Update README.md
Browse files
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ The ControlNet model files are in the "CN" folder of this repo. They are zipped
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If you are using a GUI like [**MOCHI DIFFUSION**](https://github.com/godly-devotion/MochiDiffusion) 4.0, the app will most likely guide you to the correct location/arrangement for your ConrolNet model folder.
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Please note that when you unzip the "Originl" ControlNet files (for example Canny.zip) from this repo, they will unzip into a folder, with the actual four model files inside that folder. This folder is just a holding folder for the zipping process. **What you want to move into your ControlNet model folder in Mochi Diffusion will be the individual files, not the folder they unzip into.** The "Split-Einsum" zips just have a single file and don't use a holding folder. To make things even more confusing, on some Mac systems, an individual ControlNet model file, for example Canny-5x5.mlmodelc, will appear in Finder as a folder, not a file. You want to move the Canny-5x5.mlmodelc file or folder (and other .mlmodelc files or folders) into your ControlNet store folder. Don't move the plain "Canny" folder. This is different from base models, where you do want to be moving the folder that the downloaded zip file unzips into. See the images [**here**](https://huggingface.co/
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The SD models (base models) linked at the bottom of this page were relocated from this repo to individual model repos at the [**CORE ML MODELS**](https://huggingface.co/coreml) repo. The links will take you directly to each model. They are for "Original" and "Split-Einsum".
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The Stable Diffusion v1.5 model and the other SD 1.5 type models contain both the standard Unet and the ControlledUnet used for a ControlNet pipeline. The correct one will be used automatically based on whether a ControlNet is enabled or not.
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@@ -51,12 +51,12 @@ Each larger zip file contains a set of 4 "Original" types at resolutions of 512x
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- Tile -- Subtle Variations Within Batch Run
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## Base Models - A Variety Of SD-1.5-Type Models Compatible With ControlNet
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- DreamShaper v5.0, 1.5-type model, "Original" & "Split-Einsum" -- Reloacted to: https://huggingface.co/coreml/coreml-DreamShaper-v5.0_cn
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- GhostMix v1.1, 1.5-type anime model, "Original" & "Split-Einsum" -- Relocated to: https://huggingface.co/coreml/coreml-ghostmix-v20-bakedVAE_cn
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- Realistic Vision v2.0, 1.5-type model, "Original" & "Split-Einsum" -- Relocated to: https://huggingface.co/coreml/coreml-realisticVision-v20_cn
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- MeinaMix v9.0 1.5-type anime model, "Original" & "Split-Einsum" -- Relocated to: https://huggingface.co/coreml/coreml-MeinaMix-v9_cn
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- MyMerge v1.0 1.5-type NSFW model, "Original" & "Split-Einsum" -- Relocated to: https://huggingface.co/coreml/coreml-MyMerge-v1_cn
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- Stable Diffusion v1.5, "Original" & "Split-Einsum" -- Relocated to: https://huggingface.co/coreml/coreml-stable-diffusion-v1-5_cn
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### Other ControlNet Compatible Base Models Are Listed At [**CORE ML MODELS**](https://huggingface.co/coreml)
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**Look for "_cn" at the end of the names!**
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If you are using a GUI like [**MOCHI DIFFUSION**](https://github.com/godly-devotion/MochiDiffusion) 4.0, the app will most likely guide you to the correct location/arrangement for your ConrolNet model folder.
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Please note that when you unzip the "Originl" ControlNet files (for example Canny.zip) from this repo, they will unzip into a folder, with the actual four model files inside that folder. This folder is just a holding folder for the zipping process. **What you want to move into your ControlNet model folder in Mochi Diffusion will be the individual files, not the folder they unzip into.** The "Split-Einsum" zips just have a single file and don't use a holding folder. To make things even more confusing, on some Mac systems, an individual ControlNet model file, for example Canny-5x5.mlmodelc, will appear in Finder as a folder, not a file. You want to move the Canny-5x5.mlmodelc file or folder (and other .mlmodelc files or folders) into your ControlNet store folder. Don't move the plain "Canny" folder. This is different from base models, where you do want to be moving the folder that the downloaded zip file unzips into. See the images [**here**](https://huggingface.co/coreml-community/CoreML-Models-For-ControlNet/blob/main/CN/-Settings.jpg) and [**here**](https://huggingface.co/coreml-community/CoreML-Models-For-ControlNet/blob/main/CN/-Folders.jpg) for an example of how my folders are set up for Mochi Diffusion.
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The SD models (base models) linked at the bottom of this page were relocated from this repo to individual model repos at the [**CORE ML MODELS COMMUNITY**](https://huggingface.co/coreml-community) repo. The links will take you directly to each model. They are for "Original" and "Split-Einsum".
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The Stable Diffusion v1.5 model and the other SD 1.5 type models contain both the standard Unet and the ControlledUnet used for a ControlNet pipeline. The correct one will be used automatically based on whether a ControlNet is enabled or not.
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- Tile -- Subtle Variations Within Batch Run
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## Base Models - A Variety Of SD-1.5-Type Models Compatible With ControlNet
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- DreamShaper v5.0, 1.5-type model, "Original" & "Split-Einsum" -- Reloacted to: https://huggingface.co/coreml-community/coreml-DreamShaper-v5.0_cn
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- GhostMix v1.1, 1.5-type anime model, "Original" & "Split-Einsum" -- Relocated to: https://huggingface.co/coreml-community/coreml-ghostmix-v20-bakedVAE_cn
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- Realistic Vision v2.0, 1.5-type model, "Original" & "Split-Einsum" -- Relocated to: https://huggingface.co/coreml-community/coreml-realisticVision-v20_cn
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- MeinaMix v9.0 1.5-type anime model, "Original" & "Split-Einsum" -- Relocated to: https://huggingface.co/coreml-community/coreml-MeinaMix-v9_cn
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- MyMerge v1.0 1.5-type NSFW model, "Original" & "Split-Einsum" -- Relocated to: https://huggingface.co/coreml-community/coreml-MyMerge-v1_cn
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- Stable Diffusion v1.5, "Original" & "Split-Einsum" -- Relocated to: https://huggingface.co/coreml-community/coreml-stable-diffusion-v1-5_cn
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### Other ControlNet Compatible Base Models Are Listed At [**CORE ML MODELS COMMUNITY**](https://huggingface.co/coreml-community)
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**Look for "_cn" at the end of the names!**