from __future__ import print_function |
import os |
import os.path |
import numpy as np |
import random |
import pickle |
import json |
import math |
import torch |
import torch.utils.data as data |
import torchvision |
import torchvision.datasets as datasets |
import torchvision.transforms as transforms |
import torchnet as tnt |
import h5py |
from PIL import Image |
from PIL import ImageEnhance |
from pdb import set_trace as breakpoint |
_FC100_DATASET_DIR = './cifar/FC100/' |
def buildLabelIndex(labels): |
label2inds = {} |
for idx, label in enumerate(labels): |
if label not in label2inds: |
label2inds[label] = [] |
label2inds[label].append(idx) |
return label2inds |
def load_data(file): |
try: |
with open(file, 'rb') as fo: |
data = pickle.load(fo) |
return data |
except: |
with open(file, 'rb') as f: |
u = pickle._Unpickler(f) |
u.encoding = 'latin1' |
data = u.load() |
return data |
class FC100(data.Dataset): |
def __init__(self, phase='train', do_not_use_random_transf=False): |
assert(phase=='train' or phase=='val' or phase=='test'or phase=='trainval') |
self.phase = phase |
self.name = 'FC100_' + phase |
print('Loading FC100 dataset - phase {0}'.format(phase)) |
file_train_categories_train_phase = os.path.join( |
'FC100_train.pickle') |
file_train_categories_val_phase = os.path.join( |
'FC100_train.pickle') |
file_train_categories_test_phase = os.path.join( |
'FC100_train.pickle') |
file_val_categories_val_phase = os.path.join( |
'FC100_val.pickle') |
file_test_categories_test_phase = os.path.join( |
'FC100_test.pickle') |
if self.phase=='train': |
data_train = load_data(file_train_categories_train_phase) |
self.data = data_train['data'] |
self.labels = data_train['labels'] |
self.label2ind = buildLabelIndex(self.labels) |
self.labelIds = sorted(self.label2ind.keys()) |
self.num_cats = len(self.labelIds) |
self.labelIds_base = self.labelIds |
self.num_cats_base = len(self.labelIds_base) |
elif self.phase == 'trainval': |
data_train = load_data(file_train_categories_train_phase) |
self.data = data_train['data'] |
self.labels = data_train['labels'] |
data_base = load_data(file_train_categories_val_phase) |
data_novel = load_data(file_val_categories_val_phase) |
self.data = np.concatenate( |
[self.data, data_novel['data']], axis=0) |
self.data = np.concatenate( |
[self.data, data_base['data']], axis=0) |
self.labels = np.concatenate( |
[self.labels, data_novel['labels']], axis=0) |
self.labels = np.concatenate( |
[self.labels, data_base['labels']], axis=0) |
self.label2ind = buildLabelIndex(self.labels) |
self.labelIds = sorted(self.label2ind.keys()) |
self.num_cats = len(self.labelIds) |
self.labelIds_base = self.labelIds |
self.num_cats_base = len(self.labelIds_base) |
elif self.phase=='val' or self.phase=='test': |
if self.phase=='test': |
data_base = load_data(file_train_categories_test_phase) |
data_novel = load_data(file_test_categories_test_phase) |
else: |
data_base = load_data(file_train_categories_val_phase) |
data_novel = load_data(file_val_categories_val_phase) |
self.data = np.concatenate( |
[data_base['data'], data_novel['data']], axis=0) |
self.labels = data_base['labels'] + data_novel['labels'] |
self.label2ind = buildLabelIndex(self.labels) |
self.labelIds = sorted(self.label2ind.keys()) |
self.num_cats = len(self.labelIds) |
self.labelIds_base = buildLabelIndex(data_base['labels']).keys() |
self.labelIds_novel = buildLabelIndex(data_novel['labels']).keys() |
self.num_cats_base = len(self.labelIds_base) |
self.num_cats_novel = len(self.labelIds_novel) |
intersection = set(self.labelIds_base) & set(self.labelIds_novel) |
assert(len(intersection) == 0) |
else: |
raise ValueError('Not valid phase {0}'.format(self.phase)) |
mean_pix = [x/255.0 for x in [129.37731888, 124.10583864, 112.47758569]] |
std_pix = [x/255.0 for x in [68.20947949, 65.43124043, 70.45866994]] |
normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=mean_pix, std=std_pix) |
if (self.phase=='test' or self.phase=='val') or (do_not_use_random_transf==True): |
self.transform = transforms.Compose([ |
lambda x: np.asarray(x), |
transforms.ToTensor(), |
normalize |
]) |
else: |
self.transform = transforms.Compose([ |
transforms.RandomCrop(32, padding=4), |
transforms.ColorJitter(brightness=0.4, contrast=0.4, saturation=0.4), |
transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(), |
lambda x: np.asarray(x), |
transforms.ToTensor(), |
normalize |
]) |
def __getitem__(self, index): |
img, label = self.data[index], self.labels[index] |
img = Image.fromarray(img) |
if self.transform is not None: |
img = self.transform(img) |
return img, label |
def __len__(self): |
return len(self.data) |
class FewShotDataloader(): |
def __init__(self, |
dataset, |
nKnovel=5, |
nKbase=-1, |
nExemplars=1, |
nTestNovel=15*5, |
nTestBase=15*5, |
batch_size=1, |
num_workers=4, |
epoch_size=2000, |
): |
self.dataset = dataset |
self.phase = self.dataset.phase |
max_possible_nKnovel = (self.dataset.num_cats_base if self.phase=='train' or self.phase=='trainval' |
else self.dataset.num_cats_novel) |
assert(nKnovel >= 0 and nKnovel < max_possible_nKnovel) |
self.nKnovel = nKnovel |
max_possible_nKbase = self.dataset.num_cats_base |
nKbase = nKbase if nKbase >= 0 else max_possible_nKbase |
if (self.phase=='train' or self.phase=='trainval') and nKbase > 0: |
nKbase -= self.nKnovel |
max_possible_nKbase -= self.nKnovel |
assert(nKbase >= 0 and nKbase <= max_possible_nKbase) |
self.nKbase = nKbase |
self.nExemplars = nExemplars |
self.nTestNovel = nTestNovel |
self.nTestBase = nTestBase |
self.batch_size = batch_size |
self.epoch_size = epoch_size |
self.num_workers = num_workers |
self.is_eval_mode = (self.phase=='test') or (self.phase=='val') |
def sampleImageIdsFrom(self, cat_id, sample_size=1): |
""" |
Samples `sample_size` number of unique image ids picked from the |
category `cat_id` (i.e., self.dataset.label2ind[cat_id]). |
Args: |
cat_id: a scalar with the id of the category from which images will |
be sampled. |
sample_size: number of images that will be sampled. |
Returns: |
image_ids: a list of length `sample_size` with unique image ids. |
""" |
assert(cat_id in self.dataset.label2ind) |
assert(len(self.dataset.label2ind[cat_id]) >= sample_size) |
return random.sample(self.dataset.label2ind[cat_id], sample_size) |
def sampleCategories(self, cat_set, sample_size=1): |
""" |
Samples `sample_size` number of unique categories picked from the |
`cat_set` set of categories. `cat_set` can be either 'base' or 'novel'. |
Args: |
cat_set: string that specifies the set of categories from which |
categories will be sampled. |
sample_size: number of categories that will be sampled. |
Returns: |
cat_ids: a list of length `sample_size` with unique category ids. |
""" |
if cat_set=='base': |
labelIds = self.dataset.labelIds_base |
elif cat_set=='novel': |
labelIds = self.dataset.labelIds_novel |
else: |
raise ValueError('Not recognized category set {}'.format(cat_set)) |
assert(len(labelIds) >= sample_size) |
return random.sample(labelIds, sample_size) |
def sample_base_and_novel_categories(self, nKbase, nKnovel): |
""" |
Samples `nKbase` number of base categories and `nKnovel` number of novel |
categories. |
Args: |
nKbase: number of base categories |
nKnovel: number of novel categories |
Returns: |
Kbase: a list of length 'nKbase' with the ids of the sampled base |
categories. |
Knovel: a list of lenght 'nKnovel' with the ids of the sampled novel |
categories. |
""" |
if self.is_eval_mode: |
assert(nKnovel <= self.dataset.num_cats_novel) |
Kbase = sorted(self.sampleCategories('base', nKbase)) |
Knovel = sorted(self.sampleCategories('novel', nKnovel)) |
else: |
cats_ids = self.sampleCategories('base', nKnovel+nKbase) |
assert(len(cats_ids) == (nKnovel+nKbase)) |
random.shuffle(cats_ids) |
Knovel = sorted(cats_ids[:nKnovel]) |
Kbase = sorted(cats_ids[nKnovel:]) |
return Kbase, Knovel |
def sample_test_examples_for_base_categories(self, Kbase, nTestBase): |
""" |
Sample `nTestBase` number of images from the `Kbase` categories. |
Args: |
Kbase: a list of length `nKbase` with the ids of the categories from |
where the images will be sampled. |
nTestBase: the total number of images that will be sampled. |
Returns: |
Tbase: a list of length `nTestBase` with 2-element tuples. The 1st |
element of each tuple is the image id that was sampled and the |
2nd elemend is its category label (which is in the range |
[0, len(Kbase)-1]). |
""" |
Tbase = [] |
if len(Kbase) > 0: |
KbaseIndices = np.random.choice( |
np.arange(len(Kbase)), size=nTestBase, replace=True) |
KbaseIndices, NumImagesPerCategory = np.unique( |
KbaseIndices, return_counts=True) |
for Kbase_idx, NumImages in zip(KbaseIndices, NumImagesPerCategory): |
imd_ids = self.sampleImageIdsFrom( |
Kbase[Kbase_idx], sample_size=NumImages) |
Tbase += [(img_id, Kbase_idx) for img_id in imd_ids] |
assert(len(Tbase) == nTestBase) |
return Tbase |
def sample_train_and_test_examples_for_novel_categories( |
self, Knovel, nTestNovel, nExemplars, nKbase): |
"""Samples train and test examples of the novel categories. |
Args: |
Knovel: a list with the ids of the novel categories. |
nTestNovel: the total number of test images that will be sampled |
from all the novel categories. |
nExemplars: the number of training examples per novel category that |
will be sampled. |
nKbase: the number of base categories. It is used as offset of the |
category index of each sampled image. |
Returns: |
Tnovel: a list of length `nTestNovel` with 2-element tuples. The |
1st element of each tuple is the image id that was sampled and |
the 2nd element is its category label (which is in the range |
[nKbase, nKbase + len(Knovel) - 1]). |
Exemplars: a list of length len(Knovel) * nExemplars of 2-element |
tuples. The 1st element of each tuple is the image id that was |
sampled and the 2nd element is its category label (which is in |
the ragne [nKbase, nKbase + len(Knovel) - 1]). |
""" |
if len(Knovel) == 0: |
return [], [] |
nKnovel = len(Knovel) |
Tnovel = [] |
Exemplars = [] |
assert((nTestNovel % nKnovel) == 0) |
nEvalExamplesPerClass = int(nTestNovel / nKnovel) |
for Knovel_idx in range(len(Knovel)): |
imd_ids = self.sampleImageIdsFrom( |
Knovel[Knovel_idx], |
sample_size=(nEvalExamplesPerClass + nExemplars)) |
imds_tnovel = imd_ids[:nEvalExamplesPerClass] |
imds_ememplars = imd_ids[nEvalExamplesPerClass:] |
Tnovel += [(img_id, nKbase+Knovel_idx) for img_id in imds_tnovel] |
Exemplars += [(img_id, nKbase+Knovel_idx) for img_id in imds_ememplars] |
assert(len(Tnovel) == nTestNovel) |
assert(len(Exemplars) == len(Knovel) * nExemplars) |
random.shuffle(Exemplars) |
return Tnovel, Exemplars |
def sample_episode(self): |
"""Samples a training episode.""" |
nKnovel = self.nKnovel |
nKbase = self.nKbase |
nTestNovel = self.nTestNovel |
nTestBase = self.nTestBase |
nExemplars = self.nExemplars |
Kbase, Knovel = self.sample_base_and_novel_categories(nKbase, nKnovel) |
Tbase = self.sample_test_examples_for_base_categories(Kbase, nTestBase) |
Tnovel, Exemplars = self.sample_train_and_test_examples_for_novel_categories( |
Knovel, nTestNovel, nExemplars, nKbase) |
Test = Tbase + Tnovel |
random.shuffle(Test) |
Kall = Kbase + Knovel |
return Exemplars, Test, Kall, nKbase |
def createExamplesTensorData(self, examples): |
""" |
Creates the examples image and label tensor data. |
Args: |
examples: a list of 2-element tuples, each representing a |
train or test example. The 1st element of each tuple |
is the image id of the example and 2nd element is the |
category label of the example, which is in the range |
[0, nK - 1], where nK is the total number of categories |
(both novel and base). |
Returns: |
images: a tensor of shape [nExamples, Height, Width, 3] with the |
example images, where nExamples is the number of examples |
(i.e., nExamples = len(examples)). |
labels: a tensor of shape [nExamples] with the category label |
of each example. |
""" |
images = torch.stack( |
[self.dataset[img_idx][0] for img_idx, _ in examples], dim=0) |
labels = torch.LongTensor([label for _, label in examples]) |
return images, labels |
def get_iterator(self, epoch=0): |
rand_seed = epoch |
random.seed(rand_seed) |
np.random.seed(rand_seed) |
def load_function(iter_idx): |
Exemplars, Test, Kall, nKbase = self.sample_episode() |
Xt, Yt = self.createExamplesTensorData(Test) |
Kall = torch.LongTensor(Kall) |
if len(Exemplars) > 0: |
Xe, Ye = self.createExamplesTensorData(Exemplars) |
return Xe, Ye, Xt, Yt, Kall, nKbase |
else: |
return Xt, Yt, Kall, nKbase |
tnt_dataset = tnt.dataset.ListDataset( |
elem_list=range(self.epoch_size), load=load_function) |
data_loader = tnt_dataset.parallel( |
batch_size=self.batch_size, |
num_workers=(0 if self.is_eval_mode else self.num_workers), |
shuffle=(False if self.is_eval_mode else True)) |
return data_loader |
def __call__(self, epoch=0): |
return self.get_iterator(epoch) |
def __len__(self): |
return int(self.epoch_size / self.batch_size) |