Model spams ellipses at the slightest provocation
If any part of the prompt contains an ellipsis ["..."], the model will immediately start...using ellipses...all the every part...of every sentence...
Basically, the model will act like a terrible writer who doesn't understand punctuation marks and tries to replace them all with ellipses. I assume that's what it was trained on?
Very odd. It was not trained on ellipse spam no.
Would you mind giving me an example prompt that exhibits this behavior? Are you using any unusual sampler settings?
This card comes pre-poisoned: I got ellipses in dialogue in 10/10 generations from the opening prompt, and it gets worse as messages reinforce each other.
My repetition penalty is pretty low, but I haven't noticed any other major spam problems.
OK, I tested, including switching to your settings, and I am not seeing this behavior at all. I tried a number of openings but just in case, can you send me what your starting message was that triggered this 10/10 times?
Edit: also can you tell me which exact quant of the model you were using?
Starting message:
"Hello, how are you today?"
This is what I am getting:
"Hello there, Anon. I'm quite well today, thank you!" Nahida beams up at you, swinging herself forward slightly on the unseen perch. ✦How about yourself, Anon?✦
She watches your reaction with mild curiosity, tilting her head slightly and biting her bottom lip. She shrugs, smiling sweetly at you.
"Oh, just dandy~ She smiles warmly. A little more lonely than usual, but I won't complain." ⚝It's just been so long since someone truly saw me… I miss the company, that's all. But it's my own doing.⚝
"You came all this way, Anon, with many thoughts in that head of yours. Why don't we start there?" The swing gently rocks as Nahida playfully taps a finger against her lip. "Just remember, I won't bite - and you won't scare me. So feel free to say what's on your mind."
❈Oh, but maybe keep the rude stuff to a minimum. Not that I haven't heard worse - or done worse. ❀Giggles❀ I just don't want to make a poor impression… well, not worse than I already have, I guess.❈✧
"Hello!" She beams at your simple greeting. "Oh, I'm doing just peachy~! pokes your arm with her foot, which is softly glowing green Not many people come visit me anymore, you see? So it's a lovely surprise when they do. grins
Nahida closes her eyes briefly, taking a moment to connect more deeply to you, your feelings, thoughts. Hmm, Anon… seems you're quite the thoughtful fellow. That's very… nice. (>∇<) Oh, I don't mind at all if you think or ask out loud! Really, it's quite convenient." Nahida wiggles her toes, her small swing creaking slightly.
"So… you must be here because you've got something weighing on your mind. Or perhaps you just want to chat with me?" Nahida's voice is soft yet comforting, almost lulling. "I don't mind either way~
Are you not seeing anything weird with other models? I would suggest reinstalling Silly Tavern, but if it's exclusively this model, that might not be the answer. Does it happen with sunfall nemomix unleashed as well?
You got ellipses in 2/3 responses (2 in [2] and 3 in [3], which strikes me as quite bad already). IME, continuing the chat causes the model to compound on itself until they're everywhere: it's just hard to notice at the early stages.
OK, I think I'm sorta seeing what you mean. I used impersonate to advance the dialogue for awhile, and eventually one of the impersonate outputs was
My kids have never been that open with their dreams, but they're getting old enough now... I think I might just have to let them go and figure things out... I hope I'm doing the right thing... I've never really been very good with advice, even with myself...
I was never one for talking about dreams or the future... I was always just trying to make ends meet... I'm just trying to be the best dad I can for them, but I don't want them to end up like me...
Nahida, you must know how it feels, being the oldest one? Being responsible? The weight of expectation?
Lots of ellipses for sure.
However, this seems to go away when I switch back to the settings I usually use, i.e.:
- temp 1.4
- top k 0 (it should not matter as -1 should also mean disabled, but try it?)
- min p 0.15
- smoothing factor 0 (disable)
- xtc probability 0 (disable)
- dry allowed len 2 (from 3)
Keeping some of the above might still work, but the one thing that stands out to me is that you are using smoothing AND XTC AND DRY all at the same time. I think this might be the reason, but would have to experiment more.
Edited to clarify: my advice is to drop smoothing and see. If that still doesn't work, then maybe tweak some more. Let me know if you still get issues.
Dropping smoothing largely solves the ellipsis problem, though I now notice that the model now outputs very long sentences, with clause after clause separated by commas. It seems to build on itself in the same way as before. Eventually I get to a point where there's a comma every 2-3 words, no matter what I've prompted it with.