger history of the Milky Way, a typical large galaxy. The observational evidence points to a rather quiescent past merging history, unusual in the context of the `consensus' cold-dark-matter cosmology favoured from observations of structure on scales larger than individual galaxies. ", "introduction": "CDM} Dissipational collapse of a gas-rich system is an important ingredient in establishing the thin disks so prevalent today. In the context of hierarchical clustering scenarios, such as {$\\Lambda$}CDM, gaseous mergers are required to produce disks (Zurek, Quinn \\& Salmon 1988; Robertson et al.~2006). Centrifugally supported, extended disks also are only produced if angular momentum is largely conserved during collapse within the dark halo (Fall \\& Efstathiou 1980; Mo, Mao \\& White 1998). However, angular-momentum transport and evolution, for example due to gravitational torques and tidal effects, are natural during the mergers inherent in {$\\Lambda$}CDM, leading to low angular momentum, very concentrated disks (Navarro, Frenk \\& White 1995). The typical merger history (of dark haloes) is fixed by the dark matter power spectrum, so with {$\\Lambda$}CDM additional baryonic processes are introduced to implement `feedback', to both suppress early star formation and prevent dissipation, delaying disk formation until after the epoch of most active merging (cf.~Simon White's talk). Later mergers into the disk will heat the thin disk, with minor mergers producing a thick stellar disk (some thin stellar disk component persists, e.g. Kazantzidis et al.~2007) and also driving gas into the central regions to build up a bulge (Mihos \\& Hernquist 1996). During a merger, orbital energy is absorbed into the internal degrees of freedom of the merging systems, and orbital angular momentum is redistributed, some absorbed by the larger system, and some being lost to the system. The evolution of a satellite, and of its orbit, as it merges with, and is assimilated by, a larger system depends on the relative masses (the dynamical friction timescale on which the satellite sinks to the center scales like the mass ratio, being shorter for more massive satellites), on the relative density profiles of the satellite and host (denser satellites can survive tidal effects, leading to mass loss and disruption, closer to the center of the larger system), and on the initial orbital parameters (e.g. sense of rotation, inclination angle to the plane of the host, periGalacticon and orbital eccentricity). The effect of the satellite(s) on a pre-existing stellar disk is also a sensitive function of the satellite's properties and orbit. The mechanism by which a thin disk is heated by the merging process is a combination of local deposition of orbital energy from the satellite(s), local scattering (in which azimuthal streaming motions are transformed into random motions), and resonant excitation of modes in the disk, providing heating on a more global scale (e.g.~Quinn \\& Goodman 1986; T\\'oth \\& Ostriker 1992; Sellwood, Nelson \\& Tremaine 1998). Early simulations focussed on the impact of one minor merger (e.g.~Quinn, Hernquist \\& Fullagar 1993; Velazquez \\& White 1999). These produced a plausible thick disk, similar in structure to that of the Milky Way (Gilmore \\& Reid 1982; see also Gilmore \\& Wyse 1985 for kinematics and an order-of-magnitude estimation of the mass of satellite needed), from a merger of a robust (dense) satellite with a mass ratio to the stellar {\\it disk\\/} (not to the total mass) of 10--20\\%, for a range of initial orbital parameters. Simulations of the merging of cosmologically motivated ensembles of satellites are more relevant, and also find significant heating of a pre-existing stellar disk, over an extended period of time (e.g.~Hayashi \\& Chiba 2006; Kazantzidis et al.~2007, also this volume). The satellites in these later simulations have a orbital distribution similar to that of subhaloes identified in dissipationless $\\Lambda$CDM cosmological simulations, with a mean ratio of initial apocenter to pericenter distance of around 6:1 (e.g. Ghigna et al.~2000; Diemand, K\\\"uhlen \\& Madau 2007). The distribution of pericenter distances is also important, since satellites with pericenters that are significantly beyond the disk (larger than say 10 disk scale lengths, see Fig.~2 of Hayashi \\& Chiba 2006) do not couple effectively to the disk. In addition to realistic orbits, the internal density profiles of the satellites are critical, since fluffy satellites are disrupted early and provide little heating (Huang \\& Carlberg 1997). High-resolution, N-body simulations of the formation of the dark halo of a `Milky Way galaxy' with the CDM power spectrum have demonstrated that a significant population of substructure is indeed dense enough to persist and survive many pericenter passages. The shapes of the mass- and velocity-functions of subsystems are reasonably independent of redshift and at $z=0$ are well-established as power laws (see convergence tests in Reed et al.~2005; S.~White's talk at this conference). The amplitudes depend on resolution, with the number of satellite dark haloes still increasing with increased resolution (S.~White, these proceedings); `overmerging', particularly in the central regions of the larger host galaxy halo, can artificially reduce substructure. Indeed, the population of subhaloes within the analogue of the solar neighborhood is not yet well-established, even in pure dark-matter simulations (the addition of baryons will increase central densities). However, the present generation of (baryon-free) simulations imply that robust satellites penetrate the region of the disk (e.g.~Diemand, K\\\"uhlen \\& Madau 2007). Simulations which model gas physics and star formation also find that thick (and thin) disks are produced. For example, the bulk of the younger stars (ages less than 8~Gyr) in the thick disk in the simulation of Abadi et al.~(2003) are produced by heating of the pre-existing stellar disk (we return to the older stars in section~2 below). The most massive satellite provides the greatest heating, with the scaling such that the increase in scaleheight (or, equivalently, in the square of the vertical velocity dispersion) is proportional to the square of the mass of the satellite (Hayashi \\& Chiba 2006). For an ensemble of satellites with the differential mass function seen in CDM simulations, namely a power-law with slope close to $-2$ (e.g.~Diemand, K\\\"uhlen \\& Madau 2007), the cumulative heating is also dominated by the most massive systems (see also White 2000). The substructure distribution at earlier times contains more satellites of higher mass, since these are more affected by dynamical friction, which brings them into the central regions where they are more effectively stripped of mass from their outer parts (e.g.~Zentner et al.~2005). These massive satellites, after this shriking of their orbits, can be more effective at heating the thin disk, prior to their demise. Thus at early times the satellite distribution is more concentrated than is the host dark matter halo, while at the present day it has evolved to be less concentrated. One must allow for this evolution of the mass function and orbital parameters, rather than simply adopting a surviving satellite retinue from the end-point of a simulation, which minimizes the predicted overall heating (as found by e.g.~Font et al.~2001). Indeed following the full merging history is preferable. Such analyses imply that late (after redshifts of unity) heating of thin stellar disks seems to be inevitable in $\\Lambda$CDM (e.g.~Abadi et al.~2003; Stewart et al.~2008; Kazantzidis, this volume). The current models (Stewart et al.~2008) show that over the last 10Gyr, fully 95\\% of galaxy haloes of present total mass $10^{12}$~M$_\\odot$ have accreted a system of mass equal to that of the present-disk ($5 \\times 10^{10}$M$_\\odot$ -- their simulation resolution limit is $10^{10}$~M$_\\odot$); the mass ratio of the substructure to that of the stellar disk at the epoch of accretion is the more important ratio for disk heating and such a large mass is highly likely to cause severe heating. More numerous, lower-mass mergers are also expected, continuing to late epochs. Gas physics can also play a role in the formation of the thick disk, in terms of slow settling to the disk plane (Burkert, Truran \\& Hensler 1992) or a starburst in a rapidly changing potential such as a gas-rich merger (Robertson et al.~2006; Brook et al.~2007). The latter mechanism has some observational support at high redshift (see Elmegreen's and Genzler's contributions to this volume). One must of course also take account of adiabatic compression and heating of an existing thick disk by subsequent slow accretion of gas to buildup the thin disk (cf.~T\\'oth \\& Ostriker 1992; Elmegreen \\& Elmegreen 2006). Here I will focus on the -- apparently inevitable -- late heating of thin stellar disks, as a probe of $\\Lambda$CDM. The important issues are the predicted chemical abundance and age distributions of stars in the thin and thick disks, given a typical merger history, and how they compare with the observations. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.1275_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The Doppler technique measures the reflex radial motion of a star induced by the presence of companions and is the most successful method to detect exoplanets. If several planets are present, their signals will appear combined in the radial motion of the star, leading to potential misinterpretations of the data. Specifically, two planets in 2:1 resonant orbits can mimic the signal of a single planet in an eccentric orbit. We quantify the implications of this statistical degeneracy for a representative sample of the reported single exoplanets with available datasets, finding that 1) around $35\\%$ percent of the published eccentric one-planet solutions are statistically indistinguishible from planetary systems in 2:1 orbital resonance, 2) another $40\\%$ cannot be statistically distinguished from a circular orbital solution and 3) planets with masses comparable to Earth could be hidden in known orbital solutions of eccentric super-Earths and Neptune mass planets. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:math} The solution degeneracy between a single planet eccentric orbit and two planets in circular resonant orbits is a direct consequence of the well known Fourier expansion of the Kepler equation into powers of the eccentricity \\citep[see][as an example]{moulton:1914}. In \\cite{konacki:1996}, the method of frequency analysis was first applied to an extrasolar planetary system and \\cite{konacki:1999} adapted it to Doppler measurements. The potential confusion between eccentric orbits and resonant systems has been briefly mentioned in \\citep{marcy:2001} and \\cite{ford:2006}, but this issue has not been specifically considered until now in a broad statistical sense. Mathematically, the degeneracy between the resonant and the eccentric solutions comes from the fact that their equations of Keplerian trajectories are identical up to first order in the eccentricity. Detailed analytical expressions in terms of the Bessel functions can be found elsewhere \\citep[eg.][]{konacki:1999}. The relevant terms up to the 7th power in the eccentricity can be found in \\citet{lucy:2005}. Here we only discuss the first order term, which is the one relevant to the degeneracy under discussion In the case of a single eccentric planet, the reflex radial velocity motion of the star is \\begin{eqnarray} v^e_r = v_{r0} &+& K \\cos \\left[ W\\left(t-\\tau_0\\right) \\right] \\, \\label{eq:velecc} \\\\ &+& Ke\\cos \\left[ 2 W\\left(t-\\tau_0\\right) - \\omega\\right] \\nonumber \\\\ &+& O({Ke^2})\\,, \\nonumber \\end{eqnarray} \\noindent where $v_{r0}$ is the linear radial velocity of the barycenter of the system, $K$ is the semi-amplitude of the radial velocity variations induced by the planet on the star, $\\omega$ is the argument of the periastron (angle between the periastron of the orbit and the ascending node), $\\tau_0$ is the time of crossing of the ascending node, and $W=2\\pi/P$ is the orbital frequency, where $P$ is the orbital period (see Fig.~\\ref{fig:dibu}a). The term proportional to $Ke$ is called the \\textit{first eccentric harmonic}, while the term $O({Ke^2})$ contains all the higher order contributions. If instead we have a two--planet system, both in circular orbits and the inner planet having an orbital period half of the outer one, i.e. $W_2=2W$ (see Fig.~\\ref{fig:dibu}b), the expression for the radial velocity of the star is \\begin{eqnarray} v^R_r = v_{r0} &+& k_1 \\cos \\left[ W\\left(t-\\tau_0\\right) \\right] \\label{eq:velres}\\\\ &+& k_2 \\cos \\left[ 2 W\\left(t-\\tau_0\\right) + \\phi_0\\right]\\nonumber\\, \\\\ &+& O({k_1e_1,k_2e_2, Ke^2}),\\nonumber \\end{eqnarray} \\noindent where $k_1$ and $k_2$ are the radial velocity semi--amplitudes of the outer and the inner planet. $W$ and $\\tau_0$ are the orbital frequency and the time of crossing of the ascending node of the outer planet, and the angle $\\phi_0$ is the relative phase between the two planets at $\\tau_0$. Higher order terms, summarized here as $O({k_1e_1,k_2e_2, Ke^2})$, become significant if the orbits are allowed to be eccentric. To a first order approximation, $v^e_r$ and $v^R_r$ are formally identical if $k_1 = K$, $k_2 = Ke$, and $\\phi_0 = -\\omega$. This implies that the signal $k_2$ of an inner lower-mass planet will be indistinguishable from the \\textit{first eccentric harmonic} $Ke$ unless the observations are precise enough to resolve the second order term in the harmonic expansion. The amplitude of that second order term is $9/8\\,Ke^2\\sim Ke^2$. \\citep[see Appendix A in][]{lucy:2005}. The similarity of both solutions is illustrated in Figure \\ref{fig:resvsecc}, which shows how the Doppler radial velocity curves would look like in each case (one-planet in an eccentric orbit versus two resonant planets in circular orbits), for different values of $\\omega$ and $e$. The two configurations can be easily confused, especially when e $<$ 0.3 in the single planet case (or equivalently, when the inner planet is significantly less massive than the outer planet,i.e. $k_2 << k_1$). Confusion is also possible for larger values of $e$ if the uncertainties are large and the radial velocity curves are sparsely sampled, which is the case for several published Doppler velocity curves. As an example estimate, if the detected semi-amplitude and eccentricity are $K\\sim 100~ms^{-1}$ and $e\\sim0.1$, the amplitude of the second harmonic will be $Ke^2\\sim 1~ms^{-1}$ and both orbital solutions are indistinguishable at the 3--$\\sigma$ level unless the precision of the data is better than $0.3~ms^{-1}$. This is a problem, since only recently have planet hunting groups started to achieve that level of precision \\citep{mayor:2008,fischer:2008}. All these statements will be made more precise in Section \\ref{sec:analysis}. There is also the accuracy limitation imposed by the stellar jitter\\footnote{intrinsic noise associated to the stellar activity}, which has typical amplitudes of 3--5 $ms^{-1}$ \\citep{cumming:2008}. The optimal strategies and the limitations of the Doppler technique to disentangle this degeneracy are discussed in Sec.~\\ref{sec:breaking}. ", "conclusions": "We show that the Doppler signal of a single eccentric planet can mimic the signal of a two-planet system in a 2:1 circular or near--circular resonant orbit. This degeneracy is affecting a large fraction of the known exoplanets, this is, around $30-40\\%$ of the published single planet sytems. We also find strong evidence of at least one case (HD 125612) where the resonant solutions is significantly better than the published eccentric one by \\citet{fischer:2007}. The analysis described in this paper can also be applied to multi-planet systems with eccentric candidates, where the degree of degeneracy is expected to be similar or even stronger due to the mixed signals of the different planets involved. The detailed analysis of multiplanetary systems is more complex and usually involves dynamical stability consideration. Therefore, a case by case study is imposed. A remarkable example is the planetary system around GJ 581 \\citep{mayor:2009} were $2-3$ earth mass planet could be hidden in the habitable zone of the system. The only techniques currently able to distinguish between two resonant planets and single eccentric planet systems are limited to the Doppler and photometric approaches described above. In the future, other methods such as astrometry and direct imaging, will also provide ways to uncover \\textit{eccentric imposters} \\citep[see][]{moorhead:2009}. Astrometry will be the first one to become sensitive enough, once the upcoming space astrometric missions Gaia/ESA \\citep[][to be launched in 2011]{lindegren:2008} and SIM/NASA \\citep[][to be launched after 2015]{unwin:2008}, go on-line. High precision astrometry will be most helpful if the resonant orbits are not coplanar. Otherwise, it will suffer from the same degeneracies as the Doppler technique \\cite{konacki:2002}. The ultimate test will be direct imaging, which will make possible to measure whether the orbit of the detected planet is indeed eccentric. This will have to wait until spaceborne missions such as a Darwin/TPF launch. The conclusions of this work make it worth reconsidering some published orbital solutions and motivate the follow-up of some interesting systems. We find that future announcements of eccentric planets should be carefully tested before publication since it is relatively simple to check if there is any improvement using a resonant configuration. Also, we find that several reported radial velocity curves \\citep{mayor:2008, mayor:2009} may contain hidden signals of rocky planets. \\vspace{0.2in} \\textit{Acknowledgements.} GAE thanks A. Boss \\& A. Weinberger for financial support. MLM acknowledges support provided by NASA through Hubble Fellowship grant HF-01210.01-A awarded by the STScI, which is operated by the AURA, Inc., for NASA, under contract NAS5-26555. JEC would like to thank NASA's Origins of Solar Systems Program for support. We also thank A. Bonanos and all the other members of the Astronomy group at CIW-DTM for fruitful discussions. The authors also recognize the comments and suggestions made by L.Lucy and an anonymous referee which helped to improve the manuscript significantly." }, "0809/0809.1796_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Preliminary results of our analysis on the extended emission of short/medium duration GRBs observed with Swift/BAT are presented. The Bayesian blocks algorithm is used to analyze the burst durations and the temporal structure of the lightcurves in different energy bands. We show here the results of three bursts (GRBs 050724, 061006 and 070714B) that have a prominent soft extended emission component in our sample. The extended emission of these bursts is a continuous, flickering-liked component, lasting $\\sim 100$ seconds post the GRB trigger at 15-25 keV bands. Without considering this component, the three bursts are classified as short GRBs, with $T_{90}=2\\sim 3$ seconds. GRB 060614 has an emission component similar to the extended emission, but this component has pulse-liked structure, possibly indicating that this emission component is different from that observed in GRBs 050724, 061006, and 070714B. Further analysis on the spectral evolution behavior of the extended emission component is on going. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.2089_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\label{abstract} We present global, three-dimensional numerical simulations of HD 189733b and HD 209458b that couple the atmospheric dynamics to a realistic representation of non-gray cloud-free radiative transfer. The model, which we call the Substellar and Planetary Atmospheric Radiation and Circulation (SPARC) model, adopts the MITgcm for the dynamics and uses the radiative model of McKay, Marley, Fortney, and collaborators for the radiation. Like earlier work with simplified forcing, our simulations develop a broad eastward equatorial jet, mean westward flow at higher latitudes, and substantial flow over the poles at low pressure. For HD 189733b, our simulations without TiO and VO opacity can explain the broad features of the observed 8 and 24-$\\mu$m light curves, including the modest day-night flux variation and the fact that the planet/star flux ratio peaks before the secondary eclipse. Our simulations also provide reasonable matches to the {\\it Spitzer} secondary-eclipse depths at 4.5, 5.8, 8, 16, and $24\\,\\mu$m and the groundbased upper limit at $2.2\\,\\mu$m. However, we substantially underpredict the $3.6\\,\\mu$m secondary-eclipse depth, suggesting that our simulations are too cold in the 0.1--1 bar region. Predicted temporal variability in secondary-eclipse depths is $\\sim1$\\% at {\\it Spitzer} bandpasses, consistent with recent observational upper limits at $8\\,\\mu$m. We also show that nonsynchronous rotation can significantly alter the jet structure. For HD 209458b, we include TiO and VO opacity; these simulations develop a hot ($>2000\\,$K) dayside stratosphere whose horizontal dimensions are small at depth but widen with altitude. Despite this stratosphere, we do not reproduce current {\\it Spitzer} photometry of this planet. Light curves in {\\it Spitzer} bandpasses show modest phase variation and satisfy the observational upper limit on day-night phase variation at $8\\,\\mu$m. ", "introduction": "\\label{Introduction} Blasted by starlight $10^3$--$10^5$ times stronger than that received by Jupiter and experiencing modest rotation rates due to their presumed tidal locking \\citep{guillot-etal-1996}, hot Jupiters occupy a fascinating meteorological regime that does not exist in our Solar System \\citep[for an extensive review see][] {showman-etal-2008b}. Despite the wide range of transiting exoplanets that have been discovered, HD 189733b and HD 209458b remain the best characterized hot Jupiters and represent important test cases for our understanding of these objects generally. A variety of observations now exist that constrain the 3D temperature structure, composition, hazes, and albedo for these two planets. There is now hope that, by comparing these observations with detailed models, insights into this novel atmospheric regime can be achieved. The strongest observational evidence for atmospheric motions comes from infrared light curves obtained with the {\\it Spitzer Space Telescope}. Continuous light curves of HD 189733b over half an orbit have now been obtained at both 8 and $24\\,\\mu$m, constraining this planet's day-night heat transport \\citep{knutson-etal-2007b, knutson-etal-2009a}. The inferred dayside and nightside brightness temperatures are $\\sim1250\\,$K and $\\sim1000\\,$K, respectively.\\footnote{At $8\\,\\mu$m, the dayside and nightside brightness temperatures are $1258\\pm11\\,$K and $1011\\pm51\\,$K. At $24\\,\\mu$m, the dayside and nightside brightness temperatures are $1220\\pm47\\,$K and $984\\pm48\\,$K.} Because the nightside temperatures would be extremely cold ($\\sim200\\,$K) in the absence of winds, these observations imply the existence of a vigorous atmospheric circulation that efficiently transports heat from dayside to nightside. Further evidence for winds is the fact that the peak flux in both light curves occurs {\\it before} secondary eclipse, implying that the hottest region lies 20--$30^{\\circ}$ of longitude east of the substellar point \\citep{knutson-etal-2007b, knutson-etal-2009a}. For HD 209458b, current data contain insufficient temporal sampling to determine whether similar offsets exist but nevertheless demonstrate that the 8-$\\mu$m day-night brightness temperature difference is also modest \\citep{cowan-etal-2007}. For both planets we now also have dayside photometry at all Spitzer broadband channels (centered at 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8.0, 16, and $24\\,\\mu$m), placing constraints on dayside composition and vertical temperature profile. These data were obtained by differencing the photometry of star$+$planet taken just before/after secondary eclipse from photometry taken during secondary eclipse, when only the star is visible. When compared with one-dimensional (1D) atmosphere models, these data suggest that, near the photosphere pressures, the dayside temperature of HD 189733b decreases with altitude \\citep{charbonneau-etal-2008, barman-2008, knutson-etal-2009a}, whereas HD 209458b instead contains a thermal inversion (a hot stratosphere) \\citep{knutson-etal-2008a, burrows-etal-2007b}. Following pioneering work by \\citet{hubeny-etal-2003}, \\citet{fortney-etal-2008} and \\citet{burrows-etal-2008} suggested that hot Jupiters subdivide into two classes depending on whether or not their atmospheres contain highly absorbing substances such as gaseous TiO and VO. For a Sun-like primary, solar-composition planetary atmospheres inward of 0.04--$0.05\\,$AU are hot enough to contain TiO and VO; because of the extreme visible-wavelength opacity of these compounds, such planets absorb starlight at low pressure ($\\sim$mbar) and naturally exhibit dayside stratospheres. For planets outward of $\\sim0.05\\,$AU, temperatures drop sufficiently for TiO and VO to condense in the deep atmospheres; these planets absorb starlight deeper in the atmosphere, lack stratospheres, and show spectral bands in absorption. Based on simple comparisons of radiative and advective timescales, \\citet{fortney-etal-2008} further suggested that the former category (dubbed ``pM'' class planets) would exhibit large day-night temperature differences whereas the latter category (``pL'' class) would exhibit more modest temperature contrasts. Their calculations suggest that HD 189733b is a pL-class planet while HD 209458b is a pM-class planet. This dichotomy makes these two planets a particularly interesting pair for comparison. Given these developments, there is a pressing need for 3D calculations of the atmospheric circulation on hot Jupiters. Several groups have investigated a range of 2D and 3D models \\citep[]{showman-guillot-2002, cho-etal-2003, cho-etal-2008, cooper-showman-2005, cooper-showman-2006, showman-etal-2008a, showman-etal-2008b, langton-laughlin-2007, langton-laughlin-2008, dobbs-dixon-lin-2008}. However, to date, all published models have adopted severe approximations to the radiative transfer or excluded radiative heating/cooling entirely. While such simplified approaches are invaluable for investigating the underlying dynamics, a detailed attempt to explain wavelength-dependent photometry and light curves must include a realistic coupling of the radiative transfer to the dynamics. Here, we present new numerical simulations that couple a realistic representation of non-gray cloud-free radiative transfer to the dynamics. Surprisingly, coupling of 3D dynamics to nongray radiative transfer has never previously been done for any giant planet, not even Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. This is the first 3D dynamical model for any giant planet --- inside our Solar System or out --- to do so. We dub our model the Substellar and Planetary Atmospheric Radiation and Circulation model, or SPARC model, and to honor its dynamical heritage usually refer to it as SPARC/MITgcm. \\S 2 presents the model. \\S 3 describes the basic circulation regime and resulting light curves and spectra for HD 189733b. \\S 4 describes the effect of a nonsynchronous rotation rate, \\S 5 considers HD 209458b, and \\S 6 concludes. ", "conclusions": "We presented global, three-dimensional numerical simulations of the atmospheric circulation of HD 189733b and HD 209458b that couple the dynamics to a realistic representation of cloud-free non-gray radiative transfer. This new model, which we dub SPARC/MITgcm, is the first 3D dynamical model for any giant planet --- including those in our Solar System --- to incorporate nongray radiative transfer. Our model adopts the MITgcm for the dynamics and an optimized version of the radiative model of McKay, Marley, Fortney, and collaborators for the radiative transfer. Opacities are calculated assuming solar composition (or some multiple thereof) with equilibrium chemistry that accounts for rainout. Like earlier work with simplified forcing \\citep{showman-etal-2008a, cooper-showman-2005, showman-guillot-2002}, our simulations develop a broad eastward equatorial jet, mean westward flow at high latitudes, and substantial flow over the poles at low pressure. The jet structure depends significantly on longitude at pressures $<100\\,$mbar. For HD 189733b, our simulations that exclude TiO and VO opacity explain the broad features of the observed 8 and 24-$\\mu$m light curves \\citep{knutson-etal-2007b, knutson-etal-2009a}, including the modest day-night flux variation and the fact that the planet/star flux ratio peaks before the secondary eclipse. In our simulations, the offset results from the eastward displacement of the hot regions from the substellar point. On the other hand, we do not fit the flux minimum seen after transit in the 8-$\\mu$m light curve \\citep{knutson-etal-2007b}. Our simulations also provide reasonable matches to the {\\it Spitzer} secondary-eclipse depths at 4.5, 5.8, 8, 16, and $24\\,\\mu$m \\citep{charbonneau-etal-2008, deming-etal-2006} and the groundbased upper limit at $2.2\\,\\mu$m from \\citet{barnes-etal-2007}. The temporal variability in these simulations is modest --- of order 1\\% --- and is fully consistent with the upper limit on temporal variability from \\citet{agol-etal-2008}. The primary HD 189733b observation where we fare poorly is the $3.6\\,\\mu$m secondary-eclipse depth from \\citet{charbonneau-etal-2008}, which we underpredict by about a factor of two. Because the $3.6\\,\\mu$m channel is expected to sense down to $\\sim0.1$--1 bar on this planet (Fig.~\\ref{contribution-fcns}, {\\it left panel}), this suggests that our simulation is too cold in this region of the atmosphere and/or has the incorrect opacity in this wavelength range. Previous 1D models of HD 189733b have suffered a similar problem at this wavelength \\citep{barman-2008, knutson-etal-2009a}, as have 1D models of brown dwarfs with similar effective temperatures \\citep{geballe-etal-2009}. A full-orbit light curve of HD 189733b at $3.6\\,\\mu$m, possible with warm {\\it Spitzer}, would provide crucial insights to help resolve this problem. For HD 209458b, we include gaseous TiO and VO opacity to see whether it allows us to explain the inference of a stratosphere from {\\it Spitzer} photometry \\citep{knutson-etal-2008a, burrows-etal-2007b, fortney-etal-2008}. As expected, these simulations develop a hot ($>2000\\,$K) dayside stratosphere whose horizontal dimensions are small at depth but widen with altitude until the stratosphere covers most of the dayside at pressures $<0.1\\,$mbar. Interestingly, both branches of the bifurcation discussed by \\citet{hubeny-etal-2003} for different planets occur here on a single planet's dayside. Using the terminology of \\citet{fortney-etal-2008}, the substellar region is a pM-class planet but the terminators and nightside are a pL-class planet. It is thus perhaps more proper to talk about pM-class {\\it daysides} rather than pM-class {\\it planets}. But despite the stratosphere in our simulations of HD 209458b, we do not reproduce current {\\it Spitzer} photometry of this planet, which includes particularly high ($\\sim1700$--$1900\\,$K) brightness temperatures in the 4.5 and 5.8-$\\mu$m channels. This could mean that our stratosphere has the incorrect properties (e.g., temperature range, altitude range, and vertical thermal gradient). However, a fundamental difficulty in explaining the diverse brightness dayside temperatures (ranging from $\\sim1500$--$1900\\,$K in {\\it Spitzer} bandpasses) is that the range of pressures from which emergent infrared photons originate are very similar for all {\\it Spitzer} bandpasses, at least as calculated by our radiative model with equilibrium chemistry. This means that {\\it regardless} of the planet's temperature profile, the brightness temperatures in all these bands should be similar. Breaking this degeneracy would require changing the opacities so that the opacities in different {\\it Spitzer} bandpasses differ significantly. Dropping the equilibrium chemistry assumption would make this possible; this provides a clue that disequilibrium chemistry may be important. Disequilibrium chemistry appears to influence infrared spectra of brown dwarfs \\citep[e.g.][]{leggett-etal-2007a, geballe-etal-2009}, lending weight to this possibility. Our light curves of HD 209458b in {\\it Spitzer} bandpasses exhibit modest day-night variation, and we successfully explain the upper limit on the day-night flux contrast from \\citet{cowan-etal-2007} at $8\\,\\mu$m. Our ability to meet this constraint results from the fact that much of the dayside 8-$\\mu$m radiation emanates from altitudes near the base of the stratosphere, where temperatures are not too hot, while nightside 8-$\\mu$m radiation emanates from substantially deeper pressures where temperatures are warmer than they are aloft. This dual effect leads to modest day-night flux variations despite large day-night temperature variations (on isobars) at low pressures. Assuming the high inferred 4.5 and 5.8-$\\mu$m brightness temperatures indeed result from a stratosphere, we suggest that the real planet should exhibit large phase variations at 4.5 and $5.8\\,\\mu$m yet more modest phase variations at other {\\it Spitzer} bandpasses and $K$ band. The task of developing exoplanet GCMs that couple dynamics and radiative transfer has now been espoused by many authors, and the work presented here demonstrates that this approach indeed holds significant promise for explaining atmospheric observations of hot Jupiters. Our 3D SPARC/MITgcm simulations, especially of HD 189733b, show encouraging resemblance to observations of the real planet. While some discrepancies remain, and a wider range of parameters need be explored, these simulations support the idea that detailed model/data comparisons can eventually allow robust inferences about the circulation regime of hot Jupiters to be inferred. Given the huge range in properties of currently known transiting planets, with future observations sure to unveil additional surprises, this helps energize the exciting prospect that planetary meteorology can successfully be extended beyond the confines of our Solar System." }, "0809/0809.2040_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We investigated the influence of environment on cluster galaxies by examining the alignment of the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) position angle with respect to the host cluster X-ray position angle. The cluster position angles were measured using high spatial resolution X-ray data taken from the Chandra ACIS archive, that significantly improved the determination of the cluster shape compared to the conventional method of using optical images. Meanwhile, those of the BCGs were measured using homogeneous dataset composed of high spatial resolution optical images taken with Suprime-Cam mounted on Subaru 8m telescope. We found a strong indication of an alignment between the cluster X-ray emission and optical light from BCGs, while we see no clear direct correlation between the degree of ellipticity of X-ray and optical BCG morphologies, despite the apparent alignment of two elliptical structures. We have also investigated possible dependence of the position angle alignment on the X-ray morphology of the clusters, and no clear trends are found. The fact that no trends are evident regarding frequency or degree of the alignment with respect to X-ray morphology may be consistent with an interpretation as a lack of dependence on the dynamical status of clusters. ", "introduction": "It is well established that the major axes of galaxy clusters tend to point toward their nearest neighbour \\citep[e.g.][Hashimoto et al. 2007a]{binggeli1982sao,flin1987agc,rhee1987sea,plionis1994paa,west1995scf,plionis2002csa,chambers2000eca,chambers2002nna}. \\nocite{hashimoto2007icx} Another alignment effect is that between the orientation of the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG), or cD galaxy, and that of their parent cluster \\citep[e.g.][]{sastry1968cas,dressler1978csv,carter1980mcg,binggeli1982sao,struble1990pas,plionis2003gap}. Similar alignment is also reported for poor groups of galaxies \\citep{fuller1999adg}. Numerical work \\citep[e.g.][]{west1991fsu,vanhaarlem1993vfa,west1994amh,onuora2000acu,splinter1997eao,faltenbacher2005ima} show that substructure-cluster alignments can occur naturally in hierarchical clustering models of structure formation such as the cold dark matter model. Unfortunately, all of these previous galaxy-cluster alignment studies are using optically-determined cluster position angles, most of them are based on the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey (POSS). Despite the importance of these optical investigations, individual galaxies may not be the best tracers of the shape of a cluster. Problems can arise from foreground/background contamination, as well as the fact that galaxies contribute discreteness noise. However, it is believed that the X-ray emitting gas within a cluster traces its gravitational potential \\citep{sarazin1986xec}. X-ray morphology may then be one of the best observable phenomenon for determining the cluster shape and orientation. Indeed, there are several X-ray studies for cluster vs. neighbour-cluster alignment \\citep*[e.g.][Hashimoto et al. 2007a]{ulmer1989mar,chambers2000eca,chambers2002nna}, but there are few galaxy-cluster alignment studies using X-ray morphology, except for \\citet*{porter1991coa} and \\citet*{rhee1991xro}, where they investigated the BCG-cluster alignment using low spatial resolution X-ray data, as well as traditional cluster shape parameter from apparent galaxy distribution, and reported a significant alignment. Unfortunately, previous X-ray studies are mostly based on $Einstein$ data. These data are important, but the exposure depths are small and the spatial resolution is rather low compared to recently available X-ray data. The low spatial resolution may not significantly affect relatively robust measures such as position angle in a direct way, but it will critically hinder the accurate removal of contaminating point sources and the accurate determination of cluster center, and that may significantly affect the estimate of cluster X-ray morphology including the position angle. Hence, a new investigation using deeper X-ray data with much higher spatial resolution is needed. Here we report a new investigation of galaxy alignment with respect to its parent cluster, using the cluster position angle and ellipticity determined by high spatial resolution X-ray data taken from the Chandra ACIS archive. Meanwhile, position angle and ellipticity of BCGs are determined from optical images taken with Subaru 8m telescope. This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, we describe our main sample and X-ray measures, in Sec. 3, details of our optical data are described. Sec. 4 summarizes our results. Throughout the paper, we use $H_{o}$ = 70 km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$, $\\Omega_{m}$=0.3, and $\\Omega_{\\Lambda}$=0.7, unless otherwise stated. \\section[]{The X-ray Sample, X-ray Data Preparation, and X-ray measures} Here we briefly summarize our main X-ray sample, X-ray data preparation, and X-ray measures. \\nocite{hashimoto2007rqm} More detailed descriptions can be found in Hashimoto et al. (2007b). Almost all clusters are selected from flux-limited X-ray surveys, and X-ray data are taken from the Chandra ACIS archive. A lower limit of z = 0.05 or 0.1 is placed on the redshift to ensure that a cluster is observed with sufficient field-of-view with ACIS-I or ACIS-S, respectively. The majority of our sample comes from the $ROSAT$ Brightest Cluster Sample \\citep[BCS;][]{ebeling1998rbc} and the Extended $ROSAT$ Brightest Cluster Sample \\citep[EBCS;][]{ebeling2000rbc}. When combined with EBCS, the BCS clusters represent one of the largest and most complete X-ray selected cluster samples, which is currently the most frequently observed by $Chandra$. To extend our sample to higher redshifts, additional high-z clusters are selected from various deep surveys; 10 of these clusters are selected from the $ROSAT$ Deep Cluster Survey \\citep[RDCS;][]{rosati1998rdc}, 10 from the $Einstein$ Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey \\citep[EMSS;][]{gioia1990eoe,henry1992ems}, 14 from the 160 Square Degrees $ROSAT$ Survey \\citep{vikhlinin1998cgc}, 2 from the Wide Angle $ROSAT$ Pointed Survey \\citep[WARPS;][]{perlman2002wsv}, and 1 from the North Ecliptic Pole survey \\citep[NEP;][]{henry2006rne}, RXJ1054 was discovered by \\citet{hasinger1998rds}, RXJ1347 was discovered in the $ROSAT$ All Sky Survey \\citep{schindler1995das}, and 3C295 has been mapped with $Einstein$ \\citet{henry1986xrs}. The resulting sample contains 120 clusters. At the final stage of our data processing, to employ our full analysis, we further applied a selection based on the total counts of cluster emission, eliminating clusters with very low signal-to-noise ratio. Clusters whose center is too close to the edge of the ACISCCD are also removed. The resulting final sample contains 101 clusters with redshifts between 0.05 - 1.26 (median z = 0.226), and bolometric luminosity between 1.0 $\\times$ 10$^{44}$ -- 1.2 $\\times$ 10$^{46}$ erg s$^{-1}$ (median 8.56 $\\times$ 10$^{44}$ erg s$^{-1}$). We reprocessed the level=1 event file retrieved from the archive. The data were filtered to include only the standard event grades 0,2,3,4,6 and status 0, then multiple pointings were merged, if any. We eliminated time intervals of high background count rate by performing a 3 $\\sigma$ clipping of the background level. We corrected the images for exposure variations across the field of view, detector response and telescope vignetting. We detected point sources using the CIAO routine celldetect with a signal-to-noise threshold for source detection of three. We removed point sources, except for those at the center of the cluster which was mostly the peak of the surface brightness distribution rather than a real point source. The images were then smoothed with Gaussian $\\sigma$=5\". We decided to use isophotal contours to characterize an object region, instead of a conventional circular aperture, because we did not want to introduce any bias in the shape of an object. To define constant metric scale to all clusters, we adjusted an extracting threshold in such a way that the square root of the detected object area times a constant was 0.5 Mpc, i.e. const$\\sqrt{area}$ = 0.5 Mpc. We chose const =1.5, because the isophotal limit of a detected object was best represented by this value. The morphology of cluster X-ray emission is then characterized objectively by the position angle, as well as the ellipticity and the asymmetry. The position angle is defined by the orientation of the major axis measured east from north. Ellipticity is simply defined by the ratio of semi-major (A) and semi-minor axis (B) lengths as: \\begin{eqnarray} Elli & = & 1 -B/A \\end{eqnarray} where A and B are defined by the maximum and minimum spatial {\\it rms} of the object profile along any direction and computed from the centered-second moments by the formula: \\\\ \\begin{eqnarray} A^2 & = &\\frac{\\overline{x^2}+\\overline{y^2}}{2}+\\sqrt{\\left(\\frac{\\overline{x^2}-\\overline{y^2}}{2}\\right)^2 + \\overline{xy}^2} \\\\ B^2 & = &\\frac{\\overline{x^2}+\\overline{y^2}}{2}-\\sqrt{\\left(\\frac{\\overline{x^2}-\\overline{y^2}}{2}\\right)^2 + \\overline{xy}^2} \\end{eqnarray} The asymmetry is measured by first rotating a cluster image by 180 degrees around the object center, then subtracting the rotated image from the original unrotated one. The residual signals above zero are summed and then normalized. Please see Hashimoto et al. 2007b for more detailed definitions of morphological measures. \\section[]{Optical data} To determine the position angle and the ellipticity of BCGs, we used optical broad band images taken with Supreme-Cam \\citep{miyazaki1998cam} on the Subaru telescope. The data were retrieved from Subaru-Mitaka-Okayama-Kiso Archive (SMOKA). Reduction software developed by \\citet{yagi2002lfn} was used for flat-fielding, instrumental distortion correction, differential refraction, sky subtraction, and stacking. The camera covers a 34' $\\times$ 27' field of view with a pixel scale of 0\\farcs202. The photometry is calibrated to Vega system using Landolt standards \\citep{landolt1992ups}. We refine the original astrometry written as WCS keyword in the distributed archival data using using USNO-A2 catalog with positional uncertainties less than $\\sim$ 0.2 arcsec. The data were taken under various seeing conditions, and we used only images with less than $\\sim$ 1\\farcs2 seeing. The optical data retrieved from SMOKA contains 30 clusters with redshifts between 0.08 - 0.9, Some clusters have observed through many wavebands, and that allowed us to investigate the possible variations of our measures caused by waveband shifts. We have decided to rely primarily on the R band images for this alignment study, because we found that the effect of waveband shift is negligible. The position angle and ellipticity of BCGs are measured exactly the same way as the X-ray cluster emission, namely, the position angle is defined by the orientation of the major axis measured east from north, and the ellipticity is defined by the ratio of semi-major and semi-minor axis. Please see Hashimoto et al. 2007b \\citep[see also][]{hashimoto1998ies} for further details. As a precaution, we investigate the effect of superposed small galaxies sometimes lying on top of the extended structure of some BCGs, and we found that these superposed small galaxies have little effect on our robust measures such as, position angle and ellipticity. \\section[]{Results} \\subsection[]{Systematics} One of the haunting, yet unfortunately often lightly treated, problem of any study comparing complex morphological characteristics of astronomical objects is the possible systematics introduced by various data quality, exposure times and object redshifts. Depending on the sensitivity of measures of characteristics, some susceptible measures may be seriously affected by these systematics, producing the misleading results. Unfortunately, investigating the systematics on the complex characteristics is not an easy task. To investigate the systematic effect of, for example, various exposure times, one of the standard approaches is to simulate an image with a given exposure time by using an exposure-time-scaled and noise-added model image. Unfortunately, we need to approximate the various characteristics of a model to the complicated characteristics of a real object, (and those characteristics are often what we want to investigate) and this is an almost impossible task. Meanwhile, if we use the real data, instead of the model, we will not have this problem. We can simulate lower signal-to-noise data caused by a shorter integration time by scaling the real data by the exposure time, and adding Poisson noise taking each pixel value as the mean for a Poisson distribution. However, this simple rescaling and adding-noise process will produce an image containing an excessive amount of Poisson noise for a given exposure time, thus lead us to underestimate the data quality. This inaccurate estimate of noise is caused by the intrinsic noise already presented in the initial real data. The intrinsic noise is difficult to be removed without sacrificing the fine spatial details of the object. Similarly, to investigate the effect of dimming and smaller angular size caused by higher redshifts, in addition to the rest waveband shift effect, simple rescaling and rebinning of the real data will not work, because these manipulations will again produce the incorrect amount of noise. Further difficulty associated with simulation using the real data comes from the fact that exposure and redshift effects are often coupled, because, in the real observation, low redshift objects are usually observed with shorter exposures than high redshift objects. This coupling further poses a serious problem, because simple standard method of simulating an observation with `decreased' exposure time will force high redshift data to get degraded, which greatly reduces signal-to-noise ratio of already low quality high redshift data. To circumvent all of these challenging problems, we developed a very useful simulating technique employing a series of `adaptive scalings' accompanied by a noise adding process applied to the real images. This technique allows us to simulated an image of desired fiducial exposure time and redshift with correct signal-to-noise ratio without using a tricky artificial model image, thus we can easily investigate the effect of various image quality and/or easily change the real data to common fiducial exposure and redshift for easy comparison. Moreover, the technique can provide us with a powerful tool for conducting evolutionary studies, enabling us to compare the local objects to the high redshift objects without degrading photon-expensive high redshift data of low signal-to-noise ratio at all. This method is originally developed for the comparison of X-ray image data, but can be used for almost all kind of imaging data, including optical and NIR images. Here we briefly describe the method. Please see Hashimoto et al. 2007b for further details. To simulate data with integration t=t1, an original unsmoothed image (including the background) taken with original integration time t0 was at first rescaled by a factor R$_0$/(1-R$_0$), instead of simple R$_0$, where R$_0$=t1/t0, t0$>$t1. That is, an intermediate scaled image I$_1$ was created from the original unsmoothed image I$_0$ by: \\begin{eqnarray} I_1 &=& I_0\\frac{R_0}{(1-R_0)}. \\end{eqnarray} Poisson noise was then added to this rescaled image by taking each pixel value as the mean for a Poisson distribution and then randomly selecting a new pixel value from that distribution. This image was then rescaled again by a factor (1-R$_0$) to produce an image whose {\\it signal} is scaled by R$_0$ relative to the original image, but its {\\it noise} is approximately scaled by $\\sqrt{R_0}$, assuming that the intrinsic noise initially present in the real data is Poissonian. Similarly, to simulate the dimming effect by the redshift, an intermediate scaled image I$_1$ is created from the background subtracted image I$_0$ by a pixel-to-pixel manipulation: \\begin{eqnarray} I_{1}(x,y) &=& \\frac{I_{0}(x,y)^2R_1^2}{[I_{0}(x,y)R_1+B-R_1^2(I_{0}(x,y)+B)]} \\\\ where & &\\nonumber \\\\ R_1&=&[(1+z0)/(1+z1)]^4 \\end{eqnarray} where z0 and z1 are the original redshift and the new redshift of the object, respectively, and B is the background. Finally, to simulate the angular-size change due to the redshift difference between z0 and z1, the original image will be rebinned by a factor R$_2$, then intermediate scaled image will be created by rescaling the rebinned image by a factor 1/(R$^2_2$-1), before the addition of the Poisson noise. For the simulation with `increased' exposure time, this factor can be changed to R$_3$/(R$_2^2$-R$_3$) where R$_3$ = t2/t0, t2$>$t0, where t2 is the increased exposure time, and t0 is the original integration time, and (R$_2^2$ -R$_3$) $>$ 0. The maximum length of integration time we can `increase' (t2$_{max}$) is naturally limited by the original exposure time and how much we increase the redshift for the redshift-effect part, and determined by the relationship, \\begin{eqnarray} R_2^2-R_3 = 0, \\end{eqnarray} which is equivalent to the case when no Poisson noise is added after the rebinning. Thus, \\begin{eqnarray} t2_{max}=t0R_2^2. \\end{eqnarray} This t2$_{max}$ can be also used as a rough estimate of the effective image depth. The t2$_{max}$ provides an estimate of the image depth much more effectively than the conventional simple exposure time because t2$_{max}$ is related to a quantity that is affected both by exposure time and redshift, and thus enabling us to quantitatively compare exposure times of observations involving targets at different redshifts (e.g. 100 ksec at z=0.1 and 100 ksec at z=0.9). \\begin{figure} \\center{ {\\includegraphics[height=7cm,width=5cm,clip,angle=-90]{sampleimage.ps}} } \\caption{ Simulating an image with desired exposure time and redshift using the real data: Even simulating an image with prolonged exposure time is possible with our adaptive scaling method. Here, optical R band images, taken with Subaru Suprime-Cam, of the BCG at the center of an example cluster (Abell 2219) are shown. Images with original and modified exposure time and redshift are presented with north is up and east is left. (a) Original image: exptime(t)=240s, and redshift(z)=0.228, (b) Simulated shorter exposure image with t=10s (c) Simulated high-z image with z=0.9, t=240s (d) Simulated prolonged exposure at high-z with t=1092s, z=0.9. } \\label{FigTemp} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\center{ {\\includegraphics[height=7cm,width=5cm,clip,angle=-90]{sampleimage_x.ps}} } \\caption{ Similarly with Fig. 1, X-ray images from Chandra ACIS, of Abell 2219 are shown with original and modified exposure time and redshift. North is up and east is left. (a) Original: t=41ks, z=0.228 (b) Simulated shorter exposure: t=10ks (z=0.228) (c) Simulated High-z image: z=0.9 (t=41ks) (d) Prolonged exposure at High-z: t=188ks, z=0.9. } \\label{FigTemp} \\end{figure} Although we suspected that our ellipticity and position angle were quite robust, as a precaution we investigated the possible systematics on these measures introduced by various exposure times and redshifts, using our scaling technique described above. In Fig. 1, we demonstrate our technique of simulating desired exposure time and redshift using the real optical image of the BCG at the cluster center taken with Subaru Suprime-Cam. Original and modified exposure time and redshift of an example cluster (Abell 2219) are shown with north up and east left, where (a) original image: exptime(t)=240s, and redshift(z)=0.228, (b) simulated shorter exposure image with t=10s, (c) simulated high-z image with z=0.9, t=240s, and (d) simulated prolonged exposure at high-z with t=1092s, z=0.9. Similarly, in Fig. 2, we use the real X-ray images of Abell 2219 from Chandra ACIS, and simulated various exposures and redshifts, where (a) original image with t=41ks, z=0.228, (b) simulated shorter exposure: t=10ks (z=0.228), (c) simulated High-z image: z=0.9 (t=41ks), and (d) prolonged exposure at High-z: t=188ks, z=0.9. Using this technique, we simulated datasets with various exposure times and redshifts, and measured our cluster parameters. We found that our X-ray and optical position angles are robust against various exposure times and redshifts. Similarly, we found that other morphological measures such as, the ellipticity and asymmetry are quite robust, as well. \\subsection[]{Analyses} \\begin{table} \\tiny \\caption{Summary of optical cluster sample} \\label{symbols} \\begin{tabular}{@{}lcccccc} \\hline Cluster & z & PA\\_X & PA\\_BCG & $\\Delta$PA$^a$ & Elli\\_X & Elli\\_BCG \\\\ & (redshift) & (degree) & (degree) & (degree) & & \\\\ \\hline \\hline \\scriptsize a2034 & 0.110 & 206.9 & 22.24 & 4.65 & 0.15 & 0.50 \\\\ a2069 & 0.114 & 327.7 & 331.8 & 4.18 & 0.46 & 0.66 \\\\ a750 & 0.163 & 249.0 & 249.6 & 0.66 & 0.14 & 0.31 \\\\ rxj1720 & 0.164 & 355.3 & 32.08 & 36.7 & 0.15 & 0.34 \\\\ a520 & 0.203 & 192.4 & 228.6 & 36.2 & 0.26 & 0.49 \\\\ a963 & 0.206 & 175.9 & 347.0 & 8.85 & 0.15 & 0.42 \\\\ a2261 & 0.224 & 225.8 & 14.48 & 31.3 & 0.14 & 0.13 \\\\ a2219 & 0.228 & 309.5 & -79.5 & 29.0 & 0.38 & 0.42 \\\\ a2390 & 0.233 & 298.6 & -57.6 & 3.76 & 0.30 & 0.32 \\\\ rxj2129 & 0.235 & 246.0 & 65.28 & 0.71 & 0.21 & 0.54 \\\\ a2631 & 0.278 & 258.2 & 84.27 & 6.07 & 0.29 & 0.41 \\\\ a1758 & 0.280 & 308.7 & 85.53 & 43.2 & 0.47 & 0.21 \\\\ a2552 & 0.299 & 201.7 & 216.4 & 14.7 & 0.18 & 0.45 \\\\ a1722 & 0.327 & 204.4 & 357.7 & 26.6 & 0.27 & 0.14 \\\\ zwcl3959 & 0.351 & 333.4 & 346.7 & 13.3 & 0.21 & 0.36 \\\\ a370 & 0.357 & 187.2 & 86.96 & 79.7 & 0.37 & 0.11 \\\\ rxj1532 & 0.361 & 227.7 & 78.24 & 30.5 & 0.18 & 0.37 \\\\ zwcl1953 & 0.373 & 351.2 & 306.3 & 44.8 & 0.24 & 0.51 \\\\ zwcl2661 & 0.382 & 159.5 & 206.9 & 47.3 & 0.12 & 0.43 \\\\ zwcl0024 & 0.390 & 5.200 & 246.6 & 61.4 & 0.03 & 0.48 \\\\ rxj2228 & 0.412 & 263.7 & 56.27 & 27.4 & 0.21 & 0.54 \\\\ rxj1347 & 0.451 & 359.2 & 343.8 & 15.3 & 0.20 & 0.13 \\\\ ms0451 & 0.540 & 279.9 & 344.9 & 65.0 & 0.26 & 0.04 \\\\ cl0016 & 0.541 & 228.7 & 244.6 & 15.9 & 0.19 & 0.31 \\\\ ms2053 & 0.583 & 304.8 & 336.8 & 32.0 & 0.25 & 0.16 \\\\ rxj1350 & 0.810 & 334.2 & 308.9 & 25.2 & 0.20 & 0.47 \\\\ rxj1716 & 0.813 & 236.2 & 255.1 & 18.9 & 0.17 & 0.52 \\\\ ms1054 & 0.830 & 266.1 & 35.96 & 50.1 & 0.40 & 0.51 \\\\ rxj0152 & 0.835 & 221.6 & 231.0 & 9.46 & 0.58 & 0.29 \\\\ wga1226 & 0.890 & 284.5 & 264.6 & 19.8 & 0.09 & 0.15 \\\\ \\hline \\hline \\end{tabular} a: $\\Delta$PA is an acute angle of PA\\_BCG-PA\\_X \\end{table} \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics[height=3cm,width=2cm,clip,angle=90]{plot1g.elli_elli_gal_Sa_.degr_BCG01.ps}} \\caption{ Ellipticity of BCGs is plotted against ellipticity of the X-ray morphology of the host clusters. Interestingly, no clear correlation is seen. } \\label{FigTemp} \\end{figure} Table 1 shows a summary of our optical cluster sample, where $\\Delta$PA is an acute relative angle between the position angle of X-ray (PA\\_X) and BCG (PA\\_BCG), namely, the relative position angle differences greater than 90 degree are `folded' and changed to be acute ranging between 0 and 90 degree. Despite the robust nature of our measures, we modify, as a precaution, all of the X-ray and optical observations to be equivalent to z=0.9 and t=t2$_{max}$ to eliminate any possible small systematics, but otherwise to maximize the image quality. In Fig. 3, the ellipticity of cluster X-ray morphology is plotted against the ellipticity of optical morphology of BCGs. Interestingly, in spite of expected alignment of two elliptical structures, there are a large scatter and we found no strong correlation in the relationship between the two ellipticities. \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics[height=3cm,width=2cm,clip,angle=90]{plot1g.difang2_elli_gal_Sa_.degr_BCG01.ps}} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics[height=3cm,width=2cm,clip,angle=90]{plot1g.difang2_elli_Sa_.degr_BCG01.ps}} \\caption{ The acute position angle difference plotted versus ellipticity of BCGs (top panel) and ellipticity of cluster X-ray emission. The position angle difference is determined by the difference between the cluster X-ray position angle and the position angle of BCG galaxy. Figures illustrate that clusters with the position angle difference less than 45 degree tend to be more abundant, particularly for high ellipticity BCGs or clusters, implying that cluster X-ray emission and optical light from BCG are aligned. } \\label{FigTemp} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics[height=2cm,width=3cm,clip,angle=0]{plot2g.Num_difang2_Sa_degr.ps}} \\caption{ The frequency distribution of the position angle difference. There is a tendency that we have more clusters with an angle difference less than 45 degrees, consistent with the observation made in Fig. 4 implying that cluster X-ray emission and optical light from BCG are aligned. } \\label{FigTemp} \\end{figure} Fig. 4 shows the acute relative position angle difference between cluster X-ray morphology and BCG morphology plotted against the ellipticity of BCGs (top panel) and the ellipticity of cluster X-ray morphology (bottom panel). Fig. 4 shows that the position angle difference tends to be smaller than 45 degree, implying that BCGs tend to elongated in the same direction of the X-ray distribution of their host clusters, particularly for clusters exhibiting relatively high ellipticity in their optical BCG morphology and/or in their cluster X-ray morphology. Meanwhile, for clusters with very low BCG or X-ray ellipticity (ellipticity $<$ 0.1) position angle are generally poorly determined, and thus position angle difference can be inaccurate. Fig. 5 shows the frequency distribution of the position angle difference. There is a strong tendency that we have more clusters with an angle difference less than 45 degrees, consistent with the observation made in Fig. 4. To test this trend more rigorously, we first employed the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test. The null hypothesis here is that our sample can be drawn from a parent population of random position angle differences. However, the K-S test detects the deviation from the parent population (here the population of random position angle differences), thus it may loose some sensitivity for testing the cluster alignment, where it is likely that position angle difference is systematically lower than the random sample. To increase the sensitivity to an alignment signal, as a second test we employed the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney rank-sum test. The null hypothesis of this test is that the position angle difference is not systematically smaller or larger than the random sample. Therefore the test is insensitive to an excess of angles around the mean (i.e. 45 deg). When applied to our sample, both K-S and rank-sum tests show, not surprisingly the strong alignment signals, and we find that the null hypothesis can be rejected with 99.93\\% and 99.99\\% confidence, respectively, thus confirming that BCGs are significantly aligned to the X-ray emissions of the host clusters. We have also investigated the alignment of other luminous non-BCG galaxies to the X-ray emissions and we found no significant alignment. The results are summarized in table 2, where LG2 is the second brightest galaxy, LG3 is the third brightest galaxy, and LGn is the n-th brightest galaxy within a projected distance of 1 Mpc from the X-ray center. \\begin{table} \\caption{Significance levels of the alignment for various luminous galaxies } \\label{symbols} \\begin{tabular}{@{}lccccc} \\hline Statistics & BCG & LG2 & LG3 & LG4 & LG5 \\\\ \\hline \\hline K-S & 99.93 & 81.67 & 49.93 & 4.22 & 8.99 \\\\ Rank Sum & 99.99 & 83.06 & 57.09 & 54.51 & 63.33 \\\\ \\hline \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table} \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{\\includegraphics[height=3cm,width=2cm,clip,angle=90]{plot1g.elli_asym_Sa_.degr_BCG01.ps}} \\caption{ X-ray morphology versus BCG alignment: Cluster X-ray asymmetry is plotted against cluster X-ray ellipticity. Large solid circles are clusters showing strong alignment with BCG-to-cluster position angle difference less than 20 degree, while solid triangles are clusters showing the ``modest''alignment, but with position angle difference between 20 and 45 degree. Crosses represent clusters with no sign of the alignment, and small dots are clusters in our main sample without optical Subaru data. No clear trends are visible regarding frequency or degree of the alignment with respect to X-ray morphology, which can be interpreted as lack of dependence on the dynamical status of clusters. } \\label{FigTemp} \\end{figure} In Fig. 6, we investigated possible dependence of the position angle alignment on the X-ray morphology of the clusters. In Fig. 6, the cluster X-ray asymmetry is plotted against cluster X-ray ellipticity. Large solid circles are clusters showing strong alignment between the cluster and BCG with position angle difference less than 20 degree, while solid triangles are clusters showing the alignment, but with position angle difference between 20 and 45 degree. Crosses represent clusters with no sign of the alignment, and small dots are clusters in our main X-ray sample without optical Subaru data. No clear trends are evident regarding frequency or degree of the alignment with respect to X-ray morphology. We have also attempted to investigate possible dependence of the alignment on cluster redshifts. We found that for clusters less than z=0.35, both K-S and rank-sum tests show that the null hypothesis can be rejected with 99.92\\% and 99.99\\% confidence, respectively, while for clusters greater than or equal to z=0.35, alignment signals are somewhat weaker that the null hypothesis can be rejected with 93.88\\% and 83.69\\% confidence, respectively for K-S and rank-sum tests. Similarly, we have investigated the dependence of the alignment on the cluster X-ray bolometric luminosity (Lbol), and we did not find any significant trend: for clusters with Lbol greater than or equal to 2 $\\times$10$^{45}$ erg/s, the null hypothesis can be rejected with 93.45\\% and 96.42\\% confidence, while for clusters with Lbol smaller than 2 $\\times$10$^{45}$ erg/s, the null hypothesis can be rejected with 99.78\\% and 99.90\\% confidence, respectively for K-S and rank-sum tests. ", "conclusions": "We investigated the influence of environment on cluster galaxies by examining the alignment of the BCG position angle with respect to the host cluster X-ray position angle. The cluster position angles were measured using high spatial resolution X-ray data taken from the Chandra ACIS archive, that significantly improved the determination of the cluster shape compared to the conventional method of using optical images. Meanwhile, those of the BCGs were measured using high spatial resolution optical images taken with Suprime-Cam mounted on Subaru 8m telescope. We found a strong indication of an alignment between the cluster X-ray emission and optical light from BCGs, while we see no clear direct correlation between the ellipticity of X-ray morphology and optical BCG morphology despite of the apparent alignment of two elliptical structures. In the hierarchical structure formation models, the alignment effect could be produced by clustering models of structure formation such as the cold dark matter model \\citep[e.g.][]{salvadorsole1993tie,west1994amh,usami1997ter,onuora2000acu,faltenbacher2002cog,faltenbacher2005ima}. The existence of the alignment effects is also consistent with a cosmic structure formation model such as the hot dark matter model \\citep[e.g.][]{zeldovich1970gia}, where clusters and galaxies form by fragmentation in already flattened sheet- and filament-like structures. We have also investigated possible dependence of the position angle alignment on the X-ray morphology of the clusters, and no clear trends are found. If the X-ray morphology of clusters reflects dynamical status of clusters \\citep[e.g.][]{hashimoto2004aca}, the fact that no trends are evident regarding frequency or degree of the alignment with respect to X-ray morphology may be consistent with an interpretation as a lack of dependence of alignment on the dynamical status of clusters. Primordial galaxy alignments in clusters can be damped by various mechanisms such as the exchange of angular momentum in galaxy encounters, violent relaxation, and secondary infall \\citep[e.g.][]{quinn1992gaa,coutts1996sad} over a Hubble time. Thus, in highly relaxed clusters, we might naively expect to observe weaker primordial galaxy alignment, because there has been sufficient time to mix the phases. The fact that we do not see any significant alignment trend with respect to the X-ray morphology may provide an important constrain on these damping scenarios." }, "0809/0809.2276_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In the infrared, the heavily reddened LkH$\\alpha$ 101 is one of the brightest young stars in the sky. Situated just north of the Taurus-Auriga complex in the L1482 dark cloud, it appears to be an early B-type star that has been serendipitously exposed during a rarely observed stage of early evolution, revealing a remarkable spectrum and a directly-imaged circumstellar disk. While detailed studies of this star and its circumstellar environment have become increasingly sophisticated in the 50 years since \\citet{herbig56} first pointed it out, the true nature of the object still remains a mystery. Recent work has renewed focus on the young cluster of stars surrounding LkH$\\alpha$ 101, and what it can tell us about the enigmatic source at its center (e.g., massive star formation timescales, clustered formation mechanisms). This latter effort certainly deserves more intensive study. We describe the current knowledge of this region and point out interesting work that could be done in the future. ", "introduction": "In a generalized sense, there are three distinct types of young star clusters: ($a$) high-mass star-forming regions with an associated extensive network of low-mass stars (e.g., Orion); ($b$) quiescent environments that host low-mass star formation exclusively (e.g., Taurus-Auriga); and ($c$) smaller clusters of low-mass stars surrounding one or a few A/B stars. Naturally, there is a continuum of such types, and the picture is not quite so simple. However, an important goal in this line of research is to generally understand the differences and commonalities between these cluster types in an effort to better explain the various clustered modes of star formation and their consequences. The LkH$\\alpha$ 101 cluster is an interesting example of the ($c$) type; a handful of B stars and a hundred or more low-mass stars with a dominant source (LkH$\\alpha$ 101) at the center. The remarkable central source and apparent young age for the cluster indicate that we have been afforded a fortuitous opportunity to investigate this formation mode at a very early time. In this chapter, we highlight various studies of the LkH$\\alpha$ 101 region, separated into sections focused on the local interstellar medium (Sect.~2), distance estimates (Sect.~3), the embedded young cluster (Sect.~4), and LkH$\\alpha$ 101 itself (Sect.~5). We conclude with a brief preview of a new, comprehensive multiwavelength study of the region, and summarize the information with an eye toward future studies (Sect.~6). \\begin{figure}[ht!] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[height=4.7in,draft=False]{andrews.fig1.eps} \\end{center} \\caption{Optical $VRI$ image of the NGC 1579 reflection nebula that hosts a young cluster surrounding LkH$\\alpha$ 101 \\citep[from][]{herbig04}. The image is roughly 7 arcminutes on a side, with north up and east to the left.} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.2795_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present environmental dependence of dusty star forming activity in and around the cluster RXJ1716.4+6708 at $z= 0.81$ based on wide-field and multi-wavelength observations with the Prime Focus Camera on the Subaru Telescope (Suprime-Cam) and the Infrared Camera onboard the AKARI satellite (IRC). Our optical data shows that the optical colour distribution of galaxies starts to dramatically change from blue to red at the medium-density environment such as cluster outskirts, groups and filaments. By combining with the AKARI infrared data, we find that 15~$ \\mu$m-detected galaxies tend to have optical colours between the red sequence and the blue cloud with a tail into the red sequence, consistent with being dusty star forming galaxies. The spatial distribution of the 15~$\\mu$m-detected galaxies over $\\sim$ 200 arcmin$^2$ around the cluster reveals that few 15~$\\mu$m galaxies are detected in the cluster central region. This is probably due to the low star forming activity in the cluster core. However, interestingly, the fraction of 15~$\\mu$m-detected galaxies in the medium-density environments is as high as in the low-density field, despite the fact that the optical colours start to change in the medium-density environments. Furthermore, we find that 15~$\\mu$m-detected galaxies which have optically red colours (candidates for dusty red galaxies) and galaxies with high specific star formation rates are also concentrated in the medium-density environment. These results imply that the star forming activity in galaxies in groups and filaments is enhanced due to some environmental effects specific to the medium-density environment (e.g. galaxy-galaxy interaction), and such a phenomenon is probably directly connected to the truncation of star forming activity in galaxies seen as the dramatic change in optical colours in such environment. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} \\subsection{Galaxy properties as a function of environment} Galaxies live in various environments. Recent redshift surveys have shown filamentary large scale structures in the local Universe. In the distant Universe, at least up to $z \\lsim 1$, similar filamentary nature of large scale structures is found around clusters through wide field observations of distant clusters (e.g.\\ \\citealt{kod05}). There are also some hints that the large scale structure is present at much higher redshifts up to $z\\sim 6$ (\\citealt{shi03}; \\citealt{ouc05}). Environment must have played an important role in the history of galaxy evolution since galaxy properties are strongly dependent on environment. This is first noted by \\cite{dre80}, who showed that early-type galaxies dominate in high density regions while late-type galaxies tend to live in low density regions. This trend is called ``morphology--density relation''. After the Dressler's work, this interesting trend was confirmed and extended by many authors (e.g. \\citealt{pos84}; \\citealt{dre97}; \\citealt{got03d}; \\citealt{pos05}). However, it is still unclear what is the key physical process to produce the morphology--density relation or other environmental dependence of galaxy properties. The morphology--density relation can be understood, at least partly, as a result of morphological transformation of a substantial number of galaxies when they entered high-density environments. Many mechanisms to suppress the star forming activity and to contribute to the morphological transformation have been proposed (see the review by \\citealt{bos06}). For example, ram-pressure stripping due to the interaction with hot plasma gas filled in the cluster core (e.g. \\citealt{gun72}), is expected to be effective in rich cluster cores. High-speed encounters between galaxies, which are often called ``galaxy harassment'', should occur in very high-density environments (e.g. \\citealt{moo96}). In addition, mergers or galaxy-galaxy interactions should also contribute to the galaxy transformation (e.g. \\citealt{too72}). Interactions with the cluster potential may also cause a tidal force when galaxies pass the central region of clusters (e.g. \\citealt{byr90}). Another mechanism that can be effective is the so-called ``strangulation'' (e.g. \\citealt{lar80}), which leads to a slow decline in star formation rate after a galaxy falls into a more massive (i.e. group or cluster) halo. Identification of the key processes behind the galaxy transformation is one of the major remaining issues in galaxy evolution. It is well known that the fraction of blue star forming galaxies in clusters increases towards higher redshifts (Butcher-Oemler effect; \\citealt{but84}). Therefore, the transition from blue active galaxies to red passive galaxies should be more commonly seen in distant clusters. We can expect to see directly such truncation in action through observations of distant clusters (see also \\citealt{got03a}). However, importantly, it is reported that most of the actions take place in the outskirts of clusters rather than in the cluster core. In fact, some recent studies focus on the galaxy properties in the surrounding regions of clusters and try to identify the environment where the truncation of star formation occurs in accreted galaxies (e.g. \\citealt{abr96}; \\citealt{bal99}; \\citealt{pim02}). In such environment, it is reported that passive spirals (i.e.\\ spiral morphology but no star formation) tend to be found (e.g.\\ \\citealt{got03b}). \\cite{kod01} performed a wide-field imaging of the CL0939 cluster at $z=0.41$ and discovered that the colour distribution changes dramatically at the intermediate density environment which corresponds to groups/filaments. A very similar result was reported by \\cite{tan05} for the surrounding regions of higher redshift clusters, CL0016 at $z=0.55$ and RXJ0152 at $z=0.83$. They suggest that the intermediate density environment such as groups or filaments around clusters are the very sites where the truncation of galaxies is taking place. These pioneer works are really telling us the need for wide-field observation of distant clusters in order to study the physical mechanisms that are responsible for the truncation of galaxies from active phase to passive phase during the course of hierarchical assembly of galaxies to clusters. \\subsection{Dusty star forming galaxies in the local and distant Universe} It is well known that red galaxies tend to have little star forming activity (passive galaxies), while blue galaxies have on-going star-forming activity (star-forming galaxies) at a given redshift. However, the classification of passive or star-forming galaxies based only on their optical colours is sometimes highly uncertain. In fact, \\cite{hai08} showed that $\\sim 30 \\%$ of field red sequence galaxies selected from optical colour--magnitude diagrams have on-going star formation activity with EW(H$\\alpha$) $>$ 2\\AA, using their local galaxy samples from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS; \\citealt{yor00}). \\cite{dav06} also showed in their SDSS and SWIRE survey (\\citealt{lon03}) that $\\sim 18 \\%$ of their samples have red optical colours and infrared excess at the same time, which include both AGNs and on-going dusty star-forming galaxies. Similar results are shown for cluster red sequence. For example, \\cite{wol05} studied the Abell 901/902 cluster at $z=0.17$, and showed that $\\sim 22 \\%$ of red sequence galaxies are dusty red galaxies from the SED fitting using the medium-band survey (COMBO17; \\citealt{wol01}). Instead of using optical colours, optical emission lines (e.g. \\oii ($\\lambda = 3727$\\AA) and H$\\alpha $ ($\\lambda = 6563$ \\AA)) are often and widely used to measure star formation rates (\\citealt{ken98}). However, these lines, especially \\oii { } lines in the rest-frame ultra-violet, are attenuated by inter-stellar dust in the galaxies. Also, \\oii { } strength is affected by AGN contribution, if any, and dependent on metallicity as well. Although \\halpha\\, line is a much better indicator than \\oii { } in this respect (and is in fact one of the best indicators of star formation rates among emission lines), it is redshifted to near-infrared (NIR) regime at $z \\gsim 0.5$, where large format wide-field camera or spectrograph has become available only recently. Given these difficulties in optical and NIR observations, infrared (IR) luminosity of a galaxy that can be sensitively obtained by space telescopes, serves as an ideal measure of star formation rate, and it is also well calibrated with local starburst galaxies (\\citealt{ken98}). Since the total IR luminosity of a galaxy can be estimated through single broad-band imaging at mid-infrared (MIR) (e.g. \\citealt{tak05}), it is critically important to observe clusters in MIR bands as well as in the optical/NIR in order to reveal the hidden star formation activity and hence trace its true star formation history. This is especially true at high redshifts, because the luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) which have $10^{11} L_{\\odot} \\le L_{\\textrm{IR}} (8-1000\\mu \\textrm{m}) \\le 10^{12} L_{\\odot}$ and ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) which have $L_{\\textrm{IR}} (8-1000\\mu \\textrm{m}) \\ge 10^{12} L_{\\odot}$ are more commonly seen in the distant Universe than in the local Universe (e.g.\\ \\citealt{san96}; \\citealt{lef05}). \\subsection{Infrared observation of galaxy clusters} Taking these situations into account, wide-field MIR study of galaxy clusters covering entire structure around the cluster is required to investigate the ``true'' environmental dependence of star formation activities of galaxies. However, until recently, infrared studies of galaxy clusters have been conducted mainly with the ISO satellite (\\citealt{kes96}), which have been limited to very inner regions of clusters (see the review by \\citealt{met05}). Even though, some of these studies showed the importance of large amount of hidden star formation activity in the cluster environment (e.g. \\citealt{duc02}). The recent advent of the Spitzer MIPS (\\citealt{rie04}) has enabled us to investigate wider fields of distant clusters up to $z\\sim 0.8$. \\cite{gea06} observed very wide field (25$' \\times$ 25$'$) around CL0024 ($z=0.39$) and MS0451 ($z=0.55$) clusters by mosaicing MIPS images. \\cite{mar07} and \\cite{bai07} observed RXJ0152 and MS1054 (both at $z=0.83$), respectively, but their field coverage is limited only to cluster central regions. \\cite{bai07} actually imply that for rich clusters at $z \\sim 0.8$ even wider-field infrared studies are needed. In the local Universe, it is well established that star formation activity depends strongly on environment in the sense that it systematically declines towards higher density regions (e.g.\\ \\citealt{gom03}). Recently, however, surprising results are reported where such a relationship between star formation activity and local galaxy density becomes inverted at $z \\sim 1$ (\\citealt{elb07}; \\citealt{coo07}), i.e., star formation rate {\\it increases} towards higher density environment at $z\\sim1$. This is naively expected that one approaches to the formation epoch of cluster galaxies which is probably systematically skewed to higher redshifts compared to the formation epoch of field galaxies. Therefore, looking back the environmental dependence of star formation activity in galaxies as a function of redshift is a basic but vital step towards understanding the environmentally dependent galaxy formation and evolution. In this paper, we conduct for the first time a panoramic MIR study of a $z \\sim 0.8$ cluster, over a very large area including surrounding groups, filaments and outer fields. Throughout this paper, we use $\\Omega_M =0.3$, $\\Omega_{\\Lambda} =0.7$, and $H_0 =70$ km s$^{-1}$Mpc$^{-1}$. Magnitudes are all given in the AB system, unless otherwise stated. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:summary} We have performed a wide-field and multi-wavelength optical and infrared study of the distant galaxy cluster RXJ1716.4+6708 (RXJ1716) at $z=0.81$. A unique wide field coverage both in optical and infrared has enabled us to classify galaxies into three environmental bins, namely, high-density regions (cluster core), medium-density regions (cluster outskirts, groups, filament), and low-density regions (field), and has thus allowed us to investigate galaxy properties as a function of environment along the structures in and around the distant cluster. We find many of the 15~$\\mu$m cluster members show intermediate optical colours between the red sequence and the blue cloud. This may indicate that these 15~$\\mu$m cluster members are actively star-forming galaxies but attenuated by dust hence showing intermediate optical colours, although relatively fewer detection at 15~$\\mu$m of blue galaxies may be partly because they tend to be optically faint. We quantified the environment around the cluster using the local projected number density of cluster member galaxies, and confirmed that the optical colour distribution starts to dramatically change at the ``medium'' density environment that corresponds to groups and/or filaments. We showed that the 15~$\\mu$m members are very rare in the high-density cluster centre. This is probably due to the low star forming activity in such regions. However, interestingly, the fraction of the 15~$\\mu$m-detected cluster members in the medium-density environment is as high as in the low-density fields, despite the fact that optical colours of galaxies start to dramatically change from blue to red in the medium-density environment. Although the statistic is not very good, the fraction is slightly higher in the medium-density environments even compared with the low-density fields. We also find that dusty red galaxies (optically red 15~$\\mu$m cluster members) and the galaxies with high specific star formation rates (red in $z'-$ 15~$\\mu$m colour) are both concentrated in the medium-density environment. These results may suggest that the star formation activity in galaxies is once enhanced by some physical processes which are effective in group/filament environment (e.g. galaxy-galaxy interaction), before their star forming activity is eventually truncated and they move on to the red sequence. We stress that all these new findings are based on the widest field MIR observation of a $z \\sim 0.8$ cluster so far. There is no other study that covers such a wide field around clusters in MIR at $z \\gsim 0.8$. Since our study is a case study for just one cluster at $z = 0.81$, we are desperately in need for a larger sample of distant clusters viewed in the infrared regime and at the same time covering a wide field of view so that we can witness the galaxy truncation in action in the in-fall regions of distant clusters along the filaments. This is essential in order to confirm this interesting trend and to obtain a general view of galaxy evolution." }, "0809/0809.0429_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We consider an extreme case of disc accretion onto a gravitating centre when the viscosity in the disc is negligible. The angular momentum and the rotational energy of the accreted matter is carried out by a magnetized wind outflowing from the disc. The outflow of matter from the disc occurs due to the Blandford \\& Payne(1982) centrifugal mechanism. The disc is assumed to be cold. Accretion and outflow are connected by the conservation of the energy, mass and the angular momentum. The basic properties of the outflow, angular momentum flux and energy flux per particle in the wind, do not depend on the details of the structure of the accretion disc. In the case of selfsimilar accretion/outflow, the dependence of the rate of accretion $\\dot M$ in the disc depends on the disc radius $r$ on the law $\\dot M \\sim r^{{1\\over2(\\alpha^2-1)}}$, where $\\alpha$ is a dimensionless Alfvenic radius. In the case of $\\alpha \\gg 1$, the accretion in the disc is provided by very weak matter outflow from the disc and the outflow predominantly occurs from the very central part of the disc. The solution obtained in the work provides mechanism which transforms the gravitational energy of the accreted matter into the energy of the outflowing wind with efficiency close to $100\\%$. The final velocity can essentially exceed Kepler velocity at the site of the wind launch. This mechanism allows us to understand the nature of the astrophysical objects with low luminosity discs and energetic jet-like outflows. ", "introduction": "Conventional theory of accretion discs proposed by \\cite{shakurasunyaev} was successful in interpretation of observations of the accretion discs in the binary systems. This theory satisfactory predicts the general properties of the discs around compact objects. Nevertheless some important phenomena connected with the accretion appeared incompatible with the conventional theory. The most important among them are the accretion discs with anomalously low luminosity and jet-like outflows from the objects. The best example in this regard is AGN M87. Advection dominated disc model (ADAF model ) was proposed to explain the under luminous discs, in particular disc around BH located in the Galactic Centre \\citep{adafs,narayan}. This theory, however does not solve the problem of jet-like outflow especially in the cases when the kinetic luminosity of jets is comparable (like in the case of SS433 case) or even exceeds ( like in the case of the jet from M87) the bolometric luminosity of the object. In fact, these problems including low luminosity accretion discs, very efficient outflow from the discs and its collimation into jets could be internally connected. Observations show that jets are strictly connected with the disc accretion. In all jet detections a signature of a disc accretion was found as well. It is important for understanding of the mechanism of the jet ejection that this phenomena is not connected with the specific nature of the central object. Jets are formed irrespectively to the fact that the central object is black hole ( like in the case of jet from AGNs), neutron stars or protostar as it takes place in all cases of the jets from Young stellar objects. It is reasonable to assume that the jets are directly connected with the accretion mechanism itself rather than with the nature of the central object. However, in this case one observational fact needs to be explained. In all cases when it was possible to observe the base of the jets it appears that the jets are launched from the very central part of the disc which produce impression that central object could be connected some way with the process of the jet ejection. At least the fact that jet is ejected from the very central part of the accretion disc rather then from all the disc surface demands explanation. Another difficult problem is that in some cases the mechanism of ejection is surprisingly efficient. For example, total bolometric luminosity of M87 does not exceed $10^{42} \\rm ergs/s$ \\citep{bolometry}, while the total kinetic luminosity of the jet from M87 is as high as $10^{44} \\rm ergs/s$ \\citep{lkin,lkin2}. Thus, if to estimate the gravitational energy release on the basis of conventional theory of \\cite{shakurasunyaev}, the kinetic energy luminosity of the jet from M87 exceeds by two orders of magnitudes the gravitational energy released at the accretion. The conventional models of the disc accretion (Shakura \\& Sunyaev type or ADAFs) do not predict the existence of such objects. The example with M87 jet shows that one needs to explore new regimes of accretion. The most evident modification is incorporation into the model of the magnetic field. It has already been widely recognized that the magnetic field has important impact and may play leading role in the ejection of the plasma from accretion discs. In this regard, two processes are of special interest. First one is related the idea of \\cite{blandford}. They have demonstrated that the magnetic field results into instability of the particles at the Kepler orbit. If the angle between the force line of the magnetic field and the disc plane is less than $60^{\\circ}$ the particles are freely ejected from the disc by centrifugal force. The second process was proposed by \\cite{pelletier}. They argue that the winds from the accretion disc can carry out noticeable part of the angular momentum of the accreted material increasing the accretion rate. Together, these work clearly demonstrate that the magnetic field of the disc results into the outflow from the disc at rather general conditions and this wind can carry out essential part of the accreted material angular momentum. In this work we consider an extreme case when the angular momentum of the disc is carried out by the wind. The viscous stresses are fully neglected. We solve the problem of the disc accretion under these conditions selfconsistently with the problem of the wind outflow from the disc. Fortunately, to provide selfconsistency of the processes of accretion and outflow one do not need to know information about the detailed structure of the accretion disc. The laws of conservation of mass, energy and angular momentum appeared sufficient to provide the selfconsistency of the processes of accretion and outflow. The paper is organized as follows. In the first section we discuss the qualitative picture of the outflow due to the \\cite{blandford} centrifugal instability and related structure of the poloidal magnetic field. In the second section the basic equations and connection of the accretion and outflow are discussed based on of the conservation laws. In the third section the selfsimilar solutions of the problem are presented. In the last section we discuss the physical sense of the solution. ", "conclusions": "The selfconsistent solution of the problem of the disc accretion and plasma outflow from the disc shows that such puzzling properties observed in real astrophysical objects as high energetic efficiency of jets, launching of jets from very central part of the accretion discs and high velocities of outflows which in some objects well exceeds the Keplerian velocities, are naturally explained in frameworks of general approach assuming that the largest part of the angular momentum from the disc is carried out by the wind rather than due to viscous stresses. Although a significant work should still be done to explore the astrophysical implications of the obtained solution to specific astrophysical objects and generalization of the solution for relativistic objects, we believe that this approach is rather promising for explanation of properties of jets from objects of different nature, starting with jets from protostars up to jets from AGN." }, "0809/0809.1377.txt": { "abstract": "We present the results from an analysis of the $\\lambda 8727$ forbidden [\\ion{C}{1}] line in high-resolution Gemini-S/bHROS spectra of three Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor (CEMP) stars. Previous derivations of C abundances in CEMP stars primarily have used the blue bands of CH and the C$_2$ Swan system, features which are suspected to be sensitive to photospheric temperature inhomogeneities (the so-called 3D effects). We find the [C/Fe] ratios based on the [\\ion{C}{1}] abundances of the two most Fe-rich stars in our sample (\\two: $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} = -1.42$ and \\one: $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} = -2.66$) to be in good agreement with previously determined values. For the most Fe-deficient star in our sample (\\three: $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} = -3.08$), however, the [C/Fe] ratio is found to be 0.34 dex lower than the published molecular-based value. We have carried out 3D local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) calculations for [\\ion{C}{1}], and the resulting corrections are found to be modest for all three stars, suggesting that the discrepancy between the [\\ion{C}{1}] and molecular-based C abundances of \\three\\ is due to more severe 3D effects on the molecular lines. Carbon abundances are also derived from \\ion{C}{1} high-excitation lines and are found to be 0.45 -- 0.64 dex higher than the [\\ion{C}{1}]-based abundances. Previously published non-LTE (NLTE) \\ion{C}{1} abundance corrections bring the [\\ion{C}{1}] and \\ion{C}{1} abundances into better agreement; however, targeted NLTE calculations for CEMP stars are clearly needed. We have also derived the abundances of nitrogen, potassium, and iron for each star. The Fe abundances agree well with previously derived values, and the K abundances are similar to those of C-normal metal-poor stars. Nitrogen abundances have been derived from resolved lines of the CN red system assuming the C abundances derived from the [\\ion{C}{1}] feature. The abundances are found to be approximately 0.44 dex larger than literature values, which have been derived from CN blue bands near 3880 and 4215 {\\AA}. We discuss evidence that suggests that analyses of the CN blue system bands underestimate the N abundances of metal-poor giants. ", "introduction": "The discovery that a significant fraction of very metal-poor (VMP; $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} \\leq -2.0$) stars have highly enhanced abundances of carbon ($\\mathrm{[C/Fe]} \\geq +1.0$) has spurred vigorous research efforts focused on delineating the nucleosynthetic histories of these objects and their role in the chemical evolution of the Galaxy. The actual fraction of VMP stars that are carbon-enhanced has yet to be precisely determined, but current estimates range from $\\sim 10\\%$ to $\\sim 25\\%$ \\citep{2005ApJ...633L.109C,2005NuPhA.758..312M,2006ApJ...652.1585F,2006ApJ...652L..37L}. This fraction rises at lower metallicities, reaching $\\sim 40\\%$ of stars with $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} \\leq -3.5$, and stars with $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} < -4.0$, only three of which are currently known, are all carbon-enhanced. The increasing incidence of carbon enhancement at lower and lower metallicities implies that the nucleosynthetic pathway(s) leading to these Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor (CEMP) stars is highly efficient at low metallicities and that it played an important role in the nucleosynthetic history of the early Galaxy. Indeed, the fraction of CEMP stars as a function of metallicity may have critical implications for the initial mass function (IMF) in the early Universe \\citep{2007ApJ...665.1361T}. The manner in which the majority of VMP stars are discovered, and how CEMP stars are subsequently identified, follows a well established procedure\\footnotemark[6]. Stars are first tagged as VMP candidates based on the strength of the \\ion{Ca}{2} K line in low-resolution spectra from objective-prism surveys, in particular the HK survey (Beers, Preston, \\& Shectman 1985, 1992; Beers 1999) and the Hamburg/ESO survey \\citep[HES;][]{2000A&A...358...77W,2003RvMA...16..191C}. Medium-resolution spectra of the VMP candidates are then obtained and used to identify {\\it bona fide} VMP stars within the sample. The medium-resolution spectrum of a given VMP star is used to estimate its metallicity ([Fe/H]) by analyzing the strength of the \\ion{Ca}{2} K line as a function of the broadband colors of the star, and inspection of the CH G-band found at 4300 {\\AA} reveals whether or not the star is enhanced in C \\citep[e.g.,][]{2005AJ....130.2804R}. Estimates of a star's C abundance can be obtained from the CH G-band; however, in the spectra of many CEMP stars, the G-band feature is sufficiently strong as to be saturated, rendering it incapable of providing accurate abundance determinations. In these cases, C$_2$ lines of the Swan system can be used instead to estimate C abundances. Once identified, VMP stars are often slated for high-resolution spectroscopic follow-up studies, with which more accurate abundances of Fe, C, and numerous other elements, as well as important ratios such as $^{12}$C/$^{13}$C, can be derived. \\footnotetext[6]{Here we describe the identification of metal-poor stars based on the low-resolution spectra of objective-prism surveys, the most prolific sources of VMP stars. For a description of other methods used to find metal-poor stars, please see \\citet{2005ARA&A..43..531B}.} Analyses of C abundances in high-resolution spectroscopic follow-up studies of CEMP stars focus on the same molecular features as those analyzed in medium-resolution spectra, namely the blue bands of the CH and C$_2$ Swan systems, because it is the molecular features that stay strong and most easily measurable in the spectra of VMP giants. Another reason is that atomic \\ion{C}{1} lines result from high-excitation transitions, and if measurable, these lines are not believed to be accurate abundance indicators because of their sensitivity to non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) effects \\citep{2005ARA&A..43..481A,2006A&A...458..899F}. However, the abundances derived from the CH and C$_2$ features in the spectra of VMP stars using standard 1-dimensional (1D) local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) analyses may not be accurate either. Abundances derived from molecular features are generally very sensitive to the temperature structure of stellar atmosphere models, and studies of time-dependent 3-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamical models have shown that the molecular lines are susceptible to temperature inhomogeneities due to photospheric granulation, the so-called 3D effects \\citep{2005ARA&A..43..481A}. The effects on molecular lines are such that abundances based on 3D models are lower than those derived using 1D models, with differences as large as $\\sim 1.0$ dex at $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} = -3$ (Asplund \\& Garc{\\'i}a P{\\'e}rez 2001; Collet, Asplund, \\& Trampedach 2007). The derivation of accurate C abundances of CEMP stars is essential to their proper characterization and subsequently to the correct interpretation of their role in the chemical evolution of the Galaxy. Here we present the results of our investigation into the accuracy of published C abundances as derived from CH and C$_2$ features by analyzing the forbidden [\\ion{C}{1}] line at 8727.13 {\\AA} in high-resolution Gemini-S/bHROS spectra of three CEMP stars: \\object{HE 0054-2542} (\\object{CS 22942-019}), \\object{HE 0507-1653}, and \\object{HE 1005-1439}. The $\\lambda 8727$ [\\ion{C}{1}] line is known to be immune to NLTE effects and to be a highly reliable abundance indicator \\citep{1999A&A...342..426G}, and it has been used to derive the C abundance of the Sun (e.g., Lambert 1978; Allende Prieto, Lambert, \\& Asplund 2002; Asplund et al. 2005b), field dwarfs \\citep[e.g.,][]{1999A&A...342..426G,2006MNRAS.367.1181B}, R Coronae Borealis stars \\citep[e.g.,][]{2004MNRAS.353..143P}, and Cepheid variables \\citep[e.g.,][]{1981ApJ...245.1018L}. For CEMP stars, it provides an excellent benchmark for C abundances derived from molecular features. ", "conclusions": "An investigation into the accuracy of published C abundances as derived from the traditionally used CH and C$_2$ Swan bands of CEMP stars has been presented. We have analyzed the $\\lambda 8727$ [\\ion{C}{1}] line, a normally reliable C abundance indicator that is impervious to NLTE effects, in high-quality Gemini-S/bHROS spectra of three CEMP stars and have compared the C abundances derived from this line to previously published values. The 1D LTE abundances derived from the [\\ion{C}{1}] feature are found to confirm the abundances derived from both CH and C$_2$ molecular features in the two most Fe-abundant stars, \\one\\ and \\two\\ ($[\\mathrm{Fe/H}] = -2.66$ and -1.42, respectively), but the [\\ion{C}{1}]-based abundance of the most Fe-deficient star, \\three\\ ($[\\mathrm{Fe/H}] = -3.08$), is 0.34 dex, or about a $2\\sigma$ deviation, lower than the abundance derived from the C$_2$ Swan (0-0) band at 5170 {\\AA}. As described in $\\S 5.3.2$, the specific C$_2$ Swan band used to derive C abundances does not appear to be a factor in the difference seen for \\three. Also, no particular component of the two abundance analyses could be identified as the most likely source of the discordance, although internal errors may yet be the underlying cause. Unidentified systematic errors in the analyses also cannot be ruled out as the source of the difference, but the agreement in the abundances of \\two\\ derived by us and \\citet{2007ApJ...655..492A}, the study that also derived the discordant abundance of \\three, suggests that no such systematic errors are to be expected. Thus, the difference in the C abundance seen between the two studies may indeed be the result of 3D effects in the analysis of the C$_2$ Swan band. \\citet{2007A&A...469..687C} investigated the impact of 3D effects on CNO abundances of red giants derived from weak CH, NH, and OH lines and found the 3D C abundances to be 0.5 to 0.8 dex lower (for stars with $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} = -3.0$) than those derived using traditional 1D analyses. While these corrections are larger than the difference between the C$_2$ and [\\ion{C}{1}]-based abundances for \\three, it must be pointed out that Collet et al. considered stars with {\\it scaled-solar} metallicities, and the corrections may not be applicable to CEMP stars. Also, the 3D corrections for CH lines are not necessarily similar to those for C$_2$ lines (e.g., Asplund et al. 2005b; Collet et al. 2006). To investigate the potential 3D effects on [\\ion{C}{1}]-based abundances of low-metallicity stars, we have carried out 3D LTE line formation calculations for [\\ion{C}{1}] using the same 3D hydrodynamical model atmospheres as described by \\citet{2007A&A...469..687C}. The 3D correction for \\two\\ is estimated to be slightly positive (+0.03 dex), while the corrections for \\one\\ and \\three\\ are negative (-0.07 and -0.15 dex, respectively). Thus, the corrections are quite modest but do increase in magnitude at lower metallicities, similar to what is seen for the [\\ion{O}{1}] line \\citep{2005ARA&A..43..481A,2007A&A...469..687C}. While more accurate [\\ion{C}{1}] 3D corrections for these CEMP stars await C-enhanced 3D models and more certain O abundances, the observations and calculations presented here are qualitatively in line with expectations that the 3D corrections for molecular line-based C abundances become more severe towards lower metallicities. We have also determined abundances from high-excitation \\ion{C}{1} lines and found them to be systematically higher than the [\\ion{C}{1}]-based abundances by $\\sim 0.5$ dex when assuming LTE. One-dimensional abundance corrections have been taken from \\citet{2006A&A...458..899F}, who performed NLTE calculations for a range of stellar parameters assuming a C abundance enhancement of $\\mathrm{[C/Fe]} = +0.4$, and the NLTE-corrected \\ion{C}{1} abundances are in significantly better agreement with the 3D [\\ion{C}{1}]-based values. However, there remains a $\\sim 0.25$ dex difference in the two C abundances which can be tentatively attributed to underestimated NLTE effects on the \\ion{C}{1} line because calculations for $\\mathrm{[C/Fe]}>+0.4$, which are appropriate for our sample, have not been investigated, or possibly erroneous \\teff\\ values. At this time, the complicated 3D and NLTE effects that may impact [\\ion{C}{1}], \\ion{C}{1}, CH, and C$_2$ features in the spectra of CEMP stars have not yet been fully established. Analyses of the [\\ion{C}{1}] line in high-resolution spectra of additional CEMP stars, particularly those at the lowest metallicities, for which CH and/or C$_2$-based abundances exist or are forthcoming are needed to determine if abundances derived from the forbidden line diverge in a systematic way from those derived from the molecular features. Additionally, 3D models and NLTE line formation calculations with chemical compositions appropriate for CEMP stars are clearly needed to complement the observations. These measures are necessary so that the most accurate C abundances possible can be derived for CEMP stars." }, "0809/0809.2112_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "% We want to develop spectral diagnostics of stellar populations in the near-infrared (NIR), for unresolved stellar populations. We created a semi-empirical population model and we compare the model output with the observed spectra of a sample of elliptical and bulge-dominated galaxies that have reliable Lick-indices from literature to test if the correlation between Mg2 and CO 1.62 $\\mu$m remains valid in galaxies and to calibrate it as an abundance indicator. We find that (i) there are no significant correlations between any NIR feature and the optical Mg2; (ii) the CaI, NaI and CO trace the $\\alpha$-enhancement; and (iii) the NIR absorption features are not influenced by the galaxy\u2019s age. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.2781_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "\\renewcommand{\\thefootnote}{\\fnsymbol{footnote}} We present Keck/DEIMOS spectroscopy of Segue\\,1, an ultra-low luminosity ($M_V = -1.5^{+0.6}_{-0.8}$) Milky Way satellite companion. While the combined size and luminosity of Segue\\,1 are consistent with either a globular cluster or a dwarf galaxy, we present spectroscopic evidence that this object is a dark matter-dominated dwarf galaxy. We identify \\nmembers\\ stars as members of Segue\\,1 with a mean heliocentric recession velocity of $206 \\pm 1.3$\\kms. We measure an internal velocity dispersion of $4.3\\pm 1.2$\\kms. Under the assumption that these stars are gravitationally bound and in dynamical equilibrium, we infer a total mass of $4.5^{+4.7}_{-2.5} \\times 10^5 M_{\\odot}$ in the case where mass-follow-light; using a two-component maximum likelihood model, we determine a similar mass within the stellar radius of 50\\,pc. This implies a mass-to-light ratio of ln$(M/L_V) = 7.2^{+1.1}_{-1.2}$ or $M/L_V = 1320^{+2680}_{-940}$. The error distribution of the mass-to-light ratio is nearly log-normal, thus Segue\\,1 is dark matter-dominated at a high significance. Although Segue\\,1 spatially overlaps the leading arm of the Sagittarius stream, its velocity is 100\\kms\\ different than that predicted for recent Sagittarius tidal debris at this position. We cannot rule out the possibility that Segue\\,1 has been tidally disrupted, but do not find kinematic evidence supporting tidal effects. Using spectral synthesis modeling, we derive a metallicity for the single red giant branch star in our sample of [Fe/H] $= -3.3\\pm0.2$\\,dex. Finally, we discuss the prospects for detecting gamma-rays from annihilation of dark matter particles and show that Segue\\,1 is the most promising satellite for indirect dark matter detection. We conclude that Segue\\,1 is the least luminous of the ultra-faint galaxies recently discovered around the Milky Way, and is thus the least luminous known galaxy. ", "introduction": "\\renewcommand{\\thefootnote}{\\fnsymbol{footnote}} The discovery of ``ultra-faint'' dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies around the Milky Way has revolutionized our understanding of dwarf galaxies and their prevalence in the Universe. These newly discovered satellites, with total absolute magnitudes fainter than $M_V = -8$, have all been found in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) via slight statistical over-densities of individual stars \\citep{willman05b,willman05a,zucker06a,zucker06b, belokurov06a,belokurov06b,sakamoto06a, irwin07a, walsh07a}. These objects provide important clues to galaxy formation on the smallest scales \\citep{madau08a,ricotti08a} and substantially alleviate the discrepancy between the observed mass function of Milky Way satellites and that predicted by standard Lambda Cold Dark Matter models \\citep[][hereafter SG07]{tollerud08a,simon07a}. \\citet{strigari07b} note that the ultra-faint dSphs have high central dark matter densities and are good candidates for indirect dark matter detection via gamma-ray emission by particle annihilation. Future wide-field surveys that improve on the sky coverage and photometric depth of the SDSS are likely to discover many additional ultra-faint Milky Way satellites in the coming years \\citep{koposov07a,walsh08b}. While the total luminosities of the ultra-faint satellites are comparable to globular clusters, spectroscopic studies for the majority of the newly discovered objects firmly suggest that these objects are dark matter-dominated dwarf galaxies \\citep[][SG07]{kleyna05a,munoz06a,martin07a}. The mass-to-light ratios for all the ultra-faint dSphs are $M/L_V > 100$~M$_{\\odot}$/L$_{\\odot}$, with several systems approaching 1000~M$_{\\odot}$/L$_{\\odot}$, assuming mass-follows-light. \\citet{strigari08a} loosened this constraint, confirming the high mass-to-light ratios and finding a tight anti-correlation between mass-to-light ratio and luminosity such that all the Milky Way dwarfs are consistent with having a common dark matter mass of $\\sim10^7\\Msun$ within their central 300\\,pc. A theoretical understanding of the physics that sets the mass-luminosity relation will provide insight into the formation of galaxies at the smallest scales. Further evidence that the ultra-faint satellites are indeed galaxies comes from metallicity measurements. The ultra-faint satellites are the most metal-poor known stellar systems ([Fe/H] $< -2$) and show internal metallicity spreads up to 0.5~dex in several objects (SG07). This is in contrast to Milky Way globular clusters which are, on average, more metal-rich and show little to no internal metallicity spread \\citep[e.g.][]{Pritzl05a}. In further contrast to globular clusters, the ultra-faint dwarfs also follow the luminosity-metallicity relationship established by brighter Milky Way dwarf galaxies \\citep{kirby08b}. Thus, both the kinematics and composition of the ultra-faint satellites strongly argue that these objects are dark matter-dominated galaxies. The combined size and luminosity of the spectroscopically confirmed dSphs in the Milky Way are well separated from globular clusters: at a given luminosity dwarf galaxies have larger sizes and are thus less compact \\citep{belokurov06b,martin08a}. However, the three faintest SDSS discoveries, Segue\\,1, Willman~1 and Bootes~II, are all in a region that overlaps with globular clusters. Studying these extreme systems should provide important insight to dSphs, and the difference between dwarfs and star clusters, at all luminosities. Of these three objects, only Willman~1 has published kinematics \\citep{martin07a}. Because the systemic velocity of Willman~1 is similar to that of the foreground Milky Way stars, possible contamination in the kinematic sample make it difficult to assess whether this object is a dwarf or globular cluster \\citep[][Willman et al.~in prep]{siegel08a}. Here, we present the first spectroscopic study of an even lower luminosity system, Segue\\,1. The systemic velocity of Segue\\,1 is far removed from the Milky Way foreground and thus should be a cleaner object to study the properties of the least luminous ultra-faint systems. Segue\\,1 was discovered by \\citet{belokurov06b} as an over-density of resolved stars in the SDSS located at ($\\alpha_{2000}, \\delta_{2000})$ = (10:07:03, +16:04:25) = $(151.763^{\\circ}, 16.074^{\\circ}$). Via isochrone fitting, these authors estimate a distance of $23\\pm2$\\,kpc and an absolute luminosity of $M_V \\sim -3\\pm0.6$. \\citet{martin08a} recently revised the luminosity of Segue\\,1 to $M_V = -1.5^{+0.6}_{-0.8}$ using a more robust method to estimate flux in systems with small numbers of observable stars. While the possibility of tidal tails and/or tidal distortion of Segue\\,1 was found in the initial SDSS analysis, deeper imaging and more thorough simulations suggest that these features can be explained via Poisson scatter of the few bright stars in this system \\citep{martin08a}. Segue\\,1 has no detected gas content, with an observed HI gas mass limit of less than $13\\Msun$ \\citep{putman08a}. This limit is consistent with other dSphs around the Milky Way in which any gas has been presumably removed via ram pressure stripping or used up via tidally-induced star formation \\citep{mayer06a}. \\citet{belokurov06b} note that Segue\\,1 is spatially superimposed on the leading arm of the Sagittarius stream. Because it has a similar luminosity and size as the most diffuse globular cluster, they proposed that Segue\\,1 is a globular cluster formerly associated with the Sagittarius dSph. Spectroscopy of member stars in Segue\\,1 is required to test this hypothesis and answer the crucial question of whether or not this intrinsically faint stellar system is truly a globular cluster (i.e.~a stellar system with a single stellar population with no dark matter). Here, we present Keck/DEIMOS multi-object spectroscopy for individual stars in the vicinity of Segue\\,1, identifying \\nmembers\\ stars as members of Segue\\,1. This paper is organized as follows: in \\S\\,\\ref{sec_data} we discuss target selection and data reduction for our Keck/DEIMOS spectroscopy. In \\S\\,\\ref{sec_kin} we discuss the spectroscopic results including estimates of the velocity dispersion, mass, mass-to-light ratio and metallicity. In \\S\\,\\ref{sec_sgr}, we examine the spatial and kinematic position of Segue\\,1 relative to the Sagittarius stream. In \\S\\,\\ref{sec_gamma} we note that Segue\\,1 may be a good target for indirect detection of dark matter. Finally, in \\S\\,\\ref{sec_disc}, we discuss Segue\\,1 in context of the Milky Way dSph population. Throughout the analysis, we use the photometric properties of Segue\\,1 as derived by \\citet{martin08a} of $M_V = -1.5^{+0.6}_{-0.8}$ (i.e.\\ the 1$\\sigma$ magnitude limits are $M_V = -0.9$ and $-2.3$) and $r_{\\rm eff}=4.4'^{+1.2}_{-0.6} = 29^{+8}_{-5}$\\,pc. We also assume a fixed reddening to Segue\\,1 based on the \\citet{schlegel98a} value of E(B-V) = 0.032~mag. We list these and other key parameters in Table~1. \\begin{figure*}[t!] \\epsscale{1.0} \\plotone{fig1.eps} \\caption{{\\it Left:\\/} Color-magnitude diagram of all stars (small black points) within $30'$ of the center of Segue\\,1 from SDSS DR~6 $g$- and $r$-band photometry. The larger symbols indicate stars with measured Keck/DEIMOS velocities: solid blue circles fulfill our requirements for membership in Segue\\,1, red asterisks are higher velocity stars and open squares are foreground Milky Way stars. Two fiducial isochrone are shown shifted to the distance of Segue\\,1: M92 ([Fe/H] =$-2.3$, solid line) and M3 ([Fe/H]=$-1.6$, dashed line). {\\it Right:\\/} Spatial distribution of stars near Segue\\,1. The solid ellipse is the half-light radius of Segue\\,1 as measured by \\citet{martin08a}.\\label{fig_cmd}} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*}[t!] \\plotone{fig2.eps} \\caption{{\\it Left:\\/} Keck/DEIMOS velocity histogram for all stars in our sample; velocities are corrected to the heliocentric frame. We identify Segue\\,1 as the velocity peak near $v=206$\\kms. Stars with less positive velocities are identified as foreground Milky Way, the four stars with $v\\sim300$\\kms\\ are tentatively associated with the Sagittarius stream as discussed in \\S\\,\\ref{ssec_highv}. {\\it Right:\\/} Radial distance from the center of Segue\\,1 plotted against heliocentric velocity. Stars to the East of the galaxy center are plotted as triangles, stars to the West are plotted as squares. We indicate the effective half-light radius ($r_{\\rm eff}$), the mean systemic velocity of the system (black dashed line) and velocity dispersion (grey shaded region). \\label{fig_velocity}} \\end{figure*} ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec_disc} As seen in Figure~\\ref{fig_corr}, Segue\\,1 lies on an extension of the luminosity-metallicity and luminosity-mass relationships established by brighter Milky Way dSphs. While the dSphs span nearly five orders of magnitude in luminosity, their mass enclosed within 300\\,pc remains nearly constant at $10^7$\\Msun \\citep{strigari08a}. This common mass scale has been noted in previous studies \\citep{mateo93a, gilmore07a}, but remains a very surprising result given the much larger luminosity range spanned by the present data. It strongly suggests the existence of a characteristic scale in either galaxy formation processes or dark matter physics. At the same time, the average metallicities of the dSphs are correlated with luminosity such that stars in the least luminous dSph are the most metal-poor \\citep{kirby08b}. Segue\\,1 is at the extreme end of these relationships: its luminosity is merely $L = 340$\\Lsun, yet its total mass enclosed within 300\\,pc is $10^7$\\Msun (projecting the mass model discussed in \\S\\,\\ref{ssec_mass}), resulting in the highest $M/L_V$ ratio of any known stellar system. The metallicity for the single RGB star in Segue\\,1 is [Fe/H] = $-3.3$\\,dex, one of the most metal-poor stars known in a dSph galaxy. This metallicity is slightly less than that predicted by the Kirby et al.~log-linear relationship, however, we note that the average galactic metallicity may be higher than this single star. The correlations in Figure~\\ref{fig_corr} are the key to understanding how dSphs form. While several formation avenues exist to modify the mass-to-light ratio of dSphs, the added constraint of the luminosity-metallicity correlation reduces the number of allowable models. This correlation rules out a tidal stripping scenario in which lower luminosity systems initially form as more luminous galaxies outside the environment of the Milky Way and are then tidally stripped to their present state as they enter the Milky Way environs. In this scenario, the metallicity of stars would not be tied to the present luminosity. While ruling out formation scenarios is certainly progress, determining what formation processes can explain the observed correlations will be more challenging \\citep[e.g.][]{bovill08a}. A key question raised by the Segue\\,1 results is why the Milky Way dwarf dSphs have such remarkably different luminosities, yet appear to have similar total masses. Why do all these objects have a common mass halo and is this consistent with the mass spectrum of dark matter halos predicted by simulations? Explaining the mechanism that sets both the mass-luminosity and luminosity-metallicity relationships in the Milky Way will provide insight to the formation of galaxies at all scales." }, "0809/0809.4444_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Dynamical properties of two-component galaxy models whose stellar density distribution is described by a $\\gamma$-model while the total density distribution has a pure $r^{-2}$ profile, are presented. The orbital structure of the stellar component is described by Osipkov--Merritt anisotropy, while the dark matter halo is isotropic. After a description of minimum halo models, the positivity of the phase-space density (the model consistency) is investigated, and necessary and sufficient conditions for consistency are obtained analytically as a function of the stellar inner density slope $\\gamma$ and anisotropy radius. The explicit phase-space distribution function is recovered for integer values of $\\gamma$, and it is shown that while models with $\\gamma>4/17$ are consistent when the anisotropy radius is larger than a critical value (dependent on $\\gamma$), the $\\gamma=0$ models are unphysical even in the fully isotropic case. The Jeans equations for the stellar component are then solved analytically; in addition, the projected velocity dispersion at the center and at large radii are also obtained analytically for generic values of the anisotropy radius, and it is found that they are given by remarkably simple expressions. The presented models, even though highly idealized, can be useful as starting point for more advanced modeling of the mass distribution of elliptical galaxies in studies combining stellar dynamics and gravitational lensing. ", "introduction": "Analysis of stellar kinematics (e.g. Bertin et al. 1994, Rix et al. 1997, Gerhard et al. 2001), as well as several studies combining stellar dynamics and gravitational lensing strongly support the idea that the dark and the stellar matter in elliptical galaxies are distributed so that their {\\it total} mass profile is described by a density distribution proportional to $r^{-2}$ (e.g., see Treu \\& Koopmans 2002, 2004; Rusin et al. 2003; Rusin \\& Kochanek 2005; Koopmans et al. 2006; Czoske et al. 2008; Dye et al. 2008). In particular, Gavazzi et al. (2007), with a gravitational lensing analysis of 22 early-type strong lens galaxies, reported a total $r^{-2}$ density profile in the range 1-100 effective radii. It is clear that in this field the availability of simple dynamical models of two-component galaxies can be useful as starting point of more sophisticated investigations based on axysimmetric or triaxial galaxy models (e.g., Cappellari et al. 2007, van den Bosch et al. 2008). A few simple yet interesting models with flat rotation curve have been in fact constructed, such as those in which the stellar mass was described by a power-law in a total $r^{-2}$ mass distribution (e.g. Kochaneck 1994), or those obtained from physical arguments (in case of disk galaxies, see e.g. Naab \\& Ostriker 2007). Here the family of two-component galaxy models whose {\\it total} mass density is proportional to $r^{-2}$, while the visible (stellar) mass is described by the well-known $\\gamma$ models (Dehnen 1993, Tremaine et al. 1994), is presented. Some preliminary numerical investigation of these models has been done in Keeton (2001), and they have been used in Nipoti et al. (2008) as diagnostics of the total mass distribution in elliptical galaxies. In this paper a more systematic study of the dynamical properties of these models is presented. It is shown that the Jeans equations for the stellar component with Osipkov-Merritt (Osipkov 1979, Merritt 1985, hereafter OM) radial anisotropy can be solved analytically. Remarkably, the projected velocity dispersion at the center and at large radii can be expressed in terms of the model circular velocity by means of extremely simple formulae for generic values of the anisotropy radius and of the central stellar density slope $\\gamma$. In principle this feature opens the possibility to obtain preliminary indications about the anisotropy from observations at small and large radii. The positivity of the phase-space density (the so-called consistency) is investigated, by obtaining analytically the necessary and sufficient conditions for model consistency in terms of $\\gamma$, of the anisotropy radius, and of the dark-to-stellar mass ratio within some prescribed radius. It is found that the phase-space distribution function (hereafter DF) can be recovered analytically for $\\gamma=0,1,$ and $2$. In particular, it is shown that $\\gamma =0$ models in a total $r^{-2}$ density profile are unphysical for any value of the anisotropy radius. These results extend the class of two-component galaxy models with explicit DF and add to the large amount of phase-space information already available about one and two-component $\\gamma$ models (e.g., see Dehnen 1993, Tremaine et al. 1994, Hiotelis 1994, Carollo et al. 1995, Ciotti 1996, 1999; Baes et al. 2005, Buyle et al. 2007, Ciotti \\& Morganti 2008). The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 the main structural properties of the models are presented, while in Section 3 an investigation of the phase-space properties of the models is carried out both from the point of view of necessary and sufficient conditions for consistency and of direct recovery of the DF in specific cases. In Section 4 the solution of the Jeans equation with OM radial anisotropy is presented, together with their projection at small and large radii. Finally a short summary of possible use of the present models in observational works is given. ", "conclusions": "In this paper a family of spherical, two-component galaxy models with a stellar density profile described by a $\\gamma$ model and a total (stars plus dark matter) density profile $\\propto r^{-2}$ at all radii has been investigated, under the assumption that the internal dynamics of the stellar component is described by Osipkov-Merritt anisotropy. The models are fully determined when the inner density slope $\\gamma$ and the anisotropy radius $\\ra$ of the stellar component are assigned, together with a density scale for the total density profile. The dark matter halo remains defined as the difference between the total and stellar density profiles. The main results can be summarized as follows. \\begin{itemize} \\item After having provided the most common structural quantities of the models that are of interest for observations, limitations on the {\\it total} density scale as a function of $\\gamma$ are analytically determined by requiring the positivity and monotonicity of the dark matter halo distribution. In particular, the request of positivity limits the range of acceptable stellar density slopes to $0\\leq\\gamma\\leq 2$. Models corresponding to the minimum total density scale (for given $\\gamma$) are called minimum halo models. The central density profile of the dark matter halo diverges as $r^{-2}$ in general, but in the minimum halo $\\gamma=2$ model (in which the positivity and monotonicity limits coincide), the central dark matter profile is $\\propto r^{-1}$. \\item The minimum value of anisotropy radius corresponding to a dynamically consistent stellar component has been derived analytically as a function of $\\gamma$ by using the necessary and sufficient conditions of CP92. As expected, an increase of $\\gamma$ results in a decrease of the minimum value of the anisotropy radius $\\ra$ required by consistency. It is also proved that models with $\\gamma>4/17$ are certainly consistent for sufficiently isotropic velocity dispersion, while for centrally shallower stellar density profiles the sufficient condition for consistency is never satisfied. The necessary and sufficient condition for the halo consistency are also analytically obtained, and the minimum halo models corresponding to (isotropic) dark matter halos are derived. In the case $\\gamma=2$, the minimum halo coincides with the minimum halo obtained from the positivity and monotonicity conditions. \\item The phase--space DF of the stellar component for $\\gamma=0,1,2$ is analytically recovered in terms of Polylogarithms and exponentials. It is found that the $\\gamma=0$ model is inconsistent no matter how much anisotropy is considered. Instead, the isotropic $\\gamma=1,2$ models have a positive DF, and the true critical anisotropy radius for consistency can be determined directly from their DF. A comparison with the analogous study of one-component $\\gamma$ models shows that the presence of the halo sligthly reduces the maximum amount of sustainable radial anisotropy. The obtained values of the anisotropy radius are independent of the total density scale $\\MR$. \\item The Jeans equations for the stellar component are solved explicitely for generic values of $\\gamma$ and $\\ra$ in terms of elementary functions. The asymptotic expansions of $\\srad$ for $r\\to0$ and $r\\to\\infty$ are obtained, and it is shown that $\\srad$ tends to finite (non-zero) values (except for the divergent central velocity dispersion of $\\gamma=0$ model) which are simply related to the model circular velocity. The projected velocity dispersion $\\sigp(0)$ cannot be calculated analytically, in general. However, by asymptotic expansion of the projection integral, exact values at large radii and at the center are obtained. In particular, it is shown that for $\\gamma\\geq 1$, and independently of the value of the anisotropy radius, $\\sigp(0)$ coincides with the central velocity dispersion $\\srad(0)$ in the isotropic case. Instead, for $0\\leq\\gamma<1$, $\\sigp(0)$ depends also on $\\sa$. In the anisotropic case $\\sigp(0)$ cannot be obtained analytically; however, a very simple form of the projection integral suitable for numerical integrations is given. In the isotropic case the integral can be evaluated analytically, and $\\sigp(0)$, as expected, coincides with the model circular velocity. \\item Finally, we have shown that the Velocity Profile of the models can be obtained in a very simple form (Gaussian) near the center (independently of the value of the anisotropy radius and for $1\\leq\\gamma\\leq 2$), and at large radii (in the isotropic case). \\end{itemize} We conclude by noting that these models, albeit highly idealized, seem to suggest two interesting remarks of observational character. The first is that in real galaxies with a total $r^{-2}$ density profile and sufficiently peaked stellar density (i.e. $\\gamma\\geq1$), measures of central velocity dispersion should not be strongly affected by radial anisotropy. Second, for given central stellar density slope $\\gamma$, measures of the projected velocity dispersion at the center and in the external regions are able, at least in principle, to determine the value of the anisotropy radius under the assumption of Osipkov-Merritt anisotropy." }, "0809/0809.1866_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We calculate the effects of frame dragging on the Galactic-Center stars. Assuming the stars are only slightly relativistic, we derive an approximation to the Kerr metric, which turns out to be a weak field Schwarzschild metric plus a frame dragging term. By numerically integrating the resulting geodesic equations, we compute the effect on keplerian elements and the kinematics. We find that the kinematic effect at pericenter passage is proportional to $(a(1-e^2))^{-2}$. For known Galactic-center stars it is of order 10 m/s. If observed this would provide a measurement of the spin of the black hole. ", "introduction": "The center of the Milky way is a very interesting region. It contains a massive black hole (MBH) of $ \\sim 3 \\times 10^6 M_\\odot$. The central parsec contains thousands of stars . For a small but a growing number of these, due to the relatively close proximity of the MBH and short orbital periods, the orbital parameters have been accurately measured \\citep{2003ApJ...596.1015S, 2005ApJ...620..744G, 2005ApJ...628..246E} . Some of the stars have pericenter velocities as high as a few percent of $c$. Hence, as shown in \\cite{2006ApJ...639L..21Z} the general relativistic effect of O($\\beta^2$) should be observable. At $O(\\beta^3)$ general relativity predicts a new effect, which is that a spinning black hole drags the surrounding space-time along with it. Under the rotational frame-dragging effect (also known as Lense-Thirring effect), the frame of reference with minimal time dilation is one which is rotating around the object as viewed by a distant observer. If this effect could be observed for GC stars, then in principle the spin of the MBH can be measured. A method based on the orbital dynamics of the GC stars is more direct than the usual approach which requires modeling the effect of spin on the accretion disk \\citep[see for example][]{2008AIPC..968..265N}. The effect of $O(\\beta^3$) terms on the keplerian elements and on astrometry were discussed by \\cite{1998AcA....48..653J} and \\cite{2000ApJ...542..328F}. \\cite{2008ApJ...674L..25W} goes on to consider $O(\\beta^4$) as well. The resulting astrometric effects are so small that they can only be observed on stars which are closer to the MBH than the observed GC stars. In this paper we concentrate on the effects of the $O(\\beta^3)$ terms on the kinematics of the GC stars. Traditionally the effect of relativistic perturbations on orbital dynamics have been studied either using post-newtonian celestial mechanics \\citep{1972gcpa.book.....W} or pseudo-newtonian equations \\citep{1999A&A...343..325S}. We adopt a different and conceptually simpler approach. We do a low velocity perturbative expansion of the Kerr metric and then numerically integrate the resulting geodesic equations. ", "conclusions": "We see that the maximum kinematic effect in known GC stars $\\Delta V\\fd$ is of the order of a few 10's of m/s during the few weeks around the pericenter passage. Although this level of accuracy is difficult to achieve for GC stars, it is not implausible. Extrasolar planet searches regularly reach an accuracy better than 1 m/s \\citep{2006Natur.441..305L} and new technologies for radial velocity measurements may be able to obtain precision as high as 1 cm/s \\citep{2008Natur.452..610L}. There are also two theoretical problems which remain to be solved. First, an accurate calculation of the redshift as a function of time is required (as it is the observable quantity), rather than velocity as a function of time as calculated here. Both the kinematic and gravitational redshifts are involved. We do not know of any approximate method for calculating the redshift in this case, as our approximate metric is not valid for light. It may be necessary to calculate null geodesics in the full Kerr metric. Second, the relativistic effects have to be separated from the newtonian effects of other masses, such as nearby stars, gas and dark-matter clouds. These could overshadow the frame-dragging contribution, especially since some newtonian dynamical processes in the GC region can be unexpectedly strong because of resonances \\citep{2007MNRAS.379.1083G,2008ApJ...683L.151L}. However, newtonian perturbations from other masses would not give the distinctive time dependence in the kinematics that frame-dragging does (Fig.~\\ref{kincomp}). Hence, we can be optimistic about dis-entangling frame-dragging from all the newtonian effects. \\newpage \\appendix" }, "0809/0809.1782_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present an analysis of optical and ultraviolet {\\it Hubble Space Telescope} photometry for evolved stars in the core of the distant massive globular cluster NGC 2419. We characterize the horizontal branch (HB) population in detail including corrections for incompleteness on the long blue tail. The majority of the horizontal branch stars can be identified with two main groups (one slightly bluer than the instability strip, and the other at the extreme end of the HB). We present a method for removing (to first order) lifetime effects from the distribution of HB stars to facilitate more accurate measurements of helium abundance for clusters with blue HBs and to clarify the distribution of stars reaching the zero-age HB. The population ratio $R = N_{HB} / N_{RGB}$ implies there may be slight helium enrichment among the EHB stars in the cluster, but that it is likely to be small ($\\Delta Y < 0.05$). An examination of the upper main sequence does not reveal any sign of multiple populations indicative of helium enrichment. The stellar distribution allows us to follow how the two main types of stars evolve after the HB. We find that the transition from stars that reach the asymptotic giant branch to stars that remain at high temperatures probably occurs among the extreme horizontal branch stars (EHB) at a larger temperature than predicted by canonical evolution models, but qualitatively consistent with helium-enriched models. Through comparisons of optical CMDs, we present evidence that the EHB clump in NGC 2419 contains the end of the canonical horizontal branch, and that the boundary between the normal HB stars and blue hook stars shows up as a change in the density of stars in the CMD. This corresponds to a spectroscopically-verified gap in NGC 2808 and an ``edge'' in $\\omega$ Cen. The more clearly visible HB gap at $V \\sim 23.5$ identified by \\citet{rip} appears to be too bright. Once corrected for lifetime effects, we find that NGC 2419 is currently converting about 25 -- 31\\% of the first-ascent red giant stars in its core into extreme blue horizontal branch stars --- the largest fraction for any known globular cluster. A comparison of upper red giant branch with theoretical models indicates there is a slight deficiency of bright red giant stars. This deficiency occurs far enough below the tip of the red giant branch that it is unlikely to be associated with the production of extreme horizontal branch stars via strong mass loss before the core helium flash. ", "introduction": "NGC 2419 is the fourth brightest globular cluster known in the Milky Way ($M_V = -9.58$; \\citealt{har96}). NGC 2419's large mass would normally make it ideal for studying short phases in the lives of evolved low-mass stars because massive cluster (having more stars) should produce a greater chance of catching {\\it some} stars in those phases. Until recently though, it has been neglected because it resides far in the outer halo of the Milky Way (approximately 90 kpc from the center). Massive clusters can make it possible to observe stars in short-lived evolution phases because there is a greater chance of catching {\\it some} star in such a phase when there are more chances. Evolved stars have unusually strong influences on the luminosity-integrated properties of a galaxy: in old stellar populations, the overall color and the ultraviolet emission result from them. The luminous giants at the tip of the red giant branch (TRGB) are frequently used as standard candles in resolved stellar populations. Extremely blue HB (hereafter, EHB) stars are a leading candidate for galactic ultraviolet emission. These populations are linked at least in an evolutionary sense, but it remains a longstanding problem to explain the details of how HB stars (and more specifically the EHB stars) are produced. There has been much recent interest in multiple stellar populations having different chemical compositions (particularly helium, but also heavier elements) within individual clusters (NGC 2808, \\citealt{dan2808}; $\\omega$ Cen, \\citealt{bedomega}; M13, \\citealt{cadm13}; NGC 6218, \\citealt{cn6218}; NGC 6388, \\citealt{busso}; NGC 6441, \\citealt{cadn6441}) However, even allowing for composition effects, it still seems to be necessary for giant stars to lose most of the mass in their envelopes if EHB stars are to be produced --- the turnoff mass of a helium-enriched population cannot be reduced enough to have a giant star consume its envelope before it reaches the TRGB. In this paper, we examine deep photometry of the evolved stars in the core of the cluster using high resolution {\\it Hubble Space Telescope (HST)} imagery. We have three main goals: to characterize brief evolutionary phases and their effects on the integrated light of the cluster, to examine the paths (often brief) that lead from one evolutionary phase to another, and to use the stellar populations to constrain chemical evolution within the cluster. EHB and bright red giant branch (RGB) stars are particularly important to the integrated colors of clusters. EHB stars can be seen in several earlier CMDs for NGC 2419 \\citep{har97,stetn2419}, although the impression was that the population was small due to incompleteness at the faint end. \\citet{dale} recently presented a reduction of a portion of the available archived {\\it HST} data for the cluster that clearly shows the faint end of the blue HB tail, and that the EHB population is a substantial fraction of all HB stars in the cluster. In section \\ref{HB}, we conduct a deeper analysis of the HB population of the cluster. The details of the transition from the RGB to the HB remain poorly understood. In the case of the massive cluster NGC 2808, \\citet{sm07} found a deficit of bright red giants compared to theoretical predictions that may be linked to the EHB stars there --- if a star loses enough mass on the red giant, it can leave the red giant branch before the helium flash at the TRGB, igniting helium later in a ``hot flash'' that ultimately deposits it at the blue end of the HB. NGC 2419 appears to be more efficient at producing EHB stars than most clusters, so in \\S \\ref{urgb} we examine the upper RGB for signatures of EHB star production. Integrated luminosity has been linked to a number of unusual groups of stars within globular clusters, including blue stragglers (their relative frequency is anti-correlated with total luminosity), extremely blue horizontal branch stars, and populations with different age and/or chemical composition. To date, NGC 2419 has shown little indication that it contains anything but a stellar population with a single composition ([Fe/H] $= -2.1$; \\citealt{sunt}) and age. However, NGC 2419 is now known to have a strongly double-peaked HB, and so we examine the helium abundance indicator $R$ in \\S \\ref{R}. ", "conclusions": "We have examined archival HST imagery in the optical and ultraviolet to study evolved stars in the core of the massive globular cluster NGC 2419. An important aspect of these populations is the clear separation of the horizontal branch population into two groups: the primary peak just to the blue of the instability strip and a secondary peak of comparable size at the extreme end of the HB. More than 38\\% of the HB stars in this cluster are in the EHB peak, and if their initial compositions were the same, this means that more than 33\\% of its red giants have been diverted into this population (more than 25\\% into blue hook candidates). While our study only examined the core population (and in $\\omega$ Cen, for example, there is some evidence for a decrease in the abundance of EHB stars with distance from the cluster center), this is a feat that is even remotely matched by only {\\it some} of the very most massive clusters in the Galaxy. For example, $\\omega$ Cen has approximately 27\\% of its HB stars on the EHB \\citep{dale} --- a slightly smaller proportion than NGC 2419. M54 also has a modest population of EHB stars \\citep{rosem54,siem54}, but it is a significantly smaller fraction of the total HB population (we estimate $\\la 15$\\% from the CMD in \\citealt{rosem54}). NGC 2808 also has a modest EHB population that is 12\\% of its total HB sample (\\citealt{castel}, where we have included their EBT3 stars and the HBp stars that are likely to be composed of blends of EBT3 and MS stars). In the very metal-rich cluster NGC 6388 \\citep{dale08}, only about 3.5\\% of the HB stars are on the EHB (2\\% as blue hook stars). A few other massive clusters (e.g. NGC 6441, M15) have a handful of EHB stars that compose a few percent of their populations at most, and another massive cluster (47 Tuc) has no known EHB stars. $\\omega$ Cen, M54, NGC 6388, NGC 6441, and 47 Tuc are probably the only clusters that are more massive than NGC 2419 \\citep{mcl}, while NGC 2808 appears to have a similar mass and M15 is approximately 50\\% less massive. So while large cluster mass certainly makes the appearance of EHB stars more likely, another factor is influencing their relative abundance. This factor is probably not {\\it past} cluster mass --- NGC 2419 is unlikely to have lost as much mass in its history as clusters like $\\omega$ Cen and M54 because its orbit keeps it far out in the Galactic halo, minimizing the effects of Galactic tides and disk shocking. There is also no evidence of populations of greatly different age in NGC 2419 based on a superficial examination --- NGC 1851 shows two distinct subgiant branches that could result from an age difference of about 1 Gyr \\citep{milo}. For the clusters above, there is a hint that the fraction of EHB stars anticorrelates with metallicity. M15 is about 0.1 dex more metal poor than NGC 2419, but also by far the least massive of these clusters. $\\omega$ Cen has a large metallicity spread ($-2.2 \\la $ [Fe/H] $\\la -0.7$), but the most common [Fe/H] $\\sim -1.75$ \\citep{johnomega}. Of the clusters with moderate EHB populations, M54 has [Fe/H] $\\sim -1.6$ \\citep{brownm54} and NGC 2808 has [Fe/H] $\\sim -1.15$ \\citep{carn2808}. The remainder of the massive clusters (NGC 6388, NGC 6441, and 47 Tuc) are very metal rich ([Fe/H] $> -0.7$). This crude correlation may be related to well-known relation between [Fe/H] and HB morphology --- more metal-poor clusters tend to have bluer HB stars. Even if we compare NGC 2419 to its nearest rival in producing EHB stars ($\\omega$ Cen), we find a lack of a clear lead. $\\omega$ Cen has an HB morphology similar to NGC 2419, though $\\omega$ Cen has diverted a greater proportion of stars into the blue HB tail between the two peaks, which would imply that multiple populations should overlap to a greater degree in $\\omega$ Cen. $\\omega$ Cen shows very clear signs of multiple populations on the giant branch and main sequence \\citep{bedomega}, including a blue main sequence that is more metal-rich than the majority of stars, and therefore is probably also helium enriched \\citep{pomega}. The number ratio of chemically enriched group to the total MS star population is similar to the ratio of EHB stars to the total HB population, and thus \\citeauthor{pomega} suggested that the EHB stars are the descendants of the enriched population. In NGC 2419, there is no evidence to date of multiple populations among red giants or main sequence stars. Although there is a little evidence consistent with slight helium enrichment in the cluster (based on post-HB evolution and the $R$ population ratio), there is no evidence that it is as strong as in $\\omega$ Cen. It is potentially possible to hide multiple populations on the main sequence by increasing metallicity and helium abundance in a way to cancel out their opposing color shifts. If this is happening in NGC 2419, it would imply a smaller helium enrichment ($\\Delta Y \\sim 0.03$) than is implied for $\\omega$ Cen ($\\Delta Y = 0.14$). Such a small helium enrichment would be consistent with the indicators presented in this paper, but would be unable to explain the two HB star populations. Spectroscopic observations of cluster giants would still be needed to determine whether a metallicity spread is truly present in the cluster. In one sense NGC 2419 is like $\\omega$ Cen: neither appears to have undergone strong dynamical relaxation \\citep{dale,ferromega}. There is little or no evidence of a correlation with concentration $c$ \\citep{mcl} though. The three massive clusters with the largest EHB fractions (NGC 2419, $\\omega$ Cen, and M54) are also largest in $R_h$, although 47 Tuc has similar structural properties to M54 and has no EHB stars. At this point, we must confess that while NGC 2419 seems to have less complicated stellar populations overall than clusters like $\\omega$ Cen and NGC 2808, its relative simplicity helps to stymie attempts to draw out a coherent picture of the source of multiple populations and extreme horizontal branch stars." }, "0809/0809.3787_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The Magellanic Clouds were the largest members of a group of dwarf galaxies that entered the Milky Way (MW) halo at late times. This group, dominated by the LMC, contained $\\sim 4$\\% of the mass of the Milky Way prior to its accretion and tidal disruption, but $\\approx 70\\%$ of the known dwarfs orbiting the MW. Our theory addresses many outstanding problems in galaxy formation associated with dwarf galaxies. First, it can explain the planar orbital configuration populated by some dSphs in the MW. Second, it provides a mechanism for lighting up a subset of dwarf galaxies to reproduce the cumulative circular velocity distribution of the satellites in the MW. Finally, our model predicts that most dwarfs will be found in association with other dwarfs. The recent discovery of Leo V (Belokurov et al. 2008), a dwarf spheroidal companion of Leo IV, and the nearby dwarf associations supports our hypothesis. ", "introduction": "In the cold dark matter (CDM) model, the dark halos of galaxies like the Milky Way build up hierarchically, through the accretion of less massive halos. When these sub-systems avoid complete tidal disruption, they can survive in the form of satellite dwarf galaxies. However, the dwarf galaxies in the Local Group exhibit several puzzling features. Numerical simulations of CDM predict 10 to 30 times more satellites within 500 kpc of the Milky Way and M31 than the modest observed population (e.g. Moore et al. 1999). This discrepancy between the expected and known numbers of dwarf galaxies has become known as the {\\it missing dwarf problem}. The newly discovered population of ultra-faint dwarfs around the Milky Way and M31 found in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey increases by a factor of two the number of known satellites (Simon \\& Geha 2007), but goes to even lower circular velocities where a comparable or even greater increase in the number of satellites is expected. Another peculiarity is that many dwarf galaxies in the Local Group lie in the orbital plane of the Magellanic Clouds and Stream. These dwarfs have been associated with the Magellanic Clouds and termed the Magellanic Group (Lynden-Bell 1976, Fusi Pecci et al. 1995; Kroupa et al. 2005). In order to reproduce this planar configuration in the current scenario for structure formation, Libeskind et al. (2005) proposed that subhalos are anisotropically distributed in cosmological CDM simulations and that the most massive satellites tend to be aligned with filaments. Similarly, Zentner et al. (2005) suggested that the accretion of satellites along filaments in a triaxial potential leads to an anisotropic distribution of satellites. Systems anisotropically distributed falling into the Galactic halo may not lie in a plane consistent with the orbital and spatial distribution of the MW satellites. For example, a theoretical bootstrap analysis of the spatial distribution of CDM satellites (taken from a set of CDM simulations) by Metz et al. (2008) finds that even if they are aligned along filaments, they will be consistent with being drawn randomly. This could mean that alignment of the satellites along filaments may not be sufficient to reproduce the observed planar structures. As we propose here, the origin of planar distributions is facilitated by concentrating infalling satellites into groups. Another issue is that the dSphs of the Local Group tend to cluster tightly around the giant spirals. Proximity to a large central galaxy might prevent dwarf irregulars from accreting material, turning off star formation, and they may then undergo tidal interactions to convert them into dwarf spheroidals. However, isolated dSphs like Tucana or Cetus found in the outskirts of the Local Group (Grebel et al. 2003) suggest that dSphs might also form at great distances from giant spirals prior to their being accreted. Clues to the questions raised by these observations may be contained in measurements of the metallicities of a large sample of stars in four nearby dwarf spheroidal galaxies: Sculptor, Sextans, Fornax, and Carina. Work by Helmi et al. (2006) shows that all four lack stars with low metallicity, implying that their metallicity distribution differs significantly from that of the Galactic halo, indicating a non-local origin for these systems. ", "conclusions": "We assume a model where the LMC was the largest member of a group of dwarf galaxies that was accreted into the MW halo. Our picture addresses several questions in galaxy formation: ({\\it i}) It explains the association of some dwarf galaxies in the Local group with the LMC-SMC system. ({\\it ii}) It provides a mechanism to light up dwarf galaxies. ({\\it iii}) It predicts that other isolated dwarfs will have companions. The recent discovery of Leo V (Belokurov et al. 2008), a dwarf spheroidal companion of Leo IV, and the nearby dwarf associations supports our hypothesis. E.D is grateful to Jacco van Loon and Joana Oliveira for organizing an interesting meeting. She also would like to thank J. Gallagher, G. Besla, K. Bekki, L. Hernquist, N. Kallivayalil, C. Mastropietro for fruitful discussions." }, "0809/0809.4358_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We propose to apply an object point process to automatically delineate filaments of the large-scale structure in redshift catalogues. We illustrate the feasibility of the idea on an example of the recent 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey, describe the procedure, and characterise the results. ", "introduction": "The large-scale structure of the Universe traced by the three-dimensional distribution of galaxies shows intriguing patterns: filaments and sheet-like structures connecting in huge clusters surround nearly empty regions, the so-called voids. Surveys of galaxies are created by measuring for each galaxy in addition to its angular position on the sky its distance, estimated from their recession velocities, within the framework of a cosmological model. However, the measured recession velocities are not only due to the Hubble expansion, they appear contaminated by the line-of-sight contribution of the dynamical velocity of a galaxy, due to the local gravitational effects, so the distances of galaxies are in error. Galaxy surveys based on recession velocities are called 'redshift space' maps, and although they are distorted versions of the three-dimensional distribution of galaxies, distance errors are not as serious as to change the overall picture of the large-scale structure. An overview of such galaxy maps is given in \\cite{martsaar02}. As an example, we present here a map from a recently completed 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS, \\cite{2dFGRS}). This survey measured the redshifts (recession velocities) of galaxies in about 1500 square degrees, up to the distances of about $700\\,h^{-1}\\mbox{Mpc}$\\footnote{ Distances between galaxies are usually measured in megaparsecs (Mpc); $1\\mbox{Mpc}\\approx3\\cdot10^{24}\\mbox{cm}$. The constant $h$ is the dimensionless Hubble parameter; the latest determinations give for its value $h\\approx 0.71$. } (corresponding to a redshift $z=0.2$ for the standard cosmological model). The redshifts were measured in two different regions of the sky; Fig.~\\ref{fig:2dfgrs} shows the positions of galaxies in two $2.6^\\circ$ thick slices from both regions. \\begin{figure} \\centering \\resizebox{0.8\\textwidth}{!}{\\includegraphics*{2dfgrs.eps}}\\\\ \\caption{Galaxy map for two 2dFGRS slices. The observers (we) are situated at the centre of the figure. Both slices are thin, with the thickness of $2.6^\\circ$. The distances are given in redshifts $z$; approximately, the physical distance $D\\approx 3000\\,h^{-1}\\,z\\,\\mbox{Mpc}$. The numbers along the arcs show the right ascension (in hours). The filamentary network of galaxies is clearly seen; the disappearance of structure with depth (towards the sides of the figure) is caused by luminosity selection. \\label{fig:2dfgrs} } \\end{figure} The most characteristic feature of all three-dimensional galaxy cartographies are the remarkable network of filaments that can be appreciated when diagrams like the one shown in Fig.~\\ref{fig:2dfgrs} are depicted. All filaments are not equal, they show different size and contrast, but typically relatively empty voids are found between them. Different scales are involved in the filamentary patterns, and it is of great importance to have algorithms to identify them and to characterise their properties. We should mention here that the gradual disappearance of structures with distance observed in Fig.~\\ref{fig:2dfgrs} is a selection effect due to how this surveys are built. They are flux-limited samples, and since the apparent luminosity of a galaxy is fainter if the galaxy lies further away, only the brightest galaxies are seen in the more distant regions of the surveyed volume. Certainly filaments are prominent and visually they dominate the galaxy maps, however there are still no standard methods to describe the observed filamentary structure. Second-order summary statistics like the two-point correlation function, the $K$-function or the power spectrum (in Fourier space) do not provide morphological information. Minkowski functionals, minimal spanning tree (MST), percolation and shapefinders have been introduced for this purpose (for a review see \\cite{martsaar02}). The minimal spanning tree was introduced in cosmology by \\cite{barrow85}. It is a unique graph that connects all points of the process without closed loops, but certainly describes mainly the local nearest-neighbour distribution, being unable to provide a whole characterisation of the global and large-scale properties of the filamentary network. A better method, named {\\it skeleton}, has been recently proposed (\\cite{eriksen04,novikov06}) to describe the possible filamentary structure of continuous density fields. The skeleton is determined by segments parallel to the gradient of the field, connecting saddle points to local maxima. Calculating the skeleton involves interpolation and smoothing the point distribution, which introduces an extra parameter, the band-width of the kernel function used to estimate the density field from the point distribution, typically a Gaussian function. In any case, this method has been recently applied to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (\\cite{sousbie06}, providing, by means of the length of the skeleton, a good discriminant tool for the analysis of the filamentary structures. In a previous paper (\\cite{StoiMartMateSaar05}), we proposed to use an automated method to trace filaments for realisations of point processes, that has been shown to work well for detection of road networks in remote sensing situations (\\cite{LacoDescZeru05,StoiDescLiesZeru02,StoiDescZeru04}). This method is based on the Candy model, a marked point process where segments serve as marks. The Candy model can be applied to 2-D filaments, and we tested it on simulated galaxy distributions. The filaments we found delineated well the filaments detected by eye. Many methods used to automatically detect filaments have been developed so far for two-dimensional maps. This is a natural approach for studying the cosmic microwave sky background (\\cite{eriksen04}), which is two-dimensional, but galaxy maps are three-dimensional. The previous filament studies (e.g., \\cite{bhavsar03, bharadwaj04,pandey05}) have also used two-dimensional galaxy maps, projections for thin slices. The main reason for that is that most of the past large-scale galaxy maps were observed for relatively thin spatial slices; also, in projection filaments seem more prominent. But, of course, both slicing of filaments and projecting the distribution onto a plane distorts the geometry and the properties of the filamentary network. The study of the three-dimensional filamentary network has just begun. Three-dimensio\\-nal filaments have been extracted from galaxy distribution as a result of special observational projects (\\cite{pimbblet04a}), or by searching for filaments in the 2dFGRS catalogue (\\cite{pimbblet04b}). These filaments have been searched for between galaxy clusters, determining the density distribution and deciding if it is filamentary, individually for every filament. Similar studies have been carried out for N-body simulations (\\cite{colberg05}). A review of these and previous studies of large-scale filaments is given in (\\cite{pimbblet05}). No automated methods to trace filaments in the three-dimensional galaxy maps have been proposed so far. Based on our previous experience with the Candy process, we generalised the approach for three dimensions. As the interactions between the structure elements are more complex in three dimensions, we had to define a more complex model, the Bisous model (\\cite{StoiGregMate05}). This model gives a general framework for the construction of complex patterns made of simple interacting objects. In our case, it can be seen as a generalisation of the Candy model. We will describe the Bisous model below and will apply it to the samples chosen from the real three-dimensional galaxy distribution, the 2dFGRS catalogue. ", "conclusions": "We have applied an object point process -- Bisous model -- to objectively find filaments in galaxy redshift surveys (three-dimensional galaxy maps). For that, we defined the model, fixed some of the interaction parameters and chose priors for the remaining parameters. The definition of the data term is very intuitive and rather a simple test. Much more elaborated methods testing the alignment of the points along the direction of the cylinder against the completely spatial randomness need investigation. The uniform law for the interaction parameters was preferred in order to give the same chances to a wide range of topologies of the filamentary network. Still, if concrete prior information about the topology of the filamentary network is available then this should be integrated in the model. We have run simulated annealing sequences and select filaments on the basis of coverage probabilities for individual cells of sample volume. The coverage probabilities are to be seen as a way of averaging the shape of the filamentary structure. They have the advantage to allow inference from statistics instead of a single realisation. Their main drawback is that the coverage probabilities are computed locally, for small regions. Still, the visualisation of the visit maps built on these probabilities brings new ideas and hypotheses about the topologies of the cosmic filaments. A global Monte Carlo statistical test was built to test the existence of the filaments in the data. To do this, we have calculated sufficient statistics for the data sets and made a comparison with the sufficient statistics obtained on binomial point fields having the same number of points as the data. Our test was indicating that the filaments we find are defined by the data, not by the chosen model. The method used in this paper can be extended in different ways. One natural extension is to use different generating elements instead on cylinders, e.g., planar elements or clusters. (\\cite{StoiGregMate05}). Although traces of planar structures are seen in superclusters of galaxies, these have been difficult to quantify, mainly because of their low density contrast. Another interesting application is to search for dynamically bound groups and clusters of galaxies that have a typical 'finger-of-God' signature in redshift space, extended along the line-of-sight. And there remains a question if the method could be extended to inhomogeneous point processes -- this would allow us to use all the observational data, not only volume-limited subsamples." }, "0809/0809.4672_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We obtain new HI and $^{13}$CO images around Supernova Remnants (SNR) Kes 69 and G21.5-0.9. By comparing HI spectra with $^{13}$CO emission spectra, we significantly revise the kinematic distance for Kes 69 to $\\sim$ 5.5 kpc, which was 11.2 kpc, and refine the kinematic distance for G21.5-0.9 to $\\sim$ 4.8 kpc. For Kes 69, the highest velocity of absorption is $\\sim$ 86 km s$^{-1}$ and a prominent HI emission feature at $\\sim$ 112 km s$^{-1}$ has no respective absorption. These new results suggest that Kes 69 is associated with a newly detected extended 1720 MHz OH maser at velocity of $\\sim$ 85 km s$^{-1}$ that originates from within the bright southern radio shell of Kes 69. For G21.5-0.9, the highest velocity of absorption is $\\sim$ 67 km s$^{-1}$. The HI absorption spectra of the nearby bright source PMN J1832-1035 and of Kes 69 show a common absorption feature at velocity of $\\sim$ 69 km s$^{-1}$, which is not seen for G21.5-0.9. The resulting velocity of $\\sim$ 68 km s$^{-1}$ gives the best distance estimate of $\\sim$ 4.8 kpc for G21.5-0.9 and associated young pulsar J1833-1034. ", "introduction": "Determining distances to Galactic objects (HII regions, pulsars (PSR) and supernova remnants (SNR) etc.) may help understand the kinematics of the Milky Way. Also, distance measurement of SNRs is a key to obtain their basic parameters such as the luminosity, size and age. As an energetic class of objects, SNRs are associated with many highly active astrophysical phenomena, e.g. anomalous X-ray pulsars, soft $\\gamma$-ray repeaters, Pulsar Wind Nebula (PWN), non-thermal X-rays and very-high-energy $\\gamma$-rays (see Yang et al. 2008 for a review). The determination of distance of a SNR may test reality of a SNR/PSR/PWN or SNR/TeV $\\gamma$-ray source association, and help constrain the mass range of the progenitor star and type of supernova responsible for the remnant. It can provide direct evidence whether a SNR is physically associated with molecular clouds, or if strong interaction between a SNR shock and surrounding clouds is possible, which is widely believed to be a source of TeV $\\gamma$-ray and non-thermal X-ray emission in the Milky Way. The SNR/molecular cloud interaction may also potentially lead to new generations of star formation, so constitutes an important part of Galactic ecology. Comparing HI absorption spectra toward Galactic SNRs with respective HI and $^{13}$CO emission spectra along the line of sight, we previously revised distances to five SNRs and several overlapping HII regions (Tian et al. 2007; Tian \\& Leahy 2008; Leahy \\& Tian 2008a;). Some values differ greatly from previously published values, e.g. Kes 75 (Leahy \\& Tian 2008b), PWN G54.1+0.3 (Leahy, Tian \\& Wang 2008), because our methods implement improved background subtraction and spurious emission rejection, and resolve the near/far distance ambiguity in the inner Galaxy, which may have been previously done incorrectly. The distance changes can result in significant changes in interpretation of the SNR (and associated object) properties. As the newest paper of a series, we use the methods to directly re-measure distances of two more SNRs: Kes 69 which has 1720 MHz OH maser emission (Hewitt et al. 2008), and G21.5-0.9 which hosts a young pulsar (Camilo et al. 2006; Bietenholz \\& Bartel 2008) and also has TeV $\\gamma$-ray emission (i.e. HESS J1833-105, Djannati-Atai et al. 2007). 1720 MHz masers are associated with warm, shocked molecular gas and are seen as signposts of SNR-molecular cloud interactions (Wardle \\& Yusef-Zadeh 2002), therefore they likely give reliable distance estimates to SNR/molecular cloud systems. An OH maser at velocity of 69.3$\\pm$0.7 km s$^{-1}$ (hereafter, we use $\\sim$ 70 km s$^{-1}$to describe the radial velocity of this maser) was detected toward Kes 69 (Green et al. 1997), leading to a distance of $\\sim$ 11.2 kpc for the remnant. However, the masers' site is outside of the northeastern radio and X-ray shells of Kes 69 (Yusef-Zadeh et al. 2003). This spurred us to re-measure its distance by analyzing HI+$^{13}$CO spectra in the direction of Kes 69 in order to test the reality of the claimed association. SNR G21.5-0.9 is an interesting SNR nearby Kes 69, so we also analyze HI and CO spectra in the direction of G21.5-0.9. In this paper, we significantly revise the distance to Kes 69, and refine the distance estimation to G21.5-0.9 by analyzing HI and CO spectra. We use the Galactic rotation curve model and recent measurements of the parameters for this (i.e. R$_{0} \\sim$ 8 kpc, Eisenhauer et al. 2005; V$_{0}$$\\sim$ 220 km s$^{-1}$, Feast \\& Whitelock 1997, Reid \\& Brunthaler 2004). The radio data come from 1420 MHz continuum plus HI-line observations of the VLA Galactic Plane Survey (VGPS, Stil et al. 2006) and the $^{13}$CO-line (J = 1-0) observations of the Galactic ring survey (Jackson et al. 2006) of the Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory 14 m telescope. The short-spacing information for the HI spectral line images is from additional observations with the 100 m Green Bank telescope (GBT) of the National Radio Astronomical Observatory (NRAO). ", "conclusions": "\\subsection{Distances to Kes 69 and G21.5-0.9} The OH-maser determined distance should be reasonably consistent with the HI+CO determined distance to the same SNR. We note that distances are derived here from a circular rotation model, and contain errors due to uncertainties in the rotation model and non-circular motions. E.g. using the observed $l-V$ diagram, Weiner \\& Sellwood (1999) derived the radial velocity distribution in the inner galaxy. Applying to Kes 69, the distances are reduced by $\\sim$ 0.4 kpc compared to the circular rotation model. Observed random motion of up to 7 km s$^{-1}$ (Shaveret al. 1982) yields a distance uncertainty of $\\sim$ 0.3 kpc for this case. Using the circular rotation model, our analysis of the HI+CO spectra reveals that Kes 69 has a distance of 5.5 to 7.4 kpc, far smaller than 11.2 kpc determined by the OH maser at 70 km s$^{-1}$. This is strong evidence against the OH maser being associated with Kes 69. This is supported by further evidence: the site of the OH maser is outside the detected radio emission of Kes 69, and no CO emission at $\\sim$ 70 km s$^{-1}$ is seen in the CO spectrum of the OH maser. A collisional pumping model shows that shock-excited OH maser emission at 1720 MHz appearing behind a SNR shock front results from the interaction of an SNR with an adjacent, warm, dense shocked molecular cloud (Wardle \\& Yusef-Zadeh 2002). Furthermore, an extended 1720 MHz OH maser at velocity of $\\sim$ 85 km s$^{-1}$ has been detected from within the bright southern radio shell of Kes 69 by GBT and VLA observations (Hewitt et al. 2008). The new OH maser fits nicely with the highest velocity of HI absorption in the direction of Kes 69, therefore we conclude that Kes 69 is located at a distance of $\\sim$ 5.5 kpc at the near side kinematic distance for the OH maser at $\\sim$ 85 km s$^{-1}$ and consistent with the highest observed HI absorption velocity of $\\sim$ 86 km s$^{-1}$. A bright $^{13}$CO cloud at $\\sim$ 86 km s$^{-1}$ overlapping Kes 69 has been revealed here (Fig. 1 upper right). A research group from Nan Jing University newly finds $^{12}$CO, $^{13}$ CO and HCO$^{+}$ emissions near 85 km/s$^{-1}$ from the bright southern shell (Zhou et al. 2008), consistent with the previous formaldehyde molecular (H$_{2}$CO) and the 1665/7 MHz OH absorption line observations at velocities of 82 -- 87 km s$^{-1}$ (Wilson 1972, Turner 1970). All these support our conclusion on the distance of 5.5 kpc to Kes 69. So the 1720 MHz maser at 70 km s$^{-1}$ is likely not associated with Kes 69. G21.5-0.9 is located between a cloud at velocity of $\\sim$ 67 km s$^{-1}$ and that of $\\sim$ 69 km s$^{-1}$ (i.e. d $\\sim$ 4.8 kpc). G21.5-0.9 hosts a young pulsar PWN J1833-1034. New measurement refines the most recent velocity measurement to the SNR/PSR system by Camilo et al. 2006 who analyzed HI spectra data from the VLA and the Leiden/Dwingeloo 25 m telescope observations, and lower resolution $^{12}$CO data from the CfA 1.2 m telescope observations, to obtain lower and upper limits on the velocity of 65 km s$^{-1}$ and 76 km s$^{-1}$ (i.e. d $\\sim$ 4.7$\\pm$ 0.4 kpc). \\subsection{The Evolutionary State of Kes 69} The 1420 MHz continuum map shows Kes 69 has a roughly elliptical outline 26$^\\prime$ by 20$^\\prime$ whereas the ROSAT PSPC image (Yusef-Zadeh et al. 2003), also elliptical and oriented in the same way, has smaller dimensions of 20$^\\prime$ by 13$^\\prime$. This is mainly due to absence of X-rays from the northwest radio filament (upper left side in Fig. 1 here) and from the northeast radio wing (lower left in Fig. 1), but also the X-rays do not extend out to the edge of the main radio filament in the south. We use 20$^\\prime$ as the mean angular diameter of Kes 69, which is the mean of radio and X-ray values. At the distance of 5.5 kpc, the diameter is $\\sim$ 32 pc. We apply a Sedov model (Cox 1972) to estimate the parameters of Kes 69, using the ROSAT PSPC temperature of 1.6 keV and X-ray luminosity of 8.4$\\times 10^{34}$ erg/s (Yusef-Zadeh et al. 2003). The high temperature and moderate X-ray luminosity are indicative of explosion in a low density medium. Application of the Sedov model yields an age of 5000 years, an explosion energy of 0.8$\\times 10^{51}$ erg, and a pre-explosion density of $\\sim$0.1 cm$^{-3}$. Based on the estimated errors in the ROSAT PSPC spectral parameters, the errors in these values are $\\sim$60\\% for age and explosion energy and $\\sim$30\\% for density. These results are consistent with observation of OH maser emission from the main south filament of Kes 69 if the explosion occurred in a moderately low density cavity ($\\sim$0.1 cm$^{-3}$) and has only recently ($<<$ 5000 years ago) run into dense molecular gas at the main southern filament. Supporting this are Spitzer infrared observations of line emissions from shocked molecular gas in Kes 69 (Reach et al. 2006). For the ROSAT temperature of 1.6 keV, the SNR shock velocity is 1250 km s$^{-1}$ in 0.1 cm$^{-3}$ gas, but is slowed down to $\\sim$ 4 km s$^{-1}$ in cold molecular gas with density of $\\sim$ $10^{4}$ cm$^{-3}$. The shock would still be supersonic, since the sound speed is 0.2 to 0.6 km s$^{-1}$ in 10 to 100 K molecular hydrogen, and would result in mild heating of the gas to $\\sim$ 4000 K. This would subsequently result in good conditions for production of the observed OH maser emission (Wardle 1999). In summary, we significantly revise the distance to Kes 69 and obtain a better distance to G21.5-0.9, by an analysis using HI and $^{13}$CO spectra. The evolutionary state of Kes 69 is evaluated, and it is consistent with a moderate aged SNR, just recently encountering a dense molecular cloud. \\begin{figure*} \\vspace{150mm} \\begin{picture}(100,100) \\put(-180,360){\\special{psfile=f1a.eps hoffset=0 voffset=0 hscale=40 vscale=35 angle=0}} \\put(-10,590){\\special{psfile=f1b.eps hoffset=0 voffset=0 hscale=48 vscale=48 angle=-90}} \\put(-235,385){\\special{psfile=f1c.eps hoffset=0 voffset=0 hscale=40 vscale=40 angle=-90}} \\put(30,385){\\special{psfile=f1d.eps hoffset=0 voffset=0 hscale=40 vscale=40 angle=-90}} \\put(-235, 210){\\special{psfile=f1e.eps hoffset=0 voffset=0 hscale=40 vscale=40 angle=-90}} \\put(80, -80){\\special{psfile=f1f.eps hoffset=0 voffset=0 hscale=40 vscale=40 angle=0}} \\end{picture} \\caption{First row: the 1420 MHz continuum image (left) and a channel CO map with velocity of $\\sim$ 86 km s$^{-1}$ (right), centered at [b=-0.5, l=21.75]; Kes 69 is the large extended object near center, G21.5-0.9 is inside box 3, PMN J1832-1035 is inside box 4. Second and third row: HI maps at velocities of $\\sim$ 112 km s$^{-1}$ (close to the tangent point velocity in the direction towards Kes 69, middle left), 86 km s$^{-1}$ (middle right), 69 km s$^{-1}$ (lower left) and 67 km s$^{-1}$ (lower right), respectively. The first panel has superimposed contours (green: 25, 43, 75, 118, 145K) of the 1420 MHz continuum emission to show the SNRs, other panels have superimposed contours (green: 25, 50, 500 K). In the first panel, the plus sign shows the site of the 1720 MHz OH maser at $\\sim$ 70 km s$^{-1}$, the four boxes mark regions where HI and CO spectra are extracted.} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure*} \\vspace{150mm} \\begin{picture}(120,120) \\put(-180,420){\\special{psfile=f2a.eps hoffset=0 voffset=0 hscale=40 vscale=25 angle=0}} \\put(60,560){\\special{psfile=f2a1.eps hoffset=0 voffset=0 hscale=30 vscale=25 angle=-90}} \\put(-180,275){\\special{psfile=f2b.eps hoffset=0 voffset=0 hscale=40 vscale=25 angle=0}} \\put(60,415){\\special{psfile=f2b1.eps hoffset=0 voffset=0 hscale=30 vscale=25 angle=-90}} \\put(-180,140){\\special{psfile=f2c.eps hoffset=0 voffset=0 hscale=40 vscale=25 angle=0}} \\put(60,280){\\special{psfile=f2c1.eps hoffset=0 voffset=0 hscale=30 vscale=25 angle=-90}} \\put(-180,0){\\special{psfile=f2d.eps hoffset=0 voffset=0 hscale=40 vscale=25 angle=0}} \\put(60,140){\\special{psfile=f2d1.eps hoffset=0 voffset=0 hscale=30 vscale=25 angle=-90}} \\end{picture} \\caption{Left: four HI emission and absorption spectra (from top to bottom), extracted from boxes 1, 2, 3 and 4 shown in Fig. 1a. Right: four CO emission spectra, extracted from boxes 1, 2, 3 and from OH maser site shown in Fig. 1a.} \\end{figure*}" }, "0809/0809.4391_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "ASTEP South is the first phase of the ASTEP project that aims to determine the quality of Dome C as a site for future photometric searches for transiting exoplanets and discover extrasolar planets from the Concordia base in Antarctica. ASTEP South consists of a front-illuminated 4k x 4k CCD camera, a 10 cm refractor, and a simple mount in a thermalized enclosure. A double-glass window is used to reduce temperature variations and its accompanying turbulence on the optical path. The telescope is fixed and observes a $4\\,^{\\circ}$ x $4\\,^{\\circ}$ field of view centered on the celestial South pole. With this design, A STEP South is very stable and observes with low and constant airmass, both being important issues for photometric precision. We present the project, we show that enough stars are present in our field of view to allow the detection of one to a few transiting giant planets, and that the photometric precision of the instrument should be a few mmag for stars brighter than magnitude 12 and better than 10 mmag for stars of magnitude 14 or less. ", "introduction": "The ASTEP project (Antarctic Search for Transiting Extrasolar Planets) aims to determine the quality of Dome C, Antarctica as a site for future photometric surveys and to detect transiting planets (\\cite[Fressin et al. 2005]{}). The 3 month continuous night as well as a very dry atmosphere should yield to a great improvement of the photometric precision when compared to other sites. The goal of ASTEP South is to qualify the photometry from Dome C and to attempt to detect planets. First, the instrument setup is described. We then present the expected planet detection probability using a simple model. Finally, we use SimPhot to simulate the ASTEP South observations and a first data reduction process. The expected noise is then derived for stars in the ASTEP South field of view. ", "conclusions": "ASTEP South is the first transit survey from Dome C, Antarctica. The instrument inside its thermalized box is currently observing towards the celestial South pole. A simple analytical model shew that the observed field of view contains enough stars to enable transit detections with our 10 cm refractor. Simulations made with SimPhot show a rms noise close to the photon noise for stars of magnitude 12 or less, and a noise level better than 10 mmag for stars of magnitude 14 or less. Thus, this first campaign should allow us to test this new observing method, to qualify Dome C for photometric observations and possibly to detect planets." }, "0809/0809.1327_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ Since Baade's photographic study of M32 in the mid 1940s, it has been accepted as an established fact that M32 is a compact dwarf satellite of M31. The purpose of this paper is to report on the findings of our investigation into the nature of the existing evidence. We find that the case for M32 being a satellite of M31 rests upon Hubble Space Telescope (HST) based stellar population studies which have resolved red-giant branch (RGB) and red clump stars in M32 as well as other nearby galaxies. Taken in isolation, this recent evidence could be considered to be conclusive in favour of the existing view. However, the conventional scenario does not explain M32's anomalously high central velocity dispersion for a dwarf galaxy (several times that of either NGC 147, NGC 185 or NGC 205) or existing planetary nebula observations (which suggest that M32 is more than twice as distant as M31) and also requires an elaborate physical explanation for M32's inferred compactness. Conversely, we find that the case for M32 being a normal galaxy, of the order of three times as distant as M31, is supported by: (1) a central velocity dispersion typical of intermediate galaxies, (2) the published planetary nebula observations, and (3) known scaling relationships for normal early-type galaxies. However, this novel scenario cannot account for the high apparent luminosities of the RGB stars resolved in the M32 direction by HST observations. We are therefore left with two apparently irreconcilable scenarios, only one of which can be correct, but both of which suffer from potentially fatal evidence to the contrary. This suggests that current understanding of some relevant fields is still very far from adequate. ", "introduction": "\\label{Sec1} As M32 appears projected onto the disc of M31, separation of the two galaxies' integrated light and constituent stars is notoriously difficult. Consequently, hardly any formal distance measurements are available for M32. On the other hand, much effort has gone into attempting to demonstrate the existence of physical associations between M31 and M32 (which would imply physical proximity) and/or that M32 is in front of M31's disc (which would place a hard upper limit on M32's distance). This is because since \\citet{B 1944} it has been generally accepted that M32 must be a satellite of M31. M32's distance has therefore not been regarded as a major issue as it has generally been assumed to be similar to M31's (and therefore to be known at least approximately). Note though that before \\citet{B 1944} there was no consensus on M32's status with respect to M31 or on its distance. Assuming that M32 is at a similar distance to that of M31 (whose distance we take to be 0.76~Mpc from e.g.\\ \\citealt{Vdb 2000a}) then, on account of its angular size and degree of central concentration, it must be an unusually compact dwarf galaxy--regardless of whether it is elliptical or lenticular in nature. Note that although M32 has long been presumed to be an elliptical galaxy, the possibility that it may instead be a lenticular needs to be taken seriously \\citep{G 2002}. Since e.g.\\ \\citet{Dv 1961}, it has been accepted that M32 is a red compact galaxy (RCG). Most members of this extremely rare class of galaxy appear to be associated with larger neighbours and since \\citet{K 1962} it has been accepted that their compactness arises due to tidal truncation by their neighbours. Red compact dwarfs (RCDs) are all the more unusual (and rare) because their red intrinsic colours and high degree of central concentration with respect to mass are characteristic of early-type giants and intermediates, not dwarfs. In addition to M32, only five other candidates have been identified \\citep{C+ 2007}. However, as is evident from figures~3 and 4 of \\citet{C+ 2007}, M32 remains the faintest, smallest and most compact RCD [candidate] known, and therefore the most extreme case in terms of its deviation from most known scaling relationships for normal galaxies. In Appendix~\\ref{AppA}, in a radical departure from current practices, we treat M32 as if it were a normal galaxy in order to investigate what distance it would need to be projected to in order for it to fit as many scaling relationships as possible. We find that if M32 were projected to a distance of 2.3($\\pm$0.8) [$-$0.77$A_B$(M31)~mag$^{-1}$]~Mpc and if $A_B$(M31) ($B$-band absorption due to M31) were small, it would obey the known scaling relationships defined by normal early-types, and a physical explanation for its inferred extreme compactness would not be necessary. With this result in mind, in this paper, we test our radical new hypothesis against the existing evidence, the null hypothesis being that M32 is an RCD satellite of M31. Unfortunately, in the testing of any controversial new hypothesis a critical approach is often unavoidable, and this paper is no exception. It is not our aim to be unnecessarily critical of the existing results, but as we hope most readers will agree, we believe that it is a necessary exercise to investigate the possibilities for re-interpreting evidence that runs contrary to the new hypothesis. Only this way can robust evidence (that is not open to re-interpretation) be separated from circumstantial arguments (that are). Having said this, our aim is to find the truth and we do not have a vested interest in the outcome. This paper merely documents a thought experiment that we have conducted. However, it may also be of historical interest and even shed some light on how science is done. In Sections~\\ref{Sec2}, \\ref{Sec3} and \\ref{Sec4}, italic type is used for the existing evidence in order to distinguish it from our own analysis. It was found to be impractical to present the existing evidence in strict chronological order. Instead, we have attempted to introduce readers to the issues in an order that requires minimal prior knowledge of the subject, whilst at the same time minimizing the need for any repetition. With a view to remaining objective throughout this paper, we have adopted wordings that neither imply that M32 is an RCD nor imply that it is a background galaxy. ", "conclusions": "\\label{Sec5} Prior to \\citet{B 1944} it was not known whether M32 was a dwarf satellite of M31 or a background galaxy. However, following \\citet{B 1944} it became established as an unquestionable fact that M32 must be a dwarf satellite of M31. We have demonstrated that contrary to popular belief, the only robust evidence for this case is very recent in nature and ultimately rests entirely on resolved stellar photometry obtained with the HST. In other words, in the absence of these HST observations, the hypothesis that M32 might be a background galaxy would still be irrefutable. The assumptions on which the distance measurements derived from SBFs \\citep{TS 1988,T 1991,LT 1993} and ground-based resolved stellar photometry \\citep{F 1989} were based, have been confirmed by later HST observations\\footnote{As SBF studies amount to unresolved stellar photometry, they are related to (and complementary to) resolved stellar photometry but do not constitute independent evidence.}, but all of the preceding evidence beginning with that of \\citet{B 1944} was found to be circumstantial. We accept that M32 could well be an RCD satellite of M31. Unfortunately however, we would be left with the well known problem of explaining why M32 (and to a lesser extent five other less extreme RCD candidates) should defy most known scaling relationships defined by normal early-type galaxies. This is regardless of whether M32 is an elliptical or a lenticular. Presumably this might be because RCDs are in the process of being tidally stripped and are therefore stellar systems that are not in equilibrium. More specifically though, a major problem we are left with is why as a dwarf galaxy, M32 should have a central stellar velocity dispersion several times higher than that of M31's other main companions (which are of similar apparent brightness to M32). Could this be because M32 used to be a much larger normal galaxy prior to the commencement of the stripping process? If so, perhaps it could have retained its original central velocity dispersion. However, such a scenario would contradict the findings of \\citet{NP 1987} and \\citet{CGJ 2002} who concluded that the precursor of M32 was unlikely to have been a [larger] normal intermediate/giant elliptical galaxy. Alternatively, \\citet{B+ 2001} have suggested that the precursor of M32 might have been a late-type spiral bulge. If so, this might help to explain M32's anomalously high central velocity dispersion. Another outstanding issue though is why M32's planetary nebulae appear to be systematically fainter in apparent magnitude than M31's if the two galaxies are at the same distance. The main arguments in favour of M32 being a normal background galaxy are as follows. (1) M32's central velocity dispersion is typical of intermediate galaxies (including the bulges of lenticulars), and not of dwarfs. The homogenized mean value listed by the Hyperleda database is 72~km~s$^{-1}$ cf.\\ 23~km~s$^{-1}$ for NGC~205, 20~km~s$^{-1}$ for NGC~185 and 22~km~s$^{-1}$ for NGC~147 (homogenized mean values from Hyperleda)\\footnote{The Lyon-Meudon Extragalactic Database (Hyperleda) is maintained by the Centre de Recherches Astronomiques de Lyon and available online at http://leda.univ-lyon1.fr}. However, recent high-resolution measurements have yielded even higher values for M32 e.g.\\ 126 $\\pm$10~km~s$^{-1}$ \\citep{Vdm+ 1997} and 130~km~s$^{-1}$ (based on a Gaussian fit) or $\\gs$175~km~s$^{-1}$ (when corrected for the wings) \\citep{J+ 2001}. (2) Published planetary nebula observations from a variety of sources \\citep{CJFN 1989,HkMH 2004,M+ 2006} are all consistent in suggesting that M32 is at least twice as distant as M31. (3) M32 would obey known scaling relationships defined by normal intermediate/giant early-type galaxies including the Fundamental plane \\citep{DD 1987} if it were of the order of three times more distant than M31. (4) A physical explanation for M32's apparent compactness would no longer be needed. However, this scenario cannot explain the results of space-based resolved stellar photometry of M32, which find its RGB to be very similar to M31's in both general morphology and apparent brightness--thereby requiring that the two galaxies are at almost identical distances. Only in the event of these results becoming open to re-interpretation could the new hypothesis become a viable explanation. Unfortunately, as is evident from Figures~\\ref{f01}, \\ref{f02} and \\ref{f03}, there does not appear to be any middle ground between these two scenarios. If M32 were behind M31 but close enough to M31 to be interacting with it, explanations for M32's high central velocity dispersion and faint planetary nebulae would still be needed. We therefore find that we are left with two apparently irreconcilable scenarios, only one of which can be correct, but both of which suffer from potentially fatal evidence to the contrary. This suggests that current understanding of some relevant fields is inadequate and that further study is urgently needed. As far as further work on M32 is concerned, the optical thicknesses of the relevant regions of M31 are critical quantities that remain to be determined, and more studies on this problem would therefore be welcomed. Another remaining long-standing problem with wide-ranging implications is how the irregular component of the light contribution from M31 should be accounted for. The most rigorous subtraction of light from M31 to date is probably that performed for the surface photometry of \\citet{CGJ 2002}\\footnote{Following the example of \\citet{CGJ 2002} meaningful tests of the viability of models for M31 and M32's light distributions are possible. Synthetic images can be generated for the entire M31$\\cup$M32 field, in which (1) only M32 has been subtracted, (2) only M31 has been subtracted, and (3) both M32 and M31 have been subtracted.}. As these authors noted though, their elliptical isophotal model of M31 was unable to account for fine-scale structure such as dust lanes and spiral structure. With this in mind and on account of the newly-found importance of the HST-based stellar photometry, there is clearly a need for future space-based resolved stellar population studies, to obtain not just one, but several such M31-only control fields and at more carefully chosen locations. Longer telescope-time allocations will therefore be needed." }, "0809/0809.2504_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a time-dependent cosmic-ray modified shock model for which the calculated \\Ha{} emissivity profile agrees well with the \\Ha{} flux increase ahead of the Balmer-dominated shock at knot g in \\object[Tycho SNR]{Tycho's supernova remnant}, observed by \\citet{Lee-etal2007}. The backreaction of the cosmic ray component on the thermal component is treated in the two-fluid approximation, and we include thermal particle injection and energy transfer due to the acoustic instability in the precursor. The transient state of our model that describes the current state of the shock at knot g, occurs during the evolution from a thermal gas dominated shock to a smooth cosmic-ray dominated shock. Assuming a distance of $2.3\\kpc$ to Tycho's remnant we obtain values for the cosmic ray diffusion coefficient, $\\kappa$, the injection parameter, $\\epsilon$, and the time scale for the energy transfer, $\\tau$, of $\\kappa=2\\times10^{24}\\cms$, $\\epsilon=4.2\\times10^{-3}$, and $\\tau=426\\yr$, respectively. We have also studied the parameter space for fast ($300\\kms\\lesssim\\vs\\lesssim3000\\kms)$, time-asymptotically steady shocks and have identified a branch of solutions, for which the temperature in the cosmic ray precursor typically reaches $2$--$6\\times10^{4}\\Kv$ and the bulk acceleration of the flow through the precursor is less than $10\\kms$. These solutions fall into the low cosmic ray acceleration efficiency regime and are relatively insensitive to shock parameters. This low cosmic ray acceleration efficiency branch of solutions may provide a natural explanation for the line broadening of the \\Ha{} narrow component observed in non-radiative shocks in many supernova remnants. ", "introduction": "Balmer-dominated filaments in supernova remnants (SNRs) trace fast, non-radiative shocks that propagate into partially neutral, diffuse media. The filaments are sheets of shocked gas seen edge-on \\citep{Hester1987} and have been observed and studied in many SNRs including \\object[Tycho SNR]{Tycho's SNR} (\\citealp{CKR1980,KWC1987,SKBW1991}; \\citealp[][hereafter G00 and G01, respectively]{GRHB2000,GRSH2001}; \\citealp{Lee-etal2007}, hereafter L07), the Cygnus Loop \\citep[e.g.][]{RBFG1983,HRB1994}, RCW86 \\citep[e.g.][]{SGLS2003}, Kepler's SNR \\citep[e.g.][]{BLV1991,Sankrit-etal2005}, SN1006 \\citep[e.g.][]{GWRL2002}, and four remnants in the LMC \\citep[e.g.][]{SRL1994}. This work focuses on modeling a particular Balmer-dominated shock located at knot g in Tycho's SNR \\citep[after][]{KvB1978} and recently observed by L07. The \\Ha{} spectral line profile of a Balmer-dominated filament has narrow and broad components, whose widths represent the preshock temperature of neutral H and the postshock temperature of protons, respectively \\citep{CR1978}. The width of the broad component and the ratio of intensities are diagnostics for the shock speed and the degree of electron-ion temperature equilibration behind the shock. Shock models to quantify these diagnostics were first developed by \\citet{CKR1980} and later improved by \\citet{SKBW1991}, G01, \\citet{HMcC2007}, and \\citet{HAMR2007}. Currently, the most advanced non-radiative shock models are those of \\citet{AHMR2008}. Except for the work by \\citet{BC1988}, shock models used to interpret optical observations, to date, have not included modifications of the shock structure due to diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) of cosmic rays (CRs). Balmer-dominated filaments are usually associated with forward shocks of the expanding SNR bubbles. The only remnant in which Balmer emission from a reverse shock has been observed is SN 1987 \\citep{Michael-etal2003}. Forward shocks in SNRs are also sites of CR electron acceleration, as evidenced by synchrotron radio and X-ray emission \\citep{Koyama-etal1995,Gotthelf-etal2001,Long-etal2003,Bamba-etal2005,CHBD2007}, as well as likely sites of CR ion acceleration \\citep{BE1987,Drury-etal2001SSRv, Warren-etal2005}. In most cases, Balmer-dominated shocks do not show evidence for synchrotron emission, which suggests that particle acceleration in Balmer-dominated shocks is not efficient. The neutral component in the upstream thermal gas that is required for non-radiative shocks to produce Balmer-dominated filaments may be damping the turbulence necessary for efficient cosmic ray acceleration in SNR shocks \\citep{DDK1996}. Conversely, the heating of the upstream medium due to efficient CR acceleration may prevent most neutrals reaching the shock before being ionized \\citep{HRB1994}. Two known exceptions where Balmer emission and synchrotron X-ray emission coincide are knot g in Tycho's remnant and a small portion of the eastern rim of SN 1006 \\citep{Cassam-Chenai-etal2008}. However, a direct connection between the Balmer emission producing shock and the X-ray producing shock cannot be made for either case because the X-ray morphology is not resolved to the level of the optical emission and because the effects of projection are uncertain. Many Balmer-dominated filaments are observed to bound regions of X-ray emission whose spectra are consistent with thermal emission of a shock-heated ambient medium \\citep{HRB1994,Raymond-etal2007}. The theory of DSA predicts a CR precursor ahead of the gas subshock \\citep{D-V1981,BE1999}, in which the upstream gas is pre-heated and accelerated over a characteristic distance $\\kappa/\\vs$, where $\\kappa$ is a momentum averaged CR diffusion coefficient, and $\\vs$ is the shock speed. The value of $\\kappa$ for CR ions depends on the spectrum of the magnetic wave-field, thought to be generated by the CR streaming instability \\citep{Bell1978a}, and has not been well constrained by observations yet. While in the general ISM $\\kappa\\sim3$--$5\\times10^{28}\\cms$ \\citep{SMP2007CR}, at the forward shocks of SNRs $\\kappa$ is thought to be close to the Bohm diffusion limit $\\kappaB\\approx3\\times10^{22}\\,\\mathrm{cm}^2\\,\\mathrm{s}^{-1}\\,\\left(\\beta\\,B_0/\\mu{}\\mathrm{G}\\right)^{-1}\\left(p/\\mathrm{GeV}\\,\\mathrm{c}^{-1}\\right)$, where $\\beta$ is the ratio of particle speed to the speed of light, $B_0$ is the large scale magnetic field, and $p$ is the CR particle momentum \\citep{Drury1983}. $\\kappaB$ is the lower limit to $\\kappa$ allowed by the standard theory of DSA, and corresponds to saturated field fluctuations, $\\delta{}B/B_0=1$. \\citet{SGLS2003} estimated upper limits for the diffusion coefficient of CR ions in several SNRs in the range $\\kappa\\sim10^{25}\\cms$--$2\\times10^{27}\\cms$ from the condition that neutrals must survive ionization while experiencing the amount of heating implied by the \\Ha{} narrow component linewidth. The expression derived by \\citet{PMBG2006} for the electron diffusion coefficient as a function of the synchrotron X-ray cutoff energy implies that the electron diffusion coefficient for the SNRs studied in their work is within only a factor of a few greater than the Bohm diffusion coefficient. The spectral shape and the sharply peaked radial profiles of the synchrotron X-ray emission at the forward shocks of young SNRs require a postshock magnetic field strength of the order of $100\\muG$ \\citep{VL2003,VBK2005,Ballet2006}. Since compression alone is insufficient to produce such a gain in field strength, it is thought that perturbations in the preshock medium generated by the CR streaming instability are non-linearly amplified beyond $\\delta{}B/B_0=1$ \\citep{BL2001,Bell2004,PMBG2006}. While some simulations show that there exist rapidly growing nonresonant modes \\citep{ZPV2008}, these are saturated at $\\delta{}B/B_0\\sim1$ in other simulations \\citep{NPS2008}, and the problem of magnetic field amplification in the CR precursor remains an unresolved. Another mechanism for wave generation is the CR driven acoustic instability \\citep{Drury1984,D-F1986,Chalov1988,KJR1992}, which may play a role in prolonging the confinement of high energy CRs in the CR precursor \\citep{Berezhko1986,MD2006,DM2007}. In general, strong MHD turbulence in the CR precursor leads to energy dissipation by wave damping that will affect the structure of the shock \\citep{MV1982,CBAV2008}. Although theories of wave damping exist \\citep[see e.g.][]{Whang1997}, neither the rate of energy dissipation nor the fractions of the dissipated energy going into internal energy of the various components of the flow (CR electrons and ions, and thermal electrons and ions) are known from observations. In models of DSA, the original treatment of Alfv\\'{e}n wave damping in CR modified shocks by \\citet{VM1981} is commonly adopted. The damping of acoustic waves, though less common in models of DSA, may also substantially heat the ions \\citep{D-F1986} or electrons \\citep{GLR2007} of the thermal component. A further quantity important for DSA is the efficiency of injection of particles from the thermal population into the CR population. The fraction of swept up thermal protons injected into the acceleration process in SNRs is thought to lie in the range $10^{-4}$--$10^{-2}$ \\citep{VBK2003,EC2005} if particle acceleration is efficient. If the structure of a non-radiative shock is modified by CRs, several subtle signatures in the optical emission from the shock are expected \\citep{Raymond2001}. One signature would be a FWHM of the narrow \\Ha{} component broader than $20\\kms$, the value expected if there is no CR acceleration for an upstream medium at a temperature of $T_0\\sim10^{4}\\Kv$. Spectra of many Balmer-dominated filaments associated with shocks over a wide range of Mach numbers, show a narrow \\Ha{} component with a FWHM in the range $30$--$50\\kms$ \\citep[see][Table 1]{SGLS2003}, indicative of some common form of preshock heating. Significant bulk acceleration of the upstream flow through the precursor would also be detectable as a Doppler shift of the narrow component centroid with respect to \\Ha{} emission from the upstream gas. With the exception of the filament observed by L07, which also concerns this work, this has not been observed yet. Currently, a CR precursor is the favored mechanism for the inferred preshock heating (\\citealp{HRB1994,SRL1994,SGLS2003}; L07), but no self-consistent model of such a precursor has been compared with data. Here we show that the precursor structures predicted by two-fluid models of CR modified shocks including particle injection at the subshock and energy transfer due to the acoustic instability are consistent with the above features of \\Ha{} spectra. Recently, L07 obtained high-resolution \\Ha{} echelle spectra of an optical filament at knot g in Tycho's SNR, covering the postshock region and the ionization precursor far upstream. Knot g, located in the eastern rim ($\\alpha=00\\ahour25\\aminute56.5\\asecond$, $\\delta=64^\\circ09^\\prime28\\arcsec$, J2000.0), is the brightest region in \\Ha{} emission in the remnant. The synchrotron X-ray emission is also particularly bright in this region \\citep{Decourchelle-etal2001,Hwang-etal2002}. Radio data and \\HI{} absorption studies suggest that the northeastern rim is decelerating into an inhomogeneous ambient medium, possibly the edges of a molecular cloud \\citep[see][and references therein]{LKT2004}. The observations by L07 have spatially resolved a steep \\Ha{} (narrow component) flux increase ahead of the shock discontinuity, distinct from the photoionization precursor (G00), which L07 attribute to enhanced emission from a CR precursor. They also reported a broadening of the narrow component linewidth by $15\\kms$ and a redward Doppler shift of the narrow component centroid with respect to that of the distant upstream \\Ha{} emission in this region of $5\\kms$. In this paper, we provide a self-consistent CR modified shock model applied to the observational data from L07. We model the shock structure with a time-dependent hydrodynamic two-fluid code. We adjust model parameters to obtain a best fit for the calculated spatial \\Ha{} profile to the observed profile. The two-fluid equations along with the free parameters and boundary conditions of the shock model are described in Sect.~\\ref{sec:hydro}. The method of calculation for the \\Ha{} emissivity is given in Sect.~\\ref{sec:halpha}. A time dependent transient solution that provides the best fit to the observed spatial \\Ha{} profile is presented in Sect.~\\ref{sec:trans}. In Sect.~\\ref{sec:steady}, we discuss the solution space of steady CR modified shocks, and propose that the branch of solutions for which the CR acceleration efficiency is low, may explain the line broadening of the narrow component of the \\Ha{} line, observed in many SNRs. We discuss our results in Sect.~\\ref{sec:discussion}, and conclude the paper in Sect.~\\ref{sec:conclusions}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} In summary, CR acceleration in the forward shocks of SNRs results in the heating and acceleration of the preshock medium which may explain some features of the optical emission of Balmer dominated filaments. We have found a transient state in the evolution of a shock from one that is initially not modified by CRs to one that is CR dominated, for which the calculated \\Ha{} emissivity profile matches the emissivity profile across the Balmer-dominated filament in knot g observed by \\citet{Lee-etal2007}. The values of the parameters for this shock model are an initial shock speed $\\vs=2000\\kms$, a distant upstream CR pressure to thermal gas pressure ratio $\\phi_0=1$, a diffusion coefficient $\\kappa=2\\times10^{24}\\cms$, an energy transfer time-scale due to the acoustic instability $\\tau=426\\yr$, and a lower limit to the injection parameter $\\epsilon=4.2\\times10^{-3}$. The structure of steady shocks that belong to the low CR acceleration efficiency branch of solutions for fast shocks are relatively insensitive to the values of $\\tau$, $\\epsilon$, $\\kappa$, and $\\vs$ in the range $300\\kms<\\vs<3000\\kms$, provided that the parameters are chosen such that a steady solution in the low CR acceleration efficiency branch exists. The solutions are usually reached as time-asymptotic states within less than $100\\yr$, even if $\\epsilon=0$. The mild heating of the preshock gas up to typically $2$--$6\\times10^4\\Kv$, and the negligible bulk acceleration of the flow in the precursor $(\\Delta{}u\\leq10\\kms)$ may provide a natural explanation for the characteristic broadening of the narrow component linewidth that is observed to lie in the small range $\\mathrm{FWHM}=30$--$50\\kms$ in many SNRs, and the lack of bulk Doppler shift of the narrow component observed for these cases." }, "0809/0809.0392_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present Very Large Array (VLA) observations of the water maser emission towards IRAS 16552-3050. The maser emission shows a velocity spread of $\\simeq 170$ km~s$^{-1}$, and a bipolar distribution with a separation between the red and blueshifted groups of $\\simeq 0.08''$. These observations and the likely post-AGB nature of the source indicate that IRAS 16552-3050 can be considered as a member of the ``water fountain\" class of sources (evolved stars showing H$_2$O maser emission with a velocity spread $\\ga 100$ km~s$^{-1}$, probably tracing collimated jets). The water maser emission in IRAS 16552-3050 does not seem to be associated with with any known optical counterpart. Moreover, this source does not have a near-IR 2MASS counterpart, as it happens in about half of the water fountains known. This suggests that these sources tend to be heavily obscured objects, probably with massive precursors ($\\ga 4-5$ M$_\\odot$). We suggest that the water maser emission in IRAS 16552-3050 could be tracing a rapidly precessing bipolar jet. ", "introduction": "Water fountains are evolved Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) and young post-AGB stars that show water maser emission with velocity separations in their spectral features $\\ge$100~km~s$^{-1}$ \\citep{likkel88}. Some of them have been observed with radio interferometric techniques and all show bipolar distributions of their H$_2$O maser emission, indicating the presence of jets with extremely short dynamical ages of 5-100 yr \\citep{likkel88,boboltz05,boboltz07,imai02,imai04,imai07iau}. OH maser emission has been detected in most sources catalogued as water fountains and, in general, this emission exhibits lower velocities and is spatially less extended than that of H$_2$O \\citep[see, for example][]{deacon07}. Water fountains are evolutionarily located between two phases of stellar evolution, AGB stars and planetary nebulae (PNe), when mass-loss properties, among others, change dramatically. While mass ejection during the AGB phase is spherical, most PNe exhibit elliptical, bipolar, or multipolar morphologies. These morphologies have been attributed to the action of collimated outflows on the previously expelled spherical AGB shell \\citep{sahai98}. Therefore, water fountains very probably trace the onset of non-spherical and highly collimated mass ejection. Understanding the transformation of an AGB star into a PN relies on a precise knowledge of the properties and evolution of water fountains. Unfortunately, very few water fountains are known at present (11 sources reported as of March 2008, see \\citealt{imai07iau}), so that adding new members to this important class of objects represents a valuable progress. Recently, in a single-dish search for H$_2$O masers in evolved stars, \\citet{suarez07} found water maser emission toward IRAS\\,16552$-$3050 (hereafter IRAS16552), with a maximum separation among its velocity components of $\\sim$170~km~s$^{-1}$. IRAS16552 was first proposed to be a candidate post-AGB star by \\citet{preite88}, based on its IRAS colors. A possible optical counterpart of the IRAS far-infrared source was classified by \\citet{hu93} and \\citet{suarez06} as a star of spectral type K9III and K0I, respectively. In this paper, we present Very Large Array (VLA) observations, carried out to confirm the association of this high-velocity water maser emission with the IRAS source, and to determine the spatial distribution of the masers. Our results allow us to include IRAS16552 as a bona fide member of the water fountain class. In Sec.~\\ref{obs} we describe the performed observations. Sec. \\ref{results} presents the obtained results, and Sec. \\ref{discussion} a discussion on the properties of IRAS16552 and a comparison of this source with other water fountains. Finally, in Sec. \\ref{conclusions} we summarize the main conclusions of this work. ", "conclusions": "\\label{conclusions} In this paper we have presented VLA observations of H$_2$O masers at 22 GHz towards IRAS 16552$-$3050. Our main conclusions are as follow: \\begin{itemize} \\item We have found that the water maser emission in IRAS 16552$-$3050 span a velocity range of $\\sim$170~km~s$^{-1}$ and shows a bipolar distribution of $\\simeq$ 0.08'' in size. The properties of the water maser emission and the likely post-AGB nature of the central source allow us to confirm IRAS 16552$-$3050 as a member of the class of ``water fountain'' evolved objects. \\item Our result confirms the trend of bipolarity in all water fountains known up to now, strongly suggesting that water masers in these sources are produced in bipolar, collimated jets. \\item The water maser emission in IRAS 16552$-$3050 does not seem to be associated with the optical source identified by \\citet{hu93} and \\citet{suarez06}, but with a different evolved object, for which there is no optical nor near-IR counterpart known. \\item About half of the water fountains known do not have a near-IR counterpart in the 2MASS catalog. This suggest that water fountains are surrounded by thicker envelopes than the rest of AGB and post-AGB stars (which usually have near-IR counterparts), probably implying that they are relatively massive objects ($\\ga 4-5$ M$_\\odot$). \\item The distribution of the water maser emission in the red- and blueshifted group is almost perpendicular to the proposed jet direction. This might be explained if the maser emission traces a rapidly precessing/rotating bipolar jet. A later evolution could give rise to point-symmetric filaments observed in some PNe, which appear oriented almost perpendicular to the radial direction from the central star. \\end{itemize}" }, "0809/0809.5054_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present spatially resolved near-IR spectroscopic observations of 15 young stars. Using a grism spectrometer behind the Keck Interferometer, we obtained an angular resolution of a few milli-arcseconds and a spectral resolution of 230, enabling probes of both gas and dust in the inner disks surrounding the target stars. We find that the angular size of the near-IR emission typically increases with wavelength, indicating hot, presumably gaseous material within the dust sublimation radius. Our data also clearly indicate Br$\\gamma$ emission arising from hot hydrogen gas, and suggest the presence of water vapor and carbon monoxide gas in the inner disks of several objects. This gaseous emission is more compact than the dust continuum emission in all cases. We construct simple physical models of the inner disk and fit them to our data to constrain the spatial distribution and temperature of dust and gas emission components. ", "introduction": "} Protoplanetary disks provide a reservoir of material from which planets may form, and the abundance and properties of extra-solar planets \\citep[e.g.,][]{MARCY+05}, as well as the architecture of our own solar system, suggest that planets frequently form in or migrate through inner regions of protoplanetary disks. Furthermore, the innermost disk regions represent the interface between the inwardly accreting disk and the magnetized central star, and it is here that material accretes inward or is launched in winds or outflows \\citep{SHU+94}. Knowledge of the distribution of material in the inner disk is therefore crucial for understanding the mass assembly and angular momentum evolution of pre-main-sequence stars. Modeling of spectral energy distributions \\citep[e.g.,][]{BBB88,LA92} and spectrally resolved gaseous emission lines \\citep[e.g.,][]{NAJITA+96,BB04,NAJITA+06} provide important insights into the structure of protoplanetary disks in the terrestrial planet forming region. However, since these techniques typically rely on spectral information as a proxy for spatial information, they require assumptions about underlying geometric, temperature, or velocity structure. Recently, the technique of spectro-astrometry, which capitalizes on the fact that emission centroids can be measured more precisely than the available angular resolution, has enabled less ambiguous constraints on disk structure \\citep{PONTOPPIDAN+08}. However, substantial gaps in our understanding remain due to a lack of high angular resolution observations. Near-IR interferometry, which synthesizes a large aperture using two or more smaller, separated apertures, can achieve orders of magnitude higher angular resolution than conventional telescopes, and can spatially resolve disk terrestrial regions. For example, the Keck Interferometer, which combines the light from the two 10-m Keck apertures over an 85-m baseline, achieves a resolution approximately an order of magnitude higher than that attained with a single aperture. This means that angular scales of a few milli-arcseconds, corresponding to a few tenths of an AU at typical distances to nearby star-forming regions, can be spatially resolved with near-IR interferometers. Most interferometric measurements to date have probed only inner disk dust \\citep[e.g.,][and references therein]{MILLAN-GABET+07}, which typically dominates the near-IR emission. To distinguish gas and dust, spectrally dispersed observations are required. Very few sources have been observed with spectrally dispersed interferometric observations to date \\citep{EISNER+07a,EISNER07,MALBET+07,TATULLI+07,KPO08,ISELLA+08}. The observations showed intriguing evidence that gas and dust are not distributed uniformly in inner disk regions. Moreover, while observations of stars less massive than a few M$_{\\odot}$ found gaseous emission to be more compact than dust emission \\citep{EISNER+07a,EISNER07}, observations of the Br$\\gamma$ emission line around two more luminous stars found the gas to be more extended than the dust, presumably because the Br$\\gamma$ emission traces outflows from these young systems \\citep{MALBET+07,TATULLI+07}. A larger sample is required to further investigate such potential trends, and to constrain the general properties of inner disk gas in young stars. Here we present spectrally dispersed near-IR interferometry observations of a sample of young stars, including four T Tauri stars and 11 Herbig Ae/Be stars. Our data constrain the relative spatial and temperature distributions of dust and gas in sub-AU-sized regions of the disks around these stars. ", "conclusions": "} We presented spatially resolved near-IR spectroscopic observations that probed the gas and dust in the inner disks around 15 young stars. One source, HD 141569, was unresolved at all wavelengths between 2.0 and 2.4 $\\mu$m, indicating a lack of dust or gas in the inner disk regions. Another target, VV Ser, was over-resolved, indicating that the emission spans angles larger than $\\sim 5$ mas at all observed wavelengths. The near-IR emission from the remaining targets was resolved, and our data show that the angular size of the near-IR emission increases with wavelength in all cases. This behavior suggests temperature gradients in these inner disks, arising from the combination of warm dust at its sublimation temperature and hotter, presumably gaseous material within the dust sublimation radius. Our data clearly indicate emission from the Br$\\gamma$ transition of hydrogen in several objects, and suggest that water vapor and carbon monoxide gas are present in the inner disks of some targets. We constructed simple physical models of the inner disk, including dust and gas emission, and we fitted them to our data to constrain the spatial distribution and temperature of dust and gas emission components. We considered models including only dust emission; dust, gas continuum, and Br$\\gamma$ emission; and dust, gas continuum, water vapor, and Br$\\gamma$ emission. Models incorporating only dust emission can not fit the data for any of our sources well. In contrast, models including dust and gas emission are suitable for explaining our data. The inclusion or exclusion of water vapor in these dust+gas models did not substantially affect the quality of the fits in most cases. For all sources where Br$\\gamma$ emission is observed, we find it to be compact relative to the continuum emission. This contrasts with previous findings, which found Br$\\gamma$ emission to be extended relative to the continuum around some high-mass stars. The results presented here suggest that Br$\\gamma$ commonly traces infalling material around young stars spanning a large range in stellar mass. CO emission is tentatively observed towards several objects, and we see evidence that this emission has a more compact spatial distribution than the dust around RW Aur. For other objects, our data are insufficient to place meaningful constraints on the relative spatial distribution of CO and other emission components. We will re-observe these targets in the near future with higher dispersion, to obtain better signal-to-noise for the relatively narrow CO lines and better constrain their spatial distribution. While models including water vapor opacity often fit our data well, the best-fit models generally also require continuum emission from material that is too hot to be water (since water dissociates at $\\sim 3000$ K). We do not have a ready explanation for the source of this hot continuum emission, but we speculate that it may trace free-free emission from hydroden and/or H$^-$. The gas densities and fractional ionizations required to produce such emission seem plausible in the inner regions of protoplanetary disks, suggesting that free-free emission from H and H$^-$ is a viable explanation for the compact continuum emission seen in our data. \\medskip Data presented herein were obtained at the W. M. Keck Observatory, in part from telescope time allocated to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration through the agency's scientific partnership with the California Institute of Technology and the University of California. The Observatory was made possible by the generous financial support of the W. M. Keck Foundation. The authors wish to recognize and acknowledge the cultural role and reverence that the summit of Mauna Kea has always had within the indigenous Hawaiian community. We are most fortunate to have the opportunity to conduct observations from this mountain. This work has used software from the Michelson Science Center at the California Institute of Technology. The authors thank the entire Keck Interferometer team for making these observations possible. We also wish to thank the referee, Geoff Blake, for his thoughtful and detailed referee report, which greatly improved the manuscript." }, "0809/0809.2990_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Annihilation of Dark Matter usually produces together with gamma rays comparable amounts of electrons and positrons. The $e^+e^-$ gyrating in the galactic magnetic field then produce secondary synchrotron radiation which thus provides an indirect mean to constrain the DM signal itself. To this purpose, we calculate the radio emission from the galactic halo as well as from its expected substructures and we then compare it with the measured diffuse radio background. We employ a multi-frequency approach using data in the relevant frequency range 100 MHz--100 GHz, as well as the WMAP Haze data at 23 GHz. The derived constraints are of the order $\\sigva= 10^{-24}$\\,cm$^3$s$^{-1}$ for a DM mass $m_{\\chi}=100$\\,GeV sensibly depending however on the astrophysical uncertainties, in particular on the assumption on the galactic magnetic field model. The signal from single bright clumps is instead largely attenuated by diffusion effects and offers only poor detection perspectives. ", "introduction": "Cosmology and Astrophysics provide nowadays a compelling evidence of the existence of Dark Matter (DM) \\cite{Komatsu:2008hk,Bertone:2004pz}. Nevertheless, its nature still remains elusive, and Dark Matter constituents have escaped a direct detection in laboratory so far. Promising candidates are DM particles produced in thermal equilibrium in the early universe, the so-called Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). Theoretically, models of WIMPs naturally arise, for example, in SUSY as the Lightest Super-symmetric Particle or as the Lightest Kaluza-Klein Particle in the framework of extra-dimensions. These candidates are self-conjugate and can thus annihilate in couples to produce as final states: neutrinos, photons, electrons, light nuclei (as wells as their antiparticles), etc., which can in principle be detected. Among the indirect DM detection channels, gamma-ray emission represents one of the most promising opportunity due to the very low attenuation in the interstellar medium, and to its high detection efficiency. See for example Ref.s \\cite{Bertone:2004pz,Jungman:1995df,Bergstrom:2000pn} for a review of this extensively studied issue. The expected neutrino detection rates are generally low although forthcoming km$^3$ detectors offer some promising prospect \\cite{Bergstrom:1998xh,Barger:2001ur}. Finally, positrons and protons strongly interact with gas, radiation and magnetic field in the galaxy and thus the expected signal sensibly depends on the assumed propagation model \\cite{Baltz:1998xv,Hooper:2004bq,Donato:2003xg}. However, during the process of thermalization in the galactic medium the high energy $e^+$ and $e^-$ release secondary low energy radiation, in particular in the radio and X-ray band, that, hence, can represent a chance to look for DM annihilation. Furthermore, while the astrophysical uncertainties affecting this signal are similar to the case of direct $e^+$, $e^-$ detection, the sensitivities are quite different, and, in particular, the radio band allows for the discrimination of tiny signals even in a background many order of magnitudes more intense. Indirect detection of DM annihilation through secondary photons has received recently an increasing attention, exploring the expected signature in X-rays \\cite{Bergstrom:2006ny,Regis:2008ij,Jeltema:2008ax}, at radio wavelengths \\cite{Blasi:2002ct,Aloisio:2004hy,Tasitsiomi:2003vw,Zhang:2008rs} , or both \\cite{Colafrancesco:2005ji,Colafrancesco:2006he,Baltz:2004bb}. In the following we will focus our analysis on the radio signal expected from the Milky Way (MW) halo and its substructures. It is worth noticing that the halo signal has been recently discussed in Ref.s \\cite{Hooper:2007kb,Hooper:2008zg,Grajek:2008jb} in connection to the WMAP Haze, which has been interpreted as a signal from DM annihilation. In this concern we will take in the following a more conservative approach, by assuming that the current radio observations are entirely astrophysical in origin, and thus deriving constraints on the possible DM signal. The main point will be the use of further radio observations besides the WMAP ones, in the wide frequency range 100 MHz-100 GHz, and a comparison of the achievable bounds. Furthermore, the model dependence of these constraints on the assumed astrophysical inputs will be analyzed. We will also discuss the detection perspectives of the signal coming from the brightest DM substructures in the forthcoming radio surveys. The paper is organized as follows: in section \\ref{AstrInput} we will discuss the astrophysical inputs required to derive the DM signal such as the structure of the magnetic field, the DM spatial distribution and the radio data employed to derive the constraints. In section \\ref{synchsignal} we describe in detail the processes producing the DM radio signal either when it is originated from the halo or from the substructures. In section IV we present and discuss our constraints, while in section V we analyze the detection sensitivity to the signal coming from the single DM clump. In section VI we give our conclusions and remarks. ", "conclusions": "Using conservative assumptions for the DM distribution in our galaxy we derive the expected secondary radiation due to synchrotron emission from high energy electrons produced in DM annihilation. The signal from single bright clumps offers only poor sensitivities because of diffusion effects which spread the electrons over large areas diluting the radio signal. The diffuse signal from the halo and the unresolved clumps is instead relevant and can be compared to the radio astrophysical background to derive constraints on the DM mass and annihilation cross section. Constraints in the radio band, in particular, are complementary to similar (less stringent but less model dependent) constraints in the X-ray/gamma band \\cite{Mack:2008wu,Kachelriess:2007aj} and from neutrinos \\cite{Yuksel:2007ac}. Radio data, in particular, are more sensitive in the GeV-TeV region while neutrinos provide more stringent bounds for very high DM masses ($\\agt 10$ TeV). Gammas, instead, are more constraining for $m_\\chi \\alt 1$ GeV. The combination of the various observations provides thus interesting constraints over a wide range of masses pushing the allowed window significantly near the thermal relic possibility. More into details, we obtain conservative constraints at the level of $\\sigva \\sim 10^{-23}$\\,cm$^3$s$^{-1}$ for a DM mass $m_{\\chi}=100$\\,GeV from the WMAP Haze at 23 GHz. However, depending on the astrophysical uncertainties, in particular on the assumption on the galactic magnetic field model, constraints as strong as $\\sigva \\sim 10^{-25}$\\,cm$^3$s$^{-1}$ can be achieved. Complementary to other works which employ the WMAP Haze at 23 GHz, we also use the information in a wide frequency band in the range 100 MHz-100 GHz. Adding this information the constraints become of the order of $\\sigva \\sim 10^{-24}$\\,cm$^3$s$^{-1}$ for a DM mass $m_{\\chi}=100$\\,GeV. The multi-frequency approach thus gives comparable constraints with respect to the WMAP Haze only, or generally better for $m_\\chi\\alt100$ GeV where the best sensitivity is achieved at $\\sim$ GHz frequencies. The derived constraints are quite conservative because no attempt to model the astrophysical background is made differently from the case of the WMAP Haze. Indeed, the Haze residual map itself should be interpreted with some caution, given that the significance of the feature is at the moment still debated and complementary analyses from different groups (as the WMAP one) miss in finding a clear evidence of the feature. In this respect, the multifrequency approach will be definitely necessary to clarify the nature of controversial DM signals as in the case of the WMAP Haze. Progresses are expected with the forthcoming data at high frequencies from Planck and at low frequencies from LOFAR and, in a more distant future, from SKA. These surveys will help in disentangling the various astrophysical contributions thus assessing the real significance of the Haze feature. Further, the low frequency data in particular, will help to improve our knowledge of the galactic magnetic field. Progresses in these fields will provide a major improvement for the interpretation of the DM-radio connection. \\vspace{1pc}" }, "0809/0809.4052_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We propose to use a simple observable, the fractional area of ``hot spots'' in weak gravitational lensing mass maps which are detected with high significance, to determine background cosmological parameters. Because these high-convergence regions are directly related to the physical nonlinear structures of the universe, they derive cosmological information mainly from the nonlinear regime of density fluctuations. We show that in combination with future cosmic microwave background anisotropy measurements, this method can place constraints on cosmological parameters that are comparable to those from the redshift distribution of galaxy cluster abundances. The main advantage of the statistic proposed in this paper is that projection effects, normally the main source of uncertainty when determining the presence and the mass of a galaxy cluster, here serve as a source of information. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:introduction} Weak gravitational lensing (WL), i.e., the coherent distortion of images of faint distant galaxies by the gravitational tidal field of the intervening matter distribution \\citep{twv90}, has been established as a powerful cosmological tool [see, e.g., \\citet{rev} for a review]. Since this effect is purely gravitational, it directly probes the matter distribution along the line of sight, thus providing a way to understand the nature and the evolutionary history of the universe that is relatively insensitive to how light or baryons trace dark matter. Since the earliest measurements of WL by galaxy clusters \\citep{for88,twv90}, WL by large-scale structure, known as ``cosmic shear'', has been detected based on optical \\citep{cs00a,cs00b,cs00c,cs00d} and radio observations \\citep{crh04}. Future WL surveys, such as the {\\it Large Synoptic Survey Telescope} (LSST)\\footnote{www.lsst.org}, will measure the cosmic shear field with great precision over half the sky. Recent attention has focused on how best to extract information from the shear/convergence field in order to constrain cosmological parameters. The primary focus so far has been using the standard two-point statistics \\citep{bsbv91,mir91,kai92}, which probes the underlying matter power spectrum in projection. In this paper, we propose to use a simple, direct observable: the fraction of high signal-to-noise ratio ($S/N$) points detected in WL surveys, as another discriminator of cosmology. We utilize the results of an N-body simulation to quantify both the theoretical predictions and the observational uncertainties of this statistic. As is well-known, the common two-point statistics do not contain all the statistical information of the WL convergence field, as the nonlinear gravitational instability induces non-Gaussian signatures in the mass distribution and hence in the WL convergence field as well. Unfortunately, there is no complete statistical analysis in practice for the underlying matter density field in the nonlinear regime. Previous studies of weak lensing statistics on small angular scales, correspondingly, were restricted to the low-order statistics, using the halo model [see, e.g., \\citet{cs02} for a review], or the ``scaling ansatz'' \\citep{hmkl}, later extended and calibrated by N-body simulations \\citep{jmw95,pd96,smi03}, for the nonlinear evolution of clustering. These low-order statistics include: the two-point correlation function or equivalently the power spectrum, at small scales \\citep{js97}, the three-point correlation function or the bispectrum \\citep{tj03a,tj03b,tj04}, the third-order moment: skewness \\citep{bvm97,js97,hui99} and the fourth-order moment: kurtosis \\citep{tj02}. An alternative approach is to use the redshift distribution of nonlinear object abundance \\citep{hmh01}, such as shear-selected galaxy cluster samples \\citep{wk03,us,fh07}, using the Press-Schechter prescription \\citep{ps,bcek} with calibration by N-body simulations \\citep{st99,jen01}. In addition, the ``ratio-statistic'' \\citep{jt03,bj04,sk04,hj04,zhs05} has been constructed to use the geometrical information from tomographic shear/convergence power spectra on small scales. These analyses have shown that comparable information may be contained in the linear and in the nonlinear regime. The statistics mentioned above are by no means a full characterization of the convergence field, yet they all face challenges, either from the theoretical or the observational side, which need to be addressed. Including higher-order statistics might give a substantial increase in information, but they are in practice noisy and computationally intensive. To take advantage of the synergy between these statistics, one needs to account for their covariance, which is difficult to calculate analytically. One hope is to run large simulations and directly measure this covariance. Galaxy cluster samples selected optically, by their X-ray flux or by their Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect signatures, are limited by the uncertain astrophysics when modeling the mass-observable relations and require ``self-calibration'' \\citep{mm03,us,lh05}, as the mass function is exponentially sensitive to errors of limiting mass. Shear-selected galaxy clusters, on the other hand, have the advantage that the selection function can be determined ab initio by N-body simulations, since only gravity is involved. However, projection effects result in false detections, missing clusters \\citep{wvm02,hty04,hs05}, and producing significant uncertainty in the cluster mass derived from the shear signals \\citep{mwnl99,dw05}, degrading the cosmological information content. In this paper, we instead focus on the one-point probability distribution function (PDF) of the WL convergence field. There are three main motivations. First, the one-point PDF is a simple yet powerful tool to probe non-Gaussian features, and since the non-Gaussianity in the convergence field is induced by the growth of structure, it holds cosmological information \\citep{rkjs99,jsw00,ks00,vmb05}. These previous works have shown that the one-point PDF is capable of discriminating cosmologies with different $\\Omega_m$, such as an open cold dark matter (CDM) model, a flat cosmological constant-dominated ($\\Lambda$)-CDM model, and a standard CDM model. Second, and the primary motivation of this work, is that the fractional area statistic we propose in this paper takes into account projection effects by construction. Determined by the high-convergence tail of the PDF, it is an analog of Press-Schechter formalism, thus similar to the abundance of galaxy clusters but without contamination due to projection effects. This statistic also utilizes information mainly from the nonlinear regime and complements the well-established statistics in the linear regime. The goal of our work is to give a more quantitative assessment of the statistical information in the nonlinear regime (particularly focusing on the properties of dark energy) provided by this fractional area statistic and its complementarity to other probes of cosmology, e.g., the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies. Third, besides utilizing the cosmic shear field \\citep{ztp05} which we will focus on in this paper, there are several other observational techniques which could be used to map out the convergence PDF. For example, with forthcoming large samples of high redshift supernovae from LSST-like or Joint Dark Energy Mission (JDEM)-like surveys, one could measure the magnification distribution of these standard candles due to lensing by the large scale structure in the foreground, and construct the convergence PDF \\citep{dv06,chh06}; it is also possible to measure the convergence field through the statistics of cosmic magnification \\citep{j02}, using, for instance, 21cm-emitting galaxies \\citep{zpp05,zpp06}. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Our basic calculational methodology, including a calibration of the (co)variance using simulation outputs, is described in \\S~\\ref{sec:II}. Results of using the fractional area statistic for an LSST-like WL survey are presented in \\S~\\ref{sec:III}, with discussions of its complementarity to other dark energy probes, as well as of various uncertainties. Conclusions and implications of this work are given in \\S~\\ref{sec:IV}. Finally, in a series of appendices, we show the details of our calculations. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:IV} We have shown that, in future wide field weak gravitational lensing surveys, a simple one-point statistic -- the total fractional area of high $S/N$ points in the convergence field -- is a promising probe of cosmology. It is sensitive to the total matter content of the universe and the amplitude of the density fluctuations, which helps breaking the intrinsic degeneracies in the growth of structure between cosmological parameters, thus constraining the properties of dark energy. The main conclusion of this work is that the fractional area statistic provides constraints on cosmological parameters similar to the redshift distribution of galaxy cluster abundance, but without suffering from the projection effects. Indeed, the statistic is explicitly constructed to take advantage of projections as part of the signal. We expect the fractional area statistic will help achieve the goal of ``precision cosmology'' and shed light on the mystery of dark energy." }, "0809/0809.1993_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report the discovery of four dusty cometary tails around low mass stars in two young clusters belonging to the W5 star forming region. Fits to the observed emission profiles from 24 $\\micron$ observations with the {\\it Spitzer} Space Telescope give tail lifetimes $<$ 30 Myr, but more likely $\\lesssim$ 5 Myr. This result suggests that the cometary phase is a short lived phenomenon, occurring after photoevaporation by a nearby O star has removed gas from the outer disk of a young low mass star \\citep[see also][]{balog06,balog08}. ", "introduction": "Recent observations with the Multiband Imaging Photometer for {\\it Spitzer} (MIPS) have discovered dusty nebulae associated with several young stars in three Galactic star forming regions \\citep{balog06}. Appearing as extended, cometary objects pointing away from nearby O stars at 24 $\\micron$, (and sometimes at 8 $\\micron$), they resemble the proplyds seen in Orion with HST \\citep{odell93,odell94}. \\citet{balog06} show that these cometary tails are probably dust swept out of a young circumstellar disk by an O star. \\citet{balog06} show that the emission profiles at 24 and 8 $\\micron$ can be explained by a model where gas is photoevaporated from a young protoplanetary disk. As the gas leaves, entrained dust also escapes and is then blown away from the disk by radiation pressure from nearby O stars. The dust is swept into a cometary morphology which glows in the mid-IR thermally as it reprocesses the incident UV radiation to longer wavelengths. \\citet{balog06} cite \\citet{johnstone98}, \\citet{richling00}, \\citet{hollenbach04} and \\citet{matsuyama03}, who find that the portion of a protoplanetary disk likely responsible for emission at 24 $\\micron$ ($\\sim$2--50 AU from the star) is removed on timescales $\\sim$3$\\times 10^5$ yr. We have recently discovered four dusty cometary structures in the W5 star forming region. Here we expand on the work of \\citet{balog06} and place constraints on the lifetimes and physical nature of these interesting objects. ", "conclusions": "We have discovered four dusty cometary tails in W5 at 24 $\\micron$ with {\\it Spitzer} MIPS. An apparent deficit of gas suggests an origin in radiation pressure blowout of dust from a young stellar disk by nearby O stars. Future observations with high sensitivity, high spatial resolution mid-infrared and sub-millimeter instruments will help constrain their nature. {\\it Facilities:} \\facility{2MASS ($JHK_S$)}, \\facility{Spitzer (IRAC, MIPS)}" }, "0809/0809.3819_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In recent work we presented the first results of global general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations of tilted (or misaligned) accretion disks around rotating black holes. The simulated tilted disks showed dramatic differences from comparable untilted disks, such as asymmetrical accretion onto the hole through opposing ``plunging streams'' and global precession of the disk powered by a torque provided by the black hole. However, those simulations used a traditional spherical-polar grid that was purposefully underresolved along the pole, which prevented us from assessing the behavior of any jets that may have been associated with the tilted disks. To address this shortcoming we have added a block-structured ``cubed-sphere'' grid option to the Cosmos++ GRMHD code, which will allow us to simultaneously resolve the disk and polar regions. Here we present our implementation of this grid and the results of a small suite of validation tests intended to demonstrate that the new grid performs as expected. The most important test in this work is a comparison of identical tilted disks, one evolved using our spherical-polar grid and the other with the cubed-sphere grid. We also demonstrate an interesting dependence of the early-time evolution of our disks on their orientation with respect to the grid alignment. This dependence arises from the differing treatment of current sheets within the disks, especially whether they are aligned with symmetry planes of the grid or not. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} We have recently undertaken a series of numerical studies of titled accretion disks around rapidly rotating black holes, first in the hydrodynamic \\citep{fra05} and then in the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) \\citep{fra07b} limits. All of these simulations have been fully general relativistic, using the Kerr-Schild metric to represent the spacetime of the black hole. Tilted accretion disks are of particular interest because they are subject to differential warping due to the Lense-Thirring precession of the rotating black hole. For very thin disks, close to the black hole the competition between the differential twisting and ``viscous'' damping causes the angular momenta of the disk and hole to align. Further out in the disk, beyond some warp radius, the disk maintains its misaligned state. For moderately thin to thick disks, such as the ones we simulated previously, the situation is more complex and interesting. The primary difference is that warping is transported via bending waves rather than diffusively, as for thin disks. One consequence of this is that the midplane of a thick disk does not tend to align with the symmetry plane of the black hole at small radii, as in the thin disk case. In fact, the relative tilt between the black-hole and disk angular momenta can {\\em increase} at small radii. Having the tilted disk penetrate very close to the black-hole has many interesting consequences. For instance, we found that accretion onto the hole occurs predominantly through two opposing ``plunging streams'' that start from high latitudes with respect to both the black-hole and disk midplanes \\citep{fra07a}. There is also a strong epicyclic driving within the disk attributable to the gravitomagnetic torque of the misaligned (tilted) black hole \\citep{fra08b}. The induced motion of the gas can be coherent over the scale of the entire disk. The gas also experiences periodic (twice per orbit) compressions. The compressions occur as the gas orbits past the line-of-nodes between the black-hole symmetry plane and disk midplane. Near the black hole these compressive motions can become supersonic and transform into a pair of quasi-stationary shocks. The shocks act to enhance angular momentum transport and dissipation near the hole, forcing some material to plunge toward the black hole from well outside the innermost stable circular orbit. Finally, because we are simulating disks with finite radial extents and fast sound-crossing times, the torque of the black hole causes the entire disk body to precess globally. The main shortcoming of our work so far comes from limitations imposed on us by our use of a spherical-polar grid. First, construction of a uniform spherical polar grid in three-dimensions results in very small zones surrounding the two poles, where all of the lines of longitude converge. These very small zones constrain the Courant-limited timestep to be exceedingly small, such that the required CPU cycle count becomes prohibitively large. To avoid this problem, researchers have either excised a small conical section around each pole \\citep[e.g.][]{dev03a} or used a lower grid resolution near the poles \\citep{fra07b}. Although these techniques are reasonable when one is primarily interested in studying the equatorial region (where a disk may form), these are not satisfactory when one is interested in what is happening in the polar regions (where jets may form). A second problem with the spherical-polar grid is that the poles themselves actually represent coordinate singularities, which present significant challenges for numerical advection and curvature coupling schemes (e.g. solving Riemann curvature source terms). For these reasons we have added the cubed-sphere grid \\citep{sad72, ron96} as an option within our numerical code, Cosmos++. The advantage of this grid construction is that its topological properties more closely resemble a Cartesian coordinate system than a spherical-polar system. The cubed-sphere grid uses a more uniform zone spacing than spherical polar, so the timestep can remain reasonably large even in high resolution simulations. Also important, the grid does not contain any coordinate singularities except at the origin, which is not a concern for our intended use since we truncate the grid just inside the event horizon of the black hole. Ours is not the first application of the cubed-sphere grid to problems in computational astrophysics; it has been used previously to study accretion onto rotating stars with inclined magnetic fields \\citep{kol02,rom03} and a few problems in stellar evolution \\citep{dea05,dea06}. However this is the first application of this grid to the study of black-hole accretion disks and their attendant jets. The paper is organized as follows: \\S \\ref{sec:cubedsphere} describes the cubed-sphere mesh in detail and our particular implementation. In \\S \\ref{sec:gradtest} we discuss results of basic gradient tests on the cubed-sphere grid. In \\S \\ref{sec:disks} we compare two sets of numerical simulations of black-hole accretion disks. In the first set we compare simulations of disks accreting onto a Schwarzschild black hole. We compare different grids, resolutions, and orientations of the disk with respect to the grid. Because these simulations use a Schwarzschild black hole, the orientation should have no physical meaning. However, we show that there are, nevertheless, considerable differences in their evolution at early times. We present the case that the differences have to do with the differing treatments of the midplane current sheets in the disks, which forms from the differential winding of our initial poloidal field loops. Finally we compare simulations of tilted accretion disks around Kerr black holes. We use a tilt of $\\beta_0=15^\\circ$ and a spin of $a/M_\\mathrm{BH}=J_\\mathrm{BH}/M^2_\\mathrm{BH}=0.5$, in geometrized units where $G=c=1$, and $M_\\mathrm{BH}$ and $J_\\mathrm{BH}$ are the mass and angular momentum of the black hole, respectively. One of these simulations is run on a spherical-polar mesh, the others on the cubed-sphere grid. We demonstrate that, for the most part, the simulations agree very well. ", "conclusions": "In this paper we have presented our implementation of the cubed-sphere grid within Cosmos++. The cubed-sphere grid has at least three significant advantages over more-traditional grid options: 1) it has topological properties similar to a Cartesian grid, but generally conserves angular momentum much better (and nearly as well as a spherical-polar mesh); 2) it can run at a larger Courant-limited timestep than a spherical-polar mesh at comparable resolution (almost a factor of 30 at the resolution used in this work); and 3) it distributes zones more evenly than a spherical-polar mesh, which is desirable for problems where the symmetry is imperfect, such as in tilted accretion disks around rotating black holes, a problem of particular interest to us. In Section \\ref{sec:cubedsphere} and Appendix \\ref{app:transform} we gave detailed prescriptions for the construction of the cubed-sphere grid and shared a few ``lessons learned'' in regards to extrapolating fields at inter-block boundaries and applying limiters to the field gradients in advection. After implementing these lessons ourselves, we found we could recover second order convergence over the entire grid, including along the inter-block boundaries. To specifically demonstrate that the cubed-sphere grid is a viable option for the black-hole accretion disk work we have in mind, we have carried out a series of such simulations on our new cubed-sphere grid, using results from our spherical-polar grid as a reference standard. From these tests we conclude that: \\begin{itemize} \\item{The cubed-sphere grid conserves angular momentum nearly as well a spherical-polar grid at comparable resolution.} \\item{The angular momentum conservation error on the cubed-sphere grid is only weakly dependent on the tilt of the disk.} \\item{Results on the cubed-sphere grid converge to the same solutions obtained on a spherical-polar grid when the two grids approach comparable resolutions. This is true for both untilted {\\em and} tilted disks.} \\item{Important disk properties such as density, pressure, specific angular momentum, inflow velocity, tilt and twist agree to better than 10-20\\% for simulations carried out on cubed-sphere and spherical-polar grids with roughly (2-3)$\\times10^6$ zones.} \\end{itemize} During our testing, we made one surprise discovery -- that the early-time evolution was considerably different between our untilted and tilted simulations on the cubed-sphere grid. We found this to be true even for non-rotating Schwarzschild black holes, for which a tilt should have no physical meaning or significance. This is something we had not seen on the spherical-polar grid, but there we had tilted the black-hole, not the disk as we do now. We did not anticipate how important this difference would be for the initial growth and development of the $\\Omega$-dynamo and MRI. We attribute the disparate early-time behavior to the differing ways in which the strong initial current sheet in our disk is handled numerically when it is tilted with respect to the grid. This is another reminder of the important role that numerical reconnection plays in the evolution of numerically simulated magnetized flows even though this topic is perhaps not given enough emphasis in the literature. The appearance of current sheets is virtually unavoidable in strongly sheared MHD flows such as accretion disks. One possible technique for treating the current sheets more consistently throughout the simulation may be to use an artificial resistivity. This would ensure that the current sheets are always resolved in a similar fashion regardless of their orientation with respect to the grid. However, this technique has only been implemented very recently in relativistic MHD \\citep{kom07}. An alternative, although only partial, solution might be to use a total-energy conserving scheme instead of the internal-energy conserving one used here. This, at least, guarantees that the energetics of the flow remain consistent by recapturing in the form of thermal energy any energy lost through magnetic reconnection. When coupled with a radiative cooling package, this can give a much more physical description of the evolution of the flow \\citep{fra08a}. Although the numerical treatments of current sheets and reconnection are important to understand and appreciate, it is equally important in the context of this paper to point out that we demonstrated by numerical example that the long-term evolution of our disks is relatively unaffected by whether or not they are tilted with respect to the grid. As expected, only when the tilt is relative to a rotating black hole are there long-term implications within the disk. We are not surprised to find significant discrepancies between our ``low'' and ``high'' resolution simulations, as previous experience had shown us that $128^3$ was roughly the minimum resolution necessary to follow the evolution of black-hole accretion disks in global general-relativistic MHD simulations such as these. Below that resolution the characteristic MRI wavelength ($\\lambda_\\mathrm{MRI} \\equiv 2\\pi v_A/\\Omega$, where $v_A$ is the Alfv\\'en speed) is not covered by a sufficient number of zones over much of the disk volume. This has nothing to do with the cubed-sphere grid itself, but is rather a universal constraint for these types of problems. Overall we consider our experimentation with the cubed-sphere grid to be a success. In future work we will present further analysis of tilted disks (and their associated jets) evolved using this new grid option." }, "0809/0809.3734_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{Peculiar velocities of clusters of galaxies can be measured by studying the fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) generated by the scattering of the microwave photons by the hot X-ray emitting gas inside clusters. While for individual clusters such measurements result in large errors, a large statistical sample of clusters allows one to study cumulative quantities dominated by the overall bulk flow of the sample with the statistical errors integrating down. We present results from such a measurement using the largest all-sky X-ray cluster catalog combined to date and the 3-year WMAP CMB data. We find a strong and coherent bulk flow on scales out to at least $\\gsim 300 h^{-1}$Mpc, the limit of our catalog. This flow is difficult to explain by gravitational evolution within the framework of the concordance $\\Lambda$CDM model and may be indicative of the tilt exerted across the entire current horizon by far-away pre-inflationary inhomogeneities.} ", "introduction": "If a cluster at angular position $\\vec{y}$ has the line-of-sight velocity $v$ with respect to the CMB, the CMB fluctuation caused by the SZ effect at frequency $\\nu$ at this position will be $\\delta_\\nu(\\vec y)=\\delta_{\\rm TSZ}(\\vec y)G(\\nu)+ \\delta_{\\rm KSZ}(\\vec y)H(\\nu)$, with $ \\delta_{\\rm TSZ}$=$\\tau T_{\\rm X}/T_{\\rm e,ann}$ and $\\delta_{\\rm KSZ}$=$\\tau v/c$. Here $G(\\nu)\\simeq-1.85$ to $-1.25$ and $H(\\nu)\\simeq 1$ over the WMAP frequencies, $\\tau$ is the projected optical depth due to Compton scattering, $T_{\\rm X}$ is the temperature of the intra-cluster gas, and $k_{\\rm B}T_{\\rm e,ann}$=511 keV. Averaged over many isotropically distributed clusters moving at a significant bulk velocity with respect to the CMB, the dipole from the kinematic term will dominate, allowing a measurement of $V_{\\rm bulk}$. Thus KA-B suggested measuring the dipole component of $\\delta_\\nu(\\vec y)$. We use a normalized notation for the dipole power $C_{1}$, such that a coherent motion at velocity $V_{\\rm bulk}$ leads to $C_{1,{\\rm kin}}= T_{\\rm CMB}^2 \\langle \\tau \\rangle^2 V_{\\rm bulk}^2/c^2$, where $T_{\\rm CMB} =2.725$K. For reference, $\\sqrt{C_{1,{\\rm kin}}}\\simeq 1 (\\langle \\tau \\rangle/10^{-3}) (V_{\\rm bulk}/100{\\rm km/sec}) \\; \\mu$K. When computed from the total of $N_{\\rm cl}$ positions, the dipole will also have positive contributions from 1) instrument noise, 2) the thermal SZ (TSZ) component, 3) the cosmological CMB fluctuation component arising from the last-scattering surface, and 4) the various foreground components within the WMAP frequency range. The last of these contributions can be significant at the lowest WMAP frequencies (channels K \\& Ka) and, hence, we restrict this analysis to the WMAP Channels Q, V \\& W which have negligible foreground contributions. The contributions to the dipole from the above terms can be estimated as $\\langle\\delta_\\nu(\\vec{y})\\cos\\theta\\rangle$ at the $N_{\\rm cl}$ different cluster locations with polar angle $\\theta$. For $N_{\\rm cl}\\gg1$ the dipole of $\\delta_\\nu$ becomes $a_{1m} \\simeq a_{1m}^{\\rm kin} +a_{1m}^{\\rm TSZ} + a_{1m}^{\\rm CMB} + \\frac{\\sigma_{\\rm noise}}{\\sqrt{N_{\\rm cl}}}$. Here $a_{1m}^{\\rm CMB}$ is the residual dipole produced at the cluster locations by the primordial CMB anisotropies. The dipole power is $C_1= \\sum_{m=-1}^{m=1} |a_{1m}|^2$. The notation for $a_{1m}$ is such that $m$=$0,1,-1$ correspond to the $(x,y,z)$ components, with $z$ running perpendicular to the Galactic plane towards the NGP, and $(x,y)$ being the Galactic plane with the $x$-axis passing through the Galactic center. This dipole signal should not be confused with the \"global CMB dipole\" that arises from our {\\it local} motion relative to the CMB. The kinematic signal investigated here does not contribute significantly to the ``global CMB dipole\" arising from only a small number of pixels. When the latter is subtracted from the original CMB maps, only a small fraction, $\\sim (N_{\\rm cl}/N_{\\rm total})\\lsim 10^{-3}$, of the kinematic signal $C_{1,{\\rm kin}}$ is removed. The TSZ dipole for a random cluster distribution is $a_{1m}^{\\rm TSZ}\\sim(\\langle \\tau T_{\\rm X}\\rangle/T_{\\rm e,ann}) N_{\\rm cl}^{-1/2}$ decreasing with increasing $N_{\\rm cl}$. This decrease could be altered if clusters are not distributed randomly and there may be some cross-talk between the monopole and dipole terms especially for small/sparse samples \\cite{watkins-feldman}, but the value of the TSZ dipole will be estimated directly from the maps as discussed below and in greater detail in Kashlinsky et al (2008 - KA-BKE). The residual CMB dipole, $C_{1,{\\rm CMB}}$, will exceed $\\sigma_{\\rm CMB}^2/N_{\\rm cl}$ because the intrinsic cosmological CMB anisotropies are correlated. On the smallest angular scales in the WMAP data $\\sigma_{\\rm CMB}\\simeq 80\\mu$K, so these anisotropies could be seen as the largest dipole noise source. However, because the power spectrum of the underlying CMB anisotropies is accurately known, this component can be removed with a filter described next. To remove the cosmological CMB anisotropies we filtered each channel maps separately with the Wiener filter as follows. With the known power spectrum of the cosmological CMB fluctuations, $C_\\ell^{\\Lambda{\\rm CDM}}$, a filter $F_\\ell$ in $\\ell$-space which minimizes $\\langle (\\delta T - \\delta_{\\rm instrument \\; noise})^2\\rangle$ in the presence of instrument noise is given by $F_\\ell = (C_\\ell - C_\\ell^{\\Lambda{\\rm CDM}})/C_\\ell$, with $C_\\ell$ being the measured power spectrum of each map. Convolving the maps with $F_\\ell$ minimizes the contribution of the cosmological CMB to the dipole. The maps for {\\it each} of the eight WMAP channels were thus processed as follows: 1) for $C_\\ell^{\\Lambda {\\rm CDM}}$ we adopted the best-fit cosmological model for the WMAP data \\cite{hinshaw} available from http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov; 2) each map was decomposed into multipoles, $a_{\\ell m}$, using HEALPix \\cite{healpix}; 3) the power spectrum of each map, $C_\\ell$, was then computed and $F_\\ell$ constructed; 4) the $a_{\\ell m}$ maps were multiplied by $F_\\ell$ and Fourier-transformed back into the angular space $(\\theta,\\phi)$. We then removed the intrinsic dipole, quadrupole and octupole. The filtering affects the effective value of $\\tau$ for each cluster and we calculate this amount later. Here we use an all-sky cluster sample created by combining the ROSAT-ESO Flux Limited X-ray catalog (REFLEX) \\cite{bohringer} in the southern hemisphere, the extended Brightest Cluster Sample (eBCS) \\cite{ebeling1,ebeling2} in the north, and the Clusters in the Zone of Avoidance (CIZA) \\cite{ebeling3,kocevski1} sample along the Galactic plane. These are the most statistically complete X-ray selected cluster catalogs ever compiled in their respective regions of the sky. All three surveys are X-ray selected and X-ray flux limited using RASS data. The creation of the combined all-sky catalogue of 782 clusters is described in detail by \\cite{kocevski2} and KA-BKE. We started with 3-year ``foreground-cleaned\" WMAP data (http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov) in each differencing assembly (DA) of the Q, V, and W bands. Each DA is analyzed separately giving us eight independent maps to process: Q1, Q2, V1, V2, W1,..., W4. The CMB maps are pixelized with the HEALPix parameter $N_{\\rm side}$=512 corresponding to pixels $\\simeq 7^\\prime$ on the side or pixel area $4\\times 10^{-6}$ sr. This resolution is much coarser than that of the X-ray data, which makes our analysis below insensitive to the specifics of the spatial distribution of the cluster gas, such as cooling flows, deviations from spherical symmetry, etc. In the filtered maps for each DA we select all WMAP pixels within the total area defined by the cluster X-ray emission, repeating this exercise for cluster subsamples populating cumulative redshift bins up to a fixed $z$. In order to eliminate the influence of Galactic emission and non-CMB radio sources, the CMB maps are subjected to standard WMAP masking. The results for the different masks are similar and agree well within their statistical uncertainties. The SZ effect ($\\propto n_e$, the electron density) has larger extent than probed by X-rays (X-ray luminosity $\\propto n_e^2$), which is confirmed by our TSZ study using the same cluster catalogue (AKKE). As shown in AKKE, KA-BKE contributions to the TSZ signal are detected out to $\\gsim 30^\\prime$. What is important in the present context, is that the X-ray emitting gas is distributed as expected from the $\\Lambda$CDM profile \\cite{nfw} scaling as $n_e\\propto r^{-3}$ in outer parts. In order to be in hydrostatic equilibrium such gas must have temperature decreasing with radius \\cite{komatsu}. Indeed, the typical polytropic index for such gas would be $\\gamma \\simeq$1.2, leading to the X-ray temperature decreasing as $T_{\\rm X} \\propto n_e^{\\gamma-1} \\propto r^{-0.6}$ at outer radii. This $T_{\\rm X}$ decrease agrees with simulations of cluster formation within the $\\Lambda$CDM model \\cite{simulations_temp} and with the available data on the X-ray temperature profile \\cite{pratt}. For such gas, the TSZ monopole ($\\propto T_{\\rm X} \\tau$) decreases faster than the KSZ component ($\\propto \\tau$) when averaged over a progressively increasing cluster area. To account for this, we compute the dipole component of the final maps for a range of effective cluster sizes, namely $[1,2,4,6] \\theta_{\\rm X-ray}$ and then the maximal cluster extent is set at $30^\\prime$ to avoid a few large clusters (eg. Coma) bias the dipole determination. We note that at the final extent our clusters effectively have the same angular radius of 0.5$^\\circ$. Our choice of the maximal extent is determined by the fact that the SZ signal is detectable in our sample out to that scale (AKKE), which is $\\sim$(3-4)Mpc at the mean redshift of the sample. Increasing the cluster radius further to 1$^\\circ-3^\\circ$, causes the dipole to start decreasing with the increasing radius, as expected if the pixels outside the clusters are included diluting the KSZ signal (KA-BKE). To estimate uncertainties in the signal only from the clusters, we use the rest of the map for the distribution and variance of the noise in the measured signal. We use two methods to preserve the geometry defined by the mask and the cluster distribution: 1) $N_{\\rm cl}$ central random pixels are selected outside the mask away from the cluster pixels adding pixels within each cluster's angular extent around these central random pixels, iteratively verifying that the selected areas do not fall within either the mask or any of the known clusters. 2) We also use a slightly modified version of the above procedure in order to test the effects of the anisotropy of the cluster catalog. There the cluster catalog is rotated randomly, ensuring that the overall geometry of the cluster catalog is accurately preserved. Both methods yield very similar uncertainties; for brevity, we present results obtained with the first method. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.3412_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Massive black holes are key components of the assembly and evolution of cosmic structures and a number of surveys are currently on-going or planned to probe the demographics of these objects and to gain insight into the relevant physical processes. Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTAs) currently provide the only means to observe gravitational radiation from massive black hole binary systems with masses $\\simgt 10^7\\Ms$. The whole cosmic population produces a stochastic background that could be detectable with upcoming Pulsar Timing Arrays. Sources sufficiently close and/or massive generate gravitational radiation that significantly exceeds the level of the background and could be individually resolved. We consider a wide range of massive black hole binary assembly scenarios, we investigate the distribution of the main physical parameters of the sources, such as masses and redshift, and explore the consequences for Pulsar Timing Arrays observations. Depending on the specific massive black hole population model, we estimate that on average at least one resolvable source produces timing residuals in the range $\\sim5-50$ ns. Pulsar Timing Arrays, and in particular the future Square Kilometre Array (SKA), can plausibly detect these unique systems, although the events are likely to be rare. These observations would naturally complement on the high-mass end of the massive black hole distribution function future surveys carried out by the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna ({\\it LISA}). ", "introduction": "Massive black hole (MBH) binary systems with masses in the range $\\sim 10^4-10^{10}\\msun$ are amongst the primary candidate sources of gravitational waves (GWs) at $\\sim$ nHz - mHz frequencies (see, e.g., Haehnelt 1994; Jaffe \\& Backer 2003; Wyithe \\& Loeb 2003, Sesana et al. 2004, Sesana et al. 2005). The frequency band $\\sim 10^{-5}\\,\\mathrm{Hz} - 1 \\,\\mathrm{Hz}$ will be probed by the {\\it Laser Interferometer Space Antenna} ({\\it LISA}, Bender et al. 1998), a space-borne gravitational wave laser interferometer being developed by ESA and NASA. The observational window $10^{-9}\\,\\mathrm{Hz} - 10^{-6} \\,\\mathrm{Hz}$ is already accessible with Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTAs; e.g. the Parkes radio-telescope, Manchester 2008). PTAs exploit the effect of GWs on the propagation of radio signals from a pulsar to the Earth (e.g. Sazhin 1978, Detweiler 1979, Bertotti et al. 1983), producing a characteristic signature in the time of arrival (TOA) of radio pulses. The timing residuals of the fit of the actual TOA of the pulses and the TOA according to a given model, carry the physical information about unmodelled effects, including GWs (e.g. Helling \\& Downs 1983, Jenet et al. 2005). The complete Parkes PTA (Manchester 2008), the European Pulsar Timing Array (Janssen et al. 2008), and NanoGrav \\footnote{http://arecibo.cac.cornell.edu/arecibo-staging/nanograv/} are expected to improve considerably on the capabilities of these surveys and the planned Square Kilometer Array (SKA; {\\it www.skatelescope.org}) will produce a major leap in sensitivity. Popular scenarios of MBH formation and evolution (e.g. Volonteri, Haardt \\& Madau 2003; Wyithe \\& Loeb 2003, Koushiappas \\& Zentner 2006, Malbon et al. 2007, Yoo et al. 2007) predict the existence of a large number of massive black hole binaries (MBHB) emitting in the frequency range between $\\sim 10^{-9}$ Hz and $10^{-6}$ Hz. PTAs can gain direct access to this population, and address a number of unanswered questions in astrophysics (such as the assembly of galaxies and dynamical processes in galactic nuclei), by detecting gravitational radiation of two forms: (i) the stochastic GW background produced by the incoherent superposition of radiation from the whole cosmic population of MBHBs and (ii) GWs from individual sources that are sufficiently bright (and therefore massive and/or close) so that the gravitational signal stands above the root-mean-square (rms) value of the background. Both classes of signals are of great interest, and the focused effort on PTAs could lead to the discovery of systems difficult to detect with other techniques. The possible level of the GW background, and the consequences for observations have been explored by several authors (see {\\em e.g.} Rajagopal \\& Romani 1995; Phinney 2001, Jaffe \\& Backer 2003; Jenet et al. 2005; Jenet et al. 2006; Sesana et al. 2008). Recently, Sesana Vecchio \\& Colacino (2008, hereinafter PaperI) studied in details the properties of such a signal and the astrophysical information encoded into it, for a comprehensive range of MBHB formation models. As shown in PaperI, there is over a factor of 10 uncertainty in the characteristic amplitude of the MBHB generated background in the PTA frequency window. However, the most optimistic estimates yield an amplitude just a factor $\\approx 3$ below the upper-bound placed using current data (Jenet et al. 2006), and near-term future observations could either detect such a stochastic signal or start ruling out selected MBHB population scenarios. Based on our current astrophysical understanding of the formation and evolution of MBHBs and the estimates of the sensitivity of SKA, one could argue that this instrument guarantees the detection of this signal in the frequency range $3\\times 10^{-9}\\,\\mathrm{Hz} - 5\\times 10^{-8} \\,\\mathrm{Hz}$ for essentially every assembly scenario that is considered at present. The background generated by the cosmic population of MBHBs is present across the whole observational window of PTAs (cf. PaperI). The Monte Carlo simulations reported in PaperI show clearly the presence of distinctive strong peaks well above the average level of the stochastic contribution (cf. Figure 1 and 4 in PaperI). This is to be expected, as individual sources can generate gravitational radiation sufficiently strong to stand above the rms value of the stochastic background. These sources are of great interest because they can be individually resolved and likely involve the most massive MBHBs in the Universe. Their observation can offer further insight into the high-mass end of the MBH(B) population, galaxy mergers in the low-redshift Universe and dynamical processes that determine the formation of MBH pairs and the evolution to form close binaries with orbital periods of the order of years. Some exploratory studies have been carried out about detecting individual signals from MBHBs in PTA data (Jenet et al. 2004, 2005). In this paper we study systematically for a comprehensive range of assembly scenarios the properties, in particular the distribution of masses and redshift, of the sources that give rise to detectable individual events; we compute the induced timing residuals and the expected number of sources at a given timing residual level. To this aim, the modelling of the high-mass end of the MBHB population at relatively low redshift is of crucial importance. We generate a statistically significant sample of merging massive galaxies from the on-line Millennium database ({\\it http://www.g-vo.org/Millennium}) and populate them with central MBHs according to different prescriptions (Tremaine et al. 2002, Mclure et al. 2006, Lauer et al. 2007, Tundo et al. 2007). The Millennium simulation (Springel et al. 2005) covers a comoving volume of $(500/h_{100})^3$ Mpc$^3$ ($h_{100}=H_0/100$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ is the normalized Hubble parameter), ensuring a number of massive nearby binaries adequate to construct the necessary distribution. For each model we compute the stochastic background, the expected distribution of bright individual sources and the value of the characteristic timing residual $\\delta t_\\mathrm{gw}$, see Equation (\\ref{e:deltatgw}), for an observation time $T$. The signal-to-noise ratio at which a source can then be observed scales as SNR$\\approx \\delta t_\\mathrm{gw}/\\delta t_\\mathrm{rms}$ where $\\delta t_\\mathrm{rms}$ is the root-mean-square level of the timing residuals noise, both coming from the receiver {\\em and} the GW stochastic background contribution. In the following we summarise our main results: \\begin{enumerate} \\item The number of detectable individual sources for different thresholds of the effective induced timing residuals $\\delta t_\\mathrm{gw}$ is shown in Table \\ref{tab:summary}. Depending on the specific MBH population model, we estimate that on average at least one resolvable source produces timing residuals in the range $\\sim5-50$ns. Future PTAs, and in particular SKA, can plausibly detect these unique systems; the detection is however by no means guaranteed, events will be rare and just above the detection threshold. \\item As expected, the brightest signals come from very massive systems with ${\\cal M}>5\\times10^8\\msun$. Here ${\\cal M}=M_1^{3/5}M_2^{3/5}/(M_1+M_2)^{1/5}$ is the chirp mass of the binary and $M_1>M_2$ are the two black hole masses. Most of the resolvable sources are located at relatively high redshift ($0.2 < z < 1.5$), and not at $z \\ll 1$ as one would naively expect, giving the opportunity to probe the universe at cosmological distances. \\item The number of resolvable MBHBs depends on the actual level of the stochastic background generated by the whole population; here we have used the standard simplified assumption that the background level is determined by having more than one source per frequency resolution bin of width $1/T$, where $T$ is the observational time. Using this definition we find that at frequencies less than $10^{-7}$ Hz there are typically a few resolvable sources, considering $T= $ 5 yrs, with residuals in the range $\\sim 1\\,\\mathrm{nHz} - 1\\,\\mu\\mathrm{Hz}$. As the level of the background decreases for increasing frequencies, fainter sources become visible individually. \\item As a sanity check, we have compared the MBHB populations and stochastic background levels obtained using data from the Millennium simulation (adopted in this paper) with those derived by means of merger tree realisations based on the Extended Press \\& Schechter (EPS) formalism (considered in PaperI) and have found good agreement. This provides an additional validation of the results of this paper and PaperI. Moreover it supports that EPS merger trees, if handled sensibly, can offer a valuable tool for the study of MBH evolution even at low redshift. \\end{enumerate} The paper is organised as follows. In Section 2 we describe MBHB population models, in particular the range of scenarios considered in this paper. A short review of the timing residuals produced by GWs generated by an individual binary (in circular orbit) in the data collected by PTAs is provided in Section 3. Section 4 contains the key results of the paper: the expected timing residuals from the estimated population of MBHBs, including detection rates for current and future PTAs. We also provide a comparison between the stochastic background computed according to the prescriptions considered here and the results of PaperI. Summary and conclusions are given in Section 5. ", "conclusions": "We have investigated the ability of Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTAs) to resolve individual massive black hole binary systems by detecting gravitational radiation produced during the in-spiral phase through its effect on the residuals of the time of arrival of signals from radio pulsars. We have considered a broad range of assembly scenarios, using the data of the Millennium simulation to evaluate the galactic haloes merger rates, and a total of twelve different models that control the relations between the mass of the central black holes and the galactic haloes, and the evolution of the black hole masses through accretion. These models therefore cover qualitatively (and to large extent quantitatively) the whole spectrum of MBH assembly scenarios currently considered. Regardless of the model, we estimate that at least one resolvable source is expected to produce timing residuals in the range $\\sim5-50$ ns, and therefore future PTAs, and in particular the Square Kilometre Array may be able to observe these systems. A whistle-stop summary of the models and results is contained in Table~\\ref{tab:summary}. The total number of visible events clearly depend on the sensitivity of PTAs and on the astrophysical scenario. As expected, the brightest sources (for PTAs) are very massive binaries with chirp mass ${\\cal M}>5\\times10^8\\msun$. However, (initially) quite surprisingly most of the resolvable sources are located at relatively high redshift ($z>0.2$). In conjunction with the observation of the stochastic GW background from the whole population of MBHBs, the identification of individual MBHBs could provide new constraints on the populations of these objects and the relevant physical processes. As a by-product of the analysis, we have also estimated the level of the GW stochastic background produced by the different models, finding good agreement with the estimates derived using merger tree realisations based on the Extended Press \\& Schechter formalism considered in PaperI. Such agreement provides a further validation of the results of this paper and PaperI, it shows that we can now have in hand self-consistent predictions for stochastic and deterministic signals from the cosmic population of MBHBs, and suggests that EPS merger trees could provide a valuable approach to the studies of MBH evolution at low-to-medium redshift. As a final word of caution, we would like to stress that the results of this paper clearly suffer from considerable uncertainties determined by the still poor quantitative information about several parameters that control the models. The spread of the predictions of the expected events is therefore likely dominated by the lack of knowledge of the model parameters, rather than the differences between the assembly scenarios." }, "0809/0809.1417_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The evolution of marginally bound supercluster-like objects in an accelerating $\\Lambda$CDM Universe is followed, by means of cosmological simulations, from the present time to an expansion factor $a=100$. The objects are identified on the basis of the binding density criterion introduced by \\cite{dunner06}. Superclusters are identified with the ones whose mass ${\\rm M}>10^{15}h^{-1}$M$_{\\odot}$, the most massive one with ${\\rm M}\\sim8\\times10^{15}h^{-1}$M$_{\\odot}$, comparable to the Shapley supercluster. The spatial distribution of the superclusters remains essentially the same after the present epoch, reflecting the halting growth of the Cosmic Web as $\\Lambda$ gets to dominate the expansion of the Universe. The same trend can be seen in the stagnation of the development of the mass function of virialized haloes and bound objects. The situation is considerably different when looking at the internal evolution, quantified in terms of their shape, compactness and density profile, and substructure in terms of their multiplicity function. We find a continuing evolution from a wide range of triaxial shapes at $a=1$ to almost perfect spherical shapes at $a=100$. We also find a systematic trend towards a higher concentration. Meanwhile, we see their substructure gradually disappearing, as the surrounding subclumps fall in and merge to form one coherent, virialized system. ", "introduction": "The evidence for an accelerated expansion of the Universe has established the dominant presence of a `dark energy' component. In the present cosmological paradigm, the Universe entered into an accelerating phase at $z\\approx 0.7$. Observational evidence points towards a dark energy component which behaves like Einstein's cosmological constant. As long as the matter density in the Universe dominated over that of dark energy, the gravitational growth of matter concentrations resulted in the emergence of ever larger structures. Once dark energy came to dominate the dynamics of the Universe and the Universe got into accelerated expansion, structure formation came to a halt \\citep{peebles80,heath77}. With the present-day Universe having reached this stage, the largest identifiable objects that will ever populate our Universe may be the ones that we observe in the process of formation at the present cosmological time. While no larger objects will emerge, these sufficiently overdense and bound patches will not be much affected by the global cosmic acceleration. They will remain bound and evolve as if they are {\\it island universes}: they turn into isolated evolving regions \\citep{chiueh02,nagamine03,busha03,dunner06}. While clusters of galaxies are the most massive and most recently collapsed and virialized structures, the present-day superclusters are arguably the largest bound but not yet fully evolved objects in our Universe. In our accelerating Universe, we may assume they are the objects that ultimately will turn into island universes. A large range of observational studies, mostly based on optically or X-ray selected samples, show that clusters are strongly clustered and group together in large supercluster complexes \\citep[see e.g.][]{oort1983,bahcall1988,einasto1994,einasto2001,quintana2000}. These superclusters, the largest structures identifiable in the present Universe, are enormous structures comprising a few up to dozens of rich clusters of galaxies, a large number of more modestly sized clumps, and thousands of galaxies spread between these density concentrations. In this study, we aim at contrasting the large-scale evolution of structure in an accelerated Universe with that of the internal evolution of bound objects. In order to infer what will be the largest bound regions in our Universe, the {\\it island universes}, we study the mass function of bound objects. The abundance or mass function of superclusters serves as a good indicator of the growth of structure of a cosmological model. While large-scale structure formation comes to a halt, this will manifest itself in the asymptotic behaviour of the supercluster mass function. Meanwhile, the internal evolution of the superclusters continues as they contract and collapse into the largest virialized entities the Universe will ever contain. We address three aspects of the continuing internal evolution of bound regions: their shape, density profile and internal substructure in terms of their cluster multiplicity. The shape of supercluster regions is one of the most sensitive probes of their evolutionary stage. We know that superclusters in the present-day Universe are mostly flattened or elongated structures, usually identified with the most prominent filaments and sheets in the galaxy distribution \\citep[e.g.][]{plionis92,sathya1998,basilakos01,sheth2003, einasto2007c}. The Pisces-Perseus supercluster chain is a particularly well-known example of a strongly elongated filament \\citep[see e.g.][]{hayngiov1986}. The distribution of shapes of bound structures is a combination of at least two factors. One is the shape of the proto-supercluster in the initial density field. The second factor is the evolutionary state of the bound structure. We know that the gravitational collapse of cosmic overdensities --- whose progenitors in the primordial density perturbation field will never be spherical \\citep{peacheav1985,bbks} --- proceeds in a distinctly anisotropic fashion via flattened and elongated configurations towards a final more compact triaxial virialized state \\citep[see eg.][]{zeldovich1970,icke73,whitesilk1979, eistloeb1995,bondmyers1996,sathya1996,desjacques2008,weybond2008}. The collapse of the superclusters will also result in a continuous sharpening of the internal mass distribution, reflected in the steepening of their density profile. While they are in the process of collapse, internal substructure of constituent clusters remains recognizable. While the subclumps merge into an ever more massive central concentration the supercluster substructure gradually fades, resulting in an increasingly uniform mass distribution. The evolving and decreasing level of substructure will be followed in terms of the evolving supercluster multiplicity function, i.e. the number of cluster-sized clumps within the supercluster region. Representing moderate density enhancements on scale of tens of Mpc, in the present Universe superclusters are still expanding with the Hubble flow, although at a slightly decelerated rate, or have just started contracting. Because these structures have not yet fully formed, virialized and clearly separated from each other, it is difficult to identify them unambiguously. In most studies, superclusters have been defined by more or less arbitrary criteria, mostly on the basis of a grouping and/or percolation algorithm \\citep[see e.g][]{oort1983,bahcall1988,einasto1994,einasto2001,quintana2000}. This introduces the need for a user-specified percolation radius. \\citet[hereafter Paper I]{dunner06} attempted to define a more physically based criterion, identifying superclusters with the biggest gravitationally bound structures that will be able to form in our Universe. On the basis of this, they worked out a lower density limit for gravitationally bound structures. This limit is based on the density contrast that a spherical shell needs to enclose to remain bound to a spherically symmetric overdensity. We use this spherical density criterion to identify bound structures in a large cosmological box. In this we follow the work of \\cite{chiueh02} and \\cite{dunner06}. \\cite{chiueh02} numerically solved the spherical collapse model equations for self-consistent growing mode perturbations in order to obtain a theoretical criterion for the mean density enclosed in the outer gravitationally bound shell. The resulting density criterion was evaluated by \\cite{dunner06} on the basis of numerical simulations. They generalized it by deriving the analytical solution which also forms the basis of the current study, and in \\cite{dunner07} extended the criterion to limits for bound structures in redshift space. Various authors have addressed the future evolution of cosmic structure \\citep{chiueh02,busha03,nagamine03,dunner06,dunner07,hoffman07,busha07}. The internal evolution of the density and velocity structures of bound objects was followed by \\cite{busha03}, with \\cite{busha07} focusing on the effects of small-scale structure on the formation of dark matter halos in two different cosmologies. \\cite{nagamine03} and \\cite{hoffman07} specifically focused on the evolution of the Local Universe. \\cite{nagamine03} found that the Local Group will get detached from the rest of the Universe, and that its physical distance to other systems will increase exponentially. \\cite{hoffman07} investigated the dependence on dark matter and dark energy by contrasting $\\Lambda$CDM and OCDM models. They concluded that the evolution of structure in comoving coordinates at long term is determined mainly by the matter density rather than by the dark energy. A key point of attention in \\cite{nagamine03}, \\cite{hoffman07} and \\cite{busha07} was the mass function of objects in their simulations, on which they all agree that it hardly changes after the current cosmic epoch. This paper is the first in a series addressing the future evolution of structure in FRW Universes. In an accompanying publication we will specifically look at the influence of dark matter and the cosmological constant on the emerging (super)cluster population, based on the work described in \\cite{arayamelo08}. The present study concentrates on the details of this evolution in a standard flat $\\Lambda$CDM Universe. This paper is organized as follows. In section \\ref{sec:scdef}, we present a review of the spherical collapse model, including a derivation of the critical overdensity for a structure to remain bound. Section \\ref{sec:simulation} describes the simulation and the group finder algorithm that we employ when determining the mass functions. This is followed in sect.~\\ref{sec:evolution} by a a qualitative description of the evolution, including a case study of the evolution of some typical bound mass clumps from the present epoch to $a=100$. The lack of evolution in their spatial distribution in the same time interval is studied in sect.~\\ref{sec:spatial}. Section \\ref{sec:ps_mf} presents the mass functions of the bound structures at $a=1$ and $a=100$ and a comparison with the ones obtained by the Press-Schechter formalism and its variants. The evolution of the shapes of the structures is studied in section \\ref{sec:shapes}. In section \\ref{sec:dens_prof} we look into the mass distribution and density profiles. Section \\ref{sec:multi} presents the stark changes in the supercluster multiplicity function. In sect.~\\ref{sec:shapley} its results are combined with those on the supercluster mass functions obtained in section~\\ref{sec:ps_mf} to relate our findings to the presence and abundance of monster supercluster complexes like the Shapley and Horologium-Reticulum supercluster. Finally, in section~\\ref{sec:conclusions}, we discuss our findings and draw conclusions on various issues addressed by our study. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusions} In this work, we have followed the evolution of bound objects from the present epoch up to a time in the far future of the Universe, at $a=100$, in a standard $\\Lambda$CDM ($\\Omega_{m,0}=0.3$, $\\Omega_{\\Lambda,0}=0.7$ and $h=0.7$) Universe. We contrasted the external global evolution of the population of bound objects with their vigorous internal evolution, starting from the contention that in a dark energy dominated Universe they have the character of {\\it island universes}. Within such a Universe we expect them to become increasingly isolated objects in which cosmic evolution proceeds to the ultimate equilibrium configuration of a smooth, spherical, virialized and highly concentrated mass clumps. We identify the most massive of these objects with superclusters. For the external evolution, we investigate the spatial distribution and clustering of bound objects and superclusters, along with the weak change of their mass functions. To assess the internal structure, we have looked into their rapidly changing shape, their evolving density profile and mass concentration and the level of substructure of the superclusters in terms of their multiplicity, i.e. the number of clusters within their realm. We defined the bound structures by the density criterion derived in Paper I (see Eqn.~\\ref{eq:ratio}), and identified them from a 500$h^{-1}$ Mpc cosmological box with $512^3$ dark matter particles in a $\\Lambda$CDM ($\\Omega_{m,0}=0.3$, $\\Omega_{\\Lambda,0}=0.7$ and $h=0.7$) Universe. We ran the simulation up to $a=100$, which is a time where structures have stopped forming. We used the HOP halo identifier in order to identify independently virialized structures, at each of the five timesteps we have analyzed in detail: $a=1$, 2, 5, 10 and 100. The main results of the present study can be summarized as follows: \\begin{itemize} \\item While the large-scale evolution of bound objects and superclusters comes to a halt as a result of the cosmic acceleration, their internal evolution continues vigorously until they have evolved into single, isolated, almost perfectly spherical, highly concentrated, virialized mass clumps. This development is very strong between $a=1$ and 10, and continues up to $a=100$. \\item The marginally bound objects that we study resemble the superclusters in the observed Universe. While clusters of galaxies are the most massive, fully collapsed and virialized objects in the Universe, superclusters are the largest bound --but not yet collapsed-- structures in the Universe. \\item The superclusters are true \\emph{island universes}: as a result of the accelerating expansion of the Universe, no other, more massive and larger, structures will be able to form. \\item While the superclusters collapse between $a=1$ and $a=100$, their surroundings change radically. While at the present epoch they are solidly embedded within the Cosmic Web, by $a=100$ they have turned into isolated cosmic islands. \\item The large scale distribution of bound objects and superclusters (in comoving space) does not show any significant evolution in between $a=1$ and $a=100$. The cluster and supercluster correlation functions do not change over this time interval, and retain their near power-law behaviour. Superclusters remain significantly stronger clustered than the average bound object, with a supercluster correlation length of $23 \\pm 5h^{-1}$Mpc compared to $r_0\\approx 11.5h^{-1}$Mpc for the full bound object distribution in our simulation sample. \\item The mass functions of bound objects and superclusters hardly change from $a=1$ to $a=100$, as we expect on theoretical grounds. The mass functions in the simulations are generally in good agreement with the theoretical predictions of he Press-Schechter, Sheth-Tormen, and Jenkins mass functions. At $a=1$, the Sheth-Tormen prescription provides a better fit. At $a=100$, the pure Press-Schechter function seems to be marginally better. This may tie in with the more anisotropic shape of superclusters at $a=1$ in comparison to their peers at $a=100$. \\item The change in the internal mass distribution and that in the surroundings is directly reflected by the radial density profile. Without exception towards $a=100$ all objects attain a highly concentrated internal matter distribution, with a concentration index $c=0.2$. In general, the vast majority of objects has evolved into a highly concentrated mass clump after $a=10$. \\item The mass profile in the outer realms of the supercluster changes radically from $a=1$ to $a=100$. At $a=1$ it is rather irregular, while there are large differences between the individual objects. This is a reflection of the surrounding inhomogeneous mass distribution of the Cosmic Web. In between $a=5$ and $a=10$, nearly all superclusters have developed a smooth, regular and steadily declining mass profile. \\item The inner density profile steepens substantially when the inner region of the supercluster is still contracting. On the other hand, when at $a=1$ it has already developed a substantial virialized core, the inner density profile hardly changes. \\item As a result of their collapse, the shapes of the bound objects systematically change from the original triaxial shape at $a=1$ into an almost perfectly spherical configuration at $a=100$. For example, at $a=1$ their mean axis ratios are ($\\langle s_{2}/s_{1} \\rangle$, $\\langle s_{3}/s_{1} \\rangle $)= (0.69,0.48). At $a=100$, they have mean axis ratios of ($\\langle s_{2}/s_{1} \\rangle$,$\\langle s_{3}/s_{1} \\rangle $)= (0.94,0.85). \\item At the current epoch the superclusters still contain a substantial amount of substructure. Particularly interesting is the amount of cluster-mass virialized objects within its realm, expressed in the so called \\emph{multiplicity function}. Restricting ourselves to superclusters with a mass larger than $5\\times10^{15}h^{-1}$M$_{\\odot}$, of which we have 17 in our simulation sample, we find a multiplicity of 5 to 15 at the current epoch. As time proceeds there is a systematic evolution towards unit multiplicity at $a=100$, following the accretion and merging of all clusters within the supercluster's realms. \\item In a volume comparable to the Local Universe ($z<0.1$) we find that the most massive supercluster would have a mass of $\\sim8\\times10^{15}h^{-1}$M$_{\\odot}$. This is slightly more massive than the mass of the Shapley Supercluster given in \\cite{dunner08}. When turning towards the multiplicity, we find that the largest superclusters in the Local Universe would host between 10 and 15 members, close to the number found in the bound region of the Shapley supercluster \\citep{dunner08} (which contains $\\sim 1/3$ of the clusters traditionally assigned to this structure, e.g., \\cite{proust2006}). \\end{itemize} While in this study we have addressed a large number of issues, our study leaves many related studies for further investigation. One of the most pressing issues concerns an assessment of the nature of our supercluster objects. This involves a comparison with other supercluster definitions, in particular in how far our density-based definition fares at the earlier epochs when most objects of similar mass will have distinct anisotropic shapes. Also, while here we follow the evolution of superclusters in the standard $\\Lambda$CDM Universe, in an accompanying publication we will systematically address the influence of dark matter and dark energy on the emerging supercluster. There we found that dark matter is totally dominant in determining the supercluster's evolution. For a preliminary, detailed report on the analysis of the role of the cosmological constant in the formation and evolution of structures, we refer to \\cite{arayamelo08}." }, "0809/0809.3909_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We investigate the effects of non-Gaussianity in the primordial density field on the reionization history. We rely on a semi-analytic method to describe the processes acting on the intergalactic medium (IGM), relating the distribution of the ionizing sources to that of dark matter haloes. Extending previous work in the literature, we consider models in which the primordial non-Gaussianity is measured by the dimensionless non-linearity parameter $f_{\\rm NL}$, using the constraints recently obtained from cosmic microwave background data. We predict the ionized fraction and the optical depth at different cosmological epochs assuming two different kinds of non-Gaussianity, characterized by a scale-independent and a scale-dependent $f_{\\rm NL}$ and comparing the results to those for the standard Gaussian scenario. We find that a positive $f_{\\rm NL}$ enhances the formation of high-mass haloes at early epochs, when reionization begins, and, as a consequence, the IGM ionized fraction can grow by a factor up to 5 with respect to the corresponding Gaussian model. The increase of the filling factor has a small impact on the reionization optical depth and is of order $\\sim 10$ per cent if a scale-dependent non-Gaussianity is assumed. Our predictions for non-Gaussian models are in agreement with the latest WMAP results within the error bars, but a higher precision is required to constrain the scale dependence of non-Gaussianity. ", "introduction": "\\label{sect:intro} Reionization marks a crucial event in the history of the universe, when the first sources of ultra-violet (UV) radiation ionize the neutral Intergalactic Medium (IGM) and affect the subsequent formation of the cosmic structures. When reionization ends, the small amount of left neutral hydrogen is responsible for the absorption lines that we observe today in the spectra of far objects. However, the way in which this complex phenomenon occurs is still not well understood and the most recent observations paint it as a spatially inhomogeneous and not istantaneous process. While the Gunn \\& Peterson trough of the high-$z$ QSO spectra suggests a late epoch of reionization at $z\\approx 6$ \\citep{fan2001,becker2001,white2003b,fan2006}, the very recent analysis of the 5-year WMAP data on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization shows an IGM optical depth $\\tau\\sim 0.084$ which is in better agreement with an earlier reionization redshift, $z\\sim 10.8$ \\citep{komatsu2008}. On the other hand, a late reionization end at $z\\sim 6$ is also probed by the IGM temperature measured at $z<4$ \\citep{hui2003} and by the lack of evolution in the luminosity function of Lyman-$\\alpha$ galaxies between $z=5.7$ and $z=6.5$ \\citep[][see, however, {\\protect \\cite{ota2008}} for evidences of a decline at high $z$]{malhotra2004}. Overall, the present situation regarding reionization at redshift $z\\sim6$ as probed by QSO spectra is still unclear \\citep{becker2006}. Many analytic, semi-analytic and numerical models \\citep[see, e.g.][]{ gnedin2000,ciardi2003b,wyithe2003,barkana2004, haiman2003,madau2004,Wyithe2006,choudhury2007,iliev2007,ricotti2008} have been proposed to describe this poorly understood reionization process. They basically relate the statistical properties and morphology of the ionized regions to the hierarchical growth of the ionizing sources, making more or less detailed assumptions to describe the ionization and recombination processes acting on the IGM. Since the first sources of UV background radiation appear in the firstly formed dark matter haloes, which correspond to the highest peaks of the primordial density field, the reionization process is expected to strongly depend on the main parameters describing the cosmological model and the power spectrum of primordial density fluctuations. For instance, the possible presence of an evolving component of dark energy can imprint signatures in the resulting morphology of the ionized regions and change the time-scales of the whole process \\citep[see, e.g.][]{maio2006,crociani2008}. Also the nature and the statistical distribution of the primordial matter fluctuations can influence the reionization history. Although the standard scenario for the origin of the structures assumes that the primordial perturbations are adiabatic and have a (almost) Gaussian distribution, small deviations from primordial Gaussianity affect the dark halo counts, in the rare-event tail, thus also in the high peaks of the density field which originated collapsed objects at high $z$. Aim of this work is to investigate the effects of some level of non-Gaussianity in the primordial density field on the reionization history. We will make use of analytical techniques to describe the processes in action on the IGM. In particular, we will extend previous works in which the considered non-Gaussian models have density fluctuations described by a renormalized $\\chi^{2}$ probability distribution with $\\nu$ degrees of freedom \\citep{avelino2006} or by a modified Poisson distribution with a given expectation value $\\lambda$ \\citep{chen2003}. Here we will adopt a more convenient way to introduce primordial non-Gaussianity, which has now become standard in the literature, based on the parameter $f_{\\rm NL}$ (see the next section for its definition). In particular, we will assume two different kinds of non-Gaussianity, characterized by a scale-independent and a scale-dependent $f_{\\rm NL}$ parameter. The paper is organised as follows. In Section \\ref{sect:ng} we introduce the main characteristics of the cosmological models with primordial non-Gaussianity considered here. Section \\ref{sect:model} reviews the main assumptions of the analytical model adopted to describe the cosmic reionization process. The main results of our analysis are presented and discussed in Section \\ref{sect:res}. Finally in Section \\ref{sect:conclu} we draw our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sect:conclu} The aim of this work was to investigate how primordial non-Gaussianity may alter the reionization history when compared to the standard scenario based on Gaussian statistics. We have chosen a simple analytic method to describe the physical processes acting on the IGM to make predictions on the evolution of the ionized fraction and the reionization optical depth. Our work extends previous analyses \\citep{chen2003,avelino2006} based on simplified ways to introduce primordial non-Gaussianity, considering models motivated by inflation. In particular we assume two different hierarchical evolution scenarios for the ionizing sources, characterized by scale-independent and scale-dependent non-Gaussianity. All scenarios here considered are not violating the constraints coming from the recent analysis of the 5-year WMAP data. Our main conclusions can be summarized as follows: \\begin{enumerate} \\renewcommand{\\theenumi}{(\\arabic{enumi})} \\item non-Gaussianity affects the abundance of the dark matter haloes, since the formation of high-mass collapsed objects is enhanced (reduced) when positive (negative) values for the $f_{\\rm NL}$ parameter are assumed. This effect is more evident at earlier cosmological epochs, exactly when reionization begins. \\item As a consequence, for positive primordial non-Gaussianity, the collapsed fraction in type Ia and Ib sources is higher than for the Gaussian case at the same epoch, and the difference increases with $z$. The opposite result applies when $f_{\\rm NL}<0$ is assumed. \\item The IGM filling factor is higher and its evolution is faster than in the Gaussian scenario if a positive $f_{\\rm NL}$ is assumed. This effect is enhanced for a scale-dependent non-Gaussianity, that can produce a 5 times higher $F_{\\rm HI\\!I}$ with respect to the Gaussian case, at early cosmological epochs. Viceversa the filling factor is smaller and has a mild redshift evolution for negative $f_{\\rm NL}$. \\item Both local and equilateral non-Gaussianity have a small (less than 10 per cent) impact on the reionization optical depth, but the effect is enhanced assuming a scale-dependent $f_{\\rm NL}$ parameter. \\end{enumerate} We finally remark that our predictions of the reionization optical depth in non-Gaussian cosmologies are in agreement with that estimated by 5-year WMAP analysis within $1\\sigma$ error bars and a precision higher than that of WMAP is required to constrain non-Gaussianity and its scale dependence. Ideally one would simulate reionization in non-Gaussian cosmological models using hydrodynamical simulations that incorporate all the relevant physical processes in a consistent framework (most importantly radiative transfer effects in the IGM). However, such approach is very time consuming due to the large box size and the high resolution required to simulate large volumes and, at the same time, the physics of the sources of radiation. For this reason, some approximate semi-analytic schemes such as the one presentend here are still useful especially when calibrated on the more robust results of the hydrodynamical runs." }, "0809/0809.2287_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present new $V$-band differential brightness measurements as well as new radial-velocity measurements of the detached, circular, 0.84-day period, double-lined eclipsing binary system CV~Boo. These data along with other observations from the literature are combined to derive improved absolute dimensions of the stars for the purpose of testing various aspects of theoretical modeling. Despite complications from intrinsic variability we detect in the system, and despite the rapid rotation of the components, we are able to determine the absolute masses and radii to better than 1.3\\% and 2\\%, respectively. We obtain $M_{\\rm A} = 1.032 \\pm 0.013$\\,M$_{\\sun}$ and $R_{\\rm B} = 1.262 \\pm 0.023$\\,R$_{\\sun}$ for the hotter, larger, and more massive primary (star A), and $M_{\\rm B} = 0.968 \\pm 0.012$\\,M$_{\\sun}$ and $R_{\\rm B} = 1.173 \\pm 0.023$\\,R$_{\\sun}$ for the secondary. The estimated effective temperatures are $5760 \\pm 150$\\,K and $5670 \\pm 150$\\,K. The intrinsic variability with a period $\\sim$1\\% shorter than the orbital period is interpreted as being due to modulation by spots on one or both components. This implies that the spotted star(s) must be rotating faster than the synchronous rate, which disagrees with predictions from current tidal evolution models according to which both stars should be synchronized. We also find that the radius of the secondary is larger than expected from stellar evolution calculations by $\\sim$10\\%, a discrepancy also seen in other (mostly lower-mass and active) eclipsing binaries. We estimate the age of the system to be approximately 9~Gyr. Both components are near the end of their main-sequence phase, and the primary may have started the shell hydrogen-burning stage. ", "introduction": "CV~Boo (= BD~+37~2641 = GSC~2570~0843; $\\alpha = 15^{\\rm h}\\,26^{\\rm m}\\,19\\fs54$, $\\delta = +36\\arcdeg\\,58\\arcmin\\,53\\farcs4$, J2000.0; $V \\approx 10.8$, SpT = G3V) was discovered as a possible eclipsing binary star by \\cite{peniche85}. \\cite{busch85} confirmed it as an eclipsing binary of type EA and found its period to be 0.8469935 days. In his last published paper, a study of 4 lower main sequence binaries, \\cite{Popper:00} determined a spectroscopic orbit for CV~Boo. Popper was pessimistic about the prospects for determining accurate absolute properties of them because ``It appears unlikely that definitive photometry will be obtained for these stars, partly because of intrinsic variability.'' Recently, a light curve and radial velocity study of the system were done by \\cite{Nelson:04b}, resulting in the first estimates of its absolute properties. The parameters of CV~Boo make it potentially interesting as the most evolved system among the well-studied double-lined eclipsing binaries with components near 1~M$_{\\sun}$ (see Figure~\\ref{fig:other_mr}), a regime where some discrepancies with theoretical models have been pointed out. We describe in the following our extensive new photometric and spectroscopic observations of the object intended to improve our knowledge of the system. The presence of starspots does in fact limit somewhat our ability to determine highly accurate absolute properties for this binary star, but the results are still accurate enough for meaningful tests of current stellar models. As we describe here, CV~Boo contributes significantly to the body of evidence concerning the differences with theory mentioned above. \\begin{figure} \\epsscale{1.35} \\vskip -0.3in {\\hskip -0.2in\\plotone{f1.eps}} \\vskip -0.3in \\caption{Main-sequence eclipsing binaries in mass range of CV~Boo with accurate determinations of their absolute properties (masses and radii good to better than $\\sim$2\\%). Data are taken from \\cite{Andersen:91} and updates from the literature. Primary and secondary components are connected with solid lines. CV~Boo is represented with open circles. The dashed line shows the solar-metallicity zero-age main sequence from the models by \\cite{Yi:01}, for reference.\\label{fig:other_mr}} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:discussion} Despite the system's intrinsic variability, the absolute dimensions for the components of CV~Boo have now been established quite precisely. The relative errors are better than 1.3\\% in the masses and 2\\% in the radii. The object can now be counted among the group of eclipsing binaries with well-known parameters. Under different circumstances the large number and high quality of the photometric observations we have collected might have permitted a more detailed study of the limb darkening laws and a comparison with theoretically predicted coefficients, but this possibility was thwarted here by the intrinsic variability. This phenomenon is not itself without interest. If interpreted as due to the presence of spots, as we have done here, it implies that at least one of the stars is rotating about 1\\% more rapidly than the synchronous rate, a result that was unexpected for a close but well detached system such as this. We conclude that our current understanding of tidal evolution is still incomplete, or that other processes are at play in this system that theory does not account for. One interesting possibility is differential rotation. The interpretation of measurements of the rotation period of a star made by photometric means, as we have implicitly done here, usually relies on the assumption of solid-body rotation. More often than not, spots are located at intermediate latitudes rather than on the equator, or at high latitudes in more active stars, and differential rotation is such that the stellar surface revolves more slowly at higher latitudes, at least in the Sun. This will tend to bias photometric rotation measurements towards \\emph{longer} periods, if differential rotation is significant enough. In CV~Boo we see the opposite: the period is \\emph{shorter} than the equatorial rate, assuming that synchronization holds. Thus differential rotation can only explain the signal we have detected if it is ``anti-solar'', with the polar regions rotating more rapidly. A handful of stars do indeed show evidence of weak anti-solar differential rotation \\citep[e.g., IL~Hya, HD~31933, $\\sigma$~Gem, UZ~Lib;][]{Weber:03, Strassmeier:03, Kovari:07, Vida:07}. They all happen to be very active (some of them with high-latitude spots, as in CV~Boo), although they tend to be giants or subgiants rather than dwarfs. It is thought that this phenomenon may result from fast meridional flows \\citep[see, e.g.,][]{Kitchatinov:04}. Further progress in understanding the rotation of the CV~Boo components could be made with additional differential photometric observations in several passbands, along with simultaneous high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectroscopy over a full orbital cycle. Another significant discrepancy we find with theory is in the radius of the secondary, which appears to be some 10\\% too large compared with predictions from stellar evolution models. This difference is in the same direction as seen for a number of other low-mass eclipsing binaries, as mentioned in \\S\\,\\ref{sec:evolution}. In those cases one of the explanations most often proposed is that the strong magnetic fields associated with activity (which is common in rapidly-rotating K and M dwarfs in close binaries) tend to inhibit convective motions, and the structure of the star adjusts by increasing its size to allow the surface to radiate the same amount of energy. At the same time, the effective temperature tends to decrease in order to preserve the total luminosity. Spot coverage can produce similar effects. Theoretical and observational evidence for the conservation of the luminosity in these systems has been presented by \\cite{Delfosse:00}, \\cite{Mullan:01}, \\cite{Torres:02}, \\cite{Ribas:06}, \\cite{Torres:06}, \\cite{Chabrier:07}, and others \\citep[see also][]{Morales:08}. We do not see any obvious discrepancy in the temperature of CV~Boo~B compared to models, although our uncertainties are large enough that the effect may be masked. If we restrict ourselves to well studied double-lined eclipsing binaries in which the mass and radius determinations are the most reliable, deviations from theory such as those described above have usually been seen in stars that are considerably less massive than the Sun, which have deep convective envelopes. However, the recent study by \\cite{Torres:06} pointed out that the problem is not confined to the lower mass stars, but extends to active objects approaching 1~M$_{\\sun}$, such as V1061~Cyg~Ab, with $M = 0.93$~M$_{\\sun}$. CV~Boo~B has an even larger mass of 0.968~M$_{\\sun}$, and also appears to be oversized. Similarly with the virtually identical active star FL~Lyr~B ($M = 0.960$~M$_{\\sun}$). The convective envelopes of these objects are considerably thinner than in K and M dwarfs and represent only a few percent of the total mass, yet they appear sufficient for magnetic fields to take hold and alter the global properties of the star, if that is the cause of the discrepancies. These examples show once again that our understanding of stellar evolution theory is incomplete, even for stars near the mass of the Sun." }, "0809/0809.1942.txt": { "abstract": "We investigate the formation of GMCs in spiral galaxies through both agglomeration of clouds in the spiral arms, and self gravity. The simulations presented include two-fluid models, which contain both cold and warm gas, although there is no heating or cooling between them. We find agglomeration is predominant when both the warm and cold components of the ISM are effectively stable to gravitational instabilities. In this case, the spacing (and consequently mass) of clouds and spurs along the spiral arms is determined by the orbits of the gas particles and correlates with their epicyclic radii (or equivalently spiral shock strength). Notably GMCs formed primarily by agglomeration tend to be unbound associations of many smaller clouds, which disperse upon leaving the spiral arms. These GMCs are likely to be more massive in galaxies with stronger spiral shocks or higher surface densities. GMCs formed by agglomeration are also found to exhibit both prograde and retrograde rotation, a consequence of the clumpiness of the gas. At higher surface densities, self gravity becomes more important in arranging both the warm and cold gas into clouds and spurs, and determining the properties of the most massive GMCs. These massive GMCs can be distinguished by their higher angular momentum, exhibit prograde rotation and are more bound. For a 20 M$_{\\odot}$ pc$^{-2}$ disc, the spacing between the GMCs fits both the agglomeration and self gravity scenarios, as the maximum unstable wavelength of gravitational perturbations in the warm gas is similar to the spacing found when GMCs form solely by agglomeration. ", "introduction": "The accumulation of the ISM into giant molecular clouds (GMCs) represents the earliest stage in star formation. The properties of GMCs, such as turbulence and magnetic field strength regulate how star formation evolves on local scales (e.g. \\citealt{McKee1999,Pudritz2002,Larson2003}), and are intrinsically linked to many of the issues in star formation, such as the time for stellar collapse (e.g. \\citep{Elmegreen2007}). Thus understanding how GMCs form, and how their characteristics depend on the dynamics of galaxies and nature of the interstellar medium (ISM), is essential for progress in star formation. The formation and evolution of GMCs is also interrelated to the global properties of the ISM. For example, GMC formation by coalescence is much more likely in a cold, clumpy medium, compared to a warm diffuse environment \\citep{Dobbs2006}, where instabilities in the ISM are required. In turn stellar feedback controls the ejection of hot gas back into the ISM and generates turbulence (e.g. \\citealt{MacLow2004,Joung2006,deAvillez2007}). There have been numerous suggestions of how GMCs form (as described in a recent review by \\citealt{McKee2007} and references therein). However they predominantly fall into two categories: either GMCs form by the agglomeration of smaller clouds of gas (e.g. \\citealt{Field1965,Taff1972,Scoville1979,Casoli1982}), or through instabilities in the ISM. The latter include gravitational \\citep{Cowie1981,Elmegreen1983,Balbus1985,LaVigne2006}, magnetic (either Parker instabilities \\citep{Mous1974,Blitz1980} or MRI \\citep{Kim2003}) or thermal instabilities \\citep{F1965,Koyama2000,Stiele2006}. Another recent suggestion is that GMCs form in colliding or turbulent flows \\citep{Vaz1995,Ball1999,Vaz2006,Heitsch2006}. This however requires a mechanism to produce these flows, which is most likely gravity \\citep{Elmegreen2003}, spiral shocks or supernovae \\citep{Koyama2000,Bergin2004}. Coalescence of smaller clouds was first instigated to explain GMC formation, but the timescales of $10^8$ Myr for formation \\citep{Kwan1979} were presumed too long to account for the observed properties of GMCs \\citep{Blitz1980}. Furthermore star formation may be expected to disrupt the constituent clouds before a more massive GMC is assembled \\citep{McKee2007}. By including spiral density waves, the time for formation by coalescence is reduced to 10's of Myrs \\citep{Casoli1982,Kwan1987,Roberts1987}. In more recent reviews, gravitational instabilities generally appear the preferred mechanism for GMC formation (e.g. \\citealt{Elmegreen1990,McKee2007}). Theoretical analysis \\citep{Elmegreen1982} and numerical simulations \\citep{Kim2001,KOS2002} suggest that the Parker instability alone produces insufficient density enhancements, and GMCs can form by gravitational instabilities in relatively short timescales \\citep{Elmegreen1990}. Predictions from gravitational analysis have also been compared to the observed masses and sizes of GMCs. In spiral galaxies, GMCs appear to be regularly spaced along the spiral arms. This spacing, and the mass of GMCs can be interpreted in terms of gravitational perturbations to the gas \\citep{Cowie1981,Elmegreen1983,Balbus1985,LaVigne2006}. For a sound speed of 7 km s$^{-1}$, the estimated mass of a GMC is $10^6-10^7$ M$_{\\odot}$, whilst the characteristic spacing is expected to be around 3 times the width of the spiral arm, corresponding approximately with observations \\citep{Elmegreen1995}. Finally, GMC formation by gravitational instabilities has further been endorsed by recent numerical simulations \\citep{Kim2002,Kim2006,Shetty2006} which produce spacings and masses in line with the theoretical predictions. The problem of molecular cloud formation has been reopened in the last decade, with computational resources now enabling numerical simulations on both local \\citep{Kim2002,Glover2007a,Glover2007b,Vaz2006,Heitsch2006} and galactic \\citep{Shetty2006,DBP2006,DB2008,Tasker2008} scales. These simulations show the formation of GMCs by self gravity \\citep{Kim2002,Kim2006,Shetty2006,Glover2007a}, turbulent or colliding flows \\citep{Vaz2006,Glover2007b,Heitsch2006,Henne2008,Heitsch2008}, combined Parker and thermal instabilities \\citep{Kosinski2007}, and Kelvin Helmholtz instabilities \\citep{Wada2004,Wada2008}. In previous results \\citep{Dobbs2006,DBP2006}, we showed that molecular clouds, and inter-arm spurs, can form as a result of cold gas passing through a spiral shock. The formation of this structure occurs without self gravity, and is still present when magnetic fields are included, although magnetic pressure acts to smooth out clumps in the spiral shock \\citep{Dobbs2008}. The formation of clouds in these calculations bears most resemblance to the collisional models. Clumps of gas are forced together by the spiral shock, and agglomerate into larger structures, which become most discernible as interarm spurs extending from the spiral arms. Generally in simulations of grand design spirals, the spiral pattern is assumed to be long-lived (including the present work), although this may not be the case \\citep{Merrifield2006,Shetty2007}. This paper concentrates on two possibilities, the formation of GMCs by agglomeration, and by gravitational instabilities. In particular, we discuss the relative contribution to GMC formation for different initial conditions. When the surface density is lower, GMCs form by the agglomeration of smaller gas clouds as their orbits converge in spiral shocks, similar to the model by \\citet{Roberts1987}. In this scenario, the spacing and size of clumps depends on the time (or equivalently distance) gas spends in the spiral arm, and interactions between clumps during orbit crossings. We show also the formation of GMCs form by gravitational instabilities for a high surface density disc with solely warm gas, and show that for a high surface density disc containing cold gas, both agglomeration and gravitational instabilities contribute to GMC formation. We assess the differences in structure of the disc, in particular the separation of spurs, by performing MHD calculations with and without self gravity, varying the strength of the potential, disc mass, temperature and magnetic field strength. ", "conclusions": "We have investigated GMC formation by agglomeration and self gravity. Agglomeration occurs in spiral shocks providing there is a clumpy constituent of the ISM, assumed to be cold HI or molecular gas. This process occurs regardless of whether self gravity is included, and in low surface density calculations, the formation of GMCs is predominantly due to agglomeration. The converse situation arises when there is only warm gas, and GMC formation occurs by gravitational instabilities, providing the disc is gravitationally unstable. Generally, both agglomeration and self gravity are expected to contribute to GMC formation, with self gravity becoming more important to GMC formation and disc structure as the surface density increases. The degree to which these processes determine GMC properties will depend on the surface density of the galaxy, the thermal nature of the ISM, and most likely the magnetic field strength. In particular, GMCs with retrograde rotation can be produced when the ISM is clumpy. A caveat to these calculations is that we assume a two fluid model with no heating or cooling. We expect to include the thermodynamics of the ISM in future work. A further caveat is that gravitational collapse should occur in our models and lead to stellar feedback. Cooling of the gas to temperatures $<$ 100~K, the inclusion of non-ideal MHD processes, and possibly higher numerical resolution would induce collapse. However the aim of the current paper is to investigate the structure of the disc without feedback. The aim of future simulations will be to see how this picture changes with stellar feedback." }, "0809/0809.4624_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We introduce a new CMB temperature likelihood approximation called the Gaussianized Blackwell-Rao (GBR) estimator. This estimator is derived by transforming the observed marginal power spectrum distributions obtained by the CMB Gibbs sampler into standard univariate Gaussians, and then approximate their joint transformed distribution by a multivariate Gaussian. The method is exact for full-sky coverage and uniform noise, and an excellent approximation for sky cuts and scanning patterns relevant for modern satellite experiments such as WMAP and Planck. The result is a stable, accurate and computationally very efficient CMB temperature likelihood representation that allows the user to exploit the unique error propagation capabilities of the Gibbs sampler to high $\\ell$'s. A single evaluation of this estimator between $\\ell =2$ and 200 takes $\\sim 0.2$ CPU milliseconds, while for comparison, a singe pixel space likelihood evaluation between $\\ell = 2$ and 30 for a map with $\\sim2500$ pixels requires $\\sim20$ seconds. We apply this tool to the 5-year WMAP temperature data, and re-estimate the angular temperature power spectrum, $C_{\\ell}$, and likelihood, $\\mathcal{L}(C_{\\ell})$, for $\\ell \\le 200$, and derive new cosmological parameters for the standard six-parameter $\\Lambda$CDM model. Our spectrum is in excellent agreement with the official WMAP spectrum, but we find slight differences in the derived cosmological parameters. Most importantly, the spectral index of scalar perturbations is $n_{\\textrm{s}} = 0.973\\pm 0.014$, $1.9\\sigma$ away from unity and $0.6\\sigma$ higher than the official WMAP result, $n_{\\textrm{s}} = 0.965\\pm 0.014$. This suggests that an exact likelihood treatment is required to higher $\\ell$'s than previously believed, reinforcing and extending our conclusions from the 3-year WMAP analysis. In that case, we found that the sub-optimal likelihood approximation adopted between $\\ell=12$ and 30 by the WMAP team biased $n_{\\textrm{s}}$ low by $0.4\\sigma$, while here we find that the same approximation between $\\ell=30$ and 200 introduces a bias of $0.6\\sigma$ in $n_{\\textrm{s}}$. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:introduction} Detailed measurements of fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) have established cosmology as a high-precision science. One striking illustration of this is the fact that it is today possible to predict a vast number of observables based on six numbers only, with only a few (but nevertheless intriguing) ``glitches'' overall. The key to this success has been making accurate measurements of the CMB power spectrum, perhaps most prominently exemplified by Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP; Bennett et al.\\ 2003; Hinshaw et al.\\ 2007, Hinshaw et al.\\ 2008). The primary connection between theoretical models and CMB observations is made through the CMB likelihood, $\\mathcal{L}(C_{\\ell}) = P(\\mathbf{d}|C_{\\ell})$. This is a multivariate, non-Gaussian function that quantifies the match between the data and a given power spectrum, $C_{\\ell}$. Unfortunately, it is impossible to evaluate this function explicitly for modern high-resolution data sets, due to the sheer size of the problem, and one therefore instead typically resolves to various approximations. However, given the importance of the CMB in modern cosmology, it is of critical importance to characterize this likelihood accurately, and all approximations must be thoroughly verified. One example is the approximation of the large angular scale likelihood, where $\\mathcal{L}(C_{\\ell})$ is strongly non-Gaussian. This turned out to be a non-trivial issue after the original analysis of the 3-year WMAP temperature data by \\citet{hinshaw:2007}, in which a Master-based \\citep{hivon:2002, verde:2003} approximation was used at $\\ell > 12$. An exact likelihood analysis \\citep{eriksen:2007b} later demonstrated that this sub-optimal approximation, when applied to harmonic modes between $\\ell=13$ and 30, biased the spectral index of scalar perturbations, $n_{\\textrm{s}}$, low by $0.4\\sigma$. A second example is that of non-cosmological foregrounds. Unless properly accounted for, such foregrounds bias the observed power spectrum to high values, and can seriously compromise any cosmological conclusions. While important for temperature observations, this is an absolutely crucial issue for polarization observations, as the desired CMB in amplitude is comparable to or weaker than the interfering foregrounds over most of the sky. In recent years, a new set of statistical methods have been developed that allows the user to address these issues within a single well-defined framework \\citep{jewell:2004, wandelt:2004, eriksen:2004}. The heart of this method is the Gibbs sampling algorithm (see, e.g, Gelfand and Smith 1990), in which samples from a (typically complicated) joint distribution are drawn by alternately sampling from (simpler) conditional distributions. In the CMB setting, this is realized by drawing joint samples from $P(\\mathbf{s}, C_{\\ell}|\\mathbf{d})$, by alternately sampling from $P(C_{\\ell}|\\mathbf{s}, \\mathbf{d})$, where $C_{\\ell}$ is the CMB power spectrum, $\\mathbf{s}$ is the CMB sky signal, and $\\mathbf{d}$ are the observed data. In addition to allow for exact likelihood analysis at reasonable computational cost, an equally important feature of this framework is its unique capability of including additional degrees of freedom, such as non-cosmological foregrounds, into the analysis \\citep{eriksen:2008a, eriksen:2008b}. Further, very recently an additional Metropolis-Hastings MCMC sampling step was introduced by \\citet{jewell:2008}, that effectively resolves the previously described inefficiency of the Gibbs sampler at low signal-to-noise \\citep{eriksen:2004}. The framework has also been extended to handle polarization \\citep{larson:2007, eriksen:2007b} and anisotropic universe models \\citep{groeneboom:2008}. By now, the CMB Gibbs sampler is well established and demonstrated to sample efficiently from the exact CMB posterior. However, a long-standing issue has been the characterization of the joint likelihood, given a set of such samples. Originally, \\citet{wandelt:2004} proposed to use the so-called Blackwell-Rao (BR) estimator for this purpose, and this approach was later implemented and studied in detail by \\citet{chu:2005}. While highly accurate for the large angular scale and high signal-to-noise temperature likelihood, it suffers from one major drawback: Because it attempts to describe the full $\\ell_{\\textrm{max}}$-dimensional likelihood without any constraints on allowed correlations, the number of samples required for convergence scales exponentially with $\\ell_{\\textrm{max}}$. In practice, this limits the BR estimator to $\\ell \\lesssim 30$ for temperature data, and just $\\ell \\lesssim 3-4$ for low signal-to-noise polarization data. In this paper, we introduce a new temperature likelihood approximation based on samples drawn from the CMB posterior, by modifying the original BR estimator in a way that restricts the allowed $N$-point functions of $\\mathcal{L}(C_{\\ell})$, but still captures most of the relevant information. Explicitly, this is done through a specific change of variables, such that the observed marginal posterior for each multipole, $P(C_{\\ell}|\\mathbf{d})$, is transformed into a Gaussian. Then, in these new variables the joint distribution is approximated by a multivariate Gaussian. As long as the correlation between any two multipoles is reasonably small, as is the case for nearly full-sky experiments such as WMAP and Planck, we shall see that this provides an excellent approximation to the exact joint likelihood. As a result, the new approach greatly reduces the overall number of samples required for convergence, and allows us to obtain a highly accurate likelihood approximation to arbitrary $\\ell_{\\textrm{max}}$. Generalization to a full polarized likelihood will be discussed in a future paper (Eriksen et al., in preparation). This paper is organized as follows: In \\S \\ref{sec:review}, we first briefly review the Gibbs sampling algorithm together with the original Blackwell-Rao estimator, and in \\S\\ref{sec:method} we introduce the new Gaussianized Blackwell-Rao estimator. Next, in \\S \\ref{sec:application}, we apply the new estimator to simulated data, and compare results with brute-force likelihood evaluations in pixel space. In \\S \\ref{sec:analysis}, we analyze the 5-year WMAP temperature data, and provide an updated power spectrum and set of cosmological parameters. We summarize and conclude in \\S \\ref{sec:conclusion}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:conclusion} We have presented a new likelihood approximation to be used within the CMB Gibbs sampling framework. This approximation is defined by Gaussianizing the observed marginal power spectrum posteriors, $P(C_{\\ell}|\\mathbf{d})$, through a specific change-of-variables, and then coupling these univariate posteriors into a joint distribution through a multivariate Gaussian in the new variables. This process is exact, i.e., an identity operation, in the uniform and full-sky coverage case, and it is also an excellent approximation in for the moderate sky cuts relevant to satellite missions such as WMAP and Planck. Our new approach relies on the previously described CMB Gibbs sampling framework \\citep{jewell:2004,wandelt:2004,eriksen:2004}, and thereby inherits many important advantages from that. First and foremost, this framework allows for seamless propagation of uncertainties from various systematic effects (e.g., foregrounds, beam uncertainties, calibration or noise estimation errors) to the final cosmological parameters. This is not straightforward in the hybrid scheme used by the WMAP code. Second, this new approach corresponds to the exact low-$\\ell$ pixel space likelihood part of the WMAP code, not the approximate high-$\\ell$ MASTER part. Still, our method can handle arbitrary high $\\ell$'s. Third, once the one-time pre-processing step has been completed, the computational expense of our estimator is determined by the cost of $\\ell_{\\textrm{max}}$ spline evaluations, while a pixel space approach requires a matrix inversion, and therefore scales as $\\mathcal{O}(N_{\\textrm{pix}}^3)$. For the cases considered in this paper, the CPU time required for the GBR WMAP estimator up to $\\ell=200$ was $\\sim0.2$ milliseconds, while it was $\\sim20$ seconds for the pixel space approach up to $\\ell=32$, for a map with $~2500$ pixels. In order to validate our estimator, we applied it to a low-resolution simulated data set, and compared it to slices through the exact joint likelihood as computed by brute-force evaluation in pixel space. The agreement between the two approaches was excellent. We then applied the same estimator to the 5-year WMAP temperature data, and estimated both a new power spectrum and new cosmological parameters within a standard six-parameter $\\Lambda$CDM model. The results from these calculations are interesting. First, our power spectrum is statistically very similar to the official WMAP spectrum, with no visible biases seen and relative fluctuations within the level predicted by noise and sky cut. Nevertheless, we do find significant differences in terms of cosmological parameters, and most notably in the spectral index of scalar perturbations, $n_{\\textrm{s}}$. Specifically, we find $n_{\\textrm{s}} = 0.973\\pm 0.014$, which is only $1.9\\sigma$ away from unity and $0.6\\sigma$ higher than the official WMAP result, $n_{\\textrm{s}} = 0.965\\pm 0.014$. This result resembles very much the outcome of a re-analysis we did with the 3-year WMAP temperature data \\citep{eriksen:2007a}, for which we found a bias of $0.4\\sigma$ in $n_{\\textrm{s}}$ compared to the official WMAP results. This bias was due to the sub-optimal MASTER-based likelihood approximation \\citep{hivon:2002,verde:2003} used by the WMAP team between $\\ell=12$ and 30, whereas we used an exact estimator in the same range. This study later prompted the WMAP to change their codes to use an exact likelihood evaluator up to $\\ell=30$. In the same study, we also tried to increase the $\\ell$-range for our exact estimator to $\\ell=50$, but found small differences. We therefore concluded, perhaps somewhat prematurely, that an exact estimator up to $\\ell=30$ was sufficient for obtaining accurate results. On the contrary, in this paper we find still find significant changes when increasing the exact estimator up to $\\ell=200$. In retrospect, this should perhaps not come as a complete surprise, when realizing that the impact on a particular cosmological parameter typically depends logarithmically on $\\ell$. For instance, \\citet{hamimeche:2008} considered a simple power spectrum model with a single free amplitude, $C_{\\ell} = q\\,C_{\\ell}^{\\textrm{fid}}$, and found that, for a given likelihood estimator to be ``statistically unbiased'', the systematic errors in that same estimator must fall off faster than $\\sim 1/\\ell$. \\begin{deluxetable}{cccc} \\tablewidth{0pt} \\tablecaption{Marginal 5-year WMAP cosmological parameters\\label{tab:parameters}} \\tablecomments{Comparison of cosmological parameters obtained with the standard 5-year WMAP likelihood code (second column) and with the new GBR estimator at $\\ell\\le200$ (third column), given in terms of marginal means and standard deviations. The shift between the two in units of $\\sigma$ is listed in the fourth column.} \\tablecolumns{4} \\tablehead{Parameter & WMAP & GBR & Shift in $\\sigma$ } \\startdata $\\Omega_{\\textrm{b}}h^2$ & $0.0228\\pm0.0006$ & $0.0230\\pm0.0006$ & 0.4 \\\\ $\\Omega_{\\textrm{c}}h^2$ & $0.109\\pm0.006$ & $0.0108\\pm0.006$ & -0.3 \\\\ $\\textrm{log}(10^{10}A_{\\textrm{s}})$ & $3.06\\pm0.04$ & $3.06\\pm0.04$ & 0.0 \\\\ $h$ & $0.722\\pm0.03$ & $0.732\\pm0.03$ & 0.3 \\\\ $n_{\\textrm{s}}$ & $0.965\\pm0.014$ & $0.973\\pm0.014$ & 0.6 \\\\ $\\tau$ & $0.090\\pm0.02$ & $0.090\\pm0.02$ & 0.0 \\enddata \\end{deluxetable} A similar consideration holds for $n_{\\textrm{s}}$. Intuitively, $n_{\\textrm{s}}$ is as much affected by $\\ell=2$ to 10 as it is between $\\ell=20$ and 100. In the previous 3-year WMAP re-analysis paper, we increased the range of the accurate likelihood estimator from $\\ell=12$ to 30, corresponding to a factor of 2.5 in $\\ell$, and removed a bias of $\\sim0.4\\sigma$ in $n_{\\textrm{s}}$. In this paper, we increase the range from $\\ell=30$ to 200, corresponding to a factor of 6.7 in $\\ell$, and find an additional bias of $0.6\\sigma$. However, increasing $\\ell$ from 30 to 50 corresponds only to a factor of 1.7 in $\\ell$, and this appears to be too small to produce a statistically significant result. The main conclusions from this work are two-fold. First, it seems that an accurate likelihood description is required to higher $\\ell$'s than previously believed, and at least up to $\\ell=200$, in order to obtain unbiased results. By extrapolation, it also does not seem unlikely that even higher multipoles should be included. This issue will be revisited in a future publication. Our second main conclusion is that we find a spectral index only $1.9\\sigma$ away from unity, namely $n_{\\textrm{s}} = 0.973\\pm0.014$. To us, it therefore seem premature to make strong claims concerning $n_{\\textrm{s}}\\ne 1$; the statistical significance of this is rather low, and there are likely still unknown systematic errors in this number. In a future publication we will generalize the GBR estimator to polarization. Once completed, this will enable a fully Gibbs-based CMB likelihood analysis at low $\\ell$'s, and remove the need for likelihood techniques based on matrix operations, i.e., inversion and determinant evaluation. The computational cost of a standard cosmological parameter MCMC analysis (e.g., CosmoMC) will then once again be driven by the required Boltzmann codes (e.g., CAMB or CMBFast) and not by the likelihood evaluation. In turn, this will increase the importance of fast interpolation codes such as Pico \\citep{fendt:2007} or COSMONET \\citep{auld:2007}. With such fast algorithms for both spectrum and likelihood evaluations ready at hand, the CPU requirements for cosmological parameter estimation may possibly be reduced by orders of magnitude." }, "0809/0809.1976_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We explore the possibility improving the $\\Lambda$CDM model at megaparsec scales by introducing a scalar interaction that increases the mutual gravitational attraction of dark matter particles. Using N-body simulations, we study the spatial distribution of dark matter particles and halos. We measure the effect of modifications in the Newton's gravity on properties of the two-point correlation function, the dark matter power spectrum, the cumulative halo mass function and density probability distribution functions. The results look promising: the scalar interactions produce desirable features at megaparsec scales without spoiling the $\\Lambda$CDM successes at larger scales. ", "introduction": "Introduction} In this paper we study cosmological implications of a scalar interaction that produces a long-range fifth force in the dark sector, proposed by G.~Farrar , S.~Gubser and J.~Peebles \\cite{FarrarPeebles,GP1,GP2,Farrar2007,Brookfield}. The physical motivation for this model comes from the string theory \\cite{StringGas}. The cosmological motivation comes from small-scale difficulties of the $\\Lambda$CDM model, which successfully passes almost all observational tests (see e.g. \\cite{WMAP07}). Difficulties appear at length scales below few megaparsecs: (1) the $\\Lambda$CDM voids are less empty than the real voids; (2) the present accretion rate of intergalactic debris onto thin spiral galaxies poses a problem for current galaxy formation paradigm; (3) merger rates at low redshifts for giant elliptical galaxies suggest violent accretion histories for their haloes at low redshifts which is in contradiction with observations. The void problem, pointed out by J. Peebles \\cite{PeeblesVoid} is hotly debated in the literature, with arguments supporting his original claim \\cite{TikhonovKlypin1,TikhonovKlypin2} as well as arguments to the contrary \\cite{Patiri,Tinker1}. The late merging problem appears in simulations which shows that accretion onto giant elliptical galaxies at cluster centers continues until z = 0 \\cite{Gao} while the independence of the color-magnitude relation of SDSS\\footnote{\\textit{Sloan Digital Sky Survey} http://www.sdss.org/} galaxies on their environment \\cite{Hogg2004} and the remarkable stability of the color-magnitude relation at z = 0.7 \\cite{Cassata2007} is consistent with the picture of giant galaxies as island universes, contrary to $\\Lambda$CDM simulations. Likewise, according to J. Peebles, the very existence of large galaxies like the Milky Way, with its spiral structure intact, suggests a lack of major mergers in recent history (see \\cite{Disksurv} for thin disk dominated galaxies survival issues). There is observational evidence that the latest ``major invasion'' happened to our Galaxy 10-12 Gyr ago \\cite{Gilmore2002}. There are also arguments to the contrary, claiming that Milky Way-like galaxies survive late merging in N-body simulations \\cite{LCDMdisks}. For an excellent discussion of the observational situation and comparison with the $\\Lambda$CDM model, see Refs. \\cite{6puzzles,NGP,PeeblesLambda-DE}, and the references therein. Theoretical suggestions of Peebles and Gubser were followed by the work of Nusser \\textit{et al.} \\cite{NGP}, exploring the cosmological implications with N-body simulations. Some preliminary results on similar scalar model were also obtained by Rodr{\\'{\\i}}guez-Meza \\textit{et al.} \\cite{Rodriguez-Meza1,Rodriguez-Meza2,Rodriguez-Curves}. The Long-Range Scalar Interaction (LRSI) model started a debate in the literature recently, mainly focused on the weak-equivalence principle violation and it's impact on dynamic of Milky-Way satellites \\cite{Satellites1,Satellites2,Satellites3}. The work, presented here should be regarded as the next step in this line of research. Like Nusser \\textit{et al.}, we study the two-point correlation function and the statistical properties of the mass distribution of the dark matter halos. To our knowledge, for the first time in the literature, we also study the power spectra for a set of scalar field parameters with comoving screening length. Analogous model was analyzed in great detail by Grawdohl \\& Frieman nearly 20 years ago \\cite{GradwohlFrieman1,GradwohlFrieman2}. However, their model assumed a fixed physical screening length, which is a fundamental difference in comparison to our model. We have used more particles in our simulations compared to those used by Nusser \\textit{et al.}, and our resolution is better than their resolution; we also consider a wider range of scalar model parameters. As a consequence, we resolve the power spectrum near the screening length characteristic scale. Our results show a clear feature in the power spectrum near a wave number,that is the inverse of the screening length. The extra power seen at higher wavenumbers is generated by the gravitational field, enhanced by the scalar interaction. Nusser \\textit{et al.} could not see a similar feature in their correlation function because the screening lengths they considered were too close to the mean interparticle separation in their simulations. Apart from this important difference, we confirm their results. The scalar field generates lower density in voids. It also shifts structure formation to higher redshifts. This paper is organized as follows: In section \\ref{model} we introduce the effective gravitational potential and modified force law used as an approximation of the scalar field. In Section \\ref{sim} we describe our N-body simulations. Our results are presented in Section \\ref{results}. A brief summary and discussion appears in Section \\ref{CR}. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.3142_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We investigate the instability and nonlinear saturation of temperature-stratified Taylor-Couette flows in a finite height cylindrical gap and calculate angular-momentum transport in the nonlinear regime. The model is based on an incompressible fluid in Boussinesq approximation with a positive axial temperature gradient applied. While both ingredients themselfs, the differential rotation as well as the stratification due to the temperature gradient, are stable, together the system becomes subject of the stratorotational instability and nonaxisymmetric flow pattern evolve. This flow configuration transports angular momentum outwards and will therefor be relevant for astrophysical applications. The belonging coefficient of $\\beta$-viscosity is of the order of unity if the results are adapted to the size of an accretion disc. The strength of the stratification, the fluids Prandtl number and the boundary conditions applied in the simulations are well-suited too for a laboratory experiment using water and a small temperature gradient around five Kelvin. With such a set-up the stratorotational instability and its angular momentum transport could be measured in an experiment. ", "introduction": "In recent years instabilities in stratified media became of higher interest. Especially in view of astrophysical objects the inclusion of stratification is relevant. One simple model to study stratification effects is the classical Taylor-Couette (TC) system. \\cite{thorpe_1968} found a stabilizing effect of stratification only. In the context of stratorotational instability (SRI) stratification in TC flows is investigated numerically with fixed axial temperature gradient in a linear analysis studying the suppression of the onset of Taylor vortices by \\cite{boub_1996}. With fixed density gradient \\cite{mol_2001}, \\cite{yav_2001} and \\cite{shal_2005} show the onset of a linear instability and the growth of nonaxisymmetric modes. Experiments using artifically enlarged buoyancy due to salt concentration \\cite[see][]{with_1974,boub_1995,lebars_2006} are in very good agreement with the linear results. \\cite{caton_2000} use an artifical diffusivity in the continuity equation and show also results of linear stability analysis for the case of non-rotating outer cylinder. \\cite{umur_2006} analyses SRI analytically, especially the influence of vertically changing buoyancy frequency, in the quasi-hydrostatic semi-geostrophic limit. The author also shows that SRI survives only in the presence of no-slip radial boundary conditions. In the context of accretion disks, \\cite{dub_2005} figure out stability conditions and the influence of viscous dissipation and thermal diffusivity. In particular they find that the Prandtl number dependence of the critical parameters is unimportant. But fully nonlinear three-dimensional simulations do not exist. It is the aim of the first part of this paper to describe the characteristics of SRI in the nonlinear regime. The easiest way to do nonlinear simulations is the application of an axial temperature gradient, where the top of the TC system has higher temperature than the bottom. The absence of a diffusivity in the continuity equation makes nonlinear simulations with explicit density gradient more demanding and favors a temperature gradient. Further on this is interesting also from an astrophysical view point: accretion disks are heated from the central object at their top and bottom. Thus the TC system heated from above could be seen as a simplified model for half of a disc. Of major interest for accretion or protostellar discs is the problem of angular momentum redistribution. Accretion only works if angular momentum is transported outwards effectively. Angular momentum transport of SRI is the second aspect of this work. ", "conclusions": "We have shown fully nonlinear simulations of the SRI with temperature stratification in a cylindrical annulus. The stratification is stable, as well as the differentially rotating flow. Both together lead to unstable nonaxisymmetric modes. Depending on the gap width, these are the $m=1$ or $m=2/3/4/5$ modes in the investigated parameter range of rather weak stratification with Froude numbers around $\\Fr=1$. Weak stratification results in the lowest critical Reynolds numbers for the onset of the SRI. On the other hand the instability is influenced by the Prandtl number of the flow only slightly. Especially the dominating mode $m$ does not depend on $\\Pr$, only on $\\Fr$. The time the SRI needs to evolve and reach a saturated state is of the order of 120 rotations or two times the viscous time scale. Thus the growth rate of the instability is rather slow compared to magnetorotational instability and Tayler instability, where it is of the order of ten rotations. For both instabilities magnetic effects play the essential role. The SRI, even if slower, might be of comparable importance, when magnetic effects are rather unimportant or if stratification suppresses MRI or TI. Thus it might become the most efficient instability mechanism in environments with weak or very strong magnetic fields or in low-conducting environments like protostellar discs. We indeed find that SRI could be a mechanism able to transport angular momentum. The normalized angular momentum transport in terms of the $\\beta$ viscosity is of the order of $10^{-3}$, in terms of the $\\alpha_{\\rm SS}$ for a thin disk around unity. This comparison with a thin disk assumes that SRI still occurs in such a flat disk, which is not possible to answer with our simulations at the moment. Nevertheless is the size of $\\beta$ and its linear growth with $\\Re$ a sign of significant influence of the SRI for angular momentum transport which might dominate over magnetic effects to produce turbulence in low-conducting environments. Beside astrophysical motivation angular momentum transport and turbulent transport coefficients are important also for technical applications. In tradition of the idea of Couette to measure viscosity of a fluid, the presented experimental configuration could be used to measure the transport of angular momentum or the increase of viscosity in the laboratory. With water it needs a TC system with $\\Gamma\\approx 10$ and a gap width of \\mbox{$6$ cm} to observe the SRI with a temperature difference between top and bottom of \\mbox{$5$ K}. For Reynolds numbers around $\\Re=1000$ the time the instability needs to grow and to saturate is around \\mbox{$25$ min} or 120 rotations with \\mbox{$0.5$ Hz}. All these conditions seem to be appropriate for an experiment." }, "0809/0809.4886_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We discuss how the solar occultations of bright sources of energetic gamma rays can be used to extract non--trivial physical and astrophysical information, including the angular size of the image when it is significantly smaller than the experiment's angular resolution. We analyze the EGRET data and discuss prospects for other instruments. The Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope will be able to constrain the size of a possible halo around 3C~279 from observations it makes on the 8th of October each year. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} The brightest source in the sky almost at any wavelength, the Sun is very weak in high-energy ($E \\gtrsim 100$~MeV) gamma rays. This property can be used to study solar occultations of gamma-ray sources. The width of the point-spread function (PSF) of telescopes detecting photons at these energies is quite large, of order several degrees. The enormous exposure of the Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope (the telescope previously known as GLAST) would partially compensate for the poor resolution; however, it would be almost impossible to directly measure the angular size of the image which may be smaller than the PSF width. On the other hand, energetic gamma-ray images of distant sources may indeed have a significant angular size due to the cascading of photons on the background radiation and magnetic deflections of the cascade electrons and positrons. It has long been known that one can obtain the angular size of stars from lunar occultations, we suggest that one may determine the image size of gamma-ray sources screened by the Sun \\footnote{Interestingly, we note that the Moon is much brighter than the Sun in this energy band because of secondary emission from cosmic rays hitting the lunar surface, see e.g.\\ \\citet{EGRET:SunMoon,Brigida:2009}.}. The current collection of known energetic gamma-ray point sources is scarce ($\\sim 300$ sources detected by EGRET), so only a few are expected to be on the strip on the sky such that they are screened by the Sun. Fortunately, the brightest EGRET source identified with an extragalactic object, 3C~279, has an ecliptic latitude of $0.2^\\circ$ and is screened by the Sun on the 8th of October each year. It is 3C~279 which is the main subject of our discussion because, as we will see in Sec.~\\ref{sec:extended}, it represents a perfect target for this kind of study. The simplest and most direct effect of an extended image size would be the detection of flux from the source during occultation. Such a result could also be the signal of the transparency of the Sun to gamma rays possible in several scenarios of new physics \\citep{FRT}; however the parameter space of particular models is strongly disfavoured by results of other experiments (e.g.\\ \\citet{CAST2007}). In Sec.~\\ref{sec:EGRET}, we review our analysis of archival EGRET data of the 1991 occultation of 3C~279 during which a non-zero flux was indeed observed, although at a very low statistical significance. With a sensitive enough telescope, a more detailed study of the light curve during ingress and egress would be possible. In Sec.~\\ref{sec:GLAST}, we discuss the potential of Fermi for this kind of a study and mention sources other than 3C~279 while Sec.~\\ref{sec:concl} summarizes our conclusions. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:concl} It will be interesting to try and measure the angular sizes of images of energetic gamma--ray sources by means of observation of their solar occultations. The best target is 3C~279, whose occultation happens each year on the 8th of October. EGRET observations made during such a period did not exclude the unsuppressed flux of the quasar when it was screened by the Sun. The sensitivity of the Fermi telescope is high enough that if the flux was unsuppressed during occultation, it could be observed more definitively than with EGRET. Fermi can also constrain the angular size of the image even in the survey mode, and is capable of obtaining a light curve by the combination of several observations in the pointing mode. This would help to constrain models of particle acceleration and magnetic fields in and around the quasar. If the flux during the occultation exceeds the non-variable flux of the source (as it is slightly favoured by the EGRET data), it would mean that either the extended image is formed relatively nearby or the Sun is partially transparent for the point-like gamma-ray emission (both options would mean a discovery of some unconventional physical or astrophysical phenomenon). The same method may be applied to refine the coordinates and/or to estimate the angular size of images of other gamma-ray sources screened by the Sun. We are grateful for discussions with J.~Conrad, V.~Rubakov and M.~Tavani. This work was supported in part by DFG (Germany) and CONACYT (Mexico) (TR), by the grants RFBR 07-02-00820, RFBR 09-07-00388, NS-1616.2008.2 and by FASI under state contracts 02.740.11.0244 and 02.740.11.5092 (ST). We made use of NED which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CalTech, under contract with NASA." }, "0809/0809.3374_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We consider the linear growth of matter perturbations on low redshifts in some $f(R)$ dark energy (DE) models. We discuss the definition of dark energy (DE) in these models and show the differences with scalar-tensor DE models. For the $f(R)$ model recently proposed by Starobinsky we show that the growth parameter $\\gamma_0\\equiv \\gamma(z=0)$ takes the value $\\gamma_0\\simeq 0.4$ for $\\Omega_{m,0}=0.32$ and $\\gamma_0\\simeq 0.43$ for $\\Omega_{m,0}=0.23$, allowing for a clear distinction from $\\Lambda$CDM. Though a scale-dependence appears in the growth of perturbations on higher redshifts, we find no dispersion for $\\gamma(z)$ on low redshifts up to $z\\sim 0.3$, $\\gamma(z)$ is also quasi-linear in this interval. At redshift $z=0.5$, the dispersion is still small with $\\Delta \\gamma\\simeq 0.01$. As for some scalar-tensor models, we find here too a large value for $\\gamma'_0\\equiv \\frac{d\\gamma}{dz}(z=0)$, $\\gamma'_0\\simeq -0.25$ for $\\Omega_{m,0}=0.32$ and $\\gamma'_0\\simeq -0.18$ for $\\Omega_{m,0}=0.23$. These values are largely outside the range found for DE models in General Relativity (GR). This clear signature provides a powerful constraint on these models. ", "introduction": "The present stage of accelerated expansion of the universe \\cite{P97} is a major challenge for cosmology. There are basically two main roads one can take: either to introduce a new (approximately) smooth component or to modify the laws of gravity on cosmic scales. In the first class of models, the new component dubbed dark energy (DE) must have a sufficiently negative pressure in order to induce a late-time accelerated expansion. One typically adds a new isotropic perfect fluid with negative pressure able to accelerate the expansion. In the second class of models one is trying to explain the accelerated expansion by modifying gravity, after all the universe expansion is a large-scale gravitational effect. It is far from clear at the present time which class of DE models will finally prevail and one must study carefully all possibilities. While all models are called DE models \\cite{SS00}, the models of the second class are called more specifically modified gravity DE models. It is clear that in both classes we have many models able to reproduce a late-time accelerated expansion in agreement with the present data probing the background expansion like luminosity distances from SNIa. Probably this will remain the case even with more accurate data. However the evolution of matter perturbations will be affected differently depending on the class of models we are dealing with. This can be used for a consistency check in order to find out whether a DE model is inside General Relativity (GR) or not \\cite{S98}. Therefore the evolution of matter perturbations seems to be a powerful tool to discriminate between models inside and outside GR \\cite{B06}. In particular, the growth of matter perturbations on small redshifts seems a promising tool and it has been the subject of intensive investigations recently \\cite{HL06}. A particular class of modified gravity DE models are $f(R)$ models where $R$ is replaced by some function $f(R)$ in the gravitational Lagrangian density \\cite{Cap02} (for a recent review, see \\cite{SF08}). The idea of producing an accelerated stage in such models was first successfully implemented in Starobinsky's inflationary model \\cite{S80}. In some sense it was rather natural to try explaining the late-time accelerated expansion by the same kind of mechanism, a modification of gravity but now at much lower energies. Some problems arising in these $f(R)$ DE models were quickly pointed out, related to solar-system constraints \\cite{Chi03} and instabilities \\cite{Dol03}. It was then found that a very serious problem arises where it was not expected: many of these models are unable to produce the late-time acceleration together with a viable cosmic expansion history \\cite{APT07}. It was shown that many popular $f(R)$ models, like those containing a $R^{-1}$ term \\cite{CDTT04}, are unable to account for a viable expansion history because of the absence of a standard matter-dominated stage $a\\propto t^{\\frac{2}{3}}$ which is replaced instead by the behaviour $a\\propto t^{\\frac{1}{2}}$ \\cite{AGPT07}. However some interesting cosmological models remain viable like the model recently suggested by Starobinsky \\cite{S07}, (for another interesting viable model see also \\cite{HS07}). It is interesting in the first place because of its non-trivial ability to allow for a standard matter-dominated stage. This goes together with the appearance of large oscillations in the past and the overproduction of massive scalar particles in the very early universe which, as noted already in \\cite{S07}, can be a serious problem of all viable $f(R)$ DE models. Another interesting property is the scale dependence of the growth of matter perturbations deep inside the Hubble radius \\cite{T07},\\cite{B07}. This scale dependence was actually used in \\cite{S07} in order to constrain one of the parameters of the model. Of course this model also satisfies the local gravity constraints for certain parameter values. In the end a window in parameter space remains where the model is in principle physically acceptable. In this letter we want to assess the viability of this model with respect to the growth of matter perturbations (see e.g. \\cite{DJJNST08} for other possible constraints and approaches). Some viable $f(R)$ DE models have their free parameters constrained in such a way that they cannot be distinguished observationally from $\\Lambda$CDM. The situation is different in this case. Our results show that the growth of matter perturbations on low redshifts $z\\lesssim 1$ provides a discriminating signature of these models, able to clearly differentiate it from $\\Lambda$CDM and also from any other DE model inside GR. These results confirm that the growth of matter perturbations can be used efficiently to track the nature of DE models. ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.4248_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Data from the power output of the radioisotope thermoelectric generators aboard the Cassini spacecraft are used to test the conjecture that small deviations observed in terrestrial measurements of the exponential radioactive decay law are correlated with the Earth-Sun distance. No significant deviations from exponential decay are observed over a range of $0.7 - 1.6 A.U.$ A $90\\%$ Cl upper limit of $0.84\\times10^{-4}$ is set on a term in the decay rate of $^{238}Pu$ proportional to $1/R^{2}$ and $0.99\\times10^{-4}$ for a term proportional to $1/R$. \\vskip 0.5cm {PACS numbers: 23.60.+e, 23.40.-s, 95.55.Pe, 96.60.Vg, 0620.Jr.} ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.4281_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present results from our X-ray data analysis of the supernova remnant (SNR) G330.2+1.0 and its central compact object (CCO), CXOU J160103.1--513353 (J1601 hereafter). Using our {\\it XMM-Newton} and {\\it Chandra} observations, we find that the X-ray spectrum of J1601 can be described by neutron star atmosphere models ($T^{\\infty}$ $\\sim$ 2.5--5.5 MK). Assuming the distance of $d$ $\\sim$ 5 kpc for J1601 as estimated for SNR G330.2+1.0, a small emission region of $R$ $\\sim$ 0.4--2 km is implied. X-ray pulsations previously suggested by {\\it Chandra} are not confirmed by the {\\it XMM-Newton} data, and are likely not real. However, our timing analysis of the {\\it XMM-Newton} data is limited by poor photon statistics, and thus pulsations with a relatively low amplitude (i.e., an intrinsic pulsed-fraction $<$ 40\\%) cannot be ruled out. Our results indicate that J1601 is a CCO similar to that in the Cassiopeia A SNR. X-ray emission from SNR G330.2+1.0 is dominated by power law continuum ($\\Gamma$ $\\sim$ 2.1--2.5) which primarily originates from thin filaments along the boundary shell. This X-ray spectrum implies synchrotron radiation from shock-accelerated electrons with an exponential roll-off frequency $\\nu_{\\rm rolloff}$ $\\sim$ 2--3 $\\times$ 10$^{17}$ Hz. For the measured widths of the X-ray filaments ($D$ $\\sim$ 0.3 pc) and the estimated shock velocity ($v_s$ $\\sim$ a few $\\times$ 10$^3$ km s$^{-1}$), a downstream magnetic field $B$ $\\sim$ 10--50 $\\mu$G is derived. The estimated maximum electron energy $E_{\\rm max}$ $\\sim$ 27--38 TeV suggests that G330.2+1.0 is a candidate TeV $\\gamma$-ray source. We detect faint thermal X-ray emission in G330.2+1.0. We estimate a low preshock density $n_0$ $\\sim$ 0.1 cm$^{-3}$, which suggests a dominant contribution from an inverse Compton mechanism (than the proton-proton collision) to the prospective $\\gamma$-ray emission. Follow-up deep radio, X-ray, and $\\gamma$-ray observations will be essential to reveal the details of the shock parameters and the nature of particle accelerations in this SNR. ", "introduction": "OBSERVATIONS \\& DATA REDUCTION} We observed G330.2+1.0/J1601 with the European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC) on board {\\it XMM-Newton} Observatory on 2008-03-20 (ObsID 0500300101). The pointing (RA[J2000] = 16$^h$ 01$^m$ 3$\\fsecs$14, Dec[J2000] = --51$^{\\circ}$ 33$^{\\prime}$ 53$\\farcs$6) is to J1601 which is positioned at the center of the nearly circular X-ray shell of SNR G330.2+1.0. We chose the small-window mode (4$\\farcm$4 $\\times$ 4$\\farcm$3 field of view [FOV] and 6 ms time resolution) for the EPIC pn to search for pulsations of J1601. We chose the full-window mode ($\\sim$30$'$ diameter FOV) for the EPIC MOS detectors to study the entire SNR. The medium filter was used for all detectors. We reduced the data using the Science Analysis System (SAS) software package v7.1.0. Our {\\it XMM-Newton} observations of G330.2+1.0/J1601 were significantly contaminated by flaring particle background. We removed time bins in which the overall count rate is 2$\\sigma$ (the pn) or 3$\\sigma$ (the MOS1 and MOS2) above the mean value for time intervals unaffected by flaring background. Time intervals including a considerable contamination by the flaring background ($\\ga$ 50\\% above the average quiescent rate) were eliminated by these time-filters. After the time filtering, 26, 31, and 33 ks exposures for the pn\\footnote{The $\\sim$30\\% deadtime-corrected exposure for the small window mode of the pn is 18.3 ks.}, MOS1, and MOS2, respectively, are available for further data analysis, which is $\\sim$40--45\\% of the total exposure. We then reduced the data following the standard screening of event pattern (PATTERN $\\leq$ 12 for the MOS1/2 and PATTERN $\\leq$ 4 for the pn) and hot pixels (FLAG = 0). (For the timing analysis of J1601, we used a longer exposure while choosing a smaller aperture and more strict event pattern criteria as described in \\S~\\ref{sec:cco_time}.) There are stable components of instrumental background in the EPIC detectors. The primary components that could affect this work are Al-K ($E$ $\\sim$ 1.5 keV) and Si-K ($E$ $\\sim$ 1.7 keV) fluorescence lines due to the interactions of high energy particles with the structure surrounding the detectors and the detectors themselves\\footnote{{\\it XMM-Newton} Users' Handbook, \\S~}. We removed these events from our image analysis by excluding narrow energy bands centered on these lines. Our background-subtracted source spectra show little evidence of these lines. Thus, we believe that the impact of contamination from this instrumental background on our EPIC data analysis is negligible. Because of the severe contamination by the flaring background, photon statistics of the filtered {\\it XMM-Newton} data are significantly lower than originally intended. Thus, in addition to the {\\it XMM-Newton} data, we use the {\\it Chandra} data (ObsID 6687) for the spectral analysis to improve overall photon statistics. The high angular resolution of {\\it Chandra} data is also essential to measure the widths of the thin X-ray filaments of G330.2+1.0. We performed the {\\it Chandra} observation of G330.2+1.0 with the I-array of the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) on 2006-05-22 as part of the Guaranteed Time Observations program. The effective exposure after the data screening is $\\sim$50 ks, and thus photon statistics for the SNR and CCO in the ACIS data are similar to those obtained by the EPIC MOS1+MOS2 data. The details of the {\\it Chandra} observation and data reduction are described by Park et al. (2006). ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.0970_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a method of mapping dust column density in dark clouds by using near-infrared scattered light. Our observations of the Lupus 3 dark cloud indicate that there is a well defined relation between (1) the $H-K_s$ color of an individual star behind the cloud, i.e., dust column density, and (2) the surface brightness of scattered light toward the star in each of the $J$, $H$, and $K_s$ bands. In the relation, the surface brightnesses increase at low $H-K_s$ colors, then saturate and decrease with increasing $H-K_s$. Using a simple one-dimensional radiation transfer model, we derive empirical equations which plausibly represent the observed relationship between the surface brightness and the dust column density. By using the empirical equations, we estimate dust column density of the cloud for any directions toward which even no background stars are seen. We obtain a dust column density map with a pixel scale of 2.3 $\\times$ 2.3 arcsec$^2$ and a large dynamic range up to $A_V$ = 50 mag. Compared to the previous studies by Juvela et al., this study is the first to use color excess of the background stars for calibration of the empirical relationship and to apply the empirical relationship beyond the point where surface brightness starts to decrease with increasing column density. ", "introduction": "Dark clouds are seen as dark patches against bright star fields, while they are observed as reflection nebulae at near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths in the recent decade (Lehtinen \\& Mattila 1996, Nakajima et al. 2003, Foster \\& Goodman 2006). The images of NIR reflection nebulae give us an insight that darker areas with fewer background stars have larger column densities. In our previous paper (Nakajima et al. 2003), we showed that the Lupus 3 dark cloud appears as an NIR reflection nebula and suggested that there is a relationship between the NIR surface brightness and dust column density toward the Lupus 3 dark cloud. It is worth investigating whether if we can quantify the relationship between the NIR surface brightness and column density. Star counting, color excess of background stars, molecular gas and thermal dust emissions have been used for column density mapping of dark clouds. Juvela et al. (2006) reviewed these methods intensively. Each of these methods has limitations. A common limitation to all these methods is that it is hard to obtain a high spatial resolution. Padoan et al. (2006) and Juvela et al. (2006) examined the use of scattered NIR surface brightness as a new high resolution tracer of the interstellar clouds. They derived an analytical formula to convert NIR surface brightness to visual extinction. The formula is linear at low visual extinctions and starts to saturate when visual extinction reaches $\\sim$ 10 mag. Juvela et al. (2006) used numerical simulations and radiative transfer calculations to show that the NIR surface brightness can be converted to column density in the range of $A_V$ $<$ 15 mag with accuracy of better than 20\\%. Juvela et al. (2008) applied the method to a filamentary cloud in Corona Australis. The method using surface brightness and one using color excess of background star agrees below $A_V$ $\\sim$ 15 mag. In this paper, we propose an empirical method of estimating column density of dark clouds up to $A_V$ $\\sim$ 50 mag by using NIR surface brightness. We re-examine the NIR data of the Lupus 3 dark cloud in Nakajima et al. (2003) and obtain a plausible empirical equations which fit the observed relationship between the surface brightness and column density. Using the relationship, we obtain the dust column density map from the surface brightness. \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\includegraphics{figure1.eps} \\caption{Surface brightness of the Lupus 3 dark cloud in the $J$, $H$, and $K_s$ bands from top to bottom. Saturated stars are masked with circles in black. Bad pixel clusters in the J band are also shown in black. The lowest contour level denotes the 3-sigma limiting flux and the interval of contour is set to the 3-sigma limiting flux value at each band. }\\label{fig:fig1} \\end{center} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "We constructed an empirical relationship equation between the surface brightness and column density of the Lupus 3 dark cloud for each $J$, $H$, and $K_s$ band. By using the equations, we obtained a column density map with a pixel scale of 2.3 $\\times$ 2.3 arcsec$^2$ and a large dynamic range up to $A_V$ = 50 mag of the cloud from the NIR surface brightness. We expect the empirical method to be one of the new tools of column density mapping of dark clouds." }, "0809/0809.2975_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study, in this paper, the non-Gaussian features of the mass density field of neutral hydrogen fluid and the Ly$\\alpha$ transmitted flux of QSO absorption spectrum from the point-of-view of self-similar log-Poisson hierarchy. It has been shown recently that, in the scale range from the onset of nonlinear evolution to dissipation, the velocity and mass density fields of cosmic baryon fluid are extremely well described by the She-Leveque's scaling formula, which is due to the log-Poisson hierarchical cascade. Since the mass density ratio between ionized hydrogen to total hydrogen is not uniform in space, the mass density field of neutral hydrogen component is not given by a similar mapping of total baryon fluid. Nevertheless, we show, with hydrodynamic simulation samples of the concordance $\\Lambda$CDM universe, that the mass density field of neutral hydrogen, is also well described by the log-Poisson hierarchy. We then investigate the field of Ly$\\alpha$ transmitted flux of QSO absorption spectrum. Due to redshift distortion, Ly$\\alpha$ transmitted flux fluctuations are no longer to show all features of the log-Poisson hierarchy. However, some non-Gaussian features predicted by the log-Poisson hierarchy are not affected by the redshift distortion. We test these predictions with the high resolution and high S/N data of quasars Ly$\\alpha$ absorption spectra. All results given by real data, including $\\beta$-hierarchy, high order moments and scale-scale correlation, are found to be well consistent with the log-Poisson hierarchy. We compare the log-Poisson hierarchy with the popular log-normal model of the Ly$\\alpha$ transmitted flux. The later is found to yield too strong non-Gaussianity at high orders, while the log-Poisson hierarchy is in agreement with observed data. ", "introduction": "Baryon matter of the universe is mainly in the form of intergalactic medium (IGM), of which the dynamics can be described as compressible fluid. Luminous objects are formed from baryon matter in the gravitational well of dark matter. Therefore, the dynamical state of baryon fluid in nonlinear regime is crucial to understand the formation and evolution of the large scale structures of the universe. In the linear regime, the baryon fluid follows the mass and velocity fields of collisionless dark matter. In the nonlinear regime, however, the baryon fluid statistically decouples from the underlying dark matter field. The statistical behavior of baryon fluid is no longer described by a similar mapping of the underlying dark matter field (e.g. Pando et al. 2004). It was first pointed out by Shandarin and Zeldovich (1989) that the dynamical behavior of baryon matter clustering on large scales is similar to turbulence. The expansion of the universe eliminates the gravity of uniformly distributed dark matter. The motion of baryon matter on scales larger than dissipation is like that of matter moving by inertia. In this regime, the evolution of baryon matter is scale-free and dynamically like fully developed turbulence in inertial range. The turbulence of incompressible fluid leads the energy passes from large to the smallest eddies, and finally dissipates into thermal motion. While the clustering of cosmic baryon fluid is also due to the transform of density perturbations on different scales, and finally falls and dissipates into virialized halos of dark matter. Yet, the turbulence of incompressible fluid is rotational (Landau \\& Lifshitz 1987), while the clustering of cosmic matter is irrotational, because vorticities do not grow in an expanding universe (Peebles 1980). Nevertheless, the turbulence-like behavior of cosmic baryon fluid has been gradually noticed. First, the dynamics of growth modes of the cosmic matter is found to be sketched by a stochastic force driven by Burger's equation (Gurbatov, et al 1989, Berera \\& Fang, 1994). The Burger's equation driven by the random force of the gravity of dark matter can also sketch the evolution of baryon fluid, if cooling and heating are ignored (Jones 1999; Matarrese \\& Mohayaee 2002). Later, the Burger's fluid is found to show turbulence behavior if the Reynolds number is large enough (Polyakov 1995; Lassig 2000; Bec \\& Frisch 2000; Davoudi et al. 2001). The Reynolds number of IGM at nonlinear regime actually is large. Therefore, we may expect that, in the scale free range, the dynamical state of cosmic baryon fluid should be Burger's turbulence. The turbulence of Burger's fluid is different from the turbulence of incompressible fluid. The later consists of vortices on various scales, while the former is a collection of shocks. With the cosmological hydrodynamic simulation based on Navier-Stokes equations in which heating and cooling processes are properly accounted, it has been found that the velocity field of the IGM consists of an ensemble of shocks, and satisfies some scaling relations predicted by Burger's turbulence (Kim et al. 2005). This result reveals that the turbulence features of cosmic baryon fluid are independent of the details of dissipation (heating and cooling) mechanism if we consider only the scale free range, i.e. from the scale of the onset of nonlinear evolution to the scale of dissipation, say Jeans length. A new progress is to show that the velocity field of cosmic baryon fluid can extremely well described by She-Leveque's (SL) scaling formula (He et al. 2006). The SL formula is considered to be the basic statistical features of the self-similar evolution of fully developed turbulence. Very recently, the non-Gaussianities of mass density field of the hydrodynamic simulation samples are found to be well consistent with the predictions of the log-Poisson hierarchy, which originates from some hidden symmetry of the Navier-Stokes equations. This hierarchical model gives a unified explanation of non-Gaussian features of baryon fluid, including the intermittence, hierarchical relation, scale-scale correlations etc (Liu \\& Fang 2008). These results strongly indicate that, in the scale free range, dynamical state of cosmic baryon fluid is similar to a fully developed turbulence. In this paper, we investigate the log-Poisson hierarchy of cosmic baryon fluid with observed data -- the Ly$\\alpha$ transmitted flux of quasar absorption spectrum, which is due to the absorptions of quasar continuum by the diffusely distributed neutral hydrogen (Bi et al 1995, Bi \\& Devidsen 1997, Rauch 1998). These samples offer a unique way to study the non-Gaussian feature of cosmic baryon fluid. It has been known for a long time that the fields of Ly$\\alpha$ forests and transmitted flux are highly non-Gaussian. Observation samples of Ly$\\alpha$ forests and transmitted flux show scale-scale correlation (Pando et al 1998), intermittence (Jamkhedkar et al. 2000; Pando et al. 2002; Feng et al. 2003), non-thermal broadening of \\ion{H}{1} and \\ion{He}{2} Ly$\\alpha$ absorption lines (Zheng et al. 2004; Liu et al. 2006). We will show that the log-Poisson hierarchy provides a crux to understand the non-Gaussian behavior. The outline of this paper is as follows. \\S 2 gives an introduction of the log-Poisson hierarchy. \\S 3 shows that the neutral hydrogen component of cosmic baryon fluid is of log-Poisson hierarchy. In \\S 4, we study the log-Poisson hierarchy of the field of Ly$\\alpha$ transmitted flux with observed samples of quasar absorption spectra. A comparison between log-Poisson hierarchy and log-normal model is also presented in \\S 4. The conclusion and discussion are given in \\S 5. ", "conclusions": "Nonlinear evolution of mass and velocity fields is a central problem of large scale structure of the universe. The clustering of the cosmic baryon fluid, governed by the Navier-Stokes equation in gravitational field of an expanding universe, has to be self similarly hierarchical in the scale free range in which the dynamical equations and initial perturbations are scale-invariant. The log-Poisson hierarchical clustering sketches the nonlinear evolution of cosmic baryon fluid in the scale free range. If the initial density perturbations are Gaussian, and their power spectrum is given by power law $P(k)\\propto k^{\\alpha}$, the structure functions initially have to be $S_p(r)\\propto r^{-p\\alpha/2}$. In the regime of linear evolution, the structure functions will keep to be $S_p(r)\\propto r^{\\xi_{l}(p)}$, and the intermittent exponent is $\\xi_{l}(p)=-p\\alpha/2$. According to the log-Poisson hierarchy scenario, the nonlinear evolution leads to the hierarchical transfer of the power of clustering from large scales to small scales. The structure function will become $S_p(r)\\propto r^{\\xi_{l}(p)+\\xi_{nl}(p)}$, where the nonlinear term of the intermittent exponent is $\\xi_{nl}(p)=-\\gamma[p-(1-\\beta^{p})/(1-\\beta)]$, in which the parameters $\\beta$ and $\\gamma$ are dimensionless. $\\beta$ measures the intermittency of the field, and $\\gamma$ measures the singularity of the clustering. For Gaussian field, we have $\\beta=1$, and therefore, $\\xi_{nl}(p)=0$ for all order $p$. Since the onset of nonlinear evolution, the parameter $\\beta$ will gradually decrease, and the field becomes intermittent. With simulation samples, we found that the parameter $\\beta$ is decreasing with the decrease of redshift $z$. It means that the field is weakly intermittent at earlier time, but strong intermittent at later time (Liu \\& Fang 2008). Although $\\xi_{nl}(p)\\neq 0$, the nonlinear evolution keeps the cosmic baryon fluid to be scale-invariant. We showed that the mass density field of neutral hydrogen fluid in the scale free range is also well described by the log-Poisson hierarchy in spite of the neutral hydrogen fraction of the baryon fluid is not constant in space. This is because the UV ionization photon is assumed to be uniform, and it does not violate the scale invariance of this system. However, the number of $\\beta$ of neutral hydrogen is found to be less than that of total baryon fluid. Therefore, the neutral hydrogen is less intermitted. The Ly$\\alpha$ transmitted flux of quasars Ly$\\alpha$ absorption spectrum is considered to be effective to probe the mass and velocity fields of neutral hydrogen. However, the redshift distortion of the velocity field leads to the deviation of the field of the Ly$\\alpha$ transmitted flux from the neutral hydrogen field. The transmitted flux does not satisfy all predictions of log-Poisson hierarchy. Fortunately, the effect of radshift distortion is approximately negligible for some log-Poisson hierarchical predicted features. Thus, we can test the log-Poisson hierarchy with quasars Ly$\\alpha$ absorption spectrum. Using high resolution and high S/N data of quasars Ly$\\alpha$ absorption spectrum, we show that all the non-Gaussian features predicted by the log-Poisson hierarchy, including the hierarchical relation, the intermittent exponent, the ratios of different moments, and the scale-scale correlation, are consistent with observed samples. The observed samples of the transmitted flux yield the same intermittence parameter $\\beta$ as that of neutral hydrogen field produced with hydrodynamic simulation of the concordance $\\Lambda$CDM universe. Our result shows that the intermittent exponent $\\xi(p)$, or parameters $\\beta$ and $\\gamma$, is effective to discriminate among models of nonlinear evolution. The log-normal model can well fit observed data on lower order statistics, but not good on higher orders. On the other hand, the log-Poisson model gives good fitting on lower order as well as higher order statistics. Therefore, a comparison between the log-Poisson model and log-normal model on lower order statistics will be able to find the relation between parameters of the log-Poisson and log-normal models. This relations would be useful to explain the parameters of log-Poisson model with well-known parameters in cosmology, as the parameters of log-normal model generally are known in cosmology. Recent studies have shown that the turbulence behavior of baryon gas can be detected by the Doppler-broadened spectral lines (Sunyaev et al. 2003; Lazarian \\& Pogosyan 2006). Although these works focus on the turbulence of baryon gas in clusters, the result is still applicable, at least, for the warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM), which is shown to follow the evolution of Burger's fluid on large scales (He et al. 2004, 2005). The last but not least, the polarization of CMB is dependent on the density of electrons, and therefore, the map of CMB polarization would provide a direct test on the non-Gaussian features of ionized gas when the data on small scales become available." }, "0809/0809.0836_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Circumbinary disks are considered to exist in a wide variety of astrophysical objects, e.g., young binary stars, protoplanetary systems, and massive binary black hole systems in active galactic nuclei (AGNs). However, there is no definite evidence for the circumbinary disk except for some in a few young binary star systems. In this Letter, we study possible oscillation modes in circumbinary disks around eccentric and circular binaries. We find that progarde, nonaxisymmetric waves are induced in the inner part of the circumbinary disk by the tidal potential of the binary. Such waves would cause variabilities in emission line profiles from circumbinary disks. Because of prograde precession of the waves, the distance between each component of the binary and the inner edge of the circumbinary disk varies with the beat period between the precession period of the wave and the binary orbital period. As a result, light curves from the circumbinary disks are also expected to vary with the same period. The current study thus provides a new method to detect circumbinary disks in various astrophysical systems. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Astrophysical disks are ubiquitous in the various systems of the universe: star-compact object systems, star-planet systems, active galactic nuclei (AGNs), and so forth. These disks surround the individual objects as a circumobject disk. If the object surrounded by a rotating disk is a binary, the disk is called a circumbinary disk (see Figure~\\ref{fig:system} for a schematic view of the circumbinary disk). About 60$\\%$ of main sequence stars are considered to be born as { binary or multiple systems \\citep{dm91}. Numerical simulations have confirmed that young binary stars embedded in dense molecular gas have a circumbinary disks \\citep{al96a, bb97, gk1, gk2} and that a circumsteller disk is also formed around each star \\citep{bb97,gk1,gk2}. Indeed, direct imaging of the circumbinary disk was successfully achieved by interferometric observations of a few young binary systems including GG Tau \\citep{dut94} and UY Aur \\citep{duv98}. In the early stage of planet formation, a planet orbiting a star will be embedded in a rotating disk (hereafter, circumbinary disk) surrounding them. \\cite{kd06} showed, by performing numerical simulations, that the cicrumbinary disk becomes eccentric due to the resonant interaction between the planet and the disk. Such a planet--disk interaction also causes the significant evolution of the orbital elements of the planet, which gives a possible explanation about the observed high orbital eccentricities in extrasolar planetary systems \\citep{gs03}. The direct probing of the circumbinary disk is, therefore, a key to testing this scenario. Massive black holes are considered to co-evolve with their host galaxies \\citep{mag98,fm00,geb00}. There is inevitably an evolutionary stage as a binary black hole in the course of galaxy merger until the coalescence of two black holes \\citep{bege80,may07,kh08}. \\cite{haya07} found that if a binary black hole is surrounded by a circumbinary disk, mass is transferred from the disk to each black hole. The system then has a triple disk composed of an accretion disk around each black hole and a circumbinary disk as a mass reservoir around the binary \\citep{haya08}. There is, however, still little evidence for the circumbinary disk as well as for the binary black hole itself. Therefore, the detection of the circumbinary disk is also one of the important scientific motivations in probing massive binary black holes with parsec/subparsec separations. Quite recently, \\cite{bt08} and \\cite{do08} proposed the hypothesis that SDSSJO92712.65+294344.0 is a massive binary black hole, by interpreting the observed emission line features as those arising from the mass-transfer stream from the circumbinary disk. There are many phenomena caused by oscillations in circumstellar/accretion disks. One of the most famous among them is superhumps. A superhump is a periodic luminosity hump on the light curves in an accreting binary system, with a slightly longer period than the orbital period of the binary. The superhump phenomenon was first discovered in the SU Ursae Majoris class of dwarf novae, which consists of a white dwarf and a late-type star with a low mass ratio, less than 0.2 \\citep{pat79,vogt80}. It is attributed to the precession of a deformed accretion disk induced by the tidal potential of the binary \\citep{osaki85}. {\\cite{lu91} showed that the deformation of the disk is due to the growth of an eccentric (i.e., $m=1$) perturbation through nonlinear coupling with the tidal potential.} Hitherto, no phenomena caused by oscillation modes have been detected in circumbinary disks. In this Letter, we investigate the tidally induced oscillation modes in circumbinary disks. These modes can be driven by resonantly excited modes at particular resonance radii, which are similar to the ones responsible for superhumps in dwarf novae systems. The Letter is organized as follows. In Section 2, we derive the azimuthally and temporally averaged tidal potential around an eccentric binary and discuss the possible oscillation modes and their frequencies in circumbinary disks. Section~3 is devoted to a summary and discussion. \\begin{figure} \\resizebox{\\hsize}{!}{ \\includegraphics*[width=86mm]{f1.eps} } \\caption{ Schematic diagram of a circumbinary disk surrounding the primary object and the secondary object which are gravitationally bound as a binary. } \\label{fig:system} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "We have studied possible oscillation modes in a circumbinary disk induced by the tidal potential of a binary system such as young binary stars, protoplanetary systems, and massive binary black holes in AGNs. We have pointed out that observationally interesting waves are those with precession frequency $\\omega_{{\\rm p},m}/m \\lesssim \\Omega(r_{\\rm in})-\\kappa(r_{\\rm in})/m$, where $r_{\\rm in}$ is the inner radius of the circumbinary disk. These waves are trapped between the inner disk radius and the ILR radius, where the pattern speed of the wave is equal to $\\Omega(r)-\\kappa(r)/m$. Among them, only $m=1$ waves have wavelengths comparable to the inner disk radius. {When the $m=1$ mode is dominant, the inner region of the circumbinary disk becomes eccentric and precesses very slowly \\citep[c.f.,][]{kd06,mm08}}. On the other hand, waves with $m \\ne 1$ have much shorter wavelengths and affect only the innermost narrow region of the disk. For example, if the $m=2$ mode is dominant, the disk inner edge is deformed to an elliptical shape, which precesses at the local Keplerian frequency. It is important to note that there are two types of excitation mechanism for these waves. In circular binaries, nonaxisymmetric perturbations in the disk can grow through the resonant interaction with the tidal potential at particular resonance radii, a mechanism similar to that for superhumps in dwarf novae systems. For example, the growth of an eccentric perturbation is driven by the excitation of an $m=2$ wave at the 1:3 OLR radius. In addition to this mechanism, in eccentric binaries, a one-armed ($m=1$) spiral wave can also be excited through direct driving as a result of a one-armed ($m=1$) potential \\citep{al96b}. Whatever the excitation mechanism, the deformed inner part of the circumbinary disk precesses at the frequency given by equation~(\\ref{eq:op1}) for the $m=1$ mode and equation (\\ref{eq:op2}) for the $m=2$ mode. Since the velocity field in the disk is also perturbed by the waves, the emission line profiles from the inner part of the circumbinary disk will vary with the precession period. Such a variability has a distinct feature and will easily be observed. Since the $m=1$ mode is a low-frequency, eccentric mode, the relative intensity of the violet (V) and red (R) peaks of double-peaked line profiles varies with a long period, e.g., $\\sim40P_{\\rm{orb}}$ for an equal-mass binary with $e=0.5$. Such a line-profile variability caused by $m=1$ waves has long been known as the V/R variation in Be stars, B-type stars with circumstellar decretion disks \\citep[e.g.,][]{por03}. In contrast, if the $m=2$ mode is dominant, the double-peaked profiles stay symmetric, but their peak separations (and FWHMs) will vary with a short period of $\\sim 2^{3/2} P_{\\rm{orb}}$ irrespective of binary parameters. In addition to these line-profile variabilities, another type of variability from circumbinary disks is expected. There is the beat between the orbital frequency of the binary and the precession frequency of the circumbinary disk. The beat period is slightly longer than the orbital period for $m=1$ and $m=2$ modes, as seen from equations~(\\ref{eq:op1}), (\\ref{eq:op2}), and (\\ref{eq:beatp}). The radiation emitted from the circumbinary disk through the tidal dissipation is expected to vary periodically with the beat period, because the distance between each component of the binary and the inner edge of the circumbinary disk periodically changes. Moreover, the mass transfer rate from the circumbinary disk to each binary component {is also expected to} vary with the same period, because of angular momentum removal by the tidal torques. Therefore, the circumbinary disk perturbed by a trapped density wave will show the light-curve {modulation} at the beat period. As for observability, the light-curve modulation caused by an $m=1$ deformation is expected to be detected more easily than those caused by the $m\\neq1$ one. This is because the $m=1$ wave can exist globally in the circumbinary disk, while the $m\\neq1$ waves exist only in a narrow region. In this Letter, we have shown that variabilities with the beat period and/or the precession period are expected as a natural consequence of the tidal interaction between a binary and a circumbinary disk and that one can identify circumbinary disks in terms of these periodic variabilities. This provides a new method to probe circumbinary disks in various astrophysical systems. In a forthcoming paper, we will perform a more detailed analysis of the mode characteristics, including numerical simulations." }, "0809/0809.2827_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We have attributed the elements from Sr through Ag in stars of low metallicities (${\\rm [Fe/H]}\\lesssim -1.5$) to charged-particle reactions (CPR) in neutrino-driven winds, which are associated with neutron star formation in low-mass and normal supernovae (SNe) from progenitors of $\\sim 8$--$11\\,M_\\odot$ and $\\sim 12$--$25\\,M_\\odot$, respectively. Using this rule and attributing all Fe production to normal SNe, we previously developed a phenomenological two-component model, which predicts that ${\\rm [Sr/Fe]}\\geq -0.32$ for all metal-poor stars. This is in direct conflict with the high-resolution data now available, which show that there is a great shortfall of Sr relative to Fe in many stars with ${\\rm [Fe/H]}\\lesssim -3$. The same conflict also exists for the CPR elements Y and Zr. We show that the data require a stellar source leaving behind black holes and that hypernovae (HNe) from progenitors of $\\sim 25$--$50\\,M_\\odot$ are the most plausible candidates. If we expand our previous model to include three components (low-mass and normal SNe and HNe), we find that essentially all of the data are very well described by the new model. The HN yield pattern for the low-$A$ elements from Na through Zn (including Fe) is inferred from the stars deficient in Sr, Y, and Zr. We estimate that HNe contributed $\\sim 24\\%$ of the bulk solar Fe inventory while normal SNe contributed only $\\sim 9\\%$ (not the usually assumed $\\sim 33\\%$). This implies a greatly reduced role of normal SNe in the chemical evolution of the low-$A$ elements. This work was supported in part by US DOE grants DE-FG03-88ER13851 (G.J.W.) and DE-FG02-87ER40328 (Y.Z.Q.). G.J.W. acknowledges NASA's Cosmochemistry Program for research support provided through J. Nuth at the Goddard Space Flight Center. He also appreciates the generosity of the Epsilon Foundation.} \\FullConference{10th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos\\\\ July 27 - August 1, 2008\\\\ Mackinac Island, Michigan, USA} \\begin{document} ", "introduction": "The high-resolution (e.g., \\cite{johnson02,honda04,aoki05,francois07,cohen08} and medium-resolution \\cite{barklem05} observations of elemental abundances in a large number of low-metallicity stars in the Galactic halo (and a single star in a dwarf galaxy \\cite{fulbright04}) now provide a data base for determining the stellar sources contributing to the interstellar/intergalactic medium (ISM/IGM) at metallicities of $-5.5<{\\rm [Fe/H]}<-1.5$. These data taken in conjunction with stellar models appear to define the massive stars active in the early epochs. This changes our views of what may be Population III (Pop III) stars and what stellar types are continuing contributors through the present epoch. A key to our understanding is the recognition that low-mass and normal core-collapse supernovae (SNe) from progenitors of $\\sim 8$--$11\\,M_\\odot$ and $\\sim 12$--$25\\,M_\\odot$, respectively, end their lives as neutron stars and that nucleosynthesis in the neutrino-driven winds of nascent neutron stars produce a large group of elements including Sr, Y, and Zr via charged-particle reactions (CPR, e.g., \\cite{wh92}). This process is not the true ``$r$-process'' with rapid neutron capture. In considering the contributions of low-mass and normal SNe that are certainly key contributors, certain rules are now established: 1. The true ``$r$-process'' is not connected with any significant production of Fe group nuclei (or the low-$A$ elements below Zn with mass numbers $A\\sim 23$--70, e.g., \\cite{qw02}); 2. The CPR nuclei are not directly coupled to the true ``$r$-process'' elements. While some workers consider that a ``turn-on'' of high neutron densities may be achieved in some unknown way coupled to a neutrino-driven wind, the observational data do not appear to be in support of this; 3. If one assumes that only low-mass and normal SNe were the sources, then [Sr/Fe] must exceed $-0.32$ for all metal-poor stars. The last rule appears to be well followed for ${\\rm [Fe/H]}>-3$, consistent with a two-component model of chemical evolution \\cite{qw07}. However, below ${\\rm [Fe/H]}\\sim -3$ there is a gross deficiency of Sr (and other CPR elements) relative to Fe. This is shown in Figure~\\ref{fig1}a. This observation requires that there be an early stellar source of Fe that leaves behind a black hole instead of a neutron star with neutrino-driven winds producing the CPR nuclei. It further follows that a third stellar component in addition to low-mass and normal SNe is required to account for all the abundance data. \\begin{figure} \\vskip -0.75cm \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[angle=270,width=0.5\\textwidth]{fig1a.eps}% \\includegraphics[angle=270,width=0.5\\textwidth]{fig1b.eps} \\caption{(a) High-resolution data on $\\log\\epsilon({\\rm Sr})$ vs. [Fe/H]. The solid line is calculated from the two-component model for a well-mixed ISM/IGM. Note that there is a great deficiency of Sr for many sample stars with ${\\rm [Fe/H]}\\lesssim-3$. It is evident that a source producing Fe and no Sr is required. (b) Evolution of [Sr/Fe] with [Ba/Fe] for the data shown in (a). The curves correspond to different fractions $f_{{\\rm Fe},L}$ of Fe due to the $L$ source (normal SNe). Details for these and the other figures of this contribution can be found in \\cite{qw08}.\\label{fig1}} \\end{center} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "From the results reviewed above it appears that the whole chemical evolution in the ``juvenile epoch'' of the first Gyr after the Big Bang may be explained by the concurrent contributions of massive stars associated with low-mass and normal SNe and HNe in a standard IMF and that this same relative contribution continues into the present epoch. The efforts to seek Pop III stars that only occur in early epochs and then stop are considered by us to be invalid as were our earlier efforts to find a ``prompt inventory'' in the ISM/IGM. It follows that models for the formation of the ``first'' stars, which has been the focus of intensive studies with due consideration of the complex condensation and cooling processes at zero to low metallicities (e.g., \\cite{abel02,bromm04}), should consider the stellar populations inferred here with HNe ($\\sim 25$--$50\\,M_\\odot$) being the dominant metal source. This source is highly disruptive and certainly can disperse debris through the IGM until halos of substantial mass have formed. The apparent sudden onset of heavy ``$r$-process'' elements, which motivated our earlier search for a ``prompt inventory'', is most plausibly related to the formation of halos of sufficient mass that remain bound following both SNe and HNe \\cite{qw04}. It also follows that the earlier models of Galactic chemical evolution that aimed to provide $\\sim 1/3$ of the solar Fe inventory by normal SNe must now be subject to reinvestigation. The observational evidence for ongoing HNe in the current epoch cannot be ignored. There is further the fact that production of heavy (true) $r$-process nuclei is strongly decoupled from Fe production. The extent to which this presents a further challenge to stellar models is to be resolved." }, "0809/0809.0363_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The emission from neutral hydrogen (HI) clouds in the post-reionization era ($z \\le 6$), too faint to be individually detected, is present as a diffuse background in all low frequency radio observations below $1420 \\, {\\rm MHz}$. The angular and frequency fluctuations of this radiation ($\\sim 1 \\, {\\rm mK}$) is an important future probe of the large scale structures in the Universe. We show that such observations are a very effective probe of the background cosmological model and the perturbed Universe. In our study we focus on the possibility of determining the redshift space distortion parameter $\\beta$, coordinate distance $r_{\\nu}$, and its derivative with redshift, $r'_{\\nu}$. Using reasonable estimates for the observational uncertainties and configurations representative of the ongoing and upcoming radio interferometers, we predict parameter estimation at a precision comparable with supernova Ia observations and galaxy redshift surveys, across a wide range in redshift that is only partially accessed by other probes. Future HI observations of the post-reionization era present a new technique, complementing several existing one, to probe the expansion history and to elucidate the nature of the dark energy. ", "introduction": "Determining the expansion history of our Universe and parameterizing the constituents of the Universe at a high level of precision, are currently some of the most important goals in cosmology. While high-redshift ($z \\leq 2$) supernova~Ia observations (e.g. \\cite{riess,perlmutter}) and galaxy surveys ($z \\leq 1$ ) (e.g. \\cite{tegmark}) probe the local universe; and CMBR observations (e.g. \\cite{dunkley,komatsu}) probe the recombination era $(z \\sim 1000)$, the expansion history is largely unconstrained across the vast intervening redshift range. Observations of redshifted $21 \\,{\\rm cm}$ radiation from neutral hydrogen (HI) hold the potential of probing the universe over a large redshift range ($20 \\ge z \\ge 0$): from the dark ages to to the present epoch (eg. \\cite{BA5,furla}). Such observations can possibly be realized at several redshifts, using the currently functioning GMRT \\footnote{http://www.gmrt.ncra.tifr.res.in/}. Several new telescopes are currently being built with such observations in mind (eg. MWA \\footnote{http://www.haystack.mit.edu/ast/arrays/mwa/} \\& LOFAR \\footnote{http://www.lofar.org/}). Such observations will map out the large-scale HI distribution at high redshifts. It has recently been proposed \\cite{wlg,chang} that Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) in the redshifted $21 \\,{\\rm cm}$ signal from the post-reionization era ($z \\le 6$) is a very sensitive probe of the dark energy. The BAO is a relatively small ($\\sim 10-15$ per cent) feature that sits on the HI large-scale structure (LSS) power spectrum. In this paper we investigate the possibility of probing the expansion history in the post-reionization era using the HI LSS power spectrum without reference to the BAO. Unless otherwise stated we use the parameters $(\\Omega_{m0},\\Omega_{\\Lambda0}, \\Omega_b h^2, h, n_s,\\sigma_8)=(0.3,0.7, 0.024,0.7,1.0,1.0)$ referred to as the LCDM model in our analysis. At redshifts $z \\le 6$, the bulk of the neutral gas is in clouds that have HI column densities in excess of $2 \\times 10^{20}\\,\\,{\\rm atoms/cm^{2}}$ \\cite{peroux,lombardi,lanzetta}. These high column density clouds are observed as damped Lyman-$\\alpha$ absorption lines seen in quasar spectra. These observations indicate that the ratio of the density $\\rho_{\\rm gas}(z)$ of neutral gas to the present critical density $\\rho_{\\rm crit}$, of the universe has a nearly constant value $\\rho_{\\rm gas}(z)/\\rho_{\\rm crit} \\sim 10^{-3}$, over a large redshift range $0 \\le z \\le 3.5$. This implies that the mean neutral fraction of the hydrogen gas is $ \\bar{x}_{\\HI}=50\\,\\,\\Omega_{\\rm gas} h^2 (0.02/\\Omega_b h^2) =2.45 \\times 10^{-2}$, which we adopt for the entire redshift range $z \\le 6$. The redshifted $21 \\, {\\rm cm}$ radiation from the HI in this redshift range will be seen in emission. The emission from individual clouds ($ < 10 \\,\\mu{\\rm Jy}$) is too weak to be detected with existing instruments unless the image is significantly magnified by gravitational lensing \\cite{saini}. The collective emission from the undetected clouds appears as a very faint background in all radio observations at frequencies below $1420 \\, {\\rm MHz}$. The fluctuations in this background with angle and frequency is a direct probe of the HI distribution at the redshift $z$ where the radiation originated. It is possible to probe the HI power spectrum at high redshifts by quantifying the the fluctuations in this radiation (\\cite{bns,bs}). ", "conclusions": "\\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\mbox{\\epsfig{file=fig1.ps,width=0.45\\textwidth,angle=0}} \\caption{Here we plot $C_l(0)$ at redshifts $z=\\{1.5,3.0,4.5\\}$. The signal decreases monotonically with increasing redshift, so the lowest plot is for the highest redshift. We assume the bias to be $b=1$ throughout. } \\label{fig:cl} \\end{center} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\mbox{\\epsfig{file=fig2.ps,width=0.45\\textwidth,angle=0}} \\caption{Here we plot the frequency decorrelation function $\\kappa_{\\ell}(\\Delta \\nu)$ as a function of $\\Delta \\nu$, for a fixed redshift $z=3.0$ and $\\ell=\\{100,1000,10000\\}$. The signal declines more sharply for higher value of $\\ell$.} \\label{fig:kappa} \\end{center} \\end{figure} The expected signal $C_l(\\Delta \\nu)$ from a few representative redshifts, calculated for the LCDM model, is plotted in Figure~\\ref{fig:cl}, and in Figure~\\ref{fig:kappa} we have plotted the frequency decorrelation function $\\kappa_{\\ell}(\\Delta \\nu)$ as a function of $\\Delta \\nu$, for a fixed redshift $z=3.0$ and for $\\ell=100,\\,1000 \\,\\& \\,10000$. The HI signal is smaller than $\\sim 1 \\, {\\rm mK}$, and it decreases with increasing $l$. The shape or $\\ell$ dependence is decided by the shape of $P(k)$ at all comoving wave-numbers $k \\ge \\ell/r_{\\nu}$. The signal at two different frequencies $\\nu$ and $\\nu+\\Delta \\nu$ decorrelates rapidly with increasing $\\Delta \\nu$ and $\\kappa_{\\ell}(\\Delta \\nu) < 0.1$ at $\\Delta \\nu > 5 \\, {\\rm MHz}$. The decorrelation occurs at a smaller $\\Delta \\nu$ for the larger multipoles (Figure \\ref{fig:kappa}). While the HI signal at a frequency separation $\\Delta \\nu>5\\, {\\rm MHz}$ is expected to be uncorrelated, the foregrounds are expected to be highly correlated even at frequency separations larger than this (eg. \\cite{santos}). This should in principle allow the HI signal to be separated from the foregrounds, which are a few orders of magnitude larger (eg. \\cite{mcquinn,mor2}). It is clear from eq.~(\\ref{eq:fsa}) that $C_{\\ell}(\\Delta \\nu)$ depends on the background cosmological model through the parameters $(\\beta,r_{\\nu},r^{'}_{\\nu})$. Assuming that the dark matter power spectrum $P(k)$ is known a priori, observations of $C_{\\ell}(\\Delta\\nu)$ can be used to determine the values of these three parameters. It is convenient to replace $r^{'}_{\\nu}$ with the dimensionless parameter \\cite{ali1} \\begin{equation} p(z)=\\frac{d \\ln\\left [r_{\\nu}(z) \\right]}{d \\ln(z)} \\,. \\end{equation} Figure~\\ref{fig:parm} shows the variation of the three parameters $(\\beta,r_{\\nu},p)$ across the redshift range $z\\le 6$ for the LCDM model. \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\mbox{\\epsfig{file=fig3.ps,width=0.45\\textwidth,angle=0}} \\end{center} \\caption{Here we plot the parameters $(\\beta,r,p)$ as a function of redshift $z$ for the concordance LCDM model. The parameter $r=r_{\\nu}/(6000\\,\\,{\\rm Mpc)}$.} \\label{fig:parm} \\end{figure} We separately consider parameter estimation using $C_{\\ell}$ and $\\kappa_{\\ell}(\\Delta \\nu)$. The former does not depend on $p$. The amplitude $A= (\\bar{T} \\bar{x}_{\\HI} b)^2 /\\pi r_{\\nu}^2$ of $C_{\\ell}$ is uncertain, and we consider the joint estimation of three parameters $(A,\\beta,r_{\\nu})$ from observations of $C_{\\ell}$. The value of $\\kappa_{\\ell}(\\Delta \\nu)$ is insensitive to the amplitude $A$, leaving three parameters $(\\beta,r_{\\nu},p)$ that can be jointly estimated from this. We use the Fisher matrix (e.g. \\cite{tth}) to determine the accuracy at which these parameters can be estimated. Parameter estimation depends on two distinct aspects of the observing instrument. The first is the $\\ell$ range {\\it ie.} $\\ell_{min}$, $\\ell_{max}$, and the sampling interval $\\Delta \\ell$, which corresponds to the smallest $\\ell$ spacing at which we have independent estimates of $C_{\\ell}(\\Delta \\nu)$ . This is determined by the instrument's field of view, and is inversely related to it. The second is the observational uncertainty in $C_{\\ell}(\\Delta \\nu)$. This is a sum, in quadrature, of the instrumental noise and the cosmic variance. The cosmic variance contribution $\\delta C_{\\ell}/C_{\\ell}=\\sqrt{{2}/{((2 \\ell +1) \\, {\\rm f} \\, \\Delta \\ell})}$ (${\\rm f}$ is the fraction of sky observed) is further reduced because the large frequency bandwidth $\\Delta\\nu_B$ provides several independent estimates of $C_{\\ell}$. We assume that $\\delta C_{\\ell}$ is reduced by a factor we $\\sqrt{\\Delta\\nu_B/(1 \\, {\\rm MHz})}$ because of this. The instrumental uncertainties were estimated using relations \\cite{ali08} between $\\delta C_{\\ell}$ and the noise in the individual visibilities measured in radio-interferometric observations. For this we assume that the baselines in the radio-interferometric array have a uniform u-v coverage. We consider three different instrumental configurations for parameter estimation. \\begin{itemize} \\item[A.] The currently functional GMRT has too few antennas for cosmological parameter estimation. We consider an enhanced version of the GMRT with a substantially larger number of antennas ($N=120$) , each identical to those of the existing GMRT. The antennas have a relatively small field of view ($\\theta_{\\rm FWHM}\\sim 0.8^{\\circ}$ at $610 \\, {\\rm MHz}$) and the array has relatively large baselines spanning $\\ell_{min}=500$ to $\\ell_{max}=10,000$ with $\\Delta \\ell=100$. \\item[B.] The upcoming MWA will have a large number of small sized antennas. The antennas have a relatively large field of view ($\\theta_{\\rm FWHM}\\sim 5^{\\circ}$ at $610 \\, {\\rm MHz}$), and the array is expected to be quite compact spanning $\\ell_{min}=100$ to $\\ell_{max}=2000$ with $\\Delta \\ell=20$. The first version of this array is expected to have $N=500$ antennas which is what we consider. \\item[C.] This is a future, upgraded version of the MWA which is expected to have $N=5000$ antennas. \\end{itemize} For each of these configurations, we assume that 16 simultaneous primary beams can be observed. We present results for $2$ years of observation for A and B, and $1000$ hours for C. Throughout we assume frequency channels $0.05 \\, {\\rm MHz}$ wide, a bandwidth $\\Delta \\nu_B =32 \\, {\\rm MHz}$, and that a single field is observed for the entire duration. For parameter estimation we use: $\\delta \\kappa_{\\ell}(\\Delta \\nu)=\\sqrt{2} \\, \\delta C_{\\ell}/C_{\\ell}$. \\begin{figure*} \\begin{center} \\mbox{\\epsfig{file=fig4.ps,width=0.8\\textwidth,angle=0}} \\end{center} \\caption{Expected one-sigma fractional errors for parameter estimation at different redshifts for the LCDM model. The curves in each panel correspond, from top to bottom, to the cases A, B, and C, respectively. } \\label{fig:par} \\end{figure*} \\begin{figure} \\begin{center} \\mbox{\\epsfig{file=fig5.ps,width=0.45\\textwidth,angle=-90}} \\end{center} \\caption{Expected one-sigma confidence regions for the parameters $\\Omega_{m0}$ and $\\Omega_{k0}$, based on estimated errors for observations of $p$, corresponding to Figure~4, at $z=3$. } \\label{fig:contour} \\end{figure} We find that observations of $C_{\\ell}$ impose very poor constraints on the parameters $\\beta$ and $r_{\\nu}$, and we do not show these here. The accuracy is considerable higher for $\\kappa_{\\ell}(\\Delta \\nu)$, which captures the three dimensional clustering of the HI as compared to $C_{\\ell}$, which quantifies only the angular dependence. Figure~\\ref{fig:par} shows the predicted estimates for the parameters $\\beta$, $r_{\\nu}$ and $p$ at various redshifts. Further, we find that a compact, wide-field array (B,C) is considerably more sensitive to these parameter as compared to case A. Considering the three parameters individually: {\\bf Redshift-space distortion parameter: $\\beta$ }. This has traditionally been measured from galaxy redshift surveys \\cite{Peacock,Hawkins,Ross,Guzzo}, with uncertainties in the range $0.1 \\le \\Delta \\beta/\\beta \\le 0.2$. These observations have, till date, been restricted to $z \\le 1$. Future galaxy surveys are expected to achieve higher redshifts and smaller uncertainties. Galaxy surveys have the drawback that at very high redshifts they probe only the most luminous objects, which are expected to be highly biased. HI observations do not have this limitation and could provide high precision $(\\Delta \\beta/\\beta <0.1)$ estimates over a large redshift range. {\\bf Coordinate distance, $r_\\nu$}: The most direct measurement of the coordinate distance comes from supernova type~Ia observations for $z \\le 2$. Current Sn~Ia observations give $\\Delta r_\\nu/r_\\nu \\simeq 0.07$ \\citep{sai04} for a single supernova. The statistical error in the coordinate distance can be further reduced by observing a large number of supernovae in a small redshift bin; thus the fundamental limitation of this technique is due to unknown systematics in the supernovae themselves, since it is certainly possible that supernovae at high redshift are different. Figure~4 shows that the HI method might have the potential to enable a precise measurement of the coordinate distance up to much larger redshifts. Furthermore, such a complimentary probe will also help in ascertaining systematics in the supernova probe. {\\bf Derivative of coordinate distance, p}: This quantifies the Alcock-Paczynski (AP) effect \\cite{Alcock}, which is well accepted as a means to study the expansion history at high $z$, though such observations have not been possible till date. Observations of redshifted $21\\, {\\rm cm}$ radiation hold the potential of measuring the AP effect \\cite{Nusser,ali1,Barkana}. The parameter $p$ is not affected by the overall amplitude $A$ and the bias $b$, and is a sensitive probe of the spatial curvature (Figure \\ref{fig:parm}). Our estimates indicate that it will be possible to measure $p$ with an accuracy $\\Delta p/p \\sim 0.03$ over a large $z$ range. The parameters $(\\beta,r_{\\nu}, p)$ chosen for our analysis occur naturally when we interpret $C_{\\ell}(\\Delta \\nu)$ in terms of the three dimensional dark matter power spectrum $P(k)$. Further, these parameters are very general in that they do not refer to any specific model for either the dark energy or the dark matter, and are valid even in models with alternate theories of gravity (eg. \\cite{Carroll,Dvali}). In fact, observations of these three parameters at different redshifts can in principle be used to distinguish between these possibilities. For the purpose of this paper, we illustrate the cosmological parameter estimation by considering the simplest LCDM model, with two unknown parameters $\\Omega_{m0}$ and $\\Omega_{k0}$, and $\\Omega_{\\Lambda0}=1-\\Omega_{m0}-\\Omega_{k0}$. In Figure~\\ref{fig:contour} we plot the $1\\hbox{--}\\sigma$ confidence interval for the estimation of $\\Omega_{m0}$ and $\\Omega_{k0}$, using a single measurement of $p$ alone, {\\it ie.} only one of the three parameters measured at a single redshift $z=3$. Note that $p$ is insensitive to $H_0$ and hence it is not considered as an additional parameter here. It is possible to combine measurements at different $z$ to improve the constraints on cosmological parameters. We shall undertake a detailed analysis for quantifying the precision that can be achieved by combining different data sets (CMBR, galaxy surveys) for a more complicated dark energy model in a future work. In conclusion, HI observations of the post-reionization era can, in principle, determine the expansion history at a high level of precision and thereby constrain cosmological models. Neither the upcoming initial version of the MWA which is planned to have $ 500$ antenna elements nor any conceivable upgradation of the existing GMRT will be in a position to carry out such observations, the observation time needed being too large. We find that an enhanced version of the MWA, which is planned to have $5000$ antenna elements, would be in a position to meaningfully constrain cosmological models. By combining different probes, we expect to achieve an unprecedented precision in the determination of cosmological parameters. This will be a step towards pinning down the precise nature of dark energy in the universe." }, "0809/0809.4776_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Two radiation mechanisms, inverse Compton scattering (ICS) and synchrotron radiation (SR), suffice within the cannonball (CB) model of long gamma ray bursts (LGRBs) and X-ray flashes (XRFs) to provide a very simple and accurate description of their observed prompt emission and afterglows. Simple as they are, the two mechanisms and the burst environment generate the rich structure of the light curves at all frequencies and times. This is demonstrated for 33 selected Swift LGRBs and XRFs, which are well sampled from early until late time and faithfully represent the entire diversity of the broad-band light curves of Swift LGRBs and XRFs. Their prompt gamma-ray and X-ray emission is dominated by ICS of `glory' light. During their fast decline phase, ICS is taken over by SR, which dominates their broad-band afterglow. The pulse shape and spectral evolution of the gamma-ray peaks and the early-time X-ray flares, and even the delayed optical `humps' in XRFs, are correctly predicted. The `canonical' and non-canonical X-ray light curves and the chromatic behaviour of the broad-band afterglows are well reproduced. In particular, in canonical X-ray light curves, the initial fast decline and rapid softening of the prompt emission, the transition to the plateau phase, the subsequent gradual steepening of the plateau to an asymptotic power-law decay, and the transition from chromatic to achromatic behaviour of the light curves agrees well with those predicted by the CB model. The Swift early-time data on XRF 060218 are inconsistent with a black-body emission from a shock break-out through a stellar envelope. Instead, they are well described by ICS of glory light by a jet breaking out from SN2006aj. ", "introduction": "Since the launch of the Swift satellite, precise data from its Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) and X-Ray Telescope (XRT) have been obtained on the spectral and temporal behaviour of the X-ray emission of long-duration $\\gamma$-ray bursts (LGRBs) and X-ray flashes (XRFs) from their beginning until late times. The early data are often complemented by the ultraviolet-optical telescope (UVOT) on board Swift, and by ground-based {\\it UVO} and $NIR$ robotic and conventional telescopes. The ensemble of these data have already been used to test the most-studied theories of long duration GRBs and their afterglows (AGs), the {\\it Fireball} (FB) models (see, e.g.~Zhang \\& M\\'esz\\'aros~2004, Zhang~2007, and references therein) and the {\\it Cannonball} (CB) model [see, e.g.~Dar \\& De R\\'ujula~2004 (hereafter DD2004), Dado, Dar \\& De R\\'ujula (hereafter DDD)~2002a, 2003a, and references therein]. The Swift X-ray light curves of LGRBs roughly divide into two classes, `canonical' and non-canonical (Nousek et al.~2006, O'Brien et al.~2006, Zhang~2007). When measured early enough, the observed X-ray emission has prompt peaks which coincide with the $\\gamma$-ray peaks of the GRB, and a rapidly declining light curve with a fast spectral softening after the last detectable peak of the GRB. This rapid decline and spectral softening of the prompt emission end within a few hundreds of seconds. In canonical LGRBs the X-ray light curve turns sharply into a much flatter `plateau' with a much harder power-law spectrum, typically lasting thousands to tens of thousands of seconds, and within a time of order one day it steepens into a power-law decay, which lasts until the X-ray AG becomes too dim to be detected (Fig.~\\ref{f1}). The plateau phase is missing in non canonical GRBs, and the asymptotic power-law decline begins the decay of the prompt emission and lasts until the X-ray become too dim to be detected (Fig.~\\ref{f2}) without any observable break. In an significant fraction of otherwise canonical GRBs, the rapid decay and fast spectral softening of the prompt emission changes to a slower power-law decay, $\\sim t^{-2.1}$, and a harder spectrum, before it reaches the plateau (Fig.~\\ref{f3}). We shall refer to such light curves as `semi-canonical'. The Swift X-ray data show a flaring activity in a large fraction of GRBs, both at early and late times. The X-ray peaks during the prompt $\\gamma$- ray emission follow the pattern of the $\\gamma$-ray pulses, they must have a common origin. In many GRBs, superimposed on the early-time fast decaying X-ray light curve, there are X-ray flares, whose peak intensities also decrease with time and whose accompanying $\\gamma$-ray emission is probably below the detection sensitivity of BAT. Yet, their spectral and temporal behaviour is similar to that of the prompt X/$\\gamma$ pulses. Very often the flaring activity continues into the afterglow phase. Late-time flares appear to exhibit different temporal and spectral behaviours than early-time flares. Neither the general trend, nor the frequently complex structure of the Swift X-ray data were predicted by (or can be easily accommodated within) the standard FB models (see, e.g.~Zhang \\& M\\'esz\\'aros 2004, Piran~2005, for reviews). Much earlier confrontations between predictions of the FB models and the observations also provided severe contradictions, such as the failure to understand the prompt spectrum on grounds of synchrotron radiation (e.g.~Ghisellini, Celotti, \\& Lazzati 2000), or the `energy crisis' in the comparison of the bolometric prompt and AG fluences (e.g.~Piran~1999, 2000). We have discussed elsewhere other problems of FB models (DD2004, Dar~2005 and references therein), including those related to `jet breaks' (e.g.~DDD2002a, Dar~2005, DDD2006), and the a-posteriori explanations of the reported detections (GRB 021206: Coburn and Boggs~2003, see however Wigger et al.~2004 and Rutledge \\& Fox~2004; GRBs 930131 and GRB 960924: Willis et al.~2005; GRB 041219A: Kalemci et al.~2007; McGlynn et al.~2007) of large $\\gamma$-ray polarization (DDD2007b, and references therein). The Swift data have challenged the prevailing views on GRBs. Kumar et al.~(2007) concluded that the prompt $\\gamma$-ray emission cannot be produced in shocks, internal or external. Zhang, Liang \\& Zhang~(2007) found that the fast decay and rapid spectral softening ending the prompt emission cannot be explained by high latitude emission. The X-ray and optical afterglows of Swift GRBs are very chromatic at early time in contrast with the fireball model expectation. Moreover, Curran et al.~(2006) have carefully examined Swift data and found that X-ray and optical AGs have chromatic breaks which differ significantly from the jet break of the blast-wave model of AGs. Burrows and Racusin~(2007) examined the XRT light curves of the first $\\sim\\! 150$ Swift GRBs and reported that the expected jet breaks are extremely rare. In particular, Liang et al.~(2008) have analyzed the Swift X-ray data for the 179 GRBs detected between January 2005 and January 2007 and the optical AGs of 57 pre- and post-Swift GRBs. They did not find any burst satisfying all the criteria of a jet break. In spite of the above failures, not all authors are so critical. Some posit that the Swift data require only some modifications of the standard FB models to accommodate the results (e.g.~Panaitescu et al.~2006, Dai et al.~2007, Sato et al.~2007). Others still view the situation with faith (e.g.~Covino et al.~2006, Panaitescu~2008, Dai et al.~2008, Racusin et al.~2008a). The situation concerning the CB model is different. The model was based on the assumption that LGRBs are produced by highly relativistic jets of plasmoids of ordinary matter (Shaviv \\& Dar~1995) ejected in core-collapse supernova (SN) explosions akin to SN1998bw (Dar \\& Plaga~1999, Dar \\& De R\\'ujula 2000). It successfully described the broad-band AGs observed before the Swift era (e.g.~DDD2002a, DDD2003a) and exposed the consistent photometric evidence for a LGRB/SN association in all nearby GRBs (DDD2002a, DD2004 and references therein) long before GRB 030329. In the case of GRB 030329 the first $\\sim\\!6$ days of AG data were described by the CB model precisely enough to extrapolate them to predict even the date in which its associated SN would be bright enough to be detected spectroscopically (DDD2003c). General acceptance of the GRB-SN association waited until the spectroscopic discovery of SN2003dh, coincident with GRB 030329 (Hjorth et al.~2003, Stanek et al.~2003), and other spectroscopically-proven associations, e.g.~GRB030213/SN2003lw (Malesani et al.~2004), GRB021211/SN2002lt (Della Valle et al.~2003), XRF060218/SN2006aj (Campana et al.~2006b, Pian et al.~2006, Mazzali et al.~2006) and XRF080109/SN2008D (Malesani et al.~2008, Modjaz et al.~2008, Soderberg et al.~2008). The CB model (DD2004) has been applied successfully to explain all the main observed properties of long GRBs and XRFs before the Swift era (e.g.~Dar 2005 and references therein). The model is summarized in $\\S$\\ref{CBMODEL}. For detailed accounts see, e.g.,~De R\\'ujula, 2007a,b. In this report we extend and refine our analysis of the temporal and spectral behaviour of the $\\gamma$-ray, X-ray and optical light curves of GRBs during the prompt emission, the rapid-decay phase, and the afterglow phase. The observed prompt spectrum in the $\\gamma$-ray to X-ray domain is the predicted one, which is Compton-dominated in the CB model (DD2004). The observed widths of the $\\gamma$-ray and X-ray peaks, as well as lag-times between them and their relative fluences, are in accordance with the model's predictions, if free-free absorption dominates the transparency of the CBs to eV photons in the CBs' rest frame. We investigate whether or not the CB model can describe all the data in terms of only two emission mechanisms: inverse Compton scattering and synchrotron radiation. We shall see that this simple picture, explicitly based on the predictions in DDD2002a and DD2004, gives a straightforward and successful description of the Swift GRB data, at all observed energies and times. An exploding SN illuminates the progenitor's earlier ejecta, creating a {\\it glory} of scattered and re-emitted light. In the CB model inverse Compton scattering (ICS) of glory photons is the origin of the prompt $\\gamma$/X-ray peaks, as we review in $\\S$\\ref{Inverse}. Each peak is generated by a single CB emitted by the `engine', the accreting compact object resulting from a core-collapse supernova event. We shall see that ICS correctly describes the prompt peaks, extending even into the optical domain in XRFs in which the relevant observations are available, such as XRF 060218. The natural explanation of the early time flares is the same as that of the stronger flares: ICS of glory photons by the electrons of CBs ejected in late accretion episodes of fall-back matter on the newly formed central object. These CB emissions must correspond to a weakening activity of the engine, as the accreting material becomes scarcer. In the CB model, from the onset of the `plateau' onwards, the X-ray, optical (DDD2002a) and radio (DDD2003a) afterglows are dominated by synchrotron radiation (SR), the CB-model predictions for which are reviewed in $\\S$\\ref{Synchrotron}. On occasion these AGs also have transient rebrightenings (`very late' flares), two notable cases before the Swift era being GRB 970508 (Amati et al.~1999, Galama et al.~1998a) and GRB 030329 (Lipkin et al.~2004). During these episodes, the spectrum continues to coincide with the one predicted on the basis of the synchrotron mechanism that dominates the late AGs. These very late flares are well described by encounters of CBs with density inhomogeneities in the interstellar medium (DDD2002a, DD2004). Very late flares in the {\\it XUVONIR} AG may have this origin as well. In this article we compare the predictions of the CB model and the observed X-ray and optical light curves of 33 selected GRBs, which are well sampled from very early time until late time, have a relatively long follow-up with good statistics and represent well the entire diversity of Swift GRBs. These include the brightest of the Swift GRBs (080319B), the GRB with the longest measured X-ray emission (060729), a few with canonical X-ray light curves (050315, 060526, 061121 and 080320) with and without superimposed X-ray flares, GRBs with semi-canonical light curves (060211A, 061110A, 070220, 080303, 080307, 051021B) and non-canonical light curves (061007, 061126, 060206), and some of the allegedly most peculiar GRBs (050319, 050820A, 060418, 060607A, 071010A, 061126). We also compare the CB model prediction and the observed X-ray light curve of additional 12 GRBs with the most rapid late-time temporal decay. In the CB model, LGRBs and XRFs are one and the same, the general distinction being that XRFs are viewed at a larger angle relative to the direction of the approaching jet of CBs or have a relatively small Lorentz factor (DD2004, Dado et al.~2004c). Thus we include a Swift XRF of particular interest in our analysis: 060218. Its X-ray light curve is shown to be the normal X-ray light curve of a GRB viewed far off axis, and not the emission from the break-out of a spherical shock wave through the stellar envelope. Its optical AG at various frequencies shows, before the SN becomes dominant, a series of broad peaks between 30 ks and 60 ks after trigger, which we interpreted as the optical counterparts of the dominant prompt X-ray peak of this XRF. The expressions for an ICS-generated peak at all frequencies allow us to predict the positions, magnitudes and pulse shape of these broad peaks, a gigantic extrapolation in time, radiated energy and frequency. After submitting for publication a first version of a comparison between the CB-model predictions and Swift observations (DDD2007c), we have compared many more Swift data with the CB-model predictions, in order to further test its ability to predict correctly all the main properties of GRB light curves. These included the rapid spectral evolution observed during the fast decay of the prompt emission in `canonical' GRBs (DDD2008a) and the `missing AG breaks' in the AG of several GRBs (DDD2008b). We have also extended the CB model to describe short hard bursts (SHBs) and confronted it with the entire data on all SHBs with well-measured X-ray and/or optical afterglows (Dado \\& Dar 2008). Together with the GRBs discussed in this report, we have analyzed and published CB model fits to the light curves of more than 100 LGRBs and SHBs. The CB model continued to be completely successful in the confrontation of its predictions with the data. ", "conclusions": "\\label{outlook} The rich data on GRBs gathered after the launch of Swift, as interpreted in the CB model and as we have discussed here and in recent papers (e.g.~Dado et al.~2006, 2007, 2008a, 2008b) has taught us several things: \\begin{itemize} \\item{} Two radiation mechanisms, inverse Compton scattering and synchrotron radiation, suffice within the CB model to provide a very simple and accurate description of long-duration GRBs and XRFs and their afterglows. Simple as they are, these two mechanisms and the bursts' environments generate the rich structure and variety of the light curves at all frequencies and times. \\item{} The historical distinction between prompt and afterglow phases is replaced by a physical distinction: the relative dominance of the Compton or synchrotron mechanisms at different, frequency-dependent times. \\item{} The relatively narrow pulses of the $\\gamma$-ray signal, the somewhat wider prompt flares of X-rays, and the much wider humps sometimes seen at $UVOIR$ frequencies in XRFs, have a common origin. They are generated by inverse Compton scattering. \\item{} The synchrotron radiation component dominates the prompt optical emission in ordinary GRBs, the broad-band afterglow in GRBs and XRFs and the late-time flares of both types of events. \\item{} The early-time XRT and UVOT data on XRF 060218 are inconsistent with a black-body emission from a shock break-out through the stellar envelope. Instead, they support the CB-model interpretation of ICS of glory light by an early jet of CBs from what is later seen as SN2006aj. The start time of the X-ray emission does not constrain the exact time of the core's collapse before the launch of the CBs, nor the possible ejection of other CBs farther off axis. \\item{} Despite its simplicity and approximate nature, the CB model continues to provide an extremely successful description of long GRBs and XRFs. Its testable predictions, so far, are in complete agreement with the main established properties of their prompt emission and of the afterglow at all times and frequencies. \\end{itemize} We re-emphasize that the results presented in this paper are based on direct applications of our previously published explicit predictions. Our master formulae, Eq.~(\\ref{ICSlc}) for ICS and Eqs.~(\\ref{decel}, \\ref{Fnu}, \\ref{SRP}) for the synchrotron component describe all the data very well. But, could they just be very lucky guesses? The general properties of the data are predictions. But, when fitting cases with many flares, are we not `over-parametrizing' the results? Finally, the $E\\,t^2$ law plays an important role. Could it also be trivially derived in a different theory? When their collimated radiation points to the observer, GRBs are the brightest sources in the sky. In the context of the CB model and of the simplicity of its underlying physics, GRBs are not persistent mysteries, nor `the biggest of explosions after the Big Bang', nor a constant source of surprises, exceptions and new requirements. Instead, they are well-understood and can be used as cosmological tools, to study the history of the intergalactic medium and of star formation up to large redshifts, and to locate SN explosions at a very early stage. As interpreted in the CB model, GRBs are not `standard candles', their use in `Hubble-like' analises would require further elaboration. The GRB conundra have been reduced to just one: `how does a SN manage to sprout mighty jets?' The increasingly well-studied ejecta of quasars and microquasars, no doubt also fired in catastrophic accretion episodes on compact central objects, provides observational hints with which, so far, theory and simulations cannot compete. The CB model underlies a unified theory of high energy astrophysical phenomena. The information gathered in our study of GRBs can be used to understand, also in very simple terms, other phenomena. The most notable is (non-solar) cosmic rays. We allege (Dar et al.~1992, Dar \\& Plaga~1999) that they are simply the charged ISM particles scattered by CBs, in complete analogy with the ICS of light by the same CBs. This results in a successful description of the spectra of all primary cosmic-ray nuclei and electrons at all observed energies (Dar and De R\\'ujula~2006a). The CB model also predicts very simply the spectrum of the gamma background radiation and explains its directional properties (Dar \\& De R\\'ujula~2001a, 2006b). Other phenomena understood in simple terms include the properties of cooling core clusters (Colafrancesco, Dar \\& De R\\'ujula~2003) and of intergalactic magnetic fields (Dar \\& De R\\'ujula~2005). The model may even have a say in `astrobiology' (Dar, Laor \\& Shaviv~1998, Dar \\& De R\\'ujula~2001b). {\\bf Acknowledgment:} A.D. would like to thank the Theory Division of CERN for its hospitality during this work. We would also like to thank S.~Campana, G.~Cusumano, P.~Ferrero, D.~Grupe, D.~A.~Kann, K.~L.~Page and S.~Vaughan, for making available to us the tabulated data of their published X-ray and optical light curves of Swift GRBs and an anonymous referee for an exceptionally constructive and useful report. \\newpage" }, "0809/0809.4295_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report on the discovery of \\hatcurb{}, the lowest mass (\\hatcurPPm\\,\\mjup) transiting extrasolar planet (TEP) discovered to date by transit searches. \\hatcurb\\ orbits the moderately bright V=\\hatcurCCtassmv\\ K dwarf \\hatcurCCgsc, with a period $P=\\hatcurLCP\\,d$, transit epoch $T_c = \\hatcurLCT$ (BJD) and duration \\hatcurLCdur\\,d. \\hatcurb\\ has a radius of \\hatcurPPr\\,\\rjup\\ yielding a mean density of \\hatcurPPrho\\,\\gcmc. Comparing these observations with recent theoretical models we find that \\hatcur\\ is consistent with a $\\sim 4.5\\,{\\rm Gyr}$, coreless, pure hydrogen and helium gas giant planet. With an equilibrium temperature of $T_{eq} = \\hatcurPPteff\\,K$, \\hatcurb\\ is one of the coldest TEPs. Curiously, its Safronov number $\\theta=\\hatcurPPtheta$ falls close to the dividing line between the two suggested TEP populations. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:introduction} It has become clear in recent years that transiting extrasolar planets (TEPs), especially those around bright stars, are extremely valuable for understanding the physical properties of planetary bodies. The transit itself is a periodic event, which --- together with high precision spectroscopic observations and radial velocity (RV) follow-up -- reveals a number of key parameters, notably the relative radius of the planet with respect to the star, and the true mass of the planet without the inclination ambiguity. These allow determination of the mean density of the planet, and an insight into its basic structural properties. These advantages have been realized early on, and the recent rise in the detection of TEPs is due to a number of dedicated transit searches, such as TrES \\citep{brown:00,dunham:04}, XO \\citep{pmcc:05}, SuperWASP \\citep{pollacco:06}, OGLE \\citep[targeting fainter stars;][]{udalski:08}, and HATNet \\citep{bakos:02,bakos:04}. At the time of this writing, the number of published TEPs with a unique identification is $\\sim 40$, with $\\sim 35$ of these due to systematic searches. The properties of known TEPs already span a wide range, from the hot Neptune GJ436b with a mass of $\\mpl = 0.072\\,\\mjup$ \\citep{butler:04,gillon:07} to XO-3 with $\\mpl = 11.79\\mpl$ \\citep{johns-krull:08}, from short period orbits like OGLE-TR-56b with $P=1.2$\\,days \\citep{udalski:02,konacki:03} to $P=21.2$\\,days of \\hd{17506}b \\citep{barbieri:07}. Although most of these planets have circular orbits, some planets with significant eccentricities, such as HAT-P-2b \\citep{bakos:07a}, have also been reported. TEPs have been discovered in a wide range of environments, from orbiting M dwarfs (GJ436b) up to mid F-dwarfs, such as HAT-P-7b \\citep{pal:08a}. Theoretical investigations have been thriving during this vigorous discovery era, some focusing on the radius of these planets \\citep[][]{burrows:07,liu:08,chabrier:04,fortney:07}, and others on the atmospheres \\citep[e.g.][]{burrows:06,fortney:07}, to mention two of the key observable properties of transiting planets. When confronting theory with observations, it is also essential to use accurate observational values, along with proper error estimates. The recent compilation of TEP parameters by \\citet{torres:08} represents a step forward in this sense. It was also noted throughout these works that a much larger sample is required for better understanding of the underlying physics, i.e.~more planets are needed to populate the mass--radius (or other) parameter space, to improve the statistical significance of correlations between planetary and stellar parameters, and to reveal any previously undetected correlations that may shed light on the physical processes governing the formation and evolution of TEPs. The HATNet survey has been a major contributor to TEP discoveries. Operational since 2003, it has covered approximately 7\\% of the Northern sky, searching for TEPs around bright stars ($8\\lesssim I \\lesssim 12$\\,mag). HATNet operates six wide field instruments: four at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory (FLWO) in Arizona, and two on the roof of the Submillimeter Array Hangar (SMA) of SAO\\@. Since 2006, HATNet has announced and published 9 TEPs. In this work we report on the tenth such discovery.\\footnote{After submission of this paper, it was realized that HAT-P-10b and WASP-11b refer to the same object, independently discovered, with WASP-11b submitted 7 days earlier to A\\&A. The two discovery groups agreed on calling it in future papers as WASP-11b/HAT-P-10b, with separate entries on www.exoplanet.eu}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:discussion} It is interesting to compare the properties of \\hatcurb\\ with the other known TEPs so as to place it in a broader context. This planet falls at the low-mass end of the current distribution, as shown in \\figr{exomrsaf} (left panel), where we overplot \\citet{baraffe:03} planetary isochrones, which indicate that the radius of \\hatcur\\ is broadly consistent with these models. As we noted earlier, \\hatcur\\ is formally the smallest mass TEP discovered by transit searches. The even smaller \\hd{149026b} \\citep{sato:05} and GJ436b \\citep{butler:04} were discovered by RV searches, and their transits were found later. We compared our mass and radius to theoretical estimates of \\cite{liu:08} for a 0.5\\,\\mjup\\ body at various orbital distances from a G2V star. We note that the equivalent semi-major axis (with the same incident flux) of \\hatcurb\\ around a solar type star is $a_{rel} = 0.076$. It is also noteworthy that when a detailed comparison is done, the effects of the environment on the planetary properties are not as simple as scaling the integrated stellar flux, since the detailed spectrum of the star (e.g.~UV flux) may also be important. Based on the models presented by \\cite{liu:08}, for $\\dot{E_{h}}/\\dot{E}_{ins} = 10^{-6}$ the equilibrium radius of \\hatcurb\\ would be $\\sim$1.1\\,\\rjup, where $\\dot{E_{h}}$ is the energy per unit time due to orbital tidal heating or similar internal heating, and $\\dot{E}_{ins}$ is the energy received via insolation. For larger values of $\\dot{E_{h}}/\\dot{E}_{ins}$ the expected radius is larger, and for smaller values it asympotically converges to 1.1\\,\\rjup. This makes us conclude that a small core of approx.~20\\mearth\\ is required so that the model values match the observed \\hatcurPPrshort\\,\\rjup\\ radius of \\hatcurb. This would be also consistent with the core-mass---stellar metallicity relation proposed by \\cite{burrows:07} When comparing with models of \\cite{fortney:08}, we obtain similar results. The current mass, radius and insolation of \\hatcurb\\ are consistent with a 500\\,Myr model with a 25\\,\\mearth\\ core mass, or a 4.5\\,Gyr coreless pure hydrogen and helium model. It is noted that low-mass, core-free planets are hard to model, thus our current finding will hopefully provide a further constraint for theoretical models. The radiation that \\hatcurb\\ receives from its host star is $\\sim 2.56\\cdot10^{8}\\ergs$. With the definitions of \\cite{fortney:08}, \\hatcurb\\ belongs to the pL class of planets. There is only one transiting planet that has a lower mean incident flux: \\hd{17156}b \\citep{barbieri:07}, but this planet orbits on a highly eccentric orbit, with incident flux increasing to over $10^9\\ergs$ at periastron. The other planet with a similarly low incident flux is OGLE-TR-111b \\citep{udalski:02,pont:04}, orbiting an $I=15.55$\\,mag star with $\\teffstar = 5040\\,K$ (Santos, 2006). \\hatcurb\\ appears to be a near-by analog of OGLE-TR-111b in many respects, since their parameters are very similar (parentheses show those of OGLE-TR-111); the period is \\hatcurLCPshort\\,d (4.01\\,d), the stellar mass is \\hatcurYYmshort\\,\\msun\\ (0.85\\,\\msun), the stellar radius is \\hatcurYYrshort (0.83\\,\\rsun), the luminosity is \\hatcurYYlumshort\\ (0.4), the metallicity is \\hatcurSMEzfeh\\ ($0.19\\pm0.07$), and the planetary radius is \\hatcurPPrshort\\,\\mjup\\ (1.05). Interestingly, even the impact parameter of their transits is similar. There is a slight difference in their masses, with \\hatcurb\\ being smaller (\\hatcurPPm\\,\\mjup\\ vs.~$0.55\\pm0.1\\mjup$). One crucial difference between the two systems is that \\hatcur\\ is 10 times closer to us, being at \\hatcurXdist\\,pc vs.~1500\\,pc for OGLE-TR-111, and is more than 4 magnitudes brighter, thus enabling more detailed follow-up in the near future. Another interesting observational fact is that the $\\Theta = \\hatcurPPtheta$ Safronov number of \\hatcurb\\ falls fairly close to the dividing line between the proposed Class I and Class II planets \\citep{hansen:07}. At the low end of the equilibrium temperature range of the plot (excluding GJ436b), \\hatcurb\\ seems to be at a point where the two distributions overlap (see \\figr{exomrsaf}, right panel). Finally, we note that \\hatcurb\\ strengthens the orbital period vs.~surface gravity relation \\citep{southworth07}, falling almost exactly on the linear fit between these two quantities \\citep{torres:08}. \\clearpage" }, "0809/0809.4589_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We report new spectroscopic and photometric observations of the parent stars of the recently discovered transiting planets \\mbox{TrES-3} and \\mbox{TrES-4}. A detailed abundance analysis based on high-resolution spectra yields [Fe/H] $= -0.19\\pm 0.08$, $T_\\mathrm{eff} = 5650\\pm 75$~K, and $\\log g = 4.4\\pm 0.1$ for \\mbox{TrES-3}, and [Fe/H] $= +0.14\\pm 0.09$, $T_\\mathrm{eff} = 6200\\pm 75$~K, and $\\log g = 4.0\\pm 0.1$ for \\mbox{TrES-4}. The accuracy of the effective temperatures is supported by a number of independent consistency checks. The spectroscopic orbital solution for \\mbox{TrES-3} is improved with our new radial-velocity measurements of that system, as are the light-curve parameters for both systems based on newly acquired photometry for \\mbox{TrES-3} and a reanalysis of existing photometry for \\mbox{TrES-4}. We have redetermined the stellar parameters taking advantage of the strong constraint provided by the light curves in the form of the normalized separation $a/R_\\star$ (related to the stellar density) in conjunction with our new temperatures and metallicities. The masses and radii we derive are $M_\\star = 0.928_{-0.048}^{+0.028}~M_{\\sun}$, $R_\\star = 0.829_{-0.022}^{+0.015}~R_{\\sun}$, and $M_\\star = 1.404_{-0.134}^{+0.066}~M_{\\sun}$, $R_\\star = 1.846_{-0.087}^{+0.096}~R_{\\sun}$ for \\mbox{TrES-3} and \\mbox{TrES-4}, respectively. With these revised stellar parameters we obtain improved values for the planetary masses and radii. We find $M_p = 1.910_{-0.080}^{+0.075}~M_\\mathrm{Jup}$, $R_p = 1.336_{-0.036}^{+0.031}~R_\\mathrm{Jup}$ for \\mbox{TrES-3}, and $M_p = 0.925 \\pm 0.082~M_\\mathrm{Jup}$, $R_p = 1.783_{-0.086}^{+0.093}~R_\\mathrm{Jup}$ for \\mbox{TrES-4}. We confirm \\mbox{TrES-4} as the planet with the largest radius among the currently known transiting hot Jupiters. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:introduction} The 40 transiting planet systems confirmed as of August 2008\\footnote{For a complete listing see {\\tt http://www.inscience.ch/transits/}, or {\\tt http://exoplanet.eu}~.} show a remarkable diversity of properties, which is indicative of the complexity of planet formation and evolution processes. Many different follow-up studies enabled by the special orientation of these systems \\citep[e.g.,][see Charbonneau et al.\\ 2007 for a review]{queloz00, charbon02, charbonneau05, knutson07, tinetti07} have brought about rapid improvements in evolutionary models of planet interiors and atmospheres \\citep{baraffe04, lecavelier06, guillot06, burrows07}. The increasing predictive power of these models is beginning to drive even more challenging observations. On the other hand, the precision and accuracy with which the most basic planet properties such as the mass and radius can be determined is currently limited by our knowledge of the properties of the host stars. Significant uncertainties remain in the stellar mass and radius determinations of many systems. In some cases this is due to poorly determined photospheric properties (mainly temperature and metallicity), and in others to a lack of an accurate luminosity estimate. Additionally, the variety of methodologies used for these determinations and the different approaches towards systematic errors have resulted in a rather inhomogeneous set of planet properties, as discussed by \\cite{torres08}. This complicates the interpretation of patterns and correlations that are being proposed \\citep[e.g.,][]{Mazeh:05, guillot06, Hansen:07}. Recent improvements in the analysis techniques have the potential to increase the accuracy of the stellar and planetary parameters significantly, especially for the large majority without a direct distance estimate. In particular, the application of the constraint on the stellar density that comes directly from the transit light curves has been shown to be superior to the use of other indicators of luminosity such as the surface gravity ($\\log g$) determined spectroscopically \\citep{sozzetti07, holman07}. \\cite{torres08} have recently reanalyzed a large subset of the known transiting planets, incorporating these improvements and applying a uniform methodology to all systems. In the present work we focus on two of the recently discovered transiting systems, \\mbox{TrES-3} \\citep{ODonovan:07} and \\mbox{TrES-4} \\citep{Mandushev:07}, which lack accurate estimates for the photospheric properties of the parent stars and as a result have more uncertain stellar and planetary parameters. To improve upon these properties, we present new radial-velocity and photometric observations of \\mbox{TrES-3} with which we refine both the light curve solution and the spectroscopic orbit. We also carry out a reanalysis of existing \\mbox{TrES-4} photometry utilizing a technique which treats stellar limb darkening using adjustable parameters. We perform the first detailed spectroscopic determination of the photospheric properties of both stars, and we make use of the constraint on the stellar density mentioned above to infer more accurate values for the stellar and planetary masses and radii. Our paper is organized as follows. In \\S\\,\\ref{sec:obs} we summarize the observations. In \\S\\,\\ref{sec:atmpar} we present our effective temperature and metallicity determinations, along with several consistency checks aimed at establishing the accuracy of the temperatures. In \\S\\,\\ref{sec:orb} we report an updated spectroscopic orbital solution for \\mbox{TrES-3}, and the light curve solutions for both systems are discussed in \\S\\,\\ref{lcanalysis}. Section\\,\\ref{sec:physics} then describes our determination of the stellar masses and radii, which in turn lead to refined values for the planetary parameters over those reported in the discovery papers. We conclude in \\S\\,\\ref{sec:summ} by providing a summary of our results and by discussing whether the properties of the host stars give any useful clues on the origin of the strongly contrasting densities of their close-in gas giant planets, particularly in comparison with the other known transiting planet systems. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:summ} Our detailed spectroscopic analyses of \\mbox{TrES-3} and \\mbox{TrES-4} have yielded accurate values of the atmospheric properties ($T_\\mathrm{eff}$ and [Fe/H]), which are critical for establishing the fundamental properties of the hosts. The accuracy of the temperatures is supported by a number of independent checks (low-resolution spectroscopy, line-depth ratios, H$_\\alpha$ line profiles, color-temperature calibrations) that gives us confidence that the inferred stellar properties are reliable. We find that \\mbox{TrES-3} is a main-sequence G dwarf with a metallicity about 1.5 times lower than the Sun's, not a very common occurence among exoplanets hosts. \\mbox{TrES-4} is a somewhat evolved late F star that is nearing the end of its main-sequence phase, and is slightly enhanced in its iron content with respect to the solar abundance. The agreement we find between age indicators for \\mbox{TrES-3} and \\mbox{TrES-4} based on measurements of the \\ion{Ca}{2} activity levels, the lithium abundances, and rotation, and the evolutionary age inferred from the models is fair, although, as discussed in \\S\\,\\ref{sec:age}, the reliability of empirical age estimates for stars that are not young ($t\\gtrsim 1$ Gyr) is somewhat questionable. The model estimates themselves are not without their problems. Nevertheless, we conclude the stars are 1--3 Gyr old. Neither star stands out as peculiar when compared with other planet hosts with similar physical properties. In \\mbox{TrES-3} the small $v\\sin i$ value and the fact that we can only place an upper limit on the Li abundance are consistent with the notion that planet hosts with $T_\\mathrm{eff}$ similar to the Sun appear to rotate more slowly and are more Li-depleted than stars without detected planets. As pointed out recently \\citep[][and references therein]{gonzalez08}, this evidence suggests that a planet-forming disk may induce additional rotational braking, leading to enhanced mixing in the stellar envelope, which in turn accelerates the destruction of lithium. \\mbox{TrES-4}, on the other hand, does not seem consistent with the claim by \\cite{gonzalez08} that hotter planet hosts with $T_\\mathrm{eff} \\gtrsim 6100$~K have higher Li abundances, possibly due to self-enrichment processes. It is worth keeping in mind, however, that these discrepancies may not be significant given the large spread in the Li abundance for field stars with the temperature and mass of \\mbox{TrES-4} \\citep[e.g.,][]{lambred04}. New investigations on these issues are clearly needed based on uniform analyses of large samples of planet hosts and statistically significant, well-defined control samples of stars without detected planets. New radial-velocity measurements for \\mbox{TrES-3} presented here have enabled us to revise the spectroscopic orbit for that system. We detect no indication of any longer-term variations in the radial velocities that might suggest the presence of another body in the system. However, the small number of observations and their limited time span of only 6 months emphasize the need for continued Doppler monitoring of this and other transiting planet systems to investigate the possibility of additional companions. In stark contrast to the considerable ground-based and space-based efforts invested in studying in great detail the atmospheric properties of many of these objects, which have undoubtedly led to tremendous insights into their structure, formation, and evolution, the amount of radial-velocity data available for transiting planets is meager, and often does not go beyond the handful of observations published in the discovery papers. Interest in the radial velocities seems to be quickly lost. It should be pointed out that the frequency of close-in giant planets ($P < 10$ day) with additional massive planets in outer orbits \\citep[up to the detection limit of today's Doppler surveys, $\\sim 4$ AU; see, e.g.,][and references therein]{butler06} is about 12\\% (8 out of 70 systems discovered via RV methods), and it would therefore be wise to continue the velocity monitoring of some of the transiting systems. If additional planets in a transiting system were detected, they might also be found to undergo transits, and such a discovery would allow us to constrain structural models for gas giants akin to Jupiter or Saturn, and open exciting opportunities for additional investigations with present ({\\em Spitzer}) and upcoming (JWST) space-borne observatories. Accurate stellar properties for \\mbox{TrES-3} and \\mbox{TrES-4} have been derived here following the approach described in \\cite{sozzetti07} and \\cite{holman07}, comparing the spectroscopically determined $T_\\mathrm{eff}$ and [Fe/H] values along with the photometrically measured $a/R_\\star$ with current stellar evolution models. These properties have in turn allowed us to refine the determination of the mass and radius of the planets. In particular, we confirm that \\mbox{TrES-4} is the planet with the largest radius among the currently known transiting hot Jupiters. Recently, Winn et al. (2008a) derived upper limits on the albedo of TrES-3 based on the nondetection of occultations observed at optical wavelengths. Our findings are relevant to this study in two ways. Firstly, they strengthen the case for a circular orbit, which is important because if the orbit is eccentric then it would be possible that Winn et al. (2008a) did not observe TrES-3 at the actual times of occultations and that their data place no constraint on the albedo. Secondly, our revised light-curve parameters are relevant because the upper limit on the geometric albedo ($p_\\lambda$) was inferred from the measured upper limit on the planet-to-star flux ratio ($\\epsilon_\\lambda$) according to \\begin{equation} p_\\lambda = \\epsilon_\\lambda(a/R_p)^2 \\end{equation} Our revised value of $(a/R_p)$ therefore leads to revised upper limits on the geometric albedo of TrES-3. However, this revision turns out to be minor: the new value of $(a/R_p)$ is only 1.5\\% larger than the value used by Winn et al.~(2008a). The upper limits on the geometric albedo become weaker by about 3\\%. At 99\\% confidence, the revised upper limits are 0.31, 0.64, and 1.10 in $i-$, $z-$, and $R-$band, respectively. There is a large spread in the observed radii and densities for transiting planets of comparable mass placed at similar orbital distance from stars of very similar properties ($T_\\mathrm{eff}$, $\\log g$, [Fe/H], and age). For example, if we consider \\mbox{TrES-4} along with 5 other transiting planet hosts (excluding \\mbox{HAT-P-2}) with similar characteristics (HD~149026, HD~209458, OGLE-TR-56, OGLE-TR-132, and WASP-1), the nominal masses of the attending planets vary by a factor of $\\sim3.5$, but reported densities vary by a factor of $\\sim7.5$ \\citep[e.g.,][]{torres08}. Many theoretical mechanisms have been proposed to inflate the radius of a strongly irradiated planet, such as additional sources of internal heating due to stellar insolation \\citep{guillot02}, tidal heating due to non-zero eccentricity caused by gravitational interaction with an outer companion \\citep{bodenheimer01} or by rotational obliquity \\citep{winn05}, elevated interior opacity due to enhanced atmospheric metallicity \\citep{guillot06, burrows07}, or varying core masses \\citep{fortney07}. None of these appear capable of explaining the observed spread in density in a natural way \\citep[see also][]{Fabrycky:07}. Of the 6 stars just mentioned, all are more metal-rich than the Sun, except for HD~209458, which has [Fe/H] close to solar. Some of the above models \\citep{guillot06, burrows07} predict a positive correlation between the inferred planetary core mass and the host star's metallicity, as in the framework of the core-accretion model of giant planet formation \\citep[e.g.,][]{pollack96, alibert05}. This idea assumes [Fe/H] closely tracks the metallicity of the protoplanetary disk, so that more metal-rich stars should be orbited by more metal-rich planets, with a larger heavy-element content. However, among these 6 systems only one planet (HD~149026b) has an inferred core mass significantly larger than zero, and four of the other planets have measured radii so large that the cores are likely to be insignificant. In fact, even in the absence of a core the observed radii cannot be reproduced by the models, with \\mbox{TrES-4} being the extreme case. Interestingly, over 40\\% of the transiting planets reported in Table~5 of \\cite{torres08} do not appear to require any core at all to explain their sizes \\citep[according to the models of][]{fortney07}. Taking all this into consideration, the claimed evidence for a core mass--metallicity correlation could indeed be seen as supporting the more widely accepted scenario of formation by core accretion, but from the indications above it may also be that a significant fraction of these objects formed in a different way \\citep[e.g.,][and references therein]{durisen07}. Given the evidence collected so far, we suggest that simply connecting the host star's characteristics to the structural properties of transiting planets may in fact be an over-simplification. We conclude by stressing the importance of refining our understanding of the complex interplay between the disk environment and a forming giant planet, and its evolutionary history after envelope accretion, which might turn out to be more directly responsible for its final structure and composition than the metal content of the parent star." }, "0809/0809.2400_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "I review the basic observational properties of accreting millisecond pulsars that are important for understanding the physics involved in formation of their pulse profiles. I then discuss main effects responsible for shaping these profiles. Some analytical results that help to understand the results of simulations are presented. Constraints on the pulsar geometry and the neutron star equation of state obtained from the analysis of the pulse profiles are discussed. ", "introduction": "First evidences for rapid rotation of neutron stars (NS) in low-mass X-ray binaries appeared in 1996 with the discoveries of sub-kHz coherent oscillations observed during X-ray bursts by the {\\it Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE)} \\cite[see][ for review]{SB06}. Two years later, the first accreting X-ray millisecond pulsar (AMP) was discovered \\cite{WvdK98}, which was a nice confirmation of the theory of production of millisecond radio pulsar in the course of accretion. By 2008, there are at least 8 accreting NS discovered that show coherent oscillations for the extended periods of time during the outbursts \\cite{W06,P06}. These sources are exceptional laboratories to study the physics of accretion onto magnetized stars. They also have a great potential to test the NS structure. These goals can be achieved by studying the pulse profiles. This, however, requires understanding of the processes responsible for the production of the X-rays at the NS surface as well as detailed modeling of the propagation of the radiation to the observer. I review here the main observational data that have direct relation to this topic. These include averaged and phase-resolved broad-band spectra, pulse profiles and their energy dependence, and time lags. Then I describe recent efforts to develop theoretical models devoted to modeling these data and the main results obtained from these studies. ", "conclusions": "I have reviewed the basic observational properties of AMP such as spectral energy distribution, pulse profiles, time lags that are important for understanding of the physics of accretion in these sources. I also discussed the major effects that are responsible for shaping the pulses in AMP: light bending, Doppler boosting, anisotropy of emission, eclipses by the accretion disk, etc. The complicated dependences of the pulses on various parameters trigger the analytical approach which allows to understand better the results of simulations. I discussed how various observables such as amplitudes of fundamental and harmonic depend on the main parameters as well as how the invisibility of the secondary spot constrains geometrical parameters and the inner disk radius. This in turn can be used to constrain the pulsar magnetic field. Various attempts to measure NS compactness produce contradicting results, which probably reflects our ignorance of the angular distribution of the radiation as well as the spot geometry. Theoretical studies of these aspects of accretion onto AMP are certainly welcome. \\begin{theacknowledgments} I acknowledge the support from the Academy of Finland grant 110792. I thank my collaborators on this topic Andrei Beloborodov, Maurizio Falanga, Marek Gierli\\'nski, and Askar Ibragimov. \\end{theacknowledgments}" }, "0809/0809.5199_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ Three very massive clusters are known to reside in the Galactic Center region, the Arches cluster, the Quintuplet cluster and the Central Parsec cluster, each of them being rich in young hot stars. With new infrared instruments this region is no longer obscured to the observer. } {For understanding these very massive clusters, it is essential to know their stellar inventory. We provide comprehensive spectroscopic data for the stellar population of the Quintuplet cluster that will form the basis of subsequent spectral analyses. } { Spectroscopic observations of the Quintuplet cluster have been obtained with the Integral Field Spectrograph SINFONI-SPIFFI at the ESO-VLT. The inner part of the Quintuplet cluster was covered by 22 slightly overlapping fields, each of them of $8\\,\\arcsec \\times 8\\,\\arcsec$ in size. The spectral range comprises the near-IR $K$-band from 1.94 to 2.45\\,$\\mu$m. The 3D data cubes of the individual fields were flux-calibrated and combined to one contiguous cube, from which the spectra of all detectable point sources were extracted. } { We present a catalog of 160 stellar sources in the inner part of the Quintuplet cluster. The flux-calibrated $K$-band spectra of 98 early-type stars and 62 late-type stars are provided as Online Material. Based on these spectra, we assign spectral types to all detected sources and derive synthetic $K_\\textrm s$-band magnitudes. Our sample is complete to about the 13th $K$-magnitude. We report the detection of two hitherto unknown Wolf-Rayet stars of late WC type (WC9 or later). Radial velocities are measured and employed to asses the cluster membership. The quantitative analysis of the early-type spectra will be subject to a subsequent paper. } {} ", "introduction": "The Galactic Center has long been hidden from optical observation due to high extinction in the visual. {\\changed Today} the advanced instruments for infrared radiation give access to this region. Three surprisingly young and massive stellar clusters were found within {\\changed a projected distance of} 35\\,pc from the central black hole: the Arches, the Quintuplet and the Central cluster. These clusters are found to be rich in massive stars (Arches:\\,\\citealt{Blum+2001, Figer2004, Martins+2008}; Quintuplet:\\,\\citealt{FigerMcLeanNajarro1997, FMM99, Figer2004}; Galactic Center Cluster:\\,\\citealt{Eckart+2004, Figer2004}). The prominent constellation of five infrared-bright stars gave reason to name one of the {\\changed clusters} the ``Quintuplet cluster'' \\,\\citep{Okuda+1987, Okuda+1989}. It has a projected distance of 30\\,pc to the Galactic Center, a cluster radius of about 1\\,pc, and an estimated age of about 4 million years\\,\\citep{Okuda+1990, FMM99}. First spectroscopic observations of the five ``Quintuplet proper'' stars {\\changed \\citep[later named Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 and Q9 by][]{FMM99}} showed only a continuum without any features. Some of them have been detected also as far-IR and radio sources \\citep{Lang+1997, Lang+1999, Lang+2005}. \\citet{Tuthill+2006} resolved two of the original Quintuplet stars (Q2 and Q3) in space and time as colliding wind binaries, ejecting dust in the shape of a rotating ``pinwheel''. According to further spectroscopic studies \\citep{FMM99, Figer2004}, the cluster contains at least 100 O stars and 16 Wolf-Rayet stars. Two massive{\\changed ,} evolved stars in their luminous blue variable {\\changed (LBV)} phase, the ``Pistol star'' and one further LBV candidate, have been found in the Quintuplet cluster \\citep{Geballe+2000}. {\\changed At least two luminous} stars of late spectral type K and M {\\changed were} found in the cluster as well. The present paper {\\changed (hereafter the ``LHO catalog'')} provides a comprehensive spectral atlas of $K$-band spectra from stellar sources in the Quintuplet cluster. These spectra can form the basis for a subsequent analysis of the luminous stellar population, which is {\\changed a} prerequisite for understanding the formation and evolution of this very massive cluster in its special galactic environment. The paper is structured as follows: Section\\,\\ref{sec:observations} gives details on the observations and data reduction. Section\\,\\ref{sec:catalog} contains the catalog with position, spectral classification, synthetic K magnitude and radial velocity. The final Sect.\\,\\ref{sec:summary} summarizes the catalog. The spectral atlas comprising 160 stars is available as Online Material. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:summary} We present {\\changed the first} $K$-band spectral catalog of {\\changed 160} stellar sources in the central region of the Quintuplet cluster. Integral field {\\changed spectra} were obtained with the SINFONI-SPIFFI on UT4 from May to July 2006. Our catalog comprises {\\changed flux-calibrated spectra of} 98 {\\changed early-type} stars (OB and WR) and 62 {\\changed late-type} stars (K to M) {\\changed with a spectral resolution of $R \\approx 4000$.} Table\\,\\ref{tab:number-statistics} lists the number of stars per spectral class. \\begin{table}[!ht] \\caption[]{Spectral type distribution} \\label{tab:number-statistics} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{lr} \\hline \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} Spectral Type & No. of stars \\\\ \\noalign{\\smallskip} \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} WN & 4 \\\\ WC & 9 \\\\ {\\it{WR total}}& {\\it{13}} \\\\ \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} O & 60 \\\\ B & 25 \\\\ {\\it{OB total}}& {\\it{85}} \\\\ \\hline \\noalign{\\smallskip} K & 43 \\\\ M & 19 \\\\ {\\it{KM total}}& {\\it{62}} \\\\ \\hline {\\it{total}} & 160 \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\end{table} All {\\changed 160} sources are listed in Table\\,\\ref{tab:catalog} with their {\\changed LHO} number that was assigned to the source in our data reduction and identification processes (column 1), the determined coordinates of the source ({\\changed columns} 2 and 3) and the derived synthetic $K_\\textrm s$ magnitude (column 4). The spectral type is given in column 5. {\\changed Radial velocities (RV) are given in column 6, together with an assessment if this RV value is indicating a foreground object (``f''). Finally we give a complete list of alias names and cross-identification with previous catalogs and surveys in colum 7. Note that about 100 objects of our list are cataloged here for the first time.} Two new WR stars {\\changed of WC spectral subtype} are found in our sample, LHO\\,76 and 79, increasing the number ratio WC:WN in the Quintuplet cluster to {\\changed 10:6} in total (9:4 contained in our field). WC stars are outstandingly frequent and bright in the Quintuplet cluster. For comparison, {\\changed the WC:WN number ratios from \\citet{vdH2006} are 0:17 for the Arches cluster, 12:17 for the Central cluster, and 8:19 for Westerlund~I, respectively. A} difference {\\changed to} the solar neighbourhood {\\changed WC:WN} ratio of 38:25 {\\changed \\citep{vdH2001} can be seen.} A detailed analysis of the WR star sub-sample with the Potsdam models for expanding atmospheres (PoWR) is in preparation. {\\changed Among the new stars in our catalog there are a number of late-type supergiants. In case that the red supergiants (RSG) are real cluster members, as supported by their radial velocities, the question of age and coeval evolution of the Quintuplet cluster has to be readdressed in this context.} The spectral atlas of the catalog is only available as Online Material. It comprises for each detected source the flux-calibrated $K$-band spectrum in the wavelength range from 1.95 to 2.45\\,$\\mu$m. The spectra are binned to 4\\,\\AA\\,. Some spectra suffer from atmospheric OH emission lines." }, "0809/0809.3295_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "In this paper, we report results of our near-infrared (NIR) photometric variability studies of the BL Lacertae object S5 0716$+$714. NIR photometric observations spread over 7 nights during our observing run April 2$-$9, 2007 at 1.8 meter telescope equipped with KASINICS (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Near Infrared Camera System) and J, H, and Ks filters at Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory (BOAO), South Korea. We searched for intra-day variability, short term variability and color variability in the BL Lac object. We have not detected any genuine intra-day variability in any of J, H, and Ks passbands in our observing run. Significant short term variability $\\sim$ 32.6\\%, 20.5\\% and 18.2\\% have been detected in J, H, Ks passbands, respectively, and $\\sim$ 11.9\\% in (J-H) color. ", "introduction": "Blazars constitute a small subclass of the most enigmatic class of radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGNs) consisting of BL Lacertae objects (BL Lacs) and flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs). BL Lacs show largely featureless optical continuum. Blazars exhibit strong flux variability at all wavelengths of the complete electromagnetic (EM) spectrum, strong polarization ($> 3\\%$) from radio to optical wavelengths, usually core dominated radio structures, and predominantly nonthermal radiation at all wavelengths. In a unified model of radio-loud AGNs based on the angle between the line of sight and the emitted jet from the source, blazars jets make angle of $<$ 10$^{\\circ}$ from the line of sight (Urry \\& Padovani 1995). From the study of the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of blazars, it is found that blazars SEDs have two peaks (Fossati et al. 1998; Ghisellini et al. 1998). The first component peaks at near-infrared (NIR)/optical in low energy peaked blazars (LBLs) and at UV/X-rays in high energy peaked blazars (HBLs). The second component peaks at GeV energies in LBLs and at TeV energies in HBLs. The EM emission is dominated by synchrotron component at low energies and at high energies probably by the inverse Compton (IC) component (Coppi 1999, Sikora \\& Madejski 2001, Krawczynski 2004). From observations of blazars, it is known that they vary on the diverse time scales ranging from a few minutes to several years. Blazars variability can be broadly divided into three classes viz. intra-day variability (IDV) or intra-night variability or micro-variability, short term variability and long term variability. Variations in flux of a few tenth of a magnitude over the course of a day or less is often known as IDV (Wagner \\& Witzel 1995). Short and long term variabilities can have time scales from a few weeks to several months and several months to years, respectively. First convincing optical IDV in blazar was reported by Miller et al. (1989), and since then variability of blazars on diverse time scales in radio to optical bands have been studied extensively and results have been reported in large number of papers (e.g. Carini 1990; Mead et al. 1990; Takalo et al. 1992, 1996; Heidt \\& Wagner 1996; Sillanp\\\"a\\\"a et al. 1996a, 1996b; Bai et al. 1998, 1999; Fan et al. 1998, 2002, 2007; Xie, et al. 2002; Ciprini et al. 2003, 2007; Gupta et al. 2004, 2008a, 2008b; Stalin et al. 2005 and references therein). In a recent paper, Gupta \\& Joshi (2005) have done statistical analysis of occurrence of optical IDV in different classes of AGNs. They divided their sample of 113 optical lights curves of blazars in three different time durations and found 64\\%(18/28), 63\\%(29/46), and 82\\%(32/39) blazars show IDV if observed for $\\leq$3h, 3h to $\\leq$6h, and $>$6h, respectively. S5 0716$+$714 ($\\alpha_{2000.0} =$ 07:21:53.4, $\\delta_{2000.0} = +$71:20:36.4) is one of the brightest BL Lac object which has featureless optical continuum. The non detection of its host galaxy first sets a lower limit of redshift z $>$ 0.3 (Wagner et al. 1996), and then z $>$ 0.52 (Sbarufatti et al. 2005). Very recently, Nilsson et al. (2008) have claimed of its host galaxy detection which produces a ``standard candle'' value of $z = 0.31 \\pm 0.08$. Wagner \\& Witzel (1995) reported that the duty cycle of the source is one which implies that the source is almost always in the active state. The variability of S5 0716$+$714 has been studied in the complete EM spectrum on all time scales (e.g. Raiteri et al. 2003; Gupta et al. 2008a and references therein). Large and variable optical polarization in the source has been reported (Takalo et al. 1994; Fan et al. 1997; Impey et al. 2000). Since 1994, this source has been extensively monitored in optical bands. There are 5 major optical outbursts reported in the source: at the beginning of 1995, in late 1997, in the fall of 2001, in March 2004 and in the beginning of 2007 (Raiteri et al. 2003; Foschini et al. 2006; Gupta et al. 2008a). These 5 outbursts give possible period of long term variability of $\\sim$ 3.0$\\pm$0.3 years. Compared to radio and optical bands, there are only a few attempts to search for NIR flux variability on diverse timescales in blazars (e.g. Mead et al. 1990; Takalo et al. 1992; Gupta et al. 2004; Hagen-Thorn et al. 2006 and references therein). Since blazars emit radiations in the complete EM spectrum, they are ideal candidates for multi-wavelength observations. But either due to unavailability of good quality NIR detectors or unavailability of low humidity observing sites at several 1-2 meter class NIR/optical telescopes around the world, there were no focused effort to search for NIR flux variability in LBLs in which SEDs synchrotron component peaks in NIR/optical bands. Now we have an excellent opportunity to carry out such observations from the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory (BOAO), South Korea which has 1.8 meter telescope and is equipped with KASINICS (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Near Infrared Camera System) (Moon et al. 2008). We have recently started our long term pilot project to search for flux variability on diverse time scales in LBLs. Our present and future planned observations will fill the gap between radio and optical bands and will give deep insight into the important and less studied NIR flux variability properties of LBLs. Simultaneous radio to gamma-ray observations will be useful to detect the synchrotron and IC component peaks of LBLs from the SEDs and will be useful to understand the emission mechanism of LBLs in the complete EM spectrum. With this motivation, we recently carried out J, H, Ks bands photometric observations of our first target, the BL Lac object S5 0716$+$714 which is a LBL, in 7 observing nights during April 2 $-$ April 9, 2007. The paper is structured as follows: section 2 describes observations and data reduction methods, in section 3 we mention our results, the discussions and conclusions of the present work is reported in section 4. ", "conclusions": "From our multi-band NIR observations of the blazar S5 0716$+$714 in 7 observing nights in April 2007, genuine IDV in any of J, H and Ks is not detected. We noticed the existence of significant short term flux variability in the blazar from our observations. The total short term variation detected in our observations in J, H, Ks passbands are $\\sim$ 32.6\\%, 20.5\\% and 18.2\\%, respectively. Our data show significant variation in J$-$H color ($\\sim$ 11.9\\%) but H$-$Ks color variation was not detected. The difference in short term variations in H and Ks passbands is only 2.3\\% which caused no genuine H$-$Ks color variation. We have noticed variable spectral index (ranging from $-0.76$ to $-1.00$) with a mean value of $\\sim -0.88$ in our observations. The variable spectral index is mainly due to variation in J band flux. We also found correlated flux and spectral index (higher the flux, higher the spectral index). We observed the source in the post outburst state. Outburst of the source was reported by Gupta et al. (2008a) in their January $-$ February 2007 observations and they also noticed in their March 2007 observations, the source was becoming fainter than January $-$ February 2007. S5 0716$+$714 was the target of three simultaneous multi-wavelength campaigns (Tagliaferri et al. 2003; Ostorero et al. 2006; Villata et al. 2008) and also several monitoring campaigns in single or two EM bands (e.g. radio-optical, optical and optical-X-ray) (Wagner et al. 1990; Quirrenbach et al. 1991; Sagar et al. 1999; Villata et al. 2000; Foschini et al. 2006; and references therein). It has shown radio and optical IDVs during all radio to optical campaigns (Heeschen et al. 1987; Wagner et al. 1990, 1996; Ghisellini et al. 1997; Sagar et al. 1999; Quirrenbach et al. 2000; Raiteri et al. 2003; Agudo et al. 2006; Gupta et al. 2008a, and references therein). It is the first IDV source in which simultaneous variations in radio and optical bands were detected which indicated a possible intrinsic origin of the observed IDV (Wagner et al. 1990; Quirrenbach et al. 1991). VLBI observations of the source over more than 20 years, show a very compact source at centimeter wavelengths with an evidence of a core-dominated jet extending several tens of milliarcseconds to the North (Eckart et al. 1986, 1987; Witzel et al. 1988; Polatidis et al. 1995; Jorstad et al. 2001). The X-ray observations have shown strong variations with short flares ($\\approx$ 1000s) detected with the {\\it ROentgen SATellite} (ROSAT) (Cappi et al. 1994). The source was also detected in hard X-rays up to 60 keV when observed after the outburst state of 2000 (Tagliaferri et al. 2003). It has been detected by {\\it Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope} (EGRET) onboard the {\\it Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory} CGRO at GeV energies with steep $\\gamma-$ray spectrum (Hartman et al. 1999). But the soft $\\gamma-$ray part of its SED is poorly known and upper limit of the source detection in 3$-$10 MeV energy from the {\\it imaging COMPton TELescope} (COMPTEL) was reported by Collmar (2006). An exceptional energy sampling data of the blazar was obtained in the simultaneous multi-wavelength observing campaign in November 2003 (Ostorero et al. 2006). The source was very bright at radio frequencies and in a rather low optical state (R = 14.17 - 13.64). Significant short term variability and IDV were detected in the radio bands. The source was not detected by INTEGRAL in the observing campaign but the upper limit of the source emission in 3$-$200 keV was estimated. On September 2007, the source was detected in $\\gamma-$rays by the recently launched satellite {\\it Astro-rivelatore Gamma a Immagini LEggero} (AGILE) (Villata et al. 2008). Several models have been developed to explain the IDV and short term variability in radio-loud AGNs viz. the shock-in-jet models, accretion disk based models (e.g. Wagner \\& Witzel 1995; Urry \\& Padovani 1995; Ulrich et al. 1997; and references therein). For blazars in the outburst state, IDV and short term variability are strongly supported by the jet based models of radio-loud AGNs. In general, blazars emission in the outburst state is nonthermal Doppler boosted emission from jets (Blandford \\& Rees 1978; Marscher \\& Gear 1985; Marscher et al. 1992; Hughes et al. 1992). On the other hand, IDV and short term variability of blazars in the low-state can be explained by the models based on some kind of instability in the accretion disk (e.g. Mangalam \\& Wiita 1993; Chakrabarti \\& Wiita 1993). Here we rule out the possibility of emission from the accretion disk because it is expected to be relevant only in the source low-state (the source was in the post outburst period). The source was in the outburst state $\\sim$ 2 months before the present observations (Gupta et al. 2008a). In the low-state, jet emission is less dominant over the thermal emission from the accretion disk. According to the unified scheme of radio-loud AGNs, blazars are seen nearly face on, so, any fluctuations on the accretion disk should produce a detectable change in the emission characteristics. The observed short term variability in the blazar S5 0716$+$714 is possibly explained by the jet based model known as turbulent jet model. According to this model, Marscher et al. (1992) suggested that the Reynolds number in the relativistic jet should be very high which will cause turbulent jet plasma. The shock will impinge upon regions of slightly different magnetic field strengths, densities and velocities, so the observed flux is expected to vary. The timescales of this proposed type of variations are shorter and their amplitudes larger at higher frequencies. In the observations reported here, we got variability amplitudes of $\\sim$ 32.6\\%, 20.5\\% and 18.2\\% in J, H, Ks bands, respectively, implying larger variations at higher frequencies. The relation between flux variation amplitude and frequency is confirmed from the SED and color variation. Since the duty cycle of the source is 1, we may expect to detect IDV. However, we have not detected any genuine IDV in our observations. It might be due to less numbers of data points and short durations of the observing runs during each night, hence in the future we plan to observe the source for a longer time each night. This will allow us to collect more data points and possibly to have a higher signal-to-noise in order to have higher sensitivity to possible genuine IDVs." }, "0809/0809.0668_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Mirror matter is a self-collisional dark matter candidate. If exact mirror parity is a conserved symmetry of the nature, there could exist a parallel hidden (mirror) sector of the Universe which has the same kind of particles and the same physical laws of our (visible) sector. The two sectors interact each other only via gravity, therefore mirror matter is naturally ``dark''. The most promising way to test this dark matter candidate is to look at its astrophysical signatures, as Big Bang nucleosynthesis, primordial structure formation and evolution, cosmic microwave background and large scale structure power spectra. ", "introduction": "The idea that there may exist a hidden mirror sector of particles and interactions with exactly the same properties as our visible world was suggested long time ago by Lee and Yang~\\cite{mirror}, and the model with exact parity symmetry interchanging corresponding fields of two sectors was proposed many years later by Foot at al.~\\cite{mirror}. The two sectors communicate with each other only via gravity\\footnote{ There could be other interactions, as for example the kinetic mixing between O and M photons, but they are negligible for the present study.}. A discrete symmetry $G\\leftrightarrow G'$ interchanging corresponding fields of $G$ and $G'$, so called mirror parity, guarantees that two particle sectors are described by identical Lagrangians, with all coupling constants (gauge, Yukawa, Higgs) having the same pattern. As a consequence the two sectors should have the same microphysics. Once the visible matter is built up by ordinary baryons, then the mirror baryons would constitute dark matter in a natural way, since they interact with mirror photons, but not interact with ordinary photons. The phenomenology of mirror matter was studied in several papers (for an extended list see the bibliografy of ref.~\\cite{okun50}), in particular the implications for Big Bang nucleosynthesis~\\cite{bcv,g_mir}, primordial structure formation and cosmic microwave background~\\cite{paolo,paolo1}, large scale structure of the Universe~\\cite{paolo2,ignavol-lss}, microlensing events (MACHOs)~\\cite{mirstar,mirMacho}. If the mirror (M) sector exists, then the Universe along with the ordinary (O) particles should contain their mirror partners, but their densities are not the same in both sectors. In fact, the BBN bound on the effective number of extra light neutrinos implies that the M sector has a temperature lower than the O one, that can be naturally achieved in certain inflationary models~\\cite{dolgov-dnu}. Then, two sectors have different initial conditions, they do not come into thermal equilibrium at later epoch and they evolve independently, separately conserving their entropies, and maintaining approximately constant the ratio among their temperatures. All the differences with respect to the ordinary world can be described in terms of only two free parameters in the model, \\begin{equation}\\label{mir-param} x \\equiv \\left( s' \\over s \\right)^{1/3} \\approx {T' \\over T} ~~~~~~~~~~ ; ~~~~~~~~~~ \\beta \\equiv \\Omega'_{\\rm b} / \\Omega_{\\rm b} ~~~~, \\end{equation} where $T$ ($T'$), $\\Omega_{b}$ ($\\Omega'_{b}$), and $s$ ($s'$) are respectively the ordinary (mirror) photon temperature, cosmological baryon density, and entropy density. The bounds on the mirror parameters are $ x < 0.7 $ and $ \\beta > 1 $, the first one coming from the BBN limit and the second one from the hypothesis that a relevant fraction of dark matter is made of mirror baryons. As far as the mirror world is cooler than the ordinary one, $x < 1$, in the mirror world all key epochs (as are baryogenesis, nucleosynthesis, recombination, etc.) proceed in somewhat different conditions than in ordinary world. Namely, in the mirror world the relevant processes go out of equilibrium earlier than in ordinary world, which has many far going implications. ", "conclusions": "\\begin{figure}\\label{resume} \\includegraphics[height=.52\\textheight]{resume.eps} \\caption{Current status of the astrophysical research with mirror dark matter: solid lines mark what is already done, while dashed ones mark what is still to do.} \\end{figure} Figure \\ref{resume} shows the current situation of the astrophysical research in presence of mirror dark matter. We have already investigated the early Universe (thermodynamics and Big Bang nucleosynthesis), and the process of structure formation in linear regime, that permit to obtain predictions, respectively, on the primordial elements abundances, and on the observed cosmic microwave background and large scale structure power spectra. In addition, we have studied the evolution of mirror dark stars, which, together with the mirror star formation, are necessary ingredients for the study and the numerical simulations of non linear structure formation, and of the formation and evolution of galaxies; furthermore, in future studies they will provide predictions on the observed abundances of MACHOs and on the gravitational waves background. Ultimately we will be able to obtain theoretical estimates to be compared with observations of gravitational lensing, galactic dark matter distribution, and strange astrophysical events still unexplained (as for example dark galaxies, bullet galaxy, ...). Concluding, the astrophysical tests so far used show that mirror matter can be a viable candidate for dark matter, but we still need to complete the entire picture of the Mirror Universe. \\begin{theacknowledgments} This work was supported by the Belgian Science Policy Office Inter University Attraction Pole VI/11 ``Fundamental Interactions''. \\end{theacknowledgments}" }, "0809/0809.2492_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{Open clusters older than $\\sim4$\\,Gyr are rare in the Galaxy. Affected by a series of mass-decreasing processes, the stellar content of most open clusters dissolves into the field in a time-scale shorter than $\\sim1$\\,Gyr. In this sense, improving the statistics of old objects may provide constraints for a better understanding of the dynamical dissolution of open clusters.} {Our main purpose is to investigate the nature of the Globular cluster candidate FSR\\,1716, located at $\\ell=329.8^\\circ$ and $b=-1.6^\\circ$. We also derive parameters of the anti-centre open cluster Czernik\\,23 (FSR\\,834). Both objects have been detected as stellar overdensities in the Froebrich, Scholz \\& Raftery star cluster candidate catalogue.} {The analyses are based on near-infrared colour-magnitude diagrams and stellar radial density profiles. The intrinsic colour-magnitude diagram morphology is enhanced by a field-star decontamination algorithm applied to the 2MASS \\jj, \\hh, and \\ks\\ photometry.} {Isochrone fits indicate that FSR\\,1716 is more probably an old ($\\sim7$\\,Gyr) and absorbed ($\\aV=6.3\\pm0.2$) open cluster, located $\\approx0.6$\\,kpc inside the Solar circle in a contaminated central field. However, we cannot rule out the possibility of a low-mass, loose globular cluster. Czernik\\,23 is shown to be an almost absorption-free open cluster, $\\sim5$\\,Gyr old, located about 2.5\\,kpc towards the anti-centre. In both cases, Solar and sub-Solar ($[Fe/H]\\sim-0.5$) metallicity isochrones represent equally well the stellar sequences. Both star clusters have a low mass content ($\\la200\\,\\ms$) presently stored in stars. Their relatively small core and cluster radii are comparable to those of other open clusters of similar age. These structural parameters are probably consequence of the several Gyrs of mass loss due to stellar evolution, tidal interactions with the disk (and bulge in the case of FSR\\,1716), and possibly giant molecular clouds.} {Czernik\\,23, and especially FSR\\,1716, are rare examples of extreme dynamical survivors. The identification of both as such represents an increase of $\\approx10\\%$ to the known population of open clusters older than $\\sim4$\\,Gyr in the Galaxy.} ", "introduction": "\\label{Intro} The Galaxy is an aggressive environment to star clusters in general, the open clusters (OCs) in particular. These stellar systems are continually harassed by a series of dynamical processes such as mass loss associated to stellar evolution, mass segregation and evaporation, tidal interactions with the Galactic disk and bulge, and collisions with giant molecular clouds. Combined over time, such processes tend to accelerate the dynamical evolution, which produces significant changes in the cluster structure and eroded mass functions. Eventually, most OCs end up completely dissolved in the Galactic stellar field or as poorly-populated remnants (\\citealt{PB07} and references therein). Theoretical (e.g. \\citealt{Spitzer58}; \\citealt{LG06}), N-body (e.g. \\citealt{BM03}; \\citealt{GoBa06}; \\citealt{Khalisi07}), and observational (e.g. \\citealt{vdB57}; \\citealt{Oort58}; \\citealt{vHoerner58}; \\citealt{Piskunov07}) evidence indicate that the disruption-time scale near the Solar circle is shorter than $\\sim1$\\,Gyr. Around this region, the disruption time-scale depends on mass as $\\tdis\\sim M^{0.62}$ (\\citealt{LG06}), which for clusters with mass in the range $10^2 - 10^3\\ms$ corresponds to $\\rm75\\la\\tdis(Myr)\\la300$. In general, the effect of the relevant dynamical processes is stronger for the OCs more centrally located and the low-mass ones (see \\citealt{OldOCs} for a detailed discussion on disruption effects and time-scales). Indeed, OCs older than $\\sim1$\\,Gyr are preferentially found near the Solar circle and in the outer Galaxy (e.g. \\citealt{Friel95}; \\citealt{DiskProp}), where the frequency of potentially damaging dynamical interactions with giant molecular clouds and the disk is lower (e.g. \\citealt{Salaris04}; \\citealt{Upgren72}). Disruption efficiency increases critically towards the Galactic centre, to the point that the inner ($\\dgc\\la150$\\,pc) tidal fields can dissolve a massive star cluster in $\\sim50$\\,Myr (\\citealt{Portegies02}). The above aspects considered, the natural expectation is that only a small fraction of the OCs can reach old ages, and that the successful ones should be preferentially found at large Galactocentric distances. In fact, of the $\\approx1000$ OCs with known age listed in the WEBDA\\footnote{\\em obswww.univie.ac.at/webda - \\citet{Merm03}} database, 180 are older than 1\\,Gyr, and only 18 ($\\approx2\\,\\%$) are older than 4\\,Gyr (see also \\citealt{OBB05a}; \\citealt{OBB05b}). Not surprisingly, most of the OCs older than 1\\,Gyr so far identified are located outside the Solar circle (see, e.g., the spatial distribution of OCs of different ages in Fig.~1 of \\citealt{OldOCs}). \\begin{figure*} \\begin{minipage}[b]{0.50\\linewidth} \\includegraphics[width=\\textwidth]{Fig1a.eps} \\end{minipage}\\hfill \\begin{minipage}[b]{0.50\\linewidth} \\includegraphics[width=\\textwidth]{Fig1b.eps} \\end{minipage}\\hfill \\caption[]{Left panel: $4\\arcmin\\times4\\arcmin$ 2MASS \\ks\\ image of FSR\\,1716. Image provided by the 2MASS Image Service. The small circle indicates the central coordinates (cols.~2 and 3 of Table~\\ref{tab1}). Right panel: $7\\arcmin\\times7\\arcmin$ XDSS R image of Cz\\,23. Figure orientation: North to the top and East to the left.} \\label{fig1} \\end{figure*} In this context, it is naturally expected that the discovery and derivation of astrophysical parameters of old OCs will better define the OC parameter space. Thus, a better understanding on the dynamical survival rate of star clusters in the tidal field of the Galaxy can be reached. Such parameters, in turn, can be used in studies of star formation and evolution processes, dynamics of N-body systems, and the geometry of the Galaxy, among others. \\begin{table*} \\caption[]{General data on the clusters} \\label{tab1} \\tiny \\renewcommand{\\tabcolsep}{0.65mm} \\renewcommand{\\arraystretch}{1.25} \\begin{tabular}{lcccccccccccccccc} \\hline\\hline &\\multicolumn{7}{c}{FSR2007}&&\\multicolumn{7}{c}{This paper}\\\\ \\cline{2-8}\\cline{10-16} Cluster&$\\alpha(2000)$&$\\delta(2000)$&$\\ell$&$b$&Q&\\rch&\\rth&&Age&\\aV&\\ds&\\dgc&\\xgc&\\ygc&\\zgc\\\\ &(hms)&($^\\circ\\,\\arcmin\\,\\arcsec$)&($^\\circ$)&($^\\circ$)& &(\\arcmin)&(\\arcmin) &&(Gyr)&(mag)&(kpc)&(kpc)& (kpc)&(kpc)& (kpc)\\\\ (1)&(2)&(3)&(4)&(5)&(6)&(7)&(8)&&(9)&(10)&(11)&(12)&(13)&(14)&(15)\\\\ \\hline FSR\\,1716$^\\dagger$&16:10:33&$-$53:44:12&329.79&$-1.59$&2&1.2&5.9&&$7.0\\pm1.0$&$6.3\\pm0.2$ &$0.8\\pm0.1$&$6.6\\pm0.1$&$-6.6\\pm0.1$&$-0.37\\pm0.04$&$-0.02\\pm0.01$\\\\ FSR\\,1716$^\\ddagger$&16:10:33&$-$53:44:12&329.79&$-1.59$&2&1.2&5.9&&$12.0\\pm2.0$&$6.3\\pm0.4$ &$2.3\\pm0.3$&$5.4\\pm0.3$&$-5.3\\pm0.3$&$-1.13\\pm0.17$&$-0.06\\pm0.01$\\\\ Cz\\,23&05:50:07&$+$28:53:28&180.55&$+0.82$&1&0.8&4.2&&$5.0\\pm1.0$&$0.0\\pm0.1$ &$2.5\\pm0.1$&$9.7\\pm0.2$ &$-9.7\\pm0.1$&$-0.02\\pm0.01$&$+0.04\\pm0.01$\\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\begin{list}{Table Notes.} \\item Coordinates (cols.~2 to 5), quality flag (col.~6), and core and tidal radii (cols.~7 and 8) measured in the \\hh\\ band are from \\citet{FSRcat}; Col.~10: reddening towards the cluster's central region (Sect.~\\ref{age}). Col.~11: distance from the Sun. Col.~12: cluster Galactocentric distance for $\\rs=7.2$\\,kpc (\\citealt{GCProp}). Cols.~13-15: coordinate components projected onto the Galactic plane. Cz\\,23 is the optical counterpart of FSR\\,834. Parameters of FSR\\,1716 are derived for the OC ($\\dagger$) or globular cluster ($\\ddagger$) interpretation (Sect.~\\ref{age}). \\end{list} \\end{table*} In the present paper we study two stellar overdensities listed in the star cluster candidate catalogue of \\citet{FSRcat}, which turn out to be very old star clusters. They are FSR\\,1716 and FSR\\,834. The present work employs near-IR \\jj, \\hh, and \\ks\\ photometry obtained from the 2MASS\\footnote{The Two Micron All Sky Survey, All Sky data release (\\citealt{2mass1997}), available at {\\em http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass/releases/allsky/}} Point Source Catalogue (PSC). The spatial and photometric uniformity of 2MASS, which allow extraction of wide surrounding fields that provide high star-count statistics, are important to derive cluster parameters and probe the nature of stellar overdensities (e.g. \\citealt{ProbFSR}). For this purpose we have developed quantitative tools to statistically disentangle cluster evolutionary sequences from field stars in colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs). Basically, we apply {\\em (i)} field-star decontamination to quantify the statistical significance of the CMD morphology, which is important to derive reddening, age, and distance from the Sun, and {\\em (ii)} colour-magnitude filters, which are essential for intrinsic stellar radial density profiles (RDPs), as well as luminosity and mass functions (MFs). In particular, field-star decontamination constrains more the age and distance, especially for low-latitude OCs (\\citealt{DiskProp}). This paper is organised as follows. Sect.~\\ref{Target_OCs} contains basic properties and reviews literature data (when available) on both star cluster candidates. In Sect.~\\ref{2mass} we present the 2MASS photometry and build the stellar surface-density distribution in the direction of both objects. In Sect.~\\ref{Decont_CMDs} we build CMDs, discuss the field-star decontamination algorithm, and provide tests to the old age of both clusters. In Sect.~\\ref{age} we derive cluster fundamental parameters. Sect.~\\ref{struc} describes cluster structure by means of stellar RDPs. In Sect.~\\ref{MF} mass functions are built and cluster masses are estimated. In Sect.~\\ref{Discus} aspects related to the structure and dynamical state of the present clusters are considered. Concluding remarks are given in Sect.~\\ref{Conclu}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{Conclu} In this paper we study the nature of two stellar overdensities included in the catalogue of candidate star clusters of \\citet{FSRcat}, FSR\\,1716 and FSR\\,834. The former was suggested to be a globular cluster candidate by \\citet{FSRcat}, while the latter has the OC Cz\\,23 as optical counterpart. The analyses are based on field-star decontaminated 2MASS CMDs and stellar radial density profiles, with algorithms previously constructed by our group. Fundamental and structural parameters of the clusters are derived. We present consistent evidence (e.g. CMD morphology, statistical tests, structural parameters, mass-function slope, and comparison with nearby OCs) that both objects are old star clusters. FSR\\,1716 is significantly absorbed ($\\aV\\approx6.3$) and projected not far from the bulge. Its field-decontaminated CMD morphology is very similar to that of the $\\sim7$\\,Gyr well-known OC NGC\\,188. Indeed, its CMD can be well represented by isochrones with ages older than $\\sim6$\\,Gyr, both of Solar and sub-Solar ($[Fe/H]\\sim-0.5$) metallicity. We adopted the former as the metallicity of FSR\\,1716, because of its relatively central location. Alternatively, we cannot rule out the possibility that FSR\\,1716 is a low-mass, loose (Palomar-like) globular cluster. FSR\\,1716 is located inside the Solar circle, $\\approx0.6$\\,kpc (in the case of an OC) or $\\approx1.8$\\,kpc (GC). The CMD morphology of Cz\\,23 is consistent with that of the $\\sim4$\\,Gyr old OC M\\,67. Similarly to FSR\\,1716, it can be well represented by Solar and sub-Solar metallicity isochrones, but with ages in the range $4-6$\\,Gyr. With the $\\approx5$\\,Gyr and Solar metallicity solution, we find that Cz\\,23 is projected nearly towards the anti-centre, located $\\approx2.5$\\,kpc outside the Solar circle. The core and cluster radii of FSR\\,1716 and Cz\\,23 are small when compared to a set of open clusters in the Solar neighbourhood. However, such radii are comparable with those of other OCs of similar old age. Besides, the mass functions appear to be much flatter than Salpeter's IMF, especially FSR\\,1716, which seems to present an increasing depletion in the number of low-mass stars. As a consequence, the total masses presently stored in stars in both clusters are lower than $\\sim200\\,\\ms$. Such low values probably reflect the several Gyr-long period of mass loss due to stellar evolution, tidal interactions with the bulge (possibly in the case of FSR\\,1716), disk and giant molecular clouds. Actually, because of its low mass content and flat mass function, Cz\\,23 may be evolving into an open cluster remnant (e.g. \\citealt{PB07}). Comprehensive catalogues of star cluster candidates, such as that of \\citet{FSRcat}, should be further explored with field-star decontamination algorithms and other tools, so that the nature of the candidates can be probed and the age derived. It is remarkable how the decontamination tool unveiled the intrinsic CMD sequences of FSR\\,1716, separating it from the crowded field population. Consequently, the characterisation of FSR\\,1716 and Cz\\,23 as OCs older than $\\sim4$\\,Gyr represents an important increase ($\\approx10\\%$) to the known population of such objects in the Galaxy. In particular, FSR\\,1716 is the most recent addition to the 8 open clusters older than 6\\,Gyr so far identified (WEBDA). In this sense, Cz\\,23 (FSR\\,834), and especially FSR\\,1716, can be considered as rare examples of extreme dynamical survivors in disk-regions where most open clusters are short-lived." }, "0809/0809.2171_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{} {We have analyzed optical spectra of 25 X-ray sources identified as potential new members of the \\object{Taurus molecular cloud} (TMC), in order to confirm their membership in this star-forming region.} {Fifty-seven candidate members were previously selected among the X-ray sources in the XEST survey, having a 2MASS counterpart compatible with a pre-main sequence star based on color-magnitude and color-color diagrams. We obtained high-resolution optical spectra for 7 of these candidates with the SARG spectrograph at the TNG telescope, which were used to search for lithium absorption and to measure the H$\\alpha$ line and the radial and rotational velocities. Then, 18 low-resolution optical spectra obtained with the instrument DOLORES for other candidate members were used for spectral classification, for H$\\alpha$ measurements, and to assess membership together with IR color-color and color-magnitude diagrams and additional information from the X-ray data.} {We found that 3 sources show lithium absorption, with equivalent widths (EWs) of $\\sim 500$\\,m\\AA, broad spectral line profiles, indicating rotational velocities of $\\sim 20-40$\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$, radial velocities consistent with those for known members, and H$\\alpha$ emission. Two of them are classified as new weak-lined T~Tauri stars, while the EW ($\\sim -9$\\,\\AA\\ ) of the H$\\alpha$ line and its broad asymmetric profile clearly indicate that the third star (\\object{XEST-26-062}) is a classical T~Tauri star. Fourteen sources observed with DOLORES are M-type stars. Fifteen sources show H$\\alpha$ emission. Six of them have spectra that indicate surface gravity lower than in main sequence stars, and their de-reddened positions in IR color-magnitude diagrams are consistent with their derived spectral type and with pre-main sequence models at the distance of the TMC. The K-type star \\object{XEST-11-078} is confirmed as a new member on the basis of the strength of the H$\\alpha$ emission line. Overall, we confirm membership to the TMC for 10 out of 25 X-ray sources observed in the optical. Three sources remain uncertain.} {} ", "introduction": "\\label{intro} The formation of stars and planets and the evolution of stellar properties during the early stages of their lives (internal structure, angular momentum, magnetic activity, and X-ray emission in low-mass stars) is one of the most intriguing problems in astrophysics. The fragmentation of large clouds and the subsequent gravitational collapse of molecular cores is a stochastic process that leads to a population of stellar and sub-stellar objects with a variety of masses. The details of these physical mechanisms are still not clear; turbulence and density fluctuations appear to be crucial \\citep{Klessen2001,Goodwin2004b}, but other factors probably play important roles, such as the presence of magnetic fields \\citep{Padoan1999} or the shock waves propagating from supernovae explosions that may determine the fragmentation of clouds \\citep{Truelove1997}. Theoretical models of cloud fragmentation and core collapse should reproduce the \\emph{initial mass function} (IMF) of a star-forming region (SFR), that is the mass distribution of a stellar group just born. Significant differences between the IMFs derived for the \\object{Taurus-Auriga SFR} \\citep{Luhman2003Toro}, which hosts a distributed mode of star formation, and for much denser regions containing massive stars, such as \\object{Orion} and \\object{IC 348} \\citep[][ respectively]{Muench2002,Luhman2003IC348}, have suggested that the star formation process may be affected by the physical conditions of the environment where stars form. However, previous studies of the TMC may not be complete at low masses, while the most recent surveys \\citep{Briceno2002,Luhman2003Toro,Luhman2004,Guieu2006,Luhman2006b} have allowed discovery of new low-mass stars and brown dwarfs, but were focused on limited portions of the region and are not spatially complete. In fact, studies of the TMC are also complicated by its large extension in the sky ($\\sim 100$ square degrees, also due to its distance of 140\\,pc), and require long observational campaigns with sufficiently deep exposures. More complete studies of the Taurus population are therefore needed to assess the IMF shape with greater confidence, especially at the very low-mass end. We started a search for new members of the Taurus-Auriga SFR \\citep{ScelsiXEST2006}, based on X-ray data from the \\emph{{\\rm XMM}-Newton Extended Survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud} \\citep[XEST, ][]{GuedelXEST2006} and on near-infrared data from the 2MASS point source catalog \\citep{Skrutskie2006}. This is a different approach with respect to the above mentioned searches for new Taurus members, where candidates were selected based on optical and IR data. Since intense X-ray emission \\citep[10 to $10^4$ times the solar level, see, e.g., ][]{Feigelson1999,Stelzer2001,Ozawa2005} is a ubiquitous characteristic of pre-main sequence solar-type stars and thanks to the relatively low interstellar absorption at these wavelengths, X-ray observations are particularly efficient at detecting the population of young objects, including very low-mass stars that are faint in the optical bands, and can therefore serve as a complement to optical/IR searches. Moreover, since non-accreting ``weak-lined'' T~Tauri stars (WTTSs) are generally more luminous in X rays \\citep[e.g. ][]{BriggsXEST2006} and less absorbed than classical T~Tauri stars (CTTSs), which are still surrounded by a thick circumstellar accretion disk, the former are expected to be selected more efficiently in X-ray surveys. This is particularly important, because it helps to reduce possible biases introduced by optical/IR surveys, which may favour the detection of CTTSs owing to their strong H${\\alpha}$ emission and IR excess, and hence allows us to properly address fundamental issues such as the estimate of disk lifetimes, with important consequences on our understanding of the evolution of the angular momentum during the earlier phases of stellar life and in the formation of planetary systems. In this paper we present the results of the analysis of follow-up optical spectroscopy obtained at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) for 25 out of 57 candidate Taurus members selected in the previous work by \\citet{ScelsiXEST2006}. The paper is organized as follows. Section \\ref{sel} summarizes the main information about the XEST survey and the X-ray/IR based selection of potential new members; in Sect. \\ref{obs} we describe the follow-up TNG observations of the optically brightest candidates. In Sect. \\ref{opt_spec} we present the results of the optical spectroscopy, while in Sect. \\ref{IRdiagr} we determine the stellar properties. Finally, we discuss our results in Sect. \\ref{dis}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{dis} In this work we employed optical spectroscopy, IR photometry, and X-ray data to characterize a sample of 25 sources, previously identified as candidate pre-main sequence stars. We confirm membership in the Taurus-Auriga star-forming region for 10 of them, while 12 sources are identified as main sequence or older stars in front of or behind the cloud. Three sources remain as uncertain cases. It is worth noting that we have confirmed membership for 5 candidates out of 9 with a high probability assigned by \\citet{ScelsiXEST2006} on the basis of the X-ray analysis; 3 more are the uncertain cases, and only one such source (\\object{XEST-27-084}) has been identified as an active M-type MS star. The percentage of new Taurus members with respect to the number of observed stars is at least 40\\%, up to $\\sim 50$\\% depending on the nature of the uncertain sources. Similar percentages of confirmed new TMC members have been obtained in other works previously mentioned (Sect. \\ref{intro}), where candidate selection was based on optical and infrared photometry. Hence, our work indicates that candidate selections based on X-ray emission and infrared photometry are as effective as selections based on optical and infrared photometry. We also note that higher percentages of confirmed members could be obtained if the selection is made considering only X-ray sources within the $M-L_{\\rm X}$ relation discussed below. It is also interesting that 5 out of 10 newly discovered TMC members (i.e. the three lithium stars and 2 members observed at low-resolution) are variable in X-rays (see Table \\ref{tab:lista}). Short-term X-ray variability, often associated to flares, is a frequent characteristic of active stars \\citep{Guedel2003,Wolk2005,Caramazza2007}. The X-ray variability of pre-main sequence stars in the Taurus molecular cloud has recently been studied by \\citet{StelzerXEST2006}, who found that about half of a sample of 122 members detected in the XEST survey are variable. Our result is therefore consistent with the percentage of X-ray variable members in Taurus. As explained in Sects. \\ref{sarg} and \\ref{IRdiagr_lrs_membri}, we found 8 new WTTS and 2 new CTTS, which is not surprising considering the initial X-ray-based candidate selection. The T~Tauri type has been deduced from the strength of the H$\\alpha$ emission and the shape of the line profile for the stars observed with SARG. The stars \\object{XEST-08-003}, \\object{XEST-08-033}, \\object{XEST-08-047}, \\object{XEST-16-045}, and \\object{XEST-17-059} also appear in the catalog of the \\emph{Taurus Spitzer Legacy Project} (Data Release 1); the photometry obtained with the IRAC and MIPS cameras onboard the \\emph{Spitzer Space Telescope}, together with the 2MASS measurements, gives SEDs typical of stars without significant IR excess for circumstellar material, and thus confirms their nature as weak-lined T~Tauri stars. The new members have spectral types in the range $late$-K --- M so are low-mass stars, with masses estimated in the range $\\sim 0.2-0.6$\\,M$_{\\odot}$. These members fall in the same bins where the mass distribution of the $\\sim 150$ known Taurus members (within the same XMM fields) shows its bulk. However, the 25 sources observed at the TNG and analyzed here are the optically brightest stars of the initial sample selected by \\citet{ScelsiXEST2006}, and therefore other new members with masses of $\\sim 0.1$\\,M$_{\\odot}$, may be hidden among the 32 remaining candidates. Indeed, about 20 of them are very-low mass candidates ($M\\lesssim 0.2$\\,M$_{\\odot}$), and about ten of them are brown dwarf candidates\\footnote{The XEST has detected 8 out of 16 known brown dwarfs included in the survey.}, which will be studied in the continuation of our optical follow-up program. \\begin{figure}[t!] \\begin{center} \\scalebox{0.5}{ \\includegraphics{sce08f7a.ps}} \\scalebox{0.5}{ \\includegraphics{sce08f7b.ps}} \\caption{\\emph{Upper panel}: Positions of the candidates in the $M-L_{\\rm X}$ diagram, with masses and X-ray luminosities estimated before the TNG observations, assuming they are all members. Circles and diamonds mark stars observed with SARG and DOLORES, respectively. A dot inside the symbol means the candidate had a higher probability of membership on the basis of X-ray data. Squares indicate new members confirmed from this work, and ``?'' mark uncertain cases. The dashed line is the best fit to the data for known TMC members and the dotted lines bracket the region where known members are found. \\emph{Lower panel}: $M-L_{\\rm X}$ diagram updated after the TNG observations. Circles mark new members from this work, with circle size indicating age, and crosses main sequence field stars. For the uncertain cases \\object{XEST-15-034} and \\object{XEST-08-014} both positions as a PMS or a field star are plotted. Light green lines are the saturation at 1\\,Myr, 10\\,Myr, and in the main sequence.} \\label{fig:Lx_M} \\end{center} \\end{figure} Figure \\ref{fig:Lx_M} shows the $M-L_{\\rm X}$ diagram for the sources studied in this work, for which mass estimates have been possible. In the upper panel, masses and X-ray luminosities were estimated by \\citet{ScelsiXEST2006} before the TNG observations and under the assumption that the candidates were indeed TMC members\\footnote{In this plot, the mass of \\object{XEST-11-078} had been estimated under the wrong assumption of spectral type~M and no IR excess.}. In this plot we report the relation $\\log\\,L_{\\rm X}=1.54\\,\\log\\,M+30.31$, best-fitting the data for known TMC members within the fields of the XEST survey \\citep{GuedelXEST2006}, and we also mark the new Taurus members from this study. All new TMC members are found within the relation derived from known members, while the five sources outside this relation (i.e. \\object{XEST-18-059}, \\object{XEST-27-022}, \\object{XEST-21-059}, \\object{XEST-04-060}, and \\object{XEST-11-035}) are confirmed as non-members. This result both confirms the validity of a correlation between mass and X-ray luminosity for the young stars of Taurus and suggests that the $M-L_{\\rm X}$ diagram may be used in future searches for new pre-main sequence stars as a further criterion for the identification of new candidate members. The lower panel of the same figure updates the previous plot after the observations at the TNG and the analysis presented in this paper. In this plot, the new members are also distinguished by their age, as calculated in Sects. \\ref{IRdiagr_sarg} and \\ref{IRdiagr_lrs}. We did not include giant or subgiants field stars, since their masses and X-ray luminosities were not estimated. We marked the saturation curves $L_{\\rm X}=10^{-3}\\,L_{\\rm bol}$ relevant to different evolutionary stages, i.e. stars at 1\\,Myr, at 10\\,Myr, and on the main sequence \\citep[the relation between bolometric luminosity and mass was taken from the models by][]{Baraffe1998}. Interestingly, the slopes of the theoretical saturation curves for PMS stars are very similar to the slope of the $M-L_{\\rm X}$ relation found for Taurus members, suggesting that part of the observed spread around this best-fit relation is due to saturated stars at different ages. However, both the data in the plot and the narrower $L_{\\rm X}$ range spanned by the saturation curves in the $1-10$\\,Myr range suggest that other factors may play a role, such as flares, non-saturated stars (slow rotators), and the possibly lower $L_{\\rm X}$ of CTTS with respect to WTTS \\citep{Preibisch2005,BriggsXEST2006}. Finally, it is also interesting to note that the saturation curve for main sequence stars steepens at $M\\sim 0.5-0.6$\\,M$_{\\odot}$, and explains why older stars may be found within the relation for TMC members. In fact, most of our confirmed field stars are close to, or in, the saturation regime." }, "0809/0809.2940_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{In core-collapse supernovae, $\\nu$ and $\\overline\\nu$ are initially subject to significant self-interactions induced by weak neutral currents, which may induce strong-coupling effects on the flavor evolution (collective transitions). The interpretation of the effects is simplified when self-induced collective transitions are decoupled from ordinary matter oscillations, as for the matter density profile that we discuss. In this case, approximate analytical tools can be used (pendulum analogy, swap of energy spectra). For inverted $\\nu$ mass hierarchy, the sequence of effects involves: synchronization, bipolar oscillations, and spectral split. Our simulations shows that the main features of these regimes are not altered when passing from simplified (angle-averaged) treatments to full, multi-angle numerical experiments.} \\normalsize\\baselineskip=15pt \\begin{figure}[b] \\center \\includegraphics[height=1.9in]{school.eps} \\caption{In a school of fish, individuals often show a collective behavior. Very dense neutrino gases, like those emerging from a core-collapse supernova, might show analogous features in flavor space.} \\label{school} \\end{figure} ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "We have studied supernova neutrino oscillations in a model where the collective flavor transitions (synchronization, bipolar oscillations, and spectral split) are well separated from later, ordinary MSW effects. We have performed numerical simulations in both single- and multi-angle cases, using continuous energy spectra with significant $\\nu$-$\\overline \\nu$ and $\\nu_e$-$\\nu_x$ asymmetry. The results of the single-angle simulation can be largely understood by means of an analogy with a classical gyroscopic pendulum. The main observable effect appears to be the swap of final-state energy spectra, for inverted hierarchy, at a critical energy dictated by lepton number conservation. In the multi-angle simulation, details of self-interaction effects can change, but the spectral split remains a robust, observable feature. In this sense, averaging over neutrino trajectories does not alter the main effect of the self interactions. From the point of view of neutrino parameters, collective flavor oscillations in supernovae could be instrumental in identifying the inverse neutrino mass hierarchy, even for tiny $\\theta_{13}$.~\\cite{DigheMiri} \\begin{figure}[b] \\center \\includegraphics[height=1.9in]{school2.eps} \\caption{A school of fish branching out in two different directions. Analogously, supernova neutrino polarization vectors might split up in flavor space, due to self-interaction effects.} \\label{school2} \\end{figure}" }, "0809/0809.0497_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Caustics are a generic feature of the nonlinear growth of structure in the dark matter distribution. If the dark matter were absolutely cold, its mass density would diverge at caustics, and the integrated annihilation probability would also diverge for individual particles participating in them. For realistic dark matter candidates, this behaviour is regularised by small but non-zero initial thermal velocities. We present a mathematical treatment of evolution from Hot, Warm or Cold Dark Matter initial conditions which can be directly implemented in cosmological N-body codes. It allows the identification of caustics and the estimation of their annihilation radiation in fully general simulations of structure formation. ", "introduction": "The idea that the dark matter might consist of a collisionless ``gas'' of weakly interacting, neutral particles was first published by \\cite{1973ApJ...180....7C} and \\cite{1976A&A....49..437S}, though earlier discussion can also be found in the textbook of \\cite{Zeldovich1971}. These authors proposed neutrinos as a promising dark matter candidate, and a claimed measurement of the electron neutrino mass at very nearly the expected value \\citep{1981Lyubimov} led to a flurry of interest in neutrino-dominated, so-called ``Hot Dark Matter'' universes. This continued until detailed numerical simulations showed the predictions for low-redshift structure to be quite inconsistent with observation \\citep{1983ApJ...274L...1W}. Attention then shifted towards more exotic particle candidates for Warm or Cold Dark Matter \\citep{1982PhRvL..48..223P, 1982ApJ...263L...1P}. If a cold collisionless gas evolves from near-uniform initial conditions under the influence of gravity, the nonlinear phases of growth generically involve caustics analogous to those formed when light propagates through a non-uniform medium. This connection was explored in some depth by Russian cosmologists interested in neutrino-dominated universes \\citep{1982GApFD..20..111A,1983SvPhU.139..153Z}. Caustics are also a very evident feature of the similarity solutions for cold spherical infall published by \\cite{1984ApJ...281....1F} and \\cite{1985ApJS...58...39B}. It was another 15 years, however, before \\cite{2001PhRvD..64f3515H} realised that dark matter annihilation could be very substantially enhanced in such caustics. He showed that for absolutely cold dark matter the annihilation probability diverges logarithmically as a particle passes through a caustic, and that for realistic dark matter candidates this divergence is tamed by the small but finite initial thermal velocities of the particles. He argued that the annihilation radiation from dark halos might be dominated by emission from caustics. Twenty years earlier \\cite{1982PAZh....8..259Z} had noted that thermal velocities limit the densities achievable in dark matter caustics, and the first rigorous calculation of annihilation rates in caustics was carried out by \\cite{2006MNRAS.366.1217M} for Bertschinger's (1985) similarity solution. They found caustics to enhance the total annihilation flux substantially in the outer regions for plausible values of the initial dark matter velocity dispersion, but to be progressively less important at smaller radii. It is unclear whether either of these results will apply in general, since the behaviour of the similarity solution is strongly influenced by its spherical symmetry (which reduces its phase-space dimensionality from 6 to 2) and by its lack of small-scale structure. In the present paper we present a theoretical treatment of the growth of structure which shows how the geodesic deviation equation can be used to follow local phase-space structure in a Lagrangian treatment of nonlinear evolution. This formalism is well suited for implementation in N-body simulation codes, allowing the annihilation signal from caustics to be treated in full generality provided numerical artifacts from discretisation and integration error can be kept under control. We have presented results from a first implementation of this scheme in \\cite{2008MNRAS.385..236V}. A closely related but somewhat more complex scheme is described by \\cite{2005MNRAS.359..123A}. Here we complement this work by giving a fuller description of the mathematics behind the approach, in particular of the regularisation of caustic densities by the finite velocity dispersion of the dark matter. In the next section we describe our idealisation of the initial conditions for structure formation in WIMP-dominated cosmologies. Section 3 then presents useful general results for nonlinear evolution from these initial conditions. These are used in section 4 to describe the evolution of the local phase-space structure, in particular of its projection onto configuration space, following individual particle trajectories. Caustic passages can be identified and the associated annihilation signal can be calculated explicitly. A final section discusses possible future uses of this approach. ", "conclusions": "In this paper we have developed the mathematical background to enable a relatively precise evaluation of the annihilation radiation from dark matter caustics in fully general simulations of the nonlinear growth of structure. Our scheme allows the annihilation rate to be integrated along the trajectory of each simulation particle, including correctly the contributions from all the caustics in which it participates. Typically each particle experiences several such caustic passages in each orbit around the dark matter halo in which it resides \\citep[see][]{2008MNRAS.385..236V}. In order to include correctly the annihilation rate between particles which are members of {\\it different} streams, it is necessary to estimate a local coarse-grained density at the position of each particle, and to add in the contribution due to streams other than its own. This can be done, for example, using the SPH technique, since the smoothing this introduces does not bias the luminosity predicted from inter-stream annihilations. When a particle passes through a caustic occurring in a stream other than its own, the time-integrated annihilation probability is still correctly reproduced in the smoothed system. By implementing these methods in high-resolution simulations of galaxy formation it should be possible to achieve a complete numerical description of the expected annihilation radiation, limited only by the ability to resolve the smallest collapsed clumps of dark matter. This latter limitation can be severe when attempting to predict the total annihilation radiation from a representative cosmological volume. For a standard supersymmetric neutralino, for example, the emission should be dominated by the smallest collapsed objects, with masses well below that of the Sun \\citep[e.g.][]{2003MNRAS.339..505T}. Recent work has shown, however, that this problem is much less severe when predicting the observability of annihilation radiation from the Solar System, which lies just 8 kpc from the centre of the Milky Way \\citep{2008arXiv0809.0894S}. According to these authors, less than 3 percent of the dark matter within 100 kpc of the Galactic Centre should be in small lumps; almost all the rest should be in extended streams of the kind discussed in this paper \\citep[see also][]{1999MNRAS.307..495H}. They argue that the highest signal-to-noise for detecting the annihilation signal will be that of the smooth dark matter distribution in the inner few kiloparsecs of the Galaxy; small subhalos will be significantly more difficult to detect. Application of the techniques we have presented here should allow a rigorous evaluation of an important and previously unresolved issue: whether the emission structure of this smooth component is significantly modified by caustic emission. In addition, they will allow an assessment of the expected morphology and observability of outer caustics around external galaxies, most notably the Andromeda nebula. The authors thank St\\'ephane Colombi, Craig Hogan, Roya Mohayaee and Volker Springel for helpful discussions." }, "0809/0809.1943_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present an analysis of the spatial distribution of various stellar populations within the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. We use optically selected stellar samples with mean ages between $\\sim9$ and $\\sim1000$~Myr, and existing stellar cluster catalogues to investigate how stellar structures form and evolve within the LMC/SMC. We use two statistical techniques to study the evolution of structure within these galaxies, the $Q$-parameter and the two-point correlation function (TPCF). In both galaxies we find the stars are born with a high degree of substructure (i.e. are highly fractal) and that the stellar distribution approaches that of the 'background' population on timescales similar to the crossing times of the galaxy ($\\sim80$~Myr \\& $\\sim150$~Myr for the SMC/LMC respectively). By comparing our observations to simple models of structural evolution we find that 'popping star clusters' do not significantly influence structural evolution in these galaxies. Instead we argue that general galactic dynamics are the main drivers, and that substructure will be erased in approximately the crossing time, regardless of spatial scale, from small clusters to whole galaxies. This can explain why many young Galactic clusters have high degrees of substructure, while others are smooth and centrally concentrated. We conclude with a general discussion on cluster 'infant mortality', in an attempt to clarify the time/spatial scales involved. ", "introduction": "Most, if not all, stars are thought to be born in a {\\it clustered} or fractal distribution, which is usually interpreted as being due to the imprint of the gas hierarchy from which stars form (e.g. Elmegreen \\& Efremov~1996, Elmegreen et al.~2006, Bastian et al.~2007). Older stellar distributions, however, appear to be much more smoothly distributed, begging the questions; 1) what is the main driver of this evolution? and 2) what is the timescale for the natal structure to be erased? It has been noted that many nearby star forming clusters also have hierarchical structure seemingly dictated by the structure of the dense gas of natal molecular clouds (e.g. Lada \\& Lada 2003). Using statistical techniques, Gutermuth et al. (2005) studied three clusters of varying degrees of embeddedness and demonstrated that the least embedded cluster was also the least dense and the least substructured of the three. That result hinted at the idea that the youngest clusters are substructured, but that dynamical interactions and ejection of the structured gas contributes to the evolution and eventual erasure of that substructure in approximately the cluster formation timescale of a few Myr (Palla \\& Stahler 2000). By having an accurate model of the spatial evolution of stellar structures we can approach a number of fundamental questions about star-formation, including what is the percentage of stars born in \"clusters\" and whether this depends on environmental conditions. Using automated algorithms on infrared Spitzer surveys of star-forming sites within the Galaxy (e.g. Allen et al. 2007), such constraints are now becoming possible. In this contribution we present results of two recent studies on the evolution of structure in the LMC (Bastian et al.~2008) and SMC (Gieles et al.~2008). \\begin{figure}[h] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=3.4in]{cmdvi.ps} \\includegraphics[width=5.4in]{spatial-distribution.ps} \\caption{{\\bf Top:} A V-I vs. V CMD of stars in the LMC. The selected boxes are shown, along with theoretical stellar evolutionary isochrones. {\\bf Bottom:} The spatial distribution of stars in boxes 1, 5, \\& 9 in the LMC. The mean age of the stellar distributions is given at the top of each panel.}% \\label{fig:cmd} \\end{center} \\end{figure} ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.4754.txt": { "abstract": "We present results of optical spectroscopic and photometric observation of the pre-main sequence stars associated with the cometary shaped dark cloud Lynds~1622, and $^{12}$CO and $^{13}$CO observations of the cloud. We determined the effective temperatures and luminosities of 14 pre-main sequence stars associated with the cloud from their positions in the Hertzsprung--Russell diagram, as well as constructed their spectral energy distributions using optical, 2MASS and \\textit{Spitzer} IRAC and MIPS data. We derived physical parameters of L\\,1622 from the molecular observations. Our results are not compatible with the assumption that L\\,1622 lies on the near side of the Orion--Eridanus loop, but suggest that L\\,1622 is as distant as Orion~B. At a distance of 400~pc the mass of the cloud, derived from our $^{12}$CO data, is 1100\\,M$_{\\sun}$, its star formation efficiency is $\\sim 1.8\\%$, and the average age of its low-mass pre-main sequence star population is about 1~million years. ", "introduction": "\\label{Sect_1} Studies of the large-scale properties of star forming regions are important for understanding the interstellar processes governing star formation. Census of young stellar objects (YSOs) born in a cloud, their mass, age and space distribution, together with the mass of the star forming cloud are key data for assessment of the efficiency and time scale of star formation. The Orion~OB1 association and its associated molecular clouds represent a distinguished target for star formation studies, being the nearest giant star forming region where various stages of the star forming processes across the whole stellar mass spectrum, as well as interactions between the consecutive generations of stars can be studied in detail. The target of the present paper, Lynds~1622 and the neighbouring Lynds~1621 are small dark clouds at the low Galactic latitude edge of the giant molecular cloud Orion~B. These two clouds together are termed as {\\em Orion East\\/} by \\citet{HR72}, who discovered five H$\\alpha$ emission stars associated with L\\,1622. \\citet{Maddalena} found that the radial velocity of this cloud is about $v_\\rmn{LSR} = +1$\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$, contrary to the characteristic radial velocity of +10\\,km\\,s$^{-1}$ of Orion~B. The asymmetric, cometary shape and the bright, ionized rim apparent in the SHASSA \\citep{Gaustad} image of L\\,1622 suggest its interaction with the hot stars of Ori~OB\\,1. \\citet{Casassus} present centimeter continuum image of L\\,1622, and attribute the radiation to spinning dust grains in a limb-brightened shell of the cloud, where the incident UV radiation from the Ori~OB1b association heats and charges the grains. Low-mass star formation in L\\,1622 is indicated by several associated T~Tauri stars and candidates. The reflection nebula VDB~62, illuminated by the K2 type weak-line T~Tauri star HBC~515 (HD\\,288313, V1793~Ori) \\citep{Racine,HBC} can be found near the bright rim of the cloud. Spectroscopic and photometric variability of this star were studied in detail by \\citet{Mekkaden}, and it was found to be a triple system by \\citet{Reipurth08}. In addition to this WTTS, there are six known classical T~Tauri stars (CTTS) in L\\,1622: HBC~188 (LkH$\\alpha$~334), HBC~189 (LkH$\\alpha$~335), HBC~190 (LkH$\\alpha$~336), HBC~516 (LkH$\\alpha$~336c), HBC~191 (LkH$\\alpha$~337), and HBC~517 (L\\,1622--15) \\citep{HBC}. The LkH$\\alpha$~336 triple system was studied by \\citet{Correia}. \\citet{OH83} detected 16 H$\\alpha$ emission stars (L\\,1622--1 to L\\,1622--16) in an objective prism survey over the surface of L\\,1622, including the above HBC stars except LkH$\\alpha$~336c and HD\\,288313. The pre-main sequence (PMS) nature of 11 objects has not yet been confirmed. A further signpost of low-mass star formation is the Herbig--Haro object HH~122 \\citep{Reipurth89}, whose probable exciting source, HH\\,122~VLA~1 was detected by \\citet{Rodriguez}. \\citet{LM99} report four optically selected cores of the L\\,1621\\,/\\,L\\,1622 region: L\\,1621--1, L\\,1621--2, L\\,1622~A and L\\,1622~B. L\\,1622~B is associated with the optically invisible source \\textit{IRAS}~05522+0146, while \\citet{LMT01} list L\\,1622~A as an infall candidate. Recently \\citet{Reipurth_hb} identified 28 young stellar objects (YSOs) in the \\textit{Spitzer} IRAC images of L\\,1622, 10 of which they classified as protostars. The velocity difference between Orion~B and L\\,1622 raises the question whether both clouds are located in the same volume of space, or L\\,1622 is a foreground object, unrelated to the Orion~B molecular cloud. \\citet{Maddalena} concluded that, in spite of the different velocities, Orion East is probably located at the same distance as Orion~B, regarding its cometary shape and bright rim, pointing toward Barnard's Loop. This conclusion was questioned by \\citet{Knude}, who studied the distance to interstellar extinction features by using spectral types of the Michigan Catalog and Tycho--2 photometry, and found an absorbing cloud located at some 160~pc from the Sun toward the line of sight of L\\,1622, suggesting that this cloud may be a foreground object. \\citet{Wilson05}, based on the parallaxes of three \\textit{Hipparcos\\/} stars, find that L\\,1622 is situated as close as 120\\,pc to the Sun. Nearby star forming clouds are of special interest because they allow us to study fine structural details and detect the lowest luminosity objects. Motivated by these findings we started a spectroscopic and photometric study of the pre-main sequence stars and candidates associated with L\\,1622. Our aim is to assess the probable star forming history of the cloud, and see if the measured properties of these objects support the smaller or the larger distance. In order to have a homogeneous data set on the young low mass stars born in L\\,1622 we obtained moderate resolution optical spectra and $VR_\\rmn{C}I_\\rmn{C}$ photometry of all pre-main sequence stars and candidates projected on L\\,1622. \\textit{Spitzer} archive data were used for studying the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the young stars. In order to find the physical properties of the cloud, compare the positions of the stars and the molecular gas, as well as estimate the efficiency of star formation we analysed $^{12}$CO and $^{13}$CO observations of the cloud available in the data archive of the NANTEN radio telescope at Nagoya University. Our observations and results are described in Sect.~2, and discussed in Sect.~3. Section~4 gives a short summary of our findings. ", "conclusions": "\\label{Sect_concl} We determined effective temperatures and luminosities of 14 pre-main sequence stars and candidates in the region of the dark cloud L\\,1622 and found that these quantities are incompatible with the assumption that L\\,1622 lies at the near side of the Orion--Eridanus Bubble, but suggest that this cloud is located at the distance of Orion~B. The derived ages of the stars at this distance are around 1 million~years. The shapes of the SEDs of the target stars support this age estimate. Star formation in L\\,1622 was probably triggered by the luminous stars of the association subgroup Ori~OB1b (Orion's Belt). We present new $^{12}$CO and $^{13}$CO maps of L\\,1622. Accepting a distance of 400~pc we derived a mass of 1100\\,M$_{\\sun}$ for L\\,1622 from the $^{12}$CO observations. The total mass of the YSOs identified so far, assuming a mean mass of 0.5\\,M$_{\\sun}$ for the \\textit{Spitzer} sources not included in our spectroscopic survey, is $\\approx$20\\,M$_{\\sun}$, suggesting a star formation efficiency $SFE \\approx 1.8\\%$. Several of our programme stars may be interesting targets for more detailed studies. The derived luminosity of the CTTS L\\,1622--6 suggests that this object is a binary or multiple system. The large inner hole in the accretion disc of this star, suggested by the models fitted to its SED, supports this hypothesis. The SEDs of L\\,1622--10A, L\\,1622--10B, and LkH$\\alpha$\\,336c suggest that the discs of these stars are seen nearly edge-on. L\\,1622--3 exhibits an extremely rich emission spectrum. This star might have been born in a small molecular clump outside the main cloud. \\textit{IRAS}~05522+0146 is a Class~I source embedded in the dense core L\\,1622\\,B." }, "0809/0809.1172_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We determine the metallicity distribution function (MDF) of the Galactic halo by means of a sample of 1638 metal-poor stars selected from the Hamburg/ESO objective-prism survey (HES). The sample was corrected for minor biases introduced by the strategy for spectroscopic follow-up observations of the metal-poor candidates, namely ``best and brightest stars first''. Comparison of the metallicities [Fe/H] of the stars determined from moderate-resolution (i.e., $R\\sim 2000$) follow-up spectra with results derived from abundance analyses based on high-resolution spectra (i.e., $R>20,000$) shows that the [Fe/H] estimates used for the determination of the halo MDF are accurate to within 0.3\\,dex, once highly C-rich stars are eliminated. We determined the selection function of the HES, which must be taken into account for a proper comparison between the HES MDF with MDFs of other stellar populations or those predicted by models of Galactic chemical evolution. The latter show a reasonable agreement with the overall shape of the HES MDF for $\\mbox{[Fe/H]} > -3.6$, but only a model of Salvadori et al. (2007) with a critical metallicity for low-mass star formation of $Z_{\\mathrm cr}=10^{-3.4}\\,Z_{\\odot}$ reproduces the sharp drop at $\\mbox{[Fe/H]} \\sim -3.6$ present in the HES MDF. Although currently about ten stars at $\\mbox{[Fe/H]} < -3.6$ are known, the evidence for the existence of a tail of the halo MDF extending to $\\mbox{[Fe/H]} \\sim -5.5$ is weak from the sample considered in this paper, because it only includes two stars $\\mbox{[Fe/H]} < -3.6$. Therefore, a comparison with theoretical models has to await larger statistically complete and unbiased samples. A comparison of the MDF of Galactic globular clusters and of dSph satellites to the Galaxy shows qualitative agreement with the halo MDF, derived from the HES, once the selection function of the latter is included. However, statistical tests show that the differences between these are still highly significant. ", "introduction": "\\label{Sect:Intro} One of the key observables for constraining models of the formation and chemical evolution of the Galaxy is the Metallicity Distribution Function (MDF) of the constituent stars of its various components (bulge, disk, halo). The MDF provides critical information on the enrichment history of those components with heavy elements. In the case of the halo, early enrichment may have been provided by the very first generations of massive stars, formed from material of primordial composition shortly after the Big Bang (i.e., Population III stars). Models of Galactic chemical evolution need to be compared to an accurate (and precise) observed halo MDF to test their predictions, to constrain their various parameters (such as the effective yield, the star-formation rate and the IMF), and in order to obtain information on the properties of Population III stars that are responsible for the earliest enrichment. This is particularly important for the lowest metallicity tail of the MDF, which provides invaluable information on the earliest enrichment phases \\citep{Prantzos:2003}; for instance, it has been suggested that a minimum level of enrichment is required to form low-mass stars. This critical metallicity ranges between $10^{-4}\\mathrm{Z}_{\\odot}$ \\citep{Omukai:2000,Brommetal:2001,Bromm/Loeb:2003,Umeda/Nomoto:2003,Santoro/Shull:2006,Frebeletal:2007c} and $10^{-6}\\mathrm{Z}_{\\odot}$, the latter being applicable when dust grains are present \\citep{Schneideretal:2002,Schneideretal:2003,Schneideretal:2006,Omukaietal:2005,Tsuribe/Omukai:2006,Clarketal:2008}. The precision of a derived halo MDF increases directly with the total number of observed metal-poor halo stars. Selection of such stars without the introduction of a kinematic bias (e.g., from among high proper motion stars) makes them of particular utility for examination of the relationships between the chemistry and kinematics of the halo. Early determinations of the halo MDF were based on small samples of globular clusters (\\citealt{Hartwick:1976}; $N=60$), or a mixture of halo subdwarfs and globular clusters (\\citealt{Bond:1981}; $N=90$ and $N=31$, respectively). Problems with these samples arise not only from their small sizes, but also their inaccurate metallicities. Later studies employed significantly larger samples with spectroscopically-determined stellar abundances. For example, \\citet{Ryan/Norris:1991} used a sample of 372 kinematically-selected halo stars. \\citet{Ryan/Norris:1991} and \\citet{Carneyetal:1996} showed that the MDF peaks at a metallicity of $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} = -1.6$ with wings from $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} = -3.0$ to solar abundances. The HK survey \\citep{BPSI,BPSII,TimTSS}, originated by Preston and Shectman, and greatly extended by Beers to include several hundred additional objective-prism plates, was, until the advent of the Hamburg/ESO Survey (HES; see below), the primary source of metal-poor candidates suitable for consideration of the halo MDF. With the assistance of numerous colleagues, medium-resolution spectroscopy of over 10,000 HK-survey stars was obtained, using 1.5--4\\,m class telescopes, over the past two decades. This led to the identification of thousands of stars with $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} < -2.0$, as well as significant numbers of stars with $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} < -3.0$. \\begin{figure}[htbp] \\centering \\includegraphics[clip=true,bb=75 199 372 770,width=8.8cm]{10925f01.ps} \\caption{\\label{Fig:VmagBminV} Upper panel: Isochrones for an age of 12\\,Gyr and metallicities of $\\mbox{[Fe/H]}=-1$, $-2$, and $-3$ \\citep{Kimetal:2002}, and chosen colour cuts (see text for details); middle panel: $V$ magnitude distribution of the HES sample from which we construct the halo MDF; lower panel: $(B-V)_0$ distribution.} \\end{figure} Another wide-angle spectroscopic survey is the HES. It was originally conceived as a survey for bright quasars \\citep{Reimers:1990,hespaperI,hespaperIII}; however, its data quality is sufficient to not only efficiently select quasars with redshifts of up to $z = 3.2$, but also various types of stellar objects, including metal-poor stars \\citep{Christliebetal:2008}. So far, several hundred new stars at $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]}<-3.0$ have been identified, including three stars that were confirmed by high-resolution spectroscopy to have $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} < -4.0$: {\\FAC} ($\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} = -5.4$; \\citealt{Frebeletal:2005,Aokietal:2006,Frebeletal:2006a}); {\\CBB} ($\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} = -5.3$; \\citealt{HE0107_Nature,HE0107_ApJ,Besselletal:2004}); and HE~0557$-$4840 ($\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} = -4.8$; \\citealt{Norrisetal:2007}). It is perhaps of interest that the HK survey has not (to date) yielded any stars with $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} < -4.0$ confirmed by high-resolution spectroscopy; this may be related to the fact that the HK survey reaches apparent magnitudes that are brighter than the HES, and as a result is dominated more than the HES by inner-halo stars. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS; \\citealt{Gunnetal:1998}, \\citealt{Yorketal:2000}), and in particular the Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration (SEGUE), has provided even larger samples of halo stars, as discussed by \\citet{Carolloetal:2007} and \\citet{Ivezicetal:2008}. The former emphasize the division of the halo into two structural components, an inner region with $R < 10$--$15$\\,kpc, and an outer region beyond that radius. These two components differ in stellar metallicities, stellar orbits, and spatial density profiles. As we discuss in Sect.~\\ref{Sect:Selection} below, the HES sample is dominated by inner-halo stars. We note that we hereafter refer to the inner halo as ``the halo'', unless indicated otherwise. In spite of the very large sample of $\\sim 20,000$ stars used by Carollo et al., their coverage of the regime of very low metallicity is limited. According to their supplemental Fig.~4, they find only 3 stars with $\\mbox{[Fe/H]} < -3.0$ in their ``local sample'' of 10,123 stars. The main reason for this is that the stars of their sample were not selected to be metal-poor, but for the purpose of spectrophotometric and telluric calibration of the SDSS spectra. Recent high-resolution spectroscopic follow-up of stars from the Carollo et al. sample (W. Aoki, priv. comm.) has indicated that the current version of the SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline (SSPP; see \\citealt{Leeetal:2008a,Leeetal:2008b,AllendePrietoetal:2008}) is somewhat conservative in the assignment of stellar metallicity estimates, in the sense that stars assigned $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} < -2.7$ by the SSPP are in reality more metal-deficient, on average, by on the order of 0.3\\,dex. A recent examination of the numbers of stars from the SDSS/SEGUE survey, taking into account this offset, suggests that up to several hundred stars with $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} < -3.0$ are in fact present in the current SDSS sample of stars (including other categories of targets than just the calibration stars). \\citet{Ivezicetal:2008} focus on the comparison between the inner halo and the disk. Since they rely on abundances determined from photometry, they cannot reliably determine metallicities of stars at $\\mbox{[Fe/H]} < -2$. Nevertheless, the metallicity map of some 2.5 million stars with photometric metallicies shown in Fig.~8 of Ivezic et al. indicates that there exist very large numbers of stars in SDSS consistent with $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} < -2.0$. Follow-up spectroscopy is, at present, only available for a subset of them. Beers et al. (in preparation) discuss the MDF of the lowest metallicity stars found in SDSS/SEGUE. The total number of stars with $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} < -2.0$, based on medium-resolution SDSS spectroscopy, is over 25,000 (i.e., five times the number discovered by the combination of the HK and HES). This paper continues our series on the stellar content of the HES (\\citealt{HESStarsI}, Paper~I; \\citealt{HESStarsII}, Paper~II; \\citealt{HESFHBA}, Paper~III; \\citealt{Christliebetal:2008}, Paper~IV). We are mainly concerned with the low-metallicity tail of the halo MDF, which is constructed from a sample of 1638 metal-poor stars selected in the HES by quantitative criteria (Sect.~\\ref{Sect:Selection}). The follow-up observations and determination of the metallicities are described in Sect.~\\ref{Sect:FollowUp}. In Sect.~\\ref{Sect:MDFconstruction} we detail how the MDF was constructed. We discuss the shape of the halo MDF in Sect. \\ref{Sect:MDFshape}. Comparisons of the observed MDF with MDFs predicted by models of Galactic chemical evolution are presented in Sect.~\\ref{Sect:TheoryObservations}, and a comparison with the MDFs of the Galactic globular cluster system and dwarf spheroidal galaxies is presented in Sect.~\\ref{Sect:GCdSph}. The results are discussed in Sect.~\\ref{Sect:Conclusions}. \\begin{table}[htbp] \\centering \\caption{Number of stars in each candidate class in the total sample of candidates, number of observed candidates, and number of accepted candidates after removal of emission line objects, ``peculiar'' objects (e.g., objects with continuous spectra) and all stars with a G-band index $\\mathrm{GP} > 6$\\,{\\AA}. In the last column, we list the scaling factors applied to the [Fe/H] histograms for each candidate class during the construction of the MDF (see Section~\\ref{Sect:MDFconstruction}).} \\label{Tab:CandidateStatistics} \\begin{tabular}{lrrrr}\\hline\\hline \\rule{0ex}{2.3ex} & \\multicolumn{3}{c}{Number of stars} & \\\\\\cline{2-4} \\rb{Class} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{All} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{Observed} \\rule{0ex}{2.3ex} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{Accepted} & \\rb{Factor}\\\\\\hline \\texttt{mpca} & 201 & 123 & 105 & \\rule{0ex}{2.3ex} 1.63\\\\ \\texttt{unid} & 231 & 208 & 192 & 1.11\\\\ \\texttt{mpcb} & 2006 & 1008 & 940 & 1.99\\\\ \\texttt{mpcc} & 1275 & 432 & 401 & 2.95\\\\\\hline Sum & 3713 & 1771 & 1638 & \\rule{0ex}{2.3ex}\\\\\\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{table} ", "conclusions": "\\label{Sect:Conclusions} In Sect.~\\ref{Sect:TheoryObservations} we have shown that a reasonable agreement with the overall shape of the HES MDF can be obtained for $\\mbox{[Fe/H]} > -3.6$ by most models of Galactic chemical evolution, but only the model of Salvadori et al. with $Z_{\\mathrm cr}=10^{-3.4}\\,Z_{\\odot}$ reproduces the the sharp drop at $\\mbox{[Fe/H]} \\sim -3.6$ seen in the HES MDF. The lack of stars at $\\mbox{[Fe/H]} < -3.6$ is highly significant: The models typically predict that about ten such stars should be present in the HES sample, while only two are found. The significance of this discrepancy is reflected in the low probabilities for the MDFs predicted by the models and the HES MDF having the same parent distribution, as determined by KS-tests. It remains to be investigated whether the drop can be reproduced by modifying some of the assumptions of the models, or by adding further ingredients. The HES sample discussed in this paper contains no objects with $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} < -4.2$, but considering the abundance analyses of three additional stars in this metallicity range published in the recent literature, it is obvious that it exists. However, a thorough and quantitative comparison with theoretical MDFs has to await larger statistically complete and unbiased samples which include more stars with $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} < -4.0$. Such samples will become available through new, deeper surveys for metal-poor stars that will commence in the near future; in particular, the Southern Sky Survey \\citep{Kelleretal:2007} and a survey to be conducted with the Chinese 4\\,m Large sky Area Multi-Object fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST; \\citealt{Zhaoetal:2006}). In the $\\Lambda$CDM picture, the Galactic halo was largely built out of disrupted satellite galaxies. If stars had already formed within them at the time of accretion, then the MDF of the Galactic halo and of the existing dSph galaxies should agree at the metal-poor end with regard to the presence of a weak tail of stars with $\\mbox{[Fe/H]} < -3.0$. It is thus encouraging for the $\\Lambda$CDM scenario that our analysis shows better agreement between the halo MDF and that of the dSph galaxies than claimed by \\citet{Helmietal:2006}. However, even if this were not the case, it would not necessarily be a strong contradiction to the $\\Lambda$CDM scenario. According to the semi-analytical models of \\citet{Salvadorietal:2008} and \\citet{Salvadori/Ferrara:2009}, the MDFs of dSph galaxies can differ quite significantly from each other, depending on their individual enrichment histories. Hence their MDFs can also be different from that of the Galactic halo. An important question remaining to be answered is how the elemental-abundance ratios of the dSph stars at $\\mbox{[Fe/H]} < -3.0$ compare with those of the Galactic halo stars. Since the HES and the HK survey are in-situ surveys that predominantly sample the inner-halo population of the Galaxy (with $R < 15$\\,kpc), it is mandatory to consider the possibility that the (for now, poorly studied) outer-halo population of the Galaxy may indeed contain significant numbers of stars with $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} < -3.6$, as might be indicated by the shift of the peak metallicity of the other-halo stars studied by \\citet{Carolloetal:2007} to $\\mathrm{[Fe/H]} = -2.2$, a factor of four lower than the peak metallicity of inner-halo stars. This possibility is being actively pursued by high-resolution spectroscopic follow-up of stars that are likely to be members of the outer-halo population, based on their kinematics, by a number of groups." }, "0809/0809.3749.txt": { "abstract": "The growth of Jovian mass planets during migration in their protoplanetary disks is one of the most important problems that needs to be solved in light of observations of the small orbital radii of exosolar planets. Studies of the migration of planets in standard gas disk models routinely show that the migration speeds are too high to form Jovian planets, and that such migrating planetary cores generally plunge into their central stars in less than a million years. %Recently, \\cite{Alibert05} found that %planetary migration has to be significantly slowed for the formation %of Jovian planets. Here, we propose a possible mechanism which %allows Jovian planet formation without slowing down migration %artificially. In previous work, we have shown that a poorly ionized, less viscous region in a protoplanetary disk called a {\\it dead zone} slows down the migration of fixed-mass planets. %we have pointed out the importance of dead zones in protostellar disks in significantly %slowing the migration of planets of fixed mass. In this paper, we extend our numerical calculations to include dead zone evolution along with the disk, as well as planet formation via accretion of rocky and gaseous materials. %including an opacity reduction effect in an envelope of the protoplanet. %as the planets migrate through the disk. %a wide range of important evolutionary effects on planetary growth and %migration including the evolution of disks with time as they accrete onto their central stars, %the consequent shrinkage of disks dead zones with time, the accretion of %rocky materials of the protoplanetary cores in a slower oligarchic phase, and the accretion %of gas from the disks as the planets migrate through the disks. Using our symplectic-integrator-gas dynamics code, we find that dead zones, even in evolving disks wherein planets grow by accretion as they migrate, still play a fundamental role in saving planetary systems. We demonstrate %by means of time-dependent simulations using our symplectic-integrator-gas dynamics code that Jovian planets form within $2.5$ Myr for disks that are ten times more massive than a minimum mass solar nebula with an opacity reduction and without slowing down migration artificially. %as in previous studies. Our simulations indicate that protoplanetary disks with an initial mass comparable to the minimum mass solar nebula (MMSN) only produce Neptunian mass planets. We also find that planet migration does not help core accretion as much in the oligarchic planetesimal accretion scenario as it was expected in the runaway planetesimal accretion scenario. Therefore we expect that an opacity reduction (or some other mechanisms) is needed to solve the formation timescale problem even for migrating protoplanets, as long as we consider the oligarchic growth. %rather than helping it in the oligarchic planetesimal accretion scenario. %They are saved from splashing into their stars by the dead zones, which %shrink with time from an intial radial extent of 13 AU to less than 2AU over a couple of million years. %Thus, with all of these physical effect included, we find %that dead zones, even in evolving disks wherein planets grow by accretion as they migrate, %still play a fundament role in saving planetary systems. We also point out a possible role of a dead zone in explaining long-lived, strongly accreting gas disks. ", "introduction": "The properties of nearly 300 recently discovered extrasolar planetary systems reveal that Jovian mass planets are often found at a scaled orbital radius of Mercury around their central stars \\citep[e.g.][]{Udry07}. Since none of the current theories of Jovian planet formation can explain {\\it in situ} formation of gas giants at these small distances from their stars, it is generally agreed that such planets were formed in the outer regions of protoplanetary disks and migrated through them to their current positions \\citep{Lin96}. Growth of giant planets takes place during this passage and both processes are terminated when most of the gas in the protoplanetary disk is either accreted onto the central star, or dissipated by photoevaporation \\citep[e.g.][]{Shu93,Hollenbach94,Alexander06b}. Observations of infrared to submm emission and gas accretion rates onto the central stars reveal that disk lifetimes are typically $1-10$ Myr \\citep[e.g.][]{Hartmann98,Muzerolle00,Andrews05,SiciliaAguilar06}. The observed disk life-times raise two difficulties in planet formation theory. The first regards planet migration: the migration time scales of planets arising from the tidal interaction between a planet and the gas disk are shorter than the disk lifetimes. Therefore, unless they are stopped by some robust mechanism, planets plunge into their central stars within about a million years. %Why are there any planets at all? The second is %the accretion problem, which is specific to core-accretion model for Jovian planet formation: the formation time scales may be longer than, or comparable to, the disk life times. Therefore, unless the formation time scale is reduced somehow, the existence of giant planets cannot be explained by the core accretion scenario. The core-accretion model posits that gas giants result from a two-stage process - the first being the formation of their rocky cores by the repetitive coagulation and agglomeration of the smaller bodies onto the larger ones (as in the terrestrial planet formation), and the second being the accretion of their massive gaseous envelope from the surrounding disk. %The accretion problem is that this second stage takes an %uncomfortably long time - comparable to the disk lifetime. % %Studies of the accretion problem go back to the pioneering work of %\\citet[][hereafter P96]{Pollack96} who performed numerical %simulations of the growth of a protoplanet core with an initial mass %of \\(0.6 \\ M_E\\) by calculating the planetesimal and gas accretion %rates in a self-consistent, interactive manner. They estimated that %the {\\it in situ} formation of Jupiter takes the uncomfortably long %time of \\(8\\times 10^6\\). A significant body of research has %reduced this somewhat (see below), but this is still uncomfortable. In the first stage, the formation of the rocky core proceeds as bodies grow from a micron to a planetary size. One of the difficulties occurs when particles grow up to dm sizes. At this point, the collisional agglomeration may not be a preferred path to make the larger bodies \\citep{Langkowski08}. %(Blum \\& Wurm \\citep{Blum05}). Even if the sticking is still efficient and the bodies can keep on growing, the gas drag becomes non-negligible for such objects. Since the gas disk rotates at the sub-Keplerian speed, slightly slower than these growing bodies, the bodies feel the head wind, lose the angular momentum, and eventually migrate into the central star. Migration induced by gas drag becomes most efficient for meter-sized bodies, and becomes negligible again for the km-sized bodies since they are large enough not to be affected by the gas drag \\citep{Weidenschilling77}. The gravitational instability in the planetesimal disk was suggested to avoid this meter-size barrier \\citep{Goldreich73}. However, such a mechanism may be hindered by the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability \\citep{Cuzzi93,Weidenschilling95} unless the local solid-to-gas ratio is sufficiently high \\citep[e.g.][]{Sekiya98,Youdin02}. Recently, it was demonstrated that very rapid planetesimal growth up to Ceres-mass objects is possible via a streaming instability in such turbulent disks \\citep[e.g.][]{Johansen07,Youdin07}. Therefore, there is good justification to skip these early stages, and to assume that there are already km-sized planetesimals as well as planetary embryo(s) which are embedded in a gas disk. In this paper, we will follow this approach as the previous studies did. %More problematic is the need to reduce the gas accretion timescale %onto the rocky planetary core. %Yet another difficulty occurs before a protoplanet achieves a %crossover mass, above which gas accretion rate increases in a runaway fashion. In the second stage, protoplanetary cores keep on accreting planetesimals while they start developing gaseous envelopes. A cornerstone work done by \\cite{Pollack96} (P96 hereafter) identified three phases in giant planet formation. The first phase is a rapid core building phase, in which a protoplanetary core of $0.6 M_E$ grows up to \\(\\sim 10 M_E\\) within half a million years. The second phase is a slow gas and planetesimal accretion phase which lasts until the crossover mass (for which the envelope mass is comparable to the core mass) is reached. The third phase is a rapid gas and planetesimal accretion phase, in which the planet quickly becomes a gas giant. P96 showed that planet formation spends most time in the second phase that could last for several million years. Since this is uncomfortably close to a typical disk life time, it was considered as one of the weakest points of core accretion scenario \\citep[e.g.][]{Boss97}. To shorten the second phase, protoplanets could either increase the gas accretion rate itself, or increase the planetesimal accretion rate and expand the gas feeding zone. % %One approach is to more carefully consider the mechanisms that could \\cite{Ikoma00,Hubickyj05} (hereafter INE00, and HBL05 respectively) took the former approach, and considered a reduced opacity in planetary envelopes. %\\citep[][hereafter INE00, and HBL05 respectively]{Ikoma00,Hubickyj05}. HBL05 used an updated version of the code by P96 with a more recent opacity table, and showed that smaller opacity, which mimics the dust settling and coagulation in the protoplanet's atmosphere, decreases the effective gas pressure of the protoplanetary envelope, and hence leads to the faster gas accretion. They showed that the {\\it in situ} formation timescale of Jupiter could be as short as 1 Myr if the opacity is \\(2\\%\\) of the interstellar value and the core mass is \\(10 M_E\\). % %Another factor that could in principle reduce the gas timescale is %that gas accretion occurs during migration \\citep[][hereafter %A05]{Alibert05}. On the other hand, \\cite{Alibert05} (hereafter A05) took the latter approach, and considered planet formation during migration. In P96, planetesimal accretion slows when the planetesimals get depleted in the feeding zone, because %before the crossover mass for rapid gas accretion is %reached. Then a planet has to accrete gas and expand its feeding zone to further accrete planetesimals. Since the gas accretion in Phase 2 tends to be slower than the planetesimal accretion in Phase 1, it takes longer to accrete a similar amount of gas envelope to the core, and achieve a crossover mass. A05 overcame this problem by including disk evolution and planet migration in the model, so that the planetesimal feeding zone is constantly replenished. The gas accretion time shortens as the planetary mass increases, because it proceeds on the Kelvin-Helmholtz timescale, which is a steep function of planetary mass. They showed that the Jupiter formation timescale could be of the order of 1 Myr if the planet migrates. %Since the gas accretion proceeds on the Kelvin-Helmholtz timescale, which is a steep %function in planetary mass, the gas accretion time shortens as the planetary mass increases. However, as noted by \\cite{Ward97}, solving the accretion problem by migration in a standard disk model is a ``double-edged sword\", since it comes at the price of possibly losing the planets to their central star. Thus, A05 %did not address this problem and simply assumed that some unspecified mechanism would slow down the fast type I (pre-gap opening) migration by factors of \\(10-100\\) times compared to the migration estimated in a 3D disk by \\cite{Tanaka02}. %slower than the migration rate estimated for a %3D disk by \\cite{Tanaka02}. %The disk models that were employed in the discussion above all %assume that a protostellar disk is turbulent throughout its entire %radial extent. Here, we propose a possible mechanism which can slow planet migration, and investigate planet formation in that context. In a standard disk with a smooth surface mass density and a standard viscosity expected from the MRI turbulence, both type I and II migration time scales are shorter than the disks' life times. %Disk accretion onto the central star is driven by viscosity in a %differentially rotating disk. The most popular source of such a viscosity is the magneto-rotational instability \\citep[MRI,][]{Balbus91}. However, it has been demonstrated by several groups that protoplanetary disks are not MRI active everywhere, but harbor extended regions known as the dead zones \\citep{Gammie96} where there is virtually no turbulence %%%%%%%%%%%%% Foot Note \\footnote{This arises in principal because operation of the MRI requires good coupling between the gaseous disk and the magnetic field. However, the ionization fraction in the inner regions of dense protoplanetary disks is typically so low that Ohmic diffusion prevents the growth of the MRI in such regions. The size of the dead zone can be computed once the source of disk ionization (e.g. stellar X-rays, cosmic rays) is known. Assuming that the MRI is the dominant source of the disk's ``turbulent'' viscosity, the dead zone is nearly inviscid. The existence of a dead zone in a protoplanetary disk was first proposed by \\cite{Gammie96} who showed that there is a magnetically dead zone in the inner disk where cosmic rays cannot penetrate (assuming the cosmic ray stopping density is \\(98 \\ {\\rm g \\ cm^{-2}}\\)), and that such a region is sandwiched by the magnetically active surface layers where gas accretes toward the star efficiently.}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%% Foot Note END Many authors have studied the physical extent of the dead zones %has been studied by many authors by using different disk models and taking account of a variety of the ionization/recombination processes \\citep[e.g.][hereafter MP03, and MP06 respectively]{Glassgold97,Sano00,Fromang02,Semenov04,Matsumura03,Matsumura06}. These models suggest roughly the same size of the dead zones (from \\(<1\\) AU to \\(10-20\\) AU), indicating that a dead zone is a robust feature of a protoplanetary disk. Since this is a critical region of a disk both for planet formation and migration, it is of vital importance to investigate these problems in the context of protoplanetary disks with dead zones. % Recent numerical simulations of such a layered disk have shown that the expected viscosity parameter \\(\\alpha\\) is about \\(10^{-2}\\) in the active zone and \\(10^{-4}-10^{-5}\\) in the dead zone \\citep{Fleming03}. Therefore, if the MRI is the dominant source of the disk viscosity, a significant decrease in viscosity is expected within the dead zone, which most likely affects the rate of planet migration. Moreover, recent observations have revealed that disk's viscosity parameters may take a larger range than previously expected; \\(\\alpha=10^{-6}-10^{-1}\\) \\citep{Hueso05,Luhman07}, indicating that at least some observed disks may possess a low viscosity region like a dead zone. %Of central importance for planet formation and migration is the fact %that dead zones can significantly slow the rate of migration of %planets. In an earlier paper, we have demonstrated that dead zones can significantly slow the rate of migraion of planets, and save planetary systems from plunging into the central stars \\citep[][hereafter MPT07]{Matsumura07}. In particular, we found (1) type II migration (post-gap-opening migration) is slowed in the dead zone due to the low viscosity there, (2) even low-mass planets (\\(\\leq 10 M_E\\)), which are usually type I migrators (i.e. non gap-openers), may open a gap in the dead zone if the thermal condition is satisfied, and thus migrate slower there, and (3) type I migrators moving toward the dead zone can be stopped at the outer edge of the dead zone due to the jump in mass density there %at the outer edge of the dead zone, %increase inside it, which is a result of the slower advection speed inside the dead zone with respect to outside it. %gas accretion inside the dead zone %with respect to outside it. %This is because one of the difficulties of planet formation is that the %migration timescale is much shorter compared to the formation %timescale, and thus growing planets are prone to being lost into the %central stars. In this paper, we present a rather complete treatment of the formation and migration of Jovian planets within their evolving protoplanetary disks. %The mass evolution of the disk is a %consequence of viscous accretion which enables the transport of most %of the disk material into the central star in roughly 10 million %years. %(we end with a Jovian mass disk typically). We compute comprehensive time-dependent models for the growth of Jovian planets in the core accretion picture in viscously evolving gaseous disks. Our calculations include updates on both stages of accretion (planestimals and gas), as well as the ability to follow planetary migration down to 0.1 AU. %for up to 10 million years. We approach this problem by means of time-dependent simulations that track both planetary accretion and migration through disks with evolving dead zones. %An important aspect of dead zone evolution that %should be taken into account is its There are two major effects of disk evolution in our models: (i) the gradual accretion of mass from the disk onto the star which limits the reservoir that is available to the growing Jovian planet; and (ii) the shrinkage of the size of the dead zone as a consequence of mass accretion onto the star (mainly) through the well coupled surface layers of the disk. This process reduces the size of the dead zone substantially with time --- perhaps leaving it only a few AU in extent after a million years. % %Our major findings are (1) when a planetary core starts its %migration and growth from outside the dead zone, the core is kept %outside the dead zone due to a surface mass density jump and grows %up to a Jupiter mass, and (2) when a planetary core starts from %inside the dead zone, the core is left outside the dead zone which %shrinks due to mass accretion through surface layers, and grows up %to a Jupiter mass. Jovian planets in both of these circumstances are %accreted within \\(7\\times 10^6\\) years. We require models that are %initially an order of magnitude greater in column density than the %minimum mass solar nebula. % %, and (3) when a %planetary core starts well inside the dead zone, the core grows %inside the dead zone, opens a gap, and stops its gas accretion. %the planet migration and formation by taking account of the dead zone. %--- poorly ionized region in a protostellar disk which %has no magneto-rotational instability (MRI) turbulence %\\citep{Gammie96}, and hence expected to be nearly inviscid. We first introduce our disk models and numerical methods in \\S 2. We also highlight a possible role of dead zones in disk accretion onto the central stars. Then we study planet formation in an inviscid disk, and compare our results with P96, and HBL05 (\\S 3). We also check the effect of the opacity, and compare the results with HBL05, which improved the work of P96 and further investigated the opacity effects. We then go on to compute planet formation and migration in an evolving disk, and compare the results with A05 in \\S 4. The culmination of our work is presented in \\S5 where we generalize our results and present planet formation in an evolving disk with a dead zone. Finally, we summarize our work in \\S 6. % %--- Section 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % ", "conclusions": "We have presented some new results on planet formation and migration in evolving disks with dead zones. The most significant is that dead zones provide a natural way of saving planetary systems even as the planets migrate through disks whose properties change significantly over hundreds of thousands to millions of years. The dissipation of the disk does place interesting constraints on their masses - we find that only Neptunian mass planets can be formed in the MMSN-mass disk models. Jovian planet formation requires more massive disks, which has also been suggested by other groups (e.g. P96 and HBL05), and was recently demonstrated by multiple planet formation simulations by \\cite{Thommes08}. The time scale that we find for Jovian planet formation in these more massive disks - about 2.5 Myr - is within observational limits of disk lifetimes. While not drastically reduced from previous estimates, our Jovian planet formation time incorporates many new aspects including migration in the presence of dead zones, effects of slower oligarchic growth that are more realistic than earlier accretion scenarios, and an effect of a reduced opacity. Dead zones turn out to play a potentially important role as blockades against inward planetary motion. Our planetary cores are generally kept outside of the dead zone - and therefore immersed in the region where they can ``feed'' more effectively on surrounding gas. When the planets become massive enough to open a gap, the outwards directed torque associated with the density gradient of the outer edge of the dead zone weakens, and the planets migrate into the dead zone. Planets migrate slowly inside the dead zone due to the lower viscosity there compared to outside it. The methods we used were straightforward to implement in our planetary/disk evolution code. In order to model dead zone evolution, we simply assumed that the dead zone is where the surface mass density is above the critical value (\\(\\Sigma>\\Sigma_{crit}=21\\), and \\(80 \\ {\\rm g \\ cm^{-2}}\\) for \\(\\Sigma_0=10^3\\) and \\(10^4 \\ {\\rm g \\ cm^{-2}}\\) respectively) that was determined from a stationary disk model in MP06. Also, we have included gas accretion through the surface layers, which contributes to make a dead zone shrink very rapidly (see Fig. \\ref{fig3}). Combining these two conditions, we have found that the dead zone radius shrinks from \\(8.2\\) AU to \\(2\\) AU within 2 Myr for \\(\\Sigma_0=10^3 \\ {\\rm g \\ cm^{-2}}\\). For the planet formation part of the code, we follow the approach by P96, but with a few differences. First of all, we assume that the planetesimal accretion stage is mainly carried out by oligarchic growth, rather than by rapid runaway accretion used by P96. This is a reasonable assumption since the runaway growth most likely ceases long before the planetary mass reaches a few times \\(10^{-5} M_E\\) \\citep{Thommes03}, which is much smaller than our initial planetary mass (\\(0.6 M_E\\)), and switches to a slower oligarchic growth \\citep{Ida93,Kokubo98}. Depending on the size distribution of planetesimals, the rate of accretion could be significantly different. %Since we built our formation model based on the %results obtained by P96, this difference between planetesimal %accretion rates s that we choose a rather high surface mass density %for planetesimals (\\(\\Sigma_{solid}=1000(r/AU)^{-2}\\)). Secondly, we parameterize our gas accretion rate following INE00 and \\cite{DAngelo03}. %so that we can reproduce the results by P96 (see \\S 2.2 as well). Therefore, we are not calculating planetesimal and gas accretion rates in an interactive way as in P96, HBL05, or A05. However, our simulations show reasonable agreements with their results (see \\S 3). Also, since we take account of the subdisk accretion phase, the final stage of gas accretion slows down, rather than exponentially increases as in P96, or artificially cuts off as in HBL05. Thirdly, we include a 1D gas disk evolution and planet migration. Our approach is similar to A05, but we don't include photoevaporation effects for this study, since this is likely to be negligible during planet formation. %dead zone helps a natural, rapid disk dispersal. %In other words, we cut off the planetesimal accretion artificially, and turn %on the gas accretion when the core mass reaches \\(10 M_E\\). %In P96, the core accretion slows down automatically due to the %depletion of planetesimals in the feeding zone. %Thirdly, the transition from the slow gas accretion to rapid gas %accretion is set by the condition: \\(r_{\\rm Bondi}\\sim h \\sim r_{\\rm %Hill}\\), while this transition naturally occurs in P96 as the core %mass becomes comparable to the gas envelope's mass. This assumption %is reasonable, because beyond this point, all gas within the sphere %with a radius equal to the pressure scale height is gravitationally %dominated by the planet rather than the central star (\\(r_{\\rm %Hill}>h\\)), and the gas is bound to the planet rather than moving %freely (\\(r_{\\rm Bondi}>h\\), i.e. the gravitational energy is larger %than the thermal energy). Therefore, the mass accretion occurs %nonlinearly, and very quickly. The typical crossover mass that can %be estimated from the Hill condition is \\(\\sim 40 M_E\\). % %{\\bf We should think how the density jump changes when it becomes %Rayleigh unstable. Also corotation??} % There are several aspects of planet formation that we have not included explicitly in this study. We list several below, but note that we do not expect their absence to strongly affect our results. First of all, our simple torque prescription does not capture the nature of a turbulent disk properly. A number of numerical simulations have shown that turbulent fluctuations can cause torque fluctuations \\citep[e.g.][]{Laughlin04,Nelson04}, which leads to stochastic type I migration \\citep{Johnson06}. This results in even {\\it faster} migration for most planets, but also allows {\\it outward} migration for some of them \\citep{Johnson06}. The inclusion of such an effect may allow a planet outside the dead zone to ``jump the barrier'' provided by the edge of a dead zone. Even within a dead zone, turbulent fluctuations in upper and lower active layers may be able to affect planet migration significantly. Also, we do not take account of the evolution of temperature profile of a gas disk. To better evaluate the disk evolution, we should include the radiative transfer to the code. This would affect not only the dead zone and disk evolution, but also planet migration. A recent work of \\cite{Paardekooper08} demonstrated that, in a non-isothermal disk, planet migration is preferentially outward at around 5 AU until the disk mass decreases significantly. Therefore, more precise treatment of a disk temperature may save type-I migrators effectively, even inside a dead zone. Perhaps the most important simplification of our model is the 1D treatment of the disk, and the rather crude prescriptions for the dead zone, which led to a very sharp density transition at the outer dead zone radius (see Fig. \\ref{fig2}). This feature enabled a planet to stop its migration by balancing inner and outer torques. However, such a sharp density gradient makes a disk locally Rayleigh unstable (i.e. an epicyclic frequency $\\kappa^2<0$), which may render the sharp transition from the dead zone to the outer active disk much smoother. Even when the disk is still locally stable, the Rossby wave instability can smooth the density gradient in a similar manner when pressure varies significantly over a few times the disk thickness \\citep[][and the references therein]{Li01}. This possibility should be checked carefully by numerical simulations. We did not take account of the effect of the corotation torque either. This is a safe assumption most of the time, since the corotation torque depends on the gradient of the inverse of the specific vorticity ($\\partial (\\Sigma /B)/ \\partial r$) \\citep{Goldreich80,Masset01}, and therefore its effect becomes particularly important when the surface mass density changes sharply, e.g. at the edge of a dead zone. However, we do not expect this affects our results significantly, because inner and outer Lindblad torques balance with each other far away from the density jump, where the corotation torque is likely negligible, and planet migration stalls (also see Appendix B in MPT07). When Rayleigh, or Rossby wave instability makes the density gradient at the outer edge of a dead zone smoother, the corotation torque can become important. In such a case, a planet would not be stopped at the outer edge of a dead zone, but pulled into it instead. The corotation torque is also found to be important for migration of sub-Jovian mass planets like Saturn \\citep{Masset03}. % affect planet migration for sub-Jovian mass planets like Saturn \\citep{Masset03}. In a standard disk, the time scale of the so-called type III migration for such planets is comparable to, or even shorter than, type I migration \\citep{Masset03}. Although this is most relevant to our RunH1 (Fig. \\ref{fig15}), we don't expect a significant change in our result. This is because type III migration is likely to switch to slower type II migration as soon as the planet enters a dead zone, where planets tend to open a wider gap at smaller mass due to its low viscosity. Another simplifications is that we have only considered a protoplanetary disk with a single core, while the real disks are expected to have multiple cores. Studies of this kind have been done by \\cite{Chambers06,Thommes08} for disks with no dead zone, and by \\cite{Morbidelli08} at the {\\it inner} edges of disks with dead zones. A recent paper by \\cite{Ida08ap}, took a similar approach to us, and studied a dead zone's effects on retaining icy grains, as well as protoplanetary cores. They reproduced the observed frequency and mass-period distribution of gas giants around solar-type stars with a moderate reduction in type I migration speed. %{\\bf Write a bit more...} %It would be interesting to study such an %interaction, and its effect on planet formation and migration. Yet another simplification is that all of our planets in this study are on circular orbits. Planet-disk interaction has been proposed as a method to drive planetary eccentricity \\citep{Goldreich03}, and recent numerical simulations confirmed this for massive ($>M_J$) planets \\citep[e.g.][]{Masset04,DAngelo06}. %the overall effect may be dominated by eccentricity damping %Our results would be modified if we include the eccentricity effect. %This is also interesting in relation to the former point, because %the eccentricity could be enhanced either via planet-planet %interaction \\citep[e.g.][]{Rasio96}, or via planet-disk interaction %\\citep[e.g.][]{Goldreich03}. If a planetary eccentricity is enhanced significantly (\\(e\\gg h/r\\)), then planet migration could be slowed down \\citep[e.g.][]{Papaloizou00,Papaloizou02}, and mass growth rate could increase \\citep[e.g.][]{DAngelo06,Kley06}. % %Another point which has not been included explicitly in our study is %the variety of planetesimal sizes. We have assumed a single size of %\\(10\\) km for planetesimals, and as a result, used a rather heavy %disk model (\\(\\Sigma_{solid}=1000(r/AU)^{-2}\\)). However, %\\cite{Rafikov04} suggested that the protoplanetary cores could be %assembled quickly by considering smaller planetesimals (\\(\\leq %0.1-1\\) km), because their random velocities excited by the cores %are damped by gas drag. If about \\(\\sim 10 \\%\\) of the solid mass %is in these small planetesimals, his estimate shows that the %protoplanetary core of \\(10 M_E\\) can be assembled within roughly %\\(10^5-10^6\\) years at \\(1-10\\) AU for a minimum mass solar nebula %model. % %We will leave these investigations to future work. We also employ simplified planetesimal disks. First, we only consider single-size planetesimals ranging from 100 m to 100 km, while the real disks should have multiple-size planetesimals. Secondly, we don't include the planetesimals' effect on planet migration, which could potentially be important \\citep{Murray98}. Thirdly, we assume the dispersion-dominated random velocities for planetesimals with all sizes. Since small planetesimals experience strong gas drag and achieve reduced random velocities, their mass accretion rate should be treated in the shear-dominated regime \\citep{Rafikov04,Chambers06}. This may be important for 100 m-size planetesimals \\citep{Chambers06}, and the planetesimal accretion would be runaway, rather than oligarchic in such a case. Finally, we don't include the effects of photoevaporation \\citep[e.g.][]{Shu93,Hollenbach94}, which is likely to be important during the last stage of disk evolution \\citep{Clarke01,Alexander06b}. However, photoevaporation becomes important only when disk mass becomes significantly low (\\(\\sim 1 M_J\\) or so), and therefore it is unlikely to affect our results. We conclude by listing our major findings: \\\\ (1) Dead zones strongly evolve over the duration of the disk, starting with outer radii of order $10-15$ AU, and shrinking with time to of order an AU or less. \\\\ (2) Protoplanets which are left outside the dead zone tend to migrate inward as they accrete planetesimals, and stop just outside the outer dead zone radius due to a steep surface mass density jump. %and grow there. Then such protoplanets migrate at the viscous time scale of the shrinking dead zone until they achieve gap-opening mass. Once they open a gap, they enter the dead zone, and migrate inwards rather slowly due to the low viscosity there. \\\\ %the gap-opening mass is reached. \\\\ (3) The final mass of a planet is determined by disk mass. In a minimum-mass solar nebula disk, it is difficult to get a planet more massive than Neptune. We find Jovian planets form in disks that are ten times more massive than this. \\\\ %, which has implications for submillimeter surveys for disk masses. \\\\ (4) A Jupiter mass planet can form within \\(\\sim 2.5\\) Myr (see Fig. \\ref{fig15}) in a disk with a dead zone, by assuming standard type I migration. However, since planet migration does not help core accretion as much in oligarchic growth as in runaway growth scenario, we expect that the opacity reduction (or some other mechanism) is necessary to form a Jovian planet within a disk life time. \\\\ (5) Dead zones may help explain the existence of long-lived strong accretors. When a dead zone is present, the mass accretion rate is likely to take a nearly constant value until the dead zone disappears, rather than decreasing gradually as expected in a standard disk without a dead zone. Once this happens, the rest of the disk is dispersed on a few Myr time scale, unless photoevaporation and/or planet formation provide additional sources of disk dissipation. \\\\ % % %(2) Protoplanets which stay inside the dead zone tend to be left %outside the dead zone as it shrinks. These planets follow a similar %fate to the above case %(see Fig. \\ref{test924}). \\\\ % %(3) Protoplanets which start migrating far from the star do not %accrete enough planetesimals, and therefore do not form massive %planets (see Fig. \\ref{fig13}). \\\\ % %(4) We did not see the effect of decreasing opacity on planet %formation timescale. \\\\ % %(5) By mimicking the 3D effect of the torque, the migration slows %down as expected from \\cite[e.g.][]{Tanaka02,Menou04}. Including %this effect, we see that... %" }, "0809/0809.0338_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The discrete-dipole approximation (DDA) is a powerful method for calculating absorption and scattering by targets that have sizes smaller than or comparable to the wavelength of the incident radiation. The DDA can be extended to targets that are singly- or doubly-periodic. We generalize the scattering amplitude matrix and the $4\\times4$ Mueller matrix to describe scattering by singly- and doubly-periodic targets, and show how these matrices can be calculated using the DDA. The accuracy of DDA calculations using the open-source code DDSCAT is demonstrated by comparison to exact results for infinite cylinders and infinite slabs. A method for using the DDA solution to obtain fields within and near the target is presented, with results shown for infinite slabs. ", "introduction": "Electromagnetic scattering is used to study isolated particles, but increasingly to characterize extended targets ranging from nanostructure arrays in laboratories, to planetary and asteroidal regoliths. To model the absorption and scattering, Maxwell's equations must be solved for the target geometry. For scattering by isolated particles with complex geometry, a number of different theoretical approaches have been used, including the discrete dipole approximation (DDA) \\cite{Purcell+Pennypacker_1973, Draine_1988, Draine+Flatau_1994, Draine_2000a}, also known as the coupled dipole approximation or coupled dipole method. The DDA can treat inhomogeneous targets and anisotropic materials, and has been extended to treat targets near substrates \\cite{Schmehl+Nebeker+Hirleman_1997,Paulus+Martin_2001}. Other techniques have also been employed, including the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method \\cite{Yang+Liou_2000,Taflove+Hagness_2005}. For illumination by monochromatic plane waves, the DDA can be extended to targets that are spatially periodic and (formally) infinite in extent. This could apply, for example, to a periodic array of nanostructures in a laboratory setting, or it might be used to approximate a regolith by a periodic array of ``target unit cells'' with complex structure within each unit cell. Generalization of the DDA (= coupled dipole method) to periodic structures was first presented by Markel \\cite{Markel_1993} for a 1-dimensional chain of dipoles, and more generally by Chaumet et al.\\ \\cite{Chaumet+Rahmani+Bryant_2003}, who calculated the electric field near a 2-dimensional array of parallelepipeds illuminated by a plane wave. Chaumet and Sentenac \\cite{Chaumet+Sentenac_2005} further extended the DDA to treat periodic structures with a finite number of defects. From a computational standpoint, solving Maxwell's equations for periodic structures is only slightly more difficult than calculating the scattering properties of a single ``unit cell'' from the structure. Since it is now feasible to treat targets with $N\\gtsim 10^6$ dipoles (target volume $\\gtsim 200 \\lambda^3$, where $\\lambda$ is the wavelength), it becomes possible to treat extended objects with complex substructure. The objective of the present paper is to present the theory of the DDA applied to scattering and absorption by structures that are periodic in one or two spatial dimensions. We also generalize the standard formalism for describing the far-field scattering properties of finite targets (the $2\\times2$ scattering amplitude matrix, and $4\\times4$ Mueller matrix) to describe scattering by periodic targets. We show how to calculate the Mueller matrix to describe scattering of arbitrarily-polarized radiation. The theoretical treatment developed here has been implemented in the open-source code DDSCAT 7 (see Appendix A). The theory of the DDA for periodic targets is reviewed in \\S\\ref{sec:dda for periodic targets}, and the formalism for describing the far-field scattering properties of periodic targets is presented in \\S\\ref{sec:in the radiation zone}-\\ref{sec:mueller matrix}. Transmission and reflection coefficients for targets that are periodic in two dimensions are obtained in \\S\\ref{sec:T and R}. The applicability and accuracy of the DDA method are discussed in \\S\\S\\ref{sec:cylinder},\\ref{sec:slab}, where we show scattering properties calculated using DDSCAT 7 for two geometries for which exact solutions are available for comparison: (1) an infinite cylinder and (2) an infinite slab of finite thickness. The numerical comparisons demonstrate that, for given $\\lambda$, the DDA converges to the exact solution as the interdipole spacing $d\\rightarrow0$. ", "conclusions": "The principal results of this study are as follows: \\begin{enumerate} \\item The DDA is generalized to treat targets that are periodic in one or two spatial dimensions. Scattering and absorption of monochromatic plane waves can be calculated using algorithms that parallel those used for finite targets. \\item A general formalism is presented for description of far-field scattering by targets that are periodic in one or two dimensions using scattering amplitude matrices and Mueller matrices that are similar in form to those for finite targets. \\item The accuracy of the DDA for periodic targets is tested for two examples: infinite cylinders and infinite slabs. The DDA, as implemented in DDSCAT 7, is accurate provided the validity criterion $|m|kd \\ltsim 0.5$ is satisfied. \\item We show how the DDA solution can be used to evaluate $\\bE$ and $\\bB$ within and near the target, with calculations for an infinite slab used to illustrate the accuracy of near-field calculations. \\end{enumerate}" }, "0809/0809.0612_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A polarized gamma ray emission spread over a sufficiently wide energy band from a strongly magnetized astrophysical object like gamma ray bursts (GRBs) offers an opportunity to test the hypothesis of axion like particles (ALPs). Based on evidences of polarized gamma ray emission detected in several gamma ray bursts we estimated the level of ALPs induced dichroism, which could take place in the magnetized fireball environment of a GRB. This allows to estimate the sensitivity of polarization measurements of GRBs to the ALP-photon coupling. This sensitivity $\\gag\\le 2.2\\cdot 10^{-11}\\ {\\rm GeV^{-1}}$ calculated for the ALP mass $m_a=10^{-3}~{\\rm eV}$ and MeV energy spread of gamma ray emission is competitive with the sensitivity of CAST and becomes even stronger for lower ALPs masses. ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "0809/0809.0917.txt": { "abstract": "Highly supercritical accretion discs are probable sources of dense optically thick axisymmetric winds. We introduce a new approach based on diffusion approximation radiative transfer in a funnel geometry and obtain an analytical solution for the energy density distribution inside the wind assuming that all the mass, momentum and energy are injected well inside the spherization radius. This allows to derive the spectrum of emergent emission for various inclination angles. We show that self-irradiation effects play an important role altering the temperature of the outcoming radiation by about 20\\% and the apparent X-ray luminosity by a factor of $2\\div 3$. The model has been successfully applied to two ULXs. %The best-fit parameters of the model applied to two ULXs may be briefly % characterized as moderate half-opening angles $\\theta_f \\sim 10\\div % 20^\\circ$ and % moderate ejection rates $\\mdot \\sim 10^2$ and small % half-opening angles $\\theta_f \\sim 5\\div 10^\\circ$. %These values are % however likely to be affected by mild comptonization effects making % the actual spectrum harder. The basic properties of the high ionization HII-regions found around some ULXs are also easily reproduced in our assumptions. %However, the ejection rates derived from the % observed spectra may be underestimated due to comptonisation effects % that may be introduced as hardening factors similar to those used to % describe the spectra of accretion discs in X-ray binaries. ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:intro} Processes of gas accretion onto compact objects are studied since 60s when first X-ray sources were discovered \\citep{accretion_power}. Among several works describing the details of disc accretion in binary systems \\citet{ss73} was the most successfull. Their ``standard disc'' is still widely used to describe the thermal component of X-ray spectra of X-ray binaries. Standard disc model was worked out in several considerations such as high optical thickness, low geometrical thickness of the disc, etc. Among these assumptions one was that the power released in the accretion process does not exceed the Eddington luminosity. % and does not %% <- changed in response to comment #1 %therefore influence the dynamics of the flow. This case is usually called subcritical accretion. However, considering various phenomena such as growth of supermassive black holes and nova outbursts leads to the problem of supercritical accretion. It has been extensively investigated since 1980s when Abramowicz proposed it as a power source for active galactic nuclei \\citep{agn_tori}. Presently super-Eddington accretion is often applied to explain the observational properties of Ultraluminous X-ray Sources (ULXs, see \\citet{roberts_review} for observational review) that are believed to be high-mass X-ray binaries with black holes accreting on thermal time scale. % We do not discuss here existing alternatives to the supercritical % accretor (SA) hypothesis such as IMBHs \\citep{comil}, young supernovae % \\citep{fabbiano88} etc. The first, outflow-dominated model of supercritical accretion, has been developed by Shakura and Sunyaev in the paper mentioned above. Authors assumed that all the inflowing gas above the critical accretion rate is being ejected from the disc in the form of a wind. Another version of supercritical regime is based on the relaxation of the locality condition in ``standard model'' which leads to advective slim discs \\citep{agn_tori} or Polish doughnuts \\citep{abram78,kozl78,abram2004}. In reality, both processes % (as well as number of other, like the porosity of the accreting matter % \\citep{shaviv_porosity}, which effectively decrease the extinction % cross-section) work simultaneously. A comprehensive model taking into account both for advection and ejection was recently developed by \\citet{poutanen}. Authors consider the structure of the disc in radial direction and estimate three characteristic temperatures relevant for the outcoming radiation (inner disc temperature, temperature at spherization radius and effective temperature of the wind photosphere) but do not study the processes of radiation transfer in the wind and do not calculate the outcoming spectra. %However, the authors concentrate on the spectrum produced by the accretion %disc only, neglecting the outflowing matter, which may be optically thick and %thus obscure disc emission. Obviously, at high accretion rates the observational properties of the accretion flow are governed mostly by radiative transfer in the outflowing wind. %% In response to comment #3: The observational appearance of the pseudo-photosphere of the optically-thick wind of a supercritical accretion disc was considered by \\citet{nishi07}. The authors however assumed the optically-thick part of the wind fully adiabatic not taking into account radiative energy transfer that is expected to be important in the flow (see section \\ref{sec:diff}). %% % Interplay between outflows and photon trapping is an unclear point in % the theory of SA. Currently, we have at least one example of a persistent supercritical accretor in our Galaxy -- the SS433 system, where most of accreting gas is being lost in a wind. %One should take into account that the local condition of %supercriticity means that the radiation field is strong enough to %develop a strong wind. The example of high-luminosity massive stars %possessing strong winds suggests that outflows must be very important %in the dynamics of supercritical accretion discs. Numerical simulations of this system partially support the outflow-dominated scenario. However, \\citet{okuda} states that his thorough 2D simulation fails to reproduce the outflow rate and jet collimation in SS433. In \\citet{ohsuga2005} a supercritical accretor accreting at $ 10^3$ Eddington rate appears a bright (about $10^{38}\\ergl$) hard X-ray source if viewed edge-on. \\citet{ohsuga2005} and \\citet{heinz} calculate the structure and emergent spectra considering only the inner parts of the flow ($R \\le 500 R_G$) not taking into account that the region considered is coated by accreting and outflowing matter both being optically thick. The outcoming spectra will strikingly differ from those calculated by \\citet{heinz}. %ejects about 10\\% %of the infalling material, which is much lower than observed for %SS433 \\citep{sklov81,blundell2001}, where the mass ejection rate is %roughly equal to the mass transfer rate. %This is the indication of some important effects in the dynamics of %super-critical accretion not being taken into account by %\\citet{ohsuga2005}. % See also discussion in section ~\\ref{sec:trep} % For today SS433 remains the only proven example of a % persistent supercritical accretor (SA). %\\citet{katz86} supposed that a SS433-like object seen at low inclination angles %could exhibit properties similar to that of ULXs. Optical and radio \\citep{blundell2001} observations allow to measure the mass ejection rate in the relatively slow ($1000\\div 2000\\,\\kms$) accretion disc wind seen in optical emission and absorption lines \\citep{ss2004} as well as the mass loss rate in the collimated mildly-relativistic jets launched along the disc axis. Infrared excess was used by \\citet{sklov81} and \\citet{vdh81} to estimate the mass ejection rate from SS433. No direct mass transfer rate measurements were ever made though it is usually supposed that it could not be much higher than the mass ejection rate $\\dot{M}_{ej} \\sim 10^{-4}\\, \\Msun\\, \\yr^{-1}$ \\citep{ss2004}. The details of the processes in the supercritical disc itself are unclear mainly due to the strong absorption in the wind. In fact even the photosphere of the wind is difficult to study due to high interstellar absorption (about $8\\magdot{\\,}$) making it impossible with the contemporary instrumentation to trace the Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) in the far ultraviolet (UV) spectral range were most of the radiation is expected to be emitted. The only and yet crude estimate of the blackbody temperature %% estimation? %by means of UV observations with {\\it HST} High-Speed Photometer %corresponds to the outer photosphere of the thick disc or the %pseudo-photosphere %% pseudo!! of SS433 was made by \\citet{dolan} and probably corresponds to the photosphere of the wind. Their measurements are consistent with a $(2\\div7) \\times 10^4\\,\\rm K$ blackbody source. Both observations of SS433 \\citep{ss2004} and numerical simulations \\citep{okuda,ohsuga2005} support the conception that is traditionally called ``supercritical funnel''. It assumes that nearly all the matter accreted is being ejected in a form of a slow, roughly virial at spherization radius, dense wind. Due to centrifugal barrier two conical avoidance sectors with half-opening angles of $\\theta_f \\sim 30^{\\circ}$ \\citep{EGK} are formed along the accretion disc symmetry axis, filled with rarefied hot gas, which may be accelerated and collimated to form relativistic jets. In the inner parts of the wind this gas also can form a pseudo-photosphere (``funnel bottom'') at $R_{in} \\sim 10^9 \\rm cm$ \\citep{ss2004}. This radius is calculated in the consideration all the material ejected in the relativistic jets is uniformly distributed with respect to the polar angle. In case of any inhomogeneity of the jet material the inner radius becomes lower. %% in response to comment #6 The visible part of the wind may be therefore divided into three parts: funnel wall photosphere (or ``photocone''), the outer photosphere and the inner photosphere inside the funnel. %% Another class of objects supposed to be supercritical accretors are extragalactic Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs). \\citet{katz86} supposed that an object similar to SS433 seen at low inclination angles can appear a bright X-ray source with super-Eddington apparent luminosity. ULXs were discovered about that time by {\\it Einstein} (see \\citet{fabbiano88} and references therein). Though the nature of these sources remains unclear they are good candidates for the objects predicted by Katz \\citep{poutanen}. The question about how representative is SS433 among the binary systems in the supercritical accretion regime in the observed Universe is difficult to answer. If one considers mass transfer in thermal timescale in a black hole high mass X-ray binary, the most relevant is the mass of the secondary that determines the timescale and hence the scaling for the mass accretion rate. It may be shown that in assumption the radius of the secondary scales with its mass as $R \\propto M^{1/2}$ and the black hole mass is close to $10~M_\\odot$ dimensionless thermal-timescale mass transfer rate depends on the secondary mass as: $$ \\mdot \\simeq \\left(\\frac{M_2}{M_\\odot}\\right)^{5/2}. $$ %\\noindent For the case of SS433 ($M_2 \\simeq 20\\,M_\\odot$) our estimate predicts $\\mdot \\sim 2000$, similar to the observed value \\footnote{Acutally, there are no direct measurements of the mass transfer rate for SS433. However, the observed stability of the orbital period and evolution-time considerations exclude significantly higher mass transfer rates \\citep{ss2004,gorss}.}. If the donor star is highly evolved, accretion rate is higher and less stable and the phase itself is shorter. %Masses lost during the SN explosions leading to BH formation are % $M_1\\sim 1\\div 5M_\\odot$ \\citep{casares,bhtheor} exclude very % low-mass companions with $M \\lesssim 1 M_\\odot$. Unfortunately, initial binary mass ratio distribution for massive stars is poorly known but there are indications that mass ratios close to 1 are much more probable \\citep{lucy,KoFr2007}. The thermal timescale mass transfer rates in high-mass X-ray binaries are therefore likely to be highly supercritical, $\\mdot \\sim 100\\div 10^4$. Lower yet supercritical rates may take place in case of wind accretion for example in WR+BH binaries \\citep{ic10_bauer}. Those are likely to form a certain sub-sample of evolved ULXs with moderately supercritical accretion rates. % relatively free from geometrical beaming effects and absorption in the wind. %As we will see below the X-ray luminosity depends on the mass % accretion rate even weaker than the bolometric luminosity %Note that the mass of the secondary is very unlikely lower than one %half of the mass of the progenitor of the primary. Otherwise the %system is disrupted after the first SN explosion. %Masses %of pre-SNe expected to form BHs after the explosion are %lost during the SN explosions leading to BH formation are %$M_1\\sim 1\\div 5M_\\odot$ \\citep{casares,bhtheor}, so the number of thermal-scale %accreting sources drops abruptly at $\\mdot \\sim 100$. The paper is organized as follows. In the next section we construct a simple analytical model describing the internal structure of an optically thick wind flow that is likely to develop in the case of very high mass ejection (and accretion) rate \\mdot. Section \\ref{sec:irrad} is devoted to effects of self-irradiation that are likely to play very important role in our funnel solution. In section \\ref{sec:sp} we consider the emergent SEDs for arbitrary inclination taking into account self-occultation effects. In section \\ref{sec:obs} we %present an \\xspec\\ model {\\tt sirf} and test it for two sets of publicly available X-ray data. We discuss the implications of the model and its early testing in section \\ref{sec:disc}. ", "conclusions": "Optically thick wind with irradiation is capable to explain the SEDs of ULXs in the standard X-ray band and even the high-energy curvature that is difficult to explain in the framework of unsaturated comptonisation cool-disc IMBH model \\citep{curva}. High-energy cut-off is predicted to appear at several \\keV. Higher observed values of $T_{in} \\sim 1\\div 2\\,\\keV$ may be explained by applying a hardening factor $\\sim 1\\div 3$ similar to those predicted for accretion discs in X-ray binaries. Outcoming spectra observed at low inclinations are similar to the spectra of slim discs and resemble {\\it p-free} model spectra with the $p$ parameter close to $0.5$. %to vary in a slightly wider range ($p$ may be less than $0.5$). %In fat discs irradiation and occultation effects must be %very important as well. X-ray spectra of known ULXs are approximated equally good by our model, {\\it p-free} and standard disc + power law two component models. However the parameters are poorly constraint supporting the idea that the properties of the X-ray spectrum depend rather weakly on the accretion disc and wind parameters. Relatively high inner temperatures argue for the funnel interior to be transparent. In this assumption, $r_{in}$ parameter may be used to estimate the mass ejection rate that appears to be of the order $\\mdot \\sim 100\\div 300$ for the two sources analysed. We stress the extreme importance of irradiation effects providing mild geometrical collimation of the observed X-ray radiation. In a simple assumption of local absorption and re-radiation of the absorbed energy we show that the temperature of the funnel wall surface is altered by about 20\\% in the inner parts of the funnel, and the outcoming apparent X-ray luminosity becomes about $2\\div 3$ times higher. %Our model suggests the outflow contains all the accreted mass (though %the \\xspec\\ version easily accounts for any differences in the outflow %and accretion rates). We also suggest the wind velocity is close to the %virial velocity at the spherisation radius. % Due to that our results on the angular %dependence of the outcoming spectrum differ from the results by %\\citet{okuda} and \\citet{heinz} and predict much softer spectra and much lower %X-ray fluxes at high inclinations. Photoionized nebulae are likely to be formed around supercritical accretors. Ionizing quanta production rates suggest that in most cases a supercritical accretor is capable to produce a photoionized HII-region with bright optical emission line luminosities $\\sim 10^{37}\\ergl$ but higher luminosities may appear as well. %For high mass ejection rates $\\gtrsim 10^4$ greater part of the EUV quanta produced %by the photosphere of the wind are absorbed by the wind %matter. However, p %Photoionized nebulae are likely to be formed %near the symmetry axis of the funnel producing regions of high %ionization like those observed for IC342~X-1 \\citep{rgww} and HoIX~X-1 %\\citep{hoixmois}. Ionizing quanta production rates suggest that in %most cases a SA is capable to produce a photoionized HII-region with %optical emission line luminosities $\\sim 10^{37}\\ergl$ but higher %luminosities can appear as well \\bigskip %" }, "0809/0809.0754_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We have mapped the molecular gas content in the host galaxy of the strongly lensed high redshift quasar \\apm\\ ($z=3.911$) with the Very Large Array at 0.3$''$ resolution. The \\aco\\ emission is clearly resolved in our maps. The \\aco\\ line luminosity derived from these maps is in good agreement with a previous single-dish measurement. In contrast to previous interferometer-based studies, we find that the full molecular gas reservoir is situated in two compact peaks separated by $\\lesssim$0.4$''$. Our observations reveal, for the first time, that the emission from cold molecular gas is virtually cospatial with the optical/near-infrared continuum emission of the central AGN in this source. This striking similarity in morphology indicates that the molecular gas is situated in a compact region close to the AGN. Based on the high resolution CO maps, we present a revised model for the gravitational lensing in this system, which indicates that the molecular gas emission is magnified by only a factor of 4 (in contrast to previously suggested factors of 100). This model suggests that the CO is situated in a circumnuclear disk of $\\sim$550\\,pc radius that is possibly seen at an inclination of $\\lesssim$25$^\\circ$, i.e., relatively close to face-on. From the CO luminosity, we derive a molecular gas mass of $M_{\\rm gas}$=1.3$\\times$10$^{11}$\\,M$_{\\odot}$ for this galaxy. From the CO structure and linewidth, we derive a dynamical mass of $M_{\\rm dyn}$\\,sin$^2 i$=4.0$\\times$10$^{10}$\\,M$_\\odot$. Based on a revised mass estimate for the central black hole of $M_{\\rm BH}$=2.3$\\times$10$^{10}$\\,M$_\\odot$ and the results of our molecular line study, we find that the mass of the stellar bulge of \\apm\\ falls short of the local $M_{\\rm BH}$--$\\sigma_{\\rm bulge}$ relationship of nearby galaxies by more than an order of magnitude, lending support to recent suggestions that this relation may evolve with cosmic time and/or change toward the high mass end. ", "introduction": "Several different populations of distant galaxies have been detected to date, out to a (spectroscopically confirmed) redshift of $z$=7.0 (see Ellis \\citeyear{ell07} for a review). It is of fundamental importance to study such young galaxies in great detail in order to constrain their nuclear, stellar, and gaseous constituents and their physical properties and chemical abundances. Understanding these different characteristics of high redshift galaxy populations and their progression through cosmic times is vital to develop a unified picture of galaxy formation and evolution. One key aspect in these high-$z$ galaxy studies are sensitive, high-resolution radio observations of the molecular gas phase, i.e., the raw material that fuels star formation. Since its initial discovery at $z$$>$2 more than a decade ago (Brown \\& Vanden Bout \\citeyear{bv91}; Solomon et al.~\\citeyear{sol92}), observations of spectral line emission from interstellar molecular gas in distant galaxies have revolutionized our understanding of some of the most luminous objects that populate the early universe. This is due to the fact that the physical state of the molecular interstellar medium (ISM) plays a critical role in the evolution of a galaxy. The total amount of molecular gas in a galaxy determines for how long starburst activity can be maintained, while its temperature and density are a direct measure for the conditions under which star formation can occur (see Solomon \\& Vanden Bout \\citeyear{sv05} for a review). Also, there is growing evidence that the observed relationships between black hole mass and galaxy bulge velocity dispersion ($M_{\\rm BH}$--$\\sigma_{\\rm bulge}$; Ferrarese \\& Merritt \\citeyear{fm2000}; Gebhardt et al.~\\citeyear{g2000}), black hole mass and host bulge concentration (i.e., Sersic index; Graham et al.~\\citeyear{gra01}; Graham \\& Driver \\citeyear{gd07}), and, ultimately, black hole mass and bulge mass ($M_{\\rm BH}$--$M_{\\rm bulge}$; Magorrian et al.~\\citeyear{mag98}; H\\\"aring \\& Rix \\citeyear{hr04}), may be a consequence of an active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback mechanism acting on its surrounding material, at least in the most luminous systems (Silk \\& Rees \\citeyear{sr98}; Di Matteo et al.~\\citeyear{mat05}). Such an AGN-driven wind will also interact with the molecular gas, the material which will eventually form the stellar bulges and disks in galaxies at high redshift, but also feed the active nucleus itself. Observations of the dynamical structure and distribution of molecular gas in distant galaxies may even reveal the initial cause of event (e.g., mergers) for both star formation and AGN activity, an important test for recent cosmological models (e.g., Springel et al.~\\citeyear{spr05}; Narayanan et al.~\\citeyear{nar06}). The flux magnification provided by gravitational lensing has been facilitated in studies of high redshift molecular gas emission since early on, leading to the detection of a number of quasar host galaxies (e.g., Barvainis et al.\\ \\citeyear{bar94}; Downes et al.\\ \\citeyear{dow99}) and submillimeter galaxies (SMGs; e.g., Frayer et al.\\ \\citeyear{fra98}; Greve et al.\\ \\citeyear{gre05}), but also substantially fainter populations such as Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs; Baker et al.\\ \\citeyear{bak04}; Coppin et al.\\ \\citeyear{cop07}). Also, some sources have large enough lens image separations to show structure even at only moderate angular resolution (Sheth et al.\\ \\citeyear{she04}; Kneib et al.\\ \\citeyear{kne05}). High angular resolution observations of molecular gas in high-$z$ galaxies are, to date, exclusively obtained in the rotational transitions of carbon monoxide (CO). In the past few years, a number of SMGs (Genzel et al.~\\citeyear{gen03}; Downes \\& Solomon \\citeyear{ds03}; Tacconi et al.~\\citeyear{tac06}) and quasars (Alloin et al.~\\citeyear{all97}) at $z$$>$2 have been studied at a linear resolution of up to 5\\,kpc at the target redshifts (1\\,kpc=0.12$''$ at $z$=2). In some cases, gravitational lensing aids in zooming in further on these systems. However, the only telescope that currently allows to attain resolutions of sub-kpc to 1\\,kpc scale at even higher redshifts ($z$$\\gtrsim$4, where 1\\,kpc$\\gtrsim$0.14$''$) is the NRAO's Very Large Array (VLA)\\footnote{The Very Large Array is a facility of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, operated by Associated Universities, Inc., under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.}. First sub-arcsecond resolution CO imaging with the VLA has been obtained toward the distant quasars BR\\,1202-0725 ($z$=4.69; Carilli et al.~\\citeyear{car02}), APM\\,08279+5255 ($z$=3.91; Lewis et al.~\\citeyear{lew02}), PSS\\,J2322+1944 ($z$=4.12; Carilli et al.~\\citeyear{car03}; Riechers et al.\\ \\citeyear{rie08a}), SDSS\\,J1148+5251 ($z$=6.42; Walter et al.~\\citeyear{wal04}), and BRI\\,1335-0417 ($z$=4.41; Riechers et al.\\ \\citeyear{rie08b}). We here report on new, more sensitive high-resolution observations of \\aco\\ emission towards the strongly lensed quasar APM\\,08279+5255 ($z=3.911$). APM\\,08279+5255 was already\\footnote{Due to the source's enormous optical brightness, much older images may exist.} imaged during the Palomar Sky Survey (PSS) in 1953, a decade before the discovery of the first quasar was reported in the literature (Schmidt \\citeyear{sch63}). About 45\\,years later, it was `officially' discovered in an automatic plate measuring facility (APM) survey for distant cool carbon stars, and identified as a 15$^{\\rm th}$ magnitude, radio-quiet broad absorption line (BAL) quasar with an IRAS Faint Source Catalog (FSC) counterpart at a redshift of $z_{\\rm opt}$=3.87 (Irwin et al.~\\citeyear{irw98}). APM\\,08279+5255 was found to have an unprecedented apparent bolometric luminosity of $L_{\\rm bol}$=7$\\times$10$^{15}$\\,L$_\\odot$, about 20\\% of which is emitted in the (far-)infrared (Lewis et al.~\\citeyear{lew98}). This extreme value was found early on to be due to strong gravitational lensing (Irwin et al.~\\citeyear{irw98}), producing three close (maximum separation $<$0.4$''$), almost collinear images in the optical/near-infrared (Ibata et al.~\\citeyear{iba99}; Egami et al.~\\citeyear{e2000}). Due to the lack of a detection of the lensing galaxy, and an indication for significant microlensing effects, the true nature of the gravitational lens configuration (and thus the magnification factor $\\mu_{L}$) in this system remains subject to debate (e.g., Egami et al.~\\citeyear{e2000}; Lewis et al.~\\citeyear{lew02}) despite the fact that APM\\,08279+5255 is one of the best-studied sources in the distant universe. In addition to its enormous continuum brightness at basically every astronomically relevant wavelength, APM\\,08279+5255 is also one of the brightest CO sources at high redshift (Downes et al.~\\citeyear{dow99}). It also exhibits unusually bright HCN (Wagg \\etal\\ \\citeyear{wag05}) and HCO$^+$ (Garcia-Burillo \\etal\\ \\citeyear{gar06}) emission, and was recently also detected in \\ci\\ (Wagg \\etal\\ \\citeyear{wag06}) emission. The properties of its molecular gas content have recently been modeled based on observations of the \\aco\\ up to \\kco\\ rotational ladder (`CO spectral line energy distribution', or SLED) with the NRAO Green Bank Telescope (GBT)\\footnote{The Green Bank Telescope is a facility of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, operated by Associated Universities, Inc., under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.} and the IRAM 30\\,m telescope (Riechers et al.~\\citeyear{rie06}; Wei\\ss\\ et al.~\\citeyear{wei07}). We use a standard concordance cosmology throughout, with $H_0 = 71\\,$\\kms\\,Mpc$^{-1}$, $\\Omega_{\\rm M} =0.27$, and $\\Omega_{\\Lambda} = 0.73$ (Spergel \\etal\\ \\citeyear{spe03}, \\citeyear{spe07}). ", "conclusions": "The observed properties of \\apm\\ are undoubtedly peculiar. It thus is important to understand whether this peculiarity is due to a rare lens configuration, possibly leading to very high lensing magnification factors and significant differential lensing effects, or whether \\apm\\ is a source that is just moderately magnified by gravitational lensing and thus intrinsically extreme. \\subsection{Multiwavelength Properties of \\apm} \\apm\\ shows broad absorption lines in the optical/UV, and emission from high excitation lines like \\civ\\ and \\nv\\ close to the central nucleus (Irwin \\etal\\ \\citeyear{irw98}), kinematically blueshifted relative to the molecular gas and \\ci\\ emission by about 2500\\,\\kms\\ (Downes \\etal\\ \\citeyear {dow99}; Wagg \\etal\\ \\citeyear{wag06}). The quasar also shows relativistic X-ray broad absorption lines from even higher emission lines of iron from gas situated within the UV BAL region (Chartas \\etal\\ \\citeyear{cha02}; Hasinger \\etal\\ \\citeyear{has02}). The BALs come from an outflow of highly ionized gas from the accretion disk, mostly driven by radiation pressure. This outflow distributes the accretion disk material over the central region of the quasar, and out into the host galaxy. The X-ray BAL region is likely a dust-free, high column density absorber responsible for shielding, as indicated by the detection of an iron K-shell absorption edge (Hasinger \\etal\\ \\citeyear{has02}). This shielding is responsible for the typical X-ray faintness of BAL QSOs. The X-ray luminosity alone thus is not a good measure for the energy output of \\apm. The detection of strong iron lines also indicates that the X-ray BAL emission comes from significantly metal-enriched gas with possibly super-solar metallicities. While this strongly indicates that the gas has already been processed in a starburst cycle, it is biased toward the very central region (possibly $<$0.1\\,pc). It thus cannot be assumed ad hoc that the metallicity is super-solar over the whole scale of the galaxy. The continuum X-ray emission in \\apm\\ has a photon index that is in qualitative agreement with a radio-quiet quasar (RQQ). The optical/IR shape of the SED is also consistent with \\apm\\ being a RQQ. Even more so, it follows the radio-quiet locus of the radio--FIR correlation, which indicates that the copious amounts of dust in this source may be heated to a significant fraction by newly formed young stars, while the radio synchrotron emission may originate from supernova remnants (Irwin \\etal\\ \\citeyear{irw98}; Beelen \\etal\\ \\citeyear{bee06}). However, our analysis of the radio and dust properties indicates that most of the radio/FIR emission may well be AGN-related. Within the unified theory of AGN galaxies, the smoothness of the IR spectrum, in particular the lack of a pronounced IR peak, indicates that the accretion disk in this radio-quiet quasar is seen close to face-on (Soifer \\etal\\ \\citeyear{soi04}). This agrees well with the enormous optical brightness and the flatness of the optical spectrum (Irwin \\etal\\ \\citeyear{irw98}; Egami \\etal\\ \\citeyear{e2000}), indicating a lack of obscuration and thus an angle of view which clearly lies within the ionization cone. The hot dust in the parsec-scale accretion disk is heated by the central AGN, and extends outwards into a warm dusty torus, extending out to 100\\,pc scales. The luminous AGN in \\apm\\ is the dominant power source out to large scales, which even may generate a large fraction of the huge (far-)infrared luminosity in this source by heating the dust.\\footnote{It is important to note that, due to the unique properties of \\apm, additional diagnostics are desirable to undoubtedly disentangle the heating sources of the gas and dust.} The apparent FIR luminosity of \\apm\\ is $L_{\\rm FIR}$=(2.0 $\\pm$ 0.5) $\\times$ 10$^{14}\\,\\mu_{L}^{-1}$L$_\\odot$ (Beelen \\etal\\ \\citeyear{bee06}; Wei\\ss\\ \\etal\\ \\citeyear{wei07}). Wei\\ss\\ \\etal\\ (\\citeyear{wei07}) have found that about 90\\% of the FIR luminosity are due to emission from warm 220\\,K dust which may be powered by the AGN, while only 10\\% are due to colder 65\\,K dust that is likely heated by star formation. This would explain why a significant fraction of the dust in \\apm\\ on extended (100s pc) scales is warmer than in typical ULIRGs, or even other high-$z$, dust-rich QSOs. It would also explain why \\apm\\ is an outlier on the $L'_{\\rm CO}$--$L_{\\rm FIR}$ relation (Riechers \\etal\\ \\citeyear{rie06}), which is set by galaxies where the FIR luminosity is dominated by heating from star formation. Subtracting the 90\\% of $L_{\\rm FIR}$ that may be powered by the AGN, \\apm\\ follows the $L'_{\\rm CO}$--$L_{\\rm FIR}$ relation quite well. However, note that even though the apparent FIR luminosity of \\apm\\ is extreme, this would indicate that only 3\\% of the total quasar power (as measured by $L_{\\rm bol}$) are re-emitted in the FIR wavelength regime (assuming no differential lensing effects play into the ratio). We find that up to 80--90\\% of the radio luminosity in \\apm\\ may be powered by the AGN, and only 10--20\\% by the starburst. Due to the fact that this ratio is similar to that found for the FIR luminosity, \\apm\\ still follows the radio--FIR correlation for star-forming galaxies. \\apm\\ thus is a radio-quiet, optically luminous dust-rich quasar in which the central accretion disk and dust torus are likely seen close to face-on (note however the above concern about the inclination). Its high FIR luminosity can be explained by dust heating of the AGN, as can be the high temperature of the dust. It even explains the high CO excitation if the molecular gas is situated in a rather compact (and thus dense) circumnuclear ring seen at a low inclination toward the line of sight, just like the central region. The high dust and gas temperatures and relatively high densities also explain the exceptional HCN (and HCO$^+$) excitation in this system, as IR-pumping via the $\\nu_2$=1 vibrational bending mode becomes efficient at such high temperatures (Wei\\ss\\ \\etal\\ \\citeyear{wei07}). Without shielding and self-shielding, the gas and dust would be even warmer than observed. Assuming that only the fraction of $L_{\\rm bol}$ re-radiated in the FIR reaches out to the molecular regions, the temperature at a radius of 125\\,pc would still be 200\\,K. Even at 550\\,pc, the temperature would not drop significantly below 100\\,K. The LVG-predicted temperatures for the cool, dense gas component ($T_{\\rm kin}=65$\\,K) thus require self-screening if the gas is indeed located in a 550\\,pc region around the AGN.\\footnote{Due to the fact that $T \\propto \\mu_L^{-1/4}$ and $\\mu_L \\propto r_{\\rm true}^2$, the $\\mu_L$=4 model requires more screening than the previous $\\mu_L$=100 models.} Note that all the above may be considered extreme (i.e., rarely observed). However, all of these effects can be explained physically without assuming extreme and/or differential lensing effects. The CO luminosity in \\apm\\ is relatively modest (compared to other high-$z$ sources) even without correcting for lensing. If $L_{\\rm FIR}$ is corrected assuming a lensing magnification factor of only 4, as suggested by our new model, it is not the highest observed value even without correcting for AGN heating. Both $L'_{\\rm CO}$ and $L_{\\rm FIR}$ are higher for the $z$=4.7 quasar BR\\,1202-0725, which is thought to be unlensed, but undergoing a massive, gas-rich merger event\\footnote{Both the CO and FIR emission in BR\\,1202-0725 are however distributed over at least two distinct components, which then each have comparable but lower luminosities than \\apm.} (Carilli \\etal\\ \\citeyear{car02}; Riechers \\etal\\ \\citeyear{rie06}). \\subsection{The Black Hole in \\apm} Correcting for $\\mu_{L}$=4 predicts $M_{\\rm BH}$=2.3 $\\times$ 10$^{10}$\\,M$_\\odot$ for \\apm. This appears to be extreme compared to more typical SMBH masses of a few times 10$^9$\\,M$_\\odot$ of high-$z$ quasars. However, comparable or even higher black hole masses are found for BRI\\,1335-0417 ($z$=4.41) and BR\\,1202-0725 (however, the estimates for these sources are based on strongly absorbed \\civ\\ emission lines; Storrie-Lombardi \\etal\\ \\citeyear{sl96}; Shields \\etal\\ \\citeyear{shi06}). Moreover, Vestergaard (\\citeyear{ves04}) has found that for the range of black hole masses, an upper envelope of $M_{\\rm BH}$$\\sim$10$^{10}$\\,M$_\\odot$ is observed over a large range in redshift (4$\\lesssim$$z$$\\lesssim$6 for her sample). So, again, while \\apm\\ appears relatively extreme, even its AGN properties are far from being unique in a scenario assuming only $\\mu_{L}$=4. The extreme optical luminosity may then be explained by a luminous AGN episode of such a few times 10$^{10}$\\,M$_\\odot$ SMBH, which accretes at (super-)Eddington rates (within the uncertainties of the BH mass estimators). Also, the formation of such a SMBH at the high mass end of the BH mass function by a redshift of 4 is consistent with `downsizing', which predicts that such high mass black holes form at the high density peaks at high redshift, and are built up rapidly by vigorous accretion (e.g., Di Matteo \\etal\\ \\citeyear{mat07}). Due to the fact that the SMBH in \\apm\\ is among the most massive black holes that are observed, it is likely to end up as a central cD galaxy of a massive cluster. For such galaxies, recent cosmological simulations suggest that a large fraction of the mass of the black hole grows from mergers with other black holes rather than being accreted by a single progenitor black hole (Sijacki \\etal\\ \\citeyear{sij07}). \\subsection{The Stellar Bulge of \\apm} In addition to $M_{\\rm BH}$, we were also able to derive a limit on the mass of the stellar bulge ($M_{\\rm bulge}$) for \\apm. However, our dynamical mass estimate, which is used as the predictor for $M_{\\rm bulge}$, is only valid for the inner region of the galaxy where the bulk of the molecular gas is found. For the $\\mu_{L}$=4 model, this describes a region with a radius of 550\\,pc. For galaxies with $M_{\\rm BH}$$>$10$^9$\\,M$_\\odot$ used in local studies of the $M_{\\rm BH}$--$\\sigma_{\\rm bulge}$ relation, it has been found that the host galaxies are typically giant elliptical galaxies with effective radii of 1.5--8\\,kpc (Tremaine \\etal\\ \\citeyear{tre02}; Faber \\etal\\ \\citeyear{fab97}). Assuming that the volume density of stellar luminosity (and thus mass) flattens with radius from $r^{-2}$ to $r^{-1}$ in the inner region of the elliptical host galaxy (Gebhardt \\etal\\ \\citeyear{geb96}), or even that it flattens into a `core', a significant fraction of the bulge mass is expected to be found inside the inner 550\\,pc. From the local $M_{\\rm BH}$--$M_{\\rm bulge}$ relationship, it is expected that $M_{\\rm bulge}$$\\sim$700\\,$M_{\\rm BH}$. For the inner region of \\apm, we have found $M_{\\rm bulge}$=3.4\\,$M_{\\rm BH}$. Although uncertain within a factor of a few, this value falls short by more than two orders of magnitude compared to the local estimate. Even if corrected for a 10\\,kpc radius host galaxy, a clear offset from the local $M_{\\rm BH}$--$M_{\\rm bulge}$ relationship remains\\footnote{Note that the local $M_{\\rm BH}$--$\\sigma_{\\rm bulge}$ relationship is difficult to reconcile even with a $\\mu_{L}$=100 model, which leaves more room for $M_{\\rm bulge}$ within $M_{\\rm dyn}$ (i.e., $M_{\\rm bulge}$=50\\,$M_{\\rm BH}$), but also has to assume host galaxy size relations for less massive black holes.}. This is consistent with what is found for other quasars at even higher redshift studied with the same technique (Walter \\etal\\ \\citeyear{wal04}; Riechers et al.\\ \\citeyear{rie08a}, \\citeyear{rie08b}; see also discussions by Shields \\etal\\ \\citeyear{shi06}; Ho \\citeyear{ho07}). Based on different techniques, similar trends are found for various galaxy samples at low and intermediate redshift (e.g., Peng et al.\\ \\citeyear{pen06}; McLure et al.\\ \\citeyear{mcl06}; Woo \\etal\\ \\citeyear{woo06}; Salviander et al.\\ \\citeyear{sal07}). This may indicate a breakdown of the local $M_{\\rm BH}$--$M_{\\rm bulge}$ relationship toward high redshift, and that the mass correlation between SMBHs and their stellar bulges is not a universal property, but rather an endpoint of a long-lasting evolutionary process throughout cosmic times. We thus conclude that the SMBH in \\apm\\ appears to already be largely in place, while the buildup of the stellar bulge is still in progress. \\subsection{A Possible Evolutionary Scenario for \\apm} If the assumptions made to derive the properties of \\apm\\ are correct, this result has several interesting implications. It appears as if SMBH growth and formation through gas dissipation and accretion (and possibly mergers) was the main characteristic during the early formation of this source (even relative to star formation). Since the SMBH in \\apm\\ is already found at the high mass end of the black hole mass function, it is expected that most of the molecular gas present at $z$=3.9 is either blown out or formed into stars by $z$=0, while only a minor fraction is accreted onto the black hole. Moreover, if \\apm\\ is to evolve into a galaxy that fulfills the $M_{\\rm BH}$--$\\sigma_{\\rm bulge}$ relation by $z$=0, a significant fraction of the molecular gas has to actually end up in stars. In fact, even if the whole amount of molecular gas that is currently present in the host galaxy of \\apm\\ were to be converted into stars by $z$=0, it would not be sufficient to reach the local $M_{\\rm BH}$--$\\sigma_{\\rm bulge}$ relation. If our picture of this galaxy is correct, this result implies that the buildup of the stellar bulge cannot be accomplished by only converting the observed molecular gas reservoir into stars, but relies to a significant part on the accumulation of stellar matter via other mechanisms, and/or the the accretion of additional star-forming material. Although further details are difficult to quantify at present, it thus is likely that a significant fraction of the spheroid will be produced via major and minor mergers (which are also required for the re-distribution of angular momentum). It has been suggested that a common, growth-limiting feedback mechanism acting on both star formation and black hole assembly is the physical explanation for the local $M_{\\rm BH}$--$\\sigma_{\\rm bulge}$ relation. Assuming that such a mechanism exists, quasar winds as a form of AGN feedback would be an obvious candidate for a system like \\apm\\ (Silk \\& Rees \\citeyear{sr98}). One difficulty with this assumption would then be that the SMBH in this source already accretes radiatively highly efficiently at (super-)Eddington rates (see above), where such feedback effects to regulate the further growth of the SMBH are expected to be very strong. If this effect were to also regulate star formation in the host galaxy, it would be expected to shut off both on a relatively short timescale by pushing the remaining gas outwards. The build-up of the stellar bulge then can only proceed further through hierarchical merging and/or accretion of additional gas, which is expected to again feed both the SMBH and star formation. To end up anywhere near the local $M_{\\rm BH}$--$\\sigma_{\\rm bulge}$ relation through a self-regulated mechanism, \\apm\\ thus is required to form and/or accumulate stars more efficiently (relative to the black hole feeding/merger rate) than in the past. One possibility to build up stellar mass while avoiding significant SMBH growth may be through subsequent `{\\em dry}' mergers (e.g., Rines et al.\\ \\citeyear{rin07}), which may act in combination with other processes to assemble the massive host of \\apm\\ by $z$=0. \\subsection{Our Current Picture of \\apm} There are two main points that support the $\\mu_{L}$=4 lensing model proposed for \\apm. First, the observed \\aco\\ properties give rather tight constraints on the allowed combinations of intrinsic CO disk size and magnification strength for the favoured range of low disk inclinations, assuming a relatively high CO area filling factor. The $\\mu_{L}$=4 model lies well within the range of these constraints. Second, the spatially resolved multiwavelength observations of \\apm\\ show similar morphologies of the lensed source from the X-ray to radio wavelength regime, probing sub-pc to hundreds of pc scales, while showing a different morphology out to kpc scales. The $\\mu_{L}$=4 model produces this quite naturally, predicting modest effects of differential lensing. The high lensing magnification models suggested so far do not reproduce the second characteristic. Also, for low inclinations, they predict a very compact CO disk of only about 100\\,pc radius. This is by a factor of a few less than in typical ULIRGs (Downes \\& Solomon \\citeyear{ds98}). The $\\mu_{L}$=4 model, on the other hand, produces a CO disk of 550\\,pc radius, which is in a more typical regime. While some properties of \\apm, like the optical luminosity and expected strong tidal forces from the black hole, as well as the requirement of significant shielding of the molecular gas, may still favour a scenario in which the source is highly magnified by gravitational lensing, there thus are several arguments that favour models with low $\\mu_{L}$. It however is important to note that, if a high-$\\mu_{L}$ model was to be found that fits the observed morphological properties of \\apm\\ (see Krips et al.\\ \\citeyear{kri07} for a recent attempt), further studies would be necessary to exclude one scenario or the other. Based on the existing observations, no definitive conclusion can be drawn -- the final decision can only be made by detecting the lens itself. The lensing model presented in this paper aids in developing a quite consistent picture of \\apm\\ based on the existing observations, describing the source as a dust and gas-rich galaxy with a very massive, active black hole. The deep gravitational potential of the central region of this source causes the molecular gas to be rather dense, while the strong, penetrating AGN radiation causes it (and the dust) to be rather warm. The whole system may be seen relatively close to face-on (the inclination is however difficult to constrain). It has a co-eval starburst which only contributes about 10\\% to the FIR dust heating, but still produces more than 500\\,M$_\\odot$\\,yr$^{-1}$ (Wei\\ss\\ \\etal\\ \\citeyear{wei07}, correcting for $\\mu_{L}$=4). The star formation in this galaxy takes place far off the black hole mass--bulge mass scaling relation of nearby galaxies, suggesting that the latter may be subject to significant evolution throughout cosmic times." }, "0809/0809.5171_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{{}AGN feedback now appears as an attractive mechanism to resolve some of the outstanding problems with the ``standard'' cosmological models, in particular those related to massive galaxies. At low redshift, evidence is growing that gas cooling and star formation may be efficiently suppressed by mechanical energy input from radio sources. To directly constrain how this may influence the formation of massive galaxies near the peak in the redshift distribution of powerful quasars, z$\\sim 2$, we present an analysis of the emission-line kinematics of 3 powerful radio galaxies at z$\\sim 2-3$ (HzRGs) based on rest-frame optical integral-field spectroscopy obtained with SINFONI on the VLT. The host galaxies of powerful radio-loud AGN are among the most massive galaxies, and thus AGN feedback may have a particularly clear signature in these galaxies. We find evidence for bipolar outflows in all HzRGs, with kinetic energies that are equivalent to 0.2\\% of the rest-mass of the supermassive black hole. Observed total velocity offsets in the outflows are $\\sim 800-1000$ km s$^{-1}$ between the blueshifted and redshifted line emission, and FWHMs $\\sim 1000$ km s$^{-1}$ suggest strong turbulence. Line ratios allow to measure electron temperatures, $\\sim 10^4$ K from [OIII]$\\lambda\\lambda\\lambda$4363,4959,5007 at z$\\sim 2$, electron densities ($\\sim 500$ cm$^{-3}$) and extinction (A$_V\\sim 1-4$ mag). Ionized gas masses estimated from the H$\\alpha$ luminosity are of order $10^{10}$ M$_{\\odot}$, similar to the molecular gas content of HzRGs, underlining that these outflows may indicate a significant phase in the evolution of the host galaxy. The total energy release of $\\sim 10^{60}$ erg during a dynamical time of $\\sim 10^7$ yrs corresponds to about the binding energy of a massive galaxy, similar to the prescriptions adopted in galaxy evolution models. Geometry, timescales and energy injection rates of order 10\\% of the kinetic energy flux of the jet suggest that the outflows are most likely driven by the radio source. The global energy density release of $\\sim 10^{57}$ erg s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-3}$ may also influence the subsequent evolution of the HzRG by enhancing the entropy and pressure in the surrounding halo and facilitating ram-pressure stripping of gas in satellite galaxies that may contribute to the subsequent mass assembly of the HzRG through low-dissipation ``dry'' mergers. } ", "introduction": "\\label{introduction} AGN feedback has now become a crucial process in most models of galaxy formation and evolution. Current models postulate that massive galaxies experienced an early epoch of vigorous star formation that was terminated by a nearly instantaneous, powerful blow-out phase triggered by the AGN \\citep[e.g.][]{silk98, scannapieco04, springel05, dimatteo05, croton06, bower06, hopkins06}. Such a mechanism would heat and remove most of the ambient gas of the galaxy, and thus reconcile the discrepancy between the hierarchical standard model of galaxy formation and observational constraints Bolometric luminosities of powerful AGN at high redshift correspond to an energy output of $10^{60-61}$ erg during an AGN lifetime of $10^{7-8}$ yrs. Although this is equal, or even exceeds the binding energy of a massive galaxy, this energy will only have an impact on the evolution of the host galaxy, if it is efficiently transferred to the ambient gas with a coupling efficiency of at least a few percent. Observationally, evidence is growing that AGN feedback may be related mostly to radio-loud AGN. Perhaps the most spectacular examples at low redshift are the giant cavities in the X-ray halos of massive galaxy clusters, which appear to inject few $\\times 10^{60}$ erg into the surrounding gas within a few $\\times 10^7$ yrs, sufficient to suppress gas cooling \\citep{boehringer93,birzan04,rafferty06,mcnamara07}. \\citet{best05,best06} find more subtle, yet general evidence that radio sources may balance gas cooling in $\\sim 2000$ radio-loud early-type galaxies taken from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the NVSS and FIRST radio surveys. Interestingly, the fraction of radio loud galaxies seems to be a strong function of mass, suggesting that such radio-driven feedback will act predominantly in the most massive galaxies, in broad agreement with the predictions of galaxy evolution models. This is also supported by the observation that powerful radio galaxies are among the most massive galaxies at all redshifts \\citep{debreuck01,willott03,rocca04}. Since AGN feedback is expected to act predominantly in massive galaxies, we may expect that its influence will be most clearly expressed in particularly massive galaxies. However, since massive early-type galaxies appear to have completed most of their growth at high redshift \\citep[e.g.,][and references therein]{rudnick03}, directly investigating the impact of jet-driven AGN feedback during the formation of massive galaxies requires direct observations of radio-loud galaxies at z$\\ge 1$. Interestingly, longslit spectroscopy of powerful radio galaxies at z$\\ge 1$ (and in a few cases at lower redshifts) revealed strongly distorted emission line kinematics, with velocities often exceeding $\\sim 1000$ km s$^{-1}$ along the axis of the radio jet \\citep[e.g.,][]{tadhunter91,mccarthy96,evans98,baum00,villar99, inskip02,clark98,best97}. Similarly, [OIII]$\\lambda$5007 narrow-band imaging of 4C19.71 at z$\\sim 3.6$ revealed a giant emission line region extending over $\\sim 74$ kpc \\citep{armus98}. This emission line region, corresponding to an ionized gas mass of $10^{8-9}$ M$_{\\odot}$ aligns roughly with the axis of the radio jet, which led \\citeauthor{armus98} to suspect that the jet and the nebulosity may be physically related. \\citet{heckman91a,heckman91b} also find this for radio-loud quasars. Moreover, Ly$\\alpha$ spectroscopy and line imaging revealed luminous emission line halos with sizes that appear related to the size of the radio jet, sometimes with kinematically more quiescent gas beyond \\citep[e.g.][]{villar03,villar06,villar07}. However, the complexity of the velocity fields and relatively large spatial extent of the emission line regions made it difficult to robustly infer the global characteristics of these nebulae. Integral-field spectrographs now open a new avenue to study the underlying dynamical mechanisms with unprecedented robustness and across the full two-dimensional surface of the emission line nebulae. Over recent years, our understanding of galaxy evolution in the early universe has significantly advanced due to the discovery of large numbers of galaxies at similar redshifts \\citep[e.g.,][]{steidel96,smail02}, and during this time, modeling of galaxy and structure formation has improved. This allows us to reassess the emission line kinematics of powerful high-redshift radio galaxies (HzRGs). Near-infrared studies are particularly well suited to study the inner regions of HzRG extended emission line regions, allowing for relatively high spatial resolution of $\\sim 0.5$\\arcsec\\ even with seeing-limited observations, and opening a window to the rest-frame optical line emission where extinction is less severe than in the rest-frame UV. \\citet{nesvadba06} find strong evidence for energetic outflows of ionized gas from rest-frame optical integral-field spectroscopy of the powerful radio galaxy MRC1138-262 at z$\\sim 2.2$. With a spatial extent of 30 kpc, relative velocities and line widths of FWHM$\\sim 1000$ km s$^{-1}$ across the source, corresponding to kinetic energies of few$\\times 10^{60}$ erg, this gas may be experiencing a feedback episode as dramatic as necessary to unbind a significant fraction of the ambient gas from the halo of a massive galaxy. The kinetic energy of the outflow corresponds to a few percent of the jet kinetic energy, and the dynamical timescale of a few $\\times 10^7$ yrs appears roughly similar to the age of the radio source. Moreover, the turbulent, luminous gas extends to the size of the radio jets. In contrast, very similar observations do not show evidence for such outflows in compact radio galaxies at similar redshifts \\citep{nesvadba07b}, which are likely the younger analogs to extended HzRGs. This agrees with expectations. If the entrainment rates are similar, then only a few percent of the ISM will already be affected by the radio source for ages less than $\\sim 10^6$ yrs. Currently, the host galaxies of powerful, radio-loud AGN (HzRGs and quasars) represent the only galaxy population at z$\\ge 2$ with such extreme kinematics. To address the question whether MRC1138-262 is a ``one-off'', or whether AGN feedback is a common phenomenon in HzRGs, we continue the analysis of \\citet{nesvadba06,nesvadba07b}, adding another three HzRGs with near-infrared integral-field data at z$\\approx 2-3$. Comparing with the samples of \\citet[e.g.,][]{iwamuro03,debreuck00,humphrey08,baum00}, we find that their rest-frame UV-optical properties are within the typical range of powerful HzRGs. These galaxies have extended radio morphologies, and relatively similar radio power to MRC1138-262, ${\\cal P}_{1.4 GHz} \\sim 10^{26}$ W Hz$^{-1}$. Thus, they are among the most powerful radio galaxies observed at all redshifts. Given the observational difficulties in studying high-redshift galaxies, this seems the most promising way of identifying the fingerprints of powerful AGN-driven feedback and underlying physical processes directly from the gas kinematics of powerful AGN host galaxies at z$\\sim 2$. However, these radio powers are not exceptional in the early universe. \\citet{willott01} studied the redshift evolution of the radio luminosity function and find a population of galaxies with radio powers ${\\cal P}_{151 MHz} \\sim 10^{26.5-29.5}$ W Hz$^{-1}$ at 151 MHz, which shows a strong peak near z$\\sim 2$ and rapidly declines towards lower redshifts. Finally, the radio emissivity is likely a strong function of environment and evolutionary stage of the synchrotron plasma \\citep[e.g.,][]{kaiser97a,kaiser97b}, causing changes in the radio luminosity of more than an order of magnitude. Hence, by selecting particularly powerful sources, we may bias our sample more in terms of the evolutionary stage or environment than the kinetic luminosity of the radio source. Specifically, we observed MRC0316-257 at z$=3.13$, MRC0406-244 at z$=2.42$, and TXS0828+192 at z$=2.57$. Entrained ionized gas masses and kinetic energies seem very similar to MRC1138-262 in all three cases. This leads us to propose that AGN feedback may be a common phenomenon in powerful radio galaxies during the ``Quasar Era''. ", "conclusions": "We studied the kinematics and physical characteristics of the extended emission line regions in 3 powerful radio galaxies at z$\\sim 2$, using integral-field spectroscopy of the rest-frame optical emission lines. Our results are consistent with what is expected from giant, jet-driven AGN outflows, similar to what we found in an earlier study of the z$\\sim 2.2$ galaxy MRC1138-262 \\citep{nesvadba06}. Analysis of the emission and continuum line morphologies, velocity maps, and flow orientation relative to the orientation of the radio jet does not favor alternative interpretations, e.g., merging, rotation, or gas infall. Such outflows may be common in powerful high-redshift radio galaxies (HzRGs) during the ``Quasar Era''. Overall, we find energetic outflows in all 4 z$\\sim 2$ powerful radio galaxies with extended jets for which we obtained rest-frame optical integral-field spectroscopy. Comparison with previous longslit spectroscopy \\citep{baum00} suggests similar properties in $> 10$ HzRGs at z$>1$. The emission line regions extend over $\\sim 10$ kpc$\\times$30 kpc, and are elongated along the axis of the radio jets. Most of the complex morphologies of these galaxies, previously observed with broadband imaging, appears to be due to line emission. The line-free continuum emission extracted from the data cube is relatively faint and compact ($\\le 10$ kpc). Assuming simple case-B recombination, we find of order $10^{10}$ M$_{\\odot}$ of ionized gas, similar to the typical cold molecular gas content of HzRGs traced by CO line emission. From observed line ratios, we can constrain the physical properties of the gas. We detect [OIII]$\\lambda$4363 in a z$\\sim 2$ galaxy, allowing for a direct estimate of the electron temperature of $\\sim 10^4$ K. Electron densities are derived from the [SII]$\\lambda\\lambda$6716,6731 line ratio and are $\\sim 500$ cm$^{-3}$. From the measured H$\\alpha$/H$\\beta$ line ratio we estimate extinction of A(H$\\beta$)$\\sim 1-4$ mag. The velocity fields are very similar in all 3 sources and are reminiscent of two bubbles expanding back-to-back from the AGN. Velocity offsets near the center of the host galaxy are large, 700$-$1000 km s$^{-1}$, but velocities within each bubble are relatively uniform. Line widths are of order FWHM$\\sim 1000$ km s$^{-1}$, indicating strong turbulence. Larger widths in the central regions are likely due to overlaps between the bubbles. Comparison with the orientation of the radio jets suggest that this gas is outflowing. With kinetic energies of order $10^{60}$ erg required to power the observed emission line kinematics, these outflows may be sufficient to remove most of the interstellar medium of the host galaxies in a nearly explosive event. Observed kinetic energies correspond to $\\sim 0.2$\\% of the energy equivalent of the rest mass of the supermassive black holes, in good agreement with AGN feedback prescriptions used in galaxy evolution models The following observations lead us to argue that the outflows are dominated by the radio jets: (1) Geometry: Good alignment with the radio jets and elongation along the jet axis. The gas is blueshifted on the side of the approaching radio jet. (2) Size: The sizes of the emission line regions do not reach beyond the radio lobes. \\citet{nesvadba07b} do not find extended outflows in galaxies with compact radio sources observed with SINFONI. Emission line gas outside the radio lobes observed in Ly$\\alpha$ is kinematically quiescent \\citep{villar03}. (3) Timescales: Dynamical timescales of the outflows are few $\\times 10^7$ yrs, similar to typical ages of radio jets. (4) Energies: Kinetic energies of the outflows correspond to about 10\\% of the jet kinetic energy. Comparing with the z$\\sim 2$ radio luminosity function of \\citet{willott01}, we find that AGN winds like those observed may release about 9$\\times 10^{56}$ erg s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-3}$ in energy density from the massive host galaxies of powerful radio sources at z$\\sim 2$. This energy may have a long-term impact on the subsequent evolution of the AGN host galaxy as well as nearby galaxies and help maintaining the ``anti-hierarchical'' properties of massive galaxies in spite of possible subsequent merging with companion galaxies. Following \\citet{nath02,mccarthy08}, much of this energy may contribute to increasing the entropy and pressure in the environment of massive early type galaxies and clusters, and enhance the efficiency of dynamical interactions with galaxies in the environment of HzRGs, such as ram pressure stripping. Comparing with studies of ram-pressure stripping \\citep{boselli08} we find that the satellite galaxies may already be red, poor in gas and rich in metals when they are being accreted onto the central galaxy. In spite of subsequent growth by up to $\\sim 50\\%$ in stellar mass, we find that minor ``dry'' mergers with ram-pressure stripped satellites would not strongly influence the observed evolutionary properties of the central galaxy." }, "0809/0809.1087_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The spectrophotometric calibration of surveys is a significant, but often neglected, issue when measuring the history of star formation by combining spectroscopic surveys conducted with different instruments. We describe techniques for photometric calibration of optical spectra obtained with the MMT's fiber-fed spectrograph, Hectospec. The atmospheric dispersion compensation prisms built into the MMT's f/5 wide field corrector effectively eliminate errors due to differential refraction, and simplify the calibration procedure. The procedures that we describe here are applicable to all 220,000+ spectra obtained to date with Hectospec because the instrument response is stable. We estimate the internal error in the Hectospec measurements by comparing duplicate measurements of $\\sim$1500 galaxies. For a sample of 400 galaxies in the Smithsonian Hectospec Lensing Survey (SHELS) with a median z=0.10, we compare line and continuum fluxes measured by Hectospec through a 1.5$^{\\prime\\prime}$ diameter optical fiber with those measured by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) through a 3$^{\\prime\\prime}$ diameter optical fiber. Agreement of the [OII] and H${\\alpha}$ SHELS and SDSS line fluxes, after scaling by the R band flux in the different apertures, suggests that the spatial variation in star formation rates over a 1.5 to 3 kpc radial scale is small. The median ratio of the Hectospec and SDSS spectra, smoothed over 100 ${\\rm \\AA}$ scales, is remarkably constant to $\\sim$5\\% over the range of 3850 to 8000 ${\\rm \\AA}$. Offsets in the ratio of the median [OII] and H$\\alpha$ fluxes, the equivalent width of H$\\delta$ and the continuum index d4000 are a few percent, small compared with other sources of scatter. We also explore the impact of atmospheric absorption. Observing redwards of 6500 ${\\rm \\AA}$, it is impossible to remove the effects of atmospheric absorption perfectly because the variation of absorption with wavelength is not resolved by a moderate dispersion spectrograph. Thus measurements of spectral line fluxes including H${\\alpha}$, and derived physical quantities including star formation rates, may have sizable systematic errors where the redshifted spectral features land on strong atmospheric absorption troughs. ", "introduction": "As spectroscopic and photometric surveys increase in quality and size, the physical parameters which govern galaxy evolution become increasingly accessible. A range of measures of star formation rate densities from a variety of surveys provide an impressive outline of the star formation history of the universe \\citep[e.g.][]{Hopkins04, Ly07, Tresse07, Reddy08, Shioya08, Villar08}. One of the many issues in reconstructing the star formation history is the relative calibration of surveys which use different measures (Hopkins 2004). After calibration, the scatter in the measured star formation rate density at fixed redshift remains large. Even for the same star formation indicator, inadequacy of the relative calibration of surveys with different instruments on different telescopes may be one source of scatter and systematic offset. Here we use the overlap of two large spectroscopic samples from different telescopes with different fiber instruments to evaluate these issues for emission line fluxes, H$\\delta$ equivalent width, and the strength of the 4000 {\\rm \\AA} break. We demonstrate that with attention to technical detail, the median offsets in all of these measures are at the few percent level. One of our overlapping samples is the SHELS survey {\\citep{Geller05} carried out with the Hectospec \\citep{Fabricant05} on the MMT; the other is derived from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey \\citep{DR6}. We describe the spectrophotometric calibration of Hectospec and estimate the internal errors in this calibration by examining 1467 unique pairs of measurements of a subset of the galaxies. We estimate the external errors in the spectrophotometric calibration by comparisons with galaxies observed in common with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey \\citep[SDSS,][]{DR6}. We extract the absolute calibration for our spectrophotometry from external photometry; we use the Deep Lensing Survey R-band photometry \\citep{Wittman06, Wittman02}. This absolute calibration corrects for clouds, seeing, telescope tracking and guiding, as well as errors in astrometry and alignment, as long as these losses of light are independent of wavelength. The spectrophotometric errors associated with differential refraction \\citep{Filippenko82} are largely eliminated because the MMT's wide-field corrector \\citep{Fabricant04} contains atmospheric dispersion compensation (ADC) prisms. The atmospheric dispersion across Hectospec's wavelength range ($\\sim$3700 to 8500 {\\rm \\AA}), if not corrected by the ADC prisms, would exceed the Hectospec's 1.5$^{\\prime\\prime}$ fiber diameter at a zenith angle of 45$^{\\circ}$, or an airmass of 1.4. Section 2 describes the data and the procedures we use to calibrate the Hectospec spectrophotometry. Because Hectospec's throughput is stable (Section 2.3), this calibration procedure is applicable to all Hectospec observations. In Section 3 we measure the internal errors in the Hectospec spectrophotometry by comparing repeated observations; in Section 4 we estimate the external errors in our spectrophotometry by comparing Hectospec and SDSS spectra. In Section 5 we discuss the impact of calibration issues on determination of the star formation history. We conclude in Section 6. ", "conclusions": "The most difficult spectrophotometric issues hampering astrophysical measurements such as the evolution of the star formation rate density affect all instruments, not just those with optical fibers. These issues include: (1) calibration across different surveys and several instruments, (2) aperture effects on the derived star formation rate, and (3) the highly structured atmospheric absorption bands redwards of 6000 {\\rm \\AA}. Because of Hectospec's stability and the MMT's f/5 corrector with ADC prisms that eliminate errors from differential refraction, a relatively simple procedure for flux calibration of Hectospec spectra, using infrequent observations of spectrophotometric flux standards for calibration of relative throughput and reference to R-band photometry for absolute throughput, works surprisingly well. Spectrophotometric calibration of instruments without ADC prisms requires observation of secondary spectrophotometric standards in each field. The success of the procedure we describe, when tested against well-calibrated SDSS spectra, demonstrates that short term extinction variations are not a serious issue. Over its 4.5 year operational lifetime, the Hectospec has acquired over 220,000 spectra that can be calibrated using our procedure. We recover the SDSS continuum shapes and line fluxes to $\\sim\\pm$10\\% for a subset of the SHELS galaxies also observed by the SDSS, allowing only a rescaling between the different aperture sizes based on R-band aperture magnitudes. The median emission line fluxes, H$\\delta$ equivalent widths, and the amplitude of the continuum break, d4000, for the SDSS and SHELS spectra agree to within a few percent. For high signal-to-noise SHELS spectra the typical errors in emission line fluxes are 18\\%. We plan to use these measures to further explore spectroscopic investigation of the star formation history over the range of redshifts covered by the combined SDSS and SHELS surveys \\citep{Kewley09}." }, "0809/0809.4177_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ We have mapped the \\hcn emission from two spiral galaxies, NGC~2903 and NGC~3504 to study the gas properties in the bars. The \\hcn emission is detected in the center and along the bar of NGC~2903. The line ratio \\hcn/\\twelvecoonezero ranges from 0.07 to 0.12 with the lowest value in the center. The enhancement of \\hcn emission along the bar indicates a higher fraction of dense molecular gas in the bar than at the center. The mass of dense molecular gas in the center ($2.2\\times 10^7$ \\msun) is about 6 times lower than that in the bar ($1.2\\times 10^8$ \\msun). The total star formation rate (SFR) is estimated to be 1.4 \\msunyr, where the SFR at the center is 1.9 times higher than that in the bar. The time scale of consumption of the dense molecular gas in the center is about $\\sim 3\\times 10^7$ yr which is much shorter than that in the bar of about 2 to 10$\\times 10^8$ yr. The dynamical time scale of inflow of the gas from the bar to the center is shorter than the consumption time scale in the bar, which suggests that the star formation (SF) activity at the center is not deprived of fuel. In the bar, the fraction of dense molecular gas mass relative to the total molecular gas mass is twice as high along the leading edge than along the central axis of the bar. The \\hcn emission has a large velocity dispersion in the bar, which can be attributed partially to the streaming motions indicative of shocks along the bar. In NGC~3504, the \\hcn emission is detected only at the center. The fraction of dense molecular gas mass in the center is about 15\\%. Comparison of the SFR with the predictions from numerical simulations suggest that NGC~2903 harbors a young type B bar with a strong inflow of gas toward the center whereas NGC~3504 has an older bar and has already passed the phase of inflow of gas toward the center. }{}{}{}{} ", "introduction": "The molecular interstellar medium in galaxies has been extensively studied through the rotational transitions of CO at millimeter wavelengths. These transitions are good tracers of the molecular gas mass and represent the general distribution of molecular hydrogen (e.g. Young \\& Scoville 1982, Young \\& Devereux 1991). High-density gas tracer molecules, like HCN, add relevant information to this view concerning the dense gas ($n_{H_2} > 10^4 cm^{-3}$). Observational evidence (Nguyen et al. 1992, Reynaud \\& Downes 1997, Kohno et al. 1999a) has suggested a close relationship between dense molecular gas and massive star formation in the centers of galaxies. In the center of the starburst galaxies, the HCN line emission is tightly correlated with the radio-continuum emission (see e.g. in NGC~1530, Reynaud \\& Downes 1997) and the total HCN luminosity correlates with the far-infrared (FIR) luminosity (Solomon et al. 1992, Gao \\& Solomon 2004), although contradictory results have been found, e.g. by Aalto et al. (1995). Since only very few galaxies have been mapped in HCN line emission at large scales, this correlation remains a source of speculation, especially for milder star formation (SF), typically 2 \\msunyr or less. The SF in the centers of galaxies and in the spiral arms has been extensively studied. Nevertheless the processes involved in the SF activity in the bar itself are still not well understood. Hydrodynamical and N-body simulations show inflow of gas along the leading edge after a shock, losing angular momentum (Athanassoula 1992). Sticky particle simulations of the gas in barred galaxies (Combes \\& Gerin 1985) produce the same configuration of enhanced molecular gas along the leading edge due to crossing/crowding of orbits. The role of gas orbits in a barred potential on the star formation activity is still poorly understood. Various observational studies using CO emission have found that molecular gas is located mainly along the leading edge of the bars (e.g Handa et al. 1990, Reynaud \\& Downes 1997, Downes et al. 1996, Sheth et al. 2002). However a contribution from large scale diffuse, unbound gas in the bar of the galaxy NGC~7479 has been suggested by H\\\"uttemeister et al. (2000). In the bar of NGC~1530, Reynaud \\& Downes (1998) have detected large velocity gradients due to velocity jumps between the upstream regions and the shock along the leading edge. These shocks would inhibit the SF by destroying the giant molecular clouds because of a large shear. The CO line is a tracer of molecular gas at low densities, whereas star formation occurs in very dense molecular clouds (Solomon et al. 1992, Paglione et al. 1995, Hatchell et al. 1998) which can be traced by the HCN transitions. To study the formation of dense molecular gas and its relation to SF, the bars offer an unique dynamical system to analyse the effects of a strong density wave on the molecular gas and SF. Moreover, numerical simulations and H$\\alpha$ observations (Martin \\& Friedli 1997, Verley et al. 2007) have shown a tight correlation between the SF along the bars and the age of the bars, which suggests that a similar correlation can be expected for the \\hcn emission in the bar because of the tight relationship between the SF and the dense molecular gas. In this paper we present the result of the HCN observations at the IRAM-30m telescope, along the bars of two spiral galaxies which have been chosen for their previous detection of HCN in the center. In Sect. 2, the IRAM observations are described. The main results of the NGC~3504 and NGC~2903 observations are presented in Sect. 3 and 4 respectively. The SF activity is discussed in Sect. 5 and a discussion about the molecular gas properties in the bar is presented in Sect. 6. ", "conclusions": " \\begin{itemize} \\item \\hcn emission has been detected in the center of NGC~3504 and no emission is detected in the bar. The \\hcn to \\twelvecoonezero line ratio is 0.12. The mass of the dense molecular gas in the center is $2.1\\times10^8$ \\msun, which is about 15 \\% of the total mass of the molecular gas. \\item In NGC~2903, \\hcn emission was detected in the center and along the bar. The \\hcn to \\twelvecoonezero line ratio along the bar is found to vary from 0.07 to 0.12. This ratio is much lower in the center of the galaxy than in the bar on the northern side, suggesting that the fraction of dense gas in the bar is higher than that in the center. There is also an asymmetry in the \\hcn emission between the northern and the southern side of the bar. \\item The total dense molecular gas mass in the bar of NGC~2903 is $\\sim 1.2\\times 10^8$ \\msun\\ which is about 6 times larger than the mass at the center of $\\sim 2.2\\times10^7$\\msun. The \\hcn emission is concentrated along the central axis and the leading edge of the bar. The fraction of dense molecular gas mass relative to the total molecular mass is higher along the leading edge of the bar (11\\%) than on the bar axis ($\\sim$7\\%). \\item The central velocity of \\hcn emission is systematically lower by about 5 to 20 \\kms in the leading edge of the bar than on the central axis of the bar. This drop is likely due to streaming motion along the bar. A large velocity dispersion of \\hcn emission ranging from 40 to 170 \\kms\\ is observed along the bar. Comparison with the \\twelvecoonezero rotation curve suggests that this could be due to beam smearing of the rotational velocity over large scales, observed with a low spatial resolution. \\item Intense SF activity seen in \\halfa\\ is correlated with the dense molecular gas. The total star formation rate is estimated to be about 1.4 \\msunyr, with 0.67 \\msunyr\\ in the center and 0.36 \\msunyr\\ in the bar of NGC~2903. The consumption time of the dense molecular gas in the center of about 3$\\times 10^7$ yrs is much shorter than that along the bar, ranging from 2 to 10$\\times 10^8$ yrs. The dynamical time for the inflow of gas from the bar to the center is shorter than the consumption time scale suggesting that the inflow of the gas from the bar to the center will sustain SF activity in the center for a longer period. \\item Comparison of the distribution of \\hcn in the bars of NGC~3504 and NGC~2903 with the results from the numerical simulations of Martin \\& Friedli (1997) suggest that the bars of these galaxies are at different stages of evolution. The bar in NGC~3504 is of type C with age $\\ge$1 Gyr, with most of the gas already in its center. NGC~2903 harbors a young type B bar with an age between 200 and 600 Myr, with a strong inflow of gas toward the center. \\end{itemize}" }, "0809/0809.3082_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present new \\spitzer, UKIRT and MMT observations of the blue compact dwarf galaxy (BCD) \\mrk, with an oxygen abundance of 12$+$log(O/H)\\,=\\,8.0. This galaxy has the peculiarity of possessing an extraordinarily dense nuclear star-forming region, with a central density of $\\sim$ 10$^6$ cm$^{-3}$. The nuclear region of \\mrk\\ is characterized by several unusual properties: a very red color \\jk\\ = 1.8, broad and narrow emission-line components, and ionizing radiation as hard as 54.9 eV, as implied by the presence of the \\oiv\\ 25.89\\,\\micron\\ line. The nucleus is located within an exponential disk with colors consistent with a single stellar population of age $\\ga$ 1 Gyr. The infrared morphology of \\mrk\\ changes with wavelength. IRAC 4.5\\,\\micron\\ images show extended stellar photospheric emission from the body of the galaxy, and an extremely red nuclear point source, indicative of hot dust; IRAC 8\\,\\micron\\ images show extended PAH emission from the surrounding ISM and a bright nucleus; MIPS 24 and 70 images consist of bright point sources associated with the warm nuclear dust; and 160 \\,\\micron\\ images map the cooler extended dust associated with older stellar populations. The IRS spectrum shows strong narrow Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) emission, with narrow line widths and equivalent widths that are high for the metallicity of \\mrk. Gaseous nebular fine-structure lines are also seen. A CLOUDY model which accounts for both the optical and mid-infrared (MIR) lines requires that they originate in two distinct \\hii\\ regions: a very dense \\hii\\ region of radius $\\sim$ 580 pc with densities declining from $\\sim$ 10$^6$ at the center to a few hundreds cm$^{-3}$ at the outer radius, where most of the optical lines arise; and a \\hii\\ region with a density of $\\sim$ 300 cm$^{-3}$ that is hidden in the optical but seen in the MIR. We suggest that the infrared lines arise mainly in the optically obscured \\hii\\ region while they are strongly suppressed by collisional deexcitation in the optically visible one. The hard ionizing radiation needed to account for the \\oiv\\ 25.89\\,\\micron\\ line is most likely due to fast radiative shocks propagating in an interstellar medium. A hidden population of Wolf-Rayet stars of type WNE-w or a hidden AGN as sources of hard ionizing radiation are less likely possibilities. ", "introduction": "Introduction} Among blue compact dwarf galaxies (BCDs), the dwarf emission-line galaxy Mrk 996 ($M_B$\\,=\\,$-16.9$) occupies a place apart because of the extreme electron density at the center of its star-forming region. {\\sl HST} $V$ and $I$ images show that the bulk of the star formation occurs in a compact roughly circular high surface brightness nuclear region of radius $\\sim$ 340 pc, with evident dust patches to the north of it \\citep{thuan96}. The nucleus (n) is located within an elliptically (E) shaped low surface brightness (LSB) component, so that Mrk 996 belongs to the relatively rare class of nE BCDs \\citep{loose85}. The extended envelope shows a distinct asymmetry, being more extended to the northeast side than to the southwest side, perhaps the sign of a past merger. This asymmetry is also seen in the spatial distribution of the globular clusters around Mrk 996, these being seen mainly to the south of the galaxy. Mrk 996 has a heliocentric radial velocity of 1622 km s$^{-1}$ which gives it a distance of 21.7 Mpc, adopting a Hubble constant of 75 km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-2}$ and including a very small correction for the Virgocentric flow \\citep{thuanhi}. At the adopted distance, 1 arcsec corresponds to a linear size of 105 pc. \\citet{thuan96} found the extended LSB component to possess an exponential disk structure with a small scale length of 0.42 kpc. While Mrk 996 does not show an obvious spiral structure in the disk, there is a spiral-like pattern in the nuclear star-forming region, which is no larger than 160 pc in radius. The UV and optical spectra of the nuclear star-forming region of Mrk 996 \\citep{izotov92,thuan96} show remarkable features, suggesting very unusual physical conditions. The He {\\sc i} line intensities are some 2 -- 4 times larger than those in normal BCDs. In the UV range, the N {\\sc iii}] $\\lambda$1750 and C {\\sc iii}] $\\lambda$1909 are particularly intense. Moreover, the line width depends on the degree of ionization of the ion. Thus low-ionization emission lines such as O$^+$, S$^+$ and N$^+$ have narrow widths, similar to those in other \\hii\\ regions, while high-ionization emission lines such as the helium lines, the O$^{++}$ and Ne$^{++}$ nebular lines and all auroral lines, show very broad line widths, $\\ga$ 500 km s$^{-1}$. Such correlations of line widths with the degree of excitation suggest different ionization zones with very distinct kinematical properties. \\citet{thuan96} found that the usual one-zone low-density ionization-bounded \\hii\\ region model cannot be applied to the nuclear star-forming region of Mrk 996 without leading to unrealistic helium and heavy-element abundances. Instead, they showed that a two-zone density-bounded \\hii\\ region model, including an inner compact region with a central density of $\\sim$ 10$^6$ cm$^{-3}$, some 4 orders of magnitude greater than the densities of normal \\hii\\ regions, together with an outer region with a lower density of $\\sim$ 450 cm$^{-3}$, comparable to those of other \\hii\\ regions, is needed to account for the observed line intensities. The large density gradient is probably caused by a mass outflow driven by the large population of Wolf-Rayet stars present in the galaxy. The gas outflow motions may account for the much broader line widths of the high-ionization lines originating in the dense inner region as compared to the low-ionization lines which originate in the less dense outer region. As for the high N {\\sc iii}] $\\lambda$1750, C {\\sc iii}] $\\lambda$1909 and He {\\sc i} line intensities, they can be understood by collisional excitation of these lines in the high density region. In the context of this model, the oxygen abundance of Mrk 996 is 12+log(O/H) = 8.0. Adopting 12+log(O/H) = 8.65 for the Sun \\citep{asplund05}, then Mrk 996 has a metallicity of 0.22 solar. Mrk 996 shows enhanced helium and nitrogen abundances, which can be accounted for by local pollution from Wolf-Rayet stars. We present in this paper \\spitzer\\ \\citep{werner04} mid-infrared (MIR) observations of Mrk 996. The extraordinary UV and optical properties of this galaxy, along with the evident presence of dust patches in the star-forming region of Mrk 996 on {\\sl HST} optical images, make it a prime candidate for our Cycle 1 (PID 3139: P.I. Thuan) \\spitzer\\ observations. Our entire program consists of spectroscopic, photometric and imaging observations of 23 BCDs with metallicities ranging from 1/20 to 1/2 that of the Sun, and its main aim is to study star formation in metal-poor environments and to understand how star formation and dust properties change as a function of metallicity and other physical parameters. This paper is the second of our \\spitzer\\ series, the first paper being on Haro 3, the most metal-rich BCD in our sample \\citep{hunt06}. We present in \\S2 our {\\sl Spitzer} IRAC, MIPS and IRS observations of Mrk 996 and their reduction. We discuss in \\S3 new complementary UKIRT near-infrared (NIR) imaging observations and optical MMT spectroscopic observations. In \\S4, we discuss our imaging results: the IR morphology of the disk of old stars, and the nature of the very red, bright and dense nuclear IR source in Mrk 996. We also discuss the extended PAH emission. In \\S5, we present our spectroscopic results: the PAH features and the IR fine-structure lines. In \\S6, we use the CLOUDY photoionization code \\citep{cloudy,ferland98} to model the observed optical and IR emission-line intensities. We show that it is necessary to postulate two \\hii\\ regions: one which is optically visible where the optical lines arise, and one which is optically hidden where the main part of the IR line emission arises. We then discuss possible sources of hard ionizing radiation -- fast shocks, WNE-w stars or an AGN -- to account for the presence of the [O {\\sc iv}] $\\lambda$25.9$\\mu$m, line. We summarize our conclusions in \\S7. ", "conclusions": "} We have acquired {\\sl Spitzer} MIR, UKIRT NIR and MMT optical observations of the blue compact dwarf galaxy \\mrk\\ to study its gas, dust and stellar content. This BCD, with a metallicity of about 1/5 that of the Sun, has the peculiarity of possessing an extremely dense nuclear star-forming region: its central density is $\\sim$ 10$^6$ cm$^{-3}$, some 4 orders of magnitude greater than the densities of normal \\hii\\ regions. We have obtained the following results: \\noindent (1) The nucleus of \\mrk\\ is extremely red, with \\jk\\ = 1.8, and \\hk\\ = 1.0, probably due to very hot dust with a temperature between 600 and 1000 K. The optical spectrum of the BCD shows the high-ionization lines to have both broad and narrow line components, and a trend of increasing line width with increasing ionization potential. \\noindent (2) The $VIJHK$ colors of the underlying exponential disk are roughly consistent with the colors of a coeval stellar population with age $\\ga$ 1 Gyr. \\noindent (3) Like most star-forming galaxies, \\mrk\\ is a composite entity in the IR. We see extended photospheric emission from evolved stars, compact hot dust continuum coming from the nuclear star-forming region at 4.5\\,\\micron, hot dust continuum and extended PAH emission coming mainly from the surrounding less dense ISM at 8\\,\\micron, compact small grain warm dust associated with the active star-forming nuclear region at 24\\,\\micron\\ and 70\\,\\micron, and cooler extended dust emission associated with older stellar populations at 160\\,\\micron. \\noindent (4) The IRS spectrum (Fig. \\ref{fig:irs}) shows strong Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) molecular emission, with features clearly detected at 5.7, 6.2, 7.7, 8.6, 11.2 and 12.7\\,\\micron. The PAHs in \\mrk\\ are predominantly neutral and small, similar to those found in normal spiral galaxies, suggesting that they reside in the general ISM and not in the star-forming region. The PAH emission features are relatively narrow and their equivalent widths are generally high for the metallicity of \\mrk, exceeding by more than one order of magnitude the values given for the mean EW(PAH)-metallicity relation derived by previous investigators. \\noindent (5) Gaseous nebular line emission is seen. The IRS spectrum shows several fine-structure forbidden lines, including \\siv\\ $\\lambda$10.51, \\neii\\ $\\lambda$12.81, \\neiii\\ $\\lambda$15.55, \\siii\\ $\\lambda$18.71, 33.48 and \\oiv\\ $\\lambda$25.90\\,\\micron. \\noindent (6) We have used CLOUDY to model the line-emitting region. To account for both the optical and MIR lines, two \\hii\\ regions are required: a) a very dense \\hii\\ region that is seen in the optical range (Model I) and b) an optically obscured \\hii\\ region ($A_V$ $\\ga$ 4 mag) with a constant number density of $\\sim$ 300 cm$^{-3}$, typical of other \\hii\\ regions (Model II). A two-zone model is required for the non-obscured \\hii\\ region (Model I): a) a very dense nuclear region where the broad optical line components arise; from a central value of $\\sim$ 10$^6$ cm$^{-3}$, the density decreases with distance as $r^{-2}$ until $r\\sim$ 100 pc; b) an outer zone for 100 pc $