{ "1107/1107.1239_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Mounting discoveries of extrasolar planets orbiting post-main sequence stars motivate studies aimed at understanding the fate of these planets. In the traditional ``adiabatic\" approximation, a secondary's eccentricity remains constant during stellar mass loss. Here, we remove this approximation, investigate the full two-body point-mass problem with isotropic mass loss, and illustrate the resulting dynamical evolution. The magnitude and duration of a star's mass loss combined with a secondary's initial orbital characteristics might provoke ejection, modest eccentricity pumping, or even circularisation of the orbit. We conclude that Oort clouds and wide-separation planets may be dynamically ejected from $1 M_{\\odot}-7 M_{\\odot}$ parent stars during AGB evolution. The vast majority of planetary material which survives a supernova from a $7 M_{\\odot}-20 M_{\\odot}$ progenitor will be dynamically ejected from the system, placing limits on the existence of first-generation pulsar planets. Planets around $>20 M_{\\odot}$ black hole progenitors may easily survive or readily be ejected depending on the core collapse and superwind models applied. Material ejected during stellar evolution might contribute significantly to the free-floating planetary population. ", "introduction": "Understanding the formation and subsequent dynamical evolution of exoplanets has been a motivational hallmark for many observational and theoretical investigations. However, extrasolar planets continue to be discovered in surprising and exotic environments, and questions about the {\\it endstate} of exoplanets are becoming increasingly relevant. Few studies so far have modeled these systems, which often feature evolved and variable parent stars. The rich dynamics therein fundamentally differ from studies of planets around main sequence stars. Examples of exoplanets which do not orbit main sequence stars are growing. The first confirmed extrasolar planets were discovered around a neutron star: specifically, the millisecond pulsar PSR1257+12 \\citep{wolfra1992,wolszczan1994}. The minimum masses of these three planets continue to be among the lowest known to date, and two of these planets resonantly interact. \\cite{sigurdsson2003} later discovered another pulsar planet, around the binary radio millisecond pulsar PSR B1620-26. Exoplanets are also thought to orbit white dwarfs and stars with white dwarf companions. In the first category, GD 66 \\citep{muletal2008,muletal2009}, GD 356 \\citep{wicetal2010} and Gliese 3483 (Matt Burleigh, private communication) are planet-hosting stars. In the second category, examples are thought to include Gl 86 $=$ HD 13445 \\citep{queetal2000,mugneu2005,lagetal2006}, HD 27442 \\citep{butetal2001,chaetal2006}, and HD 147513 \\citep{mayetal2004,desbar2007}. Additionally, planets have been discovered orbiting stars that have turned off of the main sequence but are not yet stellar remnants. \\cite{siletal2007} discovered a giant planet orbiting the extreme horizontal branch star V 391 Pegasi, \\cite{geietal2009} found a planet around the hot subdwarf star HD 149382, \\cite{leeetal2009} reported circumbinary planets to the sdB+M eclipsing system HW Virginis, and \\cite{setetal2010} suggested that the planet orbiting the red horizontal branch star HIP 13044b might be of extragalactic origin. Cataclysmic variables are another class of systems which might harbor planets, and recently, planets around the cataclysmic variables QS Vir \\citep{qianetal2010a}, DP Leo \\citep{qianetal2010b} and HU Aqr \\citep{qiaetal2011} have been reported. Prospects for discovering additional planets orbiting white dwarfs \\citep{draetal2010,faeetal2011} and extreme horizontal branch stars \\citep{beasok2011} are promising, and observational campaigns to do so have already been initiated \\citep{hogetal2009,benetal2010,schetal2010}. The {\\it Kepler} mission can detect even smaller bodies around white dwarfs \\citep{disetal2010}. Theoretical investigations regarding the evolution of planets around post-main sequence stars have focused primarily on planet engulfment and interaction with the expanding stellar envelope, both for exoplanets and specifically for the Earth. \\cite{villiv2007}, \\cite{massarotti2008} and \\cite{villiv2009} use particular stellar evolutionary tracks to determine ranges of semimajor axes at which planets are likely to be engulfed. In this regime, tidal modelling has a significant effect on the subsequent orbital evolution. However, as summarized by \\cite{hansen2010}, the nature of tidal dissipation is poorly understood and continues to yield different results depending on the model and assumptions used. For this reason, the fate of the Earth is uncertain. \\cite{sacetal1993}, \\cite{rybden2001}, \\cite{schcon2008} and \\cite{iorio2010} all explore the fate of the Earth in light of the Sun's post main-sequence mass loss, with differing results. Alternatively, \\cite{debsig2002} focus on the stability of multi-planet systems and link stellar mass loss to instability timescales. By doing so, they demonstrate how multiple planets beyond the reach of the star's expanding envelope might become unstable. In this study, we consider just a single planet, or smaller body. We perform a detailed analysis of the variable mass two-body problem and apply the results to a wide range of star-planet fates that encompass all stellar masses $\\lesssim 150 M_{\\odot}$. We focus on how stellar mass loss affects the eccentricity of a planet or planetary material, a link often ignored in previous studies. As a result, we show that planetary material can be ejected from a system based on mass loss alone. We then quantify for what combination of parameters we can expect this behavior. We start, in Section 2, by reviewing the history of the variable mass two-body problem and the corresponding equations of motion. We then analyze the orbital evolution in different mass loss regimes, determine where and when the traditionally-used adiabatic approximation holds, and estimate when the planets would become unstable. In Section 3, we apply the theory to stars of all masses up to $150M_{\\odot}$ in order to pinpoint realistic systems which would yield instability. We treat five different mass regimes in separate subsections. We then discuss the caveats, implications and potential extensions in Section 4, and conclude in Section 5. ", "conclusions": "The variable-mass two-body problem allows for the bodies to become unbound or highly eccentric. The implications of this physical principle affect all dying stellar systems which contain any orbiting material. Many Oort clouds and wide-orbit planets will have their orbits disrupted. The extent of the disruption depends crucially on their initial semimajor axes, eccentricities, and true anomalies, and the subtleties of stellar evolution. Stars with progenitor masses of $4 M_{\\odot}-8 M_{\\odot}$ will readily eject objects that are beyond a few hundred AU distant, and excite the eccentricities of the remaining bound material at that distance. Supernovae which produce neutron stars eject nearly but not all orbiting material. Conversely, other exotic systems, such as those with black holes, could have easily retained planets during their formation. Stellar mass loss might be the dominant source of the free-floating planet population, and orbital properties of currently observed disrupted planets in aged systems may be tracers of the evolution of their parent stars." }, "1107/1107.1713_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We present a description of the CL-based package {\\sc xdspres}, which aims at being a complete reducing facility for cross-dispersed spectra taken with the Ohio State Infrared Imager/Spectrometer, as installed at the SOAR telescope. This instrument provides spectra in the range between 1.2$\\upmu$m and 2.35$\\upmu$m in a single exposure, with resolving power of R $\\sim$ 1200. {\\sc xdspres} consists of two tasks, namely \\textit{xdflat} and \\textit{doosiris}. The former is a completely automated code for preparing normalized flat field images from raw flat field exposures. \\textit{Doosiris} was designed to be a complete reduction pipeline, requiring a minimum of user interaction. General steps towards a fully reduced spectrum are explained, as well as the approach adopted by our code. The software is available to the community through the web site \\textit{http://www.if.ufrgs.br/$\\sim$ruschel/software}. ", "introduction": "Cross-dispersed spectroscopy makes possible to acquire information of wide spectral regions in a single exposure, by projecting several dispersion axes on the detector simultaneously. As a consequence, the reduction process required to analyze this kind of data is complicated, since different diffraction orders need to be selected, extracted, calibrated independently and combined in the final step. This difficulty led many authors to develop methods and software packages for the reduction of cross-dispersed and echelle spectra \\citep[e.g.][]{moreno1982, rossi1985, piskunov2002, bochanski2009}. In the past decade the near infrared (NIR) has also been explored by cross-dispersed spectrographs, such as Spex \\citep{rayner2003} at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF), with a resolving power of $\\sim$ 2000 and reaching from 0.8 to 5.5$\\upmu$m. Other examples are TripleSpec \\citep{edelstein2007} and the Folded-port Infrared Echellette (FIRE) \\citep{simcoe2008}, achieving R $\\sim$ 2600 and R $\\sim$ 6000 respectively, and covering roughly the same wavelength domain (0.8 - 2.4$\\upmu$m). Another instrument of similar capabilities is the Ohio State Infrared Imager/Spectrometer (OSIRIS), currently installed at the Southern Astrophysics Research Observatory (SOAR), attached to the 4.1m telescope. OSIRIS provides spectral coverage from 1.0$\\upmu$m to 2.4$\\upmu$m in cross-dispersed mode, with a resolving power of $\\sim$ 1200. High resolution (R $\\sim$ 3000) long-slit modes are also available, but multi-band spectroscopy of this kind suffers from differences in aperture and seeing. However, reduction of NIR spectra has a complexity of its own, mostly related to telluric spectral features, both in absorption and emission, and black body radiation due to the telescope itself. A rich literature has been developed on the subject \\citep[e.g.][]{maiolino1996,vacca2003,cushing2004}. There are currently no specific software packages available for the reduction of cross-dispersed spectra taken with OSIRIS. Aiming at providing a fast and highly automated task, we developed the {\\sc xdspres} (acronym for cross-dispersed spectra reduction script) package. The CL language was chosen due to the availability of almost all of the basic tasks needed to perform the reduction in the Image Reduction and Analysis Facility ({\\sc IRAF}) software \\citep{IRAF1,IRAF2}. In \\S \\ref{sec:osiris} we describe main aspects of the instrument, focusing on its effects on the reduction process. In \\S \\ref{sec:reduction} we describe the general steps towards a fully reduced spectrum, as well as the approach adopted by the {\\sc xdspres} package to each of these steps, and finally in \\S \\ref{sec:summary} we give a brief summary. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sec:summary} We have presented the {\\sc xdspres} CL-based package, consisting of the \\textit{xdflat} and \\textit{doosiris} tasks, aimed at being a complete reduction facility for cross-dispersed spectra taken with the OSIRIS spectrometer, currently installed at the SOAR telescope. This particular instrument provides a relatively large spectral coverage, being able to project the full range between 1.2$\\upmu$m and 2.35$\\upmu$m over the detector in a single exposure. The blazing of different orders in the same image adds complexity to the already lengthy reduction of infrared spectroscopy data. {\\sc xdspres} automatically performs the more mechanical and time consuming steps of the reduction, at the same time that it allows considerable user interaction in the more subjective stages. In addition, the possibility of a fast reduction provides means to make site adjustments to the observation strategy. As a sample of actually published data that was fully reduced with the {\\sc xdspres} tasks, see \\citet{riffel2011}. The complete software package and its documentation is available to the community at the web site \\textit{http://www.if.ufrgs.br/$\\sim$ruschel/software}. \\subsection*" }, "1107/1107.5240_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{We present two new aspects of Extensive Air Shower (EAS) development universality allowing to make accurate estimation of muon and electromagnetic (EM) shower contents in two independent ways. In the first case, to get muon (or EM) signal in water Cherenkov detectors it is enough to know the vertical depth of shower maximum and the total signal. In the second case, the EM signal can be calculated from the primary particle energy and the zenith angle. In both cases the parameterizations of muon and EM signals are almost independent on primary particle nature, energy and zenith angle.} ", "introduction": " ", "conclusions": "" }, "1107/1107.0186_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{``High-resolution'', or ``long-baseline'', science with the SKA and its precursors covers a broad range of topics in astrophysics. In several research areas, the coupling between improved brightness sensitivity of the SKA and a sub-arcsecond resolution would uncover truly unique avenues and opportunities for studying extreme states of matter, vicinity of compact relativistic objects, and complex processes in astrophysical plasmas. At the same time, long baselines would secure excellent positional and astrometric measurements with the SKA and critically enhance SKA image fidelity at all scales. The latter aspect may also have a substantial impact on the survey speed of the SKA, thus affecting several key science projects of the instrument.} ", "introduction": "\\label{sec:1} The benchmark design for the SKA Phase 1 \\cite{schilizzi2007}, envisaging operations in the 0.3-10\\,GHz range and on baselines of up to several hundred kilometres, would have enabled addressing a range of scientific areas relying on sub-arcsecond resolution, including astrometry, pulsar proper motions, supernovae, astrophysical masers, nuclear regions of AGN, physics of relativistic and mildly relativistic outflows, kinetic feedback from AGN, evolution of supermassive black holes and their host galaxies \\cite{carilli2004}. The revised specifications for the SKA$_1$ \\cite{dewdney2010,garrett2010}, shifting the operational frequency range to 0.07-3\\,GHz and limiting the baseline length to 100\\,km, leads to a reduction of the instrumental resolution to 0{\\farcs}3--1{\\farcs}4 for the dishes (in the 0.45--3\\,GHz range) and 1{\\arcs}--8{\\arcs} for the aperture array (in the 0.07--0.45\\,GHz range). The ``stand alone'' resolution of SKA$_1$ will therefore be sufficient for addressing only a subset of topics listed above. Achieving a higher resolution would rely on inclusion of external antennas and operating in the VLBI mode. This would be mostly feasible for the dish part of SKA$_1$, as most of the present day VLBI arrays are operating at frequencies above 600\\,MHz, and there are no definite plans to extend VLBI operations to below 300\\,MHz. SKA$_1$ operating in Australia can be an integral part of the LBA/NZ Network and EAVN. It would also have a somewhat limited common visibility with the VLBA. SKA$_1$ sited in South Africa will be a natural partner to EVN+ antennas. In both cases, collaboration with geodetic VLBI is possible, if 2.3\\,GHz will be maintained as a network frequency by the IVS. In addition, the sub-arcsecond resolution of SKA$_1$ may actually be an essential requirement also for achieving the specifications envisaged for the traditional ``low-resolution'' science, including the surveying capabilities of the array (often viewed as a backbone of the instrument). These two aspects of the relevance of long baselines to achieving the scientific goals of SKA$_1$ are discussed below, with Section~\\ref{apl-sec2} describing potential areas of broad scientific impact of high-resolution studies with SKA$_1$ and SKA Precursors and Section~\\ref{apl-sec3} discussing the effect of long baselines on the quality of imaging and surveying capability of SKA$_1$. ", "conclusions": "SKA$_1$ would be able to address a number of important astrophysical areas of study relying on high-resolution radio observations: studying supernovae; providing a good account of starburst activity in galaxies; using megamasers and nuclear absorption to probe the nuclear gas in galaxies; understanding in detail the physics of (ultra- and mildly-relativistic) outflows and their connection to the nuclear regions in galaxies; searching for radio emission from weaker AGN and secondary black holes in post-merger galaxies; and addressing the questions of relic activity and activity cycles in AGN. Reliable high resolution imaging is also needed for achieving the scientific goals in the key science areas of SKA$_1$ requiring low-resolution imaging and surveying of large areas in the sky, most notably the science areas considered as the very ``selling point'' of the instrument." }, "1107/1107.0465_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "The INTEGRAL satellite, observing the sky at high energy, has quadrupled the number of supergiant X-ray Binaries known in the Galaxy and has revealed new populations of previously hidden High Mass X-ray Binaries. These observations raise new questions about the formation and evolution of these sources. The number of detected sources is now high enough to allow us to carry out a statistical analysis of the distribution of HMXBs in the Milky Way. We derive the distance of each HMXB using a Spectral Energy Distribution fitting procedure, and we examine the correlation with the distribution of star forming complexes (SFCs) in the Galaxy. We show that HMXBs are clustered with SFCs, with a typical size of 0.3 kpc and a characteristic distance between clusters of 1.7 kpc. ", "introduction": "High Mass X-ray Binaries (HMXBs) are binary systems composed of a compact object, a neutron star or a black hole candidate, accreting matter from a massive companion star: either a main sequence Be star or an evolved supergiant O or B star. Most of these sources are observed in the Galactic Plane \\citep{Bird_2007} as it is expected for such young star systems which do not have time to move far from their birthplaces.\\\\ Thanks to the dedicated observations from \\textit{RXTE} and \\textit{INTEGRAL}, around 200 HMXBs are currently known in the Milky Way allowing us to focus on their distribution. Using RXTE data, \\citet{Grimm_2002} highlighted clear signatures of the spiral structure in the spatial distribution of HMXBs. In the same way, \\citet{Dean_2005}, \\citet{Lutovinov_2005}, \\citet{Bodaghee_2007} and \\citet{Bodaghee_2011} showed that HMXBs observed with \\textit{INTEGRAL} also seem to be associated with the spiral structure of the Galaxy. However, the HMXB positions, mostly derived from their X-ray luminosity, are not well constrained and highly uncertain due to direct accretion as in HMXB. In order to overcome this caveat we present a novel approach allowing us to derive all HMXB positions. We build the Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) of each HMXB and fit it with a black-body model to compute the distance of each source. Finally, we study this distribution and the correlation with Star Forming Complexes (SFCs) observed in the Galaxy. ", "conclusions": "Evaluation of HMXB distribution is now of major interest in order to study in depth the formation of these high energy sources. However, HMXB locations are usually poorly constrained and largely dependent on the determination method. We propose here to determine the location of a whole set of sources using the same approach: a SED fitting of the distance of HMXBs. This method, based on a least-square minimization, enables us to reveal a consistent picture of the HMXB distribution, showing them to follow the spiral arm structure of the Galaxy. The consideration of uncertainties leads to a small error on the source locations and allows us to tackle the study of the correlation with SFC distribution. This study shows that HMXBs are clustered with SFCs and enables for the first time to quantitatively define the cluster size (0.3 kpc) and the distance between clusters (1.7 kpc). The challenge is now to quantify this correlation by taking into account the offset between current spiral density wave position and HMXB positions expected due to the fact that the matter rotation velocity is different to the spiral arm rotation speed." }, "1107/1107.5306_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We explore the properties of dust and associated molecular gas in 352 nearby ($0.0180$ per cent) are old, the large scatter in the star-formation-sensitive ultraviolet (UV) colours of ETGs since $z\\sim 1$ is interpreted as evidence for continuous low-level star formation at late epochs \\citep*[][see also \\citealt{fuk04,yi05,jeo07,sal10,cro11}]{kav07,kav08,mar09}. A coincidence between blue UV colours and morphological disturbances indicates that this star formation is merger driven \\citep{sch90,sch92,kav10,kav11}. Furthermore, the paucity of major mergers at late epochs \\citep[see e.g.][]{ste08,jog99,lop10} strongly suggests that the star formation is driven by \\emph{minor} mergers \\citep{kav09,kav11}. Our current understanding of ETG evolution therefore indicates that their underlying stellar populations are old, having been rapidly built at high redshift ($z>1$), while the evolution at late epochs ($z<1$) is dominated by repeated minor-merger events that contribute $<20$ per cent of their stellar mass at the present day. Notwithstanding the classical notion of ETGs being dry, passively evolving systems, an extensive literature has developed over the past few decades on the interstellar medium (ISM) in these systems. The dust and gas contents of \\emph{very} nearby ETGs have been studied by several authors \\citep*[e.g.][]{tub80,haw81,sad85,ber87,ebn88,kna89,gou95,van95,kna96,fab97,tom00,tra01,com07,cal08,you11}. While the galaxy samples and methodologies in these studies are varied, it is clear that the majority of ETGs in the very nearby Universe show evidence of dust \\citep[e.g.][]{kna89,van95}, the dust masses being generally inconsistent with scenarios in which the dust is supplied purely by stellar mass loss \\citep[e.g.][]{mer98}. Coupled with the frequently observed morphological disturbances and kinematical misalignments between gas and stars in these systems \\citep*[e.g.][]{zei90,sag93,ann10,dav11}, it seems likely that a significant fraction of the interstellar matter has an external origin. The accumulating evidence for widespread minor-merger-driven star formation \\citep[e.g.][]{kav09,kav11} makes the study of interstellar matter in ETGs all the more compelling. While the properties of the star formation have been quantified with a reasonable degree of precision, less is known about the fuel that drives this star formation. A study of the ISM of ETGs in modern observational surveys is therefore very desirable. In this paper we present a study of dusty ETGs (D-ETGs), drawn from Data Release 7 (DR7) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey \\citep[SDSS;][]{aba09}, that exhibit prominent, extended dust features in their optical images. In addition to exploring the properties of the dust, the homogeneous nature of the spectrophotometric data from the SDSS allows us to systematically study the star formation, active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity and local environment of the D-ETGs, compare these systems to a statistically meaningful `control' sample drawn from the general ETG population and put some of the results in the literature on a firmer statistical footing. We are also able to explore the properties of the gas in the minor mergers that are responsible for star formation in nearby ETGs, and provide a more complete picture of the star formation activity in massive ETGs at late epochs. The plan for this paper is as follows. Section~\\ref{section:data} describes the selection of D-ETGs from the SDSS and the construction of a control sample to which their properties are compared. In Section~\\ref{section:morphologies} we discuss the high incidence of disturbed morphologies observed in the D-ETG sample. In Section~\\ref{section:environment} we explore the local environment of these galaxies, and in Section~\\ref{section:sf_agn} we employ UV-optical spectrophotometry to study their star formation and AGN activity. We explore the properties and origin of the dust in Section~\\ref{section:dust} and conclude by summarising our findings in Section~\\ref{section:summary}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{section:summary} We have explored the properties of dust and associated molecular gas in ETGs, by studying 352 nearby ($0.012.09\\ \\mathrm{rad}$ and higher blob velocities $\\Gamma>2.8$ our differential number of scattered photons is higher by a factor of $f_{corr}=3.09$ than calculated in \\citet{Dermer1995}. Hence, Dermer's approximations can be used for high Doppler factors and small observing angles, i.e. $\\theta_{\\alpha}=\\pi$. But for higher observing angles and smaller Doppler factors the deviation increases and the Klein-Nishina cross section and the exact incident photon distribution must be considered. Considering the boost factor that is needed to transform the differential number of scattered photons from the blob frame into the observer's frame, we computed a lower boost factor than derived in \\citet{Dermer1995}. Analogously to \\citet{Dermer1995} the boosting depends on the spectral index $p$ of the electron distribution. If $a_{\\alpha}$ and $a_{\\theta_{\\alpha}}$ describe the exponents of the Dopplerfactor of the respective quantities, the found boost factor goes as $D^{3+a_{\\alpha}+1+a_{\\theta_{\\alpha}}}$. $a_{\\alpha}$ coincidences with Dermer's $a=(p-1)/2$ and $a_{\\theta_{\\alpha}}$ reaches a smaller value. This difference can be explained by Dermer's use of the head on approximation. Dermer uses this approximation for all scattering processes but actually it is not valid for low energetic electrons. Furthermore the number of low energetic electrons coincides with the decrease of the deviation when smaller spectral indices of the electron distribution are considered. \\subsection{Conclusions} Comparing our work to \\citet{Georganopoulos2001} we did not use the head on approximation as well as the calculated scattered spectrum by \\citet{Jones1968} that averages over all angles of the emergent photons. In \\citet{Georganopoulos2001} the only angle dependent quantity is the Doppler factor while we computed directly the angle dependent scattered spectrum. While the rough shape and peak energies coincidences with \\citet{Georganopoulos2001} we find as already mentioned a smaller boost factor than \\citet{Dermer1995} and \\citet{Georganopoulos2001}. Due to the exact calculation the break in our spectrum is much sharper than in \\citet{Georganopoulos2001}. But taking the average of all angles of the emergent photons softens the break and approaches the results of \\citet{Georganopoulos2001}. Summing up, in contrast to \\citet{Dermer1995} we observe a higher differential number of scattered photons in the regime of elastic scattering. Furthermore a lower boost factor was computed because we considered the exact distribution of the incident photon field. Despite this difference Dermer's approximation is applicable for high Doppler factors and small observing angles. But for high inclination angles (e.g. M87, \\citealt{Giovannini2010}) or small Doppler factors (e.g. BL Lacertae 3C371.0 or RG 3C84, \\citealt{Hovatta2009}) the calculations of this work should be used. Furthermore for high electronic spectral indices Dermer's boost factor overvalues and a too large number of scattered photons is yielded." }, "1107/1107.0009_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We compare models for Type Ia supernova (\\snia) light curves and spectra with an extensive set of observations. The models come from a recent survey of 44 two-dimensional delayed-detonation models computed by \\cite{KRW09}, each viewed from multiple directions. The data include optical light curves of 251 \\sneia, some of which have near-infrared observations, and 2231 low-dispersion spectra from the Center for Astrophysics, plus data from the literature. These allow us to compare a wide range of \\snia\\ models with observations for a wide range of luminosities and decline rates. The analysis uses standard techniques employed by observers, including MLCS2k2, SALT2, and SNooPy for light-curve analysis, and the Supernova Identification (SNID) code of Blondin \\& Tonry for spectroscopic comparisons to assess how well the models match the data. The ability to use the tools developed for observational data directly on the models marks a significant step forward in the realism of the models. We show that the models that match observed spectra best lie systematically on the observed width-luminosity relation. Conversely, we reject six models with highly asymmetric ignition conditions and a large amount ($\\gtrsim1$\\,M$_{\\sun}$) of synthesized \\nifs\\ that yield poor matches to observed \\snia\\ spectra. More subtle features of the comparison include the general difficulty of the models to match the $U$-band flux at early times, caused by a hot ionized ejecta that affect the subsequent redistribution of flux at longer wavelengths. The models have systematically higher velocities than the observed spectra at maximum light, as inferred from the Si\\two\\,\\l6355 line. We examine ways in which the asymptotic kinetic energy of the explosion affects both the predicted velocity and velocity gradient in the Si\\two\\ and Ca\\two\\ lines. Models with an asymmetric distribution of \\nifs\\ are found to result in a larger variation of photometric and spectroscopic properties with viewing angle, regardless of the initial ignition setup. We discuss more generally whether highly anisotropic ignition conditions are ruled out by observations, and how detailed comparisons between models and observations involving both light curves and spectra can lead to a better understanding of \\snia\\ explosion mechanisms. ", "introduction": "\\label{sect:intro} Type Ia supernovae (\\sneia) play a major role in many astrophysical phenomena. They produce a large fraction of iron in the universe (e.g., \\citealt{Truran/Cameron:1971}), heat the interstellar medium (e.g., \\citealt{Ciotti/etal:1991}), and form an endpoint of binary star evolution (e.g., \\citealt{Iben/Tutukov:1984}). \\sneia\\ provide the most reliable and precise cosmological distances to establish the acceleration of cosmic expansion \\citep{R98,P99}. Despite their astrophysical importance, however, they remain enigmatic objects. There is a general consensus that they result from the thermonuclear disruption of a carbon-oxygen white dwarf (WD) star \\citep{Hoyle/Fowler:1960} approaching the Chandrasekhar mass ($M_{\\rm Ch}\\approx1.4$\\,M$_{\\sun}$), either through accretion from a non-degenerate binary companion (the ``single-degenerate'' scenario), or through merger with another WD (the ``double-degenerate'' scenario; \\citealt{Iben/Tutukov:1984,Webbink:1984}). Which of these two possibilities constitutes the dominant (or sole) progenitor channel for \\sneia\\ is still debated (see \\citealt{Howell:2010} for a recent review). The explosion mechanism itself is also largely unknown (see \\citealt{Hillebrandt/Niemeyer:2000} for a review). In the preferred ``delayed-detonation'' model \\citep{Khokhlov:1991}, the burning starts as a turbulent subsonic deflagration near the WD center and transitions to a supersonic detonation near its surface. The deflagration pre-expands the WD so that the subsequent detonation does not burn the entire star to nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE) material (including \\nifs\\ to power the light curve), but instead synthesizes appropriate fractions of high-velocity ($\\sim10000$\\,\\kms) intermediate-mass elements (IME; such as Mg, Si, S, Ca, etc.) needed to reproduce the observed spectra. The first simulations were carried out in 1D, but recent studies show that multi-dimensional simulations are needed to capture hydrodynamical instabilities (e.g., \\citealt{Gamezo/Khokhlov/Oran:2005,Roepke/Niemeyer:2007}) and to provide a physical basis for the transition from deflagration to detonation. (e.g., \\citealt{Woosley:2007,Roepke:2007,Woosley/etal:2009}). The empirical relation between the peak luminosity and the width of the light-curve (the so-called width-luminosity relation, or WLR; \\citealt{Pskovskii:1977,Phillips:1993}), instrumental to the use of \\sneia\\ as distance indicators, can be physically interpreted in terms of (1) varying opacity with the amount of synthesized \\nifs\\ \\citep{Hoeflich/Khokhlov:1996}, (2) varying mass of the progenitor WD \\citep{Pinto/Eastman:2000a}, or (3) the {\\sc iii}$\\rightarrow${\\sc ii} (i.e. doubly- to singly-ionized) recombination timescale of iron-group elements in the SN atmosphere \\citep{Kasen/Woosley:2007}. More detailed calculations are also needed to explain the observed scatter in the WLR. In a recent paper, \\cite{KRW09} (hereafter KRW09) conducted a 2D survey of delayed-detonation models, in which they varied the radial/angular distribution and number of ignition points in a Chandrasekhar-mass C+O WD star, as well as the criterion for deflagration-to-detonation transition. By synthesizing light curves and spectra for different viewing angles, they were able to broadly reproduce both the observed width-luminosity relation (for all but subluminous \\sneia) and its scatter, illustrating the importance of multi-dimensional computations to reproduce observed trends in \\snia\\ properties. Furthermore, they showed that variations in the metallicity of the progenitor WD affect both the slope and normalization of the WLR, and that ignoring these effects could potentially lead to systematic overestimates of $\\sim2$\\%\\ on distance determinations to \\sneia. To study such subtle effects, one must ensure the models reproduce all observed trends in some detail, and not just the width-luminosity relation. This is precisely what we set out to do in the present study, where we conduct an extensive analysis of the delayed-detonation models of KRW09 through a detailed and direct comparison with observations of \\sneia. We present the models and data in \\S~\\ref{sect:modeldata}, and our methods for quantitatively evaluating each model in \\S~\\ref{sect:method}. We then proceed to a detailed comparison of their photometric (\\S~\\ref{sect:phot}) and spectroscopic (\\S~\\ref{sect:spec}) properties with actual data. We discuss whether explosion models with asymmetric ignition conditions are ruled out by observations in \\S~\\ref{sect:disc}, and conclude in \\S~\\ref{sect:ccl}. ", "conclusions": "\\label{sect:ccl} We have presented a detailed comparison of a recent survey of 2D delayed-detonation explosion models by KRW09 with observations of Type Ia supernovae. We apply standard methods used by \\snia\\ observers to compare the model light curves and spectra with empirical templates. This represents a significant step forward in the realism of the models. Running several light-curve fitters (MLCS2k2, SALT2, SNooPy) on synthetic $(U)BVRI$ light curves, we find some tension between the light-curve shape of the models and actual data, the models having longer rise times. Based on cross-correlations with a library of \\snia\\ spectra, we quantified the overall resemblance of individual models to observed \\sneia, and found that the best models/viewing angles lied systematically on the observed width-luminosity relation. Comparison of several photometric properties of the models (rise times, maximum-light colours and their evolution with time) shows a broad agreement with observations, but reveals some problems with flux redistribution from the near-UV to the near-IR bands, a key mechanism needed to explain both the width-luminosity relation and the secondary maxima in the NIR light curves, and mediated by the {\\sc iii}$\\rightarrow${\\sc ii} recombination timescale of iron-group elements \\citep{Kasen:2006,Kasen/Woosley:2007}. Subsequent investigation of spectra for a subset of selected models confirmed the excess of $U$-band flux in the models at early times, likely caused by a hot ionized ejecta and subsequent lack of absorption by Fe\\two/Co\\two. Interestingly, one of our selected models (DD2D\\_iso\\_08\\_dc3) that shows the best overall agreement in optical and NIR colour evolution with observations lies off the width-luminosity relation (i.e. the colours match, but not the luminosity). This reveals one limitation of our approach, which relies on maximum-light spectra to rank the different models, whereas a combination of photometric and spectroscopic properties is needed for a proper evaluation. Comparison of maximum-light spectra show the models have systematically large absorption velocities (most visible in the Si\\two\\,\\l6355 line), affecting the relative shapes and strengths of spectral features and smoothing out small substructures observed in iron-dominated absorption complexes at $\\sim4300$\\,\\AA\\ and $\\sim4800$\\,\\AA. Consequently, correlations between several spectroscopic indicators and \\dmft\\ decline rate have a much larger scatter in the models. The relation found by \\cite{Foley/Kasen:2011} between Si\\two\\,\\l6355 absorption velocity and intrinsic $B-V$ colour (redder \\sneia\\ having larger $|v_{\\rm abs}|$) is also not reproduced in the models, most showing a weak correlation in the opposite direction. However, the observed correlation is weak and subject to a large uncertainty given the errors on intrinsic $B-V$ colour inferred from the data. Nonetheless, we identify a trend of larger absorption blueshifts for higher kinetic energy for models in which only the criterion for deflagration-to-detonation transition is varied. The overall evolution of the model spectra compares well with observations, as illustrated by the comparison of synthetic spectra for model DD2D\\_iso\\_06\\_dc2 between $-10$\\,d and +20\\,d from $B$-band maximum with observed spectra of SN~2003du, but several discrepancies characteristic of most models are apparent. The synthetic spectra are too blue (i.e. too hot) at early times, and the ionization that ensues affects their subsequent evolution. Most notably, the models appear to lack an absorption feature around $\\sim5000$\\,\\AA\\ (attributed to Fe\\two/Co\\two), and fail to reproduce the strong emission feature at $\\sim5800$\\,\\AA\\ (attributed to Na\\one\\,D) from +10\\,d onwards. Non-LTE calculations of \\snia\\ spectra also fail to reproduce this line \\citep{Baron/etal:2006}. The evolution of the Ca\\two\\,\\l3945 absorption velocity with time exhibits a strong diversity in the models which contrasts with the steady and smooth decrease seen in the data. Model DD2D\\_asym\\_01\\_dc3 has an asymmetric \\nifs\\ distribution and shows all types of behaviour depending on the viewing angle, due to the varying radial Ca distribution with different lines of sight. The evolution of the Si\\two\\,\\l6355 velocity shows little variation before maximum light, while the post-maximum evolution (the velocity gradient) appears conditioned by the kinetic energy of the explosion, affecting the abundance and radial distribution of silicon. While this does not contradict the recent findings of \\cite{Maeda/etal:2010c}, who associate the observed diversity in velocity gradients with viewing angle effects in off-center explosions, it shows that the interpretation of such gradients depends on more than a single parameter of the explosion. We reject six models of KRW09 with highly asymmetric ignition conditions and are characterized by large amounts ($\\gtrsim 1$\\,\\msun) of \\nifs. We do not reject off-center delayed-detonation models for \\sneia\\ as a whole, but note the extreme sensitivity of the amount and distribution of burning products in the deflagration phase to the initial distribution of ignition points \\citep[see also][]{Livne/Asida/Hoeflich:2005}. Throughout this paper we have focused on discrepancies between the models and observations more than we have highlighted their mutual agreement, but this merely results from the unprecedented level of detail of our study. Such detail is necessary to use the predictive power of the models to provide a physical basis to some observed trends, as well as use the data to impose meaningful constraints on the models. The 2D delayed-detonation models of KRW09 have a degree of fidelity which makes them amenable to the same analysis we use on observations of \\sneia, but they still require some adjustments to accurately match the data. The ability to reproduce the bolometric/multi-band light curves and the width-luminosity relation is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for a model to be considered a valid approximation of real \\sneia. Further insights from three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations, more accurate nucleosynthetic post-processing, and full non-LTE radiative transfer calculations are all part of the solution. We are confident that a detailed comparison of light curves and spectra from grids of models using the framework developed in this paper will lead to a better understanding of \\snia\\ explosion mechanisms." }, "1107/1107.5901_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "A comprehensive search for variable and transient radio sources has been conducted using $\\sim$~55,000 snapshot images of the {\\sl FIRST} survey. We present an analysis leading to the discovery of 1,627 variable and transient objects down to mJy levels over a wide range of timescales (few minutes to years). Variations observed range from 20\\% to a factor of 25. Multi-wavelength matching for counterparts reveals the diverse classes of objects exhibiting variability, ranging from nearby stars and pulsars to galaxies and distant quasars. Interestingly, more than half of the objects in the sample have either no classified counterparts or no corresponding sources at any other wavelength and require multi-wavelength follow-up observations. We discuss these classes of variables and speculate on the identity of objects that lack multi-wavelength counterparts. ", "introduction": "The first celestial radio source detected -- the Sun -- was discovered as a consequence of its variability \\citep{hey46}. Nonetheless, while variability has continued to be a source of discovery and insight in the radio regime, few dedicated searches for variables and transients have been undertaken, primarily because the observing times required to conduct deep wide-field surveys are large and current instruments tend to have poor figures of merit for variability studies \\citep{cor04}. Indeed, one of the key scientific aims of the next generation of radio telescopes such as LOFAR, ASKAP, MWA and, eventually, the SKA is a study of radio variability. As discussed by \\citet{hes09}, LOFAR will survey the sky for pulsars and fast transients at low frequencies (30-240~MHz) with an emphasis on timescales of less than a second. CVs, X-ray binaries, GRBs, SNe, AGN, flare stars, exoplanets and many more new phenomena, as well as extrinsic causes such as interstellar and interplanetary scintillation, are expected to contribute to its inventory of radio transients and variables \\citep{fen08}. The Australian SKA Pathfinder \\citep[ASKAP;][]{joh07,joh08} is designed to achieve very high survey speeds and noise levels down to $\\sim 10-100$~$\\mu$Jy in an hour in the 1~GHz band, and will shed light on GRBs, radio supernovae (RSNe), Intra-Day Variables (IDVs), etc. The Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) will operate in the 80-300~MHz range carrying out a blind search for variables and transients in addition to targeting explosive events, stellar and planetary phenomena, and compact objects over a range of timescales from nanoseconds to years \\citep{lon09}. The EVLA \\citep{nap06,rup00} will offer vastly improved sensitivity along with dynamic scheduling, providing a host of new capabilities for transient and variable searches. Finally, a search for radio variables and transients also forms an important part of the scientific objectives of the Square Kilometer Array (SKA). The SKA is expected to discover a number of classes of variable radio objects such as pulsars and magnetars, GRBs that are $\\gamma$-ray loud and $\\gamma$-ray quiet in both afterglow and prompt emission, sub-stellar objects such as brown dwarfs and exoplanets, microquasars, and potentially new classes of astrophysical phenomena \\citep{cor04,cor08,wil04}. Most of the research on radio variability to date has focused on bright radio samples (e.g., \\citet{gre86}, $S>0.4$~Jy at 408~MHz; \\citet{lis01}, $S>0.4$~Jy at 5~GHz; \\citet{all03}, $S>1.3$~Jy at 5~GHz). At these flux densities, the radio source population is dominated by AGN, while at fainter flux densities ($\\lesssim$~1~mJy), it is dominated by star-forming galaxies \\citep{win99,ric99,hop00}. Research on the variability of faint radio sources has so far yielded small samples as a consequence of the small areas searched and the long integration times required. \\citet{car03} observed the Lockman Hole region on timescales of 19 days and 17 months down to 0.1~mJy at 1.4~GHz and discovered nine variable sources, providing an upper limit to the areal density of variable radio sources, as well as constraints on the beaming angle of GRBs and confusion limits relevant to searches for GRB afterglows. Archival VLA calibrator observations spanning 22 years with 944 independent epochs have been used by \\citet{bow07} to search for radio transients over a single field with half-power beam widths of 9\\farcm0 and 5\\farcm4 at 5~GHz and 8.4~GHz, respectively. The typical observation's flux density threshold is $300$~$\\mu$Jy. They detect eight transients in single epochs and two transients in two-month averages of the data. Two of the transients were identified as RSNe, while the absence of optical counterparts for the remainder offers a wide variety of possibilities including Orphaned GRB Afterglows (OGRBA), stellar sources, propagation effects, microlensing events, or perhaps mechanisms heretofore unknown. In the Galaxy, single radio bursts detected from the Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey revealed a new population of neutron stars: Rotating Radio Anomalous Transients \\citep[RRATs;][]{mcl06}. Galactic Center Radio Transients \\citep[GCRTs;][]{hym02,hym05,hym09} have diverse light curves with outburst periods and burst durations varying from minutes to months. Lacking counterparts at other wavelengths, their hosts, and the physical mechanisms involved, remain a mystery. Two large, sensitive, wide-field surveys exist at radio wavelengths. The NRAO VLA Sky Survey \\citep[NVSS;][]{con98} covered the entire sky north of -40\\arcdeg declination at 1.4~GHz with a resolution of 45\\arcsec and an rms noise of 0.45~mJy. The Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-cm survey \\citep[{\\sl FIRST};][]{bec95} has covered $\\gtrsim$~9,000~deg$^2$ of the sky at 1.4~GHz with a uniform rms of 0.15~mJy and an angular resolution of 5\\farcs4. A number of authors have used these two surveys in their overlap region to search for radio transients. \\citet{lev02} tried to constrain the detection rates of orphaned radio afterglows often associated with GRBs. \\citet{gal06} attempted to characterize the sample generated by \\citet{lev02}. They report the detection of a radio SN in a nearby galaxy and the detection of a source with no optical counterpart, concluding the latter is unlikely to be associated with a GRB. They also place tighter constraints on the beaming factor of GRBs and a limit on total rate of nearby relativistic explosions, implying that most core collapse SNe do not eject unconfined relativistic outflows. These studies have been complicated by the mismatched resolutions and flux density sensitivities of the NVSS and the {\\sl FIRST} surveys. \\citet{dev04} have used $\\sim$~120~deg$^2$ of the {\\sl FIRST} survey data near $\\delta=0$\\arcdeg taken in 1995 and then repeated in 2002 to study the optical properties of sources that exhibit significant radio variability at 1.4~GHz over this seven-year interval. They find 123 variable objects with flux densities ranging from $\\sim$~2~-~1000~mJy. They conclude that there is a higher fraction of quasars in the sample of variables compared to the non-varying sample. More recently, \\citet{ofe10} have raised a very interesting possibility that the mysterious transients of \\citet{bow07} observed out of the plane of the Galaxy, based on their areal number density, duration and energy characteristics, could have a progenitor population consistent with being Galactic isolated old neutron stars with mean distances of the order of kpc. X-ray follow-up \\citep{cro11} of the transients reported by \\citet{bow07} mostly resulted in non-detections and the X-ray flux upper limits imply consistency of the progenitor population with the above possibility besides being consistent with extreme flare stars at $\\gtrsim$~1~kpc or less extreme flares from brown dwarfs at distances of $\\sim$~100~pc. Here, we use the data from the {\\sl FIRST} survey to create the largest, unbiased sample of variable radio sources to date down to a sensitivity level of a few mJy. In \\S\\ref{FIRST}, we describe the attributes of the {\\sl FIRST} survey relevant to a study of radio variability. In \\S\\ref{dataanalysis}, we present our approach to extracting a sample of variables from the more than two million individual source observations contained in the database. We then describe (\\S\\ref{selection}) our refinement of the list of variable candidates, the parameterization of their variability, and a summary of their properties. In \\S\\ref{catalog}, \\S\\ref{crossid} and \\S\\ref{summary}, we present the results of our analysis, including the cross-identification of our sample of transients and variables with existing data at optical wavelengths (and in other spectral regimes), and a discussion of the classes of variables identified, as well as the new populations which might exist among the unidentified radio variables. ", "conclusions": "\\label{summary} After analyzing $\\sim 55,000$ snapshot images from the {\\sl FIRST} survey of the radio sky covering 8444 deg$^2$ with sensitivity down to 1 mJy for variability and transient phenomena, we have assembled a sample of 1627 sources that are significantly variable. This sample was matched with multi-wavelength catalogs to identify counterparts. We found 13 radio pulsars, 53 SDSS spectroscopic QSOs, 67 SDSS photometric QSOs, 489 galaxies, 5 stars, 123 optically detected but unclassified sources and 877 objects lacking optical counterparts. The unidentified sources mostly occupy the parameter-space of galaxies and QSOs but there are a few notable outliers. Follow-up observations of several of these source classes would likely be fruitful. Our study has shown that there is much to be discovered in the dynamic radio sky. Exploration by the next-generation instruments sampling different portions of the spectral and temporal domains will prove to be highly productive." }, "1107/1107.1075_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We quantify the potential for testing MOdified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) with LISA Pathfinder (LPF), should a saddle point flyby be incorporated into the mission. We forecast the expected signal to noise ratio (SNR) for a variety of instrument noise models and trajectories past the saddle. For standard theoretical parameters the SNR reaches middle to high double figures even with modest assumptions about instrument performance and saddle approach. Obvious concerns, like systematics arising from LPF self-gravity, or the Newtonian background, are examined and shown not to be a problem. We also investigate the impact of a negative observational result upon the free-function determining the theory. We demonstrate that, if Newton's gravitational constant is constrained not be re-normalized by more than a few percent, only contrived MONDian free-functions would survive a negative result. There are exceptions, e.g. free-functions not asymptoting to 1 in the Newtonian limit, but rather diverging or asymptoting to zero (depending on their mother relativistic MONDian theory). Finally, we scan the structure of all proposed relativistic MONDian theories, and classify them with regards to their non-relativistic limit, finding three broad cases (with a few sub-cases depending on the form of the free function). It is appears that only the Einstein-Aether formulation, and the sub-cases where the free-function does not asymptote to 1 in other theories, would survive a negative result without resorting to ``designer'' free-functions. ", "introduction": "Einstein's theory of General Relativity (GR) and the $\\Lambda$CDM standard model are two cornerstones of modern cosmology. They posit that the gravitational effects of large scale structures in the universe (such as galaxies and clusters of galaxies) cannot be explained by luminous, baryonic matter alone, but rather that an additional cold (pressureless) and dark (non-luminous) matter component is needed. However, in the absence of direct observational evidence for dark matter, it remains nothing but a useful calculational device. For as long as this is true, it is scientifically healthy to explore alternative explanations for the anomalous gravitational dynamics, namely by modifying the theory of gravity itself. MOdified Newtonian Dynamics (or MOND~\\cite{Milgrom:1983ca}) is one such scheme valid in the non-relativistic regime. It was first proposed to explain observed dynamical properties of galaxies without invoking dark matter. More recently it has been incorporated into relativistic theories~\\cite{BSTV,aether,aether1,Milgrom:2009gv,Milgrom:2010cd}, following from the ground breaking proposal of ``TeVeS'' by Bekenstein~\\cite{teves}. Relativistic extensions are needed for reasons beyond logical completeness: they are required to explain, for example, phenomenology associated with lensing and cosmology~\\cite{kostasrev}, where dark matter is also usually employed. When the whole picture is assembled the conflict between MOND and dark matter leaves considerable scope for doubt over the interpretation of new astrophysical and cosmological data. A fair comparison requires re-evaluating, within each approach, the whole set of assumptions underlying the new observations. For this reason the debate would benefit from a direct probe, in the form of a laboratory or Solar System experiment. This has been proposed in various forms, namely in planetary data~\\cite{Blanchet} appealing to the exterior field effect~\\cite{Milgromss}. The fact that MOND predicts anomalously strong tidal stresses in the vicinity of saddle points of the Newtonian potential has been advocated as one such decisive direct test~\\cite{Bekenstein:2006fi}. The forthcoming LISA Pathfinder mission~\\cite{LISA} presents the perfect opportunity for its realization, as a preliminary feasibility study has demonstrated~\\cite{Bevis:2009et,companion}. The purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed quantitative evaluation of the power of a MONDian saddle test using LPF, predicated upon a scenario where a mission extension is granted. The extension would involve redirecting the spacecraft from Lagrange point L1 to a saddle of the Earth-Moon-Sun system~\\cite{companion} once its nominal mission at L1 is completed. In establishing the scientific case our efforts in this paper are twofold. In the first part of the paper we propose some basic data analysis tools and evaluate their expected performance. These tools are an adaptation of the ``noise-matched filters'' employed in gravitational wave detection~\\cite{sathya}. Their implementation benefits from a major simplification: for a saddle test we do know the template's starting point in time. A number of pitfalls and potential systematics found in detection of gravitational waves are therefore expected to be absent. The filter's optimal signal to noise ratio (SNR) allows us to quantify with a single number the predicted outcome for any experiment. Assuming a ``standard'' MONDian theory, the unknowns reduce to the instrument performance (the noise properties) and the trajectory past the saddle (its impact parameter). For each of these we can condense the expected outcome of a LPF test in a single number: the forecast SNR assuming MOND is correct. Our central results are in Section~\\ref{secsnr}, particularly in Figs.~\\ref{fig:SNR contours} and~\\ref{fig:SNR-improved}, where the optimal SNR is plotted against noise level and saddle impact parameter. In a cataclysmic scenario for instrument performance and saddle approach we'd still achieved ${\\rm SNR}\\approx 5$. For less pessimistic assumptions, high double figures are easily reached. We examine the effect of the spacecraft speed as it flies past the saddle, showing that just about any typical speed will turn out to be optimal. This is due to a remarkable coincidence, spelled out in Section~\\ref{systematics} and in the concluding section of this paper. In Section~\\ref{systematics} we also show that possible systematic errors, such as self-gravity or the Newtonian background, are in fact harmless. In the second part of this paper, and complementing the work just described, we spell out the generality, or otherwise, of the conclusions in the first part, and examine the implications of a negative observational result. Just how comprehensively would the failure to detect the predicted high SNRs rule out the MONDian paradigm as a whole? As explained in Section~\\ref{theory} the large menagerie of proposed relativistic MONDian theories practically all reduce to the same non-relativistic limit as TeVeS, and virtually all theories fall into 3 categories. One then is left with a free-function, $\\mu$, and the question is, how much leeway does it provide for evading a negative result? In Section~\\ref{frefn} we review previously proposed free functions, rewriting them under a unified notation. We then lay down conditions for what should be permissible {\\it simple} free functions at the most basic level (by simple we mean with a minimum number of regimes and scales). Briefly we require that: (I) The theory shouldn't renormalize Newton's gravitational constant by more than a few percent in the Newtonian regime; (II) The theory should predict the usual MONDian effects when the Newtonian acceleration drops below acceleration scale $a_0$. These constraints were implemented in TeVeS and set the standard for a viable theory with useful astronomical implications. We show that {\\it all natural functions satisfying these conditions result in similar SNRs for an LPF saddle test, as long as the impact parameter is smaller than $400\\unit{km}$}. The only exceptions are free-functions with a divergence (and with the rest of their domain excised) such as those suggested in~\\cite{Angus,FamaeyN}; however these {\\it may} fall foul of existing Solar system constraints and other requirements~\\cite{Fam-gaugh,FamaeyN,ssconst,Gentile}. We leave for a future publication a more detailed examination of these functions. Of course one may open the doors to free-functions with more structure: e.g. functions with three or more regimes instead of the minimal two. In Section~\\ref{nullres} we quantify how contrived the free function $\\mu$ would have to be, for the theory to survive a negative result. We find that, for bounded functions, only a $\\mu$ turning from 1 (Newtonian regime) into an intermediate power-law, $\\mu\\propto z^n$, and only then into the MONDian $\\mu\\propto z$, would be viable. The intermediate $n$ would have to be very different from 1 even with undemanding requirements on impact parameter and noise. Another possibility are the free-functions suggested in~\\cite{Zhao,Bruneton,McGaughMW,Zhaoeco}, for which galaxy rotation fits and Solar system constraints are combined to motivate more structured free-functions. All of these invoke three regimes (and so have two implied scales). Even then, in Section~\\ref{nullres1} we show that these would be within striking distance for a saddle test with LPF. Thus, with the exception of diverging $\\mu$, only ``designer'' $\\mu$ would bypass a negative result. Although this conclusion is derived for TeVeS-like theories it might be more general. With the usual honorable exceptions and provisos, the Einstein-Aether formulation~\\cite{aether,aether1} and a particular case of Milgrom's bimetric theory~\\cite{Milgrom:2009gv,Milgrom:2010cd} might be the only relativistic realizations of MOND to realistically survive a negative result from a saddle test, a matter we'll examine in a future publication. We conclude that a LPF test has both the power to detect MOND with a high SNR should it be true, and to rule it out, should a negative result be obtained. ", "conclusions": "\\label{concs} In this paper we showed how a LPF saddle flyby would either detect MOND to a high SNR or rule it out, if not comprehensively, at least to a large extent. The former conclusion could be expected. Even though in Sections~\\ref{secsnr} and~\\ref{systematics} we provided rigorous and quantitative SNR estimates, the high levels forecast can be understood with a ``back of the envelope'' calculation. The exercise highlights an uncanny coincidence. The accelerometer aboard LPF has a non-white noise profile, dipping in the region of the mHz, i.e. in the rough time scale of minutes. The motivation for this design lies in the gravitational wave signals to be targeted by LISA. It just so happens that the MONDian bubbles of anomalous tidal stresses around the Earth-Sun-Moon saddles have a length scale of the order of a hundred kilometers. Anything free-falling in the Earth-Moon region has a typical speed of the order of 1km/s. Thus, the time scale for crossing a MONDian bubble will be of the order of minutes: just where the instrument performance is optimal. This is a remarkable coincidence. Scribbling on the back of an envelope, using the expression for the SNR of a noise-matched filter and the order of magnitude of the stresses and noise, promptly reveals double figure SNRs. The question then arises as to how generic this conclusion is, or conversely, should a negative result be found, how thoroughly have we ruled out MOND. In Section~\\ref{theory} we scanned the full array of MONDian theories, showing that in the non-relativistic regime they fall into only 3 categories (which we labelled type I, IIA/B and III). Even if we restrict ourselves to type I theories (a class containing the vast majority of these theories, including TeVeS), we benefit from the leverage of a free function, $\\mu$. Could MONDologists use $\\mu$ to survive a negative result? In Sections~\\ref{frefn} we examined $\\mu$ functions on offer in the literature and laid down criteria for reasonable $\\mu$ based on astrophysical usefulness, viability in the face of constraints, {\\it and naturalness}. We found that once these criteria are taken into account the size of the MOND bubble, $r_0$, is fixed. There are exceptions to this rule; e.g. diverging $\\mu$ functions, but these {\\it may} be subject to other constraints (they will be examined elsewhere). Predictions for what happens inside the bubble are also model independent; however the tidal stress anomalies outside the bubble depend on the transient from MONDian into Newtonian regime, with a fall-off which is indeed model dependent. Thus, for impact parameters smaller than $r_0$ the predicted SNRs are robust, and do not change substantially with the model. For the currently expected $b$ (around $50\\unit{km}$, with $r_0\\sim 380\\unit{km}$) this is indeed the case. Therefore the only way for MOND to wriggle out of a negative LPF result would be to change the bubble size $r_0$. This can only be accomplished with ``designer'' $\\mu$-functions. If $\\mu$ is allowed to have two scales and two power-laws away from its Newtonian value of 1, then it is possible to bypass a negative LPF result. Even for undemanding noise levels and impact parameters, the intermediate power becomes very contrived. Similarly fine-tuned functions have been proposed in the literature. In Section~\\ref{nullres1}, we showed how LPF could be used to constrain them. The point remains that one would have to bend backwards to accommodate a negative result, within type I theories. There are exceptions to this rule (for example diverging $\\mu$ functions) and these derserve further attention. Although we didn't present quantitative results for type II theories, the same conclusions apply qualitatively to type IIB theories (but not type IIA theories). If $G$ is renormalized and the free function $\\nu$ is chosen to produce the same phenomenology as type I theories (in particular with regards to $G_{Ren}$ and MONDian behaviour), then the MOND bubble has the same size, and the anomalous tidal stresses are of the same order. As explained in Section~\\ref{theory}, in both types of theory MONDian behaviour is due to an extra field $\\phi$, and if one attends simultaneously to $G_{Ren}\\approx G$ and $\\phi\\sim \\Phi_N$ for $a_N\\approx a_0$, then MONDian behavior in $\\phi$ should be triggered at the same Newtonian acceleration $a_N=a_N^{trig}\\gg a_0$. This implies a MONDian bubble of the same size $r_0$. Furthermore the (also $\\nu$-independent) effects inside the bubble are different from type I predictions, but stronger. Type II theories don't have a curl field (in the sense define above), a feature which softens the anomalous tidal stresses in type I theories~\\cite{Bekenstein:2006fi}. A detailed quantitative prediction for type II theories is currently being investigated (see~\\cite{aliqmond}; also we reference here a paper on the matter which has appeared since the present paper was submitted~\\cite{typeII}.) However, it may be that the relativistic mother theory is set up in such a way that the cosmological and non-relativistic $G$ coincide, the case of type IIA theories. In this case the MOND bubble around the saddle is very small. Likewise type III theories (or, rather, its single relativistic realization, the Einstein-Aether theory) produce effects around saddles which are unobservable with current technology. In these theories $G$ is not renormalized and $a^{trig}=a_0$, so that the MOND bubble is a few meters across. Remarkably, solar system tests are extremely constraining upon type III theories, due to the so-called external field effect~\\cite{Blanchet}. By contrast solar system effects for type I and IIB theories are suppressed by a factor of $\\kappa/4\\pi$. Thus saddle tests and planetary orbits seem to be complementary in constraining MONDian theories. We close by noting that we could, of course, detach our considerations entirely from the MOND paradigm (as an alternative to dark matter), and regard these theories formally as a class on alternative theories of gravity (see~\\cite{Clifton11} for an extensive review). It is remarkable that only three classes of theories emerge in the non-relativistic regime, which we labelled type I, II and III in Section~\\ref{theory}. We could then view $\\kappa$ and $a_0$ as free parameters, converting a LPF saddle flyby into a constraint or a detection in this space. We are currently working on this alternative approach." }, "1107/1107.1243_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We study the change in cosmic-ray pressure, the change in cosmic-ray density, and the level of cosmic-ray induced heating via \\alfven-wave damping when cosmic rays move from a hot ionized plasma to a cool cloud embedded in that plasma. The general analysis method outlined here can apply to diffuse clouds in either the ionized interstellar medium or in galactic winds. We introduce a general-purpose model of cosmic-ray diffusion building upon the hydrodynamic approximation for cosmic rays (from McKenzie \\& V\\\"olk and Breitschwerdt and collaborators). Our improved method self-consistently derives the cosmic-ray flux and diffusivity under the assumption that the streaming instability is the dominant mechanism for setting the cosmic-ray flux and diffusion. We find that, as expected, cosmic rays do not couple to gas within cool clouds (cosmic rays exert no forces inside of cool clouds), that the cosmic-ray density does not increase within clouds (it may slightly decrease in general, and decrease by an order of magnitude in some cases), and that cosmic-ray heating (via \\alfven-wave damping and not collisional effects as for $\\sim 10$\\,\\MeV cosmic rays) is only important under the conditions of relatively strong (10\\,\\muG) magnetic fields or high cosmic-ray pressure ($\\sim 10^{-11}$\\,ergs\\,cm$^{-3}$). ", "introduction": "The possibility of a rise or fall in cosmic-ray density within diffuse clouds and/or molecular cores has been studied over many years by researchers interested either in gamma-ray emission from cool clouds \\citep[e.g.,][]{Skilling1971, SkillingStrong1976, CesarskyVoelk1977, StrongSkilling1977, CesarskyVoelk1978, Morfill1982a, Morfill1982b, Voelk1983} or in ionization by cosmic rays within clouds \\citep[e.g.,][]{HartquistEtAl1978, SuchkovEtAl1993, PadoanScalo2005, PadovaniEtAl2009, Papadopoulos2010}. Another regime where this interaction may be important is in cool clouds that are readily observed within galactic winds \\citep[e.g.,][]{HeckmanEtAl1990, Martin2005, RupkeEtAl2005, SteidelEtAl2010}. In the context of such winds, cosmic rays are known to help heat and drive outflows of fully ionized gas \\citep{BreitschwerdtEtAl1991, EverettEtAl2008, SocratesEtAl2008, EverettEtAl2010}; can they help heat and accelerate cool clouds embedded in a hot wind? We will examine this problem using a set of hydrodynamic equations that treat both convective and diffusive transport of cosmic rays self-consistently; this has rarely been done in studies of cosmic-ray dynamics, and has never been done in the context of cool clouds. Before we start, however, it is important to understand the variety of previous work on this problem. We start, therefore, with a review of models of cosmic-ray interaction with cool clouds in Section~\\ref{reviewSection}; we cover models of cosmic-rays in the ISM (Section~\\ref{ismStudiesReview}) \\& cosmic rays in galactic winds (Section~\\ref{galacticWindsReview}), followed by an introduction to our method (Section~\\ref{ourModel}). Section~\\ref{cosmicRayHydro} defines our equations for cosmic-ray hydrodynamics, and Section~\\ref{cloudModels} applies those models to a simple hot-gas/cool-cloud interface, and examines how robust those results are. Finally, Section~\\ref{conclusions} summarizes our results and compares \\& contrasts those results with previous work. ", "conclusions": "" }, "1107/1107.1769_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "We employ a three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction technique, for the first time to study the kinematics of six coronal mass ejections (CMEs), using images obtained from the COR1 and COR2 coronagraphs on board the twin STEREO spacecraft, as also the eruptive prominences (EPs) associated with three of them using images from the Extreme UltraViolet Imager (EUVI). A feature in the EPs and leading edges (LEs) of all the CMEs was identified and tracked in images from the two spacecraft, and a stereoscopic reconstruction technique was used to determine the 3D coordinates of these features. True velocity and acceleration were determined from the temporal evolution of the true height of the CME features. Our study of kinematics of the CMEs in 3D reveals that the CME leading edge undergoes maximum acceleration typically below $2\\Rsun$. The acceleration profiles of CMEs associated with flares and prominences exhibit different behaviour. While the CMEs not associated with prominences show a bimodal acceleration profile, those associated with prominences do not. Two of the three associated prominences in the study show a high and rising value of acceleration up to a distance of almost $4\\Rsun$ but acceleration of the corresponding CME LE does not show the same behaviour, suggesting that the two may not be always driven by the same mechanism. One of the CMEs, although associated with a C-class flare showed unusually high acceleration of over $1500\\mpss$. Our results therefore suggest that only the flare-associated CMEs undergo residual acceleration, which indicates that the flux injection theoretical model holds good for the flare-associated CMEs, but a different mechanism should be considered for EP-associated CMEs. ", "introduction": "\\label{S:intro} Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) result from a loss of equilibrium in the magnetic configuration in the solar corona \\citep{Priest1988,Klimchuk2001}. Several factors like, flux emergence, flux cancellation, reconnection, shear, etc., are thought to be responsible for this loss of equilibrium \\citep{Forbes.etal2006,Seaton.etal2011}. Once the equilibrium is lost, the energy needed by the CME for its propagation is derived from the surrounding magnetic field \\citep{Forbes2000,Low2001}. Very often, the energy of the surrounding field is sufficient not only to propel a CME, but also to accelerate it \\citep{Alexander2006}. \\citet{Zhang.Dere2006} have categorised the evolution of CMEs into a three-phase process involving initiation, acceleration and propagation (Figure 1 in their paper). According to \\citet{Zhang.Dere2006}, the initiation phase is the phase of slow rise of CMEs, and in the acceleration phase they undergo a very rapid increase in their velocity, while, in the propagation phase, the CME velocity remains more or less constant, \\thatis, it experiences almost zero acceleration. Using LASCO \\citep{Brueckner.etal1995} observations on board the SoHO spacecraft \\citep{Domingo.etal1995a}, \\citet{Yashiro.etal2004} have observed that the CME velocity in the outer corona varies from less than $100\\kmps$ to over $3000\\kmps$. The propagation of CMEs can be understood if we consider the forces acting on them, which are the Lorentz force, gravitational force, and drag because of the ambient solar wind. Of the three forces, the drag force is the strongest beyond a few solar radii, and the other two can be neglected \\citep{Gopalswamy.etal2001b,Cargill2004,Vrsnak.etal2010}. This is further supported by results obtained by \\citet{Gopalswamy.etal2000}. They have observed that although initial CME speeds range from $124-1056\\kmps$, the speeds of the corresponding interplanetary ejecta are found to lie in the range of $320-650\\kmps$, which is more or less the speed of the ambient solar wind. \\citet{Cargill2004} have reported that speeds of interplanetary CMEs (ICMEs) corresponding to CMEs with speeds ranging from $100-2000\\kmps$, as measured from coronagraphs, lie within $100-200\\kmps$ of the ambient solar wind. However, the time a CME takes to reach the Earth, the transit time, is known to vary from less than a day to over four days. This indicates that most of the CME dynamics occurs closer to the Sun. \\citet{Vrsnak.etal2010} have reported that transit times of broad, low-mass CMEs depend mainly on the surrounding solar wind speed, while those of narrow, massive CMEs depend mainly on the initial speeds of the CMEs. Recently, \\citet{Manoharan.Rahman2011} have also found that most of the ICMEs tend to attain speeds close to that of the ambient solar wind, and have estimated travel times of the CMEs to reach a distance of \\mbox{1\\,AU} based on the CME initial speed and drag due to solar wind. CMEs have been classified on the basis of their source regions. \\citet{Gosling.etal1976}, using the coronagraph on Skylab spacecraft, were the first ones to report that CMEs associated with flares are faster than those associated with prominences. This was supported by observation of CMEs by \\citet{MacQueen.Fisher1983} who used the \\textit{K}-coronameter at Mauna Loa Solar Observatory. In addition, they also observed that the former type showed smaller acceleration with increase in height than the latter. \\citet{Sheeley.etal1999} have also reported a similar result based on their technique to track features observed in SoHO/LASCO coronagraphs. \\citet{Moon.etal2002} in a statistical study involving over 3200 CMEs observed from SoHO/LASCO have reported that flare-associated CMEs have a higher median speed than those associated with EPs. Their study also found that although the median acceleration of all the events is zero, it decreases a little for CMEs with high speeds ($>500\\kmps$). \\citeauthor{Srivastava.etal1999a} (\\citeyear{Srivastava.etal1999a}; \\citeyear{Srivastava.etal2000}) have found that gradual CMEs attain the speed of the ambient solar wind at about $20\\Rsun$ from the Sun. Results from \\citet{Gopalswamy.etal2001b} also are consistent with this study, who reported deceleration as high as $-100\\mpss$ for fast CMEs (speed $>900\\kmps$) from a combined study of SoHO/LASCO and radio observations from Wind spacecraft. \\sloppy \\citet{Chen.Krall2003} have studied acceleration of three CMEs using SoHO/LASCO observations, and proposed that CME acceleration occurs in two phases, the `main' phase and the `residual' phase. While most of the acceleration occurs in the main phase, there lies a second phase of acceleration known as the residual acceleration in the outer corona. \\textbf{\\citet{Chen.Krall2003} and \\citet{Chen.etal2006} have identified the main acceleration phase as the interval over which Lorentz force is the most dominant, while during the residual phase, Lorentz force is comparable to the two other force, viz, gravity and drag.} They have employed the magnetic flux rope model \\citep{Chen1989} to show a relation between the height at the peak of main acceleration phase, and the footpoint separation of the CME flux rope. In their model, \\citet{Chen.Krall2003} have proposed that a change in duration of the flux injection \\citep{Krall.etal2000} determines the strength of the residual acceleration phase. Similarly, \\citet{Zhang.Dere2006} have also reported two such phases of acceleration based on their study of 50 CMEs observed from SoHO/LASCO. All the studies cited above use a single viewpoint to observe the CMEs. The results then inherently suffer from projection effects of the transients on to the plane of the sky. In order to overcome this, we decided to look at CMEs from the stereoscopic vision of Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) \\citep{Kaiser.etal2008}. The STEREO spacecraft provide two viewpoints of the prominences and the associated CMEs. We have used a stereoscopic reconstruction technique to determine the true physical coordinates of a solar feature \\citep{Joshi.Srivastava2011}. The stereoscopic reconstruction would allow us to observe evolution of the true height of prominences and CMEs, and hence their true velocity and acceleration. From this we can examine if the acceleration truly exhibits bimodal profile as the model suggests. This will also give us a clue about the initiation and propagation of CMEs in the corona. ", "conclusions": "\\label{S:conclude} We have analysed six CMEs from the coronagraphs COR1 and COR2, and the associated EPs in three of the cases from EUVI on board the identical STEREO\\,A and B spacecraft. We identified and tracked a feature in the LE of all the CMEs in both COR1 and COR2, and in the associated prominences, wherever applicable. While most of the earlier studies on CME acceleration were carried out using projected measurements, we have used a stereoscopic reconstruction technique \\citep{Joshi.Srivastava2011} to obtain the true coordinates, and hence the true speed and acceleration of the feature. On fitting a polynomial function to the true height, the speed and acceleration of the CMEs as a function of time and true height were determined. The results of the kinematic study of EPs and the CME LEs are shown in Figures~\\ref{F:res16nov}--\\ref{F:res01aug}. We summarise the results obtained from the reconstruction in Table~\\ref{T:summa}. \\vspace{-0.2cm} \\begin{center} \\begin{table}[!tbp] \\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrr} \\hline Event & $v_{max}$ & height of & $a_{max}$ & height of & $v$ at & $a$ at \\\\ & (\\kmps) & $v_{max}$ ($\\Rsun$) & (\\mpss) & $a_{max}$ ($\\Rsun$) & 10$\\Rsun$ & 10$\\Rsun$ \\\\ \\hline 16 Nov 2007 LE & 451 & 12.2 & 50 & 2.2 & 408 & 16 \\\\ 31 Dec 2007 LE & 876 & 13.0 & 1524 & 1.9 & 860 & 2 \\\\ ~9 Apr 2008 LE & 533 & 7.6 & 123 & 2.3 & 488 & -15 \\\\ 16 Dec 2009 LE & 356 & 5.8 & 90 & 1.9 & 488 & -15 \\\\ 13 Apr 2010 LE & 522 & 12.6 & 61 & 1.9 & 193 & 36 \\\\ ~1 Aug 2010 LE & 567 & 4.4 & 213 & 4.4 & --- & --- \\\\ ~9 Apr 2008 EP & 268 & 3.5 & 104 & 1.2 & --- & --- \\\\ 13 Apr 2010 EP & 377 & 3.9 & 141 & 3.9 & --- & --- \\\\ ~1 Aug 2010 EP & 224 & 2.9 & 34 & 1.6 & --- & --- \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular} \\caption{Summary of the 6 LEs and 3 EPs analysed using three-dimensional reconstruction. $v_{max}$ and $a_{max}$ denote the maximum speed and acceleration of the CME calculated. The heights at which CMEs attained these values are also provided. The last two columns show the speed and acceleration of the CMEs at a distance of $10\\Rsun$.}\\label{T:summa} \\end{table} \\end{center} \\vspace{-1.0cm} It is believed that most of the CME acceleration typically occurs in the lower corona. \\citet{Chen.Krall2003} have found the height of maximum acceleration of CME to be $2-3\\Rsun$ from a study of several CMEs, \\citet{Vrsnak2001a} have considered this height to be $4\\Rsun$. However, from our reconstructed results (Figures~\\ref{F:res16nov}--\\ref{F:res01aug}), we observe that in all the cases studied here, the peak of main phase of acceleration lies below the true height of $2\\Rsun$. This indicates that most of the CME dynamics occurs closer to the Sun than previously believed, as shown by \\citet{Chen.etal2006} from a comparison of observations and models. Earlier studies \\citep{Zhang.etal2001,Chen.Krall2003}, have observed CMEs in all the three SoHO/LASCO coronagraphs which together cover a range from $1.1-32\\Rsun$. In such studies, the initiation phase of the CME, as well as peak of their acceleration could be observed. The COR1 and COR2 coronagraphs together image the solar corona from $1.4$ to $15.0\\Rsun$, however these are only the plane-of-sky FOVs of the coronagraphs. The minimum value of true height of reconstructed features the corona is approximately $2.0\\Rsun$. Thus, in most of the cases we do not capture the rise phase acceleration of the LE of CME. In all but one case studied here, the acceleration peak has already passed from the time we start observing the CME. At this point, it is necessary to point out that the heights determined in this study are true heliocentric distances, hence they are seen to be significantly different than the heights obtained from previous studies which relied upon observations from a single spacecraft. The CME on 2007 December 31 was associated with a flare having X-ray class C8, however it still showed a very high value of acceleration of over $1500\\mpss$. Earlier studies have shown that the acceleration phase of CMEs coincides with the increase in soft X-ray flux due to the associated flare \\citep{Neupert.etal2001,Shanmugaraju.etal2003}. \\citet{Maricic.etal2007} have also shown that both the velocity and acceleration of the CME show a significant correlation with the X-ray class of the associated flare. As per the least squares fit obtained from their study, acceleration of the CME associated with a C8 flare should be around $300\\mpss$. The value calculated by us however, is 5 times more, suggesting that the flare energy alone might not be the only one to drive the CMEs. In such a scenario, the supposition that impulsive and gradual CMEs are respectively associated with flares and EPs \\citep{MacQueen.Fisher1983,Moon.etal2002} should also be subjected to further scrutiny. Also, deviations to the findings reported by \\citet{Maricic.etal2007}, where acceleration of CMEs is correlated with the X-ray class of the associated flare, should not be ignored. \\citet{Raftery.etal2010} have used soft and hard X-ray observations in addition to STEREO observations \\citep{Lin.etal2010} to analyse the 2007 December 31 CME, and have found that it follows the tether-cutting reconnection model. The results obtained from reconstruction were used to determine maximum acceleration, average acceleration, acceleration magnitude, and acceleration duration, attained by the CMEs and EPs. The time interval between the maximum and the zero value of acceleration is termed as the acceleration duration, while the velocity increase during this time divided by acceleration duration is termed as the acceleration magnitude \\citep{Zhang.Dere2006}. The very high value of acceleration for the 2007 December 31 CME makes the event an `outlier', hence, we have not included that value in the scatter plots in Figure~\\ref{F:max_spd}. The left panel shows speed at maximum acceleration plotted against the maximum acceleration. From this figure, we find that in the events studied by us, higher the maximum value of acceleration, higher is the speed at that instant. While, the right panel of Figure~\\ref{F:max_spd} shows scatter plot of maximum acceleration and height at the instance of maximum acceleration. This scatter plot suggests, that higher the acceleration, higher up in the corona it occurs. \\textbf{Although the acceleration in this study is determined up to the COR2 FOV, it may not be the value with which the CME is travelling at larger distances from the Sun. Based on interplanetary measurements, it was shown earlier by \\citet{Gopalswamy.etal2000} that slow CMEs tend to accelerate, while the faster ones tend to decelerate. Recently, \\citet{Davis.etal2010} have measured the speeds of 26 CME from the Heliospheric Imagers (HI), which are part of the SECCHI suite on the STEREO spacecraft. In their study, they have found that CMEs with speeds less than $400\\kmps$ in COR2 FOV have higher speeds in HI FOV, and vice-versa. Thus they have cautioned that a CME may undergo genuine acceleration even in the HI FOV, which extend from $15-84\\Rsun$ for HI-1 and $66-318\\Rsun$ for HI-2.} Previous studies have reported that acceleration of a CME shows bimodal distribution \\citep{Chen.Krall2003}. We observe such a bimodal distribution in 3 CMEs, the ones which are not associated with prominence eruptions. The residual acceleration for the very impulsive 2007 December 31 CME was $90\\mpss$, while for the CMEs on 2007 November 16 and 2009 December 16, it was found to be $18\\mpss$ and $-2\\mpss$, respectively. The other CMEs, which are associated with prominences do not show such an acceleration profile. \\citet{Chen.Krall2003} have invoked the flux injection mechanism to trigger an eruption in a magnetic flux rope, which leads to the residual acceleration phase. In the cases analysed here, we observe that only the flare-associated CMEs undergo residual acceleration, which indicates that flux injection seems to be a good explanation for eruption of the flare-associated CMEs studied here, but a different mechanism should be considered for EP-associated CMEs. Of the three CMEs associated with prominences, the 2010 April 13 and 2010 August 1 were associated with large quiescent polar crown prominences, while the one on 2008 April 9 was associated with an active-region prominence. We find that the prominences on 2008 April 9 and 2010 April 13 showed a strong positive acceleration in the COR1 FOV, when their heights were close to almost $4\\Rsun$. During the same time however, acceleration of the CME LE was decreasing. This indicates that even at a height of $4\\Rsun$, forces acting on the CME and the EP cannot be considered to be the same, as suggested by \\citet{Srivastava.etal2000} and \\citet{Maricic.etal2004}. Thus, in this study, from the 3D reconstruction of six CMEs and EPs associated with three of them, we have observed some aspects of their acceleration, as detailed above, which were not previously reported. We find that the maximum CME acceleration occurs at a height of less than $2\\Rsun$, where earlier, this height was believed to be between $2-4\\Rsun$. The bimodal acceleration profile was not observed in EP-associated CMEs, but in only those CMEs that were not associated with EPs. Two of the three prominences in the study showed a high and rising value of acceleration at a distance of almost $4\\Rsun$ but the corresponding CME LE does not show the same behaviour. The CME on 2007 December 31, showed acceleration of over $1500\\mpss$, which is unusually high for a CME associated with a C-class flare. The authors thank the STEREO/SECCHI consortium for providing the data. The SECCHI data used here were produced by an international consortium of the Naval Research Laboratory (USA), Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Lab (USA), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (USA), Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK), University of Birmingham (UK), Max-Planck-Institut for Solar System Research (Germany), Centre Spatiale de Li$\\grave{\\textrm e}$ge (Belgium), Institut d'Optique Theorique et Appliqu$\\acute{\\textrm e}$e (France), Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (France). Work by N.S. partially contributes to the research on collaborative NSF grant \\mbox{ATM-0837915} to Helio Research. \\begin{figure} \\centering \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c1_b_16nov07_0945.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c1_a_16nov07_0945.eps} \\\\ \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c2_b_16nov07_1507.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c2_a_16nov07_1507.eps} \\\\ \\caption{Images of the CME on 2007 November 16 seen in images from COR1 (top panels) and COR2 (bottom panels), as seen from STEREO\\,B (left) and A (right).}\\label{F:img16nov} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure}[!p] \\centering \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c1_b_31dec07_0115.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c1_a_31dec07_0115.eps} \\\\ \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c2_b_31dec07_0207.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c2_a_31dec07_0207.eps} \\\\ \\caption{Images of the CME on 2007 December 31 seen, similar to Figure~\\ref{F:img16nov}.}\\label{F:img31dec} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\centering \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{eu_b_09apr08_1006.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{eu_a_09apr08_1006.eps} \\\\ \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c1_b_09apr08_1055.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c1_a_09apr08_1055.eps} \\\\ \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c2_b_09apr08_1308.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c2_a_09apr08_1308.eps} \\\\ \\caption{Images of the EP and associated CME on 2008 April 9, seen in images from EUVI 304\\Ang\\ (top panels), COR1 (middle panels) and COR2 (bottom panels), as seen from STEREO\\,B (left) and A (right).}\\label{F:img09apr} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\centering \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c1_b_16dec09_0225.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c1_a_16dec09_0225.eps} \\\\ \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c2_a_16dec09_0454.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c2_b_16dec09_0454.eps} \\\\ \\caption{Images of the CME on 2009 December 16 seen, similar to Figure~\\ref{F:img16nov}.}\\label{F:img16dec} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\centering \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{eu_b_13apr10_0806.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{eu_a_13apr10_0806.eps} \\\\ \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c1_b_13apr10_0945.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c1_a_13apr10_0945.eps} \\\\ \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c2_b_13apr10_1254.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c2_a_13apr10_1254.eps} \\\\ \\caption{Images of the EP and the associated CME on 2010 April 13, similar to Figure~\\ref{F:img09apr}.}\\label{F:img13apr} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\centering \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{eu_b_01aug10_0746.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{eu_a_01aug10_0746.eps} \\\\ \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c1_b_01aug10_0925.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c1_a_01aug10_0925.eps} \\\\ \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c2_b_01aug10_1024.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.30\\textwidth,clip=]{c2_a_01aug10_1024.eps} \\\\ \\caption{Images of the EP and the associated CME on 2010 August 1, similar to Figure~\\ref{F:img09apr}.}\\label{F:img01aug} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\centerline { \\includegraphics[width=0.465\\textwidth,clip=]{rcn_2007nov16_spac1.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.470\\textwidth,clip=]{rcn_2007nov16_vsht1.eps} } \\caption{Results from the stereoscopic reconstruction applied to a feature in LE of the CME on 2007 November 16. Left: True height of the CME feature against time in the top panel, followed by the true speed and acceleration against time in the middle and bottom panels. Right: True height of the CME against time at the top, followed by the true speed and acceleration against true height in the middle and bottom panels. Plus signs (+) and asterisks (*) indicate that the feature was observed in COR1 and COR2 FOVs, respectively.}\\label{F:res16nov} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\centerline { \\includegraphics[width=0.46\\textwidth,clip=]{rcn_2007dec31_spac1.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.46\\textwidth,clip=]{rcn_2007dec31_vsht1.eps} } \\caption{Results from stereoscopic reconstruction for CME on 2007 December 31, similar to Figure~\\ref{F:res16nov}}\\label{F:res31dec} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\centerline { \\includegraphics[width=0.465\\textwidth,clip=]{com_2008apr09_pL_spac.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.470\\textwidth,clip=]{com_2008apr09_pL_vsht.eps} } \\caption{Results from stereoscopic reconstruction for CME on 2008 April 9, similar to Figure~\\ref{F:res16nov}. Here, triangles ($\\vartriangle$) indicate feature observed in EUVI FOV.}\\label{F:res09apr} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\centerline { \\includegraphics[width=0.465\\textwidth,clip=]{rcn_2009dec16_spac1.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.470\\textwidth,clip=]{rcn_2009dec16_vsht1.eps} } \\caption{Results from stereoscopic reconstruction for CME on 2009 December 16, similar to Figure~\\ref{F:res16nov}}\\label{F:res16dec} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\centerline { \\includegraphics[width=0.465\\textwidth,clip=]{com_2010apr13_pL_spac.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.470\\textwidth,clip=]{com_2010apr13_pL_vsht.eps} } \\caption{Results from stereoscopic reconstruction for CME on 2010 April 13, similar to Figure~\\ref{F:res09apr}}\\label{F:res13apr} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\centerline { \\includegraphics[width=0.465\\textwidth,clip=]{com_2010aug01_pL_spac.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.470\\textwidth,clip=]{com_2010aug01_pL_vsht.eps} } \\caption{Results from stereoscopic reconstruction for CME on 2010 August 1, similar to Figure~\\ref{F:res09apr}}\\label{F:res01aug} \\end{figure} \\begin{figure} \\centerline { \\includegraphics[width=0.48\\textwidth,clip=]{maxacc_spd_a.eps} \\includegraphics[width=0.47\\textwidth,clip=]{maxacc_hgt_a.eps} } \\caption{Two scatter plot showing speed (left panel), and height (right panel) at the instance of maximum acceleration and the maximum acceleration itself of the 6 CMEs and 3 EPs studied. The legend shows data points corresponding to each event. Data point for 2007 December 31 is not shown since it has a very high value of maximum acceleration.}\\label{F:max_spd} \\end{figure}" }, "1107/1107.5656_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{ It has recently been shown that the terrestrial planets and asteroid belt can be reproduced if the giant planets underwent an inward-then-outward migration (the \"Grand Tack\"; Walsh et al 2011). Inward migration occurs when Jupiter opens a gap and type II migrates inward. The planets \"tack\" and migrate outward when Saturn reaches the gap-opening mass and is caught in the 3:2 resonance with Jupiter.} {The aim is to test the viability of the Grand Tack model and to study the dynamical evolution of Jupiter and Saturn during their growth from $10$ $\\mearth$ cores.} {We have performed numerical simulations using a grid--based hydrodynamical code. Most of our simulations assume an isothermal equation of state for the disk but a subset use a fully-radiative version of the code.} {For an isothermal disk the two phase migration of Jupiter and Saturn is very robust and independent of the mass-growth history of these planets provided the disk is cool enough. For a radiative disk the we find some outcomes with two phase migrations and others with more complicated behavior. We construct a simple, 1-D model of an evolving viscous disk to calculate the evolution of the disk's radiative properties: the disk transitions from radiative to isothermal from its outermost regions inward in time.} {We show that a two-phase migration is a natural outcome at late times even under the limiting assumption that isothermal conditions are required. Thus, our simulations provide strong support for the Grand Tack scenario. } ", "introduction": "The current paradigm of the origin and evolution of the Solar System's giant planets follows several distinct stages: \\begin{enumerate} \\item The cores of Jupiter and Saturn form by accretion of planetesimals (e.g., Kokubo \\& Ida 1998; Levison et al. 2010). The timescales of accretion are poorly constrained because as they grow the cores migrate due to both the back-reaction from planetesimal scattering (Fernandez \\& Ip 1984; Kirsh et al. 2009) and type I (tidal) interactions with the gaseous protoplanetary disk (Goldreich \\& Tremaine 1980; Ward 1986; Paardekooper et al. 2010). \\item Jupiter and Saturn's cores slowly accrete gas and each undergo a phase of rapid gas accretion (e.g., Mizuno 1980, Pollack et al. 1996). The rapid phase of accretion is triggered when the mass in each planet's gaseous envelope is comparable to the core mass. Runaway gas accretion lasts for roughly the local Kelvin-Helmholtz time and ceases when the planet opens an annular gap in the disk and transitions to type II migration (Lin \\& Papaloizou 1986; Ward 1997). Because of its larger mass and smaller orbital radius, Jupiter is thought to have undergone runaway gas accretion before Saturn. \\item Once fully-formed, Saturn migrated faster (Masset \\& Papaloizou 2003), caught up to Jupiter, and was trapped in 3:2 resonance (Pierens \\& Nelson 2008). Interestingly, this result is found to be a very robust outcome of the simulations, independent on the earlier evolution of Saturn's core. For instance, Pierens \\& Nelson (2008) investigated the scenario in which Saturn's core is initially trapped at the edge of Jupiter's gap and grows through gas accretion from the disk. In that case, they demonstrated that although Saturn is temporarily locked in the 2:1 resonance with Jupiter, it becomes ultimately trapped in the 3:2 resonance. \\item Once Jupiter and Saturn are trapped in 3:2 resonance, the gaps carved by the two planets in the Solar Nebula overlap. Saturn's gap is not as deep as Jupiter's (due to its smaller mass), and this causes Jupiter and Saturn to migrate outward while remaining in 3:2 resonance, provided that both the disk thickness and the disk viscosity are small enough (Masset \\& Snellgrove 2001; Morbidelli \\& Crida 2007). Outward migration is stopped when the disk dissipates or, if the disk is flared, at a critical distance where the disk is too thick and the structure of the two planets' common gap is compromised (Crida et al 2009). \\footnote{We note that this step is somewhat uncertain because both the migration and accretion rates of giant planet cores should a roughly linear dependence on the planet mass. Thus, we naively expect that Saturn's gas accretion should mimic Jupiter's as it migrates inward, meaning that Saturn should be roughly $1 M_J$ when it catches up to Jupiter, precluding outward migration, which requires a Saturn/Jupiter mass ratio of roughly 1/2 or smaller (Masset \\& Snellgrove 2001). The solution to this problem is not clear: it may involve a change in the disk opacity to allow Saturn's rapid type III migration to last for longer than Jupiter's. Such rapid migration has been invoked to explain the 3:2 resonant exoplanet system HD 45364 (Rein et al. 2010). Of course it is reasonable to expect that this mechanism is probably not universal, since it depends on details such as the timing of core formation and the disk properties. Thus, in many exoplanet systems \"Saturn\" would have reached $1 M_J$ and the two planets would not tacked and migrated outward. The architecture of such systems naturally would not resemble the Solar System. Understanding the statistical distribution of giant exoplanetary systems can therefore place constraints on their early evolution and the frequency of \"grand tacks\". } \\item After the dissipation of the gas disk, planetesimal-driven migration causes a large-scale spreading of the planets' orbits because Jupiter is the only planet for which the ejection of small bodies is more probable than inward scattering (Fernandez \\& Ip 1984; Hahn \\& Malhotra 1999). In the \"Nice model\", Jupiter and Saturn are assumed to have formed interior to their mutual 2:1 resonance and, when they cross it, an instability is triggered that causes the Late Heavy Bombardment (Gomes et al. 2005). Recent work has shown that the Nice model is still valid if more realistic initial conditions are used, with Jupiter and Saturn in 3:2 resonance and Uranus and Neptune also trapped in a resonant chain (Morbidelli et al. 2007; Batygin \\& Brown 2010). The Nice model can reproduce the giant planets' final orbits (Tsiganis et al. 2005), the orbital distribution of Jupiter's Trojan asteroids (Morbidelli et al. 2005), and several other characteristics of the Solar System's small body populations. \\end{enumerate} Although the detailed orbital evolution of the giant planets is not known, these steps explain their origin in broad strokes. By assembling steps 2-4, Walsh et al. (2011) recently proposed a new model to explain the origin of the inner Solar System called the \"Grand Tack\". In this model, Jupiter formed at $\\sim 2-5$ AU, migrated inward then \"tacked\" (i.e., changed the direction of its migration) at an orbital distance of $\\sim$1.5 AU when Saturn caught up and was trapped in 3:2 resonance and migrated back out past 5 AU. Jupiter's tack at 1.5 AU truncates the inner disk of planetary embryos and planetesimals from which the terrestrial planets formed at about 1 AU. This type of narrow truncated disk represents the only initial conditions known to satisfactorily reproduce the terrestrial planets, in particular the small mass of Mars compared with Earth (Wetherill 1978; Hansen 2009; Raymond et al. 2009; Walsh et al. 2011). An additional success of the Grand Tack model is that the asteroid belt is naturally repopulated from two distinct populations corresponding to the C- and S- type asteroids. At the end of the Grand Tack, the giant planets' orbits represent the initial conditions for the Nice model (Raymond et al., in prep.). The goal of this paper is to test the viability of the evolution of Jupiter and Saturn in the Grand Tack model (Walsh et al 2011). To accomplish this we use the GENESIS hydrocode to simulate the growth and migration of Jupiter and Saturn from $10$ $\\mearth$ cores. With respect to previous simulations (Masset \\& Snellgrove 2001; Morbidelli \\& Crida 2007; Pierens \\& Nelson 2008), we consider a self-consistent scenario in which the cores of Jupiter and Saturn slowly grow to full-fledged gas giants by accreting gas from the disk. We find that a two phase migration of Jupiter and Saturn is a very robust outcome in isothermal disks, but occurs in only one of two simulations in radiative disks. We place our simulations in the context of the evolving Solar Nebula using a 1-D diffusion algorithm that differentiates between radiative and isothermal behavior. Our results strongly favor a two-phase migration of Jupiter and Saturn, and support the Grand Tack. The paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we describe the hydrodynamical model. In Sect. 3, we present the results of isothermal simulations. In Sect. 4 we present results of radiative simulations. In Sect. 5 we construct a 1-D model of the Solar Nebula to show when the disk should be isothermal or radiative. Finally, we discuss our results and draw conclusions in Sect. 6. ", "conclusions": "Our results indicate that Jupiter and Saturn probably underwent a two-phase, inward-then-outward migration. In our simulations, Jupiter and Saturn start as $10$ $\\mearth$ cores and type I migrate; inward for isothermal disks, inward or outward for radiative disks. In most cases the two cores become locked in 3:2 mean motion resonance (MMR). At this point or after a delay of 500-1000 orbits, we allowed Jupiter to start accreting gas from the disk. When Jupiter reaches the gap-opening mass, it undergoes a phase of rapid inward migration as it clears out its gap (sometimes called type III migration; Masset \\& Papaloizou 2003) then settles into standard, type II migration. Inward migration continues until Saturn accretes enough gas to reach the gap-opening mass itself. At this point, Saturn's inward migration accelerates and is again trapped in the 3:2 MMR with Jupiter. Outward migration of both giant planets is then triggered via the mechanism of Masset \\& Snellgrove (2001). Outward migration stops when either a) the disk dissipates (as in Sect. \\ref{sec:disp}), b) Saturn reaches the outer edge of the disk, or, c) if the disk is flared, the giant planets drop below the local gap-opening mass (e.g., Crida et al. 2009). An additional stopping -- or at least slowing -- mechanism exists if the planets are unable to maintain a well-aligned resonant lock during migration. For example, in simulation I1 Jupiter and Saturn's rate of outward migration slowed significantly when one resonant angle transitioned from libration to circulation (see Figs. 1 and 3). Here, this appears to be due to a positive corotation torque exerted on Saturn by gas that polluted Jupiter and Saturn's common gap as the distance between the two planets increased during outward migration. On longer timescales it is unclear if this mechanism would continue to slow down and eventually stop the outward migration. In isothermal disks, the two phase migration of Jupiter and Saturn holds for almost the full range of parameters that we tested (Sect. 3). The only situation for which this result does not hold is if the gaseous Solar Nebula is relatively thick ($h = H/r \\gtrsim 0.05$). Both the disk's surface density profile and the value for the disk aspect ratio had an effect on the migration rate: disks with either shallower profiles or lower values of $h$ result in faster migration. Changing the disk's viscosity had little effect on the outcome, although we only tested a very small range. In one simulation (I4; Sect. \\ref{sec:varyxj}), Saturn's core was pushed past the 2:1 MMR with Jupiter leading to a significant eccentricity increase for both planets before the resonance was crossed, Saturn was trapped in the 2:3 MMR and both planets migrated outward. This dynamic phase of resonance crossing and eccentricity excitation is likely to be quite sensitive to the detailed properties of the disk (e.g., the scale height and viscosity) that determine the gap profile. We performed two simulations in radiative disks with mixed outcomes (Sect. 4). In the first case, Jupiter and Saturn started accreting together and so stayed relatively close to each other. The planets became locked in the 3:2 MMR and migrated outward even faster than in isothermal simulations due to the small aspect ratio of the outer disk ($h \\approx 0.03$). In the second case, Saturn started to accrete when Jupiter reached half its final mass (i.e., $x_J = 0.5$), by which time the two planets were beyond the 2:1 MMR. The planets succeeded in breaking the 2:1 and 5:3 MMRs, became trapped in the 3:2 MMR and migrated outward only to undergo a dynamical instability putting the planets once again beyond the 2:1 MMR. A more detailed study of outward migration in radiative disks is underway. Using a simple 1-D model of an evolving Solar Nebula we showed that the disk should be optically thick at early times, then transition to optically thin from the outside-in during the late phases of its evolution. At the orbital distance in question (1-10 AU), the disk transitions from radiative to isothermal behavior in the last 1-2 Myr of its evolution. Thus, even if we make the ``pessimistic'' assumption that an isothermal disk is required for outward migration of Jupiter and Saturn, the disk fulfills the criteria for long-range outward migration in its late phases. Outward migration of Jupiter and Saturn at this time is very likely provided the disk remains thin ($h \\lesssim 0.05$). Our simulations therefore show that an inward-then-outward migration of Jupiter and Saturn is extremely likely, and that the last phase of outward migration probably coincided with the late phases of the dissipation of the Solar Nebula. This is of particular interest because the two phase migration of Jupiter and Saturn helps resolve a long-standing problem in terrestrial planet formation. For over 20 years, simulations of terrestrial accretion have been unable to reproduce Mars' relatively small mass ($0.11$ $\\mearth$; Wetherill 1978, 1991; Chambers 2001; Raymond et al. 2009). This problem arises because, in a Solar Nebula that varies smoothly in orbital radius, there is a comparable or larger amount of mass in the vicinity of Mars than the Earth. For Mars to be so much smaller than Earth, most of the mass between roughly 1-3 AU must be removed (e.g., Raymond et al. 2006, 2009; O'Brien et al. 2006). Several mechanisms have been proposed to remove this mass, including strong secular resonances (Thommes et al. 2008, Raymond et al. 2009) and a narrow dip in the surface density caused by a radial dependence of the disk's viscosity (i.e., a dead zone; Jin et al. 2008). However, the problem is most easily and much better solved if the terrestrial planets did not form from a wide disk of planetary embryos but instead from a narrow annulus extending only from 0.7-1 AU (Wetherill 1978; Chambers 2001; Hansen 2009). In that case, Mars' small mass is simply an edge effect: Mars is small was built from one or perhaps a few embryos that were scattered beyond the edge of the embryo disk (this is also the case for Mercury, which was scattered inward beyond the inner edge of the embryo disk). In contrast, Earth and Venus formed within the annulus and are consequently much more massive. Simulations of terrestrial planet formation can quantitatively reproduce the orbits and masses of all four terrestrial planets as well as their radial distribution (Hansen 2009). The flaw in simulations of terrestrial planet formation in truncated disks is that they had no justification for the truncation; the ad-hoc initial conditions were simply chosen because they provided a good fit to the actual terrestrial planets (Hansen 2009). The two phase migration of Jupiter and Saturn provides such a justification via the Grand Tack model of Walsh et al. (2011). If Jupiter's turnaround point was at $\\sim 1.5$ AU then it would have naturally truncated the inner disk of embryos and planetesimals at about 1 AU -- in most of our simulations Jupiter indeed tacked at roughly this distance. As expected, the terrestrial planets that form from this disk quantitatively reproduce the actual terrestrial planets (Walsh et al. 2011). The Grand Tack model also provides the best explanation to date for the observed dichotomy between the inner and outer asteroid belt (Gradie \\& Tedesco 1982). Thus, the present-day Solar System appears to bear the imprint of a two phase migration of Jupiter and Saturn. Our hydrodynamical simulations provide support for the Grand Tack scenario. As with any numerical study, our simulations do not fully represent reality. The aspect of our simulations that is probably the least realistic is the gas accretion onto the giant planets' cores. In our simulations, gas accretion onto Jupiter and Saturn is extremely fast. Once accretion starts, Jupiter and Saturn reach their final masses in only a few thousand years, whereas the Kelvin-Helmholtz time in protoplanetary disks is more like $\\sim 10^5$ years. In addition, accretion onto growing giant planet cores requires transferring gas through circum-planetary accretion disks whose physical properties are poorly constrained (e.g., Ward \\& Canup 2010). Once the planets reached their actual masses we artificially turned off gas accretion. If, during the outward migration Saturn accreted enough gas to carve a gap as deep as Jupiter's then Saturn's outer lindblad torque would balance Jupiter's inner lindblad torque, outward migration would stop and the planets would turn back around and migrate inward. The impact of a more realistic accretion history on Jupiter and Saturn's migration remains an open question, in particular with regards to the interplay between gas accretion and the dispersal of both the cimcumstellar and cicumplanetary disks." }, "1107/1107.0842_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "{} {We investigate the structure and shape of the photospheric and molecular layers of the atmospheres of four Mira variables.} {We obtained near-infrared $K$-band spectro-interferometric observations of the Mira variables \\object{R~Cnc}, \\object{X~Hya}, \\object{W~Vel}, and \\object{RW~Vel} with a spectral resolution of about 1500 using the AMBER instrument at the VLTI. We obtained concurrent JHKL photometry using the the Mk~II instrument at the SAAO. } {The Mira stars in our sample are found to have wavelength-dependent visibility values that are consistent with earlier low-resolution AMBER observations of S Ori and with the predictions of dynamic model atmosphere series based on self-excited pulsation models. The corresponding wavelength-dependent uniform disk (UD) diameters show a minimum near the near-continuum bandpass at 2.25\\,$\\mu$m. They then increase by up to 30\\% toward the H$_2$O band at 2.0\\,$\\mu$m and by up to 70\\% at the CO bandheads between 2.29\\,$\\mu$m and 2.48\\,$\\mu$m. The dynamic model atmosphere series show a consistent wavelength-dependence, and their parameters such as the visual phase, effective temperature, and distances are consistent with independent estimates. The closure phases have significantly wavelength-dependent and non-zero values at all wavelengths indicating deviations from point symmetry. For example, the R Cnc closure phase is 110\\degr\\ $\\pm$ 4\\degr\\ in the 2.0\\,$\\mu$m H$_2$O band, corresponding for instance to an additional unresolved spot contributing 3\\% of the total flux at a separation of $\\sim$ 4\\,mas. } {Our observations are consistent with the predictions of the latest dynamic model atmosphere series based on self-excited pulsation models. The wavelength-dependent radius variations are interpreted as the effect of molecular layers lying above the photosphere. The wavelength-dependent closure phase values are indicative of deviations from point symmetry at all wavelengths, thus a complex non-spherical stratification of the extended atmosphere. In particular, the significant deviation from point symmetry in the H$_2$O band is interpreted as a signature on large scales (there being a few across the stellar disk) of inhomogeneities or clumps in the water vapor layer. The observed inhomogeneities might possibly be caused by pulsation- and shock-induced chaotic motion in the extended atmosphere. } ", "introduction": "Mira stars are long-period, large-amplitude variable stars on the asymptotic giant branch (AGB). Mass loss becomes increasingly important toward the tip of the AGB, before the star evolves to the planetary nebula (PN) phase, where a great diversity of morphologies is seen. Contemporary astrophysical questions related to the study of Mira variables include the pursuit of the detailed mass-loss mechanism on the AGB, including the effects of pulsation and shock fronts on the structure and morphology of the extended atmosphere, and of the mechanism shaping the observed PN morphologies. Near-infrared interferometry has traditionally been used to characterize AGB star atmospheres. In particular, observations using the IOTA interferometer have uncovered the wavelength-dependence of Mira star diameters using a few bandpasses with spectral resolutions of up to $\\lambda/\\Delta\\lambda\\sim25$, providing observational evidence of molecular layers lying outside the photospheric layers (e.g.; Mennesson et al. \\cite{mennesson02}; Perrin et al. \\cite{perrin04}). These molecular layers have also been present in theoretical dynamic model atmospheres (Hofmann et al. \\cite{hofmann98}, Ireland et al. \\cite{ireland04a,ireland04b}). $H$-band interferometry at the IOTA interferometer in the broad band (Ragland et al. \\cite{ragland06}), as well as in three filters with $\\lambda/\\Delta\\lambda\\sim15$ (Ragland et al. \\cite{ragland08}, Pluzhnik et al. \\cite{pluzhnik09}) have revealed non-zero closure phases for several Mira variables, which reflect asymmetric brightness distributions of the photosphere and/or the envelope around the star. Wittkowski et al. (\\cite{wittkowski08}) presented the first VLTI/AMBER near-infrared spectro-interferometric observation of an AGB star, providing continuous wavelength coverage from 1.29\\,$\\mu$m to 2.32\\,$\\mu$m with a spectral resolution of $\\lambda/\\Delta\\lambda\\sim35$. The data showed visibility and diameter variations as a function of wavelength that generally confirmed the predictions of dynamic model atmospheres, where the diameter variations can be understood as the effects from atmospheric molecular layers (most importantly H$_2$O, CO, and TiO). Here, we present the first VLTI/AMBER observations of Mira variables using its $K$ medium resolution modes with a spectral resolution of $\\lambda/\\Delta\\lambda\\sim1500$, and a comparison to the newly available {\\tt CODEX} dynamic model-atmosphere series by Ireland et al. (\\cite{ireland08,ireland11}), which are based on self-excited pulsation models. ", "conclusions": "The four Mira variables of our sample exhibit consistent characteristic wavelength dependences of the visibility and consequently the corresponding uniform disk diameter that are consistent with those of earlier low-resolution AMBER data of the Mira variable S~Ori and the predictions of the {\\tt P/M} and {\\tt CODEX} dynamic model atmosphere series. Here, the newly available {\\tt CODEX} series provides a closer agreement with the data than the earlier {\\tt P/M} series. This result confirms that the wavelength-dependent angular diameter is caused by the atmospheric molecular layers, here most importantly H$_2$O and CO, as they are naturally included in the dynamic model atmosphere series. Concurrent $JHKL$ photometry obtained at the SAAO was used to derive $T_\\mathrm{eff}$ based on the integrated bolometric flux and the fitted Rosseland-mean angular diameter. Parameters of the best-fit model atmospheres, such as visual phase, effective temperature, and distances are consistent with independent estimates, which provides additional confidence in the {\\tt CODEX} modeling approach. The closure phase functions of our targets exhibit non-zero values at all wavelengths with a wavelength dependence that also correlates with the positions of the H$_2$O and CO bands. This result indicates a complex non-spherical stratification of the extended atmosphere of Mira variables. The most significant deviation from point symmetry is observed in the H$_2$O band around 2.0\\,$\\mu$m, in particular for the clearly resolved target R~Cnc. We interpret this signal as an indication of inhomogeneities or clumps within the water vapor layer on scales of a few resolution elements across the stellar disk. These inhomogeneous water shells have also been detected for the Mira variable U Ori (Pluzhnik et al. \\cite{pluzhnik09}) and the symbiotic Mira variable R Aqr (Ragland et al. \\cite{ragland08}). The deviations from point symmetry at the near-continuum bandpass may be related either to photospheric convection cells (cf. Freytag \\& H\\\"ofner \\cite{freytag08}) or the inhomogeneities of molecular layers that may also contaminate this bandpass. Inhomogeneous or clumpy molecular layers may be expected as the result of chaotic motion induced by the interaction of pulsation and shock fronts with the extended atmosphere. The CODEX models indicate that the outer mass zones outward of 1.5--2 Rosseland radii are only loosely connected to the stellar pulsation (cf. Fig. 1 of Ireland et al. \\cite{ireland08}). Likewise, outer mass zones on different sides of the star may be only weakly correlated with each other and may have different extensions. Icke et al. (\\cite{icke92}) described as well that the outer layers of an evolved AGB star may respond with chaotic motion to the pulsations that originate in the stellar interior. Observations of water vapor layers may be particularly sensitive to these effects, but other molecules, such as CO, that are expected to be plentiful in the shocked region of the atmosphere (cf. Cherchneff \\cite{cherchneff06}) would also be affected by this large-scale chaotic motion. The resulting clumpy structure of molecular layers may explain our complex wavelength-dependent closure phase signal. Further interferometric campaigns with high spatial and spectral resolution are clearly needed to characterize in detail the morphology of atmospheric molecular layers in Mira variables." }, "1107/1107.0910_arXiv.txt": { "abstract": "Very high energy (VHE; $>$100 GeV) $\\gamma$-rays are expected to be emitted from the vicinity of super-massive black holes (SMBH), irrespective of their activity state. In the magnetosphere of rotating SMBH, efficient acceleration of charged particles can take place through various processes. These particles could reach energies up to $E\\sim10^{19}$eV. VHE \\gr emission from these particles is then feasible via leptonic or hadronic processes. Therefore passive systems, where the lack of a strong photon field allows the VHE \\grs to escape, are expected to be detected by Cherenkov telescopes. We present results from recent VHE experiments on the passive SMBH in the nearby elliptical galaxy NGC 1399. No \\gr signal has been found, neither by the \\hess experiment nor in the Fermi data analyzed here. We discuss possible implications for the physical characteristics of the system. We conclude that in a scenario where particles are accelerated in vacuum gaps in the magnetosphere, only a fraction $\\sim 0.3$ of the gap is available for particle acceleration, indicating that the system is unlikely to be able to accelerate protons up to $E\\sim10^{19}$eV. ", "introduction": "Spheroidal systems (such as elliptical galaxies, lenticular galaxies, and early-type spiral galaxies with massive bulges) are commonly believed to host super-massive black holes with masses in the range $\\mbh= (10^6 - 10^9)~M_\\odot$ in their central region \\citep[e.g.,][]{rich,ferr-ford}. Many SMBH are {\\it active} and give rise to emission over a wide range of frequencies. Some have been detected from radio to high energy \\grs ($\\sim1$ GeV). The SMBH is essential for the production and stability of relativistic jets. In many objects the inner, compact jets emit VHE \\gr emission through various leptonic and/or hadronic processes. In blazar-type objects, where the jet is pointing towards the observer, VHE \\gr emission is frequently observed \\citep[e.g.,][]{hin-hof,weekes}. Often, this can be successfully modeled by non-thermal electrons upscattering either their own synchrotron radiation or upscattering an external photon field, although a hadronic origin \\citep[e.g.,][]{aharonian00, muc-prot} cannot be excluded. In these cases the gamma-ray emission is released through the jets which in turn are powered by the SMBH. VHE emission may also be indirectly related to SMBH independent of any electromagnetic activity. The presence of a SMBH steepens the potential well and hence the density profile of dark matter in the central regions of galaxies. The rate of annihilation of Dark Matter particles \\citep[e.g.][]{darkmatter} will thus be increased resulting in enhanced emission of the gamma-rays generated in the annihilation. Several models for the direct production of \\gr emission in the vicinity of SMBH have been proposed \\citep[see e.g.,][]{cascadeinagn,mastichiadis,slane,boldt-gosh,lev,neron,neron-aha,rieger,istomin-sol,osm10,lev11}. Possibly, some of these mechanisms could also be responsible for acceleration of cosmic-rays to energies $E\\sim10^{19}$ eV and beyond. In order to avoid attenuation on circumnuclear fields, VHE photons could escape only if the SMBH does not produce too much low-energy radiation. The SMBH would have to be passive at low energies, i.e. most of the radiative losses would have to occur at high energies. In all cases a large mass of the central object is an important characteristic for generating a high VHE flux. Correlations involving the SMBH masses and properties of their host galaxies have been investigated by many authors. In particular $\\mbh$ is found to be linked to the central stellar velocity dispersion \\citep[e.g.,][]{gebhardt} or to the mass of the host galaxy bulge \\citep[e.g.,][]{magorrian}. These observational scaling laws, in addition to confirming the ubiquity of SMBH, have suggested that their activity is tightly linked to the evolution of their host galaxies \\citep[e.g.][]{ferr-ford}. During the early stages of galaxy evolution SMBH accrete matter at high rates and are observed as bright QSO (Quasi-Stellar Objects). Even if such systems generate VHE gamma-rays, the dense photon fields associated with the Quasar phase would pair-absorb the VHE radiation. The average radiative output at low photon energies (e.g., in the optical band) decays from redshift $z>3$ to $z=0$ by almost 2 orders of magnitude. The majority of SMBH in the local universe are hosted in systems of low accretion rate and are therefore not embedded in dense radiation fields. In {\\it passive} systems (i.e., SMBH hosted in nuclei without bright signatures of broad-band activity and very low luminosity in longer wavelengths). If VHE gamma-rays, if generated, can escape from the nuclear region without suffering from strong absorption via photon-photon pair absorption. While the detection of VHE gamma-rays in blazar-type systems is facilitated by the superluminal motion (the apparent luminosity is boosted and the optical depth related to photon-photon absorption is reduced, see \\citet{blaz_sch}), this is not the case for non-blazar systems. Hence, proximity and low luminosity in the IR/optical domain increase the possibility of a detection in the VHE band. Observations of passive systems can hence contribute to our understanding of the physics and properties of galactic nuclei. In addition they might give us an insight on Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray (UHECR; $E>4 \\times 10^{18}$ eV) sources. Here we present GeV limits and discuss observations of the passive SMBH in the core of NGC 1399, the central galaxy of the Fornax cluster, that were conducted with the \\hess Cherenkov telescope array \\citep{mio_icrc} and discuss its implications for gap-type particle acceleration and emission models. ", "conclusions": "If efficient gap-type particle acceleration and curvature emission occurs in NGC 1399, VHE $\\gamma$-ray emission should have been detected by Fermi and/or \\hess According to eq.~(\\ref{eq:luminosity_adaf}), the non-detection of NGC 1399 thus either suggests that (i) the strength of the ordered, magnetospheric field component is only a small fraction ($\\leq 0.1$) of the disk magnetic field value estimated above, (ii) on average only a small fraction of the gap ($[h/r_g]^2\\ll1$) is available for particle acceleration and/or (iii) the charge density $n_e$ in the vicinity of the black hole is much smaller than the Goldreich-Julian density, i.e. $(n_e/n_{\\rm GJ})\\ll1$. Option (i) would be incompatible with the jet power $L_{\\rm jet} \\simeq 10^{42}$ erg/s \\citep{shurkin} being provided by a Blandford-Znajek-type process. Option (ii) would require that the charge density around the black hole exceeds the Goldreich-Julian density $n_{\\rm GJ}\\simeq 2 \\times 10^{-3} (B/10^3\\mathrm{G})$ cm$^{-3}$. This could be the case if efficient pair production occurs near to the black hole \\citep[e.g.,][]{moc11,lev11}. The accretion rate for NGC 1399 inferred above \\citep[cf. also][]{narayan02} seems indeed close to the critical value $\\dot{m}_c \\simeq 2 \\times 10^{-4}$ where annihilation of MeV photons in a two-temperature ADAF could lead to the injection of seed charges with density $n_e \\geq n_{\\rm GJ}$ \\citep{lev11}. If the accretion rate would be sufficiently high, i.e., $\\dot{m} >\\dot{m}_c$ ensuring $n_e > n_{\\rm GJ}$, a substantial part of the gap is expected to be screened, suggesting $(h/r_g)^2 \\ll 1$. This could make the anticipated VHE output, eq.~(\\ref{eq:luminosity_adaf}), consistent with the VHE upper limits derived above. However, it would also imply that the available potential, eq.~(\\ref{V_effective}), is reduced down to a level where UHE proton acceleration will no longer be possible. On the other hand, if the accretion would be such that $\\dot{m} < \\dot{m}_c$, implying $n_e < n_{\\rm GJ}$ (option [iii]), fully-developed gaps ($h\\sim r_g$) may exist. This could again make $L_{\\gamma}$ consistent with the observationally inferred VHE upper limits. However, an additional plasma source would then be needed to establish the force-free outflow believed to be present on larger scales. One plausible scenario relates to pair cascade formation in charge-starved magnetospheric regions due to the absorption of inverse Compton up-scattered photons \\citep{lev11}. When applied to NGC 1399, the estimated multiplicity appears indeed sufficiently high ($M \\simgt 10^3$) to allow the pair density to approach the Goldreich-Julian density. As the optical depth for pair production across the gap is larger than unity even if the gap is not fully restored (i.e., for $h