from __future__ import print_function |
import os |
import sys |
import time |
import torch |
import math |
import numpy as np |
import cv2 |
def _gaussian( |
size=3, sigma=0.25, amplitude=1, normalize=False, width=None, |
height=None, sigma_horz=None, sigma_vert=None, mean_horz=0.5, |
mean_vert=0.5): |
if width is None: |
width = size |
if height is None: |
height = size |
if sigma_horz is None: |
sigma_horz = sigma |
if sigma_vert is None: |
sigma_vert = sigma |
center_x = mean_horz * width + 0.5 |
center_y = mean_vert * height + 0.5 |
gauss = np.empty((height, width), dtype=np.float32) |
for i in range(height): |
for j in range(width): |
gauss[i][j] = amplitude * math.exp(-(math.pow((j + 1 - center_x) / ( |
sigma_horz * width), 2) / 2.0 + math.pow((i + 1 - center_y) / (sigma_vert * height), 2) / 2.0)) |
if normalize: |
gauss = gauss / np.sum(gauss) |
return gauss |
def draw_gaussian(image, point, sigma): |
ul = [math.floor(point[0] - 3 * sigma), math.floor(point[1] - 3 * sigma)] |
br = [math.floor(point[0] + 3 * sigma), math.floor(point[1] + 3 * sigma)] |
if (ul[0] > image.shape[1] or ul[1] > image.shape[0] or br[0] < 1 or br[1] < 1): |
return image |
size = 6 * sigma + 1 |
g = _gaussian(size) |
g_x = [int(max(1, -ul[0])), int(min(br[0], image.shape[1])) - int(max(1, ul[0])) + int(max(1, -ul[0]))] |
g_y = [int(max(1, -ul[1])), int(min(br[1], image.shape[0])) - int(max(1, ul[1])) + int(max(1, -ul[1]))] |
img_x = [int(max(1, ul[0])), int(min(br[0], image.shape[1]))] |
img_y = [int(max(1, ul[1])), int(min(br[1], image.shape[0]))] |
assert (g_x[0] > 0 and g_y[1] > 0) |
image[img_y[0] - 1:img_y[1], img_x[0] - 1:img_x[1] |
] = image[img_y[0] - 1:img_y[1], img_x[0] - 1:img_x[1]] + g[g_y[0] - 1:g_y[1], g_x[0] - 1:g_x[1]] |
image[image > 1] = 1 |
return image |
def transform(point, center, scale, resolution, invert=False): |
"""Generate and affine transformation matrix. |
Given a set of points, a center, a scale and a targer resolution, the |
function generates and affine transformation matrix. If invert is ``True`` |
it will produce the inverse transformation. |
Arguments: |
point {torch.tensor} -- the input 2D point |
center {torch.tensor or numpy.array} -- the center around which to perform the transformations |
scale {float} -- the scale of the face/object |
resolution {float} -- the output resolution |
Keyword Arguments: |
invert {bool} -- define wherever the function should produce the direct or the |
inverse transformation matrix (default: {False}) |
""" |
_pt = torch.ones(3) |
_pt[0] = point[0] |
_pt[1] = point[1] |
h = 200.0 * scale |
t = torch.eye(3) |
t[0, 0] = resolution / h |
t[1, 1] = resolution / h |
t[0, 2] = resolution * (-center[0] / h + 0.5) |
t[1, 2] = resolution * (-center[1] / h + 0.5) |
if invert: |
t = torch.inverse(t) |
new_point = (torch.matmul(t, _pt))[0:2] |
return new_point.int() |
def crop(image, center, scale, resolution=256.0): |
"""Center crops an image or set of heatmaps |
Arguments: |
image {numpy.array} -- an rgb image |
center {numpy.array} -- the center of the object, usually the same as of the bounding box |
scale {float} -- scale of the face |
Keyword Arguments: |
resolution {float} -- the size of the output cropped image (default: {256.0}) |
Returns: |
[type] -- [description] |
""" |
""" Crops the image around the center. Input is expected to be an np.ndarray """ |
ul = transform([1, 1], center, scale, resolution, True) |
br = transform([resolution, resolution], center, scale, resolution, True) |
if image.ndim > 2: |
newDim = np.array([br[1] - ul[1], br[0] - ul[0], |
image.shape[2]], dtype=np.int32) |
newImg = np.zeros(newDim, dtype=np.uint8) |
else: |
newDim = np.array([br[1] - ul[1], br[0] - ul[0]], dtype=np.int) |
newImg = np.zeros(newDim, dtype=np.uint8) |
ht = image.shape[0] |
wd = image.shape[1] |
newX = np.array( |
[max(1, -ul[0] + 1), min(br[0], wd) - ul[0]], dtype=np.int32) |
newY = np.array( |
[max(1, -ul[1] + 1), min(br[1], ht) - ul[1]], dtype=np.int32) |
oldX = np.array([max(1, ul[0] + 1), min(br[0], wd)], dtype=np.int32) |
oldY = np.array([max(1, ul[1] + 1), min(br[1], ht)], dtype=np.int32) |
newImg[newY[0] - 1:newY[1], newX[0] - 1:newX[1] |
] = image[oldY[0] - 1:oldY[1], oldX[0] - 1:oldX[1], :] |
newImg = cv2.resize(newImg, dsize=(int(resolution), int(resolution)), |
interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) |
return newImg |
def get_preds_fromhm(hm, center=None, scale=None): |
"""Obtain (x,y) coordinates given a set of N heatmaps. If the center |
and the scale is provided the function will return the points also in |
the original coordinate frame. |
Arguments: |
hm {torch.tensor} -- the predicted heatmaps, of shape [B, N, W, H] |
Keyword Arguments: |
center {torch.tensor} -- the center of the bounding box (default: {None}) |
scale {float} -- face scale (default: {None}) |
""" |
max, idx = torch.max( |
hm.view(hm.size(0), hm.size(1), hm.size(2) * hm.size(3)), 2) |
idx += 1 |
preds = idx.view(idx.size(0), idx.size(1), 1).repeat(1, 1, 2).float() |
preds[..., 0].apply_(lambda x: (x - 1) % hm.size(3) + 1) |
preds[..., 1].add_(-1).div_(hm.size(2)).floor_().add_(1) |
for i in range(preds.size(0)): |
for j in range(preds.size(1)): |
hm_ = hm[i, j, :] |
pX, pY = int(preds[i, j, 0]) - 1, int(preds[i, j, 1]) - 1 |
if pX > 0 and pX < 63 and pY > 0 and pY < 63: |
diff = torch.FloatTensor( |
[hm_[pY, pX + 1] - hm_[pY, pX - 1], |
hm_[pY + 1, pX] - hm_[pY - 1, pX]]) |
preds[i, j].add_(diff.sign_().mul_(.25)) |
preds.add_(-.5) |
preds_orig = torch.zeros(preds.size()) |
if center is not None and scale is not None: |
for i in range(hm.size(0)): |
for j in range(hm.size(1)): |
preds_orig[i, j] = transform( |
preds[i, j], center, scale, hm.size(2), True) |
return preds, preds_orig |
def get_preds_fromhm_batch(hm, centers=None, scales=None): |
"""Obtain (x,y) coordinates given a set of N heatmaps. If the centers |
and the scales is provided the function will return the points also in |
the original coordinate frame. |
Arguments: |
hm {torch.tensor} -- the predicted heatmaps, of shape [B, N, W, H] |
Keyword Arguments: |
centers {torch.tensor} -- the centers of the bounding box (default: {None}) |
scales {float} -- face scales (default: {None}) |
""" |
max, idx = torch.max( |
hm.view(hm.size(0), hm.size(1), hm.size(2) * hm.size(3)), 2) |
idx += 1 |
preds = idx.view(idx.size(0), idx.size(1), 1).repeat(1, 1, 2).float() |
preds[..., 0].apply_(lambda x: (x - 1) % hm.size(3) + 1) |
preds[..., 1].add_(-1).div_(hm.size(2)).floor_().add_(1) |
for i in range(preds.size(0)): |
for j in range(preds.size(1)): |
hm_ = hm[i, j, :] |
pX, pY = int(preds[i, j, 0]) - 1, int(preds[i, j, 1]) - 1 |
if pX > 0 and pX < 63 and pY > 0 and pY < 63: |
diff = torch.FloatTensor( |
[hm_[pY, pX + 1] - hm_[pY, pX - 1], |
hm_[pY + 1, pX] - hm_[pY - 1, pX]]) |
preds[i, j].add_(diff.sign_().mul_(.25)) |
preds.add_(-.5) |
preds_orig = torch.zeros(preds.size()) |
if centers is not None and scales is not None: |
for i in range(hm.size(0)): |
for j in range(hm.size(1)): |
preds_orig[i, j] = transform( |
preds[i, j], centers[i], scales[i], hm.size(2), True) |
return preds, preds_orig |
def shuffle_lr(parts, pairs=None): |
"""Shuffle the points left-right according to the axis of symmetry |
of the object. |
Arguments: |
parts {torch.tensor} -- a 3D or 4D object containing the |
heatmaps. |
Keyword Arguments: |
pairs {list of integers} -- [order of the flipped points] (default: {None}) |
""" |
if pairs is None: |
pairs = [16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, |
26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 27, 28, 29, 30, 35, |
34, 33, 32, 31, 45, 44, 43, 42, 47, 46, 39, 38, 37, 36, 41, |
40, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 64, 63, |
62, 61, 60, 67, 66, 65] |
if parts.ndimension() == 3: |
parts = parts[pairs, ...] |
else: |
parts = parts[:, pairs, ...] |
return parts |
def flip(tensor, is_label=False): |
"""Flip an image or a set of heatmaps left-right |
Arguments: |
tensor {numpy.array or torch.tensor} -- [the input image or heatmaps] |
Keyword Arguments: |
is_label {bool} -- [denote wherever the input is an image or a set of heatmaps ] (default: {False}) |
""" |
if not torch.is_tensor(tensor): |
tensor = torch.from_numpy(tensor) |
if is_label: |
tensor = shuffle_lr(tensor).flip(tensor.ndimension() - 1) |
else: |
tensor = tensor.flip(tensor.ndimension() - 1) |
return tensor |
def appdata_dir(appname=None, roaming=False): |
""" appdata_dir(appname=None, roaming=False) |
Get the path to the application directory, where applications are allowed |
to write user specific files (e.g. configurations). For non-user specific |
data, consider using common_appdata_dir(). |
If appname is given, a subdir is appended (and created if necessary). |
If roaming is True, will prefer a roaming directory (Windows Vista/7). |
""" |
userDir = os.getenv('FACEALIGNMENT_USERDIR', None) |
if userDir is None: |
userDir = os.path.expanduser('~') |
if not os.path.isdir(userDir): |
userDir = '/var/tmp' |
path = None |
if sys.platform.startswith('win'): |
path1, path2 = os.getenv('LOCALAPPDATA'), os.getenv('APPDATA') |
path = (path2 or path1) if roaming else (path1 or path2) |
elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): |
path = os.path.join(userDir, 'Library', 'Application Support') |
if not (path and os.path.isdir(path)): |
path = userDir |
prefix = sys.prefix |
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', None): |
prefix = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.executable)) |
for reldir in ('settings', '../settings'): |
localpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(prefix, reldir)) |
if os.path.isdir(localpath): |
try: |
open(os.path.join(localpath, 'test.write'), 'wb').close() |
os.remove(os.path.join(localpath, 'test.write')) |
except IOError: |
pass |
else: |
path = localpath |
break |
if appname: |
if path == userDir: |
appname = '.' + appname.lstrip('.') |
path = os.path.join(path, appname) |
if not os.path.isdir(path): |
os.mkdir(path) |
return path |