File size: 9,578 Bytes
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"_name_or_path": "coastalcph/danish-legal-longformer-base",
"architectures": [
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"attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1,
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"id2label": {
"0": "health",
"1": "social framework",
"10": "building and public works",
"100": "European Union law",
"101": "humanities",
"102": "natural and applied sciences",
"103": "beverages and sugar",
"104": "processed agricultural produce",
"105": "agri-foodstuffs",
"106": "plant product",
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"108": "foodstuff",
"109": "food technology",
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"114": "America",
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"116": "Asia and Oceania",
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"17": "leather and textile industries",
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"88": "United Nations",
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"94": "oil industry",
"95": "soft energy",
"96": "electrical and nuclear industries",
"97": "EU finance",
"98": "EU institutions and European civil service",
"99": "European construction"
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"America": 114,
"Asia and Oceania": 116,
"EU finance": 97,
"EU institutions and European civil service": 98,
"Europe": 113,
"European Union law": 100,
"European construction": 99,
"European organisations": 91,
"United Nations": 88,
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"beverages and sugar": 103,
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"regions of EU Member States": 110,
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