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"inputs": [ { "name": "model", "type": "MODEL", "link": 18 }, { "name": "conditioning", "type": "CONDITIONING", "link": 5 } ], "outputs": [ { "name": "GUIDER", "type": "GUIDER", "links": [ 9 ], "slot_index": 0, "shape": 3 } ], "properties": { "Node name for S&R": "BasicGuider" }, "color": "#222", "bgcolor": "#000" }, { "id": 5, "type": "Note", "pos": { "0": 397, "1": 224, "2": 0, "3": 0, "4": 0, "5": 0, "6": 0, "7": 0, "8": 0, "9": 0 }, "size": { "0": 420.7815856933594, "1": 493.9324035644531 }, "flags": { "pinned": true }, "order": 6, "mode": 0, "inputs": [], "outputs": [], "properties": { "text": "" }, "widgets_values": [ " --== SIMPLE FLUX1.D WITH LORA AND IMG_TO_IMG v2 GGUF ==--\n\n\nThis workflow is 2x faster than original workflow from XLabs for lora.\nNvidia RTX 3090 - XLabs workflow 2.2s/it, this workflow 1.1s/it\n\nCLIP T5xx - GGUF Q8 (default), fp16 - Q8 very close to fp16. Fp16 is giving sometimes slighty better results but not always, fp8 verion is much worse than fp16.\n\nMODEL - GGUF Q8 (default), Q4K, Q8 is extremely close to fp16, fp8 has worse quality.\nIf you need to use 4-bit use Q4K (quality closer to fp16) than nf4 but Q4 is slower around 35% than nf4.\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n1. Install Manager\nhttps://github.com/ltdrdata/ComfyUI-Manager\nLater under manager run \"Install Missing Custom Nodes\" and later also \"Update All\".\n\n2. Download files.\n CLIP\nhttps://huggingface.co/mirek190/Flux1_dev_GGUF/tree/main/clip \n MODELS\nhttps://huggingface.co/mirek190/Flux1_dev_GGUF/tree/main/unet \n VAE\nhttps://huggingface.co/mirek190/Flux1_dev_GGUF/tree/main/vae\n LORAS https://huggingface.co/mirek190/Flux1_dev_GGUF/tree/main/xlabs/loras\n\n3. Put files to the correct locations.\nCLIP files to ComfyUI\\models\\clip\nMODELS files to ComfyUI\\models\\unet\nVAE file to ComfyUI\\models\\vae\nLORAS files to ComfyUI\\models\\xlabs\\loras\n\nUsually lora needs trigger word! Except are realism or mjv6" ], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653" }, { "id": 11, "type": "CLIPTextEncode", "pos": { "0": 1095, "1": 721, "2": 0, "3": 0, "4": 0, "5": 0, "6": 0, "7": 0, "8": 0, "9": 0 }, "size": { "0": 507.1328125, "1": 340.8622741699219 }, "flags": { "pinned": true }, "order": 7, "mode": 0, "inputs": [ { "name": "clip", "type": "CLIP", "link": 14 } ], "outputs": [ { "name": "CONDITIONING", "type": "CONDITIONING", "links": [ 13 ], "shape": 3 } ], "title": "Prompt", "properties": { "Node name for S&R": "CLIPTextEncode" }, "widgets_values": [ "jinx sitting at rock" ], "color": "#232", "bgcolor": "#353" } ], "links": [ [ 2, 4, 0, 8, 1, "VAE" ], [ 5, 9, 0, 6, 1, "CONDITIONING" ], [ 8, 17, 0, 8, 0, "LATENT" ], [ 9, 6, 0, 17, 1, "GUIDER" ], [ 10, 13, 0, 17, 0, "NOISE" ], [ 11, 14, 0, 17, 2, "SAMPLER" ], [ 13, 11, 0, 9, 0, "CONDITIONING" ], [ 14, 1, 0, 11, 0, "CLIP" ], [ 15, 15, 0, 17, 3, "SIGMAS" ], [ 16, 2, 0, 15, 0, "MODEL" ], [ 17, 2, 0, 3, 0, "MODEL" ], [ 18, 3, 0, 6, 0, "MODEL" ], [ 19, 8, 0, 18, 0, "IMAGE" ], [ 20, 19, 0, 17, 4, "LATENT" ], [ 21, 4, 0, 19, 1, "VAE" ], [ 22, 20, 0, 19, 0, "IMAGE" ], [ 23, 21, 0, 20, 0, "IMAGE" ] ], "groups": [], "config": {}, "extra": { "ds": { "scale": 0.9090909090909091, "offset": [ -27.467057863574873, 14.912934453607884 ] } }, "version": 0.4 }