import numpy as np import os import sys from constants import * if __name__ == '__main__': from threading import Thread N_THREADS = 32 if '--n_threads' in sys.argv: N_THREADS = int(sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--n_threads')+1]) if __name__ == '__main__': if not os.path.exists('lemmas'): os.mkdir('lemmas') file = open("inputs/join.txt" if not KAGGLE else "inputs/join-kaggle.txt", "r") text = file.close() tokens = text.split(" ") tokens = [x for x in tokens if x != ''] print("Total number of tokens:", len(tokens)) print("Counting tokens") counts = {} for token in tokens: if not token in counts: counts[token] = 0 counts[token] += 1 words = list(counts.keys()) words.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda word: counts[word]) for token in BANNED_TOKENS: if token in words: words.remove(token) words.append(token) counts[''] = 0 for word in words: if word in words[:VOCAB_SIZE]: continue counts[''] += counts[word] words = list(counts.keys()) words.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda word: counts[word]) for token in BANNED_TOKENS: if token in words: words.remove(token) words.append(token) vocab = set(words[:VOCAB_SIZE]) else: print("Loading vocab") vocab = set(list(np.load('lemmas/lemmas.npy'))) def pretty_tokens(tokens, mask=True): s_dict = np.load('lemmas/s.npy', allow_pickle=True).item() ed_dict = np.load('lemmas/ed.npy', allow_pickle=True).item() er_dict = np.load('lemmas/er.npy', allow_pickle=True).item() est_dict = np.load('lemmas/est.npy', allow_pickle=True).item() ing_dict = np.load('lemmas/ing.npy', allow_pickle=True).item() dicts = {'=s': s_dict, '=ed': ed_dict, '=er': er_dict, '=est': est_dict, '=ing': ing_dict} res = [] i = 0 def includeSpace(this): nonlocal res quote = set(["'", '"']) nospace = set(['\n','-']) prev = res[len(res)-1] if len(res) > 0 else None prev2 = res[len(res)-2] if len(res) > 1 else None space = not prev in nospace\ and not this in PUNCT and not this == '\n'\ and not (this.startswith("'") and this != "'") if prev in quote and not prev2 in PUNCT: space = False elif this in quote and prev in PUNCT: space = False return space while i < len(tokens): this = tokens[i] if this == NEWLINE.lower()[1:-1]: this = '\n' elif this == TITLE.lower()[1:-1]: this = '\n ༄༅༅ ' elif mask and not this in vocab: this = " " if not includeSpace(this): this = "" res.append(this) i += 1 continue if i+1 < len(tokens): next = tokens[i+1] while next.startswith('='): if next == "=nt": if tokens[i].endswith('n'): this = this[:-1] if tokens[i] == 'will': this = 'wo' elif tokens[i] == 'shall': this = 'sha' this = this+"n't" else: if tokens[i] in dicts[next]: this = dicts[next][this] else: if next[1] == 'e' or next[1] == 'i': if this.endswith('e'): this = this[:-1] elif this.endswith('c'): this = this+'k' if this.endswith('y') and next[1] == 'e' and len(this) > 2 and not this[-2] in VOWELS: this = this[:-1]+'i' if next[1] == 's': if this.endswith('s') or this.endswith('sh') or this.endswith('x') or this.endswith('ch'): this = this+'e' if this.endswith('y') and len(this) > 2 and not this[-2] in VOWELS: this = this[:-1]+'ie' this = this+next[1:] i += 1 next = tokens[i+1] if i+1 < len(tokens) else '' if this.startswith('='): this = this[1:] elif includeSpace(this): this = " "+this res.append(this) i += 1 res = ''.join(res) res = res[1:] if res.startswith(' ') else res return res def getRhyme(line): # rhyme format: # final vowel (short AEIO, schwa, long AEIOU, OW, OI, A/schwa before R; total 14) # final consonant (R, L, N/M/NG, P/B, T/D, F/V, S/SH/Z/ZH, K/G, CH/J, TH; total 10) if line is None or len(line) == 0: return [-1, -1] nl = NEWLINE.lower()[1:-1] tl = TITLE.lower()[1:-1] if line[0] == tl: return [-1, -1] while line[-1] == nl or line[-1] in PUNCT or line[-1] == '"' or line[-1] == "'" or line[-1] is None: line = line[:-1] if len(line) == 0: return [-1, -1] word = line[-1]+'' long_vowel = False vowel_type = None vowel_map = {'a': 0, 'e': 1, 'i': 2, 'o': 3, 'u': 4, 'ow': 5, 'ou': 5, 'oi': 6, 'oy': 6, 'ay': 7, 'ai': 7, 'au': 3, 'aw': 3, 'ea': 8, 'ee': 8, 'eu': 11, 'ew': 11, 'oa': 10, 'oo': 11, 'y': 9, 'ey': 7, 'ei': 9} # vowel type format: # 0: A, 1: E, 2: I, 3: O, 4: U, 5: OW, 6: OI # short U is schwa # OW, OI are always long # before R: short E/I become schwa, schwa/short A get their own vowel type, short O becomes long O consonant_type = -1 cons_map = {'r': 0, 'l': 1, 'n': 2, 'm': 2, 'ng': 2, 'p': 3, 'b': 3, 't': 4, 'd': 4, 'f': 5, 'v': 5, 's': 6, 'sh': 6, 'z': 6, 'zh': 6, 'th': 9, 'k': 7, 'ch': 8, 'j': 8} # consonant type format: # 0: R, 1: L, 2: N/M/NG, 3: P/B, 4: T/D, 5: F/V, 6: S/SH/Z/ZH/TH, 7: K/G, 8: CH/J # total 9 consonant types # full vowel type list: (L=long, S=short, R=before R) # 0: AS (bat), 1: ES (bet), 2: IS (bit), 3: OS (bot), 4: US/schwa (but) # 5: OW (bout), 6: OI (boil) # 7: AL (bait), 8: EL (beat), 9: IL (bite), 10: OL (boat), 11: UL (boot) # 12: AR (bar), 13: schwa_R (butter, bird, burn) # total 14 vowel types def getVowel(type, isLong, beforeR): if beforeR and not isLong: if type == 0: return 12 if type ==1 or type == 2 or type == 4: return 13 if type == 3: return 10 if isLong and 0 <= type <= 4: return type+7 return type lock_consonant = -1 if len(line) > 1: if word == '=ed': if line[-2].endswith('t') or line[-2].endswith('d'): return [4, 4] lock_consonant = 4 word = line[-2] if word == '=s' or word == "'s": if line[-2].endswith('s') or line[-2].endswith('z') or line[-2].endswith('ch') or line[-2].endswith('sh') or line[-2].endswith('x'): return [4, 6] lock_consonant = 6 word = line[-2] elif word == "'re": lock_consonant = 0 word = line[-2] elif word == "'ve": lock_consonant = 5 word = line[-2] elif word == "'ll": lock_consonant = 1 word = line[-2] elif word == "'d": lock_consonant = 4 word = line[-2] elif word == "'m": lock_consonant = 2 word = line[-2] elif word == "=nt'": lock_consonant = 4 word = line[-2] if word in DEFINED_RHYMES: vowel_type = DEFINED_RHYMES[word][0] consonant_type = DEFINED_RHYMES[word][1] if lock_consonant == -1 else lock_consonant return [vowel_type, consonant_type] if word.endswith('o'): return [10, lock_consonant] if word.endswith('bble') or word.endswith('ggle'): return [4, 1 if lock_consonant == -1 else lock_consonant] if word.endswith('old'): return [10, 1 if lock_consonant == -1 else lock_consonant] if word.endswith('ance'): return [0, 6 if lock_consonant == -1 else lock_consonant] if word.endswith('ense') or word.endswith('ence'): return [1, 6 if lock_consonant == -1 else lock_consonant] if word.endswith('ince'): return [2, 6 if lock_consonant == -1 else lock_consonant] if word.endswith('ture') or word.endswith('sure'): return [13, 0 if lock_consonant == -1 else lock_consonant] if word.endswith('all'): return [3, 1 if lock_consonant == -1 else lock_consonant] if word.endswith('row') or word.endswith('low'): return [10, lock_consonant] if word.endswith('le') and len(word) >= 3 and not word[-3] in VOWELS: return [4, 1 if lock_consonant == -1 else lock_consonant] if word.endswith('on') and len(word) > 3 and not word.endswith('oon'): return [4, 2 if lock_consonant == -1 else lock_consonant] if word.endswith('al') and len(word) > 3 and not word.endswith('eal'): return [4, 1 if lock_consonant == -1 else lock_consonant] if word.endswith('ous'): return [4, 6 if lock_consonant == -1 else lock_consonant] if word.endswith('ly'): return [8, -1 if lock_consonant == -1 else lock_consonant] if word.endswith('ward'): return [13, 4 if lock_consonant == -1 else lock_consonant] if word.endswith('e'): long_vowel = True word = word[:-1] if lock_consonant == -1: if word[-2:] in cons_map: consonant_type = cons_map[word[-2:]] elif word[-1:] in cons_map: consonant_type = cons_map[word[-1:]] elif word[-1] == 'c' and long_vowel: consonant_type = cons_map['s'] elif word[-1] == 'g' and long_vowel: consonant_type = cons_map['j'] else: consonant_type = lock_consonant lock_r = False if not word[-1] in SOMETIMES_VOWELS: while not word[-1] in SOMETIMES_VOWELS: if word.endswith('igh'): return [9, consonant_type] if word[-1] == 'r': lock_r = True elif lock_r: lock_r = False word = word[:-1] if word == '': return [8, lock_consonant] if word[-2:] in vowel_map: vowel_type = vowel_map[word[-2:]] elif word[-1:] in vowel_map: vowel_type = vowel_map[word[-1:]] vowel_type = getVowel(vowel_type, long_vowel, consonant_type == 0 or lock_r) return [vowel_type, consonant_type] def pretty_rhyme(rhyme): v_map = ['bat', 'bet', 'bit', 'bot', 'but', 'pout', 'boil', 'bait', 'beat', 'bite', 'boat', 'boot', 'bar', 'sir'] c_map = ['R', 'L', 'N/M/NG', 'P/B', 'T/D', 'F/V', 'S/SH/Z/ZH', 'K/G', 'CH/J', 'TH'] return "Rhyme is " +\ (v_map[rhyme[0]] if rhyme[0] != -1 else '--') + ' ' + (c_map[rhyme[1]] if rhyme[1] != -1 else 'ø') def getMeter(line): if line is None: return 0 res = 0 nl = NEWLINE.lower()[1:-1] tl = TITLE.lower()[1:-1] for i in range(len(line)): word = line[i] if word == nl or word == tl or word is None: continue if word in DEFINED_METERS: res += DEFINED_METERS[word] continue if word == '=ed' and i > 0: if line[i-1].endswith('t') or line[i-1].endswith('d') or line[i-1].endswith('te') or line[i-1].endswith('de'): res += 1 continue if word == '=s' and i > 0: if line[i-1].endswith('s') or line[i-1].endswith('z') or line[i-1].endswith('ch') or line[i-1].endswith('sh') or line[i-1].endswith('x'): res += 1 continue if word.endswith('le') and len(word) >= 3 and not word[-3] in VOWELS: res += 1 # to account for the dropped e removed_e = False if word.endswith('e'): word = word[:-1] removed_e = True if word.endswith('y') and len(word) > 2 and not word[-2] in VOWELS: word = word[:-1]+'i' word = word.replace('ea','i').replace('ee','i') word = word.replace('ai','i').replace('au','o') word = word.replace('eu','u') word = word.replace('ei','i').replace('ie','i') word = word.replace('oa','o').replace('ou','o') word = word.replace('oi','o').replace('oo','u') if word.endswith('tion') or word.endswith('sion') or word.endswith('tian'): word = word[:-4]+'shun' this_count = 0 for vowel in VOWELS: this_count += word.count(vowel) if removed_e and this_count == 0: this_count = 1 res += this_count return res def lastLine(tokens, endl): res = [] nl = NEWLINE.lower()[1:-1] i = endl-1 while i > 0: if tokens[i] == nl: break i -= 1 res = tokens[i:endl] if len(res) == 0: res = tokens[:endl] return res def processRhymeStack(rhyme_stack): prev = rhyme_stack[:-1].flatten(order='F') lastRhyme = rhyme_stack[-1] res = np.zeros(RHYME_STACK_SIZE-1) if lastRhyme[0] != -1: for i in range(RHYME_STACK_SIZE-1): if rhyme_stack[i][0] == lastRhyme[0]: res[i] = 1 if rhyme_stack[i][1] == lastRhyme[1]: res[i] = 2 res = np.concatenate([prev, res]) return res def processRhymeMeter(split): in_title = False meter = [] rhymes = [] meter_stack = np.zeros(METER_STACK_SIZE, np.int8) rhyme_stack = np.zeros((RHYME_STACK_SIZE, 2), np.int8) - 1 tl = TITLE.lower()[1:-1] nl = NEWLINE.lower()[1:-1] for i in range(len(split)): line = lastLine(split, i) if split[i] == tl: in_title = True meter_stack = np.zeros(METER_STACK_SIZE, np.int8) rhyme_stack = np.zeros((RHYME_STACK_SIZE, 2), np.int8) - 1 meter.append(meter_stack.copy()) rhymes.append(processRhymeStack(rhyme_stack)) continue elif in_title and split[i] == nl: in_title = False meter_stack = np.zeros(METER_STACK_SIZE, np.int8) meter_stack[-1] = getMeter(line) meter.append(meter_stack.copy()) rhyme_stack = np.zeros((RHYME_STACK_SIZE, 2), np.int8) - 1 rhyme_stack[-1] = np.array(getRhyme(line), np.int8) rhymes.append(processRhymeStack(rhyme_stack)) meter_stack = np.zeros(METER_STACK_SIZE, np.int8) rhyme_stack = np.zeros((RHYME_STACK_SIZE, 2), np.int8) - 1 continue if not in_title and split[i] == nl: rhymes.append(processRhymeStack(rhyme_stack)) meter.append(meter_stack.copy()) if split[i-1] != nl: rhyme_stack = np.roll(rhyme_stack, -1, axis=0) rhyme_stack[-1] = np.array(getRhyme(line), np.int8) meter_stack = np.roll(meter_stack, -1, axis=0) meter_stack[-1] = getMeter(line) else: meter_stack[-1] = getMeter(line) rhyme_stack[-1] = np.array(getRhyme(line), np.int8) rhymes.append(processRhymeStack(rhyme_stack)) meter.append(meter_stack.copy()) return [rhymes, meter] def rhymeMeterFromTokens(tokens, endl, tl, vocab=None): # used as input for model res = [] start = endl-1 if len(tokens) >= endl: while start > 0 and tokens[start] != tl: start -= 1 lines = tokens[start:endl] while len(lines) < TRANSFORMER_N: lines.append(None) input_lines = lines if vocab is None else [(vocab[x] if (x is not None and 0 <= x < VOCAB_SIZE) else None) for x in lines] rhymes, meter = processRhymeMeter(input_lines) rhymes = rhymes[-TRANSFORMER_N:] # context x RHYME_STACK_SIZE x 2 meter = meter[-TRANSFORMER_N:] # context x METER_STACK_SIZE rhymes = np.array(rhymes) meter = np.array(meter) res = np.concatenate([rhymes, meter], axis=1) # context x (RHYME_STACK_SIZE*2 + METER_STACK_SIZE) return res if __name__ == '__main__': N = NGRAM_N if MODEL_TYPE == 'n' else TRANSFORMER_N+1 for i in range(N-1): tokens.append(None) words.remove('') print({word: counts[word] for word in words[:VOCAB_SIZE]}) title_token = words.index(TITLE.lower()[1:-1]) newline_token = words.index(NEWLINE.lower()[1:-1]) print("Splitting poems with masked dividers") mask_list = [-1]*N splits = [] chunk_size = len(tokens)//N_THREADS for i in range(N_THREADS): splits.append( tokens[i*chunk_size : (i+1)*chunk_size if i < N_THREADS-1 else len(tokens)]) results = [None] * N_THREADS threads = [] def add_dividers(thread_index, split): i = 1 while i < len(split): if split[i] == title_token: split = split[:i] + mask_list + split[i:] i += N+5 i += 1 results[thread_index] = split return split for i in range(N_THREADS): t = Thread(target=add_dividers, args=(i, splits[i],)) threads.append(t) t.start() tokens = [] for i in range(N_THREADS): threads[i].join() tokens += results[i] if MODEL_TYPE == 'b': print("Computing rhyme and meter information") split_token_marks = [] split_size = len(tokens)//N_THREADS for i in range(N_THREADS+1): split_token_marks.append(split_size*i) for i in range(1, N_THREADS): while tokens[split_token_marks[i]] != TITLE.lower()[1:-1]: split_token_marks[i] += 1 if split_token_marks[i] >= len(tokens): break meter_data = [] rhymes_data = [] split_token_marks[-1] = len(tokens) split_tokens = [tokens[split_token_marks[i]:split_token_marks[i+1]] for i in range(N_THREADS)] rhyme_meter_res = [None] * N_THREADS threads = [] def rhymeMeterThread(thread_index, split): rhyme_meter_res[thread_index] = processRhymeMeter(split) for i in range(N_THREADS): t = Thread(target=rhymeMeterThread, args=(i, split_tokens[i])) threads.append(t) t.start() for i in range(N_THREADS): threads[i].join() rhymes_data += rhyme_meter_res[i][0] meter_data += rhyme_meter_res[i][1] print("Converting rhyme and meter information") rhymes_data = np.asarray(rhymes_data) meter_data = np.asarray(meter_data) rhyme_meter_data = np.concatenate([rhymes_data, meter_data], axis=1) print("Masking unknown tokens") tokens = [(words.index(x) if x in vocab else -1) for x in tokens] print("Creating sets of ngrams") ngrams = [] rm_ngrams = [] for i in range(0, len(tokens)-N, TOKEN_SKIP): ngrams.append(tokens[i:i+N]) if MODEL_TYPE == 'b': rm_ngrams.append(rhyme_meter_data[i:i+N-1,:]) train_x = [] train_y = [] train_rm = [] for i in range(len(ngrams)): sample = ngrams[i][:N] train_x.append(sample[:N-1]) if MODEL_TYPE == 'b': sample_rm = rm_ngrams[i] train_rm.append(sample_rm) if MODEL_TYPE != 'n': train_y.append(sample[1:]) else: train_y.append(sample[N-1]) print("Converting arrays") train_x = np.asarray(train_x) train_y = np.asarray(train_y) if MODEL_TYPE == 'b': train_rm = np.asarray(train_rm, np.int8) if MODEL_TYPE != 'n': train_x += 1 # x in [0, VOCAB_SIZE] since 0 is for # y in [-1, VOCAB_SIZE-1] with VOCAB_SIZE tokens, one for each vocabulary item, and -1 for print("Saving data") fname = {'n': 'inputs/ngram_train.npz', 't': 'inputs/transformer_train.npz', 'b': 'inputs/bard_train.npz' }[MODEL_TYPE] if MODEL_TYPE != 'b': np.savez_compressed(fname, x=train_x, y=train_y) else: np.savez_compressed(fname, x=train_x, rm=train_rm, y=train_y)'lemmas/lemmas.npy', words[:VOCAB_SIZE])