{"Clue":"Copy of Two Thousand and One, with music finale (5)","Answer":"MIMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Copy\nThis needs to be read as \"Two (Thousand and One\"), i.e. MI MI, plus [musi]C"} {"Clue":"Runs out of air? Oh dear! (9)","Answer":"DIARRHOEA","Explanation":"Definition: Runs\n(AIR OH DEAR)* \u2013 luckily I had already been able to practise spelling this when it came up as an answer in the Eccles Independent puzzle on Wednesday"} {"Clue":"Supports bar locks (10)","Answer":"BUTTRESSES","Explanation":"Definition: Supports\nBUT (bar) + TRESSES (hair, locks)"} {"Clue":"Tie the knot after most excellent love is given (8)","Answer":"BESTOWED","Explanation":"Definition: given\nBEST + O + WED (tie the knot)"} {"Clue":"Get some sleep before family calls for tableware (6,5)","Answer":"NAPKIN RINGS","Explanation":"Definition: tableware\nNAP (sleep) + KIN (family) + RINGS (calls)"} {"Clue":"Each letter is liberal (10)","Answer":"PERMISSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: liberal\nPER (each) + MISSIVE (letter)"} {"Clue":"An underground place of humiliation (9)","Answer":"ABASEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: humiliation\nA BASEMENT (underground place)"} {"Clue":"19 artist's work to fade out ultimately, such a recipe for disaster (3,4,2,5)","Answer":"THE KISS OF DEATH","Explanation":"Definition: a recipe for disaster\nTHE KISS + (TO FADE)* + [suc]H. Probably the most famous *Kiss* is Rodin's sculpture, but I think this one is the painting by Gustav Klimt, which (as I've just discovered) is \"considered a masterpiece of Vienna Secession\"."} {"Clue":"Meet something funny with B Ford (4,2)","Answer":"COME BY","Explanation":"Definition: Meet\nCOMEDY with \"B for D\""} {"Clue":"NY Times singularly spreading hatred (6)","Answer":"ENMITY","Explanation":"Definition: hatred\nAnagram of NY TIME"} {"Clue":"Celebrity passes what sounds like ambulance during a limo trip (3,7,6,5)","Answer":"SIC\u00a0TRANSIT GLORIA\u00a0MUNDI","Explanation":"Definition: Celebrity passes\n\"What sounds like ambulance\" is \"sick transit\", plus (DURING A LIMO)"} {"Clue":"Range in the Arabian desert (5)","Answer":"ANDES","Explanation":"Definition: Range\nHidden in arabiAN DESert"} {"Clue":"In train wreck, old Sophocles? (9)","Answer":"TRAGEDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Sophocles\nAGED in TRIAN \u2013 an anagram (just) of TRAIN"} {"Clue":"Wrong to be suspicious with a promotion (4)","Answer":"AWRY","Explanation":"Definition: Wrong\nWARY (suspicious) with the A \"promoted\" to the top"} {"Clue":"Pony went bust worth not much money (8)","Answer":"TWOPENNY","Explanation":"Definition: worth not much money\n(PONY WENT)"} {"Clue":"Drive to evaluate Spooner's lily pad? (4,4)","Answer":"ROAD TEST","Explanation":"Definition: Drive to evaluate\nSpoonerism of \"toad rest\", which might descibe a lily pad"} {"Clue":"Are you, as they say, taken in by strong Arab commander leaving home course? (5,5)","Answer":"FRUIT SALAD","Explanation":"Definition: course\nR U (\"are you\") in FIT (strong) + SALADIN (Arab commander) less IN (home)"} {"Clue":"Starts to put record straight about some current spoilers (9)","Answer":"PAMPERERS","Explanation":"Definition: spoilers\nAMPERE (measure of electric current) in P[ut] R[ecord] S[traight]"} {"Clue":"Endlessly going off on tirade is not clever (8)","Answer":"IGNORANT","Explanation":"Definition: not clever\nAnagram of GOIN[g] + RANT"} {"Clue":"Website tribute about the centre of Aleppo (4,4)","Answer":"HOME PAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Website\n[al]EP[po] in HOMAGE \u2013 usually the home page is only part of a website, I'd say"} {"Clue":"Life in Paris before Napoleon evacuated a capital city (6)","Answer":"VIENNA","Explanation":"Definition: capital city\nVIE (French \"life\") + N[apoleo]N + A"} {"Clue":"Scarcity put right inside 28 (6)","Answer":"DEARTH","Explanation":"Definition: Scarcity\nR inside OF DEATH"} {"Clue":"'Head off, bottom up' as a slogan (5)","Answer":"MOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: slogan\nReverse of [B]OTTOM"} {"Clue":"Surgeon's first working rule: man, I like the aortic valve! (9)","Answer":"SEMILUNAR","Explanation":"Definition: like the aortic valve\nS[urgeon] + (RULE MAN I)* \u2013 the aortic valve is semilunar (half-moon) in shape (as is the pulmonary valve). A suitably medical one to finish on"} {"Clue":"Extended picnic? (6,3)","Answer":"SPREAD\u00a0OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Extended\nDouble definition \u2013 a picnic might be a SPREAD that you have OUTside"} {"Clue":"Total pressure in reservoir (4)","Answer":"SUMP","Explanation":"Definition: reservoir\nSUM (total) + P"} {"Clue":"Returning computer nuisance, it's said, in military operations (8)","Answer":"CAMPAIGN","Explanation":"Definition: military operations\nReverse of MAC (Macintosh computer) + homophone of \"pain\" (nuisance)"} {"Clue":"Feel excited anticipation in time at fireside (6)","Answer":"TINGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Feel excited anticipation\nT + INGLE(fireside)"} {"Clue":"So near sports ground (6)","Answer":"REASON","Explanation":"Definition: ground\n(SO NEAR)"} {"Clue":"Newly-weds receiving order for sedatives (8)","Answer":"BROMIDES","Explanation":"Definition: sedatives\nOM (Order of Merit) in BRIDES"} {"Clue":"In addition, no worse (2,4)","Answer":"AS WELL","Explanation":"Definition: In addition\nDouble definition \u2013 if a sick person is no worse, they're AS WELL as they were"} {"Clue":"Son ready for heavy drinking (8)","Answer":"SWILLING","Explanation":"Definition: heavy drinking\nS + WILLING"} {"Clue":"Sober lad goes wild \u2014 he can't take defeat (3,5)","Answer":"BAD LOSER","Explanation":"Definition: he can't take defeat\n(SOBER LAD)"} {"Clue":"Scottish design nationalist renegade rejected (6)","Answer":"TARTAN","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish design\nReverse of NAT[ionalist] RAT (renegade)"} {"Clue":"Applaud role reversal? Nonsense (8)","Answer":"CLAPTRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Nonsense\nCLAP (applaud) + reverse of PART (role)"} {"Clue":"Put on an extra court for heroin user, say (6)","Answer":"ADDICT","Explanation":"Definition: heroin user, say\nADD I (one \u2013 so, put on an extra) + CT"} {"Clue":"Miserable meeting first vicious man (6)","Answer":"SADIST","Explanation":"Definition: vicious man\nSAD (miserable) + 1ST"} {"Clue":"Pass over country road in Arctic transport (3-5)","Answer":"SKI-PLANE","Explanation":"Definition: Arctic transport\nSKIP + LANE"} {"Clue":"Supposedly black comedian malign at heart (3,1)","Answer":"ALI G","Explanation":"Definition: Supposedly black comedian\nMiddle letters of mALIGn. Ali G is a character created by Sacha Baron-Cohen, one of whose catchphrases is \"is it because I is black?\" (the joke being that he isn't)"} {"Clue":"A guy's gone off to find a religious assembly (9)","Answer":"SYNAGOGUE","Explanation":"Definition: religious assembly\n(A GUYS GONE)"} {"Clue":"Not required to be forgiving (5)","Answer":"SPARE","Explanation":"Definition: Not required\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Poster I designed brings sharp response (7)","Answer":"RIPOSTE","Explanation":"Definition: sharp response\n(POSTER I)"} {"Clue":"Oriental perhaps like a Scotsman? (5)","Answer":"ASIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Oriental perhaps\nAS (like) IAN (crosswordland's favourite scot)"} {"Clue":"The edition you pick up in the street? (7)","Answer":"OMNIBUS","Explanation":"Definition: edition\nDouble definition \u2013 book and public transport"} {"Clue":"One may have designs on your body (9)","Answer":"TATTOOIST","Explanation":"Definition: One may have designs on your body\nCryptic definition \u2013 unusual in a Vulcan puzzle to get so far down the clues before hitting one"} {"Clue":"On a fine day, time for reading here in the garden? (7)","Answer":"SUNDIAL","Explanation":"Definition: On a fine day, time for reading here in the garden\nAnother cryptic definition \u2013 sundials are often found in gardens, and only show the time on sunny days"} {"Clue":"'80s child has shed pounds for a very long time (9)","Answer":"MILLENNIA","Explanation":"Definition: a very long time\nMILLENIAL less its final L. Millennials are people who came of age around the turn of the millennium. Rather a weak clue if you ask me, as the two words involved are so closely related"} {"Clue":"Post delivered by householder? (5,4)","Answer":"SNAIL MAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Post delivered by householder\nCryptic definition, from the idea that a snail \"carries its house on its back\""} {"Clue":"Girl closes hackneyed religious ceremony (4,5)","Answer":"LAST RITES","Explanation":"Definition: religious ceremony\nTRITE in LASS"} {"Clue":"Bird's circuit over part of mansion (7)","Answer":"LAPWING","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nLAP (circuit) + WING (part of a large house)"} {"Clue":"Unwillingly involves person I sacked (5,2)","Answer":"ROPES IN","Explanation":"Definition: Unwillingly involves\n(PERSON I)* \u2013 the unwillingness is on the part of the person roped in rather than the roper"} {"Clue":"Look embarrassed to lose energy, a warning sign (3,4)","Answer":"RED FLAG","Explanation":"Definition: a warning sign\nRED (embarrassed) + FLAG (lose energy). \"Look\" is a bit out of place \u2013 \"Looking\" would work better"} {"Clue":"Cutting a crossing (5)","Answer":"AXING","Explanation":"Cutting a crossing (5)\nA + X (cross) + ING"} {"Clue":"At sea once, a small boat (5)","Answer":"CANOE","Explanation":"At sea once, a small boat (5)\n(ONCE A)"} {"Clue":"Nothing drunk by a poet ready to set sail (6)","Answer":"ABOARD","Explanation":"Definition: ready to set sail\nO in A BARD"} {"Clue":"Given additional quality by Nutmeg? (6,2)","Answer":"SPICED UP","Explanation":"Definition: Given additional quality by Nutmeg\nCryptic definition, with nutmeg being a spice as well as our setter"} {"Clue":"Keep informed of tiny changes (6)","Answer":"NOTIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Keep informed\n(OF TINY)"} {"Clue":"Hinders second examiner's case, cutting corners (8)","Answer":"SNOOKERS","Explanation":"Definition: Hinders\nS + E[xamine]R in NOOKS (corners)"} {"Clue":"Head deity's mantle encapsulating old belief (4,2,4,4)","Answer":"CAPE\u00a0OF GOOD\u00a0HOPE","Explanation":"Definition: Head\nO in CAPE OF GOD (deity's mantle) + HOPE (belief)"} {"Clue":"Presume army reservists are asked to reassemble (4,2,4)","Answer":"TAKE AS READ","Explanation":"Definition: Presume\nTA (Territorial Army, former name of the Army Reserve) + (ARE ASKED)"} {"Clue":"Game partners try turning over to canoodle (4)","Answer":"SNOG","Explanation":"Definition: to canoodle\nS N (partners in Bridge) + reverse of GO (a try)"} {"Clue":"A brother we shot in turn-of-century conflict (3,4,3)","Answer":"THE BOER WAR","Explanation":"Definition: turn-of-century conflict\n(A BROTHER WE)* \u2013 there were actually two Boer Wars, but the phrase used on its own usually means the second, 1899\u20131902"} {"Clue":"Don't stint, inserting late pound in meagre bill (5,2,7)","Answer":"SPARE NO EXPENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Don't stint\nEX (former, late) PEN (pound, as in an animal's enclosure) in SPARE (meagre) NOSE (beak, bill)"} {"Clue":"Self-help group covering roughly half the folk on campus (8)","Answer":"ACADEMIA","Explanation":"Definition: the folk on campus\nCA (circa, roughly) + DEMI (half) in AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)"} {"Clue":"One admiral at sea a regular record keeper (6,4)","Answer":"ADRIAN MOLE","Explanation":"Definition: a regular record keeper\n(ONE ADMIRAL)* for Sue Townsend's fictional diarist"} {"Clue":"Extremely gregarious dogs still at home when light fades? (8)","Answer":"EVENINGS","Explanation":"Definition: when light fades\nEVEN (still) IN (at home) followed or \"dogged\" by G[regariou]S"} {"Clue":"Leading lady cleared out in cunning fashion (6)","Answer":"ARCHLY","Explanation":"Definition: in cunning fashion\nARCH (leading, as in Archbishop) + L[ad]Y"} {"Clue":"Spots men carting bottles up (4)","Answer":"ACNE","Explanation":"Definition: Spots\nHidden in reverse of mEN CArting"} {"Clue":"Remote land available for purchase in reserve (7)","Answer":"OUTBACK","Explanation":"Definition: Remote land\nOUT (available for purchase) + BACK (in reserve, as in keep back\/keep in reserve); or maybe OUT BACK as a phrase: \"I've got some out back\""} {"Clue":"Scour island for shooter (8)","Answer":"RIFLEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: shooter\nRIFLE (scour) + (Isle of) MAN"} {"Clue":"Shipping line's carrying artillery to fight source of evil (8,3)","Answer":"PANDORA\u2019S\u00a0BOX","Explanation":"Definition: source of evil\nRA (Royal Artillery) in P AND O'S (shipping line's) + BOX (fight)"} {"Clue":"Obscure brash Yankee about to take the lead (6)","Answer":"CLOUDY","Explanation":"Definition: Obscure\nC (circa again \u2013 about) + LOUD (brash) + Y (Yankee in the NATO phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Yearned to possess sink (3,4)","Answer":"DIE DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: sink\nDIED + OWN"} {"Clue":"Charlie feeding writer German fare (9)","Answer":"PASSENGER","Explanation":"Definition: fare\nASS (fool, Charlie) in PEN + GER"} {"Clue":"First non-medallist reportedly approaching with plenty to say (11)","Answer":"FORTHCOMING","Explanation":"Definition: with plenty to say\nFORTH (homophone of \"fourth\", the first position not winning a medal) + COMING (approaching)"} {"Clue":"Schedule daily cold drink (4,5)","Answer":"TIME SCALE","Explanation":"Definition: Schedule\nTIMES (newspaper, daily) + C + ALE"} {"Clue":"Goalie maybe put off guarding goal (8)","Answer":"DEFENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Goalie maybe\nEND (goal) in DEFER; \"maybe\" because there are other kinds of defenders, so it's a definition by example"} {"Clue":"Pasture with fine mature greenery (7)","Answer":"LEAFAGE","Explanation":"Definition: greenery\nLEA + F[ine] + AGE (to mature)"} {"Clue":"Tetchy self-righteous son occupying shower? (7)","Answer":"WASPISH","Explanation":"Definition: Tetchy\nPI (self-righteous) S[on] in WASH (shower)"} {"Clue":"Asian from India pursuing desire to throttle setter (6)","Answer":"YEMENI","Explanation":"Definition: Asian\nME (the setter) in YEN + I (India \u2013 the phonetic alphabet again)"} {"Clue":"Jet from Bluegrass State arrived first (4)","Answer":"INKY","Explanation":"Definition: Jet\nIN (arrived) + KY (Kentucky, the Bluegrass State)"} {"Clue":"Close to end of May, seabird seen about in part of France around Toulon (4,4)","Answer":"VERY NEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Close to\nA complicated one to start with: [ma]Y in ERNE (seabird), all in VAR: the French *D\u00e9partement* which has Toulon as its capital"} {"Clue":"At the gent's, we're told, instead (2,4)","Answer":"IN LIEU","Explanation":"Definition: instead\nHomophone of \"in loo\". \"Gent's\" looks like a greengrocer's apostrophe to me: surely it should be gents' or just gents"} {"Clue":"Balls first Reardon and then Selby hold \u2014 these, perhaps (4)","Answer":"REDS","Explanation":"Definition: these, perhaps\nED (Ed Balls, former Labour politician) in R[eardon] + S[elby]. Ray Reardon and Mark Selby are snooker players (of very different generations), giving us a lead to the red balls in the game"} {"Clue":"Breaks in Turin \u2014 rest and quiet disturbed (10)","Answer":"INTERRUPTS","Explanation":"Definition: Breaks in\nAnagram of TURIN REST P (piano, quiet)"} {"Clue":"State that Alabama's like the borders of Korea (6)","Answer":"ALASKA","Explanation":"Definition: State\nAL[abama] + AS (like) + K[ore]A"} {"Clue":"No farewell to learners \u2014 in no way! (3,2,3)","Answer":"NOT AT ALL","Explanation":"Definition: in no way\nNO + TA-TA (goodbye) + L L"} {"Clue":"Megaera is one from Ireland in the past? Certainly! (7)","Answer":"ERINYES","Explanation":"Definition: Megaera is one\nERIN (old or poetic name for Ireland) + YES (certainly). The Erinyes are the Furies of Greek mythology, and Megaera is one of them"} {"Clue":"Invite to tango, perhaps, bumping daughter sideways (7)","Answer":"ASKANCE","Explanation":"Definition: sideways\nASK + DANCE less D"} {"Clue":"Clothing and home design com\u00adpany (Gap, perhaps) \u2014 first to emerge overleaf (4,4)","Answer":"NEXT PAGE","Explanation":"Definition: overleaf\nNEXT (company as descibed) + GAP* + E[merge]"} {"Clue":"Queen is overthrown and might be burnt (6)","Answer":"SIENNA","Explanation":"Definition: might be burnt\nReverse of ANNE IS \u2013 Burnt Sienna is a pigment used in paints"} {"Clue":"Feeling unwell, having no more classes (3,2,5)","Answer":"OUT\u00a0OF\u00a0SORTS","Explanation":"Definition: Feeling unwell\nDouble definition \u2013 if you have no more classes (i.e. types) you might be said to be \"out of sorts\""} {"Clue":"Leading Grampian location, especially Nevis! (4)","Answer":"GLEN","Explanation":"Definition: Leading Grampian location, especially Nevis\nFirst letters of Grampian Location Especially Nevis, &lit \u2013 Glen Nevis is overlooked by Ben Nevis, which is at the western end of the Grampian mountain range. I can recommend the walk to Steall Falls if you're in the vicinity and don't fancy climbing the Ben"} {"Clue":"As an au pair would at No 54 with a German (4,2)","Answer":"LIVE IN","Explanation":"Definition: As an au pair would\nLIV (54 in Roman numerals) + EIN (German \"a\")"} {"Clue":"Repeated time and time again in new diet (8)","Answer":"ITERATED","Explanation":"Definition: Repeated\nT + ERA (another \"time\") in DIET"} {"Clue":"In France I joined Sam, a dealer in diamonds (8)","Answer":"JEWELLER","Explanation":"Definition: a dealer in diamonds\nJE (French \"I\") + WELLER (Sam W, Mr Pickwick's servant)"} {"Clue":"Young hawk and first eaglet, for example, soaring (4)","Answer":"EYAS","Explanation":"Definition: Young hawk\nE[aglet] + reverse of SAY (for example)"} {"Clue":"How one might see there's no sulphur in wine (6)","Answer":"RETINA","Explanation":"Definition: How one might see\nRETSINA (wine) less S"} {"Clue":"Round and round and round! (7)","Answer":"OROTUND","Explanation":"Definition: Round\nO + ROTUND"} {"Clue":"Salts suggesting chivalrous legal claims (8)","Answer":"NITRITES","Explanation":"Definition: Salts\nHomophone of \"Knight Rights\""} {"Clue":"Add the artwork \u2014 all is utter rubbish (10)","Answer":"ILLUSTRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Add the artwork\n(ALL IS UTTER)"} {"Clue":"Fellows chat endlessly \u2014 it's all in the mind (6)","Answer":"MENTAL","Explanation":"Definition: all in the mind\nMEN + TAL[K]"} {"Clue":"Gave permission and reportedly went under, was ignored (10)","Answer":"SANCTIONED","Explanation":"Definition: Gave permission\nHomophone of \"sank\" + \"shunned\" \u2013 the \"was\" spoils the cryptic reading as \"shunned\" means \"ignored\", not \"was ignored\""} {"Clue":"Passing wind, single dad goes back inside (8)","Answer":"ELAPSING","Explanation":"Definition: Passing\nReverse of PA in SINGLE* (with \"wind\" to rhyme with \"kind\")"} {"Clue":"One awarded a degree put heads together mid-week (8)","Answer":"CONFEREE","Explanation":"Definition: One awarded a degree\nCONFER + the middle letters of wEEk"} {"Clue":"State of wild exaggeration after Texan left (7)","Answer":"GEORGIA","Explanation":"Definition: State\nAnagram of EXAGGERATION less TEXAN \u2013 exactly repeating the definition of 12a"} {"Clue":"English and French scientist joining F1 team (6)","Answer":"ECURIE","Explanation":"Definition: F1 team\nE + CURIE (probably Pierre, who was born in Paris, rather than Marie, who was born in Warsaw, although she took French nationality). Ecurie is French for a stable, so by extension (I learn) a motor-racing team"} {"Clue":"Ends of branches regularly block the way (6)","Answer":"SYSTEM","Explanation":"Definition: way\n[branche]S [regularl]Y STEM (to block)"} {"Clue":"Clothes which can be changed (4)","Answer":"GEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Clothes\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"System of poetic correspondence I extracted from bobbing dinghy dance (10)","Answer":"CYNGHANEDD","Explanation":"Definition: System of poetic correspondence\nAnagram of (BOBBING DINGHY) less I \u2013 I needed almost all the crossing letters before I could get anywhere close to guessing this one"} {"Clue":"Greeting that's international, accepted in company (4)","Answer":"CIAO","Explanation":"Definition: Greeting\nI[nternational] + A[ccepted] in CO"} {"Clue":"Court decision (8)","Answer":"PLACITUM","Explanation":"Definition: Court decision\nThe word to be clued for the competition"} {"Clue":"Old seaman's cleared for action, heading for dhow in distress (5)","Answer":"PREDY","Explanation":"Definition: Old seaman's cleared for action\nD[how] in PREY (to distress, as in \"prey on ones mind\"); the rather long-winded definition is because it's an obsolete nautical word for \"cleared for action\""} {"Clue":"Citizen of sultanate, returning very soon? (5)","Answer":"OMANI","Explanation":"Definition: Citizen of sultanate\nreverse of IN A MO[ment]"} {"Clue":"Marine invertebrates chippy's half rejected in a foreign street, sent back (7)","Answer":"ECHIURA","Explanation":"Definition: Marine invertebrates\nCHI (chippy with \"half [the letters] rejected\") in reverse of A RUE (French \"street\")"} {"Clue":"Forge myths concocted with minimum of ingenuity (6)","Answer":"SMITHY","Explanation":"Definition: Forge\nAnagram of MYTHS + I[ngenuity]"} {"Clue":"English engraved in tablet for Irish-born writer (6)","Answer":"STEELE","Explanation":"Definition: Irish-born writer\nE in STELE \u2013 Richard Steele is (I presume) the writer"} {"Clue":"Street trader requiring accountant, might one assume? (6)","Answer":"COSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Street trader\nAn accountant might be a \"coster\"; as a street trader \"coster\" is a shortening of \"costermonger\", with the \"coster\" part coming from \"costard\", a kind of apple"} {"Clue":"Enzyme in time extracted from nettles, eastern (7)","Answer":"URICASE","Explanation":"Definition: Enzyme\nURTICA (the nettle genus) less T, plus E"} {"Clue":"Form of tiling, I see, between vegetable and mineral? (8)","Answer":"LIGNITIC","Explanation":"Definition: between vegetable and mineral\nTILING* + I C"} {"Clue":"Distraught, being left in flat (5)","Answer":"ELVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Distraught\nL in EVEN; \"distraught\" is the third meaning given in Chambers: I'm not sure what the association with elves is. The full OED doesn't give this meaning"} {"Clue":"Song name: 'Born when it's springtime in Britain' (5)","Answer":"ARIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Born when it's springtime in Britain\nARIA + N; born under the sign of Aries, 20 March \u2014 19 April, so in (the first month of) Spring (in Britain and elsewhere in the Northern Hemisphere)"} {"Clue":"Lad excited with bust shown round for all to see, not quite fully developed (8)","Answer":"SUBADULT","Explanation":"Definition: not quite fully developed\nU (for all to see, as in film classifications) in (LAD BUST)"} {"Clue":"XI gutted with victory likewise treated as grudge? (4)","Answer":"ENVY","Explanation":"Definition: grudge\nE[leve]N + V[ictor]Y"} {"Clue":"Buteas of a kind? Leaf's unusually round measure (10)","Answer":"FLAME\u2011TREES","Explanation":"Definition: Buteas of a kind\nMETRE (measure) in LEAFS*; the name \"flame-tree\" applies to various trees, including a particular species of Butea, hence the question mark and \"of a kind\""} {"Clue":"Carp, last in fishery \u2013 bother (4)","Answer":"YIRK","Explanation":"Definition: Carp\n[fisher]Y + IRK; for the definition, carp in the sense of find fault"} {"Clue":"About last of Scotch, neat gin's drunk? It means nowt to Jock (8)","Answer":"NAETHING","Explanation":"Definition: It means nowt to Jock\n[scotc]H in (NEAT GIN)"} {"Clue":"Bird arranged twig to tidy up nesting (6)","Answer":"GODWIT","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nReverse of DO (tidy) \"nesting\" in TWIG"} {"Clue":"Lord Mayor occupying lofty perch, safe (6)","Answer":"ALMERY","Explanation":"Definition: safe\nLM in AERY (alternative spelling of eyrie)"} {"Clue":"Drains on each side going into hospital that's erected (6)","Answer":"NALLAS","Explanation":"Definition: Drains\nALL (\"on each side\" \u2013 Chambers has \"on all sides\") in reverse of SAN (hospital)"} {"Clue":"Glen, David or Jonathan dropping by? (6)","Answer":"DIMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Glen\nDIMBLE[by] (broadcasters D & J, sons of Richard)"} {"Clue":"Projection in lute that's off-key \u2013 making it so? (7)","Answer":"TUNABLE","Explanation":"Definition: so\nNAB in LUTE; nab here is a hilltop, promotory or projection, found in the names of some hills, including Nab Hill near Bradford, making it (presumably) a tautological name"} {"Clue":"Smash witnessed \u2013 hassle separating parts (10)","Answer":"SMITHEREEN","Explanation":"Definition: Smash\nMITHER (annoy, hasle) in SEEN; as a noun smithereens can only be plural, but in this form it can be a verb (\"rare\", says Chambers)"} {"Clue":"Like a flower part one's planted in favourite row (8)","Answer":"PETALINE","Explanation":"Definition: Like a flower part\nA in PET LINE"} {"Clue":"I'm served in the manner of the bargeman's wife, mustily dressed (7)","Answer":"MYTILUS","Explanation":"Definition: I'm served in the manner of the bargeman's wife\nMUSTILY; the common mussel genus: they can be served as *moules [\u00e0 la] marini\u00e8re*, meaning cooked \"in the manner of the bargeman's wife\""} {"Clue":"Like a chunky shoe maybe, French one secured by knotted lace (6)","Answer":"CUNEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Like a chunky shoe maybe\nUN (French \"one\") in LACE* \u2013 it means \"wedge-shaped\", which I suppose a chunky shoe could be"} {"Clue":"Keep quiet about debt settlement in historical bailment (6)","Answer":"MUTUUM","Explanation":"Definition: historical bailment\nUTU (Maori word for a debt settlement) in MUM (keep quiet!)"} {"Clue":"Ride bicycle when damaged: dicey and thus punctured (6)","Answer":"CRIBL\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: punctured\nAnother composite anagram: (RIDE BICYCLE)* = DICEY + CRIBLE"} {"Clue":"One keeps a tally, increasingly irritated when about 100 (6)","Answer":"SCORER","Explanation":"Definition: One keeps a tally\nC (100) in SORER"} {"Clue":"Appearing in pink in dance that's a bit informal (5)","Answer":"KINDA","Explanation":"Definition: a bit informal\nHidden in pinK IN DAnce \u2013 the definition means \"an informal way of saying 'a bit'\""} {"Clue":"Loud greeting preferred in 'yoofspeak' (4)","Answer":"FAVE","Explanation":"Definition: preferred in 'yoofspeak'\nF + AVE \u2013 informal form of \"favourite\", though I wouldn't call it particularly \"yoofy\" myself"} {"Clue":"A bicycle for travel? Not having it (8)","Answer":"CELIBACY","Explanation":"Definition: Not having it\n(A BICYCLE)"} {"Clue":"This castle is on a sort of rock (6)","Answer":"GLAMIS","Explanation":"Definition: castle\nGLAM (rock, as in music) + IS. Glamis castle was the childhood home of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. Macbeth is Thane of Glamis (among other titles) in the play"} {"Clue":"Pilot programme, its result fixed (4,5)","Answer":"SHOW TRIAL","Explanation":"Definition: its result fixed\nA pilot programme is a TRIAL of a SHOW"} {"Clue":"One hides face as guest loses it (5)","Answer":"VISOR","Explanation":"Definition: One hides face\nVISITOR less IT"} {"Clue":"Glowing report dispatched after I left hot sweets (12)","Answer":"INCANDESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Glowing\nIN (fashionable, hot) + CAND[I]ES (sweets) + CENT (\"report\" of \"sent\")"} {"Clue":"Listen, lightweight \u2014 you shut up! (4)","Answer":"OYEZ","Explanation":"Definition: Listen\nYE in OZ (ounce, a small weight)"} {"Clue":"Lone Ranger without emotion failed to crack puzzle soon (6,4)","Answer":"BEFORE LONG","Explanation":"Definition: soon\nAnagram (\"failed\") of LONE RANGER less ANGER (emotion) in BEFOG (to puzzle)"} {"Clue":"Feature of restaurant came first on bill: a pound off lodging (5,5)","Answer":"TABLE D\u2019HOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Feature of restaurant\nTAB (bill) + LED (came first) + HOTE[L]"} {"Clue":"Scheme Aussie natives announced (4)","Answer":"RUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Scheme\nHomophone of [kanga]ROOS"} {"Clue":"King's present unfeigned anger (12)","Answer":"FRANKINCENSE","Explanation":"Definition: King's present\nFRANK (unfeigned) + INCENSE (to anger). One of the gifts of the Magi or \"three kings\". The story doesn't actually say that each \"king\" brought one gift, so (IMHO) it would be better as \"Kings' present\""} {"Clue":"Joint of deer not available, needing replacing (5)","Answer":"ANKLE","Explanation":"Definition: Joint\nThis is a reversal of ELK (deer) N\/A; \"replacing\" suggests an anagram (which it also is, of course) \u2013 can it also mean reversing, or is this an indirect anagram?"} {"Clue":"Put down flags, turning to speak, and vanish (9)","Answer":"EVAPORATE","Explanation":"Definition: vanish\nReverse of PAVE (put down flag[stone]s) + ORATE"} {"Clue":"Teachers of French you sort out (6)","Answer":"TUTORS","Explanation":"Definition: Teachers\nTU (French \"you\") + SORT"} {"Clue":"Drug adulterated? That's a blow (8)","Answer":"UPPERCUT","Explanation":"Definition: a blow\nUPPER (drug) + CUT (adulterated)"} {"Clue":"Part of tooth finally falls into mug (4)","Answer":"CUSP","Explanation":"Definition: Part of tooth\n[fall]S in CUP"} {"Clue":"Game's up for contraceptive (4)","Answer":"LOOP","Explanation":"Definition: contraceptive\nReverse of POOL \u2013 a form of IUD or coil"} {"Clue":"Impersonate Blair, making a mint (6)","Answer":"BETONY","Explanation":"Definition: a mint\nBE TONY (ex-PM). Betony is a member of the mint family, much used in herbal medicine"} {"Clue":"Mat crawling with lice, suggesting a worrying trend? (7,6)","Answer":"CLIMATE\u00a0CHANGE","Explanation":"Definition: a worrying trend\nA \"reverse anagram\" of MAT LICE"} {"Clue":"Generously offered ladies one drop (8)","Answer":"LAVISHED","Explanation":"Definition: Generously offered\nLAV (lavatory, e.g. ladies') + I SHED"} {"Clue":"Where we all leave service book (4,6)","Answer":"MASS EXODUS","Explanation":"Definition: Where we all leave\nMASS (church service) + EXODUS (biblical book)"} {"Clue":"Plans to bring up pastries, breaking siege (10)","Answer":"STRATEGIES","Explanation":"Definition: Plans\nReverse of TARTS + SIEGE"} {"Clue":"Nurse person entitled regularly to have assistance round in the morning (4,2,3,4)","Answer":"LADY\u00a0OF\u00a0THE\u00a0LAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Nurse\nLADY (a \"titled\" person) + OFT (regularly) + A.M. in HELP. Lady of the lamp was Florence Nightingale's sobriquet"} {"Clue":"Town's new poet, struggling, drilled soundly (10)","Answer":"PONTEFRACT","Explanation":"Definition: Town\n(N POET)* + homophone of \"fracked\""} {"Clue":"Feeble type felt regularly full of expressionless misery (3,7)","Answer":"WET\u00a0BLANKET","Explanation":"Definition: misery\nBLANK (expressionless) in WET (a feeble type) + [f]E[l]T"} {"Clue":"Tie from end of November week can get rearranged (8)","Answer":"NECKWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Tie\nAnagram of [Novembe]R WEEK CAN"} {"Clue":"Like to run, not on the flat (6)","Answer":"ASLOPE","Explanation":"Definition: not on the flat\nAS (like) + LOPE"} {"Clue":"Drier used in hospital constantly (4)","Answer":"TALC","Explanation":"Definition: Drier\nHidden in hospiTAL Constantly"} {"Clue":"Fresh water essentially where it may breed (4)","Answer":"NEWT","Explanation":"Definition: it\nNEW (fresh) + [wa]T[er], with a kind of inverted definition"} {"Clue":"Impersonate Little John, brother (9)","Answer":"DOMINICAN","Explanation":"Definition: brother\nDO (to impersonate) + MINI CAN (toilet, john)"} {"Clue":"Itinerant forgetting piano at end of two dances (4)","Answer":"HOBO","Explanation":"Definition: Itinerant\nHOP + BOP (two dances), both without P[iano]"} {"Clue":"Cop punching old dog, grass \u2026 (8)","Answer":"CANNABIS","Explanation":"Definition: grass\nNAB (to arrest, cop) in CANIS (Latin \"dog\")"} {"Clue":"\u2026 that's bad arrested by police (6)","Answer":"MILLET","Explanation":"\u2026 that's bad arrested by police (6)\nILL (bad) in MET (Metropolitan police), with the definition \"grass\" borrowed from the previous clue"} {"Clue":"Particular dock? (6)","Answer":"DETAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Particular\nTo dock an animal is to DE-TAIL it"} {"Clue":"Freshly papered walls in rectory originally \u2026 (8)","Answer":"PREPARED","Explanation":"Freshly papered walls in rectory originally \u2026 (8)\nR[ectory] \"walled in\" by PAPERED* \u2013 this time the definition \"fabricated\" comes from the next clue"} {"Clue":"\u2026 fabricated \u2014 very pleased (4,2)","Answer":"MADE UP","Explanation":"Definition: fabricated\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Author dunking bread in drink (8)","Answer":"TROLLOPE","Explanation":"Definition: Author\nROLL in TOPE"} {"Clue":"State again reviewing repeated notes in paper (8)","Answer":"REAFFIRM","Explanation":"Definition: State again\nReverse of RIFF (repeated musical phrase) in REAM (measure of paper)"} {"Clue":"Conclusion somewhat lacking heart again! (6)","Answer":"ENCORE","Explanation":"Definition: again!\nEN[D] + CORE"} {"Clue":"Capital: family has wasted it (8)","Answer":"KINSHASA","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\nKIN (family) + HAS* + SA (sex appeal, \"it\")"} {"Clue":"Boat netting five carp (6)","Answer":"KVETCH","Explanation":"Definition: carp\nV in KETCH"} {"Clue":"Stick on bottom, wounding (6)","Answer":"BARBED","Explanation":"Definition: wounding\nBAR (a stick) + BED (bottom)"} {"Clue":"Setter's dropping weight initially, so I hope that's shifted (8)","Answer":"WHOOPSIE","Explanation":"Definition: Setter's dropping\nW[eight] + (SO I HOPE)* \u2013 as in (Frank Spencer voice) \"the dog's done a whoopsie\""} {"Clue":"Urge for fizzy drinks, reportedly (4)","Answer":"COAX","Explanation":"Definition: Urge\nHomophone of \"cokes\" (Coca Colas)"} {"Clue":"Native of central America in rare shower (3,6)","Answer":"RED PEPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Native of central America\nRED (rare, as in steak) + PEPPER (to shower). The Capsicums seem to be native to the Americas generally, not just CA"} {"Clue":"Opener in difficulty to collect duck (5)","Answer":"DRAKE","Explanation":"Definition: duck\nD[ifficulty] + RAKE (to collect \u2013 e.g. leaves at this time of year)"} {"Clue":"Potty covered in hair, as an artefact (3-4)","Answer":"MAN-MADE","Explanation":"Definition: as an artefact\nMAD (potty) in MANE (hair); intersecting with the MADE in 12a"} {"Clue":"Swedish chemist knocking up supermodel once (5)","Answer":"NOBEL","Explanation":"Definition: Swedish chemist\nReverse of [Yasmin] LE BON, 1980s model"} {"Clue":"Dumping grounds dry up, one of those filled with sewage (7)","Answer":"CESSPIT","Explanation":"Definition: one of those filled with sewage\nReverse of ~~PITS~~ TIPS (rubbish dumps) + SEC"} {"Clue":"Yours truly hit (6,3)","Answer":"NUMBER\u00a0ONE","Explanation":"Definition: Yours truly\nDouble definition \u2013 phrase for \"myself\", and a hit record"} {"Clue":"Bag antique chamber pots (7)","Answer":"HOLDALL","Explanation":"Definition: Bag\nOLD in (\"potted by\") HALL (chamber)"} {"Clue":"Yikes, buzzer has caught its owner? (9)","Answer":"BEEKEEPER","Explanation":"Definition: its owner\nEEK (yikes) in BEEPER (buzzer), and a bee is also a \"buzzer\""} {"Clue":"A sovereign I preserve in instant coffee (9)","Answer":"AMERICANO","Explanation":"Definition: coffee\nA + ER (Sovereign) I CAN in MO (moment, instant)"} {"Clue":"Royal couple aren't faithful (9)","Answer":"PHILANDER","Explanation":"Definition: aren't faithful\nPHIL (i.e. Prince Philip) AND ER (the Queen) \u2013 a familiar joke (I think I first saw it in an Araucaria puzzle) but worthy of the occasional outing"} {"Clue":"Switch unit to join fight (4,3)","Answer":"FUSE BOX","Explanation":"Definition: Switch unit\nFUSE (join) + BOX (to fight)"} {"Clue":"Girl expecting bread called for milk, perhaps? (7)","Answer":"MIAOWED","Explanation":"Definition: called for milk, perhaps\nMIA (girl's name) + OWED (expecting bread=money)"} {"Clue":"Threaten youngster on reservation? (5,2)","Answer":"CREEP UP","Explanation":"Definition: Threaten\nCREE (native American) + PUP"} {"Clue":"Money turning up in Copenhagen or Kolding (5)","Answer":"KRONE","Explanation":"Definition: Money\nHidden in reverse of copenhagEN OR Kolding \u2013 appropriately, Kolding is also in Denmark"} {"Clue":"Official announcer in Cork I hear regularly (5)","Answer":"CRIER","Explanation":"Definition: Official announcer\nAlternate letters of CoRk I hEaR"} {"Clue":"Not eating a little butter? Well remembered (3,3)","Answer":"OFF PAT","Explanation":"Definition: Well remembered\nOFF (not eating) + PAT (piece of butter)"} {"Clue":"Source of petroleum as strand is developed (3,5)","Answer":"TAR SANDS","Explanation":"Definition: Source of petroleum\n(AS STRAND)* \u2013 also known as oil sands"} {"Clue":"In advance, dish out jam (8)","Answer":"PRESERVE","Explanation":"Definition: jam\nPRE- (in advance) + SERVE (dish out)"} {"Clue":"Permits expressions of pain, after all (6)","Answer":"ALLOWS","Explanation":"Definition: Permits\nALL+ OWS (cries of pain)"} {"Clue":"Mickey captivated by this play? (3,9)","Answer":"THE\u00a0MOUSETRAP","Explanation":"Definition: play\nDouble\/cryptic definition, referring to Mickey Mouse"} {"Clue":"Refuse to disallow capturing rook (4)","Answer":"BRAN","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse\nR (rook, chess peice) in BAN (disallow)"} {"Clue":"A wearing sort of business (3,5)","Answer":"RAG TRADE","Explanation":"Definition: A wearing sort of business\nA cryptic definition of this slang phrase for clothing industry"} {"Clue":"Venomous six of the Romans die (8)","Answer":"VIPERISH","Explanation":"Definition: Venomous\nVI (Roman 6) + PERISH (die)"} {"Clue":"Roughly losing head in a fight (4)","Answer":"BOUT","Explanation":"Definition: a fight\nABOUT (roughly) less its \"head\""} {"Clue":"Concerned with part of the orchestra coming back (12)","Answer":"REPERCUSSION","Explanation":"Definition: coming back\nRE (about, concerned with) + PERCUSSION"} {"Clue":"Calls loudly and turns to buy drinks? (6)","Answer":"SHOUTS","Explanation":"Definition: Calls loudly\nDouble definition \u2013 for the second, as in \"it's my shout\""} {"Clue":"This school once was sanctioned (8)","Answer":"APPROVED","Explanation":"Definition: school once\nDouble definition \u2013 approved schools were a form of what we now call young offenders' institutions"} {"Clue":"Wealth from work uncle wasted at end of life (8)","Answer":"OPULENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Wealth\nOP (work) + UNCLE* + [lif]E"} {"Clue":"Women pine regularly for young men's embrace (6)","Answer":"LADIES","Explanation":"Definition: Women\nAlternate letters of pInE in LADS'"} {"Clue":"Playing well in this class (4)","Answer":"FORM","Explanation":"Definition: class\nIf you're playing well then you're in FORM, and form = class in a school"} {"Clue":"No longer apprehensive of grammatical term (4,5)","Answer":"PAST TENSE","Explanation":"Definition: grammatical term\nPAST (no longer) + TENSE"} {"Clue":"Attempts to include old people in party (6)","Answer":"TORIES","Explanation":"Definition: people in party\nO[ld] in TRIES"} {"Clue":"Press articles on country arrest\u00ading a small number (3,6,6)","Answer":"THE\u00a0FOURTH\u00a0ESTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Press\nFOUR (small number) in THE THE (articles) + STATE. This name for the press seems to have been invented by Thomas Carlyle"} {"Clue":"Dragon is ridiculously slow, for one (4,4)","Answer":"ROAD SIGN","Explanation":"Definition: slow, for one\n(DRAGON IS)*, and SLOW is an example of a road sign"} {"Clue":"A home key (1,4)","Answer":"A FLAT","Explanation":"Definition: key\nA + FLAT, and the musical key"} {"Clue":"Destitute person's way of escape from top floor? (4-3-3)","Answer":"DOWN-AND-OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Destitute person\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Holiday vessel said to belong to its staff (6,4)","Answer":"CRUISE SHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Holiday vessel\nHomophone of \"crew's ship\""} {"Clue":"Folk hero is to steal, wearing mask (5,4)","Answer":"ROBIN HOOD","Explanation":"Definition: Folk hero\nROB + IN HOOD"} {"Clue":"Bishop once said to be struggling (8)","Answer":"DIOCESAN","Explanation":"Definition: Bishop\n(ONCE SAID)"} {"Clue":"Spied moving towards lake, scatter (6)","Answer":"DISPEL","Explanation":"Definition: scatter\nSPIED* + L[ake]"} {"Clue":"Well-matched piece of pure quality (5)","Answer":"EQUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Well-matched\nHidden in purE QUALity"} {"Clue":"Only a stretch of water (4)","Answer":"MERE","Explanation":"Definition: Only\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Two men from another era? (9)","Answer":"VICTORIAN","Explanation":"Definition: from another era\n VICTOR + IAN"} {"Clue":"Prime Minister stopped by retired teacher in shape (5)","Answer":"PRISM","Explanation":"Definition: shape\n Reverse of SIR (teacher) in PM"} {"Clue":"Strike-breakers restrain lawyers by day \u2014 might they be carrying swords? (9)","Answer":"SCABBARDS","Explanation":"Definition: might they be carrying swords\n BAR (lawyers) + D[ay] in SCABS (strikebreakers)"} {"Clue":"Mark follows old man (5)","Answer":"OSCAR","Explanation":"Definition: man\n O + SCAR"} {"Clue":"Bring in shrimp or tuna sandwiches (6)","Answer":"IMPORT","Explanation":"Definition: Bring in\n Hidden (sandwiched) in shrIMP OR Tuna"} {"Clue":"Relative acceleration with new model Escort (8)","Answer":"ANCESTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Relative\n A[cceleration] + N[ew] + ESCORT"} {"Clue":"Listener starts to need expert solvers to be serious (7)","Answer":"EARNEST","Explanation":"Definition: serious\n EAR (listener) + first letters of Need Expert Solvers To, with a surface reference to the difficult *Listener* crossword, now published in *The Times* on Saturdays"} {"Clue":"Tin soldiers capture centre of town with cold figures (7)","Answer":"SNOWMEN","Explanation":"Definition: cold figures\n [t]OW[n] in SN (tin) + MEN (soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Social worker's right to tackle fierce puzzle (8)","Answer":"BEWILDER","Explanation":"Definition: puzzle\n WILD (fierce) in BEE (worker) + R[ight]"} {"Clue":"Criminal takes over royal line (6)","Answer":"STREAK","Explanation":"Definition: line\n R[oyal] in TAKES"} {"Clue":"Game of cards (5)","Answer":"JACKS","Explanation":"Definition: Game\n Double definition"} {"Clue":"Two foreign articles get signature in secret (9)","Answer":"UNDERHAND","Explanation":"Definition: in secret\n UN + DER (French \"a\" + German \"the\") + HAND (signature)"} {"Clue":"Person at home \u2014 desire to be outside (5)","Answer":"BEING","Explanation":"Definition: Person\n IN (at home) in BEG (to desire, in the sense of \"to ask\")"} {"Clue":"Berkshire Town supporter Kevin gutted to be put in prison (9)","Answer":"BRACKNELL","Explanation":"Definition: Berkshire Town\n BRA (supporter) + K[evi]N in CELL"} {"Clue":"Friends say it's strange \u2014 even actor gets married (6)","Answer":"SITCOM","Explanation":"Definition: Friends say\n ITS* + even letters of aCtOr + M[arried]"} {"Clue":"Determined to be delivered end first (8)","Answer":"STUBBORN","Explanation":"Definition: Determined\n STUB (end) + BORN (delivered)"} {"Clue":"Wayward English worker steals expensive car (6)","Answer":"ERRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Wayward\n RR (Rolls Royce) in E ANT"} {"Clue":"Spooner not allowed witch's purse (7)","Answer":"HANDBAG","Explanation":"Definition: purse\n Spoonerism of \"banned hag\" \u2013 I think \"purse\" for a handbag is mostly a US usage"} {"Clue":"Grayling is giving up heroin in great trouble (6)","Answer":"CRISIS","Explanation":"Definition: great trouble\n CHRIS (Grayling, former UK cabinet minister, notorious for his incompetence) less H + IS"} {"Clue":"Meat free? See inside (8)","Answer":"ESCALOPE","Explanation":"Definition: Meat\n LO (see!) in ESCAPE (free \u2013 slightly inaccurate perhaps: to escape is to free *oneself*)"} {"Clue":"Sweep about to be admitted to hospital (4)","Answer":"SCAN","Explanation":"Definition: Sweep\n C (circa, about) in SAN (sanatorium \u2013 hospital)"} {"Clue":"Means one against agrees to differ (8)","Answer":"AVERAGES","Explanation":"Definition: Means\n A (one) + V (versus, against) + AGREES"} {"Clue":"Team is back on Derbyshire's boundaries (4)","Answer":"SIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Team\n Reverse of IS + D[erbyshir]E"} {"Clue":"Argument over object in West Sussex (8)","Answer":"WORTHING","Explanation":"Definition: in West Sussex\n Reverse of ROW (argument) + THING (object)"} {"Clue":"Managed to enter Cooper's store (7)","Answer":"GRANARY","Explanation":"Definition: store\n RAN in GARY (Cooper, film star)"} {"Clue":"Similarly, fashionable e-reader's 25% off (2,4)","Answer":"IN KIND","Explanation":"Definition: Similarly\n Three quarters of IN (fashionable) + KINDLE \u2013 the immediate reaction is \"that should be 33%\", but 25% works if we use both words"} {"Clue":"Before end of deck, bridge player to cut and draw (6)","Answer":"SKETCH","Explanation":"Definition: draw\n S (South, bridge player) + [dec]K + ETCH (cut)"} {"Clue":"Back-to-back articles on '50s records? (6)","Answer":"ANNALS","Explanation":"Definition: records\n AN + reverse of AN + L S (50 s)"} {"Clue":"Nothing phony \u2014 state dismissed repeated raving in scorn (4-4)","Answer":"POOH-POOH","Explanation":"Definition: scorn\n Anagram of O + PHONY less NY (state), twice"} {"Clue":"Chief at heart persistently stunned (6)","Answer":"AGHAST","Explanation":"Definition: stunned\n AGHA (Turkish chief \u2013 an alternative spelling of \"aga\") + middle letters of persiSTently"} {"Clue":"Stoical about fate as others indicated? No way! (8)","Answer":"RESIGNED","Explanation":"Definition: Stoical about fate\n REST SIGNED (others indicated) less ST (street, way)"} {"Clue":"One on hand to vote late? (6)","Answer":"POLLEX","Explanation":"Definition: One on hand\n POLL (vote) + EX (former, late) \u2013 pollex is a medical name for the thumb"} {"Clue":"Not co-operating in transition but it's over, as reported, see! (11)","Answer":"OBSTRUCTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Not co-operating\n Anagram (indicated by \"in transition\") of BUT IT'S OVER + C (\"see\")"} {"Clue":"Country involved in machinations (5)","Answer":"CHINA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n Hidden in maCHINAtions"} {"Clue":"Put in for rerun, sore and inept (9)","Answer":"INTERPOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Put in\n (SORE INEPT)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps one adult is missing when boat enters the water (9)","Answer":"LUNCHTIME","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps one\n LAUNCH TIME less A, and lunchtime might be 1 pm"} {"Clue":"Great man rejected \u2014 Biden finally getting busy (5)","Answer":"TITAN","Explanation":"Definition: Great man\n Reverse of [Bide]N + AT IT (busy)"} {"Clue":"Meets again when screened by mirrors (11)","Answer":"REASSEMBLES","Explanation":"Definition: Meets again\n AS (when) in RESEMBLES"} {"Clue":"Get mad with one predicting Delaware setback (3,3)","Answer":"SEE RED","Explanation":"Definition: Get mad\n SEER (one who predicts) + reverse of DE"} {"Clue":"Naughty or nice? Virginia on the outside's a different woman (8)","Answer":"VERONICA","Explanation":"Definition: a different woman\n (OR NICE)* in V[irgini]A"} {"Clue":"Grow up! Not right head of state is sounding off \u2026 (6)","Answer":"SPOUTS","Explanation":"Definition: is sounding off\n SPROUT (grow up) less R + S[tate]"} {"Clue":"\u2026 here with old Pence and poor Melania, essentially not accepting what's happened (2,6)","Answer":"IN DENIAL","Explanation":"Definition: not accepting what's happened\n IN (here) + D (old pence, as in UK pre-decimal currency) + anagram of [m]ELANI[a]"} {"Clue":"Stop migrants camping here \u2014 not one is left (4,2,4)","Answer":"PORT OF CALL","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\n PORT OF CALAIS (where many migrants gather) less A IS (one is) + L[eft]"} {"Clue":"Mania repeatedly seen in work meetings \u2014 judgment at the top is lacking (10)","Answer":"OBSESSIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Mania repeatedly\n [J]OB SESSIONS *with \"repeatedly\" indicating the plural"} {"Clue":"Alert Pompeo and Rudy for starters \u2014 time to get involved (5)","Answer":"PAGER","Explanation":"Definition: Alert\n AGE (time) in P[ompeo] + R[udy]"} {"Clue":"Clear victor \u2014 one foolishly carping too much (12)","Answer":"OVERCRITICAL","Explanation":"Definition: carping too much\n Anagram of CLEAR VICTOR + I"} {"Clue":"Good to see \u2014 have confidence to go off and travel widely (9)","Answer":"GLOBETROT","Explanation":"Definition: travel widely\n G + LO (see!) + BET (have confidence) + ROT (go off)"} {"Clue":"Not having won, is lamenting troubles (4)","Answer":"AILS","Explanation":"Definition: troubles\n WAILS less W[on]"} {"Clue":"Words about vote offensive (4)","Answer":"TEXT","Explanation":"Definition: Words\n X in TET (the Tet Offensive took place in the Vietnam war)"} {"Clue":"Genius (it's been said) philosoph\u00adically isn't tweeting? Wrong (12)","Answer":"WITTGENSTEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Genius (it's been said)\n (ISN'T TWEETING)* Ludwig Wittgenstein was described by Bertrand Russell as \"perhaps the most perfect example I have ever known of genius as traditionally conceived\"; for the surface, the constantly-tweeting Trump considers himself a genius"} {"Clue":"Turned in, not feeling great after cake and pasta (10)","Answer":"TORTELLINI","Explanation":"Definition: pasta\n TORTE (cake) + reverse (\"turned\") of (IN ILL)"} {"Clue":"Easily best in election ultimately? Quite, it should end up in court (6,4)","Answer":"TENNIS BALL","Explanation":"Definition: it should end up in court\n Anagram of BEST IN [electio]N + ALL (quite)"} {"Clue":"Violent crime spate initially ignored \u2014 detestable! (9)","Answer":"ABHORRENT","Explanation":"Definition: detestable\n ABH (Actual Bodily Harm \u2013 a violent crime) + [t]ORRENT"} {"Clue":"Republican deserting miserable creature? (5)","Answer":"MOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: creature\n MOROSE less R[epublican]"} {"Clue":"Has recourse to sneaky moves, ignoring resistance (4)","Answer":"USES","Explanation":"Definition: Has recourse to\n RUSES less R[esistance]"} {"Clue":"Don't allow fraudulent vote! (4)","Answer":"VETO","Explanation":"Definition: Don't allow\n VOTE"} {"Clue":"Like the Duke of Edinburgh, soon had deer roundly shot (7-4-3)","Answer":"HUNDRED-YEAR-OLD","Explanation":"Definition: Like the Duke of Edinburgh, soon\n(HAD DEER ROUNDLY)* \u2013 well, soonish: the Duke of Edinburgh's hundredth birthday will be 10 June 2021"} {"Clue":"I note all clogs designed with cleats may be an exercise in futility (7,4,2,9)","Answer":"SELLING COAL TO NEWCASTLE","Explanation":"Definition: an exercise in futility\nPresumably intended as an anagram of I NOTE ALL CLOGS + CLEATS, but this is lacking the letters NEW: should the clue have read \"\u2026designed with new cleats\u2026\"? I only know this expression as \"sending\/carrying coals to Newcastle\", but it seems that other versions exist"} {"Clue":"Want reform before midnight, in a manner of speaking (5)","Answer":"TWANG","Explanation":"Definition: a manner of speaking\nWANT* + the middle letter of niGht"} {"Clue":"Due to position, previous lover gone and nice Dior clothing disappeared (2,7)","Answer":"EX OFFICIO","Explanation":"Definition: Due to position\nEX (previous lover) + OFF (gone) + \"unclothed\" [n]IC[e] [d]IO[r]"} {"Clue":"Partial earnings, please, must be included (10)","Answer":"INCOMPLETE","Explanation":"Definition: Partial\nWe have INCOME for \"earnings\", but I'm not sure where the PLET comes from, except possibly as part of PLEase musT"} {"Clue":"Lackey of dodgy boss, mostly awful (8)","Answer":"DOGSBODY","Explanation":"Definition: Lackey\nAnagram of DODGY BOS[S]"} {"Clue":"Either he's dead or my watch has stopped? Awkward question: run with it! (3,8)","Answer":"NON SEQUITUR","Explanation":"Definition: Either he's dead or my watch has stopped?\n(QUESTION RUN)* The non-sequitur given as an exanple is a line spoken by Groucho's character in the Marx Brothers' * A Day at the Races"} {"Clue":"An American politician? (11)","Answer":"STATESWOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: An American\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"One way to get salt when all else fails (4,6)","Answer":"LAST RESORT","Explanation":"Definition: when all else fails\nTo get SALT you can RE-SORT the letters of LAST"} {"Clue":"Evidence of passion from Elvis to be reviewed (4,5)","Answer":"LOVE BITES","Explanation":"Definition: Evidence of passion\n(ELVIS TO BE)"} {"Clue":"1 across the origin of light and dark (5)","Answer":"UNLIT","Explanation":"Definition: dark\nL[ight] with UNLIT around or \"across\" it. A nice double misdirection in the apparent reference to the clue 1 across"} {"Clue":"Trap set in earnest, leave it out (7)","Answer":"ENSNARE","Explanation":"Definition: Trap\nAnagram of IN EARNEST less IT"} {"Clue":"Paint brush finally adapted into a device holding pillbox in place (6)","Answer":"HATPIN","Explanation":"Definition: a device holding pillbox in place\nAnagram of PAINT + [brus]H \u2013 a pillbox is a kind of hat"} {"Clue":"Subtlety shown by woman of faith taking over a church (6)","Answer":"NUANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Subtlety\nA in NUN + CE (Church of England)"} {"Clue":"Socialist hosts meeting that's organised and strictly regulated (10)","Answer":"REGIMENTED","Explanation":"Definition: strictly regulated\nMEETING* in RED"} {"Clue":"Live broadcast centre source (5)","Answer":"DWELL","Explanation":"Definition: Live\nMiddle letter of broaDcast + WELL (a source)"} {"Clue":"Temporary abbreviation? (5-4)","Answer":"SHORT-TERM","Explanation":"Definition: Temporary\nAn abbreviation is a SHORT TERM for something"} {"Clue":"Left frequently in the attic (4)","Answer":"LOFT","Explanation":"Definition: attic\nL + OFT"} {"Clue":"Chocolate after Colin passes out is elementary (8)","Answer":"INCHOATE","Explanation":"Definition: elementary\nAnother one I can't fully parse: there's CHOCOLATE less COL, but I can't see how the IN gets added, even if it comes from colIN"} {"Clue":"Choice of words used by Lineker when admitting defeat (8)","Answer":"GLOSSARY","Explanation":"Definition: Choice of words\nLOSS in GARY (Lineker, footballer)"} {"Clue":"With a plate he can certainly make the earth move (4,2,4)","Answer":"JUAN DE FUCA","Explanation":"Definition: With a plate he can certainly make the earth move\nA reference to the Juan de Fuca Plate, named after a 16th-century Greek maritime pilot. Rather unfair to clue this with no wordplay for anyone who, like me, didn't know the name"} {"Clue":"She asks what might be necessary on a bicycle (8)","Answer":"ISABELLE","Explanation":"Definition: She\nHomophone of \"is a bell\", as in the old knock-knock joke"} {"Clue":"Islands emphatically shut up about what some people do there (8)","Answer":"MALDIVES","Explanation":"Definition: Islands\nDIVE (what a lot of people do in the Maldives) in reverse of SLAM (emphatically shut)"} {"Clue":"Art student undressed on vacation, ready to breed (2,4)","Answer":"AT STUD","Explanation":"Definition: ready to breed\nA[r]T S[tuden]T U[ndresse]D \u2013 the words are \"vacated\""} {"Clue":"The asparagus served to you for starters is delicious (5)","Answer":"TASTY","Explanation":"Definition: delicious\nFirst letters of The Asparagus Served To You"} {"Clue":"Part of sabbatical group (4)","Answer":"ABBA","Explanation":"Definition: group\nHidden in sABBAtical"} {"Clue":"Hard-plated fish from foreign river rolling part of roe (5)","Answer":"POGGE","Explanation":"Definition: Hard-plated fish\n PO (river) + reverse of EGG (part of roe)"} {"Clue":"Government file making sense? (5)","Answer":"GRASP","Explanation":"Definition: sense\n G + RASP"} {"Clue":"Fruit pest, rare thing enveloping most of stem (8)","Answer":"CURCULIO","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit pest\n CUL[L] (to stem) in CURIO"} {"Clue":"Child pockets crumpled bumph \u2013 it's suitable for seedling (8)","Answer":"THUMBPOT","Explanation":"Definition: it's suitable for seedling\n BUMPH in TOT"} {"Clue":"Pair of characters in oyster place changing places for sort of smoothie? (6)","Answer":"CREMOR","Explanation":"Definition: sort of smoothie\n CROMER with the O and E swapped. Cromer is more famous for its crabs, but it seems you can get oysters there too"} {"Clue":"One needing psychiatric help grieves having wings clipped (5)","Answer":"AMENT","Explanation":"Definition: One needing psychiatric help\n [L]AMENT[S]"} {"Clue":"Publicity stunt? It stimulates artificially (4)","Answer":"HYPE","Explanation":"Definition: Publicity stunt\n Double definition"} {"Clue":"Mass entering bewildering system, on edge? They're misbegotten (8)","Answer":"MAMZERIM","Explanation":"Definition: They're misbegotten\n M in MAZE + RIM"} {"Clue":"Rate 'stormy' vague in precise measurement of space (10)","Answer":"ASTROMETRY","Explanation":"Definition: precise measurement of space\n (RATE STORMY)"} {"Clue":"Nick bits of earlier recorded stuff? Could be Grub Street denizens (10)","Answer":"SCRATCHERS","Explanation":"Definition: Could be Grub Street denizens\n SCRATCH (Nick, name for the devil) + first letters of Earlier Recorded Stuff"} {"Clue":"Stop fumbling after cross comes back \u2013 I won't catch a thing! (8)","Answer":"DOORPOST","Explanation":"Definition: I won't catch a thing\n Reverse of ROOD (cross) + STOP* \u2013 reference to the phrase \"deaf as a doorpost\""} {"Clue":"What caused ferment in parliamentary establishment (4)","Answer":"YEST","Explanation":"Definition: What caused ferment\n Hidden in parliamentarY ESTablishment \u2013 old variant of yeast"} {"Clue":"Roman army issue, troublesome flyer when holding line (5)","Answer":"PILUM","Explanation":"Definition: Roman army issue\n L in PIUM (\"a small but very troublesome Brazilian fly\"). The pilum was a Roman javelin"} {"Clue":"One that's set off in search? (6)","Answer":"CHASER","Explanation":"Definition: One that's set off in search\n SEARCH* &lit"} {"Clue":"Wild celery, herb seen round shopping area (8)","Answer":"SMALLAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Wild celery\n MALL in SAGE"} {"Clue":"Piece of embroidery showing two figures beside queen and king? (8)","Answer":"TENT-WORK","Explanation":"Definition: Piece of embroidery\n TEN + TWO (numbers, figure) + R + K"} {"Clue":"He leaves the highway for track no longer used (5)","Answer":"TROAD","Explanation":"Definition: track no longer used\n T[HE] + ROAD"} {"Clue":"Return of comic dame, central character in Christmas range (5)","Answer":"ANDES","Explanation":"Definition: range\n Reverse of EDNA (Dame Edna Everage) + [chri]S[tmas]"} {"Clue":"Brownish-yellow piece of pseudochrysolite (5)","Answer":"OCHRY","Explanation":"Definition: Brownish-yellow\n Hidden in pseudOCHRYsolite"} {"Clue":"This size, OS, is not right for OU gels (4)","Answer":"GLUE","Explanation":"Definition: size\n Composite anagram: (OU GELS)* = GLUE OS"} {"Clue":"Elderly female or male entering, keen competitor on the circuit (6)","Answer":"GAMMER","Explanation":"Definition: Elderly female\n M in GAMER"} {"Clue":"Page in section of the Koran, as above (5)","Answer":"SUPRA","Explanation":"Definition: above\n P in SURA (a chapter of the Koran)"} {"Clue":"Surfing tyro got mermaid helplessly rolling about (7)","Answer":"GROMMET","Explanation":"Definition: Surfing tyro\n Anagram of GOT + MERMAID less AID"} {"Clue":"Tympanist missing entry \u2013 rather odd (6)","Answer":"RUMMER","Explanation":"Definition: rather odd\n [D]RUMMER \u2013 \"tympanist\" for \"drummer\" is a definition-by-example, so should really have a \"maybe\" or something"} {"Clue":"Food store \u2013 see one denied pant for meal concealed (6)","Answer":"ALMERY","Explanation":"Definition: Food store\n PANTRY (a food store) with PANT replaced by MEAL"} {"Clue":"Gentleman's society I included in endless snub (7)","Answer":"SIGNIOR","Explanation":"Definition: Gentleman\n S + I in IGNOR[E]"} {"Clue":"She runs local concern, job with medium pressure around one (12)","Answer":"POSTMISTRESS","Explanation":"Definition: She runs local concern\n POST (job) + I in M[edium] + STRESS"} {"Clue":"Pliers somehow gripping ring device assisting plane's descent (7)","Answer":"SPOILER","Explanation":"Definition: device assisting plane's descent\n O in PLIERS"} {"Clue":"Chairman presiding over room as alternative to senior steward (7)","Answer":"MAORMOR","Explanation":"Definition: senior steward\n MAO + RM + OR"} {"Clue":"A number as introduction for unaccompanied wind (6)","Answer":"SOLANO","Explanation":"Definition: wind\n A N in SOLO"} {"Clue":"Cocktail coming from vineyards cheers (6)","Answer":"CRUSTA","Explanation":"Definition: Cocktail\n CRUS + TA (thank you, cheers)"} {"Clue":"This dinghy a liner envelops, result of degenerative process (6)","Answer":"HYALIN","Explanation":"Definition: result of degenerative process\n Hidden in dingHY A LINer"} {"Clue":"Grant maybe topped by latest of cuts, alarming (5)","Answer":"SCARY","Explanation":"Definition: alarming\n [cu]S + CARY (Cary Grant, actor)"} {"Clue":"Proceed directly, as in court (5)","Answer":"SEGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Proceed directly\n EG (as) in SUE"} {"Clue":"Stone that's reddish-brown with being dug out of turf (4)","Answer":"SARD","Explanation":"Definition: Stone that's reddish-brown\n SWARD less W[ith]"} {"Clue":"Offer more: you'll get a lot from it (6)","Answer":"OUTBID","Explanation":"Definition: Offer more\nSort of a double definition, though really more of a definition plus a hint, referring to auctions"} {"Clue":"Having expectations of a new horse? (2,4)","Answer":"IN FOAL","Explanation":"Definition: Having expectations of a new horse\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"'Farewell', clutching one's overnight bag (6)","Answer":"VALISE","Explanation":"Definition: overnight bag\nI'S in VALE (Latin \"farewell\")"} {"Clue":"Cohort that gets on together (3,5)","Answer":"AGE GROUP","Explanation":"Definition: Cohort that gets on together\nCryptic definition \u2013 \"gets on\" = \"ages\""} {"Clue":"Knocking back lager is a slight mistake (4)","Answer":"SLIP","Explanation":"Definition: a slight mistake\nReverse of PILS"} {"Clue":"Grabbed something simple and sat back (4,2,4)","Answer":"TOOK\u00a0IT\u00a0EASY","Explanation":"Definition: sat back\nTOOK (grabbed) IT (something) EASY (simple)"} {"Clue":"When travelling, spot erratic old creature (11)","Answer":"TRICERATOPS","Explanation":"Definition: old creature\n(SPOT ERRATIC)"} {"Clue":"Rely on nerve, where there are many dead men (6,4)","Answer":"BOTTLE BANK","Explanation":"Definition: where there are many dead men\nBOTTLE (nerve) + BANK (to rely) \u2013 \"dead man\" is slang for an empty bottle, usually of beer etc; this isn't in Chambers, though it's common for bar staff clearing glasses to say \"are these dead?\""} {"Clue":"Store where hens sleep (4)","Answer":"COOP","Explanation":"Definition: where hens sleep\nThe store is the CO-OP (co-operative)"} {"Clue":"In pain after bathing? (8)","Answer":"SUNBURNT","Explanation":"Definition: In pain after bathing\nCryptic definition \u2013 reference to (excessive) sunbathing"} {"Clue":"Last to shoot weapon: it's not important (6)","Answer":"TRIFLE","Explanation":"Definition: it's not important\n[shoo]T + RIFLE"} {"Clue":"Appear to embarrass (4,2)","Answer":"SHOW UP","Explanation":"Definition: Appear\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Carefully determine what's cooked in feed (6)","Answer":"DEFINE","Explanation":"Definition: Carefully determine\n(IN FEED)"} {"Clue":"One can barely finish one's stage act (8)","Answer":"STRIPPER","Explanation":"Definition: One can barely finish one's stage act\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Christmas Eve was such a quiet night (6)","Answer":"SILENT","Explanation":"Definition: quiet\nCryptic definition, I presume, referring to the carol \"Silent Night\""} {"Clue":"Any number in America are favouring gender equality (8)","Answer":"UNSEXIST","Explanation":"Definition: favouring gender equality\nN (any number) in US + EXIST (are)"} {"Clue":"Inferior, so joint bottom? (6)","Answer":"COARSE","Explanation":"Definition: Inferior\nCO-ARSE"} {"Clue":"Love to gather together by word of mouth (6)","Answer":"ORALLY","Explanation":"Definition: by word of mouth\nO (zero, love) + RALLY"} {"Clue":"Sixteen kings and finally one woman (6)","Answer":"LOUISE","Explanation":"Definition: woman\nLOUIS (any of 16 kings of France, though one could quibble about the exact number \u2013 see here), plus last letter of onE. It could be argued that LOUISA also works, though it doesn't account for \"finally\" so precisely"} {"Clue":"Left organised chain gang (6,5)","Answer":"LABOUR\u00a0PARTY","Explanation":"Definition: Left organised\nDouble definition \u2013 the Labour party is the (political) \"left, organised\", and a chain gang is a party doing labour"} {"Clue":"Unambiguous measure of volume curate's drunk (5-3)","Answer":"CLEAR-CUT","Explanation":"Definition: Unambiguous\nCL (centilitre) + CURATE"} {"Clue":"Stop trying to stuff suitcase? (4,2,2)","Answer":"PACK IT IN","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\nDouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Villains have run over visitor, severing foot (6)","Answer":"ROGUES","Explanation":"Definition: Villains\nR[un] + O[ver] + GUES[t]"} {"Clue":"No 1 saver (6)","Answer":"GOALIE","Explanation":"Definition: No 1 saver\nCryptic definition \u2013 in football the goalkeeper (\"saver\") usually has the number 1 on his shirt"} {"Clue":"Additionally, where one may apply a shoehorn (2,4)","Answer":"TO BOOT","Explanation":"Definition: Additionally\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Young pet: one's anxious to have many (6)","Answer":"KITTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Young pet\nDouble definition, to have kittens is to be anxious or agitated"} {"Clue":"Bread stuffed with skin of guava for star 12 (8)","Answer":"PAGANINI","Explanation":"Definition: star 12\nG[uav]A in PANINI"} {"Clue":"Something 12 which is played (6)","Answer":"BRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Something 12\nDouble definition \u2013 the bridge on a violin, and the card game"} {"Clue":"American 12 escaped heartlessly (6)","Answer":"MADOFF","Explanation":"Definition: American 12\n~~Homophone of \"made off\"~~ A \"heartless\" MAD[e] OFF, giving the fraudster Bernie Madoff"} {"Clue":"Men bound to be in uncle's place (8)","Answer":"PAWNSHOP","Explanation":"Definition: uncle's place\nPAWNS (chess men) + HOP (jump, bound); uncle is slang for a pawnbroker"} {"Clue":"Actor isn't playing one 12 (3,6)","Answer":"CON\u00a0ARTIST","Explanation":"Definition: one 12\n(ACTOR ISN'T)"} {"Clue":"British pop star's activity 12 (5)","Answer":"STING","Explanation":"Definition: British pop star\nDouble definition, with sting = confidence trick"} {"Clue":"Double dose of salt for old invader (6)","Answer":"TARTAR","Explanation":"Definition: old invader\nTAR (sailor, salt) twice"} {"Clue":"Heard group of relatives is 12 (6)","Answer":"COZENS","Explanation":"Definition: is 12\nHomophone of \"cousins\". To cozen is \"to cheat or trick\""} {"Clue":"Bets unclad singer is one making an impression (6)","Answer":"ETCHER","Explanation":"Definition: one making an impression\n[b]ET[s] + CHER"} {"Clue":"Film star, fool taken in by fraud (6)","Answer":"LASSIE","Explanation":"Definition: Film star\nASS in LIE"} {"Clue":"One's played character in Shakespeare play (5)","Answer":"VIOLA","Explanation":"Definition: One's played\nDouble definition \u2013 musical instrument and character in *Twelfth Night"} {"Clue":"Show of preferences in walk nursing injured paw (5,4)","Answer":"STRAW POLL","Explanation":"Definition: Show of preferences\nPAW* in STROLL"} {"Clue":"Perhaps saw advantage withdrawing money (4,4)","Answer":"EDGE TOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps saw\nEDGE (advantage) + reverse of LOOT. I'm not entirely sure that a saw can qualify as an edge tool \u2013 the term seems to refer more to things like axes and chisels, with a hard edge \u2013 but perhaps an expert can confirm"} {"Clue":"Place to park behind North American dressed like Batman? (6)","Answer":"CANAPE","Explanation":"Definition: Place to park behind\nNA \"in CAPE\" (as Batman is). A canap\u00e9 (I learn) is a type of sofa, so a place to \"park [your] behind\""} {"Clue":"Church worker is to keep sending rude messages (6)","Answer":"SEXTON","Explanation":"Definition: Church worker\nSEXT (send sexual messages by text) ON"} {"Clue":"Revealing gear, things which are 12 (1-7)","Answer":"G-STRINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Revealing gear\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"I get it's a sound made in mirth (3)","Answer":"AHA","Explanation":"Definition: I get it\nA + HA (laugh)"} {"Clue":"Single traveller's nose (5)","Answer":"AROMA","Explanation":"Definition: nose\nA ROMA \u2013 \"nose\" as in the aroma of wine etc"} {"Clue":"Lovingly taken home, lawman's clutching a tight back (10)","Answer":"INFATUATED","Explanation":"Definition: Lovingly taken\nIN (home) + (A + reverse of TAUT) in FED (FBI agent)"} {"Clue":"This person's job or duty (6)","Answer":"IMPOST","Explanation":"Definition: duty\nI'M (this person is) + POST (job)"} {"Clue":"Is 12 and isn't straight (4)","Answer":"BOWS","Explanation":"Definition: Is 12\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Well-liked people like me, who introduce extra pieces (9)","Answer":"INSETTERS","Explanation":"Definition: who introduce extra pieces\nIN (popular, well-liked) + SETTERS (\"people like me\")"} {"Clue":"Golf games easily giving surge of emotion (11)","Answer":"GROUNDSWELL","Explanation":"Definition: surge of emotion\nG[olf] + ROUNDS + WELL (easily)"} {"Clue":"Untrustworthy? Then do field trips (2,3,6)","Answer":"ON THE FIDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Untrustworthy\n(THEN DO FIELDS)"} {"Clue":"Performing carol, say, to event where Stradivarius has featured (5,5)","Answer":"ROYAL ASCOT","Explanation":"Definition: event where Stradivarius has featured\n(CAROL SAY TO). This Stradivarius is not the violin maker, but a racehorse that has won the Ascot Gold Cup three times"} {"Clue":"Call up troops, two officers besieging City (9)","Answer":"RECOLLECT","Explanation":"Definition: Call up\nRE (Royal Engineers, troops) + EC (City of London) in COL[onel] + LT (Lieutenant)"} {"Clue":"Camp male's maintaining apparel on the outside (6)","Answer":"STALAG","Explanation":"Definition: Camp\nA[ppare]L in STAG"} {"Clue":"He was 12 with some chap on zither (5)","Answer":"PONZI","Explanation":"Definition: He was 12\nHidden in chaP ON ZIther. Another fraudster, who gave his name to the Ponzi scheme"} {"Clue":"Either end of Milton's poetic early period (4)","Answer":"MORN","Explanation":"Definition: poetic early period\nAn end of MiltoN could be M OR N"} {"Clue":"Girl who's 12? (3)","Answer":"PEG","Explanation":"Definition: Girl\nOne more fiddle-related double definition to finish off"} {"Clue":"America backed Biden-Trump leadership election? At first, it's not obvious (6)","Answer":"SUBTLE","Explanation":"Definition: not obvious\nReverse of US + first letters of Biden-Trump Leadership Election. A bit of topicality to get us started"} {"Clue":"Substance affected Michael Caine's head (8)","Answer":"CHEMICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Substance\nAnagram of MICHAEL + C[aine]"} {"Clue":"Starts to 'accentuate the affirmative' gripping this poet (5)","Answer":"YEATS","Explanation":"Definition: poet\nFirst letters of Accentuate The in (gripped by) YES (affirmative)"} {"Clue":"Type of school for angling round at home (9)","Answer":"FINISHING","Explanation":"Definition: Type of school\nIN (at home) in FISHING"} {"Clue":"Organising a relay run takes a bit over 50 weeks (5,4)","Answer":"LUNAR YEAR","Explanation":"Definition: a bit over 50 weeks\n(A RELAY RUN)*. A lunar year is about 354 days, or 12 lunar months of about 29.5 days"} {"Clue":"Not reactive or interactive (5)","Answer":"INERT","Explanation":"Definition: Not reactive\nA trademark Philistine clue: we have to split INTER\/active to see that it's an anagram (only just!) of INTER"} {"Clue":"Forking out to cover outrageous bill is charming (12)","Answer":"SPELLBINDING","Explanation":"Definition: charming\nBILL* in SPENDING"} {"Clue":"Redundancy offensive involves only Conservative leader separately (12)","Answer":"OBSOLESCENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Redundancy\nSOLE (only) and C[onservative] in (but not adjacently) OBSCENE (offensive)"} {"Clue":"The 8 are about to change in Camberwell (5)","Answer":"AMBER","Explanation":"Definition: The 8 are about to change\nHidden in cAMBERwell. The colour of traffic lights between green and red. Many drivers need to be reminded that amber means stop, not \"put your foot down to try to get through before it goes red\""} {"Clue":"Right lane to turn one of us to strangers (9)","Answer":"EARTHLING","Explanation":"Definition: one of us to strangers\n(RIGHT LANE)*, with the \"strangers\" being extraterrestrials"} {"Clue":"Digs up 12 butchered in Norfolk town (9)","Answer":"DISINTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Digs up\nINERT* in DISS \u2013 in fact the anagram returns us to how we got the answer to 12 in the first place"} {"Clue":"Cutter's back at last with nickel and iron (5)","Answer":"KNIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Cutter\n[bac]K + NI + FE (chemical symbols)"} {"Clue":"Boreal throne toppled by sailors (8)","Answer":"NORTHERN","Explanation":"Definition: Boreal\nTHRONE* + RN (Royal Navy), boreal for northern comes from Boreas, the Greek god of the north wind; also seen in the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights"} {"Clue":"In China, 2000 and 2012 are tedious (6)","Answer":"DRAGON","Explanation":"Definition: In China, 2000 and 2012\nDRAG ON (are tedious); 2000 and 2012 are both the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese zodiac. In fact the years run from the Chinese New Year in late Jan\/early Feb, but close enough"} {"Clue":"Telescope upset mostly Bohemian young woman (8)","Answer":"SPYGLASS","Explanation":"Definition: Telescope\nReverse of GYPS[Y] (Bohemian) + LASS"} {"Clue":"British prince getting smarter (8)","Answer":"BRAINIER","Explanation":"Definition: smarter\nB + RAINIER (any of three Princes of Monaco, the third being the one that married Grace Kelly)"} {"Clue":"Girl captivating girl with the dancing beams (5,6)","Answer":"LASER\u00a0LIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: dancing beams\n(GIRL THE)* in LASS (another one!)"} {"Clue":"Event in which the murders end badly (7,6)","Answer":"HUNDRED\u00a0METRES","Explanation":"Definition: Event\n(THE MURDERS END)"} {"Clue":"Fervent and overexcited about the central part of confessional (9)","Answer":"MESSIANIC","Explanation":"Definition: Fervent\n[conf]ESSI[onal] in MANIC (overexcited)"} {"Clue":"My regularly acerbic major (6)","Answer":"CRIKEY","Explanation":"Definition: My\nAlternate letters of aCeRbIC + key (important, major), with \"My!\" as an exclamation"} {"Clue":"Summarily dismissed with this noise, lean out in panic (4,2,4,3)","Answer":"FLEA\u00a0IN ONE\u2019S\u00a0EAR","Explanation":"Definition: Summarily dismissed with this\n(NOISE LEAN)* in FEAR (panic)"} {"Clue":"Los Angeles Times editor's final hint about intricate passages (9)","Answer":"LABYRINTH","Explanation":"Definition: intricate passages\nLA + BY (times, as in multiplication) + [edito]R + HINT"} {"Clue":"Authentic ing\u00e9nue's attractive (8)","Answer":"ENTICING","Explanation":"Definition: attractive\nHidden in authENTIC ING\u00e9nue"} {"Clue":"Groom welcomes New Age colour (3,5)","Answer":"PEA GREEN","Explanation":"Definition: colour\nAGE* in PREEN"} {"Clue":"Hideaway by river in London (6)","Answer":"CAMDEN","Explanation":"Definition: in London\nCAM (river) + DEN (retreat, hideaway); I have to tut slightly at \"in London\" as the definition"} {"Clue":"Does one leave a terrible bruise? (6)","Answer":"ABUSER","Explanation":"Definition: Does one leave a terrible bruise\nA + BRUISE* less I, &lit \u2013 clever construction but a rather tasteless clue, I thought"} {"Clue":"Somebody who rambles for an hour about US president (5)","Answer":"HIKER","Explanation":"Definition: Somebody who rambles\nIKE (nickname of Dwight Eisenhower) in HR"} {"Clue":"Following report of communist, letters must show these (9)","Answer":"POSTMARKS","Explanation":"Definition: letters must show these\nPOST (following) + homophone of \"Marx\""} {"Clue":"Suffer no fool: Canute misquoted about heresy, initially (4)","Answer":"ACHE","Explanation":"Definition: Suffer\nH[eresy] in anagram of CANUTE less NUT (fool)"} {"Clue":"Decreed: set gold before man of the North, reported journalist (8)","Answer":"ORDAINED","Explanation":"Definition: Decreed\nOR (gold) + DAIN (homophone of \"Dane\", a northern European) + ED (journalist)"} {"Clue":"Old heartless Richard III in feud about filth (6)","Answer":"ORDURE","Explanation":"Definition: filth\nO + R[ichar]D + third (III) letter of feUd + RE (about)"} {"Clue":"Stand for leadership of the youth party in free Yugoslavia (6)","Answer":"TYPIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Stand for\nFirst letters of The Youth Party In Free Yugoslavia"} {"Clue":"Gave out (caught), left in, left out (8)","Answer":"EXCLUDED","Explanation":"Definition: left out\nC[aught] L[eft] in EXUDED (gave out)"} {"Clue":"Way a man embraces a queen (6)","Answer":"MANNER","Explanation":"Definition: Way\nANNE in MR \u2013 the ER at the end is a (deliberate?) red herring"} {"Clue":"Renovated seediest part of the North (8)","Answer":"TEESSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: part of the North\nSEEDIEST* \u2013 Teesside is usually spelt thus, without a hyphen, despite the rather confusing double S"} {"Clue":"As at first, Henry VIII was intellectual (8)","Answer":"THINKING","Explanation":"Definition: intellectual\nHenry VIII was famously fat in later life, but he started out as a THIN KING"} {"Clue":"In Scotland's valleys, Elizabeth's heart picks up (6)","Answer":"GLEANS","Explanation":"Definition: picks up\nMiddle letter of elizAbeth in GLENS"} {"Clue":"Plot to murder princes about nothing (8)","Answer":"CONSPIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Plot\nO in PRINCES"} {"Clue":"Terrible danger, with polit\u00adical activists at Buckingham House event (6,5)","Answer":"GARDEN\u00a0PARTY","Explanation":"Definition: Buckingham House event\nDANGER* + PARTY (polit\u00adical activists). I'm not sure why Boatman has used Buckingham *House* (the former name of the Palace) here \u2013 because of the capital H it can't mislead us into thinking it's a just house in Buckingham"} {"Clue":"Man of the North, as James I was in Scotland! (6)","Answer":"VIKING","Explanation":"Definition: Man of the North\nJames I of England was the sixth king of that name in Scotland, so he was a VI KING"} {"Clue":"Boatman, at heart European, in first part of Tory attack (4,4)","Answer":"TEAR INTO","Explanation":"Definition: attack\nE[uropean] in TAR (sailor, boatman) + IN + TO[ry]"} {"Clue":"Charles broadcast to listeners? (4)","Answer":"HEIR","Explanation":"Definition: Charles\nHomophone of \"air\" (to broadcast) \u2013 Prince Charles is the Heir Apparent"} {"Clue":"Lorry then diverted in the direction of Scotland? (9)","Answer":"NORTHERLY","Explanation":"Definition: in the direction of Scotland\n(LORRY THEN)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Victoria is not at fault (7)","Answer":"STATION","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Victoria\n(IS NOT AT)"} {"Clue":"Unwashed masses taking king's head (5)","Answer":"MANKY","Explanation":"Definition: Unwashed\nK[ing] in MANY (masses)"} {"Clue":"Alfred: he atoned partly for the result of a fire (3,4)","Answer":"RED HEAT","Explanation":"Definition: the result of a fire\nHidden in alfRED HE AToned, with the surface perhaps alluding to the story of his burning of the cakes"} {"Clue":"Snack in foil, say pig's foot (6,3)","Answer":"SCOTCH EGG","Explanation":"Definition: Snack\nSCOTCH (to foil) + E.G. (say) +[pi]G. A snack, or a substantial meal according to our Environment Secretary"} {"Clue":"Edward, our sovereign, showed passions (7)","Answer":"ARDOURS","Explanation":"Definition: passions\nHidden in edwARD OUR Sovereign"} {"Clue":"King, to be beheaded, takes sanctuary somewhere near Wembley (9)","Answer":"HARLESDEN","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere near Wembley\n[C]HARLES + DEN (sanctuary)"} {"Clue":"Oh, I parted sadly from love's image (9)","Answer":"APHRODITE","Explanation":"Definition: love's image\n(OH I PARTED)"} {"Clue":"Exercising restraint, as the Queen is said to do in spirit (7,2)","Answer":"REINING IN","Explanation":"Definition: Exercising restraint\nREIN (homophone of \"reign\", as the Queen does) + IN GIN"} {"Clue":"More unpleasant than retsina? Unlikely! (7)","Answer":"NASTIER","Explanation":"Definition: More unpleasant\nRETSINA"} {"Clue":"Getting bigger, King George: one defined by his appetite? (7)","Answer":"GREATER","Explanation":"Definition: bigger\nGR (King George) + EATER"} {"Clue":"Boatman placed between noble and royal persons previously (7)","Answer":"EARLIER","Explanation":"Definition: previously\nI (Boatman as the setter this time) in EARL (noble) + ER (plural \"persons\" because it could refer to either Queen Elizabeth)"} {"Clue":"Harold at first confessed rising up to snap in anger (5)","Answer":"GNASH","Explanation":"Definition: snap in anger\nReverse of H[arold] + SANG (confessed) \u2013 I've always thought gnashing your teeth means grinding them, as in the biblical \"weeping and gnashing of teeth\", but according to Chambers to gnash is \"to strike (the teeth) together in rage or pain\" or \"to bite with a snap or clash of the teeth\""} {"Clue":"Good to leave the upper class no way out (5)","Answer":"ENTRY","Explanation":"Definition: no way out\nGENTRY less G. An entry is a way in, so \"no way out\""} {"Clue":"Fine under hat, one invisible (6)","Answer":"SUBTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fine\nSUB (under) TILE (hat) less I (one) \u2013 fine as in \"a fine distinction\""} {"Clue":"Brand magistrate crooked after waiving of charge (6)","Answer":"STIGMA","Explanation":"Definition: Brand\nAnagram of MAGISTRATE less RATE (charge)"} {"Clue":"Birdsong, perhaps, in worst dungeon, by the sound of it? (4,6)","Answer":"BEST SELLER","Explanation":"Definition: Birdsong, perhaps\nBEST (synonym of \"worst\" in the sense of to beat) + homophone of \"cellar\". *Birdsong* is a best-selling novel by Sebastian Faulks (who I was at college with, though I don't remember him at all)"} {"Clue":"German slimmer (6)","Answer":"DIETER","Explanation":"Definition: German\nDouble definition, Dieter being a German name, short for Dietrich"} {"Clue":"US politician in priest turned rotten (8)","Answer":"INEDIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: rotten\nBIDEN in ELI (biblical priest), all reversed"} {"Clue":"Champ leaves hirsute character (9)","Answer":"CHEWBACCA","Explanation":"Definition: hirsute character\nCHEW (to champ) + BACCA (tobacco, leaves: this form is not in Chambers, though it's attested online) \u2013 Chewbacca is a hair-covered character in the Star Wars films"} {"Clue":"Those contraptions would judder as he worked aboard loco (11)","Answer":"BONESHAKERS","Explanation":"Definition: Those contraptions would judder\n(AS HE)* in BONKERS (mad, loco)"} {"Clue":"One enjoying a drink eats nuts in season (10)","Answer":"WINETASTER","Explanation":"Definition: One enjoying a drink\nEATS* in WINTER \u2013 listed as two words in Chambers"} {"Clue":"Dimmer student finally admitted to county town after pretty low grade (3,6)","Answer":"DIP SWITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Dimmer\nD (low grade in an exam) + last letter of studenT in IPSWICH (county town of Suffolk). Today I learned that the DIP here is an acronym for Dual Inline Package: I think the definition is not accurate"} {"Clue":"Numbers coming up, split spoils including deposit (8)","Answer":"PLAYLIST","Explanation":"Definition: Numbers coming up\nLAY (to deposit) in SPLIT* \u2013 \"numbers coming up\" as records on a radio programme, say"} {"Clue":"Foreign helper in middle of room, might you say? (2,4)","Answer":"AU PAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign helper\nHomophone of \"O pair\", or a pair of Os, as in the middle of rOOm (shades of the Four Candles sketch)"} {"Clue":"Measure girl, OK after reviewing contrary novel (10)","Answer":"KILOGRAMME","Explanation":"Definition: Measure\n(GIRL OK)* + reverse of EMMA"} {"Clue":"Book search in Birmingham? (4)","Answer":"LUKE","Explanation":"Definition: Book\n\"Look\", as said in a Birmingham accent"} {"Clue":"Work out the other royal title (6)","Answer":"SUSSEX","Explanation":"Definition: royal title\nSUS (variant of SUSS, to work out) + SEX (\"the other\"). Prince Harry is Duke of Sussex"} {"Clue":"Behind schoolmaster, necking drinks (6)","Answer":"ASTERN","Explanation":"Definition: Behind\nHidden in (\"drunk by\") schoolmASTER Necking"} {"Clue":"European vegetable's ending in Cornish pasty, possibly? (7)","Answer":"SWEDISH","Explanation":"Definition: European\n[vegetabl]E in SW DISH (as a Cornish pasty might be described)"} {"Clue":"Tool securing unloaded device behind washer (5)","Answer":"BIDET","Explanation":"Definition: behind washer\nD[evic]E in BIT (drill bit \u2013 tool), with a Paulian definition"} {"Clue":"Country in deceit more fuelled by alcohol, reportedly? (7)","Answer":"LIBERIA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nHomophone of \"lie beerier\""} {"Clue":"Medicine served up in prison, one in disastrous campaign (9)","Answer":"GALLIPOLI","Explanation":"Definition: disastrous campaign\nReverse of PILL in GAOL + I (one), giving the failed campaign of WW1"} {"Clue":"Round rings, circle left in region on base of nipple (7)","Answer":"AREOLAE","Explanation":"Definition: Round rings\nO (circle) L[eft] in AREA (region) + [nippl]E, with \"Round rings\" as the definition. I originally thought \"region on base of nipple\" must be the definition, and was going to complain that it didn't indicate the plural"} {"Clue":"What man in essence and woman in effect both have proverbially to solve the problem immediately? (1,6,2,4)","Answer":"A\u00a0STITCH IN\u00a0TIME","Explanation":"Definition: What man in essence and woman in effect both have proverbially to solve the problem immediately\nNot sure how to describe this, but \"a stitch in time saves nine\", and NINE is hidden in both \"maN IN Essence\" and \"womaN IN Effect\""} {"Clue":"Result of pat on baby's back, turn remarkably soppy (9)","Answer":"WINDYPOPS","Explanation":"Definition: Result of pat on baby's back\nWIND (to turn) + SOPPY \u2013 baby-talk for burps"} {"Clue":"Cryptic was like exercise for setter, say? (7)","Answer":"WALKIES","Explanation":"Definition: exercise for setter, say\n(WAS LIKE)* \u2013 the setter is a dog, and the word recalls the late Barbara Woodhouse"} {"Clue":"Small potatoes or peanuts, nibbles for hen party? (11)","Answer":"CHICKEN FEED","Explanation":"Definition: Small potatoes\nDouble (or triple) definition: Small potatoes and peanuts are both slang for something trivial, or a small amount of money, and a party of actual hens could nibble chicken feed"} {"Clue":"Enter king, say, carrying head of Republican (6)","Answer":"PIERCE","Explanation":"Definition: Enter\nR[epublican] in PIECE (the king is a chess piece)"} {"Clue":"Seed perhaps mine, though not a tree, ultimately (5)","Answer":"PULSE","Explanation":"Definition: Seed perhaps\nPAUL'S (mine!) less A + [tre]E"} {"Clue":"Ransack channel for handy menial in sea-food joint? (10)","Answer":"FISH-GUTTER","Explanation":"Definition: handy menial in sea-food joint\nFISH (to ransack) + GUTTER (channel)"} {"Clue":"Deity viewable by anyone immersed in shimmering rays (5)","Answer":"SURYA","Explanation":"Definition: Deity\nU (\"viewable by anyone\" as a film certificate) in RAYS"} {"Clue":"Scrambling up tree, fourth of date palms (7)","Answer":"EUTERPE","Explanation":"Definition: palms\n(UP TREE)* + fourth letter of datE. Euterpe is perhaps best known as one of the Muses, but is also a genus of palm trees (named after the Muse)"} {"Clue":"Glass decorations giving one kicks round edge of tumbler (6)","Answer":"PRUNTS","Explanation":"Definition: Glass decorations\n[tumble]R in PUNTS (kicks)"} {"Clue":"Decline a small drink, imbibing nothing (5)","Answer":"DROOP","Explanation":"Definition: Decline\nO in DROP"} {"Clue":"Poorly, in grip of scare, a disorderly mob? Och aye (9)","Answer":"RASCAILLE","Explanation":"Definition: disorderly mob? Och aye\nILL in (SCARE A)"} {"Clue":"Players booed endlessly (and drunkenly) by character at front of stalls (5)","Answer":"OBOES","Explanation":"Definition: Players\nAnagram of BOODE[d] + S[talls]"} {"Clue":"Items of oriental hosiery, a bit the worse for wear (4)","Answer":"TABI","Explanation":"Definition: Items of oriental hosiery\n(A BIT)"} {"Clue":"Curtain material? Sounds like something cat's caught in (8)","Answer":"TABBINET","Explanation":"Definition: Curtain material\nHomophone of \"tabby net\", which a cat might be caught in"} {"Clue":"Favouring home that's about new? Jock's bang opposite (8)","Answer":"FORNENST","Explanation":"Definition: Jock's bang opposite\nFOR + N in NEST (home)"} {"Clue":"Book 4 summarily includes English group of notes sung on same note (4)","Answer":"NEUM","Explanation":"Definition: group of notes sung on same note\nE in NUM (abbreviation of Numbers, the fourth book of the bible)"} {"Clue":"Needing to diet? Number going outside to be seen (5)","Answer":"OBESE","Explanation":"Definition: Needing to diet\ntO BE SEen less the surrounding TEN"} {"Clue":"Boards required for those digging protective ditches (9)","Answer":"TRENCHERS","Explanation":"Definition: Boards\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Rope from rear decapitated SA carnivore (5)","Answer":"TAIRA","Explanation":"Definition: SA carnivore\nReverse of [L]ARIAT"} {"Clue":"Ultimate for artist having to share garret (6)","Answer":"TALLOT","Explanation":"Definition: garret\n[artis]T + ALLOT"} {"Clue":"One bolting sword round sheath? No p-poet (7)","Answer":"ESCAPEE","Explanation":"Definition: One bolting\nSCABBARD less B-BARD in EPEE"} {"Clue":"I'll be involved in long run \u2013 langlaufers follow it (5)","Answer":"LOIPE","Explanation":"Definition: langlaufers follow it\nI in LOPE"} {"Clue":"Cent losing out to major currency, third going in fall, sad (10)","Answer":"DESPONDENT","Explanation":"Definition: sad\nDESCENT (fall) with C (cent) replaced by POuND less its third letter#"} {"Clue":"Liqueur, almost the last of it, worthless, imbibed in company (7)","Answer":"CURA\u00c7AO","Explanation":"Definition: Liqueur\nI thought I'd have to admit defeat on this, but it's U (the second last letter of liqueur, so \"almost the last of it\") + RACA, a word that appears just once in the bible, in Matthew 5:22, apparently meaning \"worthless\". On searching the archives I see that it's not entirely new to me. Of course RACA doesn't have the cedilla needed for the answer, but such subtleties are usually ignored even by Azed"} {"Clue":"Surge following opening of farce, break from Shakespeare (5)","Answer":"FRUSH","Explanation":"Definition: break from Shakespeare\nF[arce] + RUSH"} {"Clue":"Tasty barbecue item? Stop pinching one (5)","Answer":"SATAY","Explanation":"Definition: Tasty barbecue item\nA in STAY (to stop)"} {"Clue":"Anything but forthright, disturbing the antis (8)","Answer":"HESITANT","Explanation":"Definition: Anything but forthright\n(THE ANTIS)"} {"Clue":"Booby \u2013 or another seabird (4)","Answer":"GULL","Explanation":"Definition: Booby\nDouble definition. I confidently entered LOON here on my first pass"} {"Clue":"What you can get thinner from? Concoction of three girlfriend swallowed (9)","Answer":"TEREBINTH","Explanation":"Definition: What you can get thinner from\nBINT (girlfriend) in THREE"} {"Clue":"Colourful bird to be sold in marketplace (6)","Answer":"TROGON","Explanation":"Definition: Colourful bird\nGO (to be sold? Chambers has the adjectival meanings \"ready\" and \"in perfect condition\") in TRON"} {"Clue":"What's poet read? This crafted with art maybe (5)","Answer":"EPODE","Explanation":"Definition: This\nComposite anagram: (POET READ)* = EPODE ART"} {"Clue":"Large bill includes e.g. jigger for Oxford scholar (10)","Answer":"POSTMASTER","Explanation":"Definition: Oxford scholar\nMAST (jigger is a type of mast) in POSTER"} {"Clue":"Helm anchor? Check strain that's twisted sloop's rear (9)","Answer":"CHINSTRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Helm anchor\nCH + STRAIN* + [sloo]P \u2013 \"helm\" here is an archaic form of \"helmet\", which could be help in place by a chinstrap"} {"Clue":"Moved away, having retired, directed inside (8)","Answer":"ABSENTED","Explanation":"Definition: Moved away\nSENT in ABED"} {"Clue":"Regular variation spoilt duet, except for the first, not so good (7)","Answer":"EUTROPY","Explanation":"Definition: Regular variation\nAnagram of [d]UET + ROPY"} {"Clue":"Odd pieces from Sicily (ruined) transported as mementos (6)","Answer":"RELICS","Explanation":"Definition: mementos\nAnagram of the odd letters of SiCiLy RuInEd"} {"Clue":"Bored with pleasure, there being little left in bed (5)","Answer":"BLAS\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: Bored with pleasure\nL in BASE"} {"Clue":"Climb in mountainous Caledonia (5)","Answer":"SCALE","Explanation":"Definition: Climb\nHidden in mountainouS CALEdonia"} {"Clue":"Workman on roof maybe starting at bottom got going again (5)","Answer":"RELIT","Explanation":"Definition: got going again\nReverse of TILER \u2013 I think the clue is ambiguous as to which word is the answer"} {"Clue":"Flat stage removed from outskirts of Herts location (4)","Answer":"EVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Flat\nSTEVENAGE less the outer STAGE"} {"Clue":"Tamper with retro piece of religious iconography outside court (6)","Answer":"DOCTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Tamper with\nC[our]T in reverse of ROOD (cross)"} {"Clue":"Plant found by fish next to part of canal network (8)","Answer":"CHARLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nCHAR (fish) + LOCK (seen on canals) \u2013 I didn't know the word, but the plant (also called Wild Mustard) is familiar"} {"Clue":"Medical emergency caused by a speaker's inactivity (6)","Answer":"ARREST","Explanation":"Definition: Medical emergency\nHomophone of \"a rest\""} {"Clue":"Slope in garden altered to accommodate one plant finally (8)","Answer":"GRADIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Slope\nI (one) in GARDEN* + [plan]T"} {"Clue":"Fruit with extremely likeable fragrance has a fine lustre (11)","Answer":"PEARLESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: has a fine lustre\nPEAR + L[ikabl]E + SCENT \u2013 the definition doesn't work grammatically: \"and with a fine lustre\" might be better"} {"Clue":"College head leaves part-time judge to request another delivery (7)","Answer":"REORDER","Explanation":"Definition: request another delivery\nRECORDER (part-time judge) less C[ollege]"} {"Clue":"Huge flow of gold found in British river (7)","Answer":"TORRENT","Explanation":"Definition: Huge flow\nOR (gold) in TRENT"} {"Clue":"Wise men given no time to join those waiting to see old French fortifications (7,4)","Answer":"MAGINOT LINE","Explanation":"Definition: old French fortifications\nMAGI (the Wise Men in the Christmas story) + NO T + LINE (a queue, those waiting)"} {"Clue":"Sharp fielder catching good new Australian (8)","Answer":"POIGNANT","Explanation":"Definition: Sharp\nG[ood] N[ew] A[ustralian] in POINT (fielding position in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Relative trapping animal in bottle (6)","Answer":"MAGNUM","Explanation":"Definition: bottle\nGNU in MAM (mother)"} {"Clue":"Court official with gratuities for office workers (8)","Answer":"TIPSTAFF","Explanation":"Definition: Court official\nTIPS (gratuitues) + STAFF *As noted in the comments, this gives a superfluous S"} {"Clue":"Reflect, as young person runs for navy (6)","Answer":"MIRROR","Explanation":"Definition: Reflect\nMINOR (young person) with two R[un]s replacing N[avy]"} {"Clue":"Small piece of mushroom without top of stalk (6)","Answer":"MORSEL","Explanation":"Definition: Small piece\nS[talk] in MOREL (mushroom), with \"without\" meaning \"outside\""} {"Clue":"Dance, though Rachel and son not dancing (10)","Answer":"CHARLESTON","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\nAnagram of RACHEL S NOT"} {"Clue":"Aggressor's press release to editor returning duty list (8)","Answer":"PREDATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Aggressor\nP[ress] R[elease] + ED[itor] + reverse of ROTA"} {"Clue":"Return said sources of 3, 7, 15 and 9 for all those who have left their homeland (8)","Answer":"DIASPORA","Explanation":"Definition: all those who have left their homeland\nReverse of SAID + initial letters of Predator Open Reorder Arrest (the answers to the numbered clues)"} {"Clue":"Drama changed into half comedy for produce some spice (8)","Answer":"CARDAMOM","Explanation":"Definition: spice\nDRAMA* in COM[edy]"} {"Clue":"Old writer in annual golf event (4)","Answer":"OPEN","Explanation":"Definition: annual golf event\nO + PEN"} {"Clue":"Bird originally kept in tiny enclosure (4)","Answer":"KITE","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nFirst letters of Kept In Tiny Enclosure"} {"Clue":"Dish of beef roast, carved up with good source of nutrients, is no longer on the menu (10)","Answer":"STROGANOFF","Explanation":"Definition: Dish of beef\nAnagram of (ROAST G[ood]) + N[utrients] + OFF (no longer on the menu \u2013 the \"is\" is redundant)"} {"Clue":"Creative type's gender is fluid (8)","Answer":"DESIGNER","Explanation":"Definition: Creative type\n(GENDER IS)"} {"Clue":"Flag flown by ship crossing river (8)","Answer":"STREAMER","Explanation":"Definition: Flag\nR in STEAMER"} {"Clue":"Two notes put away following Norway leader's command (8)","Answer":"DOMINATE","Explanation":"Definition: command\nDO MI (notes, as in do-re-mi) + N[orway] + ATE (put away)"} {"Clue":"Very sad soldier in vehicle going back uphill (6)","Answer":"TRAGIC","Explanation":"Definition: Very sad\nGI (soldier) in reverse of CART"} {"Clue":"Covers over notice (4)","Answer":"SPOT","Explanation":"Definition: notice\nReverse of TOPS (covers): this clue could equally well give TOPS, but either of the crossing letters settles the matter"} {"Clue":"Detective in touch with politician's solicitor (4)","Answer":"PIMP","Explanation":"Definition: solicitor\nPI (Private Investigator) + MP (politician)"} {"Clue":"Cockney hunted down on policeman's first beat (7)","Answer":"POUNDED","Explanation":"Definition: beat\nP[oliceman] + [h]OUNDED"} {"Clue":"Many trousers briefly removed (4,2)","Answer":"BAGS OF","Explanation":"Definition: Many\nBAGS (old slang for trousers, as in \"Oxford bags\") + OF[f] (removed)"} {"Clue":"Entering taverns after tea, I'll be bound (2,6)","Answer":"IN CHAINS","Explanation":"Definition: bound\nCHA (tea) + I in INNS"} {"Clue":"Singular athlete, one accustomed to beam (6)","Answer":"SMILER","Explanation":"Definition: one accustomed to beam\nS + MILER"} {"Clue":"Spaces aboard for officers' suits? (12)","Answer":"QUARTERDECKS","Explanation":"Definition: Spaces aboard for officers\nDouble definition: place for officers on a ship, and a suit is a QUARTER of a DECK of cards"} {"Clue":"Marked word such as we initially check with editor (10)","Answer":"PRONOUNCED","Explanation":"Definition: Marked\nPRONOUN (\"we\" is an example) + C[heck] + ED[itor]"} {"Clue":"Yankee cracking clue oddly rejected solution (3)","Answer":"LYE","Explanation":"Definition: solution\nY[ankee] in cLuE less its odd letters"} {"Clue":"Aquatic mammal seabird caught (3)","Answer":"ORC","Explanation":"Definition: Aquatic mammal\nHomophone of \"auk\"; ORC is a variant of Orca, the killer whale"} {"Clue":"Where deal may be had by mad ruler on the move? (10)","Answer":"LUMBERYARD","Explanation":"Definition: Where deal may be had\n(BY MAD RULER)*, with \"deal\" being the wood"} {"Clue":"Emotive outcome of corruption at police HQ? (12)","Answer":"SUPERCHARGED","Explanation":"Definition: Emotive\nIf corruption is found at HQ, the SUPER[intendent] might be CHARGED"} {"Clue":"Particle quietly splitting gave the game away (6)","Answer":"LEPTON","Explanation":"Definition: Particle\nP (quietly) in LET ON"} {"Clue":"Number of customers in time to pay for trip (8)","Answer":"FOOTFALL","Explanation":"Definition: Number of customers in time\nFOOT (pay for, as in \"foot the bill\") + FALL (to trip)"} {"Clue":"Plodded into the Home Counties and moved on apace (6)","Answer":"STRODE","Explanation":"Definition: moved on apace\nTROD (plodded) in SE (the Home Counties are roughly the South-east of England)"} {"Clue":"Immature swimmer bit staff (7)","Answer":"TADPOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Immature swimmer\nTAD (a bit) POLE (staff)"} {"Clue":"Puritan outfit under pressure (4)","Answer":"PRIG","Explanation":"Definition: Puritan\nP[ressure] + RIG (outfit)"} {"Clue":"Remarkable Scots centre missed by world heritage guardians (4)","Answer":"UNCO","Explanation":"Definition: Remarkable Scots\nUNesCO less its centre \u2013 the Scots word UNCO, meaning remarkable, strange, etc, crops up in crosswords from time to time, often as part of a longer word"} {"Clue":"Make use of frame one trimmed (4,4)","Answer":"DRAW UPON","Explanation":"Definition: Make use of\nDRAW UP (to frame, as e.g. a law) + ON[e]"} {"Clue":"Duke, working men's benefactor (5)","Answer":"DONOR","Explanation":"Definition: benefactor\nD[uke] + ON (working) + OR (other ranks, men)"} {"Clue":"First man from south to join a king's fleet (6)","Answer":"ARMADA","Explanation":"Definition: fleet\nA R (king) + reverse of ADAM"} {"Clue":"Preserve place for wine dispenser at table (4,6)","Answer":"SALT CELLAR","Explanation":"Definition: dispenser at table\nSALT (to preserve) + CELLAR (place for wine)"} {"Clue":"Where crops may be grown after dams burst close to Paris? (10)","Answer":"FARMSTEADS","Explanation":"Definition: Where crops may be grown\n(AFTER DAMS)* + [pari]S"} {"Clue":"Tenor's last note upset acoustic device (6)","Answer":"REVERB","Explanation":"Definition: acoustic device\nLater letter of tenoR + reverse of BREVE (musical note, twice as long as a semibreve; it's a historical curiosity that the longest note used in modern notation has a name that means \"short\")"} {"Clue":"Sailors attending course find something to keep them going (5,5)","Answer":"EPSOM SALTS","Explanation":"Definition: something to keep them going\nEPSOM (race course) + SALTS (sailors) \u2013 Epsom Salts are a laxative"} {"Clue":"Possible source of firing put poacher off (10)","Answer":"TOUCHPAPER","Explanation":"Definition: Possible source of firing\n(PUT POACHER)"} {"Clue":"Nothing titillating? Not quite (6)","Answer":"NAUGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Nothing\nNot quite NAUGHTy"} {"Clue":"Gunners turning up refreshed, ran in (8)","Answer":"ARRESTED","Explanation":"Definition: ran in\nReverse of RA (Royal Artillery, gunners) + RESTED (refreshed)"} {"Clue":"Poet's 'void land south of river' (6)","Answer":"ARNOLD","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\nARNO (Italian river, crossed by the Ponte Vecchio in Florence) + L[an]D. The poet is Matthew Arnold, son of Dr Thomas Arnold of Rugby School"} {"Clue":"Sleep with sailor in bunk? (5)","Answer":"ROOST","Explanation":"Definition: Sleep\nOS (Ordinary Seaman) in ROT (nonsense, bunk)"} {"Clue":"Served up duck with potato dressing (4)","Answer":"MAYO","Explanation":"Definition: dressing\nReverse of O (zero, a duck in cricket) + YAM (the sweet potato in US usage, or another kind of edible tuber)"} {"Clue":"Last of pickers still to grade fruit (4)","Answer":"SLOE","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nLast letters of pickerS stilL tO gradE"} {"Clue":"Call from the US electorate? (2-5)","Answer":"NO-TRUMP","Explanation":"Definition: Call\nCryptic\/double definition: No Trump is a bid or call in Bridge, and the US electorate recently said NO to TRUMP (though not by as much as many would have hoped)"} {"Clue":"Mysterious flash enveloping trailer (7)","Answer":"SHADOWY","Explanation":"Definition: Mysterious\nAD (trailer, as in films) in SHOWY (flash)"} {"Clue":"Adonis is boss (4)","Answer":"STUD","Explanation":"Definition: Adonis\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Retro plain squares under the table, perhaps? (2,3,5)","Answer":"ON\u00a0ALL FOURS","Explanation":"Definition: under the table, perhaps\nReverse of LLANO (Spanish for a plain) + FOURS (four is a sqaure number)"} {"Clue":"God placing 6 and Egyptian equivalent back-to-back behind you (6)","Answer":"URANUS","Explanation":"Definition: God\nU (you) + RA (Egyptian sun god) \"back to back\" with SUN, referring to Helios, the Greek sun-god (from whom we get the name of the element Helium, first identified in the sun)"} {"Clue":"More difficult check reviewed on god (8)","Answer":"THORNIER","Explanation":"Definition: More difficult\nTHOR (Norse god) + reverse of REIN (check)"} {"Clue":"Female god performs (4,1,4)","Answer":"DOES\u00a0A\u00a0TURN","Explanation":"Definition: performs\nDOE (female) + SATURN (god)"} {"Clue":"Worshipper for whom church in Dudley providing sanctuary (5)","Answer":"HINDU","Explanation":"Definition: Worshipper\nHidden in churcH IN DUdley"} {"Clue":"Half-Vulcan box contains head of Prometheus (5)","Answer":"SPOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Half-Vulcan\nP[rometheus] in SOCK (box \u2013 as in punching) \u2013 in the original Star Trek series, Mr Spock is half Vulcan"} {"Clue":"Hard work initially, easier otherwise to maintain order (9)","Answer":"WEARISOME","Explanation":"Definition: Hard\nW[ork] + OM (order of merit) in EASIER"} {"Clue":"Wonderful goddess hiding in wood (4-4)","Answer":"FIVE-STAR","Explanation":"Definition: Wonderful\nVESTA (Roman goddess of the home) in FIR"} {"Clue":"Goddess concealing second of beauty spots (6)","Answer":"VENUES","Explanation":"Definition: spots\n[b]E[auty] in VENUS"} {"Clue":"Chaotic form disowned, happy to come first (6,4)","Answer":"UPSIDE DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Chaotic\nUP (happy) + DISOWNED"} {"Clue":"Reach god by bus, finally (4)","Answer":"SPAN","Explanation":"Definition: Reach\n[bu]S + PAN"} {"Clue":"['We have arrived', daughter announced] (7)","Answer":"USHERED","Explanation":"Definition: announced\nUS HERE (\"we have arrived\") + D. Why the brackets? I've seen this happen before: my theory is that the clue is a placeholder, waiting for something better, which never came"} {"Clue":"Most immediate gain overwhelming god (7)","Answer":"NEAREST","Explanation":"Definition: Most immediate\nARES (Greek god of war) in NET (to gain)"} {"Clue":"North American province, not a different South American city (7)","Answer":"ONTARIO","Explanation":"Definition: North American province\n(NOT A)* + RIO"} {"Clue":"Artist's country escaping Roman god (5)","Answer":"RODIN","Explanation":"Definition: Artist\nROMAN less OMAN (country) + ODIN (Norse god)"} {"Clue":"When heavenly body drops idle god (7)","Answer":"MOONSET","Explanation":"Definition: When heavenly body drops\nMOON (to idle) + SET (Egyptian god)"} {"Clue":"God dressing priest in short stockings (6)","Answer":"HELIOS","Explanation":"Definition: God\nELI (biblical priest) in HOS[E]"} {"Clue":"Island originally home to climbing marsupial \u2014 one of these is as dead as a dodo? (9)","Answer":"DOORNAILS","Explanation":"Definition: one of these is as dead as a dodo\nReverse of ROO (marsupial) in ISLAND* \u2013 reference to the phrase \"dead as a doornail\""} {"Clue":"Mass inspiring god, Mars' device? (7)","Answer":"WARHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Mars' device\nRHEA (one of the Titans in Greek mythology) in WAD (a mass); Mars is the Roman god of war"} {"Clue":"Where Morpheus might live to dream, more bunks emptied out (6,7)","Answer":"MASTER BEDROOM","Explanation":"Definition: Where Morpheus might live\nAnagram of TO DREAM MORE B[unk]S \u2013 Morpheus is the Greek god of sleep and dreams"} {"Clue":"Close game receives outstanding support, finally (9)","Answer":"SECRETIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Close\n[suppor]T in RECEIVES* (with game=lame, as in \"game leg\", often pronounced \"gammy\")"} {"Clue":"God lifting couple into drink (7)","Answer":"PRIAPUS","Explanation":"Definition: God\nReverse of PAIR in SUP"} {"Clue":"Nemesis rising, for example, over my dead body (7)","Answer":"REVENGE","Explanation":"Definition: Nemesis\nReverse of EG (\"say\") + NEVER (over my dead body!)"} {"Clue":"Heaven-bound American uncle entertaining European women inspired by Dionysus (7)","Answer":"MAENADS","Explanation":"Definition: women inspired by Dionysus\nA third reversal, of DANE in [Uncle] SAM. In Greek mythology the Maenads are followers of Dionysus, aka Bacchus, the god of wine and related activities"} {"Clue":"Goddess putting second and third of 21 in order? (6)","Answer":"ATHENE","Explanation":"Definition: Goddess\nThe second and third letters of 21d, in order, are A THEN E"} {"Clue":"I won't ever remove lid from inverted can! (2,3)","Answer":"NO SIR","Explanation":"Definition: I won't ever\nReverse of [P]RISON (can)"} {"Clue":"Putting on this jumper, male player might relax here (5,4)","Answer":"GREEN ROOM","Explanation":"Definition: player might relax here\nGREEN (there's \"putting on this\" on a golf course) + ROO (jumper) + M[ale]; the \"player\" is an actor"} {"Clue":"Mark part of bible to introduce round church (5)","Answer":"NOTCH","Explanation":"Definition: Mark\nO (round) in NT (part of bible) + CH"} {"Clue":"Boozer to call jerk this? (7)","Answer":"BARBELL","Explanation":"Definition: jerk this\nBAR (pub, boozer) + BELL (call, as in \"give me a bell\") \u2013 barbells might be jerked by a training weighlifter"} {"Clue":"Respecting wedding party (7)","Answer":"REUNION","Explanation":"Definition: party\nRE (regarding, respecting) + UNION (wedding)"} {"Clue":"On the house that's detached (4)","Answer":"FREE","Explanation":"Definition: On the house\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Detailed notice beside posters and flyers (10)","Answer":"SPOONBILLS","Explanation":"Definition: flyers\nSPO[t] (to notice) + ON (beside) + BILLS (posters)"} {"Clue":"Book store (7)","Answer":"RESERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Book\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Shepherd and sheep going over sedimentary rock, mostly (7)","Answer":"MARSHAL","Explanation":"Definition: Shepherd\nReverse of RAM + SHAL[e]"} {"Clue":"Everyday performer, having a lot of fresh sprouts (sign of Christmas)? (5,5)","Answer":"BUDDY\u00a0HOLLY","Explanation":"Definition: Everyday performer\nBUDDY (having lots of buds or sprouts) + HOLLY (sign of Christmas). Buddy Holly recorded the song \"Everyday\""} {"Clue":"Tip off a Romeo to get into woman's skirt (4)","Answer":"WARN","Explanation":"Definition: Tip off\nA R in the outer letters or \"skirt\" of W[oma]N"} {"Clue":"Muscle work out is clear (7)","Answer":"ABSOLVE","Explanation":"Definition: clear\nAB (abdominal muscle) + SOLVE (work out)"} {"Clue":"Break up gang fight behind clubs (7)","Answer":"CRUMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Break up\nC[lubs] + RUMBLE (a gang fight)"} {"Clue":"Supporters gathering around the last for Tiger Woods (5)","Answer":"TREES","Explanation":"Definition: Woods\n[Tige]R in TEES (supporters, golf, approriately). The timing of this could have been unfortunate in view of Woods's recent car crash"} {"Clue":"Instruct nurses to cover daytime (9)","Answer":"ENLIGHTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Instruct\nLIGHT (daytime) in EN (enrolled nurse) twice"} {"Clue":"After you season in preparation for dish (3,6,6)","Answer":"AGE\u00a0BEFORE BEAUTY","Explanation":"Definition: After you\nAGE (season) + BEFORE (in preparation for) + DISH (a beauty)"} {"Clue":"Start of lesson, they bring in students (8)","Answer":"LEARNERS","Explanation":"Definition: students\nL[esson] + EARNERS (they bring in [the money])"} {"Clue":"After playing both sides of cassette (4)","Answer":"ONCE","Explanation":"Definition: After\nON (playing) + C[assett]E \u2013 as in \"once\/after I've finished this, I'll go out\""} {"Clue":"Cave in woody area: everyone enters the wrong way (8)","Answer":"COLLAPSE","Explanation":"Definition: Cave in\nReverse of ALL in COPSE"} {"Clue":"All clothing for baby one mother prepared for unborn child (6)","Answer":"EMBRYO","Explanation":"Definition: unborn child\nAnagram of the outer letters of BabY OnE MotheR"} {"Clue":"Hamper with food additive to eat cold (8)","Answer":"ENCUMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Hamper\nC[old] in E NUMBER"} {"Clue":"As one chooses a checkout with divides (2,4)","Answer":"AT WILL","Explanation":"Definition: As one chooses\nA TILL \"divided by\" W (with)"} {"Clue":"Set off in clearness, then they go up in flames (7,8)","Answer":"CHINESE LANTERNS","Explanation":"Definition: they go up in flames\n(IN CLEARNESS THEN)"} {"Clue":"Do solitary? Her Majesty's pleasure for this one? (8)","Answer":"ROYALIST","Explanation":"Definition: Her Majesty's pleasure for this one\nSOLITARY"} {"Clue":"Mark cryptic clue for tiny thing (8)","Answer":"MOLECULE","Explanation":"Definition: tiny thing\nMOLE (a mark) + CLUE"} {"Clue":"Nut loaf remnant (8)","Answer":"HEADBUTT","Explanation":"Definition: Nut\nHEAD (loaf) + BUTT (a remnant)"} {"Clue":"Shared out presents he helps to deliver? (6)","Answer":"DASHER","Explanation":"Definition: presents he helps to deliver\nSHARED* \u2013 Dasher is one of Santa's reindeer"} {"Clue":"Plants kiss on middle of cheek: love comes first, absolutely (2-4)","Answer":"OX-EYES","Explanation":"Definition: Plants\nO (love) + X (kiss) + [ch]E[ek] + YES (absolutely!)"} {"Clue":"Press to take one game for review (4)","Answer":"URGE","Explanation":"Definition: Press\nReverse of EG (\"to take one\") + RU (Rubgy Union \u2013 game)"} {"Clue":"Bishop scanned string in food queue (9)","Answer":"BREADLINE","Explanation":"Definition: food queue\nB READ LINE"} {"Clue":"Cheap online mag maybe keeps running (8)","Answer":"ECONOMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Cheap\nON in E-COMIC"} {"Clue":"Row originally upriver levering a flat implement (7)","Answer":"SPATULA","Explanation":"Row originally upriver levering a flat implement (7)\nSPAT + first letters of Upriver Levering + A"} {"Clue":"Caught Le Skunk rolling joints (8)","Answer":"KNUCKLES","Explanation":"Definition: joints\n(C LE SKUNK)"} {"Clue":"Husband sinking gins, then parties (3,6)","Answer":"HEN NIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: parties\nH + (GINS THEN)"} {"Clue":"Attention! Drill rig goes regularly by new church (9)","Answer":"DILIGENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Attention\nAlternate letters of DrIlL rIg GoEs + N + CE"} {"Clue":"Troubled by rough cords, Arab dons tights (6)","Answer":"HOARSE","Explanation":"Definition: Troubled by rough cords\nAR[ab] in HOSE (tights) \u2013 the \"cords\" being the vocal variety"} {"Clue":"Diver having a question on a rare tuna (8)","Answer":"AQUANAUT","Explanation":"Definition: Diver\nA QU A TUNA"} {"Clue":"Delivered last of produce over land (6)","Answer":"BORNEO","Explanation":"Definition: land\nBORN + [produc]E + O[ver]"} {"Clue":"Find pear badly cooked like this (3-5)","Answer":"PAN-FRIED","Explanation":"Definition: like this\n(FIND PEAR)*, with a sort of &lit definition: I suppose a pear *could* be pan-fried successfully"} {"Clue":"Part of body butcher can spare (8)","Answer":"PANCREAS","Explanation":"Definition: Part of body\n(CAN SPARE)"} {"Clue":"Figures revised fee is bearing fruit (8)","Answer":"EFFIGIES","Explanation":"Definition: Figures\nFIG in (FEE IS)"} {"Clue":"Weird drug enforcer served up a jelly (6)","Answer":"CRANKY","Explanation":"Definition: Weird\nReverse of NARC (narcotics officer) + KY (brand of surgical jelly)"} {"Clue":"Some brought catnip back undamaged (6)","Answer":"INTACT","Explanation":"Definition: undamaged\nHidden rev broughT CATNIp"} {"Clue":"Deeply thoughtful, keen to raise issue (6)","Answer":"BROODY","Explanation":"Definition: Deeply thoughtful\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Perennial reptilian superpower (6)","Answer":"CROCUS","Explanation":"Definition: Perennial\nCROC[odile] + US (superpower)"} {"Clue":"Seen in mirror, something black on bed, mister, a silk stocking (10)","Answer":"ARISTOCRAT","Explanation":"Definition: silk stocking\nReverse of TAR (something black) + COT (bed) + SIR (Mr) + A \u2013 a silk stocking is a name for an aristocrat, from their luxurious dress"} {"Clue":"Hot wire warmer (6)","Answer":"HEARTH","Explanation":"Definition: warmer\nH + EARTH (wire)"} {"Clue":"Cry of frustration opening drink in European city (8)","Answer":"ALICANTE","Explanation":"Definition: European city\nI CAN'T (cry of frustration) in ALE"} {"Clue":"Liquid may start to curdle after utensil used to mix cocktail (6,3)","Answer":"WHISKY\u00a0MAC","Explanation":"Definition: cocktail\nWHISK (utensil used to mix) + MAY* + C[urdle]"} {"Clue":"Evidence of slur after organis\u00adation dropping regulation for food, supposedly? (4-6,4)","Answer":"FIVE\u2011SECOND RULE","Explanation":"Definition: dropping regulation for food, supposedly\n(EVIDENCE OF SLUR)* \u2013 the supposed rule for how long dropped food can safely be left on the floor; sometimes other numbers are used. Paul's email advertising his Zoom session tonight says \"Join me on my latest Zoom with John Halpern call to find out why the 15 27 25 is so important to me.\""} {"Clue":"River sport (4)","Answer":"WEAR","Explanation":"Definition: River\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Prod by female failed to deliver clear message (8)","Answer":"MISSPOKE","Explanation":"Definition: failed to deliver clear message\nMISS + POKE"} {"Clue":"Clear horror breaking cover (6)","Answer":"LIMPID","Explanation":"Definition: Clear\nIMP (horror, as in a troublesome child) in LID (cover)"} {"Clue":"Dash to see groom boarding launch (10)","Answer":"SPRINKLING","Explanation":"Definition: Dash\nPRINK (to preen, groom) in SLING"} {"Clue":"Attractive, I appreciate that man (6)","Answer":"TAKING","Explanation":"Definition: Attractive\nTA (thanks, I appreciate that) + KING (chessman)"} {"Clue":"Love admitted by champ and companion for genetic engineering, say? (7)","Answer":"BIOTECH","Explanation":"Definition: genetic engineering, say\nO (love) in BITE + CH (Companion of Honour)"} {"Clue":"Fragrance preceding 18, by the sound of it? (5)","Answer":"ODOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Fragrance\nHomophone of \"eau de\", which can precede COLOGNE"} {"Clue":"Might it be one's ultimate dessert? (5,2,9)","Answer":"DEATH\u00a0BY CHOCOLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Might it be one's ultimate dessert\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Trading in Australia terrible, as viewed from down under? (6)","Answer":"RETAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Trading\nHidden in reverse of austraLIA TERrible"} {"Clue":"Game OK, Celtic having brought in a winger (9)","Answer":"COCKATIEL","Explanation":"Definition: winger\nA in (OK CELTIC)"} {"Clue":"Clever clogs strikes up relationship (7)","Answer":"SMARTIE","Explanation":"Definition: Clever clogs\nReverse of RAMS (strike) + TIE"} {"Clue":"Club awaiting the law courts, initially wound up (5,8)","Answer":"WIGAN ATHLETIC","Explanation":"Definition: Club\nAnagram of AWAITING THE L[aw] C[ourts}"} {"Clue":"Comical putting make-up on bear (9)","Answer":"SLAPSTICK","Explanation":"Definition: Comical\nSLAP (make-up) + STICK (to stand, bear); \"putting\" seems redundant here, for both the cryptic reading and the surface"} {"Clue":"Dog, cat and hamster, for example? (7)","Answer":"WHIPPET","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nWHIP (cat [o' nine tails]) + PET (e.g. a hamster)"} {"Clue":"Marker pens record European city (7)","Answer":"COLOGNE","Explanation":"Definition: European city\nLOG (record) in (penned by) CONE (marker for roadworks etc)"} {"Clue":"Wasted time as elfin smut served up? (7)","Answer":"TRIFLED","Explanation":"Definition: Wasted time\nLift and separate to get ELF in DIRT, all reversed"} {"Clue":"Make a short visit with John and relations (4,2)","Answer":"LOOK IN","Explanation":"Definition: Make a short visit\nLOO (toilet, John) + KIN"} {"Clue":"Old traveller in company car with damage in front (5,4)","Answer":"MARCO\u00a0POLO","Explanation":"Definition: Old traveller\nMAR (damage) + CO + POLO"} {"Clue":"Time off is sacred \u2014 I had a break (7)","Answer":"HOLIDAY","Explanation":"Definition: Time off\nI'D A \"breaking in\" to HOLY"} {"Clue":"One beats by a very short distance (7)","Answer":"WHISKER","Explanation":"Definition: One beats\nDouble definition \u2013 a whisk-er could be one who beats [cream, eggs etc]"} {"Clue":"Perhaps hawk's attempt to catch rook (4)","Answer":"BIRD","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps hawk\nR in BID"} {"Clue":"Gamely implying lawn is inferior? (4,6)","Answer":"REAL\u00a0TENNIS","Explanation":"Definition: Gamely implying lawn is inferior\nCryptic-ish definition. The \"real\" in the name of this game is sometimes assumed to mean \"royal\", but in fact it means \"genuine\", to distinguish it from the newer Lawn Tennis"} {"Clue":"Site around area in Kensington, for one (6)","Answer":"PALACE","Explanation":"Definition: Kensington, for one\nA in PLACE"} {"Clue":"Do only mediocre cricketers have these? (8)","Answer":"AVERAGES","Explanation":"Definition: Do only mediocre cricketers have these\nCryptic definition \u2013 cricketers have batting and bowling averages, and \"average\" can also mean \"mediocre\""} {"Clue":"Odd cardinal has funny ideas for a game (4-1-4)","Answer":"FIVE-A-SIDE","Explanation":"Definition: game\nFIVE (an odd cardinal number) + IDEAS"} {"Clue":"Stupid to put toddlers on this? (5)","Answer":"POTTY","Explanation":"Definition: Stupid\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Fairies showing personalities? Not at first (5)","Answer":"ELVES","Explanation":"Definition: Fairies\n[S]ELVES"} {"Clue":"Character that directs one elsewhere (9)","Answer":"REFERENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Character\nDouble definition \u2013 \"character\" as in a reference given for a job etc"} {"Clue":"Most worrying tooth decay, in a way (8)","Answer":"SCARIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most worrying\nCARIES (tooth decay) in ST (street, way)"} {"Clue":"One should not eat more quickly (6)","Answer":"FASTER","Explanation":"Definition: One should not eat\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"He sells at a knock-down price (10)","Answer":"AUCTIONEER","Explanation":"Definition: He sells at a knock-down price\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"A throw of the dice rejected in centre of revolution (4)","Answer":"AXIS","Explanation":"Definition: centre of revolution\nA + reverse of SIX (possible throw of dice)"} {"Clue":"Vegan at first madly ardent to be green (7)","Answer":"VERDANT","Explanation":"Definition: green\nV[egan] + ARDENT"} {"Clue":"Trifling sum for strip (7)","Answer":"PEANUTS","Explanation":"Definition: Trifling sum\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Paperwork finished without tears (7)","Answer":"ORIGAMI","Explanation":"Definition: Paperwork finished without tears\nCryptic definition \u2013 origami involves folding paper, but tearing is frowned upon"} {"Clue":"Help province up country (5)","Answer":"INDIA","Explanation":"Definition: country\nReverse of AID + NI (Northern Ireland)"} {"Clue":"Stuffy serials need rewriting (7)","Answer":"AIRLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Stuffy\nSERIALS"} {"Clue":"Assassins who spare women? (3,3)","Answer":"HIT MEN","Explanation":"Definition: Assassins\nDouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Give voice with opera cast in Asian city (9)","Answer":"SINGAPORE","Explanation":"Definition: Asian city\nSING + OPERA"} {"Clue":"Demanding to take dope during leave (7)","Answer":"EXIGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Demanding\nGEN (information, dope) in EXIT"} {"Clue":"After rant, head arranged to punish humiliatingly (3,3,7)","Answer":"TAR\u00a0AND FEATHER","Explanation":"Definition: to punish humiliatingly\n(AFTER RANT HEAD)"} {"Clue":"Hated former editor keeping old car (9)","Answer":"EXECRATED","Explanation":"Definition: Hated\nCRATE (old car) in EX ED"} {"Clue":"In talk, entice to accept shocking treatment (7)","Answer":"LECTURE","Explanation":"Definition: talk\nECT (electro-convulsive therapy) in LURE (entice)"} {"Clue":"Compel men to go through broken fence (7)","Answer":"ENFORCE","Explanation":"Definition: Compel\nOR (Other Ranks, men) in FENCE"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary spray dispenser (7)","Answer":"CHEMIST","Explanation":"Definition: dispenser\nCHE [Guevara] + MIST"} {"Clue":"Lament hit on head, calling in doctor (6)","Answer":"BEMOAN","Explanation":"Definition: Lament\nMO (Medical Officer) in BEAN (to hit on the head)"} {"Clue":"Take a turn round a kingdom (5)","Answer":"SPAIN","Explanation":"Definition: kingdom\nA in SPIN"} {"Clue":"Prom one's included in elapsed riotously (9)","Answer":"ESPLANADE","Explanation":"Definition: Prom\nAN in ELAPSED"} {"Clue":"Stream swollen with a violent snowstorm (5)","Answer":"BURAN","Explanation":"Definition: violent snowstorm\nA in BURN (stream)"} {"Clue":"Crone's miscast as protector of public morals (6)","Answer":"CENSOR","Explanation":"Definition: protector of public morals\nCRONES"} {"Clue":"Do without tea as a temporary expedient (6)","Answer":"CUTCHA","Explanation":"Definition: a temporary expedient\nCUT (do without) + CHA (tea)"} {"Clue":"Is Holding about the ultimate in fast bowlers maybe? (4)","Answer":"HATS","Explanation":"Definition: bowlers maybe\n[fas]T in HAS (\"is holding\"), with a misleading (but permitted) capital to suggest the cricketer Michael Holding. Sadly it seems that Brian Johnston's remark \"the batsman's Holding, the bowler's Willey\" is apocryphal, or was made up by Johnners after the event"} {"Clue":"Tiny thing clutching old covering \u2013 for which cot is doubly suitable? (7)","Answer":"DOVELET","Explanation":"Definition: for which cot is doubly suitable\nVELE (Spenserian version of \"veil\", covering) in DOT (a tiny thing). \"Cot\" is a variant spelling of \"cote\", but also a baby's bed, so suitable for a baby dove in two ways"} {"Clue":"Shrine: sanctified one erected by academy (5)","Answer":"STUPA","Explanation":"Definition: Shrine\nST (saint, sanctified one) + UP (erected) + A[cademy]"} {"Clue":"Group of NA dialects, 51 in belt (6)","Answer":"SALISH","Explanation":"Definition: Group of NA dialects\nLI in SASH"} {"Clue":"Melon when stuffed into shopping bag (6)","Answer":"CASABA","Explanation":"Definition: Melon\nAS in CABA"} {"Clue":"Extract from writer's eulogy, anything but wordy (5)","Answer":"TERSE","Explanation":"Definition: anything but wordy\nHidden in wriTERS Eulogy"} {"Clue":"Ristorante? You may get pickled roes in this one (4)","Answer":"TRAT","Explanation":"Definition: Ristorante\nComposite anagram \u2013 RISTORANTE* less (ROES IN)"} {"Clue":"Azzurri's forward one's opposing twice? (6)","Answer":"AVANTI","Explanation":"Definition: Azzurri's forward\nA (one) + V[ersus] ANTI (two ways to say \"against\"); avanti is Italian for \"forward\", so as might be said by \"the Blues\", the Italian national football side (and some other teams)"} {"Clue":"Like well-drilled pack, promptly (as before) getting name sewn into strip (9)","Answer":"TIGHT-KNIT","Explanation":"Definition: Like well-drilled pack\nTIGHT (old word for \"promptly\") + N in KIT (sports gear, strip)"} {"Clue":"Liquid from chemical process? Cheer when it includes uranium (6)","Answer":"ELUATE","Explanation":"Definition: Liquid from chemical process\nU in ELATE"} {"Clue":"Get rid of last of gl\u00fchwein in bar (5)","Answer":"SHUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Get rid of\n[gl\u00fchwei]N in SHUT (to bar, e.g. a door)"} {"Clue":"Left outside, primate entered, with defensive protection of a kind (9)","Answer":"PARAPETED","Explanation":"Definition: with defensive protection of a kind\nAPE in PARTED (left)"} {"Clue":"Savings scheme that's contributed to as usual (4)","Answer":"SUSU","Explanation":"Definition: Savings scheme\nHidden in aS USUal"} {"Clue":"Cave dweller in ooze enveloping sea's roar (7)","Answer":"PROTEUS","Explanation":"Definition: Cave dweller\nROTE (the roar of surf) in PUS. The cave-dweller is an aquatic salamander, also called the Olm, not the shape-shifting Greek god"} {"Clue":"Dart of old making you go pale, head disappearing (5)","Answer":"LANCH","Explanation":"Definition: Dart of old\n[B]LANCH \u2013 it's an old form of \"launch\", with \"dart\" as a verb for the definition"} {"Clue":"Rover Matt's turned up in (5)","Answer":"NOMAD","Explanation":"Definition: Rover\nReverse of DAMON (Matt D, actor)"} {"Clue":"Sour, one drunk up with a dash of Evian (7)","Answer":"ACETOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Sour\nACE + reverse of SOT + E[vian]"} {"Clue":"Word formed from another, i.e. crafted with advert (8)","Answer":"DERIVATE","Explanation":"Definition: Word formed from another\n(IE ADVERT)"} {"Clue":"Deviously Ursula's refused what's central for Boris \u2013 typical (5)","Answer":"USUAL","Explanation":"Definition: typical\nAnagram of URSULA less [bo]R[is], with the surface referring to Ursula von der Leyen, president of European Commission since December 2019"} {"Clue":"She memorably lacked footwear \u2013 scan toes wriggling (8)","Answer":"CONTESSA","Explanation":"Definition: She memorably lacked footwear\n(SCAN TOES)* The definition is a reference to the Barefoot Contessa"} {"Clue":"Racing star embracing nymph \u2013 one providing aid to the legless? (11)","Answer":"PROSTHETIST","Explanation":"Definition: one providing aid to the legless\nTHETIS in [Alain] PROST"} {"Clue":"Supporter accepts tax as before for deflection of radiation (11)","Answer":"BACKSCATTER","Explanation":"Definition: deflection of radiation\nSCAT (tax \u2013 apparently unrelated to the similarly-named tax \"scot\", as in \"scot-free\") in BACKER"} {"Clue":"Fab performer in short song one released in twinkly style (8)","Answer":"STARRILY","Explanation":"Definition: in twinkly style\nSTARR (Ringo, one of the \"Fab Four\") + I (in) + LAY less A"} {"Clue":"A soft leather (8)","Answer":"CABRETTA","Explanation":"Definition: A soft leather\nThe competition word"} {"Clue":"Ruckle tipsily swallowing a wee Scotch? (7)","Answer":"CAULKER","Explanation":"Definition: a wee Scotch\nA in RUCKLE* \u2013 it means \"a dram\", so a small whisky, or \"wee Scotch\""} {"Clue":"Follow American river (5)","Answer":"TAGUS","Explanation":"Definition: river\nTAG + US"} {"Clue":"Reservoir, answer for boat-dwellers (5)","Answer":"TANKA","Explanation":"Definition: boat-dwellers\nTANK + A[nswer]"} {"Clue":"Heart throbs, quick no longer (5)","Answer":"RATHE","Explanation":"Definition: quick no longer\nHEART* \u2013 an old word that survives only in its comparative form \"rather\""} {"Clue":"Weight nag shed creating bodily firmness (4)","Answer":"TONE","Explanation":"Definition: bodily firmness\nTON[nag]E"} {"Clue":"Part \u2014 with ease, if broken? (8)","Answer":"SEPARATE","Explanation":"Definition: Part \u2014 with ease, if broken?\n(PART EASE)* &lit"} {"Clue":"Part of greater honesty that's starting to be seen between Swiss banks (5)","Answer":"RHONE","Explanation":"Definition: that's starting to be seen between Swiss banks\nHidden in greateR HONEsty \u2013 the source of the Rhone is in Switzerland, so it starts between (river-)banks there"} {"Clue":"Idiot getting role after change of heart (4)","Answer":"PRAT","Explanation":"Definition: Idiot\nPART (role) with its middle letters (\"heart\") reversed"} {"Clue":"Part of pageant I'm at \u2014 terrific ephemeral stuff (10)","Answer":"ANTIMATTER","Explanation":"Definition: ephemeral stuff\npageANT I'M AT TERrific \u2013 as I understand it, antimatter isn't necessarily \"ephemeral\", unless it comes into contact with ordinary matter"} {"Clue":"Small part of statistical report for firm (6)","Answer":"STABLE","Explanation":"Definition: firm\nS + TABLE"} {"Clue":"Part of big issue to be raised in old court \u2014 increased rent (8)","Answer":"OCTUPLET","Explanation":"Definition: Part of big issue to be raised\nO[ld] + C[our]T + UP (increased) + LET (rent) \u2013 if you're an octuplet you're definitely part of a \"big issue\""} {"Clue":"Formalities progressively reduced, with two parts switched (3,4)","Answer":"RED TAPE","Explanation":"Definition: Formalities\nTAPERED with the TAPE and RED parts switched"} {"Clue":"Quarter thus includes area for grass (7)","Answer":"ESPARTO","Explanation":"Definition: grass\nPART (area) in E (quarter of the compass) + SO (thus)"} {"Clue":"Starters for our first part of meal, naturally (2,6)","Answer":"OF COURSE","Explanation":"Definition: naturally\nFirst letters of Our First, + COURSE (part of a meal)"} {"Clue":"Engine parts \u2014 throttles (6)","Answer":"CHOKES","Explanation":"Definition: Engine parts\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Bunch elected in cunning way to expedite part of bill (10)","Answer":"GUILLOTINE","Explanation":"Definition: way to expedite part of bill\nLOT IN (bunch elected) in GUILE (cunning). A guillotine is a parliamentary procedure to curtail debate on a bill, and thus expedite its progress"} {"Clue":"Final parts in cast recast for theatrical hit (4)","Answer":"CATS","Explanation":"Definition: theatrical hit\nCAST with its last two letters switched"} {"Clue":"Part for Maria Callas to study endlessly (5)","Answer":"TOSCA","Explanation":"Definition: Part for Maria Callas\nTO SCA[n] \u2013 Tosca was Callas's first leading role, and also her last"} {"Clue":"Nothing remaining from fire around very cold part of year (8)","Answer":"NOVEMBER","Explanation":"Definition: cold part of year\nV[ery] in NO EMBER (nothing remaining from fire)"} {"Clue":"Leading man that has two parts on stage (5,3,6)","Answer":"HENRY\u00a0THE FOURTH","Explanation":"Definition: Leading man that has two parts on stage\nCryptic\/double definition \u2013 Henry IV was a \"leading man\" in the sense of being king, and also as the title character of the two Shakespeare plays"} {"Clue":"Bewitched, in part, using new spell (4)","Answer":"RAPT","Explanation":"Definition: Bewitched\nAnagram (i.e. with new spell[ing]) of PART"} {"Clue":"Brutal, apart from having silver lining (6)","Answer":"SAVAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Brutal\nAG (silver) in SAVE (apart from)"} {"Clue":"Almost back, holding it up as part of the Guardian, say (7)","Answer":"SECTION","Explanation":"Definition: part of the Guardian, say\nReverse of IT in SECON[d] (to back)"} {"Clue":"List of parts a repairman tossed out (8,8)","Answer":"DRAMATIS PERSONAE","Explanation":"Definition: List of parts\n(A REPAIRMAN TOSSED)"} {"Clue":"Direction to players to reduce noise \u2014 part of one I composed (5,5)","Answer":"FORTE PIANO","Explanation":"Definition: Direction to players to reduce noise\n(PART OF ONE I)* \u2013 forte piano (usually written ***fp***) is an instruction to a musician to play loudly then immediately quietly (Chambers gives it as a single word)"} {"Clue":"Partly withdraw, making borders of state change and decrease (6)","Answer":"SECEDE","Explanation":"Definition: Partly withdraw\nThe outer letters or \"borders\" of StatE ChangE DecreasE, with an extended definition, \"Partly\" seems redundant, except to fit in with the theme"} {"Clue":"Unfathomable part in Shakes\u00adpearean comedy? Not so (10)","Answer":"BOTTOMLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Unfathomable\nBOTTOM (character in *A Midsummer Night's Dream* + LESS (not so, as in \"not so big\")"} {"Clue":"Hear test broadcast in places where many a player takes part (8)","Answer":"THEATRES","Explanation":"Definition: places where many a player takes part\n(HEAR TEST)"} {"Clue":"Bit by bit, go inside controlling mechanism in parts of country (7)","Answer":"REGIONS","Explanation":"Definition: parts of country\nThe two letters of GO separately in REINS (controlling mechanism)"} {"Clue":"About to depart or part forcefully (6)","Answer":"CLEAVE","Explanation":"Definition: part forcefully\nC (circa, about) + LEAVE"} {"Clue":"You may part with this part of fowl (4)","Answer":"COMB","Explanation":"Definition: You may part with this\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Publicise footwear aid for a diver? (3,4)","Answer":"AIR PUMP","Explanation":"Definition: aid for a diver\nAIR (publicise) + PUMP (type of shoe)"} {"Clue":"Attempt by shy little bird (7)","Answer":"GOSLING","Explanation":"Definition: little bird\nGO (attempt) + SLING (throw, sling)"} {"Clue":"Travelled, heading away from Welsh area (4)","Answer":"WENT","Explanation":"Definition: Travelled\n[G]WENT"} {"Clue":"Broadcaster crosses barrier, becoming a drinker? (9)","Answer":"SWALLOWER","Explanation":"Definition: a drinker\nWALL in SOWER"} {"Clue":"D-Day beach sergeant's first news (5)","Answer":"SWORD","Explanation":"Definition: D-Day beach\nS[ergeant] + WORD"} {"Clue":"Joker and king involved with piquet (spades) (8)","Answer":"QUIPSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Joker\nAnagram of R (king) + PIQUET + S[pades]"} {"Clue":"International holding of billionaire (4)","Answer":"LION","Explanation":"Definition: International\nHidden in bilLIONaire \u2013 a member of the British and Irish Lions. Originally they were the British Lions: \"and Irish\" was added in 2001"} {"Clue":"Round of cards \u2014 fast one (5)","Answer":"TRICK","Explanation":"Definition: Round of cards\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"One's taken by the dancing, not love (4)","Answer":"HATE","Explanation":"Definition: not love\nA in THE"} {"Clue":"Possibly an official enquiry from them, as a way to break awkward situations (8)","Answer":"STEWARDS","Explanation":"Definition: Possibly an official enquiry from them\nA RD (road, way) in STEWS (awkward situations); the definition refers to Stewards' enquiries in horse-racing etc"} {"Clue":"One who can bridle at Americans somewhat (5)","Answer":"TAMER","Explanation":"Definition: One who can bridle\nHidden in aT AMERicans"} {"Clue":"Feel rule needs changing about new carbon molecule (9)","Answer":"FULLERENE","Explanation":"Definition: carbon molecule\nN in (FEEL RULE)* \u2013 Fullerene is named after the architect Buckminster Fuller, famous for his geodesic dome; one variant of this recently-discovered form of carbon is called Buckminsterfullerene"} {"Clue":"Canned ham with top removed (4)","Answer":"HIGH","Explanation":"Definition: Canned\n[T]HIGH (ham) \u2013 canned and high are both slang for \"drunk\""} {"Clue":"Promotional gift of loose cheese? Right out of it (7)","Answer":"FREEBIE","Explanation":"Definition: Promotional gift\nFREE (loose) + B[R]IE"} {"Clue":"Wheeler's modest loveless description of low-level celebrity? (7)","Answer":"CYCLIST","Explanation":"Definition: Wheeler\nCOY less O (love) + C-LIST (celebrities who don't make the A- or even B-list)"} {"Clue":"Secret device used with indignation? (4)","Answer":"WIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Secret device\nW + IRE \u2013 I was a bit stuck in the NW corner until the theme led me to this"} {"Clue":"This allowed pub customers to get stuff off their chest (8)","Answer":"SPITTOON","Explanation":"Definition: This allowed pub customers to get stuff off their chest\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Victoria wasn't a married American journalist (6)","Answer":"AMUSED","Explanation":"Definition: Victoria wasn't\nA + M + US + ED \u2013 from Victoria's famous line \"we are not amused\" (which she probably never said)"} {"Clue":"Result of a failure to score: cocaine added to a kilo (kg), roughly (4,4)","Answer":"GOAL KICK","Explanation":"Definition: Result of a failure to score\nAnagram of C[ocaine] + A KILO KG"} {"Clue":"Fools around with large snowdrifts (6)","Answer":"CLOWNS","Explanation":"Definition: Fools\nC (circa, around) + L + SNOW"} {"Clue":"Note about US city (4)","Answer":"ONER","Explanation":"Definition: Note\nReverse of RENO (city in Nevada) \u2013 a note as in money"} {"Clue":"Agree Jacquie's certainly guarding this (9)","Answer":"ACQUIESCE","Explanation":"Definition: Agree\nHidden in jACQUIE'S CErtainly"} {"Clue":"Wader has to keel over after sun (5)","Answer":"STILT","Explanation":"Definition: Wader\nS[un] + TILT \u2013 the stilt is a type of wader (bird)"} {"Clue":"Sort of a tree, one seen in refectory? (5)","Answer":"EATER","Explanation":"Definition: one seen in refectory\n(A TREE)"} {"Clue":"Spice up routine crime, perhaps (8)","Answer":"TURMERIC","Explanation":"Definition: Spice\nReverse of RUT (routine) + CRIME"} {"Clue":"Care worker's flat support? (4,4)","Answer":"HOME HELP","Explanation":"Definition: Care worker\nHOME (e,g, a flat) + HELP (support) \u2013 rather a weak clue if you ask me"} {"Clue":"Pedestrian jazz performer left out and replaced by King (6)","Answer":"WALKER","Explanation":"Definition: Pedestrian\n[Fats] WALLER (jazz pianist\/singer) with the second L replaced by K"} {"Clue":"Drawn to the old kind of patterned cloth (3-3)","Answer":"TIE-DYE","Explanation":"Definition: kind of patterned cloth\nTIED (drawn) YE (old \"the\", with the usual disclaimer that the Y should really be a Thorn)"} {"Clue":"Passion Tree, associated with ecstasy (4)","Answer":"FIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Passion\nFIR + E"} {"Clue":"First bit of stomach fits into opening? Let out pants (4)","Answer":"GASP","Explanation":"Definition: Let out pants\nS[tomach] in GAP"} {"Clue":"Left before decision, creating divided opinion (5)","Answer":"SPLIT","Explanation":"Definition: Left\nTriple definition, at a stretch: I think \"before decision\" refers to the fact that you can have a \"split decision\" in boxing etc"} {"Clue":"Caesar, perhaps, in his day and age had one with Antony \u2026 (8)","Answer":"BROMANCE","Explanation":"Definition: had one with Antony\nROMAN (e.g. Caesar) in BCE"} {"Clue":"\u2026 where you may learn Italian couple is due! (8,6)","Answer":"LANGUAGE SCHOOL","Explanation":"Definition: where you may learn Italian couple is due\nCryptic definition: \"due\" is the Italian for \"two\". Rather too vague as a CD if you ask me, as it could equally well lead to \"language lesson\" and maybe others"} {"Clue":"Reposition the panel, revealing frequently overlooked room feature (8)","Answer":"ELEPHANT","Explanation":"Definition: frequently overlooked room feature\n(THE PANEL)* \u2013 as in the expression \"the elephant in the room\" for something important but not talked about"} {"Clue":"Force bank to provide short term storage (6)","Answer":"FRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: short term storage\nF + RIDGE"} {"Clue":"Nervous types could set something off (9)","Answer":"TREMBLERS","Explanation":"Definition: Nervous types\nDouble definition \u2013 a trembler is a kind of switch, found in bombs, mines etc"} {"Clue":"Picking up waste after perform\u00ading is pure tedium (5)","Answer":"ENNUI","Explanation":"Definition: pure tedium\nHomophone of \"on\" (performing) + \"wee\" (waste)"} {"Clue":"Following instinct, director proceeded carefully (5)","Answer":"NOSED","Explanation":"Definition: proceeded carefully\nNOSE (instinct) + D[irector]"} {"Clue":"Cleaner finds it is more sensible going outside (9)","Answer":"SANITISER","Explanation":"Definition: Cleaner\nIT IS in SANER"} {"Clue":"Perfect place for turning one vessel covered in gold (6)","Answer":"UTOPIA","Explanation":"Definition: Perfect place\nI POT in AU, all reversed"} {"Clue":"Singer entertaining queen, for example, reveals a different side (5,3)","Answer":"ALTER\u00a0EGO","Explanation":"Definition: a different side\nER (the Queen) + EG in ALTO (singer)"} {"Clue":"Defeat prior to engagement? Things aren't so good after that (4,6,4)","Answer":"BEST\u00a0BEFORE DATE","Explanation":"Definition: Things aren't so good after that\nBEST (defeat) BEFORE (prior to) DATE (engagement)"} {"Clue":"Some armour Britain lost in dreadful gun battle (8)","Answer":"GAUNTLET","Explanation":"Definition: Some armour\nAnagram of GUN BATTLE less B"} {"Clue":"Exercise illegal occupation (5)","Answer":"SQUAT","Explanation":"Definition: Exercise\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Use revolting fabrication \u2014 it could help you sound believable (6,6)","Answer":"SILVER TONGUE","Explanation":"Definition: it could help you sound believable\n(USE REVOLTING)"} {"Clue":"Sea creatures captured using little spears? (9)","Answer":"LANCELETS","Explanation":"Definition: Sea creatures\nDouble definition \u2013 these are the sea-creatures; as far as I can tell they are named after their small-spear-like shape, so it's almost the same definition twice. A bit unfair for a rather obscure word, I'd say"} {"Clue":"Ask for money from hoodlum exchanging grand for cocaine (5)","Answer":"TOUCH","Explanation":"Definition: Ask for money from\nTOUGH (hoodlum) with G replaced by C"} {"Clue":"Private enters petitions for new recruits (9)","Answer":"BEGINNERS","Explanation":"Definition: new recruits\nINNER (private) in BEGS"} {"Clue":"Remove one's used sweaty tank tops (4)","Answer":"OUST","Explanation":"Definition: Remove\nFirst letters of One's Used Sweaty Tank"} {"Clue":"Criminal ran brothel, mostly obscene (9)","Answer":"ABHORRENT","Explanation":"Definition: obscene\nAnagram of RAN BROTHE[L]"} {"Clue":"What a wandering poet thought lacking company is obscure (5)","Answer":"CLOUD","Explanation":"Definition: What a wandering poet thought lacking company\nDouble definition, the first referring to Wordsworth's \"I wander'd lonely as a cloud\""} {"Clue":"Old slip made of superior substance, perhaps (6,6)","Answer":"SENIOR MOMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Old slip\nSENIOR (superior) + MOMENT (substance, importance); I hope I haven't had too many of these in writing the blog"} {"Clue":"Graduate lecturer pockets big profit from game (9)","Answer":"BADMINTON","Explanation":"Definition: game\nMINT (big profit) in BA DON"} {"Clue":"Highlight a short low-scoring innings? (6,3)","Answer":"SINGLE OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Highlight\nIn a \"a short low-scoring innings\" a cricketer might get a SINGLE and then be OUT"} {"Clue":"Film of nature's most unusual bloodsucker (9)","Answer":"NOSFERATU","Explanation":"Definition: Film\n(OF NATURE'S)* with a definition on each side, of the early vampire film (basically plagiarised from *Dracula*) and its title character"} {"Clue":"Men following car to get this type of work (5)","Answer":"OPERA","Explanation":"Definition: type of work\nIf MEN follows CAR we get CARMEN, which is an example of an OPERA"} {"Clue":"Straightens out partners following initial mate (5)","Answer":"EVENS","Explanation":"Definition: Straightens out\nEVE (the \"initial mate\" in Genesis) + N S (partners in Bridge)"} {"Clue":"Inform on these local extremists (4)","Answer":"TELL","Explanation":"Definition: Inform\nThe \"extreme\" letters of ThesE LocaL"} {"Clue":"Bulletin from channel framing health centre (8)","Answer":"DISPATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Bulletin\nSPA in DITCH"} {"Clue":"Scratch cricket side on call (3,3)","Answer":"CRY OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Scratch\nCRY (call) + OFF (side of the pitch in cricket, opposite to on or leg)"} {"Clue":"Against cutting identical notes for the present (8)","Answer":"MEANTIME","Explanation":"Definition: for the present\nANTI in ME ME"} {"Clue":"Nutmeg's theme initially missed, showing lack of perception (6)","Answer":"MYOPIC","Explanation":"Definition: showing lack of perception\nMY [T]OPIC"} {"Clue":"Youth leader's clanger, shielding internee at port (5-6)","Answer":"BADEN\u2011POWELL","Explanation":"Definition: Youth leader\nADEN POW (prisoner of war) in BELL \u2013 Robert B-P, founder of the Scout movement"} {"Clue":"Drastic reduction in sales oddly overlooked (5)","Answer":"ACUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Drastic\nCUT in [s]A[l]E[s]"} {"Clue":"Union to scale down working during month (9)","Answer":"MATRIMONY","Explanation":"Definition: Union\nTRIM (scale down) + ON (working) in MAY"} {"Clue":"Leave layer covering ancient temple (9)","Answer":"PARTHENON","Explanation":"Definition: ancient temple\nPART (to leave) + HEN (layer of eggs) + ON (covering)"} {"Clue":"Some specified article plugged by seaman (5)","Answer":"THOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Some specified\nOS (Ordinary Seaman) in THE (definite article)"} {"Clue":"Place for father to hide heiress, with plot brewing (7,4)","Answer":"PRIEST\u2019S HOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Place for father to hide\n(HEIRESS PLOT)* \u2013 \"a secret room providing a hiding-place for a Roman Catholic priest [i.e. a \"father\"] in time of persecution or repression\". Some can still be seen in English stately homes"} {"Clue":"Caller from US contrarily set out for another meal (6)","Answer":"RELAID","Explanation":"Definition: set out for another meal\nReverse of DIALER \u2013 US spelling of \"dialler\", one phoning or calling"} {"Clue":"Person writing schedule substitutes second half of month (8)","Answer":"NOVELIST","Explanation":"Definition: Person writing\nLIST (schedule) replacing the second half of NOVEMBER"} {"Clue":"Propitious start for government in African country (6)","Answer":"BENIGN","Explanation":"Definition: Propitious\nG[overnment] in BENIN"} {"Clue":"One reveres Ireland's foremost injured soldier (8)","Answer":"IDOLISER","Explanation":"Definition: One reveres\nI[reland] + SOLDIER"} {"Clue":"Keenly awaiting release of a poem by PhD in translation (5-5)","Answer":"DEMOB\u2011HAPPY","Explanation":"Definition: Keenly awaiting release\n(A POEM BY PHD)"} {"Clue":"Guy briefly retained by Touchstone to keep watch (5,5)","Answer":"STAND GUARD","Explanation":"Definition: keep watch\nGU[y] in STANDARD"} {"Clue":"Follow a century with another (3,2)","Answer":"ACT ON","Explanation":"Definition: Follow\nA C[entury] + TON (slang for 100)"} {"Clue":"All there is beneath fertiliser staff dug in (6,6)","Answer":"COMPOS\u00a0MENTIS","Explanation":"Definition: All there\nMEN in COMPOST + IS"} {"Clue":"Potential source of wealth in new normality? (5,4)","Answer":"ROYAL MINT","Explanation":"Definition: Potential source of wealth\nNORMALITY"} {"Clue":"I blundered, needing ultimately to go up backwards (4)","Answer":"OOPS","Explanation":"Definition: I blundered\nLast (ultimate) letters of tO gO uP backwardS"} {"Clue":"Feature, primarily pretence or reality? (4)","Answer":"FACT","Explanation":"Definition: reality\nF[eature] + ACT (pretence)"} {"Clue":"Wouldn't part with sole weapon that's proved trustworthy (4,4,4)","Answer":"KEPT\u00a0ONE\u2019S WORD","Explanation":"Definition: proved trustworthy\nKEPT ONE SWORD"} {"Clue":"Work slicing sausages for game participants (4,6)","Answer":"POLO PONIES","Explanation":"Definition: game participants\nOP (work) in POLONIES"} {"Clue":"Kind person like Vlad once a Guardian worker? (10)","Answer":"TYPESETTER","Explanation":"Definition: once a Guardian worker\nTYPE (a kind) + SETTER (Vlad is one)"} {"Clue":"Virtual trade exhibition shortly visiting London suburb (1-8)","Answer":"E\u2011SHOPPING","Explanation":"Definition: Virtual trade\nSHO[w] in EPPING. I was expecting the suburb to be EALING for much too long"} {"Clue":"This lady's going to Hull (5)","Answer":"SHELL","Explanation":"Definition: Hull\nThis lady's going to = she will = SHE'LL"} {"Clue":"Pilfer item from nativity scene (4)","Answer":"CRIB","Explanation":"Definition: Pilfer\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Scheme taken up by venal politician (4)","Answer":"PLAN","Explanation":"Definition: Scheme\nHidden in reverse of veNAL Politician"} {"Clue":"Artist and daughter wearing relative's fashion label (5)","Answer":"PRADA","Explanation":"Definition: fashion label\nRA (artist) + D in PA (relative)"} {"Clue":"New title about way of working provided recurring theme (9)","Answer":"LEITMOTIF","Explanation":"Definition: recurring theme\nMO (modus operandi, way of working) in TITLE* + IF (provided)"} {"Clue":"Light-fingered types with permission to interrupt meals (3,6)","Answer":"TEA LEAVES","Explanation":"Definition: Light-fingered types\nLEAVE (permission) in TEAS \u2013 tea leaves is rhyming slang for thieves"} {"Clue":"Dance by graduate following sport (5)","Answer":"RUMBA","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\nRU (Rugby Union) + MBA"} {"Clue":"Steel drum keeping time with first of trumpeters in procession (7)","Answer":"PAGEANT","Explanation":"Definition: procession\nAGE (time) in PAN (steel drum) + T[rumpeters]"} {"Clue":"Police search for suspect in flowering garden close to Parliament (7)","Answer":"DRAGNET","Explanation":"Definition: Police search for suspect\nGARDEN* + the closing letter of [Parliamen]T"} {"Clue":"Plant obscured by yellow heather (5)","Answer":"WHEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nHidden in yelloW HEATher"} {"Clue":"Setter leaving bread to go off (3)","Answer":"ROT","Explanation":"Definition: go off\nROTI (bread) less I (the setter)"} {"Clue":"Person in group dropping money in dying fire (5)","Answer":"EMBER","Explanation":"Definition: dying fire\nMEMBER (person in a group) less the first M[oney]"} {"Clue":"Bear is swimming around island in a chilly part of the world (7)","Answer":"SIBERIA","Explanation":"Definition: a chilly part of the world\nI (island) in (BEAR IS)"} {"Clue":"Staff allowed to get something to eat (7)","Answer":"PIKELET","Explanation":"Definition: something to eat\nPIKE (staff) + LET (allowed) \u2013 a pikelet is a crumpet is some parts of the UK (mostly northern England I think), but can refer to other food items elsewhere"} {"Clue":"King at end of extra pilgrimage returned with eastern prince (5)","Answer":"RAJAH","Explanation":"Definition: eastern prince\nR + [extr]A + reverse of HAJ (Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca)"} {"Clue":"Old nurse close to commode encountering aroma that's characteristic of old age (9)","Answer":"SENESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: characteristic of old age\nSEN (State Enrolled Nurse \u2013 a former nursing qualification) + [commod]E + SCENT \u2013 the same \"close to\" trick as in 15a"} {"Clue":"Recommended article leaving drink to editor (9)","Answer":"ADVOCATED","Explanation":"Definition: Recommended\nADVOCAAT less one A + ED"} {"Clue":"Bit of wood glue (5)","Answer":"STICK","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of wood\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Exact replica of small fruit stone (4)","Answer":"SPIT","Explanation":"Definition: Exact replica\nS + PIT"} {"Clue":"Aggressive speech by playwright carrying a fake gun (8)","Answer":"HARANGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Aggressive speech\nA + GUN* in [David] HARE"} {"Clue":"Chap partial to Nottingham ales (4)","Answer":"MALE","Explanation":"Definition: Chap\nHidden in NottinghaM ALEs"} {"Clue":"Move a lever to get lift (8)","Answer":"ELEVATOR","Explanation":"Definition: lift\n(A LEVER TO)"} {"Clue":"Failed to find sea surrounding island close to Rhodes (6)","Answer":"MISSED","Explanation":"Definition: Failed to find\nIS (island) + [Rhode]S (a third \"close to\"!) in MED (Mediterranean)"} {"Clue":"Clever clogs right to get drink during strike (5,5)","Answer":"SMART\u00a0ALECK","Explanation":"Definition: Clever clogs\nRT ALE in SMACK"} {"Clue":"Wings of swan covering dull part of flower (6)","Answer":"STAMEN","Explanation":"Definition: part of flower\nTAME (dull) in S[wa]N"} {"Clue":"King of Mercia once listened to proposal (4)","Answer":"OFFA","Explanation":"Definition: King of Mercia once\nHomophone of \"offer\" \u2013 very much a giveaway definition if you know this Mercian king, famous for his Dyke. (I see there was also a King Offa of Essex around the same time)"} {"Clue":"Captives welcoming year in this part of Wales (5)","Answer":"POWYS","Explanation":"Definition: part of Wales\nY in POWS (prisoners of war)"} {"Clue":"Tremor caused by dessert wine (10)","Answer":"AFTERSHOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Tremor\nAFTERS + HOCK"} {"Clue":"Card for sailor to turn over? (5)","Answer":"TAROT","Explanation":"Definition: Card\nTAR + reverse of TO"} {"Clue":"East European given piece of butter to turn into culinary paste (8)","Answer":"TAPENADE","Explanation":"Definition: culinary paste\nE + DANE + PAT, all reversed"} {"Clue":"Official report of headless chicken in container (8)","Answer":"BULLETIN","Explanation":"Definition: Official report\n[p]ULLET in BIN"} {"Clue":"Crikey \u2014 jack held by boy playing against Spain (2,4)","Answer":"BY JOVE","Explanation":"Definition: Crikey\nJ in BOY* + V (versus, ~~playing~~ against) + E (Spain)"} {"Clue":"Judge trading shilling for time in estate (6)","Answer":"ASSETS","Explanation":"Definition: estate\nASSESS (to Judge) with one S replaced by T \u2013 it wasn't clear to me whether ASSESS or ASSETS was the answer here, until ADVOCATED confirmed the latter"} {"Clue":"Substantial addition to pure alcohol (4)","Answer":"REAL","Explanation":"Definition: Substantial\nHidden in puRE ALcohol"} {"Clue":"Part of window made from special wood (4)","Answer":"SASH","Explanation":"Definition: Part of window\nS + ASH"} {"Clue":"Son deserting post, as appropriate (4)","Answer":"TAKE","Explanation":"Definition: appropriate\nSTAKE (post) less S, with \"appropriate\" as a verb for the definition"} {"Clue":"Fellow, having an edge, lost it (7)","Answer":"FLIPPED","Explanation":"Definition: lost it\nF + LIPPED"} {"Clue":"Two males producing cloth (7)","Answer":"BUCKRAM","Explanation":"Definition: cloth\nBUCK + RAM (two male animals)"} {"Clue":"The lowdown on class (5)","Answer":"GENRE","Explanation":"Definition: class\nGEN (information, lowdown) + RE (about, on)"} {"Clue":"Commercial vehicle put in remote connections for rural housing (3,6)","Answer":"LOG\u00a0CABINS","Explanation":"Definition: rural housing\nCAB (taxi, a commercial vehicle, or perhaps the cab of a lorry ) in LOG-INS (remote connections)"} {"Clue":"Assent to treaty accompanied by noises off (9)","Answer":"ACCESSION","Explanation":"Definition: Assent to treaty\nACC[ompanied] + NOISES"} {"Clue":"Vitamin helping blood to clot stops skin peeling (5)","Answer":"FLAKY","Explanation":"Definition: peeling\nK (vitamin used in blood-clotting) in FLAY (to skin)"} {"Clue":"Garment tenor's wearing split from behind (5)","Answer":"PANTS","Explanation":"Definition: Garment\nT[enor] in reverse of SNAP (split)"} {"Clue":"Joiner employed in B&Q (9)","Answer":"AMPERSAND","Explanation":"Definition: Joiner employed in B&Q\nCryptic definition; alternatively the ampersand is hidden in B**&**Q"} {"Clue":"Beaten entertainer that is eliminated could be contestant again (2-7)","Answer":"RE\u2011ENTRANT","Explanation":"Definition: contestant again\nAnagram of ENTERTAINER less I.E."} {"Clue":"Shed containing old sink (5)","Answer":"DROOP","Explanation":"Definition: sink\nO in DROP (to shed)"} {"Clue":"Outdoor seating area with 50% in occupation? (5)","Answer":"PATIO","Explanation":"Definition: Outdoor seating area\nHidden in, and half of, occuPATIOn, with a topical surface reading"} {"Clue":"Unorthodox types of bonsai spreading across border (9)","Answer":"BOHEMIANS","Explanation":"Definition: Unorthodox types\nHEM in BONSAI"} {"Clue":"Confusion as I turn right, going left, in limbo dancing (9)","Answer":"IMBROGLIO","Explanation":"Definition: Confusion\nI think this is supposed to be \"I GO (turn) R\", reversed, in LIMBO*, but if so it doesn't quite work as the L is misplaced *As michelle @1 points out, we have to treat the I separately, so it's I + (GO R) rev. in LIMBO* "} {"Clue":"Nick to get off the mark (5)","Answer":"SCORE","Explanation":"Definition: Nick\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"August report largely devoid of content (7)","Answer":"STATELY","Explanation":"Definition: August\nSTATE (to report) + L[argel]Y"} {"Clue":"Old Greek city king rejected urgent appeal by child (7)","Answer":"KNOSSOS","Explanation":"Definition: Old Greek city\nK + reverse of SOS SON"} {"Clue":"Lighting for short stay under canvas, deluxe style? (3,4)","Answer":"FOG\u2011LAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Lighting\nFO[r] + GLAMP (portmanteau of glamour and camp)"} {"Clue":"Local church admitted to previous naivety (9)","Answer":"INNOCENCE","Explanation":"Definition: naivety\nINN (pub, local) + CE in ONCE (previous)"} {"Clue":"Yankee invading force endlessly seeks victims (5)","Answer":"PREYS","Explanation":"Definition: seeks victims\nY in PRES[s]"} {"Clue":"Trouble dividing a mother and son upset spiritual leader (5,4)","Answer":"DALAI\u00a0LAMA","Explanation":"Definition: spiritual leader\nAIL in reverse of A MA + LAD"} {"Clue":"Live piece started (5)","Answer":"BEGUN","Explanation":"Definition: started\nBE (to live) + GUN (piece)"} {"Clue":"Officer casing area dismissed for taking unrefined coke? (4-5)","Answer":"COAL\u2011FIRED","Explanation":"Definition: taking unrefined coke\nA[rea] in COL[onel] + FIRED"} {"Clue":"A seaman entertaining Nutmeg served up Indian dish (5)","Answer":"RAITA","Explanation":"Definition: Indian dish\nReverse of I in A TAR"} {"Clue":"Army medics checked out and took a stroll (7)","Answer":"MOSEYED","Explanation":"Definition: took a stroll\nMOS (medical officers) + EYED (checked out)"} {"Clue":"Whispering wino needs to articulate 'I must go' (5,4)","Answer":"SOTTO\u00a0VOCE","Explanation":"Definition: Whispering\nSOT (wino) + TO + VOICE (to articulate) less I"} {"Clue":"Implement used on farm to topple branch (9)","Answer":"PITCHFORK","Explanation":"Definition: Implement used on farm\nPITCH (topple) + FORK (branch)"} {"Clue":"Eccentric soul madly pursuing an unclothed woman (9)","Answer":"ANOMALOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Eccentric\nAN + [w]OMA[n] + SOUL"} {"Clue":"Stitches up army engineer mates (7)","Answer":"REPAIRS","Explanation":"Definition: Stitches up\nRE (Royal Engineers) + PAIRS (mates)"} {"Clue":"Have control of backup groups carrying spades (7)","Answer":"POSSESS","Explanation":"Definition: Have control of\nS[pades] in POSSES"} {"Clue":"Iodine injected in rather twisted part of leg (5)","Answer":"TIBIA","Explanation":"Definition: part of leg\nI[odine] in reverse of A BIT (rather)"} {"Clue":"Stop knocking back drink in past (5)","Answer":"BELAY","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\nReverse of ALE in BY (past)"} {"Clue":"Those starting modestly in speed event perform badly (5)","Answer":"MISDO","Explanation":"Definition: perform badly\nFirst letters of Modestly In Speed + DO (party, event)"} {"Clue":"Architectural curve, wide maybe, diameter unusually large (8)","Answer":"EXTRADOS","Explanation":"Definition: Architectural curve\nEXTRA (e.g. a wide, in cricket) + D + OS (outsize)"} {"Clue":"Bar? Better rooms therein but lacking inside toilet (4)","Answer":"SANS","Explanation":"Definition: Bar\nSALOONS (better class of bar, as opposed to the public bar) less LOO. For the definition I assume it's \"bar\" in the prepositional sense of \"except\", but I'm not sure it quite equates to SANS = \"without\""} {"Clue":"Fore-runners of vertebrates possibly had me puzzled about colourless ooze (10)","Answer":"HEMICHORDA","Explanation":"Definition: Fore-runners\nICHOR in (HAD ME)"} {"Clue":"Fauns dancing all over the place (5)","Answer":"SNAFU","Explanation":"Definition: all over the place\nFAUNS* \u2013 an acronym (as opposed to the \"abbreviation\" mentioned in the rubric), standing for \"Situation Normal, All Fouled Up\" (other words beginning with F are available)"} {"Clue":"Bulge in some places? It's showing bulge round centre of midriff (6)","Answer":"STROUT","Explanation":"Definition: Bulge in some places\nMiddle letter of midRiff in STOUT (showing bulge)"} {"Clue":"Chaps in US intelligence organization turned washed-out at home (6)","Answer":"ANEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: washed-out\nReverse of MEN in CIA \u2013 \"at home\" to indicate the US spelling"} {"Clue":"Team supporter flourishes with fares cut (3)","Answer":"FAN","Explanation":"Definition: Team supporter\nFAN[fares]"} {"Clue":"Working micros, see? Place inside processes for them (12)","Answer":"COMPUTERISES","Explanation":"Definition: processes for them\nPUT in (MICROS SEE)"} {"Clue":"Charles as king? For sure (3)","Answer":"RAY","Explanation":"Definition: Charles\nR + AY (yes, for sure) \u2013 Ray Charles, singer\/songwriter and pianist"} {"Clue":"Bass opening being absent flusters the rest (6)","Answer":"OTHERS","Explanation":"Definition: the rest\nBOTHERS (flusters) less B[ass]"} {"Clue":"Peal of bells, stuff holding line? (6)","Answer":"TRIPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Peal of bells\nL in TRIPE (stuff=nonsense)"} {"Clue":"Tory? Only 50%, on the fringes, one I name 'wet' (5)","Answer":"RAINY","Explanation":"Definition: wet\nA (one) I N[ame] in half of toRY"} {"Clue":"Language generally, riddle involving legal rule (5)","Answer":"TERMS","Explanation":"Definition: Language generally\nR \u2013 \"Rule (law)\" says Chambers \u2013 in TEMS: \"sieve or strainer\", i.e. a riddle (as used by gardeners)"} {"Clue":"Satire getting me briefly in a pickle? (10)","Answer":"MAZARINADE","Explanation":"Definition: Satire\nAZ[ed] in MARINADE"} {"Clue":"Those above junior doctors requiring orderly system without company (4)","Answer":"SMOS","Explanation":"Definition: Those above junior doctors\nCOSMOS (orderly system) less CO. This is the abbreviation, for Senior Medical OfficerS. I originally guessed SHOS (Senior House Officers) for this, but of course couldn't parse it; and anyway it's not in Chambers, nor is it a current grade, at least in the UK."} {"Clue":"Development I missed with group that's mismanaged (8)","Answer":"UPGROWTH","Explanation":"Definition: Development\nAnagram of (WITH GROUP) less I"} {"Clue":"Major work poet's wrought spending time (4)","Answer":"EPOS","Explanation":"Definition: Major work\nPOETS* less T"} {"Clue":"Yellow growths that a man with ox ploughed up (10)","Answer":"XANTHOMATA","Explanation":"Definition: Yellow growths\n(THAT A MAN OX)* \u2013 knowing that XANTH- is a prefix meaning \"yellow\" was a big help with the anagram"} {"Clue":"Vassal e.g. the young lady's sacked (5)","Answer":"THIRL","Explanation":"Definition: Vassal\nTHE GIRL less EG"} {"Clue":"Make good pickled produce, taking day (6)","Answer":"RECOUP","Explanation":"Definition: Make good\nPRODUCE* less D"} {"Clue":"Richard Murphy (or so it's said) replaced his president in senior post (12)","Answer":"DICTATORSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: senior post\nHomophone of \"Dick tater\" + HIS* + P[resident]"} {"Clue":"Richly woven fabric is got up to clothe a certain king (6)","Answer":"SONERI","Explanation":"Definition: Richly woven fabric\nONE (a certain) R in reverse of IS"} {"Clue":"Japanese delicacy coated in caramel (5)","Answer":"ARAME","Explanation":"Definition: Japanese delicacy\nHidden in cARAMEl"} {"Clue":"Fuse is beginning to spark inside dressing (8)","Answer":"SAUCISSE","Explanation":"Definition: Fuse\nIS + S[park] in SAUCE"} {"Clue":"Woman scorned tail of tabby after mink? (4)","Answer":"FURY","Explanation":"Definition: Woman scorned\nFUR + [tabb]Y \u2013 \"hell hath no fury like a woman scorned\""} {"Clue":"Not a bit of beer fermenting for host (4)","Answer":"ARMY","Explanation":"Definition: host\nBARMY (fermenting) less B[eer]"} {"Clue":"Was striving to get between two loves somewhere on the Bay of Biscay (6)","Answer":"OVIEDO","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere on the Bay of Biscay\nVIED in O O \u2013 Oviedo is in northern Spain, but it's at least 20km from the sea, so it's a bit of a stretch to say it's \"on the Bay of Biscay\". It also gives its name to one of the *comarcas* that make up the province of Asturias, but even that doesn't reach to the sea."} {"Clue":"Rooty in partnership, cross after right hand is in contact with Ishant's first (5)","Answer":"RHIZO","Explanation":"Definition: Rooty in partnership\nRH + I[shant] + ZO (cow-yak hybrid, popular with setters because of its many variant spellings). This is the \"prefix\", as indicated by \"in partnership\", meaning related to roots, or \"rooty\". The surface refers to cricket \u2013 for those as uninterested in the game as I am, Joe Root is the current captain of England, and Ishant Sharma plays for India"} {"Clue":"Inferior veg recipe fed to cat (5)","Answer":"SPREW","Explanation":"Definition: Inferior veg\nR in SPEW (to cat is to vomit)"} {"Clue":"Inhabitant of Baltic region east of Italy and Hungary (4)","Answer":"ESTH","Explanation":"Definition: Inhabitant of Baltic region\nEST (Italian \"east\") + H[ungary]"} {"Clue":"Smooth passages of play set goal in motion (7)","Answer":"LEGATOS","Explanation":"Definition: Smooth passages of play\n(SET GOAL)*, with \"passages of play\" referring to music"} {"Clue":"After losing first point, nervously receives this? (7)","Answer":"SERVICE","Explanation":"Definition: this\nAnagram of RECEIVES, less the first E, the first of four compass points in the word (E E E S); the surface refers to tennis"} {"Clue":"17 across, a wide man neither side wanted (4)","Answer":"INGE","Explanation":"Definition: 17 across\nWINGER (a \"wide\" player in football etc) less its outer letters.Dean Inge used to be a familiar figure in crosswords, but is probably much more of an obscurity now"} {"Clue":"Former PL team's left wing back dives, missing header and second 12 across? (9)","Answer":"EXPLETIVE","Explanation":"Definition: 12 across\nEX + PL (presumably standing for Premier League) + reverse of the \"left wing\" of Team + DIVES less its first letter and S. \"Balls\" (12a) is an expletive"} {"Clue":"Rubbish dances by Strictly star (5)","Answer":"BALLS","Explanation":"Definition: Rubbish\nThree definitions \u2013 the former Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls was famously an incompetent but popular contestant on *Strictly Come Dancing"} {"Clue":"Detective suffering derision from press team (8)","Answer":"IRONSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Detective\nAnother \"triple\" clue \u2013 DERISION*, and IRON (press) + SIDE (team). *Ironside* was a TV police series of the 60s and 70s, which my late mother always called \"Perry Mason in a wheelchair\", as Raymond Burr played both characters"} {"Clue":"A delay put back festivity \u2026 (4)","Answer":"GALA","Explanation":"Definition: festivity\nReverse of A LAG"} {"Clue":"\u2026 the 25th one, perhaps, for Puck? (5)","Answer":"FAIRY","Explanation":"Definition: Puck\nThe 25th gala might be \"FAIR Y\" (after FAIR A, FAIR B, etc). Puck is a fairy in *A Midsummer Night's Dream"} {"Clue":"Academic official content to provide answers (4)","Answer":"DEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Academic official\nHidden in proviDE ANswers"} {"Clue":"Can perhaps shoot game here? (8)","Answer":"PRESERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Can perhaps\nDouble definition \u2013 canning is a way to preserve food, and game can be shot (fortunately more likely with cameras than rifles these days) in a [p]reserve. *As noted in the comments, I got my reserves and preserves a bit mixed up here"} {"Clue":"Retiring Bengali vicar's well-mannered (5)","Answer":"CIVIL","Explanation":"Definition: well-mannered\nHidden in reverse of bengaLI VICar \u2013 the hiding is indicated by the 's"} {"Clue":"Streetcars, buggies or slow-moving 3? (9)","Answer":"STROLLERS","Explanation":"Definition: buggies\nAnother triple clue \u2013 ST + ROLLERS (Rolls Royces) plus two definitions"} {"Clue":"Some Penguin 'Football Facts' (4)","Answer":"INFO","Explanation":"Definition: Facts\nHidden in penguIN FOotball"} {"Clue":"Sadly bicker about who's first to give name for an Antarctic glacier (7)","Answer":"BERWICK","Explanation":"Definition: name for an Antarctic glacier\nFirst letter of Who in BICKER* \u2013 the Berwick Glacier flows into the much larger Beardmore Glacier, a name familiar from the story of Captain Scott's ill-fated expedition"} {"Clue":"Roy's header really annoys 3 (7)","Answer":"RANGERS","Explanation":"Definition: 3\nR[oy] + ANGERS"} {"Clue":"17 across having doubled lead, end result is tight (4)","Answer":"MEAN","Explanation":"Definition: tight\nDEAN with the D (500) doubled to become M (1000)"} {"Clue":"Bloomer showed up, leading to one-all game (8)","Answer":"CAMELLIA","Explanation":"Definition: Bloomer\nCAME (showed up) +anagram of I ALL"} {"Clue":"Briefly run some cricket team (6)","Answer":"ROVERS","Explanation":"Definition: team\nR[un] + OVERS (some cricket)"} {"Clue":"Stand on this, maybe, and see more? Yes, now encroaching heads shifted (8)","Answer":"CEREMONY","Explanation":"Definition: Stand on this, maybe\nC (see) + anagram of (MORE + first letters of Yes Now Encroaching) \u2013 rather a devious construction, but the definition is clear (when you see it)"} {"Clue":"Originally all versions of it described sitting ducks (6)","Answer":"AVOIDS","Explanation":"Definition: ducks\nFirst letters of All Versions Of It Described Sitting"} {"Clue":"A team lacking women in some area (4)","Answer":"ACRE","Explanation":"Definition: some area\nA CREW less W"} {"Clue":"Cooked pig liver, edible starter? That's right (9)","Answer":"PRIVILEGE","Explanation":"Definition: right\n(PIG LIVER)* + E[dible]"} {"Clue":"Times article on current 'right' way to travel (2,3)","Answer":"BY AIR","Explanation":"Definition: way to travel\nBY (times, as in \"2 by 2\") + A (article) + I (electric current) + R[ight]"} {"Clue":"Slow-paced, lazy speech after tie lost (5)","Answer":"DRAWL","Explanation":"Definition: Slow-paced, lazy speech\nDRAW (tie) + L[ost]"} {"Clue":"Warning forward respectfully, this may be tugged (8)","Answer":"FORELOCK","Explanation":"Definition: respectfully, this may be tugged\nFORE (warning in golf) + LOCK (rugby player)"} {"Clue":"Little mischief-makers, half of Devon's swimmers (8)","Answer":"DEVLINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Little mischief-makers\nThe first half of DEVon's + LINGS (fish) \u2013 a new word to me, but a reasonably obvious diminutive of \"devils\""} {"Clue":"Second team's inside men in charge (6)","Answer":"SCREWS","Explanation":"Definition: inside men in charge\nS CREW'S \u2013 screws is slang for prison officers, hence \"inside\""} {"Clue":"Laid-back Corinthian's teammate? (6)","Answer":"CASUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Laid-back\nDouble definition \u2013 the second is presumably a reference to Corinthian-Casuals Football Club"} {"Clue":"Watched part of play broadcast (4)","Answer":"SEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Watched\nHomophone of \"scene\""} {"Clue":"Conveying charge from governing body, with rule essentially being ignored (4)","Answer":"FARE","Explanation":"Definition: Conveying charge\nFA (ruling body of football) + R[ul]E"} {"Clue":"Value from Top Shop in roadside area (3,5,5,2)","Answer":"LAY\u00a0GREAT STORE\u00a0BY","Explanation":"Definition: Value\nGREAT (top) STORE (shop) in LAY-BY. The retail chain, which is now in administration, started life as in the clue, but soon became branded as Topshop"} {"Clue":"Global struggle: virus from the east not treated (4,3)","Answer":"COLD WAR","Explanation":"Definition: Global struggle\nCOLD (virus) + RAW (not treated) reversed, i.e. \"from the east\""} {"Clue":"Figure almost left behind old college (7)","Answer":"POLYGON","Explanation":"Definition: Figure\nPOLY (polytechnic) + GON[e]"} {"Clue":"Classical star's note to introduce Mahler's Fourth (3)","Answer":"SOL","Explanation":"Definition: Classical star\nSO (musical note, the fifth of the scale) + the fourth letter of mahLer. \"Classical\" because SOL is the Latin name of the Sun"} {"Clue":"Directory of wannabe knights scared to fight? (6,5)","Answer":"YELLOW PAGES","Explanation":"Definition: Directory\nPages in Ye Olden Dayes might have been \"wannabe knights\", and yellow = cowardly"} {"Clue":"Falafel bits, eg nice round sandwiches fit to eat (10)","Answer":"INGESTIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: fit to eat\nHidden in reverse of falafEL BITS EG NIce"} {"Clue":"Thought Picaroon gives people a hand, briefly (4)","Answer":"IDEA","Explanation":"Definition: Thought\nI (Picaroon referring to himself) + DEA[L] (to give a hand of cards)"} {"Clue":"Losing heart, one's ridden the tube (4)","Answer":"HOSE","Explanation":"Definition: tube\nHORSE (one that's ridden) less its middle letter"} {"Clue":"Cracking nut, a scarce thing with a shell? (10)","Answer":"CRUSTACEAN","Explanation":"Definition: thing with a shell\n(NUT A SCARCE)"} {"Clue":"Made it with rice cooked for so long (11)","Answer":"ARRIVEDERCI","Explanation":"Definition: so long\nARRIVED (made it) + RICE"} {"Clue":"Hum opening of television program (3)","Answer":"BOT","Explanation":"Definition: program\nBO (Body Odour; hum = bad smell) + T[elevision]; short for \"robot\", a type of computer program"} {"Clue":"Old Indian copper seizing figure's sensitive appendage (7)","Answer":"ANTENNA","Explanation":"Definition: sensitive appendage\nTEN (figure) in ANNA (Indian coin)"} {"Clue":"One wool-gathering artist reversed gauzy clothes (7)","Answer":"SHEARER","Explanation":"Definition: One wool-gathering\nReverse of RA (artist) \"clothed by\" SHEER (gauzy)"} {"Clue":"I favour sweet, absorbing songs making lover's lament (1,2,8,4)","Answer":"I\u00a0AM\u00a0FORTUNE\u2019S FOOL","Explanation":"Definition: lover's lament\nTUNES in I AM FOR (I favour) FOOL (type of pudding, sweet). This is a line said by Romeo when he has just killed Tybalt"} {"Clue":"Bit of a shock, economist's solution to key problem (9)","Answer":"LOCKSMITH","Explanation":"Definition: solution to key problem\nLOCK (hair \u2013 part of a shock) + [Adam] SMITH"} {"Clue":"Winter food that's supposed to be burnt? (4,3)","Answer":"YULE LOG","Explanation":"Definition: Winter food\nDouble definition \u2013 a yule log is either an actual log to put on a fire, or a type of cake"} {"Clue":"My word! One's performing wild antics (8)","Answer":"ROWDYISM","Explanation":"Definition: wild antics\nAnagram of MY WORD + I S"} {"Clue":"For listeners, Francesco the poet's beloved, moving line (5)","Answer":"AURAL","Explanation":"Definition: For listeners\nLAURA (subject of poems by Francesco Petrarch), with the L (line) moved down \u2013 I needed some online help to confirm this"} {"Clue":"Having shot hoops, see the French playmaker (9)","Answer":"SOPHOCLES","Explanation":"Definition: playmaker\nHOOPS* + C (see) + LES (French \"the\")"} {"Clue":"Love kiss with these? They may be in bed (6)","Answer":"OXLIPS","Explanation":"Definition: They may be in bed\nO (love) + X (kiss) + LIPS (which are used to kiss); oxlips may be in a flowerbed"} {"Clue":"Desperate need to consume crack, heading for altar (7)","Answer":"ENGAGED","Explanation":"Definition: heading for altar\nGAG (joke, crack) in NEED"} {"Clue":"Americans releasing article about old age (5)","Answer":"YONKS","Explanation":"Definition: age\nO in YANKS less A; YONKS = a long time, an age \u2013 \"I haven't seen you for yonks\""} {"Clue":"Brilliant raid with train that's in motion (9)","Answer":"IRRADIANT","Explanation":"Definition: Brilliant\n(RAID TRAIN)"} {"Clue":"Naked relative admitting a rule's broken (2,7)","Answer":"AU NATUREL","Explanation":"Definition: Naked\nA in AUNT* + RULE"} {"Clue":"Tablet's taken out of fatigue, showing caution (8)","Answer":"WARINESS","Explanation":"Definition: caution\nWEARINESS less E (Ecstasy tablet)"} {"Clue":"Problem eating pastry up in a layer (7)","Answer":"STRATUM","Explanation":"Definition: a layer\nReverse of TART in SUM (problem)"} {"Clue":"Ban poetic entreaty to hold me back (7)","Answer":"EMBARGO","Explanation":"Definition: Ban\nReverse of O GRAB ME (maybe a poet's way of saying \"hold me\")"} {"Clue":"Maybe two, four, six and zero still (4,2)","Answer":"EVEN SO","Explanation":"Definition: still\nEVENS (2, 4 and 6 are even numbers) + O (zero \u2013 which also happens to be even)"} {"Clue":"Rug with top-class exterior is an expensive fiddle (5)","Answer":"AMATI","Explanation":"Definition: an expensive fiddle\nMAT in A1"} {"Clue":"Increased amount of liquor is enjoyed (5)","Answer":"RISEN","Explanation":"Definition: Increased\nHidden in liquoR IS ENjoyed"} {"Clue":"Looking offended by power trip (7)","Answer":"POUTING","Explanation":"Definition: Looking offended\nP[ower] + OUTING"} {"Clue":"Purported cure tested her good faith (4,2,3,3)","Answer":"HAIR\u00a0OF THE\u00a0DOG","Explanation":"Definition: Purported cure\n(HER GOOD FAITH)* \u2013 in full \"the hair of the dog that bit you\", originally a supposed cure for a dog bite, now metaphorically meaning a drink as a cure for a hangover"} {"Clue":"Millions are putting in short order for arrangement of treatment (8)","Answer":"MEDICARE","Explanation":"Definition: arrangement of treatment\nEDIC[t] in M ARE"} {"Clue":"Is no longer a swinger? That's pungent (6)","Answer":"WASABI","Explanation":"Definition: That's pungent\nWAS A BI[-sexual], though I don't think that's what's usually meant by a swinger (though a bisexual is one who \"swings both ways\"). I initially tried to make sense of SALAMI here"} {"Clue":"About to rest, change striker for amateur game (7,5)","Answer":"VARSITY\u00a0MATCH","Explanation":"Definition: amateur game\nSIT (rest) in VARY + MATCH (a \"striker\") \u2013 Varsity Match refers to a fixture between Cambridge and Oxford university teams, particularly rugby and cricket"} {"Clue":"All you need to know about love: it's devastating and is huge (6,4)","Answer":"ENOUGH SAID","Explanation":"Definition: All you need to know\nO (love) in (AND IS HUGE)"} {"Clue":"Fool that a pedant picks (3)","Answer":"NIT","Explanation":"Definition: Fool\nDouble definition \u2013 a pedant may be a nit-picker"} {"Clue":"Back page of The Dandy (3)","Answer":"FOP","Explanation":"Definition: The Dandy\nReverse of P OF"} {"Clue":"Cutting some potatoes set out in cold winds (10)","Answer":"EASTERLIES","Explanation":"Definition: cold winds\nSET* in EARLIES"} {"Clue":"Endless capital employed by minister a bonus as betting is over (4,2,2,4)","Answer":"RIEN\u00a0NE VA\u00a0PLUS","Explanation":"Definition: betting is over\n[v]IENN[a] in REV (\"minister\") + A PLUS \u2013 this is said by the croupier in roulette to mean no more bets can be placed"} {"Clue":"Architect's trade vehicle, brown and horrible (8)","Answer":"VANBRUGH","Explanation":"Definition: Architect\nVAN (trade vehicle) + BR[own] + UGH (\"horrible!\"). John Vanbrugh was a playwright as well as an architect"} {"Clue":"Comedian takes extremely large piece of cake (6)","Answer":"DODDLE","Explanation":"Definition: piece of cake\n[Ken] DODD + L[arg]E"} {"Clue":"Cut layer, about a yard \u2014 how much do you want? (3,4)","Answer":"SAY WHEN","Explanation":"Definition: how much do you want?\nY in SAW (cut) + HEN (a \"layer\")"} {"Clue":"Display anti-aircraft gun, ignoring one order (4)","Answer":"POMP","Explanation":"Definition: Display\nPOM-POM less the second OM (Order of Merit)"} {"Clue":"Tongue bends double, finding way in (4)","Answer":"URDU","Explanation":"Definition: Tongue\nRD (road, way) in two Us (bends)"} {"Clue":"Controlling what one arrested may be given (2,6)","Answer":"IN CHARGE","Explanation":"Definition: Controlling\nDouble definition \u2013 a person who's arrested is \"~~taken~~ given in charge\""} {"Clue":"Dodgy Russian showing a bit of brain (5)","Answer":"GYRUS","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of brain\nHidden in dodGY RUSsian \u2013 a kind clue for an unfamiliar meaning"} {"Clue":"Metal prostheses set these off? (6)","Answer":"ALARMS","Explanation":"Definition: Metal prostheses set these off\nAL (aluminium, metal) + ARMS (which may be prostheses); I would classify this as a genuine &lit"} {"Clue":"In which one can winningly play to the gallery (4,6)","Answer":"REAL TENNIS","Explanation":"Definition: In which one can winningly play to the gallery\nCryptic definition \u2013 in the game of Real tennis the Galleries are openings above the court, and there's a way to win a point by playing the ball into them. I live half a mile from The Cambridge University Real Tennis courts, but have never been inside"} {"Clue":"Left tights off for check-up (6,4)","Answer":"FLIGHT TEST","Explanation":"Definition: check-up\n(LEFT TIGHTS)"} {"Clue":"Hard villains finally cheated in hearing (6)","Answer":"STRICT","Explanation":"Definition: Hard\n[villain]S + homophone of \"tricked\""} {"Clue":"Bored, virtually carry out an unruly youth (10)","Answer":"PERFORATED","Explanation":"Definition: Bored\nPERFOR[m] A TED (Teddy boy)"} {"Clue":"Get school to raise girl's death (10)","Answer":"COMPREHEND","Explanation":"Definition: Get\nCOMP (comprehensive school) + reverse of HER + END (death)"} {"Clue":"Look meaningfully round very fast (6)","Answer":"STARVE","Explanation":"Definition: fast\nV in STARE"} {"Clue":"Perhaps good in a sport, showing skill (8)","Answer":"ARGUABLY","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps\nG in A RU (Rugby Union) + ABLY"} {"Clue":"Expecting data, not quite everything (2,4)","Answer":"IN FOAL","Explanation":"Definition: Expecting\nINFO (data) + AL[L]"} {"Clue":"Mountains of nettles picked up (5)","Answer":"PEAKS","Explanation":"Definition: Mountains\nHomophone of \"piques\" (irritates, nettles)"} {"Clue":"Pity it only has 4 chapters (4)","Answer":"RUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Pity\nDouble definition \u2013 the Old Testament book of Ruth has 4 chapters"} {"Clue":"Flimsy item falling short (4)","Answer":"THIN","Explanation":"Definition: Flimsy\nTHIN[g]"} {"Clue":"They roared with wind by two but were swinging by three! (8)","Answer":"TWENTIES","Explanation":"Definition: They roared\nReference to the \"Roaring Twenties\". You can multiply them by two to get the Roaring Forties (winds), or or by three to get the Swinging Sixties"} {"Clue":"Bathroom fitting is more splashy when I get in (6)","Answer":"SHOWER","Explanation":"Definition: Bathroom fitting\nPutting an I in SHOWER gives SHOWIER \u2013 more splashy"} {"Clue":"Apprentice never tried out leads for setter (4)","Answer":"ANTO","Explanation":"Definition: setter\nFirst letters (leads) of Apprentice Never Tried Out"} {"Clue":"Obey Lorna, perhaps, by revising study \u2026 (2,4,4)","Answer":"DO\u00a0ONE\u2019S\u00a0DUTY","Explanation":"Definition: Obey\n[Lorna] DOONE + STUDY"} {"Clue":"\u2026 recently put back in metal folder (2,4)","Answer":"OF LATE","Explanation":"Definition: recently\nHidden in reverse of mETAL FOlder"} {"Clue":"Philosopher abandoning case makes a cry for help (8)","Answer":"SOCRATES","Explanation":"Definition: Philosopher\nIf you remove CRATE (case) you're left with SOS \u2013 a cry for help"} {"Clue":"Foremost Irish girl gets discharge, when rejected (7)","Answer":"SUPREME","Explanation":"Definition: Foremost\nReverse of EMER (character in Irish mythology, also a girl's name, albeit a rare one in this form) + PUS (discharge)"} {"Clue":"Impractical for campuses to become temporary shelters? (7)","Answer":"USELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Impractical\nRemoving USE from CAMPUSES leaves CAMPS: temporary shelters"} {"Clue":"A Swedish group has poetic scheme for this Lear favourite (8)","Answer":"LIMERICK","Explanation":"Definition: Lear favourite\nThe rhyme scheme for a limerick is AABBA, i.e. A + ABBA"} {"Clue":"Aristocrat without a scrap found outside city (6)","Answer":"BERLIN","Explanation":"Definition: city\nEARL less A in BIN (to scrap)"} {"Clue":"Masons may roll it up to reveal support (7,3)","Answer":"TROUSER\u00a0LEG","Explanation":"Definition: Masons may roll it up to reveal support\nNot-very-cryptic definition, referring to a ritual in Freemasonry that sounds like a myth but is apparently genuine"} {"Clue":"It comes early for one being sent off (4)","Answer":"BATH","Explanation":"Definition: It comes early for one being sent off\nAnother NVCD \u2013 a player who is sent off in football etc is said to be going for an early bath"} {"Clue":"Standard element of animation plot (6)","Answer":"PARCEL","Explanation":"Definition: plot\nPAR (standard) + CEL (element of an animated film); \"plot\" as in a parcel of land"} {"Clue":"After signal, shout 'open' (8)","Answer":"FLAGRANT","Explanation":"Definition: open\nFLAG + RANT"} {"Clue":"Disease picked up when the impossible happened (5,3)","Answer":"SWINE FLU","Explanation":"Definition: Disease\nHomophone of \"swine flew\", as in \"pigs might fly\""} {"Clue":"Found out concealing key to correcting erroneous input (4)","Answer":"UNDO","Explanation":"Definition: key to correcting erroneous input\nHidden in foUND Out"} {"Clue":"Core position of hospital in NHS (6)","Answer":"MIDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Core\nH (hospital) is the MIDDLE letter of NHS"} {"Clue":"Champion finds partner online? (7)","Answer":"ESPOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Champion\nAn online partner could be an E-SPOUSE"} {"Clue":"US stock market regulator head promoted under European principles (8)","Answer":"ESSENCES","Explanation":"Definition: principles\nThe US stock market regulator is the Securities and Exchange Commission, so this is E[uropean] + reverse of SEC + NESS (geographical head)"} {"Clue":"Unexpected visitor in winter trying to sell you something? (4,6)","Answer":"COLD CALLER","Explanation":"Definition: Unexpected visitor in winter trying to sell you something\nCryptic definition, I suppose"} {"Clue":"Resolution satisfied ownership of property after it is abandoned (6)","Answer":"METTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Resolution\nMET (satisfied) + TITLE (ownership of property) less IT"} {"Clue":"Unreal chef cooked something that's supposedly never available (1,4,5)","Answer":"A FREE LUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: something that's supposedly never available\n(UNREAL CHEF)"} {"Clue":"Modest men daily get abused (8)","Answer":"MAIDENLY","Explanation":"Definition: Modest\n(MEN DAILY)"} {"Clue":"Broke unit revealing shade on the outside (4,4)","Answer":"SKIN TONE","Explanation":"Definition: shade on the outside\nSKINT (broke) + ONE (unit)"} {"Clue":"Almost miss promotion that could help ascending the slippery slope (3,4)","Answer":"SKI LIFT","Explanation":"Definition: that could help ascending the slippery slope\nSKI[P] (to miss) + LIFT (promotion)"} {"Clue":"Cast-iron commercial progress (6)","Answer":"INROAD","Explanation":"Definition: progress\nIRON* + AD (advert, promotion)"} {"Clue":"He holds the money when company meets in bar (6)","Answer":"BAGMAN","Explanation":"Definition: He holds the money\nAGM (Annual General Meeting \u2013 \"when company meets\") in BAN (bar)"} {"Clue":"Time attempt to capture rook (4)","Answer":"BIRD","Explanation":"Definition: Time\nR[ook] in BID \u2013 bird and time are slang for a prison sentence"} {"Clue":"Clue 1: house staff refurbished toilet facilities (3,5,7)","Answer":"THE\u00a0USUAL OFFICES","Explanation":"Definition: toilet facilities\n(CLUE I HOUSE STAFF)* \u2013 anyone who solved last Friday's Puck puzzle might remember \"office\" for toilet from that, also at 1 across"} {"Clue":"Bit strange having soldiers on square (7)","Answer":"ODDMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Bit\nODD (strange) + MEN (soldiers) + T (square)"} {"Clue":"Furiously rejected female killer? Not half! (4,3)","Answer":"LIKE MAD","Explanation":"Definition: Furiously\nReverse of DAME+ KIL[ler]"} {"Clue":"Did escort give name away? (3)","Answer":"LED","Explanation":"Definition: Did escort\nLEND (to give, albeit temporarily) less N"} {"Clue":"Foolish! The names Don gets a lot more than this (3,4,4)","Answer":"AND\u00a0THEN\u00a0SOME","Explanation":"Definition: a lot more than this\n(THE NAMES DONE)"} {"Clue":"Incredibly ripped? Same fantasies (4,6)","Answer":"PIPE DREAMS","Explanation":"Definition: fantasies\n(RIPPED SAME)"} {"Clue":"Picked up dark vehicle, briefly (4)","Answer":"MERC","Explanation":"Definition: vehicle, briefly\nHomophone of \"murk\""} {"Clue":"Walk back from the Capitol (4)","Answer":"PACE","Explanation":"Definition: Walk\nHidden in reverse of thE CAPitol"} {"Clue":"Look at naughty ladies, getting shock (10)","Answer":"SCANDALISE","Explanation":"Definition: shock\nSCAN (look at) + LADIES"} {"Clue":"Film came out badly? Correct! (5,2,4)","Answer":"COMME IL FAUT","Explanation":"Definition: Correct\n(FILM CAME OUT)* \u2013 this phrase is in Chambers, but perhaps Vlad should have hinted at its being French"} {"Clue":"Writer Oscar stops exercises (3)","Answer":"POE","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nO (Oscar in the phonetic alphabet) in PE (exercises)"} {"Clue":"Anger that king has broken a bone (7)","Answer":"STIRRUP","Explanation":"Definition: a bone\nR (king) in STIR UP (to anger). The stirrup is one of the small bones in the inner ear"} {"Clue":"Old man with sweetheart in spot \u2014 reportedly a very low point (4,3)","Answer":"DEAD SEA","Explanation":"Definition: a very low point\nThe \"heart\" of swEet in DAD (old man) + homophone of \"see\" (spot)"} {"Clue":"Can scoff but it saves time in the kitchen (11,4)","Answer":"CONVENIENCE FOOD","Explanation":"Definition: Can scoff but it saves time in the kitchen\nI think this is just an extended cryptic definition, with \"can scoff\" meaning \"scoff (i.e. food) in cans\", though not all (or even most?) convenience food is canned *As suggested by Mark in comment 1, this should probably be can=toilet=CONVENIENCE + scoff=FOOD"} {"Clue":"Lackey's hint for Spooner: 'I'm going' (6-3)","Answer":"TOODLE-PIP","Explanation":"Definition: I'm going\nSpoonerism of POODLE TIP"} {"Clue":"Need change, party finished (5,2)","Answer":"ENDED UP","Explanation":"Definition: finished\nNEED* + DUP (Democratic Unionist Party \u2013 political party in Northern Ireland)"} {"Clue":"'We worked with Sid originally' (darts officials) (8)","Answer":"STEWARDS","Explanation":"Definition: officials\nAnagram of WE + S[id] + DARTS"} {"Clue":"Master taking time over degree was 6 (5)","Answer":"ACTED","Explanation":"Definition: was 6\nT in ACE (master) + D[egree]"} {"Clue":"Statesman's right \u2014 prince upset country (9)","Answer":"OKLAHOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Statesman\nOK (right) + reverse of HAL (Prince Hal, who became Henry V) + OMAN, with the familiar trick of \"statesman\" = \"person from a particular US state\""} {"Clue":"Cooking is chore, family admitted (6)","Answer":"FAKING","Explanation":"Definition: Cooking\nKIN (family) in FAG (a chore) \u2013 faking\/cooking as in \"cooking the books\" or \"cooking up a story\". BAKING might be a tempting red herring here"} {"Clue":"Pot hidden in this way after short search (7)","Answer":"COMMODE","Explanation":"Definition: Pot hidden in this\nCOM[b] (search) + MODE (way), with a nicely deceptive definition, the \"pot\" being a chamber-pot, rather than cannabis as the surface suggests"} {"Clue":"School head's vain \u2014 creep! (5)","Answer":"SIDLE","Explanation":"Definition: creep\nS[chool] + IDLE (vain)"} {"Clue":"Australian natives and another wasting money \u2014 flaming typical (9)","Answer":"EUCALYPTI","Explanation":"Definition: Australian natives\nEMU less M + TYPICAL"} {"Clue":"Jail director with flat in US city (9)","Answer":"CLEVELAND","Explanation":"Definition: US city\nLEVEL (flat) in CAN (jail) + D"} {"Clue":"Cut actors' pay grade (8)","Answer":"CASTRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\nThe actors' pay grade is the CAST RATE"} {"Clue":"Plant back without Henry (7)","Answer":"CAMPION","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nCHAMPION (to back) less H"} {"Clue":"One's beginning to paint, respect\u00ading such a technique (7)","Answer":"IMPASTO","Explanation":"Definition: such a technique\nI'M (one is) + P[aint] + AS TO (respecting)"} {"Clue":"Ducks are in deserted lake (6)","Answer":"DEARIE","Explanation":"Definition: Ducks\nA (abbreviation of are \u2013 unit of area, more usually seen in ha=hectare) in D (deserted \u2013 listed in Chambers: I'm not sure how it would be used with this meaning) + [Lake] ERIE. Ducks and Dearie are both (rather old-fashioned) terms of affection"} {"Clue":"Function (police social) raised slightly less than half (5)","Answer":"COSEC","Explanation":"Definition: Function\n\"Slightly less than half\" of poliCE SOCial, reversed. COSEC (cosecant) is perhaps one of the more obscure trigonometric functions, but Vlad has kindly provided an easy clue for it"} {"Clue":"Forest burning? That's baseless (5)","Answer":"ARDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Forest\nARDENT (burning) less its last letter, or \"base\" when it's written downwards. The (fictional) Forest of Arden is the setting of *As You Like It"} {"Clue":"In law, handrails to be fitted for protection across the country (8,4)","Answer":"HADRIAN\u2019S\u00a0WALL","Explanation":"Definition: protection across the country\nAnagram of LAW HANDRAILS"} {"Clue":"Miserable? I'm about to become a king (5)","Answer":"MIDAS","Explanation":"Definition: king\nReverse of SAD I'M, giving the mythical king whose touch turned everything to gold"} {"Clue":"Diarist's manner not extremely honest (4,5)","Answer":"ANNE FRANK","Explanation":"Definition: Diarist\nmANNEr less its \"extremes\" + FRANK (honest)"} {"Clue":"Leisure finds French composer in empty library (7)","Answer":"LIBERTY","Explanation":"Definition: Leisure\n(Jacques) IBERT in L[ibrar]Y"} {"Clue":"Bishop leaves church worker in suspense (7)","Answer":"ABEYANT","Explanation":"Definition: in suspense\nABBEY less one B + ANT (worker)"} {"Clue":"One puts the squeeze on Tom's team (10)","Answer":"THUMBSCREW","Explanation":"Definition: One puts the squeeze on\nTHUMB'S CREW"} {"Clue":"These spots not considered (4)","Answer":"RASH","Explanation":"Definition: spots\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Make significant changes out of boredom (4)","Answer":"REDO","Explanation":"Definition: Make significant changes\nHidden in boREDOm"} {"Clue":"Food additive spoiling muesli that is eaten by Father (10)","Answer":"EMULSIFIER","Explanation":"Definition: Food additive\nMUESLI* + I.E. in FR"} {"Clue":"Abrasive republican slogan? (7)","Answer":"SCRAPER","Explanation":"Definition: Abrasive\nA republic, i.e. an anti-monarchist, would want to SCRAP E.R."} {"Clue":"A little bit of male offensiveness gets Charlie arrested (7)","Answer":"MODICUM","Explanation":"Definition: A little bit\nM + C in ODIUM"} {"Clue":"A new gender identity in this part of the country? (9)","Answer":"MIDDLESEX","Explanation":"Definition: this part of the country\nThe new identity is a MIDDLE SEX"} {"Clue":"Crop sounds novel, some say (5)","Answer":"EMMER","Explanation":"Definition: Crop\nHomophone (\"some say\" \u2013 possibly not all) of *Emma* (novel by Jane Austen). Emmer is a type of wheat (new to me)"} {"Clue":"Scruffy nest situated in the country (6,6)","Answer":"UNITED\u00a0STATES","Explanation":"Definition: country\n(NEST SITUATED)"} {"Clue":"In disguise, spy entertaining unionist Conservative (9)","Answer":"HIDEBOUND","Explanation":"Definition: Conservative\nHIDE (disguise) + U in [James] BOND"} {"Clue":"Define and date key part of vault (English) (8)","Answer":"DESCRIBE","Explanation":"Definition: Define\nD[ate] + ESC (key) + RIB (part of an architectural vault) + E"} {"Clue":"Essential to spend first year in the country (5)","Answer":"ITALY","Explanation":"Definition: country\nVITAL with its first letter \"spent\" + Y"} {"Clue":"Beyond compare, I could be no plainer (9)","Answer":"NONPAREIL","Explanation":"Definition: Beyond compare\n(NO PLAINER)"} {"Clue":"Holding back, made one be carried gently (6)","Answer":"WAFTED","Explanation":"Definition: carried gently\nAFT (back) in WED (made one)"} {"Clue":"Capital has to be banked in US city (5)","Answer":"LHASA","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\nHAS in LA (Los Angeles) \u2013 Lhasa is the capital of Tibet"} {"Clue":"A cross on centre of altar shows charm (6)","Answer":"AMULET","Explanation":"Definition: charm\nA + MULE (cross) + middle letter of alTar"} {"Clue":"Rough plan from special executioner (6)","Answer":"SKETCH","Explanation":"Definition: Rough plan\nS[pecial] + KETCH (Jack Ketch, 17th century executioner, whose name became a generic name for an executioner)"} {"Clue":"Exposed to disrepute, ignoring order to be made up (9)","Answer":"COMPRISED","Explanation":"Definition: made up\nCOMPROMISED less OM. This seems to be using the \"wrong\" use of \"comprised\", i.e. \"made up\" (often in the phrase \"comprised of\"), as opposed to the traditional sense of containing or included \u2013 the difference between \"this puzzle is comprised of 30 clues\" and \"this puzzle comprises 30 clues\""} {"Clue":"Showing no special preference, not land up catching show (2,2,5)","Answer":"AS IT COMES","Explanation":"Definition: Showing no special preference\nSITCOM (a TV \"show\") in reverse (up) of SEA (which is \"not land\")"} {"Clue":"Stew made like this on the American frontier? (4,4)","Answer":"WILD WEST","Explanation":"Definition: the American frontier\nThe word STEW is, anagramatically, WILD WEST"} {"Clue":"Start again and take for granted pressure is off (6)","Answer":"RESUME","Explanation":"Definition: Start again\nPRESUME less P"} {"Clue":"Observe scripture lesson \u2014 and what is being studied? (6)","Answer":"REMARK","Explanation":"Definition: Observe\nRE (Religious Education) + MARK (gospel, which might be studied in RE)"} {"Clue":"Tempting fruit basket's last one made in Java (6)","Answer":"APPLET","Explanation":"Definition: one made in Java\nAPPLE (tempting fruit from the Garden of Eden story, though it isn't called an apple there) + [baske]T. Applets in web pages are (or were) written in the Java programming language, now mostly unsupported because of security concerns"} {"Clue":"Managed to suppress party as a health hazard (5)","Answer":"RADON","Explanation":"Definition: a health hazard\nDO (party) in RAN (managed)"} {"Clue":"Team in university start a fight (3,2)","Answer":"MIX IT","Explanation":"Definition: start a fight\nXI (eleven, football or cricket team) in MIT (US university)"} {"Clue":"Rat maybe tucking into a bit of butter? It may have a bearing on one's intake (8)","Answer":"APPESTAT","Explanation":"Definition: It may have a bearing on one's intake\nPEST (e.g. a rat) in A PAT; the appestat is \"believed to control appetite\", hence \"may\" in the definition"} {"Clue":"Exchange some in stalag sent back? (4)","Answer":"SWOP","Explanation":"Definition: Exchange\nReverse of POWS (prisoners of war)"} {"Clue":"Variety of Scandinavian line, one used to tie up nets etc (6)","Answer":"NORSEL","Explanation":"Definition: one used to tie up nets etc\nNORSE (old Scandinavian language) + L"} {"Clue":"Former king gets patriotic composer in for stock of poems (6)","Answer":"GARNER","Explanation":"Definition: stock of poems\n(Thomas) ARNE (composer of \"Rule, Britannia\") in GR (King George \u2013 take your pick of six); garner is a literary or poetic word for \"store, stock\""} {"Clue":"Hypnotic, McCartneys' composition, duet at first put out (7)","Answer":"TRANCEY","Explanation":"Definition: Hypnotic\nAnagram of MCCARTNEY less the \"duet\" of CC; as the S isn't involved in the anagram surely it should be \"McCartney's\""} {"Clue":"Head of empire going west once laid waste (4)","Answer":"RAST","Explanation":"Definition: once laid waste\nReverse of TSAR"} {"Clue":"These pictures may show recess he adorned with such cherubs (5)","Answer":"PUTTI","Explanation":"Definition: cherubs\nComposite anagram: (THESE PICTURES)* = HE RECESS PUTTI"} {"Clue":"Teas interrupted by a split melon (10)","Answer":"CHARENTAIS","Explanation":"Definition: melon\nA RENT in CHAIS"} {"Clue":"Want a blend of colder trouser fabric perhaps (10)","Answer":"NEEDLECORD","Explanation":"Definition: trouser fabric perhaps\nNEED (want) + COLDER"} {"Clue":"Bruce's hiding place beside loch, providing his chance (5)","Answer":"CAVEL","Explanation":"Definition: his chance\nCAVE (where Robert the Bruce hid and saw the spide: perhaps here) + L[och]"} {"Clue":"Make fun of Old Tom having little energy (4)","Answer":"GIBE","Explanation":"Definition: Make fun of\nGIB (tom cat) + E"} {"Clue":"Dresser from Rhyl originally I had found in lake (7)","Answer":"TRIDARN","Explanation":"Definition: Dresser\nR[hyl] I'D in TARN; \"dresser\" as in \"Welsh dresser\", so it might be from Rhyl, though that isn't part of the definition"} {"Clue":"Animate foot-warmer by the sound of it? (6)","Answer":"INSOUL","Explanation":"Definition: Animate\nHomophone of \"insole\"; I thought an insole was mostly for comfort, but Chambers says it can also be for warmth"} {"Clue":"Girl's heart captured in spin of coin? Imaginary! (6)","Answer":"ONIRIC","Explanation":"Definition: Imaginary\n[g]IR[l] in COIN*; a variant of the perhaps more familiar \"oneiric\", meaning \"relating to dreams\""} {"Clue":"Types of synthetic rubber openers, almost new, flexible (9)","Answer":"NEOPRENES","Explanation":"Definition: Types of synthetic rubber\nAnagram of OPENERS + NE[w] \u2013 this is the \"questionable\" plural form referred to in the rubric, presumably as there's only one form of Neoprene"} {"Clue":"Ice sliver for Scotch? Mixed us jigger (half each) (4)","Answer":"GRUE","Explanation":"Definition: Ice sliver for Scotch\nAnagram of U[s] + [rig]GER"} {"Clue":"What's evident in guest's last letter, see, penned by a correspondent? (8)","Answer":"ASCENDER","Explanation":"Definition: What's evident in guest's last letter\nC (see) in A SENDER \u2013 a lower-case T (last letter of guest) has an ascender"} {"Clue":"Aspro dealt with skin infection (5)","Answer":"PSORA","Explanation":"Definition: skin infection\nASPRO* \u2013 related to the more familiar \"psoriasis\""} {"Clue":"Good Friday: dad, as RC, prepared the day before (9)","Answer":"PARASCEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Good Friday\nPA + (AS RC)* + EVE"} {"Clue":"Menu extra: mushroom rolled in crust partly (7)","Answer":"SPECIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Menu extra\nReverse of CEP in SIAL (part of the earth's crust)"} {"Clue":"Rhythmic pattern of motet cheers around highest note rising (5)","Answer":"TALEA","Explanation":"Definition: Rhythmic pattern of motet \nReverse of E-LA (\"the highest note in old church music\") in TA (thanks, cheers)"} {"Clue":"A quantity of lovely gravy is served up in this (6)","Answer":"ARGYLE","Explanation":"Definition: A quantity of lovely gravy is served up in this\nHidden in reverse of lovELY GRAvy &lit \u2013 it's a kind of gravy boat"} {"Clue":"Duck or lift top off (4)","Answer":"TEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Duck\nSTEAL (to lift) less its \"top\""} {"Clue":"Swell strong at sides of river (6)","Answer":"STROUT","Explanation":"Definition: Swell\nR (either \"side\" of RiveR) in STOUT"} {"Clue":"Regarding desire for intake, commander's retaining muscles (7)","Answer":"ORECTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Regarding desire for intake\nRECTI (muscles) in OC, with a rather similar definition to 1a's"} {"Clue":"Pig (by name) imbibing steins, drunk for duration (11)","Answer":"PERSISTENCY","Explanation":"Definition: duration\nSTEINS* in PERCY \u2013 presumably a reference to these sweets"} {"Clue":"CERN involved in fashionable item for putting in military defence? (11)","Answer":"INTRENCHING","Explanation":"Definition: putting in military defence\nCERN* in IN THING"} {"Clue":"Student, one taking advantage of support around middle of programme (7)","Answer":"LEARNER","Explanation":"Definition: Student\nMiddle letter of progRamme in LEANER"} {"Clue":"Damaging charge received, a long time coming up? One may be on list (7)","Answer":"NOMINEE","Explanation":"Definition: One may be on list\nMINE (explosive device, a \"damaging charge\") in reverse of EON"} {"Clue":"Aim to miss goose, catching wing (6)","Answer":"DELOPE","Explanation":"Definition: Aim to miss\nEL in DOPE (idiot, goose)"} {"Clue":"Purposes for Scotch, topping stingers? (6)","Answer":"ETTLES","Explanation":"Definition: Purposes for Scotch\n[n]ETTLES"} {"Clue":"System for rewarding waiters? Patron contributes in part (5)","Answer":"TRONC","Explanation":"Definition: System for rewarding waiters\nHidden in paTRON Contributes"} {"Clue":"Lift after opening of ballet dancer's leap (5)","Answer":"BRIS\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: dancer's leap\nB[allet] + RISE"} {"Clue":"Legal rights from period long long ago (4)","Answer":"JURA","Explanation":"Definition: Legal rights\nDouble definition \u2013 plural of \"jus\", a legal right, and another name for the Jurassic period"} {"Clue":"How to impersonate Mephisto? (8)","Answer":"NICKNAME","Explanation":"Definition: Mephisto\nTo impersonate someone you might NICK (steal) their NAME. Mephisto[pheles] is the name of a devil, so a NICK NAME (as in Old Nick \u2013 I'm not sure whether they refer to the same being); it's also the pseudonym for the long-running barred puzzle series in the Sunday Times"} {"Clue":"The girl is captivated by youngster, one with wings (6)","Answer":"CHERUB","Explanation":"Definition: one with wings\nHER in CUB"} {"Clue":"Trial involving long case (3,5)","Answer":"TEA\u00a0CHEST","Explanation":"Definition: case\nACHE (long) in TEST"} {"Clue":"Fruit with exterior skin that's more unsightly (6)","Answer":"UGLIER","Explanation":"Definition: more unsightly\nUGLI (fruit) + the \"skin\" of ExterioR"} {"Clue":"Nature's pull: possibly nothing better (2,4,5)","Answer":"NE PLUS ULTRA","Explanation":"Definition: nothing better\n(NATURE'S PULL)"} {"Clue":"Beast is first to get involved in row (5)","Answer":"TIGER","Explanation":"Definition: Beast\nFirst letter of Get in TIER (row)"} {"Clue":"0.033 recurring at the end of April (9)","Answer":"THIRTIETH","Explanation":"Definition: 0.033 recurring\n0.033 recurring represents one thirtieth in decimal notation (strictly speaking it's a zero and then a recurring 3), and the thirtieth is the last day of April"} {"Clue":"Stretches from billionaires (9)","Answer":"ELONGATES","Explanation":"Definition: Stretches\nELON [Musk] + [Bill] GATES \u2013 a very nice charade of elements of the names of two famous billionaires which I don't think I've seen before"} {"Clue":"Collar said to be unfinished (5)","Answer":"ROUGH","Explanation":"Definition: unfinished\nHomophone of \"ruff\" (a fancy collar)"} {"Clue":"Volatile situation arising from money invested in Pott's fracture (7,4)","Answer":"TROUBLE SPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Volatile situation\nROUBLE (money) in POTTS"} {"Clue":"Player's boot is tight (6)","Answer":"OBOIST","Explanation":"Definition: Player\n(BOOT IS)"} {"Clue":"Turn cosy with story to tell, one providing musketeers? (8)","Answer":"GUNSMITH","Explanation":"Definition: one providing musketeers\nReverse of SNUG (cosy) + homophone of \"myth\""} {"Clue":"Hate seeing trusty top steed sent to the knacker's yard (6)","Answer":"DETEST","Explanation":"Definition: Hate\nAnagram of T[rusty] + STEED"} {"Clue":"Brown's familiar old joke (8)","Answer":"CHESTNUT","Explanation":"Definition: Brown\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Name of theory originally left out of parallel universe in silence (3,7,4)","Answer":"NOT\u00a0ANOTHER WORD","Explanation":"Definition: silence\nFirst letters of Name Of Theory, + ANOTHER WORLD (parallel universe) less L"} {"Clue":"Gone out chasing cases of criminal activity \u2014 constant or moving target? (4,6)","Answer":"CLAY PIGEON","Explanation":"Definition: moving target\nGONE* following the \"cases\" of CriminaL ActivitY + PI (mathematical constant)"} {"Clue":"Past prime minister with her unfashionable jacket (5)","Answer":"NEHRU","Explanation":"Definition: Past prime minister\nSplitting un\/fashionable we get an anagram of HER UN, and two definitions (closely related, as the Nehru jacket is named after the politician)"} {"Clue":"As anti-mosquito treatment, play it again Sam? (12)","Answer":"MISQUOTATION","Explanation":"Definition: play it again Sam?\nAnagram ANTI-MOSQUITO; \"Play it again, Sam\", a line that doesn't appear in the film *Casablanca*, is an example of a misquotation"} {"Clue":"Hello, stop stuffing fish in a place of worship! (4,5)","Answer":"HIGH ALTAR","Explanation":"Definition: a place of worship\nHI (hello) + HALT in GAR (fish)"} {"Clue":"Actor in a rumpled mac (8)","Answer":"RAINCOAT","Explanation":"Definition: mac\n(ACTOR IN A)"} {"Clue":"Intermingling to begin with, Ted Heath and Baker stop fighting (4,3,7)","Answer":"BURY\u00a0THE HATCHET","Explanation":"Definition: stop fighting\nAnother \"lift and separate\" (Philistine's trademark) \u2013 BURY (inter) + anagram (\"mingling\") of T[ed] HEATH, + CHET (Baker, jazz musician)"} {"Clue":"Initially loud, into brutalist architecture, then quiet (2,5,5)","Answer":"AT\u00a0FIRST BLUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Initially\nF (forte, loud) in BRUTALIST* + SH (quiet!)"} {"Clue":"Going on again about a former Supreme Court judge (10)","Answer":"RESUMPTION","Explanation":"Definition: Going on again\nRE (about) SUMPTION \u2013 Jonathan (Lord) Sumption, former Supreme Court judge, who was in the news last year as a critic of the anti-COVID lockdowns"} {"Clue":"Those inclined to vote Tory would have soldier turning up in tatty T-shirts (9)","Answer":"RIGHTISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Those inclined to vote Tory\nReverse of GI in T-SHIRTS"} {"Clue":"Helps to introduce a session (5)","Answer":"EASES","Explanation":"Definition: Helps\nWe have to split of the \"in\" to indicate inclusion in troducE A SESsion"} {"Clue":"Plant I confused with peanut (7)","Answer":"PETUNIA","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n(I PEANUT)"} {"Clue":"Vehicle with nothing working? That's a joke (7)","Answer":"CARTOON","Explanation":"Definition: a joke\nCART + O + ON (working)"} {"Clue":"Rule about large barrier (4)","Answer":"WALL","Explanation":"Definition: barrier\nReverse of LAW + L[arge]"} {"Clue":"Bleak loch in storm \u2014 nothing escapes it (5,4)","Answer":"BLACK\u00a0HOLE","Explanation":"Definition: nothing escapes it\n(BLEAK LOCH)"} {"Clue":"Bear black disaster (5)","Answer":"BRUIN","Explanation":"Definition: Bear\nB + RUIN"} {"Clue":"In fort, help to pronounce on part of rifle (8)","Answer":"STOCKADE","Explanation":"Definition: fort\nSTOCK + homophone of \"aid\""} {"Clue":"Get engaged (4)","Answer":"MESH","Explanation":"Definition: Get engaged\nPretty much a straight definition, made mildly cryptic by the more common meaning of the phrase"} {"Clue":"Completely? Only somewhat (5)","Answer":"QUITE","Explanation":"Definition: Completely\nDouble definition, as in \"have you quite finished?\" and \"quite good\""} {"Clue":"Weight around a ton gives a measure of power (4)","Answer":"WATT","Explanation":"Definition: a measure of power\nA T in WT"} {"Clue":"Fitting program on old web page (8)","Answer":"APPOSITE","Explanation":"Definition: Fitting\nAPP (computer program) + O SITE, though a web site is usually a collection of pages"} {"Clue":"At hotel, commander gets piece of cake (5)","Answer":"CINCH","Explanation":"Definition: piece of cake\nC-IN-C (commander in chief) + H[otel]"} {"Clue":"Girl's daily gamble, missing railway (9)","Answer":"CHARLOTTE","Explanation":"Definition: Girl\nCHAR (cleaner, daily) + LOTTERY less RY"} {"Clue":"Cordial start of meeting after hostilities (4)","Answer":"WARM","Explanation":"Definition: Cordial\nWAR + M[eeting]"} {"Clue":"Simulated feeding frenzy (7)","Answer":"FEIGNED","Explanation":"Definition: Simulated\nFEEDING"} {"Clue":"County symbol: two bottles? (3,4)","Answer":"RED ROSE","Explanation":"Definition: County symbol\nThe two bottles are of RED and ROS\u00c9 wine, giving the symbol of Lancashire (originally of the House of Lancaster)"} {"Clue":"Second-class egg whisk, by the sound of it (4)","Answer":"BETA","Explanation":"Definition: Second-class\nHomophone (to some of us) of \"beater\""} {"Clue":"Leave coat by lake (8)","Answer":"FURLOUGH","Explanation":"Definition: Leave\nFUR + LOUGH (lake \u2013 Irish equivalent of \"loch\")"} {"Clue":"Where to see the time ebbing away (3,3)","Answer":"BIG BEN","Explanation":"Definition: Where to see the time\nEBBING* \u2013 as I'm sure we all know, Big Ben is strictly speaking the bell, so you can't \"see\" the time from it, though even the official parliament web site describes it as \"probably the world's most famous clock\""} {"Clue":"A column of people (8)","Answer":"BACKBONE","Explanation":"Definition: A column of people\nCryptic definition \u2013 the backbone is the spinal column"} {"Clue":"Busy having illustrations for magazine run off (2,4)","Answer":"AT WORK","Explanation":"Definition: Busy\nARTWORK less R"} {"Clue":"Desire short journey east (4)","Answer":"HOPE","Explanation":"Definition: Desire\nHOP (short journey) + E"} {"Clue":"Away, drinking can, not overindulging (9)","Answer":"ABSTINENT","Explanation":"Definition: not overindulging\nTIN (can) in ABSENT"} {"Clue":"One may remove bad language from feeble episode (5)","Answer":"BLEEP","Explanation":"Definition: One may remove bad language\nHidden in feeBLE EPisode"} {"Clue":"Make emergency landing in Channel (5)","Answer":"DITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Make emergency landing\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Writer was a bit of a goose (5,3)","Answer":"QUILL PEN","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nDouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Taking this position invites a blow in the face (8)","Answer":"WINDWARD","Explanation":"Definition: position\nCryptic definition, the \"blow\" being a gust of wind rather than a punch"} {"Clue":"House with no stove (6)","Answer":"ORANGE","Explanation":"Definition: House\nO RANGE"} {"Clue":"Extremely cheerful and always bright (6)","Answer":"CLEVER","Explanation":"Definition: bright\nC[heerfu]L + EVER (always)"} {"Clue":"Caught by communist, this gives one respect on street (4)","Answer":"CRED","Explanation":"Definition: this gives one respect on street\nC + RED"} {"Clue":"In hurry, sweeper missing header (4)","Answer":"RUSH","Explanation":"Definition: hurry\nBRUSH less its first letter"} {"Clue":"I don't care where TV actor originally worked (8)","Answer":"WHATEVER","Explanation":"Definition: I don't care\nAnagram of WHERE TV A[ctor]"} {"Clue":"Refuse to get secretaries drink (4,2)","Answer":"PASS UP","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse\nPAS (secretaries) +SUP. Perhaps the definition is \"refuse to get\", for added elegance"} {"Clue":"Queen always surrounded by a lot of old money (9)","Answer":"GUINEVERE","Explanation":"Definition: Queen\nEVER (always) in GUINE[a]"} {"Clue":"Right to live in the city though it did have strings attached (5)","Answer":"REBEC","Explanation":"Definition: it did have strings attached\nR + BE (live) in EC (City of London postcode) \u2013 the rebec is an old stringed instrument"} {"Clue":"Watch it! He's angling for trouble (12)","Answer":"NIGHTINGALES","Explanation":"Definition: Watch\n(IT HE'S ANGLING)* \u2013 a watch (I learned today) is a group of nightingales"} {"Clue":"Hairy bloke in middle of the sauna (4)","Answer":"ESAU","Explanation":"Definition: Hairy bloke\nHidden in the middle of thE SAUna. As Jacob, Esau's twin, says in Genesis 27:11: \"Behold, Esau my brother is a hairy man, and I am a smooth man:\" \u2013 memorably recited in Alan Bennett's sermon"} {"Clue":"Put in grave situation \u2014 people in Northern Territory being detained (10)","Answer":"INTERNMENT","Explanation":"Definition: being detained\nINTER (bury, put in a grave) + MEN in NT"} {"Clue":"Debauchery of girl condemned (getting in quick) (10)","Answer":"PROFLIGACY","Explanation":"Definition: Debauchery\n(OF GIRL)* in PACY"} {"Clue":"When caught only cuddling (4)","Answer":"ONCE","Explanation":"Definition: When\nC[aught] in ONE (only); when=once as in \"when\/once I've finished this puzzle\u2026\""} {"Clue":"Unseated riders, those unfamiliar with a powerful horse initially restrained (12)","Answer":"STRAPHANGERS","Explanation":"Definition: Unseated riders\nA P[owerful] H[orse] in STRANGERS \u2013 referring to standing passengers on London Underground trains etc"} {"Clue":"Point to Sally's dress (5)","Answer":"EQUIP","Explanation":"Definition: dress\nE (compass point) + QUIP (sally)"} {"Clue":"Touch wrong handle on boat, some might say (9)","Answer":"SCINTILLA","Explanation":"Definition: Touch\nHomophone of \"sin\" (wrong) + \"tiller\" (a handle on a boat)"} {"Clue":"Makes dirty joke finally in second bar (6)","Answer":"SMEARS","Explanation":"Definition: Makes dirty\n[jok]E in S MARS (bar)"} {"Clue":"Chain fences round square (8)","Answer":"PENNINES","Explanation":"Definition: Chain\nNINE (a square number) in PENS (fences). The Pennines are a chain of hills"} {"Clue":"Conduct was largely good at start of evening (4)","Answer":"WAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Conduct\nWA[s] + G + E[vening]"} {"Clue":"I doubt that oaf is about to show up (2,2)","Answer":"AS IF","Explanation":"Definition: I doubt that\nHidden in reverse oaF IS About"} {"Clue":"Close to scene, police in charge encouraging evacuation (6)","Answer":"EMETIC","Explanation":"Definition: encouraging evacuation\n[scen]E + MET (Metropolitan Police) + IC"} {"Clue":"Plant hangers designed with petals (8,5)","Answer":"ELEPHANT GRASS","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n(HANGERS PETALS)"} {"Clue":"Superior skill keeps Josh's associate at table (8)","Answer":"ARROGANT","Explanation":"Definition: Superior\nROGAN (as in the Indian dish Rogan Josh) in ART"} {"Clue":"Officers not the first choice to convert Poles (10)","Answer":"SUBALTERNS","Explanation":"Definition: Officers\nSUB (substitute, not the first choice) + ALTER + N S (poles)"} {"Clue":"New era shortly \u2014 PC state the end of white van man? (10)","Answer":"PACESETTER","Explanation":"Definition: van man\nAnagram of ER[a] + PC STATE + [whit]E. A pacesetter might be \"in the van\" (leading), so a \"van man\""} {"Clue":"Wise old head active in emergencies (8,5)","Answer":"EMINENCE GRISE","Explanation":"Definition: Wise old head\n(IN EMERGENCIES)"} {"Clue":"Go to collect new guides \u2014 they're probably in the office (10)","Answer":"PENPUSHERS","Explanation":"Definition: they're probably in the office\nN[ew] in PEP (go) + USHERS (guides) \u2013 this took me a while to parse as I was trying to make go = PEE"} {"Clue":"Somewhere in LA likewise being picked up in bar \u2014 you can bet on it (5,5)","Answer":"BATON ROUGE","Explanation":"Definition: Somewhere in LA\nTO (homophone of \"too\", likewise) in BAN (bar) + ROUGE (what you can bet on in Roulette) \u2013 LA standing for Louisiana rather than Los Angeles"} {"Clue":"Crafty old man meets a killer in the house (8)","Answer":"FLYPAPER","Explanation":"Definition: killer in the house\nFLY (crafty) + PA (old man) + PER (a)"} {"Clue":"Risk includes rector touching Norman's neighbour (6)","Answer":"BRETON","Explanation":"Definition: Norman's neighbour\nR[ector] in BET (risk) + ON (touching); Brittany is next to Normandy"} {"Clue":"Clear but doesn't have one idea (4)","Answer":"PLAN","Explanation":"Definition: idea\nPLAIN (clear) less I"} {"Clue":"Land of the Rising Sun holding American (4)","Answer":"LAOS","Explanation":"Definition: Land\nA[merican] in reverse of SOL"} {"Clue":"One with good cause to be a fare dodger? (6-7)","Answer":"HUNGER\u2011STRIKER","Explanation":"Definition: One with good cause to be a fare dodger\nAn extended cryptic definition, with \"fare\" referring to food"} {"Clue":"Home schooling makes sense (9)","Answer":"INTUITION","Explanation":"Definition: sense\nIN (home) + TUITION"} {"Clue":"Low-down beam, large only at one end (5)","Answer":"INTEL","Explanation":"Definition: Low-down\nLINTEL with only one of the surrounding Ls"} {"Clue":"Devil of a stalemate in court (5)","Answer":"DEUCE","Explanation":"Definition: Devil\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Info caught in material on file reveals crisis (9)","Answer":"EMERGENCY","Explanation":"Definition: crisis\nGEN (information) + C[aught] in EMERY"} {"Clue":"Old AC\/DC popular song covers in show (7)","Answer":"EXHIBIT","Explanation":"Definition: show\nEX (old) + BI (bi-sexual, AC\/DC) in HIT (popular song)"} {"Clue":"Group of motorists with articles about gas pipe? (7)","Answer":"TRACHEA","Explanation":"Definition: gas pipe\nRAC (Royal Automobile Club) in THE A (definite and indefinite articles)"} {"Clue":"Why things go wrong in ground cabbage dish (4,3)","Answer":"SOD\u2019S LAW","Explanation":"Definition: Why things go wrong\nSOD (earth, ground) + SLAW"} {"Clue":"Ace fish wraps in cooker (7)","Answer":"COSTARD","Explanation":"Definition: cooker\nSTAR (ace) in COD \u2013 a costard is a variety of cooking apple"} {"Clue":"Knowing where to spend a penny, then another (2,3,4)","Answer":"IN THE LOOP","Explanation":"Definition: Knowing\nIN THE LOO (where to \"spend a penny\") + P (another penny)"} {"Clue":"Better soldiers leaving in the open air (5)","Answer":"OUTDO","Explanation":"Definition: Better\nOUTDOOR less OR (Other Ranks, soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Primate seized by bird, nimbly from behind (5)","Answer":"INDRI","Explanation":"Definition: Primate\nHidden in reverse of bIRD NImbly. The indri is a type of lemur"} {"Clue":"Ordered a wine list \u2014 it's sizable for gourmands (9)","Answer":"WAISTLINE","Explanation":"Definition: it's sizable for gourmands\n(A WINE LIST)* \u2013 referring to a gourmand being a greedy person, rather than one with \"a discerning appreciation of good food and wine\", which might not necessarily lead to a large waistline"} {"Clue":"How to make new doors fail test of reliability (5,4,4)","Answer":"BREAK ONE\u2019S WORD","Explanation":"Definition: fail test of reliability\nIf you BREAK (i.e. rearrange) ONE'S WORD you get \"new doors\""} {"Clue":"Little nude cavorts around virgin (9)","Answer":"UNTOUCHED","Explanation":"Definition: virgin\nTOUCH (a little) in NUDE"} {"Clue":"Outspoken men making an appearance (5)","Answer":"GUISE","Explanation":"Definition: appearance\nHomophone of \"guys\""} {"Clue":"Pierre's really ditching very dated clothes (7)","Answer":"RAIMENT","Explanation":"Definition: dated clothes\nVRAIMENT (French \"truly\", \"really\") less V \u2013 \"dated\" because it's an old word for clothes"} {"Clue":"Touching line from male who's been on sunbed? (7)","Answer":"TANGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Touching line\nThe man on the sunbed might be a TAN GENT"} {"Clue":"Fishy product occupies schooner, say (9)","Answer":"ISINGLASS","Explanation":"Definition: Fishy product\nIS IN GLASS (e.g. a schooner) \u2013 familiar from \"The Surrey With the Fringe on Top\": \"With isinglass curtains y' can roll right down, In case there's a change in the weather.\""} {"Clue":"John Bull's back in wealthy English institution (5)","Answer":"ELTON","Explanation":"Definition: John\nLast letter of bulL in ETON (wealthy school, or school for the wealthy)"} {"Clue":"Nice wine and a lot of hard liquor for someone like me (7,6)","Answer":"KINDRED SPIRIT","Explanation":"Definition: someone like me\nKIND (nice) + RED (wine) + most of SPIRIT[s]"} {"Clue":"Tease in literary work, not easily understood (4,4,2,3)","Answer":"PLAY\u00a0HARD TO\u00a0GET","Explanation":"Definition: Tease\nPLAY (literary work) + HARD TO GET (not easily understood)"} {"Clue":"Dancers here are in dances \u2014 she may be one of them (9)","Answer":"BALLERINA","Explanation":"Definition: she may be one of them\nBALL (where dancers are found) + (ARE IN)"} {"Clue":"Try to keep lithe, training to be so? (9)","Answer":"HEALTHIER","Explanation":"Definition: so\nLITHE* in HEAR (to try, as in a court)"} {"Clue":"Promoters of health resort show influencers here (4,3)","Answer":"WHO\u2019S WHO","Explanation":"Definition: influencers here\nWHO (World Health Organisation) + SHOW"} {"Clue":"Flip over how big an accessory is? (7)","Answer":"CAPSIZE","Explanation":"Definition: Flip over\nCAP SIZE \u2013 a cap can be a clothing accessory"} {"Clue":"Henry's house party in revolutionary groove (5)","Answer":"TUDOR","Explanation":"Definition: Henry's house\nDO (party) in reverse of RUT; the royal house of King Henrys VII and VIII"} {"Clue":"Where nail may be caught, getting pulled (2,3)","Answer":"ON TOW","Explanation":"Definition: getting pulled\nHomophone of \"on toe\""} {"Clue":"Film Aussie's welcome to screen about animal (9,3)","Answer":"GROUNDHOG DAY","Explanation":"Definition: Film\nROUND (about) HOG (animal) in G'DAY (Australian greeting)"} {"Clue":"Practised fitting coats of Parisian (5)","Answer":"ADEPT","Explanation":"Definition: Practised\nDE (French \"of\") in APT (fitting)"} {"Clue":"Bravado deserted guilty party (7-2)","Answer":"DERRING\u2011DO","Explanation":"Definition: Bravado\nD (deserted) + ERRING (guilty) + DO (party)"} {"Clue":"It's viewed as what followed Labour's Callaghan era? (7)","Answer":"FOOTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: It's viewed\nJames Callaghan was succeeded as leader of the Labour party by Michael Foot, hence the FOOT AGE"} {"Clue":"Store silicon in warehouse (7)","Answer":"DEPOSIT","Explanation":"Definition: Store\nSI in DEPOT"} {"Clue":"Rough copies spread in clergyman's office (10)","Answer":"EPISCOPATE","Explanation":"Definition: clergyman's office\nCOPIES* + PAT\u00c9"} {"Clue":"Ancient Middle East kingdom, way back (4)","Answer":"EDOM","Explanation":"Definition: Ancient Middle East kingdom\nReverse of MODE (way)"} {"Clue":"Frank or Stuart more than once plugs American news channel (4)","Answer":"ANNE","Explanation":"Definition: Frank\nHidden in both (\"more than once\") americAN NEws and chANNEl; and two definitions-by-example: diarist ANNE Frank, and Queen ANNE, last of the Stuart monarchs"} {"Clue":"Early period in 1 across? (5,5)","Answer":"FIRST LIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Early period\nDouble definition: 1 across is the FIRST LIGHT in the grid"} {"Clue":"Inclination to leave out the front entrance (7)","Answer":"ENCHANT","Explanation":"Definition: entrance\n[P]ENCHANT"} {"Clue":"Theatre about to host prancing Tina Turner? (7)","Answer":"PAINTER","Explanation":"Definition: Turner?\nTINA* in reverse of REP (repertory theatre); def-by-example of the painter J M W Turner"} {"Clue":"Curiously wild at greeting a crashing bore (5,4)","Answer":"TIDAL WAVE","Explanation":"Definition: a crashing bore\n(WILD AT)* + AVE (Roman greeting)"} {"Clue":"Eyeballs possibly globes, but not black (5)","Answer":"OGLES","Explanation":"Definition: Eyeballs\nAnagram of GLOBES less B"} {"Clue":"At lido, pose in pants? It's what strippers do (12)","Answer":"DESPOLIATION","Explanation":"Definition: It's what strippers do\n(AT LIDO POSE IN)"} {"Clue":"A pope's man metamorphosed in a novel (9)","Answer":"GREGORIAN","Explanation":"Definition: A pope's\nGREGOR (Gregor Samsa is changed into a \"monstrous vermin\" in Franz Kafka's \"The Metamorphosis\") + ~~IAN (man)~~ (IN A)*; there have been 16 Pope Gregorys, as well as two \"anti-popes\". The definition includes the 's so as to mean \"of a pope\""} {"Clue":"Away fixture is better (8)","Answer":"OUTMATCH","Explanation":"Definition: better\nOUT (away) + MATCH (fixture)"} {"Clue":"Jog in a revealing state around Germany's capital (5)","Answer":"NUDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Jog\nG[ermany) in NUDE"} {"Clue":"Point grasped by star American historian (9)","Answer":"HERODOTUS","Explanation":"Definition: historian\nDOT (point) in HERO US"} {"Clue":"Almost caught flu (6)","Answer":"GRIPPE","Explanation":"Definition: flu\nGRIPPE[d]"} {"Clue":"Debates lacking energy in the Guardian (5)","Answer":"ARGUS","Explanation":"Definition: the Guardian\nARGUES less E"} {"Clue":"Return of Puck with wonderful puzzle (6)","Answer":"BAFFLE","Explanation":"Definition: puzzle\nReverse of ELF + FAB"} {"Clue":"Mechanical saw bishop lifted (6)","Answer":"BOTTOM","Explanation":"Definition: Mechanical\nReverse of MOTTO (saw) + B. Bottom is one of the Mechanicals in \"A Midsummer Night's Dream\" (is it just a coincidence that this follows a clue mentioning Puck, also a character in MSND?)"} {"Clue":"It may be shot or longer drink, holding a party (9)","Answer":"PAINTBALL","Explanation":"Definition: It may be shot\nA in PINT (\"long drink\") + BALL (party); another \"coincidence\" with this and PAINTER at 24a"} {"Clue":"Drug from figure with a short amount of coke (9)","Answer":"DIGITALIN","Explanation":"Definition: Drug\nDIGIT (figure) + A LIN[e] (amount of cocaine)"} {"Clue":"Composer from Britain penning number one (8)","Answer":"ALBINONI","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nNO (number) in ALBION + I. Sadly, Albinoni is probably best known these days for a piece he didn't write."} {"Clue":"People staying dry without a bit of clothing in scripture (6)","Answer":"AVESTA","Explanation":"Definition: scripture\nVEST (a bit of clothing) in AA (Alcoholics Anonymous: people staying \"dry\", or at least trying to) \u2013 \"without\" means \"outside\" here; the Avesta is a collection of religious texts of Zoroastrianism"} {"Clue":"Refuse to carry hard kind of metal (6)","Answer":"THRASH","Explanation":"Definition: kind of metal\nH in TRASH; referring to the music subgenre"} {"Clue":"Hammer in part of building work (6)","Answer":"WALLOP","Explanation":"Definition: Hammer\nWALL (part of a building) + OP (opus, work); a third coincidence with this following THRASH: am I missing something?"} {"Clue":"Naughty so-and-so, say, twirling bum (5)","Answer":"CADGE","Explanation":"Definition: bum\nCAD (a \"naughty so-and-so\") + reverse of EG (say)"} {"Clue":"Letters of Euripides showing devout image (5)","Answer":"PIET\u00c0","Explanation":"Definition: devout image\nTwo Greek letters: PI + ETA. A Piet\u00e0 is a depiction of the Virgin Mary cradling the body of Jesus: there's a famous one by Michelangelo"} {"Clue":"Fashion, feature of modernism I think (5)","Answer":"SMITH","Explanation":"Definition: Fashion\nHidden in moderiSM I Think, with both \"fashion\" and SMITH as verbs \u2013 a nice easy one to get us started"} {"Clue":"RC congregation is engaged in branch of learning after mass (7)","Answer":"MARISTS","Explanation":"Definition: RC congregation\nM + IS in ARTS"} {"Clue":"Former monarch, we reflected, came to maturity (4)","Answer":"GREW","Explanation":"Definition: came to maturity\nGR (Georgius Rex \u2013 take you pick from the six so far)"} {"Clue":"Fashionable style has abandoned orangey dyes (4)","Answer":"CHIC","Explanation":"Definition: Fashionable\nCHICHAS (orange dyes) less HAS"} {"Clue":"Loot from the past I found in grand house (6)","Answer":"MAINOR","Explanation":"Definition: Loot from the past\nI in MANOR"} {"Clue":"Bank involved with brief transactions in market (4)","Answer":"KAME","Explanation":"Definition: Bank\nI would call this an indirect subtractive anagram: KAME + TR is an anagram of MARKET"} {"Clue":"Showy bird supplied by one seeing to pets on a small scale? (7)","Answer":"MINIVET","Explanation":"Definition: Showy bird\nMINI-VET"} {"Clue":"Penning extremes of eloquence the leader writer briefly got the giggles (7)","Answer":"TEE-HEED","Explanation":"Definition: got the giggles\nE[loquenc]E in THE ED[itor]"} {"Clue":"Big fish creating no splash odd characters missed (4)","Answer":"OPAH","Explanation":"Definition: Big fish\nEven letters of nO sPlAsH"} {"Clue":"Place for tools, second in garden opening presto? Far from it (6)","Answer":"LEAN-TO","Explanation":"Definition: Place for tools\nSecond letter of gArden in LENTO (slowly: the opposite of presto in music)"} {"Clue":"Scrap merchants? They're close to collapse (7)","Answer":"TOTTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Scrap merchants\nDouble definition \u2013 for the second, totters can be a noun, meaning a tottering movement, which could precede a collapse"} {"Clue":"It portrayed a novelist's life whiskey cut short (4)","Answer":"IRIS","Explanation":"Definition: It portrayed a novelist's life\nIRIS[h Whiskey], and the title of a biography of Iris Murdoch written by her husband, John Bayley. It was also made into a film, with Judi Dench playing the older Iris and Kate Winslet the younger"} {"Clue":"Opposition's tricks, unnatural but not strained (4)","Answer":"CONS","Explanation":"Definition: Opposition's\nThis looks as if it should be CONSTRAINED less STRAINED, but then the S is missing. There are also two definitions"} {"Clue":"Create affection in a solemn tie I forged involving love? (12)","Answer":"EMOTIONALISE","Explanation":"Definition: Create affection \nO in (A SOLEMN TIE I)"} {"Clue":"Market contains delicate cut woodland plant (7)","Answer":"SANICLE","Explanation":"Definition: woodland plant\nNIC[e] in SALE"} {"Clue":"Feature of staircase in modern wing (5)","Answer":"NEWEL","Explanation":"Definition: Feature of staircase\nNEW + EL (wing)"} {"Clue":"Old soldier's cloak \u2013 it covers face up (5)","Answer":"SAGUM","Explanation":"Definition: Old soldier's cloak\nSA (it) + reverse of MUG (face)"} {"Clue":"Perfumer's coinage? Bra's sprayed in rich source (7)","Answer":"MIRBANE","Explanation":"Definition: Perfumer's coinage\nBRA* in MINE"} {"Clue":"Trumpeter maybe interrupts cheers for African race (6)","Answer":"TSWANA","Explanation":"Definition: African race\nSWAN (the trumpeter is a kind of swan) in TA (thanks)"} {"Clue":"The No. I cleric revised what's typical of Galilean ideas? (12)","Answer":"HELIOCENTRIC","Explanation":"Definition: typical of Galilean ideas\n(THE NO I CLERIC)"} {"Clue":"Uppish beak imprisoning wife, an awkward female (4)","Answer":"MAWR","Explanation":"Definition: an awkward female\nW in reverse of RAM"} {"Clue":"Just like Pooh CR found in pot upended? (7)","Answer":"ARCTOID","Explanation":"Definition: Just like Pooh\nReverse of CR in DIOTA (ancient vase)"} {"Clue":"He acquires legal right in name marred with misuse (12)","Answer":"REMAINDER\u2011MAN","Explanation":"Definition: He acquires legal right\n(IN NAME MARRED)"} {"Clue":"Bodyguard's weapon? A chiv's brandished before anybody (9)","Answer":"SCHIAVONE","Explanation":"Definition: Bodyguard's weapon\n(A CHIVS)* + ONE"} {"Clue":"Apostrophe: abbreviation of 'has' follows one in middle? (5)","Answer":"TUISM","Explanation":"Definition: Apostrophe\nI in TUM (middle) + S (abbreviation of \"has\"); derived from Latin tu = you, with apostrophe as \"a sudden turning away from the ordinary course of a speech to address some person or object present or absent\""} {"Clue":"Discharges one after hours in church coming up (7)","Answer":"SECRETA","Explanation":"Definition: Discharges\nReverse of TERCES (from the liturgical hours) + A"} {"Clue":"Orderly arrangement: finished one accepted by admired personage (9)","Answer":"LINEATION","Explanation":"Definition: Orderly arrangement\nNEAT (finished) + I in LION"} {"Clue":"Russians historically raising temperature a long way for Irish stew! (7)","Answer":"STOVIES","Explanation":"Definition: Irish stew\nSOVIETS with the T moved up \"a long way\""} {"Clue":"People in Scotland suffer endlessly \u2013 this is used to ease pain (7)","Answer":"MENTHOL","Explanation":"Definition: this is used to ease pain\nMEN (people) + THOL[e] (Scots \"suffer\")"} {"Clue":"Numbers found in river no longer large (7)","Answer":"EXTENSE","Explanation":"Definition: no longer large\nTENS in EXE"} {"Clue":"Dark spot round square heraldic bearing (6)","Answer":"MASCLE","Explanation":"Definition: heraldic bearing\nS[quare] in MACLE (dark spot)"} {"Clue":"Recipe fed to parents? It's noted for ham and cheese (5)","Answer":"PARMA","Explanation":"Definition: It's noted for ham and cheese\nR[ecipe] in PA and MA"} {"Clue":"Dipper supposedly seen in river and lake (5)","Answer":"OUSEL","Explanation":"Definition: Dipper supposedly\nOUSE (river) + L[ake] \u2013 I'm not sure why Azed has used \"supposedly\" here: Chambers defines ousel as \"a water ouzel\", which is in turn defined as \"the dipper\""} {"Clue":"One in vassalage constrained by sire's needs (4)","Answer":"ESNE","Explanation":"Definition: One in vassalage\nHidden in sirE'S NEeds"} {"Clue":"Weasels ten a penny in Tory politicians primarily, wearing characters (6,6)","Answer":"ROTTEN APPLES","Explanation":"Definition: Weasels\nTEN A P in T[ory] P[oliticians], all in ROLES (characters in a play)"} {"Clue":"Cutter one has boarded didn't appear to reverse (5,3)","Answer":"TENON SAW","Explanation":"Definition: Cutter\nONE in WASN'T (didn't appear to), all reversed"} {"Clue":"Extend Tesla scandal? (8)","Answer":"ELONGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Extend\nELON (Musk, former CEO of Tesla Inc) + GATE (all-purpose suffix for a scandal)"} {"Clue":"Take scoundrel on journey during date (11)","Answer":"SEQUESTRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Take\nQUEST (journey) + RAT (scoundrel) in SEE (to date)"} {"Clue":"Sounding challenge to mount\u00adaineer, money serious current issue (7,6)","Answer":"CLIMATE\u00a0CHANGE","Explanation":"Definition: serious current issue\nHomophone of ~~\"climb eight\"~~ \"climb it\" + CHANGE (money) *Thanks to several commenters for a much better homophone"} {"Clue":"Cardinal carried by ruminant leaves (7)","Answer":"ROMAINE","Explanation":"Definition: leaves\nMAIN (cardinal, e.g. as in the cardinal points of the compass) in ROE [deer]. Romaine is a US term for the lettuce usually called Cos in the UK"} {"Clue":"Captive audience's ceremony for old player (6,5)","Answer":"INSIDE RIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: old player\nINSIDE (in prison, captive) + homophone of \"rite\" (ceremony) \u2013 \"old player\" because (I think) football doesn't use inside rights (or lefts) any more"} {"Clue":"Evidence of a lower dance score (4,4)","Answer":"HOOF MARK","Explanation":"Definition: Evidence of a lower\nHOOF (dance) + MARK (score, in the sense of a scratch) \u2013 the \"lower\" is a cow"} {"Clue":"Ultimately distant, newborn chick \u2014 mine closer? (8)","Answer":"THATCHER","Explanation":"Definition: mine closer\n[distan]T + HATCHER \u2013 reference to the closure of many UK coal mines under Mrs Thatcher"} {"Clue":"French wine bottles right for French politician (6)","Answer":"MACRON","Explanation":"Definition: French politician\nR in MACON"} {"Clue":"Teams grouped together covered three miles, once (6)","Answer":"LEAGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Teams grouped together\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Team alarmed after breaking free (4,6)","Answer":"REAL MADRID","Explanation":"Definition: Team\nALARMED*+ RID (to free)"} {"Clue":"Arm bone fractured beneath hard wood (8)","Answer":"HORNBEAM","Explanation":"Definition: wood\nH + (ARM BONE)"} {"Clue":"Carrier crowd set on fire (8)","Answer":"RUCKSACK","Explanation":"Definition: Carrier\nRUCK (crowd) + SACK (fire)"} {"Clue":"Manuscript never ends: an old writer unfinished still (8)","Answer":"TRANQUIL","Explanation":"Definition: still\nLast tetters of manuscripT neveR, plus AN QUIL[L]"} {"Clue":"Fast strike has lost power, unfortunately (8)","Answer":"SLAPSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Fast strike\nAnagram of HAS LOST + P[ower] \u2013 a slapshot is a move in ice hockey"} {"Clue":"Stop pouring whiskey on bird (4)","Answer":"WHEN","Explanation":"Definition: Stop pouring\nW + HEN \u2013 as in \"say when\""} {"Clue":"Those storing money are sure it's fraudulent (10)","Answer":"TREASURIES","Explanation":"Definition: Those storing money\n(ARE SURE IT'S)"} {"Clue":"Exceptional transport comman\u00addered by queens turned up (8)","Answer":"SINGULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Exceptional\nLUG (to transport) in RANIS (Indian queens), all reversed. Presumably the third word of the clue should be \"commandeered\""} {"Clue":"Reject current issue capturing heart of nation (8)","Answer":"JETTISON","Explanation":"Definition: Reject\n[na]TI[on] in JET (current) SON (issue)"} {"Clue":"Not on time, Greek character in cab, I suspect, beginning to hurry (1,3,4)","Answer":"A BIT MUCH","Explanation":"Definition: Not on\nT MU in (A CAB)* + H[urry]"} {"Clue":"Broadcast featuring opening of peep show again (6)","Answer":"REPLAY","Explanation":"Definition: show again\nP[eep] in RELAY"} {"Clue":"Drink in local occasionally served up (4)","Answer":"COLA","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nHidden in reverse of locAL OCcasionally"} {"Clue":"15 boxes you in (7)","Answer":"POPULAR","Explanation":"Definition: in\nU (you) in POPLAR"} {"Clue":"Couple of 15s surrounding a Monopoly area (7)","Answer":"MAYFAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Monopoly area\nA in MAY + FIR"} {"Clue":"15 cut, we hear? (4)","Answer":"PEAR","Explanation":"Definition: 15\nHomophone of \"pare\""} {"Clue":"Caustic substance alive with 15 (9)","Answer":"QUICKLIME","Explanation":"Definition: Caustic substance\nQUICK (alive) + LIME"} {"Clue":"Reportedly 15s, something green on the table? (5)","Answer":"BAIZE","Explanation":"Definition: something green on the table\nHomophone of \"bays\""} {"Clue":"It seems likely jerk is ready to pen article (1,4,3)","Answer":"I\u00a0DARE\u00a0SAY","Explanation":"Definition: It seems likely\nA in (IS READY)"} {"Clue":"Frame that's attached to pan in storeroom, did you say? (4)","Answer":"TREE","Explanation":"Definition: Frame\nYou might call this a subtractive homophone, from \"pan tree\" = \"pantry\" (storeroom)"} {"Clue":"Crop: one planted in network? (5)","Answer":"MAIZE","Explanation":"Definition: Crop\nI in MAZE (network)"} {"Clue":"Promotion featured in biography, perhaps (4)","Answer":"HYPE","Explanation":"Definition: Promotion\nHidden in biograpHY PErhaps"} {"Clue":"15, old one (8)","Answer":"CHESTNUT","Explanation":"Definition: 15\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"15 briefly clipped back (5)","Answer":"ROWAN","Explanation":"Definition: 15\nIN A WORD (briefly), with the outer letters \"clipped\", then reversed"} {"Clue":"Plant cherry to the left beside acorn, I gathered (9)","Answer":"CORIANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n(ACORN I)* + reverse of RED (cherry)"} {"Clue":"Steer back of coach onto 15 (4)","Answer":"HELM","Explanation":"Definition: Steer\n[coac]H + ELM"} {"Clue":"Layer right inside bourbon, for example (7)","Answer":"BRICKIE","Explanation":"Definition: Layer\nR in BICKIE (biscuit: Bourbon, which I think should be capitalised, is an example)"} {"Clue":"First lot shortly arranged for the arranger? (7)","Answer":"FLORIST","Explanation":"Definition: arranger\nAnagram of FIRST LO[t]"} {"Clue":"Feature of 6, where white bishop begins? (4)","Answer":"CONE","Explanation":"Definition: Feature of 6\nIn algebraic chess notation, one of the white bishops starts the game on square c1, or C ONE"} {"Clue":"A fourth tequila drunk (plus the fifth in reserve also to be drunk) (8)","Answer":"QUARTILE","Explanation":"Definition: A fourth\n[rese]R[ve] in TEQUILA"} {"Clue":"Vessel's a part of 15, by the sound of it (6)","Answer":"BARQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Vessel\nHomophone of \"bark\""} {"Clue":"Lifesaver in 15 that's close to 8 (4,4)","Answer":"PARK LANE","Explanation":"Definition: that's close to 8\nARK (lifesaver) in PLANE (tree) \u2013 Park Lane is close to Mayfair on the (London) Monopoly board, and also in reality"} {"Clue":"Removed cooler position (6)","Answer":"OFFICE","Explanation":"Definition: position\nOFF (removed) + ICE (cooler)"} {"Clue":"15 with blunted needle? (4)","Answer":"PINE","Explanation":"Definition: 15\nThe needle is a SPINE which is blunted by having its \"point\" or first letter removed"} {"Clue":"Nick climbs around it after I set up (9)","Answer":"INITIATED","Explanation":"Definition: set up\nI + I in reverse of DETAIN (arrest, nick)"} {"Clue":"Hard copy up 15 (5)","Answer":"BIRCH","Explanation":"Definition: 15\nH + reverse of CRIB (copy)"} {"Clue":"Country shortly after revolution importing small 15 (5)","Answer":"ASPEN","Explanation":"Definition: 15\nS in reverse of NEPA[L]"} {"Clue":"Official 15 (8)","Answer":"MANDARIN","Explanation":"Definition: Official\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"15 god embraced by US actress (8)","Answer":"HAWTHORN","Explanation":"Definition: 15\nTHOR in (Goldie) HAWN"} {"Clue":"15 is looking good (6)","Answer":"SPRUCE","Explanation":"Definition: 15\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Very little trust after borders abandoned in Iraq (6)","Answer":"RARELY","Explanation":"Definition: Very little\n[I]RA[Q] + RELY"} {"Clue":"Part of 15 in port (4)","Answer":"CORK","Explanation":"Definition: Part of 15\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"12 down 15 south of lake (4)","Answer":"LASH","Explanation":"Definition: 12 down\nL + ASH \u2013 lash\/birch in the corporal punishment sense"} {"Clue":"Swept ashes \u2014 when left inside, there's trouble (6)","Answer":"HASSLE","Explanation":"Definition: trouble\nL in ASHES"} {"Clue":"Volunteered a bit of 'Offside! Ref! Foul!' but it's rebuffed (7)","Answer":"OFFERED","Explanation":"Definition: Volunteered\nHidden in reverse of offsiDE REF FOul"} {"Clue":"Disheartened, get in a stew about being the most nasal (9)","Answer":"TWANGIEST","Explanation":"Definition: the most nasal\nAnagram of G[e]T IN A STEW"} {"Clue":"Flip down and start? Just the opposite! (5)","Answer":"UPEND","Explanation":"Definition: Flip\nUP and END are opposites of \"down\" and \"start\""} {"Clue":"Commandeer the papers (5)","Answer":"PRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Commandeer\nDouble definition \u2013 for the first, think of \"press into service\" or the press gang"} {"Clue":"Swear sheep and lamb play together (9)","Answer":"BLASPHEME","Explanation":"Definition: Swear\n(SHEEP LAMB)"} {"Clue":"In North Dakota, she had a gun wrapped in cotton wool (7)","Answer":"NANNIED","Explanation":"Definition: wrapped in cotton wool\nANNIE (Annie Oakley, famous American sharpshooter, and title character of the musical *Annie Get Your Gun*) in ND"} {"Clue":"Start off having great influence, but score less than a hundred (6)","Answer":"EIGHTY","Explanation":"Definition: score less than a hundred\nWEIGHTY with its \"start off\", and 80 = 100 \u2013 20"} {"Clue":"Assume being tickled tickles (6)","Answer":"AMUSES","Explanation":"Definition: tickles\nASSUME"} {"Clue":"Dupes being used and led astray (7)","Answer":"DELUDES","Explanation":"Definition: Dupes\n(USED LED)"} {"Clue":"Spice is something extracted for an Indian (9)","Answer":"FENUGREEK","Explanation":"Definition: Spice\nThis seems to be just a long definition, or possibly two closely-related definitions"} {"Clue":"What a Hoover does when it works (and doesn't) (5)","Answer":"SUCKS","Explanation":"Definition: What a Hoover does when it works (and doesn't)\nDouble definition: a correctly-working Hoover (vacuum cleaner) sucks dust, and if it doesn't work it also sucks, in the sense of being \"inferior or objectionable\". This reminds me of the famous slogan \"Nothing sucks like an Electrolux\""} {"Clue":"Best Pride party? (5)","Answer":"OUTDO","Explanation":"Definition: Best\nA Pride party might be a DO for those who are OUT (as gay)"} {"Clue":"Put an end to staying in hotel \u2014 I'm in a tent (9)","Answer":"ELIMINATE","Explanation":"Definition: Put an end to\nHidden in hotEL I'M IN A TEnt"} {"Clue":"Needing support (like one of the morning glory family?) (7)","Answer":"DODDERY","Explanation":"Definition: Needing support\nThe Dodder is a plant in the Morning Glory family (Convolvulaceae): something like it would be DODDER-Y"} {"Clue":"Followed calling with virtue (6)","Answer":"CHASED","Explanation":"Definition: Followed\nHomophone of \"chaste\""} {"Clue":"Stumbled over greeting and put up with touching (3,4)","Answer":"HIT UPON","Explanation":"Definition: Stumbled over\nHI (greeting) + reverse of PUT + ON (touching)"} {"Clue":"Fish roll? (5)","Answer":"SKATE","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Take note: I cut bit of wood square \u2014 it's all about practical details (9)","Answer":"LOGISTICS","Explanation":"Definition: practical details\n~~I'm slightly confused by this one: I think the elements are LOG (piece of wood), I, S[quare], C (note) and ITS, but I can't quite see how the wordplay assembles them~~ *Thanks to Wiggers @1 for a much better explanation: LOG (take note) + I + STIC(k) + S(quare). "} {"Clue":"Biscuit makes Spooner's skin hurt (7)","Answer":"OATCAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Biscuit\nSpoonerism of \"coat ache\""} {"Clue":"Fine bottom, but not much of a looker (5)","Answer":"FRUMP","Explanation":"Definition: not much of a looker\nF + RUMP"} {"Clue":"Making a small adjustment, contemplated being returned to office (2-7)","Answer":"RE\u2011ELECTED","Explanation":"Definition: returned to office\nREFLECTED (contemplated), with the \"small adjustment\" of changing the F to E"} {"Clue":"Gets out of cars (6)","Answer":"DODGES","Explanation":"Definition: Gets out of\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"The two of us plot to kidnap bachelor with a skinny joiner (6)","Answer":"WEBBED","Explanation":"Definition: with a skinny joiner\nB[achelor] in WE BED"} {"Clue":"Proposed famous vampire's victim should be incarcerated (9)","Answer":"NOMINATED","Explanation":"Definition: Proposed\nMINA (Mina Harker, character in *Dracula* in NOTED (famous)"} {"Clue":"Government minister's ringer? (9)","Answer":"GOLDSMITH","Explanation":"Definition: Government minister\nZac GOLDSMITH is the minister, and a \"ringer\" might be someone makes (gold) rings, or a GOLDSMITH"} {"Clue":"It's found behind actors \u2014 dramatic landscape drawn large for play (7)","Answer":"SCENERY","Explanation":"Definition: It's found behind actors \u2014 dramatic landscape drawn large for play\nAs with 22a, this seems to be just an extended definition"} {"Clue":"Antelope's two little twins pronking (3-3)","Answer":"DIK-DIK","Explanation":"Definition: Antelope\nReverse of two KIDs \u2013 \"twins\" because the same word is used twice, I assume"} {"Clue":"Stay 10 seconds, being uncertain (7)","Answer":"SUSPEND","Explanation":"Definition: Stay\nAnagram of UPEND (answer to 10a) + S S"} {"Clue":"Have enough money for female to get in a car (6)","Answer":"AFFORD","Explanation":"Definition: Have enough money for\nF in A FORD"} {"Clue":"Mitt's 'good-oh' (5)","Answer":"GLOVE","Explanation":"Definition: Mitt\nG + LOVE (zero in tennis =0=O=Oh)"} {"Clue":"Quickly learns about sheep (5)","Answer":"CRAMS","Explanation":"Definition: Quickly learns\nC (circa, about) + RAMS"} {"Clue":"Unused neck dressing suitable for some joints (4,5)","Answer":"MINT SAUCE","Explanation":"Definition: dressing suitable for some joints\nMINT (unused) + SAUCE (cheek, neck)"} {"Clue":"What tallyman might cut, other than church? (5)","Answer":"NOTCH","Explanation":"Definition: What tallyman might cut\nNOT (other than) CH[urch] \u2013 from the practice of keeping a tally by cutting notches in a stick"} {"Clue":"Scorer from Harlem briefly in action (5)","Answer":"LEHAR","Explanation":"Definition: Scorer\nAnagram of HARLE[m] \u2013 \"scorer\" meaning a composer"} {"Clue":"Shylock in serial increasingly tight (9)","Answer":"SLENDERER","Explanation":"Definition: increasingly tight\nLENDER (as Shylock was) in SER."} {"Clue":"Drain liquid that's rising in spring (3)","Answer":"SAP","Explanation":"Definition: Drain\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"GP innovates flying flag (6,5)","Answer":"PAVING\u00a0STONE","Explanation":"Definition: flag\n(GP INNOVATES)"} {"Clue":"Herald left, getting wind up (7)","Answer":"PORTEND","Explanation":"Definition: Herald\nPORT (left) + END (to wind up)"} {"Clue":"Small section of plant making publicity material (7)","Answer":"LEAFLET","Explanation":"Definition: Small section of plant\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Is son donning legendary footballer's mantle? (7)","Answer":"PELISSE","Explanation":"Definition: mantle\nIS S in PELE (footballer)"} {"Clue":"What's possible after media persevere (5,2)","Answer":"PRESS ON","Explanation":"Definition: persevere\nPRESS (media) + ON (possible)"} {"Clue":"Willing worker's average beer supply (5,6)","Answer":"EAGER BEAVER","Explanation":"Definition: Willing worker\n(AVERAGE BEER)* with \"supply\" meaning \"in a supple way\""} {"Clue":"Kitty's drug (3)","Answer":"POT","Explanation":"Definition: Kitty\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Decking put Royal Navy crew in a spot (9)","Answer":"ADORNMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Decking\nRN MEN in A DOT"} {"Clue":"Grand party where we may well end up? (5)","Answer":"GRAVE","Explanation":"Definition: where we may well end up\nG + RAVE"} {"Clue":"Fruit marmalade primarily filling Christmas turnover (5)","Answer":"LEMON","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nM[armalade] in reverse of NOEL"} {"Clue":"Speeches from Congress (9)","Answer":"RELATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Speeches\nDouble definition \u2013 the congress is the sexual kind"} {"Clue":"Nancy takes advantage of work (7)","Answer":"MILKSOP","Explanation":"Definition: Nancy\nMILKS (takes advantage of) + OP, nancy and milksop can both mean an effeminate man; both probably regarded as rather offensive these days, especially the former"} {"Clue":"Dud mobile phone operator cleared out (2-5)","Answer":"NO-HOPER","Explanation":"Definition: Dud\nAnagram of PHONE + O[perato]R"} {"Clue":"Cabaret artist has problem supporting band (11)","Answer":"STRIPTEASER","Explanation":"Definition: Cabaret artist\nSTRIP (band) + TEASER (problem)"} {"Clue":"Invest in fund, losing capital like many Titanic passengers (7)","Answer":"UNSAVED","Explanation":"Definition: like many Titanic passengers\nSAVE (invest) in FUND less its \"capital\" or first letter"} {"Clue":"Constantly going outside to cast vote (7)","Answer":"ETERNAL","Explanation":"Definition: Constantly going\nEXTERNAL less X (a vote)"} {"Clue":"Daughter running up to give assent (3)","Answer":"NOD","Explanation":"Definition: to give assent\nReverse of D + ON (running, working)"} {"Clue":"Rum drunk during work causes uproar (7)","Answer":"TURMOIL","Explanation":"Definition: uproar\nRUM* in TOIL"} {"Clue":"Gather in rushes around five tons (7)","Answer":"HARVEST","Explanation":"Definition: Gather in\nV on HARES (rushes) + T"} {"Clue":"Arrange contest, admitting Rocky's initial reluctance to go on (5,6)","Answer":"STAGE FRIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: reluctance to go on\nR[ocky] in STAGE FIGHT"} {"Clue":"Win through before onset of vocal trouble (7)","Answer":"PREVAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Win through\nPRE (before) + V[ocal] + AIL (trouble)"} {"Clue":"Bait listener, raising master argument (7)","Answer":"LUGWORM","Explanation":"Definition: Bait\nLUG (ear, listener) + reverse of M ROW"} {"Clue":"It's said I tolerate my contacts, for instance (7)","Answer":"EYEWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: my contacts, for instance\nHomophone of \"I\" + WEAR (tolerate), with the definition referring to contact lenses"} {"Clue":"Critical comrade impounding four books (7)","Answer":"PIVOTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Critical\nIV OT (Old Testament, books) in PAL (friend, comrade)"} {"Clue":"Singer in musical production heartlessly cutting second number (7)","Answer":"SOPRANO","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\nOP[E]RA in S NO"} {"Clue":"Jack avoids toads and rabbits (7)","Answer":"NATTERS","Explanation":"Definition: rabbits\nNATTERJACKS (toads) less JACK; \"natter\" and \"rabbit\" are both slangy words for \"talk\""} {"Clue":"Stern Unitarian keeping woman in order (3)","Answer":"NUN","Explanation":"Definition: woman in order\nHidden in sterN UNitarian"} {"Clue":"New financial institution losing pounds over a quarter (6)","Answer":"AUTUMN","Explanation":"Definition: a quarter\nReverse of N MUTUAL less L (pounds)"} {"Clue":"Wine sent spilling over cat (8)","Answer":"SPUMANTE","Explanation":"Definition: Wine\nPUMA in SENT"} {"Clue":"Case of 'Physician, heal thyself'? That's a bore (5)","Answer":"DRILL","Explanation":"Definition: bore\nIf the physician needs to heal himself then the DR is ILL"} {"Clue":"Minor crag blasted for stone (9)","Answer":"CAIRNGORM","Explanation":"Definition: stone\n(MINOR CRAG)* \u2013 a semi-precious stone found in the mountains of the same name"} {"Clue":"Coming to a point, band finally abandoned hire car (9)","Answer":"CHEVROLET","Explanation":"Definition: car\nCHEVRON (a band coming to a point) less its last letter, plus LET (hire)"} {"Clue":"Can it have to be proved? (5)","Answer":"SHOWN","Explanation":"Definition: proved\nSH (be quiet, can it) + OWN (have)"} {"Clue":"Extravagantly commend a fine story (2,4,3,3)","Answer":"OF\u00a0MICE\u00a0AND\u00a0MEN","Explanation":"Definition: story\n(COMMEND A FINE)"} {"Clue":"After some bowling on ground, I'm yet to get some spin: wait before able to perform again (8,4)","Answer":"RECOVERY\u00a0TIME","Explanation":"Definition: wait before able to perform again\nREC (recreation ground) + OVER (some bowling, in cricket) +(I'M YET)"} {"Clue":"Some black cab always around, so taken unexpectedly (5)","Answer":"ABACK","Explanation":"Definition: so taken unexpectedly\nHidden in reverse of blacK CAB Always"} {"Clue":"Irregular school lesson in fine class girl missed (9)","Answer":"APERIODIC","Explanation":"Definition: Irregular\nPERIOD (school lesson) in A1 + CLASS less LASS"} {"Clue":"One with a dream lover posed from behind first (9)","Answer":"FANTASIST","Explanation":"Definition: One with a dream\nFAN (lover) + reverse of SAT (posed) + 1ST"} {"Clue":"Native American's large basket (5)","Answer":"CREEL","Explanation":"Definition: basket\nCREE + L"} {"Clue":"Colonist put on fabric, one with stripes (8)","Answer":"SERGEANT","Explanation":"Definition: one with stripes\nSERGE (fabric) + ANT (a \"colonist\")"} {"Clue":"They are not generally to be heard speaking (6)","Answer":"ASIDES","Explanation":"Definition: They are not generally to be heard speaking\nCryptic definition, though asides in a play *are* meant to be heard by the audience, just not the other characters"} {"Clue":"Kidnapper's muscle (8)","Answer":"ABDUCTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Kidnapper\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Nuisance not having answer: girl in quandary (8)","Answer":"TRILEMMA","Explanation":"Definition: quandary\nTRIAL less A[nswer] + EMMA"} {"Clue":"Athlete who looks happy, though not first (5)","Answer":"MILER","Explanation":"Definition: Athlete\n[S]MILER"} {"Clue":"In distress, broken by temperature, leave the Badlands (7,6)","Answer":"PAINTED DESERT","Explanation":"Definition: Badlands\nT in PAINED + DESERT (leave) \u2013 it's an area in Arizona"} {"Clue":"Second royal in unpleasant house, a single-sex one (9)","Answer":"MONASTERY","Explanation":"Definition: house, a single-sex one\nMO (moment, second) + ER (the Queen) in NASTY"} {"Clue":"American politician's one foul trick (6)","Answer":"NEOCON","Explanation":"Definition: American politician\nONE* + CON (trick)"} {"Clue":"Predator of rat, say, biting its head off and beginning to eat (6)","Answer":"ERMINE","Explanation":"Definition: Predator\n[v]ERMIN (e.g. a rat) + E[at] \u2013 ermine is another word for the carnivorous stoat, especially when its fur turns white in winter"} {"Clue":"Not a single job in Scottish island: a premature cancellation all round (13)","Answer":"COLLABORATION","Explanation":"Definition: Not a single job\nCOLL (Hebridean island) + A in ABORTION (premature cancellation)"} {"Clue":"Final move of lover from Brno announced (9)","Answer":"CHECKMATE","Explanation":"Definition: Final move\nHomophone of \"Czech mate\""} {"Clue":"Curler, black, certainly fits round front of wig (8)","Answer":"BINDWEED","Explanation":"Definition: Curler\nB[lack] + W[ig] in INDEED"} {"Clue":"God! Imogen's work left in the wrong place (8)","Answer":"HERCULES","Explanation":"Definition: God\nHER (Imogen's, though Imogen the setter is male) + CLUES (the setter's work) with the L misplaced. If I remember correctly, Hercules\/Heracles became a god after completing his Labours"} {"Clue":"Mistakes of bosses seeing no resistance (6)","Answer":"GAFFES","Explanation":"Definition: Mistakes\nGAFFERS less R"} {"Clue":"Winner of an inaccurate timepiece? (6)","Answer":"GAINER","Explanation":"Definition: Winner\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"One magnet's orientation to hold copper for anvil (5)","Answer":"INCUS","Explanation":"Definition: anvil\nI + CU (copper) in NS (magnets are aligned North to South). The incus\/anvil is one of the three small bones of the middle ear"} {"Clue":"Means of protecting Romeo during affair (6)","Answer":"ARMOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Means of protecting\nR[omeo] in AMOUR (love affair)"} {"Clue":"Customers, returning dessert, chose superior version (6,2)","Answer":"TRADED UP","Explanation":"Definition: chose superior version\nTRADE (customers) + reverse of PUD (pudding, dessert)"} {"Clue":"Liberal Spanish gent added to working capital (6)","Answer":"LONDON","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nL[iberal] + ON (working) + DON (Spanish gentleman)"} {"Clue":"Industrial waste slick on west-facing borders of France (8)","Answer":"EFFLUENT","Explanation":"Definition: Industrial waste\nReverse of F[ranc]E + FLUENT (slick)"} {"Clue":"Economy measure derived from parking in sports car, initially? (5,3,6)","Answer":"MILES\u00a0PER\u00a0GALLON","Explanation":"Definition: Economy measure\nThe abbreviation for MILES PER GALLON is MPG, which is P[arking] in MG (sports car)"} {"Clue":"Complete review of ancient language, say, after study (10)","Answer":"CONGENITAL","Explanation":"Definition: Complete\nCON (study) + reverse of LATIN E.G. Chambers has \"complete or absolute, as if from birth\", referring to the expression \"congenital idiot\""} {"Clue":"Fanatic regularly struck opponent (4)","Answer":"ANTI","Explanation":"Definition: opponent\nEvery third letter (starting from the first) \"struck from\" from fANaTIc"} {"Clue":"Call back, demanding sandwiches (4)","Answer":"NAME","Explanation":"Definition: Call\nHidden in reverse of dEMANding"} {"Clue":"Twerp in film, deep in thought (10)","Answer":"COGITATING","Explanation":"Definition: deep in thought\nGIT (twerp) in COATING"} {"Clue":"Nth trip en route involved particular motoring skill (5-5,4)","Answer":"THREE\u2011POINT\u00a0TURN","Explanation":"Definition: particular motoring skill\n(NTH TRIP EN ROUTE)"} {"Clue":"Relative devouring hot comic strip (8)","Answer":"UNCLOTHE","Explanation":"Definition: strip\nHOT* in UNCLE"} {"Clue":"Voyage lots of sailors talked of (6)","Answer":"CRUISE","Explanation":"Definition: Voyage\nHomophone of \"crews\""} {"Clue":"Queen attending summit in States disheartened, they say (8)","Answer":"SPEAKERS","Explanation":"Definition: they say\nPEAK + ER in S[tate]S, with \"they say\" being the definition instead of a homophone indicator, as we might expect"} {"Clue":"More famiiar Conservative defeated opponent (6)","Answer":"CLOSER","Explanation":"Definition: More famiiar\nC + LOSER, with a small typo in \"famiiar\""} {"Clue":"Muggins heading off to join forces (4)","Answer":"ALLY","Explanation":"Definition: join forces\nI presume the beheaded Muggins here is SALLY, as in Aunt Sally (\"a target for abuse, criticism or blame\"), but I suppose it also might be WALLY"} {"Clue":"Bring up troops to north, crossing island (7)","Answer":"MENTION","Explanation":"Definition: Bring up\n~~Reverse of~~ MEN + I in TO N"} {"Clue":"With cap still on, screwing one end up? (8)","Answer":"UNOPENED","Explanation":"Definition: With cap still on\n(ONE END UP)"} {"Clue":"Improvement helping to keep class online? (11)","Answer":"REFORMATION","Explanation":"Definition: Improvement\nE-FORM (class, in a school, with the E- prefix for \"online\") in RATION (helping)"} {"Clue":"Buck model artist up (6)","Answer":"DOLLAR","Explanation":"Definition: Buck\nDOLL + reverse of RA (artist)"} {"Clue":"Ponder over water source feeding river (5,2)","Answer":"DWELL ON","Explanation":"Definition: Ponder over\nWELL in DON (river)"} {"Clue":"Claiming right to shelter amid trouble with government (9)","Answer":"PATENTING","Explanation":"Definition: Claiming right to\nTENT (shelter) in PAIN (trouble) + G[overnment]"} {"Clue":"Pressure on Polish hero worried deep thinker (11)","Answer":"PHILOSOPHER","Explanation":"Definition: deep thinker\nP + (POLISH HERO)"} {"Clue":"Explains a loss suffered by flighty courtesans (9)","Answer":"CONSTRUES","Explanation":"Definition: Explains\nCOURTESANS* less A"} {"Clue":"Country hotelier in China (8)","Answer":"PASTORAL","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nASTOR (the Astor family founded the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York, among others) in PAL (rhyming slang: china plate = mate)"} {"Clue":"Nutmeg's raised pounds in contest \u2014 it's phenomenal (7)","Answer":"MIRACLE","Explanation":"Definition: it's phenomenal\nReverse of I'M (Nutmeg is) + L (pounds) in RACE"} {"Clue":"Pubs screening game Italy wrecked (2,5)","Answer":"IN RUINS","Explanation":"Definition: wrecked\nRU (Rugby Union, game) + I in INNS"} {"Clue":"Update devotional book? (6)","Answer":"REWORK","Explanation":"Definition: Update\nThe devotional book is an RE (religious education) WORK"} {"Clue":"Sound coming from empty stomach (4)","Answer":"BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: stomach\nHomophone of \"bare\" (empty)"} {"Clue":"Warmer vessel spinning on wheel (6)","Answer":"COGNAC","Explanation":"Definition: Warmer\nCOG (wheel) + reverse of CAN (vessel)"} {"Clue":"Fit in dock for computer (6)","Answer":"LAPTOP","Explanation":"Definition: computer\nAPT (appropriate, fit) in LOP (to dock)"} {"Clue":"Squeeze gallons into the tin, furiously (7)","Answer":"TIGHTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Squeeze\nG in (THE TIN)"} {"Clue":"Stoat out gathering commercial food that's fried (7)","Answer":"TOSTADA","Explanation":"Definition: food that's fried\nAD (commercial) in STOAT"} {"Clue":"Half dying to tuck into green food? That's a landmark for Americans! (7,8)","Answer":"LINCOLN\u00a0MEMORIAL","Explanation":"Definition: That's a landmark for Americans\nHalf of MORIbund (dying) in LINCOLN (green) MEAL"} {"Clue":"A donkey, virtually wild (4)","Answer":"AMOK","Explanation":"Definition: wild\nA MOK[e]"} {"Clue":"Not beyond reach, fresh bagel snatched by union member (10)","Answer":"BRIDGEABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Not beyond reach\nBAGEL* in BRIDE (a \"union member\")"} {"Clue":"One's joined with soldiers in amendment of that act (10)","Answer":"ATTACHMENT","Explanation":"Definition: One's joined\nMEN (soldiers) in (THAT ACT)"} {"Clue":"Little bit in your houses (4)","Answer":"TINY","Explanation":"Definition: Little\nHidden in (housed by) biT IN Your"} {"Clue":"Sauce regularly guzzled by that woman with meat, unfortunate mistake (4,2,3,6)","Answer":"SLIP\u00a0OF THE\u00a0TONGUE","Explanation":"Definition: unfortunate mistake\nLIP (cheek, sauce) OFT (regularly) in SHE + TONGUE (meat)"} {"Clue":"Watch character cry out loud? (7)","Answer":"EYEBALL","Explanation":"Definition: Watch\nHomophone of \"I bawl\", with I being the letter or character"} {"Clue":"Familiar bird, swallow almost caught by coastal mammal (3,4)","Answer":"SEA GULL","Explanation":"Definition: Familiar bird\nGUL[p] in SEAL. Chambers only gives this as a single word"} {"Clue":"Something filling skip that obviously doesn't get eaten, initially (6)","Answer":"STODGE","Explanation":"Definition: Something filling\nInitial letters of Skip That Obviously Doesn't Get Eaten"} {"Clue":"Up until now, fox feasted (2,4)","Answer":"TO DATE","Explanation":"Definition: Up until now\nTOD (traditional name for a fox) + ATE"} {"Clue":"Sort of long art gallery in church, perhaps (5,4)","Answer":"ORGAN LOFT","Explanation":"Definition: gallery in church, perhaps\n(OF LONG ART)"} {"Clue":"Race car leaving front of plant (6)","Answer":"NATION","Explanation":"Definition: Race\n[CAR]NATION (plant)"} {"Clue":"Puzzle deception with German drink (9)","Answer":"CONUNDRUM","Explanation":"Definition: Puzzle\nCON (deception) + UND (German \"and\" or \"with\") + RUM"} {"Clue":"Drink contents of dish? (5)","Answer":"LATTE","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nThe \"contents\" of pLATTEr"} {"Clue":"Breeze that may result in domino effect? (8)","Answer":"PUSHOVER","Explanation":"Definition: Breeze\nDouble definition \u2013 breeze and pushover can both mean something easy; and you might PUSH OVER the first in a line of dominoes"} {"Clue":"Arab in country without borders (5)","Answer":"OMANI","Explanation":"Definition: Arab\nA similar construction to 5: rOMANIa"} {"Clue":"God and fool welcomed by supporter in US city (11)","Answer":"TALLAHASSEE","Explanation":"Definition: US city\nALLAH (god) + ASS (fool) in TEE (supporter of the ball in golf). Tallahassee is the state capital of Florida"} {"Clue":"No one requiring doctor's appointment? OK with some reservations (3,4,4)","Answer":"ALL VERY WELL","Explanation":"Definition: OK with some reservations\nDouble definition \u2013 if ALL are VERY WELL then they don't need to see the doctor"} {"Clue":"China, say, private place under leader of dictatorship (6,3)","Answer":"DINNER SET","Explanation":"Definition: China, say\nD[ictatorship] + INNER (private) SET (to place)"} {"Clue":"Sue found bus tiring, sadly (5,4)","Answer":"BRING SUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Sue\n(BUS TIRING)"} {"Clue":"Clown feeding odd bits of muck to Republican presidents? (6,8)","Answer":"RONALD\u00a0MCDONALD","Explanation":"Definition: Clown\nAlternate letters of MuCk in RONALD (Reagan) + DONALD (Trump)"} {"Clue":"Ship yet to launch, boat ultimately motionless (5)","Answer":"INERT","Explanation":"Definition: motionless\n[L]INER + [BOA]T"} {"Clue":"Spanish line on mat for waltzer, did you say? (5)","Answer":"TILDE","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish line\nMat + TILDE gives us a homophone of Matilda, who is a \"waltzer\" in the famous Australian song"} {"Clue":"A hot slice of tart epicure cooked to feed healthily (12)","Answer":"EUTROPHICATE","Explanation":"Definition: to feed healthily\nAnagram of A HOT T[art] EPICURE. Coincidentally I just come across TROPHIC (meaning \"relating to nutrition\") in a Kairos puzzle: this is related, with the familiar EU- prefix for \"well\""} {"Clue":"Big fish: company boss is about right (4)","Answer":"CERO","Explanation":"Definition: Big fish\nR in CEO"} {"Clue":"Bushwhackers may have these tin hats, battered (6)","Answer":"SNATHS","Explanation":"Definition: Bushwhackers may have these\nSN (chemical symbol for tin) + HATS"} {"Clue":"Urgent \u2013 plump in the middle? See lens measurement (7)","Answer":"DIOPTRE","Explanation":"Definition: lens measurement\nOPT (to plump) in DIRE"} {"Clue":"They ply their wares to men in camp \u2013 result's getting drunk (7)","Answer":"SUTLERS","Explanation":"Definition: They ply their wares to men in camp\nRESULTS"} {"Clue":"Party provided warmth about start of evening (6)","Answer":"SOIR\u00c9E","Explanation":"Definition: Party\nSO (provided \u2013 this is number 14 in a long list of definitions of \"so\" in Chambers, as in \"so\/provided that\") + E[vening] in IRE"} {"Clue":"Colts accepting start of training? (6)","Answer":"CADETS","Explanation":"Definition: Colts accepting start of training\nT[raning] in CADES &lit (cade=\"a lamb or colt left by its mother)"} {"Clue":"Heat meat for cottage pie, setting aside first three quarters (7)","Answer":"INCENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Heat\n[M]INCE (meat for cottage pie, with its first letter \"set aside\") + N S E (three quarters of the compass \u2013 rather vague by Azed's standards)"} {"Clue":"Falling backwards dumps catch (4)","Answer":"SNIB","Explanation":"Definition: catch\nReverse of BINS"} {"Clue":"Canap\u00e9 tastes of almond in the middle (4)","Answer":"SOFA","Explanation":"Definition: Canap\u00e9\nThe exact middle letters of tasteS OF Almond"} {"Clue":"Experience, taking in flash? One has no shorts! (7)","Answer":"SPONDEE","Explanation":"Definition: One has no shorts\nPOND in SEE \u2013 a spondee is a metrical foot of two long syllables, so no \"shorts\""} {"Clue":"Evergreen climbers from Sri Lanka and the States, one of them (6)","Answer":"CLUSIA","Explanation":"Definition: Evergreen climbers\nCL (code for Sri Lanka, from its old name of Ceylon) + US (the states) + IA (code for Iowa, one of the states)"} {"Clue":"It's imbibed by Rama possibly (6)","Answer":"AMRITA","Explanation":"Definition: It's imbibed by Rama possibly\nIT in RAMA* &lit \u2013 \"the drink of the Hindu gods\""} {"Clue":"Damage fine stone, scratching sign of love or concord (7)","Answer":"HARMONY","Explanation":"Definition: concord\nHARM ONYX less X (sign of a kiss or love)"} {"Clue":"Line fashioned with top style? (7)","Answer":"POINTEL","Explanation":"Definition: style\n(LINE TOP)"} {"Clue":"Person catching fish he skins (6)","Answer":"PEELER","Explanation":"Definition: he skins\nEEL in PER[son]"} {"Clue":"Vacated theatre and left only half set? (4)","Answer":"TELE","Explanation":"Definition: set\nT[heatr]E + LE[ft] \u2013 tele (or telly) as in television set"} {"Clue":"Slough features in this involvement of Ed with Cissy (7)","Answer":"ECDYSIS","Explanation":"Definition: Slough features in this\n(ED CISSY)* \u2013 ecdysis is the shedding or sloughing of (e.g.) a reptile's skin"} {"Clue":"Turning point right within theme of discourse (6)","Answer":"TROPIC","Explanation":"Definition: Turning point\nR in TOPIC"} {"Clue":"Glutinous helping of chilly porridge served up (4)","Answer":"ROPY","Explanation":"Definition: Glutinous\nHidden in reverse of chillY PORridge"} {"Clue":"Non-resident with state support, poorest struggling with ennui (12)","Answer":"OUT\u2011PENSIONER","Explanation":"Definition: Non-resident with state support\n(POOREST ENNUI)"} {"Clue":"Old bungs foiled user opening special up (6)","Answer":"PURSES","Explanation":"Definition: Old bungs\nUSER* in reverse of SP[ecial] \u2013 bung is old criminal slang for a purse"} {"Clue":"Chilled Scotch in Jock's bar? (5)","Answer":"CAULD","Explanation":"Definition: Chilled Scotch\nTwo Scots definitions \u2013 \"cold\" and a dam or \"bar\""} {"Clue":"Linking arms thus we each express nearness initially (6)","Answer":"ATWEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Linking\nFirst letters of Arms Thus We Each Express Nearness"} {"Clue":"End of September? Hitter hit out (9)","Answer":"THIRTIETH","Explanation":"Definition: End of September\n(HITTER HIT)* \u2013 \"thirty days hath September\u2026\""} {"Clue":"Mayday, with character leading show, plump (4)","Answer":"SOSS","Explanation":"Definition: plump\nSOS (mayday, as a radio signal) + S[how]"} {"Clue":"E.g. Christian doctor, just as timely (9)","Answer":"MONOLATER","Explanation":"Definition: E.g. Christian\nMO (doctor) + NO LATER \u2013 a monolater is one who worships a single god, though allowing the possibility of others, so maybe Christian is not the best example"} {"Clue":"Lay about wandering male, minor luminary? (7)","Answer":"BEAMLET","Explanation":"Definition: minor luminary\nMALE* in BET"} {"Clue":"Rolled up coat following guide (6)","Answer":"FURLED","Explanation":"Definition: Rolled up\nFUR (coat) + LED (following [a] guide)"} {"Clue":"D\u00e9nouement left out of drama, no longer available (6)","Answer":"PAYOFF","Explanation":"Definition: D\u00e9nouement\nPLAY less L + OFF (no longer available, e.g. as in a restaurant)"} {"Clue":"Banter (one might suppose) I introduced to restrain (6)","Answer":"DIETER","Explanation":"Definition: Banter (one might suppose)\nI in DETER \u2013 a banter is one who practises banting, or dieting"} {"Clue":"Approach part of archipelago? (4)","Answer":"CHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Approach\nHidden in arCHIPelago \u2013 a chip is an approach shot in golf"} {"Clue":"Old soldier, last promoted to lead 20's a slight one? (5)","Answer":"SMILE","Explanation":"Definition: 20's a slight one\nMILES (Latin \"soldier\") with the S moved to the top; a BEAMLET (20d) could be a \"slight smile\" \u2013 it's unusual for Azed to use this kind of cross-referencing; in fact I think he mentioned that he's not keen on it in a recent Slip"} {"Clue":"Heading heavenward, maid leaves glittering stake (4)","Answer":"ANTE","Explanation":"Definition: stake\nDIAMANTE, less reverse of MAID \u2013 stake as in poker etc"} {"Clue":"Irritable, as I tangled with four cats (9)","Answer":"FRACTIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Irritable\n(I FOUR CATS)"} {"Clue":"Entourage play tennis here \u2014 and try to win (5)","Answer":"COURT","Explanation":"Definition: Entourage\nTriple definition"} {"Clue":"Pointedly, her work keeps her on her toes (9)","Answer":"BALLERINA","Explanation":"Definition: Pointedly, her work keeps her on her toes\nCryptic definition \u2013 ballerinas are said to be \"en pointe\" or \"on point[s]\" when dancing on their toes"} {"Clue":"Ointment's taken right off tray (5)","Answer":"SALVE","Explanation":"Definition: Ointment\nSALVER (tray) less R"} {"Clue":"Brighter chess player first to resign (6)","Answer":"WHITER","Explanation":"Definition: Brighter\nWHITE (chess player) + R[esign]"} {"Clue":"Are you sober? One may still find you're over the limit (5,3)","Answer":"SPEED COP","Explanation":"Definition: One may still find you're over the limit\nI think is this is just an extended cryptic definition: a speed cop can find you're over the speed limit rather than the drink-driving limit"} {"Clue":"Work on papers is burden (7)","Answer":"OPPRESS","Explanation":"Definition: burden\nOP (work) + PRESS (newspapers)"} {"Clue":"Change 'observe' into the opposite (7)","Answer":"OBVERSE","Explanation":"Definition: opposite\nOBSERVE"} {"Clue":"Wild animal eating half of best legume (4,4)","Answer":"LIMA BEAN","Explanation":"Definition: legume\nBE[st] in ANIMAL"} {"Clue":"To sprinkle with sugar is a drag (6)","Answer":"DREDGE","Explanation":"Definition: To sprinkle with sugar\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Policeman's way of cutting hair close (5)","Answer":"BOBBY","Explanation":"Definition: Policeman\nBOB (haircut) + BY (close)"} {"Clue":"Description of 'baritone' heard in phone message (9)","Answer":"VOICEMAIL","Explanation":"Definition: phone message\nHomophone of \"voice, male\""} {"Clue":"Information about a class of art, perhaps (5)","Answer":"GENRE","Explanation":"Definition: a class of art, perhaps\nGEN (information) + RE (about)"} {"Clue":"Overseas police turning out seem grand (9)","Answer":"GENDARMES","Explanation":"Definition: Overseas police\n(SEEM GRAND)"} {"Clue":"Floral tribute to recollect the war (6)","Answer":"WREATH","Explanation":"Definition: Floral tribute\n(THE WAR)"} {"Clue":"Artist who is chippy about her work? (8)","Answer":"SCULPTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Artist\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Paper offering reflections? (6)","Answer":"MIRROR","Explanation":"Definition: Paper\nThe *Daily Mirror* is a British newspaper"} {"Clue":"Supply seafood, holding big container (7)","Answer":"FURNISH","Explanation":"Definition: Supply\nURN in FISH"} {"Clue":"Lower away, poltroon! (6)","Answer":"COWARD","Explanation":"Definition: poltroon\nCOW (a \"lower\") + A RD (a way)"} {"Clue":"Priest welcomed by godly prior (8)","Answer":"PREVIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: prior\nREV in PIOUS"} {"Clue":"Djokovic, for one, involved in tenser battle (4)","Answer":"SERB","Explanation":"Definition: Djokovic, for one\nHidden in tenSER Battle"} {"Clue":"Spin senior put out is a con (8)","Answer":"PRISONER","Explanation":"Definition: a con\nPR (public relations, spin) + SENIOR`"} {"Clue":"Small man had erection in the garden (4)","Answer":"SHED","Explanation":"Definition: erection in the garden\nS + HE'D"} {"Clue":"Upset, remove lessons in religion for all time (8)","Answer":"EVERMORE","Explanation":"Definition: for all time\nREMOVE* + RE (Religious Education)"} {"Clue":"Game that could give you your big break? (7)","Answer":"SNOOKER","Explanation":"Definition: Game that could give you your big break\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Such hair a golden stream? (6)","Answer":"AUBURN","Explanation":"Definition: hair \nAU (gold) + BURN (stream)"} {"Clue":"Make sense of Christmas poem? (6)","Answer":"DECODE","Explanation":"Definition: Make sense\nDEC[ember] ODE"} {"Clue":"What protects the ankle from fierce animal, it's said (6)","Answer":"GAITER","Explanation":"Definition: What protects the ankle\nHomophone of \"[alli]gator\""} {"Clue":"Bit worrying Pep's warning (7,8)","Answer":"PARTNER\u00a0SWAPPING","Explanation":"Bit worrying Pep's warning (7,8)\nPART (BIT) + (PEP'S WARNING)* \u2013 Chambers doesn't have this, though it does have the more old-fashioned \"wife-swapping\""} {"Clue":"US politician, very close, lightly touching Queen (9)","Answer":"KISSINGER","Explanation":"Definition: US politician\nKISSING + ER"} {"Clue":"Go off beer, drinking Double Diamonds (5)","Answer":"ADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Go off\nTwo D[iamond]s in ALE"} {"Clue":"Ruling in the club \u2014 no secure parking (7)","Answer":"REGNANT","Explanation":"Definition: Ruling\nPREGNANT (\"in the club\") less P"} {"Clue":"Cleaner's easily distracted at first entering private area of house (7)","Answer":"BEDROOM","Explanation":"Definition: private area of house\nE[asily] D[istracted] in BROOM (cleaner)"} {"Clue":"Shopper at first in wrong store (3)","Answer":"SIN","Explanation":"Definition: wrong\nS[hopper] + IN"} {"Clue":"Randy hosts will presumably not vote for Starmer (7)","Answer":"AMATORY","Explanation":"Definition: Randy\nI \"not vote for Starmer\" (Keir S, leader of the British Labour Party) could be because I AM A TORY"} {"Clue":"Dog biting Queen's backside finally \u2014 clear out! (5)","Answer":"PURGE","Explanation":"Definition: clear out\nR (queen) in PUG + [backsid]E"} {"Clue":"Lack of bread containers around \u2014 go figure (7)","Answer":"NONAGON","Explanation":"Definition: figure\nGO in NO NAN"} {"Clue":"Vases \u2014 not Eric's \u2014 picked up (4)","Answer":"URNS","Explanation":"Definition: Vases\nHomophone of \"Ern's\", from Ernie Wise, partner of Eric Morecambe, who was sometimes known as Ern (usually preceded by \"little\")"} {"Clue":"Substantial resistance inside prison (4)","Answer":"BRIG","Explanation":"Definition: prison\nR in BIG"} {"Clue":"A bit much everybody arriving for tea! (4)","Answer":"CHAR","Explanation":"Definition: tea\nHidden in **muCH ARrriving"} {"Clue":"A lot of bad dreams about fish (5-3)","Answer":"SMEAR-DAB","Explanation":"Definition: fish\nAnagram of BA[d] DREAMS"} {"Clue":"Good drink? Free bars here (4)","Answer":"GRID","Explanation":"Definition: bars here\nG + RID (to free)"} {"Clue":"Suspend pandemic measure \u2014 can one get upset about call? (8)","Answer":"INTERMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Suspend\nTERM (call) in reverse of TIN I"} {"Clue":"Agreed to come in for a game (5)","Answer":"POKER","Explanation":"Definition: a game\nOK (agreed) in PER (for)"} {"Clue":"Take flight, land at Heathrow, not Gatwick (aircrew initially unhappy) (5)","Answer":"GHANA","Explanation":"Definition: land\nAnagram of the first letters of **At Heathrow Not Gatwick Aircrew"} {"Clue":"Extra posh bloke going round country (5)","Answer":"BONUS","Explanation":"Definition: Extra\nReverse of NOB (\"posh bloke\") + US"} {"Clue":"Gradual damage affected one rose tree (5)","Answer":"OSIER","Explanation":"Definition: tree\n(I ROSE)"} {"Clue":"Itches to break moral code (6)","Answer":"ETHICS","Explanation":"Definition: moral code\nITCHES"} {"Clue":"November 1 \u2014 special day once (5)","Answer":"NONES","Explanation":"Definition: day once\nN[ovember] + ONE + S[pecial] \u2013 the nones was a date in the Roman calendar"} {"Clue":"Play receiving national award (4)","Answer":"TONY","Explanation":"Definition: award\nN[ational] in TOY (to play)"} {"Clue":"Drive up, turn twice around \u2014 language! (4)","Answer":"URDU","Explanation":"Definition: language\nReverse of DR[ive[ in U U (U-turns)"} {"Clue":"Maneater's not finished Roger off (4)","Answer":"OGRE","Explanation":"Definition: Maneater\nAnagram of ROGE[r]"} {"Clue":"Penetrating piece (7)","Answer":"CUTTING","Explanation":"Definition: Penetrating\nDouble definition \u2013 \"piece\" as in a press cutting"} {"Clue":"Not even super finished this vegetable (6)","Answer":"SPROUT","Explanation":"Definition: vegetable\nOdd (not even) letters of SuPeR + OUT (finished)"} {"Clue":"Old lines surround area abroad (8)","Answer":"OVERSEAS","Explanation":"Definition: abroad\nO + A[rea] in VERSES"} {"Clue":"100 + 1 + 10 + 1 in series (6)","Answer":"CATENA","Explanation":"Definition: series\nC (100) + A (1) + TEN + (another) A \u2013 this is perhaps more familiar as part of \"concatenation\""} {"Clue":"Rotten crisis produced bans (12)","Answer":"RESTRICTIONS","Explanation":"Definition: bans\n(ROTTEN CRISIS)*, with perhaps a surface reference to the past 18 months"} {"Clue":"Rather start to read story about 4, see (10)","Answer":"RELATIVELY","Explanation":"Definition: Rather\nR[ead] + reverse of TALE + IV (4) + ELY (see)"} {"Clue":"Proper moisture on the air (3)","Answer":"DUE","Explanation":"Definition: Proper\nHomophone of \"dew\""} {"Clue":"Very wide animal (3)","Answer":"SOW","Explanation":"Definition: animal\nSO + W"} {"Clue":"Rights of celebrities to collect fare (10)","Answer":"STARBOARDS","Explanation":"Definition: Rights\nBOARD (fare, as in \"board and lodging\") in STARS. Can you have more than one starboard?"} {"Clue":"Conceited, like an out-of-body experience? (5,7)","Answer":"ABOVE\u00a0ONESELF","Explanation":"Definition: Conceited\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Nothing in shops is sent back dirty (6)","Answer":"SOILED","Explanation":"Definition: dirty\nO in reverse of DELIS"} {"Clue":"Sailor pursues war over poisonous plant (8)","Answer":"MANDRAKE","Explanation":"Definition: poisonous plant\nReverse of [viet]NAM + DRAKE (sailor). This hallucinogenic plant may be what Banquo in *Macbeth* i.3 calls \"the insane root that takes the reason prisoner\" (though other plants such as hemlock have also been suggested)"} {"Clue":"Fugitive leader gets news for a pound (6)","Answer":"RUNNER","Explanation":"Definition: Fugitive\nRULER with L replaced by N N"} {"Clue":"Fox heard ET is grounded (7)","Answer":"EARTHED","Explanation":"Definition: grounded\n(HEARD ET)"} {"Clue":"Somewhat retired MP, or chief whip (4)","Answer":"CROP","Explanation":"Definition: whip\nHidden in reverse of mP OR Chief"} {"Clue":"Makes bonds by losing money (4)","Answer":"TIES","Explanation":"Definition: Makes bonds\nTIMES (by, as in 2 by 2) less M"} {"Clue":"Looks at home \u2014 time to wear glasses? (8)","Answer":"INSPECTS","Explanation":"Definition: Looks at\nIN (at home) + T in SPECS"} {"Clue":"Initially, greasing roast with cooking fat is hard work (5)","Answer":"GRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: hard work\nGreasing Roast + FAT"} {"Clue":"Apple regularly supported by workers in factories (6)","Answer":"PLANTS","Explanation":"Definition: factories\nAlternate letters of aPpLe + ANTS"} {"Clue":"Person rode erratically in military formations (4,6)","Answer":"OPEN ORDERS","Explanation":"Definition: military formations\n(PERSON RODE)* \u2013 another answer where I think the plural is a bit suspect"} {"Clue":"Cross stars never get sacked (10)","Answer":"TRANSVERSE","Explanation":"Definition: Cross\n(STARS NEVER)"} {"Clue":"Difficult task to drink up measure inside (6)","Answer":"KILLER","Explanation":"Definition: Difficult task\nReverse of ELL in KIR"} {"Clue":"Criminal in France, very old-fashioned royal (10)","Answer":"TRESPASSER","Explanation":"Definition: Criminal\nTRES (French \"very\") + PASS\u00c9 + R[oyal]"} {"Clue":"19 \u00f7 50? Poet's reduced rate (4,6)","Answer":"SLOW MOTION","Explanation":"Definition: reduced rate\nSOW (19a) \"divided by\" L (50) + MOTION (Andrew M, former Poet Laureate)"} {"Clue":"Choosing French wine, discover\u00ading lots inside \u2014 gallons! (6)","Answer":"VOTING","Explanation":"Definition: Choosing\n\"Discovered\" [l]OT[s] in VIN + G[allons]"} {"Clue":"Pass learner with ride's redesigned accelerator (8)","Answer":"COLLIDER","Explanation":"Definition: accelerator\nCOL (mountain pass) + L[earner] + RIDE"} {"Clue":"Cardinal saves church with end of steeple in decline (6)","Answer":"RECEDE","Explanation":"Definition: decline\nCE in RED (cardinal) + [steepl]E"} {"Clue":"Spring day with Easter's first card (5)","Answer":"SPADE","Explanation":"Definition: card\nSPA (spring) + D + E[aster]"} {"Clue":"Origins of putting: Augusta tournament's historic course (4)","Answer":"PATH","Explanation":"Definition: course\nFirst letters of Putting Augusta Tournament's Historic"} {"Clue":"Small starter of duck and shrimp (4)","Answer":"WEED","Explanation":"Definition: shrimp\nWEE (small) + D[uck]"} {"Clue":"Wage that shamed liberal's how much? (5,3,6)","Answer":"WHAT\u2019S THE DAMAGE","Explanation":"Definition: how much\n(WAGE THAT SHAMED)* \u2013 there's some discussion about the apostrophe on the Guardian site, but if you read \"liberal's\" as \"liberal is\" then I think it's fine"} {"Clue":"Escaped across back of yard with nothing much (3,3,4)","Answer":"FAR AND AWAY","Explanation":"Definition: much\nFA (nothing \u2013 short for f*** all) + [yar]D in RAN AWAY"} {"Clue":"Having headless torso outside, Nancy's said: 'This isn't normal!' (6)","Answer":"ODDITY","Explanation":"Definition: This isn't normal\nDOT (French \"said\", as in the city of Nancy) in [b]ODY (torso)"} {"Clue":"Quarter settled first on scones, not wafers (they want the cream on top) (8)","Answer":"ELITISTS","Explanation":"Definition: they want the cream on top\nE (compass quarter) + LIT (settled) + 1ST + SCONES less CONES (wafers for ice cream)"} {"Clue":"Hurried past Coventry's original ground (7)","Answer":"CRUSHED","Explanation":"Definition: ground\nC[oventry] + RUSHED (hurried)"} {"Clue":"No old money coming back hurt country (7)","Answer":"MYANMAR","Explanation":"Definition: country\nReverse of NAY (old \"no\") M[oney] + MAR (hurt)"} {"Clue":"Supporter of PM once getting mouthful over lie (8)","Answer":"BLAIRITE","Explanation":"Definition: Supporter of PM once\nLAIR (lie, as in an animal's hiding place) in BITE"} {"Clue":"Fantasies about mothers overwhelming (6)","Answer":"DREAMS","Explanation":"Definition: Fantasies\nRE (about) \"overwhelmed by\" DAMS (mothers)"} {"Clue":"Pressure drops over time, definitely (3,7)","Answer":"FOR CERTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: definitely\nFORCE (pressure) + T in RAIN (drops)"} {"Clue":"Robbery not entirely legal, burglar reflected (4)","Answer":"BLAG","Explanation":"Definition: Robbery\nHidden in reverse of leGAL Burglar"} {"Clue":"Run about in empty garden (6)","Answer":"GOVERN","Explanation":"Definition: Run\nOVER (about) in G[arde]N"} {"Clue":"Put off date \u2014 notice children around (8)","Answer":"DISSUADE","Explanation":"Definition: Put off\nD[ate] + AD (notice) in ISSUE (children)"} {"Clue":"Assume performance banning women's ruled out (8)","Answer":"SHOULDER","Explanation":"Definition: Assume\nSHOW (performance) less W + RULED"} {"Clue":"Long grass totally pointless (4)","Answer":"ITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Long\nSNITCH (grass) less both its compass points"} {"Clue":"Close with a lot of property? (6)","Answer":"STUFFY","Explanation":"Definition: Close\nSomeone with a lot of property might be said to be STUFF-Y"} {"Clue":"Silly bugger whose next-but-one successor was worse (6,1,4)","Answer":"GEORGE W BUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Silly bugger whose next-but-one successor was worse\nAnagram of BUGGER WHOSE. I'm not entirely sure this is sound: \"whose\" is perhaps doing double duty, but in view of the brilliant anagram and surface reading I'm going to call it an &lit"} {"Clue":"Recognise why attack's mounted after head of state loses face (8)","Answer":"IDENTIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Recognise\n[B]IDEN (head of state, neatly positioned after the previous clue) + reverse of Y (\"why\") + FIT (attack)"} {"Clue":"Eagerness to get at mince pie's deplorable (10)","Answer":"IMPATIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Eagerness\n(AT MINCE PIE)"} {"Clue":"Horrified by experiences in a high-speed car (6)","Answer":"AGHAST","Explanation":"Definition: Horrified\nHAS (experiences) in A GT"} {"Clue":"Home schooling to start \u2014 little ones very amused (10)","Answer":"IN STITCHES","Explanation":"Definition: very amused\nIN (home) + S[titches] + TITCHES. The enumeration should of course be (8,2) \u2013 it may have been corrected by the time some of you read this"} {"Clue":"Issue about old lady who doesn't live here now (8)","Answer":"EMIGRANT","Explanation":"Definition: who doesn't live here now\nGRAN (old lady) in EMIT"} {"Clue":"A lecherous host welcomed in glamorous hangers-on (3,5)","Answer":"ARM CANDY","Explanation":"Definition: glamorous hangers-on\nA + MC (host) in RANDY"} {"Clue":"Called round on policeman's orders (7)","Answer":"DEMANDS","Explanation":"Definition: orders\nReverse of NAMED (called) + D[etective] S[ergeant]"} {"Clue":"Nothing between left and right \u2014 feasible view? (4,2)","Answer":"LOOK ON","Explanation":"Definition: view\n0 between L[eft] and OK (right) + ON (feasible)"} {"Clue":"She doesn't admit getting small promotion (6)","Answer":"DENISE","Explanation":"Definition: She\nDENIES (doesn't admit) with the S moved up or \"promoted\""} {"Clue":"Fight roughly after losing head (4)","Answer":"BOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Fight\nABOUT (roughly) less its first letter"} {"Clue":"Good knight with lot lost, hit on the field (6)","Answer":"GLANCE","Explanation":"Definition: hit on the field\nG + LANCELOT (knight) less LOT \u2013 a glance is a type of shot in cricket, hence \"on the field\""} {"Clue":"Man of class, maybe English, with old money and gold (8)","Answer":"EDUCATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Man of class, maybe\nE[nglish] + DUCAT (old money) + OR (gold), with the \"class\" being in a school"} {"Clue":"Performers walk in the auditorium (6)","Answer":"TROUPE","Explanation":"Definition: Performers\nHomophone of \"troop\" (to walk)"} {"Clue":"Service just the same, no good (8)","Answer":"EVENSONG","Explanation":"Definition: Service\nEVEN SO + NG"} {"Clue":"Bohemian learner joining a foreign religious house on holy island (14)","Answer":"UNCONVENTIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: Bohemian\nUN (French, i.e. \"foreign\" version of \"a\") + CONVENT (religious house) + IONA (holy island) + L[earner]. I was on the island of Mull yesterday, and had hoped to visit Iona, which is across a short channel, but circumstances prevented the visit"} {"Clue":"Unhappy fellow 'gutted', we hear? Support found in church (10)","Answer":"MISERICORD","Explanation":"Definition: Support found in church\nHomophone of \"misery\" (as in \"he's an old misery\") + \"cored\" (gutted). A Misericord is a support \u2013 not quite a seat \u2013 sometimes seen in churches"} {"Clue":"Trench in meadow ending with silt (4)","Answer":"LEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Trench\nLEA (meadow) + [sil]T \u2013 I didn't know this word, but the clueing is clear"} {"Clue":"Only off when mad dogs go out? (4)","Answer":"NOON","Explanation":"Definition: when mad dogs go out\nIf things are only off then there is NO ON, and \"Mad Dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun\", as in the No\u00ebl Coward song, though it seems he didn't invent the saying"} {"Clue":"Grander lie broadcast by chief villain (10)","Answer":"RINGLEADER","Explanation":"Definition: chief villain\n(GRANDER LIE)"} {"Clue":"One left in workplace after final day is all right (14)","Answer":"SATISFACTORILY","Explanation":"Definition: all right\nSAT (final day, if you count your weeks from Sunday) IS, + I L in FACTORY"} {"Clue":"Vehement cheat \u2014 PM, I fancy (8)","Answer":"EMPHATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Vehement\n(CHEAT PM I)"} {"Clue":"Downtrodden worker keeping a promise (6)","Answer":"PAROLE","Explanation":"Definition: promise\nA in PROLE"} {"Clue":"You once linked with doing nothing may be giving up (8)","Answer":"YIELDING","Explanation":"Definition: giving up\nI presume this is meant to be YE (old \"you\") \"linked\" with IDLING, but if so the letters are in the wrong order"} {"Clue":"Harry is safe \u2014 son's in hiding (6)","Answer":"PESTER","Explanation":"Definition: Harry\nS[on] in PETER (criminal slang for a safe)"} {"Clue":"Not all bowling at Edgbaston will get a wicket? (4)","Answer":"GATE","Explanation":"Definition: wicket\nHidden in bowlinG AT Edgbaston"} {"Clue":"First of all, horses must be given numbers (7)","Answer":"AMOUNTS","Explanation":"Definition: numbers\nA[ll] + MOUNTS"} {"Clue":"Conservative meeting leading bosses \u2014 are there skeletons hiding here? (8)","Answer":"CUPBOARD","Explanation":"Definition: are there skeletons hiding here\nC[onservative] + UP (leading) + BOARDS (bosses)"} {"Clue":"The driving idea originally conjured up for supposed royal prerogative (6,5)","Answer":"DIVINE RIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: supposed royal prerogative\nAnagram of THE DRIVING I[dea]"} {"Clue":"Open Voltaire's work \u2014 don't close it (6)","Answer":"CANDID","Explanation":"Definition: Open\nCANDIDE (book by Voltaire) less its last letter"} {"Clue":"Pound troy \u2014 half-forgotten weight (7)","Answer":"TROUNCE","Explanation":"Definition: Pound\nHalf of Troy + OUNCE"} {"Clue":"Soldier keeps to rules I lay down (9)","Answer":"REGULATOR","Explanation":"Definition: rules I lay down\nTO in REGULAR (soldier)"} {"Clue":"Most in French resort upset during holiday? One should minimise health risk (11)","Answer":"VACCINATION","Explanation":"Definition: One should minimise health risk\nReverse of NIC[e] (French resort) in VACATION"} {"Clue":"Skill needing to keep working in male community (9)","Answer":"MONASTERY","Explanation":"Definition: male community\nON (working) in MASTERY"} {"Clue":"Cut back on iron? (8)","Answer":"DECREASE","Explanation":"Definition: Cut back on\nDouble definition, using the familiar trick of iron = de-crease (clothes)"} {"Clue":"Top clue cunningly constructed? This one is word-wise! (7)","Answer":"OCTUPLE","Explanation":"Definition: This one is word-wise\n(TOP CLUE)*, and the clue has eight words, so word-wise it's octuple"} {"Clue":"Party with yob carrying drug to distribute (4,3)","Answer":"DOLE OUT","Explanation":"Definition: to distribute\nDO (party) + E in LOUT"} {"Clue":"One with fifty occupying beach, say, in Ibiza? (6)","Answer":"ISLAND","Explanation":"Definition: Ibiza?\nI + L (50) in SAND"} {"Clue":"What's loud has listener showing anxiety (4)","Answer":"FEAR","Explanation":"Definition: anxiety\nF (forte, loud) + EAR (listener)"} {"Clue":"Chef covering up hot item used for kitchen storage (3,4)","Answer":"CUP HOOK","Explanation":"Definition: item used for kitchen storage\nUP H[ot] in COOK"} {"Clue":"Party attended by composer leaving new widow (7)","Answer":"DOWAGER","Explanation":"Definition: widow\nDO + WAGNER less N"} {"Clue":"Country involved in formal investigation (4)","Answer":"MALI","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nHidden in forMAL Investigation"} {"Clue":"Schubert composition about a European capital (9)","Answer":"BUCHAREST","Explanation":"Definition: European capital\nA in SCHUBERT"} {"Clue":"Film-maker in scruffy anorak limps on (5,8)","Answer":"ROMAN\u00a0POLANSKI","Explanation":"Definition: Film-maker\n(ANORAK LIMPS ON)"} {"Clue":"Check design of trainers (8)","Answer":"RESTRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Check\nTRAINERS"} {"Clue":"Eagle never crossing valley (4)","Answer":"GLEN","Explanation":"Definition: valley\nHidden in eaGLE Never"} {"Clue":"Country losing territory on North Island to old Britons (5)","Answer":"ICENI","Explanation":"Definition: old Britons\nICELAND (country) less LAND (territory) + N I"} {"Clue":"One attempting to lose runs level (4)","Answer":"TIER","Explanation":"Definition: level\nTRIER less (one) R"} {"Clue":"Strangely tasty cep seen as belonging to the same sort (8)","Answer":"TYPECAST","Explanation":"Definition: seen as belonging to the same sort\n(TASTY CEP)"} {"Clue":"Set of clubs given to girl (5)","Answer":"CLASS","Explanation":"Definition: Set\nC + LASS"} {"Clue":"Game played by poets nursing sick setter (9)","Answer":"BILLIARDS","Explanation":"Definition: Game\nILL + I (setter) in BARDS"} {"Clue":"Bird that can cough things up? (4)","Answer":"HAWK","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Vagrant stealing first part of investigator's brief (7)","Answer":"DOSSIER","Explanation":"Definition: brief\nI[nvestigator] in DOSSER"} {"Clue":"Sticky stuff coating large end of rectangular dressing (7)","Answer":"PLASTER","Explanation":"Definition: dressing\nL in PASTE (sticky stuff) + [rectangula]R"} {"Clue":"Animal turned up with mother (4)","Answer":"PUMA","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\nReverse of UP + MA"} {"Clue":"One who oversees meeting with Chinese pilot (8)","Answer":"CHAIRMAN","Explanation":"Definition: One who oversees meeting\nCH + AIRMAN"} {"Clue":"Spool for thread endlessly going up and down (6)","Answer":"BOBBIN","Explanation":"Definition: Spool for thread\nBOBBIN[g]"} {"Clue":"In a rush to charge queen (6)","Answer":"CAREER","Explanation":"Definition: In a rush\nCARE (charge, as a noun \u2013 \"he is in my care\/charge\") + ER"} {"Clue":"End of scarf covered by moist part of cloth (4)","Answer":"WEFT","Explanation":"Definition: part of cloth\n[scar]F in WET"} {"Clue":"Fish go into chippy (9)","Answer":"CARPENTER","Explanation":"Definition: chippy\nCARP + ENTER"} {"Clue":"Type of race put down again (5)","Answer":"RELAY","Explanation":"Definition: Type of race\nRE-LAY"} {"Clue":"Aides trained to make plans (5)","Answer":"IDEAS","Explanation":"Definition: plans\nAIDES"} {"Clue":"Independent publications losing Azerbaijani leaders' pictures (8)","Answer":"IMAGINES","Explanation":"Definition: pictures\nI + MAGAZINES less AZ[erbaijani]"} {"Clue":"Experiment involving long container (3,5)","Answer":"TEA CHEST","Explanation":"Definition: container\nACHE (long) in TEST"} {"Clue":"Space given to lean recruit (6)","Answer":"ENLIST","Explanation":"Definition: recruit\nEN (space, in printing) + LIST (to lean over)"} {"Clue":"Social 20 across accepting large, grand residence (6)","Answer":"CASTLE","Explanation":"Definition: grand residence\nL in CASTE (social class)"} {"Clue":"Hit boy below the belt (4)","Answer":"BLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Hit\nB[oy] + LOW (below the belt)"} {"Clue":"Bird heard when crossing river (4)","Answer":"WREN","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nR in WEN (homophone of \"when\")"} {"Clue":"Bruiser with power breaking additional window (8)","Answer":"POP-UNDER","Explanation":"Definition: additional window\nP[ower] in POUNDER"} {"Clue":"Seed covering ball is there? He belts it possibly (4)","Answer":"ARIL","Explanation":"Definition: Seed covering\nComposite anagram: (BALL IS THERE)* = HE BELTS ARIL"} {"Clue":"Delayed receiving a present sent back \u2013 unusually smooth (9)","Answer":"LAEVIGATE","Explanation":"Definition: unusually smooth\nA + reverse of GIVE in LATE \u2013 \"unusually\" because Chambers describes it as a \"non-standard spelling\" of \"levigate\""} {"Clue":"Positive German football team making money (4)","Answer":"PELF","Explanation":"Definition: money\nP + ELF (German \"eleven\", i.e. a football team)"} {"Clue":"Starts going at this speed one's gift for traffic police (5)","Answer":"GATSO","Explanation":"Definition: gift for traffic police\nFirst letters of Going At This Speed One's"} {"Clue":"Party at the opera house? It benefits investors (7)","Answer":"SCALADO","Explanation":"Definition: It benefits investors\nit's a DO at [la] SCALA, or a SCALA DO"} {"Clue":"Wolf maybe died having escaped from fair (5)","Answer":"CANID","Explanation":"Definition: Wolf maybe\nCANDID less the first D"} {"Clue":"Get even with church introducing Latin bit of old sophistry (6)","Answer":"ELENCH","Explanation":"Definition: bit of old sophistry\nL in E'EN CH"} {"Clue":"King, black chess piece (6)","Answer":"KNIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: chess piece\nK[ing] + NIGHT"} {"Clue":"Holiday abroad, shortest one if there's no Brie (5)","Answer":"FESTA","Explanation":"Definition: Holiday abroad\nBRIEFEST A less BRIE"} {"Clue":"One involved in nocturnal flirting, being of similar character etc (10)","Answer":"CONNATURAL","Explanation":"Definition: being of similar character etc\nA in NOCTURNAL"} {"Clue":"It's a tight fit in the dressing room \u2013 stars almost late (7)","Answer":"LEOTARD","Explanation":"Definition: It's a tight fit in the dressing room\nLEO (constellation, stars) + TARD[y]"} {"Clue":"Republicans having a bit of a knees-up in lively dance (5)","Answer":"GOPAK","Explanation":"Definition: lively dance\nGOP (Grand Old Party, nickname of the US Republican party)+ A K[nees-up]"} {"Clue":"Places to stay favoured partners at table? (4)","Answer":"INNS","Explanation":"Definition: Places to stay\nIN (favoured) + NS (bridge partners)"} {"Clue":"Help for travellers I upset with dog running wild (9)","Answer":"GUIDE-POST","Explanation":"Definition: Help for travellers\n(I UPSET DOG)"} {"Clue":"Sex symbol that is given leading part in India (4)","Answer":"YONI","Explanation":"Definition: Sex symbol\nYON (that) + I[ndia]"} {"Clue":"Certainly wood growth having nitrogen applied quite recently (8)","Answer":"YESTREEN","Explanation":"Definition: quite recently\nYES (certainly) + TREE + N[itrogen]"} {"Clue":"Part of mum's hose giving dad a whack? (7)","Answer":"POPSOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Part of mum's hose\nPOP (dad) + SOCK (punch, whack)"} {"Clue":"King Cole in a bad way? Soon one's out at the elbows (9)","Answer":"OLECRANON","Explanation":"Definition: one's out at the elbows\nAnagram of COLE R (king) + ANON (soon)"} {"Clue":"Indian tree, one replacing millions of others? (5)","Answer":"PALAS","Explanation":"Definition: Indian tree\nPALMS (other trees than the one in the answer) with the M replaced by A"} {"Clue":"It helps steersman, one in bed, laid up (6)","Answer":"NAVAID","Explanation":"Definition: It helps steersman\nA in reverse of DIVAN"} {"Clue":"Labiate late, tended poorly (10)","Answer":"DEAD-NETTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Labiate\n(LATE TENDED)"} {"Clue":"Channel for water to flow in runnel (6)","Answer":"RIGOLL","Explanation":"Definition: runnel\nGO in RILL"} {"Clue":"Cook's jelly I see extracted from fungus (4)","Answer":"AGAR","Explanation":"Definition: Cook's jelly\nAGARIC less I C"} {"Clue":"Food cooked in roast (7)","Answer":"RATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Food\n(IN ROAST)"} {"Clue":"Sun rising round East? Many of us enjoy summer birthdays (4)","Answer":"LEOS","Explanation":"Definition: Many of us enjoy summer birthdays\nE in reverse of SOL. The astrological sign Leo covers July 23 \u2013 August 22, so perhaps \"many of us\" could be regarded as redundant"} {"Clue":"Vintners to get an early feeling for blend of rouges (10)","Answer":"BODEGUEROS","Explanation":"Definition: Vintners\nBODE (to have a presentiment of, get an early feeling for) + ROGUES* \u2013 from the perhaps more familiar \"bodega\", a Spanish shop or warehouse for wine"} {"Clue":"Photo on lake that is showing Walter's bird (9)","Answer":"PICTARNIE","Explanation":"Definition: Walter's bird\nPIC + TARN + I.E. \u2013 a name for the tern used by Sir Walter Scott"} {"Clue":"Writer I put up in disorderly inn, one of several in alley? (7)","Answer":"NINE-PIN","Explanation":"Definition: one of several in alley\nReverse of (PEN I) in INN"} {"Clue":"Favouring active involvement (7)","Answer":"HANDS-ON","Explanation":"Definition: Favouring active involvement\nThe competition word"} {"Clue":"Not strictly a Mohican cut for harvest celebration (6)","Answer":"HAWKEY","Explanation":"Definition: harvest celebration\nIn James Fenimore Cooper's novel *The Last of the Mohicans* (and the many film versions of it), the character Hawk-eye (real name Nathaniel Bumppo) was raised by Native Americans, so is \"not strictly a Mohican\". Truncating his nickname we get a kind of harvest celebration"} {"Clue":"Fug, with being kept in by cold weather (6)","Answer":"FROWST","Explanation":"Fug, with being kept in by cold weather (6)\nW[ith] in FROST"} {"Clue":"Region of SW France suggested by the French? (5)","Answer":"LANDE","Explanation":"Definition: Region of SW France\nFrench \"the\" is LE, or L AND E"} {"Clue":"Such a face suggests one foolish cracksman, first to last (4)","Answer":"EGGY","Explanation":"Definition: Such a face suggests one foolish\nYEGG (safe cracker) with the first letter moved to the end. A foolish person may be said to have egg on their face"} {"Clue":"In hollow, a dip through which river runs (4)","Answer":"WADI","Explanation":"Definition: through which river runs\nHidden in holloW A DIp"} {"Clue":"Old lecturer enters competition with authority (6)","Answer":"ORACLE","Explanation":"Definition: authority\nO + L in RACE"} {"Clue":"Joker breaks into school for change (6)","Answer":"SWITCH","Explanation":"Definition: change\nWIT in SCH"} {"Clue":"Egypt is regularly overturning complaint (4)","Answer":"STYE","Explanation":"Definition: complaint\nAlternate letters in reverse of EgYpT iS"} {"Clue":"A fake prophecy: 'Earth's lost metal' \u2014 it's doubtful (10)","Answer":"APOCRYPHAL","Explanation":"Definition: doubtful\nA + PROPHECY* less E + AL (Aluminium)"} {"Clue":"Text about new hit fashions (6)","Answer":"SMITHS","Explanation":"Definition: fashions\nHIT* in SMS (text message)"} {"Clue":"English bowler moves around leg \u2014 wicket falls! (8)","Answer":"ANDERSON","Explanation":"Definition: English bowler\nWANDERS (moves around) + ON (leg side in cricket) less W. I have no interest in cricket and hadn't heard of James ANDERSON, but apparently he's quite successful\u2026"} {"Clue":"Is footballer blocking Everton's last delivery? (9)","Answer":"INSWINGER","Explanation":"Definition: delivery\n[everto]N in IS WINGER \u2013 more cricket: an inswinger is a kind of bowling delivery"} {"Clue":"Drunk hides whiskey in study (4)","Answer":"SWOT","Explanation":"Definition: study\nW in SOT"} {"Clue":"Following kick-off, running back for corner (4)","Answer":"NOOK","Explanation":"Definition: corner\nReverse of KO + ON (running)"} {"Clue":"Work in bed? Initially, employer to play along (9)","Answer":"COOPERATE","Explanation":"Definition: play along\nOPERA (a work) in COT + E[mployer]"} {"Clue":"Animated figure's bearing American god (8)","Answer":"MORPHEUS","Explanation":"Definition: god\nMORPH (animated clay figure of children's TV) + E (compass bearing) + US"} {"Clue":"In speech ex-PM beguiles table (6)","Answer":"MATRIX","Explanation":"Definition: table\nHomophone of [Theresa] \"May tricks\""} {"Clue":"Perhaps email in the latest style? (4-6)","Answer":"POST-MODERN","Explanation":"Definition: in the latest style\nEmail is a kind of POST that is MODERN"} {"Clue":"Type of film only showing in visible and ultraviolet light? (4)","Answer":"NOIR","Explanation":"Definition: Type of film\nIf you only have visible and UV light, then you have NO I[nfra]R[ed]"} {"Clue":"Fancy pheromone contains secret message (6)","Answer":"CYPHER","Explanation":"Definition: secret message\nHidden in fanCY PHERomone"} {"Clue":"Timid setter's crossing river (6)","Answer":"MOUSEY","Explanation":"Definition: Timid\nOUSE (river) in MY (setter's)"} {"Clue":"Turkish delight at last \u2014 after starter of olives, am not upset! (7)","Answer":"OTTOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Turkish\nO + [deligh]T + (AM NOT)"} {"Clue":"Spy gets kind of crimson once cover's blown (5)","Answer":"AGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Spy\n[m]AGENT[a]"} {"Clue":"Singer Moyet left first to hide one love affair (7)","Answer":"LIAISON","Explanation":"Definition: love affair\nALISON (Moyet) with the L moved to the front and then an I (one) inserted"} {"Clue":"Line in what you're reading to classes (6)","Answer":"WORLDS","Explanation":"Definition: classes\nL in WORDS. Chambers gives \"a class or division\" as one of its definitions of \"world\", as in \"the animal world\""} {"Clue":"Lift prize cup of the highest quality (3-6)","Answer":"TOP-DRAWER","Explanation":"Definition: of the highest quality\nReverse of REWARD POT"} {"Clue":"Listen to the end of our bust-up in anger (4,3)","Answer":"HEAR OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Listen to the end of\nOUR* in HEAT (anger)"} {"Clue":"Second chicken drinks beer on top of barn for encouragement \u2026 (6-7)","Answer":"MORALE\u2011BOOSTER","Explanation":"Definition: encouragement\nALE B[arn] in MO (moment, second) ROOSTER"} {"Clue":"\u2026 as Goldberg and sheep celebrate raucously (5,2,2)","Answer":"WHOOP IT UP","Explanation":"Definition: celebrate raucously\nWHOOPI (Goldberg. Actor) + TUP (another name for a ram)"} {"Clue":"Ozone damaged, I see, by this age (7)","Answer":"NEOZOIC","Explanation":"Definition: age\nOZONE* + IC"} {"Clue":"Pepper pot shaken over fried carbon-free mince (7)","Answer":"PIMENTO","Explanation":"Definition: Pepper\nAnagram of MIN[c]E in POT"} {"Clue":"Cambridge college's uprising \u2014 can I go outside? (7)","Answer":"TRINITY","Explanation":"Definition: Cambridge college\nReverse of TIN (can) I in TRY (go)"} {"Clue":"Unscramble what Enigma produced? (6)","Answer":"DECODE","Explanation":"Definition: Unscramble\nNot sure about this: I'm guessing the idea is that Enigma was a CODE used by DE (Germany)"} {"Clue":"Cheers when husband quits and fails badly (5)","Answer":"TANKS","Explanation":"Definition: fails badly\nTHANKS less H"} {"Clue":"Plant donor leg set by doctor, initially (9)","Answer":"GOLDENROD","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n(DONOR LEG)* + D[octor]"} {"Clue":"Heard 'Clear off!' in a broad brogue, say (4)","Answer":"SHOE","Explanation":"Definition: a broad brogue, say \nHomophone of \"shoo\" (clear off!), and playing on the two meanings of \"brogue\" as a type of speech as well a shoe"} {"Clue":"Bounder showing angora creat\u00adion \u2014 knockout all round (8)","Answer":"KANGAROO","Explanation":"Definition: Bounder\nANGORA* in K.O."} {"Clue":"Attraction of climber getting into lap dancing (6)","Answer":"APPEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Attraction\nPEA (climbing plant) in LAP"} {"Clue":"Accordingly, returned flag as an object of worship (6)","Answer":"OSIRIS","Explanation":"Definition: an object of worship\nReverse of SO (accordingly) + IRIS (flag)"} {"Clue":"Long streamer displayed by group, role-playing (8)","Answer":"BANDEROL","Explanation":"Definition: Long streamer\nBAND (group) + ROLE"} {"Clue":"Figures holding back in game (6)","Answer":"TENNIS","Explanation":"Definition: game\nReverse of IN in TENS"} {"Clue":"Out of control city mess affecting an entire body (8)","Answer":"SYSTEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: affecting an entire body\n(CITY MESS)"} {"Clue":"Prone to an outburst against rough calico around neck opening (8)","Answer":"VOLCANIC","Explanation":"Definition: Prone to an outburst\nV (versus, against) + N in CALICO"} {"Clue":"Turnover, spectacular at first, is contained by Pacific island (6)","Answer":"SAMOSA","Explanation":"Definition: Turnover\nS[pectacular] in SAMOA; \"islands\" would be more accurate"} {"Clue":"MacLean's editorial houses purged (8)","Answer":"CLEANSED","Explanation":"Definition: purged\nHidden (\"housed\") in maCLEAN'S Editorial"} {"Clue":"Husband has love competition, a poet (6)","Answer":"HORACE","Explanation":"Definition: a poet\nH + O + RACE"} {"Clue":"Old-time Royal Variety performer? (6)","Answer":"JESTER","Explanation":"Definition: Old-time Royal Variety performer\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Guardian follows one into unlit derelict submarine (8)","Answer":"NAUTILUS","Explanation":"Definition: submarine\nA in UNLIT* + US (The Guardian) \u2013 the submarine in Jules Verne's *Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea*, as well as some real-life vessels"} {"Clue":"Stiffener, for instance, taken over time (4)","Answer":"STAY","Explanation":"Definition: Stiffener\nT in SAY (for instance)"} {"Clue":"Instrument George Michael and mate finally installed in apartment (9)","Answer":"FLAGEOLET","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nGEO [Michae]L [mat]E in FLAT"} {"Clue":"A writer's turf (5)","Answer":"GRASS","Explanation":"Definition: A writer\nDouble definition: G\u00fcnter GRASS is the writer"} {"Clue":"Shackle produced by Roman soldiers seizing rebel leader (3,4)","Answer":"LEG IRON","Explanation":"Definition: Shackle\nR[ebel] in LEGION"} {"Clue":"Peers around rough entrances crossed by golfer (5)","Answer":"EARLS","Explanation":"Definition: Peers\nA[round] R[ough] in (Ernie) ELS"} {"Clue":"Figure old motor starter is installed in right-hand vehicle (7)","Answer":"RHOMBUS","Explanation":"Definition: Figure\nO M[otor] in RH BUS"} {"Clue":"Doing, as is ordered, what's expected from a GP (9)","Answer":"DIAGNOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: what's expected from a GP\n(DOING AS IS)"} {"Clue":"Sublime member of singing group (7)","Answer":"SUPREME","Explanation":"Definition: Sublime\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Musical works in which Hamlet's friend's first to go burying gold (9)","Answer":"ORATORIOS","Explanation":"Definition: Musical works\nOR (gold) in [H]ORATIO'S"} {"Clue":"Two litres covered by one-time liquid softener (9)","Answer":"EMOLLIENT","Explanation":"Definition: softener\nL L in (ONETIME)"} {"Clue":"Typical sort of characters, as in 'serfs', maybe (4,5)","Answer":"SANS SERIF","Explanation":"Definition: Typical sort of characters\n(AS IN SERFS)* \u2013 \"typical\" (I suppose) because it refers to kinds of type"} {"Clue":"Chapel presents old exotic detective with test (7)","Answer":"CHANTRY","Explanation":"Definition: Chapel\n(Charlie) CHAN + TRY (test)"} {"Clue":"Virtuoso passage from A Study into Catholic South Africa (7)","Answer":"CADENZA","Explanation":"Definition: Virtuoso passage\nA DEN in C + ZA"} {"Clue":"Sports event official's broadcast from another planet (7)","Answer":"MARTIAL","Explanation":"Definition: from another planet\nHomophone of ~~\"marshall\"~~ \"marshal\"; not often used now to mean \"of the planet Mars\" (that would be \"Martian\"), but that's where it gets in meaning of military, warlike. Also (irrelevantly) the name of a Roman poet, crossing with HORACE"} {"Clue":"Division of school hard by river (5)","Answer":"HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Division of school\nH + OUSE"} {"Clue":"College tour around yard (5)","Answer":"COURT","Explanation":"Definition: yard\nC + TOUR"} {"Clue":"Self-assured, able to absorb study after study (9)","Answer":"CONFIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: Self-assured\nCON (study) + DEN (study) in FIT"} {"Clue":"In time, about to come to same conclusion (5)","Answer":"AGREE","Explanation":"Definition: come to same conclusion\nRE (about) in AGE"} {"Clue":"Curtains made at home, apart from fringes (5)","Answer":"DEATH","Explanation":"Definition: Curtains\nHidden in maDE AT Home"} {"Clue":"Revise a city rent that's bound to bring better profit (9)","Answer":"CERTAINTY","Explanation":"Definition: Revise a city rent that's bound to bring better profit\n(A CITY RENT)"} {"Clue":"Sign agreement \u2014 book available outside without question (2,5)","Answer":"NO DOUBT","Explanation":"Definition: without question\nNOD (to sign agreement) + B in OUT (available, as a published book might be, for example)"} {"Clue":"Around lake, watch person catching fish (7)","Answer":"TICKLER","Explanation":"Definition: person catching fish\nL in TICKER"} {"Clue":"Gamble on it, backed in place of many mounts (5)","Answer":"TIBET","Explanation":"Definition: place of many mounts\nReverse of IT + BET"} {"Clue":"Purpose shown by predecessors of foe (3)","Answer":"END","Explanation":"Definition: Purpose\nThe letters before F O E are E N D"} {"Clue":"Group of players that's gross? On the contrary (5)","Answer":"NONET","Explanation":"Definition: Group of players\nNO NET, as in the contrast between gross and net prices, profits etc"} {"Clue":"Because, for example, ultimately it's true (7)","Answer":"SINCERE","Explanation":"Definition: true\nSINCE + last letters of foR examplE"} {"Clue":"Release call for peace by superpower (7)","Answer":"QUIETUS","Explanation":"Definition: Release\nQUIET (call for peace) + US (superpower)"} {"Clue":"Doctor is clad by a colleague to prepare for theatre (9)","Answer":"DRAMATISE","Explanation":"Definition: prepare for theatre\nDR + IS in A MATE"} {"Clue":"Tries and dismisses following court's conclusion (5)","Answer":"TAXES","Explanation":"Definition: Tries\n[cour]T + AXES"} {"Clue":"Old soldier in unit invested in food processor (9)","Answer":"CANNONEER","Explanation":"Definition: Old soldier\nONE (unit) in CANNER (a person processing food)"} {"Clue":"Decorated with diamonds above and below (4)","Answer":"ICED","Explanation":"Definition: Decorated\nICE (slang for diamonds) + D (abbreviation of the word)"} {"Clue":"Private patients are treated here (6)","Answer":"INWARD","Explanation":"Definition: Private\nPatients are treated IN [a] WARD"} {"Clue":"Outline conversion of hotel suite (10)","Answer":"SILHOUETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Outline\n(HOTEL SUITE)"} {"Clue":"Eschewing even bits of theory, create lines of verse (6)","Answer":"TERCET","Explanation":"Definition: lines of verse\nOdd letters of ThEoRy CrEaTe"} {"Clue":"Educated learner's initially expelled, with poor grade repeated (8)","Answer":"ITERATED","Explanation":"Definition: repeated\nLITERATE (learned) less L[earner] + D (a poor grade)"} {"Clue":"Figures turned up at short notice: not a lot (4)","Answer":"DATA","Explanation":"Definition: Figures\nReverse of both AT AD and A TAD"} {"Clue":"Pilgrim, speaking directly, left home (8)","Answer":"FRANKLIN","Explanation":"Definition: Pilgrim\nFRANK + L + IN \u2013 the Franklin is one of the pilgrims in Chaucer's *CanterburyTales*. I thought of Benjamin Franklin at first, but although he was from a pilgrim family I don't think he counts as one himself; but of course he turns up as a key part of the theme"} {"Clue":"Exact straight line passed over centre of gravity (4)","Answer":"LEVY","Explanation":"Definition: Exact\nMiddle letter of graVity in LEY [line]"} {"Clue":"One form of what time is? Minutes, perhaps (5)","Answer":"NOTES","Explanation":"Definition: Minutes, perhaps\nNot sure about this, but \"time is money\", and NOTES are a form of money. *As noted in the comments, \"time is money\" is also attributed to Benjamin Franklin, which make me much more confident in my interpretation"} {"Clue":"A certain opinion on iconic TV broadcast (10)","Answer":"CONVICTION","Explanation":"Definition: A certain opinion\n(ON ICONIC TV)"} {"Clue":"Assesses lab subjects, having injected drug (5)","Answer":"RATES","Explanation":"Definition: Assesses\nE (drug) in RATS"} {"Clue":"Tribe's difficulty dividing African country (8)","Answer":"BENJAMIN","Explanation":"Definition: Tribe\nJAM (difficulty \u2013 \"he's in a jam\") in BENIN \u2013 one of the twelve tribes of Israel, named after the youngest brother of Joseph (of Technicolor Dreamcoat fame)"} {"Clue":"Microscopic part for pupil, say? (8)","Answer":"EYEPIECE","Explanation":"Definition: Microscopic part\nAn eyepiece is part of a microscope, and the pupil is a piece of the eye"} {"Clue":"Most powerful men on board, but not at court (6)","Answer":"QUEENS","Explanation":"Definition: Most powerful men on board\nQueens are the most powerful pieces or \"men\" in chess; as human beings they may be powerful in a court, but are not men in that case"} {"Clue":"Communicated with head of French department, initially, around ten (6)","Answer":"TEXTED","Explanation":"Definition: Communicated with\nX (ten) in TETE (French \"head\") + D[epartment]"} {"Clue":"What's required you must pay finally? (4)","Answer":"DUTY","Explanation":"Definition: What's required you must pay finally\nLast letters of requireD yoU musT paY &lit"} {"Clue":"A river journey for ancient boat with many oarsmen (4)","Answer":"ARGO","Explanation":"Definition: ancient boat with many oarsmen\nA R GO \u2013 Jason's golden-fleece-seeking Argo had 50 oars"} {"Clue":"Reign thus, badly and absolutely! (4,5)","Answer":"SURE THING","Explanation":"Definition: absolutely\n(REIGN THUS)"} {"Clue":"A waste of time with empty beer glass, nothing to drink (9)","Answer":"POINTLESS","Explanation":"Definition: A waste of time\nO (nothing) in PINTLESS (having an empty beer glass, perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Metal brackets in case for instrument (4)","Answer":"FIFE","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\nIF (in case) in FE (iron)"} {"Clue":"Gymnastic feat where champion hit the roof (8)","Answer":"BACKFLIP","Explanation":"Definition: Gymnastic feat\nBACK (to support, champion) + FLIP (to lose one's cool, hit the roof)"} {"Clue":"Failing to push for result (6)","Answer":"UPSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: result\n(TO PUSH)"} {"Clue":"Extraordinary student I observed in class (6)","Answer":"GENIUS","Explanation":"Definition: Extraordinary student\nI in GENUS"} {"Clue":"Same fur wound around friends initially warming couple? (8)","Answer":"EARMUFFS","Explanation":"Definition: warming couple\nF[riends] in (SAME FUR)"} {"Clue":"Complex way to end communication? (4-2)","Answer":"HANG-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Complex\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Very old cardinal put on clothes (5,3)","Answer":"STONE AGE","Explanation":"Definition: Very old\nONE (cardinal number) \"clothed by\" STAGE (put on)"} {"Clue":"Keep something hideous, pornographic magazines perhaps for online literary creation? (8,7)","Answer":"HOGWARTS EXPRESS","Explanation":"Definition: online literary creation\nHOG (keep) + WART (something hideous) + SEX PRESS (as pornography might be described); \"online\" because the Hogwarts Express runs on railway lines"} {"Clue":"Tex-Mex food for another journey, it's tacos apparently for starters (6)","Answer":"FAJITA","Explanation":"Definition: Tex-Mex food\nFirst letters of For Another Journey It's Tacos Apparently"} {"Clue":"Work on hand, one caught between stools? (8)","Answer":"MANICURE","Explanation":"Definition: Work on hand\nI C[aught] in MANURE (animals' stools)"} {"Clue":"Cutting hem back, I see a soft fabric (6)","Answer":"MOHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: soft fabric\nOH (I see!) + A in reverse of RIM (hem)"} {"Clue":"Protest: gather it is audible? (6)","Answer":"PICKET","Explanation":"Definition: Protest\nHomophone of \"pick it\" (gather it)"} {"Clue":"How to get tips for cooking equipment (8)","Answer":"TURNSPIT","Explanation":"Definition: cooking equipment\nIf you TURN (rearrange) SPIT you get \"tips\""} {"Clue":"Tip of little finger sliced off, black (4)","Answer":"INKY","Explanation":"Definition: black\n[P]INKY"} {"Clue":"What inspires remarkably popular leader of community totally (5,4)","Answer":"EVERY INCH","Explanation":"Definition: totally\nVERY IN (popular) C[ommunity] in EH (what?)"} {"Clue":"Conference seeking reconcil\u00adiation, where seeds may develop in conversation? (5,5)","Answer":"PEACE\u00a0TALKS","Explanation":"Definition: Conference seeking reconcil\u00adiation\nHomophone of \"pea stalks\""} {"Clue":"Suspicion understood by ruthless fictional species on being abandoned (7)","Answer":"INKLING","Explanation":"Definition: Suspicion\nIN KLINGON (understood by the ruthless fictional species in *Star Trek*) less ON"} {"Clue":"Flat out, prepare for a fight (6,3)","Answer":"SQUARE OFF","Explanation":"Definition: prepare for a fight\nSQUARE (flat) + OFF (out)"} {"Clue":"Crack one with line did you say? (7)","Answer":"FISSURE","Explanation":"Definition: Crack\nHomophone of \"fisher\""} {"Clue":"Fracas kicking off if hot dog thrown about? (4,5)","Answer":"FOOD FIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Fracas kicking off if hot dog thrown about\nAnagram of F[racas] IF HOT DOG, &lit"} {"Clue":"Love affair within a limit (9)","Answer":"ADORATION","Explanation":"Definition: Love\nDO (party, affair) in A RATION"} {"Clue":"Good player after women times header in effortless turn (9)","Answer":"PIROUETTE","Explanation":"Definition: turn\nPI (pious, good) + ROU\u00c9 (a \"player\" who chases women) + T T (times) + E[ffortless]"} {"Clue":"Dear little couple supporting society (7)","Answer":"SWEETIE","Explanation":"Definition: Dear\nS[ociety] + WEE TIE"} {"Clue":"Throne issue for PM and POTUS? (7)","Answer":"JOHNSON","Explanation":"Definition: PM\nJOHN (=throne, slang for a toilet) + SON (issue), and our current PM and either of two former US presidents"} {"Clue":"Fish with second fish (5)","Answer":"MORAY","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nMO (moment, second) + RAY"} {"Clue":"Girl over here about to quickly mix drink (5,7)","Answer":"IRISH\u00a0WHISKEY","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nIRIS (girl) + WHISK (quickly mix) in HEY (\"over here!\")"} {"Clue":"Many letters received after a number of animals shot (7)","Answer":"POSTBAG","Explanation":"Definition: Many letters received\nPOST (after) + BAG (number of animals shot)"} {"Clue":"Scowling, dropping some flour in gravy (7)","Answer":"LOURING","Explanation":"Definition: Scowling\nHidden in fLOUR IN Gravy"} {"Clue":"Illness being new, complaining more to listeners (9)","Answer":"PNEUMONIA","Explanation":"Definition: Illness\nHomophone of \"new moanier\""} {"Clue":"Finish cleaning second little pet (3,2)","Answer":"MOP UP","Explanation":"Definition: Finish cleaning\nMO (second) + PUP"} {"Clue":"Boy, by complete coincidence, not female (4)","Answer":"LUKE","Explanation":"Definition: Boy\nFLUKE less F"} {"Clue":"Domestic cleaner's opinion of lottery (10)","Answer":"SWEEPSTAKE","Explanation":"Definition: lottery\nSWEEP'S TAKE"} {"Clue":"Sport I play in good health (6)","Answer":"PROSIT","Explanation":"Definition: good health\n(SPORT I)"} {"Clue":"Dismember hanged traitor? Mercy! (7)","Answer":"QUARTER","Explanation":"Definition: Dismember hanged traitor\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"No relaxation, enclosing a direction for poetry (3-4)","Answer":"NOR-EAST","Explanation":"Definition: direction for poetry\nA in NO REST"} {"Clue":"Recruit is strangely silent (6)","Answer":"ENLIST","Explanation":"Definition: Recruit\nSILENT"} {"Clue":"Settlements in town send me nuts (10)","Answer":"ENDOWMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Settlements\n(TOWN SEND ME)"} {"Clue":"Pointed criticism of second pub? (4)","Answer":"BARB","Explanation":"Definition: Pointed criticism\nBAR B (as opposed the first pun, BAR A)"} {"Clue":"As slaver, master holding nothing back (5)","Answer":"DROOL","Explanation":"Definition: slaver\nO in LORD, reversed"} {"Clue":"Is old cat welcoming a time in quarantine? (9)","Answer":"ISOLATION","Explanation":"Definition: quarantine\nA T in IS O LION"} {"Clue":"Idiot parent ignoring last notice (7)","Answer":"FATHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Idiot\nFATHE[R] + AD (notice)"} {"Clue":"By the way, threw out mild oath (7)","Answer":"STREWTH","Explanation":"Definition: mild oath\nST (street, way) + THREW"} {"Clue":"That's one in the eye for scholar (5)","Answer":"PUPIL","Explanation":"Definition: one in the eye\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Presenter and what her voice may come from (7)","Answer":"SPEAKER","Explanation":"Definition: Presenter\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Many Britons so classified graduate with me (4)","Answer":"BAME","Explanation":"Definition: Many Britons so classified\nBA (graduate) + ME"} {"Clue":"Carried away by current film? (4,4,3,4)","Answer":"GONE WITH THE WIND","Explanation":"Definition: Carried away by current\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Is it unfair to ask these of the wealthy? (6,9)","Answer":"LOADED\u00a0QUESTIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Is it unfair to ask these of the wealthy\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Not in position to admit girl that's too good to ignore (10)","Answer":"UNMISSABLE","Explanation":"Definition: too good to ignore\nMISS in UNABLE"} {"Clue":"Embed Mike into one factory (7)","Answer":"IMPLANT","Explanation":"Definition: Embed\nM[ike] in I PLANT"} {"Clue":"Tackle receiving poor pay in intermediate period (3,4)","Answer":"GAP YEAR","Explanation":"Definition: intermediate period\nPAY* in GEAR (kit, tackle)"} {"Clue":"Thus raised concern about untrained playwright (5,5)","Answer":"OSCAR WILDE","Explanation":"Definition: playwright\nReverse of SO (thus) + WILD (untrained) in CARE (concern)"} {"Clue":"Number fed on bananas, very many (2,3,2)","Answer":"NO END OF","Explanation":"Definition: very many\nNO (number) + (FED ON)"} {"Clue":"Old soldier, a camp entertainer (7)","Answer":"REDCOAT","Explanation":"Definition: Old soldier\nDouble definition \u2013 British soldier, and entertainer in Butlin's holiday camps"} {"Clue":"Perhaps seen from Torquay hotel window, ie waves crashing (3,4)","Answer":"SEA VIEW","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps seen from Torquay hotel window\n(IE WAVES)"} {"Clue":"Needed as substitutes? Come off it! (5)","Answer":"BENCH","Explanation":"Definition: Needed as substitutes? Come off it\nAn extended cryptic definition \u2013 footballers etc called on as substitutes are said to come off the bench"} {"Clue":"Pretty fine appearance (4)","Answer":"FAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Pretty\nF + AIR"} {"Clue":"Some potato? A lot ordered with a snack in the tube (9)","Answer":"CHIPOLATA","Explanation":"Definition: snack in the tube\nCHIP (some potato) + (A LOT)* + A"} {"Clue":"Theatre is nothing to heartless devil (5)","Answer":"ODEON","Explanation":"Definition: Theatre\nO + DE[m]ON"} {"Clue":"International computer system's not hard, in my opinion (5)","Answer":"TENET","Explanation":"Definition: opinion\nTHE NET less H"} {"Clue":"Spooner and Imogen agree where Doll Tearsheet worked (5,4)","Answer":"BOAR\u2019S\u00a0HEAD","Explanation":"Definition: where Doll Tearsheet worked\nDoll Tearsheet is a character in the second part of *Henry IV*. She works at the BOAR'S HEAD inn, and is a prostitute, so also works in the spoonerised \"whore's bed\""} {"Clue":"Mac to use moisturiser (7)","Answer":"OILSKIN","Explanation":"Definition: Mac\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"All our letters after B: A goes, for a start (7)","Answer":"POSTBAG","Explanation":"Definition: All our letters\nPOST (after) + B + A + G[oes]"} {"Clue":"Female, inwardly modest, showing a bit of leg (5)","Answer":"FEMUR","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of leg\nF + [d]EMUR[e]"} {"Clue":"Go just over five days? (3)","Answer":"WEE","Explanation":"Definition: Go\nWEE is 75% of a WEEK, and five days is slightly less, at about 71.4%"} {"Clue":"Whiskey wanted back that is in inaccessible place (5)","Answer":"EYRIE","Explanation":"Definition: inaccessible place\nReverse of RYE + I.E. (that is)"} {"Clue":"It was used for building the holy city? Wrong (7)","Answer":"MECCANO","Explanation":"Definition: It was used for building\nMECCA (holy city) + NO. Rather to my surprise I see that Meccano is still manufactured in the US and Canada, so it still *is* used for building"} {"Clue":"Writing on page about excuse (7)","Answer":"PRETEXT","Explanation":"Definition: excuse\nP[age] + RE (about) + TEXT (writing)"} {"Clue":"I rouse fools with cunning, no joking (9)","Answer":"SERIOUSLY","Explanation":"Definition: no joking\n(I ROUSE)* + SLY"} {"Clue":"All the Spanish make commotions (2-3)","Answer":"TODOS","Explanation":"Definition: commotions\nTODOS is Spanish for \"all\""} {"Clue":"Miss a film that wins Oscar (5)","Answer":"AVOID","Explanation":"Definition: Miss\nA + O in VID (video, film)"} {"Clue":"People carrier's small opening to reverse in a narrow street (9)","Answer":"AEROPLANE","Explanation":"Definition: People carrier\nReverse of PORE (small opening) in A LANE"} {"Clue":"National leader veers off racecourse (4)","Answer":"SCOT","Explanation":"Definition: National\nASCOT with its \"leader\" removed"} {"Clue":"Remarkable Belgians performing, not live (6)","Answer":"SIGNAL","Explanation":"Definition: Remarkable\nAnagram of BELGIANS less BE (to live)"} {"Clue":"Abroad, a thousand separately enter coast, a part of peninsula (5,5)","Answer":"SOUTH\u00a0KOREA","Explanation":"Definition: part of peninsula\nOUT and K in SHORE + A"} {"Clue":"Vehicle engine cover half made of such steel? (6)","Answer":"CARBON","Explanation":"Definition: steel\nCAR + BON[net]"} {"Clue":"Gall as old Greek character almost drowned in beer (3,5)","Answer":"OAK APPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Gall\nO + KAPP[a] in ALE"} {"Clue":"Green shade clothing brothers (4)","Answer":"MOSS","Explanation":"Definition: Green shade\nDouble definition, referring to the tailoring business Moss Bros"} {"Clue":"Period of which the present day is near the end (8)","Answer":"DECEMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Period of which the present day is near the end\nCryptic definition, the \"present day\" being the 25th"} {"Clue":"Woman's rotten idea scaled down (4)","Answer":"ENID","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\nHidden in rottEN IDea"} {"Clue":"Cunning creature tucks head down a minute: it brings relief (5)","Answer":"OXFAM","Explanation":"Definition: it brings relief\nFOX with its head moved down + A M"} {"Clue":"Interrupting wind energy for resident temporarily (5)","Answer":"GUEST","Explanation":"Definition: resident temporarily\nE[nergy] in GUST"} {"Clue":"About to tuck into brownish-red biscuit (8)","Answer":"MACAROON","Explanation":"Definition: biscuit\nCA (circa, about) in MAROON"} {"Clue":"New moon was spotted event\u00adually by outdoor worker (8)","Answer":"WOODSMAN","Explanation":"Definition: outdoor worker\nAnagram of MOON WAS [spotte]D"} {"Clue":"They may subsidise part of service, but only with one rupee (6)","Answer":"PAYERS","Explanation":"Definition: They may subsidise\nPRAYERS (part of a church service) less its first R"} {"Clue":"In affection, bind daughter in embrace, finally close (6)","Answer":"ENDEAR","Explanation":"Definition: In affection, bind\nD in [embrac]E + NEAR (close)"} {"Clue":"Swimmer to show off briefly (4)","Answer":"SWAN","Explanation":"Definition: Swimmer\nSWAN[k]"} {"Clue":"Miscellaneous stuff ends with these (4)","Answer":"ODDS","Explanation":"Definition: Miscellaneous stuff ends with these\nMiscellaneous stuff is \"ODDS and ends\""} {"Clue":"Origin of privileged performer (4)","Answer":"SEED","Explanation":"Definition: Origin\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Kasbah TV air waves demonstrating vocalic development (11)","Answer":"SVARABHAKTI","Explanation":"Definition: vocalic development\n(KASBAH TV AIR)* \u2013 a word derived from Sanskrit, meaning the addition of (e.g.) a vowel between two consonants to make a word easier to pronounce. Another name for it is epenthesis, and it is also found in some Celtic languages such as Irish and Scottish Gaelic, possibly leading to some epenthesis in English words such as \"fillum\" for \"film\"."} {"Clue":"Coccid's secretion left inside vegetable (4)","Answer":"PELA","Explanation":"Definition: Coccid's secretion\nL in PEA"} {"Clue":"Pasta recipe, one followed by one on the fiddle mostly? (7)","Answer":"RAVIOLI","Explanation":"Definition: Pasta\nR[ecipe] + A + VIOLI[n]"} {"Clue":"Alloy of metals mined in coal (6)","Answer":"ALNICO","Explanation":"Definition: Alloy of metals\n(IN COAL)* \u2013 an alloy whose name comes from its component metals ALuminiun, NIckel and CObalt (it also contains iron and copper)"} {"Clue":"Let loose in field maybe writer goes after one (5)","Answer":"UNPEN","Explanation":"Definition: Let loose\nUN (one) + PEN"} {"Clue":"Crystalline rock: record it in supplement (8)","Answer":"EKLOGITE","Explanation":"Definition: Crystalline rock\nLOG IT in EKE"} {"Clue":"Meshed tissues one placed in the box (5)","Answer":"TELAE","Explanation":"Definition: Meshed tissues\nA in TELE[vision] (\"the box\")"} {"Clue":"Dirty farm vehicle loaded with half a ton? (5)","Answer":"CLART","Explanation":"Definition: Dirty\nL (50 = half of 100, or a ton) in CART"} {"Clue":"Bit of foreign cash making metallic sound where Athenians once gathered (8)","Answer":"STOTINKA","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of foreign cash\nTINK in STOA (Athenian meeting place)"} {"Clue":"Love rolling over in ooze? It's supposed to encourage weight loss (8)","Answer":"SLIMLINE","Explanation":"Definition: It's supposed to encourage weight loss\nReverse of NIL in SLIME"} {"Clue":"Like a good souffl\u00e9, right, middle for monsieur cooked (5)","Answer":"RISEN","Explanation":"Definition: Like a good souffl\u00e9\nR + anagram of [mo]NSIE[ur]"} {"Clue":"Where to find dinghies at? It's this lough I'd plied (5)","Answer":"NEAGH","Explanation":"Definition: this lough\n(DINGHIES AT)* = IT'S NEAGH I'D \u2013 Lough Neagh is a large lake near Belfast"} {"Clue":"Collection for the vicar? Mostly change, with a tatty bit of material thrown in (8)","Answer":"ALTARAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Collection for the vicar\nA RAG in ALTE[r]"} {"Clue":"Fellows always captivated by extremes of prettiness (5)","Answer":"PEERS","Explanation":"Definition: Fellows\nE'ER in P[rettines]S"} {"Clue":"Performance in Shakespeare curate played (6)","Answer":"ACTURE","Explanation":"Definition: Performance in Shakespeare\nCURATE"} {"Clue":"Land of some 30? You'll find them including a lord possibly (7)","Answer":"EARLDOM","Explanation":"Definition: Land of some 30\nA LORD* in 'EM \u2013 a rare example of Azed referring to the answer to another clue"} {"Clue":"Took a gander at something fishy by the sound of it (4)","Answer":"EYED","Explanation":"Definition: Took a gander at\nHomophone of \"ide\" (fish)"} {"Clue":"Judge accepts what could be misrepresented under 'confidence' (11)","Answer":"ASSUREDNESS","Explanation":"Definition: confidence\nUNDER* in ASSESS"} {"Clue":"Partner captured in stone, brittle (5)","Answer":"SPALT","Explanation":"Definition: brittle\nPAL in ST"} {"Clue":"Let Viv peel off soft nappy material (10)","Answer":"VELVET-PILE","Explanation":"Definition: soft nappy material\n(LET VIV PEEL)"} {"Clue":"Tenant farmer always upset in deluge (6)","Answer":"RAIYAT","Explanation":"Definition: Tenant farmer\nReverse of AY in RAIT (variant of the more familiar \"ret\", meaning to soak)"} {"Clue":"Forbear going stress-free as soon as old (4)","Answer":"ANCE","Explanation":"Definition: as soon as old\nANCE[stress] \u2013 old form of \"once\" = \"as soon as\""} {"Clue":"As mangled verbiage comes out, garbled by LNER, OK? (8)","Answer":"BROKENLY","Explanation":"Definition: As mangled verbiage comes out\n(BY LNER OK)"} {"Clue":"Tug, one in port offloading line (4)","Answer":"HAUL","Explanation":"Definition: Tug\nA in HUL[L]"} {"Clue":"Smoking less, not completely \u2013 it's very hard in Scotland (6)","Answer":"KINGLE","Explanation":"Definition: it's very hard in Scotland\nHidden in smoKING LEss"} {"Clue":"To fix hedging, melodious piece of horticultural decoration (9)","Answer":"TOPIARIAN","Explanation":"Definition: of horticultural decoration\nARIA in (\"hedged by\") TO PIN"} {"Clue":"Intrusive rock: catch fish hiding in a little bit (7)","Answer":"MINETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Intrusive rock\nNET (to catch fish) in MITE"} {"Clue":"Pen pals for Jeanne, maybe, senior Guide filling her summers (10)","Answer":"\u00c9TRANG\u00c8RES","Explanation":"Definition: Pen pals for Jeanne\nRANGER in \u00c9T\u00c9S (French for summers) \u2013 literally (feminine) \"strangers\", but Chambers only gives the meaning \"foreigner\", as penpals often are (do they still exist?)"} {"Clue":"Drunken sot with relics in places of refuge? (9)","Answer":"CLOISTERS","Explanation":"Definition: places of refuge\n(SOT RELICS)"} {"Clue":"Series getting cut by rubbish hairdresser (7)","Answer":"SCRAPER","Explanation":"Definition: hairdresser\nCRAP in SER"} {"Clue":"Granules left in fruit (6)","Answer":"PEARLS","Explanation":"Definition: Granules\nL in PEARS"} {"Clue":"Meagre portion of succulent entrecote (6)","Answer":"LENTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Meagre\nHidden in succuLENT ENtrecote"} {"Clue":"Notes from editor she roughly takes in (5)","Answer":"HEEDS","Explanation":"Definition: takes in\nED in SHE"} {"Clue":"All-conquering emotion uplifted travellers (4)","Answer":"AMOR","Explanation":"Definition: All-conquering emotion\nReverse of ROMA. Latin for \"love\", as in \"amor vincit omnia\" or \"love conquers all\""} {"Clue":"Curse, equivalent of 'damn' to start with (minced) (4)","Answer":"ECOD","Explanation":"Definition: Curse, equivalent of 'damn' to start with (minced)\nAnagram of first letters of Curse Equivalent Of Damn, &lit"} {"Clue":"Wireless picks up origins of alien transmission \u2014 reading it could heat things up (8)","Answer":"RADIATOR","Explanation":"Definition: it could heat things up\nA[lien] T[ransmission] in RADIO + R (reading, as in the Three Rs)"} {"Clue":"Breaking bail \u2014 one's excuse? (5)","Answer":"ALIBI","Explanation":"Definition: excuse\nBAIL* + I"} {"Clue":"Recall 20% off cream hat (4)","Answer":"TILE","Explanation":"Definition: hat\nReverse of ELIT[e] \u2013 tile is slang for a hat, as in the music hall song: \"Where did you get that hat?\/Where did you get that tile?\""} {"Clue":"Overly tense and risky to catch female mythical figure (5,5)","Answer":"TOOTH FAIRY","Explanation":"Definition: mythical figure\nTOO (overly) + T (tense) + F[emale] in HAIRY (risky)"} {"Clue":"Series of notes in small capitals on drinks (6)","Answer":"SCALES","Explanation":"Definition: Series of notes\nSC + ALES"} {"Clue":"European royal family has swamped Britain with revolting food (8)","Answer":"HABSBURG","Explanation":"Definition: European royal family\nB in (swamped by) HAS + reverse of GRUB"} {"Clue":"Address thus includes mountain time (5,2)","Answer":"SPEAK TO","Explanation":"Definition: Address\nPEAK T in SO (thus)"} {"Clue":"Hurry to climb into bed that's cleaned (7)","Answer":"BRUSHED","Explanation":"Definition: cleaned\nRUSH in BED"} {"Clue":"Graduate stands outside canteen over by the French group (8)","Answer":"ASSEMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: group\nReverse of (MESS in BA) + LE"} {"Clue":"Ape eats second and third banana on top of the forest (6)","Answer":"CANOPY","Explanation":"Definition: top of the forest\nSecond and third letters of bANana in COPY (to ape)"} {"Clue":"Work by English rector in charge of sheets? (6,4)","Answer":"TOILET ROLL","Explanation":"Definition: sheets\nTOIL + E + R[ector] in TOLL (charge)"} {"Clue":"Evil king to fall (4)","Answer":"SINK","Explanation":"Definition: to fall\nSIN + K"} {"Clue":"Wise Sanders has blown his top (5)","Answer":"ERNIE","Explanation":"Definition: Wise\n[B]ERNIE [Sanders] (US politician), giving British entertainer Ernie WISE"} {"Clue":"The end of acts in play touring old city (8)","Answer":"CURTAINS","Explanation":"Definition: The end\nUR (old city) in (ACTS IN)* \u2013 \"the end\" as in \"it's curtains for you\""} {"Clue":"Snooker player shortens his equipment to gain power in competition (5,3)","Answer":"DAVIS CUP","Explanation":"Definition: competition\nDAVIS (snooker player \u2013 take your pick Steve or Joe, and no doubt others) + CU[e]+ P[ower]"} {"Clue":"One wearing protective gear in conduit (4)","Answer":"PIPE","Explanation":"Definition: conduit\nI in PPE (Personal Protective Equipment \u2013 an abbreviation that has become much more familiar since the pandemic)"} {"Clue":"40% of numerical facts, 50% lies in America? (6)","Answer":"STATES","Explanation":"Definition: America\n40% of STAT[istics] + 50% of [li]ES"} {"Clue":"At Wimbledon bagel order covered by cheese roll (7)","Answer":"BRIOCHE","Explanation":"Definition: roll\nNot sure about this: in tennis (I learn), a bagel is a set with a score of 6-0, can bagel also mean just the zero, so O (which is shaped like a bagel)? Then we have CH (Companion of Honour), which is an order, and it's all in BRIE"} {"Clue":"City hit hard (4)","Answer":"BATH","Explanation":"Definition: City\nBAT + H"} {"Clue":"'I'd stab criminal', admits gangster in dock (5,5)","Answer":"TIDAL BASIN","Explanation":"Definition: dock\nAL (Capone, gangster) in (I'D STAB)* + IN"} {"Clue":"Note expensive car with gold and red top (6)","Answer":"MIRROR","Explanation":"Definition: red top\nMI (note, as in do-re-mi) + R[olls] R[oyce] + OR (gold); the Daily MIRROR is a British tabloid newspaper or \"red top\""} {"Clue":"Refrain from taking holiday without other people? (5,5)","Answer":"LEAVE\u00a0ALONE","Explanation":"Definition: Refrain from taking\nA holiday without other people is LEAVE, ALONE"} {"Clue":"Sailor upset royal court \u2026 (3)","Answer":"BAR","Explanation":"Definition: court\nReverse of AB + R[oyal]"} {"Clue":"\u2026 boat's just capsized! (3)","Answer":"TUB","Explanation":"Definition: boat\nReverse of BUT (just, as in \" I have but one life to lose for my country\")"} {"Clue":"Finally, the Times replaces work from rival advocate (8)","Answer":"EXPONENT","Explanation":"Definition: advocate\nOPPONENT with OP (work) replaced by the final letter of thE + X (multiplication sign, times)"} {"Clue":"On Irish author said to be merry (7)","Answer":"REJOICE","Explanation":"Definition: to be merry\nRE + homophone of (James) JOYCE"} {"Clue":"Rabble who are rioting, not acting to support society (6)","Answer":"SHOWER","Explanation":"Definition: Rabble\nS[ociety] \"supported by\" (WHO ARE)* less A[cting]"} {"Clue":"Star bit off vegetable (6)","Answer":"CELERY","Explanation":"Definition: vegetable\nCELEBRITY minus the letters B I T"} {"Clue":"Quaint boiled sweets unwrapped (4)","Answer":"TWEE","Explanation":"Definition: Quaint\nAnagram of [s]WEET[s]"} {"Clue":"Pensioners back to front in TV programme (4)","Answer":"SOAP","Explanation":"Definition: TV programme\nOAPS with the last letter moved to the front"} {"Clue":"Trendy supplement found in salmon, for example (7)","Answer":"FADDISH","Explanation":"Definition: Trendy\nADD (to supplement) in FISH"} {"Clue":"Prolific detective sounds like he could become gloomy (7)","Answer":"MAIGRET","Explanation":"Definition: Prolific detective\nHomophone of \"may grey\""} {"Clue":"Force party to compromise (4,2)","Answer":"MAKE DO","Explanation":"Force party to compromise (4,2)\nMAKE (force) + DO (party)"} {"Clue":"Flourishing American business admirer (2,6)","Answer":"IN CLOVER","Explanation":"Definition: Flourishing\nINC[orporated] (US business) + LOVER"} {"Clue":"What's left of cash after my leaving United (3)","Answer":"ONE","Explanation":"Definition: United\nMONEY less M Y"} {"Clue":"Get out of bed to correct lie? (6)","Answer":"DEBUNK","Explanation":"Definition: to correct lie\nTo get out of bed might be to DE-BUNK"} {"Clue":"Face up to change \u2014 it may be refreshing (3,2,3)","Answer":"CUP OF TEA","Explanation":"Definition: it may be refreshing\n(FACE UP TO)"} {"Clue":"Lewis initially accepts blame for shooting game (5)","Answer":"CRAPS","Explanation":"Definition: shooting game\nRAP (blame, as in \"take the rap\") in C S (author C S Lewis, \"initially\"); craps doesn't involve guns, but people talk about \"shooting craps\""} {"Clue":"Didn't tie up as much when full of such energy (9)","Answer":"BOUNDLESS","Explanation":"Definition: such energy\nBOUND (tied up) LESS"} {"Clue":"Cruel ambassador with no diplomatic skills (9)","Answer":"HEARTLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Cruel\nHE (His Excellency, title of an ambassador) + ARTLESS"} {"Clue":"Stations spies around \u2026 (5)","Answer":"STOPS","Explanation":"Definition: Stations\nReverse of SPOTS (sees, spies)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 leading politician switching motorway to south \u2014 very worrying (8)","Answer":"SINISTER","Explanation":"Definition: very worrying\nMINISTER with the M changed to S"} {"Clue":"Cut duty for practise without hesitation (6)","Answer":"EXCISE","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\nEXERCISE less ER (sound of hesitation), and two definitions; \"practise\" is a noun in the clue so should be \"practice\""} {"Clue":"Saintly Irish woman taking odd characters from Vietnam (3)","Answer":"ITA","Explanation":"Definition: Saintly Irish woman\nOdd letters of vIeTnAm, giving us this Irish saint"} {"Clue":"Unconventional tough guy receives information on personal problem (8)","Answer":"BOHEMIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Unconventional\nBO (personal problem) + I[nformation] in HE-MAN"} {"Clue":"Figures leading American university conference \u2026 (6)","Answer":"SUMMIT","Explanation":"Definition: conference\nSUM (figures) + MIT (US university)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 hide the real corruption (7)","Answer":"LEATHER","Explanation":"Definition: hide\n(THE REAL)"} {"Clue":"Section of team at Euros not getting paid (7)","Answer":"AMATEUR","Explanation":"Definition: not getting paid\nHidden in teAM AT EURos"} {"Clue":"Dilapidated house due proper reconstruction (4-5)","Answer":"DOER-UPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Dilapidated house\n(DUE PROPER)* \u2013 slangy for a house that needs to be \"done up\", perhaps as an investment opportunity"} {"Clue":"It's weird seeing number two dressed in blue (6)","Answer":"SPOOKY","Explanation":"Definition: weird\nPOO (\"number two\") in SKY"} {"Clue":"Solitary confinement for international criminal (2,6)","Answer":"AL CAPONE","Explanation":"Definition: criminal\nCAP (an international player in sport) in ALONE"} {"Clue":"Explode, as fool stands on foot (2,3)","Answer":"GO OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Explode\nGOOF + F"} {"Clue":"Examine permits for slots (7)","Answer":"EYELETS","Explanation":"Definition: slots\nEYE (examine) + LETS (permits)"} {"Clue":"Training inept GI forces \u2014 how long might it be? (5,2,6)","Answer":"PIECE\u00a0OF\u00a0STRING","Explanation":"Definition: how long might it be\n(INEPT GI FORCES)* \u2013 as in the rhetorical question \"how long is a piece of string?\""} {"Clue":"One who should apologise getting into row during play? (9)","Answer":"LATECOMER","Explanation":"Definition: One who should apologise getting into row during play\nCryptic definition, referring to someone awkwardly making their way to their seat in a theatre etc, and playing on two meanings (and pronunciations) of \"row\""} {"Clue":"Dull work may come to an end (8)","Answer":"FLATLINE","Explanation":"Definition: come to an end\nFLAT (dull) + LINE (work, as in \"what's your line?\")"} {"Clue":"Experience essential to keeping resort modern (7)","Answer":"EPISODE","Explanation":"Definition: Experience\nMiddle letters of keEPIng reSOrt moDErn"} {"Clue":"Food and drink from France spiked with drug? (7)","Answer":"PASTIES","Explanation":"Definition: Food\nE (drug) in PASTIS"} {"Clue":"Cause fall in LA when turning head to right? (6)","Answer":"REASON","Explanation":"Definition: Cause\nSEASON (of which \"fall\" is an example in the US) with its first letter changed to R"} {"Clue":"Divide stuff that is found inside (2,3)","Answer":"ID EST","Explanation":"Definition: that is\nHidden in divIDE STuff"} {"Clue":"Closing plant? Case of farewell, have fun in retirement (7)","Answer":"FLYTRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Closing plant\nF[arewel]L + reverse of PARTY (have fun)"} {"Clue":"Wear belt (7)","Answer":"CLOBBER","Explanation":"Definition: Wear\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Bath Oliver's last in box (4)","Answer":"SPAR","Explanation":"Definition: box\nSPA (bath) + [Olive]R \u2013 Bath Olivers are a type of savoury biscuit"} {"Clue":"Oliver's compositions? Fine examples (10)","Answer":"SHOWPIECES","Explanation":"Definition: Fine examples\nSHOW (e.g. the musical *Oliver!*) + PIECES (compositions)"} {"Clue":"Work party (6)","Answer":"LABOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Work\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Want to arrange meeting time: hour put in (8)","Answer":"SHORTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Want\nH in SORT (arrange) + AGE (time)"} {"Clue":"Painting with concerning mark inside mount (9)","Answer":"REMBRANDT","Explanation":"Definition: Painting\nRE (concerning) + BRAND in MT"} {"Clue":"Like to stay in bed and take it easy (5)","Answer":"COAST","Explanation":"Definition: take it easy\nAS (like) in COT"} {"Clue":"Tip of tape measure going round collar (5)","Answer":"SEIZE","Explanation":"Definition: collar\n[tap]E in SIZE"} {"Clue":"Carpet to cover floor (5,4)","Answer":"DRESS DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Carpet\nDRESS (cover) + DOWN (to knock out, floor)"} {"Clue":"Figure with cake and tea getting biscuit at the back (3,5)","Answer":"BAR CHART","Explanation":"Definition: Figure\nBAR (cake, as in soap) + CHAR (tea) + [biscui]T \u2013 I guessed PIE CHART at first, and was going to query whether a pie could be a cake"} {"Clue":"Secretary regularly takes breaks (6)","Answer":"PAUSES","Explanation":"Definition: breaks\nPA + USES"} {"Clue":"More unfinished canap\u00e9s, crackers and cheese (10)","Answer":"MASCARPONE","Explanation":"Definition: cheese\nAnagram of MOR[e] + CANAPES"} {"Clue":"Go out with model to get food (4)","Answer":"DIET","Explanation":"Definition: food\nDIE (go out) + T (model, as in the old car)"} {"Clue":"Over bowled from complex period of play (7)","Answer":"SESSION","Explanation":"Definition: period of play\nOBSESSION (a complex) less O B"} {"Clue":"Friend forced to accept retire\u00adment, primarily by firm (7)","Answer":"COMRADE","Explanation":"Definition: Friend\nCO (company, firm) + R[etirement] in MADE (forced)"} {"Clue":"Upset friend has left: brilliant mathematician (7)","Answer":"LAPLACE","Explanation":"Definition: mathematician\nReverse of PAL + L + ACE (brilliant), giving this famous (and indeed brilliant) mathematician|"} {"Clue":"Tango close to body (5)","Answer":"TORSO","Explanation":"Definition: body\nT + OR SO"} {"Clue":"Country song about American hotel, essentially (7)","Answer":"AUSTRIA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nUS [ho]T[el] in ARIA"} {"Clue":"Line to put into program for computer (6)","Answer":"LAPTOP","Explanation":"Definition: computer\nL + TO in APP"} {"Clue":"Football team with tendency to cross, winning corner at the end (9)","Answer":"BRENTFORD","Explanation":"Definition: Football team\n[corne]R in BENT (tendency) + FORD (to cross)"} {"Clue":"Comes out of European Union, mostly with backing of idiots (7)","Answer":"EMERGES","Explanation":"Definition: Comes out\nE + MERGE[r] (union) + [idiot]S, with a sadly apt surface"} {"Clue":"Punk band raises excitement at the start (9)","Answer":"BUZZCOCKS","Explanation":"Definition: Punk band\nBUZZ (excitement) + COCKS (raises)"} {"Clue":"Cover of Escort: a celebrity back issue (7)","Answer":"EMANATE","Explanation":"Definition: issue\nReverse of E[scor]T + A NAME"} {"Clue":"Boss with certain way of working to absorb pressure (7)","Answer":"SUPREMO","Explanation":"Definition: Boss\nP in SURE MO (modus operandi)"} {"Clue":"Range of understanding after insignificant day: time to stop work (7)","Answer":"WEEKEND","Explanation":"Definition: time to stop work\nKEN (range of understanding, as in \"beyond my ken\") in WEE (small, insignificant) + D"} {"Clue":"Bob's one hard song to perform (6)","Answer":"HAIRDO","Explanation":"Definition: Bob's one\nH + AIR + DO"} {"Clue":"After reshuffle, Nadine Dorries (Con) out, not primarily being dealt with (5,13)","Answer":"UNDER\u00a0CONSIDERATION","Explanation":"Definition: being dealt with\nAnagram of NADINE DORRIES CON [o]UT. In fact the latest government reshuffle brought Ms Dorries *in* to the cabinet as Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. *O tempora, o mores!"} {"Clue":"Cheese and fruit mostly served with minced beef (9)","Answer":"LIMBURGER","Explanation":"Definition: Cheese\nLIM[e] + BURGER"} {"Clue":"Shrub found in Colorado and California (4)","Answer":"COCA","Explanation":"Definition: Shrub\nCO + CA (state abbreviations)"} {"Clue":"Composer's toasted sandwiches have a good filling (8)","Answer":"PAGANINI","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nA G in PANINI"} {"Clue":"Barrier to one special female (retired) working for royal mistress (6,7)","Answer":"WALLIS\u00a0SIMPSON","Explanation":"Definition: royal mistress\nWALL + 1 + reverse of SP[ecial] MISS + ON (working)"} {"Clue":"Heavy rain initially delayed every London Underground going east (6)","Answer":"DELUGE","Explanation":"Definition: Heavy rain\nFirst letter of Delayed Every London Underground Going East"} {"Clue":"Bullfighter charged with endless love (8)","Answer":"TOREADOR","Explanation":"Definition: Bullfighter\nTORE (ran, charged) + ADOR[e]"} {"Clue":"Unpleasant character wished to go by horse (3,3)","Answer":"BAD EGG","Explanation":"Definition: Unpleasant character\nBADE (wished) + GG (gee gee, horse)"} {"Clue":"Priest stopping religious festival before mice spread an outbreak of the plague? (8)","Answer":"EPIDEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: an outbreak of the plague\nP[riest] in EID + MICE"} {"Clue":"Cathedral city where church converted Sartre (8)","Answer":"CHARTRES","Explanation":"Definition: Cathedral city\nCH + SARTRE"} {"Clue":"Suggest leaving end of webbing out of panel strengthening garment (6)","Answer":"GUSSET","Explanation":"Definition: panel strengthening garment\nAnagram of SUGGEST less [webbin]G"} {"Clue":"Corporal returned with new mail to give out (8)","Answer":"PROCLAIM","Explanation":"Definition: to give out\nReverse of CORP + MAIL"} {"Clue":"Scientific study of works claiming most of credit (6)","Answer":"OPTICS","Explanation":"Definition: Scientific study\nTIC[k] (credit) in OPS (works)"} {"Clue":"Liner after refit carrying old oil (6)","Answer":"NEROLI","Explanation":"Definition: oil\nO in LINER* \u2013 neroli is an essential oil made from flowers of the bitter orange tree"} {"Clue":"Family heir required to eat every bit of spring onion (8)","Answer":"SCALLION","Explanation":"Definition: spring onion\nALL (every bit) in SCION"} {"Clue":"Group of live animals discovered by yours truly leading horse by lake (9)","Answer":"MENAGERIE","Explanation":"Definition: Group of live animals\nME (yours truly) + NAG (horse) + ERIE (one of the Great Lakes)"} {"Clue":"Permission to depart (5)","Answer":"LEAVE","Explanation":"Definition: depart\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Standard of dinner mostly OK (7)","Answer":"MEASURE","Explanation":"Definition: Standard\nMEA[L] + SURE"} {"Clue":"Vessel containing one last bit of pale amber liquid (5)","Answer":"URINE","Explanation":"Definition: pale amber liquid\nI in URN + [pal]E; I was going to question the use of \"amber\" in the definition, but I find that \"normal urine colour ranges from pale yellow to deep amber\""} {"Clue":"Chewy stuff made from corn for grinding on sides of ledge (7)","Answer":"GRISTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Chewy stuff\nGRIST (corn for grinding) + L[edg]E"} {"Clue":"Profitable hostilities with Dutch essential to troubled reign (9)","Answer":"REWARDING","Explanation":"Definition: Profitable\nWAR + D[utch] in REIGN"} {"Clue":"Pen used round old lines in artwork (7)","Answer":"COLLAGE","Explanation":"Definition: artwork\nO + L[ine] twice in CAGE (pen)"} {"Clue":"Fabric company clothing most of band with narrow stripe (9)","Answer":"CRINOLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Fabric\nRIN[g] (band) in CO + LINE (narrow stripe); the word crinoline usually refers to a garment, but it was originally \"a stiff fabric made from cotton and horsehair\", from Latin words for \"hair\" and \"flax\""} {"Clue":"Repulsive tip of aromatic herb torn apart (9)","Answer":"ABHORRENT","Explanation":"Definition: Repulsive\nAnagram of A[romatic] HERB TORN"} {"Clue":"Plant containing source of metallic element (9)","Answer":"GERMANIUM","Explanation":"Definition: element\nM[etallic] in GERANIUM"} {"Clue":"Nurse carrying cocoa mixed for animal (7)","Answer":"RACCOON","Explanation":"Definition: animal\nCOCOA* in RN (Registered Nurse)"} {"Clue":"Colonist's dog crossing lake (7)","Answer":"SETTLER","Explanation":"Definition: Colonist\nL in SETTER"} {"Clue":"Fruit endlessly given to posh smart brown ape (5-4)","Answer":"ORANG-UTAN","Explanation":"Definition: ape\nORANG[e] + U (posh or smart \u2013 not sure why Pan uses both words here) + TAN (brown)"} {"Clue":"Husband contributing to essential part of housework? (5)","Answer":"CHORE","Explanation":"Definition: part of housework\nH in CORE"} {"Clue":"Oddly squad added no depth, losing power for a way to decide the outcome (6,5)","Answer":"SUDDEN\u00a0DEATH","Explanation":"Definition: way to decide the outcome\nOdd letters of SqUaD aDdEd No + DEPTH with P[ower] replaced by A"} {"Clue":"First of all, probing young journalist asked me about strange bedtime habit? (7)","Answer":"PYJAMAS","Explanation":"Definition: bedtime habit\nFirst letters of Probing Young Journalist Asked Me About Strange"} {"Clue":"Smash hit podcast on radio originally \u2014 completely timeless and joyful (9)","Answer":"RHAPSODIC","Explanation":"Definition: joyful\nR + anagram of HIT PODCAST less both Ts"} {"Clue":"One can be dressed, just like a jack-in-the-box! (5)","Answer":"WOUND","Explanation":"Definition: One can be dressed\nDouble definition, with two different pronunications of the word"} {"Clue":"Improvised epilogue about taking heroin (2,3)","Answer":"AD HOC","Explanation":"Definition: Improvised\nH in reverse of CODA"} {"Clue":"After stripping, find adult agents will be generous (9)","Answer":"INDULGENT","Explanation":"Definition: generous\n[f]IN[d] [a]DUL[t] [a]GENT[s]"} {"Clue":"One with plans for passing Tesla motorcar, say (7)","Answer":"TESTATE","Explanation":"Definition: One with plans for passing\nT (symbol for tesla, SI unit) + ESTATE (car), with \"passing\" meaning \"dying\" in the definition"} {"Clue":"Watch revolutionary go on TV show (6)","Answer":"REGARD","Explanation":"Definition: Watch\nReverse of DRAG (go on) + ER (TV show)"} {"Clue":"School's covering my burn (6)","Answer":"SCORCH","Explanation":"Definition: burn\nCOR (my!) in SCH"} {"Clue":"Dive and jump, keeping fit inside \u2014 quite the opposite (7)","Answer":"FLEAPIT","Explanation":"Definition: Dive\nLEAP in FIT"} {"Clue":"Give clearance (9)","Answer":"TOLERANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Give\nDouble definition, though the two meanings are very close"} {"Clue":"Partially defrosting potato dish (5)","Answer":"ROSTI","Explanation":"Definition: potato dish\nHidden in defROSTing"} {"Clue":"Silent after vacation with a very loud man (5)","Answer":"STAFF","Explanation":"Definition: man\nSilenT \"vacated\" + FF (very loud), with staff=man as verbs"} {"Clue":"Fed gossip about rejected column \u2014 it's possibly forged? (9)","Answer":"METALWORK","Explanation":"Definition: it's possibly forged\nME (Fed, the setter) + reverse of ROW (column \u2013 spreadsheet users might query this) in TALK"} {"Clue":"Soften bulletin describing support from the east (7)","Answer":"SWEETEN","Explanation":"Definition: Soften\nReverse of TEE (support) in NEWS"} {"Clue":"One's learned Queen must replace one American lady-in-waiting, for example (7)","Answer":"SERVANT","Explanation":"Definition: lady-in-waiting, for example\nSAVANT with the first A[merican] replaced by ER"} {"Clue":"One might seek comfort in this tranquil church song (4,5)","Answer":"EASY CHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: One might seek comfort in this\nEASY (tranquil) + CH + AIR"} {"Clue":"Publishing company with marketing men supporting single out on the radio (7)","Answer":"PICADOR","Explanation":"Definition: Publishing company\nPIC (homophone of \"pick\" or \"single out\") + AD (marketing) + OR (Other Ranks, men)"} {"Clue":"Ultimately, he saw the deal \u2014 Jack is first, possibly a diamond (5)","Answer":"JEWEL","Explanation":"Definition: possibly a diamond\nJ[ack] + last letters of hE saW thE deaL"} {"Clue":"Second service goes over net to get game (5,4)","Answer":"MOUSE TRAP","Explanation":"Definition: game\nMO (instant, second) + USE (service) + TRAP (net) \u2013 I was rather surprised to see that the famous board game is actually written as two words"} {"Clue":"Sample pitted fruit \u2014 it's dull (6)","Answer":"SEDATE","Explanation":"Definition: dull\nS[ampl]E + DATE"} {"Clue":"Praise whenever I'm darning trousers in recession (6)","Answer":"ADMIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Praise\nHidden (trousered) in reverse of whenevER I'M DArning"} {"Clue":"Crop cutter against visiting hospital department for period of recovery (4,5)","Answer":"SICK LEAVE","Explanation":"Definition: period of recovery\nSICKLE (crop cutter) + V (versus, against) in A[&]E"} {"Clue":"Irregular and liberal \u2014 mostly irregular and liberal (9)","Answer":"GUERRILLA","Explanation":"Definition: Irregular\nAnagram of IRREGULA[r] + L[iberal]"} {"Clue":"Content to thank Fed for word game (7)","Answer":"HANGMAN","Explanation":"Definition: word game\n[t]HAN[k] + G-MAN (Federal Agent)"} {"Clue":"Formula One is in Monaco on a holiday (6)","Answer":"FIESTA","Explanation":"Definition: holiday\nF1 + EST (French \"is\") + A"} {"Clue":"Rent kit out \u2014 it's of little value (7)","Answer":"TRINKET","Explanation":"Definition: it's of little value\n(RENT KIT)"} {"Clue":"Unaltered under street arrest (6)","Answer":"STASIS","Explanation":"Definition: arrest\nST + AS IS (unaltered)"} {"Clue":"Makeover with scope for sex change (5)","Answer":"REFIT","Explanation":"Definition: Makeover\nREMIT with the \"sex-change\" of M to F"} {"Clue":"Family get together with boat for a base at last \u2014 but it can crash (5,6)","Answer":"STOCK\u00a0MARKET","Explanation":"Definition: it can crash\nSTOCK (family) + MEET (get together) with the first E (e, Euler's number, the base of natural logarithms) replaced by ARK (boat) *I've overthought this \u2013 as Fed himself explains in the comments. the E is from \"basE at last\""} {"Clue":"To survive on regular contrib\u00adutions, it's problematic (7)","Answer":"SUBSIST","Explanation":"Definition: To survive\nSUBS (subscriptions, regular contrib\u00adutions) + ITS"} {"Clue":"Flies in the face of danger, one party's leader: that's final, period (7)","Answer":"DIPTERA","Explanation":"Definition: Flies\nFirst letter of Danger + 1 + P[arty] + last letter of thaT + ERA"} {"Clue":"Sound of insect or fly (4)","Answer":"FLEE","Explanation":"Definition: fly\nHomophone of \"flea\""} {"Clue":"Harvest disease leads to making one unconscious (6,3)","Answer":"LAYING OUT","Explanation":"Definition: making one unconscious\nLAY IN (to harvest) + GOUT"} {"Clue":"The corrupt accept this: to live, cut by ridicule (5)","Answer":"BRIBE","Explanation":"Definition: The corrupt accept this\nRIB (to ridicule) in BE (live)"} {"Clue":"Everything under the sun I ever recollected (8)","Answer":"UNIVERSE","Explanation":"Definition: Everything\n(SUN I EVER)* \u2013 I suppose the definition could be \"Everything under the sun\", but then \"sun\" is doing double duty. As I've parsed it, \"under the\" is redundant (maybe justifiable as linking words)"} {"Clue":"Mark a clue that does this for golf (9)","Answer":"BACKSLASH","Explanation":"Definition: Mark\nA clue for golf might be that it BACKS LASH, i.e. reverses \"flog\""} {"Clue":"Greens on cycling: 'That hurts!' (4)","Answer":"CHOU","Explanation":"Definition: Greens\nA cycling of OUCH \u2013 chou is French for cabbage"} {"Clue":"Boatman involved in terrible ordeal, but winning (8)","Answer":"ADORABLE","Explanation":"Definition: winning\nAB (sailor, boatman) in ORDEAL"} {"Clue":"German poet translating King Lear, removing an entry for Goneril (5)","Answer":"RILKE","Explanation":"Definition: German poet\nAnagram of KING LEAR less AN and G[oneril]. Rilke was born in Prague, then part of Austria-Hungary, but he wrote in German"} {"Clue":"Some say terrible judge gives mark for changing letters (9)","Answer":"DIACRITIC","Explanation":"Definition: mark for changing letters\nHomophone of \"dire\" + CRITIC"} {"Clue":"American poet's name with no apostrophe S, hyphenated originally (4)","Answer":"NASH","Explanation":"Definition: American poet\nFirst letters of No Apostrophe S Hyphenated \u2013 the poet is (I presume) Ogden Nash"} {"Clue":"You might sling one inverted comma in covers of hardback (7)","Answer":"HAMMOCK","Explanation":"Definition: You might sling one\nReverse of COMMA in H[ardbac]K"} {"Clue":"Very corrupt senior type (7)","Answer":"VERSION","Explanation":"Definition: type\nV + SENIOR"} {"Clue":"Chubby seal. (4,4)","Answer":"FULL STOP","Explanation":"Definition: .\nFULL (chubby) + STOP (to seal), with the definition cunningly concealed as an actual full stop, which would not normally be used at the end of a clue"} {"Clue":"Star in hurry loses hour by chance (8)","Answer":"ASTERISK","Explanation":"Definition: Star\nHASTE less H + RISK"} {"Clue":"Heroine, tragic victim of hubris? Old enough to see through this (6)","Answer":"ISOLDE","Explanation":"Definition: Heroine, tragic victim\nHidden in hubrIS OLD Enough"} {"Clue":"Might this describe Boatman: finished with work? (8)","Answer":"FIENDISH","Explanation":"Definition: Might this describe Boatman\nFINISHED"} {"Clue":"It might be oblique note to follow Mark, perhaps: ringing endorsement (6)","Answer":"STROKE","Explanation":"Definition: It might be oblique\nOK (endorsement) in ST (Saint, e.g. Mark) + RE (note, as in do-re-mi)"} {"Clue":"Substitute neither first nor last at first (4)","Answer":"ERST","Explanation":"Definition: at first\nI guess this is undERSTudy less the outer letters, though calling them \"first and last\" is a bit of a stretch. I know ERST as a word for \"once, formerly\", but Chambers says it can also mean \"at first\". It's basically a superlative of \"ere\", so \"before-est\". *See comments: the intended parsing is probably ERSATZ less A and D. Quite a coincidence that my version (sort of ) works, though"} {"Clue":"There's no end to early morning link-up \u2014 whatever you want! (3,4,2)","Answer":"YOU\u00a0NAME\u00a0IT","Explanation":"Definition: whatever you want\nYOUN[g] (early) + AM + reverse of TIE"} {"Clue":"Catch drivers' panel ignoring punctuation (5)","Answer":"BOARD","Explanation":"Definition: Catch\nDASHBOARD less DASH (punctuation mark) \u2013 as in boarding an enemy ship, perhaps?"} {"Clue":"Mark is cross, twice (5)","Answer":"SCORE","Explanation":"Definition: Mark\nA cross twice could be XX = 20 = score"} {"Clue":"Find difference at the bottom of writing (8)","Answer":"SUBTRACT","Explanation":"Definition: Find difference\nSUB (under, at the bottom of) TRACT (writing)"} {"Clue":"Mark is England's first to settle (8)","Answer":"COLONISE","Explanation":"Definition: to settle\nCOLON (mark) + IS + E[ngland]"} {"Clue":"States 'authentic' writing (6)","Answer":"REALMS","Explanation":"Definition: States\nREAL + MS (manuscript)"} {"Clue":"Row of crop marks (6)","Answer":"RACKET","Explanation":"Definition: Row\nA \"cropping\" of BRACKETS (punctuation marks)"} {"Clue":"Impervious to argument about half of deaths, full stop! (4)","Answer":"DEAF","Explanation":"Definition: Impervious to argument\nNot sure about this \u2013 half of DEAths + F[ull]? *See comments: the F is \"full's top\". Why \"about half\" though? "} {"Clue":"Person imbibed decorated cup he had, seated on high table? (9)","Answer":"UP-PERCHED","Explanation":"Definition: seated on high table\nPER[son] in CUP* + HE'D"} {"Clue":"Favourite about finished, reverse of ideal change of fortune (9)","Answer":"PERIPETIA","Explanation":"Definition: change of fortune\nRIPE (finished) in PET + reverse of A1"} {"Clue":"Fleet in point of fact welcoming sign of victory (4)","Answer":"NAVY","Explanation":"Definition: Fleet\nV (sign of victory) in NAY (in point of fact)"} {"Clue":"Succinct drama is replaced by page (5)","Answer":"CRISP","Explanation":"Definition: Succinct\nCRISIS (drama) with the second IS replaced by P"} {"Clue":"Carnivore like this appears in ring jumping around (6)","Answer":"GRISON","Explanation":"Definition: Carnivore\nSO in RING"} {"Clue":"Hornless stag, or cow? (6)","Answer":"HUMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Hornless stag\nDouble definition, with \"cow\" in the sense of \"to subdue, keep under\""} {"Clue":"When you see wife avoiding cooked bean, don't eat it! (7)","Answer":"HENBANE","Explanation":"Definition: don't eat it\nWHEN less W[ife] + BEAN"} {"Clue":"Former trust: a relationship is lacking in it (4)","Answer":"AFFY","Explanation":"Definition: Former trust\nAFFINITY less IN IT"} {"Clue":"Muscular disorder not returning Daisy's got round after treatment (8)","Answer":"DYSTONIA","Explanation":"Definition: Muscular disorder\nReverse of NOT in DAISY"} {"Clue":"Bass polished off, beer glass refreshed \u2013 sign of generous host? (8)","Answer":"LARGESSE","Explanation":"Definition: sign of generous host\nAnagram of BEER GLASS less B[ass]"} {"Clue":"Large wine range available from hired salesman (4)","Answer":"REDS","Explanation":"Definition: Large wine range\nHidden in hiRED Salesman"} {"Clue":"Miss out, having to accept tawdry stuff, in socialistic regime? (7)","Answer":"STATISM","Explanation":"Definition: socialistic regime\nTAT in MISS"} {"Clue":"Nautical measure including trawl for supposed monster (6)","Answer":"KRAKEN","Explanation":"Definition: supposed monster\nRAKE (to trawl) in KN (knot)"} {"Clue":"Lord, one accompanied by sweetheart, independent (6)","Answer":"ADONAI","Explanation":"Definition: Lord\nA + DONA (sweetheart) + I[ndependent]"} {"Clue":"Having crust that's dry, one assumes? (5)","Answer":"RINDY","Explanation":"Definition: Having crust\nDRY is \"R IN DY\""} {"Clue":"Image showing centre of viscera, taken in hospital? (4)","Answer":"SCAN","Explanation":"Definition: Image\n[vis]C[era] in SAN (hospital)"} {"Clue":"Usual trend left by river forming waves (9)","Answer":"UNDULATES","Explanation":"Definition: waves\nAnagram of USUAL TREND less R"} {"Clue":"Graves when neglected may be so disordered and want backing (9)","Answer":"MADERISED","Explanation":"Definition: Graves when neglected may be so\nMAD (disordered) + reverse of DESIRE \u2013 with Graves being the type of wine"} {"Clue":"Power race, e.g. Fastnet? (5)","Answer":"PHARE","Explanation":"Definition: e.g. Fastnet\nP + HARE (to race). Fastnet is a remote lighthouse off the coast of Ireland"} {"Clue":"Stones (flat), not good for formal dance (5)","Answer":"PAVIN","Explanation":"Definition: formal dance\nPAVIN[G] \u2013 a variant of pavane"} {"Clue":"Do leader stirred up, with chamber full again (8)","Answer":"RELOADED","Explanation":"Definition: with chamber full again\n(DO LEADER)"} {"Clue":"Sly circumventing rule in secret place (6)","Answer":"CRANNY","Explanation":"Definition: secret place\nR in CANNY"} {"Clue":"Landing place on this side when river ebbs (5)","Answer":"HITHE","Explanation":"Definition: Landing place\nHITHER (on this side) less R"} {"Clue":"Minor scratch may not affect this part of spiderman (5)","Answer":"DERMA","Explanation":"Definition: Minor scratch may not affect this\nHidden in spiDERMAn"} {"Clue":"Poisonous gas: a little coming up interrupts function (7)","Answer":"STIBINE","Explanation":"Definition: Poisonous gas\nReverse of BIT in SINE (trigonometric function)"} {"Clue":"Girl pocketing key that's this and this! (7)","Answer":"MISLAID","Explanation":"Definition: this\nSome devious self-reference here \u2013 ISLAND less AND (i.e. \"key that's mislaid 'and'\" in MAID, thought I'm not totally sure how the definition works"} {"Clue":"Hunk gargles boozily, common sight at Bierfest (11)","Answer":"ENGHALSKRUG","Explanation":"Definition: common sight at Bierfest\n(HUNK GARGLES)* \u2013 an elaborate type of beer jug with a lid: I rather doubt one would be seen at a Bierfest these days"} {"Clue":"Notice I'll be brought in to direct with more consistency (8)","Answer":"STEADIER","Explanation":"Definition: with more consistency\nAD I in STEER"} {"Clue":"What'll aid streamlining following publication? (7)","Answer":"FAIRING","Explanation":"Definition: What'll aid streamlining\nF + AIRING"} {"Clue":"She's a discerning foodie, and a friend in trouble (7)","Answer":"FRIANDE","Explanation":"Definition: She's a discerning foodie\n(A FRIEND)"} {"Clue":"It smoulders in thurible, around start of communion say (6)","Answer":"STACTE","Explanation":"Definition: It smoulders in thurible\nC (around) in STATE (say) \u2013 a kind of incense"} {"Clue":"What harvester grips and studies lifted round acreage (5)","Answer":"SNEAD","Explanation":"Definition: What harvester grips\nA[creage] in reverse of DENS (studies) \u2013 it's the handle of a scythe"} {"Clue":"Like an anvil, more than half banged up? (5)","Answer":"INCUS","Explanation":"Definition: Like an anvil\nIN CUS[tody] \u2013 incus is familiar as the anvil bone of the inner ear, but it's also an adjective meaning \"anvil-shaped\""} {"Clue":"Some Finns are found in South America having run away (5)","Answer":"SAAME","Explanation":"Definition: Some Finns\nA (are, unit of area, one hundredth of a hectare) in S AME[r]; the S\u00e1mi people, formerly known as Lapps (now deprecated) \u2013 not necessarily Finns"} {"Clue":"Restructure due \u2014 can't lay off senior Scottish lawyer (4,2,7)","Answer":"DEAN\u00a0OF FACULTY","Explanation":"Definition: senior Scottish lawyer\n(DUE CAN'T LAY OFF)* \u2013 new to me: it's head of the Faculty of Advocates, a body of Scottish lawyers"} {"Clue":"Discontinues for a time supporting scoundrels (9)","Answer":"PROROGUES","Explanation":"Definition: Discontinues for a time\nPRO (supporting) ROGUES"} {"Clue":"School temperature drops (5)","Answer":"TRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: School\nT + RAIN (drops)"} {"Clue":"Old enough to finally smoke drugs (2,3)","Answer":"OF AGE","Explanation":"Definition: Old enough\nLast letter of tO + FAG (cigarette, a smoke) + E (drugs)"} {"Clue":"Snap after Prince's angry words (9)","Answer":"PHILIPPIC","Explanation":"Definition: angry words\n[Prince] PHILIP + PIC (picture, snap)"} {"Clue":"Impalers drinking Irish whiskey and brandy? (7)","Answer":"SPIRITS","Explanation":"Definition: whiskey and brandy?\nIR in SPITS"} {"Clue":"Important lesson \u2014 change sides (7)","Answer":"SEMINAL","Explanation":"Definition: Important\nSEMINAR (lesson) with R[ight] changed to L[eft]"} {"Clue":"End fuel crisis as required (7)","Answer":"NEEDFUL","Explanation":"Definition: as required\n(END FUEL)"} {"Clue":"Cross about dates with duke \u2014 not thinking clearly (7)","Answer":"MUDDLED","Explanation":"Definition: not thinking clearly\nD D in MULE (a cross) + D"} {"Clue":"Be a high street stationer \u2014 it's a stable job (9)","Answer":"LIVERYMAN","Explanation":"Definition: it's a stable job\nLIVE (be) + RYMAN (UK stattioners), and a liveryman works in a stable"} {"Clue":"Spirit? Sounds like it (5)","Answer":"DJINN","Explanation":"Definition: Spirit\nHomophone of \"gin\""} {"Clue":"I help part of UK initially during recession (5)","Answer":"INDIA","Explanation":"Definition: I\nReverse of AID + NI (Northern Ireland), with the definition cunningly sneaking in as the initial \"I\""} {"Clue":"'Not original' \u2014 university musical reviewed by Independent (9)","Answer":"IMITATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Not original\nI[ndependent] + MIT (US university) + reverse of EVITA"} {"Clue":"Stop, son! Dad ordered a drink (6,3,4)","Answer":"SCOTCH AND SODA","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nSCOTCH (to stop) + (SON DAD)* + A"} {"Clue":"Reminiscent of detective finally addressing case (9)","Answer":"EVOCATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Reminiscent\n[detectiv]E + VOCATIVE (grammatical case)"} {"Clue":"Snare pointless \u2014 change of heart required (5)","Answer":"NOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Snare\nNO USE with the middle letter changed"} {"Clue":"Nothing winning about kiss, a second indiscretion (4,3)","Answer":"FAUX PAS","Explanation":"Definition: indiscretion\nFA (nothing) + X (kiss) in UP (winning) + A S"} {"Clue":"Trump's behind troubles and torments (7)","Answer":"ASSAILS","Explanation":"Definition: torments\nASS (US for the bottom) + AILS (troubles)"} {"Clue":"Not yet attempted taking on males in need of grooming (9)","Answer":"UNTRIMMED","Explanation":"Definition: in need of grooming\nM M in UNTRIED"} {"Clue":"Covering miles \u2014 some flipping walk! (5)","Answer":"TRAMP","Explanation":"Definition: walk\nM in reverse of PART (some)"} {"Clue":"US writer ruins platonic arrangement (5,8)","Answer":"UPTON SINCLAIR","Explanation":"Definition: US writer\n(RUINS PLATONIC)"} {"Clue":"Jointly capitulated (8,5)","Answer":"KNUCKLED UNDER","Explanation":"Definition: capitulated\nJust a rather vague cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Rat in castle biting servant (9)","Answer":"INFORMANT","Explanation":"Definition: Rat\nIN + MAN (servant) in FORT"} {"Clue":"Offset due \u2014 fill in form (9)","Answer":"NULLIFIED","Explanation":"Definition: Offset\n(DUE FILL IN)* \u2013 offset = nullified seems a bit tenuous"} {"Clue":"Current head of government turning into wino \u2014 that's awkward! (7)","Answer":"LUMPISH","Explanation":"Definition: awkward\nReverse of I (electric current) + PM in LUSH"} {"Clue":"Report to me in Barking North (7)","Answer":"MENTION","Explanation":"Definition: Report\n(TO ME IN)* + N"} {"Clue":"Largely failing to save edition of holy books (5)","Answer":"VEDIC","Explanation":"Definition: of holy books\nED (edition) in VIC[e] (a failing)"} {"Clue":"Pulls grass up (5)","Answer":"DRAWS","Explanation":"Definition: Pulls\nReverse of SWARD"} {"Clue":"Jam? In tagliatelle? (8)","Answer":"TAILBACK","Explanation":"Definition: Jam\nTAIL is hidden BACKwards in tagLIATelle"} {"Clue":"Old citizen is a hard worker (6)","Answer":"TROJAN","Explanation":"Definition: Old citizen\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Paint nudism au naturel, finally implicated in recurrent commotion (8)","Answer":"EMULSION","Explanation":"Definition: Paint\nLast letters of nudisM aU natureL in reverse of NOISE"} {"Clue":"Refuse to acknowledge one's outwardly depressed (6)","Answer":"DISOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse to acknowledge\nI'S (one's) in DOWN (depressed)"} {"Clue":"Street's not a place for events and functions (5)","Answer":"VENUE","Explanation":"Definition: place for events and functions\nAVENUE less A"} {"Clue":"Old motorbikes feature thrills with skill rounding junction (9)","Answer":"KICKSTART","Explanation":"Definition: Old motorbikes feature\nT in KICKS (thrills) + ART"} {"Clue":"Very well and appropriate baffle, as if playing inside (3,2,1,6)","Answer":"FIT\u00a0AS\u00a0A\u00a0FIDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Very well\nFIT (appropriate) + (AS IF)* in ADDLE (to confuse, baffle)"} {"Clue":"You'll find that to the west of Mexico father cooks first, provided with tiny capacity oven (7,5)","Answer":"PACIFIC COAST","Explanation":"Definition: You'll find that to the west of Mexico\nA charade of many parts: PA (father) + C[ooks] + IF (provided) + 1 CC (small volume, tiny capacity) + OAST (oven)"} {"Clue":"Piddling half-pint? (5,4)","Answer":"SMALL BEER","Explanation":"Definition: Piddling\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Primarily austere, mostly illiberal, quiet sect (5)","Answer":"AMISH","Explanation":"Definition: sect\nFirst letters of Austere, Mostly Illiberal + SH, with an extended definition"} {"Clue":"Liable to change (6)","Answer":"LABILE","Explanation":"Definition: Liable to change\nA very economical &lit (aka \"clue as definition\") \u2013 anagram of LIABLE, and the whole clue also defines LABILE"} {"Clue":"Driver for pointless proportionate representation (8)","Answer":"OPERATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Driver\nAnagram of PROPORTIONATE less POINT"} {"Clue":"Hokusai's fifth boat illustration (6)","Answer":"SKETCH","Explanation":"Definition: illustration\nFifth letter of hokuSai + KETCH"} {"Clue":"Yet my Mrs may be fearful of Tyger's appearance (8)","Answer":"SYMMETRY","Explanation":"Definition: Tyger's appearance\n(YET MY MRS)* \u2013 a reference to Blake's \"The Tyger\": \"What immortal hand or eye,\/Could frame thy fearful symmetry?\""} {"Clue":"Where you can find venue with beers to store letters of faithful followers (6,8)","Answer":"TWELVE\u00a0APOSTLES","Explanation":"Definition: faithful followers\n\"Venue\" is to be found at TWELVE across, + POST in ALES"} {"Clue":"They say you again got entangled with an American native (6)","Answer":"IGUANA","Explanation":"Definition: an American native\nAnagram of U + AGAIN"} {"Clue":"Doctrine about Caesar, oddly not shown in sculptor's work (3,6)","Answer":"BAS RELIEF","Explanation":"Definition: sculptor's work\ncAeSaR less its odd letters in BELIEF"} {"Clue":"Timekeepers extremely eager, but not this one (12)","Answer":"CLOCKWATCHER","Explanation":"Definition: this one\nCLOCK + WATCH (two \"timekeepers\") + E[age]R \u2013 typically a clockwatcher is not an eager worker"} {"Clue":"In Singapore, I'm searching for a source of fizz (5)","Answer":"REIMS","Explanation":"Definition: a source of fizz\nHidden in singapoRE I'M Searching. Reims \"lies on the northern edge of the Champagne wine region and is linked to its production and export.\""} {"Clue":"Risk of standard diet originally eaten by kangaroo, after a change of heart (8)","Answer":"JEOPARDY","Explanation":"Definition: Risk\nPAR (standard) D[iet] in JOEY with its inner letters swapped"} {"Clue":"Half past seven in the evening is a time of depression (8-6)","Answer":"NINETEEN-THIRTY","Explanation":"Definition: Half past seven in the evening\nDouble definition; 1930 was during the Great Depression of the 1930s, generally taken to start in 1929"} {"Clue":"Coy orphan, age uncertain, a subject for deep study (12)","Answer":"OCEANOGRAPHY","Explanation":"Definition: a subject for deep study\n(COY ORPHAN AGE)"} {"Clue":"Where to share pictures of fashionable males (9)","Answer":"INSTAGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Where to share pictures\nIN (fashionable) + STAG + RAM (two males)"} {"Clue":"Bravo for Mike in rush for game (8)","Answer":"SCRABBLE","Explanation":"Definition: game\nSCRAMBLE with M changed to B"} {"Clue":"Order giving rise to rubbish joke (6)","Answer":"DIKTAT","Explanation":"Definition: Order\nReverse of TAT (rubbish) + KID (to joke)"} {"Clue":"Return visit to wrap one's flower (5)","Answer":"LILAC","Explanation":"Definition: flower\nI in reverse of CALL"} {"Clue":"Tomb's terrible curse: help! (9)","Answer":"SEPULCHRE","Explanation":"Definition: Tomb\n(CURSE HELP)"} {"Clue":"Drop small piece of sugar (5)","Answer":"SLUMP","Explanation":"Definition: Drop\nS[mall] + LUMP"} {"Clue":"Have breakfast, as all the king's horses and men did (2,2,4,2,2,3)","Answer":"GO TO WORK ON AN EGG","Explanation":"Definition: Have breakfast\nDouble definition \u2013 the phrase was an advertising slogan for eggs in the 1950s and 1960s, supposedly invented by the novelist Fay Weldon; also a reference to the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty: \"All the king's horses and all the king's men\/Couldn't put Humpty together again\""} {"Clue":"One day, start to eat and fill up (4)","Answer":"SATE","Explanation":"Definition: fill up\nSAT[urday] + E[at]"} {"Clue":"Jargon in capital university describing, say, beer (8)","Answer":"LEGALESE","Explanation":"Definition: Jargon\nEG (say) + ALE in LSE (university in London)"} {"Clue":"Marvellous month ending with a starry event (9)","Answer":"SUPERNOVA","Explanation":"Definition: starry event\nSUPER (marvellous) + NOV + A"} {"Clue":"Prophet almost died, drenched in water (5)","Answer":"HOSED","Explanation":"Definition: drenched in water\nHOSE[a] (prophet, after whom one of the books of the Old Testament is named) + D[ied]"} {"Clue":"Dismissing one set of Nazis, control group of law enforcers (5)","Answer":"POSSE","Explanation":"Definition: group of law enforcers\nPOSSESS (control) less the second instance (hence \"one set\") of SS"} {"Clue":"Badly alarmed by North Dakota, an unreal place (9)","Answer":"DREAMLAND","Explanation":"Definition: an unreal place\nALARMED* + ND"} {"Clue":"Exhaust me, returning to America retired (8)","Answer":"EMERITUS","Explanation":"Definition: retired\nReverse of TIRE ME + US"} {"Clue":"Spades sever rabbit's tail (4)","Answer":"SCUT","Explanation":"Definition: rabbit's tail\nS + CUT"} {"Clue":"One's mad to have these pro\u00adtected creatures in church (4,2,3,6)","Answer":"BATS IN THE BELFRY","Explanation":"Definition: One's mad to have these\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Discharge ambassador, who's in drink (5)","Answer":"RHEUM","Explanation":"Definition: Discharge\nHE (His Excellency] in RUM"} {"Clue":"Lose voter? Terrible for president (9)","Answer":"ROOSEVELT","Explanation":"Definition: president\n(LOSE VOTES)* \u2013 talking of US presidents, there was a bizarre misspelling in yesterday's Speedy from the Observer"} {"Clue":"Sounds exasperated by announced dimensions (5)","Answer":"SIGHS","Explanation":"Definition: Sounds exasperated\nHomophone of \"size\""} {"Clue":"Worst and best refuelling place (3,4)","Answer":"PIT STOP","Explanation":"Definition: refuelling place\nPITS (worst) + TOP (best)"} {"Clue":"In the light, wife is off colour (4)","Answer":"LEWD","Explanation":"Definition: off colour\nW in LED"} {"Clue":"Arthur tries to conceal injury (4)","Answer":"HURT","Explanation":"Definition: injury\nHidden in artHUR Tries"} {"Clue":"Old partner one scolded is free of blame (10)","Answer":"EXONERATED","Explanation":"Definition: free of blame\nEX (former partner) + ONE + RATED (scolded)"} {"Clue":"Hot seat may shatter the unadventurous (4-2-4)","Answer":"STAY-AT-HOME","Explanation":"Definition: unadventurous\n(HOT SEAT MAY)"} {"Clue":"Waste of time, what you may do to protect the environment? (7)","Answer":"USELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Waste of time\nTo protect the environment, USE LESS"} {"Clue":"Wilful greedy guts was in charge (9)","Answer":"PIGHEADED","Explanation":"Definition: Wilful\nPIG (greedy person) + HEADED"} {"Clue":"Committee said umpire is wrong (10)","Answer":"PRAESIDIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Committee\n(SAID UMPIRE)"} {"Clue":"Would, say, ship provide a job for Ali Baba? (10)","Answer":"WOODCUTTER","Explanation":"Definition: a job for Ali Baba\nWOOD (\"would\") + CUTTER (ship) \u2013 in the story from the \"Arabian Nights\", Ali Baba was a poor woodcutter"} {"Clue":"Peter's excited to receive an honour at start of school year (9)","Answer":"SEPTEMBER","Explanation":"Definition: start of school year\nMBE (honour) in PETERS"} {"Clue":"Ghost is a little suspect, really (7)","Answer":"SPECTRE","Explanation":"Definition: Ghost\nHidden in suSPECT REally"} {"Clue":"Trouble for each major enemy (7)","Answer":"ARCHFOE","Explanation":"Definition: major enemy\n(FOR EACH)"} {"Clue":"Go to join street meeting (5)","Answer":"TRYST","Explanation":"Definition: meeting\nTRY (go) + ST"} {"Clue":"Looking embarrassed by love? Have another go (4)","Answer":"REDO","Explanation":"Definition: Have another go\nRED + O"} {"Clue":"Hours before present (4)","Answer":"HERE","Explanation":"Definition: present\nH + ERE (before)"} {"Clue":"Jump across, initially moving right to left, to arrive at different levels (6)","Answer":"STRATA","Explanation":"Definition: levels\nSTART (jump) + A[cross], with the R moved one place to the left"} {"Clue":"Finishing touches for scripts by Dan Levy, showing correct use of language (6)","Answer":"SYNTAX","Explanation":"Definition: correct use of language\nLast letters of scriptS bY daN + TAX (levy)"} {"Clue":"TV show judge's entertaining pooch? (7)","Answer":"TERRIER","Explanation":"Definition: pooch\nER (TV show based around a Chicago Emergency Room) in TRIER (judge)"} {"Clue":"Can I spoil first drink (7)","Answer":"MARTINI","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nMAR (spoil) + TIN (can) + I"} {"Clue":"Clue to make WAG punish cleaner (7-2,6)","Answer":"WASHING-UP LIQUID","Explanation":"Definition: cleaner\nWASHING-UP is an anagram of WAG PUNISH, which could be indicated in a clue by the indicator LIQUID"} {"Clue":"See Mark's predicament (4)","Answer":"SPOT","Explanation":"Definition: See\nTriple definition"} {"Clue":"Stable's opening tack room \u2014 it's slow (6,4)","Answer":"SNAIL\u2019S PACE","Explanation":"Definition: it's slow\nS[table] + NAIL (tack) + SPACE (room)"} {"Clue":"After five Americans leave bar area ready, ale's drunk \u2014 and some kind of wine? (10)","Answer":"ELDERBERRY","Explanation":"Definition: some kind of wine\nAnagram of BAR AREA READY ALE less the five instances of A"} {"Clue":"Note start of month has new moon, occasionally (4)","Answer":"MEMO","Explanation":"Definition: Note\nM[onth] + alternate letters of nEw MoOn"} {"Clue":"Broadcast porn deal matters for pair that grind (6,3,6)","Answer":"PESTLE AND MORTAR","Explanation":"Definition: pair that grind\n(PORN DEAL MATTERS)* \u2013 I think \"mortar and pestle\" is more usual, and of course the clue could give either version"} {"Clue":"Discovered this book with way-out jacket for present (7)","Answer":"EXHIBIT","Explanation":"Definition: present\nHI (THIS \"dis-covered\") + B[ook] in EXIT"} {"Clue":"Small bottle found in a drug smuggler containing cannabis, mostly (7)","Answer":"AMPOULE","Explanation":"Definition: Small bottle\nPO[t] in A MULE"} {"Clue":"Books Lineker, say, without support (6)","Answer":"GANTRY","Explanation":"Definition: support\nNT (New Testament, books) in GARY (Gary Lineker, ex-footballer and commentator)"} {"Clue":"Article on excited UK Green insiders' legendary response to rising water level (6)","Answer":"EUREKA","Explanation":"Definition: legendary response to rising water level\nAnagram of UK [g]REE[n] + A (indefinite article) \u2013 Archimedes' legendary response to realising that the displacement of water could be used to determine the purity of a gold crown"} {"Clue":"Beginning to beat out precious metal, striking head (9)","Answer":"THRESHOLD","Explanation":"Definition: Beginning\nTHRESH (beat out) + [g]OLD"} {"Clue":"Sharp police unit infiltrating revolutionary spies (6)","Answer":"ACIDIC","Explanation":"Definition: Sharp\nCID in reverse of CIA"} {"Clue":"A rector overseeing organ recital, originally raised church's sense of superiority (9)","Answer":"ARROGANCE","Explanation":"Definition: sense of superiority\nA R + ORGAN with R[ecital] (recital, originally), moved up, + CE"} {"Clue":"Rearing mountain lions making a university review \u2026 (3,2)","Answer":"SUM UP","Explanation":"Definition: review\nReverse of PUMAS with A changed to U[niversity]"} {"Clue":"\u2026 new animal sanctuary \u2014 first to accept incarceration, essentially will make most irritable (8)","Answer":"NARKIEST","Explanation":"Definition: most irritable\nN + ARK (animal sanctuary) + middle letter of incarcEration in 1ST"} {"Clue":"Brussels supports aid arrangement for so long (5)","Answer":"ADIEU","Explanation":"Definition: so long\nAID* + EU (Brussels, by synecdoche)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Harrovians and partners, entering drag race (11)","Answer":"TOWNSPEOPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Harrovians\nN S (partners in Bridge) in TOW (drag) PEOPLE (race)"} {"Clue":"Most of river reaches English channel eventually (2,3,6)","Answer":"IN DUE COURSE","Explanation":"Definition: eventually\nINDU[s] +E + COURSE (channel)"} {"Clue":"After baffling air raid film, turned shed light on (9)","Answer":"IRRADIATE","Explanation":"Definition: shed light on\n(AIR RAID)* + reverse of ET (film)"} {"Clue":"Stunned banks withdraw from Mae West fight (3-6)","Answer":"AWE-STRUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Stunned\nMAE with the outer letter or \"banks\" removed, + WEST + RUCK (fight)"} {"Clue":"Sick have small portion under doctor \u2014 it might well be boring (5,3)","Answer":"DRILL BIT","Explanation":"Definition: it might well be boring\nDR + ILL + BIT"} {"Clue":"Small change for policeman (6)","Answer":"COPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Small change\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Kitsch outfit dismissed with a sound (5)","Answer":"SCHWA","Explanation":"Definition: sound\nKITSCH less KIT (outfit) + W[ith] A; scwha is a neutral vowel sound, as in the second syllable of \"neutral\", for example, indicated in phonetics by the symbol \u0259"} {"Clue":"Nervous, puzzling 5 across, 10 down (5)","Answer":"ANTSY","Explanation":"Definition: Nervous\nAnagram of SYNTAX (5a) less (\"down\") X (Roman numeral 10) \u2013 a great one to finish"} {"Clue":"Initially retired, Michael Caine's having to work: one goes over lines (9,5)","Answer":"VANISHING\u00a0CREAM","Explanation":"Definition: one goes over lines\nAnagram of R[etired] M[ichael] CAINE'S HAVING"} {"Clue":"Took horse round in this? (5)","Answer":"RODEO","Explanation":"Definition: Took horse round in this\nRODE (took a horse) + O (round) &lit"} {"Clue":"Pair of seals when swimming? Group not round seal at sea (8)","Answer":"EARPLUGS","Explanation":"Definition: Pair of seals when swimming\nAnagram of GROUP less O (another \"round\"!) + SEAL"} {"Clue":"Team golfer wearing short fleece (7)","Answer":"CHELSEA","Explanation":"Definition: Team\n[Ernie] ELS in CHEA[t] (to fleece)"} {"Clue":"Charm school finally ran the training (7)","Answer":"ENTHRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Charm\nAnagram of [schoo]L RAN THE"} {"Clue":"Starting a relationship primarily around sex: strings attached to this? (5)","Answer":"SITAR","Explanation":"Definition: strings attached to this\nIT (sex) in first letters of Starting A Relationship"} {"Clue":"Real gold in that case twinkling endlessly (9)","Answer":"AUTHENTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Real\nAU (gold) + THEN (in that case) + TIC[k] (in a tick = in a twinkling; very soon)"} {"Clue":"Confirms boxer goes out after victory (9)","Answer":"VALIDATES","Explanation":"Definition: Confirms\nV[ictory] + ALI (boxer) + DATES (goes out [with])"} {"Clue":"Wag is huge, not small (5)","Answer":"COMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Wag\nCOSMIC less S"} {"Clue":"Taxes one with millions and more than one job (7)","Answer":"IMPOSTS","Explanation":"Definition: Taxes\nI + M + POSTS (jobs)"} {"Clue":"Weak person bleeds before surgery (7)","Answer":"MILKSOP","Explanation":"Definition: Weak person\nMILKS (bleeds) + OP[eration]"} {"Clue":"Worker describing pit bully (8)","Answer":"DOMINEER","Explanation":"Definition: bully\nMINE (pit) in DOER"} {"Clue":"Idea, given time, works (5)","Answer":"PLANT","Explanation":"Definition: works\nPLAN + T"} {"Clue":"Modern train at London: second from King's Cross (14)","Answer":"NONTRADITIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: Modern\nAnagram TRAIN AT LONDON + second letter of kIng. I think I would hyphenate this word, if only to prevent it looking like nontra-ditional, but the unhyphenated version seems to be standard"} {"Clue":"Revive casino that's in trouble; it could cause a problem for one member (8,4)","Answer":"VARICOSE VEIN","Explanation":"Definition: it could cause a problem for one member\n(REVIVE CASINO)"} {"Clue":"Wearing nothing to protect onset of golfer's elbow (5)","Answer":"NUDGE","Explanation":"Definition: elbow\nG[olfer] in NUDE (wearing nothing)"} {"Clue":"Did back hurt, day after boy carries piano? (9)","Answer":"SPONSORED","Explanation":"Definition: Did back\nP in SON + SORE (hurt) + D[ay]"} {"Clue":"Flower arrangement in furniture shop to cover most of store (7)","Answer":"IKEBANA","Explanation":"Definition: Flower arrangement\nBAN[k] (store) in IKEA"} {"Clue":"Perhaps coat of fellow concealing weapon (7)","Answer":"GARMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps coat\nARM in GENT"} {"Clue":"Upset worker in bathroom? Fired again (5)","Answer":"RELIT","Explanation":"Definition: Fired again\nReverse of TILER (not the roofing sort: one who might work in a bathroom)"} {"Clue":"Steps goal hit, travelling miles over run (9)","Answer":"ALGORITHM","Explanation":"Definition: Steps\nR in (GOAL HIT)* + R[un] + M[iles]"} {"Clue":"Hunk with money is a big character (5,7)","Answer":"BLOCK CAPITAL","Explanation":"Definition: a big character\nBLOCK (hunk) + CAPITAL (money)"} {"Clue":"Long shot from footballer going over close to netting (9)","Answer":"TELEPHOTO","Explanation":"Definition: Long shot\nReverse of PELE (footballer) + HOT (close) in (netted by) TO"} {"Clue":"Gums cut? I pay dental practice, ultimately for treatment (9)","Answer":"EUCALYPTI","Explanation":"Definition: Gums\nAnagram of CUT I PAY [denta]L [practic]E"} {"Clue":"Climbing on top of sink, laid a tile (7)","Answer":"TESSERA","Explanation":"Definition: tile\nReverse of RE (on) S[ink] SET (laid), + A"} {"Clue":"Arm with US bombs and first-class fighters (7)","Answer":"SAMURAI","Explanation":"Definition: fighters\n(ARM US)* + A1"} {"Clue":"Fast broadband connection mostly in street (5)","Answer":"SWIFT","Explanation":"Definition: Fast\nWIF[i] in ST[reet]"} {"Clue":"Hand opening tin for produce (5)","Answer":"SPAWN","Explanation":"Definition: produce\nPAW (hand) in SN (tin)"} {"Clue":"Oh dear, less effective tool than a pitchfork, by the sound of it? (5-2)","Answer":"HEIGH-HO","Explanation":"Definition: Oh dear\nHomophone of \"hay hoe\", which might be less effective than a pitchfork"} {"Clue":"Malaise rare in report (7)","Answer":"BOREDOM","Explanation":"Definition: Malaise\nRED (rare) in BOOM (report, as from an explosion)"} {"Clue":"Unintentionally funny man taking bow in illusionist (5,6)","Answer":"SPOON BENDER","Explanation":"Definition: illusionist\nBEND (bow) in SPOONER (whose verbal slips were unintentionally funny)"} {"Clue":"Clumsy butchering of the samurai (10)","Answer":"AMATEURISH","Explanation":"Definition: Clumsy\n(THE SAMURAI)"} {"Clue":"Passage from one end of Salonica to the other? (4)","Answer":"STOA","Explanation":"Definition: Passage\nS TO A, using the outer letters of SalonicA"} {"Clue":"Fellow accommodating illicit tavern is party guy? (12)","Answer":"CONSERVATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: party guy\n(TAVERN IS)* in COVE (fellow) \u2013 given the Partygate shenanigans, the definition can perhaps be taken in two ways"} {"Clue":"I've no idea if hatmaker's one for tailoring? (3,2,7)","Answer":"ASK ME ANOTHER","Explanation":"Definition: I've no idea\n(HATMAKER'S ONE)"} {"Clue":"Idiot's point inspiring intellectual, finally (4)","Answer":"DOLT","Explanation":"Definition: Idiot\n[intellectua]L in DOT"} {"Clue":"Goddess, essentially mobile? (10)","Answer":"PERSEPHONE","Explanation":"Definition: Goddess\nPER SE (essentially) + MOBILE (phone)"} {"Clue":"Maestro elected to double back on opera (9)","Answer":"TOSCANINI","Explanation":"Definition: Maestro\nTOSCA (opera) + IN (elected) reversed, twice"} {"Clue":"Did content of bidet career from behind? (5)","Answer":"ACTED","Explanation":"Definition: Did\nHidden in reverse of biDET Career"} {"Clue":"Meddle, as some Canadian leader? (7)","Answer":"INTRUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Meddle\nHidden in justIN TRUDEau \u2013 it's unusual to have a hidden clue where the \"fodder\" is not given, but Trudeau (Pierre or Justin) is perhaps the only Canadian leader most of us could name"} {"Clue":"Shave round blonde fringe, this female's hairy (3-4)","Answer":"SHE-BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: this female's hairy\nB[lond]E in SHEAR"} {"Clue":"Soldier with swimmer and aviator on the periphery (6)","Answer":"HUSSAR","Explanation":"Definition: Soldier\nHUSS (fish, swimmer) + A[viato]R"} {"Clue":"I do well to conceal black line on map (6)","Answer":"ISOBAR","Explanation":"Definition: line on map\nB in I SOAR"} {"Clue":"Article removed from deceased in house, surrendered (6,4)","Answer":"HANDED OVER","Explanation":"Definition: surrendered\nDEAD less A (article) in HANOVER (royal house)"} {"Clue":"Wit in funny replies penned by discontented Bennett (3,6)","Answer":"BEL ESPRIT","Explanation":"Definition: Wit\nREPLIES* in B[ennet]T"} {"Clue":"Nettle rash itchy, less excruciating first of all (4)","Answer":"RILE","Explanation":"Definition: Nettle\nFirst letters of Rash Itchy Less Excruciating"} {"Clue":"Carry out check on trouble in joint (8)","Answer":"DOVETAIL","Explanation":"Definition: joint\nDO VET + AIL"} {"Clue":"Large amount on a pension, perhaps, worked hard (8)","Answer":"MASSAGED","Explanation":"Definition: worked hard\nMASS (large amount) AGED (as one on a pension might be)"} {"Clue":"Groundwork backfiring in appetite for party piece? (5,5)","Answer":"PAPER PLATE","Explanation":"Definition: party piece\nReverse of PREP (groundwork) in PALATE (appetite)"} {"Clue":"Write poetry, very intense rubbish (9)","Answer":"SONNETISE","Explanation":"Definition: Write poetry\nSO + INTENSE"} {"Clue":"Criminals in party, it needing reflection? (8)","Answer":"BANDITTI","Explanation":"Definition: Criminals\nBAND (party) + IT + its reverse"} {"Clue":"Working range, where pan's filled with stew, originally (5,3)","Answer":"SKILL SET","Explanation":"Definition: Working range\nS[tew] in SKILLET (pan)"} {"Clue":"Spouse's situation on easy street, comparatively? (3,3,5,4,5)","Answer":"HOW\u00a0THE\u00a0OTHER HALF LIVES","Explanation":"Definition: on easy street, comparatively\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Notices Christmas fare if served with mint, did you say? (5)","Answer":"SPIES","Explanation":"Definition: Notices\nMINT SPIES = \"mince pies\", Christmas fare"} {"Clue":"Tropical island I see in middle of Slough (4)","Answer":"OAHU","Explanation":"Definition: Tropical island\nAH (I see!) in [sl]OU[gh] \u2013 Oahu is one of the islands of Hawaii"} {"Clue":"About to be absorbed into the crowd, as they say (5)","Answer":"THREE","Explanation":"Definition: crowd, as they say\n **RE** (with reference to; about) **contained in** (absorbed into) **THE**\n **TH** (**RE**) **E"} {"Clue":"Don't allow ghostly coverings, say, with no time for wailing spirits (8)","Answer":"BANSHEES","Explanation":"Definition: wailing spirits\n **BAN** (don't allow) **+ SHEETS** (ghosts are often portrayed as covered in a **SHEET**; ghostly coverings) **excluding** (with no) **T**\n **BAN** **SHEES"} {"Clue":"City, European, swathed in black carpets (6)","Answer":"BRUGES","Explanation":"Definition: City\n **E** (European) **contained in** (swathed in) (**B** [black, when describing pencil lead] **+ RUGS** [carpets])\n **B** **RUG** (**E**) **S"} {"Clue":"Caught dancing around, around large witch's accessory? (8)","Answer":"CAULDRON","Explanation":"Definition: witch's accessory\n **C** (caught) **+** (**an anagram of** [dancing] **AROUND** **containing** [around] **L** [large])\n **C** **AU** (**L**) **DRON"} {"Clue":"Real German playwright, German, not British (4)","Answer":"ECHT","Explanation":"Definition: Real\n **BRECHT** (reference Bertolt **BRECHT** [1898 \u2013 1956], German playwright) **excluding** (not) **BR** (British)\n **ECHT"} {"Clue":"Charge lots of directors for advertising material (10)","Answer":"BILLBOARDS","Explanation":"Definition: advertising material\n **BILL** (raise an invoice; charge) **+ BOARDS** (groups of [lots of] company directors)\n **BILL BOARDS"} {"Clue":"Look at new type of cinema, returning in middle of week (7)","Answer":"EXAMINE","Explanation":"Definition: Look at\n (**N** [new] **+ IMAX** [system of widescreen cinema presentation]) **reversed** (returning) and **contained in** (in) **EE** (**central letters of** [middle of] **WEEK**)\n **E** (**XAMI N**)< **E"} {"Clue":"Awkward customer to toss back endless throws (7)","Answer":"BOLSHIE","Explanation":"Definition: Awkward customer\n **LOB** (toss) **reversed** (back) **+ SHIES** (throws) **excluding the final letter** (endless) **S**\n **BOL**< **SHIE"} {"Clue":"Afropop in bar, endlessly (3)","Answer":"RAI","Explanation":"Definition: Afropop\n **RAIL** (bar) **excluding the final letter** (endlessly) **L**\n **RAI"} {"Clue":"Not a member of group possibly facing follow-on? (7)","Answer":"OUTSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Not a member of group\n **OUT SIDE** (a **SIDE** in cricket that is all **OUT** after its first innings, for a score that is substantially less than their opponents who batted first, may be asked to bat again [follow-on] before their opponents)\n **OUT SIDE"} {"Clue":"Meadow hired out after fine bit of advertising (7)","Answer":"LEAFLET","Explanation":"Definition: bit of advertising\n **LEA** (meadow) **+** **F** (fine) **+ LET** (hired out)\n **LEA F LET"} {"Clue":"Discriminatory treatment, not primarily excellent standard (10)","Answer":"INEQUALITY","Explanation":"Definition: Discriminatory treatment\n **FINE** (excellent) **excluding the first letter** (not primarily) **F** **+ QUALITY** (standard)\n **INE QUALITY"} {"Clue":"Happen to get cheers for version under test (4)","Answer":"BETA","Explanation":"Definition: version under test\n **BE** (happen) **+ TA** (thank you; cheers)\n **BE TA"} {"Clue":"One special lunar vehicle? Man provides home for one (8)","Answer":"ISLANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Man provides home for one\n **I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ S** (special) **+ LANDER** (reference a lunar **LANDER,** a vehicle used by astronauts to **LAND** on the moon)\n **I S LANDER"} {"Clue":"Declining upholstery material if front's absent (6)","Answer":"EBBING","Explanation":"Definition: Declining\n **WEBBING** (woven strip of hemp, used for belts, etc, for various purposes in upholstery) **excluding the first letter** (front's absent) **W**\n **EBBING"} {"Clue":"Malta is getting peevish with independent state (8)","Answer":"MISSOURI","Explanation":"Definition: state\n **M** (International Vehicle Registration for Malta) **+ IS + SOUR** (irritable; peevish) **+ I** (independent)\n **M IS SOUR I"} {"Clue":"Dude showing extremes of duplicity (5)","Answer":"DANDY","Explanation":"Definition: Dude\n **D AND Y** (**D** and **Y** are t**he outer letters** **of** [extremes of] **DUPLICITY**)\n **D AND Y"} {"Clue":"Put down a quantity of food (5)","Answer":"TABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Put down\n **TABLE** (a supply or quantity of food) **double definition**\n **TABLE"} {"Clue":"Rowdy company, somewhat plastered? (9)","Answer":"ROUGHCAST","Explanation":"Definition: somewhat plastered\n **ROUGH** (turbulent; rowdy) **+ CAST** (a company of actors)\n **ROUGH CAST"} {"Clue":"Cumbrian river: pike's last refuge (4)","Answer":"EDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Cumbrian river\n **E** (**final letter of** [last] **PIKE**) **+ DEN** (hideaway; refuge)\n **E DEN"} {"Clue":"I should be promoted in duty following a very advanced state of readiness (12)","Answer":"AVAILABILITY","Explanation":"Definition: state of readiness\n **A + V** (very) **+ A** (advanced) **+ LIABILITY** (duty) **with the first I raised up this down entry** [promoted] **to form** **ILABILITY**\n **A V A ILABILITY"} {"Clue":"A line in some plan revised feature of dam? (6,4)","Answer":"SALMON LEAP","Explanation":"Definition: feature of dam\n (**A** **+ L** [line])** contained in an anagram of** (revised) **SOME PLAN **\n **S **(**A L**)** MON LEAP"} {"Clue":"Annoying child denied first wrong act (5)","Answer":"ERROR","Explanation":"Definition: wrong act\n **TERROR** (annoying child) **excluding the first letter** (denied first) **T**\n **ERROR"} {"Clue":"Getting old, observes small amount of money, having claimed pension at last (9)","Answer":"SENESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Getting old\n (**SEES** [observes] **+ CENT** [small amount of money]) **containing** (having claimed) **N** (f**inal letter of** [at last] **PENSION**)\n **SE** (**N**) **ES CENT"} {"Clue":"Possibly release diary \u2013 it covers 365 days or so (8,4)","Answer":"SIDEREAL YEAR","Explanation":"Definition: it covers 365 days or so\n **Anagram of** (possibly) **RELEASE DIARY**\n **SIDEREAL YEAR"} {"Clue":"Foolish insinuation, overlooking a new decline? (10)","Answer":"DIMINUENDO","Explanation":"Definition: decline\n **DIM** (foolish) **+ INNUENDO** (insinuation) **excluding** (overlooking) **one of the\u00a0** (a) **N**s\n **DIM INUENDO"} {"Clue":"Isometric exercises? Sexy stuff (9)","Answer":"EROTICISM","Explanation":"Definition: Sexy stuff\n **Anagram of** (exercises) **ISOMETRIC**\n **EROTICISM"} {"Clue":"Associated with detective, hansom lies mostly free (9)","Answer":"HOLMESIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Associated with detective\n **Anagram of** (free) **HANSOM** and **LIES** **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **S**\n **HOLMESIAN"} {"Clue":"Novel listing includes literary pseudonym (5)","Answer":"ELLIS","Explanation":"Definition: literary pseudonym\n **ELLIS** (**hidden word** [includes] **in** **NOVEL LISTING**)\n **ELLIS"} {"Clue":"Old King, trapped in a US city, in a rage (5)","Answer":"ANGRY","Explanation":"Definition: in a rage\n **GR** (George Rex, one of many old British Kings) **contained in** (trapped in) (**A + NY** [New York, US city])\n **A** **N** (**GR**) **Y"} {"Clue":"A necklace item one lost among the sheets? (4)","Answer":"ABED","Explanation":"Definition: among the sheets\n **A + BEAD** (necklace item) **excluding** (lost) **A** (one)\n **A + BED"} {"Clue":"Fancy hot bedrooms are not groovy (6-5)","Answer":"SMOOTH-BORED","Explanation":"Definition: not groovy\n **Anagram of** (fancy) **HOT BEDROOMS**\n **SMOOTH BORED"} {"Clue":"Flower sends submariner into an ecstasy (7)","Answer":"ANEMONE","Explanation":"Definition: Flower\n **NEMO** (reference Captain **NEMO**, fictional submariner created by the novelist Jules Verne [1828 \u2013 1905] and featured in 'Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas' and 'The Mysterious Island') **contained in** (sends \u2026 into) (**AN + E** [ecstasy tablet])\n **A** (**NEMO**) **N** **E"} {"Clue":"One shied, caught out concealing scam (7)","Answer":"COCONUT","Explanation":"Definition: One shied\n (**C** [caught] **+ OUT**) **containing** (concealing) **CON** (**CON**fidence trick or scam)\n **C** **O** (**CON**) **UT"} {"Clue":"Cosmetics salesperson from America comes back to make a big bang (9)","Answer":"SUPERNOVA","Explanation":"Definition: big bang\n (**AVON REP** [**AVON** is a long established cosmetic company whose **REP**resentatives [sales people] are apparently still encouraged to knock on doors to sell their products] **+ US** [United States; America]) **all reversed** (comes back)\n (**SU PER NOVA**)<"} {"Clue":"Tree's total area collecting carbon (5)","Answer":"SUMAC","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\n **SUM** (total) **+ A** (area) **+ C** (carbon)\n **SUM A C"} {"Clue":"Accent presumably from the south-west (4)","Answer":"TONE","Explanation":"Definition: Accent\n **TO NE** (to the North East, therefore presumably from the South West)\n **TONE"} {"Clue":"Armada, circling a minute lifeboat, stalls (4,6)","Answer":"FLEA MARKET","Explanation":"Definition: stalls\n **FLEET** (armada) **containing** (circling) (**A + M** [minute] **+ ARK** (Noah's lifeboat for himself, his wife and the animals that went in two-by-two)\n **FLE** (**A M ARK**) **ET"} {"Clue":"One takes people through specialist trial (10)","Answer":"EXPERIMENT","Explanation":"Definition: trial\n (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ MEN** [people]) **contained in** (through) **EXPERT** (specialist)\n **EXPER** (**I MEN**) **T"} {"Clue":"Writing about sporting blunder in bad visibility (4)","Answer":"SMOG","Explanation":"Definition: bad visibility\n **MS** (manuscript; writing) **reversed** (about) **+ OG** (own goal; sporting blunder)\n **SM**< **OG"} {"Clue":"Fat boy meets another finally across river (5)","Answer":"LARDY","Explanation":"Definition: Fat\n (**LAD** [boy] **+ Y** [**last letter of** [finally] **BOY** [another lad])** containing** (across) **R** (river)\n **LA** (**R**) **D** **Y"} {"Clue":"Pole is three times wounded \u2014 he takes high risks (4,5)","Answer":"TEST PILOT","Explanation":"Definition: he takes high risks\n **Anagram of** (wounded) **POLE IS** and **TTT** [three occurrences of **T** [time]; three times)\n **TEST PILOT"} {"Clue":"We hear Oscar's agent did lose all control (3,4)","Answer":"RUN WILD","Explanation":"Definition: lose all control\n **RUN** (manage, as an agent would do) **+ WILD** (**sounds like** [we hear] **WILDE** [reference **OSCAR WILDE** [1854-1900], Irish poet and playwright)\n **RUN WILD"} {"Clue":"One who's withdrawn from class in recycling (7)","Answer":"RECLUSE","Explanation":"Definition: One who's withdrawn\n **CL** (class) **contained in** (in) **REUSE** (recycling)\n **RE** (**CL**) **USE"} {"Clue":"End striker's loan period for second leg (6,5)","Answer":"RETURN MATCH","Explanation":"Definition: second leg\n **RETURN MATCH** (cryptic reference to ending the loan period of [**RETURN**ing] a striker [a **MATCH**]) **cryptic definition**\n **RETURN MATCH"} {"Clue":"Wife not interested tonight? I can't manage (8,7)","Answer":"SLEEPING PARTNER","Explanation":"Definition: I can't manage\n **SLEEPING PARTNER** (a wife [or husband?], **PARTNER**, who chooses to **SLEEP** rather than indulge in other activities in bed) **cryptic definition**\n **SLEEPING PARTNER"} {"Clue":"Stench of Iberian river, bubble rising to the surface (5)","Answer":"ODOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Stench\n **DOURO** (river in Portugal, part of the Iberian peninsula) with the final **O** (bubble shaped character) **rising to the top** [surface] [down entry] **to form ODOUR**\n **ODOUR"} {"Clue":"Ornamental tracery work probed by judge (7)","Answer":"TREFOIL","Explanation":"Definition: Ornamental tracery\n **TOIL** (work) **containing** (probed by) **REF** (**REF**eree; judge)\n **T** (**REF**) **OIL"} {"Clue":"Out of helmet take a large pastry (7)","Answer":"BACLAVA","Explanation":"Definition: pastry\n **BALACLAVA** (knitted hat covering the head and neck, with an opening for the face, also known as a **BALACLAVA** helmet) **excluding** (out of) (**A** **+ L** [large])\n **BACLAVA"} {"Clue":"A man draws this stack of hay and wood (8)","Answer":"RICKSHAW","Explanation":"Definition: A man draws this\n **RICK** (stack of hay) **+ SHAW** (a small wood)\n **RICK SHAW"} {"Clue":"Teacher preparing me a talk \u2014 me! Yuk, it's unbelievable (4,4,2,5)","Answer":"DON","Explanation":"Definition: it's unbelievable\n **DON** (university teacher) **+ an anagram of** (preparing) **ME A TALK ME** **+ UGH**! (expression of repugnance similar to **YUK**!)\n **DON** ('**T MAKE ME LA***) **UGH"} {"Clue":"There's malaria spreading: call for help (5,3,5)","Answer":"RAISE THE ALARM","Explanation":"Definition: call for help\n **Anagram of** (spreading) **THERE'S MALARIA**\n **RAISE THE ALARM"} {"Clue":"Support each other to win hearts, blocking pig killer (5,8)","Answer":"STICK TOGETHER","Explanation":"Definition: Support each other\n (**TO + GET** [win] **+ H** [hearts]) **contained in** (blocking) **STICKER** (person who kills pigs)\n **STICK** (**TO** **GET H**) **ER"} {"Clue":"All the officers here succeeded in moving my trial (4,4)","Answer":"ARMY LIST","Explanation":"Definition: All the officers here\n **S** (succeeded) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (moving) **MY TRIAL**\n **ARMY LI** (**S**) **T"} {"Clue":"Ring performer has millions on top of a little gold (7)","Answer":"MATADOR","Explanation":"Definition: Ring performer\n **M** (millions) **+ A + TAD** (small amount; little) **+ OR** (gold tincture) \u2013 this being a down entry, the **M** is on top of all the other letters\n **M A TAD OR"} {"Clue":"Favoured remedy in no way peculiar (7)","Answer":"NOSTRUM","Explanation":"Definition: Favoured remedy\n **NO** **+ ST** (street; way) **+ RUM** (odd; peculiar)\n **NO ST RUM"} {"Clue":"Lacy border seemingly good on bed (5)","Answer":"PICOT","Explanation":"Definition: Lacy border\n **PI** (pious or sanctimonious person; one seemingly good) **+ COT** (bed)\n **PI COT"} {"Clue":"City gentleman knocked back by secretary (5)","Answer":"PARIS","Explanation":"Definition: City\n **PA** (personal assistant; secretary) **+ SIR** (form of address for a gentleman) **reversed** (knocked back)\n **PA RIS**<"} {"Clue":"Rogue One's cast is sexy (9)","Answer":"EROGENOUS","Explanation":"Definition: sexy\n **Anagram of** (cast) **ROGUE ONE'S**\n **EROGENOUS"} {"Clue":"Geneva Convention extremely complex with European payback (9)","Answer":"VENGEANCE","Explanation":"Definition: payback\n **Anagram of** (complex) **GENEVA** and **CN** (**outer letters of** [extremely] **CONVENTION**) **+ E** (European)\n **VENGEANC*** **E"} {"Clue":"Bill knocked back wine in summer (5)","Answer":"ADDER","Explanation":"Definition: summer\n **AD** (advertisement; poster; bill) **+ RED** (description of wine) **reversed** (back)\n **AD DER**<"} {"Clue":"Witch in a Private Eye article is a problem for consumer (7)","Answer":"APHAGIA","Explanation":"Definition: problem for consumer\n (**HAG** [witch] **contained in** [in] [**A +** **PI** {private investigator; private eye}]) **+ A** [indefinite] article)\n **A** **P** (**HAG**) **I** **A"} {"Clue":"Vitamin secret in olive extract (7)","Answer":"RETINOL","Explanation":"Definition: Vitamin\n **RETINOL** (**hidden word in** [extract] **SECRET IN OLIVE OIL**)\n **RETINOL"} {"Clue":"I sort swimming trunks (5)","Answer":"TORSI","Explanation":"Definition: trunks\n **Anagram of** (swimming) **I SORT**\n **TORSI"} {"Clue":"Party for small dog (3)","Answer":"LAB","Explanation":"Definition: Party\n **LAB** (abbreviation for [small] **LAB**rador [breed of dog]) **double definition**\n **LAB"} {"Clue":"Ancient European articles (5)","Answer":"ELDER","Explanation":"Definition: Ancient\n **EL** (Spanish [European] form of the definite article, the) **+ DER** (German [European] form of the definite article, the) giving European articles\n **EL DER"} {"Clue":"Worldly Lucie's coming back wanting one afternoon with Romeo (7)","Answer":"SECULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Worldly\n **LUCIE'S** **reversed** (coming back) **excluding** (wanting) **I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ A** (afternoon) **+ R** (Romeo is the international radio communication codeword for the letter **R**)\n **SECUL**< **A R"} {"Clue":"Meet at 1 on board empty ferry (7)","Answer":"SATISFY","Explanation":"Definition: Meet\n (**AT + I** [Roman numeral for one]) **contained in** (onboard a ship [**SS**]) **SS** **+ FY** (**letters remaining in FERRY when the central letters ERR are removed** [empty])\n **S** (**AT I**) **S** **FY"} {"Clue":"Played his shot with Madame Defarge initially holding on (9)","Answer":"SHIMMERED","Explanation":"Definition: Played\n **Anagram of** (shot) **HIS +** ([**MME** {Madame} + **D** {**first letter of** (initially)} **DEFARGE**] **containing** [holding] **RE **(with reference to; on)\n **SHI*** **MME** (**RE**) **D"} {"Clue":"Uncle Rod's stray dog (9)","Answer":"SCOUNDREL","Explanation":"Definition: dog\n **Anagram of** (stray) **UNCLE ROD'S**\n **SCOUNDREL"} {"Clue":"Darnay rejecting a novel full of lust (5)","Answer":"RANDY","Explanation":"Definition: full of lust\n **Anagram of** (novel) **DARNAY** **excluding** (rejecting) **one of the A**s\n **RANDY"} {"Clue":"Wide boy heavyweight's comeuppance (4)","Answer":"SPIV","Explanation":"Definition: Wide boy\n **VIPS** (Very Important Persons's; heavyweight's) **reversed** (comeuppance; down entry)\n **SPIV**<"} {"Clue":"Testing moment for singer after putting cocaine before career (8)","Answer":"CRUNCHER","Explanation":"Definition: Testing moment\n **C + RUN** (race; career) **+ CHER** (reference **CHER**, American singer born 1946)\n **C RUN CHER"} {"Clue":"Man maybe endlessly fooled (4)","Answer":"ISLE","Explanation":"Definition: Man maybe\n **MISLED** (fooled) **excluding the first and final letters** (endlessly) **M** and **D**\n **ISLE"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary lecturer getting into Japan amateur wrestling (4-4,5)","Answer":"JEAN-PAUL","Explanation":"Definition: Revolutionary\n **L** (lecturer) **contained in** (getting into) **an anagram of** (wrestling) **JAPAN AMATEUR**\n **JEAN-PAU** (**L**) **MARAT"} {"Clue":"Problem involving United's showboater (6)","Answer":"POSEUR","Explanation":"Definition: showboater\n **POSER** (difficult question; puzzle; problem) **containing** (involving) **U** (united)\n **POSE** (**U**) **R"} {"Clue":"Dr Manette angry about power division in country (10)","Answer":"DEPARTMENT","Explanation":"Definition: division in country\n **Anagram of** (angry) **DR MANETTE** **containing** (about) **P** (power)\n **DE** (**P**) **ARTMENT"} {"Clue":"League boss without working capital (6)","Answer":"LONDON","Explanation":"Definition: capital\n (**L** [league] **+ DON** [Mafia boss]) **containing** (without [outside]) **ON** (working)\n **L** (**ON**) **DON"} {"Clue":"Some aristocrats are the enemy of the revolution (4)","Answer":"TSAR","Explanation":"Definition: enemy of the revolution\n **TSAR** (**hidden word in** [some] **ARISTOCRATS ARE**)\n **TSAR"} {"Clue":"Nothing between key soprano singers (5)","Answer":"ALTOS","Explanation":"Definition: singers\n **O** (character representing zero or nothing) **contained in** (between) (**ALT** [computer keyboard key] **+ S** [soprano])\n **ALT** (**O**) **S"} {"Clue":"Final fate of Sydney's crop? (10)","Answer":"GUILLOTINE","Explanation":"Definition: crop\n **GUILLOTINE** (in a Tale of Two Cities; **SYDNEY** Carton takes the place of Charles Darnay and is beheaded by the **GUILLOTINE**)\n **GUILLOTINE"} {"Clue":"House actor's articulated vehicle (5)","Answer":"LORRY","Explanation":"Definition: vehicle\n **LORRY** (sounds like [articulated) **LAURIE** (reference Hugh **LAURIE** [born 1959], English actor who play Gregory **HOUSE** in the Fox medical drama series **HOUSE**)\n **LORRY"} {"Clue":"Nick Bottom hiding cash box (8)","Answer":"BASTILLE","Explanation":"Definition: Nick\n **BASE** (bottom) **containing** (hiding) **TILL** (cash box)\n **BAS** (**TILL**) **E"} {"Clue":"Hot for personal assistant in office close to Faubourg (8)","Answer":"DESIRING","Explanation":"Definition: Hot for\n **SIRI** (Apple's virtual assistant; personal assistant) **contained in** (in) **DEN** (office) **+ G** (**last letter of** [close to] **FAUBORG**)\n **DE** (**SIRI**) **N** **G"} {"Clue":"Tory without skill making a packet (6)","Answer":"CARTON","Explanation":"Definition: packet\n **CON** (Conservative) **containing** (without [outside]) **ART** (skill)\n **C** (**ART**) **ON"} {"Clue":"How to get growth in to Worthing or Bognor? (6)","Answer":"RESORT","Explanation":"Definition: Bognor\n **RESORT** (if your **RE-SORT** the letters of **GROWTH IN** you can form **WORTHING**)\n **RESORT"} {"Clue":"Tips from Marquis St Evr\u00e9monde embracing upperclass inspiration (4)","Answer":"MUSE","Explanation":"Definition: inspiration\n **MSE** (**first letters of** [tips from] each of **MARQUIS**, **ST** and **EVR\u00c9MONDE**) **containing** (embracing) **U** (upperclass)\n **M** (**U**) **SE"} {"Clue":"Horse trial (4)","Answer":"MARE","Explanation":"Definition: Horse\n **MARE** (night**MARE**; horrifying experience; trial)\n **MARE"} {"Clue":"Periods of revolution a year in the case of Dickens (4)","Answer":"DAYS","Explanation":"Definition: Periods of revolution\n (**A** **+ Y** [year]) **contained in** (in) **DS** (**letters forming the outside of** [case of] **DICKENS**)\n **D** (**A Y**) **S"} {"Clue":"Quietly long to pursue a new sense of style (7)","Answer":"PANACHE","Explanation":"Definition: sense of style\n **P** (piano; quietly) **+ A + N** (new) **+ ACHE** (yearn; ache)\n **P A N ACHE"} {"Clue":"International appearance by Bale, in trouble with qualification, \u2026 (7)","Answer":"CAPABLE","Explanation":"Definition: with qualification\n **CAP** (players selected for an international appearance are often awarded a cap for each game they play) **+ an anagram of** (in trouble) **BALE** \u2013 Gareth **BALE** is a Welsh international footballer\n **CAP ABLE"} {"Clue":"\u2026 time and again losing head from temper (5)","Answer":"OFTEN","Explanation":"Definition: time and again\n **SOFTEN** (temper) **excluding the first letter** (losing head from) **S**\n **OFTEN"} {"Clue":"Manually produce floating structure after a couple of taps? (9)","Answer":"HANDCRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: Manually produce\n **H AND C** (reference **H**ot **AND C**old taps) **+ RAFT** (floating structure)\n **H AND C** **RAFT"} {"Clue":"O'Neill's put pickled item on the menu? (6,4)","Answer":"LENTIL SOUP","Explanation":"Definition: item on the menu\n **Anagram of** (pickled) **O'NEILL'S PUT**\n **LENTIL SOUP"} {"Clue":"A little sleep at home then cocaine? This could have a galvanising effect! (4)","Answer":"ZINC","Explanation":"Definition: This could have a galvanising effect\n **Z** (a short form [a little] of **ZIZZ** or **ZZZ**, both terms indicating sleep) **+** **IN** (at home) **+ C** (cocaine)\n **Z IN C"} {"Clue":"Flower displayed by people supporting F1 Ferrari? (3,9)","Answer":"RED CARNATION","Explanation":"Definition: Flower\n **RED CAR** (in Formula 1 racing, Ferrari **CAR**s have **RED** livery) **+** **NATION** (people)\n **RED CAR NATION"} {"Clue":"Expansion following recent cycling feature in middle of the paper (6,6)","Answer":"CENTRE SPREAD","Explanation":"Definition: feature in middle of the paper\n **CENTRE** (word formed by cycling **RECENT** two characters to the left) **+ SPREAD** (expansion)\n **CENTRE** **SPREAD"} {"Clue":"Unsteady, regularly absent and had taken drugs (4)","Answer":"USED","Explanation":"Definition: had taken drugs\n **USED** (**letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [regularly] of **UNSTEADY**)\n **USED"} {"Clue":"Reordered arsenic bottles, tea and sweetener (10)","Answer":"SACCHARINE","Explanation":"Definition: sweetener\n **Anagram of** (reordered) **ARSENIC** **containing** (bottles) **CHA** (tea)\n **SAC** (**CHA**) **RINE"} {"Clue":"Senile and has confused language (9)","Answer":"SINHALESE","Explanation":"Definition: language\n **Anagram of** (confused) **SENILE** and **HAS**\n **SINHALESE"} {"Clue":"Alaskan ice traps river crustaceans (5)","Answer":"KRILL","Explanation":"Definition: crustaceans\n **KILL** (In America [Alaska] 'to **ICE**' can mean 'to kill') **containing** (traps) **R** (river)\n **K** (**R**) **ILL"} {"Clue":"Regulars annually knocked back quick drink (7)","Answer":"PATRONS","Explanation":"Definition: Regulars\n **PA** (per annum; annually) **+ SNORT** (informal term for a quick drink) **reversed** (knocked back)\n **PA** **TRONS**<"} {"Clue":"In poor shape in Germany and with badly worn clothing (3-4)","Answer":"RUN-DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: In poor shape\n **Anagram of** (badly) **WORN** **containing** (clothing) **UND** (German for **AND**)\n **R** (**UN D**) **OWN"} {"Clue":"Chasing drug smuggling ring, the French move at a leisurely pace (6)","Answer":"POOTLE","Explanation":"Definition: move at a leisurely pace\n (**POT** [the drug cannabis in any of its form] **containing** [smuggling] **O** [ring shaped letter]) **+ LE** (one of the French forms of 'the')\n **PO** (**O**) **T** **LE"} {"Clue":"Two insects head off swimming (6)","Answer":"NATANT","Explanation":"Definition: swimming\n (**GNAT** [insect] **+ ANT** [another insect]) **excluding the first letter** [head off] **G**\n **NAT ANT"} {"Clue":"Ruler's graduation perhaps brings age into focus (10)","Answer":"CENTIMETRE","Explanation":"Definition: Ruler's graduation\n **TIME** (an age) **contained in** (brought into) **CENTRE** (focus)\n **CEN** (**TIME**) **TRE"} {"Clue":"Note the empty, regressive system of values (5)","Answer":"ETHOS","Explanation":"Definition: system of values\n (**SOH** [fifth note of the scale in sol-fa notation] **+ TE** (letters remaining **when the central letter, H, of THE is excluded** [empty]) **all reversed** (regressive)\n (**ET HOS**) <"} {"Clue":"Winner is a cheat, getting nothing right under detailed questioning (9)","Answer":"CONQUEROR","Explanation":"Definition: Winner\n **CON** (swindle; cheat) **+ QUERY** (questioning) **excluding the final letter** (de-tailed) **Y** **+ O** (character representing zero or nothing) **+ R** (right)\n **CON QUER O R"} {"Clue":"Agreement is in the bag we re told (4)","Answer":"PACT","Explanation":"Definition: Agreement\n **PACT** (**sounds like** [we're told] **PACKED** [put into a bag])\n **PACT"} {"Clue":"City institute faces rising trouble with leading supporters (8)","Answer":"BRASILIA","Explanation":"Definition: City\n **BRAS** (supporters) **+ I** (Institute) **+ AIL** (trouble) **reversed** (rising; down entry)\n **BRAS I LIA**<"} {"Clue":"Attractive and authentic, in gingham trousers? (8)","Answer":"ENTICING","Explanation":"Definition: Attractive\n **ENTICING** (**hidden word in** [trousers] **AUTHENTIC IN GINGHAM**)\n **ENTICING"} {"Clue":"Possible cause of downfall of crazy family (6,4)","Answer":"BANANA SKIN","Explanation":"Definition: Possible cause of downfall\n **BANANAS** (crazy) **+ KIN** (family)\n **BANANA S KIN"} {"Clue":"Instruments from Spain turned up in Paris, ten at Sacr\u00e9- Coeur? (9)","Answer":"CASTANETS","Explanation":"Definition: Instruments from Spain\n **CASTANETS** (**reversed** [turned up] in **PARIS TEN AT SACRE-COUER**)\n **CASTANETS"} {"Clue":"Prepares for the theatre with wine bottles emptied during drink (6,2)","Answer":"SCRUBS UP","Explanation":"Definition: Prepares for the theatre\n (**CRU** [wine vintage] **+ BS** (**letters remaining in BOTTLES when the central letters OTTLE are removed** [emptied]) **contained in** (during) **SUP** (drink)\n **S** (**CRU** **BS**) **UP"} {"Clue":"Trainee heads east, close to perfect place for surfing? (8)","Answer":"INTERNET","Explanation":"Definition: place for surfing\n **INTERN** (trainee gaining practical experience in any profession) **+ E** (east) **+ T** (**final letter of** [close to] **PERFECT**) I think 'heads' is just a link word making the surface read well, but it could be an indication of the first letter of **EAST**. However 'heads' is plural so I am really not sure.\n **INTERN E T"} {"Clue":"Promise of partnership after politician displays desire (6)","Answer":"LIBIDO","Explanation":"Definition: desire\n **LIB** (Liberal Democrat politician) **+ I DO** (words spoken at a wedding as a promise of aspects of a partnership)\n **LIB I DO"} {"Clue":"Missing Columbia's capital, cyclone devastated the old country (6)","Answer":"CEYLON","Explanation":"Definition: old country\n **Anagram of** (devastated) **CYCLONE** **excluding** (missing) **C** (first letter [capital of] **C**OLUMBIA)\n **CEYLON*** \u2013 either **C** could be the one omitted"} {"Clue":"Unblocked net (5)","Answer":"CLEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Unblocked\n **CLEAR** (net of debt or obligation) **double definition**\n **CLEAR"} {"Clue":"Picked up instruction for starters and ingredient for pudding (4)","Answer":"SAGO","Explanation":"Definition: ingredient for pudding\n **SAGO** (**sounds like** [picked up] **SAY GO** [an instruction to start])\n **SA GO"} {"Clue":"Kitty saved on car use etc going walkabout (6,3)","Answer":"RESCUE CAT","Explanation":"Anagram of** (going walkabout) **CAR USE ETC**\n **RESCUE CAT"} {"Clue":"Wealth is of little importance, son (5)","Answer":"MEANS","Explanation":"Definition: Wealth\n **MEAN** (of little importance) **+ S** (son)\n **MEAN S"} {"Clue":"Musician's craft returning from Sinai Peninsula is smuggling (7)","Answer":"PIANISM","Explanation":"Definition: Musician's craft\n **PIANISM** (**reversed** [returning] **hidden word in** [is smuggling] **FROM SINAI PENINSULA**)\n **PIANISM**<"} {"Clue":"Domain's extent swollen by a hundred hectares (7)","Answer":"ARCHAEA","Explanation":"Definition: Domain\n **AREA** (extent) **containing** (swollen by) (**C** [Roman numeral for 100] **+ HA** [hectare])\n **AR** (**C HA**) **EA"} {"Clue":"Orders taken over the phone for hotelier (4)","Answer":"RITZ","Explanation":"Definition: hotelier\n **RITZ** (**sounds like** [taken over the phone] **WRITS** [written documents by which one is summoned or required to do, or refrain from doing, something; orders])\n **RITZ"} {"Clue":"Hoover perhaps swallowing brother's geranium (4,6)","Answer":"HERB ROBERT","Explanation":"Definition: geranium\n **HERBERT** (reference **HERBERT** Hoover [1874 -1964], 31st President of the United States from 1929 to 1933) **containing** (swallowing) **BRO** (brother)\n **HER** (**B RO**) **BERT"} {"Clue":"Cleaner person who complains about leak from 1A? (6,7)","Answer":"CARPET SWEEPER","Explanation":"Definition: Cleaner\n **CARPER** (person who complains) **containing** (about) **PET'S WEE** (possibly a leak from a **RESCUE CAT** [entry at 1 across])\n **CAR** (**PET S WEE**) **PER"} {"Clue":"Highlands canal firm's set for engineering (6,7)","Answer":"MASSIF CENTRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Highlands\n **Anagram of** (for engineering) **CANAL FIRM'S SET**\n **MASSIF CENTRAL"} {"Clue":"Rob arranges to have two sons twinned (10)","Answer":"DISPOSSESS","Explanation":"Definition: Rob\n **DISPOSES** (arranges) with each of the two of the three **S**s [sons] repeated [twinned]\n **DISPOSSESS"} {"Clue":"Which people heading for amber stop? (4)","Answer":"WHOA","Explanation":"Definition: stop\n **WHO** (which people) **+ A** (**first letter for** [heading for] **AMBER**)\n **WHO A"} {"Clue":"Record second in list, IMO, is a good example (7)","Answer":"EPITOME","Explanation":"Definition: good example\n **EP** (Extended Play record) **+ I** (**second letter in** [second in] **LIST**) **+ TO ME** (In My Opinion [**IMO**])\n **EP I TO ME"} {"Clue":"Period leading to inevitable extinction (7)","Answer":"ERASURE","Explanation":"Definition: extinction\n **ERA** (period of time) **+ SURE** (certain; inevitable)\n **ERA SURE"} {"Clue":"Hot port with spices in westerly sun traps perhaps (5)","Answer":"NEGUS","Explanation":"Definition: Hot port with spices\n **SUN reversed** (westerly) **containing** (traps) **EG** (for example; perhaps)\n **N** (**EG**) **US**<"} {"Clue":"25 slides to slide around with nobody on them (9)","Answer":"RIDERLESS","Explanation":"Definition: with nobody on them\n **Anagram of** (to slide around) **ERR** [entry at 25 down] and **SLIDES**\n **RIDERLESS"} {"Clue":"Evidence of gunfire touching ship's side (6)","Answer":"REPORT","Explanation":"Definition: Evidence of gunfire\n **RE** (with reference to; touching) **+ PORT** (larboard or left side of a ship)\n **RE PORT"} {"Clue":"Revolting Greek supermarket moved custard out of the road (9)","Answer":"SPARTACUS","Explanation":"Definition: Revolting Greek\n **SPAR** (name of a chain of convenience supermarkets) **+ an anagram of** (moved) **CUSTARD** **excluding** (out of the) **RD** (road)\n **SPAR TACUS"} {"Clue":"A bit of alcohol's appropriate for children, silly (4)","Answer":"UNIT","Explanation":"Definition: A bit of alcohol\n **U** (designation of a film suitable for children to view) **+ NIT** (a silly; a fool)\n **U NIT"} {"Clue":"Battle getting knickers off and on in facilities (11)","Answer":"COMPETENCES","Explanation":"Definition: facilities\n **COMPETE** (contend; battle) **+ NCES** (**letters 2, 4, 6 and 8** [off an on] of **KNICKERS**)\n **COMPETE** **NCES"} {"Clue":"Glaswegian couple cheers given whiskey to drink (3)","Answer":"TWA","Explanation":"Definition: Glaswegian couple\n **W** (Whiskey is the international radio communication codeword for the letter **W**) **contained in** (given \u2026 to drink) **TA** (thank you; cheers)\n **T** (**W**) **A"} {"Clue":"Measure around the Pope's see, wearing his hat (10)","Answer":"MICROMETRE","Explanation":"Definition: Measure\n **C** (circa [around] **+ ROME** [the Pope is officially the Bishop of **ROME**, so **ROME** is his see]) **contained in** (wearing) **MITRE** (hat worn by the Pope)\n **MI** (**C** **ROME**) **TRE"} {"Clue":"Humble when back in Cambridge collecting degree (5)","Answer":"ABASE","Explanation":"Definition: Humble\n (**AS + E** [**last letter of** [back in] **CAMBRIDGE**) **containing** (collecting) **BA** (Bachelor of Arts degree)\n **A** (**BA**) **S** **E"} {"Clue":"Main item in order, when 'put the kettle on' is insufficient? (4,4)","Answer":"STAR TURN","Explanation":"Definition: Main item\n **START URN** (something said when a kettle is not going to be big enough to heat the water required)\n **STAR T** **URN"} {"Clue":"Coach Spanish lady to project in part that matters (8,3)","Answer":"BUSINESS END","Explanation":"Definition: part that matters\n **BUS** (omnibus; coach) **+ INES** (Spanish lady's name) **+ SEND** (propel; project)\n **BUS INES S END"} {"Clue":"Barry stripped to change with suit too ratty? (10)","Answer":"TRAITOROUS","Explanation":"Definition: ratty\n **Anagram of** (to change) **ARR** (**BARRY** **excluding the outer letters** [stripped] **B** and **Y**) and [with] **SUIT TOO**\n **TRAITOROUS"} {"Clue":"Steamy with dates in bed here? (9)","Answer":"PALMHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Steamy with dates in bed here? (9)\u00a0\n **PALMHOUSE** \u2013 the clue is a cryptic definition with no additional wordplay that I can see\n **PALMHOUSE"} {"Clue":"Grain darkens over good many years (8)","Answer":"SMIDGEON","Explanation":"Definition: Grain\n **DIMS** (darkens) **reversed** (over) **+ G** (good) **+ EON** (a period of many years) \u2013 the clue is a down entry so **DIMS**< is located over **GEON**\n **SMID**< **G EON"} {"Clue":"The French short cut that's so long (6)","Answer":"LATERS","Explanation":"Definition: so long\n **LA** (one of the French forms of 'the') **+ TERSE** (short) **excluding the final letter** (cut) **E**\n **LA** **TERS"} {"Clue":"Two bridge players getting through \u00a31000 swap partners (5)","Answer":"SWING","Explanation":"Definition: swap partners\n **SW** (South and West [designations of bridge players]) **+ IN** (by or through) **+ G** (grand; \u00a31000)\n **SW IN G"} {"Clue":"Couple's woe ended too soon by Romeo (4)","Answer":"PAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Couple\n **PAIN** (woe) **excluding the final letter** (ended too soon) **N + R** (Romeo is the international radio communication codeword for the letter **R**)\n **PAI R"} {"Clue":"Hard to miss that lady's right boob (3)","Answer":"ERR","Explanation":"Definition: boob\n **HER** (that lady's) **excluding** (to miss) **H** (hard, as in indication of type pencil lead) **+ R** (right)\n **ER R"} {"Clue":"Star group, a feature of daily radio (4)","Answer":"LYRA","Explanation":"Definition: Star group\n **LYRA** (**hidden word in** [a feature of] **DAILY RADIO**)\n **LYRA"} {"Clue":"Pants of a kind, number available in XX? (6)","Answer":"CHINOS","Explanation":"Definition: Pants of a kind\n **NO** (number) **contained in** [available] **XX** (representing two occurrences of the Greek symbol **CHI** [**\u03a7**])\n **CHI** (**NO**) **S"} {"Clue":"Quail, once done, one we brought on (7)","Answer":"OVERAWE","Explanation":"Definition: Quail, once\n **OVER** (done) **+ A** [one] **+ WE**\n **OVER A WE"} {"Clue":"With a belly to stuff, that's me tucking in (5)","Answer":"WAMED","Explanation":"Definition: With a belly\n **ME** **contained in** (tucking in) **WAD** (to stuff)\n **WA** (**ME**)** D"} {"Clue":"Column moulding including dark ornament (on top often) (7)","Answer":"TORSADE","Explanation":"Definition: ornament (on top often)\n **TORE** (large moulding, semicircular or nearly so in section, common at the base of a column) **containing** (including) **SAD** (depressed; dark)\n **TOR** (**SAD**) **E"} {"Clue":"Transcend cooking pot with suet (7)","Answer":"OUTSTEP","Explanation":"Definition: Transcend\n **Anagram of** (cooking) **POT** and[with] **SUET**\n **OUTSTEP"} {"Clue":"Palace officers placing jug in steamer (6)","Answer":"SEWERS","Explanation":"Definition: Palace officers\n **EWER** (jug) **contained in** (in) **SS** (steamship; steamer)\n **S** (**EWER**) **S"} {"Clue":"House with filthy hovel, about right as lodging for poet (6)","Answer":"HOSTRY","Explanation":"Definition: lodging for poet\n **HO** (house) **+** (**STY** [filthy hovel] **containing** [about] **R** [right])\n **HO** **ST** (**R**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Scotsman's coarse around ears being regularly blocked (5)","Answer":"RUDAS","Explanation":"Definition: Scotsman's coarse\n **RUDAS** (**letters remaining when characters 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 are blocked out from** [regularly blocked] **AROUND EARS**)\n **RUDAS"} {"Clue":"Record I have found at rear of vault (7)","Answer":"ARCHIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Record\n **ARCH** (vault) **+ I'VE** (I have)\n **ARCH IVE"} {"Clue":"Police dog maybe whistle-blower hands back (7)","Answer":"SNIFFER","Explanation":"Definition: Police dog maybe\n (**REF** [**REF**eree; whistleblower]) **+ FINS** [hands]) **all reversed** (back)\n (**SNIF** **FER**)<"} {"Clue":"Indian tree, one put with a different genus from the east (5)","Answer":"ARECA","Explanation":"Definition: Indian tree\n **A + ACER** (a different genus of tree) **reversed** (from the east)\n **A RECA**<"} {"Clue":"Early forerunner of napalm, if mixed with petrol mostly? (7)","Answer":"FIREPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Early forerunner of napalm\n **Anagram of** (x mixed with y) **IF** mixed with **PETROL** **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **L**\n **FIREPOT"} {"Clue":"One cultivating sapling (6)","Answer":"TILLER","Explanation":"Definition: One cultivating\n **TILLER** (a sapling) **double definition**\n **TILLER"} {"Clue":"M for mooch (4)","Answer":"MIKE","Explanation":"Definition: M\n **MIKE** (loiter idly; mooch) **double definition**\n **MIKE"} {"Clue":"Senior Methodists grade articles (12)","Answer":"CLASSLEADERS","Explanation":"Definition: Senior Methodists\n **CLASS** (grade) **+ LEADERS** (editorial articles in a newspaper)\n **CLASS LEADERS"} {"Clue":"Enlargement boosted tavern, humble inside (6)","Answer":"BLOW-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Enlargement\n **LOW** (humble) **contained in** (inside) **PUB** (tavern) **reversed** (boosted; down entry)\n **B** (**LOW**) **UP**<"} {"Clue":"Unfriendly Scots needing to relax after fine (6)","Answer":"FREMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Unfriendly Scots\n **F** (fine) **+ REMIT** (relax)\n **F REMIT"} {"Clue":"One travels frequently taking in measure of land (5)","Answer":"FARER","Explanation":"Definition: One travels\n **FR** (frequently) **containing** (take in) **ARE** (metric measure of land area)\n **F** (**ARE**) **R"} {"Clue":"What may indicate a leak is found in odd bits of hose? (4)","Answer":"HISS","Explanation":"Definition: What may indicate a leak\n **IS** **contained in** (found in) **HS** (**letters 1 and 3** [odd bits] of **HOSE**)\n **H** (**IS**) **S"} {"Clue":"It'll give access to northern crowd watching a test (some, anyway) (6)","Answer":"INGATE","Explanation":"Definition: It'll give access to northern crowd\n **INGATE** (**hidden word in** [some, anyway] **WATCHING A TEST**)\n **INGATE"} {"Clue":"Moving panel rod that'll indicate weight (8)","Answer":"PONDERAL","Explanation":"Definition: that'll indicate weight\n **Anagram of** (moving) **PANEL ROD**\n **PONDERAL"} {"Clue":"Boy certainly hugs flirt jiggling her knick-knacks once (11)","Answer":"LADYTRIFLES","Explanation":"Definition: her knick-knacks once\n **LAD** (boy) **+** (**YES** [certainly] **containing** [hugs] **an anagram of** [jingling] **FLIRT**)\n **LAD** **Y** (**TRIFL***) **ES"} {"Clue":"Member of extended family not on flight (5)","Answer":"STEPS","Explanation":"Definition: flight\n **STEPSON** (member of extended family) **excluding** (not) **ON**\n **STEPS"} {"Clue":"Loo drain needs fixing: it's said to be bung as before in Perth (8)","Answer":"DOORNAIL","Explanation":"Definition: bung as before in Perth\n **Anagram of** (needs fixing) **LOO DRAIN**\n **DOORNAIL"} {"Clue":"Riddle about soak coming up \u2013 devoid of ideas? (7)","Answer":"STERILE","Explanation":"Definition: devoid of ideas\n **SILE** (sieve; riddle) **containing** (about) **RET** (soak) **reversed** (coming up)\n **S** (**TER**<) **ILE"} {"Clue":"Is without possession of ruined shanty less yard (5)","Answer":"HASN","Explanation":"Definition: Is without possession of\n **Anagram of** (ruined) **SHANTY** **excluding** (less) **Y** (yard)\n **HASN'T"} {"Clue":"Singular variety of lilac \u2013 its flowers are bright blue (6)","Answer":"SCILLA","Explanation":"Definition: its flowers are bright blue\n **S** (singular) **+ an anagram of** (variety of) **LILAC**\n **S CILLA"} {"Clue":"Old 3-D film, damn mixed type (6)","Answer":"DEEPIE","Explanation":"Definition: Old 3-D film\n **DEE** (D; damn) **+ PIE** (printing term for type confusedly mixed)\n **DEE PIE"} {"Clue":"Rushes suddenly appearing in group coming up after spring (6)","Answer":"SPATES","Explanation":"Definition: Rushes suddenly\n **SPA** (spring) **+ SET** (group) **reversed** (coming up; down entry)\n **SPA TES**<"} {"Clue":"Stranger in Edinburgh given meal regularly with room (5)","Answer":"FREMD","Explanation":"Definition: Stranger in Edinburgh\n **FED** (given meal) **with the letters of RM** (room) **entered separately between letters 1\/2 and 2\/3 [given regularly] of FED to form FREMD**\n **FREMD"} {"Clue":"Nice boy perhaps requiring money in ME (4)","Answer":"FILS","Explanation":"Definition: Nice boy\n **FILS** (monetary unit in several Middle Eastern [ME] countries, with varying values) **double definition**\n **FILS"} {"Clue":"Wave hit shore, we fancy (5,5)","Answer":"WHITE HORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Wave\n **Anagram of** (fancy) **HIT SHORE WE**\n **WHITE HORSE"} {"Clue":"Bring back bags of money in end (4)","Answer":"STOP","Explanation":"Definition: end\n **POTS** (large sums of [bags of] money)\n **POTS**<"} {"Clue":"Rule safeguarding sci-fi film award perhaps (9)","Answer":"STATUETTE","Explanation":"Definition: film award perhaps\n **STATUTE** (permanent law or rule) **containing** (safeguarding) **ET** (science fiction film)\n **STATU** (**ET**) **TE"} {"Clue":"Ruling out further discussion, finances cut by 50%, ultimately cruel (5)","Answer":"FINAL","Explanation":"Definition: Ruling out further discussion\n **FINA** (**first 4 of 8 letters remaining in FINANCES when the final 4 letters** (50%) **are excluded** [cut]) **+ L** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **CRUEL**)\n **FINA L"} {"Clue":"Hint about Brussels business connection (3-2)","Answer":"TIE-UP","Explanation":"Definition: business connection\n **TIP** (hint) **containing** (about) **EU** [European Union which is often referred to as 'Brussels' where its headquarters are located)\n **TI** (**E U**) **P"} {"Clue":"Chatroom guy maybe not fully up-to-date with schedule on return (9)","Answer":"MODERATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Chatroom guy maybe\n **MODERN** (up-to-date) **excluding the final letter** (not fully) **N** **+ ROTA** (schedule) **reversed** (on return)\n **MODER** **ATOR**<"} {"Clue":"Wanderers home blessing to have military person involved (6)","Answer":"BOLTON","Explanation":"Definition: Wanderers home\n **BOON** (blessing) **containing** (to have \u2026 involved) **LT** (Lieutenant; military rank)\n **BO** (**LT**) **ON"} {"Clue":"Elm, yew, initially both unfamiliar in playing area (7)","Answer":"WEMBLEY","Explanation":"Definition: playing area\n **Anagram of** (unfamiliar) **ELM**, **YEW** and **B** (**first letter of** [initially] **BOTH**)\n **WEMBLEY"} {"Clue":"Players bearing with poor performer (4,3)","Answer":"WEST HAM","Explanation":"Definition: Players\n **WEST** (compass bearing) **+ HAM** (poor actor or performer)\n **WEST HAM"} {"Clue":"To begin with, that was one night in London for 16 with this result (3-3)","Answer":"TWO-NIL","Explanation":"Definition: result\n **TWO-NIL** (**initial letters of** [to begin with] **each of THAT**,** WAS**,** ONE**,** NIGHT**,** IN** and **LONDON**)\n **T W O\u2013N I L"} {"Clue":"Public dispute about hotel's downfall (9)","Answer":"OVERTHROW","Explanation":"Definition: downfal\n (**OVERT** [public] **+ ROW** [dispute]) **containing** (about) **H** (hotel)\n **OVERT** (**H**) **ROW"} {"Clue":"Provide better weapons for military at back, munitions at the outset (5)","Answer":"REARM","Explanation":"REAR** (back) **+ M** (**first letter of** [at the outset] **MUNITIONS**)\n **REAR M"} {"Clue":"Feature of 1A 11A boast by Duke (5)","Answer":"CROWD","Explanation":"Definition: Feature of 1A 11A\n **CROW** (boast) **+ D** (duke)\n **CROW D"} {"Clue":"Something at 18 goes with hat (9)","Answer":"TURNSTILE","Explanation":"Definition: Something at 18\n **TURNS** (operates; goes) **+ TILE** (slang for a hat)\n **TURNS TILE"} {"Clue":"Set about crossing European river (4)","Answer":"TEES","Explanation":"Definition: river\n **SET reversed** [about] **containing** (crossing) **E** (European)\n **TE** (**E**) **S**< \u2013 either **E** could be the one contained"} {"Clue":"Earliest source of flame? 1A 11A was this at 18 (5,5)","Answer":"FIRST MATCH","Explanation":"Definition: 1A 11A was this at 18\n **FIRST MATCH** (The **WHITE HORSE** [1 across] **FINAL** [11 across] was the **FIRST MATCH** played at **WEMBLEY** [18 across])\n **FIRST MATCH"} {"Clue":"Container with dust objection raised (7)","Answer":"WASHTUB","Explanation":"Definition: Container\n **W** (with) **+ ASH** (dust) **+ BUT** (objection) **reversed** (raised; down entry)\n **W ASH TUB**<"} {"Clue":"Public perception of glossy publication? That is about it! (5)","Answer":"IMAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Public perception\n **IE** (id est; that is) **containing** (about) **MAG** (MAGazine; glossy publication)\n **I** (**MAG**) **E"} {"Clue":"Bird's unusual motion, edging at first upwards (3)","Answer":"EMU","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n **UME** (**initial letters of each of** **UNUSUAL**, **MOTION** and **EDGING**) reversed (upwards; down entry)\n (**E M U**)<"} {"Clue":"Somewhat upfront, I'm exclaiming Start at 1A 11A not like this (2,4)","Answer":"ON TIME","Explanation":"Definition: Start at 1A 11A not like this\n **ON TIME** (**hidden phrase in** [somewhat] **UPFRONT I'M EXCLAIMING**)\n **ON TIME"} {"Clue":"Society favourite upset, far from happy, quit (4,4)","Answer":"STEP DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: quit\n **S** (society) **+ PET** (favourite) **reversed** (upset) **+ DOWN** (sad; far from happy)\n **S TEP**< **DOWN"} {"Clue":"Effect of sun seen oddly in train (3)","Answer":"TAN","Explanation":"Definition: Effect of sun\n **TAN** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [odd letters; oddly] of **TRAIN**)\n **TAN"} {"Clue":"Frenzy after friend ignores New Zealand horse (7)","Answer":"PALFREY","Explanation":"Definition: horse\n **PAL** (friend) **+ FRENZY** **excluding** (ignores) **NZ** (New Zealand)\n **PAL FREY"} {"Clue":"A service going up at distance (4)","Answer":"AFAR","Explanation":"Definition: at distance\n **A + RAF** (Royal Air Force; armed service\n **A FAR**<"} {"Clue":"Dog and what it might do, check! (5)","Answer":"POOCH","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\n **POO** (defecate; what a dog might do) **+ CH** (check)\n **POO CH"} {"Clue":"Thanks teacher leaving capital getting pile of cards (5)","Answer":"TALON","Explanation":"Definition: pile of cards\n **TA** (thanks) **+ LONDON** (capital [city]) **excluding** (leaving) **DON** (university teacher)\n **TA LON"} {"Clue":"Story about extremely sartorial fabric (5)","Answer":"LISLE","Explanation":"Definition: fabric\n **LIE** (story) **containing** (about) **SL** (**outer letters of** [extremely] **SARTORIAL**)\n **LI** (**SL**) **E"} {"Clue":"Pained expression in sea off Nice that may be cutting (5)","Answer":"MOWER","Explanation":"Definition: that may be cutting\n **OW** (expression of pain) **contained in** (in) **MER** (French [Nice, city in France] for 'sea')\n **M** (**OW**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Boys painted Medical Officer in strange attire (8)","Answer":"AMORETTI","Explanation":"Definition: Boys painted\n **MO** (Medical Officer) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (strange) **ATTIRE**\n **A** (**MO**) **RETTI"} {"Clue":"Seek to impress daughter censored in print (7)","Answer":"WOODCUT","Explanation":"Definition: print\n **WOO** (seek to impress) **+ D** (daughter) **+ CUT** (censored)\n **WOO D CUT"} {"Clue":"Person easily deceived by recycled article in Palace location (7)","Answer":"LAMBETH","Explanation":"Definition: Palace location\n **LAMB** (someone simple, innocent, sweet or gentle and easily deceived) **+** **an anagram of** (recycled) **THE** (definitive article)\n **LAMB** **ETH"} {"Clue":"Is much bigger than FDR was \u2013 bizarre! (6)","Answer":"DWARFS","Explanation":"Definition: Is much bigger than\n **Anagram of** (bizarre) **WAS FDR**\n **DWARFS"} {"Clue":"Fuss excessively about dinner's starter (2-2)","Answer":"TO-DO","Explanation":"Definition: Fuss\n **TOO** (excessively) **containing** (about) **D** (**first letter of** [starter] **DINNER**)\n **TO** (**D**) **O"} {"Clue":"Article used in Milan a non-drinker holds in inclined position (5)","Answer":"ATILT","Explanation":"Definition: inclined position\n **IL** (Italian masculine form of the definitive article) **contained in** (used in) (**A + TT** [teetotal; non-drinker)\n **A** **T** (**IL**) **T"} {"Clue":"Day featured in Old English poem (3)","Answer":"ODE","Explanation":"Definition: poem\n **D** (day) **contained in** (featured in) **OE** (Old English)\n **O** (**D**) **E"} {"Clue":"Reportedly a remarkable amount of money (3)","Answer":"SUM","Explanation":"Definition: amount of money\n **SUM** (sounds like [reportedly] **SOME** [remarkable])\n **SUM"} {"Clue":"How military make advance and ruin church (5)","Answer":"MARCH","Explanation":"Definition: How military make advance\n **MAR** (ruin) **+ CH** (church)\n **MAR CH"} {"Clue":"Uses cosmetic oil gauges showing litres instead of depth (9)","Answer":"LIPSTICKS","Explanation":"Definition: Uses cosmetic oil\n **DIPSTICKS** (rods or gauges for measuring depth of liquid in a sump) with **L **(litres) **replacing** (for) **D** (depth)\n **LIPSTICKS"} {"Clue":"Man with a posh car, a learner driver in dense thicket (9)","Answer":"CHAPARRAL","Explanation":"Definition: dense thicket\n **CHAP** (man) **+ A + RR** (Rolls Royce, posh car) **+ A + L** (learner driver)\n **CHAP A RR A L"} {"Clue":"Suffering from this, listen listlessly to unending night of Paris? (5)","Answer":"ENNUI","Explanation":"Definition: this\n **LISTEN** **excluding** ('lessly') **LIST** **+ NUIT** (French [Paris for night]) **excluding the final letter** [unending] **T**\n **EN NUI"} {"Clue":"Inception actor's position when filming (5)","Answer":"ONSET","Explanation":"Definition: Inception\n **ON SET** (an actor with a part in the current scene will be **ON SET** during filming)\n **ON SET"} {"Clue":"Embracing humbly when edging away, foolish things leaving hotel staggering (9)","Answer":"STUMBLING","Explanation":"Definition: staggering\n **Anagram of** (foolish) **THINGS** **excluding** (leaving) **H** (hotel) **containing** (embracing) **HUMBLY** **excluding** **the outer letters** (when edging away) **H** and **Y**\n **ST** (**UMBL**) **ING"} {"Clue":"A title of respect for leaders of Finland, Norway and Denmark, say? (7)","Answer":"EFFENDI","Explanation":"Definition: A title of respect\n **EFFENDI** (sounds like **F** (**EFF**), **N** (**EN**) **D** (**DI**), **first letters of** [leaders of] **each** **of** **F**inland, **N**orway and **D**enmark)\n **EFF EN DI"} {"Clue":"Maybe that vixen has its youngster around, a sweet little un (6)","Answer":"CHERUB","Explanation":"Definition: sweet little un\n **HER** (descriptive of that female fox [vixen]) **contained in** (has its \u2026 around) **CUB** (young fox)\n **C** (**HER**) **UB"} {"Clue":"A letter and its addendum I added (3)","Answer":"PSI","Explanation":"Definition: A letter\n **PS** (postscript; addendum to a letter) **+** (added) **I**\n **PS I"} {"Clue":"What's left of IOM biking event banning one ton? (6)","Answer":"TRACES","Explanation":"Definition: What's left\n **TT RACES** (**T**ourist **T**rophy motor cycle **RACES** held every year on the Isle of Man [IOM])** excluding** (banning) **one of the** **Ts** [ton])\n **T RACES"} {"Clue":"Country lass with uniform gets measure of speed to lollop along (7)","Answer":"GALUMPH","Explanation":"Definition: lollop along\n **GAL** (dialect [rural; country] **word for a girl** [lass]) **+ U** (uniform is the International Radio Communication code word for the letter **U**) **+ MPH** (miles per hour [measure of\u00a0speed])\n **GAL U MPH"} {"Clue":"I examine bug with gold round tip of proboscis (9)","Answer":"INSPECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: I examine\n (**INSECT** [bug] **+ OR** [gold tincture in heraldry]) **containing** (round) **P** (first letter of [tip of] **PROBOSCIS**)\n **INS** (**P**) **ECT OR"} {"Clue":"They veer and back victories that restrict democrat (5)","Answer":"WINDS","Explanation":"Definition: They veer and back\n **WINS** (victories) **containing** (restrict) **D** (Democrat)\n **WIN** (**D**) **S"} {"Clue":"Hang two kings holding the throne after revolution (5)","Answer":"KNACK","Explanation":"Definition: Hang\n (**K** [king] **+ K** [king] \u2013 two kings) **containing** (holding) **CAN** (slang for toilet, as is **THRONE**) **reversed** (after revolution)\n **K** (**NAC**<) **K"} {"Clue":"Mother with poor stature becomes fully developed (9)","Answer":"MATURATES","Explanation":"Definition: becomes fully developed\n **MA** (mothers) **+ an anagram of** (poor) **STATURE**\n **MA TURATES"} {"Clue":"This might be tinkling piano kept in the box file (9)","Answer":"TELEPHONE","Explanation":"Definition: This might be tinkling\n (**TELE** [television; box] **+ HONE** [sharpen]) **containing** (kept) **P** (piano)\n **TELE** (**P**) **HONE"} {"Clue":"If ep\u00e9es have tip removed these may be more powerful (5)","Answer":"WORD","Explanation":"Definition: these may be more powerful\n **SWORD** (e.g. an **EP\u00c9E**) **excluding the first letter** (have tip removed) **S**\n **WORD"} {"Clue":"On clothing there's million and one cold germs (8)","Answer":"MICROBES","Explanation":"Definition: germs\n **M** (million) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ C** (cold) **+ ROBES** (clothing)\n **M I C ROBES"} {"Clue":"Collects spare change? (5)","Answer":"REAPS","Explanation":"Definition: Collects\n **Anagram of** (change) **SPARE**\n **REAPS"} {"Clue":"Mark's 10 to give encouragement (7)","Answer":"HEARTEN","Explanation":"Definition: give encouragement\n **HEAR** (heed; mark) **+ TEN** (10)\n **HEAR TEN"} {"Clue":"Cricket ground's beginning to cheer society toffs (9)","Answer":"LORDSHIPS","Explanation":"Definition: toffs\n **LORDS** (London cricket ground) **+ HIP** (first part of '**HIP HIP HOORAY**' [cheer]) **+ S** (society)\n **LORDS HIP S"} {"Clue":"A dish that's gold with upturned rim as cover (5)","Answer":"PILAU","Explanation":"Definition: A dish\n **LIP** (rim)** reversed** (upturned; down entry) **+ AU** (chemical symbol for gold)\n **PIL**< **AU"} {"Clue":"If both sides bet with me in flutter we'll have flutter (7)","Answer":"TREMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: flutter\n **Anagram of** **L** (left), **R** (right), i,e, both sides and **BET** and **ME**\n **TREMBLE"} {"Clue":"In miners union one up against company in never-ending situation (9)","Answer":"CONTINUUM","Explanation":"Definition: never-ending situation\n **CO** (company) **+** (**UNIT** [one] **reversed** [up; down entry] **contained in** [in] **NUM** [National Union of Mineworkers \u2013 still an active Union])\n **CO N** (**TINU**<) **UM"} {"Clue":"Sways and drinks deeply around noon (6)","Answer":"SWINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Sways\n **SWIGS** (drinks deeply) **containing** (around) **N** (noon)\n **SWI** (**N**) **GS"} {"Clue":"Bar is made of wood completely (9)","Answer":"FORESTALL","Explanation":"Definition: Bar\n **FOREST** (large group of trees; wood) **+ ALL** (comprising every single one; completely)\n **FOREST ALL"} {"Clue":"Smoke in French city including its station and middle of metro (9)","Answer":"CIGARETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Smoke\n (**GARE** [French for 'station'] **+ T** [**central letter of** {middle of} **METRO**]) **contained in** (in) **CIT\u00c9** (French for town or city])\n **CI** (**GARE** **T**) **TE"} {"Clue":"These Foolish Things finally played in devices for monkeys (8)","Answer":"RHESUSES","Explanation":"Definition: monkeys\n **Anagram of** (played) **EHS** (**last letters of** [finally] **each of THESE**, **FOOLISH** and **THINGS**) **contained in** (in) **RUSES** (devices)\n **R** (**HES***) **USES"} {"Clue":"Medical hell (to put it mildly) stuck in a metal casing (7)","Answer":"CHECK-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Medical\n **HECK** (a mild form the oath or expression of displeasure 'hell') **contained in** (in) **CUP** (metal casing that lines the hole in golf)\n **C** (**HECK**) **UP"} {"Clue":"Non-intellectual's punch and argument after book is put down (7)","Answer":"LOWBROW","Explanation":"Definition: Non-intellectual\n **BLOW** (punch) **with B** (book) moved to the end in the first part of this down entry [put down] to form **LOWB** **+ ROW** (argument)\n **LOWB** **ROW"} {"Clue":"A requirement to watch Bloodsucker Alien? (6)","Answer":"TICKET","Explanation":"Definition: A requirement to watch\n **TICK** (bloodsucking insect) **+ ET** (name of a science fiction film)\n **TICK ET"} {"Clue":"Item posted conceals speed (5)","Answer":"TEMPO","Explanation":"Definition: speed\n **TEMPO** (**hidden word in** [conceals] **ITEM POSTED**\n **TEMPO"} {"Clue":"American form of saltpetre could be inert (5)","Answer":"NITER","Explanation":"Definition: American form of saltpetre\n **Anagram of** (could be) **INERT**\n **NITER"} {"Clue":"Restless, little devil \u2013 one that is into explosive chemical (9)","Answer":"IMPATIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Restless\n **IMP** (little devil) **+ A** (one) **+** (**IE** [id est; that is] **contained in** [into] **TNT** [trinitrotoluene; explosive])\n **IMP** **A T** (**IE**) **NT"} {"Clue":"Dark web ultimately involved in transaction (5)","Answer":"SABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Dark\n **B** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **WEB** **contained in** (involved in) **SALE** (a transaction)\n **SA** (**B**) **LE"} {"Clue":"It looks like a giant h-held beer in? (7)","Answer":"HELIPAD","Explanation":"Definition: It looks like a giant h\n **IPA** (India Pale Ale; beer) **contained in** (in) **HELD**\n **HEL** (**IPA**) **D"} {"Clue":"Dish dirt conclusively on teacher providing religious education for a bishop (7)","Answer":"RAREBIT","Explanation":"Definition: Dish\n (**RABBI** [teacher] **with RE** [religious education] **replacing** [for] the first [one of] the **B**s [bishop]) **+ T** (**last letter of** [conclusively] **DIRT**)\n **RA** **RE** **BI** **T"} {"Clue":"Force field analysis research starts, having been put back (1,1,1)","Answer":"RAF","Explanation":"Definition: Force\n **FAR** (**first letters** [starts] **of each of FIELD**, **ANALYSIS** and **RESEARCH**) **reversed** (having been put back)\n **RAF**<"} {"Clue":"A brief dirge composed for Trumpton's brass band (4,7)","Answer":"FIRE BRIGADE","Explanation":"Definition: Trumpton's brass band\n **Anagram of** (composed) **A BRIEF DIRGE**\n **FIRE BRIGADE"} {"Clue":"Shock horror \u2013 Kent is extremely happy county (5,9)","Answer":"NORTH YORKSHIRE","Explanation":"Definition: county\n **Anagram of** (shock) **HORROR KENT IS** and **HY** (outer letters of [extremely] **HAPPY**)\n **NORTH YORKSHIRE"} {"Clue":"Occupation on list unions organised here? (8,6)","Answer":"REGISTRY OFFICE","Explanation":"Definition: unions organised here\n **REGISTRY** [register; list] **+ OFFICE** [occupation]\n **REGISTRY OFFICE"} {"Clue":"According to vacuous prince, heartless informer is the one who did wrong (11)","Answer":"PERPETRATOR","Explanation":"Definition: the one who did wrong\n **PER** (according to) **+ PE** (**letters remaining in PRINCE when the central letters RINC are removed** [vacuous]) **+ TRAITOR** (informer) **excluding the central letter** (heartless) **I**\n **PER PE TRATOR"} {"Clue":"Appreciation of sea air, occasionally (3)","Answer":"EAR","Explanation":"Definition: Appreciation of\n **EAR** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [occasionally] of **SEA AIR**)\n **EAR"} {"Clue":"Study Pakistan's opener during cricket for example (7)","Answer":"INSPECT","Explanation":"Definition: Study\n **P** (**first letter of** [opener] **PAKISTAN**) **contained in** (during) **INSECT** (a cricket is an example of an **INSECT**)\n **INS** (**P**) **ECT"} {"Clue":"Trump's slogan inspiring Liberal graduate to join revolutionary Union (7)","Answer":"AMALGAM","Explanation":"Definition: Union\n (**MAGA** [Make America Great Again \u2013 slogan popularised by Donald Trump during his 2016 election campaign] **containing** [inspiring] **L** [Liberal] **+ MA** [Master of Arts; graduate]) **all reversed** (revolutionary)\n (**AM** **A** (**L**) **GAM**)<"} {"Clue":"Stop striking to tackle branch (5)","Answer":"SPRIG","Explanation":"Definition: branch\n **STOP** **excluding** (striking) **TO** **+ RIG** (sails and tackle)\n **SP RIG"} {"Clue":"Laurel & Hardy's fourth feature put on to entertain wife \u2013 relax (5,4)","Answer":"STAND DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: relax\n **STAN** (reference **STAN** Laurel [1890 \u2013 1965], comedy actor, born in Ulverston in the Lake District. He was one half of Laurel and Hardy) **+ D** (**fourth letter of** [fourth feature] **HARDY**) **+** (**DON** [wear; put on] **containing** [to entertain] **W** [wife])\n **STAN** **D DO** (**W**) **N"} {"Clue":"Rambling, wanting company \u2013 that's natural (8)","Answer":"INHERENT","Explanation":"Definition: natural\n **INCOHERENT** (rambling) **excluding** (wanting) **CO** (company)\n **INHERENT"} {"Clue":"Old man left China (3)","Answer":"PAL","Explanation":"Definition: China\n **PA** (father; old man) **+ L** (left)\n **PA** **L"} {"Clue":"Harry \u2013 been to fight with prince \u2013 news ignored sign of a much bigger problem (3,2,3,7)","Answer":"TIP OF THE ICEBERG","Explanation":"Definition: sign of a much bigger problem\n **Anagram of** (harry) **BEEN TO FIGHT** and **PRINCE** **excluding both the N**s (new twice \u2013 news)\n **TIP OF THE ICEBERG"} {"Clue":"Get down on this festival dance floor at last (5)","Answer":"EIDER","Explanation":"Definition: Get down on this\n **EID** (Muslim feast or festival) **+ ER** (**final letters of** [at last] **each of DANCE **and** FLOOR**)\n **EID** **ER"} {"Clue":"Hammer thrower dropping round with book for pound (5)","Answer":"THROB","Explanation":"Definition: pound\n **THOR** (Scandinavian God who used a hammer as a weapon) with the** O** (round character) **dropping** down the entry to form **THRO** **+ B** (book)\n **THRO** **B"} {"Clue":"Direct familiar child's play (15)","Answer":"STRAIGHTFORWARD","Explanation":"Definition: child's play\n **STRAIGHT** (direct) **+ FORWARD** (cocky; cheeky; familiar)\n **STRAIGHT FORWARD"} {"Clue":"Reversible vest (3)","Answer":"BIB","Explanation":"Definition: Reversible vest\n **BIB** is a **palindrome** so it is **reversible** and still a vest\n **BIB"} {"Clue":"Judge in Provence is to atone for missing wine (6)","Answer":"ESTEEM","Explanation":"Definition: Judge\n **EST** (French [Provence] for 'is') **+ REDEEM** (atone for) **excluding** (missing) **RED** (wine)\n **EST EEM"} {"Clue":"Buffoon Farage not mature about Brussels' rules primarily (7)","Answer":"FARCEUR","Explanation":"Definition: Buffoon\n **FARAGE** **excluding** (not) **AGE** (mature) **+ C** (circa; about) + **EU** (Brussels is shorthand for the European Union as the headquarters are located there) **+ R** (**first letter of** [primarily] **RULES**)\n **FAR C EU R"} {"Clue":"Virgin, say, feeling on edge (7)","Answer":"AIRLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Virgin, say\n **AIR** (aura; feeling) **+ LINE** (limit; edge)\n **AIR LINE"} {"Clue":"Published books about United (3)","Answer":"OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Published\n **OT** (Old Testament [books]) **containing** (about) **U** (United)\n **O** (**U**) **T"} {"Clue":"Legend in dock according to hearsay (3)","Answer":"KEY","Explanation":"Definition: Legend\n **KEY** (**sounds like** [hearsay] **QUAY** [dock])\n **KEY"} {"Clue":"Iron Maiden covering right tracks \u2013 band provides content for channel \u2013 one might work there? (8)","Answer":"FERRYMAN","Explanation":"Definition: channel \u2013 one might work there\n ([**FE** {chemical symbol for iron} **+ M** {maiden}] **containing** [covering] [**R** {right} **+ RY** {railway tracks}]) **+ AN** (**central letters** **of** [content for] **BAND**)\n **FE** (**R RY**) **M AN"} {"Clue":"Fielders upset over splitting prize money? (6)","Answer":"SPOILS","Explanation":"Definition: prize money\n **O** (over) **contained in** (splitting) **SLIPS** (cricket fielders) **reversed** (upset)\n **SP** (**O**) **ILS**<"} {"Clue":"Schedules hill climbing on a sierra (5)","Answer":"ROTAS","Explanation":"Definition: Schedules\n **TOR** (hill) **reversed** (climbing; down entry) **+ A + S** (Sierra is the international radio communication codeword for the letter **S**)\n **ROT**< **A S"} {"Clue":"Some militia ransacks jewellery (5)","Answer":"TIARA","Explanation":"Definition: tia ra\n **TIARA** (**hidden word in** [some] **MILITIA RANSACKS**)\n **TIARA"} {"Clue":"Knight finally takes one rook (3)","Answer":"SIR","Explanation":"Definition: Knight\n **S** (**last letter of** [finally]) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ R** (rook)\n **S I R"} {"Clue":"Maybe grease two zips (3)","Answer":"GOO","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe grease\n **GO** (move fast [zip] **+ O** [character representing nothing or zip [slang for nothing]) giving two zips\n **GO O"} {"Clue":"Sanctioned wretch provided with makeshift bomb (8)","Answer":"RATIFIED","Explanation":"Definition: Sanctioned\n **RAT** (wretch) **+ IF** (provided) **+ IED** (improvised explosive device; makeshift bomb)\n **RAT IF IED"} {"Clue":"Briefly coming back to tour a state (6)","Answer":"NEVADA","Explanation":"Definition: state\n **ADVENT** (coming) **excluding the final letter** (briefly) **T**, **reversed** (back) **containing** (to tour) **A**\n **NEV** (**A**) **DA**<"} {"Clue":"Chinese order of cooked fish, e.g. skinned tuna (4,4)","Answer":"FENG SHUI","Explanation":"Definition: Chinese order\n **Anagram of** (cooked) **FISH EG** and** UN** (**letters remaining in** **TUNA** **when the outer letters T and A are removed** [skinned])\n **FENG SHUI"} {"Clue":"Inside of gulag has tourists stunned (6)","Answer":"AGHAST","Explanation":"Definition: stunned\n **AGHAST** (**hidden word in** [inside of] **GULAG HAS TOURISTS**)\n **AGHAST"} {"Clue":"Ladies perhaps hide, forgoing second chance (4-2)","Answer":"LOOK-IN","Explanation":"Definition: chance\n **LOO** (Ladies toilet for instance) **+ SKIN** (hide) **excluding** (forgoing) **S** (second)\n **LOO** **K**\u2013**IN"} {"Clue":"Occasionally fond of an oddball (2,3,3)","Answer":"ON AND OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Occasionally\n **Anagram of** (oddball) **FOND OF AN**\n **ON AND OFF"} {"Clue":"Tube fare \u2013 you've got nothing without it! (7)","Answer":"SAUSAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Tube fare\n **SAUSAGE** (reference the phrase 'not a [without] **SAUSAGE** meaning 'nothing at all') \n **SAUSAGE"} {"Clue":"Regret turning over continental bread (4)","Answer":"EURO","Explanation":"Definition: continental bread\n **RUE** (regret) **reversed** (turning) **+ O** (over)\n **EUR**< **O"} {"Clue":"Look after river sport (4)","Answer":"POLO","Explanation":"Definition: Look after river sport (4)\n **PO** ([Italian] river]) **+ LO** (look)\n **PO LO"} {"Clue":"British fruit and nuts (7)","Answer":"BANANAS","Explanation":"Definition: nuts\n **B** (British) **+ ANANAS** (pineapple; fruit)\n **B ANANAS"} {"Clue":"Was waiter's duck covered in low calorie wine? (8)","Answer":"LOITERED","Explanation":"O** (character representing zero; duck score in cricket) **contained in** (in) **LITE** (low calorie) **+ RED** (a wine)\n **L** (**O**) **ITE** **RED"} {"Clue":"Dickie Bird initially backed English one and two (3,3)","Answer":"BOW TIE","Explanation":"Definition: Dickie\n **B** (**first letter of** [initially] **BIRD**) **+** (**E** [English] **+ I** [Roman numeral for one] + **TWO**) **all reversed** (backed)\n **B** (**OW T** **I** **E**)<"} {"Clue":"Course covering constant alongside unknown variable (6)","Answer":"PATCHY","Explanation":"Definition: variable\n **PATH** (way) **containing** (covering) **C** (constant) **+ Y** (letter frequently used to identify an unknown value in an equation)\n **PAT** (**C**) **H Y"} {"Clue":"Light brown mist swirling until one's lost (8)","Answer":"HAZELNUT","Explanation":"Definition: Light brown\n **HAZE** (mist) **+ an anagram of** (swirling) **UNTIL** **excluding** (lost) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **HAZE** **LNUT"} {"Clue":"Lake taken in by extremely eager stranger (6)","Answer":"EERIER","Explanation":"Definition: stranger\n **ERIE** (reference lake **ERIE**, one of the Great Lakes) **contained in** (taken in by) **ER** (**outer letters** [extremely] of **EAGER**)\n **E** (**ERIE**) **R"} {"Clue":"Keep quiet about aid (8)","Answer":"PRESERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Keep\n **P** (piano; quiet) **+ RE** (with reference to; about) **+ SERVE** (help; aid)\n **P RE SERVE"} {"Clue":"Rapidly turn firearm, increasing core volume? (6)","Answer":"RIFFLE","Explanation":"Definition: Rapidly turn\n **RIFLE** (firearm) with **an additional central letter** (core) **raising the volume F** (forte; loud) **to FF** (fortissimo; louder)\n **RI FF LE"} {"Clue":"Tory's beginning to irritate Speaker (6)","Answer":"TANNOY","Explanation":"Definition: Speaker\n **T** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **TORY**) **+ ANNOY** (irritate)\n **T ANNOY"} {"Clue":"Last five crackers for Christmas, perhaps (8)","Answer":"FESTIVAL","Explanation":"Definition: Christmas, perhaps\n **Anagram of** (crackers) **LAST FIVE**\n **FESTIVAL"} {"Clue":"Regularly test music case (4)","Answer":"ETUI","Explanation":"Definition: case\n **ETUI** (**letters 2, 4, 6 and 8** [regularly] of **TEST MUSIC**)\n **ETUI"} {"Clue":"Motor missing centre, needing to be replaced (6)","Answer":"ENGINE","Explanation":"Definition: Motor\n **Anagram of** (to be replaced) **NEEDING excluding** (missing) **the middle letter** (centre) **D**\n **ENGINE"} {"Clue":"Counterpart with hands? (8)","Answer":"ANALOGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Counterpart\n **ANALOGUE** (a clock with hands is an **ANALOGUE** for a digital representation of the time of day) This clue could be an &Lit where the whole clue defines an **ANALOGUE** clock"} {"Clue":"Almighty deed, changing cats for dogs \u2013 all tailless (3,2,3)","Answer":"ACT OF GOD","Explanation":"Definition: Almighty deed\n **Anagram of** (changing) **CAT FO** and **DOG** being **CATS FOR DOGS** **excluding the final letter** (tailless) **of each**\n **ACT OF GOD*** \u2013 it may be a coincidence that each word of the entry is an anagram of each of **CAT**, **FO** and **DOG"} {"Clue":"A horse\/sheep mixup (7)","Answer":"ANAGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: mixup\n **A** **+ NAG** (horse) **+ RAM** (sheep)\n **A NAG RAM"} {"Clue":"Sorry criminal has identified missing head (7)","Answer":"ASHAMED","Explanation":"Definition: Sorry\n **Anagram of** (criminal) **HAS** **+ NAMED** (identified) **excluding the first letter** (missing head) **N**\n **ASH*** **AMED"} {"Clue":"Endless petitions about record that's typically American (5,3)","Answer":"APPLE PIE","Explanation":"Definition: typically American\n **APPLIES** (petitions) **excluding the final letter** (endless) **S containing** (about) **EP** (Extended Play record)\n **APPL** (**E P**) **IE"} {"Clue":"Scattered rice lost in part of cathedral (8)","Answer":"CLOISTER","Explanation":"Anagram of** (scattered) **RICE LOST**\n **CLOISTER"} {"Clue":"Ordnance Survey spread out in Barnes & Noble (8)","Answer":"BARONESS","Explanation":"Definition: Noble\n **OS** (Ordnance Survey) **with each letter contained separately in** (spread out in) **BARNES**\n **BAR** (**O**) **NE** (**S**) **S"} {"Clue":"Support for driver with trimmed wheel that's funny (3-3)","Answer":"TEE-HEE","Explanation":"Definition: that's funny\n **TEE** (support for a golf ball to be hit by a driver) **+ HEE** (letters **remaining in WHEEL when the outer letters W and L are removed** [trimmed])\n **TEE\u2013HEE"} {"Clue":"I enjoy drugs and rock and roll, primarily (6)","Answer":"STONER","Explanation":"Definition: I enjoy drugs\n **STONE** (rock) **+ R** (**first letter of** [primarily] **ROLL**)\n **STONE** **R"} {"Clue":"Article in French newspaper that is socialist (6)","Answer":"LEFTIE","Explanation":"Definition: socialist\n **LE** (French form of 'the' [definite article]) **+ FT** (Financial Times; newspaper) **+ IE** (id est; that is)\n **LE FT IE"} {"Clue":"Retreat from short Scottish landowner (4)","Answer":"LAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Retreat\n **LAIRD** (Scottish term for an estate landowner) **excluding the final letter** (short) **D**\n **LAIR"} {"Clue":"Surprise to get uncapped wine (4)","Answer":"HOCK","Explanation":"Definition: wine\n **SHOCK** (surprise) **excluding the first letter** (to get uncapped) **S**\n **HOCK"} {"Clue":"Theatre-worker's hour after time moving into position (5,4)","Answer":"STAGE HAND","Explanation":"Definition: Theatre-worker\n (**AGE** [time {period}] **+ H** [hour]) **contained in** (moving into) **STAND** (position)\n **ST** (**AGE H**) **AND"} {"Clue":"In favour of turning in coalmine dividend (6)","Answer":"PRO","Explanation":"Definition: dividend\n **FOR** (in favour of) **reversed** (turning) **contained in** (in) **PIT** (coalmine)\n **P** (**ROF**<) **IT"} {"Clue":"Devours tuna melts, keen to try something unusual? (11)","Answer":"ADVENTUROUS","Explanation":"Definition: keen to try something unusual\n **Anagram of** (melts) **DEVOURS TUNA**\n **ADVENTUROUS"} {"Clue":"Crudely insolent about article regarding stress (9)","Answer":"TENSIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: regarding stress\n **Anagram of** (crudely) **INSOLENT** **containing** (about) **A** (indefinite article)\n **TENSION** (**A**) **L"} {"Clue":"Excessive documentation returned, leading to more of the same (5)","Answer":"DITTO","Explanation":"Definition: more of the same\n (**OTT** [over the top; excessive] **+ ID** [identity papers; documentation]) **all reversed** (returned)\n (**DI** **TTO**)<"} {"Clue":"Bread from birdhouse Mark's brought into lounge (7,4)","Answer":"COTTAGE LOAF","Explanation":"Definition: Bread\n (**TAG** [mark] **contained in** [brought into] **COTE** [place of shelter for birds, particularly doves; birdhouse]) **+ LOAF** (stand idly; lounge)\n **COT** (**TAG**) **E** **LOAF"} {"Clue":"Develop move in cinematography (3,3)","Answer":"PAN","Explanation":"Definition: Develop\n **PAN OUT** (expand on; develop) **double definition**\n **PAN OUT"} {"Clue":"Unveils most of model after recasting statue (5,2,4)","Answer":"VENUS DE MILO","Explanation":"Definition: statue\n **Anagram of** (after recasting) **UNVEILS** and **MODEL** **excluding the last letter** (most of)** L**\n **VENUS DE MILO"} {"Clue":"German holding on? He's not holding on (5)","Answer":"GONER","Explanation":"Definition: He's not holding on\n **GER** (German) **containing** (holding) **ON**\n **G** (**ON**) **ER"} {"Clue":"The official or executive finally delivering in that case (9)","Answer":"THEREFORE","Explanation":"Definition: in that case\n **THE + REF** (**REF**eree [official]) **+ OR + E** (executive, as in\u00a0C**E**O [Chief Executive Officer])\n **THE REF OR E"} {"Clue":"Leaders of troops filling suitable job (11)","Answer":"APPOINTMENT","Explanation":"Definition: job\n **POINT MEN** (soldiers at the head of a body of troops or patrol; leaders of troops) **contained in** (filling) **APT** (suitable)\n **AP** (**POINT MEN**) **T"} {"Clue":"Fabulous support given to finish a railway (9)","Answer":"LEGENDARY","Explanation":"Definition: Fabulous\n **LEG** (a support) **+ END** (finish) **+ A + RY** (railway)\n **LEG END A RY"} {"Clue":"Source of fibres, fine and loose (4)","Answer":"FLAX","Explanation":"Definition: Source of fibres\n **F** (fine) **+ LAX** (loose)\n **F LAX"} {"Clue":"That guy's hopeless, ignoring article about the liver (7)","Answer":"HEPATIC","Explanation":"Definition: about the liver\n **HE** (that guy) **+ PATHETIC** (hopeless) **excluding** (ignoring) **THE** (definite article)\n **HE PATIC"} {"Clue":"Be jubilant over new expensive headgear (5)","Answer":"CROWN","Explanation":"Definition: expensive headgear\n **CROW** (be jubilant) **+ N** (new) \u2013 this being a down entry the letters in **CROW** **are placed over** the **N** (new)\n **CROW N"} {"Clue":"It's no great age: still time to get noticed externally (9)","Answer":"SEVENTEEN","Explanation":"Definition: It's no great age\n (**EVEN** [ calm; still] **+ T** [time]) **contained in** (to get \u2026 externally) **SEEN** (noticed)\n **S** (**EVEN T**) **EEN"} {"Clue":"Cancel regular publication, missing one source of argument (5)","Answer":"ANNUL","Explanation":"Definition: Cancel\n **ANNUAL** (publication issued regularly [once a year]) **excluding** (missing) **A** (**first letter of** [source of] **A**RGUMENT) \u2013 there are two **A**s in ANNU**A**L, so the clue asks us to exclude the relevant one\n **ANNUL"} {"Clue":"English pound provided that, free to vary, not vacantly showing identical variability (13)","Answer":"EQUIDIFFERENT","Explanation":"Definition: showing identical variability\n **E** (English) **+ QUID** (slang for a pound sterling) **+ IF** (provided that) **+ an anagram of** (to vary) **+ NT** (**letters remaining in NOT when the middle letter O is removed** [vacantly])\n **E** **QUID** **IF** **FERE*** **NT"} {"Clue":"Air of trio playing \u2013 more sound? (1,8)","Answer":"A FORTIORI","Explanation":"Definition: more sound\n **Anagram of** (playing) **AIR OF TRIO**\n **A FORTIORI"} {"Clue":"Misrepresent a lot of party upset over legal wrong (7)","Answer":"DISTORT","Explanation":"Definition: Misrepresent\n **DIS** (**three of the five letters of** [a lot of] **DISCO** [party]) **+ TORT** (legal term for a wrong) \u2013 another use of 'over' in a down entry\n **DIS TORT"} {"Clue":"Start to develop interpretation after a lot of brute criticism (13)","Answer":"ANIMADVERSION","Explanation":"Definition: criticism\n **ANIMAL** (brute) **excluding the final letter** (a lot of) **L** **+ D** (**first letter of** [start to] **DEVELOP**) **+ VERSION** (an interpretation)\n **ANIMA** **D VERSION"} {"Clue":"Quantity of beer popular with doctor, say? It sets the tone (6,3)","Answer":"TUNING PEG","Explanation":"Definition: It sets the tone\n **TUN** (obsolete liquid measure equivalent to 216 gallons of ale) **+ IN** (popular) **+ GP** (general practitioner; doctor) **+ E.G.** (for example, say)\n **TUN IN G P EG"} {"Clue":"Commotion, with lecturer interrupting worried boy rudely (9)","Answer":"OBSCENELY","Explanation":"Definition: rudely\n (**SCENE** [commotion] **+ L** [lecturer]) **contained in** (interrupting) **an anagram of** (worried) **BOY**\n **OB** (**SCENE** **L**) Y"} {"Clue":"Style of hair that's something difficult to achieve with dog (7)","Answer":"PIGTAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Style of hair\n **PIG** (something very difficult to achieve) **+ TAIL** (follow; dog)\n **PIG TAIL"} {"Clue":"Ask too much of public \u2013 a sign of error (7)","Answer":"OVERTAX","Explanation":"Definition: Ask too much of\n **OVERT** (public) **+ A + X** (a symbol indicating a mistake)\n **OVERT A X"} {"Clue":"Fish \u2013 trawler disposing of contents into the drink (5)","Answer":"TETRA","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\n **TR** (**letters remaining in** **TRAWLER** **when the central letters are removed** [disposing of contents]) **contained in** (into) **TEA** (drink)\n **TE** (**TR**) **A"} {"Clue":"Not wanting to eat anything? Not quite \u2013 tripe etc will suffice (5)","Answer":"OFFAL","Explanation":"Definition: tripe etc\n **OFF ALL** (not wanting to eat anything) **excluding the final letter** (not quite) **L**\n **OFF AL"} {"Clue":"Chaps troubled about pieces returned by editor, being hard up (12)","Answer":"CASH-STRAPPED","Explanation":"Definition: being hard up\n (**Anagram of** [troubled] **CHAPS** **containing** [about] **PARTS** [piece]) **reversed** [returned]) **+ ED** (editor)\n **CASH** (**STRAP**<) **P*** **ED"} {"Clue":"Armenian clothed in Thai khaki (5)","Answer":"HAIKH","Explanation":"Definition: Armenian\n **HAIKH** (**hidden word** [clothed in] **THAI KHAKI**)\n **HAIKH"} {"Clue":"What Indian women may wear about festival in spring (5)","Answer":"CHOLI","Explanation":"Definition: What Indian women may wear\n **C** (circa; about) **+ HOLI** (Hindu spring festival)\n **C HOLI"} {"Clue":"Unit of money, 'penny' in Arabia (5)","Answer":"DINAR","Explanation":"Definition: Unit of money\n **D** (symbol for a penny in Britain before decimalisation) **+ IN + AR** (Arabia)\n **D IN AR"} {"Clue":"Unlocked the lost desk drawer (7)","Answer":"SHOTTLE","Explanation":"Definition: desk drawer\n **Anagram of** (unlocked) **THE LOST**\n **SHOTTLE"} {"Clue":"Throw with the intention of wounding, showing vigour? Not on once (6)","Answer":"ELANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Throw with the intention of wounding\n **ELAN** (dash; vigour) **+ ONCE** **excluding** (not) **ON**\n **ELAN CE"} {"Clue":"Like many in the senate house, before not being allowed out (7)","Answer":"TOGATED","Explanation":"Definition: Like many in the senate house\n **TO** (before) **+ GATED** (not allowed out)\n **TO GATED"} {"Clue":"Gossip, as female getting round lows (7)","Answer":"SHMOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Gossip\n **SHE** (descriptive of a lady) **containing** (getting round) **MOOS** (reference the sounds made by lowing cows)\n **SH** (**MOOS**) **E"} {"Clue":"Hooligan giving the old man back pain (6)","Answer":"APACHE","Explanation":"Definition: Hooligan\n **PA** (father; old man) **reversed** (back) **+ ACHE** (pain)\n **AP**< **ACHE"} {"Clue":"Caught immediately before tea? Take that! (6)","Answer":"GOTCHA","Explanation":"Definition: Take that\n **GOT** (caught) **+ CHA** (tea)\n **GOT CHA"} {"Clue":"Company's base, not heat-resistant \u2013 well, only partly (7)","Answer":"THEATRE","Explanation":"Definition: Company's base\n **THEATRE** (hidden word in [only partly] **NOT HEAT RESISTANT**)\n **THEATRE"} {"Clue":"Former operation I see to do with bodily secretion (5)","Answer":"UREIC","Explanation":"Definition: with bodily secretion\n **URE** (obsolete [former] word for operation) **+ I + C** (see is the pronunciation of the letter C)\n **URE I C"} {"Clue":"American shrub from Haiti, its smell having a touch of arum (7)","Answer":"RHODORA","Explanation":"Definition: American shrub\n **RH** (international Vehicle Registration for Haiti) **+ ****ODOR** (American spelling of **ODOUR** [smell]) **+ A** (**first letter of** [touch of] **ARUM**)\n **RH ODOR A"} {"Clue":"Arms may display this brown colour; however back contains extremes of wan skin (5)","Answer":"TENNY","Explanation":"Definition: Arms may display this brown colour\n **YET** (however) **reversed** (back) **containing** (contains) **NN** (last letters [extremes] of each of **WAN** and **SKIN**)\n **TE** (**NN**) **Y**<"} {"Clue":"Free literary style is associated with him in dialect (5)","Answer":"UNPEN","Explanation":"Definition: Free\n **UN** (dialect word for 'him') **+ PEN** (literary style)\n **UN PEN"} {"Clue":"Overseas bowler demonstrating turn on the way down (7)","Answer":"CHRISTY","Explanation":"Definition: Overseas bowler\n **CHRISTY** (a turn with skis parallel, executed when descending at speed; demonstrating turn on the way down) **double definition**\n **CHRISTY"} {"Clue":"Partial weatherproofing in north America (6)","Answer":"SIDING","Explanation":"Definition: Partial\n **SIDING** (American term for material used to weatherproof the outside of a building) **double definition**\n **SIDING"} {"Clue":"The slaughter of animals struck hiding in African tree (7)","Answer":"SHEHITA","Explanation":"Definition: The slaughter of animals\n **HIT** (struck) **contained in** (hiding in) **SHEA** (an African tree)\n **SHE** (**HIT**) **A"} {"Clue":"The French forced out of Spanish city creating a rumpus (4)","Answer":"TO-DO","Explanation":"Definition: rumpus\n **TOLEDO** (city in Spain) **excluding** (out of) **LE** (French for ;the')\n **TODO"} {"Clue":"One doing housework switching ends became inefficient (6)","Answer":"RUSTED","Explanation":"Definition: became inefficient\n **DUSTER** (one doing housework) **with the outside letters** (ends) **R** and **D** **swapped round** (switching) to form **RUSTED**\n **RUSTED"} {"Clue":"I bathed in hot lamp turning a dull brown (8)","Answer":"PHILAMOT","Explanation":"Definition: dull brown\n **I** **contained in** (bathed in) **an anagram of** (turning) **HOT LAMP**\n **PH** (**I**) **LAMOT"} {"Clue":"Shut up about number turning up in the old west (6)","Answer":"PONENT","Explanation":"Definition: old west\n **PENT** (held in; shut up) **containing** (about) **NO** (number) **reversed** (turning up; down entry)\n **P** (**ON**<) **ENT"} {"Clue":"Start of glee interrupting dreadful monody (5)","Answer":"DIRGE","Explanation":"Definition: monody\n **G** (**first letter of** [start of] **GLEE**) **contained in** (interrupting) **DIRE** (dreadful)\n **DIR** (**G**) **E"} {"Clue":"It produces fungal growth, so a piece spreads, yellowish inside (10)","Answer":"AECIOSPORE","Explanation":"Definition: It produces fungal growth\n **OR** (yellow colour; yellowish) **contained in** (inside) **an anagram of** (spreads) **SO A PIECE**\n **AECIOSP** (**OR**) **E"} {"Clue":"Having money invested in real crackers for cheese (10)","Answer":"LANCASHIRE","Explanation":"Definition: cheese\n **CASH** (money) **contained in** (invested) **an anagram of** (crackers) **IN REAL**\n **LAN** (**CASH**) **IRE"} {"Clue":"Activity in bakery, except with children involved (8)","Answer":"BATCHING","Explanation":"Definition: Activity in bakery\n **BATING** (except) **containing** (with \u2026 involved) **CH** (children)\n **BAT** (**CH**) **ING"} {"Clue":"Malay Muslim in Australia briefly in love (7)","Answer":"AMOROUS","Explanation":"Definition: in love\n **MORO** (a member of any of the tribes of Muslim Malays in the Philippine islands) **contained in** (in) **AUS** (short form of **AUS**tralia)\n **A** (**MORO**) **US"} {"Clue":"Bask endlessly almost naked, careless? It's just the place for that (7)","Answer":"SEABANK","Explanation":"Definition: just the place for that\n **Anagram of** (careless) **BASK** and **NAKED** **each excluding their final letters** (almost)** K** and **D** respectively\n **SEABANK"} {"Clue":"Sequence of intricate names forming connected series (6)","Answer":"CATENA","Explanation":"Definition: connected series\n **CATENA** (**hidden word in** [sequence of] **INTRICATE NAMES**)\n **CATENA"} {"Clue":"Old riddle: what's creating luminous discharge in bishop's place? (6)","Answer":"SEARCE","Explanation":"Definition: Old riddle\n **ARC** (luminous discharge of electricity) **contained in** (in) **SEE** (office of bishop of a particular diocese)\n **SE** (**ARC**) **E"} {"Clue":"Cephalopods wrongly seen in ring on embroidered picot (6)","Answer":"OCTOPI","Explanation":"Definition: Cephalopods wrongly\n **O** (ring shaped) character **+ an anagram of** (embroidered) **PICOT**\n **O CTOPI"} {"Clue":"Is up against time with amateur coach around (5)","Answer":"ABUTS","Explanation":"Definition: Is up against\n **T** (time) **contained in** (with \u2026 around) (**A** [amateur] **+ BUS** [coach])\n **A BU** (**T**) **S"} {"Clue":"Mountain goat or deer, tail aloft (4)","Answer":"THAR","Explanation":"Definition: Mountain goat\n **HART** (male deer) **with the final letter** (tail) **T** moved up to the start (aloft to the first letter in a down entry) to form **THAR**\n **THAR"} {"Clue":"Drink in article on Turkey is one Homer characterised (6)","Answer":"TROJAN","Explanation":"Definition: one Homer characterised\n **OJ** (orange juice; drink \u2013 abbreviation in the Oxford Dictionary of English) **contained in** (in) (**TR** [International Vehicle Registration for Turkey] **+ AN** [indefinite article])\n **TR** (**OJ**) **AN"} {"Clue":"Corvette perhaps departs, led by brave Jack? (4,4)","Answer":"FACE CARD","Explanation":"Definition: Jack\n **FACE** (to brave) **+ CAR** (a corvette is a model of **CAR**) manufactured at some time by at least two major companies **+ D** (departs)\n **FACE** **CAR** **D"} {"Clue":"Bay that has dhow looking for shelter (4)","Answer":"HOWL","Explanation":"Definition: Bay\n **HOWL** (**hidden word in** [has \u2026 for shelter] **DHOW LOOKING**)\n **HOWL"} {"Clue":"Iffy messages coming from shore, and received by commander (10)","Answer":"PROPAGANDA","Explanation":"Definition: Iffy messages\n **PROP** (shore [up]) **+** (**AND** **contained in** [received by] **AGA** [Turkish commander])\n **PROP** **AG** (**AND**) **A"} {"Clue":"Midshipman marshalled tide so gently! (4,4,2)","Answer":"EASY DOES IT","Explanation":"Definition: gently\n **EASY** (reference Midshipman **EASY** from an 1836 novel by Frederick Marryat [1782 \u2013 1848]) **+ an anagram of** (marshalled) **TIDE SO**\n **EASY** **DOES IT"} {"Clue":"A little salt water sailor swallows back in Folkestone (4)","Answer":"TEAR","Explanation":"Definition: A little salt water\n **TAR** (sailor) **containing** (swallows) **E** (**last letter of** [back in] **FOLKESTONE)**\n **T** (**E**) **AR"} {"Clue":"Northerner suggesting case of Grenache is worth the ultimate sacrifice? (7)","Answer":"GEORDIE","Explanation":"Definition: Northerner\n **GE** (**first and last letters of** [case of] **GRENACHE** **+ OR** (linking two options) **+ DIE** (make the ultimate sacrifice) Read as whole **GE OR DIE** implies 'that given the choice of a case of Grenache; or 'death',then the case is probably worth it.\n **GE OR DIE"} {"Clue":"Get off bunk, rolling with ship (6)","Answer":"DEBARK","Explanation":"Definition: Get off\n **BED** (bunk) **reversed** (rolling )**+ ARK** (large floating vessel; ship)\n **DEB**< **ARK"} {"Clue":"Our lot take the helm, losing heart in gale (6)","Answer":"WESTER","Explanation":"Definition: gale\n **WE** (our tem; our lot) **+ STEER** (take the helm) **excluding the middle letter** (losing heart) **E**\n **WE** **STER"} {"Clue":"Knowing the ropes, ran and tied knot (7)","Answer":"TRAINED","Explanation":"Definition: Knowing the ropes\n **Anagram of** (knot) **RAN** and **TIED**\n **TRAINED"} {"Clue":"Aware of Bonaparte's refusal, with island ahead (2,2)","Answer":"IN ON","Explanation":"I **(island) **+ NON** (French [Napoleon] for 'no' [a refusal])\n **I N** **ON"} {"Clue":"Details of where an anchor might lie mysterious to us (3,3,4)","Answer":"INS AND OUTS","Explanation":"Definition: Details\n **IN SAND** (where an anchor might be on the sea bed) + **an anagram of** (mysterious) **TO US**\n **IN S AND** **OUTS"} {"Clue":"Pacific ocean finally going purple around noon (3-7)","Answer":"NON-VIOLENT","Explanation":"Definition: Pacific\n **N** (**last letter of** [finally] **OCEAN** **+ ON** [going] **+** (**VIOLET** [purple] **containing** [around] **N** [noon])\n **N** **ON VIOLE** (**N**) **T"} {"Clue":"Description of seaman on board losing time (4)","Answer":"ABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Description of seaman\n **TABLE** (board) **exclduing** (losing) **T** (time)\n **ABLE"} {"Clue":"Many peer at sea, to see the blue (8)","Answer":"EMPYREAN","Explanation":"Definition: blue\n **Anagram of** (at sea) **MANY PEER**\n **EMPYREAN"} {"Clue":"No singing rule that contributes to Homer talking (6)","Answer":"OMERTA","Explanation":"Definition: No singing rule\n **OMERTA** (**hidden word in** [that contributed to] **HOMER TALKING**)\n **OMERTA"} {"Clue":"Port Jack Aubrey's opening is Iberian wine (5)","Answer":"RIOJA","Explanation":"Definition: Iberian wine\n **RIO** (reference the port city of **RIO** de Janiero) **+ JA** (initials [opening] of **JACK AUBREY**)\n **RIO** **JA"} {"Clue":"Very black bit of porridge in vessel that serves the ship (9)","Answer":"JOLLYBOAT","Explanation":"Definition: vessel that serves the ship\n **JOLLY** (informal word for 'very') **+ B** (black when describing pencil lead) **+ OAT** (ingredient of [bit of] porridge)\n **JOLLY B OAT"} {"Clue":"Dictionary bears only half of Bonaparte's name, rubbed out in the war (7)","Answer":"NAPOOED","Explanation":"Definition: rubbed out in the war\n **NAPO** (**first four letters** [half] of **NAPO**leon Bonaparte's forename) **+** **OED** (Oxford English Dictionary)\n **NAPO OED"} {"Clue":"French meet storms, not surprisingly, throughout (4,4,2,5)","Answer":"FROM STEM TO STERN","Explanation":"Definition: throughout\n **FR** (French) + an a**nagram of** (surprisingly)a **MEET STORMS NOT**\n **F****R** **OM STEM TO STERN"} {"Clue":"Did cruise end in Antarctica, having priced to include that? (7)","Answer":"COASTED","Explanation":"Definition: Did cruise\n **COSTED** (priced) **containing** (include) **A** (**last letter of** [end in) **ANTARCTICA**)\n **CO** (**A**) **STED\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Vessel's brace that starts creaking 5D (5)","Answer":"CRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: Vessel'\n **CR** (**first two letters of** [brace hat starts] **CREAKING**) **+ AFT** (**STERN**, **last word in the entry at 5 down** [**FROM STEM TO STERN**) \u2013 I am not sure how the **FROM STEM** bit of 5 down applies to this clue)\n **CR AFT"} {"Clue":"Flaming above that might make head drier (3-6)","Answer":"RED-HAIRED","Explanation":"Definition: Flaming above\n **Anagram of** (might make) **HEAD DRIER**\n **RED-HAIRED"} {"Clue":"Callow raised anchor where Callow might have rested (9)","Answer":"GREENROOM","Explanation":"Definition: where Callow might have rested\n **GREEN** (inexperienced; callow) **+ MOOR** (anchor) reversed (raised; down entry)\n **GREEN ROOM**<"} {"Clue":"Lad stows aboard Victory with time for quayside farewell (3,6)","Answer":"BON VOYAGE","Explanation":"Definition: quayside farewell\n **BOY** (lad) **containing** (stows) (**ON** [aboard] **+ V** [victory], as in **V**E day, Victory in Europe day) **+ AGE** (time)\n \u00a0**B** (**ON V**) **OY AGE"} {"Clue":"Underground stock disposed Homer to drink fizz regularly (7)","Answer":"RHIZOME","Explanation":"Definition: Underground stock\n **Anagram of** (disposed) **HOMER** **containing** (to drink) **IZ** (**letters 2 and 4** [regularly] **of FIZZ**)\n **RH** (**IZ**) **OME"} {"Clue":"Sand having removed coating, bronze turned to an orange colour (7)","Answer":"ANNATTO","Explanation":"Definition: orange colour\n **AN** (le**tters remaining in SAND when the first and last letters** [outer coating] **are removed**) **+ TAN** (bronze) **reversed** (turned) **+ TO**\n **AN** **NAT**< **TO"} {"Clue":"Labourer against boarding ships (5)","Answer":"NAVVY","Explanation":"Definition: Labourer\n **V** (versus; against) **contained in** (boarding) **NAVY** (ships)\n **NA** (**V**) **VY** or **NAV **(**V**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Sailor's head, not one available for a boarder? (2,3)","Answer":"TO LET","Explanation":"Definition: available for a boarder\n **TOILET** (in maritime slang,the head is the **TOILET**) **excluding** (not)** I** (Roman numeral for one) I\n **TO LET\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Parisian from motorsport content to cancel challenge (8)","Answer":"DEFIANCE","Explanation":"Definition: challenge\n **DE** (French [Parisian] word for 'from') **+ F1** (Formula One motorsport) **+ ANCE** (**central letters of** [content to] **CANCEL**)\n **DE** **FI** **ANCE"} {"Clue":"Top company that delivers fish (6)","Answer":"UPSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Top\n **UPS** (United Parcel Service [American multinational shipping & receiving and supply chain management company; company that delivers]) **+ IDE** (fish of the same family as the carp)\n **UPS IDE"} {"Clue":"Wide awake later with the jitters (5)","Answer":"ALERT","Explanation":"Definition: Wide awake\n **Anagram of** (with the jitters) **LATER**\n **ALERT"} {"Clue":"Minor-league yankee on the ice hit gently (5-4)","Answer":"RINKY-DINK","Explanation":"Definition: Minor-league\n **RINK** (refererence ice **RINK**) **+ Y** (Yankee is the international radio communication code for the letter **Y**) **+ DINK** (to hit [a ball] gently)\n **RINK** **Y** **DINK"} {"Clue":"Hitcher wanders across one road in a bad state (5,5)","Answer":"THIRD REICH","Explanation":"Definition: bad state\n **Anagram of** (wanders) **HITCHER** **containing** (across) **(I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ RD** [road])\n **TH** (**I RD**) **REICH"} {"Clue":"Name in the first half of the alphabet (3)","Answer":"TOM","Explanation":"Definition: Name\n **TOM** (the first half of the alphabet could be described as all the letters **TO M**)\n **TO M"} {"Clue":"Poles leave American dollar bills to settle (5)","Answer":"AGREE","Explanation":"Definition: settle\n **A** (American) **+ GREENS** (dollar bills)** excluding** (leave) **NS** (North and South; poles)\n **A GREE"} {"Clue":"Server of course on line (6,3)","Answer":"DINING CAR","Explanation":"Definition: Server of course on line\n **DINING CAR** \u2013 this clue is a cryptic definition as a train runs on a line\n **DINING CAR"} {"Clue":"Tub contains eight bits, last of the twenty you lost (4,5)","Answer":"BABY TEETH","Explanation":"Definition: twenty you lost\n **BATH** (tub) containing (contains) (**BYTE** [there are 8 bits in a **BYTE**] **+ E** [**final letter of** [last of] **THE**)\n **BA** (**BY TE E**) **TH"} {"Clue":"Make hot starter of shredded duck (5)","Answer":"STEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Make hot\n **S** (**first letter of** [starter of] **SHREDDED**) **+ TEAL** (any of several kinds of small freshwater duck)\n **S TEAL"} {"Clue":"Sort of pot (3)","Answer":"TEA","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of pot\n **TEA** (marijuana; pot) double definition\n **TEA"} {"Clue":"Ecstatic sounds from husband in despair so moving (10)","Answer":"RHAPSODIES","Explanation":"Definition: Ecstatic sounds\n **H** (husband) contained in (in)** an anagram of** (moving) **SO DESPAIR**\n R (**H**) **APSODIES"} {"Clue":"Make cross after cross with no one watching at the Bernab\u00e9u? (9)","Answer":"","Explanation":"Definition: one watching at the Bernab\u00e9u\n **MAD** (cross) **+ RILE** (make cross) **+ NO**\n **MAD** **RILE NO"} {"Clue":"Old enough to finally smoke, given mate's butt (2,3)","Answer":"OF AGE","Explanation":"Definition: Old enough\n **O** (**last letter of** [finally] **TO**) **+ FAG** (a cigarette; a smoke) **+ E** (**rear end of** [butt of] MATE)\n **O** **F AG E"} {"Clue":"Hair regularly blocking cat's throat (6)","Answer":"LARYNX","Explanation":"Definition: throat\n **AR** (**letters 2 and 4** [regularly] of **HAIR**) **contained in** (blocking) **LYNX** (an animal from a genus of the cat family)\n **L** (**AR**) **YNX"} {"Clue":"Like train's wheels, perhaps, never stopping on a track? (8)","Answer":"TYRELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Like train's wheels\n **TYRELESS** (**sounds like** [on a sound track?] **TIRELESS** [never stopping])\n **TYRELESS"} {"Clue":"Shot bringing play to early conclusion (4)","Answer":"DRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Shot\n **DRAMA** (play) **excluding the final letter** (bringing \u2026 to early conclusion) **A**\n **DRAM"} {"Clue":"Student only just up is not so tired (7)","Answer":"FRESHER","Explanation":"Definition: Student only just up\n **FRESHER** (not so tired) **double definition**\n **FRESHER"} {"Clue":"Fizz right up (5)","Answer":"ASTIR","Explanation":"Definition: up\n **ASTI** (fizzy wine; fizz)** + R** (right)\n **ASTI R"} {"Clue":"Fine sheets bear crest; poor fellow ain't posh (9,5)","Answer":"CARTRIDGE PAPER","Explanation":"Definition: Fine sheets\n **CART** (carry; bear) **+ RIDGE** (crest of a hill) **+ PAUPER** (destitute person; poor fellow) **excluding** (ain't)** U** (upper class; posh)\n **CART RIDGE PAPER"} {"Clue":"Happy playing with my slot machines (9)","Answer":"PAYPHONES","Explanation":"Definition: slot machines\n **Anagram of** (playing) **HAPPY** + **ONE'S** (my)\n **PAYPH*** **ONES"} {"Clue":"Silly daughter piercing two of her ears (7)","Answer":"IDIOTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Silly\n **D** (daughter) **contained in** (piercing) **II** (Roman numeral for two) **+ OTIC** (of the ears)\n **I** (**D**)** I** **OTIC"} {"Clue":"Expedition's leader quickly read over list \u2013 flipping safety procedure (6,4)","Answer":"ESKIMO ROLL","Explanation":"Definition: flipping safety procedure\n **E** (**first letter of** [leader] **EXPEDITION**) **+ SKIM** (quickly read) **+ O** (over) **+ ROLL** (register; list of names)\n **E SKIM O ROLL"} {"Clue":"Barking canine the politician indicated is no longer an issue (7,7)","Answer":"ANCIENT HISTORY","Explanation":"Definition: no longer an issue\n **Anagram of** (barking) **CANINE** **+ THIS** (something indicated)** + TORY** (Conservative politician)\n **ANCIEN*** **T HIS TORY"} {"Clue":"Small U-boat contrived something to increase air intake (10)","Answer":"SALBUTAMOL","Explanation":"Definition: something to increase air intake\n **Anagram of** (contrived) **SMALL U BOAT**\n **SALBUTAMOL"} {"Clue":"Blackmail former number one communist after revolution (9)","Answer":"EXTORTION","Explanation":"Definition: Blackmail\n **EX** (former) **+** (**NO** [number] **+ I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ TROT** [Trotskyist; communist]) **all reversed** (after revolution)\n **EX** (**TORT I ON**)<"} {"Clue":"Pig getting bloody upset, attacking sailor (7)","Answer":"BOARDER","Explanation":"Definition: attacking sailor\n **BOAR** (male pig) **+ RED** (colour of blood; bloody) **reversed** (upset)\n **BOAR DER**<"} {"Clue":"European tax shelter hides uplift (7)","Answer":"ELEVATE","Explanation":"Definition: uplift\n **E** (European) **+** (**LEE** [shelter] **containing** [hides] **VAT** [Value Added Tax])\n **E** **LE** (**VAT**) **E"} {"Clue":"Dr No, Bertie Wooster's clubmate? (5)","Answer":"DRONE","Explanation":"Definition: Bertie Wooster's clubmate\n **DR** (doctor) **+ ONE** (example of a number)\n **DR ONE"} {"Clue":"More little pickles spoiling sandwiches (4)","Answer":"LESS","Explanation":"Definition: More little\n **LESS** (hidden word in [sandwiches] **PICKLES SPOILING**)\n **LESS"} {"Clue":"Fed by father, old swimmer wearing rubber (7)","Answer":"FROGMAN","Explanation":"Definition: swimmer wearing rubber\n **FR** (father) **+ O** (old) + **G-MAN** (an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, also known as a **FED**)\n **FR O GMAN"} {"Clue":"Small party on the left with grouch penning article? There's 23 according to complainants! (7,4)","Answer":"DOMINIC","Explanation":"Definition: 23 according to complainants!\n **DO** (party) **+ MINI** (small) **+** (**CRAB** [sour-tempered person; grouch] **containing** [penning] **A** [indefinite article]) **DO** is on the left of **MINI** as stated in the clue.\n **DO** **MINI C RA** (**A**) **B"} {"Clue":"Horse must pass round wide tree (5)","Answer":"ROWAN","Explanation":"Definition: tree\n **ROAN** (a horse of the colour **ROAN**) **containing** (must pass round) **W** (wide)\n **RO** (**W**) **AN"} {"Clue":"Anglican chore? Special team needed (4,5)","Answer":"TASK FORCE","Explanation":"Definition: Special team needed\n **TASK **[chore] +** FOR **+** CE** (Church of England [Anglican]) i.e. chore for Anglicans\n **TASK FOR CE"} {"Clue":"Coming in over time, I reach a second Irish assembly (10)","Answer":"OIREACHTAS","Explanation":"Definition: Irish assembly\n (**I** **+ REACH**) **contained in** (coming in) (**O** [over] **+ T** [time]) **+ A + S** (second)\n **O** (**I** **REACH**) **T A S"} {"Clue":"What's writ large for Alcyone deceived Olympian queen (4)","Answer":"HERA","Explanation":"Definition: Olympian queen\n I'm struggling with the wordplay here, but I think it might be a reference to the capital letter (a letter write large) **A** at the beginning of **A**lcyone's name, i.e. **HER A**\n I'm also a bit unsure about the relevance of 'deceived'. I found something in Wikipedia that suggested that Alcyone and her husband Cyex called themselves Zeus and **HERA**, possibly as some deception of **HERA**.\n Tees is far more aware of Greek mythology than I shall ever be. Perhaps he will comment to say how far adrift my suggestions are."} {"Clue":"Still he follows group on leaving class (11)","Answer":"NONETHELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Still\n **NONET** (group of nine) **+ HE + LESSON** (class) **excluding** (leaving) **ON**\n **NONET HE LESS"} {"Clue":"Cope with wife distressed in city after Satan deviously displays what he is? (1,5,5,2,4)","Answer":"A NASTY PIECE","Explanation":"Definition: what he is\n **Anagram of** (deviously) **SATAN** + (**an anagram of** [distressed] **COPE** and [with] **WIFE**]) **contained in** (in) **YORK** (a city)\n **A NAST*** **Y** (**PIECE OF W***) **ORK"} {"Clue":"Thick liquid drowning upright character in hotel lift (10)","Answer":"DUMBWAITER","Explanation":"Definition: hotel lift\n **DUMB** (thick) **+** (**WATER** [liquid] **containing** [drowning] **I** [an upright letter [character])\n **DUMB** **WA** (**I**) **TER"} {"Clue":"Leader in media having no case to retreat back (9)","Answer":"EDITORIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Leader\n **MEDIA** **excluding the outer letters** (having no case) **M** and **A** **+ TO + LAIR** (den or retreat) **reversed** (back)\n **EDI** **TO RIAL**<"} {"Clue":"Bulb producing this lit up explosively (5)","Answer":"TULIP","Explanation":"Definition: Bulb\n **Anagram of** (explosively) **LIT UP**\n **TULIP"} {"Clue":"Weapon not deployed at the front? (7)","Answer":"SIDEARM","Explanation":"Definition: Weapon\n **SIDEARM** (as above, a weapon at the **SIDE** rather than at the front)\n **SIDE ARM"} {"Clue":"We might say this about yellow pants (1-6)","Answer":"Y-FRONTS","Explanation":"Definition: pants\n **Y** **is the first letter of** **YELLOW** so **Y** **FRONTS** the word **YELLOW**\n **Y FRONTS"} {"Clue":"Internal memo? (6,4)","Answer":"MENTAL NOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Internal memo\n **MENTAL** (internal) **+ NOTE** (memo) \u2013 **cryptic definition**\n **MENTAL NOTE"} {"Clue":"Nick's short comment on chapter (5)","Answer":"NOTCH","Explanation":"Definition: Nick\n **NOTE** (comment) **excluding the final letter** (short) **E + CH** (chapter)\n **NOT** **CH"} {"Clue":"Detectives meeting hood break down bit by bit (9)","Answer":"DISMANTLE","Explanation":"Definition: break down bit by bit\n **DIS** (Detective Inspectors) **+ MANTLE** (a hood or network of fire-resistant material that becomes incandescent when exposed to a flame)\n **DIS MANTLE"} {"Clue":"Offend certain characters in room if forthright (4)","Answer":"MIFF","Explanation":"Definition: Offend\n **MIFF** (**hidden word in** [certain characters in] **ROOM IF FORTHRIGHT**)\n **MIFF"} {"Clue":"Invaders in North or South Yemen deposing leader (8)","Answer":"NORSEMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Invaders\n **N** (North) **+ OR + S** (South) **+ YEMEN** **excluding the first letter** (deposing leader) **Y**\n **N OR S EMEN"} {"Clue":"Rent at high level? (8)","Answer":"CREVASSE","Explanation":"Definition: Rent at high level\n **CREVASSE** (glaciers are usually located at a high level) \u2013 **slightly cryptic definition**\n **CREVASSE"} {"Clue":"Patron having been upset by agent (10)","Answer":"BENEFACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Patron\n **Anagram of** (upset) **BEEN** **+ FACTOR** (agent managing estates)\n **BENE*** **FACTOR"} {"Clue":"Change menu and put in scarce chemical (9)","Answer":"NEPTUNIUM","Explanation":"Definition: chemical\n **Anagram of** (change) **MENU** and **PUT IN**\n **NEPTUNIUM"} {"Clue":"Hotel, poorly ventilated, unlocked perhaps? (8)","Answer":"HAIRLESS","Explanation":"Definition: unlocked perhaps\n **H** (hotel) **+ AIRLESS** (poorly ventilated)\n **H AIRLESS"} {"Clue":"Paid with radicchio, initially, that is found among mixed greens (8)","Answer":"SALARIED","Explanation":"Definition: Paid\n (**R** [**first letter of** {initially} **RADICCHIO**] **+ IE** [id est; that is]) **contained in** (found among) **SALAD** (mixed greens)\n **SALA** (**R IE**) **D"} {"Clue":"Hot duck St Leonard eats? (6)","Answer":"STOLEN","Explanation":"Definition: Hot\n (**ST** (saint) **+ LEN** [Leonard]) **containing** (eats) **O** (character representing zero; duck score in cricket)\n **ST** (**O**) **LEN"} {"Clue":"Pressure needed in bellows? I'm astounded! (6)","Answer":"CRIPES","Explanation":"Definition: I'm astounded\n **P** (pressure) **contained in** (needed in) **CRIES** (bellows)\n **CRI** (**P**) **ES"} {"Clue":"Farm animal behind another heard outside yard? Well done! (5,3,3)","Answer":"BULLY","Explanation":"Definition: Well done\n I can see **BULL** (a farm animal) and **YOU** (**sounds like** [heard] **EWE** [another farm animal]) and I can see the **Y** (yard) that **BULL** and **YOU** are outside the **Y**, but I'm struggling to parse the **FOR** part of the entry.\n **BULL** (**Y**) **FOR** **YOU"} {"Clue":"Colorado state prosecutor closing bars (4)","Answer":"CODA","Explanation":"Definition: closing bars\n **CO** (Colorado) **+ DA** (District Attorney [state prosecutor in American states such as Colorado)\n **CO** **DA"} {"Clue":"A day in European city (Spain) \u2013 bliss (8)","Answer":"PARADISE","Explanation":"Definition: bliss\n (**A** **+ D** [day]) **contained in** (in) **PARIS** (European city) **+ E** (International Vehicle Registration for Spain)\n **PAR** (**A D**) **IS** **E"} {"Clue":"Support about to be withdrawn for Olympic sportsperson (6)","Answer":"ARCHER","Explanation":"Definition: Olympic sportsperson\n **ARCH** (supportive structure; support) **+ RE** (with reference to [about] **reversed** (to be withdrawn)\n **ARCH** **ER**<"} {"Clue":"Determined club gets passed on to descendants (4-6)","Answer":"IRON WILLED","Explanation":"Definition: Determined\n **IRON** ([golf] club) **+ WILLED** (bequeathed; gets passed on to descendants)\n **IRON WILLED"} {"Clue":"Serious passion seen in pursuit of daughter (4)","Answer":"DIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Serious\n **D** (daughter) **+ IRE** (passion)\n **D IRE"} {"Clue":"Star girl recalled dance performances (not debut) (6)","Answer":"STELLA","Explanation":"Definition: Star\n **BALLETS** (dance performances) **excluding the first letter** (not debut) **B** and then **reversed** (recalled)\n **STELLA**<"} {"Clue":"Craftsmanlike film director all but crazy inside (4-4)","Answer":"WELL-MADE","Explanation":"Definition: Craftsmanlike\n **MAD** (crazy) **contained in** (inside) **WELLES** (reference Orson **WELLES** [1915 \u2013 1985], American film director) **excluding the final letter** (all but) **S**\n **WELL** (**MAD**) **E"} {"Clue":"Young female star backed accepting woman's title (6)","Answer":"DAMSEL","Explanation":"Definition: Young female\n **LEAD** (star performer) **reversed** (backed) **containing** **MS** [a title for a woman as an alternative to Miss or Mrs)\n **DA** (**MS**) **EL**<"} {"Clue":"Web story not about to annoy (6)","Answer":"NETTLE","Explanation":"Definition: to annoy\n **NET** (inter**NET**; web) **+** **TALE** (story) **excluding** (not) **A** (about)\n **NET TLE"} {"Clue":"Nothing observed in outrageous clue, USA detective having no competence (8)","Answer":"CLOUSEAU","Explanation":"Definition: detective having no competence\n **O** (character representing zero or nothing) **contained in** (observed in) **an anagram of** (outrageous) **CLUE USA**\n **CL** (**O**) **U****S****E****AU"} {"Clue":"Ace, 22, seen around air aces with quantity of drink (6)","Answer":"CARAFE","Explanation":"Definition: quantity of drink\n **Anagram of** (**FLYING** [entry at 22 down]) **ACE** **containing** (around) **RAF** (air aces)\n **CA** (**RAF**) **E"} {"Clue":"Quite complex, without question, but not much of a case (4)","Answer":"ETUI","Explanation":"Definition: not much of a case\n **Anagram of** (complex) **QUITE** **excluding** (without) **Q** (question)\n **ETUI"} {"Clue":"College cat lady unfortunately missing one with extra toes (10)","Answer":"POLYDACTYL","Explanation":"Definition: with extra toes\n **POLY** (**POLY**technic college of old) **+ an anagram of** (unfortunately) **CAT LADY** **excluding** (missing) an **A** (one)\n **POLY DACTYL"} {"Clue":"Record keeper rubbed out cut by day before feast (6)","Answer":"SLEEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Record keeper\n **SLEW** (killed; 'rubbed out' in slang terms) **excluding the last letter** (cut) **W** **+ EVE** (the night or day before a festival or feast)\n **SLE** **EVE"} {"Clue":"Irishman accepting quantity of work required by tense officer (8)","Answer":"SERGEANT","Explanation":"Definition: officer\n (**SEAN** [name of an Irishman] **containing** [accepting] **ERG** [a unit or quantity of work]) **+ T** (tense)\n **S** (**ERG**) **EAN** **T"} {"Clue":"Repeat reasonable score? Nonsense (6)","Answer":"PARROT","Explanation":"Definition: Repeat\n **PAR** (standard or reasonable score) **+ ROT** (nonsense)\n **PAR ROT"} {"Clue":"I engaged in sleep after upturn in discomfort (4)","Answer":"PAIN","Explanation":"Definition: discomfort\n **I** **contained in** (in) **NAP** (sleep) **reversed** (in upturn; down entry)\n **PA** (**I**) **N**<"} {"Clue":"Temper one shows amongst American university crowd (8)","Answer":"MITIGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Temper\n **I** (Roman numeral for one) **contained in** (shows amongst) (**MIT** [Massachusetts Institute of Technology, American university] **+ GATE** [crowd at concert or sports event for example])\n **MIT** (**I**) **GATE"} {"Clue":"Makes a loud sound \u2013 a good pair of lungs? (7)","Answer":"BELLOWS","Explanation":"Definition: pair of lungs\n **BELLOWS** (lungs) **double definition**\n **BELLOWS"} {"Clue":"Composer giving you a lot of help? (6)","Answer":"HANDEL","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\n **H AND EL** (the letters **H** **AND** **EL** which together form three quarters of [a lot of] the word **HELP**)\n **H AND EL"} {"Clue":"One measuring concentration disturbed irate medic (10)","Answer":"ACIDIMETER","Explanation":"Definition: One measuring concentration\n **Anagram of** (disturbed) **IRATE MEDIC**\n **ACIDIMETER"} {"Clue":"Resent move coming about for one Republican (8)","Answer":"BEGRUDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Resent\n **BUDGE** (move) **containing** (coming about) (**EG** (for example; for one] **+ R** (Republican])\n **B** (**EG R**) **UDGE"} {"Clue":"Smart cars, large? Use Minis when travelling round Ohio (10)","Answer":"LIMOUSINES","Explanation":"Definition: Smart cars\n **L** (large) **+** (**an anagram of** [when travelling] **USE MINIS** **containing** (round) **O** [Ohio])\n **L** **IM** (**O**) **USINES"} {"Clue":"Idle hero of children's books? (8)","Answer":"DOLITTLE","Explanation":"Definition: hero of children's books\n **DO LITTLE** ([be] idle)\n **DO** **LITTLE"} {"Clue":"Writers in wartime possibly being censored badly (8)","Answer":"ENCODERS","Explanation":"Definition: Writers in wartime\n **Anagram of** (badly) **CENSORED**\n **ENCODERS"} {"Clue":"No good in upperclass blade (7)","Answer":"CUTLASS","Explanation":"Definition: blade\n **CUTGLASS** (upper class or refined) **excluding** (no) **G** (good)\n CUTLASS"} {"Clue":"Noticed energy peaked, with a thousand running out (6)","Answer":"ESPIED","Explanation":"Definition: Noticed\n **E** (energy) **+ SPIKED** (peaked) **excluding** (running out) **K** (symbol for 1000)\n **E SPIED"} {"Clue":"Very brief affair around end of February (6)","Answer":"FLYING","Explanation":"Definition: Very brief\n **FLING** (affair) **containing** (around) **Y** (**last letter of** [end of] **FEBRUARY**)\n **FL** (**Y**) **ING"} {"Clue":"Champion bridge team to ruminate? (4)","Answer":"CHEW","Explanation":"Definition: ruminate\n **CH** (champion) **+ EW** (East and West together form a bridge team)\n **CH EW"} {"Clue":"In dining room English crazy about French ladies (8)","Answer":"MESDAMES","Explanation":"Definition: French ladies\n (**Anagram of** [about] [**E** {English} and **MAD** {crazy}]) **contained in** (in) **MESS** (dining room for a group of people, especially in the armed forces)\n **MES** (**DAME***) **S"} {"Clue":"Musician in north cutting cost (6)","Answer":"PRINCE","Explanation":"Definition: Musician\n **N** (north) **contained in** (cutting) **PRICE** (cost)\n **PRI** (**N**) **CE"} {"Clue":"Purchase a raven 20 18 kept (4)","Answer":"GRIP","Explanation":"Definition: Purchase\n **GRIP** (name of the raven kept by **CHARLES** [20d] **DICKENS** [18d]) **double definition**\n **GRIP"} {"Clue":"Fickle folk, English, tucking into fruit after tea (10)","Answer":"CHAMELEONS","Explanation":"Definition: Fickle folk\n **CHA** (tea) **+** (**E** [English] **contained in** [tucking into] **MELONS** [fruit])\n **CHA** **MEL** (**E**) **ONS"} {"Clue":"Condition in maths reworked attracting top grade (6)","Answer":"ASTHMA","Explanation":"Definition: Condition\n **Anagram of** (reworked) **MATHS** **+ A** (top grade)\n **ASTHM*** **A"} {"Clue":"Compulsory turnout? (8)","Answer":"EVICTION","Explanation":"Definition: Compulsory turnout\n **EVICTIONS** often happen with the force of law or other conditions, making the turnout compulsory **cryptic definition**\n **EVICTION"} {"Clue":"6A's observation on excessive tabloid exposure? (1,2,3,4,1,3,3)","Answer":"I AM TOO MUCH","Explanation":"Definition: 6A's observation on excessive tabloid exposure\n For the cryptic definition, the clue is referring to **PRINCE** Harry and his opinion he appears too much in the tabloid newspaper The Sun. Possibly also a reference to his 'son' relationship to Charles, Diana and Camilla)\n **I AM TOO MUCH** [**I' THE SUN**]"} {"Clue":"Native American doctrine unfinished (4)","Answer":"CREE","Explanation":"Definition: Native American\n **CREED** (doctrine) **excluding the final letter** (unfinished) **D**\n **CREE"} {"Clue":"Hero unemployed reportedly (4)","Answer":"IDOL","Explanation":"Definition: Hero\n **IDOL** (**sounds like** [reportedly]** IDLE** [unemployed])\n **IDOL"} {"Clue":"Faultless conception of a particular religion? (10)","Answer":"IMMACULATE","Explanation":"Definition: Faultless\n **IMMACULATE** (reference the concept of the **IMMACULATE** Conception [the Roman Catholic {a particular religion} dogma that the Virgin Mary was conceived without original sin, first proclaimed as an article of faith in 1854 {not the same as the Virgin Birth}]) **double definition**\n **IMMACULATE"} {"Clue":"In the 20s perhaps champion advances rapidly (8)","Answer":"SCORCHES","Explanation":"Definition: advances rapidly\n **CH** (champion) **contained in** (in) **SCORES** (twenties)\n **SCOR** (**CH**) **ES"} {"Clue":"Gulag has thirty guards filled with terror (6)","Answer":"AGHAST","Explanation":"Definition: filled with terror\n **AGHAST** (**hidden word in** [guards] **GULAG HAS THIRTY**)\n **AGHAST"} {"Clue":"Finch, outside science rooms, backing participant in rally? (6,4)","Answer":"TENNIS BALL","Explanation":"Definition: participant in rally\n (**LINNET** [common finch]) **containing** [outside] **LABS **[laboratories;**\u00a0** science rooms])\u00a0** all reversed** (backing)\n **TENNI** (**S BAL**<) **L**<"} {"Clue":"Use phone when abroad ring to break strike? (4)","Answer":"ROAM","Explanation":"Definition: Use phone when abroad\n **O** (character shaped like a ring) **contained in** (to break) **RAM** (beat hard; strike)\n **R** (**O**) **AM"} {"Clue":"Seat moved, by sailors, towards the rear (6)","Answer":"ASTERN","Explanation":"Definition: towards the rear\n **Anagram of** (moved) **SEAT** **+ RN** (Royal Navy; sailors)\n **ASTE*** **RN"} {"Clue":"Grass surrounding lake after dump transformed (8)","Answer":"RESTYLED","Explanation":"Definition: transformed\n **REED** (tall stiff marsh or water grass) **containing** (surrounding) (**STY** [dump] **+ L** [lake])\n **RE** (**STY L**) **ED"} {"Clue":"Continents considered as a whole one in ruined US area (7)","Answer":"EURASIA","Explanation":"Definition: Continents considered as a whole\n **I** (Roman numeral for one) **contained in** (in) **an** **anagram of** (ruined) **US AREA**\n **EURAS** (**I**) **A"} {"Clue":"Where conflict arises at sea, these charges may be dropped (5)","Answer":"DEPTH","Explanation":"Definition: Where conflict arises at sea, these charges may be dropped\n This is just a cryptic definition as **DEPTH** **charges** are frequently **dropped** in wars or conflicts at sea\n **DEPTH"} {"Clue":"Locus for enthusiasts regularly using revolutionary toy (7)","Answer":"MECCANO","Explanation":"Definition: toy\n **MECCA** (place heavily visited by, or with a special attraction for, a particular person or group. Locus for enthusiasts) **+ ON** (using, as in 'he\/she is on drugs') **reversed** (revolutionary)\n **MECCA NO**<"} {"Clue":"Furious book by 6A 25 (5)","Answer":"SPARE","Explanation":"Definition: Furious\n **SPARE** (title of the recently published memoir [book] by **PRINCE** [6a] **HARRY**'s [25d]) **double definition**\n **SPARE"} {"Clue":"Irritable character in 18 sent up having accepted six shillings (7)","Answer":"PEEVISH","Explanation":"Definition: Irritable\n **HEEP** (reference Uriah **HEEP**, a character in **DICKENS**' [18d] novel David Copperfield) **reversed** (sent up) and then **containing** (having accepted) (**VI** [Roman numeral for six] **+ S** [shillings])\n **PEE** (**VI** **S**) **H**<"} {"Clue":"Similar in every detail, papers a client misplaced (9)","Answer":"IDENTICAL","Explanation":"ID** ([identity] papers) **+ an anagram of** (misplaced) **A CLIENT**\n **ID** **ENTICAL"} {"Clue":"Rook with flatfish brings comfort when distressed (7)","Answer":"CONSOLE","Explanation":"Definition: comfort when distressed\n **CON** (swindle; rook) **+ SOLE** (a flatfish)\n **CON SOLE"} {"Clue":"Give encouraging cry during ecstasy (9)","Answer":"TOLERANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Give\n **OL\u00c9** (encouraging cry) **contained in** (during) **TRANCE** (ecstatic state)\n **T** (**OLE**) **RANCE"} {"Clue":"Muslims occasionally seen in German city (3)","Answer":"ULM","Explanation":"ULM** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [occasionally] of **MUSLIMS**)\n **ULM"} {"Clue":"Elevated hero in Scotland knows devil (7)","Answer":"DICKENS","Explanation":"Definition: devil\n **CID** (reference **EL CID** [approx 1043 \u2013 1099], a national hero of Spain) **reversed** (elevated; down entry) **+ KENS** (Scottish word for 'knows')\n **DIC**< **KENS"} {"Clue":"25's old man in check on French city (7)","Answer":"CHARLES","Explanation":"Definition: 25's old man\n **CH** (check) **+ ARLES** (French city)\n **CH ARLES"} {"Clue":"With a will, the nation bans heroin (7)","Answer":"TESTATE","Explanation":"Definition: With a will\n **THE STATE** **excluding** (bans) **H** (heroin)\n **TESTATE"} {"Clue":"Part of flight with one 19D? (5)","Answer":"STAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Part of flight\n **I** (Roman numeral for one) **contained in** (**I**') **STAR** (**THE SUN**) where **I' THE SUN** is the entry at 19d\n **STA** (**I**) **R"} {"Clue":"Badger would be dangerous with one coming in for a run (5)","Answer":"HARRY","Explanation":"Definition: Badger\n **HARRY** would become **HAIRY** (dangerous) if one of the **R**s (a run) **was replaced by** (for) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **HARRY"} {"Clue":"Works out Princess Royal is Olympic athlete (6,6)","Answer":"FIGURE SKATER","Explanation":"Definition: Olympic athlete\n **FIGURES** (follows as a logical consequence; works out) **+ KATE **(reference **KATE** Middleton, Princess of Wales, among other titles) **+ R** (royal \u2013 **R** is listed in Collins as a standalone abbreviation for Royal). Possibly OLYMPIC is in there because Princess Anne, the Princess Royal is a \n **FIGURE S** **KATE R"} {"Clue":"Demand Far East buses can request this (5,4)","Answer":"EXACT FARE","Explanation":"Definition: buses can request this\n **EXACT** (demand and obtain) **+ FAR + E** (East)\n **EXACT FAR E"} {"Clue":"Record love making event for dancers (5)","Answer":"DISCO","Explanation":"Definition: event for dancers\n **DISC** (record) **+ O** (character representing zero, the love score in tennis)\n **DISC O"} {"Clue":"South American can start to need car (6)","Answer":"SALOON","Explanation":"Definition: car\n **SA** (South American) **+ LOO** (toilet; can is an informal term for the toilet) **+ N** (**first letter of** [start to] **NEED**)\n **SA LOO N"} {"Clue":"Make error, literally picking up the perfect woman to marry (8)","Answer":"MISWRITE","Explanation":"Definition: Make error, literally\n **MISWRITE** (**sounds like** [picking up] **MISS** [woman] **+ RIGHT** [perfect] \u2013 **MISS RIGHT** is often portrayed as the perfect lady to marry)\n **MIS WRITE"} {"Clue":"I am jumping into river in German city (6)","Answer":"WEIMAR","Explanation":"Definition: German city\n **I'M** (I am) **contained in** (jumping into) **WEAR** (river in north-eastern England)\n **WE** (**IM**) **AR"} {"Clue":"Care of tree rather dull and old fashioned (5,3)","Answer":"FIRST AID","Explanation":"Definition: Care\n **FIR** (tree) **+ STAID** (rather dull and old fashioned)\n **FIR ST AID"} {"Clue":"Wear thin pants, as God intended (2,3,3)","Answer":"IN THE RAW","Explanation":"Definition: as God intended\n **Anagram of** (pants) **WEAR THIN**\n **IN THE RAW"} {"Clue":"Idiots going back over the hill (4,2)","Answer":"PAST IT","Explanation":"Definition: over the hill\n (**TIT** [contemptible person idiot] **+ SAP** [**SAP**head {idiot] giving idiots) **all reversed** (going back)\n (**PAS T IT**)<"} {"Clue":"Kinky porn sale, in private (8)","Answer":"PERSONAL","Explanation":"Definition: private\n Anagram of (kinky) **PORN SALE**\n **PERSONAL"} {"Clue":"On a cold and ultimately windy estate (6)","Answer":"LEGACY","Explanation":"Definition: estate\n **LEG** (on side in cricket) **+ A + C** (cold) **+ Y** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **WINDY**)\n **LEG ****A C Y"} {"Clue":"Son caught with rotten food (5)","Answer":"SCOFF","Explanation":"Definition: food\n **S** (con) **+ C** (caught) **+ OFF** (not up to standard or well past it's best to have become rotten)\n **S C OFF"} {"Clue":"Tell me explosive is put around Communist leader (4,2,3)","Answer":"SPIT IT OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Tell me\n **Anagram of** (explosive) **IS PUT** **containing** (around) **TITO **(reference Josep Broz **TITO** [1892 \u2013 1980], once Communist leader of the former state of Yugoslavia)\n **SPI** (**T IT O**) **UT"} {"Clue":"Scolding German for beginning to destroy robe (8,4)","Answer":"DRESSING GOWN","Explanation":"Definition: robe\n **DRESSING DOWN** (scolding) **with G** (GERMAN) **replacing** **D** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **D**ESTROY) to form **DRESSING GOWN**\n **DRESSING GOWN"} {"Clue":"Female ne'er-do-well upset woodcutter (7)","Answer":"FRETSAW","Explanation":"Definition: woodcutter\n **F** (female) **+ WASTER** (good-for-nothing; ne'er-do-well) **reversed** (upset; down entry)\n **F** **RETSAW**<"} {"Clue":"Left organised grand uprising \u2013 one is seen in Knotty Ash? (5)","Answer":"GNARL","Explanation":"Definition: one is seen in Knotty Ash\n (**L** [left] **+ RAN** [organised] **+ G** [grand]) **all reversed** (uprising; down entry)\n (**G NAR L**)<"} {"Clue":"I earn a lot jiggling, in theory (9)","Answer":"RATIONALE","Explanation":"Definition: theory\n **Anagram of** (jiggling) **I** **EARN A LOT**\n **RATIONALE"} {"Clue":"Small animal dropping (4)","Answer":"SCAT","Explanation":"Definition: animal dropping\n **S** (small) **+ CAT** (animal)\n **S CAT"} {"Clue":"Outrageous report of two canines getting drink before meal (8)","Answer":"APERITIF","Explanation":"Definition: drink before meal\n **APERITIF** (**sounds like** [report] **A PAIR** [two] **O** [of] **TEEF** [one way of pronouncing teeth; canines]) \u2013 Eccles does say it's an outrageous homophone\n **APERITIF"} {"Clue":"Stop old women getting grant (5)","Answer":"ENDOW","Explanation":"Definition: grant\n **END** (finish; stop) **+ O** (old) **+ W** (women)\n **END O W"} {"Clue":"Hopeful spat with Iran can be sorted out (8)","Answer":"ASPIRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Hopeful\n **Anagram of** (can be sorted out) **SPAT** and **IRAN**\n **ASPIRANT"} {"Clue":"Venetian magistrate naked on vacation, showing butt (3-3)","Answer":"DOG-END","Explanation":"Definition: butt\n **DOGE** (Venetian magistrate) **+ ND** (**letters remaining in NAKED when the central letters AKE are removed** [on vacation])\n **DOG E** **ND"} {"Clue":"Forces United and Italian team to get people regularly dropped (8)","Answer":"INTERPOL","Explanation":"Definition: Forces United\n **INTER** (reference IItalian football team **INTER** Milan) **+ POL** (**letters remaining in PEOPLE when EPE, letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly] **are removed** [dropped])\n **INTER POL"} {"Clue":"Bar welcomes large group drooling (9)","Answer":"SLAVERING","Explanation":"Definition: drooling\n (**SAVE** [except; bar] **containing** [welcomes] **L** [large]) **+ RING** (arrangement or group)\n **S** (**L**) **AVE RING"} {"Clue":"Lancashire lass returns with seeds, oddly, for badgers (8)","Answer":"HARASSES","Explanation":"Definition: badgers\n **SARAH** (reference actress **SARAH** Lancashire [born 1964], recently seen starring in the TV series Happy Valley) **reversed** (returns) **+ SES** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [oddly] of **SEEDS**)\n **HARAS**< **SES"} {"Clue":"Single politician is hot and playful (6)","Answer":"IMPISH","Explanation":"Definition: playful\n **I** (Roman numeral for one; single) **+ MP** (Member of Parliament; politician) **+ IS + H** (hot)\n **I MP IS H"} {"Clue":"How to tell if top is too tight to get flirty with someone (3,2,2)","Answer":"TRY IT ON","Explanation":"Definition: How to tell if top is too tight\n **TRY IT ON** (attempt to do something risky or audacious to see how far one can go unscathed; e.g. flirt with someone) **double definition**\n **TRY IT ON"} {"Clue":"Put forward assassin? (5)","Answer":"OFFER","Explanation":"Definition: Put forward\n **OFFER** (a person who **OFFS** [kills, in United States slang]; assassin) **double definition**\n **OFFER"} {"Clue":"Excited by nothing as much as you like (1,4)","Answer":"A GOGO","Explanation":"Definition: as much as you like\n **AGOG** (excited) **+ O** (character representing zero; nothing)\n **A GOG O"} {"Clue":"Dictator's important little national symbol (4)","Answer":"KIWI","Explanation":"Definition: national symbol\n **KIWI** (sounds like [dictator speaking to someone writing down the words] **KEY** [important] **WEE** [little])\n **KI WI"} {"Clue":"Clothing for baseball umpire enforcedly exhibits a distinguishing feature (4,4)","Answer":"BLUE EYES","Explanation":"Definition: a distinguishing feature\n **BL** (**outer letters of** [clothing for] **BASEBALL**) + **UE** (**outer letters of** [clothing for] **UMPIRE**) + **EY** (**outer letters of** [clothing for] **ENFORCEDLY**) + **ES** (**outer letters of** [clothing for] **EXHIBITS**)\n **BL UE EY ES"} {"Clue":"Overthrow of government initially letting everyone have sex (6)","Answer":"COUPLE","Explanation":"Definition: have sex\n **COUP** (**COUP** [**D'ETAT**] \u2013 a violent or subversive action resulting in a change of government or state policy) **+ LE** (**first letters of each of** [initially] **LETTING EVERYONE**)\n **COUP** **LE"} {"Clue":"Greek philosopher greeting power flower (5)","Answer":"HIPPO","Explanation":"Definition: Greek philosopher\n **HI** (a greeting) **+ P** (power) **+ PO** (Italian river; flower)\n **HI P PO"} {"Clue":"Carry On Poet cures disorder (9)","Answer":"PROSECUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Carry On\n **Anagram of** (disorder) **POET CURES**\n **PROSECUTE"} {"Clue":"Europeans swearing on Carnage (10)","Answer":"NORWEGIANS","Explanation":"Definition: Europeans\n **Anagram of** (carnage) **SWEARING ON**\n **NORWEGIANS"} {"Clue":"Air therefore no good (4)","Answer":"SONG","Explanation":"Definition: Air\n **SO** (therefore) **+ NG** (no good)\n **SO NG"} {"Clue":"Night flyers welcome neutral periods (6)","Answer":"MONTHS","Explanation":"Definition: periods\n **MOTHS** (insects that habitually fly at night) **containing** (welcome) **N** (neutral)\n **MO** (**N**) **THS"} {"Clue":"Cheap lawyers win (7)","Answer":"BARGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Cheap\n **BAR** (legal profession; lawyers) **+ GAIN** (win)\n **BAR GAIN"} {"Clue":"Understanding old giant breaks horse (7)","Answer":"GETTING","Explanation":"Definition: Understanding\n **ETTIN** (archaic [old] word for a giant) **contained in** (breaks) **GG** (gee-gee; child's word for a horse)\n **G** (**ETTIN**) **G"} {"Clue":"Tie nun up harmoniously (2,4)","Answer":"IN TUNE","Explanation":"Definition: harmoniously\n **Anagram of** (up) **TIE NUN**\n **IN TUNE"} {"Clue":"A large number start to retch at the back of the boat (4)","Answer":"RAFT","Explanation":"Definition: A large number\n **R** (**first letter of** [start to] **RETCH**) **+ AFT** (nautical term for 'towards the stern or back of the boat')\n **R AFT"} {"Clue":"Happy to keep MI6 steady (10)","Answer":"CONSISTENT","Explanation":"Definition: steady\n **CONTENT** (happy) **containing** (to keep) **SIS** (Secret Intelligence Service; MI6)\n **CON** (**SIS**) **TENT"} {"Clue":"Tell story backwards during scripture lesson (6)","Answer":"RELATE","Explanation":"Definition: Tell\n **TALE** (story) **reversed** (backwards) and **contained in** (during) **RE** (religious education; scripture lesson)\n **R** (**ELAT**<) **E"} {"Clue":"Ditch everybody in times showing great cruelty (8)","Answer":"BRUTALLY","Explanation":"Definition: showing great cruelty\n (**RUT** [ditch] **+ ALL** [everybody]) **contained in** (in) (**BY** [multiply; times])\n **B** (**RUT** **ALL**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Losing what Unite accepts (6)","Answer":"BEHIND","Explanation":"Definition: Losing\n **BIND** (unite) **containing** (accepts) **EH** (a word expressing enquiry; what?)\n **B** (**EH**) **IND"} {"Clue":"Top university job includes a hairdo (9)","Answer":"UPPERMOST","Explanation":"Definition: Top\n (**U** [university] **+ POST** [job]) **containing** (includes) **PERM** (**PERM**anent wave; hairdo)\n **U** **P** (**PERM**) **OST"} {"Clue":"Say concert I organised is all about me (10)","Answer":"EGOCENTRIC","Explanation":"Definition: all about me\n **EG** (for example; say) **+ an anagram of** (organised) **CONCERT** and **I**\n **EG** **OCENTRIC"} {"Clue":"English politician connects drains (7)","Answer":"EMPTIES","Explanation":"Definition: drains\n **E** (English) **+ MP** (member of parliament; politician) **+ TIES **(connects)\n **E MP TIES"} {"Clue":"Past lovers, naked (4)","Answer":"OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Past\n **OVER** (**letters remaining in LOVERS when the outer clothing, the letters L and S are removed** [naked])\n **OVER"} {"Clue":"Underworld boss's place you went to finally (5)","Answer":"PLUTO","Explanation":"Definition: Underworld boss'\n **PL** (place) **+ UTO** (**last letters of** [finally] **each of YOU**, **WENT** and **TO**)\n **PL UTO"} {"Clue":"Ten twists about to become one on the way out (8)","Answer":"EMERGENT","Explanation":"Definition: on the way out\n **Anagram of** (twists) **TEN** **containing** (about) **MERGE** (become one)\n **E** (**MERGE**) **NT"} {"Clue":"Originally having ordered bacon, nursing orderly brings biscuit (6)","Answer":"HOBNOB","Explanation":"Definition: biscuit\n **HOBNOB** (**first letters** [originally) **of each of** **HAVING**, **ORDERED**, **BACON**, **NURSING**, **ORDERLY** and **BRINGS**)\n **H O B N O B"} {"Clue":"Harry Potter's social worker, faithful sort (10)","Answer":"PROTESTANT","Explanation":"Definition: faithful sort\n **Anagram of** (harry) **POTTERS** **+ ANT** (worker insect who is a member of a social colony)\n **PROTEST*** **ANT"} {"Clue":"Beginning to hug everybody after dreadfully inane film (5,4)","Answer":"ANNIE HALL","Explanation":"Definition: film\n **Anagram of** (dreadfully) **INANE** **+ H** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **HUG**) **+ ALL** (everybody)\n **ANNIE*** **H ALL"} {"Clue":"Setter repeats Indian music ascending (4- 4)","Answer":"AGAR-AGAR","Explanation":"Definition: Setter\n (**RAGA** [traditional Hindu [Indian] musical form or mode) **+ RAGA** again [repeats]) **all reversed** (ascending; down entry)\n (**AGAR AGAR**)<"} {"Clue":"Spinning delivery like a search engine? (6)","Answer":"GOOGLY","Explanation":"Definition: Spinning delivery\n **GOOGLY** (like **GOOGLE** [search engine])\n **GOOGLY"} {"Clue":"Areas India redeveloped without any adults having specialist knowledge (7)","Answer":"INSIDER","Explanation":"Definition: having specialist knowledge\n **Anagram of** (redeveloped) **AREAS INDIA** **excluding** (without any) the three **A**s (adults)\n **INSIDER"} {"Clue":"Malodorous pigpen hosts tattoo (6)","Answer":"STINKY","Explanation":"Definition: Malodorous\n **STY** (pig pen) **containing** (hosts) **INK** (to tattoo)\n **ST** (**INK**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Barely, if at all, certain to kill (5)","Answer":"FATAL","Explanation":"Definition: certain to kill\n **FATAL** (**letters remaining in IF AT ALL when the outer letters** [clothing] **I** and **L** **are removed** [barely])\n **FATAL"} {"Clue":"Song breaking law of egg detonation (4,3,6,5)","Answer":"WON","Explanation":"Definition: Song\n **Anagram of** (breaking) **LAW OF EGG DETONATION**\n **WON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN"} {"Clue":"Battered halibut's tail and drinks, including case of champagne (8)","Answer":"TROUNCED","Explanation":"Definition: Battered\n **T** (**last letter of** [tail] **HALIBUT**) **+** (**ROUND** [drinks] **containing** [including] **CE** [**outer letters of** {case of} **CHAMPAGNE**)\n **T ROUN** (**CE**) **D"} {"Clue":"More often than not, Rodriguez has virile exterior (6)","Answer":"MAINLY","Explanation":"Definition: More often than not\n **I** (Rodriguez, the setter) **contained in** (has \u2026 exterior) **MANLY** (virile)\n **MA** (**I**) **NLY"} {"Clue":"Perfumier engages new US artist who changes what's on the box (7-6)","Answer":"CHANNEL-HOPPER","Explanation":"Definition: changes what's on the box\n **CHANEL** (reference the French perfume house founded by Coco **CHANEL** in 1921) **containing** (engages) **N** (new) **+ HOPPER** (reference Edward **HOPPER** [1882 \u2013 1967], American artist and printmaker)\n **CHAN** (**N**) **EL HOPPER"} {"Clue":"American idiot with zero pizzazz making chit-chat (10)","Answer":"SCHMOOZING","Explanation":"Definition: making chit-chat\n **SCHMO** (American term for an idiot) **+ O** (character representing zero) **+ ZING** (pizzazz)\n **SCHMO** **O ZING"} {"Clue":"Spike, large one (4)","Answer":"LACE","Explanation":"Definition: Spike\n **L** (large) **+ ACE** (one)\n **L ACE"} {"Clue":"Didn't catch film using audio (6)","Answer":"MISSED","Explanation":"Definition: Didn't catch\n **MISSED** (**sounds like** [using audio] **MIST** [film])\n **MISSED"} {"Clue":"Gift from party people (8)","Answer":"DONATION","Explanation":"Definition: Gift\n **DO** (party) **+ NATION** (nation)\n **DO NATION"} {"Clue":"Working on image, a narcissist's problem (8)","Answer":"EGOMANIA","Explanation":"Definition: narcissist's problem\n **Anagram of** (working) **ON IMAGE A**\n **EGOMANIA"} {"Clue":"Bar passage out of Rwanda's capital (6)","Answer":"EXCEPT","Explanation":"Definition: Bar\n **EXCERPT** (passage [of text, for example]) **excluding** (out of) **R** (**first letter of** [capital of] **R**WANDA)\n **EXCEPT"} {"Clue":"Star's promise in Union and League (4)","Answer":"IDOL","Explanation":"Definition: Star\n **I DO** (promise made by the bridge and groom at a wedding [union]) **+ L** (league)\n **I DO** **L"} {"Clue":"Card player with dodgy relations in part of England (4,6)","Answer":"EAST SUSSEX","Explanation":"Definition: part of England\n **EAST** (designation of card player in a game such a bridge) **+ SUS** (suspect; dodgy) **+ SEX** (intercourse; relations)\n **EAST SUS SEX"} {"Clue":"Complaint from son tucking into e.g. wurst with sauerkraut and enchiladas on vacation (6,7)","Answer":"GERMAN MEASLES","Explanation":"Definition: Complaint\n (**S** [son] **contained in** [tucking into] **GERMAN MEAL**, of which wurst [large sausage] is an example) **+ ES** (**letters remaining in ENCHILADAS when the central letters NCHILADA are removed; on vacation**)\n **GERMAN MEA** (**S**) **L ES"} {"Clue":"Peacenik into drugtaking and hippiedom (6)","Answer":"GANDHI","Explanation":"Definition: Peacenik\n **GANDHI** (**hidden word in** [into] **DRUGTAKING AND HIPPIEDOM**)\n **GANDHI"} {"Clue":"Gives up storing item in bureaus after losing a thousand (8)","Answer":"DESPAIRS","Explanation":"Definition: Gives up\n **PAIR** (two people together; an item) **contained in** (in) **DESKS** (bureaus) **excluding** (after losing) **K** (1,000)\n **DES** (**PAIR**) **S"} {"Clue":"Concerned with eco travel, helping the environment (9)","Answer":"RECYCLING","Explanation":"Definition: helping the environment\n **RE** (concerned with) **+ CYCLING** (a form of travel that is ecologically sound in that it doesn't pollute the atmosphere)\n **RE CYCLING"} {"Clue":"Remove attacking threat from team, introducing right back (5)","Answer":"UNARM","Explanation":"Definition: Remove attacking threat from\n (**MAN U** [Manchester United; team]) **containing** [introducing] **R** [right]) **all reversed** (back)\n (**U** **NA** (**R**) **M**)<"} {"Clue":"Harmony from Italian with my kind of music (11)","Answer":"CONCORDANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Harmony\n **CON** (Italian for 'with') **+ COR** (gosh!; my!) **+ DANCE** (type of music)\n **CON COR DANCE"} {"Clue":"In the end, Oxford United wasted time (7)","Answer":"DALLIED","Explanation":"Definition: wasted time\n **D** (**last letter of** [in the end] **OXFORD** **+ ALLIED** [united])\n **D ALLIED"} {"Clue":"Low emotional state finishing early (3)","Answer":"MOO","Explanation":"Definition: Low\n **MOOD** (emotional state) **excluding the final letter** (finishing early) **D**\n **MOO"} {"Clue":"Mostly ill-mannered, I see, and unwise (9)","Answer":"IMPOLITIC","Explanation":"Definition: unwise\n **IMPOLITE** (ill-mannered) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **E** **+ I + C** (see defines the letter **C**)\n **IMPOLIT I C"} {"Clue":"Poetry penned by Joely Richardson (5)","Answer":"LYRIC","Explanation":"Definition: Poetry\n **LYRIC** (**hidden word in** [penned by] **JOELY RICHARDSON**)\n **LYRIC"} {"Clue":"What happens when Posh or Sporty is annoying getting biscuits (11)","Answer":"GINGERSNAPS","Explanation":"Definition: biscuits\n **POSH** (Victoria Beckham [nee Adams] and **SPORTY** [Melanie Chisholm] were members of the Spice Girls singing group, as was **GINGER** [Geri Halliwell], who might have got annoyed or SNAPPED if **POSH** and **SPORTY** took all the biscuits)\n **GINGER SNAPS"} {"Clue":"Suggest infiltrating small leftist group (6,3)","Answer":"SIMPLY RED","Explanation":"Definition: group\n **IMPLY** (suggest) **contained in** (infiltrating) (**S** [small] **+ RED** [communist; leftist])\n **S** (**IMPLY**) **RED"} {"Clue":"E.g. Putin in media getting awfully poor coverage (9)","Answer":"OPPRESSOR","Explanation":"Definition: E.g. Putin\n **PRESS** (part of the media) **contained in** (getting \u2026 coverage) **an anagram of** (awfully) **POOR**\n **OP** (**PRESS**) **OR"} {"Clue":"Bore and nincompoop you heard at the seaside? (7)","Answer":"ASSUMED","Explanation":"Definition: Bore\n **ASS** (nincompoop) **+ U** (**sounds like** [heard] **YOU**) **+ MED** (**MED**iterranean Sea; seaside)\n **ASS U MED"} {"Clue":"Strong belief one may be responsible for litter (5)","Answer":"DOGMA","Explanation":"Definition: Strong belief\n **DOG MA** (mother dog, who may give birth to a litter of puppies)\n **DOG MA"} {"Clue":"Dip in retail, with area sapped of energy (5)","Answer":"SALSA","Explanation":"Definition: Dip\n **SALES** (retail) **excluding** (sapped of) **E** (energy) **+ A** (area)\n **SALS A"} {"Clue":"A question Descartes implicitly asked his pal (3)","Answer":"AMI","Explanation":"Definition: his pal\n Rene Descartes (1596 \u2013 1650), French philosopher who coined the definitive philosophical statement Cogito, Ergo Sum [I think therefore I am] which can be considered as an answer to the implicit question '**AM I?**'\n **AM I"} {"Clue":"Hostile environment won't bother me \u2013 getting out of hole I'm expert (12)","Answer":"EXTREMOPHILE","Explanation":"Definition: Hostile environment won't bother me\n **Anagram of** (getting out of) **HOLE I'M EXPERT**)\n **EXTREMOPHILE"} {"Clue":"Contest for javelins \u2013 leader therein reverse of dreadful (5)","Answer":"JERID","Explanation":"Definition: Contest for javelins\n **J** (**first letter of** [leader therein] **JAVELIN**) **+ DIRE** (dreadful) **reversed** (reverse of)\n **J ERID**<"} {"Clue":"Care for old poet creating effect for listeners (4)","Answer":"REKE","Explanation":"Definition: Care for old poet\n **REKE** (**sounds like** [creating \u2026 for listener]) **WREAK** (to effect)\n **REKE"} {"Clue":"Nut shell? Get nasty pain cutting coarser part (8)","Answer":"BRAINPAN","Explanation":"Definition: Nut shell\n **Anagram of** (nasty) **PAIN** **contained in** (cutting) **BRAN** (the coarsest part of ground husks)\n **BR** (**AINP***) **AN"} {"Clue":"Rather feeble women with naughty child yard behind (5)","Answer":"WIMPY","Explanation":"Definition: Rather feeble\n **W** (women) **+ IMP** (naughty child) **+ Y** (yard)\n **W IMP Y"} {"Clue":"Minimal boundary marker one removed (6)","Answer":"MEREST","Explanation":"Definition: Minimal\n **MERESTONE** (boundary marker) **excluding** (removed) **ONE**\n **MEREST"} {"Clue":"Heroin crazy bum inhaled, term of abuse (7)","Answer":"SCUMBAG","Explanation":"Definition: term of abuse\n **Anagram of** (crazy) **BUM** **contained in** (inhaled) **SCAG** (heroin)\n **SC** (**UMB***) **AG"} {"Clue":"Colly in former language (4)","Answer":"MERL","Explanation":"Definition: Colly in former language\n **MERL** (**hidden word in** [in] **FORMER LANGUAGE**)\n **MERL"} {"Clue":"Bat is on 50 when trapped by spin going back (7)","Answer":"LEISLER","Explanation":"Definition: Bat\n (**IS + L** [Roman numeral for 50]) **contained in** (trapped by) **REEL** (spin) **reversed** (going back)\n **LE** (**IS L**) **ER**<"} {"Clue":"Sword causing any wound with a touch piercing (7)","Answer":"YATAGAN","Explanation":"Definition: Sword\n (**A + TAG** [touch, as in the children's game of the same name]) **contained in** (piercing) **an anagram of** (wound) **ANY**\n **Y** (**A TAG**) **AN"} {"Clue":"Parisian I love, or having left untrustworthy woman (4)","Answer":"JADE","Explanation":"Definition: untrustworthy woman\n **J'ADORE** (French for 'I love') **excluding** (having left) **OR**\n **JADE"} {"Clue":"Almost all mistrust vaguely commonplace remarks (7)","Answer":"TRUISMS","Explanation":"Definition: commonplace remarks\n **Anagram of** (vaguely) **MISTRUST** **excluding the final letter** (almost all) **T**\n **TRUISMS"} {"Clue":"Centrepiece of mythology, singular tomb (6)","Answer":"THOLOS","Explanation":"Definition: tomb\n **THOLO** (**central letters of** [centrepiece of] **MYTHOLOGY**) **+ S** (singular)\n **THOLO S"} {"Clue":"What may be applied to point that is insignificant in law? (5)","Answer":"PETIT","Explanation":"Definition: insignificant in law\n Reference **PETIT POINT** (a method of **APPLIQUE** [work applied to, or laid on, another material] ,such as tapestry work using small stitches diagonal to the canvas threads)\n **PETIT"} {"Clue":"Dreary passage from lecturer, guru one abandoned (8)","Answer":"LONGUEUR","Explanation":"Definition: Dreary passage\n \u00a0**L** (lecturer) + **anagram of** (abandoned) **GURU ONE**\n **L** **ONGUEUR"} {"Clue":"Part of pre-history, not the first by-name (4)","Answer":"LIAS","Explanation":"Definition: Part of pre-history\n **ALIAS** (by-name [nickname]) **excluding the initial letter** [not the first] **A**\n **LIAS"} {"Clue":"Stern of frigate below the water-line, one assumes \u2013 if it is (5)","Answer":"HOLED","Explanation":"Definition: is\n I think the parsing here is **E** (**last letter of** [stern of] **FRIGATE**) **stored in the HOLD** (an interior cavity of a ship that is below the waterline)\n **HOL** (**E**) **D"} {"Clue":"Ambassador from east despatched with partner messing around (12)","Answer":"REPRESENTANT","Explanation":"Definition: Ambassador\n **Anagram of** (messing) **PARTNER** **containing** (around) (**E** [East]**+ SENT** [despatched])\n **REPR** (**E** **SENT**) **ANT"} {"Clue":"Dry times, fine (5)","Answer":"XERIC","Explanation":"Definition: Dry\n **X** (multiplication sign; times) **+ ERIC** (blood-fine paid by a murderer to his victim's family in old Irish law)\n **X ERIC"} {"Clue":"Trinity to arrange university in term's odd characters going up (8)","Answer":"TRIMURTI","Explanation":"Definition: Trinity\n **TRIM** (arrange) **+ U** (university) **+ ITR** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [odd characters] **of IN TERM**) **reversed** (going up; down entry)\n **TRIM U RTI**<"} {"Clue":"Decisive \u2013 leading clubs lost \u2013 it grates in Edinburgh (4)","Answer":"RISP","Explanation":"Definition: it grates in Edinburgh\n **CRISP** (decisive) **excluding** (lost) **C**, **the first letter** (leading) **of** **C**LUBS or just **excluding** **C** (clubs) **which is the leading letter of** **C**RISP\n **RISP"} {"Clue":"Wine offered by popular bar before expansion (7)","Answer":"MARSALA","Explanation":"Definition: Wine\n **MARS** (popular chocolate bar) **+ ALA** (leafy expansion running down the stem from a leaf )\n **MARSALA"} {"Clue":"Collection of 20 characters master is dominated by since turning up (4)","Answer":"OGAM","Explanation":"Definition: Collection of 20 characters\n As this is a down entry, **M** (master) **is below** (is dominated by) **AGO** (since) **reversed** (turning up; down entry)\n **OGA**< **M"} {"Clue":"Chair for worshippers dispelled pride that is universal (8)","Answer":"PRIE-DIEU","Explanation":"Definition: Chair for worshippers\n **Anagram of** (dispelled) **PRIDE** **+ IE** (id est; that is) **+ U** (universal)\n **PRIE-D*** **IE U"} {"Clue":"SI unit? Those lacking faith have no initial ardour for this (5)","Answer":"HENRY","Explanation":"Definition: SI unit\n **HEATHENRY** (people lacking faith) **excluding the first four letters** (no initial) **HEAT** (ardour)\n **HENRY"} {"Clue":"The lady's restricted by precedence \u2013 I'll be bound (7)","Answer":"LEASHED","Explanation":"Definition: bound\n **SHE** (lady) **contained in** (restricted by) **LEAD** (precedence)\n **LEA** (**SHE**) **D"} {"Clue":"Absorbed in cooking tenderise slice of tenderloin (10)","Answer":"INTERESTED","Explanation":"Definition: Absorbed in\n **Anagram of** (cooking) **TENDERISE** and **T** (**first letter of** [slice of] **TENDERLOIN**)\n **INTERESTED"} {"Clue":"Microphone (old) to stop function in fleapit (8)","Answer":"BUGHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: fleapit\n **BUG** (hidden microphone) **+ HO** (command to stop) **+ USE** (function)\n **BUG HO USE"} {"Clue":"Cell sphere finally united in lab strangely (8)","Answer":"BLASTULA","Explanation":"Definition: Cell sphere\n (**LAST** [finally] **+ U** (united) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (strangely) **LAB**\n **B** (**LAST U**) **LA"} {"Clue":"Histrionics' lead in each part, a key element for audience (7)","Answer":"EARHOLE","Explanation":"Definition: key element for audience\n **H** (**first letter of** [lead in] **HISTRIONICS**) **contained in** (in) (**EA** [each] **+ ROLE** [part in a play, for example])\n **EA** **R** (**H**) **OLE"} {"Clue":"Composer Lambert, in fashion, on the rise (5)","Answer":"ELGAR","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\n **L** (lambert [unit of brightness]) **contained in** (in) **RAGE** (mania or craze; the latest fashion) **reversed** (on the rise; down entry)\n **E** (**L**) **GAR**<"} {"Clue":"Driver taking look round zone (5)","Answer":"MIZEN","Explanation":"Definition: Driver\n **MIEN** (air or look) **containing** (round) **Z** (zone)\n **MI** (**Z**) **EN"} {"Clue":"Lizard we lost in searches (4)","Answer":"SEPS","Explanation":"Definition: Lizard\n **SWEEPS** (searches) **excluding** (lost) **WE**\n **SEPS"} {"Clue":"Inch maybe was trifling largely, viewed from below (4)","Answer":"EYOT","Explanation":"Definition: Inch maybe\n **TOYED** (was trifling [with]) **excluding the final letter** (largely) **D** **then reversed** (viewed from below; down entry)\n **EYOT**<"} {"Clue":"Figure Greek character right to interrupt repast (7)","Answer":"NUMERAL","Explanation":"Definition: Figure\n **NU** (character of the Greek alphabet) **+** (**R** [right] **contained in** [interrupting] **MEAL** [repast])\n **NU** **ME** (**R**) **AL"} {"Clue":"One daughter leaving bedstead for repairs causes arguments (7)","Answer":"DEBATES","Explanation":"Definition: arguments\n **Anagram of** (for repairs) **BEDSTEAD** **excluding** (leaving) **one of the Ds** [daughter)\n **DEBATES"} {"Clue":"Irish in Unite feverishly excited (5)","Answer":"WIRED","Explanation":"Definition: feverishly excited\n **IR** (Irish) **contained in** (in) **WED** (unite)\n **W** (**IR**) **ED"} {"Clue":"Railway selective providing diversion for some? (9)","Answer":"FUNICULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Railway\n **PARTICULAR** (selective) with **FUN** (diversion) **replacing** (providing \u2026 for) **PART** (some) to form **FUNICULAR**\n **FUN** **ICULAR"} {"Clue":"Guts displayed by reserves guarding Lebanese port (5,5)","Answer":"SPARE TYRES","Explanation":"Definition: Guts\n **SPARES** (reserves) **containing** (guarding) **TYRE** (Lebanese port city, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world)\n **SPARE** (**TYRE**) **S"} {"Clue":"Military organiser is doused in oil, acting strangely (11)","Answer":"LOGISTICIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Military organiser\n **IS** **contained in** (doused in) **an anagram of** (strangely) **OIL ACTING**\n **LOG** (**IS**) **TICIAN"} {"Clue":"House extension the final stage? (4,7)","Answer":"HOME STRETCH","Explanation":"Definition: the final stage\n **HOME** (house) **+ STRETCH** (extension)\n **HOME STRETCH"} {"Clue":"Complete defeat imposter at last exposed (4)","Answer":"ROUT","Explanation":"Definition: Complete defeat\n **R** (**final letter of** [at last]) **IMPOSTER** **+ OUT** (exposed)\n **R OUT"} {"Clue":"Describing every detail, expose illegitimate child (4-2-4)","Answer":"BLOW-BY-BLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Describing every detail\n **BLOW** (inform on; expose) **+ BY-BLOW** (illegitimate child)\n **BLOW** **BY-BLOW"} {"Clue":"Find solar diagrams, having a drink with mum in M&S (9)","Answer":"ANALEMMAS","Explanation":"Definition: solar diagrams\n **AN** (indefinite article; a) **+ ALE** (drink) **+** (**MA** [mum] **contained in** [in] **M** & **S**)\n **AN** **ALE M** (**MA**) **S"} {"Clue":"How one might cook sea fish small ones? (4-3)","Answer":"DEEP FRY","Explanation":"Definition: How one might cook\n **DEEP** (sea) **+ FRY** (young, especially fish just spawned)\n **DEEP FRY"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary veteran sneakily hiding trap (7)","Answer":"ENSNARE","Explanation":"Definition: trap\n **ENSNARE** (**reversed** [revolutionary] **hidden word** [hiding] **in** **VETERAN SNEAKILY)**\n **ENSNARE**<"} {"Clue":"Most fresh lamb producers conservationists will embrace (6)","Answer":"NEWEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most fresh\n **NT** (National Trust; conservationists) **containing** (will embrace) **EWES** (female sheep; lamb producers)\n **N** (**EWES**) **T"} {"Clue":"Many miss working on farm, denied help, upset (6)","Answer":"MYRIAD","Explanation":"Definition: Many\n **DAIRYMAID** (a female [miss] working on a farm)** excluding** (denied) **AID** (help) and **reversed** (upset)\n **MYRIAD**<"} {"Clue":"Red led USSR astray, having lost control (10)","Answer":"RUDDERLESS","Explanation":"Definition: having lost control\n **Anagram of** (astray) **RED LED USSR**\n **RUDDERLESS"} {"Clue":"Haughty Trot perhaps with love for the East (5)","Answer":"LOFTY","Explanation":"Definition: Haughty\n **LEFTY** (one supporting **LEFT** wing politics, such as a **TROT**skyist) with **O** (zero; love score at tennis) **replacing** (for) **E** (East) to form **LOFTY**\n **LOFTY"} {"Clue":"China at last discovered secret group (6,3)","Answer":"DINNER SET","Explanation":"Definition: China\n **D** (**final letter of** [at last] **DISCOVERED**) **+ INNER** (secret) **+** **SET** (group)\n **D** **INNER SET"} {"Clue":"Sign to approach runner in the countryside? (4)","Answer":"BECK","Explanation":"Definition: Sign to approach\n **BECK** (stream; runner in the countryside) **double definition**\n **BECK"} {"Clue":"All elite to be butchered? Washington couldn't do this (4,1,3)","Answer":"TELL A LIE","Explanation":"Definition: Washington couldn't do this\n **Anagram of** (to be butchered) **ALL ELITE**\n **TELL A LIE"} {"Clue":"Out to get better pay? That's impressive (8)","Answer":"STRIKING","Explanation":"Definition: Out to get better pay\n **STRIKING** (impressive) **double definition**\n **STRIKING"} {"Clue":"Storytellers crossing the Galaxy's boundaries, moving huge distance? (5,5)","Answer":"LIGHT YEARS","Explanation":"Definition: huge distance\n **LIARS** (story tellers) **containing** (crossing) **an anagram of** (moving) **THE** and **GY** (**outer letters of** [boundaries] **GALAXY**)\n **LI** (**GHT YE***) **ARS"} {"Clue":"Familiar Russian leader once engaging racketeer? Cripes! (9)","Answer":"GORBLIMEY","Explanation":"Definition: Cripes\n **GORBY** (familiar term for Mikhail **GORB**achev [1931 \u2013 2022], former [once] Russian leader) **containing** (engaging) **LIME** (reference Harry **LIME**, black-market racketeer portrayed in the film 'The Third Man' [1949])\n **GORB** (**LIME**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Article on champion gathered in with a net in The Hobbit? (5,3,4,5)","Answer":"THERE AND","Explanation":"Definition: The Hobbit\n **THE** (definite article) **+ RE** (with reference to; on) **+** (**BACK** [support or champion] **contained in** [in] [**AND** {with} **+ A + GAIN** {score; win; net}])\n **THE** **RE** (**AND** (**BACK**) **A GAIN**)"} {"Clue":"Remove member from team up at ground (8)","Answer":"AMPUTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Remove member from\n **Anagram of** (ground) **TEAM UP AT**\n **AMPUTATE"} {"Clue":"Animal, better left in two areas, sent north (6)","Answer":"ALPACA","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\n (**CAP** [outdo; better] **+ L** [left]) **contained in** (on) (**A** [area] **+ A** [area] giving two areas) then all** reversed** (sent north; down entry)\n (**A** (**L** **PAC**) **A**)<"} {"Clue":"Colour slightly concealing wife's bad conscience? (6)","Answer":"TWINGE","Explanation":"Definition: bad conscience\n **TINGE** (impart a slight colour) **containing** (concealing) **W** (wife)\n **T** (**W**) **INGE"} {"Clue":"We must secure a street there's murder (5)","Answer":"WASTE","Explanation":"Definition: murder\n **WE** **containing** (must secure) (**A** **+ ST** [street])\n **W** (**A ST**) **E"} {"Clue":"Man in Paris, I should appear with fine female (4)","Answer":"JEFF","Explanation":"Definition: Man\n **JE** (French for 'I') **+ F** (fine) **+ F** (female)\n **JE F F"} {"Clue":"Indecorous finding due \u2013 I will look bad (11)","Answer":"UNDIGNIFIED","Explanation":"Definition: look bad\n **Anagram of** (indecorous) **FINDING DUE I**\n **UNDIGNIFIED"} {"Clue":"Consume meal, beginning to end (3)","Answer":"EAT","Explanation":"Definition: Consume\n **TEA** (meal) **with the first letter** (beginning) **T** **moved to the end to form** **EAT**\n **EAT"} {"Clue":"Campanologist's permutations? Attempts to keep place (7)","Answer":"TRIPLES","Explanation":"Definition: Campanologist's permutations\n **TRIES** **containing** (to keep) **PL** (place)\n **TRI** (**PL**) **ES"} {"Clue":"Coming out on top \u2013 very treacherous in winter around hill (7)","Answer":"VICTORY","Explanation":"Definition: Coming out on top\n **V +** (**ICY** [treacherous in winter] **containing** [around] **TOR** [hill])\n **V** **IC** (**TOR**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Line taken with arrangement of map tinge regarding colours (9)","Answer":"PIGMENTAL","Explanation":"Definition: regarding colours\n **Anagram** (rearrangement of) **MAP TINGE** and (with) **L** (line)\n **PIGMENTAL"} {"Clue":"Optimism with our group taking over power in parliament (5)","Answer":"HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: parliament\n **HOPE** (optimism) **with US** (our group) **replacing** (taking over) **P** (power)\n **HO US E"} {"Clue":"Urban area: a US example beginning to mature out of disaster (4)","Answer":"CITY","Explanation":"Definition: Urban area\n **CALAMITY** (disaster) **excluding** (out of) (**A + LA** [Los Angeles, an American example of a **CITY**] + **M** [**first letter of** {beginning to} **M**ATURE])\n **CITY"} {"Clue":"Spooner's very, very close at present (4,3,3)","Answer":"HERE AND NOW","Explanation":"Definition: at present\n Reverend Spooner would pronounce the entry as **NEAR** [close] **AND HOW** [very much indeed] thereby implying very very close\n **HERE AND NOW"} {"Clue":"Prominently displayed item's role's tied up with deals (4-6)","Answer":"LOSS LEADER","Explanation":"Definition: Prominently displayed item\n **Anagram of** (tied up) **ROLES** and (with) **DEALS**\n **LOSS LEADER"} {"Clue":"Protection against water left beside the ocean (4)","Answer":"SEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Protection against water\n **SEA** (ocean) **+ L** (left)\n **SEA L"} {"Clue":"Half-heartedly ran the match, returning to seek postponement (5)","Answer":"DEFER","Explanation":"Definition: seek postponement\n **REFFED** (refereed; ran the march) **excluding one of the central letters** (half-heartedly) **F** and **then reversed** (returning)\n **DEFER**<"} {"Clue":"Former success at bridge all but limiting one bridge team on the outside (9)","Answer":"EXTRINSIC","Explanation":"Definition: on the outside\n **EX** (former) **+** (**TRICK** [bridge players aim to win a **TRICK** with each play of a card] **excluding the final letter** [all but] **containing** [limiting] (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ NS** [one partnership in a game of bridge is **N** {North} and **S** {South}])\n **EX** **TR** (**I NS**) **IC"} {"Clue":"Item seen on Princess, perhaps, or individual in Court (7)","Answer":"CORONET","Explanation":"Definition: Item seen on Princess, perhaps\n (**OR** **+ ONE**) **contained in** (in) **CT** (court)\n **C** (**OR ONE**) **T"} {"Clue":"Piano recital's first two pieces played alfresco (4-3)","Answer":"OPEN AIR","Explanation":"Definition: alfresco\n **Anagram of** (played) **PIANO** and **RE** [**first two letters of** [first two pieces] **RECITAL**)\n **OPEN AIR"} {"Clue":"Story fellow excluded from biography (3)","Answer":"LIE","Explanation":"Definition: Story\n **LIFE** (biography) **excluding** (excluded) **F** (fellow)\n **LIE"} {"Clue":"Crafty woman, woman heading off soldier leading other soldiers to ship (11)","Answer":"ENCHANTRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Crafty woman\n **WENCH** (woman) **excluding the first letter** (head off) **W** **+ ANT** (reference a soldier **ANT**) **+ RE** (Royal Engineers; soldiers) **+ SS** ([steam]ship])\n **ENCH** **ANT RE SS"} {"Clue":"Odd end to day tucking into stew of tuna and pilchard? Not half (9)","Answer":"UNTYPICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Odd\n **Y** (**last letter of** [end to] **DAY**) **contained in** (tucking into) **an anagram of** (stew of) **TUNA** and **PILCHARD** (**excluding** [not] **HARD**, **4 of the 8** [half] **of letters**)\n **UNT** (**Y**) **PICAL"} {"Clue":"Accomplishing murder? Good (5)","Answer":"DOING","Explanation":"Definition: Accomplishing murder\n **DO IN** (kill; murder) **+ G** (good)\n **DO IN G"} {"Clue":"Beginning to glean from the past description of fifty years? (6)","Answer":"GOLDEN","Explanation":"Definition: description of fifty years\n **G** (**first letter o**f [beginning to] **GLEAN**) **+ OLDEN** (from the past)\n **G OLDEN"} {"Clue":"Is welcoming fine conditions (3)","Answer":"IFS","Explanation":"Definition: conditions\n **IS** **containing** (welcoming) **F** (fine)\n **I** (**F**) **S"} {"Clue":"Popular volume, impassioned, lacking male participation (11)","Answer":"INVOLVEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: participation\n **IN** (popular) **+ VOL** (volume) **+ VEHEMENT** (forceful; passionate) **excluding** (lacking) **HE** (male)\n **IN VOL VEMENT"} {"Clue":"Sailor with two sets of playing-cards? (8)","Answer":"DECKHAND","Explanation":"Definition: Sailor\n **DECK** (pack [set] of playing cards) **+ HAND** (smaller set of playing cards)\n **DECK HAND"} {"Clue":"Pop group mostly put out over emcee's opening persuasive speech (9)","Answer":"ELOQUENCE","Explanation":"Definition: persuasive speech\n **ELO** (Electric Light Orchestra; English rock band formed in 1970; pop group) **+ QUENCH** (put out [a fire]) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **H + E** (**first letter** [opening] of **EMCEE**)\n **ELO QUENC E"} {"Clue":"Flavouring ingredient the writer's upheld in article (5)","Answer":"THYME","Explanation":"Definition: Flavouring ingredient\n **MY** (the writer's) **reversed** (upheld; down entry) **contained in** (in) **THE** (definite article)\n **TH** (**YM**<) **E"} {"Clue":"Article on bungled capture is initially aiding recovery (11)","Answer":"THERAPEUTIC","Explanation":"Definition: aiding recovery\n **THE** (definite article) **+ an anagram of** (bungled) **CAPTURE** and **I** (**first letter of** [initially] **IS**)\n **THE RAPEUTIC"} {"Clue":"Working party's tense attempt to see church (4,5)","Answer":"TASK FORCE","Explanation":"Definition: Working party\n **T** (tense) **+ ASK FOR** (attempt to see) **+ CE** (Church [of England])\n **T ASK FOR CE"} {"Clue":"Uncertain quantities supplied by eccentric character in remote region (4,5)","Answer":"WILD CARDS","Explanation":"Definition: Uncertain quantities\n **CARD** (eccentric character) **contained in** (in) **WILDS** (remote regions)\n **WILD** (**CARD**) **S"} {"Clue":"Italian city criminal stifling expression of surprise (8)","Answer":"FLORENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Italian city\n **FENCE** (criminal who handles stolen goods) **containing** (stifling) **LOR**' (Lord!, expression of surprise)\n **F** (**LOR**) **ENCE"} {"Clue":"Collection of information is in French? Really enjoy getting on top of that (6)","Answer":"DIGEST","Explanation":"Definition: Collection of information\n **DIG** (really enjoy) **+ EST** (French for 'is') \u2013 as this is a down entry the constituent part **DIG** is 'on top of' **EST**\n **DIG EST"} {"Clue":"College splitting in two parts for nobleman (5)","Answer":"DUCAL","Explanation":"Definition: for nobleman\n **C** (college) **contained in** (splitting) **DUAL** (consisting of two parts)\n **DU** (**C**) **AL"} {"Clue":"Fake source of energy? Disgraceful! (5)","Answer":"SHAME","Explanation":"Definition: Disgraceful\n **SHAM** (fake) **+ E** (**first letter of** [source of] **ENERGY**)\n **SHAM E"} {"Clue":"Eggs on various athletes at the outset (3)","Answer":"OVA","Explanation":"Definition: Eggs\n **OVA** (**first letters of** [at the outset] **each of ON**, **VARIOUS** and **ATHLETES**)\n **O V A"} {"Clue":"Gathering of riders and hounds: was it proper? (4)","Answer":"MEET","Explanation":"Definition: Gathering of riders and hounds\n **MEET** (Shakespearean [in the past; was] word for fitting or fittingly; was it proper) **double definition**\n **MEET"} {"Clue":"Fruit went up in price? Hiked initially by smallest amount (7)","Answer":"ROSEHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\n **ROSE** (went up) **+ H** (**first letter of** [initially] **HIKED**) **+ I P** (one penny) \u2013 hiked by one penny implies that the price rose by the smallest amount in current legal tender\n **ROSE H IP"} {"Clue":"Classical canine shapeshifting and beginning to talk (7)","Answer":"ANCIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Classical\n **Anagram of** (shapeshifting) **CANINE** **+ T** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **TALK**\n **ANCIEN*** **T"} {"Clue":"Ship train company's taken round island (5)","Answer":"LINER","Explanation":"Definition: Ship\n **LNER** (**L**ondon and **N**orth **E**astern **R**ailway; train company, both historic and current. The Government owned **LNER** is responsible for East Coast mainline services at the moment) **containing** (taken round) **I** (island)\n **L** (**I**) **NER"} {"Clue":"Veronica's source of methamphetamine? (9)","Answer":"SPEEDWELL","Explanation":"Definition: Veronica\n **SPEED** (a form of methamphetamine) **+ WELL** (source)\n **SPEED WELL"} {"Clue":"Bouncers down under? Opener in trepidation bats here (5)","Answer":"ROOST","Explanation":"Definition: bats here\n **ROOS** (kanga**ROOS**; bouncers from Australia [down under]) **+ T** (**first letter of** [opener in] **TREPIDATION**)\n **ROOS** **T"} {"Clue":"Cook slowly leaves M&S having returned sandwiches (5)","Answer":"STEAM","Explanation":"Definition: Cook slowly\n (**M+ S** [Marks & Spencer]) **reversed** (having returned) **containing** (sandwiches) **TEA** (leaves)\n **S** (**TEA**) **M**<"} {"Clue":"Esoteric knowledge from international, more talented, in decline (9)","Answer":"DIABLERIE","Explanation":"Definition: Esoteric knowledge\n (**I** [International] **+ ABLER** [more talented]) **contained in** (in) **DIE** (decline)\n **D** (**I ABLER**) **IE"} {"Clue":"Clever in getting mastermind to stay over (9)","Answer":"INGENIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Clever\n **IN** **+** (**GENIUS** [mastermind] **containing** [getting to stay] **O** [over])\n **IN** **GENI** (**O**) **US"} {"Clue":"Brownish colour very good in ocean (5)","Answer":"SEPIA","Explanation":"Definition: Brownish colour\n **PI** (sanctimonious; very good) **contained in** (in) **SEA** (ocean)\n **SE** (**PI**) **A"} {"Clue":"See instruments originally used in Enigma variation? (7)","Answer":"IMAGINE","Explanation":"Definition: See\n **I** (**first letter of** [originally] **INSTRUMENTS**) **contained in** (used in) **an anagram of** (variation) **ENIGMA**\n **IMAG** (**I**) **NE"} {"Clue":"Routine changes where life develops (2,5)","Answer":"IN UTERO","Explanation":"Definition: where life develops\n **Anagram of** (changes) **ROUTINE**\n **IN UTERO"} {"Clue":"Commando new to service seen with sappers in punt (5,5)","Answer":"GREEN BERET","Explanation":"Definition: Commando\n **GREEN** (inexperienced; new to service) **+** (**RE** [Royal Engineers; sappers] **contained in** [in] **BET** [punt])\n **GREEN** **BE** (**RE**) **T"} {"Clue":"Genius on pitch, now 4, in training with the French (4)","Answer":"PELE","Explanation":"Definition: Genius on pitch\n **PE** (physical education; training) **+ LE** (one of the French forms of 'the')\n **PE LE"} {"Clue":"Philosophers said to be among clouds? (9)","Answer":"MORALISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Philosophers\n **ORAL** (spoken; said) **contained in** (to be among) **MISTS** (clouds)\n **M** (**ORAL**) **ISTS"} {"Clue":"\"Maradona, in contest, so needs to be sent sprawling\" (27) (5,7,2,10)","Answer":"EDSON","Explanation":"Definition: 27\n **Anagram of** (to be sent sprawling) **MARADONA IN CONTEST SO NEED**\n **EDSON ARANTES DO NASCIMENTO"} {"Clue":"Rat's tail carried by parrot, one in calm state (2,5)","Answer":"AT PEACE","Explanation":"Definition: in calm state\n **T** (**final letter of** [tail] **RAT**) **contained in** (carried by) **APE** (copy; parrot) **+ ACE** (one)\n **A** (**T**) **PE** **ACE"} {"Clue":"Witch in contact finds artist (7)","Answer":"CHAGALL","Explanation":"Definition: artist\n **HAG** (witch) **contained in** (in) **CALL** (contact)\n **C** (**HAG**) **ALL"} {"Clue":"Sneer at rules put to cooks providing course (4,6,4)","Answer":"MOCK TURTLE SOUP","Explanation":"Definition: course\n **MOCK** (sneer at) **+ an anagram of** (cooks) **RULES PUT TO**\n **MOCK** **TURTLE SOUP"} {"Clue":"NHS boiler becoming unpredictable nuclear scientist needed (5,4)","Answer":"NIELS BOHR","Explanation":"Definition: nuclear scientist\n **Anagram of** (becoming unpredictable) **NHS BOILER**\n **NIELS BOHR"} {"Clue":"Have advantage over United in 0-0? (5)","Answer":"OUTDO","Explanation":"Definition: Have advantage over\n **UTD** (United) **contained in** (in) (**O + O** [two characters representing zero, so nil-nil, 0-0)\n **O** (**UTD**) **O"} {"Clue":"Solid has this diminished, torn asunder (5,9)","Answer":"THIRD DIMENSION","Explanation":"Definition: Solid has this\n **Anagram of** (asunder) **DIMINISHED TORN**\n **THIRD DIMENSION"} {"Clue":"Always happy close to rapture in Slough? (9)","Answer":"EVERGLADE","Explanation":"Definition: Slough\n **EVER** (always) **+ GLAD** (happy) + **E** (**last letter of** [close to] **RAPTURE**)\n **EVER** **GLAD** **E"} {"Clue":"Old woman coming upon fox in part of wood fluke perhaps (9)","Answer":"TREMATODE","Explanation":"Definition: fluke\n (**MA** [mother; old woman] **+ TOD** [fox]) **contained in** (in) **TREE** (part of a wood)\n **TRE** (**MA** **TOD**) **E"} {"Clue":"See GP outside one facility in discussion? (7)","Answer":"DIOCESE","Explanation":"Definition: See\n **DOC** (doctor; GP) **containing** (outside) **I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ ESE** (**sounds like** [in discussion] **EASE** [effortlessness; facility])\n **D** (**I**) **OC** **ESE"} {"Clue":"Sailor Small is in church, separate (7)","Answer":"ABSCISE","Explanation":"Definition: separate\n **AB** (Able Seaman; sailor) **+ S** (small) **+** (**IS contained in** [in] **CE** [Church {of England}])\n **AB** **S** **C** (**IS**) **E"} {"Clue":"Sweet concretion here in Paris no good (5)","Answer":"ICING","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet concretion\n **ICI** (French [Paris] for 'here') **+ NG** (no good)\n **ICI NG"} {"Clue":"Bug water vole's eviscerated (5)","Answer":"PEEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Bug\n **PEE** (urine; water) **+ VE** (**letters remaining in VOLE when the central letters OL are removed** [eviscerated])\n **PEE** **VE"} {"Clue":"Chat show's opening minute promising much \u2013 but will never deliver (5,4)","Answer":"SMALL TALK","Explanation":"Definition: Chat\n **S** (first letter of [opening]) **+ M** (minute) **+ ALL TALK** (reference the phrase **ALL TALK AND NO TROUSERS** which describes someone who says a lot about what he \/ she is going to do, but never does) \n **S M ALL TALK"} {"Clue":"Teachers' cane (5)","Answer":"STAFF","Explanation":"Definition: Teachers\n **STAFF** (rod; cane) **double definition**\n **STAFF"} {"Clue":"No hiding space over introduction to star signs (5)","Answer":"OMENS","Explanation":"Definition: signs\n (**NO** **containing** [hiding] **EM** (a printing term describing a space that is as wide as a letter **M**]) **all reversed** (over) **+ S** (**first letter of** [introduction to] **STARS**)\n (**O** (**ME**) **N**)< **S"} {"Clue":"Cut working wage to cover father's gift (9)","Answer":"PATRIMONY","Explanation":"Definition: father's gift\n **PAY** (working wage) **containing** (to cover) (**TRIM** [cut] **+ ON** [working])\n **PA** (**TRIM** **ON**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Sad sheriffs suggest releasing Western (10)","Answer":"LAMENTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Sad\n **LAW MEN** (sheriffs, for example) **+ TABLE** (propose; suggest) **excluding** (releasing) **W** (western)\n **LA MEN TABLE"} {"Clue":"Turning heads in fifth form, including teacher's pet (4)","Answer":"TIFF","Explanation":"Definition: pet\n **TIFF** (**first letters of each of** [heads in] **FIFTH**, **FORM**, **INCLUDING** and **TEACHER'S**) **all reversed** (turning)\n (**T I F F**)<"} {"Clue":"Inclined to appropriate action \u2013 hung around with Spooner's relation (5-8)","Answer":"LIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Inclined to appropriate\n Reverend Spooner would pronounce **LIGHT FINGERED** as **FIGHT** (action) **+ LINGERED** (hung around)\n **LIGHT FINGERED"} {"Clue":"Increase level for audience (5)","Answer":"RAISE","Explanation":"Definition: Increase\n **RAISE** (**sounds like** [for audience] **RAZE** [demolish; level with the ground])\n **RAISE"} {"Clue":"Copper succeeded stopping break out \u2013 turning back one who's 16\/15 (8)","Answer":"CUTPURS","Explanation":"Definition: one who's 16\/15\n **CU** (chemical symbol for copper) **+** (**S** [succeeded] **contained in** [stopping] **ERUPT** [break out]) **all reversed** (turning back)\n **CU** (**TPUR** (**S**) **E**)<"} {"Clue":"Occasionally they upset build up (4)","Answer":"HYPE","Explanation":"Definition: build up\n **HYPE** (**letters 2, 4, 6 and 8** [occasionally] of **THEY UPSET**)\n **HYPE"} {"Clue":"Short Disney film about period princess using sound and vision? (10)","Answer":"MULTIMEDIA","Explanation":"Definition: using sound and vision\n **MULAN** (1998 Disney film) **excluding the final letter** (short) **N** **containing** (about) (**TIME** [period] **+ DI** [reference Princess **DI**ana {1961 \u2013 1997}, first wife of King Charles III])\n **MUL** (**TIME** **DI**) **A"} {"Clue":"Informed where to go quietly (2,3,4)","Answer":"IN THE LOOP","Explanation":"Definition: Informed\n **IN THE LOO** (where to go) **+ P** (piano; quietly)\n **IN THE LOO P"} {"Clue":"Tramp making a name for fashion (5)","Answer":"TREND","Explanation":"Definition: fashion\n **TREAD** (tramp) with **N** (name) **replacing A** (making A [into] **N** [NAME])\n **TRE N D"} {"Clue":"South Africa's starters told to get try (5)","Answer":"ESSAY","Explanation":"Definition: try\n **ESSAY** (**sounds like** [told to] the pronunciation of the letters **S A**)\n **ESSAY"} {"Clue":"Something used to fence around base \u2013 estate's boundaries handling variable wind offshore (3,6)","Answer":"SEA BREEZE","Explanation":"Definition: wind offshore\n **SABRE** (sword used in fencing) **containing** (around) **E** (base of natural logarithms) **+** **EE** (**outer letters of** [boundaries] **ESTATE** **containing** [handling] **Z** [a letter frequently used to indicate a variable value in mathematical equations])\n \u00a0**S** (**E**) **A BRE** **E** (**Z**) **E"} {"Clue":"Clue suggesting Rich CEO of The Range is too large? (6,3,6)","Answer":"SPOILT FOR CHOICE","Explanation":"Definition: The Range is too large\n **SPOILT FOR CHOICE** could be a cryptic clue for (suggesting) **RICH CEO OF** where **SPOILT** is the anagram indicator and **FOR CHOICE** is the anagram fodder \u2013 **FOR CHOICE** \u2013> **RICH CEO OF***\n **SPOILT FOR CHOICE"} {"Clue":"Call secretary about old primate (6)","Answer":"APE","Explanation":"Definition: old primate\n (**NAME** [call] **+ PA** [Personal Assistant; secretary]) **all reversed** (about)\n (**AP** **E MAN**)<"} {"Clue":"City's unusually long leases (3,7)","Answer":"LOS ANGELES","Explanation":"Definition: City\n **Anagram of** (unusually) **LONG LEASES**\n **LOS ANGELES"} {"Clue":"Somehow R2D2 showed up (8)","Answer":"APPEARED","Explanation":"Definition: showed up\n **Anagram of** (somehow) **R** and **APE** (entry at 2 down) and **D** and **APE** (entry at 2 down)\n **APPEARED"} {"Clue":"Quiet son becoming king \u2013 one should let off steam (6)","Answer":"KETTLE","Explanation":"Definition: one should let off steam\n **SETTLE** (make quiet or just 'quiet' [quieten] as a verb)** with S** (son) **being replaced by** (becoming) **K** (king)\n **K ETTLE"} {"Clue":"Hide second family (4)","Answer":"SKIN","Explanation":"Definition: Hide\n **S** (second) **+ KIN** (family)\n **S KIN"} {"Clue":"Hugely enjoying a party circuit (7)","Answer":"ADORING","Explanation":"Definition: Hugely enjoying\n **A + DO** (party) **+ RING** (circuit)\n **A DO RING"} {"Clue":"Go mad using only characters onboard ship \u2013 shall then do Fyffes bananas (3,3,3,6)","Answer":"FLY OFF THE HANDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Go mad\n **Anagram of** (bananas) **HALL THEN DO FYFFE**, **the letters between the outer letters** [onboard] **SS** [steamship] in the phrase **SHALL THEN DO FYFFES**\n **FLY OFF THE HANDLE"} {"Clue":"C3PO satisfied TV show's gauge of audience approval (10)","Answer":"CLAPOMETER","Explanation":"Definition: gauge of audience approval\n **C** **+ LA** (Los Angeles, entry at 3 down; 3) **+ PO + MET** (satisfied) + **ER** (American TV medical drama, also shown on UK television many years ago)\n **C LA PO MET ER"} {"Clue":"Partially backing bonsai pot business \u2013 it gives urban sorts a taste of country life (8)","Answer":"SUBTOPIA","Explanation":"Definition: it gives urban sorts a taste of country life\n **SUBTOPIA** (**reversed** [backing] **hidden word** [partially] in **BONSAI POT BUSINESS**)\n **SUBTOPIA"} {"Clue":"Found swapping Sierra and parking \u2013 I'm on drive (7)","Answer":"IMPETUS","Explanation":"Definition: drive\n **I'M** **+ SET UP** (create; found) **with the S** (Sierra is the international radio communication code for the letter **S**) **and P** (parking) **exchanged** (swapping) to form **PET US**\n **IM PET US"} {"Clue":"Wine spot creates problem for photo (3,3)","Answer":"RED","Explanation":"Definition: problem for photo\n **RED** (type of wine) **+ EYE** (see; spot)\n **RED EYE"} {"Clue":"Endless trouble accommodating 100 beds (6)","Answer":"FUTONS","Explanation":"Definition: beds\n **FUSS** (trouble) **excluding the final letter** (endless) **S** **containing** (accommodating) **TON** (informal term for one hundred, often used when referring to scores in some games)\n **FU** (**TON**) **S"} {"Clue":"Terribly discontented, vandalise railway (4)","Answer":"VERY","Explanation":"Definition: Terribly\n **VE** (**letters remaining when the central letters ANDALIS are removed from** [dis-content-ed] **VANDALISE**) **+ RY** (railway)\n **VE RY"} {"Clue":"Bean variety gets carted initially in van that's horse-drawn (7)","Answer":"CHARIOT","Explanation":"Definition: that's horse-drawn\n **HARICOT** (variety of bean) with the **C** (**first letter of** [initially in] **CARTED**) **moved to the front** (in [the] van])\n **C HARIOT"} {"Clue":"Minor disturbance often seen at the seaside? (7)","Answer":"WAVELET","Explanation":"Definition: Minor disturbance\n **WAVELET** (a ripple on the sea, often seen at the seaside) **double definition**\n **WAVELET"} {"Clue":"Fiddling about comes before burning, maybe (11)","Answer":"OVERCOOKING","Explanation":"Definition: Fiddling about\n **OVERCOOKING** or **COOKING** for too long may lead to burning \u2013 **double definition**\n **OVERCOOKING"} {"Clue":"Knock back the German wine (3)","Answer":"RED","Explanation":"Definition: wine\n **DER** (one of the German forms of 'the') **reversed** (knock back)\n **DER**<"} {"Clue":"Child finally can have toy organ (6)","Answer":"KIDNEY","Explanation":"Definition: organ\n **KID** (child) **+ NEY** (**last letters of** [finally] **of each of** **CAN**, **HAVE** and **TOY**)\n **KID NEY"} {"Clue":"Stand-in crew at first crazy about trip's start (8)","Answer":"STUNTMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Stand-in \n **NUTS** (crazy) **reversed** (about) **T** (**first letter of** [start] **TRIP**) **+ MAN** (crew)\n **STUN**< **T MAN"} {"Clue":"Almost decides to melt down metal toys (3-4,6)","Answer":"DIE-CAST MODELS","Explanation":"Definition: metal toys\n **Anagram of** (to melt down) **ALMOST DECIDES**\n **DIE CAST MODELS"} {"Clue":"Supplies officer with fourth kind of tape (13)","Answer":"QUARTERMASTER","Explanation":"Definition: Supplies officer\n **QUARTER** (a fourth) **+ MASTER** (reference a **MASTER** tape from which copies are made)\n **QUARTER MASTER"} {"Clue":"Exercises requiring introductions of an extensive range of pens (8)","Answer":"AEROBICS","Explanation":"Definition: Exercises\n **AERO** (**first letters of** [introductions of] each of **AN**, **EXTENSIVE**, **RANGE** and **OF**) **+ BICS** (brand name of ballpoint pens)\n **AERO BICS"} {"Clue":"Charlie may pop back for a drink (6)","Answer":"COGNAC","Explanation":"Definition: drink\n **C** (cocaine; Charlie) **+** (**CAN** [may] **+ GO** [turn; shot; pop]) **all reversed** (back)\n **C** (**OG NAC**)<"} {"Clue":"All I ask in return is containing trouble (3)","Answer":"AIL","Explanation":"Definition: trouble\n **AIL** (**reversed** [return] **hidden word in** [in] **ALL I ASK**)\n **AIL**<"} {"Clue":"A banned substance coating man and ape, this defoliant (5,6)","Answer":"AGENT ORANGE","Explanation":"Definition: A banned substance\n **AE** (I think this may be a reference to the outer letters of [coating] **APE**) containing (coating) (**GENT** [man] **+ ORANG** [**ORANG**-utan [ape])\n I am not entirely convinced by my parsing here, especially the outer **A** and **E**\n **A** (**GENT** **ORANG**) **E"} {"Clue":"One denouncing a druggie injecting small amount (7)","Answer":"ACCUSER","Explanation":"Definition: One denouncing\n (**A** **+ USER** [druggie]) **containing** (injecting **CC** (cubic centimetre; small amount of liquid)\n **A** (**CC**) **USER"} {"Clue":"Dance with any number following garden party (7)","Answer":"HOEDOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\n **HOE** (to garden) **+ DO** (party) **+ W** (with) **+ N** (letter frequently used to indicate any number)\n **HOE DO W N"} {"Clue":"Raucous-sounding raven, possibly, essential listening (6)","Answer":"CROAKY","Explanation":"Definition: Raucous\n **CROA KY** (**sounds like** [sounding] **CROW** [a raven is a species of crow]) and** KY** (**sounds like** [listening] **KEY** [essential])\n **CROA KY"} {"Clue":"Changed or added missing pages \u2013 a thousand inserted (7)","Answer":"AMENDED","Explanation":"Definition: Changed\n **APPENDED** (added) **excluding** (missing) **PP** (pages) and then **containing** (inserted) **M** (Roman numeral for 1000)\n **A** (**M**) **ENDED"} {"Clue":"Increase in US money swamps rock group (9)","Answer":"INCREMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Increase\n **IN** **+** (**CENT** [United States money] **containing** [swamps] **R. E. M**. (name of an American rock group)\n **IN** **C** (**REM**) **ENT"} {"Clue":"Move briskly after wrong turns (4)","Answer":"TROT","Explanation":"Definition: Move briskly\n **TORT** (a legal wrong) **reversed** (after \u2026 turns)\n **TROT**<"} {"Clue":"Using other hand, Walt strips off something round his forearm? (5,5)","Answer":"WRIST STRAP","Explanation":"Definition: something round his forearm\n **Anagram of** (off) **WALT STRIPS** with **R** (right) **replacing** (using other [hand] **L** (left)\n **WRIST STRAP"} {"Clue":"Consumer taking only produce like 10 11 22, say, in van (5)","Answer":"VEGAN","Explanation":"Definition: Consumer taking only produce like 10 11 22\n **EG** (for example) **contained in** (in) **VAN**\n **V** (**EG**) **AN"} {"Clue":"Old West town in a Mailer novel (7)","Answer":"LARAMIE","Explanation":"Definition: Old West town\n **Anagram of** (novel) **A MAILER**\n **LARAMIE"} {"Clue":"Eats inside \u2013 it's an orderly quality (8)","Answer":"TIDINESS","Explanation":"Definition: orderly quality\n **DINES** (eats) **contained in** (inside) '**TIS** (a form of IT IS or IT's)\n **TI** (**DINES**) **S"} {"Clue":"French sister claims some land adjoining Catholic church (5,5)","Answer":"SACRE COEUR","Explanation":"Definition: Catholic church\n **SOEUR** (French word for sister) **containing** (claims) (**ACRE** (area of [some] land] **+ C** [Catholic])\n **S** (**ACRE C**) **OEUR"} {"Clue":"Reorganise university course to allocate work elsewhere (9)","Answer":"OUTSOURCE","Explanation":"Definition: allocate work elsewhere\n **Anagram of** (reorganise) **U** (university) and **COURSE TO**\n **OUTSOURCE"} {"Clue":"Ex-boozers to drink 1.2 pints? Great \u2013 it's 6 cooking water! (8)","Answer":"AQUAFABA","Explanation":"Definition: it's 6 cooking water\n **AA** (Alcoholics Anonymous \u2013 ex boozers) **containing** (to drink) (**QUA** [a **QUART** is 2 pints so **QUA** is three fifths of two pints, or six fifths {1.2} of one pint] **+ FAB** [great])\n **A** (**QUA FAB**) **A"} {"Clue":"Material that's elastic \u2013 Lycra, I see (7)","Answer":"ACRYLIC","Explanation":"Definition: Material \n **Anagram of** (elastic) **LYCRA I** and **C** ('see' can be defined as the letter C)\n **ACRYL***** I C"} {"Clue":"Argument against joining encounter (3,4)","Answer":"RUN INTO","Explanation":"Definition: encounter\n **RUN-IN** (argument) **+ TO** (against)\n **RUN IN** **TO"} {"Clue":"Get knight covering king, giving check (6)","Answer":"SCREEN","Explanation":"Definition: check\n (**SEE** [understand; get] **+ N** [knight in chess notation]) **containing** (covering) (**CR** [Charles Rex; king]\n **S** (**CR**) **EE** **N"} {"Clue":"Energy-packing bars and maybe canned food (5)","Answer":"BEANS","Explanation":"Definition: canned food\n **E** (energy) **contained in** (packing) **BANS** (bars)\n **B** (**E**) **ANS"} {"Clue":"Long throw striking opener (4)","Answer":"ITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Long\n **PITCH** (throw) **excluding** (striking) **the first letter** (opener) **P**\n **ITCH"} {"Clue":"Island's cold \u2013 month curtailed (5)","Answer":"CAPRI","Explanation":"Definition: Island\n **C** (cold [water]) **+ APRIL** (month) **excluding the final letter** (curtailed) **L**\n **C APRI"} {"Clue":"Three card players in lively 5, moving to upper level? (9)","Answer":"ASCENSION","Explanation":"Definition: moving to upper level\n **ENS** (East, North, South \u2013 card players in a game of Bridge) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (lively) **CASINO** (entry at 5 down)\n **ASC** (**ENS**) **ION"} {"Clue":"Perhaps bypasses telephone and sticks around area (4-5)","Answer":"RING-ROADS","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps bypasses\n **RING** (telephone) **+** (**RODS** [sticks] **containing** [around] **A** [area])\n **RING** **RO** (**A**) **DS"} {"Clue":"Concrete motorway doing for the country (5)","Answer":"REALM","Explanation":"Definition: country\n **REAL** (material; concrete) **+ M** (motorway, when followed by a number)\n **REAL** **M"} {"Clue":"Negative mark appended to wine to make point (4)","Answer":"CRUX","Explanation":"Definition: point\n **CRU** (wine vintage) **+ X** (mark indicating an error; negative mark)\n **CRU X"} {"Clue":"Bloke covering beat in part of New York (9)","Answer":"MANHATTAN","Explanation":"Definition: part of New York\n **MAN** (bloke) **+ HAT** (covering) + **TAN** (beat)\n **MAN HAT TAN"} {"Clue":"American's rotten luck with southern city (8)","Answer":"AUCKLAND","Explanation":"Definition: southern city\n **A** (American)** + an anagram o**f (rotten) **LUCK** **+ AND** (with)\n **A** **UCKL*** **AND"} {"Clue":"Bad opening to summer, distressing after father leaves (6)","Answer":"SINFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Bad\n **S** (**first letter of** [opening to] **SUMMER**) **+ PAINFUL** (distressing) **excluding** (after leaving) **PA** (father)\n **S INFUL"} {"Clue":"Religious festival brings attention about holy woman (6)","Answer":"EASTER","Explanation":"Definition: Religious festival\n **EAR** (attention) **containing** (about) **STE** (Sainte; holy woman)\n **EA** (**STE**) **R"} {"Clue":"Strategy sees piano being encircled by exotic instrument (4,4)","Answer":"GAME PLAN","Explanation":"Definition: Strategy\n **P** (piano) **contained in** (being encircled by) **GAMELAN** (musical instrument resembling a xylophone)\n **GAME** (**P**) **LAN"} {"Clue":"User began to change smaller groups (9)","Answer":"SUBGENERA","Explanation":"Definition: smaller groups\n **Anagram of** (to change) **USER BEGAN**\n **SUBGENERA"} {"Clue":"Engineer once providing question on the radio (4)","Answer":"WATT","Explanation":"Definition: Engineer once\n **WATT** (sounds like [on the radio] **WHAT**? [question])\n **WATT"} {"Clue":"Positive quantity of booze will be supplied by party (3-2)","Answer":"CAN-DO","Explanation":"Definition: Positive\n **CAN** (container for a quantity of alcoholic drink) **+ DO** (party)\n **CAN DO"} {"Clue":"Doctor finally probing widespread disease of the skin (9)","Answer":"EPIDERMIC","Explanation":"Definition: of the skin\n **R** (**last letter of** [finally] **DOCTOR**) **contained in** (probing) **EPIDEMIC** (widespread disease)\n **EPIDE** (**R**) **MIC"} {"Clue":"Special use of language? It s often cutting (9)","Answer":"SWORDPLAY","Explanation":"Definition: It s often cutting\n **S** (special) **+ WORDPLAY** (punning or witty repartee exploiting verbal ambiguity; use of language)\n **S WORDPLAY"} {"Clue":"Island about to enter into obligation (5)","Answer":"TIREE","Explanation":"Definition: Island\n **RE** (in relation to; about) **contained in** (to enter) **TIE** (obligation)\n **TI** (**RE**) **E"} {"Clue":"Limitation to common foot complaint? (4)","Answer":"CORN","Explanation":"Definition: foot complaint\n **C OR N** (**one or other of the outer letters** [limitation to] **COMMON**)\n **C OR N"} {"Clue":"Security number supplied by idiots produces irritations (9)","Answer":"PINPRICKS","Explanation":"Definition: irritations\n **PIN** (Personal identification Number; security number) **+ PRICKS** (term of abuse for idiots or fools)\n **PIN PRICKS"} {"Clue":"Sports venue's one special viewing area hosting Republican (5)","Answer":"IBROX","Explanation":"Definition: Sports venue\n **I** (Roman numeral for one) **+** (**BOX** [special viewing area] **containing** [hosting] **R** [Republican])\n **I** **B** (**R**) **OX"} {"Clue":"Worrying and not initially soothing about Arabia (8)","Answer":"ALARMING","Explanation":"Definition: Worrying\n **CALMING** [soothing) **excluding the first letter** [not initially] **C** **containing** (about) **AR** (Arabia)\n **AL** (**AR**) **MING"} {"Clue":"Mostly planning to burgle old gambling venue (6)","Answer":"CASINO","Explanation":"Definition: gambling venue\n **CASING** (examining with a view to burgling) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **+ O** (old)\n **CASIN** **O"} {"Clue":"King and scoundrel taken in by simple story (9)","Answer":"NARRATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: story\n (**R** [Rex; king] **+ RAT** [scoundrel]) **contained in** (taken in by) **NAIVE** (simple)\n **NA** (**R** **RAT**) **IVE"} {"Clue":"I go out on time \u2013 or at the wrong moment? (5)","Answer":"INAPT","Explanation":"Definition: at the wrong moment\n **I** **+ NAP** (doze; sleep; go out) **+ T** (time)\n **I NAP T"} {"Clue":"New Arab state left to probe content of desert, a waste region (2-4-4)","Answer":"NO-MANS-LAND","Explanation":"Definition: a waste region\n **N** (new) **+ OMAN** [Arab state] **+** (**L** [left] **contained in** [to probe] **SAND** [content of a desert])\n **N** **O MAN S** (**L**) **AND"} {"Clue":"Keep display facilities containing foremost of sports bags (10)","Answer":"HAVERSACKS","Explanation":"Definition: bags\n **HAVE** (keep) **+** (**RACKS** [display facilities] **containing** [containing] **S** [**first letter of** {foremost of} **SPORTS**])\n **HAVE** **R** (**S**) **ACKS"} {"Clue":"Superior Belgian city? Good grief! (5,4)","Answer":"LIEGE LORD","Explanation":"Definition: Superior\n **LIEGE** (Belgian city) **+ LORD** (term used to express the same sentiment as 'Good Grief!')\n **LIEGE LORD"} {"Clue":"Boy taken on by cloth worker as everyday employee (4-5)","Answer":"FULL TIMER","Explanation":"Definition: everyday employee\n **TIM** (boy's name) **contained in** (taken on by) **FULLER** (a person who scours and beats cloth)\n **FULL** (**TIM**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Came down on unknown figure supporting injunction making dull observation (8)","Answer":"BANALITY","Explanation":"Definition: dull observation\n **BAN** (injunction) **+ ALIT** (landed on; came down) **+ Y** (letter frequently used to indicate an unknown value in equations) \u2013 this being a down entry the letter **ALITY** 'support' the letters **BAN**\n **BAN ALIT Y"} {"Clue":"Church study reduced large contribution to Harvest Festival? (6)","Answer":"CEREAL","Explanation":"Definition: contribution to Harvest Festival\n **CE** (Church [of England]) **+ READ** (study) **excluding the final letter** (reduced) **D** **+ L** (large)\n **CE** **REA** **L"} {"Clue":"Ditch game of skill for game of chance (5)","Answer":"BINGO","Explanation":"Definition: game of chance\n **BIN** (discard; ditch) **+ GO** (game of skill for two players)\n **BIN GO"} {"Clue":"Question from 24 across about European farm product (5)","Answer":"WHEAT","Explanation":"Definition: farm product\n **WHAT** (the question referred to in the clue for 24 across) **containing** (about) **E** (European)\n **WH** (**E**) **AT"} {"Clue":"River passing through excellent piece of ground (4)","Answer":"ACRE","Explanation":"Definition: piece of ground\n **R** (river) **contained in** (passing through) **ACE** (excellent)\n **AC** (**R**) **E"} {"Clue":"Rogue punched by husband in a state (4)","Answer":"CHAD","Explanation":"Definition: state\n **CAD** (rogue) **containing** (punched by) **H** (husband)\n **C** (**H**) **AD"} {"Clue":"One aboard ship will get more raunchy (8)","Answer":"STEAMIER","Explanation":"Definition: more raunchy\n **I** (Roman numeral for one) **contained in** (aboard) **STEAMER** (type of ship)\n **STEAM** (**I**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Possessing joints, a curate lit up (10)","Answer":"ARTICULATE","Explanation":"Definition: Possessing joints\n **A + an anagram of** (up) **CURATE LIT**\n **A RTICULATE"} {"Clue":"Old red blemishes on the tongue? (4)","Answer":"MARX","Explanation":"Definition: Old red\n **MARX** (**sounds like** [on the tongue] **MARKS** [blemishes])\n **MARX"} {"Clue":"Sign half-redacted page with half-cut minister? (6)","Answer":"GEMINI","Explanation":"Definition: Sign\n **GE** (**letters remaining in PAGE when the first two of four** [half] **PA** **are removed** [redacted]) **+ MINI** (**first four letters of eight** [half], **the ones that remain when the other letters of MINISTER** **are excluded** [cut])\n **GE MINI"} {"Clue":"Having wavered, pay owner for guns etc. (8)","Answer":"WEAPONRY","Explanation":"Definition: guns etc\n **Anagram of** (having wavered) **PAY OWNER**\n **WEAPONRY"} {"Clue":"Hamper that's opened by politician Balls? (6)","Answer":"IMPEDE","Explanation":"Definition: Hamper\n **IE** (id est; that is) **containing** (opened by) (**MP** [Member of Parliament; politician] **+ ED** [reference **ED** Balls [born 1967; former Labour party politician])\n **I** (**MP ED**) **E"} {"Clue":"Republican getting in troubles comrades (8)","Answer":"BROTHERS","Explanation":"Definition: comrades\n **R** (Republican) **contained in** (getting in) **BOTHERS** (troubles)\n **B** (**R**) **OTHERS"} {"Clue":"Staff happy about end of arduous projects? (6,2)","Answer":"STICKS UP","Explanation":"Definition: projects\n (**STICK** [rod of wood; staff] **+ UP** [happy]) **containing** (about) **S** (**last letter of** [end of] **ARDUOUS**)\n **STICK** (**S**) **UP"} {"Clue":"King getting hug off brass? Cheeky blighter! (6)","Answer":"MONKEY","Explanation":"Definition: Cheeky blighter\n **K** (king) **contained in** (getting hug off) **MONEY** (brass is an informal term for **MONEY**)\n **MON** (**K**) **EY"} {"Clue":"Nutty biscuits (8)","Answer":"CRACKERS","Explanation":"Definition: Nutty\n **CRACKERS** (thin crisp biscuits) **double definition**\n **CRACKERS"} {"Clue":"Savage woman I'm always cuddling (6)","Answer":"ANIMAL","Explanation":"Definition: Savage\n **ANIMAL** (**hidden word in** [cuddling] **WOMAN I'M ALWAYS**)\n **ANIMAL"} {"Clue":"Love to get stuck into drink \u2026 it's a liquid food! (4)","Answer":"SOUP","Explanation":"Definition: a liquid food\n **O** (character representing zero, the love score in tennis) **contained in** (get stuck into) **SUP** (drink)\n **S** (**O**) **UP"} {"Clue":"Headwear cadet hocks after mobilisation (6,4)","Answer":"COCKED HATS","Explanation":"Definition: Headwear\n **Anagram of** (after mobilisation) **CADET HOCKS**\n **COCKED HATS"} {"Clue":"Perhaps down drug administered to old men (8)","Answer":"FEATHERS","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps down\n **E** (ecstasy; drug) **contained in** (administered to) **FATHERS** (old men)\n **F** (**E**) **ATHERS"} {"Clue":"Get down and dance at front with posh perfumier? (4)","Answer":"DUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Get down\n **D** (**first letter of** [at front] **D****ANCE** **+ U** (posh) **+ CK** (Calvin Klein, a perfumery company [amongst other things])\n **D U CK"} {"Clue":"Drug pipe with piece of resin inside (5)","Answer":"HORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Drug\n **HOSE** (pipe) **containing** (with \u2026 inside) **R** (**first letter of** [piece of] **RESIN**)\n **HO** (**R**) **SE"} {"Clue":"Choose to cover up one divine murder? (7)","Answer":"DEICIDE","Explanation":"Definition: divine murder\n **DECIDE** (choose) **containing** (to cover up) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **DE** (**I**) **CIDE"} {"Clue":"Sides of swede coming with a main (3)","Answer":"SEA","Explanation":"Definition: main\n **SE** (**first and last letters of** [sides of] **SWEDE**) **+ A**\n **SE A"} {"Clue":"Nurse turned Hoskins around, primarily for this! (5)","Answer":"ENEMA","Explanation":"Definition: this\n **EN** (enrolled nurse) **+ ME** (Hoskins is the setter of the puzzle) **reversed** (turned) **+ A** (**first letter of** [primarily] **AROUND**) \u2013 A nurse would indeed turn Hoskins around to apply an enema, so this could be seen as an &Lit clue\n **EN** **EM**< **A"} {"Clue":"Huge mediums embracing a flapper going into the light (7)","Answer":"MAMMOTH","Explanation":"Definition: Huge\n (**M** [medium] **+ M** [medium] giving mediums) **containing** (embracing) **A + MOTH** (an insect with wings [flapper] that is attracted by light)\n **M** (**A**) **M MOTH"} {"Clue":"Rolling reefer or downing drop of red? Perfect! (5-4)","Answer":"ERROR FREE","Explanation":"Definition: Perfect\n **Anagram of** (rolling) **REEFER OR** **containing** (downing) **R** (**first letter of** [drop of] **RED**)\n **ERRO** (**R**) **FREE*** \u2013 any of the four **R**s could be the one contained"} {"Clue":"Coach and hot English bodyguard will have an affair (8)","Answer":"BUSINESS","Explanation":"Definition: affair\n **BUS** (coach) **+ IN** (popular; trendy; hot) **+ E** (English) **+ SS** (the **SS** was created originally as Hitler's personal bodyguard)\n **BUS IN E SS"} {"Clue":"Networks hacked by a power Penny programs online (3,4)","Answer":"WEB APPS","Explanation":"Definition: programs online\n **WEBS** (networks) **containing** (hacked by) (**A** **+ P** [power] **+ P** [{old} penny])\n **WEB** (**A P P**) **S"} {"Clue":"Mom playing around with hooter in this? (9)","Answer":"MOTORHOME","Explanation":"Definition: this\n **Anagram of** (\u2026playing around with\u2026) **MOM** and **HOOTER**\n **MOTORHOME"} {"Clue":"Unusually, hope a mod played in a brass band? (8)","Answer":"OOMPAHED","Explanation":"Definition: played in a brass band\n **Anagram of** (unusually) **HOPE A MOD**\n **OOMPAHED"} {"Clue":"Cold cop annoyed with kit in driver's compartment (7)","Answer":"COCKPIT","Explanation":"Definition: driver's compartment\n **C** (cold) + **an anagram of** (annoyed) **COP** and **KIT**\n **C OCKPIT"} {"Clue":"Tyneside soldier upset that man had sounded like a nag? (7)","Answer":"NEIGHED","Explanation":"Definition: sounded like a nag\n **NE** (Tyneside is located in the North East of England) **+ GI** (American soldier) **reversed** (upset) **+ HE'D** (that man [**HE**] had ['**D**])\n **NE** **IG**< **HED"} {"Clue":"Host of drugs Member of Congress will tuck into (5)","Answer":"EMCEE","Explanation":"Definition: Host\n **MC** (Member of Congress) **contained in** (will tuck into) **E** [ecstasy; drug] **+ E + E** to give [three] drugs)\n **E** (**MC**) **E** **E"} {"Clue":"A jerk taking right in heavy goods vehicle (5)","Answer":"ARTIC","Explanation":"Definition: heavy goods vehicle\n (**A** **+** **TIC** [jerk]) **containing** (taking) **R** (right)\n **A** (**R**) **TIC"} {"Clue":"Price finally cut for a leafy vegetable (3)","Answer":"COS","Explanation":"Definition: leafy vegetable\n **COST** (price) **excluding the final letter** (cut) **T**\n **COS"} {"Clue":"Going too far westward in small county seat (8)","Answer":"BUTTOCKS","Explanation":"Definition: seat\n **OTT** (over the top; going too far) **reversed** (westward) **contained in** (in) **BUCKS** (**abbreviation for** [small] the English County of **BUCK**ingham**S**hire)\n **BU** (**TTO**<) **CKS"} {"Clue":"Graduates with billions to invest love fruitful growth (6)","Answer":"BAOBAB","Explanation":"Definition: fruitful growth\n (**BA** [Bachelor of Arts;graduate] **+ BA** [again] to give graduates **+ B** [billion[s], I think billion can be read as both singular and plural) **all containing** (to invest) **O** (character representing zero, the love score in tennis)\n **BA** (**O**) **BA** **B"} {"Clue":"What Buddhist does helps to solve conflicts over time (9)","Answer":"MEDITATES","Explanation":"Definition: What Buddhist does\n **MEDIATES** (helps to solve conflicts) **containing** (over) **T** (time)\n **MEDI** (**T**) **ATES"} {"Clue":"Hymn from nonbeliever after a change of heart (5)","Answer":"PAEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Hymn\n **PAGAN** (heathen; nonbeliever) **with the central letter G changed to E** (change of heart)\n **PAEAN"} {"Clue":"Butterflies eat rump steak to start with (12)","Answer":"SWALLOWTAILS","Explanation":"Definition: Butterflies\n **SWALLOW** (eat) **+ TAIL** (rump can be defined as the root of the **TAIL** with parts adjoining) **+ S** (**first letter of** [to start with] **STEAK**)\n **SWALLOW TAIL S"} {"Clue":"Is she a bit of a looker? (4)","Answer":"IRIS","Explanation":"Definition: she\n **IRIS** (part of the eye [looker]; bit of a looker) **double definition**\n **IRIS"} {"Clue":"Adult set out at night, admitting very risky capers? (10)","Answer":"ADVENTURES","Explanation":"Definition: risky capers\n **A** (adult) **+** (**DENTURES** [set of false teeth that most people who wear them take out at night] **containing** [admitting] **V** [very])\n **A** **D** (**V**) **ENTURES"} {"Clue":"Misleading words prince's penning daily \u2014 pity! (4-6)","Answer":"HALF-TRUTHS","Explanation":"Definition: Misleading words\n **HAL'S** (reference Prince **HAL**, young Henry V of England as portrayed by Shakespeare) **containing** (penning) (**FT** [Financial Times; daily newspaper] **+ RUTH** [archaic term for pity, **RUTH** as pity is very common in barred crosswords])\n **HAL** (**F T** **RUTH**) **S"} {"Clue":"School training game in Pacific region (4)","Answer":"PERU","Explanation":"Definition: in Pacific region\n **PE** (physical education; school training) **+ RU** (Rugby Union; game)\n **PE RU"} {"Clue":"Awful calamity shook faceless or OK place to live (8,4)","Answer":"OKLAHOMA CITY","Explanation":"Definition: OK place to live\n **Anagram of** (awful) **CALAMITY** and **SHOOK** **excluding the first letter** (faceless) **S**\n **OKLAHOMA CITY"} {"Clue":"Talk incessantly where French is spoken? (5)","Answer":"GABON","Explanation":"Definition: where French is spoken\n **GAB** (talk) **+ ON** (incessantly)\n **GAB ON"} {"Clue":"After right wheels, gets fuel supplements for vehicles (4,5)","Answer":"ROOF RACKS","Explanation":"Definition: supplements for vehicles\n **R** **+ OO** (two characters representing the shape of a wheel \u2013 wheels) **+ FRACKS** (releases oil or gas from rock by forcing liquid at high pressure into rock; gets fuel)\n **R OO F RACKS"} {"Clue":"Take paper again around centre for reusing refuse (6)","Answer":"RESIST","Explanation":"Definition: refuse\n **RESIT** (take the examination paper again) **containing** (around) **S** (**middle letter of** [centre for] **REUSING**)\n **RESI** (**S**) **T"} {"Clue":"Meat left over is stuffed into duck (8)","Answer":"ESCALOPE","Explanation":"Definition: Meat\n (**L** [left] **+ O** [over]) **contained in** (stuffed into) **ESCAPE** (avoid; evade; duck)\n **ESCA** (**L O**) **PE"} {"Clue":"Sign one's expecting tip for puzzle by Tramp (4)","Answer":"BUMP","Explanation":"Definition: Sign one's expecting\n **BUM** (tramp) **+ P** (**first letter of** [tip of] **PUZZLE**)\n **BUM P"} {"Clue":"After turning point, there's zero agitation (2-2)","Answer":"TO-DO","Explanation":"Definition: agitation\n **DOT** (point) **reversed** (after turning) **+ O** (character representing zero)\n **TO D**< **O"} {"Clue":"Ortega's extremists seizing some power back in capital (6)","Answer":"OTTAWA","Explanation":"Definition: capital\n **OA** (**outer letters of** [extremists] **ORTEGA**) **containing** (seizing) **WATT** (SI unit of power) **reversed** (back)\n **O** (**TTAW**<) **A"} {"Clue":"Confined stranger tattoo producer (13)","Answer":"KETTLEDRUMMER","Explanation":"Definition: tattoo producer\n **KETTLED** ([police] confined [demonstrators] in an enclosed area) **+ RUMMER** (odder; stranger)\n **KETTLE D** **RUMMER"} {"Clue":"Liking Alcott's opening page with description of Little Women (8)","Answer":"APPETITE","Explanation":"Definition: Liking\n **A** (**first letter of** [opening] **ALCOTT**) **+ P** (page) **+ PETITE** (description of small ladies [little women])\n **A P PETITE"} {"Clue":"Holy works of bishop and cleric, one given a sign (10)","Answer":"BREVIARIES","Explanation":"Definition: Holy works\n **B** (bishop) **+ REV** (Reverend; cleric) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ ARIES** (a sign of the Zodiac)\n **B REV I ARIES"} {"Clue":"Shares responsibility to probe British problem (5,5)","Answer":"BONUS ISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: Shares\n **ONUS** (responsibility) **contained in** (to probe) (**B** [British] **+ ISSUE** [problem])\n **B** (**ONUS**) **ISSUE"} {"Clue":"My way to fall foul of the RSPB? (5,3,5)","Answer":"STONE THE CROWS","Explanation":"Definition: My\n **STONE THE CROWS** (an activity that will not be welcomed by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds [RSPB])\n **STONE THE CROWS"} {"Clue":"Song he composed with firm bass from this person? (10)","Answer":"FISHMONGER","Explanation":"Definition: bass from this person\n **Anagram of** (composed) **SONG HE** and [with] **FIRM**\n **FISHMONGER"} {"Clue":"Team's defending shot, ball for Brazilian maestro (5-5)","Answer":"VILLA-LOBOS","Explanation":"Definition: Brazilian maestro\n **VILLA'S** ([Aston] **VILLA'S** [English Premier League Football Team's) **containing** (defending) (**LOB** [tennis] shot **+ O** [ball-shaped character])\n **VILLA** (**LOB O**) **S"} {"Clue":"Impressions made by winsome female going south (8)","Answer":"ETCHINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Impressions\n **FETCHING** (attractive; winsome) **excluding** (going) **F** (female) **+ S** (south)\n **ETCHING S"} {"Clue":"Area under backbones (6)","Answer":"STERNA","Explanation":"Definition: bones\n **STERN** (rear; back) **+ A** (area)\n **STERN A"} {"Clue":"Hard to get bitten by green parrot (4)","Answer":"ECHO","Explanation":"Definition: parrot\n **H** (hard when describing pencil lead) **contained in** (get bitten by) **ECO**\u2013 (**ECO**logical; green)\n **EC** (**H**) **O"} {"Clue":"Man perhaps gets permission to drop back (4)","Answer":"ISLE","Explanation":"Definition: Man perhaps\n **IS LET** (gets permission) **excluding** (to drop) **the last letter** (back) **T**\n **ISLE"} {"Clue":"Organising tour frequently bores musician (7)","Answer":"SORTING","Explanation":"Definition: Organising\n **OR** (**letters 2 and 4** [frequently] of **TOUR**) **contained in** (bores) **STING** (reference Gordon Sumner [born 1951], English musician, best known as a member of rock band The Police)\n **S** (**OR**) **TING"} {"Clue":"There's no getting round it, I'm no longer trendy! (7)","Answer":"IMPASSE","Explanation":"Definition: There's no getting round it\n **I'M** **+ PASS\u00c9** (out of date; no longer trendy)\n **IM PASSE"} {"Clue":"Rebalancing, with no indefinite numbers reinterpreted from maths work (9)","Answer":"ALGEBRAIC","Explanation":"Definition: from maths work\n **Anagram of** (reinterpreted) **REBALANCING** **excluding both** [with no] **N**s [**N** represents an unspecified [indefinite] number in some equations and hypotheses)\n **ALGEBRAIC"} {"Clue":"Positive votes won't ultimately provide the reason for an uprising? (5)","Answer":"YEAST","Explanation":"Definition: reason for an uprising\n **YEAS** (votes in favour; positive votes) **+ T** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **WON'T**)\n **YEAS** **T"} {"Clue":"Fish sandwiches staff put round plates (7)","Answer":"ENAMELS","Explanation":"Definition: plates\n **EELS** (fish) **containing** (sandwiches) **MAN** (staff) **reversed** (put round)\n **E** (**NAM**<) **ELS"} {"Clue":"Family member has a look around for cereal (7)","Answer":"GRANOLA","Explanation":"Definition: cereal\n **GRAN** (**GRAN**dmother; family member) **+** (**A + LO** [look]) **all reversed** (around)\n **GRAN** (**OL A**)<"} {"Clue":"Freethinking artist into cavorting with the Hollywood elite (11)","Answer":"RATIONALIST","Explanation":"Definition: Freethinking\n **RA** (Royal Academician; artist) **+ an anagram of** (cavorting) **INTO** + **A-LIST** (Hollywood's elite people)\n **RA** **TION*** **A LIST"} {"Clue":"Trademark protecting a piece of headgear (3)","Answer":"TAM","Explanation":"Definition: piece of headgear\n **TM** (Trademark) **containing** (protecting) **A**\n **T** (**A**) **M"} {"Clue":"Skirt has to be returned as I don't think much of it (3)","Answer":"MEH","Explanation":"Definition: I don't think much of it\n **HEM** (border; skirt) **reversed** (has to be returned)\n **MEH**<"} {"Clue":"Crime drama seeing a person shot, badly (3,8)","Answer":"THE SOPRANOS","Explanation":"Definition: Crime drama\n **Anagram of** (badly) **A PERSON SHOT**\n **THE SOPRANOS"} {"Clue":"Most simple pastry dishes covered in pepper (7)","Answer":"DOPIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most simple\n **PIES** (pastry dishes) **contained in** (covered in) **DOT** (to pepper)\n **DO** (**PIES**) **T"} {"Clue":"Name of bread roll accompanying thin stew occasionally (7)","Answer":"BAPTISE","Explanation":"Definition: Name\n **BAP** (bread roll) **+ TISE** (**letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [occasionally] of **THIN STEW**)\n **BAP TISE"} {"Clue":"Sharp knife wound admitted to A&E (5)","Answer":"ACUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Sharp\n **CUT** (knife wound) **contained in** (admitted to) (**A** **+** **E**)\n **A** (**CUT**) **E"} {"Clue":"Notice a pipe providing isolated source of fresh water (9)","Answer":"BILLABONG","Explanation":"Definition: isolated source of fresh water\n **BILL** (advertisement; notice) **+ A + BONG** (water pipe used for smoking cannabis, crack, etc)\n **BILL A**** BONG"} {"Clue":"Nurse is knocked back, having to go without a date (4,3)","Answer":"SINE DIE","Explanation":"Definition: without a date\n (**EN** [Enrolled Nurse] **+ IS**) **all reversed** (knocked back) **+ DIE** (go)\n (**SI** **NE**)< **DIE"} {"Clue":"Peripheral figure revealed by storyteller on podcast (7)","Answer":"OUTLIER","Explanation":"Definition: Peripheral figure\n **OUT** (revealed) **+ LIER** (storyteller) \u2013 although **LIER** seems a perfectly reasonable derivative of **LIE** (to tell untruths or stories), I can only find it spelled **LIAR** in all the dictionaries I access. **LIER** seems to restricted to someone who assumes a horizontal position)\n **OUT LIER"} {"Clue":"Instrument made of tin a butcher held up (5,4)","Answer":"SNARE DRUM","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\n **SN** (chemical symbol for tin) **+ A + MURDER** (butcher) **reversed** (held up; down entry)\n **SN** **A RE DRUM**<"} {"Clue":"Ruling, and expecting to have no power (7)","Answer":"REGNANT","Explanation":"Definition: Ruling\n **PREGNANT** (expecting) **excluding** (to have no) **P** (power)\n **REGNANT"} {"Clue":"Inspire independent mob rule from time to time (5)","Answer":"IMBUE","Explanation":"Definition: Inspire\n **I** (independent) **+ MBUE** (**letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** (from time to time) **of MOB RULE**\n **I MBUE"} {"Clue":"Spurs goal almost leads to defensive substitution (5)","Answer":"GOADS","Explanation":"Definition: Spurs\n **GOAL** **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **L + DS** (**first letters of** [leads to] **each of DEFENSIVE** and **SUBSTITUTION**)\n **GOA** **DS"} {"Clue":"Unrecognisable gin mixed with tonic and a dash of orange (9)","Answer":"INCOGNITO","Explanation":"Definition: Unrecognisable\n **Anagram of** (mixed) **GIN** and **TONIC** **+ O** (**first letter of** [dash of] **ORANGE**)\n **INCOGNIT*** **O"} {"Clue":"Wage officer in team prays for a reorg (9)","Answer":"PAYMASTER","Explanation":"Definition: Wage officer\n **Anagram of** (a reorg[anization]) **TEAM PRAYS**\n **PAYMASTER"} {"Clue":"Constituency housing for Spanish coastal town (7)","Answer":"SEAPORT","Explanation":"Definition: coastal town\n **SEAT** (term to describe an electoral constituency) **containing** (housing) **POR** (Spanish for 'for')\n **SEA** (**POR**) **T"} {"Clue":"Somewhat influential things, philosophically speaking (5)","Answer":"ENTIA","Explanation":"Definition: Somewhat influential things, philosophically speaking (5)\n **ENTIA** (**hidden word in** [somewhat] **INFLUENTIAL**)\n **ENTIA"} {"Clue":"After working, other people stop improving (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON THE MEND","Explanation":"Definition: improving\n **ON** (working) **+ THEM** (other people) **+ END** (stop)\n **ON THE M END"} {"Clue":"Maintain food can be turned away (9)","Answer":"AVERTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: can be turned away\n **AVER** (maintain) **+ TABLE** (generic term for an arrangement of food)\n **AVER TABLE"} {"Clue":"Runner's trouble with green pants (9)","Answer":"MESSENGER","Explanation":"Definition: Runner\n **MESS** (trouble) **+ an anagram of** (pants) **GREEN**\n **MESS ENGER"} {"Clue":"Brand fronted by fashionable old actress (7)","Answer":"HEPBURN","Explanation":"Definition: old actress\n **HEP** (informed or well abreast of fashionable knowledge. I think also that **HEP** and **HIP** are similar, where **HIP** can be defined simply as fashionable) **+ BURN** (brand)\n **HEP BURN"} {"Clue":"VIP taking in cool international city (7)","Answer":"NAIROBI","Explanation":"Definition: city\n (**NOB** [person of wealth or especially high social rank; Very Important Person] **containing** [taking in] **AIR** [to cool]) **+ I** (international)\n **N** (**AIR**) **OB** **I"} {"Clue":"US narcs regularly lost supplies of drugs (5)","Answer":"DEALS","Explanation":"Definition: supplies of drugs\n **DEA** ([United States ] Drug Enforcement Administration [employers of narcotics agents {narcs}] ) **+ LS** (**letters 1 and 3** [regularly] **of LOST**)\n **DEA LS"} {"Clue":"A place you go to pursue black bear (5)","Answer":"BALOO","Explanation":"Definition: bear\n **B** (black, on lead pencils) **+ A + LOO** (lavatory; place to go)\n **B A LOO"} {"Clue":"Spy network given external training? (5)","Answer":"PLANT","Explanation":"Definition: Spy\n **LAN** (local area network) **contained in** (given external \u2026) **PT** (physical training)\n **P** (**LAN**) **T"} {"Clue":"Doctor enables pair to get inextricably linked (11)","Answer":"INSEPARABLE","Explanation":"Definition: inextricably linked\n **Anagram of** (doctor) **ENABLES PAIR**\n **INSEPARABLE"} {"Clue":"Plant, initially from Umbria, cultivated here shows impressive adaptability (7)","Answer":"FUCHSIA","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n **FUCHSIA** (**first letters** [initially] **of each of** **FROM**, **UMBRIA**, **CULTIVATED**, **HERE**, **SHOWS**, **IMPRESSIVE** and **ADAPTABILITY**)\n **F U C H S I A"} {"Clue":"Knight to look fashionable with cut (7)","Answer":"SIRLOIN","Explanation":"Definition: cut\n **SIR** (knight) **+ LO** (look) **+ IN** (fashionable)\n **SIR LO IN"} {"Clue":"Glen tried restyling with corkscrews (9)","Answer":"RINGLETED","Explanation":"Definition: corkscrews\n **Anagram of** (restyled) **GLEN TRIED**\n **RINGLETED"} {"Clue":"Tolerate assistant stealing book (5)","Answer":"ABIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Tolerate\n **AIDE** (assistant) **containing** (stealing) **B** (books)\n **A** (**B**) **IDE"} {"Clue":"You and I imprisoned by queen in jug (4)","Answer":"EWER","Explanation":"Definition: jug\n **WE** (you and I) **contained in** (imprisoned by) **ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen)\n **E** (**WE**) **R"} {"Clue":"Rat plants meadows (10)","Answer":"GRASSLANDS","Explanation":"Definition: meadows\n **GRASS** (informer; rat) **+ LANDS** (deposits, drops or plants)\n **GRASS LANDS"} {"Clue":"Animated dog caught by spirited government (10)","Answer":"PLUTOCRACY","Explanation":"Definition: government\n **PLUTO** (cartoon [animated] dog) **+ C** (caught) **+ RACY** (spirited)\n **PLUTO C RACY"} {"Clue":"Plant pot leaked (4)","Answer":"WEED","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n **WEED** (marijuana; cannabis; pot)\n **WEED** (urinated; leaked) **triple definition**\n **WEED"} {"Clue":"Cut delicate fabric covering bottom of cushion (5)","Answer":"LANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\n **LACE** (delicate fabric) **containing** (covering) **N** (**last letter of** [bottom of] **CUSHION**)\n **LA** (**N**) **CE"} {"Clue":"Sadly dine out, showing greed? (6,3)","Answer":"DEADLY SIN","Explanation":"Definition: greed\n **Anagram of** (out) **SADLY DINE**\n **DEADLY SIN"} {"Clue":"Plant taking top off pipe after time (7)","Answer":"THISTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n **T** (time) **+ WHISTLE** (simple wind instrument consisting of a wooden or metal pipe with finger holes) **excluding the first letter** (taking top of) **W**\n **T HISTLE"} {"Clue":"Cutting bit of wordplay by posh bloke (7)","Answer":"PUNGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Cutting\n **PUN** (play on words) **+ GENT** (**GENT**leman [posh bloke])\n **PUN GENT"} {"Clue":"Cuts doctor's food (11)","Answer":"LACERATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Cuts\n **LACE** (doctor, as in 'to doctor a drink with an additional substance') **+** **RATIONS** (food)\n **LACE RATIONS"} {"Clue":"Cooked quince alone isn't valueless (15)","Answer":"INCONSEQUENTIAL","Explanation":"Definition: valueless\n **Anagram of** (cooked) **QUINCE ALONE ISN'T**\n **INCONSEQUENTIAL"} {"Clue":"Upstanding girl holding one fibre (5)","Answer":"SISAL","Explanation":"Definition: fibre\n **LASS** **reversed** (upstanding; down entry) **containing** (holding) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **S** (**I**) **SAL**<"} {"Clue":"Agent upset about most recent smear (7)","Answer":"PLASTER","Explanation":"Definition: smear\n **REP** (**REP**resentative ; agent) **reversed** (upset; down entry_ **containing** (about) **LAST** (most recent)\n **P** (**LAST**) **ER**<"} {"Clue":"Lives on borders (7)","Answer":"RESIDES","Explanation":"Definition: Lives\n **RE** (with reference to; about; on) **+ SIDES** (borders)\n **RE SIDES"} {"Clue":"Prepared lean crab and another crustacean (8)","Answer":"BARNACLE","Explanation":"Definition: another crustacean\n **Anagram of** (prepared) **LEAN CRAB**\n **BARNACLE"} {"Clue":"Still, in strange sense, showing indifference (15)","Answer":"EMOTIONLESSNESS","Explanation":"Definition: indifference\n **MOTIONLESS** (not moving; still) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (strange) **SENSE**\n **E** (**MOTIONLESS**) **NESS"} {"Clue":"Note in favour of church is what keeps one down to earth (1-5)","Answer":"G-FORCE","Explanation":"Definition: what keeps one down to earth\n **G** (note of the musical scale) **+ FOR** (in favour of) **+ CE** (Church [of England])\n **G FOR CE"} {"Clue":"Infuriates leaderless forest officials (6)","Answer":"ANGERS","Explanation":"Definition: Infuriates\n **RANGERS** (forest officials) **excluding the first letter** (leaderless) **R**\n **ANGERS"} {"Clue":"Jerk supports heads in private (8)","Answer":"DOMESTIC","Explanation":"Definition: in private\n **DOMES** (covers or heads of furnaces) **+ TIC** (jerk) \u2013 as this is a down entry the letters **TIC** in the grid support the letters **DOMES**\n **DOMES** **TIC"} {"Clue":"Taste a boring dish (6)","Answer":"PALATE","Explanation":"Definition: Taste\n **A** **contained in** (boring) **PLATE** (dish)\n **P** (**A**) **LATE"} {"Clue":"More embarrassed about English game (3,4)","Answer":"RED DEER","Explanation":"Definition: game\n **REDDER** (more embarrassed) **containing** (about) **E** (English)\n **RED D** (**E**) **ER** \u2013 either **E** in **DEER** could be the one contained"} {"Clue":"Firm peak, it is mine (7)","Answer":"COALPIT","Explanation":"Definition: mine\n **CO** (company; firm) **+ ALP** (mountain; peak) **+ IT**\n **CO ALP IT"} {"Clue":"Professor consumed gift (6)","Answer":"DONATE","Explanation":"Definition: gift\n **DON** (any member of the teaching staff of a college or university such as a professor) **+ ATE** (consumed)\n **DON ATE"} {"Clue":"Fish love jargon (5)","Answer":"LINGO","Explanation":"Definition: jargon\n **LING** (fish of the cod family) **+ O** (character representing zero; a score of zero is referred to as love in tennis)\n **LING O"} {"Clue":"A lot of grind \u2013 that could be positive or negative (7)","Answer":"MILLION","Explanation":"Definition: A lot\n **MILL** (grind) **+ ION** (**ION**s [electrically charged particles] can be positive or negative)\n **MILL ION"} {"Clue":"Killer regularly stabbing workers in chains (7)","Answer":"ANKLETS","Explanation":"Definition: chains\n **KLE** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly]) **contained in** (stabbing) **ANTS** (workers)\n **AN** (**KLE**) **TS"} {"Clue":"This could precede cap and gown happening at the end of the day (5)","Answer":"NIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: This could precede cap and gown\n **NIGHT** (period at the end of the day) **double definition**\n **NIGHT"} {"Clue":"Left province to sulk about exercise day (6,3)","Answer":"NIPPED OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Left\n **NI** (part of the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland [**NI**] is variously described as a country, region or province) **+** (**POUT** [to sulk] **containing** [about] (**PE** [physical exercise] **+ D** [day])\n **NI** **P** (**PE D**) **OUT"} {"Clue":"Antics involved gagging angry niche experts (11)","Answer":"TECHNICIANS","Explanation":"Definition: experts\n **Anagram of** (involved) **ANTICS** **containing** (gagging) **an anagram of** (angry) **NICHE**\n **T** (**ECHNI***) **CIANS"} {"Clue":"Country wanting a Dutch amateur is the place to go (3)","Answer":"CAN","Explanation":"Definition: the place to go\n **CAN****ADA** (country) **excluding** (wanting) **ADA** (**A + D** [Dutch] **+ A** [amateur])\n **CAN"} {"Clue":"Saw new books on the shelf (7)","Answer":"NOTICED","Explanation":"Definition: Saw\n **N** (new) **+ OT** (Old Testament; books) **+ ICED** (reference 'put on **ICE**' [suspended; shelved; on the shelf)\n **N** **OT ICED"} {"Clue":"Stop the French mismanagement (6)","Answer":"BUNGLE","Explanation":"Definition: mismanagement\n **BUNG** (stop [up]) **+ LE** (one of the French forms of 'the')\n **BUNG LE"} {"Clue":"Some trickle-down reveals basis for assessment (6)","Answer":"METRIC","Explanation":"Definition: basis for assessment\n **METRIC** (**hidden word in** [reveals] **SOME TRICKLE-DOWN**)\n **METRIC"} {"Clue":"Dirty smell set back prospect (7)","Answer":"OBSCENE","Explanation":"Definition: Dirty\n **BO** (body odour; smell) **reversed** (set back) **+ SCENE** (landscape view; prospect)\n **OB**< **SCENE"} {"Clue":"Shouting takes place now and again in the UAE (3)","Answer":"HUE","Explanation":"Definition: Shouting\n **HUE** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [now and again] of **THE UAE**)\n **HUE"} {"Clue":"Vacuous personnel piercing nipple? That just won't happen (5,6)","Answer":"EMPTY THREAT","Explanation":"Definition: That just won't happen\n **EMPTY** (vacuous) **+ **(**HR** [Human Resources {personnel}] **contained in** [piercing] **TEAT** [nipple])\n **EMPTY** **T** (**HR**) **EAT"} {"Clue":"Met Rose in shower to get wetter (9)","Answer":"MOISTENER","Explanation":"Definition: wetter\n **Anagram of** (shower) **MET ROSE IN**\n **MOISTENER"} {"Clue":"South African native is overwhelmed by any alarm (5)","Answer":"NYALA","Explanation":"Definition: South African native\n **NYALA** (**hidden word in** [overwhelmed by] **ANY ALARM**)\n **NYALA"} {"Clue":"Scope the bard out (7)","Answer":"BREADTH","Explanation":"Definition: Scope\n **Anagram of** (out) **THE BARD**\n **BREADTH"} {"Clue":"For Spooner, dubious material for policemen is something to chew on (7)","Answer":"POPCORN","Explanation":"Definition: something to chew on\n Reverend Spooner would pronounce **POPCORN** as **COP** [policeman] **PORN** [an example of dubious material]\n **POPCORN"} {"Clue":"In which Liz Truss has delivered? (8)","Answer":"MONOTONE","Explanation":"Definition: In which Liz Truss has delivered\n **MONOTONE** \u2013 I know that Liz Truss (the UK's shortest serving Prime Minister having held office for just 7 weeks) is frequently reported as delivering her speeches in a **MONOTONE**. However, I am not sure where the cryptic element of this clue is, so I feel I am missing something.\n **MONOTONE"} {"Clue":"Footwear is carbon free, for the record (3)","Answer":"LOG","Explanation":"Definition: record\n **CLOG** (type of shoe) **excluding** (free) **C** (chemical symbol for carbon)\n **LOG"} {"Clue":"You're right, physio helped my posture (1,5,9)","Answer":"I STAND CORRECTED","Explanation":"Definition: You're right\n **I STAND CORRECTED** (a physiotherapist has helped my posture so that my back or leg muscles have been improved such that **I STAND CORRECTED**)\n **I STAND CORRECTED"} {"Clue":"Upcoming police department has one rule that might be basic (9)","Answer":"NON-ACIDIC","Explanation":"Definition: basic\n (**CID** [Criminal Investigation Department; police department] **+ I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ CANON** [law or rule]) **all reversed** (upcoming; down entry)\n (**NONAC I DIC**)<"} {"Clue":"Mountain's not half hard for a Greek (5)","Answer":"ALPHA","Explanation":"Definition: a Greek\n **ALP** (mountain) **+ HARD** **excluding the final 2** [of 4; half] **letters**, **RD**\n **ALP** **HA"} {"Clue":"Reason for facelift? Smiles, despite it all having gone wrong (5,4,4,2)","Answer":"KEEPS ONE","Explanation":"Definition: Smiles, despite it all having gone wrong\n **KEEPS ONE'S CHIN UP** (lofting the **FACE** will **KEEP ONE'S CHIN** in a higher position [up])\n **KEEP ONE'S CHIN UP"} {"Clue":"After English pass, on to enter quality school (4,7)","Answer":"ETON COLLEGE","Explanation":"Definition: school\n **E** (English) **+** ([**COL** {mountain pass} **+ LEG** {on side in cricket terminology}] **contained in** [to enter] **TONE** [quality])\n **E** **TON** (**COL** **LEG**) **E"} {"Clue":"Demonstrations of three elements (3-3)","Answer":"SIT-INS","Explanation":"Definition: Demonstrations\n **SI** (chemical symbol for the element silicon) **+ TIN** (an element) **+ S** (chemical symbol for the element sulphur) giving three elements\n **SI** **T IN** **S"} {"Clue":"Enter tube gnashing teeth with caries (11)","Answer":"CATHETERISE","Explanation":"Definition: Enter tube\n **Anagram of** (gnashing) **TEETH** and [with] **CARIES**\n **CATHETERISE"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Tory U-turn after mistake is an accident waiting to happen (5,4)","Answer":"BOOBY TRAP","Explanation":"Definition: an accident waiting to happen\n **BOOB** (mistake) **+ PARTY** (the Conservative or Tory **PARTY** is an example of a political **PARTY**) **reversed** (U-turn)\n **BOOB** **Y TRAP**<"} {"Clue":"Twist again, as Checker might (8)","Answer":"RESTRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Twist again\n **RESTRAIN** (a checker is someone who **RESTRAIN**s or hinders)\n **RESTRAIN"} {"Clue":"Our rivals with old blood-feud, primarily (3,3)","Answer":"THE MOB","Explanation":"Definition: Our rivals with old blood-feud, primarily (3,3)\u00a0\n **THEM** (our rivals) **+ OB** (**initial letters** [primarily] of **OLD** and **BLOOD-FEUD**)\n **THE M** **O B"} {"Clue":"Nick just a little bit (5)","Answer":"PINCH","Explanation":"Definition: Nick\n **PINCH** (a small quantity, e.g. a **PINCH** of salt) **double definition**\n **PINCH"} {"Clue":"Love promotion to start commotion (3)","Answer":"ADO","Explanation":"Definition: commotion\n **AD** (advertisement; promotion] **+ **O (character representing zero [love score in tennis]\n **AD O"} {"Clue":"Spectators' disapproval taps into poor performance by runner (4,8)","Answer":"SLOW HANDCLAP","Explanation":"Definition: Spectators' disapproval\n (**H AND C** [indications on **H**ot **AND C**old taps]) **contained in** (into) (**SLOW LAP** [poor performance by runner])\n **SLOW** (**H AND C**) **LAP"} {"Clue":"Take home a type of car? (4)","Answer":"MAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Take home\n **MAKE** (what you earn; take home [pay]) **double definition**\n **MAKE"} {"Clue":"Crustacean programme mostly bearing fruit (4,5)","Answer":"CRAB APPLE","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n **CRAB** (a crustacean) **+ APPLET** (program) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **T**\n **CRAB** **APPLE"} {"Clue":"One getting metal (6)","Answer":"COPPER","Explanation":"Definition: One getting\n **COPPER** (a metal) **double definition**\n **COPPER"} {"Clue":"Youngster taking summer treats around large and small rooms (8)","Answer":"CUBICLES","Explanation":"Definition: small rooms\n **CUB** (youngster) **+** (**ICES** [summer treats] **containing** [round] **L** [large])\n **CUB** **IC** (**L**) **ES"} {"Clue":"Ruin, just after blocking military conflict (10)","Answer":"DISHARMONY","Explanation":"Definition: conflict\n **DISH** (informal term for ruin) **+** (**ON** [just after] **contained in** [blocking] **ARMY** [military])\n **DISH** **ARM** (**ON**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Pedestrian, both feet slipping, to get animated (4)","Answer":"WAKE","Explanation":"Definition: get animated\n **WALKER** (pedestrian) **excluding** (slipping) **L** and **R** (left and right; both feet)\n **WAKE"} {"Clue":"Dull end to game \u2013 but a decisive one! (4)","Answer":"MATE","Explanation":"Definition: a decisive one\n **MAT** ([of a surface] dull) **+ E** (**last letter of** [end to] **GAME**)\n **MAT E"} {"Clue":"Make clear sounds in small pieces, avoiding piano (10)","Answer":"ARTICULATE","Explanation":"Definition: Make clear sounds\n **PARTICULATES** (small pieces) **excluding** (avoiding) **P** (piano)\n **ARTICULATES"} {"Clue":"Tank operator is filling a quantity of water (8)","Answer":"AQUARIST","Explanation":"Definition: Tank operator\n **IS** **contained in** (filling) (**A** **+ QUART** [quantity of water or other liquid])\n **A** **QUAR** (**IS**) **T"} {"Clue":"Gold in bulk leads to dangerous situation (6)","Answer":"MORASS","Explanation":"Definition: dangerous situation\n **OR** (the tincture gold) **contained in** (in) **MASS** (bulk)\n **M** (**OR**) **ASS"} {"Clue":"Apparently allowed bird in part of orchard (5,4)","Answer":"APPLE TREE","Explanation":"Definition: part of orchard\n **APP** (**APP**arently) **+ LET** (allowed) **+ REE** (female of the ruff [a bird])\n **APP LE T **REE"} {"Clue":"Sense displayed in accommodating a delay (4)","Answer":"WAIT","Explanation":"Definition: delay\n **WIT** (sense, as in 'have the **WIT** to \u2026') **containing** (accommodating) **A**\n **W** (**A**) **IT"} {"Clue":"Take lead role in rigging awards system? (2,3,7)","Answer":"DO THE HONOURS","Explanation":"Definition: Take lead role\n **DO** (fiddle; rig) **+ THE HONOURS** (award system)\n **DO** **THE** **HONOURS"} {"Clue":"Story King extracted from some European subject (8)","Answer":"LIEGEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: subject\n **LIE** (story) **+ GERMAN** (some European) **excluding** (extracted from) **R** (Rex; King)\n **LIE GEMAN"} {"Clue":"Scottish town: it may flare up with match over (4)","Answer":"WICK","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish town\n **WICK** (a candle has a **WICK** that can flare up when a lighted match is placed next to it)\n **WICK"} {"Clue":"American laid out insane sum for a secretary (10)","Answer":"AMANUENSIS","Explanation":"Definition: secretary\n **A** (American) **+ an anagram of** (laid out) **INSANE SUM**\n **A** **MANUENSIS"} {"Clue":"Get darker and crude, engaged in row (4,2)","Answer":"DRAW IN","Explanation":"Definition: Get darker\n **RAW** (crude) **contained in** (engaged in) **DIN** (noise; row)\n **D** (**RAW**) **IN"} {"Clue":"Island where China holds Tibetan priest? Just the reverse (2,5)","Answer":"LA PALMA","Explanation":"Definition: Island\n **LAMA** (Tibetan priest) **containing** (holds) **PAL** (friend; china) \u2013 **the opposite** (just the reverse) **of the construction** 'China holds Tibetan priest'\n **LA** (**PAL**) **MA"} {"Clue":"Instruction for launch possibly providing form of publicity (5,7)","Answer":"PRESS RELEASE","Explanation":"Definition: form of publicity\n **PRESS** (instruction to do something, with a button for example) **+ RELEASE** (free; launch, for example)\n **PRESS RELEASE"} {"Clue":"Grounds affected our team (6)","Answer":"CAMPUS","Explanation":"Definition: Grounds\n **CAMP** (affected) **+ US** (our team)\n **CAMP US"} {"Clue":"Expert framing poster may possibly proceed to lift recognition of film's excellence (7,5)","Answer":"ACADEMY AWARD","Explanation":"Definition: recognition of film's excellence\n **ACE** (expert) containing (framing) **AD** (advertisement; poster) **+ an anagram of** (possibly) **MAY** **+ DRAW** (go or proceed in a specified direction [**DRAW** alongside], definition in Collins) **reversed** (to lift; down entry)\n **AC** (**AD**) **E** **MY A*** **WARD**<"} {"Clue":"Showman, one more involved with Paris (10)","Answer":"IMPRESARIO","Explanation":"Definition: Showman\n **I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ an anagram of** (\u2026 involved with \u2026) **MORE** and **PARIS**\n **I** **MPRESARIO"} {"Clue":"Harbour vessel repurposed by military for contention (3-2-3)","Answer":"TUG-OF-WAR","Explanation":"Definition: contention\n **TUG** (harbour vessel) **+ OF WAR** (relating to military events)\n **TUG-OF-WAR"} {"Clue":"Exact time to accept lawmaker making boast (7)","Answer":"TRUMPET","Explanation":"Definition: boast\n (**TRUE** [exact] **+ T** [time]) **containing** (to accept) **MP** (Member of Parliament; lawmaker)\n **TRU** (**MP**) **E** **T"} {"Clue":"Activity engaging a US serviceman is moving slowly (6)","Answer":"ADAGIO","Explanation":"Definition: slowly\n **ADO** (bustle; activity) **containing** (engaging) (**A** **+ GI** [US serviceman])\n **AD** (**A GI**) **O"} {"Clue":"Stop releases being broadcast on radio (6)","Answer":"FREEZE","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\n **FREEZE** (**sounds like** [on the radio] **FREES** [releases])\n **FREEZE"} {"Clue":"Leading man in Garbo's latest? (4)","Answer":"HERO","Explanation":"Definition: Leading man\n **HER** (descriptive of [Greta] GARBO's ) + **O** (**last letter of** [latest] **GARBO**)\n **HER O"} {"Clue":"Obscene bloodsucking parasite Musk wants 8 for this (4,4)","Answer":"BLUE TICK","Explanation":"Definition: Musk wants $8 for this\n **BLUE** (indecent or obscene) **+ TICK** (bloodsucking insect)\n **BLUE TICK"} {"Clue":"Dirty article repelled pawnbroker (5)","Answer":"UNCLE","Explanation":"Definition: pawnbroker\n **UNCLEAN** (dirty) **excluding** (repelled) **AN** (indefinite article)\n **UNCLE"} {"Clue":"Idiot starts to Tweet \"well, I regret purchase\" (5)","Answer":"TWIRP","Explanation":"Definition: Idiot\n **TWIRP** (**first letters of** [starts to] each of **TWEET**, **WELL**, **I**, **REGRET** and **PURCHASE**)\n **T W I R P"} {"Clue":"American mother's with German husband, a noted economist (4,5)","Answer":"ADAM SMITH","Explanation":"Definition: noted economist\n **A** (American) **+ DAM'S** (mother's) **+ MIT** (German for 'with') **+ H** (husband)\n **A DAM S MIT H"} {"Clue":"Accused criminal pockets new penny that is marked with a D (6,3)","Answer":"DUNCES CAP","Explanation":"Definition: is marked with a D\n **Anagram of** (criminal) **ACCUSED** **containing** (pockets) **N** (new) **+ P** (penny)\n **DU** (**N**) **CES CA*** **P"} {"Clue":"Tender chest, no sign of cold (5)","Answer":"OFFER","Explanation":"Definition: Tender\n **COFFER** (chest for holding money or treasure) **excluding** (no) **C** (a sign for a cold tap)\n **OFFER"} {"Clue":"English beer, German beer teetotaller sampled? (6)","Answer":"BITTER","Explanation":"Definition: English beer\n **BIER** (German for 'beer') **containing** (sampled) **TT** (teetotaller)\n **BI** (**TT**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Time Out: Latte coffee 50% off? That's fine! (4,3)","Answer":"LATE FEE","Explanation":"Definition: fine\n **LATTE** **excluding** (out) either **T** (time) **+ FEE** (**3 of 6** [50%] **letters in** **COFFEE**)\n **LATE FEE"} {"Clue":"Conservative yes\/no confusion beginning to suggest evasion (7)","Answer":"COYNESS","Explanation":"Definition: evasion\n **C** (Conservative) **+ an anagram of** (confusion) **YES** and **NO** **+ S** (**first letter of** [beginning to]) **SUGGEST**\n **C OYNES*** **S"} {"Clue":"Soften anger (6)","Answer":"TEMPER","Explanation":"Definition: Soften\n **TEMPER** (anger) **double definition**\n **TEMPER"} {"Clue":"To do with stress inside erratic ticker? (5)","Answer":"ICTIC","Explanation":"Definition: To do with stress\n **ICTIC** (hidden word [inside] **ERRATIC TICKER**)\n **ICTIC"} {"Clue":"After ordering tea, Daniel gets sent to Coventry (9)","Answer":"ALIENATED","Explanation":"Definition: sent to Coventry\n **Anagram of** (after ordering) **DANIEL ATE**\n **ALIENATED"} {"Clue":"Cheeky Victor admitted being bust (9)","Answer":"INSOLVENT","Explanation":"Definition: bust\n **V** (Victor is the international radio communication codeword for the letter **V**) **contained in** (admitted) **INSOLENT** (cheeky)\n **INSOL** (**V**) **ENT"} {"Clue":"Middle Easterner, one calling for Turkish spirit? (5)","Answer":"IRAQI","Explanation":"Definition: Middle Easterner\n **I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ RAQI** (**sounds like** [calling for] **RAKI** [an aniseed-flavoured spirit of Turkey and the E Mediterranean])\n **I RAQI"} {"Clue":"Talk about hot drink vendors \u2013 they give you a lift in winter! (1-4)","Answer":"T-BARS","Explanation":"Definition: they give you a lift in winter\n **T-BARS** (**sounds like** [talk about] **TEA BARS** [hot drink vendors])\n **T-BARS"} {"Clue":"Western Paris street covered with a bit of Tarmac and gravel (4,4)","Answer":"TRUE GRIT","Explanation":"Definition: Western\n (**RUE** [French [Paris] word for 'street') **contained in** (covered with) (**T** [**first letter of** {a bit of} **TARMAC**} and **GRIT** [gravel])\n **T** (**RUE**) **GRIT"} {"Clue":"Happen to gamble on Windies every now and again (6)","Answer":"BETIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Happen to\n **BET** (gamble) **+ IDE** (**letters, 2, 4 and 6** [every now and again] of **WINDIES** \u2013 the letters **BET** are lying on the letters **IDE** as this is a down entry\n **BET IDE"} {"Clue":"Old NYC Inuit moving somewhere just across the Hudson (5,4)","Answer":"UNION CITY","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere just across the Hudson\n **Anagram of** (moving) **O** (old) **+ NYC INUIT**\n **UNION CITY"} {"Clue":"Avoided the stories which, according to Spooner, made all the difference (6,3,6)","Answer":"TIPPED THE SCALES","Explanation":"Definition: made all the difference\n **TIPPED THE SCALES** is a Spoonerism of **SKIPPED THE TALES** (avoided the stories)\n **TIPPED THE SCALES"} {"Clue":"Unscrupulous opportunist putting sign outside hospital (7)","Answer":"CHANCER","Explanation":"Definition: Unscrupulous opportunist\n **CANCER** (one of the signs of the Zodiac) **containing** (outside) **H **(hospital)\n **C** (**H**) **ANCER"} {"Clue":"Prat Elon Musk's in trouble, not playing fairly (15)","Answer":"UNSPORTSMANLIKE","Explanation":"Definition: not playing fairly\n **Anagram of** (trouble) **PRAT ELON MUSK'S IN**\n **UNSPORTSMANLIKE"} {"Clue":"National treasure with craggy face? (5)","Answer":"CLIFF","Explanation":"Definition: National treasure\n **CLIFF** (crags; something with a craggy outlook)\n **CLIFF"} {"Clue":"Energy, on top of the rent, broke the network (8)","Answer":"ETHERNET","Explanation":"Definition: network\n **E** (energy) **+ THE + an anagram of** (broke) **RENT** The first **E** sits on top of **THERNET** in this down entry\n **E** **THE** **RNET"} {"Clue":"Fintech firm rumoured by some to be linked to the Vatican? (6)","Answer":"PAYPAL","Explanation":"Definition: Fintech firm\n **PAYPAL** (**sounds like** [rumoured by some] **PAPAL** [relating to the Pope or to the Vatican)\n **PAYPAL"} {"Clue":"Non-paywalled broadcast of Eritrea (4-2-3)","Answer":"FREE-TO-AIR","Explanation":"Definition: Non-paywalled\n **Anagram of** (broadcast) **OF ERITREA**\n **FREE-TO-AIR"} {"Clue":"Penultimate part of Macbeth \u2013 first character stirring up trouble? (8)","Answer":"ACTIVIST","Explanation":"Definition: character stirring up trouble\n **ACT IV** (Macbeth is a play in five acts, so **ACT IV **[four] is the penultimate part) **+ IST** (1st; first)\n **ACT IV IST"} {"Clue":"Contraceptive twisted during intercourse, hence Musk's baby? (6)","Answer":"SPACEX","Explanation":"Definition: Musk's baby\n **CAP** (contraceptive diaphragm) **reversed** (twisted) and **contained in** (during) **SEX** (intercourse)\n **S** (**PAC**<) **EX"} {"Clue":"Chuckle about wife's ridiculously expensive purchase? (7)","Answer":"TWITTER","Explanation":"Definition: ridiculously expensive purchase\n **TITTER** (chuckle) **containing** (about) **W** (wife)\n **T** (**W**) **ITTER"} {"Clue":"Out of control following advertising split (6)","Answer":"ADRIFT","Explanation":"Definition: Out of control\n **AD** (advertising) **+ RIFT** (split)\n **AD RIFT"} {"Clue":"\"Least bad\" megacorp? (5)","Answer":"TESLA","Explanation":"Definition: megacorp\n **Anagram of** (bad) **LEAST**\n **TESLA"} {"Clue":"End of constipation \u2013 one mostly passed liquid thanks to these (5,4)","Answer":"SENNA PODS","Explanation":"Definition: these\n **Anagram of** (liquid) **N** (**last letter of** [end of] **CONSTIPATION** and **ONE** **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **E** and **PASSED**\n **SENNA PODS"} {"Clue":"Investigation moving quickly to snare Stone at last (7)","Answer":"HEARING","Explanation":"Definition: Investigation\n **HARING** (moving quickly) **containing** (to snare) **E** (**final letter of** [at last] **STONE**)\n **H** (**E**) **ARING"} {"Clue":"Speechless with anger when duke denied offence (7)","Answer":"UMBRAGE","Explanation":"Definition: offence\n **DUMB** (without the power of speech; speechless) **excluding** (denied) **D** (duke) **+ RAGE** (anger)\n **UMB RAGE"} {"Clue":"Ate modern cooking in place of worship (5,4)","Answer":"NOTRE DAME","Explanation":"Definition: place of worship\n **Anagram of** (cooking) **ATE MODERN**\n **NOTRE DAME"} {"Clue":"Sign backing top mathematician (6)","Answer":"EUCLID","Explanation":"Definition: mathematician\n **CUE** (signal; sign) **reversed** (backing) **+ LID** (top, of a jar for instance)\n **EUC*** **LID"} {"Clue":"Photographers capturing her bum, possibly (7)","Answer":"PERHAPS","Explanation":"Definition: possibly\n **PAPS** (paparazzi [photographers who specializes in spying on or harassing famous people in order to obtain photographs of them in unguarded moments]) **containing** (capturing) **an anagram of** (bum) **HER**\n **P** (**ERH***) **APS"} {"Clue":"Press X to get medal (4,5)","Answer":"IRON CROSS","Explanation":"Definition: medal\n **IRON** (press) **+ CROSS** (**X** is shaped like a **CROSS**)\n **IRON CROSS"} {"Clue":"Liquor that Guy drinks at home following low points (9)","Answer":"MOONSHINE","Explanation":"Definition: Liquor\n **MOO** (to low like cattle) **+ NS** (North and South; points) **+** (**HE** [man; guy] **containing** [drinks] **IN** [at home])\n **MOO** **NS H** (**IN**) **E"} {"Clue":"River that can be seen to be losing volume, which is ludicrous (7)","Answer":"RISIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: ludicrous\n **R** (river) **+ VISIBLE** (can be seen) **excluding** (losing) **V** (volume)\n **R ISIBLE"} {"Clue":"Chap that is squirreling away Euros, primarily? (6)","Answer":"MEANIE","Explanation":"Definition: Chap that is squirreling away\n (**MAN** **+ IE** [id est]) **containing** (squirreling away) **E** (**first letter of** [primarily] **EUROS**)\n **M** (**E**) **AN** **IE"} {"Clue":"Macron, perhaps, rejected help to get attacker (9)","Answer":"DIACRITIC","Explanation":"Definition: Macron\n **AID** (help) **reversed** [rejected] **+ CRITIC** (fault-finder; attacker)\n **DIA**< **CRITIC"} {"Clue":"Home of slightly boring headwear (7)","Answer":"HABITAT","Explanation":"Definition: Home\n **HAT** (headwear) **containing** (home of) (**A BIT** [slightly])\n **H** (**A BIT**) **AT"} {"Clue":"I don't laugh a long time after everyone else (7)","Answer":"AGELAST","Explanation":"Definition: I don't laugh\n **AGE** (a long time) **+ LAST** (descriptive of the person behind everyone else in a race)\n **AGE LAST"} {"Clue":"Model sneered at Cockney (4,5)","Answer":"EAST ENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Cockney\n **Anagram of** (model) **SNEERED AT**\n **EAST ENDER"} {"Clue":"Reminder one with virus is in a bad way (8)","Answer":"SOUVENIR","Explanation":"Definition: Reminder\n **Anagram of** (in a bad way) **ONE** and [with] **VIRUS**\n **SOUVENIR"} {"Clue":"Essence of cake that's rising (3)","Answer":"NUB","Explanation":"Definition: Essence of\n **BUN** (cake) **reversed** (that's rising; down entry)\n **NUB**<"} {"Clue":"If absolutely necessary, un robinet, ein Hahn, un rubinetto, or \u00fcna spina (2,1,5)","Answer":"AT A PINCH","Explanation":"Definition: If absolutely necessary\n **AT A PINCH** can be written as **A TAP IN CH** or **A TAP IN Switzerland**. There are four languages used in Switzerland \u2013 un robinet is French for **A TAP**, ein Hahn is German for **A TAP**, un rubinetto is Italian for **A TAP** and I think, but can't confirm 100%, that una spina is Romansh for **A TAP**\n **AT A PINCH"} {"Clue":"Warning of short period without cover (4)","Answer":"OMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Warning\n **MOMENT** (short period of time) **excluding the outer letters** (without cover) **M and T**\n **OMEN"} {"Clue":"Can it sell out and cease trading? (4,2,4)","Answer":"SHUT UP SHOP","Explanation":"Definition: cease trading\n **SHUT UP** (stop talking; can it)\n **SHOP** (rat on; inform against; sell out)\n **SHUT UP SHOP"} {"Clue":"Responsible person conserves energy in race (6)","Answer":"CAREER","Explanation":"Definition: race\n **CARER** (responsible person) **containing** (conserves) **E** (energy)\n **CAR** (**E**) **ER** \u2013 either **E** can be the one contained"} {"Clue":"A good and upstanding prophet concurs (6)","Answer":"AGREES","Explanation":"Definition: concurs\n **A + G** (good) **+ SEER** (prophet) **reversed** (upstanding; down entry)\n **A G REES**<"} {"Clue":"Finish on a high, picking up answer, sort of (2,1,7)","Answer":"IN A FASHION","Explanation":"Definition: sort of\n **Anagram of** (high) **FINISH ON A** **containing** (picking up) **A** (answer)\n **IN A F** (**A**)** SHION*** \u2013 either **A** could be the one contained"} {"Clue":"Lucky escape, as Conservative is defeated with experience (5,5)","Answer":"CLOSE SHAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Lucky escape\n **C** (Conservative) **+ LOSES** (is defeated) **+ HAVE** (to experience)\n **C LOSE S HAVE"} {"Clue":"Give running account of one leaving red books at Eton's entrance (10)","Answer":"COMMENTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Give running account of\n **COMMIE** (communist; red) **excluding** (leaving)** I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ NT** (New Testament; books) **+ AT + E** (**first letter of** [entrance] **ETON**)\n **COMME** **NT** **AT** **E"} {"Clue":"Make labs seem chaotic (8)","Answer":"ASSEMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Make\n **Anagram of** (chaotic) **LABS SEEM**\n **ASSEMBLE"} {"Clue":"Sperm densities regularly start to rise in academic session (8)","Answer":"SEMESTER","Explanation":"Definition: academic session\n **SEMESTE** (l**etters 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13** [regularly] **of** **SPERM DENSITIES + R** (**first letter of** [start to] **RISE**)\n **SEMESTE R"} {"Clue":"It partly inspired rages (3,3)","Answer":"RED RAG","Explanation":"Definition: It\n **RED RAG** (**hidden word in** [partly] **INSPIRED RAGES**)\n **RED RAG"} {"Clue":"One offering shot of weapon to stop outlaw (6)","Answer":"BARMAN","Explanation":"Definition: One offering shot\n **ARM** (weapon) **contained in** (to stop) **BAN** (prohibit; outlaw)\n **B** (**ARM**) **AN"} {"Clue":"King briefly drinks (4)","Answer":"CHAS","Explanation":"Definition: drinks\n **CHAS** (short from of Charles [current King of the United Kingdom and the 14 other Commonwealth realms])\n **CHAS"} {"Clue":"Bit romantic partner on the way up after scratching bottom (3)","Answer":"TAD","Explanation":"Definition: Bit\n **DATE** (romantic partner) **excluding the final letter** (scratching bottom) **E** and then **reversed** (on the way up; down entry)\n **TAD**<"} {"Clue":"Rubbish poetry aches endlessly \u2013 that's the long and the short of it (7)","Answer":"TROCHEE","Explanation":"Definition: that's the long and the short of it\n **Anagram of** (rubbish) **POETRY** and **ACHES** **where the outer letters of each, PY and AS, are excluded** (endlessly) to leave only the letters **OETR** and **CHE** in the anagram\n **TROCHEE"} {"Clue":"Bungling pal fleeced by gold-digger in the end (7)","Answer":"AMATEUR","Explanation":"Definition: Bungling\n **MATE** (pal) **contained in** (fleeced by [wearing a coat of]) **AU** (chemical symbol for gold) **+ R** (**last letter of** [in the end]) **DIGGER**\n **A** (**MATE**) **U** **R"} {"Clue":"Front of blockade let down for liberal lord (5)","Answer":"LIEGE","Explanation":"Definition: lord\n **SIEGE** **excluding** (let down) **the first letter** (front) **S** and **replacing it with** (for) **L** (Liberal)\n **L** **IEGE"} {"Clue":"Looking in mirror, see what wicked types may be up to (3)","Answer":"TIL","Explanation":"Definition: up to\n **LIT** (descriptive of a object with a wick [wicked] that may be **LIT**) **reversed** (looking in mirror)\n **TIL**<"} {"Clue":"Carved item bound for synagogue possibly includes symbol different from cross (5,4)","Answer":"TOTEM","Explanation":"Definition: Carved item\n **TO** (towards; bound for) **+** (**TEMPLE** [a synagogue could be one of the types of building defined as a **TEMPLE**) **containing** (includes) **O** (a symbol different from an **X** [shape of a cross])\n **TO** **TEM P** (**O**) **LE"} {"Clue":"Once humans have died off, he'll really push the envelope \u2026 (7)","Answer":"POSTMAN","Explanation":"Definition: he'll really push the envelope\n **POST** (after \u2026 death; once \u2026 died off) **+ MAN** (humans)\n **POST MAN"} {"Clue":"\u2026 knocking around at nine hundred like Methuselah (7)","Answer":"ANCIENT","Explanation":"Definition: like Methuselah\n **Anagram of** (knocking around) **AT NINE** and **C** (Roman numeral for 100)\n **ANCIENT"} {"Clue":"Comic character's a friend of Batman and Superman? (5,10)","Answer":"ROBIN GOODFELLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Comic character'\n **ROBIN** (Batman has a friend called **ROBIN**) **+ GOODFELLOW** (Superman acts like a **GOOD FELLOW**)\n **ROBIN GOOD FELLOW"} {"Clue":"Head of airline's very happy to drop off old fighter pilot (7)","Answer":"AVIATOR","Explanation":"Definition: pilot\n **A** (**first letter of** [head of]) **+ V** (very) **+ GLADIATOR** (fighter of olden times) **excluding** (to drop off) **GLAD** (happy)\n **A V IATOR"} {"Clue":"One who fancies getting married, perhaps? (7)","Answer":"ADMIRER","Explanation":"Definition: One who fancies\n **Anagram of** (perhaps) **MARRIED**\n **ADMIRER"} {"Clue":"Cooler's nice and fiery wings discounted (5)","Answer":"ICIER","Explanation":"Definition: Cooler\n **NICE** + **FIERY** **where the outer letters of each, NE and FY, are excluded** (wings discounted) This is a similar device to that used in the clue for **TROCHEE** at 7 across\n **IC IER"} {"Clue":"Hamburger's good and natural (3)","Answer":"GUT","Explanation":"Definition: Hamburger's good\n **GUT** (Bradford's Crossword Solver's Dictionary lists **GUT** as a definition for **NATURAL**, Chambers defines **GUT** as instinctive which I suppose is close to **NATURAL** and Collins has **GUT** as characterised by what is **NATURAL**) **double definition**\n **GUT"} {"Clue":"Unprofessionally laid down in the middle of pillow fight (3-2)","Answer":"LOW-FI","Explanation":"Definition: Unprofessionally\n **LOW-FI** (**hidden word in** [laid down in the middle of] **PILLOW FIGHT**)\n **LOW-FI"} {"Clue":"Wolf impressed by home that's most unlike a pig sty (7)","Answer":"NEATEST","Explanation":"Definition: most unlike a pig sty\n **EAT** (wolf [down]) **contained in** (impressed by [fixed deeply]) **NEST** (den; home for animals or birds)\n **N** (**EAT**) **EST"} {"Clue":"Sister bandages injury at work, ultimately doing this? (7)","Answer":"NURSING","Explanation":"Definition: this\n (**NUN** [sister] **containing** [bandages] **RSI** [Repetitive Strain Injury {an injury often related to excessive data input or other physical tasks that are undertaken repeatedly}]) **+ G** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **DOING**)\n **NU** (**RSI**) **N** **G"} {"Clue":"Calm helper regularly stops P G Wodehouse's lead character getting upset (6)","Answer":"PHLEGM","Explanation":"Definition: Calm\n **HLE** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] of **HELPER**) **contained in** (stops) (**P + G + M** (**W** [**first letter of** [lead character of] **W**ODEHOUSE **turned upside down** [upset] to form **M** )\n **P** (**HLE**) **G** **M"} {"Clue":"Novel about small vessel almost too detailed (4,4)","Answer":"WENT INTO","Explanation":"Definition: detailed\n **NEW** (novel) **reversed** (about) **+ TIN** (small vessel) **+ TOO** **excluding the final letter** (almost) **O**\n **WEN**< **T IN** **TO"} {"Clue":"Spanish dish needing one bone but tossing out another (6)","Answer":"PAELLA","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish dish\n **PATELLA** (kneecap; bone) **excluding** (tossing out) **T** (reference a **T**-bone steak)\n **PAELLA"} {"Clue":"Old writer taps tablet to reveal parody (8)","Answer":"PASTICHE","Explanation":"Definition: parody\n **PAST** (former; old) **+ I** (the writer) **+** (**C** [cold] **+ H** [hot] \u2013 taps) **+ ****E** (reference an ecstasy tablet)\n **PAST I C H E"} {"Clue":"Master has flogger in Fifty Shades of Grey? (4,6)","Answer":"BEST SELLER","Explanation":"Definition: Fifty Shades of Grey\n **BEST** (win against; master) **+ SELLER** (someone who flogs [informal terms for sells] things; flogger)\n **BEST SELLER"} {"Clue":"Talented but short Poirot figured out quick getaway method (13)","Answer":"TELEPORTATION","Explanation":"Definition: quick getaway method\n **Anagram of** (figured out) **TALENTED** **excluding the final letter** (but short) **D** and **POIROT**\n **TELEPORTATION"} {"Clue":"Doing job from home, or sticking the telly on? (6,7)","Answer":"REMOTE WORKING","Explanation":"Definition: Doing job from home\n **REMOTE WORKING** (using the **REMOTE** control device to switch on the television) double definition, one slightly cryptic\n **REMOTE WORKING"} {"Clue":"Such a message in album is unexpectedly left (10)","Answer":"SUBLIMINAL","Explanation":"Definition: Such a message\n **Anagram of** (unexpectedly) **IN ALBUM IS** **+ L** (left)\n **SUBLIMINA*** **L"} {"Clue":"They'll draw up contracts excluding certain stars (8)","Answer":"NOTARIES","Explanation":"Definition: They'll draw up contracts\n **NOT** (excluding) **+ ARIES** (a specific [certain] constellation; stars)\n **NOT ARIES"} {"Clue":"Row about high-pitched electronic beeping on phone (4,4)","Answer":"DIAL TONE","Explanation":"Definition: beeping on phone\n (**DIN** (noise; row] **containing** [about] **ALTO** [high falsetto male voice]) **+ E** (electronic)\n **DI** (**AL TO**) **N** **E"} {"Clue":"High-flying American brothers picked up parts of bill (6)","Answer":"RIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: parts of bill\n **RIGHTS** (sounds like [picked] up **WRIGHTS** (reference the American brothers Orville [1871-1948] and Wilbur [1867-1912] **WRIGHT**, aviation pioneers \u2013 high flying brothers)\n **RIGHTS"} {"Clue":"Flat whites you wouldn't want to swallow (6)","Answer":"MOLARS","Explanation":"Definition: Flat whites you wouldn't want to swallow (6)\n **MOLARS** (you wouldn't want to swallow your **MOLARS** but you might want to swallow a flat-white coffee [one made by adding steamed milk to a shot of espresso])\n **MOLARS"} {"Clue":"Court order put solicitor's nose out of joint (4)","Answer":"WRIT","Explanation":"Definition: Court order\n **WRIST** (joint connecting the hand to the arm) **excluding** (out of) **S** (**first letter of** [nose] **SOLICITOR**)\n **WRIT"} {"Clue":"Explosive artillery holds in reversing rupture (6)","Answer":"HERNIA","Explanation":"Definition: rupture\n **HE** ([High] explosive] **+** (**RA** [Royal] Artillery] **containing** [holds] **IN** **reversed** [reversing])\n **HE** **R** (**NI**<) **A"} {"Clue":"Gun going off boy becomes miserable (6)","Answer":"UNGLAD","Explanation":"Definition: miserable\n **Anagram of** (going off) **GUN** **+ LAD** (boy)\n **UNG*** **LAD"} {"Clue":"Driver on probation, I oiled car roughly weekly, say (10)","Answer":"PERIODICAL","Explanation":"Definition: weekly, say\n **P** (plate on a car in some countries indicating that the driver has a provisional licence or is newly qualified; driver on probation) **+ an anagram of** (roughly) **I OILED CAR**)\n **P ERIODICAL"} {"Clue":"Opening created by bullet remaining (5)","Answer":"TREMA","Explanation":"Definition: Opening\n **TREMA** (**hidden word in** [created by] **BULLET REMAINING**) If you take the letters **TREMA** out of **BULLE INING** you create an opening in the remaining letters\n **TREMA"} {"Clue":"Bit of timber in dry measure thereof (5)","Answer":"STERE","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of timber in dry measure thereof\n **T** (**first letter of** [bit of] **TIMBER**) **contained in** (in) **SERE** (alternative spelling of **SEAR** [dry and withered])\n **S** (**T**) **ERE"} {"Clue":"Feudal court changed method (not hard) after conflict (8)","Answer":"WARD-MOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Feudal court\n **WAR** (conflict) **+ an anagram of** (changed) **METHOD** **excluding** (not) H (hard, when describing pencil lead)\n **WAR** **D-MOTE"} {"Clue":"Holy ascetic, sober heartless Hindu (5)","Answer":"SADHU","Explanation":"Definition: Holy ascetic\n **SAD** (sober) **+ HU** (**letters remaining in HINDU when the central letters IND are removed** [heartless])\n **SAD HU"} {"Clue":"Historical document, part about university (5)","Answer":"ROULE","Explanation":"Definition: Historical document\n **ROLE** (part [in a play] **containing** [about] **U** [university])\n **RO** (**U**) **LE"} {"Clue":"Stuff hole in tip of scabbard (7)","Answer":"CRAMPIT","Explanation":"Definition: tip of scabbard\n **CRAM** (stuff) **+ PIT** (hole in the ground)\n **CRAM PIT"} {"Clue":"Primitive creatures? See one twinkling on a bee flying (7)","Answer":"AMOEBAE","Explanation":"Definition: Primitive creatures\n **AMO** (?) **+ an anagram of** (flying) **A BEE**\n **AMO**** EBAE"} {"Clue":"Lost lingo included in central tenet of Confucianism (5)","Answer":"TAINO","Explanation":"Definition: Lost lingo\n **IN contained in** (included in) **TAO** (the absolute entity which is the source of all existence and change in Confucianism and some other philosophies) I am not sure about this parsing.\n **TA** (**IN**) **O"} {"Clue":"Take heed about prime element of baby's rearing (5)","Answer":"CABRE","Explanation":"Definition: rearing\n **CARE** (take heed) **containing** (about) **B** (**first letter o**f [prime element of] **BABY**)\n **CA** (**B**) **RE"} {"Clue":"Dad worked with regular features of comical mental state (8)","Answer":"PARANOIA","Explanation":"Definition: mental state\n **PA** (father; dad) **+ RAN** (worked) **+ OIA** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regular features] of COMICAL)\n **PA RAN OIA"} {"Clue":"Neckwear displayed by one north of the border (5)","Answer":"ASCOT","Explanation":"Definition: Neckwear\n **A SCOT** (person from north of the border between **SCOT**land and England)\n **A SCOT"} {"Clue":"Aid in forecasting weather without extremes person describes (5)","Answer":"SONDE","Explanation":"Definition: Aid in forecasting weather\n **SONDE** (**hidden word in** [without extremities] **PERSON DESCRIBES**)\n **SONDE"} {"Clue":"Chap leading a lesson about one type of rock deformation (10)","Answer":"CATACLASIS","Explanation":"Definition: type of rock deformation\n **CAT** (man, chap, as in 'he's a cool **CAT**') **+ A +** (**CLASS** [lesson] **containing** [about] **I** [Roman numeral for one])\n **CAT** **A** **CLAS** (**I**) **S"} {"Clue":"Rarely dull, crazy don goes round tub swimming (6)","Answer":"OBTUND","Explanation":"Definition: Rarely dull\n **Anagram of** (crazy) **DON** **containing** (goes round) **an anagram of** (swimming) **TUB**\n **O** (**BTU***) **ND"} {"Clue":"Church in scattered arrangement (6)","Answer":"SCHEME","Explanation":"Definition: arrangement\n **CH** (church) **contained in** (in) **SEME** (strewn or scattered over with small bearings, powdered)\n **S** (**CH**) **EME"} {"Clue":"Wee fish that is tailing pike, see (6)","Answer":"GARVIE","Explanation":"Definition: Wee fish\n **GAR** (**GAR**fish, a pike-like fish) **+ V** (vide; see [Latin] **+ IE** (id est; that is)\n **GAR V IE"} {"Clue":"Tumours mum's taken in to treat misshapen one (10)","Answer":"TERATOMATA","Explanation":"Definition: Tumours\n (**MA** [mother; mum] **contained in** [taken in] **an anagram of** [misshapen] **TO TREAT**) **+ A**\n **TERATO** (**MA**) **T*** A"} {"Clue":"Acting after tipple? Such a one may be sensational (5)","Answer":"DRAMA","Explanation":"Definition: Such a one may be sensational\n **DRAM** (small drink of alcohol; tipple) **+ A** (acting)\n **DRAM A"} {"Clue":"Monster that's tucked into Asiatic bird, a kind of poultry (7)","Answer":"MINORCA","Explanation":"Definition: kind of poultry\n **ORC** (mythical fierce sea monster) **contained in** (tucked into) **MINA** (alternative spelling of **MYNA**, any of various related sturnoid Asiatic birds)\n **MIN** (**ORC**) **A"} {"Clue":"Rib involved outlay for Adam, without restraint (5)","Answer":"COSTA","Explanation":"Definition: Rib\n **COST** (expense; outlay) **+ ADAM** **excluding** (without) **DAM** (embankment to restrain water)\n **COST A"} {"Clue":"Bushman's shield \u2013 animal he's flayed to make it (8)","Answer":"HIELAMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Bushman's shield\n **Anagram of** (flayed) **ANIMAL HE**\n **HIELAMAN"} {"Clue":"Fellow consuming college recipe for young fish (5)","Answer":"SCROD","Explanation":"Definition: young fish\n **SOD** (non-pejorative term for a chap or fellow) **containing** (consuming) (**C** [college] **+ R** [recipe {Latin}])\n **S** (**C** **R**) **OD"} {"Clue":"Make a mess of roll, twisting leg (6)","Answer":"BUNGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Make a mess of\n **BUN** (bread roll) +** an anagram of** (twisted) **LEG**\n **BUN** **GLE"} {"Clue":"Lost to view (5)","Answer":"PERDU","Explanation":"Definition: Lost to view\n This is definition only clue for the clue-writing competition, so there is no wordplay."} {"Clue":"Eastern cloth (strong) thought appropriate for urchins (10)","Answer":"ECHINOIDEA","Explanation":"Definition: urchins\n **E** (Eastern) **+ CHINO** ( strong cloth of twilled cotton) **+ IDEA** (thought)\n **E CHINO IDEA"} {"Clue":"Morecambe maybe intercepts diverted call about office work (8)","Answer":"CLERICAL","Explanation":"Definition: office work\n **ERIC** (reference **ERIC** Morecambe [1926-1984], English comedian, best known as one half of Morecambe and Wise) **contained in** (intercepts) **an anagram of** (diverted) **CALL**\n **CL** (**ERIC**) **AL"} {"Clue":"Second hearing to do with network surrounding queen (7)","Answer":"RETRIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Second hearing\n **RETIAL** (descriptive of a network) **containing** (surrounding) **R** (Regina; queen)\n **RET** (**R**) **IAL"} {"Clue":"Rules for jousting, boring, Earl penned with love (6)","Answer":"DUELLO","Explanation":"Definition: Rules for jousting\n **E** (Earl) **contained in** (penned) **DULL** (boring) **+ O** (character representing zero [love score in tennis])\n **DU** (**E**) **LL O"} {"Clue":"Lives with right leg in chains (5)","Answer":"IRONS","Explanation":"Definition: chains\n **IS** (lives) **containing** (with \u2026 in) (**R** [right] **+ ON** [the **ON** side in cricket is also known as the **LEG** side)\n **I** (**R ON**) **S"} {"Clue":"Meal I avoided in disorganized parties (6)","Answer":"REPAST","Explanation":"Definition: Meal\n **Anagram of** (disorganized) **PARTIES** **excluding** (avoided) **I**\n **REPAST"} {"Clue":"Keep moist, having firm footing by the sound of it (5)","Answer":"BASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Keep moist\n **BASTE** (sounds like [by the sound of it] **BASED** [having firm footing)\n **BASTE"} {"Clue":"Who may be seen aboard bottom at Lowestoft? (5)","Answer":"MATLO","Explanation":"Definition: Who may be seen aboard bottom at Lowestoft\n **MATLO** (**hidden word in** [can be seen aboard] **BOTTOM AT LOWESTOFT**) Lowestoft is a seaport in the English county of Suffolk)\n **MATLO"} {"Clue":"Composer cutting last slow movement (5)","Answer":"LASSU","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\n **LASSUS** (reference Orlande de **LASSUS** [1532-1594], Flemish composer) **excluding the final letter** (cutting last) **S**\n **LASSU"} {"Clue":"Master no longer wanting to be in charge? (9)","Answer":"OVERPOWER","Explanation":"Definition: Master\n **OVER** (finished; no longer) **+ POWER** ([have] authority; be in charge)\n **OVER POWER"} {"Clue":"I left in time, moving smartly (5)","Answer":"AGILE","Explanation":"Definition: moving smartly\n **AGILE** (**I + L** [left]) **contained in** (in) **AGE** (period of time)\n **AG** (**I L**) **E"} {"Clue":"Husband getting wrong fish (7)","Answer":"HERRING","Explanation":"Definition: fish\n **H** (Husband) **+ ERRING** (doing or getting wrong)\n **H ERRING"} {"Clue":"Bad-tempered member of comedy team finishing early before end of day (7)","Answer":"GROUCHY","Explanation":"Definition: Bad-tempered\n **GROUCHO** (reference Julius Henry [**GROUCHO**] Marx [1905-1976]. one of the Marx Brothers comedy act) **excluding the final letter** (finishing early) **O** **+ Y** (**last letter of** [end of] **DAY**\n **GROUCH Y"} {"Clue":"Met, perhaps, by rear of these trees (5)","Answer":"COPSE","Explanation":"Definition: trees\n **COPS** (the **MET**ropolitan Police in London is staffed by policemen [**COPS**]) **+ E** (**last letter of** [rear of] **THESE**)\n **COPS E"} {"Clue":"Large piece of infrastructure, clean, mostly constructed from the rear (6,3)","Answer":"HOOVER DAM","Explanation":"Definition: Large piece of infrastructure\n **HOOVER** (clean [with a vacuum cleaner]) **+ MADE** (constructed) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **E reversed** (from the rear)\n **HOOVER** **DAM**<"} {"Clue":"Now aiding any deaths at sea (2,4,3,3,3)","Answer":"IN THIS DAY AND AGE","Explanation":"Definition: Now\n **Anagram of** (at sea) **AIDING ANY DEATHS**\n **IN THIS DAY AND AGE"} {"Clue":"Respect shown by knight in honour is excellent (9)","Answer":"OBEISANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Respect\n **N** (knight) **contained in** (in) (**OBE** [Order of the British Empire; honour] **+ IS + ACE** [excellent])\n **OBE** **IS A** (**N**) **CE"} {"Clue":"Holiday venue providing lots of entertainment after surprised response (5)","Answer":"CORFU","Explanation":"Definition: Holiday venue\n **COR** (expression of surprise) **+ FU** (**two of the three letters of** [lots of] **FUN** [entertainment])\n **COR** **FU"} {"Clue":"Sort that is stored in glasses (7)","Answer":"SPECIES","Explanation":"Definition: Sort\n **IE** (id est; that is) **contained in** (is stored in) **SPECS** (**SPEC**tacle**S**; glasses)\n **SPEC** (**IE**) **S"} {"Clue":"Bird: pointer given to 22A (7)","Answer":"SPARROW","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n **SP** (**SPECIES** [22 across]) + **ARROW** (pointer)\n **SP** **ARROW"} {"Clue":"Attractive, but avoiding trap? Excellent (5)","Answer":"MAGIC","Explanation":"Definition: Excellent\n **MAGNETIC** (attractive) **excluding** (avoiding) **NET** (trap)\n **MAGIC"} {"Clue":"An insect's fluttering without pause (9)","Answer":"INCESSANT","Explanation":"Definition: without pause\n **Anagram of** (fluttering) **AN INSECT'S**\n **INCESSANT"} {"Clue":"Second group of shops retaining small quantity of coffee, say ultimate in espresso coffee (10)","Answer":"MOCHACCINO","Explanation":"Definition: coffee\n **MO** (moment) **+** (**CHAIN** [group of shops] **containing** [retaining] **CC** [cubic centimetre [small quantity of a liquid, coffee for example]) **+ O** (**last letter of** [ultimate in] **ESPRESSO**\n **MO** **CHA** (**CC**) **IN** **O"} {"Clue":"Judicial decision curtailed by depression of the elderly? (8)","Answer":"DECREPIT","Explanation":"Definition: of the elderly\n **DECREE** (judicial decision) **excluding the final letter** (curtailed) **+ PIT** (depression)\n **DECRE** **PIT"} {"Clue":"Animosity surrounds source of Russian icon (6)","Answer":"SPRITE","Explanation":"Definition: icon\n **SPITE** (animosity) **containing** (surrounds) **R** (**first letter of** [source of] **RUSSIAN**)\n **SP** (**R**) **ITE"} {"Clue":"Small shake will do for window curtain (4)","Answer":"SWAG","Explanation":"Definition: window curtain\n **S** (small) **+ WAG** (shake to and fro)\n **S WAG"} {"Clue":"Fellow in basic accommodation possibly mined gold in ancient city on borders of Thrace (10)","Answer":"TROGLODYTE","Explanation":"Definition: Fellow in basic accommodation\n **Anagram of** (mined) **GOLD contained in** (in) **TROY** (ancient city) **+ TE** (**outer letters of** [borders of] **THRACE**)\n **TRO** (**GLOD***) **Y** **TE"} {"Clue":"European leader giving European rejection about a European (8)","Answer":"NAPOLEON","Explanation":"Definition: European leader\n **NON** (French [European] word for no [rejection]) **containing** (about) (**A** **+ POLE** [native])\n **N** (**A POLE**) **ON"} {"Clue":"Science presented in video is likely to stick (6)","Answer":"VISCID","Explanation":"Definition: likely to stick\n **SCI** (science) **contained in** (presented in) **VID** (video recording)\n **VI** (**SCI**) **D"} {"Clue":"Women collectively behave very heartlessly (4)","Answer":"BEVY","Explanation":"Definition: Women collectively\n **BE + VY** (l**etters remaining in each of BEHAVE and VERY when the central letters EHAV and ER are removed** [heartlessly])\n **BE VY"} {"Clue":"Noticed his bent towards pleasure (10)","Answer":"HEDONISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: towards pleasure\n **Anagram of** (bent) **NOTICED HIS**\n **HEDONISTIC"} {"Clue":"Fitting to get informed about encounter (4,2,4)","Answer":"MEET UP WITH","Explanation":"Definition: encounter\n **MEET** (be suitable for; fitting) **+ UP WITH** (abreast of; informed)\n **MEET UP WITH"} {"Clue":"Fools picked up, taken to Court, following popular response (8)","Answer":"INSTINCT","Explanation":"Definition: response\n **IN** (popular) + **NITS** (fools) **reversed** (picked up; down entry) **+ CT** (court)\n **IN STIN**< **CT"} {"Clue":"Uppity attitude adopted by a relative about running the farm (8)","Answer":"AGRARIAN","Explanation":"Definition: about running the farm\n **AIR** (attitude) **reversed** (uppity; down entry) **contained in** (adopted by) (**A + GRAN** [grandmother; relative])\n **A GRA** (**RIA**<) **N"} {"Clue":"Go strangely green with envy ultimately (6)","Answer":"ENERGY","Explanation":"Definition: Go\n **Anagram of** (strangely) **GREEN + Y** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **ENVY**)\n **ENERG*** **Y"} {"Clue":"Rough vehicles heading east, circling Ohio (6)","Answer":"COARSE","Explanation":"Definition: Rough\n (**CARS** [vehicles] **+ E** [East]) **containing** (circling) **O** (Ohio)\n **C** (**O**) **ARS** **E"} {"Clue":"Sport over following result (4)","Answer":"SUMO","Explanation":"Definition: Sport\n **SUM** (result of an addition) **+ O** (over)\n **SUM O"} {"Clue":"Feeling unwell? No time for criticism (4)","Answer":"SICK","Explanation":"Definition: Feeling unwell\n **STICK** (criticism) **excluding** (no) **T** (time)\n **SICK"} {"Clue":"Sailor prodded by Rear Admiral waving flag in battle (9)","Answer":"TRAFALGAR","Explanation":"Definition: battle\n **TAR** (sailor) **containing** (prodded by) (**RA** [Rear Admiral] + **an anagram of** [waving] **FLAG** )\n **T** (**RA** **FALG***) **AR"} {"Clue":"The sound of humming bird's call in verse form (5)","Answer":"HAIKU","Explanation":"Definition: verse form\n **HAIKU** (**sounds like** [the sound of] **HIGH COO**. Humming birds have a very **HIGH** pitched call [**COO**])\n **HAIKU"} {"Clue":"The writer joins Jessica in 7 for a medley (7)","Answer":"MELANGE","Explanation":"Definition: medley\n **ME** (the writer) **+ LANGE** (reference film [**CINEMA**, entry at 7 down] American actress Jessica **LANGE** [born 1949])\n **ME LANGE"} {"Clue":"Long-distance travellers, parsecs away (7)","Answer":"SPACERS","Explanation":"Definition: Long-distance travellers\n **Anagram of** (away) **PARSECS**\n **SPACERS"} {"Clue":"One can't fly through the multiverse (3)","Answer":"EMU","Explanation":"Definition: One can't fly\n **EMU** (**hidden word in** [through] **THE MULTIVERSE)**\n **EMU"} {"Clue":"African state without capital goes into negative profit sometimes (3,3,5)","Answer":"NOW AND AGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: sometimes\n **RWANDA** (African state) **excluding the first letter** (without capital) **contained in** (goes into) (**NO** [negative] **+ GAIN** [profit])\n **NO W AND A GAIN"} {"Clue":"Finally upgraded craft association (5)","Answer":"GUILD","Explanation":"Definition: craft association\n **GUILE** (cunning; deceit; craft) **with the last letter** (finally) **E** upgraded to **D**, as in an exam grade being improved from **E** to **D**\n **GUIL D**\n **GUILD"} {"Clue":"Ready for trip to Transylvania and even parts of Algeria (3)","Answer":"LEI","Explanation":"Definition: Ready for trip to Transylvania\n **LEI** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [even parts] of **ALGERIA**)\n **LEI"} {"Clue":"Add excitement to long films having switched endings (5)","Answer":"SPICE","Explanation":"Definition: Add excitement to\n **EPICS** (long films) **with the first and last letters** [ending] **replacing each other** [switched] to form **SPICE**\n **SPICE"} {"Clue":"Garden fly is flying around plant (5,6)","Answer":"LADY","Explanation":"Definition: plant\n **Anagram of** (flying around) **GARDEN FLY IS**\n **LADY'S FINGER"} {"Clue":"Desert area, say, without river (3)","Answer":"ERG","Explanation":"Definition: Desert area\n **EG** (for example; say) **containing** (outwith [outside]) **R** (river) 'outwith' is a very common word in Scotland, for example when referring to someone who lives outwith the local area)\n **E** (**R**) **G"} {"Clue":"Former PM caught knocking prince out (7)","Answer":"CANNING","Explanation":"Definition: Former PM\n **C** (caught) **+ PANNING** (**criticising** [knocking]) **excluding** (out) **P** (prince)\n **C ANNING"} {"Clue":"What measures I encountered when diving into a foreign sea (7)","Answer":"AMMETER","Explanation":"Definition: What measures I\n **MET** (encountered) **contained in** (diving into) (**A + MER** [French [foreign] for 'sea' or \"ocean')\n **A M** (**MET**) **ER"} {"Clue":"A husband breaks vow in church state (5)","Answer":"IDAHO","Explanation":"Definition: state\n (**A + H** [husband]) **contained in** (breaks) **I DO** (a vow expressed when getting married in church [or anywhere])\n **I D** (**A H**) **O"} {"Clue":"Byzantine church feature with two heads (5,4)","Answer":"ONION DOME","Explanation":"Definition: Byzantine church feature\n **ONION** (slang term for the head) **+ DOME** (another term for head as it resembles a hemispherical vault shaped like a head) giving two heads\n **ONION DOME"} {"Clue":"Face complaint about major road block (6)","Answer":"STYMIE","Explanation":"Definition: block\n **STYE** (small inflamed swelling at the edge of the eyelid, caused by bacterial infection; face complaint) **containing** (about) **MI** (the **M1** motorway is a major road in England)\n **STY** (**MI**) **E"} {"Clue":"One religious teacher keeled over after eating egg and cheese (8)","Answer":"HALLOUMI","Explanation":"Definition: cheese\n ([**I** {Roman numeral for one} **+ MULLAH** {Muslim teacher}] **containing** [eating] **O** [character representing the shape of an egg]) **all reversed** (keeled over)\n (**HALL** (**O**) **UM** **I**)<"} {"Clue":"Batteries available with promotion in Riviera resort (10)","Answer":"CANNONADES","Explanation":"Definition: Batteries\n (**ON** [available, as in 'it's **ON** the menu')] **+ AD** (advertisement; promotion]) **contained in** (in) **CANNES** (resort on the French Riviera)\n **CANN** (**ON** **AD**) **ES"} {"Clue":"Stare at search engine when out of work (4)","Answer":"OGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Stare at\n **GOOGLE** (example of a search engine) **excluding **(out of)** GO** (work)\n **OGLE"} {"Clue":"Mutant regent's nip is showing (10)","Answer":"PRESENTING","Explanation":"Definition: showing\n **Anagram of** (mutant) **REGENT'S NIP**\n **PRESENTING"} {"Clue":"Aged hero oddly doing headstand to see the moon (4)","Answer":"RHEA","Explanation":"Definition: moon\n **RHEA** (**AEHR** [letters 1, 3, 5 and 7 [oddly] of **AGED HERO**]) **reversed** (doing headstand; down entry)\n **RHEA**<"} {"Clue":"Naughty Mexican casts adults-only flicks (6)","Answer":"CINEMA","Explanation":"Definition: flicks\n **Anagram of** (naughty) **MEXICAN** **excluding** (casts) **X** (classification indicating a film suitable for adults only)\n **CINEMA"} {"Clue":"Subtlety is introduced? That's a pest (8)","Answer":"NUISANCE","Explanation":"Definition: That's a pest\n **IS contained in** (introduced) **NUANCE** (subtlety)\n **NU** (**IS**) **ANCE"} {"Clue":"Anglo-Irish Duke or Welsh Duke? (10)","Answer":"WELLINGTON","Explanation":"Definition: Anglo-Irish Duke\n **W** (Welsh) **+ ELLINGTON** (reference Duke **ELLINGTON** [Edward Kennedy \"Duke\" **ELLINGTON** [1899-1974], American jazz pianist)\n **W ELLINGTON"} {"Clue":"Training of son matters for 11 (10)","Answer":"ASSORTMENT","Explanation":"Definition: 11\n **Anagram of** (training) **SON MATTERS**\n **ASSORTMENT"} {"Clue":"Girl at function in charge of lots of stars (8)","Answer":"GALACTIC","Explanation":"Definition: of lots of stars\n **GAL** (girl) **+ ACT** (perform; function) **+ I\/C** (in charge)\n **GAL ACT IC"} {"Clue":"Formation of concepts in countryside at Iona (8)","Answer":"IDEATION","Explanation":"Definition: Formation of concepts\n **IDEATION** (hidden word in [in] **COUNTRYSIDE AT IONA**)\n **IDEATION"} {"Clue":"Dancer strangled debt collector with abandon (6)","Answer":"DUNCAN","Explanation":"Definition: Dancer strangled\n **DUN** (some who collects debts) **+ CAN** (stop doing something; abandon)\n **DUN CAN"} {"Clue":"It's said the composer has a hospital trolley this composer (4,6)","Answer":"IVOR","Explanation":"Definition: composer\n **IVOR** (sounds like [it's said] **I HAVE A** [has]) **+ GURNEY** (wheeled stretcher or cart [as used in a hospital, etc])\n **IVOR GURNEY"} {"Clue":"A journey almost entirely without water (4)","Answer":"ARID","Explanation":"Definition: without water\n **A + RIDE** (journey) excluding the final letter (almost entirely)\n **A RID"} {"Clue":"Ditch has to be found in county (6)","Answer":"DISOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Ditch\n **IS** (has to be) **contained in** (found in) **DOWN** (reference County **DOWN**, one of the six Counties of Northern Ireland)\n **D** (**IS**) **OWN"} {"Clue":"Standard requirements on application form reversed for wine seller (6)","Answer":"BODEGA","Explanation":"Definition: wine seller\n (**AGE** **+ DOB** [date of birth], both are standard requirements on some application forms) **all reversed** (reversed)\n (**BOD** **EGA**)<"} {"Clue":"Peas in a pod hard when served with roast beef, if out to lunch (5,2,1,7)","Answer":"BIRDS OF A FEATHER","Explanation":"Definition: Peas in a pod\n **Anagram of** (out to lunch) **HARD** and [when served with] **ROAST BEEF IF**\n **BIRDS OF A FEATHER"} {"Clue":"Nobody has time at the moment (6)","Answer":"MINNOW","Explanation":"Definition: Nobody\n **MIN** (minute; time) **+ NOW** (at the moment)\n **MIN NOW"} {"Clue":"Chances are minimal in the end, very young earner has admitted? (8)","Answer":"PROBABLY","Explanation":"Definition: Chances are\n (**PRO** [professional; one who is paid; earner] **+ BABY** [someone very young]) **containing** (has admitted) **L** (**final letter of** [in the end] **MINIMAL**)\n **PRO** **BAB** (**L**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Politician always backwardlooking, noxious air nauseating, ultimately (4-4)","Answer":"REES-MOGG","Explanation":"Definition: Politician\n **E'ER** (ever; always) **reversed** (backward looking) **+ SMOG** (smoky fog, noxious air) **+ G** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **NAUSEATING**)\n **REE**< **S MOG** **G"} {"Clue":"Where Cassini ended mission, go beyond it (6)","Answer":"SATURN","Explanation":"Definition: Where Cassini ended mission\n **SA** (sex appeal; it) **+ TURN** (go)\n **SA TURN"} {"Clue":"Headline story from page penned by hack (6)","Answer":"SPLASH","Explanation":"Definition: Headline story\n **P** (page) **contained in** (penned by) **SLASH** (hack)\n **S** (**P**) **LASH"} {"Clue":"Comedian with run of six characters making comeback, we hear? (5,3)","Answer":"PETER KAY","Explanation":"Definition: Comedian\n **PETER KAY** (**sounds like** [we hear] **P to K**, a **reversed** [making comeback] run of six letters [characters] of the alphabet **PONMLK**)\n **PETER KAY"} {"Clue":"Some singing 'n' dancing originally in Hollywood film (2,2,4)","Answer":"LA LA LAND","Explanation":"Definition: Hollywood film\n **LA LA LA** (example of singing) **+ N + D** (**first letter of** [originally] **DANCING**)\n **LA LA LA** **N D"} {"Clue":"Royal awards ceremony's ending in hour: Britons had to be decorated (8,7)","Answer":"BIRTHDAY HONOURS","Explanation":"Definition: Royal awards\n **Anagram of** (to be decorated) **Y** (**last letter of** [ending in] **CEREMONY**) and **HOUR BRITONS HAD** \n **BIRTHDAY HONOURS"} {"Clue":"Article or essay's backing conjecture (6)","Answer":"THEORY","Explanation":"Definition: conjecture\n **THE** (definite article) **+ OR + Y** [**final letter of** [backing] **ESSAY**)\n **THE OR Y"} {"Clue":"Rubbish recycling set amid predicament (6)","Answer":"JETSAM","Explanation":"Definition: Rubbish\n **Anagram of** (recycling) **SET contained in** (amid) **JAM** (predicament) \u2013 **SET** could also be seen as [re]cycling to form **ETS**\n **J** (**ETS***) **AM"} {"Clue":"One locked up by judge for unholy crime? (7)","Answer":"DEICIDE","Explanation":"Definition: unholy crime\n **I** (Roman numeral for one) **contained in** (locked up by) **DECIDE** (judge)\n **DE** (**I**) **CIDE"} {"Clue":"As De Niro might say, 'Take a seat' in an old chair (5)","Answer":"SEDAN","Explanation":"Definition: old chair\n **SEDAN** (**sounds like** [might say] the way American actor Robert De Niro [born 1943] might pronounce **SIT DOWN** [take a seat])\n **SEDAN"} {"Clue":"Show how novel is biographical reference (4,3)","Answer":"WHO","Explanation":"Definition: biographical reference\n **Anagram of** (novel) **SHOW HOW**\n **WHO'S** **WHO"} {"Clue":"Demanding love, Gloriana entertained by wit (7)","Answer":"ONEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Demanding\n **O** (character representing zero [love score in tennis]) **+** (**ER** [Gloriana is a reference to the Faerie Queen {Elizabeth Regina?}] **contained in** [entertained by] **NOUS** [intellect; wit]) \u2013 Gloriana was also the name of the barge that Queen Elizabeth II travelled in during her 2012 Diamond Jubilee celebrations.\n **O** **N** (**ER**) **OUS"} {"Clue":"Cooler, retired agricultural worker? (9)","Answer":"EXTRACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Cooler,\n **EX** (former; retired) **+ TRACTOR** (vehicle \/ machinery used in agricultural work)\n **EX TRACTOR"} {"Clue":"Ringed zone around old lake and river (7)","Answer":"AREOLAR","Explanation":"Definition: Ringed\n (**AREA** [zone] **containing** [around] [**O** {old} **+ L** {lake}]) **+ R** (river)\n **ARE** (**O** **L**) **A** **R"} {"Clue":"Where accessory may be left in the gap that's up the wall (6)","Answer":"HATPEG","Explanation":"Definition: Where accessory may be left\n **Anagram of** (that's up the wall) **THE GAP**\n **HATPEG"} {"Clue":"Where ships are in peril, Pacific port offers sanctuary to sailor (3,6)","Answer":"SEA BATTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Where ships are in peril\n **SEATTLE** (port on Pacific Coast of the United States) **containing** (offers sanctuary to) **AB** (Able Seaman; sailor)\n **SE** (**A B**) **ATTLE"} {"Clue":"Might one wish to warm fingers up in scaling of Mount Sinai, perhaps? (7)","Answer":"PIANIST","Explanation":"Definition: Might one wish to warm fingers up in scaling\n **PIANIST** (**reversed** [up \/ scaling of; down entry] **hidden word in MOUNT SINAI PERHAPS**)\n **PIANIST**<"} {"Clue":"Grey has overcome rise of red squirrel (7)","Answer":"HOARDER","Explanation":"Definition: squirrel\n **HOAR** (whitish-grey colour) **+ RED **(**reversed** [rise of; down entry) **RED**\n **HOAR DER**<"} {"Clue":"Catholic building in wet field went with the flow, mopping up rug (6,6)","Answer":"PADDY","Explanation":"Definition: Catholic building\n **PADDY** (rice field; wet field) **+** (**SWAM** [went with the flow] **containing** [mopping up] **WIG** [rug is a colloquial term for a wig])\n **PADDY** **S** (**WIG**) **WAM"} {"Clue":"Possible requirement when shifting vehicle to wind power (3,4)","Answer":"TOW ROPE","Explanation":"Definition: Possible requirement when shifting vehicle\n **TO** + **an anagram of** (wind) **POWER**\n **TO W ROPE"} {"Clue":"Highest nest is one of these things (7)","Answer":"ANAGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Highest nest is one of these things\n **HIGHEST NEST** is an **ANAGRAM** of **THESE THINGS**\n **ANAGRAM"} {"Clue":"Filthy square (5)","Answer":"GROSS","Explanation":"Definition: Filthy\n **GROSS** (144, 12 squared) double definition)\n **GROSS"} {"Clue":"Help us with nothing to be fair (2-2)","Answer":"SO-SO","Explanation":"Definition: fair\n **SOS** (appeal for help or rescue) **+ O** (character representing zero; nothing)\n **SO S O"} {"Clue":"Sit back after English airman captures German in a flap (10)","Answer":"EPIGLOTTIS","Explanation":"Definition: flap\n **E** (English) **+** (**PILOT** [airman] **containing** [captures] **G** [German]) **+ SIT** **reversed** (back)\n **E** **PI** (**G**) **LOT** **TIS**<"} {"Clue":"Short feel, entertaining partner, is unprofessional (7)","Answer":"AMATEUR","Explanation":"Definition: unprofessional\n **AURA** (atmosphere; feel) **excluding the final letter** (short) **A** **containing** (entertaining) **MATE** (partner)\n **A** (**MATE**) **UR"} {"Clue":"Gastropod found in American sausage, reportedly (7)","Answer":"ABALONE","Explanation":"Definition: Gastropod\n **A** (American) **+ BALONE** (**sounds like** [reportedly] **BOLONEY** [American term for a Bologna sausage])\n **A** **BALONE"} {"Clue":"Melting ice cap close to Finnish social gathering (7)","Answer":"CEILIDH","Explanation":"Definition: social gathering\n **Anagram of** (melting) **ICE** **+ LID** (cap) **+ H** (**final letter of** [close to] **FINNISH**)\n **CEI*** **LID** **H"} {"Clue":"Plastic factory covers island (6)","Answer":"PLIANT","Explanation":"Definition: Plastic\n **PLANT** (factory) **containing** (covers) **I** (island)\n **PL** (**I**) **ANT"} {"Clue":"Mark Field 'visiting' Truss and unloading: I'm outraged! (5)","Answer":"TILDE","Explanation":"Definition: Mark\n **FIELD** **excluding** (unloading) **FIE** (interjection denoting disapprobation or disgust, real or feigned; I am outraged) **contained in** (visiting) **TIE** (truss)\n **TI** (**LD**) **E"} {"Clue":"Dash to capture crippled flotillas, essentially, in battle (2,7)","Answer":"EL ALAMEIN","Explanation":"Definition: battle\n **ELAN** (vigour and style; dash) **containing** (to capture) (**LAME** [crippled] **+ I** [**central letter of** {essentially} **FLOTILLAS**])\n **EL A** (**LAME I**) **N"} {"Clue":"Male wearing fancy leotard's an artist (3,6)","Answer":"OLD MASTER","Explanation":"Definition: artist\n **M** (male) **contained in** (wearing) **an anagram of** (fancy) **LEOTARD'S**\n **OLD** (**M**) **ASTER"} {"Clue":"Hence, Greek character is found in Olympic city (5)","Answer":"SOCHI","Explanation":"Definition: Olympic city\n **SO** (hence) **+ CHI** (character of the Greek alphabet)\n **SO CHI"} {"Clue":"Donated large and small hammers (6)","Answer":"GAVELS","Explanation":"Definition: hammers\n **GAVE** (donated) **+ L** (large) **+ S** (small)\n **GAVE L S"} {"Clue":"Tries to collect quantity of food (not peppers, initially) for reptiles (7)","Answer":"GECKOES","Explanation":"Definition: reptiles\n **GOES** (attempts; tries) **containing** (to collect) **PECK** (slang term for food) **excluding** (not) **P** (f**irst letter of** [initially] **P**EPPERS)\n **G** (**ECK**) **OES"} {"Clue":"Sloth starts to investigate new environs, requiring trees in abundance (7)","Answer":"INERTIA","Explanation":"Definition: Sloth\n **INERTIA** (**first letters of** [starts to] **each of INVESTIGATE**, **NEW**, **ENVIRONS**, **REQUIRING**, **TREES**, **IN** and **ABUNDANCE**)\n **INERTIA"} {"Clue":"Military leader from Iron Age rejected separately (7)","Answer":"NORIEGA","Explanation":"Definition: Military leader\n **IRON** **reversed** (rejected) **+ AGE** **reversed** (rejected) **showing that the component parts are reversed separately rather than the concatenated EGANORI**\n **NORI**< **EGA**<"} {"Clue":"Gauge fight to restrict colonial worker beginning to expostulate for India (5,5)","Answer":"WATER METER","Explanation":"Definition: Gauge\n **WAR** (fight) **containing** (to restrict) (**TERMITE** [white ant, an insect that 'works' in a colony; colonial worker) **with E** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **EXPOSTULATE** **replacing** (for) **I** (India is the international radio communication codeword for the letter **I**)\n **WA** (**TER METE)** **R"} {"Clue":"Source of misery is wailing female (she is wasted) (4)","Answer":"BANE","Explanation":"Definition: Source of misery\n **BANSHEE** (female spirit who wails and shrieks before a death in a household) **excluding** (is wasted) **SHE**\n **BANE"} {"Clue":"Truss charged unit for holiday (10)","Answer":"STAYCATION","Explanation":"Definition: holiday\n **STAY** (prop or support; truss) **+ CATION** (positively-charged ion)\n **STAY CATION"} {"Clue":"Well-prepared speech about a new King Charles? (7)","Answer":"SPANIEL","Explanation":"Definition: King Charles\n **SPIEL** (glib plausible style of talk associated especially with salespeople; well prepared speech) **containing** (about) (**A** **+ N** [new])\n **SP** (**A N**) **IEL"} {"Clue":"Old paper, The Guardian, welcomes Charlie the King (9)","Answer":"PARCHMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Old paper\n **PARENT** (guardian) **containing** (welcomes) (**C** [cocaine; Charlie] **+ HM **[His Majesty the King])\n **PAR** (**C** **HM**) **ENT"} {"Clue":"Seize file with 'Government' on the front (5)","Answer":"GRASP","Explanation":"Definition: Seize\n **G** (government) **+ RASP** (a coarse file)\n **G RASP"} {"Clue":"Music producer trapped in Mondeo car in accident (7)","Answer":"OCARINA","Explanation":"Definition: Music producer\n **OCARINA** (**hidden word in** [trapped in] **MONDEO CAR IN ACCIDENT**)\n **OCARINA"} {"Clue":"Turkey and large cat walk over (7)","Answer":"TROUNCE","Explanation":"Definition: walk over\n **TR** (International Vehicle Registration for Turkey) **+ OUNCE** (snow leopard; bug cat of Asia)\n **TR OUNCE"} {"Clue":"She wrote about Adrian M getting fat (4)","Answer":"SUET","Explanation":"Definition: fat\n **SUE T** (**SUE** Townsend wrote the Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 3\/4, so write **SUE T** in the form of Adrian M)\n **SUE T"} {"Clue":"In tax haven, Truss embraces competition? On the contrary (6)","Answer":"BELIZE","Explanation":"Definition: tax haven\n **BEE** (gathering of people for a competition) **containing** (embraces) (**LIZ** (reference Elizabeth (**LIZ**) Truss, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom) **This is the opposite** (on the contrary) **of the wordplay set out in the clue**\n **BE** (**LIZ**) **E"} {"Clue":"Low speed, in case pal's struggling (6,4)","Answer":"SNAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Low speed\n **Anagram of** (struggling) **IN CASE PAL'S**\n **SNAIL'S PACE"} {"Clue":"Orange car somehow suggests overconfidence (9)","Answer":"ARROGANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Orange car somehow suggests overconfidence (9)\n **Anagram of** (somehow) **ORANGE CAR**\n **ARROGANCE"} {"Clue":"Current treatment to prop up face and tongue (7)","Answer":"DIALECT","Explanation":"Definition: tongue\n **DIAL** (face [of a clock]) **+ ECT** (electroconvulsive therapy [treatment using a current)] In this down entry, the letters **ECT** are below and **act as a prop** for the letters **DIAL**\n **DIAL ECT"} {"Clue":"Accomplice's response to 'B: Good'? (7)","Answer":"ABETTER","Explanation":"Definition: Accomplice\n But '**A BETTER**' is a possible response to **B GOOD**?\n **A BETTER"} {"Clue":"Rescue flailing Truss (6)","Answer":"SECURE","Explanation":"Definition: Truss\n **Anagram of** (flailing) **RESCUE**\n **SECURE"} {"Clue":"Study with conclusion ignored contains flaw, leading to disease (7)","Answer":"CHOLERA","Explanation":"Definition: disease\n **CRAM** (prepare for an examination, etc by hasty and intensive learning; study) **excluding the final letter** (with conclusion ignored) **M** **containing** (contains) **HOLE** (error; flaw)\n **C** (**HOLE**) **RA"} {"Clue":"Believe singer on the radio a lot (5)","Answer":"SHARE","Explanation":"Definition: lot\n **SHARE** (allocation; lot)\n **SHARE"} {"Clue":"Compete with prospect (4)","Answer":"VIEW","Explanation":"Definition: prospect\n **VIE** (compete) **+ W** (with)\n **VIE W"} {"Clue":"Mum reversing car always in Venezuelan city (7)","Answer":"MARACAY","Explanation":"Definition: Venezuelan city\n **MA** (mother; mum) **+ CAR** **reversed** (reversing) **+ AY** (always)\n **MA** **RAC**< **AY"} {"Clue":"Chicken brought round in cargo helicopter (7)","Answer":"CHINOOK","Explanation":"Definition: cargo helicopter\n **CHOOK** (chicken [Chambers describes the word as informal term used most frequently by Australians, New Zealanders and Scots]) **containing** (brought round) **IN**\n **CH** (**IN**) **OOK"} {"Clue":"Mysterious gain with climate fluctuating (11)","Answer":"ENIGMATICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Mysterious\n **Anagram of** (fluctuating) **GAIN** with **CLIMATE**\n **ENIGMATICAL"} {"Clue":"Scientist fixes housing shortage at last, with partner secure (5,8)","Answer":"JAMES","Explanation":"Definition: Scientist\n (**JAMS** [problems; fixes] **containing** [housing] **E** [**final letter of** {at last} **SHORTAGE**]) **+ LOVE** (object of affection; partner) **+ LOCK** (secure)\n **JAM** (**E**) **S** **LOVE LOCK"} {"Clue":"Laird fell into country road close to boozer (9)","Answer":"LANDOWNER","Explanation":"Definition: Laird\n (**DOWN** [fell, as in she's **DOWN** {she fell}] **contained in** [into] **LANE** [country road]) **+ R** (**last letter of** [close to] **BOOZER**)\n **LAN** (**DOWN**) **E** **R"} {"Clue":"Dodgy dealer perhaps supplies instrument to comedians (4,5)","Answer":"CARD SHARP","Explanation":"Definition: Dodgy dealer\n **CARDS** (comedians) **+ HARP** ([musical ] instrument)\n **CARD S HARP"} {"Clue":"Digger wants flat in Seascale vacated (5)","Answer":"SPADE","Explanation":"Definition: Digger\n **PAD** (bed, room, or home, esp one's own, such as a flat) **contained in** (in) **SE** (**letters remaining in SEASCALE when the central letters EASCAL are removed** [vacated])\n **S** (**PAD**) **E"} {"Clue":"Porridge is put out to trap adult rodents (7,4)","Answer":"PRAIRIE DOGS","Explanation":"Definition: rodents\n **Anagram of** (is put out) **PORRIDGE IS** **containing** (to trap) **A** (adult)\n **PR** (**A**) **IRIE DOGS"} {"Clue":"Answer arrived about French from universities (7)","Answer":"ACADEME","Explanation":"Definition: universities\n **A** (answer) **+** (**CAME** [arrived] **containing** [about] **DE** [French for 'from' ])\n **A** **CA** (**DE**) **ME"} {"Clue":"Empress keeps lethal gas in at back (7)","Answer":"TSARINA","Explanation":"Definition: Empress\n **AT** (reversed) **containing** (keeps) **SARIN** (lethal nerve gas)\u00a0\n **T** (**SARIN**) **A**<"} {"Clue":"Knight in virtue gives agreement (6)","Answer":"ASSENT","Explanation":"Definition: agreement\n **N** (knight in chess notation) **contained in** (in) **ASSET** (virtue)\n **ASSE** (**N**) **T"} {"Clue":"Connected when covering northern town (8)","Answer":"BRIDGEND","Explanation":"Definition: town\n **BRIDGED** (connected) **containing** (covering) **N** (northern)\n **BRIDGE** (**N**) **D"} {"Clue":"Feller putting saddle on ass (10)","Answer":"LUMBERJACK","Explanation":"Definition: Feller\n **LUMBER** (burden; saddle) **+ JACK** (**JACK**ass; male ass)\n **LUMBER JACK"} {"Clue":"Irish booze Mike put in to change nonalcoholic cocktail (6,4)","Answer":"VIRGIN MARY","Explanation":"Definition: nonalcoholic cocktail\n (**IR** [Irish] **+ GIN** [example of an alcoholic drink; booze] **+ M** [Mike is the international radio communication codeword for the letter **M**]) **contained** (put in) **VARY** (to change)\n **V** (**IR** **GIN** **M**) **ARY"} {"Clue":"Sub rolling pass? I'm not sure (5)","Answer":"LOCUM","Explanation":"Definition: Sub\n **COL** (mountain pass) **reversed** (rolling) **+ UM** (expression indicating doubt; I'm not sure)\n **LOC**< **UM"} {"Clue":"Clear site to accommodate a building for display (7,6)","Answer":"CRYSTAL PALACE","Explanation":"Definition: building for display\n **CRYSTAL** (anything bright and clear) **+** (**PLACE** [site] **containing** [to accommodate] **A**)\n **CRYSTAL** **P** (**A**) **LACE"} {"Clue":"Character's spoken with weavers offering family treasures (9)","Answer":"HEIRLOOMS","Explanation":"Definition: family treasures\n **HEIR** (**sounds like** [spoken] **AIR** [character]) **+ LOOMS** (apparatuses used for weaving yarn; I suppose they could be called weavers, but the dictionaries tend to restrict the definition of weaver to the person who waves rather than the **LOOM**)\n **HEIR** **LOOMS"} {"Clue":"Order parts for old wind instrument (4)","Answer":"OBOE","Explanation":"Definition: wind instrument\n **OBE** (Order of the British Empire) **containing** (parts so that it can contain) **O** (old)\n **OB** (**O**) **E"} {"Clue":"Couple in slavery (4)","Answer":"YOKE","Explanation":"Definition: Couple\n **YOKE** (slavery) **double definition**\n **YOKE"} {"Clue":"Cabal member Charlie succeeded in corrupt corporation (2-11)","Answer":"CO-CONSPIRATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Cabal member\n **C** (Charlie [cocaine]) **+** (**S** [succeeded]) **contained in** [in] **an anagram of** [corrupt] **CORPORATION**)\n **C** **O-CON** (**S**) **PIRATOR"} {"Clue":"American name tag is held by a single needle (10)","Answer":"ANTAGONISE","Explanation":"Definition: needle\n **A** (American) **+ N** (name) **+ TAG +** (**IS contained in** [held by] **ONE** [single])\n **A** **N** **TAG** **ON** (**IS**) **E"} {"Clue":"Gardeners working outside with verdant area (10)","Answer":"GREENSWARD","Explanation":"Definition: verdant area\n **Anagram of** (working) **GARDENERS** **containing** (outside) **W** (with)\n **GREENS** (**W**) **ARD"} {"Clue":"Like an endless rock and roll performance? (9)","Answer":"SISYPHEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Like an endless rock and roll performance\n **SISYPHEAN** (cryptic definition describing the toils of Sisyphus using the term 'rock and roll')\n **SISYPHEAN"} {"Clue":"Butter, no good, sent out from Blighty (5)","Answer":"ELAND","Explanation":"Definition: Butter\n **ENGLAND** (Blighty is an informal term used by British soldiers to refer to UK \/ **ENGLAND**) **excluding** (sent out) **NG** (no good)\n **ELAND"} {"Clue":"Powers should retain two articles in satellite? 1 Across's idea! (4,6)","Answer":"GAIA","Explanation":"Definition: 1 Across's idea\n **GARY** (reference **GARY** Powers [born 1929], American pilot whose Central Intelligence Agency Lockheed U-2 spy plane was shot down while flying a reconnaissance mission in Soviet Union airspace, causing the 1960 U-2 incident) **containing** (should retain) ([**A** {indefinite article} **+ THE** {definite article} giving two articles] **contained in** [in] **IO** [satellite of Jupiter])\n **GA** (**I** (**A** **THE**) **O**) **RY"} {"Clue":"Decline to answer question but get through (4)","Answer":"PASS","Explanation":"Definition: Decline to answer question\n **PASS** (get through a country border for instance or get through an exam) double definition\n **PASS"} {"Clue":"Power worker to get on with operatives, keeping ahead of tense hierarchical structure (4,10)","Answer":"LINE MANAGEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: hierarchical structure\n **LINEMAN** (person who attends to the lines of a railway, telegraph, telephone, or power wires, etc) **+ AGE** (get on [in years]) **+ MEN** (staff; operatives) **+ T** (tense)\n **LINE MAN AGE MEN T"} {"Clue":"Title adopted by popular churchman (8)","Answer":"MINISTER","Explanation":"Definition: churchman\n **IN** (popular) **contained in** (adopted by) **MISTER** (title)\n **M** (**IN**) **ISTER"} {"Clue":"One having a way of looking at river (6)","Answer":"ANGLER","Explanation":"Definition: One having a way of looking at river\n **ANGLE** (point of view; way of looking) **+ R** (river)\n **ANGLE R"} {"Clue":"Seafood racket's very good (6)","Answer":"SCAMPI","Explanation":"Definition: Seafood\n **SCAM** (swindle; racket) **+ PI** (pious; very good)\n **SCAM PI"} {"Clue":"Minor actor having difficulty with fruity material (5,3)","Answer":"EXTRA JAM","Explanation":"Definition: fruity material\n **EXTRA** (minor actor) **+ JAM** (difficulty)\n **EXTRA JAM"} {"Clue":"New arrangement for financing? It is irrelevant (13)","Answer":"INSIGNIFICANT","Explanation":"Definition: irrelevant\n **Anagram of** (new arrangement for) **FINANCING IT IS**\n **INSIGNIFICANT"} {"Clue":"Make a mistake in recording, missing last turtle (8)","Answer":"TERRAPIN","Explanation":"Definition: turtle\n **ERR** (make a mistake) **contained in** (in) **TAPING** (recording) **excluding the final letter** (missing last) **G**\n **T** (**ERR**) **APIN"} {"Clue":"Overlook British invading chic area of Paris (4,2)","Answer":"PASS BY","Explanation":"Definition: Overlook\n **B** (British) **contained in** (invading) **PASSY** (chic district of Paris)\n **PASS** (**B**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Unhappy with oil, initially changing fuel (6)","Answer":"WOEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Unhappy\n **W** (with) **+ O** (**first letter of** [initially] **OIL**) **+ an anagram of** (changing) **FUEL**\n **W** **O EFUL"} {"Clue":"Honestly? Otherwise (2,3,3)","Answer":"ON THE SLY","Explanation":"Definition: Honestly? Otherwise\n **Anagram of** (otherwise) **HONESTLY**\n **ON THE SLY"} {"Clue":"Note university working with dull BBC lingo \u2013 it's a controversial university group (10,4)","Answer":"BULLINGDON CLUB","Explanation":"Definition: controversial university group\n **Anagram of** (working with) **N** [note], **U** [university) and **DULL BBC LINGO**\n **BULLINGDON CLUB"} {"Clue":"Detective, seeing that curtailed course, is put off (10)","Answer":"DISINCLINE","Explanation":"Definition: put off\n **DI** (Detective [Inspector]) **+ SINCE** (seeing that) **excluding the final letter** (curtailed) **E** **+ LINE** (course)\n **DI** **SINC LINE"} {"Clue":"He'll give you such a different expression (6,6)","Answer":"HELIUM","Explanation":"Definition: He'll give you such a different expression\n **HELIUM SPEECH** (He is the chemical symbol for **HELIUM** , so **HE'LL** can be written in full as '**HELIUM** will \u2026')\n **HELIUM SPEECH"} {"Clue":"Henry's off cannabis, limiting vacation (8)","Answer":"EMPTYING","Explanation":"Definition: vacation\n **HEMP** (cannabis) **excluding** (off) **H** (henry; derived SI unit of inductance) **+ TYING** (restraining; limiting)\n **EMP TYING"} {"Clue":"Picked up narrative about hot temperature, making you horrified (6)","Answer":"AGHAST","Explanation":"Definition: horrified\n (**SAGA** [narrative] **reversed** [picked up; down entry] **containing** [about] **H** [hot]) **+ T** (temperature)\n **AG** (**H**) **AS**< **T"} {"Clue":"Upholding a boy exercising a portion of the brain (8)","Answer":"AMYGDALA","Explanation":"Definition: portion of the brain\n (**A + LAD** [boy] **+ GYM** [**GYM**nastics {a form of exercising}]) **+ A**) **all reversed** (upholding; down entry)\n (**A MYG DAL A**)<"} {"Clue":"Formerly suspended, one's dismissed (4)","Answer":"ONCE","Explanation":"Definition: Formerly\n **ON ICE** (suspended) **excluding** (dismissed) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **ON CE"} {"Clue":"Reading now, shocked about court in Japanese novel (9,4)","Answer":"NORWEGIAN WOOD","Explanation":"Definition: Japanese novel\n **Anagram of** (shocked) **READING NOW** **containing** (about) **WOO** (court)\n **NORWEGIAN** (**WOO**) **D"} {"Clue":"A new corporation importing English alarm of prewar design (10)","Answer":"ANTEBELLUM","Explanation":"Definition: of prewar design\n **A + N** (new) **+** (**TUM** [stomach; corporation]) **containing** [importing] [**E** {English} **+ BELL** {alarm signal}])\n **A N T** (**E BELL**) **UM"} {"Clue":"Our calf's butchered for consumption (8)","Answer":"SCROFULA","Explanation":"Definition: consumption\n **Anagram of** (butchered) **OUR CALF'S**\n **SCROFULA"} {"Clue":"I'm taking drug to part of hospital that's without power (8)","Answer":"IMPOTENT","Explanation":"Definition: without power\n **I'M + POT** (cannabis; drug) **+ ENT** (Ear, Nose and Throat department of a hospital)\n **IM POT ENT"} {"Clue":"Fourth suggestion about old European state (6)","Answer":"POLAND","Explanation":"Definition: European state\n **PLAN D** (fourth suggestion) **containing** (about) **O** (old)\n **P** (**O**) **LAN** **D"} {"Clue":"Work over: turn up to drink (4)","Answer":"OPUS","Explanation":"Definition: Work\n **O** (over) **+ SUP** (drink; turn up [down entry])\n **O PUS**<"} {"Clue":"Each of the following clues, maybe, a cheat (12)","Answer":"DOUBLE-DEALER","Explanation":"DOUBLE-DEALER** (cryptic description of all the remaining clues in the puzzle that each deliver [deal] two [double] separate clues)\n **DOUBLE-DEALER**\n **DOUBLE-DEALER"} {"Clue":"Protective cases over boil perhaps including a medicine box: notice encroachment (6, 6)","Answer":"","Explanation":"OCREAE** (sheathes [protective cases] formed of two stipules united round a stem)\n **O** (over) **+** (**CREE** [to soften by boiling or soaking; boil] **containing** [including] **A**)\n **O CRE **(**A**)** E**\n Medicine box: notice $$encroachment$$ (6)\n **INROAD** (encroachment)\n **INRO** (small Japanese container for pills and medicines) **+ AD** (advertisement; notice)\n **INRO AD**\n **INROAD OCREA"} {"Clue":"Mate gripping edge, original deed not so good, caught inside, turning back (6, 6)","Answer":"","Explanation":"PRIMAL** (original)\n **PAL** (friend; mate) **containing** (gripping) **RIM** (edge)\n **P** (**RIM**) **AL**\n $$Deed$$ not so good, caught inside, turning back (6)\n **ESCROW** (a deed in the hands of a third party, to take effect when a condition is fulfilled)\n (**C** [caught] **contained in** [inside] **WORSE** [not so good]) **all reversed** (turning back)\n (**ES** (**C**) **ROW**)<\n **ESCROW PRIMAL"} {"Clue":"The old man's embracing a deity in temple layout Chams constructed with inbuilt energy (6, 6)","Answer":"","Explanation":"PAGODA** (Eastern temple)\n **PA** (father; old man) **containing** (embracing) (**A** **+ GOD** [deity])\n **P** (**A** **GOD**) **A**\n $$Layout$$ Chams constructed with inbuilt energy (6)\n **SCHEMA** (plan; layout)\n **Anagram of** (constructed) **CHAMS** **containing** (with inbuilt) **E** (energy) \u2013 the **CHAMS** are a people of South East Asia, particularly Vietnam and Cambodia)\n **SCH** (**E**) **MA***\n **SCHEMA PAGODA"} {"Clue":"Low-grade paper on old actor: 'Needs to be lambasted after line filmed for the silver screen' (6, 6)","Answer":"-","Explanation":"RETREE** (slightly damaged paper)\n **RE** (with reference to; about; on) **+ TREE** (reference Sir Herbert Beerbohm **TREE** [1852 \u2013 1917], English actor and theatre manager)\n **RE TREE**\n 'Needs to be lambasted after line $$filmed for the silver screen$$' (6)\n **LENSED** (shot a cinema film; filmed for the silver screen)\n **L** (line) **+ an anagram of** (to be lambasted) **NEEDS**\n **L ENSED***\n **LENSED RETREE"} {"Clue":"Tot, rather dull, rather substandard male taken in by first promise, formerly (6, 6)","Answer":",","Explanation":"SUMMAT** (slang term [substandard] term for **SOMEWHAT** [rather])\n **SUM** (add up; tot) **+ MATT** (of a surface, dull, lustreless or roughened to eliminate gloss) **using 3 of the 4 letters** [rather] **excluding the last** **T**)\n **SUM MAT**\n Male taken in by first $$promise, formerly$$ (6)\n **BEHEST** (obsolete [formerly] a word for promise)\n **HE** (male) **contained in** [taken in by] **BEST** [first]\n **BE** (**HE**) **ST**\n **BEHEST SUMMAT"} {"Clue":"Old crone in gathering for Indian curry dish may go crazy about recipe for fish (6, 6)","Answer":"","Explanation":"BHAGEE** (in Indian cookery, an appetizer consisting of vegetables and spices deep-fried in batter)\n **HAG** (old crone) **contained in** (in) **BEE** (gathering of people, for example as sewing **BEE**)\n **B** (**HAG**) **EE**\n May go crazy about recipe for $$fish$$ (6)\n **MORGAY** (small spotted dogfish)\n **Anagram of** (crazy) **MAY GO** **containing** (about) **R** (recipe)\n **MO** (**R**) **GAY***\n **BHAGEE MORGAY"} {"Clue":"Flowery harangue about new Oscar excited: money invested rebounds in the US (6, 6)","Answer":"","Explanation":"ORNATE** (elaborately decorated; flowery)\n **ORATE** (harangue) **containing** (about) **N** (new)\n **OR** (**N**) **ATE**\n Oscar excited: money invested $$rebounds in the US$$ (6)\n **CAROMS** (US term for rebounds or ricochets)\n **M** (money as in M0, M1 financial indices) **contained in** (invested) **an anagram of** (excited) **OSCAR**\n **CARO** (**M**) **S***\n **CAROMS ORNATE"} {"Clue":"Awfully miserly (almost), he looks pleased to arrange inside base misshapen bricks (6, 6)","Answer":"","Explanation":"SMILER** (one who looks pleased)\n **Anagram of** (awfully) **MISERLY** **excluding the final letter** (almost) **Y**\n **SMILER***\n To arrange inside base misshapen $$bricks$$ (6)\n **ADOBES** (sun dried mud bricks)\n **DO** (arrange) **contained in** (inside) **an anagram of** (misshapen) **BASE**\n **A** (**DO**) **BES***\n **ADOBES SMILER"} {"Clue":"When circumambulating lake princes played lyre after it recalled whence shingles originate? (6, 6)","Answer":"","Explanation":"AMEERS** (titles borne by certain Muslim princes)\n **AS** (when) **containing** (circumabulating; walking round about) **MEER** (alternative spelling of **MERE** [pool or lake])\n **A** (**MEER**) **S**\n Played lyre after it recalled $$whence shingles originate$$? (6)\n **TILERY** (a place where **TILE**s are made. A **SHINGLE** is a thin tile)\n **IT** **reversed** (recalled) **+ an anagram of** (played) **LYRE**\n **TI**< **LERY***\n **TILERY AMEERS"} {"Clue":"Driver accommodating pope at large, strict churchman suffers sort of railway engine (6, 6)","Answer":"","Explanation":"DOPPER** (member of a strict and conservative denomination, an offshoot of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa)\n **DR** (driver) **containing** (accommodating) **an anagram of** (at large) **POPE**)\n **D** (**OPPE***) **R**\n Suffers sort of railway $$engine$$ (6)\n **DIESEL** (reference an engine that runs on **DIESEL** fuel)\n **DIES** (suffers) **+ EL** (elevated railroad)\n **DIES EL**\n **DIESEL DOPPER"} {"Clue":"Wire cutter user manipulated with care applied to restricting new loose rock visible to viewers (8, 8)","Answer":"","Explanation":"ECRASEUR** (surgical instrument in the form of a wire or chain loop which cuts as it tightens)\n **Anagram of** (manipulated) **USER** and [with] **CARE**\n **ECRASEUR***\n Applied to restricting new loose rock $$visible to viewers$$ (8)\n **ONSCREEN** (visible to viewers)\n **ON** (applied to) **containing** (restricting) (**N** [new] **+ SCREE** [loose rock])\n **O** (**N** **SCREE**) **N**\n **ONSCREEN ECRASEUR"} {"Clue":"Naughty child caught in church inventory one with girth belted, as is just (6, 6)","Answer":"","Explanation":"URCHIN** (mischievous child)\n **URCHIN** (**hidden word in** [caught in] **CHURCH INVENTORY**)\n **URCHIN**\n One with girth belted, as is $$just$$ (6)\n **ARIGHT** (**RIGHTL**y; just)\n **A** [one] **+ an anagram of** (belted) **GIRTH**\n **A RIGHT***\n **URCHIN ARIGHT"} {"Clue":"Being listless about love generated disappointing affair admitted by single Monsieur (5, 5)","Answer":"","Explanation":"BORED** (being listless)\n **BRED** (generated) **containing** (about) **O** [character representing zero [love score in tennis])\n **B** (**O**) **RED**\n $$Disappointing affair$$ admitted by single Monsieur (5)\n **LEMON** (disappointing affair)\n **LEMON** (**hidden word in** [admitted by] **SINGLE MONSIEUR**)\n **LEMON**\n **BORED LEMON"} {"Clue":"One of several kings that's spread dread imprisoning wife \u2013 tell queen to cheer up (6, 6)","Answer":"","Explanation":"EDWARD** (name of several Kings, the United Kingdom got up to Edward VIII although he abdicated after 325 days before he was even crowned)\n **Anagram of** (spread) **DREAD** **containing** (imprisoning) **W** (wife)\n **ED** (**W**) **ARD***\n $$Tell$$ queen to cheer up (6)\n **RELATE** (tell)\n **R** (Regina; queen) **+ ELATE** (cheer up)\n **R ELAT****E**\n **EDWARD RELATE"} {"Clue":"Sir Henry (no gent) suddenly appearing after queen, awe and tears being poured out in oceans (8, 8)","Answer":"","Explanation":"BESSEMER** (reference Sir Henry **BESSEMER** [1813 \u2013 1898], English inventor whose steel-making process became the most important technique for making steel in the nineteenth century)\n **BESS** (reference Queen **BESS**, Queen Elizabeth I [1553 \u2013 1603]) **+ EMERGENT** (suddenly appearing) **excluding** (no) **GENT**\n **BESS EMER**\n Awe and tears being poured out in $$oceans$$ (8)\n **SEAWATER** (content of the oceans)\n **Anagram of** (being poured out) **AWE** and **TEARS**\n **SEAWATER***\n **BESSEMER SEAWATER"} {"Clue":"Lynx from Canadian province served in ship special stuffed in Pacific state savoury, spicy (6, 6)","Answer":"","Explanation":"BOBCAT** (kind of lynx)\n **BC** (British Columbia; Canadian province) **contained in** (served in) **BOAT** (ship)\n **BO** (**BC**) **AT**\n Special stuffed in Pacific state $$savoury, spicy$$ (6)\n **SAMOSA** (spicy savoury pastry turnover)\n **S** (special) **contained in** (stuffed in) **SAMOA** (Pacific island state)\n **SAMO** (**S**) **A**\n **BOBCAT SAMOSA"} {"Clue":"What I'm served in pub maybe contains grand spider \u2013 slip off, begone! (6, 6)","Answer":"I","Explanation":"MYGALE** (American bird-catching spider)\n **MY ALE** (what I am served in a pub) **containing** (contains) **G** ( grand)\n **MY** (**G**) **ALE**\n $$Slip$$ off, begone! (6)\n **ENGOBE** (slip applied to ceramics before the glaze)\n **Anagram of** (off) **BEGONE**\n **ENGOBE***\n **ENGOBE MYGALE"} {"Clue":"Wry set drunkenly spouts extract from songstress, young, long-haired (6, 6)","Answer":"","Explanation":"TWYERS** (nozzles for blasts of air; spouts)\n **Anagram of** (drunkenly) **WRY SET**\n **TWYERS***\n Extract from songstress, young, $$long-haired$$ (6)\n **TRESSY** (long-haired)\n **TRESSY** (**hidden word in** [extract from] **SONGSTRESS YOUNG**)\n **TRESSY**\n **TRESSY TWYERS"} {"Clue":"Musical delivery man, picker of winners to sing part of barcarole (5, 5)","Answer":"","Explanation":"ERNIE** (reference **ERNIE** the fastest milkman of the west, hero of a song by Benny Hill [1924 \u2013 1992] that topped the charts in 1971)\n **ERNIE** (name given to the computer that picks Premium Bond prize winners) **double definition**\n **ERNIE**\n $$To sing$$ part of barcarole (5)\n **CAROL** (sing)\n **CAROL** (**hidden word in** [part of] **BARCAROLE**)\n **CAROL**\n **CAROL ERNIE"} {"Clue":"Prompt to back her playing game (the first of many here) (6)","Answer":"EUCHRE","Explanation":"Definition: game\n **CUE** (prompt) **reversed** (to back) **+ an anagram of** (playing) **HER**\n **EUC**< **HRE"} {"Clue":"Stand before social event \u2013 it requires a diamond (8)","Answer":"BASEBALL","Explanation":"Definition: it requires a diamond\n **BASE** (pedestal; stand) **+ BALL** (social event)\n **BASE BALL"} {"Clue":"Try ties on the outside for suit (6)","Answer":"HEARTS","Explanation":"Definition: suit\n **HEAR** (try, as in a court **HEAR**ing) **+ TS** (**first and last letters of** [on the outside for] **TIES**)\n **HEAR TS"} {"Clue":"After first half of sandwich, eats fish (8)","Answer":"SARDINES","Explanation":"Definition: fish\n **SAR** (**3 of 6 letters** [half of] **SARNIE** [sandwich]) **+ DINES** (eats)\n **SAR DINES"} {"Clue":"Leader of trolls, bit hapless, smashed in Warcraft (11)","Answer":"BATTLESHIPS","Explanation":"Definition: Warcraft\n **Anagram of** (smashed) **T** (**first letter of** [leader of] **TROLLS**) and **BIT HAPLESS**\n **BATTLESHIPS"} {"Clue":"Orphan about to return in storm (7)","Answer":"TWISTER","Explanation":"Definition: storm\n **TWIST** (reference the orphan Oliver **TWIST**, a character in Charles Dickens' novel of the same name) **+ RE** (with reference to; about) **reversed** (returned)\n **TWIST ER"} {"Clue":"Many a big noise in illegal business succeeded (7)","Answer":"RACKETS","Explanation":"Definition: Many a big noise\n **RACKET** (dodge; fraudulent, violent, or otherwise unscrupulous moneymaking activities; illegal business) **+ S** (succeeded)\n **RACKET S"} {"Clue":"This person's with footballer, one eliminating danger in the main (11)","Answer":"MINESWEEPER","Explanation":"Definition: one eliminating danger in the main\n **MINE** (this person's) **+ SWEEPER** (defensive football player with no marking responsibility who assists the other defenders)\n **MINE SWEEPER"} {"Clue":"Exclusively for us, covering foot, arms and legs (3,5)","Answer":"ALL FOURS","Explanation":"Definition: arms and legs\n **ALL OURS** (exclusively for us) **containing** (covering) **F** (foot)\n **ALL** (**F**) **OURS"} {"Clue":"Heading west, bear Hollywood area's hype (6)","Answer":"HOOPLA","Explanation":"Definition: hype\n **POOH** (reference the fictional bear, Winnie the **POOH**) **reversed** (heading west) **+ LA** (Hollywood is located in Los Angeles)\n **HOOP**< **LA"} {"Clue":"Macron's refusal to engage a European strategist (8)","Answer":"NAPOLEON","Explanation":"Definition: strategist\n **NON** (French [President Macron] word for 'no' [refusal]) **containing** (to engage) (**A + POLE** [native of Poland; European])\n **N** (**A POLE**) **ON"} {"Clue":"Gents, say, ogled without clothing are amazed (6)","Answer":"BOGGLE","Explanation":"Definition: are amazed\n **BOG** (slang for toilet; Gents for example [say]) **+ GLE** (letters remaining in **OGLED** **when the outer letters O and D are removed** [without clothing])\n **BOG GLE"} {"Clue":"Beastly kind of wine the French knocked over (6)","Answer":"BRUTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Beastly\n **BRUT** (unsweetened dry wine) **+ LA** (one of the French forms of 'the') **reversed** (knocked over)\n **BRUT AL**<"} {"Clue":"Some neck jewellery, hot stuff, is placed around Eleanor's jacket (10)","Answer":"LAVALIERES","Explanation":"Definition: Some neck jewellery\n **LAVA** (molten material from a volvano; hot stuff) **+** (**LIES** [is placed] **containing** [around] **ER** [**outer letters of** {jacket} **ELEANOR**]\n **LAVA** **LI** (**ER**) **ES"} {"Clue":"Kind of line, say, elevated poems, I see (8)","Answer":"GEODESIC","Explanation":"Definition: Kind of line\n **EG** (for example; say) **reversed** (elevated; down entry) **+ ODES** (poems) **+ I + C** ('see' defines the letter **C**)\n **GE**<** ODES I C"} {"Clue":"Uncovered sexy and chic parts in shows (8)","Answer":"EXHIBITS","Explanation":"Definition: shows\n **EX** (l**etters remaining in SEXY when the outer letters are excluded** [uncovered]) **+ HI** (l**etters remaining in CHIC when the outer letters are removed** [uncovered]) **+ BITS** (parts) \u2013 'uncovered' qualifies both **SEXY **and** CHIC**\n **EX HI BITS"} {"Clue":"Part of garment Oscar fed to pet dog (8)","Answer":"COATTAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Part of garment\n **O** (Oscar is the international radio code word for the letter **O**) **contained in** (fed to) **CAT** (pet) **+ TAIL** (follow; trail; dog)\n C (**O**) **AT** **TAIL"} {"Clue":"Rash pilot's welcomed in Norway (4)","Answer":"ACNE","Explanation":"Definition: Rash\n **N** (international vehicle registration for Norway) **contained in** (welcomed in) **ACE** (term often used to describe a pilot as a flying **ACE**)\n **AC** (**N**) **E"} {"Clue":"Female abandons ostentatious thong (4)","Answer":"LASH","Explanation":"Definition: thong\n **FLASH** (ostentatious) **excluding F** (female)\n **LASH"} {"Clue":"Boy grabs right back, man of the match in well defended area (10)","Answer":"STRONGROOM","Explanation":"Definition: well defended area\n **SON** **containing** (grabs) **RT** (right) **reversed** (back) **+ GROOM** (male in a marriage match]; man of the match)\n **S** (**TR**<) **ON** **GROOM"} {"Clue":"American serving soft food and ginger up in cartoon (5,3)","Answer":"PEPPA PIG","Explanation":"Definition: cartoon\n (**GI** [American soldier; American serving] **+ PAP** [soft food] **+ PEP** [put vigour into; ginger]) **all reversed** (up; down entry)\n (**PEP** **PA P** **IG**)<"} {"Clue":"English Navy wearing uniform with identical form of ID (8)","Answer":"USERNAME","Explanation":"Definition: form of ID\n (**E** [English] **+ RN** [{Royal} Navy]) **contained in** (wearing) (**U** [Uniform is the international radio communication code for the letter **U**] **+ SAME** [identical])\n **U S** (**E RN**) **AME"} {"Clue":"Male animals catching fox's nits (8)","Answer":"TOMFOOLS","Explanation":"Definition: nits\n **TOMS** (male cats) **containing** (catching) **FOOL** (deceive; fox)\n **TOM** (**FOO****L**) **S"} {"Clue":"Part of crustacean or old, old, group of whales (6)","Answer":"EXOPOD","Explanation":"Definition: Part of crustacean\n **EX** (old) **+ O** (old) **+ POD** (collective noun for a group of whales)\n **EX O POD"} {"Clue":"One accompanies an Indian relative touring America (4)","Answer":"NAAN","Explanation":"Definition: One accompanies an Indian\n **NAN** (grandmother [relative]) **containing** (touring) **A** (America)\n **NA** (**A**) **N** \u2013 either **A** could be the one contained"} {"Clue":"Large drink bottles fail to balance (4)","Answer":"SLIP","Explanation":"Definition: fail to balance\n **SIP** (drink) **containing** (bottles) **L** (large)\n **S** (**L**) **IP"} {"Clue":"Cow's reproductive cells not treated by sound waves (7)","Answer":"OVERAWE","Explanation":"Definition: Cow\n **OVERAWE** (**OVER** **sounds like** [by sound waves] **OVA** [reproductive cells] **+ RAWE** [**sounds like** **RAW** [not treated])\n **OVE RAWE"} {"Clue":"Bug widow regularly about pudding (7)","Answer":"TAPIOCA","Explanation":"Definition: pudding\n **TAP** (listen in; bug] **+ IO** (**letters 2 and 4** [regularly] **of WIDOW** **+ CA** [circa; about])\n **TAP IO CA"} {"Clue":"Coffee seller from Italian port sat around (7)","Answer":"BARISTA","Explanation":"Definition: Coffee seller\n **BARI** (Italian port city) **+ an anagram of** (around) **SAT**\n **BARI** **STA"} {"Clue":"Guide dog (7)","Answer":"POINTER","Explanation":"Definition: Guide\n **POINTER** (breed of dog) **double definition**\n **POINTER"} {"Clue":"Extremely divisive change in speech results in moral deterioration (9)","Answer":"DECADENCE","Explanation":"Definition: moral deterioration\n **DE** (**outer letters of** [extremely] **DIVISIVE**) **+ CADENCE** (rise and fall in sound; change in speech)\n **DE CADENCE"} {"Clue":"What does 2023 have in store? Despair! (5)","Answer":"GLOOM","Explanation":"Definition: Despair\n **GLOOM** (**hidden word** [what does \u2026 have in store] **in IGLOO MARROW**, the entries at 20 across and 23 down)\n **GLOOM"} {"Clue":"Professional entertainer's tits are fake (7)","Answer":"ARTISTE","Explanation":"Definition: Professional entertainer\n **Anagram of** (fake) **TITS ARE**\n **ARTISTE"} {"Clue":"Beginning to stare at present put on rock in Wales (7)","Answer":"SNOWDON","Explanation":"Definition: rock in Wales\n **S** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **+ NOW** [at present] **+ DON** [put on])\n **S NOW DON"} {"Clue":"Magnanimous John Bishop abandoned Northern home (5)","Answer":"IGLOO","Explanation":"Definition: Northern home\n **BIG** (magnanimous) **excluding** (abandoned) **B** (bishop) **+ LOO** (toilet; john is slang for toilet)\n **IG LOO"} {"Clue":"Twice I must leave African country, land rejected as a test site (3,6)","Answer":"LOS ALAMOS","Explanation":"Definition: test site\n (**SOMALIA** [African country] **excluding** [must leave] **I** **+ SOIL** [land] **excluding** [must leave] **I**, taken together an **I** leaves twice) **all reversed** (rejected)\n (**LOS ALAMOS**)<"} {"Clue":"Feels that boxes of rabbits' heads can create atmospheric phenomena (7)","Answer":"AURORAS","Explanation":"Definition: atmospheric phenomena\n **AURAS** (feels, plural noun) **containing** (boxes) **OR** (**first letters of** [heads] **each of OF** and **RABBIT'S**)\n **AUR** (**OR**) **AS"} {"Clue":"Jockey married fan (7)","Answer":"ADMIRER","Explanation":"Definition: fan\n **Anagram of** (jockey) **MARRIED**\n **ADMIRER"} {"Clue":"Women in Mass make sound using vibrator (7)","Answer":"TWANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: sound using vibrator\n **W** (women) **contained in** (in) **TANGLE** (mass of perplexity or confusion)\n **T** (**W**) **ANGLE"} {"Clue":"Peanuts, perhaps, in container with hole in it (7)","Answer":"CARTOON","Explanation":"Definition: Peanuts, perhaps\n **CARTON** (container) **containing** (with \u2026 in it) **O** (hole-shaped character)\n **CART** (**O**) **ON** \u2013 either **O** could be the one contained"} {"Clue":"Person accepting award honour got terrible reception (6)","Answer":"BOMBED","Explanation":"Definition: got terrible reception\n **BOD** (person) **containing** (accepting) **MBE** (Member of the British Empire award)\n **BO** (**MBE**) **D"} {"Clue":"Consisting of verses Tim Rice's rewritten, with one missing (6)","Answer":"METRIC","Explanation":"Definition: Consisting of verses\n **Anagram of** (rewritten) **TIM RICE** **excluding** (with \u2026 missing) **one of the Is** (Roman numeral for one) **I**\n **METRIC"} {"Clue":"Musical compositions in tatters (4)","Answer":"RAGS","Explanation":"Definition: Musical compositions\n **RAGS** (torn shreds; tatters) double definition\n **RAGS"} {"Clue":"Intern left out of feature on Navy (6)","Answer":"DETAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Intern\n **DETAIL** (feature) **excluding** (out of) **L** **+ N** (Navy)\n **DETAI N"} {"Clue":"Prevents top personality accepting bungs (8)","Answer":"STOPPERS","Explanation":"Definition: bungs\n **STOPPERS** (**hidden word in** [accepting] **PREVENTS TOP PERSONALITY**)\n **STOPPERS"} {"Clue":"Jump to get part in play on the radio as a starter (6,4)","Answer":"SPRING ROLL","Explanation":"Definition: starter\n **SPRING** (jump) **+ ROLL** (**sounds like** [on the radio] **ROLE** [part in a play])\n **SPRING ROLL"} {"Clue":"Idiot died protecting hot shot's secure starting position (8)","Answer":"FOOTHOLD","Explanation":"Definition: starting position\n (**FOOL** [idiot] **+ D** [died]) **containing** (protecting) **an anagram of** (shot) **HOT**\n **FOO** (**THO***) **L** **D"} {"Clue":"Perhaps cheese producer may drain churns (8)","Answer":"DAIRYMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps cheese producer\n **Anagram of** (churns) **MAY DRAIN**\n **DAIRYMAN"} {"Clue":"Put off dance craze that's going round university (10)","Answer":"DISCOURAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Put off\n (**DISCO** [dance] **+ RAGE** [craze]) **containing** (going round) **U** (university)\n **DISCO** (**U**) **RAGE"} {"Clue":"A story about hypocrisy in Spanish city (8)","Answer":"ALICANTE","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish city\n **A +** (**LIE** [false statement; story]) **containing** (about) **CANT** (hypocrisy)\n **A** **LI** (**CANT**) **E"} {"Clue":"A way to pay for fancy roll eaten by loathsome individual (4,4)","Answer":"TOLL ROAD","Explanation":"Definition: A way to pay\n **Anagram of** (fancy) **ROLL** **contained in** (eaten by) **TOAD** (loathsome individual)\n **TO** (**LL RO***) **AD"} {"Clue":"Inclined to support men losing millions being registered (8)","Answer":"ENLISTED","Explanation":"Definition: registered\n **MEN** **excluding** (losing) **M** (millions) **+ LISTED** (leant; inclined)\n **EN LISTED"} {"Clue":"Wanting Conservative to be overcome with alarm (6)","Answer":"SCARCE","Explanation":"Definition: Wanting\n **C** (Conservative) **contained in** (overcome with) **SCARE** (alarm)\n **SCAR** (**C**) **E"} {"Clue":"Male, 12, displaying vegetable (6)","Answer":"MARROW","Explanation":"Definition: vegetable\n **M** (male) **+ ARROW** (**POINTER** [entry at 12 across])\n **M ARROW"} {"Clue":"Pious woman inappropriate, going topless in stable (6)","Answer":"STRONG","Explanation":"Definition: stable\n **ST** (saint [pious woman]) **+ WRONG** (inappropriate) **excluding the first letter** (going topless) **W**\n **ST RONG"} {"Clue":"Bar spoils planet (4)","Answer":"MARS","Explanation":"Definition: Bar\n **MARS** (spoils)\n **MARS** (plant) **triple definition**\n **MARS"} {"Clue":"Sport's governing body invested in game \u2013 it ought to be playable (7)","Answer":"PICCOLO","Explanation":"Definition: it ought to be playable\n **ICC** (International Cricket Council, the world governing body of cricket) **contained in** (invested in) **POLO** (game like hockey played on horseback using long-handled mallets)\n **P** (**ICC**) **OLO"} {"Clue":"Joking around, with sons instead of daughters, is just touching (7)","Answer":"KISSING","Explanation":"Definition: touching\n **KIDDING** (joking around) **with SS** ([two] sons) **replacing** (instead of) **DD** ([two] daughters)\n **KISSING"} {"Clue":"Send clock back (5)","Answer":"REMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Send\n **TIMER** (clock) **reversed** (put back)\n **REMIT**<"} {"Clue":"Exhausted and surprisingly due to perform first (6-3)","Answer":"PLAYED OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Exhausted\n **PLAY** (perform) **+ an anagram of** (surprisingly) **DUE TO**\n **PLAY ED OUT"} {"Clue":"Conan has book out \u2013 relish wanting central character to find the right direction (9)","Answer":"ORIENTATE","Explanation":"Definition: find the right direction\n **O'BRIEN** (reference Conan **O'BRIEN** [born 1963], American television host, comedian, writer, and producer) **excluding** (has \u2026 out) **B** (book) **+ TASTE** (flavour; relish) **excluding** (wanting) **the middle letter** (central character) **S**\n **ORIEN** **TATE"} {"Clue":"Some wheel, silently spinning yarn (5)","Answer":"LISLE","Explanation":"Definition: yarn\n **LISLE** (**reversed** [spinning] **hidden word in** [some] **WHEEL SILENTLY**)\n **LISLE"} {"Clue":"Using last bit of petrol for power in Biden's car? (5)","Answer":"LOTUS","Explanation":"Definition: car\n **POTUS** (President of the United States [currently Joe Biden]) **with L** (**final letter of** [last bit of] **PETROL**) **replacing** (for) **P** (power)\n **L** **OTUS"} {"Clue":"Sugar coating skin for old councillor (8)","Answer":"ALDERMAN","Explanation":"Definition: old councillor\n **ALAN** (reference Sir **ALAN** Sugar [born 1947], English businessman and television personality) **containing** (coating) **DERM** (the true skin)\n **AL** (**DERM**) **AN"} {"Clue":"Supporter's three and out (8)","Answer":"ADHERENT","Explanation":"Definition: Supporter\n **Anagram of** (out) **AND THREE**\n **ADHERENT"} {"Clue":"President hard for Republican to beat (5)","Answer":"THUMP","Explanation":"Definition: beat\n **TRUMP** (reference Donald **TRUMP** [born 1946], 45th President of the United States) **with H** (hard, as description of pencil lead) **replacing** (for) **R** (Republican)\n **THUMP"} {"Clue":"Keep turning over Dr Who missing opening with Ace at the start (5)","Answer":"HOARD","Explanation":"Definition: Keep\n **Anagram of** (turning over) **DR** and **WHO** **excluding the first letter** (missing opening) **W** and **A** (ace)\n **HOARD"} {"Clue":"Shilton catches Maradona's first half cutback, revealing limitation (9)","Answer":"PARAMETER","Explanation":"Definition: limitation\n **PETER** (reference **PETER** Shilton [born 1949], English goalkeeper) **containing** (catches) **MARA** (**first 4** [of 8; half] l**etters of** **MARA**dona) **reversed** (cut back) \u2013 Diego Maradona scored the infamous 'Hand of God' goal for Argentina against England in the 1986 World Cup Finals when **PETER** Shilton was the English goalkeeper)\n **P** (**ARAM**<) **ETER"} {"Clue":"Truss getting in to class A drug \u2013 make official\u2026 (9)","Answer":"FORMALIZE","Explanation":"Definition: make official\n **LIZ** (reference **LIZ** Truss [born 1975], current United Kingdom Prime Minister) **contained in** (getting in to) (**FORM** [class] **+ A + E** [ecstasy; drug])\n **FORM A** (**LIZ**) **E"} {"Clue":"\u2026 suddenly rush information into court \u2013 quite the opposite (5)","Answer":"SWOOP","Explanation":"Definition: suddenly rush\n **WOO** (court) **contained in** (into) **SP** (starting price; information) \u2013 the opposite to the construction stated in the clue (information into court)\n **S** (**WOO**) **P"} {"Clue":"Time's Up movement's momentum (7)","Answer":"IMPETUS","Explanation":"Definition: momentum\n **Anagram of** (movement) **TIME'S UP**\n **IMPETUS"} {"Clue":"Go after toys, principally to play with (7)","Answer":"TWIDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: play with\n **T** (**first letter of** [principally] **TOYS**) **+ WIDDLE** (urinate; go)\n **T WIDDLE"} {"Clue":"Cook's bipolar disorder (7)","Answer":"PARBOIL","Explanation":"Definition: Cook\n **Anagram of** (disorder) **BIPOLAR**\n **PARBOIL"} {"Clue":"Performed slapstick for example \u2013 boxing glove not unknown (9)","Answer":"COMMITTED","Explanation":"Definition: Performed\n (**COMEDY** [a form of slapstick] **excluding** [not] **Y** [letter frequently used to reference an unknown value in equations]) **containing** (boxing) **MITT** (glove)\n **COM** (**MITT**) **ED"} {"Clue":"Free newspaper replacing page frequently (5)","Answer":"OFTEN","Explanation":"Definition: frequently\n **OPEN** (free) with **FT** (Financial Times [newspaper]) **replacing** (replacing) **P** (page)\n **OFTEN"} {"Clue":"Oprah's broadcast reaching new generation \u2013 it's an institution (9)","Answer":"ORPHANAGE","Explanation":"Definition: an institution\n **Anagram of** (broadcast) **OPRAH** **+ N** (new) **+ AGE** (generation)\n **ORPHA*** **N** **AGE"} {"Clue":"Jack's vocal part of church (5)","Answer":"KNAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Jack\n **KNAVE** (**sounds like** [vocal] **NAVE** [part of a church])\n **KNAVE"} {"Clue":"Suspect smack and, initially, grass (5,1,3)","Answer":"SMELL A RAT","Explanation":"Definition: Suspect\n **SMELL** (taste; smack) **+ A** (**first letter of** [initially] **AND**) **+ RAT** (inform on; grass)\n **SMELL A RAT"} {"Clue":"1 Across essentially cleared out notorious clubs (5)","Answer":"IRONS","Explanation":"Definition: clubs\n **I** (Roman numeral for one; 1) **+ RO** (**middle letters of** [essentially] **ACROSS**) **+ NS** (l**etters remaining in NOTORIOUS when the central letters OTORIOU are removed** [cleared out])\n **I RO NS"} {"Clue":"Pick up planting at herbaceous border pruned seven times (6)","Answer":"GATHER","Explanation":"Definition: Pick up\n **GATHER** (**letters remaining when the outer pairs of letters** [border] in **PLANTING AT HERBACEOUS** **are successively removed one pair at a times** [pruned seven times])\n **GATHER"} {"Clue":"Firm dates up quickly (9)","Answer":"STEADFAST","Explanation":"Definition: Firm\n **Anagram of** (up) **DATES** **+ FAST** (quickly)\n **STEAD*** **FAST"} {"Clue":"Soap actor loses lead after advert heard regularly (9)","Answer":"DETERGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Soap\n **DETER** (**letters 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10** [regularly] of **ADVERT HEARD**) **+** **AGENT** (one who acts for another; actor) **excluding the first letter** (loses lead) **A**\n **DETER** **GENT"} {"Clue":"Blue bonnet in Charlotte's infancy? Far from it (9)","Answer":"ADULTHOOD","Explanation":"Definition: infancy? Far from it\n **ADULT** (descriptive of a blue movie for example) **+ HOOD** (head covering; bonnet; also American term for the bonnet of a car)\n **ADULT HOOD"} {"Clue":"Every now and then skeptic visits outlet to get meat dish (4,3)","Answer":"PORK PIE","Explanation":"Definition: meat dish\n **KPI** (l**etters 2, 4 and 6** [every now and then] **of SKEPTIC**) **contained in** (visits) **PORE** (outlet for sweat)\n **POR** (**K PI**) **E"} {"Clue":"Butcher's closed \u2013 accepting fine over a little infection (6)","Answer":"SHUFTI","Explanation":"Definition: Butcher's\n (**SHUT** [closed] **containing** [accepting] **F** [fine]) **+ I** (**first letter of** [a little] **INFECTION**)\n **SHU** (**F**) **T I"} {"Clue":"Pirate almost at sea, no longer anchored (5)","Answer":"ATRIP","Explanation":"Definition: no longer anchored\n **Anagram of** (at sea) **PIRATE** **excluding the final letter** (almost) **E**\n **ATRIP"} {"Clue":"Every year fashionable society's first to provide great care (5)","Answer":"PAINS","Explanation":"Definition: great care\n **PA** (per annum; every year) **+ IN** (fashionable) **+ S** (**initial letter of** [first] **SOCIETY**])\n **PA IN S"} {"Clue":"I must follow awards speeches, initially in mother tongue (5)","Answer":"MASAI","Explanation":"Definition: tongue\n (**AS** [**first letters** {initially} **of each of AWARDS and SPEECHES**] **contained in** [in] **MA** [mother]) + **I**\n **M** (**AS**) **A** **I"} {"Clue":"I, among most at work, will be a committed union member (10)","Answer":"MONOGAMIST","Explanation":"Definition: committed union member\n **Anagram of** (at work) **I AMONG MOST**\n **MONOGAMIST"} {"Clue":"One behaving contemptibly towards a daughter (4)","Answer":"TOAD","Explanation":"Definition: One behaving contemptibly\n **TO** (towards) **+ A + D** (daughter)\n **TO A D"} {"Clue":"Demolish inlet's dam after storm (9)","Answer":"DISMANTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Demolish\n **Anagram of** (after storm) **INLET'S DAM**\n **DISMANTLE"} {"Clue":"Cry of joy, embracing willing lover (5)","Answer":"HONEY","Explanation":"Definition: lover\n **HEY** (cry of joy)** containing** (embracing) **ON** (term indicating one's willingness to support, as in 'I'm on for the protest march this weekend')\n **H** (**ON**)** E**Y"} {"Clue":"Platoons, say, some of best in USA, retreating (5)","Answer":"UNITS","Explanation":"Definition: Platoons\n **UNITS** (**reversed** [retreating] **hidden word** [some of] **BEST IN USA**)\n **UNITS**<"} {"Clue":"Independent? Independent participating in belly dancing, unforgettably (9)","Answer":"INDELIBLY","Explanation":"Definition: unforgettably\n **IND** (Independent) **+** (**I** [independent] **contained in** [participating in] **an anagram of** [dancing] **BELLY**)\n **IND EL** (**I**) **BLY"} {"Clue":"Obscurity not observed in radio broadcast (4)","Answer":"MIST","Explanation":"Definition: Obscurity\n **MIST** (**sounds like** [in radio broadcast] **MISSED** [not observed])\n **MIST"} {"Clue":"Refined sources of metal extremely well! (8,2)","Answer":"GRACIOUS ME","Explanation":"Definition: well!\n **GRACIOUS** (refined) **+ ME** (**initial letters of** [sources] of **METAL** and **EXTREMELY**)\n **GRACIOUS** **M ****E"} {"Clue":"Chatter linked to predicament with target of pest control? (6,4)","Answer":"RABBIT HOLE","Explanation":"Definition: target of pest control\n **RABBIT** (chatter; gas) **+ HOLE** (predicament)\n **RABBIT HOLE"} {"Clue":"Run one? (4)","Answer":"RACE","Explanation":"Definition: Run one\n **R** (run, in cricket scoring notation) **+ ACE** (one)\n **R ACE"} {"Clue":"Very busy, but ready to dispatch preserved goods? (3-6)","Answer":"JAM PACKED","Explanation":"Definition: Very busy\n **JAM** (example of a preserve [food product])** + PACKED** (ready for despatch)\n **JAM PACKED"} {"Clue":"Fruit? Seems to have lost first two (5)","Answer":"PEARS","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\n **APPEARS** (seems to) **excluding** (have lost) **the first two letters** (first two) **AP**\n **PEARS"} {"Clue":"Sound of chains, cold and drooping (5)","Answer":"CLANK","Explanation":"Definition: Sound of chains\n **C** (cold) **+ LANK** (drooping)\n **C LANK"} {"Clue":"Transmissible disease? College head bearing identifying mark (9)","Answer":"CONTAGION","Explanation":"Definition: Transmissible disease\n **C** (college) **+** (**ONION** [slang word for head] **containing** [bearing] **TAG** [identifying mark])\n **C** **ON** (**TAG**) **ION"} {"Clue":"Possibly eighth in cricket team in English city (4)","Answer":"BATH","Explanation":"Definition: English city\n **BAT** (all players in a cricket team can be called on to **BAT**) **+ H** (8th letter of the alphabet often used to refer to the eighth item in a list)\n **BAT H"} {"Clue":"Small group of people taken aback about country transport (6,4)","Answer":"ESTATE CARS","Explanation":"Definition: transport\n (**S** [small] **+ RACE** [group of people]) **reversed** (taken aback) **containing** (about) **STATE** (country)\n **E** (**STATE**) **CAR** **S**<"} {"Clue":"Doctor, calculating type, around one part of year (9)","Answer":"MIDSUMMER","Explanation":"Definition: part of year\n (**MD** [Doctor of Medicine] **+ SUMMER** [someone who adds; calculating type])** containing** (around)** I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **M** (**I**) **D** **SUMMER"} {"Clue":"Unpleasant films: one held up places of debauchery (7)","Answer":"NASTIES","Explanation":"Definition: Unpleasant films\n **AN** (one) **reversed** (held up; down entry) **+ STIES** (places of gross debauchery)\n **NA**< **STIES"} {"Clue":"Quantity of wine? Chat with son involves litre (5)","Answer":"GLASS","Explanation":"Definition: Quantity of wine\n (**GAS** [talk; chat] **+ S** [son]) **containing** (involves) **L** (litre)\n **G** (**L**)** AS** **S"} {"Clue":"Demonstration about court case kept short for senior woman (9)","Answer":"MATRIARCH","Explanation":"Definition: senior woman\n **MARCH** (demonstration) **containing** (about) **TRIAL** (court case) **excluding the final letter** (kept short) **L**\n **MA** (**TRIA**) **RCH"} {"Clue":"Pace and power in germ (5)","Answer":"SPEED","Explanation":"Definition: Pace\n **P** (power) **contained in** (in) **SEED** (germ)\n **S** (**P**) **EED"} {"Clue":"Collected edition upset second writer (American) (7)","Answer":"OMNIBUS","Explanation":"Definition: Collected edition\n **MO** (moment; second) **reversed** (upset) **+ NIB** (writer) **+ US** (United States; American)\n **OM**< **NIB** **US"} {"Clue":"Medic, year upon year, accepting student in formal style (5)","Answer":"DRYLY","Explanation":"Definition: in formal style\n **DR** (doctor; medic) **+** ([year {**Y**} + year {**Y**}] **containing** [accepting]** L** [learner; student])\n **DR** **Y** (**L**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Mostly keep quiet in depression (6)","Answer":"HOLLOW","Explanation":"Definition: depression\n **HOLD** (keep) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **D** **+ LOW** (quiet)\n **HOL LOW"} {"Clue":"State idea on reforming Scotland as before (9)","Answer":"CALEDONIA","Explanation":"Definition: Scotland as before\n **CAL** (California; US State) **+ an anagram of** (reforming) **IDEA ON**\n **CAL** **EDONIA"} {"Clue":"Still getting plea for help about new Government services (9)","Answer":"EVENSONGS","Explanation":"Definition: services\n **EVEN** (still) **+** (**SOS** [Save Our Souls; plea for help] **containing** [about] (**N** [new] **+ G** [government])\n **EVEN** **SO** **(N G**) **S"} {"Clue":"One Judge probing journalist's criminal act (6)","Answer":"HIJACK","Explanation":"Definition: criminal act\n (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+J** [judge]) **contained in** (probing) **HACK** (journalist)\n **H** (**I J**) **ACK"} {"Clue":"Fail quickly, overlooking original grandiloquence (7)","Answer":"BOMBAST","Explanation":"Definition: grandiloquence\n **BOMB** (fail) **+ FAST** (quickly) **excluding the first letter** (overlooking original) **F**\n **BOMB AST"} {"Clue":"Account about one pub that's served up American coffee (7)","Answer":"ARABICA","Explanation":"Definition: coffee\n ((**AC** [account] **containing** [about] [**I** {Roman numeral for one} **+ BAR** {pun}] **reversed** [served up]) **+ A** (American)\n **A** (**RAB I**)< **C** **A"} {"Clue":"Biblical character penning a chapter identifying Biblical character (5)","Answer":"JACOB","Explanation":"Definition: Biblical character\n **JOB** (Biblical character) **containing** (penning) (**A** **+** **C** [chapter])\n **J** (**A C**) **OB"} {"Clue":"Gives up thrilling stimulants (5)","Answer":"KICKS","Explanation":"Definition: Gives up\n **KICKS** (thrilling stimulants) **double definition**\n **KICKS"} {"Clue":"Silly space cadet undressed in prank (8)","Answer":"ESCAPADE","Explanation":"Definition: prank\n **Anagram of** (silly) **SPACE** **+ CADET** **excluding the outer letters** (undressed) **C** and **T**\n **ESCAP*** **ADE"} {"Clue":"Extremely rough gang shifting ring and diamond (5)","Answer":"RHOMB","Explanation":"Definition: diamond\n **RH** (**outer letters of** [extremely] **ROUG**H **+ MOB** (gang) with the **O** (ring-shaped character) **moving to the front** (shifting) **to form OMB**\n **RH OMB"} {"Clue":"State capital, but no-go area not entirely cleaned up (5,5)","Answer":"BATON ROUGE","Explanation":"Definition: State capital\n **Anagram of** (cleaned up) **BUT NO-GO** and **AREA** **excluding the final letter** (not entirely) **A**\n **BATON ROUGE"} {"Clue":"Oddly calmer after boats at sea in difficulty (8)","Answer":"OBSTACLE","Explanation":"Definition: difficulty\n **Anagram of** (at sea) **BOATS** **+ CLE** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [oddly] **of CALMER**)\n **OBSTA*** **CLE"} {"Clue":"Coming to terms with sports rulemakers policing the second half (6)","Answer":"FACING","Explanation":"Definition: Coming to terms with\n **FA** (Football Association; rulemakers for football in England) **+ CING** (**final four letters** [second half] **POLICING**)\n **FA CING"} {"Clue":"Way back when? In the end, I couldn't care less (4)","Answer":"YAWN","Explanation":"Definition: I couldn't care less\n **WAY** **reversed** (back) **+ N** (**last letter of** [in the end] **WHEN**)\n **YAW N"} {"Clue":"Part of chair \u2014 place covered by planted bottom (5)","Answer":"SPLIT","Explanation":"Definition: Part\n **PL** (place) **contained in** **SIT** (when you plant your bottom on a chair you **SIT**)\n **S** (**PL**) **IT**\n **Correction, thanks to Hovis at comment 1 below:**\n This should be **SPLAT** (thin strip forming the upright middle part of a chair-back)\n **PL** (place) **contained in** (covered by) **SAT** (planted bottom)\n **S** (**PL**) **AT"} {"Clue":"Close to being a miser (4)","Answer":"NEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Close to being a miser (4)\n **NEAR** (parsimonious; being like a miser) **double definition**\n **NEAR"} {"Clue":"Bully someone doing sit-ups (6)","Answer":"ABUSER","Explanation":"Definition: Bully\n **AB USER** (one using **AB**dominal muscles in exercises such as sit-ups)\n **AB USER"} {"Clue":"Attacked and split down the middle, abandoned by wife (4,4)","Answer":"TORN INTO","Explanation":"Definition: Attacked\n **TORN IN TWO** or **TORE IN TWO** (split down the middle) **excluding** (abandoned by) **W** (wife)\n **TORN** **IN TO**\n **Update: **I note that the Independent website gives the entry as **TORE INTO "} {"Clue":"Pour cold water on plate and put away recipe cutting (10)","Answer":"DISHEARTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Pour cold water on\n **DISH** (plate of food) **+** (**R** [recipe] **contained in** [cutting] **EATEN**)\n **DISH** **EA** (**R**) **TEN"} {"Clue":"Joshua selfishly holds back Abraham's grandson (4)","Answer":"ESAU","Explanation":"Definition: Abraham's grandson\n **ESAU** (**reversed** [back] **hidden word in** [holds] **JOSHUA SELFISHLY**)\n **ESAU**<"} {"Clue":"Superhuman Olympians seen around the centre of Milan: what do they want? (5)","Answer":"GOLDS","Explanation":"Definition: what do they want\n **GODS** (in Greek mythology, superhuman beings from Mount Olympus **containing** (seen around) **L** (**middle letter of** [centre of] **MILAN**)\n **GO** (**L**) **DS"} {"Clue":"Soldiers feel I'm out of place in the Navy (8)","Answer":"RIFLEMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Soldiers\n **Anagram of** (out of place) **FEEL I'M** **contained in** (in) **RN** ([Royal] Navy])\n **R** (**IFLEME***) **N"} {"Clue":"Cold shower lashes into drunk (10)","Answer":"HAILSTONES","Explanation":"Definition: Cold shower\n **Anagram of** (drunk) **LASHES INTO**\n **HAILSTONES"} {"Clue":"Atrica could go either way about using feet (6)","Answer":"IAMBIC","Explanation":"Definition: using feet\n **I** (Atrica, the crossword setter) **+ AM + BI** (attracted to both sexes; could go either way) **+ C** (circa; about)\n **I AM BI C"} {"Clue":"What's written about female in the next message (4)","Answer":"TEXT","Explanation":"Definition: message\n The letters **TEXT** **contain** (written about) **HEN** (female) i**n the words THE NEXT**\n **TEXT"} {"Clue":"Unhealthy substance controlled in unusually fast time (5,3)","Answer":"TRANS FAT","Explanation":"Definition: Unhealthy substance\n (**RAN** [managed; controlled] **contained in** [in] **an anagram of** [unusually] **FAST**) **+ T** (time)\n **T** (**RAN**) **S FA*** **T"} {"Clue":"Derelict old boy I see turning up (4)","Answer":"HOBO","Explanation":"Definition: Derelict\n (**OB** [old boy] **+ OH**! [expression indicating 'I get it'; 'I see']) **all reversed** (turning up; down entry)\n (**HO BO**)<"} {"Clue":"Ink-maker with bottom becoming black in lampoon (5)","Answer":"SQUIB","Explanation":"Definition: lampoon\n **SQUID** (mollusc that produces an inky liquid) **with the final letter** (bottom) **D** **replaced by** (becoming ) **B** (black, in description of lead pencils)\n **SQUIB"} {"Clue":"I began, stupidly, to hold love as something found in bed (7)","Answer":"BEGONIA","Explanation":"Definition: found in bed\n **Anagram of** (stupidly) **I BEGAN** **containing** (to hold) **O** (character representing zero [love score at tennis])\n **BEG** (**O**) **NIA"} {"Clue":"Uplifting story about college glory (5)","Answer":"ECLAT","Explanation":"Definition: glory\n **TALE** (story) **reversed** (uplifting; down entry) **containing** (about) **C** (college)\n **E** (**C**) **LAT**<"} {"Clue":"Believed to be embarrassed to support Tory team (10)","Answer":"CONSIDERED","Explanation":"Definition: Believed to be\n **CON** (Conservative; Tory) **+ SIDE** (team) **+ RED** (embarrassed) \u2013 as is this is a down entry the letters **RED** are 'supporting' the letters **CONSIDE**\n **CON SIDE RED"} {"Clue":"Taking a risk, giving up golf and going for a walk (7)","Answer":"AMBLING","Explanation":"Definition: going for a walk\n **GAMBLING** (taking a risk) **excluding** (giving up) **the letter G** (golf is the International Radio Communication codeword for the letter **G**)\n **AMBLING"} {"Clue":"Seaweed found by idiot aboard small boat in Greek legend (8)","Answer":"SARGASSO","Explanation":"Definition: Seaweed\n **ASS** (idiot) **contained in** (aboard) (**S** [small] **+ ARGO** (name of a boat in Greek legend, reference Jason and the **ARGO**nauts)\n **S ARG** (**ASS**) **O"} {"Clue":"Escape from Truss versus Sunak, perhaps (3,3)","Answer":"RUN OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Escape from\n **RUN OFF** (the final vote in the recent election for leader of the Conservative Party was a **RUN-OFF** between Rishi **SUNAK** and Liz **TRUSS**) double definition\n **RUN OFF"} {"Clue":"When drawing, cheat a bit (5)","Answer":"TRACE","Explanation":"Definition: When drawing, cheat\n **TRACE** (a very small bit) **double definition**\n **TRACE"} {"Clue":"Constrained by underwhelming leadership (4)","Answer":"HELM","Explanation":"Definition: leadership\n **HELM** (**hidden word in** [constrained by] **UNDERWHELMING**)\n **HELM"} {"Clue":"Religious writings brought up \u2013 bishop is under some pressure (4)","Answer":"TORR","Explanation":"Definition: some pressure\n **OT** (Old Testament; religious writings) **reversed** (brought up; down entry) **+ RR** (Right Reverend; form of address for a bishop)\n **TO**< **RR"} {"Clue":"It might be the top part of emblem on a design (8)","Answer":"LEMONADE","Explanation":"Definition: It might be the top\n **LEMONADE** (**hidden word in** [part of] **EMBLEM ON A DESIGN**)\n **LEMONADE"} {"Clue":"Contest The Independent runs in The Observer (6)","Answer":"VIEWER","Explanation":"Definition: Observer\n **VIE** (contend in rivalry; contest) **+ WE** (descriptive of the online newspaper, The Independent, that publishes this crossword) **+ R** (runs)\n **VIE WE R"} {"Clue":"Fresh, unopened cream? (4)","Answer":"AIRY","Explanation":"Definition: Fresh\n **DAIRY** (cream is a form of **DAIRY** produce) **excluding the first letter** (unopened) **D**\n **AIRY"} {"Clue":"Very fast form of percussion (10)","Answer":"SUPERSONIC","Explanation":"Definition: Very fast\n **Anagram of** (form of) **PERCUSSION**\n **SUPERSONIC"} {"Clue":"Fellow in therapy with restraining order? (6)","Answer":"CURFEW","Explanation":"Definition: restraining order\n (**F** [fellow] **contained in** [in] **CURE** [therapy]) **+ W** (with)\n **CUR** (**F**) **E** **W"} {"Clue":"Departing in defeat at long jump, perhaps (8)","Answer":"OUTBOUND","Explanation":"Definition: Departing\n **OUT** (defeat, as a verb?) **+ BOUND** (a long jump)\n **OUT BOUND"} {"Clue":"Regularly credit Top Hat's opening dance (7)","Answer":"CEILIDH","Explanation":"Definition: dance\n **CEI** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] of **CREDIT**) **+ LID** (top) **+ H** (first **letter of** ['s opening] **HAT**)\n **CEI LID H"} {"Clue":"Mark's small container of lube holds two gallons (7)","Answer":"SPECKLE","Explanation":"Definition: Mark\n (**S** [small)] **+ LE** [**outer letters of** [container of] **LUBE**) **containing** (holds) **PECK** (formerly, a measure of capacity for dry goods, 2 gallons, or one quarter of a bushel)\n **S** (**PECK**) **LE"} {"Clue":"Maiden happening to scrub old shoe (8)","Answer":"MOCCASIN","Explanation":"Definition: shoe\n **M** (maiden [over], cricketing term) **+ OCCASION** (event; happening) **excluding** (to scrub) **O** (old)\n **M** **OCCASIN"} {"Clue":"Bolt loosened for fun (3,3)","Answer":"RUN OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Bolt\n **Anagram of** (loosened) **FOR FUN**\n **RUN OFF"} {"Clue":"Remarkable thing about Bath weirdo (10)","Answer":"WHITEBOARD","Explanation":"Definition: Remarkable thing\n **Anagram of** (about) **BATH WEIRDO**\n **WHITEBOARD"} {"Clue":"Young setter, say, boxing pound for pound (4)","Answer":"PULP","Explanation":"Definition: pound\n **PUP** (young dog; a setter is breed of dog) **containing** (boxing) **L** (symbol for pound sterling)\n **PU** (**L**) **P"} {"Clue":"On the panel assessing hearing impairment (6)","Answer":"INJURY","Explanation":"Definition: impairment\n **IN** [the] **JURY** (on the [assessment] panel)\n **IN JURY"} {"Clue":"Reminder of what Japanese restaurants do? (8)","Answer":"KEEPSAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Reminder\n **SAKE** is a Japanese alcoholic drink made from fermented rice so a Japanese restaurant would **KEEP SAKE** for serving to customers\n **KEEP SAKE"} {"Clue":"Timeless photo possibly inspires journalist to provide digital restoration (8)","Answer":"PEDICURE","Explanation":"Definition: digital restoration\n **PICTURE** (photo) **excluding** (\u2026less) **T** (time) and **containing** (inspiring) **ED** (editor; journalist) I'm not sure what part 'possibly' plays in this clue other than as a link word\n **P** (**ED**) **ICURE"} {"Clue":"Stiff grass around yard (4)","Answer":"BODY","Explanation":"Definition: Stiff\n **DOB** (inform on; grass) **reversed** (around) **+ Y** (yard)\n **BOD**< **Y"} {"Clue":"Cut to pieces after fighting in city (6)","Answer":"WARSAW","Explanation":"Definition: city\n **WAR** (fighting) **+ SAW** (cut into pieces)\n **WAR SAW"} {"Clue":"Go too far above one in flight (8)","Answer":"OVERSTEP","Explanation":"Definition: Go too far\n **OVER** (above) **+ STEP** (part of a ladder or flight of stairs)\n **OVER STEP"} {"Clue":"Wave on Coral Sea spraying vessel (7,3)","Answer":"AEROSOL CAN","Explanation":"Definition: spraying vessel\n **Anagram of** (wave) **ON CORAL SEA**\n **AEROSOL CAN"} {"Clue":"Host feeding cat for example (6)","Answer":"LEGION","Explanation":"Definition: Host\n **EG** (for example) **contained in** (feeding) **LION** (cat)\n **L** (**EG**) **ION"} {"Clue":"My pole dancing is put to use (6)","Answer":"EMPLOY","Explanation":"Definition: put to use\n **Anagram of** (dancing) **MY POLE**\n **EMPLOY"} {"Clue":"Change of clue, is it appropriate? (10)","Answer":"FELICITOUS","Explanation":"Definition: appropriate\n **Anagram of** (change) **OF CLUE IS IT**\n **FELICITOUS"} {"Clue":"Vicious uprising then order? Youngsters on vacation can be rebels (8)","Answer":"DISOBEYS","Explanation":"Definition: rebels\n **SID** (reference **SID** Vicious [1957 \u2013 1979], bassist and vocalist in the Sex Pistols band) **reversed** (uprising; down entry) **+ OBE** (Order [of the British Empire]) **+ YS** (**letters remaining in** **YOUNGSTERS** **when the central letters OUNGSTER are removed** [on vacation])\n **DIS**< **OBE** **YS"} {"Clue":"It's quite a stretch, fancy being realistic? (8)","Answer":"LIFELIKE","Explanation":"Definition: realistic\n **LIFE** (a life term is prison is a long sentence [quite a stretch]) **+ LIKE **(find attractive; of a person, fancy]\n **LIFE LIKE"} {"Clue":"Bare man cycling in Welsh town (6)","Answer":"UNMASK","Explanation":"Definition: Bare\n **NMA** (**letters of MAN cycled one place to the right**) **contained in** (in) **USK** (Welsh town)\n **U** (**NMA**) **SK"} {"Clue":"Good to go running, right? (2,4)","Answer":"ON HAND","Explanation":"Definition: Good to go\n **ON** (working; running) **+ HAND** (right describes a hand)\n **ON HAND"} {"Clue":"Apparently it was partitioned and erased accidentally (3,3)","Answer":"RED SEA","Explanation":"Definition: Apparently it was partitioned\n **Anagram of** (accidentally) **ERASED**\n **RED SEA"} {"Clue":"Listen to me sounding drunk (4)","Answer":"PSST","Explanation":"Definition: Listen to me\n **PSST** (sounds like; sounding) **PISSED** (extremely drunk)\n **PSST"} {"Clue":"Need ground by minor thoroughfare extended (9)","Answer":"BROADENED","Explanation":"Definition: extended\n **B ROAD** (minor thoroughfare) **+ an anagram of** (ground) **NEED**\n **B ROAD** **ENED"} {"Clue":"Where one may serve royal assembly (5)","Answer":"COURT","Explanation":"Definition: Where one may serve\n **COURT** (body of persons who form the sovereign's suite or council; an assembly of courtiers; royal assembly) **double definition**\n **COURT"} {"Clue":"Sea creature, maybe otter, crossing lake with parent (6)","Answer":"FULMAR","Explanation":"Definition: Sea creature\n **FUR** (an otter is an animal with short smooth **FUR**) **containing** (crossing) (**L** [lake] **+ MA** [mother])\n **FU** (**L MA**) **R"} {"Clue":"Mathematician, following degree, is developing (8)","Answer":"MATURING","Explanation":"Definition: developing\n **MA** (Master of Arts; degree) **+ TURING** (reference Alan **TURING** [1912 \u2013 1954], English mathematician closely involved with cracking the Enigma code at Bletchley Park during the Second World War)\n **MA TURING"} {"Clue":"Hotel by peninsula bordering Northern Ireland (8)","Answer":"HIBERNIA","Explanation":"Definition: Ireland\n **H** (Hotel is the International radio Communication codeword for the letter **H**) **+** (**IBERIA** [reference the **IBERIA**n peninsula comprising Spain and Portugal] **containing** [bordeing] **N** [northern])\n **H** **IBER** (**N**) **IA"} {"Clue":"Record producer John still entertains largely just using covers (6)","Answer":"EVELYN","Explanation":"Definition: Record producer John\n **EVEN** (calm; still) **containing** (entertaining) **LARGELY** **excluding the central letters ARGEL** (just using covers)\n **EVE** (**LY**) **N"} {"Clue":"Warship in fix, beset by doom (7)","Answer":"FRIGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Warship\n **RIG** (make ready; fix) **contained in** (beset by) **FATE** (doom)\n **F** (**RIG**) **ATE"} {"Clue":"Medicinal powder left over in kind of cigarette (7)","Answer":"CALOMEL","Explanation":"Definition: Medicinal powder\n (**L** [left] **+ O** [over]) **contained in** (in) **CAMEL** (brand of cigarettes containing a mix of Turkish and American tobacco)\n **CA** (**L O**) **MEL"} {"Clue":"Poet's previously gained and regularly earned returns (6)","Answer":"ERENOW","Explanation":"Definition: Poet's previously\n (**WON** [gained] **+ ERE** [**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] of **EARNED**) **all reversed** (returns)\n (**ERE NOW**)<"} {"Clue":"Needless struggles abated (8)","Answer":"LESSENED","Explanation":"Definition: abated\n **Anagram of** (struggles) **NEEDLESS**\n **LESSENED"} {"Clue":"Relative aboard sizable vessels? They drift around (8)","Answer":"VAGRANTS","Explanation":"Definition: They drift around\n **GRAN** (older relative) **contained in** (aboard) **VATS** (large vessels)\n **VA** (**GRAN**) **TS"} {"Clue":"Protest and say, with outline of scowl, \"I'm in pain!\" (2-4)","Answer":"GO SLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Protest\n **GO** (say) **+ SL** (**outer letters of** [outline of] **SCOWL**) **+ OW** (expression indicating the speaker is in pain)\n **GO SL OW"} {"Clue":"Men, currently popular, hosting ball for stars (5)","Answer":"ORION","Explanation":"Definition: stars\n **OR** (other ranks; men) **+** (**IN** [popular] **containing** [hosting] **O** [character representing the shape of a ball])\n **OR** **I** (**O**) **N"} {"Clue":"Urban area that each other across answer has here (5,4)","Answer":"INNER CITY","Explanation":"Definition: Urban area\n **INNER CITY** (every other across entry in the puzzle has an internal [inner] set of consecutive letters spelling the name of a city or former city)\n **INNER CITY"} {"Clue":"Attendant for better publisher stops person shouting (8)","Answer":"CROUPIER","Explanation":"Definition: Attendant for better\n **OUP** (Oxford University Press [oublisher]) **contained in** (stopping) **CRIER** (person shouting)\n **CR** (**OUP**) **IER"} {"Clue":"Composed lyrical melody? Not all of it (4)","Answer":"CALM","Explanation":"Definition: Composed\n **CALM** (**hidden word in** [not all of it] **LYRICAL MELODY**)\n **CALM"} {"Clue":"Felon ultimately with not a single regret turned up in cell (6)","Answer":"NEURON","Explanation":"Definition: cell\n **N** (l**ast letter of** [ultimately] **FELON**) **+** (**NO** [not a single] **+ RUE** [regret]) **reversed** (turned up; down entry)\n **N** (**EUR ON**)<"} {"Clue":"A supplier of iron, this person blocks trade supply (3,4)","Answer":"RED MEAT","Explanation":"Definition: A supplier of iron\n **ME** (this person) **contained in** (blocks) **an anagram of** (supply [derivative of supple]) **TRADE**\n **RED** (**ME**) **AT"} {"Clue":"Eccentric coerced us to install old form of program (6,4)","Answer":"SOURCE CODE","Explanation":"Definition: form of program\n **Anagram of** (eccentric) **COERCED US** **containing** (to install) **O** (old)\n **S** (**O**) **URCE CODE*** \u2013 either **O** could be the one contained"} {"Clue":"Drink drop of Bourbon, in the mood for it (6)","Answer":"BRANDY","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\n **B** (**first letter of** [source of] **BOURBON**) **+ RANDY** (sexually excited; in the mood for it)\n **B RANDY"} {"Clue":"Divine female thus entertained by Carmen? (6)","Answer":"ATHENA","Explanation":"Definition: Divine female\n **THEN** (thus) **contained in** (entertained by) **AA** (Automobile Association; car men)\n **A** (**THEN**) **A"} {"Clue":"Part of ship's mooring \u2013 need to cast off back at sea (6,4)","Answer":"ENGINE ROOM","Explanation":"Definition: Part of ship\n **Anagram of** (at sea) **MOORING** and **NEED** **excluding the final letter** [to cast of back] **D**\n **ENGINE ROOM"} {"Clue":"What's seen twice in Tate: outstanding drawing (6)","Answer":"TOWING","Explanation":"Definition: drawing\n **T** (the letter **T** occurs twice [seen twice] in **TATE**) **+ OWING** (money outstanding)\n **T OWING"} {"Clue":"You once also bitten by the barking canine (3,5)","Answer":"EYE TOOTH","Explanation":"Definition: canine\n (**YE** [**former** {once} word for 'the'] **+ TOO** [also]) **contained in** (bitten by) **an anagram of** (barking) **THE**\n **E** (**YE** **TOO**) **TH"} {"Clue":"Last capital of County Down (7)","Answer":"CLOSING","Explanation":"Definition: Last\n **C** (**first letter of** [capital of] **COUNTY**) **+ LOSING** (behind in the competition; down)\n **C LOSING"} {"Clue":"Game show, one for Irishman (6)","Answer":"RUAIRI","Explanation":"Definition: Irishman\n **RU** (Rugby Union; sport; game) **+ AIR** (broadcast; show) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **RU AIR I"} {"Clue":"Team audibly expressed exasperation (6)","Answer":"SIGHED","Explanation":"Definition: expressed exasperation\n **SIGHED** (**sounds like** [audibly expressed] **SIDE** [team])\n **SIGHED"} {"Clue":"Garment in this fashion has designer label (4)","Answer":"SOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Garment\n **SO** (in this fashion) **+ CK** (label for Calvin Klein clothes [designer label])\n **SO CK"} {"Clue":"Anything Scottish showing style, first to last (5)","Answer":"OUCHT","Explanation":"Definition: Anything Scottish\n **TOUCH** (characteristic manner, style or trait) **with the initial letter T** **moved to the end** (first to last)\n **OUCHT"} {"Clue":"In which one takes a tour abroad round California? (7)","Answer":"AUTOCAR","Explanation":"Definition: In which one takes a tour\n **Anagram of** (abroad) **A TOUR** **containing** (round) **CA** (California)\n **AUTO** (**CA**) **R*** Could be parsed as **A** + (**an anagram of TOUR** **containing** **CA**)"} {"Clue":"Bachelor careless about desk as container for articles not currently needed? (9)","Answer":"BALAAM-BOX","Explanation":"Definition: container for articles not currently needed\n **BA** (Bachelor [of Arts] **+** (**LAX** [careless] **containing** [about] **AMBO** [an early Christian raised reading-desk or pulpit])\n **BA** **LA** (**AMBO**) **X"} {"Clue":"Tsotsi, artful, hugging stunner given latitude (6)","Answer":"SKOLLY","Explanation":"Definition: Tsotsi\n **SLY** (artful) **containing** (hugging) (**KO** [a knockout; a stunner] **+ L** [latitude])\n **S** (**KO** **L**) **LY"} {"Clue":"Mugs for fresh brew (5)","Answer":"SWATS","Explanation":"Definition: Mugs\n **SWATS** (Scottish term for new ale; fresh brew) **double definition**\n **SWATS"} {"Clue":"A PT term in training (7)","Answer":"TRAMPET","Explanation":"Definition: A PT term in training\n **Anagram of** (in training) **A PT TERM**\n **TRAMPET"} {"Clue":"Regarding golf shot, one going in, I have supposed (10)","Answer":"REPUTATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: supposed\n **RE** (regarding) **+** (**A** [one] **contained in** [going in] **PUTT** [golf shot]) **+** **I'VE** (I have)\n **RE** **PUT** (**A**) **T** **IVE"} {"Clue":"Parisian suburb, unfortunately without river (4)","Answer":"ORLY","Explanation":"Definition: Parisian suburb\n **POORLY** (unfortunately) **excluding** (without) **PO** (Italian river)\n **ORLY"} {"Clue":"Bone showing spite mum cracks (6)","Answer":"HAMATE","Explanation":"Definition: Bone\n **MA** (mum) **contained in** (cracks) **HATE** (extreme dislike; showing spite)\n **HA** (**MA**) **TE"} {"Clue":"Private secretary pocketing currency unit in sets of three (6)","Answer":"PRIALS","Explanation":"Definition: sets of three\n **PS** (private secretary) **containing** (pocketing) **RIAL** (standard monetary unit of Iran, Oman, Saudi Arabia and the Yemen Arab Republic)\n **P** (**RIAL**) **S"} {"Clue":"Foreign birds creating match with coating switched (4)","Answer":"TUIS","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign birds\n **SUIT** (fit; match) **with the outer letters S and T swapped round** (with coating switched) to form **TUIS**\n **TUIS"} {"Clue":"Means of examining altered plans involving courtyard (10)","Answer":"PALPATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Means of examining\n **Anagram of** (altered) **PLANS** **containing** (involving) **PATIO** (courtyard)\n **PAL** (**PATIO**) **NS"} {"Clue":"Ester of a kind found in whole ingredients (5)","Answer":"OLEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Ester of a kind\n **OLEIN** (**hidden word in** [in] **WHOLE INGREDIENTS**)\n **OLEIN"} {"Clue":"Screed maybe I loaded into truck (6)","Answer":"TIRADE","Explanation":"Definition: Screed maybe\n **I** contained in (loaded into) **TRADE** (dealings; truck)\n **T** (**I**) **RADE"} {"Clue":"Discoloration from some anils, processed (9)","Answer":"MELANOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: Discoloration\n **Anagram of** (processed) **SOME ANILS**\n **MELANOSIS"} {"Clue":"We enjoy hurting street in grip of sober lives (7)","Answer":"SADISTS","Explanation":"Definition: We enjoy hurting\n **ST** (street) **contained in** (in the grip of) (**SAD** [sober] **+ IS** [lives])\n **SAD** **I** (**ST**) **S"} {"Clue":"Distinct botanical items died in broken case (5)","Answer":"ECADS","Explanation":"Definition: Distinct botanical items\n **D** (died) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (broken) **CASE**\n **ECA** (**D**) **S"} {"Clue":"Bort's mixed with another stone, nothing American (vulgarly loud?) (12)","Answer":"OBSTROPALOUS","Explanation":"Definition: vulgarly loud\n **Anagram of** (mixed) **BORTS** **+ OPAL** (gemstone) **+ O** (character representing zero; nothing) **+ US** (American)\n **OBSTR*** **OPAL** **O US"} {"Clue":"Pound the beat, as copper with Lord Mayor regularly intervening \u2026 (5)","Answer":"CLOMP","Explanation":"Definition: Pound the beat\n **COP** (policeman; copper) **with the letters of LM** (Lord Mayor) **being inserted at positions 2 and 4** (regularly intervening)\n **C** (**L**) **O** (**M**) **P"} {"Clue":"\u2026 Appearing under hat, mostly straw (4)","Answer":"HALM","Explanation":"Definition: straw\n **HAT** excluding the final letter (mostly) **T** **+ LM** (Lord Mayor, from previous clues hence the ellipses linking the clues)\n **HA LM"} {"Clue":"Sedative that cuts a pain (6)","Answer":"AMYTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Sedative\n **YT** (obscure word that used to mean 'that') **contained in** (cuts) (**A** **+ MAL** [pain])\n **A** **M** (**YT**) **AL"} {"Clue":"Big dog that's tucked into potato salad (4)","Answer":"TOSA","Explanation":"Definition: Big dog\n **TOSA** (**hidden word in** [tucked into] **POTATO SALAD**)\n **TOSA"} {"Clue":"Church primate to the French, in his mitre? (7)","Answer":"CHAPEAU","Explanation":"Definition: mitre\n **CH** (church) **+ APE** (primate) **+ AU** (French for 'to the')\n **CH APE AU"} {"Clue":"Veteran signing up state spoilt with cash, grand (9)","Answer":"ATTESTING","Explanation":"Definition: Veteran signing up\n **Anagram of** (spoilt) **STATE** **+ **TIN (money; cash) **+ G** (grand)\n **ATTES*** **TIN** **G"} {"Clue":"Don't sleep so much when brought before head, being uneasy (12)","Answer":"RESTLESSNESS","Explanation":"Definition: being uneasy\n **REST LESS** (don't sleep so much) **+ NESS** (head[land])\n **REST LESS** **NESS"} {"Clue":"Cabin No. 3 gives this accommodation (5)","Answer":"BERTH","Explanation":"Definition: Cabin\n **BERTH** (**hidden word in** [gives this] **NUMBER THREE** [No. 3])\n **BERTH"} {"Clue":"Violet, possibly a Scot with meagre English (8)","Answer":"IANTHINE","Explanation":"Definition: Violet\n **IAN** (Scottish name) **+ THIN** (meagre) **+ E** (English)\n **IAN THIN E"} {"Clue":"Predial broadcast, not to rely on hearsay? (7)","Answer":"LIPREAD","Explanation":"Definition: not to rely on hearsay\n **Anagram of** (broadcast) **PREDIAL**\n **LIPREAD"} {"Clue":"Old watch in lazar-house losing time (5)","Answer":"SPIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Old watch\n **SPITAL** (hospital for foul diseases like a lazar-house) **excluding** (losing) **T** (time)\n **SPIAL"} {"Clue":"Master letting wowser in, making allowances (6)","Answer":"BATTAS","Explanation":"Definition: allowances\n **BAAS** (master, overseer) **containing** (letting in) **TT** (teetotaller; a wowser is a teetotaller)\n **BA** (**TT**) **AS"} {"Clue":"They get to work after rumination, when a way of working comes up (5)","Answer":"OMASA","Explanation":"Definition: They get to work after rumination\n (**AS** **+ A + MO** (modus operandi [way of working]) **all reversed** (comes up; down entry)\n (**OM A SA**)<"} {"Clue":"When to hear vespers and an extract from Genesis (4)","Answer":"ENES","Explanation":"Definition: When to hear vespers\n **ENES** (**hidden word in** [extract from] **GENESIS**)\n **ENES"} {"Clue":"Orderly schoolkids cut pot (4)","Answer":"CROC","Explanation":"Definition: Orderly schoolkids\n **CROCK** (pot or jar) **excluding the final letter** (cut) **K**\n **CROC"} {"Clue":"Fine at avoiding angry passion (4)","Answer":"FIRE","Explanation":"Definition: passion\n **F** (fine) **+ IRATE** (angry) **excluding** (avoiding) **AT**\n **FIRE"} {"Clue":"With friends at sea keeping you finally right as aquatic performer (10)","Answer":"WINDSURFER","Explanation":"Definition: aquatic performer\n ([**Anagram of** {at sea} **W** {with} and **FRIENDS**] **containing** [keeping] **U** [**last letter of** {finally} **YOU**]) **+ R** (right)\n **W****INDS** (**U**) **RFE*** **R"} {"Clue":"Debts linked to charge account, showing greed (9)","Answer":"RAPACIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: showing greed\n **RAP** (criminal charge) **+ AC** (account) **+ IOUS** (I owe yous; debts)\n **RAP AC IOUS"} {"Clue":"India's capital avoided in intermittent part of break (2-3)","Answer":"IN-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: part of break\n **I** (India is the international radio communication code for the letter **I**) **+ ON-OFF** (intermittent) **excluding the first letter** (capital avoided?) **O**\n **I N-OFF"} {"Clue":"University book capturing college result (7)","Answer":"OUTCOME","Explanation":"Definition: result\n **OU** (Open University) **+** (**TOME** [book] **containing** [capturing] **C** [college])\n **OU** **T** (**C**) **OME"} {"Clue":"Uproar and cheers after receiving first of cream cheese (7)","Answer":"RICOTTA","Explanation":"Definition: cheese\n (**RIOT** [uproar] **+ TA** [thankyou; cheers]) **containing** (after receiving) **C** (**initial letter of** [first of] **CREAM**)\n **RI** (**C**) **OT TA"} {"Clue":"Accepted drivers having to enter plant (8)","Answer":"EMBRACED","Explanation":"Definition: Accepted\n **RAC** (Royal Automobile Club; drivers) **contained in** (having to enter) **EMBED** (plant firmly in a mass of matter)\n **EMB** (**RAC**) **ED"} {"Clue":"Strike sees one leaving London area (5)","Answer":"ACTON","Explanation":"Definition: London area\n **ACTION** (a strike is a form of industrial **ACTION**) **excluding** (sees \u2026 leaving) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **ACTON"} {"Clue":"To dine beside historic King will be marvellous (5)","Answer":"GREAT","Explanation":"Definition: marvellous\n **GR** (George Rex; any of King George I to King George VI, historic Kings of the United Kingdom) **+ EAT** (dine)\n **GR EAT"} {"Clue":"Man's place is in his area, mostly unsettled (5,3)","Answer":"IRISH SEA","Explanation":"Definition: Man's place\n **IS** **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (unsettled) **HIS** and **AREA** **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **A**\n **IR** (**IS**) **H S****EA"} {"Clue":"Attorney, with some discomfort, representing embassy official (7)","Answer":"ATTACHE","Explanation":"Definition: embassy official\n **ATT** (attorney) **+ ACHE** (some discomfort)\n **ATT ACHE"} {"Clue":"Be enough to feel bad, mostly, about one with cold (7)","Answer":"SUFFICE","Explanation":"Definition: Be enough\n **SUFFER** (feel bad) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **containing** (about) (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ C** [cold])\n **SUFF** (**I C**) **E"} {"Clue":"Success capturing American island or part of island (5)","Answer":"HAITI","Explanation":"Definition: part of island\n (**HIT** [success] **containing** [capturing] **A** [American]) **+ I** (island)\n **H** (**A**) **IT I"} {"Clue":"English in lodging house unravelled a clue in Scottish island (9)","Answer":"BENBECULA","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish island\n (**E** [English] **contained in** (in) **BNB** (**B'N'B**; Bed and Breakfast [lodging house]) **+ anagram of** (unravelled) **A CLUE**\n **B** (**E**) **N'B** **ECULA"} {"Clue":"Church adopting line regarding fiction: a top-level thing for the church (10)","Answer":"CLERESTORY","Explanation":"Definition: top-level thing for the church\n (**CE** [Church {of England}] **containing** (adopting) **L** [line]) **+ RE** (regarding) **+ STORY** (fiction)\n **C** (**L**) **E RE** **STORY"} {"Clue":"Dislike not heading for Sahara in expedition (4)","Answer":"HATE","Explanation":"Definition: Dislike\n **HASTE** (speed; expedition) **excluding** (not) **S** (**first letter of** [heading for] **SAHARA**)\n **HATE"} {"Clue":"Runs company investing in excellent plant product (3-4)","Answer":"FIR-CONE","Explanation":"Definition: plant product\n (**R** [runs] **+ CO** [company]) **contained in** (investing in) **FINE** (excellent)\n **FI** (**R CO**) **NE"} {"Clue":"Well-regarded Unionist welcomed by theatre board (9)","Answer":"REPUTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Well-regarded\n **U** (unionist) **contained in** (welcomed by) (**REP** [repertory; theatre] + **TABLE** [board])\n **REP** (**U**) **TABLE"} {"Clue":"I'd premonition over ENO dropping new Mozart opera (8)","Answer":"IDOMENEO","Explanation":"Definition: Mozart opera\n **I'D** **+ OMEN** (premonition) **+ ENO** **excluding** (dropping) **N** (new)\n **ID OMEN**** EO"} {"Clue":"French are gripped by dreadful need (6)","Answer":"DESIRE","Explanation":"Definition: need\n **ES** (French for 'are') **contained in** (gripped by) **DIRE** (dreadful)\n **D** (**ES**) **IRE"} {"Clue":"Study centre curtailed part of course (3)","Answer":"UNI","Explanation":"Definition: Study centre\n **UNIT** (part of a course of study) **excluding the final letter** (curtailed) **T**\n **UNI"} {"Clue":"Wintry weather seeing upturn in cloudbursts or fogs (5)","Answer":"FROST","Explanation":"Definition: Wintry weather\n **FROST** (**reversed** [upturn; down entry] **hidden word in** [in] **CLOUDBURSTS OR FOG**)\n **FROST**<"} {"Clue":"Hold back official intelligence after leader's deposed (7)","Answer":"REFRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Hold back\n **REF** (**REF**eree; official) **+ BRAIN** (intelligence) **excluding the first letter** (after the leader's deposed) **B**\n **REF RAIN"} {"Clue":"Academic blending coal and schist (10)","Answer":"SCHOLASTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Academic\n **Anagram of** (blending) **COAL** and **SCHIST**\n **SCHOLASTIC"} {"Clue":"Description of advert not meant for wide distribution? (10)","Answer":"CLASSIFIED","Explanation":"Definition: Description of advert\n **CLASSIFIED** (descriptive of adverts arranged in categories) **double definition**\n **CLASSIFIED"} {"Clue":"Range's stature is rocky (9)","Answer":"TESSITURA","Explanation":"Definition: Range\n **Anagram of** (rocky) **STATURE IS**\n **TESSITURA"} {"Clue":"Perhaps trusty Prince is working with Queen (8)","Answer":"PRISONER","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps trusty\n **PR** (Prince) **+ IS + ON** (working) **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; Queen)\n **PR IS ON ER"} {"Clue":"Very clear endless elegance surrounds this setter (7)","Answer":"GRAPHIC","Explanation":"Definition: Very clear\n **GRACE** (elegance) **excluding the final letter** (endless) **E** **containing** (surrounds) **PHI** (setter of this crossword puzzle)\n **GRA** (**PHI**) **C"} {"Clue":"One gallery featured in film (7)","Answer":"ACETATE","Explanation":"Definition: film\n **ACE** (one) **+ TATE** (reference one of the various **TATE** art galleries throughout Britain)\n **ACE TATE"} {"Clue":"Children's\u00a0writer's book I found in home (6)","Answer":"NESBIT","Explanation":"Definition: Children's\u00a0writer\n (**B** [book] **+ I**) **contained in** (found in) **NEST** (home)\n **NES** (**B I**) **T"} {"Clue":"Obligation to include separate bits of toilet, not as a oneoff? (5)","Answer":"TWICE","Explanation":"Definition: not as a oneoff\n **TIE** (obligation) **containing** (to include) **WC** (toilet) where the** W **and** C **are** included separately**\n **T** (**W**) **I** (**C**) **E"} {"Clue":"Reserve cereal having mislaid recipe (3)","Answer":"ICE","Explanation":"Definition: Reserve\n **RICE** (cereal) **excluding** (having mislaid) **R** (recipe)\n **ICE"} {"Clue":"Topless cuddle with someone in bed that is less good-looking (6)","Answer":"UGLIER","Explanation":"Definition: less good-looking\n **HUG** (cuddle) **excluding the first letter** (topless) **H** **+ LIER** (someone who **LIE**s in bed)\n **UG LIER"} {"Clue":"More than one union faction's infiltrated by journalist beginning to delve (8)","Answer":"WEDDINGS","Explanation":"Definition: More than one union\n **WINGS** (sections of political parties; factions) **containing** (infiltrated by) (**ED** [**ED**itor; journalist] **+ D** [**first letter of** {beginning to} **DELVE**])\n **W** (**ED D**) **INGS"} {"Clue":"Jet excursion stopped by rain (10)","Answer":"OUTPOURING","Explanation":"Definition: Jet\n **OUTING** (excursion) **containing** (stopped by) **POUR** (rain)\n **OUT** (**POUR**) **ING"} {"Clue":"\u201350s (4)","Answer":"LESS","Explanation":"Definition: \u2013\n **L** (Roman numeral for 50) **+ ESS** (the letter **S**)\n **L ESS"} {"Clue":"Often seen in churchyards, these prog rockers drinking water were regularly ejected (3,5)","Answer":"YEW TREES","Explanation":"Definition: Often seen in churchyards\n **YES** (reference the prog rock group **YES** formed in 1968. The band still exists today but it has had many changes of line-up over the years) **containing** (drinking) **WTREE** (**WATER WERE** **excluding letters 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10** [regularly ejected])\n **YE** (**W TREE**) **S"} {"Clue":"At the end of the day, is this a galaxy? (6)","Answer":"SUNSET","Explanation":"Definition: At the end of the day\n **SUN SET** (I think a galaxy could be described a **SET **of** SUN**s [stars])\n **SUN SET"} {"Clue":"Harry and Fred in Rio? (9)","Answer":"FERDINAND","Explanation":"Definition: Rio\n **Anagram of** (harry) **AND FRED IN**\n **FERDINAND"} {"Clue":"1,000 present for father of Prince, 29, perhaps (5)","Answer":"GHOST","Explanation":"Definition: father of Prince, 29, perhaps\n **G** (grand; $1,000) **+ HOST** (present [a show]\n **G HOST"} {"Clue":"Say, King Tut has a different face \u2013 it's attractive (5)","Answer":"YUMMY","Explanation":"Definition: attractive\n **MUMMY** (King Tutenkhamun was **MUMM**ified after his death) **with the first letter changed** (has a different face) to **Y**\n **Y UMMY"} {"Clue":"Eat odd pieces of seed and spew out flowers (5,4)","Answer":"SWEET PEAS","Explanation":"Definition: flowers\n **Anagram of** (out) **EAT** and **SE** (**letters 1 and 3** [odd pieces of] **SEED**) and **SPEW**\n **SWEET PEAS"} {"Clue":"Bores switching sides in the midst of sub-par golfing performances (6)","Answer":"EAGRES","Explanation":"Definition: Bores\n **EAGLES** (term for a two under par [sub-par] score at a hole in golf) **with L** (left) one of the middle letters of (in the midst of) **EAGLES** **replaced by** **R** (right) (changing sides)\n **EAGRES"} {"Clue":"Demand fish? That's provocation! (8)","Answer":"NEEDLING","Explanation":"Definition: provocation\n **NEED** (a demand) **+ LING** (fish of the cod family)\n **NEED LING"} {"Clue":"'Hello' sung falsetto? (4)","Answer":"HIGH","Explanation":"Definition: falsetto\n **HIGH** (**sounds like** [sung] **HI** [hello])\n **HIGH"} {"Clue":"Men in crushed velvet carrying zero change (10)","Answer":"EVOLVEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: change\n **MEN** **contained in** (in) (**an anagram of** (crushed) **VELVET** **containing** [carrying] **O** [character representing zero])\n **EV** (**O**) **LVE** (**MEN**) **T"} {"Clue":"Disreputable giantess providing lap dances? (8)","Answer":"TEASINGS","Explanation":"Definition: lap dances\n **Anagram of** (disreputable) **GIANTESS**\n **TEASINGS"} {"Clue":"Pastry made by martial artist is hot (6)","Answer":"DANISH","Explanation":"Definition: Pastry\n **DAN** (level of proficiency for a martial artist) **+ IS + H** (hot)\n **DAN IS H****\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Gentleman eats the last piece of \u00e9clair before cheese is served (7)","Answer":"GRUYERE","Explanation":"Definition: cheese\n (**GUY** [gentleman] **containing** [eats] **R** [**final letter of** {last piece of} **ECLAIR**]) **+ ERE** (before)\n **G** (**R**) **UY ERE"} {"Clue":"Enter fashionable place (5)","Answer":"INPUT","Explanation":"Definition: Enter\n **IN** (fashionable) **+ PUT** (place)\n **IN PUT"} {"Clue":"The direct way to beat English goalkeeper? (5,3)","Answer":"ROUTE ONE","Explanation":"Definition: The direct way\n **ROUT** (beat) **+ E** (English) **+ ONE** (goalkeepers often wear the number **ONE**)\n **ROUT E ONE** \u2013 the clue could possibly be read as an &Lit"} {"Clue":"'Holiday', a popular song penned by Welsh star (7)","Answer":"WHITSUN","Explanation":"Definition: Holiday\n **HIT** (popular song) **contained in** (penned by) (**W** [Welsh] **+ SUN** [star])\n **W** (**HIT**) **SUN"} {"Clue":"Abstract insult is in French (6)","Answer":"DIGEST","Explanation":"Definition: Abstract\n **DIG** (taunt; insult) **+ EST** (French for 'is')\n **DIG EST"} {"Clue":"Incremental journey is with learner driver and hard work (6,3)","Answer":"ISLAND HOP","Explanation":"Definition: Incremental journey\n **IS** **+ L** (symbol indicating a learner driver) **+ AND + H** (hard, when describing pencil lead) **+ OP** (opus; work)\n **IS L AND HOP"} {"Clue":"Maybe Matt and Luke Goss keep those small bottoms clenched in (7)","Answer":"GOSPELS","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe Matt and Luke\n **GOSS** **containing** (clenched) **PEL** (**last letters of** [bottoms] **each of KEEP, THOSE **and** SMALL**)\n **GOS** (**PEL**) **S"} {"Clue":"Diplomatic manoeuvres from Dutch before Cashmere skirmishes (9)","Answer":"DEMARCHES","Explanation":"Definition: Diplomatic manoeuvres\n **D** (Dutch) **+ an anagram of** (skirmishes) **CASHMERE**\n **D EMARCHES"} {"Clue":"Exercised vice\/taken in by act (8)","Answer":"DECEIVED","Explanation":"Definition: Exercised vice\/taken in by act\n **Anagram of** (exercised) **VICE** **contained in** (taken in by) **DEED** (act)\n **DE** (**CEIV***) **ED"} {"Clue":"One in Mexico close to General Eisenhower? Not that close (7)","Answer":"UNALIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Not that close\n **UNA** (Spanish [spoken in Mexico] for 'one') **+ L** (**last letter of** [close to] **GENERAL**) **+ IKE** (Dwight Eisenhower was known as **IKE**)\n **UNA L IKE"} {"Clue":"The Times still available? They're at the front of the shop \u2026 (7)","Answer":"WINDOWS","Explanation":"Definition: The Times still available\n **WINDOWS** (feature of the front of most shops) double definition\n **WINDOWS"} {"Clue":"\u2026 as are these unopened Genesis CDs, ultimately (7)","Answer":"AWNINGS","Explanation":"Definition: as are these\n **DAWNING** (creation; genesis) **+ S** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **CD'S**\n **DAWNING S"} {"Clue":"A firm behind (6)","Answer":"ASTERN","Explanation":"Definition: behind\n **A + STERN** (rigorous; firm)\n **A STERN"} {"Clue":"Terrible monster clutching fruit (5)","Answer":"LEMON","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n **LEMON** (**hidden word in** [clutching] **TERRIBLE MONSTER**)\n **LEMON"} {"Clue":"American statesman is more fussy, but not Conservative (7)","Answer":"HOOSIER","Explanation":"Definition: American statesman\n **CHOOSIER** (more fussy) **excluding** (but not) **C** (Conservative)\n **HOOSIER"} {"Clue":"Celebrate 1-0 for so long (7)","Answer":"CHEERIO","Explanation":"Definition: so long\n **CHEER** (celebrate) + **IO** (characters representing 1-0)\n **CHEER IO"} {"Clue":"Prepare to serve youngster drinking after hours (5,2)","Answer":"PLATE UP","Explanation":"Definition: Prepare to serve\n **PUP** (youngster) **containing** (drinking) **LATE** (after hours)\n **P** (**LATE**) **UP"} {"Clue":"Acquires boring information retrospectively to obtain funds (4,3)","Answer":"NEST EGG","Explanation":"Definition: funds\n (**GETS** [acquires] **contained in** (boring) **GEN** information]) **all reversed** (retrospectively)\n (**NE** (**ST EG**) **G**)<"} {"Clue":"Similar people look intently at mature women getting wasted (4,5)","Answer":"PEER GROUP","Explanation":"Definition: Similar people\n **PEER** (look intently at) **+ GROWN UP** (adult; mature) **excluding** (getting wasted) **WN** (women) \u2013 I don't think I have got this quite right as I can't find **WN** as an abbreviation for women.\n **PEER** **GROUP"} {"Clue":"Order in a bar through a speaker (5)","Answer":"ALIGN","Explanation":"Definition: Order\n **A LIGN** (**sounds like** [through a speaker] **A LINE** [a bar])\n **A LIGN"} {"Clue":"Polish Queen's shields (7)","Answer":"BUFFERS","Explanation":"Definition: shields\n **BUFF** (polish) **+ ER'S** (Elizabeth Regina's;Queen's)\n **BUFF ERS"} {"Clue":"Touches head of science's flies (7)","Answer":"SMIDGES","Explanation":"Definition: Touches\n **S** (**first letter of** [head of] **SCIENCE**) **+ MIDGES** (small gnat-like flies)\n **S MIDGES"} {"Clue":"Reportedly remained sober (5)","Answer":"STAID","Explanation":"Definition: sober\n **STAID** (**sounds like** [reportedly] **STAYED** [remained])\n **STAID"} {"Clue":"Plague involves bit of redness of the skin (9)","Answer":"EPIDERMIC","Explanation":"Definition: of the skin\n **EPIDEMIC** (plague) **containing** (involves) **R** (**first letter of** [bit of] **REDNESS**)\n **EPIDE** (**R**) **MIC"} {"Clue":"Bed covers have not caused trouble (7)","Answer":"BEHAVED","Explanation":"Definition: not caused trouble\n **BED** **containing** (covers) **HAVE**\n **BE** (**HAVE**) **D"} {"Clue":"Constabulary surrounds flat (7)","Answer":"TABULAR","Explanation":"Definition: flat\n **TABULAR** (**hidden word in** [surrounds] **CONSTABULARY**)\n **TABULAR"} {"Clue":"Trace of boiled egg on sprout (7)","Answer":"BURGEON","Explanation":"Definition: sprout\n **B** (**first letter of** [trace of] **BOILED**) **+ URGE ON** (egg on)\n **B URGE ON"} {"Clue":"Formulate clown court to imprison nationalist (7)","Answer":"CONCOCT","Explanation":"Definition: Formulate\n (**COCO** [reference **COCO** the clown {Nicolai Poliakoff (1900 1974) was the creator of **COCO** the Clown, arguably the most famous clown in the United Kingdom in the mid-20th century}] **+ CT** [court]) **containing** (to imprison) **N** (nationalist)\n **CO** (**N**) **CO CT"} {"Clue":"Hurriedly prepare clue for golf? (4,2)","Answer":"WHIP UP","Explanation":"Definition: Hurriedly prepare\n **WHIP UP** can be a clue for **GOLF** as a down entry where **UP** is a **reversal indicator** and **WHIP** is defined as **FLOG**. **UP** could also be seen as an **anagram indicator** for the anagram fodder **FLOG**\n **WHIP UP"} {"Clue":"In rogue state, time for resident to turn (6)","Answer":"ROTATE","Explanation":"Definition: turn\n **ROGUE STATE** with **T** (time) **replacing** (for) **GUEST** (resident)\n **ROTATE"} {"Clue":"Part of Scotland provided iron manacles (4)","Answer":"FIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Part of Scotland\n **FE** (chemical symbol for iron) **containing** (manacles) **IF** (provided)\n **F** (**IF**) **E"} {"Clue":"Too much work left, on reflection (6)","Answer":"TROPPO","Explanation":"Definition: Too much\n (**OP** [opus; work] + **PORT** [left side of a ship]) **all reversed** (on reflection)\n (**TROP PO**)<"} {"Clue":"Drink quietly inside: school term over (8)","Answer":"SCHNAPPS","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\n **P** (piano; quietly) **contained in** (inside) (**SCH** [school] **+ SPAN** [term] **reversed** [over])\n **SCH** **NAP** (**P**) **S**< Either **P** could be the one contained"} {"Clue":"Supervise a criminal influencing the mind (10)","Answer":"PERSUASIVE","Explanation":"Definition: influencing the mind\n **Anagram of** (criminal) **SUPERVISE A**\n **PERSUASIVE"} {"Clue":"Go after complimentary bitter (8)","Answer":"FREEZING","Explanation":"Definition: bitter\n **FREE** (complimentary) **+ ZING** (zest; vitality; go)\n **FREE ZING"} {"Clue":"Wants to hide Dutch soldier in rented accommodation (8)","Answer":"LODGINGS","Explanation":"Definition: rented accommodation\n **LONGS** (yearns; wants) **containing** (to hide) (**D** [Dutch] **+ GI** [American soldier])\n **LO** (**D GI**) **NGS"} {"Clue":"Comedian, for one day, is put in stocks (4,6)","Answer":"GREG DAVIES","Explanation":"Definition: Comedian\n (**EG** [for example; for one] **+ D** [day]) **contained in** (is put in) **GRAVIES** (sauces used in cooking often made from vegetable or meat stocks)\n **GR** (**EG D**) **AVIES"} {"Clue":"Primate's mode of transport originally helped bishop in Gulf (8)","Answer":"BUSHBABY","Explanation":"Definition: Primate\n **BUS** (mode of transport) **+ H** (**first letter of** [originally] **HELPED**) **+** (**B** [bishop] **contained in** [**BAY** [an inlet of the sea similar to a gulf])\n **BUS** **H** **BA** (**B**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Gordon gets youngsters to cook in no time (5-3)","Answer":"FLASH-FRY","Explanation":"Definition: cook in no time\n **FLASH** (reference **FLASH** Gordon [1980 space opera film directed by Mike Hodges, based on the King Features comic strip of the same name created by Alex Raymond) **+ FRY** (small children; youngsters)\n **FLASH FRY"} {"Clue":"After start of session, number one snooker player is going too quickly (8)","Answer":"SPEEDING","Explanation":"Definition: going too quickly\n **S** (**first letter of** [start of] **SESSION**) **+ PEE** (a toilet activity [urination] colloquially referred to as number one) **+ DING** (reference **DING** Junhui [born 1987], a Chinese professional snooker player and the most successful Asian player in the history of the sport)\n **S PEE DING"} {"Clue":"Whole portion of finest catnip is on the counter (6)","Answer":"INTACT","Explanation":"Definition: Whole\n **INTACT** (**reversed** [on the counter] **hidden word in** [portion of] **FINEST CATNIP**)\n **INTACT**<"} {"Clue":"Gentle chap having sex reassignment surgery (6)","Answer":"MELLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Gentle chap\n **FELLOW** (chap)with (**F** [female] **changed to M** [male] as a form of sex reassignment surgery)\n **MELLOW"} {"Clue":"Look after uniform in box (6)","Answer":"CURATE","Explanation":"Definition: Look after\n **U** (Uniform is the International Radio Communication code word for the letter **U**) **contained in** (in) **CRATE** (box)\n **C** (**U**) **RATE"} {"Clue":"Around November, apply to Unite (4)","Answer":"BIND","Explanation":"Definition: Unite\n **BID** (apply) **containing** (around) **N** (November is the International Radio Communication code word for the letter **N**)\n **BI** (**N**) **D"} {"Clue":"Abbess and abbot are both in this order (12)","Answer":"ALPHABETICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Abbess and abbot are both in this order\n **ALPHABETICAL** (**ABBESS** is before **ABBOTT ALPHABET**ically)\n **ALPHABETICAL"} {"Clue":"Means of contacting spook needs approval from Paris and Berlin (5)","Answer":"OUIJA","Explanation":"Definition: Means of contacting spook\n **OUI** (French [Paris] for 'yes') **+ JA** (German [Berlin] word for 'yes') \u2013 approval from Paris and Berlin\n **OUI JA"} {"Clue":"American making plans picked up board game piece (9)","Answer":"DRAFTSMAN","Explanation":"Definition: American making plans\n **DRAFTS** (**sounds like** [picked up] **DRAUGHTS** [board game]) **+ MAN** (a piece in a game of chess)\n **DRAFTS MAN"} {"Clue":"One dropped into Manhattan on way to diner, perhaps (3,4)","Answer":"ICE CUBE","Explanation":"Definition: One dropped into Manhattan on way to diner, perhaps\n **ICE-CUBE** (I think the whole clue describes part of the production of a Manhattan and subsequent delivery to the customer)\n **ICE-CUBE"} {"Clue":"What's regularly clean and then wet again? (7)","Answer":"LAUNDRY","Explanation":"Definition: What's regularly clean and then wet again\n **LA** (**letters 2 and 4** [regularly] of **CLEAN**) **+ UNDRY** (make wet)\n **LA UNDRY**\n The whole clue also serves as the definition"} {"Clue":"Religious group rejecting Methuselah's creed and age, initially (1,1,1,1)","Answer":"YMCA","Explanation":"Definition: Religious group\n **MY** (Mesuthelah's; belonging to the setter of this puzzle) **reversed** (rejecting) **+ CA** (**first letters** [initially] **of each of CREED** and **AGE**)\n **YM**< **CA"} {"Clue":"Primitive vehicle stuck outside cabin shifted with tool (9)","Answer":"SHOVELLED","Explanation":"Definition: shifted with tool\n **SLED** (primitive wheelless vehicle) **containing** (outside) **HOVEL** (shack; cabin)\n **S** (**HOVEL**) **LED"} {"Clue":"Star celeb misplacing accessories \u2026 (9)","Answer":"BRACELETS","Explanation":"Definition: accessories\n **Anagram of** (misplacing) **STAR CELEB**\n **BRACELETS"} {"Clue":"\u2026 did sport with next to nothing on (4)","Answer":"WORE","Explanation":"Definition: did sport\n **W** (with) **+** (next to) **O** (character representing zero; nothing) **+ RE** (with reference to; about; on])\n **W O RE"} {"Clue":"Old record used in Act I's clumsily cleaned up for theatre (7)","Answer":"ASEPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: cleaned up for theatre\n **EP** (Extended Play, descriptive of an old 45 rpm vinyl record) **contained in** (used in) **an anagram of** (clumsily) **ACT I'S**\n **AS** (**EP**) **TIC"} {"Clue":"Fat cat abandoned by banks poised to be banged up (7)","Answer":"ADIPOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Fat\n **A** (**letter remaining in** **CAT when the outer letters** [banks] **C** and **T** **are excluded** [abandoned by]) **+ an anagram of** (to be banged up) **POISED**\n **A DIPOSE"} {"Clue":"European member is in government doing woeful work (9)","Answer":"ELEGISING","Explanation":"Definition: doing woeful work\n **E** (European) **+ LEG** (member) **+ IS + IN + G** (government)\n **E LEG IS IN G"} {"Clue":"Shot that might be seen in frame during Christmas season (5)","Answer":"MASSE","Explanation":"Definition: Shot that might be seen in frame\n **MASSE** (**hidden word in** [during] **CHRISTMAS SEASON**)\n **MASSE"} {"Clue":"Poor workers getting mistreated (con men set it up, bypassing union) (12)","Answer":"INCOMPETENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Poor workers\n **Anagram of** (getting mistreated) **CON MEN SET IT UP** **excluding** [bypassing] **U** [union])\n **INCOMPETENTS"} {"Clue":"Foreign film's a new one on me (5)","Answer":"ANIME","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign film\n **A + N** (new) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one] **+ ME**\n **A N I ME"} {"Clue":"Monumental bit of stonework that's built up on Hampstead Heath (6)","Answer":"PLAQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Monumental bit of stonework\n **PLAQUE** (film composed of saliva and bacteria that forms on teeth. Hampstead Heath is rhyming slang for teeth)\n **PLAQUE"} {"Clue":"One meant to receive tablets gets through Red Sea with God's backing, somehow (9)","Answer":"ADDRESSEE","Explanation":"Definition: One meant to receive\n **Anagram of** (somehow) **RED SEA** and **ES** (more than one ecstasy tablet; tablets) and **D** (last letter of [backing] GOD\n **ADDRESSEE"} {"Clue":"All of Elis James' content revolves around some post found online (5)","Answer":"E-MAIL","Explanation":"Definition: some post found online\n (**LI** [**central letters of** {content of} **ELIS**] **+ AME** [**central letters of** {content of} **JAMES**])** all reversed** (revolves around)\n (**EMA IL**)<"} {"Clue":"Unwanted guest less polite after putting away first unit of beer (8)","Answer":"INTRUDER","Explanation":"Definition: Unwanted guest\n **PINT** (unit of beer) **excluding** (putting away) **the initial letter** [first] **P + RUDER** (less polite)\n **INT RUDER"} {"Clue":"Heading off injury, first sign of danger and I'll pop into a ball (9)","Answer":"ARMADILLO","Explanation":"Definition: I'll pop into a ball\n **HARM** (injury) **excluding** (off) **the first letter** (heading) **H** **+** ([**D** {i**nitial letter of** (first sign of) **DANGER**} **+ I'LL**] **contained in** [pop into] [**A + O** {ball shaped letter}])\n **ARM** **A** (**D ILL**) **O"} {"Clue":"Heartless killjoy getting annoyed as comic speaks (6)","Answer":"JOKILY","Explanation":"Definition: as comic speaks\n **Anagram of** (getting annoyed) **KILLJOY** **excluding the central letter** (heartless) **L**\n **JOKILY"} {"Clue":"Showing true colours, posh editor supports this paper but not the i (6)","Answer":"UNDYED","Explanation":"Definition: Showing true colours\n **U** (upper class; posh) **+ INDY** (informal term to refer to the Independent newspaper [this paper]) **excluding** (not) **I** **+ ED** (editor) \u2013 this is a down entry so the letters **ED** are supporting the letters **UNDY**\n **U** **NDY** **ED"} {"Clue":"Blender yielding a meal during tea-time (9)","Answer":"CHAMELEON","Explanation":"Definition: Blender\n **MEAL** **excluding** (yielding) **A contained in** (during) (**CHA **[tea] **+ EON** [period of time])\n **CHA** (**MEL**) **EON"} {"Clue":"Attack of giggles possibly showing Bottom up in middle of June, for example? (9)","Answer":"ONSLAUGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Attack\n (**LAUGHS** [giggles] **with the last letter** [bottom] **S moving to the top** [up] in this down entry) **all contained in** (in) **ONT** (**central letters of** [middle of] **MONTH** [June is an example of a **MONTH**)\n **ON** (**SLAUGH**) **T"} {"Clue":"Little thing wriggling around in utero without name (8)","Answer":"NEUTRINO","Explanation":"Definition: Little thing\n **Anagram of** (wriggling around) **IN UTERO** **containing** (without; outside]) **N** (name)\n **NEUTRI** (**N**) **O"} {"Clue":"Cheeky underwear getting Frenchman's nose up (6)","Answer":"BRAZEN","Explanation":"Definition: Cheeky\n **BRA** (underwear) **+ NEZ** (French for 'nose') **reversed** (up; down entry)\n **BRA ZEN**<"} {"Clue":"City player coming off, according to commentator (6)","Answer":"EXETER","Explanation":"Definition: City\n **EXETER** (**sounds like** [according to commentator] **EXITER** [player\/actor coming off)\n **EXETER"} {"Clue":"One armed and dangerous person has it in for you, we hear (6)","Answer":"HITMAN","Explanation":"Definition: One armed and dangerous\n **HUMAN** (person) **with IT replacing** (has for) **U** (**sounds like** [we hear] **YOU**)\n **H IT MAN"} {"Clue":"Twitter CEO helped its rivals prosper at first (5)","Answer":"CHIRP","Explanation":"Definition: Twitter\n **CHIRP** (**initial letters of** [at first] **each of CEO**, **HELPED**, **ITS**, **RIVALS** and **PROSPER**)\n **C H I R P"} {"Clue":"Watering hole gets locals tipsy on a regular basis (5)","Answer":"OASIS","Explanation":"Definition: Watering hole\n **OASIS** (l**etters 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10** [on a regular basis] of **LOCALS TIPSY**)\n **OASIS"} {"Clue":"Cheers concert, having extra round in bar? (7)","Answer":"TAPROOM","Explanation":"Definition: bar\n **TA** (thank you [cheers] **+ PROM** (**PROM**enade concert **containing** [with an extra] **O** [round character])\n **TA** **PR** (**O**) **OM** \u2013 either **O** could be the extra one"} {"Clue":"Monk changing sides, as it were, in disorderly house (7)","Answer":"BROTHEL","Explanation":"Definition: disorderly house\n **BROTHER** (member of a religious order, e.g. a monk) **with R** [right] **replaced by** [changing sides to] **L** [left]\n **BROTHE** **L"} {"Clue":"One declares a bit of poo's astonishing for roses (9)","Answer":"PROFESSOR","Explanation":"Definition: One declares\n **P** (**first letter of** [bit of] **POO**) **+ an anagram of** (astonishing) **FOR ROSES**\n **P** **ROFESSOR"} {"Clue":"Veritable cut applied to ship support (5)","Answer":"TRUSS","Explanation":"Definition: support\n **TRUE** (veritable) **excluding the final letter** (cut) **E** **+ SS** (steamship)\n **TRU** **SS"} {"Clue":"Fine cut of meat? One has indifferent dressing (5)","Answer":"FRUMP","Explanation":"Definition: One has indifferent dressing\n **F** (fine) **+ RUMP** (cut of meat)\n **F RUMP"} {"Clue":"Enlighten a French woman embracing one around end of year (9)","Answer":"UNDECEIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Enlighten\n (**UN** [one of the French forms of 'a')] **+** [**EVE** {woman's name} **containing** {embracing} **I** {Roman numeral for one}]) **all containing** (around) **DEC** (**DEC**ember, **last month** [end] of the year)\n **UN** (**DEC**) **E** (**I**) **VE"} {"Clue":"Place to record relocation of fifty groceries (8,6)","Answer":"REGISTRY OFFICE","Explanation":"Definition: Place to record\n **Anagram of** (relocation of) **FIFTY GROCERIES**\n **REGISTRY OFFICE"} {"Clue":"Point associated with craft-worker's irritation after contracting (8,6)","Answer":"KNITTING NEEDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Point associated with craft-worker\n **KNITTING** (contracting, the brows for instance) **+ NEEDLE** ([a feeling of] irritation)\n **KNITTING NEEDLE"} {"Clue":"Flowering plant almost buried awkwardly in a bit of land that's turned over (9)","Answer":"AUBRIETIA","Explanation":"Definition: Flowering plant\n **Anagram of** (awkwardly) **BURIED** **excluding the last letter** (almost) **D** **contained in** (in) (**A** **+ AIT** [small island; bit of land] **reversed** [turned over])\n **A** (**UBRIE***) **TIA**<"} {"Clue":"Senior executive keeping graduate back for a minor role (5)","Answer":"CAMEO","Explanation":"Definition: minor role\n **CEO** (Chief Executive Officer; senior executive) **containing** (keeping) **MA** (Master of Arts; graduate]) **reversed** (back)\n **C** (**AM**<) **EO"} {"Clue":"Comment after death involving King's sphere of influence (5)","Answer":"ORBIT","Explanation":"Definition: sphere of influence\n **OBIT** (obituary; comment after death) **containing** (involving) **R** (Rex; King)\n **O** (**R**) **BIT"} {"Clue":"Doctor has a meal in unusually extensive gloom (9)","Answer":"MOODINESS","Explanation":"Definition: gloom\n **MO** (Medical Officer [doctor]) **+** (**DINES** [has a meal] **contained in** [**OS** [outsize; exceptionally large; unusually extensive])\n **MO** **O** (**DINES**) **S"} {"Clue":"Stream song that's loud then quiet (7)","Answer":"AIRFLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Stream\n **AIR** (song) **+ F** (forte [loud, in music]) **+ LOW** (quiet)\n **AIR F LOW"} {"Clue":"Yen to be subsumed by minor deity? Just take the plunge! (3,2,2)","Answer":"TRY IT ON","Explanation":"Y** (yen, Japanese currency) **contained in** (subsumed by) **TRITON** (minor Greek sea god)\n **TR** (**Y**) **IT ON"} {"Clue":"Suggestion pencil-sharpener is needed? (3-3)","Answer":"TIP-OFF","Explanation":"TIP OFF** (if a pencil has a **TIP OFF** it probably needs sharpening|)\n **TIP-OFF"} {"Clue":"Yield, like some wartime Italians? (7)","Answer":"PRODUCE","Explanation":"Definition: Yield\n **PRO** (in favour of) **+ DUCE** (Benito Mussolini [1883-1945], leader of Italy from 1922 to 1943. He was supported by many Italians. He took the title **DUCE**)\n **PRO DUCE"} {"Clue":"Conceal original picture? No longer keen on itch to conceal one (9)","Answer":"OVERPAINT","Explanation":"Definition: Conceal original picture\n **OVER** (no longer keen on) **+** (**PANT** [desire; itch] **containing** [to conceal] **I** [Roman numeral for one])\n **OVER PA** (**I**) **NT"} {"Clue":"Inquest moot after reviewing protection against disease transmission (8,3)","Answer":"MOSQUITO NET","Explanation":"Definition: protection against disease transmission\n **Anagram of** (after reviewing) **INQUEST MOOT**\n **MOSQUITO NET"} {"Clue":"Lawyers exclude brasserie staff (3)","Answer":"BAR","Explanation":"Definition: Lawyers\n **BAR** (exclude)\n **BAR** (cafe; brasserie)\n **BAR** (rod; staff) **quadruple definition"} {"Clue":"African Christian not originally perceived by eye (5)","Answer":"OPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: eye\n **COPTIC** (relating to Christian descendants of the ancient Egyptians; African Christian **excluding the first letter** [not originally] **C**)\n **OPTIC"} {"Clue":"Harry (name needed) in irons \u2013 initially! (7)","Answer":"HOUDINI","Explanation":"Definition: Harry\n **HOUD** (the letter **N** can be added [needed] to form **HOUND** [harry]) **+ IN + I** (**first letter of** [initially] **I****RONS**)\n **HOUD IN I**\n **HOUDINI** would often escape from constraints made of metal [iron] so the clue could be seen as an &Lit"} {"Clue":"Holy woman aboard ship, one taking confession? (8)","Answer":"LISTENER","Explanation":"Definition: one taking confession\n **STE** (abbreviation for Sainte, the female form of Saint [holy woman]) **contained in** (aboard) **LINER** (ship)\n **LI** (**STE**) **NER"} {"Clue":"Continually subject to changes regarding popularity? (3,2,3,3)","Answer":"DAY IN DAY OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Continually\n **DAY IN** followed by **DAY OUT** suggests a **DAY** when you are popular (**IN**) and then a **DAY** when you are not popular (**OUT**) \u2013 taken together the phrase could cryptically indicate that something is subject to changes in popularity\n **DAY IN DAY OUT"} {"Clue":"Make like Le Moulin Rouge, where youngsters will take in topless woman provided (9)","Answer":"FRENCHIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Make like Le Moulin Rouge\n **FRY** (youngsters) **containing** (will take in) (**WENCH** [young woman] **excluding the first letter** [topless] **W** **+ IF** [provided that])\n **FR** (**ENCH IF**) **Y"} {"Clue":"State agreed US city not entirely in America? (8)","Answer":"OKLAHOMA","Explanation":"Definition: State\n **OK** (agreed) **+ LA** (Los Angeles; US city) **+ HOME** (in) **excluding the final letter** (not entirely) **E** **+ A** (America)\n **OK LA HOM A"} {"Clue":"Drinker heading off for wood in which one Bass is hidden (7)","Answer":"IMBIBER","Explanation":"Definition: Drinker\n **TIMBER** (wood) **excluding the first letter** (heading off) **T** **containing** (in which \u2026 is hidden) (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ B** [bass]\n **IMB** (**I B**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Shining expression of disappointment about British (7)","Answer":"LAMBENT","Explanation":"Definition: Shining\n **LAMENT** (sorrow expressed by crying out; expression of disappointment) **containing** (about) **B** (British)\n **LAM** (**B**) **ENT"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary work is to do with pollutant (6)","Answer":"POISON","Explanation":"Definition: pollutant\n **OP** (opus; work) **reversed** (revolutionary) **+ IS + ON** (about; to do with)\n **PO**< **IS ON"} {"Clue":"Some maintain television provides useful information (5)","Answer":"INTEL","Explanation":"Definition: useful information\n **INTEL** (hidden word in [some] **MAINTAIN TELEVISION**)\n **INTEL"} {"Clue":"Starts to make everyone weep and cry (3)","Answer":"MEW","Explanation":"Definition: cry\n **MEW** (**first letters of** [starts to] **each of MAKE, EVERYONE** and **WEEP**)\n **MEW"} {"Clue":"Sap scattered with spore, one in strange attachment for parasite (12)","Answer":"APPRESSORIUM","Explanation":"Definition: attachment for parasite\n **Anagram of** (scattered) **SAP** and **SPORE** +( **I** [Roman numeral for one] **contained in** [in] **RUM** [strange])\n **APPRESSO*** **R** (**I**) **UM"} {"Clue":"Lizard, large or small variety and tailless (5)","Answer":"VARAN","Explanation":"Definition: Lizard, large\n **VAR** (**abbreviation for** [small] **VAR**iety) **+ AND excluding the final letter** (tailless) **D**\n **VAR AN"} {"Clue":"Part of botanical label for marsh plant (5)","Answer":"CALLA","Explanation":"Definition: marsh plant\n **CALLA** (**hidden word in** [part of] **BOTANICAL LABEL**)\n **CALLA"} {"Clue":"Father having trouble writing accompaniment for Indian? (8)","Answer":"POPADOMS","Explanation":"Definition: accompaniment for Indian\n **POP** (father) **+ ADO** (trouble) **+ MS** (manuscripts; writing)\n **POP ADO MS"} {"Clue":"Bit of nutmeg, hot, in soup embellished blow-out (6)","Answer":"NOSH-UP","Explanation":"Definition: blow-out\n **N** (**first letter of** [bit of] **NUTMEG**) **+** (**H** [hot] **contained in** [in] **an anagram of** [embellished] **SOUP**)\n **N** **OS** (**H**) **UP"} {"Clue":"Stuff our country is short of and as of old (6)","Answer":"ENGLUT","Explanation":"Definition: Stuff\n **ENGLAND** ('our country' to many of Azed's solvers) **excluding** (is short of) **AND** + **UT** (Latin [of old] form of 'as')\n **ENGL UT"} {"Clue":"That's some book, I admit, retreating \u2013 I'm beaten for sure (5)","Answer":"DAIKO","Explanation":"Definition: I'm beaten for sure\n **DAIKO** (**reversed** [retreating] **hidden word** [that's some] **in BOOK I ADMIT**)\n **DAIKO**<"} {"Clue":"Old fur, bits regularly shed by girlies (4)","Answer":"GRIS","Explanation":"Definition: Old fur\n **GRIS** (word formed by **omitting letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly shed] **of GIRLIES**)\n **GRIS"} {"Clue":"Love poetry set before HM editor lost? (8)","Answer":"OVERSEER","Explanation":"Definition: editor lost\n **O** (character representing zero or the 'love' score in tennis) **+ VERSE** (poetry) **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; Queen Elizabeth; Her Majesty)\n **O VERSE ER"} {"Clue":"E.g. Bunthorne, upset about these being distributed (8)","Answer":"AESTHETE","Explanation":"Definition: E.g. Bunthorne\n **ATE** (worried; upset) **containing** (about) **an anagram of** (being distributed) **THESE**\n **A** (**ESTHE***) **TE"} {"Clue":"What'll come from murder motive as reported? (4)","Answer":"CAWS","Explanation":"Definition: What'll come from murder\n **CAWS** (**sounds like** [as reported] **CAUSE** [motive])\n **CAWS"} {"Clue":"Highland clamour, increasingly restrained, from the right (5)","Answer":"REIRD","Explanation":"Definition: Highland clamour\n **DRIER** (increasingly restrained [from consumption of alcohol for example]) **reversed** (from the right)\n **REIRD**<"} {"Clue":"Source of insecticide? Show contempt about lapse (6)","Answer":"DERRIS","Explanation":"Definition: Source of insecticide\n **DIS** (show contempt) **containing** (about) **ERR** (sin; lapse)\n **D** (**ERR**) **IS"} {"Clue":"Early Irish settlers fixing sign round thoroughfare briefly (6)","Answer":"OSTMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Early Irish settlers\n **OMEN** (sign) **containing** (round) **ST** (**abbreviation for** [briefly] street [thoroughfare])\n **O** (**ST**) **MEN"} {"Clue":"Occupying lodgings mostly, ten awfully hard-up (8)","Answer":"INDIGENT","Explanation":"Definition: hard-up\n **IN** (occupying) **+ DIGS** (lodgings) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **S** **+ an anagram of** (awfully) **TEN**\n **IN DIG ENT"} {"Clue":"Whence topees are made, coloured rings going round (5)","Answer":"SOLAH","Explanation":"Definition: Whence topees are made\n **HALOS** (coloured circles) **reversed** (going round)\n **SOLAH**<"} {"Clue":"Some useless officers retreating in trench (5)","Answer":"FOSSE","Explanation":"Definition: trench\n **FOSSE** (**reversed** [retreating] **hidden word** [some] in **USELESS OFFICERS**)\n **FOSSE**<"} {"Clue":"I may redesign plot \u2013 reset linen rat-traps I abandoned (12)","Answer":"TRANSPLANTER","Explanation":"Definition: I may redesign plot\n **Anagram of** (reset) **LINEN RAT-TRAPS** **excluding** (abandoned) **I**\n **TRANSPLANTER"} {"Clue":"One against exemplar of industry digs art possibly, fan of modernism? (12)","Answer":"AVANTGARDIST","Explanation":"Definition: fan of modernism\n **A** (one) **+ V** (versus; against) + **ANT** (worker; exemplar of industry) **+ an anagram of** (possibly) **DIGS ART**\n **A V ANT GARDIST"} {"Clue":"Getting up, make space for former idol (5)","Answer":"PAGOD","Explanation":"Definition: former idol\n (**DO** [make] **+ GAP** [space]) **all reversed** (getting up; down entry)\n (**PAG OD**)<"} {"Clue":"A commonplace person (8)","Answer":"PROSAIST","Explanation":"Definition: A commonplace person\n This is the competition word for which entrants have to write a clue. Consequently there is no wordplay offered by Azed)\n **PROSAIST"} {"Clue":"Take on gardener's enemy, something found in plant cells (6)","Answer":"RAPHIS","Explanation":"Definition: something found in plant cells\n **R** (recipe [Latin], take) **+ APHIS** (a plant-louse [eg greenfly or blackfly], a small homopterous insect that sucks plant juices; gardener's enemy)\n **R APHIS"} {"Clue":"What streaker at Lord's may do in interval? (8)","Answer":"STOPOVER","Explanation":"Definition: What streaker at Lord's may do\n **STOP OVER** (a streaker on the pitch at Lords Cricket Ground will **STOP** an **OVER** being bowled whilst security staff deal with the intruder)\n **STOP OVER"} {"Clue":"Military caps raised, king ignored aid to road-holding (4)","Answer":"SIPE","Explanation":"Definition: aid to road-holding\n **KEPIS** (flat-topped French military caps) **excluding** (ignored) **K** (king)\n **SIPE**<"} {"Clue":"Smoke rising round centre of verdure creeps over the border (6)","Answer":"RADGES","Explanation":"Definition: creeps over the border\n **SEGAR** (variant of **CIGAR** [smoke]) **reversed** (rising; down entry) **containing** (round) **D** (**middle letter of** [centre of] **VERDURE**)\n **RA** (**D**) **GES**<"} {"Clue":"Trees a Filipino reared, millions planted (5)","Answer":"ULMUS","Explanation":"Definition: Trees\n **M** (millions) **contained in** (planted) **SULU** (member of a Muslim people of the Sulu Archipelago in the SW Philippines; Filipino) **reversed** (reared; down entry)\n **UL** (**M**) **US**<"} {"Clue":"Burgher poet, German, sister translated (12)","Answer":"MASTERSINGER","Explanation":"Definition: Burgher poet\n **Anagram of** (translated) **GERMAN SISTER**\n **MASTERSINGER"} {"Clue":"Seats may get attention from me! (5)","Answer":"CANER","Explanation":"Definition: Seats may get attention from me\n **CANER** (some one who administers punishment to the buttocks [seat] with a **CANE**) **double definition**\n **CANER"} {"Clue":"Cavalry piece? Nelly's holding on (8)","Answer":"PETRONEL","Explanation":"Definition: Cavalry piece\n **PETREL** (a nelly is a large petrel) **containing** (holding) **ON**\n **PETR** (**ON**) **EL"} {"Clue":"Round start of opera strengthens tenor last of all (8)","Answer":"REARMOST","Explanation":"Definition: last of all\n (**REARMS** [strengthens] **containing** [round] **O** [**first letter of** {start of} **OPERA**]) **+ T** (tenor)\n **REARM** (**O**) **S** T"} {"Clue":"Despot, all but the last one's seen in purple? (6)","Answer":"TYRIAN","Explanation":"Definition: purple\n **I** (Roman numeral for one) **contained in** (seen in) **TYRANT** (despot) **excluding the final letter** (all but the last one) **T**\n **TYR** (**I**) **AN"} {"Clue":"What'll be heard encouraging dance from the audience? (5)","Answer":"HEIGH","Explanation":"Definition: What'll be heard encouraging\n **HEIGH** (**sounds like** [from the audience] **HEY** [country dance])\n **HEIGH"} {"Clue":"Candied peel? This, aged, is misused in decorating (6)","Answer":"CITRON","Explanation":"Definition: Candied peel\n **CITRON** (together with **AGED**, **CITRON** **forms an anagram of** [is misused] **DECORATING***)\n **CITRON"} {"Clue":"Foreign gent erected guttering for Scots (5)","Answer":"SENOR","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign gent\n **RONES** (Scottish word for guttering) **reversed** (erected; down entry)\n **SENOR**<"} {"Clue":"Nothing surmounts this compact for Danish conurbation (5)","Answer":"DENSE","Explanation":"Definition: compact\n **DENSE** (if you add the letter **O** above [down entry] you form **ODENSE** [a city and clustered suburbs [conurbation] in Denmark)\n **DENSE"} {"Clue":"Learn origin of primordial ooze (4)","Answer":"SEEP","Explanation":"Definition: ooze\n **SEE** (understand; learn) **+ P** (f**irst letter of** [origin of] **PRIMORDIAL**)\n **SEE P"} {"Clue":"Heavy alligator, disorientated at being released (7)","Answer":"GORILLA","Explanation":"Definition: Heavy\n **Anagram of** (disorientated) **ALLIGATOR** **excluding** (being released) **AT**\n **GORILLA"} {"Clue":"Mobil loses barrels after China supplies refinery product (4,3)","Answer":"PALM OIL","Explanation":"Definition: refinery product\n **PAL** (friend; china) **+ MOBIL** **excluding** (loses) **B** (barrels)\n **PAL M OIL"} {"Clue":"My back, with constant tilt from one side to the other (4)","Answer":"ROCK","Explanation":"Definition: tilt from one side to the other\n **COR** (gosh!; my!) **reversed** (back) **+ K** (Boltzmann constant in physics)\n **ROC**<** K"} {"Clue":"Scandalous refusal to repay up-front debts (9)","Answer":"NOTORIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Scandalous\n **NO** (refusal) **+ TO + R** (**first letter of** [upfront] **REPAY**) **+ IOUS** (signed slip of paper or other document acknowledging debts)\n **NO TO R IOUS"} {"Clue":"Organ found in male sculpture for example (5)","Answer":"HEART","Explanation":"Definition: Organ\n **HE** (descriptive of a male) **+ ART** (sculpture is a form of **ART**)\n **HE ART"} {"Clue":"Repeated again, er, cryptically? (2-6)","Answer":"RE-ECHOED","Explanation":"Definition: Repeated again\n **RE ECHOED** [back] **could be a cryptic clue for ER**<; ER cryptically)\n **RE ECHOED"} {"Clue":"Express broadband provider \u2013 not half! (4)","Answer":"TALK","Explanation":"Definition: Express\n **TALKTALK** excluding one of the **TALK**s [not half] \u2013 TALKTALK is one of the leading broadband providers in the United Kingdom)\n **TALK"} {"Clue":"Bowls, possibly left after soup for starters (5)","Answer":"SPORT","Explanation":"Definition: Bowls, possibly\n **S** (**first letter of** [for starters] **SOUP**) **+ PORT** (left side of a ship)\n **S PORT"} {"Clue":"Obama re-activated housing sector (4)","Answer":"AREA","Explanation":"Definition: sector\n **AREA** (**hidden word in** [housing] **OBAMA RE-ACTIVATED**)\n **AREA"} {"Clue":"Doctor Henry has a gin and large port (8)","Answer":"SHANGHAI","Explanation":"Definition: large port\n **Anagram of** (doctor) **H** (henry [unit of inductance]) **and HAS A GIN**\n **SHANG****H****AI"} {"Clue":"Call time on the King, not the Spanish one (5)","Answer":"VISIT","Explanation":"Definition: Call\n **ELVIS** (**ELVIS** Presley, often referred to as the King of Rock and Roll)** excluding** (not) **EL** (Spanish form of 'the') **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ T** (time)\n **VIS I T"} {"Clue":"A rude Wren flashed knickers? (9)","Answer":"UNDERWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: knickers\n **Anagram of** (flashed) **A NUDE WREN**\n **UNDERWEAR"} {"Clue":"Miss Johns picked up (4)","Answer":"LOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Miss\n **LOSE** (**sounds like** [picked up] **LOOS** (toilets [johns in American slang])\n **LOSE"} {"Clue":"Fashionable girl providing a substitute for heroin makes 1000 guineas? (7)","Answer":"CLASSIC","Explanation":"Definition: 1000 guineas\n **CHIC** (fashionable) **with LASS** (girl) **replacing** (providing a substitute for) **H** (heroin)\n **C** **LASS** **IC"} {"Clue":"Casually go around volcano country (7)","Answer":"VIETNAM","Explanation":"Definition: country\n **VIM** (informal term for energy, vigour or go) **containing** (around) **ETNA** (Volcano in Sicily)\n **VI** (**ETNA**) **M"} {"Clue":"Twice cook old bird (4)","Answer":"DODO","Explanation":"Definition: old bird\n **DO** (cook) **+ DO** (cook) \u2013 giving twice cooked\n **DO DO"} {"Clue":"Strong reaction from sweetener (8)","Answer":"KICK BACK","Explanation":"Definition: Strong reaction\n **KICKBACK** (part of a sum received paid to another by confidential agreement for favours past or to come; sweetener) **double definition**\n **KICKBACK"} {"Clue":"Sketch alien's heavenly body (6)","Answer":"PLANET","Explanation":"Definition: heavenly body\n **PLAN** (sketch) **+ ET** (extra-terrestrial; alien)\n **PLAN ET"} {"Clue":"Earth is, I suspect, at most risk (8)","Answer":"HAIRIEST","Explanation":"Definition: at most risk\n **Anagram of** (suspect) **EARTH IS I**\n **HAIRIEST"} {"Clue":"Small insect eats nothing but sand (6)","Answer":"SMOOTH","Explanation":"Definition: sand\n **S** (small) **+** (**MOTH** [insect] **containing** [eats] **O** [character representing zero or nothing])\n **S** **MO** (**O**) **TH** \u2013 either O could be the one contained"} {"Clue":"A soft touch, monk is sold trousers! (4)","Answer":"KISS","Explanation":"KISS** (**hidden word in** [trousers] **MONK IS SOLD**)\n **KISS"} {"Clue":"Scare results from misjudgement entering dodgy site (9)","Answer":"TERRORISE","Explanation":"Definition: Scare\n **ERROR** (misjudgement) **contained in** (entering) **an anagram of** (dodgy) **SITE**\n **T** (**ERROR**) **ISE"} {"Clue":"Erica's very hard sandwiches ruined tea (5)","Answer":"HEATH","Explanation":"Definition: Erica\n **HH** (symbol meaning very hard on lead pencils) **containing** (sandwiches) **an anagram of** (ruined) **TEA**\n **H** (**EAT***) **H"} {"Clue":"First Lady leads nonviolent extremists meeting (5)","Answer":"EVENT","Explanation":"Definition: meeting\n **EVE** (first lady as described in the Bible) **+ NT** (**outer letters of** [extremists] **NONVIOLENT**)\n **EVE** **NT"} {"Clue":"Maybe American football star is desperate, initially chasing the odds (8)","Answer":"SPHEROID","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe American football\n **SP** (starting price; odds) **+ HERO** (star) **+ ID** (**first letters of** [initially] **each of IS** and** DESPERATE**)\n **SP HERO ID"} {"Clue":"Bale's out injured? 100% (8)","Answer":"ABSOLUTE","Explanation":"Definition: 100%\n **Anagram of** (injured) **BALE'S OUT**\n **ABSOLUTE"} {"Clue":"Clothes being taken off in films I'd unwittingly looked up (6)","Answer":"NUDISM","Explanation":"Definition: Clothes being taken off\n **NUDISM** (**reversed** [looked up; down entry] **hidden word in** [in] **FILMS I'D UNWITTINGLY**)\n **NUDISM**<"} {"Clue":"Mary, perhaps popular after overthrow of former Prince Regent? (6)","Answer":"VIRGIN","Explanation":"Definition: Mary, perhaps\n **GR IV** (King George IV, Prince Regent from 1811 to 1820 during the mental illness of his father King George III) **reversed** (overthrow) **+ IN** (popular)\n (**VI RG**)< **IN"} {"Clue":"Dung-fly regularly avoided one fruit (4)","Answer":"UGLI","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n **UGL** (l**etters remaining in DUNG-FLY when letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [regularly] **are excluded** [avoided]) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **UGL I"} {"Clue":"Pole is endlessly flash (4)","Answer":"SPAR","Explanation":"Definition: Pole\n **SPARK** (flash) **excluding the final letter** (endlessly) **K**\n **SPAR"} {"Clue":"Fights to show positive things following reform (12)","Answer":"ALTERCATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Fights\n **ALTER** (change; reform) **+ CATIONS** (positively charged ions; positive things)\n **ALTER CATIONS"} {"Clue":"Artist wound hair (9)","Answer":"PAINTRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Artist\n **PAIN** (hurt; wound) **+ TRESS** (plait or braid of hair)\n **PAIN TRESS"} {"Clue":"Caught breaking legitimate ceasefire (5)","Answer":"TRUCE","Explanation":"Definition: ceasefire\n **C** (caught) **contained in** (breaking) **TRUE** (legitimate)\n **TRU** (**C**) **E"} {"Clue":"Polygynous South African maybe swipes to the left, then all right (6)","Answer":"REEBOK","Explanation":"Definition: Polygynous South African\n **BEER** (**SWIPES** can be defined as **BEER** especially when poor or weak) **reversed** (to the left) **+ OK** (all right)\n **REEB**<** OK"} {"Clue":"Bother over papers showing fossil (8)","Answer":"BLASTOID","Explanation":"Definition: fossil\n **BLAST** (interjection expression irritation; bother!) **+ O** (over) **+ ID** ([identity] papers)\n **BLAST O ID"} {"Clue":"Shame of semi-nude chap taking ecstasy (6)","Answer":"DEMEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Shame\n **DE** (**50% of** [semi] **the letters of NUDE**) **+** (**MAN** [chap] **containing** [taking] **E** [ecstasy])\n **DE** **M** (**E**) **AN"} {"Clue":"Sister admits interest in pedant (8)","Answer":"STICKLER","Explanation":"Definition: pedant\n **SR** (sister) **containing** (admits) **TICKLE** (interest, as in 'he generated a slight tickle of interest in his work')\n **S** (**TICKLE**) **R"} {"Clue":"That place that India claims is owing money (2,3,3)","Answer":"IN THE RED","Explanation":"Definition: owing money\n **IND** (International Vehicle Registration for India) **containing** (claims) **THERE** (that place)\n **IN** (**THE RE**) **D"} {"Clue":"Perhaps crow or rook overwhelmed by virus (6)","Answer":"CORVID","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps crow\n **R** (rook, a chess piece) **contained in** (overwhelmed by) **COVID** (a virus)\n **CO** (**R**) **VID"} {"Clue":"City left in the past, say (4,4)","Answer":"PORT SAID","Explanation":"Definition: City\n **PORT** (left) **+ SAID** (previously or already mentioned; in the past)\n **PORT SAID"} {"Clue":"Take care of leg's connective tissue (6)","Answer":"TENDON","Explanation":"Definition: connective tissue\n **TEND** (take care of) **+ ON** (leg side in cricket)\n **TEND ON"} {"Clue":"Polish lecturer in view (5)","Answer":"GLAZE","Explanation":"Definition: Polish\n **L** (lecturer) **contained in** (in) **GAZE** (view)\n **G** (**L**) **AZE"} {"Clue":"Sligo surprisingly welcomes mysterious influential Russians? (9)","Answer":"OLIGARCHS","Explanation":"Definition: influential Russians\n **Anagram of** (surprisingly) **SLIGO** **containing** (welcomes) **ARCH** (mysterious)\n **OLIG** (**ARCH**) **S"} {"Clue":"Parliamentarian fighters were fighting with my old man (3,5,4)","Answer":"NEW MODEL ARMY","Explanation":"Definition: Parliamentarian fighters\n **Anagram of** (fighting with) **WERE** and **MY OLD MAN**\n **NEW MODEL ARMY"} {"Clue":"Hoped despair might be resolved (7)","Answer":"ASPIRED","Explanation":"Definition: Hoped\n **Anagram of** (might be resolved) **DESPAIR**\n **ASPIRED"} {"Clue":"Ultimately pot white, perhaps, being in tangle (5)","Answer":"TWINE","Explanation":"Definition: tangle\n **T** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **POT**) **+ WINE** ('white' is a description of **WINE**, as against red or rose)\n **T WINE"} {"Clue":"Shop around one to get alcoholic drink, in principle (9)","Answer":"RATIONALE","Explanation":"Definition: principle\n (**RAT ON** [shop] **containing** [around] **I** [Roman numeral for one]) **+ ALE** (alcoholic drink)\n **RAT** (**I**) **ON** **ALE"} {"Clue":"Regret getting naked to get the last word (4)","Answer":"AMEN","Explanation":"Definition: the last word\n **LAMENT** (regret) **excluding the outer letters** (getting naked) **L** and **T**\n **AMEN"} {"Clue":"Back home at 6 am? Sit in the sunlight (8)","Answer":"INSOLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Sit in the sunlight\n **IN SO LATE** (returning home [**IN**] at 6 am after a night out could be described as getting **IN SO LATE**)\n **IN SO LATE"} {"Clue":"Irishman upset, clenching tense buttocks (5)","Answer":"NATES","Explanation":"Definition: buttocks\n **SEAN** (Irish male name; Irishman) **reversed** (upset) **containing** (clenching) **T** (tense)\n **NA** (**T**) **ES**<"} {"Clue":"When making comeback, Five also rope in old European (8)","Answer":"YUGOSLAV","Explanation":"Definition: old European\n (**V** [Roman numeral for five] **+ ALSO + GUY** [rope]) **all reversed** (making comeback)\n (**YUG OSLA V**)<"} {"Clue":"Part of Chevrolet, for example, belonging to fleeing criminal (6)","Answer":"FENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Part of Chevrolet, for example\n **OFFENDER** (criminal) **excluding** (fleeing) **OF** (belonging to)\n **FENDER"} {"Clue":"Couple on the up retreat to get physical (8)","Answer":"MATERIAL","Explanation":"Definition: physical\n **MATE** (to couple) **+ LAIR** (den; retreat) **reversed** (on the up; down entry)\n **MATE RIAL**<"} {"Clue":"Push to predict lucky escape (5,4)","Answer":"CLOSE CALL","Explanation":"Definition: lucky escape\n **CLOSE** (push a door to for example) **+ CALL** (forecast; predict)\n **CLOSE CALL"} {"Clue":"Flying birdmen describing love for seaside resort (8)","Answer":"BENIDORM","Explanation":"Definition: seaside resort\n **Anagram of** (flying) **BIRDMEN** **containing** (describing) **O** (character representing zero [love score in tennis])\n **BENID** (**O**) **RM"} {"Clue":"Challenge naughty child with adapted gun (6)","Answer":"IMPUGN","Explanation":"Definition: Challenge\n **IMP** (naughty child) + **an anagram of** (adapted) **GUN**\n **IMP UGN"} {"Clue":"Extremely dirty and unpleasant house (7)","Answer":"DYNASTY","Explanation":"Definition: house\n **DY** (**outer letters of** [extremely] **DIRTY**) **+ NASTY** (unpleasant)\n **DY NASTY"} {"Clue":"I can stop former golfer showing strain (5)","Answer":"SIEVE","Explanation":"Definition: strain\n **I** **contained in** (can stop) **SEVE** (reference **SEVE** Ballesteros [1957-2011], Spanish golfer; former golfer)\n **S** (**I**) **EVE"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary procedure reveals colour scheme (5)","Answer":"DECOR","Explanation":"Definition: colour scheme\n **DECOR** (**reversed** [revolutionary] **hidden word in** [reveals] **PROCEDURE**)\n **DECOR**<"} {"Clue":"Attempt to pack new hamper (4)","Answer":"BIND","Explanation":"Definition: hamper\n **BID** (attempt) **containing** (to pack) **N** (new)\n **BI** (**N**) **D"} {"Clue":"I, with no end of human brilliance, managed to develop a stomach bulge (9,6)","Answer":"UMBILICAL HERNIA","Explanation":"Definition: a stomach bulge\n **Anagram of** (managed, to develop) **I** and **HUMAN** **excluding the final letter** (no end of) **N** and **BRILLIANCE**\n **UMBILICAL HERNIA"} {"Clue":"Orange-coloured American advertising one retirement option? (7)","Answer":"APRICOT","Explanation":"Definition: Orange-coloured\n **A** (American) **+ PR** (public relations; advertising) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ COT** (an option for sleeping [retirement in the evening])\n **A PR I COT"} {"Clue":"It's my call to be affectionate (7)","Answer":"CORDIAL","Explanation":"Definition: affectionate\n **COR** (gosh!; my!) **+ DIAL** (make a phone call [although there are not many phones around these days where you actually **DIAL**])\n **COR** **DIAL"} {"Clue":"What kind of beast would abuse and rob men? (9)","Answer":"DOBERMANN","Explanation":"Definition: kind of beast\n **Anagram of** (abuse) **AND ROB MEN**\n **DOBERMANN"} {"Clue":"Drunks' language is filled with vernacular (5)","Answer":"SLANG","Explanation":"Definition: vernacular\n **SLANG** (**hidden word in** [is filled with] **DRUNKS' LANGUAGE**)\n **SLANG"} {"Clue":"Feigns hesitation when surrounded by fools (7)","Answer":"ASSUMES","Explanation":"Definition: Feigns\n **UM** (expression of hesitation) **contained in** (surrounded by) **ASSES** (fools)\n **ASS** (**UM**) **ES"} {"Clue":"She treats good person after obsessive year (7)","Answer":"ANALYST","Explanation":"Definition: She treats\n **ANAL** (obsessive) **+ Y** (year) **+ ST** (saint; good person)\n **ANAL Y ST"} {"Clue":"'Taste of Heaven' used as embodiment of love (5)","Answer":"VENUS","Explanation":"Definition: embodiment of love\n **VENUS** (**hidden word in** [taste of] **HEAVEN USED**)\n **VENUS"} {"Clue":"I love millions expanding in offshore financial centre (4,2,3)","Answer":"ISLE OF MAN","Explanation":"Definition: offshore financial centre\n I can't see how the wordplay works here. The only thing I can come up with that **ISLE OF** may be a homophone for **I LOVE**, but I can't see a homophone indicator and apart from **M** (millions), **MAN** is still unaccounted for. Suggestions welcomed\n **ISLE OF MAN"} {"Clue":"Rubbish bags for geological feature (3,4)","Answer":"CAP ROCK","Explanation":"Definition: geological feature\n **CACK** (rubbish) **containing** (bags) **PRO** (in favour of; pro)\n **CA** (**P RO**) **CK"} {"Clue":"Vicious to stuff workers as well (7)","Answer":"BESIDES","Explanation":"Definition: as well\n **SID** (reference **SID** Vicious [1957-1979], English musician, bassist for the Sex Pistols) **contained in** (to stuff) **BEES** (workers)\n **BE** (**SID**) **ES"} {"Clue":"At end of bar two merry men put ale in teat (15)","Answer":"ANTEPENULTIMATE","Explanation":"Definition: At end of bar two\n **Anagram of** (merry) **MEN PUT ALE IN TEAT**\n **ANTEPENULTIMATE"} {"Clue":"It sounds horny having a bath first (4)","Answer":"TUBA","Explanation":"Definition: It sounds horny\n **TUB** (bath) **+ A**\n **TUB A"} {"Clue":"Take up unfinished puzzle \u2013 one way to get a lift (4)","Answer":"UBER","Explanation":"Definition: one way to get a lift\n **REBUS** (type of puzzle) **excluding the final letter** (unfinished) **and reversed** (take up; down entry)\n **UBER**<"} {"Clue":"Wanting a sort of clue Tramp gets to pick (8)","Answer":"PLECTRUM","Explanation":"Definition: pick\n **Anagram of** (a sort of) **CLUE TRAMP** **excluding** (wanting) **A**\n **PLECTRUM"} {"Clue":"Chill with old American dope and a drink (3,3)","Answer":"ICE TEA","Explanation":"Definition: drink\n **ICE** (chill) **+ TEA** (old American slang for marijuana; old American dope)\n **ICE TEA"} {"Clue":"Gig endlessly securing some money to get a bloody organ (8)","Answer":"PLACENTA","Explanation":"Definition: a bloody organ\n **PLAY** (**PLAY** a gig) **excluding the final letter** (endlessly) **Y containing** (securing) **A CENT **(some money)\n **PL** (**A CENT**) **A"} {"Clue":"Manifestations of masculinity are mostly, apparently, dormant (6)","Answer":"BEARDS","Explanation":"Definition: Manifestations of masculinity\n **ARE** **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **E** **contained in BEDS** (apparently dormant [sleeping, descriptive of people in **BEDS**])\n **BE** (**AR**) **DS"} {"Clue":"Rumpy-pumpy seen in main City gathering (8)","Answer":"INTIMACY","Explanation":"Definition: Rumpy-pumpy\n **Anagram of** (gathering) **MAIN CITY**\n **INTIMACY"} {"Clue":"State so petty to convince of lie? (8)","Answer":"GASLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: convince of lie\n **GA** (abbreviation for the American State of Georgia) **+ SLIGHT** (petty)\n **GA SLIGHT"} {"Clue":"Pushers might supply these in piano bars (5)","Answer":"PRODS","Explanation":"Definition: Pushers might supply these\n **P** (piano) **+ RODS** (bars)\n **P RODS"} {"Clue":"Drink promotion briefly uttered raising cheers (8)","Answer":"ADVOCAAT","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\n **AD** (advertisement; promotion) **+ VOCAL** (uttered by the voice) **excluding the final letter** (briefly) **L + TA** (thankyou; cheers) **reversed** (raising; down entry)\n **AD** **VOCA AT**<"} {"Clue":"Vessels following stars reach idyllic destinations (8)","Answer":"SUNSPOTS","Explanation":"Definition: idyllic destinations\n **SUNS** (stars) **+ POTS** (vessels)\n **SUNS POTS"} {"Clue":"Unpleasant relations hurt, according to Spooner (8)","Answer":"STINKING","Explanation":"Definition: Unpleasant\n **STINKING** (Reverend Spooner might pronounce this as **KIN** [family; relations] + **STING** [hurt])\n **STINKING"} {"Clue":"A conservative old American jerk with no power (8)","Answer":"ACOUSTIC","Explanation":"Definition: with no power\n **A** **+ C** (Conservative) **+ O** (old) **+ US** (United States; American) **+ TIC** (involuntary jerk)\n **A C O US TIC"} {"Clue":"Jerk regularly serves up weak hashish (5)","Answer":"SHAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Jerk\n **SHAKE** (**letters 2, 4, 6. 8 and 10** [regularly] of **WEAK HASHISH**) **reversed** (serves up; down entry)\n **SHAKE**<"} {"Clue":"Curious dog (6)","Answer":"SNOOPY","Explanation":"Definition: Curious\n **SNOOPY** (dog in the Peanuts cartoons of Charles Schulz) **double definition**\n **SNOOPY"} {"Clue":"After party, the Spanish soprano is slurring (6)","Answer":"LIBELS","Explanation":"Definition: is slurring\n **LIB** (**LIB**eral political party) **+ EL** (Spanish form of 'the') **+ S** (soprano)\n **LIB EL S"} {"Clue":"Double Dutch: A tip for lookers! (4)","Answer":"DUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Double\n **DU** (Dutch) **+ A + L** (**first letter of** [tip for] **LOOKERS**)\n **DU A L"} {"Clue":"Worry about stitch in time? On the contrary (4)","Answer":"STEW","Explanation":"Definition: Worry\n **T** (time) **contained in** (in) **SEW** (stitch) f**orming the opposite construction** (on the contrary) t**o the words in clue 'stitch in time'**)\n **S** (**T**) **EW"} {"Clue":"Meagre wages, later regularly accepted (6)","Answer":"PAL","Explanation":"Definition: Meagre\n **PAY** (wages) **containing** (accepted) **LTR** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] of **LATER**)\n **PA** (**LTR**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Mostly longing to hug American after outrage about American region (11)","Answer":"APPALACHIAN","Explanation":"Definition: about American region\n **APPAL** (to horrify; to outrage) **+** (**ACHING** [longing] **excluding the final letter** [mostly] **G** **containing** [to hug] **A** [American])\n **APPAL** **ACHI** (**A**) **N"} {"Clue":"Hesitation to enter 20, possibly, as a figure (7)","Answer":"NUMERAL","Explanation":"Definition: figure\n **UM** (expression of hesitation) **contained in** (to enter) **an anagram of** (possibly) **RENAL** (entry at 20 down)\n **N** (**UM**) **ERAL"} {"Clue":"Brief article giving common instruction to vet? (7)","Answer":"SNIPPET","Explanation":"Definition: Brief article\n **SNIP** **PET** (a vet may to be asked to **SNIP** a **PET**)\n **SNIP PET"} {"Clue":"Legal society accepting support backed from the subcontinent (6)","Answer":"INDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: from the subcontinent\n **INN** (one of four voluntary societies that have the exclusive right of calling to the English bar [Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincoln's Inn and Gray's Inn]; apparently the term originally applied to the buildings housing the societies but now applies to the societies themselves) **containing** (accepting) **AID** (support) **reversed** (backed)\n **IN** (**DIA**<) **N"} {"Clue":"Beginning to acknowledge the iron is poorly wrought not an impressive figure (8)","Answer":"ANTIHERO","Explanation":"Definition: not an impressive figure\n **A** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **ACKNOWLEDGE**) **+ an anagram of** (poorly wrought) **THE IRON**\n **A** **NTI-HERO"} {"Clue":"Metallic bullets flying around middle of week (5-4)","Answer":"STEEL-BLUE","Explanation":"Definition: Metallic\n **Anagram of** (flying) **BULLETS** **containing** (around) **EE** (**central letters of** [middle of] **WEEK**)\n **ST** (**EE**) **L BLUE"} {"Clue":"Source of wool leggings initially adopted by priest (5)","Answer":"LLAMA","Explanation":"Definition: Source of wool\n **L** (**first letter of** [initially] **LEGGINGS**) **contained in** (adopted by) **LAMA** (Buddhist priest)\n **L** (**L**) **AMA"} {"Clue":"Leading Australian tried to dodge rule (5)","Answer":"AHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\n **A** (Australian) **+ HEARD** (tried, as in a case **HEARD** in a court of law) **excluding** (to dodge) **R** (rule)\n **A HEAD"} {"Clue":"Carol getting behind family, bringing in energy, offering catharsis (9)","Answer":"CLEANSING","Explanation":"Definition: catharsis\n (**CLAN** [family] **containing** [bringing in] **E** [energy]) **+ SING** (to carol)\n **CL** (**E**) **AN** **SING"} {"Clue":"Inquire about beginner I backed as a matter of urgency? (8)","Answer":"PRIORITY","Explanation":"Definition: as a matter of urgency\n **PRY** (inquire) **containing** (about) (**TIRO** [novice; beginner] **+ I**) **reversed** (backed)\n **PR** (**I** **ORIT**)< **Y"} {"Clue":"Clumsy person my son, brought back as a representative example (6)","Answer":"SYMBOL","Explanation":"Definition: representative example\n (**LOB** [clumsy person] **+ MY + S** [son]) **all reversed** (brought back)\n (**S YM BOL**)<"} {"Clue":"Turned on elements of company: I'm unable to help (2,3,2)","Answer":"NO CAN DO","Explanation":"Definition: I'm unable to help\n **ON** reversed (turned) **+** (**C AND O**, the component parts of elements of] CO [company])\n **NO**< **C AN D O"} {"Clue":"Refuse to accept item only brought out for Christmas? (7)","Answer":"DECLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse to accept\n **DEC** (December [month including Christmas]) **+ LINE** (products for sale)\n **DEC LINE"} {"Clue":"Brilliant priest getting loan \u2013 feel bitter about accepting that (11)","Answer":"RESPLENDENT","Explanation":"Definition: Brilliant\n **RESENT** (feel bitter) **containing** (about) (**P** [priest] **+ LEND** [loan])\n **RES** (**P LEND**) **ENT"} {"Clue":"It delivers a point in various creative disciplines (6-9)","Answer":"PENCIL-SHARPENER","Explanation":"Definition: It delivers a point in various creative disciplines\n **PENCIL-SHARPENER** (the clue is a cryptic definition as **PENCIL** are used by many creating artworks of various forms)\n **PENCIL-SHARPENER"} {"Clue":"Accused, after pinching book, is incapacitated (5)","Answer":"LAMED","Explanation":"Definition: incapacitated\n **BLAMED** (held responsible; accused) **excluding** (after pinching) **B** (book)\n **LAMED"} {"Clue":"Power, including electric current, wasn't good \u2013 delivered from a distance? (9)","Answer":"AIRMAILED","Explanation":"Definition: delivered from a distance\n (**ARM** [power, as in the **ARM** of the law] **containing** [including] **I** [electric current]) **+** **AILED** (was ill; wasn't good)\n **A** (**I**) **RM** **AILED"} {"Clue":"Power lines around area become dull (4)","Answer":"PALL","Explanation":"Definition: become dull\n (**P** [power] **+ LL** [lines]) **containing** (around) **A** (area)\n **P** (**A**) **LL"} {"Clue":"Fails to be seen around a new set in big city (3,7)","Answer":"LOS ANGELES","Explanation":"Definition: big city\n **LOSES** (fails) **containing** (to be seen around) (**A** **+ N** [new] **+ GEL** [set])\n **LOS** (**A N GEL**) **ES"} {"Clue":"Easy-going American left off one hot spice (5)","Answer":"CHILI","Explanation":"Definition: hot spice\n **CHILL** (American term meaning relax or take an easy-going attitude) **excluding** (off) **L** **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) Are easy-going and chill similar parts of speech? Isn't one an adjective and the other a verb?\n **CHIL I"} {"Clue":"We stage rigged primaries (9)","Answer":"IMPRESARI","Explanation":"Definition: We stage\n **Anagram of** (rigged) **PRIMARIES**\n **IMPRESARI"} {"Clue":"Display venue arranged in only art gala accommodating the French (8,7)","Answer":"NATIONAL GALLERY","Explanation":"Definition: Display venue\n **Anagram of** (arranged) **IN ONLY ART GALA** **containing** (accommodating) **LE** (one of the French forms of 'the')\n **NATIONAL GAL** (**LE**) **RY"} {"Clue":"Require Norse god to be found in confines of broken shrub (10)","Answer":"BLACKTHORN","Explanation":"Definition: shrub\n (**LACK** [need; require] **+ THOR** [Norse God]) **contained in** (to be found in) **BN** (**outer letters of** [confines of] **BROKEN**)\n **B** (**LACK THOR**) **N"} {"Clue":"Detective leading men, finding parts of telescope (9)","Answer":"EYEPIECES","Explanation":"Definition: parts of telescope\n **EYE** (detective, private **EYE**) **+ PIECES** (men; chessmen for example)\n **EYE PIECES"} {"Clue":"Beach racer? Woman bagging number eight from Germany (4-5)","Answer":"LAND-YACHT","Explanation":"Definition: Beach racer\n **LADY** (woman) **containing** (bagging) **N** (number) **+ ACHT** (German for the number eight)\n **LA** (**N**) **D Y ACHT"} {"Clue":"Material including note about filtration system? (5)","Answer":"RENAL","Explanation":"Definition: about filtration system\n **REAL** (material) **containing** (including) **N** (note)\n **RE** (**N**) **AL"} {"Clue":"Second-rate book catalogue (1-4)","Answer":"B-LIST","Explanation":"Definition: Second-rate\n **B** (book) **+ LIST** (catalogue)\n **B\u2013LIST"} {"Clue":"I had left, abandoning newspaper without function (4)","Answer":"IDLE","Explanation":"Definition: without function\n **I'D** (I had) **+ LEFT** **excluding** (abandoning) **FT** (Financial Times, a newspaper)\n **ID LE"} {"Clue":"1 mafioso pursues crime after kicking drug (3,6)","Answer":"ROB BRYDON","Explanation":"Definition: 1\n **ROBBERY** (crime) **excluding** (kicking) **E** (ecstasy; drug) **+ DON** ([American] slang for a Mafia boss)\n **ROB BRY DON"} {"Clue":"14-1's sphere about to absorb, er, everyone's sphere (5)","Answer":"TERRA","Explanation":"Definition: everyone's sphere\n **ART** (the field or sphere in which the **POST-IMPRESSIONIST**s [14 \/ 1 entry] worked) **reversed** (about) **containing** (to absorb) **ER**\n **T** (**ER**) **RA**<"} {"Clue":"Item worn by woman asleep next to Bond (7)","Answer":"NIGHTIE","Explanation":"Definition: Item worn by woman asleep\n **NIGH** (near to; next to) **+ TIE** (bond)\n **NIGH TIE"} {"Clue":"Description of movement's frequently a mess if Spooner spits it out (4-13)","Answer":"POST-IMPRESSIONIST","Explanation":"Definition: Description of movement\n **Anagram of** (out) **MSI** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [frequently] **of A MESS IF**) and **SPOONER SPITS IT**\n **POST\u2013IMPRESSIONIST"} {"Clue":"A couple of cricket sides seen at intervals (2-3-3)","Answer":"ON AND OFF","Explanation":"Definition: A couple of cricket sides\n **ON-AND-OFF** (intermittent, occasional. at intervals) **double definition**\n **ON-AND-OFF"} {"Clue":"13 or 22 possibly taking over independent nation (8)","Answer":"SURINAME","Explanation":"Definition: nation\n **SURNAME** (the entries at 13 across and 22 down are **CEZANNE** and **COOGAN**, both of which are **SURNAME**s) **containing** (taking) **I** (Independent)\n **SUR** (**I**) **NAME"} {"Clue":"Jelly available in tea garden (4)","Answer":"AGAR","Explanation":"Definition: Jelly\n **AGAR** (**hidden word in** [available in] **TEA GARDEN**)\n **AGAR"} {"Clue":"Bit of fruit leading to sinful occasion's a banana skin (7)","Answer":"PITFALL","Explanation":"Definition: banana skin\n **PIT** (fruit stone; piece of fruit) **+ FALL** (lapse into sin)\n **PIT FALL"} {"Clue":"Old 1 and silent 1 each losing a million (3-4)","Answer":"ONE-TIME","Explanation":"Definition: Old\n **MONET** (reference Claude **MONET** [1840-1926], French painter and founder of **IMPRESSIONIST** [1 across] painting) **excluding** (losing) **M** [million] ) **+ MIME** (descriptive of the performance a silent **IMPRESSIONIST** [1 across] on stage or in film) **also excluding [\u2026each losing \u2026] M**\n **ONE** **T** **IME"} {"Clue":"Did egg on uniform ultimately trigger meeting with my boss? (5)","Answer":"URGED","Explanation":"Definition: Did egg on\n **U** (Uniform is the International Radio Communication codeword for the letter U) **+ RG** (**final letters** [ultimately] **of each of** **TRIGGER** and **MEETING**) **+ ED** (editor; a crossword editor is usually the 'boss' of a crossword setter)\n **U RG ED"} {"Clue":"Close temperatures keeping characters from hiking round Thailand (5-4)","Answer":"TIGHT-KNIT","Explanation":"Definition: Close\n (**T** [temperature] **+ T** [temperature] giving temperatures) **containing** (keeping) ([**a jumble of**] the characters of **HIKING** **containing** [round] **T** [International Vehicle Registration for Thailand])\n **T** (**IGH** (**T**) **KNI***) **T"} {"Clue":"Important chap reportedly avoided a disputed territory when travelling north (2,3)","Answer":"MR BIG","Explanation":"Definition: Important chap\n **MR** (**MISTER** [**sounds like** {reportedly} **MISSED A** {avoided}]) **+ GIB** (Gibraltar [territory disputed by United Kingdom and Spain]) **reversed** (when travelling north)\n **MR** **BIG**<"} {"Clue":"Collector's item's a bloody state, I suppose! (6)","Answer":"RARITY","Explanation":"Definition: Collector's item\n **RARITY** (reference a steak cooked **RARE** which means it remains fairly bloody) **double definition**\n **RARITY"} {"Clue":"Wet earth covering animal's lair (6)","Answer":"SODDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Wet\n **SOD** (piece of turf; earth) **+ DEN** (animal's lair)\n **SOD DEN"} {"Clue":"Avoiding both fringes, old Labour leader starts to eat next to Green (8)","Answer":"INNOCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Green\n **KINNOCK** (reference Neil **KINNOC****K** [born 1942], former leader of the Labour Party) **excluding the outer letters** (avoiding both fringes) **K** and **K** **+ ENT** (**first letters of** [starts to] **each of EAT**, **NEXT** and **TO**)\n **INNOC**\u00a0** ENT"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Facebook users have seen zit burst by noon (8)","Answer":"NETIZENS","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Facebook users\n **N** (noon) **+ an anagram of** (burst) **SEEN ZIT**\n **N** **ETIZENS"} {"Clue":"Dangerous strain sees father and son kept apart by national government (5,4)","Answer":"SIREN SONG","Explanation":"Definition: Dangerous strain\n ([**SIRE** {to father} **+ SON**] **containing** [kept apart by] **N** [national]) **+ G** (government)\n **SIRE** (**N**) **SON** **G"} {"Clue":"Old men with power like propping up old royal (8)","Answer":"GRANDPAS","Explanation":"Definition: Old men\n **GRAND** (this looks like the 'old royal' part of the wordplay, but I can't find a dictionary or thesaurus that directly relates grand and royal. The best I can find is a link through regal) **+ P** (power)** + AS** (like)\n **GRAND P AS"} {"Clue":"Certain artists could be 14-1s by the sound of it (4,13)","Answer":"MALE IMPERSONATORS","Explanation":"Definition: Certain artists\n **MALE** (**sounds like** [by the sound of it] **MAIL** [**POST** [entry at 14 across]) **+ IMPERSONATORS** (**IMPRESSIONISTS** [1 across])\n **MALE** **IMPERSONATORS"} {"Clue":"14-1 has time for Brussels to mature with a bit of manure in plot (9)","Answer":"STRATAGEM","Explanation":"Definition: plot\n **SEURAT** (reference Georges **SEURAT** [1859-1901], French artist considered to be one of the most important painters in the **POST-IMPRESSIONIST** [entry at 14-1] movement **with T** (time) **replacing** (for) **EU** (European Union, colloquially referred to as Brussels where the headquarters are located) **+ AGE **+** M** (**first letter of** [bit of] **MANURE**)\n **STRAT** **AGE** M"} {"Clue":"What rice does for sushi eaters' sake? (8)","Answer":"FERMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: What rice does for sushi eaters' sake\n **FERMENTS** (the whole clue is a definition of the entry **FERMENTS**)\n **FERMENTS"} {"Clue":"Cycling star to turn and get off seat (8)","Answer":"UNSADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: get off seat\n **SUN** (star) **with the letters cycled left one position to form** **UNS** **+ ADDLE** (go rotten; turn)\n **UNS ADDLE"} {"Clue":"Fickle Methuselah no longer has the hots for mimics (8)","Answer":"EMULATES","Explanation":"Definition: mimics\n **Anagram of** (fickle) **METHUSELAH** **excluding** (no longer has) (**H** [hot] and **H** [hot] giving hots)\n **EMULATES"} {"Clue":"Cheat hanging around own goal area \u2013 1 often seen with 10 (6)","Answer":"COOGAN","Explanation":"Definition: 1 often seen with 10\n **CON** (swindle; cheat) **containing** (hanging around) (**OG** [own goal] **+ A** [area])\n **CO** (**OG** A) **N"} {"Clue":"Group including a precise number (6)","Answer":"","Explanation":"The four possibilities I can see are **DECTET**, **SEPTET**, **SESTET** or **SEXTET** each of which can be defined as a piece of music (number) for 10, 7, 6 or 6 players\n I don't see how the wordplay works, beyond thinking that **SET** is a container meaning group. It is the 'a precise [number]' that defeats me. I can see that **EXACT** can mean precise which makes **SEXTET** a distinct possibility but I can't see how to exclude the **AC** in the centre of **EXACT.**\n **SET** (group) containing **EPT**? **EST**? **EXT**? Using **SET** as a definition for group rules out **DECTET** as an option.\n ?"} {"Clue":"14-1's spanner regularly fixing disruption to Suez Canal when one end's blocked (4,7)","Answer":"PAUL CEZANNE","Explanation":"Definition: 14-1\n **PNE** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly] of **SPANNER**) **containing** (fixing) **an anagram of** (disruption to) **S****UEZ CANAL** **excluding the first letter** (when one end's blocked) **S**\n **P** (**AUL CEZAN***) **NE"} {"Clue":"Tattooist has a change of heart relating to private area? (5)","Answer":"INNER","Explanation":"Definition: private area\n **INKER** (tattooist [someone who works with inks or indelible dyes[) **with the central letter K changed to N** (change of heart)\n **INNER"} {"Clue":"Remove restriction from European pistol back in time (10)","Answer":"DEREGULATE","Explanation":"Definition: Remove restriction from\n (**E** [European] **+** [**LUGER** {type of pistol} **reversed**]) **contained in** (in) **DATE** (point in time)\n **D** (**E** **REGUL**<) **ATE"} {"Clue":"Make no progress when the results come out? (4,4)","Answer":"MARK TIME","Explanation":"Definition: Make no progress\n **MARK TIME** (the point [**TIME**] at which the results [**MARK**s]) are announced) **double definition**\n **MARK** [**TIME**]"} {"Clue":"About to pierce gem setting, cutting end \u2013 an easy matter (6)","Answer":"BREEZE","Explanation":"Definition: an easy matter\n **RE** (with reference to; about) **contained in** (to pierce) **BEZEL** (the part of the setting of a precious stone which encloses it) **excluding the final letter** (cutting end) **L**\n **B** (**RE**)** EZE"} {"Clue":"Servant returned to English terrace from 12 to 6? (8)","Answer":"DIAMETER","Explanation":"Definition: from 12 to 6\n **MAID** (servant) **reversed** (returned) **+ E** (English) **+ TER** (terrace)\n **DIAM**< **E TER"} {"Clue":"Relaxation of strained relations not completely covering slip \u2013 justification for armaments? (9)","Answer":"DETERRENT","Explanation":"Definition: justification for armaments\n **DETENTE** (relaxation of strained relations, especially between countries) **excluding the final letter** (not completely) **E containing** (covering) **ERR** (mistake; slip)\n **DET** (**ERR**) **ENT"} {"Clue":"Son remains in band (4)","Answer":"SASH","Explanation":"Definition: band\n **S** (son) **+ ASH** (remains)\n **S ASH"} {"Clue":"Hollywood film produced in America in two versions (7)","Answer":"AMADEUS","Explanation":"Definition: Hollywood film\n **MADE** (produced) **contained in** (in) (**A** [America] **+ US** [United States; America] giving two versions of America)\n **A** (<**MADE**) **US"} {"Clue":"Impassive cathedral dignitary detaining Dutch father (7)","Answer":"DEADPAN","Explanation":"Definition: Impassive\n **DEAN** (cathedral dignitary) **containing** (detaining) (**D** [Dutch] **+ PA** [father])\n **DEA** (**D PA**) **N"} {"Clue":"Rogue hiding piano in trick (4)","Answer":"SCAM","Explanation":"Definition: trick\n **SCAMP** (rogue) **excluding** (hiding) **P** (piano)\n **SCAM"} {"Clue":"First of Tories brought in to try and secure important region (9)","Answer":"HEARTLAND","Explanation":"Definition: important region\n **T** (**initial letter of** [first of] **TORIES**) **contained in** (brought in to) (**HEAR** [try, in a court of law] **+ LAND** [obtain; secure])\n **HEAR** (**T**) **LAND"} {"Clue":"Child beginning to dismiss response to joke, having missed opening (8)","Answer":"DAUGHTER","Explanation":"Definition: Child\n **D** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **DISMISS**) **+ LAUGHTER** ([hoped for] response to a joke) **excluding the initial letter** [missed opening] **L**)\n **D** **AUGHTER"} {"Clue":"Composer heads for dreary violinist over scraping? Not half (6)","Answer":"DVORAK","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\n **DV** (**first letters of** [heads for] **each of DREARY** and **VIOLINIST**) **+ O** (over) + **RAKING** (scraping) **excluding the second 3** [of 6; half] **l****etters ING**\n **DV O RAK"} {"Clue":"Singular conclusions in Cardiff glass works \u2013 benefit for the Treasury? (6,4)","Answer":"FISCAL DRAG","Explanation":"Definition: benefit for the Treasury\n Anagram of (works) **CARDIFF GLASS** with **each word excluding one of the pair of double letters F and S at the end leaving just one occurrence of the letter** (singular conclusions)\n **FISCAL DRAG"} {"Clue":"Erode article seen in river path (4,4)","Answer":"WEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Erode\n **WEAR** (reference River **WEAR** in North East England) **+ A WAY** (a path)\n **WEAR** [**A WAY**["} {"Clue":"Merited getting time for violence initially? Ran off (8)","Answer":"DESERTED","Explanation":"Definition: Ran off\n **DESERVED** (merited) with **T** (time) **replacing** (for) **V** (**first letter of** [initially] **V**IOLENCE)\n **DESER** **T** **ED"} {"Clue":"Nobleman appointed to receive King (4)","Answer":"DUKE","Explanation":"Definition: Nobleman\n **DUE** (arranged; set; appointed [time]) **containing** (to receive) **K** (king)\n **DU** (**K**) **E"} {"Clue":"Unit expert heading off, maintaining skill leading soldiers (10)","Answer":"DEPARTMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Unit\n **ADEPT** (expert)** excluding the first letter** [heading off] **A containing** (maintaining) (**ART** [skill] **+ MEN** [soldiers])\n **DEP** (**ART MEN**) **T"} {"Clue":"French city name offered amongst friends in Paris (6)","Answer":"AMIENS","Explanation":"Definition: French city\n **N** (name) **contained in** (amongst) **AMIES** (French [Paris] for [female] friends)\n **AMIE** (**N**) **S"} {"Clue":"Rapacity keeps Australian state area reduced by 50%: grassy area? (10)","Answer":"GREENSWARD","Explanation":"Definition: grassy area\n **GREED** (rapacity) **containing** (keeps) (**NSW** [New South Wales] **+ AR** (2 of 4 [50% reduced letters of **AREA**])\n **GREE** (**NSW AR**) **D"} {"Clue":"Given burden, not small, not well organised (6)","Answer":"ADDLED","Explanation":"Definition: not well organised\n **SADDLED** (burdened) **excluding** (not) **S** (small)\n **ADDLED"} {"Clue":"Cut joke about revolutionary sex after protest supported by the people (10)","Answer":"DEMOCRATIC","Explanation":"Definition: supported by the people\n **DEMO** (demonstration; protest) **+** (**CRACK** [quip; joke] **excluding the final letter** [cut] **K** **+ IT** (sex) **reversed** [revolutionary])\n **DEMO** **CRA** (**TI**<) **C"} {"Clue":"Sought vaguely to interrupt bird violence (5,5)","Answer":"ROUGH STUFF","Explanation":"Definition: violence\n **Anagram of** (vaguely) **SOUGHT** **contained in** (to interrupt) **RUFF** (bird, kind of sandpiper)\n **R** (**OUGH ST***) **UFF"} {"Clue":"Particular kind of suit required for ice? (8)","Answer":"DIAMONDS","Explanation":"Definition: Particular kind of suit\n **DIAMONDS** (ice is a term for diamonds or other precious stones) **double definition**\n **DIAMONDS"} {"Clue":"Moustache regulation upheld: plan to get trimmed (6)","Answer":"WALRUS","Explanation":"Definition: Moustache\n **LAW** (regulation) **reversed** (upheld; down entry) **+ RUSE** (stratagem; plan) **excluding the final letter** (to get trimmed) **E**\n **WAL**< **RUS"} {"Clue":"Attractive item in painting finally captured by French painter (6)","Answer":"MAGNET","Explanation":"Definition: Attractive item\n **G** (**last letter of** [finally] **PAINTING**) **contained in** (captured by) **MANET** (reference Edouard **MANET** [1832 \u2013 1883], French modernist artist)\n **MA** (**G**) **NET"} {"Clue":"Diehard missing regular items is no longer active (4)","Answer":"DEAD","Explanation":"Definition: no longer active\n **DIEHARD** **excluding** (missing) **letters 2, 4 and 6** (regular items) **IHR**\n **DEAD"} {"Clue":"Self-evident right to probe wicked person's file (12)","Answer":"DEMONSTRABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Self-evident\n **R** (right) **contained in** (to probe) (**DEMON'S** [wicked person] **+ TABLE** [catalogue; register; file])\n **DEMONS T** (**R**) **ABLE"} {"Clue":"Being without emotion, Papuan regularly eats fruit (9)","Answer":"AUTOMATON","Explanation":"Definition: Being without emotion\n **AUN** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly] **of PAPUAN**) **containing** (eats) **TOMATO** (a fruit)\n **AU** (**TOMATO**) **N"} {"Clue":"One who wrote poems attributed to Howard, perhaps \u2026 (5)","Answer":"BYRON","Explanation":"Definition: One who wrote poems\n **BY** (written by; attributed to) **+ RON** (reference one of many people named **RON**, one of whom is **RON** Howard [born 1954], American director, producer, screenwriter and actor)\n **BY RON"} {"Clue":"\u2026 who blocks the toilet (6)","Answer":"THRONE","Explanation":"Definition: toilet\n **RON** (link back to **RON** in the previous clue linked to the current clue by ellipses) **contained in** (who blocks) **THE**\n **TH** (**RON**) **E"} {"Clue":"Surprisingly, cease devouring chop, a tender piece of meat (8)","Answer":"ESCALOPE","Explanation":"Definition: a tender piece of meat\n **Anagram of** (surprisingly) **CEASE** **containing** (devouring) **LOP** (cut; chop)\n **ESCA** (**LOP**) **E"} {"Clue":"Moist, like seafood? (6)","Answer":"CLAMMY","Explanation":"Definition: Moist\n **CLAMMY** (like a **CLAM** [example of a seafood]) double definition\n **CLAMMY"} {"Clue":"Idiot in distress cuddling agitated bear (3-5)","Answer":"PEA-BRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Idiot\n **PAIN** (distress) **containing** (cuddling) **an anagram of** (agitated) **BEAR**\n **P** (**EA\u2013 BR***) **AIN"} {"Clue":"Miles Jupp is hot when gyrating in desert (4,4)","Answer":"JUMP SHIP","Explanation":"Definition: desert\n **Anagram of** (when gyrating) **M** (miles) and **JUPP IS** and **H** (hot) Miles Jupp is an English actor and comedian\n **JUMP SHIP"} {"Clue":"Advocate against the Euro? (8)","Answer":"PROPOUND","Explanation":"Definition: Advocate\n **PRO** (in favour of) **+ POUND** (sterling) taken together the phrase **PRO POUND** could be interpreted to indicate opposition to the Euro as a currency for the United Kingdom)\n **PRO POUND"} {"Clue":"Black tea from country next to Uganda, originally (6)","Answer":"CONGOU","Explanation":"Definition: Black tea\n **CONGO** (Country in Africa) + (next to) **U** (**first letter of** [originally] **UGANDA**) The Democratic Republic of the **CONGO** shares a border with Uganda, but even if it didn't the clue would still work with **CONGO** (a country) and the **U**. Another country in Africa, Republic of the **CONGO** is the one more often referred to as just the **CONGO**\n **CONGO U"} {"Clue":"Relative in Greece inebriated, doing a somersault (5)","Answer":"NIECE","Explanation":"Definition: Relative\n **NIECE** (**reversed** [doing a somersault] **hidden word in** [in] **GREECE INEBRIATED**)\n **NIECE**<"} {"Clue":"Staring endlessly into same perverted publications (9)","Answer":"MAGAZINES","Explanation":"Definition: publications\n **GAZING** (staring) **excluding the final letter** (endlessly) **G** **contained in** (into) **an anagram of** (perverted) **SAME**\n **MA** (**GAZIN**) **ES"} {"Clue":"Here, a calling to perform? (8,4)","Answer":"CARNEGIE HALL","Explanation":"Definition: Here, a calling to perform\n **Anagram of** (to perform) **HERE A CALLING**\n **CARNEGIE HALL"} {"Clue":"Doctor wine with drop of cognac? That's extreme (7)","Answer":"DRASTIC","Explanation":"Definition: That's extreme\n **DR** (doctor) **+ ASTI** (type of wine) **+ C** (**first letter of** [drop of] **COGNAC**)\n **DR ASTI C"} {"Clue":"When reversing, run over cat in drive (5)","Answer":"MOTOR","Explanation":"Definition: drive\n (**R** [run] **+ O** [over] **+ TOM** [male cat]) **all reversed** (when reversing)\n (**MOT O R**)<"} {"Clue":"Tell the authorities who revolutionary chap with short coat is? Not I (4,5)","Answer":"NAME NAMES","Explanation":"Definition: Tell the authorities who\n **MAN** (chap) **reversed** (revolutionary) **+ ENAMEL** (vitrified coating fired onto a metal or other surface) **excluding the final letter** (short) **L** **+ IS excluding** (not) **I**\n **NAM**< **E NAME S"} {"Clue":"French movie star still to appear naked (4)","Answer":"TATI","Explanation":"Definition: French movie star\n **STATIC** (still) **excluding the outer letters** (appear naked) **S** and **C**\n **TATI"} {"Clue":"Guides an oddball in prayer (5,3)","Answer":"AGNUS DEI","Explanation":"Definition: prayer\n **Anagram of** (oddball) **GUIDES AN**\n **AGNUS DEI"} {"Clue":"It's a sign Blair is corrupt (5)","Answer":"LIBRA","Explanation":"Definition: It's a sign\n **Anagram of** (corrupt) **BLAIR**\n **LIBRA"} {"Clue":"Heroic sailor, noble type, goes by car mostly (8)","Answer":"ARGONAUT","Explanation":"Definition: Heroic sailor\n **ARGON** (a noble gas, one of the seven chemical elements that make up Group 18 (VIIIa) of the periodic table) **+ AUTO** (car) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **O**\n **ARGON** **AUT"} {"Clue":"South American and European are neutral (6)","Answer":"ANDEAN","Explanation":"Definition: South American\n **AND + E** (European) **+ A** (are [a measure of area]) **+ N** (neutral \u2013 shown as an abbreviation in Collins)\n **AND E A N"} {"Clue":"Nothing should interrupt Mahler's elaborate openings (8)","Answer":"ARMHOLES","Explanation":"Definition: openings\n **O** (character representing nothing) **contained in** (should interrupt) **an anagram of** (elaborate) **MAHLERS**\n **ARMH** (**O**) **LES"} {"Clue":"Fool cut tail off fawn bird for an audience (9)","Answer":"BAMBOOZLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fool\n **BAMBI** (fictional fawn) **excluding the final letter** (cut tail off) **I + OOZLE** (**sounds like** [for an audience] **OUSEL** [type of bird])\n **BAMB OOZLE"} {"Clue":"Travelling around, receiving news in exchange for diamonds and spice (8)","Answer":"CINNAMON","Explanation":"Definition: spice\n **NOMADIC** (wandering; travelling) **reversed** (round) **with** (**N** [new] **+ N** [new], giving news) **replacing** (in exchange for) **D** (diamonds)\n (**CI NN AMON**)<"} {"Clue":"Playing tricks, put sharp object in car (6)","Answer":"JAPING","Explanation":"Definition: Playing tricks\n **PIN** (sharp object) **contained in** (put in) **JAG** (**JAG**uar, car brand)\n **JA** (**PIN**) **G"} {"Clue":"Advise governing body to be outspoken (7)","Answer":"COUNSEL","Explanation":"Definition: Advise\n **COUNSEL** (sounds like [to be outspoken] **COUNCIL** [governing body])\n **COUNSEL"} {"Clue":"Ring AA in dramatic performance (5)","Answer":"OPERA","Explanation":"Definition: dramatic performance\n **O** (ring shaped character) **+ PER** (A or each) **+ A**\n **O PER A"} {"Clue":"Information on old American city (5)","Answer":"GENOA","Explanation":"Definition: city\n **GEN** (information) **+ O** (old) **+ A** (America)\n **GEN O A"} {"Clue":"Excited before golf (4)","Answer":"AGOG","Explanation":"Definition: Excited\n **AGO** (in the past; before) **+ G** (**GOLF** is the International Communication Codeword for the letter **G**)\n **AGO G"} {"Clue":"Rope fibre from lasso cut and spun, catching setter (5)","Answer":"SISAL","Explanation":"Definition: Rope fibre\n **Anagram of** (from \u2026 and spun) **LASSO** **excluding the final letter** (cut) **O containing** (catching) **I** (me, the setter)\n **S** (**I**) **SAL"} {"Clue":"Talk to me about the Queen's storage unit (9)","Answer":"GASOMETER","Explanation":"Definition: storage unit\n **GAS** (chatter; talk) **+ an anagram of** (about) **TO ME** **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen)\n **GAS OMET***** ER"} {"Clue":"Aggrandise Sri Lanka, say, after a brief spell of cricket (9)","Answer":"OVERSTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Aggrandise\n **OVER** (6 balls [brief spell] of cricket) **+ STATE** (Sir Lanka is an example of a sovereign **STATE**)\n **OVER STATE"} {"Clue":"Go out, laugh, take drugs (5)","Answer":"SCRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Go out\n **SCREAM** (laugh) **excluding** (take) **E** (ecstasy tablet; drugs)\n **SCRAM"} {"Clue":"He delivers knitwear and mohair caps within fashionable Italian city (7)","Answer":"MILKMAN","Explanation":"Definition: He delivers\n **KM** (**first letters of** [caps] each of **KNITWEAR** and **MILK**) **contained in** (within) **MILAN** (a fashionable Italian city)\n **MIL** (**KM**) **AN"} {"Clue":"Sea captain's birds leaving rents or small holes (7)","Answer":"EYELETS","Explanation":"Definition: small holes\n **BIRDSEYE** (reference Captain **BIRDSEYE** who appears in adverts for Birdseye frozen foods) **excluding** (leaving) **BIRDS** **+ LETS** (rents [out] a property or room, for example)\n **EYE LETS"} {"Clue":"Exhausted corgi carried by son\/heir (5)","Answer":"SCION","Explanation":"Definition: heir\n **CI** (letters remaining in **CORGI** **when the central letters ORG are removed** [exhausted]) **contained in** (carried by) **SON**\n **S** (**CI**) **ON"} {"Clue":"Conservative policy is heralded by the commencement of secret plot (9)","Answer":"STORYLINE","Explanation":"Definition: plot\n **S** (**first letter of** [commencement of] **SECRET**) **+ TORY** (Conservative) **+ LINE** (policy) 'heralded by' indicates that the **S** should go at the beginning or front of the entry\n **S TORY LINE"} {"Clue":"Lithe cats dancing, running and jumping, etc. (9)","Answer":"ATHLETICS","Explanation":"Definition: running and jumping, etc\n **Anagram of** (dancing) **LITHE CATS**\n **ATHLETICS"} {"Clue":"Beginning to loosen, being surrounded by pink noise (5)","Answer":"PLINK","Explanation":"Definition: noise\n **L** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **LOOSEN**) **contained in** (surrounded by) **PINK**\n **P** (**L**) **INK"} {"Clue":"Nick spoiled the Countdown finale? (4-3)","Answer":"LIFT-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Countdown finale\n **LIFT** (steal; nick) **+ OFF** (rancid; spoiled)\n **LIFT OFF"} {"Clue":"Mating the desired outcome of this assignment given to whistleblower? (7)","Answer":"ENDGAME","Explanation":"Definition: Mating\n **END GAME** (one of the outcomes of an official blowing a whistle is to **END** the **GAME**) double definition\n **END GAME"} {"Clue":"Teddy's here, alongside the tops of ironed new blankets (2,3)","Answer":"IN BED","Explanation":"Definition: Teddy's here, alongside the tops of ironed new blankets\n **INB** (**first letter of** [tops of] **each of IRONED**, **NEW** and **BLANKETS**) **+ ED** (Edward, Teddy)\n **IN B ED"} {"Clue":"It's repetitious nowadays \u2013 perhaps one has to be given time (9)","Answer":"ITERATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: It's repetitious\n I have struggled with the parsing of this but I think it is:\n (**IT** [Information Technology] **ERA **[time period], a phrase descriptive of the current time; nowadays] **+ I'VE** [one has ; I have]) **containing** (given) **T** (time)\n **IT** **ERA** (**T**) **IVE"} {"Clue":"Six-footer, 50, wearing 21D with style (9)","Answer":"ELEGANTLY","Explanation":"Definition: with style\n (**ANT** [six footed insect] **+ L** (Roman numeral for 50) **contained in** (wearing) **ELEGY** (entry at 21 down)\n **ELEG** (**ANT L**) **Y"} {"Clue":"At last, dessert, in a city in Australia \u2013 it's a beer (5)","Answer":"TINNY","Explanation":"Definition: in Australia \u2013 it's a beer\n **T** (**final letter of** [at last] **DESSERT**) **+ IN + NY** (New York [a city])\n **T IN NY"} {"Clue":"Pastor meekly suppresses outburst (5)","Answer":"STORM","Explanation":"Definition: outburst\n **STORM** (hidden word in [suppresses] **PASTOR MEEKLY**)\n **STORM"} {"Clue":"That woman will try to find out what's in Molly Malone's wheelbarrow (9)","Answer":"SHELLFISH","Explanation":"Definition: what's in Molly Malone's wheelbarrow\n **SHE** (that woman) **+ 'LL** (will) **+ FISH** (seek information; try to find out)\n **SHE LL FISH"} {"Clue":"One standing at the end of a mast, swinging lantern-case around (4,3)","Answer":"LAST MAN","Explanation":"Definition: One standing at the end\n **LN **(outer letters of [case] **LANTERN**) **containing** (around) an\u00a0** anagram of** (swinging) **A MAST**\u00a0\n **L** (**AST MA***) **N"} {"Clue":"Chewed, green rind \u2013 a watermelon rind? (5)","Answer":"GNAWN","Explanation":"Definition: Chewed\n **GN** (**outer letters of** [rind] **GREEN**) **+ A + WN** (**outer letters of** [rind] **WATERMELON**)\n **GN A WN"} {"Clue":"Chopping leeks? Loads \u2013 you'll find them in the cupboard (9)","Answer":"SKELETONS","Explanation":"Definition: you'll find them in the cupboard\n **Anagram of** (chopping) **LEEKS** **+ TONS** (lots; loads)\n **SKELE*** **TONS"} {"Clue":"Like a man's overheard secret (7)","Answer":"MYSTERY","Explanation":"Definition: secret\n **MYSTERY** (**sounds like** [overheard] **MISTERY **[like a **MISTER**, like a man])\n **MYSTERY"} {"Clue":"A piece of Baronet Rothschild's upsidedown cake (5)","Answer":"TORTE","Explanation":"Definition: cake\n **TORTE** (**reversed** [upsidedown; down entry] **hidden word in** [a piece of] **BARONET ROTHSCHILD**)\n **TORTE**<"} {"Clue":"Strange footnote: 'Tree from which this produce is derived' (4,5)","Answer":"RUMP STEAK","Explanation":"Definition: this produce\n **RUM** (strange) **+ PS** (postscript; footnote) **+ TEAK** (tree found in India, Malaysia etc)\n **RUM P S TEAK"} {"Clue":"The antithesis of fast food in France, maybe accompanied by relish (5-4)","Answer":"SNAIL-LIKE","Explanation":"Definition: The antithesis of fast\n **SNAIL** (example of a food in France) **+ LIKE** (relish)\n **SNAIL LIKE"} {"Clue":"Scrape piece of rock to make screw (9)","Answer":"SKINFLINT","Explanation":"Definition: screw\n **SKIN** (scrape the outer layer from) **+ FLINT** (piece of a hard mineral)\n **SKIN FLINT"} {"Clue":"I finally strongarm Italian suspect into sucking a dummy (9)","Answer":"IMITATION","Explanation":"(**I + M** [**last letter of** {finally} **STRONGARM**] **+ IT** [Italian] **+ an anagram of** [suspect] **INTO**) **all containing** (sucking) **A**\n **I M IT** (**A**) **TION"} {"Clue":"They introduce old radio plays (7)","Answer":"EXORDIA","Explanation":"Definition: They introduce\n **EX** (old) **+ an anagram of** (plays) **RADIO**\n **EX** **ORDIA"} {"Clue":"Programme that's about peas, and about what's in the middle of whistles (7)","Answer":"PODCAST","Explanation":"Definition: Programme\n **POD** ([container] of peas) **+ CA** (circa; about) **+ ST** (**central letters of** [middle of] **WHISTLES**)\n **POD CA ST"} {"Clue":"Yarn created by following expert (5)","Answer":"FABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Yarn\n **F** (following) **+ ABLE** (talented; expert)\n **F ABLE"} {"Clue":"Lament life's end, and the end of masterly, welcoming supporter (5)","Answer":"ELEGY","Explanation":"Definition: Lament\n (**E** [**last letter of** {end} **LIFE**] **+ Y** [**last letter of** [end of] **MASTERLY**]) **containing** (welcoming) **LEG** (supporter [of a table for example])\n **E** (**LEG**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Each scrumper thrown out of garden given lines? (5)","Answer":"EVERY","Explanation":"Definition: Each\n **E****VE** (scrumper [one who steal apples {leading to expulsion from the Garden of Eden in **EVE**'s case]) **+ RY** ([railway] lines)\n **EVE RY"} {"Clue":"It should fetch plenty at auction \u2013 free bag circulated (7)","Answer":"FABERGE","Explanation":"Definition: It should fetch plenty at auction\n **Anagram of** (circulated) **FREE BAG**\n **FABERGE"} {"Clue":"What actor hopes to get, dispensing art without hesitation (5)","Answer":"PLUMP","Explanation":"Definition: without hesitation\n **PLUM PART** (what an actor hopes to get) **excluding** (dispensing) **ART**\n **PLUM P"} {"Clue":"Mythical creatures going 'Plop', energy filled, in lake? (9)","Answer":"MERPEOPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Mythical creatures\n (**Anagram of** [going] **PLOP** **containing** [filled] **E** [energy]) **all contained in** (in) **MERE** (lake)\n **MER** (**P** (**E**) **OPL***) **E"} {"Clue":"Junk plans travelling from the east (4)","Answer":"SPAM","Explanation":"Definition: Junk\n **MAPS** (plans) **reversed** (travelling from the east)\n **SPAM**<"} {"Clue":"Reindeer, young male, galloped in harness (6)","Answer":"TARAND","Explanation":"Definition: Reindeer\n **TAD** (little lad; young male) **containing** (in harness) **RAN** (galloped)\n **TA** (**RAN**) **D"} {"Clue":"In court he managed suit following extremes of correctitude (6)","Answer":"CESTUI","Explanation":"Definition: In court he\n **CE** (**first and last letters of** [extremes of] **CORRECTITUDE**) **+ an anagram of** (managed) **SUIT**\n **CE STUI"} {"Clue":"Being cack-handed, it holds writer back (5)","Answer":"INEPT","Explanation":"Definition: Being cack-handed\n **IT containing** (holds) **PEN** (writer) **reversed** (back)\n **I** (**NEP**<) **T"} {"Clue":"Hairline cracks, not i.e. to do with old gnomon (6)","Answer":"RHINAL","Explanation":"Definition: to do with old gnomon\n **Anagram of** (cracks) **HAIRLINE** **excluding** (not) **I.E.**\n **RHINAL"} {"Clue":"Pudding consumed? In place of second you'll see I hold forth rarely (10)","Answer":"DISSERTATE","Explanation":"Definition: hold forth rarely\n **DESSERT** (pudding) **+ ATE** (consumed) **with E the second letter of **D**E**SSERT** replaced by** (in place of second you'll see) **I**\n **DISSERT** **ATE"} {"Clue":"Summer-flowering shrubs neglected locus hid so (10)","Answer":"HOLODISCUS","Explanation":"Definition: Summer-flowering shrubs\n **Anagram** of (neglected) **LOCUS HID SO**\n **HOLODISCUS"} {"Clue":"A crop one locally divides in a circle (6)","Answer":"AROUND","Explanation":"Definition: in a circle\n **A** **+** (**UN** [dialect {locally} term for one] **contained in** [divides] **ROD** [riding crop])\n **A** **RO** (**UN**) **D"} {"Clue":"\u00c9migr\u00e9, cross, having to stick around when returning (5)","Answer":"EXPAT","Explanation":"Definition: \u00c9migr\u00e9\n **X** (shape of a cross) **contained in** (having \u2026 around) **TAPE** (fasten; stick) **reversed** (when returning)\n **E** (**X**) **PAT**<"} {"Clue":"Lewd arbitrator switching one character with another (6)","Answer":"IMPURE","Explanation":"Definition: Lewd\n **UMPIRE** (arbitrator) **with the characters U and I swapped** (switching one character with another) **to form IMPU****RE**\n **IMPU****RE"} {"Clue":"Marshy ground gunners'll get stuck in? Maybe (6)","Answer":"MORASS","Explanation":"Definition: Marshy ground\n **RA** (Royal Artillery; Gunners) **contained in** (get stuck in) **MOSS** (mass of small plants with no woody material usually found in boggy ground)\n **MO** (**RA**) **SS"} {"Clue":"Racket in Shakespeare, curtains being regularly drawn (4)","Answer":"UTIS","Explanation":"Definition: Racket in Shakespeare\n **UTIS** (**letters 2, 4, 6 and 8** [letters regularly drawn) **from CURTAINS**)\n **UTIS"} {"Clue":"English Conservative holds seat endlessly, rarely speaking fluently (9)","Answer":"ELOCUTORY","Explanation":"Definition: rarely speaking fluently\n (**E** [English] **+ TORY** [Conservative]) **containing** (holds) **LOCUS** (place; spot; seat) **excluding the final letter** (endlessly) **S**\n **E** (**LOCU**) **TORY"} {"Clue":"Turns out there's some tension in the lines (5)","Answer":"ROWTS","Explanation":"Definition: Turns out\n **T** (**first letter of** [some] **TENSION**) **contained in** (in) **ROWS** (lines)\n **ROW** (**T**) **S"} {"Clue":"Transpose headword right to left, a hindrance (7)","Answer":"TRAMMEL","Explanation":"Definition: a hindrance\n **TR** (transpose) **+ LEMMA** (theme, argument, heading or headword) **reversed** (right to left)\n **TR AMMEL**<"} {"Clue":"Nation lost being intrigued in political groups (5)","Answer":"FASCI","Explanation":"Definition: political groups\n **FASCINATION** (state of being intrigued) **excluding** (lost) **NATION**\n **FASCI"} {"Clue":"You might find one I'd blown mustering herd on plain? Wrong (9)","Answer":"ALPENHORN","Explanation":"Definition: You might find one I'd blown mustering herd on plain? Wrong\n **Anagram of** (mustering) **HERD ON PLAIN** **excluding** (blown) **I'D**\n **ALPENHORN"} {"Clue":"I like getting between the sheets, showing predilection (6)","Answer":"BIASED","Explanation":"Definition: showing predilection\n (**I + AS** [like]) **contained in** (getting between the sheets of a **BED**) **BED**\n **B** (**I AS**) **ED"} {"Clue":"Argues against time put into word puzzle (6)","Answer":"REBUTS","Explanation":"Definition: Argues against\n **T** (time) **contained in** (put into) **REBUS** (enigmatical representation of a word or name by pictures representing the component parts of the word, as in a puzzle)\n **REBU** (**T**) **S"} {"Clue":"Rag treated entrails and parts of pelts rendered smooth (10)","Answer":"GRAINSIDES","Explanation":"Definition: pelts rendered smooth\n **Anagram of** (treated) **RAG** **+ INSIDES** (internal organs; entrails)\n **GRA*** **INSIDES"} {"Clue":"Corker accounting for contents of grape (a Chablis) (5)","Answer":"PEACH","Explanation":"Definition: Corker\n **PEACH** (**hidden word in** [contents for] **GRAPE A CHABLIS**)\n **PEACH"} {"Clue":"Duffer, one on a bike by the sound of it (7)","Answer":"PEDDLER","Explanation":"Definition: Duffer\n **PEDDLER** (**sounds like** [by the sound of it] **PEDALLER** [one on a bike])\n **PEDDLER"} {"Clue":"Thoroughly cleanse improper chat that's come into view (9)","Answer":"CATHARISE","Explanation":"Definition: Thoroughly cleanse\n **Anagram of** (improper) **CHAT** **+ ARISE** (come into view)\n **CATH*** **ARISE"} {"Clue":"Dormitory for Scottish farm hands bird's turned up in daily (7)","Answer":"CHAUMER","Explanation":"Definition: Dormitory for Scottish farm hands\n **EMU** (flightless bird) **reversed** (turned up) and **contained in** (in) **CHAR** (daily cleaner)\n **CHA** (**UME**<) **R"} {"Clue":"Varsity with delicacy excel in play (6)","Answer":"OUTACT","Explanation":"Definition: excel in play\n **OU** (Open University; varsity) **+ TACT** (diplomacy; delicacy)\n **OU TACT"} {"Clue":"Pine to be enfolded in erotic embraces (6)","Answer":"CEMBRA","Explanation":"Definition: Pine\n **CEMBRA** (**hidden word in** [to be enfolded in] **EROTIC EMBRACES**)\n **CEMBRA"} {"Clue":"Subject filling tot's gob? (6)","Answer":"SPUTUM","Explanation":"Definition: gob\n **PUT** (to subject) **contained in** (filling) **SUM** (add up; tot)\n **S** (**PUT**) **UM"} {"Clue":"Effort is put into rising source of energy (5)","Answer":"NISUS","Explanation":"Definition: Effort\n **IS contained in** (put into) **SUN** (source of energy) **reversed** (rising; down entry)\n **N** (**IS**) **US**<"} {"Clue":"Private room set up, not the first, for the promotion of language study (5)","Answer":"TESOL","Explanation":"Definition: promotion of language study\n **CLOSET** (small private room) **reversed** (set up; down entry) **excluding the initial letter** (not the first) **C**\n **TESOL**<"} {"Clue":"Boarders ready or waiting? See those heading for gangway (4)","Answer":"BROW","Explanation":"Definition: gangway\n **BROW** (**first letters of each of** [heading for] **BOARDERS READY OR** and **WAITING**)\n **BROW"} {"Clue":"Unpleasant characters dismissing leader of harness racers (7)","Answer":"ROTTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Unpleasant characters\n **TROTTERS** (harness racers) **excluding the first letter** (dismissing leader) **T**\n **ROTTERS"} {"Clue":"Tricky maths with introduction of algebra leads to complaint (6)","Answer":"ASTHMA","Explanation":"Definition: complaint\n **Anagram of** (tricky) **MATHS** **+ A** (**first letter of** [introduction of] **ALGEBRA**)\n **ASTHM*** **A"} {"Clue":"Shelter in special surroundings for a nap (5)","Answer":"SLEEP","Explanation":"Definition: nap\n **LEE** (shelter) **contained in** (in .. surroundings) **SP** (special)\n **S** (**LEE**) **P"} {"Clue":"Working laser unlit, out of singular spite (3,6)","Answer":"ILL NATURE","Explanation":"Definition: spite\n **Anagram of** (working) **LASER UNLIT** **excluding** (out of) **S** (singular)\n **ILL NATURE"} {"Clue":"Expensive to go round V&A, having the place to yourself? (7)","Answer":"PRIVACY","Explanation":"Definition: having the place to yourself\n **PRICY** (expensive) **containing** (to go round) **VA** (**V** and [&] **A**)\n **PRI** (**VA**) **CY"} {"Clue":"Be about to say more linked to telco financial woe (3,4)","Answer":"BAD DEBT","Explanation":"Definition: financial woe\n (**BE** **containing** [about] **ADD** [to say more]) **+ BT** (current name of the old British Telecom; telco)\n **B** {**AD D**) **E** **BT"} {"Clue":"Old structure on top of mosque, say \u2013 attempt measure of distance (8)","Answer":"ODOMETRY","Explanation":"Definition: measure of distance\n **O** (old) **+ DOME** (hemispherical structure often found on the top of a mosque) **+ TRY** (attempt)\n **O DOME TRY"} {"Clue":"Recording's about to fail, admitting of no further discussion (6)","Answer":"CLOSED","Explanation":"Definition: admitting of no further discussion\n **CD** (Compact disc; recording) **containing** (about) **LOSE** (to fail)\n **C** (**LOSE**) **D"} {"Clue":"Fellow I had to hire is a restless type (6)","Answer":"FIDGET","Explanation":"Definition: a restless type\n **F** (fellow) **+ I'D** (I had) **+ GET** (hire)\n **F ID GET"} {"Clue":"Energy lacking in distribution of icecreams in pots (8)","Answer":"CERAMICS","Explanation":"Definition: pots\n **Anagram of** (distribution of) **ICECREAMS** **excluding** (lacking in) **E** (energy)\n **CERAMICS"} {"Clue":"Concern raised about verse getting split (5,2)","Answer":"CARVE UP","Explanation":"Definition: split\n (**CARE** [concern] **+ UP** [raised]) **containing** (about) **V** (verse)\n **CAR** (**V**) **E** **UP"} {"Clue":"Subsequently keeping one contralto back for concert (7)","Answer":"RECITAL","Explanation":"Definition: concert\n (**LATER** [subsequently] **containing** [keeping] [**I** {Roman numeral for one} **+ C** {contralto}]) **all reversed** (back)\n (**RE** (**C I**) **TAL**)<"} {"Clue":"What may illuminate mild recall of unhappy sound? (9)","Answer":"LIGHTBULB","Explanation":"Definition: What may illuminate\n **LIGHT** (mild) **+ BLUB** (blubber [weeping without restraint]; unhappy sound)\n **LIGHT BULB**<"} {"Clue":"I vote against including large item of decorative woodwork? (5)","Answer":"INLAY","Explanation":"Definition: item of decorative woodwork\n **I** **+** (**NAY** [a vote against] **containing** [including] **L** [large])\n **I** **N** (**L**) **AY"} {"Clue":"Daughters in the distance (not far or near?) (6)","Answer":"MIDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: not far or near\n (**D** [daughter] **+ D** [daughter] giving daughters) **contained in** (in the) **MILE** [a distance])\n **MI** (**D D**) **LE"} {"Clue":"Country no good as home to antelope? On the contrary (7)","Answer":"ENGLAND","Explanation":"Definition: Countr\n **NG** (no good) **contained in** (as home to) **ELAND** (South African antelope)\n **E** (**NG**) **LAND"} {"Clue":"Ornate four-poster, no end of usage, safe against certain decay (9)","Answer":"RUSTPROOF","Explanation":"Definition: safe against certain decay\n **Anagram of** (ornate) **FOUR-POSTER** **excluding** (no) **E** (**last letter of** [end of] USAG**E** (\n **RUSTPROOF"} {"Clue":"Vulgar business, tucking into stewed rodent in old part of Turkey (9)","Answer":"TREBIZOND","Explanation":"Definition: old part of Turkey\n **BIZ** (informal [vulgar] term for business) **contained in** (tucking into) **an anagram of** (stewed) **RODENT**\n **TRE** (**BIZ**) **OND"} {"Clue":"Make up for old head contains iodine (7)","Answer":"EXPIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Make up for\n **EX** (old) **+** (**PATE** [head] **containing** [contains] **I** [chemical symbol for Iodine})\n **EX** **P** (**I**) **ATE"} {"Clue":"Piece about simply ignoring the odds? It could make you a packet (8)","Answer":"SHIPYARD","Explanation":"Definition: It could make you a packet\n **SHARD** (broken piece of pottery) **containing** (about) **IPY** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [i.e **letters remaining in SIMPLY when ignoring the odd placed letters**])\n **SH** (**IPY**) **ARD"} {"Clue":"Second channel covering Duke's outrage (7)","Answer":"SCANDAL","Explanation":"Definition: outrage\n **S** (second) **+** (**CANAL** [channel] **containing** [covering] **D** (Duke])\n **S** **CAN** (**D**) **AL"} {"Clue":"Entertain our group in garden (5)","Answer":"HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Entertain\n **US** (our group) **contained in** (in) **HOE** (to weed; to garden)\n **HO** (**US**) **E"} {"Clue":"Skilful elevation of soft pedal to some extent (5)","Answer":"ADEPT","Explanation":"Definition: Skilful\n **ADEPT** (**reversed** [elevation of; down entry] **hidden word** [to some extent] **in** **SOFT PEDAL**)\n **ADEPT**<"} {"Clue":"Youngster accepting tip of lapel as component of suit (4)","Answer":"CLUB","Explanation":"Definition: component of suit\n **CUB** (youngster) **containing** (accepting) **L** (**either of the end letters** [tip of] **LAPEL**)\n **C** (**L**) **UB"} {"Clue":"Suggestion corps in error will have to work on farm area (9)","Answer":"SCINTILLA","Explanation":"Definition: Suggestion\n (**C** [Corps] **contained in** [in] **SIN** [error]) **+ TILL** (cultivate; work the land; work on farm) **+ A** (area)\n **S** (**C**) **IN** **TILL A"} {"Clue":"Passed round spread on view (9)","Answer":"DISPLAYED","Explanation":"Definition: on view\n **DIED** (passed [away]) **containing** (round) **SPLAY** (spread out)\n **DI** (**SPLAY**) **ED"} {"Clue":"Dreadful sin in start of the Bible? Not the start (8)","Answer":"TERRIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Dreadful\n **ERR** (sin) **contained in** (**T** [**first letter of** {start of} **THE**] **+ BIBLE** **excluding the first letter** {not the start} **B**])\n **T** (**ERR**) **IBLE"} {"Clue":"European agreement about heritage body without teeth? (7)","Answer":"EDENTAL","Explanation":"Definition: without teeth\n **E** (European) **+** (**DEAL** [agreement] **containing** [about] **NT** [National Trust, a heritage organisation])\n **E** **DE** (**NT**) **AL"} {"Clue":"Bending over, possibly demonstrating hiding head (7)","Answer":"ARCHING","Explanation":"Definition: Bending over\n **MARCHING** (one definition [possibly] is 'demonstrating in favour or against a proposal') **excluding the first letter** (hiding head) **M**\n **ARCHING"} {"Clue":"Scotsman not excited about University (5)","Answer":"CALUM","Explanation":"Definition: Scotsman\n **CALM** (not excited) **containing** (about) **U** (university)\n **CAL** (**U**) **M"} {"Clue":"Inflexible doctor needing documentation (5)","Answer":"RIGID","Explanation":"Definition: Inflexible\n **RIG** (tamper with; doctor) **+ ID** (identity papers; documentation)\n **RIG ID"} {"Clue":"Choice trimmed feathers? (4)","Answer":"PLUM","Explanation":"Definition: Choice\n **PLUMES **or** PLUMAGE** (feathers) **excluding the final two or three letters** (trimmed) **ES** or **AGE**\n **PLUM"} {"Clue":"A load of binned rubbish sent back (6)","Answer":"BURDEN","Explanation":"Definition: A load\n **BURDEN** (**reversed** [sent back] **hidden word in** [load of] **BINNED RUBBISH**)\n **BURDEN**<"} {"Clue":"Maybe miss the race after injury (7)","Answer":"TEACHER","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe miss\n **Anagram of** (after injury) **THE RAC****E**\n **TEACHER"} {"Clue":"Pale pressure cooked accompaniment to cheek, maybe (5,5)","Answer":"APPLE SAUCE","Explanation":"Definition: accompaniment to cheek, maybe\n **Anagram of** (cooked) **PALE** and **P** (pressure) **+ SAUCE** (insolence; cheek)\n **APPLE*** **SAUCE"} {"Clue":"Luggage as graduate goes on vacation (4)","Answer":"BAGS","Explanation":"Definition: Luggage\n **BA** (Bachelor of Arts; example of a degree held by a graduate) **+ GS** (**letters remaining in GOES when the central letters OE are removed** [on vacation])\n **BA GS"} {"Clue":"Carry On publicity with a scary woman (8)","Answer":"PROGRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Carry On\n **PR** (public relations or press release; publicity) **+ OGRESS** (scary woman)\n **PR OGRESS"} {"Clue":"Season's run out for variable mole activity (6)","Answer":"SPYING","Explanation":"Definition: mole activity\n **SPRING** (season) **excluding** (out) **R** (run) and inserting (for) **Y** (letter often used to denote a variable in mathematical equations) in its place\n **SPYING"} {"Clue":"Hungry type naughtily eating last of ham (5)","Answer":"EMPTY","Explanation":"Definition: Hungry\n **Anagram of** (naughtily) **TYPE** **containing** (eating) **M** (**final letter of** [last of] **HAM**)\n **E** (**M**) **PTY"} {"Clue":"Daft sayings and crazy doings lacking a point (9)","Answer":"INANITIES","Explanation":"Definition: Daft sayings\n I'm not sure how this works. We have **INANE** (crazy) **excluding** (lacking) **E** (a point of the compass) and we have **ITIES** that I can't parse. I can see **ACTIVITIES** are doings but I can't related **ACTIV** or **ACT IV** to 'lacking a point'\n **INAN ITIES"} {"Clue":"Outlaw robs prince after releasing knight errant (9)","Answer":"PROSCRIBE","Explanation":"Anagram of** (errant) **ROBS PRINCE** **excluding** (releasing) **N** (knight in chess notation)\n **PROSCRIBE"} {"Clue":"Flower you originally put on platform (5)","Answer":"DAISY","Explanation":"Definition: Flower\n **DAIS** (platform) **+ Y** (**first letter of** [originally] **YOU**)\n **DAIS Y"} {"Clue":"Senior 25 relieving two triplets from malnutrition (6)","Answer":"MATRON","Explanation":"Definition: Senior 25\n **MALNUTRITION** excluding (relieving) two triplets of letters LNU and ITI\n **MATRON"} {"Clue":"Second person in Bible tied with S&M? (8)","Answer":"THOUSAND","Explanation":"Definition: M\n **THOU** (form of address for the second person [you] in the Bible) + (tied with) **S** + **AND** (&)\n **THOU S AND"} {"Clue":"Such a little record is compact (4)","Answer":"DISC","Explanation":"Definition: Such a little record is compact\n **DISC** (**hidden word in** [a little] **RECOR$$D IS C$$OMPACT**)\n **DISC"} {"Clue":"Special miniature article, e.g. work by Faberg\u00e9, is dear (10)","Answer":"SWEETHEART","Explanation":"Definition: dear\n **S** (special) **+ WEE** (miniature) **+ THE** (definite article) **+ ART** (desciptive of work by the jewellery company House of Faberg\u00e9 and its founder Peter Carl Faberg\u00e9 [1846-1920])\n **S WEE THE ART"} {"Clue":"Parking in middle of night beside river as an outdoor activity (7)","Answer":"CAMPING","Explanation":"Definition: an outdoor activity\n **CAM** (river that flows through Cambridge) **+ P** (parking) **+ IN + G** (**central letter of** [middle of] **NIGHT**)\n **CAM P IN G"} {"Clue":"Rescue wild deer with bigger space (6)","Answer":"REDEEM","Explanation":"Definition: Rescue\n **Anagram of** (wild) **DEER** **+ EM** (the bigger of the two spaces **EM**-space and EN-space used in printing terminology)\n **REDE*** **EM"} {"Clue":"Towards the top speed? (5)","Answer":"UPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Towards the top\n **UPPER** (a drug producing a stimulant or euphoric effect; speed) **double definition**\n **UPPER"} {"Clue":"Georgia when inside obliterates representatives (9)","Answer":"DELEGATES","Explanation":"Definition: representatives\n **GA** (US State of Georgia) **contained in** (when inside) **DELETES** (obliterates)\n **DELE** (**GA**) **TES"} {"Clue":"Want to hold stone? That's settled (6)","Answer":"NESTED","Explanation":"Definition: settled\n **NEED** (want) **containing** (to hold) **ST** (stone)\n **NE** (**ST**) **ED"} {"Clue":"5-5? Special grand final \u2013 carry on for service (8)","Answer":"EVENSONG","Explanation":"Definition: service\n **EVEN** (a score a 5-5 indicates that the match is **EVEN**) + ([**S** {special} **+ G** {grand}] **containing** [carry] **ON**) I am not sure what 'final' is doing in the clue. Possibly to indicate that the **G** is the last letter of the entry and to make the surface better\n **EVEN** **S** (**ON**) **G"} {"Clue":"One driving around convent leaving base (5)","Answer":"CABBY","Explanation":"Definition: One driving\n **C** (circa; around) **+ ABBEY** (a convent under an abbot or abbess) **excluding** (leaving) **E** (base of natural logarithms)\n **C ABBY"} {"Clue":"Deceptive serene exterior drinking spirits in RE (9)","Answer":"ENGINEERS","Explanation":"Definition: in RE\n **Anagram of** (deceptive) **SERENE** **containing** (drinking) **GIN** (spirits) Again, I have a bit of difficulty with one of the words in the clue. This time it is 'exterior'. Is it just an additional word indicating that the anagram is outside **GIN**? Surely 'drinking' does that already.\n **EN** (**GIN**) **EERS"} {"Clue":"21 shafts bounder in Carry On (4,3,6)","Answer":"FUSS AND BOTHER","Explanation":"Definition: Carry On\n **Anagram of** (**DOCTOR** [entry at 21 down]) **SHAFTS BOUNDER**\n **FUSS AND BOTHER"} {"Clue":"Tia Maria, that's right good for one mixing cocktail (9)","Answer":"MARGARITA","Explanation":"Definition: cocktail\n **Anagram of** (mixing) **TIA MARIA** and **R** (right) **with** **G** (good) **replacing** (for) **one of the Is** (Roman numeral for one)\n **MARGARITA"} {"Clue":"Move beyond fashion to accept answer by Conservative (9)","Answer":"TRANSCEND","Explanation":"Definition: Move beyond\n **TREND** (fashion) **containing** (to accept) (**ANS** [answer] **+ C** [Conservative])\n **TR** (**ANS C**) **END"} {"Clue":"A relative lack of energy in synthesised androgens (8)","Answer":"GRANDSON","Explanation":"Definition: A relative\n **Anagram of** (synthesised) **ANDROGENS** **excluding** (lack of) **E** (energy)\n **GRANDSON"} {"Clue":"Registered occupational therapist hoax upset academic (6)","Answer":"DOCTOR","Explanation":"Definition: academic\n (**ROT** [Registered Occupational Therapist] **+ COD** [hoax]) all reversed (upset)\n (**DOC TOR**)<"} {"Clue":"One striding over \u2013 go over again (5)","Answer":"RECAP","Explanation":"Definition: go over again\n **PACER** (one striding out) reversed (over)\n **RECAP**<"} {"Clue":"Look after old trains union (London Region) (5)","Answer":"NURSE","Explanation":"Definition: Look after\n **NUR** (National Union of Railwaymen, one of the main Unions for railway personnel until its merger with the National Union of Seamen to form the National Union of Rail, Marine and Transport Workers [RMT]) **+ SE** (South East, region of Britain where London is situated)\n **NUR SE"} {"Clue":"Groovy accent to go with tan (8)","Answer":"BACKBEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Groovy accent\n **BACK** (support; go with) **+ BEAT** (tan)\n **BACK BEAT"} {"Clue":"Surgeon's left without dressing wound (6)","Answer":"SNAKED","Explanation":"Definition: wound\n **S** (**first letter of** [left {of}] **SURGEON**) **+ NAKED** (without dressing)\n **S NAKED"} {"Clue":"Surround soldier returning permit and gun (11)","Answer":"MANTELPIECE","Explanation":"Definition: Surround\n **MAN** (soldier) **+ LET** (permit) **reversed** (returning) **+ PIECE** (gun)\n **MAN** **TEL**< **PIECE"} {"Clue":"Platyhelminthes includes a group of species that can grow to 80 feet (3)","Answer":"ELM","Explanation":"Definition: group of species that can grow to 80 feet (3)\n **ELM** (**hidden word in** [includes] **PLATYHELMINTHES**\n **ELM"} {"Clue":"Grief very touching (4)","Answer":"SORE","Explanation":"Definition: Grief\n **SO** (very) **+ RE** (in respect of; about; touching)\n **SO RE"} {"Clue":"One must complete many courses to become an expert in bonds (10)","Answer":"BRICKLAYER","Explanation":"Definition: One must complete many courses to become an expert in bonds\n **BRICKLAYER** (some who **LAY**s course of **BRICK**S) taken together these two interpretations form a cryptic definition of a **BRICKLAYER**\n **BRICKLAYER"} {"Clue":"Leave car at home after cycling deal (7)","Answer":"DETRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Leave car\n **DETRA** (**string of letters formed by cycling the letters in** **TRADE** [deal] **two places to the right with the end letters going to the beginning**) **+ IN** (at home)\n **DETRA IN"} {"Clue":"Daughter oddly upset by saying \"waste of chips\" (7)","Answer":"SAWDUST","Explanation":"Definition: waste of chips\n **SAW** (saying) **+ D** (daughter) **+ UST** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [oddly] of **UPSET**)\n **SAW D UST"} {"Clue":"Volume inscribed with 'English prize for Picaroon'? (7)","Answer":"GALLEON","Explanation":"Definition: Picaroon\n **GALLON** (unit of volume) **containing** (inscribed with) **E** (English)\n **GALL** (**E**) **ON"} {"Clue":"Hot stuff, like teacher I see coming over (7)","Answer":"HARISSA","Explanation":"Definition: Hot stuff\n (**AS** [like] **+ SIR** [form of address to a male teacher] **+ AH** [interjection meaning I see]) **all reversed** (coming over)\n (**HA RIS SA**)<"} {"Clue":"Tailor in lab coat beginning to experiment, generating suit (10)","Answer":"ACTIONABLE","Explanation":"Definition: generating suit\n **Anagram of** (tailor) **IN LAB COAT** + **E** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **EXPERIMENT**)\n **ACTIONABL***** E"} {"Clue":"Pass end of cables through walls (4)","Answer":"VISA","Explanation":"Definition: Pass\n **VIA** (through) **containing** (walls, as a verb) **S** (**last letter of** [end of] **CABLES**)\n **VI** (**S**) **A"} {"Clue":"Online business promoting diversity and staying cool (3)","Answer":"ECO","Explanation":"Definition: promoting diversity and staying cool\n **E** (electronic) **+ CO** (company) \u2013 online business\n **E CO"} {"Clue":"Religious leader closed church wanting time for small box of buns (6,5)","Answer":"RABBIT HUTCH","Explanation":"Definition: box of buns\n **RABBI** (religious leader) **+ SHUT** (closed) **with T** (time) **replacing** (wanted for} **S** (small) **+ CH** (church)\n **RABBI** **T HUT** **CH"} {"Clue":"Cartoonist desires papers to make comeback (6)","Answer":"DISNEY","Explanation":"Definition: Cartoonist\n (**YENS** [desires] **+ ID** [identity paper]) **all reversed** (to make comeback)\n (**DI SNEY**)<"} {"Clue":"Romping in the dew made to look innocent (8)","Answer":"WHITENED","Explanation":"Definition: made to look innocent\n **Anagram of** (romping) **IN THE DEW**\n **WHITENED"} {"Clue":"Clueless lady artist thinks about in bed (7)","Answer":"BEMUSED","Explanation":"Definition: Clueless\n **MUSE** (The **MUSE**s were the rare goddesses of the liberal arts, so one of them was a lady artist. **MUSE** also refers to a lady who inspires a creative artist. **MUSE** can also mean to think about, so there are many interpretations of **MUSE** in this clue) **contained in** (in) **BED**\n **BE** (**MUSE**) **D"} {"Clue":"An actor's guilt on skipping compliments (15)","Answer":"CONGRATULATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: compliments\n **Anagram of** (skipping) **AN ACTOR'S GUILT ON**\n **CONGRATULATIONS"} {"Clue":"Sounding rude, produced wind (4)","Answer":"BLEW","Explanation":"Definition: produced wind\n **BLEW** (**sounds like** [sounding] **BLUE** [rude])\n **BLEW"} {"Clue":"Prescribed drug hopin' to get high? (7)","Answer":"ASPIRIN","Explanation":"Definition: Prescribed drug\n **ASPIRIN**' (**ASPIRING** [hoping to improve to a higher goal ] with the g dropped to form **ASPIRIN**'as in hopin')\n ASPIRIN'"} {"Clue":"Rely on large furry alien to have queen in stitches (10)","Answer":"NEEDLEWORK","Explanation":"Definition: stitches\n **NEED** (rely on) **+ L** (large) **+** (**EWOK** [furry alien creatures in the Star Wars universe] **containing** [to have] **R** {Regina; queen])\n **NEED L EWO** (**R**) **K"} {"Clue":"Appropriate suggestion for chill? (4,4,5,2)","Answer":"KEEP YOUR SHIRT ON","Explanation":"Definition: Appropriate suggestion for chill\n **KEEP YOUR SHIRT ON** (suggestion to keep warm so that you don't catch a chill) **double definition**\n **KEEP YOUR SHIRT ON"} {"Clue":"Drain part of the main from below fault? (7)","Answer":"DEMERIT","Explanation":"Definition: fault\n (**TIRE** [exhaust; drain] **+ MED** [Mediterranean sea; part of the main]) **all reversed** (from below; down entry)\n (**DEM ERIT**)<"} {"Clue":"Dictator's [possessed by English devils (6)","Answer":"DEUCES","Explanation":"Definition: devils\n **DUCE'S** (Il **DUCE** was the title assumed by the Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini [1883-1945]) **containing** (possessed by; dominated by a spirit that has entered the body) **E** (English)\n **D** (**E**) **UCES"} {"Clue":"E.g. grey hares around here (10)","Answer":"RACECOURSE","Explanation":"Definition: E.g. grey hares around here\n **RACECOURSE** (cryptic definition)\n **RACECOURSE"} {"Clue":"Enterprising leader of Indian state? (2-5)","Answer":"GO-AHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Enterprising\n **GOA** (Indian state) **+ HEAD** (Leader)\n **GO A** **HEAD"} {"Clue":"Miserly times not far off (6)","Answer":"NEARBY","Explanation":"Definition: not far off\n **NEAR** (miserly) **+ BY** (multiplied by; times, as in 5 by 6=30)\n **NEAR BY"} {"Clue":"Terrible Janet maybe has two husbands kept separate (7)","Answer":"HELLISH","Explanation":"Definition: Terrible\n **ELLIS** (reference Janet **ELLIS** [born 1955], television presenter. An example of a Janet) **contained in** (kept by separate \u2026) (**H** [husband] **+ H** [husband], two husbands)\n **H** (**ELLIS**) **H"} {"Clue":"Sheepish sailor remains embarked after evacuation (7)","Answer":"ABASHED","Explanation":"Definition: Sheepish\n **AB** (able seaman; sailor) **+ ASH** (remains) **+ ED** (**letters remaining in** **EMBARKED** **after the central letters** **MBARKE are removed**; after evacuation)\n **AB ASH ED"} {"Clue":"Mum books vaccination (4)","Answer":"SHOT","Explanation":"Definition: vaccination\n **SH** (be quit; keep mum) **+ OT** (Old Testaments; books)\n **SH OT"} {"Clue":"Prat! Can V-1s hit 29\/19, perhaps, or his work? (7,7)","Answer":"SPARTAN VICTORY","Explanation":"Definition: his work\n **Anagram of** (hit) **PRAT CAN VI'S** **+ TORY** (**MARK FRANCOIS** is the Conservative [**TORY**] MP for Rayleigh and Wickford) You can decide for yourself whether Tyrus is defining **MARK FRANCOIS** as a prat.\n **SPARTAN VIC*** **TORY"} {"Clue":"Junk \u2013 resort to a bit of mockery (4)","Answer":"SPAM","Explanation":"Definition: Junk\n **SPA** (holiday resort) **+ M** (**first letter of** [bit of] **MOCKERY**)\n **SPA M"} {"Clue":"Affair during night never recalled (5)","Answer":"EVENT","Explanation":"Definition: Affair\n **EVENT** (**reversed** [recalled] **hidden word in** [during] **NIGHT NEVER**)\n **EVENT**<"} {"Clue":"Coppers' old boss and one less senior creak at the edges (4)","Answer":"DICK","Explanation":"Definition: Coppers' old boss\n **DI** (Detective Inspector; a less senior policeman than the Met Commissioner) **+ CK** (**first and last letters of** [at the edges] **CREAK**)\n **DI** **CK"} {"Clue":"Painter maybe backing himself \u2013 it's about time (6)","Answer":"ARTIST","Explanation":"Definition: Painter\n **RA** (Royal Academician [**ARTIST** [as the entry; himself] **reversed** [backing]) **+ an anagram of** (about) **IT'S** **+ T** (time)\n **AR**< **TIS*** **T"} {"Clue":"Criminal left soldiers inside city (8)","Answer":"FLORENCE","Explanation":"Definition: city\n (**L** [left] **+ OR** [other ranks; soldiers]) **contained in** (inside) **FENCE** (receiver of stolen goods; criminal)\n **F** (**L** **OR**) **ENCE"} {"Clue":"Shattering blow \u2013 no book refund! Great! (9)","Answer":"WONDERFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Great\n **Anagram of** (shattering) **BLOW** **excluding** (no) **B** (book) and **REFUND**\n **WO****NDERFU****L"} {"Clue":"Intellect of leader of Brexit shower? (5)","Answer":"BRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Intellect\n **B** (**first letter of** [leader of] **BREXIT**) **+ RAIN** (shower)\n **B RAIN"} {"Clue":"Back at sea \u2013 that's harsh (5)","Answer":"STERN","Explanation":"Definition: Back at sea\n **STERN** (severe; harsh) **double definition**\n **STERN"} {"Clue":"Extremely big haul, right? Doubtful (5-4)","Answer":"ULTRA-HIGH","Explanation":"Definition: Extremely big\n **Anagram of** (doubtful) **HAUL RIGHT**\n **ULTRA-HIGH"} {"Clue":"Incorrectly loaded ship \u2013 disaster! (4,4)","Answer":"DEAD LOSS","Explanation":"Definition: disaster\n **Anagram of** (incorrectly) **LOADED** **+ SS** (steamship)\n **DEAD LO*** **SS"} {"Clue":"Country definitely not maintaining resistance (6)","Answer":"NORWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n **NO WAY** (definitely not) **containing** (maintaining) **R** (resistance)\n **NO** (**R**) **WAY"} {"Clue":"Spur to save Britain (4)","Answer":"BARB","Explanation":"Definition: Spur\n **BAR** (except; save) **+ B** (Britain)\n **BAR B"} {"Clue":"Misinform and stop ship (3,2)","Answer":"LIE TO","Explanation":"Definition: Misinform\n **LIE TO** (of a ship, to be or become nearly stationary with head to the wind) **double definition**\n **LIE TO"} {"Clue":"Note \u2013 dictator is creator of 1\/5 (4,8)","Answer":"MARK","Explanation":"Definition: creator of 1\/5\n **MARK** (note) **+ FRANCO** (reference General Franciso **FRANCO** [1892-1975], Caudillo [Dictator] of Spain from 1939 to 1975) **+ IS**\n **MARK FRANCO IS"} {"Clue":"Strip for very little money (7)","Answer":"PEANUTS","Explanation":"Definition: Strip\n **PEANUTS** (very little money) **double definition**\n **PEANUTS"} {"Clue":"Extending across river when current is accommodating (7)","Answer":"ASTRIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Extending across\n **AS** (when) **+** (**TIDE** [current] **containing** [accommodating] **R** [river])\n **AS** **T** (**R**) **IDE"} {"Clue":"1\/5 could be what 29\/19 didn't want (right in middle of action) (11)","Answer":"REMAINDERED","Explanation":"Definition: 1\/5 could be\n **REMAIN** (**MARK FRANCOIS** [entry at 29\/19] strongly supported the United Kingdom leaving the European Union. His opponents wished Britain to **REMAIN** in the Union) + (**R** [right] **contained in** [in the middle of] **DEED** [action])\n **REMAIN** **DE** (**R**) **ED"} {"Clue":"Nameless character squeezes through opening (8)","Answer":"APERTURE","Explanation":"Definition: opening\n **NATURE** (character) **excluding** (\u2026less) **N** (name) **containing** (squeezes) **PER** (through)\n **A** (**PER**) **TURE"} {"Clue":"They open tins or jars (6)","Answer":"INTROS","Explanation":"Definition: They open\n **Anagram of** (jars) **TINS OR**\n **INTROS"} {"Clue":"Fox in bother losing tail (3)","Answer":"TOD","Explanation":"Definition: Fox\n **TO DO** (bother) **excluding the final letter** (losing tail) **O**\n **TOD"} {"Clue":"Heartless Green by clinic perhaps where 1\/5's likely to turn up (9,3)","Answer":"RECYCLING","Explanation":"Definition: where 1\/5's likely to turn up\n **Anagram of** (perhaps) **GREEN** **excluding the central letter E** (heartless) and **BY CLINIC**\n **RECYCLING BIN"} {"Clue":"Like 1\/5 by British author local was first to describe \u2013 awful lot of shit! (4-9)","Answer":"SELF-PUBLISHED","Explanation":"Definition: Like 1\/5\n **SELF** (reference Will **SELF** [born 1961], British author) **+ PUB** [public house; local] + **LED** (was first} **containing** (to describe) **an anagram of** (awful) **SHIT** **excluding the final letter** [lot of] **T**])\n **SELF** **PUB L** (**ISH**) **ED"} {"Clue":"Mortar there exploded causing movement underfoot (5,6)","Answer":"EARTH TREMOR","Explanation":"Definition: movement underfoot\n **Anagram of** (exploded) **MORTAR THERE**\n **EARTH TREMOR"} {"Clue":"Working with those people rankled occasionally \u2013 self-serving (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON THE MAKE","Explanation":"Definition: self-serving\n **ON** (working) **+ THEM** (those people) **+ AKE** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [occasionally] of **RANKLED**)\n **ON** **THE M AKE"} {"Clue":"Weird trait \u2013 people showing possible employment for 1\/5 (6,5)","Answer":"TOILET","Explanation":"Definition: possible employment for 1\/5\n **Anagram of** (weird) **TRAIT PEOPLE**\n **TOILET PAPER"} {"Clue":"Voiced one's irritation at department (5)","Answer":"AIRED","Explanation":"Definition: Voiced\n **A** (one) **+ IRE** (anger; irritation) **+ D** (department)\n **A IRE D"} {"Clue":"Defender was hard, leading to repercussion (8)","Answer":"BACKWASH","Explanation":"Definition: repercussion\n **BACK** (defender in a sports team) **+ WAS + H** (hard, on lead pencils)\n **BACK WAS H"} {"Clue":"Method to limit volume of the sea, perhaps (4)","Answer":"WAVY","Explanation":"Definition: of the sea, perhaps\n **WAY** (method) **containing** (to limit) **V** (volume)\n **WA** (**V**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Small crease? Don't be too expansive (6)","Answer":"SCRIMP","Explanation":"Definition: Don't be too expansive\n **S** (small) **+ CRIMP** (crease)\n **S CRIMP"} {"Clue":"Old paper: Wage demand cut after intervention by Prince (7)","Answer":"PAPYRUS","Explanation":"Definition: Old paper\n (**PAY** [wage] **+ RUSH** [demand] **excluding the final letter** [cut] **H**) **containing** (after intervention by) **P** (prince)\n **PA** (**P**) **Y** **RUS"} {"Clue":"Measure of intelligence, say, not quite sorted out (8)","Answer":"QUOTIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Measure of intelligence\n **Anagram of** (sorted out) **NOT QUITE **I'm not sure what the word 'say' is doing in the wordplay.****\n **QUOTIENT"} {"Clue":"Some light obtained after a very loud brawl (6)","Answer":"AFFRAY","Explanation":"Definition: braw\n **A + FF** (fortissimo; as loud as possible; very loud) **+ RAY** (beam; some light)\n **A FF RAY"} {"Clue":"Obvious uproar at callers being abused (7-5)","Answer":"CRYSTAL-CLEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Obvious\n **CRY** (uproar) **+ an anagram of** (being abused) **AT CALLERS**\n **CRY** **STAL**\u2013**CLEAR"} {"Clue":"Traveller's joy: bar, and models cavorting (3,4,5)","Answer":"OLD MAN","Explanation":"Definition: Traveller's joy\n **Anagram of** (cavorting) **BAR AND MODELS**\n **OLD MAN'S BEARD"} {"Clue":"Fellow returned, concealed by extra sobriquet (6)","Answer":"BYNAME","Explanation":"Definition: sobriquet\n **MAN** (fellow) **reversed** (returned) **contained in** (concealed by) **BYE** (example of an extra run in cricket)\n **BY** (**NAM**<) **E"} {"Clue":"Instrumentalist's time in Paris good, moving into another city (8)","Answer":"TROMBONE","Explanation":"Definition: Instrumentalist\n **T** (time) **+** (**BON** [good in French {Paris}] **contained in** [moving into] **ROME** [another city])\n **T** **ROM** (**BON**) **E"} {"Clue":"Bring down our hens for treatment (7)","Answer":"UNHORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Bring down\n **Anagram of** (for treatment) **OUR HENS**\n **UNHORSE"} {"Clue":"Subtlety in article penned by religious figure going to church (6)","Answer":"NUANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Subtlety\n (**A** [indefinite article] **contained in** [penned by] **NUN** [female member of a religious order; religious figure]) **+ CE** (Church of England)\n **NU** (**A**) **N** **CE"} {"Clue":"Colour specialist: ultimately every colour of the rainbow is seen round about (4)","Answer":"DYER","Explanation":"Definition: Colour specialist\n **RED** (one of the colours of the rainbow) **reversed** (about or is seen round) **containing** (is seen round or about) **Y** (l**ast letter of** [ultimately] **EVERY**)\n **D** (**Y**) **ER**<"} {"Clue":"Chaucerian pilgrim finished interrupting Father and Bishop (8)","Answer":"PARDONER","Explanation":"Definition: Chaucerian pilgrim\n **DONE** (finished) **contained in** (interrupting) (**PA** [father] **+ RR** [Right Reverend [form of address for a bishop])\n **PA** **R** (**DONE**) **R"} {"Clue":"Equip expert to limit error in court (8)","Answer":"ACCOUTRE","Explanation":"Definition: Equip\n **ACE** (expert) **containing** (to limit) **a mispelling of** (error in) **COURT** to from **COUTR**\n **AC** (**COUTR**) **E"} {"Clue":"Tense exploit held up by Austrian artist (5)","Answer":"KLIMT","Explanation":"Definition: Austrian artist\n (**T** [tense] **+ MILK** [exploit]) **all reversed** (held up;down entry)\n (**KLIM T**)<"} {"Clue":"Fruitful aspects of flight, some say (6,3,5)","Answer":"APPLES AND PEARS","Explanation":"Definition: flight, some say\n **APPLES AND PEARS** (two different fruits; fruitful aspects)\n **APPLES AND PEARS"} {"Clue":"Dispersed the endless pain around and about the liver (7)","Answer":"HEPATIC","Explanation":"Definition: about the liver\n **Anagram of** (dispersed) **THE** and **PAIN** **excluding the final letter N** (endless) **+ C** (circa; about)\n **HEPATI*** **C"} {"Clue":"Piece dedicated to Council of Europe and staff (9)","Answer":"WORKFORCE","Explanation":"Definition: staff\n **WORK** (e.g. a piece of music) **+ FOR** (dedicated to) + **CE** (Council of Europe)\n **WORK FOR CE"} {"Clue":"Subordinate against attack I abandoned (6)","Answer":"VASSAL","Explanation":"Definition: Subordinate\n **V** (versus; against) **+ ASSAIL** (attack) **excluding** (abandoned) **I**\n **V ASSAL"} {"Clue":"Second busy time with Queen repeatedly receiving disdain where pundits opine (8,6)","Answer":"SPEAKERS CORNER","Explanation":"Definition: where pundits opine\n **S** (second) **+ PEAK** (busy time) **+** ([**ER** {Elizabeth Regina; Queen} **+ ER** {Elizabeth Regina; Queen} \u2013 i.e. Queen repeatedly] **containing** [receiving] **SCORN** [disdain])\n **S** **PEAK** **ER** (**SCORN**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Chest covering for a chest, possibly (male not female) (9)","Answer":"STOMACHER","Explanation":"Definition: Chest covering\n **Anagram of** (possibly) **FOR A CHEST** with **M** (male) **replacing** (for) **F** (female)\n **STOMACHER"} {"Clue":"Pain after one European abandons environmentally-sound grape variety (8)","Answer":"GRENACHE","Explanation":"Definition: grape variety\n **GREEN** (environmentally-sound) **excluding** (abandons) **one of the Es** (European) _ **ACHE** (pain)\n **GREN ACHE"} {"Clue":"Partner mostly upset about wife in European city (7)","Answer":"ANTWERP","Explanation":"Definition: European city\n **Anagram of** (upset) **PARTNER**** excluding the final letter** (mostly) **R containing** (about) **W** (wife)\n **ANT** (**W**) **ERP"} {"Clue":"Spook seen around your university is rather sweet (6)","Answer":"SYRUPY","Explanation":"Definition: rather sweet\n **SPY** (spook) **containing** (around) (**YR** [your] **+ U** [university])\n **S** (**YR U**) **PY"} {"Clue":"British eggs seeing upturn? Excellent! (5)","Answer":"BRAVO","Explanation":"Definition: Excellent!\n **BR** (British) **+ OVA** (eggs) **reversed** (turning up; down entry)\n **BR AVO**<"} {"Clue":"Tribal division united by chance (4)","Answer":"HAPU","Explanation":"Definition: Tribal division\n **HAP** (chance) **+ U** (university)\n **HAP U"} {"Clue":"Strong drink artist tipped over more than half of historical document (8)","Answer":"ARMAGNAC","Explanation":"Definition: Strong drink\n **RA** (Royal Academician; artist)** reversed** (tipped over) **+ MAGNA CARTA** (**excluding the last 4 of 10 letters ARTA leaving more than half forming** **MAGNAC**)\n **AR**< **MAGNA C"} {"Clue":"'Pale, rocky' encapsulates it (6)","Answer":"APLITE","Explanation":"Definition: 'Pale, rocky' encapsulates it (6)\n **Anagram of** (rocky) **PALE** **containing** (encapsulates) **IT**\n **APL** (**IT**) **E"} {"Clue":"Nick damaged leg in prang on Aussie road (6)","Answer":"BINGLE","Explanation":"Definition: prang on Aussie road (6)\n **BIN** (colloquial term for 'put into prison'; nick can mean arrest and presumably then put in prison) **+ an anagram of** (damaged) **LEG**\n **BIN GLE"} {"Clue":"Honeyed tipple imbibed by inamorata (5)","Answer":"MORAT","Explanation":"Definition: Honeyed tipple\n **MORAT** (**hidden word in** [imbibed by] **INAMORATA**)\n **MORAT"} {"Clue":"Sex organ's linga oda exercised! (8)","Answer":"GONADIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Sex organ's\n **Anagram of** (exercised) **LINGA ODA**\n **GONADIAL"} {"Clue":"Cramp displayed by 50% of sportsmen? (5)","Answer":"CRICK","Explanation":"Definition: Cramp\n **CRICK** (**first 5 letters of 10**, 50% of **CRICKETERS** [sportsmen])\n **CRICK"} {"Clue":"I'm surprised to be keeping near drunk as aid to maintaining balance (7)","Answer":"OTOLITH","Explanation":"Definition: aid to maintaining balance\n **OH** (expression of surprise) **containing** (to be keeping) (**TO** [near] **+ LIT** [drunk])\n **O** (**TO LIT**) **H"} {"Clue":"Old couple not active in the household (5)","Answer":"MENGE","Explanation":"Definition: Old couple\n **MENAGE** (household) **excluding** (not) **A** (active)\n **MENGE"} {"Clue":"Obscure eon, an age associated with tropical America (8)","Answer":"NEOGAEAN","Explanation":"Definition: associated with tropical America\n **Anagram of** (obscure) **EON AN AGE**\n **NEOA****G****EAN"} {"Clue":"She's sometimes lazy, coming from the country, opening tin (5)","Answer":"SUSAN","Explanation":"Definition: She's sometimes lazy\n **USA** (example of a country) **contained in** (opening) **SN** (chemical symbol for tin)\n **S** (**USA**) **N"} {"Clue":"English ploughed furrows, cold inside? Rifts according to the Scots (6)","Answer":"ERUCTS","Explanation":"Definition: Rifts according to the Scots\n **E** (English) **+** (**C** [cold] **contained in** [inside] **RUTS** [furrows 'ploughed' by wheels])\n **E** **RU** (**C**) **TS"} {"Clue":"Set of bells, including start of octave rings well (6)","Answer":"PUTEAL","Explanation":"Definition: rings well\n **PEAL** (a set of bells tuned to each other) **containing** (including) **UT** (a syllable representing the first note of the scale, now generally superseded by doh; first note of the octave)\n **P** (**UT**) **EAL"} {"Clue":"Fungicidal compound, litre distributed? I'll have none inserted (8)","Answer":"TRIAZOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fungicidal compound\n (**AZ** [pronounced as **AZED** is a reference to the setter; I] **+ O** [character representing nothing; none]) **contained in** (inserted) **an anagram of** (distributed) **LITRE**\n **TRI** (**AZ O**)** LE"} {"Clue":"Mixed dish to bring on, going round \u2013 cut edging off (4)","Answer":"OLLA","Explanation":"Definition: Mixed dish\n **CALL OUT** (bring into operation; bring on) **excluding** (out) **the letters CUT forming the edge**\n **OLLA**<"} {"Clue":"No. 1 in Elysium with threefold head, never dying (11)","Answer":"ETERNALNESS","Explanation":"Definition: never dying\n **E** (**first letter of** [No 1 in] **ELYSIUM**) **+ TERNAL** (threefold) **+ NESS** (head[land])\n **E TERNAL NESS"} {"Clue":"Intoxicant, heroin taken in injection (5)","Answer":"BHANG","Explanation":"Definition: Intoxicant\n **H** (heroin) **contained in** (taken in) **BANG** (an injection of a drug)\n **B** (**H**) **ANG"} {"Clue":"Outcry going up about training e.g. falcon (6)","Answer":"RAPTOR","Explanation":"Definition: e.g. falcon\n **ROAR** (outcry) **reversed** (going up; down entry) **containing** (about) **PT** (physical training)\n **RA** (**PT**) **OR**<"} {"Clue":"Being full, here's dish lad's left for particular one? (5)","Answer":"SATED","Explanation":"Definition: Being full\n **SALAD** (dish of food) **replacing** (left \u2026 for) **LAD** (unspecific young male) **with TED** (name of a particular person)\n **SA TED"} {"Clue":"Stall, opposite of stand put up and occupied by vicar? (6)","Answer":"TREVIS","Explanation":"Definition: Stall\n **SIT** (opposite of stand) **reversed** (put up; down entry) **containing** (occupied by) **REV** (reverend; vicar)\n **T** (**REV**) **IS**<"} {"Clue":"Sign of hesitation going over slope of hill in shades (6)","Answer":"UMBRAE","Explanation":"Definition: shades\n **UM** (sign of hesitancy) **+ BRAE** (hill slope)\n **UM BRAE"} {"Clue":"Scribbled blog in base? Base indeed (7)","Answer":"IGNOBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Base indeed\n **Anagram of** (scribbled) **BLOG IN** **+ E** (base of natural logarithms)\n **IGNOBL*** **E"} {"Clue":"English Queen about reign formerly: 'My colours will not fade' (9)","Answer":"ENGRAINER","Explanation":"Definition: My colours will not fade\n (**ENG** [English] **+ ER** [Elizabeth Regina; queen]) **containing** (about) **RAIN** (Spenserian [formerly] word for reign)\n **ENG** (**RAIN**) **ER"} {"Clue":"What may be part of radical combination, ideal for singer? (7)","Answer":"ACETONE","Explanation":"Definition: What may be part of radical combination\n **ACE** (excellent) **+ TONE** (character of sound) \u2013 taken together **ACE TONE** could be an ideal for the sound produced by a singer\n **ACE TONE"} {"Clue":"Gaucho's requisite, essential to fill a zoo's stock (4)","Answer":"LAZO","Explanation":"Definition: Gaucho's requisite\n **LAZO** (**hidden word in** [stock] **FILL A ZOO'S**)\n **LAZO"} {"Clue":"Treats with special care lines of salad crops? (7)","Answer":"COSSETS","Explanation":"Definition: Treats with special care\n **COS** (type of lettuce used in salads) **+ SETS** (planted lines of seeds)\n **COS SETS"} {"Clue":"Coca Cola's half wasted with last of lemonade in the drains (7)","Answer":"CLOACAE","Explanation":"Definition: drains\n **Anagram of** (wasted) **COCA** and **LA** (**letters remaining after the first two of four letters COLA are removed leaving LA as the other half**) **+** (with) **E** (final letter of [last of] **LEMONADE**)\n **CLOACA*** **E"} {"Clue":"Shift: did Abraham return this after time away? (4)","Answer":"TOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Shift\n **TO UR **(In the Bible, Abraham is described as being from **UR**, so he would return **TO UR** if he after he spent time away)\n **TO UR"} {"Clue":"Verse contest creating excitement I lost? (6)","Answer":"TENSON","Explanation":"Definition: Verse contest\n **TENSION** (suppressed excitement) **excluding** (lost)** I**\n **TENSON"} {"Clue":"Rising stink left one in a kerfuffle (6)","Answer":"HOOPLA","Explanation":"POOH** (stink) **reversed** (rising; down entry) **+ L** (left) **+ A** (one)\n **HOOP**< **L A"} {"Clue":"Verses composed by young females incorporating literal extremes (6)","Answer":"GAZALS","Explanation":"Definition: Verses\n **GALS** (girls; young females) **containing** (incorporating) **A** and **Z**, extremes of the alphabet; literal extremes)\n **G** (**A Z**) **ALS"} {"Clue":"Set about contact sport? It's not very nourishing (5)","Answer":"GRUEL","Explanation":"Definition: It's not very nourishing\n **GEL** (to set) **containing** (about) **RU** *Rugby Union, an example of a contact sport)\n **G** (**RU**) **EL"} {"Clue":"One against receiving latest bit of advert \u2013 it was stuffed under mail (5)","Answer":"ACTON","Explanation":"Definition: it was stuffed under mail\n **A** (one) **+** (**CON** [against] **containing** [receiving] **T** [**final letter of** [last bit of] **ADVERT**)\n **A** **C **(**T**)** ON"} {"Clue":"After end of monsoon as of old harrow watercourses (5)","Answer":"NALAS","Explanation":"Definition: watercourses\n **N** (**final letter of** [end of] **MONSOON**) **+ ALAS** (harrow is an archaic [old] term for alas)\n **N ALAS"} {"Clue":"Daughter wearing insane headgear (8)","Answer":"BANDANAS","Explanation":"Definition: headgear\n **D** (daughter) **contained in** (wearing) **BANANAS** (crazy; insane)\n **BAN** (**D**) **ANAS"} {"Clue":"Wander aimlessly around eastern part of Thar Desert (6)","Answer":"MAROON","Explanation":"Definition: Desert\n **MOON** (wander about listlessly or gaze vacantly at anything) **containing** (about) **AR** (**last two letters of** [eastern part of] **THAR**)\n **M** (**AR**) **OON"} {"Clue":"Dull bishops defending European Union (6)","Answer":"BENUMB","Explanation":"Definition: Dull\n (**B** [bishop] **+ B** [bishop] \u2013 bishops) **containing** (defending) (**E** [European] **+ NUM** [National **Union** of Mineworkers])\n **B** (**E NUM**) **B"} {"Clue":"Eventually accepting heartless act is personal (8)","Answer":"INTIMATE","Explanation":"Definition: personal\n **IN TIME** (eventually) **containing** (accepting) **AT** (**letters remaining in ACT when the central letter C is removed** [heartless])\n **IN** **TIM** (**AT**) **E"} {"Clue":"Get sick on second cruise (4)","Answer":"SAIL","Explanation":"Definition: cruise\n **S** (sail) **+ AIL** (get sick)\n **S AIL"} {"Clue":"Covers for disused sockets? (3,7)","Answer":"EYE PATCHES","Explanation":"Definition: Covers for disused sockets\n **EYE PATCHES** \u2013 cryptic definition\n **EYE PATCHES"} {"Clue":"Range of Bond villains briefly united with M (8)","Answer":"SPECTRUM","Explanation":"Definition: Range\n **SPECTRE** (villainous organisation encountered by James Bond) **+ U** (united) **+ M**\n **SPECTR U M"} {"Clue":"Chap nursing old grievance (4)","Answer":"MOAN","Explanation":"Definition: grievance\n **MAN** (chap) **containing** (nursing) **O** (old)\n **M** (**O**) **AN"} {"Clue":"Dig earth after 11 (4)","Answer":"JIBE","Explanation":"Definition: Dig\n **JIB** (triangular **SAIL** [entry at 11 across] stretched in front of the foremast in a ship) **+ E** (earth)\n **JIB E"} {"Clue":"Adapting Othello, Jerry incorporates German flag (3,5,5)","Answer":"THE JOLLY","Explanation":"Definition: flag\n **Anagram of** (adopting) **OTHELLO JERRY** **containing** (incorporates) **G** (German)\n **THE JOLLY RO** (**G**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Butchered mink, alpaca and llama, say (4,6)","Answer":"PACK ANIMAL","Explanation":"Definition: llama, say\n **Anagram of** (butchered) **MINK ALPACA**\n **PACK ANIMAL"} {"Clue":"Army recruits discontented mariners (4)","Answer":"TARS","Explanation":"Definition: mariners\n **TA** (Army Reserve, new name for the Territorial Army; army) **+ RS** (l**etters remaining in RECRUITS when the central letters ECRUIT are removed** [dis-contented])\n **TA RS"} {"Clue":"Pipers playing before queen start to exude sweat (8)","Answer":"PERSPIRE","Explanation":"Definition: sweat\n **Anagram of** (playing) **PIPERS** **+ R** (Regina; Queen) **+ E** (**first letter of** [start to] **EXUDE**)\n **PERSPIR*** **R E"} {"Clue":"Being brought up somewhere else, reportedly (6)","Answer":"AWEIGH","Explanation":"Definition: Being brought up\n **AWEIGH** (**sounds like** [reportedly] **AWAY** [somewhere else])\n **AWEIGH"} {"Clue":"Task force from Irish county picked up attorney (6)","Answer":"ARMADA","Explanation":"Definition: Task force\n **ARMA** (**sounds like** [picked up] **ARMAGH** [County of Northern Ireland]) **+ DA** (District Attorney)\n **ARMA** **DA"} {"Clue":"Reclusive storyteller engaging model in saucy stuff (8)","Answer":"SOLITARY","Explanation":"Definition: Reclusive\n (**LIAR** [storyteller] **containing** [engaging] **T** [reference Model **T** {Ford}]) **all contained in** (in) **SOY** (reference **SOY** sauce)\n **SO** (**LI** (**T**) **AR**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Domain of Delaware Nation (5)","Answer":"ARENA","Explanation":"Definition: Domain\n **ARENA** (**hidden word in** [of] **DELAWARE NATION**)\n **ARENA"} {"Clue":"Make sure Spitting Image is given European broadcast (6-5)","Answer":"DOUBLE-CHECK","Explanation":"Definition: Make sure\n **DOUBLE** (spitting image) **+ CHECK** (sounds like [broadcast] **CZECH** [example of a European])\n **DOUBLE-CHECK"} {"Clue":"Boxing heavyweight, raised outside Lima, eaten by bear (5,3)","Answer":"NOBLE ART","Explanation":"Definition: Boxing\n **TON** (heavy weight) **reversed** (raised; down entry) **containing** (**L** [Lima is the international radio communication codeword for the letter **L**] **contained in** [eaten by] **BEAR**)\n **NO** (**B** (**L**) **E AR**) **T**<"} {"Clue":"Good God! British seem upset about retired clergyman getting married (6,2,7)","Answer":"SHIVER ME TIMBERS","Explanation":"Definition: Good God\n **Anagram of** (upset) **BRITISH SEEM** **containing** (about) (**REV** [Reverend; clergyman] **reversed** [retired] **+ M** [married])\n **SHI** (**VER**< **M**) **E TIMBERS"} {"Clue":"Maiden bus tour oddly avoided Alabama? It's common! (6)","Answer":"MUTUAL","Explanation":"Definition: common\n **M** (maiden) **+ UTU** (**letters 2, 4 and 6 **[even letters {oddly avoided}] **of BUS TOUR**) **+ AL** (Alabama)\n **M UTU AL"} {"Clue":"Spirit of revolutionary Greek character underpinning resistance (3)","Answer":"RUM","Explanation":"Definition: Spirit\n **R** (resistance) **+ MU** (Greek character) **reversed** (revolutionary)\n **R UM**<"} {"Clue":"Promptly abandoned in Athlone (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON THE NAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Promptly\n **ON THE NAIL** (**anagram of** [abandoned] **IN ATHLONE**\n **ON THE NAIL"} {"Clue":"Say something to curb Left's conduct (11)","Answer":"COMPORTMENT","Explanation":"Definition: conduct\n **COMMENT** (say something) **containing** (to curb) **PORT** ([left] side of the ship)\n **COM** (**PORT**) **MENT"} {"Clue":"Ship from Portugal at back of queue entering waterway (9)","Answer":"PRIVATEER","Explanation":"Definition: Ship\n **P** (International Vehicle Registration for Portugal) **+** (**AT + E** [**last letter of** {back of} **QUEUE**]) **contained in** (entering) **RIVER** (waterway)\n **P** **RIV** (**AT E**) **ER"} {"Clue":"General climbs aboard a hulk in order to punish 22? (8)","Answer":"KEELHAUL","Explanation":"Definition: to punish 22\n **LEE** (reference Confederate General Robert E **LEE** [1807 \u2013 1970]) **reversed** [climbs; down entry]) **contained in** (aboard) **an anagram of** {in order) **A HULK**\n **K **(**EEL**<) **HAUL"} {"Clue":"Articles claiming drink leads to heartache (6)","Answer":"ANGINA","Explanation":"Definition: heartache\n (**AN** [indefinite article] **+ A** [indefinite article] \u2013 articles) **containing** (claiming) **GIN** (drink)\n **AN** (**GIN**) **A"} {"Clue":"Main suspect eludes arrest initially (3)","Answer":"SEA","Explanation":"Definition: Main\n **SEA** (**first letters** [initially] **of each of SUSPECT**, **ELUDES** and **ARREST**)\n **SEA"} {"Clue":"Glum, the (eventual) result of not spitting feathers? (4,2,3,5)","Answer":"DOWN IN THE DUMPS","Explanation":"Definition: Glum\n **DOWN** (feather) **+ IN THE DUMPS** (I think this is a reference to defecation, saying that if you don't spit out feathers they will eventually work their way through the alimentary and intestinal processes of the body)\n **DOWN IN THE DUMPS"} {"Clue":"Small piece of land in narrow strip of water, north to south (5)","Answer":"ISLET","Explanation":"Definition: Small piece of land\n **INLET** (narrow strip of water) with **N** (North) **replaced by** (to) **S** (south)\n **ISLET"} {"Clue":"Spectator and Times support the Queen (9)","Answer":"BYSTANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Spectator\n **BY** (multiplied by; times) **+ STAND** (support) **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen)\n **BY STAND ER"} {"Clue":"Ponder rejecting big fan of Enigmatic Variations' introductions (7)","Answer":"REVOLVE","Explanation":"Definition: Ponder\n (**EV** [**initial letters of each of** **ENIGMATIC** and **VARIATIONS**] **+ LOVER** [big fan of]) **all reversed** (rejecting) Enigmatic Variations is a series of crosswords in The Telegraph\n (**REVOL** **VE**)<"} {"Clue":"A group of Marines that helps you stay afloat? (7)","Answer":"ARMBAND","Explanation":"Definition: helps you stay afloat\n **A +** (**RM** [Royal Marines] **+ BAND** [group])\n **A RM BAND"} {"Clue":"Keep quiet about husband of salty individual showing laziness (5)","Answer":"SLOTH","Explanation":"Definition: laziness\n **SH** (direction to keep quiet) **containing** (about) **LOT** (reference the 'wife of **LOT**' who was turned into a pillar of salt after she looked back at Sodom, as described in the Book of Genesis)\n **S** (**LOT**) **H"} {"Clue":"Most of planet worried by Sweden's floods (9)","Answer":"SATURATES","Explanation":"Definition: floods\n **SATURN** (planet) **excluding the final letter** (most of) **N** **+ ATE** (worried) **+ S** (International Vehicle Registration for Sweden)\n **SATUR** **ATE S"} {"Clue":"Is son restricted by awful rejection? (9)","Answer":"DISMISSAL","Explanation":"Definition: rejection\n (**IS + S** [son]) **contained in** (restricted by) **DISMAL** (depressing; awful)\n **DISM** (**IS S**) **AL"} {"Clue":"Has once pinched the backside of Little Ted? (5)","Answer":"HEATH","Explanation":"Definition: Ted\n **HATH** (archaic [once] spelling of 'has') **containing** (pinched) **E** (**last letter of** [backside of] **LITTLE**)\n **H** (**E**) **ATH"} {"Clue":"Source of nutrition you nearly left by overturned barrel (4,3)","Answer":"YOLK SAC","Explanation":"Definition: Source of nutrition\n **YOU** **excluding the final letter** (nearly) **U** **+ L** (left) **+ CASK** (barrel) **reversed** (overturned)\n **YO** **L** (**K SAC**)<"} {"Clue":"Course of treatment, say, taken by miner in a bad way (7)","Answer":"REGIMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Course of treatment\n **EG** (for example; say) **contained in** (taken by) **an anagram of** (in a bad way) **MINER**\n **R** (**EG**) **IMEN"} {"Clue":"Backwards-looking study describing duke gone over again (9)","Answer":"RETRODDEN","Explanation":"Definition: gone over again\n (**RETRO** [reminiscent of, reverting to, or recreating the past; backwards looking]) **+** **DEN** [study]) **containing** (describing) **D** (duke)\n **RETRO** (**D**) **DEN"} {"Clue":"Swimmer staggers as if drunk when taking clothes off (5)","Answer":"OTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Swimmer\n **TOTTERS** (staggers as if drunk) **excluding the outer letters T and S** (when taking clothes off)\n **OTTER"} {"Clue":"Broadcast for every boring responsible student becoming tense (7,7)","Answer":"PRESENT PERFECT","Explanation":"Definition: tense\n (**SENT** [transmitted; broadcast] **+ PER** [for every]) **contained in** (boring) **PREFECT** (school pupil with some measure of authority over others; responsible student)\n **PRE** (**SENT PER**) **FECT"} {"Clue":"Plain clothes police essentially ignorant (9)","Answer":"OBLIVIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: ignorant\n **OBVIOUS** (plain) **containing** (clothes) **LI** (**central letters of** [essentially] (**POLICE**)\n **OB** (**LI**) **VIOUS"} {"Clue":"Blatantly regressive concealing of birth (5)","Answer":"NATAL","Explanation":"Definition: of birth\n **NATAL** (**reversed** [regressive] **hidden word in** [concealing] **BLATANTLY**)\n **NATAL**<"} {"Clue":"Group of people of high rank? No thanks (9)","Answer":"NOBLESSES","Explanation":"Definition: Group of people of high rank\n **NO** (no) **+ BLESSES** (**BLESS** is defined as being thankful for, so I suppose **BLESSES** can be defined as thanks) Interesting combination of plural plurals.\n **NO BLESSES"} {"Clue":"Coffee seller changing taps for Lily (5)","Answer":"HOSTA","Explanation":"Definition: Lily\n **COSTA** (reference the **COSTA** coffee chain of cafes) with **C** (cold [tap]) **replaced by** (changing) **H** (hot [tap])\n **HOSTA"} {"Clue":"Solemn music from dreary Cambridgeshire town (4,5)","Answer":"DEAD MARCH","Explanation":"Definition: Solemn music\n **DEAD** (dull; dreary) **+ MARCH** (town in Cambridgeshire)\n **DEAD MARCH"} {"Clue":"Eccles getting help upon rejection in the papers, perhaps (5)","Answer":"MEDIA","Explanation":"Definition: the papers, perhaps\n **ME** (Eccles; crossword setter]) **+ AID** (help) **reversed** (upon rejection)\n **ME DIA**<"} {"Clue":"Australian longs for progress (7)","Answer":"STRIDES","Explanation":"Definition: Australian longs\n **STRIDES** (steps; progress])\n **STRIDES"} {"Clue":"Threads about plugging Boris Johnson's statements? (6)","Answer":"FIBRES","Explanation":"Definition: Threads\n **RE** (with reference to; about) **contained in** (plugging) **FIBS** (untruths; lies \u2013 many people reckon Boris Johnson does not always tell the truth)\n **FIB** (**RE**) **S"} {"Clue":"Ethanol is abused in a bit of cold weather (9)","Answer":"HAILSTONE","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of cold weather\n **Anagram of** (abused) **ETHANOL IS**\n **HAILSTONE"} {"Clue":"Ability to withstand hardship shown by European scratching head in daze (9)","Answer":"TOLERANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Ability to withstand hardship\n **POLE** (native of Poland; European) **excluding** (scratching) **the first letter** (head) **P** **contained in** (in) **TRANCE** (dazed state)\n **T** (**OLE**) **RANCE"} {"Clue":"I cut arm at training, which is distressing (9)","Answer":"TRAUMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: distressing\n **Anagram of** (training) **I CUT ARM AT**\n **TRAUMATIC"} {"Clue":"I'd party with abandon in short excursion (3,4)","Answer":"DAY TRIP","Explanation":"Definition: short excursion\n **Anagram of** (with abandon) **I'D PARTY**\n **DAY TRIP"} {"Clue":"Poor country abandoned by Austria (6)","Answer":"HUNGRY","Explanation":"Definition: Poor\n **HUNGARY** (country) **excluding** (abandoned by) **A** (International Vehicle Registration for Austria)\n **HUNGRY"} {"Clue":"Drunk on just under two pints (5)","Answer":"LITRE","Explanation":"Definition: just under two pints\n **LIT** (drunk) **+ RE** (with reference to; on)\n **LIT RE"} {"Clue":"Greek characters leaving French wine for trainee (5)","Answer":"CADET","Explanation":"Definition: trainee\n **MUSCADET** (French light dry white wine) **excluding** (leaving) **MUS** (**MU** is a character of the Greek alphabet)\n **CADET"} {"Clue":"Mess up foxtrot turn (2,3)","Answer":"GO OFF","Explanation":"Definition: turn\n **GOOF** (mess up) **+ F** (Foxtrot is the international radio communication codeword for the letter F)\n **GO OF** **F"} {"Clue":"Clues for \"swan\" and \"gnu\" get one fired shortly (4-3,7)","Answer":"SAWN-OFF SHOTGUN","Explanation":"Definition: one fired shortly\n **SAWN OFF** (cryptic crossword clue for **SWAN** where **SAWN** is the anagram fodder and **OFF** is the anagram indicator) **+ SHOTGUN** (cryptic crossword clue for **GNU** where **GUN** is the anagram fodder and **SHO****T** is the anagram indicator)\n **SAWN OFF SHOTGUN"} {"Clue":"Outstanding business going places needs supply (5,4)","Answer":"LOOSE ENDS","Explanation":"Definition: Outstanding business\n **LOOS** (place where people go; going places) **+ an anagram of** (supply [derived from supple]) **NEEDS**\n **LOOS** **E ENDS"} {"Clue":"Brad and Greg discovered off the beaten track (4)","Answer":"RARE","Explanation":"Definition: off the beaten track\n **RA** (**letters remaining in BRAD when the outer letters B and D are removed** [dis-covered]) **+ RE** (**letters remaining in GREG when the outer letters G and G are removed** [dis-covered])\n **RA RE"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary sale excited football team (7)","Answer":"CHELSEA","Explanation":"Definition: football team\n **CHE** (reference **CHE** Guevara [1928-1967], Argentinian revolutionary) **+ an anagram of** (excited) **SALE**\n **CHE LSEA"} {"Clue":"Capital Radio occasionally plugs \"Rockin, Robin\" (7)","Answer":"NAIROBI","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\n **AI** (**letters 2 and 4** [occasionally] of **RADIO**) **contained in** (plugs) **an anagram of** (rockin') **ROBIN**\n **N** (**AI**) **ROBI"} {"Clue":"Old spreading outbreak of lice and nasty bug (1,4)","Answer":"E-COLI","Explanation":"Definition: nasty bug\n **O** (old) **contained in** (spreading [?]) **an anagram of** (outbreak of) **LICE**\n **E C** (**O**) **LI"} {"Clue":"Yen to buy it? (5,4)","Answer":"DEATH WISH","Explanation":"Definition: Yen to buy it\n **DEATH** ('buy it' is a colloquial term for dying) **+ WISH** (desire; itch; yen)\n **DEATH WISH"} {"Clue":"Children inspiring good passion, and tact (3,6)","Answer":"KID GLOVES","Explanation":"Definition: tact\n **KIDS** (children) **containing** (inspiring) (**G** [good] **+ LOVE** [passion])\n **KID** (**G LOVE**) **S"} {"Clue":"Cat close to falling in line (5)","Answer":"TIGER","Explanation":"Definition: Cat\n **G** **(last letter of** [close to] **FALLING**) **contained in** (in) **TIER** (a row or line)\n **TI** (**G**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Launching unlimited new release (7)","Answer":"UNCHAIN","Explanation":"Definition: release\n **Anagram of** (new) **LAUNCHING** **excluding the outer letters** [unlimited] **L** and **G**\n **UNCHAIN"} {"Clue":"Part of Russia is a ruefully backward Orwellian state (7)","Answer":"EURASIA","Explanation":"Definition: Orwellian state\n **EURASIA** (**reversed** [backward] **hidden word in** [part of] **RUSSIA IS A RUEFULLY**)\n **EURASIA**<"} {"Clue":"Either side of washroom being covered in dirt (4)","Answer":"WORM","Explanation":"Definition: being covered in dirt\n **WORM** (**the outer letters of** [sides of] **WASHROOM** are **W OR** [either] **M**)\n **W** **OR M"} {"Clue":"I'll duck, after warships almost shelled American (9)","Answer":"ARMADILLO","Explanation":"Definition: shelled American\n **ARMADA** (group of warships) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **A** **+ I'LL** **+ O** (character representing zero or duck score in cricket)\n **ARMAD**** ILL** **O"} {"Clue":"Surplus EU's saying America is behind (7,7)","Answer":"GLUTEUS MAXIMUS","Explanation":"Definition: behind\n **GLUT** (surplus) **+ EU'S + MAXIM** (pithy saying) **+ US** (United States; America)\n **GLUT EUS MAXIM US"} {"Clue":"Solitary till the end, for Narcissus? (4,8)","Answer":"SELF CHECKOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Solitary til\n **SELF CHECKOUT** (a cryptic way of describing suicide, for someone like Narcissus who focused on himself) double definition\n **SELF CHECKOUT"} {"Clue":"Spanish cheer after headers from West Ham United (5)","Answer":"WHOLE","Explanation":"Definition: United\n **WH** (**first letters of each o**f [headers from] **WEST** and **HAM**) **+ OLE** (Spanish word for an exclamation of approval, such as a cheer)\n **WH OLE"} {"Clue":"Too many people spell 'phosphorus' in a bad way (9)","Answer":"OVERSPILL","Explanation":"Definition: Too many people\n **OVERS** (a cricketer can bowl a spell of **OVERS**) + **P** (chemical symbol for Phosphorus) **+ ILL** (in a bad way)\n **OVERS P ILL"} {"Clue":"Slough's fine, next to no-good part of the UK (7)","Answer":"FENLAND","Explanation":"Definition: Slough\n **F** (following) **+ ENGLAND** (part of the United Kingdom) **excluding** (no) **G** (good)\n **F ENLAND"} {"Clue":"Rebuilt Noah's new ark's helm:praise be! (7)","Answer":"HOSANNA","Explanation":"Definition: praise be\n **Anagram of** (rebuilt) **NOAH'S** **+** **N** (new) + **A** (first letter of [helm] ARK)\n **HOSAN*** **N A"} {"Clue":"Bones in the foot \u2013 is heel turned over? (5)","Answer":"TARSI","Explanation":"Definition: Bones in the foot\n (**IS + RAT** [unpleasant character; heel])** all reversed** (turned over)\n (**TAR** **SI**)<"} {"Clue":"Pulling out in the air, jumper can start to gloat (9)","Answer":"UPROOTING","Explanation":"Definition: Pulling out\n **UP** (in the air) **+ ROO** (kangaroo; jumper) **+ TIN** (can) **+ G** (**first letter of** [start to]) **GLOAT**\n **UP ROO TIN G"} {"Clue":"Crimes reportedly why children can't go on rollercoasters (4,8)","Answer":"HIGH-TREASONS","Explanation":"Definition: Crimes\n **HIGH TREASONS** (sounds like [reportedly] **HEIGHT REASONS** [why children can't go on rollercoasters])\n **HIGH TREASONS"} {"Clue":"Conservative's alma mater (3-6)","Answer":"OLD-SCHOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Conservative\n **OLD SCHOOL** (alma mater [term applied by alumni to their university, school or college]) double definition\n **OLD SCHOOL"} {"Clue":"Renegade disrupted the rodeo with a kiss (9)","Answer":"HETERODOX","Explanation":"Definition: Renegade\n **Anagram of** (disrupted) **THE RODEO** **+** (with a) **X** (symbol for kiss)\n **HETERODO***** X"} {"Clue":"\"Five gold rings!\" garbled aunt in country (7)","Answer":"VANUATU","Explanation":"Definition: country\n **V** (Roman numeral for 5) **+** (**AU** [chemical symbol for gold] **containing** [rings] **an anagram of** [garbled] **AUNT**)\n **V** **A** (**NUAT***) **U"} {"Clue":"In sum, the gutless prime minister's relative newcomer (7)","Answer":"STEPMUM","Explanation":"Definition: relative newcomer\n (**TE** [**letters remaining in THE when the central letter H is removed** [gutless] **+ PM** [Prime Minister]) **all contained in** (in) **SUM**\n **S** (**TE** **PM**) **UM"} {"Clue":"Notice German with grant (5)","Answer":"ADMIT","Explanation":"Definition: grant\n **AD** (advertisement; notice) **+ MIT** (German word for 'with')\n **AD MIT"} {"Clue":"Beer bottled by M&S set up in trial location? (5)","Answer":"SALEM","Explanation":"Definition: trial location\n **ALE** (beer) **contained in** (bottled by) **M **+** S** reversed (upset; down entry)\n **S** (**ALE**) **M**<"} {"Clue":"Icy expanse escaping first shot (8)","Answer":"POLAROID","Explanation":"Definition: shot\n **POLAR** (very cold; icy) **+ VOID** (emptiness; space; expanse) **excluding the initial letter** [escaping first] **V**)\n **POLAR OID"} {"Clue":"Tricorne that's corny? (3,3)","Answer":"OLD HAT","Explanation":"Definition: Tricorne\n **OLD HAT** (old-fashioned; trite; corny) **double definition**\n **OLD HAT"} {"Clue":"Stop a satellite beginning to decay (6)","Answer":"PERIOD","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\n **PER** (a) **+ IO** (moon of Jupiter) **+ D** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **DECAY**)\n **PER IO D"} {"Clue":"Fail to apprehend drunk accompanying one regretful lady (4,4)","Answer":"MISS OTIS","Explanation":"Definition: regretful lady\n **MISS** (fail) **containing** (to apprehend) (**SOT** [drunk] **+** [accompanying] **I** [Roman numeral for one])\n **MIS** (**S OT I**) **S"} {"Clue":"Coping badly with heat, leading to disease (10)","Answer":"PATHOGENIC","Explanation":"Definition: leading to disease\n **Anagram of** (badly) **COPING** and **HEAT**\n **PATHOGENIC"} {"Clue":"Some raucous noise reflected current elements (4)","Answer":"IONS","Explanation":"Definition: current elements\n **IONS** (**reversed** [reflected] **hidden word in** [some] **RAUCOUS NOISE**)\n **IONS**<"} {"Clue":"Religion accordingly includes suggestion (6)","Answer":"SHINTO","Explanation":"Definition: Religion\n **SO** (accordingly) **containing** (includes) **HINT** (suggestion)\n **S** (**HINT**) **O"} {"Clue":"Certainly poor performer is touring a county town (6)","Answer":"OAKHAM","Explanation":"Definition: county town\n (**OK** [yes; certainly] **containing** [touring] **A**) **+ HAM** (a poor actor or performer)\n **O** (**A**) **K** **HAM"} {"Clue":"Old players returning for City (4)","Answer":"OSLO","Explanation":"Definition: City\n (**O** [old] **+ LSO** [London Symphony Orchestra; players]) **all reversed** (returning)\n (**OSL O**)<"} {"Clue":"Nonplussed after conclusion of argument, having no leeway (5-5)","Answer":"POINT BLANK","Explanation":"Definition: having no leeway\n **POINT** (main element in the structure of an argument or discourse; conclusion of argument [?]) **+ BLANK** (nonplussed)\n **POINT BLANK"} {"Clue":"Flying of crane interrupted by large bird handler (8)","Answer":"FALCONER","Explanation":"Definition: bird handler\n **Anagram of** (flying) **OF CRANE** **containing** (interrupted by) **L** (large)\n **FA** (**L**) **CONER"} {"Clue":"Loves calls for attention, keeping working (6)","Answer":"HONEYS","Explanation":"Definition: Loves\n **HEYS** (calls for attention) **containing** (keeping) **ON** (working)\n **H** (**ON**) **EYS"} {"Clue":"With higher award initially received, medal is to be neglected (2,4)","Answer":"GO HANG","Explanation":"Definition: to be neglected\n **GONG** (medal) **containing** (with \u2026 received) **HA** (**first letters of** [initially] **each of** **HIGHER** and **AWARD**)\n **GO** (**H A**) **NG"} {"Clue":"Part of Scotland cheerful, having received grant (8)","Answer":"GALLOWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Part of Scotland\n **GAY** (cheerful) **containing** (having received) **ALLOW** (grant)\n **G** (**ALLOW**) **AY"} {"Clue":"Numbers say \u2013 and say rudely \u2013 \"There aren't many flowers here\" (8)","Answer":"NOSEGAYS","Explanation":"Definition: There aren't many flowers here\n **NOS** (numbers) **+ EG** (exempli gratia; for example) **+ an anagram of** (rudely) **SAY**\n **NOS** **E G AYS"} {"Clue":"Stupid fellow is blocking most of Hawaiian island (6)","Answer":"OAFISH","Explanation":"Definition: Stupid\n (**F** [fellow] **+ IS**) **contained in** (blocking) **OAHU** (one of the islands of Hawaii) **excluding the final letter** (most of) **U**\n **OA** (**F** **IS**) **H"} {"Clue":"Temperature from historic times had an effect (4)","Answer":"TOLD","Explanation":"Definition: had an effect\n **T** (temperature) **+ OLD** (from historic times)\n **T OLD"} {"Clue":"Work done at home source of concern for the USA, possibly (10)","Answer":"HOUSECRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: Work done at home\n **Anagram of** (possibly) **C** (**first letter of** [source of] **CONCERN**) and **FOR THE USA**\n **HOUSECRAFT"} {"Clue":"Speech cut? This looks bad, stupid (8)","Answer":"IDIOTISH","Explanation":"Definition: stupid\n **IDIOM** (linguistic usage natural to native speakers of a language; speech) **excluding the final letter** [cut] **M**) + **an anagram of** (looks bad) **THIS**\n **IDIO** **TISH"} {"Clue":"Country making no progress has to ditch male in leading position (6)","Answer":"NATION","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n **STAGNATION** (descriptive of a position where no progress is being made) **excluding** (has to ditch) **the first four letters** [leading position] **STAG** [male])\n **NATION"} {"Clue":"Party debut for miss in old cloak (6)","Answer":"DOMINO","Explanation":"Definition: cloak\n **DO** (party) **+ M** (**first letter of** [debut for] **MISS**) **+ IN + O** (old)\n **DO** **M IN O"} {"Clue":"Refuse to remain with enterprise (3-2-3-2)","Answer":"GET-UP-AND-GO","Explanation":"Definition: enterprise\n **GET UP AND GO** (refuse to remain) **sort of double definition** where the answer is hyphenated but the wordplay of similar constituent words is not hyphenated\n **GET-UP-AND-GO"} {"Clue":"Old warship, smooth around shore, avoiding North (8)","Answer":"IRONCLAD","Explanation":"Definition: Old warship\n **IRON** (press; smooth) **+ C** (circa; about; around) **+ LAND** (shore) **excluding** (avoiding) **N** (North)\n **IRON C LAD"} {"Clue":"Individual, by turning up, interrupting magazine? Its content is ready (5,3)","Answer":"MONEY BAG","Explanation":"Definition: Its content is ready\n (**ONE** [individual] **+ BY** [**reversed** [turning up; down entry]) **contained in** (interrupting) **MAG** (magazine)\n **M** (**ONE** **Y B**<) **AG"} {"Clue":"Reduced European capital to support work, heading off drilling site (3-3)","Answer":"OIL-RIG","Explanation":"Definition: drilling site\n **TOIL** (work) **excluding** (off) **the first letter** (heading) **T** **+ RIGA** (capital city of Latvia [European country]) **excluding the final letter** (reduced) **A**\n **OIL**\u2013**RIG"} {"Clue":"Sailor heads off upwards, securing a lanyard's end (3,3)","Answer":"SEA DOG","Explanation":"Definition: Sailor\n **GOES** (heads off) **reversed** (upwards; down entry) **containing** (securing) (**A** **+ D** [l**ast letter of** [end] **LANYARD**)\n **SE** (**A D**) **OG**<"} {"Clue":"Just the one academic doing for English or American writer (6)","Answer":"LONDON","Explanation":"Definition: American writer\n **LONE** (just the one) **excluding** (doing for) **E** (English) **+ DON** (academic)\n **LON DON"} {"Clue":"Hot boiling oil in Indian festival (4)","Answer":"HOLI","Explanation":"Definition: Indian festival\n **H** (hot) **+ an anagram of** (boiling) **OIL**\n **H OLI"} {"Clue":"Habits in a shower? (8)","Answer":"RAINWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Habits in a shower? (8)\n **RAINWEAR** (habits is a term used to describe customary dress) \u2013 cryptic definition\n **RAINWEAR"} {"Clue":"Batty woman in Alaska gets protection against the cold (6)","Answer":"ANORAK","Explanation":"Definition: protection against the cold\n **NORA** (reference **NORA** Batty, a female character [woman] in the TV sitcom, Last of the Summer Wine) **contained in** (in) **AK** (abbreviation for the American State of Alaska)\n **A** (**NORA**) **K"} {"Clue":"Marvin, say, when cycling noted symbol (4)","Answer":"ANKH","Explanation":"Definition: noted symbol\n **HANK** (reference **HANK** Marvin [born 1941], English multi-instrumentalist, vocalist and songwriter. He is widely known as the lead guitarist of the Shadows, a group which primarily performed instrumentals and was the backing band for Cliff Richard) **with the letters shifted left and round** (cycled) to form** ANKH**\n **ANKH"} {"Clue":"Lately Ukrainians stop aggressive force westward showing rapidity (5)","Answer":"SPEED","Explanation":"Definition: rapidity\n **SPEED** (**final** [lately] **letters of each of UKRAINIANS**, **STOP**, **AGGRESSIVE**, **FORCE**, **WESTWARD**)\n **SPEED"} {"Clue":"Greeting adopted in South America for a group of believers (4)","Answer":"SHIA","Explanation":"Definition: group of believers\n **HI** (greeting) **contained in** (stopped by) **SA** (South America)\n **S** (**HI**)** A"} {"Clue":"Recognised young athlete as somewhat unhappy? (4-4)","Answer":"HALF-BLUE","Explanation":"Definition: Recognised young athlete\n **HALF-BLUE** (somewhat sad)\n **HALF-BLUE"} {"Clue":"Welsh woman infiltrates a society for non-Europeans (6)","Answer":"ASIANS","Explanation":"Definition: non-Europeans\n **SIAN** (Welsh lady's name) **contained in** (infiltrates) (**A + S** [society])\n **A** (**SIAN**) **S"} {"Clue":"Attacked capital proving somewhat risky, I venture (4)","Answer":"KYIV","Explanation":"Definition: Attacked capital\n **KYIV** (**hidden word in** [somewhat] **RISKY I VENTURE**) Probably an &Lit clue where the definition could be considered to be the whole clue\n **KYIV"} {"Clue":"Second rental property turned into facility for drivers (5)","Answer":"MOTEL","Explanation":"Definition: facility for drivers\n **MO** (moment; second) **+ LET** (rental property) **reversed** (turned)\n **MO TEL**<"} {"Clue":"Bloomer shown by the Italian in large yard (4)","Answer":"LILY","Explanation":"Definition: Bloomer\n **IL** (Italian for 'the') **contained in** (in) (**L** [large] **+ Y** [yard])\n **L** (**IL**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Woman across a bay, maybe, briefly (6)","Answer":"ASTRID","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\n **ASTRIDE** (sitting across the back of a bay [horse], for example) **excluding the final letter** (briefly) **E**\n **ASTRID"} {"Clue":"Sensational media boss became sickly looking (8)","Answer":"YELLOWED","Explanation":"Definition: became sickly looking\n **YELLOW** (informal term meaning sensational) **+ ED** (**ED**itor; media boss)\n **YELLOW ED"} {"Clue":"Son with uniform in sports car looking self-satisfied (4)","Answer":"SMUG","Explanation":"Definition: looking self-satisfied\n **S** (son) **+** (**U** [Uniform is the International Radio Codeword for the letter **U**] **contained in** [in] **MG** [marque of a sports car])\n **S** **M** (**U**)** G"} {"Clue":"Rex is given approval for an alternative to sushi? (5)","Answer":"RAMEN","Explanation":"Definition: an alternative to sushi\n **R** (Rex) **+ AMEN** (a term of approval)\n **R AMEN"} {"Clue":"Grouping welcomed by citizen at Odessa? (4)","Answer":"NATO","Explanation":"Definition: Grouping\n **NATO** (hidden word in [welcomed by] **CITIZEN AT ODESSA**)\n **NATO"} {"Clue":"Celebrity losing a form of appeal touring clubs? That's harsh (6)","Answer":"STRICT","Explanation":"Definition: harsh\n **STAR** (celebrity) **excluding** (losing) **A** **+** (**IT** [sex appeal] **containing** [touring] **C** [clubs])\n **STR** **I** (**C**) **T"} {"Clue":"Arms went astray for those lacking integrity (5,3)","Answer":"STRAW MEN","Explanation":"Definition: those lacking integrity\n **Anagram of** (astray) **ARMS WENT**\n **STRAW MEN"} {"Clue":"African leader once upset UK and America (6)","Answer":"KAUNDA","Explanation":"Definition: African leader once\n **Anagram of** (upset) **UK AND** **+ A** (America) OR a**n anagram of all constituent parts** **UK AND A**\n **KAUND*** **+ A** **OR** **KAUNDA"} {"Clue":"No substantial measure favoured by the Chinese (4)","Answer":"INCH","Explanation":"Definition: No substantial measure\n **IN** (favoured) **+ CH** (Chinese)\n **IN CH"} {"Clue":"Part of a fleet, maybe, leaves at sea with sun covering area (6)","Answer":"VESSEL","Explanation":"Definition: Part of a fleet\n **Anagram of** (at sea) **LEAVES** with **S** (sun) **replacing** (covering) **A** (area)\n **VESSEL"} {"Clue":"Native American restricted set of beliefs (4)","Answer":"CREE","Explanation":"Definition: Native American\n **CREED** (any system of belief or set of principles) **excluding the final letter** (restricted) **D**\n **CREE"} {"Clue":"An offence in one sport or another (8)","Answer":"HANDBALL","Explanation":"Definition: another\n **HAND BALL** (in some sports, such as football, it is an offence to handle the ball if you are not the goalkeeper)\n **HANDBALL"} {"Clue":"Queen's person in general with energy prominently visible for long periods (4)","Answer":"EONS","Explanation":"Definition: long periods\n **ONES** (I think this a reference to the Royal Family [Queen] referring to themselves as **ONE** rather than I) with **E** [energy] **moved to the front** (prominent position)\n **EONS"} {"Clue":"Russian leader unsettled 30 around start of invasion with a piece of lunacy \u2013 not being this? (8)","Answer":"RATIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: this\n **R** (**first letter of** [leader] **RUSSIA**) + (**an anagram of** [unsettled] **NATO** [entry at 30 across]) **containing** [around] **I** [**first letter of** {start of} **INVASION**]) **+ A + L** (**first letter of** [piece of] LUNACY)\n **R** **AT** (**I**) **ON*** **A L"} {"Clue":"Note fine Buckinghamshire village (5)","Answer":"FIVER","Explanation":"Definition: Note\n **F** (fine) **+ IVER** (village in Buckinghamshire)\n **F IVER"} {"Clue":"Guard barring the latest of Russians seeking access? (5)","Answer":"ENTRY","Explanation":"Definition: access\n **SENTRY** (guard) **excluding** (barring) **S** (**last letter of** [latest of] RUSSIAN**S**)\n **ENTRY"} {"Clue":"Current unending misery in place associated with cold? (5)","Answer":"IGLOO","Explanation":"Definition: place associated with cold\n **I** (electric current) **+ GLOOM** (misery) **excluding the final letter** (unending) **M**\n **I GLOO"} {"Clue":"Some yet to be excited about island in national park (8)","Answer":"YOSEMITE","Explanation":"Definition: national park\n **Anagram of** (to be excited) **SOME YET** **containing** (about) **I** (island)\n **YOSEM** (**I**) **TE"} {"Clue":"Group planning defence by Ukraine ultimately organised rota at a fair speed? (8)","Answer":"MODERATO","Explanation":"Definition: at a fair speed\n **MOD** (Ministry of Defence; group planning defence) **+ E** (**final letter of** [ultimately]) **UKRAINE** **+ an anagram of** (organised) **ROTA**\n **MOD** **E RATO"} {"Clue":"Left notes for unaccompanied types (6)","Answer":"LONERS","Explanation":"Definition: unaccompanied types\n **L** (left) **+ ONERS** (\u00a31 notes, though I doubt if you will find many these days)\n **L ONERS"} {"Clue":"Course in headquarters first off attended by European (6)","Answer":"ENTREE","Explanation":"Definition: Course\n **CENTRE** (headquarters) **excluding** (off) **the initial letter** (first) **C + E** (Europeans)\n **ENTRE E"} {"Clue":"Greek papers featuring in network (4)","Answer":"GRID","Explanation":"Definition: network\n **GR** (Greek) **+ ID** (identity papers)\n **GR ID"} {"Clue":"Million with request for form of protection (4)","Answer":"MASK","Explanation":"Definition: form of protection\n **M** (million) **+ ASK** (request)\n **M ASK"} {"Clue":"Nice weight outwardly for an amphibian (4)","Answer":"NEWT","Explanation":"NE** (**outer letters** [outwardly] **of NICE** **+ WT** (**outer letters** [outwardly] **of WEIGHT**)\n **NE WT"} {"Clue":"Attempt to shoot down Shakespeare? (4,2,4)","Answer":"FIRE AT WILL","Explanation":"Definition: Attempt to shoot down Shakespeare\n **FIRE AT WILL** (shoot specifically at **WILL**iam Shakespeare) This just looks like a cryptic definition\n **FIRE AT WILL"} {"Clue":"Long account from bores again (4)","Answer":"SAGA","Explanation":"Definition: Long account\n **SAGA** (**hidden word in** [from] **BORES AGAIN**)\n **SAGA"} {"Clue":"Render coarse gallows humour for starters in French city (7)","Answer":"ROUGHEN","Explanation":"Definition: Render coarse\n **GH** (**first letters** [for starters] **of each of** **GALLOWS** and **HUMOUR**) **contained in** (in) **ROUEN** (city in Normandy, France)\n **ROU** (**G** **H**) **EN"} {"Clue":"English Brexiters in but showing obvious hangover? (4,3)","Answer":"BEER GUT","Explanation":"Definition: obvious hangover\n (**E** [English] **+ ERG** [European Research Group \u2013 a research support group of Eurosceptic Conservative Members of Parliament of the United Kingdom who favoured withdrawal from the European Union [Brexit] and now continue to seek withdrawal from other European organisations; Brexiters) **contained in** (in) **BUT**\n **B** (**E** **ER G)** **UT"} {"Clue":"Spooner's diver could have second job (9)","Answer":"MOONLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: have second job\n Reverend Spooner would pronounce **MOONLIGHT** as **LOON** [any of an order of northern diving birds] **+ MIGHT** [could]\n **MOONLIGHT"} {"Clue":"Secret \u2014 keep away from publican (5)","Answer":"INNER","Explanation":"Definition: Secret\n **INNKEEPER** (publican) **excluding** (away from) **KEEP**\n **INNER"} {"Clue":"Former potentate at last getting stick (5)","Answer":"PASTE","Explanation":"Definition: stick\n **PAST** (former) **+ E** (**final letter of** [last] **POTENTATE**)\n **PAST E"} {"Clue":"Signs system recomposed anew with Papa dropped (5,4)","Answer":"MORSE CODE","Explanation":"Definition: Signs system\n **Anagram of** (anew) **RECOMPOSED** **excluding** (dropped) **P** (Papa is the International Radio Communication codeword for the letter **P**)\n **MORSE CODE"} {"Clue":"Pet saying abused the population at Memphis? (9)","Answer":"EGYPTIANS","Explanation":"Definition: population at Memphis\n **Anagram of** (abused) **PET SAYING**\n **EGYPTIANS"} {"Clue":"Jumper may have this very small winning margin (1,4)","Answer":"V NECK","Explanation":"Definition: Jumper may have this\n **V** (very) **+ NECK** (descriptive a small winning margin in horse races)\n **V NECK"} {"Clue":"Author Edith briefly backed Norwegian one (5)","Answer":"IBSEN","Explanation":"Definition: Norwegian one\n **NESBIT** (reference Edith **NESBIT** [1858 \u2013 1924], English poet and children's author) **excluding the final letter** (briefly) **T** and then **reversed** (backed)\n **IBSEN**<"} {"Clue":"Johnson taken in by cunning southern tree experts (9)","Answer":"ARBORISTS","Explanation":"Definition: tree experts\n **BORIS** (reference **BORIS** Johnson, United Kingdom Prime Minister) **contained in** (taken in by) (**ART** [craft; cunning] **+ S** [southern])\n **AR** (**BORIS**) **T S"} {"Clue":"Rich source of malevolent spirits causing collapse? (7)","Answer":"IMPLODE","Explanation":"Definition: collapse\n **IMP** (malevolent spirit) **+ LODE** (a source of valuable minerals, or in the case of this clue a source of **IMP**s)\n **IMP LODE"} {"Clue":"Sinister look from Levi troubled detective (4,3)","Answer":"EVIL EYE","Explanation":"Definition: Sinister look\n **Anagram of** (troubled) **LEVI** **+ EYE** (reference Private **EYE** [detective])\n **EVIL*** **EYE"} {"Clue":"Leading lady welcoming a Liberal peer (4)","Answer":"EARL","Explanation":"Definition: peer\n (**ER** [Elizabeth Regina; Queen Elizabeth [leading lady] **containing** [welcoming] **A**) **+ L** (Liberal)\n **E** (**A**) **R** **L"} {"Clue":"Crucible girl can sink ball with gravitational effect (7,3)","Answer":"MELTING POT","Explanation":"Definition: Crucible girl\n **MEL** (**MEL**anie [girl's name]) **+ TIN** (can) **+** (**G** [acceleration due to gravity] **+** [having an effect on] **POT** [sink a ball in pool, billiards, snooker etc])\n **MEL TIN G POT"} {"Clue":"Discussion venue that supports hesitation? (5)","Answer":"FORUM","Explanation":"Definition: Discussion venue\n **FOR** (supports) **+ UM** (expression of hesitation)\n **FOR UM"} {"Clue":"With harsh loudness Ursula & Co bashed Yankee (9)","Answer":"RAUCOUSLY","Explanation":"Definition: With harsh loudness\n **Anagram of** (bashed) **URSULA** and **CO** **+ Y** (Yankee is the International Radio Communication codeword for the letter **Y**)\n **RAUCOUSL*** **Y"} {"Clue":"Adult with cold, terrible snot: need strong tissue? (8,6)","Answer":"ACHILLES TENDON","Explanation":"Definition: strong tissue\n **A** (adult) **+ CHILL** (cold) **+ an anagram of** (terrible) **SNOT NEED**\n **A** **CHILL** **ES TENDON"} {"Clue":"Sweet victory over Spain with cup lifted (4,3)","Answer":"WINE GUM","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\n **WIN** (victory) **+** (over; down entry) **E** (International Vehicle Registration for Spain) **+ MUG (**cup) **reversed** (lifted; down entry)\n **WIN** **E GUM**<"} {"Clue":"Throw back tailless crustacean (7)","Answer":"LOBSTER","Explanation":"Definition: crustacean\n **LOB** (throw) **+ STERN** (rear; back) **excluding the final letter** (tailless) **N**\n **LOB STER"} {"Clue":"Element in technical speech Jack ignored (5)","Answer":"ARGON","Explanation":"Definition: Element\n **JARGON** (terminology of a profession; technical speech) **excluding** (ignored) **J** (jack)\n **ARGON"} {"Clue":"Craft surface as a tribute to Garland? (9)","Answer":"AFTERDECK","Explanation":"Definition: Craft surface\n **AFTER** (in the style or manner of; as a tribute to) **+ DECK** (adorn; garland)\n **AFTER DECK"} {"Clue":"Book such as gets one over sin, might we deduce? (7,7)","Answer":"REVISED VERSION","Explanation":"Definition: Book\n **OVER SIN** could be clued [gets one] in a cryptic crossword as **REVISED VERSION** where **REVISED** is the anagram indicator and **VERSION** is the anagram fodder\n **REVISED VERSION"} {"Clue":"Price changed? Price not right? It's very steep! (9)","Answer":"PRECIPICE","Explanation":"Definition: It's very steep\n **Anagram of** (changed) **PRICE** **+ PRICE** **excluding** (not) **R** (right)\n **PRECI* PICE"} {"Clue":"Have at least forty-one winks? (9)","Answer":"OVERSLEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Have at least forty-one winks\n **OVERSLEEP** \u2013 this is just a cryptic definition based on the term 40 winks for a short nap\n **OVERSLEEP"} {"Clue":"Answer arrived about Donne's case in scholarly life (7)","Answer":"ACADEME","Explanation":"Definition: scholarly life\n **A** (answer) **+** (**CAME** [arrived] **containing** [about] **DE** [**outer letters of** {case of} **DONNE**])\n **A** **CA** (**DE**) **ME"} {"Clue":"Overturned coach on green causing upset (7)","Answer":"SUBVERT","Explanation":"Definition: upset\n **BUS** (coach) **reversed** (overturned) **+ VERT** (green colour)\n **SUB**< **VERT"} {"Clue":"Excellent to dine with 27 occasionally (5)","Answer":"SUPER","Explanation":"Definition: Excellent\n **SUP** (dine) **+ ER** (**letters 1 and 3** [occasionally] **of** **EARL** [entry at 27 across])\n **SUP ER"} {"Clue":"Away from wind in street in unpleasant weather (5)","Answer":"SLEET","Explanation":"Definition: unpleasant weather\n **LEE** (sheltered side; away from the wind) **contained in** (in) **ST** (street)\n **S** (**LEE**) **T"} {"Clue":"Very naughty boy born our bastard High King (5,4)","Answer":"BRIAN BORU","Explanation":"Definition: High King\n **BRIAN** (reference the title character of the Monty Python film The Life of **BRIAN** where **BRIAN**'s mother said 'he is not The Messiah, he is a very naughty boy') **+ B** (born) + **an anagram of** (bastard) **OUR**\n **BRIAN** **B** **ORU"} {"Clue":"Schweinehund one good to be released as stray? (2-3)","Answer":"PI-DOG","Explanation":"Definition: stray\n **PIG** (Schweine is the German for pig) **+ DOG** (Hund is the German for dog), put together we get **PIGDOG** **excluding** (to be released) one of the **G**s (good) We need to exclude the first **G**\n **PI**\u2013**DOG"} {"Clue":"Tory woman in support for corporation? (5)","Answer":"TRUSS","Explanation":"Definition: Tory woman\n **TRUSS** (surgical appliance for retaining a reduced hernia; support for corporation, as a hernia usually occurs in the stomach or abdomen) double definition\n **TRUSS"} {"Clue":"Mother outside hotel beginning to enter drunk state (9)","Answer":"MINNESOTA","Explanation":"Definition: state\n **MA** (mother) **containing** (outside) (**INN** [hotel] **+ E** [**first letter of** {beginning to} **ENTER**] **+ SOT** [a drunk])\n **M** (**INN E SOT**) **A"} {"Clue":"Old poetry university dons do to death (7)","Answer":"OVERUSE","Explanation":"Definition: do to death\n **O** (old) **+** (**U** [university] **contained in** [dons] **VERSE** [poetry])\n **O** **VER** (**U**) **SE"} {"Clue":"Non-oven-ready option: create vacancy for 11? (7)","Answer":"DEFROST","Explanation":"Definition: Non-oven-ready option\n **DE-FROST** (I think this is a reference to Lord **FROST** who used to be Britain's Brexit negotiator and Minister for Europe before he resigned in disagreement with the policies of his own government. I think Liz **TRUSS** [entry at 11 across] then took on Lord **FROST**'s responsibilities. By resigning, **FROST** therefore created a vacancy for **TRUSS**)\n **DEFROST"} {"Clue":"Maimonides for one having no time to talk (5)","Answer":"RABBI","Explanation":"Definition: Maimonides for one\n **RABBIT** (talk a lot) **excluding** (having no) **T** (time)\n **RABBI"} {"Clue":"Wrong end of torpedo going off (3)","Answer":"SIN","Explanation":"Definition: Wrong\n **SINK** (torpedo) **excluding **(going off) **the final letter** (end of) **K**\n **SIN"} {"Clue":"Tasty plant in porridge, we hear (5)","Answer":"THYME","Explanation":"Definition: Tasty plant\n **THYME** (**sounds like** [we hear] **TIME** [a period in prison]) **PORRIDGE** is a slang term meaning to spend time in prison)\n **THYME"} {"Clue":"Trickery from the French in great deal (7)","Answer":"SLEIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Trickery\n **LE** (one of the French forms of 'the') **contained in** (in) **SIGHT** (a great deal)\n **S** (**LE**) **IGHT"} {"Clue":"Find outskirts of Langley weird (9)","Answer":"UNEARTHLY","Explanation":"Definition: Find\n **UNEARTH** (bring to light; find) **+ LY** (**first and last letters of** [outskirts of] **LANGLEY**)\n **UNEARTH LY"} {"Clue":"Spotted scavenger bringing money into hot area (5)","Answer":"HYENA","Explanation":"Definition: Spotted scavenger\n (**H** [hot] **+ A** [area]) **containing** (bringing \u2026 into) **YEN** ([Japanese] money)\n **H** (**YEN**) **A"} {"Clue":"Limerick perhaps shortened to make an impression (5)","Answer":"COUNT","Explanation":"Definition: make an impression\n **COUNTY** (Limerick is an Irish county) **excluding the final letter** (shortened) **Y**\n **COUNT"} {"Clue":"Getting fine: villain at last going straight? (9)","Answer":"NARROWING","Explanation":"Definition: Getting fine\n **N** (**final letter of** [at last] **VILLAIN**) **+ ARROWING** (going straight)\n **N ARROWING"} {"Clue":"A club to set up church teaching? Proper shambles (8)","Answer":"ABATTOIR","Explanation":"Definition: shambles\n **A** **+ BAT** (club) **+ TO + RI** (Religious Instruction; church teaching) **reversed** (set up; down entry)\n **A** **BAT TO IR**<"} {"Clue":"Tees had turned old instrument tone down (6)","Answer":"DILUTE","Explanation":"Definition: tone down\n **I'D** (I had; Tees [setter] had) **reversed** (turned) **+ LUTE** (old stringed instrument)\n **DI**< **LUTE"} {"Clue":"Modest disrobing? (10)","Answer":"UNASSUMING","Explanation":"Definition: Modest disrobing\n **UNASSUMING** (probably a cryptic definition of taking off one's clothes. **ASSUME** can be defined as 'take on', but do we assume our clothes?)\n **UNASSUMING"} {"Clue":"Red route south from Leeds seen in advance (6)","Answer":"COMMIE","Explanation":"Definition: Red\n **MI** (the **M1** motorway runs south from Leeds to London) **contained in** (seen in) **COME** (advance [towards])\n **COM** (**MI**) **E"} {"Clue":"Got going? By implication no! (6,2)","Answer":"TURNED ON","Explanation":"Definition: Got going\n **TURNED ON** (probably a reference to sexual attraction where one will not want to leave having been **TURNED ON** by another)\n **TURNED ON**\n I suppose the entry could be **TURNED IN** (retired to bed, so would not be leaving or going) but I think the entry is **TURNED ON"} {"Clue":"Son breaks mirror in domed recess (4)","Answer":"APSE","Explanation":"Definition: domed recess\n **S** (son) **contained in** (in) **APE** (mimic; mirror)\n **AP** (**S**) **E"} {"Clue":"Philosophy old yogi developed around energy (8)","Answer":"IDEOLOGY","Explanation":"Definition: Philosophy\n **Anagram of** (developed) **OLD YOGI containing** (around) **E** (energy)\n **ID** (**E**) **OLOGY"} {"Clue":"Shocked at gash that looks nasty (6)","Answer":"AGHAST","Explanation":"Definition: Shocked\n **Anagram of** (that looks nasty) **AT GASH**\n **AGHAST"} {"Clue":"Huge great king around house being old man? (10)","Answer":"FATHERHOOD","Explanation":"Definition: being old man\n **FAT** (huge [great]) **+** (**HEROD** [example of a {great} king] **containing** [around] **HO** [house]) I am not sure whether the word 'great' is relevant to **FAT** or **HEROD** or both in the wordplay.\n **FAT** **HER** (**HO**) **OD"} {"Clue":"Hunks crossing ring road to get port or claret (8)","Answer":"BORDEAUX","Explanation":"Definition: port or claret\n **BEAUX** (sexually attractive men; hunks) **containing** (crossing) (**O** [ring shaped character] **+ RD** [road])\n **B** (**O RD**) **EAUX"} {"Clue":"Ignore symptom Spooner reports in good weather (8)","Answer":"SUNSHINE","Explanation":"Definition: good weather\n Reverend Spooner might pronounce **SUNSHINE** as **SHUN** (ignore) **SIGN** (symptom)\n **SUNSHINE"} {"Clue":"Separate book top class won't need (8)","Answer":"ESTRANGE","Explanation":"Definition: Separate\n (**BEST** [top] **+ RANGE** [class]) **excluding** (won't need) **B** (book)\n **EST RANGE"} {"Clue":"Quiet snow leopard to attack as cats do (6)","Answer":"POUNCE","Explanation":"Definition: attack as cats do\n **P** (piano; quiet) **+ OUNCE** (the snow leopard)\n **P OUNCE"} {"Clue":"Crime writer speaks about leading lady (6)","Answer":"SAYERS","Explanation":"Definition: Crime writer\n **SAYS** (speaks) **containing** (about) **ER** (Elizabeth Regina; Queen; leading lady)\n **SAY** (**ER**) **S"} {"Clue":"Green part in smoke that rolls over tongue (6)","Answer":"GAELIC","Explanation":"Definition: tongue\n (**LEA** [meadow; green] **contained in** [in] **CIG** [**CIG**arette; smoke]) **all reversed** (that rolls over)\n (**G** (**AEL**) **IC**)<"} {"Clue":"Corrupt English teaching system (4)","Answer":"ROTE","Explanation":"Definition: teaching system\n **ROT** (corrupt) **+ E** (English)\n **ROT E"} {"Clue":"One with monkey traditionally ranging bananas in sequence (12)","Answer":"ORGAN-GRINDER","Explanation":"Definition: One with monkey traditionally\n **Anagram of** (bananas) **RANGING** **contained in** (in) **ORDER** (sequence)\n **OR** (**GAN GRIN***) **DER"} {"Clue":"Muslim accepting a rule in Muslim legal code (6)","Answer":"SHARIA","Explanation":"Definition: Muslim legal code\n **SHIA** (follower of a branch of Islam; Muslim) **containing** (accepting) (**A + R** [rule])\n **SH** (**A R**) **IA"} {"Clue":"Learnt as of old to forgive one being released (4)","Answer":"COND","Explanation":"Definition: Learnt as of old\n **CONDONE** (forgive) **excluding** (being released) **ONE**\n **COND"} {"Clue":"Frozen bits afloat 'e fed to wild rats and other vermin (9)","Answer":"STREAM-ICE","Explanation":"Definition: Frozen bits afloat\n (**E contained in** [fed to] **an anagram of** [wild] **RATS**) **+ MICE** ([other] vermin)\n **STR** (**E**) **A*** **M ICE"} {"Clue":"Bouffant style it could be made up of \u2026 (4)","Answer":"POUF","Explanation":"Definition: Bouffant style\n **Anagram of** (could be made) **UP OF**\n **POUF"} {"Clue":"\u2026 To surpass another hairdo (4)","Answer":"BANG","Explanation":"Definition: To surpass\n **BANG** (fringe, hair cut square across the brow; hairdo) **double definition**\n **BANG"} {"Clue":"One coin or two with ruler's head imprinted (4)","Answer":"DURO","Explanation":"Definition: One coin\n **DUO** (two) **containing** (with \u2026 imprinted) **R** (**first letter of** [head] **RULER**)\n **DU** (**R**) **O"} {"Clue":"Sort of cartoon distributed by cinema clubs lost (5)","Answer":"ANIME","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of cartoon\n **Anagram of** (distributed by) **CINEMA** **excluding** (lost) **C** (clubs)\n **ANIME"} {"Clue":"Sniffer dog making hit, including drug (4)","Answer":"LEAM","Explanation":"Definition: Sniffer dog\n **LAM** (hit) **containing** (including) **E** (ecstasy; drug)\n **L** (**E**) **AM"} {"Clue":"Character, one hiring out property? (6)","Answer":"LETTER","Explanation":"Definition: Character\n **LETTER** (one hiring out property) **double definition**\n **LETTER"} {"Clue":"Tries Eiger possibly: e.g. this is unfolded? (6)","Answer":"ETRIER","Explanation":"Definition: this\n **TRIES EIGER** is an anagram (possibly) **ETRIER EG IS** so if **EG IS is excluded** [unfolded] we are left with an **anagram of ETRIER**\n **ETRIER"} {"Clue":"Goal's first one just before time? Sign of boredom at Ibrox (4)","Answer":"GANT","Explanation":"Definition: Sign of boredom at Ibrox\n **G** (**first letter of** [first] **GOAL**) **+ AN** (one) **+ T** (time)\n **G AN T"} {"Clue":"Quiz: what do some locos run on? (5)","Answer":"TRAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Quiz\n **T-RAIL** (a rail with a T-shaped cross section on which some locomotives (locos) can run) **double definition**\n **TRAIL"} {"Clue":"What makes Scots team \u2026 sing about this strip? (4)","Answer":"TIRL","Explanation":"Definition: strip\n **STIRLING** (The football club in **STIRLING** is **STIRLING** Albion, but there may be another sport where the team is just named **STIRLING**) is formed by **SING** **containing** (about) **TIRL** [the entry]\n **TIRL"} {"Clue":"Pet: that's fed nothing for tea? (4)","Answer":"PEKE","Explanation":"Definition: Pet\n If you add an **O** to (fed) **PEKE** you can form **PEK** (**O**) **E** (a scented black tea)\n **PEKE"} {"Clue":"Delight where penitents were found, Ali being knocked out (4)","Answer":"GLEE","Explanation":"Definition: Delight\n **GALILEE** (a porch or chapel at the west end of some churches, in which penitents were placed) **excluding** (being knocked out) **ALI**\n **GLEE"} {"Clue":"Capsized canoe lay where dolphins are kept? (9)","Answer":"OCEANARIA","Explanation":"Definition: where dolphins are kept\n **Anagram of** (capsized) **CANOE** **+ ARIA** (song; lay)\n **OCEAN*** **ARIA"} {"Clue":"Celebrity fellow given a turn before end of performance (4)","Answer":"NAME","Explanation":"Definition: Celebrity\n **MAN** (fellow) **reversed** (given a turn) **+ E** (**last letter of** [end of] **PERFORMANCE**)\n **NAM**< **E"} {"Clue":"At home with backward kind, we'll show numbers are coming (6)","Answer":"INTROS","Explanation":"Definition: we'll show numbers are coming\n **IN** (at home) **+ SORT** (kind) **reversed** (backward)\n **IN TROS**<"} {"Clue":"Agreeable quality, sign seen with pals mixing (12)","Answer":"PLEASINGNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Agreeable quality\n **Anagram of** (mixing) **SIGN SEEN** and **PALS**\n **PLEASINGNESS"} {"Clue":"Hero swimming over river in shifting climate, gauging current (12)","Answer":"RHEOMETRICAL","Explanation":"Definition: gauging current\n **Anagram of** (swimming) **HERO** **+** (**R** [river] **contained in** [in] **an anagram of** [shifting] **CLIMATE**) This being a down entry the first anagram component is placed over the remainder of the wordplay.\n **RHEO*** **MET** (**R**) **ICAL"} {"Clue":"Demi-god policeman (not English) detains for all to see (6)","Answer":"GARUDA","Explanation":"Definition: Demi-god\n **GARDA** (Irish policeman, hence not English) **containing** (detains) **U** (universal; film designation indicating that the film can be seen by anyone)\n **GAR** (**U**) **DA"} {"Clue":"Fool on lake, making dive (7)","Answer":"NITERIE","Explanation":"Definition: dive\n **NIT** (fool) **+ ERIE** (reference Lake **ERIE**, one of the Great Lakes in North America)\n **NIT ERIE"} {"Clue":"Tree cut short in trail raised to form part of ship's structure (8)","Answer":"GARBOARD","Explanation":"Definition: part of ship's structure\n **ARBOR** (tree) **excluding the final letter** (cut short) **R contained in** (in) **DRAG** (trail) **reversed** (raised; down entry)\n **G** (**ARBO**) **ARD**<"} {"Clue":"Fibrous stuff for paper forming part of letterhead (4)","Answer":"RHEA","Explanation":"Definition: Fibrous stuff for paper\n **RHEA** (**hidden word** [forming part of] **LETTERHEAD**)\n **RHEA"} {"Clue":"POTUS's ex, I, American seen welcoming leaders? (5)","Answer":"IVANA","Explanation":"Definition: POTUS's ex\n (**I** **+ A** [American]) **containing** (seen welcoming) **VAN** [vanguard, leaders])\n **I** (**VAN**) **A"} {"Clue":"Jock's gaga, climbing tree after party (6)","Answer":"DOITIT","Explanation":"Definition: Jock's gaga\n **DO** (party) **+ TITI** (shrub or small tree native to southern United States) **reversed** (raised; down entry)\n **DO** **ITIT**<"} {"Clue":"Colonial administrators endorse changes and arrive with number introduced (12)","Answer":"ENCOMENDEROS","Explanation":"Definition: Colonial administrators\n **Anagram of** (changes) **ENDORSE** **containing** (introduced) (**COME** [arrive] **+ N** [number])\n **EN** (**COME N**) **DEROS"} {"Clue":"Grammatical addition yielding first of idioms in fashion (10)","Answer":"SUPPLETION","Explanation":"Definition: Grammatical addition\n **SUPPLE** (yielding) **+** (**I** [**first letter of** {first of} **IDIOMS**] **contained in** [in] **TON** [fashion])\n **SUPPLE** **T** (**I**) **ON"} {"Clue":"Remain loyal? More so, rarely without merit (10)","Answer":"DESERTLESS","Explanation":"Definition: rarely without merit\n **DESERT LESS** (a slightly cryptic way of telling someone to remain loyal)\n **DESERTLESS"} {"Clue":"Purgative subsequently ingested by one in Germany (8)","Answer":"ELATERIN","Explanation":"Definition: Purgative\n **LATER** (subsequently) **contained in** (ingested by) **EIN** (German for one)\n **E** (**LATER**) **IN"} {"Clue":"Cutting off fuel limits one (7)","Answer":"ELIDING","Explanation":"Definition: Cutting off\n **ELDING** (fuel) **containing** (limits) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **EL** (**I**) **DING"} {"Clue":"Type of inflorescence to move rapidly round centre of argemone (6)","Answer":"RACEME","Explanation":"Definition: Type of inflorescence\n **RACE** (move rapidly) **containing** (around) **EM** (**central letters of** [centre of] **ARGEMONE**)\n **RAC** (**EM**) **E"} {"Clue":"SA line dividing passage once (6)","Answer":"ALLURE","Explanation":"Definition: SA\n **L** (line) **contained in** (dividing) **ALURE** (old word for a passage)\n **A** (**L**) **LURE"} {"Clue":"I kept in contact, say, requiring little effort vocally (5)","Answer":"LENIS","Explanation":"Definition: requiring little effort vocally\n **I** **contained in** (kept in) **LENS** (reference a contact **LENS**)\n **LEN** (**I**) **S"} {"Clue":"Oriental fruit? Kilo goes into foreign food (4)","Answer":"KAKI","Explanation":"Definition: Oriental fruit\n **K** (kilogram) **contained in** (goes into) **KAI** (New Zealand term for food)\n **KA** (**K**)** I"} {"Clue":"German brought in to give tour of fair venue (10)","Answer":"SHOWGROUND","Explanation":"Definition: fair venue\n **G** (German) **contained in** (brought in to) **SHOW ROUND** (give tour of)\n **SHOW** (**G**) **ROUND"} {"Clue":"Recalled expression of surprise with church having acoustic feature (4)","Answer":"ECHO","Explanation":"Definition: acoustic feature\n (**OH** [expression of surprise] **+ CE** [Church {of England}]) **all reversed** (recalled)\n (**EC HO**)<"} {"Clue":"Positive force in building? That's the ideal state (10)","Answer":"PERFECTION","Explanation":"Definition: the ideal state\n **P** (positive) **+** (**F** [force] **contained in** [in] **ERECTION** [building])****\n **P ****ER **(**F**)** ECTION"} {"Clue":"Pipe came up with lumps or swellings (8)","Answer":"TUBE","Explanation":"Definition: with lumps or swellings\n **TUBE** (pipe) + **ROSE** (came up)\n **TUBE ROSE"} {"Clue":"Japanese broth recipe's the last word (5)","Answer":"RAMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Japanese broth\n **R** (recipe) **+ AMEN** (the last word)\n **R AMEN"} {"Clue":"Rejected intent to import English ways in Pacific region (9)","Answer":"MELANESIA","Explanation":"Definition: Pacific region\n **AIM** (intent) **reversed** (rejected) **containing** (to import) (**E** [English] **+ LANES** [paths; ways])\n **M** (**E** **LANES**) **IA**<"} {"Clue":"Fellow among celebrities is a top performer (8)","Answer":"FINALIST","Explanation":"Definition: top performer\n **F** (fellow) **+ IN** (among) **+ A-LIST** (descriptive of the current people rated as celebrities)\n **F IN ALIST"} {"Clue":"Villa well placed in court (6)","Answer":"CHALET","Explanation":"Definition: Villa\n **HALE** (healthy; well) **contained in** (placed in) **CT** (court)\n **C** (**HALE**) **T"} {"Clue":"Scoundrel receiving award from Queen leads to trouble (6)","Answer":"CUMBER","Explanation":"Definition: trouble\n **CUR** (scoundrel) **containing** (receiving) **MBE** (Member of the British Empire [award from the Queen])\n **CU** (**MBE**) **R"} {"Clue":"Meal parts too well cooked? (3,5)","Answer":"POT ROAST","Explanation":"Definition: Meal\n **Anagram of** (cooked) **PARTS TOO**\n **POT ROAST"} {"Clue":"My son returned in a measured way, completing a sort of pattern? (9)","Answer":"SYMMETRIC","Explanation":"Definition: a sort of pattern\n (**MY** **+ S** [son]) **reversed** (returned) **+ METRIC** (quantitative; in a measured way. Also descriptive of a decimal system of weights and measures)\n (**S** **YM**)< **METRIC"} {"Clue":"Happen to catch free union member (5)","Answer":"BRIDE","Explanation":"Definition: union member\n **BE** (exist; happen) **containing** (catch) **RID** (free)\n **B** (**RID**) **E"} {"Clue":"Healthy expression of group intent (4)","Answer":"WELL","Explanation":"Definition: Healthy\n **WE'LL** (we [descriptive of a group] will [intend to]; expression of group intent) **double definition**\n **WELL"} {"Clue":"Component of program revised by best in our university (10)","Answer":"SUBROUTINE","Explanation":"Definition: Component of program\n **Anagram of** (revised) **BEST IN OUR** and **U** (university)\n **SU****B****ROU****T****IN****E"} {"Clue":"Hero of novel: edition, with twist, reversed opening (5,5)","Answer":"EDWIN DROOD","Explanation":"Definition: Hero of novel\n **ED** (edition) **+ WIND** (twist) **+ DOOR** (opening) **reversed** (reversed)\n **ED** **WIN D** **ROOD**<"} {"Clue":"Poor sci-fi turned out to be dull (9)","Answer":"SOPORIFIC","Explanation":"Definition: dull\n **Anagram of** (turned out) **POOR SCIFI**\n **SOPORIFIC"} {"Clue":"Chap in boat, a second seen round river in Arab state (7)","Answer":"OARSMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Chap in boat\n ([**A + S** {second}] **containing** [round] **R** [river]) **contained in** (in) **OMAN** (an Arab state)\n **O** (**A** (**R**) **S**) **MAN"} {"Clue":"Song identifying salad items one's merely heard (12)","Answer":"GREENSLEEVES","Explanation":"Definition: Song\n **GREENS** (vegetables that could be used in salads) **+ LEEVES** (**sounds like** [heard] **LEAVES** [another salad item]) Only [merely] one of the component salad items is a homophone [heard]\n **GREENS LEEVES"} {"Clue":"Work beginning to thrill? The writer's repeatedly nursing source of some hope (8)","Answer":"OPTIMISM","Explanation":"Definition: hope\n **OP** (opus; work) **+ T** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **THRILL**) + ([**I'M** {I am; the writer's) **+ I'M** {I am; the writer's}] hence' the writer's repeatedly', **containing** [nursing] **S** [**first letter of **{source of}] **SOME**)\n **OP** **T IM I** (**S**) **M"} {"Clue":"Stupid new hanger-on missing opening (6)","Answer":"NOODLE","Explanation":"Definition: Stupid\n **N** (new) **+ POODLE** (lackey; servile hanger-on) **excluding the first letter** (missing opening) **P**\n **N OODLE"} {"Clue":"Advice to have effect mostly on individual? Mostly (7)","Answer":"COUNSEL","Explanation":"Definition: Advice\n **COUNT** (to have effect) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **T + SELF** (individual) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **F**\n **COUN SEL"} {"Clue":"Picked up some rare Poulenc stage work (5)","Answer":"OPERA","Explanation":"Definition: stage work\n **OPERA** (**reversed** [picked up; down entry] **hidden word in** [some] **RARE POULENC**)\n **OPERA**<"} {"Clue":"Working in that place leads to restriction that's reactive (2,3,7)","Answer":"ON THE REBOUND","Explanation":"Definition: reactive\n **ON** (working) **+ THERE** (in that place) **+ BOUND** (restriction) The words **ON THERE** precede **BOUND** and therefore '**ON THERE**' leads to '**BOUND**'\n **ON** **THE RE** **BOUND"} {"Clue":"Property document: hint of trouble it conveyed about river (5,4)","Answer":"TITLE DEED","Explanation":"Definition: Property document\n **T** (**first letter of** [hint of] **TROUBLE**) **+ IT +** (**LED** [guided; conveyed] **containing** [about] **DEE** [name of one of many rivers])\n **T** **IT** **LE** (**D EE**) **D"} {"Clue":"Endless worry? Lifted it with classical pieces (8)","Answer":"CONCERTI","Explanation":"Definition: classical pieces\n **CONCERN** (worry) **excluding the final letter** (endless) **N** **+ IT reversed** (lifted; down entry)\n **CONCER TI<"} {"Clue":"Welsh location is unclear (7)","Answer":"MUMBLES","Explanation":"Definition: Welsh location\n **MUMBLES** (does not speak clearly; is unclear) **double definition**\n **MUMBLES"} {"Clue":"A conclusion to fighting securing one success for former Emperor (7)","Answer":"AKIHITO","Explanation":"Definition: former Emperor\n **A** **+** (**KO** [knock-out; conclusion to a boxing match] **containing** [securing] [**I** {Roman numeral for one} **+ HIT** {success}])\n **A** **K** (**I HIT**) **O"} {"Clue":"Regretted involving Government after American put the case (6)","Answer":"ARGUED","Explanation":"Definition: put the case\n **A** (American) **+** (**RUED** [regretted] **containing** [involving] **G** [Government])\n **A** **R** (**G**) **UED"} {"Clue":"Pipe we included in series (5)","Answer":"SEWER","Explanation":"Definition: Pipe\n **WE** **contained in** (included in) **SER** (series)\n **SE** (**WE**) **R"} {"Clue":"Lush salmon fills everyone in charge (9)","Answer":"ALCOHOLIC","Explanation":"Definition: Lush\n **COHO** (a Pacific salmon) **contained in** (fills) **ALL** (everyone) **+ I\/C** [in charge])\n **AL** (**COHO**) **L** **IC"} {"Clue":"Westbound soldiers eating first of milled cereal (5)","Answer":"EMMER","Explanation":"Definition: cereal\n **REME** (soldiers in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers) **reversed** (westbound) **containing** (eating) **M** (**initial letter of** [first of] **MILLED**)\n **EM** (**M**) **ER**<- either **M** can be the one contained"} {"Clue":"Linguist's writing in prison (7)","Answer":"CHOMSKY","Explanation":"Definition: Linguist\n **MS** (manuscript; writing) **contained in** (in) **CHOKY** (slang term for a prison)\n **CHO** (**MS**) **KY"} {"Clue":"Delight aunt, say, losing head (7)","Answer":"ELATION","Explanation":"Definition: Delight\n **RELATION** (an **AUNT** is an example of a **RELATION**) **excluding the first letter** (losing head) **R**\n **ELATION"} {"Clue":"Dessert's briefly succeeding (5)","Answer":"AFTER","Explanation":"Definition: succeeding\n **AFTERS** (colloquial term for dessert) **excluding the final letter** (briefly) **S**\n **AFTER"} {"Clue":"Shredded hot spuds retaining temperature (2,7)","Answer":"IN TATTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Shredded\n **IN** (trendy; hot) **+** (**TATERS** [informal term for potatoes] **containing** [retaining] **T** [temperature])\n **IN** **TAT** (**T**) **ERS** \u2013 again either of the **T**s in the middle could be the one retained"} {"Clue":"Drunken row was therefore brewing (3,5,3,4)","Answer":"THE WORSE FOR WEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Drunken\n **Anagram of** (brewing) **ROW WAS THEREFORE**\n **THE WORSE FOR WEAR"} {"Clue":"Town's bowled over about pub, one that's decadent (9)","Answer":"SYBARITIC","Explanation":"Definition: decadent\n **CITY'S** (town) **reversed** (bowled over) **containing** (**BA****R** [pub] **+ I** [Roman numeral for one])\n **SY** (**BAR I**) **TIC**<"} {"Clue":"Tanks, an issue of pride in South Africa (5)","Answer":"SCUBA","Explanation":"Definition: Tanks\n **CUB** (reference a lion cub, being an issue of a pair of mating lions within a pride) **contained in** (in) **SA** (South Africa)\n **S** (**CUB**) **A"} {"Clue":"Cover over novel puzzle (7)","Answer":"DILEMMA","Explanation":"Definition: puzzle\n **LID** (cover) **reversed** (over) **+ EMMA** (reference the novel **EMMA** by Jane Austen [1775-1817])\n **DIL**< **EMMA"} {"Clue":"Fish swallows line and weight (7)","Answer":"BARBELL","Explanation":"Definition: weight\n **BARBEL** (freshwater fish of the carp family) **containing** (swallows) **L** (line)\n **BARBE** (**L**) **L"} {"Clue":"Mug genius snubbing a German (5)","Answer":"STEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Mug\n **EINSTEIN** (reference Albert **EINSTEIN** [1879-1955], German physicist considered to be one of the greatest scientists of all time; genius) **excluding** (snubbing) the first **EIN** (one of the German forms of the indefinite article, a)\n **STEIN"} {"Clue":"Personal drink delivery left reserves in case (9)","Answer":"LACTATION","Explanation":"Definition: Personal drink delivery\n **L** (left) **+** (**TA** [Territorial Army [formerly the name for what is now known as the Army Reserve] **contained in** [in] **ACTION** [a court case])\n **L** **AC** (**TA**) **TION"} {"Clue":"Revellers sing, interrupting book experts (10)","Answer":"BACCHANTES","Explanation":"Definition: Revellers\n **CHANT** (sing) **contained in** (interrupting) (**B** [book] **+ ACES** [experts])\n **B AC** (**CHANT**) **ES"} {"Clue":"Bill about to dispose of new attire (8)","Answer":"ACCOUTRE","Explanation":"Definition: attire\n (**ACCOUNT** (bill) **+ RE** [with reference to [on]) **excluding** (to dispose of) **N** (new)\n **ACCOUT RE"} {"Clue":"One engraves daily touring Home Counties (6)","Answer":"CHASER","Explanation":"Definition: One engraves\n **CHAR** (cleaner) **containing** (touring) **SE** (South East; The Home Counties are in the South East of England)\n **CHA** (**SE**) **R"} {"Clue":"Nearly all key marginals sponge? (4)","Answer":"ALKY","Explanation":"Definition: sponge\n **ALL** **excluding the final letter** (nearly) **L + KY** (**outer letters of** [marginals] **KEY**)\n **AL KY"} {"Clue":"Like lab work if it's nice and constant (10)","Answer":"SCIENTIFIC","Explanation":"Definition: Like lab\n **Anagram of** (work) **IF ITS NICE** **+ C** (constant)\n **SCIENTIFI*** C"} {"Clue":"Hamper holding tin booze container (8)","Answer":"DECANTER","Explanation":"Definition: booze container\n **DETER** (hinder; hamper) **containing** (holding) **CAN** (tin)\n **DE** (**CAN**) **TER"} {"Clue":"Take in this writer's good book lecturer left out (6)","Answer":"IMBIBE","Explanation":"Definition: Take in\n **I'M** (I am; this writer is; this writer's) **+ BIBLE** the 'Good Book' is a term often used to describe The Bible) **excluding** (left out) **L** (lecturer)\n **IM BIBE"} {"Clue":"Clever clogs ignoring one product of grinder (4)","Answer":"BRAN","Explanation":"Definition: product of grinder\n **BRAIN** (person of exceptional intelligence; clever clogs) **excluding** (ignoring) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **BRAN"} {"Clue":"Always wanting more banalities to be broadcast (10)","Answer":"INSATIABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Always wanting more\n **Anagram of** (to be broadcast) **BANALITIES**\n **INSATIABLE"} {"Clue":"Smooth small people carrier conserves energy (10)","Answer":"STREAMLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Smooth\n **S** (small) **+** (**TRAMLINE** [a set of rails that can carry carriages and people; people carrier] **containing** [conserves] **E** [energy])\n **S** **TR** (**E**) **AMLINE**)"} {"Clue":"Working guy owing money, pending trial? (2,6)","Answer":"ON REMAND","Explanation":"Definition: pending trial\n **ON** (working) **+** (**MAN** [guy] **contained in** [in the] **RED**) \u2013 reference the phrase 'in the **RED**' (owing money)\n **ON** **RE** (**MAN**) **D"} {"Clue":"Finally wipe gold tool without using cold spirit (3,2,3)","Answer":"EAU DE VIE","Explanation":"Definition: spirit\n **E** (**last letter of** [finally] **WIPE**) **+ AU** (chemical symbol for gold] **+ DEVICE** (tool) **excluding** (without using) **C** (cold)\n **E AU DE VIE"} {"Clue":"British tree showing less growth on crown (6)","Answer":"BALDER","Explanation":"Definition: showing less growth on crown\n **B** (British) **+ ALDER** (tree)\n **B ALDER"} {"Clue":"Stewed pears at duke's banquet (6)","Answer":"SPREAD","Explanation":"Definition: banquet\n **Anagram of** (stewed) **PEARS** **+ D** (duke)\n **SPREA*** **D"} {"Clue":"Ruin lawyer's husband (4)","Answer":"DASH","Explanation":"Definition: Ruin\n **DA'S** (District Attorney's [DA's]) **+ H** (husband)\n **DAS H"} {"Clue":"Contents of 24? Bar's missing litres (4)","Answer":"BOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Contents of 24\n **BLOCK** (bar) **excluding** (missing) **L** (litres)\n **BOCK"} {"Clue":"Fast one of 14's 22, Chuck, having yen to embrace Dundonian? (6,8)","Answer":"FLYING","Explanation":"Definition: Fast one of 14's 22\n **FLING** [chuck] **containing** [having \u2026 to embrace] **Y** [yen; Japanese currency] **+** **SCOTSMAN** ( A Dundonian comes from Dundee, one of the biggest cities in Scotland)\n **FL** (**Y**) **ING** **SCOTSMAN"} {"Clue":"Engineer, single eccentric, keeping Irish horse seller occasionally feeds (3,5,7)","Answer":"SIR NIGEL","Explanation":"Definition: Engineer\n **Anagram of** (eccentric) **SINGLE** **containing** (keeping) **IR** (Irish) **+** (**SLE** [**letters 1, 3 and 5** [occasionally] **contained in** [feeds] **GREY** [generic name for a greyish coloured horse])\n **S** (**IR)** **NIGEL*** **GRE** (**SLE**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Share opinion with one occupying cleaner seat at table (4,5)","Answer":"SIDE CHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: seat at table\n **SIDE** (ally oneself with a particular party in an argument; share the same opinion as a particular party) **+** (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **contained in** [occupying] **CHAR** [cleaner])\n **SIDE** **CHA** (**I**) **R"} {"Clue":"Asian vehicle concealed in Kensington Gardens (5)","Answer":"TONGA","Explanation":"Definition: Asian vehicle\n **TONGA** (**hidden word in** [concealed in] **KENSINGTON GARDENS**)\n **TONGA"} {"Clue":"When Independent replaces article, all is not well (3)","Answer":"ILL","Explanation":"Definition: not well\n **ALL with I** (independent) **replacing** (replaces) **A** (indefinite article)\n **ILL"} {"Clue":"Rotten dogs devouring male \u2014 and 14's nuts? (3,3,5)","Answer":"OFF THE RAILS","Explanation":"Definition: nuts\n **OFF** (gone bad; rotten) **+** (**TRAILS** [shadows; dogs] **containing** [devouring] **HE** [male]) There is also an allusion to **GRESLEY**'s (14 across) career in **RAIL**ways\n **OFF** **T** (**HE**) **RAILS"} {"Clue":"Old woman left with fat duck, or faster one of 14's 22 (7)","Answer":"MALLARD","Explanation":"Definition: faster one of 14's 22\n **MA** (mother; old woman) **+ L** (left) **+ LARD** (fat)\n **MA L LARD"} {"Clue":"Indian dish of arsenic that bamboo-lover ingests (7)","Answer":"PASANDA","Explanation":"Definition: Indian dish\n **PANDA** (an animal whose diet is 99% bamboo; bamboo lover) **containing** (ingests) **AS** (chemical symbol for arsenic)\n **P** (**AS**) **ANDA"} {"Clue":"Hidden in underground cell, edging away from mice (7)","Answer":"CRYPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Hidden\n **CRYPT** (underground cell) **+ IC** (l**etters remaining in MICE when the outer edges M and E are removed** [edging away])\n **CRYPT IC"} {"Clue":"Insane reasons to provide engines with wheels (11)","Answer":"LOCOMOTIVES","Explanation":"Definition: engines with wheels\n **LOCO** (insane) **+ MOTIVES** (reasons)\n **LOCO MOTIVES"} {"Clue":"Climber in training area (3)","Answer":"PEA","Explanation":"Definition: Climber\n **PE **(physical exercise; training) **+ A** (area)\n **PE A"} {"Clue":"Singer finds meaning (5)","Answer":"TENOR","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\n **TENOR** (meaning) double definition\n **TENOR"} {"Clue":"One's achievement in not missing a trick? (5,4)","Answer":"GRAND SLAM","Explanation":"Definition: One's achievement\n **GRAND SLAM** (a contract to win every trick in a hand in the card game of bridge) double definition\n **GRAND SLAM"} {"Clue":"Check story contents, revealing Trojan prince (6)","Answer":"HECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Trojan prince\n **HEC** (**central letters of** [contents of] **CHECK**) **+ TOR** (**central letters of** [contents of] **STORY**)\n **HEC TOR"} {"Clue":"Taking no food following a painful little wound (7)","Answer":"FASTING","Explanation":"Definition: Taking no food\n **F** (following) **+ A + STING** (painful little wound)\n **F A STING"} {"Clue":"Those making peak calls so elderly must suffer (9)","Answer":"YODELLERS","Explanation":"Definition: Those making peak calls\n **Anagram of** (must suffer) **SO ELDERLY**\n **YODELLERS"} {"Clue":"North American food wife leaves as snack (5)","Answer":"NACHO","Explanation":"Definition: snack\n **NA** (North American) **+ CHOW** (food) **excluding** (leaves) **W** (wife)\n **NA CHO"} {"Clue":"Top taken from sign greeting married Muslim man? (7)","Answer":"IBRAHIM","Explanation":"Definition: Muslim man\n **LIBRA** (sign of the zodiac) **excluding the first letter** (top taken from) **L + HI**! (a greeting) **+ M** (married)\n **IBRA HI M"} {"Clue":"King Cole united assembly as anticipated (9)","Answer":"NATURALLY","Explanation":"Definition: as anticipated\n **NAT** (reference **NAT** King Cole [1919-1965], American singer and jazz pianist) **+ U** (united) **+ RALLY** (assembly)\n **NAT U RALLY"} {"Clue":"Spirits and dope used by team? (5)","Answer":"GENII","Explanation":"Definition: Spirits\n **GEN** (information; dope) **+ II** (characters representing the number eleven [number of players in many sporting teams])\n **GEN II"} {"Clue":"Rubbishy dailies were in contact (7)","Answer":"LIAISED","Explanation":"Definition: were in contact\n **Anagram of** (rubbishy) **DAILIES**\n **LIAISED"} {"Clue":"Exclude secretively deceitful drinker (6)","Answer":"BARFLY","Explanation":"Definition: drinker\n **BAR** (exclude) **+ FLY** (surreptitious; secretly deceitful)\n **BAR FLY"} {"Clue":"Identifying features with millions in exaltation (9)","Answer":"LANDMARKS","Explanation":"Definition: Identifying features\n (**AND** [with] **+ M** [millions]) **contained in** (in) **LARKS** (**EXALTATION** is a collective noun for **LARKS**)\n **L** (**AND M**) **ARKS"} {"Clue":"George in seventh heaven almost opening a packet (9)","Answer":"AUTOPILOT","Explanation":"Definition: George\n **UTOPIA** (any real or imaginary state or place believed to be ideal, perfect or excellent; seventh heaven) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **A contained in** (opening) (**A** **+** **LOT** [packet of land for instance or an object drawn out from a collection])\n **A** (**UTOPI**) **LOT"} {"Clue":"Exercise hard with a cheek raised (7)","Answer":"PILATES","Explanation":"Definition: Exercise\n (**SET** [turned hard] **+ A + LIP** [insolence; cheek]) **all reversed** (raised; down entry)\n (**PIL ****A TES**)<"} {"Clue":"One island against another? Not entirely (7)","Answer":"ANTIGUA","Explanation":"Definition: One island\n **ANTI** (against) **+ GUAM** ([another] island in the Pacific Ocean) **excluding the final letter** (not entirely) **M**\n **ANTI GUA"} {"Clue":"Warning at Caped Crusader's residence earlier (6)","Answer":"CAVEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Warning\n **CAVE** (reference the Bat **CAVE**, Batman's headquarter's and residence) **+ AT**\n **CAVE AT"} {"Clue":"Sir Keir's companion, not good man, influencer? (7)","Answer":"CHARMER","Explanation":"Definition: influencer\n **STARMER** (reference Sir Keir **STARMER** [born 1962], current leader of the Labour Party) **with CH** (Companion [of Honour] **in place of** [not] **ST** [saint; good man])\n **CH** **ARMER"} {"Clue":"Roman censor to entertain new division in poem (5)","Answer":"CANTO","Explanation":"Definition: division in poem\n **CATO** (reference Marcus Porcius **CATO** [234 \u2013 149 BCE], known as **CATO** the Censor in ancient Rome) **containing** (to entertain) **N** (new)\n **CA** (**N**) **TO"} {"Clue":"Small border for growth in wet ground (5)","Answer":"SEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: growth in wet ground\n **S** (small) **+ EDGE** (border)\n **S EDGE"} {"Clue":"Induce intoxication long after beer has run out? (7)","Answer":"BEWITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Induce intoxication\n **BREW** (beer) **excluding** (has \u2026 out] **R** (run) **+ ITCH** (desire; long)\n **BEW ITCH"} {"Clue":"Treacherous Greek character retreats, shot outside (5)","Answer":"PUNIC","Explanation":"Definition: Treacherous\n **PIC** (picture [snap]shot) **containing** (outside) **NU** (character of the Greek alphabet) **reversed** (retreat)\n **P** (**UN**<) **IC"} {"Clue":"Hedonist tense following exam in German city (3,6)","Answer":"BON VIVANT","Explanation":"Definition: Hedonist\n (**VIVA** [an oral examination] **contained in** [in] **BONN** [German city]) **+ T** (tense)\n **BON** (**VIVA**) **N** **T"} {"Clue":"Trained bear helping to show eccentricity (10)","Answer":"ABERRATION","Explanation":"Definition: eccentricity\n **Anagram of** (trained) **BEAR** **+ RATION** (helping [of food, for instance])\n **ABER*** **RATION"} {"Clue":"Olympian queen and husband are returning (4)","Answer":"HERA","Explanation":"Definition: Olympian queen\n **H** (husband) **+ ARE reversed** (returning)\n **H ERA**<"} {"Clue":"Book at that time peaked \u2014 a novel (3,5,3)","Answer":"THE NAKED APE","Explanation":"Definition: Book\n **THEN** (at that time) **+ an anagram of** (novel) **PEAKED A**\n **THE N** **AKED APE"} {"Clue":"Complex play on Rome lost in the battle (11)","Answer":"THERMOPYLAE","Explanation":"Definition: battle\n (**Anagram of** [lost] **ROME** **+ an anagram of** [complex] **PLAY**) **all contained in** (in) **THE**\n **TH** (**ERMO*** **PYLA***) **E"} {"Clue":"Find sea eagle in another nest (4)","Answer":"ERNE","Explanation":"Definition: sea eagle\n **ERNE** (**hidden word in** [found in] **ANOTHER NEST**)\n **ERNE"} {"Clue":"Fail to observe pet Dickens kept in foreign tale (10)","Answer":"CONTRAVENE","Explanation":"Definition: Fail to observe\n **RAVEN** (Charles Dickens kept a **RAVEN** as a pet) **contained in** (kept in) **CONTE** (French [foreign] word for a short story [tale]; foreign tale)\n **CONT** (**RAVEN**) **E"} {"Clue":"Cool couple needs some in 2 to dress down (2,7)","Answer":"IN DESPAIR","Explanation":"Definition: down\n **IN** (trendy; cool) **+ DES** (French {**NANTES**, entry at 2 down} word for some) **+ PAIR** (couple)\n **IN DES PAIR"} {"Clue":"Region round Colchester sees desperate times (5)","Answer":"ESSEX","Explanation":"Definition: Region round Colchester\n **Anagram of** (desperate) **SEES** **+ X** (multiplication sign; times)\n **ESSE*** **X"} {"Clue":"Saints at last to probe lacking heart for nil-nil? (2,5)","Answer":"NO SCORE","Explanation":"Definition: nil-nil\n **S** (**final letter of** [at last]**SAINTS**) **contained in** (to probe) **NO CORE** (lacking a heart)\n **NO** (**S**) **CORE"} {"Clue":"English indeed catching the French unsighted (7)","Answer":"EYELESS","Explanation":"Definition: unsighted\n **E** (English) **+** (**YES** [indeed] **containing** [catching] **LES** [one of the French forms of 'the')\n **E** **YE** (**LES**) **S"} {"Clue":"G7 perhaps needs intelligence to grasp point (6)","Answer":"HEPTAD","Explanation":"Definition: G7 perhaps\n **HEAD** (aptitude, intelligence and emotions as in the phrase 'he\/she has a head for this topic') **containing** (to grasp) **PT** (point)\n **HE** (**PT**) **AD"} {"Clue":"Port's name engraved in seat (6)","Answer":"NANTES","Explanation":"Definition: Port\n **N** (name) **contained in** (engraved in) **NATES** (the buttocks; seat)\n **NA** (**N**) **TES"} {"Clue":"Put down to the occasion, can it ever be bettered? (6,4)","Answer":"RECORD TIME","Explanation":"Definition: can it ever be bettered\n **RECORD** (put down) **+ TIME** (occasion)\n **RECORD TIME"} {"Clue":"Start university getting into arrears (5)","Answer":"DEBUT","Explanation":"Definition: Start\n **U** (university) **contained in** (getting into) **DEBT** (arrears in the payment of money owing)\n **DEB** (**U**) **T"} {"Clue":"Swine upset everyone after scrap where house calls made (5,4)","Answer":"BINGO HALL","Explanation":"Definition: where house calls made\n **BIN** (throw away; scrap) **+ HOG** (pig; swine) **reversed** (upset; down entry) **+ ALL** (everyone)\n **BIN GO H**< **ALL"} {"Clue":"Scent carried almost overcomes one abandoned child (4)","Answer":"WAIF","Explanation":"Definition: abandoned child\n **WAFT** (a scent or sound, or puff of smoke or vapour carried by the air) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **T** **containing** (overcomes) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **WA** (**I**) **F"} {"Clue":"Call for missile to tip unfavourable balance (5,3)","Answer":"TRADE GAP","Explanation":"Definition: unfavourable balance\n (**PAGE** [seek or summon; call] **+ DART** [an example of a missile]) **all reversed** (to tip)\n (**TRAD E GAP**)<"} {"Clue":"Alter ego Tees announces setting 23 1 Across \u2014 for starters \u2014 in 18 (3,5)","Answer":"HOT GATES","Explanation":"Definition: in 18\n I think this is an anagram of (alter) **EGO** and **TS** (**sounds like** [announces] **TEES**) and **THA** (**first letters of each of** [for starters] **THREE HUNDRED** [entry at 23 down 1 across] and **ACROSS**)\n **HOT GATES"} {"Clue":"One from Dakar seen buffeted by winds close to village (10)","Answer":"SENEGALESE","Explanation":"Definition: One from Dakar\n **Anagram of** (buffeted) **SEEN** **+ GALES** (winds) **+ E** (**last letter of** [close to] **VILLAGE**)\n **SENE*** **GALES E"} {"Clue":"Eastern guru coming round very good on secret assignments? (9)","Answer":"ESPIONAGE","Explanation":"Definition: secret assignments\n **E** (Eastern) **+** (**SAGE** [a guru] **containing** [coming round] [**PI** {sanctimonious; very good]} **+ ON**])\n **E S** (**PI ON**) **AGE"} {"Clue":"23 articles about six counties \u2014 in Greek! (8)","Answer":"ATHENIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Greek\n (**A** [indefinite article] **+ THE** [definite article] **+ AN** [indefinite article]) **all containing** (about) **NI** (Northern Ireland, a region with has six counties)\n **A** **THE** (**NI**) **AN"} {"Clue":"King at 18 25 one Christmas needing boost (8)","Answer":"LEONIDAS","Explanation":"Definition: King at 18\n (**SAD** [**IN DESPAIR** [entry at 25 across] **+ I** (Roman numeral for one] **+ NOEL** [Christmas]) **all reversed** (needing boost; down entry)\n (**LEON** **I** **DAS**)<"} {"Clue":"Lower entrance on the outside for tenant (6)","Answer":"LESSEE","Explanation":"Definition: tenant\n **LESS** (lower) **+ EE** (**first and last letters** [on the outside] of **ENTRANCE**)\n **LESS **EE"} {"Clue":"King at 18 the other king sent north (6)","Answer":"XERXES","Explanation":"Definition: King at 18\n (**SEX** [the other] **+ REX** (king]) **all reversed** (sent north; down entry)\n (**XER XES**)<"} {"Clue":"Article to include on barbarian terror wasting a number under 17 at 18 (5,7)","Answer":"THREE","Explanation":"Definition: a number under 17 at 18\n (**THE** [definite article] **containing** [about] **RE** [with reference to; on]) **+ HUN** (barbarian) **+ DREAD** (terror) **excluding** (wasting) **A**\n **TH** (**RE**) **E** **HUN DRED"} {"Clue":"Nothing to check wife leaving European city (4)","Answer":"OSLO","Explanation":"Definition: European city\n **O** (character representing zero; nothing) **+ SLOW** (reduce speed; check) **excluding** (leaving) **W** (wife)\n **O SLO"} {"Clue":"Instrument brought by tenor and bass on entering European city (8)","Answer":"TROMBONE","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\n **T** (tenor) **+** ([**B** {bass} **+ ON**] **contained in** [entering] **ROME** [European city])\n **T** **ROM** (**B ON**) **E"} {"Clue":"Physiologist father, very affectionate? Not half (6)","Answer":"PAVLOV","Explanation":"Definition: Physiologist\n **PA** (father) **+ V** (very) **+ LOVING** (affectionate) **excluding the second three letters** (not half) **ING**\n **PA V LOV"} {"Clue":"Birds, a source of inspiration, appearing tail first (4)","Answer":"EMUS","Explanation":"Definition: Birds\n **MUSE** (source of artistic inspiration) **with the E** (**last letter** [tail]) **moving to the front** (first) **to form EMUS**\n **EMUS"} {"Clue":"Fuel active in the cart, pumped (10)","Answer":"ANTHRACITE","Explanation":"Definition: Fuel\n **Anagram of** (pumped) **A** (active) and **IN THE CART**\n or **A** (active) **+ an anagram of** (pumped) I**N THE CART**\n **ANTHRACITE*** or **A NTHRACITE"} {"Clue":"Republican claims aid misdirected in reforming spirit (10)","Answer":"RADICALISM","Explanation":"Definition: reforming spirit\n **R** (Republican) **+ an anagram of** (misdirected) **CLAIMS AID**\n **R** **ADICALISM"} {"Clue":"King's dismissing good material (4)","Answer":"REAL","Explanation":"Definition: material\n **REGAL** (king's) **excluding** (dismissing) **G** (good)\n **REAL"} {"Clue":"Indifferent doctor keeping one sitting in pool (8)","Answer":"MEDIOCRE","Explanation":"Definition: Indifferent\n (**DOC** [doctor] **containing** [keeping] **I** [Roman numeral for one]) **all contained in** (sitting in) **MERE** (pool or lake)\n **ME** (**D** (**I**) **OC**) **RE"} {"Clue":"Fruit: cat taking most of a small amount (6)","Answer":"TOMATO","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\n **TOM** (male cat) **+ ATOM** (a small amount) **excluding the final letter of four** [mostly] **M**\n **TOM ATO"} {"Clue":"Independent critic's initial title recalled part of one of O'Neill's (6)","Answer":"ICEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: part of one of O'Neill's\n **I** (independent) **+ C** (**first letter** [initial] of **CRITIC**) **+ NAME** (title) **reversed** (recalled)\n **I C EMAN**<"} {"Clue":"Warning new version of CSI about approach to court work? (8)","Answer":"FORENSIC","Explanation":"Definition: about approach to court work\n **FORE** (warning shouted at golf if a ball has potential to hit someone) **+ N** (new) **+ an anagram of** (version of) **CSI**\n **FORE N SIC"} {"Clue":"Bridge team being eaten by opponents is source of headlines (4)","Answer":"NEWS","Explanation":"Definition: source of headlines\n **EW** (East, West \u2013 partners in a bridge team) **contained in** (eaten by) **NS** (North, South \u2013 the other pair of partners forming the opposition to **EW** in a game of bridge)\n **N** (**EW**) **S"} {"Clue":"Cake turned bad when packing in pasta (10)","Answer":"TORTELLINI","Explanation":"Definition: pasta\n **TORTE** (cake) **+** (**ILL** [bad] **reversed** (turned) and **containing** [when packing] **IN**)\n **TORTE** **LL** (**IN**) **I**<"} {"Clue":"University engaged in a second reading, following normal practice (2,3,5)","Answer":"AS PER USUAL","Explanation":"Definition: following normal practice\n **U** (university) **contained in** (**A** **+ S** [second] **+ PERUSAL** [reading])\n **A S PERUS** (**U**) **AL"} {"Clue":"Lowdown rat, ultimately, or courteous fellow? (4)","Answer":"GENT","Explanation":"Definition: courteous fellow\n **GEN** (information; lowdown) **+ T** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **RAT**)\n **GEN T"} {"Clue":"Arrived with lots of property (6)","Answer":"LANDED","Explanation":"Definition: Arrived\n **LANDED** (possessing **LAND** or estates; with lots of property)) double definition\n **LANDED"} {"Clue":"A colt with a mane is theatrical (8)","Answer":"ACTRESSY","Explanation":"Definition: theatrical\n **A + C** (colt) **+ TRESSY** (with lots of hair; with a mane)\n **A C TRESSY"} {"Clue":"Current element in fashion provoking furious response (7)","Answer":"RAMPAGE","Explanation":"Definition: furious response\n **AMP** (a measure of electric current) **contained in** (in) **RAGE** (something in vogue; fashion)\n **R** (**AMP**) **AGE"} {"Clue":"Gosh! A lot of criticism is heading for major esoteric belief (9)","Answer":"MYSTICISM","Explanation":"Definition: esoteric belief\n **MY**! (gosh!) **+ STICK** (criticism) **excluding only the final letter** (a lot of) **K + IS +** **M** (**first letter of** [heading for]) **MAJOR**\n **MY STIC IS M"} {"Clue":"Old American meat picked up in American city (5)","Answer":"OMAHA","Explanation":"Definition: American city\n (**O** [old] **+ A** [American]) **containing** (picked) **HAM** (type of meat) **reversed** (up; down entry)\n **O** (**MAH**<) **A"} {"Clue":"Half of couple blocking middle of scenery in Ravel? (7)","Answer":"ENTWINE","Explanation":"Definition: Ravel\n **TWIN** (one of two; half of a couple) **contained in** (blocking) **ENE** (**central letters of** [middle of] **SCENERY**)\n **EN** (**TWIN**) **E"} {"Clue":"Variable item measuring the length of some text? (9)","Answer":"PARAMETER","Explanation":"Definition: Variable\n **PARA** (paragraph; some text) **+ METER** (device for measuring something ([e.g. length {?}. I'm not sure length would be the first unit I would think of when asked 'what does a **METER** measure?])\n **PARA METER"} {"Clue":"Who'd be foremost in various interesting church activities, right? (5)","Answer":"VICAR","Explanation":"Definition: Who'd be foremost in various interesting church activities, right\n **VICAR** (**first letters of** [foremost] **each of VARIOUS**, **INTERESTING**, **CHURCH**, **ACTIVITIES** and **RIGHT**)\n **VICAR"} {"Clue":"Be around for longer than discarded cobbler's tool (7)","Answer":"OUTLAST","Explanation":"Definition: Be around for longer\n **OUT** (discarded) **+ LAST** (shoemaker's model of the foot; cobbler's tool)\n **OUT LAST"} {"Clue":"Understood opponents to be taking on honest Democrat (9)","Answer":"CONSTRUED","Explanation":"Definition: Understood\n **CONS** (opponents) **+ TRUE** (honest) **+ D** (Democrat)\n **CONS TRUE D"} {"Clue":"Speech on gloom somehow upset international group (9)","Answer":"MONOLOGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Speech\n **Anagram of** (somehow) **ON GLOOM** **+ EU** (European Union [international group]) **reversed** (upset)\n **MONOLOG*** **UE**<"} {"Clue":"English league spot initially seized by endlessly downmarket soccer club (7)","Answer":"CHELSEA","Explanation":"Definition: soccer club\n **ELS** (**first letters of** [initially] **each of ENGLISH**, **LEAGUE** and **SPOT**) **contained in** (seized by) **CHEAP** (downmarket) **excluding the final letter** [endlessly) **P**\n **CH** (**ELS**) **EA"} {"Clue":"Methodology applicable to most of Disney film (7)","Answer":"FORMULA","Explanation":"Definition: Methodology\n **FOR** (appicable to) **+ MULAN** (Disney fantasy action drama film released in 2020) **excluding the final letter** (most of) **N**\n **FOR MULA"} {"Clue":"Session in pub is resounding after start fails (7)","Answer":"INNINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Session\n **INN** (public house) **+ RINGS** (is resounding) **excluding the first letter** (after start fails) **R**\n **INN INGS"} {"Clue":"Power in source exemplified in outer columns? (5)","Answer":"SPEED","Explanation":"Definition: Power\n **P** (power]) **contained in** (in) **SEED** (**outer letters** [outer columns of] **of each** **of** **SOURCE** and **EXEMPLIFIED**)\n **S** (**P**) **EED"} {"Clue":"Positive reception elevated story about Cuba (5)","Answer":"ECLAT","Explanation":"Definition: Positive reception\n **TALE** (story) **reversed** (up; down entry) and **containing** (about) **C** (International Vehicle Registration for Cuba)\n **E** (**C**) **LAT**<"} {"Clue":"English staff incorporate special gap in text (2,5)","Answer":"EM SPACE","Explanation":"Definition: gap in text\n **E** (English) **+** (**MACE** [rod; staff] **containing** [incorporate] **SP** [special])\n **E** **M** (**SP**) **ACE"} {"Clue":"Hunchbacked historian contracted American (7)","Answer":"GIBBOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Hunchbacked\n **GIBBON** (reference Edward **GIBBON** [1737 \u2013 1794], English historian whose best known word was 'The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire') **excluding the final letter N** (contracted) **+ US** (United States; American)\n **GIBBO US"} {"Clue":"Rock producer guaranteed some returns (4)","Answer":"ETNA","Explanation":"Definition: Rock producer\n **ETNA** (**reversed** [returns] **hidden word in** [some] **GUARANTEED**)\n **ETNA**<"} {"Clue":"Scheme regularly yielded missile (10)","Answer":"PROJECTILE","Explanation":"Definition: missile\n **PROJECT** (scheme) **+ ILE** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly] of **YIELDED**)\n **PROJECT ILE"} {"Clue":"Smell authentic in the north (6)","Answer":"BOREAL","Explanation":"Definition: in the north\n **BO** (Body Odour; smell) **+ REAL** (authentic)\n **BO REAL"} {"Clue":"A big number burn one in fashionable style (8)","Answer":"TRILLION","Explanation":"Definition: A big number\n (**RILL** [small brook; burn] **+ I** [Roman numeral for one]) **contained in** (in) **TON** (fashion; fashionable style)\n **T** (**RILL I**) **ON"} {"Clue":"Reckoned European writer's declared limits (9)","Answer":"ESTIMATED","Explanation":"Definition: Reckoned\n **E** (European) **+** (**STATED** [declared] **containing** [limits] **I'M** (I am; writer \/ setter is)\n **E** **ST** (**IM**) **ATED"} {"Clue":"Polish husband spotted cops (5)","Answer":"SHEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Polish\n **SEEN** (spotted) **containing** (cops) **H** (husband)\n **S** (**H**) **EEN"} {"Clue":"It doesn't matter which one's left a number (5)","Answer":"ETHER","Explanation":"Definition: a number\n **EITHER** (the one or the other; doesn't matter which one) **excluding** (left) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **ETHER"} {"Clue":"Some stars with lawyer hedging capital (9)","Answer":"ANDROMEDA","Explanation":"Definition: Some stars\n (**AND** [with] **+ DA** [District Attorney; lawyer]) **containing** (hedging) **ROME** (capital city of Italy)\n **AND** (**ROME**) **DA"} {"Clue":"Myths occupying old priest's first US mission (8)","Answer":"EXPLORER","Explanation":"Definition: first US mission\n **LORE** (learning, especially of a special, traditional, or out-of-the-way miscellaneous kind, as in folk**LORE** [myths]) **contained in** (occupying) (**EX** [old] **+ PR** [priest])\n **EX P** (**LORE**) **R"} {"Clue":"Horrible green Yankee spirit (6)","Answer":"ENERGY","Explanation":"Definition: spirit\n **Anagram of** (horrible) **GREEN** **+ Y** (Yankee is the international radio communication codeword for the letter Y)\n **ENERG***** Y"} {"Clue":"Drug group's early receiver possibly needing cans (7,3)","Answer":"CRYSTAL SET","Explanation":"Definition: early receiver possibly needing cans\n **CRYSTAL** (cocaine or amphetamine; drug) **+ SET** (group)\n **CRYSTAL SET"} {"Clue":"Judge put away rebel's leader first (4)","Answer":"RATE","Explanation":"Definition: Judge\n **R** (**first letter of** [leader] **REBEL**) **+ ATE** (consumed; put away)\n **R ATE"} {"Clue":"What's the point of cricket ground without grass? (7)","Answer":"HEADING","Explanation":"Definition: What's the point\n **HEADINGLEY** (cricket ground in Leeds) **excludin**g (without) **LEY** (meadow; grass)\n **HEADING"} {"Clue":"Racy novel about woman's sport (7)","Answer":"ARCHERY","Explanation":"Definition: sport\n **Anagram of** (novel) **RACY** **containing** (about) **HER** (woman)\n **ARC** (**HER**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Measuring devices incorporating old night lights? (7)","Answer":"METEORS","Explanation":"Definition: night lights\n **METERS** (measuring devices) **containing** (incorporating) **O** (old)\n **METE** (**O**) **RS"} {"Clue":"Gym has inbuilt stage (5)","Answer":"PHASE","Explanation":"Definition: stage\n **HAS** **contained in** (inbuilt) **PE** (physical education; gymnastics)\n **P** (**HAS**) **E"} {"Clue":"Star has a piano in basement briefly (7)","Answer":"CAPELLA","Explanation":"Definition: Star\n (**A** **+ P** [piano]) **contained in** (in) **CELLAR** (basement) **excluding the final letter R** (briefly)\n **C** (**A** **P**) **ELLA"} {"Clue":"Pacific island with nicer bananas (6)","Answer":"IRENIC","Explanation":"Definition: Pacific\n **I** (island) **+ an anagram of** (bananas) **NICER**\n **I** **RENIC"} {"Clue":"Stake regularly helped trim noted stable here (9)","Answer":"BETHLEHEM","Explanation":"Definition: noted stable here\n **BET** (wager; stake) **+ HLE** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] **of HELPED** **+ HEM** (edge or border; trim)\n **BET HLE HEM"} {"Clue":"Free places to go in Unionist northeast (7)","Answer":"UNLOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Free\n **LOOS** (toilets; place to go) **contained in** (in) (**U** [Unionist] **+ NE** [North East])\n **U N** (**LOOS**) **E"} {"Clue":"Oz stars shorten courses drastically, wasting 24 (8,5)","Answer":"SOUTHERN CROSS","Explanation":"Definition: Oz stars\n **Anagram of** (drastically) **SHORTEN COURSES** **excluding** (wasting) **E** (**ENERGY** [entry at 24 across])\n **SOUTHERN CROSS"} {"Clue":"Highly regarded papers cover dotty ladies touring east (9)","Answer":"IDEALISED","Explanation":"Definition: Highly regarded\n **ID** (identity papers) **containing** (cover) (**an anagram of** [dotty] **LADIES** **containing** [touring] **E** [East])\n **I** (**D** (**E**) **ALISE***) **D"} {"Clue":"Cab mostly unoccupied is exempt from duty (3-4)","Answer":"TAX FREE","Explanation":"Definition: exempt from duty\n **TAXI** **excluding the final letter I** (mostly) **+ FREE** (unoccupied)\n **TAX FREE"} {"Clue":"What shuttle had to do to repeat record? (2-5)","Answer":"RE-ENTER","Explanation":"Definition: What shuttle had to do\n **RE-ENTER** (repeat a record in a database) double definition\n **RE-ENTER"} {"Clue":"Follow street Arab, Ancient Mariner's guide? (3,4)","Answer":"DOG STAR","Explanation":"Definition: Ancient Mariner's guide\n **DOG** (follow) **+ ST** (street) **+ AR** (Arab)\n **DOG ST AR"} {"Clue":"Install old shower daughter imported (6)","Answer":"ORDAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Install\n **O** [old] **+** (**D** [daughter] contained in [imported] **RAIN** [shower])\n **O** **R** (**D**) **AIN"} {"Clue":"Shortage \u2013 no top soil (5)","Answer":"EARTH","Explanation":"Definition: soil\n **DEARTH** (shortage) **excluding** (no) **the first letter** (top) **D**\n **EARTH"} {"Clue":"Cabins Gladys fitted out with little money \u2013 they involved short commons? (13)","Answer":"SCAMBLING-DAYS","Explanation":"Definition: short commons\n **Anagram of** (fitted out) **CABINS GLADYS** and (with) **M** (money)\n **SCAMBLING-DAYS"} {"Clue":"Heads for Harwich after alert reports North Sea mist (4)","Answer":"HAAR","Explanation":"Definition: North Sea mist\n **HAAR** (**first letters of** [heads for] each of **HARWICH**, **AFTER**, **ALERT** and **REPORTS**)\n **HAAR"} {"Clue":"Not bright about road, mistaken course (7)","Answer":"DIADROM","Explanation":"Definition: course\n **DIM** (not bright) **containing** (about) **an anagram of** (mistaken) **ROAD**\n **DI** (**ADRO***) **M"} {"Clue":"When imbibing I desist from vintage Scotch perhaps (7)","Answer":"AIBLINS","Explanation":"Definition: Scotch perhaps\n **AS** (when) **containing** (imbibing) (**I** **+ BLIN** [Spenserian [vintage] word for cease or desist from)\n **A** (**I BLIN**) **S"} {"Clue":"Old woman in truth abandoning husband (4)","Answer":"TROT","Explanation":"Definition: Old woman\n **TROTH** (in truth!) **excluding** (abandoning) **H** (husband)\n **TROT"} {"Clue":"Garrison commander a month after defeat (8)","Answer":"KILLADAR","Explanation":"Definition: Garrison commander\n **KILL** (defeat) **+ ADAR** (month of the Jewish calendar)\n **KILL ADAR"} {"Clue":"Food for Maoris? This mostly includes an aniseed liquor (8)","Answer":"TARAKIHI","Explanation":"Definition: Food for Maoris\n **THIS** **excluding the final letter S** (mostly) **containing** (includes) (**A** [an] **+ RAKI** [an aniseed flavoured spirit of Turkey)\n **T** (**A RAKI**) **HI"} {"Clue":"Part of chair back was in place at fringes of town library? (5)","Answer":"SPLAT","Explanation":"Definition: Part of chair back\n **SAT** (was in place) **containing** (at fringes of) **PL** (public library; town library)\n **S** (**PL**) **AT"} {"Clue":"Parasite, any cut from local plants (3)","Answer":"BOT","Explanation":"Definition: Parasite\n **BOTANY** (the plants of an area; local plants) **excluding** (cut from) **ANY**\n **BOT"} {"Clue":"Treasury chap I found in heart of in-tray, looking back (5)","Answer":"ROGET","Explanation":"Definition: Treasury chap\n (**EGO** [the I or self] **contained in** [found in] **TR** [**central letters of** {heart of]} **IN-TRAY**]) **all reversed** (looking back)\n (**R** (**OGE**) **T**)<"} {"Clue":"Hospital dept. was poorly involved (8)","Answer":"ENTAILED","Explanation":"Definition: involved\n **ENT** (Ear, Nose and Throat department of a hospital) **+ AILED** (was poorly)\n **ENT AILED"} {"Clue":"Eggs arranged and put in grades as before (8)","Answer":"GRENADES","Explanation":"Definition: Eggs\n I can't see how the parsing works here. There are lots of words or pairs of words in the clue that include letters within **GRENADES** but I can't identify the key words involved in what is probably a compound anagram of the entry and word(s) in the clue. All of **EGGS**, **ARRANGED**, **AND**, **GRADES** and **AS** are composed of letters in **GRENADES**\n **GRENADES*** (?)"} {"Clue":"Passionate person once displaying energy in pursuit of fabulous bird (4)","Answer":"FUME","Explanation":"Definition: Passionate person once\n **FUM** (fabulous bird) **+** (in pursuit of) **E** (energy)\n **FUM E"} {"Clue":"Bullets, number almost all explosive (7)","Answer":"AMMONAL","Explanation":"Definition: explosive\n **AMMO** (ammunition; bullets) **+ N** (number) **+ ALL** **excluding the final letter L** (almost)\n **AMMO N AL"} {"Clue":"Drive former president out of party? (4)","Answer":"ELAN","Explanation":"Definition: Drive\n The best I can come up with here is **DELANO** (middle name of Franklin **DELANO** Roosevelt [1882 \u2013 1945], former President of the United States) **excluding the outer letters** (out of) **DO** (party), but how often do we refer to Presidents by their middle name?\n **ELAN"} {"Clue":"Businesswoman making opening that involves changing n rupees (13)","Answer":"ENTREPRENEUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Businesswoman\n **ENTREE** (introduction or prelude [opening]) **containing** (that involves) **an anagram of** (changing) **N RUPEES**\n **ENTRE** (**PRENEUS***) **E"} {"Clue":"One fires shot daily \u2013 see moving target caught (10)","Answer":"SCATTER-GUN","Explanation":"Definition: One fires shot\n (**C** [see can be defined as the third letter of the alphabet **C**] **+ an anagram of** [moving]** TARGET**) **contained in** [caught] **SUN** (daily newspaper)\n S (**C** **ATTERG***) **UN"} {"Clue":"Like a crystal Archibald's sculpted \u2013 not bad (6)","Answer":"CHIRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Like a crystal\n **CHIRAL** (**anagram of** [sculpted] **ARCHIBALD** **excluding** [no] the letters **BAD**\n **CHIRAL"} {"Clue":"Island fast revealing hostility to poet (9)","Answer":"MALTALENT","Explanation":"Definition: hostility to poet\n **MALTA** (island country in the Mediterranean] **+ LENT** (a time of fasting)\n **MALTA LENT"} {"Clue":"Cut danger inherent in wager (7)","Answer":"BRISKET","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\n **RISK** (danger) **contained in** (inherent in) **BET** (wager)\n **B** (**RISK**) **ET"} {"Clue":"Fool confined in cell unkindly (4)","Answer":"LUNK","Explanation":"Definition: Fool\n **LUNK** (**hidden word in** [confined in] **CELL UNKINDLY**)\n **LUNK"} {"Clue":"Scots miserly \u2013 about right? Love it (6)","Answer":"NIRLIT","Explanation":"Definition: Scots miserly\n (**NIL** [zero; love score in tennis] **+ IT**) **containing** (about) **R** (right)\n **NI** (**R**)** L IT"} {"Clue":"Highlander set about opening of area (4)","Answer":"GAEL","Explanation":"Definition: Highlander\n **GEL** (firm up; set)** containing** (about) **A** (area)\n **G** (**A**) **EL"} {"Clue":"How drought affects region, always restricting clear lake (6)","Answer":"ARIDLY","Explanation":"Definition: How drought affects region\n **AY** (always) **containing** (restricting (**RID** [clear] **+ L** [lake])\n **A** (**RID L**) **Y"} {"Clue":"What raja may accompany, always full of energy? Reverse of that (4)","Answer":"YOGA","Explanation":"Definition: What raja may accompany\n (**AY** [always] **containing** [full of] **GO** [energy]) **all reversed** (reverse of that)\n (**Y** (**OG**) **A**)<"} {"Clue":"Italian sausages made of minced meat or hollow inside (10)","Answer":"MORTADELLE","Explanation":"Definition: Italian sausages\n (**OR** **+ DELL** [a deep hollow or small valley]) **contained in** (inside) **an anagram of** (minced) **MEAT** The two elements **OR** and **DELL** are contained at different parts of the anagram but they are clued as two distinct elements so can be handled separately\n **M** (**OR**) **TA** (**DELL**) **E"} {"Clue":"Honeysuckle, if enveloped in top part (9)","Answer":"CAPRIFOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Honeysuckle\n **IF** **contained in** (enveloped in) (**CAP** [top] **+ ROLE** [part [in a play])\n **CAP R** (**IF**) **OLE"} {"Clue":"Last bit of lunch left for pet (3)","Answer":"HON","Explanation":"Definition: pet\n **H** (**final letter of** [last bit] of **LUNCH**) **+ ON** (I can't see how **ON** relates to 'left' unless we are linking through the **ON** side being the left side of the cricket ground to a batsman)\n **H ON"} {"Clue":"News mag distributed for Aussie itinerants? (7)","Answer":"SWAGMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Aussie itinerants\n **Anagram of** (distributed) **NEWS MAG**\n **SWAGMEN"} {"Clue":"A dominant principle betraying discrimination of a kind (6)","Answer":"AGEIST","Explanation":"Definition: discrimination of a kind\n **A + GEIST** (dominating principle)\n **A GEIST"} {"Clue":"Fall on bottom, end of cord coming away (6)","Answer":"BEDROP","Explanation":"Definition: Fall on\n **BED** (sea or lake bottom) **+ ROPE** (cord) **excluding the final letter E** (end of \u2026 coming away)\n **BED ROP"} {"Clue":"Rising celebrity breaking Nelson's heart? They were lovers (6)","Answer":"LEMANS","Explanation":"Definition: They were lovers\n **NAME** (celebrity) **reversed** (rising; down entry) and **contained in** (breaking) **LS** (middle letters of [heart] **NELSON**)\n **L** (**EMAN**<) **S"} {"Clue":"West country watercourse at no time going the wrong way (4)","Answer":"REEN","Explanation":"Definition: West country watercourse\n **NE'ER** (never; at no time) **reversed** (going the wrong way)\n **REEN**<"} {"Clue":"Old but scent-free, growing white (4)","Answer":"ALBE","Explanation":"Definition: Old but\n **ALBESCENT** (becoming white) **excluding** (-free) **SCENT**\n **ALBE"} {"Clue":"Spot providing environment for male duck (4)","Answer":"SMEE","Explanation":"Definition: duck\n **SEE** (spot) **containing** (providing environment for) **M** (male)\n **S** (**M**) **EE"} {"Clue":"Punctured tyre fixed by cast-iron bicycle pump? (8)","Answer":"INFLATOR","Explanation":"Definition: bicycle pump\n **FLAT** (punctured tyre) **contained in** (fixed by) **an anagram of** (cast) **IRON**\n **IN** (**FLAT**) **OR"} {"Clue":"Part of apprenticeship has education in stages (6)","Answer":"PHASED","Explanation":"Definition: in stages\n **PHASED** (**hidden word in** [part of] **APPRENTICESHIP HAS EDUCATION**)\n **PHASED"} {"Clue":"Bulk of research by Lennon's partner is voluntary (3,4)","Answer":"PRO BONO","Explanation":"Definition: voluntary\n **PROBE** (research) **excluding the final letter** (bulk of) **E** **+ ONO** (reference Yoko **ONO** [born 1933], partner of the late John Lennon [1940 \u2013 1980])\n **PRO B ONO"} {"Clue":"Every cake's icing, according to Spooner, is done with gusto (3,4,7)","Answer":"ALL GUNS BLAZING","Explanation":"Definition: done with gusto\n Reverend Spooner might pronounce this phrase as **ALL BUN'S GLAZING** (every cake's icing)\n **ALL GUNS BLAZING"} {"Clue":"Seek to ingratiate oneself with character of 14 that's out of line (5,6)","Answer":"CURRY FAVOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Seek to ingratiate oneself\n **CURRY FLAVOUR** (**MULLIGATAWNY** [14 across] soup has a **CURRY FLAVOUR**) **excluding** (out of) **L** (line)\n **CURRY FAVOUR"} {"Clue":"Urge control about introduction of dry culinary ingredient (3-6)","Answer":"EGG-POWDER","Explanation":"Definition: culinary ingredient\n **EGG** (urge) **+** (**POWER** [control] **containing** [about] **D** [**first letter of** {introduction of} **DRY**])\n **EGG** **POW** (**D**) **ER"} {"Clue":"I'll put back into cup a golden soup (12)","Answer":"MULLIGATAWNY","Explanation":"Definition: soup\n **I'LL** **reversed** (put back) and **contained in** (into) (**MUG** [cup] **+ A + TAWNY** [golden])\n **MU** (**LLI**<) **G** **A TAWNY"} {"Clue":"Conflicted by rubbish wines being savagely criticised (4,2,6)","Answer":"TORN TO SHREDS","Explanation":"Definition: savagely criticised\n **TORN** (conflicted) **+ TOSH** (rubbish) **+ REDS** (wines)\n **TORN TO SH REDS"} {"Clue":"Missionary given lace pants (9)","Answer":"EVANGELIC","Explanation":"Definition: Missionary\n **Anagram of** (pants) **GIVEN LACE**\n **EVANGELIC"} {"Clue":"Odd bits of your cocoa plant (5)","Answer":"YUCCA","Explanation":"Definition: plant\n **YUCCA** (**letters 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9** [odd bits] **of YOUR COCOA**)\n **YUCCA"} {"Clue":"Corroded a metal until tip of electrode's absorbed (3,4)","Answer":"ATE INTO","Explanation":"Definition: Corroded\n **E** (**first or last letter of** [tip of] **ELECTRODE**) **contained in** (absorbed) (**A** **+ TIN** [metal] **+ TO** [until])\n **A T** (**E**) **IN TO"} {"Clue":"Come out \u2013 for example with army corps retreating (6)","Answer":"EMERGE","Explanation":"Definition: Come out\n (**EG** [for example] **+ REME** [Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers; an army corps]) **all reversed** (retreating)\n (**EMER GE**)<"} {"Clue":"Large amount of data seized by career criminal \u2013 he may nobble the jury (8)","Answer":"EMBRACER","Explanation":"Definition: he may nobble the jury\n **MB** (megabyte \u2013 large amount of data) **contained in** (seized by) **an anagram of** (criminal) **CAREER**\n **E** (**MB**) **RACER"} {"Clue":"Effect of setter's agreement (6)","Answer":"IMPACT","Explanation":"Definition: Effect\n **I'M** ([start of] setter's [statement]) **+ PACT** (agreement)\n **IM PACT"} {"Clue":"It's fine \u2013 fine to threaten your leader (6)","Answer":"FLOURY","Explanation":"Definition: It's fine\n **F** (fine) **+ LOUR** (threaten) **+ Y** (**first letter of** [leader] **YOUR**)\n **F LOUR Y"} {"Clue":"Skinny, topless, stops a skinny woman giving advice (5,4)","Answer":"AGONY AUNT","Explanation":"Definition: woman giving advice\n (**BONY** [skinny] **excluding the first letter** [topless] **B**) **contained in** (stops) (**A +** **GAUNT** [skinny])\n **A G** (**ONY**) **AUNT"} {"Clue":"Spent lesson getting confused with logs? Neat! (2,4,4,4)","Answer":"ON ONE","Explanation":"Definition: Spent\n **Anagram of** (getting confused) **LESSON** and [with] **LOGS NEAT**\n **ON ONES LAST LEGS"} {"Clue":"Suffering over? That's welcome (5)","Answer":"HELLO","Explanation":"Definition: welcome\n **HELL** (state of discomfort; suffering) **+ O** (Over)\n **HELL O"} {"Clue":"Explained about United's closure (8)","Answer":"SHUTDOWN","Explanation":"Definition: closure\n **SHOWN** (explained) **containing** (about) **UTD** (United)\n **SH** (**UTD**) **OWN"} {"Clue":"Last of intrepid explorers vacated ancient city's ruins (8)","Answer":"DESTROYS","Explanation":"Definition: ruins\n **D **(**final letter of** [last of] **INTREPID** **+ ES** (**letters remaining in EXPLORERS when the central letters XPLORER are removed** [vacated]) **+ TROY'S** (of the ancient city of **TROY**)\n **D ES TROYS"} {"Clue":"A macabre giggle disturbed part of airport (7,7)","Answer":"BAGGAGE RECLAIM","Explanation":"Definition: part of airport\n **Anagram of** (disturbed) **A MACABRE GIGGLE**\n **BAGGAGE RECLAIM"} {"Clue":"Still standing naked, so it's said, carrying extremely dilapidated toy (5,4)","Answer":"TEDDY BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: toy\n (**YET** [still] **reversed** [standing; down entry] **+ BEAR** [**sounds like** [so it's said] **BARE** [naked]) **containing** (carrying) **DD** (**outer letters of** [extremely] **DILAPIDATED**)\n **TE** (**DD**) **Y**< **BEAR"} {"Clue":"Shaking with fear, a soprano tackles a bit of Mozart (8)","Answer":"ATREMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Shaking with fear\n **A** **+ TREBLE** (soprano voice) **containing** (tackles) **M** (**first letter of** [a bit of] **MOZART**)\n **A** **TRE** (**M**) **BLE"} {"Clue":"Distraught baker has endless oven trouble, finally cracking (8)","Answer":"BREAKAGE","Explanation":"Definition: cracking\n **Anagram of** (distraught) **BAKER** **+ AGA** (type of oven) **excluding the final letter A** (endless) **+ E** (**last letter of** [finally] **TROUBLE**)\n **BREAK AG E"} {"Clue":"It's attractive to imagine The Devil in conversation (6)","Answer":"SCENIC","Explanation":"Definition: It's attractive\n **SCENIC** (**sounds like** [in conversation] **SEE** [imagine] **+ NICK** [the Devil])\n **SCE NIC"} {"Clue":"One inspired by award is making progress (5)","Answer":"GOING","Explanation":"Definition: making progress\n **I** (Roman numeral for one) **contained in** (inspired by) **GONG** (medal; award)\n **GO** (**I**) **NG"} {"Clue":"The end of reason! Read with derision about 'cultural' politician (6,7)","Answer":"NADINE DORRIES","Explanation":"Definition: 'cultural' politician\n **N** (**last letter of** [end of] **REASON**) **+ an anagram of** (about) **READ** and (with) **DERISION**\n **N** **ADINE DORRIES"} {"Clue":"Most recorded and freely available (2,3)","Answer":"ON TAP","Explanation":"Definition: freely available\n **ON TAPE** (recorded) **excluding the final letter** (most) **E**\n **ON TAP"} {"Clue":"Top politicians not totally respectful at office, we hear (9)","Answer":"POLITBURO","Explanation":"Definition: Top politicians\n **POLITE** (respectful) **excluding the final letter** (not totally) **E** **+ BURO** (sounds like [we hear] **BUREAU** [office])\n **POLIT BURO"} {"Clue":"Overly catty sign during party \u2013 I'm not staying! (6-2)","Answer":"TOODLE-OO","Explanation":"Definition: I'm not staying\n **TOO** (overly) **+** (**LEO** [reference the sign of the Zodiac characterised by a lion [big cat]; catty sign] **contained in** [during] **DO** [party])\n **TOO** **D** (**LE O**) **O"} {"Clue":"Corruption returned \u2013 slippery types covering the whole range (6)","Answer":"SLEAZE","Explanation":"Definition: Corruption\n **EELS** (slippery types) **reversed** (returned) and **containing** (covering) **AZ** (**A** to **Z** [the whole range])\n **SLE** (**AZ**) **E**<"} {"Clue":"Bad vibe \u2013 shame what some politicians do (9)","Answer":"MISBEHAVE","Explanation":"Definition: what some politicians do\n **Anagram of** (bad) **VIBE SHAME**\n **MISBEHAVE"} {"Clue":"PM's returning for some bedroom activity (5)","Answer":"SLEEP","Explanation":"Definition: some bedroom activity\n **PEEL'S** (reference Sir Robert **PEEL** [1788-1850], Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on two occasions, 1834-1835 and 1841-1846) **reversed** (returning)\n **SLEEP**<"} {"Clue":"River bank home to beavers originally (5)","Answer":"TIBER","Explanation":"Definition: River\n **TIER** (row, level, bank) **containing** (home to) **B** ( **first letter of** [initially] **BEAVERS**)\n **TI** (**B**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Politician clueless about way forward (with no drawback)? Possibly (4,5)","Answer":"LORD FROST","Explanation":"Definition: Politician\n **LOST** (bewildered; clueless) containing (about) (**RD** [road; way] **+ FRO** [**an anagram of** {possibly} **FORWARD** **excluding** {with no} **WARD** {**DRAW** backwards}])\n **LO** (**RD FRO***) **ST"} {"Clue":"Disagree with British PM endlessly (6)","Answer":"BATTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Disagree with\n **B** (British) **+ ATTLEE** (reference Clement **ATTLEE** [1883 \u2013 1967], UK Prime Minister from 1945 to 1951) **excluding the final letter E** (endlessly)\n **B ATTLE"} {"Clue":"Stranger's gang is back outside most of time (8)","Answer":"SCREWIER","Explanation":"Definition: Stranger\n **IS** **reversed** (back) **containing** (outside) **CREW** (gang) **+ ERA** (period of time) **excluding the final letter A** (most of)\n **S** (**CREW**) **I**< **ER"} {"Clue":"Trio cease performing \u2013 they're largely unknown (9)","Answer":"ESOTERICA","Explanation":"Definition: they're largely unknown\n **Anagram of** (performing) **TRIO CEASE**\n **ESOTERICA"} {"Clue":"Political assistant old (and he's impotent) (5)","Answer":"SPADO","Explanation":"Definition: he's impotent\n **SPAD** (political acronym for a **SP**ecial **AD**viser to a Government Minister. **SPAD** is in the Oxford Dictionary of English as a noun in this sense) **+ O** (old)\n **SPAD O"} {"Clue":"Enter while rolling joint? This will ensure discipline in the house (5-4,4)","Answer":"THREE-LINE WHIP","Explanation":"Definition: This will ensure discipline in the house\n **Anagram of** (rolling) **ENTER WHILE** **+ HIP** (joint)\n **THREE-LINE W*** **HIP"} {"Clue":"Performances by non-female groups (7)","Answer":"ACTIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Performances\n **FACTIONS** (small groups of people formed of dissenting members of a larger group) **excluding** (non) **F** (female)\n **ACTIONS"} {"Clue":"Drive up motorway back to university (7)","Answer":"IMPULSE","Explanation":"Definition: Drive\n (**UP** + **M1** [motorway]) **reversed** (back) **+ LSE** (London School of Economics; example of a university)\n (**IM** **PU**)< **LSE"} {"Clue":"With space to move, Bale's dribbling worth utilising (10)","Answer":"EMPLOYABLE","Explanation":"Definition: worth utilising\n **EM** (a term used in printing for a space the size of the letter m) **+ PLOY** (manoeuvre in a game; move) **+ an anagram of** (dribbling) **BALE** \u2013 Some solvers may be unaware that Gareth **BALE** is a footballer, so dribbling is an appropriate anagram indicator\n **EM** **PLOY ABLE"} {"Clue":"Alone? Head down for big city (4)","Answer":"OSLO","Explanation":"Definition: big city\n **SOLO** (alone) **with the first letter** (head) **S** **moved downwards to form the entry** **OSLO**\n **OSLO"} {"Clue":"Charges still regularly included \u2013 is disconcerting (7)","Answer":"RATTLES","Explanation":"Definition: is disconcerting\n **RATES** (charges) **containing** (included) **TL** (**letters 2 and 4** [regularly] **of STILL**)\n **RAT** (**TL**) **ES"} {"Clue":"School in centre of Leek welcoming old money (7)","Answer":"EDUCATE","Explanation":"Definition: School\n **EE** (**middle letters of** [in centre of] **LEEK**) **containing** (welcoming) **DUCAT** (an old coin; money)\n **E** (**DUCAT**) **E"} {"Clue":"One managing to get politician to bite? Sadly fifty involved \u2013 shameful! (12)","Answer":"CONTEMPTIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: shameful\n **CONTE** (reference Antonio **CONTE** [born 1969], manager of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club; one managing) **+ MP** (Member of Parliament; politician) **+** (**L** [Roman numeral for 50] **contained in** [involved] **an anagram of** [sadly] **BITE**)\n **CONTE** **MP** **TIB** (**L**) **E"} {"Clue":"Politician on peanuts wore rags \u2013 not you, anyhow! (4,8)","Answer":"OWEN PATERSON","Explanation":"Definition: Politician\n **Anagram of** (rags) **ON PEANUTS WORE** **excluding** (not) **U** (textspeak; [anyhow {?}] for 'you')\n **OWEN PATERSON"} {"Clue":"Punch egghead, real bastard (he's only little) (10)","Answer":"LEPRECHAUN","Explanation":"Definition: he's only little\n **Anagram of** (bastard) **PUNCH** and **E** (**first letter of** [head] **EGG**) and **REAL**\n **LEPRECHAUN"} {"Clue":"Run 12 (3)","Answer":"BYE","Explanation":"Definition: 12\n **BYE** (good**BYE**; **TOODLE-OO** [entry at 12 across])\n **BYE"} {"Clue":"God depicted by visual artist (3)","Answer":"LAR","Explanation":"Definition: God\n **LAR** (**hidden word in** [depicted by] **VISUAL ARTIST**)\n **LAR"} {"Clue":"Previous promise to marry Elizabeth, US writer (7)","Answer":"BETROTH","Explanation":"Definition: Previous promise to marry\n **BET** (short form of Elizabeth) **+ ROTH** (reference Philip **ROTH** [1933 \u2013 2018], American novelist)\n **BET ROTH"} {"Clue":"Stand in for Romeo priest found on top of woman (7)","Answer":"RELIEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Stand in for\n **R** (Romeo is the International Radio Communication codeword for the letter **R**) **+ ELI** (biblical priest) **+ EVE** (lady's name; woman) This is a down entry so **ELI** is 'on top of' **EVE**\n **R ELI EVE"} {"Clue":"Chippy might have this stew (used to be served up) (7)","Answer":"FRETSAW","Explanation":"Definition: Chippy might have this\n **FRET** (worry; stew) **+ WAS** (used to be) **reversed** (served up; down entry)\n **FRET** **SAW**<"} {"Clue":"Ofsted head right \u2013 2's looking after school paperwork (7)","Answer":"ORIGAMI","Explanation":"Definition: paperwork\n **O** (**initial letter of** [first] **OFSTED**) **+ R** (right) **+** (**II** [Roman numeral for two] **containing** [looking after] **GAM** [school of whales])\n **O** **R** **I** (**GAM**) **I"} {"Clue":"All you want's in Collins, they say (4)","Answer":"FILL","Explanation":"Definition: All you want\n **FILL** (sounds like; [they say] **PHIL** (reference, **PHIL** Collins [born 1951], drummer with the band Genesis) \n **FILL"} {"Clue":"Understand coarse feeling to be associated with Government (5)","Answer":"GRASP","Explanation":"Definition: Understand\n **G** (government) **+** (to be associated with) **RASP** (coarse file; anything with a similar surface; coarse felling)\n **G RASP"} {"Clue":"3 abandoned undue task (9)","Answer":"EDUSKUNTA","Explanation":"Definition: 3\n **Anagram of** (abandoned) **UNDUE TASK**\n **EDUSKUNTA"} {"Clue":"Excited artisan or businessmen supporting charity (9)","Answer":"ROTARIANS","Explanation":"Definition: businessmen supporting charity\n **Anagram of** (excited) **ARTISAN OR**\n **ROTARIANS"} {"Clue":"Be in debt while in credit? Feel oppressed, perhaps (5)","Answer":"COWER","Explanation":"Definition: Feel oppressed, perhaps\n **OWE** (be in debt) **contained in** (while in) **CR** (credit)\n **C** (**OWE**) **R"} {"Clue":"Started and spoke about one with spirit (10)","Answer":"ORIGINATED","Explanation":"Definition: Started\n **ORATED** (spoke) **containing** (about) (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ GIN** [an alcoholic spirit])\n **OR** (**I GIN**) **ATED"} {"Clue":"Newspaper dismissing variable 3 (4)","Answer":"DAIL","Explanation":"Definition: 3\n **DAILY** (newspaper) **excluding** (dismissing) **Y** (letter frequently used to denote a variable in a mathematical equation)\n **DAIL"} {"Clue":"Some vegetables are sticking in the residue (7)","Answer":"LEGUMES","Explanation":"Definition: Some vegetables\n **GUM** (something that sticks) **contained in** (in) **LEES** (sediment that forms during the fermentation or aging of an alcoholic liquor, eg wine; residue)\n **LE** (**GUM**) **ES"} {"Clue":"King prepared to receive information having sacked weak 3 (7)","Answer":"KNESSET","Explanation":"Definition: 3\n (**K** [king] **+ SET** [prepared]) **containing** (to receive) **NEWS** (information) **excluding** (having sacked) **W** (weak)\n **K** (**NES**) **SET"} {"Clue":"Tool, small, I lost from basket (7)","Answer":"SPANNER","Explanation":"Definition: Tool\n **S** (small) **+ PANNIER** (provision-basket) **excluding** (lost from) I\n **S PANNER"} {"Clue":"Complaint by squad rejecting latest health drink (4,3)","Answer":"BEEF TEA","Explanation":"Definition: health drink\n **BEEF** (complaint) **+ TEAM** (squad) **excluding** (rejecting) **the final letter** (latest) **M**\n **BEEF TEA"} {"Clue":"Leaders of Senate enact justice measures in 3 (4)","Answer":"SEJM","Explanation":"Definition: 3\n **SEJM** (**first letters of** [leaders of] **each of SENATE**, **EXACT**, **JUSTICE** and **MEASURES**)\n **SEJM"} {"Clue":"Resignation and what it may be met with? (10)","Answer":"ACCEPTANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Resignation and what it may be met with\n **ACCEPTANCE** (if you tender your resignation it may be met with **ACCEPTANCE** by your boss) **double definition**\n **ACCEPTANCE"} {"Clue":"American panel ignoring Judge in extortion matter (5)","Answer":"USURY","Explanation":"Definition: extortion matter\n **US** (United States; American) **+ JURY** (panel) **excluding** (ignoring) **J** (judge)\n **US URY"} {"Clue":"A quiet spy entrapping one Conservative candidate (9)","Answer":"APPLICANT","Explanation":"Definition: candidate\n **A + P** (piano; quiet) **+** (**PLANT** [spy] **containing** [entrapping] [**I** {Roman numeral for one} **+ C** {Conservative}])\n **A** **P** **PL** (**I C**) **ANT"} {"Clue":"Most appropriate to involve German and on leading German 3 (9)","Answer":"BUNDESTAG","Explanation":"Definition: 3\n (**BEST** [most appropriate] **containing** [to involve] **UND** [German for 'and']) **+ A**\u2013 (on) **+ G** (**first letter of** [leading] **GERMAN**)\n **B** (**UND**) **EST** **A G"} {"Clue":"Hint, say, dull colour should be rejected (5)","Answer":"NUDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Hint\n (**EG** [for example; say] **+ DUN** [dull colour]) **all reversed** (should be rejected)\n (**NUD GE**)<"} {"Clue":"Rainwater spouts getting real soggy in a storm (9)","Answer":"GARGOYLES","Explanation":"Definition: Rainwater spouts\n **Anagram of** (in a storm) **REAL SOGGY**\n **GARGOYLES"} {"Clue":"Inexplicable antipathy under a Liberal 3 (7)","Answer":"ALTHING","Explanation":"Definition: 3\n **A** **+ L** (Liberal) **+ THING** (slight obsession or phobia; inexplicable antipathy)\n **A L THING"} {"Clue":"Post taken up in superior political body (10)","Answer":"PARLIAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: political body\n **MAIL** (post) **reversed** (take up; down entry) and **contained in** (in) **PARENT** (superior, in the sense of being further up the ancestral chain)\n **PAR** (**LIAM**<) **ENT"} {"Clue":"Some other age? (3)","Answer":"ERA","Explanation":"Definition: Some other age\n **ERA** (**hidden word in** [some] **OTHER AGE**)\n **ERA"} {"Clue":"Indescribably bad? Maximally so, when clad in a French fur (11)","Answer":"UNSPEAKABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Indescribably bad\n **PEAK** (point of maximum activity) **contained in** (when clad in) (**UN** [one of the French forms of 'a'] **+ SABLE** [type of fur])\n **UN S** (**PEAK**) **ABLE"} {"Clue":"Boost one chapter in 2 Kings (4)","Answer":"KICK","Explanation":"Definition: Boost\n (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ C** [chapter]) **contained in** (in) (**K** [king] **+ K** [king] giving 2 kings)\n **K** (**I C**) **K"} {"Clue":"Unreformed men in lands we converted (3,4)","Answer":"NEW LADS","Explanation":"Definition: Unreformed men\n **Anagram of** (converted) **LANDS WE**\n **NEW LADS"} {"Clue":"Feel bad about pair for 30 days (5)","Answer":"APRIL","Explanation":"Definition: 30 days\n **AIL** (feel ill or bad) **containing** (about) **PR** (pair)\n **A** (**PR**) **IL"} {"Clue":"Summary section missing page? It's not representative (8,3)","Answer":"ABSTRACT ART","Explanation":"Definition: It's not representative\n **ABSTRACT** (a summary to represent the essence of the original)** + PART** (section) **excluding** (missing) **P** (page)\n **ABSTRACT ART"} {"Clue":"Maladroit President may keep America unexciting (10)","Answer":"PEDESTRIAN","Explanation":"Definition: unexciting\n **Anagram of** (maladroit) **PRESIDENT** **containing** (may keep) **A** (American)\n **PEDESTRI** (**A**) **N"} {"Clue":"Wooden bench not initially seen as brewing tool (3-6)","Answer":"TEA KETTLE","Explanation":"Definition: brewing tool\n **TEAK** (type of wood; wooden) **+ SETTLE** (long high-backed bench) **excluding the first letter** (not initially) **S**\n **TEA K ETTLE"} {"Clue":"Put off a nightclub employee taking our name (7)","Answer":"ADJOURN","Explanation":"Definition: Put off\n **A** **+ DJ** (disc jockey; nightclub employee) **+ OUR + N** (name)\n **A DJ OUR N"} {"Clue":"Regulation US city set up introduced by member of 13 in 3 (7)","Answer":"TYNWALD","Explanation":"Definition: 3\n (**LAW** [regulation] **+ NY** [New York; US city]) **reversed** (set up; down entry) **contained in** (introduced) **TD** (designation of a Teachta D'ala, Deputy to the **DAIL** [Irish parliament; entry at 13 across)\n **T** (**YN** **WAL**)< **D"} {"Clue":"Lampoon succeeded with British after pound out of depth (5)","Answer":"SQUIB","Explanation":"Definition: Lampoon\n **S** (succeeded) **+ QUID** (slang for pound sterling) **excluding** (out of) **D** (depth) **+ B** (British)\n **S QUI B"} {"Clue":"Tense after blocking extra quantity of information (4)","Answer":"BYTE","Explanation":"Definition: quantity of information\n **T** (tense) **contained in** ([after] blocking) **BYE** (extra run in cricket where the ball passes the bat and the wicketkeeper without being hit by the bat or touching the batter's leg on the way through)\n **BY** (**T**) **E"} {"Clue":"Advert not featuring large dog (3)","Answer":"PUG","Explanation":"Definition: dog\n **PLUG** (advert) **excluding** (not featuring) **L** (large)\n **PUG"} {"Clue":"British cut (not horse), cured meat and game (10)","Answer":"BACKGAMMON","Explanation":"Definition: game\n **B** (British) **+ HACK** (cut) **excluding** (not) **H** (heroin; horse] **+ GAMMON** (type of meat)\n **B ACK GAMMON"} {"Clue":"Well-informed questions put to an audience (4)","Answer":"WISE","Explanation":"Definition: Well-informed\n **WISE** (**sounds like** [to an audience] **WHYS** [questions])\n **WISE"} {"Clue":"Group performing in comeback to make these? (5)","Answer":"NOTES","Explanation":"Definition: Group performing in comeback to make these\n (**SET** [group] **+ ON** [performing]) **all reversed** (in comeback)\n (**NO TES**)<"} {"Clue":"Wardrobe man going on about The Equaliser (9)","Answer":"REDRESSER","Explanation":"Definition: Equaliser\n **RE** (with reference to; about) **+ DRESSER** (wardrobe person)\n **RE DRESSER"} {"Clue":"Greek character in charge of a river mouth? (7)","Answer":"DELTAIC","Explanation":"Definition: of a river mouth? (7)\n **DELTA** (character of the Greek alphabet) **+ I\/C** (In charge)\n **DELTA I C"} {"Clue":"Massage one's husband, squeezing black pants (7)","Answer":"RUBBISH","Explanation":"Definition: pants\n (**RUB** [massage] **+ I'S** [Roman numeral for one'S] **+ H** [husband]) containing (squeezing) **B** (black, on pencil leads to indicate softness)\n **RUB** (**B**) **IS** **H"} {"Clue":"Intelligent to get out of head for sure (5)","Answer":"RIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: sure\n **BRIGHT** (intelligent) **excluding** (get out of) **the first letter** (head) **B**\n **RIGHT"} {"Clue":"Do you have to get up mornings if you're a punk? (7)","Answer":"MOHICAN","Explanation":"Definition: punk\n ? \u2013 see preamble\n **MOHICAN"} {"Clue":"In the past, go around with nurse and Welsh cad (7)","Answer":"ENWHEEL","Explanation":"Definition: In the past, go around\n **EN** (Enrolled Nurse) **+ W** (Welsh) + **HEEL** (despicable person; cad)\n **EN W HEEL"} {"Clue":"Music producer with leg over a head of Orion (5)","Answer":"PIANO","Explanation":"Definition: Music producer\n (**PIN** [leg] **containing** [over] **A**) **+ O** (**first letter of** [head of] **ORION**)\n **PI** (**A**) **N** **O"} {"Clue":"Recent naughtiness ultimately needing reporting (7)","Answer":"NEWSING","Explanation":"Definition: reporting\n **NEW** (recent) **+ SIN** (naughtiness) **+ G** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **NEEDING**)\n **NEW SIN G"} {"Clue":"Quickly list rules at first, then strip lacking priest (4,3)","Answer":"REEL OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Quickly list\n **R** (**initial letter of** [at first] **RULES**) **+ PEEL OFF** (strip) **excluding** (lacking) **P** (priest)\n **R EEL OFF"} {"Clue":"Preening old fools soon to be trading again? (9)","Answer":"REOPENING","Explanation":"Definition: soon to be trading again\n **Anagram of** (fools) **PREENING** and **O** [old)\n **REOPENING"} {"Clue":"Certain to have hot fellow over end of chair (2,3)","Answer":"IN FOR","Explanation":"Definition: Certain to have\n **IN** (popular; hot) **+ F** (fellow) **+ O** (over) **+ R** (**last letter of** [end of] **CHAIR**)\n **IN F O R"} {"Clue":"Having taken top off, heartily drinks syrups (4)","Answer":"WIGS","Explanation":"Definition: syrups\n **SWIGS** (takes a deep draught of drink) **excluding the first letter** (taken top off) **S**\n **WIGS"} {"Clue":"A crowd with a reservation to see some pottery (10)","Answer":"AGATEWARES","Explanation":"Definition: pottery\n **A** **+ GATE** (crowd)\u00a0**+ W** (with) **+ A + RES** (reservation)\n **A GATE W A RES"} {"Clue":"I'm bored travelling round new resort abroad (8)","Answer":"BENIDORM","Explanation":"Definition: resort abroad\n **Anagram of** (travelling) **I'M BORED** **containing** (round) **N** (new)\n **BE** (**N**) **I****DOR****M"} {"Clue":"Dude with a diary you put at No. 2 in best-seller list (9)","Answer":"CATALOGUE","Explanation":"Definition: list\n **CAT** (showily dressed man; dude) **+ A + LOG** (diary) **+ U** (text message form of you) **+ E** (**second letter of** [No 2 in] **BEST-SELLER**) \u2013 I'm not sure of the parsing of the **U** and **E** at the end, but what I have put seems reasonable to me. I'm happy for solvers to indicate something better\n **CAT A LOG U E"} {"Clue":"An organised unit and salt get the worse for wear (7)","Answer":"GESTALT","Explanation":"Definition: An organised unit\n **Anagram of** (the worse for wear) **SALT GET**\n **GESTALT"} {"Clue":"Bar? Come with me to get smashed in town! (9)","Answer":"MORECAMBE","Explanation":"Definition: town\n **Anagram of** (to get smashed) **BAR COME** and **ME**\n **MORECAMBE"} {"Clue":"Runner in Europe punched by Queen? Do behave! (5)","Answer":"ORDER","Explanation":"Definition: Do behave\n (**ODER** (river in Germany [runner in Europe]) **containing** (punched by) **R** (Regina; Queen) \n **O** (**R**) **DER"} {"Clue":"In Australia, go away aboard Trondheim ship (5)","Answer":"IMSHI","Explanation":"Definition: In Australia, go away\n **IMSHI** (**hidden word in** [aboard]) **TRONDHEIM SHIP**\n **IMSHI"} {"Clue":"Want to remove cap by yard? That's crude! (6)","Answer":"EARTHY","Explanation":"Definition: crude\n **DEARTH** (scarcity; want) **excluding the first letter D** (to remove cap) **+ Y** (yard)\n **EARTH Y"} {"Clue":"Endlessly market revolutionary pen like Sappho (6)","Answer":"LESBIC","Explanation":"Definition: like Sappho\n **SELL** (market) **excluding the final letter L** (endlessly) and **reversed** (revolutionary) + **BIC** (brand of ballpoint pen)\n **LES**< **BIC"} {"Clue":"Little drink good? That's not entirely accurate! (4,5)","Answer":"HALF RIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: not entirely accurate\n **HALF** (half pint; small drink of beer or lager) **+ RIGHT** (good)\n **HALF RIGHT"} {"Clue":"What the latest two pieces from Ono mean to purchasers? (4,5)","Answer":"NEAR OFFER","Explanation":"Definition: What the latest two pieces from Ono mean to purchasers? (4,5)\n the abbreviation **O N O** is short for **OR NEAR[EST] OFFER**, **NO** are the last two letters or pieces of **ONO**\n **NEAR OFFER"} {"Clue":"Tory figure at polls finally gets in line with others (8)","Answer":"CONFORMS","Explanation":"Definition: gets in line with others\n **CON** (Conservative; Tory) **+ FORM** (shape; figure) **+ S** (**last letter of** [finally]) **POLLS**\n **CON** **FORM** **S"} {"Clue":"Author is more corny, making lead go west (6)","Answer":"WRITER","Explanation":"Definition: Author is more corny, making lead go west (6)\n **TRITER** (more hackneyed; more corny) **exchanging the first letter** (making lead go) **T** for **W** (west) to form **WRITER**\n **WRITER"} {"Clue":"Trailer engineers look at after prang at the front (7)","Answer":"PREVIEW","Explanation":"Definition: Trailer\n **P** (**first letter of** [at the front] **PRANG**) **+ RE** (Royal Engineers) **+ VIEW** (look at)\n **P RE VIEW"} {"Clue":"You might see me with Her Maj around Windsor primarily (6)","Answer":"ANDREW","Explanation":"Definition: You might see me with Her Maj around Windsor primarily\n **AND** (with) **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; Queen Elizabeth) **reversed** (around) **+ W** (**first letter of** [primarily] **WINDSOR**)\n **AND** **RE**< **W"} {"Clue":"Wife men sent up? No good and immoral! (5)","Answer":"WRONG","Explanation":"Definition: immoral\n **W** (wife) **+ OR** (other ranks; men) **reversed** (sent up; down entry) **+ NG** (no good)\n **W RO**< **NG"} {"Clue":"Sorrow after female's left? Head to great barman! (5)","Answer":"GRIEG","Explanation":"Definition: barman\n **GRIEF** (sorrow) **excluding** (after \u2026 left) **F** (female) **+ G** (**first letter of** [head to] **GREAT**)\n **GRIE G"} {"Clue":"Endless crude oil misused by humans? Absurd (9)","Answer":"LUDICROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Absurd\n (**Anagram of** [misused] **CRUDE** **excluding the final letter D** [endless] and **OIL**) + **US** (humans)\n **LUDICRO*** **US"} {"Clue":"Son in tree composes sacred poem (5)","Answer":"PSALM","Explanation":"Definition: sacred poem\n **S** (son) **contained in** (in) **PALM** (type of tree)\n **P** (**S**) **ALM"} {"Clue":"King had this made specially for crossing river (5)","Answer":"DREAM","Explanation":"Definition: King had this\n **Anagram of** (specially) **MADE** **containing** (crossing) **R** (river)\n **D** (**R**) **EAM"} {"Clue":"Clock American magazine article? (9)","Answer":"TIMEPIECE","Explanation":"Definition: Clock\n **TIME** (American magazine) **+ PIECE** (an article for a magazine) so taken together we have an article for an American magazine\n **TIME PIECE"} {"Clue":"Keep selfies circulating around: removing one is simple (10)","Answer":"EFFORTLESS","Explanation":"Definition: simple\n **Anagram of** (circulating) **SELFIES** **excluding** (removing)** I** (Roman numeral for one) **containing** (around) **FORT** (a keep)\n **EF** (**FORT**) **LESS"} {"Clue":"Courtly love but no husband for this regretful lady (4)","Answer":"OTIS","Explanation":"Definition: regretful lady\n **O** (character representing zero which is the 'love' score on a tennis court; courtly love) **+ THIS excluding** (but no) **H** (husband)\n **O TIS"} {"Clue":"Slim country and western singer with assassin (7)","Answer":"WHITMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Slim country and western singer\n **W** (with) **+ HITMAN** (assassin)\n **W HITMAN"} {"Clue":"New uranium crystal used in fission? (7)","Answer":"NUCLEAR","Explanation":"Definition: fission\n **N** (new) **+ U** (uranium) **+ CLEAR** (crystal)\n **N U CLEAR"} {"Clue":"Substantial amount is duty Nadhim ultimately wasted (4,3)","Answer":"TIDY SUM","Explanation":"Definition: Substantial amount\n **Anagram of** (wasted) **IS DUTY** and **M** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **NADHIM**)\n **TIDY SUM"} {"Clue":"Element burning with pong when current put through (7)","Answer":"LITHIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Element\n **LIT** (aflame; burning) **+** (**HUM** [smell] **containing** [put through it] **I** [electric current])\n **LIT** **H** (**I**) **UM"} {"Clue":"Runs when piano produces rough sound (4)","Answer":"RASP","Explanation":"Definition: rough sound\n **R** (runs) **+ AS** (when) **+ P** (piano)\n **R AS P"} {"Clue":"Duck in cove caught and stabbed (10)","Answer":"BAYONETTED","Explanation":"Definition: stabbed\n **O** (character representing zero, or no score, which is referred to as a duck in cricket) **contained in** (in) (**BAY** [cove] **+ NETTED** (caught [a fish])\n **BAY** (**O**) **NETTED"} {"Clue":"Commoners vote, enduring hard claims for attention (3,6)","Answer":"HOI POLLOI","Explanation":"Definition: Commoners\n **POLL** (ballot) **contained in** (enduring) (**H** [hard, in notation for pencil lead] **+** [**OI** {expression used to claim attention} **+ another OI** {expression used to claim attention} giving claims for attention])\n **H OI** (**POLL**) **OI"} {"Clue":"1 Across sentimentality about distant land (5)","Answer":"GONZO","Explanation":"Definition: 1 Across\n **GOO** (sentimentality) **containing** (about) **NZ** (New Zealand, distant land as far as solvers in the UK are concerned)\n **GO** (**NZ**) **O"} {"Clue":"Pottery expert consuming litres (5)","Answer":"DELFT","Explanation":"Definition: Pottery\n **DEFT** (skilled; expert) **containing** (consuming) **L** (litres)\n **DE** (**L**) **FT"} {"Clue":"Back head to show austere approach (9)","Answer":"STERNNESS","Explanation":"Definition: austere approach\n **STERN** (back [of a boat]) **+ NESS** [head[land])\n **STERN NESS"} {"Clue":"Accommodate duke in theatre box (5)","Answer":"LODGE","Explanation":"Definition: Accommodate\n **D** (duke) **contained in** (in) **LOGE** (a box in the theatre or opera house)\n **LO** (**D**) **GE"} {"Clue":"Like spring rolls? Main man devours one (4-5)","Answer":"DEEP-FRIED","Explanation":"Definition: Like spring rolls\n **DEEP** (ocean; main) **+** (**FRED** [man's name]) **containing** [devours] **I** [Roman numeral for one])\n **DEEP** **FR** (**I**) **ED"} {"Clue":"Firm needs million to guarantee settlement (10)","Answer":"COMPROMISE","Explanation":"Definition: settlement\n **CO** (company; firm) **+ M** (millions) **+ PROMISE **(guarantee)\n **CO M PROMISE"} {"Clue":"Bunting taken from door to landing (7)","Answer":"ORTOLAN","Explanation":"Definition: Bunting\n **ORTOLAN** (**hidden word in** [taken from] **DOOR TO LANDING**)\n **ORTOLAN"} {"Clue":"Instrument is imported by Salvation Army people (7)","Answer":"SAMISEN","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\n **IS** **contained in** (imported by) (**SA** [Salvation Army] **+ MEN** [people])\n **SA** **M** (**IS**) **EN"} {"Clue":"Writer to apply zero pressure in Patmore's case? (4)","Answer":"POPE","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\n (**O** [character representing zero] **+ P** [pressure]) **contained in** (in) **PE** (**outer letters of** [case of] **PATMORE.** **PATMORE** was also an English poet, but he lived in a different century to **POPE**)\n **P** (**O** **P**) **E"} {"Clue":"007 not someone lacking in manners? (5)","Answer":"AGENT","Explanation":"Definition: 007\n **A + GENT** (a well mannered person; someone not lacking in manners)\n **A GENT"} {"Clue":"Virtuoso rounds lake and medium whirlpool (9)","Answer":"MAELSTROM","Explanation":"Definition: whirlpool\n **MAESTRO** (virtuoso) **containing** (rounds) **L** (lake) **+ M** (medium)\n **MAE** (**L**) **STRO** **M"} {"Clue":"Strange cut perhaps not targeted (10)","Answer":"SCATTERGUN","Explanation":"Definition: not targeted\n **Anagram of** (perhaps) **STRANGE CUT**\n **SCATTERGUN"} {"Clue":"Doctor was there with daughter for turning point (9)","Answer":"WATERSHED","Explanation":"Definition: turning point\n **Anagram of** (doctor) **WAS THERE** **+ D** (daughter)\n **WATERSHE*** **D"} {"Clue":"Old weapon put in cold storage for life (9)","Answer":"EXISTENCE","Explanation":"Definition: life\n **EX** (old) **+** (**STEN** [type of gun; weapon] **contained in** [put in] **ICE** [cold storage])\n **EX** **I** (**STEN**) **CE"} {"Clue":"Complaint from Tees before son gets stuck into the beers (7)","Answer":"MEASLES","Explanation":"Definition: Complaint\n **ME** (Tees, the crossword setter) **+** (**S** [son] **contained in** [gets stuck into] **ALES** [beers])\n **ME** **A** (**S**) **LES"} {"Clue":"Catty 6 Down? (7)","Answer":"LEONINE","Explanation":"Definition: Catty\n **LEO NINE** (**LEO IX** [1002 \u2013 1054] was a **POPE** [another meaning of 6 down])\n **LEO NINE"} {"Clue":"Succeeded with murder in facility (5)","Answer":"SKILL","Explanation":"Definition: facility\n **S** (succeeded) **+ KILL** (murder)\n **S KILL"} {"Clue":"Saving rupees, bed down in rubbish (5)","Answer":"DROSS","Explanation":"Definition: rubbish\n **DOSS** (go to bed) **containing** (saving) **R** (rupees)\n **D** (**R**) **OSS"} {"Clue":"American writer close to Walt 14 Across? (4)","Answer":"POET","Explanation":"Definition: Walt 14 Across\n **POE** (reference Edgar Alan **POE** [1809 \u2013 1849]. American writer) **+ T** (**last letter of** [close to] **WALT**) I suppose we could debate whether Walt is part of the definition or is just used in a component of the wordplay)\n **POE T"} {"Clue":"Rush, we're told, is a weed (4)","Answer":"TARE","Explanation":"Definition: weed\n **TARE** (**sounds like** [we're told] **TEAR** [rush or move quickly])\n **TARE"} {"Clue":"Attorney initially rejected case for appeal (10)","Answer":"ATTRACTION","Explanation":"Definition: appeal\n **ATT** (attorney) **+ R** (**first letter of** [initially] **REJECTED**) **+ ACTION** (legal case)\n **ATT R ACTION"} {"Clue":"A racing event \u2013 one on river, say (7)","Answer":"REGATTA","Explanation":"Definition: A racing event \u2013 one on river, say\n **R** (river) **+ EG** (for example; say) **+ A + TT** (reference a motor cycling Tourist Trophy racing event, such as the Isle of Man **TT**) **+ A** (one)\n **R** **EG A** **TT** **A"} {"Clue":"Portion of vitamin I'm allowed is negligible (7)","Answer":"MINIMAL","Explanation":"Definition: negligible\n **MINIMAL** (**hidden word in** [portion pf] **VITAMIN I'M ALLOWED**)\n **MINIMAL"} {"Clue":"One recruits new petrol attendants after dismissing Dan (6,7)","Answer":"TALENT SPOTTER","Explanation":"Definition: One recruits\n **Anagram of** (new) **PETROL ATTENDANTS** **excluding** (after dismissing) **DAN**\n **TALENT SPOTTER"} {"Clue":"A quiet, boring time gets you yawning (5)","Answer":"AGAPE","Explanation":"Definition: yawning\n (**A** **+ P** [piano; quiet]) **contained in** (boring) **AGE** (period of time)\n **AG** (**A P**) E"} {"Clue":"Atoll perhaps cultivated for cereal (5,4)","Answer":"CORAL REEF","Explanation":"Definition: Atoll\n **Anagram of** (cultivated) **FOR CEREAL**\n **CORAL REEF"} {"Clue":"Team's oddly beset by failure to secure cup (9)","Answer":"DEMITASSE","Explanation":"TAS** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [oddly] of **TEAM'S**) **contained in** (beset by) **DEMISE** (failure)\n **DEMI** (**TAS**) **SE"} {"Clue":"Passage requiring a key? (5)","Answer":"AISLE","Explanation":"Definition: Passage\n **A** **+ ISLE** (island; key)\n **A ISLE"} {"Clue":"CLOSE OFF ROME AND BERLIN? (5,8)","Answer":"BLOCK CAPITALS","Explanation":"Definition: CLOSE OFF ROME AND BERLIN\n **BLOCK** (close off) **+ CAPITALS** (Rome and Berlin are capital cities)\n **BLOCK CAPITALS"} {"Clue":"Skilled worker is irregular, not punctual at first (7)","Answer":"ARTISAN","Explanation":"Definition: Skilled worker\n **PARTISAN** (in World War II, an irregular resister within the enemy occupation lines) **excluding** (not) **P** (**initial letter of** [at first] **P**UNCTUAL)\n **ARTISAN"} {"Clue":"Playwright is keeping individual company (7)","Answer":"IONESCO","Explanation":"Definition: Playwright\n (**IS** **containing** [keeping] **ONE** [individual]) **+ CO** (company)\n **I** (**ONE**) **S** **CO"} {"Clue":"Case of family retaining no memory \u2013 weird, if you ask me (3,2,5)","Answer":"FOR MY MONEY","Explanation":"Definition: if you ask me\n **FY** (**outer letters of** [case of] **FAMILY**) **containing** (retaining) **an anagram of** (weird) **NO MEMORY**\n **F** (**OR MY MONE***) **Y"} {"Clue":"Constant request for pin? (4)","Answer":"CASK","Explanation":"Definition: pin\n **C** (constant in mathematical notation) **+ ASK** (request)\n **C ASK"} {"Clue":"Player in bother is backed by sponsors, primarily \u2013 they'll offer a fortune (5,5)","Answer":"TAROT CARDS","Explanation":"Definition: they'll offer a fortune\n (**ACTOR** [player] **contained in** [in] **DRAT** [interjection used to express annoyance; bother!]) **all reversed** (is backed) **+ S** (**first letter of** [primarily]) **SPONSORS**\n (**TA** (**ROT CA**) **RD**)< **S"} {"Clue":"Note, celebration involves one displaying finery (7)","Answer":"REGALIA","Explanation":"Definition: finery\n **RE** (note of the tonic sol-fa) **+** (**GALA** [celebration] **containing** [involves] **I** [Roman numeral for one])\n **RE** **GAL** (**I**) **A"} {"Clue":"New star gets involved with cast and performs (9)","Answer":"TRANSACTS","Explanation":"Definition: performs\n **Anagram of** (gets involved with) (**N** [new] and **STAR** and **CAST**)\n **TRANSACTS"} {"Clue":"One who loves me to wear jumper (5)","Answer":"ROMEO","Explanation":"Definition: One who loves\n **ME contained in** (to wear) **ROO** (kangaroo; jumper)\n **RO** (**ME**) **O"} {"Clue":"Maybe Leo Tolstoy briefly is confused with Lenin, a leader of Communists (13)","Answer":"CONSTELLATION","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe Leo\n **Anagram of** (confused with) **TOLSTOY** **excluding the final letter Y** [briefly] and **LENIN** and **C** [**first letter of** [leader of] **COMMUNISTS**)\n **CONSTELLATION"} {"Clue":"Single male first to sprint into pool for dip (7)","Answer":"IMMERSE","Explanation":"Definition: dip\n **I** (single) **+ M** (male) **+** (**S** [**initial letter of** {first to} **SPRINT**] **contained in** [into] **MERE** [a pool])\n **I** **M MER** (**S**) **E"} {"Clue":"Duck found on European river (4)","Answer":"NILE","Explanation":"Definition: river\n **NIL** (nothing; zero; duck score in cricket) **+ E** (European)\n **NIL E"} {"Clue":"Mind you, lies spread about conservationists in a biased way (13)","Answer":"TENDENTIOUSLY","Explanation":"Definition: in a biased way\n **TEND **(mind)** + an anagram of** (spread) **YOU LIES** **containing** (about) **NT** (National Trust,a conservation group)\n **TEND E** (**NT**) I**OUSLY"} {"Clue":"Trembling or shake following ends of seismic event? (10)","Answer":"AFTERSHOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Trembling or shake following ends of seismic event\n **Anagram of** (trembling) **OR SHAKE** and **F** [following] and **CT** (**last letters of** [ends of] **each of** **SEISMIC** and **EVENT**)\n **AFTERSHOCK"} {"Clue":"Rene's gutted, cut up over mark in English test again (2-7)","Answer":"RE-EXAMINE","Explanation":"Definition: test again\n **RE** (**letters remaining in RENE** **when the central letters EN are removed** [gutted]) **+ AXE** (cut) **reversed** (up; down entry) **+ M** ([Deutsch]mark) **+ IN + E**\n **RE** **EXA**< **M IN E"} {"Clue":"Criminal is more violent around summer time (7)","Answer":"MOBSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Criminal\n **Anagram of** (violent) **MORE** **containing** (around) **BST** (British Summer Time)\n **MO** (**BST**) **ER"} {"Clue":"City wants ballet, but with much more water! (7)","Answer":"SWANSEA","Explanation":"Definition: City\n **SWAN LAKE** (a ballet) with **LAKE** upgraded to **SEA** (something with more water)\n **SWAN**** SEA"} {"Clue":"Martial art is to finish in decisive blow (5)","Answer":"KENDO","Explanation":"Definition: Martial art\n **END** (finish) **contained in** (in) **KO** (knockout; decisive blow)\n **K** (**END**) **O"} {"Clue":"Vulgar supporter upset female (4)","Answer":"NAFF","Explanation":"FAN** (supporter) **reversed** (upset; down clue) **+ F** (female)\n **NAF**< **F"} {"Clue":"Substance in tank is hard buoyant graphite (4)","Answer":"KISH","Explanation":"Definition: buoyant graphite\n **KISH** (**hidden word in** [substance in] **TANK IS HARD**\n **KISH"} {"Clue":"Curb tots running wild in hamper (8)","Answer":"OBSTRUCT","Explanation":"Definition: hamper\n **Anagram of** (running) **CURB TOTS**\n **OBSTRUCT"} {"Clue":"A cautious person (10)","Answer":"ACHITOPHEL","Explanation":"Definition: A cautious person\n This is the competition word that has to be clued, so there is no wordplay\n **ACHITOPHEL"} {"Clue":"Unified creatures close to being included among hybrids (5)","Answer":"ZOONS","Explanation":"Definition: Unified creatures\n **ON** (close to) **contained in** (being included) **ZOS** (types of hybrid domestic cattle found in parts of the Himalayas, said to be a cross between the male yak and the common horned cow)\n **ZO** (**ON**) **S"} {"Clue":"Fresh horses are cleverly taken round soggy ground (6)","Answer":"REMUDA","Explanation":"Definition: Fresh horses\n **Anagram of** (cleverly) **ARE** **containing** (taken round) **MUD** (soggy ground)\n **RE** (**MUD**) **A"} {"Clue":"Bit of burley in tobacco box, sort of hickory (8)","Answer":"SHAGBARK","Explanation":"Definition: sort of hickory\n **B** (**first letter of** [bit of] **BURLEY** **contained in** (in) (**SHAG** [tobacco cut into shreds] **+ ARK** [chest; box])\n **SHAG** (**B**) **ARK"} {"Clue":"Tractor cutting pillar diagonally (5)","Answer":"CATER","Explanation":"Definition: diagonally\n **CATERPILLAR** (a tractor or other [especially earthmoving)]vehicle running on endless articulated tracks made up of a series of flat metal plates) **excluding** (cutting) **PILLAR**\n **CATER"} {"Clue":"Lion maybe removing 50% of herd? (3)","Answer":"CAT","Explanation":"Definition: Lion maybe\n **CATTLE** (reference a herd of **CATTLE**) **excluding** (removing) **the final 3 of 6** (50%) **letters** **TLE**\n **CAT"} {"Clue":"Catch walrus? It makes one very sad (9)","Answer":"HEARTACHE","Explanation":"Definition: It makes one very sad\n **HEAR** (catch) **+ TACHE** (moustache; a walrus is a type of moustache)\n **HEAR** **TACHE"} {"Clue":"Androgyny in plants is common with variation round east (9)","Answer":"MONOECISM","Explanation":"Definition: Androgyny in plants\n **Anagram of** (with variation) **IS COMMON** **containing** (round) **E** (East)\n **MONO** (**E**) **CISM"} {"Clue":"Outsiders at Cheltenham \u2013 what many will have a punt on (3)","Answer":"CAM","Explanation":"Definition: what many will have a punt on\n **CAM** (**first and two final letters** [outsiders] of **CHELTENHAM**)\n **CAM"} {"Clue":"I may dress rich lot with ultimate in elegance (8)","Answer":"CLOTHIER","Explanation":"Definition: I may dress\n **Anagram of** (dress) **RICH LOT** and **E** (**final letter of** [ultimate in] **ELEGANCE**)\n **CLOTHIER"} {"Clue":"It can combine with antibody, tending to occur in a female (6)","Answer":"HAPTEN","Explanation":"Definition: It can combine with antibody\n **APT** (tending [to]) **contained in** (in) **HEN** (a female)\n **H** (**APT**) **EN"} {"Clue":"Fish found in the sea or in a river (5)","Answer":"DOREE","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\n **OR** **contained in** (in) **DEE** (name of many rivers in the United Kingdom)\n **D** (**OR**) **EE"} {"Clue":"Specialized scientist: he's got mice for working on (10)","Answer":"GEOCHEMIST","Explanation":"Definition: Specialized scientist\n **Anagram of** (for working on) **HE'S GOT MICE**\n **GEOCHEMIST"} {"Clue":"What's a nonpareil like? Don't be so nosy! (8)","Answer":"PEERLESS","Explanation":"Definition: What's a nonpareil like\n **PEER** (look; nose) **+ LESS** (not so much) \u2013 don't be so nosy\n **PEER LESS"} {"Clue":"Blue dye that's appropriate, as it's said, for such bags (4)","Answer":"SACS","Explanation":"Definition: bags\n **SACS** (**sounds like** [as it's said] **SAXE** [a blue dye colour])\n **SACS"} {"Clue":"I'll leave ladies, maybe leading a Neapolitan folk dance (8)","Answer":"KAZACHOC","Explanation":"Definition: folk dance\n **KAZI** (lavatory; ladies toilet for example) **excluding** (leaving)** I** **+ A + CHOC** (a Neapolitan is a small rectangular **CHOC**olate)\n **KAZ A CHOC"} {"Clue":"Like a jab? It'll treat marsh rot (8)","Answer":"SHORT-ARM","Explanation":"Definition: Like a jab\n **Anagram of** (it'll treat) **MARSH ROT**\n **SHORT-ARM"} {"Clue":"Chestnut's second in race by missing hedge (6)","Answer":"HINDER","Explanation":"Definition: hedge\n **H** (**second letter of** [second] **CHESTNUT**) **+ IN + DERBY** ([famous] horserace) **excluding** (missing) **BY**\n **H IN DER"} {"Clue":"What's guy whacked hard with end of baton? (7)","Answer":"BODHRAN","Explanation":"Definition: What's guy whacked hard with end of baton\n **BO** (familiar term of address for a man; guy) **+ an anagram of** (whacked) **HARD** **+ N** (**last letter of** [end of] **BATON**)\n **BO DHRA*** **N"} {"Clue":"Prop over-stretching in twice getting dropped (5)","Answer":"SPRAG","Explanation":"Definition: Prop\n **SPRAINING** (over-stretching) **excluding** (getting dropped) **IN + IN** (in twice)\n **SPRAG"} {"Clue":"Quake (not the first) clear in the NE (6)","Answer":"REMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: clear in the NE\n **TREMBLE** (quake) **excluding** (not) **the initial** (the first) **letter T**\n **REMBLE"} {"Clue":"What can be useful in cutting stones? Shaping sard can (7)","Answer":"CADRANS","Explanation":"Definition: What can be useful in cutting stones\n **Anagram of** (shaping) **SARD CAN**\n **CADRANS"} {"Clue":"Durable timber essential to decorate a kitchen (4)","Answer":"TEAK","Explanation":"Definition: Durable timber\n **TEAK** (**hidden word, central in** [essential to] **DECORATE A KITCHEN**)\n **TEAK"} {"Clue":"One just before stroke given a bone (4)","Answer":"COXA","Explanation":"Definition: bone\n **COX** (the **COX** sits facing the rower known as the stroke in a rowing eight) **+ A**\n **COX A"} {"Clue":"Canons, Catholic, preceding liturgy with soaring tune (8)","Answer":"CRITERIA","Explanation":"Definition: Canons\n **C** (Catholic) **+ RITE** (liturgy) **+ AIR** (tune) **reversed** (soaring; down entry)\n **C RITE RIA**<"} {"Clue":"Cutting guides, some in pool getting allowed in (8)","Answer":"TEMPLETS","Explanation":"Definition: Cutting guides\n **TEMPS** (people from the pool of temporary staff) **containing** (getting \u2026 in) **LET** (allowed)\n **TEMP** (**LET**) **S"} {"Clue":"Almost everything filling floor or window display (7)","Answer":"ETALAGE","Explanation":"Definition: window display\n **ALL** (everything) **excluding the final letter L** (almost) **contained in** (filling) **ETAGE** (floor or storey)\n **ET** (**AL**) **AGE"} {"Clue":"Endless outrage coming up about 'dry' functions (7)","Answer":"COSECHS","Explanation":"Definition: functions\n **SHOCK** (outrage) **excluding the final letter K** (endless) and **containing** (about) **SEC** (dry, when describing wine)\n **CO** (**SEC**) **HS**<"} {"Clue":"Dam in Germany gives this menacing rumble (6)","Answer":"MUTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Dam in Germany\n **MUTTER** (of thunder, hence menacing, to rumble faintly) double definition\n **MUTTER"} {"Clue":"Commander writing about moving up artillery cannons (6)","Answer":"CAROMS","Explanation":"Definition: cannons\n (**CO** [commander] **+ MS** [manuscript; writing]) **containing** (about) **RA** ([Royal] Artillery) **reversed** (moving up; down entry)\n **C** (**AR**<) **O** **MS"} {"Clue":"Holes excavated for where the dead will rest (5)","Answer":"SHEOL","Explanation":"Definition: where the dead will rest\n **Anagram of** (excavated [?]) **HOLES**\n **SHEOL"} {"Clue":"Coke imbibed in alcoholic tipple yielding kick? (5)","Answer":"WINCE","Explanation":"Definition: kick\n **C** (cocaine; coke) **contained in** (imbibed by) **WINE** (alcoholic drink or tipple)\n **WIN** (**C**) **E"} {"Clue":"Trucks? Squatter regularly moves around in these (4)","Answer":"UTES","Explanation":"Definition: Trucks\n **Anagram of** (moves around) **SUTE** (**letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [regularly] of **SQUATTER**)\n **UTES"} {"Clue":"Choice hunks of pork? One bit of each thereof (4)","Answer":"CHOP","Explanation":"Definition: pork? One bit of each thereof\n **CHOP** (first letters of each of [each of one bit of ] **CHOICE**, **HUNKS**, **OF** and **PORK**\n **CHOP"} {"Clue":"Hold out something that looks like a foot (4)","Answer":"LAST","Explanation":"Definition: Hold out\n **LAST** (shoemaker's model of the foot on which boots and shoes are made or repaired) double definition\n **LAST"} {"Clue":"I'm now working with board from shifting trees (6,4)","Answer":"BIRNAM WOOD","Explanation":"Definition: shifting trees\n **Anagram of** (working \u2026 with) **I'M NOW** and (with) **BOARD**\n **BIRNAM WOOD"} {"Clue":"Son leaving European capital in expensive coat (4)","Answer":"MINK","Explanation":"Definition: expensive coat\n **MINSK** (capital city of Belarus) **excluding** (leaving) **S** (son)\n **MINK"} {"Clue":"Minor member of cast often subject to examination (10)","Answer":"UNDERSTUDY","Explanation":"Definition: Minor member of cast often\n **UNDER** (subject to) **+ STUDY** (examination)\n **UNDER STUDY"} {"Clue":"Somewhat obscure regarding US singer and curtailed repeat appearance (9)","Answer":"RECHERCHE","Explanation":"Definition: Somewhat obscure\n **RE** (regarding) **+ CHER** (reference **CHER** [born 1948], American singer) **+ CHER** (again; repeat appearance) this time** excluding the final letter R** (curtailed)\n **RE CHER CHE"} {"Clue":"Best fish, entirely presented without tail (5)","Answer":"IDEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Best\n **IDE** (fish of the same family as the carp) **+ ALL** (entirely) **excluding the final letter L** (presented without tail)\n **IDE AL"} {"Clue":"Power supplied by energy source in sudden intake (4)","Answer":"GASP","Explanation":"Definition: sudden intake\n **GAS** (source of energy) **+ P** (power)\n **GAS P"} {"Clue":"Band entrances without piano skill, on reflection (9)","Answer":"ORCHESTRA","Explanation":"Definition: Band\n **PORCHES** (entrances) **excluding** (without) **P** (piano) **+ ART** (skill) **reversed** (on reflection)\n **ORCHES** **TRA**<"} {"Clue":"Somehow it's nicer to receive kiss from a foreign party? (9)","Answer":"EXTRINSIC","Explanation":"Definition: from a foreign party\n **Anagram of** (somehow) **IT'S NICER** **containing** (to receive) **X** (symbol for a kiss)\n **E** (**X**) **TRINSIC"} {"Clue":"Petty restrictions placed around car accessory (4)","Answer":"TYRE","Explanation":"Definition: car accessory\n **TYRE** (**hidden word in** [placed around] **PETTY RESTRICTIONS**)\n **TYRE"} {"Clue":"Was keen about retaining revolutionary live work on program (5)","Answer":"DEBUG","Explanation":"Definition: work on program\n **DUG** (approved; was keen about) **containing** (retaining) **BE** (live) **reversed** (revolutionary)\n **D** (**EB**<) **UG"} {"Clue":"Councillor in type of work involving old, old fashion item (9)","Answer":"CRINOLINE","Explanation":"Definition: old fashion item\n (**CR** [Councillor] **+ IN + LINE** [type of work]) **containing** (involving) **O** (old)\n **CR** **IN** (**O**) **LINE"} {"Clue":"Perverse high lunar tide swamping loch (3-7)","Answer":"ILL-NATURED","Explanation":"Definition: Perverse\n **Anagram of** (high) **LUNAR TIDE** **containing** (swamping) **L** (loch)\n **IL** (**L**) **NATURED**\u2013 either **L** could be the one contained"} {"Clue":"Supply side finally failing \u2013 it's a joke (4)","Answer":"QUIP","Explanation":"Definition: it's a joke\n **EQUIP** (supply) **excluding** (failing) **E** (**last letter of** [finally] SID**E**)\n **QUIP"} {"Clue":"Flower, one left in wind (6,4)","Answer":"EASTER LILY","Explanation":"Definition: Flower\n (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ L** [left]) **contained in** (in) **EASTERLY** (a wind)\n **EASTER L** (**I** **L**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Tax: it's absent from laughing matter, perhaps (4)","Answer":"LEVY","Explanation":"Definition: Tax\n **LEVITY** (laughter) **excluding** (absent from) **IT**\n **LEVY"} {"Clue":"Island native, flightless bird, going between both sides (5)","Answer":"LEMUR","Explanation":"Definition: Island native\n **EMU** (flightless bird) **contained in** (going between) (**L** [left] **+ R** [right] **representing** both sides)\n **L** (**EMU**) **R"} {"Clue":"Soprano, working with contralto, engaged in hard work and lyrical expertise (9)","Answer":"SONGCRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: lyrical expertise\n **S** (soprano) **+ ON** (working) **+** (**C** [contralto] **contained in** [engaged in] **GRAFT** [hard work])\n **S ON G **(**C**) **RAFT"} {"Clue":"Head of college in university repeatedly found in pubs? That's not suspicious (9)","Answer":"INNOCUOUS","Explanation":"Definition: not suspicious\n (**C** [**first letter of** {head of} **COLLEGE**] **contained in** [in] [**OU** {Open University} **+** **OU** {Open University} again, repeat]) **all contained in** (found in) **INNS** (pubs)\n **INN** (**O** (**C**) **U** **OU**) **S"} {"Clue":"Relative a German upset over church (5)","Answer":"NIECE","Explanation":"Definition: Relative\n **EIN** (one of the German forms of the indefinite article, a) **reversed** (upset [down entry]) **+ CE** (Church [of England])\n **NIE**< **CE"} {"Clue":"Cryptic behaviour? I cite Nimrod's puzzling (12)","Answer":"MISDIRECTION","Explanation":"Definition: Cryptic behaviour\n **Anagram of** (puzzling) **I CITE NIMROD'S**\n **MISDIRECTION"} {"Clue":"Old safety mechanism is valuable (2,3)","Answer":"OF USE","Explanation":"Definition: valuable\n **O** (old) **+ FUSE** (electrical safety mechanism)\n **O** **F USE"} {"Clue":"Apply solvent to uninteresting carbon prop (3-5)","Answer":"DRY CLEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Apply solvent to\n **DRY** (uninteresting) **+ C** (chemical symbol for carbon) **+ LEAN** (prop [**LEAN** against]\n **DRY** **C** **LEAN"} {"Clue":"Agency worker, with hint about richness, taking a chance (8,4)","Answer":"TEMPTING FATE","Explanation":"Definition: taking a chance\n **TEMP** (agency worker) **+** (**TINGE** [slight trace of; hint of] **containing** [about] **FAT** [rich])\n **TEMP** **TING** (**FAT**) **E"} {"Clue":"Church in Spain covered in material that's black and red (9)","Answer":"COCHINEAL","Explanation":"Definition: red\n (**CH** [church] **+ IN + E** [International Vehicle Registration for Spain]) **all contained in** (covered in) **COAL** (material that's black)\n **CO** (**CH** **IN E**) **AL"} {"Clue":"Vileness, putrid, spreading in a day (9)","Answer":"TURPITUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Vileness\n **Anagram of** (spread) **PUTRID** **contained in** (in) **TUE** (**TUE**sday; a day)\n **TU** (**RPITUD***) **E"} {"Clue":"Possible target for repairing telephone problem (8)","Answer":"DEADLINE","Explanation":"Definition: target\n **DEAD LINE** (descriptive of a telephone problem)\n **DEAD LINE"} {"Clue":"Advertising expenditure? (5)","Answer":"BILLS","Explanation":"Definition: Advertising\n **BILLS** (invoices for expenditure) double definition\n **BILLS"} {"Clue":"Ill-bred fellow caught having fling (5)","Answer":"CHURL","Explanation":"Definition: Ill-bred fellow\n **C** (caught) **+ HURL** (fling with violence)\n **C HURL"} {"Clue":"Vacuous compassion I expressed after the writer tumbled over (5)","Answer":"EMPTY","Explanation":"Definition: Vacuous\n **ME** (the writer) **reversed** (tumbled over) **+ PITY** (compassion) **excluding** (expressed) **I**\n **EM**< **PTY"} {"Clue":"One wallows in river (5)","Answer":"HIPPO","Explanation":"Definition: One wallows in river\n **HIP** (trendy; in) **+ PO** (river in Italy)\n **HIP PO"} {"Clue":"\"Tree person\" on plantation (8)","Answer":"MANGROVE","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\n **MAN** (person) **+ GROVE** (small plantation of trees)\n **MAN GROVE"} {"Clue":"From what we hear, they may be just fools? (8)","Answer":"DESSERTS","Explanation":"Definition: fools\n **DESSERTS** (a **FOOL** [puree of fruit scalded or stewed, mixed with cream or custard and sugar] is a type of **DESSERT**) There is also a reference to the phrase **JUST DESSERTS**. I'm not sure why we need the 'from what we hear'.\n **DESSERTS"} {"Clue":"Description of alternative energy for the most part (5)","Answer":"GREEN","Explanation":"Definition: Description of alternative energy\n **Anagram of** (alternative) **ENERGY excluding the final letter** **Y** (for the most part)\n **GREEN"} {"Clue":"Compulsive boozer's consuming interest is drawing (4,4)","Answer":"DIPS INTO","Explanation":"Definition: is drawing\n **DIPSO** (dipsomaniac [someone who constantly craves alcoholic stimulants; compulsive boozer) **containing** (consuming) **INT** (interest)\n **DIPS** (**INT**) **O"} {"Clue":"One of the glitterati jilts a famous surgeon (6)","Answer":"LISTER","Explanation":"Definition: famous surgeon\n **A-LISTER** (one who belongs to the most important or famous group; one of the glitterati) **excluding** (jilts) **A**\n **LISTER"} {"Clue":"Recalled endless sex party with bit of tit for tat (4)","Answer":"GROT","Explanation":"Definition: tat\n **ORGY** [sex party]** excluding the final letter Y** (endless) **reversed** (recalled) **+ T** (**first letter of** [bit of] **TIT**)\n **GRO**< **T"} {"Clue":"It's great when complainant keeps quiet (5)","Answer":"SUPER","Explanation":"Definition: It's great\n **SUER** (complainant) **containing** (keeps) **P** (piano; quiet)\n **SU** (**P**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Shadow bans earl from online business (4)","Answer":"TAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Shadow\n **E-TAIL** (electronic retail; online business) **excluding** (bans) **E** (earl)\n **TAIL"} {"Clue":"Encourage boy to keep up looking left and right (4,2)","Answer":"SPUR ON","Explanation":"Definition: Encourage\n **SON** (boy) **containing** (to keep) (**UP** [**reversed** {looking left}] **+ R** [right])\n **S** (**PU**< **R**) **ON"} {"Clue":"Triple-layered, the answer has to be varied slightly (5-3)","Answer":"THREE-PLY","Explanation":"Definition: Triple-layered\n **THE REPLY** (the answer) **with the third and fourth letter swapped **[varied slightly]** to form** **THREE-PLY**\n **THREE-PLY"} {"Clue":"Large Greek with large son (5)","Answer":"GROSS","Explanation":"Definition: Large\n **GR** (Greek) **+ OS** (outsize [large]) **+ S** (son)\n **GR OS S"} {"Clue":"Awfully enraging? (8)","Answer":"ANGERING","Explanation":"Definition: Awfully enraging\n **Anagram of** (awfully) **ENRAGING**\n **ANGERING"} {"Clue":"He is getting irritated with nun's bright outlook (8)","Answer":"SUNSHINE","Explanation":"Definition: bright outlook\n **Anagram of** (getting irritated) **HE IS** and [with] **NUN'S**\n **SUNSHINE"} {"Clue":"Gent finally turned on \u2013 seeing a bit of leg (5)","Answer":"THIGH","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of leg\n **T** (**last letter of** [finally] **GENT**) **+** **HIGH** (excited; turned on)\n **T HIGH"} {"Clue":"Charlie and I see her sadly becoming more tacky (8)","Answer":"CHEESIER","Explanation":"Definition: more tacky\n **C** (cocaine; charlie) **+ an anagram of** (sadly) **I SEE HER**\n **C** **HEESIER"} {"Clue":"Love the sound of Cats as an alternative to opera (6)","Answer":"OPUSES","Explanation":"Definition: an alternative to opera\n **O** (zero; love score in tennis) **+ PUSES** (**sounds like** [the sound of] **PUSSES** [cats])\n **O** **PUSES"} {"Clue":"Author Shirley managed to support kid (6)","Answer":"CONRAN","Explanation":"Definition: Author Shirley\n **CON** (swindle; kid) **+ RAN** (managed) As this is a down entry the letters in **RAN** are supporting the letters in **CON**\n **CON RAN"} {"Clue":"Retired pilot caught stealing European tableware (5,3)","Answer":"CRUET-SET","Explanation":"Definition: tableware\n ([**TEST** {trial; pilot} **+ C** {caught}] **containing** [stealing] **EUR** [European]) **all reversed** (retired)\n (**C** (**RUE**) **T SET**)<"} {"Clue":"Gene Vincent's entertaining show (6)","Answer":"EVINCE","Explanation":"Definition: show\n **EVINCE** (**hidden word in** [entertaining] **GENE VINCENT**)\n **EVINCE"} {"Clue":"Cock-up on the catering front? It cost an inheritance (4,2)","Answer":"MESS OF POTTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: It cost an inheritance\n **MESS OF** (cock-up) **+ POTTAGE** (soup; catering item)\n **MESS OF POTTAGE"} {"Clue":"He pettily criticises government line in African state (7)","Answer":"NIGGLER","Explanation":"Definition: He pettily criticises\n (**G** [government] **+ L** [line]) **contained in** (in) **NIGER** (West African country)\n **NIG** (**G L**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Slowcoach tires too easily (8)","Answer":"TORTOISE","Explanation":"Definition: Slowcoach\n **Anagram of** (easily) **TIRES TOO**\n **TORTOISE"} {"Clue":"Muslim nurse is upset about America (7)","Answer":"SENUSSI","Explanation":"Definition: Muslim\n (**SEN** [State Enrolled Nurse] **+ IS reversed** [upset; down entry]) **containing** (about) **US** (United States; America)\n **SEN** (**US**) **SI**<"} {"Clue":"I loan out the work of G&S (8)","Answer":"IOLANTHE","Explanation":"Definition: work of G&S\n **I + an anagram of **(out)** LOAN** **+ THE**\n **I** **OLAN*** **THE"} {"Clue":"Edible tuber provided by animal lover (6)","Answer":"PIGNUT","Explanation":"Definition: Edible tuber\n **PIG** [animal] **+ NUT** [person with an obsessive interest; lover]\n **PIG NUT"} {"Clue":"Sorts out ceremonies in the auditorium (6)","Answer":"RIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: Sorts out\n **RIGHTS** (**sounds like** [in the auditorium] **RITES** [ceremonies])\n **RIGHTS"} {"Clue":"Bug in more ways than one (6)","Answer":"EARWIG","Explanation":"Definition: Bug in more ways than one\n **EARWIG** (eavesdrop usually surreptitiously; bug) double definition\n **EARWIG"} {"Clue":"Hunt, wearing nursing uniform, is a prickly individual (3,6)","Answer":"SEA URCHIN","Explanation":"Definition: prickly individual\n (**SEARCH** [hunt] **+ IN** [wearing]) **containing** (nursing) **U** (uniform is the international radio communication code for the letter **U**)\n **SEA** (**U**) **RCH** **IN"} {"Clue":"Trump cut short meeting with prostitute, we hear, which is novel (7)","Answer":"IVANHOE","Explanation":"Definition: novel\n **IVANA** (forename of the wife of former President Donald Trump) **excluding the final letter A** (cut short) **+ HOE** (**sounds like** [we hear] **HO** [American slang term for a prostitute])\n **IVAN** **HOE"} {"Clue":"Outside broadcast follows Frank (4,3)","Answer":"OPEN AIR","Explanation":"Definition: Outside\n **OPEN** (unreserved; frank) **+ AIR** (broadcast)\n **OPEN AIR"} {"Clue":"Patrol old mills for a lot of money (3,6)","Answer":"TOP DOLLAR","Explanation":"Definition: a lot of money\n **Anagram of** (mills) **PATROL OLD**\n **TOP DOLLAR"} {"Clue":"Ordnance is harmless in main transport channel (6)","Answer":"ARTERY","Explanation":"Definition: main transport channel\n **ARTILLERY** (ordnance) **excluding** (is \u2026 less) **ILL** (harm)\n **ARTERY"} {"Clue":"Developed thick skin about love, or just cold-hearted? (7)","Answer":"CALLOUS","Explanation":"Definition: cold-hearted\n **CALLUS** (an area of thickened or hardened skin) **containing** (about) **O** (character representing zero or love score in tennis)\n **CALL** (**O**) **US"} {"Clue":"Usurer left Noah's, upset by his mode of transportation (4,5)","Answer":"LOAN SHARK","Explanation":"Definition: Usurer\n **L** [left] + **an anagram of** (upset) **NOAH'S** **+ ARK** (Noah's mode of transportation in the biblical story)\n **L** **OAN SH*** **ARK"} {"Clue":"Instruction to make payment to prevent heartless child collection (4,5)","Answer":"BANK DRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: Instruction to make payment\n **BAN** (prevent) **+ KID** (child) **excluding the central letter I** (heartless) **+ RAFT** (collection of items)\n **BAN** **K D RAFT"} {"Clue":"White privilege ultimately seen in small child having everything (3,4)","Answer":"CUE BALL","Explanation":"Definition: White\n (**E** [**last letter of** {ultimately} **PRIVILEGE**] **contained in** [seen in] **CUB** [small child]) **+ ALL** (everything)\n **CU** (**E**) **B ALL"} {"Clue":"Pulls off tense clergyman (6)","Answer":"PRIEST","Explanation":"Definition: clergyman\n **PRIES** (forces off by levering; pulls off) + **T** (tense)\n **PRIES T"} {"Clue":"Cooked steak with ham and eggs, at first, in hurry (4,5)","Answer":"MAKE HASTE","Explanation":"Definition: hurry\n **Anagram of** (cooked) **STEAK HAM** + **E** (**initial letter of** [at first] **EGGS**)\n **MAKE HAST***** E"} {"Clue":"South American bishop going to spa for day of relaxation (7)","Answer":"SABBATH","Explanation":"Definition: day of relaxation\n **SA** (South American) **+ B** (bishop) **+ BATH** (spa)\n **SA B BATH"} {"Clue":"Friend of Dorothy drinking Burgundy perhaps in provincial capital (7)","Answer":"TORONTO","Explanation":"Definition: provincial capital\n **TOTO** (friend of Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz) **containing** (drinking) **RON** (reference **RON** Burgundy, lead character in the Anchorman film series [2004 to 2013])\n **TO** (**RON**) **TO"} {"Clue":"Route maps confused pest controller (9)","Answer":"MOUSETRAP","Explanation":"Definition: pest controller\n **Anagram of** (confused) **ROUTE MAPS**\n **MOUSETRAP"} {"Clue":"Dodgy OAPs look after gold in financial centre (3,5)","Answer":"SAO PAULO","Explanation":"Definition: financial centre\n **Anagram of** (dodgy) **OAPS** **+ AU** (chemical symbol for gold) **+ LO** (look)\n **SAO** **P*** **AU** **LO"} {"Clue":"Soprano thrown out of bar in hail (3)","Answer":"AVE","Explanation":"Definition: hail\n **SAVE** (except; bar) **excluding** (thrown out of) **S** (soprano)\n **AVE"} {"Clue":"Again, bust chair? (8)","Answer":"REARREST","Explanation":"Definition: Again, bust\n **REAR** (back or seat) **+ REST** (relax) \u2013 a chair could be described as a **REAR REST**\n **REAR REST"} {"Clue":"Upset, start to reside in temporary building (4)","Answer":"HURT","Explanation":"Definition: Upset\n **R** (**initial letter of** [start to] **RESIDE**) **contained in** (in) **HUT** (temporary building)\n **HU** (**R**) **T"} {"Clue":"Unusual tip to stop theft showing over-attention to detail (3-7)","Answer":"NIT-PICKING","Explanation":"Definition: showing over-attention to detail\n **Anagram of** (unusual) **TIP** **contained in** (to stop) **NICKING** (theft)\n **NI** (**T PI***) **CKING"} {"Clue":"Georgia: country providing fossil fuel (3,3)","Answer":"GAS OIL","Explanation":"Definition: fossil fuel\n **GA** (Georgia) **+ SOIL** (country)\n **GA S OIL"} {"Clue":"Nude Bristolian covers junk (6)","Answer":"DEBRIS","Explanation":"Definition: junk\n **DEBRIS** (hidden word in [covers] **NUDE BRISTOLIAN**)\n **DEBRIS"} {"Clue":"Welcome females in the morning at European's great collection (4,2,4)","Answer":"HALL OF FAME","Explanation":"Definition: great collection\n **HALLO** (welcome) **+** (**F** [female] **+ F** [female] \u2013 giving females) **+ AM** (ante meridiem; morning) **+ E** (European)\n **HALL O** **F** **F AM E"} {"Clue":"Pulls Emily Ratajkowski, for starters, in emotional movie (4-6)","Answer":"TEAR-JERKER","Explanation":"Definition: emotional movie\n (**TEAR** [pull] **+ JERK** [pull] giving pulls) **+ ER** (**first letters** [starters] **of each of EMILY** and **RATAJKOWSKI**)\n **TEAR** **JERK** **ER"} {"Clue":"Flowers might flower around spring and summer, primarily (3,7)","Answer":"MAY BLOSSOM","Explanation":"Definition: Flowers\n **MAY** (might) **+** (**BLOOM** [flower] **containing** [around] **SS** (**first letters of** [primarily] **each of** **SPRING** and **SUMMER**)\n **MAY** **BLO** (**SS**) **OM"} {"Clue":"A young explorer is getting expelled shortly, but is appealing (8)","Answer":"ADORABLE","Explanation":"Definition: appealing\n **A** **+ DORA** (reference **DORA** the Explorer, an American children's animated television series and multimedia franchise) **+ BLED** or **BLEW** (getting expelled)** excluding the final D or W** (shortly) **BLEW** is the more forceful so is probably closer to expelled than **BLED** which is more like oozed.\n **A DORA BLE"} {"Clue":"Small, small person excited to cheat (6,2)","Answer":"STITCH UP","Explanation":"Definition: cheat\n **S** (small) **+ TITCH** (small person) **+ UP** (excited)\n **S TITCH UP"} {"Clue":"Wake up in bed containing Eccles and Oscar (4,2)","Answer":"COME TO","Explanation":"Definition: Wake up\n (**COT** [bed] **containing** [containing] **ME** [the setter Eccles]) **+ O** (Oscar is the International Radio Communication code word for the letter **O**)\n **CO** (**ME**) **T** **O"} {"Clue":"Sunbathe naked to entertain Olympian (6)","Answer":"ATHENA","Explanation":"Definition: Olympian\n **ATHENA** (**hidden word in** [to entertain] **SUNBATHE NAKED**)\n **ATHENA"} {"Clue":"Overthrown monarchy welcomes son; he had lost his birthright (4)","Answer":"ESAU","Explanation":"Definition: he had lost his birthright\n **UAE** (United Arab Emirates, currently an elective monarchy formed from a federation of seven emirates) **reversed** (overthrown) **containing** (welcomes) **S** (son)\n **E** (**S**) **AU**<"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Charles is cycling in Scottish town (3)","Answer":"AYR","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish town\n **RAY** (reference **RAY** Charles [1930 \u2013 2004], American singer, songwriter and pianist) with the letters cycled left to form **AYR**)\n **AYR"} {"Clue":"Rig built with care producing oil (9)","Answer":"LUBRICATE","Explanation":"Definition: oil\n **Anagram of** (rig) **BUILT** and **CARE**\n **LUBRICATE"} {"Clue":"Surrounded by flounder, you caught river fish (7)","Answer":"GROUPER","Explanation":"Definition: fish\n (**U** [**sounds like** {caught}] **YOU** **contained in** [surrounded by] **GROPE** [flounder]) **+ R** (river)\n **GRO** (**U**) **PE** **R"} {"Clue":"So square brackets start to irritate? That's silly (7)","Answer":"ASININE","Explanation":"Definition: silly\n (**AS** [so)** + NINE** [9 is the square of 3]) **containing** (brackets) **I** (**first letter of** [start to] **IRRITATE**)\n **AS** (**I**) **NINE"} {"Clue":"Fussy bastard's content: flipping hell! (5)","Answer":"ABYSS","Explanation":"Definition: hell\n **ABYSS** (**hidden word reversed** [flipping] in [content] **FUSSY BASTARD**)\n **ABYSS"} {"Clue":"Initially appear bitter about cutting sick tree's root out (9)","Answer":"ERADICATE","Explanation":"Definition: root out\n (**A** [**first letter of** {initially} **APPEAR**] **+ ACID** [bitter]) **reversed** (about) **contained in (**cutting) **an anagram of** (sick) **TREE**\n **ER** (**ADIC** **A**)< **TE"} {"Clue":"Plug more suitable as multi-socket device? (7)","Answer":"ADAPTER","Explanation":"Definition: multi-socket device\n **AD** (an advert; a plug) **+ APTER** (more suitable)\n **AD APTER"} {"Clue":"Did dog, we hear, stretch? (5)","Answer":"TRACT","Explanation":"Definition: stretch\n **TRACT** (**sounds like** [we hear] **TRACKED** [shadowed; dogged; did dog)\n **TRACT"} {"Clue":"A ravine ridge's crest (5)","Answer":"CHINE","Explanation":"Definition: A ravine\n **CHINE** (crest of a ridge) double definition\n **CHINE"} {"Clue":"You once repeated after Mark, \"I don't believe it\" (2,3)","Answer":"MY EYE","Explanation":"Definition: I don't believe it\n **M** ([Deutsch]mark) **+ YE** (old form of [once] **YOU**) **+ YE** (old form of [once] **YOU**)\n **M** **Y E** **YE"} {"Clue":"Country wants open society brought back (5)","Answer":"SYRIA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n (**AIRY** [open to the air] **+ S** [society]) **all reversed** (brought back)\n (**S YRIA**)<"} {"Clue":"Ring to check about transport going to West Ham (7)","Answer":"OVERACT","Explanation":"Definition: Ham\n **O** (ring shaped letter) **+** (**VET** [check] **containing** [about] [**CAR** {form of transport} **reversed** {going to the West}])\n **O** **VE** (**RAC**<) **T"} {"Clue":"Arouse extremes of utmost ire in a fellow? (9)","Answer":"INFURIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Arouse\n **Anagram of** (arouse) **UT** (**outer letters of** [extremes of] **UTMOST**) and **IRE IN A** and** F** (fellow)\n **INFURIATE"} {"Clue":"One having links mostly with Republican president (5)","Answer":"CHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: president\n **CHAIN** (item with links) **excluding the final letter N** (mostly) **+ R**\n **CHAI** **R"} {"Clue":"What accompanies this insect in Susan Coolidge's book (7)","Answer":"KATYDID","Explanation":"Definition: insect \n **WHAT** **KATY DID** is a children's book by Susan Coolidge, so **WHAT** accompanies **KATYDID**\n **KATYDID"} {"Clue":"Right away, family transport (7)","Answer":"ELATION","Explanation":"Definition: transport\n **RELATION** (family [member]) **excluding** (away) **R** (right)\n **ELATION"} {"Clue":"One harasses guys in Twin Peaks (9)","Answer":"TORMENTOR","Explanation":"Definition: One harasses\n **MEN** (guys) **contained** (in) (**TOR** [rocky height; peak] **+ TOR** again giving twin peaks)\n **TOR** (**MEN**) **TOR"} {"Clue":"Field study is depressing (6)","Answer":"LEADEN","Explanation":"Definition: depressing\n **LEA** (meadow; field] **+ DEN** (study)\n **LEA DEN"} {"Clue":"Ship is Titanic, one sinking in the sea (10)","Answer":"BRIGANTINE","Explanation":"Definition: Ship\n **GIANT** (titanic) **excluding** (sinking) **I** (Roman numeral for one) **contained in** (in) **BRINE** (sea)\n **BRI** (**GANT**) **NE**\n **Edit: **As Hovis points out at comment 1 below, this should be parsed as\n **GIANT** with the **I** sinking to the bottom to form **GANTI** contained in **BRINE**\n **BRI** (**GANTI**) **NE"} {"Clue":"Found dietitian taking day off? That's unusual (8)","Answer":"INITIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Found\n **Anagram of** (that's unusual) **DIETITIAN** **excluding** (taking \u2026 off) **D** (day)\n **INITIATE"} {"Clue":"Stadium reflected a new age (5)","Answer":"ARENA","Explanation":"Definition: Stadium\n (**A** **+ N** [new] **+ ERA** [age]) **all reversed** (reflected)\n (**ARE N A**)<"} {"Clue":"Helicopter, say, taking diner around Britain (3,6)","Answer":"EGG BEATER","Explanation":"Definition: Helicopter,\n (**EG** [for example] **+ EATER** [diner]) **containing** (around) **GB** ([Great] Britain)\n **EG** (**G B**) **EATER"} {"Clue":"Moonlight, perhaps working in smart bar periodically (6)","Answer":"SONATA","Explanation":"Definition: Moonlight, perhaps\n **ON** (working) **contained in** (in) **SATA** (**letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [periodically] of **SMART BAR**)\n **S** (**ON**) **ATA"} {"Clue":"Agile son is given prize (4)","Answer":"SPRY","Explanation":"Definition: Agile\n **S** (son) **+ PRY** (**PRY** is a form of prise \/ prize)\n **S PRY"} {"Clue":"Can Penny hold back? (8)","Answer":"PRESERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Can\n **P** (penny) **+ RESERVE** (set aside; hold back)\n **P**** RESERVE"} {"Clue":"It's when everything began going wrong there today (3,4,3)","Answer":"THE YEAR DOT","Explanation":"Definition: It's when everything began\n **Anagram of** (wrong) **THERE TODAY**\n **THE YEAR DOT"} {"Clue":"Restrained a tendency to eat eggs up (9)","Answer":"ABSTINENT","Explanation":"Definition: Restrained\n **A** **+** (**BENT** [tendency] **containing** [to eat] **NITS** [eggs of a louse or similar insect] **reversed** [up; down clue])\n **A B** (**STIN**<) **ENT"} {"Clue":"Decorative work needs time to be put in, note (8)","Answer":"CROTCHET","Explanation":"Definition: note\n **CROCHET** (decorative work consisting of intertwined loops, executed in wool or thread with a small hook) **containing** (needs \u2026 to be put in) **T** (time)\n **CRO** (**T**) **CHET"} {"Clue":"Partner harbours determination to become artist (8)","Answer":"MAGRITTE","Explanation":"Definition: artist\n **MATE** (partner) **containing** (harbours) **GRIT** (determination)\n **MA** (**GRIT**) **TE"} {"Clue":"Nancy's right to support American expert (6)","Answer":"ADROIT","Explanation":"Definition: expert\n **A** (American) **+ DROIT** (French [Nancy is a city in France] for 'right') as this is a down entry,the letters **DROIT** are supporting the letter A\n **A DROIT"} {"Clue":"Night drinking, primarily getting stuck into lager? (6)","Answer":"BENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Night drinking, primarily getting stuck into lager\n **ND** (**first letters of** [primarily] **NIGHT** and **DRINKING**) **contained in** (getting stuck into) **BEER**\n **BE** (**N D**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Religious ascetic is a sham, as some say (5)","Answer":"FAKIR","Explanation":"Definition: Religious ascetic\n **FAKIR** (**sounds like** [as some say] **FAKER** [a sham person)\n **FAKIR"} {"Clue":"Fussy creature's heartless (4)","Answer":"ANAL","Explanation":"Definition: Fussy\n **ANIMAL** (creature) **excluding the central letters** (heartless) **IM**\n **ANAL"} {"Clue":"Collection of pictures almost entirely of poor quality (5)","Answer":"ALBUM","Explanation":"Definition: Collection of pictures\n **ALL** (entirely) **excluding the final letter L** (almost) **+ BUM** (worthless; of poor quality)\n **AL BUM"} {"Clue":"Calling out pioneering woman about career? Not acceptable (9)","Answer":"EVOCATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Calling out\n **EVE** (first or pioneering lady) **containing** (about) **VOCATION** (career) **excluding** (not) **ON** (acceptable)\n **E** (**VOCATI**) **VE"} {"Clue":"One newly in power backing criticism applied to location mostly (7)","Answer":"PARVENU","Explanation":"Definition: One newly in power\n **RAP** (criticism) **reversed** (backing) **+ VENUE** (location) **excluding the final letter E** (mostly)\n **PAR**< **VENU"} {"Clue":"Compelling work in the transport domain (7)","Answer":"DRIVING","Explanation":"Definition: Compelling\n **DRIVING** (example of work in the transport industry) double definition\n **DRIVING"} {"Clue":"Shortcoming not initially visible in reproduction (9)","Answer":"IMITATION","Explanation":"Definition: reproduction\n **LIMITATION** (shortcoming) **excluding** (not visible) **the first letter** (initially) **L**\n **IMITATION"} {"Clue":"Hard for us for some time (5)","Answer":"HOURS","Explanation":"Definition: some time\n **H** (**hard** [when describing pencil lead]) **+ OURS** (for us)\n **H OURS"} {"Clue":"Pointer regularly indicating early afternoon? (3)","Answer":"ONE","Explanation":"Definition: early afternoon\n **ONE** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly] of **POINTER**)\n **ONE"} {"Clue":"Terrain to have an effect on railway (7)","Answer":"COUNTRY","Explanation":"Definition: Terrain\n **COUNT** (have an effect) **+ RY** (railway)\n **COUNT RY"} {"Clue":"Computer peripheral with no second function (3)","Answer":"USE","Explanation":"Definition: function\n **MOUSE** (computer peripheral) **excluding** (with no) **MO** (moment; second)\n **USE"} {"Clue":"Yorkshire town certainly backed retaining pound (5)","Answer":"SELBY","Explanation":"Definition: Yorkshire town\n **YES** (certainly) **reversed** (backed) **containing** (retaining) **LB** (pound weight)\n **SE** (**LB**) **Y**<"} {"Clue":"Attack dislodged tons, stifling scream? (9)","Answer":"ONSLAUGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Attack\n **Anagram of** (dislodged) **TONS** **containing** (stifling) **LAUGH** (scream)\n **ONS** (****LAUGH****) **T"} {"Clue":"Half of US women's college close to missing American Hollywood star (7)","Answer":"BRYNNER","Explanation":"Definition: Hollywood star\n **BRYN** (**first four letters** [of eight; half] **of BRYN MAWR** college, American women liberal arts college in Pennsylvania) **+ NEAR** (close to) **excluding** (missing) **A** (American)\n **BRYN NER"} {"Clue":"Rector in church almost put off for ages? (7)","Answer":"CHRONIC","Explanation":"Definition: for ages\n **R** (rector) **contained in** (in) (**CH** [church] **+ ON ICE** [kept, or waiting in readiness; put off]) **excluding the final letter** (almost) **E**\n **CH** (**R**) **ON IC"} {"Clue":"Timepiece always keeping hour? How's it going? (4,5)","Answer":"WHAT CHEER","Explanation":"Definition: How's it going\n (**WATCH** [timepiece] **+ E'ER** [ever; always]) **containing** (keeping) **H** (hour)\n **W** (**H**) **AT CH** **EER"} {"Clue":"A chore, endless, capturing latitude \u2013 in this? (5)","Answer":"ATLAS","Explanation":"Definition: this\n **A** **+** (**TASK** [chore] **excluding the last letter** [endless] **K** **containing** [capturing] **L** [latitude])\n **A T** (**L**) **AS"} {"Clue":"A Hindi soup cooked in the style of potato dish (10)","Answer":"DAUPHINOIS","Explanation":"Definition: potato dish\n **Anagram of** (cooked) **A HINDI SOUP**\n **DAUPHINOIS"} {"Clue":"Mug in musical kept up being unsuccessful (8)","Answer":"ABORTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: unsuccessful\n (**ROB** [mug {attack with the intention of **ROB**bing}] **contained in** [kept] **EVITA** [title of a musical]) **all reversed** [up] and\u00a0\n (**A** (**BOR**) **TIVE**)<"} {"Clue":"Simple creature, European, amongst crowd accepted by drivers' club (6)","Answer":"AMOEBA","Explanation":"Definition: Simple creature\n (**E** [English] **contained in** [amongst] **MOB** [crowd]) **all contained in** (accepted by) **AA** (Automobile Association; drivers club)\n **A** (**MO** (**E**) **B**) **A"} {"Clue":"Happen a story in universities will identify motor museum (8)","Answer":"BEAULIEU","Explanation":"Definition: motor museum\n **BE** (happen) **+ A +** (**LIE** [story] **contained in** [**U** **+ U**, together being universities)\n **BE** **A U** (**LIE**) **U"} {"Clue":"Information about earlier shining (6)","Answer":"GOLDEN","Explanation":"Definition: shining\n **GEN** (information) **containing** (about) **OLD** (earlier)\n **G** (**OLD**) **EN"} {"Clue":"Has girly twirls using bright colours (8)","Answer":"GARISHLY","Explanation":"Definition: using bright colours\n **Anagram of** (twirls) **HAS GIRLY**\n **GARISHLY"} {"Clue":"One in distance beginning to upset environment (6)","Answer":"MILIEU","Explanation":"Definition: environment\n (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **contained in** [in] **MILE** [distance]) **+ U** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **UPSET**\n **MIL** (**I**) **E** **U"} {"Clue":"Arctic explorer who's lost in ice formation (4)","Answer":"BERG","Explanation":"Definition: ice formation\n **BERING** (reference Danish \/ Russian explorer Vitus **BERING** [1681-1741], who worked in the northern reaches of Russia and American. The **BERING** Strait between the Russian Far East and Alaska is named after him) **excluding** (who's lost) **IN**\n **BERG"} {"Clue":"Picks items out, showing doubt in LA (10)","Answer":"SKEPTICISM","Explanation":"Definition: doubt in LA\n **Anagram of** (out) **PICKS ITEMS**\n **SKEPTICISM"} {"Clue":"Uproar over medicines dropping temperature? Temperature well dropped in this (8)","Answer":"CRYONICS","Explanation":"Definition: Temperature well dropped in this\n **CRY** (uproar) **+ TONICS** (medicines) **excluding** (dropping) **T** (temperature)\n **CRY** **ONICS"} {"Clue":"Eccentric person following big game producing visual chart (4,4)","Answer":"TEST CARD","Explanation":"Definition: visual chart\n **TEST** (reference **TEST** match, an important game in many sports) **+ CARD** (eccentric person)\n **TEST CARD"} {"Clue":"You are texting cautiously \u2013 or otherwise? (8)","Answer":"URGENTLY","Explanation":"Definition: otherwise\n **U R** (text speak for you are) **+ GENTLY** (cautiously)\n **U R GENTLY"} {"Clue":"No expert bet \u2013 lots of people going short (6)","Answer":"LAYMAN","Explanation":"Definition: No expert\n **LAY** (bet) **+ MANY** (lots of people) **excluding the final letter Y** (going short)\n **LAY MAN"} {"Clue":"Irish writer working to consume cheese (6)","Answer":"O","Explanation":"Definition: Irish writer\n **ON** (working) **containing** (to consume) **BRIE** (cheese)\n **O** (**BRIE**) **N"} {"Clue":"At sea? Runs up to see location after sea-voyage, perhaps (6)","Answer":"ABROAD","Explanation":"Definition: location after sea-voyage, perhaps\n **ABOARD** (on a sea-going vessel) **with the** **R** (runs) **moving up this down entry to form** **ABROAD**\n **ABROAD"} {"Clue":"Book with a weak line making you cry (4)","Answer":"BAWL","Explanation":"Definition: cry\n **B** (book) **+ A + W** (weak) **+ L** (line)\n **B A W L"} {"Clue":"Spooner's imitation of dervish during dance destroyed partition (6,4)","Answer":"BERLIN WALL","Explanation":"Definition: partition\n Spooner's pronunciation of **BERLIN WALL** would be **WERLIN** [whirling, reference whirling dervishes]) **+ BALL** (dance)\n **BERLIN WALL"} {"Clue":"Maybe brass neckring is almost light in your hand (4)","Answer":"TORC","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe brass neckring\n **TORCH** (hand held light) **excluding the final letter H** (almost)\n **TORC"} {"Clue":"Man behind the mic spelling out its limits (5)","Answer":"EMCEE","Explanation":"Definition: Man behind the mic\n **EM CEE** (pronunciation of MC)\n **EM CEE"} {"Clue":"Saving hospital doctor saline's the breath of life (9)","Answer":"ESSENTIAL","Explanation":"Definition: breath of life\n **Anagram of** (doctor) **SALINE'S THE** **excluding** (saving) **H** (hospital)\n **ESSENTIAL"} {"Clue":"New baby pinched by two fiends in the night (6)","Answer":"INCUBI","Explanation":"Definition: fiends in the night\n (**N** [new] **+ CUB** [baby]) **contained in** (pinched by) **II** (Roman numeral for two)\n **I** (**N CUB**) **I"} {"Clue":"Penny and Victor going into drama college daily (6)","Answer":"PRAVDA","Explanation":"Definition: daily\n **P** (penny) **+** (**V** [Victor is the International Radio Communication code for the letter **V**] **contained in** [going into] **RADA** [Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts])\n **P** **RA** (**V**) **DA"} {"Clue":"Veteran of theatre in gilded bar opening last of Bollinger \u2026 (3,6)","Answer":"OLD STAGER","Explanation":"Definition: Veteran\n **STAGE** (of theatre) **contained in** [in] (**GOLD** [gilded] **excluding** [bar] **G** [**the first letter** {opening}] **+ R** ([final **letter of** {last of} **BOLLINGER]**)\n **OLD **(**STAGE**)** R"} {"Clue":"\u2026 Enjoyed with others, its contents go quickly (4)","Answer":"HARE","Explanation":"Definition: go quickly\n **HARE** (**central letters of** [contents] **SHARED**)\n **HARE"} {"Clue":"Stuff happens in the middle after batting similarly in the morning (4)","Answer":"TAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Stuff\n **AM** (ante meridiem; before noon; morning) **contained in** (in) (**T** [**central letter of** {middle of} **BATTING**] **+ P** [**central letter of** {middle of} **HAPPENS**])\n **T** (**AM**) **P"} {"Clue":"Astronomical explosion of prunes wrecked eggs (9)","Answer":"SUPERNOVA","Explanation":"Definition: Astronomical explosion\n **Anagram of** (wrecked) **PRUNES** **+ OVA** (eggs)\n **SUPERN*** **OVA"} {"Clue":"For example, I'm not running in lead (6)","Answer":"DENIAL","Explanation":"Definition: For example, I'm not\n **Anagram of** (running) **IN LEAD**\n **DENIAL"} {"Clue":"Looking back, no hand cut by back of the knife? (6)","Answer":"WEAPON","Explanation":"Definition: knife?\n (**E** [**final letter of** {back of} **THE**)] **contained in** [**NO** **+ PAW** {hand}]) **all reversed** (looking back)\n (**W** (**E**) **AP** **ON**)<"} {"Clue":"Recasting Tosca during interval suited man's habit (9)","Answer":"WAISTCOAT","Explanation":"Definition: man's habit\n **Anagram of** (recasting) **TOSCA** **contained in** (during) **WAIT** (an interval)\n **WAI** (**STCOA***) **T"} {"Clue":"What might have A Map of the World on? (5)","Answer":"GLOBE","Explanation":"Definition: What might have A Map of the World on\n **GLOBE** (a sphere representing the earth [world] as a map) double definition\n Given that I have underlined the whole clue, this is may be an &Lit clue for two separate meanings of the same word.\n **GLOBE"} {"Clue":"Waste of mine left in sink (4)","Answer":"SLAG","Explanation":"Definition: Waste of mine\n **L** (left) **contained in** (in) **SAG** (sink)\n **S** (**L**) **AG"} {"Clue":"Place in Jerusalem to obtain ham seen vandalised (10)","Answer":"GETHSEMANE","Explanation":"Definition: Place in Jerusalem\n **GET** (obtain) **+ an anagram of** (vandalised) **HAM SEEN**\n **GET** **HSEMANE"} {"Clue":"Wept and sang like a moderate soprano, perhaps in the absence of war (4)","Answer":"BLED","Explanation":"Definition: Wept\n **WARBLED** (sing in a vibrating treble or soprano, perhaps like a moderate soprano) **excluding** (in the absence of) **WAR**\n **BLED"} {"Clue":"Game of trying to beat the devil? (6,5)","Answer":"RACING DEMON","Explanation":"Definition: Game\n **RACING** (trying to beat) **+ DEMON** (devil)\n **RACING DEMON"} {"Clue":"Wrong, as professional 22D should be? (8)","Answer":"INEQUITY","Explanation":"Definition: Wrong\n **IN** (be a member of) **+ EQUITY** (actors trade union) Professional **CAST** (22 down) members should join Equity\n **IN EQUITY"} {"Clue":"Little prick's agent gets introductions to Gielgud, Antony Sher and Herbert Tree (7,3)","Answer":"WEEPING ASH","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\n **WEE** (little) **+ PIN** (prick) **+ GASH** (**first letters of each of** **GIELGUD**, **ANTONY**, **SHER** and **HERBERT**)\n **WEE PIN G ASH"} {"Clue":"Growing plenty drunk (4)","Answer":"LUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Growing plenty\n **LUSH** (a drunkard) double definition\n **LUSH"} {"Clue":"Sash that's too big trimmed to fit (3)","Answer":"OBI","Explanation":"Definition: Sash\n **TOO BIG** **excluding the letters TO** and **G** (trimmed) **to form** (fit) **the word OBI**\n **OBI"} {"Clue":"Security arrest gangster casing empty theatre (10)","Answer":"COLLATERAL","Explanation":"Definition: Security\n (**COLLAR** [arrest] **containing** [casing] **TE** [l**etters remaining in THEATRE when the central letters HEATR are removed** {empty}] **+ AL** (reference the American gangster **AL** Capone (1899 \u2013 1947)\n **COLLA** (**TE**) **R** **AL"} {"Clue":"Standard title for men now acting upset (4)","Answer":"NORM","Explanation":"Definition: Standard\n (**MR** [title for men] **+ ON** [**ON** stage; now acting]) **all reversed** (upset; down entry)\n (**NO RM**)<"} {"Clue":"Messiah's difficult passage or solo a diva botched (3,8)","Answer":"VIA DOLOROSA","Explanation":"Definition: Messiah's difficult passage\n **Anagram of** (botched) **OR SOLO A DIVA**\n **VIA DOLOROSA"} {"Clue":"Beautiful area mum fences off against slugs (5,5)","Answer":"SOUTH DOWNS","Explanation":"Definition: Beautiful area\n (**SH** [be quiet; {be} mum] **containing** [fences] **OUT** [off]) **+ DOWNS** (fells; slugs)\n **S** (**OUT**) **H** **DOWNS"} {"Clue":"Safety device makes William's weird sister fall over (4,6)","Answer":"TRIP SWITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Safety device\n **TRIP** (fall) **+ S** (?) **+ WITCH** (the three **WITCH**es in Shakespeare's Macbeth are known as the Weird Sisters) I'm not sure where the **S** comes from.\n **TRIP** **S** **SWITCH"} {"Clue":"Art Elgin shifted, a pediment perhaps (8)","Answer":"TRIANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: pediment perhaps\n **Anagram of** (shifted) **ART ELGIN**\n **TRIANGLE"} {"Clue":"Shy people picked to perform (4)","Answer":"CAST","Explanation":"Definition: Shy\n **CAST** (actors; people picked to perform) double definition\n **CAST"} {"Clue":"Degenerate couples swapped in centre of blue room (4)","Answer":"ROUE","Explanation":"Definition: Degenerate\n **UE** **and** **RO** **are the two pairs of letters** [couples] **at the centre of** **BLUE ROOM**. If you **swap them round** you form **RO UE**\n **RO** **UE"} {"Clue":"Attending a theatre but leaving at once? Actually twice (4)","Answer":"HERE","Explanation":"Definition: Attending\n **A THEATRE** **excluding** (leaving) **the letters AT** twice\n **HERE"} {"Clue":"Mount photo on card with details beginning to appear (3)","Answer":"IDA","Explanation":"ID** (photograph on an identity card) **+ A** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **APPEAR**\n **ID A"} {"Clue":"Fixed metal case yielding choice wine, lot disposed of by compact group (12)","Answer":"PLUMMER-BLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Fixed metal case\n **PLUM** (choice) **+ MERLOT** (red wine) **excluding** (disposed of) **LOT** **+ BLOCK** (compact mass or group)\n **PLUM MER BLOCK"} {"Clue":"Dancing in pier one's joined supplementary performers (7)","Answer":"RIPIENI","Explanation":"Definition: supplementary performers\n **Anagram of** (dancing) **IN PIER** and** I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **RIPIENI"} {"Clue":"In the manner of noisy pet showing reverse of appeal running round yard (5)","Answer":"AYELP","Explanation":"Definition: In the manner of noisy pet\n **PLEA** (appeal) **reversed** (reverse of) **containing** (running round) **Y** (yard)\n **A** (**Y**) **ELP**<"} {"Clue":"Music club, a real find, very remote (5)","Answer":"DISCO","Explanation":"Definition: Music club\n **DISCOVERY** (a real find) **excluding** (remote , located separately [outside the grid?]) **VERY**\n **DISCO"} {"Clue":"Many in 16 will, and tick 15! (4)","Answer":"MOSH","Explanation":"Definition: Many in 16 will\n **MO** [moment; tick] **+ SH** [be quiet {**CAN IT** \u2013 entry at 15 across}])\n **MO SH"} {"Clue":"Fussy officer on board, having a 'thing' about exemplar of industry (6)","Answer":"FANTAD","Explanation":"Definition: Fussy officer on board\n **FAD** (a hobby or interest intensely pursued at first, but soon passed over for another; a thing [slight obsession]) **containing** (about) **ANT** (an example of an insect \/ person who works very hard [exemplar of industry])\n **F** (**ANT**) **AD"} {"Clue":"Like Mariana's whereabouts, month before arrangement of date (6)","Answer":"MOATED","Explanation":"Definition: Like Mariana's whereabouts\n **MO** (month) **+ an anagram of** (arrangement) **DATE**\n **MO ATED"} {"Clue":"Once lost it may be found among several ornaments (4)","Answer":"LORN","Explanation":"Definition: Once lost\n **LORN** (**hidden word in** [found among] **SEVERAL ORNAMENTS**)\n **LORN"} {"Clue":"As before discharge useless female performer, tramp inside? (8)","Answer":"DISPLODE","Explanation":"Definition: As before discharge\n **PLOD** (tramp) **contained in** (inside) **DISEUSE** (female performer)** excluding** (less) **USE**\n **DIS** (**PLOD**) **E"} {"Clue":"Like a semiconductor, installation for 20p (in full)? (5)","Answer":"N-TYPE","Explanation":"Definition: Like a semiconductor,\n **NTYPE** (**hidden word in** [installation for] **TWENTYPENCE** [20p in full])\n **N-TYPE"} {"Clue":"Some foreign money backing third team? (5)","Answer":"CEDIS","Explanation":"Definition: Some foreign money\n **C** (third [after A and B]) **+ SIDE** (team) **reversed** (backing)\n **C EDIS**<"} {"Clue":"Nautical rope turned sails etc having negotiated inlet (8)","Answer":"GIRTLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Nautical rope\n **RIG** (sails etc) **reversed** (turned) **+ an anagram of** (having negotiated) **INLET**\n **GIR**< **TLINE"} {"Clue":"Buffet closed with sun outside (5)","Answer":"STOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Buffet\n **TO** (closed) **contained in** (with \u2026 outside) **SOL** (sun)\n **S** (**TO**) **OL"} {"Clue":"Wild zeal? Report without it included, making one cross (7)","Answer":"ZEBRULA","Explanation":"Definition: cross\n **Anagram of** (wild) **ZEAL** **containing** (included) **BRUIT** (rumour or report) **excluding** (without) **IT**\n **ZE** (**BRU**) **LA"} {"Clue":"'E eats out in NW city \u2013 it 'elps in sampling local dairy product? (12)","Answer":"CHEESETASTER","Explanation":"Definition: it 'elps in sampling local dairy product\n **(E + an anagram of** (out) **EATS**) **contained in** (in) **CHESTER** (a city in the North West of England)\n **CHE** (**E SETA***) **STER"} {"Clue":"Brass accepted as currency in Croatia (4)","Answer":"LIPA","Explanation":"Definition: currency in Croatia\n **LIP** (brass is a slang word for effrontery or cheek [**LIP**]) **+ A** (accepted)\n **LIP A"} {"Clue":"Philosophical work, thoroughly serious one I ingested (8)","Answer":"UPANISAD","Explanation":"Definition: Philosophical work\n (**UP** [thoroughly] **+ SAD** [serious]) **containing** (ingested) (**AN** [one] **+ I**)\n **UP** (**AN I**) **SAD"} {"Clue":"Kept record of gnarled tree in outer region (7)","Answer":"ENTERED","Explanation":"Definition: Kept record of\n **Anagram of** (gnarled) **TREE** **contained in** (in) **END** (outer district or region)\n **EN** (**TERE***) **D"} {"Clue":"Heads of ringers in aquatic sports \u2013 they're normally submerged (4)","Answer":"RIAS","Explanation":"Definition: they're normally submerged\n **RIAS** (initial letters of [head of] each of **RINGERS**, **IN**, **AQUATIC** and **SPORTS**)\n **RIAS"} {"Clue":"Musicians together recognized as steel, endlessly toothful (7)","Answer":"BANDSAW","Explanation":"Definition: endlessly toothful\n **BAND** (group of musicians) **+ SAW** (recognise)\n **BAND SAW"} {"Clue":"Soft and slow, idly moving if old (6)","Answer":"LYDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Soft and slow\n **Anagram of** (moving) **IDLY** **+ AN** (archaic [old] word for 'if')\n **LYDI*** **AN"} {"Clue":"Tramp abroad, dimwit imbibing tea (8)","Answer":"CLOCHARD","Explanation":"Definition: Tramp abroad\n **CLOD** (stupid person [dimwit]) **containing** (imbibing) **CHAR** [tea])\n **CLO** (**CHAR**) **D"} {"Clue":"Undo misbehaving in the papers, revealing hubris (9)","Answer":"PROUDNESS","Explanation":"Definition: hubris\n **Anagram of** (misbehaving) **UNDO** **contained in** (in) **PRESS** (the papers)\n **PR** (**OUDN***) **ESS"} {"Clue":"Mantle once removed with maiden, celebrates about it (9)","Answer":"SCUMMINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Mantle once removed\n **SINGS** (celebrates) **containing** (about it) (**CUM** [Latin for with] **+ M** [maiden])\n **S** (**CUM **M) **INGS"} {"Clue":"What Glasgow beggars suffer, mounting crowd hit badly (8)","Answer":"POORTITH","Explanation":"Definition: What Glasgow beggars suffer\n **TROOP** (great number of people or animals; crowd) **reversed** (mounting; down entry) **+ an anagram of** (badly) **HIT**\n **POORT**< **ITH"} {"Clue":"They figure prominently in encaenia, peal enveloping education? (7)","Answer":"BEDELLS","Explanation":"Definition: They figure prominently in encaenia\n **BELLS** (peal can be defined as a set of bells) **containing** (enveloping) **ED** (education)\n **B** (**ED**) **ELLS"} {"Clue":"Finely woven, to reach as of old round tailored shin (7)","Answer":"FISHNET","Explanation":"Definition: Finely woven\n **FET** (obsolete [old] word for fetch which can be defined as 'to reach or attain') **containing** (round) **an anagram of** (tailored) **SHIN**)\n **F** (**ISHN***) **ET"} {"Clue":"Poet composed under tree, attaining maximum excitement? (6)","Answer":"TIPTOE","Explanation":"Definition: attaining maximum excitement\n **TI** (small Pacific liliaceous tree of the Cordyline genus) **+ an anagram of** (composed) **POET**\n **TI PTOE"} {"Clue":"I lost relish being cooked in ovens (5)","Answer":"LEHRS","Explanation":"Definition: ovens\n **Anagram of** (being cooked) **RELISH** **excluding** (lost) **I**\n **LEHRS"} {"Clue":"The sound of noisy birds making one curse? (4)","Answer":"PIZE","Explanation":"Definition: curse\n **PIZE** (sounds like **PIES** [magpies, birds which are nosiy])\n **PIZE"} {"Clue":"Helpless ass scratched loaf (4)","Answer":"IDLE","Explanation":"Definition: loaf\n **AIDLESS** (helpless) **excluding** (scratched) the letters in **ASS**\n **IDLE"} {"Clue":"Carol collects stuff for a bit (10)","Answer":"SMATTERING","Explanation":"Definition: a bit\n **SING** (carol [as a verb]) **containing** (collects) **MATTER** material; stuff)\n **S** (**MATTER**) **ING"} {"Clue":"Period of time eating milk-soaked bread? On the contrary (4)","Answer":"STOP","Explanation":"Definition: Period\n **SOP** (milk-soaked bread) **containing** (eating) **T** (time) which is the **opposite of the wordplay set out in the clue** (on the contrary)\n **S** (**T**) **OP"} {"Clue":"Spy mother with vacuum perhaps (7)","Answer":"MACLEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Spy\n **MA** (mother) **+ CLEAN** (vacuum [the carpet] for example)\n **MA CLEAN"} {"Clue":"Tickle a playful feline (7)","Answer":"CATLIKE","Explanation":"Definition: feline\n **Anagram of** (playful) **TICKLE A**\n **CATLIKE"} {"Clue":"Lift chemical in two quart bottle (10)","Answer":"WINCHESTER","Explanation":"Definition: two quart bottle\n **WINCH** (lift) **+ ESTER** (a compound formed by the condensation of an alcohol and an acid, with elimination of water; a chemical)\n **WINCH ESTER"} {"Clue":"Britain's favourite drink is essentially hot water (3)","Answer":"TEA","Explanation":"Definition: Britain's favourite drink\n **Anagram of** (hot) **ATE** (**central letters** [essentially] **of WATER**)\n **TEA"} {"Clue":"Distinction of Nevadan city when unoccupied (6)","Answer":"RENOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Distinction\n **RENO** (city in Nevada) **+ WN** (letters remaining in **WHEN** **after the central letters HE** **are removed** [unoccupied])\n **RENO WN"} {"Clue":"Rocky islands in both directions (8)","Answer":"UNSTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Rocky\n **UNST** (one of the Shetland islands) written normally left to right **+ ELBA** (Italian island) **reversed** (in the other direction, written right to left) thereby giving islands in both directions\n **UNST ABLE**<"} {"Clue":"Group of left-wingers getting diarrhoea (3,5)","Answer":"THE TROTS","Explanation":"Definition: Group of left-wingers\n **THE TROTS** (colloquial term for diarrhoea) double definition\n **THE TROTS"} {"Clue":"Fear I must abandon growing situation in Bordeaux? (6)","Answer":"TERROR","Explanation":"Definition: Fear\n **TERROIR** (French [Bordeaux] word for the distinctive quality imparted to a wine by the climate and soil in which its grapes are grown) **excluding** (must abandon) **I**\n **TERROR"} {"Clue":"Drain noodle juice (3)","Answer":"SAP","Explanation":"Definition: Drain\n **SAP** (fool; noodle)\n **SAP** (juice) triple definition\n **SAP"} {"Clue":"Mostly pleased with Cup a Soup or fruit puree (5,5)","Answer":"APPLE SAUCE","Explanation":"Definition: fruit puree\n **Anagram of** (soup) **PLEASED excluding the final letter D** (mostly) **and A CUP**\n **APPLE SAUCE"} {"Clue":"While arsing around, cuddles Sharon? (7)","Answer":"ISRAELI","Explanation":"Definition: Sharon\n **ISRAELI** (**hidden word** [cuddles] **reversed** [around] in **WHILE ARSING**)\n **ISRAELI**<"} {"Clue":"Range of colours displayed by female friend? (7)","Answer":"PALETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Range of colours\n **PAL** (friend) **+ \u2013ETTE** (suffix forming nouns denoting female)\n **PALETTE"} {"Clue":"Piece of Megane exhaust found in Clio, perhaps (4)","Answer":"MUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Clio, perhaps\n **M** (**one letter from** [piece of] **MEGANE**) **+ USE** (exhaust, as in **USE** up)\n **M USE"} {"Clue":"Pervert already sat in a perverted manner (4,6)","Answer":"LEAD ASTRAY","Explanation":"Definition: Pervert\n **Anagram of** (in a perverted manner) **ALREADY SAT**\n **LEAD ASTRAY"} {"Clue":"Head-hunter ignores Alabama for a bit (4)","Answer":"SOME","Explanation":"Definition: Head-hunter\n **SALOME** (reference the biblical story about the lady who performed the dance of the seven veils in front of King Herod and asked for the head of John the Baptist as her reward; head-hunter) **excluding** (ignores) **AL** (Alabama)\n **SOME"} {"Clue":"A row, not the first, in public sale (7)","Answer":"AUCTION","Explanation":"Definition: public sale\n **A + RUCTION** (noisy disturbance; row) **excluding the initial letter R** (not the first)\n **A UCTION"} {"Clue":"RAF crew are almost then involved in land battle (6,7)","Answer":"TRENCH WARFARE","Explanation":"Definition: land battle\n **Anagram of** (involved) **RAF CREW **and** ARE** **excluding the final letter E** and **THEN** (almost)\n **TRENCH WARFARE"} {"Clue":"Stomach lining, note, can be thrown up (6)","Answer":"RENNET","Explanation":"Definition: Stomach lining\n **TENNER** (ten pound note) reversed (thrown up; down entry)\n **RENNET**<"} {"Clue":"Stimulant found in 1 bed in 9 (8)","Answer":"NICOTINE","Explanation":"Definition: Stimulant\n (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ COT** [bed]) **contained in** (found in) **NINE** (9)\n N (**I COT**) **INE"} {"Clue":"Washer women at home stopping behind after setback (4-3)","Answer":"TWIN-TUB","Explanation":"Definition: Washer\n (**W** [women] **+ IN** [at home]) **contained in** (stopping) **BUTT** (buttocks; behind) reversed (after setback)\n **T** (**W** **IN**) **TUB**<"} {"Clue":"Tart on romantic rendezvous admitting to sin in small flat (4-1-5)","Answer":"PIED-A-TERRE","Explanation":"Definition: small flat\n **PIE** (tart) **+** (**DATE** [romantic rendezvous] **containing** [admitting to] **ERR** [sin])\n **PIE** **D A T** (**ERR**) **E"} {"Clue":"Go off with Greek character to get bullets, oddly, and transform difficult situation (4,3,6)","Answer":"TURN THE TABLES","Explanation":"Definition: transform difficult situation\n **TURN** (go, in a board game for instance) **+ THETA** (Greek letter) **+ BLES** (**letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [oddly] of **BULLETS**)\n **TURN** **THE TA BLES"} {"Clue":"I rib Smiths fans \u2013 it's a local custom (10)","Answer":"BRITISHISM","Explanation":"Definition: local custom\n **Anagram of** (fans) **I RIB SMITHS**\n **BRITISHISM"} {"Clue":"A whim to replace Conservative with fascist, ultimately with unpleasant consequences (2,1,5)","Answer":"AT A PRICE","Explanation":"Definition: with unpleasant consequences\n **A + CAPRICE** (whim) with **T** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **FASCIST**) **replacing** (to replace) **C** (Conservative) to form **TAPRICE**\n **A T A PRICE"} {"Clue":"Prince wearing sexier pants runs out (7)","Answer":"EXPIRES","Explanation":"Definition: runs out\n **P** (prince) **contained in** (wears) **an anagram of** (pants) **SEXIER**\n **EX** (**P**) **IRES"} {"Clue":"Seismologist's unfinished biscuit beginning to rot (7)","Answer":"RICHTER","Explanation":"Definition: Seismologist\n **RICH TEA** (type of biscuit) **excluding the final letter A** (unfinished) **+ R** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **ROT**\n **RICH TE R"} {"Clue":"Insect eaten by aggressive spider (6)","Answer":"VESPID","Explanation":"Definition: Insect\n **VESPID** (hidden word in [eaten by] **AGGRESSIVE SPIDER**)\n **VESPID"} {"Clue":"Fed up with bottom of straggly beard (4)","Answer":"DEFY","Explanation":"Definition: beard\n **FED** **reversed** (up; down entry) **+ Y** (**last letter of** [bottom of] **STRAGGLY**)\n **DEF**< **Y"} {"Clue":"Make some kind of table decoration? Get away (2,1,6)","Answer":"DO A RUNNER","Explanation":"Definition: Get away\n **DO** (make) **+ A** **+ RUNNER** (strip of cloth, usually embroidered, as a table ornament)\n **DO A RUNNER"} {"Clue":"American attempt to accept one Hispanic friend (5)","Answer":"AMIGO","Explanation":"Definition: Hispanic friend\n (**AM** [American] **+ GO** [attempt])** containing** (to accept) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **AM** (**I**) **GO"} {"Clue":"Lady with kids least set to ditch car (3)","Answer":"MUM","Explanation":"Definition: Lady with kids\n **MINIMUM** (lowest; least) **excluding** (to ditch) **MINI** (brand of car)\n **MUM"} {"Clue":"Crazed barber needs to dye head of woman, possibly (7,4)","Answer":"SWEENEY TODD","Explanation":"Definition: Crazed barber\n **Anagram of** (possibly) **NEEDS TO DYE** and **W** (**first letter of** [head of] **WOMAN**)\n **SWEENEY TODD"} {"Clue":"Odd bits of ordeal forgotten with a kiss producing calm (5)","Answer":"RELAX","Explanation":"Definition: producing calm\n **REL** (**letters remaining when letters 1, 3 and 5** **ODA** **of ORDEAL are excluded** [forgotten]) **+ A** **+ X** (symbol for a kiss)\n **REL A X"} {"Clue":"Loosely, it is a role for a recluse (9)","Answer":"SOLITAIRE","Explanation":"Definition: recluse\n **Anagram of** (loosely) **IT IS A ROLE**\n **SOLITAIRE"} {"Clue":"Mythological heroine chosen by artist (7)","Answer":"ELECTRA","Explanation":"Definition: Mythological heroine\n **ELECT** (chosen) **+ RA** (Royal Academician; artist)\n **ELECT RA"} {"Clue":"Offer initially withdrawn after intervention by American customer (3-4)","Answer":"END-USER","Explanation":"Definition: customer\n **TENDER** (offer) **excluding the first letter** (initially withdrawn) **T containing** (after intervention by) **US** (United States; American)\n **END** (**US**) **ER"} {"Clue":"How to give mate a treat at Christmas? (9)","Answer":"MINCEMEAT","Explanation":"Definition: treat at Christmas\n **MINCE** (anagram indicator) **MEAT** (anagram fodder) could be a cryptic crossword clue (how to give) for **MATE**\n **MINCE MEAT"} {"Clue":"Insect seen around November or similar? (5)","Answer":"MONTH","Explanation":"Definition: similar\n **MOTH** (insect) **containing** (around) **N** (November is the International radio Communication codeword for the letter **N**)\n **MO** (**N**) **TH"} {"Clue":"Burns character \u2013 panicked horseman that gets horse docked (3,8)","Answer":"TAM O","Explanation":"Definition: Burns character\n **Anagram of** (panicked) **HORSEMAN THAT** **excluding** (docked) **H** (heroin [horse])\n **TAM O'SHANTER"} {"Clue":"Somewhere to warm up tramp, nothing less (3)","Answer":"HOB","Explanation":"Definition: Somewhere to warm up\n **HOBO** (tramp) **excluding** (less) **O** (character representing nothing)\n **HOB"} {"Clue":"Head of school and the writer accepting satisfactory fag (5)","Answer":"SMOKE","Explanation":"Definition: fag\n **S** (**first letter of** [head of] **SCHOOL**) **+** (**ME** [crossword setter] **containing** [accepting] **OK** [okay; satisfactory])\n **S** **M** (**OK**) **E"} {"Clue":"Accounted for former priest backing rejection (9)","Answer":"EXPLAINED","Explanation":"Definition: Accounted for\n **EX** (former) **+ P** (priest) **+ DENIAL** (rejection) **reversed** (backing)\n **EX P LAINED**<"} {"Clue":"Article on rising enthusiastic Scottish architect (4)","Answer":"ADAM","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish architect\n **A** (indefinite article) **+ MAD** (enthusiastic) **reversed** (rising; down entry)\n **A MAD**<"} {"Clue":"Rule may lead to kepi's redesign as specialist headgear (8)","Answer":"YARMULKE","Explanation":"Definition: specialist headgear\n **Anagram of** (redesign) **RULE MAY** and** K** (**first letter of** [lead to] **KEPI**)\n **YARMULKE"} {"Clue":"Nookie identified in pursuit of suspicious behaviour in part of southern England (6)","Answer":"SUSSEX","Explanation":"Definition: part of southern England\n **SUS** (suspicious behaviour) **+ SEX** (nookie)\n **SUS SEX"} {"Clue":"OK \u2013 can the brasserie finally produce a joint? (4)","Answer":"KNEE","Explanation":"Definition: joint\n **KNEE** (**last letters of** [finally] **each of** **OK**, **CAN**, **THE** and **BRASSERIE**)\n **K N E E"} {"Clue":"Lines confused with trick, becoming most uneven (10)","Answer":"CRINKLIEST","Explanation":"Definition: most uneven\n **Anagram of** (confused with) **LINES** and **TRICK**\n **CRINKLIEST"} {"Clue":"Dairy with cat sculpted to form supporting column (8)","Answer":"CARYATID","Explanation":"Definition: supporting column\n **Anagram of** (sculpted) **DAIRY** and **CAT**\n **CARYATID"} {"Clue":"Amusement park? First book on it turned up (6)","Answer":"TIVOLI","Explanation":"Definition: Amusement park\n **IT** **reversed** (turned up; down entry) **+ VOL I** (Volume One; first book)\n **TI**< **VOL I"} {"Clue":"Contention for every one receiving right puzzle (10)","Answer":"WORDSEARCH","Explanation":"Definition: puzzle\n **WORDS** (verbal contention) **+** (**EACH** [every one] **containing** [receiving] **R** [right])\n **WORDS** **EA** (**R**) **CH"} {"Clue":"Sadly I must hear about male medical condition (10)","Answer":"RHEUMATISM","Explanation":"Definition: medical condition\n **Anagram of** (sadly) **I MUST HEAR** **containing** (about) **M** (male)\n **RHEU** (**M**) **ATISM"} {"Clue":"Embarrassed with fake source of Ethiopian coffee popping up (10)","Answer":"SHAMEFACED","Explanation":"Definition: Embarrassed\n **SHAM** (fake) **+ E** (**first letter of** [source of] **ETHIOPIA**) **+ DECAF** (**DECAF**finated coffee) **reversed** (popping up; down entry)\n **SHAM** **E** **FACED**<"} {"Clue":"Trophy remains held by you, once foremost in sport (3,5)","Answer":"THE ASHES","Explanation":"Definition: Trophy\n (**ASH** [remains] **contained in** [held by] **THEE** [former {once} form of 'you']) **+ S** (**first letter of** [source of] **SPORT**)\n **THE** (**ASH**) **E S"} {"Clue":"Special article from Mont Blanc, capturing climb in good weather (8)","Answer":"SUNSHINE","Explanation":"Definition: good weather\n **S** (special) **+** (**UNE** [one of the French {Mont Blanc} forms of the indefinite article] **containing** [capturing] **SHIN** [climb])\n **S** **UN** (**SHIN**) **E"} {"Clue":"He hunted revolutionary military force involved in murder (6)","Answer":"NIMROD","Explanation":"Definition: He hunted\n (**RM** [Royal Marines; military force] **contained in** [involved in] **DO IN** [kill; murder]) **all reversed** [revolutionary]\n (**NI** (**MR**) **OD**)<"} {"Clue":"Person of virtue accepting half of it (6)","Answer":"MORTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Person\n **MORAL** (virtuous [of virtue]) **containing** (accepting) **T** (**one of the two letters of** [half of] **IT**)\n **MOR** (**T**) **AL"} {"Clue":"Some security personnel use keys (4)","Answer":"TYPE","Explanation":"Definition: use keys\n **TYPE** (**hidden word in** [some] **SECURITY PERSONNEL**)\n **TYPE"} {"Clue":"Early historian, qualified teacher, English (4)","Answer":"BEDE","Explanation":"Definition: Early historian\n **BED** (Bachelor of Education, a degree held by many teachers) **+ E** (English)\n **BED E"} {"Clue":"Luxurious pub I found in town's knocked over (9)","Answer":"SYBARITIC","Explanation":"Definition: Luxurious\n (**BAR** [pub] **+ I**) **contained in** (found in) **CITY'S** (town's) **reversed** (knocked over)\n **SY** (**BAR** **I**) **TIC**<"} {"Clue":"Very funny person, last to come to the fore in small group (4)","Answer":"TRIO","Explanation":"Definition: small group\n **RIOT** (slang term for a hilarious person) **with the final letter T** (last) **moved to the front** (to come to the fore) **to form TRIO**\n **TRIO"} {"Clue":"Directed mark of error to be placed in dictionary (5)","Answer":"COXED","Explanation":"Definition: Directed\n **X** (mark indicating an error) **contained in** (to be placed in) **COED** (Concise Oxford English Dictionary)\n **CO** (**X**) **ED"} {"Clue":"Having been trounced, alas, not in major papers (9)","Answer":"NATIONALS","Explanation":"Definition: major papers\n **Anagram of** (having been trounced) **ALAS NOT IN**\n **NATIONALS"} {"Clue":"Pulls out expert in beer, mostly after setback (7)","Answer":"UPROOTS","Explanation":"Definition: Pulls out\n **PRO** (**PRO**fessional [expert]) **contained in** (in) (**STOUT** [type of beer]) **excluding the final letter T** [mostly] **and then reversed** [after setback])\n **U** (**PRO**) **OTS**<"} {"Clue":"Not breaking oven in readiness for breakfast? (2,5)","Answer":"ON TOAST","Explanation":"Definition: in readiness for breakfast\n **Anagram of** (breaking) **NOT** **+ OAST** (oven used to dry hops or malt)\n **ON T*** **OAST"} {"Clue":"Aviation feature where you'd expect lowering standards (13)","Answer":"UNDERCARRIAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Aviation feature\n The clue is just a cryptic definition\n **UNDERCARRIAGE"} {"Clue":"A group penning paper linked to data transmission? I 'll need time to get it (8,5)","Answer":"ACQUIRED TASTE","Explanation":"Definition: I 'll need time to get it\n (**A + CASTE** [social group or class]) **containing** (penning) (**QUIRE** [24 or 25 sheets of paper] **+ DT** [data transmission])\n **A** **C** (**QUIRE D T**) **ASTE"} {"Clue":"Cleans up? Hangs around collecting nothing (7)","Answer":"HOOVERS","Explanation":"Definition: Cleans up\n **HOVERS** (hangs around) **containing** (collecting) **O** (character representing zero [nothing])\n **HO** (**O**) **VERS** \u2013 either **O** could be the one contained"} {"Clue":"Turned grey, losing heart with assessment (7)","Answer":"GYRATED","Explanation":"Definition: Turned\n **GY** (**GREY** **excluding the central letters RE** [losing heart) **+ RATED** (with assessment)\n **GY** **RATED"} {"Clue":"Resting from the rink will keep one at chair (9)","Answer":"OFFICIATE","Explanation":"Definition: chair\n **OFF ICE** (resting from the [ice] rink) **containing** (will keep) (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ AT**)\n **OFF IC** (**I** **AT**) **E"} {"Clue":"About to interrupt mother? Imagine (5)","Answer":"DREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Imagine\n **RE** (with reference to; about) **contained in** (to interrupt) **DAM** (mother, usually of cattle, horses etc)\n **D** (**RE**) **AM"} {"Clue":"A year's retrospective following work from artist (4)","Answer":"GOYA","Explanation":"Definition: artist\n **GO** (work) **+** (**A + Y** [year]) **reversed** (retrospective)\n **GO** (**Y A**)<"} {"Clue":"Historic tax collection arrangement \u2013 then it goes wrong \u2013 lawyers brought in (5,4)","Answer":"TITHE BARN","Explanation":"Definition: Historic tax collection arrangement\n **Anagram of** (goes wrong) **THEN IT** **containing** (brought in) **BAR** (barristers or advocates, but also loosely lawyers in general)\n **TITHE** (**BAR**) **N"} {"Clue":"Demon beginning to corrupt youth in America, bouncing up and down (8)","Answer":"SUCCUBUS","Explanation":"Definition: Demon\n (**C** [**first letter of** {beginning to} **CORRUPT**] **+ CUB** [youth]) **+** (**US** [America] **reversed** [written up in this entry] **+ US** [America] written normally [down in this entry] therefore giving America bouncing up and down)\n **SU**< (**C** **CUB**) **US"} {"Clue":"Participant in old war that's throttled by fighter (5)","Answer":"BOXER","Explanation":"Definition: Participant in old war\n **BOXER** (fighter) double definition I'm not sure what the word 'throttled' is doing.\n **BOXER"} {"Clue":"Enquiry forced changes around a broadcasting channel (5,9)","Answer":"RADIO FREQUENCY","Explanation":"Definition: broadcasting channel\n **Anagram of** (changes) **ENQUIRY FORCED** **containing** (around) **A**\n **R** (**A**) **DIO FREQUENCY"} {"Clue":"Country is one investing in fish (7)","Answer":"TUNISIA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n (**IS** **+ I** [Roman numeral for one]) **contained in** (investing in) **TUNA** (fish)\n **TUN** (**IS** **I)** **A\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Dreadful to-do in vehicle, giving pet access (3,4)","Answer":"CAT DOOR","Explanation":"Definition: pet access\n **Anagram of** (dreadful) **TO-DO** **contained in** (in) **CAR** (vehicle)\n **CA** (**T DOO***) **R"} {"Clue":"Again rouses prominent scientists to host a late party in small space (9)","Answer":"REAWAKENS","Explanation":"Definition: Again rouses\n **RS** (Royal Society; group of eminent scientists]) **containing** (to host) ([**A** **+ WAKE** {party following a burial or cremation; party for a 'late' person}]) **contained in** [in] **EN** [a small space in printing terminology])\n **R** (**E** (**A** **WAKE**) **N**) **S"} {"Clue":"Individual keeping place within the same set-up? (2-4)","Answer":"ON-SITE","Explanation":"Definition: within the same set-up\n **ONE** (individual) **containing** (keeping) **SIT** (put; place)\n **ON** (**SIT**) **E"} {"Clue":"Game to catch married woman cuddling German (8,6)","Answer":"CONTRACT BRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Game\n **CONTRACT** (catch [a disease]) **+ BRIDE** (newly married woman) **containing** (cuddling) **G** (German)\n **CONTRACT** **BRID** (**G**) **E"} {"Clue":"Insect to persist with cunning (9)","Answer":"DRAGONFLY","Explanation":"Definition: Insect\n **DRAG ON** (continue slowly and tediously; persist) **+ FLY** (artful; cunning)\n **DRAG ON FLY"} {"Clue":"Shame and tears for executioner (8)","Answer":"HEADSMAN","Explanation":"Definition: executioner\n **Anagram of** (tears) **SHAME AND**\n **HEADSMAN"} {"Clue":"Brown, in fancy tins, like some coffee (7)","Answer":"INSTANT","Explanation":"Definition: like some coffee\n **TAN** (brown colour) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (fancy) **TINS**\n **INS** (**TAN**) **T"} {"Clue":"Most unconventional combination of e.g. and id est (7)","Answer":"EDGIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most unconventional\n **Anagram of** (combination of) **E.G**. and **ID EST **or****\n **Anagram of** (combination of) **E.G**. and **ID + EST**\n **EDGIEST*** or **EDGI*** **EST"} {"Clue":"Skimpy swimwear enthralling river crowd (6)","Answer":"THRONG","Explanation":"Definition: crowd\n **THONG** (skimpy swimwear) **containing** (enthralling) **R** (river)\n **TH** (**R**) **ONG"} {"Clue":"Articles about source of tenacious Greek character (5)","Answer":"THETA","Explanation":"Definition: Greek character\n (**THE** [definite article] **+ A** [indefinite article] giving articles) **containing** (about) **T** (**first letter of** [source of] **TENACIOUS**)\n **THE** (**T**) **A"} {"Clue":"Streamlined dairy came on post-restructure (11)","Answer":"AERODYNAMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Streamlined\n **Anagram of** (post-restructure) **DAIRY CAME ON**\n **AERODYNAMIC"} {"Clue":"Couple of grams American snorted \u2026 crack? (3)","Answer":"GAG","Explanation":"Definition: crack\n (**G** [gram] + **G** [gram] giving a couple of grams) **containing** (snorted) **A** (American)\n **G** (**A**) **G"} {"Clue":"English soldier gets millions in fiddle (5)","Answer":"TOMMY","Explanation":"Definition: English soldier\n **TOY** (play with in an idle way; fiddle) **containing** (gets) (**M** [million] **+ M** [million] giving millions)\n **TO** (**M M**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Times numbers around average? Not at all! (2,2,5)","Answer":"BY NO MEANS","Explanation":"Definition: Not at all\n **BY** (times, as in 4 **BY** 5 = 20) **+** **(NOS** [numbers]** containing** [around] **MEAN** [average])\n **BY** **NO** (**MEAN**) **S"} {"Clue":"Master criminal aiming a carbine at head (8)","Answer":"MAGICIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Master\n **Anagram of** (criminal) **AIMING A** and **C** (**first letter of** [at head] **CARBINE**)\n **MAGICIAN"} {"Clue":"Take too much flipping dope, ecstasy and port (6)","Answer":"ODESSA","Explanation":"Definition: port\n **OD** (overdose) **+** (**ASS** [fool; dope] **+ E** [ecstasy drug]) **reversed** (flipping)\n **OD** (**E** **SSA**)<"} {"Clue":"The thing I just said's rubbish, husband admitted (4)","Answer":"THAT","Explanation":"Definition: The thing I just said\n **H** (husband) **contained in** (admitted) **TAT** (rubbish)\n **T** (**H**) **AT"} {"Clue":"People like me cause inns to be smashed up (9)","Answer":"NUISANCES","Explanation":"Definition: People like me\n **Anagram of** (to be smashed up) **CAUSE INNS**\n **NUISANCES"} {"Clue":"Weapons for some in a rut said costly instruments (9)","Answer":"DEERHORNS","Explanation":"Definition: Weapons for some in a rut\n **DEER** (**sounds like** [said] **DEAR** [expensive]) **+ HORNS** (musical instruments)\n **DEER HORNS"} {"Clue":"Fancy I must open large barrel, wanting gallon (4)","Answer":"LIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Fancy\n **I** **contained in** (must open) (**L** [large]** + KEG** [barrel] **excluding** [wanting] **G** [gallons])\n **L** (**I**) **KE"} {"Clue":"Courage and what one might find it in? (6)","Answer":"BOTTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Courage\n **BOTTLE** (somewhere you might find Italian vermouth\u00a0[It]) double definition\n **BOTTLE"} {"Clue":"Some 'disc roll errors' in down browser? (8)","Answer":"SCROLLER","Explanation":"Definition: browser\n **SCROLLER** (**hidden word in** [some] **DISC ROLL ERRORS**) I am not sure what purpose the word 'down' has in the clue\n **SCROLLER"} {"Clue":"Harry Hoskins' left a Parisian to get drug (9)","Answer":"IMPORTUNE","Explanation":"Definition: get drug\n **I'M** (I am [said Harry Hoskins, setter]) **+ PORT** (left side of a ship going forward) **+ UNE** (a French form of an [one])\n **IM PORT UNE"} {"Clue":"Writer grabbing hold of engineers in Pride (5)","Answer":"PREEN","Explanation":"Definition: Pride\n **PEN** (writer) **containing** (grabbing hold of) **RE** (Royal Engineers)\n **P** (**RE**) **EN"} {"Clue":"Fine Happy Mondays dancer out of his head in city abroad (3)","Answer":"FEZ","Explanation":"Definition: city abroad\n **F** (fine) **+ BEZ** (dancer in the Happy Mondays group) **excluding** (out of) **B** (**first letter** [head])\n **F EZ"} {"Clue":"Try gin and it mixed by tenor: extremely tasty substance? (5-6)","Answer":"NITTY GRITTY","Explanation":"Definition: substance\n **Anagram of** (mixed) **TRY GIN** and **IT** **+ T** (tenor) **+ TY** (outer letters of [extremely] TASTY)\n **NITTY GRI*** **T TY"} {"Clue":"A locum tucking into teetotal shot (7)","Answer":"ATTEMPT","Explanation":"Definition: shot\n **A** **+** (**TEMP** [locum] **contained in** [tucking into] **TT** [teetotal])\n **A** **T** (**TEMP**) **T"} {"Clue":"Note Russian fighter is on speed in Settle again (9)","Answer":"REMIGRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Settle again\n **RE** (note of the tonic sol-fa) **+ MIG** (Russian jet fighter plane) **+ RATE** (speed)\n **RE MIG RATE"} {"Clue":"Smoke methamphetamine under Dutch railway (3,3)","Answer":"DRY ICE","Explanation":"Definition: Smoke\n **D** (Dutch) **+ RY** (railway) **+ ICE** (an illicit drug, a highly synthesized form of methamphetamine)\n **D RY ICE"} {"Clue":"Mindless decisions of nob in rear hurt SAS at front (2-8)","Answer":"NO-BRAINERS","Explanation":"Definition: Mindless decisions\n **NOB** **+ an anagram of** (hurt) **IN REAR** **+ S** (**first letter of** [at front] **SAS**\n **NO B** **RAINER*** **S"} {"Clue":"Dude getting rude ultimately causes shock (4)","Answer":"MANE","Explanation":"Definition: shock\n **MAN** (dude) **+ E (last letter of** [ultimately] **RUDE**\n **MAN E"} {"Clue":"Wag seen with lag all over the papers and TV? (8)","Answer":"COMEDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Wag\n **CON** (prisoner; lag) **containing** (all over) **MEDIA** (papers, TV etc)\n **CO** (**MEDIA**) **N"} {"Clue":"Good girl in The Mirror? (5)","Answer":"GLASS","Explanation":"Definition: The Mirror\n **G** (good) **+ LASS** (girl)\n **G LASS"} {"Clue":"Flatulence kills folk unable to shut traps! (7)","Answer":"GASBAGS","Explanation":"Definition: folk unable to shut traps\n **GAS** (flatulence) **+ BAGS** (kills [a animal being hunted usually])\n **GAS BAGS"} {"Clue":"Main Cameron policy \"by egoistic fools\" (3,7)","Answer":"BIG SOCIETY","Explanation":"Definition: Main Cameron policy\n **Anagram of** (fools) **B****Y EGOISTIC**\n **BIG SOCIETY"} {"Clue":"Cold in the extreme? Cold and peaky in the extreme! (9)","Answer":"CHILLIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Cold in the extreme\n **C** (cold) **+ HILLIEST** (have the most peaks; peaky in the extreme)\n **C HILLIEST"} {"Clue":"Issue rebuked soldiers brought about Latin navy (8)","Answer":"CHILDREN","Explanation":"Definition: Issue\n ([**CHID** {rebuked} **+ RE** {Royal Engineers; soldiers}] **containing** [brought about] **L** [Latin]) **+ N** (navy)\n **CHI** (**L**) **D** **RE N"} {"Clue":"Take away budgie smugglers or pump for answers? (7)","Answer":"DEBRIEF","Explanation":"Definition: pump for answers\n **DE**\u2013 (take away) **+ BRIEF** (mens' close fitting swimming trunks known in Australia in particular as budgie-smugglers. **BRIEF**s are usually referred to with an s, but in the case of taking off clothing in this wordplay, the singular **BRIEF** is appropriate)\n **DE BRIEF"} {"Clue":"Royal suggestive about knight's tendency to sin? (7)","Answer":"ERRANCY","Explanation":"Definition: tendency to sin\n **ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen; royal) **+** (**RACY** [indecent; suggestive] **containing** [about] **N** [knight in chess notation])\n **ER** **RA** (N) **CY"} {"Clue":"One making barrels of cash primarily loves a \u2026 (6)","Answer":"COOPER","Explanation":"Definition: One making barrels\n **C** (**first letter of** [primarily] **CASH** **+ OO** (two characters representing zero or nothing [love score in tennis] giving loves) **+ PER** (each;a)\n **C OO PER"} {"Clue":"\u2026 gem tense old man smuggled into Australia (5)","Answer":"TOPAZ","Explanation":"Definition: gem\n **T** (tense) **+** (**PA** [father; old man] **contained in** [smuggled into] **OZ** [Australia])\n **T** **O** (**PA**) **Z"} {"Clue":"Stand out around statesmen at summit as moral (4)","Answer":"JUST","Explanation":"Definition: moral\n **JUT** (protrude; stand out) **containing** (around) **S** (**first letter of** [at top; at summit] of **STATESMEN**)\n **JU** (**S**) **T"} {"Clue":"Formal document containing a Catholic's letter (9)","Answer":"CHARACTER","Explanation":"Definition: letter\n **CHARTER** (formal document) **containing** (containing) (**A** **+ C** [Catholic])\n **CHAR** (**A** **C**) **TER"} {"Clue":"Donation perhaps left in error (7)","Answer":"HANDOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Donation\n **HAND** (a **HAND** could be either left or right, hence the use of perhaps when suggesting left) **+ OUT** (not accurate; in error)\n **HAND OUT"} {"Clue":"Plant stylish hedge (7)","Answer":"INSTALL","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n **IN** (stylish) **+ STALL** (delay; hedge)\n **IN STALL"} {"Clue":"Crumpled banknote wrapped around a toxic food additive (5,4)","Answer":"TONKA BEAN","Explanation":"Definition: toxic food additive\n Anagram of (crumpled) **BANKNOTE** **containing** (wrapped around) **A**\n **TONK** (**A**) **BEAN*** Either **A** could be the one contained."} {"Clue":"One fleeced Al Capone, one conceded, when returning alcohol, primarily (6)","Answer":"ALPACA","Explanation":"Definition: One fleeced\n **AL** **+ CAPONE** **excluding** (conceded) **ONE** and then **reversed** (when returning) **+ A** (first letter of [primarily] ALCOHOL)\n **AL** **PAC**< **A"} {"Clue":"Cleaner receives award from the queen in assembly room (7)","Answer":"CHAMBER","Explanation":"Definition: assembly room\n **CHAR** (cleaner) **containing** (receives) **MBE** (Member of the British Empire; an award conferred by HM The Queen)\n **CHA** (**MBE**) **R"} {"Clue":"Wipe out many years, say, when time drifts away (9)","Answer":"ERADICATE","Explanation":"Definition: Wipe out\n **ERA** (a period of many years) **+ DICTATE** (say or read for another to write) **excluding** (drifts away) **T** (time)\n **ERA** **DICATE"} {"Clue":"Do reports badly, leading to instruction to sell shares (4,5)","Answer":"STOP ORDER","Explanation":"Definition: instruction to sell shares\n **Anagram of** (badly) **DO REPORTS**\n **STOP ORDER"} {"Clue":"Thailand's currency in difficulty (7)","Answer":"TROUBLE","Explanation":"Definition: difficulty\n **T** (International Vehicle Registration for Thailand) **+ ROUBLE** (Russian currency)\n **T ROUBLE"} {"Clue":"TV station expels new fashion designer (6)","Answer":"CHANEL","Explanation":"Definition: fashion designer\n **CHANNEL** (TV station) excluding (expelling) one of the **N** (new)\n **CHANEL"} {"Clue":"Bore pilot silly, which is novel (9)","Answer":"POTBOILER","Explanation":"Definition: novel\n **Anagram of** (silly) **BORE PILOT**\n **POTBOILER"} {"Clue":"Teletubby twice to regret making comeback to make catchy music (7)","Answer":"EUROPOP","Explanation":"Definition: catchy music\n (**PO** [one of the Teletubbies] **+ PO** again [twice] **+ RUE** [regret]) **all reversed** (making comeback)\n (**EUR OP OP**)<"} {"Clue":"Small three-wheeler beginning to roll forward (7)","Answer":"STRIKER","Explanation":"Definition: forward\n **S** (small)** + TRIKE** (three-wheeled tricycle) **+ R** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **ROLL**)\n **S TRIKE **R"} {"Clue":"Spooner's crude technique that's used to send messages (5,4)","Answer":"MORSE CODE","Explanation":"Definition: used to send messages\n Reverend Spooner would refer to **MORSE CODE** as **COARSE** (crude) **MODE** (technique)\n **MORSE CODE"} {"Clue":"Currencies firm for a long time (8)","Answer":"COINAGES","Explanation":"Definition: Currencies\n **CO** (company; firm) **+ IN AGES** (for a long time, as I haven't seen you IN AGES or I haven't seen you for a long time)\n **CO IN AGES"} {"Clue":"When to get son donkey (3)","Answer":"ASS","Explanation":"Definition: donkey\n **AS** (when) **+ S** (son)\n **AS S"} {"Clue":"Lawless American agent held in custody at first (8)","Answer":"ANARCHIC","Explanation":"Definition: Lawless\n **A** (American) **+ NARC** (American **NARC**otics agent) **+ HIC** (**initial letters of each of** [at first] **HELD**, **IN** and **CUSTODY**)\n **A** **NARC** **HIC"} {"Clue":"Inclination to drill until Thursday (4)","Answer":"TILT","Explanation":"Definition: Inclination\n **TILT** (**hidden word in** [drill] **UNTIL THURSDAY**)\n **TILT"} {"Clue":"Sensitive Conservative regularly dithers about thick-skinned individual (10)","Answer":"RHINOCEROS","Explanation":"Definition: thick-skinned individual\n (**SORE** [sensitive] **+ CON** [Conservative) **+ IHR** [**letters 2, 4 and 6** {regularly} of **DITHERS**]) **all reversed** (about)\n (**RHI NOC EROS**)<"} {"Clue":"An Arabic drink knocked over in Asian city (6)","Answer":"ANKARA","Explanation":"Definition: Asian city\n **AN** **+ ARAK** (strong Arabian or Asian drink) reversed (knocked over)\n **AN KARA**<"} {"Clue":"Pothead captured in bust on Erraid (6)","Answer":"STONER","Explanation":"Definition: Pothead\n **STONER** (hidden word in [captured in] **BUST ON ERRAID**) \u2013 Erraid is an island in the Inner Hebrides so the phrase 'bust on Erraid' is possible, although very unlikely)\n **STONER"} {"Clue":"Black underpants supporting several balls \u2013 that's too much of a load (10)","Answer":"OVERBURDEN","Explanation":"Definition: too much of a load\n **OVER** (there are six [several] balls in an **OVER** in cricket) **+ B** (black) **+ an anagram of** (pants) **UNDER**\n **OVER B URDEN"} {"Clue":"Toy weapon has unusual rings to crack safe (10)","Answer":"PEASHOOTER","Explanation":"Definition: Toy weapon\n (**Anagram of** [unusual] **HAS** + **OO** [two ring shaped letters]) **contained in** (to crack) **PETER** (a safe)\n **PE** (**ASH*** **OO**) **TER"} {"Clue":"Fail to secure weapon? Not I \u2013 it can go off without reason (5,5)","Answer":"FALSE ALARM","Explanation":"Definition: it can go off without reason\n **FAIL** **excluding** (not) **I** **+ SEAL** (to secure) **+ ARM**\n **FAL SE AL ARM"} {"Clue":"Heroes in fancy restaurant (8)","Answer":"NOSHERIE","Explanation":"Definition: restaurant\n **Anagram of** (fancy) **HEROES IN**\n **NOSHERIE"} {"Clue":"A falling pound stops professional recess (8)","Answer":"PROLAPSE","Explanation":"Definition: A falling\n **L** (symbol for pound sterling) **contained in** (stops) (**PRO** [professional] **+ APSE** [recess])\n **PRO** (**L**) **APSE"} {"Clue":"Asian drunk discussed office worker (6)","Answer":"TYPIST","Explanation":"Definition: office worker\n **TY** (sounds like [discussed] **THAI** [native of Thailand; Asian]) **+ PIST** (sounds like [discussed] **PISSED** [drunk])\n **TY PIST"} {"Clue":"Streams silent movie star (6)","Answer":"BROOKS","Explanation":"Definition: Streams\n **BROOKS** (reference Louise **BROOKS** [1906-1985], American film actress who starred in seventeen silent films) double definition\n **BROOKS"} {"Clue":"Care for back (4)","Answer":"REAR","Explanation":"Definition: Care for\n **REAR** (back) double definition\n **REAR"} {"Clue":"Head of Parlophone loves scat (3)","Answer":"POO","Explanation":"Definition: scat\n **P** (**first letter of** [head of] **PARLAPHONE**) **+ OO** (two occurrences of a letter representing zero [love score in tennis]) to give 'loves'\n **P** **OO"} {"Clue":"What could produce minor hitch? (8)","Answer":"DRAWBACK","Explanation":"Definition: hitch\n **DRAW** is a **reversal of** (**BACK**) **WARD** (**WARD** of court [a person, especially a minor, placed under the control of a guardian or a court])\n **DRAW** **BACK"} {"Clue":"Twice yearly wife provides fruit (6)","Answer":"PAWPAW","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n (**PA** [per annum; yearly] **+ W** [wife]) **+** (**PA** [per annum; yearly] **+ W** [wife]), so 'twice yearly wife'\n **PA W PA W"} {"Clue":"Varied crimes by worker? He must be one (9)","Answer":"MISCREANT","Explanation":"Definition: He must be one\n **Anagram of** (varied) **CRIMES** **+ ANT** (reference a worker **ANT** [sterile female member of a colony of ants that forages for food])\n **MISCRE*** **ANT"} {"Clue":"Small lake sinks lower and lower (5)","Answer":"SCOWL","Explanation":"Definition: lower\n (**S** [small] **+ L** [lake]) **containing** (sinks) **COW** (an animal that lows)\n **S** (**COW**) **L"} {"Clue":"Character pockets money for annuity scheme (7)","Answer":"TONTINE","Explanation":"Definition: annuity scheme\n **TONE** (character) **containing** (pockets) **TIN** (informal term for money)\n **TON** (**TIN**) **E"} {"Clue":"Everyone I must restrain runs fast (7)","Answer":"ALLEGRO","Explanation":"Definition: fast\n **ALL** (everyone) **+** (**EGO** [the I or self] **containing** (must restrain) **R** [runs])\n **ALL** **EG** (**R**) **O"} {"Clue":"Notorious libertine composed sad, sad requiem (7,2,4)","Answer":"MARQUIS DE SADE","Explanation":"Definition: Notorious libertine\n **Anagram of** (composed) **SAD SAD REQUIEM**\n **MARQUIS DE** **SAD****E"} {"Clue":"Learning for toddlers \u2013 a clue for Gran in it? (5-8)","Answer":"POTTY TRAINING","Explanation":"Definition: Learning for toddlers\n **POTTY** (anagram indicator) **TRAINING** (anagram fodder) could be a cryptic crossword clue for **GRAN IN IT** (**TRAINING***)\n **POTTY TRAINING"} {"Clue":"Briefly spray a lilac (7)","Answer":"SYRINGA","Explanation":"Definition: lilac\n **SYRINGE** (spray with an instrument for injecting fluids) **excluding the final letter E** (briefly) **+ A**\n **SYRING** **A"} {"Clue":"Resenting competing alongside extremists in election (7)","Answer":"ENVYING","Explanation":"Definition: Resenting\n **EN** (**first and last letters of** [extremists in] **ELECTION**) **+ VYING** (competing)\n **E N VYING"} {"Clue":"Plan one leaving board in a huff announced? (5)","Answer":"DRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: Plan\n **DRAFT** (divergent duct from a water turbine; one leaving [?])\n **DRAFT** (a selection or conscription board to determine military service)\n **DRAFT** (sounds like [announced] **DRAUGHT** [puff of wind; huff]) **quadruple definition"} {"Clue":"Do I hear a tail-ender finally bats, getting the runs? (9)","Answer":"DIARRHOEA","Explanation":"Definition: the runs\n **Anagram of** (bats) **DO I HEAR A** and **R** [**last letter of** [tail] **ENDER**)\n **DIARRHOEA"} {"Clue":"Smart bar to east of Croatia's capital (6)","Answer":"CLEVER","Explanation":"Definition: Smart\n **C** (**first letter of** [capital of] **CROATIA**) **+ LEVER** (bar)\n **C LEVER"} {"Clue":"It makes star pupils slip up? Rats! (8)","Answer":"REVERSAL","Explanation":"Definition: It makes star pupils slip up? Rats! (8)\n a **REVERSAL** **of the letters of the words** **STAR PUPILS** generates **SLIP** **UP** **RATS**\n **REVERSAL"} {"Clue":"Cotton shrinking upset Yankee (6)","Answer":"DIMITY","Explanation":"Definition: Cotton\n **TIMID** (apprehensive; shrinking) **reversed** (upset; down entry) **+ Y** (Yankee is the international radio communication code for the letter **Y**)\n **DIMIT**< **Y"} {"Clue":"Minister going topless is a firing offence (5)","Answer":"ARSON","Explanation":"Definition: a firing offence\n **PARSON** (minister of religion) **excluding the first letter P** (going topless)\n **ARSON"} {"Clue":"Obstruction is brief? No way (7)","Answer":"BARRIER","Explanation":"Definition: Obstruction\n **BARRISTER** (Collins defines 'brief' as British slang for a lawyer, especially a **BARRISTER**) **excluding** (no) **ST** (street; way)\n **BARRIER"} {"Clue":"Ate a cracking fish starter in restaurant, and to follow one beef dish (13)","Answer":"CHATEAUBRIAND","Explanation":"Definition: beef dish\n ([**ATE** **+ A**] **contained in** [cracking)] **CHUB** [small European river fish]) + **R** (**first letter of** [starter in] **RESTAURANT** **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ AND**\n **CH** (**ATE** **A**)** UB** **R I AND"} {"Clue":"Excuse given by a bishop on crack (7)","Answer":"ABSOLVE","Explanation":"Definition: Excuse\n **A + B** (bishop) **+ CRACK** (solve the mystery of)\n **A B SOLVE"} {"Clue":"Crew heading off after year in stinking capital city (9)","Answer":"PYONGYANG","Explanation":"Definition: capital city\n (**Y** [year] **contained in** [in] **PONGY** [smelly; stinking]) **+ GANG** (crew) **excluding the first letter G** (heading off)\n **P** (**Y**) **ONGY** **ANG"} {"Clue":"Backed minister to approve law, obtaining an easy victory (8)","Answer":"WALKOVER","Explanation":"Definition: easy victory\n (**REV** [reverend; minister] **+ OK** [to approve] **+ LAW**) **all reversed** (backed)\n (**WAL KO VER**)<"} {"Clue":"Flexible new star learned to change characters (13)","Answer":"TRANSLITERATE","Explanation":"Definition: change characters\n **Anagram of** (flexible) (**N** [new] and **STAR**) **+ LITERATE** (well-educated; learned)\n **TRANS*** **LITERATE"} {"Clue":"Procession of cars round Democrat on the move? (9)","Answer":"MOTORCADE","Explanation":"Definition: Procession of cars\n **Anagram of** (on the move) **O** (round-shaped letter) and **DEMOCRAT**\n **MOTORCADE"} {"Clue":"So detective appears in long story divided into several parts (8)","Answer":"EPISODIC","Explanation":"Definition: divided into several parts\n (**SO** **+ DI** [Detective {Inspector}])** contained in** (appears in) **EPIC** (long narrative poem or story)\n **EPI** (**SO** **DI**) **C"} {"Clue":"Get any swimming around Zulu river? (7)","Answer":"YANGTZE","Explanation":"Definition: river\n **Anagram of** (swimming) **GET ANY** **containing** (round) **Z** (Zulu is the International Radio Communication code for the letter **Z**)\n **YANGT** (**Z**) **E"} {"Clue":"The opposite of how Milton wrote? (7)","Answer":"INVERSE","Explanation":"Definition: The opposite of\n **IN VERSE **(as a poet, Milton would write **IN VERSE**)\n **IN VERSE"} {"Clue":"Bit of loose skin covered up by Italian garment (6)","Answer":"AGNAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of loose skin\n **AGNAIL** (**reversed** [up] **hidden word in** [covered by] **ITALIAN GARMENT**)\n **AGNAIL**<"} {"Clue":"Images clicked on notebook's screen, first of all? (5)","Answer":"ICONS","Explanation":"Definition: Images clicked\n **ICONS** (**initial letters of** [first of all] each of **IMAGES**, **CLICKED**, **ON**, **NOTEBOOK'S** and **SCREEN**)\n **I C O N S"} {"Clue":"Open fabric marker kept in series for amateur handicraft (12)","Answer":"SCRIMSHANDER","Explanation":"Definition: amateur handicraft\n **SCRIM** (open fabric used in upholstery, bookbinding, for curtains, etc) **+** (**HAND** [indicator; marker] **contained in** [kept in] **SER** [series])\n **SCRIM** **S** (**HAND**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Trouble getting in fish for tourist hotel (7)","Answer":"PARADOR","Explanation":"Definition: tourist hotel\n **ADO** (trouble) **contained in** (getting in) **PARR** (young salmon; fish)\n **PAR** (**ADO**) **R"} {"Clue":"Liberal taken in by trend, once deluded (5)","Answer":"BLENT","Explanation":"Definition: once deluded\n **L** (Liberal) **contained in** (taken in by) **BENT** (trend)\n **B** (**L**) **ENT"} {"Clue":"Handle sword-thrust as of old (5)","Answer":"STOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Handle\n **STOCK** (alternative word for **STOCCADO** [straight thrust in fencing]) double definition\n a third definition could be 'to **STOCK** goods' [to handle goods]\n **STOCK"} {"Clue":"Hawking may produce this subject in result (6)","Answer":"SPUTUM","Explanation":"Definition: Hawking may produce this\n **PUT** (to subject) **contained in** (into) **SUM** (result of addition)\n **S** (**PUT**) **UM"} {"Clue":"Spot roughly treated mostly round front of chin (6)","Answer":"MACULE","Explanation":"Definition: Spot\n **MAULED** (roughly treated) **excluding the final letter D** (mostly) **containing** (round) **C** (**first letter of** [front of] **CHIN**)\n **MA** (**C**) **ULE"} {"Clue":"Wild buffalo? I appreciate that wafted aroma (7)","Answer":"TAMARAO","Explanation":"Definition: Wild buffalo\n **TA** (thank you; I appreciate that) **+ an anagram of** (wafted) **AROMA**\n **TA** **MARAO"} {"Clue":"Miss spread out in bedroom I tickled (4)","Answer":"OMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Miss\n **OMIT** (**hidden word in** [in] **BEDROOM I TICKLED**)\n **OMIT"} {"Clue":"Salt sprinkled via aid to digestion (6)","Answer":"SALIVA","Explanation":"Definition: aid to digestion\n **SAL** (salt) **+ an anagram of** (sprinkled) **VIA**\n **SAL** **IVA"} {"Clue":"Stomachs financial undoing, one involving millions (6)","Answer":"RUMINA","Explanation":"Definition: Stomachs\n (**RUIN** [bankruptcy; financial undoing] **+ A** [one]) **containing** (involving) **M** (millions)\n **RU** (**M**) **IN** **A"} {"Clue":"Jock's stabbing pain catches back (4)","Answer":"STEN","Explanation":"Definition: Jock's stabbing pain\n **NETS** (catches) **reversed** (back)\n **STEN**<"} {"Clue":"Ice cream confection in pastry \u2013 something out of this world (7)","Answer":"TARTUFO","Explanation":"Definition: Ice cream confection\n **TART** (pastry) **+ UFO** (unidentified flying object; something out of this world)\n **TART UFO"} {"Clue":"Old bird, one hiding its head, but not that one! (6)","Answer":"STRICH","Explanation":"Definition: bird\n **OSTRICH** (which is made up of **O** [old] **+ STRICH** [the bird that is the entry]) **excluding the first letter O** (hiding its head). The **OSTRICH** is often said to hide it's head in the sand, but apparently it is a myth\n **STRICH"} {"Clue":"Autocrat, one in pieces suffering setback (6)","Answer":"SATRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Autocrat\n **A** (one) **contained in** (in) **PARTS** (pieces) **reversed** (set back)\n **S** (**A**) **TRAP**<"} {"Clue":"University enraptured was unwonted (5)","Answer":"USENT","Explanation":"Definition: unwonted\n **U** (university) **+ SENT** (enraptured)\n **U SENT"} {"Clue":"Veteran fighter Ben's driven from Libyan city (5)","Answer":"GHAZI","Explanation":"Definition: Veteran fighter\n **BENGHAZI** (city in Libya) **excluding** (driven from) **BEN**\n **GHAZI"} {"Clue":"Scrap metal? Science taking lead, without turning back (7)","Answer":"SCISSEL","Explanation":"Definition: Scrap metal\n **SCI** (science) **+ LESS** (without) **reversed** (turning back)\n **SCI SSEL**<"} {"Clue":"Sign of a bad night? Remains on edge, left with shattered senses (12)","Answer":"RESTLESSNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Sign of a bad night\n **RESTS** (remains) **containing** (on edge [of]) (**L** [left] **+ an anagram of** [shattered] **SENSES**)\n **REST** (**L ESSNES***) **S"} {"Clue":"A very long day in tropical parts (5)","Answer":"CALPA","Explanation":"Definition: A very long day\n **CALPA** (**hidden word in** [in] **TROPICAL PARTS**)\n **CALPA"} {"Clue":"Occasion, we hear, for a poet's tears (5)","Answer":"RHEUM","Explanation":"Definition: a poet's tears\n **RHEUM** (sounds like [we hear] **ROOM** [scope or occasion])\n **RHEUM"} {"Clue":"Mark, one seen on note becoming due (8)","Answer":"MATURING","Explanation":"Definition: becoming due\n **M** (mark; e.g. old German currency) **+ A** (one) **+ TURING** (reference Alan **TURING** [1912 \u2013 1954], computer scientist whose face appears on a \u00a350 note; seen on note)\n **M A TURING"} {"Clue":"Site with a smash littered round roundabout? It stops circulation (11)","Answer":"HAEMOSTASIS","Explanation":"Definition: It stops circulation\n **Anagram of** littered) **SITE** and **A SMASH** **containing** (round) **O** (roundabout shaped character)\n **HAEM** (**O**) **STASIS"} {"Clue":"Score a couple of centuries, lifting hearts (5)","Answer":"NOTCH","Explanation":"Definition: Score\n (**C** [Roman numeral for 100 {century}] **+ TON** [informal term for 100 miles per hour; century] giving a couple of centuries), **all reversed** (lifting; down entry)** + H** (hearts)\n (**NOT C**)< **H"} {"Clue":"Awfully dour over clothes getting soaked in the Trossachs? (7)","Answer":"DROUKIT","Explanation":"Definition: soaked in the Trossachs\n **Anagram of** (awfully) **DOUR** **+ KIT** (clothes)\n **DROU*** **KIT"} {"Clue":"Valence adjusted for restricted area (7)","Answer":"ENCLAVE","Explanation":"Definition: restricted area\n **Anagram of** (adjusted for) **VALENCE**\n **ENCLAVE"} {"Clue":"Light rain effective action cleared from street (4)","Answer":"ROKE","Explanation":"Definition: Light rain\n **STROKE** (effective action, feat, achievement) **excluding** (cleared from) **ST** (street)\n **ROKE"} {"Clue":"Salvoes creating fury in drinking places (8)","Answer":"BARRAGES","Explanation":"Definition: Salvoes\n **RAGE** (fury) **contained in** (in) **BARS** (drinking places)\n **BAR** (**RAGE**) **S"} {"Clue":"Old pavilions? Matches will include one (8)","Answer":"CANOPIES","Explanation":"Definition: Old pavilions\n **COPIES** (imitations; matches of originals) **containing** (will include) **AN** (one)\n **C** (**AN**) **OPIES"} {"Clue":"Set out in deep thought for tourist priority? (7)","Answer":"MUST-SEE","Explanation":"Definition: tourist priority\n **Anagram of** (out) **SET** **contained in** (in) **MUSE** (deep thought)\n **MUS** (**T**\u2013**SE***) **E"} {"Clue":"Top lady exchanges lid for one to have a favourable effect (7)","Answer":"IMPRESS","Explanation":"Definition: have a favourable effect\n **EMPRESS** (female head of an empire; top lady) **with the first letter** (lid) **E replaced** **by** (exchanges with) **I** (Roman numeral for one) to form **IMPRESS**\n **I MPRESS"} {"Clue":"Military supremo at head of troops, rarely surrounded (5)","Answer":"CINCT","Explanation":"Definition: rarely surrounded\n **C IN C** (Commander in Chief; military supremo) **+ T** (**first letter of** [heads of] **TROOPS**)\n **C IN C T"} {"Clue":"Salt cellar initially passed for junior cleric at bishop's tea party (5)","Answer":"URATE","Explanation":"Definition: Salt\n **CURATE** (junior clergyman) **excluding** (passed) **C** (**first letter of** [initially] **C**ELLAR)\n **URATE** \u2013 what about the bishop's tea party?"} {"Clue":"Commotion with withdrawal of US has me mostly gripped in worries (5)","Answer":"FAZES","Explanation":"Definition: worries\n **FUSS** (commotion) **excluding** (with withdrawal of) **US** **containing** (has \u2026 gripped) **AZED** (puzzle setter; me) **excluding the final letter D** (mostly)\n **F** (**AZE**) **S"} {"Clue":"One submitting petition, good but with page missing (4)","Answer":"SUER","Explanation":"Definition: One submitting petition\n **SUPER** (good) **excluding** (with \u2026 missing) **P** (page)\n **SUER"} {"Clue":"Mark of extended union membership apparently on the cards? (7,7)","Answer":"DIAMOND WEDDING","Explanation":"Definition: Mark of extended union membership\n **DIAMOND** (suit in a pack of cards) **+ WEDDING** (part of the cryptic definition \u2013 the event that is 'on the cards')\n **DIAMOND WEDDING"} {"Clue":"The writer's offended feeling with America is a motivation (7)","Answer":"IMPETUS","Explanation":"Definition: motivation\n **I'M** (I am; the writer is) **+ PET** (slighted and offended feeling) **+ US** (United States; America)\n **IM PET US"} {"Clue":"Applies charge to honours? Liberal steps down (7)","Answer":"IONISES","Explanation":"Definition: Applies charge to\n **LIONISES** (treats as a hero; honours) **excluding** (steps down) **L** (Liberal)\n **IONISES"} {"Clue":"Key period not entirely wasted, ready for review (9)","Answer":"ALTERABLE","Explanation":"Definition: ready for review\n **ALT** (reference the **ALT** key on a computer keyboard) **+ ERA** (period of time) **+ BLEW** (wasted) **excluding the final letter W** (not entirely)\n **ALT ERA BLE"} {"Clue":"Bill carrying nothing aboard capsized vessel (4)","Answer":"BOAT","Explanation":"Definition: vessel\n (**TAB** [bill] **containing** [carrying] **O** [character representing zero; nothing]) **all reversed** (capsized)\n (**B** (**O**) **AT**)<"} {"Clue":"Calm down idiot before second half of speech (7)","Answer":"ASSUAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Calm down\n **ASS** (idiot) **+ LANGUAGE** (speech) **excluding the first four letters** [of eight; half] **LANG** to leave the second four letters **UAGE**\n **ASS UAGE"} {"Clue":"Biblical renegade in a book before Biblical dancer? Not entirely (7)","Answer":"ABSALOM","Explanation":"Definition: Biblical renegade\n **A** **+ B** (book) **+ SALOME** (reference the dancer in the Dance of the Seven Veils) **excluding the final letter E** (not entirely)\n **A B SALOM"} {"Clue":"Man returned, chopping a tree (3)","Answer":"ELM","Explanation":"Definition: tree\n **MALE** (man) **reversed** (returned) and **excluding** (chopping) **A**\n **ELM**<"} {"Clue":"Source of intelligence, say, Government picked up, discounting Russia's leader (7)","Answer":"EGGHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Source of intelligence\n **E**.**G**. (for example) **+ G** (government) **+ HEARD** (picked up) **excluding** (discounting) **R** (**first letter of** [leader] **R**USSIA)\n **EG G HEAD"} {"Clue":"Alien chasing British religious figure (7)","Answer":"BROTHER","Explanation":"Definition: religious figure\n **BR** (British) **+ OTHER** (different; alien)\n **BR OTHER"} {"Clue":"Opening jar, ignoring recipe (4)","Answer":"GATE","Explanation":"Definition: Opening\n **GRATE** (jar) **excluding **(ignoring)** R** (recipe [Latin])\n **GATE"} {"Clue":"Arizona city's overlooked by spies from Mediterranean region (9)","Answer":"PHOENICIA","Explanation":"Definition: Mediterranean region\n **PHOENIX** (city in Arizona)** somehow losing the X **but I can't see why unless overlooked is a way of suggesting that the following CIA overwrites the X **+ CIA** (Central Intelligence Agency)\n **PHOENI CIA"} {"Clue":"City set to absorb one valley after reflection (3,4)","Answer":"TEL AVIV","Explanation":"Definition: City\n **TV** ([television] set) **containing** (to absorb) (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ VALE** [valley]) **all reversed**\n **T** (**EL AV**** I**)< **V"} {"Clue":"Increasingly describing the Arctic, unlike the first answer? (3-4)","Answer":"ICE-FREE","Explanation":"Definition: Increasingly describing the Arctic\n **ICE** [diamond] **+ FREE** (without), unlike a **DIAMOND** [ice] **WEDDING**, the entry at 1 across\n **ICE FREE"} {"Clue":"Letters about alternative sources of decoration suggest the cuckoo pint (5,3,6)","Answer":"LORDS AND LADIES","Explanation":"Definition: the cuckoo pint\n **LANDLADIES** [letters [of rooms or properties]) **containing** (about) (**OR** [word used to link alternatives] **+ DS** [**first letters** [sources of] **each of DECORATION** and **SUGGEST**)\n **L** (**OR DS**) **AND LADIES"} {"Clue":"One enthusiast receiving positive information (5)","Answer":"INPUT","Explanation":"Definition: information\n **I** (Roman numeral for one) **+** (**NUT** [enthusiast]) **containing** [receiving] **P** [positive])\n **I** **N** (**P**) **UT"} {"Clue":"Mooted car to be decorated \u2013 for this? (9)","Answer":"MOTORCADE","Explanation":"Definition: this\n **Anagram of** (decorated) **MOOTED CAR**\n **MOTORCADE"} {"Clue":"Quantity of claret following punch? (9)","Answer":"NOSEBLEED","Explanation":"Definition: Quantity of claret following punch?\n a **NOSEBLEED** can be generated by a **PUNCH** to the nose \u2013 cryptic definition\n **NOSEBLEED"} {"Clue":"Chart-topper penned by our group is unblemished (5)","Answer":"WHITE","Explanation":"Definition: unblemished\n **HIT** (chart-topper) **contained in** (penned by) **WE** (our group)\n **W** (**HIT**) **E"} {"Clue":"Study origins of every blue star (5)","Answer":"DENEB","Explanation":"Definition: star\n **DEN** (study) **+ EB** (**first letters of** [origins of] **each of EVERY** and **BLUE**)\n **DEN EB"} {"Clue":"Elected politician has refurbished rising concert venue, God willing (9)","Answer":"INSHALLAH","Explanation":"Definition: God willing\n **IN** (elected [politician]) **+ an anagram of** (refurbished) **HAS** **+ HALL** (concert venue) **reversed** (rising; down entry)\n **IN** **SHA***** LLAH**<"} {"Clue":"Cry of astonishment: finally, Pigs in Space (4)","Answer":"GASP","Explanation":"Definition: Cry of astonishment\n **S** (**last letter of** [finally] **PIGS**) **contained in** (in) **GAP** (space)\n **GA** (**S**) **P"} {"Clue":"A newspaper probing scandalous behaviour in Ministerial residence (8)","Answer":"VICARAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Ministerial residence\n (**A + RAG** [derogatory term for a downmarket newspaper]) **contained in** (probing) **VICE** (depravity; scandalous behaviour)\n **VIC** (**A RAG**)** E"} {"Clue":"Wrong to go to Paris to secure good radio operator? (9)","Answer":"SIGNALLER","Explanation":"Definition: radio operator\n (**SIN** [wrong] **+ ALLER** ['to go' in French [Paris]) **containing** (to secure) **G** (good)\n **SI** (**G**) **N** **ALLER"} {"Clue":"Delicious aroma is swirling around Bishop before end of meal (9)","Answer":"AMBROSIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Delicious\n (**anagram of** [swirling] **AROMA IS** **containing** [around] **B** [bishop]) **+ L** (last letter of [end of] **MEAL**)\n **AM** (**B**) **ROSIA*** **L"} {"Clue":"Provide bits of information to first of defendants after court charge (5-4)","Answer":"SPOON-FEED","Explanation":"Definition: Provide bits of information to\n **SPOON** (indulge in courtship) **+ FEE** (charge) **+ D** (**initial letter of** [first of] **DEFENDANTS**\n **SPOON FEE D"} {"Clue":"Spread element of culture, say, enthralling English girl (8)","Answer":"MARGARET","Explanation":"Definition: girl\n (**MARG** [**sounds like** [say] **MARGE** [margarine {spread}] **+ ART** [element of culture]) **containing** (enthralling) **E** (English)\n I could simply be **MARG** **+ ART** enthralling **E**, but I can't see where 'say' fits into that parsing, unless it is simply a link word describing **ART**, to improve the surface.\n **MARG** **AR** (**E**) **T"} {"Clue":"Individuals not seeing first supernatural beings (5)","Answer":"ELVES","Explanation":"Definition: supernatural beings\n **SELVES** (individuals) **excluding** (not seeing) **the opening letter S** (first)\n **ELVES"} {"Clue":"Old man taking lead position in historic dance (5)","Answer":"PAVAN","Explanation":"Definition: historic dance\n **PA** (father; old man) **+ VAN** (the lead positions)\n **PA VAN"} {"Clue":"Set foot in central area to see Dorset castle (5)","Answer":"CORFE","Explanation":"Definition: Dorset castle\n **F** (foot) **contained in** (set in) **CORE** (central area)\n **COR** (**F**) **E"} {"Clue":"Promoted recent way of abbreviating a list (2,2)","Answer":"ET AL","Explanation":"Definition: way of abbreviating a list\n **LATE** (recent) **reversed** (promoted; down entry)\n **ET AL**<"} {"Clue":"Typically taking a very short time (2,7)","Answer":"ON AVERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Typically\n **ON** (regularly taking a drug) **+ A + VERY** **excluding the final letter Y** (short) **+ AGE** (period of time)\n **ON A VER AGE"} {"Clue":"A northerner's course (5)","Answer":"ASCOT","Explanation":"Definition: course\n **A + SCOT** (northerner)\n **A SCOT"} {"Clue":"Coach likes strapping batter's midriff to be bowler's target (7)","Answer":"SKITTLE","Explanation":"Definition: bowler's target\n **Anagram of** (coach) **LIKES** **containing** (strapping) **TT** (**central letters of** [midriff] **BATTER**)\n **SKI** (**TT**) **LE"} {"Clue":"Talk incessantly about old weapon at sea (7)","Answer":"HARPOON","Explanation":"Definition: weapon at sea\n **HARP ON** (dwell tediously or repeatedly on in speech or writing; talk incessantly) **containing** (about) **O** (old)\n **HARP** (**O**) **ON"} {"Clue":"Bear loses right to invest (5)","Answer":"ENDUE","Explanation":"Definition: invest\n **ENDURE** (tolerate; bear) **excluding** (loses) **R** (right)\n **ENDUE"} {"Clue":"Immature flyer is rashly flying after cold (9)","Answer":"CHRYSALIS","Explanation":"Definition: Immature flyer\n **C** **+ an anagram of** (flying) **IS RASHLY**\n **C** **HRYSALIS"} {"Clue":"Reveal secret to let opposition win (4,3,4,4)","Answer":"GIVE THE GAME AWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Reveal secret\n **GIVE THE GAME AWAY** (give up; let the opposition win) double definition\n **GIVE THE GAME AWAY"} {"Clue":"Decisive game's influential, if boring (9)","Answer":"SEMI-FINAL","Explanation":"Definition: Decisive game\n **IF** **contained in** (boring) **SEMINAL** (notably creative or influential in future development)\n **SEM** (**IF**) **INAL"} {"Clue":"Victor's first to leave ring circling bull (5)","Answer":"INNER","Explanation":"Definition: ring circling bull\n **WINNER** (victor) **excluding the first letter V** (first to leave)\n **INNER"} {"Clue":"Winger, surprisingly sleek, secures try almost (7)","Answer":"KESTREL","Explanation":"Definition: Winger\n **Anagram of** (surprisingly) **SLEEK** **containing** (secures) **TRY** **excluding the final letter** (almost) **Y**\n **KES** (**TR**)** EL"} {"Clue":"VIP's six at Lord's? (3,4)","Answer":"BIG SHOT","Explanation":"Definition: VIP\n **BIG SHOT** (a six hit at Lord's cricket ground would require a **BIG SHOT** by the batter) cryptic definition\n **BIG SHOT"} {"Clue":"One helps pupils losing way in Windows (5)","Answer":"OCULI","Explanation":"Definition: Windows\n **OCULIST** (specialist in diseases and defects of the eye, of which the pupil is an important component) **excluding** (losing) **ST** (street; way)\n **OCULI"} {"Clue":"Try phoning Irish town overlooking last event (9)","Answer":"TRIATHLON","Explanation":"Definition: event\n **TRI** (sounds like; on the phone; phoning **TRY**)**+ ATHLONE** (Irish town) **excluding the final letter** (overlooking last)\n **TRI ATHLON"} {"Clue":"Robert longs to overtake the French racing vehicles (10)","Answer":"BOBSLEIGHS","Explanation":"Definition: racing vehicles\n **BOB** (Robert) **+** (**SIGHS** [yearns; longs] **containing** [overtake] **LE** [one of the French forms of 'the')\n **BOB** **S** (**LE**)** IGHS"} {"Clue":"Indian cricketer lived illicitly with Pakistan's opening trio (5,3)","Answer":"KAPIL DEV","Explanation":"Definition: Indian cricketer\n **Anagram of** (illicitly] **LIVED** and **PAK** (**first three letters of** [opening trio] **PAKISTAN**)\n **KAPIL DEV"} {"Clue":"Player at Twickenham the focus of indecent remark (6)","Answer":"CENTRE","Explanation":"Definition: Player at Twickenham\n **CENTRE** (**hidden word as the central letters of** [the focus of] **INDECENT REMARK**)\n **CENTRE"} {"Clue":"People initially relish good service (4)","Answer":"RACE","Explanation":"Definition: People\n **R** (**first letter of** [initially] **RELISH**) **+ ACE** (an unplayable serve in tennis; good service)\n **R ACE"} {"Clue":"A number book into unbelievable game (10)","Answer":"TETHERBALL","Explanation":"Definition: game\n (**ETHER** [substance used as an anaesthetic to create numbness; number) **+ B** [book]) **contained in** (into) **TALL** (hardly to be believed; unbelievable)\n **T** (**ETHER B**) **ALL"} {"Clue":"Sport left burden in A&E (8)","Answer":"LACROSSE","Explanation":"Definition: Sport\n **L** (left) **+** (**CROSS** [burden] **contained in** [in] [**A** **+ E**])\n **L** **A** (**CROSS**) **E"} {"Clue":"Small champion loves large swimming group (6)","Answer":"SCHOOL","Explanation":"Definition: swimming group\n **S** (small) **+ CH** (champion) **+ OO** (two characters representing zero [loves score in tennis]; loves) **+ L** (large)\n **S CH OO L"} {"Clue":"Bill picked up wall game here (4)","Answer":"ETON","Explanation":"Definition: wall game here\n **NOTE** (bill as in a dollar bill or a dollar **NOTE**) **reversed** (picked up; down entry)\n **ETON**<"} {"Clue":"What char does at night for unblemished record? (5,5)","Answer":"CLEAN SLATE","Explanation":"Definition: unblemished record\n **CLEANS LATE** (char is short for charlady [**CLEAN**er] and **LATE** describes evening or night time, so together we have a description of what a char does at night)\n **CLEAN S LATE"} {"Clue":"Unusually striking way to avoid a commercial overhead? (10)","Answer":"SKYWRITING","Explanation":"Definition: commercial overhead\n **Anagram of** (unusually) **STRIKING WAY** **excluding** (avoid) **A**\n **SKYWRITING"} {"Clue":"Follow round a pair of females in ship's bar (8)","Answer":"TAFFRAIL","Explanation":"Definition: ship's bar\n **TRAIL** (follow) **containing** (round) (**A** **+ FF** [**two occurrences of** [a pair of] **F **[female])\n **T** (**A FF**) **RAIL"} {"Clue":"Victory banner raised to welcome Hearts player (4-4)","Answer":"WING-HALF","Explanation":"Definition: player\n **WIN** (victory) **+** (**FLAG** [banner] **reversed** [raised; down entry] **containing** [to welcome] **H** [hearts]) **HEARTS** is the local name for **HEART** of Midlothian FC an Edinburgh team in the Scottish Premiership.\n **WIN** **G** (**H**) **ALF**<"} {"Clue":"Nearly avoid oddly crude error at the Crucible (6)","Answer":"MISCUE","Explanation":"Definition: error at the Crucible\n **MISS** (avoid) **excluding the final letter** (nearly) **S** **+ CUE** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [oddly] of **CRUDE**)\n **MIS CUE"} {"Clue":"Some tin got smelted making these? (6)","Answer":"INGOTS","Explanation":"Definition: these\n **INGOTS** (**hidden word in** [some] **TIN GOT SMELTED**)\n **INGOTS"} {"Clue":"Secure measure of speed for flyer (4)","Answer":"KNOT","Explanation":"Definition: Secure\n **KNOT** (measure of speed)\n **KNOT** (snipe-like shore bird; flyer) triple definition\n **KNOT"} {"Clue":"Small bar at Old Trafford's temporarily free (4)","Answer":"BAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Small bar at Old Trafford\n **BAIL** (pay the (usually monetary) security given to procure the release of an accused person by assuring his or her subsequent appearance in court; temporarily free) double definition\n **BAIL"} {"Clue":"A 'Special One' helping to produce body fluid (12)","Answer":"PERSPIRATION","Explanation":"Definition: body fluid\n **PER** (for each or a) **+ SP** (special) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ RATION** (a helping)\n **PER SP I RATION"} {"Clue":"Are vocal expressions able to start to express language? (9)","Answer":"CANTONESE","Explanation":"Definition: language\n **CAN** (able to) **+ TONES** (vocal inflections) **+ E** (**first letter of** [start to] **EXPRESS**)\n **CAN TONES E"} {"Clue":"Go into business half-cut (5)","Answer":"ENTER","Explanation":"Definition: Go into\n **ENTER****PRISE** (business) **excluding the final 5** (of 10; half) **letters PRISE**\n **ENTER"} {"Clue":"Visit doctor and mostly express one's personal belief (4,2)","Answer":"DROP IN","Explanation":"Definition: Visit\n **DR** (doctor) **+ OPINE** (express one's personal belief) **excluding the final letter E** (mostly)\n **DR OP IN"} {"Clue":"One's wearing orange pants? Run! (8)","Answer":"ORGANISE","Explanation":"Definition: Run\n (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ 'S**) **contained in** (wearing) **an anagram of** (pants) **ORANGE**\n **ORGAN** (**I S**) **E"} {"Clue":"Stopped wanting Arab to be relaxed (6)","Answer":"RESTED","Explanation":"Definition: relaxed\n **ARRESTED** (stopped) **excluding** (wanting) **AR** (Arab)\n **RESTED"} {"Clue":"Time to stop evil lasting forever (8)","Answer":"IMMORTAL","Explanation":"Definition: lasting forever\n **T** (time) **contained in** (to stop) **IMMORAL** (evil)\n **IMMOR** (**T**) **AL"} {"Clue":"Maximum speed when horizontal? (4,4)","Answer":"FULL TILT","Explanation":"Definition: Maximum speed\n **FULL TILT** (completely leant over to lie flat; horizontal) cryptic definition\n **FULL TILT"} {"Clue":"Man perhaps follows American females into battle (6)","Answer":"AFFRAY","Explanation":"Definition: battle\n **A** (American) **+** (**F** [female] + **F** [female] to give females) **+ RAY** (man's name)\n **A F F RAY"} {"Clue":"Cowboy from Oregon thrown out of introduction to radio presenter (8)","Answer":"RANCHMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Cowboy\n **R** (**first letter of** [introduction to] **RADIO**) **+ ANCHORMAN** (on television, the person responsible for smooth running of a dialogue or discussion between or among others; presenter) **excluding** (thrown out) **OR** (US State of Oregon)\n **R ANCHMAN"} {"Clue":"Six-footer in mascara blushes (6)","Answer":"SCARAB","Explanation":"Definition: Six-footer\n **SCARAB** (**hidden word in** [in] **MASCARA BLUSHES**)\n **SCARAB"} {"Clue":"Black Country is uninspiring (5)","Answer":"BLAND","Explanation":"Definition: uninspiring\n **B** (black) **+ LAND** (country)\n **B LAND"} {"Clue":"He put neat rum in to increase risk (2,3,4)","Answer":"UP THE ANTE","Explanation":"Definition: increase risk\n **Anagram of** (rum) **HE PUT NEAT**\n **UP THE ANTE"} {"Clue":"Hurry up, or skip a payment at work (4,2,6)","Answer":"MAKE IT SNAPPY","Explanation":"Definition: Hurry up\n **Anagram of** (at work) **SKIP A PAYMENT**\n **MAKE IT SNAPPY"} {"Clue":"Choose an entrance for dictator and Spanish provocateur (7)","Answer":"PICADOR","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish provocateur\n **PICADOR** (**sounds like** [for dictator] **PICK** [choose] **+ A** [an] **+ DOOR** [entrance])\n **PIC A DOR"} {"Clue":"Piece of music about infiltrating Republican Party (5)","Answer":"RONDO","Explanation":"Definition: Piece of music\n **ON** (with reference to; about) **contained in** (infiltrating) (**R** [Republican] **+ DO** [party])\n **R** (**ON**) **DO"} {"Clue":"With timely preparation, professional books inspiring film with nothing omitted (9)","Answer":"PROVIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: With timely preparation\n (**PRO** [professional] **+ NT** [New Testament]) **containing** (inspiring) **VIDEO** (film) **excluding** [with \u2026 omitted]) **O** (character representing zero or nothing)\n **PRO** (**VIDE**) **NT"} {"Clue":"Rock and roll dance? (4)","Answer":"REEL","Explanation":"Definition: Rock\n **REEL** (roll)\n **REEL** (dance) triple definition\n **REEL"} {"Clue":"Propositions those desperate to introduce rock band (8)","Answer":"THEOREMS","Explanation":"Definition: Propositions\n **Anagram of** (desperate) **THOSE** **containing** (to be introduced) **REM** (reference American rock band **R.E.M** formed in 1980)\n **THEO** (**REM**) **S"} {"Clue":"Welsh girl shaving bottom following love letter (5)","Answer":"OMEGA","Explanation":"Definition: letter\n **O** (character representing zero or love score in tennis) **+ MEGAN** (Welsh girl's name) **excluding** (shaved) **the final letter** (bottom of this down entry) **N**\n **O MEGA"} {"Clue":"Excited at talk, pointlessly (8)","Answer":"ATWITTER","Explanation":"Definition: Excited\n **AT** **+ WITTER** (talk or mutter peevishly or ineffectually)\n **AT WITTER"} {"Clue":"Gold transaction is nightmare (6)","Answer":"ORDEAL","Explanation":"Definition: nightmare\n **OR** (gold tincture) **+ DEAL** (transaction)\n **OR DEAL"} {"Clue":"Farewell a son provided (2,4,2)","Answer":"SO LONG AS","Explanation":"Definition: provided\n **SO LONG** (farewell) **+ A + S** (son)\n **SO LONG A S"} {"Clue":"Rank Stones \"close to perfection\" in real life (3-6)","Answer":"OFF SCREEN","Explanation":"Definition: in real life\n **OFF** (in deterioration; rank) **+ SCREE** (stones on the side of a hill) **+ N** (last letter of [close to] **PERFECTION**)\n **OFF\u2013SCREEN"} {"Clue":"Pale bum certain to provide amusement (8)","Answer":"PLEASURE","Explanation":"Definition: amusement\n **Anagram of** (bum) **PALE** **+ SURE** (certain)\n **PLEA*** **SURE"} {"Clue":"Class times for George? (6)","Answer":"FORMBY","Explanation":"Definition: George\n **FORM** (class) **+ BY** (multiplied by; times)\n **FORM BY"} {"Clue":"Run away from raid after youth initially displays thuggishness (7)","Answer":"YOBBERY","Explanation":"Definition: thuggishness\n **Y** (**first letter of** [initially] **YOUTH**) **+ ROBBERY** (raid) **excluding** (away from) **R** (run)\n **Y** **OBBERY"} {"Clue":"Jeopardy host returned holding aquatic creature (5)","Answer":"HYDRA","Explanation":"Definition: aquatic creature\n **HYDRA** (**reversed** [returned] **hidden word in** [holding] **JEOPARDY HOST**)\n **HYDRA**<"} {"Clue":"Accumulate in period prior to event (3,2)","Answer":"RUN UP","Explanation":"Definition: Accumulate\n **RUN-UP** (approach; period prior to an event) double definition\n **RUN UP"} {"Clue":"State itself rejected after leader rejected (4)","Answer":"ETAT","Explanation":"Definition: State\n **STATE** (the word **STATE** itself) **excluding** (rejected) **S** (first letter; leader) **and then reversed** (rejected)\n **ETAT**<"} {"Clue":"Close-fitting leotard I modelled (8)","Answer":"TAILORED","Explanation":"Definition: Close-fitting\n **Anagram of** (modelled) **LEOTARD I**\n **TAILORED"} {"Clue":"American expelled from country for going without fare (6)","Answer":"HUNGRY","Explanation":"Definition: going without fare\n **HUNGARY** (Country) **excluding** (expelled from) **A** (American)\n **HUNGRY"} {"Clue":"Player worries when start of test is delayed (4)","Answer":"EAST","Explanation":"Definition: Player\n **EATS** (worries) **with** **T** (**first letter of** [start of] **TEST**) **moved from character position 3 to position 4** {delayed) to form **EAST**\n **EAST"} {"Clue":"Unpalatable cases initially cause revulsion beyond belief (10)","Answer":"INCREDIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: beyond belief\n **INEDIBLE** (unpalatable) **containing** (cases) **CR** (**first letters of** [initially] each of **CAUSE** and **REVULSION**)\n **IN** (**CR**) **EDIBLE"} {"Clue":"Taste is pretty much wasted on writer (6)","Answer":"NIBBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Taste\n **NIB** (part of a pen; writer) **+ BLEW** (wasted)** excluding the final letter W** (pretty much)\n **NIB BLE"} {"Clue":"Man pledged backing from French Resistance (8)","Answer":"DEFIANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Resistance\n **DE** (French for 'from') **+ FIANCE** (male pledged to be married)\n **DE FIANCE"} {"Clue":"Improve state of disturbed heartless children (6)","Answer":"ENRICH","Explanation":"Definition: Improve state of\n **Anagram of** (disturbed) **CHILDREN** **excluding the central letters LD** (heartless)\n **ENRICH"} {"Clue":"This fish looks and sounds flat? (6)","Answer":"PLAICE","Explanation":"Definition: This fish\n **PLAICE** (**sounds like** [sounds] **PLACE** [apartment; flat])\n **PLAICE"} {"Clue":"Increase scope of criminal case and others under review (8)","Answer":"ESCALATE","Explanation":"Definition: Increase scope of\n **Anagram of** (criminal) **CASE** **+ ET AL** (and others) **reversed** (under review)\n **ESCA*** **LA TE**<"} {"Clue":"Messenger from wedding cycled round front of church (6)","Answer":"NUNCIO","Explanation":"Definition: Messenger\n (**UNION** [wedding] **with letters cycled to the right and the end letter N going to the front to form NUNIO**) **containing** (round) **C** (**first letter of** [front of] **CHURCH**)\n **NUN** (**C**) **IO"} {"Clue":"Ordered cadet that is controlling tank to turn off (10)","Answer":"DEACTIVATE","Explanation":"Definition: turn off\n **Anagram of** [ordered] **CADET** **+** (**IE** [id est; that is] **containing** [controlling)] **VAT** (tank])\n **DEACT*** **I** (**VAT**) **E"} {"Clue":"Send out introduction to elite university (4)","Answer":"EMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Send out\n **E** (**first letter of** [introduction to] **ELITE**) **+ MIT** (Massachussets Institute of Technology, an American research university)\n **E MIT"} {"Clue":"Reverse management's reshuffle after married man is dismissed (6)","Answer":"NEGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Reverse\n **Anagram of** (reshuffle) **MANAGEMENT** **excluding** (is dismissed) **M** (married) and **MAN**\n **NEGATE"} {"Clue":"Support Harry meeting the Queen in person (8)","Answer":"TEENAGER","Explanation":"Definition: person\n **TEE** (support) **+ NAG** (pester; harry) **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen)\n **TEE NAG ER"} {"Clue":"Soldier dies after dropping ecstasy in Heaven (8)","Answer":"PARADISE","Explanation":"Definition: Heaven\n **PARA** (**PARA**trooper [soldier]) **+ DIES** **with the E moved to the end** [dropping, in a down entry] **to form DISE**\n **PARA** **DIS****E"} {"Clue":"Corporation has invested large surplus (4)","Answer":"GLUT","Explanation":"Definition: surplus\n **GUT** (stomach; corporation) **containing** (investing) **L** (large)\n **G** (**L**) **UT"} {"Clue":"Gangs said to go round looking for sex (6)","Answer":"CRUISE","Explanation":"Definition: go round looking for sex\n **CRUISE** (**sounds like** [said] **CREWS** [gangs])\n **CRUISE"} {"Clue":"Free lunch lacking core ingredient turned out to be pleasant (8)","Answer":"CHEERFUL","Explanation":"Definition: pleasant\n **Anagram of** (turned out) **FREE** and **LUNCH** **excluding the central letter N** (lacking core ingredient)\n **CHEERFUL"} {"Clue":"What reveals and, in a manner of speaking, inspires? (10)","Answer":"INDICATION","Explanation":"Definition: What reveals\n **IN** **+** (**DICTION** [manner of speaking] **containing** [inspires] **A**)\n **IN** **DIC** (**A**) **TION"} {"Clue":"Play with retracting pencil or felt-tip pens (6)","Answer":"FROLIC","Explanation":"Definition: Play\n **FROLIC** (**reversed** [retracting] **hidden word in** [pens] **PENCIL OR FELT-TIP**)\n **FROLIC**<"} {"Clue":"Half believed police department's tapped judge (6)","Answer":"DECIDE","Explanation":"Definition: judge\n **DEEMED** (believed) **excluding the final three letters MED** [of 6; half]) **containing** (**CID** [Criminal Investigation Department]; police department)\n **DE** (**CID**) **E"} {"Clue":"Official pitch inexperienced reporter typed up about waste (10)","Answer":"BUREAUCRAT","Explanation":"Definition: Official\n (**TAR** [pitch is the black shining residue of distillation of tar] **+** [**CUB** {inexperienced reporter}]) **all reversed** (typed up; down entry) and **containing** (about) **UREA** (substance found in urine; waste)\n (B (**UREA**) **UC** **RAT**)<"} {"Clue":"What may have part to play in temperature falling in cold office? (8)","Answer":"CLARINET","Explanation":"Definition: What may have part to play\n **C** (cold) **+ LATRINE** (office is a euphemism for toilet or **LATRINE**) with the **T** (temperature) **falling to the bottom of this down entry to form LARINET**\n **C LARINET"} {"Clue":"Managed to get reference suspect lied about (8)","Answer":"ELICITED","Explanation":"Definition: Managed to get\n **Anagram of** (suspect) **LIED** **containing** (about) **CITE** (quote; example; reference)\n **ELI** (**CITE**) **D"} {"Clue":"Religious teaching is unable to deny earlier beliefs (6)","Answer":"RECANT","Explanation":"Definition: deny earlier beliefs\n **RE** (Religious Education) **+ CAN'T** (cannot; unable to)\n **RE CANT"} {"Clue":"Comparatively unbalanced means of presenting items for consumption (6)","Answer":"SKEWER","Explanation":"Definition: Comparatively unbalanced\n **SKEWER** (more unbalanced) **double definition**\n **SKEWER"} {"Clue":"Wanted joint passed to the audience (6)","Answer":"NEEDED","Explanation":"Definition: Wanted\n **NEE** (**sounds like** [to the audience] **KNEE** [joint]) **+ DED** (**sounds like** [to the audience] **DEAD** [passed])\n **NEE DED"} {"Clue":"Freelancer has vigour and style (4)","Answer":"ELAN","Explanation":"Definition: vigour and style\n **ELAN** (**hidden word in** [has] **FREELANCER**)\n **ELAN"} {"Clue":"Special strategy game mostly involves me in plans (7)","Answer":"SCHEMES","Explanation":"Definition: plans\n **S** (special) **+** (**CHESS** [game of strategy] **excluding the final letter S** [mostly] **containing** [involves] **ME**)\n **S** **CHE** (**ME**) **S"} {"Clue":"Source of apple tree to fix product of apple tree (6)","Answer":"PIPPIN","Explanation":"Definition: product of apple tree\n **PIP** (seed from which an apple tree can grow) **+ PIN** (fix)\n **PIP PIN"} {"Clue":"City not big enough to fill small municipal area (5)","Answer":"PARIS","Explanation":"Definition: City\n **PARISH** (small municipal area) **excluding the final letter H** (not big enough to fill)\n **PARIS"} {"Clue":"One obliterates times in more left-wing surroundings, withholding power (3-6)","Answer":"INK-ERASER","Explanation":"Definition: One obliterates\n **ERAS** (periods of time) **contained in** (in) **PINKER** (more left-wing) **excluding** (withholding) **P** (power)\n **INK** (**ERAS**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Republican Italy so disposed \u2013 to dismiss me? (8)","Answer":"ROYALIST","Explanation":"Definition: me\n **R** (Republican) **+ an anagram of** (disposed) **ITALY** and **SO**\n **R** **OYALIST"} {"Clue":"Warning enthralling British: German close to the throne (6)","Answer":"ALBERT","Explanation":"Definition: German close to the throne\n **ALERT** (warning) **containing** (enthralling) **B** (British)\n **AL** (**B**) **ERT"} {"Clue":"An opening for camaraderie in US city or French city (5)","Answer":"NANCY","Explanation":"Definition: French city\n (**AN** **+ C** [**first letter of** {opening for} **CAMARADERIE**]) **contained in** (in) **NY** (New York, US city)\n **N** (**AN** **C**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Recalled Phi, say, securing word for 'farmyard noise' in Chambers (9)","Answer":"ROOMETTES","Explanation":"Definition: Chambers\n (**SETTER** [Phi, **SETTER** of this crossword] **containing** [securing] **MOO** [word for a farmyard noise made by a cow]) **all reversed** (recalled)\n (**R** (**OOM**) **ETTES**)<"} {"Clue":"European shock about billion heading for China? (9)","Answer":"EASTBOUND","Explanation":"Definition: heading for China\n (**E** [European] **+ ASTOUND** [shock]) **containing** (about) **B** (billion)\n **E** **AST** (**B**) **OUND"} {"Clue":"Cancel culture initially has a problem linked to Society (5)","Answer":"SCRUB","Explanation":"Definition: Cancel\n **S** (society) **+ C** (**first letter of** [initially] **CULTURE**) **+ RUB** (difficulty; problem)\n **S C RUB"} {"Clue":"Non-threatening party line adopted by French company (6)","Answer":"DOCILE","Explanation":"Definition: Non-threatening\n **DO** (party) **+** (**L** [line] **contained in** [adopted by] **CIE** [French for company])\n **DO** **CI** (**L**) **E"} {"Clue":"Over with new ball unexpectedly delivered by in-house squad? (3,5)","Answer":"OWN LABEL","Explanation":"Definition: delivered by in-house squad\n **O** (over) + **an anagram of** (unexpectedly) **NEW BALL**\n **O** **WN LABEL"} {"Clue":"Something to avoid there, pushing English forward? The very same (4,5)","Answer":"NONE OTHER","Explanation":"Definition: The very same\n **NO-NO** (something to avoid) **+ THERE** with the final **E** (English) moved forward (pushing \u2026 forward) into **NO-NO**\n **NO N** **E** **O** **THER"} {"Clue":"Catholic getting on in prison (5)","Answer":"CAGED","Explanation":"Definition: in prison\n **C** (Catholic) **+ AGED** (getting on in years)\n **C AGED"} {"Clue":"Mineral dial surrounding watch, reflective (6)","Answer":"GYPSUM","Explanation":"Definition: Mineral\n (**MUG** [face; dial] **containing** [surrounding] **SPY** [watch]) **all reversed** (reflective)\n (**G** (**YPS**) **UM**)<"} {"Clue":"Start to haul off fish (7)","Answer":"HERRING","Explanation":"Definition: fish\n **H** (**first letter of** [start to] **HAUL**) **+ ERRING** (inaccurate; off)\n **H ERRING"} {"Clue":"Half-hearted meal set to involve last boss of seven? (14)","Answer":"SUPERINTENDENT","Explanation":"Definition: boss of seven\n **SUPPER** (meal) **excluding one of the central letters P** (half hearted) **+** (**INTENT** [determined; set] **containing** [to involve] **END** [last])\n **SUPER** **INT** (**END**) **ENT"} {"Clue":"Hound beginning to howl, heading off bear (5)","Answer":"HARRY","Explanation":"Definition: Hound\n **H** (**first letter of** [beginning to] **HOWL**) **+ CARRY** (bear) **excluding** (off) **the first letter C** [heading]\n **H ARRY"} {"Clue":"Make a poor move and lose, though capturing pawn (7)","Answer":"MISPLAY","Explanation":"Definition: Make a poor move\n **MISLAY** (lose) **containing** (capturing) **P** (pawn, in chess)\n **MIS** (**P**) **LAY"} {"Clue":"Style of hair shown by sibling around front of Criminal Courts, possibly (7,3)","Answer":"SCISSOR CUT","Explanation":"Definition: Style of hair\n (**SIS** [sister; sibling] **containing** [around] **C** [**first letter of** [front of] **CRIMINAL**) **+ an anagram of** (possibly) **COURTS**\n **S** (**C**) **IS** **SOR CUT"} {"Clue":"Component of dive to get fish (4)","Answer":"PIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Component of dive\n **PIKE** (voracious freshwater fish) double definition\n **PIKE"} {"Clue":"Former prisoner having a part in prison escape, initially (7)","Answer":"PAROLEE","Explanation":"Definition: Former prisoner\n (**A** **+ ROLE** [part in a play]) **contained in** (**PE** [**first letters of** [initially] **each** **of PRISON **and** ESCAPE**)\n **P** (**A ROLE**) **E"} {"Clue":"Prices not wrongly set for municipal official? (9)","Answer":"INSPECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: municipal official\n **Anagram of** (wrongly) **PRICES NOT**\n **INSPECTOR"} {"Clue":"Lurid sight \u2013 Bob struggling to restrain large family pet? (7,7)","Answer":"BRITISH BULLDOG","Explanation":"Definition: family pet\n **Anagram of** (struggling) **LURID SIGHT BOB** **containing** (to restrain) **L** (large)\n **BRITISH BU** (**L**) **LDOG"} {"Clue":"Poet in argument over merit (10)","Answer":"WORDSWORTH","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\n **WORDS** (argument) **+ WORTH** (merit)\n **WORDS WORTH"} {"Clue":"Had a look round prison, getting unknown drug (4,5)","Answer":"NOSE CANDY","Explanation":"(**NOSED** [had a look] **containing** [round] **CAN** [prison]) **+ Y** (letter frequently used as to represent an unknown value in mathematics)\n **NOSE** (**CAN**) **D** **Y"} {"Clue":"Waves of poor quality that front of ship circumvents (7)","Answer":"BILLOWS","Explanation":"Definition: Waves\n **BOWS** (front of a ship) **containing** (circumvents) **ILL** (of poor quality)\n **B** (**ILL**) **OWS"} {"Clue":"One cutting outside power \u2013 here's tool for reconnection? (7)","Answer":"SPLICER","Explanation":"Definition: tool for reconnection\n **SLICER** (one who cuts) **containing** (outside) **P** (power)\n **S** (**P**) **LICER"} {"Clue":"Let me take that \u2013 British silver is turning up \u2026 (4,1)","Answer":"BAGS I","Explanation":"Definition: Let me take that\n **B** (British) **+ AG** (chemical symbol for silver) **+ IS** **reversed** (turning up; down entry)\n **B AG SI**<"} {"Clue":"\u2026 alas, mostly fake (4)","Answer":"SHAM","Explanation":"Definition: fake\n **SHAME** (alas) **excluding the final letter E** (mostly)\n **SHAM"} {"Clue":"On top of St Paul's cathedral there's one copper not quite freezing (6)","Answer":"CUPOLA","Explanation":"Definition: On top of St Paul's cathedral there's one\n **CU** (chemical symbol for copper) **+ POLAR** (of the geographical poles where the temperature is usually freezing) **excluding the final letter R** (not quite)\n **CU POLA"} {"Clue":"Military help broadcast position (3,5)","Answer":"AIR COVER","Explanation":"Definition: Military help\n **AIR** (broadcast) **+ COVER** (fielding position in cricket)\n **AIR COVER"} {"Clue":"Line to appear conversational (4)","Answer":"SEAM","Explanation":"Definition: Line\n **SEAM** (**sounds like** [conversational] **SEEM** [appear])\n **SEAM"} {"Clue":"Daughter joins a corporation \u2013 that's a fact (5)","Answer":"DATUM","Explanation":"Definition: that's a fact\n **D** (daughter) **+ A + TUM** (stomach; corporation)\n **D A TUM"} {"Clue":"Buggy memory on laptop, ultimately (4)","Answer":"PRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Buggy\n **P** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **LAPTOP**) **+ RAM** (Random Access Memory)\n **P RAM"} {"Clue":"Romeo \u2013 oddly only Romeo \u2013 reveals no-win situation (8)","Answer":"ROLLOVER","Explanation":"Definition: no-win situation\n **R** (Romeo is the international radio codeword for the letter **R**) **+ OL** (**letters 1 and 3** [oddly] **of** **ONLY**) **+ LOVER** (Romeo)\n **R OL LOVER"} {"Clue":"Bird or Turkey stuffing \u2013 go large (6)","Answer":"PETREL","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n (**TR** [international vehicle registration for Turkey] **contained in** [stuffing] **PEE** [urinate; go]) **+ L** [large])\n **PE** (**TR**) **E** **L"} {"Clue":"Repaired noisier air-freshener (7)","Answer":"IONISER","Explanation":"Definition: air-freshener\n **Anagram of** (repaired) **NOISIER**\n **IONISER"} {"Clue":"Initially men are recording sound of cow with Electronic Kit? (7)","Answer":"MARLOWE","Explanation":"Definition: Kit\n **MAR** (**first letters of** [initially] **each of MEN**, **ARE** and **RECORDING**) **+ LOW** (sound made by a cow) **+ E** (electronic)\n **MAR LOW E"} {"Clue":"Very old have nurse to push forward (6)","Answer":"HASTEN","Explanation":"Definition: push forward\n **HAST** (archaic [very old] form of 'have') **+ EN** (enrolled nurse)\n **HAST** **EN"} {"Clue":"Narrow escape as armies moving east to west within nanoseconds (4,4)","Answer":"NEAR MISS","Explanation":"Definition: Narrow escape\n (**ARMIES** with **E** [east] **moving left** [moving to west] **to the front of the word** **to form EARMIS**) **contained in** (within) **NS** (nanoseconds)\n **N** (**EAR MIS**) **S"} {"Clue":"32 spending a week cycling to see capital city (4)","Answer":"LIMA","Explanation":"Definition: 32 spending a week cycling to see capital city (4)\n **MALAWI** (entry at 32 across) **excluding** (spending) (**A** **+ W** [week]) **and the remaining letters MALI cycled two places left and around to form LIMA**\n **LIMA"} {"Clue":"Sofa frame (5)","Answer":"COUCH","Explanation":"Definition: Sofa frame (5)\n **COUCH** (express ideas in a particular type of language; frame an expression) double definition\n **COUCH"} {"Clue":"Scotsman's focus on game's periods of excitement (4)","Answer":"RUTS","Explanation":"Definition: periods of excitement\n **RU** (Rugby Union; game) **+ TS** (**central letters of** [focus] **SCOTSMAN**)\n **RU TS"} {"Clue":"A bread almost always contained moisturising agent (4,4)","Answer":"ALOE VERA","Explanation":"Definition: moisturising agent\n **A +** (**EVER** [always] **contained in** [contained] **LOAF** [bread] **excluding the final letter F** [almost])\n **A LO** (**E VER**) **A"} {"Clue":"Country music's lead artist's opening act one (6)","Answer":"MALAWI","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n **M** (**first letter of** [lead] **MUSIC**) **+ A** (**initial letter of** [one] **ARTIST**) **+ LAW** (act [of parliament]) **+ I** (Roman numeral for 1)\n **M A LAW I"} {"Clue":"Embrace European giant (4)","Answer":"HUGE","Explanation":"Definition: giant\n **HUG** (embrace) **+ E** (European)\n **HUG E"} {"Clue":"Make metal stiff (6)","Answer":"FORMAL","Explanation":"Definition: stiff\n **FORM** (make) **+ AL** (chemical symbol for aluminium; metal)\n **FORM AL"} {"Clue":"Spirit of burlesque \u2013 essentially, topless form of entertainment, with no lines (3,2,3)","Answer":"EAU DE VIE","Explanation":"Definition: Spirit\n **E** (**central letter of** [essentially] **BURLESQUE**) **+ VAUDEVILLE** (form of variety entertainment) **excluding the first letter V** [topless] and **also excluding each occurrence of L** [line] [with no lines])\n **E AU DE VIE"} {"Clue":"Film theatre replaces variable, new projector (7)","Answer":"LANTERN","Explanation":"Definition: projector\n **LAYER** (thickness of some substance; coating; film) **with NT** (National Theatre) **replacing** [replaces] **Y** (symbol representing a variable value in mathematics) **to form** **LANTER** + **N** (new)\n **LANTER N"} {"Clue":"Canvass doctor and upper class politician about university (4,2)","Answer":"DRUM UP","Explanation":"Definition: Canvass\n **DR** (doctor) **+ U** (upper class) **+** (**MP** [Member of Parliament; politician] **containing** [about] **U** [university])\n **DR** **U** **M** (**U**) **P"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Guy's in control at IPSO \u2013 hacking's over (8)","Answer":"HOSPITAL","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Guy's\n **HOSPITAL** (**reversed** [over] **hidden word in** [in] **CONTROL AT IPSO HACKING**)\n **HOSPITAL**<\n **IPSO** is the Independent Press Standards Organisation which makes the clue very clever in respect of historical phone hacking by some elements of the press"} {"Clue":"To inflate, for example, say, big, blue balloon \u2013 flipping work out (6)","Answer":"AERATE","Explanation":"Definition: To inflate\n I am completely defeated by the wordplay for this \u2013 see preamble above for my rambling thoughts on the wordplay.\n **AERATE"} {"Clue":"Artist born in Japan \u2013 or thereabouts (3)","Answer":"ONO","Explanation":"Definition: Artist born in Japan\n **ONO** (or nearest offer; thereabouts) double definition\n **ONO"} {"Clue":"Finishing off court activity without skill upset business connection? (8)","Answer":"INTRANET","Explanation":"Definition: business connection\n (**TENNIS** [tennis is played on a court, so court activity] **excluding the final letter** [**finishing** {last letter} **off**] **containing** [without; outside] **ART**) **all\u00a0reversed** (upset; down entry)\n (**IN** (**TRA**) **NET**)<"} {"Clue":"Curse of the Mummy follows Rain Man occasionally (8)","Answer":"ANATHEMA","Explanation":"Definition: Curse\n **ANA **(**letters 1, 3 and 5** [occasionally] **of** **RAIN MAN**) **+ THE + MA** (Mummy)\n **ANA THE MA"} {"Clue":"Recalled gnome used to be\u2026 (3)","Answer":"WAS","Explanation":"Definition: used to be\n **SAW** (saying or proverb; a gnome is also a pithy and sententious saying, generally in verse, embodying some moral sentiment or precept) **reversed** (recalled)\n **WAS**<"} {"Clue":"\u2026 cool, showing wit \u2013 but not our one, it's beastly? (7)","Answer":"INHUMAN","Explanation":"Definition: beastly\n **IN** (up-to-date; cool) **+ HUMOUR** (wit) **excluding** (but not) **OUR** **+ AN** (one)\n **IN HUM AN"} {"Clue":"David Lynch hides with enthusiasm (6)","Answer":"AVIDLY","Explanation":"Definition: with enthusiasm\n **AVIDLY** (**hidden word in** (hides) **DAVID LYNCH**)\n **AVIDLY"} {"Clue":"Name-dropping family member in Northern Ireland's central parts (6)","Answer":"NUCLEI","Explanation":"Definition: central parts\n **UNCLE** (family member) **excluding** (dropping) **N** (name) **contained in** (in) **NI** (Northern Ireland)\n **N** (**UCLE**) **I"} {"Clue":"Lessons from Master before exams (6)","Answer":"MORALS","Explanation":"Definition: Lessons\n **M** (master) **+ ORALS** (types of examinations)\n **M ORALS"} {"Clue":"Finally get to airshow in Bournemouth, say (4)","Answer":"TOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Bournemouth, say\n **TOWN** (**last letters** [finally] **of each of GET**, **TO**, **AIRSHOW** and **IN**)\n **T O W N"} {"Clue":"US financial exchange before taking place in joint (8)","Answer":"SPLIT-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: US financial exchange\n **TO** (before [the hour of]) **contained in** (taking place in) **SPLIFF** (a marijuana cigarette, a joint)\n **SPLI** (**TO**) **FF"} {"Clue":"Small prominences I cull untidily cutting most of abdominal pain (9)","Answer":"COLLICULI","Explanation":"Definition: Small prominences\n **Anagram of** (untidily) **contained in** (cutting) **COLIC** (severe spasmodic pain in the abdomen) **excluding the final letter C** (mostly)\n **COL** (**LICUL***) **I** or **CO** (**LLICU***) **LI"} {"Clue":"Cuddly toy? Baby's first, what one finds mother's in front of (5)","Answer":"BRUIN","Explanation":"Definition: Cuddly toy\n **B** (**initial letter of** [first] **BABY**) **+ RUIN** (reference Mother's **RUIN** [slang term for gin] where Mother is placed in front of **RUIN**)\n **B RUIN"} {"Clue":"When high they show celebrating sport (5)","Answer":"FIVES","Explanation":"Definition: When high they show celebrating\n **FIVES** (reference **HIGH FIVES** [sign of greeting or celebration, especially popular in North America, consisting of the slapping of raised right palms]) double definition\n **FIVES"} {"Clue":"Argument to add when dividing \u2026 (7)","Answer":"DISPUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Argument\n **PUT** (to add) **contained in** (when dividing) **an anagram of** (falling out) **SIDE**\n The clue is really 'Argument to add when dividing side falling out' as the \u2026 indicates continuation into the next clue\n **DIS** (**PUT**) **E"} {"Clue":"\u2026 Side falling out including amateur plans (5)","Answer":"IDEAS","Explanation":"Definition: plans\n **Anagram of** (falling out) **SIDE** **containing** (including) **A** (amateur)\n **IDE** (**A**) **S"} {"Clue":"Old herons flying landward (7)","Answer":"ON-SHORE","Explanation":"Definition: landward\n **O** (old) **+ an anagram of** (flying) **HERONS**\n **O** **N-SHORE"} {"Clue":"Entrance exam to do with Latin I set in afternoon (6)","Answer":"PRELIM","Explanation":"Definition: Entrance exam\n (**RE** [with reference to; to do with)] **+ L** [Latin] **+ I**) **contained in** (set in) **PM** (post meridiem; afternoon)\n **P** (**RE L I**) **M"} {"Clue":"One passionate about tea, tense inside, downbeat-like (6)","Answer":"THETIC","Explanation":"Definition: downbeat-like\n **T** (tense) **contained in** (inside) **THEIC** (a person who drinks too much tea; one passionate about tea)\n **THE** (**T**) **IC"} {"Clue":"Search in e.g. Chambers for describing table for distinguishing variables (6)","Answer":"LOOK-UP","Explanation":"Definition: table for distinguishing variables\n **LOOK-UP** (denoting a table giving a set of values for a variable) double definition\n **LOOK-UP"} {"Clue":"Rare melody, contralto's resort (6)","Answer":"CHAUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Rare melody\n **C** (contralto) **+ HAUNT** (resort)\n **C HAUNT"} {"Clue":"Requiring more scratchings, I ordered thrice (7)","Answer":"ITCHIER","Explanation":"Definition: Requiring more scratchings\n **I** **+ anagram of** (ordered) **THRICE**\n **I TCHIER"} {"Clue":"Cream cheese: 200 sandwiches a lad cut (5)","Answer":"CABOC","Explanation":"Definition: Cream cheese:\n **CC** (Roman numerals for 200) **containing** (sandwiches) (**A + BOY** [lad] **excluding the final letter Y** [cut])\n **C** (**A BO**) **C"} {"Clue":"On which track is laid, with clothing round plug? (7)","Answer":"ROADBED","Explanation":"Definition: On which track is laid\n **ROBED** (with clothing) **containing** (around) **AD** (advertisement; plug)\n **RO** (**AD**) **BED"} {"Clue":"Lad excited about University viva's performed thus (5)","Answer":"ALOUD","Explanation":"Definition: viva's performed thus\n **Anagram of** (excited) **LAD** **containing** (about) **OU** (Open University)\n **AL** (**OU**) **D"} {"Clue":"Area for filling? Poor neighbourhood contains none (5)","Answer":"SOLUM","Explanation":"Definition: Area for filling\n **SLUM** (overcrowded, squalid neighbourhood) **containing** (contains) **O** (character representing zero or nothing)\n **S** (**O**) **LUM"} {"Clue":"Old refrain from Italian city about a snake (9)","Answer":"TURNAGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Old refrain\n **TURIN** (Italian city) **containing** (about) **NAGA** (snake)\n **TUR** (**NAGA**) **IN"} {"Clue":"Greedy infant I'll see tucking into meat on turnover (8)","Answer":"KILLCROP","Explanation":"Definition: Greedy infant\n (**I'LL** **+ C** [see]) **contained in** (tucking into) **PORK** (meat) **reversed** (on turnover)\n **K** (**ILL** **C**) **ROP**<"} {"Clue":"Public vehicle overturned on sort of bridge? It's to do with certain ratios (12)","Answer":"SUBDUPLICATE","Explanation":"Definition: It's to do with certain ratios\n **BUS** (public vehicle) **reversed** (overturned) **+ DUPLICATE** (a form of the card game bridge)\n **SUB**< **DUPLICATE"} {"Clue":"Fried cake, one rupee, for sale after rising (4)","Answer":"PURI","Explanation":"Definition: Fried cake\n (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ R** [rupee] **+ UP** [forward for sale]) **all reversed** (after rising; down entry)\n (**PU ****R I**)<"} {"Clue":"Regular speed merchant \u2013 or not, one assumes (5)","Answer":"TON-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Regular speed merchant\n I think the wordplay is based on a definition of assumes as 'takes up' so we have **NOT** **+ UP** **reversed** (assumes; takes up; down entry)\n **TON**\u2013**UP"} {"Clue":"Free-flowing viral infection dominating branch of medicine (6)","Answer":"FLUENT","Explanation":"Definition: Free-flowing\n **FLU** (influenza; viral infection) **+ ENT** (ear, nose and throat; branch of medicine)\n **FLU ENT"} {"Clue":"Junkie, how one might describe Cressida? (8)","Answer":"ACIDHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Junkie\n **A** **+ CID** (Criminal Investigation Department) **+ HEAD** (chief) \u2013 the reference is to Cressida Dick [born 1960], current Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, therefore in charge of the force's **CID**\n **A CID HEAD"} {"Clue":"Star of Oliver!, say? I'll give way to musical's No. 2 in dance (4)","Answer":"JUVE","Explanation":"Definition: Star of Oliver\n **JIVE** (type of dance) **with I replaced by** (giving way to) **U** (**second letter** [No. 2] in **MUSIC**)\n **JUVE"} {"Clue":"Glade (8)","Answer":"CLEARING","Explanation":"Definition: Glade"} {"Clue":"Clapper of course interrupting music coming up is thrown out (8)","Answer":"CROTALUM","Explanation":"Definition: Clapper\n **ROTAL** (of a **ROTA** [course; routine]) **contained in** (interrupting) **MUSIC** **reversed** (coming up; down entry) as **CISUM** **and then excluding** (thrown out) **IS**\n **C** (**ROTAL**) **UM**<"} {"Clue":"My cousin's a husky hulk, one trained with little depth (8)","Answer":"ELKHOUND","Explanation":"Definition: My cousin's a husky\n **Anagram of** (trained) **HULK ONE** + **D** (depth)\n **ELKHOUN*** **D"} {"Clue":"Pigeon, half of it brownish, including end of tail (7)","Answer":"TUMBLER","Explanation":"Definition: Pigeon\n **T** (**one of two** [half] **letters in IT**) **+** (**UMBER** [brownish colour] **containing** [including] **L** [**last letter of** {end of} **TAIL**])\n **T** **UMB** (**L**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Dumpling, triangular piece turning up in pastry dish (not English) (6)","Answer":"PEROGI","Explanation":"Definition: Dumpling\n **GORE** (a triangular piece let into a garment to widen it) **reversed** (turning up; down entry) **contained in** (in) **PIE** (pastry dish) **excluding** (not) **E** (English)\n **P** (**EROG**<) **I"} {"Clue":"This, on being processed, produces colorant (6)","Answer":"CROTAL","Explanation":"Definition: This, on being processed, produces colorant (6)\n **Anagram of** (produces) **COLORANT excluding** (being processed) **ON**\n **CROTAL"} {"Clue":"Fixture in hob, a silvery tool's cutting edge (5)","Answer":"BASIL","Explanation":"Definition: tool's cutting edge\n **BASIL** (**hidden word in** [fixture in] **HOB A SILVERY**\n **BASIL"} {"Clue":"Vintage table wine, half disposed of (4)","Answer":"BORD","Explanation":"Definition: Vintage table\n **BORDEAUX** (type of wine) **excluding the last 4 letters of 8** [half] **EAUX**\n **BORD"} {"Clue":"It's pouched \u2013 in more ways than one (4)","Answer":"EURO","Explanation":"Definition: It's pouched \u2013 in more ways than one (4)\n **EURO** (currency in many European Union countries. Coins can be kept in a pouch) double definition\n **EURO"} {"Clue":"Screenwriter's nonsense about field and glen (9)","Answer":"BLEASDALE","Explanation":"Definition: Screenwriter\n (**BS** [bullshit; nonsense] **containing** [about] **LEA** [field]) **+ DALE** (valley; glen)\n **B** (**LEA**) **S** **DALE"} {"Clue":"A fictitious story describing female as friendly (7)","Answer":"AFFABLE","Explanation":"Definition: friendly\n (**A** **+ FABLE**) **containing** (describing) **F** (female)\n **A** (**F**) **FABLE"} {"Clue":"Driver of people carrier from Milan unfortunately crushing foot (7)","Answer":"LIFTMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Driver of people carrier\n **Anagram of** (unfortunately) **MILAN** **containing** (crushing) **FT** (foot)\n **LI** (**FT**) **MAN"} {"Clue":"Distinguish between overturned mattress and the work of Tracey Emin? (4,5)","Answer":"TELL APART","Explanation":"Definition: Distinguish between\n **PALLET** (mattress or couch [usually made of straw]) **reversed** (overturned) + **ART** (Tracey Emin [born 1963] is an English artist)\n **TELL AP**< **ART"} {"Clue":"Gold accessory, so to speak (6)","Answer":"ORALLY","Explanation":"Definition: so to speak\n **OR** (in heraldry, the tincture gold) **+ ALLY** (person that co-operates or helps; accessory [one who helps to commit a crime])\n **OR ALLY"} {"Clue":"Small volume of pickled peppers, perhaps \u2013 half left for Mark (7)","Answer":"SPECKLE","Explanation":"Definition: Mark\n **S** (small) **+ PECK** (measure of capacity [volume] for dry goods such as peppers) **+ LE** (**2 of 4** [half] **letters in LEFT**)\n **S** **PECK LE"} {"Clue":"When Penny drops off man at home (3,6)","Answer":"AHA MOMENT","Explanation":"Definition: When Penny drops\n **Anagram of** (off) **MAN AT HOME**\n **AHA MOMENT"} {"Clue":"Grape unknown in France and Spain close to sensational (9)","Answer":"ZINFANDEL","Explanation":"Definition: Grape\n **Z** (letter frequently used to represent an unknown value in mathematics) **+ IN** **+ F** (International Vehicle Registration for France) **+ AND + E** (international Vehicle Registration for Spain) **+ L** (**final letter of** [close to] **SENSATIONAL**)\n **Z IN F AND E L"} {"Clue":"Prevent anger onslaught (7)","Answer":"BARRAGE","Explanation":"Definition: onslaught\n **BAR** (prevent) **+ RAGE** (anger)\n **BAR RAGE"} {"Clue":"Resolution means we rub shoulders (6)","Answer":"ANSWER","Explanation":"Definition: Resolution\n **ANSWER** (**hidden word in** [shoulders] **MEANS WE RUB**)\n **ANSWER"} {"Clue":"What onanist wants to do for romance in tall trees (4,5)","Answer":"DATE PALMS","Explanation":"Definition: tall trees\n This is a cryptic definition referring to one use of **PALMS** of the hand by an onanist. Feel free also to look up the definition of the phrase 'a date with Rosie Palms' in the Urban Dictionary\n **DATE PALMS"} {"Clue":"Balladeer's eye is running (7)","Answer":"ORBISON","Explanation":"Definition: Balladeer\n **ORB** (eye or eyeball) **+ IS + ON** (in operation; running)\n **ORB IS ON"} {"Clue":"Phooey! Shower in Middle Eastern country (7)","Answer":"BAHRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Middle Eastern country\n **BAH** (phooey) **+ RAIN** (shower)\n **BAH RAIN"} {"Clue":"Those deep in trouble summarised information for the better (9)","Answer":"DOPE SHEET","Explanation":"Definition: information for the better\n **Anagram of** (in trouble) **THOSE DEEP**\n **DOPE SHEET"} {"Clue":"Bishop's unethical, drinking drop of liquor in Queen's house (8)","Answer":"BALMORAL","Explanation":"Definition: Queen's house\n **B** (bishop) **+** (**AMORAL** [unethical] **containing** [drinking] **L** [**first letter of** {drop of} **L** [**LIQUOR**])\n **B** **A** (**L**) **MORAL"} {"Clue":"Magical being in Munich's team? (3)","Answer":"ELF","Explanation":"Definition: Magical being\n **ELF** (**ELF** is German (Munich) for eleven. Many sports have eleven players in a team) double definition\n **ELF"} {"Clue":"Wine's nose ruined in crush? On the contrary (8)","Answer":"SEMILLON","Explanation":"Definition: Wine\n **MILL** (grind; crush) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (ruined) **NOSE** \u2013 **the containment being the opposite of** [on the contrary] 'nose ruined in crush'\n **SE** (**MILL**) **ON"} {"Clue":"Mock topless relative (4)","Answer":"AUNT","Explanation":"Definition: relative\n **TAUNT** (mock) **excluding the first letter T** (topless)\n **AUNT"} {"Clue":"The quality of sound from Don Henley and co. makes for magical rock (10)","Answer":"EAGLESTONE","Explanation":"Definition: magical rock\n **EAGLES** (Don Henley and his colleagues formed the American rock band The **EAGLES**) **+ TONE** (quality of sound)\n **EAGLES' TONE"} {"Clue":"Recently, vitamin B9 has raised oxygen level (2,4)","Answer":"OF LATE","Explanation":"Definition: Recently\n **FOLATE** (relating to **FOLIC** acid, an acid in the vitamin B complex [tetrahydrofolate] found in leaves, liver, etc) with the **O** (chemical symbol for oxygen, raised up the this down entry to form **OF LATE**)\n **OF LATE"} {"Clue":"Insect let out another (6)","Answer":"BEETLE","Explanation":"Definition: Insect\n **BEE** (insect) **+ an anagram of** (out) **LET**\n **BEE** **TLE"} {"Clue":"Illicit opportunity to dispatch Ultron at last for Marvel character (5,5)","Answer":"BLACK WIDOW","Explanation":"Definition: Marvel character\n **BLACK** (unofficial, illicit as in **BLACK** operations) **+ WINDOW** (opportunity) **excluding** (to dispatch) **N** (**final letter of** [at last] ULTRO**N**) ULTRO**N** is also a character from Marvel Comics and is an enemy of **BLACK WIDOW**.\n **BLACK WIDOW"} {"Clue":"European abandoning a preference to get cat only with difficulty (2,1,7)","Answer":"AT A STRETCH","Explanation":"Definition: with difficulty\n **A + TASTE** (preference) **excluding** (abandoning) **E** (European) **+ RETCH** (vomit; cat)\n **A T A ST RETCH"} {"Clue":"Unfamiliar enthusiasm with overseas destination (3,7)","Answer":"NEW ZEALAND","Explanation":"Definition: overseas destination\n **NEW** (unfamiliar) **+ ZEAL** (enthusiasm) **+ AND** (with)\n **NEW ZEAL AND"} {"Clue":"Is able to steal one's pot? (8)","Answer":"CANNABIS","Explanation":"Definition: pot\n **CAN** (is able to) **+ NAB** (steal) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ S** (the possessive 'S)\n **CAN NAB IS"} {"Clue":"Exciting article about new instrument (8)","Answer":"CLARINET","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\n **Anagram of** (exciting) **ARTICLE** **containing** (about) **N** (new)\n **CLARI** (**N**) **ET"} {"Clue":"Comply with Times supporting Trump's successor, mostly (4,2)","Answer":"BIDE BY","Explanation":"Definition: Comply with\n **BIDEN** (reference Joe **BIDEN** [born 1942], successor to Donald Trump as President of the United States) **excluding the final letter N** (mostly) **+ BY** (multiplied **BY**; times) This being a down entry the letters in **BY** support the letters in **BIDE**\n **BIDE BY"} {"Clue":"Unending plea to get Rex to emerge (6)","Answer":"APPEAR","Explanation":"Definition: emerge\n **APPEAL** (plea) **excluding the final letter L** (unending) **+ R** (Rex)\n **APPEA R"} {"Clue":"Cleaning agent very suitable when scratching bottom (4)","Answer":"SOAP","Explanation":"Definition: Cleaning agent\n **SO** (very) **+ APT** (suitable) **excluding the last letter T** (scratching bottom)\n **SO AP"} {"Clue":"Clock occasionally found in Sweden (3)","Answer":"SEE","Explanation":"Definition: Clock\n **SEE** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [occasionally] of **SWEDEN**)\n **SEE"} {"Clue":"Spaghetti, perhaps \u2013 mostly cooked al dente \u2013 followed by a custard tart (6,2,4)","Answer":"PASTEL DE NATA","Explanation":"Definition: custard tart\n **PASTA** (spaghetti is a type of **PASTA**) **excluding the final letter A** (mostly) **+ an anagram of** (cooked) **AL DENTE** **+** (followed by) **A**\n **PAST** **EL DE NAT*** **A"} {"Clue":"Collective quote initially made out for sport equipment (4,3)","Answer":"POOL CUE","Explanation":"Definition: sport equipment\n **POOL** (collective stakes of a number of people who combine in a betting arrangement) **+ CUE** (**sounds like** [made out] the letter **Q**, **first letter of** [initially] **Q**UOTE)\n **POOL CUE"} {"Clue":"Country's king essentially favours disorder (7)","Answer":"ROMANIA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\n **R** (Rex; king) **+ O** (**central letter of** [essentially] **FAVOURS**) **+ MANIA** (disorder)\n **R O MANIA"} {"Clue":"Most free facilities bedsit's occasionally lacking (7)","Answer":"LOOSEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most free\n **LOOS** (toilets; facilities) **+ EST** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [occasionally] **BEDSIT**)\n **LOOS EST"} {"Clue":"How mate can be made to provide commission (7)","Answer":"MANDATE","Explanation":"Definition: commission\n **M AND ATE** together make the single word **MANDATE**\n **M AND ATE"} {"Clue":"Snacks are covered in bugs (5)","Answer":"TAPAS","Explanation":"Definition: Snacks\n **A** (abbreviation for **ARE**, a metric land measure) **contained in** (covered in) **TAPS** (devices, which when attached to a telephone line, enable, eg the police, security forces, etc secretly to listen to conversations; bugs)\n **TAP** (**A**) **S"} {"Clue":"Welcome guys inside following a deal (9)","Answer":"AGREEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: deal\n **A** **+** (**MEN** [guys] **contained in** [inside] **GREET** [welcome])\n **A** **GREE** (**MEN**) **T"} {"Clue":"Two soldiers possibly entertained by Liverpool FC stars (3,6)","Answer":"RED GIANTS","Explanation":"Definition: stars\n (**GI** [American soldier] **+ ANT** [reference soldier **ANT**s]) **contained in** **REDS** (Liverpool Football Club play in **RED** shirts and are unofficially known as the **REDS**)\n **RED** (**GI** **ANT**) **S"} {"Clue":"I am absorbed by a new electronic form of Japanese art (5)","Answer":"ANIME","Explanation":"Definition: form of Japanese art\n **I'M** (I am) **contained in** (absorbed by) (**A** **+ N** [new] **+ E** [electronic])\n **A** **N** (**IM**) **E"} {"Clue":"Disgusting smell around site (7)","Answer":"OBSCENE","Explanation":"Definition: Disgusting\n **BO** (body odour; smell) **reversed** (around) **+ SCENE** (site)\n **OB**< **SCENE"} {"Clue":"Absolutely no more cake!(4-3)","Answer":"DEAD SET","Explanation":"Definition: Absolutely\n **DEAD SET** (completely caked [solid; set]; cannot cake any more)\n **DEAD SET"} {"Clue":"English and Irish visiting China and Dubai, for example (7)","Answer":"EMIRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Dubai, for example\n **E** (English) **+** (**IR** [Irish] **contained in** [visiting] **MATE** [china])\n **E** **M** (**IR**) **ATE"} {"Clue":"Offensive din carries over miles (7)","Answer":"NOISOME","Explanation":"Definition: Offensive\n **NOISE** (din) **containing** (carries) (**O** [over] **+ M** [miles])\n **NOIS** (**O M**) **E"} {"Clue":"Anniversary gift I'd chat about with bakery? (8,4)","Answer":"BIRTHDAY CAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Anniversary gift\n **Anagram of** (about) **I'D CHAT** and **BAKERY**\n **BIRTHDAY CAKE"} {"Clue":"PR event is crap, encapsulating the very opposite of cool (5,2)","Answer":"PHOTO OP","Explanation":"Definition: PR event\n **POOP** (faeces; crap) **containing** (encapsulating) **HOT** (the opposite of cool)\n **P** (**HOT**) **O OP"} {"Clue":"Small bags of top-class cocaine and heroin put in batches (7)","Answer":"SACHETS","Explanation":"Definition: Small bags\n (**A** [top class] **+ C** [cocaine] **+ H** [heroin]) **contained in** (put in) **SETS** (batches)\n **S** (**A C H**) **ETS"} {"Clue":"Reading issue certainly present in European school (9)","Answer":"EYESTRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Reading issue\n **YES** (certainly) **contained in** (present in) (**E** [European] **+ TRAIN** [teach; school])\n **E** (**YES**) **TRAIN"} {"Clue":"Part of kit containing posh ingredient for making pasta (5)","Answer":"DURUM","Explanation":"Definition: ingredient for making pasta\n **DRUM** (a single **DRUM** is often part of a larger **DRUM** kit) **containing** (containing) **U** (upper-class; push)\n **D** (**U**) **RUM"} {"Clue":"One cast featuring an explosive Oscar candidate (7)","Answer":"NOMINEE","Explanation":"Definition: Oscar candidate\n **Anagram of** (cast) **ONE** **containing** (featuring) **MINE** (an example of an explosive device)\n **NO** (**MINE**) **E"} {"Clue":"Metal objects drifting in water (7)","Answer":"TINWARE","Explanation":"Definition: Metal objects\n **Anagram of** (drifting) **IN WATER**\n **TINWARE"} {"Clue":"Sweet income generated by a tech giant? (5,8)","Answer":"APPLE TURNOVER","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\n **APPLE** (reference **APPLE** Inc, tech giant) **+ TURNOVER** (the money value of total sales over a period; income)\n **APPLE TURNOVER"} {"Clue":"Material from planet earth excitedly probed by returning alien (6,7)","Answer":"PATENT LEATHER","Explanation":"Definition: Material\n **Anagram of** (excitedly) **PLANET EARTH** **containing** (probed by) **ET** (extraterrestrial; alien) **reversed** (returning)\n **PA** (**TE**<) **NT LE****ATHER"} {"Clue":"Regular gigs in clubs in the far edge of Upper East Side New York (9)","Answer":"RESIDENCY","Explanation":"Definition: Regular gigs\n **C** (clubs] **contained in** (in) (**R** [**last letter of** {far edge of} **UPPER**] **+ E **[East] **+ SIDE + NY** [New York])\n **R** **E** **SIDE N** (**C**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Fling odd spots of ink on interviewer's face and shirt (7)","Answer":"DASHIKI","Explanation":"Definition: shirt\n **DASH** (throw; fling) **+ IK** (**letters 1 and 3** [odd spots] **of INK**) **+ I** (independent)\n **DASH IK I"} {"Clue":"One succeeding taking a cape off (7)","Answer":"INEXACT","Explanation":"Definition: off\n **I** (Roman numeral for one) + (**NEXT** [succeeding] **containing** [taking] [**A** **+ C** {cape}])\n **I** **NEX** (**A C**) **T"} {"Clue":"Coffee cultivated primarily in part of Asia (7)","Answer":"ARABICA","Explanation":"Definition: Coffee\n **C** (**first letter of** [primarily] **CULTIVATED**) **contained in** (in) **ARABIA** (a part of Asia)\n **ARABI** (**C**) **A"} {"Clue":"Damaged case of ros\u00e9 is not available for purchase? (2-5)","Answer":"IN STORE","Explanation":"Definition: available for purchase\n **Anagram of** (damaged) **RE** (**outer letters of** [case of] **ROSE**) and **IS NOT**\n **IN STORE"} {"Clue":"Polish troops occupying base close to Stargard (5)","Answer":"EMEND","Explanation":"Definition: Polish\n **MEN** (troops) **contained in** (occupying) (**E** [base of natural logarithms) **+ D** (**last letter of** [close to] **STARGARD**)\n **E** (**MEN**) **D"} {"Clue":"Captain I see heading for boat (4)","Answer":"AHAB","Explanation":"Definition: Captain\n **AHA** (reference an **AHA** moment, the instant at which the solution to a problem becomes clear; I see) **+ B** (**first letter of** [heading for] **BOAT**)\n **AHA B"} {"Clue":"Will writer walk the streets with soldiers? (9)","Answer":"SOLICITOR","Explanation":"Definition: Will writer\n **SOLICIT** (a prostitute may walk the street to seek or **SOLICIT** clients) **+ OR** (other ranks; soldiers)\n **SOLICIT OR"} {"Clue":"Any fierce bats could be aggressive (2-3-4)","Answer":"IN-YER-FACE","Explanation":"Definition: aggressive\n **Anagram of** (bats) **ANY FIERCE**\n **IN**\u2013**YER**\u2013**FACE"} {"Clue":"Truck moving port round isle, one in the whole last across answer \u2026 (4,6)","Answer":"KURT COBAIN","Explanation":"Definition: one in the whole last across answer\n **Anagram of** (moving) **TRUCK** **+** (**OBAN** [port town on the west coast of Scotland] **containin**g [round] **I** [isle])\n **KURT C*** **OBA** (**I**) **N"} {"Clue":"\u2026 and another has joint I hinder rolling, tucking into cocktail (4,7)","Answer":"JIMI HENDRIX","Explanation":"Definition: and another\n **J** (joint of marijuana) **+ I +** (**an anagram of** [rolling] **HINDER** **contained in** [tucking into] **MIX** [cocktail])\n **J I MI** [**HENDRI***) **X"} {"Clue":"Bread from Romania or even places in Algeria (3)","Answer":"LEI","Explanation":"Definition: Bread from Romania\n **LEI** (**letters 2,4 and 6** [even places] in **ALGERIA**)\n **LEI"} {"Clue":"When to do a Masters with German letters here (7)","Answer":"POSTBAG","Explanation":"Definition: letters here\n **POST** (after) **+ BA** (Bachelor of Arts) **+ G** A Masters degree is usually taken after a first Bachelor degree in many, but not all universities. My own first degree was a four year MA at a Scottish university.\n **POST BA G"} {"Clue":"Cars from Georgia and Virginia, say? (7)","Answer":"ESTATES","Explanation":"Definition: Cars\n **E** (Eastern) **+ ****STATES** (Georgia is an Eastern European Country or State. Virginia is a State on the eastern side of the United States.)\n **E STATES"} {"Clue":"Inclination of Eastender having a complaint (3)","Answer":"ILL","Explanation":"Definition: complaint\n **ILL** (An Eastender would pronounce **HILL** [inclination] as '**ILL**)\n **ILL**\n I did also wonder if **ILL** could be looked as **I'LL** or **I WILL** [having an intention or inclination to do something])"} {"Clue":"Kind of dance mostly inspired by type of weed, one in the whole last across answer (3,8)","Answer":"JIM MORRISON","Explanation":"Definition: one in the whole last across answer (3,8)\n **MORRIS** (type of English fold dance) **excluding the final letter S** (mostly) **contained in** (inspired by) **JIMSON** (reference **JIMSON** weed [the thorn apple, a poisonous plant])\n **JIM** (**MORRI**) **SON"} {"Clue":"Take a lead role in performing arts (4)","Answer":"STAR","Explanation":"Definition: Take a lead role in performing arts\n **Anagram of** (performing) **ARTS**\n **STAR"} {"Clue":"Overly tough, extremely firm doctor's fine implement (9)","Answer":"TOOTHCOMB","Explanation":"Definition: fine implement\n **TOO** (overly) **+ TH** (**outer letters of** [extremely] **TOUGH**) **+ CO** (company; firm) **+ MB** (Bachelor of Medicine; doctor)\n **TOO TH CO MB"} {"Clue":"Staff suit beat music venue (4)","Answer":"CLUB","Explanation":"Definition: Staff\n **CLUB** (suit in a deck of cards)\n **CLUB** (beat)\n **CLUB** (music venue) **quadruple definition**\n **CLUB"} {"Clue":"Rag merchant after New Year's Day's one in the whole last across answer (5,6)","Answer":"JANIS JOPLIN","Explanation":"Definition: one in the whole last across answer\n **JAN I** (1st January, New Year's Day) **+ S JOPLIN** (reference Scott Joplin [1868-1917], American composer and pianist who achieved fame for his ragtime compositions; rag merchant)\n **JAN I** **S JOPLIN"} {"Clue":"Long peg is about right for bit of wood (4,4)","Answer":"PINE TREE","Explanation":"Definition: bit of wood\n **PINE** (long) **+** (**TEE** [peg] **containing** [about] **R** [right])\n **PINE** **T** (**R**) **EE"} {"Clue":"Pluck guitar in US, ground-breaking device there (4-2)","Answer":"PICK-AX","Explanation":"Definition: ground-breaking device there\n **PICK** (pluck a guitar string) **+ AX** (informal term [US spelling] for a guitar)\n **PICK\u2013AX"} {"Clue":"Rock group eating dish where names are shown (10)","Answer":"DOORPLATES","Explanation":"Definition: where names are shown\n **DOORS** (American rock band. This indicates a continuation of the theme as the band was fronted by J**IM MORRISON** [entry at 21 across]) **containing** (eating) **PLATE** (dish)\n **DOOR** (**PLATE**) **S"} {"Clue":"A drink in place where I live for one in the whole last across answer (3,9)","Answer":"AMY WINEHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: one in the whole last across answer\n **A** **+** (**WINE** [drink] **contained in** [in] [**MY** **+ HOUSE** {where I live}])\n **A** **MY** (**WINE**) **HOUSE"} {"Clue":"Man in pub backing recovery (5)","Answer":"REHAB","Explanation":"Definition: recovery\n (**HE** ([descriptive of a man] **contained in** [in] **BAR** [pub]) **all reversed** (backing)\n (**R** (**EH**) **AB**)<"} {"Clue":"The thing's carried by group on sledges in little pieces (4,3,4)","Answer":"BITS AND BOBS","Explanation":"Definition: little pieces\n **IT'S** (the thing's) **contained in** (carried by) (**BAND** [group] **+** [on; down entry] **BOBS** [**BOB**sleigh**S**; sledges])\n **B** (**ITS**) **AND BOBS"} {"Clue":"Chose limit that's variable in old age (10)","Answer":"MESOLITHIC","Explanation":"Definition: old age\n **Anagram of** (that's variable) **CHOSE LIMIT**\n **MESOLITHIC"} {"Clue":"Politician in middle, one running initiative (8)","Answer":"GUMPTION","Explanation":"Definition: initiative\n (**MP** [Member of Parliament; politician] **contained in** [in] **GUT** [middle]) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one] **+ ON** (working; running)\n **GU** (**MP**) **T** **I ON"} {"Clue":"Desert Orchid's kept light (5)","Answer":"TORCH","Explanation":"Definition: light\n **TORCH** (**hidden word in** [kept] **DESERT ORCHID**)\n **TORCH"} {"Clue":"Top which may be lower (6)","Answer":"JERSEY","Explanation":"Definition: Top\n **JERSEY** (cow, an animal that lows; lower) **double definition**\n **JERSEY"} {"Clue":"Player this person dressed in new boots (6)","Answer":"OBOIST","Explanation":"Definition: Player\n **I** (myself; this person) **contained in** (dressed in) **an anagram of** (new) **BOOTS**\n **OBO** (**I**)** ST"} {"Clue":"Painting of Manx cat turned up (3)","Answer":"OIL","Explanation":"Definition: Painting\n **LION** (bat) **excluding it's tail letter** **N** (like a Manx cat) and then **reversed** (turned up)\n **OIL**<"} {"Clue":"Dull part of cricket pitch (8)","Answer":"OVERCAST","Explanation":"Definition: Dull\n **OVER** (an element of the game of cricket) **+ CAST** (throw; shy)\n **OVER CAST"} {"Clue":"Functional uniform with fur (6)","Answer":"USABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Functional\n **U** (Uniform is the International Radio Communication code word for the letter **U**) **+ SABLE** (fur of the arctic and subarctic marten of North Asia)\n **U SABLE"} {"Clue":"Embraced sixth sense love employed (8)","Answer":"ESPOUSED","Explanation":"Definition: Embraced\n **ESP** (extra sensory perception, sometime referred to as the sixth sense) **+ O** (character representing zero [love score in tennis])** + USED** (employed\n **ESP O USED"} {"Clue":"American directors on ship (6)","Answer":"ABOARD","Explanation":"Definition: on ship\n **A** (American) **+ BOARD** (the directors of a company form the **BOARD** or formal committee that governs a company)\n **A BOARD"} {"Clue":"Fine, limp fringe (5)","Answer":"FLANK","Explanation":"Definition: fringe\n **F** (fine) **+ LANK** (limp)\n **F LANK"} {"Clue":"Exploit Oscar during unusual free trip (9)","Answer":"PROFITEER","Explanation":"Definition: Exploit\n **O** (Oscar is the International Radio Communication code for the letter **O**) **contained in** (during) **an anagram of** (unusual) **FREE TRIP**\n **PR** (**O**) **FITEER"} {"Clue":"One suspended in hot incense (6)","Answer":"HANGER","Explanation":"Definition: One suspended\n **H** (hot) **+ ANGER** (incense)\n **H ANGER"} {"Clue":"Endlessly lucky Ken rolled joint (7)","Answer":"KNUCKLE","Explanation":"Definition: joint\n **Anagram of** (rolled) **LUCKY** **excluding the final letter Y** (endlessly) and **KEN**\n **KNUCKLE"} {"Clue":"Demanding individual run out by you and I (7)","Answer":"ONEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Demanding\n **ONE** (individual) **+ RO** (run out in cricket scoring notation) **+ US** (you and I)\n **ONE RO US"} {"Clue":"A small platter is out of place (6)","Answer":"ASTRAY","Explanation":"Definition: out of place\n **A** **+ S** (small) **+ TRAY** (flat board; platter)\n **A S TRAY"} {"Clue":"Profanities as naughty child draws across middle of frieze (9)","Answer":"IMPIETIES","Explanation":"Definition: Profanities\n (**IMP** [naughty child] **+ TIES** [draws]) **containing** (across) **IE** (**central letters of** [middle of] **FRIEZE**)\n **IMP** (**IE**) **TIES"} {"Clue":"Golf shot starts to spin hard after nasty knock (5)","Answer":"SHANK","Explanation":"Definition: Golf shot\n **SHANK** (**first letters of** [starts] **each of** **SPIN**, **HARD**, **AFTER**, **NASTY** and **KNOCK**\n **S H A N K"} {"Clue":"Emphatic type with male mice hearts (6)","Answer":"ITALIC","Explanation":"Definition: Emphatic type\n **IT** (**central letters of** [heart] **WITH**) **+ AL** (**central letters of** [heart] **MALE**) **+ IC** (**central letters of** [hearts] **MICE**) \u2013 three hearts\n **IT AL IC"} {"Clue":"Manipulate mechanic? (8)","Answer":"ENGINEER","Explanation":"Definition: Manipulate\n **ENGINEER** (a mechanic) double definition\n **ENGINEER"} {"Clue":"Elegant and witty, eases oddly inside (6)","Answer":"DRESSY","Explanation":"Definition: Elegant\n **ESS** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [oddly] **of EASES**) **contained in** (inside) **DRY** (ironic; witty)\n **DR** (**ESS**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Pressing item is dull and inflexible (8)","Answer":"FLATIRON","Explanation":"Definition: Pressing item\n **FLAT** (dull) **+ IRON** (inflexible)\n **FLAT IRON "} {"Clue":"Regarding enemy rising loudly and unmatched (3-3)","Answer":"ONE-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: unmatched\n **ON** (regarding) **+ FOE** (enemy) **reversed** (rising; down entry) **+ F** (forte; loudly)\n **ON** **E OF**< **F"} {"Clue":"Seaplane crashed across end of Southwold promenade (9)","Answer":"ESPLANADE","Explanation":"Definition: promenade\n **Anagram of** (crashed) **SEAPLANE** **containing** (across) **D** (**last letter of** [end of] **SOUTHWOLD**)\n **ESPLANA** (**D**) **E"} {"Clue":"Shy laugh the French dismissed (5)","Answer":"CHUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Shy\n **CHUCKLE** (laugh) **excluding** (dismissed) **LE** (one of the French forms of 'the')\n **CHUCK"} {"Clue":"Secret agent skins up with little sign of hesitation (7)","Answer":"SLEEPER","Explanation":"Definition: Secret agent\n **PEELS** (skins) **reversed** (up; down entry) **+ ER** (expression indicating hesitation)\n **SLEEP**< **ER"} {"Clue":"Bores quit changing nickname (9)","Answer":"SOBRIQUET","Explanation":"Definition: nickname\n **Anagram of** (changing) **BORES QUIT**\n **SOBRIQUET"} {"Clue":"Sword turned up in pedal bin (5)","Answer":"BLADE","Explanation":"Definition: Sword\n **BLADE** (**reversed** [turned up; down entry] **hidden word** [in] **PEDAL BIN**)\n **BLADE**<"} {"Clue":"Approved of final section by journalist written about Old Republican (8)","Answer":"ENDORSED","Explanation":"Definition: Approved\n (**END** [final] **+ S** [section] **+ ED** [editor; journalist]) **containing** (written about) (**O** [old] **+ R** [Republican])\n **END** (**O R**) **S** **ED"} {"Clue":"Heartless cook behind house wine (4)","Answer":"HOCK","Explanation":"Definition: wine\n **HO** (house) **+ CK** (**letters remaining in COOK when the central letters OO are removed** [heartless])\n **HO CK"} {"Clue":"Supplies reportedly more disgusting diners regularly (9)","Answer":"GROCERIES","Explanation":"Definition: Supplies\n **GROCER** (**sounds like** [reportedly] **GROSSER** [more disgusting]) **+ IES** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly] of **DINERS**)\n **GROCER IES"} {"Clue":"Stand after knock out in the manner of Australian native (5,4)","Answer":"KOALA BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Australian native\n **KO** (knock out) **+ A LA** (in the manner of) + **BEAR** (tolerate; stand)\n **KO ALA BEAR"} {"Clue":"Dim foe I'd routed changed (8)","Answer":"MODIFIED","Explanation":"Definition: Dim foe I'd\n **Anagram of** (routed) **DIM FOE I'D**\n **MODIFIED"} {"Clue":"Part of nourishing piece of beef (4)","Answer":"SHIN","Explanation":"Definition: piece of beef\n **SHIN **(**hidden word** [part of] **in NOURISHING**)\n **SHIN"} {"Clue":"Club succeeded in promotion of street artist (7)","Answer":"ARSENAL","Explanation":"Definition: Club\n **S** (succeeded) **contained in** (in) (**LANE** [street] **+ RA** [Royal Academician; artist]) **reversed** (promotion of ; down entry)\n **AR**< (**S**) **ENAL**<"} {"Clue":"Pelt across right bend in piste (3,3)","Answer":"SKI RUN","Explanation":"SKIN** (pelt) **containing** (across) (**R** [right] **+ U** [type of bend])\n **SKI** (**R U**) **N"} {"Clue":"Leapt around in coat (5)","Answer":"PLATE","Explanation":"Definition: coat\n **Anagram of** (around) **LEAPT**\n **PLATE"} {"Clue":"Avoid drink in street (5)","Answer":"SKIRT","Explanation":"Definition: Avoid\n **KIR** (drink made of white wine and blackcurrant syrup or liqueur) **contained in** (in) **ST** (street)\n **S** (**KIR**) **T"} {"Clue":"Loudly incontinent and tense European produces complex sound (9)","Answer":"AFFRICATE","Explanation":"Definition: complex sound\n (**F** [forte; loudly] **contained in** [in] **AFRICA**[continent]) **+ T** (tense) **+ E** (European)\n **A** (**F**) **FRICA** **T E"} {"Clue":"Compound found in plant by insect. Clue: Not thymine (7)","Answer":"XANTHIN","Explanation":"Definition: Compound found in plant\n **X** (times; by) **+ ANT** (insect) **+ HINT** (clue) **excluding** (not) **T** (thymine \u2013 the abbreviation is given in Collins dictionary)\n **X ANT HIN"} {"Clue":"Threatened to get better boxing champion (7)","Answer":"MENACED","Explanation":"Definition: Threatened\n **MEND** (get better) **containing** (boxing) **ACE** (champion)\n **MEN** (**ACE**) **D"} {"Clue":"More sex, I'd suspect, leads to cells preventing fluid loss (9)","Answer":"EXODERMIS","Explanation":"Definition: cells preventing fluid loss\n **Anagram of** (suspect) **MORE SEX I'D**\n **EXODERMIS"} {"Clue":"Mob bit of rough wearing G-string (6)","Answer":"THRONG","Explanation":"Definition: Mob\n **R** (**first letter of** [bit of] **ROUGH**) **contained in** (wearing) **THONG** (G-string)\n **TH** (**R**) **ONG"} {"Clue":"Awaiting chains to restrain guards (2,5)","Answer":"IN STORE","Explanation":"Definition: Awaiting\n **IN STORE** (**hidden word in** [guards] **CHAINS TO RESTRAIN**)\n **IN STORE"} {"Clue":"Curse dodgy merchant regularly displaying neglected pet (6,3)","Answer":"RESCUE CAT","Explanation":"Definition: neglected pet\n **Anagram of** (dodgy) **CURSE** and **ECAT** (**letters 2, 4, 6 and 8** [regularly displaying] of **MERCHANT**)\n **RESCU*** **E CAT"} {"Clue":"After dumping fellow somehow life goes on, to coin a phrase (9)","Answer":"NEOLOGISE","Explanation":"Definition: to coin a phrase\n **Anagram of** (somehow) **LIFE GOES ON** **excluding** (after dumping) **F** (fellow)\n **NEOLOGISE"} {"Clue":"Delayed charging almost all editors (7)","Answer":"STALLED","Explanation":"Definition: Delayed\n **STALLED** (**hidden word in** [charging] **ALMOST ALL EDITORS**)\n **STALLED"} {"Clue":"Tool providers wanting drink (6)","Answer":"PLIERS","Explanation":"Definition: Tool\n **SUPPLIERS** (providers) **excluding** (wanting) **SUP** (drink)\n **PLIERS"} {"Clue":"Lion-tamer with enormous bird of prey sleeps only occasionally (9)","Answer":"ANDROCLES","Explanation":"Definition: Lion-tamer\n **AND** (with) **+ ROC** (legendary enormous bird of prey) **+ LES** (**letters 2, 4 and 6 **[regularly] **of SLEEPS**)\n **AND ROC LES"} {"Clue":"Drop requirement for live music gig? (7)","Answer":"ABANDON","Explanation":"Definition: Drop\n **A BAND ON** (you need [requirement] **A BAND ON** at a live music gig, although I suppose you could have a solo singer without a backing group)\n **A BAND ON"} {"Clue":"Wonderful being involved in prisoners' chats (7)","Answer":"CONFABS","Explanation":"Definition: chats\n **FAB** (**FAB**ulous; wonderful) **contained in** (being involved in) **CONS** (prisoners)\n **CON** (**FAB**) **S"} {"Clue":"Basic mistake, at first, to leave cheese around the French (9)","Answer":"ELEMENTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Basic\n (**EMMENTAL** [type of cheese] **excluding** [to leave] **M** [**initial letter of** {at first} **M**ISTAKE]) **containing** (around) **LE** (one of the French forms of 'the')\n **E** (**LE**) **MENTAL"} {"Clue":"They show current dilettantes to an audience (8)","Answer":"AMMETERS","Explanation":"Definition: They show current\n **AMMETERS** (**sounds like** [to an audience] **AMATEURS** [dilettantes])\n **AMMETERS"} {"Clue":"Ward Duke off in marshland (3)","Answer":"FEN","Explanation":"Definition: marshland\n **FEND** (ward [off]) **excluding** (off) **D** (duke)\n **FEN"} {"Clue":"Popular Conservative finally admitted deserting naked woman, identity unknown (8)","Answer":"INCONNUE","Explanation":"Definition: woman, identity unknown\n **IN** (popular) **+ CON** (Conservative) **+ NUDE** (naked) **excluding** (deserted) **D** (**last letter of** [finally] ADMITTE**D**)\n **IN CON NUE"} {"Clue":"Support opera having key change at the end (4)","Answer":"AIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Support\n **AIDA** (opera by Verdi with the final **A** changed to **E**, both **A** and E being notes of the scale or musical keys)\n **AIDE"} {"Clue":"Detailed account of where one was? (10)","Answer":"EXPOSITION","Explanation":"Definition: Detailed account\n **EX** (previous; was) **+ POSITION** (location; where) together 'where one was'\n **EX POSITION"} {"Clue":"Prophets accepting nationalist's contemptuous remarks (6)","Answer":"SNEERS","Explanation":"Definition: contemptuous remarks\n **SEERS** (prophets) **containing** (accepting) **N** (nationalist)\n **S** (**N**) **EERS"} {"Clue":"On best diet for stripping off full-body suit (6)","Answer":"ONESIE","Explanation":"Definition: full-body suit\n **ON** **+ BEST** **excluding the outer letters BT** (stripping off) **+ DIET** **also excluding the outer letters DT** (stripping off)\n **ON ES IE"} {"Clue":"Ministry put female in igloo? (4,6)","Answer":"HOME OFFICE","Explanation":"Definition: Ministry\n **F** (female) **contained in** (in) **HOME OF ICE** (descriptive of an igloo)\n **HOME OF** (**F**) **ICE"} {"Clue":"One regards fantastic bushes here? (4,6)","Answer":"ROSE GARDEN","Explanation":"Definition: bushes here\n **Anagram of** (fantastic) **ONE REGARDS**\n **ROSE GARDEN"} {"Clue":"Shock! Artist stops to look around Scunthorpe on vacation (10)","Answer":"SCANDALISE","Explanation":"Definition: Shock\n **DALI** (reference Salvador **DALI** [1904 \u2013 1989], Spanish artist) **contained in** (stops) (**SCAN** [look around] **+ SE** [l**etters remaining in SCUNTHORPE when the central letters CUNTHORP are removed** {on vacation}])\n **SCAN** (**DALI**) **SE"} {"Clue":"\"The One and Only\" broadcast; millions scoffed (4,4)","Answer":"SOUL MATE","Explanation":"Definition: The One\n **SOUL** (**sounds like** [broadcast] **SOLE** [only]) **+ M** (millions) **+ ATE** (scoffed)\n **SOUL M ATE"} {"Clue":"Private planes or trains (8)","Answer":"PERSONAL","Explanation":"Definition: Private\n **Anagram of** (trains) **PLANES OR**\n **PERSONAL"} {"Clue":"Position bronze in southern church (6)","Answer":"STANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Position\n **TAN** (bronze) **contained in** (in) (**S** [southern] **+ CE** [Church {of England}])\n **S** (**TAN**) **CE"} {"Clue":"It can be found in bathroom, note (6)","Answer":"LOOFAH","Explanation":"Definition: It can be found in bathroom\n **LOO** (toilet) **+ FAH** (a note of the tonic sol-fa scale) Here bathroom is definitely part of the definition and the wordplay\n **LOO FAH"} {"Clue":"Auction of small beer (4)","Answer":"SALE","Explanation":"Definition: Auction\n **S** (small) **+ ALE** (beer)\n **S ALE"} {"Clue":"Party time for stud (3)","Answer":"DOT","Explanation":"Definition: stud\n **DO** (party) **+ T** (time)\n **DO T"} {"Clue":"Serenade briefly interrupted by cheers after sailor's refrain (7)","Answer":"ABSTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: refrain\n **AB** (able seaman; sailor) **+** (**SING** **excluding the final letter G** [briefly] **containing** [interrupted by] **TA** [thank you; cheers])\n **AB** **S** (**TA**) **IN"} {"Clue":"Baker perhaps follows short cut to do decorative work (7)","Answer":"CROCHET","Explanation":"Definition: do decorative work\n **CROP** (cut) **excluding the final letter P** (short) **+ CHET** (reference **CHET** Baker [1929 \u2013 1988], American jazz trumpeter and vocalist)\n **CRO CHET"} {"Clue":"Parent caught fish (5)","Answer":"RAISE","Explanation":"Definition: Parent\n **RAISE** (sounds like [caught] RAYS [fish])\n **RAISE"} {"Clue":"Worst hospital is involved in public dispute (9)","Answer":"OVERTHROW","Explanation":"Definition: Worst\n **H** (hospital) **contained in** (is involved in) (**OVERT** [open to view; public] **+ ROW** [dispute])\n **OVERT** (**H**) **ROW"} {"Clue":"Begin to date vacuous upper-class twit? (3,3)","Answer":"SET OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Begin\n **SEE** (date somebody) **excluding the central letter** (vacuous) **E** **+ TOFF** (upper-class person) I don't think a **TOFF** is necessarily a twit. Perhaps I'm missing something.\n **SE** **T **[**OFF**]"} {"Clue":"Designer drug cut with crushed silica (11)","Answer":"SPECIALISED","Explanation":"Definition: Designer\n **SPEED** (amphetamine; drug) **containing** (cut with) **an anagram of** [crushed] **SILICA**)\n **SPE** (**CIALIS***) **ED"} {"Clue":"Suspect due bail in hearing (7)","Answer":"AUDIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: in hearing\n **Anagram of** (suspect) **DUE BAIL**\n **AUDIBLE"} {"Clue":"Clamour about sealing off derelict pit is difficult to understand (7)","Answer":"CRYPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: difficult to understand\n (**CRY** [clamour] **+ C** [circa; about]) **containing** [sealing off] **an anagram of** [derelict] **PIT**\n **CRY** (**PTI***) **C"} {"Clue":"Current time could be time to take on staff (11)","Answer":"RECRUITMENT","Explanation":"Definition: time to take on staff\n **Anagram of** (could be) **CURRENT TIME**\n **RECRUITMENT"} {"Clue":"Awareness of crime essentially accommodated by court's punishment (9)","Answer":"SENTIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Awareness\n **I** (**middle letter of** [essentially] **CRIME**) **+ contained in** (accommodated by) **SENTENCE** (court's punishment)\n **SENT** (**I**) **ENCE"} {"Clue":"Computing device mainly provides means of summarising information (5)","Answer":"TABLE","Explanation":"Definition: means of summarising information\n **TABLE****T** (computing device such as a IPad) **excluding the final letter** (mainly) **T**\n **TABLE"} {"Clue":"Appropriate assertion of modernist poet? (7)","Answer":"IMPOUND","Explanation":"Definition: Appropriate\n **I'M** (I am; an assertive statement) **+ POUND** (reference Ezra **POUND** [1885 \u2013 1972], American poet)\n **IM POUND"} {"Clue":"Deal with business issue (7)","Answer":"CONCERN","Explanation":"Definition: Deal with\n **CONCERN** (business)\n **CONCERN** (problem; issue) **triple definition**\n **CONCERN"} {"Clue":"Fanatical gunmen destroyed SAS training establishment (8)","Answer":"MADRASSA","Explanation":"Definition: training establishment\n **MAD** (fanatical) **+ RA** (Royal Artillery) **+ an anagram of** (destroyed) **SAS**\n **MAD RA SSA"} {"Clue":"Helped out when relative almost died (8)","Answer":"ASSISTED","Explanation":"Definition: Helped out\n **AS** (when) **+ SISTER** (relative) **excluding the final letter R** (almost) **+ D** (died)\n **AS SISTE D"} {"Clue":"Terms of reference sometimes limited by vehicles in bill (6)","Answer":"CARESS","Explanation":"Definition: bill\n **ES** (**final letters of** [terms of; terminals of] **each of REFERENCE** and **SOMETIMES**) **contained in** (limited by) **CARS** (vehicles)\n **CAR** (**ES**) **S"} {"Clue":"Rambling company has essential cover (10)","Answer":"INCOHERENT","Explanation":"Definition: Rambling\n **CO** (company) **contained in** (has \u2026 cover) **INHERENT** (essential)\n **IN** (**CO**) **HERENT"} {"Clue":"Wonderful nurses name condition one has to face? (4)","Answer":"ACNE","Explanation":"Definition: condition one has to face\n **ACE** (excellent; wonderful) **containing** (nurses) **N** (name)\n **AC** (**N**) **E"} {"Clue":"Perhaps local bank's run down by huge number of people (8)","Answer":"HOSTELRY","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps local\n **HOST** (huge number of people) **+ RELY** (depend; bank) **with the** **R** [run] **moved further down** [run down; down entry] **to form ELRY**\n **HOST ELRY"} {"Clue":"Refrain from tasks requiring English to be universal (6)","Answer":"CHORUS","Explanation":"Definition: Refrain\n **CHORES** (tasks) with **E** (English) **replaced by** (requiring \u2026 to be) **U** (universal)\n **CHORUS"} {"Clue":"Put away heads of syndicate that got into debt (6)","Answer":"STOWED","Explanation":"Definition: Put away\n **ST** (**first letters of** [heads of] **each of SYNDICATE** and **THAT**) **+ OWED** (got into debt)\n **ST** **OWED"} {"Clue":"Men cycle in unusual and unforgiving position (10)","Answer":"INCLEMENCY","Explanation":"Definition: unforgiving position\n **Anagram of** (unusual) **MEN CYCLE IN**\n **INCLEMENCY"} {"Clue":"Book published that is without question catering to niche market (8)","Answer":"BOUTIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: catering to niche market\n **B** (book) **+ OUT** (published) **+** (**IE** [id est; that is] **containing** [without; outside] **QU** [question])\n **B** **OUT** **I** (**QU**) **E"} {"Clue":"Worried Russia's ready to invade Thailand's borders (8)","Answer":"TROUBLED","Explanation":"Definition: Worried\n **ROUBLE** (currency [ready {money} of Russia]) **contained in** (to invade) **TD** (**outer letters of** [borders] **THAILAND**)\n **T** (**ROUBLE**) **D"} {"Clue":"Face fine after distributing legal high? (8)","Answer":"CAFFEINE","Explanation":"Definition: legal high\n **Anagram of** (after distributing) **FACE FINE**\n **CAFFEINE"} {"Clue":"Having suit inside out in church is uncouth (6)","Answer":"RUSTIC","Explanation":"Definition: uncouth\n **Anagram of** (inside out) **SUIT** **contained in** (in) **RC** (Roman Catholic church)\n **R** (**USTI***) **C"} {"Clue":"Cover article plugs something newsworthy (6)","Answer":"CANOPY","Explanation":"Definition: Cover\n **AN** (indefinite article) **contained in** (plugs) **COPY** (something considered newsworthy for publishing)\n **C** (**AN**) **OPY"} {"Clue":"Outstanding figures reportedly make firm leader in sector (6)","Answer":"TITANS","Explanation":"Definition: Outstanding figures\n **TITANS** (**sounds like** [reportedly] **TIGHTENS** [makes firm])\n **TITANS"} {"Clue":"English academic revolutionised device connected to internet? (4)","Answer":"NODE","Explanation":"Definition: device connected to internet\n (**E** [English] **+ DON** [academic]) **all reversed** (revolutionised)\n (**NOD E**)<"} {"Clue":"Limbs flailing about right and left i.e. at a modified feature of this puzzle? (12)","Answer":"BILATERALISM","Explanation":"Anagram of** (flailing) **LIMBS** **containing** (about) **an anagram of** (modified) **R** [right] and **L** [left] and **I.E AT A**)\n **BIL** (**ATERALI***) **SM"} {"Clue":"Snowy tracks, left uncovered, I entered (6)","Answer":"LOIPEN","Explanation":"Definition: Snowy tracks\n **L** (left) **+** (**I contained in** [entered] **OPEN** [uncovered])\n **L** **O** (**I**) **PEN"} {"Clue":"In a do, troubled after a time of mourning once (6)","Answer":"ADONIA","Explanation":"Definition: time of mourning once\n **A** **+ an anagram of** (troubled) **IN A DO**\n **A** **DONIA"} {"Clue":"To disturb fens steered with it (6)","Answer":"INFEST","Explanation":"Definition: To disturb\n **Anagram of** (steered with) **FENS** and **IT**\n **INFEST"} {"Clue":"Middy too far into side channel (6)","Answer":"SNOTTY","Explanation":"Definition: Middy\n **OTT** (over the top; too far) **contained in** (into) **SNY** (side channel of a river)\n **SN** (**OTT**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Use, lot untidily loose (6)","Answer":"SOLUTE","Explanation":"Definition: loose\n **Anagram of** (untidily) **USE LOT**\n **SOLUTE"} {"Clue":"Bulging trunk mostly containing what's central for your (6)","Answer":"TOROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Bulging\n **TORSO** (trunk) **excluding the final letter O** (mostly) but\u00a0**containing** (containing) **OU** (**middle letters of** [what's central to] **YOUR**)\n **TOR** (**OU**) **S"} {"Clue":"Buccaneer from rear artist included (6)","Answer":"SEARAT","Explanation":"Definition: Buccaneer\n **RA** (Royal Academician; artist) **contained in** (included) **SEAT** (part of the body on which one sits; rear)\n **SEA** (**RA**) **T"} {"Clue":"To expose in bed, showing him a debauchee? (6)","Answer":"UNRAKE","Explanation":"Definition: To expose in bed\n **UN** (dialect word for 'him') **+ RAKE** (debauched or dissolute person)\n **UN RAKE"} {"Clue":"Prominent pupil almost certainly follows church leader (6)","Answer":"POP-EYE","Explanation":"Definition: Prominent pupil\n **POPE** (church leader) **+ YES** (certainly) **excluding the final letter S** (almost)\n **POP E** **YE"} {"Clue":"Changing RC rota: one has cutting point (6)","Answer":"TROCAR","Explanation":"Definition: one has cutting point\n **Anagram of** (changing) **RC ROTA**\n **TROCAR"} {"Clue":"In it universal in palaver with a revenue subdivision (6)","Answer":"TALUKA","Explanation":"Definition: revenue subdivision\n **U** (universal) **contained in** (in) **TALK** (palaver) **+ A**\n **TAL** (**U**) **K** **A"} {"Clue":"Account, one to draw on, returning currency unit (6)","Answer":"PATACA","Explanation":"(**AC** [account] **+ A** [one] **+ TAP** [draw upon]) **all reversed** (returning)\n (**PAT** **A** **CA**)<"} {"Clue":"End of war in Iliad, awful \u2013 touching part of sight (6)","Answer":"IRIDAL","Explanation":"Definition: touching part of sight\n **R** (**final letter of** [end of] **WAR**) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (awful) **ILIAD**\n **I** (**R**) **IDAL"} {"Clue":"Is nothing alongside school, a creepy thing! (6)","Answer":"ISOPOD","Explanation":"Definition: creepy thing\n **IS + O** (character representing zero; nothing) **+ POD** (school of whales)\n **IS O POD"} {"Clue":"Turning brown in senescence as related (6)","Answer":"AGNATE","Explanation":"Definition: related\n **TAN** (tawny brown colour) **reversed** (turning) and **contained in** (in) **AGE** (senescence [the process of growing old])\n **AG** (**NAT**<) **E"} {"Clue":"Egoist flourishing weedy regalia (6)","Answer":"STOGIE","Explanation":"Definition: weedy regalia\n **Anagram of** (flourishing) **EGOIST**\n **STOGIE"} {"Clue":"Room to manoeuvre in pasture is reversing fear (6)","Answer":"LEEWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Room to manoeuvre\n **AWE** (fear) **reversed** (reversing) and\u00a0**contained in** (in) **LEY** (pasture)\n **LE** (**EWA**<) **Y"} {"Clue":"Frisson, sweating less in part (6)","Answer":"TINGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Frisson\n **TINGLE** (**hidden word in** [in part] **SWEATING LESS**)\n **TINGLE"} {"Clue":"Not quite front-rankers waved for old poet (5)","Answer":"B-LIST","Explanation":"Definition: Not quite front-rankers\n **BLIST** (Spenserian [for old poet] word for waved) double definition\n **B-LIST"} {"Clue":"Renewing art as of religious movement (5, 5)","Answer":"RASTA","Explanation":"Definition: religious movement\n **Anagram of** (renewing) **ART AS**\n **RASTA"} {"Clue":"Plant extract, not one consumed by two units (6)","Answer":"IONONE","Explanation":"Definition: Plant extract\n **NO** (not any; not one) **contained in** (consumed by) (**I** [Roman numeral one; unit] and **ONE** [unit]), giving two units\n **I O** (**NO**) **NE"} {"Clue":"Number besieged in a fortified mound \u2013 it plays abnormal role among parts of speech (6)","Answer":"ADNOUN","Explanation":"Definition: it plays abnormal role among parts of speech\n **NO** (number) **contained in** [besieged in] (**A** **+ DUN** [fortified mound])\n **A** **D** (**NO**) **UN"} {"Clue":"Copy super daubed almost Monet-style (8)","Answer":"A PEU PRES","Explanation":"Definition: almost Monet-style\n **APE** (copy)**+ an anagram of** (daubed) **SUPER**\n **A PE** **U PRES"} {"Clue":"Top coat applied in swirling action (8)","Answer":"INTONACO","Explanation":"Definition: Top coat\n **ON** (applied) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (swirling) **ACTION**\n **INT** (**ON**) **ACO"} {"Clue":"Cross in ornate style (5)","Answer":"TESTY","Explanation":"Definition: Cross\n **TESTY** (**hidden word in** [in] **ORNATE STYLE**)\n **TESTY"} {"Clue":"Exercise bit of ingenuity in places from below (5)","Answer":"SIT-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Exercise\n **I** (**first letter of** [bit of] **INGENUITY**) **contained in** (in) **PUTS** (places) **reversed** (from below)\n **S** (**I**) **TUP**<"} {"Clue":"Understanding little new, infatuated about it (7)","Answer":"ENTENTE","Explanation":"Definition: Understanding\n **ENTETE** (infatuated) **containing** (about it)\u00a0**N** (**abbreviation for** [little] new) \n **ENTE** (**N**) **TE"} {"Clue":"Spenser's teacher, one cloaked in endless enigma (7)","Answer":"MAYSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Spenser's teacher\n **A** (one) **contained in** (cloaked in) **MYSTERY** (enigma) **excluding the final letter Y** (endless)\n **M** (**A**) **YSTER"} {"Clue":"South African shipping company? Head may be wrapped up in this (8)","Answer":"CAPELINE","Explanation":"Definition: Head may be wrapped up in this\n **CAPE** (reference **CAPE** of Good Hope around South Africa) **+ LINE** (shipping company)\n **CAPE LINE"} {"Clue":"Triangular structure redesigned for twelve, housing first of them (8)","Answer":"FRONTOON","Explanation":"Definition: Triangular structure\n **Anagram of** (redesigned) **FOR** **+** (**NOON** [12 o'clock midday] **containing** [housing] **T** [**first letter of** {front of} **THEM**])\n **FRO*** **N** (**T**) **OON"} {"Clue":"Hitting the mark in earth's upper layer as regards open expanse (7)","Answer":"SPATIAL","Explanation":"Definition: regards open expanse\n **PAT** (hitting the mark precisely) **contained in** (in) **SIAL** (the lighter upper part of the earth's continental crust)\n **S** (**PAT**) **IAL"} {"Clue":"Believer in perfection finding peak in Hebridean isles (7)","Answer":"UTOPIST","Explanation":"Definition: Believer in perfection\n **TOP** (peak) **contained in** (finding \u2026 in) **UIST** (there are two Hebridean islands, North & South **UIST**)\n **U** (**TOP**) **IST"} {"Clue":"Light bathrobe that looks disgusting on a fatty's middle before a (6)","Answer":"YUKATA","Explanation":"Definition: Light bathrobe\n **YUK** (expression of disgust) **+ A + T** (**central letter of** [middle] **FATTY**) **+ A**\n **YUK A T A"} {"Clue":"Rare reception in woven calico (6, 6)","Answer":"ACCOIL","Explanation":"Definition: Rare reception\n **Anagram of** (woven) **CALICO**\n **ACCOIL"} {"Clue":"Get plastered as fair amount of fine grappa's upended (5)","Answer":"PARGE","Explanation":"Definition: Get plastered\n **PARGE** (**reversed** [upended; down entry] **hidden word in** [fair amount of] **FINE GRAPPA**)\n **PARGE**<"} {"Clue":"Start of indulgence after period denying it \u2013 numbering days (5)","Answer":"FASTI","Explanation":"Definition: numbering days\n **FAST** (abstinence from food; period denying indulgence) **+ I** (**first letter of** [start of] **INDULGENCE**)\n **FAST I"} {"Clue":"High achiever on board, we hear, regularly (5)","Answer":"DALEY","Explanation":"Definition: High achiever on board\n **DALEY** (sounds like [we hear] **DAILY** [regularly])\n **DALEY"} {"Clue":"Displaying energy opening cask, porter serving Scotch of old (5)","Answer":"CADEE","Explanation":"Definition: porter serving Scotch of old\n **E** (energy) **contained in** (opening) **CADE** (cask)\n **CAD** (**E**) **E"} {"Clue":"Problem in perceiving my work is awful at the outset (6)","Answer":"MYOPIA","Explanation":"Definition: Problem in perceiving\n **MY** **+ OP** (opus; work) **+ IA** (**first letters** [at the outset] **of IS** and **AWFUL**)\n **MY OP IA"} {"Clue":"Very revolutionary beat associated with a piece of music (6)","Answer":"SONATA","Explanation":"Definition: piece of music\n **SO** (very) **+ TAN** (beat) **reversed** (revolutionary) **+ A**\n **SO NAT**< **A"} {"Clue":"Recalled idea from internet when fixing British Library logo (6)","Answer":"EMBLEM","Explanation":"Definition: logo\n **MEME** (image or video that is spread widely on the internet, often altered by internet users for humorous effect; idea from the internet) **reversed** (recalled) **containing** (when fixing) **BL** (British Library)\n **EM** (**BL**) **EM**<"} {"Clue":"Where one might discuss food, including nightcaps? (4,4)","Answer":"CHAT SHOW","Explanation":"Definition: Where one might discuss\n **CHOW** (food) **containing** (including) **HATS** (a nightcap can be defined as a cap or **HAT** worn in bed). I'm really not sure what the significance of night in the clue is, unless it relates to the fact that many **CHAT SHOW**s are broadcast late in the evening.\n **C** (**HAT S**) **HOW"} {"Clue":"Cabin trunk, perhaps, taken round ship by English men? (5,3)","Answer":"CHESS SET","Explanation":"Definition: men\n **CHEST** (trunk often carried in a cabin) **containing** (taken round) (**SS** [steamship] **+ E** [English])\n **CHES** (**S S**\u00a0** E**) **T"} {"Clue":"Enthusiastic cry drawing attention about skill (6)","Answer":"HEARTY","Explanation":"Definition: Enthusiastic\n **HEY** (cry to attract attention) **containing** (about) **ART** (skill)\n **HE** (**ART**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Crew has torn up outrageous legal document (6,7)","Answer":"SEARCH WARRANT","Explanation":"Definition: legal document\n **Anagram of** (torn up) **CREW HAS** **+ ARRANT** (downright; unmitigated; outrageous)\n **SEARCH W*** **ARRANT"} {"Clue":"Greek character prodding a breeding dog? That's uncalled-for (1,3,4)","Answer":"A BIT MUCH","Explanation":"Definition: That's uncalled-for\n **MU** (character of the Greek alphabet) **contained in** (prodding (**A + BITCH** [female {breeding} dog])\n **A BIT** (**MU**) **CH"} {"Clue":"Article covered in blood brought on board by ship-builder mostly something to be avoided (2-2,4)","Answer":"NO-GO AREA","Explanation":"Definition: something to be avoided\n (**A** [indefinite article] **contained in** [covered in] **GORE** [blood]) **all contained in** (brought on board by) **NOAH** (builder of the ark in the Bible) **excluding the final letter** **H** (mostly)\n **NO** (**GO** (**A**) **RE**)** A"} {"Clue":"Give way about a source of ore (4,2)","Answer":"CAVE IN","Explanation":"Definition: Give way\n **CA** (circa; about) **+ VEIN** (seam of a different mineral running through a rock)\n **CA VE IN"} {"Clue":"French are blocking the current proposition (6)","Answer":"THESIS","Explanation":"Definition: proposition\n I always struggle with clues using the French for 'is, are or be' so I'm not sure how the wordplay works. I can see **THE** in the entry, but nothing is blocking it in the spelling of **THESIS**. I can see '**ES**' which I think is some part of the French verb etre [to be] and I can see **I** as a symbol for electric current, but I cannot fit it all together.\n **THESIS"} {"Clue":"British former Prime Minister missing last engagement (6)","Answer":"BATTLE","Explanation":"Definition: engagement\n **B** (British) **+ ATTLEE** (reference Clement **ATTLEE** [1883 \u2013 1967], Labour Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1945 to 1951) **excluding the final letter E** (missing last)\n **B ATTLE"} {"Clue":"Bird in current left to the end (4)","Answer":"FOWL","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n **FLOW** (current) with the **L** (left) **moved to the end**\n **FOWL"} {"Clue":"Pet: I will occupy identical place around front of couch (7,3)","Answer":"SIAMESE CAT","Explanation":"Definition: Pet\n **I** **contained in** (will occupy) **SAME** (identical) **+ SEAT** (place) **containing** (around) **C** (**first letter of** [front of] **COUCH**)\n **S** (**I**) **AME SE** (**C**) **AT"} {"Clue":"Furniture item as yet unfinished (4)","Answer":"SOFA","Explanation":"Definition: Furniture item\n **SO FAR** (as yet) **excluding the final letter R** (unfinished)\n **SO FA"} {"Clue":"Water filling everything in ranch? It's nothing to worry about (5,5)","Answer":"FALSE ALARM","Explanation":"Definition: It's nothing to worry about\n (**SEA** **contained in** [filling] **ALL** [everything]) **all contained in** (in) **FARM** (ranch)\n **F** (**AL** (**SE A**) **L**) **ARM"} {"Clue":"Reward solver in a stroke (3-3)","Answer":"PAY-OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Reward\n **YOU** (crossword solver) **contained in** (in) **PAT** (gentle stroke with a flat surface, such as the palm of the hand)\n **PA** (**YO U**) **T"} {"Clue":"Millions enthralled by me and my historic site (7)","Answer":"MEMPHIS","Explanation":"Definition: historic site\n **M** (millions) **contained in** (enthralled by) (**ME** and **PHI'S** [my, as **PHI** is today setter]\n **ME** (**M**) **PHIS"} {"Clue":"Patriotic song at each show's going wild (5,3,3)","Answer":"SCOTS WHA HAE","Explanation":"Definition: Patriotic song\n **Anagram of** (going wild) **AT EACH SHOWS**\n **SCOTS WHA HAE"} {"Clue":"Range of notes on fashion line implying something not the right size (5,5)","Answer":"SCALE MODEL","Explanation":"Definition: something not the right size\n **SCALE** (range of musical notes) **+ MODE** (fashion) **+ L** (line)\n **SCALE MODE L"} {"Clue":"Marine creature runs, sheltering in trim beach after storm (6,4)","Answer":"HERMIT CRAB","Explanation":"Definition: Marine creature\n **R** (runs) **contained in** (sheltering in) **an anagram of** (after storm) **TRIM** **BEACH**\n **HE** (**R**) **MIT CRAB*** Either R could be the one contained"} {"Clue":"Touching performance in hat (7)","Answer":"TACTILE","Explanation":"Definition: Touching\n **ACT** (performance) **contained in** (in) **TILE** (old-fashioned slang for a hat)\n **T** **(ACT**)** ILE"} {"Clue":"Drunken bum getting cut, swallowing litre (6)","Answer":"BLOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: Drunken\n **BOTTOM** (bum) **excluding the final letter M** (getting cut) **containing** (swallowing)** L** (litre)\n **B** (**L**) **OTTO"} {"Clue":"Very worried after a force skips attack (4)","Answer":"RAID","Explanation":"Definition: attack\n **AFRAID** (very worried) **excluding** (skips) (**A + F** [force])\n **RAID"} {"Clue":"Nothing set up about European ban (4)","Answer":"VETO","Explanation":"Definition: ban\n (**O** [character representing zero; nothing) **+ TV** [television set]) **all reversed** (up; down entry) **containing** (about) **E** (European)\n (**V** (**E**) **T** **O**)<"} {"Clue":"Whip on prof's rear and quickly show your bits (5)","Answer":"FLASH","Explanation":"Definition: quickly show your bits\n **F** (**final letter of** [rear] **PROF**) **+ LASH** (whip)\n **F LASH"} {"Clue":"Police to arrest a trainee English stockholder? (4,4)","Answer":"MEAT CUBE","Explanation":"Definition: stockholder\n (**MET** [Metropolitan Police] **containing** [to arrest] **A**) **+ CUB** (trainee) **+ E** (English)\n **ME** (**A**) **T** **CUB** **E"} {"Clue":"Given good spirit, but aim to drink beer (10)","Answer":"ENCOURAGED","Explanation":"Definition: Given good spirit\n **END** (aim) **containing** (to drink) **COURAGE** (brand of beer dating back to 1787. The brand has had a chequered history passing through many owners. Currently the brand is owned by Marstons Brewery)\n **EN** (**COURAGE**) **D"} {"Clue":"Sleep around, having accepted liberal proposal (4)","Answer":"PLAN","Explanation":"Definition: proposal\n **NAP** (sleep) **reversed** (around) **containing** (having accepted) **L** (Liberal)\n **P** (**L**) **AN**<"} {"Clue":"Plain awful to be full of flu essentially (4)","Answer":"BALD","Explanation":"Definition: Plain\n **BAD** (awful) **containing** (to be full of) **L** (**middle letter of** [essentially] **FLU**)\n **BA** (**L**) **D"} {"Clue":"Y-fronts less than penny? Worker gets small (10)","Answer":"UNDERPANTS","Explanation":"Definition: Y-fronts\n **UNDER** (less than) **+ P** (penny) **+ ANT** (Collins defines a wingless sterile female ant as a worker) **+ S** (small)\n **UNDER P ANT S"} {"Clue":"Cost to bring in northern musician at one time (6)","Answer":"PRINCE","Explanation":"Definition: musician at one time\n **PRICE** (cost) **containing** (to bring in) **N** (northern)\n **PRI** (**N**) **CE"} {"Clue":"European and Scotsman chasing after Italian (8)","Answer":"ROMANIAN","Explanation":"Definition: European\n **ROMAN** (example of an Italian) **+ IAN** (common Scottish forename, a Gaelic form of John)\n **ROMAN IAN"} {"Clue":"Large bitter drunk by head of Indigo Books (8)","Answer":"LIBRETTI","Explanation":"Definition: Books\n **L** (large) **+ an anagram of** (drunk) **BITTER** **+ I** (**first letter of** [head of]) **INDIGO**)\n **L** **IBRETT*** **I"} {"Clue":"Temporary head of state is concerning chap (6)","Answer":"REGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Temporary head of state\n **RE** (with reference to; concerning) **+ GENT** (adult male; chap)\n **RE GENT"} {"Clue":"Recreational vehicle seen on the Strand? (5,5)","Answer":"BEACH BUGGY","Explanation":"Definition: Recreational vehicle\n **BEACH** (**STRAND** is defined as shore or **BEACH**) **+ BUGGY** (basic recreational vehicle) \n **BEACH BUGGY"} {"Clue":"Con parting from last of loot is a wrench (4)","Answer":"RICK","Explanation":"Definition: wrench\n **TRICK** (deception; con) **excluding** (parting from) **T** (**final letter of** [last of] LOO**T**)\n **RICK"} {"Clue":"Good opportunities get drinks (4)","Answer":"GINS","Explanation":"Definition: drinks\n **G** (good) **+ INS** (the Oxford Dictionary of English defines **INS** as positions of influence with powerful or famous people; opportunities [to influence])\n **G INS"} {"Clue":"Criminal pals crept around a pair one shouldn't upset? (10)","Answer":"APPLECARTS","Explanation":"Definition: a pair one shouldn't upset\n **Anagram of** (criminal) **PALS CREPT** **containing** (around) **A**\n **APPLEC** (**A**) **RTS"} {"Clue":"Once more bring round a new rake for landscaping (8)","Answer":"REAWAKEN","Explanation":"Definition: Once more bring round\n **Anagram of** (landscaping) **A NEW RAKE**\n **REAWAKEN"} {"Clue":"One pumping round into Republican? Au contraire! (5)","Answer":"HEART","Explanation":"Definition: One pumping\n **R** (Republican) **contained in** (into) **HEAT** (early elimination round of a competition) \u2013 i.e. the opposite of (au contraire) the message conveyed by the first five words of the clue\n **HEA** (**R**) **T"} {"Clue":"City welcoming hot Dutch woman (5)","Answer":"LINDA","Explanation":"Definition: woman\n **LA** (Los Angeles; city) **containing** (welcoming) (**IN** [popular; hot] **+ D** [Dutch])\n **L** (**IN D**) **A"} {"Clue":"Southern fellow framing present is photographer (7)","Answer":"SNOWDON","Explanation":"Definition: photographer\n (**S** [southern] **+ DON** [university fellow]) **containing** (framing) **NOW** (present time)\n **S** (**NOW**) **DON"} {"Clue":"Foreign fighter heading to Malta with retired soldier (3)","Answer":"MIG","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign fighter\n **M** (**first letter of** [heading to] **MALTA**) **+ GI** (American soldier) **reversed** (retired)\n **M IG**<"} {"Clue":"Serpent is more evil, doing Bluth's head in! (5)","Answer":"ADDER","Explanation":"Definition: Serpent\n **BADDER** (more evil) **excluding the first letter** (doing \u2026 in) **B** (**initial letter of** [head] **B**LUTH)\n **ADDER"} {"Clue":"Salt limit Brown has admitted 'primarily idiotic' (7)","Answer":"CAPTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Salt\n **CAP** (limit) **+** (**TAN** [shade of brown] **containing** [admitted] **I** [**first letter of** {primarily} **IDIOTIC**)\n **CAP** **TA **(**I**) **N"} {"Clue":"Naughty baron at it in transport bound for docks? (4,5)","Answer":"BOAT TRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: transport bound for docks\n **Anagram of** (naughty) **BARON AT IT**\n **BOAT TRAIN"} {"Clue":"Tight garment that you must wear for fight (8)","Answer":"ARGUMENT","Explanation":"Definition: fight\n **U** (text message abbreviation for 'you') **contained in** (must wear) **an anagram of** (tight [drunk]) **GARMENT**\n **ARG** (**U**) **MENT"} {"Clue":"Dash of liquorice infusing bold sweet (7)","Answer":"DARLING","Explanation":"Definition: sweet\n **L** (**first letter of** [dash of] **LIQUORICE**) **contained in** (infusing) **DARING** (bold)\n **DAR** (**L**) **ING"} {"Clue":"We hire inn out to have a drink (5,4)","Answer":"RHINE WINE","Explanation":"Definition: drink\n **Anagram of** (out) **WE HIRE INN**\n **RHINE WINE"} {"Clue":"Male bohemian socialist killed for beliefs? (8)","Answer":"MARTYRED","Explanation":"Definition: killed for beliefs\n **M** (male) **+ ARTY** (a bohemian is an artist or writer can be defined as an adjective to mean **ARTY**) **+ RED** (socialist)\n **M ARTY RED"} {"Clue":"Spooner said \"fire inexperienced tool!\" (4,3)","Answer":"RACK SAW","Explanation":"Definition: tool\n **Reverend Spooner would pronounce the entry as** **SACK RAW** (fire inexperienced)\n **RACK SAW"} {"Clue":"Rubbish cover on Bentley in car storage (7)","Answer":"GARBAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Rubbish\n **B** (**first letter of** [cover on] **BENTLEY**) **contained in** (in) **GARAGE** (car storage)\n **GAR** (**B**) **AGE"} {"Clue":"Want to get under British player trying to mate? (5)","Answer":"BLACK","Explanation":"Definition: player trying to mate\n **B** (British) **+ LACK** (deficiency or want)\n **B LACK"} {"Clue":"Poll: Her Maj getting more sexy? (5)","Answer":"CUTER","Explanation":"Definition: more sexy\n **CUT** (poll [cut hair, horns or the top of a tree]) **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina, Queen Elizabeth; Her Maj[esty])\n **CUT ER"} {"Clue":"Indy setter shortened piece of wordplay (3)","Answer":"PUN","Explanation":"Definition: piece of wordplay\n **PUNK** (reference an Independent crossword setter) **excluding the final letter K** (shortened)\n **PUN"} {"Clue":"Two different lives next to quality city (8)","Answer":"BELGRADE","Explanation":"Definition: city\n (**BE** [exist; live] **+ L** [live, as an abbreviation in Collins] together giving two different lives) **+ GRADE** (quality)\n **BE L GRADE"} {"Clue":"Judge Conservatives, ultimately, to be led by donkeys (6)","Answer":"ASSESS","Explanation":"Definition: Judge\n **ASSES** (donkeys) **+ S** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **CONSERVATIVES**)\n **ASSES S"} {"Clue":"I've made a mistake ignoring leader in military manoeuvres (3)","Answer":"OPS","Explanation":"Definition: military manoeuvres\n **OOPS** (exclamation drawing attention to or apologizing for, etc, a mistake) **excluding the first letter O** (ignoring leader)\n **OPS"} {"Clue":"Eccentric farmed on Orkney's outer reaches since we started (4,3,3)","Answer":"FROM DAY ONE","Explanation":"Definition: since we started\n **Anagram of** (eccentric) **FARMED ON** and **OY** (**first and last letters of** [outer reaches] **ORKNEY**)\n **FROM DAY ONE"} {"Clue":"Considered player to be tense, pragmatic type \u2013 one to replace Kane in the end (8)","Answer":"TRIALIST","Explanation":"Definition: Considered player\n **T** (tense) **+ REALIST** (pragmatist) with **I** (Roman numeral for one] **replacing E** (**last letter** [in the end] **of** [Harry] KAN**E**, English footballer)\n **T RIALIST"} {"Clue":"Creator set out to make inserts for dresses (6)","Answer":"GODETS","Explanation":"Definition: inserts for dresses\n **GOD** (creator) + **an anagram of** (out) **SET**\n **GOD ETS"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary song about German capital (4)","Answer":"RIGA","Explanation":"Definition: capital\n **AIR** (song) **reversed** (revolutionary) **containing** (about) **G** (German)\n **RI** (**G**) **A**<"} {"Clue":"Arsonist gutted pretty country clubs (10)","Answer":"PYROMANIAC","Explanation":"Definition: Arsonist\n **PY** (**letters remaining in PRETTY when the central letters RETT are removed** [gutted]) **+ ROMANIA** (country in Eastern Europe) **+ C** (clubs)\n **PY ROMANIA C"} {"Clue":"One may buy new tights here? (4,6)","Answer":"HIGH STREET","Explanation":"Definition: One may buy new tights here\n **Anagram of** (new) **TIGHTS HERE**\n **HIGH STREET"} {"Clue":"Quality of hearing reduced (4)","Answer":"AURA","Explanation":"Definition: Quality\n **AURAL** (of, relating to, or received by, the ear; of hearing) **excluding the final letter L** (reduced)\n **AURA"} {"Clue":"Reportedly studied newspaper in late night flight (3-3)","Answer":"RED EYE","Explanation":"Definition: ate night flight\n **RED** (**sounds like** [reportedly] **READ** [in the past tense, studied]) **+ EYE** (**sounds like** [reportedly] **I** [reference the i newspaper])\n **RED EYE"} {"Clue":"A lot of bears see you fish (5,3)","Answer":"MANTA RAY","Explanation":"Definition: fish\n **MANY** (a lot of) **containing** (bears) **TA-RA** (goodbye; see you)\n **MAN** (**TA RA**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Hairy armpit hunt is successful (10)","Answer":"TRIUMPHANT","Explanation":"Definition: successful\n **Anagram of** (hairy) **ARMPIT HUNT**\n **TRIUMPHANT"} {"Clue":"Dishonourable man runs away from Jack, perhaps (3)","Answer":"CAD","Explanation":"Definition: Dishonourable man\n **CARD** (a Jack is a playing **CARD**) **excluding** (away) **R** (runs, in cricket scoring notation)\n **CAD"} {"Clue":"Trunks used to be keeping one's backside in sight (6)","Answer":"WAISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Trunks\n **WAS** (used to be) **containing** (keeping) (**IS** [ones] **+ T** [**last letter of** {backside in} **SIGHT**)\n **WA** (**IS T**) **S"} {"Clue":"They disparage attention seekers (8)","Answer":"KNOCKERS","Explanation":"Definition: They disparage\n **KNOCKERS** (people who rap on a door or table to gain attention) double definition\n **KNOCKERS"} {"Clue":"It burns waste and rubbish lying around church (9)","Answer":"BLOWTORCH","Explanation":"Definition: It burns\n **BLOW** (squander; waste) **+ ROT** (rubbish) **reversed** (around) **+ CH** (church)\n **BLOW** **TOR**< **CH"} {"Clue":"Eternal city's secret operation (7)","Answer":"LASTING","Explanation":"Definition: Eternal\n **LA** (Los Angeles; city) **+ STING** (a trap for criminals set up by the police; secret operation)\n **LA STING"} {"Clue":"Draw green woodpecker striking head next to river (6)","Answer":"RAFFLE","Explanation":"Definition: Draw\n **R** (river) **+ YAFFLE** (green woodpecker) **excluding the first letter Y** (striking head)\n **R AFFLE"} {"Clue":"Temper rising, perhaps Queen is pessimist (9)","Answer":"DOOMSAYER","Explanation":"Definition: pessimist\n **MOOD** (temper) **reversed** (rising; down entry) **+ SAY** (for example; perhaps) **+ ER** (Elizabeth Regina; Queen [Elizabeth])\n **DOOM**< **SAY ER"} {"Clue":"Mixture of aluminium in molten rock rejected (7)","Answer":"AMALGAM","Explanation":"Definition: Mixture\n **AL** (chemical symbol for aluminium) **contained in** (in) **MAGMA** (molten or pasty rock material) **reversed** (rejected)\n **AM** (**AL**) **GAM**<"} {"Clue":"Small present put on island by American in national park (9)","Answer":"SNOWDONIA","Explanation":"Definition: national park\n **S** (small) **+ NOW** (the present) **+ DON** (put on) **+ I** (island) **+ A** (America)\n **S NOW DON I A"} {"Clue":"Inspect radio picking up ranges of frequencies (7)","Answer":"SPECTRA","Explanation":"Definition: ranges of frequencies\n **SPECTRA** (**hidden word in** [picking up] **INSPECT RADIO**)\n **SPECTRA"} {"Clue":"Cheats lit up track and field events (9)","Answer":"ATHLETICS","Explanation":"Definition: track and field events\n **Anagram of** (up) **CHEATS LIT**\n **ATHLETICS"} {"Clue":"Forces sweetheart to earn nothing up front repeatedly (4,5)","Answer":"OVER AGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: repeatedly\n **O** (character representing zero; nothing) **+ VERA** (reference **VERA LYNN** [1917 -2020] singer known as a Forces Sweetheart during the Second World War) **+ GAIN** (earn)\n **O VER A GAIN"} {"Clue":"Cautious, initially, because distractedly ignoring signs is a danger to seafarers (9)","Answer":"CHARYBDIS","Explanation":"Definition: danger to seafarers\n **CHARY** (cautious) **+ BDIS** (**first letters of** [initially] each of **BECAUSE**, **DISTRACTEDLY**, **IGNORING** and **SIGNS**)\n **CHARY BDIS"} {"Clue":"Popular Scottish county, according to Brummie, shows tendency to remain unchanged (7)","Answer":"INERTIA","Explanation":"Definition: tendency to remain unchanged\n **IN** (popular) **+ ERTIA** (**sounds like**, in a West Midlands accent [according to Brummie] **AYRSHIRE** (Scottish county)\n **IN ERTIA"} {"Clue":"Net removed from outside of lowest flask (7)","Answer":"THERMOS","Explanation":"Definition: flask\n **NETHERMOST** (lowest) **excluding NET** (removed from)\n **THERMOS**\n [blog edited since Hovis comment at 5 below]"} {"Clue":"University creep Kelvin lost in part of labyrinth (7)","Answer":"UTRICLE","Explanation":"Definition: part of labyrinth\n **U** **+ TRICKLE** (move gradually; creep) **excluding** (lost) **K** (Kelvin, a unit of thermodynamic temperature)\n **U TRICLE"} {"Clue":"Still delighted European Community is no more (6)","Answer":"STATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Still\n **ECSTATIC** (delighted) **excluding** (no more) **EC** (European Community)\n **STATIC"} {"Clue":"Gondola, out of its depth, capsized in lake (6)","Answer":"LAGOON","Explanation":"Definition: lake\n **Anagram of** (capsized) **GONDOLA** **excluding** (out of [its]) **D** (depth)\n **LAGOON"} {"Clue":"Way of working on part of test in addition (8)","Answer":"MOREOVER","Explanation":"Definition: in addition\n **MO** (modus operandi; way of working) **+ RE** (about; on) **+ OVER** (an **OVER** is bowled in a cricket test match; part of test)\n **MO RE OVER"} {"Clue":"In possession of intelligence American leaked about men I'd compromised (4-6)","Answer":"ABLE-MINDED","Explanation":"Definition: In possession of intelligence\n **A** **+** (**BLED** [oozed; leaked] **containing** [about] **an anagram of** [compromised] **MEN** **I'D**)\n **A** **BLE** (**MINDE***) **D"} {"Clue":"Controversial artist scandalised crowds (4)","Answer":"DALI","Explanation":"Definition: Controversial artist\n **DALI** (**hidden word in** [crowds] **SCANDALISED**)\n **DALI"} {"Clue":"Train group of swimmers (6)","Answer":"SCHOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Train\n **SCHOOL** (shoal of fish; group of swimmers) double definition\n **SCHOOL"} {"Clue":"Runners enlist doctor after training (8)","Answer":"TENDRILS","Explanation":"Definition: Runners\n **Anagram of** (after training) **ENLIST** and **DR** (doctor)\n **TENDRILS"} {"Clue":"Singer's last to join rescue vessel (4)","Answer":"NARK","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\n **N** (**final letter of** [last to] **JOIN**) **+ ARK** (vessel in which Noah rescued pairs of animals)\n **N ARK"} {"Clue":"Reporter's incapable of producing issue for boss? (5)","Answer":"BARON","Explanation":"Definition: boss\n **BARON** (sounds like [reporter] **BARREN** [incapable of bearing offspring])\n **BARON"} {"Clue":"Airs broadcast showing coverage of Indian women (4)","Answer":"SARI","Explanation":"Definition: coverage of Indian women\n **Anagram of** (broadcast) **AIRS**\n **SARI"} {"Clue":"Curse three different articles by old lady (8)","Answer":"ANATHEMA","Explanation":"Definition: Curse\n **AN** (indefinite article) **+ A** (a different indefinite article) **+ THE** (definite article), hence three different articles **+ MA** (mother; old woman)\n **AN A THE MA"} {"Clue":"Lady wanting boy makes wishes (6)","Answer":"YEARNS","Explanation":"Definition: wishes\n **LADY** **excluding** (wanting) **LAD** (boy) **+ EARNS** (makes, in terms of wages or salary)\n **Y EARNS"} {"Clue":"Worshipped woman with two lives (4)","Answer":"ISIS","Explanation":"Definition: Worshipped woman\n **IS** (exists; lives) + **IS** (exists; lives) \u2013 having two lives\n **IS IS"} {"Clue":"Informer taped other suspect (4,6)","Answer":"DEEP THROAT","Explanation":"Definition: Informer\n **Anagram of** (suspect) **TAPED OTHER**\n **DEEP THROAT"} {"Clue":"Converse for example with people outside (8)","Answer":"NEGATION","Explanation":"Definition: Converse\n **EG** (for example) **contained in** (with \u2026 outside) **NATION** (people)\n **N** (**EG**) **ATION"} {"Clue":"Prime minister cutting head of state's hair (6)","Answer":"THATCH","Explanation":"Definition: hair\n **THATCHER** (reference Margaret **THATCHER** [1925 \u2013 2013], UK Prime Minister from 1979 to 1990) **excluding** (cutting) **ER** (Elizabeth Regina, Queen Elizabeth; Head of State in the UK)\n **THATCH"} {"Clue":"Author is writer of particular kind of verse (6)","Answer":"IAMBIC","Explanation":"Definition: kind of verse\n **I** (author) **+ AM** (is) **+ BIC** (brand of ballpoint pen; writer)\n **I AM BC"} {"Clue":"College backed up reserve computer (8)","Answer":"NOTEBOOK","Explanation":"Definition: computer\n **ETON** (college near Windsor, seat of education for many senior politicians and barons of industry) **reversed** (backed up; down entry) **+ BOOK** (reserve)\n **NOTE**< **BOOK"} {"Clue":"Novel alibi could be immune to challenge (10)","Answer":"INVIOLABLE","Explanation":"Definition: immune to challenge\n **Anagram of** (could be) **NOVEL ALIBI**\n **INVIOLABLE"} {"Clue":"Stepped right over naked body (4)","Answer":"TROD","Explanation":"Definition: Stepped\n **RT** (right) **reversed** (over) **+ OD** (**letters remaining in BODY when the outer letters** **are removed** [naked])\n **TR**< **OD"} {"Clue":"Carry on deregulating banks over there (6)","Answer":"YONDER","Explanation":"Definition: there\n **YONDER** (**hidden word in** [banks] **CARRY ON DEREGULATING**)\n **YONDER"} {"Clue":"University lecturer buried in vault with separate compartments (8)","Answer":"CELLULAR","Explanation":"Definition: with separate compartments\n (**U** [university] **+ I** [lecturer]) **contained in** (buried in) **CELLAR** (vault)\n **CELL** (**U I**) **AR"} {"Clue":"After outlying event, this essentially sees arid remnant transformed (13)","Answer":"MEDITERRANEAN","Explanation":"Definition: After outlying event, this essentially sees arid remnant transformed (13)\n **Anagram of** (transformed) **EE** (**central letters of** [essentially] **SEES**) and **ARID REMNANT**\n **MEDITERRANEAN"} {"Clue":"Controlling regime votes against accepting new head of National Gallery (5,5)","Answer":"NANNY STATE","Explanation":"Definition: Controlling regime\n (**NAYS** [votes against] **containing** [accepting] {**N** {new} **+ N **{**first letter of** (head of) **NATIONAL**}]) **+ TATE** (reference the **TATE** Galleries in London (2), Liverpool and St Ives Cornwall)\n **NA** (**N N**) **Y S** **TATE"} {"Clue":"Henry abandons anguished unorthodox Christian figure (5,3)","Answer":"AGNUS DEI","Explanation":"Definition: Christian figure\n **Anagram of** (unorthodox) **ANGUISHED** **excluding** (abandons) **H** (SI unit of inductance)\n **AGNUS DEI"} {"Clue":"Member of 11 nicking side of face with blade in the morning (3,5)","Answer":"SEA BREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Member of 11\n (**SABRE** [sword] **containing** [nicking] **E** [**last letter of** {side of} **FACE**]) **+ AM** (ante meridiem; before noon; in the morning)\n **S** (**E**) **A BRE** **AM"} {"Clue":"Turbulent state revolutionised dated model(6)","Answer":"TISWAS","Explanation":"Definition: Turbulent state\n (**SAW** [went out with; dated] **+ SIT** [pose; model]) **all reversed** (revolutionised)\n (**TIS WAS**)<"} {"Clue":"Sister finally separating expert's head from body shows subtlety (6)","Answer":"NUANCE","Explanation":"Definition: subtlety\n **NUN** (sister) with **ACE** **partly inserted such that the first letter** (head) **A** **is contained at the end of NUN and the remainder** **CE** (body) s**hown after the end of NUN** (head separated from body)\n **NU** (**A**) **N** **CE"} {"Clue":"Platform said to have upset extremists (4)","Answer":"DAIS","Explanation":"Definition: Platform\n **SAID** **with the outer letters** **S** and **D** (extremists) **changed round** (upset) **to form DAIS**\n **DAIS"} {"Clue":"Citadels soon tumbling down (12)","Answer":"DISCONSOLATE","Explanation":"Definition: down\n **Anagram of** (tumbling) **CITADELS SOON**\n **DISCONSOLATE"} {"Clue":"Hospital period leaving doctor initially in charge of arms (8)","Answer":"HERALDIC","Explanation":"Definition: of arms\n **H** (hospital) **+ ERA** (period of time) **+ LD** (**first letters of** [initially] **each of** **LEAVING** and **DOCTOR**) **+ IC** (in charge_\n **H ERA LD IC"} {"Clue":"Material for candles entirely wrapped in fibres (6)","Answer":"TALLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Material for candles\n **ALL** (entirely) **contained in** (wrapped in) **TOW** (prepared fibres of flax, hemp or jute)\n **T** (**ALL**) **OW"} {"Clue":"Exploited special education supplied by university (4)","Answer":"USED","Explanation":"Definition: Exploited\n **U** (university) **+ S** (special) **+ ED** (education)\n **U S ED"} {"Clue":"Keep preserving the standard (5)","Answer":"CANON","Explanation":"Definition: standard\n **CAN** (preserve) **+ ON** (continue; keep doing) \u2013 keep preserving\n **CAN ON"} {"Clue":"Confusion about large fortune (4)","Answer":"PILE","Explanation":"Definition: fortune\n **PIE** (confusion) **containing** (about) **L** (large)\n **PI** (**L**) **E"} {"Clue":"Question 10 about food unopened and kept in store (10)","Answer":"WAREHOUSED","Explanation":"Definition: kept in store\n (**WHO** [example of a question] **+ USED** [entry at 10 across]) **containing** (about) **FARE** (food) **excluding the first letter F** (unopened)\n **W** (**ARE**) **HO** **USED"} {"Clue":"Not forthcoming about page in issue (4)","Answer":"COPY","Explanation":"Definition: issue\n **COY** (withdrawn; not forthcoming) **containing** (about) **P** (page)\n **CO** (**P**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Experts showing no duplication in approach? (4)","Answer":"ACES","Explanation":"Definition: Experts\n **ACCESS** (approach), **excluding one of the Cs and one of the Ss** (no duplication) The Cs and the Ss are the only duplicated letters.\n **ACES"} {"Clue":"Political party affected punishment regime (6,4)","Answer":"LABOUR CAMP","Explanation":"Definition: punishment regime\n **LABOUR** (political party) **+ CAMP** (affected)\n **LABOUR CAMP"} {"Clue":"Book with sticker not good to waste (4)","Answer":"BLUE","Explanation":"Definition: waste\n **B** (book) **+ GLUE** (something that sticks; sticker) **excluding** (not) **G** (good)\n **B LUE"} {"Clue":"Five hundred pounds, but apparently not a thousand? (5)","Answer":"MONEY","Explanation":"Definition: Five hundred pounds, but apparently not a thousand\n **MONKEY** (slang for five hundred pounds) **excluding** ([apparently] not) **K** (1,000)\n **MONEY"} {"Clue":"Another net trapping seabird (4)","Answer":"ERNE","Explanation":"Definition: seabird\n **ERNE** (**hidden word** [trapping] in **ANOTHER NET**)\n **ERNE"} {"Clue":"I brought in \u00a32, readily offering cash (6)","Answer":"LIQUID","Explanation":"Definition: cash\n **I** **contained in** (brought in) (**L** [pound sterling] **+ QUID** [slang for a pound sterling] giving \u00a32)\n **L** (**I**) **QUID"} {"Clue":"Concerns about the things sported by 23 (8)","Answer":"FEATHERS","Explanation":"Definition: things sported by 23\n **FEARS** (concerns) **containing** (about) **THE**\n **FEA **(**THE**)** RS"} {"Clue":"Transaction securing flat, disposing of article in sections (12)","Answer":"DEPARTMENTAL","Explanation":"Definition: sections\n **DEAL** (transaction) **containing** (securing) **APARTMENT** (a flat) **excluding** (disposing of) **A** (indefinite article)\n **DE** (**PARTMENT**) **AL"} {"Clue":"English expedition picked up American following Cousteau's example? (4-3)","Answer":"DEEP SEA","Explanation":"Definition: Cousteau's example\n (**E** [English] **+ SPEED** [expedition]) **reversed** (picked up; down entry) **+ A**\n (**DEEP S** **E**)<**A"} {"Clue":"Support topless Scottish dress in Scottish city (2,7)","Answer":"ST ANDREWS","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish city\n **STAND** (support) **+ TREWS** (Scottish tartan trousers; Scottish dress) **excluding the first letter T** (topless)\n **ST AND** **REWS"} {"Clue":"Traditional congregation not beginning with fish (3-6)","Answer":"OLD-SCHOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Traditional\n **FOLD** (a church or its congregation) **excluding the first letter F** (not beginning) **+** **SCHOOL** (shoal of fish)\n **OLD SCHOOL"} {"Clue":"Screw being ill? (8,7)","Answer":"SICKNESS BENEFIT","Explanation":"Definition: Screw being ill\n **SICKNESS BENEFIT** ('screw' is slang for salary or wages, hence **SICKNESS BENEFIT** can be defined as the 'screw' in lieu of normal wages) cryptic definition\n **SICKNESS BENEFIT"} {"Clue":"Latest to arrive, ditching singular old language (5)","Answer":"LATIN","Explanation":"Definition: old language\n **LAST IN** (latest to arrive) **excluding** (ditching) **S** (singular)\n **LAT IN"} {"Clue":"Flower recommendation around middle of July (5)","Answer":"TULIP","Explanation":"Definition: Flower\n **TIP** (recommendation) **containing** (around) **UL** (**central letters of** [middle] **JULY**\n **T** (**UL**) **IP"} {"Clue":"Mass survey, perhaps, upheld after swindle (6)","Answer":"DOLLOP","Explanation":"Definition: Mass\n **DO** (swindle) **+ POLL** (survey) **reversed** (upheld; down entry)\n **DO** **LLOP**<"} {"Clue":"Sport and railway line interrupting Hamlet, say, in a number of theatres (5,4)","Answer":"DRURY LANE","Explanation":"Definition: a number of theatres\n (**RU** [Rugby Union; sport] **+ RY** [railway] **+ L** [line]) **contained in** (interrupting) **DANE** (Hamlet was Prince of Denmark, a Dane)\n **D** (**RU** **RY L**) **ANE "} {"Clue":"It'll keep you covered in location of ultimate defeat? (6,3)","Answer":"COCKED HAT","Explanation":"Definition: It'll keep you covered\n **COCKED HAT** (reference the phrase 'knock into a **COCKED HAT**' meaning to outdo or defeat, so when defeated your location will be in the **COCKED HAT**) cryptic definition\n **COCKED HAT"} {"Clue":"Military commander bagging English officer for squad in Scotland (6)","Answer":"CELTIC","Explanation":"Definition: squad in Scotland\n **CIC** (Commander in Chief; military commander) **containing** (bagging) (**E** [English] **+ LT** [Lieutenant [officer])\n **C** (**E LT**) **IC"} {"Clue":"Hybrid mushroom \u2013 no good tucking into that (7)","Answer":"MONGREL","Explanation":"Definition: Hybrid\n **NG** (no good) **contained in** (tucking into) **MOREL** (type of mushroom)\n **MO** (**NG**) **REL"} {"Clue":"Study Birtwistle's latest duet in an arrangement (5)","Answer":"ETUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Study\n **E** (**last letter of** [latest] Birtwistle. Sir Harrison Birtwistle [born 1934], British composer, described as a modernist composer) **+ an anagram of** (arrangement) **DUET**\n **E** **TUDE"} {"Clue":"I accepted having to follow sea channels (5)","Answer":"MEDIA","Explanation":"Definition: channels\n **MED** (Mediterranean sea) **+ I + A** (accepted)\n **MED I A"} {"Clue":"Hero potentially good to czar catching virus (6,7)","Answer":"DOCTOR ZHIVAGO","Explanation":"Definition: Hero\n **Anagram of** (potentially) **GOOD TO CZAR** **containing** (catching) **HIV** ( human immunodeficiency virus)\n **DOCTOR Z** (**HIV**) **AGO"} {"Clue":"Rich ruler caught and hung in reorganisation (5-2)","Answer":"SHAKE-UP","Explanation":"Definition: reorganisation\n **SHAKE** (**sounds like** [caught] **SHEIK** [often a rich leader of an Arab or Muslim State) **+ UP** (hung)\n **SHAKE-UP"} {"Clue":"Idiot and ice largely doing for this (7)","Answer":"TITANIC","Explanation":"TIT** (fool) **+ AND** **excluding the last letter D** (mostly) **and ICE also excluding the last letter E** (mostly)\n **TIT**** AN IC"} {"Clue":"Bad atmosphere when publisher punches fellow publisher? (3-6)","Answer":"PEA-SOUPER","Explanation":"Definition: Bad atmosphere\n (**AS** [when] **+ OUP** [Oxford University Press [a publisher]) **contained in** (punches) **PEER** (an equal [publisher, in this case])\n **PE** (**AS OUP**) **ER**)"} {"Clue":"Purge one recalled as the worst time (5)","Answer":"NADIR","Explanation":"Definition: worst time\n (**RID** [purge] **+ AN** [one]) **reversed** (recalled)\n (**NA DIR**)<"} {"Clue":"In reverse of normality, a bear market with ever-rising prices (4)","Answer":"EBAY","Explanation":"Definition: market with ever-rising prices\n **EBAY** (**reversed** [in reverse of] **hidden word in** **NORMALITY A BEAR**)\n **EBAY**<"} {"Clue":"Half four at lido, train regularly with greater confidence (1,8)","Answer":"A FORTIORI","Explanation":"Definition: with greater confidence\n **A FORTIORI** (**letters 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 of HALF FOUR AT LIDO TRAIN**)\n **A FORTIORI"} {"Clue":"People reportedly unable to speak freely, Nijinsky among others (9)","Answer":"RACEHORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Nijinsky among others\n **RACE** (people) **+ HORSE** (**sounds like** [reportedly] **HOARSE** [with a rough and husky voice, unable to speak freely)\n **RACE HORSE"} {"Clue":"Elite in revolution deprived of a valuable estate? (4)","Answer":"MERC","Explanation":"Definition: valuable estate\n **CREAM** (elite) **reversed** (in revolution) **excluding** (deprived of) **A**\n **MERC**<"} {"Clue":"Millionaire leaving his estate for good, born during Christmas (5)","Answer":"NOBEL","Explanation":"Definition: Millionaire leaving his estate for good, born during Christmas (5) \n **B** (born) **contained in** (during) **NOEL** (Christmas)\n **NO** (**B**) **EL"} {"Clue":"Lingerie on bed in Durham? (9)","Answer":"UNDERWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Lingerie\n The river **WEAR** flows through Durham, so **UNDER WEAR** could be interpreted as being on the bed of the river\n **UNDER WEAR"} {"Clue":"Marking certainly stops poet working (7)","Answer":"EYE-SPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Marking\n **YES** (certainly) **contained in** (stops) **an anagram of** (working) **POET**\n **E** (**YES**) **POT"} {"Clue":"Refuse roubles Onegin brought to the west (7)","Answer":"RENEGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse\n **R** (roubles) **+ EUGENE** (reference **EUGENE** Onegin, a novel by Alexander Pushkin [1799 \u2013 1837]) **reversed** (brought to the west)\n **R** **ENEGUE**<"} {"Clue":"Nice bloody vodka for one true love (7,6)","Answer":"KINDRED SPIRIT","Explanation":"Definition: true love\n **KIND** (nice) **+ RED** (bloody) + **SPIRIT** (vodka is an example of a **SPIRIT**)\n **KIND RED SPIRIT"} {"Clue":"Pen sad epic novel about 1A's 26, leading character suffering this fate? (13)","Answer":"DISAPPEARANCE","Explanation":"Definition: this fate\n **Anagram of** (novel) **PEN SAD EPIC** **containing** (about) **LARA** (as described in the definition above) **excluding the first letter** [disappearance of the leading character] **L**\n **DISAPPE** (**ARA**) **NCE"} {"Clue":"Coach shortened odds saddling thoroughbred (9)","Answer":"CHARABANC","Explanation":"Definition: Coach\n **CHANCE** (probability; odds) **excluding the final letter E** (shortened) **containing** (saddling) **ARAB** (example of a thoroughbred horse)\n **CH** (**ARAB**) **ANC"} {"Clue":"Say working men must lead state (6)","Answer":"OREGON","Explanation":"Definition: state\n **OR** (other ranks; men) **+ EG** (for example) **+ ON** (working)\n **OR EG ON"} {"Clue":"Nothing happening? Close (3,2)","Answer":"ZIP UP","Explanation":"Definition: Close\n **ZIP** (zero; nothing) **+ UP** (afoot; happening)\n **ZIP UP"} {"Clue":"Play's opening leaves playwright bound to meddle (9)","Answer":"INTERLOPE","Explanation":"Definition: meddle\n **PINTER** (reference Harold **PINTER** [1930 \u2013 2008], British playwright) **excluding the first letter** **P** (opening leaves) **+ LOPE** (leap; bound)\n **INTER LOPE"} {"Clue":"See about skinning cats; approach gradually (6,2)","Answer":"ATTEND TO","Explanation":"Definition: See about\n **AT** (**letters remaining in CATS when the outer letters C and S are removed** [skinned]) **+ TEND TO** (have a slight inclination towards; approach gradually)\n **AT TEND TO"} {"Clue":"That hurt, Glaswegian hooligan admitted (5)","Answer":"OWNED","Explanation":"Definition: admitted\n **OW** (expression of pain) **+ NED** (Scottish [Glaswegian] young hooligan)\n **OW NED"} {"Clue":"Stoppage of tram maybe ill-starred, involving 1Ac (7,6)","Answer":"CARDIAC ARREST","Explanation":"Definition: Stoppage\n **CAR** (a word that could be used to describe a tram[car]) + (**an anagram of** [ill] **STARRED** **containing** [involving] [**I** {Roman numeral for one} **+ AC** {across}]\n **CAR** **D** (**I AC**) **ARREST"} {"Clue":"Mime artist clutches belly, absorbing one in character (3,6)","Answer":"AIR GUITAR","Explanation":"Definition: Mime\n **RA** (Royal Academician; artist) **containing** (clutches) (**GUT** [belly] **containing** [absorbing] **I** [Roman numeral for one]) **all contained in** (in) **AIR** (outward appearance; manner; character)\n **AI** (**R** (**GU** (**I**) **T**) **A**) **R"} {"Clue":"Too ambitious removing clothing, lovers agree, shivering (9)","Answer":"OVEREAGER","Explanation":"Definition: Too ambitious\n **OVER** (**letters remaining in LOVERS when the outer letters L and S are removed** [removing clothing]) **+ an anagram of** (shivering) **AGREE**\n **OVER EAGER"} {"Clue":"Peg on a boat, Dicky to help at home (5,3)","Answer":"THOLE PIN","Explanation":"Definition: Peg on a boat\n **Anagram of** (dicky) **TO HELP** **+ IN** (at home)\n **THOLE P*** **IN"} {"Clue":"Arranged upper limits on losing love? (6)","Answer":"PRENUP","Explanation":"Definition: Arranged upper limits on losing love\n **Anagram of** (arranged) **UPPER** **containing** (limits) **ON** **excluding** (losing) **O** (character representing zero [love score in tennis])\n **PRE** (**N**) **UP"} {"Clue":"Gloomy book to exfiltrate for publication (5)","Answer":"BLEAK","Explanation":"Definition: Gloomy\n **B** (book) **+ LEAK** (take information surreptitiously for the purposes of publication)\n **B LEAK"} {"Clue":"Russian agreed communist rose to the challenge (5)","Answer":"DARED","Explanation":"Definition: rose to the challenge\n **DA** (Russian for yes; Russian agreed) **+ RED** (communist)\n **DA RED"} {"Clue":"Hires cooks for very early meal (5)","Answer":"SEHRI","Explanation":"Definition: very early mea\n **Anagram of** (cooks) **HIRES**\n **SEHRI"} {"Clue":"Lenten psalm to perform in hope, mostly (7)","Answer":"TRACTUS","Explanation":"Definition: Lenten psalm\n **ACT** (perform) **contained in** (in) **TRUST** (hope) **excluding the final letter T** (mostly)\n **TR** (**ACT**) **US"} {"Clue":"Strong drink knocked back with water around noon \u2013 Romans loved it (6)","Answer":"MURENA","Explanation":"Definition: Romans loved it\n **RUM** (spirit; strong drink) **reversed** (knocked back) **+** (**EA** [dialect word for a river or running water] **containin**g [around] **N** [noon])\n **MUR**< **E** (**N**) **A"} {"Clue":"Hob? Small fish put in to cook (5)","Answer":"FAIRY","Explanation":"Definition: Hob\n **AI** (small edible Japanese fish) **contained in** (put in) **FRY** (cook)\n **F** (**AI**) **RY"} {"Clue":"Fend a colic off? This can reduce inflammation (10)","Answer":"DICLOFENAC","Explanation":"Definition: This can reduce inflammation\n **Anagram of** (off) **FEND A COLIC**\n **DICLOFENAC"} {"Clue":"Angler's bait, last bit cut from lump of meat (4)","Answer":"CHUM","Explanation":"Definition: Angler's bait\n **CHUMP** (an end lump of mutton) **excluding the final letter P** (last bit cut from)\n **CHUM"} {"Clue":"Scot typically rejected Irish and English seizing independence (6)","Answer":"KILTIE","Explanation":"Definition: Scot typically\n (**KILT** [old Irish spelling of killed {rejected}** + E** (English]] **containing** (seizing) **I** (independence)\n **KILT** (**I**) **E"} {"Clue":"Rare old ruminant, smash hit united with curry once (7)","Answer":"KOUPREY","Explanation":"Definition: Rare old ruminant\n **KO** (knock-out; smash hit) **+ U** (united) **+ PREY** (curry is an obsolete [once] form of quarry [**PREY**])\n **KO U PREY"} {"Clue":"New actor entering, reverse of overly alert (9)","Answer":"ON-THE-SPOT","Explanation":"Definition: alert\n (**N** [new] **+ THESP** [actor]) **contained in** (entering) **TOO** (to a greater extent than is required; overly) **reversed**\u00a0(reverse of)\n **O** (**N** **THE SP**) **OT**<"} {"Clue":"Beef fillet done unusually in French town (9)","Answer":"TOURNEDOS","Explanation":"Definition: Beef fillet\n **Anagram of** (unusually) **DONE** **contained in** (in) **TOURS** (town if France)\n **TOUR** (**NEDO***) **S"} {"Clue":"Sights worth visiting I study with day in Virginia (7)","Answer":"VIDENDA","Explanation":"Definition: Sights worth visiting\n (**I** **+ DEN** [study] **+ D** [day]) **contained in** (in) **VA** (State of Virginia)\n **V** (**I DEN D**) **A"} {"Clue":"Flowers left beside wide part of skeleton (6)","Answer":"LILIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Flowers\n **L** (left) **+ ILIUM** (wide bone that is fused with the ischium and pubis to form the hip bone)\n **L ILIUM"} {"Clue":"Depression, a feature of singleness (4)","Answer":"GLEN","Explanation":"Definition: Depression\n **GLEN** (**hidden word in** [a feature of] **SINGLENESS**)\n **GLEN"} {"Clue":"Spy magnolia son plucked mistakenly, referring to different plant class (10)","Answer":"POLYGAMIAN","Explanation":"Definition: referring to different plant class\n **Anagram of** (mistakenly) **SPY MAGNOLIA** **excluding** (plucked) **S** (son)\n **POLYGAMIAN"} {"Clue":"Injection of fluid, rarely pleasant, from behind (5)","Answer":"ENEMA","Explanation":"Definition: Injection of fluid\n **AMENE** (a rare word for pleasant) **reversed** (from behind)\n **ENEMA**<"} {"Clue":"Layered pastry rolled in salt (7)","Answer":"STRATAL","Explanation":"Definition: Layered\n **TART** (dish of pastry distinguished from a pie either by being uncovered or by having a sweet, not savoury, filling) ****reversed**** (rolled) **contained in** (in) **SAL** (a salt)\n **S** (**TRAT**<) **AL"} {"Clue":"Fabric woven from hair of goat, tailless one caught in heart of mountains repeatedly (5)","Answer":"TIBET","Explanation":"Definition: Fabric woven from hair of goat\n **IBEX** (any of various wild mountain goats of Europe, N Africa and Asia, with large, ridged, backward-curving horns) **excluding the final letter X** (tailless) **contained in** (caught in) (**T** [**central letter of** {heart of} **MOUNTAINS**] **+ T** [**central letter of** {heart of} **MOUNTAINS**] , ie **T **repeatedly) )\n **T\u00a0** **(****IBE****)**** ****T"} {"Clue":"Paddy rudely dividing group, causing shift as before (7)","Answer":"SMICKET","Explanation":"Definition: shift as before\n **MICK** (offensive slang [rudely] for an Irishman [Paddy, which is itself sometimes used as a derogatory term for an Irishman]) **contained in** (dividing) **SET**\n **S** (**MICK**) **ET"} {"Clue":"Prayer book, universal, in copy, old, in varied lingo (11)","Answer":"EUCHOLOGION","Explanation":"Definition: Prayer book\n **U** (universal) **contained in** (in) **ECHO** (copy) **+** (**O** [old] **contained in** [in] **an anagram of** [varied] **LINGO**)\n **E** (**U**) **CHO** **L** (**O**) **GION"} {"Clue":"What's back in place of origin I'm featuring in account? (8)","Answer":"REIMPORT","Explanation":"Definition: What's back in place of origin\n **I'M** **contained in** (featuring in) **REPORT** (account of a matter of news)\n **RE** (**IM**) **PORT"} {"Clue":"Suffer what's not responsive to treatment, not able (5)","Answer":"INCUR","Explanation":"Definition: Suffer\n **INCURABLE** (descriptive of something that is not responsive to treatment) **excluding** (not) **ABLE**\n **INCUR"} {"Clue":"Count out odd bits of art put up in the loft (6)","Answer":"TALLET","Explanation":"Definition: loft\n (**TELL** [count] **+ AT** [**letters 1 and 3** [odd bits] of **ART**) **all reversed** (put up; down entry)\n (**TA** **LLET**)<"} {"Clue":"Corner piece for fleece (4)","Answer":"ROOK","Explanation":"Definition: Corner piece\n **ROOK** (to fleece) double definition\n **ROOK"} {"Clue":"F\u00e9. brother-in-law supplying a strong brandy (ordinary) (6)","Answer":"AFFINE","Explanation":"Definition: F\u00e9. brother-in-law\n **A** **+ F** (forte; strong) **+ FINE** (term used to denote ordinary brandy in France)\n **A F FINE"} {"Clue":"Old photo, unevenly coloured with stylus mostly? (7)","Answer":"TINTYPE","Explanation":"Definition: Old photo\n **TINT** (unevenly coloured) **+ PEN** (stylus) **excluding the final letter N** (mostly)\n **TINTY PE"} {"Clue":"Chinese ready? That could make it handier (5)","Answer":"SYCEE","Explanation":"Definition: Chinese ready\n **CHINESE READY** is **an anagram **(could make it) of **SYCEE** (the entry) and **HANDIER** (word in the clue). One of Azed's compound anagram clues where I can see what is going on, but don't always how the word play is indicated precisely.\n **SYCEE"} {"Clue":"Spear exotic fruit that's turned mature inside (8)","Answer":"ASSEGAAI","Explanation":"Definition: Spear\n (**AGE** [mature] **reversed** [that's turned]) **contained in** (inside) **ASSAI** (small, fleshy, dark-purple fruit of a South American palm)\n **ASS** (**EGA**<)** AI"} {"Clue":"Extinguisher that's odd protecting centre of dwelling (7)","Answer":"QUELLER","Explanation":"Definition: Extinguisher\n **QUEER** (odd) **containing** (protecting) **LL** (**middle letters of** [centre of] **DWELLING**)\n **QUE** (**LL**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Route? I'll abandon public transport on it (7)","Answer":"TRANSIT","Explanation":"Definition: Route\n **TRAINS** (form of public transport) **excluding** (abandon) **I** **+ IT**\n **TRANS IT"} {"Clue":"It's sweet taking nag out for a gallop (6)","Answer":"NOUGAT","Explanation":"Definition: It's sweet\n **Anagram of** (taking \u2026 out for a gallop) **NAG OUT**\n **NOUGAT"} {"Clue":"Is it showing first signs of sorrowful mien in face? (6)","Answer":"DISMAL","Explanation":"Definition: Is it showing first signs of sorrowful mien in face\n **SM** (**initial letters of** [first signs of] **SORROWFUL** and **MIEN**) **contained in** (in) **DIAL** (face)\n **DI** (**SM**) **AL"} {"Clue":"Old crocks slope, tottering (5)","Answer":"OLPES","Explanation":"Definition: Old crocks\n **Anagram of** (tottering) **SLOPE**\n **OLPES"} {"Clue":"Jock's crazy one to be taken in by fool (5)","Answer":"DOILT","Explanation":"Definition: Jock's crazy\n **I** (Roman numeral for one) **contained in** (to be taken in by) **DOLT** (fool)\n **DO** (**I**) **LT"} {"Clue":"This pond pest could be pampas rodent (4)","Answer":"MARA","Explanation":"Definition: pampas rodent\n Another **compound anagram** [could be] where the two words in the clue **PAMPAS RODENT** represent an anagram of the entry **MARA** and **POND PEST**, two other words in the clue)\n **MARA"} {"Clue":"Curry for one dollar also picked up in faraway location (8)","Answer":"TIMBUKTU","Explanation":"Definition: faraway location\n **TIM** (reference **TIM** Curry [born 1946], English actor) **+ BUK** (**sounds like** [picked up] **BUCK** [informal term for the US Dollar] **+ TU** (**sounds like** [picked up] **TOO** [also])\n **TIM BUK TU"} {"Clue":"Hack cuddles hot bird (6)","Answer":"CHOUGH","Explanation":"Definition: bird\n **COUGH** (hack) **containing** (cuddles) **H** (hot)\n **C** (**H**) **OUGH"} {"Clue":"It helps to stop getting muscles (3)","Answer":"ABS","Explanation":"Definition: It helps to stop\n **ABS** (anti-lock braking system; it helps to stop) double definition\n **ABS"} {"Clue":"Row over dodgy mate's wife being idler (4-6)","Answer":"TIME-WASTER","Explanation":"Definition: idler\n **TIER** (row) **containing** (over) **an anagram of** (dodgy) **MATES** and **W** [wife)\n **TI** (**ME \u2013WAST***) **ER"} {"Clue":"Supporter to begin accepting terrible law (8)","Answer":"STALWART","Explanation":"Definition: Supporter\n **START** (begin) **containing** (accepting) **an anagram of** (terrible) **LAW**\n **ST** (**ALW***) **ART"} {"Clue":"I go out with inspiring European, and conceive (6)","Answer":"IDEATE","Explanation":"Definition: conceive\n **I +** (**DATE** [go out with]) **containing** [inspiring] **E** [European])\n **I** **D** (**E**) **ATE"} {"Clue":"Jug was for more than one when cycling (4)","Answer":"EWER","Explanation":"Definition: Jug\n **WERE** (form of 'was' when referring to more than person \u2013 'I was' \u2013 'they** WERE'**) **with the last letter** **E** **cycling to the front to form** **EWER**\n **EWER"} {"Clue":"Naughty experience in sick bed (3-7)","Answer":"ILL-BEHAVED","Explanation":"Definition: Naughty\n **HAVE** (experience) **contained in** (in) (**ILL** [sick] **+ BED**)\n **ILL BE** (**HAVE**) **D"} {"Clue":"I would suspect pal is enthralled by rise in green energy (5,5)","Answer":"TIDAL POWER","Explanation":"Definition: green energy\n (**I'D** [I would] **+ an anagram of** [suspect] **PAL**) **contained in** [enthralled by] **TOWER** [rise])\n **T** (**ID** **AL P***) **OWER"} {"Clue":"Light punch (4)","Answer":"LAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Light\n **LAMP** (slang for punch or thump) double definition\n **LAMP"} {"Clue":"Investigates cutlery being laid the wrong way (6)","Answer":"SNOOPS","Explanation":"Definition: Investigates\n **SPOONS** (pieces of cutlery) **reversed** (being laid the wrong way)\n **SNOOPS**<"} {"Clue":"Spend good day in Southern Utah (5,3)","Answer":"SHELL OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Spend\n **HELLO** (Good day!) **contained in** (in) (**S** [Southern] **+ UT** [Utah])\n **S** (**HELL O**) **UT"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Mary Trump's former home? (5,5)","Answer":"WHITE HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Mary\n **WHITE HOUSE** (where Donald Trump lived for 4 years as the 45th President of the United States) double definition\n **WHITE HOUSE"} {"Clue":"Speak fondly of exclusive story being uncovered (3)","Answer":"COO","Explanation":"Definition: Speak fondly\n **SCOOP** (exclusive story) **excluding the outer letters S and P** (being uncovered)\n **COO"} {"Clue":"No humorous interlude provided by Tokyo gentleman (6)","Answer":"KYOGEN","Explanation":"Definition: No humorous interlude\n **KYOGEN** (**hidden word in** [provided by] **TOKYO GENTLEMEN**)\n **KYOGEN"} {"Clue":"Political position of liberal English newspaper popular with German nurses (4-4)","Answer":"LEFT-WING","Explanation":"Definition: Political position\n **L** (liberal) **+ E** (English) **+ FT** (Financial Times; newspaper) **+** ([**W** {with} **+ G** {German}] **containing** [nurses] **IN** [popular])\n **L E FT W** (**IN**) **G"} {"Clue":"Temporary coach dispatched with one's ranking dropping (9)","Answer":"TRANSIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Temporary\n **TRAIN** (coach) **+ SENT** (dispatched) with the **I** of **TRAIN** **falling down the entry** [ranking dropping in a down entry] to form **TRAN** **+** **SIENT**\n **TRAN** **SIENT"} {"Clue":"Manipulate body with maturity (7)","Answer":"MASSAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Manipulate\n **MASS** (body of matter) **+ AGE** (maturity)\n **MASS AGE"} {"Clue":"Dependent on women being evacuated in residential area (6)","Answer":"UPTOWN","Explanation":"Definition: residential area\n **UP TO** (incumbent upon; dependent on) **+ WN** (**letters remaining in** **WOMEN** **when** **the central letters OME are removed** [being evacuated])\n **UP TO** **WN"} {"Clue":"Primarily, Tony Christie's trip here is bearing fruit (9)","Answer":"TAMARILLO","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n **T** (**first letter of** [primarily] **TONY**) **+ AMARILLO** (Tony Christie [born 1943] an English singer best known for his recording of \"(Is This The Way To) **AMARILLO**\", a double UK chart success)\n **T AMARILLO"} {"Clue":"Cup of tea and large dessert (7)","Answer":"CHALICE","Explanation":"Definition: Cup\n **CHA** (tea) **+ L** (large) **+ ICE** (an example of a dessert)\n **CHA L ICE"} {"Clue":"Notable child regularly plays with it (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON THE BALL","Explanation":"Definition: with it\n **Anagram of** (plays) **NOTABLE** and **HL** (**letters 2 and 4** [regularly] of **CHILD**)\n **ON THE BALL"} {"Clue":"Wire barrier across path restricts hill climbing (7)","Answer":"GAROTTE","Explanation":"Definition: Wire\n **GATE** (barrier across path) **containing** (restricts) **TOR** (hill) **reversed** (climbing; down entry)\n **GA** (**ROT**<) **TE"} {"Clue":"Thought processes lead to salt, perhaps, being replaced by bit of relish (9)","Answer":"REASONING","Explanation":"Definition: Thought processes\n **SEASONING** (salt is a form of seasoning) **with the first letter** (lead to) **S** **replaced by** (being replaced by) **R** (**first letter of** [bit of] **RELISH**)\n **REASONING"} {"Clue":"Hombre who used to guard nappy factory (9)","Answer":"BREWHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: nappy factory\n **BREWHOUSE** (**hidden word in** [to guard] **HOMBRE WHO USED**)\n **BREWHOUSE"} {"Clue":"Lower G-string pinching back of crotch \u2013 one is in pain (9)","Answer":"DIPHTHONG","Explanation":"Definition: one is in pain\n (**DIP** [lower] **+ THONG** [G-string]) **containing** (pinching) **H** (**last letter of** [back of] **CROTCH**)\n **DIP** (**H**) **THONG"} {"Clue":"Not at all insignificant person starts late, extremely angry (2,2,3)","Answer":"IN NO WAY","Explanation":"Definition: Not at all\n **MINNOW** (small, unimportant person or thing) **excluding the first letter** **M** (starts late) **+ AY** (**outside letters of** [extremely] **ANGRY**)\n **IN NO W** **AY"} {"Clue":"Band-Aid left out by veterinarian, at last, for part for horse's foot (7)","Answer":"PASTERN","Explanation":"Definition: part for horse's foot\n **PLASTER** (Band-Aid) **excluding** (out) **L** (left) **+ N** (**final letter of** [at last] **VETERINARIAN**)\n **PASTER N"} {"Clue":"Air conditioning: it stings current Amazonian native (7)","Answer":"ACOUCHI","Explanation":"Definition: Amazonian native\n **AC** (air conditioning) **+ OUCH** (expressing pain at something that stings for example) **+ I** (electric current)\n **AC** **OUCH** **I"} {"Clue":"Natural waste products, 25% off! (6)","Answer":"FLUENT","Explanation":"Definition: Natural\n **EFFLUENT** (waste products) **excluding the first two letters of eight** (25%) **EF**\n **FLUENT"} {"Clue":"Noblemen poison wine (9)","Answer":"MARGRAVES","Explanation":"Definition: Noblemen\n **MAR** (poison) **+ GRAVES** (table wine from the **GRAVES** district in the Gironde department of France) \n **MAR GRAVES"} {"Clue":"Credit card finally found in marketplace on return (5)","Answer":"KUDOS","Explanation":"Definition: Credit\n **D** (**last letter of** [finally] **CARD**) **contained in** (found in) **SOUK** (marketplace in Muslim countries) **reversed** (on return)\n **KU** (**D**) **OS**<"} {"Clue":"Canadian politician impolite in letter to Mitsotakis? (7)","Answer":"TRUDEAU","Explanation":"Definition: Canadian politician\n **RUDE** (impolite) **contained in** (in) **TAU** (a letter of the Greek alphabet. Kyriakos Mitsotakis is the current Prime Minister of Greece)\n **T** (**RUDE**) **AU"} {"Clue":"Clergyman pockets a pile (7)","Answer":"REACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: pile\n **RECTOR** (clergyman) **containing** (pockets) **A**\n **RE** (**A**) **CTOR"} {"Clue":"Place in Surrey for one needing meat (5)","Answer":"EGHAM","Explanation":"Definition: Place in Surrey\n **EG** (for example; for one) **+ HAM** (type of meat)\n **EG HAM"} {"Clue":"First off, replace outside toilets and relax (4,5)","Answer":"HANG LOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: relax\n **CHANGE** **excluding** (off) **the initial letter** (first) **C** **containing** (outside) **LOOS** (toilets)\n **HANG** (**LOOS**) **E"} {"Clue":"At home adult takes exercise, being unfit (5)","Answer":"INAPT","Explanation":"Definition: unfit\n **IN** (at home) **+ A** (adult) **+ PT** (physical training; exercise)\n **IN A PT"} {"Clue":"Lumpy old bed aunt moved out of bedroom initially (9)","Answer":"NODULATED","Explanation":"Definition: Lumpy\n **Anagram of** (moved) **OLD BED AUNT** **excluding** (out of) **B** (**first letter of** [initially] **B**EDROOM)\n **NODULATED"} {"Clue":"Religious teacher from Chartres regularly ignored Jesus? Not right (9)","Answer":"CATECHIST","Explanation":"Definition: Religious teacher\n **CATE** (**excluding** [ignored] **letters 2, 4, 6 and 8** [regularly] from **CHARTRES**) + **CHRIST** (Jesus) **excluding** (not) **R** (right)\n **CATE CHIST"} {"Clue":"Singers from church knocked back port (5)","Answer":"CHOIR","Explanation":"Definition: Singers\n **CH** (church) **+ RIO** (reference **RIO** de Janiero, a port city in Brazil) **reversed** (knocked back)\n **CH OIR**<"} {"Clue":"Expert breaks into stately mansion at first? That's easy (2,7)","Answer":"NO PROBLEM","Explanation":"Definition: That's easy\n (**PRO** [**PRO**fessional; expert] **contained in** [breaks into] **NOBLE** [stately]) **+ M** (**initial letter of** [at first] **MANSION**)\n **NO** (**PRO**) **BLE** **M"} {"Clue":"One's driven up river on island (5)","Answer":"SKYER","Explanation":"Definition: One's driven up\n **SKYE** (island in Scotland) **+ R** (river)\n **SKYE R"} {"Clue":"State aid put back into local area (7)","Answer":"INDIANA","Explanation":"Definition: State\n (**AID** **reversed** [put back] and\u00a0**contained in** [into] **INN** [public house; bar; local]) **+ A** (area)\n **IN** (**DIA**<) **N** **A"} {"Clue":"Smart outfits inlaid with gold will get admirers (7)","Answer":"SUITORS","Explanation":"Definition: admirers\n **SUITS** (smart outfits) **containing** (inlaid with)** OR** (the tincture gold or yellow)\n **SUIT** (**OR**) **S"} {"Clue":"Build playground in vacated establishment (5)","Answer":"ERECT","Explanation":"Definition: Build\n **REC** (**REC**reation ground; playground) **contained in** (in) **ET** (**letters remaining in ESTABLISHMENT when the central letters STABLISHMEN are removed** [vacated])\n **E** (**REC**) **T"} {"Clue":"Bag with tea in, and sweetener (9)","Answer":"SACCHARIN","Explanation":"Definition: sweetener\n **SAC** (pouch or bag-like structure) **+ CHAR** (tea) + **IN**\n **SAC CHAR IN"} {"Clue":"Joint account's closing in difficult situation (5)","Answer":"MITRE","Explanation":"Definition: Joint\n **T** (**last letter of** [closing] **ACCOUNT**) **contained in MIRE** (difficult situation)\n **MI** (**T**) **RE"} {"Clue":"Run out with disgusted expression over players getting plastered (9)","Answer":"ROUGHCAST","Explanation":"Definition: plastered\n **RO** (run out in cricket) **+ UGH** (expression of disgust) **+ CAST** (company of actors [players] in the theatre)\n **RO UGH CAST"} {"Clue":"Having painful joints, he tucked into drink with a spasm (9)","Answer":"RHEUMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Having painful joints\n (**HE** **contained in** [tucked into] **RUM** [drink]) **+ A + TIC** (twitch; spasm)\n **R** (**HE**) **UM A TIC"} {"Clue":"English composer Sullivan worked with him, a wag (7,8)","Answer":"VAUGHAN WILLIAMS","Explanation":"Definition: English composer\n **Anagram of** (worked with) **SULLIVAN** and **HIM A WAG**\n **VAUGHAN WILLIAMS"} {"Clue":"Extremely subtle documentaries broadcast 4's work (8,2,5)","Answer":"SERENADE TO MUSIC","Explanation":"Definition: 4's work\n **SE** (**outer letters of** [extremely] **SUBTLE**)+ **an anagram of** (broadcast) **DOCUMENTARIES**\n **SE RENADE TO MUSIC"} {"Clue":"Lark Ascending enthrals a South African village (5)","Answer":"KRAAL","Explanation":"Definition: South African village\n **LARK** **reversed** (ascending; down entry) **containing** (enthrals) **A**\n **KR** (**A**) **AL**<"} {"Clue":"As before, not all recommend it totally (5)","Answer":"DITTO","Explanation":"Definition: As before\n **DITTO** (**hidden word in** [not all] **RECOMMEND IT TOTALLY**)\n **DITTO"} {"Clue":"Resignation is more certain to involve split (9)","Answer":"SURRENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Resignation\n **SURER** (more certain) **containing** (to involve) **REND** (split)\n **SUR** (**REND**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Dish in Venice, starter of toasted carrot (9)","Answer":"INCENTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: carrot\n **Anagram of** (dish) **IN VENICE** and **T** (**first letter of** [starter of] **TOASTED**)\n **INCENTIVE"} {"Clue":"One may replace Yale lecturer with hick, most foolishly (9)","Answer":"LOCKSMITH","Explanation":"Definition: One may replace Yale\n **L** (lecturer) **+ an anagram** (foolishly) **HICK MOST**\n **L OCKSMITH"} {"Clue":"Piece of wood that will make 8? (3-2-4)","Answer":"TWO BY FOUR","Explanation":"Definition: 8\n **TWO BY FOUR** (**TWO** times [by] **FOUR** equals eight) double definition\n **TWO BY FOUR"} {"Clue":"Father and daughter kept in trim (5)","Answer":"PADRE","Explanation":"Definition: Father\n **D** (daughter) **contained in** (kept in) **PARE** (trim)\n **PA** (**D**) **RE"} {"Clue":"Love role displaying creative style (2,3)","Answer":"OP ART","Explanation":"Definition: creative style\n **O** (zero) **+ PART** (role [in a play])\n **O P ART"} {"Clue":"Once more offend Amber? (5)","Answer":"RESIN","Explanation":"Definition: Amber\n **RE**\u2013 (again; once more) **+ SIN** (offend)\n **RE SIN"} {"Clue":"Mishap ultimately stops new girl with Angus making European festival (9,5)","Answer":"WALPURGIS NIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: European festival\n **P** (**final letter of** [ultimately] **MISHAP**) **contained in** (stops) **an anagram of** (new) **GIRL WITH ANGUS **\n **WAL** (**P**) **URGIS NIGHT"} {"Clue":"Barely spot obvious signs of injury (5)","Answer":"LIMPS","Explanation":"Definition: signs of injury\n **GLIMPSE** (spot momentarily) **excluding the first and last letters** (uncovered; barely) **G** and **E**\n **LIMPS"} {"Clue":"Partner is desperate to become known (9)","Answer":"TRANSPIRE","Explanation":"Definition: become known\n **Anagram of** (desperate) **PARTNER IS**\n **TRANSPIRE"} {"Clue":"Emphasise instruction to student for improving ungrammatical essay? (9)","Answer":"PUNCTUATE","Explanation":"Definition: Emphasise\n **PUNCTUATE** (a possible instruction that will help improve the grammar of an essay) double definition\n **PUNCTUATE"} {"Clue":"Popular tenor starts to ruin ostentatious musical opening (5)","Answer":"INTRO","Explanation":"Definition: musical opening\n **IN** (popular) **+ T** (tenor) **+ RO** (**first letters of** [starts to] each of **RUIN** and **OSTENTATIOUS**)\n **IN T RO"} {"Clue":"Contradiction of soldier coming to place where sailors are seen in conversation (7)","Answer":"PARADOX","Explanation":"Definition: Contradiction\n **PARA** (soldier who is a member of the **PARA**chute Regiment) **+ DOX** (**sounds like** [in conversation] **DOCKS** [a place where sailors are seen])\n **PARA DOX"} {"Clue":"Some inconspicuous car certainly is harder to find (7)","Answer":"SCARCER","Explanation":"Definition: harder to find\n **SCARCER** (**hidden word in** [some] **INCONSPICUOUS CAR CERTAINLY**)\n **SCARCER"} {"Clue":"Salesman born in Idaho felt discontent (7)","Answer":"REPINED","Explanation":"Definition: felt discontent\n **REP** (representative; salesman) **+** (**NE** [of a man, born] **contained in** [in] **ID** [American State of Idaho]\n **REP**** I** (**NE**) **D"} {"Clue":"Without nurse regularly around, must reset bone (7)","Answer":"STERNUM","Explanation":"Definition: bone\n **Anagram of** (reset) **MUST** **containing** (without; outside) (**NRE** [**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] **of** **NURSE**, **reversed** [around])\n **ST** (**ERN**<) **UM"} {"Clue":"Two leading characters dropped from pleasant story (5)","Answer":"FABLE","Explanation":"Definition: story\n **AFFABLE** (pleasant) **excluding** (dropped from) ****the first two**** [two leading] **letters** **A** and **F**\n **FABLE"} {"Clue":"Pen sort of language that's found on UK banknotes (5,4)","Answer":"POUND SIGN","Explanation":"Definition: found on UK banknotes\n **POUND** (pen) **+ SIGN** (reference **SIGN** language [means of communication using finger and hand movements, used eg by deaf people])\n **POUND SIGN"} {"Clue":"Cake that was to help neither side during World War II reportedly? (5,4)","Answer":"SWISS ROLL","Explanation":"Definition: Cake\n **SWISS** (relating to Switzerland) **+ ROLL** (sounds like [reportedly] **ROLE** [part played in life or in an event as the Second World War) During World War II, Switzerland maintained armed neutrality, and was not invaded by its neighbors or helpful to either side. Consequently, it was of considerable interest to belligerent states as the scene for diplomacy, espionage, and commerce, as well as being a safe haven for refugees.\n **SWISS ROLL"} {"Clue":"Head of society chasing supporters for money (5)","Answer":"BRASS","Explanation":"Definition: money\n **BRAS** (supporters [of breasts]) **+ S** (society)\n **BRAS S"} {"Clue":"A charge that is concocted to arrest international author (6,8)","Answer":"AGATHA CHRISTIE","Explanation":"Definition: author\n **Anagram of** (is concocted) **A CHARGE THAT IS** **containing** (to arrest) **I** (international)\n **AGATHA CHRIST **(**I**)** E"} {"Clue":"Desktop image that is cut and pasted (9)","Answer":"WALLPAPER","Explanation":"Definition: Desktop image\n **WALLPAPER** (background pattern on a computer screen) double definition\n **WALLPAPER"} {"Clue":"Tour de France winner runs over towards parents initially. Sweet! (5,4)","Answer":"LEMON DROP","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\n **LEMOND** (reference Greg **LEMOND** [born 1961], American cyclist who won the Tour de France in 1990) + **R** (runs [in cricket scoring notation]) **+ O** (over) **+ P** (**first letter of** [initially] **PARENTS**)\n **LEMON D R O P"} {"Clue":"Completes puzzle, on reflection admitting surprise (5)","Answer":"UPSET","Explanation":"Definition: surprise\n **UPSET** (**reversed** [on reflection] **hidden word** [admitting] in **COMPLETES PUZZLE**)\n **UPSET**<"} {"Clue":"Ten grand used up entertaining American with meal and posh cakes (7)","Answer":"GATEAUX","Explanation":"Definition: cakes\n (**X** [Roman numeral for ten] **+ G** [grand]) **reversed** (used up) **containing** (entertaining) (**A** [American] **+ TEA** [meal] **+ U** [upper class; posh])\n **G** (**A** **TEA U**) **X**<"} {"Clue":"Sisters experience taking out first European young boys (7)","Answer":"SHAVERS","Explanation":"Definition: young boys\n This seems to be built up from **SISTERS** **excluding** (out or taking out) (**IST** [first] **+ E** [European]) and **HAVE** (experience) but I can't quite see how the clue positions **HAVE** in **SRS**. It might be the word 'taking' that indicates the containment leaving 'out' to reference the exclusion of **ISTR**\n **S** (**HAVE**) **RS"} {"Clue":"Start eating, it's freshly made (9)","Answer":"INSTIGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Start\n **Anagram of** (freshly made) **EATING ITS**\n **INSTIGATE"} {"Clue":"Tackle landlord about source of infestation (5)","Answer":"HOIST","Explanation":"Definition: Tackle\n **HOST** (landlord) **containing** (about) **I** (**first letter of** [source of] **INFESTATION**)\n **HO** (**I**) **ST"} {"Clue":"Ban day of celebration supported by electorate essentially (4)","Answer":"VETO","Explanation":"Definition: Ban\n **VE** (reference **VE** day [Victory in Europe day]) **+ TO** (**central letters** [essentially] **of** **ELECTORATE**) As this is a down entry, the letters **VE** are supported by the letters **TO**\n **VE TO"} {"Clue":"Admit nine Euros went oddly missing in collection plates (6,3)","Answer":"DINNER SET","Explanation":"Definition: collection plates\n **DINNER SET** (**letters 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18** [even letters, so **odd letters** [oddly] **are all excluded** [missing]) of **ADMIT NINE EUROS WENT**)\n **DINNER SET"} {"Clue":"Close friend of Tory worker seen outside bar (9)","Answer":"CONFIDANT","Explanation":"Definition: Close friend\n (**CON** [Conservative; Tory] **+ ANT** [worker]) **containing** (see outside) **FID** (a square bar, with a shoulder, used to support the weight of the topmast or top-gallant mast)\n **CON** (**FID**) **ANT"} {"Clue":"Think nostalgically about car having small coup\u00e9's shell (9)","Answer":"REMINISCE","Explanation":"Definition: Think nostalgically\n **RE** (about) **+ MINI** (type of car) **+ S** (small) **+ CE** (**outer letters of** [shell] **COUPE**)\n **RE MINI S CE"} {"Clue":"Tactful individual must sacrifice time to get qualification (7)","Answer":"DIPLOMA","Explanation":"Definition: qualification\n **DIPLOMAT** (tactful individual) **excluding** (must sacrifice) **T** (time)\n **DIPLOMA"} {"Clue":"Crushing retort from second schoolmaster to Billy Bunter (7)","Answer":"SQUELCH","Explanation":"Definition: Crushing retort\n **S** (second) **+ QUELCH** (surname of a schoolteacher in the Billy Bunter stories by Frank Richards)\n **S QUELCH"} {"Clue":"Mouldy smell caused commotion, so to speak (4)","Answer":"FUST","Explanation":"Definition: Mouldy smell\n **FUST** (**sounds like** [so to speak] **FUSSED** [agitated about trivial matters; caused commotion])\n **FUST"} {"Clue":"Former Welsh politician avoids criticising fancy jewellery (5)","Answer":"BLING","Explanation":"Definition: fancy jewellery\n **BLAMING** (finding fault with; criticising) **excluding** (avoids) **AM** (former abbreviation for a Member of the Welsh Assembly [Assembly Member]. The term now is **MS** [Member of the Senedd])\n **BLING"} {"Clue":"Name major road in Middle Eastern city (5)","Answer":"DUBAI","Explanation":"Definition: Middle Eastern city\n **DUB** (name) **+ AI** (A one; main road from London to Edinburgh)\n **DUB AI"} {"Clue":"Second secretary with oil magnate picked up dish (9)","Answer":"SPAGHETTI","Explanation":"Definition: dish\n **S** (second) **+ PA** (personal assistant; secretary) **+ GHETTI** (**sounds like** [picked up] **GETTY** [reference John Paul **GETTY** [1892 \u2013 1976], oil tycoon and industrialist)\n **S PA GHETTI"} {"Clue":"The type that regularly gobbles suet? (5)","Answer":"OBESE","Explanation":"Definition: The type that regularly gobbles suet\n **OBESE** (**letters 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10** [regularly] of **GOBBLES SUET**)\n **OBESE"} {"Clue":"Fit to swallow tablet protem (7)","Answer":"INTERIM","Explanation":"Definition: protem\n **IN TRIM** (fit) **containing** (swallowing) **E** (ecstasy tablet)\n **IN T** (**E**) **RIM"} {"Clue":"A Spanish swimmer died without help (7)","Answer":"UNAIDED","Explanation":"Definition: without help\n **UNA** (Spanish for the indefinite article, a) **+ IDE** (fish of the same family as the carp) **+ D** (died)\n **UNA IDE D"} {"Clue":"I count 50 leaving country (5)","Answer":"ITALY","Explanation":"Definition: country\n **I + TALLY** (count) **excluding** (leaving) **L** (Roman numeral for 50)\n **I TALY"} {"Clue":"I'd once drunk spirit, breaching etiquette (9)","Answer":"INDECORUM","Explanation":"Definition: breaching etiquette\n **Anagram of** (drunk) **I'D ONCE** **+ RUM** (an alcoholic spirit)\n **INDECO*** **RUM"} {"Clue":"A Northern Irish lady brings in large man for stock control (6,9)","Answer":"ANIMAL HUSBANDRY","Explanation":"Definition: stock control\n **A + NI** (Northern Ireland; Northern Irish) **+** (**MARY** [lady's name] **containing** [bringing in] **L** [{large} **+ HUSBAND** {man}])\n **A NI** **MA** (**L HUSBAND**) **RY"} {"Clue":"For one German hosting buffet it helps to make omelette (9)","Answer":"EGGBEATER","Explanation":"Definition: it helps to make omelette\n **EG** (for example; for one) **+** (**GER** [German] **containing** [hosting] **BEAT** [buffet])\n **EG** **G** (**BEAT**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Some Londoners devour fruit (5)","Answer":"MELON","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n **MELON** (**hidden word in** [devour] **SOME LONDONERS**)\n **MELON"} {"Clue":"China must ask about revolutionary Japanese ware (7)","Answer":"SATSUMA","Explanation":"Definition: Japanese ware\n **SATSUMA** (**reversed** [revolutionary] **hidden word in** [about] **CHINA MUST ASK**)\n **SATSUMA**<"} {"Clue":"Wind from the rear outside recalled pasta dish (7)","Answer":"LASAGNA","Explanation":"Definition: pasta dish\n (**ANAL** [from the end of the alimentary canal; from the rear] **containing** [outside] **GAS** [wind]) and all **reversed** (recalled)\n (**LA** (**SAG**) **NA**)<"} {"Clue":"Toddler munches a small piece of brown bread (5)","Answer":"TOAST","Explanation":"Definition: piece of brown bread\n **TOT** (toddler) **containing** (munches) (**A + S** [small])\n **TO** (**A S**) **T"} {"Clue":"Canal complaint? It is on record (9)","Answer":"ENTERITIS","Explanation":"Definition: Canal complaint\n **ENTER** (put in a register; record) **+ IT IS**\n **ENTER IT IS"} {"Clue":"I avoid tips in a former digest (10)","Answer":"ASSIMILATE","Explanation":"Definition: digest\n (**I + MISS** [avoid]) **reversed** (tips; down clue) **contained in** (in) (**A + LATE** [former])\n **A** (**SSIM I**)< **LATE"} {"Clue":"Old mate in Paris welcomes rare beef (8)","Answer":"PASTRAMI","Explanation":"Definition: beef\n (**PAST** [old] **+ AMI** [French for friend {mate}]) **containing** (welcomes) **R** (rare, abbreviation in Collins)\n **PAST** (**R**) **AMI"} {"Clue":"Woman's keen to bottle fruit (6)","Answer":"CHERRY","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n **CRY** (keen lament over the dead]) **containing** (to bottle) **HER** (woman's)\n **C** (**HER**) **RY"} {"Clue":"Staunch supporter of plant (4)","Answer":"STEM","Explanation":"Definition: Staunch\n **STEM** (leaf-bearing axis of a plant; support for a plant) double definition\n **STEM"} {"Clue":"\u00a351 is exceptionally dear for a kitchen device (10)","Answer":"LIQUIDISER","Explanation":"Definition: kitchen device\n **LI** (Roman numerals for 51) **+ QUID** (slang term for pound sterling, \u00a3) **+ IS + ER** (l**etters 2 and 4** [excepting letters 1 and 3; exceptionally])\n **LI QUID IS ER"} {"Clue":"Foreign Office spies nicking a cricket club's bread (8)","Answer":"FOCACCIA","Explanation":"Definition: bread\n **FO** (Foreign Office) **+** (**CIA** [Central Intelligence Agency; spies] **containing** [nicking] [**A + CC** [Cricket Club])\n **FO** **C** (**A CC**)** IA"} {"Clue":"Offer kind young nurse a dinghy (6)","Answer":"TENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Offer\n **TENDER** (kind)\n **TENDER** (young)\n **TENDER** (one who cares; nurse)\n **TENDER** (dinghy) \u2013 all definitions in Collins Dictionary -quintuple definition"} {"Clue":"Charge by the day for fodder (4)","Answer":"FEED","Explanation":"Definition: fodder\n **FEE** (charge) **+ D** (day)\n **FEE D"} {"Clue":"Where to do some poaching, beset by trouble (2,3,5)","Answer":"IN HOT WATER","Explanation":"Definition: Where to do some poaching\n **IN HOT WATER** (eggs are poached in hot water) double definition\n **IN HOT WATER"} {"Clue":"I am anyone's after refreshment and dressing (10)","Answer":"MAYONNAISE","Explanation":"Definition: dressing\n **Anagram of** (after refreshment) **I AM ANYONE'S**\n **MAYONNAISE"} {"Clue":"Pretty good commercial match (8)","Answer":"ADEQUATE","Explanation":"Definition: Pretty good\n **AD** (advertisement; commercial) **+ EQUATE** (match)\n **AD EQUATE"} {"Clue":"One who represents Georgia during strike (8)","Answer":"DELEGATE","Explanation":"Definition: One who represents\n **GA** (Georgia) **contained in** (during) **DELETE** (strike [out])\n **DELE** (**GA**) **TE"} {"Clue":"Sweet drink in most of France once (6)","Answer":"GATEAU","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\n **TEA** (drink) **contained in** (in) **GAUL** (former [once] name for France) **excluding the final letter** (most of) **L**\n **GA** (**TEA**) **U"} {"Clue":"Killjoy is boring drunk, having ejected one Republican (6)","Answer":"MISERY","Explanation":"Definition: Killjoy\n **IS** **contained in** (boring) **MERRY** (drunk) **excluding** (having ejected) one of the** R**s [Republican)\n **M** (**IS**) **ERY"} {"Clue":"Son put away stuff (4)","Answer":"SATE","Explanation":"Definition: stuff\n **S** (son) **+ ATE** (put away)\n **S ATE"} {"Clue":"Time-consuming story's less powerful (4)","Answer":"LITE","Explanation":"Definition: less powerful\n **LIE** (story) **containing** (is consuming) **T** (time)\n **LI** (**T**) **E"} {"Clue":"One turning in abandoned terrier (7)","Answer":"RETIRER","Explanation":"Definition: One turning in\n **Anagram of** (abandoned) **TERRIER**\n **RETIRER"} {"Clue":"Electric current inside one cooking main (5)","Answer":"CHIEF","Explanation":"Definition: main\n **I** (symbol for electric current) **contained in** (inside) **CHEF** (one cooking)\n **CH** (**I**) **EF"} {"Clue":"Leaders to allow lascivious Brits into French commune (4)","Answer":"ALBI","Explanation":"Definition: French commune\n **ALBI** (**first letters of** [leaders to] **ALLOW**, **LASCIVIOUS**, **BRITS** and **INTO**)\n **ALBI"} {"Clue":"World-famous rock group from the South West? (10)","Answer":"STONEHENGE","Explanation":"Definition: World-famous rock group\n **STONE** (rock) **+ HENGE** (circular or oval area enclosed by a bank and internal ditch, often containing burial chambers, or a circular, oval or horseshoe-shaped construction of large upright stones or wooden posts; group [of rocks]) **STONE HENGE"} {"Clue":"Take a break, with opportunity to get cottage in US (8)","Answer":"RESTROOM","Explanation":"Definition: cottage in US\n **REST** (take a break) **+ ROOM** (opportunity, scope or occasion)\n **REST ROOM"} {"Clue":"One spotted punching peaceful group and small boxers? (6)","Answer":"UNDIES","Explanation":"Definition: boxers\n **DIE** (a **DIE** has many spots) **contained in** (punching) (**UN** [United Nations; a group focused on ensuring peace in the world] **+ S** [small])\n **UN** (**DIE**) **S"} {"Clue":"Drinking last of ale, Hoskins had a thought! (4)","Answer":"IDEA","Explanation":"Definition: thought\n (**I'D** [I had; Hoskins {the setter} had] **+ A**) **containing** (drinking) **E** (**final letter of** [last of] **ALE**)\n **ID** (**E**) **A"} {"Clue":"I flog hot items from a wooden enclosure, perhaps (5)","Answer":"FENCE","Explanation":"Definition: I flog hot items\n **FENCE** (part of [from] a wooden enclosure) double definition\n **FENCE"} {"Clue":"Load of work? That's no good! (4)","Answer":"RAFT","Explanation":"Definition: Load of\n **GRAFT** (hard work) **excluding** (no) **G** (good)\n **RAFT"} {"Clue":"Egotistical Republican leaders must be pushed into river by a Brownie? (6)","Answer":"CAMERA","Explanation":"Definition: Brownie\n **ER** (**first letters of** [leaders of] **EGOTISTICAL REPUBLICAN) ****contained in** (pushed into) (**CAM** [river in England] **+ A**)\n **CAM** (**ER**) **A"} {"Clue":"You might see them atop a house with hand in knickers (8)","Answer":"PANTILES","Explanation":"Definition: You might see them atop a house\n **L** (left [hand] **contained in** [in] **PANTIES** [knickers])\n **PANTI** (**L**) **ES"} {"Clue":"Actor and medic slammed by The People (10)","Answer":"DEMOCRATIC","Explanation":"Definition: by The People\n **Anagram of** (slammed) **ACTOR** and **MEDIC**\n **DEMOCRATIC"} {"Clue":"Drugs that man from Bow smuggled inside flipping kid (4)","Answer":"GEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Drugs\n '**E** (Cockney [Bow] term describing a man [he]) **contained in** (smuggled inside) **RAG** (tease; kid) **reversed** (flipping)\n **G** (**E**) **AR**<"} {"Clue":"Mug? One can be seen in ultimately crass PM's address! (5)","Answer":"STEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Mug\n **I** (Roman numeral for one) **contained in** (in) (**S** [**last letter of** [ultimately] **CRASS** + **TEN** {The UK Prime Ministe'rs address is **TEN** Downing Street)\n **S** **TE** (**I**) **N"} {"Clue":"One that smokes has bit of tobacco on red jumper (7)","Answer":"CHEROOT","Explanation":"Definition: One that smokes\n **CHE** (reference **CHE** Guevara [1928-1967], marxist [red] revolutionary and politician) **+ ROO** (kanagroo; jumper) **+ T** (**first letter of** [bit of] **TOBACCO**)\n **CHE ROO T"} {"Clue":"An increasingly bare display a priest set out (10)","Answer":"STRIPTEASE","Explanation":"Definition: An increasingly bare display\n **Anagram of** (out) **A PRIEST SET**\n **STRIPTEASE"} {"Clue":"Get up, taking E with half-cut Toff and one of her pals? (6)","Answer":"ARISTO","Explanation":"Definition: one of her pals\n **ARISE** (get up) **excluding** (taking) **E** **+ TO** (**2 of 4 letters** [half-cut] of **TOFF**)\n **ARIS TO"} {"Clue":"Right around lunchtime, love to have a threesome (4)","Answer":"TRIO","Explanation":"Definition: threesome\n **RT** (right) **reversed** (around) **+ I** (representing one o'clock; lunchtime) **+ O** (character representing zero)\n **TR**<** I O"} {"Clue":"She'd clue 'pants' as something a secretary might have a hand in! (8)","Answer":"SCHEDULE","Explanation":"Definition: something a secretary might have a hand in\n **Anagram of** (pants) **SHE'D CLUE**\n **SCHEDULE"} {"Clue":"Perfectly acceptable penalty (4)","Answer":"FINE","Explanation":"Definition: Perfectly acceptable\n **FINE** (penalty) double definition\n **FINE"} {"Clue":"Sort to be grabbed by heartless referee or linesman (5)","Answer":"RILKE","Explanation":"Definition: linesman\n **ILK** (type; kind; sort) **contained in** (to be grabbed by) **REFEREE** **excluding the central letters EFERE** [(heartless)\n **R** (**ILK**) **E"} {"Clue":"Piece of foliage covering up twig and berries? (3,4)","Answer":"FIG LEAF","Explanation":"Definition: Piece of foliage\n **FIG LEAF** (tree; a representation of such a leaf for veiling the genitals [twig and berries?] of a [male] statue or picture) double definition **TWIG AND BERRIES** is defined in Wiktionary and the Urban Dictionary and probably in others too, but it's not in Chambers or Collins.\n **FIG LEAF"} {"Clue":"Grow a pair of primarily nice-scented Umbellularia in plot (3,2)","Answer":"MAN UP","Explanation":"Definition: Grow a pair\n **NU** (**first letters** [primarily] of each of **NICE-SCENTED** and **UMBELLULARIA**) **contained in** (in) **MAP** (plot)\n **MA** (**N U**) **P"} {"Clue":"Do over grand lot in northern industrial town (10)","Answer":"DARLINGTON","Explanation":"Definition: northern industrial town\n **Anagram of** (do over) **GRAND LOT IN**\n **DARLINGTON"} {"Clue":"Thirteen artists with lead in their pencils? (7)","Answer":"DRAWERS","Explanation":"Definition: artists with lead in their pencils\n **DRAWERS** (artists who use lead pencils)\n **DRAWERS"} {"Clue":"Sweet-smelling fish brought up during loud storm (8)","Answer":"FRAGRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet-smelling\n **GAR** (pike-like fish) **reversed** (brought up; down entry) **contained in** (during) (**F** [forte; loud] **+ RANT** [storm with great anger])\n **F** (**RAG**<) **RANT"} {"Clue":"Steal train to make a bit of cash abroad (6)","Answer":"NICKEL","Explanation":"Definition: bit of cash abroad\n **NICK** (steal) **+ EL** (informal American term for an elevated railroad)\n **NICK EL"} {"Clue":"Some sex actually is spot on (5)","Answer":"EXACT","Explanation":"Definition: spot on\n **EXACT** (**hidden word in** [some] **SEX ACTUALLY**)\n **EXACT"} {"Clue":"Too much port gets daughter going! (4)","Answer":"OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Too much\n **D****OVER** (port town on the South coast of England) **excluding** (going) **D** (daughter)\n **OVER"} {"Clue":"Conservative leader's rubbish without diplomatic skill (4)","Answer":"TACT","Explanation":"Definition: diplomatic skill\n **TAT** (rubbish) **containing** (without; outside) **C** (**first letter of** [leader] **CONSERVATIVE**)\n **TA** (**C**) **T"} {"Clue":"Perhaps cursory work for the young (7,5)","Answer":"NURSERY RHYME","Explanation":"Definition: work for the young\n **NURSERY RHYME** (**CURSORY** is a **RHYME** for **NURSERY**) cryptic definition\n **NURSERY RHYME\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Drop of continental perfume(7)","Answer":"DESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Drop\n **DE** (French [continental] for 'of') **+ SCENT** (perfume)\n **DE SCENT"} {"Clue":"Picked up grass with garden tool \u2013 I'm resigned to it! (5-2)","Answer":"HEIGH HO","Explanation":"Definition: I'm resigned to it\n **HEIGH** (**sounds like** [picked up] **HAY** [grass]) **+ HO** (**sounds like** [picked up] **HOE** [garden tool])\n **HEIGH HO"} {"Clue":"Attraction, touring Spain, is relaxation (7)","Answer":"LEISURE","Explanation":"Definition: relaxation\n **LURE** (attraction) **containing** (touring) (**E** [International Vehicle Registration of Spain {Espana}] **+ IS**)\n **L** (**E IS**) **URE"} {"Clue":"Character's lost outside after 31 days in band (7)","Answer":"OCTETTE","Explanation":"Definition: band\n **OCT** (**OCT**ober, a month of 31 days) **+ LETTER** (character) **excluding the outer letters** (lost outside) **L** and **R**\n **OCT ETTE"} {"Clue":"Cheer, say, with drink getting knocked back (3,2)","Answer":"EGG ON","Explanation":"Definition: Cheer\n **EG** (exempli gratia; for example) **+ NOG** (\u00a0egg**NOG** or a similar drink; alternatively an old term for a Norwich strong ale) **reversed** (getting knocked back)\n **EG** **G ON**<"} {"Clue":"Soak Britain later in seawater, island swallowed (9)","Answer":"INEBRIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Soak\n **BRINE** (seawater) **with BR** (Britain) **placed at the end** (later) to form **INEBR** **+ I** (island) **+ ATE** (swallowed)\n **INEBR I ATE"} {"Clue":"Van of Amazon figure in old African region before delivery (9)","Answer":"ANTENATAL","Explanation":"Definition: before delivery\n **A** (**first letter of** [van {vanguard; foremost}] **AMAZON**)** +** (**TEN** [a figure] **contained in** [in] **NATAL** [the previous name for the South Africa province of Kwazulu-**NATAL**])\n **A** **N** (**TEN**) **ATAL"} {"Clue":"Work to keep little animal outside window (3-2)","Answer":"POP-UP","Explanation":"Definition: window\n **OP** (opus; work) **contained in** (to keep \u2026 outside) **PUP** (little animal)\n **P** (**OP**) **UP"} {"Clue":"Come into home solitary maiden leaves (7)","Answer":"INHERIT","Explanation":"Definition: Come into\n **IN** ([at] home) **+ HERMIT** (solitary [person]) **excluding** (leaves) **M** (maiden over in cricket)\n **IN HERIT"} {"Clue":"One remarkably animated in party, given drink (7)","Answer":"GALATEA","Explanation":"Definition: One remarkably animated\n **GALA** (party) **+ TEA** (drink)\n **GALA TEA"} {"Clue":"Two different versions of European material (7)","Answer":"GERMANE","Explanation":"Definition: materia\n **GERMAN** (example of a European) **+ E** (European) illustrating two different versions of European\n **GERMAN E"} {"Clue":"Stops short on theory, oddly (7)","Answer":"TERMINI","Explanation":"Definition: Stops\n **TER** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [oddly] of **THEORY**) **+ MINI** (something small or short [when describing a skirt for example])\n **TER MINI\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Fractious Mourinho in, as fans out (12)","Answer":"INHARMONIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Fractious\n **Anagram of** (out) **MOURINHO IN AS**\n **INHARMONIOUS"} {"Clue":"We're told any singer's building a tree house (7)","Answer":"NESTING","Explanation":"Definition: building a tree house\n **NE** (saying the letters **N E** individually **sounds like** (we're told) **ANY**) **+ STING** (reference **STING** [Gordon Sumner, born 1950], former lead singer with the band Police)\n **N E STING\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Painter's awful ear injury (7)","Answer":"RAEBURN","Explanation":"Definition: Painter\n **Anagram of** (awful) **EAR** **+ BURN** (a type of injury) \n **RAE***** BURN"} {"Clue":"Hardliner wants exit terms renegotiated (9)","Answer":"EXTREMIST","Explanation":"Definition: Hardliner\n **Anagram of** (renegotiated) **EXIT TERMS**\n **EXTREMIST"} {"Clue":"Ruffian provides company online (5)","Answer":"YAHOO","Explanation":"Definition: Ruffian\n **YAHOO!** (an American web services provider. It is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California and owned by Verizon Media) double definition\n **YAHOO"} {"Clue":"Guy involved in job there is at work (7)","Answer":"HEISTER","Explanation":"Definition: Guy involved in job\n **Anagram of** (at work) **THERE IS**\n **HEISTER"} {"Clue":"Sage Derby, say, eaten by parent (7)","Answer":"MAHATMA","Explanation":"Definition: Sage\n **HAT** (a Derby is a bowler hat) **contained in** (eaten by) **MAMA** (mother; parent)\n **MA** (**HAT**) **MA"} {"Clue":"Mixing English in sign a film's unsuitable for kids? (12)","Answer":"ADULTERATING","Explanation":"Definition: Mixing\n **E** (English) **contained in** **ADULT RATING** (if a film is given an **ADULT RATING** it is considered unsuitable for children)\n **ADULT** (**E**) **RATING"} {"Clue":"To do with politician stopping as he is suffering too much stress (12)","Answer":"OVEREMPHASIS","Explanation":"Definition: too much stress\n **OVER** (in relation to; to do with) + (**MP** [Member of Parliament; politician] **contained in** [stopping] **an anagram of** [suffering] **AS HE IS**)\n **OVER** (**E** (**MP**) **H****AS****IS***)"} {"Clue":"Gutted Estonian to cheer up and act as informer (9)","Answer":"ENLIGHTEN","Explanation":"Definition: act as informer\n **EN** (**letters remaining in** **ESTONIAN** **when the central letters STONIA are removed** [gutted]) **+ LIGHTEN** (cheer up)\n **EN LIGHTEN"} {"Clue":"What monarch wears brown in the capital? (7)","Answer":"TEHERAN","Explanation":"Definition: capital\n (**EH** [what?]** + ER** [Elizabeth Regina; queen; monarch]) **contained in** (wears) **TAN** (brown)\n **T** (**EH ER**) **AN"} {"Clue":"Trump's head enhaloed in near bliss (7)","Answer":"NIRVANA","Explanation":"Definition: bliss\n **IVANA** (reference **IVANA** Trump [born 1949], first wife of ex-President Donald Trump, and mother of Ivanka Trump) **with the first letter** (head) **I** **contained in** (enhaloed in) **NR** (near)\n **N** (**I**) **R** **VANA"} {"Clue":"In more need of sunshine, doctor in seaside city (7)","Answer":"PALERMO","Explanation":"Definition: seaside city\n **PALER** (lacking colour, perhaps in more need of sunshine) **+ MO** (medical officer; doctor)\n **PALER MO"} {"Clue":"Pastries with excessive filling where toddlers go (7)","Answer":"POTTIES","Explanation":"Definition: where toddlers go\n **PIES** (pastries) **containing** (with \u2026 filling) **OTT** (over the top; excessive)\n **P** (**OTT**) **IES"} {"Clue":"A certain military group getting some heat (5)","Answer":"THERM","Explanation":"Definition: some heat\n **THE** (definite; specific one; a certain one) **+ RM** (Royal Marines; military group)\n **THE RM"} {"Clue":"Protective panel pal's contrived with barrel in cabin (10)","Answer":"SPLASHBACK","Explanation":"Definition: Protective panel\n **Anagram of** (contrived) **PALS** **+** (**B** [barrel] **contained in** [in] **SHACK** [cabin])\n **SPLA*** **SH** (**B**) **ACK"} {"Clue":"Scottish git whenever led by copper (4)","Answer":"CUIF","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish git\n **CU** (chemical symbol for copper) **+ IF** (whenever)\n **CU IF"} {"Clue":"April first traps bovine creature (7)","Answer":"PROXIMO","Explanation":"Definition: April\n **PRIMO** (first) **containing** (traps) **OX** (a bovine creature)\n **PR** (**OX**) **IMO"} {"Clue":"Returning buggies maybe driven from tee at Turnberry? (5)","Answer":"STRAK","Explanation":"Definition: driven from tee at Turnberry\n **KARTS** (go-**KARTS**; buggies) **reversed** (returning)\n **STRAK**<"} {"Clue":"Excess creating start of lipoma in stomach (4)","Answer":"GLUT","Explanation":"Definition: Excess\n **L** (**first letter of** [start of] **LIPOMA**) **contained in** (in) **GUT** (stomach)\n **G** (**L**) **UT"} {"Clue":"Beloved, if old tenor joined in \u2013 one such? (7)","Answer":"CHANTER","Explanation":"Definition: one such\n (**AN** [archaic {old} term for if] **+ T** [tenor]) **contained in** (joined in) **CHER** (dear; beloved)\n **CH** (**AN T**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Sandstone came into view with potassium in (6)","Answer":"ARKOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Sandstone\n **AROSE** (came into view) **containing** (with \u2026 in) **K** (chemical symbol for potassium)\n **AR** (**K**) **OSE"} {"Clue":"Dishes, alas, I ruined HM swallowed (7)","Answer":"AERIALS","Explanation":"Definition: Dishes\n **Anagram of** (ruined) **ALAS I** **containing** (swallowed) (**ER** [Elizabeth Regina, Queen; Her Majesty [HM])\n **A** (**ER**) **IALS"} {"Clue":"Loose women? They're popular with sailors (6)","Answer":"BROADS","Explanation":"Definition: Loose women\n **BROADS** (the Norfolk Broads are a popular spot for yachtsmen and other who like boats of various kinds; popular with sailors)\n **BROADS"} {"Clue":"Hard part of cell, on strike, leading to end of enterprise (7)","Answer":"LITHITE","Explanation":"Definition: Hard part of cell\n **LIT** (burning; shining; on) **+ HIT** (strike) **+ E** (**last letter of** [end of] **ENTERPRISE**)\n **LIT HIT E"} {"Clue":"Larval discharge secreted in taller pines (4)","Answer":"LERP","Explanation":"Definition: Larval discharge\n **LERP** (**hidden word in** [secreted in] **TALLER PINES**)\n **LERP"} {"Clue":"Dried meat, food without stuffing in a way? (5)","Answer":"VIFDA","Explanation":"Definition: Dried meat\n **FOOD** **excluding the middle letters** (without stuffing) **OO** **contained in** (in) **VIA** (road; way)\n **VI** (**FD**) **A"} {"Clue":"Charger most curse in race running wild (7)","Answer":"ACCUSER","Explanation":"Definition: Charger\n **CUSS** (curse) **excluding the final letter** (most) **S** **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (running wild) **RACE**\n **AC** (**CUS**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Others addressed by southerners recalled song line (4)","Answer":"Y","Explanation":"Definition: Others addressed by southerners\n **LAY** (song) **reversed** (recalled) **+ L** (line)\n **YAL**< **L"} {"Clue":"Around end of reign the loser's wretched \u2026 this? (10)","Answer":"THRONELESS","Explanation":"Definition: this\n **Anagram of** (wretched) **THE LOSERS** **containing** (around) **N** (**last letter of** [end of] **REIGN**)\n **THRO** (**N**) **ELESS"} {"Clue":"Poet's family shield that includes clubs on the spot (7)","Answer":"SCUCHIN","Explanation":"Definition: Poet's family shield\n (**SUCH** [that] **containing** [includes] **C** [clubs]) **+ IN** (on the spot)\n **S** (**C**) **UCH** **IN"} {"Clue":"Youngster grips us, hot for exercise in gym (6)","Answer":"PUSH-UP","Explanation":"Definition: exercise in gym\n **PUP** (youngster) **containing** (grips) (**US + H** [hot])\n **P** (**US H**) **UP"} {"Clue":"Landed with some long boring list (6)","Answer":"LITANY","Explanation":"Definition: long boring list\n **LIT** (alighted; landed) **+ ANY** (some)\n **LIT ANY"} {"Clue":"Treads rashly in paths spoiling one of gaiters (11)","Answer":"SPATTERDASH","Explanation":"Definition: one of gaiters\n **Anagram of** (rashly) **TREADS** **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (spoiling) **PATHS**\n **SPAT** (**TERDAS***) **H"} {"Clue":"Arab covering to hitch to the ears (4)","Answer":"HYKE","Explanation":"Definition: Arab covering\n **HYKE** (**sounds like** [to the ears] **HIKE** [both **HIKE** and **HITCH** can be defined by jerk])\n **HYKE"} {"Clue":"Crane or rook interrupting a festival (6)","Answer":"ARGALA","Explanation":"Definition: Crane\n **R** (rook) **contained in** (interrupting) (**A** **+ GALA** [festival])\n **A** (**R**) **GALA"} {"Clue":"Old bloke accepts new form of retrial linked to another (11)","Answer":"CORRELATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: linked to another\n **COVE** (old British slang for a man [bloke]) **containing** (accepts) **an anagram of** (new form of) **RETRIAL**\n **CO** (**RRELATI***) **VE"} {"Clue":"George is one working without control, independent in scheme (5)","Answer":"PILOT","Explanation":"Definition: George is one working without control\n **I** (independent) **contained in** (in) **PLOT** (scheme)\n **P** (**I**) **LO****T"} {"Clue":"Entertain American in almost half his home (5)","Answer":"AMUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Entertain\n **US** (United States; American) **contained in** (in)** AME** (**3 of the 7** [almost half] **of the letters of** **AMERICA** [home to an inhabitant of the United States])\n **AM** (**US**) **E"} {"Clue":"Unfinished anthem, a very small thing (4)","Answer":"MOTE","Explanation":"Definition: a very small thing\n **MOTET** (anthem or church cantata) **excluding the final letter** (unfinished) **T**\n **MOTE"} {"Clue":"Latticework structure made of timber, badly fitted inside (7)","Answer":"TREILLE","Explanation":"Definition: Latticework structure\n **ILL** (badly) **contained in** (fitted inside) **TREE** (a source of timber)\n **TRE** (**ILL**) **E"} {"Clue":"Jockey Lester, accepting tribunal's conclusion, gives fresh account (7)","Answer":"RETELLS","Explanation":"Definition: gives fresh account\n **Anagram of** (jockey) **LESTER** **containing** (accepting) **L** (**final letter of** [conclusion] **TRIBUNAL**)\n **RETEL** (**L**) **S"} {"Clue":"A tricky fence? Point for each (6)","Answer":"RASPER","Explanation":"Definition: A tricky fence\n **RAS** (headland; point) **+ PER** (for each)\n **RAS PER"} {"Clue":"Seaside clan, swimming? This with seals possibly can impart stings (6)","Answer":"CNIDAE","Explanation":"Definition: can impart stings\n **CNIDAE** (the phrase **SEASIDE CLAN*** in the clue** is an anagram** [swimming] **of the entry** **CNIDAE** a [with] **SEALS** [another word in the clue])\n **CNIDAE"} {"Clue":"Training requires such sustenance, spanning time (6)","Answer":"METALS","Explanation":"Definition: Training requires such\n **MEALS** (sustenance) **containing** (spanning) **T** (time)\n **ME** (**T**) **ALS"} {"Clue":"Show concern (as some do) when ring's concealed in palm (5)","Answer":"ARECA","Explanation":"Definition: palm\n **ARE CARING** (if you **ARE CARING** you show concern)** excluding** (when \u2026 concealed) **RING **\n **ARECA"} {"Clue":"Link husband added to necklace (5)","Answer":"TORCH","Explanation":"Definition: Link\n **TORC** (a necklace or armband in the form of a twisted metal band) **+ H** (husband)\n **TORC H"} {"Clue":"Book one doing time for robbery (4)","Answer":"BLAG","Explanation":"Definition: robbery\n **B** (book) **+ LAG** (convict; prisoner; one doing time)\n **B LAG"} {"Clue":"Fellow (with terrible reputation?) removing daughter from bed (4)","Answer":"IVAN","Explanation":"Definition: Fellow (with terrible reputation?)\n **DIVAN** (bed) **excluding** (removing) **D** (daughter)\n **IVAN"} {"Clue":"One speculating alarm will see removal of second event in cruel sport (9)","Answer":"BULLFIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: sport\n **BULL** (one who speculates of the rise of stock market prices) **+ FRIGHT** (alarm) **excluding** (see removal of) **R** (**second letter of** [second event in] C**R**UEL)\n **BULL FIGHT"} {"Clue":"Food I put in vehicle supplied by daughter (5)","Answer":"VIAND","Explanation":"Definition: Food\n (**I** **contained in** [put in] **VAN** [vehicle]) **+ D** (daughter)\n **V** (**I**) **AN** **D"} {"Clue":"Composer's heart in poor condition after relapse (7)","Answer":"CORELLI","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\n **CORE** (centre; heart) **+ ILL** (in poor condition) **reversed** (after relapse)\n **CORE LLI**<"} {"Clue":"Friend slightly mad about beginning to ride horse (7)","Answer":"PALFREY","Explanation":"Definition: horse\n **PAL** (friend) **+** (**FEY** [slightly mad] **containing** [about] **R** [**first letter of** {beginning to} **RIDE**])\n **PAL** **F** (**R**) **EY"} {"Clue":"Quiet leg-over will engross one (5)","Answer":"PIANO","Explanation":"Definition: Quiet\n (**PIN** [leg] **+ O** [over, in cricket scoring notation]) **containing** (will engross) **A** (one)\n **PI** (**A**) **N** **O"} {"Clue":"Enthusiast to advance in most of French dance and lots of Spanish dances (9)","Answer":"FANDANGOS","Explanation":"Definition: lots of Spanish dances\n **FAN** (enthusiast) **+** (**GO** [move forward; advance]) **contained in** [in] **DANSE** [French for dance] **excluding the final letter** [most of] **E**)\n **FAN** **DAN** (**GO**) **S"} {"Clue":"Restaurant encounter, with odd characters swapping places (4)","Answer":"CAFE","Explanation":"Definition: Restaurant\n **FACE** (be confronted with; encounter) **with letters 1 **(odd)** and 3 **(odd)** exchanged** (odd characters swapping places) to form **CAFE**\n **CAFE"} {"Clue":"Perhaps unwelcome guest, last at banquet \u2013 hint there, possibly (10)","Answer":"THIRTEENTH","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps unwelcome guest\n **Anagram of** (possibly) **T** (**final letter of** [last at] **BANQUET**) and **HINT THERE**\n **THIRTEENTH"} {"Clue":"Aims tennis shot, getting round one in a hundred (10)","Answer":"INTENTIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Aims\n **Anagram of** (shot) **TENNIS** **containing** (getting round) (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **contained in** [in] **TON** [100 score in cricket])\n **INTEN** (**T** (**I**) **ON**) **S"} {"Clue":"Enthusiasm at the heart of Pacific nation? (4)","Answer":"ZEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Enthusiasm\n **ZEAL** (**central letters of** [heart] of **NEW ZEALAND** [a Pacific nation])\n **ZEAL"} {"Clue":"Bar's got up pretentiously as this? (9)","Answer":"GASTROPUB","Explanation":"Definition: this\n **Anagram of** (pretentiously] **BARS GOT UP**\n **GASTROPUB"} {"Clue":"European taking Englishman around second English town (5)","Answer":"EPSOM","Explanation":"Definition: town\n **E** (European) **+** (**POM** [Australian term for an immigrant Englishman] **containing** [around] **S** [second])\n **E** **P** (**S**) **OM"} {"Clue":"Hint limits one getting wrong kind of food (7)","Answer":"CUISINE","Explanation":"Definition: kind of food\n **CUE** (hint) **containing** (limits) (**I** [Roman numeral for one] **+ SIN** [wrong])\n **CU** (**I ****SIN**) **E"} {"Clue":"Is Heather after a girl from Ireland? (7)","Answer":"AISLING","Explanation":"Definition: girl from Ireland\n **A + IS + LING** (heather)\n **A IS LING"} {"Clue":"Glamorous indefinable something unknown in railway (5)","Answer":"RITZY","Explanation":"Definition: Glamorous\n (**IT** [an indefinable something] **+ Z** [letter frequently used to denote an unknown value in mathematics]) **contained in** (in) **RY** (railway)\n **R** (**IT** **Z**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Produced fire in small space, getting warm type of light (9)","Answer":"ENKINDLED","Explanation":"Definition: Produced fire\n **EN** (printing term for a small space equivalent to the width of the letter N) **+ KIND** (warm) **+ LED** (light emitting diode; type of light)\n **EN KIND LED"} {"Clue":"Support involving group in type of holiday (11)","Answer":"BACKPACKING","Explanation":"Definition: type of holiday\n **BACKING** (support) **containing** (involving) **PACK** (group [of Cub Scouts, or wolves for example])\n **BACK** (**PACK**) **ING"} {"Clue":"Nothing in odd bits of lyrics provided by a poet (5)","Answer":"LORCA","Explanation":"Definition: poet\n (**O** [letter representing zero; nothing] **contained in** [in] **LRC** [**letters 1, 3 and 5** {odd bits} of **LYRIC**]) **+ A**\n **L** (**O**) **RC** **A"} {"Clue":"Man collapsed with cry of pain (6)","Answer":"FELLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Man\n **FELL** (collapsed) **+ OW** (cry of pain)\n **FELL OW"} {"Clue":"Government official limiting one's bother (5)","Answer":"GRIEF","Explanation":"Definition: bother\n **G** (government)** +** (**REF** [official] **containing** [limiting] **I** [Roman numeral for one])\n **G** **R** (**I**) **EF"} {"Clue":"Sort of cricket pundit, an oddball about term for fielder (3-3-3)","Answer":"TIP-AND-RUN","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of cricket\n **Anagram of** (oddball) **PUNDIT AN** **containing** (about) **R** (**last letter of** [term; terminal] **FIELDER**)\n **TIP AND** (**R**) **UN"} {"Clue":"Local resident more unpleasant about prisoner (8)","Answer":"VILLAGER","Explanation":"Definition: Local resident\n **VILER** (more unpleasant) **containing** (about) **LAG** (convict; prisoner)\n **VIL** (**LAG**) **ER"} {"Clue":"Undue pride shown by expert about right arrangement for organ (9)","Answer":"ARROGANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Undue pride\n **ACE** (expert) **containing** (about) (**R** [right] **+ an anagram of** [arrangement for] **ORGAN**)\n **A** (**R** **ROGAN***) **CE"} {"Clue":"Time period regularly featured in diary (3)","Answer":"DAY","Explanation":"Definition: Time period regularly featured in diary\n **DAY** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] of **DIARY**)\n **DAY"} {"Clue":"Religious component of oath represented in home Gospel with date (2,4,2,3)","Answer":"SO HELP ME GOD","Explanation":"Definition: Religious component of oath\n **Anagram of** (represented in) **HOME GOSPEL** and **D** (date)\n **SO HELP ME GO***** D"} {"Clue":"Is this possibly pursuing feet half-heartedly? One may think so (9)","Answer":"FETISHIST","Explanation":"Definition: One may think so\n **FEET** **excluding one of the central** [heart] **E**s [half-heartedly] + **IS** + **an anagram of** (possibly) **THIS**\n **FET** **IS HIST"} {"Clue":"Some covering provided by item in nude musical? (9)","Answer":"HAIRPIECE","Explanation":"Definition: Some covering\n **HAIR** (rock musical with a nude scene) **+ PIECE** (item)\n **HAIR PIECE"} {"Clue":"The old-fashioned getting upset about standard technology producing outrage (8)","Answer":"ENORMITY","Explanation":"Definition: outrage\n **YE** (old-fashioned form of 'the') **reversed** (getting upset) **containing** (about) (**NORM** [standard) **+ IT** [{information} technology])\n **E** (**NORM IT**) **Y**<"} {"Clue":"Individual rule accordingly adopted by writer (6)","Answer":"PERSON","Explanation":"Definition: Individual\n (**R** [rule] **+ SO** [accordingly]) **contained in** (adopted by) **PEN** (writer)\n **PE** (**R SO**) **N"} {"Clue":"Line held by defender, a player in game (5)","Answer":"BLACK","Explanation":"Definition: player in game\n **L** (line) **contained in** (held by) **BACK** (defender in a football team for instance)\n **B** (**L**) **ACK"} {"Clue":"Throw small ball (5)","Answer":"SPILL","Explanation":"Definition: Throw\n **S** (small) **+ PILL** (ball)\n **S PILL"} {"Clue":"Motoring group raised \u2013 its main focus? (3)","Answer":"CAR","Explanation":"Definition: its main focus\n **RAC** (Royal Automobile Club) **reversed** (raised; down entry)\n **CAR**<"} {"Clue":"Snack service, one in wrapper ready for delivery (6)","Answer":"SARNIE","Explanation":"Definition: Snack\n (**RN** [Royal Navy] **+ I** [Roman numeral for one]) **contained in** (in) **SAE** (stamped addressed envelope; a wrapper that is ready for posting and, subsequently, for delivery)\n **SA** (**RN** **I**) **E"} {"Clue":"Bangers, nuts and bananas not all there (8)","Answer":"CRACKERS","Explanation":"Definition: Bangers\n **CRACKERS** ('nuts', 'bananas' and 'not all there' are three words or phrases that mean crazy or **CRACKERS** ) quadruple definition\n **CRACKERS"} {"Clue":"Dog gets my German dish (4,4)","Answer":"CHOW MEIN","Explanation":"Definition: dish\n **CHOW** (breed of dog) **+ MEIN** (German for 'my')\n **CHOW MEIN"} {"Clue":"Number Two's tax disc sent in (6)","Answer":"DEPUTY","Explanation":"Definition: Number Two\n **EP** (Extended Play disc) **contained in** (sent in) **DUTY** (tax)\n **D** (**EP**) **UTY"} {"Clue":"A fruit tree's top in country food (12)","Answer":"ALIMENTATION","Explanation":"Definition: food\n **A** **+ LIME** (fruit) **+** (**T** [**first letter of** {top} **TREE**] **contained in** [in] **NATION** [country])\n **A** **LIME** **N** (**T**) **ATION"} {"Clue":"It's put on 24 and 16 (4)","Answer":"BRIE","Explanation":"Definition: It's put on 24\n **BRIEF** (short) **excluding the final letter** (cut) **F** (**SHORT CUT** the entry at 16 down could therefore be a clue for **BRIE**)\n **BRIE"} {"Clue":"They conquer lady's heart in stylish short poem (8)","Answer":"INVADERS","Explanation":"Definition: They conquer\n **IN** **+** (**AD** [**central letters of** {heart} **LADY**] **contained in** **VERSE** [a style (?) of short poem] **excluding the final letter** [short])\u00a0**E**. I'm not sure why 'stylish' is required. No doubt I am missing something.\n **IN** **V** (**AD**) **ERS"} {"Clue":"Start with yen lad's saved (6,2)","Answer":"SWITCH ON","Explanation":"Definition: Start\n **SON** (young man; lad) **containing** (saved) (**W** [with] **+ ITCH** [yearning; yen])\n **S** (**W** **ITCH**) **ON"} {"Clue":"We short-circuited race? (4)","Answer":"INDY","Explanation":"Definition: We\n **INDY** (reference **INDY** car races where cars complete many laps [circuits] of a short high-speed oval; short-circuited race)\n **INDY"} {"Clue":"Insured flyer flies, not needing manual? (4-8)","Answer":"USER-FRIENDLY","Explanation":"Definition: not needing manual\n **Anagram of** (flies) **INSURED FLYER**\n **USER-FRIENDLY"} {"Clue":"Province's queen bee regularly wearing silk (6)","Answer":"QUEBEC","Explanation":"Definition: Province\n (**UEBE** [**letters 2, 4, 6 and 8** [regularly] **of QUEEN BEE**) **contained in** (wearing) **QC** (Queen's Counsel; barrister; silk)\n **Q** (**UEBE**) **C"} {"Clue":"Royalty now and then gets hard biscuits (8)","Answer":"OATCAKES","Explanation":"Definition: biscuits\n **OAT** (**letters 2, 4 and 6** [regularly] of **ROYALTY**) **+ CAKES** (gets hard)\n **OAT CAKES"} {"Clue":"Warmed up, he put away wine bottles (8)","Answer":"REHEATED","Explanation":"Definition: Warmed up\n **RED** (type of wine) **containing** (bottles) (**HE** **+ ATE** [put away])\n **RE** (**HE ATE**) **D"} {"Clue":"Cook cut unimportant piece of game (6)","Answer":"DOMINO","Explanation":"Definition: piece of game\n **DO** (cook) **+ MINOR** (unimportant) **excluding the final letter** (cut) **R**\n **DO MINO"} {"Clue":"Long slice of feta cheese (4)","Answer":"ACHE","Explanation":"Definition: Long\n **ACHE** (**hidden word in** [slice of] **FETA CHEESE**)\n **ACHE"} {"Clue":"Learned books sustain latest paper supplier (9)","Answer":"NEWSAGENT","Explanation":"Definition: paper supplier\n **NEW** (latest) **+ SAGE** (wise; learned) **+ NT** (New Testament; books of the bible)\n **NEW SAGE NT"} {"Clue":"Nauseating article turns up in English clubs (6)","Answer":"EMETIC","Explanation":"Definition: Nauseating\n **ITEM** (article) **reversed** (turns up; down entry) **contained in** (in) (**E** [English] **+ C** [clubs])\n **E** (**METI**<) **C"} {"Clue":"Novice once fed on random microwave meals? (11,4)","Answer":"CONVENIENCE FOOD","Explanation":"Definition: microwave meals\n **Anagram of** (random) **NOVICE ONCE FED ON**\n **CONVENIENCE FOOD"} {"Clue":"Charlie avoids habit-forming preservative for one (8)","Answer":"ADDITIVE","Explanation":"Definition: preservative for one\n **ADDICTIVE** (habit-forming) **excluding** (avoids) **C** (**CHARLIE** is the international radio communication codeword for the letter **C**)\n **ADDITIVE"} {"Clue":"Ford place out of commission (5)","Answer":"KAPUT","Explanation":"Definition: out of commission\n **KA** (model of Ford car) **+ PUT** (place)\n **KA PUT"} {"Clue":"About to tour St Petersburg once, start off in reverse (10)","Answer":"RETROGRADE","Explanation":"Definition: in reverse\n **RE** (with reference to; about) **containing** (to tour) **PETROGRAD** (earlier name for the Russian city currently known as St Petersburg) **excluding the first letter** (start off) **P**\n **R** (**ETROGRAD**) **E"} {"Clue":"Relish top northern booze (5,5)","Answer":"BROWN SAUCE","Explanation":"Definition: Relish\n **BROW** (top) **+ N** (northern) **+ SAUCE** (American informal term for a alcoholic drink [booze])\n **BROW N SAUCE"} {"Clue":"Countless flyers imported, all about milk supplier (5,4)","Answer":"DAIRY FARM","Explanation":"Definition: milk supplier\n (**MYRIAD** [an immense number; countless] **containing** (imported) **RAF** (Royal Air Force; flyers]) **all reversed** (all about)\n (**DAIRY** (**FAR**) **M**)<"} {"Clue":"Copper's suggested faster route (5,3)","Answer":"SHORT CUT","Explanation":"Definition: faster route\n **SHORT CUT** (as a clue **SHORT CUT** could lead to **CU** [chemical symbol for copper] CU**T** **excluding the final letter** [SHORT] **T**)\n **SHORT CUT"} {"Clue":"Chopped and changed it in East Germany twice (6)","Answer":"EDITED","Explanation":"Definition: Chopped and changed\n **IT** **contained in** ([**E** {East}**+ D** {Deutschland; international vehicle registration for Germany}] **+** [**E** **+ D**] again [twice])\n **E D** (**IT**) **E D"} {"Clue":"Bishop cuts canon's cash in Crimea (5)","Answer":"RUBLE","Explanation":"Definition: cash in Crimea\n **B** (bishop) **contained in** (cuts) **RULE** (canon is defined as law or **RULE**)\n **RU** (**B**) **LE"} {"Clue":"Started to lose heart and pulse (4)","Answer":"BEAN","Explanation":"Definition: pulse\n **BEGAN** (started) **excluding** [to lose] **the middle letter** [heart] **G**\n **BEAN"} {"Clue":"1000 smack dealers with time off for good behaviour (7)","Answer":"MANNERS","Explanation":"Definition: good behaviour\n **M** (1000) **+ TANNERS** (people who smack) **excluding** (with \u2026 off) **T** (time)\n **M ANNERS"} {"Clue":"Tumbler drunk actor filled with Bass and drop of Armagnac (7)","Answer":"ACROBAT","Explanation":"Definition: Tumbler\n **Anagram of** (drunk) **ACTOR** **containing** (filled with) (**B** [bass] **+ A** [**first letter of** [a bit of] **ARMAGNAC**)\n **ACRO** (**B A**)** T"} {"Clue":"Who cares if princess punches drunk? (3,2)","Answer":"SOD IT","Explanation":"DI** (reference Diana, Princess of Wales [1961 \u2013 1997]) **contained in** (punches) **SOT** (drunk person)\n **SO** (**DI**) **T"} {"Clue":"One closely involved with Labour Lord (9)","Answer":"DELIVERER","Explanation":"Definition: One closely involved with Labour\n **DELIVERER** (a person, such as a midwife, who is a **DELIVERER** of babies) double definition\n **DELIVERER"} {"Clue":"An insubstantial axe? (3,6)","Answer":"AIR GUITAR","Explanation":"Definition: An insubstantial axe\n **AIR** (akin to **AIRY** [insubstantial]) **+ GUITAR** (**AXE** is a term for a **GUITAR** in the rock music field)\u00a0\n **AIR GUITAR"} {"Clue":"6-1 \u2026 right, Hearts must be in the lead! (5)","Answer":"RHONE","Explanation":"Definition: 6\n **R** (right) **+ H** (hearts) **+ ONE** (1)\n **R H ONE"} {"Clue":"Will group of lawyers bow to DA? (3,4)","Answer":"THE BARD","Explanation":"Definition: Will\n **THE BAR** (In the UK, barristers collectively; in America, the legal profession [group of lawyers]) **+ D** (**first letter of** [bow to] **DA** [District Attorney, a senior legal official in America])\n **THE BAR D"} {"Clue":"Academic rejected passes for dunces (7)","Answer":"NODDIES","Explanation":"Definition: dunces\n **DON** (academic)** reversed** (rejected) **+ DIES** (passes [on])\n **NOD**< **DIES"} {"Clue":"Predict death will come after strong wine (7)","Answer":"PORTEND","Explanation":"Definition: Predict\n **PORT** (strong wine) **+ END** (death)\n **PORT END"} {"Clue":"Get stuck in toilet with individual snorting bit of Dexedrine (3,4)","Answer":"BOG DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Get stuck\n (**BOG** [slang term for the toilet] **+ OWN** [belonging to oneself; individual]) **containing** (snorting) **D** (**first letter of** [bit of] **D****EXEDRINE**)\n **BOG** (**D**) **OWN"} {"Clue":"Pale ales finally necked by a Scottish woman (5)","Answer":"ASHEN","Explanation":"Definition: Pale\n **S** (**last letter of** [finally] **ALES** **contained in** (necked by) (**A + HEN** [Scottish term for a lady])\n **A** (**S**) **HEN"} {"Clue":"All by myself and, oh, need to get jiggy! (3-6)","Answer":"ONE-HANDED","Explanation":"Definition: All by myself\n **Anagram of** (to get jiggy) **AND OH NEED**\n **ONE\u2013HANDED"} {"Clue":"Really bad seeds spoilt red olives (9)","Answer":"EVILDOERS","Explanation":"Definition: Really bad seeds\n **Anagram of** (spoilt) **RED OLIVES**\n **EVILDOERS"} {"Clue":"A couple of feet? Hoskins is bloody sizable primarily! (5)","Answer":"IAMBS","Explanation":"Definition: A couple of feet\n **I AM** (Hoskins [the setter] is) **+ BS** (**first letters** [primarily] **of each of** **BLOODY** and **SIZABLE**)\n **I AM B S"} {"Clue":"Celebrity chef who uses loads of sauce? (7)","Answer":"NIGELLA","Explanation":"Definition: Celebrity chef who uses loads of sauce\n **NIGELLA** (the only wordplay I can think of is related to the slight sauciness of **NIGELLA**'s chat when she is presenting her cookery programmes. I have heard of **NIGELLA** seeds but I haven't heard of **NIGELLA** sauce in cookery ingredients)\n **NIGELLA"} {"Clue":"Cads pinching nurse and daughter's butts (3-4)","Answer":"DOG-ENDS","Explanation":"Definition: butts\n **DOGS** (cads) **containing** (pinching) (**EN** [{enrolled} nurse] **+ D** [daughter])\n **DOG** (**EN D**) **S"} {"Clue":"In haze, bag up, but put in the wrong hams? (7)","Answer":"MISCAST","Explanation":"Definition: put in the wrong hams\n **SAC** (pouch or bag-like structure) **reversed** (up; down entry) **contained in** (in) **MIST** (haze)\n **MIS** (**CAS**<) **T"} {"Clue":"A bottom one couldn't possibly get beneath? (5)","Answer":"NADIR","Explanation":"Definition: A bottom one couldn't possibly get beneath\n **NADIR** (if it is the lowest point, then you can't possibly get beneath it)\n **NADIR"} {"Clue":"Topless chap having 45 mins with mature escort (9)","Answer":"ENTOURAGE","Explanation":"GENT** (man; chap) **excluding the first letter** (topless) **+ OUR** (**3 or 4 letters** [three-quarters] of **HOUR**, so three quarters of an **HOUR** is 45 minutes) **+ AGE** (mature)\n **ENT OUR AGE"} {"Clue":"Dope mostly found in Stone shot full of barbiturates (7)","Answer":"SEDATED","Explanation":"Definition: shot full of barbiturates\n **DATA** (information; dope) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **A** **contained in** (found in) **SEED** (pip or stone in a fruit)\n **SE** (**DAT**) **ED"} {"Clue":"Trouble at work with Her Maj in a flap (7)","Answer":"AILERON","Explanation":"Definition: flap\n (**AIL** [trouble] **+ ON** [working; at work]) **containing** (with \u2026 in) **ER** (Elizabeth Regina; queen; Her Majesty)\n **AIL** (**ER**) **ON"} {"Clue":"Waterway in Phoenix? (5)","Answer":"RIVER","Explanation":"Definition: Waterway\n **RIVER** (reference **RIVER** Phoenix [1970-1993], American actor, musician, and activist)\n **RIVER"} {"Clue":"Red robin lad released close to gazebo (9)","Answer":"BARDOLINO","Explanation":"Anagram of** (released) **ROBIN LAD** **+ O** (**last letter of** [close to] **GAZEBO**)\n **BARDOLIN*** **O"} {"Clue":"Old jailers ignoring last of warden's failures (7)","Answer":"TURKEYS","Explanation":"Definition: Old jailers\n **TURNKEYS** (archaic [old] term for a keeper of the keys especially in a prison , warder and jailer)\n **TURKEYS"} {"Clue":"Worldly-wise Hoskins is one hot to open shaken-up lager tin (9)","Answer":"EARTHLING","Explanation":"Definition: Worldly-wise Hoskins is one\n **H** (hot) **contained in** (to open up) **an anagram of** (shaken-up) **LAGER TIN**\n **EART** (**H**) **LING"} {"Clue":"Unfortunately, ginger dad can be humiliating (9)","Answer":"DEGRADING","Explanation":"Definition: humiliating\n **Anagram of** (unfortunately) **GINGER DAD**\n **DEGRADING"} {"Clue":"Place to secure almost all hash and E, then start using gradually (5,2)","Answer":"PHASE IN","Explanation":"Definition: start using gradually\n **PIN** (put in place) **containing** (to secure) (**HASH** **excluding the final letter** [almost all of] **H** **+ E**)\n **P** (**HAS E**) **IN"} {"Clue":"Couple upset a Scottish hooligan? That takes guts! (7)","Answer":"DUODENA","Explanation":"Definition: guts\n **DUO** (couple) **+ NED** (Scottish term for a young hooligan) **reversed** (upset) **+ A**\n **DUO DEN**< **A"} {"Clue":"In God's favour or damned? (7)","Answer":"BLESSED","Explanation":"Definition: In God's favour or damned?\n **BLESSED** (accursed; damned) double definition\n **BLESSED"} {"Clue":"We don't like dressing fruits around plate endlessly (7)","Answer":"NUDISTS","Explanation":"Definition: We don't like dressing\n **NUTS** (fruits) **containing** (go around) **DISH** (plate) **excluding the last letter** (endlessly) **H**\n **NU** (**DIS**) **TS"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary network of computers downs commercial server\u00a0(5)","Answer":"NADAL","Explanation":"Definition: server\n **LAN** (local area network) **reversed** (revolutionary) **containing** (downs) **AD** (commercial)\n **N** (**AD**) **AL**<"} {"Clue":"Hill, perhaps, rambler goes up (5)","Answer":"DAMON","Explanation":"Definition: Hill, perhaps\n **NOMAD** (rambler) **reversed** (goes up; down entry)\n **DAMON**<"} {"Clue":"Dressing down? Theatregoers are beneath it (7)","Answer":"REPROOF","Explanation":"Definition: Dressing down\n **REP** (Repertory company [permanent company of actors] who perform in a theatre) **+** **ROOF** (top covering of a building). Unless the play is being performed at an outdoor venue, the theatregoers will be sitting under the **REP ROOF**\n **REP ROOF"} {"Clue":"Less well-bred horse picked up (7)","Answer":"COARSER","Explanation":"Definition: Less well-bred\n **COARSER** (**sounds like** [picked up] **COURSER** [swift horse])\n **COARSER"} {"Clue":"Frightening hanger from wood classed 'poor' (5,2,8)","Answer":"SWORD OF DAMOCLES","Explanation":"Definition: Frightening hanger\n **Anagram of** (poor) **FROM WOOD CLASSED**\n **SWORD OF DAMOCLES"} {"Clue":"Notes new centre for fashion (5)","Answer":"MILAN","Explanation":"Definition: centre for fashion\n **MI** (one of the notes of the tonic sol-fa) **+ LA** (another such note) **+ N** (new)\n **MI LA N"} {"Clue":"Hard drink after work? It's child's play (9)","Answer":"HOPSCOTCH","Explanation":"Definition: child's play\n **H** (hard, as in description of pencil lead) **+ OP** (opus; work) **+ SCOTCH** (whisky; drink)\n **H OP SCOTCH"} {"Clue":"Tough guy dined out with grand trousers (9)","Answer":"DEMANDING","Explanation":"Definition: Tough\n (**Anagram of** [out] **DINED** **+ G**) **containing** (trousers) **MAN** (guy)\n **DE** (**MAN**) **DIN*** **G"} {"Clue":"Youthful setter perhaps squeezing trendy model (3-2)","Answer":"PIN-UP","Explanation":"Definition: model\n **PUP** (young dog; youthful setter, for example [breed of dog]) **containing** (squeezing) **IN** (trendy)\n **P** (**IN**) **UP"} {"Clue":"Swimmer or runner outside shop undressed (5)","Answer":"COHOE","Explanation":"Definition: Swimmer\n **COE** (reference Lord Sebastian **COE** [born 1956], British middle distance runner and Olympic medalist) **containing** (outside) **HO** (**letters remaining in SHOP when the outer letters S and P are removed** [undressed])\n **CO** (**HO**) **E"} {"Clue":"Put in a slum site, he got out (9)","Answer":"GHETTOISE","Explanation":"Definition: Put in a slum\n **Anagram of** (out) **SITE HE GOT**\n **GHETTOISE"} {"Clue":"Drink brand keeping variety quiet (4,5)","Answer":"MILK SHAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\n (**MAKE** [brand] **containing** [keeping] [**ILK** {type; variety} **+ SH** {directive to keep quiet}])\n **M** (**ILK** **SH**) **AKE"} {"Clue":"Sheepish bishop's abandoned bull, say (5)","Answer":"OVINE","Explanation":"Definition: Sheepish\n **BOVINE** (relating to cattle ; bull]) **excluding** (abandoned) **B** (bishop)\n **OVINE"} {"Clue":"Getting stuck into pub food's a help for negotiator (10,5)","Answer":"BARGAINING CHIPS","Explanation":"Definition: help for negotiator\n **GAINING** (getting) **contained in** (stuck into) (**BAR** [pub] **+ CHIPS** [food])\n **BAR** (**GAINING**) **CHIPS"} {"Clue":"Bald guy's welcomed in French by daughter (7)","Answer":"DENUDED","Explanation":"Definition: Bald\n (**DUDE** [person; guy] **containing** [welcomed] **EN** [French for 'in']) **+ D** (daughter)\n **D** (**EN**) **UDE** **D"} {"Clue":"Press continuously on face of smooth operator (7)","Answer":"SURGEON","Explanation":"Definition: operator\n **S** (**first letter of** [face of] **SMOOTH**) **+ URGE** (press forward with insistence ; press continuously) **+ ON**\n **S URGE ON"} {"Clue":"Think about wine bottles getting picked up (7)","Answer":"RESUMED","Explanation":"Definition: picked up\n **RED** (a type of wine) **containing** (bottles) **MUSE** (meditate; think) **reversed** (about)\n **R** (**ESUM**<) **ED"} {"Clue":"Issue being an issue? (7,8)","Answer":"PROBLEM CHILDREN","Explanation":"Definition: Issue being an issue\n **PROBLEM** (concern; issue) **+ CHILDREN** (progeny; issue)\n **PROBLEM CHILDREN"} {"Clue":"Soldiers execute steps to defend home rule (9)","Answer":"ORDINANCE","Explanation":"Definition: rule\n **OR** (other ranks; soldiers) **+** (**DANCE** [execute steps] **containing** [to defend] **IN** [at home])\n **OR** **D** (**IN**) **ANCE"} {"Clue":"Dominant wolf, if threatening packs (5)","Answer":"FIFTH","Explanation":"Definition: Dominant\n **FIFTH** (**hidden word in** [packs] **WOLF IF THREATENING**)\n **FIFTH"} {"Clue":"He gets gold and silver frame of necklace \u2013 it's sparkling stuff (9)","Answer":"CHAMPAGNE","Explanation":"Definition: sparkling stuff\n **CHAMP** (the winner, the one who gets the gold medal) **+ AG** (chemical symbol for silver) **+ NE** (**outer letters of** [frame of] **NECKLACE**)\n **CHAMP** **AG NE"} {"Clue":"Lifeless spies touring Australia to the north (5)","Answer":"AZOIC","Explanation":"Definition: Lifeless\n (**CIA** [Central Intelligence Agency {spies}] **containing** [touring] **OZ** [informal term for Australia]) **all reversed** (to the north; down entry)\n (**A** (**ZO**) **IC**)<"} {"Clue":"Leave countless cakes I see to bravely diet, say (5,10)","Answer":"SPLIT INFINITIVE","Explanation":"Definition: to bravely diet, say\n **SPLIT** (make oneself scarce; leave) **+** (**INFINITE** [countless] **containing** {cakes] [**I** **+ V** [vide, Latin for see])\n **SPLIT** **INFINIT** (**I V**) **E"} {"Clue":"Stirred hot ingredient of some teas (7)","Answer":"ROSEHIP","Explanation":"Definition: ingredient of some teas\n **ROSE** (stirred not sure of the definition here as many people stir without **RISING**) + **HIP** (in; trendy; hot)\n **ROSE HIP"} {"Clue":"As dirt may be stripped off, a Beatle showered (9)","Answer":"INGRAINED","Explanation":"Definition: As dirt may be\n **RINGO** (reference **RINGO** Starr [born 1950], drummer in The Beatles) **excluding the outer letters** [stripped off] **R** and **O**) **+ RAINED** (showered)\n **ING** **RAINED"} {"Clue":"Lightly knock then violently corral vehicle with force (6,3)","Answer":"PATROL CAR","Explanation":"Definition: vehicle with force\n **PAT** (lightly knock) **+ an anagram of** (violently) **CORRAL**\n **PAT** **ROL CAR"} {"Clue":"Basic item for retirement affected teacher (4,3)","Answer":"CAMP BED","Explanation":"Definition: Basic item for retirement\n **CAMP** (affected) **+ BEd** (Bachelor of Education, a qualification frequently obtained by people intending to become teachers, particularly Primary teachers)\n **CAMP BED"} {"Clue":"Writer who could make me snore (7)","Answer":"EMERSON","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\n **Anagram of** (could make) **ME SNORE**\n **EMERSON"} {"Clue":"Paradoxically, what one may do to gain a seat? (5)","Answer":"STAND","Explanation":"Definition: what one may do to gain a seat\n **STAND** (opposite of sit, so it seems paradoxical to **STAND** for a seat)\n **STAND"} {"Clue":"Game to go topless in Clare's town (5)","Answer":"ENNIS","Explanation":"Definition: Clare's town\n **TENNIS** (game) **excluding the first letter** (go topless) T\n **ENNIS"} {"Clue":"Playwright in gamble, out of pocket, losing 33% (7)","Answer":"BECKETT","Explanation":"BET** (gamble) **containing** (out of) **POCKET** **excluding** (losing) **the first two letters PO** (two of six; 33%)\n **BE** (**CKET**) **T"} {"Clue":"He created unusual sculptures of the French prize winner (7)","Answer":"DUCHAMP","Explanation":"DU** (French for 'of') **+ CHAMP** (**CHAMP**ion [prize winner])\n **DU CHAMP"} {"Clue":"Source regarding series to see in Paris (9)","Answer":"RESERVOIR","Explanation":"RE** (with reference to; regarding) **+ SER** (series) **+ VOIR** (French for 'to see or view')\n **RE SER VOIR"} {"Clue":"Article not entirely nasty? It gets a hammering (5)","Answer":"ANVIL","Explanation":"AN** (indefinite article) **+ VILE** (entirely nasty) **excluding the final letter** (not entirely) **E**\n **AN VIL"} {"Clue":"Bathroom accessory excessively and thoroughly trimmed (5)","Answer":"TOWEL","Explanation":"TOO** (excessively) **excluding the final letter** (trimmed) **+ WELL** (thoroughly) **excluding the final letter** (trimmed)\n **TO WEL"} {"Clue":"Limited connection, with hesitation, in sexual activity (9)","Answer":"BLINKERED","Explanation":"(**LINK** [connection] **+ ER** [expression of hesitation]) **contained in** (in) **BED** ([as a verb] engage in sexual activiity)\n **B** (**LINK** **ER**) **ED"} {"Clue":"Central Americans,ignoring expense, welcoming fine folk from another continent (8)","Answer":"AFRICANS","Explanation":"COSTA RICANS** (Central Americans) **excluding** (ignoring) **COST** and **containing** (including) **F** (fine)\n **A** (**F**) **RICANS"} {"Clue":"Refuse to accept broadcast restricted by noise (6)","Answer":"DISOWN","Explanation":"SOW** (broadcast) **contained in** (restricted by) **DIN** (noise)\n **DI** (**SOW**) **N"} {"Clue":"Mid-20th century writer or early 20th century writer, mostly (6)","Answer":"ORWELL","Explanation":"OR** + **WELLS** (reference H G **WELLS** [1866 \u2013 1946], English novelist) **excluding the final letter** (mostly) **S**\n **OR WELL"} {"Clue":"New Zealand painter from good family, dosh liberally spread around (8)","Answer":"HODGKINS","Explanation":"Anagram of** (liberally spread) **DOSH** **containing** (around) (**G** [good] **+ KIN** [family])\n **HOD** (**G** **KIN**) **S"} {"Clue":"New Zealand writer offering sexist view of discipline? (9)","Answer":"MANSFIELD","Explanation":"MAN'S** (describing [the view of] just one of the sexes, therefore not inclusive of all views) **+ FIELD** (area of expertise; discipline)\n **MANS FIELD"} {"Clue":"Description of power reflected in natural oscillations (5)","Answer":"SOLAR","Explanation":"SOLAR** (**reversed** [reflected] **hidden word in** [in] **NATURAL OSCILLATIONS**)\n **SOLAR**<"} {"Clue":"Part of opera to cut from Tosca, retaining tenor's second note (5)","Answer":"SCENA","Explanation":"TOSCA** **excluding** (cut from) **TO** **containing** (retaining) (**E** [second letter of {second} **TENOR** **+ N** [note])\n **SC** (**E N**) **A"} {"Clue":"Russian poet writing articles about Knight and Queen, tovarish? Not half (9)","Answer":"AKHMATOVA","Explanation":"([**A** {indefinite article} **+ A** {definite article}] **containing** [about] [**K** {knight} **+ HM** {Her Majesty; Queen}]) **+ TOVARISH** **excluding** (not) **RISH** (four of the eight [half] letters)\n **A** (**K HM**) **A** **TOVA"} {"Clue":"Temporarily stop America blocking outlay (7)","Answer":"SUSPEND","Explanation":"US** ([United State of] America) **contained in** (blocking) **SPEND** (an outlay)\n **S** (**US**) **PEND"} {"Clue":"Ebbing current with return of damage \u2013 metal? (7)","Answer":"WOLFRAM","Explanation":"FLOW** (current) **reversed** (ebbing) **+ MAR** (damage) **reversed** (return of)\n **WOLF**< **RAM**<"} {"Clue":"Religious attire \u2013 black attire, restyled (7)","Answer":"BIRETTA","Explanation":"B** (black) **+ an anagram of** (restyled) **ATTIRE**\n **B** **IRETTA"} {"Clue":"Lettuce crops regularly denuded (3)","Answer":"COS","Explanation":"CROPS** **excluding** (denuded) **letters 2 and 4** [regularly) **R** and **P**\n **COS"} {"Clue":"Register ultimate in danger is involved in solo climbing (5)","Answer":"ENROL","Explanation":"R** (**last letter of** [ultimate in] **DANGER**) **contained in** (is involved in) **LONE** (solo) **reversed** (climbing; down entry)\n **EN** (**R**) **OL**<"} {"Clue":"Run into the last place to be seen with a musician (8)","Answer":"TROMBONE","Explanation":"(**R** [run] **contained in** [into] **TOMB** (any place serving as a grave, which will be the final [last] place where a person [one] is seen) **+ ONE** (a)\n **T** (**R**) **OMB** **ONE"} {"Clue":"Expression of annoyance about Wisconsin regional capital (6)","Answer":"DARWIN","Explanation":"DARN** (expression of annoyance) **containing** (about) **WI** (abbreviation for the American State of Wisconsin)\n **DAR** (**WI**) **N"} {"Clue":"Line in excellent meat product (9)","Answer":"CRACKLING","Explanation":"L** (line) **contained in** (in) **CRACKING** (excellent)\n **CRACK** (**L**) **ING"} {"Clue":"Radio travel broadcast is a promotional feature (11)","Answer":"ADVERTORIAL","Explanation":"Anagram of** (broadcast) **RADIO TRAVEL**\n **ADVERTORIAL"} {"Clue":"Guy in distress is a knight(7)","Answer":"PALADIN","Explanation":"LAD** (guy) **contained in** (in) **PAIN** (distress)\n **PA** (**LAD**) **IN"} {"Clue":"Radical currently turning up in factory is to do marvellous stuff (4,7)","Answer":"WORK WONDERS","Explanation":"(**RED** [communist; radical] **+ NOW** [currently]) **all reversed** (turning up; down entry) **contained in** (in) **WORKS** (factory)\n **WORK** (**WON** **DER**)< **S"} {"Clue":"Historic Arctic vessel trapped in ice \u2013 not one spot to grow plants (4,5)","Answer":"COLD FRAME","Explanation":"(**OLD** [historic] **+ FRAM** [name of ship used in expeditions of the Arctic and Antarctic regions by the Norwegian explorers Fridtjof Nansen, Otto Sverdrup, Oscar Wisting, and Roald Amundsen between 1893 and 1912]) **contained in** (trapped in) **ICE** excluding (not) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **C** (**OLD** **FRAM**) **E"} {"Clue":"Staff's methodology when hosting a travelling exhibition (8)","Answer":"ROADSHOW","Explanation":"(**ROD'S** [staff's] **+ HOW** [methodology]) **containing** (when hosting) **A**\n **RO** (**A**) **DS** **HOW"} {"Clue":"Absorption? Unusually large bog will absorb one (7)","Answer":"OSMOSIS","Explanation":"OS** (outsize; unusually large) **+** (**MOSS** [bog or boggy ground] **containing** [will absorb] **I** [Roman numeral for one])\n **OS** **MOS** (**I**) **S"} {"Clue":"Sharp humour a Roman Catholic displayed during disrupted Mass (7)","Answer":"SARCASM","Explanation":"(**A + RC** [Roman Catholic]) **contained in** (displayed during) **an anagram of** (disrupted) **MASS**\n **S** (**A RC**) **ASM"} {"Clue":"Chap apparently owing money gets court decision (6)","Answer":"REMAND","Explanation":"REMAND** can be viewed as **MAN** in (**contained in**) the **RED** (in debt; owing money)\n **RE** (**MAN**) **D"} {"Clue":"One slow-moving bridge team to fare badly (5)","Answer":"SNAIL","Explanation":"SN** (South [**S**] and North [**N**] form a team in the card game bridge) **+ AIL** (fare badly)\n **SN AIL"} {"Clue":"Awkward person puts it in propeller (3)","Answer":"OAR","Explanation":"OAR** (a person who gives an opinion ar sticks his or her **OAR** in when not invited is often considered to be awkward)\n **OAR"} {"Clue":"Novelist introducing last letters from Fanny Brawne in Time Out (4-3)","Answer":"SHUT-EYE","Explanation":"Definition: Time Out\n **SHUTE** (reference Nevil **SHUTE** [1899 \u2013 1960], English novelist) **+ YE** (**final letters** [last letters] **from** **FANNY** and **BRAWNE**)\n **SHUT E** **YE"} {"Clue":"Mad? As mad as Fanny, perhaps (5)","Answer":"ADAMS","Explanation":"Definition: Fanny, perhaps\n **Anagram of** (mad) **AS MAD**\n **ADAMS"} {"Clue":"Clues note Psyche and suchlike, for starters (4)","Answer":"TIPS","Explanation":"Definition: Clues\n **TI** (note of the tonic sol-fa) **+ PS** (**first letters of** [for starter] each of **PSYCHE** and **SUCHLIKE**)\n **TI PS"} {"Clue":"\"Bit of magic from outside right,\" said Mark Wright (5)","Answer":"TRICK","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of magic\n **TICK** (mark right [sounds like {said} **MARK WRIGHT**) **containing** (outside) **R** (right)\n **T** (**R**) **ICK"} {"Clue":"Writers putting Nightingale in Berkeley Square originally (4)","Answer":"NIBS","Explanation":"Definition: Writers\n **NIBS** (**first letters of** [originally] **of each of NIGHTINGALE**, **IN**, **BERKELEY** and **SQUARE**)\n **NIBS"} {"Clue":"13 week period of not quite mutual admiration finally shattered (6)","Answer":"AUTUMN","Explanation":"Definition: 13 week period\n **Anagram of** (shattered) **MUTUAL excluding the final letter** (not quite) **L** and **N** [**last letter of** [finally] **ADMIRATION**)\n **AUTUMN"} {"Clue":"Surveillance job with second coffee option provides clue to theme (5-3)","Answer":"STAKE-OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Surveillance job\n **S** (second) **+ TAKE-OUT** (one of the options for buying coffee from many shops is in **TAKE-OUT** form)\n **S TAKE-OUT"} {"Clue":"Free guitarist? Being given one for nothing gets rude rejection (4-3)","Answer":"KISS OFF","Explanation":"Definition: rude rejection\n **KOSSOFF** (reference Paul **K****O****SSOFF**, guitarist of the band Free; Free guitarist) with **I** (Roman numeral for one) **replacing** (for) **O** (character representing zero or nothing)\n **KISS OFF"} {"Clue":"Stick, ultimately one used in running slope (3,4)","Answer":"SKI POLE","Explanation":"Definition: Stick, ultimately one used in running slope (3,4)\n (**K** [**last letter of** {ultimately} **STICK**] **+ I** [Roman numeral for one]) **contained in** (used in) **an anagram of** (running) **SLOPE**\n S (**K I**) **POLE"} {"Clue":"Deny struggling with Melancholy and Indolence initially, performing as a handsome youth (8)","Answer":"ENDYMION","Explanation":"Definition: handsome youth\n **Anagram of** (struggling) **DENY** **+ MI** (**first letters** [initially] **of each of MELANCHOLY** and **INDOLENCE**) **+ ON** (performing)\n **ENDY*** **MI** **ON"} {"Clue":"Chain or whip, when not extremely penal (6)","Answer":"CATENA","Explanation":"Definition: Chain\n **CAT** (**CAT**'-o'-nine-tails [whip with nine knotted tails or lashes, once used in army and navy]) **+ ENA** (**letters remaining in PENAL when the outer letters P and L are removed** [not extremely])\n **CAT ENA"} {"Clue":"Was happy with new pen? (4)","Answer":"SWAN","Explanation":"Definition: pen\n **Anagram of** (happy) **WAS** **+ N** (new)\n **SWA*** **N"} {"Clue":"Near neighbour of Douglas's, about to get some 6A (5)","Answer":"SLEEP","Explanation":"Definition: 6A\n **PEEL'S** (**PEEL** is a town on the Isle of Man, on the opposite coast to the capital, Douglas. Given that the Isle of Man is small in relation to the remainder of the British Isles, I suppose **PEEL** is a near neighbour of Douglas) **reversed** (about)\n **SLEEP**<"} {"Clue":"Russian city cloaked in returning thick smog (4)","Answer":"OMSK","Explanation":"Definition: Russian city\n **OMSK** (**reversed** [returning] **hidden word** [cloaked in] **THICK SMOG**)\n **OMSK**<"} {"Clue":"John recited with some force, that's clear (5)","Answer":"LUCID","Explanation":"Definition: clear\n **LU** (**sounds like** [recited] **LOO** [toilet; john is an American slang term for a lavatory]) **+** **CID** (Criminal Investigation Department, part of the police force])\n **LU** **CID"} {"Clue":"Playwright unknown in China? (7)","Answer":"POTTERY","Explanation":"Definition: China\n **POTTER** (reference Dennis **POTTER** [1935 \u2013 1994], English dramatist) **+ Y** (letter frequently used to represent an unknown in mathematics)\n **POTTER Y"} {"Clue":"Fans missing \"dark beer\" drinks (4)","Answer":"SUPS","Explanation":"Definition: drinks\n **SUPPORTERS** (fans) **excluding** (missing) **PORTER** (dark-brown malt liquor; dark beer)\n **SUPS"} {"Clue":"Poet briefly working as comedian (6)","Answer":"KEATON","Explanation":"Definition: comedian\n **KEATS** (reference John **KEATS** [themed poet of today's crossword])** excluding the final** **letter** (briefly) **S** **+ ON** (working)\n **KEAT ON"} {"Clue":"Good person briefly supporting a Lake Poet's most lofty expression (7)","Answer":"AERIEST","Explanation":"Definition: most lofty expression\n **A** **+ ERIE** (Lake **ERIE** is one of the Great Lakes of North America) **+ ST** (abbreviation for [briefly] saint; good person) As this is a down entry the letters **ST** are supporting the letters **AERIE**\n **A ERIE ST"} {"Clue":"Linklater's content to respond cheekily (4,4)","Answer":"TALK BACK","Explanation":"Definition: respond cheekily\n **TALK** **reversed** (**BACK**) is part of the content of the name **LINKLATER**\n **TALK BACK"} {"Clue":"Win audience with small number that we hear might be Grecian (4)","Answer":"EARN","Explanation":"Definition: Win\n **EAR** (audience) **+ N** (abbreviation for [small] number) **EARN** also **sounds like** [we hear] **URN** [reference John Keats Ode on a Grecian **URN**)\n **EAR N"} {"Clue":"Spurs game I must lampoon,ironically at first (7)","Answer":"STIMULI","Explanation":"Definition: Spurs\n **Anagram of** (game) **I MUST** **+ LI** (**first letters** [at first] **of each of** **LAMPOON** and **IRONICALLY**)\n **STIMU***** L I"} {"Clue":"Setter blocked in by bus before lunchtime, cycling in Romanian city (5)","Answer":"SIBIU","Explanation":"Definition: Romanian city\n (**I** [the crossword setter] **contained in** [blocked in by] **BUS**) **+ I** (Roman numeral for one, the time when lunch is often served. This could form **B** (**I**) **US I** which then cycles to the right and moves through **IBIUS** before finishing on **SIBIU**\n **SIBIU"} {"Clue":"Retract Nancy's article, for instance (5)","Answer":"UNSAY","Explanation":"Definition: Retract\n **UN** (one of the French [Nancy is a city in France] words for the indefinite article) **+ SAY** (for instance)\n **UN SAY"} {"Clue":"Former postman, one now living abroad (5)","Answer":"EXPAT","Explanation":"Definition: one now living abroad\n **EX** (former) **+ PAT** (reference the children's fictional character Postman PAT\n **EX PAT"} {"Clue":"Suddenly gets angry, obscure fish appearing in reverse (8)","Answer":"FLIPSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: reverse\n **FLIPS** (suddenly gets mad or angry) +** IDE** (fish [*Idus idus*] of the same family as the carp, inhabiting fresh water in Northern Europe) I'm not sure what role 'obscure' is playing. **IDE** is a fairly common fish in crossword waters. Perhaps **FLIPS** is obscuring **IDE** as it is placed above it in the entry.\n **FLIPS IDE"} {"Clue":"Male or female Lydians reimagined by poet (7)","Answer":"LINDSAY","Explanation":"Definition: Male or female\n **Anagram of** (reimagined) **LYDIANS**\n **LINDSAY"} {"Clue":"Making new sort of punk, met Shaggy! (7)","Answer":"UNKEMPT","Explanation":"Definition: Shaggy!\n **Anagram of** (making new) **PUNK MET**\n **UNKEMPT"} {"Clue":"Post from one we love (5)","Answer":"NEWEL","Explanation":"Definition: Post\n **NEWEL** (**hidden word in** [from] **ONE WE LOVE**)\n **NEWEL"} {"Clue":"Heads are those of Cupid and Psyche, inscribed \"To Apollo\" (6)","Answer":"CAPITA","Explanation":"Definition: Heads\n **CAPITA** (**first letters of** [heads \u2026 those of] **CUPID**, **AND**, **PSYCHE**, **INSCRIBED**, **TO** and **APOLLO**)\n **CAPITA"} {"Clue":"Part of 16 needing some bottle \u2013 and cheek! (4)","Answer":"NECK","Explanation":"Definition: Part of 16\n **NECK** (part of a bottle), also **NECK** (**KISS** [amorously] which is part of the entry **KISS** **OFF** at 16 across) triple definition\n **NECK"} {"Clue":"Bits of old verse periodically appearing as part of today's theme (4)","Answer":"ODES","Explanation":"Definition: part of today's theme\n **ODES** (**letters 1, 3, 5 and 7** [bits of \u2026 periodically] **OLD VERSE**)\n **ODES"} {"Clue":"Ancient author describing portion of holy scripture (5)","Answer":"LUCAN","Explanation":"Definition: Ancient author\n **LUCAN** (descriptive of the Gospel of Luke) double definition\n **LUCAN"} {"Clue":"Love child I enveloped in all liquid of post-partum discharge (7)","Answer":"LOCHIAL","Explanation":"Definition: of post-partum discharge\n (**O** [zero; love score in tennis] **+ CH** [child] **+ I**) **contained in** (in) **an anagram of** (liquid) **ALL**\n **L** (**O** **CH** **I**) **AL"} {"Clue":"Oriental porcelain damage has cracked classical pair (5)","Answer":"IMARI","Explanation":"Definition: Oriental porcelain\n **MAR** (damage) **contained in** (has cracked) **II** (Roman [classical] numerals for two [pair])\n **I** (**MAR**)** I"} {"Clue":"Director's leading part for comic (5)","Answer":"DROLE","Explanation":"Definition: comic\n **D** (**first letter of** [leading part] **DIRECTOR**) **+ ROLE** (part)\n **D ROLE"} {"Clue":"Special crumpet, showing beginning of new florescence (8)","Answer":"SPIKELET","Explanation":"Definition: showing beginning of new florescence\n **S** (special) **+ PIKELET** (kind of teacake, or crumpet, or muffin)\n **S PIKELET"} {"Clue":"Compound, robust, I had installed (6)","Answer":"HALIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Compound\n **I'D** (I had) **contained in** (installed) **HALE** (robust)\n **HAL** (**ID**) **E"} {"Clue":"Handled containers of stone as sent for repackaging (6)","Answer":"STEANS","Explanation":"Definition: Handled containers of stone\n **Anagram of** (for repackaging) **AS SENT**\n **STEA**NS"} {"Clue":"Slim and lively for US hootenanny (8)","Answer":"THINGAMY","Explanation":"Definition: US hootenanny\n **THIN** (slim) **+ GAMY** (informal term for lively)\n **THIN GAMY"} {"Clue":"Gets together before food, unravelling secret (8)","Answer":"ACCRETES","Explanation":"Definition: Gets together\n **AC** (medical abbreviation for *anti cebum* indicating that a medicine should be taken before food) **+ an anagram of** (unravelling) **SECRET**\n **AC** **CRETES"} {"Clue":"It's red at sea (or sort of red, bow to stern and vice versa) (6)","Answer":"DUSTER","Explanation":"Definition: It's red at sea\n **RUSTED** (showing a sort of red colour) **with the first** (bow) **letter R moved to the end** (stern) **and the stern letter D moved to the bow to form DUSTER**)\n **DUSTER"} {"Clue":"Mysterious chapters ingested, lout reformed (6)","Answer":"OCCULT","Explanation":"Definition: Mysterious\n **Anagram of** (reformed) **LOUT** **containing** (ingested) **CC** (chapters)\n **O** (**CC**) **ULT"} {"Clue":"Bonnes bouches maybe for being served in French city, not English (8)","Answer":"ORTOLANS","Explanation":"Definition: Bonnes bouches maybe\n **TO** (for) **contained in** (being served in) **ORLEANS** (French city) **excluding** (not) **E** (English)\n **OR** (**TO**) **LANS"} {"Clue":"It may reveal catch of grilse I net (5)","Answer":"SEINE","Explanation":"Definition: It may reveal catch of grilse I net\n **SEINE** (**hidden word in** [it may reveal] **GRILSE I NET**)\n **SEINE"} {"Clue":"Boss rival disheartened? He was free but lowly (5)","Answer":"CEORL","Explanation":"Definition: He was free but lowly\n **CEO** (Chief Executive Officer; the boss) **+ **RL (**letters remaining in** **RIVAL** **when the central letters IVA are removed** [dis-heartened])\n **CEO** **RL"} {"Clue":"Skirl I reck, upset, penetrating silence (7)","Answer":"SKRIECH","Explanation":"Definition: Skirl\n Anagram of (upset) **I RECK** **contained in** (penetrating) **SH** (be quiet!; silence!)\n **S** (**KRIEC***) **H"} {"Clue":"Head of state's partner, so she's un-Boris in a way (5)","Answer":"BRUNI","Explanation":"Definition: Head of state's partner\n **UN-BORIS** **is** **an anagram** [in a way] of **SO** [a word in the clue] and **BRUNI** [the entry]\n **BRUNI"} {"Clue":"I act uneasily about robbery, being sceptical (9)","Answer":"ATHEISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: sceptical\n **Anagram of** (uneasily) **I ACT** **containing** (about) **HEIS****T** (robbery)\n **AT** (**HEIST**) **IC"} {"Clue":"Folded what's delicate in hamper (8)","Answer":"PLIGHTED","Explanation":"Definition: Folded\n **LIGHT** (delicate) **contained in** (in) **PED** (pannier or hamper)\n **P** (**LIGHT**) **ED"} {"Clue":"Sardinia's capital \u2013 large part of that's limestone (7)","Answer":"SCAGLIA","Explanation":"Definition: limestone\n **S** (**first letter of** [capital] **SARDINIA**) **+ CAGLIARI** (capital city of Sardinia) **ignoring the final two letters** (most of) **RI**\n **S CAGLIA"} {"Clue":"US plant needing help raised round cemetery near Washington (12)","Answer":"DARLINGTONIA","Explanation":"Definition: US plant\n **AID** (help) **reversed** (raised; down entry) **containing** (round) **ARLINGTON** (American military cemetery near Washington DC)\n **D** (**ARLINGTON**) **IA**<"} {"Clue":"What's this, one containing soft herrings? (6)","Answer":"CLUPEA","Explanation":"Definition: herrings\n (**CLUE** [what this is)]**+ A** [one]) **containing** (containing) **P** (piano; soft)\n **CLU** (**P**) **E A"} {"Clue":"Spring festival's attended by millions in all-embracing philosophy (6)","Answer":"HOLISM","Explanation":"Definition: all-embracing philosophy\n **HOLI'S** (Hindus' Spring Festival's) **+ M** (millions)\n **HOLIS M"} {"Clue":"Energy lost in trek replaced with red cheese sandwiches (bulky) (12)","Answer":"THREE-DECKERS","Explanation":"Definition: sandwiches (bulky)\n **Anagram of** (but I'm not sure what the anagram indicator is, [lost?, bulky?]) **TREK** **excluding** [lost] **E** [energy] and **RED CHEESE**\n **T****HREE**\u2013**D****E**C**K****E**R**S"} {"Clue":"Flower I held in palm (5)","Answer":"VIOLA","Explanation":"Definition: Flower\n **I** **contained in** (held in) **VOLA** (hollow of the hand; palm)\n **V** (**I**) **OLA"} {"Clue":"Car panel, French article fitted in Packard? (7)","Answer":"VALENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Car panel\n **LE** (one of the French forms of the definite article) **contained in** (fitted in) **VANCE** (reference **VANCE** Packard [1914 \u2013 1966], American journalist)\n **VA** (**LE**) **NCE"} {"Clue":"Succumb to sleepiness, an inevitable part of table talk (4)","Answer":"BLET","Explanation":"Definition: Succumb to sleepiness\n **BLET** (**hidden word in** [an inevitable part of] **TABLE TALK**)\n **BLET"} {"Clue":"You aim for Mecca, every last one \u2013 in this? (4)","Answer":"UMRA","Explanation":"Definition: this\n **UMRA** (**final letters of each of** [every last one] **YOU**, **AIM**, **FOR** and **MECCA**)\n **UMRA"} {"Clue":"Loss City's suffering, denoting a certain physical collapse (8)","Answer":"SYSTOLIC","Explanation":"Definition: denoting a certain physical collapse\n **Anagram of** (suffering) **LOSS CITY**\n **SYSTOLIC"} {"Clue":"Explosive carbamide containing potassium, a brilliant invention (7)","Answer":"HEUREKA","Explanation":"Definition: a brilliant invention\n **HE** (high explosive) **+** (**UREA** [a carbamide] **containing** [containing] **K** [chemical symbol for potassium])\n **HE** **URE** (**K**) **A"} {"Clue":"Manger to come upon, containing last of fodder (6)","Answer":"CRATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Manger\n **CATCH** (come upon) **containing** (containing) **R** (**final letter of** [last of] **FODDER**\n **C** (**R**) **ATCH"} {"Clue":"Mix new chocolate? A lot we \u2014\u2014, possibly (6)","Answer":"CONCHE","Explanation":"Definition: Mix new chocolate\n This is another **compound anagram** (possibly) of **N** new] and **CHOC****OLATE** formed from the entry **CONCHE** and **A LOT**\n **CONCHE"} {"Clue":"Sensation over source of poodle pedigree (5)","Answer":"STIRP","Explanation":"Definition: pedigree\n **STIR** (sensation) **+ P** (**first letter of** [source] **POODLE**) 'over' is used in the clue as this is a down entry and the letters in **STIR** are placed 'over' the **P**\n **STIR P"} {"Clue":"Receive education in local school in Killarney (4)","Answer":"LARN","Explanation":"Definition: Receive education in local school\n **LARN** (**hidden word in** [in] **KILLARNEY**)\n **LARN"} {"Clue":"E.g. Leipziger half set firmly in his ways? (4)","Answer":"OSSI","Explanation":"Definition: E.g. Leipziger\n **OSSIFIED** (become rigid, hardened, inflexible or set into a conventional pattern [set firmly in its ways]) **excluding 4 of the 8** [half] letters **FIED**)\n **OSSI"} {"Clue":"Indulging in fantasies to win over party on left (13)","Answer":"WOOLGATHERING","Explanation":"Definition: Indulging in fantasies\n **WOO** (win the affection of; win over) **+ L** (left) **+ GATHERING** (party)\n **WOO L GATHERING"} {"Clue":"Person who disses rapper? (7)","Answer":"KNOCKER","Explanation":"Definition: Person who disses\n **KNOCKER** (rapper [on a door for instance]) double definition\n **KNOCKER"} {"Clue":"Cause friction again with hot pants (7)","Answer":"RUBBISH","Explanation":"Definition: pants\n **RUB** (cause friction) **+ BIS** (in music, a direction indicating that a section is to be repeated; again) **+ H**\n **RUB BIS H"} {"Clue":"Part of shirt collar, perhaps (4)","Answer":"CUFF","Explanation":"Definition: Part of shirt\n **CUFF** put in hand**CUFF**s; arrest; collar) double definition\n **CUFF"} {"Clue":"Duchess eats half of rare meat, which is a blow (6,4)","Answer":"KARATE CHOP","Explanation":"Definition: blow\n (**KATE** [Duchess of Cambridge] **contains** [eats] **RA** [**2 of 4** {half} **letters of** **RARE**]) **+ CHOP** (a piece of meat)\n **KA** (**RA**) **TE** **CHOP"} {"Clue":"Germany's current period of over indulgence (5)","Answer":"SPREE","Explanation":"Definition: Germany's current\n **SPREE** (river [current] in Germany)\n **SPREE"} {"Clue":"Clue for mystery solver on TV (6,3)","Answer":"SCOOBY DOO","Explanation":"Definition: Clue\n **SCOOBY DOO** (rhyming slang for a clue) double definition\n **SCOOBY DOO"} {"Clue":"Paying chaps to stuff when it may be lunch time (9)","Answer":"ATONEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Paying\n **MEN** (chaps) **contained in** (to stuff) **AT ONE** (possible time for lunch)\n **AT ONE** (**MEN**) **T** \u2013 I'm not sure where the final **T** comes from"} {"Clue":"Sailors seizing princess on stage twirling bottom (5)","Answer":"NADIR","Explanation":"Definition: bottom\n (**RN** [Royal Navy; sailors] **containing** [seizing] **IDA** [reference Princess **IDA**, comic opera by Gilbert & Sullivan; princess on stage]) **all reversed** (twirling)\n (**N** (**ADI**) **R**)<"} {"Clue":"Showy Kafka work keeps a chapter apart (10)","Answer":"THEATRICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Showy\n (**THE TRIAL** [novel by Franz Kafka] **containing** [keeps] **A** and **C** [chapter] **in different locations** [apart])\n **THE** (**A**) **TRI** (**C**) **AL"} {"Clue":"It demands attention in an extremely pompous way (4)","Answer":"PSST","Explanation":"Definition: It demands attention\n **PS** (**outer letters** [extremely] **of POMPOUS**) **+ ST** (street; way)\n **PS ST"} {"Clue":"Fulminating in a bad way. Republican takes lead (7)","Answer":"RAILING","Explanation":"Definition: Fulminating\n **R** (Republican) **+ AILING** (in a bad way)\n **R AILING"} {"Clue":"Nothing is mutable in these organs (7)","Answer":"OVARIES","Explanation":"Definition: organs\n **O** (character representing zero or nothing) **+ VARIES** (changes; is mutable)\n **O** **VARIES"} {"Clue":"Softly dancing in dressy pink clothes, they've no costumes (4)","Answer":"SKINNY DIPPERS","Explanation":"Definition: they've no costumes\n **Anagram of** (dancing) **IN DRESSY PINK** **containing** (clothes) **P** (piano; softly)\n **SKINNY DIP** (**P**) **ERS"} {"Clue":"Switch positions? I'm not sure it's available (2,5)","Answer":"ON OFFER","Explanation":"Definition: it's available\n **ON** (one position of a switch) **+ OFF** (the other position of a switch) **+ ER** (expression of hesitation; I'm not sure)\n **ON OFF ER"} {"Clue":"Religious book very fortunate to lose its covers (4)","Answer":"LUKE","Explanation":"Definition: Religious book\n **FLUKEY** (accidentally successful; very fortunate) **excluding the outer letters** [lose its covers] **F** and **Y**)\n **LUKE"} {"Clue":"A number welcoming opening of tennis courts (5)","Answer":"ATRIA","Explanation":"Definition: courts\n **ARIA** (air or melody; [musical] number) **containing** (welcoming) **T** (**first letter of** [opening of] **T****ENNIS**)\n **A** (**T**) **RIA"} {"Clue":"The euro struggles to maintain rating in this area (9)","Answer":"HEREABOUT","Explanation":"Definition: in this area\n **Anagram of** (struggles) **THE EURO** **containing** (to maintain) **AB** (able seaman; rating)\n **HERE** (**AB**) **OUT"} {"Clue":"Hearing papal take on sex, I hold things together (6,4)","Answer":"RUBBER BAND","Explanation":"Definition: I hold things together\n **RUBBER** (condom) **+ BAND** (**sounds like** [hearing] **BANNED** [forbidden]) The Catholic Church teaches [papal talk] that condoms should not be used\n **RUBBER BAND"} {"Clue":"Vagrant in hedge made a beastly sound (7)","Answer":"NEIGHED","Explanation":"Definition: made a beastly sound\n **Anagram of** (vagrant) **IN HEDGE**\n **NEIGHED"} {"Clue":"Stops doing more acid to provide impetus (4-7)","Answer":"KICK STARTER","Explanation":"Definition: provide impetus\n **KICKS** (stops, as in **KICKS** a habit) **+ TARTER** (more acidic)\n **KICK S TARTER"} {"Clue":"He dispensed treatment in Post Office Boxes (11)","Answer":"HIPPOCRATES","Explanation":"Definition: He dispensed treatment\n **HIP** (trendy; in) **+ PO** (Post Office) **+ ****CRATES** (boxes)\n **HIP PO CRATES"} {"Clue":"Dull-witted American president's thrown outside (10)","Answer":"PEDESTRIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Dull-witted\n **Anagram of** (thrown) **PRESIDENT** **containing** (outside) **A** (American)\n **PEDESTRI** (**A**) **N"} {"Clue":"Decent trousers in golf, it appears (9)","Answer":"SEEMINGLY","Explanation":"Definition: it appears\n **SEEMLY** (decent) **containing** (trousers) (**IN** **+ G** (Golf is the International Radio Communication codeword for the letter G)\n **SEEM** (**IN G**) **LY"} {"Clue":"Funny bloke is something to see in Paris (7)","Answer":"OBELISK","Explanation":"Definition: something to see in Paris\n **Anagram of** (funny) **BLOKE IS**\n **OBELISK"} {"Clue":"Record covered by Erasure is so damn uplifting! (7)","Answer":"DOSSIER","Explanation":"Definition: Record\n **DOSSIER** (**reversed** [uplifting] **hidden word** [covered by] **ERASURE IS SO DAMN**)\n **DOSSIER**<"} {"Clue":"Fighter catches Greek priestess dressing (5)","Answer":"AIOLI","Explanation":"Definition: dressing\n **ALI** (reference Muhammad **ALI** [1942 \u2013 2016], American boxer; fighter) **containing** (catches) **IO** (priestess in Greek mythology)\n **A** (**IO**)** LI"} {"Clue":"Inclination to put butter on starter of pancakes (4)","Answer":"RAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Inclination\n **RAM** (an animal that buts; butter) **+ P** (**first letter of** [starter of] **PANCAKES**)\n **RAM P"} {"Clue":"Chastise wife that's turned against child (5)","Answer":"BIRCH","Explanation":"Definition: Chastise\n **RIB** (wife [from the Bible, Genesis 2, 21-23](**reversed** [that's turned]) **+ CH** (child)\n **BIR**< **CH"} {"Clue":"Small object does not have small volume (4)","Answer":"PECK","Explanation":"Definition: volume\n **SPECK** (small spot; small article) **excluding** (does not have) **S** (small)\n **PECK"} {"Clue":"Way of working leads to some surprisingly low-level growth? (4)","Answer":"MOSS","Explanation":"Definition: low-level growth\n **MO** (modus operandi; way of working) **+ SS** (**first letter of** [leads to] **each of SOME** and **SURPRISINGLY**)\n **MO SS"} {"Clue":"Engineers sign code that's compiled and accepted as valid (10)","Answer":"RECOGNISED","Explanation":"Definition: accepted as valid\n **RE** (Royal Engineers) **+ an anagram of** (that's compiled) **SIGN CODE**\n **RE** **COGNISED"} {"Clue":"Reunifying divided African country's capital (4)","Answer":"LIMA","Explanation":"Definition: capital\n **MALI** (African country) **with the word split **(divided)** into MA and LI before being put together again in a different order **(reunifying**) for LIMA**\n **LI MA"} {"Clue":"Skinhead perhaps receives accidental punishment (5,5,5)","Answer":"SHORT SHARP SHOCK","Explanation":"Definition: punishment\n **SHORT SHOCK** (hair of little length, perhaps descriptive of a skinhead's haircut) **containing** (receives) **SHARP** (in music terminology a note raised a semitone; an accidental is a **SHARP** or a flat)\n **SHORT** (**SHARP**) **SHOCK"} {"Clue":"Individuals who aren't qualified to bet on race (9)","Answer":"LAYPEOPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Individuals who aren't qualified\n **LAY** (to wager of bet) **+ PEOPLE** (human race)\n **LAY PEOPLE"} {"Clue":"Patient daughter looked around before taking on job? (5)","Answer":"CASED","Explanation":"Definition: looked around before taking on job\n **CASE** (person under medical treatment; patient) **+ D** (daughter)\n **CASE D"} {"Clue":"Sports merchandise for sale as advertised on the radio (5)","Answer":"WEARS","Explanation":"Definition: Sports\n **WEARS** (**sounds like** [as advertised on radio] **WARES** [merchandise for sale])\n **WEARS"} {"Clue":"Boy left upset about unpleasant incident using offensive language? (9)","Answer":"OBSCENELY","Explanation":"Definition: using offensive language\n (**Anagram of** [upset)] **BOY** and **L** [left]) **containing** (about) **SCENE** (dramatic or stagy incident, especially an unseemly display of feelings)\n **OB** (**SCENE**) **L****Y"} {"Clue":"Be active in Samaritan organisation preserving international philanthropy (15)","Answer":"HUMANITARIANISM","Explanation":"Definition: philanthropy\n **HUM** (be active) **+ an anagram of** (organisation) **IN SAMARITAN** **containing** (about) **I** (international)\n **HUM** **ANITAR** (**I**) **ANISM"} {"Clue":"Excellent service disrupted by new complaint (4)","Answer":"ACNE","Explanation":"Definition: complaint\n **ACE** (a tennis serve that cannot be returned; excellent service) **containing** (disrupted by) **N** (new)\n **AC** (**N**) **E"} {"Clue":"John confronts drunk punching two bores (10)","Answer":"FACILITIES","Explanation":"Definition: John\n (**LIT** [drunk] **contained in** [punches] **II** [Roman numeral for two])** all contained in** (bores) **FACES** (confronts)\n **FAC** (**I** (**LIT**) **I**) **ES"} {"Clue":"Church official cited over missing Mass (4)","Answer":"DEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Church official\n **NAMED** (cited) **reversed** (over) and **excluding** (missing) **M** (mass)\n **DEAN**<"} {"Clue":"Where patient might go when heart's lost pulse (4)","Answer":"BEAN","Explanation":"Definition: pulse\n **BEDPAN** (utensil into which a person confined to bed can urinate and defecate; where a patient can go) **excluding the central letters** (heart's lost) **DP**\n **BEAN"} {"Clue":"Polish hospital observed nurses (6)","Answer":"SHEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Polish\n **SEEN** (observed) **containing** (nurses) **H** (hospital)\n **S** (**H**) **EEN"} {"Clue":"Queen's cut up about poet (5)","Answer":"BURNS","Explanation":"Definition: poet\n **SNUB** (rebuff; cut short) **reversed** (up; down entry) **containing** (about) **R** (Regina; queen)\n **BU** (**R**) **NS**<"} {"Clue":"Building on hill in deserted city (7)","Answer":"RECTORY","Explanation":"Definition: Building\n **RE** (with reference to; on) **+** (**TOR** [hill] **contained in** [in] **CY** [**letters remaining in** **CITY** **when the central letters IT are removed** [deserted])\n **RE** **C** (**TOR**) **Y"} {"Clue":"Lofty idealist's ultimate motive for betrayal (4,7)","Answer":"HIGH TREASON","Explanation":"Definition: betrayal\n **HIGH** (lofty) **+ T** (**last letter of** [ultimate] **IDEALIST + REASON** [motive])\n **HIGH T REASON"} {"Clue":"Try to obtain confidential information from man in pub (5)","Answer":"PHISH","Explanation":"Definition: Try to obtain confidential information\n **HIS** (from man) **contained in** (in) **PH** (public house; pub)\n **P** (**HIS**) **H"} {"Clue":"Depressing directive to cut back on applause (9)","Answer":"CHEERLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Depressing\n **CHEER **(applaud)** LESS** (not so much) \u2013 taken together the words form a directive to cut back on applause\n **CHEER LESS"} {"Clue":"I believe texting about intelligence is sinister (7)","Answer":"OMINOUS","Explanation":"Definition: sinister\n **IMO** (a texting abbreviation for 'in my opinion'; I believe) **reversed** (about) **+ NOUS** (intelligence)\n **OMI**< **NOUS"} {"Clue":"Bored about wife's ostentatious display (5)","Answer":"SWANK","Explanation":"Definition: ostentatious display\n **SANK** (excavated; bored) **containing** (about) **W** (wife)\n **S** (**W**) **ANK"} {"Clue":"Office staff concealed sign (11)","Answer":"SECRETARIES","Explanation":"Definition: Office staff\n **SECRET** (concealed) **+ ARIES** (sign of the zodiac)\n **SECRET ARIES"} {"Clue":"Exposed weaknesses in principle (3)","Answer":"LAW","Explanation":"Definition: principle\n **FLAWS** (weaknesses) **excluding the outer letters** (exposed) **F** and **S**\n **LAW"} {"Clue":"Speed of racing driver going flat out (9)","Answer":"PROSTRATE","Explanation":"Definition: flat out\n **PROST** (reference Alain **PROST** [born 1955], French Formula 1 racing drive) **+ RATE** (speed)\n **PROST RATE"} {"Clue":"What appears regularly in diary (3)","Answer":"DAY","Explanation":"Definition: What appears regularly in diary\n **DAY** (**letters 1, 3 and 5** [regularly] of **DIARY**)\n **DAY"} {"Clue":"Gas starts to oxidise metal, affecting main supply (7)","Answer":"AMMONIA","Explanation":"Definition: Gas\n **Anagram of** (supply [from the root supple]) **OMA** (**first letters of** [starts to] **each of** **OXIDATE**, **METAL** and **AFFECTING**) and **MAIN**\n **AMMONIA"} {"Clue":"Complex organisation implicated if I censure banks (7)","Answer":"EDIFICE","Explanation":"Definition: Complex organisation\n **EDIFICE** (**hidden word in** [banks] **IMPLICATED IF I CENSURE**)\n **EDIFICE"} {"Clue":"Attended to large group during speeches (5)","Answer":"HEARD","Explanation":"Definition: Attended to\n **HEARD** (**sounds like** [during speeches] **HERD** [large group of animals])\n **HEARD"} {"Clue":"Term for being \"in control\" (5)","Answer":"REIGN","Explanation":"Definition: Term\n **REIGN** (be in control) double definition\n **REIGN"} {"Clue":"He possesses special ring (5)","Answer":"MASON","Explanation":"Definition: He possesses special ring\n **MAN** (male; he) **contains** (possesses (**S** [special] **+ O** [ring shaped letter])\n **MA** (**S O**) **N"} {"Clue":"Storm all but hurtled around prison (9)","Answer":"HURRICANE","Explanation":"Definition: Storm\n **HURRIED** (hurtled) **excluding the final letter** (all but) **D** **containing** (around) **CAN** (slang term for prison)\n **HURRI** **(CAN)** **E"} {"Clue":"Student no longer in thrall to enthusiast (5)","Answer":"LOVER","Explanation":"Definition: enthusiast\n **L** (learner) **+ OVER** (recovered from the effects of; no longer in thrall to)\n **L OVER"} {"Clue":"Branch of society unfavourable about Knight \u2013 here's the evidence (7,3,5)","Answer":"CHAPTER AND VERSE","Explanation":"Definition: the evidence\n **CHAPTER** (organized branch of a society, club or fraternity) + (**ADVERSE** [unfavourable] **containing** (about) **N** [knight in chess notation])\n **CHAPTER** **A** (**N**) **D VERSE"} {"Clue":"Distribution of aid taking years, sadly? It wouldn't surprise me (1,4,3)","Answer":"I DARE SAY","Explanation":"Definition: It wouldn't surprise me\n **Anagram of** (distribution of) **AID** + **an anagram of** (sadly) **YEARS**\n **I DA*** **RE SAY"} {"Clue":"Revoking barrel regulation will bear fruit (6)","Answer":"WALNUT","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\n (**TUN** [barrel] **+ LAW** [regulation] **all reversed** (revoking)\n (**WAL** **NUT**)<"} {"Clue":"Soldier about to enter Reading after riot (9)","Answer":"GRENADIER","Explanation":"Definition: Soldier\n **RE** (with reference to; about) **contained in** (to enter) **an anagram of** (after riot) **READING**\n **G** (**RE**) **NADIER"} {"Clue":"Completely eradicating foremost seasonal plant (5)","Answer":"HOLLY","Explanation":"Definition: seasonal plant\n **WHOLLY** (completely) **excluding** (eradicating) **the first letter** (foremost) **W**\n **HOLLY"} {"Clue":"Rich husband setting limits to one's fidelity (5)","Answer":"FAITH","Explanation":"Definition: fidelity\n (**FAT** [rich] **+ H** [husband]) **containing** (setting limits to) **I** (Roman numeral for one)\n **FA** (**I**) **T** **H"} {"Clue":"A lot to teach boy about love (9)","Answer":"TRAINLOAD","Explanation":"Definition: A lot\n **TRAIN** (teach) **+** (**LAD** [boy] **containing** [about] **O** [letter representing zero or the love score in tennis])\n **TRAIN** **L** (**O**) **AD"} {"Clue":"Concern expressed with a later surprised comment? That's rich (6)","Answer":"CREAMY","Explanation":"Definition: rich\n **CARE** (concern) with the **A** moved to the end (A later) **+ MY** (gosh!; surprised comment)\n **CREA MY"} {"Clue":"A friend with a lot of regular business in Arab city (3,5)","Answer":"ABU DHABI","Explanation":"Definition: Arab city\n **A** **+ BUD** (buddy; friend) **+ HABIT** (ordinary course of behaviour; regular business) **excluding the final letter** (a lot of) **T**\n **A** **BU D** **HABI"} {"Clue":"Not suffering with repeated washing, but avoiding psychological interpretation (6-9)","Answer":"SHRINK-RESISTANT","Explanation":"Definition: Not suffering with repeated washing\n **SHRINK** (informal term for a psychiatrist) **+ RESISTANT** (avoid the effects of)\n **SHRINK RESISTANT"} {"Clue":"Engineers engaged in major engineering project showing vision (5)","Answer":"DREAM","Explanation":"Definition: vision\n **RE** ([Royal] Engineers) **contained in** (engaged in) **DAM** (construction of a **DAM** is a major engineering project)\n **D** (**RE**) **AM"} {"Clue":"Toy top's initial whirling motion to endure (5,4)","Answer":"TEDDY BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Toy\n **T** (**first letter of** [initial] **TOP**) **+ EDDY** (whirling motion) **+ BEAR** (endure)\n **T EDDY BEAR"} {"Clue":"Riding a horse in short bursts? (7)","Answer":"HACKING","Explanation":"Definition: Riding a horse\n **HACKING** (riding a horse kept for hire) double definiiton\n **HACKING"} {"Clue":"All are drunk with English beer (4,3)","Answer":"REAL ALE","Explanation":"Definition: beer\n **Anagram of** (drunk) **ALL ARE + E** (English)\n **REAL AL*** **E"} {"Clue":"Botanist leaves, having gathered agave fibre (5)","Answer":"ISTLE","Explanation":"Definition: agave fibre\n **ISTLE** (**hidden word in** [gathered by] **BOTANIST LEAVES**)\n **ISTLE"} {"Clue":"Circus acts are unusual \u2013 one's bringing in the top people (10)","Answer":"AERIALISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Circus acts\n **Anagram of** (unusual) **ARE + ****I** (Roman numeral for one) **+ A LISTS** (most famous groups of people)\n **AER*** **I** **A LISTS"} {"Clue":"Italian poet, losing head, getting upset \u2013 a source of disturbance in Italy (4)","Answer":"ETNA","Explanation":"Definition: source of disturbance in Italy\n **DANTE** (reference **DANTE** Aligheri [1265 \u2013 1321], Italian poet)** excluding** (losing) **the first letter** (head) **D** and **then reversed** (upset; down entry)\n **ETNA**<"} {"Clue":"Biblical tribe and Biblical prophet heading off Biblical monster (9)","Answer":"LEVIATHAN","Explanation":"Definition: Biblical monster\n **LEVI** (According to the Bible, the Tribe of **LEVI** is one of the tribes of Israel, traditionally descended from **LEVI**,\u00a0son of Jacob) **+ NATHAN** (**NATHAN** was a court prophet who lived in the time of King David. He is introduced in the Old Testament 2 Samuel 7:2 and 1 Chronicles 17:1 as an advisor to David) **excluding** (off) **the first letter** (heading) **N**\n **LEVI ATHAN"} {"Clue":"Sedative mercenary carried around Romania (7)","Answer":"VERONAL","Explanation":"Definition: Sedative\n **VENAL** (corruptly mercenary) **containing** (carried around) **RO** (International Vehicle Registration for Romania)\n **VE** (**RO**) **NAL"} {"Clue":"Begrudge losing second railway, putting in again? (2-5)","Answer":"RE-ENTRY","Explanation":"Definition: putting in again\n **RESENT** (begrudge) **excluding** (losing) **S** (second) **+ RY** (railway)\n **REENT** **RY"} {"Clue":"British overlooking rail network? It's accommodating many (5-5)","Answer":"BROAD-BASED","Explanation":"Definition: It's accommodating many\n Not sure how this works"} {"Clue":"Attacking the man, representing him a demon (2,7)","Answer":"AD HOMINEM","Explanation":"Definition: Attacking the man, representing him a demon\n **Anagram of** (re-presenting) **HIM A DEMON**\n **AD HOMINEM"} {"Clue":"Ball carried by soccer team employed in targeted manner (7)","Answer":"FOCUSED","Explanation":"Definition: in targeted manner\n (**O** [letter shaped like a ball] **contained in** [carried by] **FC** [Football Club; soccer team]) **+ USED** (employed)\n **F** (**O**) **C** **USED"} {"Clue":"Fierce changes involving climate, ultimately \u2013 how's the Arctic in summer? (3-4)","Answer":"ICE-FREE","Explanation":"Definition: how's the Arctic in summer\n **Anagram of** (changes) **FIERCE** **containing** (involving) **E** (**last letter of** [ultimately] **CLIMATE**)\n **IC** (**E**) **FREE"} {"Clue":"Origin of outcry supported by Times over a former acid compound (7)","Answer":"OXALATE","Explanation":"Definition: acid compound\n **O** (**first letter of** [origin of] **OUTCRY**) **+ X** (multiplication [times] symbol) **+ A + LATE** (former)\n **O X A LATE"} {"Clue":"Opening secured by the German fishing-boat (7)","Answer":"DRIFTER","Explanation":"Definition: fishing-boat\n **RIFT** (fissure; opening) **contained in** (secured by) **DER** (one of the German forms of 'the', the definite article)\n **D** (**RIFT**)** ER"} {"Clue":"Dirty work that has to be done to protect Society (5)","Answer":"DUSTY","Explanation":"Definition: Dirty\n **DUTY** (work that has to be done) **containing** (to protect) **S** (society)\n **DU** (**S**) **TY"} {"Clue":"Determination to see power slipping from grasp with time (4)","Answer":"GRIT","Explanation":"Definition: Determination\n **GRIP** (grasp) **excluding** (slipping from) **P** (power) **+ T** (time)\n **GRI T"} {"Clue":"American's flatulence: endless gift of stomach ailment? (7)","Answer":"GASTRIC","Explanation":"Definition: of stomach ailment?\nGAS (American word for flatulence) TRIC~~k~~ (gift) with last letter removed or 'endless'"} {"Clue":"British stamp involved pinning down one identification of issue? (7)","Answer":"BAPTISM","Explanation":"Definition: identification of issue? \nAn anagram of B (British) + STAMP (anagrind is 'involved) around or 'pinning down' I (one)"} {"Clue":"Not significant enough to get the bank's attention? (2-7)","Answer":"NO-ACCOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Not significant \nPresumably if you did not have an account, a bank may show some interest in you! We had to check the definition though as it was a new one on us. Chambers says that it is US informal."} {"Clue":"Hearts bound in an instant \u2013 very intimate (5)","Answer":"THICK","Explanation":"Definition: very intimate\nH (hearts) inside or 'bound by' TICK (an instant)"} {"Clue":"Staff behind senior lawyer about a trade route (4,4)","Answer":"SILK ROAD","Explanation":"Definition: trade route\nROD (staff) behind SILK (senior lawyer) around A"} {"Clue":"Decide roughly about blocking a politician's assistant (4-2-4)","Answer":"AIDE DE CAMP","Explanation":"Definition: assistant\nAn anagram of DECIDE (anagrind is 'roughly) A (about) inside or 'blocking' A MP (politician)"} {"Clue":"Occasionally and roughly experiencing blustery weather, without question (8)","Answer":"CASUALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Occasionally\nCA (roughly as in circa) S~~q~~UALLY (blustery weather) without Q (question)"} {"Clue":"Agents securing revolutionary players in art form (6)","Answer":"CINEMA","Explanation":"Definition: art form \nCIA (agents) around or 'securing' MEN (players) reversed or 'revolutionary'"} {"Clue":"Have another go at job listing (6)","Answer":"RESUME","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Fried food not right for saucy woman (8)","Answer":"COQUETTE","Explanation":"Definition: saucy woman\nC~~r~~OQUETTE (fried food) without R (right)"} {"Clue":"Result of numerical calculation: fair support for plant (6,4)","Answer":"SQUARE ROOT","Explanation":"Definition: Result of numerical calculation\nSQUARE (fair) ROOT (support for plant)"} {"Clue":"Claim a gourd will contain perfect form of insect (5)","Answer":"IMAGO","Explanation":"Definition: perfect form of insect\nHidden or 'contained' in claIM A\u00a0GOurd. We wondered about the inclusion of 'perfect' until we checked it in Chambers."} {"Clue":"Good sense to interrupt Cockney speech with an implied threat (9)","Answer":"OMINOUSLY","Explanation":"Definition: with an implied threat\nNOUS (good sense) inside or 'interrupting' ~~h~~OMILY (speech) dropping the H as it's Cockney speech!"} {"Clue":"No cuts abandoned by American people at table (7)","Answer":"NOSHERS","Explanation":"Definition: people at table\nNO SHE~~a~~RS (cuts) abandoning A (American)"} {"Clue":"Congenial sort of left-wing belief (7)","Answer":"KINDRED","Explanation":"Definition: Congenial\nKIND (sort of) RED (left wing belief(?)). We are unsure why 'belief' is included. Has anyone any thoughts about this? *Thanks to Rishi and Phi for the correct parsing."} {"Clue":"Fine weather, say, brought up group of plants, perhaps (5)","Answer":"GENUS","Explanation":"Definition: group of plants, perhaps\nSUN (fine weather) EG (say) reversed or 'brought up'"} {"Clue":"Fixes page into narrative on board (7)","Answer":"STAPLES","Explanation":"Definition: Fixes\nP (page) inside TALE (narrative), which is then inserted into SS (ship) so that it is now on board!"} {"Clue":"Grain cost reduced by penny (4)","Answer":"RICE","Explanation":"Definition: Grain\n~~p~~RICE (cost) reduced by P (penny)"} {"Clue":"College regulation involving one Bishop supporting college in trial (8)","Answer":"CRUCIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: trial\nC (college) + RULE (regulation) around or 'involving' I (one) B (Bishop) after or 'supporting' C\u00a0(college)"} {"Clue":"Servant's activity ignoring son over King (6)","Answer":"BUTLER","Explanation":"Definition: Servant'\nBU~~s~~TLE (activity) without or 'ignoring' S (son) over R (king)"} {"Clue":"News provider quite misrepresented Tchaikovsky symphony (10)","Answer":"PATHETIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Tchaikovsky symphony\nPATHE (news provider) + an anagram of QUITE (anagrind is 'misrepresented')"} {"Clue":"Copy sexual activity adopted by one couple (7)","Answer":"IMITATE","Explanation":"Definition: Copy\nIT (sexual activity) inside or 'adopted by' I (one) MATE (couple)"} {"Clue":"Old weapon used around a stormed keep? Stop the fighting (4,5)","Answer":"MAKE PEACE","Explanation":"Definition: Stop the fighting\nMACE (old weapon) around A + an anagram of KEEP (anagrind is 'stormed')"} {"Clue":"Stress in following producer of horror movies (6,4)","Answer":"HAMMER HOME","Explanation":"Definition: Stress\nHOME (in) after or 'following' HAMMER (producer of horror movies)"} {"Clue":"Religious believer, rich, reorganised hospital, keeping it up (9)","Answer":"CHRISTIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Religious believer\nAn anagram of RICH (anagrind is reorganised) SAN (hospital) around or 'keeping' IT reversed or 'up'"} {"Clue":"Shocking noise on connection with intervention of black bird (8)","Answer":"BOBOLINK","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nBOO\u00a0(shocking noise) LINK (connection) around or 'with intervention of' B (black)"} {"Clue":"Southern tremors, with earth moving, producing startled cries (7)","Answer":"SQUEAKS","Explanation":"Definition: startled cries \nS (southern) QUAKES (tremors) with E (earth) changing places or 'moving'"} {"Clue":"Appropriate transactions involving Kindle? (7)","Answer":"TROUSER","Explanation":"Definition: Appropriate\nTR (transactions) around or 'involving'\u00a0ROUSE (kindle)"} {"Clue":"Puts up with burns (6)","Answer":"BROOKS","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Not a great spot for a nymph (5)","Answer":"DRYAD","Explanation":"Definition: nymph\nWe think this is a play on the fact that a DRY AD would not be a great advert but we have been unable to check whether AD = SPOT although it feels right."} {"Clue":"Urban area is nothing with boundaries swapped (4)","Answer":"TOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Urban area\nNOWT (nothing) swapping first and last letters or 'boundaries'"} {"Clue":"20% relief, if that (just a fraction) (5)","Answer":"FIFTH","Explanation":"Definition: 20%\nHidden in 'relieF IF THat' \u2013 'just a fraction' serving as both an indicator that the answer is hidden in the clue, and as a second definition"} {"Clue":"Fellow with obligation to capture orc (horrible imaginary monster) (9)","Answer":"MANTICORE","Explanation":"MAN (fellow) TIE (obligation) round or 'capturing' an anagram of ORC \u2013 anagrind is 'horrible'. We had to look this one up \u2013 the first of the unusual words in the puzzle."} {"Clue":"Jumbled memories in heart \u2013 a source of warmth (9,6)","Answer":"IMMERSION\u00a0HEATER","Explanation":"Definition: a source of warmth\nAn anagram of MEMORIES IN HEART \u2013 anagrind is 'jumbled'"} {"Clue":"Fashionable to invest in transport system \u2013 special commercial activity (8)","Answer":"BUSINESS","Explanation":"Definition: commercial activity\nIN (fashionable) 'invested' in BUSES (transport system) S (special)"} {"Clue":"Plan start of drama in middle of sitcom (6)","Answer":"TACTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Plan\nACT 1 (start of drama) in middle letters of 'siTCom'"} {"Clue":"Economic division heading off to block airline regarding vote (9)","Answer":"ELECTORAL","Explanation":"Definition: regarding vote\n~~s~~ECTOR (economic division) with first letter omitted or 'heading off' in or 'blocking' EL AL (airline)"} {"Clue":"Pushed stock (5)","Answer":"DROVE","Explanation":"Double definition \u2013 we had to check the 'stock' definition though"} {"Clue":"Global argument backed by peer, in brief (5)","Answer":"WORLD","Explanation":"Definition: Global\nROW (argument) reversed or 'backed' + LD (abbreviation of lord \u2013 'peer')"} {"Clue":"A father stifling exclamation (one of surprise): \"Extra books\" (9)","Answer":"APOCRYPHA","Explanation":"Definition: Extra books\nA POP (father) round or 'stifling' CRY (exclamation) + HA (exclamation of surprise)"} {"Clue":"Plant, mostly familiar, with cat, say, tucking in (6)","Answer":"NEPETA","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nNEA~~r~~ (familiar) with the last letter omitted or 'mostly' round or 'tucking in' PET (cat, say)"} {"Clue":"Part of Government, in short, supporting start of development in London area (8)","Answer":"DEPTFORD","Explanation":"Definition: London area\nDEPT (abbreviation \u2013 in short \u2013 of department \u2013 part of Government) + FOR (supporting) + D (first letter or 'start' of 'development')"} {"Clue":"Not Macbeth's location \u2013 the Bard's clueing is incorrect (9,6)","Answer":"EDINBURGH CASTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Not Macbeth's location\nAn anagram of THE BARDS CLUEING \u2013 anagrind is 'incorrect'"} {"Clue":"Cultural maven sadly resents taking in church (9)","Answer":"SCENESTER","Explanation":"Definition: Cultural maven\nAn anagram of RESENTS (anagrind is 'sadly') round or 'taking in' CE (church) \u2013 another new word for us (along with 'maven'!)"} {"Clue":"Visitors taking time out, one's surmised (5)","Answer":"GUESS","Explanation":"Definition: one's surmised\nGUES~~t~~S (visitors) with the 't' (time) omitted or 'taken out'"} {"Clue":"Story about most of equipment crumbling away? (7)","Answer":"FRIABLE","Explanation":"Definition: crumbling away\nFABLE (story) around RI~~g~~ (equipment) without the last letter or 'most of'"} {"Clue":"A lot of commotion about the writer is showing impatience (5)","Answer":"FUMES","Explanation":"Definition: is showing impatience\nFUS~~s~~ (commotion) with the last letter omitted or 'a lot of' round ME (the writer)"} {"Clue":"Ambassador on horse taking out a bird (5)","Answer":"HERON","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nHE (His Excellency \u2013 ambassador) + RO~~a~~N (horse) with the 'a' omitted or 'taken out'"} {"Clue":"Usual water supply: river secured by crew (10)","Answer":"MAINSTREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Usual\nMAINS (water supply) + R (river) in or 'secured by' TEAM (crew)"} {"Clue":"Girl's name hidden in answers to some extent (4)","Answer":"NINA","Explanation":"Definition: Girl's name\nHidden in ('to some extent') 'hiddeN IN Answers' \u2013 could also be read as a cryptic definition of a Nina \u2013 but we can't find one on this puzzle, apart from this answer!"} {"Clue":"One European in family's the German: here's another (9)","Answer":"ICELANDER","Explanation":"Definition: another\nI (one) + E (European) in CLAN (family) + DER ('the' in German)"} {"Clue":"Lead officer dished up port with hot hash (9)","Answer":"OCTOTHORP","Explanation":"Definition: hash\nOC (Officer Commanding, or 'lead officer') + an anagram of PORT and HOT \u2013 anagrind is 'dished up'. This had us completely fooled as the word does not appear in Chambers \u2013 it is apparently the formal word for the 'hash' symbol"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary treatment restricting a male's head pain (7)","Answer":"EARACHE","Explanation":"Definition: head pain\nCARE (treatment) reversed or 'revolutionary' round or 'restricting' A + HE (male)"} {"Clue":"Singer with good number? Absolutely (10)","Answer":"ALTOGETHER","Explanation":"Definition: Absolutely\nALTO (singer) + G (good) + ETHER (number, as in something that numbs)"} {"Clue":"Backer of multiple countries and mixed rule, I hope (9)","Answer":"EUROPHILE","Explanation":"Definition: Backer of multiple countries\nAn anagram of RULE I HOPE \u2013 anagrind is 'mixed'"} {"Clue":"It identifies the main restrictions on strand size (4,5)","Answer":"TIDE TABLE","Explanation":"A cryptic definition \u2013 'main' being the sea, and 'strand' a beach, which will vary in size as the tide ebbs and flows"} {"Clue":"Surprising things displaying heat in wintry weather turned up (7)","Answer":"WONDERS","Explanation":"Definition: Surprising things\nRED (displaying heat) in SNOW (wintry weather) all reversed or 'turned up'"} {"Clue":"URL giving promotional material on fashion item (7)","Answer":"ADDRESS","Explanation":"Definition: URL\nAD (promotional material) + DRESS (fashion item)"} {"Clue":"Sound of accent, Welsh in flavour (5)","Answer":"TWANG","Explanation":"Definition: Sound of accent\nW (Welsh) in TANG (flavour)"} {"Clue":"Unusual path taken, encountering Queen later (5)","Answer":"OUTRE","Explanation":"Definition: Unusual\nROUTE (path taken) with the 'R' (queen) occurring later"} {"Clue":"Worry about to appear in financial publication (4)","Answer":"FRET","Explanation":"Definition: Worry\nRE (about) 'appearing' in FT (Financial Times \u2013 financial publication)"} {"Clue":"Romance early in the day time is less hot (5)","Answer":"AMOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Romance\nAM ~~h~~OUR (early in the day time) without or 'less' H (hot)"} {"Clue":"Hazel, be it nuts or a girl's name (9)","Answer":"ELIZABETH","Explanation":"Definition: a girl's name\nAn anagram of HAZEL BE IT \u2013 anagrind is 'nuts'"} {"Clue":"Fix ballet dancer's garment with pocket (5,4)","Answer":"TIGHT SPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Fix\nTIGHTS (ballet dancer's garment) POT (pocket \u2013 as in snooker)"} {"Clue":"Soft on British reactionary type (5)","Answer":"BLIMP","Explanation":"Definition: reactionary type\nLIMP (soft) after or 'on' B (British)"} {"Clue":"Time span covered by ailing son in disgusted writer's home? (9,5)","Answer":"TUNBRIDGE WELLS","Explanation":"Definition: disgusted writer's home?\nT (time) + BRIDGE (span) in or 'covered by' UNWELL (ailing) S (son)"} {"Clue":"Wild creature 'as to go to the gallows (7)","Answer":"MUSTANG","Explanation":"Definition: Wild creature\nMUST 'ANG (has to go to the gallows, dropping the 'h')"} {"Clue":"Take cap off emollient less rarely (7)","Answer":"OFTENER","Explanation":"Definition: less rarely\n~~s~~OFTENER (emollient) without the first letter, or 'taking the cap off'"} {"Clue":"Terrible slander borne by trapper who has a very junior partner (6,8)","Answer":"CRADLE SNATCHER","Explanation":"Definition: who has a very junior partner\nAn anagram of SLANDER (anagrind is 'terrible') in or 'borne by' CATCHER (trapper)"} {"Clue":"Produce litter with assistance (5)","Answer":"WHELP","Explanation":"Definition: Produce litter\nW (with) HELP (assistance)"} {"Clue":"Brazilian music to dominate a cricket ground endlessly (5,4)","Answer":"BOSSA NOVA","Explanation":"Definition: Brazilian music\nBOSS (dominate) AN OVA~~l~~ (a cricket ground) with the last letter omitted, or 'endlessly'"} {"Clue":"Second small note, [name redacted]'s bribe (9)","Answer":"SWEETENER","Explanation":"Definition: bribe\nS (second) WEE (small) TEN~~n~~ER (note) with one 'n' (name) omitted or 'redacted'"} {"Clue":"Entertained by sheikh, a king is something drab (5)","Answer":"KHAKI","Explanation":"Definition: something drab\nHidden in or 'entertained by' sheiKH A KIng"} {"Clue":"Flexible assistant has front of head almost against stomach (8)","Answer":"FACTOTUM","Explanation":"Definition: Flexible assistant\nFAC~~e~~ (front of head) without the last letter or 'almost' TO (against) TUM (stomach)"} {"Clue":"Who made viewers petrified, with lack of booze about? (6)","Answer":"GORGON","Explanation":"Definition: Who made viewers petrified\nNO GROG (lack of booze) reversed or 'about'"} {"Clue":"Irish in tune with the others, raised standards (8)","Answer":"CRITERIA","Explanation":"Definition: standards\nIR (Irish) in AIR (tune) ETC (the others) all reversed or 'raised'"} {"Clue":"Garment's edge with soft cord material (4)","Answer":"HEMP","Explanation":"Definition: cord material\nHEM (garment' edge) P (soft)"} {"Clue":"Burly forester's cramped place of business? (6,4)","Answer":"LITTLE JOHN","Explanation":"Definition: Burly forester\nLITTLE (cramped) JOHN \u2013 an alternative name for a toilet, or 'place of business'"} {"Clue":"Vocalise hostility before one emerges from temper (6)","Answer":"WARBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Vocalise \nWAR (hostility) B~~i~~LE (temper) with the 'I' (one) omitted or 'emerging from'"} {"Clue":"Wine to pass to the next buyer, including note (8)","Answer":"SEMILLON","Explanation":"Definition: Wine\nSELL ON (pass to the next buyer) round or 'including' MI (note)"} {"Clue":"Deceptively build up serving of mushy peas (4)","Answer":"HYPE","Explanation":"Definition: Deceptively build up \nHidden in or a 'serving of' musHY PEas"} {"Clue":"North Sea location of tracker funds holder (6,4)","Answer":"DOGGER BANK","Explanation":"Definition: North Sea location\nDOGGER (tracker) BANK (funds holder)"} {"Clue":"Make a third traversal, shortly turning up one spelling? (8)","Answer":"SORCERER","Explanation":"Definition: one spelling?\nRE-RECROS~~s~~ (recross again \u2013 a third traversal) without the last letter or 'shortly' and reversed or 'turning up'"} {"Clue":"Three-letter acronym in end of document is annoying singers (8)","Answer":"TITLARKS","Explanation":"Definition: singers\nTLA (three letter acronym) in T (last letter or 'end' of document) IRKS (is annoying)"} {"Clue":"Something else from new arrivals not having left area (4,4)","Answer":"RARA AVIS","Explanation":"Definition: Something else\nAn anagram of ARRIVA~~l~~S without the 'l' (left) and A (area) \u2013 anagrind is 'new' \u2013 a new phrase for us!"} {"Clue":"Subordinate's responsibility to limit twisted games (6)","Answer":"DEPUTY","Explanation":"Definition: Subordinate\nDUTY (responsibility) around or 'limiting' PE (games) reversed or 'twisted'"} {"Clue":"Kerfuffle with leak, finally replacing internal hard water pipe (6)","Answer":"HOOKAH","Explanation":"Definition: water pipe\nHOO\u2013~~h~~AH (kerfuffle) with K (last or final letter of 'leak') replacing the 'internal' 'h' (hard)"} {"Clue":"They're narrow, boring, answerless, regularly censored (4)","Answer":"AWLS","Explanation":"Definition: They're narrow, boring\nEvery third letter ('regularly censored') of AnsWerLesS \u2013 we were not sure about the inclusion of 'narrow' but as Chambers defines awls as 'pointed instruments for boring small holes' they would agree that they have to be narrow."} {"Clue":"Supple, small nose (4)","Answer":"SPRY","Explanation":"Definition: Supple\nS (small) PRY (nose)"} {"Clue":"Eliminates strikes, ousting leader (5)","Answer":"WIPES","Explanation":"Definition: Eliminates\n~~s~~WIPES (strikes) with the first letter omitted, or 'ousting leader'"} {"Clue":"Vessel capsizes: guerrilla (Communist) killed (9)","Answer":"BUTCHERED","Explanation":"Definition: killed\nTUB (vessel) reversed or 'capsized' + CHE (Guevara \u2013 guerrilla) + RED (Communist)"} {"Clue":"Weedy boyfriend loses head? Wrong, surprisingly (9)","Answer":"OVERGROWN","Explanation":"Definition: Weedy\n~~l~~OVER (boyfriend) with the first letter omitted or 'losing head' + an anagram of WRONG \u2013 anagrind is 'surprisingly'"} {"Clue":"No American recalled member of ancient civilisation (5)","Answer":"MAYAN","Explanation":"Definition: member of ancient civilisation\nNAY (no) AM (American) all reversed or 'recalled'"} {"Clue":"Absent-minded son races through coral reef (6)","Answer":"SCATTY","Explanation":"Definition: Absent-minded\nS (son) + TT (races) in or 'through' CAY (coral reef)"} {"Clue":"Female has trouble fitting into this French fabric (8)","Answer":"CHENILLE","Explanation":"Definition: fabric\nHEN (female) ILL (trouble) 'fitting' in CE (French for 'this')"} {"Clue":"Free, as roof slates are (2,3,5)","Answer":"ON THE HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Free\nRoof slates would be found 'ON THE HOUSE'"} {"Clue":"Innocent creature hit soundly (4)","Answer":"LAMB","Explanation":"Definition: Innocent creature\nSounds like LAM (hit)"} {"Clue":"German fellow backed Britain? Right (4)","Answer":"KURT","Explanation":"Definition: German fellow\nUK (Britain) reversed or 'backed' RT (right)"} {"Clue":"One gallery housing other things new from Rome or Venice? (10)","Answer":"ITALIANATE","Explanation":"Definition: from Rome or Venice?\nI (one) TATE (gallery) round or 'housing' ALIA (other things) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Faction detains scoundrel engaged in revolutionary activity (8)","Answer":"WHEELING","Explanation":"Definition: revolutionary activity\nWING (faction) round or 'detaining' HEEL (scoundrel)"} {"Clue":"Count Conservative results \u2013 no end of surprise towards the end! (6)","Answer":"CENSUS","Explanation":"Definition: Count\nC (Conservative) ENSU~~e~~S (results) with the second 'e' (last letter or 'end' of 'surprise') omitted"} {"Clue":"Consumed seconds of lean bacon before mid-morning (5)","Answer":"EATEN","Explanation":"Definition: Consumed\nSecond letters of lEan bAcon + TEN (mid-morning)"} {"Clue":"Pledge to preserve ancient period of prosperity (6,3)","Answer":"GOLDEN AGE","Explanation":"Definition: period of prosperity\nGAGE (pledge \u2013 a new one for us) round or 'preserving' OLDEN (ancient)"} {"Clue":"Rejects blue variety acts for starters (5,4)","Answer":"TURNS DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Rejects\nDOWN (blue) with TURNS (variety acts) in front or 'for starters'"} {"Clue":"Who's adversary, extremely drunk, consumes beer? (5)","Answer":"DALEK","Explanation":"Definition: Who's adversary\nDK (first and last letters, or 'extremes' of 'drunk') round or 'consuming' ALE (beer)"} {"Clue":"First of dinners two cooks prepared for music festival (9)","Answer":"WOODSTOCK","Explanation":"Definition: music festival\nAn anagram of D (first letter of 'dinners') and TWO COOKS \u2013 anagrind is 'prepared'"} {"Clue":"Religious painting specifically saved by school's fund-raisers (5)","Answer":"PIETA","Explanation":"Definition: Religious painting\nIE (that is, or 'specifically') in or 'saved by' PTA (Parent-Teacher Association \u2013 school's fund-raisers)"} {"Clue":"These GIs arranged to visit places of interest (8)","Answer":"SIGHTSEE","Explanation":"Definition: visit places of interest\nAn anagram of THESE GIS \u2013 anagrind is 'arranged'"} {"Clue":"Thus take name of offending footballer \u2013 reserve? (4)","Answer":"BOOK","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Music maker compiled new hit list (3,7)","Answer":"TIN WHISTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Music maker\nAn anagram of NEW HIT LIST \u2013 anagrind is 'complied'"} {"Clue":"Kind fellow in the shade (6)","Answer":"HUMANE","Explanation":"Definition: Kind\nMAN (fellow) in HUE (shade)"} {"Clue":"Type of apple served at Buckingham Palace garden party? (5,4)","Answer":"ROYAL GALA","Explanation":"Definition: Type of apple\nA Buckingham Palace garden party might be described as a ROYAL GALA"} {"Clue":"Old poet departs, climbing mountain (5)","Answer":"DANTE","Explanation":"Definition: Old poet\nD (departs) + ETNA (mountain) reversed or 'climbing'"} {"Clue":"Monday 10 October \u2013 at last, I'll cross that country (10)","Answer":"MONTENEGRO","Explanation":"Definition: country\nMON (Monday) TEN (10) + R (last letter of 'October') in or being 'crossed' by EGO (I)"} {"Clue":"Somewhat modest start here, possibly (5-4)","Answer":"THREE-STAR","Explanation":"Definition: Somewhat modest\nAn anagram of START HERE \u2013 anagrind is 'possibly'"} {"Clue":"Complains meal has neck end and rump? (9)","Answer":"BEEFSTEAK","Explanation":"Definition: rump? \nBEEFS (complains) TEA (meal) + K (last letter or 'end' of 'neck')"} {"Clue":"Source of oil deep-sea divers found beneath river (8)","Answer":"RAPESEED","Explanation":"Definition: Source of oil\nAn anagram of DEEP\u2013SEA (anagrind is 'divers') after or 'under' in a down clue R (river)"} {"Clue":"Parking strips for transport (6)","Answer":"PLANES","Explanation":"Definition: transport\nP (parking) LANES (strips)"} {"Clue":"Forcibly take wife on holiday (5)","Answer":"WREST","Explanation":"Definition: Forcibly take\nW (wife) REST (holiday)"} {"Clue":"Pious type takes entire seat in church (5)","Answer":"STALL","Explanation":"Definition: seat in church \nST (saint \u2013 pious type) ALL (entire)"} {"Clue":"Family locked up in penal colony (4)","Answer":"CLAN","Explanation":"Definition: Family\nHidden and reversed ('backed up') in peNAL Colony"} {"Clue":"Corsican relative welcomes another European round (8)","Answer":"NAPOLEON","Explanation":"Definition: Corsican\nNAN (relative) round or 'welcoming' POLE (another European) O (round)"} {"Clue":"After game, males close to hostelry like an alcoholic drink (5)","Answer":"RUMMY","Explanation":"Definition: like an alcoholic drink\nRU (Rugby Union \u2013 game) + MM (two males) + Y (last letter or 'close' to 'hostelry')"} {"Clue":"Motor racing driver in constant pursuit, nicking second (6)","Answer":"PIQUET","Explanation":"Definition: Motor racing driver\nPI (mathematical constant) + QUE~~s~~T (pursuit) without or 'nicking' S (second)"} {"Clue":"Peer at rhubarb mould (5,3)","Answer":"NOBLE ROT","Explanation":"Definition: mould\nNOBLE (peer) ROT (rhubarb)"} {"Clue":"Jock's neat piece of turf encloses end of garden (4)","Answer":"SNOD","Explanation":"Definition: Jock's neat\nSOD (piece of turf) round or 'enclosing' N (last letter or 'end' of 'garden')"} {"Clue":"Adolescent returned carrying week old bread for horses here (9)","Answer":"NEWMARKET","Explanation":"Definition: horses here\nTEEN (adolescent) reversed or 'returned' round or 'carrying' W (week) MARK (old 'bread' \u2013 money)"} {"Clue":"Female swallow disrupts British baseball team (7)","Answer":"BEATRIX","Explanation":"Definition: Female\nEAT (swallow) inside or 'disrupting' BR (British) IX (the number in a baseball team)"} {"Clue":"Lighter players primarily concerning Newcastle United FC (7)","Answer":"PONTOON","Explanation":"Definition: Lighter\nP (first letter of players or 'primarily') ON (concerning) TOON (Newcastle United FC)"} {"Clue":"Rob, puffed, audibly needing shade (5-4)","Answer":"STEEL-BLUE","Explanation":"Definition: shade\nSTEEL + BLUE sounding like or 'audibly' STEAL (rob) and BLEW (puffed)"} {"Clue":"Crow and rook occupying land (4)","Answer":"BRAG","Explanation":"Definition: Crow\nR (rook) inside or 'occupying' BAG (land)"} {"Clue":"Doctor beginning to nurse joint somewhere in East Anglia (8)","Answer":"FAKENHAM","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in East Anglia\nFAKE (doctor) N (first letter or 'beginning' of nurse) HAM (joint)"} {"Clue":"Flapper getting cry of approval around carnival site (6)","Answer":"ORIOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Flapper\nOLE (cry of approval) around RIO (carnival site)"} {"Clue":"One used to Stoke Fair cuts through (5)","Answer":"POKER","Explanation":"Definition: One used to Stoke\nOK (fair) inside PER (through). Joyce was unsure about the parsing of this one although she solved the clue. It was another one of those times that Bert reminded her that PER was derived from the Latin (she studied German when she was at school!)."} {"Clue":"Cook in army emptying the water (8)","Answer":"IRRIGATE","Explanation":"Definition: water\nRIG (cook) in IRA (army) + T~~h~~E (first and letters only or 'emptied')"} {"Clue":"What's exhibited by hospital residents, spread around nice ground (8)","Answer":"PATIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: What's exhibited by hospital residents\nPATE (spread) around an anagram of NICE (anagrind is 'ground'). Scorpion has obviously never met Joyce's 92 year old father."} {"Clue":"Mirthful business recalled during early summer date (6)","Answer":"JOCUND","Explanation":"Definition: Mirthful\nCO (business) reversed or 'recalled' inside JUN (early Summer) + D (date)"} {"Clue":"Money Annie distributed heading for Laura's celebration? (10)","Answer":"CENTENNIAL","Explanation":"Definition: celebration\nCENT (money) + an anagram of ANNIE (anagrind is 'distributed) + L (first letter or 'heading' for Laura)"} {"Clue":"Anonymous topless beefcake currently showing rear-end to hen (7)","Answer":"UNKNOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Anonymous\n~~h~~UNK (beefcake) with first letter missing or 'topless' NOW (currently) N (last letter or 'rear-end' to hen)"} {"Clue":"College bar's storage bin (4)","Answer":"CRIB","Explanation":"Definition: storage bin\nC (college) RIB (bar)"} {"Clue":"Setter's paper requiring two sides on Othello? Surely not (2,4)","Answer":"MY FOOT","Explanation":"Definition: Surely not\nMY FT (setter's paper) around OO (the two ends of Othello)"} {"Clue":"Carnivore seeing me with nosh grabs middle of turkey (7)","Answer":"MEERKAT","Explanation":"Definition: Carnivore\nME + EAT (nosh) around RK (middle letters of turkey)"} {"Clue":"Open \u2013 where novice darts players make an impression? (5-5)","Answer":"ABOVE-BOARD","Explanation":"Definition: Open\nA play on the fact that novice darts players aiming for 20 may end up here, although Joyce remembers throwing darts when she was younger which ended up on the floor."} {"Clue":"Collar Bernie at intervals during beat (3-4)","Answer":"TIE-NECK","Explanation":"Definition: Collar\nbErNiE (odd letters only or 'at intervals) inside or 'during' TICK (beat)"} {"Clue":"Old fryer turned up behind schedule without making an effort (2,1,5)","Answer":"ON A PLATE","Explanation":"Definition: without making an effort\nO (old) PAN (fryer) reversed or 'turned up' LATE (behind schedule)"} {"Clue":"According to Spooner, cast help overly cautious person (3,4)","Answer":"OLD MAID","Explanation":"Definition: overly cautious person\nA Spoonerism of MOULD (cast) AID (help)"} {"Clue":"Manuel's OK outside mincing seafood (6)","Answer":"SCAMPI","Explanation":"Definition: seafood\nSI (OK in Spanish \u2013 presumably relating to Manuel the waiter in Fawlty Towers) around or 'outside' CAMP (mincing)"} {"Clue":"Diarist Jones neglecting time span (6)","Answer":"BRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: span\nBRIDGE~~t~~ (diarist as in Bridget Jones) without or 'neglecting' T (time)"} {"Clue":"They're seen in packs rambling on German mountains (4)","Answer":"HARZ","Explanation":"Definition: German mountains\nHARZ (German range of mountains which sounds like HEARTS (seen in packs of cards). 'Rambling' refers to the fact that it 'sounds like'. This was our last one in. We have to admit that we needed a search in Wiki to find it. *Thanks for pointing out the typo."} {"Clue":"Rabble-rouser encouraged to consume health food (9)","Answer":"FIREBRAND","Explanation":"Definition: Rabble-rouser\nFIRED (encouraged) around or 'consuming' BRAN (health food)"} {"Clue":"A little difficulty? Not quite (5)","Answer":"SCRAP","Explanation":"Definition: A little\nSCRAP~~e~~ (difficulty) with last letter missing or 'not quite'"} {"Clue":"Body part's injury (not head) (3)","Answer":"ARM","Explanation":"Definition: Body part\n~~h~~ARM (injury) with first letter missing or 'not head'"} {"Clue":"What about confectionery warning signal? It's a sound arrangement (4,7)","Answer":"ECHO CHAMBER","Explanation":"Definition: It's a sound arrangement\nEH (what) around CHOC (confectionery item) AMBER (warning signal)"} {"Clue":"Subject of crack beginning to belabour individual (4)","Answer":"BONE","Explanation":"Definition: Subject of crack\nB (beginning letter of belabour) ONE (individual)"} {"Clue":"Police caught lad misbehaving \u2013 a minor fault (10)","Answer":"PECCADILLO","Explanation":"Definition: a minor fault \nAn anagram of POLICE C (caught) LAD (anagrind is 'misbehaving')"} {"Clue":"Dead item \u2013 dead before being eaten by a lion on the rampage (8)","Answer":"DOORNAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Dead item\nD (dead) + OR (before \u2013 archaic) inside an anagram of A LION (anagrind is 'on the rampage'). This was our LOI and we had to resort to a wordsearch as time was running short. We kicked ourselves when we realised what the answer was but we couldn't work out what 'OR' was until we checked Chambers. A new one on us."} {"Clue":"Sponsors requiring slight change to opinions (6)","Answer":"ANGELS","Explanation":"Definition: Sponsors\nANGLES (opinions) with a slight change of letters"} {"Clue":"Cat article omitted from main collection (6)","Answer":"OCELOT","Explanation":"Definition: Cat\nOCE~~an~~ (main) with AN (article) omitted LOT (collection)"} {"Clue":"Energetic person who's working with Europe (10)","Answer":"POWERHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Energetic person\nAn anagram of WHO'S and EUROPE (anagrind is 'working'). We enjoyed this clue, perhaps we ought to send it to Nigel Farage."} {"Clue":"Moroccan tree, Arabic twice over (4)","Answer":"ARAR","Explanation":"Definition: Moroccan tree\nAR (Arab) repeated or 'twice over'"} {"Clue":"Over a large amount \u2013 product of eleven and sixty, perhaps (11)","Answer":"EXTENSIVELY","Explanation":"Definition: Over a large amount\nAn anagram of ELEVEN and SIXTY (anagrind is 'perhaps')"} {"Clue":"New Zealander\u00a0heading off Maori group (3)","Answer":"IWI","Explanation":"Definition: Maori group\n~~k~~IWI (New Zealander) with first letter missing or 'heading off' \u2013 a new word for us \u2013 Phi's antipodean side coming out!"} {"Clue":"Fibre is twisted, one extracted from canvas (5)","Answer":"SISAL","Explanation":"Definition: Fibre\nIS (reversed or 'twisted') SA~~i~~L (canvas) with I (one) missing or 'extracted'"} {"Clue":"Adolescent's birthday \u2013 partying for it, then sex (9)","Answer":"SIXTEENTH","Explanation":"Definition: Adolescent's birthday\nAn anagram of IT THEN SEX (anagrind is 'partying')"} {"Clue":"Puncture on curve? (Not new lorry) (7)","Answer":"FLATBED","Explanation":"Definition: lorry\nFLAT (puncture) BE~~n~~D (curve) without N (new)"} {"Clue":"What's chap never poked into flower? Probably not this! (5,4)","Answer":"ROMAN NOSE","Explanation":"Definition: this!\nNO MAN (chap never) inside or 'poking into' ROSE (flower)"} {"Clue":"Raised money when one's short (4)","Answer":"BRED","Explanation":"Definition: Raised\nBRE~~a~~D (money) without or 'short' of A (one)"} {"Clue":"A substantial cut limiting grant affecting sporting activities? (8)","Answer":"ATHLETIC","Explanation":"Definition: affecting \nA THIC~~k~~ (substantial) without last letter or 'cut' around or 'limiting' LET (grant)"} {"Clue":"Boil half-lanced? Sitting upright month later (6)","Answer":"DECOCT","Explanation":"Definition: Boil\nCED (half of lanced) reversed or 'sitting upright' OCT (month)"} {"Clue":"Rock fan involved in scandal with REM (4,6)","Answer":"SLAM DANCER","Explanation":"Definition: Rock fan\nAn anagram of SCANDAL and REM (anagrind is involved')"} {"Clue":"Defiant, unpleasant expression raised about book (5)","Answer":"REBEL","Explanation":"Definition: Defiant\nLEER (unpleasant expression) reversed or 'raised' about B (book)"} {"Clue":"Queen latterly shunning drawing-rooms considered high-risk (7)","Answer":"PARLOUS","Explanation":"Definition: considered high-risk\nPARLOU~~r~~S (drawing rooms) without R (Queen). 'Latterly' indicates that it is the second 'r' that is removed."} {"Clue":"Drain once demolished over litre of hormonal material (10)","Answer":"ENDOCRINAL","Explanation":"Definition: of hormonal material\nAn anagram of DRAIN ONCE (anagrind is 'demolished') +\u00a0L (litre)"} {"Clue":"Effort expending one bit of energy while holding to force (9)","Answer":"EXTORTION","Explanation":"Definition: force\nEX~~e~~RTION (effort) without E(energy) around or 'holding' TO"} {"Clue":"Greek character embracing love and weird sex with us in bubbly style (8)","Answer":"MOUSSEUX","Explanation":"Definition: bubbly style\nMU (Greek character) around or 'embracing' O (love) + an anagram of SEX and US (anagrind is 'weird')"} {"Clue":"Superhero, without hesitation, represented as Classical figure (7)","Answer":"ORPHEUS","Explanation":"Definition: Classical figure\nAn anagram of SUP~~er~~HERO without ER (hesitation) anagrind is 'represented'. You need to read represented as re-presented to make it work."} {"Clue":"Grain is hot in description of Riviera (7)","Answer":"CORNISH","Explanation":"Definition: description of Riviera\nCORN (grain) IS H (hot)"} {"Clue":"Second vehicle carrying one German mathematician (6)","Answer":"MOBIUS","Explanation":"Definition: German mathematician\nMO (second) BUS (vehicle) around or 'carrying'\u00a0I (one)"} {"Clue":"Victorian painter's power (5)","Answer":"WATTS","Explanation":"Double definition. The National Portrait Gallery describe the painter, as a \"Victorian Michelangelo\""} {"Clue":"Historic stringed instrument: some forgery likely to turn up (4)","Answer":"LYRE","Explanation":"Definition: Historic stringed instrument\nHidden ('some') and reversed or 'turning up' within 'forgERY Likely'"} {"Clue":"Loaded on shelf, no Time Out (6)","Answer":"SACKED","Explanation":"Definition: Out\nS~~t~~ACKED (loaded on shelf) with no 't' (time)"} {"Clue":"Nice getting heated by this (8)","Answer":"SCIROCCO","Explanation":"Definition: this\nCryptic definition \u2013 the SCIROCCO is a warm wind originating over North Africa and blowing across the Mediterranean, 'heating' Nice (and the rest of the French Riviera) \u2013 also one of the 23\/30"} {"Clue":"Knut's to act as go-between without delay (9)","Answer":"IMMEDIATE","Explanation":"Definition: without delay\nI'M (Knut is) MEDIATE (to act as a go-between)"} {"Clue":"Crikey! Harry's left town (5)","Answer":"CORBY","Explanation":"Definition: town\nCOR B~~lime~~Y (crikey!) with 'Lime' (Harry Lime of 'The Third Man' fame) omitted or 'left'"} {"Clue":"Drawn, exhausted, disheartened (4)","Answer":"TIED","Explanation":"Definition: Drawn\nTI~~r~~ED (exhausted) without the middle letter or 'disheartened'"} {"Clue":"Volatile power company's ticker quote (5,5)","Answer":"STOCK PRICE","Explanation":"Definition: quote\nAn anagram of P (power) CO'S (company's) and TICKER \u2013 anagrind is 'volatile'"} {"Clue":"It's a fraud to insure one of 23's 30 (5-2)","Answer":"COVER-UP","Explanation":"Definition: It's a fraud\nWe're not too sure about the parsing here, but we think it must relate to the possibility that following the recent scandal, it may well be more expensive to insure a 23, so the COVER may go UP. *Thanks to for the explanation. There\u00a0are actually 6 different models of Up! cars.\u00a0"} {"Clue":"I get stuck into Leeds, playing dirty stuff! (6)","Answer":"DIESEL","Explanation":"Definition: dirty stuff\nI 'stuck' in an anagram of LEEDS \u2013 anagrind is 'playing'"} {"Clue":"American conscript recorded 22, batting first (6)","Answer":"INDUCT","Explanation":"Definition: American conscript\nDUCT \u2013 sounds like ('recorded') DUCKED (evaded \u2013 22d) with IN (batting) first"} {"Clue":"Townshend touring Panama could be a bugbear (3,4)","Answer":"PET HATE","Explanation":"Definition: bugbear\nPETE (Townshend \u2013 of the Who \u2013 one of our favourite bands) round or 'touring' HAT (panama, could be)"} {"Clue":"With a single ring, Gok Wan loves cooking big fish in hot water (10)","Answer":"VOLKSWAGEN","Explanation":"Definition: big fish in hot water\nAn anagram of GOK WAN L~~o~~VES with one of the Os omitted, or 'with a single ring' \u2013 anagrind is 'cooking'"} {"Clue":"Liechtenstein defensive error turned the game (4)","Answer":"GOLF","Explanation":"Definition: game\nFL (Leichtenstein) OG (own goal \u2013 'defensive error') all reversed or 'turned' \u2013 another one of the 23\/30"} {"Clue":"Carmaker's deceitful trick (5)","Answer":"DODGE","Explanation":"Definition: deceitful trick\nDouble definition \u2013 We wondered whether\u00a0the carmaker was associated in some way with 23 so had a quick search and came up with link."} {"Clue":"Firm body! (9)","Answer":"CORPORATE","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"The Regiment, outwardly tired, suffering a terrible loss (8)","Answer":"DISASTER","Explanation":"Definition: a terrible loss\nSAS (apparently 'The Regiment' is a video game based on the SAS) in an anagram of TIRED \u2013 anagrind is 'suffering'"} {"Clue":"They display fashion, large and small (6)","Answer":"MODELS","Explanation":"Definition: They display\nMODE (fashion) L (large) S (small)"} {"Clue":"Pole kicks off, netting first (3,5)","Answer":"SKI STICK","Explanation":"Definition: Pole\nAn anagram of KICKS \u2013 anagrind is 'off' round or 'netting' IST (first)"} {"Clue":"A vehicle to accommodate theatrical Queen with lead role (6,3)","Answer":"CAMPER VAN","Explanation":"Definition: A vehicle to accommodate\nCAMP (theatrical) ER (queen) VAN (with lead role)"} {"Clue":"Nelson's whirlpool? (4)","Answer":"EDDY","Explanation":"Double definition \u2013 'Nelson' referring to Nelson Eddy, the 1930s \/ 40s singer and actor"} {"Clue":"1% is collected \u2013 they get it (10)","Answer":"RECIPIENTS","Explanation":"Definition: they get it\nAn anagram of I PER CENT (1%) and IS \u2013 anagrind is 'collected'"} {"Clue":"Homer, an American soldier, is a member of the Royal Household (5)","Answer":"CORGI","Explanation":"Definition: a member of the Royal Household\nCOR (Homer \u2013 apparently a Hebrew measure equal to 10 ephahs or baths) GI (American soldier)"} {"Clue":"on the periodic table (6)","Answer":"OXYGEN","Explanation":"Definition: on the periodic table\nOXYGEN is no. 8 in the Periodic table. The clue number is needed to make sense of this one."} {"Clue":"Working girl out of bed for pimp (4,2)","Answer":"TART UP","Explanation":"Definition: pimp\nTART (working girl) UP (out of bed)"} {"Clue":"Fine US traders for manipulation \u2013 they're breaking the law (10)","Answer":"FRAUDSTERS","Explanation":"Definition: they're breaking the law \nF (fine) + an anagram of US TRADERS \u2013 anagrind is 'for manipulation'"} {"Clue":"To build up English\/American workforce, add mischievous Greek (9)","Answer":"ELABORATE","Explanation":"Definition: To build up\nE (English) LABOR (workforce as spelt in USA) ATE (Greek goddess of mischief)"} {"Clue":"Altruistic Santa's beginning without any help (8)","Answer":"SELFLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Altruistic\nS (first letter or 'beginning' of Santa) + ELFLESS (how Santa would be without his helpers)"} {"Clue":"A slice of meat ranch exported (7)","Answer":"TRANCHE","Explanation":"Definition: A slice\nHidden in, or 'a slice of' meaT RANCH Exported"} {"Clue":"Author of The Raven \u2013 test some of his other work (6)","Answer":"POETRY","Explanation":"Definition: some of his other work\nPOE (Edgar Allen Poe, author of 'The Raven') TRY (test)"} {"Clue":"PM rounds on former Labour leader, having performed a 27 (6)","Answer":"EVADED","Explanation":"Definition: having performed a 27\nDAVE (David Cameron \u2013 PM) reversed or 'rounded' on ED (Miliband \u2013 former Labour leader)"} {"Clue":"Rich veins, potentially many of them I gather (5)","Answer":"LODES","Explanation":"Definition: Rich veins\nSounds like ('I gather') LOADS (many of them)"} {"Clue":"Its players need to be up for it! (4)","Answer":"POLO","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 POLO players are 'up', or on horseback \u2013 the third of the 23\/30"} {"Clue":"Carefully select worker having ground-breaking equipment (4-4)","Answer":"HAND-PICK","Explanation":"Definition: Carefully select\nHAND (worker) PICK (ground-breaking equipment)"} {"Clue":"After retiring in office, yours truly worked for a short time (6)","Answer":"TEMPED","Explanation":"Definition: worked for a short time\nME (yours truly) in DEPT(office) all reversed or 'retiring'"} {"Clue":"After tea, new storm (7)","Answer":"TYPHOON","Explanation":"Definition: storm\nTYPHOO (tea) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Sons will tuck into venison and finish off suet pudding (7)","Answer":"DESSERT","Explanation":"Definition: pudding\nSS (sons) inside or 'tucking into' DEER (venison) T (last letter or 'finish' of sueT)"} {"Clue":"Be desperate for cocaine before party (5)","Answer":"CRAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Be desperate for\nC (cocaine) RAVE (party)"} {"Clue":"Actor, right old one, appearing in function briefly (9)","Answer":"TRAGEDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Actor\nR (right) AGED (old) I (one) inside TAN (function, as in tangent abbreviated or 'briefly')"} {"Clue":"Surprisingly Internet meant fun (13)","Answer":"ENTERTAINMENT","Explanation":"Definition: fun\nAn anagram of INTERNET MEANT (anagrind is 'surprisingly')"} {"Clue":"Where clock's numbers can be seen, apparently (2,3,4,2,2)","Answer":"ON THE FACE OF IT","Explanation":"Definition: apparently \nA cryptic definition. *Thanks for the comments \u2013 'apparently' is now underlined but we're still not sure whether we would count the clue as a 'double definition'.\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Fellow in lane that endlessly winds (9)","Answer":"NATHANIEL","Explanation":"Definition: Fellow\nAn anagram of IN LANE THA~~t~~ (without last letter or 'endlessly') anagrind is 'winds'"} {"Clue":"Number three? Wrong (5)","Answer":"ETHER","Explanation":"Definition: Number\nAn anagram of THREE (anagrind is 'wrong')"} {"Clue":"Loud disturbance right at start of sale, after article's disposed of (7)","Answer":"RUCTION","Explanation":"Definition: Loud disturbance\nR (right)~~ a~~UCTION (sale) without A or 'article's disposed of'"} {"Clue":"Swamped by tax, old lady becomes homeless (7)","Answer":"VAGRANT","Explanation":"Definition: homeless\nGRAN (old lady) inside or being 'swamped by' VAT (tax)"} {"Clue":"Education newspaper staff rejected in part of southern England (6)","Answer":"DORSET","Explanation":"Definition: part of southern England\nTES (newspaper \u2013 Times Education Supplement) ROD (staff) reversed or 'rejected'"} {"Clue":"Villains turning the screw (8)","Answer":"WRETCHES","Explanation":"Definition: Villains\nAn anagram of THE SCREW (anagrind is 'turning')"} {"Clue":"European cracks problem using computers etc (2-4)","Answer":"HI-TECH","Explanation":"Definition: using computers etc\nE (European) inside or 'cracking' HITCH (problem)"} {"Clue":"Leather from sheepskin apparently (5)","Answer":"NAPPA","Explanation":"Definition: Leather\nHidden in the clue sheepskiN APPArently"} {"Clue":"Expert about to get involved in aircraft design (7)","Answer":"PROJECT","Explanation":"Definition: design\nPRO (expert) + C (about) inside or 'involved in' JET (aircraft)"} {"Clue":"Worry business people are holding back (13)","Answer":"CONSTERNATION","Explanation":"Definition: Worry\nCO (business)\u00a0NATION(people) around or 'holding' STERN (back)"} {"Clue":"Sculptor's record, using stone from Germany (7)","Answer":"EPSTEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Sculptor\nEP (record) STEIN (German for stone)"} {"Clue":"Nixon, say, concealed papers in here (9)","Answer":"PRESIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: Nixon\nPRESENT (here) around or 'concealing' ID (papers)"} {"Clue":"Go off school in time (8)","Answer":"DETONATE","Explanation":"Definition: Go off \nETON (school) in DATE (time)"} {"Clue":"Screen award I've flourished in front of admirer (4,1,4,4)","Answer":"DRAW A VEIL OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Screen\nAn anagram of AWARD I'VE (anagrind is 'flourished') LOVER (admirer)"} {"Clue":"Vehicle, say, used in competition, reversing (6,3)","Answer":"ESTATE CAR","Explanation":"Definition: Vehicle\nSTATE (say) inside RACE (competition) reversed"} {"Clue":"Caught nasty crone looking angry? (8)","Answer":"CORNERED","Explanation":"Definition: Caught\nAn anagram of CRONE (anagrind is 'nasty') RED (looking angry)"} {"Clue":"Search river in which former dictator drowned (7)","Answer":"EXAMINE","Explanation":"Definition: Search\nEXE (river) around or 'drowning' AMIN (former dictator)."} {"Clue":"Transport some soldiers in battle (7)","Answer":"FREIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Transport\nRE (soldiers) inside FIGHT (battle)"} {"Clue":"Priceless musical instrument, note, held up (6)","Answer":"GRATIS","Explanation":"Definition: Priceless\nSITAR (musical instrument) + G (note) reversed or 'held up'"} {"Clue":"Former PM escaping row in air terminal (5)","Answer":"HEATH","Explanation":"Definition: Former PM\nHEATH~~row~~ (air terminal) with ROW 'escaping'"} {"Clue":"Frank is backing endless recent revelling (7)","Answer":"SINCERE","Explanation":"Definition: Frank\nIS reversed or 'backing' + an anagram of RECEN~~t~~ without the last letter or 'endless' \u2013 anagrind is 'revelling'"} {"Clue":"Powerful stuff adult left out of Bible (7)","Answer":"AQUAVIT","Explanation":"Definition: Powerful stuff\nA (adult) QUIT (left) round or 'out of' AV (Authorised Version \u2013 Bible)"} {"Clue":"A short break over wine (4)","Answer":"CAVA","Explanation":"Definition: wine\nA VAC ('short' for vacation \u2013 'break') reversed or 'over'"} {"Clue":"In pubs, golf chum describes favourite holes-in-one (3,7)","Answer":"GIN PALACES","Explanation":"Definition: pubs\nG ('golf' in the phonetic alphabet) PAL (chum) round or 'describing' IN (favourite) + ACES (holes-in-one). We're not happy about the inclusion of 'in' at the beginning of this clue \u2013 it is necessary for the surface reading, but does not contribute to the definition or the wordplay."} {"Clue":"He's not intoxicated, I swear (6)","Answer":"HONEST","Explanation":"Definition: I swear\nAn anagram of HE'S NOT \u2013 anagrind is 'intoxicated'"} {"Clue":"Popular music style for tea perhaps (8)","Answer":"INFUSION","Explanation":"Definition: tea perhaps\nIN (popular) FUSION (music style)"} {"Clue":"Crew enjoys working to eject new drink supplier (6,3)","Answer":"JERSEY COW","Explanation":"Definition: drink supplier\nAn anagram of CREW E~~n~~JOYS without or 'ejecting' the 'n' (new) \u2013 anagrind is 'working'"} {"Clue":"Output of 14? Secretary drinks it about noon (5)","Answer":"PINTA","Explanation":"Definition: Output of 14?\nPA (secretary) round or 'drinking' IT around N (noon)"} {"Clue":"Mating time in the Highlands primarily? Nothing wrong with that (5)","Answer":"TRUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Nothing wrong with that\nRUT (mating time) in T H (first or 'primary' letters of The Highlands)"} {"Clue":"Job for some setters about a quarter to five, in case (9)","Answer":"RETRIEVAL","Explanation":"Definition: Job for some setters\nRE (about) + E (east \u2013 a 'quarter') V (five) in TRIAL (case) \u2013 the solution refers to the dog breed, not compilers!"} {"Clue":"Welsh guy who in Paris guzzles Irish cocktail (8)","Answer":"DAIQUIRI","Explanation":"Definition: cocktail\nDAI (Welsh guy) QUI ('who' in French) round or 'guzzling' IR (Irish)"} {"Clue":"Ingredients of withdrawn drink (6)","Answer":"SHANDY","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nS, H AND Y \u2013 the letters or 'ingredients' of 'shy' (withdrawn)"} {"Clue":"Cocktail priest takes in a soft drink with old man (4,6)","Answer":"PINA COLADA","Explanation":"Definition: Cocktail\nP (priest) + IN A COLA (soft drink) DA (father \u2013 'old man')"} {"Clue":"Gravy train's beginning at this very instant (4)","Answer":"JUST","Explanation":"Definition: at this very instant\nJUS (gravy) T (first letter or 'beginning' of 'Train')"} {"Clue":"Spread around most of the goodness (7)","Answer":"STREWTH","Explanation":"Definition: goodness\nSTREW (spread around) + TH~~e~~ ('most of the')"} {"Clue":"G9 clashed with EU for real (7)","Answer":"GENUINE","Explanation":"Definition: real\nAn anagram of G NINE and EU \u2013 anagrind is 'clashed'"} {"Clue":"Trapped gases in trendy beer (2,1,4)","Answer":"IN A HOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Trapped\nH and O (hydrogen and oxygen \u2013 gases) in IN (trendy) ALE (beer)"} {"Clue":"Conservative Party and AA joiners do it (5)","Answer":"CRAVE","Explanation":"Definition: AA joiners do it\nC (Conservative) RAVE (party) \u2013 AA referring to Alcoholics Anonymous"} {"Clue":"Con brio avoided by bass, with good reason (7)","Answer":"RIGHTLY","Explanation":"Definition: with good reason\n~~b~~RIGHTLY ('con brio' \u2013 musical term for 'with vivacity') without or 'avoiding' the 'b' (bass)"} {"Clue":"Downs no-frills fruit drink, swallowing very loudly (6)","Answer":"QUAFFS","Explanation":"Definition: Downs\n~~s~~QUAS~~h~~ (fruit drink) without the first and last letters or 'frills' round or 'swallowing' FF (very loudly)"} {"Clue":"A pig swilling its mother's water (5,4)","Answer":"ADAM\u2019S WINE","Explanation":"Definition: water\nA SWINE (pig) round or 'swilling' DAM (mother)"} {"Clue":"Cracking vessel in charge of German one (7)","Answer":"ICEBOAT","Explanation":"Definition: Cracking vessel\nIC (in charge) E-BOAT (German torpedo boat)"} {"Clue":"Roman saw visitor with Vienna rolls (2,4,7)","Answer":"IN VINO VERITAS","Explanation":"Definition: Roman saw\nAn anagram of VISITOR and VIENNA \u2013 anagrind is 'rolls' \u2013 a Latin phrase suggesting that the truth will come out under the influence of drink."} {"Clue":"Fixes remarkable Irish architect's tool (3,6)","Answer":"SET SQUARE","Explanation":"Definition: architect's tool\nSETS (fixes) QUARE (Irish spelling of 'queer' \u2013 remarkable) \u2013 without wishing to be pedantic, Bert suggests that 'former' or 'old' might be added to the clue, as he (as an Architect) hasn't used a set square for some 15 years since the advent of computer-aided design."} {"Clue":"He's pragmatic dealing with biggest stars (7)","Answer":"REALIST","Explanation":"Definition: He's pragmatic\nRE (dealing with) A-LIST (biggest stars)"} {"Clue":"How climbers may look, sore everywhere at summit of Eiger? (7)","Answer":"ROSEATE","Explanation":"Definition: How climbers may look\nAn anagram of SORE (anagrind is 'everywhere') + AT E (first letter or 'summit' of Eiger)"} {"Clue":"'Spectator'\u00a0contributor is spiking special feature (7)","Answer":"ADDISON","Explanation":"Definition: Spectator'\u00a0contributor\nIS in or 'spiking' ADD-ON (special feature) \u2013 we had to look this one up \u2013 Joseph Addison was one of the founders of 'The Spectator' in 1711"} {"Clue":"Unearth papers about complaint (3,3)","Answer":"DIG OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Unearth\nID (papers) reversed or 'about' + GOUT (complaint)"} {"Clue":"Enjoy getting stripped, tucking into golden wine (5)","Answer":"ANJOU","Explanation":"Definition: wine\n~~e~~NJO~~y~~ without the first and last letters or 'getting stripped' 'tucking' into AU (gold)"} {"Clue":"Splashing this would get a prat wet \u2026 (3,5)","Answer":"TAP WATER","Explanation":"Definition: this\nCryptic definition \u2013 An anagram of A\u00a0PRAT WET (anagrind is 'splashing')"} {"Clue":"\u2026 prat turns, with sigh of relief, for this bathroom item (6)","Answer":"LOOFAH","Explanation":"Definition: this bathroom item\nFOOL (prat) reversed or 'turning' AH (sigh of relief)"} {"Clue":"British university backing study in complete concealment (6)","Answer":"BURIAL","Explanation":"Definition: in complete concealment\nB (British) U (university) + LAIR (study) reversed or 'backing'"} {"Clue":"Darkness? Cheers with light appearing in game (8)","Answer":"TOTALITY","Explanation":"Definition: Darkness?\nTA (cheers) + LIT (with light) inside TOY (game)"} {"Clue":"Success retaining lines in support of castle (4-4)","Answer":"HILL-FORT","Explanation":"Definition: castle\nHIT (success) around or 'retaining' LL (lines) + FOR (in support of)"} {"Clue":"Fellow's keeping edge of path, mostly for walkers (6)","Answer":"HIKERS","Explanation":"Definition: walkers\nHIS (fellow's) around or 'keeping' KER~~b~~ (edge of path) with last letter missing or 'mostly'"} {"Clue":"Teams in pool forming attractive proposition (4)","Answer":"DRAW","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Ready, with crackers, to consume last of these? (6,4)","Answer":"CASHEW NUTS","Explanation":"Definition: these\nCryptic definition \u2013\u00a0CASH (ready) W (with) NUTS (crackers) around or 'consuming' E (last letter of thesE)"} {"Clue":"Dark and cloudy, amidst fogs: steers badly (10)","Answer":"MISDIRECTS","Explanation":"Definition: steers badly\nDIRE (dark) C (cloudy) inside or 'amidst'\u00a0MISTS (fogs)"} {"Clue":"Support demo, possibly \u2013 millions turned out (4)","Answer":"ARCH","Explanation":"Definition: Support\n~~m~~ARCH (demo) without M (millions)"} {"Clue":"Insect in house or shed (4-2)","Answer":"LEAN-TO","Explanation":"Definition: shed\nANT (insect) in LEO (house as in the Zodiac)"} {"Clue":"Our group recalled the best horror movie participant (8)","Answer":"WEREWOLF","Explanation":"Definition: horror movie participant\nWE (our group) FLOWER (the best) reversed or 'recalled'"} {"Clue":"Endless revulsion about one energy deception (8)","Answer":"DISGUISE","Explanation":"Definition: deception\nDISGUS~~t~~ (revulsion) without last letter or 'endless' about I (one) + E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Youthful mercenary stabbed by King (6)","Answer":"VERNAL","Explanation":"Definition: Youthful\nVENAL (mercenary) around or 'being stabbed by' R (King)"} {"Clue":"Betray two students over punching five times as many (4,2)","Answer":"TELL ON","Explanation":"Definition: Betray\nLL (two students) O (over) inside or 'punching' TEN (five times as many as two \u2013 the number of students)"} {"Clue":"Looking for love while keeping on giving (8)","Answer":"DONATING","Explanation":"Definition: giving\nDATING (looking for love) around or 'keeping' ON"} {"Clue":"A nobleman cut down one Oriental bean (5)","Answer":"ADUKI","Explanation":"Definition: Oriental bean\nA DUK~~e~~ (nobleman) without last letter or 'cut down' I (one)"} {"Clue":"Skin problem with flaking on the bottom? (7)","Answer":"WHITLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Skin problem\nAn anagram of WITH (anagrind is 'flaking') LOW (on the bottom)"} {"Clue":"Firm whose business is buzzing? (5)","Answer":"TELCO","Explanation":"Definition: Firm\nTELCO is a firm involved with telecommunications \u2013 hence the buzzing or 'ringing'"} {"Clue":"Turns to determine a hill to climb (7)","Answer":"ROTATES","Explanation":"Definition: Turns\nSET (determine) A TOR (hill) all reversed or 'climbing'"} {"Clue":"They open and they slack off (9)","Answer":"LATCHKEYS","Explanation":"Definition: They open\nAn anagram of THEY SLACK (anagrind is 'off')"} {"Clue":"Paint variety mostly doing for protective garment (7)","Answer":"OILSKIN","Explanation":"Definition: protective garment\nOILS (paint) KIN~~d~~ (variety) with last letter removed or 'mostly'"} {"Clue":"Inflamed painting expert getting hot, not cold (9)","Answer":"ARTHRITIC","Explanation":"Definition: Inflamed\nART ~~c~~RITIC (painting expert) changing c (cold) to H (hot)"} {"Clue":"Booze drunk when I dropped into the sea? Not primarily (5,4)","Answer":"RHINE WINE","Explanation":"Definition: Booze\nAn anagram of WHEN I (anagrind is 'drunk) inside or 'dropped into' ~~b~~RINE (sea) without the first letter, or 'not primarily'"} {"Clue":"Number one affliction, mostly about rising decay (9)","Answer":"CORROSION","Explanation":"Definition: decay\nNO I (one) SORRO~~w~~ (affliction) with last letter removed or 'mostly' C (about) reversed or 'rising' as it's a down clue"} {"Clue":"Date single female in part of Ireland (7)","Answer":"DONEGAL","Explanation":"Definition: part of Ireland\nD (date) ONE (single) GAL (female)"} {"Clue":"Farm-worker to flinch about hard day (7)","Answer":"COWHERD","Explanation":"Definition: Farm-worker\nCOWER (to flinch) about H (hard) + D (day)"} {"Clue":"Variable star involving number of binary components, no less (2,5)","Answer":"AT WORST","Explanation":"Definition: no less\nAn anagram of STAR (anagrind is 'variable') around or 'involving' TWO (number of binary components)"} {"Clue":"Head removed from yellow bird (5)","Answer":"RAVEN","Explanation":"Definition: bird\n~~c~~RAVEN (yellow) with first letter or 'head' removed"} {"Clue":"Left to get master (5)","Answer":"LEARN","Explanation":"Definition: master\nL (left) EARN (to get)"} {"Clue":"Peer into middle distance? (4,3)","Answer":"LORD COE","Explanation":"A play on the fact that LORD COE was a middle distance runner. We needed quite a few crossing letters before this one fell into place."} {"Clue":"Mad farmers seize Noordhoek extremists (7)","Answer":"BONKERS","Explanation":"Definition: Mad\nBOERS (farmers) around or 'seizing' NK (first and last letter or 'extremists' in Noordhoek)"} {"Clue":"Page reported enemy sign (5)","Answer":"FOLIO","Explanation":"Definition: Page\nSounds like or 'reported' FOE (enemy) LEO (sign)"} {"Clue":"A few great bats about to be seen at The Oval! (9)","Answer":"GASOMETER","Explanation":"Definition: to be seen at The Oval\nSOME (a few) with an anagram of GREAT outside or 'about' (anagrind is 'bats'). If you were at ~~Lords~~\u00a0Oval Cricket Ground you would be able to see one. Another 'in' joke perhaps. *Thanks to Paul A and K's D for pointing out the error \u2013 Joyce would like to be able to say that it was a deliberate mistake to check that people were reading the blog carefully \u2013 but it wasn't!"} {"Clue":"Cat moves like Tigger without boundaries (5)","Answer":"OUNCE","Explanation":"Definition: Cat\nTigger in Winnie the Pooh ~~b~~OUNCE~~d~~. The first and last letters or 'boundaries' need to be removed."} {"Clue":"Slang reflected in gold pub sign (9)","Answer":"AUTOGRAPH","Explanation":"Definition: sign\nARGOT (slang) reversed or 'reflected' in AU (gold) PH (pub)"} {"Clue":"Able to pay cash for two ponies with a pound over? (6)","Answer":"LIQUID","Explanation":"Definition: Able to pay cash\nTwo ponies (\u00a325) would make L (50) QUID. If there's an extra pound over that would make LI QUID"} {"Clue":"Aware of Tory VIP scandal (5,2)","Answer":"PRIVY TO","Explanation":"Definition: Aware of\nAn anagram of TORY VIP (anagrind is 'scandal')"} {"Clue":"Two parts of 3's compound of carbon? (7)","Answer":"ORGANIC","Explanation":"Definition: of carbon\nAn anagram of NO CIGAR (two words or 'parts' of 3 down) \u2013 anagrind is 'compound'"} {"Clue":"Yo! Mister! He shot Knut's lion! (2,4)","Answer":"MY HERO","Explanation":"Definition: Knut's lion\nAn anagram of YO MR ('mister') HE \u2013 anagrind is 'shot'"} {"Clue":"European Parliament's a firm friend of the Church (9)","Answer":"EPISCOPAL","Explanation":"Definition: of the Churc\nE (European) P (Parliament) IS CO (firm) PAL (friend)"} {"Clue":"Speed, pure, Charlie's pushed (5)","Answer":"HASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Speed\n~~c~~HASTE (pure) without C (Charlie)"} {"Clue":"It takes spirit; good to get stuck in, go girl! (4,5)","Answer":"SHOT GLASS","Explanation":"Definition: It takes spirit\nG (good) getting stuck into SHOT (go) LASS (girl)"} {"Clue":"One on board in international trial (4,3)","Answer":"TEST RUN","Explanation":"Definition: trial\nThis took a bit of sorting out, but a RUN in a TEST match could be described as 'one on (the score)-board'"} {"Clue":"One seeing doctor has to draw in breath (7)","Answer":"PATIENT","Explanation":"Definition: One seeing doctor\nTIE (draw) in PANT (breath)"} {"Clue":"Film a tribute to a former 18 of 15, 16 and 4, 19A and 6? (4,2,5)","Answer":"LIFE OF BRIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Film\nThis is the gateway clue to the theme \u2013 although we are not big fans of cricket, and are not from 15d, we had heard of Knut's hero, whose surname appears in 3d."} {"Clue":"Weakening fast, Niger struggles to get a grip (9)","Answer":"RELENTING","Explanation":"Definition: Weakening\nLENT (fast) in, or 'gripped by' an anagram of NIGER \u2013 anagrind is 'struggles'"} {"Clue":"Almost stuffy, although smoke-free (5,3,2,5)","Answer":"CLOSE BUT NO CIGAR","Explanation":"Definition: Almost\nCLOSE (stuffy) BUT NO CIGAR (smoke-free)"} {"Clue":"Swollen glands sweep across the nation (7)","Answer":"ENGLAND","Explanation":"Definition: the nation\nHidden in, or 'sweeping across' swollEN GLANDs"} {"Clue":"Halt playful kiss first (3,4)","Answer":"BUS STOP","Explanation":"Definition: Halt\nBUSS (playful kiss) TOP (first)"} {"Clue":"Matthew bought in curry \u2013 he'll likely get the runs (2,3,4,3,3)","Answer":"NO MUG WITH THE BAT","Explanation":"Definition: he'll likely get the runs\nAn anagram of MATTHEW BOUGHT IN \u2013 anagrind is 'curry'"} {"Clue":"More wide, perhaps (5)","Answer":"EXTRA","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Fresh, cooked food's a non-starter for agricultural labourers (8)","Answer":"SERFHOOD","Explanation":"Definition: agricultural labourers\nAn anagram of FRESH (anagrind is 'cooked') + ~~f~~OOD with the first letter or 'starter' omitted"} {"Clue":"Sidebottom? On the contrary, his team! (9)","Answer":"YORKSHIRE","Explanation":"Definition: his team\nWe think this is a bit of an in-crowd clue, relating to Yorkshire cricket. Having googled 'Sidebottom' it appears that there is a Ryan Sidebottom and an Arnie Sidebottom who play or played cricket for YORKSHIRE, and Yorkshire fans would never consider their team to be the 'Bottom side'. *Well, this just goes to show how little we know about cricket. Thanks to Paul A and K's D \u2013 again!"} {"Clue":"Beginning of spectacular meteor shower over southern county (8)","Answer":"SOMERSET","Explanation":"Definition: county\nS (first letter or 'beginning of' Spectacular) and an anagram of METEOR (anagrind is 'shower') around or 'over' S (southern)"} {"Clue":"He skips and moves about the field (7)","Answer":"CAPTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: He skips\nOur knowledge of cricket is as we have said is rather limited. We guessed it from the definition \u2013 a skipper or CAPTAIN. We can only think that it is the captain who decides where the fielders go or 'move' about the field, although Bert thinks it is more often the bowler who sets the field. Not our favourite clue we have to say \u2013 unless we are missing something!"} {"Clue":"Wimp exploits work (7)","Answer":"MILKSOP","Explanation":"Definition: Wimp\nMILKS (exploits) OP (work)"} {"Clue":"It's found in shell fish served up after pike is gutted (6)","Answer":"PEANUT","Explanation":"Definition: It's found in shell\nTUNA (fish) reversed or 'up' after P~~ik~~E (first and last letters only or 'gutted')"} {"Clue":"Exists to protect Tory legends (5)","Answer":"ICONS","Explanation":"Definition: legends\nIS (exists) around or 'protecting' CON (Tory)"} {"Clue":"Small child loves position as pupil down under (8)","Answer":"SCHOOLIE","Explanation":"Definition: pupil down under\nS (small) CH (child) OO (loves) LIE (position)"} {"Clue":"Boat fit to be used in war, gutted (6)","Answer":"WHALER","Explanation":"Definition: Boat\nHALE (fit) in W~~a~~R with the middle letter omitted, or 'gutted'"} {"Clue":"Versatile performers replaced mostly bad actors (8)","Answer":"ACROBATS","Explanation":"Definition: Versatile performers\nAn anagram of BA~~d~~ (without the last letter, or 'mostly') and ACTORS \u2013 anagrind is 'replaced'"} {"Clue":"Caveman following girl beyond home (6)","Answer":"FINGAL","Explanation":"Definition: Caveman\nF (following) GAL (girl) after or 'beyond'\u00a0IN (home) \u2013 a reference to the hero of an epic poem after whom 'Fingal's Cave' on Staffa is named."} {"Clue":"One talks a lot about top designer meeting the Queen (9)","Answer":"CHATTERER","Explanation":"Definition: One talks a lot\nC (about) HATTER ('top' designer) ER (the Queen)"} {"Clue":"Locatin' protest (3-2)","Answer":"SIT-IN","Explanation":"Definition: protest\nSITIN~~g~~ ('locating' without the 'g')"} {"Clue":"Gaps regularly appearing in my teeth even now (3)","Answer":"YET","Explanation":"Definition: even now\nAlternate letters ('gaps regularly appearing') in mY tEeTh"} {"Clue":"More covers I ordered, as part of this? (4,7)","Answer":"ROOM SERVICE","Explanation":"Definition: as part of this?\nCryptic definition \u2013 an anagram of MORE COVERS I \u2013 anagrind is 'ordered'"} {"Clue":"In Cambridgeshire location, Socialists together speak out in detailed fashion (11)","Answer":"ELABORATELY","Explanation":"Definition: in detailed fashion\nELY (Cambridgeshire location) round LAB (the Labour party \u2013 'Socialists together') ORATE (speak out)"} {"Clue":"Turned up first for beer \u2026 here? (3)","Answer":"PUB","Explanation":"Definition: here\nCryptic definition \u2013 UP reversed or 'turned' + B \u2013 first letter of 'beer'"} {"Clue":"Attendants providing sheets (5)","Answer":"PAGES","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Musicians endlessly fired by return of cultural activities (9)","Answer":"ORCHESTRA","Explanation":"Definition: Musicians\n~~t~~ORCHE~~d~~ ('fired' without the first and last letters, or 'endlessly') + ARTS (cultural activities) reversed or 'returned'"} {"Clue":"Rogue artist's name ultimately forgotten (6)","Answer":"RASCAL","Explanation":"Definition: Rogue\nRAS (artist's) CAL~~l~~ (name) without the last letter, or 'ultimately forgotten'"} {"Clue":"Without thinking, deputy lieutenant probes explosive near ship (8)","Answer":"MINDLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Without thinking\nDL (deputy lieutenant) in or 'probing' MINE (explosive) + SS (ship)"} {"Clue":"Stockholder maybe right to invest in Channel port (6)","Answer":"DROVER","Explanation":"Definition: Stockholder maybe\nR (right) in DOVER (Channel port)"} {"Clue":"Former Beatle is performing after Prince's brief appearance (8)","Answer":"HARRISON","Explanation":"Definition: Former Beatle\nIS ON (performing) after HARR~~y~~ (Prince) without the last letter, or 'brief'"} {"Clue":"Prim celebrity introduces Charlie and Henry (7)","Answer":"STARCHY","Explanation":"Definition: Prim\nSTAR (celebrity) C (Charlie \u2013 phonetic alphabet) HY (Henry)"} {"Clue":"In this place consumes curry I left, needing a drink (6,3)","Answer":"HERBAL TEA","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nHERE (this place) round or 'consuming' BALT~~i~~ (curry) without 'I' + A"} {"Clue":"Cycle part men put at front (5)","Answer":"ORBIT","Explanation":"Definition: Cycle\nBIT (part) with OR (men \u2013 'other ranks') at the front"} {"Clue":"I'll introduce solvers from different countries: roll up! (12)","Answer":"INTERPOLATOR","Explanation":"Definition: I'll introduce\nINTERPOL ('solvers' \u2013 detectives \u2013 from different countries) + ROTA (roll) reversed or 'up'"} {"Clue":"Hot songs on piano before light musical (9)","Answer":"HAIRSPRAY","Explanation":"Definition: musical\nH (hot) AIRS (songs) P (piano) RAY (light)"} {"Clue":"It's OK to run away (5)","Answer":"LEGIT","Explanation":"Definition: It's OK \nLEG IT (run away)"} {"Clue":"Wolf Hall actor having lines cut (7)","Answer":"RYLANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Wolf Hall actor\nRY (lines \u2013 railway) LANCE (cut) \u2013 a reference to Mark Rylance, one of our favourite actors, who played Thomas Cromwell in the brilliant TV production of 'Wolf Hall'"} {"Clue":"Theatrical dame tucked into cooked sardine? That's potty (7,5)","Answer":"DRESDEN CHINA","Explanation":"Definition: potty\nDENCH (Dame Judi \u2013 'theatrical dame') 'tucked' into an anagram of SARDINE \u2013 anagrind is 'cooked'"} {"Clue":"Poor caf\u00e9s should be refurbished: that's the view from on high (9)","Answer":"ROOFSCAPE","Explanation":"Definition: the view from on high\nAn anagram of POOR CAFES \u2013 anagrind is 'refurbished'"} {"Clue":"Balsam perhaps formed by sap in time (9)","Answer":"IMPATIENS","Explanation":"Definition: Balsam perhaps\nAn anagram of SAP IN TIME \u2013 anagrind is 'formed'"} {"Clue":"Old saintly cardinal possibly ran out (7)","Answer":"EXPIRED","Explanation":"Definition: ran out\nEX (old) PI (saintly) RED (cardinal, possibly)"} {"Clue":"British entrepreneur in a pickle, short of time (7)","Answer":"BRANSON","Explanation":"Definition: British entrepreneur\nBRANS~~t~~ON (pickle) with the 't' (time) omitted"} {"Clue":"Unidentified item shown by US army medic? (5)","Answer":"GISMO","Explanation":"Definition: Unidentified item\nGI'S MO could refer to a Medical Officer (medic) for GIs in the US Army"} {"Clue":"Church official partly covered lectern over (5)","Answer":"ELDER","Explanation":"Definition: Church official\nHidden or 'partly' in 'coveRED LEctern' reversed or 'over'"} {"Clue":"Very game, if muddled (4)","Answer":"MEGA","Explanation":"Definition: Very\nAn anagram of GAME \u2013 anagrind is 'muddled'"} {"Clue":"Big man lost little 11 coming from here (4)","Answer":"GATH","Explanation":"Definition: here\nWe were totally lost on this one, but our 225 friend explains it as: G~~oli~~ATH (big man) without or 'losing' Oli \u2013 an abbreviation ('little') of Oliver Twist (11d) \u2013 apparently Goliath came from the biblical city of Gath \u2013 we learn something every day!!"} {"Clue":"Digression that's on record (like 31 of any colour you like?) (5)","Answer":"ASIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Digression\nAn A-SIDE is 'on a record' \u2013 we couldn't see the relevance of the remainder of the clue, until our 225 friend explained that 'Money' was the A-Side of a 1973 record by Pink Floyd (of whom we are big fans), the B-side of which was 'Any Colour You Like'. Both tracks are on 'Dark Side of the Moon', but we didn't buy singles in those days, so missed the A-side \/ B-side connection"} {"Clue":"Some countries dropping bar for all that remain (6)","Answer":"RELICS","Explanation":"Definition: all that remain\nRE~~pub~~LICS (some countries) without or 'dropping' PUB (bar)"} {"Clue":"Timeless times: being inside, being outside (8)","Answer":"EXTERNAL","Explanation":"Definition: outside\nETERNAL (timeless) with X (times) inside"} {"Clue":"She has some leverage (4)","Answer":"VERA","Explanation":"Definition: She\nHidden in or 'some' of leVERAge"} {"Clue":"Bishop's cry of recognition \u2013 one having faith (5)","Answer":"BAHAI","Explanation":"Definition: faith\nB (bishop) AHA (cry of recognition) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Stay forward (4)","Answer":"PROP","Explanation":"Double definition \u2013 a) support, b) rugby forward"} {"Clue":"I never went in for siestas \u2013 dreadful standstills! (6)","Answer":"STASES","Explanation":"Definition: standstills\nAn anagram of S~~i~~ESTAS without the 'I' \u2013 anagrind is 'dreadful'"} {"Clue":"Start to wonder at tigers: half were destroyed by floods (6)","Answer":"WATERS","Explanation":"Definition: floods\nW (first letter or 'start' of 'wonder') AT ~~tig~~ERS (half omitted or 'destroyed')"} {"Clue":"Chairman reported twice on Kenyan activists (3,3)","Answer":"MAU MAU","Explanation":"Definition: Kenyan activists\nA homophone ('reported') of MAO ('Chairman') repeated"} {"Clue":"Mother greeted by sound of cheers in state capital (6)","Answer":"MUMBAI","Explanation":"Definition: state capital\nMUM (mother) + a homophone ('sound of') BYE (cheers)"} {"Clue":"Others left books out in restaurant to create atmosphere (4)","Answer":"AURA","Explanation":"Definition: atmosphere\n'Rest' (others) and 'nt' (books \u2013 New Testament) left out of ~~rest~~AURA~~nt~~"} {"Clue":"Volunteers within state get something to eat (5)","Answer":"SATAY","Explanation":"Definition: something to eat\nTA (volunteers \u2013 Territorial Army) in SAY (state)"} {"Clue":"Use deceit to get money out of castle (4)","Answer":"ROOK","Explanation":"Double definition \u2013 a) to fleece, b) castle, in chess"} {"Clue":"If nothing needs underlining initially, object to finally providing hint (8)","Answer":"INNUENDO","Explanation":"Definition: hint\nInitial letters of 'If Nothing Needs Underlining' + END (object) + tO (last or 'final' letter)"} {"Clue":"Do vessels have changes of direction (1-5)","Answer":"U-TURNS","Explanation":"Definition: changes of direction\nUT (do \u2013 old name for the first note of the scale) URNS (vessels)"} {"Clue":"Second to back Japanese currency \u2013 and others (5)","Answer":"MONEY","Explanation":"Definition: and others\nMO (second) + YEN (Japanese currency) reversed or 'back'"} {"Clue":"Main character has to move slowly (4)","Answer":"INCH","Explanation":"Definition: move slowly\nHidden in 'maIN CHaracter'"} {"Clue":"My good man, every other character is one with idiosyncratic syntax (4)","Answer":"YODA","Explanation":"Definition: one with idiosyncratic syntax\nAlternate letters (every other character) of 'mY gOoD mAn' \u2013 a reference to the 'Star Wars' character with 'idiosyncratic syntax'"} {"Clue":"Am I providing some examples with 4? (8)","Answer":"ELEMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: some examples\nAm and I are abbreviations for Americium and Iodine, which along with 4 are ELEMENTS"} {"Clue":"I'm pedantic about small creatures (7)","Answer":"ANIMALS","Explanation":"Definition: creatures\nIM in ANAL (pedantic) + S (small)"} {"Clue":"Possibly noble when subordinate to German leader (3)","Answer":"GAS","Explanation":"Definition: Possibly noble\nAS (when) under or 'subordinate\" to G (first letter, or 'leader' of German)"} {"Clue":"Now, some thoughts about trouper's philosophy (3,4,4,2,2)","Answer":"THE SHOW MUST GO ON","Explanation":"Definition: trouper's philosophy\nAn anagram of NOW SOME THOUGHTS \u2013 anagrind is 'about'"} {"Clue":"Violinist's exhortation to abolish the monarchy? (7)","Answer":"SCRAPER","Explanation":"Definition: Violinist\nSCRAP (abolish) ER (the monarchy)"} {"Clue":"Empty debate? A swizz, according to clergyman (6)","Answer":"DEACON","Explanation":"Definition: clergyman\nD~~ebat~~E (with the middle letters omitted or 'empty') A CON (swizz)"} {"Clue":"Dance, pervert! (5)","Answer":"TWIST","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"One's surrounded by lies again (3)","Answer":"BIS","Explanation":"Definition: again\nI (one) surrounded by BS (bullshit \u2013 lies)"} {"Clue":"Assume donkey's killed returning bird (3)","Answer":"EMU","Explanation":"Definition: bird\n'Ass' (donkey) removed from ('killed') '~~ass~~UME' \u2013 the remainder reversed or 'returning'"} {"Clue":"Molecular core kind of 31 (3)","Answer":"ECU","Explanation":"Definition: kind of 31\nThe 'core' of 'molECUlar' \u2013 a 'kind' of money (31ac)"} {"Clue":"Roam about, single, deserted, stranded (8)","Answer":"MAROONED","Explanation":"Definition: stranded\nAn anagram of ROAM (anagrind is 'about') + ONE (single) D (deserted)"} {"Clue":"When are unusual outsiders imprisoned? Generally (2,1,4)","Answer":"AS A RULE","Explanation":"Definition: Generally\nAS (when) ARE round or 'imprisoning' U~~nusua~~L (first and last letters or 'outsiders'"} {"Clue":"Graduate's working for builder (5)","Answer":"MASON","Explanation":"Definition: builder\nMA'S (graduate's) ON (working)"} {"Clue":"Can take nothing out of county (3)","Answer":"MAY","Explanation":"Definition: Can\nMAY~~o~~ (county) with 'o' (nothing) omitted or 'out'"} {"Clue":"Like Andrew, holding copper or another metal (7)","Answer":"MERCURY","Explanation":"Definition: another metal\nMERRY ('like Andrew' \u2013 apparently a 'merry-andrew' was a quack's assistant, a buffoon or a clown) round or 'holding' CU (copper)"} {"Clue":"Starts to query undertaking as neuroscientists try to set up body (6)","Answer":"QUANGO","Explanation":"Definition: body\nFirst letters or 'starts' of Query Undertaking As Neuroscientists + GO (try)"} {"Clue":"It's revolting taking part in bug hunt (3)","Answer":"UGH","Explanation":"Definition: It's revolting\nHidden or 'taking part' in bUG Hunt"} {"Clue":"A river's name, nothing more (4)","Answer":"ARNO","Explanation":"A R (river) N (name) O (nothing) \u2013 a cryptic definition for the Italian river"} {"Clue":"A scoundrel nipping back to snatch one item of jewellery (5)","Answer":"TIARA","Explanation":"Definition: item of jewellery\nA RAT (scoundrel) reversed or 'back' around or 'nipping' I (one)"} {"Clue":"Grant, perhaps \u2013 college horde squandering millions (4)","Answer":"CARY","Explanation":"Definition: Grant, perhaps\nC (college) AR~~m~~Y (horde) without or 'squandering' M (millions)"} {"Clue":"A US writer penning good English? That's the remotest thing (6)","Answer":"APOGEE","Explanation":"Definition: the remotest thing\nA POE (US writer) around or 'penning' G (good) +\u00a0E (English)"} {"Clue":"Scary shifts, covering most of lap in synthetic fibres (8)","Answer":"ACRYLICS","Explanation":"Definition: synthetic fibres \nAn anagram of SCARY (anagrind is 'shifts') around or 'covering'\u00a0LIC~~k~~ (lap) without the last letter or 'almost'"} {"Clue":"Certainly uncommonly teary about Queen in the past (10)","Answer":"YESTERYEAR","Explanation":"Definition: the past\nYES (certainly) + an anagram of TEARY (anagrind is 'uncommonly') about ER (Queen)"} {"Clue":"Store that's invested in modelling in America? (4)","Answer":"DELI","Explanation":"Definition: Store\nThe answer is hidden in the clue when the word is written with an American spelling moDELIng. This was our LOI \u2013 we'd had DELL written in for a while \u2013 yes, we knew that it was an IT firm rather than a store \u2013 as we couldn't think of anything else. When we had completed the grid and found the nina we were able to correct our mistake."} {"Clue":"Particle captured suddenly after one escapes (6)","Answer":"LEPTON","Explanation":"Definition: Particle\nLE~~a~~PT ON (captured suddenly) with A (one) 'escaping'"} {"Clue":"Aircraft pilots heading off, having recalled answer (6)","Answer":"CESSNA","Explanation":"Definition: Aircraft\n~~a~~CES (pilots) with first letter removed or 'heading off' +\u00a0ANS (answer) reversed or 'recalled'"} {"Clue":"Can start to accommodate molten material (4)","Answer":"LAVA","Explanation":"Definition: molten material\nLAV (can) A (first letter or 'start' to accommodate)"} {"Clue":"Fake vandalised? Not initially penitent (10)","Answer":"SHAMEFACED","Explanation":"Definition: penitent\nSHAM (fake) ~~d~~EFACED (vandalised) without first letter or 'not initially'"} {"Clue":"Divers, full of excitement, abandoning river, circling cape (8)","Answer":"ECLECTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Divers\nELECT~~r~~IC (full of excitement) without or 'abandoning' R (river) around C (cape)"} {"Clue":"Appropriate logo for company, perhaps involving one cathedral (6)","Answer":"TIMELY","Explanation":"Definition: Appropriate\nTM ('logo for company', as in trade mark) around or 'involving' I (one) +\u00a0ELY (cathedral)"} {"Clue":"Tries to avoid acting of the woman (4)","Answer":"HERS","Explanation":"Definition: of the woman\nHE~~a~~RS (tries) without or 'avoiding' A (acting)"} {"Clue":"Fabric swatch in orange, though not entirely (5)","Answer":"CHINO","Explanation":"Definition: Fabric\nHidden in the clue ('not entirely') \u2013 swatCH IN Orange"} {"Clue":"Slopes deprived of soft sheep (4)","Answer":"RAMS","Explanation":"Definition: sheep\nRAM~~p~~S (slopes) without or 'deprived of' P (soft)"} {"Clue":"Go over a lot of nonsense (4)","Answer":"TRIP","Explanation":"Definition: Go over\nTRIP~~e~~ (nonsense) without last letter or 'a lot of'"} {"Clue":"Confectionery name incomplete: different name taken up (6)","Answer":"NOUGAT","Explanation":"Definition: Confectionery\nNOU~~n~~ (name) without last letter or 'incomplete' + TAG (a different name) reversed or 'taken up'"} {"Clue":"Old German man blocking military vehicles and soldiers (5,5)","Answer":"OTHER RANKS","Explanation":"Definition: soldiers\nO (old) + HERR (German man) inside or 'blocking' TANKS (military vehicles')"} {"Clue":"Endless party, no longer fresh, showing devastation (7)","Answer":"RAVAGED","Explanation":"Definition: showing devastation\nRAV~~e~~ (party) without last letter or 'endless' AGED (no longer fresh)"} {"Clue":"Loud song of reasonable quality (4)","Answer":"FAIR","Explanation":"Definition: of reasonable quality\nF (loud) AIR (song)"} {"Clue":"Stops senior officer getting head of detectives to probe crime information (8)","Answer":"OCCLUDES","Explanation":"Definition: Stops\nOC (senior officer as in Officer Commanding) + D (first letter or 'head' of detectives) inside or 'probing' CLUES (crime information)"} {"Clue":"Copper advanced, stopping short, interrupting cessation of hostilities and aggression? (10)","Answer":"TRUCULENCE","Explanation":"Definition: aggression\nCU (copper) + LEN~~t~~ (advanced) without last letter or 'stopping short' inside or 'interrupting' TRUCE (cessation of hostilities)"} {"Clue":"Lovely gumshoe given to baseball player (3-7)","Answer":"EYE-CATCHER","Explanation":"Definition: Lovely\nEYE (gumshoe) CATCHER (baseball player)"} {"Clue":"Hobby developed into career (10)","Answer":"RECREATION","Explanation":"Definition: Hobby\nAn anagram of INTO CAREER (anagrind is 'developed')"} {"Clue":"Cross and abrupt about half of partying (8)","Answer":"TRAVERSE","Explanation":"Definition: Cross\nTERSE (abrupt) about RAV~~ing~~ (partying \u2013 first half only)"} {"Clue":"Riotous overture for concert penned by composer, I see (7)","Answer":"BACCHIC","Explanation":"Definition: Riotous\nC (first letter or 'overture' of concert) in or 'penned by'\u00a0BACH (composer) I C (see)"} {"Clue":"Think a lot of spot with quantity of mud (6)","Answer":"ADMIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Think a lot of\nAD (spot as in advert) MIRE\u00a0(quantity of mud)"} {"Clue":"Gutted the church and college (4)","Answer":"TECH","Explanation":"Definition: college\nT~~h~~E C~~hurc~~H (first and last letters only or 'gutted')"} {"Clue":"Meat? Happen to be tucking into pound (4)","Answer":"LAMB","Explanation":"Definition: Meat\nAM (happen) inside or 'tucking into' LB (pound)"} {"Clue":"Bishop puts on jumper and twitches showing street dance style (8)","Answer":"ROBOTICS","Explanation":"Definition: street dance style\nB (bishop) in or 'putting on' ROO (kangaroo \u2013 'jumper') + TICS (twitches)"} {"Clue":"Find innocent Parisian who gets caught in act (6)","Answer":"ACQUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Find innocent\nQUI (French or 'Parisian' for 'who') 'caught' in ACT"} {"Clue":"Almost detect unpleasant aroma returning after publicist exposes difficulties (8)","Answer":"PROBLEMS","Explanation":"Definition: difficulties\nSMEL~~l~~ BO (detect unpleasant aroma, with the last letter of 'smell' omitted or 'almost') reversed or 'returning' after PR (publicist)"} {"Clue":"Pitcher, taking time, flustered non-entity (6)","Answer":"CIPHER","Explanation":"Definition: non-entity\nAn anagram of PI~~t~~CHER without or 'taking' 't' (time) \u2013 anagrind is 'flustered'"} {"Clue":"Pale blue jet to glide on water? (9)","Answer":"AQUAPLANE","Explanation":"Definition: glide on water\nAQUA (pale blue) PLANE (jet)"} {"Clue":"British eggs \u2013 flipping good for you! (5)","Answer":"BRAVO","Explanation":"Definition: good for you!\nBR (British) + OVA (eggs) reversed or 'flipping'"} {"Clue":"Coffee shop's hidden charges (4)","Answer":"FEES","Explanation":"Definition: charges\nHidden in cofFEE Shop"} {"Clue":"Lying about Greg Dyke's body is obscene (7)","Answer":"PROFANE","Explanation":"Definition: obscene\nPRONE (lying) around FA (Football Association \u2013 Greg Dyke's 'body')"} {"Clue":"Group with trouble worshipping (7)","Answer":"ADORING","Explanation":"Definition: worshipping\nRING (group) after or 'with' ADO (trouble)"} {"Clue":"Curse Juliet with kiss containing one last bit of poison (4)","Answer":"JINX","Explanation":"Definition: Curse\nJ (Juliet in the phonetic alphabet) X (kiss) around or 'containing' I (one) N (last letter or 'bit' of 'poison')"} {"Clue":"Dismiss leaders of empanelled jury ending criminal trial (5)","Answer":"EJECT","Explanation":"Definition: Dismiss\nFirst letters or 'leaders' of Empanelled Jury Ending Criminal Trial"} {"Clue":"Key worker dreads that man coming back around end of August (9)","Answer":"LOCKSMITH","Explanation":"Definition: Key worker\nLOCKS ('dreads', as in 'dreadlocks') + HIM (that man) reversed or 'coming back' around T (last letter or 'end' of 'August')"} {"Clue":"Shape of longbow almost entirely bent (6)","Answer":"OBLONG","Explanation":"Definition: Shape\nAn anagram of LONGBO~~w~~ with the last letter omitted, or 'almost entirely' \u2013 anagrind is 'bent'"} {"Clue":"Goblin squeezes Beelzebub's heart getting drop of red to drink (8)","Answer":"SPRITZER","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nSPRITE (goblin) round or 'squeezing' Z (middle letter or 'heart' of 'Beelzebub') + R (first letter or 'drop' of 'red')"} {"Clue":"Home secretary confronts border chaos (6)","Answer":"MAYHEM","Explanation":"Definition: chaos\nMAY (Theresa May, Home Secretary) 'confronting' HEM (border) \u2013 lovely clue!!!"} {"Clue":"Pace setter misses two starts misbehaving and so forth (2,6)","Answer":"ET CETERA","Explanation":"Definition: and so forth\nAn anagram of ~~p~~ACE ~~s~~ETTER (with the initial letters omitted, or 'missing two starts' \u2013 anagrind is 'misbehaving'"} {"Clue":"Set aside article carried by upset outcast (6)","Answer":"REPEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Set aside\nA (article) in or 'carried by' LEPER (outcast) reversed or 'upset'"} {"Clue":"Cork sound in top of bottle diverging from the norm (6)","Answer":"BROGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Cork sound\nB (first letter or 'top' of 'bottle') ROGUE (diverging from the norm)"} {"Clue":"Flower found in the middle of unctuous sauce (5)","Answer":"TULIP","Explanation":"Definition: Flower\nTU ('middle' letters of 'unctuous') LIP (sauce)"} {"Clue":"Scope of Commissioner's licence (7)","Answer":"COMPASS","Explanation":"Definition: Scope\nCOM (Commissioner) PASS (licence)"} {"Clue":"Conservative member's miserable retreat (5-4)","Answer":"CLIMB-DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: retreat\nC (Conservative) LIMB (member) DOWN (miserable)"} {"Clue":"Volcanic material rises after mounted man causes disturbance (8)","Answer":"UPHEAVAL","Explanation":"Definition: disturbance\nLAVA (volcanic material) reversed or 'rising' after UP (mounted) HE (man)"} {"Clue":"Chance to get on top of business (8)","Answer":"TURNOVER","Explanation":"Definition: business\nTURN (chance) OVER (on top of)"} {"Clue":"Topple yew over concealing bark (4)","Answer":"YELP","Explanation":"Definition: bark\nHidden or 'concealed' and reversed or 'over' in 'topPLE Yew'"} {"Clue":"European statement about Roman numerals impacts church life (9)","Answer":"EXISTENCE","Explanation":"Definition: life\nE (European) X IS TEN ('statement about Roman numerals' \u2013 brilliant!!) CE (church)"} {"Clue":"Parasite contaminated mop water (8)","Answer":"TAPEWORM","Explanation":"Definition: Parasite \nAn anagram of MOP WATER \u2013 anagrind is 'contaminated'"} {"Clue":"Warning: Drama portrays scenes of a sexual nature (8)","Answer":"FOREPLAY","Explanation":"Definition: scenes of a sexual nature\nFORE (warning) PLAY (drama)"} {"Clue":"Pull back before beginning to fall into abyss (4)","Answer":"GULF","Explanation":"Definition: abyss\nLUG (pull) reversed or 'back' before F (first letter or 'beginning' of 'fall')"} {"Clue":"Lift lid up revealing big prize (7)","Answer":"JACKPOT","Explanation":"Definition: big prize\nJACK (lift) TOP (lid) reversed or 'up'"} {"Clue":"Champagne the French prove a failure (6)","Answer":"FIZZLE","Explanation":"Definition: prove a failure\nFIZZ (champagne) LE (French for 'the')"} {"Clue":"Nepali phrase misread (6)","Answer":"SHERPA","Explanation":"Definition: Nepali\nAn anagram of PHRASE \u2013 anagirnd is 'misread'"} {"Clue":"Pierce head of saltwater fish (5)","Answer":"SPIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Pierce\nS (first letter or 'head' of 'saltwater') PIKE (fish)"} {"Clue":"Father keeps children quiet with a French dog (9)","Answer":"DACHSHUND","Explanation":"Definition: dog\nDAD (father) round or 'keeping' CH (children) SH (quiet) UN (French for 'a')"} {"Clue":"Wine imbibed by some doctors (5)","Answer":"MEDOC","Explanation":"Definition: Wine\nHidden ('imbibed') in soME DOCtors"} {"Clue":"Note start of disruption in Dover or Folkestone? (3,4)","Answer":"SET DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Note\nD (first letter or 'start' of disruption) in SE TOWN (Dover and Folkestone are towns in the SE)"} {"Clue":"In back room put new computers etc and screen (7)","Answer":"MONITOR","Explanation":"Definition: screen\nN (new) IT (computers etc) inside ROOM reversed or 'back'"} {"Clue":"Cause of ferment unknown to Asian countries? (5)","Answer":"YEAST","Explanation":"Definition: Cause of ferment\nY (unknown) EAST (Asian countries)"} {"Clue":"A US friend arranged to collect money for charity (9)","Answer":"FUNDRAISE","Explanation":"Definition: collect money for charity\nAn anagram of A US FRIEND \u2013 anagrind is 'arranged'"} {"Clue":"Navies said to deal with press gang here, once? (5,6)","Answer":"FLEET STREET","Explanation":"Definition: press gang here, once?\nFLEETS (navies) TREET (sounds like TREAT \u2013 deal with)"} {"Clue":"Short film showing runner (3)","Answer":"SKI","Explanation":"Definition: runner\nSKI~~n~~ (film) with last letter removed or 'short'"} {"Clue":"Oddly chatty man (3)","Answer":"CAT","Explanation":"Definition: man\nOdd letters in ChAtTy"} {"Clue":"Soft drink passed round with food, as expected (11)","Answer":"PREDICTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: as expected\nP (soft) CIDER (drink) reversed or 'passed round'\u00a0TABLE (food)"} {"Clue":"Off I go! That's telling you (9)","Answer":"IMPARTING","Explanation":"Definition: That's telling you\nA play on I'M PARTING (off I go)"} {"Clue":"Norwegian group importing album, literally first of a series (5)","Answer":"ALPHA","Explanation":"Definition: literally first of a series\nAHA (Norwegian group) around or 'importing' LP (album)"} {"Clue":"Growth of teachers' union France once reported (7)","Answer":"NUTGALL","Explanation":"Definition: Growth\nNUT (teachers' union) GALL (sounds like Gaul \u2013 France once upon a time)"} {"Clue":"Concerned dire row will erupt (7)","Answer":"WORRIED","Explanation":"Definition: Concerned\nAn anagram of DIRE ROW \u2013 anagrind is 'will erupt'"} {"Clue":"Near bridge see large tree (5)","Answer":"LARCH","Explanation":"Definition: tree\nARCH (bridge) with L (large) in front or 'near'"} {"Clue":"Colleagues mishandled task with mower (9)","Answer":"WORKMATES","Explanation":"Definition: Colleagues\nAn anagram of TASK and MOWER \u2013 anagrind is 'mishandled'"} {"Clue":"Girl, coy and attractive (5)","Answer":"DISHY","Explanation":"Definition: attractive\nDI (girl) SHY (coy)"} {"Clue":"House with somewhere to sleep and creaking gate (7)","Answer":"COTTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: House\nCOT (somewhere to sleep) + an anagram of\u00a0GATE\u00a0\u2013 anagrind is 'creaking'"} {"Clue":"Sportswear on leading baseball player (9)","Answer":"SHORTSTOP","Explanation":"Definition: baseball player\n~~A play on the fact that a baseball player may be wearing SHORTS and TOP (two sorts of sportswear)~~ SHORTS (sportswear) TOP (leading)\u00a0*Thanks to\u00a0**gwep\u00a0Kathryn's Dad and NealH*."} {"Clue":"Mourner carries something from crematorium? (3)","Answer":"URN","Explanation":"Definition: something from crematorium?\nHidden or 'carried' in moURNer"} {"Clue":"Arrogant cur guarding tunnel leading to Ireland? (11)","Answer":"DOMINEERING","Explanation":"Definition: Arrogant\nDOG (cur) around or 'guarding' MINE (tunnel) ERIN (Ireland)"} {"Clue":"Fellow supervising operations research where police operate \u2026 (5)","Answer":"MANOR","Explanation":"Definition: where police operate \u2026 \nMAN (fellow) in front of or 'supervising' OR (operations research)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 arrests criminal instead (7)","Answer":"DETAINS","Explanation":"Definition: arrests\nAn anagram of INSTEAD \u2013 anagrind is 'criminal'"} {"Clue":"After mass, priest boards vehicle with English friar (9)","Answer":"CARMELITE","Explanation":"Definition: friar\nAfter M (mass) ELI (priest) inside or 'aboard' CART (vehicle) + E (English)"} {"Clue":"Family member waving flag endlessly in the war (6-2-3)","Answer":"FATHER-IN-LAW","Explanation":"Definition: Family membe\nAn anagram of FLA~~g~~ (without the last letter or 'endless')\u00a0IN THE WAR \u2013 anagrind is 'waving'"} {"Clue":"Like small group fighting in river of Cornwall (9)","Answer":"FACTIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: Like small group\nACTION (fighting) inside FAL (river in Cornwall)"} {"Clue":"Princess once upset to catch beginning of this four-letter word (9)","Answer":"TETRAGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: four-letter word \nMARGARET (princess, once) reversed or 'upset' around or 'catching' T (first letter or 'beginning' of This)"} {"Clue":"Bartender rarely serving peas, we're told, covered in potato (7)","Answer":"TAPSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Bartender rarely \nPS (sounds like 'peas') inside or 'covered' by TATER (potato)"} {"Clue":"Bread roll is swallowed by teetotal sect member (7)","Answer":"BAPTIST","Explanation":"Definition: sect member\nBAP (bread roll) + IS inside or 'swallowed by'\u00a0TT (teetotal)"} {"Clue":"Fish recipe: simmer gently after removing head (5)","Answer":"ROACH","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nR (recipe)~~ p~~OACH (simmer gently) without first letter or 'removing head'"} {"Clue":"Aussie dame climbing southern mountain range (5)","Answer":"ANDES","Explanation":"Definition: mountain range\nEDNA (Aussie Dame) reversed or 'climbing' S (southern)"} {"Clue":"Battle was cut short by resistance (3)","Answer":"WAR","Explanation":"Definition: Battle\nWA~~s~~ without last letter or 'cut short' R (resistance)"} {"Clue":"Poss iffy rug? (5,2,4)","Answer":"SYRUP OF FIGS","Explanation":"~~We're still not sure that this is a fair clue.~~ It's obviously an anagram of POSS IFFY RUG \u2013 the entire clue \u2013 there's no definition and no anagrind, unless you count 'iffy' or even 'poss', which are part of the anagram fodder. However, as we got further into the puzzle we realised that there is a theme, and the clue, at least, makes reference to it, although the answer doesn't seem to have any connection \u2013 is Knut trying it on? Perhaps he's suggesting that we will need a laxative after hearing one of the theme character's proclamations? *Please see the first comment for a better explanation. Apologies to Knut \u2013 again!"} {"Clue":"Stocked by Tesco, Dr Oetker's ingredient for taramasalata (3,3)","Answer":"COD ROE","Explanation":"Definition: ingredient for taramasalata\nHidden or 'stocked' in TesCO DR OEtker's"} {"Clue":"Gutless pilferer snatching little girl's breadbasket (7)","Answer":"PANNIER","Explanation":"Definition: breadbasket\nP and R ('pilferer' without the central letters, or 'gutless') round or 'snatching' ANNIE (little girl)"} {"Clue":"A new Rodin sculpture, reportedly\u00a0part of The Great Exhibition? (7)","Answer":"ANDIRON","Explanation":"Definition: part of The Great\nAn anagram of A N (new) RODIN \u2013 anagrind is 'sculpture' \u2013 a rather iffy definition \u2013 one could describe an andiron as part of a 'grate' ('reportedly' or sounds like 'Great') \u2013 but why the 'Exhibition', except for surface reading?"} {"Clue":"Musical composition is a bit over the top (9)","Answer":"HAIRPIECE","Explanation":"Definition: a bit over the top\nHAIR (Musical) PIECE (composition)"} {"Clue":"Grow louder, like Cole Porter's party? (5)","Answer":"SWELL","Explanation":"Definition: Grow louder\nA reference to the SWELL party in Cole Porter's song 'Well, Did You Evah''"} {"Clue":"Pull Nicolas' leg \u2013 it's quite bony! (7)","Answer":"RIBCAGE","Explanation":"Definition: it's quite bony\nRIB (pull someone's leg) CAGE (Nicholas Cage, the American Actor)"} {"Clue":"Like The Eagles? Only some, to be blunt (4)","Answer":"BALD","Explanation":"Definition: blunt\nBALD eagles are a species of eagle, best known as the national bird of the USA"} {"Clue":"Naughtily adopt the French \"frog\" at a young age (7)","Answer":"TADPOLE","Explanation":"Definition: \"frog\" at a young age\nAn anagram of ADOPT (anagrind is 'naughtily') LE (French for 'the')"} {"Clue":"Knut's grabbed by drunken Scot; one shouldn't grumble really (5)","Answer":"STOIC","Explanation":"Definition: one shouldn't grumble really\nI (Knut \u2013 the setter) in an anagram of SCOT \u2013 anagrind is 'drunk'"} {"Clue":"Where North, South, East and West meet? (4,5)","Answer":"CARD TABLE","Explanation":"A reference to the players in four-handed card games being referred to as North, South, East and West"} {"Clue":"Stood up, I'm terribly embarrassed (7)","Answer":"UMPIRED","Explanation":"Definition: Stood\nAn anagram of UP I'M (anagrind is 'terribly') RED (embarrassed). However, can anyone think of an occasion when 'stood' can be a synonym for 'umpired'? Or, are we missing something? *Answer \u2013 Yes. However,\u00a0Knut knows how little we know (or care!) about cricket after his last puzzle which we blogged. He will not be surprised then that we missed the cricketing link. Thanks to Paul A for explaining the special use of 'stand' which doesn't seem to appear in our dictionaries!"} {"Clue":"Associate leading Archer's case \"trembling with excitement\" (7)","Answer":"AQUIVER","Explanation":"Definition: trembling with excitement\nA (Associate) QUIVER (archer's case)"} {"Clue":"WC left first hint of slurry; green wellies a must here (5,6)","Answer":"FIELD SPORTS","Explanation":"Definition: green wellies a must here\nFIELDS (WC Fields \u2013 American actor) PORT (left) S (first letter or 'hint' of 'slurry')"} {"Clue":"Stone mug (note: contents highly acidic) (8)","Answer":"SAPPHIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Stone\nSAP (mug, as in a silly person) RE (note) round PH1 (highly acidic \u2013 a low pH value)"} {"Clue":"In Bern, I'm exchanging currency (8)","Answer":"RENMINBI","Explanation":"Definition: currency\nAn anagram of IN BERN I'M \u2013 anagrind is 'exchanging'"} {"Clue":"Heads up: Prime Minister implores Republican Party to work on image (5)","Answer":"PRIMP","Explanation":"Definition: work on image\nFirst letters or 'heads' of Prime Minister Implores Republican Party reversed or 'up'"} {"Clue":"How to get foie gras on the menu in the NAAFI? (5-4)","Answer":"FORCE-FEED","Explanation":"Definition: How to get foie gras\nThe NAAFI is the canteen for the Army, Navy and Air Force \u2013 it could be said to FEED the FORCE"} {"Clue":"Photo journal that is in circulation (5)","Answer":"IMAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Photo\nMAG (journal) in IE (that is)"} {"Clue":"Not happy to eat Delia's tossed leaves (4,5)","Answer":"SIDE SALAD","Explanation":"Definition: leaves\nSAD (not happy) round or 'eating' an anagram of DELIA'S \u2013 anagrind is 'tossed'"} {"Clue":"For going on the floor, reprimand Rover (dog, possibly) (6)","Answer":"CARPET","Explanation":"Definition: For going on the floor\nDouble definition and wordplay! CAR (Rover) PET (dog, possibly)"} {"Clue":"Male lecturer given a lethal dosage (6)","Answer":"DONALD","Explanation":"Definition: Male\nDON (lecturer) A LD (lethal dosage)"} {"Clue":"Rabbit's head in Bechamel perhaps a treat for Tiddles? (1,6,2,4)","Answer":"A SAUCER OF MILK","Explanation":"Definition: perhaps a treat for Tiddles\nR (first letter or 'head' of Rabbit) in A SAUCE OF MILK (Bechamel is an example of a sauce made with milk)"} {"Clue":"Blackfriars theatre screening Spielberg classic \u2013she'll give you a ticket! (5,4)","Answer":"METER MAID","Explanation":"Definition: she'll give you a ticket\nMERMAID (Theatre in Blackfriars) round or 'screening' ET (Spielberg classic film)"} {"Clue":"Bobby Charlton's parting shot: Gone With The Wind? (8)","Answer":"COMBOVER","Explanation":"A cryptic definition \u2013 in the wind, Bobby Charlton's parting would be 'shot'. The image suggested by the parsing raised a smile but this wasn't one of our favourite clues."} {"Clue":"Becomes reacquainted with tragedy during Sir Christopher's decapitation (8)","Answer":"RELEARNS","Explanation":"Definition: Becomes reacquainted with\nLEAR ('King Lear' \u2013 Shakespearean tragedy) in ~~w~~REN'S (Sir Christopher Wren) without the first letter, or 'decapitated'"} {"Clue":"He sells bonds to raise money for child-king (6)","Answer":"ISSUER","Explanation":"Definition: He sells bonds to raise money\nISSUE (child) R (king)"} {"Clue":"Old printer driver's support is about to offer patchy coverage (6)","Answer":"TOUPEE","Explanation":"Definition: patchy coverage\nEither OUP (Oxford University Press \u2013 'old printer') or O (old) UP (United Press \u2013 printer) in TEE (support)"} {"Clue":"Madonna lost 90% of capital, having to beg (5)","Answer":"CADGE","Explanation":"Definition: beg\n~~m~~ADGE (nickname for Madonna) with the 'M' (1,000) replaced by C (100) \u2013 ie 'losing' 90% by changing the 'capital' letter"} {"Clue":"Mostly honest politician's quite a card (5)","Answer":"TRUMP","Explanation":"Definition: card\nTRU~~e~~ (honest) with the last letter missing, or 'mostly' + MP (politician)"} {"Clue":"Seasonal activity potentially applicable to 9, 11, 12 (yes, really), 19, 21A, 24, 1D, 7, 20, 22 and 23? (5-7)","Answer":"FIRST-FOOTING","Explanation":"Definition: Seasonal activity\nThe gateway clue \u2013\u00a0FOOT can come FIRST\u00a0with ('is potentially applicable to') the entries at 9, 11, 12, 19, 21A, 1D, 7, 20, 22 and 23"} {"Clue":"Unimportant fellow abandoning attempt at escape (5)","Answer":"LIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Unimportant\n~~f~~LIGHT (attempt at escape) without or 'abandoning' 'f' (fellow)"} {"Clue":"Store finally regretted backsliding, after bringing in corrupt security (9)","Answer":"DEBENTURE","Explanation":"Definition: security\nE (last or 'final' letter of 'store') RUED (regretted) reversed or 'backsliding' round or 'bringing in' BENT (corrupt)"} {"Clue":"Military man convinced one group of engineers should retreat (7)","Answer":"SOLDIER","Explanation":"Definition: Military man\nSOLD (convinced) I (one) RE (group of engineers) reversed or 'retreating'"} {"Clue":"Debussy piece including bass and tenor (British musician) (7)","Answer":"LAMBERT","Explanation":"Definition: British musician\nLA MER (Debussy piece) round or 'including' B (bass) + T (tenor)"} {"Clue":"American chasing destiny and reason for indolence (5)","Answer":"LOTUS","Explanation":"Definition: reason for indolence\nUS (American) after or 'chasing' LOT (destiny)"} {"Clue":"Hole at work \u2013 it is storage for vegetables (6,3)","Answer":"POTATO PIT","Explanation":"Definition: storage for vegetables\nPOT (hole) AT OP (work) IT"} {"Clue":"Fish brought to shore swathed in leaves (9)","Answer":"GARLANDED","Explanation":"Definition: swathed in leaves\nGAR (fish) LANDED (brought to shore)"} {"Clue":"Get rid of former PM, no longer half-heartedly (5)","Answer":"EXPEL","Explanation":"Definition: Get rid of\nEX (former) PE~~e~~L (PM no longer) with one of the 'e's omitted, or 'half-hearted'"} {"Clue":"Money securing program with Government accessing source (7)","Answer":"TAPPING","Explanation":"Definition: accessing source\nTIN (money) round or 'securing' APP (program) + G (government)"} {"Clue":"Elements? Millions invested in tungsten, argon, erbium and sulphur (7)","Answer":"WARMERS","Explanation":"Definition: Elements? \nM (millions) 'invested' in W (tungsten) AR (argon) ER (erbium) S (sulphur)"} {"Clue":"One travelling envoy bringing secretary for me (9)","Answer":"PASSENGER","Explanation":"Definition: One travelling\n~~me~~SSENGER (envoy) with PA (secretary) 'brought' in place of 'me'"} {"Clue":"Male caught in second bog, not moving fast (3-2)","Answer":"SLO-MO","Explanation":"Definition: not moving fast\nM (male) 'caught' in S (second) LOO (bog)"} {"Clue":"Percussion instrument sadly blocking sleep (bed initially abandoned) (12)","Answer":"GLOCKENSPIEL","Explanation":"Definition: Percussion instrument\nAn anagram of ~~b~~LOCKING SLEEP without, or abandoning the 'b' (first or 'initial' letter of 'bed')"} {"Clue":"Forces everyone to tuck into odd bits of fish (5)","Answer":"FALLS","Explanation":"Definition: Forces\nALL (everyone) 'tucking into' FiSh (odd letters or 'bits')"} {"Clue":"Controller set up list with firearm (9)","Answer":"REGULATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Controller\nROTA (list) LUGER (firearm) all reversed or 'set up'"} {"Clue":"Section for all musicians \u2013 sound of irritation upset it (5)","Answer":"TUTTI","Explanation":"Definition: Section for all musicians\nTUT (sound of irritation) + IT reversed or 'upset'"} {"Clue":"Religious group: chronicler overlooking nearly half (5)","Answer":"ORDER","Explanation":"Definition: Religious group\n~~rec~~ORDER (chronicler) with three letters (almost half) omitted or 'overlooked'"} {"Clue":"Ban particular climbs, ruling one out in collection of figures (9)","Answer":"TABULATED","Explanation":"Definition: in collection of figures\nTABU (ban) + DETA~~i~~L (particular) reversed or 'climbing' and with the 'i' (one) omitted or 'ruled out'"} {"Clue":"Fellow upset about refusal to be up the Eiffel Tower a short distance (9)","Answer":"NANOMETRE","Explanation":"Definition: a short distance\nMAN (fellow) reversed or 'upset' around NO (refusal) + ETRE (French for 'to be'). We're not quite sure about using the Eiffel Tower as an indicator that the French word is needed \u2013 there are probably more non-French-speakers up there most of the time!!"} {"Clue":"Determination following escaping from disorder (4)","Answer":"RULE","Explanation":"Definition: Determination\nRU~~ff~~LE (disorder) with 'ff' (following) omitted or 'escaping'"} {"Clue":"Dry assessment of golfing accessories? (8)","Answer":"TEETOTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Dry\nIf you needed to\u00a0'assess' how many tees (golfing accessories) you have, you would have a TEE TOTAL"} {"Clue":"Diary and crude poetry not right for time-saving device at printer's (8)","Answer":"LOGOTYPE","Explanation":"Definition: time-saving device at printer's\nLOG (diary) + an anagram of POET~~r~~Y without the 'r' (right) \u2013 anagrind is 'crude'"} {"Clue":"Male ant is mistaken regarding flower parts (9)","Answer":"STAMINEAL","Explanation":"Definition: regarding flower parts\nAn anagram of MALE ANT IS \u2013 anagrind is 'mistaken'"} {"Clue":"Educational photo: educated and eager to appear in that (9)","Answer":"PEDAGOGIC","Explanation":"Definition: Educational\nPIC (photo) with ED (educated) AGOG (eager) 'appearing' within"} {"Clue":"Parliamentarian penning pages about one meat product (9)","Answer":"PEPPERONI","Explanation":"Definition: meat product\nPEER (Parliamentarian) round or 'penning' PP (pages) + ON (about) I (one)"} {"Clue":"Member to comment on website appointment (4)","Answer":"POST","Explanation":"Triple definition"} {"Clue":"Line up, set to be cut down? That's less good (5)","Answer":"WORSE","Explanation":"Definition: less good\nROW (line) reversed or 'up' + SE~~t~~ without the last letter or 'cut down'"} {"Clue":"Audibly twists and relaxes (5)","Answer":"RESTS","Explanation":"Definition: relaxes\nSounds like ('audibly') WRESTS (twists)"} {"Clue":"Rifles overturned item of furniture here (5)","Answer":"STOOL","Explanation":"Definition: item of furniture\nLOOTS (rifles) reversed or 'overturned'"} {"Clue":"Little beast circling ready-to-mate female entering fold (6,3)","Answer":"TURNIP FLY","Explanation":"Definition: Little beast\nIN RUT (ready-to-mate) reversed or 'circling' + F (female) in PLY (fold)"} {"Clue":"Well done ham's second-rate? (5)","Answer":"BRAVO","Explanation":"Definition: Well done\nIn the phonetic alphabet, as used by (radio) hams, BRAVO is the letter B (second-rate)"} {"Clue":"Went to do some gardening (4)","Answer":"WEED","Explanation":"Definition: do some gardening\nWEED is the past tense of the verb to 'wee' (go)"} {"Clue":"Law refreshed with a modern equal-op Lord Mayor in waiting? (10)","Answer":"ALDERWOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: equal-op Lord Mayor in waiting?\nAn anagram of LAW and A MODERN \u2013 anagrind is 'refreshed'"} {"Clue":"Chance of taking such slices from tea \u2013 Viennese? No \u2013 or maybe yes? (4)","Answer":"ODDS","Explanation":"Definition: Chance\nIf you take the ODD letterS or 'slices' from '~~t~~E~~a~~ V~~i~~E~~n~~N~~e~~S~~e~~' you get 'evens' \u2013 both 'evens' and 'odds' refer to chances or probability"} {"Clue":"Pecorino? 'Che sfortuna!' (4,6)","Answer":"HARD CHEESE","Explanation":"Definition: Pecorino?\n'Che sfortuna' is Italian for 'Just my luck' ('HARD CHEESE') \u2013 Pecorino is an Italian hard cheese"} {"Clue":"As overbearing type says, so blatantly covering back (5)","Answer":"BOSSY","Explanation":"Definition: As overbearing type\nHidden or 'covered' and reversed or 'back' in 'saYS SO Blatantly'"} {"Clue":"Lots of storage bays meet minimal requirement of grandee when moving (9)","Answer":"MEGABYTES","Explanation":"Definition: Lots of storage\nAn anagram of BAYS MEET and G (first letter or 'minimal requirement' of 'grandee') \u2013 anagrind is 'when moving'"} {"Clue":"Engraving art by the medium of dog dirt: \"retro\"! (9)","Answer":"INTAGLIOS","Explanation":"Definition: Engraving art\nIN (by the medium of) TAG (dog, as in to follow) + SOIL (dirt) reversed or 'retro'"} {"Clue":"Clashers on stand one has reduced in height (2-3)","Answer":"HI-HAT","Explanation":"Definition: Clashers on stand\nI (one) HA~~s~~ (with the last letter removed, or 'reduced') in HT (height)"} {"Clue":"This played in earnest without lawn originally? (4,6)","Answer":"REAL TENNIS","Explanation":"Definition: This\nAn anagram of IN EARNEST round or 'without' L (first or 'original' letter of 'lawn') \u2013 anagrind is 'played', doing double duty as part of the definition"} {"Clue":"Initiate utility room's sequence (4)","Answer":"TYRO","Explanation":"Definition: Initiate\nPart or a 'sequence' of 'utiliTY ROom'"} {"Clue":"They're high-calibre doubles, with King dominating bill (10)","Answer":"DERRINGERS","Explanation":"Definition: They're high-calibre\nDE~~ad~~\u2013RINGERS (doubles) with R (king) replacing or 'dominating' 'ad' (bill)"} {"Clue":"Literary code survives note on reverse (4)","Answer":"ISBN","Explanation":"Definition: Literary code\nIS (survives) + NB (note) reversed"} {"Clue":"In which Indy you'd find Jumbo GK crossword with no empty spaces? (5)","Answer":"SATED","Explanation":"Definition: with no empty spaces\nThe jumbo General Knowledge crossword appears in the SAT(urday) ED(ition)"} {"Clue":"You and I quickly wanting to be let out from it? (9)","Answer":"OUBLIETTE","Explanation":"Definition: it\nAn anagram of U ('you quickly' as in text-speak), I and TO BE LET \u2013 anagrind is 'out'"} {"Clue":"Spot-kick converted following United defender's initial trip (5)","Answer":"UPEND","Explanation":"Definition: trip\nPEN (penalty \u2013 a 'spot kick') following U (United) + D (first or 'initial' letter of 'defender')"} {"Clue":"Would others consider us mad covering nether regions? (7)","Answer":"NUDISTS","Explanation":"This seems to be what others have described as an '&lit' (and we can't find a better way to categorise it) \u2013 NUTS (mad) round or 'covering' DIS (the underworld or 'nether regions')"} {"Clue":"One of the items in the fruit bowl going for a song? (5)","Answer":"PEACH","Explanation":"Definition: One of the items in the fruit bowl\nalmost any items would be very cheap ('going for a song') if they cost a P (penny) EACH"} {"Clue":"Scottish lover's raising the pulse (3)","Answer":"LAD","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish lover\nDAL (pulse, as in bean) reversed or 'raised'"} {"Clue":"Lofty breeding-place's fine, stopping eggs dropping onto track (7)","Answer":"ROOKERY","Explanation":"Definition: Lofty breeding-place\nOK (fine) in or 'stopping' ROE (eggs) + RY (railway \u2013 track)"} {"Clue":"Parisian is going to nurse one through (3)","Answer":"VIA","Explanation":"Definition: through\nVA (French for 'is going') round or 'nursing' I (one)"} {"Clue":"Decisive uprising of people supporting company vocally (7)","Answer":"CRUCIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Decisive\nLAIC (of people) reversed or 'uprising' after ('supporting' in a down clue) CRU \u2013 sounds like ('vocally') 'crew' (company)"} {"Clue":"During year in navy, discover green grass of Australia (3,4)","Answer":"RYE CORN","Explanation":"Definition: grass of Australia\nYR (year) in RN (navy) all round or 'discovering' ECO (green)"} {"Clue":"The land of Solomon's regal visitor, and man born in it (5)","Answer":"SHEBA","Explanation":"Definition: The land of Solomon\nHE (man) B (born) in SA (sex appeal \u2013 'it')"} {"Clue":"Wild-cat, one of several in a pound (5)","Answer":"OUNCE","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"It's a job for me to stick to soulless exercise (it bores) (7)","Answer":"CLUEING","Explanation":"Definition: It's a job for me\nCLING (stick to) round or 'bored' by U~~s~~E (exercise) without the middle letter or 'soulless'"} {"Clue":"Free ASTATINE? (2,5)","Answer":"AT LARGE","Explanation":"Definition: Free\nAT is the abbreviation for the element Astatine \u2013 in capitals or LARGE in the clue"} {"Clue":"Knit top for the wife between 1300 and 2100 hours? (7)","Answer":"INTWINE","Explanation":"Definition: Knit\nT (first letter or 'top' of 'the') W (wife) between I (1pm \u2013 1300 hours) and NINE (9pm \u2013 2100 hours)"} {"Clue":"Fibre ____, making sign align (5)","Answer":"SISAL","Explanation":"Definition: Fibre\nIf S in 'sign' IS turned into AL, it makes 'align'"} {"Clue":"Capital invested in adjoining abattoirs? (5)","Answer":"RABAT","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\nHidden or 'invested' in abattoiR ABATtoir ('adjoining abattoirs')"} {"Clue":"Last of The Arsenal Years? (3)","Answer":"ERA","Explanation":"Definition: Years\nE (last letter of 'the') RA (Royal Artillery \u2013 Arsenal)"} {"Clue":"The ultimate in culture? Let me think about Hull's character (3)","Answer":"EMU","Explanation":"Definition: Hull's character\nE (last or 'ultimate' letter of 'culture') + UM ('let me think') reversed or 'about' \u2013 a reference to 'entertainer' Rod Hull's puppet"} {"Clue":"Attack viciously? Proceed towards jail, having broken a rule wrongly (2,3,3,7)","Answer":"GO FOR THE JUGULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Attack viciously?\nGO FORTH (proceed towards) + JUG (jail) inside or 'breaking' an anagram of A RULE\u00a0\u2013 anagrind is ' wrongly'"} {"Clue":"Puzzle's remaining part (5)","Answer":"STUMP","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Dashing to produce second impression of book (9)","Answer":"SPRINTING","Explanation":"Definition: Dashing\nS (second) PRINTING (impression of book)"} {"Clue":"Drama initially introduced in O'Neill plays is well-established (3-4)","Answer":"OLD-LINE","Explanation":"Definition: well-established \nAn anagram of O'NEILL around or 'introducing' D (first or 'initial' letter of Drama)"} {"Clue":"Most humble mate vacated a home (7)","Answer":"MEANEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most humble \nM~~at~~E (first and last letters only or 'vacated') A NEST (home) *(thanks )"} {"Clue":"For example 26, note, and 11(6)","Answer":"TETRAD","Explanation":"Definition: For example 26\nTE (note) TRAD (old-line or traditional) \u2013 The Four Feathers (26ac) is an example of a tetrad"} {"Clue":"Former influential Russian ruler principally like present-day leader (8)","Answer":"RASPUTIN","Explanation":"Definition: Former influential Russian\nR (first or 'principal' letter of 'Ruler') AS (like) PUTIN (present day leader of Russia)"} {"Clue":"British gents maybe expired, covered in gore (8)","Answer":"BLOODIED","Explanation":"Definition: covered in gore\nB (British) LOO (gents maybe) DIED (expired)"} {"Clue":"Rustic cultivated tree (6)","Answer":"CITRUS","Explanation":"Definition: tree\nAn anagram of RUSTIC \u2013 anagrind is 'cultivated'"} {"Clue":"German wine, some briefly knocked back by French female (7)","Answer":"MOSELLE","Explanation":"Definition: German wine\nSOM~~e~~ (reversed or 'knocked back' without last letter or 'briefly') ELLE (French female)"} {"Clue":"Valuable old article stuck to wood, say (7)","Answer":"ANTIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Valuable old\nAN (article) TIQUE (sounds like TEAK \u2013 wood)"} {"Clue":"Like the disciples, a co-pilot's undergoing conversion (9)","Answer":"APOSTOLIC","Explanation":"Definition: Like the disciples\nAn anagram of A CO PILOT'S \u2013 anagrind is 'undergoing conversion'"} {"Clue":"Broadcasting old and new song (2,3)","Answer":"ON AIR","Explanation":"Definition: Broadcasting\nO (old) N (new) AIR (song)"} {"Clue":"Quartet of chick lit? (3,4,8)","Answer":"THE FOUR FEATHERS","Explanation":"A play on the fact that chicks have feathers and THE FOUR FEATHERS is a novel \u2013 Not the most successful Dac clue in our opinion \u2013 unless we are missing something!"} {"Clue":"Hampshire town's success with soccer, say (7)","Answer":"GOSPORT","Explanation":"Definition: Hampshire town\nGO (success) SPORT (soccer perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Discovered near newly-built station: a single piece of masonry (10,5)","Answer":"FOUNDATION STONE","Explanation":"Definition: piece of masonry\nFOUND (discovered) + anagram of STATION \u2013 anagrind is 'newly built' +\u00a0ONE (single)"} {"Clue":"Carpet salesman has to deliver piece for inside (9)","Answer":"REPRIMAND","Explanation":"Definition: Carpet\nREP (salesman) RID (deliver) around MAN (piece, as in chess)"} {"Clue":"Leading trio of Hasidim allowed pork product (6)","Answer":"HASLET","Explanation":"Definition: pork product \nHAS (first three letters or 'trio' of Hasidim) LET (allowed)"} {"Clue":"Book mentioned German and South American civilisation (8)","Answer":"JEREMIAH","Explanation":"Definition: Book\nJERE (sounds like JERRY \u2013 German) MIAH (sounds like MAYA \u2013 SA civilisation)"} {"Clue":"Hooligan jailed, inhaling cannabis (5)","Answer":"GANJA","Explanation":"Definition: cannabis\nHidden, or 'inhaled' in the clue HooliGAN JAiled"} {"Clue":"Small piece of cheese supplied in part of the West End (9,6)","Answer":"LEICESTER SQUARE","Explanation":"Definition: part of the West End \nA play on the fact that LEICESTER is a type of cheese, of which a small piece might be a SQUARE, and LEICESTER SQUARE is in the West End"} {"Clue":"We're told to continue as author you'll need PC (5-2)","Answer":"RIGHT-ON","Explanation":"Definition: PC\nSounds like WRITE-ON (continue as author)"} {"Clue":"Indicates compass direction's inaccurate (6,3)","Answer":"POINTS OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Indicates\nIf a compass was inaccurate the POINTS would be OUT"} {"Clue":"Party-goer climbing on bar, drinking litres (8)","Answer":"REVELLER","Explanation":"Definition: Party-goer\nRE (on) LEVER (bar) reversed or 'climbing' around or 'drinking'\u00a0L (litres)"} {"Clue":"Pompous language in most of old Mumbai thoroughfare (7)","Answer":"BOMBAST","Explanation":"Definition: Pompous language\nBOMBA~~y~~ (the old name for Mumbai with last letter missing or 'almost')\u00a0ST (street or 'thoroughfare')"} {"Clue":"I stray, running into soldiers in mountain ranges (7)","Answer":"SIERRAS","Explanation":"Definition: mountain range\nI ERR (stray) inside or 'running into' SAS (soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Old European region replacing Liberal with revolutionary? That's awkward (6)","Answer":"GAUCHE","Explanation":"Definition: That's awkward\nGAU~~l~~ (Old European region) replacing L (liberal) with CHE (revolutionary)"} {"Clue":"Drop building bricks, carrying tons (3,2)","Answer":"LET GO","Explanation":"Definition: Drop\nLEGO (building bricks) around or 'carrying' T (tons)"} {"Clue":"Daisy has them surrounding the lead in 'Empire Strikes Back'\u00a0(6)","Answer":"SEPALS","Explanation":"Definition: Daisy has them\nE (first letter or 'lead' in 'Empire') surrounded by SLAPS (strikes) reversed or 'back'"} {"Clue":"One is \u2026 one is in danger from the Empire\u2026 (8)","Answer":"IMPERIAL","Explanation":"Definition: from the Empire\nI'M ('one is') + A (one) in PERIL (danger)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 stretching Ben's followers? (5)","Answer":"EKING","Explanation":"Definition: stretching\nA reference to Ben E KING, the soul singer best known for 'Stand By Me'"} {"Clue":"'Attack of the Clones' finale that follows acting getting a lot of sniggers (9)","Answer":"ONSLAUGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Attack\nS (last letter or 'finale' of 'Clones') following ON (acting) + LAUGHT~~er~~ (sniggers) with the last two letters omitted, or 'a lot of'"} {"Clue":"Fictional heroine adopting right fancy bit of hair (5)","Answer":"TRESS","Explanation":"Definition: fancy bit of hair\nTESS (fictional heroine, as in 'Tess of the D'Urbervilles') round or 'adopting' R (right)"} {"Clue":"Unit of force on the rise, awakening (7)","Answer":"NASCENT","Explanation":"Definition: awakening\nN (Newton \u2013 unit of force) ASCENT (rise)"} {"Clue":"Team in 'Return of the Jedi'\u00a0sequel \u2026 (4)","Answer":"SIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Team\nHidden and reversed or 'returned' in JEDI Sequel"} {"Clue":"\u2026 is in Cannes after opening of 'Phantom Menace'\u00a0(4)","Answer":"PEST","Explanation":"Definition: Menace\nEST (French for 'is') after first letter or 'opening' of 'Phantom'"} {"Clue":"Aim ray to destroy force inside capital area (7)","Answer":"MAYFAIR","Explanation":"Definition: capital area\nAn anagram of AIM RAY (anagrind is 'destroy') with F (force) inside"} {"Clue":"Age 100 appearing in 'A New Hope'\u00a0(5)","Answer":"EPOCH","Explanation":"Definition: Age\nC (100) in an anagram of HOPE (anagrind is 'new')"} {"Clue":"Small parts in start of 'Revenge of the Sith'\u00a0edited, removing Hayden's first appearance (9)","Answer":"FORTIETHS","Explanation":"Definition: Small parts\nAn anagram of R (first letter or 'start' of 'Revenge') and OF THE SIT~~h~~ without one 'h' ('removing Hayden's 'first appearance') \u2013 anagrind is 'edited'"} {"Clue":"Sending up Palpatine initially to meet with ring Yoda organised (9)","Answer":"PARODYING","Explanation":"Definition: Sending up\nAn anagram of P (first or 'initial' letter of 'Palpatine') and RING YODA \u2013 anagrind is 'organised'"} {"Clue":"Knowing Jawas prey endlessly (5)","Answer":"AWARE","Explanation":"Definition: Knowing\n~~J~~AWA~~s~~ ~~p~~RE~~y~~ without the first and last letters, or 'endlessly'"} {"Clue":"Star where R2D2 runs amok with a few \u2026 (3,5)","Answer":"RED DWARF","Explanation":"Definition: Star\nAn anagram of RRDD ('R2D2') and A FEW \u2013 angrind is 'runs amok'"} {"Clue":"\u2026 men guarding prisoners, a squad, on board ship (6)","Answer":"SCREWS","Explanation":"Definition: men guarding prisoners\nCREW (a squad) in, or 'on board' SS (ship)"} {"Clue":"'The Force Awakens'? Except for him slowing you down (8,9)","Answer":"SLEEPING POLICEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: him slowing you down\nA play on the idea that only a SLEEPING POLICEMAN would be a member of the 'force' who did not 'awaken'"} {"Clue":"Father inches towards Luke, extremely shaken to begin with. \"Son! It's easy!\" (8)","Answer":"PAINLESS","Explanation":"PA (father) IN (inches) L~~uk~~E (first and last letters or 'extremes') S (first or 'beginning' letter of 'shaken') + S (son)"} {"Clue":"Reason Solo therefore got shot by Greedo in cantina firstly (5)","Answer":"LOGIC","Explanation":"Definition: Reason\n~~So~~LO with 'so' (therefore) omitted or 'shot' + first letters of Greedo In Cantata"} {"Clue":"Sci-fi villain's caught you and me in dreams (7)","Answer":"MUSINGS","Explanation":"Definition: dreams\nMING'S (Sci-fi villain \u2013 Ming the Merciless from the Flash Gordon comic strip and films) round or 'catching' US (you and me)"} {"Clue":"Happily see about latex moulded on dewback's head (9)","Answer":"EXALTEDLY","Explanation":"Definition: Happily\nELY (see, as in diocese) round an anagram of LATEX (anagrind is 'moulded') D (first letter or 'head' of 'dewback')"} {"Clue":"Single stormtrooper hiding fires (6)","Answer":"INGLES","Explanation":"Definition: fires\nHidden in 'sINGLE Stormtrooper'"} {"Clue":"In \u2026 in \u2026 in case AT-AT's half destroyed (6)","Answer":"LATEST","Explanation":"Definition: In\nAT (half of AT-AT) in LEST (in case) \u2013 we didn't know (but guessed correctly) that AT-AT is a Star Wars creation \u2013 a 'combat walker' \u2013 'All Terrain Armoured Transport"} {"Clue":"Boba Fett, totally gutted, took to heart exploded moon quip (3,3)","Answer":"BON MOT","Explanation":"Definition: quip\nB~~oba Fet~~T (first and last letters only, or 'totally gutted') round or 'taking to heart' an anagram of MOON \u2013 anagrind is 'exploded'"} {"Clue":"I heard follower used to put dark side into orbit (9)","Answer":"EYESHADOW","Explanation":"Definition: used to put dark side into orbit\nEYE (sounds like 'I') SHADOW (follower)"} {"Clue":"Time to infiltrate military base. The quick way \u2026 (4,4)","Answer":"FAST LANE","Explanation":"Definition: The quick way\nT (time) 'infiltrating' FASLANE (military base \u2013 the naval base on the Clyde estuary)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 cuts through danger posed by alien among rubbish (8)","Answer":"BRISKETS","Explanation":"Definition: cuts\nRISK (danger) ET (alien) 'among' BS (bullshit \u2013 rubbish)"} {"Clue":"With Wicket's rear end and Ewok's head fur, it gets ruffled and more clumped (7)","Answer":"TUFTIER","Explanation":"Definition: more clumped\nAn anagram of T (last letter or 'rear' of 'wicket'), E (first letter or 'head' of 'Ewok' and FUR IT \u2013 anagrind is 'ruffled'"} {"Clue":"Time to go after space station in fighter craft (6)","Answer":"MIRAGE","Explanation":"Definition: fighter craft\nAGE (time) after MIR (space station)"} {"Clue":"Wiser way to hold saber-like weapon up (6)","Answer":"DEEPER","Explanation":"Definition: Wiser\nRD (road \u2013 way) round or 'holding' EPEE (saber-like weapon) all reversed or 'up'"} {"Clue":"Ford flying over red leader in criminal's fast vehicle (3,3)","Answer":"HOT ROD","Explanation":"Definition: fast vehicle\nT (Ford, as in model T) R (first letter or 'leader' of 'red') in HOOD (criminal)"} {"Clue":"Actor Oscar is one where Alec is disheartened (5)","Answer":"ISAAC","Explanation":"Definition: Actor Oscar\nIS A (one) + A~~le~~C (first and last letters only, or 'disheartened') \u2013 a reference to Oscar Isaac (who we had never heard of !), an actor who apparently appeared in 'Star Wars \u2013 The Force Awakens'"} {"Clue":"Irishman to be intimidated by Irishwoman? (7)","Answer":"FEARGAL","Explanation":"Definition: Irishman\nFEAR (to be intimidated by) GAL (Irishwoman) \u2013 we think the ? is included as GAL could describe any woman."} {"Clue":"Book in African country dismissing one mathematical approach (7)","Answer":"ALGEBRA","Explanation":"Definition: mathematical approach\nB (book) inside ALGER~~i~~A (African country) without or 'dismissing' I (one)"} {"Clue":"Sign of important connection university library recalled in arrangement of music (9)","Answer":"UMBILICUS","Explanation":"Definition: Sign of important connection\nU (university) + LIB (library) reversed or 'recalled' inside an anagram of MUSIC \u2013 anagrind is 'arrangement of'"} {"Clue":"Spiritual figure exhibiting a small switch in opinion (5)","Answer":"ANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: opinion\nANGEL (spiritual figure) with a two letters changed round or 'a small switch'"} {"Clue":"Prisoner getting reduced time in lots of sites (8)","Answer":"INTERNET","Explanation":"Definition: lots of sites\nINTERNE~~e~~ (prisoner) without last letter or 'reduced' T (time)"} {"Clue":"Encourage city to demolish street (5)","Answer":"CHEER","Explanation":"Definition: Encourage\nCHE~~st~~ER (city) without or 'demolishing' ST(street)"} {"Clue":"Expression of surprise when filling a recording agreement (6)","Answer":"ACCORD","Explanation":"Definition: agreement\nCOR (expression of surprise) inside or 'filling' A CD (recording)"} {"Clue":"Great to bring in trap involving attraction (8)","Answer":"MAGNETIC","Explanation":"Definition: involving attraction \nMAGIC (great) around or 'bringing in' NET (trap)"} {"Clue":"Warmth of address following fine party (8)","Answer":"FUNCTION","Explanation":"Definition: party\nUNCTION (warmth of address) following F (fine)"} {"Clue":"Difficulty with ship entering sound (6)","Answer":"HASSLE","Explanation":"Definition: Difficulty\nSS (ship) inside or 'entering' HALE (sound)"} {"Clue":"One encountering refusal about most of attempt, for a start (5)","Answer":"INTRO","Explanation":"Definition: a start \nI (one) NO (refusal) around TR~~y~~ (attempt) without last letter or 'most of'"} {"Clue":"English crowd coming in very much for coffee (8)","Answer":"ESPRESSO","Explanation":"Definition: coffee\nE (English) + PRESS (crowd) inside SO (very much)"} {"Clue":"Transport? Parking suggests a long walk (5)","Answer":"TRAMP","Explanation":"Definition: a long walk\nTRAM (a possible form of transport, hence the ?) P (parking)"} {"Clue":"Dog leads for Labrador and husky are suggesting active OAPs possibly (5,4)","Answer":"LHASA APSO","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nLHASA (first letters or 'leads' of Labrador and Husky Are Suggesting Active) + an anagram of OAP'S \u2013 anagrind is 'possibly'"} {"Clue":"Refuse to accept position out of stupidity (7)","Answer":"DENSITY","Explanation":"Definition: stupidity\nDENY (refuse) around or 'accepting' SIT (position)"} {"Clue":"Look at you having a great time after end of game (7)","Answer":"EYEBALL","Explanation":"Definition: Look at\nYE (you) BALL (great time) after E last letter or 'end of' gamE"} {"Clue":"Complaint over Times output (4)","Answer":"FLUX","Explanation":"Definition: output\nFLU (complaint) on top of or 'over' X (times)"} {"Clue":"Name observed in some cathedral banners? (5)","Answer":"ALBAN","Explanation":"Definition: Name\nHidden or 'observed' in cathedrAL BANners"} {"Clue":"Oriental god possibly seen in proportion (6,5)","Answer":"GOLDEN RATIO","Explanation":"Definition: proportion\nAn anagram of ORIENTAL GOD\u00a0\u2013 anagrind is 'possibly'"} {"Clue":"French psychoanalyst in Los Angeles prison (5)","Answer":"LACAN","Explanation":"Definition: French psychoanalyst\nLA (Los Angeles) CAN (prison)"} {"Clue":"Police dog often placed to intervene in a capture when brought up (8)","Answer":"ALSATIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Police dog often\nSAT (placed) inside or 'intervening in' A + NAIL (capture) reversed or 'brought up'"} {"Clue":"Spanish artist not unknown in old Portuguese territory (3)","Answer":"GOA","Explanation":"Definition: old Portuguese territory\nGO~~y~~A (Spanish artist) without Y (unknown)"} {"Clue":"A considerable amount of pain evident in Les Mis\u00e9rables? (9)","Answer":"BAGUETTES","Explanation":"Definition: A considerable amount of pain\nWe thought this was a cryptic definition and got as far as AGU~~e~~ (pain \u2013 although in the definition it refers to the french bread) without last letter or 'a considerable amount of' inside BETTES. BETTES in French is Swiss chard whereas B\u00caTES is *Les Mis\u00e9rables.\u00a0*Then again it could be a reference to 'pain' as French for 'bread', so several baguettes would be a considerable amount of bread \u2013 if so, is the inclusion of 'Les Miserables' an indicator of\u00a0the use of the French word? Any thoughts out there?"} {"Clue":"Lot of noise after a request upset group of people (3-7)","Answer":"AGE-BRACKET","Explanation":"Definition: group of people\nRACKET (lot of noise) after A + BEG (request) reversed or 'upset'"} {"Clue":"Join cetacean (not at sea) (11)","Answer":"CONCATENATE","Explanation":"Definition: Join\nAn anagram of CETACEAN NOT anagrind is 'at sea'.\u00a0Bert had heard of the word but didn't know what it meant."} {"Clue":"Stopped keeping healthy to embrace women? That's stupid (4-6)","Answer":"HALF-WITTED","Explanation":"Definition: stupid\nHALTED (stopped) around or 'keeping' FIT (healthy) around or 'embracing'\u00a0W (women)"} {"Clue":"Restrict transport for opposition? (9)","Answer":"CONSTRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Restrict\nA play on the fact that transport for people who are against something could be described as a CON'S TRAIN"} {"Clue":"Theatre group set about most of historic acting therapy (4,4)","Answer":"ROLE PLAY","Explanation":"Definition: acting therapy\nREP (theatre group) LAY (set) around OL~~d~~ (historic) without last letter or 'most of'"} {"Clue":"Stage keeps absorbing power and energy? On the contrary (5)","Answer":"PHASE","Explanation":"Definition: Stage\nHAS (keeps) inside (rather than around or 'absorbing' as it is 'on the contrary') P (power) E (energy)"} {"Clue":"I will probe copies turning up, appearing a shade nostalgic? (5)","Answer":"SEPIA","Explanation":"Definition: a shade nostalgic?\nI inside or 'probing' APES (copies) reversed or 'turning up'"} {"Clue":"Concealing head in funny acrobatic manoeuvre (4)","Answer":"ROLL","Explanation":"Definition: acrobatic manoeuvre\n~~d~~ROLL (funny) without first letter or 'concealing head'"} {"Clue":"Greeting at bottom of page: \"Here I am!\" (3)","Answer":"PHI","Explanation":"Definition: \"Here I am!\"\nHI (greeting) at the bottom of P\u00a0(page) \u2013 The setter is PHI \u2013 hence \u2013 \"Here I am\""} {"Clue":"Showing lover I care, men go nuts (10)","Answer":"CINEMAGOER","Explanation":"Definition: Showing lover\nAn anagram of I CARE MEN GO \u2013 anagrind is 'nuts'"} {"Clue":"Horse's price and bet on it makes you sick (4)","Answer":"SPEW","Explanation":"Definition: sick\nSP (starting price \u2013 odds on a horse at the start of a race) EW (each-way \u2013 a type of bet)"} {"Clue":"Chairman defends cycling holiday \u2013 he really knows his stuff! (7)","Answer":"MAESTRO","Explanation":"Definition: he really knows his stuff\nMAO (Chairman) round or 'defending' REST (holiday) with the first letter moved to last, or 'cycling'"} {"Clue":"Biggest bouncer is ripping you off (7)","Answer":"ROOKING","Explanation":"Definition: ripping you off\nROO (kangaroo \u2013 a 'bouncer') KING ('biggest' of the 'bouncers')"} {"Clue":"Risky option, spread on a roll's soft spot (3-2-7)","Answer":"ALL-OR-NOTHING","Explanation":"Definition: Risky option\nAn anagram of ON A ROLL \u2013 anagrind is 'spread' + THING (soft spot)"} {"Clue":"Treat sea water and supply deltas (6)","Answer":"DESALT","Explanation":"Definition: Treat sea water\nAn anagram of DELTAS \u2013anagrind is 'supply\" \u2013 'in a supple way'"} {"Clue":"Works on best clothes (8)","Answer":"REFINERY","Explanation":"Definition: Works\nRE (on) FINERY (best clothes)"} {"Clue":"Fan of diversity to vote for one conservative over another (8)","Answer":"ECLECTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Fan of diversity\nELECT (vote for) I (one) C (conservative) round or 'over' C (another conservative)"} {"Clue":"Donk pushed girl with Tristan (6)","Answer":"ISOLDE","Explanation":"Definition: girl with Tristan\nI (Donk \u2013 the setter) SOLD E ('pushed' ecstacy)"} {"Clue":"Maybe makes Oxford qualities surface (12)","Answer":"COBBLESTONES","Explanation":"Definition: surface\nCOBBLES (makes shoes, of which an Oxford is an example) TONES (qualities)"} {"Clue":"When one can no longer see satellite show behind schedule (7)","Answer":"MOONSET","Explanation":"Definition: When one can no longer see satellite\n~~We're not convinced by this one \u2013 we think it must be: ONSET (show) behind MO (modus operandi \u2013 schedule?) \u2013 rather tenuous synonyms\u00a0~~*See for the parsing."} {"Clue":"Traders shifting mascara vandalise boxes (7)","Answer":"CARAVAN","Explanation":"Definition: Traders shifting\nHidden or 'boxed' in 'masCARA VANdalise'. *Thanks Eileen."} {"Clue":"Joy to get going about 50 (4)","Answer":"GLEE","Explanation":"Definition: Joy\nGEE (get going) round L (50)"} {"Clue":"Not reflecting my scream, it's fantastic (10)","Answer":"ASYMMETRIC","Explanation":"Definition: Not reflecting\nAn anagram of MY SCREAM IT~~S~~ \u2013 anagrind is 'is fantastic' *Thanks Rullytully"} {"Clue":"Appropriate, what finishes off John Does? (10)","Answer":"COMMANDEER","Explanation":"Definition: Appropriate\nCOMMA (,) N (last letter or 'finish' of 'John') DEER (does)"} {"Clue":"Gets to arch without point (10)","Answer":"NEEDLESSLY","Explanation":"Definition: without point\nNEEDLES (gets to) SLY (arch)"} {"Clue":"Fell over close to buffet car (5)","Answer":"MOTOR","Explanation":"Definition: car\nMOOR (fell) round or 'over' T \u2013 last letter or 'close' of buffet"} {"Clue":"Huge number try trademark climbs (6)","Answer":"GOOGOL","Explanation":"Definition: Huge number\nGO (try) + LOGO (trademark) reversed or 'climbing'"} {"Clue":"One hearing those people's current uprising is more crude (8)","Answer":"EARTHIER","Explanation":"Definition: more crude\nEAR ('one hearing') + THEIR (those people's) with the 'I' (current) moved forward or 'uprising' in a down clue"} {"Clue":"Fussy groom scratching bottom (4)","Answer":"PRIM","Explanation":"Definition: Fussy \nPRIM~~e~~ (groom) with the last or 'bottom' letter removed or 'scratched'"} {"Clue":"With time, you might make it as a worker (4)","Answer":"WAGE","Explanation":"Definition: you might make it as a worker\nW (with) AGE (time)"} {"Clue":"Gracious when, at first, young swimmer's keeping score (4,1,5)","Answer":"WELL I NEVER","Explanation":"Definition: Gracious\nW (first letter of 'when') ELVER (young swimmer) round or 'keeping' LINE (score)"} {"Clue":"Why person I capture holds fast (10)","Answer":"HYPERSONIC","Explanation":"Definition: fast\nHidden or 'held' in 'wHY PERSON I Capture'"} {"Clue":"Sport LAX badge at terminal (8)","Answer":"LACROSSE","Explanation":"Definition: Sport\nLA CROSS (X) + E (last or 'terminal' letter of 'badge')"} {"Clue":"Condition of drunk at bedside, taking off drag (8)","Answer":"DIABETES","Explanation":"Definition: Condition\nAn anagram of AT BEDSI~~d~~E without or 'taking off' one 'd' (drag? \u2013 not a recognised abbreviation)"} {"Clue":"Kit for PC essentially skewered opening of bookies (somewhere to punt) (6)","Answer":"WEBCAM","Explanation":"Definition: Kit for PC\nWE (middle or 'essential' letters of 'skewered') B (first letter or 'opening' of 'bookies') CAM (river in Cambridge, renowned for punts)"} {"Clue":"On the tours of Trinity (5)","Answer":"THREE","Explanation":"Definition: Trinity\nRE (on) with THE around or 'touring'"} {"Clue":"Bob's face (having pleasured himself?) (4)","Answer":"SMUG","Explanation":"Definition: having pleasured himself?\nS (bob \u2013 shilling) MUG (face)"} {"Clue":"He comes out in rash just outside London (4,8)","Answer":"HOME COUNTIES","Explanation":"Definition: just outside London\nAn anagram of HE COMES OUT IN \u2013 anagrind is 'rash'"} {"Clue":"Cut top off sail with whip (5)","Answer":"SLASH","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\nS (first letter or 'top' of 'Sail') LASH (whip)"} {"Clue":"Playing out at front of church, sort of person to be good on keyboards (5-4)","Answer":"TOUCH-TYPE","Explanation":"Definition: be good on keyboards\nAn anagram of OUT (anagrind is 'playing') CH (church) TYPE (sort of person)"} {"Clue":"A Parisian that's hot and yearns for divorces? (9)","Answer":"UNHITCHES","Explanation":"Definition: divorces\nUN (French for 'one' or 'a') H (hot) ITCHES (yearns)"} {"Clue":"Perfect island settlement (5)","Answer":"IDEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Perfect\nI (island) DEAL (settlement)"} {"Clue":"Running fast though middle section's lacking bounce (6)","Answer":"SPRING","Explanation":"SPR~~int~~ING (running fast) with the middle three letters or 'section' omitted or 'lacking'"} {"Clue":"Happy son having energy and lots of fun in factory (8)","Answer":"SMILEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Happy\nS (son) + E (energy) FU~~n~~ (without the last letter or 'lots of') in MILL (factory)"} {"Clue":"They put off novel narrators with gruesome topics (15)","Answer":"PROCRASTINATORS","Explanation":"Definition: They put off\nAn anagram of NARRATORS and TOPICS \u2013 anagrinds are 'novel' and 'gruesome'"} {"Clue":"Extra unhealthy dependence on taking Charlie (8)","Answer":"ADDITION","Explanation":"Definition: Extra\nADDI~~c~~TION (unhealthy dependence) without or 'taking' 'c' (cocaine or 'Charlie')"} {"Clue":"Insect almost settling on deer's backside (6)","Answer":"BEHIND","Explanation":"Definition: backside\nBE~~e~~\u00a0(insect) without the last letter or 'almost' HIND (deer)"} {"Clue":"Notice gong in traditional house (5)","Answer":"ADOBE","Explanation":"Definition: traditional house\nAD (notice) OBE (Order of the British Empire \u2013 'gong')"} {"Clue":"In the distance mark, hard by a river, where crofter lives (9)","Answer":"FARMHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: where crofter lives\nFAR (in the distance) M (mark) H (~~house~~\u00a0hard) OUSE (river) *Thanks "} {"Clue":"Topping former partner leads to jail (two to four in Pentonville) (9)","Answer":"EXCELLENT","Explanation":"Definition: Topping\nEX (former partner) CELL (jail) + ENT (letters 2, 3 & 4 of 'Pentonville')"} {"Clue":"Autonomous island nations almost free of The West (5)","Answer":"INDIE","Explanation":"Definition: Autonomous\n~~West~~ INDIE~~s~~ (island nations) with the last letter missing, or 'almost' and without or 'free of' 'west'"} {"Clue":"Many a matter pertains to Ms Perkins (6)","Answer":"ISSUES","Explanation":"Definition: Many a matter\nIS SUE'S ('pertains to' Sue) \u2013 a reference to Sue Perkins, TV presenter, comedian, actress and writer"} {"Clue":"Being a Dad, having tidied up hearth brought in provisions (10)","Answer":"FATHERHOOD","Explanation":"Definition: Being a Dad\nAn anagram of HEARTH (anagrind is 'tidied up') in FOOD (provisions)"} {"Clue":"Give a stir to their new drink additive (8)","Answer":"WHITENER","Explanation":"Definition: drink additive\nAn anagram of THEIR NEW \u2013 anagrind is 'give a stir to'"} {"Clue":"Prurient and snide, lacking breadth (5)","Answer":"ITCHY","Explanation":"Definition: Prurient\n~~b~~ITCHY (snide) without or 'lacking' 'b' (breadth)"} {"Clue":"Nanny's forged surname and identity (9)","Answer":"NURSEMAID","Explanation":"Definition: Nanny\nAn anagram of SURNAME (and agrind is 'forged') + ID (identity)"} {"Clue":"Kick and thrash, not as hard but with difficulty (6)","Answer":"THRILL","Explanation":"Definition: Kick\nTHR~~ash~~ without 'as h' (hard) + ILL (difficulty)"} {"Clue":"Jane's taking part in Henley regatta (4)","Answer":"EYRE","Explanation":"Definition: Jane'\nHidden or 'taking part' in HenlEY REgatta"} {"Clue":"Quality beer seller joining AA when drunk (4,4)","Answer":"REAL ALES","Explanation":"Definition: Quality beer\nAn anagram of SELLER and AA \u2013 anagrind is 'when drunk'"} {"Clue":"Twist around final bud or clusters of flowers will grow on this (10)","Answer":"FLORIBUNDA","Explanation":"Definition: clusters of flowers will grow on this\nAn anagram of FINAL BUD OR \u2013 anagrind is 'twist around'"} {"Clue":"Chef's European food that is starter for Ritz? (9)","Answer":"ESCOFFIER","Explanation":"Definition: Chef\nE (European) SCOFF (food) IE (that is) R (first letter or 'starter' of Ritz)"} {"Clue":"Calms down, catalepsy being treated after finally dropping off (8)","Answer":"PLACATES","Explanation":"Definition: Calms down\nAn anagram of CATALEPS~~y~~ without the last letter or 'finally dropping off' \u2013 anagrind is 'being treated'"} {"Clue":"A 'new' alternative that's recycled and not at all resounding (8)","Answer":"ANECHOIC","Explanation":"Definition: not at all resounding\nA N (new) CHOICE (alternative) with the last letter moved to the front, or 'recycled'"} {"Clue":"Pitched high in area of dartboard (6)","Answer":"TREBLE","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Fourth grade letter writer's become profound (6)","Answer":"DEEPEN","Explanation":"Definition: become profound\nDEE (letter 'd' \u2013 fourth grade) PEN (writer)"} {"Clue":"Uninspiring time before ceremony (5)","Answer":"TRITE","Explanation":"Definition: Uninspiring\nT (time) RITE (ceremony)"} {"Clue":"Make physical contact kicking back of foot. That hurts! (4)","Answer":"OUCH","Explanation":"Definition: That hurts! \n~~t~~OUCH (make physical contact) without or 'kicking' 't' \u2013 last letter or 'back' of 'foot'"} {"Clue":"Sounded like cat secured English and British pedigree (4-4)","Answer":"PURE-BRED","Explanation":"Definition: pedigree\nPURRED (sounded like a cat) round or 'securing' E (English) and B (British)"} {"Clue":"Nothing in lorry suitable for large vessel (6)","Answer":"AORTIC","Explanation":"Definition: suitable for large vessel\nO (nothing) in ARTIC (lorry)"} {"Clue":"Privy to Italy and France's rejection (2,2)","Answer":"IN ON","Explanation":"Definition: Privy to\nI (Itlay) NON (French for 'no' \u2013 rejection)"} {"Clue":"Work with house in strange Arabic surroundings \u2013 not something for Burj Khalifa? (10)","Answer":"ACROPHOBIA","Explanation":"Definition: not something for Burj Khalifa?\nOP (work) HO (house) in an anagram of ARABIC \u2013 anagrind is 'strange'. Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world, in Dubai \u2013 not somewhere for those with a fear of heights"} {"Clue":"Mum suppressing passion in tight dress (6)","Answer":"SHEATH","Explanation":"Definition: tight dress\nSH (mum, as in 'quiet') round or 'suppressing' HEAT (passion)"} {"Clue":"Top American making comeback with weakest in group securing second (8)","Answer":"SURMOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Top \nUS (American) reversed or 'making a comeback' + RUNT (weakest in group) round or 'securing' MO (second)"} {"Clue":"Background program put on, covering one the writer rejected (6)","Answer":"DAEMON","Explanation":"Definition: Background program\nDON (put on) round or 'covering' A (one) ME (the writer) reversed or 'rejected'"} {"Clue":"Recommendation is persistently ignoring the actual programmes? (6)","Answer":"ADVICE","Explanation":"Definition: Recommendation\nWe think this must be a play on the idea that someone who persistently ignores (commercial TV) programmes must just watch the adverts, and could be said to have an AD VICE"} {"Clue":"Man's man, one smoother around first of ladies (8)","Answer":"ISLANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Man's man\nI (one) SANDER (smoother) around L (first letter of 'ladies')"} {"Clue":"Ridicule about recording showcasing Lloyd Webber lead (6)","Answer":"JOSEPH","Explanation":"Definition: Lloyd Webber lead\nJOSH (ridicule) about EP (recording)"} {"Clue":"Way to pay for recording when around Yorkshire town that accepts it (6,4)","Answer":"CREDIT CARD","Explanation":"Definition: Way to pay\nCD (recording) around REDCAR (Yorkshire town) round or 'accepting' IT"} {"Clue":"Method with number is older recording style (4)","Answer":"MONO","Explanation":"Definition: older recording style\nMO (modus operandi \u2013 method) NO (number)"} {"Clue":"Arriving imminently, by the sound of it, being prompt (6)","Answer":"INCITE","Explanation":"Definition: prompt\nSounds like ('by the sound of it') IN SIGHT (arriving imminently)"} {"Clue":"Thoroughgoing theologian went back about old article (4-4)","Answer":"DEEP-DYED","Explanation":"Definition: Thoroughgoing\nDD (theologian) PEED (went) all reversed or 'back' around YE (old article)"} {"Clue":"Put out question to finish off captured revolutionary (8)","Answer":"QUENCHED","Explanation":"Definition: Put out\nQU (question) END (finish off) round or 'capturing' CHE (revolutionary)"} {"Clue":"Bird, a model, disregarding sign of affection (4)","Answer":"TERN","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n~~pat~~TERN (model) with 'pat' (sign of affection) disregarded"} {"Clue":"Part of Ireland: member's after a good hotel? On the contrary (6)","Answer":"ARMAGH","Explanation":"Definition: Part of Ireland\nARM (member) before A G (good) H (hotel) \u2013 'on the contrary' indicating 'before' not 'after'"} {"Clue":"Fiddled with current measure adopted by Irish politician (8)","Answer":"TAMPERED","Explanation":"Definition: Fiddled with\nAMPERE (current measure) in or 'adopted by' TD (Irish politician)"} {"Clue":"Crimes go on after revising study of workplace (10)","Answer":"ERGONOMICS","Explanation":"Definition: study of workplace\nAn anagram of CRIMES GO ON \u2013 anagind is 'after revising'"} {"Clue":"End up in the wrong, like a monkey (6)","Answer":"SIMIAN","Explanation":"Definition: like a monkey\nAIM (end) reversed or 'up' in SIN (wrong)"} {"Clue":"Uniform included in clothing constraint (6)","Answer":"DURESS","Explanation":"Definition: constraint\nU (uniform) in DRESS (clothing)"} {"Clue":"Song about country surrounding old African city (10)","Answer":"ALEXANDRIA","Explanation":"Definition: African city\nARIA (song) about LAND (country) 'surrounding' EX (old)"} {"Clue":"Excess I'd taken up limits curious situations (8)","Answer":"ODDITIES","Explanation":"Definition: curious situations\nOD (excess \u2013 overdose) I'D reversed or 'taken up' TIES (limits)"} {"Clue":"End up in former flat with more stuff (8)","Answer":"EXPANDED","Explanation":"Definition: with more stuff\nThis seems to be an anagram of END, the anagrind being 'up', which is rather unusual, but not unreasonable, in EX (former) PAD (flat)"} {"Clue":"Some housekeeper ran domestic duty for a servant (6)","Answer":"ERRAND","Explanation":"Definition: duty for a servant\nHidden in, or 'some' of 'housekeepER RAN Domestic'"} {"Clue":"Analyst having a brief time in depression (6)","Answer":"SHRINK","Explanation":"Definition: Analyst\nHR ('brief' time) in SINK (depression)"} {"Clue":"Epistle's incorporating good part of Old Testament (6)","Answer":"JUDGES","Explanation":"Definition: part of Old Testament\nJUDE'S (epistles \u2013 a new one on us) round or 'incorporating' G (good)"} {"Clue":"Girl ditching American I encountered in South of France (4)","Answer":"MIDI","Explanation":"Definition: in South of France\nM~~a~~ID (girl) without or 'ditching' A (American) I"} {"Clue":"German city, flipping bonkers destination (7)","Answer":"POTSDAM","Explanation":"Definition: German city\nMAD (bonkers) STOP (destination) all reversed or 'flipping'"} {"Clue":"Standard after midnight on the slide around classy Balearic resort (7)","Answer":"MAGALUF","Explanation":"Definition: Balearic resort\nFLAG (standard) AM (after midnight) reversed or 'on the slide' around U (classy)"} {"Clue":"Old Turkish governor remains in outskirts of Persia (5)","Answer":"PASHA","Explanation":"Definition: Old Turkish governor\nASH (remains) in first and last letters or 'outskirts' of P~~ersi~~A"} {"Clue":"Regulator and contractor being rich, spent lavishly (9)","Answer":"SPHINCTER","Explanation":"Definition: Regulator and contractor\nAn anagram of RICH SPENT \u2013 anagrind is 'lavishly'"} {"Clue":"Someone more likely to help pitch your tent in part of the Peak District? (6,5)","Answer":"KINDER SCOUT","Explanation":"Definition: part of the Peak District\nA KINDER SCOUT would presumably be more likely to help you pitch your tent \u2013 a reference to the Peak, moorland plateau and Nature Reserve in Derbyshire"} {"Clue":"Piece of downhiller's kit (3)","Answer":"SKI","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 hidden in or a 'piece of' 'downhiller'S KIt"} {"Clue":"Supporter outlining decay for property manager (7)","Answer":"TRUSTEE","Explanation":"Definition: property manager\nTEE (supporter) round or 'outlining' RUST (decay)"} {"Clue":"Not finding sanctuary in beer garden, wild flower (7)","Answer":"GERBERA","Explanation":"Definition: flower\nAn anagram of BEER GAR~~den~~ without 'den' (sanctuary) \u2013 anagrind is 'wild'"} {"Clue":"Blue tie turned up (7)","Answer":"SKYWARD","Explanation":"Definition: up\nSKY (blue) + DRAW (tie) reversed or 'turned'"} {"Clue":"African capital where African's in retreat, British coming in for victory (7)","Answer":"NAIROBI","Explanation":"Definition: African capital\nI~~v~~ORIAN (African \u2013 from the Ivory Coast) with B (British) replacing or 'coming in for' 'v' (victory) and reversed or 'in retreat'"} {"Clue":"Problematic spirit (3)","Answer":"RUM","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Book marks for me to get my teeth into from the continent, did you say? (11)","Answer":"PUNCTUATION","Explanation":"Definition: Book marks\nSounds like ('did you say') PUNK (me \u2013 the setter) CHEW ('get my teeth into') ASIAN ('from the continent')"} {"Clue":"Island nation in accomplished Asian country once falling short (9)","Answer":"INDONESIA","Explanation":"Definition: Island nation\nIN DONE (accomplished) SIA~~m~~ (Asian country once) without the last letter or 'falling short'"} {"Clue":"Head in cerebra contained by skull, perhaps \u2013 here? (5)","Answer":"BONCE","Explanation":"Definition: here\nCryptic definition \u2013 C (first letter or 'head' of 'cerebra') in BONE (skull, perhaps)"} {"Clue":"Kitchen walls in residence primarily for balcony (7)","Answer":"GALLERY","Explanation":"Definition: balcony\nGALLEY (kitchen) round or 'walling in' R (first or 'prime' letter of 'residence'"} {"Clue":"Swedish exercise to evacuate area in an escape of wind? (7)","Answer":"FARTLEK","Explanation":"Definition: Swedish exercise\nFART LE~~a~~K ('an escape of wind') without or 'evacuating' the 'a' (area)"} {"Clue":"Up-and-down energy? (3)","Answer":"PEP","Explanation":"Definition: energy\nPEP (energy) which is a palindrome ('up and down')"} {"Clue":"Rage following heavyweight boxer (5,4)","Answer":"TYSON FURY","Explanation":"Definition: boxer\nFURY (rage) following TYSON (Mike Tyson \u2013 heavyweight boxer)"} {"Clue":"Famous Elizabethan duke and ladies' man (5)","Answer":"DRAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Famous Elizabethan\nD (duke) RAKE (ladies' man)"} {"Clue":"Highly recommended viewing way inside the Louvre, perhaps? (4-3)","Answer":"MUST-SEE","Explanation":"Definition: Highly recommended viewing \nST (street \u2013 way) in MUSEE (French for museum, e.g. the Louvre)"} {"Clue":"Game amateur upset authoress (3-4)","Answer":"MAH-JONG","Explanation":"Definition: Game\nHAM (amateur) reversed or 'upset' JONG (Erica Jong \u2013 authoress)"} {"Clue":"Game spirit (3)","Answer":"GIN","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Flower ending in tableau \u2013 something to draw around? (5)","Answer":"LOTUS","Explanation":"Definition: Flower\nU (last letter or 'ending' of 'tableau') in LOTS (something to draw, as in drawing lots)"} {"Clue":"Crawling sensation I see in military order (11)","Answer":"FORMICATION","Explanation":"Definition: Crawling sensation\nI C (see) in FORMATION (military order)"} {"Clue":"Man keeping fit sure to swim in watersport (11)","Answer":"KITESURFING","Explanation":"Definition: watersport\nKING (man, in chess) round or 'keeping' an anagram of FIT SURE \u2013 anagrind is 'to swim'"} {"Clue":"Trunks pinched by sexpot or siren (5)","Answer":"TORSI","Explanation":"Definition: Trunks\nHidden in or 'pinched by' 'sexpoT OR SIren'"} {"Clue":"Bum snare catching bottom in the end (5)","Answer":"TRAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Bum\nTRAP (snare) round or 'catching' M (last letter or 'end' of 'bottom')"} {"Clue":"Moving to Milan, one gutted to move (9)","Answer":"EMOTIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: Moving\nAn anagram of TO MILAN O~~n~~E ('one' with the middle letter omitted or 'gutted') \u2013 anagrind is 'to move'"} {"Clue":"One of seven eviscerated, loathsome family! (7)","Answer":"DYNASTY","Explanation":"Definition: family\nD~~a~~Y ('one of seven' \u2013 days in the week) without the middle letter or 'eviscerated' NASTY (loathsome)"} {"Clue":"Far off the total \u2013 totally! (3,4)","Answer":"NOT HALF","Explanation":"Definition: totally\nYou'd be 'far off the total' if you're NOT HALF way there"} {"Clue":"By the ears, stick your nose in something round your neck! (5)","Answer":"MEDAL","Explanation":"Definition: something round your neck\nSounds like ('by the ears' MEDDLE (stick your nose in)"} {"Clue":"Church roof taken from room that's dark yellow (5)","Answer":"AMBER","Explanation":"Definition: dark yellow\n~~ch~~AMBER (room) with the 'ch' (first two letters or 'roof' of 'church') omitted or 'taken'"} {"Clue":"Born nefarious, evil empire's leaders (3)","Answer":"NEE","Explanation":"Definition: Born\nFirst letters or 'leaders' of Nefarious Evil Empire's"} {"Clue":"Submissive, going topless? Yikes! (3)","Answer":"EEK","Explanation":"Definition: Yikes!\n~~m~~EEK (submissive) without the first letter, or 'topless'"} {"Clue":"Humble saint, after a fashion (6)","Answer":"MODEST","Explanation":"Definition: Humble\nST (saint) after MODE (fashion)"} {"Clue":"Arrangement that keeps Rex in touch (8)","Answer":"CONTRACT","Explanation":"Definition: Arrangement\nR (Rex) in CONTACT (touch)"} {"Clue":"Sweet boy following you and me around (6)","Answer":"SUGARY","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nGARY (boy) following US (you and me) reversed or 'around'"} {"Clue":"Like one uplifted \u2013 as 'er with bra on, I fancy (8)","Answer":"AIRBORNE","Explanation":"Definition: Like one uplifted\nAn anagram of ER BRA ON I (anagrind is 'fancy')"} {"Clue":"Map includes church with a Middle English geographical identification (5,4)","Answer":"PLACE NAME","Explanation":"Definition: geographical identification\nPLAN (map) around or 'including' CE (church) + A ME (Middle English)"} {"Clue":"From Aberdeen I acquired an old computer (5)","Answer":"ENIAC","Explanation":"Definition: an old computer\nHidden 'AberdeEN I ACquired' \u2013 we'd never heard of this computer and needed a check in Chambers"} {"Clue":"Lady sins \u2014 a home broken \u2014 what's caused adultery? (6,7)","Answer":"ASHLEY MADISON","Explanation":"Definition: what's caused adultery?\nAn anagram of LADY SINS A HOME (anagrind is 'broken'). We were both very pleased that neither of us had heard of dating agency!"} {"Clue":"Lazy, heartless, despotic man running a significant business (6,7)","Answer":"LISTED COMPANY","Explanation":"Definition: a significant business\nAn anagram of L~~az~~Y (first and last letters only or 'heartless') DESPOTIC MAN (anagrind is 'running')"} {"Clue":"Battle one lost in part of London (5)","Answer":"ACTON","Explanation":"Definition: part of London\nACT~~i~~ON (battle) without 1 (one)"} {"Clue":"Boy going around drunk, not having very good application (7,2)","Answer":"SLAPPED ON","Explanation":"Definition: not having very good application\nSON (boy) around LAPPED (drunk)"} {"Clue":"Spit 'leek' out \u2014 it's a bit of grass (8)","Answer":"SPIKELET","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of grass\nAn anagram of SPIT LEEK (anagrind is 'out')"} {"Clue":"Little woman and monarch fooling around (6)","Answer":"JOKING","Explanation":"Definition: fooling around\nJO (one of Little Women) KING (monarch)"} {"Clue":"Affectedly elegant man tucked into food (8)","Answer":"DANDYISH","Explanation":"Definition: Affectedly elegant\nANDY (man) inside or 'tucked into' DISH (food)"} {"Clue":"King's daughter enthralling a President once (6)","Answer":"REAGAN","Explanation":"Definition: President once\nREGAN (The daughter of King Lear) around or 'enthralling' A"} {"Clue":"Girl on mountain top to give less than a completely accurate account (8)","Answer":"MISSPEAK","Explanation":"Definition: give less than a completely accurate account\nMISS (girl) PEAK (mountain top)"} {"Clue":"Two characters enjoy modern music \u2014 and a bit of Handel (7)","Answer":"DIGRAPH","Explanation":"Definition: Two characters\nDIG (enjoy) RAP (modern music) H (first letter or 'bit' of Handel)"} {"Clue":"Magician using weird crosses without hesitation (9)","Answer":"SORCERESS","Explanation":"Definition: Magician\nAn anagram of CROSSES (anagrind is 'weird') around or 'without' ER (hesitation)"} {"Clue":"In cursory comments old boy gets cattier somehow about princess (6,5)","Answer":"OBITER DICTA","Explanation":"Definition: In cursory comments\nOB (old boy) an anagram of CATTIER (anagrind is 'somehow') around DI (princess)"} {"Clue":"Board of firm ousting leader (5)","Answer":"TABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Board\n~~s~~TABLE (firm) without or 'ousting' first letter"} {"Clue":"Complain about a period of rule audibly (7)","Answer":"ARRAIGN","Explanation":"Definition: Complain about\nSounds like or 'audibly' A REIGN (period of rule)"} {"Clue":"Restriction when English Catholic enters church service (6)","Answer":"TIERCE","Explanation":"Definition: church service\nTIE (restriction) with E (English) RC (Catholic) inside or 'entering'"} {"Clue":"Snail messes around, showing a lack of purpose (11)","Answer":"AIMLESSNESS","Explanation":"Definition: a lack of purpose\nAn anagram of SNAIL MESSES (anagrind is 'around')"} {"Clue":"Electronic chart conveyed in coastland signal (9)","Answer":"SEMAPHORE","Explanation":"Definition: signal\nE MAP (electronic chart) inside or 'conveyed by' SHORE (coastal region)"} {"Clue":"Number engaged by nasty agency to produce toxic gas (8)","Answer":"CYANOGEN","Explanation":"Definition: toxic gas\nNO (number) inside or 'engaged by' an anagram of AGENCY (anagrind is 'nasty')"} {"Clue":"European secure after revolution, having grabbed a piece of electronic equipment (7)","Answer":"LATVIAN","Explanation":"Definition: European\nNAIL (secure) reversed or 'after revolution' round or 'grabbing' A TV (piece of electronic equipment)"} {"Clue":"Going off with tot on to heather (7)","Answer":"ADDLING","Explanation":"Definition: Going off\nADD (tot) LING (heather)"} {"Clue":"Employment in someone's home put on hold (6)","Answer":"PAUSED","Explanation":"Definition: put on hold\nUSE (employment) in PAD (someone's home)"} {"Clue":"Badly-off American city flooded by rising river (5)","Answer":"NEEDY","Explanation":"Definition: Badly-off\nNY (New York \u2013 American city) round or 'flooded by' DEE (river) reversed or 'rising'"} {"Clue":"Like a drop of paint beginning to brighten foyer (6)","Answer":"BLOBBY","Explanation":"Definition: Like a drop of paint\nB (first letter or 'beginning' of 'brighten') LOBBY (foyer)"} {"Clue":"Gives 32 to Anglicans wearing 31s (6)","Answer":"BRACES","Explanation":"Definition: Gives 32 to\nCE (Church of England \u2013 Anglicans) in or 'wearing' BRAS (31s)"} {"Clue":"Lolita's settled in (3)","Answer":"LIT","Explanation":"Definition: settled\nHidden in LoLITa"} {"Clue":"Row with a city girl (7)","Answer":"TIFFANY","Explanation":"Definition: girl\nTIFF (row) A NY (New York \u2013 city)"} {"Clue":"SOB fancy man, maybe missing child (7)","Answer":"WHIMPER","Explanation":"Definition: SOB\nWHIM (fancy) PER~~son~~ (man, maybe) 'missing' son (child)"} {"Clue":"31 reveals content? Excellent! (4)","Answer":"RARE","Explanation":"Definition: Excellent\nHidden in, or 'content' of bRA (31) REveals"} {"Clue":"Weave name into football strip? (4)","Answer":"KNIT","Explanation":"Definition: Weave\nN (name) in KIT (football strip)"} {"Clue":"Dish from France? That's right (3-2)","Answer":"FRY-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Dish\nFR (France) YUP ('that's right'). We surmise that the ? is included as fry-ups don't feature much in French cuisine."} {"Clue":"In C major, G string provides comforting 32 (6)","Answer":"SOLACE","Explanation":"Definition: comforting 32\nThis took a bit of parsing for us as non-musicians \u2013 in the C Major scale, G is SO (in sol-fa) + LACE (string). This was our penultimate clue."} {"Clue":"Orpheus playing as 32 (5,2)","Answer":"SHORE UP","Explanation":"Definition: 32\nAn anagram of ORPHEUS \u2013 anagrind is 'playing'"} {"Clue":"Give 32 to the new clairvoyant? (7)","Answer":"PROPHET","Explanation":"Definition: clairvoyant\nPROP (give 32 \u2013 support \u2013 to) + an anagram of THE \u2013 anagrind is 'new'"} {"Clue":"Hostess in charge is hatless (6)","Answer":"GEISHA","Explanation":"Definition: Hostess\nHidden in 'chaGE IS HAtless"} {"Clue":"Regularly scorned party's set of beliefs (5)","Answer":"CREDO","Explanation":"Definition: set of beliefs\nAlternate or 'regular' letters of sCoRnEd + DO (party)"} {"Clue":"Hard wood? Magnolia, for starters (4)","Answer":"FIRM","Explanation":"Definition: Hard\nFIR (wood) M (first letter or 'starter' of 'magnolia')"} {"Clue":"Sailor's love for a Scotsman (4)","Answer":"JOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Scotsman\nJ~~a~~CK (sailor) with O (love) replacing 'a'"} {"Clue":"Given 32 by \"great\" dramatist (7)","Answer":"OSBORNE","Explanation":"Definition: dramatist\nBORNE (given 32 \u2013 'support') after or 'by' OS (outsize, or 'great')"} {"Clue":"Champion to drink wine \u2013 in a 6, perhaps (7)","Answer":"SUPPORT","Explanation":"Definition: Champion\nSUP (drink) PORT (wine) \u2013 we're not sure about the relevance of 'in a cup' here, especially when Hob doesn't use 6 in 18d. Is 6 being used as a form of support? Any thoughts?"} {"Clue":"Bottom of a vessel (3)","Answer":"ASS","Explanation":"Definition: Bottom\nA SS (vessel)"} {"Clue":"Unused clothes: small or scanty (6)","Answer":"SPARSE","Explanation":"Definition: scanty\nSPARE (unused) round or 'clothing' S (small)"} {"Clue":"Ad-lib from note in key C, say (6)","Answer":"FREELY","Explanation":"Definition: Ad-lib\nFR (from) E (note in 'kEy') ELY (see, as in diocese \u2013 sounds like 'C'). This was our LOI. We looked at all the possible words that could fit in and finally the penny dropped."} {"Clue":"32 shaved bum hair (8)","Answer":"BUTTRESS","Explanation":"Definition: 32\nBUT~~t~~ (bum) with the last letter omitted or 'shaved' + TRESS (hair). It doesn't take much to raise a smile!"} {"Clue":"Show topless chest (5)","Answer":"OFFER","Explanation":"Definition: Show\n~~c~~OFFER (chest) with the first or 'top' letter omitted"} {"Clue":"32 check on coppers? (9)","Answer":"REINFORCE","Explanation":"Definition: 32\nREIN (check) FORCE (coppers, as in Police Force)"} {"Clue":"Key to winning a trophy (3)","Answer":"CUP","Explanation":"Definition: trophy\nC (key) UP (winning)"} {"Clue":"Bit of 31 that holds bits up (5)","Answer":"STRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of 31\nCryptic definition \u2013 PARTS (bits) reversed or 'up'"} {"Clue":"Liberal society embraces new entry Sun writer (5,5)","Answer":"LYNNE TRUSS","Explanation":"Definition: writer\nL (Liberal) S (society) round or 'embracing' an anagram of ENTRY SUN \u2013 anagrind is 'new'"} {"Clue":"Nervous speller in the outskirts of Tenby (7)","Answer":"TWITCHY","Explanation":"Definition: Nervous\nWITCH ('speller') in T~~enb~~Y (first and last letters or 'outskirts')"} {"Clue":"Some pity our set of solvers (5)","Answer":"YOURS","Explanation":"Definition: of solvers\nHidden in or 'some of' pitY OUR Set"} {"Clue":"Channel around front of Russian seaport (5)","Answer":"LARNE","Explanation":"Definition: seaport\nLANE (channel) around R (first letter or 'front' of Russian)"} {"Clue":"31s do get reordered by some 31 stores (9)","Answer":"CUPBOARDS","Explanation":"Definition: stores\nAn anagram of BRAS (31s) DO \u2013 anagrind is 'get reordered' \u2013 after or 'by' CUP \u2013 'some' or part of a bra (31) \u2013 we really aren't too happy with this \u2013 a 'cup' isn't 'some bra'. Hob presumably used '31' again for the sake of the surface, but in our humble opinion, using 6d might have worked better."} {"Clue":"Drink drunk after beer? That's not right at all (4,3)","Answer":"BEEF TEA","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nAn anagram of AFTE~~r~~ BEE~~r~~ without both 'r'(right)s, or 'not right at all' \u2013 anagrind is 'drunk'"} {"Clue":"Twice 32 guy on ship (8)","Answer":"BACKSTAY","Explanation":"Definition: guy on ship\nBACK and STAY can both be defined as 'supports' (32)"} {"Clue":"Some 31s in need of repair following constant 32? (9)","Answer":"CROSSBEAM","Explanation":"Definition: 32\nAn anagram of SOME BRAS (31s) \u2013 anagrind is 'in need of repair' following C (constant)"} {"Clue":"Gas ring area (5)","Answer":"OZONE","Explanation":"Definition: Gas\nO (ring) ZONE (area)"} {"Clue":"Letters from address \"Paris, Box 3\" (4)","Answer":"SPAR","Explanation":"Definition: Box\nHidden in, or 'letters from' 'addresS PARis' \u2013 with two alternative definitions"} {"Clue":"32 Scottish bank closing early (3)","Answer":"BRA","Explanation":"Definition: 32\nBRA~~e~~ (Scottish bank) without the last letter, or 'closing early'"} {"Clue":"Judge is playing with them about right-on comedian (9)","Answer":"JOKESMITH","Explanation":"Definition: comedian\nJ (judge) + an anagram of IS and THEM (anagrind is 'playing') round OK (right-on)"} {"Clue":"Arm or leg? Nothing more needed for type of dancing (4)","Answer":"LIMB","Explanation":"Definition: Arm or leg?\nLIMB~~o~~ (type of dancing) without the 'o' (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Like venture capitalist, uncomfortably plain re: return after investing with energy repeatedly (15)","Answer":"ENTREPRENEURIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Like venture capitalist\nAn anagram of PLAIN RE:RETURN (anagrind is 'uncomfortably') round E and E (energy 'repeatedly')"} {"Clue":"Director abandoning teams \u2013 cheers the rest (6)","Answer":"SIESTA","Explanation":"Definition: rest\nSI~~d~~ES (teams) without 'd' (director) TA (cheers)"} {"Clue":"Jewellery expert left following insolence? Exactly the reverse (8)","Answer":"NECKLACE","Explanation":"Definition: Jewellery\nACE (expert) L (left) following NECK (insolence) but with the 'l' and 'ace' changing places with neck \u2013 'reversed' in other words. Bert was a bit unhappy with the use of 'reverse' in the clue feeling that it implied that reversal of the letters rather than the separate components. Joyce was perfectly happy and thought that Bert was being a grumpy of man! It didn't come to blows thankfully."} {"Clue":"Animal chatter I'd recalled was taking a different line (9)","Answer":"DISAGREED","Explanation":"Definition: was taking a different line\nDEER (animal) GAS (chatter) I'D all reversed or 'recalled'"} {"Clue":"Amount of warmth that her muff contains (5)","Answer":"THERM","Explanation":"Definition: Amount of warmth\nHidden or 'contained' in 'thaT HER Muff'"} {"Clue":"Visit \u2013 return visit? (3,2)","Answer":"NIP IN","Explanation":"Definition: Visit\nA palindrome or as we prefer to call it a 'NOTLOB' \u2013 memories of Monty Python."} {"Clue":"Argument with worker about English and Scottish plant (5,4)","Answer":"ROWAN TREE","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish plant\nROW (argument) ANT (worker) RE (about) E (English)"} {"Clue":"Harbour workers got at bus moving the wrong way (8)","Answer":"TUGBOATS","Explanation":"Definition: Harbour workers\nAn anagram of GOT AT BUS \u2013 anagrind is 'moving the wrong way'"} {"Clue":"Note stuck into a part of trellis at an angle (6)","Answer":"ASLANT","Explanation":"Definition: at an angle\nN (note) in A SLAT (part of trellis)"} {"Clue":"Further banding in body to control expanding stomach? (15)","Answer":"REINCORPORATION","Explanation":"Definition: Further banding in body\nREIN (control) CORPORATION (expanding stomach)"} {"Clue":"Nobleman expected to throttle King (4)","Answer":"DUKE","Explanation":"Definition: Nobleman\nDUE (expected) round or 'throttling' K (king)"} {"Clue":"Absolute fanatic chasing a drop of blackcurrant squash (9)","Answer":"BUTTERNUT","Explanation":"Definition: squash\nUTTER (absolute) NUT (fanatic) after or 'chasing' B (first letter or ' drop' of blackcurrant)"} {"Clue":"Comedians losing way may get these! (5)","Answer":"JEERS","Explanation":"Definition: these\nCryptic definition \u2013 JE~~st~~ERS (comedians) without or 'losing' 'st' (way \u2013 street)"} {"Clue":"Small animals almost strained equipment at the top (7)","Answer":"KITTENS","Explanation":"Definition: Small animals\nTENS~~e~~ (strained) without the last letter or 'almost' with KIT (equipment) in front or 'at the top' (in a down clue)"} {"Clue":"That woman gets brooch repaired around Northern Dutch city (1-13)","Answer":"S-HERTOGENBOSCH","Explanation":"Definition: Dutch city\nSHE (that woman) + an anagram of GETS BROOCH (anagrind is 'repaired') around N (northern). We'd never heard of this place which we had to search for and its inclusion suggests to us that there must be a theme \u2013 but we can't find ne!"} {"Clue":"Regarding quantity of heat required to bottle nitrogen (2,2)","Answer":"IN RE","Explanation":"Definition: Regarding quantity of\nIRE (heat) round or 'bottling' N (nitrogen)"} {"Clue":"Worker unhappy about edition that's passed on (6,4)","Answer":"HANDED DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: passed on\nHAND (worker) DOWN (unhappy) round ED (edition)"} {"Clue":"Copy? I will get it in China (7)","Answer":"IMITATE","Explanation":"Definition: Copy\nI + IT in MATE ('China' \u2013 Cockney rhyming slang)"} {"Clue":"Mistress to play false around excited male (5,4)","Answer":"BELLE AMIE","Explanation":"Definition: Mistress\nBELIE (play false) around an anagram of MALE \u2013 anagrind is 'excited'"} {"Clue":"Equipment provided for building on the Strand? (6,3,5)","Answer":"BUCKET AND SPADE","Explanation":"Definition: Equipment provided for building on the Strand?\nCryptic definition \u2013 the 'Strand' being a beach"} {"Clue":"Excitedly rate tucking into hot broth (unusual dish) (5-5)","Answer":"HEART-THROB","Explanation":"Definition: dish\nAn anagram of RATE (anagrind is 'excitedly') 'tucking into' H (hot) and an anagram of BROTH (anagrind is 'unusual')"} {"Clue":"Made inedible with teeth, though one tucks in (9)","Answer":"DENATURED","Explanation":"Definition: Made inedible\nDENTURED (with teeth) with A (one) 'ticked in'"} {"Clue":"Very fed up, is restricting Government in election (3-4)","Answer":"PIG-SICK","Explanation":"Definition: Very fed up\nIS round or 'restricting' G (government) in PICK (election)"} {"Clue":"Adjust position of a Liberal in time in power (7)","Answer":"REALIGN","Explanation":"Definition: Adjust position of\nA L (Liberal) in REIGN (time in power)"} {"Clue":"One maintains this red wine encapsulates ultimate in taste (5)","Answer":"TENET","Explanation":"Definition: One maintains this\nTENT (red wine) round or 'encapsulating' E (last letter or 'ultimate' in 'taste')"} {"Clue":"Shock line included in note (4)","Answer":"JOLT","Explanation":"Definition: Shock\nL (line) in JOT (note)"} {"Clue":"Run slowly over bit of leg, teasing (7)","Answer":"JOSHING","Explanation":"Definition: teasing\nJOG (run slowly) around or 'over' SHIN (bit of leg)"} {"Clue":"Colour supplement intellectual unwrapped (7)","Answer":"MAGENTA","Explanation":"Definition: Colour\nMAG (supplement) ~~m~~ENTA~~l~~\u00a0(intellectual) missing first and last letter or 'unwrapped'"} {"Clue":"Religious revivalists releasing a song and an EP (9)","Answer":"NEOPAGANS","Explanation":"Definition: Religious revivalists\nAn anagram of A SONG and AN EP (anagrind is 'releasing')"} {"Clue":"Banger with puncture pulling off minor road (5)","Answer":"WURST","Explanation":"Definition: Banger\nW (with) ~~b~~URST (puncture) without B (minor road)"} {"Clue":"Maybe a mathematician to stagger about? (6)","Answer":"TOTTER","Explanation":"Definition: to stagger about\nA mathematician may be adding up and could be described as a 'totter'"} {"Clue":"Piano associated with lively wartime dance (4,4)","Answer":"TIME WARP","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nAn anagram of P (piano) and WARTIME (anagrind is 'lively'). We weren't that sure about this one as TIME appears in the clue and the entry."} {"Clue":"Spoil old woman with deals on preserves (10)","Answer":"MARMALADES","Explanation":"Definition: preserves\nMAR (spoil) MA (old woman) and an anagram of DEALS although there doesn't appear to be any anagram indicator"} {"Clue":"Record-breaking institute with small margins (4)","Answer":"LIPS","Explanation":"Definition: margins\nLP (record) round or 'broken by'\u00a0I (institute) + S (small)"} {"Clue":"Press backs moving independent film genre (4)","Answer":"NOIR","Explanation":"Definition: film genre\nIRON (press) reversed or 'backing' and moving I (independent)"} {"Clue":"Bent attorneys stealing one's paper and pens? (10)","Answer":"STATIONERY","Explanation":"Definition: paper and pens\nAn anagram of ATTORNEYS\u00a0round or 'stealing' I\u00a0(one) \u2013 anagrind is 'bent'"} {"Clue":"Rubbish musical phrase hindering fine service (8)","Answer":"RIFFRAFF","Explanation":"Definition: Rubbish\nRIFF (musical phrase) around or 'hindering' F (fine) + RAF (service)"} {"Clue":"Beef jerky mules brought around cape (6)","Answer":"MUSCLE","Explanation":"Definition: Beef\nAn anagram of MULES around C (cape) \u2013 anagrind is 'jerky'"} {"Clue":"Electrical retailer losing capital on satellite dish (5)","Answer":"CURRY","Explanation":"Definition: dish\nCURRY'~~s~~ (electrical retailer) without S (first letter or 'capital' of satellite)"} {"Clue":"Directors backing eccentric without substance (9)","Answer":"CARDBOARD","Explanation":"Definition: without substance\nBOARD (directors) after or 'backing' CARD (exxentric)"} {"Clue":"Soldier, perhaps unwilling, to put float into river (7)","Answer":"DRAFTEE","Explanation":"Definition: Soldier, perhaps unwilling\nRAFT (float) inside DEE (river)"} {"Clue":"Woman article taken aboard plane (5)","Answer":"JANET","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\nAN (article) inside or 'aboard' JET (plane)"} {"Clue":"Soprano caught with hammy old novelist (5)","Answer":"SCOTT","Explanation":"Definition: old novelist\nS (soprano) C (caught) OTT (hammy)"} {"Clue":"Hoskins to challenge authority? It's very likely! (1,4,3)","Answer":"I DARE SAY","Explanation":"If you completed this\u00a0on the Indy app you may not realise that today's setter is Hoskins \u2013 I (Hoskins)\u00a0DARE (challenge) SAY (authority)"} {"Clue":"In America, dull sauce lacks bit of va-va-voom (4)","Answer":"GRAY","Explanation":"Definition: In America, dull\nGRA~~v~~Y (sauce) without V (the first letter or 'a bit of' va-va-vroom)"} {"Clue":"Fail to meet nurses Frank sends to wrong address (10)","Answer":"MISDIRECTS","Explanation":"Definition: sends to wrong address\nMISS (fail to meet) around or 'nursing' DIRECT (frank)"} {"Clue":"Stupid-looking Observer humorist sent up a \u2026 (6)","Answer":"GAWPER","Explanation":"Definition: Stupid-looking Observer\nWAG (humorist) reversed or 'sent up' PER (a). We have lost count of how many times that we forget that a = per."} {"Clue":"\u2026 story run on gunmen breaking into local (9)","Answer":"NARRATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: story\nR (run) RA (Royal Artillery \u2013 'gunmen') inside or 'breaking into' NATIVE (local)"} {"Clue":"Mess about putting Tango in a vessel for tea? (3,2)","Answer":"ACT UP","Explanation":"Definition: Mess about\nT (Tango) inside A CUP (a vessel that you might use for tea) \u2013 in our house we mainly use mugs, a cup is never big enough."} {"Clue":"Pale coffee brought up after meat pie? (5-5)","Answer":"PASTY-FACED","Explanation":"Definition: Pale\nDECAF (coffee) reversed or 'brought up' after PASTY (meat pie)"} {"Clue":"Dude with cropped hair (3)","Answer":"MAN","Explanation":"Definition: Dude\nMAN~~e~~ (hair) without last letter or 'cropped'"} {"Clue":"Support restraint on behalf of church (9)","Answer":"REINFORCE","Explanation":"Definition: Support\nREIN (restraint) FOR (on behalf of) CE (church)"} {"Clue":"Cunning Sally shows only occasionally (3)","Answer":"SLY","Explanation":"Definition: Cunning\nSaLlY (odd letters only or 'occasionally')"} {"Clue":"Firm distributing album with Island record label (8)","Answer":"COLUMBIA","Explanation":"Definition: record label\nCO (firm) + an anagram of ALBUM and I (island) (anagrind is 'distributing')"} {"Clue":"In the sack, Ray made an ass-like sound (6)","Answer":"BRAYED","Explanation":"Definition: made an ass-like sound\nRAY inside BED (sack)"} {"Clue":"Unsteady old prizefighter? (5)","Answer":"ROCKY","Explanation":"Definition: Unsteady\nA play on the lead character played by Sylvester Stallone in movies"} {"Clue":"Cruise that goes all around the UK? (5)","Answer":"COAST","Explanation":"Double definition and plays on the fact that we are an island"} {"Clue":"Man one spotted being sat on by journalist (5)","Answer":"EDDIE","Explanation":"Definition: Man\nDIE (a die has spots) underneath or 'sat on' by ED (journalist). Having watched the programme about Eddie Izzard running 27 marathons in 27 days recently, we should have realised sooner that we had the wrong answer\u00a0to 30ac. We needed 24d\u00a0before we saw the error of our ways. Still, it was good to be reminded of Eddie's amazing achievement. He's now raised over \u00a32,000,000 for Sport Relief. Makes Joyce's attempt at raising money by walking 10,000 steps a day for a\u00a0week on behalf of 'Walk in Her Shoes' seem rather insignificant!"} {"Clue":"Not good to be cut by head of rusty nail (4)","Answer":"BRAD","Explanation":"Definition: nail\nBAD (not good) around or 'cut by' R (first letter or 'head' of Rusty)"} {"Clue":"Make use of English politician and \u2013 behold \u2013 recovery at last (6)","Answer":"EMPLOY","Explanation":"Definition: Make use of\nE (English) MP (politician) LO (behold) Y (last letter of 'recovery')"} {"Clue":"Home not very warm? Run inside, showing no fear (8)","Answer":"INTREPID","Explanation":"Definition: showing no fear\nIN (home) TEPID (not very warm) with R (run) 'inside'"} {"Clue":"Old Scot has saved nothing? That's loopy (5)","Answer":"PICOT","Explanation":"Definition: That's loopy\nPICT (old scot) round or 'saving' O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Overweight NCO initially unchanged before fasting period (9)","Answer":"CORPULENT","Explanation":"Definition: Overweight\nCORP (NCO \u2013 corporal) U (first letter or 'initial' of 'unchanged') LENT (fasting period)"} {"Clue":"Sculptor's record with stone from Germany (7)","Answer":"EPSTEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Sculptor\nEP (record) STEIN (German for 'stone')"} {"Clue":"Dogs without lead, lots (6)","Answer":"OODLES","Explanation":"Definition: lots\n~~p~~OODLES (dogs) without the first letter or 'lead'"} {"Clue":"Bill to develop research on sport (8,7)","Answer":"SNOOPERS\u2019 CHARTER","Explanation":"Definition: Bill\nAn anagram of RESEARCH ON SPORT \u2013 anagrind is 'to develop'"} {"Clue":"Doubtful victories even after recruiting a hundred engaged in fighting (2,6,7)","Answer":"ON ACTIVE SERVICE","Explanation":"Definition: engaged in fighting\nAn anagram of VICTORIES EVEN \u2013 anagrind is 'doubtful' \u2013round or 'recruiting' A C (hundred)"} {"Clue":"Wanderer returns bearing small fruit (6)","Answer":"DAMSON","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nNOMAD (wanderer) reversed or 'returning' around or 'bearing' S (small)"} {"Clue":"Stresses one American is taken in by nasty sect (7)","Answer":"ICTUSES","Explanation":"Definition: Stresses\nI (one) + US (American) 'taken in' by an anagram of SECT \u2013 anagrind is 'nasty'"} {"Clue":"Approving of place for witch to chant (9)","Answer":"ENDORSING","Explanation":"Definition: Approving of\nENDOR (place for witch) SING (chant)"} {"Clue":"People hostile mostly when facing a medical procedure (5)","Answer":"ENEMA","Explanation":"Definition: medical procedure\nENEM~~y~~ (people hostile) without the last letter or 'mostly' + A"} {"Clue":"Flash, going round semi-nude in public building (8)","Answer":"MONUMENT","Explanation":"Definition: public building\nMOMENT (flash) round NU~~de~~ (half missing)"} {"Clue":"Expressed strong feelings as book is rejected by editor (6)","Answer":"EMOTED","Explanation":"Definition: Expressed strong feelings\nTOME (book) reversed or 'rejected' + ED (editor)"} {"Clue":"Look for words to say (10)","Answer":"EXPRESSION","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Film's very good about a Spanish painter (7)","Answer":"PICASSO","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish painter\nPIC'S (film's) SO (very good) round A"} {"Clue":"Where soothing lotion should be put immediately? (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON THE SPOT","Explanation":"Definition: immediately\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Allowing very few people to view new disagreement with players in a group (13)","Answer":"NARROWCASTING","Explanation":"Definition: Allowing very few people to view\nN (new) + ROW (disagreement) CAST (players) in A RING (group)"} {"Clue":"Song cycle? (5)","Answer":"ROUND","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Bar vicar found locked on the outside (7)","Answer":"PREVENT","Explanation":"Definition: Bar\nREV (vicar) with PENT (locked) around"} {"Clue":"Fruit consumed after start of dinner (4)","Answer":"DATE","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nATE (consumed) after D (first letter or 'start' of 'dinner')"} {"Clue":"Putting up paintings during meeting is an offence (13)","Answer":"CONTRAVENTION","Explanation":"Definition: offence\nART (paintings) reversed or 'put up' in CONVENTION (meeting)"} {"Clue":"Where environmentalists have been elected, maybe \u2013 a cultivated area (10)","Answer":"GREENSWARD","Explanation":"Definition: a cultivated area\nIf\u00a0GREENS (environmentalists) were to be elected in a\u00a0WARD (electoral division of a local council), it would be the 'Greens' Ward'"} {"Clue":"Wind dispersed a rare mist (9)","Answer":"AIRSTREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Wind\nAn anagram of A RARE MIST \u2013 anagrind is 'dispersed'"} {"Clue":"A group of musicians playing, showing lack of restraint (7)","Answer":"ABANDON","Explanation":"Definition: lack of restraint\nA BAND (group of musicians) ON (playing)"} {"Clue":"Vet softly probing small creature (7)","Answer":"INSPECT","Explanation":"Definition: Vet\nP (softly) in or 'probing' INSECT (small creature)"} {"Clue":"Hastily leave university common room before noon (5)","Answer":"SCRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Hastily leave\nSCR (Senior Common Room \u2013 in a university) AM (before noon)"} {"Clue":"Hairstyle is proper messy after lots of cutting (4)","Answer":"PERM","Explanation":"Definition: Hairstyle\nHidden in 'proPER Messy'"} {"Clue":"Keen writer's clear about source of inspiration (9)","Answer":"IMPATIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Keen\nI'M (writer is) PATENT (clear) around I (first letter or 'source' of 'inspiration')"} {"Clue":"Character from Tel Aviv could be a help (5)","Answer":"ALEPH","Explanation":"Definition: Character from Tel Aviv\nAn anagram of A HELP \u2013 anagrind is 'could be'"} {"Clue":"Obscure pawnbroker meets Arab (7)","Answer":"UNCLEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Obscure\nUNCLE (pawnbroker) AR (Arab)"} {"Clue":"Lead chokes dog? More haste less speed, perhaps (7)","Answer":"PROVERB","Explanation":"Definition: More haste less speed, perhaps\nPB (lead, as in the element) round or 'choking' ROVER (dog)"} {"Clue":"Love fragrant flower close to nose (4)","Answer":"EROS","Explanation":"Definition: Love\nROSE (fragrant flower) with the last letter or 'close' moved to the front or 'nose'"} {"Clue":"Former jazz fan heard playing with authority (2,8)","Answer":"EX CATHEDRA","Explanation":"Definition: with authority\nEX (former) CAT (jazz fan) + an anagram of HEARD \u2013 anagrind is 'playing'"} {"Clue":"Summarise Twickenham formation back to front (7)","Answer":"OUTLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Summarise\nLINE-OUT ('Twickenham formation' \u2013 a formation in Rugby) with the two parts reversed or 'back to front'"} {"Clue":"Stars welcome at snooty address (7)","Answer":"ORATION","Explanation":"Definition: snooty address\nORION (stars) round or 'welcoming' AT"} {"Clue":"Only men record ballads and dramas maybe (5,5)","Answer":"STAGE PLAYS","Explanation":"Definition: dramas maybe\nSTAG (only men) EP (record) LAYS (ballads)"} {"Clue":"Second judge discharged suspect (4)","Answer":"IFFY","Explanation":"Definition: suspect\n~~j~~IFFY (second) with the 'j' (judge) 'discharged'"} {"Clue":"Pastry cases, note, not coded (2,5)","Answer":"EN CLAIR","Explanation":"Definition: not coded\n\u00c9CLAIR (pastry) round or 'casing' N (note)"} {"Clue":"Ham's old and green \u2013 there are even bits of sauce in it (7)","Answer":"OVERACT","Explanation":"Definition: Ham\nO (old) VERT (green) round ~~s~~A~~u~~C~~e~~ ('even' letters only)"} {"Clue":"Cutting tin and what it's made of? (5)","Answer":"CANAL","Explanation":"Definition: Cutting\nCAN (tin) AL (aluminium \u2013 what a tin might be made of)"} {"Clue":"European term that's taught in RADA (9)","Answer":"ELOCUTION","Explanation":"Definition: that's taught in RADA\nE (European) LOCUTION (term)"} {"Clue":"Osborne's budget numbers? They don't mean what they say (7,2,6)","Answer":"FIGURES OF SPEECH","Explanation":"Definition: They don't mean what they say\nOsborne, as Chancellor of the Exchequer, has to give a budget SPEECH to explain his FIGURES or numbers"} {"Clue":"In Egypt, choose abridged author, Homer for one (4,4)","Answer":"EPIC POET","Explanation":"Definition: Homer for one\nET (Egypt \u2013 international registration letters) round PIC~~k~~ (choose) with the last letter omitted or 'abridged' POE (author)"} {"Clue":"State without territory? That's a bit much (5)","Answer":"UTTER","Explanation":"Definition: State\nPart of ('that's a bit much') 'withoUT TERritory'"} {"Clue":"It gives power back by cutting drink (4,4)","Answer":"REAR AXLE","Explanation":"Definition: It gives power\nREAR (back) + X (by, as in 'times' in arithmetic) in or 'cutting' ALE (drink)"} {"Clue":"More work? Union gets best expert over (6)","Answer":"UTOPIA","Explanation":"Definition: More work\nU (Union) TOP (best) + AI\u00a0(expert) reversed"} {"Clue":"Provincial chum tackles a choir out of tune (9)","Answer":"PAROCHIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Provincial\nPAL (chum) round or 'tackling' an anagram of A CHOIR \u2013 anagrind is 'out of tune'"} {"Clue":"Cover blown, Rushdie nearly upset 2's work (6)","Answer":"AENEID","Explanation":"Definition: 2's work\nHidden ('cover blown') and reversed ('upset') in 'RushDIE NEArly'"} {"Clue":"Article by e.g. Jagger about NI port, origin of eloquence (3,7,5)","Answer":"THE BLARNEY STONE","Explanation":"Definition: origin of eloquence\nTHE (article) BY STONE (e.g. Mick Jagger) round LARNE (Northern Ireland port)"} {"Clue":"Genuinely drunk, really hammered (9)","Answer":"LITERALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Genuinely\nLIT (drunk) + an anagram of REALLY \u2013 anagrind is 'hammered'"} {"Clue":"Old idiot grabs axes, 1 of 1 (8)","Answer":"OXYMORON","Explanation":"Definition: 1 of 1\nO (old) MORON (idiot) round or 'grabbing' X and Y (axes \u2013 of a graph) \u2013 a figure of speech (1d)"} {"Clue":"Brother wears dark blue mostly? It's demeaning (5,3)","Answer":"INFRA DIG","Explanation":"Definition: demeaning\nFRA (brother) in or 'wearing' INDIG~~o~~ (dark blue) with the last letter omitted or 'mostly'"} {"Clue":"I'd left crash showing sign of stress (6)","Answer":"ACCENT","Explanation":"Definition: sign of stress\nACC~~id~~ENT (crash) with I'd omitted or 'left'"} {"Clue":"Student ignoring a lyricist (6)","Answer":"LERNER","Explanation":"Definition: lyricist\nLE~~a~~RNER (student) without or 'ignoring' 'a'"} {"Clue":"Sketch show always pops up around university (5)","Answer":"REVUE","Explanation":"Definition: Sketch show\nEVER (always) reversed or 'popping up' around U (university)"} {"Clue":"Jelly and Sara's pistachio ice cream to sample when opening \u2026 (5)","Answer":"ASPIC","Explanation":"Definition: Jelly\nFirst letters or 'openings' of And Sara's Pistachio Ice Cream"} {"Clue":"\u2026 Sara's Yuppie Wine Bar \u2013 not a bad job I've done (it was 27 asking him \u2026) (2,7,8,1,4-2,2,1,7)","Answer":"HE COULDN\u2019T ORGANISE A PISS-UP IN A BREWERY","Explanation":"Definition: it was 27 asking him \u2026\nHow to explain this one?? It is based on an anagram of SARA'S YUPPIE WINE B~~a~~R without one of the 'a's making A PISS-UP IN A BREWERY \u2013 the anagrind is 'bad'. Nimrod claims to have done a job to ORGANISE the anagram, but 'HE' pCOULDN'T do it because he's 'no use' (27ac)"} {"Clue":"Take one OK game to subdue court favourite (9)","Answer":"RIGOLETTO","Explanation":"Definition: court favourite\nThis one has us foxed \u2013 we seem to have all the components, but not necessarily in the right order! : R (take) I (one) LET (OK) GO (game) TO \u2013 but if 'subdue' is intended as a containment indicator, it's not where it should be to put 'go' in front of 'let'. Any thoughts out there?"} {"Clue":"Not all the mail to be answered privately? (5)","Answer":"INTRA","Explanation":"Definition: privately\nINTRA~~y~~ (mail to be answered) without the last letter or 'not all'"} {"Clue":"For revitalising, get a pot for a brew, then put one in? It's 27 (10,6)","Answer":"WATERPROOF TEABAG","Explanation":"Definition: It's 27\nAn anagram of GET A POT FOR A BREW with A (one) 'put in' \u2013 anagrind is 'for revitalising'"} {"Clue":"Authenticate each plan (4)","Answer":"IDEA","Explanation":"Definition: plan\nID (authenticate) EA (each)"} {"Clue":"Moralist priest lost in valley submerged Land of Hope (9)","Answer":"RURITANIA","Explanation":"Definition: Land of Hope \n~~p~~URITAN (moralist) without or 'losing' 'p' (priest) in RIA (submerged valley) \u2013 the fictitious land created by Anthony Hope"} {"Clue":"Rebuffed lover's fine bulging pants (4)","Answer":"NAFF","Explanation":"Definition: pants\nFAN (lover) reversed or 'rebuffed' + F (fine). We're not sure what part\u00a0'bulging' plays in the parsing."} {"Clue":"Awry, staggering out of 1D, this drunk? (4)","Answer":"BEER","Explanation":"Definition: this drunk\n~~a~~\u00a0B~~r~~E~~w~~ER~~y~~ (1 down) with the letters of 'awry' omitted and out of order or 'staggering out'"} {"Clue":"Too big: integral, revolutionary (9)","Answer":"OVERLARGE","Explanation":"Definition: Too big\nA case of 'lift and separate' \u2013 reversed and hidden 'in' 'tEGRAL REVOlutionary' \u2013 the latter doing double duty as a reversal instruction"} {"Clue":"Disgruntled at times about the origin of Tunbridge Wells? 11 in another state (10)","Answer":"STEAMTIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: 11 in another state\nAn anagram of AT TIMES \u2013 anagrind is 'disgruntled' + T (first letter of Tunbridge') HG (Wells \u2013 the author) reversed or 'about' \u2013 the equivalent of 'waterproof' (11ac) when water is in a different state as steam. The clue makes use of character."} {"Clue":"Reviewing the options you finally get given on Pointless? (2,3)","Answer":"NO USE","Explanation":"Definition: Pointless\nThe gateway clue \u2013 the last or 'final' letters of thE optionS yoU and ON, all reversed or 'reviewed'"} {"Clue":"It's how society expresses itself, so stop being \"retro\" (5)","Answer":"EIDOS","Explanation":"Definition: It's how society expresses itself\nSO DIE (stop) reversed or 'retro'. We couldn't find this in Chambers but were able to verify it on-line."} {"Clue":"Ringing hot teenagers up for modelling this Sun exclusive? (4,5)","Answer":"PAGE THREE","Explanation":"A cryptic definition \u2013 an anagram of TEE~~n~~~~~~NAGER~~s u~~P (anagrind is 'modelling') round or 'ringing' H (hot) without or 'excluding' 'sun'"} {"Clue":"In pop art our works embellished in bars (10)","Answer":"COLORATURA","Explanation":"Definition: embellished in bars\nAn anagram of ART OUR (anagrind is 'works') in COLA ('pop')"} {"Clue":"I really can't stand attending this woman's tours (5)","Answer":"HATER","Explanation":"Definition: I really can't stand\nAT (attending) in or 'toured by' HER (this woman's)"} {"Clue":"Touch and go, declare a firm almost completely bust? It's 27 (9,9)","Answer":"CHOCOLATE FIREGUARD","Explanation":"Definition: It's 27\nAn anagram of TOUCH, GO DECLARE A FIR~~m~~ (with the last letter omitted or 'almost) \u2013 anagrind is 'bust'"} {"Clue":"Saw out of the ark (5)","Answer":"DATED","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Occupying ground floor pad, oozed craft food? It's 27 (10,9)","Answer":"INFLATABLE DARTBOARD","Explanation":"Definition: It's 27\nIN (occupying) FLAT A (ground floor pad \u2013 assuming that Flat B etc are upstairs) BLED (oozed) ART (craft) BOARD (food)"} {"Clue":"Not killing time \u2013 extra working hours (9)","Answer":"NOONTIDES","Explanation":"Definition: hours\nNOT IDES (killing time, as in Julius Caesar's assassination) round or 'extra' ON (working)"} {"Clue":"Newspaper boss comes in to try uplifting Greek dish (8)","Answer":"KEFTEDES","Explanation":"Definition: Greek dish\nFT ED (newspaper boss) in SEEK (try) reversed or 'uplifted'. For anyone who has never come across this word before, we can thoroughly recommend\u00a0Revithokeftedes \u2013 chickpea balls. Very cheap and easy to make and delicious, especially when they are eaten in a beach taverna in Greece."} {"Clue":"Accompanying second piano, a fan of dramatic voice (6)","Answer":"SPINTO","Explanation":"Definition: dramatic voice\nS (second) P (piano) INTO (a fan of)"} {"Clue":"Wounded privates picked up German (5)","Answer":"STUNG","Explanation":"Definition: Wounded\nNUTS (privates) reversed or 'picked up' G (German)"} {"Clue":"Gold being carried up to a vital transporter (5)","Answer":"AORTA","Explanation":"Definition: vital transporter\nOR (gold) in or 'being carried' by AT (up to) A \u2026. at least we think that's how you parse it!"} {"Clue":"Paltry average (4)","Answer":"MEAN","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"A range of bizarre islands partly visible from the east (6)","Answer":"SIERRA","Explanation":"Definition: A range\nHidden and reversed (from the east) bizARRE ISlands"} {"Clue":"Petty officer fed by English cook turning over game (8)","Answer":"PEEKABOO","Explanation":"Definition: game\nPO (petty officer) around or 'fed by' E (English) BAKE (cook) 'turned' O (over). With a new (and first) grandchild born recently, we hope we have plenty of opportunity for this game in the future!"} {"Clue":"Malicious or terribly up itself (8)","Answer":"SPITEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Malicious\nAn anagram of UP ITSELF \u2013 anagrind is 'terribly'"} {"Clue":"Condition made by former teachers happens to be minute (6)","Answer":"AUTISM","Explanation":"Definition: Condition\nAUT (former Teachers' union) IS (happens) M (minute)"} {"Clue":"European republic announced source of luxury food? (6)","Answer":"OSTREA","Explanation":"Definition: source of luxury food?\nSounds like or 'announced' AUSTRIA (European Republic)"} {"Clue":"Award given to pilots meeting directors (8)","Answer":"CHAIRMEN","Explanation":"Definition: directors\nCH (award as in Companion of Honour) AIRMEN (pilots)"} {"Clue":"Anonymous mover and shaker lets ego trip run wild (11)","Answer":"POLTERGEIST","Explanation":"Definition: Anonymous mover and shaker\nAn anagram of LETS EGO TRIP \u2013 anagrind is 'run wild'"} {"Clue":"Collides with neutrinos, emitting energy after explosion? (4,4)","Answer":"RUNS INTO","Explanation":"Definition: Collides with\nAn anagram of NeUTRINOS without or 'emitting' E (energy) \u2013 anagrind is 'after explosion'"} {"Clue":"Rings put on violent criminal bringing bad luck (6)","Answer":"HOODOO","Explanation":"Definition: bringing bad luck\nHOOD (violent criminal) OO (rings)"} {"Clue":"Chirpy sort of rotter accepted by 17 agency (6)","Answer":"CICADA","Explanation":"Definition: Chirpy sort \nCAD (rotter) inside or 'accepted by' CIA (17d agency)"} {"Clue":"Carries around with prop (8)","Answer":"AIRSCREW","Explanation":"Definition: prop\nAn anagram of CARRIES \u2013 anagrind is 'around'\u00a0W (with*)"} {"Clue":"Having exposed gears, heard quiet component of blower (8)","Answer":"EARPIECE","Explanation":"Definition: component of blower\n~~g~~EAR~~s~~ with first and last letter removed or 'exposed' PIECE sounds like PEACE (quiet)"} {"Clue":"Colour of decapitated mythological monster (6)","Answer":"INDIGO","Explanation":"Definition: Colour\n~~w~~INDIGO (mythological creature) with first letter removed or 'decapitated'"} {"Clue":"Weak women, annoyingly playful (7)","Answer":"WIMPISH","Explanation":"Definition: Weak\nW (women) IMPISH (annoyingly playful)"} {"Clue":"Old men interrupting relation's composition (8)","Answer":"ORATORIO","Explanation":"Definition: composition\nO (old) + OR (men) inside or 'interrupting' RATIO (relation)"} {"Clue":"Palm reader initially following lines in, oddly enough, animal (6)","Answer":"RAFFIA","Explanation":"Definition: Palm\nR (first letter of Reader or 'initially') + FF (following lines) in AnImAl (odd letters only)"} {"Clue":"Walter's in a state, wife becoming male (2,2,4)","Answer":"DE LA MARE","Explanation":"Definition: Walter\nDELAWARE (state) with W (wife) becoming M (male)"} {"Clue":"Force to modify flag (6)","Answer":"FALTER","Explanation":"Definition: flag\nF (force) ALTER (to modify)"} {"Clue":"One apparently assigned duties to revel (7)","Answer":"ROISTER","Explanation":"Definition: revel\nI (one) inside or 'assigned to' ROSTER (duties)"} {"Clue":"Plastic portable canopy, not the first to be distributed (13)","Answer":"POLYCARBONATE","Explanation":"Definition: Plastic\nAn anagram of ~~p~~ORTABLE CANOPY without the first letter or 'not the first' \u2013 anagrind is 'to be distributed'"} {"Clue":"Castle, on a rising, under shade (8)","Answer":"TINTAGEL","Explanation":"Definition: Castle\nLEG (on) A reversed or 'rising' under TINT (shade)"} {"Clue":"Stab, getting caught in mostly banal trouble (8)","Answer":"STOCCADO","Explanation":"Definition: Stab\nC (caught) inside STOC~~k~~ (banal) with last letter removed or 'mostly' ADO (trouble). Not a word we know but once we had a few checking letters it fell into place."} {"Clue":"Moralist capturing exposed criminal (7)","Answer":"PURITAN","Explanation":"Definition: Moralist\nAn anagram of ~~c~~APTURIN~~g~~ (first and last letter removed or 'exposed') \u2013 anagrind is 'criminal'"} {"Clue":"Pretend to receive extremely over-familiar alien (7)","Answer":"FOREIGN","Explanation":"Definition: alien\nFEIGN (pretend) around or 'receiving' O~~ver-familia~~R (first and last letters only or 'extremely')"} {"Clue":"Salt affected one's food (6)","Answer":"SCAMPI","Explanation":"Definition: food\nWe think that this involves CAMP (affected) I (one) but cannot find any reference for S = salt. Perhaps someone can help us."} {"Clue":"Hard form of support rising because of Chinese capital (6)","Answer":"HARBIN","Explanation":"Definition: Chinese capital \nH (hard)\u00a0BRA (support) reversed or 'rising' IN (because of). We had to check IN = because of \u2013 it wasn't a meaning that we were familiar with."} {"Clue":"Hot girl is to live next door to bachelor (4)","Answer":"BABE","Explanation":"Definition: Hot girl\nBE (live) 'next to' BA (bachelor)"} {"Clue":"Bill, named in show's titles, gets recognised \u2026 (10)","Answer":"ACCREDITED","Explanation":"Definition: recognised\nAC (bill) CREDITED (named in show's titles)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 at university, during his break (6)","Answer":"HIATUS","Explanation":"Definition: break\nAT U (university) in HIS"} {"Clue":"He follows Indian teaching his friend & Penny to go ahead getting to 3rd in date (8)","Answer":"BUDDHIST","Explanation":"Definition: He follows Indian teaching\nHIS with BUD (friend) D (penny) 'going ahead' + T (third letter in 'date'). This one took a bit of parsing as we had the H in the wrong position to start with."} {"Clue":"Sound Raj can make stops temporarily (8)","Answer":"ADJOURNS","Explanation":"Definition: stops temporarily\nAn anagram of SOUND RAJ \u2013 anagrind is 'can make'"} {"Clue":"Couple from Pasadena, California, follow almost all this material (6)","Answer":"ALPACA","Explanation":"Definition: material\nPA (first two or 'couple' of letters of Pasadena) CA (ditto of California) after AL~~l~~ ('almost' all)"} {"Clue":"Fellows at university have to act, with new series \u2026 (4)","Answer":"DONS","Explanation":"Definition: Fellows at university\nDO (act) N (new) S (series)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 made perfect by broadcasting the finale in high definition (5)","Answer":"HONED","Explanation":"Definition: made perfect\nON (broadcasting) E (the last letter or 'finale' of 'the') in HD (high definition)"} {"Clue":"Head of department at uni meeting doctor is lost for words (4)","Answer":"DUMB","Explanation":"Definition: lost for words\nD (first letter or 'head' of 'department') U (uni) MB (doctor)"} {"Clue":"Tequila, for example, found in academe's Caltech (6)","Answer":"MESCAL","Explanation":"Definition: Tequila, for example\nHidden in 'acadeME'S CALtech'"} {"Clue":"Physicist is one that's taken against convert or God about origin of atoms (8)","Answer":"AVOGADRO","Explanation":"Definition: Physicist\nA (one) V (against) + an anagram of OR GOD and A (first letter or 'origin' of 'atoms') \u2013 anagrind is 'convert'"} {"Clue":"I park on the street behind Sheldon: Leonard heads for exit (4,4)","Answer":"SLIP ROAD","Explanation":"Definition: exit\nI P (park) ROAD (street) behind S and L (first letters or 'heads' of Sheldon and Leonard)"} {"Clue":"Bernadette's beginning to go through US graduate's records (6)","Answer":"ALBUMS","Explanation":"Definition: records\nB (first letter or 'beginning' of 'Bernadette') in or 'going through' ALUMS (US graduates) \u2013 this isn't in Chambers, but is included as an informal version of 'alumnus' or 'alumna' at Dictionary.com"} {"Clue":"I've a degree from Californian city that invested 0.01 I note (10)","Answer":"LICENTIATE","Explanation":"Definition: I've a degree\nLA (California city) round or 'investing' 1 CENT (0.01) I + TE (note)"} {"Clue":"In the beginning Chuck has a way to get actors (4)","Answer":"CAST","Explanation":"Definition: actors\nC (first letter or 'beginning' of 'Chuck') A ST (street \u2013 way)"} {"Clue":"\"Penny, Leonard, I'm working with: NASA, Dr A Noel \u2026 and DNA Leonard!\" as an example (10)","Answer":"PALINDROME","Explanation":"Definition: example\nP (penny) + an anagram of LEONARD I'M \u2013 anagrind is 'working' \u2013 the remainder of the clue 'NASA, Dr A Noel \u2026 and DNA Leonard as an' is an example. Just like IPSWICH\u00a0is a palindrome for BOLTON. Watch if you are confused."} {"Clue":"One turns elements into sub-atomic particles (8)","Answer":"NEUTRONS","Explanation":"Definition: sub-atomic particles\nAn anagram of ONE TURNS \u2013 anagrind is 'elements'"} {"Clue":"Bit of a laugh with first half of series on cable (6)","Answer":"HAWSER","Explanation":"Definition: cable\nHA (bit of a laugh) W (with) SER (first half of 'series')"} {"Clue":"What you might pick as odd bits of social behaviour initially (4)","Answer":"SCAB","Explanation":"Definition: What you might pick\nAlternative letters ('odd bits') of S~~o~~C~~i~~A~~l~~ + B (first or 'initial' letter of 'behaviour')"} {"Clue":"Howard is disheartened, imbibing ale and getting drunk to make a point (8)","Answer":"HEADLAND","Explanation":"Definition: point \nH~~owar~~D (with middle letters removed, or 'disheartened') round or 'imbibing' an anagram of ALE AND \u2013 anagrind is 'getting drunk'"} {"Clue":"Hey! It's not really a Big Bang Theory's second parts that might interest Professor Green (3,3)","Answer":"HIP HOP","Explanation":"Definition: that might interest Professor Green\nHI ('Hey') POP ('not really a big bang') round or 'parted by' H (second letter of 'theory'). We learn something new again! Apparently Professor Green is a rap artist. Rap is an alternative term for Hip Hop as a music genre"} {"Clue":"Degree covering energy and Newton's studies (4)","Answer":"DENS","Explanation":"Definition: studies\nD (degree) E (energy) N'S (Newton's)"} {"Clue":"It has been given National Television Award by Monica and Barbara in California? (5)","Answer":"SANTA","Explanation":"Definition: Monica and Barbara in California?\nSA (sex appeal \u2013 'it') NTA (National Television Award)"} {"Clue":"Doctor S Cooper: \"I'm accepting money for accommodation\" (10)","Answer":"COMPROMISE","Explanation":"Definition: accommodation\nAn anagram of S COOPER I'M (anagrind is 'doctor') round or 'accepting' M (money)"} {"Clue":"Part Sheldon took and kept (4,2,2)","Answer":"HELD ON TO","Explanation":"Definition: kept\nHidden in or 'part' of 'SHELDON TOok'"} {"Clue":"Ditching loose woman, Howard has this problem (figuratively) (8)","Answer":"DRAWBACK","Explanation":"Definition: problem (figuratively)\n~~Ho~~WARD without or 'ditching' 'ho' (US slang for prostitute or 'loose woman') reversed or BACK"} {"Clue":"Co-worker knocked his heart out for \"Penny! Penny! Penny!\" for example (6)","Answer":"COPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Penny!\" for example\nCO\u2013~~work~~ER with the middle letters or 'heart' removed or 'knocked out' and replaced with PP (penny, penny)"} {"Clue":"Lectured from reference book about lab animal \u2026 (6)","Answer":"ORATED","Explanation":"Definition: Lectured\nOED (Oxford English Dictionary \u2013 reference book) around RAT (lab animal)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 to get help with line on set (4)","Answer":"LAID","Explanation":"Definition: set\nAID (help) with L (line) on top"} {"Clue":"Doctor Amy nearly got shot (4)","Answer":"DRAM","Explanation":"Definition: shot \nDR (doctor) AM~~y~~ with the last letter removed, or 'nearly'"} {"Clue":"Queen's travelling by this French train (8)","Answer":"SEQUENCE","Explanation":"Definition: train\nAn anagram of QUEEN'S and CE (French for 'this')"} {"Clue":"Plot developments of Oliver? (6)","Answer":"TWISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Plot developments\nA play on the character Oliver Twist"} {"Clue":"Indian duck served with herb (5)","Answer":"OSAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Indian\nO (duck) SAGE (herb)"} {"Clue":"Bet it's what Cambridge boat thief will do? (4,1,4)","Answer":"TAKE A PUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Bet\nA play on the fact that a boat thief in Cambridge may steal a punt"} {"Clue":"Mum and I, extremely shaky (7)","Answer":"SHIVERY","Explanation":"Definition: shaky\nSH (mum) I VERY (extremely)"} {"Clue":"Requirement for endorsement on passport not revealing a blood group (7)","Answer":"PROVISO","Explanation":"Definition: Requirement\nPRO (for) VIS~~a~~ (endorsement on passport) without or 'not revealing' a\u00a0+ O (blood group)"} {"Clue":"Leaders of regiment are instigating dangerous assault (4)","Answer":"RAID","Explanation":"Definition: assault\nFirst letters or 'leaders' of Regiment Are Instigating Dangerous"} {"Clue":"Once hard to bend into shape (10)","Answer":"OCTAHEDRON","Explanation":"Definition: shape\nAn anagram of ONCE HARD TO\u00a0(anagrind is 'bend')"} {"Clue":"Left and did some recording studio work (4,6)","Answer":"MADE TRACKS","Explanation":"Definition: Left\nA play on what takes place in a recording studio"} {"Clue":"Extract from Thackeray, a dull writer (4)","Answer":"HACK","Explanation":"Definition: a dull writer\nHidden in the clue tHACKeray"} {"Clue":"Exhausted artist had meal outside (7)","Answer":"DRAINED","Explanation":"Definition: Exhausted\nRA (artist) with DINED\u00a0(had meal) around the outside"} {"Clue":"One travelling to ancient city is rapt in the end (7)","Answer":"TOURIST","Explanation":"Definition: One travelling\nTO UR (Ancient city) IS T (last letter or 'end' of rapt)"} {"Clue":"Chance to escape, taking in that French resort in the Pas-de-Calais (2,7)","Answer":"LE TOUQUET","Explanation":"Definition: resort in the Pas-de-Calais\nLET OUT (chance to escape) taking in QUE (French for 'that')"} {"Clue":"Couple ultimately missing church wedding (5)","Answer":"MATCH","Explanation":"Definition: wedding\nMAT~~e~~ (couple) without last letter or 'ultimately missing' CH (church)"} {"Clue":"European's career has impressed heads of News International (6)","Answer":"DANISH","Explanation":"Definition: European\nDASH (career) around NI (first letters or 'heads' of News International)"} {"Clue":"Blair, say, taken in by a fellow such as Bush? (8)","Answer":"AMERICAN","Explanation":"Definition: such as Bush?\nERIC (As in Eric Blair, better known as George Orwell) taken in by A MAN (fellow)"} {"Clue":"Southern company, one employing northerner (7)","Answer":"SCOUSER","Explanation":"Definition: northerner\nS (Southern) CO (company) USER (one employing)"} {"Clue":"Got diploma modified? (9)","Answer":"QUALIFIED","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"City with old English name shortened (6)","Answer":"EXETER","Explanation":"Definition: City\nEX (old) E (English) TER~~m~~ (name) missing last letter or 'shortened'"} {"Clue":"Tom is so spiteful (5)","Answer":"CATTY","Explanation":"Definition: spiteful\nCryptic defintion"} {"Clue":"Carrying arms we hide at last in a stretch of water (8)","Answer":"WEAPONED","Explanation":"Definition: Carrying arms\nWE + E (last letter of hide or 'at last') in A POND (stretch of water)"} {"Clue":"Arab initially seeks 16's heart (5)","Answer":"SAUDI","Explanation":"Definition: Arab\nS (first letter of seeks or 'initially') AUDI (found in the centre or 'heart' of 16ac)"} {"Clue":"Unpromising start for a tennis player, note (3,4)","Answer":"SET DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: note\nA play on the fact that if a tennis player was a set down it might not be a promising start to a match"} {"Clue":"Captain needs to lift big fish (8)","Answer":"SKIPJACK","Explanation":"Definition: big fish\nSKIP (captain) JACK (to lift)"} {"Clue":"Emperor placing large car in protection of coppers? (8)","Answer":"CLAUDIUS","Explanation":"Definition: Emperor\nL (large) AUDI(car) inside CUS (coppers)"} {"Clue":"Plastic article is practical (9)","Answer":"REALISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: practical\nAn anagram of ARTICLE IS (anagrind is 'plastic')"} {"Clue":"Weapons hurt 26 individuals? (4,4)","Answer":"STUN GUNS","Explanation":"Definition: Weapons\nSTUNG (hurt) UNS (individual could be UN in Le Touquet)"} {"Clue":"Beast of burden carries two daughters, with another trailing in confusion (7)","Answer":"MUDDLED","Explanation":"Definition: in confusion\nMULE (beast of burden) around DD (two daughters) + D (daugher)"} {"Clue":"Room in the nick refurbished (7)","Answer":"KITCHEN","Explanation":"Definition: Room\nAn anagram of THE NICK ( anagrind is 'refurbished')"} {"Clue":"Holiday season problem near sea in 26 (6)","Answer":"SUMMER","Explanation":"Definition: Holiday season\nSUM (problem) MER (sea in French)"} {"Clue":"Name of fellow heading out of Chinese city (5)","Answer":"ANTON","Explanation":"Definition: Name of fellow\n~~c~~ANTON (Chinese city) missing first letter or 'heading out'"} {"Clue":"Object of spiritual significance to carry before mass? (5)","Answer":"TOTEM","Explanation":"Definition: Object of spiritual significance \nTOTE (to carry) M (mass)"} {"Clue":"Pare nails back (4)","Answer":"SNIP","Explanation":"Definition: Pare\nPINS (nails) reversed or 'back'"} {"Clue":"Seat blames poor, cheap materials used in production (4,6)","Answer":"BASE METALS","Explanation":"Definition: cheap materials used in production\nAn anagram of SEAT BLAMES \u2013 anagrind is 'poor'"} {"Clue":"Successfully gets seed through exercises at Wimbledon (6,2)","Answer":"KNOCKS UP","Explanation":"KNOCKS UP is a slang term for 'makes pregnant' \u2013 or 'successfully gets seed through', and is also a term for the warm-up session before a tennis match"} {"Clue":"Wheel trim grips earth (6)","Answer":"SHEAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Wheel\nSHAVE (trim) round or 'gripping' E (earth)"} {"Clue":"Spooner reportedly bought the shopping centre as a perfect fit (4,3,3,4)","Answer":"MADE FOR THE PART","Explanation":"A Spoonerism of PAID FOR THE MART"} {"Clue":"Ricard's aperitif edges out Italian wine (4)","Answer":"ASTI","Explanation":"Definition: Italian wine\n~~p~~ASTI~~s~~ (French aperitif) with the first and last letters or 'edges' omitted. The anise-flavoured drink was first commercialised by Paul Ricard in 1932."} {"Clue":"Train Bury football team informally (9)","Answer":"INTERCITY","Explanation":"Definition: Train\nINTER (bury) CITY (informal name used by locals and fans for a number of football clubs"} {"Clue":"A fellow teacher sprinkles school with gold (9)","Answer":"COLLEAGUE","Explanation":"Definition: A fellow teacher\nCOLLEGE (school) with A U (gold) inserted separately or 'sprinkled with'"} {"Clue":"The French way to get fat (4)","Answer":"LARD","Explanation":"Definition: fat\nLA ('the' in French) RD (road, or 'way')"} {"Clue":"Inconsistent, dodgy Blair's recollection has lots redacted, removed (14)","Answer":"IRRECONCILABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Inconsistent\nAn anagram of B~~l~~AIR'~~s~~ REC~~o~~LLEC~~t~~ION without 'lots' \u2013 anagrind is 'dodgy'. We're not quite sure why Knut has added 'removed' to the clue \u2013 it seems unnecessary."} {"Clue":"August the 1st, French government brought in American guinea pig (6)","Answer":"AGOUTI","Explanation":"Definition: American guinea pig\nAOUT 1 (August 1st in French) with G (government) 'brought in'"} {"Clue":"Spiro's working in pub, behind bars (2,6)","Answer":"IN PRISON","Explanation":"Definition: behind bars\nAn anagram of SPIRO (anagrind is 'working') in INN (pub)"} {"Clue":"Scruffy nurse guzzles milky coffee, extremely loudly (10)","Answer":"SLATTERNLY","Explanation":"Definition: Scruffy\nSRN (State-registered nurse) round or 'guzzling' LATTE (milky coffee) + first and last letters or 'extremes' of L~~oudl~~Y"} {"Clue":"Frenchman lying in grubby vest (4)","Answer":"YVES","Explanation":"Definition: Frenchman\nHidden or 'lying' in grubbY VESt"} {"Clue":"Service gagging order? (2,5,2,4,5)","Answer":"NO NAMES, NO PACK DRILL","Explanation":"Definition: Service gagging order\nCryptic definition \u2013 A phrase used in the Armed Services to suggest that if no-one owns up to a misdemeanour (NO NAMES) no-one will be punished with PACK DRILL"} {"Clue":"Take care deleting content of Blue Peter (2,4)","Answer":"BE SAFE","Explanation":"Definition: Take care\nB~~lu~~E with the middle letters or 'content' deleted + SAFE\u00a0(Peter)"} {"Clue":"Ban on reporting Jesuitic nun porn being circulated (15)","Answer":"SUPERINJUNCTION","Explanation":"Definition: Ban on reporting\nAn anagram of JESUITIC NUN PORN \u2013 anagrind is 'being circulated'"} {"Clue":"A byword for trouble, Bond may be a Commander, but \u2026 (8)","Answer":"MISCHIEF","Explanation":"Definition: A byword for trouble\nTo complete the James Bond reference in the clue\u2026..M IS CHIEF"} {"Clue":"Game over for joint venture (3-2)","Answer":"TIE-UP","Explanation":"Definition: joint venture\nTIE (game) UP (over)"} {"Clue":"Partner, 50+ (5)","Answer":"LOVER","Explanation":"Definition: Partner\nL (Roman numeral for 50) OVER (plus)"} {"Clue":"One listed building's west wing laid in haste (9)","Answer":"CELEBRITY","Explanation":"Definition: One listed\nB (first letter or 'west wing' of 'building') in CELERITY (haste)"} {"Clue":"Here's a gooseberry crumble, see mother? (9)","Answer":"THREESOME","Explanation":"Definition: Here's a gooseberry\nAn anagram of SEE MOTHER \u2013 anagrind is 'crumble'"} {"Clue":"Sloe gin, a complex distillate (8)","Answer":"GASOLINE","Explanation":"Definition: distillate\nAn anagram of SLOE GIN A \u2013 anagrind is 'complex'"} {"Clue":"Careless agent sustains cut (6)","Answer":"SLOPPY","Explanation":"Definition: Careless \nSPY (agent) round or 'sustaining' LOP (cut)"} {"Clue":"Gareth's debut in Madrid XI \"of the highest class\" (5)","Answer":"REGAL","Explanation":"Definition: \"of the highest class\"\nG (first letter or 'debut' of Gareth) in REAL (Madrid football team)"} {"Clue":"Blow up neat tritium (5)","Answer":"ERUPT","Explanation":"Definition: Blow up \nPURE (neat) reversed or 'up' + T (tritium)"} {"Clue":"A cent, so worthless, put at back of the wallet (8)","Answer":"NOTECASE","Explanation":"Definition: wallet\nAn anagram of A CENT SO \u2013 anagrind is 'worthless' + E (last letter or 'back' of 'the')"} {"Clue":"Prophet and priest rejected religious pilgrimage (6)","Answer":"ELIJAH","Explanation":"Definition: Prophet\nELI (priest) + HAJ (religious pilgrimage) reversed or 'rejected'"} {"Clue":"Charge about home getting part of house safe from storms (9)","Answer":"RAINPROOF","Explanation":"Definition: safe from storms\nRAP (charge) round IN (home) + ROOF (part of house)"} {"Clue":"Greek island, second to be captured by special troops (5)","Answer":"SAMOS","Explanation":"Definition: Greek island\nMO (second) in or 'captured by' SAS (special troops)"} {"Clue":"Part of North African town in area near sea (6)","Answer":"MEDINA","Explanation":"Definition: Part of North African town\nIN A (area) 'near' MED (sea)"} {"Clue":"End tucked in torn clothing (7)","Answer":"RAIMENT","Explanation":"Definition: clothing\nAIM (end) 'tucked' in RENT (torn)"} {"Clue":"Thus identifies thief top gunner's shot (4,3,6,2)","Answer":"PUTS THE FINGER ON","Explanation":"Definition: Thus identifies\nAn anagram of THIEF TOP GUNNER'S \u2013 anagrind is 'shot'"} {"Clue":"Arranged nice drives: attempt to back US tourism, perhaps (7,8)","Answer":"SERVICE INDUSTRY","Explanation":"Definition: tourism, perhaps\nAn anagram of NICE DRIVES \u2013 anagrind is 'arranged' + TRY (attempt) after or 'backing' US"} {"Clue":"Old Welshman rolling after drinking half of best rum (7)","Answer":"OFFBEAT","Explanation":"Definition: rum\nO (old) + TAFF (Welshman) reversed or 'rolling' around or 'drinking' BE~~st~~ (half)"} {"Clue":"Firmly fix eastern and northern itinerary during discussion (6)","Answer":"ENROOT","Explanation":"Definition: Firmly fix\nE (eastern) N (northern) + a homonym ('during discussion') of ROUTE (itinerary)"} {"Clue":"Order not entirely predictable (5)","Answer":"EDICT","Explanation":"Definition: Order\nHidden in ('not entirely') prEDICTable"} {"Clue":"Restore control, say (9)","Answer":"REINSTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Restore\nREIN (control) STATE (say)"} {"Clue":"Tease lecturer having a new coat (6)","Answer":"RAGLAN","Explanation":"Definition: coat\nRAG (tease) L (lecturer) A N (new)"} {"Clue":"Frank initially mislaid old records for dances (3-5)","Answer":"ONE-STEPS","Explanation":"Definition: dances\n~~h~~ONEST (frank) with the first letter or 'initial' omitted or 'mislaid' + EPS (old records)"} {"Clue":"Shopper hurried up, before bank's closure (4)","Answer":"NARK","Explanation":"Definition: Shopper\nRAN (hurried) reversed or 'up' + K (last letter or 'closure' of 'bank')"} {"Clue":"Examiner keeps scripture marks for a term at Harvard (9)","Answer":"TRIMESTER","Explanation":"Definition: term at Harvard \nTESTER (examiner) round or 'keeping' RI (scripture) M (marks)"} {"Clue":"Islander's extremely canny, quietly leading rebellion (7)","Answer":"CYPRIOT","Explanation":"Definition: Islander\nC~~ann~~Y (first and last letters, or 'extremes') P (quietly) RIOT (rebellion)"} {"Clue":"It gets hot overnight: heart rate goes wonky (7,6)","Answer":"STORAGE HEATER","Explanation":"Definition: It gets hot overnight\nAn anagram of HEART RATE GOES \u2013 anagrind is 'wonky'"} {"Clue":"Hollywood swindle going on and on? (7)","Answer":"LASTING","Explanation":"Definition: going on and on\nLA (Los Angeles \u2013 location of Hollywood) STING (swindle)"} {"Clue":"Oliver perhaps, first person to entertain friend in France (5)","Answer":"JAMIE","Explanation":"Definition: Oliver perhaps,\nJE (first person in French) round or 'entertaining' AMI (friend in French)"} {"Clue":"Lack of certainty, say, in the Conservative leader, wavering (9)","Answer":"HESITANCY","Explanation":"Definition: Lack of certainty,\nAn anagram of SAY IN THE C (first letter or 'leader' of 'Conservative') \u2013 anagrind is 'wavering'"} {"Clue":"Troops wield power, with a great number chasing foe endlessly (7,6)","Answer":"FOREIGN LEGION","Explanation":"Definition: Troops\nREIGN (wield power) LEGION (a great number) after or 'chasing' FO~~e~~ without the last letter or 'endlessly'"} {"Clue":"Old soldier moved quietly into jetty (9)","Answer":"PISTOLEER","Explanation":"Definition: Old soldier\nSTOLE (moved quietly) in PIER (jetty)"} {"Clue":"Limit alcoholic drink \u2013 here's why? (9)","Answer":"RATIONALE","Explanation":"Definition: here's why?\nRATION (limit) ALE (alcoholic drink)"} {"Clue":"Noticed team-mate swallowing cold drink (4,3)","Answer":"ICED TEA","Explanation":"Definition: cold drink\nHidden in or 'swallowed by' 'notICED TEAm'"} {"Clue":"Unionist forces in revolts (7)","Answer":"UPRISES","Explanation":"Definition: revolts\nU (Unionist) PRISES (forces)"} {"Clue":"Fellow linguist half abandoned illicit relationship (5)","Answer":"FLING","Explanation":"Definition: illicit relationship\nF (fellow) LING~~uist~~ ('half abandoned')"} {"Clue":"Where officers eat pickle? (4)","Answer":"MESS","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Older crook pinches sage plant, destroying one's land (about the size of 17) (2,8)","Answer":"EL SALVADOR","Explanation":"Definition: land (about the size of 17)\nAn anagram of OLDER (anagrind is 'crook') round or 'pinching'' SALV~~i~~A (sage plant) without, or 'destroying' 'I' (one)"} {"Clue":"Injured Oriental soaks, unclothed, in mass of water (about the size of 17) (4,7)","Answer":"LAKE ONTARIO","Explanation":"Definition: mass of water (about the size of 17)\nAn anagram of ORIENTAL and ~~s~~OAK~~s~~ without the first and last letters, or 'unclothed' \u2013 anagrind is 'injured'"} {"Clue":"Constant blanket used by queen in National Park (about the size of 17) (6)","Answer":"KRUGER","Explanation":"Definition: National Park (about the size of 17)\nK (constant) RUG (blanket) ER (queen)"} {"Clue":"Part of army outside in shower running around courtyard (8)","Answer":"SQUADRON","Explanation":"Definition: Part of army\nS and R (first and last letters or 'outside' of 'shower' ON (running) round QUAD (courtyard)"} {"Clue":"Jimmy, before volume reduced, vaguely complaining (7)","Answer":"PEEVISH","Explanation":"Definition: complaining\nPEE (Jimmy, as in jimmy riddle) V (volume) ISH (vaguely)"} {"Clue":"It's the responsibility of Abbey to leave out bin at rear (4,2)","Answer":"DOWN TO","Explanation":"Definition: It's the responsibility of\nDOWNTO~~n~~ (Abbey without the 'n' \u2013 last letter or 'rear' of 'bin'"} {"Clue":"Island's ace party swinging (4)","Answer":"BALI","Explanation":"Definition: Island\nI (ace) LAB (party, as in Labour) reversed or 'swinging'"} {"Clue":"Cardigan's found in this school, as reported (5)","Answer":"WALES","Explanation":"Definition: Cardigan's found in this\nHomonym of WHALES (school)"} {"Clue":"Given some time to think, wrenching back and shoulder (4)","Answer":"TOTE","Explanation":"Definition: shoulder\nHidden ('some') and reversed ('wrenching back') in 'timE TO Think'"} {"Clue":"Gipsy roamed regularly, and left country (about the size of 17) (6)","Answer":"ISRAEL","Explanation":"Definition: country (about the size of 17) (6)\nAlternate or 'regular' letters of 'gIpSy RoAmEd' and L (left)"} {"Clue":"Poles touring adore major road around republic (about the size of 17) (8)","Answer":"SLOVENIA","Explanation":"Definition: republic (about the size of 17) (8)\nS and N (poles) round or 'touring' LOVE (adore) A1 (major road) reversed or 'around'"} {"Clue":"Bother active American drawing area of Italy (about the size of 17) (6)","Answer":"APULIA","Explanation":"Definition: area of Italy (about the size of 17)\nWe're not at all sure about this \u2013 we think it is AIL (bother) UP (active) A (American) all reversed or 'drawing'??? Any thoughts out there?"} {"Clue":"Worry, as female overpowers male in convoluted puzzle (4)","Answer":"FAZE","Explanation":"Definition: Worry\n~~m~~AZE (convoluted puzzle) with the 'm' (male) replaced or 'overpowered' by F (female)"} {"Clue":"Scottish pupil aimed to change during current calendar (10)","Answer":"ACADEMICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish pupil\nAn anagram of AIMED (anagrind is 'to change') in AC (current) CAL (calendar)"} {"Clue":"Beauty exercises followed by a colourful Antipodean resident (5-3)","Answer":"GLORY-PEA","Explanation":"Definition: colourful Antipodean resident\nGLORY (beauty) PE (exercises) A"} {"Clue":"Ruin the grain mostly, splitting pizza (10)","Answer":"MARGHERITA","Explanation":"Definition: pizza\nMAR (ruin) + an anagram of THE GRAI~~n~~ without the last letter or 'mostly' \u2013 anagrind is 'splitting'"} {"Clue":"Survey completed on sex in Latin partners (8)","Answer":"OVERVIEW","Explanation":"Definition: Survey\nOVER (completed) VI (six \u2013 'sex' in Latin) EW (partners \u2013 in bridge or similar card gaems)"} {"Clue":"Likelihood party will be backed by surgeon (4)","Answer":"ODDS","Explanation":"Definition: Likelihood\nDO (party) reversed or 'backed' DS (doctor of surgery)"} {"Clue":"Did pound firstly get used on ball? (6)","Answer":"GROUND","Explanation":"Definition: Did pound\nG (first letter of 'get') ROUND (ball)"} {"Clue":"What PCs supposedly do when left in casing (4)","Answer":"PLOD","Explanation":"Definition: What PCs supposedly do\nL (left) in POD (casing)"} {"Clue":"Add to Oriental meal-to-go? No thanks (3,3)","Answer":"EKE OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Add to\nE (Oriental) ~~ta~~KE-OUT (meal-to-go) without 'ta' (thanks)"} {"Clue":"Man is going to love what's said at meeting? (5)","Answer":"HELLO","Explanation":"Definition: what's said at meeting?\nHE'LL (he will or 'man is going to') O (love)"} {"Clue":"Current Classical character thus discovering orchestral suite (5,5)","Answer":"WATER MUSIC","Explanation":"Definition: orchestral suite\nWATER (current) MU (Classical character) SIC (thus)"} {"Clue":"Day before a diet, nuts gorged (8)","Answer":"SATIATED","Explanation":"Definition: gorged\nSAT (Saturday \u2013 'day') + an anagram of A DIET \u2013 anagrind is 'nuts'"} {"Clue":"Roger enters local, hot and sticky (8)","Answer":"TROPICAL","Explanation":"Definition: hot and sticky\nR (Roger) in TOPICAL (local)"} {"Clue":"Ruler bends, as trainee's added line touching curve (6)","Answer":"SULTAN","Explanation":"Definition: Ruler\nThis one had us really puzzled \u2013 but we think it must be U and S (types of bend) L (Learner or trainee) TAN (tangent \u2013 line touching curve)"} {"Clue":"Type of equation the Calabrian's written up narrowly (6)","Answer":"LINEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Type of equation\nIL ('the' in Italian \u2013 Calabrian) reversed or 'written up' + NEAR (narrowly)"} {"Clue":"Always chasing playing against wind (4)","Answer":"VEER","Explanation":"Definition: wind\nE'ER (always) after or 'chasing' V (playing against)"} {"Clue":"A number of seamen heard Greek warrior (4)","Answer":"AJAX","Explanation":"Definition: Greek warrior\nA + a homonym ('heard') of JACKS (number of seamen)"} {"Clue":"Nasty attitude shown by vermin chasing old woman (6)","Answer":"MALICE","Explanation":"Definition: Nasty attitude\nLICE (vermin) after or 'chasing' MA (old woman)"} {"Clue":"Was made Duke, keeping leader of Lords fixed to the spot? (8)","Answer":"BECALMED","Explanation":"Definition: fixed to the spot?\nBECAME (was made) D (duke) round or 'keeping' L (first letter or 'leader' of 'Lords')"} {"Clue":"Atmospheric phenomenon damaging as to USA rural air (6,9)","Answer":"AURORA AUSTRALIS","Explanation":"Definition: Atmospheric phenomenon\nAn anagram of AS TO USA RURAL AIR \u2013 anagrind is 'damaging'"} {"Clue":"Some military men evidently will force us back? (5)","Answer":"ENEMY","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 Hidden in ('some') 'militarY MEN Evidently' reversed ('back')"} {"Clue":"Songs from 'The King and I' having crazy women about (9)","Answer":"MADRIGALS","Explanation":"Definition: Songs\nR (king) &\u00a0I in MAD (crazy) GALS (women)"} {"Clue":"What's dished up in basket? Note, not chicken! (1-4,5)","Answer":"T-BONE STEAK","Explanation":"Definition: not chicken\nAn anagram of BASKET NOTE \u2013 anagrind is 'dished up'"} {"Clue":"Mostly exclude turning out? (4)","Answer":"ABED","Explanation":"Definition: out?\nDEBA~~r~~ (exclude) with the last letter omitted ('mostly') reversed or 'turning'."} {"Clue":"Band to go without opening in London (4)","Answer":"SASH","Explanation":"Definition: Band\nS~~l~~ASH (to go, as in urinate) without the 'l' (first letter or 'opening' in London)"} {"Clue":"Ravers dancing in sporty gear (10)","Answer":"PARTYGOERS","Explanation":"Definition: Ravers\nAn anagram of SPORTY GEAR \u2013 anagrind is 'dancing'"} {"Clue":"One assesses amount of interest about a positive review (9)","Answer":"APPRAISER","Explanation":"Definition: One assesses\nAPR (annual percentage rate \u2013 amount of interest) about PRAISE (positive review)"} {"Clue":"Theatrical company engaged in a 'Ring' recalled \u2013 as experts in this? (5)","Answer":"OPERA","Explanation":"Definition: this\nREP (theatrical company) 'engaged' in A O (ring) all reversed or 'recalled'"} {"Clue":"Medical expert in lesion doctoring, possibly (15)","Answer":"ENDOCRINOLOGIST","Explanation":"Definition: Medical expert\nAn anagram of LESION DOCTORING \u2013 anagrind is 'possibly'"} {"Clue":"Name of artist very into greens and gold (8)","Answer":"SALVADOR","Explanation":"Definition: Name of artist\nV (very) in SALAD (greens) OR (gold)"} {"Clue":"Person going to medico for cat? (6)","Answer":"MOUSER","Explanation":"Definition: cat\nA person going to a medico could be described as a MO (medical officer) USER"} {"Clue":"The writer is supported by a home of the least ostentation (7)","Answer":"MEANEST","Explanation":"Definition: of the least ostentation\nME (the writer) 'supported by' (in a down clue) A NEST (home)"} {"Clue":"Clear criminal will have understanding of theft (9)","Answer":"LARCENOUS","Explanation":"Definition: of theft\nAn anagram of CLEAR (anagrind is 'criminal') + NOUS (understanding)"} {"Clue":"Scottish writer, source of comment that's really outrageous (7)","Answer":"CARLYLE","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish writer\nC (first letter or 'source' of 'comment') + an anagram of REALLY \u2013 anagrind is 'outrageous'. We had to guess this one but a search found Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881), a Scottish philosopher, satirical writer, essayist, historian and teacher."} {"Clue":"Gently shifted how many verbs take the past tense? (5)","Answer":"EASED","Explanation":"Definition: Gently shifted\nThis had us really puzzled, but we finally concluded that Phi is suggesting that many verbs (ending in 'E' in the infinitive) take the past tense by changing the last letter E to ED, or E AS ED \u2013 does anyone have a better parsing?"} {"Clue":"Masterful opening of mine will bring in a couple of Royalty (6)","Answer":"ADROIT","Explanation":"Definition: Masterful\nADIT ('opening of mine') round or 'bringing in' the first two letters or 'couple' of ROyalty"} {"Clue":"Covering area around tip of Long Island (5)","Answer":"MALTA","Explanation":"Definition: Island\nMAT (covering) A (area) round L\u00a0(the first letter or 'tip' of Long)"} {"Clue":"Was rude about accepting uniform no longer current (7)","Answer":"DISUSED","Explanation":"Definition: no longer current\nDISSED (was rude about) round or 'accepting' U (uniform)"} {"Clue":"Part of Europe raised assistance to contain upheaval in 7 (8)","Answer":"DALMATIA","Explanation":"Definition: Part of Europe\nAID (assistance) reversed or 'raised' around or 'containing' an anagram of MALTA (7 down) \u2013 anagrind is 'upheaval'"} {"Clue":"Upland volcano rising in adjacent space (8)","Answer":"ANTEROOM","Explanation":"Definition: adjacent space\nMOOR (upland) ETNA (volcano) reversed or 'rising'"} {"Clue":"Drink suppliers were realigned, investing in cheese products (9)","Answer":"BREWERIES","Explanation":"Definition: Drink suppliers\nAn anagram of WERE (anagrind is 'realigned') 'investing' in BRIES (cheese products)"} {"Clue":"They pass round writing accessories after writer's departed (7)","Answer":"SHARERS","Explanation":"Definition: They pass round\nSHAR~~pen~~ERS (writing accessories) with 'pen' (writer) omitted or 'departed'"} {"Clue":"Game company bringing in one very much in cheerful style (7)","Answer":"GIOCOSO","Explanation":"Definition: in cheerful style\nGO (game) CO (company) round I (one) + SO (very much) \u2013 a new word to us!"} {"Clue":"Shiver? That's trembling, with little hesitation (7)","Answer":"SHATTER","Explanation":"Definition: Shiver\nAn anagram of THAT'S (anagrind is 'trembling') +ER (little hesitation). A rather unusual synonym for 'shiver', but it is in Chambers!"} {"Clue":"Dash quickly, losing time, with spies in pursuit (6)","Answer":"FASCIA","Explanation":"Definition: Dash\nFAS~~t~~ (quickly) with the 't' (time) omitted or 'lost' + CIA (spies)"} {"Clue":"Feature of organ putting depth amongst sound of bells (5)","Answer":"PEDAL","Explanation":"Definition: Feature of organ\nD (depth) in PEAL (sound of bells)"} {"Clue":"Irish county making most of remote opportunity (5)","Answer":"SLIGO","Explanation":"Definition: Irish county\nSLI~~m~~ (remote) without the last letter or 'most of' + GO (opportunity)"} {"Clue":"Relative getting amongst the runs (a lot) in county town (7)","Answer":"TAUNTON","Explanation":"Definition: county town\nAUNT (relative) in TON (a lot of runs)"} {"Clue":"Walk-on part in Test is observed uninterrupted (4)","Answer":"BALL","Explanation":"Definition: Walk-on part\nThis had us fooled for some time even when we had the crossing letters, but we concluded that there must be a cricket connection and then realised that BALL could be said to be the part of the foot that you walk on ('walk-on part') and that if you take the space out of 'Test is' ('observed uninterrupted') you get 'testis' \u2013 say no more!!!"} {"Clue":"Batsman having got amongst the bowlers this amount? (3,3,3)","Answer":"ODD MAN OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Batsman having got amongst the bowlers\nA rather crafty cryptic definition \u2013 a batsman amongst bowlers could be described as an ODD MAN OUT, and with 'ODD' as an anagrind, MAN OUT is an anagram of 'amount'"} {"Clue":"Saw old man keeping note of the score (5)","Answer":"DATED","Explanation":"Definition: Saw\nDAD (old man) round or 'keeping' TE (note \u2013 'of the score' referring to a musical score)"} {"Clue":"Good shots through cover from those cutting half-heartedly (7)","Answer":"SNIPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Good shots through cover\nSNIP~~p~~ERS ('those cutting') with one of the 'p's omitted or 'half-heartedly'"} {"Clue":"A number of centuries from County Cricket Club openers (5,7)","Answer":"THREE HUNDRED","Explanation":"Definition: A number of centuries\nThe first letters or 'openers' of County Cricket Club are CCC \u2013 THREE HUNDRED in Roman numerasls"} {"Clue":"Sly fellow with neat playing, essentially (4)","Answer":"FOXY","Explanation":"Definition: Sly\nF (fellow) OX (neat) + Y (middle or 'essential' letter of 'playing')"} {"Clue":"It's no good wearing a South African jumper in this country (7)","Answer":"ENGLAND","Explanation":"Definition: this country\nNG (no good) in or 'wearing' ELAND (South African antelope or 'jumper')"} {"Clue":"Attractive girl makes an easy catch (5)","Answer":"DOLLY","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Surprisingly catch it, stopping a run or 4? (9)","Answer":"CATHARTIC","Explanation":"Definition: 4?\nAn anagram of CATCH IT (anagrind is 'surprisingly') round or 'stopping' A R (run) \u2013 a laxative (4d) can be considered cathartic"} {"Clue":"A group of players featuring in Oval's offering too (4)","Answer":"ALSO","Explanation":"Definition: too\nTwo sets of wordplay for the price of one! A + LSO (London Symphony Orchestra \u2013 'group of players') and hidden of 'featuring in OvAL'S Offering'"} {"Clue":"Attack a spinner beginning to get turn in middle of season (7)","Answer":"ASSAULT","Explanation":"Definition: Attack\nA + S (first letter or 'beginning' of 'spinner') + U (turn) in SALT (season)"} {"Clue":"Losing wife (or wicket!) spoils one's life (7)","Answer":"INNINGS","Explanation":"Definition: one's life\n~~w~~INNINGS (spoils) without the 'w' (wife or wicket)"} {"Clue":"Those setting up before Oval boundaries dispatched in the capital (4)","Answer":"SUVA","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nUS ('those setting' \u2013 crossword compilers in the plural) reversed or 'up' + ~~o~~VA~~l~~ with the first and last letters or 'boundaries' omitted or 'dispatched' \u2013 we had to check this \u2013 it's the capital of Fiji"} {"Clue":"Admirer of one-day international on the up? Dead right (8)","Answer":"IDOLATER","Explanation":"Definition: Admirer\nODI (One-day international) reversed or 'on the up' + LATE (dead) R (right). We've had traffic signs in our home town Nottingham this week with ODI on them which was a new one on us."} {"Clue":"E.g. single run scored with square cut, possibly (6)","Answer":"RECORD","Explanation":"Definition: E.g. single\nAn anagram of R (run) ~~s~~CORED with the 's' (square) omitted or 'cut' \u2013 anagrind is 'possibly'"} {"Clue":"One making you go to see English XI at Oval, when not initially bothered (8)","Answer":"LAXATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: One making you go\nAn anagram of E (English) XI AT ~~o~~VAL without the first letter, or 'not initially' \u2013 anagrind is 'bothered'"} {"Clue":"People heading off to the middle to play again (6)","Answer":"ENCORE","Explanation":"Definition: play again\n~~m~~EN (people) with the first letter or 'head' omitted or 'off' CORE (middle)"} {"Clue":"Present time in Yorkshire, duck (4)","Answer":"NOWT","Explanation":"Definition: in Yorkshire, duck\nNOW (present) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Tired, having run 3 as opener? Shame! (9)","Answer":"DISCREDIT","Explanation":"Definition: Shame\nAn anagram of TIRED (anagrind is 'having run') with DISC (record \u2013 3d) in front or 'as opener'"} {"Clue":"Hit strongly in front of wicket around end of second over (5)","Answer":"DROVE","Explanation":"Definition: Hit strongly in front of wicket\nAn anagram of D (last letter or 'end' of 'second') OVER \u2013 anagrind is 'around'"} {"Clue":"Square cut regularly ends in boundaries (5-4)","Answer":"SIXTY-FOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Square\nT and Y (last letters or 'ends' of 'cut' and 'regularly') in SIX and FOUR (boundaries in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Running flat out, and initially excessively (2,1,5)","Answer":"TO A FAULT","Explanation":"Definition: excessively\nAn anagram of FLAT OUT A (first or 'initial' letter of 'and') \u2013 anagrind is 'running'"} {"Clue":"Was last man dismissed for sex act? (8)","Answer":"FELLATIO","Explanation":"Definition: sex act\nThe last man dismissed in a cricket innings is the tenth wicket, so he or she could be said to have FELL AT 10"} {"Clue":"Playing at Oval for a bit of radio commentary cake (6)","Answer":"GATEAU","Explanation":"Definition: cake\nWe think this might be: A homonym ('radio commentary') hidden in ('a bit of') playinG AT Oval"} {"Clue":"Some made centuries, honest! (6)","Answer":"DECENT","Explanation":"Definition: honest\nHidden in or 'some' of 'maDE CENTuries'"} {"Clue":"Readies cricketers as summer holiday starts (4)","Answer":"CASH","Explanation":"Definition: Readies\nFirst letters or 'starts' of Cricketers As Summer Holiday"} {"Clue":"Ultimately running in wrong for three balls? (4)","Answer":"SIGN","Explanation":"Definition: three balls?\nWe're not 100% convinced by this one \u2013 unless we've got it completely round our necks we think it is: G (last or 'ultimate' letter of 'running') in SIN (wrong) \u2013 the 'three balls' being a pawn-broker's sign."} {"Clue":"Bugs Bunny's first work with Queen Isabella after vacation (8)","Answer":"BACTERIA","Explanation":"Definition: Bugs\nB (first letter of Bunny) ACT (work) ER (queen) I~~sabell~~A\u00a0(with the middle letters omitted or 'vacated')"} {"Clue":"Cat's remark about bustling activity in field (6)","Answer":"MEADOW","Explanation":"MEW (cat's remark) around ADO (bustling activity)"} {"Clue":"Outrun runner last in marathon (4)","Answer":"SKIN","Explanation":"Definition: Outrun\nSKI (runner) N (last letter of 'marathon') We were a bit doubtful about the definition here, but 'skin' can mean 'to slip through or away', which at a stretch, could be synonymous with 'outrun' \u2013 ant other thoughts out there?"} {"Clue":"Without showing emotion, throw bun that connects? (10)","Answer":"UNBLINKING","Explanation":"Definition: Without showing emotion\nAn anagram of BUN (anagrind is 'throw') LINKING (that connects)"} {"Clue":"In my opinion duke is made (6)","Answer":"FORMED","Explanation":"Definition: made\nFOR ME (in my opinion) D (duke)"} {"Clue":"Princely House or gloomy discount supermarket? (8)","Answer":"GRIMALDI","Explanation":"Definition: Princely House\nGRIM (gloomy) ALDI (discount supermarket)"} {"Clue":"One more on Earth that spins (7)","Answer":"ANOTHER","Explanation":"Definition: One more\nAn anagram of ON EARTH \u2013 anagrind is 'spins'"} {"Clue":"Plant has unusual name distinct from others (7)","Answer":"ANEMONE","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nAn anagram of NAME (anagrind is 'unusual') + ONE (distinct from others)"} {"Clue":"Bill abroad, from Bury, with hangover? (8)","Answer":"INTERPOL","Explanation":"Definition: Bill abroad\nINTER (bury) LOP (hang) reversed or 'over' \u2013 a new meaning of 'lop' for us!"} {"Clue":"Go back to renew Green Energy (6)","Answer":"RENEGE","Explanation":"Definition: Go back \nAn anagram of GREEN E (energy) \u2013 anagrind is 'renew'"} {"Clue":"What might be n-nose? Ear's also good! (5,5)","Answer":"SENSE ORGAN","Explanation":"Definition: What might be\nCryptic definition \u2013 an anagram of N-NOSE EAR'S and G (good)"} {"Clue":"What occurs in tub at home? (4)","Answer":"BATH","Explanation":"Definition: What occurs\nAnother cryptic definition \u2013 hidden, or 'occurring' in 'tuB AT Home'"} {"Clue":"One caught in passion covered spot (6)","Answer":"ALCOVE","Explanation":"Definition: covered spot\nA (one) + C (caught) in LOVE (passion)"} {"Clue":"Gushing eulogy originally given by fine quintet involves us (8)","Answer":"EFFUSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Gushing \nE (first or 'original' letter of 'eulogy') F (fine) FIVE (quintet) round or 'involving' US"} {"Clue":"Finance advanced on Balkan redevelopment? (4,4)","Answer":"BANK LOAN","Explanation":"Definition: Finance advanced\nAn anagram of ON BALKAN \u2013 anagrind is 'redevelopment'"} {"Clue":"College close to neglected houses (4)","Answer":"ETON","Explanation":"Definition: College\nHidden or 'housed' in 'closE TO Neglected'"} {"Clue":"More or less AO? (6)","Answer":"AROUND","Explanation":"Definition: More or less\nA ROUND (O)"} {"Clue":"Refuse to keep luggage item in French station (7)","Answer":"GARBAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse\nBAG (luggage item) in GARE (French for 'station')"} {"Clue":"Strange moan drowns fragment I dream (8)","Answer":"AMBITION","Explanation":"Definition: dream\nAn anagram of MOAN (anagrind is 'strange') round or 'drowning' BIT (fragment) I"} {"Clue":"Champion almost injured leg in game (10)","Answer":"BACKGAMMON","Explanation":"Definition: game\nBACK (champion) GAMM~~y~~ (injured) with the last letter omitted or 'almost' ON (leg, as in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Kiwi bird and Kelly from Australia complained (6)","Answer":"MOANED","Explanation":"Definition: complained\nMOA (New Zealand \u2013 Kiwi \u2013 bird) NED (Kelly \u2013 Australian bushranger)"} {"Clue":"Insect destroyed by Eros or Oedipus? (7,3)","Answer":"MOTHERS BOY","Explanation":"Definition: Oedipus? \nMOTH (insect) + an anagram of BY EROS \u2013 anagrind is 'destroyed'"} {"Clue":"Masculine stratagem in rising river's working (8)","Answer":"EMPLOYED","Explanation":"Definition: working\nM (masculine) PLOY (stratagem) in DEE (river) reversed or 'rising'"} {"Clue":"No musical info given up (8)","Answer":"NEGATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: No\nEVITA (musical) GEN (information) all reversed or 'given up'"} {"Clue":"Black feller's journalist on-line (7)","Answer":"BLOGGER","Explanation":"Definition: journalist on-line\nB (black) LOGGER (feller)"} {"Clue":"Rivalry in game that may get you stitched up (6)","Answer":"NEEDLE","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Escape to produce copies quickly (3,3)","Answer":"RUN OFF","Explanation":"Another double definition"} {"Clue":"When to live outside is reprehensible (4)","Answer":"BASE","Explanation":"Definition: reprehensible\nAS (when) with BE (live) outside"} {"Clue":"Thinking comic has forgotten introduction (6)","Answer":"MUSING","Explanation":"Definition: Thinking\n~~A~~MUSING (comic) without or 'forgetting' the first letter or 'introduction'"} {"Clue":"Roman soldiers take position, namely round Poland (7)","Answer":"MANIPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Roman soldiers\nMAN (take position, as in 'man the lifeboats') IE (namely) round PL (Poland)"} {"Clue":"Formal attire ultimately associated with Socrates? Wrong (5,4)","Answer":"DRESS COAT","Explanation":"Definition: Formal attire\nD (last or 'ultimate' letter of 'associated') + an anagram of SOCRATES \u2013 anagrind is 'wrong'"} {"Clue":"Class, say, backed by student group (5)","Answer":"GENUS","Explanation":"Definition: Class,\nEG (say) reversed or 'backed' + NUS (National Union of Students)"} {"Clue":"Exclusive set of Biblical books the Virgin queen stored in church (7)","Answer":"COTERIE","Explanation":"Definition: Exclusive set\nOT (Old Testament \u2013 Biblical books) ER I\u00a0(Elizabeth 1 \u2013 'the Virgin queen') in CE (church)"} {"Clue":"Issue of film about US general swallowing arsenic (7)","Answer":"RELEASE","Explanation":"Definition: Issue of film\nRE (about) LEE (US general) round or 'swallowing' AS (arsenic)"} {"Clue":"Enthusiastic amateur met with American and Arabs, avoiding one museum (6,8)","Answer":"MADAME TUSSAUDS","Explanation":"Definition: museum\nMAD (enthusiastic) A (amateur) MET US (American) SAUD~~i~~S (Arabs) with 'I' (one) omitted or 'avoided'"} {"Clue":"Brother I sense buys rubbish: such suspicious behaviour (6,8)","Answer":"MONKEY BUSINESS","Explanation":"Definition: suspicious behaviour\nMONK (brother) + an anagram of I SENSE BUYS \u2013 anagrind is 'rubbish'"} {"Clue":"Examine fashionable glasses, half-complete (7)","Answer":"INSPECT","Explanation":"Definition: Examine\nIN (fashionable) + half of SPECT~~acles~~ (glasses)"} {"Clue":"Class should be entered in new exam, I shout (7)","Answer":"EXCLAIM","Explanation":"Definition: shout\nCL (class) 'entered' in an anagram of EXAM I \u2013 anagrind is 'new'"} {"Clue":"Silver coins, round, sloven tossed back (5)","Answer":"OBOLS","Explanation":"Definition: Silver coins\nO (round) + SLOB (sloven) reversed or 'tossed back'"} {"Clue":"Wife no longer has stress, finding extra house room? (9)","Answer":"EXTENSION","Explanation":"Definition: extra house room?\nEX (wife no longer) TENSION (stress)"} {"Clue":"Surreptitiously tape most of film in old cinema (7)","Answer":"FLEAPIT","Explanation":"Definition: old cinema\nAn anagram of TAPE and FIL~~m~~ ('most of') \u2013 anagrind is 'surreptitiously'"} {"Clue":"Second of reviews penned by great art critic (6)","Answer":"SEWELL","Explanation":"Definition: art critic\nE (second letter of 'reviews') in or 'penned by' SWELL (great) \u2013 a reference to Brian Sewell"} {"Clue":"Suggestion mother should ring old detectives up (7)","Answer":"MODICUM","Explanation":"Definition: Suggestion\nMUM (mother) round or 'ringing' O (old) CID (detectives) reversed or 'up'"} {"Clue":"Shelter in extremes of severest winter weather (5)","Answer":"SLEET","Explanation":"Definition: winter weather\nLEE (shelter) in S and T (first and last letters or 'extremes' of 'severest')"} {"Clue":"No way alcoholic drink is a remedy against ills (7)","Answer":"NOSTRUM","Explanation":"Definition: remedy against ills\nNO ST (street \u2013 way) RUM (alcoholic drink)"} {"Clue":"Undergraduates mustn't read set works without introduction from university (6,8)","Answer":"MATURE STUDENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Undergraduates \nAn anagram of MUSTN'T READ SET (anagrind is 'works') round or 'without' U (first letter or 'introduction' of 'university')"} {"Clue":"So-called TV cook claiming turnover not good ultimately (7)","Answer":"NIGELLA","Explanation":"Definition: So-called TV cook\nALLEGIN~~g~~ (claiming) reversed or 'turned over' without the 'g' (good)"} {"Clue":"Beg new worker to fill post (9)","Answer":"PANHANDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Beg\nN (new) HAND (worker) in or 'filling' PALE (post)"} {"Clue":"To begin with, eggs are somewhat traditional, eaten regularly now? (6)","Answer":"EASTER","Explanation":"Definition: now?\nFirst letters or 'beginnings' of Eggs Are Somewhat Traditional Eaten Regularly"} {"Clue":"Group of witches meeting round wood somewhere in London (8,6)","Answer":"COVENTRY STREET","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in London\nCOVEN (group of witches) + TRYST (meeting) round TREE (wood)"} {"Clue":"Chocolate sweets, ice cream and a hot cake? (4,5)","Answer":"DROP SCONE","Explanation":"Definition: hot cake\nDROPS (chocolate treats) CONE (ice cream)"} {"Clue":"On a high after joints in party? (5-2)","Answer":"KNEES-UP","Explanation":"Definition: party\nUP (on a high) after KNEES (joints)"} {"Clue":"How to cause anger \u2013 smoke in church (7)","Answer":"INCENSE","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Major roads going north, crossing motorway (7)","Answer":"SEMINAL","Explanation":"Definition: Major\nLANES (roads) reversed or 'going north' round or 'crossing MI\u00a0(motorway)"} {"Clue":"Warning \u2013 snooker cue's useless with this (3-3)","Answer":"TIP-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Warning\nA snooker cue would be useless if its TIP were to come OFF"} {"Clue":"Burning a tree on 4th of November (5)","Answer":"AFIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Burning\nA FIR (tree) E (fourth letter in 'November')"} {"Clue":"You and I stood against malicious pest (6)","Answer":"WEEVIL","Explanation":"Definition: pest\nWE (you and I) EVIL (malicious)"} {"Clue":"Move fast when making bitch brunch? (3,3,2)","Answer":"RUN FOR IT","Explanation":"Definition: Move fast\nIf you substitute RUN in 'brunch' FOR IT, you get 'bitch'"} {"Clue":"The second person exchanged euros for investment in career reversal (8)","Answer":"YOURSELF","Explanation":"Definition: The second person\nAn anagram of EUROS (anagrind is 'exchanged') 'invested' in FLY (career, as in move quickly) reversed"} {"Clue":"Still one might add no good making prayers late in the day (4,2)","Answer":"EVEN SO","Explanation":"Definition: Still\nEVENSO~~ng~~ (prayers late in the day) with 'ng' (no good) omitted"} {"Clue":"Music group regularly boycotted by tenor (5)","Answer":"OCTET","Explanation":"Definition: Music group\nAlternate or 'regular' letters of bOyCoTtEd + T (tenor)"} {"Clue":"Acts for publicity purposes involved sauciness (9)","Answer":"ISSUANCES","Explanation":"Definition: Acts for publicity purposes\nAn anagram of SAUCINESS \u2013 anagrind is 'involved'"} {"Clue":"Showed sign of injury and with no sham walked unsteadily (4)","Answer":"BLED","Explanation":"Definition: Showed sign of injury\n~~sham~~BLED (walked unsteadily) without 'sham'"} {"Clue":"Heroic tales and illustrations on the net? (5)","Answer":"EPICS","Explanation":"Definition: Heroic tales\nIllustrations on the internet could be described as E-PICS"} {"Clue":"Put in post without a penny paid out (4)","Answer":"SENT","Explanation":"Definition: Put in post\nS~~p~~ENT (paid out) without 'p' (penny)"} {"Clue":"Appearances after the eclipse when some siren goes off (9)","Answer":"EMERSIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Appearances after the eclipse\nAn anagram of SOME SIREN \u2013 anagrind is 'goes off'"} {"Clue":"Around big top when adult chucks us out (5)","Answer":"CIRCA","Explanation":"Definition: Around\nCIRC~~us~~ (big top) with A (adult) replacing or 'chucking out' 'us'"} {"Clue":"King Priam's wife from The Isle Of Man? (6)","Answer":"HECUBA","Explanation":"Definition: King Priam's wife\nThe Isle is CUBA and the Man is HE"} {"Clue":"He lurks by a river, around the hollow. Run! (8)","Answer":"LOITERER","Explanation":"Definition: He lurks\nLOIRE (river) around T~~h~~E (without the middle letter, or 'hollow') + R (run)"} {"Clue":"Unmelodious tango, if not full of energy (8)","Answer":"TUNELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Unmelodious\nT (tango) UNLESS (if not) round or 'full of' E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Consumers see energy providers squandering capital (6)","Answer":"EATERS","Explanation":"Definition: Consumers\n~~h~~EATERS (energy providers) without or 'squandering' the first or 'capital' letter"} {"Clue":"Courageous and terrible choice after Capulet's leader goes for Romeo (6)","Answer":"HEROIC","Explanation":"Definition: Courageous\nAn anagram of CHOI~~c~~E with the 'c' (first letter or 'leader' of 'Capulet') replaced by R (Romeo) \u2013 anagrind is 'terrible'"} {"Clue":"Dropping from the eaves after rook flies above one? (8)","Answer":"OVERHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: above one?\nOVERHEA~~r~~D (eaves-dropping) with the 'r' (rook) omitted or 'flying' \u2013 we're not really sure about 'dropping from the eaves' as a substitute for 'eaves-dropping'"} {"Clue":"With sun, vegetable is obviously thriving (5)","Answer":"SLEEK","Explanation":"Definition: obviously thriving\nS (sun) LEEK (vegetable) \u2013 a new meaning for us"} {"Clue":"Sponsor families in order to show a competent attitude (15)","Answer":"PROFESSIONALISM","Explanation":"Definition: competent attitude\nAn anagram of SPONSOR FAMILIES \u2013 anagrind is 'in order'"} {"Clue":"Vernon after a close shave comes up with an adventure when asked for (2,7)","Answer":"ON REQUEST","Explanation":"Definition: when asked for\n~~v~~ERNO~~n~~ with the first and last letters omitted, or 'shaved' and reversed or 'coming up' + QUEST (adventure)"} {"Clue":"One Asian after kick-off sped around European (6)","Answer":"KOREAN","Explanation":"Definition: One Asian\nKO (kick-off) RAN (sped off) around E (European)"} {"Clue":"Energy and current after second time is the same, scientist discovered (8)","Answer":"EINSTEIN","Explanation":"Definition: scientist discovered\nE (energy) IN (current) repeated, or 'is the same' after S (second) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Resolved to accept thanks on return, being loyal (9)","Answer":"DEDICATED","Explanation":"Definition: loyal\nDECIDED (resolved) round or 'accepting' TA (thanks) all reversed or 'on return'"} {"Clue":"To prepare for exercise, member's perfect somersaulting (6,2)","Answer":"LIMBER UP","Explanation":"Definition: To prepare for exercise\nLIMB (member) + PURE (perfect) reversed or 'somersaulting'"} {"Clue":"What's needed to climb fence going up over the top \u2013 have stab at it with this? (8)","Answer":"STILETTO","Explanation":"Definition: have stab at it with this?\nSTILE (what's needed to climb fence) OTT (over the top) reversed or 'going up'"} {"Clue":"Boy is oddly rueful on Scottish mountain (6)","Answer":"REUBEN","Explanation":"Definition: Boy\nAlternate or 'odd' letters of RuEfUl + BEN (Scottish mountain)"} {"Clue":"Church that's sinister and full of spirits (6)","Answer":"CHEERY","Explanation":"Definition: full of spirits\nCH (church) EERY (sinister)"} {"Clue":"Show pleasure when cycling for a long distance (5)","Answer":"MILES","Explanation":"Definition: a long distance\nSMILE (show pleasure) with the 's' 'cycling' from front to back"} {"Clue":"Snatch some sleep with coming back inside (6)","Answer":"KIDNAP","Explanation":"Definition: Snatch\nKIP (some sleep) around AND (with) reversed or 'coming back'"} {"Clue":"Drink put down after solemn manoeuvres (5,6)","Answer":"LEMON SQUASH","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nQUASH (put down) after an anagram of SOLEMN \u2013 anagrind is 'manoeuvres'"} {"Clue":"State poll: Republican victory, ultimately (7)","Answer":"COUNTRY","Explanation":"Definition: State\nCOUNT (poll) R (Republican) Y (last or 'ultimate' letter of 'victory')"} {"Clue":"Symbol of rank \u2013 encourage version to replace latest in use (7)","Answer":"CHEVRON","Explanation":"Definition: Symbol of rank\nV (version) replacing 'e' (last or 'latest' letter of 'use') in CHE~~e~~R ON (encourage)"} {"Clue":"Officer posted to secure gear at sea (8)","Answer":"SERGEANT","Explanation":"Definition: Officer\nSENT (posted) round or 'securing' an anagram of GEAR \u2013 anagrind is 'at sea'"} {"Clue":"Top performer absorbs the old example of stamina (6)","Answer":"STAYER","Explanation":"Definition: example of stamina\nSTAR (top performer) round or 'absorbing' YE ('the old')"} {"Clue":"Vital knowledge extends beyond this presentation (4)","Answer":"TALK","Explanation":"Definition: presentation\nHidden in 'viTAL Knowledge'"} {"Clue":"Old man again not to be shifted from part of South America (10)","Answer":"PATAGONIAN","Explanation":"Definition: from part of South America\nPA (old man) + anagram of AGAIN NOT \u2013 anagrind is 'to be shifted'"} {"Clue":"Star's bust given odd treatment around end of movie? Most mysterious (10)","Answer":"ABSTRUSEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most mysterious\nAn anagram of STARS BUST (anagrind is 'given odd treatment') round E (last letter or 'end' of 'movie')"} {"Clue":"Threat to forest study abstracted from arboreal item (4)","Answer":"FIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Threat to forest\nFIR ~~con~~E (arboreal item) with 'con' (study) omitted or 'abstracted'"} {"Clue":"Right year to include volume in review (6)","Answer":"SURVEY","Explanation":"Definition: review\nSURE (right) Y (year) round or 'including' V (volume)"} {"Clue":"Mad scientists in book placed article inside computer networks (8)","Answer":"LAPUTANS","Explanation":"Definition: Mad scientists in book\nPUT (placed) A (article) in LANS (computer networks). We had vague memories of the Laputans, but weren't sure where they came from \u2013 for anyone else with a similar uncertain recollection \u2013 they live on a flying island in *Gulliver's Travels."} {"Clue":"Study cut that's kept back supply of coal? (7)","Answer":"EXAMINE","Explanation":"Definition: Study\nAXE (cut) reversed or 'kept back' + MINE (supply of coal?)"} {"Clue":"Subgroup of the French not participating in erotic activity (7)","Answer":"SECTION","Explanation":"Definition: Subgroup\nSE~~du~~CTION (erotic activity) with 'du' (French for 'of') omitted or 'not participating'"} {"Clue":"Revamped stage degree put together again (11)","Answer":"DESEGREGATE","Explanation":"Definition: put together again\nAn anagram of STAGE DEGREE \u2013 anagrind is 'revamped'"} {"Clue":"Abandons stimulant? (5)","Answer":"KICKS","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Tattoos \u2013 odd source of rumpus in children's toys (4,5)","Answer":"DRUM ROLLS","Explanation":"Definition: Tattoos\nRUM (odd) R (first letter or 'source' of 'rumpus') in DOLLS (children's toys)"} {"Clue":"Young animals, comparatively small, left to escape (6)","Answer":"LITTER","Explanation":"Definition: Young animals\nLITT~~l~~ER (comparatively small) with 'l' (left) omitted or 'escaped'"} {"Clue":"Dressing \u2013 that may be involved in amnesia, unfortunately (10)","Answer":"MAYONNAISE","Explanation":"Definition: Dressing\nYON (that) 'involved' in an anagram of AMNESIA \u2013 anagrind is 'unfortunately'"} {"Clue":"Act in ways that could land you here? (4)","Answer":"NICK","Explanation":"Definition: here\nIf you were to NICK (steal) something you could end up in the NICK (jail)"} {"Clue":"Quite wrong about singular working dispute (8)","Answer":"QUESTION","Explanation":"Definition: dispute\nAn anagram of QUITE (anagrind is 'wrong') round S (singular) + ON (working)"} {"Clue":"Gunners replacing third of military force in display (5)","Answer":"ARRAY","Explanation":"Definition: display\nRA (Royal Artillery \u2013 gunners) replacing the third letter of AR~~m~~Y (military force)"} {"Clue":"Man finally entering competition after back problem (9)","Answer":"HINDRANCE","Explanation":"Definition: problem\nN (last or 'final' letter of 'man') in RACE (competition) after HIND (back)"} {"Clue":"Organise main prison in nineteenth century London (10)","Answer":"MARSHALSEA","Explanation":"Definition: prison in nineteenth century London\nMARSHAL (organise) SEA (main)"} {"Clue":"Go beyond answer about to be encountered in course (9)","Answer":"TRANSCEND","Explanation":"Definition: Go beyond\nANS (answer) C (circa \u2013 about) 'encountered' in TREND (course)"} {"Clue":"Copying cartoon, omitting article, then including it (9)","Answer":"IMITATION","Explanation":"Definition: Copying\n~~an~~IMATION (cartoon) omitting 'an' (article) round or 'including' IT"} {"Clue":"Producing book and associated activity, we hear (8)","Answer":"BREEDING","Explanation":"Definition: Producing\nB (book) + a homonym ('we hear') of READING (associated activity)"} {"Clue":"Thrust of half of my cryptic clues (6)","Answer":"MUSCLE","Explanation":"Definition: Thrust \nM (half of 'my') + an anagram of CLUES \u2013 anagrind is 'cryptic'"} {"Clue":"One occupying bars \u2013 shouldn't then drive here? (5)","Answer":"ROADS","Explanation":"Definition: drive here?\nA (one) occupying RODS (bars)"} {"Clue":"Dawn, revealing some characters in Greece? (5)","Answer":"SUNUP","Explanation":"Definition: Dawn\nNUS (characters from Greece) reversed or UP"} {"Clue":"Mega-lake, not one pool (4)","Answer":"MERE","Explanation":"Definition: pool\nM (mega) ER~~i~~E (lake) without 'I' (one)"} {"Clue":"Knife from Switzerland, ultimately made in China (7)","Answer":"MACHETE","Explanation":"Definition: Knife\nCH (Switzerland) ~~mad~~E (last or 'ultimate' letter) in MATE (china)"} {"Clue":"16A 12A of type found in print these days (7)","Answer":"ROMANCE","Explanation":"Definition: 16A 12A\nROMAN (font, or 'type found in print') CE (common era \u2013 'these days')"} {"Clue":"Dressed as college boy (4)","Answer":"CLAD","Explanation":"Definition: Dressed\nC (college) LAD (boy)"} {"Clue":"16A 12A in which stubborn English king gets screwed? (10)","Answer":"BONKBUSTER","Explanation":"Definition: 16A 12A\nAn anagram of STUBBORN E (English) K (king) \u2013 anagrind is 'gets screwed'"} {"Clue":"Kind of news to note (5)","Answer":"GENRE","Explanation":"Definition: Kind\nGEN (news) RE (note)"} {"Clue":"Fergus, a fellow that's spoilt his vote? (8)","Answer":"SUFFRAGE","Explanation":"Definition: his vote\nAn anagram of FERGUS A F (fellow) \u2013 anagrind is 'spoilt'"} {"Clue":"Criminal tendency (4)","Answer":"BENT","Explanation":"Definition: Criminal\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Ground-breaking North London dwelling place? (5)","Answer":"NOVEL","Explanation":"Definition: Ground-breaking\nN (north) 'OVEL ('hovel' \u2013 dwelling place \u2013 pronounced as it might be in London, dropping the 'h')"} {"Clue":"Short reading for one in the nick (4)","Answer":"CURT","Explanation":"Definition: Short\nR (reading \u2013 one of the three Rs) in CUT (nick)"} {"Clue":"Break of 19 by male or female (8)","Answer":"INTERVAL","Explanation":"Definition: Break\nINTER (entomb \u2013 19d) VAL (name that can be either male or female)"} {"Clue":"16A 12A with second chapter providing something imaginary (3-2)","Answer":"SCI-FI","Explanation":"Definition: 16A 12A\nS (second) C (chapter) IF (providing) I (something imaginary \u2013 the square root of -1)"} {"Clue":"Length given to note in second part (10)","Answer":"INSTALMENT","Explanation":"Definition: part\nL (length) ME (note) in INSTANT (second)"} {"Clue":"Christopher Lee's wingless plane (4)","Answer":"KITE","Explanation":"Definition: plane\nKIT (Christopher) ~~l~~E~~e~~ (without the first and last letters, or 'wingless')"} {"Clue":"16A 12A with many stripped off for war (7)","Answer":"CRIMEAN","Explanation":"Definition: war\nCRIME (a 'novel genre' \u2013 the theme, 16A 12A) + ~~m~~AN~~y~~ without the first and last letters, or 'stripped off'"} {"Clue":"Affected liberal writing style (7)","Answer":"BRAILLE","Explanation":"Definition: writing style\nAn anagram of LIBERAL \u2013 anagrind is 'affected'"} {"Clue":"16A 12A \u2013 it's hard to believe it could involve a short story (4,4)","Answer":"TALL TALE","Explanation":"Definition: 16A 12A\nCryptic definition \u2013 a TALL TALE could be said to be the opposite of a 'short story'"} {"Clue":"16A 12A featuring dog with tail moving centrally during wag (8)","Answer":"WHODUNIT","Explanation":"Definition: 16A 12A\nHOUND (dog) with the last letter or 'tail' moving to the middle, in WIT (wag)"} {"Clue":"Extremely short story, female having fled the Trotters' home (6)","Answer":"STABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Trotters' home\nS~~hor~~T (first and last letters or 'extremes') ~~f~~ABLE (story) with the 'f' (female) omitted or 'having fled'"} {"Clue":"Iffy party, but drunk and mostly satisfied (8)","Answer":"DOUBTFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Iffy\nDO (party) + an anagram of BUT (anagrind is 'drunk') + FUL~~l~~ ('satisfied' without the last letter or 'mostly')"} {"Clue":"Rope essential to GB Shaw's erotica (6)","Answer":"HAWSER","Explanation":"Definition: Rope\nHidden in ('essential to') 'SHAW'S ERotica'"} {"Clue":"Spots odd bits of balconies are missing (4)","Answer":"ACNE","Explanation":"Definition: Spots\n~~b~~A~~l~~C~~o~~N~~i~~E~~s~~ with alternate letters or 'odd bits' missing"} {"Clue":"Poet with six lines on what's essential to every state capital (9)","Answer":"NASHVILLE","Explanation":"Definition: state capital\nNASH (poet) VI (six) LL (lines) + E~~very~~ (first or 'essential' letter)"} {"Clue":"Common 16A 12A (5)","Answer":"GREEN","Explanation":"Definition: Common\nAn anagram of GENRE (12A) \u2013 anagrind is 'novel' (16A)"} {"Clue":"Writer using alternative spelling of Drakensberg or Kilimanjaro (5)","Answer":"GORKI","Explanation":"Definition: Writer using alternative spelling\nHidden in, or part 'of' DrakensburG OR KIlimanjaro \u2013 the refernce to 'alternative spelling' is that his name is more often spelt 'Gorky'"} {"Clue":"16A 12A in which partners eat duck, heading off before everything comes back up (8)","Answer":"NOVELLAS","Explanation":"Definition: 16A 12A\nN and S (partners in bridge) round or 'eating' ~~l~~OVE (duck, without the first letter or 'heading') and ALL (everything) reversed or 'coming back up'"} {"Clue":"16A 12A in which yokel is seduced by literary companion (5,3)","Answer":"CHICK LIT","Explanation":"Definition: 16A 12A\nHICK (yokel) in or 'seduced by' C LIT (Companion of Literature). We wonder if Hob was persuaded to use this definition of the insertion rather than the more risqu\u00e9 but obvious one?"} {"Clue":"Bury a little kitten (tom, Burmese) (6)","Answer":"ENTOMB","Explanation":"Definition: Bury\nHidden in or 'a little' of 'kittEN TOM Burmese'"} {"Clue":"16A 12A in which English girl's mounted (6)","Answer":"SATIRE","Explanation":"Definition: 16A 12A\nE (English) RITA'S (girl's) reversed or 'mounted'"} {"Clue":"Fate of One Direction, if Hobson's choice? (4)","Answer":"NORN","Explanation":"Definition: Fate\nN (north) OR N (north) \u2013 Hobson's choice of only one direction"} {"Clue":"High-level meeting? Problem with it being disrupted by millions (6)","Answer":"SUMMIT","Explanation":"Definition: High-level meeting\nSUM (problem) IT round or 'disrupted by' M (millions)"} {"Clue":"Unexpectedly meet tramp with piebald horse (4,4)","Answer":"BUMP INTO","Explanation":"Definition: Unexpectedly meet\nBUM (tramp) PINTO (piebald horse)"} {"Clue":"Singer getting break, appearing on theatre poster namely (6,7)","Answer":"BILLIE HOLIDAY","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\nHOLIDAY (break) after BILL (theatre poster) IE (namely)"} {"Clue":"Scottish town showing \"American in Paris\"? (8)","Answer":"HAMILTON","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish town\nAM (American) in HILTON (Paris Hilton) \u2013 home to the wonderfully named Academical football team"} {"Clue":"Unusually large Welsh woman, narrator of poem (6)","Answer":"OSSIAN","Explanation":"Definition: narrator of poem\nOS (outsize \u2013 unusually large) SIAN (Welsh woman)"} {"Clue":"Complaint by thespian about new 'angel' (10)","Answer":"BENEFACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: 'angel'\nBEEF (complaint) ACTOR (thespian) round N (new)"} {"Clue":"Greasy piece of lace daughter dropped (4)","Answer":"OILY","Explanation":"Definition: Greasy\n~~d~~OILY (piece of lace) with 'd' (daughter) omitted or 'dropped'"} {"Clue":"Note Carpenters' first success (4)","Answer":"CHIT","Explanation":"Definition: Note\nC (first letter of 'Carpenters') HIT (success)"} {"Clue":"Great Tudors out to recruit English soldiers (10)","Answer":"TREMENDOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Great\nAn anagram of TUDORS (anagrind is 'out') round or 'recruiting' E (English) MEN (soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Region to the west occupied by a governor once (6)","Answer":"SATRAP","Explanation":"Definition: governor once\nPARTS (region) reversed ('to the west') round ('occupied by') A"} {"Clue":"Given permanent position, replacement editor's content (8)","Answer":"CEMENTED","Explanation":"Definition: Given permanent position\nHidden in (content) 'replaCEMENT EDitor's'"} {"Clue":"Keen on a place to meet round island in part of New York (7,6)","Answer":"MADISON AVENUE","Explanation":"Definition: part of New York\nMAD (keen) ON A VENUE (place to meet) round IS (island)"} {"Clue":"Smartphones misused by dad? No sir! (8)","Answer":"ANDROIDS","Explanation":"Definition: Smartphones\nAn anagram of DAD NO SIR \u2013 anagrind is 'misused'"} {"Clue":"Nevertheless, church service is only three-quarters complete (4,2)","Answer":"EVEN SO","Explanation":"Definition: Nevertheless\nEVENSO~~ng~~ (church service) missing the last two letters ('three-quarters complete')"} {"Clue":"Resentment, not originally speechless anger (7)","Answer":"UMBRAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Resentment\n~~d~~UMB (speechless) without the first letter or 'not originally' RAGE (anger)"} {"Clue":"Single bit of money will support factory girl (9)","Answer":"MILLICENT","Explanation":"Definition: girl\nI (single) CENT (bit of money) after ('supporting' in a down clue)\u00a0MILL (factory)"} {"Clue":"Trace of contamination from certain toxins (5)","Answer":"TAINT","Explanation":"Definition: Trace of contamination\nHidden in 'cerTAIN Toxins'"} {"Clue":"Supporting acts maybe not seen publicly (6,3,6)","Answer":"BEHIND THE SCENES","Explanation":"Definition: not seen publicly\nBEHIND (supporting) THE SCENES (acts, as in a play \u2013 'scene 1, act 1' etc)"} {"Clue":"A port for the PM (9)","Answer":"MELBOURNE","Explanation":"Definition: A port\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"River in northernmost part of Delaware, America (5)","Answer":"INDUS","Explanation":"Definition: River\nIN D \u2013 first letter or 'northernmost part' (in a down clue) of Delaware + US (America)"} {"Clue":"Solitary sort mislaying old part of rigging (7)","Answer":"TRYSAIL","Explanation":"Definition: part of rigging\nAn anagram of S~~o~~LITARY without or 'mislaying' 'o' (old) \u2013 anagrind is 'sort'"} {"Clue":"Advise sparkling wine with an hors d'oeuvre assortment (9)","Answer":"ANTIPASTI","Explanation":"Definition: hors d'oeuvre assortment\nTIP (advise) ASTI (sparkling wine) after AN"} {"Clue":"Row behind back of steamer in choppy ocean, as a rule (9)","Answer":"ORDINANCE","Explanation":"Definition: rule\nDIN (row) behind R (last letter or 'back' of 'steamer') in an anagram of OCEAN \u2013 anagrind is 'choppy'"} {"Clue":"Leader had name changed (7)","Answer":"HEADMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Leader\nAn anagram of HAD NAME \u2013 anagrind is 'changed'"} {"Clue":"Ineffective advice for drug addicts? (7)","Answer":"USELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Ineffective\nDrug addicts might be advised to USE LESS"} {"Clue":"Equestrian's condition (5)","Answer":"RIDER","Explanation":"Definition: Equestrian\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Film shows military leader taking over less than half of Vietnam (5)","Answer":"MOVIE","Explanation":"Definition: Film\nM (first letter or 'leader' of 'military') O (over) less than half of VIEtnam"} {"Clue":"Coach players to run (6)","Answer":"MENTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Coach\nMEN (players) TO R (run)"} {"Clue":"Let me think? Drug addict to keep loan-shark (6)","Answer":"USURER","Explanation":"Definition: loan-shark\nUR ('let me think') in or 'kept by' USER (drug addict)"} {"Clue":"Ball over the line? It's given here! (7)","Answer":"BROTHEL","Explanation":"Definition: It's given here\nORB (ball) reversed or 'over' THE L (line)"} {"Clue":"Recognised opportunity at the end \u2013 brothers Jack and Bobby both shot (7)","Answer":"KENNEDY","Explanation":"Definition: brothers Jack and Bobby both shot\nKENNED (recognised) Y (last letter or 'end' of 'opportunity')"} {"Clue":"Where strikers go in game: areas around goals (10)","Answer":"MATCHBOXES","Explanation":"Definition: Where strikers go\nMATCH (game) BOXES (areas around goal)"} {"Clue":"Hunt and Banks for Moore to take 10 (4)","Answer":"MEET","Explanation":"Definition: Hunt\nM~~oor~~E (first and last letters or 'banks') + ET (extra time \u2013 10d)"} {"Clue":"Sound German organisation and nothing on scoreboard? (5)","Answer":"AUDIO","Explanation":"Definition: Sound \nAUDI (German 'organisation') O (nothing) \u2013 'on scoreboard' seems superfluous, but keeps the theme going"} {"Clue":"Two bits of rabbit food? (8)","Answer":"RADISHES","Explanation":"Definition: bits of rabbit food?\nCryptic definition: RA (first two letters or 'bits' of 'rabbit') DISHES (food)"} {"Clue":"What for Beckenbauer also makes a team? (5)","Answer":"WASPS","Explanation":"Definition: a team\nWAS (German for 'what') PS (postscript \u2013 also \u2013 stretching it a bit?)"} {"Clue":"Man to run out victor (4)","Answer":"HERO","Explanation":"Definition: victor\nHE (man) RO (run out)"} {"Clue":"Study of population to show variable on plot (10)","Answer":"DEMOGRAPHY","Explanation":"Definition: Study of population\nDEMO (show) Y (variable) after or 'on' GRAPH (plot)"} {"Clue":"Swallow half of drink nursing rest (7)","Answer":"BELIEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Swallow\nBEVE~~rage~~ (drink) half omitted round or 'nursing' LIE (rest)"} {"Clue":"Spectators dislike German taking five steps forward (7)","Answer":"GALLERY","Explanation":"Definition: Spectators\nALLERGY (dislike) with the 'G' moved five steps forward"} {"Clue":"Extremely clever to drop footballer? Not at the start (6)","Answer":"SAGEST","Explanation":"Definition: Extremely clever\nSAG (drop) ~~b~~EST (George Best with the first letter or 'start' omitted)"} {"Clue":"Jimmy repeatedly cut grass (3-3)","Answer":"WEE-WEE","Explanation":"Definition: Jimmy\nWEE~~d~~ (grass) with the last letter 'cut', then repeated"} {"Clue":"Wind in the morning upset girl (5)","Answer":"MARIA","Explanation":"Definition: girl\nAIR (wind) AM (morning) reversed or 'upset'"} {"Clue":"Saw state of unfinished cake? (7)","Answer":"NOTICED","Explanation":"Definition: Saw\nNOT ICED \u2013 an unfinished cake would perhaps not be iced"} {"Clue":"Dealing with fan? Number excessive (9)","Answer":"OVERBLOWN","Explanation":"Definition: excessive\nOVER (dealing with) BLOW (fan) N (number)"} {"Clue":"Stiles dancing? (5)","Answer":"STEPS","Explanation":"Definition: Stiles\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Calls again concerning war on drugs (7)","Answer":"RENAMES","Explanation":"Definition: Calls again\nRE (concerning) NAM (the Vietnam war) ES (drugs)"} {"Clue":"Saviours! Russian linesman essentially met Ramsey regularly for recollection (9)","Answer":"REDEEMERS","Explanation":"Definition: Saviours\nRED (Russian) + an anagram of ES (middle or 'essential' letters of 'linESman'), and alternate or 'regular' letters of mEt RaMsEy \u2013 anagrind is 'for recollection'"} {"Clue":"Minutes remaining \u2013 match over after this? (5,4)","Answer":"EXTRA TIME","Explanation":"Definition: match over after this?\nEXTRA (remaining) TIME (minutes)"} {"Clue":"Cries have fired up winners (9)","Answer":"ACHIEVERS","Explanation":"Definition: winners\nAn anagram of CRIES HAVE \u2013 anagrind is 'fired up'"} {"Clue":"Losing? Serious? Germany is very humble (9)","Answer":"DOWNGRADE","Explanation":"Definition: humble\nDOWN (losing) GRA~~v~~E (serious) with the 'v' (very) replaced by D (Germany)"} {"Clue":"Checking Wilson's poor header for goal (7)","Answer":"SLOWING","Explanation":"Definition: Checking\nAn anagram of WILSON (anagrind is 'poor\") + G (first letter or 'header' of 'goal')"} {"Clue":"\"As a cross comes down \u2026\", Martin Peters describes victory (7-5)","Answer":"SWALLOW-DIVES","Explanation":"Definition: As a cross comes down\nSWALLOW (Martin \u2013 the bird) DIES (peters, as in 'peters out') round or 'describing' V (victory)"} {"Clue":"Hurst set to play with Cohen: it bears fruit (5,8)","Answer":"HORSE CHESTNUT","Explanation":"Definition: it bears fruit \nAn anagram of HURST SET and COHEN \u2013 anagrind is 'play'"} {"Clue":"Six tours sadly come to nothing for top player (8)","Answer":"VIRTUOSO","Explanation":"Definition: top player\nVI (six) plus an anagram of TOURS (anagrind is 'sadly') O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Fiat oddly parked behind vehicle by junction (6)","Answer":"CARFAX","Explanation":"Definition: junction\nOdd letters of FiAt behind CAR (vehicle) X (by)"} {"Clue":"Cabinet backs section of Companies Act (4)","Answer":"CASE","Explanation":"Definition: Cabinet\nHidden and reversed or 'backed' in the clue \u2013 'companiES ACt'"} {"Clue":"Doctor inserts wad in poor condition (10)","Answer":"TAWDRINESS","Explanation":"Definition: poor condition\nAn anagram of INSERTS WAD\u00a0(anagrind is 'doctor')"} {"Clue":"It nips William, say, right on the rear (6)","Answer":"PINCER","Explanation":"Definition: It nips\nPRINCE (William for example) moving R (right) to the end or 'rear'"} {"Clue":"Malleable ring twisted around cube (8)","Answer":"OBEDIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Malleable\nO (ring) BENT (twisted) around DIE (cube)"} {"Clue":"Two metals generate dirt (7)","Answer":"SCANDAL","Explanation":"Definition: dirt\nSC AND AL (scandium and aluminium \u2013 two metals)"} {"Clue":"It's read to divine crook in Bow (3,4)","Answer":"TEA LEAF","Explanation":"Definition: It's read\nTea leaves are sometimes 'read' by 'fortune tellers' and TEA LEAF is Cockney rhyming slang for thief. I do think it would be hard for to work out your future though with one tea leaf \u2013 or maybe they can!"} {"Clue":"I refuse to accept bird's name (8)","Answer":"IDENTITY","Explanation":"Definition: name\nI DENY (refuse) around or 'accepting' TIT (bird). A Case of Identity was one of 13d's short stories."} {"Clue":"Fox hounds bay (6)","Answer":"HUDSON","Explanation":"Definition: bay\nAn anagram of HOUNDS (anagrind is 'fox')"} {"Clue":"Developer forged payroll log (10)","Answer":"PYROGALLOL","Explanation":"Definition: Developer\nAn anagram of PAYROLL LOG (anagrind is 'forged'). We have to admit to using a word search for this \u2013 we'd not heard of the developer used by photographers."} {"Clue":"To which 22 Down applied \"His Last Bow\"? (6)","Answer":"VIOLIN","Explanation":"A play on the fact that Holmes was an accomplished violinist. He owned a Stradivari \u2013 perhaps we should highlight 8ac as another thematic link! The last Bow was one of 13's short story collections."} {"Clue":"Spotted group, a 10 for 22 Down (8,4)","Answer":"SPECKLED BAND","Explanation":"Definition: 10 for 22 Down\nSPECKLED (spotted) BAND\u00a0(group) was one of Holmes' cases."} {"Clue":"Without it, sailor may be a victim, sick with navy (7,1)","Answer":"VITAMIN C","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 a play on the fact that on long voyages sailors developed scurvy without it. It's also an anagram of A VICTIM and N (navy) \u2013 anagrind is 'sick'."} {"Clue":"Something troubling your eyelid primarily (4)","Answer":"STYE","Explanation":"Another cryptic definition \u2013 first or 'primary' letters of Something Troubling Your Eyelid"} {"Clue":"Fiddle with cross erected over court (6)","Answer":"DOCTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Fiddle with\nROOD (cross) reversed or 'erected' as it's a down clue around CT (court)"} {"Clue":"Part of Croydon or court in centre of Dundee (7)","Answer":"NORWOOD","Explanation":"Definition: Part of Croydon\nOR WOO (court) in ND\u00a0~~N OR D~~ (middle letters of Dundee). *Thanks "} {"Clue":"Director, not quite 20, sees cast (8)","Answer":"SCORSESE","Explanation":"Definition: Director\nSCOR~~e~~ (twenty) without last letter or 'almost' and an anagram of SEES (anagrind is 'cast')"} {"Clue":"Assassin was at the front, honest! (10)","Answer":"PRINCIPLED","Explanation":"Definition: honest\nThis was our LOI which we guessed from the definition and the fact that it ended with LED\u00a0(was at the front) but we did not remember who assassinated Archduke Franz Fedinand."} {"Clue":"Events guide hard going for 22 Down's amanuensis (6)","Answer":"WATSON","Explanation":"Definition: 22 Down's amanuensis\nW~~h~~AT'S ON (events guide) with 'h' (hard) omitted or 'going'"} {"Clue":"Firm line adopted by annoyed comic author (5,5)","Answer":"CONAN DOYLE","Explanation":"Definition: author\nCO (firm) + L inside or 'adopted by' an anagram of ANNOYED (anagrind is 'comic')."} {"Clue":"Flyers provided with a uniform in a clapped-out van (8)","Answer":"AVIFAUNA","Explanation":"Definition: Flyers\nNot a word we knew but clear from the wordplay when we had a few crossing letters \u2013\u00a0IF (provided) A U (uniform) in A\u00a0and an anagram of VAN (anagrind is 'clapped out').\u00a0*Thanks to gwep for noticing the missing 'A'\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Chose article on famous houses at home (8)","Answer":"ANOINTED","Explanation":"Definition: Chose\nA (article) on NOTED (famous) around or 'housing'\u00a0IN (at home)"} {"Clue":"Fancy C-listers ringing Hoy for one! (7)","Answer":"CYCLIST","Explanation":"Definition: Hoy for one!\nHidden within the clue \u2013 'fanCY C-LISTers'. The cyclist is Sir Chris Hoy."} {"Clue":"Disgustingly dirty bottled whiskey that's typical of Wilde (3,3)","Answer":"DRY WIT","Explanation":"Definition: typical of Wilde\nAn anagram of DIRTY around or 'bottling' W (whiskey in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Sleuth mainly begins probing parts of course (6)","Answer":"HOLMES","Explanation":"Definition: Sleuth\nM (first letter or 'beginning' of 'mainly') inside or 'probing' HOLES (parts of course)"} {"Clue":"Sexton left out roast (4)","Answer":"BAKE","Explanation":"Definition: roast\nB~~l~~AKE (as in ) leaving out 'l' (left). The wiki article states that he has been called the 'poor man's Sherlock Holmes' \u2013 another thematic clue."} {"Clue":"Girl with hope offering father a piano in total? (7)","Answer":"PANDORA","Explanation":"Definition: Girl with hope\nWe can only guess at this one \u2013 our LOI \u2013 we think it must be PANDORA from the crossing letters, and the connection with 'Hope' \u2013 apparently the only thing left in her box when she closed it. As to the wordplay? Could it be P AND \/ OR A? \u2013 the two letters needed to make 'pa' (father) or 'a p' (a piano) \u2013 if so, why the 'or'?"} {"Clue":"Love lessened by accepting nothing of threats? (7)","Answer":"OMINOUS","Explanation":"Definition: of threats\nO (love) MINUS (lessened) round or 'accepting' O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Choir leader showing heart in crowd (11)","Answer":"PRECENTRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Choir leader\nCENTRE (heart) in PRESS (crowd) \u2013 a new word for us"} {"Clue":"Englishman disregarded English in verse (3)","Answer":"POM","Explanation":"Definition: Englishman\nPO~~e~~M (verse) 'disregarding' 'e' (English)"} {"Clue":"Increased economy regarding preparation of diamonds? (4-3)","Answer":"ROSE-CUT","Explanation":"Definition: preparation of diamonds? \nROSE (increased) CUT (economy)"} {"Clue":"Satisfied returning a touch of paint with time \u2013 this paint? (7)","Answer":"TEMPERA","Explanation":"Definition: this paint?\nMET (satisfied) reversed or 'returning' + P (first letter or 'a touch of' paint) ERA (time)"} {"Clue":"Empty racket about Tracey Emin, say (5)","Answer":"DRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Empty\nDIN (racket) round RA (Artist, such as Tracey Emin, although some would argue with that title for her!)"} {"Clue":"One dismissed from principal staff (3)","Answer":"MAN","Explanation":"Definition: staff\nMA~~i~~N (principle) with the 'I' (one) omitted or 'dismissed'"} {"Clue":"Recalled desire to embrace short fellow, clinging (5)","Answer":"NEEDY","Explanation":"Definition: clinging\nYEN (desire) reversed or 'recalled' round or 'embracing' ED ('short fellow')"} {"Clue":"Force lessens in spray? (7)","Answer":"FLOWERS","Explanation":"Definition: spray\nF (force) LOWERS (lessens)"} {"Clue":"Part of window-frame majority rotated and revolved internally (7)","Answer":"TRANSOM","Explanation":"Definition: Part of window-frame\nMOST (majority) reversed or 'rotated' with RAN (revolved) inside"} {"Clue":"Note return of 50% cut (3)","Answer":"LAH","Explanation":"Definition: Note\nHAL~~f~~ (50%) without the last letter or 'cut'"} {"Clue":"Marriage celebrations? Essence captured in a meal, cooked and given to one and all at the outset (11)","Answer":"EPITHALAMIA","Explanation":"Definition: Marriage celebrations\nPITH (essence) 'captured' in an anagram of A MEAL (anagrind is 'cooked') + I (one) and A (first letter or 'outset' of 'all') \u2013 another new word for us"} {"Clue":"Article endlessly cold \u2013 cold and sweet (7)","Answer":"ANGELIC","Explanation":"Definition: sweet\nAN (article) + GELI~~d~~ (cold) without the last letter or 'endless' + C (cold)"} {"Clue":"Wary about church offering focus on sex? (7)","Answer":"LECHERY","Explanation":"Definition: focus on sex\nLEERY (wary) about CH ( church)"} {"Clue":"Theatrical backers? One goes over sets (6)","Answer":"ANGELS","Explanation":"Definition: Theatrical backers\nAN (one) GELS (sets) \u2013 surprising to find two entries so similar (see 30d) with similar wordplay in the same puzzle \u2013 What is Phi playing at? What are we missing?"} {"Clue":"Nothing that's revolutionary in revolution? (4)","Answer":"LOVE","Explanation":"Definition: Nothing\nHidden ('in') and reversed ('revolutionary') in 'rEVOLution'"} {"Clue":"Busy employee reduced information given to corporation (8)","Answer":"FACTOTUM","Explanation":"Definition: Busy employee\nFAC~~t~~ (information) without the last letter or 'reduced' TO TUM (corporation)"} {"Clue":"Stop losing everybody in the wood (6)","Answer":"FOREST","Explanation":"Definition: wood\nFOREST~~all~~ (stop) without or 'losing' 'all' (everybody)"} {"Clue":"Excessive drinking decreases, Arab accepted (10)","Answer":"DIPSOMANIA","Explanation":"Definition: Excessive drinking\nDIPS (decreases) OMANI (Arab) A (accepted)"} {"Clue":"Swimmer encounters a little attachment to hose (8)","Answer":"CODPIECE","Explanation":"Definition: attachment to hose\nCOD (swimmer) + PIECE (a little)"} {"Clue":"Musician in support group finally allowed in (5)","Answer":"PIPER","Explanation":"Definition: Musician\nPIER (support) with P (last or 'final' letter of 'group') 'allowed in'"} {"Clue":"Girl following a lot of wrestling in a 19 (7)","Answer":"SUMMARY","Explanation":"Definition: in a 19\nMARY (girl) following SUM~~o~~ (wrestling) without the last letter or 'a lot of'"} {"Clue":"Propeller: article cast in gold (3)","Answer":"OAR","Explanation":"Definition: Propeller\nA (article) 'cast' in OR (gold)"} {"Clue":"Woman receiving elevation through astute use of footwear? (10)","Answer":"CINDERELLA","Explanation":"Definition: Woman receiving elevation through astute use of footwear?\nCryptic definition \u2013 referring to CINDERELLA's 'elevation' from a servant to a princess because the glass slipper fitted"} {"Clue":"Composer, mostly unable to appreciate music, about to collapse (2,5)","Answer":"DE FALLA","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nDEA~~f~~ (unable to appreciate music) without the last letter or 'mostly' around FALL (collapse). We'd never heard of this Spanish composer, but we're not up on classical music, so we have learnt something today."} {"Clue":"Short statement cut short disruption in business meeting (8)","Answer":"APOTHEGM","Explanation":"Definition: Short statement\nPOTHE~~r~~ (disruption) without the last letter or 'cut short' in AGM (business meeting) \u2013 yet another new word for us"} {"Clue":"Invalid to capture article about Society in so small a place? (8)","Answer":"NUTSHELL","Explanation":"Definition: so small a place?\nNULL (invalid) round or 'capturing' THE (article) round S (society)"} {"Clue":"Chamber group, not piano, not keeping line up (3)","Answer":"DUO","Explanation":"Definition: Chamber group,\n~~l~~OUD ('not piano' ie not quiet) without the 'l' (line) reversed or 'up'"} {"Clue":"Intelligence in school? That's a change (6)","Answer":"SWITCH","Explanation":"Definition: change\nWIT (intelligence) in SCH (school)"} {"Clue":"Everything simply reduced by 50% for the season (6)","Answer":"SUMMER","Explanation":"Definition: season\nSUM (everything) MER~~ely~~ (simply) 'reduced' by 50%"} {"Clue":"Offering a lot? The writer's about to dine (5)","Answer":"MEATY","Explanation":"Definition: Offering a lot\nMY (the writer's) around EAT (dine)"} {"Clue":"Line one in Conran novel (4)","Answer":"LACE","Explanation":"Definition: Conran novel\nL (line) ACE (one) \u2013 referring to the bonkbuster by Shirley Conran"} {"Clue":"US prosecutor probes car fire, just the outside burning (4-2-2)","Answer":"AUTO-DA-FE","Explanation":"Definition: burning\nDA (US prosecutor) in or 'probing' AUTO (car) F~~ir~~E (first and last, or 'outside' letters only)"} {"Clue":"Compiler's clothes stay in the same place (6)","Answer":"IBIDEM","Explanation":"Definition: in the same place\nI'M (compiler is) round or 'clothing' BIDE (stay)"} {"Clue":"Love to ridicule left-leaning writer (4)","Answer":"BIRO","Explanation":"Definition: writer\nO (love) RIB (ridicule) reversed or 'left-leaning'"} {"Clue":"Itchy feet stick together with nasty result (10)","Answer":"WANDERLUST","Explanation":"Definition: Itchy feet\nWAND (stick) + an anagram of RESULT \u2013 anagrind is 'nasty'"} {"Clue":"Commander's weapon's discharged tons (6)","Answer":"SHOGUN","Explanation":"Definition: Commander\nSHO~~t~~GUN (weapon) without or 'discharging' 't' (tons)"} {"Clue":"It's low, taking in unimportant person: a sucker (8)","Answer":"MOSQUITO","Explanation":"Definition: a sucker\nMOO (low) round or 'taking in' SQUIT (unimportant person)"} {"Clue":"Bread and cheese's eaten round Switzerland (7)","Answer":"BRIOCHE","Explanation":"Definition: Bread\nBRIE (cheese) round or 'eating' O (round)\u00a0CH (Switzerland)"} {"Clue":"Animal flesh cut into by queen, starter from kitchen (7)","Answer":"MEERKAT","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\nMEAT (flesh) round or 'cut into by' ER (queen) K (first letter or 'starter' of 'kitchen')"} {"Clue":"Run, in fear, over motorway a tiny distance (8)","Answer":"ANGSTROM","Explanation":"Definition: a tiny distance\nR (run) in ANGST (fear) O (over) M (motorway)"} {"Clue":"This spring will be hot, man announced (6)","Answer":"GEYSER","Explanation":"Definition: This spring will be hot\nA homonym (announced) of GEEZER (man)"} {"Clue":"\"Sprite\", lemonade \"in extremis\", and punch are drunk (10)","Answer":"LEPRECHAUN","Explanation":"Definition: Sprite\nL~~emonad~~E (first and last letters or 'extremes') + an anagram of PUNCH ARE \u2013 anagrind is 'drunk'"} {"Clue":"It's abominable being constrained by silly etiquette (4)","Answer":"YETI","Explanation":"Definition: It's abominable\nHidden or 'constrained' in sillY ETIquette"} {"Clue":"French department \u2013 a king from the east's got it! (6)","Answer":"EUREKA","Explanation":"Definition: got it!\nEURE (French department) + A K (king) reversed of 'from the east'"} {"Clue":"Master comprehends answer, now cracking each across solution? (4,4)","Answer":"LOAN WORD","Explanation":"Definition: each across solution\nLORD (master) round or 'comprehending' an anagram of A (answer) and NOW \u2013 anagrind is 'cracking' \u2013 not a phrase we'd heard of before, but apparently a reference to the fact all the other across entries are words originating in other languages, but taken into English"} {"Clue":"He'll penalise trafficker crossing UK province (8)","Answer":"PUNISHER","Explanation":"Definition: He'll penalise\nPUSHER (trafficker) round or 'crossing' NI (Northern Ireland \u2013 UK province)"} {"Clue":"Work up energy to behave like a punk (4)","Answer":"POGO","Explanation":"Definition: behave like a punk\nOP (work) reversed or 'up' GO (energy)"} {"Clue":"PhD title's secured a success for scientist (6)","Answer":"DARWIN","Explanation":"Definition: scientist\nDR ('PhD's title) round or 'securing' A + WIN (success)"} {"Clue":"Leak about German novelist making comeback: Erich Maria Remarque? (3,4)","Answer":"PEN NAME","Explanation":"Definition: Erich Maria Remarque?\nPEE (leak) round MANN (German novelist) reversed or 'making comeback'"} {"Clue":"Film-maker's shot a scene with it (8)","Answer":"CINEASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Film-maker\nAn anagram of A SCENE and IT \u2013 anagrind is 'shot'"} {"Clue":"Winner in court upholds charges for Hollywood actor (4,6)","Answer":"BILL MURRAY","Explanation":"Definition: Hollywood actor\nMURRAY (Andy \u2013 'winner in court') after or 'upholding' BILL (charges)"} {"Clue":"One's back in debt, struggling and a little flat (6)","Answer":"BEDSIT","Explanation":"Definition: a little flat\nI'S (one's) reversed or 'back' in an anagram of DEBT \u2013 anagrind is 'struggling'"} {"Clue":"Polish sign provides explanatory notes (10)","Answer":"GLOSSARIES","Explanation":"Definition: explanatory notes\nGLOSS (polish) ARIES (sign \u2013 of the zodiac)"} {"Clue":"Demanding American mines mountain pass for fossil fuel (4,4)","Answer":"HARD COAL","Explanation":"Definition: fossil fuel\nHARD (demanding) + A (American) in or 'mining' COL (mountain pass)"} {"Clue":"Drink with politician, taking a chance (8)","Answer":"ALEATORY","Explanation":"Definition: chance\nALE (drink) TORY (politician) round or 'taking' A"} {"Clue":"Charming question about my capabilities (7)","Answer":"AMIABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Charming\nA question about my capabilities might be AM I ABLE?"} {"Clue":"Van, battered with use, shows blemish (6)","Answer":"NAEVUS","Explanation":"Definition: blemish\nAn anagram of VAN and USE \u2013 anagrind is 'battered'"} {"Clue":"Warm mozzarella in egg sandwiches \u2013 revolting! (6)","Answer":"GENIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Warm\nHidden or 'sandwiched' in 'mozzarelLA IN EGg' reversed or 'revolting'"} {"Clue":"Unknown bird's cry (4)","Answer":"YOWL","Explanation":"Definition: cry\nY (unknown, as in algebra) OWL (bird)"} {"Clue":"A growth affected small creatures (8)","Answer":"WARTHOGS","Explanation":"Definition: creatures\nAn anagram of A GROWTH (anagrind is 'affected') + S (small)"} {"Clue":"Disregard temperature at rear of smithy (6)","Answer":"FORGET","Explanation":"Definition: Disregard\nT (temperature) after or 'at rear of' FORGE (smithy)"} {"Clue":"Bank customer loses capital after investing unknown amount, one claims (9)","Answer":"EXPOSITOR","Explanation":"Definition: one claims\n~~d~~EPOSITOR (bank customer) without the first letter or 'losing capital' round or 'investing' X (unknown amount)"} {"Clue":"Aspect of skiing, sport hosted by gasthof? (5)","Answer":"INRUN","Explanation":"Definition: Aspect of skiing\nRU (Rugby Union \u2013 sport) in or 'hosted by' INN ('gasthof'). Not a phrase we've come across before \u2013 even as former skiers \u2013 and it's not in Chambers either!!"} {"Clue":"Horn's sound reverberates less, mostly in Scottish town (7)","Answer":"PEEBLES","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish town\nBEEP (horn's sound) reversed or 'reverberating' + LES~~s~~ (without the last letter or 'mostly')"} {"Clue":"Old fogey having little time among those people in the South of France (5-2-3-3)","Answer":"STICK-IN-THE-MUD","Explanation":"Definition: Old fogey\nTICK (little time) IN (among) THEM (those people) in SUD (French for 'south')"} {"Clue":"Stuck in new airport, Daisy gets on the blower (5-8)","Answer":"NORTH-EASTERLY","Explanation":"Definition: blower\nASTER (daisy) after or 'getting on' THE 'stuck' in N (new) ORLY (airport)"} {"Clue":"Set of books registered, brought in by trendy master (7)","Answer":"CONTROL","Explanation":"Definition: master\nNT (New Testament \u2013 'set of books') R (registered) 'brought' in COOL (trendy)"} {"Clue":"Unscrupulous sort causes hysteria to some extent (7)","Answer":"SHYSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Unscrupulous sort\nHidden in (' to some extent') 'causeS HYSTERia'"} {"Clue":"Type of cream? (5)","Answer":"ELITE","Explanation":"Definition: Type\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"OK, old car bashed at the front could create this? (9)","Answer":"ROADBLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: this\nAn anagram of OK OLD CAR and B (first or 'front' letter of 'bashed') \u2013 anagrind is 'could create'"} {"Clue":"Suffering extreme discomfort? Then take it easy (6)","Answer":"SOREST","Explanation":"Definition: Suffering extreme discomfort?\nSO (then) REST (take it easy)"} {"Clue":"Supporter, one captured during Spartan wars (8)","Answer":"PARTISAN","Explanation":"Definition: Supporter\nI (one) in or 'captured during' an anagram of SPARTAN \u2013 anagrind is 'wars'"} {"Clue":"Tool architect left on top of church (6)","Answer":"WRENCH","Explanation":"Definition: Tool\nWREN (Architect) on CH (church)"} {"Clue":"Rand worth more against European and oriental currency (5)","Answer":"RUPEE","Explanation":"Definition: currency\nR (rand) UP (worth more than) E (European) E (eastern \u2013 'oriental')"} {"Clue":"Takes drug endlessly (3)","Answer":"HAS","Explanation":"Definition: Takes\nHAS~~h~~ (drug) without the last letter or 'endless'"} {"Clue":"Retrieve\u00a0Beatles record \u00a0(3,4)","Answer":"GET BACK","Explanation":"Definition: Retrieve\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Actor in musical, in fine fettle (6,5)","Answer":"OLIVER HARDY","Explanation":"Definition: Actor\nOLIVER (musical) HARDY (in fine fettle)"} {"Clue":"My journey with Brit round centre of Torbay (9)","Answer":"GORBLIMEY","Explanation":"Definition: My\nGO (journey) LIMEY (Brit) round RB (middle letters or 'centre' of 'Torbay')"} {"Clue":"Northern region \u2013 Yorkshire's capital \u2013 it needs to be redeveloped (8)","Answer":"TYNESIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Northern region\nAn anagram of Y (first letter or 'capital' of Yorkshire) and IT NEEDS \u2013 anagrind is 'to be redeveloped'"} {"Clue":"Doctor has surgery before noon: I \u2014? (4,2)","Answer":"DROP IN","Explanation":"Definition: \u2014\nDR (doctor) OP (surgery) with I before N (noon)"} {"Clue":"The rare Meissen smashed into little pieces (11)","Answer":"SMITHEREENS","Explanation":"Definition: little pieces\nAnother pernickety point \u2013 this must be an anagram of THE R and MEISSEN (anagrind is 'smashed'), but this assumes that 'R' is an abbreviation for 'rare' \u2013 this is not in Chambers, but maybe it is elsewhere?"} {"Clue":"One is hemmed in by type of spaniel more likely to jump? (9)","Answer":"SPRINGIER","Explanation":"Definition: more likely to jump?\nI (one) 'hemmed' in SPRINGER (type of spaniel)"} {"Clue":"Bloomers made by footballers about middle of final (8)","Answer":"KNICKERS","Explanation":"Definition: Bloomers\nKICKERS (footballers) round N (middle letter of 'final')"} {"Clue":"Charm of entire northern river (6)","Answer":"ALLURE","Explanation":"Definition: Charm\nALL (entire) URE (Northern river)"} {"Clue":"Fried food \u2013 fighting dog eats small amount (7)","Answer":"TOSTADA","Explanation":"Definition: Fried food\nTOSA (fighting dog) round or 'eating' TAD (small amount)"} {"Clue":"Monk named Kenneth needing a fix? (6)","Answer":"BROKEN","Explanation":"Definition: needing a fix?\nBRO (brother \u2013 'monk') KEN (Kenneth)"} {"Clue":"Sounds horn as well on way northbound (5)","Answer":"TOOTS","Explanation":"Definition: Sounds horn \nTOO (as well) + ST (street \u2013 'way') reversed or 'northbound'"} {"Clue":"Risk boarding tube train (3)","Answer":"BET","Explanation":"Definition: Risk\nHidden in or 'boarding' tuBE Train"} {"Clue":"Celtic pair regularly playing in circle (8)","Answer":"ECLIPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: circle\nAn anagram of CELTIC and P~~a~~I~~r~~ (alternate or 'regular' letters) \u2013 anagrind is 'playing'"} {"Clue":"Shape of coffin trimmed around with pine (6)","Answer":"OBLONG","Explanation":"Definition: Shape\nBO~~x~~ (coffin) with the last letter omitted or 'trimmed' and reversed or 'around' + LONG (pine)"} {"Clue":"Risk assessors welcome soldiers 15D? (5)","Answer":"HORSE","Explanation":"Definition: 15D?\nHSE (Health and Safety Executive \u2013 'risk assessors') round or 'welcoming' OR (soldiers) \u2013 first of the thematic references \u2013 and first in the pecking order"} {"Clue":"Reportedly look thoroughly for shaft? (9)","Answer":"STAIRWELL","Explanation":"Definition: shaft\nSounds like ('reportedly') STARE (look) WELL (thoroughly)"} {"Clue":"Transfer a vehicle (10)","Answer":"CONVEYANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Transfer\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Spotted dogs swallowing tuber (4)","Answer":"EDDO","Explanation":"Definition: tuber\nHidden in or 'swallowed by' spottED DOgs"} {"Clue":"Ape screamed dreadfully seeing flasher? (5,6)","Answer":"SPEED CAMERA","Explanation":"Definition: flasher? \nAn anagram of APE SCREAMED \u2013 anagrind is 'deradfully'"} {"Clue":"Leader with 15D? (3)","Answer":"COW","Explanation":"Definition: 15D?\nCO (commanding office \u2013 'leader') W (with) \u2013 second thematic reference and second in the pecking order"} {"Clue":"Knowing 15D? (3)","Answer":"FLY","Explanation":"Definition: 15D?\nFLY (knowing) \u2013 third thematic reference, but last in the packing order \u2013 the cause of the entire farce"} {"Clue":"Maybe picture how Tartar becomes a sailor! (8,3)","Answer":"ABSTRACT ART","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe picture\nIf you ABSTRACT (take away) ART from 'tartar', you get 'tar' (sailor)"} {"Clue":"Pass a drink (4)","Answer":"COLA","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nCOL (pass) A"} {"Clue":"Penny will spoil embroidered bedding (10)","Answer":"PILLOWSLIP","Explanation":"Definition: bedding\nP (penny) + an anagram of WILL SPOIL \u2013 anagrind is 'embroidered'"} {"Clue":"Quiet and shy about medical slapstick (3,6)","Answer":"LOW COMEDY","Explanation":"Definition: slapstick\nLOW (quiet) COY (shy) round MED (medical)"} {"Clue":"Quick to criticise papers (5)","Answer":"RAPID","Explanation":"Definition: Quick \nRAP (criticise) ID (papers)"} {"Clue":"Dignified boyfriend from Home Counties (6)","Answer":"SEDATE","Explanation":"Definition: Dignified\nSE (south-east \u2013 'Home Counties') DATE (boyfriend)"} {"Clue":"Lively person sups small drink with rumour-monger (8)","Answer":"GOSSIPER","Explanation":"Definition: rumour-monger\nGOER (lively person) round or 'supping' S (small) SIP (drink)"} {"Clue":"European Catholic's involved in this system of values (6)","Answer":"ETHICS","Explanation":"Definition: system of values\nE (European) + C (Catholic) 'involved' in THIS"} {"Clue":"Emperor stands up to support Latin actress (5)","Answer":"LOREN","Explanation":"Definition: actress\nNERO (Emperor) reversed or 'standing up' and 'supporting' L (Latin)"} {"Clue":"Go before someone buys the farm (10)","Answer":"PREDECEASE","Explanation":"Definition: Go before\n~~We're totally at a loss with this one \u2013 it must be PREDECEASE (go before), but as to the wordplay\u2026\u2026. Our best guess is that it is a reference to the theme, where each animal 'predeceases' the next. 'Buy' can be a synonym for 'swallow' in the sense of 'to fall for', so perhaps Kairos is referring the the old lady 'swallowing' the entire farm \u2013 horse, cow, goat, dog, cat, bird, spider and fly \u2013 although it would be a very unusual farm with one of each!\u00a0~~ A little bird or should we say a barn owl, suggested we look in Chambers and there it was \u2013 'buy a farm' meaning 'to die'. Where that came from, heaven knows. In the end, there doesn't seem to be any word play as such as the whole phrase means PRE-DECEASE. Well, you learn something everyday doing cryptic crosswords."} {"Clue":"About time for 15D? (3)","Answer":"CAT","Explanation":"Definition: 15D?\nCA (about) T (time) \u2013 fourth thematic reference \u2013 5th in the pecking order"} {"Clue":"Heard composer's 15D? (4)","Answer":"BIRD","Explanation":"Definition: 15D?\nSounds like ('heard') BYRD (composer) \u2013 fifth thematic reference \u2013 6th in the pecking order"} {"Clue":"Sign of financial difficulties \u2013 advert for resolution (9)","Answer":"OVERDRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: Sign of financial difficulties\nAn anagram of ADVERT FOR \u2013 anagrind is 'resolution'"} {"Clue":"George for one is a beef producer (8)","Answer":"GALLOWAY","Explanation":"Definition: George for one\nA reference to George GALLOWAY (the notorious politician) and the breed of cattle"} {"Clue":"Make uniform from flag and oddly discarded tissue (11)","Answer":"STANDARDISE","Explanation":"Definition: Make uniform\nSTANDARD (flag) + ~~t~~I~~s~~S~~u~~E with the odd letters 'discarded'"} {"Clue":"Mischievous supporter describes gallery in an old fashioned way (11)","Answer":"ARCHAICALLY","Explanation":"Definition: in an old fashioned way\nARCH (mischievous) ALLY (supporter) round or 'describing' ICA (Institute of Contemporary Arts \u2013 'gallery')"} {"Clue":"Slow market affected foundry (10)","Answer":"METALWORKS","Explanation":"Definition: foundry\nAn anagram of SLOW MARKET \u2013 anagrind is 'affected'"} {"Clue":"Accepted overturning of rules by immoral pressman (9)","Answer":"SWALLOWED","Explanation":"Definition: Accepted \nLAWS (rules) reversed or 'overturned' + LOW (immoral) ED (editor \u2013 'pressman')"} {"Clue":"What dentists dislike \u2013 a branch of mathematics (8)","Answer":"CALCULUS","Explanation":"Definition: What dentists dislike\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Rest for 15D? (6)","Answer":"SPIDER","Explanation":"Definition: 15D?\nSPIDER (rest \u2013 in snooker and billiards) \u2013 the sixth thematic reference \u2013 7th in the pecking order"} {"Clue":"Eagerly accept the French whelp (3,2)","Answer":"LAP UP","Explanation":"Definition: Eagerly accept\nLA ('the' in French) PUP (whelp)"} {"Clue":"Vigorously attack 15D? (4)","Answer":"GOAT","Explanation":"Definition: 15D?\nGO AT (vigorously attack) \u2013 seventh thematic reference and 3rd in the pecking order"} {"Clue":"Maybe Jesus resurrected 15D? (3)","Answer":"DOG","Explanation":"Definition: 15D?\nGOD ('maybe Jesus') reversed or 'resurrected' \u2013 eighth thematic reference and 4th in the pecking order"} {"Clue":"Rasher gnarl? (8,3,4)","Answer":"THINKING OUT LOUD","Explanation":"Sounds like (OUT LOUD) RATIONALE (THINKING). Bert has been compiling crosswords (mainly for friends and family) for a while and was advised (by a setter) that using homonyms as definitions was not acceptable. He really liked the clue that he had compiled and we both like this one \u2013 it raised a smile when Bert suddenly realised the parsing."} {"Clue":"\"New York Times\" quote, out of \"Time\" (6,5)","Answer":"EMPIRE STATE","Explanation":"Definition: \"New York\nWe think that this is ~~t~~EMPI (times) without T (time) and RE-STATE (quote)"} {"Clue":"Quite a few late-night shows (3)","Answer":"TEN","Explanation":"Definition: Quite a few\nHidden or 'shown' in 'laTE-Night'"} {"Clue":"Resting place of people past (3-2)","Answer":"LAY-BY","Explanation":"Definition: Resting place\nLAY (of people) BY (past)"} {"Clue":"Redesigning BBC logo, I'm giving malicious instructions (5,4)","Answer":"LOGIC BOMB","Explanation":"Definition: malicious instructions\nAn anagram of BBC LOGO I'M (anagrind is 'redesigning')"} {"Clue":"Blathering Blair overheard by aides, brushing off that fateful day? (6,9)","Answer":"VERBAL DIARRHOEA","Explanation":"Definition: Blathering\nAn anagram of BLAIR OVERHEARD (anagrind is 'blathering') by A~~ides~~ \u2013 without IDES (that fateful day as in the Ides of March). Blathering seems to be doing double duty as the anagrind and the definition."} {"Clue":"British people, previously sickly in appearance, saying Mass? (5-4-6)","Answer":"SPEAK YOUR WEIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: saying Mass?\nIf we have the parsing correct, this is not our most favourite clue. We can only come up with OUR (British) WE (people) after PEAKY (sickly) in SIGHT (appearance)"} {"Clue":"Does it pick up those on a criminal charge? (5,4)","Answer":"RADAR TRAP","Explanation":"A play on the fact that if a driver is 'charging' along, a RADAR TRAP might pick them up performing this criminal activity"} {"Clue":"Electrical engineer ready to cover one lecturer on return (5)","Answer":"TESLA","Explanation":"Definition: Electrical engineer\nWe have SET (ready) and A (one) L (lecturer). We have each of them reversed or 'returning' but what part is 'cover' playing?"} {"Clue":"Hooter needed for how long? That's too long (3)","Answer":"OWL","Explanation":"Definition: Hooter\nHidden in 'hOW Long'"} {"Clue":"I attach a strategy for developing extra ancient city (8,3)","Answer":"TREASURY TAG","Explanation":"Definition: I attach\nAn anagram of A STRATEGY plus UR (ancient city) \u2013 anagrind is 'developing'"} {"Clue":"Actress among four dancers performing legend from the East (7,2,2,4)","Answer":"FRANCES DE LA TOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Actress\nAn anagram of FOUR DANCERS (anagrind is 'performing') with TALE (legend) reversed or 'from the East' inside or 'among'"} {"Clue":"Awful Roosevelt gaffe: he's half admitted battle's about to commence (3,6,3,3)","Answer":"THE GLOVES ARE OFF","Explanation":"Definition: battle's about to commence\nAn anagram of ROOSEVELT GAFFE around H (half of 'he') \u2013 anagrind is 'awful'"} {"Clue":"Easily heading off express, but not by direct route (5)","Answer":"IMPLY","Explanation":"Definition: express, but not by direct route\n~~s~~IMPLY (easily) without first letter or 'heading off'"} {"Clue":"How many million people could this sports revolutionary get into SW Ireland? (5,6)","Answer":"KERRY PACKER","Explanation":"Well\u2026\u2026. we thought about SW Ireland and KERRY came to mind very quickly. We still remembered the Australian who founded the World Series Cricket even though it was back in 1977. The answer then is a play on his name \u2013 KERRY PACKER \u2013 who attempted to 'pack in' the crowds to boost the sport"} {"Clue":"Chocolatier's daughter got comfy (7)","Answer":"NESTLED","Explanation":"Definition: got comfy\nNESTLE (chocolatier) D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Single shot at goal's saved, a pain for those attending (7)","Answer":"OTALGIA","Explanation":"Definition: a pain for those attending \nI (single) inside or 'saved by' an anagram of AT GOAL \u2013 anagrind is 'shot'"} {"Clue":"Kick in final third of game (see 25) (3)","Answer":"TOE","Explanation":"Definition: Kick\nThe third part of the game TIC TAC TOE"} {"Clue":"Better garden party? (5)","Answer":"OUTDO","Explanation":"Definition: Better\nA garden party is held outside so you could say that it was an OUT DO"} {"Clue":"National spot animal park employee patrols you should visit more often (4,2,1,8)","Answer":"DON\u2019T BE A STRANGER","Explanation":"Definition: you should visit more often\nN (National) inside or 'patrolled by' DOT (spot) BEAST (animal) RANGER (park employee)"} {"Clue":"Plant fish inside, did someone say? (11)","Answer":"CARPENTARIA","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nCARP (fish) ENTARIA (sounds like or 'someone saying' INTERIOR \u2013 inside). Needless to say, we needed a search for this one."} {"Clue":"This gypsy gentleman's conveying irony in broadcast (3)","Answer":"RYE","Explanation":"Definition: This gypsy gentleman\nRYE \u2013 sounds like or 'broadcasted' WRY\u00a0(irony). We only know this word because we were struggling with the IQ at the weekend and were looking up synonyms for gypsy."} {"Clue":"Textbook Gordon Bennett! (3)","Answer":"OMG","Explanation":"Definition: Gordon Bennett!\nOMG \u2013 we have no idea how this is parsed although we have found an American textbook company called OMG Text books!"} {"Clue":"In big trouble earls about to have a row? Probably not (7)","Answer":"OARLESS","Explanation":"Definition: about to have a row? Probably not \nOS (large as in out-size) around an anagram of EARLS \u2013 anagrind is 'trouble'"} {"Clue":"Follower of Charlie Brown stopped early to stalk Derek Trotter (5)","Answer":"DELTA","Explanation":"Definition: Follower of Charlie\nTA~~n~~ (brown) without last letter or 'stopped early' after or 'stalking' DEL (Derek Trotter). DELTA comes after CHARLIE in the phonetic alphabet."} {"Clue":"Women missing from second group fight (3-2)","Answer":"SET-TO","Explanation":"Definition: fight\nSET T~~w~~O (second group) missing W (women)"} {"Clue":"Recurrent movement in first third of game (see 6) (3)","Answer":"TIC","Explanation":"Definition: Recurrent movement \nFirst third part of the game TIC TAC TOE"} {"Clue":"Get rid of a lot of hospital gear (5)","Answer":"SCRUB","Explanation":"Definition: Get rid of\nSCRUB~~s~~ (hospital gear, as in clothes worn by as surgeon) without the last letter, or 'a lot of'"} {"Clue":"Yorkshire resort favoured regarding high-class treatment? (3-6)","Answer":"RED-CARPET","Explanation":"Definition: high-class treatment\nREDCAR (Yorkshire resort) PET (favoured)"} {"Clue":"It acknowledges the focus of Madison Avenue? (9)","Answer":"ADMISSION","Explanation":"Definition: It acknowledges\nMadison Avenue is renowned for being the centre of American advertising \u2013 it's focus could be said to be an AD MISSION"} {"Clue":"Beds overturned after introduction of one patient (5)","Answer":"STOIC","Explanation":"Definition: patient\nCOTS (beds) reversed or 'overturned' round or 'introducing' I (one)"} {"Clue":"14 very much accepted by soldiers (5)","Answer":"MESON","Explanation":"Definition: 14\nSO (much) in or 'accepted by' MEN (soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Fruit levy varied without announcement? (9)","Answer":"FURTIVELY","Explanation":"Definition: without announcement\nAn anagram of FRUIT LEVY \u2013 anagrind is 'varied'"} {"Clue":"Small component, not entirely frozen, circling lake (8)","Answer":"PARTICLE","Explanation":"Definition: Small component\nThe gateway clue \u2013 PART ICE (not entirely frozen) round or 'circling' L (lake)"} {"Clue":"14 that will be found behind pub (6)","Answer":"BARYON","Explanation":"Definition: 14\nYON (that) 'behind' BAR (pub)"} {"Clue":"14 shot North (6)","Answer":"PHOTON","Explanation":"Definition: 14\nPHOTO (shot) N (north)"} {"Clue":"14 sabotaged new routine (8)","Answer":"NEUTRINO","Explanation":"Definition: 14\nAn anagram of N (new) and ROUTINE \u2013 anagrind is 'sabotaged'"} {"Clue":"Hot, barren, rocky, dreadful (9)","Answer":"ABHORRENT","Explanation":"Definition: dreadful\nAn anagram of HOT BARREN \u2013 anagrind is 'rocky'"} {"Clue":"Hunt it, leaving pretty street (5)","Answer":"QUEST","Explanation":"Definition: Hunt\nQU~~it~~E (pretty, as in 'rather') with 'it' omitted or 'leaving' + ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Fashion in place, turning to look smart (3,2)","Answer":"TOG UP","Explanation":"Definition: look smart\nWe're puzzled by this one \u2013 it looks like GO ('fashion'?) in PUT (place) all reversed or 'turning', but we can't come up with any way that 'go' can be a synonym of 'fashion'"} {"Clue":"In East we are primarily correctly positioned (9)","Answer":"TAIWANESE","Explanation":"Definition: In East we are primarily correctly positioned\nA cryptic definition \u2013 an anagram of IN EAST WE and A (first or 'primary' letter of 'are') \u2013 anagrind is 'correctly positioned'"} {"Clue":"Abuse any second revealing recreational drugs? (4,5)","Answer":"NOSE CANDY","Explanation":"Definition: recreational drugs\nAn anagram of ANY SECOND \u2013 anagrind is 'abuse'"} {"Clue":"Show reverence, note, when boarding poet's ship (5)","Answer":"KNEEL","Explanation":"Definition: Show reverence\nN (note) in or 'boarding' KEEL (ship)"} {"Clue":"Navigational aid: marks by sailor concealed by fool (4,3)","Answer":"STAR MAP","Explanation":"Definition: Navigational aid\nM (marks) after or 'by' TAR (sailor) in or 'concealed by' SAP (fool)"} {"Clue":"Ass with tail docked \u2013 curious (3)","Answer":"RUM","Explanation":"Definition: curious\nRUM~~p~~ (ass) with the last letter omitted or 'tail docked'"} {"Clue":"Gift to receive singular 14 (5)","Answer":"BOSON","Explanation":"Definition: 14\nBOON (gift) round or 'receiving' S (singular)"} {"Clue":"Precipitate a move for the Summer Exhibition? (8)","Answer":"RAINFALL","Explanation":"Definition: Precipitate\nThis would be very tricky without the crossing letters \u2013 the Summer Exhibition is held at the RA (Royal Academy) \u2013 so a move might mean that it would move to the RA IN FALL (autumn)"} {"Clue":"Actor, one not accepting losing an English Oscar (2,4)","Answer":"DE NIRO","Explanation":"Definition: Actor\nDENI~~e~~R (one not accepting) without or 'losing' an 'e' (English) + O (Oscar in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Attacker inclined to circumvent most of sea trip (9)","Answer":"ASSAILANT","Explanation":"Definition: Attacker\nASLANT (inclined) round or 'circumventing' SAI~~l~~ (sea trip) without the last letter or 'most of'"} {"Clue":"Spread the word: polyester is peculiar (11)","Answer":"PROSELYTISE","Explanation":"Definition: Spread the word\nAn anagram of POLYESTER IS \u2013 anagrind is 'peculiar'"} {"Clue":"Working after river swallows chapter 14 (7)","Answer":"TACHYON","Explanation":"Definition: 14\nON (working) after TAY (river) round or 'swallowing' CH (chapter)"} {"Clue":"Archaeological find: group with cash unexpectedly supporting it (11)","Answer":"SARCOPHAGUS","Explanation":"Definition: Archaeological find\nAn anagram of GROUP and CASH (anagrind is 'unexpectedly') after or 'supporting' SA (sex appeal \u2013 'it')"} {"Clue":"Rocky tors captured in satellite image from all directions (9)","Answer":"ISOTROPIC","Explanation":"Definition: from all directions\nAn anagram of TORS (anagrind is 'rocky') 'captured' in IO (satellite \u2013 a moon of Jupiter) PIC (image)"} {"Clue":"Improve information provided in test (8)","Answer":"GENTRIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Improve\nGEN (information) + IF (provided) in TRY (test)"} {"Clue":"Father carrying Henry to school in carriage (7)","Answer":"PHAETON","Explanation":"Definition: carriage\nPA (father) round or 'carrying' H (Henry) + ETON (school)"} {"Clue":"Duck, a duck bearing tail of uniform brownish colour (7)","Answer":"OATMEAL","Explanation":"Definition: brownish colour\nO (duck \u2013 nothing) A TEAL (duck) round or 'bearing' M (last letter or 'tail' of 'uniform')"} {"Clue":"14 pounced upon, we hear (6)","Answer":"LEPTON","Explanation":"Definition: 14\nA homonym of LEAPT ON (pounced upon)"} {"Clue":"Idiosyncrasy with change of heart for 14 (5)","Answer":"QUARK","Explanation":"Definition: 14\nQU~~i~~RK (idiosyncrasy) with the middle letter or 'heart' changed from 'i' to A"} {"Clue":"Sheep: not so many getting sheared? (3)","Answer":"EWE","Explanation":"Definition: Sheep\n~~f~~EWE~~r~~ (not so many) with the first and last letters omitted or 'sheared'"} {"Clue":"British campaign that is backing oil producers (6)","Answer":"BRUNEI","Explanation":"Definition: oil producers\nB (British) RUN (campaign) IE (that is) reversed or 'backing'"} {"Clue":"No charge for this on iTunes, unlimited or otherwise (8)","Answer":"NEUTRINO","Explanation":"Definition: No charge for this\nAn anagram of ~~o~~N ITUNE~~s~~ without first and last letters or 'unlimited' and OR \u2013 anagrind is 'otherwise'"} {"Clue":"Cheese crisp? Not quite (4)","Answer":"BRIE","Explanation":"Definition: Cheese\nBRIE~~f~~ (crisp) without last letter or 'not quite' \u2013 a new meaning of 'crisp' for us"} {"Clue":"Grasping penis here, left aroused (10)","Answer":"PREHENSILE","Explanation":"Definition: Grasping\nAn anagram of PENIS HERE and L (left) \u2013 anagrind is 'aroused' \u2013 say no more!"} {"Clue":"Finish off nuts and fruit (6)","Answer":"BANANA","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nBANANA~~s~~ (nuts) without last letter or 'finish off'"} {"Clue":"Become keen on act (4,4)","Answer":"TURN INTO","Explanation":"Definition: Become\nINTO (keen) after or 'on' TURN (act)"} {"Clue":"Is debate with hag about question regarding affairs of state? Au contraire (5,3,3,4)","Answer":"WHAT\u2019S THE BIG IDEA","Explanation":"Definition: question regarding affairs of state? Au contraire\nAn anagram of IS DEBATE WITH HAG \u2013 anagrind is 'about'. We had 'What's the big deal' for quite some whole until we rechecked the anagram after getting stuck in the SE corner. We're not sure about the definition here. Is it to do with swapping things around so to becomes 'regarding state of affairs' or is the fact that you are not 'stating something' but rather 'thinking' it instead."} {"Clue":"Toxic plant manufacture also reactive, initially contained (8)","Answer":"MANDRAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Toxic plant\nMAKE\u00a0(manufacture) 'containing' AND\u00a0(also)\u00a0R (initial letter of reactive)"} {"Clue":"Drug taken by radio host with gong and drum (6)","Answer":"DJEMBE","Explanation":"Definition: drum\nE\u00a0(drug) inside or 'taken by' DJ (radio host) and MBE (gong) \u2013 a new word for us"} {"Clue":"Resident of 1 caught between road and river going round foreign peninsula (4,6)","Answer":"NOVA SCOTIA","Explanation":"Definition: foreign peninsula\nSCOT (resident of 1d) inside or 'caught between) AI (road) and AVON (river) reversed or 'going round'"} {"Clue":"See you around food that's picked up (4)","Answer":"CIAO","Explanation":"Definition: See you\nSounds like or 'picked up' CHOW (food)"} {"Clue":"Endurance game (8)","Answer":"PATIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Endurance\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Big bird's eggs found by gate \u2013 that's logical (6)","Answer":"NANDOO","Explanation":"Definition: Big bird\nNAND (logic gate as used in Boolean Algebra) OO (eggs)"} {"Clue":"Northern supporter runs with promise to deliver port in the north (8)","Answer":"ARBROATH","Explanation":"Definition: port in the north\nBRA (supporter) R (runs) OATH (promise). 'Northern' refers to the fact that BRA is reversed or going up i.e. northwards \u2013 we've not seen it used like this before. The surface reading works well but the parsing feels a bit 'clunky' in our opinion! \u2013 see comments on 6d."} {"Clue":"Empty place south of Muswell Hill, say \u2013 used, vacated housing (10)","Answer":"UNTENANTED","Explanation":"Definition: Empty\nThe clue relies on the fact that Muswell Hill's post code is N10 so it's N TEN ANTE (place as in 'bet') inside or being 'housed by' U~~se~~D (first and last letter only or 'vacated')"} {"Clue":"Display map that initially shows life form not seen on earth? (3-5)","Answer":"AIR-PLANT","Explanation":"Definition: life form not seen on earth? \nAIR (display) PLAN (map) T (first or 'initial' letter of 'that'). Air plants are found above ground."} {"Clue":"Off-colour pants, say, squashing two articles (5,3,7)","Answer":"UNDER THE WEATHER","Explanation":"Definition: Off-colour\nUNDERWEAR (pants, say) around or 'squashing' THE and THE (two articles)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Spielberg's heartless conjecture about one of his films being rejected (6)","Answer":"AUTEUR","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Spielberg\nWe think that this is AU~~g~~UR (conjecture) with the middle letter omitted or 'heasrtless' round\u00a0ET (one of his films) reversed or 'rejected'"} {"Clue":"Circus attraction in London aching to travel north (4)","Answer":"EROS","Explanation":"Definition: Circus attraction in London\nSORE (aching) reversed or 'travelling north'. The circus is Piccadilly Circus. 'Travelling north' is the more common way of saying that the letters are reversed or 'going up' which is probably why Monk used Northern in 1d."} {"Clue":"Stuff found between coupled identical proteins (6)","Answer":"ENGLUT","Explanation":"Definition: Stuff\nIf you place two identical proteins next each other the answer is 'found between' glutEN GLUTen"} {"Clue":"Shot in air raid, regularly going down (10)","Answer":"IRIDESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Shot\nRegular letters in ~~a~~I~~r~~ R~~a~~I~~d~~ and DESCENT (going down)"} {"Clue":"Country connection having long lost item in the Camp David drawing room? (5,3)","Answer":"INDIA INK","Explanation":"Definition: i\nINDIA (country) ~~l~~INK (connection) without L (lost) \u2013 the American way of spelling Indian ink \u2013 hence the reference to Camp David. Does anyone use ink anymore? Actually quite a shame \u2013 Joyce's Grandmother always wrote in green or purple ink which seemed very exotic at the time."} {"Clue":"Decorate Nobleman with head turned around? (8)","Answer":"EMBLAZON","Explanation":"Definition: Decorate\nOMG \u2013 this had us puzzled. We ended up doing a word search in Chambers as we really couldn't sort out whether we were missing something. The penny suddenly dropped \u2013 its an anagram of NOBLEMAN with the first 'N' or 'head' turned to become a Z \u2013 the anagrind is 'around'"} {"Clue":"Bore outdoor gear (6)","Answer":"ANORAK","Explanation":"Definition: Bore\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Climb, emerging topless (6)","Answer":"ASCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Climb\n~~n~~ASCENT (emerging) without first letter or 'topless'"} {"Clue":"Run out of caustic chemical (4)","Answer":"ACID","Explanation":"Definition: chemical\nAC~~r~~ID (caustic) without R (run)"} {"Clue":"Poor Arab gets stoned when protecting daughter \u2013 a crowd gathers (10)","Answer":"THREADBARE","Explanation":"Definition: Poor\nAn anagram of ARAB (anagrind is 'gets stoned') around A D (daughter) inside or 'gathered by'\u00a0THREE (crowd \u2013 as in two's company, three's a crowd). This was my LOI and it needed a search, some head scratching and finally a 'phone a friend' to parse it!"} {"Clue":"Lacking source of cash, chooses to make a comeback \u2013 boxers tend to do this (4)","Answer":"SKIP","Explanation":"Definition: boxers tend to do this \nPI~~c~~KS (chooses) without C (initial letter or 'source' of Cash) reversed or 'making a comeback"} {"Clue":"Rum and sour cream (7)","Answer":"OFFBEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Rum\nOFF (sour) BEAT (cream)"} {"Clue":"Extremists in Europe surely facing zero resistance when entering? It doesn't look good (7)","Answer":"EYESORE","Explanation":"Definition: It doesn't look good\nEE (first and last letter or 'extremists' in Europe) with YES (surely) O (zero) R (resistance) inside or 'entering'"} {"Clue":"Shoot airmen and get out (9)","Answer":"GERMINATE","Explanation":"Definition: Shoot\nAn anagram of AIRMEN GET (anagrind is 'out')"} {"Clue":"Look, with the introduction of ceiling, you'll have two floors (5)","Answer":"DEKKO","Explanation":"Definition: Look\nYou need to think of this as DEcK (floor) KO (floor) and then take out C \u2013 the first letter or 'introduction' of Celing"} {"Clue":"Girl's brought over something to get you going! (5)","Answer":"SENNA","Explanation":"Definition: something to get you going! \nANNE'S (girl's) reversed or 'brought over'"} {"Clue":"Intern, say, has to work for bully (9)","Answer":"TYRANNISE","Explanation":"Definition: bully\nAn anagram of INTERN SAY (anagrind is 'has to work')"} {"Clue":"Conservative and Liberal's identifying title in office, leaders together accepted (9)","Answer":"COALITION","Explanation":"This is a play on CON (Conservative) around or 'accepting' the first letters or 'leaders' in And Liberal's Identifying Title In Office"} {"Clue":"Bloke's taken short after second coffee (5)","Answer":"MOCHA","Explanation":"Definition: coffee\nCHA~~p~~ (bloke) with last letter removed or 'taken short' after MO (second)"} {"Clue":"Make milky coffee, initially tasteless (5)","Answer":"CLOUD","Explanation":"Definition: Make milky\nC (initial letter of Coffee) LOUD (tasteless) \u2013 actually I find milky coffee tasteless ALL the time, not just initially!"} {"Clue":"Hot and cold stuff containing key skin treatment (4,5)","Answer":"HAND CREAM","Explanation":"Definition: skin treatment\nH AND C (hot and cold) RAM (stuff) around or 'containing' E (key). *Thanks allan_c, my parsing had an extra C.\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Generally speaking, one has nothing against the Queen at all (7)","Answer":"OVERALL","Explanation":"Definition: Generally speaking\nO (nothing) V (against) ER (the Queen) ALL"} {"Clue":"In the US, measures taken to restrain old lags (7)","Answer":"LOITERS","Explanation":"Definition: lags\nLITERS (US measures) taking in O (old)"} {"Clue":"African dwelling on edge of plateau (4)","Answer":"HUTU","Explanation":"Definition: African\nHUT (dwelling) U (last letter or 'edge' of plateaU)"} {"Clue":"Hoping to exploit resources, one searches for busy ports outside of European Community (10)","Answer":"PROSPECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Hoping to exploit resources, one searches\nPRO (for) and an anagram of PORTS (anagrind is 'busy') outside EC (European Community)"} {"Clue":"In jam, strike rear of car, resulting in whiplash (5)","Answer":"THONG","Explanation":"Definition: whiplash\nTH~~r~~ONG (jam) without R (last letter or 'rear' of car)"} {"Clue":"Votes on free movement \u2013 new bill is written up (9)","Answer":"REFERENDA","Explanation":"Definition: Votes\nRE (on) an anagram of FREE (anagrind is movement') N (new) AD (bill) reversed or 'written up'"} {"Clue":"In rain dance, am I performing? (8,6)","Answer":"AMERICAN INDIAN","Explanation":"A cryptic definition and an anagram of IN RAIN DANCE I AM (anagrind is 'performing'). What a great anagram."} {"Clue":"Lionel receives acting tip for minor role (3,4)","Answer":"BIT PART","Explanation":"Definition: minor role\nBART (as in Lionel Bart) around or 'receiving' an anagram of TIP (anagrind is 'acting')"} {"Clue":"One could provide venison, caviar and honey, say \u2026 (3,4)","Answer":"ROE DEER","Explanation":"ROE (caviar) DEER (sounds like dear or 'honey')"} {"Clue":"\u2026 so with a couple of thousand I launched small retail outlet (5)","Answer":"KIOSK","Explanation":"An anagram of SO KK (a couple of thousands) and I (anagrind is 'launched')"} {"Clue":"Cruise company recruits female crew at a number of remarkable events (9)","Answer":"PHENOMENA","Explanation":"Definition: number of remarkable events\nPO (cruise company) around or 'recruiting' HEN (female) + MEN (crew) A"} {"Clue":"In which you may find chocolate drops? (7,7)","Answer":"VENDING MACHINE","Explanation":"A play on the fact that if you were buying a bar from a VENDING MACHINE the chocolate would drop"} {"Clue":"When it was assumed remorse was being shown, idiot blocked fire hydrant (9)","Answer":"SACKCLOTH","Explanation":"Definition: When it was assumed remorse was being shown\nCLOT (idiot) inside or 'blocking' SACK (fire) H (hydrant)"} {"Clue":"Clint Eastwood's opening shot captures soldiers showing no mercy (9)","Answer":"INCLEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: showing no mercy \nAn anagram of CLINT and E (first letter or 'opening ' to Eastwood) around or 'capturing' MEN\u00a0(soldiers)"} {"Clue":"In hospital, facing real trouble, one's required to assist with breathing (7)","Answer":"INHALER","Explanation":"Definition: one's required to assist with breathing\nIN H (hospital) and an anagram of REAL (anagrind is 'trouble')"} {"Clue":"\"Fox News\"\u00a0screening nothing positive (7)","Answer":"NONPLUS","Explanation":"Definition: Fox\nNN (news and in New New) around or 'screening' O (nothing) PLUS (positive)"} {"Clue":"Lacking in name, inventor somehow gets patent (5)","Answer":"OVERT","Explanation":"Definition: patent\nAn anagram of inVEnTOR without IN and N (name) \u2013 anagrind is 'somehow'"} {"Clue":"One's reluctant to spend money in motorway services, having mostly been ripped off (5)","Answer":"MISER","Explanation":"Definition: One's reluctant to spend money\nMI (motorway) SER~~vices~~ with most of it missing or 'ripped off')"} {"Clue":"Having retired, their beards contain food (4)","Answer":"BRIE","Explanation":"Definition: food\nHidden or 'contained' backwards or 'retiring' in thEIR Beards"} {"Clue":"Dan arranged info held by Net-based property company? (4,6)","Answer":"LAND AGENCY","Explanation":"Definition: property company?\nAn anagram of DAN (anagrind is 'arranged') GEN (info) in or 'held by' LACY ('net-based')"} {"Clue":"Area of US showing outrage, as addicts kidnap Greek character (10)","Answer":"APPALACHIA","Explanation":"Definition: Area of US\nAPPAL (outrage) AA (Alcoholics anonymous \u2013 'addicts') round or 'kidnapping' CHI (Greek character)"} {"Clue":"Start to fall in French bog (3)","Answer":"FEN","Explanation":"Definition: bog\nF (first letter or 'start' to 'fall') EN (French for 'in')"} {"Clue":"Chip worktop (7)","Answer":"COUNTER","Explanation":"Definition: Chip\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"In what way Shakespeare initially bypassed actor in 8\/11\/12 (6)","Answer":"HOWARD","Explanation":"Definition: actor in 8\/11\/12\nHOW (in what way) ~~b~~ARD (Shakespeare) with the first letter omitted or 'initially bypassed' \u2013 a reference to Trevor Howard, who starred with Celia Johnson in 'Brief Encounter' (8\/11\/12)"} {"Clue":"Pardon what you do after admitting burglary primarily (7)","Answer":"ABSOLVE","Explanation":"Definition: Pardon\nA SOLVE (what you \u2013 'solvers' \u2013 do with a crossword) round or 'admitting' B (first or 'primary' letter of 'burglary')"} {"Clue":"Knocked over tiny teacher continually (2,3,2)","Answer":"ON AND ON","Explanation":"Definition: continually\nNANO (tiny) reversed or 'knocked over' DON (teacher)"} {"Clue":"Card drawer cracking at the edges in factory (6)","Answer":"MCGILL","Explanation":"Definition: Card drawer\nCG (first and last letters or 'edges' of 'cracking') in MILL (factory) a reference to Donald McGill, renowned for his saucy seaside postcards"} {"Clue":"Actress in 8\/11\/12 can kid (7)","Answer":"JOHNSON","Explanation":"Definition: Actress in 8\/11\/12\nJOHN (can, as in toilet) SON (kid) a reference to Celia Johnson, who starred with Trevor Howard in 'Brief Encounter' (8\/11\/12)"} {"Clue":"Resort box by telephone (3)","Answer":"SPA","Explanation":"Definition: Resort\nSounds like ('by telephone') SPAR (box)"} {"Clue":"Parish rector, neglecting soldiers, disturbed another cleric (10)","Answer":"ARCHPRIEST","Explanation":"Definition: another cleric\nAn anagram of PARISH RECT~~or~~ without or 'neglecting' OR (other ranks \u2013 'soldiers') \u2013 anagrind is 'disturbed'"} {"Clue":"Fictional detective faces domestic stress (6,4)","Answer":"HAMMER HOME","Explanation":"Definition: stress\nHAMMER (fictional detective Mike Hammer, created by Mickey Spillane) HOME (domestic)"} {"Clue":"Unproductive\u00a0director of 8\/11\/12 (4)","Answer":"LEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Unproductive\nDouble definition \u2013 David LEAN being the director of 'Brief Encounter' (8\/11\/12)"} {"Clue":"Rook near observation post snapped by twitching circle (6)","Answer":"TROPIC","Explanation":"Definition: circle\nR (rook) OP (observation post) in or 'snapped by' TIC (twitching)"} {"Clue":"Middle-eastern high-fliers, during craze, regularly worship actor (4,6)","Answer":"BELA LUGOSI","Explanation":"Definition: actor\nEL AL (Israeli airline \u2013 'middle-eastern fliers') in BUG (craze) + alternate or 'regular' letters of 'wOrShIp' \u2013 a reference to the film actor best known for playing Dracula in the 1930s. Thankfully Bert vaguely remembered the actor once we had the last three letters from the word play. We had to search though to find the first name and then realised the parsing."} {"Clue":"Exercises keep Nick, doing somersault, flexible (6)","Answer":"PLIANT","Explanation":"Definition: flexible\nPT (exercises) round or 'keeping' NAIL (nick, as in 'arrest') reversed or 'doing somersault'"} {"Clue":"Trio playing around noon stop the noise briefly (2,5)","Answer":"IN SHORT","Explanation":"Definition: briefly\nAn anagram of TRIO (anagrind is 'playing') round N (noon) SH ('stop the noise')"} {"Clue":"Race that lasts 31 days \u2013 a skimpy item of clothing no good (8)","Answer":"MARATHON","Explanation":"Definition: Race \nMAR (abbreviation of March \u2013 31 days) A THON~~g~~ (skimpy item of clothing) without 'g' (good)"} {"Clue":"Indifferent plan one avoided following (4)","Answer":"DEAF","Explanation":"Definition: Indifferent\n~~I~~DEA (plan) without or 'avoiding' 'I' (one) + F (following)"} {"Clue":"School head defends country's uprising, given sequence of events (8)","Answer":"SCENARIO","Explanation":"Definition: given sequence of events\nS (school) CEO (chief executive officer \u2013 'head') round or 'defending' IRAN (country) reversed or 'uprising'"} {"Clue":"Gusts over Delhi ruined part of Buick? (10)","Answer":"WINDSHIELD","Explanation":"Definition: part of Buick?\nWINDS (gusts) + an anagram of DELHI \u2013 anagrind is 'ruined'. An American word for 'windscreen' \u2013 hence the Buick reference"} {"Clue":"A way of congratulating friends? (8)","Answer":"BACKSLAP","Explanation":"Definition: A way of congratulating\nPALS (friends) reversed or BACK"} {"Clue":"European writer sees two rivers overlapping (8)","Answer":"VOLTAIRE","Explanation":"Definition: European writer\nVOLTA and AIRE (two rivers) sharing the 'A' or 'overlapping'"} {"Clue":"Voter wanting Jack to oust Liberal in a particular seat (7)","Answer":"EJECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: a particular seat\nE~~l~~ECTOR (voter) with J (jack) replacing or 'ousting' L (liberal)"} {"Clue":"Mark, perhaps texting bird about unknown pub (6)","Answer":"HYPHEN","Explanation":"Definition: Mark, perhaps texting\nHEN (bird) round Y (unknown) PH (pub). We're not totally sure why 'perhaps texting' is included though."} {"Clue":"Capital that's essential to manage Aussie beauty (6)","Answer":"NASSAU","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\nThis is a combination of the middle or 'essential' pairs of letters in maNAge AuSSie beAUty"} {"Clue":"Top marks secured by expert (4)","Answer":"ACME","Explanation":"Definition: Top\nM (marks) in or 'secured by' ACE (expert)"} {"Clue":"Refuse to dismiss right to sleep (4)","Answer":"DOSS","Explanation":"Definition: sleep\nD~~r~~OSS (refuse) without or 'dismissing' 'r' (right)"} {"Clue":"That fellow, mostly disappointed in law, turning capricious (9)","Answer":"WHIMSICAL","Explanation":"Definition: capricious\nHIM (that fellow) SIC~~k~~ (disappointed) without the the last letter or 'mostly' in LAW reversed or 'turning'"} {"Clue":"Impose infantry? Right to see off introduction of infantry (7)","Answer":"INFLICT","Explanation":"Definition: Impose\nINF (infantry) + LIC~~i~~T (right) without or 'seeing off' 'i' (first letter or 'introduction' of 'infantry'"} {"Clue":"Very busy working as a group, we hear (7)","Answer":"TEEMING","Explanation":"Definition: Very busy\nHomophone ('we hear') of TEAMING (working as a group)"} {"Clue":"Some distance on the el is like Metro travelling (9)","Answer":"KILOMETER","Explanation":"Definition: Some distance on the el\nAn anagram of LIKE METRO (anagrind is 'travelling') \u2013 the American spelling indicated by the reference to the 'el'"} {"Clue":"Soldier's trip in sports car (5)","Answer":"GRUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Soldier\nRUN (trip) in GT (sports car)"} {"Clue":"Basic cotton pants \u2013 from this vendor? (11)","Answer":"TOBACCONIST","Explanation":"Definition: this vendor?\nAn anagram of BASIC COTTON \u2013 anagrind is 'pants'"} {"Clue":"Woman's present finally withdrawn (3)","Answer":"HER","Explanation":"Definition: Woman's\nHER~~e~~ (present) with the last letter omitted or 'finally withdrawn'"} {"Clue":"Time zone trimmed after reflection (3)","Answer":"ERA","Explanation":"Definition: Time\nARE~~a~~ (zone) without the last letter or 'trimmed' and reversed or 'reflected'"} {"Clue":"Hard work \u2013 revolutionary work? Pop music's source of hard work in the ballet field (11)","Answer":"CHOREOGRAPH","Explanation":"Definition: work in the ballet field\nCHORE (hard work) + GO (work) reversed or 'revolutionary' + RAP (pop music) + H (first letter or 'source' of 'hard')"} {"Clue":"In the lead and prepared for a shock result (5)","Answer":"UPSET","Explanation":"Definition: shock result\nUP (in the lead) SET (prepared)"} {"Clue":"Reverse of smart guy, one probing obscene material in China (9)","Answer":"PORCELAIN","Explanation":"Definition: China\nALEC ('smart guy' as in 'smart Alec') reversed + I (one) in or 'probing' PORN (obscene material)"} {"Clue":"Vocal activity in bar just as expected in drunken rake (7)","Answer":"KARAOKE","Explanation":"Definition: Vocal activity in bar\nAOK (just as expected) in an anagram of RAKE \u2013 anagrind is 'drunken'"} {"Clue":"Respectful address? The last thing to appear in Fife rioting (7)","Answer":"EFFENDI","Explanation":"Definition: Respectful address?\nEND (the last thing) 'appearing' in an anagram of FIFE \u2013 anagrind is 'rioting'"} {"Clue":"Last one million invested in river processing (9)","Answer":"TREATMENT","Explanation":"Definition: processing\nThis took some figuring out \u2013 it's\u00a0EAT ('last one', i.e. 25d \u2013 last clue) M (million) 'invested' in TRENT (river)"} {"Clue":"Line subsequently encountered again in Australia? That's funny (4)","Answer":"LOLZ","Explanation":"Definition: That's funny\nL (line) + L (line again, 'subsequently encountered') in OZ (Australia) \u2013 a new word for us. We thought it was the plural of LOL but apparently it is the plural noun to describe amusement derived from mischievous or provocative behaviour on the internet. So many other words could have fitted in here, that we felt that this must a thematic reference \u2026.. if there was a theme."} {"Clue":"Lights, say, not working? Almost completely (5)","Answer":"OFFAL","Explanation":"Definition: Lights, say\nOFF (not working) + AL~~l~~ (completely) without the last letter or 'almost'"} {"Clue":"Is interrupting half college, producing great upheaval (7)","Answer":"SEISMIC","Explanation":"Definition: producing great upheaval\nIS 'interrupting' SEMI (half) C (college)"} {"Clue":"Departed, abandoning number in the rain (3)","Answer":"WET","Explanation":"Definition: in the rain\nWE~~n~~T (departed) without or 'abandoning' 'n' (number)"} {"Clue":"Trial re: nine crooks, following much reading of texts? (11)","Answer":"INTERLINEAR","Explanation":"Definition: following much reading of texts?\nAn anagram of TRIAL RE NINE \u2013 anagrind is 'crooks' \u2013 another new word for us, and a not-very-helpful definition \u2013 'written between lines' is the Chambers definition"} {"Clue":"Unfortunate appearance limiting the French magician's skill (7)","Answer":"SLEIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: magician's skill\nSIGHT (unfortunate appearance) round or 'limiting' LE ('the' in French)"} {"Clue":"Cross lines, failing to engage with dancing dog (9)","Answer":"CHIHUAHUA","Explanation":"Definition: dog\nCHI (the Greek letter whose symbol is 'X' \u2013 cross) + HU~~l~~A-HU~~l~~A (dancing) with the 'l's (lines) omitted or 'failing to engage'"} {"Clue":"Excitedly ran height trial, having ability to float (7-4-3)","Answer":"LIGHTER-THAN-AIR","Explanation":"Definition: having ability to float\nAn anagram of RAN HEIGHT TRIAL \u2013 anagrind is 'excitedly'"} {"Clue":"Transfigured prophet rose \u2013 in this? (11)","Answer":"TROPOSPHERE","Explanation":"Definition: in this?\nCryptic definition \u2013 an anagram of PROPHET ROSE \u2013 anagrind is 'transfigured'"} {"Clue":"Restaurant supports most of a sequence of events (9)","Answer":"BRASSERIE","Explanation":"Definition: Restaurant\nBRAS (supporters) + SERIE~~s~~ (sequence of events) without the last letter or 'most of'"} {"Clue":"Sailing vessel at edge of briny, covered in quantity of paint (7)","Answer":"CATBOAT","Explanation":"Definition: Sailing vessel\nAT B (first letter or 'edge' of 'briny') 'covered' in COAT (quantity of paint) \u2013 another new word for us"} {"Clue":"Elevated sensation carried into ear with joy (7)","Answer":"GLEEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: with joy\nFEEL (sensation) 'carried' in LUG (ear) all reversed or 'elevated'"} {"Clue":"Cancel apostle heading off to gather names (5)","Answer":"ANNUL","Explanation":"Definition: Cancel\n~~P~~AUL (apostle) without the first letter or 'heading off' round or 'gathering' NN (names)"} {"Clue":"Take in American in Spielberg film (3)","Answer":"EAT","Explanation":"Definition: Take in\nA (American) in ET (Spielberg film)"} {"Clue":"Like Knotty Ash's hooter, keeping awfully loud (8)","Answer":"NODULOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Like Knotty Ash\nNOSE (hooter) around or 'keeping' an anagram of LOUD \u2013 anagrind is 'awfully'"} {"Clue":"Very happy heading off behind schedule (6)","Answer":"ELATED","Explanation":"Definition: Very happy\n~~b~~ELATED\u00a0(behind schedule) without first letter or 'heading off'"} {"Clue":"Copies from a month back (4)","Answer":"APES","Explanation":"Definition: Copies\nA SEP (month) reversed or 'back'"} {"Clue":"Teasing Len about bloomers (10)","Answer":"EGLANTINES","Explanation":"Definition: bloomers\nAn anagram of TEASING LEN \u2013 anagrind is 'about'"} {"Clue":"Sort of flat cap on chimneypot (6)","Answer":"GRANNY","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of flat\nDouble definition \u2013 we had to check the chimney pot definition"} {"Clue":"Antibiotic, one dispensed by my chemist if necessary initially (8)","Answer":"NEOMYCIN","Explanation":"Definition: Antibiotic\nAn anagram of ONE (anagrind is 'dispensed') MY CIN (initial letters of Chemist If Necessary)"} {"Clue":"Black line below boob (7)","Answer":"BLUNDER","Explanation":"Definition: boob\nB (black) L (line) UNDER (below)"} {"Clue":"Float east of Bordeaux, say, to 22A again (7)","Answer":"REDRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: 22A again\nRAFT (float) after or 'east of' RED (Bordeaux say)"} {"Clue":"Temple of Hope, Nantes, mostly rebuilt (8)","Answer":"PANTHEON","Explanation":"Definition: Temple\nAn anagram of HOPE NANT~~es~~ missing two letters or 'mostly' \u2013 anagrind is 'rebuilt'"} {"Clue":"Outline of small boat (6)","Answer":"SKETCH","Explanation":"Definition: Outline\nS (small) KETCH (boat)"} {"Clue":"Fielders starting to come in soon, since stupid 'bad' declaration? (10)","Answer":"CONFESSION","Explanation":"Definition: bad' declaration?\nF (first letter or 'start' of 'fielders') 'coming' in an anagram of\u00a0SOON SINCE \u2013 anagrind is 'stupid"} {"Clue":"Jogger, handsome, moving house (4)","Answer":"MEMO","Explanation":"Definition: Jogger\nHidden or 'housed' in handsoME MOving"} {"Clue":"A French girl with new flat? On the contrary (6)","Answer":"UNEVEN","Explanation":"Definition: flat? On the contrary\nUN (a in French) EVE (girl) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Settle in: for starters, it's snug enough (8)","Answer":"COLONISE","Explanation":"Definition: Settle in\nCOLON (:) and first letters or 'starters' to It's Snug Enough"} {"Clue":"A Teletubby's broken into a cattle pen across the pond, officer (8)","Answer":"CORPORAL","Explanation":"Definition: officer\nPO (a Teletubby) inside or 'broken into' CORRAL (cattle pen). We're not quite sure though why 'across the pond' is included. Neither corral or corporal are defined as 'american' in Chambers."} {"Clue":"Balls featuring in quotes regularly (4)","Answer":"NUTS","Explanation":"Definition: Balls\nRegular letters in iN qUoTeS"} {"Clue":"Countess Olivia and Malvolio, easily deceived? Yes at first, in Twelfth Night perhaps (6)","Answer":"COMEDY","Explanation":"Definition: Twelfth Night perhaps \nInitial letters or 'at first' in Countess Olivia Malvolio Easily Deceived Yes"} {"Clue":"Extremely evasive during affair? That makes sense (7)","Answer":"FEELING","Explanation":"Definition: sense\nFirst and last letters of EvasivE or 'extremely' inside or 'during' FLING (affair)"} {"Clue":"Tall, thin person with a pulse to measure (8)","Answer":"BEANPOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Tall, thin person\nBEAN (pulse) POLE (measure)"} {"Clue":"Frenchman in Italy playing in Open with all the relatives there? (6,4)","Answer":"FAMILY TREE","Explanation":"Definition: all the relatives there? \nM (Frenchman) inside an anagram of ITALY (anagrind is 'playing') inside FREE (open)"} {"Clue":"Asian people\u00a0in the old capital of India (6)","Answer":"YEMENI","Explanation":"Definition: Asian\nMEN (people) in\u00a0YE (old word for 'the') I (capital of Italy)"} {"Clue":"3 by 17, after 4 it's time for a song! (4,2,4)","Answer":"NINE TO FIVE","Explanation":"Definition: a song!\nParsed just in time\u2026\u2026. it's 3 x 17 = 51 after 4 which on a clock gives you 04:51 or 9 to 5."} {"Clue":"Paradoxically, odds on good service (8)","Answer":"EVENSONG","Explanation":"Definition: service\nParadoxically odds in betting could be EVENS plus ON G (good)"} {"Clue":"Confront first of medics and demand something to stop germs spreading (4,4)","Answer":"FACE MASK","Explanation":"Definition: something to stop germs spreading\nFACE (confront) M (first letter in Medics) ASK (demand)"} {"Clue":"After trip to China, a tonic's drunk at hotel \u2013 ah, our Nina's managed City once (7)","Answer":"ANTIOCH","Explanation":"Definition: City once\nOnce again, parsed at the last moment\u2026\u2026\u2026 it's an anagram of TO CHINA (anagrind is 'after trip') but it is also an anagram of A TONIC (anagrind is 'drunk') and H(hotel). However, it's also an anagram of CONTI ('our Nina', the theme of the puzzle) and AH (anagrind is 'managed')"} {"Clue":"A cereal's 2 (6)","Answer":"ACORNS","Explanation":"Definition: 2\nA CORN'S (cereal's)"} {"Clue":"Run like a spinster (6)","Answer":"SINGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Run\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Chap put in order worth \u00a3333.33? (4)","Answer":"MONK","Explanation":"Definition: Chap put in order\nMONK~~ey~~ (4 out of the 6 letters) \u2013 a monkey is worth \u00a3500 so two thirds of it would be worth \u00a3333.33"} {"Clue":"Guy behind delivery? (7)","Answer":"POSTMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Guy behind delivery?\nCryptic definition \u2013 the MAN (guy) who delivers the POST"} {"Clue":"Close to launch, engineer heads for spacecraft (7)","Answer":"SHUTTLE","Explanation":"Definition: spacecraft\nSHUT (close) + first letters or 'heads' of To Launch Engineer"} {"Clue":"Film about end of \"Charlotte's Web\" (5)","Answer":"SKEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Web\nSKIN (film) round E ('end' of 'Charlotte')"} {"Clue":"College minor coming across loud and clear (9)","Answer":"CLOUDLESS","Explanation":"Definition: clear\nC (college) LESS (minor) round or 'coming across' LOUD"} {"Clue":"Give out street aid around shelters, retrospectively (7)","Answer":"RADIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Give out\nHidden or 'sheltered' and backwards or 'retrospectively' in 'streET AID ARound"} {"Clue":"Cosmopolitan students separated during rambling (7)","Answer":"WORLDLY","Explanation":"Definition: Cosmopolitan\nL and L (students) separately inserted ('during') into WORDY (rambling, as in verbose)"} {"Clue":"Anger left in some boxing matches? (12)","Answer":"FIRELIGHTERS","Explanation":"Definition: matches\nIRE (anger) L (left) in FIGHTERS ('some boxing')"} {"Clue":"Money firm enclosed for investment in Madras, say (4,8)","Answer":"HARD CURRENCY","Explanation":"Definition: Money\nHARD (firm) + ENC (enclosed) 'invested' in CURRY (Madras, say)"} {"Clue":"Concerning display in golf lesson (7)","Answer":"READING","Explanation":"Definition: lesson\nRE (concerning) AD (display) IN G (golf)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps girl's favourite boy\u00a0band (7)","Answer":"SQUEEZE","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps girl's favourite boy\nDouble definition \u2013 SQUEEZE being the 1970s band which included Jools Holland on keyboards"} {"Clue":"Two rods, for example, rotating inside means of propulsion (9)","Answer":"BARGEPOLE","Explanation":"Definition: means of propulsion\nBAR (one rod) POLE (another) with EG (for example) reversed or 'rotated' inside"} {"Clue":"Slope on far edge of forest walk (5)","Answer":"TRAMP","Explanation":"Definition: walk\nRAMP (slope) after T (the last letter or 'far edge' of 'forset')"} {"Clue":"Child princess regularly seen in play (7)","Answer":"CINDERS","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 an anagram of the alternate letters of ChIlD pRiNcEsS \u2013 anagrind is 'seen in play'"} {"Clue":"Decline to live by American rule (7)","Answer":"FORBEAR","Explanation":"FOR (to) BE (live) A (American) R (rule)"} {"Clue":"Food store changing name for Sabbath (6)","Answer":"PASTRY","Explanation":"Definition: Food\nPA~~n~~TRY (store) with the 'n' (name) changed to S (Sabbath)"} {"Clue":"Regular but small returns \u2013 that's banking these days (6)","Answer":"STEADY","Explanation":"Definition: Regular\nYET (but) S (small) reversed or 'returning' round or 'banking' AD (these days)"} {"Clue":"Language chairman needs in management (8,7)","Answer":"MANDARIN CHINESE","Explanation":"Definition: Language\nAn anagram of CHAIRMAN NEEDS IN \u2013 anagrind is 'management'"} {"Clue":"Specialist hotel opening national reserve (5)","Answer":"NICHE","Explanation":"Definition: Specialist\nH (hotel) in or 'opening' N (national) ICE (reserve)"} {"Clue":"Film news and how it breaks (4,5)","Answer":"SNOW WHITE","Explanation":"Definition: Film\nAn anagram of NEWS and HOW IT \u2013 anagrind is 'breaks'"} {"Clue":"Criminal? He turned out to be above board (5-3-7)","Answer":"UNDER-THE-COUNTER","Explanation":"Definition: Criminal?\nAn anagram of HE TURNED (anagrind is 'out') + COUNTER (board)"} {"Clue":"It means more in tearful row! (8)","Answer":"TRENDIER","Explanation":"Definition: It means more in\nREND (tear) in TIER (row)"} {"Clue":"Influence exists through established writer (8)","Answer":"ESSAYIST","Explanation":"Definition: writer\nSAY (influence) IS (exists) in EST (established)"} {"Clue":"Shocking case of editing on government debt records (9)","Answer":"EGREGIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Shocking\nEG (first and last letters or 'casing' of 'editing') RE (on) G (government) IOUS (debt records)"} {"Clue":"Angelic singer opening posh swinging clubs (8)","Answer":"CHERUBIC","Explanation":"Definition: Angelic\nCHER (singer) U (posh) BI (swinging) C (clubs)"} {"Clue":"Divide up casework for experiment (5,3)","Answer":"TRIAL RUN","Explanation":"Definition: experiment\n'Casework' is divided to create TRIAL (case) RUN (work)"} {"Clue":"Member at election admitting rebuke (6)","Answer":"BERATE","Explanation":"Definition: rebuke\nHidden in or 'admitted to' 'memBER AT Election'"} {"Clue":"Man City's manager for season? (6)","Answer":"PEPPER","Explanation":"Definition: season\nPEP (Pep Guardiola, apparently the manager of Manchester City FC) PER (for)"} {"Clue":"Silence the Spanish following support (5)","Answer":"SHELF","Explanation":"Definition: support\nSH (silence) EL ('the' in Spanish) F (following)"} {"Clue":"Casual worker turned up first (7)","Answer":"OFFHAND","Explanation":"Definition: Casual\nHAND (worker) with OFF (turned) 'up first' \u2013 not sure about the 'up' here"} {"Clue":"What's central to Moscow and Stalin's shameful episode? (7)","Answer":"SCANDAL","Explanation":"Definition: shameful episode\n'Central' letters of MoSCow AND 'central' letters of StALin"} {"Clue":"Menace from political extremists maintaining anger towards the West (5)","Answer":"PERIL","Explanation":"Definition: Menace\nP and L (first and last or 'extreme' letters of 'political') round or 'maintaining' IRE (anger) reversed or 'towards the West'"} {"Clue":"Worked on document to guard against European backsliding (9)","Answer":"DEVELOPED","Explanation":"Definition: Worked on\nDEED (document) round or 'guarding' V (against) POLE (European) reversed or 'backsliding'"} {"Clue":"Impediment must be beginning to upset Lancashire's opener, batting with good defensive action (9,5)","Answer":"STUMBLING BLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Impediment\nAn anagram of MUST and B (beginning of 'be') \u2013 anagrind is 'upset' + L (first letter or 'opener' of 'Lancashire') IN (batting) G (good) BLOCK (defensive action)"} {"Clue":"Being ahead of Independent and Republican, finally triumph by a narrow margin (4)","Answer":"HAIR","Explanation":"Definition: narrow margin\nI (Independent) R (Republican) with H (last of 'final' letter of 'triumph') A in front or 'ahead'"} {"Clue":"Degree by which Coe leads the entire field in sport (8)","Answer":"BASEBALL","Explanation":"Definition: sport\nBA (degree) SEB (Seb Coe) ALL (the entire field)"} {"Clue":"Old antique needing restoration is something that could be done by summer? (8)","Answer":"EQUATION","Explanation":"Definition: something that could be done by summer?\nAn anagram of O (old) and ANTIQUE \u2013 anagrind is 'needing restoration' \u2013 strictly speaking a 'summer' would not necessarily be able to do an equation \u2013 it requires more than just adding up!"} {"Clue":"Four iron used to secure par, say? (4)","Answer":"FIVE","Explanation":"Definition: par, say?\nIV (four) in or 'secured by' FE (iron) \u2013 even as non-golfers we are aware that some holes are par 5 (or par 3) but most are usually par 4 \u2013 the 'say?' presumably recognises this, and allows the golfing theme to work well"} {"Clue":"One drifting at sea allowed a day to consume cold food item (7,7)","Answer":"ICEBERG LETTUCE","Explanation":"Definition: food item\nICEBERG (one drifting at sea) LET (allowed) + TUE (Tuesday, 'a day') round or 'consuming' C (cold)"} {"Clue":"Vehicle's slower? Sounds like damage to pump, possibly (5,4)","Answer":"BRAKE SHOE","Explanation":"Definition: Vehicle's slower?\nBRAKE (sounds like 'break' \u2013 damage) SHOE (pump, possibly)"} {"Clue":"Minor manufacturer not opening plant (5)","Answer":"ORRIS","Explanation":"Definition: plant\n~~M~~ORRIS (manufacturer of the Morris Minor) without the first letter or 'not opening'"} {"Clue":"Phone school back, leaving message (7)","Answer":"NOTELET","Explanation":"Definition: message\nTEL (phone) ETON (school) all reversed or 'back'"} {"Clue":"Theatre assistant's right to invest in short course (7)","Answer":"DRESSER","Explanation":"Definition: Theatre assistant\nR (right) 'invested' in DESSER~~t~~ (course) with the last letter omitted or 'short'"} {"Clue":"Comment made about blunder, so changed around procedure (4)","Answer":"OOPS","Explanation":"Definition: Comment made about blunder\nSO reversed or 'changed' around OP (procedure \u2013 operation)"} {"Clue":"Officer's in leading truck with new soldier, eating pork pie (5,10)","Answer":"FIRST LIEUTENANT","Explanation":"Definition: Officer\nFIRST (leading) UTE (truck) N (new) ANT (soldier) round or 'eating' LIE (pork pie \u2013 Cockney rhyming slang)"} {"Clue":"Deeply aroused by a fine, exotic material (6)","Answer":"AFLAME","Explanation":"Definition: Deeply aroused\nA F (fine) LAM\u00c9 (exotic material)"} {"Clue":"Do I, within three days, start to lack energy? (6)","Answer":"DIDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Do\nI within DDD (three days) + L (first letter or 'start' to 'lack') E (energy)"} {"Clue":"A vehicle used by groundsman, ultimately, has pulled up outside grassy area (8)","Answer":"SAVANNAH","Explanation":"Definition: grassy area\nA VAN (vehicle) N (last or 'ultimate' letter of 'groundsman') with HAS reversed or 'pulled up' outside"} {"Clue":"Publicity material was dishonest, containing empty blurb made up on the spot (2-6)","Answer":"AD-LIBBED","Explanation":"Definition: made up on the spot\nAD (publicity material) LIED (was dishonest) around or 'containing' B~~lur~~B with the middle letters removed or 'empty'"} {"Clue":"Body of foreign officials decline to see racist MP when travelling around county (10,5)","Answer":"DIPLOMATIC CORPS","Explanation":"Definition: Body of foreign officials \nDIP (decline) LO (see) + an anagram of RACIST MP (anagrind is 'when travelling') round CO (county)"} {"Clue":"Lothario really liked to play with fire, ultimately getting knocked out (4,6)","Answer":"LADY KILLER","Explanation":"Definition: Lothario\nAn anagram of REALLY LIK~~e~~D with the last or 'ultimate' letter of 'fire' omitted or 'knocked out' \u2013 anagrind is 'play'"} {"Clue":"When introducing frontrunners in election, Labour instils egalitarianism but I refuse to be taken in by it (7,3)","Answer":"WHEELIE BIN","Explanation":"Definition: refuse to be taken in by it\nWHEN round or 'introducing' the first letters or 'forerunners' in Election Labour Instils Egalitarioanism But I"} {"Clue":"Exquisite crackers \u2013 three each left (8)","Answer":"ETHEREAL","Explanation":"Definition: Exquisite\nAn anagram of THREE (anagrind is 'crackers') EA (each) L (left)"} {"Clue":"Photograph's not large \u2013 gosh, it needs blowing up! (4,4)","Answer":"LONG SHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Photograph\nAn anagram of NOT L (large) GOSH \u2013 anagrind is 'blowing up'"} {"Clue":"Supporter meets goal hero (6)","Answer":"LEGEND","Explanation":"Definition: hero\nLEG (supported) END (goal)"} {"Clue":"In which, ultimately, a cat seizes mouse's tail (2,4)","Answer":"AT HOME","Explanation":"Definition: In\nH (last or 'ultimate' letter of 'which') in or 'seized by' A TOM (cat) + E (last letter or 'tail' of 'mouse')"} {"Clue":"Selfish person getting a lift \u2013 carry on without me (4)","Answer":"USER","Explanation":"Definition: Selfish person\nA reversal (getting a lift') of RESU~~me~~ (carry on) without 'me'"} {"Clue":"Explain cryptic clue? I see! (9)","Answer":"ELUCIDATE","Explanation":"Definition: Explain\nAn anagram of CLUE (anagrind is \"cryptic') I DATE (see)"} {"Clue":"Artistic movement, stage kept in check (7)","Answer":"DADAISM","Explanation":"Definition: Artistic movement\nDAIS (stage) in DAM (check)"} {"Clue":"Old source of music like Punk almost beyond comparison, initially (8)","Answer":"CASSETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Old source of music\nAS SETTE~~r~~ ('like Punk') missing last letter or 'almost' after C (initial letter of Comparison)"} {"Clue":"Olympian lit up English town (6)","Answer":"BOLTON","Explanation":"Definition: English town\nBOLT (Olympian as in Usain Bolt) ON (lit up). Just as Pierre likes his bird references in the blog, we cannot pass up this opportunity to add link. Every time one of us says Bolton, the other one says Notlob!"} {"Clue":"I say, I say, I say? (5,8)","Answer":"ROMAN NUMERALS","Explanation":"I can be a Roman numeral \u2013 in this case we have 3 so we need the plural. We needed all the crossing letters for this one and we still put a box around the clue \u2013 our way of indicating that we are\u00a0not that confident about the parsing!"} {"Clue":"Olympian formerly taken by the ultimate in combat sport (6)","Answer":"TENNIS","Explanation":"Definition: sport\nENNIS (Jessica Ennis \u2013 ~~former Olympian~~ now Jessica Ennis-Hill) after or 'taken by' T (last letter or 'ultimate' in combat).\u00a0*Thanks Eileen.\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Olympian queen perhaps in Olympian competition, invariably leads (8)","Answer":"COMANECI","Explanation":"Definition: Olympian\nMAN ('Queen perhaps' as used to describe the piece on a chess board) inside COE (Olympian \u2013 as in Lord Sebastian Coe) C I (first letters or 'leads' to competition invariably). This was our LOI after we had searched for possible answers to 23d."} {"Clue":"Shock, as first of runners hampered by loss of power (7)","Answer":"OUTRAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Shock\nR (first letter in runners) inside or 'hampered by' OUTAGE (loss of power)"} {"Clue":"Outdoor kit that is carried by Olympian (7)","Answer":"WELLIES","Explanation":"Definition: Outdoor kit\nI E (that is) inside or 'carried by' WELLS (Olympian \u2013 as in \u2026.. actually there were quite a few Olympians with that surname!)"} {"Clue":"Illustrated issue primarily drowned by tropical storms (9)","Answer":"PICTORIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Illustrated\nI (first or 'primary' letter of issue) inside or 'drowned by' an anagram of TROPICAL (anagrind is 'storms')"} {"Clue":"Offence taken in wars only (5)","Answer":"ARSON","Explanation":"Definition: Offence\nHidden or 'taken' in wARS ONly"} {"Clue":"Confection best to keep cold (4,3)","Answer":"CHOC ICE","Explanation":"Definition: Confection\nCHOICE (best) around or 'keeping' C (cold)"} {"Clue":"Old English king and James VI both briefly having a picnic, perhaps? (8)","Answer":"ALFRESCO","Explanation":"Definition: having a picnic, perhaps?\nALFRE~~d~~ (Old English King) and SCO~~t~~ (James VI) both missing last letter or 'briefly'"} {"Clue":"Punk's tender old Indian city (6)","Answer":"MYSORE","Explanation":"Definition: old Indian city\nMY (Punk's) SORE (tender). Mysore is now called Mysuru."} {"Clue":"Almost all went wrong in post-Renaissance language (3,5)","Answer":"NEW LATIN","Explanation":"Definition: post-Renaissance language\nAn anagram of AL~~l~~ (missing last letter or 'almost') and WENT (anagrind is 'wrong') IN"} {"Clue":"One Olympian about two lengths behind another, last in relay \u2013 old performer (5,5)","Answer":"BUDDY HOLLY","Explanation":"Definition: old performer\nHOY (Olympian \u2013 as in Sir Chris Hoy) around LL (lengths) after BUDD (Olympian \u2013 as in Zola Budd) Y (last letter in relay)"} {"Clue":"Swine \u2013 one bold in action amid conflict (4,4)","Answer":"WILD BOAR","Explanation":"Definition: Swine\nI (one) an anagram of BOLD (anagrind is 'in action') inside or 'amid'\u00a0WAR (conflict)"} {"Clue":"Rope in the end holding artist up (6)","Answer":"LARIAT","Explanation":"Definition: Rope\nTAIL (the end) around or 'holding' RA (artist) all reversed or 'up'"} {"Clue":"Continue to smile, as Olympian (6)","Answer":"BEAMON","Explanation":"Definition: Olympian\nA play on BEAM ON (continue to smile). The Olympian is Bob Beamon."} {"Clue":"Man has to air broadcast for artist (8)","Answer":"ANIMATOR","Explanation":"Definition: artist\nAn anagram of MAN and TO AIR (anagrind is 'broadcast')"} {"Clue":"Steps taken backwards, or one giant leap? (8)","Answer":"MOON WALK","Explanation":"You have to think of Michael Jackson's MOONWALK\u00a0here where he actually walks backwards whilst looking as if he's walking forwards. We're sure you will have seen this but if you haven't click . Actually it's worth a look at anyway. The second part refers to Neil Armstrong's words when he first landed on the moon. Listeners to PM on Radio 4 will have heard these words many, many times!"} {"Clue":"General tries to regroup, most suspicious (8)","Answer":"LEERIEST","Explanation":"Definition: most suspicious\nLEE (General) and an anagram of TRIES (anagrind is 'regroup')"} {"Clue":"Olympian flag posted (7)","Answer":"PINSENT","Explanation":"Definition: Olympian\nPIN (flag, as on a golf course) SENT (posted). The Olympian is Matthew Pinsent."} {"Clue":"Olympian god exercises (6)","Answer":"THORPE","Explanation":"Definition: Olympian\nTHOR (god) PE (exercises). The Olympian could be Ian or Jim Thorpe as far as we can see."} {"Clue":"See running water or vapour, then? (6)","Answer":"NOTICE","Explanation":"Definition: See\nRunning water or vapour are NOT ICE, the other form that water can take."} {"Clue":"Out of debt, a small sum of money used to give change (6)","Answer":"AFLOAT","Explanation":"Definition: Out of debt\nWe had ??L?A?. In desperation we searched Chambers on our iPad. Thank goodness the answer started with A! Once we had the solution we realized that it was A FLOAT (sum of money you use to give change). So easy really."} {"Clue":"Author, part almost stolen by rival of Johnson, Ben? (5,7)","Answer":"LEWIS CARROLL","Explanation":"Definition: Author\nROL~~e~~ (part) missing last letter or 'almost' inside or 'stolen by'\u00a0LEWIS, CARL \u2013 a rival of Johnson, Ben"} {"Clue":"Monster caught early Saint, getting one imprisoned (7)","Answer":"CALIBAN","Explanation":"Definition: Monster\nC (caught) ALBAN (St Alban \u2013 3rd \/ 4th century saint) round or 'imprisoning' I (one)"} {"Clue":"Early curtailment of angry argument producing sadness (6)","Answer":"SORROW","Explanation":"Definition: sadness\nSOR~~e~~ (angry) without the last letter, or 'curtailed early' + ROW (argument)"} {"Clue":"Cut back, restricting first of local celebrations (6)","Answer":"REVELS","Explanation":"Definition: celebrations\nSEVER (cut) reversed or 'back' round or 'restricting' L (first letter of 'local')"} {"Clue":"Director to do well around timeless film locations? (8)","Answer":"SCORSESE","Explanation":"Definition: Director\nSCORE (do well) around SE~~t~~S (film locations) without the 't' ('timeless')"} {"Clue":"Set out, drifting into small piece of Pacific? (3,2,3)","Answer":"PUT TO SEA","Explanation":"Definition: Set out\nAn anagram of SET OUT (anagrind is 'drifting') in PA (first two letters, or 'small piece' of 'pacific')"} {"Clue":"Stops losing time over middle of day? That's smart (6)","Answer":"DRESSY","Explanation":"Definition: smart\nRES~~t~~S (stops) without 't' (time) replacing ('over') the 'a' (middle) of D~~a~~Y"} {"Clue":"Shocking weather circles Metro with added bit of tension, possibly (8,5)","Answer":"ELECTRIC STORM","Explanation":"Definition: Shocking weather\nAn anagram of CIRCLES METRO and T ('bit of tension') \u2013 anagrind is 'possibly'"} {"Clue":"Dozing snake seen around shelter (6)","Answer":"ASLEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Dozing\nASP (snake) round LEE (shelter)"} {"Clue":"Odd bits of life completely evident in end of sea journey (8)","Answer":"LANDFALL","Explanation":"Definition: end of sea journey\nL AND F (odd letters or 'bits' of LiFe) + ALL (completely)"} {"Clue":"Grain worldwide initially involved in standard economic competition (5,3)","Answer":"PRICE WAR","Explanation":"Definition: economic competition\nRICE (grain) W (first or 'initial' letter of 'worldwide') in PAR (standard)"} {"Clue":"Trainers with disapproving comments about soldiers (6)","Answer":"TUTORS","Explanation":"Definition: Trainers\nTUTS (disapproving comments) round OR ('other ranks' \u2013 soldiers)"} {"Clue":"Treasurer's hoarse whisper about it (6)","Answer":"BURSAR","Explanation":"Definition: Treasurer\nBURR (hoarse whisper) round SA (sex appeal \u2013 'it')"} {"Clue":"Care about artist \u2013 a magician's daughter (7)","Answer":"MIRANDA","Explanation":"Definition: magician's daughter\nMIND (care) round RA (artist) + A"} {"Clue":"Held out with excuse, ditching former lover? That's the plan (8)","Answer":"SCHEDULE","Explanation":"Definition: plan\nAn anagram of HELD and ~~ex~~CUSE (without or 'ditching' 'ex' \u2013 former lover) \u2013 anagrind is 'out'"} {"Clue":"Court about to animate heartless defendant, in lawyer's view (6)","Answer":"CLIENT","Explanation":"Definition: defendant, in lawyer's view\nCT (court) round LI~~v~~EN (animate) without the middle letter, or 'heartless'"} {"Clue":"Takes down American military set-ups (6)","Answer":"ABASES","Explanation":"Definition: Takes down\nA (American) BASES (military set-ups)"} {"Clue":"No introduction of an extra burden (4)","Answer":"ONUS","Explanation":"Definition: burden\n~~b~~ONUS (an extra) without the first letter or 'no introduction'"} {"Clue":"A drink's about to be sold? Pretty much (2,4,2)","Answer":"AS GOOD AS","Explanation":"Definition: Pretty much\nA SODA'S (drink's) round GO (be sold)"} {"Clue":"Magician supporting whirling ropes (8)","Answer":"PROSPERO","Explanation":"Definition: Magician\nPRO (supporting) + an anagram of ROPES \u2013 anagrind is 'whirling'"} {"Clue":"Sitting up, disregarding one source of sibilant sounds (6)","Answer":"NOISES","Explanation":"Definition: sounds\nSES~~s~~ION (sitting) reversed or 'up' with one 's' (first letter or 'source' of 'sibilant') omitted or 'disregarded'"} {"Clue":"Almost everyone swallowing drop of rum (that is, a spirit) (5)","Answer":"ARIEL","Explanation":"Definition: a spirit\nAL~~l~~ (everyone) with the last letter omitted or 'almost' round or 'swallowing' R (first letter or 'drop' of 'rum') IE (that is)"} {"Clue":"Duty to involve Queen in military operation (8)","Answer":"EXERCISE","Explanation":"Definition: military operation\nEXCISE (duty) round or 'involving' ER (Queen)"} {"Clue":"Water and mop would do for this parasite (8)","Answer":"TAPEWORM","Explanation":"Definition: parasite\nAn anagram of WATER and MOP \u2013 anagrind is 'would do for'"} {"Clue":"Shops cut short pleasant experience leading to harm (8)","Answer":"MALTREAT","Explanation":"Definition: harm\nMAL~~l~~ (shops) with the last letter omitted or 'cut short' TREAT (pleasant experience)"} {"Clue":"Come up to rabbit on about river (6)","Answer":"SPROUT","Explanation":"Definition: Come up\nSPOUT (rabbit on, as in talk a lot) round R (river)"} {"Clue":"Note male abandoning responsible character (6)","Answer":"NATURE","Explanation":"Definition: character\nN (note) ~~m~~ATURE (responsible) without or 'abandoning' 'm' (male)"} {"Clue":"Beds? Fine hoaxes seeing removal of head (6)","Answer":"FUTONS","Explanation":"Definition: Beds\nF (fine) ~~p~~UT-ONS (hoaxes) without the first letter or 'removing head'"} {"Clue":"Incline to batter front of portcullis (4)","Answer":"RAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Incline\nRAM (batter) P (first letter or 'front' of 'portcullis')"} {"Clue":"One's in trouble after short time? It's like fan-bloody-tastic! (6)","Answer":"TMESIS","Explanation":"Definition: It's like fan-bloody-tastic\nWell, we had all the crossing letters and had the parsing but could not believe that there was such a word. We ended up using a word search in the end only to find that we were correct all along. It's T(short for time) followed by I (one) in MESS (trouble)"} {"Clue":"To decorate with particular knitwear pattern is a craft (8)","Answer":"TRIMARAN","Explanation":"Definition: a craft\nTRIM (to decorate) ARAN (particular knitwear)"} {"Clue":"What's central to idealist \u2013 it's self-evident? (8)","Answer":"ALTRUISM","Explanation":"AL (central letters in idealist) and TRUISM (self-evident). Dare we say that it's an &lit? It's not a term that we particularly like and tend to describe clues like this as having a cryptic definition."} {"Clue":"Top stores close briefly to count the takings (4,2)","Answer":"CASH UP","Explanation":"Definition: to count the takings\nCAP (top) around or 'storing' SHU~~t~~ (close) without last letter or 'briefly'"} {"Clue":"Desire is what makes owl howl (10)","Answer":"ASPIRATION","Explanation":"Definition: Desire\nIt could be seen as a double definition but the cryptic part is that what makes OWL into HOWL is an ASPIRATION!"} {"Clue":"Child's repelled by hospital food (4)","Answer":"NOSH","Explanation":"Definition: food\nSON (child) reversed or 'repelled' H (hospital)"} {"Clue":"Women wearing the same navy blue (4)","Answer":"DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: blue\nW (women) inside or 'wearing' DO (short for ditto or 'the same') and N (navy)"} {"Clue":"Means of payment could be direct debit, initially involving reduced charge (6,4)","Answer":"CREDIT CARD","Explanation":"Definition: Means of payment\nAn anagram of DIRECT (anagrind is 'could be') D (first letter of debit or 'initially') around or 'involving' CAR~~e~~ (charge) without last letter or 'reduced'. We weren't too sure first about charge and care being synonyms until we realised you could say \"in my charge' or \"in my care\"."} {"Clue":"Legal adviser's first in to celebrate and offer congratulation (10)","Answer":"FELICITATE","Explanation":"Definition: congratulation\nLICIT (legal) A (first letter in adviser) inside or 'in' FETE (celebrate)"} {"Clue":"Bookshop evidently stocks this English writer (4)","Answer":"HOPE","Explanation":"Definition: English writer\nHidden in the clue booksHOP Evidently. However, we had never heard of \u2013 although when we looked him up we found that he had written The Prisoner of Zenda which we did know."} {"Clue":"Leader's missing island, Rhodes perhaps (4)","Answer":"CHEF","Explanation":"Definition: Rhodes perhaps\nCH~~i~~EF (leader) without I (island). The Rhodes had nothing to do with the island- it was the chef Gary Rhodes."} {"Clue":"Source of annoyance not against hiding key for larks (10)","Answer":"EXALTATION","Explanation":"Definition: larks\n~~v~~EXATION (source of annoyance) without V (against as in versus) around or 'hiding' ALT (key on the computer keyboard). We could't work out the relevance of larks so checked in Chambers \u2013 exaltation is the collective noun for larks. Does anyone know why?"} {"Clue":"Secretary accompanies a chap to the West Country (6)","Answer":"PANAMA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nPA (secretary)\u00a0plus A MAN (chap) reversed or 'to the West'"} {"Clue":"Hour in rough pub can get good \u2013 it helps fighter train (8)","Answer":"PUNCHBAG","Explanation":"Definition: it helps fighter train\nH (hour) in an anagram of PUB CAN (anagrind is 'rough') G (good)"} {"Clue":"He'd try playing captivating number, a mournful song (8)","Answer":"THRENODY","Explanation":"Definition: a mournful song \nAn anagram of HE'D TRY (anagrind is 'playing') around or 'captivating'\u00a0NO (number)"} {"Clue":"Too much hesitation shown by Prince Harry? (6)","Answer":"POTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Harry?\nOTT (too much) ER (hesitation) after or 'shown by' P (Prince). We doubt whether anyone needs to know that it is Harry Potter, the creation of J. K. Rowling."} {"Clue":"Boon companion's temper being a heavy burden (9)","Answer":"MILLSTONE","Explanation":"Definition: a heavy burden\nMILLS (as in Mills and Boon the publishers) TONE (temper)"} {"Clue":"European rabbit regularly is eaten by Irishman (7)","Answer":"SERBIAN","Explanation":"Definition: European\nRaBbIt (alternate letters only or 'regularly') inside or 'eaten by' SEAN (Irishman)"} {"Clue":"Runner bean at last is removed from covering (3)","Answer":"SKI","Explanation":"Definition: Runner\nN (last letter of bean or 'at last') removed from SKI~~n~~ (covering)"} {"Clue":"One briefly employed by Independent and Times (5)","Answer":"TEMPI","Explanation":"Definition: Times\nTEMP(one briefly employed) I (Independent)"} {"Clue":"Lacking self-restraint at home, happy to imbibe endless wine (11)","Answer":"INCONTINENT","Explanation":"Definition: Lacking self-restraint\nIN (at home) CONTENT (happy) around ~~w~~IN~~e~~ (first and last letters missing or 'endless'). We had all the crossing letters, worked out the parsing and then realised the definition \u2013 it raised a smile."} {"Clue":"As aircraftsman lands set off siren (7)","Answer":"ARSENIC","Explanation":"Definition: As\nAC (aircraftsman) around or 'landing' an anagram of SIREN (anagrind is 'set off') \u2013 As being the chemical symbol for Arsenic"} {"Clue":"So fences save neighbours (5)","Answer":"ABUTS","Explanation":"Definition: neighbours\nAS (so) around or 'fencing' BUT (save)"} {"Clue":"Group of isolated geographical forms \u2026 this? (11)","Answer":"ARCHIPELAGO","Explanation":"An anagram of ~~g~~EOGRAPHICAL without or 'isolating' G (group of). It was one of those clues where only one word was possible but the parsing was difficult. We hadn't realised that G could stand for 'Group of' as in G7. A fan-bloody-tastic anagram. Obviously an archipelago is a group of isolated islands, which could be described as 'geographical forms'."} {"Clue":"When one's expected to produce a letter (3)","Answer":"ETA","Explanation":"Definition: a letter\nETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)"} {"Clue":"Will administration under monarch back miscreant? (9)","Answer":"REPROBATE","Explanation":"Definition: miscreant\nPROBATE (will administration) under ER (monarch) reversed or 'back'"} {"Clue":"One with puncture should secure new tyre, ultimately and do this? (7)","Answer":"INFLATE","Explanation":"Definition: do this? \nI (one) FLAT (puncture) around N (new) plus E (last or 'ultimate' letter of tyre)"} {"Clue":"Expert's statement of the obvious about temperature (7)","Answer":"HOTSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Expert\nIt's a play on the fact that you could say that HOT'S HOT when talking about temperature but you would be stating the obvious."} {"Clue":"Ancient has written about Othello, at heart a Moor (5)","Answer":"HEATH","Explanation":"Definition: Moor\nHATH (old form of has) about E (middle letter of Othello or 'at heart')"} {"Clue":"Pop back and fold suit (5)","Answer":"APPLY","Explanation":"Definition: suit\nPA ('pop' reversed or 'back') PLY (fold)"} {"Clue":"Tot needs a leg up (3)","Answer":"NIP","Explanation":"Definition: Tot\nA reversal of PIN (leg) which in a down clue means that it would be written up"} {"Clue":"Full-length uniform gets caught in fan (5)","Answer":"UNCUT","Explanation":"Definition: Full-length\nU (uniform, in the phonetic alphabet) +\u00a0C (caught) in NUT (fan)"} {"Clue":"Salesman has top drawer stacked by piece of furniture that's upright (9)","Answer":"REPUTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: upright\nREP (salesman) U ('top drawer') TABLE (piece of furniture)"} {"Clue":"Issues Don's seen with flipping Poles making insinuations (9)","Answer":"INNUENDOS","Explanation":"Definition: insinuations\nInteresting one \u2013 in 'issues don' the 's's are changed to 'N's and the 'n' is changed to 'S' ('flipping' north and south 'poles') to create INNUENDOS"} {"Clue":"Echo after blowback of gassy hot air (5)","Answer":"BILGE","Explanation":"Definition: hot air\nE (echo, in the phonetic alphabet) after GLIB (gassy) reversed or 'blown back'"} {"Clue":"Go and make a speech about training (7)","Answer":"OPERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Go\nORATE (make a speech) around PE ('training')"} {"Clue":"Secretary to inform adult it provides joint protection (7)","Answer":"PATELLA","Explanation":"Definition: it provides joint protection\nPA (personal assistant \u2013 secretary) TELL (inform) A (adult)"} {"Clue":"A monster's head that is attached to rear (6)","Answer":"NESSIE","Explanation":"Definition: A monster\nNESS (head, as in headland) IE (that is)"} {"Clue":"Constant unmarried mother right to go for Virginia (8)","Answer":"UNVARIED","Explanation":"Definition: Constant\nUN~~mar~~RIED with 'ma' (mother) and 'r' (right) replaced by VA (Virginia)"} {"Clue":"Only men have this Republican stance? (8)","Answer":"PROSTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Only men have this\nA Republican stance could be said to be PRO STATE"} {"Clue":"Whiffs of fried garlic left out before start of supper (6)","Answer":"CIGARS","Explanation":"Definition: Whiffs\nAn anagram of GAR~~l~~IC without the 'l' ('left out') \u2013 anagrind is 'fried' + S (first letter or 'start' of 'supper')"} {"Clue":"A medium's sob, in grip of endless malice (7)","Answer":"ACRYLIC","Explanation":"Definition: A medium\nCRY (sob) 'in the grip of' ~~m~~ALIC~~e~~ (with the first and last letters omitted, or 'endless')"} {"Clue":"Unsafe plant when avoiding whisky prohibition, ending in violence (7)","Answer":"HENBANE","Explanation":"Definition: Unsafe plant\n~~w~~HEN ('avoiding the 'w' \u2013 whisky in the phonetic alphabet) BAN (prohibition) E (last letter or 'ending' of 'violence'). If you want to know why henbane is 'unsafe' click ."} {"Clue":"Top celebs, one doing well in 'X Factor' if given a hand? (1-4)","Answer":"A-LIST","Explanation":"Definition: Top celebs\n~~This seems rather contrived, unless we've missed something \u2013 we think it is: IST (first \u2013 one doing well in 'X-Factor' \u2013 or any other competition for that matter) after A L (left, as in left hand)\u00a0~~\u00a0The answer A-LIST would become 'finalist' (one doing well in X Factor) 'if given' FIN (a hand) \u2013 the 'would become' being indicated by the wording and the ? (fin=hand can be confirmed in Chambers). *Many thanks to our friendly nocturnal* *bird. We\u00a0definitely were missing something."} {"Clue":"Chaps engaged in a welcome understanding (9)","Answer":"AGREEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: understanding\nMEN (chaps) in A GREET (welcome)"} {"Clue":"Acne on forehead? Exciting times! (4,5)","Answer":"HIGH SPOTS","Explanation":"Definition: Exciting times\nAcne (SPOTS) on the forehead could be described as being HIGH, as they presumably could be no higher on the body"} {"Clue":"Time to run fast or dash (5)","Answer":"TRACE","Explanation":"Definition: dash\nT (time) RACE (run fast)"} {"Clue":"It's fantastic Charlie and Romeo entered into marriage (7)","Answer":"UNICORN","Explanation":"Definition: It's fantastic\nC and R (Charlie and Romeo in the phonetic alphabet) 'entered' separately into UNION (marriage)"} {"Clue":"Nothing's caught by rod in boat (5)","Answer":"CANOE","Explanation":"Definition: boat\nO (nothing) in or 'caught by' CANE (rod)"} {"Clue":"Boss of train robbery takes the blame \u2013 one offers treatment (9)","Answer":"THERAPIST","Explanation":"Definition: one offers treatment\nT (first letter or 'boss' (as in 'leader?') of 'train') HEIST (robbery) round or 'taking' RAP (blame)"} {"Clue":"Some believe it parted and dried up preposterously (3,3)","Answer":"RED SEA","Explanation":"Definition: Some believe it parted\nSEARED (dried up) with the first three letters moved to the rear ('preposterously') \u2013 we were puzzled by this until we checked in Chambers to find that a rare meaning of 'preposterous' is 'literally inverted, having or putting the last first'"} {"Clue":"Put off by letters Gothic author's written about chief of night-gaunts (8)","Answer":"POSTPONE","Explanation":"Definition: Put off\nPOST (letters) POE (Edgar Allan Poe \u2013 'Gothic author') round N (first letter or 'chief' of 'night-gaunts')"} {"Clue":"Contemptible person has to remain inside autonomous region (5)","Answer":"TIBET","Explanation":"Definition: autonomous region\nTIT (contemptible person) with BE (remain) inside"} {"Clue":"On the way up a dog enthusiast overheard musical instrument (9)","Answer":"BALALAIKA","Explanation":"Definition: musical instrument\nA LAB (Labrador \u2013 dog) reversed or 'on the way up' + a homophone ('overheard') of LIKER (enthusiast)"} {"Clue":"Stone me! Gerald's floating around with no gravity (7)","Answer":"EMERALD","Explanation":"Definition: Stone\nAn anagram of ME ~~g~~ERALD without the 'g' (gravity) \u2013 anagrind is 'floating around'"} {"Clue":"Ascot's not limited to spurring and whipping (9)","Answer":"SCOURGING","Explanation":"Definition: whipping\n~~A~~SCO~~t~~ without the first and last letters or 'not limited' URGING (spurring)"} {"Clue":"Golf (new) parked amongst scrap metal in siding (9)","Answer":"ALIGNMENT","Explanation":"Definition: siding\nG (golf in the phonetic alphabet) N (new) in or 'parked amongst' an anagram of METAL IN \u2013 anagrind is 'scrap'"} {"Clue":"Notes not making the connection, as a moggy seeing its reflection in well (8)","Answer":"STACCATO","Explanation":"Definition: Notes not making the connection\nCAT (moggy) written backwards and forwards\u00a0or 'reflected' in SO (well)"} {"Clue":"A cheer goes up \u2013 dance around and around for the old king \u2026 (7)","Answer":"PHARAOH","Explanation":"Definition: old king\nA RAH (cheer) reversed or 'going up' with HOP (dance) around and reversed (around)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 A new order of respect for royal authority (7)","Answer":"SPECTRE","Explanation":"Definition: royal authority\nAn anagram of RESPECT \u2013 anagrind is 'a new order'"} {"Clue":"Sun listens to financial swindlers (6)","Answer":"SHARKS","Explanation":"Definition: financial swindlers\nS (sun) HARKS (listens to)"} {"Clue":"Flower head of umbels seen in profusion (5)","Answer":"LOTUS","Explanation":"Definition: Flower\nU (first letter or 'head' of 'umbels') in LOTS (profusion)"} {"Clue":"The Gunners short of seconds and losing the final in the stadium (5)","Answer":"ARENA","Explanation":"Definition: stadium\nAR~~s~~ENA~~l~~ (The Gunners) without the 's' (seconds) and last or 'final' letter"} {"Clue":"It shows nude's feverish, but not wild about husband (3,5,2,5)","Answer":"THE BIRTH OF VENUS","Explanation":"Definition: It shows nude\nAn anagram of FEVERISH BUT NOT (anagrind is 'wild') round H (husband)"} {"Clue":"Kitchenware stolen? Still capturing the culprit (7)","Answer":"MUGSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Still capturing the culprit\nMUGS (kitchenware) HOT (stolen)"} {"Clue":"Support for climbers thus trapped in mountain, backtracking (7)","Answer":"PERGOLA","Explanation":"Definition: Support for climbers\nERGO (thus) 'trapped' in ALP (mountain) reversed or 'backtracking'"} {"Clue":"Unclad dancer one's seen in flight (5)","Answer":"STAIR","Explanation":"Definition: flight\nA reference to Fred ~~A~~STAIR~~e~~ (dancer) with the first and last letters removed or 'unclad'"} {"Clue":"Something worn around party, giving a twirl \u2013 hot stuff! (9)","Answer":"BALACLAVA","Explanation":"Definition: Something worn\nCA (circa \u2013 'around') LAB (Labour \u2013 party) all reversed or 'given a twirl' + LAVA (hot stuff)"} {"Clue":"Fire leader dismissed from employment no. 10 (7)","Answer":"ENTHUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Fire\n'Employment no.10' could be ~~t~~ENTH USE \u2013 without the first letter or 'leader dismissed'"} {"Clue":"Consider dropping round, prepared to withdraw (7)","Answer":"RESCIND","Explanation":"Definition: withdraw\nAn anagram of C~~o~~NSIDER without the 'o', or 'dropping round' \u2013 anagrind is 'prepared'"} {"Clue":"Music practice is a bore (4,5)","Answer":"ROCK DRILL","Explanation":"Definition: a bore\nROCK (music) DRILL (practice)"} {"Clue":"Greeting welcomes home daughter? It's spoken abroad (5)","Answer":"HINDI","Explanation":"Definition: It's spoken abroad\nHI (greeting) round or 'welcoming' IN (home) D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"She's no extreme leftist (7)","Answer":"MILDRED","Explanation":"Definition: She\nMILD (not extreme) RED (leftist)"} {"Clue":"Painter's hugged by fine lady kept for pleasure (7)","Answer":"ODALISK","Explanation":"Definition: lady kept for pleasure\nDALI'S (painter Salvador Dali) in or 'hugged by' OK (fine)"} {"Clue":"Set of pieces of fruit and biscuit dessert picked up (10,5)","Answer":"NUTCRACKER SUITE","Explanation":"Definition: Set of pieces\nNUT (fruit) CRACKER (biscuit) + homonym ('picked up') of SWEET (dessert)"} {"Clue":"Childless French philosopher's trouble at sea (4)","Answer":"BERG","Explanation":"Definition: trouble at sea\nBERG~~son~~ (Henri Bergson, French philosopher) without 'son' or 'childless'"} {"Clue":"Shrivel up like royal consort? (6)","Answer":"WITHER","Explanation":"Definition: Shrivel up\nA consort to the Queen would be WITH ER"} {"Clue":"Black clothes tasteless stuff, it's possible to say (8)","Answer":"STATABLE","Explanation":"Definition: possible to say\nSABLE (black) round or 'clothing' TAT (tasteless stuff)"} {"Clue":"Records which record covers up the truth (6)","Answer":"GOSPEL","Explanation":"Definition: the truth\nEPS (records) in or 'covered by' LOG (record) all reversed or 'up' (in a down clue)"} {"Clue":"Clumsily plays ball, with old hands holding club for driving (8)","Answer":"OVERACTS","Explanation":"Definition: Clumsily plays\nO (ball) VETS (veterans \u2013 'old hands') round or 'holding' RAC (Royal Automobile Club \u2013 'club for driving')"} {"Clue":"Fond of people's bit of plainsong (10)","Answer":"INTONATION","Explanation":"Definition: bit of plainsong\nINTO (fond of) NATION (people)"} {"Clue":"Printer may use this paper with novel, a French narrative (5,3,5)","Answer":"TIMES NEW ROMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Printer may use this\nTIMES (paper) NEW (novel) ROMAN (French novel or 'narrative')"} {"Clue":"Tap dance with skill, performing frisky antics (4,3,6)","Answer":"SLAP AND TICKLE","Explanation":"Definition: frisky antics\nAn anagram of TAP DANCE and SKILL \u2013 anagrind is 'performing'"} {"Clue":"Provide joint for Bacchic ritual in which cocaine is consumed (10)","Answer":"ARTICULATE","Explanation":"Definition: Provide joint\nAn anagram of RITUAL (anagrind is 'Bacchic') round C (cocaine) + ATE (consumed)"} {"Clue":"Kind of service led by a military service (8)","Answer":"UNDERARM","Explanation":"Definition: Kind of service\nUNDER (led by) A RM (Royal Marines \u2013 military service)"} {"Clue":"Buccaneer clinging to zip lines is to surrender (4,4)","Answer":"ROLL OVER","Explanation":"Definition: surrender\nROVER (buccaneer) round or 'clinging to' O (zip \u2013 nothing) LL (lines)"} {"Clue":"Cause favoured by fascist (6)","Answer":"INDUCE","Explanation":"Definition: Cause\nIN (favoured) DUCE (fascist Benito Mussolini, aka 'Il Duce')"} {"Clue":"Rough area cavalry defends (6)","Answer":"HOARSE","Explanation":"Definition: Rough\nA (area) in or 'defended by' HORSE (cavalry)"} {"Clue":"Europeans wanting hot bit of mince pie (4)","Answer":"IRIS","Explanation":"Definition: bit of mince pie\nIRIS~~h~~ (Europeans) without or 'wanting' 'h' (hot) \u2013 'mince pie' is Cockney rhyming slang for 'eye'"} {"Clue":"Time you heard dry newspaperman expressed disapproval (6)","Answer":"TUTTED","Explanation":"Definition: expressed disapproval\nT (Time) U (sounds like ('heard') 'you') TT (dry) ED (newspaperman)"} {"Clue":"Contest convenient, say, and better (8)","Answer":"HANDICAP","Explanation":"Definition: Contest\nHANDI (sounds like ('say') handy or convenient) CAP (better)"} {"Clue":"Criticise name for land strip in US (9)","Answer":"PANHANDLE","Explanation":"Definition: land strip in US\nPAN (criticise) HANDLE (name)"} {"Clue":"You may see baby in this, quiet? Aye, wrapped lovingly at first (5)","Answer":"SHAWL","Explanation":"Definition: You may see baby in this\nSH (quiet) first letters of Aye Wrapped Lovingly or 'at first'"} {"Clue":"He stops worthless stuff about\u00a0plays (7)","Answer":"THEATRE","Explanation":"Definition: plays\nHE inside or 'stopping' TAT (worthless stuff) RE (about)"} {"Clue":"Missionary's job drinking beer? On the contrary! (7)","Answer":"APOSTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Missionary\nWordplay suggests that it is\u00a0POST (job) around or 'drinking' ALE (beer) \u2013 but, 'on the contrary' indicates that 'ale' should be around 'post'."} {"Clue":"Discovery of San Andreas feature? You're wrong \u2013 yet again!? (5-7)","Answer":"FAULT- FINDING","Explanation":"We're not really convinced about this one. The San Andreas feature is the FAULT and the discovery is the FINDING\u00a0and 'fault-finding' is pointing out that something is wrong \u2013 presumably the 'yet again' suggests regular nit-picking \u2013 but is this really necessary?"} {"Clue":"Disorientated feeling of lout at entrance surrounded by rough chuckers-out (7,5)","Answer":"CULTURE SHOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Disorientated feeling\nL (start or 'entrance' to 'Lout') 'surrounded by an anagram of\u00a0CHUCKERS OUT \u2013 anagrind is 'rough'"} {"Clue":"Foodie's saga, something tempting, not initially noticed (7)","Answer":"EPICURE","Explanation":"Definition: Foodie\nEPIC (saga) ~~l~~URE (something tempting) without first letter or 'not initially noticed'"} {"Clue":"Saw about getting a Northern seat? (7)","Answer":"OTTOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: seat\nMOTTO (saw) reversed or 'about' A N (northern)"} {"Clue":"Exclusive hotel items some missed (5)","Answer":"ELITE","Explanation":"Definition: Exclusive\nHidden in ('some missed') hotEL ITEms"} {"Clue":"One impressed by saint, formerly going around, doing as told? (9)","Answer":"OBEDIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: doing as told?\nI (one) inside or 'impressed' by BEDE (saint) with ONCE (formerly) around the outside or 'going around'"} {"Clue":"Get rid of article about bull, trivial, hollow? (8)","Answer":"THROTTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Get rid of\nTHE (article) around ROT (bull) T~~rivia~~L first and last letters only or 'hollow'"} {"Clue":"Not much time for runner-up (6)","Answer":"SECOND","Explanation":"Definition: runner-up\nA\u00a0SECOND is 'not much time'. The clue reminded us of a very funny Jerry Seinfeld stand-up routine about coming second, winning silver or being a 'runner up'. We couldn't resist providing link if you haven't heard it."} {"Clue":"Court official's suggestion followed by workers (8)","Answer":"TIPSTAFF","Explanation":"Definition: Court official\nTIP (suggestion) STAFF (workers)"} {"Clue":"Writer Ferguson, say, with heads of two churches (9,4)","Answer":"ALEXANDER POPE","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nALEX (as in Alex Ferguson, 'say') AND (with) ER\u00a0(head of the Church of England) and\u00a0POPE\u00a0(head of the Roman Catholic church)"} {"Clue":"One's dimes in circulation here (3,6)","Answer":"DES MOINES","Explanation":"Definition: here\nAn anagram of ONE'S DIMES \u2013 anagrind is 'in circulation'. As Des Moines is in the USA, dimes would definitely be in circulation!"} {"Clue":"Restrained cleric has tea boxes (6)","Answer":"CHASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Restrained\nHidden or 'boxed' in the clue cleriC HAS TEa"} {"Clue":"Crude bed getting everyone into sulk (6)","Answer":"PALLET","Explanation":"Definition: Crude bed\nALL (everyone) inside or 'into' PET (sulk)"} {"Clue":"Yield? How? Extremely dismissive \u2013 not for change? (4-2-3-4)","Answer":"DYED-IN-THE-WOOL","Explanation":"It's what we call a 'cryptic definition' whilst others may describe it as '&lit' \u2013 An anagram of YIELD HOW,\u00a0the first and last letters of D~~ismissiv~~E\u00a0('extremely') and NOT \u2013 anagrind is 'for change'. Someone who is 'dyed-in-the-wool' could well be 'dismissive' and 'not for change'"} {"Clue":"Obstreperous, abrupt about university period before Easter (9)","Answer":"TRUCULENT","Explanation":"Definition: Obstreperous\nCURT (abrupt) reversed or 'about' +\u00a0U (university) LENT (period before Easter)"} {"Clue":"See trickster, using Mike for first name, cheat soldier (8)","Answer":"COMMANDO","Explanation":"Definition: soldier\nCO~~n~~MAN (trickster) with M (Mike) instead of the first n (name) + DO (cheat)"} {"Clue":"He's kinda nasty maybe? (8)","Answer":"SKINHEAD","Explanation":"Another 'cryptic definition' (or '&lit'?). It's an anagram of HE'S KINDA \u2013 anagrind is 'nasty' and\/or 'maybe'"} {"Clue":"Notice shortcoming as female becomes tense (6)","Answer":"DETECT","Explanation":"Definition: Notice\nDE~~f~~ECT (shortcoming) with f (female) becoming T (tense)"} {"Clue":"Row about papers involving more money? (6)","Answer":"TIDIER","Explanation":"Definition: more money?\nTIER (row) about ID (papers). We weren't sure about the definition at first but you can say that you have 'tidy sum', so perhaps 'tidier' could fancifully mean 'more money'."} {"Clue":"Wind up in the purely peripheral group (5)","Answer":"TRIBE","Explanation":"Definition: group\nRIB (wind up) inside or 'in' T~~h~~E (first and last letters only or 'purely peripheral')"} {"Clue":"Concentrate on replacing article in range (8)","Answer":"COMPRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Concentrate\nRE (on) replacing 'a' (article) in COMP~~a~~SS (range)"} {"Clue":"Gold rush could be magnificent (6)","Answer":"AUGUST","Explanation":"Definition: magnificent\nAU (gold) GUST (rush)"} {"Clue":"A cut might feel badly needed for this opera (3,5,5)","Answer":"THE MAGIC FLUTE","Explanation":"Definition: opera\nAn anagram of A CUT MIGHT FEEL \u2013 anagrind is 'badly'"} {"Clue":"Medium-dry champagne initially abandoned as a failure (6)","Answer":"DEMISE","Explanation":"Definition: failure\nDEMI-SE~~c~~ (medium dry) with the 'c' (first or 'initial' letter of 'champagne') omitted or 'abandoned'"} {"Clue":"Violence in Turkey perhaps reported by quiet amateur (4,4)","Answer":"FOUL PLAY","Explanation":"Definition: Violence\nA homophone ('reported') of FOWL ('Turkey perhaps') P (quiet) LAY (amateur)"} {"Clue":"Supplier of claret wine and beer's home around five (6,4)","Answer":"PORTAL VEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Supplier of claret\nPORT (wine) + ALE (beer) IN (home) around V (five)"} {"Clue":"Bess's lover misses the first wild celebration (4)","Answer":"ORGY","Explanation":"Definition: wild celebration\n~~P~~ORGY (Bess's lover) without or 'missing' the first letter"} {"Clue":"Cliff Richard album contains singles originally rejected (4)","Answer":"SCAR","Explanation":"Definition: Cliff\nThe first or 'original' letters of Richard Album Contains Singles reversed or 'rejected'"} {"Clue":"Not a chap holding rank below duchess? (10)","Answer":"NOBLEWOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: duchess\nNO MAN ('not a chap') round or 'holding' an anagram of BELOW (anagrind is 'rank')"} {"Clue":"Fine wine including muscat regularly is sweet stuff (8)","Answer":"FRUCTOSE","Explanation":"Definition: sweet stuff\nF (fine) ROSE (wine) round or 'including' the alternative or 'regular' letters of mUsCaT"} {"Clue":"In retreat, forces rapidly cover a great distance (6)","Answer":"PARSEC","Explanation":"Definition: a great distance\nHidden or 'covered' backwards ('in retreat') in forCES RAPidly"} {"Clue":"A short one contributes to new patient's getting restless after little time? (9,4)","Answer":"ATTENTION SPAN","Explanation":"Cryptic definition (or '&lit?) \u2013 A + ON~~e~~ ('a short one') in or 'contributing to' an anagram of N (new) PATIENT'S (anagrind is 'getting restless') after T ('little time')"} {"Clue":"Harry Potter's first book for audio (6)","Answer":"PESTER","Explanation":"Definition: Harry\nP (first letter of 'Potter') + homophone ('for audio') of ESTHER (book \u2013 in the Old Testament)"} {"Clue":"Fawning rubbish entertains one on day off (8)","Answer":"TOADYISH","Explanation":"Definition: Fawning\nTOSH (rubbish) round or 'entertaining' I (one) after or 'on' an anagram of DAY (anagrind is 'off')"} {"Clue":"Just after Thursday I will be very busy (2,3,2)","Answer":"ON THE GO","Explanation":"Definition: very busy\nON (just after) TH (Thursday) EGO (I)"} {"Clue":"Ancient priest gets involved with choir (11)","Answer":"PREHISTORIC","Explanation":"Definition: Ancient\nAn anagram of PRIEST and CHOIR \u2013 anagrind is 'gets involved'"} {"Clue":"Steer clear of commercial breaks almost always (5)","Answer":"EVADE","Explanation":"Definition: Steer clear of\nAD (commercial) in or 'breaking' EVE~~r~~ (always) with the last letter omitted or 'almost'"} {"Clue":"Fellows in small river show sign of cold (7)","Answer":"SNIFFLE","Explanation":"Definition: sign of cold\nFF (fellows) in S (small) NILE (river)"} {"Clue":"Illness stops a criminal obtaining wealth (9)","Answer":"AFFLUENCE","Explanation":"Definition: wealth\nFLU (illness) in or 'stopping' A FENCE (criminal)"} {"Clue":"Antelope droppings turned up, first off (3)","Answer":"GNU","Explanation":"Definition: Antelope\n~~d~~UNG (dropping) reversed or 'turned up' without the first letter or 'first off'"} {"Clue":"Woman gets sex, having affair (7)","Answer":"SHEBANG","Explanation":"Definition: affair\nSHE (woman) BANG (sex)"} {"Clue":"Review case of hunter happy to go shooting (11)","Answer":"PHOTOGRAPHY","Explanation":"Definition: shooting\nAn anagram of H and R (first and last letters or 'case' of 'hunter') and HAPPY TO GO \u2013 anagrind is 'review'"} {"Clue":"Someone disabling networks? The deeds are his! (9)","Answer":"LANDOWNER","Explanation":"Definition: The deeds are his\nSomeone disabling networks might be described as a LAN (local area network) DOWNER"} {"Clue":"Be concerned about badger slaughter (7)","Answer":"CARNAGE","Explanation":"Definition: slaughter\nCARE (be concerned) about NAG (badger)"} {"Clue":"Aviator in a spot repressing rising anger (7)","Answer":"BLERIOT","Explanation":"Definition: Aviator\nBLOT (spot) round or 'suppressing' IRE (anger) reversed or 'rising' \u2013 a reference to Louis Bleriot, the pioneer aviator"} {"Clue":"State backed tabloid? That's the way into hell! (7)","Answer":"AVERNUS","Explanation":"Definition: the way into hell\nAVER (state) SUN (tabloid) reversed or 'backed'"} {"Clue":"Start to parley with a Chinese native (5)","Answer":"PANDA","Explanation":"Definition: Chinese native\nP (first letter or 'start' of 'parley') AND (with) A"} {"Clue":"Nip round between times (3)","Answer":"TOT","Explanation":"Definition: Nip\nO (round) between TT (times)"} {"Clue":"County town girl, coming out, reversed car (7)","Answer":"BEDFORD","Explanation":"Definition: County town\nDEB (girl coming out) reversed + FORD (car)"} {"Clue":"Cast plays? (4,3)","Answer":"ACTS OUT","Explanation":"Definition: plays\nAn anagram of CAST with the anagrind OUT in the solution"} {"Clue":"Send out\u00a0publication (5)","Answer":"ISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: Send out\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"One-star review by Her Majesty provokes storm from a particular direction (3-6)","Answer":"NOR-EASTER","Explanation":"Definition: storm from a particular direction\nAn anagram of ONE-STAR (anagrind is 'review') + ER (Her Majesty)"} {"Clue":"More than one being present, I tie shoelaces inside (8)","Answer":"ENTITIES","Explanation":"Definition: More than one being\nHidden in or 'inside' presENT I TIE Shoelaces"} {"Clue":"An unaired gag, reworked prior to seasonal finale \u2013 for spirit (with 19?) (8,5)","Answer":"GUARDIAN ANGEL","Explanation":"Definition: spirit (with 19?)\nAn anagram of AN UNAIRED GAG (anagrind is 'reworked') + L (last letter or 'finale' of 'seasonal')"} {"Clue":"Band's victory songs ignoring the 10 (5)","Answer":"WINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Band\nWIN (victory) ~~son~~GS without or 'ignoring' 'son' (issue \u2013 10 across)"} {"Clue":"Once money's disregarded, bell-ringing party's most important (8)","Answer":"CHIEFEST","Explanation":"Definition: most important\nCHI~~m~~E-FEST \u2013 a fanciful term for a 'bell-ringing party' without or 'disregarding' the 'm' (money)"} {"Clue":"Fellow having left, festive charm's cultivated one night (9,3)","Answer":"CHRISTMAS EVE","Explanation":"Definition: one night\nAn anagram of ~~f~~ESTIVE CHARM'S with the 'f' (fellow) omitted or 'having left' \u2013 anagrind is 'cultivated'"} {"Clue":"Drops everything in empty factories (5)","Answer":"FALLS","Explanation":"Definition: Drops\nALL (everything) in F~~actorie~~S (first and last letters, or 'empty')"} {"Clue":"Glance over upon hearing Hieroglyph cry (7)","Answer":"EYEBALL","Explanation":"Definition: Glance over\nA homophone ('upon hearing') of I (Hieroglyph, the setter) BAWL (cry)"} {"Clue":"Film and detailed 26 \u2013 upset in the end, James Stewart elates (7)","Answer":"UPLIFTS","Explanation":"Definition: elates\nUP (Pixar film) LIF~~e~~ (26 down) without the last letter or 'detailed' + S and T (last letters or 'in the end' of JameS StewarT) reversed or 'upset' \u2013 the clue that led us to the theme!"} {"Clue":"Lyrics regularly displaying good sense (4)","Answer":"ODES","Explanation":"Definition: Lyrics\nAlternate or 'regular' letters of gOoD sEnSe"} {"Clue":"For the present, a row ultimately about European border (2,7)","Answer":"AD INTERIM","Explanation":"Definition: For the present\nA DIN (row) T (last or 'ultimate' letter of 'about') E (European) RIM ( border)"} {"Clue":"Director's an international artist (5)","Answer":"CAPRA","Explanation":"Definition: Director\nCAP (International) RA (artist) \u2013 Frank Capra, the Director of the thematic film"} {"Clue":"Fancy meeting you here \u2013 in Lilliput? (3,1,5,5)","Answer":"IT\u201dS A SMALL WORLD","Explanation":"Definition: Fancy meeting you here\nOne could say about Lilliput: IT'S A SMALL WORLD"} {"Clue":"Mammal going after Prince Harry (6)","Answer":"POTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Harry\nOTTER (mammal) going after P (prince)"} {"Clue":"Leading man Balls was obtrusively conspicuous (6)","Answer":"STARED","Explanation":"Definition: was obtrusively conspicuous\nSTAR (leading man) ED (Ed Balls)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps lie by a medieval castle's outer wall (6)","Answer":"BAILEY","Explanation":"Definition: medieval castle's outer wall\nAn anagram of LIE BY A \u2013 anagrind is 'perhaps'"} {"Clue":"Tips up public ballot boxes (9)","Answer":"OVERTURNS","Explanation":"Definition: Tips up\nOVERT (public) URNS (ballot boxes)"} {"Clue":"Athenian character shows up in Guatemala (3)","Answer":"~~ETA~~TAU","Explanation":"Definition: Athenian character\nHidden and reversed ('turns up') in GUATemala \u2013 *thanks to WordPlodder for pointing out the error \u2013 more haste less speed!"} {"Clue":"Extraordinary starter of whelks and poached flounder (9)","Answer":"WONDERFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Extraordinary\nW (first letter or 'starter' of 'whelks') and an anagram of FLOUNDER \u2013 anagrind is 'poached'"} {"Clue":"Experiencing difficulties, hits one up for change (2,3,4)","Answer":"IN THE SOUP","Explanation":"Definition: Experiencing difficulties,\nAn anagram of HITS ONE UP -anagrind is 'for change'"} {"Clue":"Former secret police section stopping circulation of claret? (6)","Answer":"STASIS","Explanation":"Definition: stopping circulation of claret\nSTASI (former secret police) S (section)"} {"Clue":"Period in musical when tenor's substituted note (6)","Answer":"WICKET","Explanation":"Definition: Period in\nWICKE~~d~~ (musical) with T (tenor) replacing or 'substituting for' 'D' (note)"} {"Clue":"Dickinson's last verse about butterflies (6)","Answer":"NERVES","Explanation":"Definition: butterflies\nN (last letter of 'Dickinson') + an anagram of VERSE \u2013 anagrind is 'about'"} {"Clue":"For instance, taking time to pause (4)","Answer":"STAY","Explanation":"Definition: pause\nSAY (for instance) round or 'taking' T (time)"} {"Clue":"Falsehood obscuring French leader's biography\u00a0(4)","Answer":"LIFE","Explanation":"Definition: biography\nLIE (falsehood) round or 'obscuring' F (first letter or 'leader' of French)"} {"Clue":"Quarrel with one call centre about room (7)","Answer":"SPATIAL","Explanation":"Definition: about room\nSPAT (quarrel) I (one) ~~c~~AL~~l~~ (middle letters or 'centre')"} {"Clue":"Ignoring the odds, finches followed calf (3,4)","Answer":"ICE FLOE","Explanation":"Definition: calf\nEven letters only ('ignoring the odds') of fInChEs FoLlOwEd \u2013 an ice floe or iceberg is the result of a glacier 'calving' \u2013 when a large piece of ice breaks off the glacier and floats into the sea"} {"Clue":"Extra mushroom, last to be eaten (4)","Answer":"MORE","Explanation":"Definition: Extra\nMORE~~l~~ (mushroom) without the last letter or 'last to be eaten'"} {"Clue":"Each sunflower head in pot is more delightful (10)","Answer":"PLEASANTER","Explanation":"Definition: more delightful \nEA (each) S (first letter or 'head' of 'sunflower') in PLANTER (pot)"} {"Clue":"Workers gather this case of claret in, just about (6)","Answer":"NECTAR","Explanation":"Definition: Workers gather this\nC and T (first and last letters or 'case' of 'claret') in NEAR (just about)"} {"Clue":"Satirist's rendition of chamber music? (8)","Answer":"VOLTAIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Satirist'\nA homophone or 'rendition' of VAULT (chamber) AIR (music)"} {"Clue":"Duke meets crooked alderman in castle in Spain? (9)","Answer":"DREAMLAND","Explanation":"Definition: castle in Spain?\nD (duke) + an anagram of ALDERMAN \u2013 anagrind is 'crooked' \u2013 to 'build castles in Spain' is to create impossible dreams"} {"Clue":"Tweak soft part of foot (5)","Answer":"PINCH","Explanation":"Definition: Tweak\nP (soft) INCH (part of foot)"} {"Clue":"Little miner very quiet in bed (5)","Answer":"HAPPY","Explanation":"Definition: Little miner\nPP (very quiet) in HAY (bed) \u2013 a reference to one of the Seven Dwarfs ('little miners') in 'Snow White'"} {"Clue":"EU partner ruined entrance (9)","Answer":"ENRAPTURE","Explanation":"Definition: entrance\nAn anagram of EU PARTNER \u2013 anagrind is 'ruined'"} {"Clue":"Leaves end and start of hole, say (5,3)","Answer":"GREEN TEA","Explanation":"Definition: Leaves\nGREEN (the 'end' of a hole in golf) +\u00a0a homophone ('say') of TEE (the 'start' of a hole on golf)"} {"Clue":"Damn Anglicans coming round for cash (6)","Answer":"CHANGE","Explanation":"Definition: cash\nHANG (a euphemism for 'damn') with CE (Church of England \u2013 Anglicans) 'coming round'"} {"Clue":"Definitive and neat, using Spanish not Latin (10)","Answer":"UNDISPUTED","Explanation":"Definition: Definitive\nUNDI~~l~~UTED (neat) with the 'l' (latin) replaced by SP (Spanish) \u2013 this abbreviation isn't in Chambers, but according to Wiki does seem to be an accepted abbreviation for the Spanish language"} {"Clue":"English study project in Cornwall garden (4)","Answer":"EDEN","Explanation":"Definition: project in Cornwall\nA double definition, with wordplay\u00a0E (English) DEN (study)"} {"Clue":"See Welsh girl that's divine (7)","Answer":"ELYSIAN","Explanation":"Definition: divine\nELY (See, as in bishopric) SIAN (Welsh girl)"} {"Clue":"Work by 13 John performed with energy (7)","Answer":"CANDIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Work by 13\nCAN (John \u2013 toilet) DID (performed) E (energy) \u2013 a satire by Voltaire (13 across)"} {"Clue":"Unit stops landing spacecraft (7)","Answer":"PIONEER","Explanation":"Definition: spacecraft\nONE (unit) in or 'stopping' PIER (landing)"} {"Clue":"Doctor runs into milk supplier (5)","Answer":"TREAT","Explanation":"Definition: Doctor\nR (runs) in TEAT (milk supplier)"} {"Clue":"Clothes soldiers wear are shocking (7)","Answer":"APPAREL","Explanation":"Definition: Clothes\nRE (Royal engineers \u2013 soldiers) in or 'wearing' APPAL (are shocking)"} {"Clue":"Actors like empty citadel, not one in Spanish region (6)","Answer":"CASTLE","Explanation":"Definition: citadel\nThis is very unusual \u2013 two alternative wordplays with the definition in the middle 1): CAST (actors) L~~ik~~E (first and last letters only or 'empty'), 2): CAST~~i~~LE (Spanish region) without the 'I' (one)"} {"Clue":"He imagines deviant saint breaking abstinence (9)","Answer":"FANTASIST","Explanation":"Definition: He imagines\nAn anagram of SAINT (anagrind is 'deviant') in or 'breaking' FAST (abstinence)"} {"Clue":"It could be nightmarish acting in Morecambe, I gathered (7)","Answer":"ONEIRIC","Explanation":"Definition: It could be nightmarish\nON (acting in) ERIC (of Morecambe and Wise) round or 'gathering' I (one) \u2013 a new word for us"} {"Clue":"Perfect spot to welcome new one in home (6,2,5)","Answer":"HEAVEN ON EARTH","Explanation":"Definition: Perfect spot\nAVE (welcome) N (new) ONE in HEARTH (home)"} {"Clue":"Each pupil initially put in requests for sweets (5,4)","Answer":"APPLE PIES","Explanation":"Definition: sweets\nE~~ach~~ P~~upil~~ (first or 'initial' letters) 'put' in APPLIES (requests)"} {"Clue":"Left behind Andrea after surgery on kidney (7)","Answer":"ADRENAL","Explanation":"Definition: on kidney\nL (left) behind an anagram of ANDREA \u2013 anagrind is 'after surgery'"} {"Clue":"A Republican poster blocks spies in ideal place (7)","Answer":"ARCADIA","Explanation":"Definition: ideal place\nA R (Republican) +AD (poster) in or 'blocking' CIA (spies)"} {"Clue":"Newspaper went for growth in US (7)","Answer":"RAGWEED","Explanation":"Definition: growth in US\nRAG (newspaper) WEED (urinated or 'went')"} {"Clue":"Impromptu, to pianists, offers 27, 9 or 20 (6)","Answer":"UTOPIA","Explanation":"Definition: 27, 9 or 20\nHidden or 'offered' in imprompU TO PIAnists \u2013 references to other ideal places at 27ac, 9d and 20d"} {"Clue":"24 hands stuck in plug (5)","Answer":"AMEND","Explanation":"Definition: 24 \nMEN (hands) 'stuck' in AD (plug) \u2013 a synonym of 24ac"} {"Clue":"You should keep well away from this (7)","Answer":"SICKBED","Explanation":"Definition: You should keep well away from this\nCryptic definition \u2013 if you are 'well' you would keep away from a SICKBED"} {"Clue":"Half of that's covered by loud noise (7)","Answer":"THUNDER","Explanation":"Definition: loud noise\nTH~~at~~ ('halved') UNDER (covered by)"} {"Clue":"Any swirling stuff from the Sahara will trap the French in part of old Africa (9)","Answer":"NYASALAND","Explanation":"Definition: part of old Africa\nAn anagram of ANY (anagrind is 'swirling') + SAND ('stuff from the Sahara') round or 'trapping' LA (French for 'the')"} {"Clue":"Tenders to include run for poultry? (5)","Answer":"BIRDS","Explanation":"Definition: poultry\nBIDS (tenders) round or 'including' R (run)"} {"Clue":"I plan to see off a naughty child (3)","Answer":"IMP","Explanation":"Definition: naughty child\nI M~~a~~P (plan) without or 'seeing off' 'a'"} {"Clue":"Reflected an oddball in embroidery? (11)","Answer":"NEEDLECRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: embroidery\nAn anagram of REFLECTED AN \u2013 anagrind is 'oddball'"} {"Clue":"Gangster over and over again avoiding jinx (4)","Answer":"HOOD","Explanation":"Definition: Gangster\nHOOD~~oo~~ (jinx) without or 'avoiding' the last two 'o's (overs)"} {"Clue":"I note marine industry not initially taking a breather (8)","Answer":"INHALING","Explanation":"Definition: taking a breather\nI N (note) ~~w~~HALING (marine industry) without the first letter or 'not initially'"} {"Clue":"Articles in English and German initially sycophantic about film director (8)","Answer":"ANDERSON","Explanation":"Definition: film director\nAN (article in English) DER (article in German) S (first or 'initial' letter of 'sycophantic') ON (about) \u2013 a reference to Lindsay Anderson, the great British film director"} {"Clue":"Expecting no payment, runs into charge (4)","Answer":"FREE","Explanation":"Definition: Expecting no payment\nR (runs) in FEE (charge)"} {"Clue":"Reminder of being late? Mark's more on time, possibly (7,4)","Answer":"MEMENTO MORI","Explanation":"Definition: Reminder of being late?\nM (mark) + an anagram of MORE ON TIME \u2013 anagrind is 'possibly'"} {"Clue":"Test curtailed, then recalled for cancellation (3)","Answer":"AXE","Explanation":"Definition: cancellation\nEXA~~m~~ (test) without the last letter or 'curtailed' and reversed or 'recalled'"} {"Clue":"English explorer hauling bed into street (5)","Answer":"SCOTT","Explanation":"Definition: English explorer\nCOT (bed) 'hauled' into ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Coin and ingot melted down, concealing identity (9)","Answer":"INCOGNITO","Explanation":"Definition: concealing identity\nAn anagram of COIN and INGOT \u2013 anagrind is 'melted down'"} {"Clue":"Daughter's reluctance to get engaged having no initial merit (7)","Answer":"DESERVE","Explanation":"Definition: merit\nD (daughter) ~~r~~ESERVE (reluctance to get engaged) without the first or 'initial' letter"} {"Clue":"'Equilibrium: an Introduction to Composure'\u00a0is in package (7)","Answer":"BALANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Equilibrium\nAN C (first letter or 'introduction' to 'composure') in BALE (package)"} {"Clue":"Our group elevated source of luminance in darkness or luminance in daytime (8)","Answer":"SUNLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: daytime\nUS (our group) reversed or 'elevated' + L (first letter or 'source' of 'luminance') in NIGHT (darkness)"} {"Clue":"Shellfish with feathers bringing in start of pesticide restriction (9)","Answer":"CLAMPDOWN","Explanation":"Definition: restriction\nCLAM (shellfish) DOWN (feathers) round or 'bringing in' P (first letter or 'start' of 'pesticide')"} {"Clue":"Intelligence beginning to rise earlier in Scots children (6)","Answer":"BRAINS","Explanation":"Definition: Intelligence\nBAIRNS ('Scots children) with the 'r' (first letter of 'beginning' of 'rise') moved forward or 'earlier'"} {"Clue":"Despair re: crooked hangings (9)","Answer":"DRAPERIES","Explanation":"Definition: hangings\nAn anagram of DESPAIR RE \u2013 anagrind is 'crooked'"} {"Clue":"Time's perfect, extracting energy of sea movements (5)","Answer":"TIDAL","Explanation":"Definition: of sea movements\nT (time) ID~~e~~AL (perfect) with the 'e' (energy) omitted or 'extracted'"} {"Clue":"Open French articles about deer (8)","Answer":"UNBUCKLE","Explanation":"Definition: Open\nUN LE ('French articles') about BUCK (deer)"} {"Clue":"Skin or inner section of flounder, maybe (5)","Answer":"DERMA","Explanation":"Definition: Skin\nHidden in ('inner section of') flounDER MAybe"} {"Clue":"One's climbing in gnarled tree \u2013 find a different spot (2-4)","Answer":"RESITE","Explanation":"Definition: find a different spot\nI'S (one's) reversed or 'climbing' in an anagram of TREE \u2013 anagrind is 'gnarled'"} {"Clue":"Bacon and mash dished up \u2013 something for the traveller (6,3)","Answer":"HANSOM CAB","Explanation":"Definition: something for the traveller\nAn anagram of BACON and MASH \u2013 anagrind is 'dished up'"} {"Clue":"A couple of monarchs appearing in state history (9)","Answer":"NARRATION","Explanation":"Definition: history\nR and R ('a couple of monarchs') 'appearing' in NATION (state)"} {"Clue":"Dance taken up around this month in part of Ireland (8)","Answer":"LEINSTER","Explanation":"Definition: part of Ireland\nREEL (dance) reversed or 'taken up' around INST (this month)"} {"Clue":"Writer to run off with long-abandoned wife (8)","Answer":"PENELOPE","Explanation":"Definition: long-abandoned wife\nPEN (writer) ELOPE (run off with) \u2013 apparently Penelope features as an abandoned wife in classical Greek and Latin literature \u2013 showing our level of knowledge of such matters, we were much more familiar with the thematic Lady!"} {"Clue":"Pleased one gets bit of mint? Not mint (6)","Answer":"AMUSED","Explanation":"Definition: Pleased\nA (one) M (first letter or 'bit' of 'mint') USED ('not mint')"} {"Clue":"Poet watching when Republican enters (6)","Answer":"VIRGIL","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\nVIGIL (watching) with R (Republican) inserted or 'entering'"} {"Clue":"Low rains emptied uplands (5)","Answer":"MOORS","Explanation":"Definition: uplands\nMOO (low) R~~ain~~S (without the middle letters, or 'emptied')"} {"Clue":"Postponed as soon as receiving intervention from Independent (2,3)","Answer":"ON ICE","Explanation":"Definition: Postponed \nONCE (as soon as) round or 'receiving intervention from' I (Independent)"} {"Clue":"Note about the author inscribed in map of the Underworld (9)","Answer":"PLUTONIAN","Explanation":"Definition: of the Underworld\nUT (note \u2013 now usually referred to as 'doh') ON (about) I (the author) in PLAN (map)"} {"Clue":"Middle Earth with another eclipse (5)","Answer":"HEART","Explanation":"Definition: Middle\nAn anagram of EARTH \u2013 anagrind seems to be 'another eclipse' \u2013 we're not too sure about this and convinced that we are missing something very devious."} {"Clue":"It's 3 here, but near midnight perhaps in Washington (7,2,6)","Answer":"QUARTER OF TWELVE","Explanation":"Definition: near midnight perhaps in Washington\n3 is a QUARTER OF TWELVE anywhere, but in the US they say 'quarter of' instead of 'quarter to', so 'quarter of twelve' would be 11.45 \u2013 'near midnight perhaps'"} {"Clue":"Debauched cad and rou\u00e9 in a state (7)","Answer":"ECUADOR","Explanation":"Definition: state\nAn anagram of CAD and ROUE \u2013 anagrind is 'debauched'"} {"Clue":"Have some cheese sandwiches \u2013 and a small chocolate cake (7)","Answer":"BROWNIE","Explanation":"Definition: small chocolate cake\nOWN (have) in or 'sandwiched by' BRIE (some cheese)"} {"Clue":"British automobile\u00a0plant (5)","Answer":"LOTUS","Explanation":"Definition: British automobile\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Mass is reduced by fusion (3)","Answer":"MIX","Explanation":"Definition: fusion\nM (mass) I~~s~~ ('reduced') X (by)"} {"Clue":"An unusual type of cricket? (5)","Answer":"SPORT","Explanation":"Definition: An unusual type\nDouble definition \u2013 apparently a SPORT can be an unusual type of person"} {"Clue":"Aims to get nothing wrong (5,2)","Answer":"ZEROS IN","Explanation":"Definition: Aims\nZERO (nothing) SIN (wrong)"} {"Clue":"Police sergeant patrols parts of beach at Qatar? They need minding (2,3,2)","Answer":"PS AND QS","Explanation":"Definition: They need minding\nPS (police sergeant) round or 'patrolling' SAND ('part of beach') Q (Qatar)"} {"Clue":"It's pleasant to take a long bus ride but __, however (15)","Answer":"NOTWITHSTANDING","Explanation":"Definition: however\nA long bus ride would be pleasant provided you were NOT (WITH) STANDING"} {"Clue":"She emerges from down river occasionally (5)","Answer":"SADIE","Explanation":"Definition: She\nSAD (down) + alternate or 'occasional' letters of ~~r~~I~~v~~E~~r~~"} {"Clue":"Sadly regrets having ousted leader in East African region (9)","Answer":"SERENGETI","Explanation":"Definition: African region\nAn anagram of ~~r~~EGRETS without or 'ousting' the first letter or 'leader' and IN E (east) \u2013 anagrind is 'sadly'"} {"Clue":"Enigmatic work, equal tempered apart from fourth in scale (6)","Answer":"OPAQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Enigmatic\nOP (work) + an anagram of EQUA~~l~~ without or 'apart from' the 'l' (fourth letter in 'scale') \u2013 anagrind is 'tempered'"} {"Clue":"More than one pancake roll for the northern girl to tuck into (8)","Answer":"TOSTADAS","Explanation":"Definition: More than one pancake\nTOSS (roll) with T ('the' in northern dialect') ADA (girl) 'tucked' in"} {"Clue":"Youth exchanging knight for bishop in match (6)","Answer":"MIRROR","Explanation":"Definition: match\nMI~~n~~OR (youth) with the 'n' (knight) exchanged for RR (Right Reverend \u2013 bishop)"} {"Clue":"Where to keep fine tobacco? Small sock should hold enough (8)","Answer":"SNUFFBOX","Explanation":"Definition: Where to keep fine tobacco\nS (small) BOX (sock \u2013 as in to strike hard) round or 'holding' NUFF (enough)"} {"Clue":"Hack into all the same group (3,3)","Answer":"THE WHO","Explanation":"Definition: group\nHEW (hack) in THO (all the same) \u2013 one of our favourite live bands from student days"} {"Clue":"Most expensive type of sword picked up in the streets (8)","Answer":"STEEPEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most expensive\nEPEE (type of sword) reversed or 'picked up' in ST ST (streets)"} {"Clue":"\"Utter rubbish\" uttered Landau (13)","Answer":"UNADULTERATED","Explanation":"Definition: Utter\nAn anagram of UTTERED LANDAU \u2013 anagrind is 'rubbish'"} {"Clue":"There's no rush to see galleon? (3,2,4,4)","Answer":"ALL IN GOOD TIME","Explanation":"Definition: There's no rush\nCryptically, 'Galleon' could be parsed as ALL IN GOOD (g) TIME (eon)"} {"Clue":"School punishment Arizona's introduced has reduced indolence (8)","Answer":"LAZINESS","Explanation":"Definition: indolence\nLINES (school punishment) with AZ (Arizona) 'introduced' + S ('s \u2013 'has reduced')"} {"Clue":"Some hint about becoming a pub landlord? (4,4)","Answer":"MINE HOST","Explanation":"Definition: pub landlord?\nAn anagram of SOME HINT \u2013 anagrind is 'about'"} {"Clue":"Reading Gaol's new in Twitter? (8)","Answer":"SCANNING","Explanation":"Definition: Reading\nCAN (Gaol) N (new) in SING (twitter)"} {"Clue":"Film actor from 'The Birds' makes critical comments (6)","Answer":"SNIPES","Explanation":"Definition: Film actor\nTriple definition. The film actor is Wesley Snipes."} {"Clue":"Depart after tossing firework (6)","Answer":"PETARD","Explanation":"Definition: firework\nAn anagram of DEPART \u2013 anagrind is 'tossing'"} {"Clue":"Singing mostly out of tune? Try this register (4,2)","Answer":"SIGN IN","Explanation":"Definition: register\nAn anagram of SINGIN~~g~~ without the last letter or 'mostly' \u2013 anagrind is 'out of tune' \u2013 'try this' seems superfluous, although it does make a good surface"} {"Clue":"It's a shame devotion is pointless (4)","Answer":"PITY","Explanation":"Definition: It's a shame\nPI~~e~~TY (devotion) less the 'e' (east \u2013 point)"} {"Clue":"Gangster writes to original members of Calvin Klein's staff (10)","Answer":"ALPENSTOCK","Explanation":"Definition: staff\nAL (Capone \u2013 gangster) PENS (writes) TO C K (first letters or 'original members' of Calvin Klein)"} {"Clue":"A bit tense, following strange chaps (7)","Answer":"ODDMENT","Explanation":"Definition: A bit\nT (tense) following ODD MEN (strange chaps)"} {"Clue":"The art enclosure provides cheer (7)","Answer":"HEARTEN","Explanation":"Definition: cheer\nHidden or 'provided' in 'tHE ART ENclosure'"} {"Clue":"Upset spectator with rain delay (13)","Answer":"PROCRASTINATE","Explanation":"Definition: delay\nAn anagram of SPECTATOR and RAIN \u2013 anagrind is 'upset'"} {"Clue":"Gross, if your shoulders become bony (6)","Answer":"OSSIFY","Explanation":"Definition: become bony\nHidden in or 'shouldered' by 'grOSS IF Your'"} {"Clue":"Force branches into walls (8)","Answer":"RAMPARTS","Explanation":"Definition: walls\nRAM (force) PARTS (branches)"} {"Clue":"How to use a lock that is often close to Home (5,3)","Answer":"ENTER KEY","Explanation":"Is it a sort of cryptic definition \u2013 you ENTER a KEY to use a lock, and there an\u00a0ENTER KEY on a keyboard. Our Apple computers don't have a HOME key but PC keyboards do. From what we can see on US layout keyboards the two keys are quite close to each other."} {"Clue":"Prohibit an American fruit (6)","Answer":"BANANA","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nBAN (prohibit) AN A (American)"} {"Clue":"How to obtain answer from Maria's name tag (13)","Answer":"ANAGRAMMATISE","Explanation":"Definition: How to obtain answer\nThe answer tells you that it's an anagram of MARIA'S NAME TAG"} {"Clue":"International politician died after drink spiked (7)","Answer":"IMPALED","Explanation":"Definition: spiked\nI (international) MP (politician) D (died) after ALE (drink)"} {"Clue":"Aroma of nettle (7)","Answer":"INCENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Aroma\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Wind instrument encountered in an expressive type of music by Queen (10)","Answer":"ANEMOMETER","Explanation":"Definition: Wind instrument\nMET (encountered) in AN EMO (expressive type of music \u2013 a new one on us!) ER (Queen)"} {"Clue":"Rob Key from Kent bagging duck in tie (4)","Answer":"KNOT","Explanation":"Definition: tie\nK~~e~~NT with the 'e' (key) omitted or 'robbed' round or 'bagging' O (duck)"} {"Clue":"Belittled bear, and what it did in the woods (4-6)","Answer":"POOH-POOHED","Explanation":"Definition: Belittled\nPOOH (bear \u2013 Winnie the Pooh) POOHED (defecated \u2013 what bears do in the woods) \u2013 quite why bears have this reputation when all the other forest animals do it too, we don't know!"} {"Clue":"Training outside is boring (7)","Answer":"TEDIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: boring\nAn anagram of OUTSIDE \u2013 anagrind is 'training'"} {"Clue":"Continue to house half of Tate Modern (6)","Answer":"LATEST","Explanation":"Definition: Modern\nLAST (continue) round or 'housing' TE (half of 'Tate')"} {"Clue":"Fair to welcome northern folk (8)","Answer":"ETHNICAL","Explanation":"Definition: folk\nETHICAL (fair) round or 'welcoming' N (northern)"} {"Clue":"Fight to trim bottom in health resort (3)","Answer":"SPA","Explanation":"Definition: health resort\nSPA~~r~~ (fight) with the last or 'bottom' letter removed or 'trimmed'"} {"Clue":"To last longer than clothing on a Pride march? (7)","Answer":"OUTWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: To last longer than\nPeople on a Pride march might have come out, so they might be clothed in OUT WEAR"} {"Clue":"Considerate type (4)","Answer":"KIND","Explanation":"Definition: Considerate\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Upwardly mobile Trump, without hesitation, starts to invite Russian multi-millionaires onto American land (5,5)","Answer":"TERRA FIRMA","Explanation":"Definition: land\nFART ('trump') reversed or 'upwardly mobile' round or 'without' ER (hesitation) + the first letters or 'starts' of Invite Russian Multi-millionaires A (American)"} {"Clue":"Dapper barn dancer stripped completely, revealing figure (10)","Answer":"APPEARANCE","Explanation":"Definition: figure\n~~d~~APPE~~r~~ ~~b~~AR~~n~~ ~~d~~ANCE~~r~~ with first and last letters of each word omitted, or 'stripped completely'"} {"Clue":"Watch part of scene with me, and tap excitedly (10)","Answer":"ESCAPEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Watch part\nAn anagram of SCENE, ME and TAP \u2013 anagrind is 'excitedly'"} {"Clue":"Envy German having game in bed, and ogle regularly (8)","Answer":"BEGRUDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Envy\nG (German) RU (Rugby Union \u2013 game) in BED + ~~o~~G~~l~~E (alternate or 'regular' letters)"} {"Clue":"Turkey and plenty of squash (7)","Answer":"TRAMPLE","Explanation":"Definition: squash\nTR (Turkey) AMPLE (plenty)"} {"Clue":"Six silver pens with name on found in French city (7)","Answer":"AVIGNON","Explanation":"Definition: French city\nVI (six) in or 'penned' by AG (silver) N (name) ON"} {"Clue":"Organisation of mounted police in Ireland (6)","Answer":"EMPIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Organisation\nMP (mounted police) in EIRE (Ireland)"} {"Clue":"Vice is a necessity when visiting many countries (4)","Answer":"VISA","Explanation":"Definition: necessity when visiting many countries\nWe weren't too sure about this, but think it must be: V (Vice, as in Vice-President \u2013 VP) IS A"} {"Clue":"Go here due to alcohol from time to time (3)","Answer":"LOO","Explanation":"Definition: Go here\nAlternate letters ('from time to time') of ~~a~~L~~c~~O~~h~~O~~l~~"} {"Clue":"It's a job being sober daily, perhaps \u2026 (3,7)","Answer":"DRY CLEANER","Explanation":"Definition: It's a job\nDRY (being sober) CLEANER (daily)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 because I must neck Tesco's top wine (4)","Answer":"ASTI","Explanation":"Definition: wine\nAS (because) I round or 'necking' T (first or 'top' letter of 'Tesco')"} {"Clue":"Vicar with a drink going about tedious business (7)","Answer":"PALAVER","Explanation":"Definition: tedious business\nREV (vicar) A LAP (drink) reversed or 'going about'"} {"Clue":"Tipsy idiot Hoskins finally snogs head of fleet? (7)","Answer":"ONASSIS","Explanation":"Definition: head of fleet?\nON (tipsy \u2013 we're really not too sure about\u00a0this!) ASS (idiot) I (Hoskins, the setter) S (last or 'final' letter of 'snogs') \u2013 a reference to Aristotle Onassis, the Greek shipping magnate"} {"Clue":"Old relation drinking in a watering hole? (5)","Answer":"OASIS","Explanation":"Definition: watering hole\nO (old) SIS (relation) round or 'drinking' A"} {"Clue":"Not on vacation, but at home having booze-up (2,7)","Answer":"IN SESSION","Explanation":"Definition: Not on vacation\nIN (at home) SESSION (booze-up)"} {"Clue":"Something roaring inebriates have put away? (3)","Answer":"GIN","Explanation":"Definition: Something roaring inebriates have put away\nCryptic definition \u2013 Hidden or 'put away' in roarinG INebriates"} {"Clue":"What a beer thief might do to be brave in adversity (4,7)","Answer":"TAKE COURAGE","Explanation":"Definition: to be brave in adversity\nA beer thief might TAKE COURAGE (a brand of beer)"} {"Clue":"Squiffy on mere pints, yet all over the place? (11)","Answer":"OMNIPRESENT","Explanation":"Definition: all over the place\nAn anagram of ON MERE PINTS \u2013 anagrind is 'squiffy'"} {"Clue":"US college girl not initially drunk as a Lord? (3)","Answer":"COE","Explanation":"Definition: Lord\nCO-E~~d~~ (US college girl) without the 'd' ('initial' letter of 'drunk')"} {"Clue":"Drunken Ant a mess, having a drink down under (6,3)","Answer":"TASMAN SEA","Explanation":"Definition: drink down under\nAn anagram of ANT A MESS (anagrind is 'drunken') round or 'having' A"} {"Clue":"2012 Olympian game to polish off last of Merlot (5)","Answer":"ENNIS","Explanation":"Definition: 2012 Olympian\n~~t~~ENNIS (game) with the 't' (last letter of 'merlot') 'polished off' \u2013 a reference of course to Jessica Ennis, golden girl of the 2012 Olympics \u2013 now Jessica Ennis-Hill"} {"Clue":"A drink of lager on the rocks? (3,4)","Answer":"ICE BEER","Explanation":"Definition: A drink\nBEER (lager) 'on' ICE ('the rocks')"} {"Clue":"Slippery nipple cocktail you bypass at last topless club that's seedy (7)","Answer":"ELUSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Slippery\nLast letters of nipplE cocktaiL yoU and bypasS + ~~d~~IVE (seedy club) without the first letter or 'topless'"} {"Clue":"Time to go back for brews and some food (4)","Answer":"EATS","Explanation":"Definition: some food\nTEAS (brews) with the 't' (time) going back"} {"Clue":"A boozer on a nautical-themed pub crawl? (4,2,4)","Answer":"PORT OF CALL","Explanation":"Definition: A boozer on a nautical-themed pub crawl?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Flipping good day to get very drunk (5)","Answer":"DIPSO","Explanation":"Definition: drunk\nPI (good) D (day) reversed or 'flipped' + SO (very)"} {"Clue":"Old Russian boozer in style after refurbishment (7)","Answer":"YELTSIN","Explanation":"Definition: Old Russian boozer\nAn anagram of IN STYLE \u2013 anagrind is 'after refurbishment'"} {"Clue":"Stay relations cracking drink makes merry (5,2,2)","Answer":"LIVES IT UP","Explanation":"Definition: makes merry\nLIVE (stay) + IT (sex or 'relations') in or 'cracking' SUP (drink)"} {"Clue":"What might cause one to throw up in Dakota? (11)","Answer":"AIRSICKNESS","Explanation":"Definition: What might cause one to throw up in Dakota?\nCryptic definition \u2013 the Dakota being a type of aeroplane"} {"Clue":"I love getting to the end of the case of eggnog (3)","Answer":"EGO","Explanation":"Definition: I\nO (love) at the end of EG (first and last letters or 'case' of 'eggnog')"} {"Clue":"A poem Stein drunkenly set in South Africa (7)","Answer":"SESTINA","Explanation":"Definition: A poem\nAn anagram of STEIN (anagrind is 'drunkenly') 'set' in SA (South Africa)"} {"Clue":"Hypocritical as half-cut Reed supporting early-closing pub? (9)","Answer":"INSINCERE","Explanation":"Definition: Hypocritical\nSINCE (as) RE~~ed~~ ('half-cut') after or 'supporting' IN~~n~~ (pub) without the last letter or 'early-closing'"} {"Clue":"Britons on vacation drinking like fishes (4)","Answer":"BASS","Explanation":"Definition: fishes\nBS (first and last letters of 'Britons' \u2013 'on vacation') round or 'drinking' AS (like)"} {"Clue":"Private chap after a Martini drinker's job? (6,5)","Answer":"SECRET AGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Martini drinker's job\nSECRET (private) GENT (chap) after A \u2013 a reference James Bond's favourite tipple being a Martini"} {"Clue":"Hoist keg up over liquid resembling spirits (9)","Answer":"GHOSTLIKE","Explanation":"Definition: resembling spirits\nWe think this is an anagram of HOIST KEG (anagrind is 'up') round or 'over' L (liquid), ~~but we can't find anywhere with 'l' as an abbreviation for 'liquid'~~~~~~~~\u00a0~~ *l = liquid is a chemical abbreviation. Thanks\u00a0"} {"Clue":"He put in a new order ahead of bum due a tot? (2,3,4)","Answer":"UP THE DUFF","Explanation":"Definition: due a tot?\nAn anagram of HE PUT (anagrind is 'in a new order') DUFF (bum)"} {"Clue":"Developing centre for wines with one bouquet? (7)","Answer":"NASCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Developing\nN (middle letter or 'centre' of 'wines') A SCENT (bouquet)"} {"Clue":"Two containers of beer on a bar in Mexico? (7)","Answer":"CANTINA","Explanation":"Definition: bar in Mexico?\nCAN TIN (two containers) A"} {"Clue":"A smart sort of chap putting beer on tap (4)","Answer":"ALEC","Explanation":"Definition: A smart sort of chap\nALE (beer) C (cold \u2013 'tap')"} {"Clue":"An explosive market a drunkard mentions (5)","Answer":"SHELL","Explanation":"Definition: An explosive\nA drunkard might pronounce 'sell' ('market') as SHELL"} {"Clue":"Half-cut England captain and Aussie skipper (3)","Answer":"ROO","Explanation":"Definition: Aussie skipper\nROO~~ney~~ (Wayne \u2013 England captain) 'half-cut'"} {"Clue":"Poison gas used on the front in conflict (9)","Answer":"WARFARING","Explanation":"Definition: conflict\nWARFARIN (poison) G~~as~~ (first letter only or 'on the front')"} {"Clue":"Acquires opinions (5)","Answer":"TAKES","Explanation":"Definition: Acquires\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Provokes through gossiped-about situations (7)","Answer":"INCITES","Explanation":"Definition: Provokes\nIN (through) + a homophone ('gossiped-about') of SITES (situations)"} {"Clue":"Writer's assistant in pink wellies (7)","Answer":"INKWELL","Explanation":"Definition: Writer's assistant\nHidden in 'pINK WELLies'"} {"Clue":"Strong guys trying to stop jealousy in a way that benefits society? (15)","Answer":"ENVIRONMENTALLY","Explanation":"Definition: in a way that benefits society\nIRON MEN (strong guys) TALL (trying, as in 'a tall order') in or 'stopping' ENVY (jealousy)"} {"Clue":"Close call that's instinctive but not new (9)","Answer":"TERMINATE","Explanation":"Definition: Close\nTERM (call) IN~~n~~ATE (instinctive) without 'n' (new)"} {"Clue":"Ancient tree (5)","Answer":"ELDER","Explanation":"Definition: Ancient\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Unusual sailor reels in dance (5)","Answer":"RUMBA","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nRUM (unusual) AB (sailor) reversed or 'reeling'"} {"Clue":"Strong drink stored in wood that's hot, unsafe for bottling (3,6)","Answer":"RYE WHISKY","Explanation":"Definition: Strong drink\nYEW (wood) H (hot) in or 'bottled by' RISKY (unsafe)"} {"Clue":"Put out horse, say, by forest track where ass may be led (2,3,6,4)","Answer":"UP THE GARDEN PATH","Explanation":"Definition: where ass may be led\nAn anagram of PUT (anagrind is 'out') H (horse) EG (say) ARDEN (forest) PATH (track)"} {"Clue":"Just this and other housing (7)","Answer":"ETHICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Just\nHIC (this) in or 'housed by' ET AL (other) \u2013 two Latin references in one clue!"} {"Clue":"American social critic and novel author touring East (7)","Answer":"THOREAU","Explanation":"Definition: American social critic\nAn anagram of AUTHOR (anagrind is 'novel') round or 'touring' E (East)"} {"Clue":"Best time to get behind (5)","Answer":"TRUMP","Explanation":"Definition: Best\nT (time) RUMP (behind)"} {"Clue":"Abandon fake press of a sort (4,5)","Answer":"DROP FORGE","Explanation":"Definition: press of a sort\nDROP (abandon) FORGE (fake)"} {"Clue":"You and I eating buffet pasty (5)","Answer":"WHITE","Explanation":"Definition: pasty\nWE (you and I) round or 'eating' HIT (buffet)"} {"Clue":"Rescue one wandering outside city (7)","Answer":"RECOVER","Explanation":"Definition: Rescue\nROVER (one wandering) round or 'outside' EC (City)"} {"Clue":"Aromatic peanuts crushed too much for a trifle? (1,5,2,1,6)","Answer":"A STORM IN A TEACUP","Explanation":"Definition: too much for a trifle\nAn anagram of AROMATIC PEANUTS \u2013 anagrind is 'crushed'"} {"Clue":"Glib sentimentality stifles a writer (5)","Answer":"IBSEN","Explanation":"Definition: writer\nHidden in, or 'stifled by' 'glIB SENtimentality'"} {"Clue":"Queen always interrupting dance after dismissing leading couple (9)","Answer":"GUINEVERE","Explanation":"Definition: Queen\nEVER (always) in or 'interrupting' ~~be~~GUINE (dance) without or 'dismissing' the first two letters or 'leading couple'"} {"Clue":"Spoil excitement of buff? On the contrary (4,3,5,3)","Answer":"TAKE THE SHINE OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Spoil excitement of\nIf you literally TAKE THE SHINE OFF something you would make it matt, whereas if you 'buff' something, you would polish it"} {"Clue":"King irritated when first duke goes prepared for knighthood? (7)","Answer":"KNEELED","Explanation":"Definition: prepared for knighthood?\nK (king) NEE~~d~~LED (irritated) without the first 'd' (duke)"} {"Clue":"Joke with host who spreads the word? (5,4)","Answer":"SALLY ARMY","Explanation":"Definition: who spreads the word?\nSALLY (joke) ARMY (host)"} {"Clue":"Blurt tune out, getting unsettled (9)","Answer":"TURBULENT","Explanation":"Definition: unsettled\nAn anagram of BLURT TUNE \u2013 anagrind is 'out'"} {"Clue":"Public tackling Irishman about being sent abroad? (3,4)","Answer":"AIR-MAILED","Explanation":"Definition: sent abroad\nAIRED (public) round or 'tackling' LIAM (Irishman) reversed or 'about'"} {"Clue":"Dull husband, regularly vague half of odd couple? (7)","Answer":"MATTHAU","Explanation":"Definition: half of odd couple\nMATT (dull) H (husband) + alternate or 'regular' letters of 'vAgUe' \u2013 a reference to Walter Matthau, who starred with Jack Lemmon in the 1968 film 'The Odd Couple'"} {"Clue":"Reportedly catch simple marine creature (3,4)","Answer":"SEA BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: marine creature\nA homophone of ('reportedly') SEE (catch) BARE (simple)"} {"Clue":"Excessive papers going over the same thing (5)","Answer":"DITTO","Explanation":"Definition: the same thing\nOTT (excessive) ID (papers) all reversed or 'going over'"} {"Clue":"Bend to put on stockings in store (5)","Answer":"HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: store\nU (bend) in or 'putting on' HOSE (stockings)"} {"Clue":"Stone excluded from formal attitude in part of bridge (4)","Answer":"ARCH","Explanation":"Definition: part of bridge\n~~st~~ARCH (formal attitude) 'excluding' 'st' (stone)"} {"Clue":"Information not initially supplied in religious book (4)","Answer":"ACTS","Explanation":"Definition: religious book\n~~f~~ACTS (information \u2013 unless you are Trump's press secretary!) without the initial letter"} {"Clue":"Peace rather requiring a couple to reverse positions? (5)","Answer":"QUIET","Explanation":"Definition: Peace\nQUITE (rather) with 'a couple' of letters reversing positions"} {"Clue":"Showing less ardour, dismissing loves? Hold on (5)","Answer":"CLING","Explanation":"Definition: Hold on\nC~~oo~~LING (showing less ardour) without or 'dismissing' 'oo' (loves)"} {"Clue":"Hear tune playing after pinning down unknown opera (9)","Answer":"EURYANTHE","Explanation":"Definition: opera\nAn anagram of HEAR TUNE (anagrind is 'playing') round or 'pinning down' Y (unknown) \u2013 not being opera fans, we'd never heard of this opera, nor Carl Maria von Weber, its composer \u2013 we learn something every day!"} {"Clue":"Athlete in useless club? (4-6)","Answer":"SHOT-PUTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Athlete\nSHOT (useless) PUTTER (club)"} {"Clue":"Contrary view of river entering Lake Placid (4)","Answer":"CALM","Explanation":"Definition: Placid\nL (lake) in or 'entering' CAM (river) \u2013 'contrary' to the wording of the clue"} {"Clue":"Consideration of French Revolution's aim? (12)","Answer":"DELIBERATION","Explanation":"Definition: Consideration\nDE (French for 'of') LIBERATION (Revolution's aim)"} {"Clue":"Sorts out nets and dealings that may be confused (12)","Answer":"DISENTANGLES","Explanation":"Definition: Sorts out\nAn anagram of NETS and DEALINGS \u2013 anagrind is 'that may be confused'"} {"Clue":"Journal mostly backing military action? (4)","Answer":"RAID","Explanation":"Definition: military action\nDIAR~~y~~ (journal) without the last letter or 'mostly' reversed or 'backing'"} {"Clue":"Good to tuck into powerful beer \u2013 9 on the scale? (6,4)","Answer":"STRONG GALE","Explanation":"Definition: 9 on the scale\nG (good) 'tucking into' STRONG (powerful) ALE (beer) \u2013 a reference to the Beaufort Wind Scale"} {"Clue":"University book left in cafes \u2013 one by Joyce? (9)","Answer":"DUBLINERS","Explanation":"Definition: one by Joyce\nU (University) B (book) L (left) in DINERS (cafes) \u2013 a reference to the short stories by James Joyce (not Bert's other half!)"} {"Clue":"Slender drawing ultimately the hand of Addams? (5)","Answer":"THING","Explanation":"Definition: the hand of Addams?\nTHIN (slender) G (last or 'ultimate' letter of 'drawing') \u2013 a reference to the Addams Family TV series, where a dismembered hand was a pet called 'Thing'"} {"Clue":"English absolutely the best possible (5)","Answer":"EVERY","Explanation":"Definition: the best possible\nE (English) VERY (absolutely) \u2013 we were amazed to find that 'every' can mean 'the best possible', but there it is in Chambers, as in 'every chance of winning'"} {"Clue":"Lead ingredients in ten of your sherry trifles (4)","Answer":"TOYS","Explanation":"Definition: trifles\nFirst letters or 'lead ingredients' of Ten Of Your Sherry"} {"Clue":"Seabird whose sound is viewed negatively? (4)","Answer":"KNOT","Explanation":"Definition: Seabird\nA homophone ('sound') of NOT (viewed negatively)"} {"Clue":"Bill exploited potential criminal (7)","Answer":"ACCUSED","Explanation":"Definition: potential criminal\nACC (bill, as in account) USED (exploited)"} {"Clue":"Kitchen container used in South American country for pepper (8)","Answer":"CHIPOTLE","Explanation":"Definition: pepper\nPOT (kitchen container) in CHILE (S American country)"} {"Clue":"Secret letter she destroyed in Durham town (7-2-6)","Answer":"CHESTER-LE-STREET","Explanation":"Definition: Durham town\nAn anagram of SECRET LETTER SHE \u2013 anagrind is 'destroyed'"} {"Clue":"Definite cut, over and over again \u2013 no end of trouble on the quiet (15)","Answer":"SURREPTITIOUSLY","Explanation":"Definition: on the quiet\nSUR~~e~~ (definite) without the last letter or 'cut' REP~~e~~TITIOUSLY (over and over again) without the 'e' (last letter or 'end' of 'trouble')"} {"Clue":"Lit out from top-class landing-place (4)","Answer":"QUAY","Explanation":"Definition: landing-place\nQUA~~lit~~Y (top class) with 'lit' 'out'"} {"Clue":"No opening to suggest some light work should arrive here (2-4)","Answer":"IN-TRAY","Explanation":"Definition: work should arrive here\n~~h~~INT (suggest) without the first or 'opening' letter RAY (some light)"} {"Clue":"Left in care of those people and a woman (6)","Answer":"THELMA","Explanation":"Definition: woman\nL (left) in 'care of' THEM (those people) A"} {"Clue":"Republicans wrecked club \u2013 I tell everyone (2,6)","Answer":"GO PUBLIC","Explanation":"Definition: tell everyone\nGOP (Republicans \u2013 the '~~Good~~\u00a0Grand Old Party') + an anagram of CLUB I \u2013 anagrind is 'wrecked'\u00a0*Thanks gwep"} {"Clue":"US author against one channel containing name (8)","Answer":"VONNEGUT","Explanation":"Definition: US author\nV (against) ONE GUT (channel) round or 'containing' N (name)"} {"Clue":"Dog articles about wagging tails (8)","Answer":"ALSATIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nA and AN (articles) round an anagram of TAILS \u2013 anagrind is 'wagging'"} {"Clue":"Dexterity keeping both ends of line in view (7)","Answer":"SLEIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Dexterity\nL~~in~~E (first and last letters or 'both ends') in SIGHT (view)"} {"Clue":"Support Councillor ahead of awkward deal (6)","Answer":"CRADLE","Explanation":"Definition: Support\nCR (Councillor) + an anagram of DEAL \u2013 anagrind is 'awkward'"} {"Clue":"Swift river trapping doctor (6)","Answer":"NIMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Swift\nNILE (river) round or 'trapping' MB (doctor)"} {"Clue":"Crafty group of women meeting leading couple from Lysistrata\u00a0(4)","Answer":"WILY","Explanation":"Definition: Crafty\nWI (Women's Institute \u2013 group of women) + first two letters or 'leading couple' of LY~~sistrata~~"} {"Clue":"Extremely summary trial for scoundrel? (7)","Answer":"CURTEST","Explanation":"Definition: Extremely summary\nCUR (scoundrel) TEST (trial)"} {"Clue":"Hint of balsamic in salad saucer for tossing (7)","Answer":"FRISBEE","Explanation":"Definition: saucer for tossing\nB (first letter or 'hint' of 'balsamic') in FRIS\u00c9E (salad)"} {"Clue":"Stock of pieces about a politician (9)","Answer":"REPERTORY","Explanation":"Definition: Stock of pieces\nRE (about) PER (a) TORY (politicial)"} {"Clue":"Clock element of wordplay (crossword hints for beginners) (5)","Answer":"PUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: Clock\nPUN (element of wordplay) C H (first letters or 'beginners' of Crossword Hints)"} {"Clue":"Animal artist left out for good when front-runner for Turner's introduced (7)","Answer":"WARTHOG","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\nWARHO~~l~~ (Andy Warhol \u2013 artist) with the 'l' (left) omitted or 'out' and replaced by G (good) round and 'introducing' T (first letter or 'front-runner' of Turner)"} {"Clue":"Entering feverish rut time, I will be in my flipping element (7)","Answer":"YTTRIUM","Explanation":"Definition: element\nAn anagram of RUT T (time) \u2013 anagrind is 'feverish' with I 'entering' in MY reversed or 'flipping'"} {"Clue":"Cry in anguish by woman clasping Casablanca bar owner as path to better things (6,5,4)","Answer":"YELLOW BRICK ROAD","Explanation":"Definition: path to better things\nYELL OW (cry in anguish) BROAD (woman) round or 'clasping' RICK (bar owner in the classic film 'Casablanca')"} {"Clue":"Prepare to enter case perhaps for murder (4,9,2)","Answer":"MAKE MINCEMEAT OF","Explanation":"Definition: murder\nThis one doesn't seem to work \u2013 we think that 'perhaps' you might 'prepare' or\u00a0MAKE MINCEMEAT to 'enter' or put in a pie 'case' but we can't really parse the 'OF'\u00a0\u2013 it doesn't seem to be a synonym for 'for' \u2013 any thoughts out there?"} {"Clue":"Mix up salt with a kitchen utensil (7)","Answer":"SPATULA","Explanation":"Definition: kitchen utensil \nAn anagram of UP SALT (anagrind is 'mix') + A"} {"Clue":"Covering a blemish with mother's make-up (7)","Answer":"MASCARA","Explanation":"Definition: make-up\nA SCAR (blemish) in or 'covered by' MA (mother)"} {"Clue":"News provider covered up threat to plant (5)","Answer":"APHID","Explanation":"Definition: threat to plant\nAP (Associated Press \u2013 news provider) HID (covered up)"} {"Clue":"Practitioner reset toes during operation at hospital (9)","Answer":"OSTEOPATH","Explanation":"Definition: Practitioner\nAn anagram TOES (anagrind is 'reset') in or 'during' OP (operation) + AT H (hospital)"} {"Clue":"On the fringes of old part of forest covering miles (7)","Answer":"EXTREME","Explanation":"Definition: On the fringes\nEX (old) TREE (part of forest) round or 'covering' M (miles)"} {"Clue":"Start melody \u00e0 la \"Singin' in the Rain\"? (4-3)","Answer":"OPEN-AIR","Explanation":"Definition: \u00e0 la \"Singin' in the Rain\"\nOPEN (start) AIR (melody) \u2013 'Singing in the Rain' implies being outside"} {"Clue":"Source of seed capital for Asian investing in coach route (7)","Answer":"CARAWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Source of seed\nA (first letter or 'capital' of Asian) 'investing' in CAR (coach) WAY (route)"} {"Clue":"What's my line? Producing those! (5)","Answer":"ROPER","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 A ROPER's job or 'line' is to make ropes or 'lines'"} {"Clue":"Poor creature who's boring in bed? (9)","Answer":"EARTHWORM","Explanation":"Definition: Poor creature\nAn EARTHWORM could be described as being a burrowing or 'boring' creature in a garden plot or 'bed'"} {"Clue":"You'll hear it if Violet Elizabeth has a thing for undergarment (5)","Answer":"THONG","Explanation":"Definition: undergarment\nViolet Elizabeth is a character with a lisp in Richmal Crompton's 'Just William' stories \u2013 she would 'thing' a THONG"} {"Clue":"Following instrument around past West Indies under computer control (3-2-4)","Answer":"FLY-BY-WIRE","Explanation":"Definition: under computer control\nF (following) LYRE (instrument) round BY (past) WI (West Indies)"} {"Clue":"President's put down contribution to discussion (5)","Answer":"INPUT","Explanation":"Definition: contribution to discussion\nPUTIN (president Vladimir) with 'put' moved down, or to the back"} {"Clue":"I'm surprised outlaw's captured marsupial (9)","Answer":"BANDICOOT","Explanation":"Definition: marsupial\nCOO ('I'm surprised') in or 'captured by' BANDIT (outlaw)"} {"Clue":"Dug up old philosopher, dead (7)","Answer":"EXHUMED","Explanation":"Definition: Dug up\nEX (old) HUME (David Hume \u2013 philosopher) D (dead)"} {"Clue":"Eagerly enjoy a tipple (4,1,4)","Answer":"LIKE A SHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Eagerly\nLIKE (enjoy) A SHOT (short drink or 'tipple')"} {"Clue":"Brains intermittently in abundance in old Indian city (9)","Answer":"BANGALORE","Explanation":"Definition: old Indian city\nBrAiNs (alternate or 'intermittent' letters) GALORE (in abundance)"} {"Clue":"Takes heart, getting record win, perhaps? (4,5)","Answer":"KEEP SCORE","Explanation":"Definition: record win, perhaps\nKEEPS (takes) CORE (heart)"} {"Clue":"What'll relax and invigorate? Say, tea when served up (7)","Answer":"MASSAGE","Explanation":"Definition: What'll relax and invigorate?\nEG (say \u2013 for example) ASSAM (tea) all reversed or 'served up'"} {"Clue":"One making obscene exhibition more bling (7)","Answer":"FLASHER","Explanation":"Definition: One making obscene exhibition\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"University's sculpted nude is inappropriate (5)","Answer":"UNDUE","Explanation":"Definition: inappropriate\nU (university) + an anagram of NUDE \u2013 anagrind is 'sculpted'"} {"Clue":"Slogan encapsulated by 'Bottoms Up!' (5)","Answer":"MOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: Slogan\nHidden or 'encapsulated' and reversed or 'up' in bOTTOMs"} {"Clue":"Clothing for Arab horse on the wagon? (5)","Answer":"ABAYA","Explanation":"Definition: Clothing for Arab\nBAY (horse) 'on the wagon' by being in AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)"} {"Clue":"Butterfly toe is a peculiar gift from the French (6,2,7)","Answer":"STATUE OF LIBERTY","Explanation":"Definition: gift from the French\nAn anagram of BUTTERFLY TOE IS A \u2013 anagrind is 'peculiar'"} {"Clue":"\"Ask the Family\" \u2013 it's shown at the end of October (7)","Answer":"PUMPKIN","Explanation":"Definition: it's shown at the end of October\nPUMP (ask) KIN (family)"} {"Clue":"Very old tin can somehow used to store sheep's heart (7)","Answer":"ANCIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Very old\nAn anagram of TIN CAN (anagrind is 'somehow) around or 'storing' E (middle or 'heart' of sheep)"} {"Clue":"Gutless academic locks women in theatre (9)","Answer":"ACTRESSES","Explanation":"Definition: women in theatre\nFirst and last letters of A~~cademi~~C or 'gutless' TRESSES (locks)"} {"Clue":"Instrument brought back from Bratislava (5)","Answer":"SITAR","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nHidden and reversed or 'brought back' in BRATISlava"} {"Clue":"Get assessed and shouted at (7)","Answer":"BERATED","Explanation":"Definition: shouted at\nBE RATED (get assessed)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps the Po floods Italy and a part of coastal France (7)","Answer":"RIVIERA","Explanation":"Definition: part of coastal France\nRIVER (Po perhaps) around or 'flooding' I (Italy) and A"} {"Clue":"Exhorts Scottish football organisation to abandon extravagant spending sprees (5)","Answer":"URGES","Explanation":"Definition: Exhorts\n~~spl~~URGES (extravagant spending sprees) without or 'abandoning' SPL (Scottish Premier League)"} {"Clue":"Walked drunkenly, not in a straight line (9)","Answer":"STAGGERED","Explanation":"Definition: Walked drunkenly\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"\"Greetings, Mr Yorke. Everything's beginning to strike a chord?\" (3,4)","Answer":"HIT HOME","Explanation":"Definition: strike a chord\nHI (Greetings) THOM (Thom Yorke is a band member of Radiohead) E (beginning letter of 'everything')"} {"Clue":"Regularly exchanges broken toaster (7)","Answer":"ROTATES","Explanation":"Definition: Regularly exchanges\nAn anagram of TOASTER (anagrind is 'broken')"} {"Clue":"Establishment figures discovered at home with girlfriend leading to broken hearts (8,7)","Answer":"FOUNDING FATHERS","Explanation":"Definition: Establishment figures\nFOUND (discovered) IN (at home) GF (girlfriend) and an anagram of HEARTS (anagrind is 'broken')"} {"Clue":"Quickly, like Tony McCoy (4)","Answer":"ASAP","Explanation":"Definition: Quickly\nAS for 'like' went in easily and we guessed the answer then from the definition. We needed a search to find out that the jockey Tony McCoy is also known as AP McCoy, short for Anthony Peter."} {"Clue":"Injury observed in hospital department (4)","Answer":"HARM","Explanation":"Definition: Injury\nH (hospital) ARM (department)"} {"Clue":"Most gloomy kid set off without us (8)","Answer":"DUSKIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most gloomy\nAn anagram of KID SET (anagrind is 'off') round or 'without' US"} {"Clue":"Contacts Mark and Dot? (6)","Answer":"POINTS","Explanation":"Definition: Contacts\nPOINTS (mark and dot are both points)"} {"Clue":"Charlie relies on Queen's make-up remover (8)","Answer":"CLEANSER","Explanation":"Definition: make-up remover\nC (Charlie) LEANS (relies) ER (Queen)"} {"Clue":"Former Eurovision winners swear out loud? You can count on it (6)","Answer":"ABACUS","Explanation":"Definition: You can count on it \nABA (sounds like ('out loud') 'Abba' \u2013 Eurovision winners in 1974) CUS (sounds like 'cuss' \u2013 swear)"} {"Clue":"Leaders of Rangers Supporters Trust reported someone who might be charged in Providence? (8)","Answer":"ARRESTEE","Explanation":"Definition: someone who might be charged in Providence?\nARRESTEE \u2013 sounds like ('reported') R S T the first letters or ' leaders' of Rangers Supports Trust"} {"Clue":"Syria, the troubled state of frenzied emotion (8)","Answer":"HYSTERIA","Explanation":"Definition: state of frenzied emotion\nAn anagram of SYRIA THE (anagrind is 'troubled')"} {"Clue":"Article taken from immoral pawnbroker (5)","Answer":"UNCLE","Explanation":"Definition: pawnbroker\nUNCLE~~an~~ (immoral) without 'an' (article)"} {"Clue":"Abruptly reject shrub as the answer? (5,3)","Answer":"BRUSH OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Abruptly reject\nYou have to see the answer as the clue as an anagram of 'shrub' being\u00a0BRUSH,\u00a0with the anagrind being 'OFF'"} {"Clue":"Just shocking to be topless (8)","Answer":"RIGHTFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Just\n~~f~~RIGHTFUL (shocking) without first letter or 'topless'"} {"Clue":"Spots nuclear research centre in Norfolk town (8)","Answer":"DISCERNS","Explanation":"Definition: Spots\nCERN (nuclear research station) in DISS (Norfolk town)"} {"Clue":"Grow destructive? Get a teddy to cuddle (8)","Answer":"VEGETATE","Explanation":"Definition: Grow\nHidden ('cuddled') in 'destructiVE GET A TEddy'"} {"Clue":"District magistrate always rejected taking ecstasy (5)","Answer":"REEVE","Explanation":"Definition: District magistrate\nEVER (always) reversed or 'rejected' around or 'taking' E (ecstasy)"} {"Clue":"How Sesame Street might describe scimitars and sabres? (6)","Answer":"SWORDS","Explanation":"Definition: scimitars and sabres? \nSesame Street is a programme for children and they may describe words beginning with S as S-WORDS"} {"Clue":"Without purpose, I'd fart about (6)","Answer":"ADRIFT","Explanation":"Definition: Without purpose\nAn anagram of I'D FART (anagrind is 'about')"} {"Clue":"Supports Middlesbrough based on this (4)","Answer":"TEES","Explanation":"Definition: Supports\nMiddlesbrough is situated on the river TEES"} {"Clue":"Frame made from small tree (4)","Answer":"SASH","Explanation":"Definition: Frame\nS (small) ASH (tree)"} {"Clue":"Censor 17 (4)","Answer":"CATO","Explanation":"Definition: Censor\nCAT ('whip' \u2013 in 17d) O ('round' in 17d) \u2013 a reference to the Roman censor"} {"Clue":"Cardinal regularly taking some Indian tea (4)","Answer":"NINE","Explanation":"Definition: Cardinal\nAlternate or 'regular' letters in INdIaN tEa"} {"Clue":"Reverse tracks (5)","Answer":"TAILS","Explanation":"Definition: Reverse\nDouble definition \u2013 'reverse' being the other side of a coin from 'heads'"} {"Clue":"A2? That could be trouble! (3)","Answer":"ADO","Explanation":"Definition: trouble\nA\u00a0DO ('thrash' \u2013 2d)"} {"Clue":"Drug cop is South American plant (9)","Answer":"NARCISSUS","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nNARC (drug cop) IS S (south) US (American)"} {"Clue":"Material contribution to company longevity (5)","Answer":"NYLON","Explanation":"Definition: Material\nHidden in or 'contributing to' compaNY LONgevity"} {"Clue":"Notes Greek character printed (as originally written) (5)","Answer":"MUSIC","Explanation":"Definition: Notes\nMU (Greek letter) SIC (printed as originally written)"} {"Clue":"It's run up at sea \u2013 set rudder! (3,6)","Answer":"RED DUSTER","Explanation":"Definition: It's run up\nAn anagram of SET RUDDER \u2013anagrind is 'at sea' \u2013 an informal term for the Red Ensign flag flown on British merchant ships"} {"Clue":"Critiques the first couple of \"Readers' Naughty Wives\" (7)","Answer":"REVIEWS","Explanation":"Definition: Critiques\nRE ('first couple' of letters of 'readers') + an anagram of WIVES \u2013 anagrind is 'naughty'"} {"Clue":"Map book doesn't include Thailand, unfortunately (4)","Answer":"ALAS","Explanation":"Definition: unfortunately\nA~~t~~LAS (map book) without the 'T' (Thailand)"} {"Clue":"Almost half the afternoon spent in the Tube (4)","Answer":"PIPE","Explanation":"Definition: Tube\n'Tube' appears to be the definition, but we're completely stumped by the wordplay \u2013 any thoughts welcome!!"} {"Clue":"Famous hairdresser synonymous with Tom Jones (7)","Answer":"DELILAH","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 a reference to Sampson's 'hairdresser' in the bible and to Tom Jones' 1968 hit song"} {"Clue":"Crop with which to chastise peer, having a spurs fetish? (4,5)","Answer":"CANE SUGAR","Explanation":"Definition: Crop\nCANE (chastise) SUGAR (peer 'having a spurs fetish' \u2013 Lord Alan Sugar, chairman of Tottenham Hotspur FC)"} {"Clue":"Severe resistance encountered in Scottish idiot (5)","Answer":"HARSH","Explanation":"Definition: Severe\nR (resistance) in HASH (Scottish word for 'idiot')"} {"Clue":"Pinch\u2013hit? (5)","Answer":"SWIPE","Explanation":"Definition: Pinch\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Report loo used in error (4,5)","Answer":"LOUD NOISE","Explanation":"Definition: Report\nAn anagram of LOO USED IN \u2013 anagrind is 'error'"} {"Clue":"35's way to express regret (3)","Answer":"RUE","Explanation":"Definition: express regret\nLens (35ac) is a town in France, where a 'way' or street would be a RUE"} {"Clue":"Vehicle ready in Seoul to transport silver (5)","Answer":"WAGON","Explanation":"Definition: Vehicle\nWON (currency or 'ready' in South Korea) round or 'transporting' AG (silver)"} {"Clue":"Hint to kick out government, stripped of all decency (4)","Answer":"NUDE","Explanation":"Definition: stripped of all decency\nNUD~~g~~E (hint) omitting or 'kicking out' 'g' (government)"} {"Clue":"McCluskey's feature in the \"Eye\"? (4)","Answer":"LENS","Explanation":"Definition: feature in the \"Eye\"\nLEN'S (Len McCluskey \u2013 General Secretary of Unite)"} {"Clue":"US agents detain mounted soldiers in theatre \"for screening\" (6)","Answer":"CINEMA","Explanation":"Definition: theatre \"for screening\" \nCIA (US agents) round or 'detaining' MEN (soldiers) reversed or 'mounted'"} {"Clue":"Party in rubbish hotel (6)","Answer":"THRASH","Explanation":"Definition: Party\nH (hotel) in TRASH (rubbish)"} {"Clue":"One without fault engaged by the household (2,7)","Answer":"IN SERVICE","Explanation":"Definition: engaged by the household\nIn tennis, a SERVICE 'without fault' would be IN"} {"Clue":"Every now and then, Evan's head relaxed (5)","Answer":"EASED","Explanation":"Definition: relaxed\nAlternate letters ('every now and then') of EvAn'S hEaD"} {"Clue":"Ticking off 28, shouting wildly (6,7)","Answer":"TONGUE LASHING","Explanation":"Definition: Ticking off\nAn anagram of GALEN (28d) SHOUTING \u2013 anagrind is 'wildly'"} {"Clue":"Python's lecture a load of pointless chit-chat (4,4)","Answer":"IDLE TALK","Explanation":"Definition: pointless chit-chat\nA lecture by Eric Idle (one of the Monty Python team) could be an IDLE TALK"} {"Clue":"\"Daily Star\" (or some other tabloid) (3)","Answer":"SUN","Explanation":"The SUN is a 'daily' tabloid, and a star"} {"Clue":"Got Twiggy with Cher dancing, having tender embrace (7)","Answer":"BIRCHED","Explanation":"Definition: Got Twiggy with\nAn anagram of CHER (anagrind is 'dancing') 'embraced by' BID (tender)"} {"Clue":"Healthy appearance created at the flick of a switch? (4,6)","Answer":"ROSY CHEEKS","Explanation":"Definition: Healthy appearance\nThe result of being caned or having a 'switch flicked' on the bottom would be ROSY CHEEKS"} {"Clue":"Take a bullet for Kitty (4-5)","Answer":"WHIP-ROUND","Explanation":"Definition: Kitty\nWHIP (take, as in steal) ROUND (bullet)"} {"Clue":"Unlimited Russian money for cartel (4)","Answer":"OPEC","Explanation":"Definition: cartel\n~~k~~OPEC~~k~~ (Russian money) without the first and last letters, or 'unlimited'"} {"Clue":"Is it administered by 9\u2033 ruler? (8)","Answer":"SPANKING","Explanation":"A very crafty cryptic definition, given the theme of the puzzle \u2013 SPAN (9 inches) KING (ruler)"} {"Clue":"I left revolting retsina behind (6)","Answer":"ASTERN","Explanation":"Definition: behind\nAn anagram of RETS~~i~~NA with the 'i' 'leaving' \u2013 anagrind is 'revolting'"} {"Clue":"Live coverage of sport is a sore point (6)","Answer":"BRUISE","Explanation":"Definition: sore point\nBE (live) round or 'covering' RU (Rugby Union \u2013 sport) IS"} {"Clue":"Scots valley home to a Greek physician (5)","Answer":"GALEN","Explanation":"Definition: Greek physician\nGLEN (Scots valley) round or 'home to' A \u2013 we had to check this person as we'd never heard of him!"} {"Clue":"Like what \"The Observer\" did\u2013 it's got teeth (3)","Answer":"SAW","Explanation":"Definition: Like what \"The Observer\" did\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Trade embargo involving European broadcaster (6)","Answer":"BARTER","Explanation":"Definition: Trade\nBAR (embargo) round or 'involving' RTE (European broadcaster \u2013 Irish Radio and TV )"} {"Clue":"Battery supply getting energy for some computer storage (8)","Answer":"TERABYTE","Explanation":"Definition: some computer storage\nAn anagram of BATTERY (anagrind is 'supply', as 'in a supple manner') + E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Ex-students working to welcome new member of later generation (8)","Answer":"GRANDSON","Explanation":"Definition: member of later generation\nGRADS (graduates \u2013 ex-students) ON (working) round or 'welcoming' N (new)"} {"Clue":"Contribution to concerts on at Aldeburgh? (6)","Answer":"SONATA","Explanation":"Definition: Contribution to concerts on at Aldeburgh?\nCryptic definition \u2013 Hidden in or 'contributing to' concertS ON AT Aldeburgh"} {"Clue":"It really shouldn't be found amongst capitals of nations in Central Europe! (4)","Answer":"NICE","Explanation":"Definition: It really shouldn't be found amongst capitals of nations in Central Europe!\nCryptic definition \u2013 first letters or 'capitals' of Nations In Central Europe \u2013 Nice is not a capital and it's not in central Europe"} {"Clue":"Ship prompting discussion? (10)","Answer":"ICEBREAKER","Explanation":"Definition: Ship\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Chief not mistaken \u2013 it's crucial for many jobs these days (8)","Answer":"INFOTECH","Explanation":"Definition: it's crucial for many jobs these days\nAn anagram of CHIEF NOT \u2013 anagrind is 'mistaken'"} {"Clue":"Reflects European votes, one with second Conservative ousted (6)","Answer":"ECHOES","Explanation":"Definition: Reflects\nE (European) CHO~~ic~~ES (votes) with the 'i' (one) and second 'c' (Conservative) omitted or 'ousted'"} {"Clue":"One of several kings in conflict, surrounded by endless revolution (6)","Answer":"EDWARD","Explanation":"Definition: One of several kings\nWAR (conflict) in or 'surrounded by' EDD~~y~~ (revolution) without the last letter or 'endless' \u2013 we thought eddy=revolution is perhaps stretching it a bit, but there is a 'swirling' connection"} {"Clue":"English composer's securing hideaway in French department (8)","Answer":"ARDENNES","Explanation":"Definition: French department\nARNE'S (English composer's) round or 'securing' DEN (hideaway)"} {"Clue":"Place with lots of phones but only one line, it seems (4,6)","Answer":"CALL CENTRE","Explanation":"Definition: Place with lots of phones\na(one) l(line) is the CENTRE of CALL"} {"Clue":"Limits to timber expanse? Here's one of them (4)","Answer":"TREE","Explanation":"Definition: Here's one of them\nFirst and last letters or 'limits' to TimbeR ExpansE"} {"Clue":"Members of religious group back America (6)","Answer":"HINDUS","Explanation":"Definition: Members of religious group\nHIND (back) US (America)"} {"Clue":"Dry cleaning? It's for the birds! (4-4)","Answer":"DUST-BATH","Explanation":"Definition: Dry cleaning? It's for the birds!\nCryptic definition \u2013 birds have a DUST BATH to clean their feathers without water"} {"Clue":"Firm way with your tatty fabric (8)","Answer":"CORDUROY","Explanation":"Definition: fabric\nCO (company \u2013 firm) RD (road \u2013 way) with an anagram of YOUR \u2013 anagrind is 'tatty'"} {"Clue":"Ruling group: type mostly holding place back (6)","Answer":"ROYALS","Explanation":"Definition: Ruling group\nSOR~~t~~ (type) without the last letter or 'mostly' round or 'holding' LAY (place) all reversed or 'back'"} {"Clue":"A criminal ranger I'd put before a court (9)","Answer":"ARRAIGNED","Explanation":"Definition: put before a court\nA + an anagram of RANGER I'D \u2013 anagrind is 'criminal'"} {"Clue":"Thanks number bringing in jelly (fruit) (7)","Answer":"TANGELO","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nTA (thanks) NO (number) round or 'bringing in' GEL (jelly)"} {"Clue":"Broadcast TV series, missing last part, leaving you unsettled (7)","Answer":"RESTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: unsettled\nAn anagram of TV SERIE~~s~~ (missing the last letter or 'part') \u2013 anagrind is 'broadcast'"} {"Clue":"Nerdy letterhead redesigned in compassionate style (6-9)","Answer":"TENDER-HEARTEDLY","Explanation":"Definition: in compassionate style\nAn anagram of NERDY LETTERHEAD \u2013 anagrind is 'redesigned'"} {"Clue":"Lay claim to additional military support (7)","Answer":"RESERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Lay claim to\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Too demeaning for queen, say, to receive knight at home initially (7)","Answer":"BENEATH","Explanation":"Definition: Too demeaning\nBEE ('queen, say') round or 'receiving' N (knight) + AT H (first or 'initial letter of 'home')"} {"Clue":"Earldom? Earl supports it amidst foremost in the Lords (5)","Answer":"TITLE","Explanation":"Definition: Earldom?\nE (earl) following or 'supporting' IT 'amidst' the first or 'foremost' letters of The Lords"} {"Clue":"What helps to coat a road? (3)","Answer":"TAR","Explanation":"Definition: What helps to coat a road?\nCryptic definition \u2013 hidden in or 'helping' coaT A Road"} {"Clue":"What suggests you perform treatment doctor ultimately dismissed? (3)","Answer":"CUE","Explanation":"Definition: What suggests you perform\nCU~~r~~E (treatment) with the 'r' (last or 'ultimate' letter of 'doctor') omitted or 'dismissed'"} {"Clue":"A spirit otherwise not special and wild (9)","Answer":"ELEMENTAL","Explanation":"Definition: A spirit\nEL~~s~~E (otherwise) without the 's' (special) MENTAL (wild) \u2013 apparently an 'elemental' is a spirit"} {"Clue":"Referred everyone to unreliable dude (7)","Answer":"ALLUDED","Explanation":"Definition: Referred\nALL (everyone) + an anagram of DUDE \u2013 anagrind is 'unreliable'"} {"Clue":"Severe pressure sees loss of University Hospital department worker in theatre (7)","Answer":"DRESSER","Explanation":"Definition: worker in theatre\nD~~u~~RESS (sever pressure) without or 'losing' 'u' (university) ER (emergency room \u2013 Hospital department)"} {"Clue":"US author reinterpreted desire, right? (7)","Answer":"DREISER","Explanation":"Definition: US author\nAn anagram of DESIRE and R (right) \u2013 anagrind is 'reinterpreted' \u2013 we'd never heard of this author \u2013 but Phi clearly had to find a different word to 20d, with the same crossing letters"} {"Clue":"Significantly, no boat's prow getting left in river (7)","Answer":"NOTABLY","Explanation":"Definition: Significantly\nNO + B (first letter or 'prow' of 'boat') L (left) in TAY (river)"} {"Clue":"Do I seem to be ready, friend? (5)","Answer":"AMIGO","Explanation":"Definition: friend\nIf I were to check whether I was okay to blast off, for example, I might (particularly if I am American) say 'AM I GO'?"} {"Clue":"Group of bishops in \"Carmen\"? (4)","Answer":"ABBA","Explanation":"Definition: Group\nBB (two bishops) in AA (Automobile Association \u2013 'car men')"} {"Clue":"Dress sailor kept in box (5)","Answer":"HABIT","Explanation":"Definition: Dress\nAB (sailor) in HIT (box)"} {"Clue":"Beat group featuring one in 13 (4)","Answer":"CLUB","Explanation":"Definition: Beat\nA CLUB is one of a group of thirteen cards in a pack"} {"Clue":"Small number live in part of India where there's a bar for some (2-2,4)","Answer":"NO-GO-AREA","Explanation":"Definition: where there's a bar for some\nNO ('small' number) ARE (live) in GOA (part of India)"} {"Clue":"Location of toilet, say, on motorway (6)","Answer":"MILIEU","Explanation":"Definition: Location\nAs indicated by 'say', this seems to be a homophone (well\u2026.it could be if you use the anglicised pronunciation as in 'in lieu of') of LOO (toilet) after MI (motorway)"} {"Clue":"Top 3, after second goes second (1-5)","Answer":"T-SHIRT","Explanation":"Definition: Top\nTHIRST (3down) with the 's' (second) moved to the 2nd place in the word"} {"Clue":"Tweet briefly meeting with support, making one more cheerful (8)","Answer":"CHIRPIER","Explanation":"Definition: more cheerful\nCHIR~~p~~ (tweet) without the last letter or 'briefly' PIER (support)"} {"Clue":"Esther reported leaving Hungarian family confused (4)","Answer":"HAZY","Explanation":"Definition: confused\n~~Ester~~H\u00c1ZY (Hungarian noble family) with 'Ester' (a homophone \u2013 'reported' of Esther) omitted or 'leaving'"} {"Clue":"African politician orchestrating \"The Brides of Enderby\"? Heads must roll! (5)","Answer":"OBOTE","Explanation":"Definition: African politician\nAn anagram of the first letters or 'heads' of 'Orchestrating The Brides Of Enderby') \u2013 anagrind is 'must roll'. A first reference to an Anthony Burgess' creation, although as far as we are aware, he didn't write a book with this title"} {"Clue":"John covers right angle in regular 21D offering (4)","Answer":"BLOG","Explanation":"Definition: regular 21D offering\nBOG (John \u2013 toilet) round or 'covering' L (right angle)"} {"Clue":"Hit silo with hammer, causing unwanted pollution (3,5)","Answer":"OIL SLICK","Explanation":"Definition: unwanted pollution\nAn anagram of SILO (anagrind is 'hit') LICK (hammer)"} {"Clue":"House doctor gone, without \"The Right to an Answer\" (6)","Answer":"ORANGE","Explanation":"Definition: House\nAn anagram of GONE (anagrind is 'doctor') round or 'without' R (right) A (answer) \u2013 a reference to one of Anthony Burgess' books"} {"Clue":"Vessel rejected by the French cruise port (6)","Answer":"NAPLES","Explanation":"Definition: cruise port\nPAN (vessel) reversed or 'rejected' LES ('the' in French)"} {"Clue":"Cunning wife is penning verse (8)","Answer":"WILINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Cunning\nW (wife) IS round or 'penning' LINES (verse)"} {"Clue":"\"Big Bang\" material Hoyle must have covered (4)","Answer":"YLEM","Explanation":"Definition: \"Big Bang\" material\nHidden in or 'covered' by HoYLE Must"} {"Clue":"Where a shroud features in Act 1 (5)","Answer":"TURIN","Explanation":"Definition: Where a shroud features\nTURN (act) with I 'featuring' inside"} {"Clue":"Wrong short story writer (4)","Answer":"AMIS","Explanation":"Definition: story writer\nAMIS~~s~~ (wrong) without the last letter or 'short'"} {"Clue":"ENT? Reserves an appointment 21D, perhaps (1-5)","Answer":"E-BOOKS","Explanation":"There doesn't seem to be a definition for this one, but there are two sets of wordplay: E + BOOKS (NT \u2013 New Testament), or BOOKS (reserves an appointment) with the E\u2013 in front denoting something done 'online' (21 down) perhaps. The definition is perhaps tied up in the clue to 21d?"} {"Clue":"Most of \"Malayan trilogy\" content's gone for short time after Rioja's drunk (8)","Answer":"MAJORITY","Explanation":"Definition: Most\nM~~alayan trilog~~Y (another Burgess title) with all but the first and last letters omitted, or 'content's gone' to be replaced by T ('short' time) after an anagram of RIOJA \u2013 anagrind is 'drunk'"} {"Clue":"Way below half of 13 yen (6)","Answer":"THIRST","Explanation":"Definition: yen\nST (street \u2013 'way') after or 'below' half of THIR~~teen~~"} {"Clue":"Enclosed rhyme has father running up and down (4)","Answer":"ABBA","Explanation":"Definition: father\nAt first, this had us completely foxed \u2013 we couldn't believe that there would be two separate clues with the same answer (see 8ac). However when we'd discovered the Anthony Burgess theme, we found that he had written a book entitled 'Abba Abba', convincing us that it must be ABBA \u2013 which is apparently a biblical word for 'father' and a palindrome, thus fitting with the definition. Googling 'enclosed rhyme' revealed that ABBA is a form of notation for a rhyme scheme where the first and fourth lines of a poem rhyme (A), as do the second and third lines (B) \u2013 we learn something every day!"} {"Clue":"Allegedly poisonous stuff about Thomas Paine (8)","Answer":"PTOMAINE","Explanation":"Definition: Allegedly poisonous stuff\nTOM (Thomas) with PAINE round the outside or 'about'"} {"Clue":"Long tiring journey in train \u2013 taking out glasses, starts on \"Earthly Powers\" (6)","Answer":"SCHLEP","Explanation":"Definition: Long tiring journey\nSCH~~oo~~L (train) with the 'oo' (symbol for glasses) 'taken out' + first letters or 'starts' of Earthly Powers \u2013 another Anthony Burgess book"} {"Clue":"Criminal group seem ultimately lacking in conscience (8)","Answer":"SUPEREGO","Explanation":"Definition: conscience\nAn anagram of GROUP SEE~~m~~ without the last letter or 'ultimately lacking' \u2013 anagrind is 'criminal'"} {"Clue":"Notice left in lift (5)","Answer":"CLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Notice\nL (left) in COCK (lift, as in cocking a leg)"} {"Clue":"Calm bay I negotiated without falling out? (8)","Answer":"AMICABLY","Explanation":"Definition: without falling out\nAn anagram of CALM BAY I \u2013 anagrind is 'negotiated'"} {"Clue":"Redundancy in book 10 before it's ordered \"Enderby's End\" (8)","Answer":"OTIOSITY","Explanation":"Definition: Redundancy\nOT (Old Testament \u2013 'book', or should that be 'books'?) IO (ten) + an anagram of ITS (anagrind is 'ordered') + Y (last letter or 'end' of 'Enderby' \u2013 another Anthony Burgess title"} {"Clue":"Sexually ambivalent article Irish woman is contracted to write twice a year (8)","Answer":"BIANNUAL","Explanation":"Definition: twice a year \nBI (sexually ambivalent) AN (article) NUAL~~a~~ (Irish woman) with the last letter omitted or 'contracted' \u2013 we'd not come across this name before!"} {"Clue":"Fantastic melons in August (6)","Answer":"SOLEMN","Explanation":"Definition: August\nAn anagram of MELONS \u2013 anagrind is 'fantastic'"} {"Clue":"OUP got into 1 here? (6)","Answer":"ONLINE","Explanation":"Definition: here\n~~We think this is a sort of cryptic definition \u2013 OUP is the Oxford University Press, which, if it were to have produced 'e-books' (1d) would do it ONLINE~~ Thanks to Mike @2 \u2013 all is revealed! NIL (0) reversed or 'up' in ONE (1)"} {"Clue":"Scandal in \"The Doctor is Sick\"? Shaking of heads all round (6)","Answer":"GOSSIP","Explanation":"Definition: Scandal\nFirst letters or 'heads' of 'Is Sick Shaking Of' reversed or 'round' in GP (doctor) \u2013 another Anthony Burgess title"} {"Clue":"Go and see topless women first (4)","Answer":"WORK","Explanation":"Definition: Go\n~~Y~~ORK (see as in bishopric) with the first letter removed or 'topless' after W (women)"} {"Clue":"Stand back? At the back visibility's restricted (4)","Answer":"POKY","Explanation":"Definition: restricted\nKOP (stand \u2013 as in the Liverpool stand at Anfield) reversed or 'back' + Y (the last letter or 'at the back' of 'visibility')"} {"Clue":"Robins delivering outside broadcast? (8)","Answer":"BIRDSONG","Explanation":"Definition: Robins delivering outside broadcast\nCryptic definition \u2013 an a anagram of ROBINS and D and G (first and last letters or 'outside' of 'delivering') \u2013 anagrind is 'broadcast'"} {"Clue":"Humour's in short supply following Trump's latest plan to banish extremists (7)","Answer":"PLACATE","Explanation":"Definition: Humour\nCATE~~r~~ (supply) with the last letter omitted or 'short', following P (last or 'latest' letter of 'Trump') ~~p~~LA~~n~~ without or 'banishing' the first and last letters or 'extremists'"} {"Clue":"Norm doesn't have a smooth bit of tin foil (7)","Answer":"PREVENT","Explanation":"Definition: foil\nP~~a~~R (norm) without or 'not having''a' + EVEN (smooth) + T (first letter or 'bit' of 'tin')"} {"Clue":"Whereafter, coats may be out of place? (7,8)","Answer":"WEATHER FORECAST","Explanation":"Definition: Whereafter, coats may be out of place\nCryptic definition \u2013 an anagram of WHEREAFTER COATS \u2013 anagrind is 'may be out of place'"} {"Clue":"Head to European facility where runners may be trained (8)","Answer":"BEANPOLE","Explanation":"Definition: where runners may be trained\nBEAN (head) POLE (European).\u00a0* Thanks ."} {"Clue":"Bowler's right to be banned, this being misaligned? (5)","Answer":"ELBOW","Explanation":"Definition: this \nCryptic definition \u2013 an anagram of BOWLE~~r~~ without or 'banning' the 'r' (right) \u2013 anagrind is 'being misaligned'"} {"Clue":"Next to motorway, get hurt flying drone (5)","Answer":"THRUM","Explanation":"Definition: drone\nM (motorway) after or 'next to' an anagram of HURT \u2013 anagrind is 'flying'"} {"Clue":"Frogman comes across ship with stern centrally split (8)","Answer":"DISSEVER","Explanation":"Definition: split\nDIVER (frogman) round or 'coming across' SS (ship) E (middle or 'centre' of 'stern')"} {"Clue":"Force worker to conceal slip and be disingenuous (6,9)","Answer":"POLICE CONSTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Force worker\nAn anagram of TO CONCEAL SLIP and BE \u2013 anagrind is 'disingenuous'"} {"Clue":"Braun, finally turning to husband in Germany's capital \u2013 \"What can we do to win this war?\" (7)","Answer":"NOTHING","Explanation":"Definition: \"What can we do to win this war?\"\nN (last or 'final' letter of 'Braun') + TO reversed or 'turning' + H (husband) IN G (first or 'capital' letter fo 'Germany')"} {"Clue":"One by one, students are forgetting what's essential \u2013 perhaps they could use some deodorant? (7)","Answer":"AXILLAE","Explanation":"Definition: perhaps they could use some deodorant?\nA (one) X (by) I (one) L,L (learners \u2013 students) A~~r~~E (without or 'forgetting' the middle or 'essential' letter) \u2013 the medical term for the armpits"} {"Clue":"Cheap transport primarily unrestricted in western city (8)","Answer":"TWOPENNY","Explanation":"Definition: Cheap\nT (first or 'primary' letter of 'transport') + OPEN (unrestricted) in W (western) NY (New York \u2013 city)"} {"Clue":"\"Not a true Blue\", John Terry finally admitted (4)","Answer":"CYAN","Explanation":"Definition: Not a true Blue\nCAN (toilet \u2013'John') round or 'admitting' Y (last or 'final' letter of 'Terry')"} {"Clue":"Hands over a soft fruit (6)","Answer":"PAPAWS","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nPAWS (hands) round or 'over' A P (soft)"} {"Clue":"Stand below deck, in the manner of a diminutive Victorian, maybe? (5,4)","Answer":"KOALA BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: diminutive Victorian, maybe\nBEAR (stand) after or 'below' KO (knock out \u2013 'deck') A LA (in the manner of) \u2013 the 'Victorian' being a resident of the Australian state"} {"Clue":"Better acting technique comes with a little direction (7)","Answer":"IMPROVE","Explanation":"Definition: Better\nIMPROV (acting technique) with E (abbreviation for east \u2013 'little direction')"} {"Clue":"See relic \u2013 'Deltic', possibly? (6-8)","Answer":"DIESEL-ELECTRIC","Explanation":"Definition: 'Deltic', possibly?\nCryptic definition \u2013 an anagram of SEE RELIC DELTIC \u2013 anagrind is 'possibly' \u2013 a 'Deltic' is a type of diesel electric locomotive"} {"Clue":"Greek Resistance character? (5)","Answer":"OMEGA","Explanation":"Definition: Resistance character\nOMEGA is the Greek symbol for 'ohms' \u2013 a measure of electrical resistance"} {"Clue":"Wearing frock, a friend of Dorothy gets to overindulge (2,2,4)","Answer":"GO TO TOWN","Explanation":"Definition: overindulge\nGOWN (frock) round or 'worn by' TOTO (Dorothy's dog in 'The Wizard of Oz'"} {"Clue":"When I'm chasing a suspect \u2013 perhaps one on a cycle \u2026 (7,7)","Answer":"WASHING MACHINE","Explanation":"Definition: perhaps one on a cycle\nAn anagram of WHEN I'M CHASING A \u2013 anagrind is 'suspect'"} {"Clue":"\u2026 I frequently radio for support \u2013 getting on top, we capture oddball (6)","Answer":"WEIRDO","Explanation":"Definition: oddball\nI + alternate or 'frequent' letters of R~~a~~D~~i~~O 'supporting' or with WE 'on top'"} {"Clue":"Worker, perhaps the second to drop clanger at yard, is making bay window (4,5)","Answer":"BEER BELLY","Explanation":"Definition: bay window\nBEE (worker perhaps) R (second letter of 'drop') BELL (clanger) Y (yard) \u2013 we had to check the definition, but it is apparently a synonym, albeit not in Chambers!"} {"Clue":"Having raised money, old favourites don't hang about! (4,2,2)","Answer":"STEP ON IT","Explanation":"Definition: don't hang about\nTIN (money) O (old) PETS (favourites) all reversed or 'raised'"} {"Clue":"Put a little weight on after a month, being a certain shape (7)","Answer":"DECAGON","Explanation":"Definition: a certain shape \nA G (gramme \u2013 'little weight') ON after DEC (December \u2013 'month')"} {"Clue":"One may be needed when it's hot in Tunisia, somehow hiding the eyes, so to speak (6)","Answer":"SUNHAT","Explanation":"Definition: One may be needed when it's hot\nAn anagram of H (hot) and TUN~~i~~S~~i~~A without the 'I's (sounds like \u2013 'so to speak' 'eyes') \u2013 anagrind is 'somehow'"} {"Clue":"Nice of Mike to visit area in East End of London \u2013 it makes one humble (6)","Answer":"DEMEAN","Explanation":"Definition: humble\nDE (French for 'of', as in Nice) M (Mike in the phonetic alphabet) + A (area) in E (east) N (last letter or 'end' of 'London')"} {"Clue":"Game's tight \u2013 get bowled out (5)","Answer":"LOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: Game\n~~b~~LOTTO (tight, as in drunk) with the 'b' (bowled) omitted or 'out'"} {"Clue":"Work out what bad things fly! (3,3,3,5)","Answer":"RUN FOR THE HILLS","Explanation":"Definition: fly\nRUN (work) FORTH (out) EH (what) ILLS (bad things)"} {"Clue":"Gizmo stripped down at Irish port (5)","Answer":"IZMIR","Explanation":"Definition: port\n~~g~~IZM~~o~~ without the first and last letters, or 'stripped down' IR (Irish)"} {"Clue":"Building material beginning to split with weight (9)","Answer":"SANDSTONE","Explanation":"Definition: Building material\nS (first letter or 'beginning' of 'split') AND (with) STONE (weight)"} {"Clue":"Instrument bishop's playing in the near future (7)","Answer":"BASSOON","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nB (Bishop) AS ('playing', as in 'taking the role of') SOON (in the near future)"} {"Clue":"Notable setter's positioned in space and time (7)","Answer":"EMINENT","Explanation":"Definition: Notable\nMINE (setter's) in EN (space) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Sound of drain changes direction (5)","Answer":"TACKS","Explanation":"Definition: changes direction\nA homophone ('sound') of TAX (drain)"} {"Clue":"South American writer, reportedly late, not in office right now (9)","Answer":"SUSPENDED","Explanation":"Definition: not in office right now\nS (south) US (American) PEN (writer) DED (a homophone \u2013 'reportedly' \u2013 of dead \u2013 'late')"} {"Clue":"Battle proposal a man carefully hides (9)","Answer":"SALAMANCA","Explanation":"Definition: Battle\nHidden in 'propoSAL A MAN Carefully'"} {"Clue":"Business end of Stinger is aluminium fibre (5)","Answer":"SISAL","Explanation":"Definition: fibre\nS (first letter or 'business end' of 'stinger') IS AL (aluminium)"} {"Clue":"Gets book about mushroom (7)","Answer":"ACCEPTS","Explanation":"Definition: Gets\nACTS ('book', in the Bible) around CEP (mushroom)"} {"Clue":"Yield when her VAT's collected (7)","Answer":"HARVEST","Explanation":"Definition: Yield\nAn anagram of HER VAT'S \u2013 anagrind is 'collected'"} {"Clue":"Look after gnome and child to get over current collapse (9)","Answer":"IMPLOSION","Explanation":"Definition: collapse\nLO (look) after IMP (gnome) SON (child) round or 'getting over' I (current)"} {"Clue":"Tree in quiet street (5)","Answer":"PLANE","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\nP (quiet) LANE (street)"} {"Clue":"Crash a very old Danish two-wheeler (6-8)","Answer":"HARLEY-DAVIDSON","Explanation":"Definition: two-wheeler\nAn anagram of A VERY OLD DANISH \u2013 anagrind is 'crash'"} {"Clue":"Cats possibly seen under a French grating (9)","Answer":"UNMUSICAL","Explanation":"Definition: grating\nMUSICAL ('Cats' possibly) after or under UN (French for 'a')"} {"Clue":"Do without instead of work (5)","Answer":"FORGO","Explanation":"Definition: Do without\nFOR (instead of) GO (work)"} {"Clue":"Daily event one celebrates, interrupting trip (6,3)","Answer":"RISING SUN","Explanation":"Definition: Daily event\nI (one) SINGS (celebrates) in or 'interrupting' RUN (trip)"} {"Clue":"Layer cake missing top honours from here (5)","Answer":"HENCE","Explanation":"Definition: from here\nHEN ('layer') C~~ak~~E with the 'a' (ace) and 'k' (king) omitted \u2013 this stumped us for a while, not being bridge players, but apparently aces and kings are referred to as 'top honours' in bridge"} {"Clue":"Impetuosity is like a fork \u2013 sensible at first (9)","Answer":"HASTINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Impetuosity\nHAS TINES (is like a fork) + S (first letter of 'sensible')"} {"Clue":"Look and see \u2013 neither finish at large (5)","Answer":"LOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: at large\nLOO~~k~~ SE~~e~~ \u2013 neither word with its last letter or 'finish'"} {"Clue":"Gently cooked vegetable mostly consumed inside (7)","Answer":"SWEATED","Explanation":"Definition: Gently cooked\nSWED~~e~~ (vegetable) without the last letter or 'mostly' with ATE (consumed) inside"} {"Clue":"16 people here pick up large risk (6)","Answer":"GIBBET","Explanation":"Definition: 16 people here\nBIG (large) reversed or 'picked up' BET (risk) \u2013 'suspended' (16ac) people would hang here"} {"Clue":"Signals from coast include electronic chart (9)","Answer":"SEMAPHORE","Explanation":"Definition: Signals\nSHORE (coast) round or 'including' E (electronic) MAP (chart)"} {"Clue":"Soviet worker has tank with over half missing repaired (9)","Answer":"STAKHANOV","Explanation":"Definition: Soviet worker\nAn anagram of HAS TANK and OV~~er~~ ('half missing') \u2013 anagrind is 'repaired' \u2013 we had to look this one up, having never come across name before"} {"Clue":"Outlaw's daughter replacing books in Dutch language (9)","Answer":"DESPERADO","Explanation":"Definition: Outlaw\nD (daughter) replacing 'nt' (books \u2013 New Testament) in D (Dutch) ESPERA~~nt~~O (language)"} {"Clue":"Inventing nothing is ultimately generous (7)","Answer":"SLAVISH","Explanation":"Definition: Inventing nothing\n~~i~~S (last or 'ultimate' letter)\u00a0LAVISH (generous)"} {"Clue":"Message Q? (6)","Answer":"LETTER","Explanation":"Definition: Message Q?\nA (rather vague) double definition \u2013 why Q?"} {"Clue":"One leaving prison, avoiding French art heist (5)","Answer":"CAPER","Explanation":"Definition: heist\n~~es~~CAPER (one leaving prison) with 'es' (French for 'art' \u2013 2nd person singular of 'to be' \u2013 'thou art' in (old) English, 'tu es' in French)"} {"Clue":"Threw one in outhouse (5)","Answer":"SHIED","Explanation":"Definition: Threw\nI (one) in SHED (outhouse)"} {"Clue":"Played around, leaving Mark tied up (5)","Answer":"ROPED","Explanation":"Definition: tied up\nRO~~m~~PED (played around) with the 'm' (mark) omitted or 'leaving'"} {"Clue":"Exchange lies concealing source of investment (5)","Answer":"ANGEL","Explanation":"Definition: source of investment\n'Concealed' or hidden in the clue exchANGE Lies"} {"Clue":"Curtains separate around hazard (9)","Answer":"DEATHTRAP","Explanation":"Definition: hazard\nDEATH (curtains) PART (separate) reversed or 'around'"} {"Clue":"Hear radio broadcast complaint (9)","Answer":"DIARRHOEA","Explanation":"Definition: complaint\nAn anagram of HEAR RADIO \u2013 even with the anagram helping us we still had to check the spelling in Chambers! Joyce made up a mnemonic some years ago for one of her students who worked in a care home to help with the spelling but she couldn't remember it."} {"Clue":"Restored from death, Romeo lives with nurse (5)","Answer":"RISEN","Explanation":"Definition: Restored from death\nR (Romeo as used in the phonetic alphabet) IS (lives) EN (nurse)"} {"Clue":"Promote cheer around centre of Montevideo (7)","Answer":"ELEVATE","Explanation":"Definition: Promote\nELATE (cheer) around EV (middle letters in Montevideo)"} {"Clue":"European soldiers returning to mid-east oddly missing adversaries \u2026 (7)","Answer":"ENEMIES","Explanation":"Definition: adversaries\nE (European) MEN (soldiers) reversed or 'returning' mId-EaSt with odd letters missing"} {"Clue":"\u2026 scattered over housing section (6)","Answer":"SPARSE","Explanation":"Definition: scattered\nSPARE (over) around or 'housing' S (section)"} {"Clue":"Struggles, missing wife, to get son on the move (8)","Answer":"RESTLESS","Explanation":"Definition: on the move\n~~w~~RESTLES (struggles) without w (wife) S (son)"} {"Clue":"Things bird found in receding river (8)","Answer":"ENTITIES","Explanation":"Definition: Things\nTIT (bird) inside or 'found in' SEINE (river) reversed or 'receding'"} {"Clue":"Foul setter on ship getting high (4,2)","Answer":"MESS UP","Explanation":"Definition: Foul\nME (setter) SS (ship) UP (high)"} {"Clue":"Way beneficiary reported brigand (7)","Answer":"CORSAIR","Explanation":"Definition: brigand\nSounds like or 'reported' COURSE (way) HEIR (beneficiary)"} {"Clue":"Always showing excitement about gold (7)","Answer":"FOREVER","Explanation":"Definition: Always\nFEVER (excitement) about OR (gold)"} {"Clue":"Bond starts to uncover nefarious international terrorist enterprise (5)","Answer":"UNITE","Explanation":"Definition: Bond\nFirst letters or 'starts' of Uncover Nefarious International Terrorist Enterprise"} {"Clue":"Spooner's fish dish is to be encouraged (4,5)","Answer":"TAKE HEART","Explanation":"Definition: to be encouraged\nA spoonerism of HAKE (fish) TART (dish)"} {"Clue":"Distribute handy cure for disorder (3,3,3)","Answer":"HUE AND CRY","Explanation":"Definition: disorder\nAn anagram of HANDY CURE \u2013 anagrind is 'distribute'"} {"Clue":"Weapon was re-examined having backfired (5)","Answer":"TASER","Explanation":"Definition: Weapon\nA reversal or 'backfire' of RESAT (was re-examined)"} {"Clue":"Letter opener chopped up dead seers (9)","Answer":"ADDRESSEE","Explanation":"Definition: Letter opener\nAn anagram of DEAD SEERS \u2013 anagrind is 'chopped up'"} {"Clue":"Serious head of governing party (5)","Answer":"GRAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Serious\nG (first letter or 'head' of Government) RAVE (party)"} {"Clue":"Stockholders step back after French article (7)","Answer":"LARIATS","Explanation":"Definition: Stockholders\nSTAIR (step) reversed or 'back' after LA (French article)"} {"Clue":"Condemned like St Paul's with hole in (6)","Answer":"DOOMED","Explanation":"Definition: Condemned\nDOMED (like St Paul's) with O (hole) inside"} {"Clue":"Came to a vigil with Scottish hooligan (8)","Answer":"AWAKENED","Explanation":"Definition: Came to\nA WAKE (vigil) NED (Scottish hooligan). We needed to check NED as we had never come across meaning before \u2013 or if we had, we hadn't remembered it."} {"Clue":"Crop top with footless deer on front (7)","Answer":"HARVEST","Explanation":"Definition: Crop\nVEST (top) with HAR~~t~~ (deer) without last letter or 'footless' on the front"} {"Clue":"Headless spirit in peril (9)","Answer":"RISKINESS","Explanation":"Definition: peril\n~~f~~RISKINESS (spirit) missing first letter or 'headless'"} {"Clue":"Criticises suppressing good for fast results (5)","Answer":"PANGS","Explanation":"Definition: fast results\nPANS (criticises) around or 'suppressing' G (good). Presumably, if you are fasting this may result in\u00a0hunger pangs."} {"Clue":"Elysium possibly back Queen biography (9)","Answer":"AFTERLIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Elysium possibly\nAFT (back) ER (Queen) LIFE (biography)"} {"Clue":"Celebrity in court following second disorderly arrest (9)","Answer":"SUPERSTAR","Explanation":"Definition: Celebrity\nUP (in court) following S (second) and an anagram of ARREST \u2013 anagrind is 'disorderly'"} {"Clue":"Unstable new currency gets nervous reaction (8)","Answer":"NEUROTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Unstable\nN (new) EURO (currency) TIC (nervous reaction)"} {"Clue":"Exchange upcoming missile with a German (5-2)","Answer":"TRADE IN","Explanation":"Definition: Exchange\nDART (missile) reversed or 'upcoming' as it is a down clue EIN (German for a)"} {"Clue":"Bits of corn on baking range one hears (7)","Answer":"EARSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: range one hears \nEARS (bits of corn) HOT (baking) \u2013 Joyce is worried that her range is not as good as it was."} {"Clue":"Rotten guide is not quite right (3-3)","Answer":"OFF KEY","Explanation":"Definition: Rotten\nA play on the fact that a guide is a KEY and if it was not quite right it may be OFF"} {"Clue":"Tightly embrace object of desire (5)","Answer":"CRUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Tightly embrace\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Six aluminium and sulphur containers (5)","Answer":"VIALS","Explanation":"Definition: containers\nVI (six) AL (aluminium) S (sulphur)"} {"Clue":"More than one buccaneer talks about island (7)","Answer":"PIRATES","Explanation":"Definition: More than one buccaneer\nPRATES (talks) around I (island)"} {"Clue":"Small thing in hat of no great size (7)","Answer":"LIMITED","Explanation":"Definition: of no great size\nMITE (small thing) in LID (hat)"} {"Clue":"Half of your gallery trashed in a predictable way (9)","Answer":"REGULARLY","Explanation":"Definition: in a predictable way\nAn anagram of ~~yo~~UR ('half') GALLERY \u2013 anagrind is 'trashed'"} {"Clue":"Little power in food regime \u2013 turned unenthusiastic (5)","Answer":"TEPID","Explanation":"Definition: unenthusiastic\nP ('little' power) in DIET (food regime) reversed or 'turned'"} {"Clue":"Layabout left surrounded by booze, losing head (5)","Answer":"IDLER","Explanation":"Definition: Layabout\nL (left) 'surrounded by' ~~c~~IDER (booze) without the first letter or 'head'"} {"Clue":"English science facility charge will include nothing complicated (9)","Answer":"ELABORATE","Explanation":"Definition: complicated\nE (English) LAB (science facility) RATE (charge) round or 'including' O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Criminal bid involves murder (8)","Answer":"OFFENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Criminal\nOFFER (bid) round or 'involving' END (murder)"} {"Clue":"Japanese ruler I'm backing with business involving King (6)","Answer":"MIKADO","Explanation":"Definition: Japanese ruler\nIM reversed or 'backing' ADO (business) round or 'involving' K (king)"} {"Clue":"Arab country home to old farmers (6)","Answer":"YEOMEN","Explanation":"Definition: farmers\nYEMEN (Arab country) round or providing a 'home' to O (old)"} {"Clue":"Slow to block student producing work for \"Guardian\" (8)","Answer":"TUTELAGE","Explanation":"Definition: work for \"Guardian\"\nLAG (slow) in or 'blocking' TUTEE (student)"} {"Clue":"Mostly risking tucking into food for the purposes of health (9)","Answer":"MEDICINAL","Explanation":"Definition: for the purposes of health\nDICIN~~g~~ (risking) without the last letter, or 'mostly' in or 'tucking into' MEAL (food)"} {"Clue":"Occupied place that is for composer (5)","Answer":"SATIE","Explanation":"Definition: composer\nSAT (occupied place) IE (that is)"} {"Clue":"Piano, it is admitted, missing penultimate note of scale (5)","Answer":"GRAND","Explanation":"Definition: Piano\nGRAN~~te~~D (admitted) without or 'missing' 'te' (penultimate note of scale)"} {"Clue":"Angry? I'm v angry, endlessly upset, notice (6,3)","Answer":"RAVING MAD","Explanation":"Definition: Angry\nAn anagram of IM V ANGR~~y~~ (without the last letter or 'endlessly') \u2013 anagrind is 'upset' + AD (notice)"} {"Clue":"Writer recalled making three times as much \u2013 but name's forgotten (7)","Answer":"GILBERT","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nTREBLI~~n~~G (making three times as much) reversed or 'recalled' without the 'n' (name)"} {"Clue":"Annoyed poverty was a governing factor (7)","Answer":"NEEDLED","Explanation":"Definition: Annoyed\nNEED (poverty) LED (was a governing factor)"} {"Clue":"Son coming into inheritance \u2013 no time to show niggardliness (9)","Answer":"PARSIMONY","Explanation":"Definition: niggardliness\nS (son) 'coming into' PA~~t~~RIMONY (inheritance) without the 't' (time)"} {"Clue":"Say nearly everyone will support rule of a monarch (5)","Answer":"REGAL","Explanation":"Definition: of a monarch\nEG (say) AL~~l~~ (everyone) without the last letter or 'nearly' after or 'supporting' (in a down clue) R (rule)"} {"Clue":"Reverie includes exclamation of support for play (9)","Answer":"TOLERANCE","Explanation":"Definition: play\nTRANCE (reverie) round or 'including' OLE (exclamation of support)"} {"Clue":"Exponent of magic more annoyed about church, right? (8)","Answer":"SORCERER","Explanation":"Definition: Exponent of magic\nSORER (more annoyed) about CE (church) R (right)"} {"Clue":"Untrained person taking nothing away from curious anomaly (6)","Answer":"LAYMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Untrained person\nAn anagram of AN~~o~~MALY without or 'taking away' the 'o' (nothing) \u2013 anagrind is 'curious'"} {"Clue":"Saw bum, not head, rising (5)","Answer":"MOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: Saw\n~~b~~OTTOM (bum) without the first letter or 'head' reversed or 'rising'"} {"Clue":"Boss has to lead, supported by a fool (3,6)","Answer":"TOP BANANA","Explanation":"Definition: Boss\n~~TOP (lead) BANANA (fool)\u00a0~~ TO\u00a0+ PB(lead) + A NANA (fool). *Thanks to *."} {"Clue":"Italian leader adopting duke's scheme (5)","Answer":"DODGE","Explanation":"Definition: scheme\nDOGE (Italian leader) round or 'adopting' D (duke)"} {"Clue":"Toilet had onset of wetness in autumn \u2013 this stops the flow (9)","Answer":"FLOODWALL","Explanation":"Definition: this stops the flow\nLOO (toilet) 'D (had) W (first letter or 'onset' of 'wetness') in FALL (Autumn)"} {"Clue":"Spanish girl wrecked scene, basically (2,7)","Answer":"IN ESSENCE","Explanation":"Definition: basically\nINES (Spanish girl) + an anagram of SCENE \u2013 anagrind is 'wrecked'"} {"Clue":"Old writer inclined to ignore time, leaving nothing definite (4-5)","Answer":"OPEN-ENDED","Explanation":"Definition: leaving nothing definite\nO (old) PEN (writer) ~~t~~ENDED (inclined) without the 't' (time)"} {"Clue":"Demolished villa claimed by star composer (8)","Answer":"SULLIVAN","Explanation":"Definition: composer\nAn anagram of VILLA (anagrind is 'demolished') in or 'claimed by' SUN (star)"} {"Clue":"Train inadequately, keeping United following old approaches (2,1,3)","Answer":"IN A RUT","Explanation":"Definition: following old approaches\nAn anagram of TRAIN (anagrind is 'inadequately') round or 'keeping' U (united)"} {"Clue":"Giant cat swallowing a gerbil's head (5)","Answer":"MAGOG","Explanation":"Definition: Giant\nMOG (cat) round or 'swallowing' A G (first letter or 'head' of 'gerbil')"} {"Clue":"Concern about daughter in political group (5)","Answer":"CADRE","Explanation":"Definition: political group\nCARE (concern) about D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Asian people: millions in the end (5)","Answer":"TAMIL","Explanation":"Definition: Asian people\nM (millions) in TAIL (the end)"} {"Clue":"Wind up eating this at Ship and get sloshed (9)","Answer":"SPAGHETTI","Explanation":"Definition: Wind up eating this\nAn anagram of AT SHIP and GET \u2013 anagrind is 'sloshed'"} {"Clue":"Key locks office (5)","Answer":"CHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: office\nC (key, in music) HAIR (locks)"} {"Clue":"Soldier in uniform (7)","Answer":"REGULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Soldier\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Score after six balls exceed allotted time (7)","Answer":"OVERRUN","Explanation":"Definition: exceed allotted time\nRUN (score, in cricket) after OVER (six balls, also in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Nothing fixes a fixer (4)","Answer":"NAIL","Explanation":"Definition: fixer\nNIL (nothing) round or 'fixing' A"} {"Clue":"Coach turned at ring road not designed for the round trip? (10)","Answer":"SUBORBITAL","Explanation":"Definition: not designed for the round trip\nBUS (coach) reversed or 'turned' + ORBITAL (ring road)"} {"Clue":"Search island shed that houses unknown number (7)","Answer":"MANHUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Search\nMAN (island) HUT (shed) round or 'housing' N (unknown number)"} {"Clue":"Very allowable to harass for cash (7)","Answer":"SOLICIT","Explanation":"Definition: harass for cash\nSO (very) LICIT (allowable)"} {"Clue":"Rich lot are horribly insincere in style (10)","Answer":"RHETORICAL","Explanation":"Definition: insincere in style\nAn anagram of RICH LOT ARE \u2013 anagrind is 'horribly'"} {"Clue":"Policeman from Lima involved in case (4)","Answer":"PLOD","Explanation":"Definition: Policeman\nL (Lima in the phonetic alphabet) 'involved' in POD (case)"} {"Clue":"Eros Ltd corrupted senior citizen (7)","Answer":"OLDSTER","Explanation":"Definition: senior citizen\nAn anagram of EROS LTD \u2013 anagrind is 'corrupted'"} {"Clue":"Indian round bend finds enormous deer (7)","Answer":"CARIBOU","Explanation":"Definition: enormous deer\nCARIB (Indian) O (round) U (bend) \u2013 we had to check the 'Indian' part of this, but apparently Caribs are American Indian people who inhabit the coast of Central and South America and the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean"} {"Clue":"Item with Oedipal strings attached? (5)","Answer":"APRON","Explanation":"Definition: Item with Oedipal strings attached?\nCryptic definition \u2013 maternal attachment can be described as hanging on to the APRON strings and Oedipus was renowned in Greek myth for marrying his mother"} {"Clue":"Here one finds Samoan is openly a crook (9)","Answer":"POLYNESIA","Explanation":"Definition: Here one finds Samoan\nAn anagram of IS OPENLY A \u2013 anagrind is 'crook'"} {"Clue":"Solar Year Morton murdered John Flamsteed? (10,5)","Answer":"ASTRONOMER ROYAL","Explanation":"Definition: John Flamsteed?\nAn anagram of SOLAR YEAR MORTON \u2013 anagrind is 'murdered' \u2013 we had never heard of John Flamsteed, but a google confirmed that he was the first Astronomer Royal in 1675"} {"Clue":"Pack animal gets problem with tendon (8)","Answer":"GANGLION","Explanation":"Definition: problem with tendon\nGANG (pack) LION (animal)"} {"Clue":"Wide excavation complete (5)","Answer":"WHOLE","Explanation":"Definition: complete\nW (wide) HOLE (excavation)"} {"Clue":"Stuff of dreams found to involve day with compilers (8)","Answer":"STARDUST","Explanation":"Definition: Stuff of dreams\nSTART (found) round or 'involving' D (day) US (compilers)"} {"Clue":"Tees is appearing in knockout gown (6)","Answer":"KIMONO","Explanation":"Definition: gown\nI'M (Tees is) ON (appearing) in KO (knockout)"} {"Clue":"Twist with dance nuts across the pond (9)","Answer":"SCREWBALL","Explanation":"Definition: nuts across the pond\nSCREW (twist) BALL (dance)"} {"Clue":"Repeat usual rubbish (6)","Answer":"PARROT","Explanation":"Definition: Repeat\nPAR (usual) ROT (rubbish)"} {"Clue":"Gargantua's ruled out sweetener (10,5)","Answer":"GRANULATED SUGAR","Explanation":"Definition: sweetener\nAn anagram of GARGANTUA'S RULED \u2013 anagrind is 'out'"} {"Clue":"Away frequently with one in Paris flat? (3-2-4)","Answer":"OUT-OF-TUNE","Explanation":"Definition: flat\nOUT (away) OFT (frequently) UNE (French for 'one')"} {"Clue":"Conservative moving clear in second year? Only just! (8)","Answer":"SCARCELY","Explanation":"Definition: Only just\nC (Conservative) and an anagram of CLEAR (anagrind is 'moving') in S (second) Y (year)"} {"Clue":"Tree means to envelop an experimental facility (8)","Answer":"CALABASH","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\nCASH (means) round or 'enveloping' A LAB (an experimental facility)"} {"Clue":"Bear brings death to river (6)","Answer":"ENDURE","Explanation":"Definition: Bear\nEND (death) URE (river)"} {"Clue":"Break in transmission initially with India two runs ahead (6)","Answer":"IRRUPT","Explanation":"Definition: Break in\nT (first or 'initial' letter of 'transmission') with I (India in the phonetic alphabet) RR (two runs) UP (ahead) in front, or 'ahead' doing double duty"} {"Clue":"Subtle humour fey perhaps? (5)","Answer":"IRONY","Explanation":"Definition: Subtle humour\nIRON (chemical symbol Fe) Y"} {"Clue":"Sin spun out with lubricant, (two?) non-traditional alternatives to newspaper (4,2,1,5-4)","Answer":"NUNS IN A STRIP CLUB","Explanation":"Definition: non-traditional alternatives to newspaper\nAn anagram of SIN SPUN and LUBRICANT \u2013 anagrind is 'out' but we are struggling with the relevance of \"two?\". Is it because 'nuns' is in the plural so there must be at least two?"} {"Clue":"Still with chance of winning trophy, shown red card for foul (2-3)","Answer":"IN-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: foul\nIN (if you are 'in' you still have a chance of winning trophy) OFF (shown red card)"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary 9p study by Polish students accepting good university's non-traditional alternative to newspaper (9,7)","Answer":"SUNBURNED PENGUIN","Explanation":"Definition: non-traditional alternative to newspaper\nNINE P DEN (study) RUB (polish) NUS (students as in National Union of Students) all reversed or 'revolutionary' around G (good) U (university)"} {"Clue":"Snow that obstructs medic whenever temperature's reduced (5)","Answer":"DRIFT","Explanation":"Definition: Snow that obstructs\nDR (medic) IF (whenever) T (shortened version of temperature or 'reduced')"} {"Clue":"Somerville (one of two) is not happy in two for one non-traditional alternative to newspaper (9,9)","Answer":"COMMUNIST CROSSWORD","Explanation":"Definition: non-traditional alternative to newspaper (9,9)\nCOMMUN~~a~~RD (Jimmy Somerville was one of the two Communards) with 'a' (or one) being replaced by IS and CROSS (not happy) inside TWO"} {"Clue":"Remained lustful, having turned back time (5)","Answer":"DWELT","Explanation":"Definition: Remained\nLEWD (lustful) reversed or 'turned back' T (time)"} {"Clue":"Poor Edward hasn't completely finished describing monotonous newspaper by tradition (5,5,3,5,3,3,3,4)","Answer":"WHAT\u2019S BLACK AND WHITE AND RED ALL OVER","Explanation":"Definition: newspaper by tradition (5,5,3,5,3,3,3,4)\nAn anagram of EDWARD HASN'T \u2013 anagrind is 'poor' ALL OVER (completely finished) around BLACK AND WHITE (monotonous)"} {"Clue":"Require too much of green area, restricted by elements of game (7)","Answer":"OVERTAX","Explanation":"Definition: Require too much of\nVERT (green) A (area) inside or 'restricted by' O X (elements used in the game of noughts and crosses)"} {"Clue":"Prime cuts of entrec\u00f4te and lemon in pancakes with caviar and champagne cocktail (7)","Answer":"BELLINI","Explanation":"Definition: champagne cocktail \nE L \u2013 first letters or 'prime cuts' of entrec\u00f4te and lemon inside BLINI (pancakes). Nimrod has added caviar to his pancakes but in the B and J household we serve them with smoked salmon."} {"Clue":"By coming between two lecturers, is Mark's missus giving trouble, or wee Jimmy? (9)","Answer":"LONDONISM","Explanation":"We really struggled with this one and eventually did a search in our electronic version of Chambers as we couldn't think of any other word that would fit. It wasn't until we had completed the puzzle that Bert realised that you had to think of the definition as two versions of Cockney Rhyming Slang \u2013 missus giving trouble for 'trouble and strife' (wife) and 'wee' is Jimmy Riddle (piddle). The parsing is ON (by) in between L and DON (two lecturers) IS M (mark). PHEW \u2013 not a straight definition to be seen!"} {"Clue":"The local comic editor's left very happy to do the Locomotion? (5)","Answer":"CHUFF","Explanation":"Definition: The local comic\nCHUFF~~ed~~ (very happy) missing ED (editor). Also, to 'chuff' can mean make a series of noises like a locomotive. Nothing to do with the dance performed to the song by which we were taught at the dance class where Bert and Joyce met in the 1960s."} {"Clue":"Quite a wait to be able to welcome New Woman (5)","Answer":"AGNES","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\nAGES (quite a wait) around or 'welcoming' N (new)"} {"Clue":"In restaurant, maybe yelling because of painful condition (6,3)","Answer":"DINING OUT","Explanation":"Definition: In restaurant\nOh Dear! Could this yelling caused by gout (a painful condition) be described as DIN IN GOUT ?"} {"Clue":"Now a Brahma worshipper is hidden, mysteriously in full view within (9)","Answer":"HINDUISED","Explanation":"Definition: Now a Brahma worshipper\nAn anagram of IS HIDDEN \u2013 anagrind is 'mysteriously' around U (in full view as in 'can be seen by everyone' as used in film classifications)"} {"Clue":"One running through Devon in white ignored (5)","Answer":"TEIGN","Explanation":"Definition: One running through Devon\nHidden in the clue whiTE IGNored"} {"Clue":"It was difficult to call disciplines to order (5,8)","Answer":"SPLIT DECISION","Explanation":"Definition: It was difficult to call\nAn anagram of DISCIPLINES TO \u2013 anagrind is 'order'"} {"Clue":"Registration for post dispatched in a panic? (13)","Answer":"CANDIDATESHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Registration for post\nAn anagram of DISPATCHED IN A \u2013 anagrind is 'panic'"} {"Clue":"Swan \u2013 tense spirit, Paul's fellow flier (9)","Answer":"TRUMPETER","Explanation":"Definition: Swan\nT (tense) RUM (spirit) PETER (Paul's fellow flier in 'Two Little Dickie Birds'). Joyce really enjoyed this clue \u2013 one of her favourite 'party tricks' with young children is game."} {"Clue":"Fixing line with cut, youngster put the plates up, according to 2 (9)","Answer":"CHILLAXED","Explanation":"Definition: put the plates up, according to 2\nL (line) AXE (cut) inside or 'fixed by' CHILD (youngster). The 'LONDONISM' refers to putting your feet or your 'plates of meat' up. Bert solved this one before 2D \u2013 again it wasn't until the end that he worked out the relevance of 'plates'. If Joyce had been solving this alone she would have had to accept defeat and ask for help."} {"Clue":"Working on sacking northern musical agent from down south (9)","Answer":"OPERATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Working\nO~~n~~ without or 'sacking' 'n'\u00a0(northern) and EVITA (musical) REP (agent) reversed or 'from down south' as it is a down clue"} {"Clue":"Means to control piping in hot running water for natives (5)","Answer":"RHEIN","Explanation":"Definition: running water for natives \nREIN (means to control) inserting or 'piping in' H (hot). The reference to the running water for 'natives' is that the correct German spelling is used."} {"Clue":"Scene of confusion, murder victim having been found by bishop (5)","Answer":"BABEL","Explanation":"Definition: Scene of confusion\nABEL (murder victim) after or 'found by' B (bishop)"} {"Clue":"With coil damaged, I'm following instructions (5)","Answer":"WILCO","Explanation":"Definition: I'm following instructions\nW (with) an anagram of COIL \u2013 anagrind is 'damaged'"} {"Clue":"Force some apples into kitchen equipment (8,7)","Answer":"PRESSURE COOKERS","Explanation":"Definition: kitchen equipment\nPRESSURE (force) COOKERS (some apples)"} {"Clue":"American hawk trailed badly (7)","Answer":"REDTAIL","Explanation":"Definition: American hawk\nAn anagram of TRAILED \u2013 anagrind is 'badly' \u2013 this isn't in Chambers and, from what we can gather via google is normally hyphenated"} {"Clue":"Bottom and top around, say, spear (7)","Answer":"ASSEGAI","Explanation":"Definition: spear\nASS (bottom) AI (first class \u2013 'top') around EG (say)"} {"Clue":"Time to return from North Copenhagen (5)","Answer":"EPOCH","Explanation":"Definition: Time\nReversed ('returned') and hidden in ('from') NortH COPEnhagen"} {"Clue":"Company condemned unusual component of mother's milk (9)","Answer":"COLOSTRUM","Explanation":"Definition: component of mother's milk\nCO (company) LOST (condemned) RUM (unusual)"} {"Clue":"Bitterness in a continental soldier is caddish (9)","Answer":"UNGALLANT","Explanation":"Definition: caddish\nGALL (bitterness) in UN (French or 'continental' for 'a') ANT (soldier)"} {"Clue":"Acquire telephone next to pub (3,2)","Answer":"BUY IN","Explanation":"Definition: Acquire\nA homophone ('telephone') of BY (next to) INN (pub) \u2013 we think 'telephone' is rather unusual as a homophone indicator"} {"Clue":"Runs electrical distributors (5)","Answer":"LEADS","Explanation":"Definition: Runs\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"General set of books has unknown picture of a representative group (9)","Answer":"GENOTYPIC","Explanation":"Definition: of a representative group\nGEN (general) OT (set of books, as in the Bible) Y (unknown) PIC (picture)"} {"Clue":"Medicinal name accepted by bureaucrat? (9)","Answer":"OFFICINAL","Explanation":"Definition: Medicinal\nN (name) in or 'accepted by' OFFICIAL (bureaucrat) \u2013 a new word for us!"} {"Clue":"Rascal moving south-east to find temporary lodgings (5)","Answer":"CAMPS","Explanation":"Definition: temporary lodgings\nSCAMP (rascal) with the 's' (south) moving to the end or 'east' in an across clue"} {"Clue":"National airline's folded after new leader quits (7)","Answer":"ISRAELI","Explanation":"Definition: National\nAn anagram of AIRLI~~n~~E'S with the 'n' ('new leader') omitted or 'quitting' \u2013 anagrind is 'folded'"} {"Clue":"Talk with each superior wine producer (7)","Answer":"CHATEAU","Explanation":"Definition: wine producer\nCHAT (talk) EA (each) U (superior)"} {"Clue":"Draft enthronement ceremony? (8,7)","Answer":"NATIONAL SERVICE","Explanation":"Definition: Draft\nA rather dubious in our opinion, description of an enthronement ceremony, presumably in church, as a NATIONAL SERVICE"} {"Clue":"Energetic law breaker? (9,6)","Answer":"PERPETUAL MOTION","Explanation":"Definition: Energetic law breaker?\nCryptic definition \u2013 PERPETUAL MOTION is a hypothetical concept that is impossible within the laws of thermodynamics (energy)"} {"Clue":"Once straight on death wish (7)","Answer":"ENDLONG","Explanation":"Definition: Once straight on\nEND (death) LONG (wish)"} {"Clue":"Hearing looks about oil producer's marine protection facilities (9)","Answer":"SEASHELLS","Explanation":"Definition: marine protection facilities\nA homophone ('hearing') of SEES (looks) around SHELL (oil producer)"} {"Clue":"Survival of software licence (5)","Answer":"RELIC","Explanation":"Definition: Survival\nHidden in 'softwaRE LICence'"} {"Clue":"Mountebank left a function after tea (9)","Answer":"CHARLATAN","Explanation":"Definition: Mountebank\nL (left) A TAN (tangent \u2013 function) after CHAR (tea)"} {"Clue":"Removes judge from trials (5)","Answer":"OUSTS","Explanation":"Definition: Removes\n~~j~~OUSTS (trials) with the 'j' (judge) omitted or 'removed'"} {"Clue":"Ancient embraces earth goddess with both hands (7)","Answer":"EAGERLY","Explanation":"Definition: with both hands\nEARLY (ancient) round or 'embracing' GE (earth goddess)"} {"Clue":"Dizzy price mummies regularly expended for beachwear (8,7)","Answer":"SWIMMING COSTUME","Explanation":"Definition: beachwear\nSWIMMING (dizzy) COST (price) + alternate or 'regular' letters of mUmMiEs"} {"Clue":"Spy arresting Republican in a South American country (9)","Answer":"ARGENTINA","Explanation":"Definition: South American country\nAGENT (spy) round or 'arresting' R (Republican) IN A"} {"Clue":"One may be pushed to involve Henry in group song (4,5)","Answer":"BATH CHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: One may be pushed\nH (Henry) 'involved' in BATCH (group) AIR (song)"} {"Clue":"Initially attend chief (2,5)","Answer":"AT FIRST","Explanation":"Definition: Initially\nAT (attend) FIRST (chief)"} {"Clue":"Procession with European team in ancient city (7)","Answer":"POMPEII","Explanation":"Definition: ancient city\nPOMP (procession) E (European) II (eleven \u2013 team)"} {"Clue":"About to duplicate doctrine (5)","Answer":"CREDO","Explanation":"Definition: doctrine\nC (about) REDO (duplicate)"} {"Clue":"Report of rocket fuel in Scottish waters (5)","Answer":"LOCHS","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish waters\nA homophone of LOX ('liquid oxygen' \u2013 rocket fuel)"} {"Clue":"Dwarf pet pig groomed ready for presentation (4-7)","Answer":"GIFT-WRAPPED","Explanation":"Definition: ready for presentation\nAn anagram of DWARF PET PIG \u2013 anagrind is 'groomed'"} {"Clue":"Wild bunch in automobiles (3)","Answer":"MOB","Explanation":"Definition: Wild bunch\nHidden in 'autoMOBiles'"} {"Clue":"Remove equipment from a French doctor (5)","Answer":"UNRIG","Explanation":"Definition: Remove equipment from\nUN (French for 'a') RIG (doctor)"} {"Clue":"Private meeting note twice repeated over drink (4-1-4)","Answer":"TETE-A-TETE","Explanation":"Definition: Private meeting\nTE (note) TE TE (repeated twice) round or 'over' TEA (drink)"} {"Clue":"Aroma first overwhelming independent lab worker (9)","Answer":"SCIENTIST","Explanation":"Definition: lab worker\nSCENT (aroma) IST (first) round or 'overwhelming' I (independent)"} {"Clue":"Tipsy, I ran after love (5)","Answer":"OILED","Explanation":"Definition: Tipsy\nI LED (ran) after O (love)"} {"Clue":"Putrid, rotten salami concealing millions (7)","Answer":"MIASMAL","Explanation":"Definition: Putrid\nAn anagram of SALAMI (anagrind is 'rotten') round or 'concealing' M (millions)"} {"Clue":"Tune on piano for twosome (4)","Answer":"PAIR","Explanation":"Definition: twosome\nAIR (tune) after or 'on' P (piano)"} {"Clue":"American lasses returning abuse (4)","Answer":"SLAG","Explanation":"Definition: abuse\nGALS (American lasses) reversed or 'returning'"} {"Clue":"Hanging prince dying (7)","Answer":"PENDING","Explanation":"Definition: Hanging\nP (prince) ENDING (dying)"} {"Clue":"Party animal swapping ecstasy for line (5)","Answer":"BLAST","Explanation":"Definition: Party\nB~~e~~AST (animal) with the 'e' (ecstasy) replaced by or 'swapped' for L (line)"} {"Clue":"Registering loner moving chess pieces on top of table (9)","Answer":"ENROLMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Registering\nAn anagram of LONER (anagrind is 'moving') MEN (chess pieces) T (first letter or 'top' of 'table')"} {"Clue":"Describe food store: elegant and English (9)","Answer":"DELINEATE","Explanation":"Definition: Describe\nDELI (food store) NEAT (elegant) E (English)"} {"Clue":"Look into quarry trial (5)","Answer":"PILOT","Explanation":"Definition: trial\nLO (look) in PIT (quarry)"} {"Clue":"Dastardly and Muttley put heads together to create obstruction (3)","Answer":"DAM","Explanation":"Definition: obstruction\nFirst letters or 'heads' of Dastardly And Muttley"} {"Clue":"Small, small bit of titillation to suit lovers (11)","Answer":"SWEETHEARTS","Explanation":"Definition: lovers\nS (small) WEE (small) T (first letter or 'bit' of 'titillation') HEARTS (suit, as in a pack of cards)"} {"Clue":"Developed problem declared disgusting (8)","Answer":"GRUESOME","Explanation":"Definition: disgusting\nA homophone ('declared') of GREW (developed) SUM (problem)"} {"Clue":"Ridiculous and remote Commander-in-Chief fails regularly (8)","Answer":"FARCICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Ridiculous\nFAR (remote) CIC (commander-in-chief) + alternate or 'regular' letters of 'fAiLs'"} {"Clue":"Set off in washed-out vehicle (5)","Answer":"WAGON","Explanation":"Definition: vehicle\nGO (set off) in WAN (washed-out)"} {"Clue":"A National Trust hotel: not fit accommodation for workers (3,4)","Answer":"ANT HILL","Explanation":"Definition: accommodation for workers\nA NT (National Trust) H (hotel) ILL (not fit)"} {"Clue":"Pans spill head over heels and break to get repaired (3,4)","Answer":"PIT STOP","Explanation":"Definition: break to get repaired\nPOTS (pans) TIP (spill) all reversed or 'head over heels'"} {"Clue":"Extremely cruel mafia leader concealing overturned vehicle in a helter-skelter (9)","Answer":"DRACONIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Extremely cruel \nDON (Mafia leader) round or 'concealing' CAR (vehicle) reversed or 'overturned' + an anagram of IN A \u2013 anagrind is 'helter-skelter'"} {"Clue":"Every Monday performing head stand in a modest fashion (6)","Answer":"MEEKLY","Explanation":"Definition: in a modest fashion\n~~w~~EEKLY (every Monday) with the first letter or 'head' (w) inverted or 'standing' to become an 'M'"} {"Clue":"Drains the French put into garden features (6)","Answer":"BLEEDS","Explanation":"Definition: Drains\nLE ('the' in French) 'put into' BEDS (garden features)"} {"Clue":"Fighters make money kidnapping landed American son (9)","Answer":"MILITANTS","Explanation":"Definition: Fighters\nMINT (make money) round or 'kidnapping' LIT (landed) A (American) + S (son)"} {"Clue":"Person telling falsehoods is one prone to hide ring (8)","Answer":"LIBELLER","Explanation":"Definition: Person telling falsehoods\nLIER (one prone) round or 'hiding' BELL (ring)"} {"Clue":"Disturbs stones around attraction (8)","Answer":"AGITATES","Explanation":"Definition: Disturbs\nAGATES (stones) around IT (sex appeal \u2013 attraction)"} {"Clue":"DANGER! Bouncing energy bomb (7)","Answer":"GRENADE","Explanation":"Definition: bomb\nAn anagram of DANGER \u2013 anagrind is 'bouncing' E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Representative backing city area captured by paper model (7)","Answer":"PERFECT","Explanation":"Definition: model\nREP (representative) reversed or 'backing' + EC (city area) in or 'captured by' FT (paper)"} {"Clue":"An offer journalist accepted (6)","Answer":"ABIDED","Explanation":"Definition: accepted\nA BID (an offer) ED (journalist)"} {"Clue":"Left in women's quarters somewhere in New York (6)","Answer":"HARLEM","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in New York\nL (left) in HAREM (women's quarters)"} {"Clue":"Break circuits beginning to explode (5)","Answer":"LAPSE","Explanation":"Definition: Break\nLAPS (circuits) + E (first letter or 'beginning' to 'explode')"} {"Clue":"Alongside this, woman's English humour's hard to follow (8)","Answer":"HEREWITH","Explanation":"Definition: Alongside this\nHER (woman's) E (English) WIT (humour) H (hard)"} {"Clue":"City gardens prompting memories (6)","Answer":"ECHOES","Explanation":"Definition: memories\nEC (city) HOES (gardens). Joyce however doesn't 'hoe' in her garden as we have raised beds! Much easier."} {"Clue":"Church loves to overwrite content of \"Soul Train\" (6)","Answer":"SCHOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Train\nCH (church) OO (loves) replacing or 'overwriting' the middle letters or 'content' of S~~ou~~L"} {"Clue":"Well-structured study covering this place and time (8)","Answer":"COHERENT","Explanation":"Definition: Well-structured\nCON (study) round or 'covering' HERE (this place) + T (time)"} {"Clue":"Rather late, say, for the USA, sadly bringing in Republican (5,5)","Answer":"AFTER HOURS","Explanation":"Definition: Rather late\nAn anagram of FOR THE USA \u2013 anagrind is 'sadly' round or 'bringing in' R (Republican)"} {"Clue":"Move slowly, in pain (chronic) (4)","Answer":"INCH","Explanation":"Definition: Move slowly\nHidden in 'paIN CHronic'"} {"Clue":"English novelist, last in roster in long run (6)","Answer":"ARCHER","Explanation":"Definition: English novelist\nR (last letter of 'roster') in ACHE (long) R (run)"} {"Clue":"They illuminate imaginative leaps not initially displayed (6)","Answer":"LIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: They illuminate\n~~f~~LIGHTS (imaginative leaps, as in 'flights of fancy') without the first or 'initial' letter"} {"Clue":"Wife meeting with success? Only a little (4)","Answer":"WHIT","Explanation":"Definition: Only a little\nW (wife) HIT (success)"} {"Clue":"Tall plants shelter car in storm (5,5)","Answer":"LARCH TREES","Explanation":"Definition: Tall plants\nAn anagram of SHELTER CARS \u2013 anagrind is 'in storm'"} {"Clue":"Rough guy not entirely expert in goal, sadly (8)","Answer":"HOOLIGAN","Explanation":"Definition: Rough guy\nHO~~t~~ (expert) without the last letter or 'not entirely' + an anagram of IN GOAL \u2013 anagrind is 'sadly' (as in 12ac!)"} {"Clue":"They ask people to pull up, and they pull up (6)","Answer":"HIKERS","Explanation":"Definition: They ask people to pull up\nIn our opinion, a rather dodgy double definition \u2013 the first meaning presumably refers to *hitch*\u2013HIKERS, who stick out their thumbs for a lift, or 'ask people to pull up'. To us, 'hikers' are walkers who cover challenging terrain or long distances. The second meaning refers to 'hiking up' an item of clothing for example"} {"Clue":"Space article coming in to strike America (6)","Answer":"HIATUS","Explanation":"Definition: Space\nA (article) in HIT (strike) US (America)"} {"Clue":"Truly religious around the home (8)","Answer":"HONESTLY","Explanation":"Definition: Truly\nHOLY (religious) around NEST (home)"} {"Clue":"Female force motivated half of them subsequently (10)","Answer":"HENCEFORTH","Explanation":"Definition: subsequently\nHEN (female) + an anagram of FORCE (anagrind is 'motivated') + TH~~em~~ (half only)"} {"Clue":"Find new place for the fellow up in European city (6)","Answer":"REHOME","Explanation":"Definition: Find new place for\nHE (the fellow) reversed or 'up' in ROME (European city)"} {"Clue":"Target of climb unfriendly \u2013 top missed (4)","Answer":"HILL","Explanation":"Definition: Target of climb\n~~c~~HILL (unfriendly) with the first letter or 'top' missing"} {"Clue":"Assessment: US payment process operational (5-2)","Answer":"CHECK-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Assessment\nCHECK (US payment process \u2013 their version of 'cheque' or 'bill') UP (operational)"} {"Clue":"The writer gets so healthy, picking up example of long life (10)","Answer":"METHUSELAH","Explanation":"Definition: example of long life\nME (the writer) THUS (so) + HALE (healthy) reversed or 'picked up'"} {"Clue":"Corps causing damage? How nice is that? (8)","Answer":"CHARMING","Explanation":"Definition: How nice is that?\nC (corps) HARMING (causing damage)"} {"Clue":"Cut question exhibiting downgrading of women (4)","Answer":"HEWN","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\nWHEN (question) with the 'w' moved down or 'downgraded'"} {"Clue":"Redesign of logo I used, in short, revitalised expert in time (10)","Answer":"HOROLOGIST","Explanation":"Definition: expert in time\nAn anagram of LOGO I (anagrind is 'used') in an anagram of SHORT (anagrind is 'revitalised')"} {"Clue":"Pet recovers after intervention of medic in large buildings (10)","Answer":"CATHEDRALS","Explanation":"Definition: large buildings\nCAT (pet) HEALS (recovers) round or 'with intervention of' DR (medic)"} {"Clue":"Stolen silverware and kitchen item (8)","Answer":"HOTPLATE","Explanation":"Definition: kitchen item\nHOT (stolen) PLATE (silverware)"} {"Clue":"Show distress about meal, overlooking first of salad onions? (7)","Answer":"CRUNCHY","Explanation":"Definition: of salad onions?\nCRY (show distress) round ~~l~~UNCH (meal) without the first letter or 'overlooking first'. We're not too happy with the definition here \u2013 salad onions are crunchy, but so are lots of other types of food"} {"Clue":"King I found covered in outbreak suggestive of debauchery (6)","Answer":"RAKISH","Explanation":"Definition: suggestive of debauchery\nK (king) I 'found covered' in RASH (otbreak)"} {"Clue":"Rings, receiving greeting from US state (4)","Answer":"OHIO","Explanation":"Definition: US state\nOO (rings) round or 'receiving' HI (greeting)"} {"Clue":"Suggestion with little content, first to last (4)","Answer":"HINT","Explanation":"Definition: Suggestion\nTHIN (with little content) with the first letter moved to the end"} {"Clue":"Throne to supply Debrett's ultimate in succession (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON THE TROT","Explanation":"Definition: in succession\nAn anagram of THRONE TO (anagrind is 'supply') with T (last or 'ultimate' letter of 'Debrett') inside"} {"Clue":"Gods above initially get up towards West (5)","Answer":"AESIR","Explanation":"Definition: Gods\nA (first letter or 'initial' of 'above') + RISE (get up) reversed or 'towards West' in an across clue"} {"Clue":"Leader to advise duke about campaign medal (5)","Answer":"AWARD","Explanation":"Definition: medal\nA (first letter or 'leader' of 'advise') D (duke) around WAR (campaign)"} {"Clue":"Dotty admits her work critical of industrial society (4,5)","Answer":"HARD TIMES","Explanation":"Definition: work critical of industrial society\nAn anagram of ADMITS HER \u2013 anagrind is 'dotty'"} {"Clue":"Lively function packed \u2013 one left out (8)","Answer":"EVENTFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Lively\nEVENT (function) FUL~~l~~ (packed) with one 'l' (left) omitted or 'out'"} {"Clue":"Edward going round pub that's preserved (6)","Answer":"TINNED","Explanation":"Definition: preserved\nTED (Edward) round INN (pub)"} {"Clue":"Poet's battle with religious cell heartens dear French actor (6,14)","Answer":"ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER","Explanation":"Definition: actor\nARNOLD'S (poet's) + WAR (battle) ZEN (religious) EGG (cell) in or 'heartening' CHER ('dear' in French)"} {"Clue":"Vessel brings William III to prison (8)","Answer":"BILLYCAN","Explanation":"Definition: Vessel\nBILLY (William III) CAN (prison)"} {"Clue":"Nothing stops Le Pen, the devious dog! (9)","Answer":"TELEPHONE","Explanation":"Definition: dog\nO (nothing) in or 'stopping' an anagram of LE PEN THE \u2013 anagrind is 'devious'. We've always thought that the Cockney rhyming slang for telephone was 'dog and bone' \u2013 not just 'dog', but we're probably just too provincial"} {"Clue":"Opponents at table take action to get result (5)","Answer":"ENSUE","Explanation":"Definition: result\nE N (East and North \u2013 opponents at a Bridge table) SUE (take action)"} {"Clue":"Strange soul rhythm (5)","Answer":"RUMBA","Explanation":"Definition: rhythm\nRUM (strange) BA (soul) \u2013 a new one for us!"} {"Clue":"Compilers close to traditional rule are fully advised (4,5)","Answer":"WELL AWARE","Explanation":"Definition: fully advised\nWE (compilers) L (last letter or 'close' to 'traditional') LAW (rule) ARE"} {"Clue":"Business meeting might disintegrate rapidly (5,9)","Answer":"POWER BREAKFAST","Explanation":"Definition: Business meeting\nPOWER (might) BREAK (disintegrate) FAST (rapidly)"} {"Clue":"Physical attack after toerags rigged accumulator (7,7)","Answer":"STORAGE BATTERY","Explanation":"Definition: accumulator\nBATTERY (physical attack) after an anagram of TOERAGS \u2013 anagrind is 'rigged'"} {"Clue":"Fast-selling item? Fish eating up to ton? (3,4)","Answer":"HOT CAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Fast-selling item?\nHAKE (fish) round or 'eating' TO reversed or 'up' C (one hundred \u2013ton)"} {"Clue":"Lad at once shot based on casual accounts (9)","Answer":"ANECDOTAL","Explanation":"Definition: based on casual accounts\nAn anagram of LAD AT ONCE \u2013 anagrind is 'shot'"} {"Clue":"Oh, it's time to attack (4,4)","Answer":"ZERO HOUR","Explanation":"Definition: time to attack\nZERO (O) HOUR (h)"} {"Clue":"Kind character (6)","Answer":"NATURE","Explanation":"Definition: Kind\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Good and extravagant speech in general (5)","Answer":"GRANT","Explanation":"Definition: general\nG (good) RANT (extravagant speech) \u2013 a reference to the American General Grant"} {"Clue":"Monster beheaded chap in Kodak family (7)","Answer":"EASTMAN","Explanation":"Definition: in Kodak family\n~~b~~EAST (monster) without the first letter or 'beheaded' MAN (chap). The photographic company's full name is Eastman Kodak. Bert was fairly confident that Linda McCartney's maiden name was Eastman which was how he remembered the Kodak connection. However, on checking it appears that although it was widely reported at the time of her marriage to Paul McCartney that she was the heiress to the Kodak-Eastman fortune, it was incorrect. It seems that 'fake news' is nothing new!"} {"Clue":"Drunken client pestered one coming into office (9-5)","Answer":"PRESIDENT-ELECT","Explanation":"Definition: one coming into office\nAn anagram of CLIENT PESTERED \u2013 anagrind is 'drunken'"} {"Clue":"Hostile graduate in stream creates 17 1's catchphrase (3,2,4)","Answer":"I\u2019LL BE BACK","Explanation":"Definition: 17 1's catchphrase\nILL (hostile) + BA (graduate) in BECK (stream)"} {"Clue":"One defamed in fib about most admired girl (8)","Answer":"LIBELLEE","Explanation":"Definition: One defamed\nLIE (fib) around BELLE (most admired girl)"} {"Clue":"Flower job mule necessarily gives up (7)","Answer":"NELUMBO","Explanation":"Definition: Flower\nHidden ('given up') and reversed ('up') in jOB MULE Necessarily \u2013 another new one for us"} {"Clue":"Starch idiot put into sparkling wine (7)","Answer":"CASSAVA","Explanation":"Definition: Starch\nASS (idiot) 'put into' CAVA (sparkling wine)"} {"Clue":"Snare firm with error initially made in books (6)","Answer":"COBWEB","Explanation":"Definition: Snare\nCO (company \u2013 firm) + W E (first or initial letters of 'with error') in B B (books)"} {"Clue":"Fitness expert demands silence (5)","Answer":"PEACE","Explanation":"Definition: silence\nSomeone who is an ACE at PE would be a 'fitness expert'"} {"Clue":"A selfie that is taken and altered with Photoshop? (5)","Answer":"FALSE","Explanation":"Definition: altered with Photoshop?\nAn anagram of A SELF~~ie~~ with 'ie' (that is) omitted or 'taken' \u2013 anagrind is 'altered'"} {"Clue":"Lover unaltered in extremes of torment is a Walter Mitty (9)","Answer":"FANTASIST","Explanation":"Definition: a Walter Mitty\nFAN (lover) + AS IS (unaltered) in T~~ormen~~T (first and last letters or 'extremes')"} {"Clue":"Food basket hotel dropped off \u2013 it takes a long time to see what's currently available? (8)","Answer":"AMPERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: what's currently available\n~~h~~AMPER (food basket) with the 'h' (hotel) omitted or 'dropped off' AGE (a long time)"} {"Clue":"Company love notice put back to front \u2013 such things attract attention (6)","Answer":"COOEES","Explanation":"Definition: such things attract attention\nCO (company) O (love) + SEE (notice) reversed or 'put back to front'"} {"Clue":"A woman with no time for such a tricky game (6)","Answer":"BRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: a tricky game\nBRIDGE~~t~~ (a woman) without 't' (time)"} {"Clue":"I got for nothing small tin of mostly meat \u2013 cold, perhaps? (8)","Answer":"SNIFFLES","Explanation":"Definition: cold, perhaps\nSN (tin) IF (I replacing or 'got for' the 'o' (nothing) in 'of') FLES~~h~~ (meat) with the last letter omitted or 'mostly'"} {"Clue":"Remove crockery in fragments aware earthenware material lies around (5,4)","Answer":"CLEAR AWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Remove crockery\nAn anagram of AWARE (anagrind is 'in fragments') with CLAY (earthenware material) 'lying' around"} {"Clue":"Woodland spirit stayed put a short period of time (5)","Answer":"SATYR","Explanation":"Definition: Woodland spirit\nSAT (stayed put) YR (abbreviation for 'year' \u2013 'period of time')"} {"Clue":"Erica and Ted? (5)","Answer":"HEATH","Explanation":"Definition: Erica\nDouble definition \u2013 Erica being a genus of heath(er), and a reference to Ted HEATH, former PM"} {"Clue":"Keep lying with brief account, one in a series (9)","Answer":"FIBONACCI","Explanation":"Definition: series\nFIB ON (keep lying) ACC ('brief' account) I (one)"} {"Clue":"North America's states consume last of gasoline. Make you sick? (8)","Answer":"NAUSEATE","Explanation":"Definition: Make you sick\nN A (North America) US (states) EAT (consume) E ('last' letter of 'gasoline')"} {"Clue":"God of love getting a head start (6)","Answer":"APOLLO","Explanation":"Definition: God\nO (love) with A POLL (head) in front or 'starting'"} {"Clue":"Strong river has portable shelter pitched alongside (6)","Answer":"POTENT","Explanation":"Definition: Strong\nPO (river) TENT (portable shelter)"} {"Clue":"Adult slips into busy city life after cut in service (8)","Answer":"FACILITY","Explanation":"Definition: service\nA (adult) 'slipping into' an anagram of CITY LIF~~e~~ (without the last letter or 'cut') \u2013 anagrind is 'busy'"} {"Clue":"'S' seen in table edge inlaid in black marble say (9)","Answer":"BRIMSTONE","Explanation":"Definition: 'S' seen in table\nRIM (edge) 'inlaid' in B (black) STONE (marble, say) \u2013 Brimstone is the old name for sulphur \u2013 S in the periodic table"} {"Clue":"Butterfly's a tiny bit orange at one end (5)","Answer":"WHITE","Explanation":"Definition: Butterfly\nWHIT (a tiny bit) E (last letter or 'one end' of 'orange')"} {"Clue":"E.g. Nelson, respectworthy though short and missing end of limb (7)","Answer":"ADMIRAL","Explanation":"Definition: E.g. Nelson\nADMIRA~~b~~L~~e~~ (respectworthy) without the last letter or 'short' and 'missing' 'b' (last letter or 'end' of 'limb')"} {"Clue":"Persevering with speed dates initially gone wrong (9)","Answer":"STEADFAST","Explanation":"Definition: Persevering\nFAST (with speed) with an anagram of DATES in front or 'initially' \u2013 anagrind is 'gone wrong'"} {"Clue":"Safe places in Hackney for a wild flower (5)","Answer":"AVENS","Explanation":"Definition: a wild flower\n~~h~~AVENS (safe places) as it might be said by an East Londoner"} {"Clue":"Geek taken on by astute chief (6)","Answer":"TECHIE","Explanation":"Definition: Geek\nHidden in or 'taken on by' astuTE CHIEf"} {"Clue":"Be a food critic? (5)","Answer":"SCOFF","Explanation":"Definition: Be a food critic?\nA cryptic definition \u2013 a critic might SCOFF, and a food critic would have to eat or 'scoff' in order to critique the food"} {"Clue":"Natural landscape features divine around East Tyneside area (7)","Answer":"SCENERY","Explanation":"Definition: Natural landscape features\nSCRY (divine, as in 'make out') around E (East) NE (Tyneside area)"} {"Clue":"A heartless naive MCP with no power perhaps? (7)","Answer":"CAVEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: A heartless naive MCP with no power perhaps? \nCryptic definition \u2013 An anagram of A NA~~i~~VE (without the middle letter, or 'heartless') and MC~~p~~ without the 'p' (power) \u2013 anagrind is 'perhaps'.'Caveman' as a contemporary euphemism for an MCP is a bit unfair on cavemen, in our opinion"} {"Clue":"A champ's assumed name as finally taken (3)","Answer":"ALI","Explanation":"Definition: A champ\nALI~~as~~ (assumed name) with 'as' omitted or 'finally taken'"} {"Clue":"Yes, greetings and thank you for going up to religious leader (9)","Answer":"AYATOLLAH","Explanation":"Definition: religious leader\nAY (yes) + HALLO (greetings) TA (thank you) reversed or 'going up'"} {"Clue":"Military parade about to be included for head of state (7)","Answer":"MONARCH","Explanation":"Definition: head of state\nMARCH (military parade) round or 'including' ON (about)"} {"Clue":"Shock upset \u2013 visit initially blocked entrance (7)","Answer":"ENAMOUR","Explanation":"Definition: entrance\nMANE (shock, as in hair) reversed or 'upset' + ~~t~~OUR (visit) with first or 'initial' letter omitted or 'blocked'"} {"Clue":"Firm allowed computing to produce a flier (7)","Answer":"COLETIT","Explanation":"Definition: flier\nCO (firm \u2013 company) LET (allowed) IT (computing) \u2013 we think this should be two words, and weren't aware that 'Coal Tit' could also be spelt this way"} {"Clue":"Knock on the door from rogue with cheapo wares (3-3)","Answer":"RAT-TAT","Explanation":"Definition: Knock on the door\nRAT (rogue) TAT ('cheapo wares')"} {"Clue":"Second XI in very hot water (5)","Answer":"STEAM","Explanation":"Definition: very hot water\nS (second) TEAM (XI \u2013 eleven)"} {"Clue":"I'm delicate but within limits feel fine (5)","Answer":"ELFIN","Explanation":"Definition: I'm delicate\nHidden within feEL FINe"} {"Clue":"Implore guard to take coat off and have some food (7)","Answer":"ENTREAT","Explanation":"Definition: Implore\n~~s~~ENTR~~y~~ (guard) removing first and last letters or 'coat' EAT (have some food)"} {"Clue":"Blubber covers the sides of thickset animal (7)","Answer":"CRITTER","Explanation":"Definition: animal\nCRIER (blubber) around or 'covering' TT (first and last letter or 'sides' of thickset)"} {"Clue":"Process of assimilating something that's charged on summary account (9)","Answer":"DIGESTION","Explanation":"Definition: Process of assimilating\nION (something that's charged) on DIGEST (summary account)"} {"Clue":"Singer interrupted by introduction of reed instruments (5)","Answer":"BRASS","Explanation":"Definition: instruments\nBASS (singer) around or 'interrupted by' R the first letter or 'introduction' to reed"} {"Clue":"Papers published externally reflected worst possible position (5)","Answer":"NADIR","Explanation":"Definition: worst possible position\nID (papers) with RAN (published) outside or 'externally' all reversed or 'reflected'"} {"Clue":"Obnoxious youth hit throttle of jet propellant (6,3)","Answer":"SQUIRT GUN","Explanation":"Definition: jet propellant\nSQUIRT (obnoxious youth) GUN (hit throttle of)"} {"Clue":"Negotiated deal cutting extra deductions (6)","Answer":"TRADED","Explanation":"Definition: Negotiated deal\nHidden in, or 'cutting' exTRA DEDuctions"} {"Clue":"Summon to appear in court after former partner's move (6)","Answer":"EXCITE","Explanation":"Definition: move\nCITE (summon to appear in court) after EX (former partner)"} {"Clue":"Most sensitive way of sorting out ethics (9)","Answer":"TOUCHIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most sensitive\nAn anagram of OUT ETHICS \u2013anagrind is 'sorting'"} {"Clue":"Passage writer will read out (5)","Answer":"AISLE","Explanation":"Definition: Passage\nSounds like or 'read out' I'LL (writer will)"} {"Clue":"When do we wrap present? (5)","Answer":"ENDOW","Explanation":"Definition: present\nHidden or 'wrapped' in whEN DO We"} {"Clue":"Killing Joke may release this on Spotify initially (9)","Answer":"SLAUGHTER","Explanation":"Definition: Killing\nLAUGHTER (joke may release this) on S\u00a0(first or 'initial' letter of Spotify)"} {"Clue":"Diminuendo conveys what changes by taking something away (7)","Answer":"MINUEND","Explanation":"Definition: what changes by taking something away\nHidden or 'conveyed' in diMINUENDo \u2013 a new one for us and only solved when we had some checking letters"} {"Clue":"Aroused having read e-book? (7)","Answer":"KINDLED","Explanation":"Definition: Aroused\nA play on the fact that KINDLES are used for reading e-books"} {"Clue":"Presented complaint caused by union consuming lots of time (6)","Answer":"STAGED","Explanation":"Definition: Presented\nSTD (complaint caused by union!) around or 'consuming'\u00a0AGE (lots of time)"} {"Clue":"Made sure lunatic is restrained (8)","Answer":"MEASURED","Explanation":"Definition: restrained\nAn anagram of MADE SURE \u2013 anagrind is 'lunatic'"} {"Clue":"Sequence of steps looks hard to the audience (6)","Answer":"STAIRS","Explanation":"Definition: Sequence of steps\nSounds like or 'to the audience' STARES (looks hard)"} {"Clue":"Agile mountaineer overlooking summit (6)","Answer":"LIMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Agile\n~~c~~LIMBER (mountaineer) without first letter or 'summit' as this is a down clue"} {"Clue":"Honourable heterosexual owing nothing\u00a0directly (8)","Answer":"STRAIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Honourable\nA quadruple defintion (!)"} {"Clue":"Finish revising, but not before noon (6)","Answer":"ENDING","Explanation":"Definition: Finish\n~~am~~ENDING (revising) without am (before noon)"} {"Clue":"Summon figure about assessment panel failing to reach conclusion (7)","Answer":"CONJURE","Explanation":"Definition: Summon\nCONE (figure) about JUR~~y~~ (assessment panel) without last letter or 'failing to reach conclusion'"} {"Clue":"Revolution daring to depose king (6)","Answer":"RISING","Explanation":"Definition: Revolution\nRIS~~k~~ING (daring) without or 'deposing' k (king)"} {"Clue":"Teasing dog in run is one way to lose digits (8)","Answer":"ROUNDING","Explanation":"Definition: one way to lose digits\nAn anagram of DOG IN RUN \u2013anagrind is 'teasing'"} {"Clue":"Got ready to be upset having left first (7)","Answer":"DRESSED","Explanation":"Definition: Got ready\nD~~ist~~RESSED (to be upset) without IST (first)"} {"Clue":"Reforming state beginning to condemn capital punishment (8)","Answer":"CHANGING","Explanation":"Definition: Reforming \nC (first letter or 'beginning' to condemn) HANGING (capital punishment)"} {"Clue":"Harrow Master put pupils into groups (6)","Answer":"STREAM","Explanation":"Definition: put pupils into groups \nAn anagram of MASTER \u2013 anagrind is 'harrow'"} {"Clue":"Agreed reforms with method of transmitting motion (6)","Answer":"GEARED","Explanation":"Definition: method of transmitting motion\nAn anagram of GEARED \u2013anagrind is 'reforms'"} {"Clue":"Shouted out who was in front (6)","Answer":"HOWLED","Explanation":"Definition: Shouted\nAn anagram of HOW \u2013 anagrind is 'out' + LED ('was in front')"} {"Clue":"Follows wheel-less stock car losing front end round bend (6)","Answer":"TRACKS","Explanation":"Definition: Follows\nIt's an anagram of ST~~o~~CK without O (wheel-less) and ~~c~~AR without first letter or 'front'. The anagrind could be 'round' or 'bend' but it seems to lose something in our opinion when both are included although it improves the surface reading."} {"Clue":"Occupy town square (6)","Answer":"SETTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Occupy\nTriple definition"} {"Clue":"Choke left out? That's odd (7)","Answer":"STRANGE","Explanation":"STRANG(l)E (choke) without 'l' (left)"} {"Clue":"Meticulous preparation of fair clue lacking interest (7)","Answer":"CAREFUL","Explanation":"An anagram of FA(i)R CLUE\u00a0without or 'lacking' 'i' (interest) \u2013 anagrind is 'preparation of'"} {"Clue":"Supply niece that is missing fortune (10)","Answer":"PROVIDENCE","Explanation":"PROVIDE (supply) N(ie)CE without or 'missing' 'ie' (that is)"} {"Clue":"Tragic heroine features in this old epic (6)","Answer":"ISOLDE","Explanation":"Hidden or 'featuring' in thIS OLD Epic"} {"Clue":"Judge fired after prohibition is broken (8)","Answer":"BANJAXED","Explanation":"J (judge) AXED (fired) after BAN (prohibition)"} {"Clue":"Shopping provides less attractive leisure, reportedly (9)","Answer":"GROCERIES","Explanation":"Sounds like ('reportedly') GROSSER (less attractive) EASE (leisure)"} {"Clue":"Make a good impression with church member (5)","Answer":"CHARM","Explanation":"CH (church) ARM (member)"} {"Clue":"Society leading drive for rapid growth (5)","Answer":"SURGE","Explanation":"S (society) 'leading' URGE (drive)"} {"Clue":"Turn sleet liquid? It all boils down to this (3,6)","Answer":"NET RESULT","Explanation":"An anagram of TURN SLEET \u2013 anagrind is 'liquid'"} {"Clue":"Most passionate duke acquires lake (8)","Answer":"FIERIEST","Explanation":"FIST (duke) round or 'acquiring' ERIE (lake)"} {"Clue":"Last British legend returns (6)","Answer":"BOTTOM","Explanation":"B (British) MOTTO (legend) reversed or 'returning'"} {"Clue":"Reverse dead shoulder \u2014 it's what one does (4-6)","Answer":"PALL-BEARERS","Explanation":"We're really not sure about this one \u2013 a PALL-BEARER carries a coffin on his or her shoulder, so 'shouldering the dead' could be described as 'what one does', but we don't understand the inclusion of 'reverse' \u2013 have we missed something here?"} {"Clue":"Power cut may be just a drop in the ocean (4)","Answer":"PLOP","Explanation":"P (power) LOP (cut)"} {"Clue":"Supports\u00a0another helping for a short period (7)","Answer":"SECONDS","Explanation":"Triple definition"} {"Clue":"Copy line in pitch that's well put together (7)","Answer":"SHAPELY","Explanation":"APE (copy) L (line) in SHY (pitch)"} {"Clue":"Steal base from besieged city employer \u2026 (7)","Answer":"TROUSER","Explanation":"TRO(y) (besieged city) with the last letter 'stolen' USER (employer) \u2013 'steal' doing double duty here"} {"Clue":"\u2026 regularly pawning ugly scrap (5)","Answer":"ANNUL","Explanation":"Alternate or 'regular' letters of 'pAwNiNg UgLy'"} {"Clue":"Opening period taken after school? (3,4)","Answer":"GAP YEAR","Explanation":"GAP (opening) YEAR (period) \u2013 'period' doing double duty"} {"Clue":"When taking on security for film \u2026 (6)","Answer":"ALIENS","Explanation":"AS (when) round or 'taking on' LIEN (security)"} {"Clue":"\u2026 they may be fluttered, if you're interested (9)","Answer":"EYELASHES","Explanation":"A (not very convincing, in our opinion) cryptic definition \u2013 one might flutter one's EYELASHES if one was interested in someone else as a potential friend"} {"Clue":"Confused king supports central council (7)","Answer":"UNCLEAR","Explanation":"LEAR (king) after or 'supporting' in a down clue (co)UNC(il) \u2013 'central' letters"} {"Clue":"Back-to-back films from Gemini productions, perhaps (6,7)","Answer":"DOUBLE FEATURE","Explanation":"A company called 'Gemini Productions' might possibly produce films in twos"} {"Clue":"Crushed garlic oil can be smoked (9)","Answer":"CIGARILLO","Explanation":"An anagram of GARLIC OIL \u2013 anagrind is 'crushed'"} {"Clue":"Eliminate waste in a true reorganisation (7)","Answer":"URINATE","Explanation":"An anagram of IN A TRUE \u2013 anagrind is 'organisation'"} {"Clue":"Personnel hold family back for another delivery (7)","Answer":"REBIRTH","Explanation":"HR (Human Resources \u2013 'personnel') round or 'holding' TRIBE (family) all reversed or 'back'"} {"Clue":"Paper kept to hand \u2014 24 may need it! (3,4)","Answer":"LOO ROLL","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 need we say more? (24across being 'bottom')"} {"Clue":"Take top off using blade handle around edges (6)","Answer":"BEHEAD","Explanation":"First and last letters or 'edges' of BladE HandlE ArounD"} {"Clue":"Additional payment for cover required when driving a convertible in winter? (3-2)","Answer":"TOP-UP","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 you'd want the TOP UP when driving a convertible in winter"} {"Clue":"Close to tears after holiday snaps (6)","Answer":"BREAKS","Explanation":"Definition: snaps\nS (last letter or 'close' to 'tears') after BREAK (holiday)"} {"Clue":"Coitus disturbed on account of sound (8)","Answer":"ACOUSTIC","Explanation":"Definition: of sound\nAn anagram of COITUS (anagrind is 'disturbed') on AC (account)"} {"Clue":"Proposal Open University engineers (8)","Answer":"OVERTURE","Explanation":"Definition: Proposal\nOVERT (open) U (University) RE (engineers)"} {"Clue":"Clots running through anthem: Bolivia's (6)","Answer":"EMBOLI","Explanation":"Definition: Clots\nHidden in or 'running through' anthEM BOLIvia's"} {"Clue":"Singer badly shaken, having cracked short rib? (3,5)","Answer":"BOB DYLAN","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\nAn anagram of BADLY (anagrind is 'shaken') in or 'cracking' BON~~e~~ (rib \u2013 the ? suggesting it is an example of a bone) without the last letter or 'short'"} {"Clue":"Go out with German poet of the Great War (6)","Answer":"SEEGER","Explanation":"Definition: poet of the Great War\nSEE (go out with) GER (German) \u2013 a reference to Alan Seeger, an American WW1 poet, not Pete Seeger the folk singer-songwriter who influenced a generation of folk singers including 11ac"} {"Clue":"Insult setter over dish containing bit of eel gut (10)","Answer":"DISEMBOWEL","Explanation":"Definition: gut\nDIS (insult) ME (setter) reversed or 'over' BOWL (dish) round or 'containing' E (first letter or 'bit' of 'eel')"} {"Clue":"Lean lamb in Spain's traditional starters (4)","Answer":"LIST","Explanation":"Definition: Lean\nFirst letters or 'starters' of Lamb In Spain's Traditional"} {"Clue":"Rabbits and other animals (4)","Answer":"YAKS","Explanation":"Definition: Rabbits\nDouble definition \u2013 YAKS as in talks or 'rabbits' can apparently be spelt without the 'c'"} {"Clue":"US sitcom or \"Queer as Folk\"? (5,5)","Answer":"ROOTS MUSIC","Explanation":"Definition: Folk\nAn anagram of US SITCOM OR \u2013 anagrind is 'queer'"} {"Clue":"Literary piece of art about old lecturer? (6)","Answer":"LOLITA","Explanation":"Definition: Literary piece of art about old lecturer\nCryptic definition: LIT (literary) A (first letter or 'piece' of 'art') round O (old) L (lecturer)"} {"Clue":"Back cunning Irish to defend against cross (8)","Answer":"TRAVERSE","Explanation":"Definition: cross\nART (cunning) reversed or 'back' ERSE (Irish) round or 'defending' V (against)"} {"Clue":"Go for a course of action in hearing (6)","Answer":"ATTACK","Explanation":"Definition: Go for\nSounds like ('in hearing') A TACK (course of action)"} {"Clue":"Is French diva missing banks in river holiday? (8)","Answer":"FESTIVAL","Explanation":"Definition: holiday\nEST ('is' in French) ~~d~~IV~~a~~ without first and last letters or 'banks' in FAL (river)"} {"Clue":"Require checks on Trade Union reversing cut (8)","Answer":"NEUTERED","Explanation":"Definition: cut\nNEED (require) round or 'checking' RE (on) TU (Trade Union) reversed"} {"Clue":"Deny political scandal following nurse about (6)","Answer":"NEGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Deny\nGATE (tag for a political scandal, after Watergate etc) after EN (enrolled nurse) reversed or 'about'"} {"Clue":"Rival irregular crossing one over food parcels? (7)","Answer":"RAVIOLI","Explanation":"Definition: food parcels\nAn anagram of RIVAL (anagrind is 'irregular') round or 'crossing' I (one) O (over)"} {"Clue":"Those digesting a spanner are asses essentially (9)","Answer":"ABRIDGERS","Explanation":"Definition: Those digesting\nA BRIDGE (spanner) aRe asSes (middle or 'essential' letters)"} {"Clue":"Head with ability making one start to understand (5)","Answer":"SKULL","Explanation":"Definition: Head\nSKiLL (ability) with the 'i' (one) replaced by or 'made' U (first letter or 'start' to 'understand')"} {"Clue":"Tool cut teacher's quiz up (3)","Answer":"AXE","Explanation":"Definition: Tool\nEXA~~m~~ ('teacher's quiz') without the last letter or 'cut' and reversed or 'up'"} {"Clue":"Structure or levels son builds up without foundation (9)","Answer":"OVERSELLS","Explanation":"Definition: builds up without foundation\nAn anagram of OR LEVELS S (son) \u2013 anagrind is 'structure'"} {"Clue":"Fur auction? Bishop must block it! (5)","Answer":"SABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fur\nSALE (auction) round or 'blocked by' B (bishop)"} {"Clue":"Complaint: Hoskins will regularly incense society (7)","Answer":"ILLNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Complaint\nI'LL (Hoskins will) + alternate or 'regular' letters of iNcEnSe + S (society)"} {"Clue":"Fresh tea taken outside of Royal Welsh city (7)","Answer":"NEWPORT","Explanation":"Definition: Welsh city\nNEW (fresh) POT (tea) round or 'outside of' R (royal)"} {"Clue":"One jeering right amongst Obama and the Queen (9)","Answer":"BARRACKER","Explanation":"Definition: One jeering\nR (right) in or 'amongst' BARACK (Obama) ER (the Queen)"} {"Clue":"Getting noisier in lounge with duke partying (9)","Answer":"LOUDENING","Explanation":"Definition: Getting noisier\nAn anagram of IN LOUNGE and D (duke) \u2013 anagrind is 'partying'"} {"Clue":"Christian teacher writing letters in drink (7)","Answer":"APOSTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Christian teacher\nPOST (letters) in ALE (drink)"} {"Clue":"Second home colonist blocked up with stone (7)","Answer":"INSTANT","Explanation":"Definition: Second\nIN (home) ANT ('colonist') round or 'blocked up with' ST (stone)"} {"Clue":"Not appropriate to snooze with relations around (5)","Answer":"INAPT","Explanation":"Definition: Not appropriate\nNAP (snooze) with IT (sex \u2013 'relations') around"} {"Clue":"Crime religious type ignored at first \u2026 (5)","Answer":"ARSON","Explanation":"Definition: Crime\n~~p~~ARSON (religious type) with the first letter omitted or 'ignored'"} {"Clue":"\u2026 passing fancy area in Finland on vacation (3)","Answer":"FAD","Explanation":"Definition: passing fancy\nA (area) in F~~inlan~~D (first and last letters only \u2013 'vacated')"} {"Clue":"German physicist dismissing source of heat, accepting it as fake (6)","Answer":"ERSATZ","Explanation":"Definition: fake\n~~h~~ERTZ (German physicist) without the 'h' (first letter or 'source' of 'heat') round or 'accepting' SA (sex appeal \u2013 'it')"} {"Clue":"A little fly swallowed by boy (8)","Answer":"SMIDGEON","Explanation":"Definition: A little\nMIDGE (fly) in or 'swallowed by' SON (boy)"} {"Clue":"Write story about missing century in part of Test match (4)","Answer":"OVER","Explanation":"Definition: part of Test match\n~~c~~OVER (write story about) without or 'missing' 'c' (century)"} {"Clue":"I have to follow guest appearance, perhaps, working in opposition (10)","Answer":"PREVENTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: working in opposition\nWe're not sure about this one \u2013 we think it might be: I'VE (I have) following PR EVENT (guest appearance perhaps)? Any other thoughts?"} {"Clue":"Cultural object in smart cafe tragically knocked over (8)","Answer":"ARTEFACT","Explanation":"Definition: Cultural object\nHidden and reversed ('knocked over') in 'smarT CAF\u00c9 TRAgically'"} {"Clue":"Optimistic about religious texts reflecting traditions (6)","Answer":"ROOTSY","Explanation":"Definition: reflecting traditions\nROSY (optimistic) about OT (Old Testament \u2013 'religious texts')"} {"Clue":"State of indecision putting off old member (4)","Answer":"LIMB","Explanation":"Definition: member\nLIMB~~o~~ (state of indecision) without or 'putting off' 'o' (old)"} {"Clue":"Recover glens held by college formerly (10)","Answer":"CONVALESCE","Explanation":"Definition: Recover\nVALES (glens) in or 'held by' C (college) ONCE (formerly)"} {"Clue":"Business I represent ineptly (10)","Answer":"ENTERPRISE","Explanation":"Definition: Business\nAn anagram of I REPRESENT \u2013 anagrind is 'ineptly'"} {"Clue":"Hear about a meal suitable for invalid? (4)","Answer":"TRAY","Explanation":"Definition: meal suitable for invalid\nTRY (hear) about A"} {"Clue":"Science acquiring some measure of current marine life (6)","Answer":"SCAMPI","Explanation":"Definition: marine life\nSCI (science) round or 'acquiring'\u00a0AMP (measure of current)"} {"Clue":"Spirit shown by school getting new computer programs (8)","Answer":"SCHNAPPS","Explanation":"Definition: Spirit\nSCH (school) N (new) APPS (computer programs)"} {"Clue":"Source of moaning in American clues being rewritten in tiny letters (10)","Answer":"MINUSCULES","Explanation":"Definition: tiny letters\nM (first letter or 'source' of 'moaning') IN US (American) + an anagram of CLUES \u2013 anagrind is 'being rewritten'"} {"Clue":"Keen attitude, say, of French in retreat (4)","Answer":"EDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Keen attitude\nEG (say) DE (French for 'of') reversed or 'in retreat'"} {"Clue":"Tour America, capturing much of added value, being skilful (8)","Answer":"DEXTROUS","Explanation":"Definition: skilful\nDO (tour) US (America) round or 'capturing' EXTR~~a~~ (added value) without the last letter or 'much of'"} {"Clue":"Articles linked to Mass (item of church music) (6)","Answer":"ANTHEM","Explanation":"Definition: item of church music\nAN\u00a0and THE (articles) M (mass)"} {"Clue":"\"Othello\"\u00a0at the theatre? I'm coming back (9)","Answer":"REVERSION","Explanation":"Definition: coming back\nWe're completely stumped by this one \u2013 as far as we can tell there are no other words that fit the crossing letters and 'coming back' is a suitable definition. As to the wordplay\u2026\u2026. *Thanks for the enlightenment!"} {"Clue":"Bird nesting in a side of a building with a pleasant aspect (9)","Answer":"AGREEABLE","Explanation":"Definition: with a pleasant aspect\nREE (bird) 'nesting' in A GABLE (side of a building)"} {"Clue":"American musician importing a couple of pianos into South Africa (5)","Answer":"ZAPPA","Explanation":"Definition: American musician\nA PP ('couple of pianos') 'imported into' ZA (South Africa)"} {"Clue":"Water in practice area raised temper (7)","Answer":"SWEETEN","Explanation":"Definition: temper\nWEE (water) in NETS (practice area) reversed or 'raised'"} {"Clue":"One anti-beer struggling to become one very pro-beer? (9)","Answer":"INEBRIATE","Explanation":"Definition: one very pro-beer?\nI (one) + an anagram of ANTI\u2013BEER \u2013 anagrind is 'struggling'"} {"Clue":"Time to tuck into scrambled egg \u2013 and nothing more \u2013 first thing (3-2)","Answer":"GET-GO","Explanation":"Definition: first thing\nT (time) 'tucked into' an anagram of EGG (anagrind is 'scrambled') + O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Output of bakery ignored by fifty fools (5)","Answer":"OAVES","Explanation":"Definition: fools\n~~l~~OAVES (output of bakery) without the 'l' (fifty)"} {"Clue":"When one fools contraltos I encountered in company producing Strauss opera (9)","Answer":"CAPRICCIO","Explanation":"Definition: Strauss opera\nAPR 1 (1st April \u2013 'when one fools') CC (contraltos) I 'encountered' in CO (company)"} {"Clue":"Outgoing partygoer taken in by wayward text (9)","Answer":"EXTRAVERT","Explanation":"Definition: Outgoing\nRAVER (partygoer) 'taken in by' an anagram of TEXT \u2013 anagrind is 'wayward'"} {"Clue":"Winner's time securing name? Sparkling stuff (9)","Answer":"CHAMPAGNE","Explanation":"Definition: Sparkling stuff\nCHAMP (winner) AGE (time) round or 'securing' N (name)"} {"Clue":"Abuses lags? No terms of abuse here (7)","Answer":"INSULTS","Explanation":"Definition: Abuses\nINSUL~~a~~T~~e~~S (lags) without 'a' and 'e' (first and last letters or 'terms' of 'abuse')"} {"Clue":"Boy leaving very embarrassed, say, over base offending (5)","Answer":"CRIME","Explanation":"Definition: offending\nCRIM~~son~~ (very embarrassed) with 'son' (boy) 'leaving' + E (base)"} {"Clue":"Second group pursuing fox disposing of first horse (5)","Answer":"MOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: horse\nMO (second) ~~h~~UNT (group pursuing fox) without or 'disposing of first' letter"} {"Clue":"Accommodate a flowering plant (5)","Answer":"HOSTA","Explanation":"Definition: flowering plant\nHOST (accommodate) A"} {"Clue":"A Manx cat and dog eating very round fruit\u00a0(7)","Answer":"AVOCADO","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nA CA~~t~~ + DO~~g~~ (with the last letters or tails removed, as in a Manx cat) round or 'eating' V (very) O (round)"} {"Clue":"Female engulfed by anger in Winchester? (5)","Answer":"RIFLE","Explanation":"Definition: Winchester?\nF (female) in or 'engulfed by' RILE (anger)"} {"Clue":"Field marshal in explosively gory moment (10)","Answer":"MONTGOMERY","Explanation":"Definition: Field marshal\nAn anagram of GORY MOMENT \u2013 anagrind is 'explosively'"} {"Clue":"Runs away in defeat (4)","Answer":"ROUT","Explanation":"Definition: defeat\nR (runs) OUT (away)"} {"Clue":"At which point wife gets chicken (4)","Answer":"WHEN","Explanation":"Definition: At which point\nW (wife) HEN (chicken)"} {"Clue":"Pedant thus collars companion only one left in charge (10)","Answer":"SCHOLASTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Pedant\nSO (thus) round or 'collaring' CH (Companion of Honour) LAST (only one left) IC (in charge)"} {"Clue":"Song about knave, knight and rustic (8)","Answer":"ARCADIAN","Explanation":"Definition: rustic\nARIA (song) about CAD (knave) + N (knight)"} {"Clue":"Score first in tournament that's Little Bird! (6)","Answer":"EAGLET","Explanation":"Definition: Little Bird\nEAGLE (a score in golf) T (first letter of 'tournament')"} {"Clue":"Miss Liddell joins Mike in desire to do harm (6)","Answer":"MALICE","Explanation":"Definition: desire to do harm\nALICE (Alice Liddell, of 'Alice in Wonderland') joining M (mike in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Wine to honour hero impaling one vampire? The opposite! (8)","Answer":"LIBATION","Explanation":"Definition: Wine to honour\nLION (hero) round\u00a0I (one) BAT (vampire) inferring that the 'bat' is impaling the 'lion' \u2013 but for the surface of the clue to work it has to be the other way round or 'the opposite'"} {"Clue":"Parents angry with tot expressing dissent (10)","Answer":"PROTESTANT","Explanation":"Definition: expressing dissent\nAn anagram of PARENTS and TOT \u2013anagrind is 'angry'"} {"Clue":"Signal to stop bombardment (4)","Answer":"HAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Signal to stop\nDouble definition \u2013 as in 'hailing a cab' and 'hailing down'"} {"Clue":"Absolutely reasonable (4)","Answer":"JUST","Explanation":"Definition: Absolutely\nAnother double definition"} {"Clue":"Release from duty sailor with answers to crossword (10)","Answer":"ABSOLUTION","Explanation":"Definition: Release from duty\nAB (sailor) SOLUTION (answers to crossword)"} {"Clue":"Awesome Rastafarian (5)","Answer":"DREAD","Explanation":"Definition: Awesome\nYet another double definition"} {"Clue":"Pseudo intellectual's beginning to reform incestuous son (7)","Answer":"OEDIPUS","Explanation":"Definition: incestuous son\nAn anagram of PSEUDO I (first letter or 'beginning ' of 'intellectual') \u2013 anagrind is 'reform'"} {"Clue":"Old business journal edition lacking content repeatedly (5)","Answer":"OFTEN","Explanation":"Definition: repeatedly\nO (old) FT (Financial Times \u2013 business journal) E~~ditio~~N (with the middle letters removed or 'lacking content'"} {"Clue":"Wretched existence if deals go badly (1,4,4)","Answer":"A DOGS LIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Wretched existence\nAn anagram of IF DEALS GO \u2013 anagrind is 'badly'"} {"Clue":"Prepare no toad-in-the-hole, and strange how unintended result arises (3,5,5,2,7)","Answer":"ONE THING LEADS TO ANOTHER","Explanation":"Definition: how unintended result arises\nAn anagram of NO TOAD-IN-THE-HOLE and STRANGE \u2013 anagrind is 'prepare'"} {"Clue":"Larger than usual, like Henry VIII (5)","Answer":"ROYAL","Explanation":"Definition: Larger than usual\nAnother double definition"} {"Clue":"Fire ghost mysteriously appears in vision (9)","Answer":"FORESIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: vision\nAn anagram of FIRE GHOST \u2013 anagrind is 'mysteriously'"} {"Clue":"Educated English smutty about sex (7)","Answer":"ERUDITE","Explanation":"Definition: Educated\nE (English) RUDE (smutty) about IT (sex)"} {"Clue":"Philosopher having noble title and renouncing it (9)","Answer":"ARISTOTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Philosopher\nARISTO (noble) T~~it~~LE without ('renouncing') 'it'"} {"Clue":"Squiffy ladette straddles doctor engaged in controversy (9)","Answer":"EMBATTLED","Explanation":"Definition: engaged in controversy\nAn anagram of LADETTE (anagrind is 'squiffy') round or 'straddling' MB (doctor)"} {"Clue":"Silver bullet having struck bottom (7)","Answer":"AGROUND","Explanation":"Definition: having struck bottom\nAG (silver) ROUND (bullet)"} {"Clue":"Sinister order in America enlisting Oscar (7)","Answer":"OMINOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Sinister\nOM (Order of Merit \u2013 'order') IN US (America) round or 'enlisting' O (Oscar in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Bear to adopt upright position (5)","Answer":"STAND","Explanation":"Definition: Bear\nDouble defintion"} {"Clue":"Agitated male provided with accommodation perhaps (3,2)","Answer":"HET UP","Explanation":"Definition: Agitated\nHE (male) PUT reversed or 'up' \u2013 to 'put up' could mean 'provided with accommodation'"} {"Clue":"Stupid of setter having nothing to offer solvers? (8)","Answer":"CLUELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Stupid\nA setter with no clues (CLUELESS) would have nothing to offer solvers"} {"Clue":"Scientist caught replacing black box (6)","Answer":"COFFIN","Explanation":"Definition: box\n~~b~~OFFIN (scientist) with C (caught) replacing 'b' (black)"} {"Clue":"Cycling briefly towards Indonesia's capital in swimwear (6)","Answer":"BIKINI","Explanation":"Definition: swimwear\nBIKIN~~g~~\u00a0(cycling) without the last letter or 'briefly' + I (first or 'capital' letter of Indonesia)"} {"Clue":"Method followed by bagpiper regularly gets instructor scratching head (8)","Answer":"APPROACH","Explanation":"Definition: Method followed\nAlternate or 'regular' letters of bAgPiPeR + ~~c~~OACH (instructor) without the first or 'head' letter"} {"Clue":"Important businesswoman's card placed in front of worker (5,3)","Answer":"QUEEN BEE","Explanation":"Definition: Important businesswoman\nQUEEN (card) BEE (worker)"} {"Clue":"Film-maker does not broadcast in Glasgow (6)","Answer":"DISNEY","Explanation":"Definition: Film-maker\nA homophone ('broadcast') of DIZ NE ('does not' spoken with a Glasgow accent)"} {"Clue":"Israeli male misbehaving outside Calais terminal \u2013 do the French stand for it? (12)","Answer":"MARSEILLAISE","Explanation":"Definition: the French stand for it\nAn anagram of ISRAELI MALE (anagrind is 'misbehaving') round S (last or 'terminal' letter of Calais)"} {"Clue":"Alan Bennett perhaps I rank more shy by mistake (12)","Answer":"YORKSHIREMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Alan Bennett perhaps\nAn anagram of I RANK MORE SHY \u2013 anagrind is 'by mistake'"} {"Clue":"New po-faced Welsh Assembly member is ousted (6)","Answer":"UNUSED","Explanation":"Definition: New\nUN~~am~~USED (po-faced) 'ousting' AM (Welsh Assembly Member)"} {"Clue":"Those standing hope it will be comfortable for them (8)","Answer":"MAJORITY","Explanation":"Definition: Those standing hope it will be comfortable for them\nA cryptic definition \u2013 candidates ('those standing') in an election might hope for a 'comfortable' MAJORITY"} {"Clue":"Image of princess generates formal vote in Parliament (8)","Answer":"DIVISION","Explanation":"Definition: formal vote in Parliament\nAn image of princess Di might be referred to as a DI VISION"} {"Clue":"Overrun of report attacked in speech (6)","Answer":"INVADE","Explanation":"Definition: Overrun\nA homophone ('report') of INVEIGHED (attacked in speech)"} {"Clue":"Rage she felt now and then towards empty house (6)","Answer":"SEETHE","Explanation":"Definition: Rage\nAlternate letters ('now and then') of ShE fElT + H~~ous~~E (first and last letters only, or 'empty')"} {"Clue":"Exercise sanction when only outside-halves are showing effort (8)","Answer":"EXERTION","Explanation":"Definition: effort\nThe 'outside halves' of EXERcise and sancTION"} {"Clue":"Face being lifted out of bed, incapacitated (4,2)","Answer":"LAID UP","Explanation":"Definition: incapacitated\nDIAL (face) reversed or 'lifted' UP (out of bed)"} {"Clue":"Suppress certain novel ideas (5)","Answer":"ELIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Suppress\nHidden in or 'certain' part of novEL IDEas"} {"Clue":"Bride hung around festival location (9)","Answer":"EDINBURGH","Explanation":"Definition: festival location\nAn anagram of BRIDE HUNG \u2013 anagrind is 'around'"} {"Clue":"Cat seems out to adopt independent attitude initially (7)","Answer":"SIAMESE","Explanation":"Definition: Cat\nAn anagram of SEEMS (anagrind is 'out') round or 'adopting' first or 'initial' letters of Independent Attitude"} {"Clue":"Young archer's tooth surgeon at first extracted (5)","Answer":"CUPID","Explanation":"Definition: Young archer\nCU~~s~~PID (tooth) with the 's' ('first' letter of 'surgeon') omitted or 'extracted'"} {"Clue":"Jellied eggs man undersells, left out for restaurant originally (9)","Answer":"FROGSPAWN","Explanation":"Definition: Jellied eggs\nPAWN (man) under F~~l~~OGS (sells) with the 'l' (left') replaced or 'out' by R (first or 'original' letter of Restaurant)"} {"Clue":"Where a batsman starts to advance (8)","Answer":"INCREASE","Explanation":"Definition: advance\nIn cricket, a batsman stands at or IN (?) the CREASE"} {"Clue":"Substitute meat with fish soup, kilo being consumed (9)","Answer":"MAKESHIFT","Explanation":"Definition: Substitute\nAn anagram of MEAT and FISH (anagrind is 'soup') round or 'consuming' K (kilo)"} {"Clue":"Fruit drink derived from broadleaf tree sap? (4,5)","Answer":"LIME JUICE","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit drink\nLIME (broadleaf tree) JUICE (sap)"} {"Clue":"Reduce extent of Northern Irish territory (8)","Answer":"DOWNSIZE","Explanation":"Definition: Reduce\nThe SIZE (extent) of DOWN (Northern Irish county)"} {"Clue":"Love Italian church building from Cremona (7)","Answer":"ROMANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Love\nTwo sets of wordplay for this one \u2013 ROMAN (Italian) CE (church), or an anagram of CREMONA \u2013 anagrind is 'from'"} {"Clue":"Thoughtful American sacked 12 possibly (6)","Answer":"STUDIO","Explanation":"Definition: 12 possibly\nSTUDIO~~us~~ (thoughtful) with US (American) omitted or 'sacked'. 12 relates to the possible link to the Disney film studio."} {"Clue":"Impulse to take to the road (5)","Answer":"DRIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Impulse\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Interest obtained from French bank over time (5)","Answer":"RIVET","Explanation":"Definition: Interest\nRIVE (French for 'bank') T (time)"} {"Clue":"Sailor's naughty love, free of responsibility (7)","Answer":"ABSOLVE","Explanation":"Definition: free of responsibility\nAB'S (sailor's) + an anagram of LOVE (anagrind is 'naughty')"} {"Clue":"E.g. Benedictine rule spreads to include current queen (7)","Answer":"LIQUEUR","Explanation":"Definition: E.g. Benedictine\nAn anagram of RULE (anagrind is 'spreads') round or 'including' I (current) QU (queen)"} {"Clue":"Apple product got from dodgy credit mainly (5)","Answer":"CIDER","Explanation":"Definition: Apple product\nAn anagram of CREDI~~t~~ without the last letter or 'mainly' \u2013 anagrind is 'dodgy'"} {"Clue":"Raw meat Mike left out turned bad (9)","Answer":"UNTREATED","Explanation":"Definition: Raw\nAn anagram of ~~m~~EAT (with the 'm' (Mike) omitted or 'left out') and TURNED \u2013 anagrind is 'bad'"} {"Clue":"By all means hang around \u2013 so we got drunk (9)","Answer":"HOWSOEVER","Explanation":"Definition: By all means\nHOVER (hang) around an anagram of SO WE \u2013 anagrind is 'got drunk'"} {"Clue":"Wow! A soldier \u2013 one attached to the queen? (5)","Answer":"CORGI","Explanation":"Definition: one attached to the queen?\nCOR (Wow!) GI (soldier)"} {"Clue":"Toy company admits leader of tour for free (3,2)","Answer":"LET GO","Explanation":"Definition: free\nLEGO (toy company) round or 'admitting' first letter or 'leader' of Tour"} {"Clue":"Blend in on the way round motorway with the French (9)","Answer":"COMMINGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Blend\nCOMING (on the way) round M (motorway) + LE ('the' in French)"} {"Clue":"Cover boy caught in onset of torrential rain storm (9)","Answer":"TARPAULIN","Explanation":"Definition: Cover\nPAUL (boy) 'caught' in T (first letter or 'onset' of 'torrential') and an anagram of RAIN \u2013 anagrind is 'storm'"} {"Clue":"Renewable sort of energy in the main? (5)","Answer":"GREEN","Explanation":"Definition: Renewable sort of energy\nAn anagram of ENERG~~y~~ (without the last letter, or 'in the main') \u2013 anagrind is 'sort of'. We can't decide whether this is an &lit or a cryptic defintion \u2013 is 'renewable' part of the anagrind? Does it really matter? It's a great clue, particularly when 'in the main' clearly refers to offshore wind turbines."} {"Clue":"Outstanding argument right from the start (5)","Answer":"OWING","Explanation":"Definition: Outstanding\n~~r~~OWING (argument) with the 'r' (right) removed"} {"Clue":"Old boy has two spurts in Duchamp's urinal, say? (5,4)","Answer":"OBJET D\u2019ART","Explanation":"Definition: Duchamp's urinal, say\nOB (old boy) + JET and DART ('two spurts') \u2013 a reference to the infamous 'Fountain' by Marcel Duchamp \u2013 a standard urinal exhibited in 1917 and considered an icon of 20th century art"} {"Clue":"Maybe Raphael's timeless art movement getting left behind (9)","Answer":"ARCHANGEL","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe Raphael\nAR~~t~~ (without the 't' or 'timeless') CHANGE (movement) + L (left)"} {"Clue":"Innocent drinks company making a comeback (5)","Answer":"NA\u00cfVE","Explanation":"Definition: Innocent\nEVIAN (drinks company) reversed or 'making a comeback'"} {"Clue":"Society to encourage operator (7)","Answer":"SURGEON","Explanation":"Definition: operator\nS (Society) URGE ON (encourage)"} {"Clue":"Pots on table? 6 of them will be needed (7)","Answer":"POCKETS","Explanation":"Definition: 6 of them will be needed\nA reference to a snooker or billiards table which has six POCKETS into which the balls can be 'potted'"} {"Clue":"Ordinary hydrogen, carbon and oxygen, all in a compound (7)","Answer":"ALCOHOL","Explanation":"Definition: compound\nAn &lit (thanks to dutch and Hovis). It's an anagram of O (ordinary) H (hydrogen) C (carbon) O (oxygen) and ALL \u2013 anagrind is 'in a compound' \u2013 ~~'compound' doing double duty as the definition~~"} {"Clue":"Moving toward sea, this might make a splash\u00a0(4,5)","Answer":"SODA WATER","Explanation":"Definition: this might make a splash\nAn anagram of TOWARD SEA \u2013 anagrind is 'moving'"} {"Clue":"Unhurried movement getting stuck in vehicular go-slow (5)","Answer":"LARGO","Explanation":"Definition: Unhurried movement\nHidden or 'stuck' in vehicuLAR GO-slow"} {"Clue":"Horse just 2\/3 length in lead, whinnying perhaps \u2013 it's uncertain (9)","Answer":"EQUIVOCAL","Explanation":"Definition: uncertain\nEQUI~~ne~~ (horse) but only four of the six letter or 'just 2\/3 length' 'leading' VOCAL ('whinnying perhaps')"} {"Clue":"Succeeding learner is promoted in change (5)","Answer":"LATER","Explanation":"Definition: Succeeding\nALTER (change) with the 'L' (learner) moved to the front or 'promoted'"} {"Clue":"Crumbly new quiche's no good for slaking thirst (9)","Answer":"QUENCHING","Explanation":"Definition: slaking thirst\nAn anagram of N (new) QUICHE (anagrind is 'crumbly') + NG (no good)"} {"Clue":"Begin in the middle of America originally going west (5)","Answer":"ENTER","Explanation":"Definition: Begin\n~~c~~ENTER (American spelling of 'centre' \u2013 'middle') with the first letter omitted or 'going west'"} {"Clue":"About to kidnap Hubble? This might be found in a bin (3,4)","Answer":"RED WINE","Explanation":"Definition: This might be found in a bin\nRE (about) round or 'kidnapping' EDWIN (Edwin Hubble of space telescope fame)"} {"Clue":"Mineral drinks agenda surprisingly offering this? (9)","Answer":"ORANGEADE","Explanation":"Definition: this? \nORE (mineral) round or 'drinking' an anagram of AGENDA \u2013 anagrind is 'surprisingly'"} {"Clue":"It's refreshing seeing new summer month record for year (4,5)","Answer":"MINT JULEP","Explanation":"Definition: It's refreshing\nMINT (new) JULy (summer month) with EP (record) replacing ('for') 'y' (year)"} {"Clue":"This syrup's sort of endearing (9)","Answer":"GRENADINE","Explanation":"Definition: This syrup\nAn anagram of ENDEARING \u2013 anagrind is 'sort of'"} {"Clue":"Viruses of a kind to return around beginning of year (7)","Answer":"TROJANS","Explanation":"Definition: Viruses\nSORT (kind) reversed or 'returning' around JAN (first month of the year)"} {"Clue":"Men with guts in a bad way and dribbles between legs (7)","Answer":"NUTMEGS","Explanation":"Definition: dribbles between legs\nAn anagram of MEN and GUTS \u2013 anagrind is 'in a bad way' \u2013 we couldn't believe this (especially given the surface reading!) but apparently, according to Chambers, to 'nutmeg' in football etc is to 'pass or kick the ball through the legs of an opposing player'"} {"Clue":"Suffer by way of scoundrel (5)","Answer":"INCUR","Explanation":"Definition: Suffer\nIN (by way of) CUR (scoundrel)"} {"Clue":"Hack's run out all over newspaper (5)","Answer":"ORGAN","Explanation":"Definition: newspaper\nNAG (hack) RO (run out) all reversed or 'over'"} {"Clue":"Pick-me-up is extremely pleasant but never finished (5)","Answer":"TONIC","Explanation":"Definition: Pick-me-up\nTO~~o~~ NIC~~e~~ (extremely pleasant) with the last letters omitted or 'never finished'"} {"Clue":"Songs of enchanting female (8)","Answer":"CALYPSOS","Explanation":"Definition: Songs\nDouble definition \u2013 we had to check this \u2013 apparently CALYPSO was a nymph in Greek mythology who enchanted Odysseus with her singing \u2013 the second definition relies on an apostrophe 's'"} {"Clue":"Reject berth on ship and get off (6)","Answer":"DEBARK","Explanation":"Definition: get off\nBED (berth) reversed or 'rejected' ARK (ship)"} {"Clue":"Seeing that country going back on promise (6)","Answer":"ASSURE","Explanation":"Definition: promise\nAS (seeing that) US (country) reversed or 'going back' RE (on)"} {"Clue":"16 sign for shoppers of sorts \u2013 one element's wrong (3,5,2,4)","Answer":"TEN ITEMS OR LESS","Explanation":"Definition: 16 sign for shoppers\nAn anagram of SORTS I (one) ELEMENTS \u2013 anagrind is 'wrong'. The correct version as Kathryn's Dad has reminded us on occasions on fifteensquared is '10 items or fewer'."} {"Clue":"Fancy Ant alone of new arrivals (8)","Answer":"NEONATAL","Explanation":"Definition: of new arrivals\nAn anagram of ANT ALONE \u2013 anagrind is 'fancy'"} {"Clue":"God welcomes each song of praise (5)","Answer":"PAEAN","Explanation":"Definition: song of praise\nPAN (God) round or 'welcoming' EA (each)"} {"Clue":"Get in essentials taking uniform in case (4)","Answer":"ETUI","Explanation":"Definition: case\n~~g~~ET I~~n~~ (middle or 'essential' letters) round or 'taking in' U (uniform in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Day ahead: detention\u2026cane \u2013 duo, frustrated, make 16 claim (2,4,4,2,9)","Answer":"WE DON\u2019T NEED NO EDUCATION","Explanation":"Definition: 16 claim\nWED (Wednesday \u2013 'day') ON (ahead) + an anagram of DETENTION CANE DUO \u2013 anagrind is 'frustrated'. A great reminder of the Pink Floyd classic track from 'The Wall' which we have had the good fortune of seeing Roger Waters perform live at the Manchester Arena. An example of a double negative solecism."} {"Clue":"Breaking the rules, one army leader's first to go in (10)","Answer":"SOLECISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Breaking the rules\nSOLE (one) CIC (commander in chief \u2013 'army leader') with IST (first) inserted or 'going in' \u2013 a new word for us, but the gateway clue to the theme"} {"Clue":"Touch one's bottom when talking (4)","Answer":"ABUT","Explanation":"Definition: Touch\nA (one) + a homophone ('when talking') of BUTT (bottom)"} {"Clue":"Say John Lennon's old name out loud (5)","Answer":"SPEAK","Explanation":"Definition: Say\nA homophone ('out loud') of SPEKE (the former name of Liverpool's John Lennon Airport)"} {"Clue":"Are after man from capital (8)","Answer":"ATHENIAN","Explanation":"Definition: from capital\nA (are) THEN (after) IAN (man)"} {"Clue":"Control party underling (8)","Answer":"DOMINION","Explanation":"Definition: Control\nDO (party) MINION (underling)"} {"Clue":"Not yet out, largely impress (6)","Answer":"INSTIL","Explanation":"Definition: impress\nIN STIL~~l~~ ('not yet out') without the last letter or 'largely'"} {"Clue":"4 diners turned into others perhaps (5-3)","Answer":"DRIVE-INS","Explanation":"Definition: others perhaps\nAn anagram of IV (four) DINERS \u2013 anagrind is 'turned'. We're not too happy about the definition here as we tend to think of 'drive-ins' as open air cinemas, not eateries \u2013 fast food outlets tend to be 'drive-throughs'. However, Chambers describes a drive-in as 'a refreshment stop, store, cinema etc where patrons are catered for while still remaining in their cars' so perhaps we're just not worldly-wise enough to have come across drive-in restaurants."} {"Clue":"Boast: sent in to mobilise uncommitted voters (11)","Answer":"ABSTENTIONS","Explanation":"Definition: uncommitted voters\nAn anagram of BOAST SENT IN \u2013 anagrind is 'mobilise'"} {"Clue":"Group with tenor was first to get paid (7)","Answer":"SETTLED","Explanation":"Definition: paid\nSET (group) T (tenor) LED (was first)"} {"Clue":"Assume I can't possibly keep quiet and remain calm (4,5)","Answer":"DON\u2019T PANIC","Explanation":"Definition: remain calm\nDON (assume, as in 'wear') + an anagram of I CANT (anagrind is 'possibly') round or 'keeping' P (quiet)"} {"Clue":"Live nude \u2013 one way it aroused 16 in private (7,3,3,1)","Answer":"BETWEEN YOU AND I","Explanation":"Definition: 16 in private\nBE (live) + an anagram of NUDE ONE WAY IT \u2013 anagrind is 'aroused'. This one should obviously be 'between you and me'."} {"Clue":"Talk of sport \u2013 manager missing second half (6)","Answer":"RUMOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Talk\nRU (Rugby Union \u2013 'sport') MOUR~~inho~~ (Jose Mourinho \u2013 football manager) 'missing the second half'"} {"Clue":"They're old stories \u2013 slippery surface mentioned previously (9)","Answer":"WRINKLIES","Explanation":"Definition: They're old\nLIES (stories) with a homophone ('mentioned') of RINK ('slippery surface') in front or 'previously'"} {"Clue":"Child succeeds before becoming recluse (7)","Answer":"EREMITE","Explanation":"Definition: recluse\nMITE (child) after or 'succeeding' ERE (before)"} {"Clue":"Prepared to be drawn? Not initially (7)","Answer":"TRAINED","Explanation":"Definition: Prepared\n~~s~~TRAINED ('drawn') without the first or 'initial' letter"} {"Clue":"Say, Peter's head's dropping \u2013 he's little time for 16 song (4,3,5)","Answer":"AIN\u2019T SHE SWEET","Explanation":"Definition: 16 song\nSAINT (Peter, say) with the 's' (first letter or 'head') 'dropping' to the end + HE'S WEE (little) T (time). A reference to the 1927 song possibly made more famous than it deserves by the Beatles before they hit the big time. Is 'ain't' a solecism \u2013 please discuss. We ain't sure!"} {"Clue":"Country militia had to show up (5)","Answer":"HAITI","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nHidden ('shown') and reversed ('up') in milITIA Had"} {"Clue":"Cheers undead on the move around France, enjoying the victims' plight (13)","Answer":"SCHADENFREUDE","Explanation":"Definition: enjoying the victims' plight \nAn anagram of CHEERS UNDEAD around F (France) \u2013 anagrind is 'on the move'"} {"Clue":"Weatherproof clothing father used around sailing vessel (5)","Answer":"PARKA","Explanation":"Definition: Weatherproof clothing\nPA (father) around ARK (vessel)"} {"Clue":"Royal Sumo wrestling, with lots of clinches? (9)","Answer":"AMOROUSLY","Explanation":"Definition: with lots of clinches?\nAn anagram of ROYAL SUMO \u2013 anagrind is 'wrestling'"} {"Clue":"One gives directions to a raving lunatic (9)","Answer":"NAVIGATOR","Explanation":"Definition: One gives directions\nAn anagram of TO A RAVING \u2013 anagrind is 'lunatic'"} {"Clue":"Alluring woman helping to entrench our insecurities (5)","Answer":"HOURI","Explanation":"Definition: Alluring woman\nHidden in the clue entrencH OUR Insecurities"} {"Clue":"More than one relative hangs around after husband leaves (5)","Answer":"AUNTS","Explanation":"Definition: More than one relative\n~~h~~AUNTS (hangs around) without H (husband)"} {"Clue":"Painter studies board (9)","Answer":"CONSTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Painter\nCONS (studies) TABLE (board)"} {"Clue":"Pagans \u2013 ideal sort for conversion (9)","Answer":"IDOLATERS","Explanation":"Definition: Pagans\nAn anagram of IDEAL SORTS \u2013 anagrind is 'for conversion'"} {"Clue":"Old magistrate always backtracking about end to crime (5)","Answer":"REEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Old magistrate\nA reversal or 'backtracking' of EVER (always) around E last letter or 'end of' crime"} {"Clue":"Old theatre recalled a musical work (5)","Answer":"OPERA","Explanation":"Definition: musical work\nO (old) REP (theatre) reversed or 'recalled' A"} {"Clue":"Everyone is devouring article linked to church marriages (9)","Answer":"ALLIANCES","Explanation":"Definition: marriages\nALL IS around or 'devouring' AN (article) and CE (church)"} {"Clue":"International friendship apparently interrupted by rejection of popular agreement (9)","Answer":"UNANIMITY","Explanation":"Definition: agreement\nUN (International) AMITY (friendship) around IN (poular) reversed or 'rejected'"} {"Clue":"Succeed at school, with inclination to accept basic element of education (5)","Answer":"LEARN","Explanation":"Definition: Succeed at school\nLEAN (inclination) around or 'accepting' R (basic element of education as in the three Rs)"} {"Clue":"Hawk heading off with energy, repeatedly circling swans, showing ulterior motive (7-6)","Answer":"ARRI\u00c8RE PENS\u00c9E","Explanation":"Definition: ulterior motive\nhARRIER (hawk) with first letter or 'head' removed EEE (energy repeatedly) around PENS (swans)"} {"Clue":"Group of travellers are almost entering Irish county (7)","Answer":"CARAVAN","Explanation":"Definition: Group of travellers\nAR~~e~~ (last letter removed or 'almost') inside or 'entering' CAVAN (Irish county)"} {"Clue":"Gossip one had about broken leg is suggesting painkiller (9)","Answer":"ANALGESIA","Explanation":"Definition: painkiller\nANA (gossip) A around an anagram of LEG IS \u2013 anagrind is 'broken'"} {"Clue":"Specific duties mostly upheld after intervention by college (5)","Answer":"EXACT","Explanation":"Definition: Specific\nTAXE~~s~~ (duties) with last letter removed or 'mostly' around C (college)"} {"Clue":"Supports love, taking men in affairs (9)","Answer":"FLOORINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Supports\nO (love) OR (men) in FLINGS (affairs)"} {"Clue":"Rising expectation about century being a significant period (5)","Answer":"EPOCH","Explanation":"Definition: significant period\nHOPE (expectation) reversed or 'rising' about C (century)"} {"Clue":"Offer about routine practices taken up, producing upset (7)","Answer":"DISTURB","Explanation":"Definition: upset\nBID (offer) about RUTS (routine practices) all reversed or 'taken up)"} {"Clue":"When moved I seek only to take in timeless liturgy in part of Mass (5,7)","Answer":"KYRIE ELEISON","Explanation":"Definition: part of Mass \nAn anagram of I SEEK ONLY\u00a0~~~~(anagrind is 'when moved') round or 'taking in' RI~~t~~E\u00a0(liturgy) without T or 'timeless' \u2013 a new phrase for us!"} {"Clue":"Tough proposition, performing minus soprano (4,8)","Answer":"PONS ASINORUM","Explanation":"Definition: Tough proposition\nAn anagram of MINUS SOPRANO \u2013 anagrind is 'performing' \u2013 another new phrase!"} {"Clue":"Gallant expression of support incorporating a lot of sound (9)","Answer":"CHEVALIER","Explanation":"Definition: Gallant\nCHEER (expression of support) around VALI~~d~~ (sound) without last letter or 'a lot of'"} {"Clue":"Cover unusual rant about 8th-century pope (9)","Answer":"TARPAULIN","Explanation":"Definition: Cover\nAn anagram of RANT around PAUL I (8th-century pope)"} {"Clue":"Independent supporting article after writer interrupts old King out of doors (4-3)","Answer":"OPEN AIR","Explanation":"Definition: out of doors\nI (independent) under or 'supporting' A after PEN (writer) inside or 'interrupting' O (old) R (king)"} {"Clue":"Area that's isolated \u2013 as a result, not initially having toilet installed (7)","Answer":"ENCLAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Area that's isolated\n~~h~~ENCE (as a result) without first letter or 'not initially' with LAV (toilet)\u00a0'installed' inside"} {"Clue":"A vital urge to abandon party, making excuse (5)","Answer":"ALIBI","Explanation":"Definition: excuse\nA LIBI~~do~~ (vital urge) without or 'abandoning' DO (party)"} {"Clue":"Song higher in the charts in store (3,2)","Answer":"LAY UP","Explanation":"Definition: store\nA play on the fact that a LAY (song) higher in the charts would be UP"} {"Clue":"Part of address book is deleted from PCs booted badly (8)","Answer":"POSTCODE","Explanation":"Definition: Part of address\nAn anagram of PCS ~~b~~OOTED\u00a0without or 'deleting' 'b' book) \u2013 anagrind is 'badly'"} {"Clue":"Rope wife in to hunt missing 100 nicker finally (6)","Answer":"HAWSER","Explanation":"Definition: Rope\nW (wife) in\u00a0~~c~~HASE (hunt) 'missing' C (100) + R (last or 'final' letter of nicker)"} {"Clue":"Lazy sons throw man out of work (8)","Answer":"SLOBBISH","Explanation":"Definition: Lazy\nS (sons) LOB (throw) BISH~~op~~ (man) without OP (work)"} {"Clue":"Heartlessly taunted about New Cross being cursed (6)","Answer":"JINXED","Explanation":"Definition: cursed\nJI~~b~~ED (taunted) without middle letter or 'heartlessly' about N (new) X (cross)"} {"Clue":"Asian returned intelligence on terrorists (5)","Answer":"IRAQI","Explanation":"Definition: Asian\nIQ (intelligence) reversed or 'returned' on IRA (terrorists)"} {"Clue":"Negotiate difficult terrain in the East continually (9)","Answer":"ORIENTEER","Explanation":"Definition: Negotiate difficult terrain\nORIENT (in the East) EER (continually)"} {"Clue":"Place in heart of Australia is possibly good suggestion for a start! (5,7)","Answer":"ALICE SPRINGS","Explanation":"An &lit perhaps? An anagram of PLACE IN,\u00a0R (middle letter or 'heart' of 'Australia') and IS \u2013 anagrind is 'possibly' + G (good) S (initial letter or 'start' of suggestion)"} {"Clue":"Fish coated in batter's following cold dish of offal (12)","Answer":"CHITTERLINGS","Explanation":"Definition: dish of offal\nLING (fish) in HITTER'S (batter's) after C (cold)"} {"Clue":"In a month, ransack African city (9)","Answer":"MARRAKECH","Explanation":"Definition: African city\nRAKE (ransack) inside MARCH (month)"} {"Clue":"Not all backed National Lottery, that's plain (5)","Answer":"LLANO","Explanation":"Definition: plain\nHidden ('not all') and reversed or 'backed' in natiONAL Lottery"} {"Clue":"Run from venomous creature by lake (6)","Answer":"LADDER","Explanation":"Definition: Run\nADDER (venomous creature) by L (lake)"} {"Clue":"Ring newspapers frequently (8)","Answer":"OFTTIMES","Explanation":"Definition: frequently\nO (ring) FT and TIMES (two newspapers)"} {"Clue":"It's hard cracking cipher without old instrument (6)","Answer":"ZITHER","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\nIT and H (hard) inside or 'cracking' ZER~~o~~ (cipher) without O (old)"} {"Clue":"Try stopping geeky husband turning around for gas (8)","Answer":"HYDROGEN","Explanation":"Definition: gas\nGO (try) inside or 'stopping'\u00a0NERDY (geeky) H (husband) reversed or 'turning around'"} {"Clue":"Let slip about following secretary everywhere (6)","Answer":"PASSIM","Explanation":"Definition: everywhere\nMISS (let slip) reversed or 'about' following PA (secretary)"} {"Clue":"Salvation Army entertains record number, producing War Cry (6)","Answer":"SLOGAN","Explanation":"Definition: War Cry\nSA (Salvation Army) around or 'entertaining' LOG (record) + N (number)"} {"Clue":"Carriage etc, British Rail rolling stock primarily obsolete (9)","Answer":"CABRIOLET","Explanation":"Definition: Carriage\nAn anagram of ETC B (British)\u00a0RAIL \u2013 anagrind is 'rolling' \u2013 around or 'stocking' O (first letter of obsolete or 'primarily')"} {"Clue":"Record in the past rather oddly getting daughter upset (12)","Answer":"DISCONCERTED","Explanation":"Definition: upset\nDISC (record) ONCE (in the past) plus odd letters of RaThEr and D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"American, one involved in transport of birds (5)","Answer":"AVIAN","Explanation":"Definition: of birds\nA\u00a0(American)\u00a0+\u00a0I\u00a0(one) inside or 'involved in' VAN (transport)"} {"Clue":"Cheap drink around ten \u2013 50% off Kilkenny (8)","Answer":"SIXPENNY","Explanation":"Definition: Cheap\nSIP (drink) around X (ten) +~~ kilk~~ENNY missing 50%"} {"Clue":"Article in Bild upset and annoyed relief organisation (3,5)","Answer":"RED CROSS","Explanation":"Definition: relief organisation\nDER (a German article \u2013 Bild is a German newspaper) reversed or 'upset' CROSS (annoyed)"} {"Clue":"This PG film extremely gory? Somehow that's very unlikely! (4,5,3)","Answer":"PIGS MIGHT FLY","Explanation":"Definition: that's very unlikely! \nAn anagram of THIS PG FILM and G~~or~~Y (first and last letters only or 'extremely') \u2013 anagrind is 'somehow'"} {"Clue":"Turned up list by gun controller (9)","Answer":"REGULATOR","Explanation":"Definition: controller\nA reversal or 'turning up' of ROTA (list) and LUGER (gun)"} {"Clue":"Master interrupts school dance, heading off soppy stuff (8)","Answer":"SCHMALTZ","Explanation":"Definition: soppy stuff \nM (master) inside or 'interrupting' SCH (school) and ~~w~~ALTZ (dance) missing first letter or 'heading off'"} {"Clue":"Doctor doctor, I'm a little shot! (8)","Answer":"MICRODOT","Explanation":"Definition: a little shot!\nAn anagram of DOCTOR I'M \u2013 anagrind is 'doctor'"} {"Clue":"Furious convict initially exchanged men's periodical (3,3)","Answer":"LAD MAG","Explanation":"Definition: men's periodical\nMAD LAG (furious convict) with initial letters exchanged"} {"Clue":"Oscar tucked into porridge right away \u2013 it's inedible! (6)","Answer":"POISON","Explanation":"Definition: it's inedible\nO (oscar) inside or 'tucked into' P~~r~~ISON (porridge) without R (right). Joyce volunteers at the NT Workhouse and could not stop thinking about GRUEL for 'porridge'. Thankfully Bert had a clearer brain."} {"Clue":"Porter perhaps carries case for divine woman (5)","Answer":"ADELE","Explanation":"Definition: woman\nALE (porter perhaps) around or 'carrying' D~~ivin~~E (first and last letters only or 'case')"} {"Clue":"Extremely dangerous partition in supermarket? Rubbish (10)","Answer":"CODSWALLOP","Explanation":"Definition: Rubbish\nDS (first and last or 'extreme' letters of 'dangerous') WALL (partition) in CO\u2013OP (supermarket)"} {"Clue":"Crepes and fresh eclairs, principally, here? (4)","Answer":"CAF\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: here\nFirst of 'principal' letters of Crepes,\u00a0And, Fresh and Eclairs"} {"Clue":"Alter plug fitting (6)","Answer":"ADJUST","Explanation":"Definition: Alter\nAD (plug, as in advert) JUST (fitting)"} {"Clue":"Criminals concerned with concealing very good plot (8)","Answer":"CONSPIRE","Explanation":"Definition: plot\nCONS (criminals) RE (concerned with) round or 'concealing' PI (very good)"} {"Clue":"Spokesperson's to reintroduce comeback of musical (14)","Answer":"REPRESENTATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Spokesperson\nRE-PRESENT (reintroduce) + EVITA (musical) reversed or 'coming back'"} {"Clue":"Trouble in prison (4)","Answer":"STIR","Explanation":"Definition: Trouble\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Yes, we all could become deceitful (8)","Answer":"WEASELLY","Explanation":"Definition: deceitful\nAn anagram of YES WE ALL \u2013 anagrind is 'could become'"} {"Clue":"Standard shown by group of pupils by middle of term (8)","Answer":"STREAMER","Explanation":"Definition: Standard\nSTREAM (group of pupils) ER (middle letters of 'term')"} {"Clue":"Bullet will do for garden pest (4)","Answer":"SLUG","Explanation":"Definition: Bullet\nDouble definition. Joyce will revert to anything to get rid of slugs although she hasn't resorted to bullets \u2026\u2026 yet!"} {"Clue":"Old woman joins in peculiar chat worried about drugs? (14)","Answer":"PHARMACEUTICAL","Explanation":"Definition: about drugs\nMA (old woman) in an anagram of PECULIAR CHAT \u2013 anagrind is 'worried'"} {"Clue":"Fellow plotter turned in assassin, ultimately, wanting all-round protection (8)","Answer":"CONNIVER","Explanation":"Definition: Fellow plotter\nIN N (last or 'ultimate' letter of 'assassin') reversed or 'turned' in COVER (protection)"} {"Clue":"Language used by inhabitant on Guernsey (6)","Answer":"TONGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Language\nHidden in or 'used by' inhabitanT ON GUErnsey"} {"Clue":"Front missing from old toy covered with fluid? (4)","Answer":"INKY","Explanation":"Definition: covered with fluid\n~~d~~INKY (old toy) with the first letter or 'front' missing. Another memory from our childhood \u2013 a toss up between Dinkies and Corgies. Bert was a Dinky fan but does admit that Corgi were more innovative."} {"Clue":"In bank, dealt with in cool fashion (10)","Answer":"RESERVEDLY","Explanation":"Definition: in cool fashion\nSERVED (dealt with) in RELY (bank)"} {"Clue":"A good amount of pasta, after starter's polished off (6)","Answer":"OODLES","Explanation":"Definition: A good amount\n~~n~~OODLES (pasta) with the first letter or 'starter' omitted or 'polished off'"} {"Clue":"\"Treasure Island\"\u00a0character in new quarrel? Yes, it turned out (6,9)","Answer":"SQUIRE TRELAWNEY","Explanation":"Definition: \"Treasure Island\"\u00a0character\nAn anagram of NEW QUARREL YES IT \u2013 anagrind is 'turned out'"} {"Clue":"Worker is getting drug, unusual treatment against disease (9)","Answer":"ANTISERUM","Explanation":"Definition: treatment against disease\nANT (worker) IS E (drug) RUM (unususal)"} {"Clue":"Asian city's good fortune at the moment (7)","Answer":"LUCKNOW","Explanation":"Definition: Asian city\nLUCK (good fortune) NOW (at the moment)"} {"Clue":"I pant, desperate for a drink (5)","Answer":"PINTA","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nAn anagram of I PANT \u2013 anagrid is 'desperate'"} {"Clue":"They're bound to watch prisoner taking car from 'ere (7,8)","Answer":"CAPTIVE AUDIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: They're bound to watch\nCAPTIVE (prisoner) AUDI (car) 'ENCE ('from 'ere')"} {"Clue":"Insect eating mollusc once (8)","Answer":"FORMERLY","Explanation":"Definition: once\nFLY (insect) round or 'eating' ORMER (mollusc)"} {"Clue":"One attacks a holy book verbally (9)","Answer":"ASSAULTER","Explanation":"Definition: One attacks\nSounds like ('verbally') A PSALTER (holy book)"} {"Clue":"Director in new post unexpectedly seen to resign (4,4)","Answer":"STEP DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: resign\nD (director) in an anagram of NEW POST \u2013 anagrind is 'unexpectedly'"} {"Clue":"Revolutionaries seizing my dossiers (7)","Answer":"RECORDS","Explanation":"Definition: dossiers\nREDS (revolutionaries) round or 'seizing' COR (my, as an interjection)"} {"Clue":"Top team almost all brought to book (6)","Answer":"MANUAL","Explanation":"Definition: book\nMAN U (Manchester United \u2013 'top team') AL~~l~~ (without the last letter or 'almost')"} {"Clue":"Intelligence chief in command of one with progressive ideas (5)","Answer":"MOVER","Explanation":"Definition: one with progressive ideas\nM (intelligence chief, as in the James Bond books and films) OVER (in command of )"} {"Clue":"One's bedded down in wagon-lit (7)","Answer":"SLEEPER","Explanation":"Definition: One's bedded down\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Virgin Radio broadcast tracked down (6)","Answer":"CHASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Virgin\nA homophone ('radio broadcast') CHASED (tracked down)"} {"Clue":"Gunners failing to finish second, missing the Emirates? (5)","Answer":"ARENA","Explanation":"Definition: the Emirates?\nAR~~s~~ENA~~l~~ (Gunners \u2013 Arsenal FC) without the last letter ('failing to finish') and with the 's' (second) missing \u2013 even we as non-football fans are aware that Arsenal play at the Emirates Stadium"} {"Clue":"Extensive cheers in Toledo as Jonah is found (9)","Answer":"WHOLESALE","Explanation":"Definition: Extensive\nOLES ('cheers' in Spanish, as in Toledo) in WHALE (where Jonah is reputed to have been found)"} {"Clue":"Italian island sailor heading west likely to get tax demand (7)","Answer":"RATABLE","Explanation":"Definition: likely to get tax demand\nELBA (Italian island) TAR (sailor) reversed or 'heading west'"} {"Clue":"Add gloss to finale of \"Annie Hall,\" shot in South Carolina (7)","Answer":"SHELLAC","Explanation":"Definition: Add gloss to\nAn anagram of E (last letter or 'finale' of 'Annie') and HALL (anagrind is 'shot') in SC (South Carolina)"} {"Clue":"Visiting Hollywood, y'all? Enjoy his work here! (5,5)","Answer":"WOODY ALLEN","Explanation":"Definition: his work here\nHidden in or 'visiting' HollyWOOD Y'ALL ENjoy \u2013 the gateway clue to the theme"} {"Clue":"Leaves note, leading to row (4)","Answer":"TIFF","Explanation":"Definition: row\n~~We really don't know about this one \u2013 we think it must be TIFF = 'row', but the wordplay defeats us \u2013 any thoughts out there?\u00a0~~ *Thanks Andrew* \u2013 It is FF (folios or leaves) after TI (note)"} {"Clue":"Related to becoming aroused, naked? (4)","Answer":"AKIN","Explanation":"Definition: Related to\n~~w~~AKIN~~g~~ (becoming aroused) without the first and last letters or 'naked'"} {"Clue":"\"Band of Brothers\"? (3,3,4)","Answer":"THE BEE GEES","Explanation":"Definition: \"Band of Brothers\"?\nCryptic definition \u2013 founder members of the band THE BEE GEES were brothers Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb"} {"Clue":"Almost time for original, American deep-fried food (7)","Answer":"TEMPURA","Explanation":"Definition: deep-fried food\nTEMP~~o~~ (time) with the last letter omitted or 'almost' UR (original, as a prefix) A (American)"} {"Clue":"Hesitate twice to enter social security premiums digitally (7)","Answer":"NUMERIC","Explanation":"Definition: digitally\nUM and ER (two hesitations) in NIC (National Insurance Contributions or 'social security premiums') \u2013 the definition's not quite right here \u2013 shouldn't 'digitally' equate to 'numerically'?"} {"Clue":"Island\u00a0cocktail\u00a0(9)","Answer":"MANHATTAN","Explanation":"Definition: Island\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Run off with lady responsible for Parker pen theft (5)","Answer":"ELOPE","Explanation":"Definition: Run off with\n~~Pen~~ELOPE (Lady Penelope, from the cartoon series 'Thunderbirds' whose chauffeur and butler was Parker) with 'pen' missing or subject to 'theft'"} {"Clue":"Retire exhausted, taking \"Times\" to relax here? (3,3)","Answer":"DAY BED","Explanation":"Definition: relax here?\nDEAD (exhausted) round or 'taking' BY (times) all reversed or 'retired'"} {"Clue":"Please shut up Mick Jagger! (7)","Answer":"SATISFY","Explanation":"Definition: Please\nWe're not convinced by this as a clue, but it is very original! It appears to be a reference to Mick Jagger's lead vocal on 'Satisfaction' claiming that he 'can't get no satisfaction' \u2013 so presumably if one were to SATISFY him, it might shut him up?"} {"Clue":"Spooner acclaims Mia's role in \"Zulu Dawn\" (11)","Answer":"SPARROWFART","Explanation":"Definition: Dawn\nThis was a new word for us \u2013 it's a Spoonerism of FARROW'S PART \u2013 which might have been Mia Farrow's role in 'Zulu', but as far as we can establish, she wasn't in the film \u2013 she was however in a relationship with 15ac for several years."} {"Clue":"Entice Mr Clooney to use Western Union? (10,5)","Answer":"ELECTRONIC MONEY","Explanation":"Definition: use Western Union?\nThis is not a phrase we've come across and doesn't seem to be in Chambers, but one can use Western Union to send money electronically, so it moreorless works as a solution \u2013 it's an anagram of ENTICE MR CLOONEY \u2013 anagrind must be 'to use', but there isn't a 'proper' definition. George Clooney has appeared in some 15ac films"} {"Clue":"Parking places for lorry drivers to tuck in over men's magazines (8)","Answer":"PLAYBOYS","Explanation":"Definition: men's magazines\nP (parking) LAY-BYS ('places for lorry drivers') round or 'tucking in' O (over)"} {"Clue":"Germany probes unagi sashimi reportedly not \"fair trade\" (3,4)","Answer":"RAW DEAL","Explanation":"Definition: not \"fair trade\"\nD (Germany) in or 'probing' a homophone ('reportedly') of RAW EEL \u2013 we had to look up 'unagi sashimi'"} {"Clue":"What's up? Labour's 2015 dream team paid attention (6)","Answer":"HEEDED","Explanation":"Definition: paid attention\nEH (what) reversed or 'up' + ED and ED (Miliband and Balls, 'Labour's 2015 Dream Team')"} {"Clue":"Petty criminals conceal trafficked Timor coke in underwear (5,4,6)","Answer":"SMALL TIME CROOKS","Explanation":"Definition: Petty criminals\nAn anagram of TIMOR COKE (anagrind is 'trafficked') 'concealed' in SMALLS (underwear)"} {"Clue":"Very few regularly watch (3)","Answer":"EYE","Explanation":"Definition: watch\nAlternate or 'regular' letters of 'vErY fEw'"} {"Clue":"I'm told Liam will feature up front for The Mariners (6)","Answer":"FOCSLE","Explanation":"Definition: feature up front for The Mariners\nA homophone ('I'm told') of FOX'LL (Liam 'Fox will') \u2013 however, we've always thought that the first syllable is pronounced as in 'foe', not 'fox' \u2013 if so, it doesn't really work for us"} {"Clue":"Eco-city, safe resort for the chattering classes (4,7)","Answer":"CAF\u00c9 SOCIETY","Explanation":"Definition: the chattering classes\nAn anagram of ECO-CITY SAFE \u2013 anagrind is 'resort'"} {"Clue":"Most murky coastal fog enveloping Spain (8)","Answer":"SEAMIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most murky\nSEA MIST (coastal fog) round or 'enveloping' E (Spain)"} {"Clue":"Try on Eliot's suit (6)","Answer":"HEARTS","Explanation":"Definition: suit\nHEAR (try) TS (TS Eliot)"} {"Clue":"Crazy grandma in revolting Swedish car (7)","Answer":"BANANAS","Explanation":"Definition: Crazy\nNAN (grandma) in SAAB (Swedish car) reversed or 'revolting'"} {"Clue":"Have only one pill and some lighter fluid (6)","Answer":"BUTANE","Explanation":"Definition: lighter fluid\nBUT (only) AN (one) E (pill)"} {"Clue":"It's maliciously slung by toaster into 8 (3)","Answer":"MUD","Explanation":"Definition: It's maliciously slung by toaster into 8\nCryptic definition \u2013 Someone giving a toast might say 'here's MUD in your eye' (8d). We're not sure that it's malicious though!"} {"Clue":"Early Russian space traveller left excellent openings for Kiev astronomers (5)","Answer":"LAIKA","Explanation":"Definition: Early Russian space traveller\nL (left) AI (first class \u2013 excellent) + first letters or 'openings' of Kiev and Astronomers \u2013 Laika was the dog sent into space by the Russians in Sputnik 2 in November 1957, paving the way for human space flight"} {"Clue":"One narrative about one source of crisis is identifying stress in some way (9)","Answer":"ITALICISE","Explanation":"Definition: identifying stress in some way\nI (one) TALE (narrative) round I (one) C (first letter or 'source' of 'crisis') IS"} {"Clue":"Wild acre i.e. filled with excellent heathery plants (9)","Answer":"ERICACEAE","Explanation":"Definition: heathery plants\nAn anagram of ACRE IE (anagrind is 'wild') round or 'filled with' ACE (excellent)"} {"Clue":"Try to follow hint of short cut (5)","Answer":"SHEAR","Explanation":"Definition: cut\nHEAR (try) after S (first letter or 'hint' of 'short')"} {"Clue":"Keen on hosting monarch for a start (5)","Answer":"INTRO","Explanation":"Definition: start\nINTO (keen on) round or 'hosting' R (monarch)"} {"Clue":"Endlessly allow endless choice, foolishly over-indulging? (9)","Answer":"ALCOHOLIC","Explanation":"Definition: over-indulging?\nAn anagram of ALLO~~w~~ (without the last letter or 'endless') and CHOIC~~e~~\u00a0\u2013 anagrind is 'foolishly'"} {"Clue":"Work with data being limited by corrupt money has extreme importance (7)","Answer":"GRAVITY","Explanation":"Definition: extreme importance\nIT (Information Technology \u2013 'work with data') in or 'limited by' GRAVY (corrupt money)"} {"Clue":"Range of colours shown by East London artist? (7)","Answer":"RAINBOW","Explanation":"Definition: Range of colours \nRA (artist) IN BOW (East London area)"} {"Clue":"Mexican food in Cambridge area available in underground locations (9)","Answer":"CATACOMBS","Explanation":"Definition: underground locations\nTACO (Mexican food) in CAMBS (Cambridgeshire)"} {"Clue":"Crowd beginning to dine in Hard Rock (5)","Answer":"HORDE","Explanation":"Definition: Crowd\nD (first letter or 'beginning' of 'dine') in H (hard) ORE (rock)"} {"Clue":"Absolutely no energy in political event (5)","Answer":"RALLY","Explanation":"Definition: political event\nR~~e~~ALLY (absolutely) without the 'e' (energy)"} {"Clue":"Speculative article or quote rejected (9)","Answer":"THEORETIC","Explanation":"Definition: Speculative\nTHE (article)\u00a0OR + CITE (quote) reversed or 'rejected'"} {"Clue":"Fellow in ballet, say, missing initial provision of money (9)","Answer":"FINANCING","Explanation":"Definition: provision of money\nF (fellow) IN ~~d~~ANCING ('ballet, say') missing the first or 'initial' letter"} {"Clue":"Marriage, say: the ultimate in torture, and so on, on reflection (5)","Answer":"NOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Marriage, say\nE (last or 'ultimate' letter or 'torture') SO ON all reversed or 'on reflection' \u2013 not a word we would associate with marriage!"} {"Clue":"Blasted evidence of injury (8)","Answer":"BLEEDING","Explanation":"Definition: Blasted\nDouble definition \u2013 'blasted' being a mild expletive similar to BLEEDING"} {"Clue":"Attendant skirts tirade about termination of servant (10)","Answer":"MINISTRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Attendant\nMINIS (skirts) RANT (tirade) round T (last letter or 'termination' of 'servant')"} {"Clue":"A vehicle on entering major road is dandy (8)","Answer":"MACARONI","Explanation":"Definition: dandy\nA CAR (vehicle) ON in or 'entering' MI (major road) \u2013 we're familiar with the pasta and the penguin, but not the dandy!"} {"Clue":"Immoral behaviour very supported by murder in US (4)","Answer":"VICE","Explanation":"Definition: Immoral behaviour \nV (very) ICE (American word for 'murder')"} {"Clue":"Mounted troops constant in function, turning up in military stations (5-5)","Answer":"CAMEL CORPS","Explanation":"Definition: Mounted troops \nC (constant) in ROLE (function) reversed or 'turning up' in CAMPS (military stations)"} {"Clue":"Trashy uniform of a sort supplied by school (6)","Answer":"KITSCH","Explanation":"Definition: Trashy\nKIT ('uniform of a sort') by SCH (school)"} {"Clue":"Supplier of wine: there's five in Spain (4)","Answer":"VINE","Explanation":"Definition: Supplier of wine\nV (five) IN E (Spain)"} {"Clue":"US opera house mostly opulent regarding rhythm (6)","Answer":"METRIC","Explanation":"Definition: regarding rhythm\nMET (Metropolitan Opera House in New York) RIC~~h~~ (opulent) without the last letter or 'mostly'"} {"Clue":"May's unfortunately ahead of predecessor in displaying no balance (10)","Answer":"ASYMMETRIC","Explanation":"Definition: displaying no balance\nAn anagram of MAY'S (anagrind is 'unfortunately') 'ahead of' METRIC (solution to the previous clue)"} {"Clue":"Queen tucking into drink, expressing freedom (10)","Answer":"LIBERATION","Explanation":"Definition: freedom\nER (Queen) 'tucking into' LIBATION (drink)"} {"Clue":"Native names will encapsulate this place in it (8)","Answer":"INHERENT","Explanation":"Definition: Native\nN and N (names) round or 'encapsulating' HERE (this place) in IT"} {"Clue":"Dreadful heartless war permanently incised (8)","Answer":"WRETCHED","Explanation":"Definition: Dreadful\nW~~a~~R (without the middle letter or 'heartless') ETCHED (permanently incised)"} {"Clue":"Worry about a fine flask of wine (6)","Answer":"CARAFE","Explanation":"Definition: flask of wine\nCARE (worry) round A F (fine)"} {"Clue":"Showing unhappiness is unknown in college circle (6)","Answer":"CRYING","Explanation":"Definition: Showing unhappiness\nY (unknown) in C (college) RING (circle)"} {"Clue":"Vanilla beans initially dumped in country (4)","Answer":"LAND","Explanation":"Definition: country\n~~b~~LAND ('vanilla') with the 'b' (first or 'initial' letter of 'beans') omitted or 'dumped'"} {"Clue":"Extract of weed generating irritability (4)","Answer":"EDGE","Explanation":"Definition: irritability\nHidden in or an 'extract of' weED GEnerating"} {"Clue":"Author's position about play (7)","Answer":"TOLSTOY","Explanation":"Definition: Author\nSLOT (position) reversed or 'about' TOY (play)"} {"Clue":"Leap by black fighter (4,3)","Answer":"JUMP JET","Explanation":"Definition: fighter\nJUMP (leap) JET (black)"} {"Clue":"Grieg opera superficially composed around piano chord (8)","Answer":"ARPEGGIO","Explanation":"Definition: chord\nAn anagram of GRIEG O~~per~~A \u2013 missing middle letters or 'superficially' \u2013 around P (piano) anagrind is 'composed'"} {"Clue":"Monk et al. force prickly shrubs to be dead-headed (6)","Answer":"FRIARS","Explanation":"Definition: Monk et al.\nF (force) ~~b~~RIARS (prickly shrubs) missing first letter or 'dead-headed'"} {"Clue":"Paul's men touring continually (6)","Answer":"REVERE","Explanation":"Definition: Paul\nRE (men) around or 'touring' EVER (continually). The answer refers to American."} {"Clue":"Mo scoffing back first-class trifles (8)","Answer":"MINUTIAE","Explanation":"Definition: trifles\nMINUTE (mo) around or 'scoffing' AI (first class) reversed or 'back'"} {"Clue":"Former president getting paper's gossip (4,9)","Answer":"BUSH TELEGRAPH","Explanation":"Definition: gossip\nBUSH (former president) TELEGRAPH (paper)"} {"Clue":"Also sign to enter party \u2014 cheers (6-2)","Answer":"TOODLE-OO","Explanation":"Definition: cheers\nTOO (also) +\u00a0LEO (sign) inside DO (party)"} {"Clue":"Ignoring ruin, reputation damaged in China? (3-3)","Answer":"TEA POT","Explanation":"Definition: China?\nAn anagram of rEPuTATiOn without ruin \u2013 anagrind is 'damaged'"} {"Clue":"Alongside current that has run eastwards (6)","Answer":"ABOARD","Explanation":"Definition: Alongside\nABROAD (current) with R (run) moved eastwards. We solved this from the crossing letters and definition and were surprised that ABROAD and CURRENT are synonyms."} {"Clue":"Briefly covers first son's remains (8)","Answer":"SUBSISTS","Explanation":"Definition: remains\nSUBS (briefly covers) IST (first) S (son). Another one where we needed to check the definition although this time we solved it from the word play."} {"Clue":"Transport runs by unopened land (7)","Answer":"RAPTURE","Explanation":"Definition: Transport\nR (runs) ~~c~~APTURE (land) without first letter or 'unopened'"} {"Clue":"Teachers examine crank (7)","Answer":"NUTCASE","Explanation":"Definition: crank\nNUT (teachers) CASE (examine)"} {"Clue":"Working capital advances male film star (6)","Answer":"MONROE","Explanation":"Definition: film star \nON (working) ROME (capital) with M (male) moved forward or 'advancing'"} {"Clue":"Haggard heroine among users, deployed as female escort (8)","Answer":"USHERESS","Explanation":"Definition: female escort\nSHE (Haggard heroine) inside an anagram of USERS \u2013anagrind is 'deployed'"} {"Clue":"The most brutish thug heading off to stop all others (8)","Answer":"ROUGHEST","Explanation":"Definition: The most brutish\n~~t~~OUGH (thug) without the first letter or 'heading off' inside or 'stopping' REST (all others)"} {"Clue":"Almost messing up breadcake (6)","Answer":"MUFFIN","Explanation":"Definition: breadcake\nMUFFIN~~g~~ (messing up) without last letter or 'almost'"} {"Clue":"Raising pitiful bum after I left (6)","Answer":"UPLIFT","Explanation":"Definition: Raising\nAn anagram of P~~i~~TIFUL without I \u2013 anagrind is 'bum'"} {"Clue":"By rolling up part of joint, incur disgrace (8)","Answer":"REPROACH","Explanation":"Definition: disgrace\nPER (by) reversed or 'up' ROACH (part of joint \u2013 the 'fag end'). Joyce was not aware that PER could mean BY. For regular readers of our blogs it was another one of those occasions when she was made aware that 'it came from the Latin'. Neither of us were aware that a roach was the end of joint!"} {"Clue":"Extremely lithe mesomorph moving around on this? (6,5)","Answer":"POMMEL HORSE","Explanation":"Definition: this\nAn anagram of L~~ith~~E (outside letters only or 'extremely) and MESOMORPH \u2013 anagrind is 'moving around'"} {"Clue":"Rank secured by Black and Tan boss (8)","Answer":"BROWBEAT","Explanation":"Definition: boss\nROW (rank) inside or 'secured by' B (black) and BEAT (tan)"} {"Clue":"Travel as boxing promoters should do? (3,5)","Answer":"GET ABOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Travel\nA play on GET A BOUT which is presumably what boxing promoters do for their money"} {"Clue":"Adult and child netting easy goal if necessary (2,1,5)","Answer":"AT A PINCH","Explanation":"Definition: if necessary\nA (adult) CH (child) around or 'netting' TAP IN (easy goal)"} {"Clue":"Want to contribute to avante-garde art history (6)","Answer":"DEARTH","Explanation":"Definition: Want\nHidden in or 'contributing to' avante-gardDE ART History"} {"Clue":"Last exposure and future picture do this (6)","Answer":"ENDURE","Explanation":"Definition: Last\nA play on the fact that both picture and future both END in URE"} {"Clue":"Blunt object with section cut near end (6)","Answer":"OBTUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Blunt\nWell\u2026\u2026.. OB can be objection (not object) according to Chambers and S can be section and there's CUT backwards without C. Looking at it again after the blog was up, could it possibly be OBT with jec removed (section cut) and END (use)? All very obtuse we feel!"} {"Clue":"Dunces will require special test (6)","Answer":"ASSESS","Explanation":"Definition: test\nASSES (dunces) S (special)"} {"Clue":"Aircraft ace's snazzy clothes (6)","Answer":"CESSNA","Explanation":"Definition: Aircraft\nHidden in or 'clothed' by aCES SNAzzy"} {"Clue":"Former leader has dispute in high security area (8)","Answer":"HEATHROW","Explanation":"Definition: high security area\nHEATH (Edward Heath, former PM) ROW (dispute)"} {"Clue":"Foreign trade in Ostia? (6)","Answer":"EXPORT","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign trade\nOstia was once the port for ancient Rome \u2013 it is now an EX PORT"} {"Clue":"Cooler sensation (4)","Answer":"STIR","Explanation":"Definition: Cooler\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"What a poor hod carrier might do to cause social embarrassment (4,1,5)","Answer":"DROP A BRICK","Explanation":"Definition: cause social embarrassment\nA poor hod carrier might be liable to DROP A BRICK from his hod"} {"Clue":"Abstract algebra's used by Irish official? It's indisputable (12)","Answer":"IRREFRAGABLE","Explanation":"Definition: indisputable\nAn anagram of ALGEBRA (anagrind is 'abstract') after or 'by' IR (Irish) REF (official) \u2013 a new word for us"} {"Clue":"Is a cool douche inadequate when showering? No way! (1,6,5)","Answer":"I SHOULD COCOA","Explanation":"Definition: No way!\nAn anagram of IS A COOL DOUCH~~e~~ without the last letter or 'inadequate' \u2013 anagrind is 'when showering'"} {"Clue":"Record by Bill and Charlie's going to chart? That's pleasing (10)","Answer":"ACCEPTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: pleasing\nEP (record) after or 'by' AC (account \u2013 bill) C (Charlie in the phonetic alphabet) + TABLE (chart)"} {"Clue":"John with receding curly hair (4)","Answer":"WOOL","Explanation":"Definition: curly hair\nLOO (John) W (with) reversed or 'receding'"} {"Clue":"Before the first unknown (or the variable) (6)","Answer":"ZEROTH","Explanation":"Definition: Before the first\nZ (unknown, in maths) + an anagram of OR THE \u2013 anagrind is 'variable'."} {"Clue":"Disreputable se\u00f1oras call your house (8)","Answer":"RASCALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Disreputable\nHidden or 'housed' in senoRAS CALL Your"} {"Clue":"Doctor succeeded holding back money orders (6)","Answer":"DRAFTS","Explanation":"Definition: money orders\nDR (doctor) S (succeeded) round or 'holding' AFT (back)"} {"Clue":"Arab girl is allowed to hit back (6)","Answer":"MARYAM","Explanation":"Definition: Arab girl\nMAY (is allowed to) RAM (hit) all reversed or 'back' \u2013 not a name we had come across until we realised that we had seen it earlier in the week when it appeared in an Indy obituary"} {"Clue":"Hole in one? A true shot (8)","Answer":"APERTURE","Explanation":"Definition: Hole\nA (one) PER (a, as in ten-a-penny) + an anagram of TRUE \u2013 anagrind is 'shot'"} {"Clue":"Lecherous type appears in smart lycra now and then (5)","Answer":"SATYR","Explanation":"Definition: Lecherous type\nAlternate letter ('now and then') of SmArT lYcRa"} {"Clue":"Aragorn was once in short trousers, then later king (7)","Answer":"STRIDER","Explanation":"Definition: Aragorn was once\nSTRIDE~~s~~ (trousers) without the last letter or 'short' + R (rex \u2013 king) We had to look this up \u2013 apparently Aragorn is one of the main protagonists in \"Lord of the Rings\" and was introduced as 'Strider' and later found to be heir to two thrones"} {"Clue":"A treasured possession English essayist penned with ecstasy (3-4)","Answer":"EWE-LAMB","Explanation":"Definition: A treasured possession\nE (English) LAMB (essayist) round or 'penning' W (with) E (ecstasy)"} {"Clue":"Wicked lady's ring is one with special powers? (9)","Answer":"SUPERHERO","Explanation":"Definition: one with special powers\nSUPER (wicked) HER (lady's) O (ring)"} {"Clue":"RAF bombing CIA ground? We're out of here! (6)","Answer":"AFRICA","Explanation":"Definition: We're out of here!\nAn anagram of RAF (anagrind is 'bombing') + an anagram of CIA (anagrind is 'ground')"} {"Clue":"Misdial NE Brum, literally (5,6)","Answer":"WRONG NUMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Misdial\nAn anagram of NE BRUM \u2013 the anagrind is WRONG \u2013 in the solution, hence 'literally' in the clue"} {"Clue":"Keeping some distance, Ezra Pound falls in love with a French writer (5,4)","Answer":"EMILE ZOLA","Explanation":"Definition: French writer\nMILE (some distance) in or 'kept by' EZ (Ezra \u2013 the book in the Bible) + L (pound) 'falling' in O (love) A"} {"Clue":"Former Labour minister sees member of parliament in NY gallery with spy chief (2,6)","Answer":"MO MOWLAM","Explanation":"Definition: Former Labour minister\nOWL ('member of parliament' \u2013 the collective noun for a group of owls) in MOMA (Museum of Modern Art in New York) + M (spy chief in the James Bond novels)"} {"Clue":"Nadia's first in Russia to host foreign expert (7)","Answer":"HOTSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: expert\nH (Cyrillic script letter which is the equivalent of 'N' in English and would be the first letter of 'Nadia' in Russia) + an anagram of TO HOST \u2013 anagrind is 'foreign'"} {"Clue":"Oceanic race being mounted: Spain to America (4-3)","Answer":"DEEP-SEA","Explanation":"Definition: Oceanic\nSPEED (race) reversed or 'mounted' E (Spain) A (America)"} {"Clue":"Beginning to see dogma in writing (6)","Answer":"SCREED","Explanation":"Definition: writing\nS (first letter or 'beginning' to 'see') CREED (dogma)"} {"Clue":"Yes, we are all endlessly confused and tired (5)","Answer":"WEARY","Explanation":"Definition: tired\nAn anagram of YE~~s~~ W~~e~~ AR~~e~~ without the last letters or 'endlessly' \u2013 anagrind is 'confused'"} {"Clue":"Fair-minded people repulsed by such temper tantrums? (6)","Answer":"STROPS","Explanation":"Definition: temper tantrums\nSPORTS (fair-minded people) reversed or 'repulsed'"} {"Clue":"Greek island hosts functions, producing warm feeling? (8)","Answer":"COSINESS","Explanation":"Definition: warm feeling\nCOS (Greek island) round or 'hosting' SINES (trigonometrical functions). We hope that Cos has recovered from the recent tsunami."} {"Clue":"Heard pop duo's low-key publicity? (4,4)","Answer":"SOFT SELL","Explanation":"Definition: low-key publicity\nA homophone ('heard') SOFT CELL (80s pop duo)"} {"Clue":"Holiday going about round Switzerland? Not in these! (6)","Answer":"YACHTS","Explanation":"Definition: Not in these\nSTAY (holiday) reversed or 'going round' about CH (Switzerland)"} {"Clue":"Nice fee R Burton negotiated for film (5,9)","Answer":"BRIEF ENCOUNTER","Explanation":"Definition: film\nAn anagram of NICE FEE R BURTON \u2013 anagrind is 'negotiated'"} {"Clue":"Phone engineers at first making things better? (8)","Answer":"REMEDIAL","Explanation":"Definition: making things better\nDIAL (phone) with REME (engineers) first"} {"Clue":"Translation of Breton author (6)","Answer":"BRONTE","Explanation":"Definition: author\nAn anagram of BRETON \u2013 anagrind is 'translation of'"} {"Clue":"Developed make of car to accommodate setter (6)","Answer":"FORMED","Explanation":"Definition: Developed\nFORD (make of car) round or 'accommodating' ME (the setter)"} {"Clue":"I'm a Tory, confused about Liberal's awareness of what's right? (8)","Answer":"MORALITY","Explanation":"Definition: awareness of what's right\nAn anagram of I'M A TORY \u2013 anagrind is 'confused' around L (Liberal)"} {"Clue":"Typical salesman (14)","Answer":"REPRESENTATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Typical\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Free to leave after middle section of race (6)","Answer":"ACQUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Free\nQUIT (leave) after ~~r~~AC~~e~~ (middle letters)"} {"Clue":"Assume responsibility and head for safety, avoiding cold (4,4)","Answer":"TAKE OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Assume responsibility\nTAKE ~~c~~OVER (head for safety) without or 'avoiding' 'c' (cold)"} {"Clue":"Refurbished fleapit doesn't show it with fantastic Bob Hope film (8)","Answer":"PALEFACE","Explanation":"Definition: Bob Hope film\nAn anagram of FLEAP~~it~~ without or 'not showing' 'it' \u2013 anagrind is 'refurbished' + ACE (fantastic)"} {"Clue":"Take a spin round London gallery by middle of afternoon (6)","Answer":"ROTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Take a spin\nO (round) TATE (London gallery \u2013 although there are others in St Ives and Liverpool) after or 'by' R (middle letter of 'afternoon')"} {"Clue":"Tricky, hiding foreign cash in book (11)","Answer":"TROUBLESOME","Explanation":"Definition: Tricky\nROUBLES (foreign cash) 'hidden' in TOME (book)"} {"Clue":"Revealed shipping company's plan (7)","Answer":"OUTLINE","Explanation":"Definition: plan\nOUT (revealed) LINE (shipping company)"} {"Clue":"German fellow beleaguered about end of working week (9)","Answer":"SIEGFRIED","Explanation":"Definition: German fellow\nSIEGED (beleaguered) around FRI (Friday \u2013 end of working week)"} {"Clue":"Officer unaccompanied through mountain pass (7)","Answer":"COLONEL","Explanation":"Definition: Officer\nLONE (unaccompanied) in or 'through' COL (mountain pass)"} {"Clue":"Uses no words, presumably, to show authority (3-2)","Answer":"SAY-SO","Explanation":"Definition: authority\nIf one SAYS O (nothing) one would presumably use no words"} {"Clue":"Rise of a right-winger leading new party? Impossible! (2,3,2)","Answer":"NO CAN DO","Explanation":"Definition: Impossible\nA CON (Conservative \u2013 'right winger') reversed or 'rising' + N (new) DO (party)"} {"Clue":"Drunkard outstretched initially in middle of street (3)","Answer":"SOT","Explanation":"Definition: Drunkard\nO (first or 'initial' letter of 'outstretched') in 'middle of' ST (street)"} {"Clue":"Northern bird in friendly environment? Right (11)","Answer":"ENTITLEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Right\nN (northern) TIT (bird) in ELEMENT (friendly environment)"} {"Clue":"Heckler's noise cut short in pub, meeting resistance (9)","Answer":"BARRACKER","Explanation":"Definition: Heckler\nRACKE~~t~~ (noise) without the last letter or 'cut short' in BAR (pub) R (resistance)"} {"Clue":"Name on bottom of large tent (7)","Answer":"MARQUEE","Explanation":"Definition: tent\nMARQUE (name) E (last letter or 'bottom' of 'large')"} {"Clue":"Fellow troubled by European sea creature (7)","Answer":"MANATEE","Explanation":"Definition: sea creature\nMAN (fellow) ATE (troubled) E (European)"} {"Clue":"Knocked unconscious, oaf receives help (4,3)","Answer":"LAID OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Knocked unconscious\nLOUT (oaf) round or 'receiving' AID (help)"} {"Clue":"Sacred writings, in part useful when read up (5)","Answer":"SUTRA","Explanation":"Definition: Sacred writings\nHidden and reversed or 'when read up' in 'pART USeful'"} {"Clue":"Fellow's not finished cuppa (3)","Answer":"CHA","Explanation":"Definition: cuppa\nCHA~~p~~ (fellow) without the last letter or 'not finished'"} {"Clue":"Fantastic gal saves city abroad (3,5)","Answer":"LAS VEGAS","Explanation":"Definition: city abroad\nAn anagram of GAL SAVES \u2013 anagrind is 'fantastic'"} {"Clue":"Companion following endless amphetamine talk (6)","Answer":"SPEECH","Explanation":"Definition: talk\nCH (Companion of Honour) after SPEE~~d~~ (amphetamine) without the last letter or 'endless'"} {"Clue":"Embarrass the latest member of Tea Party (5)","Answer":"ABASH","Explanation":"Definition: Embarrass\nA (last letter or 'latest member' of 'tea') BASH (party)"} {"Clue":"A fine transition (groin a tad irritated) (9)","Answer":"GRADATION","Explanation":"Definition: A fine transition\nAn anagram of GROIN A TAD \u2013 anagrind is 'irritated'"} {"Clue":"Shall need to change section without a title? (10)","Answer":"HANDLELESS","Explanation":"Definition: without a title\nAn anagram of SHALL NEED (anagrind is 'to change') + S (section)"} {"Clue":"A noble expected to welcome knight (4)","Answer":"DUKE","Explanation":"Definition: A noble\nDUE (expected) round or 'welcoming' K (knight)"} {"Clue":"All Time Low managed tours 1D rejected (5)","Answer":"NADIR","Explanation":"Definition: All Time Low\nRAN (managed) round or 'touring' ID all reversed or 'rejected'"} {"Clue":"Inappropriate, like a naked astronaut in space? (8)","Answer":"UNSUITED","Explanation":"Definition: Inappropriate\nA naked astronaut would not have a spacesuit and could then be described as UNSUITED"} {"Clue":"Something below heading for The Nautilus? (8)","Answer":"SUBTITLE","Explanation":"Definition: Something below\nSUB (The Nautilus, a submarine) TITLE (heading)"} {"Clue":"Muppet flipping vacuous Zambian slimed! (5)","Answer":"GONZO","Explanation":"Definition: Muppet\nZN (first and last letters only of 'Zambian' \u2013 or 'vacuous') reversed or 'flipping' in GOO (slime)"} {"Clue":"Yobs fine with son hanging around island (4)","Answer":"OIKS","Explanation":"Definition: Yobs\nOK (fine) S (son) round I (island)"} {"Clue":"Daughter plastered on this? (10)","Answer":"STEPLADDER","Explanation":"Definition: this\nA cryptic definition? It's an anagram of D (daughter) and PLASTERED \u2013 we think the anagrind must be the '?' and we are asked to accept that a stepladder might be used for plastering \u2013 not if Health & Safety has anything to do with it!"} {"Clue":"Parched hill cultivated without nitrogen (9)","Answer":"TORREFIED","Explanation":"Definition: Parched\nTOR (hill) REFI~~n~~ED (cultivated) without the 'n' (nitrogen) \u2013 a new word for us"} {"Clue":"Sort of model to cuddle small hooligans (5)","Answer":"THUGS","Explanation":"Definition: hooligans\nT (sort of model \u2013 a Ford Model T) HUG (cuddle) S (small)"} {"Clue":"Nice for one to get stuff in order again (6)","Answer":"RESORT","Explanation":"Definition: Nice for one\nA sort of double definition, provided you read the first word as the French RESORT"} {"Clue":"Criminal unrest ends in treasonous charges (8)","Answer":"ENTRUSTS","Explanation":"Definition: charges\nAn anagram of UNREST (anagrind is 'criminal') + TS (first and last letters or 'ends' of 'treasonous')"} {"Clue":"Hatred upset old prison guards of little depth (8)","Answer":"LOATHING","Explanation":"Definition: Hatred\nGAOL (old prison) reversed or 'upset' round or 'guarding' THIN (of little depth)"} {"Clue":"Way home blocked by van in accident black spot? (5)","Answer":"STAIN","Explanation":"Definition: black spot?\nST (street \u2013 'way') IN (home) round or 'blocked by' A (first letter or 'van' in 'accident')"} {"Clue":"Thrill old flame gets greeting judge outside city (10)","Answer":"EXHILARATE","Explanation":"Definition: Thrill\nEX (old flame) HI (greeting) RATE (judge) round or 'outside' LA (city)"} {"Clue":"Illegal stuff guest and stoned hosts lost (5,4)","Answer":"ANGEL DUST","Explanation":"Definition: Illegal stuff\nAn anagram of GUEST AND (anagrind is 'stoned') round or 'hosting' L (lost)"} {"Clue":"Via the mouth, excite climax (4)","Answer":"PEAK","Explanation":"Definition: climax\nA homophone ('via the mouth') of PIQUE (excite)"} {"Clue":"Run a piece about one devoted to Tuck? (9)","Answer":"EPICUREAN","Explanation":"Definition: one devoted to Tuck\nAn anagram of RUN A PIECE \u2013 anagrind is 'about'"} {"Clue":"One pursuing strong desire to make good time (6)","Answer":"HUNTER","Explanation":"Definition: One pursuing\nHUN~~g~~ER (strong desire) with the 'g' (good) replaced by or 'made into' T (time)"} {"Clue":"Lot using spades instead of last two clubs (4)","Answer":"BATS","Explanation":"Definition: clubs\nBAT~~ch~~ (lot) with S (spades) instead of the last two letters"} {"Clue":"Police arresting married circus worker (10)","Answer":"RINGMASTER","Explanation":"Definition: circus worker\nAn anagram of ARRESTING and M (married) \u2013 anagrind is 'police'"} {"Clue":"Happy area: road close to various boozers (9)","Answer":"DRUNKARDS","Explanation":"Definition: boozers\nDRUNK (happy) A (area) RD (road) S (last letter or 'close' of 'various')"} {"Clue":"Having loaded gun, very quiet editor and I intervened (7,2)","Answer":"STEPPED IN","Explanation":"Definition: intervened\nSTEN (gun) round or 'loaded' with PP (very quiet) ED (editor) I"} {"Clue":"Lions playing in Africa? Hawks around Manx hill? (8)","Answer":"TOURISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Lions playing in Africa?\nTOUTS (hawks) round RIS~~e~~ (hill with the last letter omitted, or 'Manx')"} {"Clue":"A professional cook (6)","Answer":"DOCTOR","Explanation":"Definition: A professional\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Perhaps a jolly strippergram (but not all there) (4)","Answer":"TRIP","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps a jolly\nPart of ('not all there') sTRIPpergram"} {"Clue":"Drive with idiots out of \"Top Gear\" (5)","Answer":"DRUGS","Explanation":"Definition: Gear\nDR (drive) ~~m~~UGS (idiots) with the first or 'top' letter omitted or 'out'"} {"Clue":"Energy-filled blonde with one going concern (4)","Answer":"FEAR","Explanation":"Definition: concern\nE (energy) in or 'filling' FA~~i~~R (blonde) with the 'i' (one) omitted or 'going'"} {"Clue":"Clever person from UK about to fix line back (9)","Answer":"BRILLIANT","Explanation":"Definition: Clever\nBRIT (person from UK) round NAIL (fix) L (line) reversed or 'back'"} {"Clue":"Fellow, university visitor, forgetting street in form of amnesia (5)","Answer":"FUGUE","Explanation":"Definition: form of amnesia\nF (fellow) U (university) GUE~~st~~ (visitor) without or 'forgetting' 'st' (street) \u2013 a new meaning of the word for us, which kept us guessing for some time"} {"Clue":"Almost completely useless recording (5)","Answer":"ALBUM","Explanation":"Definition: recording\nAL~~l~~ (completely) without the last letter or 'almost' BUM (useless)"} {"Clue":"Country resettling Romanians (3,6)","Answer":"SAN MARINO","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nAn anagram of ROMANIANS \u2013 anagrind is 'resettling'"} {"Clue":"Messenger to fail, coming in before time without first of letters (8)","Answer":"EMISSARY","Explanation":"Definition: Messenger\nMISS (fail) in EAR~~l~~Y (before time) without the 'l' ('first of letters')"} {"Clue":"Memory disorder unfortunately due to limit a lot of web language (4,2)","Answer":"D\u00c9J\u00c0 VU","Explanation":"Definition: Memory disorder\nAn anagram of DUE (anagrind is 'unfortunately') round or 'limiting' JAV~~a~~ (web language) without the last letter or 'a lot of'"} {"Clue":"Gold and iron ring featuring in opera (5)","Answer":"ORFEO","Explanation":"Definition: opera\nOR (gold) FE (iron) O (ring) \u2013 not being into operas, we'd never heard of this Monteverdi work"} {"Clue":"Supplies will accommodate a non-professional (9)","Answer":"LAYPERSON","Explanation":"Definition: non-professional\nLAYS ON (supplies) round or 'accommodating' PER (a)"} {"Clue":"Outlaw in business pursuing game animals, bagging little special (9)","Answer":"DESPERADO","Explanation":"Definition: Outlaw\nADO (business) after or 'pursuing' DEER (game animals) round or 'bagging' SP ('little' special)"} {"Clue":"Limits to one accepting cigarette, though old enough (2,3)","Answer":"OF AGE","Explanation":"Definition: old enough \nO and E (first and last letters or 'limits' of 'one') round or 'accepting' FAG (cigarette)"} {"Clue":"Enthusiasm to capture a brass sound (6)","Answer":"OOMPAH","Explanation":"Definition: Enthusiasm\nOOMPH (enthusiasm) round or 'capturing' A"} {"Clue":"Promotional material \u2013 run charged item identifying godlike entity (8)","Answer":"HYPERION","Explanation":"Definition: godlike entity\nHYPE (promotional material) R (run) ION (charged item)"} {"Clue":"Company against promotional material musician's brought round \u2013 sweet stuff (9)","Answer":"MUSCOVADO","Explanation":"Definition: sweet stuff \nCO (company) V (against) AD (promotional material) with MUSO (musician \u2013 a new slang term for us) 'brought around'"} {"Clue":"Decorative stuff hard to miss in approach to divination (5)","Answer":"ICING","Explanation":"Definition: Decorative stuff \nI C~~h~~ING ('approach to divination' \u2013 we had come across the word before in crosswords but did not remember what it meant) without or 'missing' 'h' (hard)"} {"Clue":"Invader of England switching directions for Greek island (5)","Answer":"NAXOS","Explanation":"Definition: Greek island\nSAXON (invader of England) with the 'directions' 's' (south) and 'n' (north) 'switching'"} {"Clue":"Witness quiet number entering examination (9)","Answer":"TESTAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Witness\nTAME (quiet) N (number) 'entering' TEST (examination)"} {"Clue":"Audacious dance event supporting Bishop (5)","Answer":"BRAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Audacious\nRAVE (dance event) after or 'supporting' B (bishop)"} {"Clue":"Without saying too much, it's provided to carry brine at sea (2,5)","Answer":"IN BRIEF","Explanation":"Definition: Without saying too much\nIF (providing) round or 'carrying' an anagram of BRINE \u2013 anagrind is 'at sea'"} {"Clue":"Chalky material recalled found in Marsanne (not Semillon) (9)","Answer":"LIMESTONE","Explanation":"Definition: Chalky material\nHidden or 'found' and reversed or 'recalled' in MarsannE NOT SEMILlon"} {"Clue":"Articles about American trial broadcast from Sydney? (10)","Answer":"AUSTRALIAN","Explanation":"Definition: from Sydney?\nA and AN (articles) round US (American) and an anagram of TRIAL (anagrind is 'broadcast')"} {"Clue":"Roman official missing ridicule in song (4)","Answer":"TUNE","Explanation":"Definition: song\nT~~rib~~UNE (Roman official) 'missing' 'rib' (ridicule')"} {"Clue":"Manage to catch luminance in distress signal (5)","Answer":"FLARE","Explanation":"Definition: distress signal\nFARE (manage) 'catching' L (luminance)"} {"Clue":"Instruments, black in form, mostly (7)","Answer":"GUITARS","Explanation":"Definition: Instruments\nTAR (black) in GUIS~~e~~ (form) without the last letter or 'mostly'"} {"Clue":"Persuasive words showing merry Queen Cole (9)","Answer":"ELOQUENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Persuasive words\nAn anagram of QUEEN COLE \u2013 anagrind is 'merry'"} {"Clue":"Second year \u2013 year defined by interaction of sun and moon \u2013 having same meaning (10)","Answer":"SYNONYMOUS","Explanation":"Definition: having same meaning\nS (second) Y (year) + Y (year) in or 'defined by' an anagram of SUN and MOON \u2013 anagrind is 'interaction of'"} {"Clue":"Religious graduate taking Biblical book into Arab state for general worker (3-6)","Answer":"ODD-JOBMAN","Explanation":"Definition: general worker\nDD (Doctor of Divinity \u2013 'religious graduate') JOB (Biblical book) 'taken into' OMAN (Arab state)"} {"Clue":"Arrangement of Eroica set to offer strange stuff (9)","Answer":"ESOTERICA","Explanation":"Definition: strange stuff \nAn anagram of EROICA SET \u2013 anagrind is 'arrangement of'"} {"Clue":"A million in Essex unexpectedly like gay marriage (4-3)","Answer":"SAME-SEX","Explanation":"Definition: like gay marriage\nA M (million) in an anagram of ESSEX \u2013 anagrind is 'unexpectedly'"} {"Clue":"Foolish son entering excellent square (7)","Answer":"ASININE","Explanation":"Definition: Foolish\nS (son) 'entering' AI (excellent) NINE (square)"} {"Clue":"Money included in nineteen letters? Very small amounts (5)","Answer":"ATOMS","Explanation":"Definition: Very small amounts\nM (money) in A TO S (nineteen letters)"} {"Clue":"Government blocking insubstantial uprising at the end of the day (5)","Answer":"NIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: at the end of the day\nG (government) in or 'blocking' THIN (insubstantial) reversed or 'uprising'"} {"Clue":"Power and skill in what musician plays (4)","Answer":"PART","Explanation":"Definition: what musician plays\nP (power) ART (skill)"} {"Clue":"Youngsters boxing on ship \u2013 or training for it? (5-3)","Answer":"PRESS-UPS","Explanation":"Definition: training for it?\nPUPS (youngsters) round or 'boxing' RE (on) SS (ship)"} {"Clue":"One might be agile, diving around and letting nothing in (6)","Answer":"GOALIE","Explanation":"Definition: One\nIs this a cryptic definition or an &lit? It's an anagram of AGILE \u2013 the anagrind is 'diving around' round or 'letting in' O (nothing) and the clue describes what a goalie might do"} {"Clue":"Conservative leaves criminal court \u2013 day one of hearing (8)","Answer":"AUDITORY","Explanation":"Definition: of hearing\nAn anagram of ~~c~~OURT without the 'c' (Conservative) and DAY I (one) -anagrind is 'criminal'"} {"Clue":"Intense, raging fire in which five died (6)","Answer":"FERVID","Explanation":"Definition: Intense\nAn anagram of FIRE (anagrind is 'raging') round V (five) + D (died)"} {"Clue":"Predator exists thanks to natural adaptation (9)","Answer":"TARANTULA","Explanation":"Definition: Predator\nTA (thanks) + an anagram of NATURAL \u2013 aground is 'adaptation'"} {"Clue":"Trunks, we hear, in which Jack's the centre of attention (5)","Answer":"BOWLS","Explanation":"Definition: in which Jack's the centre of attention\nA homophone of BOLES (trunks \u2013 of trees)"} {"Clue":"Ominous rainclouds beginning to appear \u2013 peg out clothes? (4)","Answer":"DIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Ominous\nR (first letter or 'beginning' of 'rainclouds') in or 'clothed by' DIE (peg out)"} {"Clue":"It's right to be in love \u2013 not entirely a requirement for successful mating? (7)","Answer":"ADAPTOR","Explanation":"Definition: a requirement for successful mating?\nAPT (right) in ADOR~~e~~ (love) without the last letter or 'not entirely'"} {"Clue":"Chap takes a cab \u2013 one going off duty (4,3)","Answer":"ROAD TAX","Explanation":"Definition: duty\nROD (chap) round or 'taking' A + TAX~~i~~ (cab) with the 'i' (one) 'going off'"} {"Clue":"Unclear about current music technology (4)","Answer":"MIDI","Explanation":"Definition: music technology\nDIM (unclear) reversed or 'about' + I (current in Physics)"} {"Clue":"Port where two rivers converge (5)","Answer":"DOVER","Explanation":"Definition: Port\nDOVE (river in the Peak District) R (river)"} {"Clue":"Need extra key to gain entry (9)","Answer":"ADDICTION","Explanation":"Definition: Need\nADDITION (extra) with C (key in music) 'gaining entry'"} {"Clue":"Writer comes over to tour Britain, beginning in Edinburgh with iconic landmark (3,3)","Answer":"BIG BEN","Explanation":"Definition: iconic landmark\nNIB (writer) reversed or 'coming over' round or 'touring' GB (Britain) E (first letter or 'beginning' of Edinburgh"} {"Clue":"Skip cold, hard bit of enchilada that's covered in cheese \u2013 no thanks! (8)","Answer":"RICOCHET","Explanation":"Definition: Skip\nC (cold) H (hard) E (first letter or 'bit' of enchilada) 'covered in RICOT~~ta~~ (cheese) without 'ta' (thanks)"} {"Clue":"Spielberg movie about South Africa, next to Zulu, is an inferior remake (6)","Answer":"ERSATZ","Explanation":"Definition: inferior remake\nET (Spielberg movie) round RSA (Republic of South Africa) + Z (Zulu in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Grant's about to get reduced, unfortunately, for family (8)","Answer":"CATEGORY","Explanation":"Definition: family\nCARY (Grant \u2013 film actor) round an anagram of TO GE~~t~~ (without the last letter or 'reduced') \u2013 anagrind is 'unfortunately'"} {"Clue":"Factories left rubbish outside (6)","Answer":"PLANTS","Explanation":"Definition: Factories\nL (left) with PANTS (rubbish) outside"} {"Clue":"Written another way, 8 \u2013 2s = 7 (6)","Answer":"ENDURE","Explanation":"Definition: 7\nAn anagram of END U~~s~~ER~~s~~ (8 down) without or minus the two 's's \u2013 anagrind is 'written another way' \u2013 a synonym for 'live with' (7 down)"} {"Clue":"Assault witnessed in Sunday School (3,2)","Answer":"SET ON","Explanation":"Definition: Assault\nS (Sunday) ETON (school)"} {"Clue":"In Cologne, force agent to lift essential documents (7)","Answer":"PERFUME","Explanation":"Definition: Cologne\nF (force) REP (agent) reversed of 'lifted' + ~~doc~~UME~~nts~~ (middle or 'essential' letters)"} {"Clue":"Futuristic transport heading off into the sea? (9)","Answer":"OVERBOARD","Explanation":"Definition: into the sea\n~~h~~OVERBOARD (futuristic transport as seen in the 'Back to the Future' films) without the first letter or 'heading off'"} {"Clue":"Tolerate ridiculous view held by drunken husband (4,4)","Answer":"LIVE WITH","Explanation":"Definition: Tolerate\nAn anagram of VIEW (anagrind is 'ridiculous') in or 'held by' LIT (drunken) H (husband)"} {"Clue":"Rudeness irritated customers, finally (3,5)","Answer":"END USERS","Explanation":"Definition: customers, finally\nAn anagram of RUDENESS \u2013 anagram is 'irritated'"} {"Clue":"Have eight pints at a party (4)","Answer":"GALA","Explanation":"Definition: party\nGAL (gallon \u2013 eight pints) A"} {"Clue":"Cross delivered by Italian players, time and time again (9)","Answer":"INTERSECT","Explanation":"Definition: Cross\nINTER ('players' Inter Milan \u2013 Italian football club) SEC (time) T (time 'again')"} {"Clue":"Reliable car, losing hub, can be taken in (8)","Answer":"CREDIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Reliable\nC~~a~~R ('losing' the middle letter or 'hub') EDIBLE ('can be taken in')"} {"Clue":"City girl somehow gave in (3,5)","Answer":"LAS VEGAS","Explanation":"Definition: City\nLASS (girl) with an anagram of GAVE 'in'side \u2013 anagrind is 'somehow'"} {"Clue":"Telling picture of men with guns and axes, embracing (1-3)","Answer":"X-RAY","Explanation":"Definition: Telling picture\nRA (Royal Artillery \u2013 'men with guns') 'embraced' by X and Y (axes on a graph)"} {"Clue":"Served up endless dry cheese and fortified wine (7)","Answer":"MADEIRA","Explanation":"Definition: fortified wine\nARI~~d~~ (dry) without the last letter or 'endless' EDAM (cheese) all reversed or 'served up'"} {"Clue":"Okay then, extremists have left town (6)","Answer":"RIGHTO","Explanation":"Definition: Okay then\nBRIGHTO~~n~~ (town) without the first and last letters or 'extremists'"} {"Clue":"Group captured in truck not typically problematic (6)","Answer":"KNOTTY","Explanation":"Definition: problematic\nGroup (of letters) hidden or 'captured' in trucK NOT TYpically"} {"Clue":"Job centre has opening, internally (5)","Answer":"CHORE","Explanation":"Definition: Job\nCORE (centre) with H (first letter or 'opening' of 'has') inside"} {"Clue":"Old lady's car without dipstick for oil (8)","Answer":"MACASSAR","Explanation":"Definition: oil\nMA (old lady) CAR round or 'without' ASS (dipstick)"} {"Clue":"Riding behind, guards stop! (6)","Answer":"AHORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Riding\nARSE (behind) round or 'guarding' HO (stop) \u2013 not a word we hear much of these days!"} {"Clue":"Juliet and, ultimately, Romeo, on way of working charm (4)","Answer":"MOJO","Explanation":"Definition: charm\nJ (Juliet in the phonetic alphabet) O (last or 'ultimate' letter of Romeo) after or 'on' MO (modus operandi \u2013 way of working)"} {"Clue":"Returned parcel, held forth, was amplifier (10)","Answer":"ELABOARATED","Explanation":"Definition: was amplifier\nBALE (parcel) reversed or 'returned' ORATED ('held forth')"} {"Clue":"Saw wheels on black floor (6)","Answer":"BOTTOM","Explanation":"Definition: floor\nMOTTO (saw) reversed or 'wheeling' after B (black)"} {"Clue":"I'll be topless, just fantastic (8)","Answer":"MYTHICAL","Explanation":"Definition: fantastic\nMY ('I'll be\u2026') ~~e~~THICAL (just) with the first letter omitted or 'topless'"} {"Clue":"Old Conservative misfit, one moving far left (2-6)","Answer":"CI-DEVANT","Explanation":"Definition: Old\nC (Conservative) DEVIANT (misfit) with the 'i' (one) moving to the front or 'far left' \u2013 not phrase we'd come across before, and it seems to mean 'formerly' rather than 'old' \u2013 a rather loose synonym, in our humble opinion"} {"Clue":"Jewish sectarian's contribution to limitless energy (6)","Answer":"ESSENE","Explanation":"Definition: Jewish sectarian\nHidden in or 'contributing to' limitlESS ENErgy"} {"Clue":"Withstand \u2013 apparently \u2013 traitor (6)","Answer":"WEASEL","Explanation":"Definition: traitor\nW (with) EASEL (stand)"} {"Clue":"Reclines with fantasy book in bed (4,4)","Answer":"LIES BACK","Explanation":"Definition: Reclines\nLIE (fantasy) + B (book) in SACK (bed)"} {"Clue":"Drinker who primarily binges on no good bubbly? (4,4)","Answer":"WINE SNOB","Explanation":"Definition: Drinker\nW (first or 'primary' letter of 'who') + an anagram of BIN~~g~~ES ON without the the 'g' (good) \u2013 anagrind is 'bubbly'"} {"Clue":"Mineral that is cut by reversing plough (6)","Answer":"ILLITE","Explanation":"Definition: Mineral\nIE (that is) round or 'cut by' TILL (plough) reversed"} {"Clue":"Collection points on ring roads? (10)","Answer":"TOLLBOOTHS","Explanation":"Definition: Collection points\nA play on two meanings of TOLL \u2013 the payment to use a road or bridge and the 'ring' of a bell"} {"Clue":"Nurse, a non-professional, in retirement (4)","Answer":"AMAH","Explanation":"Definition: Nurse\nA + HAM (non-professional) reversed or 'in retirement'"} {"Clue":"Self-employed joiner (6)","Answer":"HYPHEN","Explanation":"Definition: joiner\nThe HYPHEN is 'employed' to 'join' 'self' and 'employed'"} {"Clue":"Bits of dry grass line choppy waters (3-5)","Answer":"RYE-STRAW","Explanation":"Definition: Bits of dry grass\nRY (railway \u2013 'line') + an anagram of WATERS \u2013 anagrind is 'choppy'"} {"Clue":"After game, soldiers in A&E say sorry (9)","Answer":"APOLOGISE","Explanation":"Definition: say sorry\nPOLO (game) GIS (soldiers) in A and E"} {"Clue":"Minor charge a result of naughty videotape (no sex) (7)","Answer":"ADOPTEE","Explanation":"Definition: Minor charge\nAn anagram of ~~vi~~DEOTAPE without the 'vi' (six \u2013 or 'sex' in Latin) \u2013 anagrind is 'naughty'"} {"Clue":"\"The Last Of Us\" company's gaming platform (5)","Answer":"STEAM","Explanation":"Definition: gaming platform\nS (last letter of 'us') TEAM (company) \u2013 we'd never heard of the 'Steam' gaming platform before"} {"Clue":"Again accept orders to collect plug (7)","Answer":"READMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Again accept\nREMIT ('orders') round or 'collecting' AD (plug \u2013 advertisement)"} {"Clue":"A greeting, one they \u2013 or he \u2013 exchanged (4,5)","Answer":"AHOY THERE","Explanation":"Definition: A greeting\nA (one) + an anagram of THEY OR HE \u2013 anagrind is 'exchanged'"} {"Clue":"Where eggs are produced, everything's the same (7)","Answer":"OVARIES","Explanation":"Definition: Where eggs are produced\nIf everything's the same, O (nothing) VARIES"} {"Clue":"Why don't we put up a standing stone? (5)","Answer":"STELA","Explanation":"Definition: standing stone\nLET'S ('why don't we') reversed or 'put up' + A"} {"Clue":"US state given private industrial city (9)","Answer":"ALLENTOWN","Explanation":"Definition: industrial city\nAL (Alabama \u2013 US State) LENT (given) OWN (private) \u2013 our last one in \u2013 we had to check that this is an industrial city"} {"Clue":"I contain a fresh flower (9)","Answer":"NICOTIANA","Explanation":"Definition: flower\nAn anagram of I CONTAIN A \u2013 anagrind is 'fresh'"} {"Clue":"Secrecy the last resort? (7)","Answer":"STEALTH","Explanation":"Definition: Secrecy\nAn anagram of THE LAST \u2013 anagrind is 'resort'"} {"Clue":"One presumably involved in throwing seafood (7)","Answer":"LOBSTER","Explanation":"Definition: seafood\nIf someone who provides tips can be called a 'tipster' then someone who lobs (throws) might conceivably be called a LOBSTER"} {"Clue":"Put on weight after party, a stone (7)","Answer":"BALLAST","Explanation":"Definition: Put on weight\nBALL (party) A ST (stone)"} {"Clue":"Cream cakes yellow with poisonous growth (5)","Answer":"IVORY","Explanation":"Definition: Cream\nOR (yellow) in or 'caked by' IVY (poisonous growth)"} {"Clue":"Young ones mostly fat (5)","Answer":"ISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: Young\nI S (ones) SUE~~t~~ (fat) without the last letter or 'mostly'"} {"Clue":"Rant coming from one stuck in traffic (6)","Answer":"TIRADE","Explanation":"Definition: Rant\nI (one) inside or 'stuck in' TRADE (traffic)"} {"Clue":"Acceptable way to correspond after a date (8)","Answer":"ADEQUATE","Explanation":"Definition: Acceptable\nEQUATE (correspond) after A D (date)"} {"Clue":"Female artist is in Germany advocating for women's rights (8)","Answer":"FEMINIST","Explanation":"Definition: advocating for women's rights \nF (female) EMIN (artist) IST (German for 'is')"} {"Clue":"Toy snake missing its tail (6)","Answer":"RATTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Toy\nRATTLE~~r~~ (snake) missing last letter or 'tail'"} {"Clue":"Equipment given to school is trash (6)","Answer":"KITSCH","Explanation":"Definition: trash\nKIT (equipment) SCH (school)"} {"Clue":"I'm overwhelmed by a friend's ill-will (8)","Answer":"ACRIMONY","Explanation":"Definition: ill-will \nI'M inside or 'overwhelmed by' A CRONY (friend)"} {"Clue":"Something great in a fishing boat (7)","Answer":"PEARLER","Explanation":"Definition: Something great\nWe think this is a double definition but we cannot find PEARLER in Chambers as 'something great' although Bert has heard the saying \u2013 doing a pearler \u2013 meaning doing something well."} {"Clue":"Dog lies barking, guarding a bowl (7)","Answer":"SPANIEL","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nAn anagram of LIES \u2013 anagrind is 'barking' around or 'guarding' PAN (bowl) \u2013 the 'a' is redundant"} {"Clue":"Stressed vehicle owner crashed (8)","Answer":"CAREWORN","Explanation":"Definition: Stressed\nCAR\u00a0(vehicle) plus an anagram of OWNER \u2013 anagrind is 'crashed'"} {"Clue":"Woman dances around with no top on (6)","Answer":"STELLA","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\n~~b~~ALLETS reversed or 'around' losing first letter or 'with no top on'"} {"Clue":"Cloth garment a fellow wears for a hunting expedition (6)","Answer":"SAFARI","Explanation":"Definition: hunting expedition\nSARI (cloth garment) around or 'being worn by' A F (fellow)"} {"Clue":"Request user-generated content (8)","Answer":"PLEASURE","Explanation":"Definition: content\nPLEA (request) plus an anagram of USER \u2013 anagrind is 'generated'"} {"Clue":"A little bit of bread, occasionally nice with topping of Emmental (8)","Answer":"PITTANCE","Explanation":"Definition: A little bit of\nPITTA (bread) N~~i~~C~~e~~ missing alternate letters or 'occasionally' and E ('topping' or first letter in Emmental)"} {"Clue":"Politicians love blocking judges (6)","Answer":"TORIES","Explanation":"Definition: Politicians\nO (love) inside or 'blocking' TRIES (judges)"} {"Clue":"Fancy, and clever too (8)","Answer":"LIKEWISE","Explanation":"Definition: too\nLIKE (fancy) WISE (clever)"} {"Clue":"Shop that is shifting pastries first and foremost (10)","Answer":"PATISSERIE","Explanation":"Definition: Shop\nIE (that is) with an anagram of PASTRIES\u00a0'first and foremost' \u2013 anagrind is 'shifting'"} {"Clue":"Die by essentially persisting with heroin (6)","Answer":"PERISH","Explanation":"Definition: Die\n~~We think this is PERIS (more than 50% of PERSISTING, with the I moving forward) and H (heroin) \u2013 but does more than 50% mean the same as 'essentially', and where is the indication that the last two letters need to be swapped?~~ We've had some feedback on the wordplay for this one (which, as our initial comment above suggests, had us completely beaten) and have to thank a friend for sorting it out \u2013 it's PER (by) IS (middle or 'essential' letters of 'persisting') H (heroin)"} {"Clue":"Bird swallowing a strange green creature? (7)","Answer":"MARTIAN","Explanation":"Definition: strange green creature\nMARTIN (bird) around or 'swallowing' A. We have to admit that with all the crossing letters we had to carry out a search in Chambers for this and then kicked ourselves as we scanned down the list of possibilities."} {"Clue":"Small amount of saline fluid an otologist put in a cap (8)","Answer":"TEARDROP","Explanation":"Definition: Small amount of saline fluid\nEAR DR ('ear doctor' \u2013 otologist) inside TOP (cap) \u2013 again 'a' and 'an' are redundant"} {"Clue":"Save time for the end (4)","Answer":"BUTT","Explanation":"Definition: end\nBUT (save) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Hot Christmas cake left out (6)","Answer":"STOLEN","Explanation":"Definition: Hot\nSTOL~~l~~EN\u00a0(Christmas cake) without L (left)"} {"Clue":"Influential teacher's remit soon involved taking the end of classes (10)","Answer":"MONTESSORI","Explanation":"Definition: Influential teacher\nAn anagram of REMIT SOON (anagrind is 'involved')\u00a0round or 'taking'\u00a0S\u00a0(the last letter or 'end' of 'classes')"} {"Clue":"I soon made up with them, with no hard feelings (8)","Answer":"EMOTIONS","Explanation":"Definition: feelings\nAn anagram of I SOON and T~~h~~EM -missing H(hard) \u2013 anagrind is 'made up'"} {"Clue":"Bloated? Stop drinking dodgy lager! (8)","Answer":"ENLARGED","Explanation":"Definition: Bloated\nEND (stop) around or 'drinking' an anagram of LAGER \u2013 anagrind is 'dodgy'"} {"Clue":"Salesman is very critical about fish (7)","Answer":"SNAPPER","Explanation":"Definition: fish\nREP (salesman) PANS (is very critical) reversed or 'about'"} {"Clue":"Advert in a Latvian city about one in Morocco (6)","Answer":"AGADIR","Explanation":"Definition: one in Morocco\nAD inside RIGA (Latvian) reversed or 'about' \u2013 'a' is not required"} {"Clue":"Hustler almost confused a private detective (6)","Answer":"SLEUTH","Explanation":"Definition: private detective\nAn anagram of HUSTLE~~r~~ missing last letter or 'almost' \u2013 anagrind is 'confused'. This time 'a' is not required in the definition."} {"Clue":"A tipple from East Italy? Quite the opposite! (4)","Answer":"ASTI","Explanation":"Definition: tipple\nHidden inside eAST Italy \u2013 Asti comes from the Piedmont region which is in NW Italy \u2013 hence the phrase 'quite the opposite'. Again, 'a' is not required in the definition."} {"Clue":"You once flipped, getting into cannabis, ecstasy and mescal (6)","Answer":"PEYOTE","Explanation":"Definition: mescal\nYE (you 'once') reversed or 'flipped' in POT (cannabis) E (ecstasy) \u2013 a new word for us"} {"Clue":"Agreement on extension in house near Big Apple (7)","Answer":"HARMONY","Explanation":"Definition: Agreement\nARM (extension) in HO (house) NY (New York \u2013 'Big Apple')"} {"Clue":"Cooper's band (5)","Answer":"ALICE","Explanation":"Definition: Cooper\nDouble definition \u2013 ALICE Cooper and ALICE band"} {"Clue":"Corruption reflected in extremely fierce and violent dissent (9)","Answer":"FETIDNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Corruption\nFE (first and last or 'extreme' letters of 'fierce') + an anagram of DISSENT \u2013 anagrind is 'violent'"} {"Clue":"They publish online, giving scroungers nothing for article (8)","Answer":"BLOGGERS","Explanation":"Definition: They publish online\nBL~~a~~GGERS (scroungers) with the 'a' (article) replaced by O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Having energy in volatile type of relationship \u2013 it won't happen again (3-3)","Answer":"ONE-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: it won't happen again\nE (energy) in ON-OFF (volatile type of relationship)"} {"Clue":"I can be found blocking missile returning 21 (5)","Answer":"TRIAD","Explanation":"Definition: 21\nI in or 'blocking' DART (missile) reversed or 'returning' \u2013 21d is 'treble'"} {"Clue":"I must retract refusal before end of debate (3)","Answer":"ONE","Explanation":"Definition: I\nNO (refusal) reversed or 'retracted' + E (last letter or 'end' of 'debate')"} {"Clue":"For example, you're probably thinking initially of this country (5)","Answer":"EGYPT","Explanation":"Definition: country\nEG (for example) + 'initial' letters of You're Probably Thinking"} {"Clue":"Uncle came back carrying a bit of melon in season (6)","Answer":"SUMMER","Explanation":"Definition: season\nREMUS ('uncle' \u2013 the fictional narrator of African Amercian folktales) reversed or 'coming back' round or 'carrying' M (first letter or 'bit' of 'melon')"} {"Clue":"Time spent organising perinatal transport in Texas (8)","Answer":"AIRPLANE","Explanation":"Definition: transport in Texas\nAn anagram of PERINA~~t~~AL with the 't' (time) omitted or 'spent' \u2013 anagrind is 'organising'"} {"Clue":"No charge for accommodation on island (9)","Answer":"INNISFREE","Explanation":"Definition: island\nINN IS FREE (no charge for accommodation) \u2013 the island is in Lough Gill, Co Sligo, immortalised by a Yeats poem"} {"Clue":"Starts to brush almond paste on roll (5)","Answer":"BAGEL","Explanation":"Definition: roll\nFirst letters or 'starts' of Brush Almond + GEL (paste)"} {"Clue":"Check briefly on cattle moving in playground once (7)","Answer":"KINETIC","Explanation":"Definition: moving\nTIC~~k~~ (check) without the last letter or 'briefly' after KINE (cattle) \u2013 we're not sure about the relevance of the 'in playground once' \u2013 kinetic playground equipment includes swings and roundabouts etc, but these are still in use and the surface would still work without the last three words"} {"Clue":"Left parent scratching head in a state of agitation (6)","Answer":"LATHER","Explanation":"Definition: state of agitation\nL (left) ~~f~~ATHER (parent) without the first letter or 'scratching head'"} {"Clue":"Come unstuck about team in country (6)","Answer":"MEXICO","Explanation":"Definition: country\nAn anagram of COME (anagrind is 'unstuck') round XI (eleven \u2013 a football 'team')"} {"Clue":"Ostentatious sign of affection \u2013 there's nothing 'live' about it! (4,4)","Answer":"LOVE BITE","Explanation":"Definition: Ostentatious sign of affection\nLOVE (nothing) BE (live) round IT"} {"Clue":"Derisive statement about subsequent pages \u2013 issue for president (9)","Answer":"JEFFERSON","Explanation":"Definition: president\nJEER (derisive statement) round FF (subsequent pages) SON (issue)"} {"Clue":"Tips for watering houseplants if they're etiolated and pale (5)","Answer":"WHITE","Explanation":"Definition: pale\nFirst letters or 'tips' of Watering Houseplants If They're Etoilated"} {"Clue":"Formal study of poet (6)","Answer":"DRYDEN","Explanation":"Definition: poet\nDRY (formal) DEN (study)"} {"Clue":"It's being unspecified what 3 24 sang to 2 (8)","Answer":"SOMEBODY","Explanation":"Definition: what 3 24 sang to 2\nSOME BODY ('unspecified being') \u2013 a reference to the Jefferson Airplane (3 24) song 'Somebody to Love'"} {"Clue":"Maybe Trump lifts their hearts, protecting America from Islam (5)","Answer":"YUSUF","Explanation":"Definition: Islam\nMiddle letters or 'hearts' of maYbe TrUmp liFts round or 'protecting' US (America) \u2013 Yusuf Islam was previously known as Cat Stevens"} {"Clue":"Line up a little talk (6)","Answer":"RABBIT","Explanation":"Definition: talk\nBAR (line) reversed or 'up' BIT (a little)"} {"Clue":"Finally starting to understand ultimate reality? (3)","Answer":"GOD","Explanation":"Definition: ultimate reality?\nLast or 'final' letters of startinG tO understanD"} {"Clue":"Did Clyde finally become criminal? Unquestionably (9)","Answer":"DECIDEDLY","Explanation":"Definition: Unquestionably\nAn anagram of DID CLYDE and E (last or 'final' letterof 'become') \u2013 anagrind is 'criminal'"} {"Clue":"It's about being a male amongst others, inherently belonging (8)","Answer":"IMMANENT","Explanation":"Definition: inherently belonging\nIT round MAN (a male) in or 'amongst' MEN (other males)"} {"Clue":"Not extremely upset about thoughtful communication (1,1,1)","Answer":"ESP","Explanation":"Definition: thoughtful communication\n~~u~~PSE~~t~~ without the first and last or 'extreme' letters, reversed or 'about'"} {"Clue":"Three get high, as we hear (6)","Answer":"TREBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Three\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Smooth start to surprising defeat (5)","Answer":"SLICK","Explanation":"Definition: Smooth\nS (first letter or 'start' to 'surprising') LICK (defeat)"} {"Clue":"Stare in astonishment at the last replacement (6)","Answer":"ERSATZ","Explanation":"Definition: replacement\nAn anagram of STARE (anagrind is 'in astonishment') + Z (the 'last' letter)"} {"Clue":"Schemer pulled switcheroo to learn about source of gold (6)","Answer":"ANGLER","Explanation":"Definition: Schemer\nAn anagram of LEARN (anagrind appears to be 'pulled switcheroo to' \u2013 not a phrase we've come across before, a 'switcheroo' seems to be a North American word for 'change') round G (first letter or 'source' of 'gold')"} {"Clue":"Elegance comes from good breeding (5)","Answer":"GRACE","Explanation":"Definition: Elegance\nG (good) RACE (breeding)"} {"Clue":"French are to get better of English in breakout (6)","Answer":"ESCAPE","Explanation":"Definition: breakout\nES (French for 'are') CAP (to get better of) E (English)"} {"Clue":"Unhappy season in America leading to collapse (8)","Answer":"DOWNFALL","Explanation":"Definition: collapse\nDOWN (unhappy) FALL (season in America)"} {"Clue":"Trivial romantic adventure devout female has put behind her? (8)","Answer":"PIFFLING","Explanation":"Definition: Trivial\nFLING (romantic adventure) behind PI (devout) F (female)"} {"Clue":"Pub, one generated by the writer for fictional purposes (2,4)","Answer":"IN NAME","Explanation":"Definition: for fictional purposes\nINN (pub) A (one) ME (writer)"} {"Clue":"Runner runs miles \u2013 I peel off, mildly conflicted? (10)","Answer":"SKIRMISHED","Explanation":"Definition: mildly conflicted?\nSKI (runner) R (runs) M (miles) I SHED (peel off)"} {"Clue":"Worker cheated, acquiring note (4)","Answer":"HAND","Explanation":"Definition: Worker\nHAD (cheated) around or 'acquiring' N (note)"} {"Clue":"More settled, rising star takes motor-racing on board (7)","Answer":"COMFIER","Explanation":"Definition: More settled\nCOMER (rising star) around or 'taking on board' FI (motor racing)"} {"Clue":"Very threatening look limits a display of bravery (6)","Answer":"VALOUR","Explanation":"Definition: display of bravery\nV (very) LOUR (threatening look) around or 'limiting' A"} {"Clue":"One revisiting school, perhaps, getting ache in quad? (6)","Answer":"OBLONG","Explanation":"Definition: quad?\nOB (old boy \u2013 'one revisiting school perhaps') LONG (ache). We think that quad is a shortened for of quadrangle which is usually rectangular or oblong. We first thought it was a shortened form of quadrilateral but this does not appear in Chambers."} {"Clue":"Unwell, was annoyed to miss start of festival getting lit up (7)","Answer":"ILLUMED","Explanation":"Definition: lit up\nILL (unwell) ~~f~~UMED (was annoyed) missing F ('start' of festival)"} {"Clue":"Product of acid reaction settled around lake (4)","Answer":"SALT","Explanation":"Definition: Product of acid reaction\nSAT (settled) around L (lake)"} {"Clue":"Translation of lingo's held to be historic language (3,7)","Answer":"OLD ENGLISH","Explanation":"Definition: historic language\nAn anagram or 'translation' of LINGO'S HELD"} {"Clue":"Money collected by fellow I left in charge of cinema (6)","Answer":"FILMIC","Explanation":"Definition: of cinema\nM (money) inside or 'collected by' F (fellow) I L (left) IC (in charge)"} {"Clue":"Fish ultimately outstanding in nutriment, making you happier (4-4)","Answer":"FEEL-GOOD","Explanation":"Definition: making you happier\nEEL (fish) G (last or 'ultimate' letter of outstanding) in FOOD (nutriment)"} {"Clue":"Be angry about curtailed attempt to get garden tool (8)","Answer":"STRIMMER","Explanation":"Definition: garden tool\nSIMMER (be angry) about TR~~y~~ (attempt) missing last letter or 'curtailed'"} {"Clue":"Yorkshire river, river that's different (6)","Answer":"ROTHER","Explanation":"Definition: Yorkshire river\nR (river) OTHER\u00a0(different)"} {"Clue":"Not good to accept line showing too much pizazz? (5)","Answer":"SLICK","Explanation":"Definition: showing too much pizazz?\nSICK (not good) around or 'accepting' L (line)"} {"Clue":"A new driver ruined more of a car (4,5)","Answer":"ALFA ROMEO","Explanation":"Definition: car\nA L (new driver) plus an anagram of MORE OF A \u2013 anagrind is 'ruined'"} {"Clue":"Drawing out end of debate's allowed in Government (9)","Answer":"ELICITING","Explanation":"Definition: Drawing out\nE (last letter or 'end' of debate) LICIT (allowed) IN G (Government)"} {"Clue":"Regularly doing work on historic site? (3)","Answer":"DIG","Explanation":"Definition: work on historic site? \nAlternate or 'regular' letters in DoInG"} {"Clue":"Married, embracing endless passion? That's odd (5)","Answer":"WEIRD","Explanation":"Definition: That's odd\nWED (married) around or 'embracing'\u00a0IR~~e~~ (passion) missing last letter or 'endless'"} {"Clue":"Foot? Shorter measure will do for small bird (5)","Answer":"FINCH","Explanation":"Definition: small bird \nF (foot) INCH (shorter dimension)"} {"Clue":"Red column destroyed in spread of yellow? (5,4)","Answer":"LEMON CURD","Explanation":"Definition: spread of yellow\nAn anagram of RED COLUMN \u2013 anagrind is 'destroyed'"} {"Clue":"Under pressure, hastened to get round a classic car (7)","Answer":"HARRIED","Explanation":"Definition: Under pressure\nHIED (hastened) around A RR (classic car as in Rolls Royce)"} {"Clue":"Mystic British island cracking mould (9)","Answer":"CABBALIST","Explanation":"Definition: Mystic\nB (British) BALI (island) inside or 'cracking' CAST (mould)"} {"Clue":"Rule on vet upset reservist? (9)","Answer":"VOLUNTEER","Explanation":"Definition: reservist\nAn anagram of RULE ON VET \u2013 anagrind is 'upset'"} {"Clue":"Story about millions coming to land gets attention (9)","Answer":"LIMELIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: attention\nLIE (story) around M (millions) LIGHT (coming to land)"} {"Clue":"Speeds I encountered going uphill round top of Pyrenees (5)","Answer":"TEMPI","Explanation":"Definition: Speeds\nI MET (encountered) reversed or 'going uphill' around P ('top' or first letter of Pyrenees)"} {"Clue":"Razor specialist set up company: arrived for a trim (5)","Answer":"OCCAM","Explanation":"Definition: Razor specialist\nCO (company) reversed or 'set up' CAM~~e~~ (arrived) missing last letter or 'trimmed'.We had to check this in Chambers. Occam's Razor is the principle that\u00a0among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected\u00a0from the doctrine of Occamism set up by William of Occam who died in 1349."} {"Clue":"Pip found in apple, not spinach, on reflection (5)","Answer":"STONE","Explanation":"Definition: Pip\nHidden or 'found' and reversed or 'reflected' in the clue applE NOT Spinach"} {"Clue":"Target of PETA's endless anger? (3)","Answer":"FUR","Explanation":"Definition: Target of PETA\nFUR~~y~~ (anger) missing last letter or 'endless' \u2013 PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals"} {"Clue":"Former prisoner has to do it? (8)","Answer":"SOMETIME","Explanation":"Definition: Former\nA prisoner has to do SOME TIME"} {"Clue":"Outcome of lob in tennis? (6)","Answer":"UPSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Outcome\nA lob in tennis is a SHOT in an UPward direction"} {"Clue":"Ill-repute is harboured by Washington Republican? Correct (9)","Answer":"DISCREDIT","Explanation":"Definition: Ill-repute\nIS in or 'harboured by' DC (Washington) + R (Republican) EDIT (correct)"} {"Clue":"Snare readily recalled close to hedge (5)","Answer":"NOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Snare\nSOON (readily) reversed or 'recalled' + E (last letter or 'close' to 'hedge')"} {"Clue":"Chicago visitor might go so for a disc (7)","Answer":"ROUNDEL","Explanation":"Definition: disc\nThe EL is an elevated railway in Chicago in the shape of a loop, so it is possible to go ROUND it as a visitor (although you'd have to change lines to do a complete circuit)"} {"Clue":"Caribbean maiden with sulky expression gets to lose nerve (4,3)","Answer":"WIMP OUT","Explanation":"Definition: lose nerve\nWI (West Indies \u2013 'Caribbean') M (maiden) POUT (sulky expression)"} {"Clue":"Article with line about Greek meal prepared for powerful politician (6,6)","Answer":"ANGELA MERKEL","Explanation":"Definition: powerful politician\nAN (article) L (line) round an anagram of GREEK MEAL \u2013 anagrind is 'prepared'"} {"Clue":"Fear short pun is flawed as evidence of linguistic ability (4,2,6)","Answer":"TURN OF PHRASE","Explanation":"Definition: evidence of linguistic ability\nAn anagram of FEAR SHORT PUN \u2013 anagrind is 'flawed'"} {"Clue":"Listen to security device after exchanging leads in hold (4,3)","Answer":"BEAR HUG","Explanation":"Definition: hold\nHEAR (listen to) BUG (security device) with the first letters swapped or 'exchanged'"} {"Clue":"Disclosed revenue in part of film not broadcast (7)","Answer":"OUTTAKE","Explanation":"Definition: part of film not broadcast\nOUT (disclosed) TAKE (revenue)"} {"Clue":"Expression that's improvised in a German paper on reflection (2-3)","Answer":"AD-LIB","Explanation":"Definition: Expression that's improvised\nA + BILD (German paper) reversed or 'on reflection'"} {"Clue":"Unusually rude worker covering new department no longer employed (9)","Answer":"REDUNDANT","Explanation":"Definition: no longer employed\nAn anagram of RUDE (anagrind is 'unusually') ANT (worker) round or 'covering' N (new) D (department)"} {"Clue":"Mobile say not working kept by strange relative (6)","Answer":"NEPHEW","Explanation":"Definition: relative\nPH~~on~~E ('mobile' say) without 'on' (working) in or 'kept by' NEW (strange)"} {"Clue":"Offence that's major or minor type possibly when quietly ignored (8)","Answer":"ENORMITY","Explanation":"Definition: Offence that's major\nAn anagram of MINOR TY~~p~~E without or 'ignoring' 'p' (quietly) \u2013 anagrind is 'possibly'"} {"Clue":"Wasps, perhaps, stick round a minor route (4,4)","Answer":"SIDE ROAD","Explanation":"Definition: minor route\n'Wasps' is a Rugby team or SIDE + ROD (stick) around A"} {"Clue":"Poorly interpret short film on court official (8)","Answer":"MISJUDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Poorly interpret\nMIS~~t~~ (film) without the last letter or 'short' + JUDGE (court official)"} {"Clue":"Grubby part of basement I redecorated (5)","Answer":"TIRED","Explanation":"Definition: Grubby\nHidden in or 'part of' 'basemenT I REDecorated'"} {"Clue":"Independent trader to get on back of dour administrative type (6,7)","Answer":"MIDDLE MANAGER","Explanation":"Definition: administrative type\nMIDDLEMAN (Independent trader) AGE (get on) R (last letter or 'back' of 'dour')"} {"Clue":"It's hung oddly amid ceremonial splendour in French hotel in capital (5,4)","Answer":"PHNOM PENH","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nH~~u~~N~~g~~ (odd letters) in POMP (ceremonial splendour) + EN ('in' in French) H (hotel)"} {"Clue":"Ring is seen on the wings of one bird (6)","Answer":"HOOPOE","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nHOOP (ring) + O~~n~~E (first and last letters or 'wings'). If you are reading this Pierre ."} {"Clue":"Versailles was noted for this feast before start of year (6)","Answer":"TREATY","Explanation":"Definition: Versailles was noted for this\nTREAT (feast) Y (first letter or 'start' of 'year') \u2013 a reference to the Treaty of Versailles"} {"Clue":"Note floor rotting around Western fellow in fortified landmark (5,2,6)","Answer":"TOWER OF LONDON","Explanation":"Definition: fortified landmark\nAn anagram of NOTE FLOOR (anagrind is 'rotting') round W (western) \n+ DON (fellow)"} {"Clue":"Label a hug that's contrived as ridiculous (9)","Answer":"LAUGHABLE","Explanation":"Definition: ridiculous\nAn anagram of LABEL A HUG \u2013 anagrind is 'contrived'"} {"Clue":"Dancer with partner snubbed by a women's quarters barring male (4,4)","Answer":"MATA HARI","Explanation":"Definition: Dancer\nMAT~~e~~ (partner) with the last letter omitted or 'snubbed' + A + HARI~~m~~ (women's quarters) without or 'barring' 'm' (male)"} {"Clue":"Small amount of money put in bank not long ago (8)","Answer":"RECENTLY","Explanation":"Definition: not long ago\nCENT (small amount of money) in RELY (bank)"} {"Clue":"Get in boat at sea (6)","Answer":"OBTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Get\nAn anagram of IN BOAT \u2013 anagrind is 'at sea'"} {"Clue":"Limit to endurance over work producing strike (6)","Answer":"WALLOP","Explanation":"Definition: strike\nWALL (limit to endurance, as in 'hitting the wall') OP (work)"} {"Clue":"One, say, familiar with testing scales in fish, it's said (5)","Answer":"TUNER","Explanation":"Definition: One, say, familiar with testing scales\nA homophone ('it's said') of TUNA (fish)"} {"Clue":"Senior judge stabbed by sword from behind well! (7)","Answer":"JEEPERS","Explanation":"Definition: well!\nSR (senior) J (judge) around or 'stabbed by' EPEE (sword) all reversed or 'from behind'"} {"Clue":"Outcome of flipping warning message (5-2)","Answer":"HEADS-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Outcome of flipping\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Grass framing bad criminal in press produces work for peelers (4-7)","Answer":"SPUD-BASHING","Explanation":"Definition: work for peelers\nSING (grass) around an anagram of BAD (anagrind is 'criminal') which is inside PUSH (press)"} {"Clue":"Direct motorway link between capitals anticipated (3)","Answer":"AIM","Explanation":"Definition: Direct\nWe think this is a reference to the A1 connecting Edinburgh and London, which, in parts is classified as a motorway, as A1(M) \u2013 but we cannot work out what part 'anticipated' is playing in the parsing."} {"Clue":"Treat tomatoes, perhaps, of various kinds (6)","Answer":"SUNDRY","Explanation":"Definition: various kinds\nA play on the fact that you can SUN DRY tomatoes \u2013 delicious!"} {"Clue":"Foolhardy rival buttonholes slow-witted fellow waiting in playhouse (8)","Answer":"VLADIMIR","Explanation":"Definition: fellow waiting in playhouse \nAn anagram of RIVAL (anagrind is 'foolhardy') around or 'button-holing'\u00a0DIM (slow witted). The fellow waiting refers to one of the characters in play"} {"Clue":"Times notice read by luvvie in boozer giving details of exhumation (1,5,3,4)","Answer":"X MARKS THE SPOT","Explanation":"Definition: details of exhumation\nX (times) MARK (notice) + THESP (luvvie) in SOT (boozer)"} {"Clue":"Dazzling routine: being dancer's first tango, well impressed! (7,2,4)","Answer":"DRESSED TO KILL","Explanation":"Definition: Dazzling\nDRILL (routine) around or 'impressed by' ESSE (being) D (first letter of dancer) T (Tango) OK (well)"} {"Clue":"Marine's visiting a party to mellow (2,6)","Answer":"IN SEASON","Explanation":"Definition: mellow\nSEA'S (marine's) inside or 'visiting' IN ON (a party to). We struggled with this one for ages as we kept on thinking of the verb 'to mellow'."} {"Clue":"Must drop joint, Spooner says (4-2)","Answer":"NEED-BE","Explanation":"Definition: Must\nA Spoonerism of BEAD (drop) KNEE (joint)"} {"Clue":"Not so many sheep now father's departed (3)","Answer":"EWE","Explanation":"Definition: sheep\n~~f~~EWE~~r~~ (not so many) without FR (father). It's not often that the definition is in the middle of a clue."} {"Clue":"Dancing to tune, regularly achieving perfection (3,3,2,3)","Answer":"TEN OUT OF TEN","Explanation":"Definition: perfection\nAn anagram of TO TUNE (anagrind is 'dancing') OFTEN (regularly)"} {"Clue":"Silk demonstrated exhibits numbers 1 and 7 (7)","Answer":"SATINET","Explanation":"Definition: Silk\nSAT IN (demonstrated) E T (first and seventh letters in 'exhibits')"} {"Clue":"Extremely daring unmentionables! (7)","Answer":"BRAVEST","Explanation":"Definition: Extremely daring\nBRA VEST (unmentionables) \u2013 Oh Dear. We just mentioned them!"} {"Clue":"I agree \u2013 well deserved, getting promoted (4,2)","Answer":"JUST SO","Explanation":"Definition: I agree\nWe struggled with this one and the only logical explanation we can come up with is SO JUST (well deserved) the wrong way round or 'getting promoted'"} {"Clue":"One draught animal failing to finish a second event in September? (7)","Answer":"EQUINOX","Explanation":"Definition: event in September? \nEQUIN~~e~~ (draught animal) without last letter or 'failing to finish' and OX (another draught animal)"} {"Clue":"Church Times given makeover by Reds, maybe? (5,4)","Answer":"EMBER DAYS","Explanation":"Definition: Church Times\nAn anagram of REDS MAYBE (anagrind is 'makeover')"} {"Clue":"Frame it, then put a sock in it (4)","Answer":"SASH","Explanation":"Definition: Frame\nSA (IT as in sex appeal) SH (put a sock in it)"} {"Clue":"The redeveloped Rio Hilton employs a lock-keeper (4,6)","Answer":"HAIR LOTION","Explanation":"Definition: lock-keeper\nAn anagram of RIO HILTON around or 'employing' A (anagrind is 'redeveloped')"} {"Clue":"A cover maintains topping for gateau at low temperature (5)","Answer":"ALGID","Explanation":"Definition: at low temperature\nA LID (cover) around G (first letter or 'topping' for gateau)"} {"Clue":"Sparkling display, Garrett's whirling gun as centrepiece (4,3)","Answer":"STAR MAP","Explanation":"Definition: Sparkling display\nPAT'S (as in Pat Garrett's) reversed or 'whirling' with ARM (gun) in the middle or 'as centrepiece'"} {"Clue":"Sweets that are made round British networks (8)","Answer":"POMFRETS","Explanation":"Definition: Sweets that are made round\nPOM (British) FRETS (networks). The round sweets are sometimes called ."} {"Clue":"Promise(!) regulars in nick big day out keeps on coming round (1,3,3,3)","Answer":"I KID YOU NOT","Explanation":"Definition: Promise(!)\nI K I D Y\u00a0(alternate or 'regular' letters in nIcK bIg DaY) and OUT around or 'keeping'\u00a0ON reversed or 'coming round'"} {"Clue":"Brew infused with Australian fruit upset writer (5,4)","Answer":"EMILE ZOLA","Explanation":"Definition: writer\nALE (brew) around or 'infused by' OZ (Australian) + LIME (fruit) all reversed or 'upset'"} {"Clue":"This is excessively defined anxiety (8)","Answer":"EDGINESS","Explanation":"Definition: anxiety\nWe are not sure about this one \u2013 an object could be said to be 'defined' by its edges, but why 'excessively'?"} {"Clue":"Extremely tranquil things taken in the afternoon out of gratitude (7)","Answer":"EASIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Extremely tranquil\n~~t~~EA SIEST~~a~~ (things taken in the afternoon) without TA (gratitude)"} {"Clue":"\"Lively young thing\", a duke observed in short communication (7)","Answer":"LADETTE","Explanation":"Definition: \"Lively young thing\"\nA D (duke) inside LETTE~~r~~ (communication) with last letter missing or 'short'"} {"Clue":"Something developing underground fuels European U-turn (6)","Answer":"PEANUT","Explanation":"Definition: Something developing underground\nHidden inside or 'fuelling' EuroPEAN U-Turn"} {"Clue":"Regarding new Uni (5)","Answer":"ASTON","Explanation":"Definition: Uni\nAS TO (regarding) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Check fourth of stars in Ursa Minor (4)","Answer":"CURB","Explanation":"Definition: Check\nR (fourth letter in 'stars') inside CUB (Ursa Minor \u2013 little bear)"} {"Clue":"A bed for Madame Bovary in the dark (5)","Answer":"UNLIT","Explanation":"Definition: in the dark\nMadame Bovary, being French, would say UN LIT for 'a bed'"} {"Clue":"The old, old, old MP (3)","Answer":"YEO","Explanation":"Definition: old MP\nYE (an archaic or 'old' version of 'the') O (old) \u2013 a reference to Tim Yeo, former MP for South Suffolk"} {"Clue":"Cardinal keeping two central letters back for Grand Inquisitor (7)","Answer":"XIMENES","Explanation":"Definition: Grand Inquisitor\nSIX (a 'cardinal' number) round or 'keeping' EN and EM (two central letters in the alphabet) all reversed or 'back'"} {"Clue":"Spin doctor avoids precipitative fall-out with third world leaders (7)","Answer":"TWIZZLE","Explanation":"Definition: Spin\n~~dr~~IZZLE ('precipitative fall-out') with the 'dr' (doctor) omitted and replaced by T W (first letters or 'leaders' of 'third world')"} {"Clue":"Poor quality shelter encounters earth tremor (5-4)","Answer":"TENTH-RATE","Explanation":"Definition: Poor quality\nTENT (shelter) + an anagram of EARTH \u2013 anagrind is 'tremor'. We spent too long trying to parse THIRD-RATE."} {"Clue":"Bucolic scene written about in hillbilly diaries (5)","Answer":"IDYLL","Explanation":"Definition: Bucolic scene\nHidden and reversed or 'written about in' 'hillbiLLY DIaries"} {"Clue":"Kiss, promise, and then wonder what you're doing (9,6)","Answer":"CROSSWORD PUZZLE","Explanation":"Definition: what you're doing\nCROSS ('X' \u2013 kiss) WORD (promise) PUZZLE (wonder)"} {"Clue":"Immerse oneself in British articles (5)","Answer":"BATHE","Explanation":"Definition: Immerse oneself\nB (British) A and THE (articles)"} {"Clue":"Offensive remark by men about Alsop originally being a poor conductor (9)","Answer":"INSULATOR","Explanation":"Definition: poor conductor\nINSULT (offensive remark) OR (other ranks \u2013 'men') round A (first or 'orginal'; letter of Alsop)"} {"Clue":"Poles involved in hard labours \u2013 might they be removed? (7)","Answer":"TONSILS","Explanation":"Definition: might they be removed?\nN S (north and south \u2013 'poles') in TOILS (hard labours)"} {"Clue":"T S Eliot's quirky figure of speech (7)","Answer":"LITOTES","Explanation":"Definition: figure of speech\nAn anagram of TS ELIOT \u2013 anagrind is 'quirky'"} {"Clue":"Go for flipping instruction to cycle (3)","Answer":"OPT","Explanation":"Definition: Go for\nPTO (please turn over \u2013 'flipping instruction') 'cycled' by moving the last letter to the front"} {"Clue":"Maize: the regularly cited beginning for American culture (5)","Answer":"AZTEC","Explanation":"Definition: American culture\nAlternate or 'regular' letters of mAiZe ThE + C (first letter or 'beginning' of 'cited')"} {"Clue":"African tribesman has ox slaughtered (5)","Answer":"XHOSA","Explanation":"Definition: African tribesman\nAn anagram of HAS OX \u2013 anagrind is 'slaughtered'"} {"Clue":"Whimsical short joke on topless type of dancing (8)","Answer":"QUIXOTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Whimsical\nQUI~~p~~ (joke) with the last letter omitted or 'short' + ~~e~~XOTIC (type of dancing) without the first letter or 'topless'"} {"Clue":"Comedienne's lines collected by being husband-free (6)","Answer":"ULLMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Comedienne\nLL (lines) in or 'collected by' ~~h~~UMAN (being) without the 'h' (husband) \u2013 a reference to Tracey Ullman"} {"Clue":"Sort of mess that's put away when picked up (4)","Answer":"ETON","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of mess\nA homophone ('when picked up') of EATEN (put away) \u2013 a reference to Eton Mess, the messy dessert made from meringues, strawberries and cream"} {"Clue":"Rest of school party, except the head (6)","Answer":"SIESTA","Explanation":"Definition: Rest\nWe think this must be: S (school) ~~f~~IESTA (party) without the first letter or 'head' \u2013 but we can't find the use of 'S' as an abbreviation for 'school' in Chambers \u2013 is Maize suggesting that the 'head' of school replaces the 'head' of 'fiesta'? If so, it's not very clear!"} {"Clue":"Time's up in two places \u2013 doesn't it fly! (6)","Answer":"TSETSE","Explanation":"Definition: fly\nSET SET ('two places') with the 't's (time) moved up to the front"} {"Clue":"Single or, in the old top flight, double (10)","Answer":"INDIVIDUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Single\nIN DIV1 (Division One \u2013 the 'old top flight' of the Football League before it was renamed the Premier League) DUAL (double)"} {"Clue":"Listen, you should be in somewhere magical \u2013 you should be in Australia! (4,4)","Answer":"OYEZ OYEZ","Explanation":"Definition: Listen\nYE (you) in OZ ('somewhere magical', as in the Wizard of Oz) + YE (you) in OZ (Australia)"} {"Clue":"Refusal of nearly every other poem entered (2,4)","Answer":"NO DEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Refusal\n'Every other' letter of NeArLy with ODE (poem) inside or 'entering' \u2013 could this really be better than a bad one?"} {"Clue":"Extremely funny Conservative hairstyle gets brutal treatment (10)","Answer":"HYSTERICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Extremely funny\nAn anagram of C (Conservative) and HAIRSTYLE \u2013 anagrind is 'gets brutal treatment'"} {"Clue":"Code-breaker's mostly shrouded location? (5)","Answer":"TURIN","Explanation":"Definition: shrouded location? \nTURIN~~g~~ (Alan Turing \u2013 'codebreaker') without the last letter or 'mostly' \u2013 a reference to the Turin shroud"} {"Clue":"Repeated pattern lost in a top with no sleeves (8)","Answer":"OSTINATO","Explanation":"Definition: Repeated pattern\nHidden in ('with no sleeves', or without the outside letters) lOST IN A TOp \u2013 a new word for us, but apparently it is 'a bass part constantly repeated with varying melody and harmony'"} {"Clue":"Pre-Roman sculpture of centaurs (8)","Answer":"ETRUSCAN","Explanation":"Definition: Pre-Roman\nAn anagram of CENTAURS \u2013 anagrind is 'sculpture'"} {"Clue":"From the sublime to the ridiculous. Diocese sacrifices and \u2026 Well, gets nothing in return (6)","Answer":"BATHOS","Explanation":"Definition: From the sublime to the ridiculous\nBATH\u00a0~~and Well~~S (diocese) with 'and well' omitted or 'sacrificed' and replaced by O (nothing). Having completed the Cotswold Way recently, we joined one of the excellent free walking tours in Bath. Our well-informed and very humorous guide explained the wrangling between the sees of Bath and Wells. This eventually resulted in the Pope in 1245 insisting that the new Bishop, appointed by Bath (disregarding the see in Wells) should henceforth be called the Bishop of Bath and Wells. Wells now has the cathedral and Bath has an Abbey \u2013 both fantastic buildings!"} {"Clue":"Inuit's building where it belongs (2,4)","Answer":"IN SITU","Explanation":"Definition: where it belongs\nAn anagram of INUIT'S \u2013 anagrind is 'building'"} {"Clue":"Pick and shovel initially put in office (6)","Answer":"SELECT","Explanation":"Definition: Pick\nS (first or 'initial' letter of 'shovel') ELECT (put in office)"} {"Clue":"A beating which leaves a lasting impression? (6)","Answer":"TATTOO","Explanation":"Definition: A beating\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Volunteers on Times newspaper prepare for take-off? (4)","Answer":"TAXI","Explanation":"Definition: prepare for take-off\nTA (Territorial Army \u2013 volunteers) X (times) I (newspaper)"} {"Clue":"Cat and dog keeping round rear flap (4,4)","Answer":"COAT TAIL","Explanation":"Definition: rear flap\nCAT TAIL\u00a0(dog) around or 'keeping' O (round)"} {"Clue":"Poisonous plant everyone rejected in section of garden close to Northern area (10)","Answer":"BELLADONNA","Explanation":"Definition: Poisonous plant\nA reversal or 'rejection' of ALL (everyone) in BED (section of garden) ON (close to) N (Northern) A (area)"} {"Clue":"Court document not up to US writer's style, article recalled (8)","Answer":"SUBPOENA","Explanation":"Definition: Court document\nThe US writer is Edgar Allan POE \u2013\u00a0Something that could be said to be 'not up to Poe's style' might be described as 'SUB-POE' +\u00a0AN (article) reversed or 'recalled'"} {"Clue":"Crack military men behind Knight taking on an American state (6)","Answer":"KANSAS","Explanation":"Definition: American state\nSAS (crack military men) behind K (knight) and AN"} {"Clue":"Disputed deer ban is here in part of Scotland (13)","Answer":"ABERDEENSHIRE","Explanation":"Definition: part of Scotland\nAn anagram of DEER BAN IS HERE \u2013 anagrind is 'disputed'"} {"Clue":"Retry media, more worried about weak data storage (4-5,6)","Answer":"READ-WRITE MEMORY","Explanation":"Definition: data storage\nAn anagram of RETRY MEDIA MORE around\u00a0W (weak) \u2013 anagrind is 'worried'"} {"Clue":"Arachnid shreds a privet badly (7,6)","Answer":"HARVEST SPIDER","Explanation":"Definition: Arachnid\nAn anagram of SHREDS A PRIVET \u2013 anagrind is 'badly'"} {"Clue":"Crimson Indian plant all over climbing frame (6)","Answer":"LADDER","Explanation":"Definition: climbing frame\nRED (crimson) DAL (Indian plant) reversed or 'all over'"} {"Clue":"Tough greedy sort, one limiting flowing oil (8)","Answer":"HOOLIGAN","Explanation":"Definition: Tough\nHOG (greedy sort) AN (one) around or 'limiting' an anagram of OIL \u2013 anagrind is 'flowing'"} {"Clue":"Regular payment secures story rebutted in court identifying cheese (10)","Answer":"DOLCELATTE","Explanation":"Definition: cheese\nDOLE (regular payment) around or 'securing'\u00a0TALE (story) reversed or 'rebutted' in CT (court)"} {"Clue":"Doctor expected to limit muscle change (8)","Answer":"MODULATE","Explanation":"Definition: change\nMO (doctor) DUE (expected) around or 'limiting'\u00a0LAT (muscle)"} {"Clue":"Easily enter place after escape of one horse (4,4)","Answer":"STEP INTO","Explanation":"Definition: Easily enter\nS~~i~~TE (place) with I (one) missing or 'escaping' PINTO (horse)"} {"Clue":"New King and Queen love to be involved in dance finance (8)","Answer":"BANK ROLL","Explanation":"Definition: finance\nN (new) K (king) R (Queen) O (love)\u00a0'involved' in\u00a0BALL (dance)"} {"Clue":"Hooter shortened, though not at first covering certain things on hooter? (4-6)","Answer":"HORN-RIMMED","Explanation":"Definition: certain things on hooter?\nHORN (hooter)~~ t~~RIMMED (shortened) without first letter or 'not at first'"} {"Clue":"At the crease, one in second eleven initially bats (6)","Answer":"INSANE","Explanation":"Definition: bats\nIN (at the crease) AN\u00a0(one) in S (second) E (first or 'initial' letter of eleven)"} {"Clue":"Busy character about to study first pair of transactions for food source (5,4)","Answer":"BREAD TREE","Explanation":"Definition: food source\nBEE (busy creature) around\u00a0READ (study) and TR (first two letters or 'pair' of transactions)"} {"Clue":"On holiday, one may have rubbish headgear \u2013 don't ask further questions (5,2,2,4)","Answer":"LEAVE IT AT THAT","Explanation":"Definition: don't ask further questions\nLEAVE (holiday) I (one) TATT (rubbish) HAT (headgear) \u2013 we've not seen 'tatt' with two 't's before but it is in Chambers"} {"Clue":"Prick occupying space on Tube as a result (3-7)","Answer":"END PRODUCT","Explanation":"Definition: result\nPROD (prick) inside or 'occupying'\u00a0EN (space) DUCT (tube)"} {"Clue":"What about plan received by sensitive signalling system? (9)","Answer":"SEMAPHORE","Explanation":"Definition: signalling system?\nEH (what) about MAP (plan) inside or 'received by' SORE (sensitive)"} {"Clue":"A volume is overseen by artists repeatedly? It's not something you see often (4,4)","Answer":"RARA AVIS","Explanation":"Definition: It's not something you see often\nA V (volume) IS underneath or 'overseen by' RA RA (artists repeatedly)"} {"Clue":"Ambassador encountering a University lecturer directly (4-2)","Answer":"HEAD-ON","Explanation":"Definition: directly\nHE (ambassador) A DON (University lecturer)"} {"Clue":"Sick as the DA's wayward wife with weapon raised (4,5,6,2)","Answer":"LIKE DEATH WARMED UP","Explanation":"Definition: Sick\nLIKE (as) + an anagram of THE DA (anagrind is 'wayward') + W (wife) + ARMED (with weapon) + UP (raised)"} {"Clue":"Not the time before Christ in traditional saying (5)","Answer":"ADAGE","Explanation":"Definition: traditional saying\nThe AD AGE, being the 'time after Christ',\u00a0could be described as 'not the time before Christ'"} {"Clue":"Carnivore's length added to value (5)","Answer":"RATEL","Explanation":"Definition: Carnivore\nL (length) 'added to' RATE (value)"} {"Clue":"Three notes \u2014 the last penned by my entrant after deadline (9)","Answer":"LATECOMER","Explanation":"Definition: entrant after deadline\nLA, TE and ME (three notes) with 'me' in or 'penned by' COR ('my' \u2013 as an exclamation)"} {"Clue":"Boy consuming egg and bones (7)","Answer":"SURGEON","Explanation":"Definition: bones\nSON (boy) round or 'consuming' URGE (egg)"} {"Clue":"An adolescent male dressed finally in rubber (7)","Answer":"ALADDIN","Explanation":"Definition: rubber\nA LAD (an adolescent male) + D (last or 'final' letter of 'dressed') + IN \u2013 the definition referring to Aladdin's need to rub his lamp to summon up the genie"} {"Clue":"Love excellent final letter (5)","Answer":"OMEGA","Explanation":"Definition: final letter\nO (love) MEGA (excellent)"} {"Clue":"Shot in Florida (3)","Answer":"RID","Explanation":"Definition: Shot\nHidden in FloRIDa"} {"Clue":"Home supporter on course for keeping record (5)","Answer":"TEPEE","Explanation":"Definition: Home\nTEE ('supporter on (golf) course') round or 'keeping' EP (record)"} {"Clue":"Pressure on nurse to present claim (7)","Answer":"PRETEND","Explanation":"Definition: claim\nP (pressure) RE (on) TEND (nurse)"} {"Clue":"Doctor boarding for South Africa's historic island (7)","Answer":"FORMOSA","Explanation":"Definition: historic island\nMO (doctor) in or 'boarding' FOR SA (South Africa) \u2013 the 'historic' name for Taiwan"} {"Clue":"His curate prepared bread and wine (9)","Answer":"EUCHARIST","Explanation":"Definition: bread and wine\nAn anagram of HIS CURATE \u2013 anagrind is 'prepared'"} {"Clue":"Republic had at first two small islands (5)","Answer":"HAITI","Explanation":"Definition: Republic\nH (first letter of 'had') AIT (small island) and I (another small island)"} {"Clue":"Class answer godly person sitting in church (5)","Answer":"CASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Class\nA (answer) ST (saint \u2013 'godly person') 'sitting' in CE (church)"} {"Clue":"Architect perhaps critical about very English country home (9)","Answer":"NASHVILLE","Explanation":"Definition: country home\nNASH (Georgian architect John Nash) ILL (critical) round V (very) + E (English) \u2013 Nashville being considered the home of country music"} {"Clue":"One burning them shortly takes half of cakes outside (8)","Answer":"ALFRESCO","Explanation":"Definition: outside\nALFRE~~d~~ (King renowned for burning the cakes) without the last letter or 'shortly' + half of SCO~~nes~~ (cakes)"} {"Clue":"Curry maybe using fish and horse's heart (6)","Answer":"SKATER","Explanation":"Definition: Curry maybe\nSKATE (fish) R (middle letter or 'heart' of 'horse') \u2013 a reference to John Curry, the British figure skater who was Olympic and World Champion in 1976"} {"Clue":"Debase theory regularly employed in praise (10)","Answer":"ADULTERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Debase\nThEoRy (alternate or 'regular letters) 'employed' in ADULATE (praise)"} {"Clue":"Each in Slough having sunk in reputation (6)","Answer":"FALLEN","Explanation":"Definition: sunk in reputation\nALL (each) in FEN (slough)"} {"Clue":"Man replacing firm in Caledonia's island group (8)","Answer":"SHETLAND","Explanation":"Definition: island group\nHE (man) replacing 'co' (company \u2013 'firm') in S~~co~~TLAND (Caledonia)"} {"Clue":"Nearly thirty-one days needed to make this brandy (4)","Answer":"MARC","Explanation":"Definition: brandy\nMARC~~h~~ (thirty-one days) without the last letter or 'nearly'"} {"Clue":"Coin squeezed between two notes in cell (6)","Answer":"NEURON","Explanation":"Definition: cell\nEURO (coin) between N and N (two notes)"} {"Clue":"Searching for peace, hail soothing application (10)","Answer":"AFTERSHAVE","Explanation":"Definition: soothing application\nAFTER (searching for) SH (peace) AVE (hail)"} {"Clue":"River to surge up \u2014 that involves constant worry (8)","Answer":"EXERCISE","Explanation":"Definition: worry\nEXE (river) RISE (surge up) round or 'involving' C (constant)"} {"Clue":"Massive star made by two different pandas (3,5)","Answer":"RED GIANT","Explanation":"Definition: Massive star\nRED and GIANT are two species of panda, although apparently they are not closely related"} {"Clue":"Divorcee and excitable maiden investigated (8)","Answer":"EXAMINED","Explanation":"Definition: investigated\nEX (divorcee) + an anagram of MAIDEN \u2013 anagrind is 'excitable'"} {"Clue":"Romeo in drama's Brosnan? (6)","Answer":"PIERCE","Explanation":"Definition: Brosnan\nR (Romeo in the phonetic alphabet) in PIECE (drama) \u2013 a reference to actor Pierce Brosnan.\u00a0*Thanks Eileen \u2013 we've corrected predictive text error and our poor proof-reading!\u00a0"} {"Clue":"Female is into the kinky\u00a0behaviour (6)","Answer":"FETISH","Explanation":"Definition: behaviour\nF (female) + IS in an anagram of THE \u2013 anagrind is 'kinky' \u2013 is 'kinky also part of the definition?"} {"Clue":"Bird heading for oven \u2014 one having stuffed part (6)","Answer":"ORIOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nO (first letter or 'heading' of 'oven') + I (one) in or 'stuffing' ROLE (part). At the risk of another court action from Pierre's solicitor we are including another 'obligatory bird link'. The bird is just too beautiful to ignore \u2013 have a look at ."} {"Clue":"God shows an interest? Not initially! (4)","Answer":"ARES","Explanation":"Definition: God\n~~c~~ARES (shows an interest) without the initial letter"} {"Clue":"Light texture's back in flesh (6)","Answer":"BEACON","Explanation":"Definition: Light\nE (last letter or 'back' of 'texture') in BACON (flesh)"} {"Clue":"Church joining party once worried, not enjoying it? (8)","Answer":"CELIBATE","Explanation":"Definition: not enjoying it?\nCE (church) LIB (Liberals \u2013 'party once') ATE (worried)"} {"Clue":"Complaint, as leader punched by boy (6)","Answer":"MALADY","Explanation":"Definition: Complaint\nMAY (Theresa May \u2013 'leader') round or 'punched by' LAD (boy)"} {"Clue":"Legitimate rubbish written about French here (8)","Answer":"OFFICIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Legitimate\nOFFAL (rubbish) 'written' round ICI (French for 'here')"} {"Clue":"Covered in poo, water hardly in short supply to get hands cleaner? (8)","Answer":"MANICURE","Explanation":"Definition: get hands cleaner\nMANURE ('poo') round or 'covering' IC~~e~~ ('hard' water) without the last letter or 'in short supply'"} {"Clue":"Scorer with 22 in game, we hear? (5)","Answer":"HAYDN","Explanation":"Definition: Scorer\n'Hide'n'seek' is the game, a homophone ('we hear') of HADYN Sikh (22d)"} {"Clue":"Signed when joined, initial unnecessary (5)","Answer":"INKED","Explanation":"Definition: Signed\n~~l~~INKED (joined) without the first or 'initial' letter"} {"Clue":"Young animal pulling tail from bird (3)","Answer":"KIT","Explanation":"Definition: Young animal\nKIT~~e~~ (bird) without the last letter or 'tail'"} {"Clue":"Explosive stuff sent over, stronger tinderboxes? (5)","Answer":"NITRE","Explanation":"Definition: Explosive stuff\nHidden or 'boxed' and reversed or 'sent over' in 'strongER TINder"} {"Clue":"Ultimately, muscle behind lift (5)","Answer":"ELATE","Explanation":"Definition: lift\nE (last or 'ultimate' letter of 'muscle') LATE (behind)"} {"Clue":"Famous singer Ice-T, artist making comeback (4,4)","Answer":"ROCK STAR","Explanation":"Definition: Famous singer\nROCKS (ice \u2013 both slang for diamonds) + T + RA (artist) reversed or 'making comeback'"} {"Clue":"Metal instrument, one probing stomach (8)","Answer":"LUTETIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Metal\nLUTE (instrument) + I (one) in or 'probing' TUM (stomach)"} {"Clue":"So-called raw pepper (6)","Answer":"CHILLI","Explanation":"Definition: pepper\nA homophone ('so-called') of CHILLY (raw \u2013 very cold)"} {"Clue":"Creator questionably needing time to influence past events (8)","Answer":"RETROACT","Explanation":"Definition: influence past events\nAn anagram of CREATOR \u2013 anagrind is 'questionably' + T (time)"} {"Clue":"Clean tongue (6)","Answer":"POLISH","Explanation":"Definition: Clean\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Not entirely accurate delivery to leave (8)","Answer":"BALLPARK","Explanation":"Definition: Not entirely accurate\nBALL (delivery \u2013 in cricket) PARK (leave)"} {"Clue":"Group of players pitted wits on ice now, with odd skids (8,7)","Answer":"WOODWIND SECTION","Explanation":"Definition: Group of players pitted\nAn anagram of WITS ON ICE NOW and ODD \u2013 anagrind is 'skids'"} {"Clue":"Help sought by narcissist leader in Trump, feckless individual I gathered (6,5)","Answer":"SELFIE STICK","Explanation":"Definition: Help sought by narcissist\nT (first letter or 'leader' in Trump) in an anagram of FECKLESS I (individual) I \u2013 anagrind is 'gathered'"} {"Clue":"Where behaviour refined on a trawler, say, having gathered in a lot of herring, perhaps? (9,6)","Answer":"FINISHING SCHOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Where behaviour refined\nFISHING ('on a trawler, say') round or 'gathering' IN + SCHOOL ('a lot of herring, perhaps')"} {"Clue":"Correspondence bird-like, might you say? (6)","Answer":"PARITY","Explanation":"Definition: Correspondence\nA homophone ('might you say') of PARROTY ('bird-like')"} {"Clue":"After a write-up, stop screening programme \u2013 put to bed again? (9)","Answer":"REPLANTED","Explanation":"Definition: put to bed again\nDETER (stop) reversed or 'written up' round or 'screening' PLAN (programme)"} {"Clue":"Poor person's head hit (4)","Answer":"BUMP","Explanation":"Definition: hit\nBUM (poor) P (first letter or 'head' of 'person')"} {"Clue":"Unexpected blow, one doing otherwise with drink (6-5)","Answer":"SUCKER-PUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: Unexpected blow\nA SUCKER would be doing the opposite of 'blowing' + PUNCH (drink)"} {"Clue":"Fixed stocking material with a safety device (4,5)","Answer":"FIRE ALARM","Explanation":"Definition: safety device\nFIRM (fixed) round or 'stocking' REAL (material) A"} {"Clue":"Go without starter, standing to eat McDonald's after bar snack (5,3)","Answer":"TRAIL MIX","Explanation":"Definition: snack\n~~e~~XIT (go) without the first letter or 'starter' reversed or 'standing' round or 'eating' M (McDonald's \u2013 as in 'the golden arches') after RAIL (bar)"} {"Clue":"Sharp as Old King Cole in the end (6)","Answer":"ASTUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Sharp\nAS + TUT (Tutankhamun \u2013 'old king') E (last letter or 'end' of 'Cole')"} {"Clue":"Indian Arab chief, not he (4)","Answer":"SIKH","Explanation":"Definition: Indian\nS~~he~~IKH (Arab chief) without 'he'"} {"Clue":"Shot Norm posted is self-referential in style? (10)","Answer":"POSTMODERN","Explanation":"Definition: self-referential in style\nAn anagram of NORM POSTED \u2013 anagrind is 'shot'"} {"Clue":"One billed in bistro in Southwark for starters (4)","Answer":"IBIS","Explanation":"Definition: One billed\nFirst letters or 'starters' of In Bistro In Southwark \u2013 an original definition!"} {"Clue":"Pure line of drugs? Her Maj's one to snort it! (5)","Answer":"WHITE","Explanation":"Definition: Pure\nHIT (line of drugs) in or 'snorted by' WE (the Queen's expression of 'one' \u2013 herself)"} {"Clue":"Bangers and mash or slice of celeriac stacks (5,4)","Answer":"STOCK CARS","Explanation":"Definition: Bangers\nAn anagram of OR, C (first letter or 'slice' of 'celeriac') and STACKS \u2013 anagrind is 'mash'"} {"Clue":"Castle kingside for a potentially boring draw? (3,3)","Answer":"NIL NIL","Explanation":"Definition: a potentially boring draw?\nThis one had us stumped \u2013 primarily because we are not familiar with the intricacies of the theme of the puzzle. However, a bit of googling revealed that the notation for the move 'castle kingside' in chess is 0-0 or NIL NIL"} {"Clue":"Doctor's instrument (6)","Answer":"FIDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Doctor\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"People using right instead of left branch in road? (4)","Answer":"FORK","Explanation":"Definition: branch in road\nFO~~l~~K (people) with R (right) in place of 'l' (left)"} {"Clue":"Possibly edgy article on quiet woman in danger (10)","Answer":"PERIPHERAL","Explanation":"Definition: Possibly edgy\nA (article) after P (quiet) HER (woman) in PERIL (danger)"} {"Clue":"Earnest appeals will fill competitors with worry (10)","Answer":"ENTREATIES","Explanation":"Definition: Earnest appeals\nENTRIES (competitors) round or 'filled with' EAT (worry)"} {"Clue":"Aristocracy is offensive (4)","Answer":"RANK","Explanation":"Definition: Aristocracy\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Shiny little thing Earl, 24, to visit Pride? (6)","Answer":"SEQUIN","Explanation":"Definition: Shiny little thing\nE (earl) QU (queen \u2013 24d) in or 'visiting' SIN (pride is one of the seven deadly sins)"} {"Clue":"Superstore possibly to ban German cloth rep? (6)","Answer":"BISHOP","Explanation":"Definition: cloth rep?\nBI~~g~~ SHOP ('superstore possibly') without or 'banning' 'g' (German) \u2013 lovely definition!"} {"Clue":"Individual with a couple of lines for everybody (3,3,3)","Answer":"ONE AND ALL","Explanation":"Definition: everybody\nONE (individual) AND (with) A LL (couple of lines)"} {"Clue":"Back-breaking bit of labour makes you depressed (5)","Answer":"BLACK","Explanation":"Definition: depressed\nBACK 'broken' by L (first letter or 'bit' of 'labour')"} {"Clue":"Endless sexual perversion primarily gratifies royal (4)","Answer":"KING","Explanation":"Definition: royal\nKIN~~k~~ (sexual perversion) without the last letter or 'endless' + G (first or 'primary' letter of 'gratifies')"} {"Clue":"Filled with fear, ride resort rollercoasters! (10)","Answer":"TERRORISED","Explanation":"Definition: Filled with fear\nAn anagram of RIDE RESORT \u2013 anagrind is 'rollercoasters'"} {"Clue":"Something to do at uncle's place? Read aloud smut! (4)","Answer":"PAWN","Explanation":"Definition: Something to do at uncle's place? \nA homophone ('read aloud') of PORN (smut)"} {"Clue":"Wrongdoer film catches heading to punch silk manufacturer (9)","Answer":"SPINNERET","Explanation":"Definition: silk manufacturer\nSINNER (wrongdoer) ET (film) round or 'catching' P (first letter or 'heading' to 'punch')"} {"Clue":"Quietly married every 168 hours, losing head? (6)","Answer":"MEEKLY","Explanation":"Definition: Quietly\nM (married) ~~w~~EEKLY (every 168 hours or 7 days) without the first letter or 'losing head'"} {"Clue":"We'd disagree it sends energy-sapped side crazy (10)","Answer":"DISSIDENTS","Explanation":"Definition: We'd disagree\nAn anagram of IT SENDS SID~~e~~ with the 'e' (energy) omitted or 'sapped' \u2013 anagrind is 'crazy'"} {"Clue":"Punch out men on the turn, then deck cheat? (4)","Answer":"ROOK","Explanation":"Definition: cheat\nKO ('punch out') OR (other ranks \u2013 'men') reversed or 'on the turn' \u2013 we're not sure why 'deck' is included \u2013 could it refer to being knocked out?"} {"Clue":"Table with pronounced glazing over? (5)","Answer":"BOARD","Explanation":"Definition: Table\nA homophone ('pronounced') of BORED ('glazing over')"} {"Clue":"I let loose with kisser resembling a nun, perhaps (10)","Answer":"SISTERLIKE","Explanation":"Definition: resembling a nun, perhaps \nAn anagram of I LET and KISSER \u2013 anagrind is 'loose'"} {"Clue":"Conversational evening, Sir? (6)","Answer":"KNIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Sir\nA homophone ('conversational') of NIGHT (evening)"} {"Clue":"Dessert wine that makes one wobble following a big one! (10)","Answer":"AFTERSHOCK","Explanation":"Definition: wobble following a big one\nAFTERS (dessert) HOCK (wine)"} {"Clue":"Diversion forced 1 mile trek around lake (4-6)","Answer":"TIME-KILLER","Explanation":"Definition: Diversion\nAn anagram of I MILE TREK (anagrind is 'forced') round L (lake)"} {"Clue":"Harvest several fruits, crops up again? (9)","Answer":"REAPPEARS","Explanation":"Definition: crops up again\nREAP (harvest) PEARS (several fruits)"} {"Clue":"Stuffed with seconds? Sit on the throne to relieve oneself? (6)","Answer":"RESIGN","Explanation":"Definition: relieve oneself\nS (seconds) in or 'stuffing' REIGN (sit on the throne)"} {"Clue":"Where one might order shorts and briefs? (3,3)","Answer":"THE BAR","Explanation":"Definition: Where one might order shorts\nDouble definition \u2013 the 'briefs' being lawyers"} {"Clue":"Strange cut on debut of new rock band (5)","Answer":"QUEEN","Explanation":"Definition: rock band\nQUEE~~r~~ (strange) with the last letter omitted or 'cut' + N (first letter or 'debut' of 'new')"} {"Clue":"Fk buddy (4)","Answer":"MATE","Explanation":"Definition: F**k buddy\nDouble definition \u2013 Hoskins getting very near the mark with this one!"} {"Clue":"Issue with the erection of small slide (4)","Answer":"SKID","Explanation":"Definition: slide\nKIDS (issue) with the 's' (small) moved to the front or 'erected'"} {"Clue":"Rush about without discipline? Quite the opposite! (6)","Answer":"HASTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Rush\n~~c~~HASTEN (discipline) without 'c' (circa \u2013 'about') \u2013 'quite the opposite' meaning that it's to be read as 'discipline without about'"} {"Clue":"Southern city stores rubbish in pile (7,4)","Answer":"STATELY HOME","Explanation":"Definition: pile\nS (southern) ELY (city) round or 'storing' TAT (rubbish) + HOME (in)"} {"Clue":"Report back without completing figure of speech (5)","Answer":"TROPE","Explanation":"Definition: figure of speech\n~~r~~EPORT reversed or 'back' without the 'r' (the last letter when reversed or 'without completing')"} {"Clue":"People appearing in National Theatre role organised registration (9)","Answer":"ENROLMENT","Explanation":"Definition: registration\nMEN (people) 'appearing' in anagram of NT (National Theatre) ROLE \u2013 anagrind is 'organised'"} {"Clue":"Mangle Quasimodo's role on the radio? (7)","Answer":"WRINGER","Explanation":"Definition: Mangle\nA homophone ('on the radio') of RINGER \u2013 referring to Quasimodo, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, who rang the bells"} {"Clue":"One who's withdrawn from public life's beginning to exercise on park (7)","Answer":"RECLUSE","Explanation":"Definition: One who's withdrawn from public\nL (first letter or 'beginning' of 'life') USE (exercise) after or 'on' REC (Recreation Ground or 'park')"} {"Clue":"Two forms of art start to portray claustrophobic space (3,4)","Answer":"RAT TRAP","Explanation":"Definition: claustrophobic space\nTwo anagrams or 'forms' of ART + P (first letter or 'start' of 'portray')"} {"Clue":"Column following one paid to perform biographical sketch (7)","Answer":"PROFILE","Explanation":"Definition: biographical sketch\nFILE (column) following PRO (professional \u2013 'one paid to perform')"} {"Clue":"Actively dislike having to go round cycling dry or wet (7)","Answer":"HYDRATE","Explanation":"Definition: wet\nHATE (actively dislike) ~~round an anagram of DRY \u2013 anagrind is 'cycling'~~ round YDR a 'cycling' of the letters in DRY.\u00a0*Thanks to ."} {"Clue":"Moderate delivery of drugs no longer available (4,3)","Answer":"EASE OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Moderate\nA homophone ('delivery') of Es (drugs) OFF (no longer available)"} {"Clue":"Public restraint's said to exercise and tax the system excessively (9)","Answer":"OVERTRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: exercise and tax the system excessively\nOVERT (public) + a homophone ('said') of REIN (restraint)"} {"Clue":"Bushmen imbibing concealed sources of water (5)","Answer":"NIMBI","Explanation":"Definition: sources of water\n'Concealed' in 'BushmeN IMBIbing'"} {"Clue":"Class took exam about profits and balances (4,7)","Answer":"SETS AGAINST","Explanation":"Definition: balances\nSET (class) SAT (took exam) round GAINS (profits)"} {"Clue":"10 informal discussions put up value in advance (10,5)","Answer":"CHATSWORTH HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: 10\nCHATS (informal discussions) HOUSE (put up) after WORTH (value \u2013 'in advance') \u2013 the '10' referring to 10across"} {"Clue":"Allied resistance in classified exchanges with intelligence agency (10)","Answer":"ASSOCIATED","Explanation":"Definition: Allied\nASSO~~r~~TED (classified) with the 'r' (resistance') 'exchanged' for CIA (intelligence agency)"} {"Clue":"Key passage for the audience (4)","Answer":"ISLE","Explanation":"Definition: Key\nA homophone ('for the audience') of AISLE (passage)"} {"Clue":"Job anxiety leads to early retirement (6)","Answer":"CAREER","Explanation":"Definition: Job\nCARE (anxiety) + first letters or 'leads' to Early Retirement"} {"Clue":"Rent decrease produces emotional response (8)","Answer":"TEARDROP","Explanation":"Definition: emotional response\nTEAR (rent) DROP (decrease) \u2013 we had to check that 'rent' could mean 'tear', as in normal usage, 'rent' would be the past tense \u2013 i.e. 'torn'. However, Chambers confirms that 'rent' is an obsolete or dialect form of 'rend', so it does work \u2013 but we think there should perhaps be an indication that it is not current usage"} {"Clue":"Race revolution wanting an end finally to cause of suffering (5-5)","Answer":"CYCLO-CROSS","Explanation":"Definition: Race\nCYCL~~e~~ (revolution) without or 'wanting' the last letter or 'end' + O (last or 'final' letter of 'to') + CROSS (cause of suffering)"} {"Clue":"Posh education establishment completely dropping English accent (4)","Answer":"TONE","Explanation":"Definition: accent\nETON ('posh educational establishment') with the 'E' (English) moving front front to back, or 'completely dropping' (in a down clue)"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Robin and Harry fainted here with Fred (9,6)","Answer":"FEATHERED FRIEND","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Robin\nAn anagram of FAINTED HERE and FRED \u2013 anagrind is 'harry'"} {"Clue":"Huge Hackney charity event upset mad aunt (10)","Answer":"GARGANTUAN","Explanation":"Definition: Huge\nNAG (Hackney \u2013 a horse) RAG (charity event) reversed or 'upset' +an anagram of AUNT \u2013 anagrind is 'mad'"} {"Clue":"In favour of joining two universities by start of year to demonstrate consistency (10)","Answer":"UNIFORMITY","Explanation":"Definition: consistency\nFOR (in favour of) between or 'joining' UNI and MIT (two universities) + Y (first letter or 'start' of 'year')"} {"Clue":"Moving article, to do with mother and father during pregnancy (8)","Answer":"PRENATAL","Explanation":"Definition: during pregnancy\nPARENTAL (to do with mother and father) with the first 'A' (article) moved"} {"Clue":"This has an influence on elements updated on-line (2,4)","Answer":"EL NINO","Explanation":"Definition: This has an influence on elements\nAn anagram of ON-LINE \u2013 anagrind is 'updated'"} {"Clue":"Swallows take flight, ultimately going north in the direction of China? (4)","Answer":"EATS","Explanation":"Definition: Swallows\nEAST ('in the direction of China') with the 'T' (last or 'ultimate' letter of 'flight') moving forwards or 'north' in a down clue"} {"Clue":"Pay close attention to me? (4)","Answer":"NOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Pay close attention\nDouble definition \u2013 'me' being a NOTE in the sol-fa notation"} {"Clue":"Sort of heavenly model: one with lots bare, wiggling (9)","Answer":"ASTROLABE","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of heavenly model\nAn anagram of A (one) and LOTS BARE \u2013 anagrind is 'wiggling'"} {"Clue":"Unmarried, having no son? A cosy position (5)","Answer":"INGLE","Explanation":"Definition: A cosy position\n~~s~~INGLE (unmarried) without the 's' (son)"} {"Clue":"Broke? Increase in receipts mostly reversed (5)","Answer":"KAPUT","Explanation":"Definition: Broke\nUP (increase) in TAK~~e~~ (receipts) without the last letter or 'mostly' \u2013 all reversed"} {"Clue":"Misaligned fellows having little money in aggregate (3-6)","Answer":"OFF-CENTRE","Explanation":"Definition: Misaligned\nFF (fellows) CENT ('little money') in ORE (aggregate)"} {"Clue":"Subprogram to do with energy? It bears fruit (5,4)","Answer":"APPLE TREE","Explanation":"Definition: It bears fruit\nAPPLET (subprogram) RE (to do with) E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Run in footwear? I need special shoes (5)","Answer":"HORSE","Explanation":"Definition: I need special shoes\nR (run) in HOSE (footwear)"} {"Clue":"Tense ramble, having shaken off daughter and ferocious mother (7)","Answer":"TIGRESS","Explanation":"Definition: ferocious mother \nT (tense) ~~d~~IGRESS (ramble) without or 'shaking off' the 'd' (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Proclaim appearance of politician in real-time (7)","Answer":"TRUMPET","Explanation":"Definition: Proclaim\nMP (politician) in TRUE (real) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Reliable performer dropped in error? (5)","Answer":"BRICK","Explanation":"Definition: Reliable performer\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Rough bale carried by a pale 15 without demur (9)","Answer":"AGREEABLY","Explanation":"Definition: without demur\nAn anagram of BALE (anagrind is 'rough') in or 'carried by' A GREY (pale horse \u2013 15across)"} {"Clue":"A great number in lively dance company being held back (9)","Answer":"OCTILLION","Explanation":"Definition: A great number\nWe're completely stumped by this one! There's NO (number) and CO (company) reversed at either end and LIT ('lively'?) reversed in the middle, but the 'number' is part of the definition, and where does the LI and 'dance' come in? Any thoughts out there? *See the helpful comment from ."} {"Clue":"Despicable character keeping Bill silent (5)","Answer":"TACIT","Explanation":"Definition: silent\nTIT (despicable character) round or 'keeping' AC (account \u2013 bill)"} {"Clue":"I attempt to secure line over construction of ice (5)","Answer":"IGLOO","Explanation":"Definition: construction of ice\nI GO (try) round or 'securing' L (line) + O (over)"} {"Clue":"Tin left in food store not ultimately suited to a romantic dinner? (9)","Answer":"CANDLELIT","Explanation":"Definition: suited to a romantic dinner?\nCAN (tin) + L (left) in DELI (food store) + T (last or 'ultimate' letter of 'not')"} {"Clue":"Hard week hosting a supporter of war (4)","Answer":"HAWK","Explanation":"Definition: supporter of war\nH (hard) WK (week) round or 'hosting' A"} {"Clue":"Increase number of animals at home? (4,2)","Answer":"STEP UP","Explanation":"Definition: Increase number\nPETS (animals at home) reversed or UP"} {"Clue":"Expressions of courage and audacity in a jam (10)","Answer":"BOTTLENECK","Explanation":"Definition: jam\nBOTTLE (courage) NECK (audacity)"} {"Clue":"Italian gangster: \"I run Italian city, turning up in criminal acts\" (10)","Answer":"CAMORRISTA","Explanation":"Definition: Italian gangster\nI R (run) ROMA (Italian city) reversed or 'turning up' in an anagram of ACTS \u2013 anagrind is 'criminal' \u2013 a new one for us!"} {"Clue":"Grouse, or another main course? (4)","Answer":"BEEF","Explanation":"Definition: Grouse\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"English Literature picked up in item of coverage (4)","Answer":"TILE","Explanation":"Definition: item of coverage\nE (English) LIT (literature) reversed or 'picked up'"} {"Clue":"A lot of Republicans will accept it (public relations) as a political tool (8)","Answer":"AGITPROP","Explanation":"Definition: political tool\nA GOP (Grand Old Party \u2013 the Republicans) round or 'accepting' IT PR (public relations)"} {"Clue":"See Fenland city invaded by the men rioting ferociously (10)","Answer":"VEHEMENTLY","Explanation":"Definition: ferociously\nV (vide \u2013 see) ELY (Fenland city) round or 'invaded by' an anagram of THE MEN \u2013 anagrind is 'rioting'"} {"Clue":"It captures brief life-story in caper relating to medical treatment (10)","Answer":"ANTIBIOTIC","Explanation":"Definition: medical treatment\nIT round or 'capturing' BIO~~g~~ (biography \u2013 'life-story') without the last letter or 'brief' in ANTIC (caper)"} {"Clue":"Exalting Knight: none right to be upset about that (10)","Answer":"ENTHRONING","Explanation":"Definition: Exalting\nN (knight \u2013 in chess) with an anagram of NONE RIGHT (anagrind is 'upset') outside or 'about'"} {"Clue":"Standard approach employs limits of theory when in difficulty (5,5)","Answer":"HOUSE STYLE","Explanation":"Definition: Standard approach\nUSES (employs) T~~heor~~Y (first and last letters or 'limits') in HOLE (difficulty)"} {"Clue":"One officer I left throttled by chap fully acknowledging blame (8)","Answer":"GUILTILY","Explanation":"Definition: fully acknowledging blame\nI (one) LT (lieutenant \u2013 officer) I L (left) in or 'throttled by' GUY (chap)"} {"Clue":"Resist before the French collapse (6)","Answer":"BUCKLE","Explanation":"Definition: collapse\nBUCK (resist) LE ('the' in French)"} {"Clue":"Hero's award \u2013 not another award? (4)","Answer":"LION","Explanation":"Definition: Hero\n~~medal~~LION (award) without 'medal' ('another award;)"} {"Clue":"Long to marry after losing first husband (4)","Answer":"ITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Long\n~~h~~ITCH (marry) 'losing' the first 'h' (husband)"} {"Clue":"Betting system supplying sum before end of race (4)","Answer":"TOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Betting system\nTOT (sum) E (last letter or 'end' of 'race')"} {"Clue":"Card game requiring players to hold an ace (7)","Answer":"CANASTA","Explanation":"Definition: Card game\nCAST (players) round or 'holding' AN + A (ace)"} {"Clue":"Plant first of nemesias towards the back (6)","Answer":"ASTERN","Explanation":"Definition: towards the back \nASTER (plant) N (first letter of 'nemesias')"} {"Clue":"Granny involves lad in backing Toc H perhaps (9)","Answer":"CONSONANT","Explanation":"Definition: H perhaps\nNAN (granny) round or 'involving' SON (lad) in TOC reversed or 'backing'"} {"Clue":"Do chapter on tragic heroine (5)","Answer":"MIMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Do\nC (chapter) after or 'on' MIMI (tragic heroine in 'La Boheme')"} {"Clue":"Dog, not black, for harpy? (5)","Answer":"EAGLE","Explanation":"Definition: harpy\n~~b~~EAGLE (dog) without the 'b' (black)"} {"Clue":"Pot caused Dicky to become this? (6,3)","Answer":"SPACED OUT","Explanation":"Definition: this\nAn anagram of POT CAUSED \u2013 anagrind is 'dicky'"} {"Clue":"No-nonsense northern relation lost in York perhaps (8)","Answer":"SENSIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: No-nonsense\nN (northern) SIB (sibling \u2013 'relation') L (lost) in SEE (diocese \u2013 'York perhaps')"} {"Clue":"God, say Hindus, originally possessing an elephant's head (6)","Answer":"GANESH","Explanation":"Definition: God, say Hindus, originally possessing an elephant's head\n~~Cryptic definition~~\u00a0An &lit\u00a0\u2013 First or 'original' letters of God Say Hindus round or 'possessing' AN E (first letter or 'head' of 'elephant') \u2013 Ganesh is a Hindu god with an elephant's head. Thanks to Andrew @ 1 for pointing out ~~our~~ Bert's error!"} {"Clue":"Make a show of influence (6)","Answer":"AFFECT","Explanation":"Definition: Make a show of\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Very forced smile concealing Charlie's gaffe (8)","Answer":"SOLECISM","Explanation":"Definition: gaffe\nSO (very) + an anagram of SMILE (anagrind is 'forced') round or 'concealing' C (Charlie in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Captain invading valley, I reflected, is doomed (3-6)","Answer":"ILL-OMENED","Explanation":"Definition: doomed\nNEMO (Captain \u2013 in the Jules Verne novels) in or 'invading' DELL (valley) I, all reversed or 'reflected'"} {"Clue":"Rash man's keeping WWII bomb around (5)","Answer":"HIVES","Explanation":"Definition: Rash\nHE'S (man's) round or 'keeping' V1 (WWII 'flying' bomb) reversed or 'around'"} {"Clue":"Cut Hank on vacation some slack (5)","Answer":"LOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: slack\nLOO~~p~~ (hank) without the last letter or 'cut' + S~~om~~E without the middle letters or 'on vacation'"} {"Clue":"All-in wrestling with bare stage performer (9)","Answer":"BALLERINA","Explanation":"Definition: stage performer\nAn anagram of ALL-IN and BARE \u2013 anagrind is 'wrestling'"} {"Clue":"Crossword solver, as it were, gets a seat (6)","Answer":"SETTEE","Explanation":"Definition: seat\nA crossword solver is a person for whom a Setter compiles a puzzle and could therefore possibly be described as a SETTEE"} {"Clue":"Dread getting into offspring's tangle? (7)","Answer":"SEAWEED","Explanation":"Definition: tangle\nAWE (dread) 'getting into' SEED (offspring)"} {"Clue":"Dog's nap is disturbed, having crowing bird around (6,7)","Answer":"COCKER SPANIEL","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nAn anagram of NAP IS (anagrind is 'disturbed') in COCKEREL (crowing bird)"} {"Clue":"News about Bosnia regularly ignored \u2013 go figure (7)","Answer":"NONAGON","Explanation":"Definition: figure\nN and N ('news') round alternate or 'regular' letters of BOsNiA GO"} {"Clue":"Spanish gentleman's second to last to sleep soundly? (5)","Answer":"SNORE","Explanation":"Definition: sleep soundly\nSENOR (Spanish gentleman) with the 'e' (second letter) moved to the end or 'last'"} {"Clue":"A woman swallows a lot of salt water (5,3)","Answer":"ADAMS ALE","Explanation":"Definition: water\nA DAME (woman) round or 'swallowing' SAL~~t~~ without the last letter or 'a lot of'"} {"Clue":"A guy skirting river gets lost (6)","Answer":"ASTRAY","Explanation":"Definition: lost\nA STAY (guy) round or 'skirting' R (river)"} {"Clue":"Clement and Paddy scoffed (9)","Answer":"TEMPERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Clement\nTEMPER (paddy) ATE (scoffed)"} {"Clue":"Right, Leo McKern's heading up cast as barrister (7)","Answer":"RUMPOLE","Explanation":"Definition: barrister\nR (right) + an anagram of LEO M (first letter or 'heading' of 'McKern) UP \u2013 anagrind is 'cast'"} {"Clue":"Copper on case of theft was informed arrests have to make the grade (3,3,7)","Answer":"CUT THE MUSTARD","Explanation":"Definition: make the grade\nCU (copper) T~~hef~~T (first and last letters or 'case') HEARD (was informed) round or 'arresting' MUST (have to)"} {"Clue":"Lying is popular with criminal (9)","Answer":"INCUMBENT","Explanation":"Definition: Lying\nIN (popular) CUM (with) BENT (criminal)"} {"Clue":"Boats travel by land so awkwardly (8)","Answer":"GONDOLAS","Explanation":"Definition: Boats\nGO (travel) + an anagram of LAND SO \u2013 anagrind is 'awkwardly'"} {"Clue":"Orchestra stops to smoke? That's excessive! (7)","Answer":"FULSOME","Explanation":"Definition: excessive\nLSO (London Symphony Orchestra) in or 'stopping' FUME (smoke)"} {"Clue":"Bill's singing well (7)","Answer":"INVOICE","Explanation":"Definition: Bill\nIf one is 'singing well' one could be said to be IN VOICE"} {"Clue":"Authorise drug arrest by the French (6)","Answer":"ENABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Authorise\nE (drug) NAB (arrest) LE ('the' in French)"} {"Clue":"One may laugh, showing some healthy enamel (5)","Answer":"HYENA","Explanation":"Definition: One may laugh\nHidden in or 'some' healtHY ENAmel"} {"Clue":"Feline resting in outhouse is injured (7)","Answer":"SCATHED","Explanation":"Definition: injured\nCAT (feline) 'resting' in SHED (outhouse)"} {"Clue":"Lose heart of French gent hugging secretary (7)","Answer":"DESPAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Lose heart \nDE (French for 'of') SIR (gent) round or 'hugging' PA (personal assistant \u2013 secretary)"} {"Clue":"Catches opponents around northern area coming back (7)","Answer":"ENTRAPS","Explanation":"Definition: Catches\nE and S (East and South, opponents in Bridge or other card games) around N (Northern) PART (area) reversed or 'coming back'"} {"Clue":"Smears mark broken signal (7)","Answer":"MALIGNS","Explanation":"Definition: Smears\nM (mark) + an anagram of SIGNAL \u2013 anagrind is 'broken'"} {"Clue":"Happen to interrupt crude gesture that's not usual in pub (5,4)","Answer":"GUEST BEER","Explanation":"Definition: that's not usual in pub\nBE (happen) in or 'interrupting' an anagram of GESTURE \u2013 anagrind is 'crude'"} {"Clue":"Wife, nag dismissing husband being inferior (5)","Answer":"WORSE","Explanation":"Definition: inferior\nW (wife) ~~h~~ORSE (nag) without or 'dismissing' the 'h' (husband)"} {"Clue":"Break around heel of the boot again (5)","Answer":"RESET","Explanation":"Definition: boot again\nREST (break) round E (last letter or 'heel' of 'the')"} {"Clue":"Conscious about male attitude (9)","Answer":"SENTIMENT","Explanation":"Definition: attitude\nSENTIENT (conscious) round M (male)"} {"Clue":"Excellent grass obtained from unruly youngster (9)","Answer":"SUPERBRAT","Explanation":"Definition: unruly youngster\nSUPERB (excellent) RAT (grass, as in informer)"} {"Clue":"Animal part taken from beast, a piranha (5)","Answer":"TAPIR","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\nHidden in, or 'a part taken from' beasT A PIRanha"} {"Clue":"Long way to walk in endless bid for spicy food (5)","Answer":"BHAJI","Explanation":"Definition: spicy food\nHAJ (long way to walk) in BI~~d~~ without the last letter or 'endless'"} {"Clue":"Model has to slim for promotional material (9)","Answer":"MAILSHOTS","Explanation":"Definition: promotional material\nAn anagram of HAS TO SLIM \u2013 anagrind is 'model'"} {"Clue":"Milk added at the start contaminating tea (7)","Answer":"EXTRACT","Explanation":"Definition: Milk\nEXTRA (added) C T (first letters or 'at the start' of 'Contaminating Tea')"} {"Clue":"Stay away from Kelvin with messed up toupee (4,3)","Answer":"KEEP OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Stay away\nK (Kelvin \u2013 SI unit for measurement of temperature) + an anagram of TOUPEE \u2013 anagrind is 'messed up'"} {"Clue":"Plants bought here, north Surrey complex (7)","Answer":"NURSERY","Explanation":"Definition: Plants bought here\nN (north) + an anagram of SURREY \u2013 anagrind is 'complex'"} {"Clue":"Religious teaching place, centre's regularly full (7)","Answer":"REPLETE","Explanation":"Definition: full\nRE (Religious teaching) PL (place) + alternate or 'regular' letters of cEnTrE"} {"Clue":"Female's in poor clothing going round award-winning bay (7)","Answer":"SHERGAR","Explanation":"Definition: award-winning bay\nHER (female's) in RAGS (poor clothing) reversed or 'going round' \u2013 a reference to the famous racehorse, stolen in 1983 and never seen again."} {"Clue":"Plain, like an empty gallery (7)","Answer":"ARTLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Plain\nAn empty gallery would be devoid of art, or\u00a0ARTLESS"} {"Clue":"Bit of veg hard to lift in soil (5)","Answer":"HEART","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of veg\nEARTH (soil) with the 'h' (hard) 'lifted' to the front"} {"Clue":"Vending machine, perhaps, faulty \u2014 drips seen (9)","Answer":"DISPENSER","Explanation":"Definition: Vending machine, perhaps\nAn anagram of DRIPS SEEN \u2013 anagrind is 'faulty'"} {"Clue":"Object bird deposited in drive (5)","Answer":"DEMUR","Explanation":"Definition: Object\nEMU (bird) 'deposited' in DR (drive)"} {"Clue":"Very glum and quiet game (4,5)","Answer":"SOLO WHIST","Explanation":"Definition: game\nSO LOW (very glum) HIST (quiet)"} {"Clue":"A large buggy to go round very touristy area (7)","Answer":"ALGARVE","Explanation":"Definition: touristy area\nA + an anagram of LARGE (anagrind is 'buggy') round V (very) \u2013 and where we spent our honeymoon in 1971!"} {"Clue":"Admire other people embracing exercise clubs (7)","Answer":"RESPECT","Explanation":"Definition: Admire\nREST (other people) round or 'embracing' PE (exercise) C (clubs)"} {"Clue":"Complete rent, mate and I cobbled together (9)","Answer":"TERMINATE","Explanation":"Definition: Complete\nAn anagram of RENT, MATE and I \u2013 anagrind is 'cobbled together'"} {"Clue":"Particular person, one that lifts depression, according to Spooner (9)","Answer":"NITPICKER","Explanation":"Definition: Particular person\nA Spoonerism of PIT (depression) NICKER ('one that lifts' or steals)"} {"Clue":"In Revolution, American daughter housed by head cleric (7)","Answer":"SUBDEAN","Explanation":"Definition: cleric\nUS (American) reversed or 'in revolution' + D (daughter) in or 'housed by' BEAN (head)"} {"Clue":"Starter in pub, modern dish (7)","Answer":"PLATTER","Explanation":"Definition: dish\nP (first letter or 'starter' in 'pub') LATTER (modern)"} {"Clue":"Plan work with writing at the margins (7)","Answer":"PROPOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Plan\nOP (work) with PROSE (writing) around, or 'at the margins'"} {"Clue":"Men upset dog with no tail gets award (7)","Answer":"ROSETTE","Explanation":"Definition: award\nOR ('men' \u2013 other ranks) reversed or 'upset' SETTE~~r~~ (dog) without the last letter or 'tail'"} {"Clue":"PM meal said to be familiar (5)","Answer":"MATEY","Explanation":"Definition: to be familiar\nA homophone ('said') of MAY (PM) TEA (meal)"} {"Clue":"Excessive energy used in walk (5)","Answer":"STEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Excessive\nE (energy) 'used' in STEP (walk)"} {"Clue":"Finding man who scored on court (7)","Answer":"VERDICT","Explanation":"Definition: Finding\nVERDI (man who scored \u2013 music) CT (court)"} {"Clue":"Game old queen confined in cellar (7)","Answer":"CROQUET","Explanation":"Definition: Game\nO (old) Q (queen) inside CRUET (cellar as in salt cellar)"} {"Clue":"Vocal group's rhyming pattern? (4)","Answer":"ABBA","Explanation":"Definition: Vocal group\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Album's thin, customised for reduced images (10)","Answer":"THUMBNAILS","Explanation":"Definition: reduced images\nAnagram of ALBUM'S THIN \u2013 anagrind is 'customised'"} {"Clue":"Player in front row picked up pipe (6)","Answer":"HOOKAH","Explanation":"Definition: pipe\nSounds like or 'picked up' HOOKER (player in front row in rugby)"} {"Clue":"Record one German count read out inscription (8)","Answer":"EPIGRAPH","Explanation":"Definition: inscription\nEP (record as in extended play) I (one) sounds like or 'read out' GRAF\u00a0(German word for a count)"} {"Clue":"Flyers China sent into fine neighbouring state (9)","Answer":"FLAMINGOS","Explanation":"Definition: Flyers\nMING (China) 'sent' inside F (fine) LAOS (neighbouring state)"} {"Clue":"Doze in shelter without kids running round (5)","Answer":"SLEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Doze\nLEE (shelter) with SP (sine prole \u2013 without issue) outside or 'running round'"} {"Clue":"Cross about small means of access (5)","Answer":"DOORS","Explanation":"Definition: means of access\nROOD (cross) reversed or 'about' S (small)"} {"Clue":"Dare everyone to enter cold old enclosure (9)","Answer":"CHALLENGE","Explanation":"Definition: Dare\nALL (everyone) inside or 'entering' C (cold) HENGE (old enclosure)"} {"Clue":"Asiatic winds over Cape producing pain (8)","Answer":"SCIATICA","Explanation":"Definition: pain\nAn anagram of ASIATIC \u2013 anagrind is 'winds' around or 'over'\u00a0C (Cape)"} {"Clue":"Cheers extras (3-3)","Answer":"BYE-BYE","Explanation":"Definition: Cheers\nBYE (extra) BYE (extra)"} {"Clue":"Sound of gunfire artillery spread 5 times over 3 areas (3-1-3-3)","Answer":"RAT-A-TAT-TAT","Explanation":"Definition: Sound of gunfire\nRA (artillery) T (Time) repeated five times round three\u00a0As (areas)"} {"Clue":"Upset, fooled by Latin storyteller (4)","Answer":"DAHL","Explanation":"Definition: storyteller\nHAD (fooled) reversed or 'upset' L (Latin)"} {"Clue":"After a couple of days finish a book's appendices (7)","Answer":"ADDENDA","Explanation":"Definition: book's appendices\nA DD ( a couple of days) END (finish) A"} {"Clue":"Alice keeps this Greek in debt (7)","Answer":"GROWING","Explanation":"Definition: Alice keeps this\nGR (Greek) OWING (in debt)"} {"Clue":"Mobile goes off crossing river and mire (7)","Answer":"EMBROIL","Explanation":"Definition: mire\nAn anagram of MOBILE \u2013 anagrind is 'goes off' round or 'crossing'\u00a0R (river)"} {"Clue":"Democrat, lush, did what a lush does (5)","Answer":"DRANK","Explanation":"Definition: did what a lush does\nD (Democrat) RANK (we assume this must be 'lush' but we can't really find any reference to this as a synonym)"} {"Clue":"Become popular, so can't be fired? (5,2)","Answer":"CATCH ON","Explanation":"Definition: Become popular\nWith the CATCH ON a gun cannot be fired"} {"Clue":"Start to read a little about black yak (6)","Answer":"RABBIT","Explanation":"Definition: yak\nR (first letter or 'start' to read) A BIT (little) about B (black)"} {"Clue":"Old writer, English, hugs a medic in dance (9)","Answer":"QUADRILLE","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nQUILL (old writer) E (English) around or 'hugging' A DR (medic)"} {"Clue":"Obscure bits of film stored in tablets (7)","Answer":"ECLIPSE","Explanation":"Definition: Obscure\nCLIPS (bits of film) inside E E (tablets)"} {"Clue":"She plays 5 with 14 and often has queer bust (5,2,6)","Answer":"QUEEN OF HEARTS","Explanation":"Definition: She plays 5 with 14\nAn anagram of OFTEN HAS QUEER \u2013 anagrind is 'bust'"} {"Clue":"Preserve weapon given to a boy in Middle East (9)","Answer":"MARMALADE","Explanation":"Definition: Preserve\nARM (weapon) A LAD (boy) inside ME (Middle East)"} {"Clue":"Where to pick fruit or vegetable (7)","Answer":"ORCHARD","Explanation":"Definition: Where to pick fruit\nOR CHARD (vegetable)"} {"Clue":"Seafood failed to win over British monarch (7)","Answer":"LOBSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Seafood\nLOST (failed to win) over B (British) ER (monarch)"} {"Clue":"Angry phone-in about heraldic cross (7)","Answer":"GRYPHON","Explanation":"Definition: heraldic cross\nHidden in anGRY PHONe"} {"Clue":"Perhaps monitor head in southwest (6)","Answer":"LIZARD","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps monitor\nDouble definition as in Monitor Lizard and the Lizard in Cornwall"} {"Clue":"Found wooden bats Oscar abandoned (5)","Answer":"ENDOW","Explanation":"Definition: Found\nAn anagram of WO~~o~~DEN\u00a0without or 'abandoning' O (Oscar) \u2013 anagrind is 'bats'"} {"Clue":"Dogs penetrating heart of bleak island (4-4)","Answer":"SHAR-PEIS","Explanation":"Definition: Dogs\nSHARP (penetrating) E (middle letter or 'heart' of bleak) IS (island)"} {"Clue":"Two versions of American edition entertained (6)","Answer":"AMUSED","Explanation":"Definition: entertained\nAM (American) US (American) ED (edition)"} {"Clue":"Urge one politician to take lecturer in employment (7)","Answer":"IMPULSE","Explanation":"Definition: Urge\nI (one) MP (politician) + L (lecturer) inside USE (employment)"} {"Clue":"Work to unify engaging one member of military (7)","Answer":"SOLDIER","Explanation":"Definition: member of military \nSOLDER (work to unify) around or 'engaging' I (one)"} {"Clue":"Firms crazy, that is, about cold confectionery (7,3)","Answer":"COCONUT ICE","Explanation":"Definition: confectionery\nCO CO (companies \u2013 'firms') NUT (crazy) + IE (that is) around C (cold)"} {"Clue":"Inviting axes to be applied to last of trees here (4)","Answer":"SEXY","Explanation":"Definition: Inviting\nX Y (axes used in graphs) on S E (last letters of trees here)"} {"Clue":"Bit of mud taken off leg? Some remains (5)","Answer":"EMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Some remains\n~~m~~EMBER (leg) without M (first letter or 'bit' of mud)"} {"Clue":"Actor discomfited at reading (9)","Answer":"TRAGEDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Actor\nAn anagram of AT READING \u2013 anagrind is 'discomfited'"} {"Clue":"Realistic snap put about by newspaper getting some coverage? (9)","Answer":"PRAGMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Realistic\nPIC (snap) around or 'put about' RAG (newspaper) MAT ('some coverage')"} {"Clue":"Painter, say, probing revolutionary use of blue (5)","Answer":"DEGAS","Explanation":"Definition: Painter\nEG (say) inside or 'probing' SAD (blue) reversed or 'revolutionary'"} {"Clue":"Man about second turning in (4)","Answer":"HOME","Explanation":"Definition: in\nHE (man) about MO (second) reversed or 'turning'"} {"Clue":"US 10 cracked following British 10s under a military arrangement (10)","Answer":"REGIMENTAL","Explanation":"Definition: a military arrangement\nGI (US soldier -10ac) MENTAL (cracked) following RE (British soldier- 10 ac)"} {"Clue":"Court getting behind composer in decision (7)","Answer":"VERDICT","Explanation":"Definition: decision\nCT (court) behind VERDI (composer)"} {"Clue":"Stop toilet malfunctioning (3,4)","Answer":"BOG DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\nBOG (toilet) DOWN (malfunctioning)"} {"Clue":"Nut, as used in confectionery item (6)","Answer":"CASHEW","Explanation":"Definition: Nut\nAS\u00a0'used' inside CHEW (confectionery item)"} {"Clue":"Two members of brigade \u2013 not the ones here \u2013 are comrades (8)","Answer":"BROTHERS","Explanation":"Definition: comrades\nBR (first two letters or 'members' of Brigade) OTHERS (not the ones here)"} {"Clue":"Movement of earth \u2013 pieces roll endlessly around (4,5)","Answer":"SOIL CREEP","Explanation":"Definition: Movement of earth\nAn anagram of PIECES ROL~~l~~ (missing last letter or 'endlessly') \u2013 anagrind is 'around'"} {"Clue":"A lot of exotic flavour in jelly (5)","Answer":"ASPIC","Explanation":"Definition: jelly\nA SPIC~~e~~ (exotic flavour) losing last letter or 'lot of'"} {"Clue":"Italian friend capturing Dutch linguistic curiosity (10)","Answer":"PALINDROME","Explanation":"Definition: linguistic curiosity\nPAL IN ROME (Italian friend) around or 'capturing'\u00a0D (Dutch). We cannot resist adding link. One of our favourite sketches and worth the wait for the palindrome of BOLTON!"} {"Clue":"Crime: I do injury to computers and they ruined newspaper (8,5)","Answer":"IDENTITY THEFT","Explanation":"Definition: Crime\nI DENT (do injury to) IT (computers) + an anagram of THEY \u2013 anagrind is 'ruined' +\u00a0FT (newspaper)"} {"Clue":"Spy that is right to avoid French writer (4)","Answer":"MOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Spy\nMOL~~ier~~E (French writer missing or 'avoiding' IE (that is) and R (right))"} {"Clue":"Breaking up small active area supported by cartel (9)","Answer":"SHIVERING","Explanation":"Definition: Breaking up\nS (small) HIVE (active area) above or 'supported by' RING (cartel)"} {"Clue":"Local match times requiring left-winger to turn up first (5)","Answer":"DERBY","Explanation":"Definition: Local match\nBY (times) with RED (left-winger) reversed or 'turned up' at the start"} {"Clue":"Conservative, flexible in support of party, is an upstart (6,7)","Answer":"SOCIAL CLIMBER","Explanation":"Definition: an upstart\nC (Conservative) LIMBER (flexible) under or 'supporting' SOCIAL (party)"} {"Clue":"Assessment of ship as not operational leading to delay, we hear (4-6)","Answer":"DEAD-WEIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Assessment of ship\nDEAD (not operational) WEIGHT \u2013 sounds like or 'we hear' WAIT (delay)"} {"Clue":"French husband's chasing lover in Welsh town (9)","Answer":"BEAUMARIS","Explanation":"Definition: Welsh town\nMARI\u00a0(French for husband) 'S after or 'chasing' BEAU (lover)"} {"Clue":"More than one small bird gets in line, flying between poles (9)","Answer":"NESTLINGS","Explanation":"Definition: More than one small bird\nAn anagram of GETS IN L (line) \u2013\u00a0anagrind is 'flying', inside or 'between' N S (poles)"} {"Clue":"It's a lot of chaos and very chaotic! (5)","Answer":"HAVOC","Explanation":"Definition: chaotic!\nAn anagram of CHAO~~s~~ (missing last letter or 'a lot of') and V (very) \u2013 anagrind is 'chaotic'"} {"Clue":"Figure of speech in poet's last line (5)","Answer":"TROPE","Explanation":"Definition: Figure of speech\nT (last letter in poet) ROPE (line)"} {"Clue":"Impact on main match involving Germany (4)","Answer":"TIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Impact on main\nTIE (match) around or 'involving' D (Germany)"} {"Clue":"Calling trick very cheap, powerful girl? (5,4,6)","Answer":"KNOCK DOWN GINGER","Explanation":"Definition: Calling trick\nKNOCK DOWN (very cheap) GINGER (powerful girl \u2013 Ginger Spice from the 'Girl Power' group perhaps?). This was our LOI and the definition needed to be checked in Chambers."} {"Clue":"Most original, a grotesque making things alluring? (13)","Answer":"GLAMORISATION","Explanation":"Definition: making things alluring?\nAn anagram of MOST ORIGINAL A \u2013 anagrind is 'grotesque'"} {"Clue":"Old drink bottles nicked, a drunkard lacking energy knocked over, his features rearranged? (2,6,4)","Answer":"MR POTATO HEAD","Explanation":"Definition: his features rearranged?\nMEAD (old drink) around or 'bottling' HOT\u00a0(nicked)\u00a0A TOPeR (drunkard) reversed or 'knocked over' without or 'lacking' E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Quick player finding success with national team? Not a lot (6)","Answer":"WINGER","Explanation":"Definition: Quick player\nWIN (success) with GER~~many~~ (national team without MANY (a lot))"} {"Clue":"Wind set to change, too soon for a mask? (8)","Answer":"EASTERLY","Explanation":"Definition: Wind\nAn anagram of SET\u00a0(anagrind is 'to change') with EARLY (too soon) around the outside or 'masking' it"} {"Clue":"Safe with sparks flying off, perhaps? Case of laser opening it (3,5)","Answer":"ALL RIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Safe\nALIGHT ('with sparks flying off perhaps') with L R (first and last letter or 'case' of laser) inside or 'opening it'"} {"Clue":"It's generally believed I wasn't in love when messing around \u2013 responsibly protected? (12,6)","Answer":"CONVENTIONAL WISDOM","Explanation":"Definition: It's generally believed\nAn anagram of of I WASN'T IN LOVE \u2013 anagrind is 'messing around'. We realised that an anagram was involved but could not work out where the other letters came from. It wasn't until we had a number of crossing letters and guessed the answer that we were able to reveal that the anagram was wrapped in a CONDOM \u2013 hence it would be 'responsibly protected'."} {"Clue":"Remarkably gifted bowler, one on hand to relieve pressure, possibly? (6,7)","Answer":"FIDGET SPINNER","Explanation":"Definition: one on hand to relieve pressure, possibly?\nAn anagram of GIFTED\u00a0(anagrind is 'remarkably')\u00a0SPINNER (bowler)"} {"Clue":"Only 50% required in examination that's overly detailed (4)","Answer":"ANAL","Explanation":"Definition: overly detailed\nANAL~~ysis~~ (examination ) \u2013 50% only"} {"Clue":"Brilliant poet admitting nothing is right (9)","Answer":"STARBOARD","Explanation":"Definition: right\nSTAR (brilliant) BARD (poet) around or 'admitting' O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Drink up, last bit of scotch moments away (4)","Answer":"NIGH","Explanation":"Definition: moments away\nGIN (drink) reversed or 'up' H (last letter in 'scotch')"} {"Clue":"Crack troops in the end restrained by hero, briefly (5)","Answer":"CHASM","Explanation":"Definition: Crack\nS (last letter or 'the end' in 'troops') in\u00a0CHAM~~p~~ (hero) missing last letter or 'briefly'"} {"Clue":"Medic removed lid from metal tube dispensing medicine, say? (7)","Answer":"DROPPER","Explanation":"Definition: tube dispensing medicine, say?\nDR (doctor)~~ c~~OPPER (metal) without first letter or 'with lid removed'"} {"Clue":"Carve two little heads in alabaster? (7)","Answer":"WHITTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Carve\nT\u00a0L (first letters or 'heads' in Two Little) in WHITE (alabaster)"} {"Clue":"So described, the devil has to be furious with itself? (9)","Answer":"FAITHLESS","Explanation":"Definition: So described, the devil\nAn anagram of HAS and ITSELF \u2013 anagrind is 'furious'"} {"Clue":"Bar one nation, everything held out (3)","Answer":"INN","Explanation":"Definition: Bar\nI (one) NN (first and last letters in NatioN only or with 'everything held out')"} {"Clue":"Cheeky couple touring northern city in France (6)","Answer":"NANTES","Explanation":"Definition: city in France\nNATES (cheeky couple!) around or 'touring' N (northern)"} {"Clue":"A good time to squeeze loathsome leader out (6)","Answer":"ABLOOM","Explanation":"Definition: out\nA BOOM (good time) around or 'squeezing' L (first letter or 'leader' in loathsome)"} {"Clue":"Bridge accessing industrial town (6)","Answer":"RIALTO","Explanation":"Definition: Bridge\nHidden in ('accessing') industRIAL TOwn"} {"Clue":"Famously witty American footballer's aim to tackle flipping dishonest footballer? (4,5)","Answer":"GORE VIDAL","Explanation":"Definition: Famously witty American\nGOAL (footballer's aim) around or 'tackling' DIVER (dishonest footballer?) reversed or 'flipping'. We are afraid that we had no idea that was known for his 'epigrammatic wit'. Check the link for his wiki page."} {"Clue":"Trendy top Kate hasn't left for matching outfit (7)","Answer":"TWINSET","Explanation":"Definition: matching outfit\nT (first letter or 'top' of Trendy) WINS~~l~~ET (as in Kate Winslet the actress) without L (left)"} {"Clue":"Shift work in bordering state ultimately less stable (7)","Answer":"WONKIER","Explanation":"Definition: less stable\nAn anagram of WORK IN \u2013 anagrind is 'shift' around or 'bordering' E (last letter in state or 'ultimately')"} {"Clue":"Language lesson is needed, primarily, before travel (5)","Answer":"LINGO","Explanation":"Definition: Language\nL I N (first or 'primary' letters of 'lesson is needed')\u00a0GO (travel)."} {"Clue":"Relative extremes of Bognor and Exeter (4)","Answer":"BRER","Explanation":"Definition: Relative\nFirst and last letters or 'extremes' of B~~ogno~~R E~~xete~~R"} {"Clue":"Rides here weighted incorrectly, fillies initially ahead (7)","Answer":"FUNFAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Rides here\nUNFAIR (weighted incorrectly) with F (first or 'initial' letter in fillies) at the start or 'ahead'"} {"Clue":"Fund opportunity to see West Indies being dismissed by England (5)","Answer":"ENDOW","Explanation":"Definition: Fund\n~~wi~~NDOW (opportunity) with the 'WI' (West Indies) 'dismissed' and replaced by E (England)"} {"Clue":"Extend scope of attack to include US property (6,3)","Answer":"BRANCH OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Extend scope of\nBOUT (attack, as in a bout of flu) round or 'including' RANCH (US property)"} {"Clue":"Relative performance indicator for American students gains currency in Africa (7)","Answer":"GRANDPA","Explanation":"Definition: Relative\nGPA ('Grade Point Average' \u2013 'performance indicator for American students' \u2013 a new one for us) round or 'gaining' RAND (South African currency unit)"} {"Clue":"Swingers' bar! (7)","Answer":"TRAPEZE","Explanation":"Definition: Swingers' bar\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Character displayed by those cycling (5)","Answer":"ETHOS","Explanation":"Definition: Character\nTHOSE with the last letter moved to the front or 'cycling'"} {"Clue":"Weeklong courses about distance learning (9)","Answer":"KNOWLEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: learning\nAn anagram of WEEKLONG (anagrind is 'courses') round D (distance)"} {"Clue":"5 rearranged 18 using extremes of speech, rather than central characters (4,4)","Answer":"JEAN RHYS","Explanation":"Definition: 5\nAn anagram of JAN~~e~~ ~~e~~YRE (18ac) with the middle two letters or 'central characters' replaced by S and H (first and last letters or 'extremes' of 'speech' \u2013 anagrind is 'rearranged'"} {"Clue":"Workplace reveals something, withholding papers under review (6)","Answer":"STUDIO","Explanation":"Definition: Workplace\nOUTS (reveals something) round or 'withholding' ID (papers) all reversed or 'under review'"} {"Clue":"Smart accessory makes little difference to car tax (6)","Answer":"CRAVAT","Explanation":"Definition: Smart accessory\nCAR with the last letter moved forward \u2013 'a little difference' + VAT (tax)"} {"Clue":"6 work one month with miserable beast, getting nothing out of him (4,4)","Answer":"JANE EYRE","Explanation":"Definition: 6 work\nJAN (January \u2013 'one month') EEY~~o~~RE (miserable beast \u2013 but one of our favourites!) with the 'o' (nothing) missing or 'getting out'"} {"Clue":"Computer start-up in role reversal, pursuing high-street retailer (9)","Answer":"BOOTSTRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Computer start-up\nPART (role) reversed after or 'pursuing' BOOTS (high-street retailer)"} {"Clue":"Really up for it or really gutted? (5)","Answer":"RANDY","Explanation":"Definition: Really up for it\nIf you 'gut' or take the middle letters out of 'really' you get R AND Y"} {"Clue":"Every so often Monday is OK to make return journey (7)","Answer":"ODYSSEY","Explanation":"Definition: journey\nAlternate letters ('every so often') of MOnDaY iS + YES (OK) reversed or 'making return'"} {"Clue":"Source of heat in contact with plastic fibre cladding (7)","Answer":"BONFIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Source of heat \nON (in contact with) in or 'clad by' an anagram of FIBRE \u2013 anagrind is 'plastic'"} {"Clue":"Turn after smashing up desk to run away (9)","Answer":"SKEDADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: run away\nADDLE ('turn' \u2013 as in 'go off') after an anagram of DESK \u2013 anagrind is 'smashing up'"} {"Clue":"Gradually move closer to land with border (5)","Answer":"EDGED","Explanation":"Definition: with border\nEDGE (gradually move) D (last letter or 'closer' to 'land')"} {"Clue":"High-flier \u2013 probably not putting much in \u2013 getting this result (5)","Answer":"EAGLE","Explanation":"Definition: High-flier\nWe think this must be a golf reference, but if so the wordplay is not as clear as it might be \u2013 an EAGLE is a score of 2-under-par, which for most holes would probably mean that the golfer would not have done 'much putting' in order to achieve 'this result'"} {"Clue":"Tragedy perhaps engulfing Switzerland's former capital (7)","Answer":"DRACHMA","Explanation":"Definition: former capital\nDRAMA (tragedy perhaps) round or 'engulfing' CH (Switzerland)"} {"Clue":"Unexpectedly, wage rises do double as 13 work with 18 for inspiration (4,8,3)","Answer":"WIDE SARGASSO SEA","Explanation":"Definition: 13 work with 18 for inspiration\nAn anagram of WAGE RISES DO AS and AS ('double') \u2013 anagrind is 'unexpectedly'. Apparently 18ac was the inspiration of this book by 13ac"} {"Clue":"Result of fighting to live without servant (5,3)","Answer":"BLACK EYE","Explanation":"Definition: Result of fighting\nBE (live) round or 'without' LACKEY (servant)"} {"Clue":"Thoreau, regardless of fame, ultimately, may be construed as such (6)","Answer":"AUTHOR","Explanation":"Definition: such\nAn anagram of THOR~~e~~AU without or 'regardless of' the 'e' (last or 'ultimate' letter of 'fame') \u2013 anagrind is 'may be construed as'"} {"Clue":"Famous 5 in novel start to tease bachelor rotten (9,6)","Answer":"CHARLOTTE BRONTE","Explanation":"Definition: Famous 5\nAn anagram of T (first letter or 'start' of 'tease') and BACHELOR ROTTEN \u2013 anagrind is 'novel'"} {"Clue":"In \"Rigoletto\", Verdi definitely went over the top (7)","Answer":"OVERDID","Explanation":"Definition: went over the top\nHidden in 'RigolettO VERDI Definitely'"} {"Clue":"Monarch in the vanguard for that reason (9)","Answer":"THEREFORE","Explanation":"Definition: for that reason\nER (monarch) in THE FORE (vanguard)"} {"Clue":"Judge does something about kinky book's coverage of soldiers' legs (9)","Answer":"JACKBOOTS","Explanation":"Definition: coverage of soldiers' legs\nJ (judge) ACTS (does something) round an anagram of BOOK \u2013 anagrind is 'kinky'"} {"Clue":"Story receiving record investment for right material (8)","Answer":"PALPABLE","Explanation":"Definition: material\nPA~~r~~ABLE (story) with LP (record) 'invested' in place of 'r' (right)"} {"Clue":"Church attendant upset some taking part in impropriety locally (7)","Answer":"ACOLYTE","Explanation":"Definition: Church attendant \nHidden or 'taking part' and reversed or 'upset' in 'impropriETY LOCAlly'"} {"Clue":"Violent drawing of American head of state being decapitated (7)","Answer":"YANKING","Explanation":"Definition: Violent drawing\nYANK (American) ~~k~~ING (head of state) without the first letter or 'decapitated'"} {"Clue":"Said band made a harsh sound (6)","Answer":"BRAYED","Explanation":"Definition: made a harsh sound\nA homophone ('said') of BRAID (band)"} {"Clue":"Provide youth leader with discipline after losing head (5)","Answer":"YIELD","Explanation":"Definition: Provide\nY (first letter or 'leader' of 'youth') + ~~f~~IELD (discipline) without the first letter or 'losing head'"} {"Clue":"Somehow offend Oz or scoff at Iceland? (6,4)","Answer":"FROZEN FOOD","Explanation":"Definition: scoff at Iceland\nAn anagram of OFFEND OZ OR \u2013 anagrind is 'somehow'"} {"Clue":"Beastly noise from kangaroo in Kalangadoo (4)","Answer":"OINK","Explanation":"Definition: Beastly noise\nHidden in ('from') kangaroO IN Kalangadoo"} {"Clue":"I turn date off in a state of nakedness (9)","Answer":"UNATTIRED","Explanation":"Definition: in a state of nakedness\nAn anagram of I TURN DATE \u2013 anagrind is 'off'"} {"Clue":"Nice here in the navy, getting some killer protein! (5)","Answer":"RICIN","Explanation":"Definition: killer protein\nICI ('here' in French, as it would be in Nice) in RN (the navy)"} {"Clue":"Animal desire? Husband essentially mad about it! (5)","Answer":"HYENA","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\nYEN (desire) with H (husband) and A (middle or 'essential' letter of 'mad') around"} {"Clue":"Went faster, full of impudence, then went wrong (7,2)","Answer":"SLIPPED UP","Explanation":"Definition: went wrong\nSPED UP (went faster) round or 'full of' LIP (impudence)"} {"Clue":"US conscript foolish to take drugs around Republican (7)","Answer":"DRAFTEE","Explanation":"Definition: US conscript\nDAFT (foolish) 'taking' E E (drugs) round R (Republican)"} {"Clue":"Country soon to follow the French lead for Brexit (7)","Answer":"LEBANON","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nANON (soon) following LE ('the' in French) B (first letter or 'lead' in 'Brexit')"} {"Clue":"With nothing on, jazz fan should take in that floor show (7)","Answer":"CABARET","Explanation":"Definition: floor show\nBARE (with nothing on) 'taken in' by CAT (jazz fan)"} {"Clue":"Promoter playing spoons with head of recording (7)","Answer":"SPONSOR","Explanation":"Definition: Promoter\nAn anagram of SPOONS (anagrind is 'playing') + R (first letter or 'head' of 'recording')"} {"Clue":"I might get you a beer, Rod (a small, short one) (9)","Answer":"BARPERSON","Explanation":"Definition: I might get you a beer\nBAR (rod) PER (a) S (small) ON~~e~~ (without the last letter or 'short')"} {"Clue":"Mean drunk (5)","Answer":"TIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Mean\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"A basic truth is one kiss and I'm filled with love (5)","Answer":"AXIOM","Explanation":"Definition: A \nA (one) X (kiss) + I'M round or 'filled with' O (love)"} {"Clue":"One anti-beer? Wrong! (9)","Answer":"INEBRIATE","Explanation":"Definition: One anti-beer? Wrong!\nCould this possibly be an &lit? I (one) + an anagram of ANTI-BEER \u2013 anagrind is 'wrong'"} {"Clue":"Flat 7 has no entrance (4)","Answer":"EVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Flat\n~~s~~EVEN without the first letter or 'entrance'"} {"Clue":"We feel he's mad about river cruises (10)","Answer":"FREEWHEELS","Explanation":"Definition: cruises\nAn anagram of WE FEEL HE'S (anagrind is 'mad') round R (river)"} {"Clue":"Red-faced drunk detained by US agent (7)","Answer":"FLUSHED","Explanation":"Definition: Red-faced\nLUSH (drunk) in or 'detained by' FED (US agent)"} {"Clue":"Love to take speed and talk and talk and talk! (5)","Answer":"ORATE","Explanation":"Definition: talk and talk and talk\nO (love) RATE (speed)"} {"Clue":"Old farm vehicle fan? (9)","Answer":"EXTRACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: fan\nEX (old) TRACTOR (farm vehicle)"} {"Clue":"Anticipate enemy encircling royal court (7)","Answer":"FORESEE","Explanation":"Definition: Anticipate\nFOE (enemy) round or 'encircling' R (royal) SEE (court)"} {"Clue":"Police demand to be paid for work done ages ago? (3,4)","Answer":"OLD BILL","Explanation":"Definition: Police\nAn OLD BILL could be an invoice for work done ages ago"} {"Clue":"Vacuous nationalists incited wild public disturbances (9)","Answer":"INCIDENTS","Explanation":"Definition: public disturbances\nAn anagram of N~~ationalist~~S (first and last letters only or 'vacuous') and INCITED \u2013 anagrind is 'wild'"} {"Clue":"Cocktail of pink gin and a big shot? (7)","Answer":"KINGPIN","Explanation":"Definition: big shot\nAn anagram of PINK GIN \u2013 anagrind is 'a cocktail'"} {"Clue":"Stagehand stealing rupees is contrary swine! (4)","Answer":"GRIP","Explanation":"Definition: Stagehand\nR (rupees) in or 'stolen by' PIG (swine) reversed or 'contrary'"} {"Clue":"Rue being mixed up with America and Deep Purple? (9)","Answer":"AUBERGINE","Explanation":"Definition: Deep Purple\nAn anagram of RUE BEING and A (American) \u2013 anagrind is 'mixed up'"} {"Clue":"Bishop depressed by nonsense about church heater? (9)","Answer":"BLOWTORCH","Explanation":"Definition: heater?\nB (bishop) LOW (depressed) ROT (nonsense) reversed or 'about' CH (church)"} {"Clue":"A B&B with prison outside or The Savoy? (7)","Answer":"CABBAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Savoy?\nA B B with CAGE (prison) outside"} {"Clue":"More scrummy wine in time leads to erratic raving (7)","Answer":"TASTIER","Explanation":"Definition: More scrummy\nASTI (wine) in T (time) E R (first letters or 'leads' of 'erratic raving')"} {"Clue":"Genuine lust? Concerning when seen around church! (7)","Answer":"SINCERE","Explanation":"Definition: Genuine\nSIN (lust, for example) RE (concerning) round CE (church)"} {"Clue":"Might they be going off those who are caddish? (7)","Answer":"ROTTERS","Explanation":"Definition: those who are caddish\nThings that are rotting or 'going off' could be described as ROTTERS"} {"Clue":"Ernie the golfer must save money to get woods (4)","Answer":"ELMS","Explanation":"Definition: woods\nELS ('Ernie the golfer') round or 'saving' M (money)"} {"Clue":"Having been punched by group of drivers, say flipping mercy! (5)","Answer":"GRACE","Explanation":"Definition: mercy\nRAC ('group of drivers') in or 'punched by' EG ('say') reversed or 'flipping'"} {"Clue":"15 bullets found in marksman's jacket (6)","Answer":"MAMMON","Explanation":"Definition: 15\nAMMO (bullets) 'found' in M N (first and last letters or 'jacket' of 'marksman')"} {"Clue":"Buck Rogers loses almost everything pursuing cheat all over (6)","Answer":"DOLLAR","Explanation":"Definition: Buck\nR (first letter only of 'Rogers' \u2013 'losing almost everything') after or 'pursuing' DO (cheat) ALL reversed or 'over'"} {"Clue":"Everyone should accept this on securing desired outcome through change (5,6)","Answer":"LEGAL TENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Everyone should accept this\nLEG ('on' in cricket) + END (desired outcome) in or 'through' ALTER (change)"} {"Clue":"Is this related to fluctuation in yuan price? (9)","Answer":"PECUNIARY","Explanation":"Definition: Is this related to fluctuation in yuan price?\nA cryptic definition \u2013 an anagram of YUAN PRICE \u2013 anagrind is 'fluctuation'"} {"Clue":"Way to provide security and alert local criminal (10)","Answer":"COLLATERAL","Explanation":"Definition: Way to provide security\nAn anagram of ALERT LOCAL \u2013 anagrind is 'criminal'"} {"Clue":"Ingredient in vegetable soup and cockaleekie? (4)","Answer":"KALE","Explanation":"Definition: Ingredient in vegetable soup\nHidden ('ingredient') in cocKALEekie"} {"Clue":"\"Cabaret\"'s opening and over half of Isherwood's novel means \u2026 (6)","Answer":"RICHES","Explanation":"Definition: means\nAn anagram of C (first letter or 'opening' of 'cabaret') and ISHER ('over half of Isherwood') \u2013 anagrind is 'novel'"} {"Clue":"\u2026 having them tell Isherwood's other characters off (4-2-2)","Answer":"WELL-TO-DO","Explanation":"Definition: having them\nAn anagram of TELL WOOD (the other letters or 'characters' of 'Isherwood' \u2013 see 15) \u2013 anagrind is 'off'"} {"Clue":"What's used to pay fare from India, reserving mid-section of seating area (8)","Answer":"CURRENCY","Explanation":"Definition: What's used to pay\nCURRY (fare from India) round or 'reserving' the middle letters or 'mid-section' of ~~b~~ENC~~h~~ (seating area)"} {"Clue":"Carefully prepared patches of ground with holes for vegetables (6)","Answer":"GREENS","Explanation":"Definition: Carefully prepared patches of ground with holes\nDouble definition \u2013 the first referring to GREENS on a golf course"} {"Clue":"Silence is very hard for you and me to interrupt (4)","Answer":"HUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Silence\nHH (very hard) with US (you and me) inside or 'interrupting'"} {"Clue":"Subject of experimental work on prisoner's sense of right and wrong (10)","Answer":"CONSCIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: sense of right and wrong\nSCIENCE (subject of experimental work) after or 'on' CON (prisoner)"} {"Clue":"\"Bitter\" perhaps describes mean article about Grant (9)","Answer":"ALLOWANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Grant\nALE ('bitter perhaps') round or 'describing' LOW (mean) AN (article) C (circa \u2013 about)"} {"Clue":"Board and lodgings for hacks with no frills? (5)","Answer":"TABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Board\n~~s~~TABLE~~s~~ ('lodgings for hacks' \u2013 horses) without the first and last letters or 'frills'"} {"Clue":"Appropriate linesman checks corner kicks from the outset (6)","Answer":"POCKET","Explanation":"Definition: Appropriate\nPOET ('linesman') round or 'checking' C K (first letters or 'outsets' of 'corner kicks')"} {"Clue":"Exchange licence plates with delightful character (7)","Answer":"ANGELIC","Explanation":"Definition: with delightful character\nHidden in or 'plated by' 'exchANGE LICence'"} {"Clue":"Feast laden with fat in the morning brought about sickness (5,5)","Answer":"MALTA FEVER","Explanation":"Definition: sickness\nREVEL (feast) round or 'laden with' FAT + AM (morning) all reversed or 'brought about' \u2013 a new one for us!"} {"Clue":"Family member found in outskirts of Newcastle? That's a relief! (6)","Answer":"NEPHEW","Explanation":"Definition: Family member\nN E (first and last letters of Newcastle) PHEW ('that's a relief')"} {"Clue":"Late year-end finished with sacking of leader (8)","Answer":"DECEASED","Explanation":"Definition: Late\nDEC (December 'year-end') ~~c~~EASED (finished) with the first letter or 'leader' omitted or 'sacked'"} {"Clue":"I'm surprised American soldier upset his old adversary (7)","Answer":"ARAPAHO","Explanation":"Definition: his old adversary\nOH ('I'm surprised') A (American) PARA (soldier) all reversed or 'upset'"} {"Clue":"Thrilling cast vacated theatre circle (8)","Answer":"ELECTRIC","Explanation":"Definition: Thrilling\nAn anagram of T E ('theatre' without the middle letters or 'vacated') and CIRCLE \u2013 anagrind is 'cast'"} {"Clue":"Vacuous humbuggery exercise (4)","Answer":"HYPE","Explanation":"Definition: Vacuous humbuggery exercise\nCould this be an &lit? H Y ('humbuggery' without the middle letters or 'vacuous' PE (exercise)"} {"Clue":"It curtails reforms serving the public good (10)","Answer":"ALTRUISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: serving the public good\nAn anagram of IT CURTAILS \u2013 anagrind is 'reforms'"} {"Clue":"Less decent batsman sacrifices power to lower degree (8)","Answer":"OBSCENER","Explanation":"Definition: Less decent\nO~~p~~ENER (batsman) with 'p' (power) omitted or 'sacrificed' and replaced by BSC (Bachelor of Science \u2013 'lower degree')"} {"Clue":"Ship preferably has children on board (8)","Answer":"SCHOONER","Explanation":"Definition: Ship\nSOONER (preferably) with CH (children) insde or 'on board'"} {"Clue":"Determination to work out issues (7)","Answer":"RESOLVE","Explanation":"Definition: Determination\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Leon Redbone regularly remixed \"Move On Up\"? (7)","Answer":"ENNOBLE","Explanation":"Definition: \"Move On Up\"?\nAn anagram of LEON ~~r~~E~~d~~B~~o~~N~~e~~ (alternate or 'regular' letters) \u2013 anagrind is 'remixed'"} {"Clue":"Serpent takes shelter in the land of Nod (6)","Answer":"ASLEEP","Explanation":"Definition: in the land of Nod\nASP (serpent) round or 'taking' LEE (shelter)"} {"Clue":"Pine nut's suppressed rash (8)","Answer":"HEADLONG","Explanation":"Definition: rash\nLONG (pine) after or 'suppressed by' HEAD (nut)"} {"Clue":"Outstanding women contributed to dictionary (4)","Answer":"OWED","Explanation":"Definition: Outstanding\nW (women) in or 'contributing to' OED (Oxford English Dictionary)"} {"Clue":"Food costing a lot, though not a soup (7)","Answer":"CHOWDER","Explanation":"Definition: Food\nCHOW (food) DE~~a~~R (costing a lot) without the 'a'"} {"Clue":"Have another try, but after rebuilding fortress (7)","Answer":"REDOUBT","Explanation":"Definition: fortress\nREDO (have another try) + anagram of BUT \u2013anagrind is 'after rebuilding'"} {"Clue":"A lot of concern about temperature in part of church (5)","Answer":"ALTAR","Explanation":"Definition: part of church\nALAR~~m~~ (concern) without the last letter or 'a lot of' round T (temperature)"} {"Clue":"A lot of tax one applied to beer has some justification (9)","Answer":"RATIONALE","Explanation":"Definition: some justification\nRAT~~e~~ (tax) without the last letter or 'a lot of' I (one) ON (applied to) ALE (beer)"} {"Clue":"Producer of counterfeit cash, say, ready to go in Gloucestershire village (9)","Answer":"BADMINTON","Explanation":"Definition: Gloucestershire village\nA BAD MINT might produce counterfeit cash + ON (ready to go)"} {"Clue":"Rejected working with hooligan of repute (5)","Answer":"NOTED","Explanation":"Definition: of repute\nON (working) reversed or 'rejected' TED (Teddy Boy \u2013 a 1950s hooligan)"} {"Clue":"Errand-boy who's done with escaping? (6)","Answer":"RUNNER","Explanation":"Definition: Errand-boy\nAn alternative phrase for 'escaped' is 'done a RUNNER'"} {"Clue":"Brought about stop before entering road (8)","Answer":"RENDERED","Explanation":"Definition: Brought about\nEND (stop) ERE (before) in or 'entering' RD (road)"} {"Clue":"Row with Government is followed by crazy characters (8)","Answer":"DINGBATS","Explanation":"Definition: characters\nDIN (row) G (government) BATS (crazy)"} {"Clue":"Out of practice, having to carry book to be sure (6)","Answer":"STABLE","Explanation":"Definition: sure\nSTALE (out of practice) round or 'carrying' B (book)"} {"Clue":"Work to keep new reservists ready for deployment (2,3)","Answer":"ON TAP","Explanation":"Definition: ready for deployment\nOP (work) round or 'keeping' N (new) TA (Territorial Army \u2013 'reservists')"} {"Clue":"Way information is suppressed by large-scale promoters of disease (9)","Answer":"PATHOGENS","Explanation":"Definition: promoters of disease\nPATH (way) + GEN (information) in or 'suppressed by' OS (out-size \u2013 'large scale')"} {"Clue":"Lab too big for change? It has to come through (9)","Answer":"OBBLIGATO","Explanation":"Definition: It has to come through\nAn anagram of LAB TOO BIG \u2013 anagrind is 'for change'"} {"Clue":"Name encountered in circles in part of New Zealand (5)","Answer":"OTAGO","Explanation":"Definition: part of New Zealand\nTAG (name) 'encountered' in O O (circles)"} {"Clue":"Players avoiding weather around the old holes (7)","Answer":"EYELETS","Explanation":"Definition: holes\nELE~~men~~TS (weather) without or 'avoiding' 'men' (players) round YE (an old version of 'the')"} {"Clue":"Expensive romance, though without one church feature (7)","Answer":"STEEPLE","Explanation":"Definition: church feature\nSTEEP (expensive) L~~i~~E (romance) without the 'i' (one)"} {"Clue":"Quiet person, brought up to repress merest hint of enthusiasm, rose with difficulty (9)","Answer":"CLAMBERED","Explanation":"Definition: rose with difficulty\nCLAM (quiet person) BRED (brought up) round E (first letter or 'merest hint' of 'enthusiasm'"} {"Clue":"Vessel offloading second-rate grain (3)","Answer":"OAT","Explanation":"Definition: grain\n~~b~~OAT (vessel) without or 'offloading' the 'b' (second-rate)"} {"Clue":"Rodents, millions, coming in to attack grain (7)","Answer":"DORMICE","Explanation":"Definition: Rodents\nM (millions) in DO (attack) RICE (grain)"} {"Clue":"Some illumination around endless religious service? It's not often seen (6)","Answer":"RARITY","Explanation":"Definition: It's not often seen\nRAY (some illumination) round RIT~~e~~ (religious service) without the last letter or 'endless'"} {"Clue":"Armed force keeps on ignoring hoax trains (8)","Answer":"RETINUES","Explanation":"Definition: trains\nRE (Royal Engineers \u2013 'armed force') ~~con~~TINUES (keeps on) without 'con' (hoax)"} {"Clue":"\"Suffocated, in a way\" medic admitted (7)","Answer":"DROWNED","Explanation":"Definition: \"Suffocated, in a way\"\nDR (doctor) OWNED (admitted)"} {"Clue":"Swirling nebula later having fixed form (11)","Answer":"UNALTERABLE","Explanation":"Definition: having fixed form\nAn anagram of NEBULA LATER \u2013 anagrind is 'swirling'"} {"Clue":"Affected depth in river (5)","Answer":"TWEED","Explanation":"Definition: river\nTWEE (affected) D (depth)"} {"Clue":"Board, diligent, working with an opening for business (6,5)","Answer":"DINING TABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Board\nAn anagram of DILIGENT, AN and B (first letter or 'opening' of 'business') \u2013 anagrind is 'working'"} {"Clue":"What determines whether a habit is good or bad? (5,4)","Answer":"DRESS CODE","Explanation":"Definition: What determines whether a habit is good or bad?\nCryptic definition \u2013 'habit' referring to DRESS"} {"Clue":"Locums: doctors, including one chasing rising amounts of money (8)","Answer":"STOPGAPS","Explanation":"Definition: Locums\nGPS (doctors) round or 'including' A (one) after or 'chasing' POTS (amounts of money) reversed or 'rising'"} {"Clue":"Name hellish pit reprobate's seen around (7)","Answer":"BAPTISE","Explanation":"Definition: Name\nAn anagram of PIT (anagrind is 'hellish') with BASE (reprobate) 'seen around'"} {"Clue":"Couple taking up work on farm, appearing in book (7)","Answer":"TWOSOME","Explanation":"Definition: Couple\nSOW ('work on farm') reversed or 'taking up' 'appearing' in TOME (book)"} {"Clue":"Special equipment to make furniture (6)","Answer":"STOOLS","Explanation":"Definition: furniture\nS (special) TOOLS (equipment)"} {"Clue":"Australia has a specific beach attraction (supposedly) (5)","Answer":"OZONE","Explanation":"Definition: beach attraction (supposedly)\nOZ (Australia) ONE (a specific)"} {"Clue":"A description of fairly quiet music \u2013 not what you'd get from this! (3)","Answer":"~~APP~~ AMP","Explanation":"Definition: this\nA + ~~PP (fairly quiet \u2013 applied to music) \u2013 but there's no reason that you wouldn't get 'fairly quiet' music from an app!\u00a0~~ *See for the correct parsing.\u00a0"} {"Clue":"21's 23 for 14 animal's resting-place? (3,6)","Answer":"CAT BASKET","Explanation":"Definition: animal's resting-place\nA Spoonerism (21ac) of BAT (vampire \u2013 14ac) CASKET (coffin \u2013 23d)"} {"Clue":"Model boats moved across river in vital passage (11)","Answer":"BLOODSTREAM","Explanation":"Definition: vital passage\nAn anagram of MODEL BOATS (anagrind is 'moved') round or 'across' R (river)"} {"Clue":"Alumnus, having feasted regularly, appears thus? (5)","Answer":"OBESE","Explanation":"Definition: thus\nOB (old boy \u2013 alumnus) + alternative or 'regular' letters of fEaStEd"} {"Clue":"\"Water Music\" choreographed for this entertainer? (3-6)","Answer":"TAP-DANCER","Explanation":"Definition: entertainer\nA cryptic definition \u2013 a TAP being a source of water, and a DANCER's steps determined by a choreographer"} {"Clue":"Huge insect pursuing Geordie parent (7)","Answer":"MAMMOTH","Explanation":"Definition: Huge\nMOTH (insect) after or 'pursuing' MAM (Geordie word for 'mother' \u2013 parent)"} {"Clue":"Viper sliding around before noon is deadly biter (7)","Answer":"VAMPIRE","Explanation":"Definition: deadly biter\nAn anagram of VIPER (anagrind is 'sliding') round AM (before noon)"} {"Clue":"Defence starts to argue legal issue, blocking injunction (5)","Answer":"ALIBI","Explanation":"Definition: Defence\nFirst letters or 'starts' of Argue Legal Issue Blocking Injunction"} {"Clue":"Point endlessly made in pub (3)","Answer":"BAR","Explanation":"Definition: pub\nBAR~~b~~ (point) without the last letter or 'endless'"} {"Clue":"Relative close to collapse in French city (5)","Answer":"NIECE","Explanation":"Definition: Relative\nE (last letter or 'close' of 'collapse') in NICE (French city)"} {"Clue":"Second pro hurt taking one in kisser? (7)","Answer":"SPOONER","Explanation":"Definition: kisser\nS (second) + an anagram of PRO (anagrind is 'hurt') round or 'taking in' ONE"} {"Clue":"Somewhere to sleep on spring day in shade (7)","Answer":"APRICOT","Explanation":"Definition: shade\nCOT (somewhere to sleep) after APR I (April 1st \u2013 'spring day')"} {"Clue":"Bond, having turned Irishman, rings for protection (5,4)","Answer":"CHAIN-MAIL","Explanation":"Definition: rings for protection\nCHAIN (bond) + LIAM (Irishman) reversed or 'turned'"} {"Clue":"Present in box, unopened (5)","Answer":"OFFER","Explanation":"Definition: Present\n~~c~~OFFER (box) without the first letter or 'unopened'"} {"Clue":"Complete clip broadcast (5)","Answer":"SHEER","Explanation":"Definition: Complete\nA homophone ('broadcast') of SHEAR (clip)"} {"Clue":"Right to enter guilty plea? (9)","Answer":"ADMISSION","Explanation":"Definition: Right to enter\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Italian author incorporating Homer's principal nymph (4)","Answer":"ECHO","Explanation":"Definition: nymph\nECO (Umberto Eco \u2013 'Italian author') round or 'incorporating' H (first or 'principal' letter of 'Homer')"} {"Clue":"European staff welcoming brilliant teacher and upstanding character (10)","Answer":"MACEDONIAN","Explanation":"Definition: European\nMAN (staff) round or 'welcoming' ACE (brilliant) DON (teacher) I ('upright character')"} {"Clue":"Small boat in loosely-drawn image (6)","Answer":"SKETCH","Explanation":"Definition: loosely-drawn image\nS (small) KETCH (boat)"} {"Clue":"Break in journey as work under way getting finished (8)","Answer":"STOPOVER","Explanation":"Definition: Break in journey\nOP (work) after or 'under' ST (street \u2013 'way') + OVER (finished)"} {"Clue":"Group using rhymes in Petrarchan sonnet (4)","Answer":"ABBA","Explanation":"Definition: Group\nA Petrarchan sonnet has an ABBA rhyming pattern \u2013 the 1st and 4th lines rhyme as do the 2nd and 3rd lines"} {"Clue":"Trimming margins, act as soon as I have plan (8)","Answer":"CONCEIVE","Explanation":"Definition: plan\n~~a~~Ct (middle letter only, or 'trimming margins') ONCE (as soon as) I'VE (I have)"} {"Clue":"Banker in Europe's old, looking embarrassed when sent up (4)","Answer":"ODER","Explanation":"Definition: Banker in Europe\nO (old) +\u00a0RED (looking embarrassed) reversed or 'sent up'"} {"Clue":"Tight-fisted son wants cash (5)","Answer":"MEANS","Explanation":"Definition: cash\nMEAN (tight-fisted) S (son)"} {"Clue":"Rodent casing area with horn-playing in lordly residence (5,5)","Answer":"MANOR HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: lordly residence\nMOUSE (rodent) round or 'casing' A (area) and an anagram of HORN \u2013 anagrind is 'playing'"} {"Clue":"Maestro having no piano to bring into use (5)","Answer":"EXERT","Explanation":"Definition: bring into use\nEX~~p~~ERT (maestro) without the 'p' (piano)"} {"Clue":"Procrastinator's credo for devotee? (8)","Answer":"IDOLATER","Explanation":"Definition: devotee\nA procrastinator's 'credo' might be 'I (will) DO (it) LATER'"} {"Clue":"Arabs ban frenzied missionary (8)","Answer":"BARNABAS","Explanation":"Definition: missionary\nAn anagram of ARABS BAN \u2013 anagrind is 'frenzied'"} {"Clue":"Cool dad twirling maiden in loft (6)","Answer":"APLOMB","Explanation":"Definition: Cool\nPA (dad) reversed or 'twirling' + M (maiden) in LOB (loft)"} {"Clue":"Essex sailor sleeping at home after cold (6)","Answer":"COFFIN","Explanation":"Definition: Essex sailor\nOFF (sleeping) IN (at home) after C (cold) \u2013 a new meaning of 'coffin' for us!"} {"Clue":"When in church for instance (4)","Answer":"CASE","Explanation":"Definition: instance\nAS (when) in CE (church)"} {"Clue":"Get anorak from Designer Delights (4)","Answer":"NERD","Explanation":"Definition: anorak\nHidden or 'got from' 'DesigNER Delights'"} {"Clue":"Mysterious character concerned with snaring northern one (4)","Answer":"RUNE","Explanation":"Definition: Mysterious character\nRE (concerned with) round or 'snaring' UN (Northern dialect for 'one')"} {"Clue":"Small volume about one pursuing girl is a masterpiece (7)","Answer":"CLASSIC","Explanation":"Definition: a masterpiece\nCC (small volume) about I (one) after or 'pursuing' LASS (girl)"} {"Clue":"Fantastic beast improvising back to front (7)","Answer":"GRIFFIN","Explanation":"Definition: Fantastic beast\nRIFFING (improvising) with the last letter or 'back' moving to the front"} {"Clue":"Steps made in a chaotic way (9)","Answer":"STAMPEDES","Explanation":"Definition: Steps made in a chaotic way\nAn &lit \u2013 an anagram of STEPS MADE \u2013 anagrind is 'in a chaotic way'"} {"Clue":"Refuse right to sleep rough outside (5)","Answer":"DROSS","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse\nR (right) with DOSS (sleep rough) outside"} {"Clue":"Raise your glass, knocking back Southern Comfort (5)","Answer":"CHEER","Explanation":"Definition: Comfort\nCHEER~~s~~ (raise your glass) without or 'knocking back' S (Southern)"} {"Clue":"Host target area surrounds board (9)","Answer":"INNKEEPER","Explanation":"Definition: Host\nINNER (target area) around KEEP (board)"} {"Clue":"One couldn't appreciate wife when time at home got hard following gossip (7,5)","Answer":"WASTING ASSET","Explanation":"Definition: One couldn't appreciate\nW (wife) AS (when) T (time) IN (at home) + SET (got hard) after GAS (gossip)"} {"Clue":"Enduring riddle of silent grave (11)","Answer":"EVERLASTING","Explanation":"Definition: Enduring\nAn anagram of SILENT GRAVE \u2013 anagrind is 'riddle'"} {"Clue":"Year the euro collapsed, just as I predicted (5,3,3)","Answer":"THERE YOU ARE","Explanation":"Definition: just as I predicted\nAn anagram of YEAR THE EURO \u2013 anagrind is 'collapsed'"} {"Clue":"Was on the beat as tap dancing got under way (9)","Answer":"PATROLLED","Explanation":"Definition: Was on the beat\nAn anagram of TAP \u2013 anagrind is 'dancing' + ROLLED (got under way)"} {"Clue":"Plug in contact with outside of lead for record deck (5)","Answer":"ADORN","Explanation":"Definition: deck\nAD (plug)\u00a0ON (in contact with) around or 'outside of' R (first letter or 'lead' to record)"} {"Clue":"Cat jumps out of its skin (5)","Answer":"OUNCE","Explanation":"Definition: Cat\n~~p~~OUNCE~~s~~ (jumps) without the first and last letter or 'out of its skin'"} {"Clue":"Extravagant words in newspaper's really cool blanket coverage (9)","Answer":"SNOWDRIFT","Explanation":"Definition: really cool blanket coverage\nAn anagram of WORDS IN \u2013 anagrind is 'extravagant' +\u00a0FT (newspaper)"} {"Clue":"Auntie frustrated about covering too much stuff (7)","Answer":"SURFEIT","Explanation":"Definition: too much stuff\nHidden or 'covered by' and reversed or 'about' in the clue aunTIE FRUStrated"} {"Clue":"Imagine 'cougar' meeting resistance in boy on the rebound! (5,2)","Answer":"DREAM UP","Explanation":"Definition: Imagine\nPUMA (cougar) +\u00a0R (resistance) in\u00a0ED (boy) reversed or 'on the rebound'"} {"Clue":"Roughly demonstrate housing co-operative's beginning to provide good source of income (4,3)","Answer":"CASH COW","Explanation":"Definition: good source of income\nCA (roughly as in about) SHOW (demonstrate) around C (first letter or 'beginning' of co-operative)"} {"Clue":"Conscious of key deficiency in American state (5)","Answer":"AWARE","Explanation":"Definition: Conscious of\n~~del~~AWARE (American state) without 'del' (key on computer keyboard)"} {"Clue":"Replace great player expected to do well on the radio (9)","Answer":"SUPERSEDE","Explanation":"Definition: Replace\nSUPER (great) SEDE\u00a0(homophone ('on the radio') of SEED \u2013 used to describe a player who is expected to do well)"} {"Clue":"Twist around, beginning to dance, twist around as part of health regimen? (3-5,3)","Answer":"COD-LIVER OIL","Explanation":"Definition: part of health regimen?\nCOIL (twist) around D (first letter or 'beginning' to dance) inside OLIVER (Twist as in the Dickens character who asked for more)"} {"Clue":"Stop working to support trendy record company (5)","Answer":"INDIE","Explanation":"Definition: record company\nDIE (stop working) after or 'supporting' IN (trendy)"} {"Clue":"Old Labour leader's image making an impression on the ground (9)","Answer":"FOOTPRINT","Explanation":"Definition: an impression on the ground (\nFOOT (Old Labour leader Michael) PRINT (image)"} {"Clue":"Is aware of vocal newspaper's material assistance for those stricken by cold (4,3)","Answer":"NOSE RAG","Explanation":"Definition: material assistance for those stricken by cold \nA homophone ('vocal') of KNOWS (is aware of) RAG (newspaper)"} {"Clue":"Dull, vain don abused invalid (4,3,4)","Answer":"NULL AND VOID","Explanation":"Definition: invalid\nAn anagram of DULL VAIN DON \u2013 anagrind is 'abused'"} {"Clue":"Carrot cake may use this instead of sugar (9)","Answer":"SWEETENER","Explanation":"Definition: Carrot\nSWEETENER\u00a0can be used in baking a cake to replace sugar"} {"Clue":"Move desk to turn bolt (9)","Answer":"SKEDADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: bolt\nAn anagram of DESK \u2013 anagrind is 'move' +\u00a0ADDLE (turn)"} {"Clue":"Redevelopment of top site makes little impression on the ground (7)","Answer":"TIPTOES","Explanation":"Definition: makes little impression on the ground\nAn anagram of TOP SITE \u2013 anagrind is 'redevelopment'"} {"Clue":"Incubator's going to replace energy source and work without interruption (7)","Answer":"NONSTOP","Explanation":"Definition: without interruption\nN~~e~~ST (incubator) with ON (going) replacing E (energy) +\u00a0OP (work)"} {"Clue":"Love meat mostly containing a bit of saturated fat (5)","Answer":"OBESE","Explanation":"Definition: fat\nO (love) BEE~~f~~ (meat with last letter removed or 'mostly') round or 'containing'\u00a0S (the first letter or 'a bit of' saturated)"} {"Clue":"Ignominy of political leader being removed from platform (5)","Answer":"ODIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Ignominy\n~~p~~ODIUM (platform) without first letter or 'leader' of 'political'"} {"Clue":"Moobs pert when naked in English city (10)","Answer":"MANCHESTER","Explanation":"Definition: English city\nMAN CHEST (moobs) + ~~p~~ER~~t~~ (without the first and last letters or 'naked')"} {"Clue":"Multiple-choice featuring e) \"In the Navy\"? (4)","Answer":"ECHO","Explanation":"Definition: e) \"In the Navy\"\nHidden or 'featuring' in multiplE CHOice \u2013 a reference to the letter 'e' in the phonetic alphabet as used by the navy (among many others)"} {"Clue":"Tell fib about drink to get another (7)","Answer":"LIMEADE","Explanation":"Definition: another\nLIE (tell fib) round MEAD (drink)"} {"Clue":"Recite list of bad news to an angler? (4,3)","Answer":"REEL OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Recite list\nWe're not really convinced by this one \u2013 we think it must be a reference to the fact that if the REEL on an angler's rod was OFF, it would be bad news as it would be unusable"} {"Clue":"Immediately after that, he threw it out (9)","Answer":"THEREWITH","Explanation":"Definition: Immediately after that\nAn anagram of HE THREW IT \u2013 anagrind is 'out'"} {"Clue":"Play with boobs? (5)","Answer":"FARCE","Explanation":"Definition: Play\nA cryptic definition \u2013 a FARCE is a play that relies for its humour on things going wrong, or 'boobs'"} {"Clue":"Dump date before long (5)","Answer":"DITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Dump\nD (date) ITCH (long)"} {"Clue":"Go on salt concoction to restrict opening of blood vessels (9)","Answer":"LONGBOATS","Explanation":"Definition: vessels\nAn anagram of GO ON SALT (anagrind is 'concoction') round or 'restricting' B (first letter or 'opening' of 'blood')"} {"Clue":"Game, with the skin, that is fried in breadcrumbs (9)","Answer":"CROQUETTE","Explanation":"Definition: that is fried in breadcrumb\nCROQUET (game) + T~~h~~E (first and last letters or 'skin')"} {"Clue":"Arrangement by mafia boss following opponents (3-2)","Answer":"END-ON","Explanation":"Definition: Arrangement\nDON (mafia boss) following E and N (East and North \u2013 opponents in bridge)"} {"Clue":"Partners excluded from a naturist survey (5)","Answer":"AUDIT","Explanation":"Definition: survey\nA ~~n~~UDI~~s~~T (naturist) without the 'n' and 's' (North and South \u2013 partners in bridge)"} {"Clue":"Dish of fish and chips cooked in oil, primarily (9)","Answer":"CARPACCIO","Explanation":"Definition: Dish\nCARP (fish) + first or 'prime' letters of And Chips Cooked In Oil"} {"Clue":"Rita's Conservative rhetoric (7)","Answer":"ORATORY","Explanation":"Definition: rhetoric\nORA (Rita Ora \u2013 singer and actress) TORY (Conservative)"} {"Clue":"Animal waste dumps force Conservative to be upfront (7)","Answer":"CRITTER","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\n~~f~~RITTER (waste) without or 'dumping' 'f' (force) with C (Conservative) 'upfont'"} {"Clue":"Sleeps around for a while (4)","Answer":"SPAN","Explanation":"Definition: a while\nNAPS (sleeps) reversed or 'around'"} {"Clue":"Doctors, medical graduates, nurses: Philistines essentially (10)","Answer":"INTERNISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Doctors\nINTERNS (medical graduates) round or 'nursing' ~~Phil~~IST~~ines~~ (the middle letters or 'essentially')"} {"Clue":"Fine Greek character left court (5)","Answer":"MULCT","Explanation":"Definition: Fine\nMU (Greek character) L (left) CT (court) \u2013 a new word for us!"} {"Clue":"Dump right-hand man (6,3)","Answer":"NUMBER TWO","Explanation":"Definition: Dump\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"The anxious hate unusual medical condition (4,10)","Answer":"HEAT EXHAUSTION","Explanation":"Definition: medical condition\nAn anagram of THE ANXIOUS HATE \u2013 anagrind is 'unusual'"} {"Clue":"Large top quality mushrooms served up as dish of the day? (7)","Answer":"SPECIAL","Explanation":"Definition: dish of the day?\nL (large) AI (top quality) CEPS (mushrooms) all reversed or 'served up'"} {"Clue":"Body part subsequently formed from clay (7)","Answer":"EARTHEN","Explanation":"Definition: formed from clay\nEAR (body part) THEN (subsequently)"} {"Clue":"Person in charge has love for a singing group (5)","Answer":"CHOIR","Explanation":"Definition: singing group\nCH~~a~~IR (person in charge) with O (love) in place of 'a'"} {"Clue":"Queen leaving presents with each male child in time of low-spending (3-6)","Answer":"OFF-SEASON","Explanation":"Definition: time of low-spending\nOFF~~er~~S (presents) without 'er' (queen) EA (each) SON (male child)"} {"Clue":"Harry Belafonte gains appreciation of others' interests, at great personal cost (4-10)","Answer":"SELF-ABNEGATION","Explanation":"Definition: appreciation of others' interests, at great personal cost\nAn anagram of BELAFONTE GAINS \u2013 anagrind is 'harry'"} {"Clue":"Tyrannical leaders overheard Richard, Duke of York, and King Edward, perhaps (9)","Answer":"DICTATORS","Explanation":"Definition: Tyrannical leaders\nA homophone ('overheard') of DICK (Richard) TATERS (Duke of York and King Edwards are varieties of potato)"} {"Clue":"Retires and relaxes, holding detectives up (9)","Answer":"ABDICATES","Explanation":"Definition: Retires\nABATES (relaxes) round or 'holding' CID (detectives) reversed or 'up'"} {"Clue":"Hypothetical particle recreated on yacht (7)","Answer":"TACHYON","Explanation":"Definition: Hypothetical particle\nAn anagram of ON YACHT \u2013 anagrind is 'recreated' \u2013 another new word for us"} {"Clue":"Near a chemist's, showing sign of infection? (7)","Answer":"EARACHE","Explanation":"Definition: sign of infection\nHidden or 'shown' in nEAR A CHEmist's"} {"Clue":"I love abandoning scene in play (5)","Answer":"DRAMA","Explanation":"Definition: play\nD~~io~~RAMA (scene) without or 'abandoning' 'I' and 'o' (love)"} {"Clue":"Iris's gold braids oddly discarded (5)","Answer":"ORRIS","Explanation":"Definition: Iris\nOR (gold) bRaIdS (discarding odd letters)"} {"Clue":"Go home and go to bed (4,2)","Answer":"TURN IN","Explanation":"Definition: go to bed\nTURN (go) IN (home)"} {"Clue":"Informal chat, as 21 initially formed at 8 15 (6)","Answer":"CONFAB","Explanation":"Definition: Informal chat\nCON (party (21) \u2013 Conservative) F A B (initial letters of Formed At Bradford (8 15) )"} {"Clue":"Man with unkempt red hair that is 27 21 leader (4,6)","Answer":"KEIR HARDIE","Explanation":"Definition: 27 21 leader\nK (short for King \u2013 'man' in chess) + an anagram of RED HAIR \u2013 anagrind is 'unkempt' +\u00a0IE (that is)"} {"Clue":"Backing of non-professionals by very large 21 (6)","Answer":"SOCIAL","Explanation":"Definition: 21\nA reversal or 'backing' of LAIC (non-professional) OS (very large or outsize)"} {"Clue":"Protest by artist in court in Cleveland? (8)","Answer":"DEMOCRAT","Explanation":"Definition: Cleveland?\nDEMO (protest) + RA (artist) in CT (court). Cleveland refers to man who was a Democrat and the 22nd and 24th president of the USA"} {"Clue":"Work by old poet, such as Auden or Betjeman for starters (5,4)","Answer":"BLOOD TYPE","Explanation":"Definition: such as Auden or Betjeman for starters\nAn anagram of BY OLD POET \u2013 anagrind is 'work'. The 'starters' or initial letters of Auden and Betjeman are A and B which are both BLOOD TYPES"} {"Clue":"With red pants, wife was attractive (4)","Answer":"DREW","Explanation":"Definition: was attractive\nAn anagram of RED \u2013 anagrind is 'pants' +\u00a0W (wife)"} {"Clue":"10 peacekeepers before one fool retired? (9)","Answer":"UNBIASSED","Explanation":"Definition: 10\nUN (peacekeepers) + I (one) ASS (fool) inside BED. You have to imagine that I and ASS are in bed so that they have retired!"} {"Clue":"Gall shown by Greek character, cycling during rock band's comeback (3,5)","Answer":"OAK APPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Gall\nKAPPA (Greek character) with the last letter at the front or 'cycling' inside a reversal or 'comeback' of ELO (band as in Electric Light Orchestra). We started parsing this as ELP reversed for Emerson Lake and Palmer until the penny dropped. Bert reminded Joyce that she used to put track on really loud before going out to a party!"} {"Clue":"Great 25, one joining 10 27 21? (6)","Answer":"FABIAN","Explanation":"Definition: one joining 10 27 21?\nFAB (great) IAN (Scot). Kier Hardie (9ac) became the first chairman at the foundation conference of the in Bradford (8\/15) when 11 local Fabian Societies joined 91 branches of the Independent Labour Party (10 27 21) together with 4 branches of the Social Democratic Federation (almost 11 12!)."} {"Clue":"Something small and negative, demanding a new clue \u2013 or not, perhaps (10)","Answer":"ANTIPROTON","Explanation":"Definition: Something small and negative\nA N (new) TIP (clue) + an anagram of OR NOT \u2013 anagrind is 'perhaps'"} {"Clue":"9, say, a good person holding firm (4)","Answer":"SCOT","Explanation":"Definition: 9, say\nST (good person as in saint) around or 'holding' CO (firm)"} {"Clue":"Drawn to the old method of patterning textiles (3-3)","Answer":"TIE-DYE","Explanation":"Definition: method of patterning textiles \nTIED (drawn) YE (old word for 'the')"} {"Clue":"End of term 21? (6)","Answer":"LABOUR","Explanation":"Definition: 21\nJoyce's favourite clue \u2013 End of term relates to the end of pregnancy when LABOUR (party \u2013 21d) starts"} {"Clue":"Disquiet around 10 involved rum lot (7)","Answer":"TURMOIL","Explanation":"Definition: Disquiet\nAn anagram of RUM LOT \u2013 anagrind is 'involved' around I (independent \u2013 10d)"} {"Clue":"More than one spoke in excellent 11 (5)","Answer":"RADII","Explanation":"Definition: More than one spoke\nRAD (urban slang for 'excellent') I I"} {"Clue":"Bonk till briefly convulsing, producing a meaningful stain? (7)","Answer":"INKBLOT","Explanation":"Definition: a meaningful stain?\nAn anagram of BONK TIL~~l~~ missing last letter ot 'briefly' \u2013 anagrind is 'convulsing'. The meaningful stain relates to the test in which psychologists asked subjects to say what they saw in various ink blots. However, if we see the word 'Rorschach', we are more likely to remember a setter that we last saw on the Indy site back in Jan 2016. We wish we saw more of him."} {"Clue":"Over an hour in school to write the alphabet once (5)","Answer":"OGHAM","Explanation":"Definition: alphabet once\nO (over) + H (hour) inside GAM (school of whales)"} {"Clue":"Intense dissonance amongst four voices? Not initially (9)","Answer":"FEROCIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Intense\nAn anagram of FOUR ~~v~~OICES without first letter or 'not initially' \u2013 anagrind is 'dissonance'"} {"Clue":"Gang member in 21 dress (7)","Answer":"BRIGAND","Explanation":"Definition: Gang member\nRIG (dress) inside BAND (party \u2013 21d)"} {"Clue":"Outside 21s for us (11)","Answer":"INDEPENDENT","Explanation":"Definition: us\nIf you are not in a party (21d) you could be INDEPENDENT. Thus 'US' refers obviously to the newspaper which features today's puzzle"} {"Clue":"Musical theatre round-up for agent (9)","Answer":"OPERATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: agent\nYou have to lift and separate here \u2013 it's a reversal or 'up' (as it's a down clue) of EVITA (musical) REP (agent) O (round)"} {"Clue":"Rang Ted about police search? (7)","Answer":"DRAGNET","Explanation":"Definition: police search?\nAn anagram of RANG TED \u2013 anagrind is 'about'"} {"Clue":"Fashionable soft drink for king's daughter (7)","Answer":"INFANTA","Explanation":"Definition: king's daughter\nIN (fashionable) FANTA (soft drink)"} {"Clue":"Nancy's in love with rou\u00e9 \u2013 man out to charm (7)","Answer":"ENAMOUR","Explanation":"Definition: to charm\nTwo lots of parsing here \u2013 EN AMOUR (French, as in Nancy, for 'in love') or an anagram of ROUE MAN \u2013 anagrind is 'out'"} {"Clue":"Split variable in function (5)","Answer":"PARTY","Explanation":"Definition: function\nPART (split) Y (variable as used in Maths)"} {"Clue":"Bossa nova singer (5)","Answer":"BASSO","Explanation":"Definition: singer\nAn anagram of BOSSA \u2013 anagrind is 'nova' (new in a number of languages)"} {"Clue":"Contents of past capital city (6)","Answer":"ATHENS","Explanation":"Definition: capital city\nA THEN S ('contents' or middle letters of pASt)"} {"Clue":"Digital attachments to online correspondence showing shift in character (3-5)","Answer":"TOE-NAILS","Explanation":"Definition: Digital attachments\nTO E~~m~~AILS (on-line correspondence) changing or 'shifting' M (character) to N"} {"Clue":"Moody music in edgy place recalled in personal narrative (6)","Answer":"MEMOIR","Explanation":"Definition: personal narrative\nEMO (moody music) inside RIM (edgy place) reversed or 'recalled'"} {"Clue":"Area supporting wine-growing, say, including a bit of Chardonnay (8)","Answer":"PROVINCE","Explanation":"Definition: Area\nIf you supported wine-growing you could say that you were PRO VINE around or 'including' C (the first letter or a 'bit of' Chardonnay)"} {"Clue":"Alternatively providing allocation to a different worker (2,3,5,4)","Answer":"ON THE OTHER HAND","Explanation":"Definition: Alternatively\nWe can only parse this if you imagine giving work to a different worker so that you are putting something ON THE OTHER HAND (worker). It all feels a bit clunky though. Can anyone help us out with a better parsing please?"} {"Clue":"Nationalist approach to festival right? Not 20 Across (5)","Answer":"NEVER","Explanation":"Definition: Not 20 Across\nN\u00a0(Nationalist) EVE (night before or 'approach to' festival) R (right)"} {"Clue":"Person receiving attention dreads variant view (9)","Answer":"ADDRESSEE","Explanation":"Definition: Person receiving attention\nAn anagram of DREADS \u2013 anagrind is 'variant' +\u00a0SEE (view)"} {"Clue":"Not showing results of attention regarding dress to clothe Queen (9)","Answer":"OVERGROWN","Explanation":"Definition: Not showing results of attention \nOVER (regarding) GOWN (dress) around or 'clothing' R (Queen)"} {"Clue":"Article stretching credulity of any kind (2,3)","Answer":"AT ALL","Explanation":"Definition: of any kind \nA (article) TALL (stretching credulity)"} {"Clue":"One million having run in disrupted capital city? That shows unworkable situation (14)","Answer":"IMPRACTICALITY","Explanation":"Definition: unworkable situation\nI (one) M (million) + R (run) in an anagram of CAPITAL CITY \u2013 anagrind is 'disrupted'"} {"Clue":"Playwright initially ready to occupy end apartment (8)","Answer":"STOPPARD","Explanation":"Definition: Playwright\nR (initial letter of Ready) inside or 'occupying' STOP (end) PAD (apartment)"} {"Clue":"Medic presumably able to give a second opinion? (6,6)","Answer":"DOCTOR JEKYLL","Explanation":"We think that this must be a play on the fact that Dr Jekyll had a split personality, his alter ego therefore would presumably offer a second opinion. However, we didn't really like this clue \u2013 maybe it was because we guessed the first word was doctor very quickly but needed all the crossing letters before we could hazard a guess at the full answer."} {"Clue":"50 involved in clay-pigeon shooting never returning for winter sport (8)","Answer":"SKELETON","Explanation":"Definition: winter sport\nL (50) inside SKEET (pigeon shooting \u2013 a new one on us) NO (never) reversed or 'returning'"} {"Clue":"Daft to discount British forces (4)","Answer":"ARMY","Explanation":"Definition: forces\n~~\u00a0b~~ARMY (daft) missing or 'discounting' B (British)"} {"Clue":"Sound of activity leading to a new person (5)","Answer":"HUMAN","Explanation":"Definition: person\nHUM (sound of activity) A N (new)"} {"Clue":"Below accepting one word\u00a0suggesting double negative? (7)","Answer":"NEITHER","Explanation":"Definition: word\u00a0suggesting double negative?\nNETHER (below) around or 'accepting' I (one)"} {"Clue":"Blade removing head from pig (3)","Answer":"OAR","Explanation":"Definition: Blade\n~~b~~OAR (pig) with first letter or 'head' removed"} {"Clue":"A pair of monarchs in part of church in part of Spain (7)","Answer":"NAVARRE","Explanation":"Definition: part of Spain \nA RR (pair of monarchs) inside NAVE (part of church)"} {"Clue":"Pair penning feasible articles about South-East Mediterranean area (6,3)","Answer":"IONIAN SEA","Explanation":"Definition: Mediterranean area\nI I (pair) around or 'penning' ON (feasible) AN A (articles) around SE (South-East)"} {"Clue":"Plants went successfully on board (10)","Answer":"SPEEDWELLS","Explanation":"Definition: Plants\nPEED\u00a0(went \u2013 as in urinated) WELL\u00a0(successfully) inside SS (ship) \u2013 could be said to be 'on board'"} {"Clue":"Let's try method, coming out on top of a fight (3,5)","Answer":"HOW ABOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Let's try\nHOW (method) on top of A BOUT (fight)"} {"Clue":"Man had tossed coins in the study of pleasure (8)","Answer":"HEDONICS","Explanation":"Definition: the study of pleasure \nHE'D (man had) an anagram of COINS \u2013 anagrind is 'tossed'"} {"Clue":"They praise drifting ocean mists (10)","Answer":"ENCOMIASTS","Explanation":"Definition: They praise\nAn anagram of OCEAN MISTS \u2013 anagrind is 'drifting'"} {"Clue":"Bigwig entertaining bridge team to make sharp form of visual communication (9)","Answer":"VIEWPHONE","Explanation":"Definition: form of visual communication\nVIP (bigwig) around or 'entertaining' EW (bridge team) HONE (make sharp)"} {"Clue":"Seize grain and fruit (7)","Answer":"GRAPPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Seize\nGR (grain) APPLE (fruit)"} {"Clue":"Unanimous about degree being finished (3,4)","Answer":"ALL DONE","Explanation":"Definition: finished\nALL ONE (unanimous) about D (degree)"} {"Clue":"Shabby races held in river (5)","Answer":"TATTY","Explanation":"Definition: Shabby\nTT (races) inside or 'held in' TAY (river)"} {"Clue":"Examination removing top of reef feature (4)","Answer":"ORAL","Explanation":"Definition: Examination\n~~c~~ORAL (reef feature) removing first letter or 'top'"} {"Clue":"Large animal wanting endless space (3)","Answer":"ROO","Explanation":"Definition: Large animal\nROO~~m~~ (space) without last letter or 'endless'"} {"Clue":"Record company clipped part of newspaper article on AC\/DC (8)","Answer":"COLUMBIA","Explanation":"Definition: Record company\nCOLUM~~n~~ (part of newspaper) without the last letter or 'clipped' + A (article) after or 'on' BI (bisexual \u2013 'AC\/DC')"} {"Clue":"Tipster regularly circulating dated legendary princess (6)","Answer":"ISOLDE","Explanation":"Definition: legendary princess\ntIpStEr (alternate or 'regular' letters) round or 'circulating' OLD (dated)"} {"Clue":"Frenchman's tart securing boob (6)","Answer":"PIERRE","Explanation":"Definition: Frenchman\nPIE (tart) round or 'securing' ERR (boob) \u2013 good to get one of our esteemed bloggers into the puzzle too!"} {"Clue":"Low grade rugby training? This writer's describing St Helens maybe (8)","Answer":"ERUPTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: describing St Helens maybe\nE (low grade, as in exam grading) RU (rugby) PT (training) I'VE \u2013 a reference to the American volcano, not the Rugby team"} {"Clue":"Crew attacked by man on board causing devastation (8)","Answer":"WRECKING","Explanation":"Definition: causing devastation\nAn anagram of CREW (anagrind is 'attacking') + KING (man on board, as in chess)"} {"Clue":"Entrance contains parcels at the back \u2013 a delivery to nightwatchman? (6)","Answer":"DOOSRA","Explanation":"Definition: a delivery to nightwatchman?\nDOOR (entrance) round or 'containing' S (last letter or 'back' of 'parcels') + A \u2013 a new word for us, apparently a particular type of leg-break ('delivery') in cricket"} {"Clue":"Country's right-wing blocking radio once \u2013 in such a regime? (7)","Answer":"TYRANNY","Explanation":"Definition: such a regime\nY (last letter or 'right wing' of 'country') in or 'blocking' TRANNY ('radio once' \u2013 transistor radio)"} {"Clue":"Bird rejuvenated by new iPhone attached (7)","Answer":"PHOENIX","Explanation":"Definition: Bird rejuvenated\nWe first thought this could be parsed two ways, but decided that the correct one is:\u00a0X (by, as in 'times') 'attached' to an anagram of IPHONE \u2013 anagrind being 'new'. The alternative was: an anagram of IPHONE X \u2013 the newest version \u2013 with 'rejuvenated' being the anagrind \u2013 however this makes 'attached' redundant and we don't think Scorpion would include redundant words \u2013 it's a good anagram though!!"} {"Clue":"Worn-out US agent, upset inside (6)","Answer":"FAILED","Explanation":"Definition: Worn-out\nFED (US agent) with AIL (upset) inside"} {"Clue":"How many spectators enter ground? Eleven perhaps (3,2,3)","Answer":"ONE BY ONE","Explanation":"Definition: How many spectators enter ground?\nThe definition refers to spectators entering sports stadia ONE BY ONE through turnstiles \u2013 the figure 11 is a number ONE beside (BY) another number ONE"} {"Clue":"With lad in charge, coach returned at such speed? Definitely (8)","Answer":"SUBSONIC","Explanation":"Definition: such speed? Definitely\nSON (lad) IC (in charge) after BUS (coach) reversed or 'returned' \u2013 should this be a cryptic definition? The definition relies on the fact that a coach reversing would definitely travel at subsonic speed"} {"Clue":"Old car manufacturer's Sierra built with varying metal front and rear (6)","Answer":"AUSTIN","Explanation":"Definition: Old car manufacturer\nS (sierra in the phonetic alphabet) with AU (gold) in front and TIN behind"} {"Clue":"Author, first person in \"L'Equipe to pen extra retrospective (6)","Answer":"JEROME","Explanation":"Definition: Author\nJE (first person in French, referenced by \"L'Equipe\") round or 'penning' MORE (extra) reversed or 'retrospective'"} {"Clue":"Loaded Lambretta rider, say, bypasses northern part of London (8)","Answer":"RICHMOND","Explanation":"Definition: part of London\nRICH (loaded) MOD (Lambretta rider, say) rounds or 'bypassing' N (northern)"} {"Clue":"After memory's stirred up, one cultivated fictional villain (8)","Answer":"MORIARTY","Explanation":"Definition: fictional villain\nROM (Read-only memory) reversed or 'stirred up' + I (one) ARTY (cultivated)"} {"Clue":"Back problem the source of red swelling (4)","Answer":"BURR","Explanation":"Definition: swelling\nRUB (problem) reversed or 'back' + R (first letter or 'source' of 'red')"} {"Clue":"Is it like a dramatist to work repeatedly in basement? Not half (8)","Answer":"IBSENIAN","Explanation":"Definition: like a dramatist\nAn anagram of IN IN ('repeatedly') and BASE~~ment~~ ('not half') \u2013 anagrind is 'to work'"} {"Clue":"Discussed navigating competition for explorer (7)","Answer":"RALEIGH","Explanation":"Definition: explorer\nA homophone ('discussed') of RALLY (navigating competition)"} {"Clue":"Knocked back the Italian lolly, as it melted? (6)","Answer":"LIQUID","Explanation":"Definition: melted\nIL ('the' in Italian) reversed or 'knocked back' + QUID (lolly, as in money)"} {"Clue":"Army leader's gone with Tommy, moving around river (10)","Answer":"MONTGOMERY","Explanation":"Definition: Army leader\nAn anagram of GONE and TOMMY (anagrind is 'moving') round R (river)"} {"Clue":"Port finally passed across (5)","Answer":"DOVER","Explanation":"Definition: Port\nD (last or 'final' letter of 'passed') OVER (across)"} {"Clue":"Dance daily on street during Christmas when retired (10)","Answer":"CHARLESTON","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\nCHAR (daily, as in cleaner) + ST (street) in or 'during' NOEL (Christmas) reversed or 'retired'"} {"Clue":"Welcome monarch and roguish chief priest (8)","Answer":"HIERARCH","Explanation":"Definition: chief priest\nHI (welcome) ER (monarch) ARCH (roguish)"} {"Clue":"Accepted free gins procured by Poles \u2013 they often hang around pubs (3,5)","Answer":"INN SIGNS","Explanation":"Definition: they often hang around pubs\nIN (accepted) + an anagram of GINS (anagrind is 'free') in or 'procured by' N S (north and south 'poles')"} {"Clue":"Agreement opposing fellow vacating number 28 (7)","Answer":"CONCORD","Explanation":"Definition: Agreement\nCON (opposing) CO (fellow as in co-worker) R~~ichmon~~D (28ac) with the middle letters omitted or 'vacated'"} {"Clue":"Blue street map you're picking up (5)","Answer":"AZURE","Explanation":"Definition: Blue\nAZ (street map) + a homophone ('picked up') of YOU'RE"} {"Clue":"Sudden verse reveals US male singer (6)","Answer":"DENVER","Explanation":"Definition: US male singer\nHidden in ('revealed' by) suDEN VERse \u2013 reference to John Denver"} {"Clue":"All pee in local bog (4)","Answer":"SUMP","Explanation":"Definition: bog\nSUM (all) P (pee)"} {"Clue":"John Goodman's with a redhead on vacation, which is nothing out of the ordinary (3-8)","Answer":"BOG-STANDARD","Explanation":"Definition: nothing out of the ordinary\nBOG (John, as in toilet) ST (saint \u2013 'good man') AND (with) A R~~edhea~~D with middle letters omitted or 'vacated'"} {"Clue":"Lout from Austria punched (3)","Answer":"OAF","Explanation":"Definition: Lout\nOF (from) round or 'punched by' A (Austria)"} {"Clue":"Poet died at the stake (5)","Answer":"DANTE","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\nD (died) ANTE (stake, in betting)"} {"Clue":"Self-righteous type hides shameful European birthright (9)","Answer":"PRIVILEGE","Explanation":"Definition: birthright\nPRIG (self-righteous type) round or 'hiding' VILE (shameful) + E (European)"} {"Clue":"Intrinsically sexually attractive torture (9)","Answer":"PERSECUTE","Explanation":"Definition: torture\nPER SE (intrinsically) CUTE (sexually attractive)"} {"Clue":"Shot in the arm? Put on ice packs (5)","Answer":"TONIC","Explanation":"Definition: Shot in the arm?\nHidden or 'packed' in 'puT ON ICe'"} {"Clue":"Australian stuffs herb in meat product (7)","Answer":"SAUSAGE","Explanation":"Definition: meat product\nAUS (Australian) in or 'stuffing' SAGE (herb)"} {"Clue":"Document concluded detectives must leave (4)","Answer":"DEED","Explanation":"Definition: Document\nDE~~cid~~ED (concluded) with CID (detectives) omitted or 'leaving'"} {"Clue":"Piercing songs for two, reflective but lacking energy (4)","Answer":"STUD","Explanation":"Definition: Piercing\nDU~~e~~TS (songs for two) reversed or 'reflective' and 'lacking' e (energy)"} {"Clue":"Writers penning strange tales, primarily, in restaurants (7)","Answer":"BISTROS","Explanation":"Definition: restaurants\nBIROS ('writers') round or 'penning' S T (first or 'primary' letters of 'strange tales')"} {"Clue":"Passage from article in French by Matisse oddly disregarded (5)","Answer":"AISLE","Explanation":"Definition: Passage\nLE ('the' \u2013 definite article \u2013 in French) after or 'by' even letters only of mAtIsSe ('oddly disregarded')"} {"Clue":"Referee's spoken about seafood she had consumed (9)","Answer":"OFFICIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Referee\nA homophone ('spoken about') A FISH (seafood) SHE ATE ('had consumed')"} {"Clue":"Halt shape problem here? (6,3)","Answer":"HEALTH SPA","Explanation":"Definition: here\nAn anagram of HALT SHAPE (anagrind is 'problem') \u2013 if you had a 'shape problem' you might 'halt' it at a HEALTH SPA"} {"Clue":"Rich man to suddenly take over Belgium (5)","Answer":"NABOB","Explanation":"Definition: Rich man\nNAB (suddenly take) O (0ver) B (Belgium)"} {"Clue":"Party drug that's popular at stag parties? (3)","Answer":"DOE","Explanation":"Definition: popular at stag parties?\nDO (party) E (drug \u2013 ecstasy) \u2013 lovely definition!!!"} {"Clue":"Agreement to swindle gracious actor (11)","Answer":"CONCORDANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Agreement\nCON (swindle) COR (gracious \u2013 as an exclamation) DANCE (Charles Dance \u2013 actor)"} {"Clue":"City figurehead defends date with Primate (8)","Answer":"BUDAPEST","Explanation":"Definition: City\nBUST (figurehead) round or 'defending' D (date) APE (primate)"} {"Clue":"Lavish things that define us, including our evolving (8)","Answer":"GENEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Lavish\nGENES ('things that define us') round or 'including' an anagram of OUR \u2013 anagrind is 'evolving'"} {"Clue":"Those people start to engage in subject (5)","Answer":"THEME","Explanation":"Definition: subject\nTHEM (those people) E (first letter or 'start' of 'engage')"} {"Clue":"Record melody following new composition by Holst (7)","Answer":"NEPTUNE","Explanation":"Definition: composition by Holst\nEP (record) TUNE (melody) following N (new)"} {"Clue":"Is overwhelmed by a desire for flatulence cure? (7)","Answer":"ANISEED","Explanation":"Definition: flatulence cure?\nIS in or 'overwhelmed by' A NEED (desire) \u2013 we didn't know that this could be a cure for flatulence \u2013 must bear this in mind!!"} {"Clue":"Strident female damaged fishing equipment (5,4)","Answer":"DRIFT NETS","Explanation":"Definition: fishing equipment\nAn anagram of STRIDENT F (female) \u2013 anagrind is 'damaged'"} {"Clue":"Lots of outrageous cons are heartless (6)","Answer":"OCEANS","Explanation":"Definition: Lots\nAn anagram of CONS A~~r~~E (without the middle letter or 'heartless') \u2013 anagrind is 'outrageous'"} {"Clue":"Intense exclamation of disgust by rabbi next to church (6)","Answer":"FIERCE","Explanation":"Definition: Intense\nFIE (exclamation of disgust) R (an abbreviation for 'rabbi' \u2013 it's not in Chambers, but a search revealed that it is in Collins \u2013 would 'rector' have been better?) CE (church)"} {"Clue":"Somehow teach unit to be reliable (9)","Answer":"AUTHENTIC","Explanation":"Definition: reliable\nAn anagram of TEACH UNIT \u2013 anagrind is 'somehow'"} {"Clue":"Bribe and corrupt food store (5,3)","Answer":"BREAD BIN","Explanation":"Definition: food store\nAn anagram of BRIBE AND \u2013 anagrind is 'corrupt'"} {"Clue":"Make fool shake, not too roughly at first (8)","Answer":"ASSEMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Make\nASS (fool) ~~tr~~EMBLE (shake) without the 't r' \u2013 'first' letters of 'too roughly'"} {"Clue":"Pops round with something to do at Lent? (5,2)","Answer":"DROPS IN","Explanation":"Definition: Pops round\nDuring Lent you might, if you were a practising Christian, DROP SIN"} {"Clue":"Look after muscular adult animal (7)","Answer":"BUFFALO","Explanation":"Definition: animal\nLO (look) after BUFF (muscular \u2013 another definition that isn't in Chambers, but appears in Collins as an Americanism) A (adult)"} {"Clue":"Observed upset boss wanting area cleaned (6)","Answer":"WASHED","Explanation":"Definition: cleaned\nSAW (observed) reversed or 'upset' HE~~a~~D (boss) without or 'wanting' the 'a' (area)"} {"Clue":"With Will, head off in large car (6)","Answer":"ESTATE","Explanation":"Definition: large car\n~~t~~ESTATE (having a will) without the first letter or 'head'"} {"Clue":"Punished drunk (5)","Answer":"CANED","Explanation":"Definition: Punished\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"A new bottle of scent could be beginning to work (5,2,8)","Answer":"TABLE OF CONTENTS","Explanation":"Definition: beginning to work\nAn anagram of A N (new) BOTTLE OF SCENT \u2013 anagrind is 'could be'"} {"Clue":"In the end spouse will part to be again free (7)","Answer":"RELIEVE","Explanation":"Definition: free\nE (last letter or 'end' of 'spouse') in or 'parting' RELIVE (be again)"} {"Clue":"More energy consumed by kitchen implement (7)","Answer":"GREATER","Explanation":"Definition: More\nE (energy) in or 'consumed by' GRATER (kitchen implement)"} {"Clue":"Where too much food goes to waste, I'm told (5)","Answer":"WAIST","Explanation":"Definition: Where too much food goes to\nA (rather too obvious?) homophone ('I'm told') of WASTE"} {"Clue":"Take ecstasy (9)","Answer":"TRANSPORT","Explanation":"Definition: Take\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Disregarding books after nightwear finally removed (9)","Answer":"NEGLIGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Disregarding\nNT (New Testament \u2013 'books') after NEGLIG\u00c9~~e~~\u00a0(nightwear) with the 'final' letter 'removed'"} {"Clue":"Dutch regularly chases women, at first ignoring size (5)","Answer":"WIDTH","Explanation":"Definition: size\nDuTcH (alternate or 'regular' letters) after or 'chasing' W (women) I (first letter of 'ignoring')"} {"Clue":"Moving flight will involve a real cost (9)","Answer":"ESCALATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Moving flight\nAn anagram of A REAL COST \u2013 anagrind is 'involve'"} {"Clue":"Passing itinerants heading off to work (9)","Answer":"TRANSIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Passing\nAn anagram of ~~i~~TINERANTS without the first letter or 'heading off' \u2013 anagrind is 'to work'"} {"Clue":"Blade Runner wanting tip to secure name of foe, ultimately (5)","Answer":"KNIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Blade\n~~s~~KI (runner) without or 'wanting' the first letter or 'tip' round or 'securing' N (name) + F E (last or 'ultimate' letters of 'of foe')"} {"Clue":"One who has seen written verses occasionally (7)","Answer":"WITNESS","Explanation":"Definition: One who has seen\nAlternate or 'occasional' letters of 'WrItTeN vErSeS'"} {"Clue":"Disturb our rest as appropriate (7)","Answer":"TROUSER","Explanation":"Definition: appropriate\nAn anagram of OUR REST \u2013 anagind is 'disturb'"} {"Clue":"Somehow she controls men's beastly character (4,4,7)","Answer":"LOCH NESS MONSTER","Explanation":"Definition: beastly character\nAn anagram of SHE CONTROLS MEN'S \u2013 anagrind is 'somehow'"} {"Clue":"Add the dryer for free to stop competition (5,2,3,5)","Answer":"THROW IN THE TOWEL","Explanation":"Definition: to stop competition\nTHROW IN (add for free) THE TOWEL (dryer) \u2013 thanks gwep for correct parsing \u2013 a lapse of concentration!!"} {"Clue":"In essence, Lithuania is brilliant (7)","Answer":"BELTING","Explanation":"Definition: brilliant\nLT (Lithuania) in BEING (essence)"} {"Clue":"Vote for remain primarily, providing May's last thrill (9)","Answer":"ELECTRIFY","Explanation":"Definition: thrill\nELECT (vote for) R (first or 'prime' letter of 'remain') IF (providing) Y (last letter of 'May')"} {"Clue":"Planes of one airline take off on time (5)","Answer":"FLEET","Explanation":"Definition: Planes of one airline\nFLEE (take off) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Wild corgi out drinking wine (9)","Answer":"ORGIASTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Wild\nAn anagram of CORGI (anagrind is 'out') round or 'drinking' ASTI (wine)"} {"Clue":"Initially set up, somewhat embarrassed escort recognises Tiger Woods (5)","Answer":"TREES","Explanation":"Definition: Woods\nFirst or 'initial' letters of Somewhat Embarrassed Escort Recognises Tiger, all reversed or 'set up'"} {"Clue":"Clear my day for hold-up in court (3,4)","Answer":"NET CORD","Explanation":"Definition: hold-up in court\nNET (clear) COR (my \u2013 as an exclamation) D (day)"} {"Clue":"One who tolerates Yogi's suffering supporter? (9-6)","Answer":"STRETCHER-BEARER","Explanation":"Definition: suffering supporter?\nSTRETCHER (Yogi \u2013 one who practices yoga, involving a lot of stretching) BEARER (one who tolerates)"} {"Clue":"Teams meeting opponents for refreshments (9)","Answer":"ELEVENSES","Explanation":"Definition: refreshments\nELEVENS (teams) E S (East and South \u2013 opponents in card games such as Bridge)"} {"Clue":"In good health, two men have celebrated (4-5)","Answer":"WELL-KNOWN","Explanation":"Definition: celebrated\nWELL (in good health) K N (king and knight \u2013 'two men' in chess) OWN (have)"} {"Clue":"Flexible even if power were lost to Spain? (7)","Answer":"PLASTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Flexible\nThis could be PLASTIC or eLASTIC if the 'p' (power) were replaced by 'e' (Spain) \u2013 we had entered 'elastic' until we solved 16ac"} {"Clue":"Triumphs in offensive and matching clothing (7)","Answer":"TWINSET","Explanation":"Definition: matching clothing\nWINS (triumphs) in TET (offensive \u2013 in the Vietnam war)"} {"Clue":"Film about English group of high-fliers (5)","Answer":"SKEIN","Explanation":"Definition: group of high-fliers\nSKIN (film) round E (English)"} {"Clue":"\"Carry on Maiden\" \u2013 a symbolic family feature? (5)","Answer":"TOTEM","Explanation":"Definition: symbolic family feature\nTOTE (carry) M (maiden)"} {"Clue":"Bloody paperwork, huge amount where trials are conducted (9)","Answer":"BADMINTON","Explanation":"Definition: where trials are conducted\nB (bloody, as a swear word) ADMIN (paperwork) TON (huge amount) \u2013 a reference to the Badminton Horse Trials"} {"Clue":"Violin returns for fast movements (5)","Answer":"DARTS","Explanation":"Definition: fast movements\nSTRAD (Stradivarius \u2013 violin) reversed or 'returning'"} {"Clue":"Power units seeing delays after I left for short time (5)","Answer":"WATTS","Explanation":"Definition: Power units\nWA~~i~~TS (delays) with the 'I' 'leaving', replaced by T ('short' time)"} {"Clue":"Unfolding sales opportunity for a racecourse (9)","Answer":"NEWMARKET","Explanation":"Definition: racecourse\nA NEW MARKET could be an 'unfolding sales opportunity'"} {"Clue":"Over half in area around 10 reserve for do (7)","Answer":"SUFFICE","Explanation":"Definition: do\n'Over half' of SUFF~~olk~~ ('area around Newmarket' (10ac)) ICE (reserve)"} {"Clue":"Georgian post-Reformation clergymen left mass out (7)","Answer":"REGENCY","Explanation":"Definition: Georgian\nAn anagram of C~~l~~ERGY~~m~~EN without 'l' (left) and 'm' (mass) \u2013 anagrind is 'post-Reformation'"} {"Clue":"Very depressed hearing such a piece? (4)","Answer":"SOLO","Explanation":"Definition: such a piece?\nA homophone ('hearing') of SO LOW (very depressed)"} {"Clue":"Spurs mess up tie with rioting (9)","Answer":"IMPETUSES","Explanation":"Definition: Spurs\nAn anagram of MESS UP TIE \u2013 anagrind is 'rioting'"} {"Clue":"Utterly heartless he plans to break inside \u2013 this is not pretty (9)","Answer":"UNSHAPELY","Explanation":"Definition: not pretty\nU~~tterl~~Y (without the middle letters or 'heartless') with an anagram of HE PLANS inside \u2013 anagrind is 'to break')"} {"Clue":"Where water flows in the open ocean (4)","Answer":"MAIN","Explanation":"Definition: open ocean\nWater flows in a MAIN"} {"Clue":"Oil platform put back in position surrounded by the briny (7)","Answer":"SEAGIRT","Explanation":"Definition: surrounded by the briny\nRIG (oil platform) reversed or 'put back' in SEAT (position)"} {"Clue":"Where to find eggs when heading off to a supermarket (7)","Answer":"HENCOOP","Explanation":"Definition: Where to find eggs\n~~w~~HEN (without the first letter or 'head') CO-OP (supermarket)"} {"Clue":"Legal document needed for one new false tooth? (9)","Answer":"INDENTURE","Explanation":"Definition: Legal document\nI (one) N (new) DENTURE (false tooth)"} {"Clue":"Sharp-witted bogus doctor after one-to-one heart transplant (5)","Answer":"QUICK","Explanation":"Definition: Sharp-witted\nQU~~a~~CK (bogus doctor) with the 'heart' or middle letter \u2013 'a' (one) \u2013 replaced or 'transplanted' by I (one)"} {"Clue":"Bird moves tail around to protect egg (5)","Answer":"GOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nGOES (moves) with the last two letters or 'tail' reversed or 'around' round or 'protecting' O (egg)"} {"Clue":"He's driven to overtake green convertible (9)","Answer":"PASSENGER","Explanation":"Definition: He's driven\nPASS (overtake) + an anagram of GREEN \u2013 anagrind is 'convertible'"} {"Clue":"Flipping layabout drinking whiskey in basins (5)","Answer":"BOWLS","Explanation":"Definition: basins\nSLOB (layabout) reversed or 'flipping' round or 'drinking' W (whiskey in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Conscientious lord holding Athletic and United up (7)","Answer":"DUTIFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Conscientious\nLUD (lord) round or 'holding' FIT (athletic) and U (united) all reversed or 'up'"} {"Clue":"Implant \u2013 it's left in accidentally (6)","Answer":"INSTIL","Explanation":"Definition: Implant\nAn anagram of IT'S L (left) IN \u2013 anagrind is 'accidentally'"} {"Clue":"Fruit with a sharper taste, one left for later and nine cored (9)","Answer":"TANGERINE","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nTANGIER (with a sharper taste) with the 'I' (one) moved to the end or 'left for later' + N~~in~~E without the middle letters or 'cored'"} {"Clue":"Norse jug? Or more recent? (5)","Answer":"NEWER","Explanation":"Definition: more recent\nN (Norse) EWER (jug)"} {"Clue":"Doses of medicine from medic, anything at all with sulphur (8)","Answer":"DRAUGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: Doses of medicine\nDR (medic) AUGHT (anything at all) S (sulphur)"} {"Clue":"From what we gather family is in tatters (7)","Answer":"RAKINGS","Explanation":"Definition: From what we gather\nKIN (family) in RAGS (tatters)"} {"Clue":"Clock adjusted? Quite a long time to hang around (3,4,2)","Answer":"SET EYES ON","Explanation":"Definition: Clock\nSET (adjusted) + YES (quite) with EON (a long time) 'hanging' around"} {"Clue":"Do the vocals when full of scotch and jamming (9)","Answer":"SQUASHING","Explanation":"Definition: jamming\nSING (do the vocals) round or 'full of' QUASH (scotch)"} {"Clue":"These changes in the country of France, they show what's due to the workers (9)","Answer":"PAYSHEETS","Explanation":"Definition: they show what's due to the workers\nAn anagram of THESE (anagrind is 'changes') in PAYS (French for 'country')"} {"Clue":"Coppers catching group in piratical centre in G & S opera (8)","Answer":"PATIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: G & S opera\nPENCE (coppers) round or 'catching' the middle or 'central' letters or 'group' in 'pirATIcal'. We suspect that we may not be alone in spending time trying to figure out why this should be Penzance \u2013 as in the 'Pirates of\u2026.' but we couldn't get the 'NZA' and it wouldn't work with the 'A' from 17ac. A google check confirmed that there is a Gilbert and Sullivan opera called 'Patience'"} {"Clue":"Average as well as, at heart, a vaguely unpleasant person (2-3-2)","Answer":"SO-AND-SO","Explanation":"Definition: a vaguely unpleasant person\nSO-SO (average) with AND (as well as) in the middle or 'at heart'"} {"Clue":"Being a professor attached to the Authorised Version I can be seen in flowing gown (7)","Answer":"AVOWING","Explanation":"Definition: Being a professor \nAV (Authorised Version) + I 'seen' in anagram of GOWN \u2013 anagrind is 'flowing'"} {"Clue":"Last 60% of official announcement is unparalleled (6)","Answer":"UNIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: unparalleled\nLast six letters (60%) of commUNIQU\u00c9\u00a0(official document)"} {"Clue":"Idiot, just the ultimate duff president (5)","Answer":"TRUMP","Explanation":"Definition: president\nT ('just' the last or 'ultimate' letter of 'idiot') RUMP (duff) \u2013 it took us a while to convince ourselves that Crosophile hadn't put the definition at the front of the clue!"} {"Clue":"Hot rod's parking fine about to be overturned (5)","Answer":"POKER","Explanation":"Definition: Hot rod\nP (parking) OK (fine) + RE (about) reversed or 'overturned'"} {"Clue":"Fact US lawyer presented to corporation (5)","Answer":"DATUM","Explanation":"Definition: Fact\nDA (District Attorney \u2013 'US lawyer') TUM (corporation)"} {"Clue":"Was hazy with fourth idea for marsh (9)","Answer":"SWAMPLAND","Explanation":"Definition: marsh\nSWAM ('was hazy' \u2013 as in being dizzy) PLAN D (fourth idea \u2013 the first being 'Plan A'). We're sure we weren't alone in assuming that this started with an anagram of 'was'"} {"Clue":"Position taken by Irish politicians in a row (5,2)","Answer":"LINED UP","Explanation":"Definition: in a row\nLINE (position taken) DUP (Democratic Unionist Party \u2013 Irish politicians)"} {"Clue":"Unpleasant covering distribution of fuel (7)","Answer":"HATEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Unpleasant\nHAT (covering) + an anagram of FUEL \u2013 anagrind is 'distribution of'"} {"Clue":"Symptom of cold has that man tucking into booze (5)","Answer":"RHEUM","Explanation":"Definition: Symptom of cold\nHE (that man) 'tucking' into RUM (booze)"} {"Clue":"Recovering soldiers not talking about island (9)","Answer":"RESILIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Recovering\nRE (Royal Engineers \u2013 'soldiers') SILENT (not talking) round I (island)"} {"Clue":"Rude mechanical i.e. an actor (7,5)","Answer":"MICHAEL CAINE","Explanation":"Definition: an actor\nAn anagram of MECHANICAL I.E. \u2013 anagrind is 'rude'"} {"Clue":"The coldest spot in the A-Z? (8,4)","Answer":"ABSOLUTE ZERO","Explanation":"Definition: The coldest spot\nABSOLUTE (A \u2013 abbreviation) ZERO (Z \u2013 ditto)"} {"Clue":"Fairy creature returned around course, working to provide light (9)","Answer":"FLUORESCE","Explanation":"Definition: light\nELF ('fairy creature') reversed or 'returned' round an anagram of COURSE \u2013 anagrind is 'working'"} {"Clue":"It's dropped when a new idea comes to mind (5)","Answer":"PENNY","Explanation":"Definition: It's dropped\nCryptic definition \u2013 the PENNY drops when a new idea comes to mind"} {"Clue":"Spain and Holland debate cutting university supplement (7)","Answer":"ENLARGE","Explanation":"Definition: supplement\nE (Spain) NL (Holland) ARG~~u~~E (debate) without or 'cutting' 'u' (university)"} {"Clue":"Elaboration of prime South Australian motto (7)","Answer":"IMPRESA","Explanation":"Definition: motto\nAn anagram of PRIME \u2013 anagrind is 'elaboration' + S A (South Australian)"} {"Clue":"House adjourned, about to receive indication of the future? (9)","Answer":"HOROSCOPE","Explanation":"Definition: indication of the future\nHO (house) ROSE (adjourned, as in ending a session in court, say) round COP (receive)"} {"Clue":"Anger after disposing of one, receiving zero value (5)","Answer":"WORTH","Explanation":"Definition: value\nWR~~a~~TH (anger) without or 'disposing of' 'a' (one) round or 'receiving' O (zero)"} {"Clue":"Inclination to take care of encyclopaedia (8)","Answer":"TENDENCY","Explanation":"Definition: Inclination\nTEND (take care of) ENCY (abbreviation for 'encycopaedia')"} {"Clue":"Electronic accessory in fashion, with millions in support (5)","Answer":"MODEM","Explanation":"Definition: Electronic accessory\nMODE (fashion) M (millions)"} {"Clue":"Plus-fours, used oddly, may possibly be unnecessary (11)","Answer":"SUPERFLUOUS","Explanation":"Definition: unnecessary\nAn anagram of PLUS-FOURS and U~~s~~E~~d~~ ('odd' letters only) \u2013 anagrind is 'may possibly be'"} {"Clue":"Ready to get rid of cold remnants of fire (3)","Answer":"ASH","Explanation":"Definition: remnants of fire\n~~c~~ASH ('ready' \u2013 money) without or 'getting rid of' the 'c' (cold)"} {"Clue":"Change involving you and the French leads to ill-humour (9)","Answer":"PETULANCE","Explanation":"Definition: ill-humour\nPENCE (change) round or 'involving' TU ('you' in French) and LA\u00a0~~LE~~ ('the' in French) *Thanks Paul A \u2013 now correct"} {"Clue":"Man expressing Cockney view of beer and wine (6)","Answer":"ALFRED","Explanation":"Definition: Man\n'ALF ('Cockney view of beer' \u2013 a 'half'-pint dropping the 'h') RED (wine)"} {"Clue":"Thin stringed instrument requiring two players? (6)","Answer":"DILUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Thin\nLUTE (stringed instrument) after DI\u2013 (prefix denoting 'two') \u2013 a rather fanciful image of two players playing one instrument"} {"Clue":"Emulates tit, flying a distance (7,4)","Answer":"STATUTE MILE","Explanation":"Definition: distance\nAn anagram of EMULATES TIT \u2013 anagrind is 'flying'"} {"Clue":"Composer right to interrupt novelist \u2013 this stuff stinks (9)","Answer":"AMBERGRIS","Explanation":"Definition: this stuff stinks\nBERG (composer) R (right) in or 'interrupting' AMIS (novelist)"} {"Clue":"Report of wet weather costly for Lapland herd (8)","Answer":"REINDEER","Explanation":"Definition: Lapland herd\nA homophone ('report') of RAIN (wet weather) DEAR (costly)"} {"Clue":"Expert's latitude in my operation picked up at hospital (8)","Answer":"POLYMATH","Explanation":"Definition: Expert\nL (latitude) in MY OP (operation) all reversed or 'picked up' + AT H (hospital)"} {"Clue":"A slave upset husband again (6)","Answer":"AFRESH","Explanation":"Definition: again\nA SERF (slave) reversed or 'upset' + H (husband)"} {"Clue":"Objection over misguided King dismissing a servant (6)","Answer":"BUTLER","Explanation":"Definition: servant\nBUT (objection) LE~~a~~R ('misguided King') without or 'dismissing' 'a'"} {"Clue":"Fruit tree father's taken in hand (5)","Answer":"PAPAW","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nPA (father) in PAW (hand)"} {"Clue":"Eastern game revealing self-confidence (3)","Answer":"EGO","Explanation":"Definition: self-confidence\nE (Eastern) GO (game)"} {"Clue":"Wind up in care for backing police search (7)","Answer":"DRAGNET","Explanation":"Definition: police search\nRAG (wind up) inside TEND (care for) reversed or 'backing'"} {"Clue":"Member's entrance to Jersey? (7)","Answer":"ARMHOLE","Explanation":"The Jersey or jumper is a garment you put on by putting your ARM through the HOLE!"} {"Clue":"Compare some internecine killing with revolution (5)","Answer":"LIKEN","Explanation":"Definition: Compare\nHidden ('some') and backwards or 'with revolution' in 'interneciNE KILlling'"} {"Clue":"Bizarre attempt to accept request initially, upsetting the balance (9)","Answer":"GROTESQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Bizarre\nGO (attempt) around or 'accepting' R (initial letter of 'request') plus an anagram of the rest or 'balance' of rEQUEST \u2013 anagrind is 'upsetting'"} {"Clue":"Apply particular programme to oust leader (9)","Answer":"APPERTAIN","Explanation":"~~c~~ERTAIN (particular) with APP (programme) replacing or 'ousting' the 'c' (leader)"} {"Clue":"Rival reported leading articles in New Musical Express (5)","Answer":"ENEMY","Explanation":"Definition: Rival\nIf you say or 'report' the first letters in New Musical Express you would say EN EM E which sounds like ENEMY (rival)"} {"Clue":"Lost control of business finally getting wound up (7)","Answer":"SKIDDED","Explanation":"Definition: Lost control of\nS (final letter of business) KIDDED (wound up)"} {"Clue":"Took a step backwards to hold husband showing no signs of life (7)","Answer":"DORMANT","Explanation":"Definition: showing no signs of life \nTROD (took a step) reversed or 'backwards' around or 'holding'\u00a0MAN (husband)"} {"Clue":"Abandon area of London east of The Strand (5)","Answer":"DITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Abandon\n~~Shore~~DITCH (area of London) without or 'abandoning' SHORE (strand)"} {"Clue":"Get out of former home, evicted from complex (9)","Answer":"EXTRICATE","Explanation":"Definition: Get out of\nEX (former) ~~in~~TRICATE (complex) without or 'evicting' IN (home)"} {"Clue":"Give up after tax returns overlooked (9)","Answer":"FORGOTTEN","Explanation":"Definition: overlooked\nFORGO (give up) NETT (after tax) reversed or 'returning'"} {"Clue":"Row as leader of boat crew steps forward (5)","Answer":"FIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Row\n~~e~~IGHT (boat crew) with the first letter or 'leader' (e) moving further forward in the alphabet to become F"} {"Clue":"Rejected players no longer available (4-3)","Answer":"CAST-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Rejected\nCAST (players) OFF (no longer available)"} {"Clue":"Rent out again for free (7)","Answer":"RELEASE","Explanation":"Definition: free\nIf you LEASE (rent) something out again you would RE \u2013 LEASE it"} {"Clue":"Observation's not about to evaluate work (4)","Answer":"MARK","Explanation":"Definition: evaluate work\n~~\u00a0re~~MARK (observation) without RE (about)"} {"Clue":"Trapped criminal needs guards worked up (8)","Answer":"ENSNARED","Explanation":"Definition: Trapped\nAn anagram of NEEDS \u2013 anagrind is 'criminal' around or 'guarding' RAN (worked) reversed or 'up'"} {"Clue":"Magistrate abandoning rate reforms in disgrace (6)","Answer":"STIGMA","Explanation":"Definition: disgrace\nAn anagram of MAGIST~~rate~~ without RATE \u2013 anagrind is 'reforms'"} {"Clue":"Dark version of Crimson Tide rejected without it being completely abandoned (8)","Answer":"MAROONED","Explanation":"Definition: being completely abandoned\nMAROON (dark version of crimson) plus a reversal or 'rejection' of ~~ti~~DE without IT"} {"Clue":"Training about education lifting writer's block (6)","Answer":"IMPEDE","Explanation":"Definition: block\nPE (training) round\u00a0ED (short for education) with\u00a0I'M (writer is) 'lifted' to the front"} {"Clue":"Force original sinner to turn religious fanatic (10)","Answer":"TORQUEMADA","Explanation":"Definition: religious fanatic \nTORQUE (force) ADAM (original sinner in the Garden of Eden) reversed or 'turning'. was the Grand Inquisitor during the . Bet you didn't expect the last link!"} {"Clue":"Present sociology's case for unorthodox view (6)","Answer":"HERESY","Explanation":"Definition: unorthodox view \nHERE (present) SY first and last letter or 'case' of 'sociology'"} {"Clue":"Corrupt landlords leaving North Dakota for American capital (7)","Answer":"DOLLARS","Explanation":"Definition: American capital\nAn anagram of LA~~nd~~LORDS without ND (North Dakota) \u2013 anagrind is 'corrupt'"} {"Clue":"Decorator is not commonly wearing lead belt (10)","Answer":"PAINTBRUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Decorator\nAIN'T (a 'common' way of saying 'is not') inside or 'wearing' PB (lead) +\u00a0RUSH (belt)"} {"Clue":"This colours audience's perception of Stamp's hard man (8)","Answer":"DYESTUFF","Explanation":"Definition: This colours\nSounds like (audience's perception) DIES (stamps) TOUGH (hard man)"} {"Clue":"Drops popular artist before season in New York (8)","Answer":"RAINFALL","Explanation":"Definition: Drops\nIN (popular) with RA (artist) before it +\u00a0FALL ('season in New York')"} {"Clue":"Tense cast regularly seen in this place (7)","Answer":"THEATRE","Explanation":"Definition: this place\nT (tense) plus ~~c~~A~~s~~T (alternate or 'regular' letters of 'cast') inside HERE (this place) \u2013 the cast may be rather tense in the theatre if they are suffering from stage fright!"} {"Clue":"Failing double agents might do this (6)","Answer":"DEFECT","Explanation":"Definition: Failing\nA play on the fact that spies or double agents may defect if things don't seem to be going too well or 'failing'."} {"Clue":"Ring dove periodically ignored bird (6)","Answer":"HOOPOE","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nHOOP (ring) ~~d~~O~~v~~E (letters 'periodically' missing or 'ignored'). At the risk of being sued by Pierre's legal team, we couldn't resist adding a link of ."} {"Clue":"Hard nuts climbing naked here? Probably not! (6)","Answer":"TUNDRA","Explanation":"If you take the first and last letter off ~~h~~ARD NUT~~s~~ hence making them 'naked' you will see that TUNDRA is reversed or 'climbing' in the clue. The 'probably not' refers to the fact that there's nowhere to climb when you are on a tundra as it's a flat plain. It's also a bit cold for climbing naked too."} {"Clue":"Objective bird has a change of heart (4)","Answer":"GOAL","Explanation":"Definition: Objective\nGAOL (bird) with the middle letters or 'heart' changing around. When Bert entered the answer for this one Joyce was initially unhappy with the clue. The 'bird' she was thinking was a GULL and thought that Serpent was stretching it a bit when he seemed to be asking us to change U and L to two other random letters O and A. Apologies to Serpent from Joyce!"} {"Clue":"Stems from fundamental Christians twice ignoring extreme elements (8)","Answer":"ANGELICA","Explanation":"Definition: Stems\n~~ev~~ANGELICA~~ls~~ (fundamental Christians) without or 'ignoring' the outer pairs ('twice') of letters or 'extreme elements'"} {"Clue":"Minor finally clothed in fountain in Brussels? (6)","Answer":"SPROUT","Explanation":"Definition: Brussels?\nR (last or 'final' letter of 'minor') in SPOUT (fountain)"} {"Clue":"Pressure fool's wife or daughter to provide access code (8)","Answer":"PASSWORD","Explanation":"Definition: access code\nP (pressure) ASS (fool) W (wife) OR D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Bill Gates' Centre cracks problem (6)","Answer":"POSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Bill\nT (middle or 'centre' letter of 'Gates') in or 'cracking' POSER (problem)"} {"Clue":"Dip in sea, at last, before 10.51 (5)","Answer":"AIOLI","Explanation":"Definition: Dip\nA ('last' letter of 'sea') IO (ten) LI (fifty-one in Roman numerals)"} {"Clue":"Remove hedge at the end of loveless marriage (9)","Answer":"UNINSTALL","Explanation":"Definition: Remove\nSTALL (hedge) after UNI~~o~~N (marriage) without the 'o' or 'loveless')"} {"Clue":"Tycoon in Hindu's trial is tainted (13)","Answer":"INDUSTRIALIST","Explanation":"Definition: Tycoon\nHidden in hINDU'S TRIAL IS Tainted"} {"Clue":"Make excessively emotional movie star read broadcast (13)","Answer":"OVERDRAMATISE","Explanation":"Definition: Make excessively emotional\nAn anagram of MOVIE STAR READ \u2013 anagrind is 'broadcast'"} {"Clue":"Account of persistent case of lice (9)","Answer":"CHRONICLE","Explanation":"Definition: Account\nCHRONIC (persistent) + L~~ic~~E (first and last letters or 'case')"} {"Clue":"Ampere is the French word meaning passageway (5)","Answer":"AISLE","Explanation":"Definition: passageway\nA (ampere) IS LE (French for 'the')"} {"Clue":"Responsibility each Argentinian carries (6)","Answer":"CHARGE","Explanation":"Definition: Responsibility\nHidden in or 'carried by' eaCH ARGEntinian"} {"Clue":"One involved in diplomacy to make money, it's rumoured, is reticent (8)","Answer":"TACITURN","Explanation":"Definition: reticent\nI (one) 'involved' in TACT (diplomacy) + a homophone ('it's rumoured') of EARN (make money)"} {"Clue":"See ex-Prime Minister in figure-hugging dress (6)","Answer":"SHEATH","Explanation":"Definition: figure-hugging dress\nS (see) HEATH (Ted Heath, ex-Prime Minister)"} {"Clue":"Most feeble exam score of zero? (8)","Answer":"FAINTEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most feeble\nFA (\u2026.'score of zero') IN TEST (exam)"} {"Clue":"Alarm about European request (6)","Answer":"APPEAL","Explanation":"Definition: request\nAPPAL (alarm) round E (European)"} {"Clue":"Vigorous enjoyment in ring after bit of wind (5)","Answer":"GUSTO","Explanation":"Definition: Vigorous enjoyment\nO (ring) after GUST (bit of wind)"} {"Clue":"Vulgar men do wild acts (3-6)","Answer":"LOW-MINDED","Explanation":"Definition: Vulgar\nAn anagram of MEN DO WILD \u2013 anagrind is 'acts'"} {"Clue":"State police can cut crimes (12)","Answer":"CIRCUMSTANCE","Explanation":"Definition: State\nAn anagram of CAN CUT CRIMES \u2013 anagrind is 'police'"} {"Clue":"Devout Liberal has company ejected (5)","Answer":"PIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Devout\n~~co~~PIOUS (liberal) without or 'ejecting' 'co' (company)"} {"Clue":"Boycott bears up after duck, and is tolerable, in the end (9)","Answer":"OSTRACISE","Explanation":"Definition: Boycott\nCARTS (bears) reversed or 'up' after O (duck) + IS E (last letter or 'end' of 'tolerable')"} {"Clue":"Filled cases of tequila, primarily, with skill to get permits (8)","Answer":"TARTLETS","Explanation":"Definition: Filled cases\nT (first or 'primary' letter of 'tequila') ART (skill) LETS (permits)"} {"Clue":"Foreign invaders are taking over area in mountain range (6,6)","Answer":"SIERRA NEVADA","Explanation":"Definition: mountain range\nAn anagram of INVADERS ARE (anagrind is 'foreign') round or 'tasking over' A (area)"} {"Clue":"Get drunk at home and eat Brie that's gone off (9)","Answer":"INEBRIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Get drunk\nIN (at home) + an anagram of EAT BRIE \u2013 anagrind is 'gone off'"} {"Clue":"Excitement as I'm entering American state (9)","Answer":"ANIMATION","Explanation":"Definition: Excitement\nI'M 'entering' A (American) NATION (state)"} {"Clue":"Clown court's harbouring new plots (8)","Answer":"CONCOCTS","Explanation":"Definition: plots\nCOCO (clown) CTS (courts) round or 'harbouring' N (new)"} {"Clue":"Exercise freak swallows a legume (6)","Answer":"PEANUT","Explanation":"Definition: legume\nPE (exercise) NUT (freak) round or 'swallowing' A"} {"Clue":"Terrible thing, darkness (5)","Answer":"NIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: darkness\nAn anagram of THING \u2013 anagrind is 'terrible'"} {"Clue":"Relish pertness (5)","Answer":"SAUCE","Explanation":"Definition: Relish\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Yielded, with the understanding \u2026 (8)","Answer":"PROVIDED","Explanation":"Definition: Yielded\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"\u2026 rent rate has to change (4)","Answer":"TEAR","Explanation":"Definition: rent\nAnagram of RATE \u2013 anagrind is 'to change'"} {"Clue":"They're shelled before the French prepare to fire (7)","Answer":"COCKLES","Explanation":"Definition: They're shelled\nCOCK (prepare to fire) before LES (French for 'the')"} {"Clue":"Most angry to lose time for incorrect marks (7)","Answer":"CROSSES","Explanation":"Definition: incorrect marks\nCROSSES~~t~~ (most angry) without or 'losing' T (time)"} {"Clue":"Shock wave's broken up poor dam (9)","Answer":"POMPADOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Shock wave'\nAnagram of UP POOR DAM\u00a0-anagrind is 'broken' \u2013 the 'shock wave' refers of course to hair!"} {"Clue":"The end is nothing great (5)","Answer":"OMEGA","Explanation":"Definition: The end\nO (nothing) MEGA (great)"} {"Clue":"Chuck Norris wants to fight, ultimately making a comeback (4)","Answer":"TOSS","Explanation":"Definition: Chuck\nLast or 'ultimate' letters in NorriS wantS tO fighT all reversed or 'making a comeback'. We'd never heard of and did not realise that he was an American martial artist"} {"Clue":"Sense it's not a serious condition (10)","Answer":"MENINGITIS","Explanation":"Definition: serious condition\nME~~a~~NING (sense) IT IS (it's) without A"} {"Clue":"Wounding appraisal of flimsy material? (10)","Answer":"LACERATING","Explanation":"Definition: Wounding\nLACE (flimsy material) RATING (appraisal)"} {"Clue":"Rotation while receding from planet (4)","Answer":"TURN","Explanation":"Definition: Rotation\nAS (while \u2013 reversed or receding) removed from ~~sa~~TURN (planet)"} {"Clue":"Beginning of record covered by Norwegian band (5)","Answer":"ALPHA","Explanation":"Definition: Beginning\nLP (record) inside or 'covered by' AHA (Norwegian band)"} {"Clue":"Catholic vernacular embraces every other aspect of cruel religion (5,4)","Answer":"CARGO CULT","Explanation":"Definition: religion\nC (Catholic) ARGOT (vernacular- we had to check this definition) around or 'embracing' alternate letters or 'every other aspect' of\u00a0CrUeL"} {"Clue":"Gunshot wound leaves round marks (7)","Answer":"NOUGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: round marks\nAn anagram of GUNSHOT \u2013 anagrind is 'wound' \u2013 the past tense of 'wind' and nothing to do with being injured!"} {"Clue":"Partners of 9 months less aroused with you and me round (7)","Answer":"MUSSELS","Explanation":"Definition: Partners of 9\nM (months) plus an anagram of LESS inside US (you an me) \u2013 The 'partners' are COCKLES (9ac)."} {"Clue":"Sport is primarily entertainment inspired by conflict (4)","Answer":"WEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Sport\nE (first or 'primary' letter of 'entertainment') inside or 'inspired by' WAR (conflict)"} {"Clue":"Lose suspect with court case abandoned (8)","Answer":"DESOLATE","Explanation":"Definition: abandoned\nAn anagram of LOSE (anagrind is 'suspect') inside or 'with case' of DATE (court)"} {"Clue":"Choir mucks about avoiding hard compositional style in modern idiom (4,5)","Answer":"ROCK MUSIC","Explanation":"Definition: compositional style in modern idiom\nAn anagram of C~~h~~OIR MUCKS without or 'avoiding' H (hard) \u2013 anagrind is 'about'"} {"Clue":"Barbarous and wild leaders of Visigoths ravaged Gaul (6)","Answer":"VULGAR","Explanation":"Definition: Barbarous\nAn anagram of GAUL and V R \u2013 first letters or 'leaders' of 'Visigoths Ravaged' \u2013 anagrind is 'wild'"} {"Clue":"Not good \u2013 does things deviously (9)","Answer":"DISHONEST","Explanation":"Definition: Not good \u2013 does things deviously\nA play on the fact that it is an anagram of DOES THIN~~g~~S without G (good) \u2013 anagrind is 'deviously' \u2013 an &lit \u2013 although we actually hate that expression. If you are a new solver which we tend to think of when writing the blog it always seems very obscure."} {"Clue":"Designer's environmentally friendly replacement for interior colour scheme and furnishings (5)","Answer":"DECOR","Explanation":"Definition: colour scheme and furnishings\nECO (environmentally friendly) replacing the inside or 'interior' of D~~esigne~~R"} {"Clue":"Sweeping gutter outside house (8)","Answer":"THOROUGH","Explanation":"Definition: Sweeping\nTROUGH (gutter) outside HO (house)"} {"Clue":"Writer will read out passage in theatre (5)","Answer":"AISLE","Explanation":"Definition: passage in theatre\nWhen read out loud sounds like I'LL (writer will)"} {"Clue":"Makes a killing after one's invested in three pairs of buttocks! (12)","Answer":"ASSASSINATES","Explanation":"Definition: Makes a killing\nASS ASS NATES (buttocks repeated three times) around I (one)"} {"Clue":"First-rate gossip carrying home proceeds of sale (7,5)","Answer":"CAPITAL GAINS","Explanation":"Definition: proceeds of sale\nCAPITAL (first rate) GAS (gossip) around or 'carrying' IN (home)"} {"Clue":"Illiterate design or a museum's centrepiece (9)","Answer":"IGNORAMUS","Explanation":"Definition: Illiterate\nHidden centrally in 'desIGN OR A MUSeum'"} {"Clue":"Aggressive culture destroyed books (9)","Answer":"TRUCULENT","Explanation":"Definition: Aggressive\nAn anagram of CULTURE \u2013 anagrind is 'destroyed' NT (books)"} {"Clue":"Traces of raw effluent found in swimmer's lung? (8)","Answer":"BREATHER","Explanation":"Definition: lung\nFirst letters or 'traces' of Raw Effluent in BATHER (swimmer)"} {"Clue":"Ambassador seeks advice following departure of evacuated tourists (6)","Answer":"CONSUL","Explanation":"Definition: Ambassador\nCONSUL~~ts~~ (seeks advice) without TS (first and last letters only of 'TouristS' or 'evacuated')"} {"Clue":"Break dictator's 22 hands (5)","Answer":"PAUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Break\nWhen 'dictated' sounds like PAWS (hands)"} {"Clue":"Checked out potential crime scene when patient died (5)","Answer":"CASED","Explanation":"Definition: Checked out potential crime scene\nCASE (patient as in medical case) D (died). When writing up the blog Joyce had to check the parsing of this one. It brought back memories of the many times her father was in hospital. He was definitely not a 'patient patient' despite us all reminding him to be one!"} {"Clue":"South America imports tea, for example (4,2)","Answer":"SUCH AS","Explanation":"Definition: for example\nS (south) US (America) round or 'importing' CHA (tea)"} {"Clue":"Sweep outside a B&B, using mop? (8)","Answer":"SWABBING","Explanation":"Definition: using mop\nSWING (sweep) 'outside' A B B"} {"Clue":"Novel having unexpected outcome, by Hardy? (6,5)","Answer":"OLIVER TWIST","Explanation":"Definition: Novel\nTWIST (unexpected outcome, as in a story plot) after or 'by' OLIVER (Oliver Hardy of Laurel and Hardy)"} {"Clue":"Officer briefly gets depression (3)","Answer":"COL","Explanation":"Definition: depression\nCOL (abbreviation for colonel \u2013 'officer')"} {"Clue":"Swim by breakwater? That's relatively crazy (7)","Answer":"DIPPIER","Explanation":"Definition: relatively crazy\nDIP (swim) PIER (breakwater)"} {"Clue":"What arises from the Ashes? Renewed hope, having heard scores (7)","Answer":"PHOENIX","Explanation":"Definition: What arises from the Ashes\nAn anagram of HOPE (anagrind is 'renewed') + a homophone ('heard') of NICKS (scores)"} {"Clue":"It's where Elgar, at the end, worked with score (14)","Answer":"WORCESTERSHIRE","Explanation":"Definition: It's where Elgar, at the end, worked with score\nThanks to Kathryn's Dad we are calling this a 'clue as definition' \u2013 the parsing is an anagram of IT'S WHERE, R (last or 'end' letter of 'Elgar') and SCORE \u2013 anagrind is 'worked'. Elgar was born, lived and is buried in Worcestershire"} {"Clue":"What's needed to make orange grange useless? (4-3-7)","Answer":"GOOD-FOR-NOTHING","Explanation":"Definition: useless\nTo change 'orange' into 'grange' you need 'g' (GOOD) to replace (FOR) 'o' (NOTHING)"} {"Clue":"Where you may find kipper and meat to scoff (7)","Answer":"HAMMOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Where you may find kipper\nHAM (meat) MOCK (scoff)"} {"Clue":"Fruit juice about to net a profit (7)","Answer":"PAPAYAS","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nSAP (juice) reversed or 'about' round or 'netting' A PAY (profit)"} {"Clue":"Local independent news (3)","Answer":"INN","Explanation":"Definition: Local\nI (independent) N N (new, twice)"} {"Clue":"Plant abundant on bogs is from France (11)","Answer":"LOOSESTRIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nRIFE (abundant) after or 'on' LOOS (bogs) EST (French for 'is')"} {"Clue":"Essay returning model aircraft, originally in box? (8)","Answer":"TREATISE","Explanation":"Definition: Essay\nSIT (model) A (first or 'original' letter of 'aircraft') reversed or 'returning' in TREE ('box' is a species of tree )"} {"Clue":"Ring true about daughter's nasty experience (6)","Answer":"ORDEAL","Explanation":"Definition: nasty experience\nO (ring) REAL (true) round D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Doctor Who's day to have confrontation (8)","Answer":"SHOWDOWN","Explanation":"Definition: confrontation\nAn anagram of WHO'S (anagrind is 'doctor') D (day) OWN (have)"} {"Clue":"Character essential to Archimedes? (3)","Answer":"CHI","Explanation":"Definition: Character\nHidden in or 'essential to' ArCHImedes"} {"Clue":"Maybe bitter old lady providing fish (7)","Answer":"ALEWIFE","Explanation":"Definition: fish\nALE ('bitter') WIFE ('old lady')"} {"Clue":"Cheeky lad beat a paparazzo? (14)","Answer":"WHIPPERSNAPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Cheeky lad\nWHIP (beat) PER (a) SNAPPER (paparazzo)"} {"Clue":"Promise to marry little woman, admitting corruption (7)","Answer":"BETROTH","Explanation":"Definition: Promise to marry\nBETH ('little woman') round or 'admitting' ROT (corruption)"} {"Clue":"Lack of consistency in crying out for reform (11)","Answer":"INCONGRUITY","Explanation":"Definition: Lack of consistency\nAn anagram of IN CRYING OUT \u2013 anagrind is 'for reform'"} {"Clue":"Festival axes many stars (6)","Answer":"GALAXY","Explanation":"Definition: many stars\nGALA (festival) X Y (axes, as in a graph)"} {"Clue":"Playing mostly forte, take sonata very fast (2,1,4,2,5)","Answer":"AT A RATE OF KNOTS","Explanation":"Definition: very fast\nAn anagram of FORT~~e~~ (without the last letter or 'mostly') TAKE SONATA \u2013 anagrind is 'playing'"} {"Clue":"Execution by necessity involves attendant (11)","Answer":"PERFORMANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Execution\nPERFORCE (by necessity) round or 'involving' MAN (attendant)"} {"Clue":"Spurs having nightmare? It's a delicate case (8)","Answer":"EGGSHELL","Explanation":"Definition: a delicate case \nEGGS (spurs) HELL (nightmare)"} {"Clue":"Old copper spilt petrol, a tiny bit of it? (7)","Answer":"DROPLET","Explanation":"Definition: a tiny bit of it?\nD (old copper \u2013 an old penny) + anagram of PETROL \u2013 anagrind is 'spilt'"} {"Clue":"One who tries hugging quiet bar employee (7)","Answer":"TAPSTER","Explanation":"Definition: bar employee\nTASTER (one who tries) round or 'hugging' P (quiet)"} {"Clue":"Disagreement after detailed article portrays economy (6)","Answer":"THRIFT","Explanation":"Definition: economy\nRIFT (disagreement) after TH~~e~~ ('article' without the last letter or 'tail')"} {"Clue":"Head off burning rage (3)","Answer":"IRE","Explanation":"Definition: rage\n~~f~~IRE (burning) without the first letter or 'head' \u2013 we weren't sure about 'fire' = 'burning', but Chambers Thesaurus has it as a synonym (in the sense of 'conflagration'), so who are we to argue?"} {"Clue":"Row about good aggressive player (5)","Answer":"TIGER","Explanation":"Definition: aggressive player\nTIER (row) round G (good)"} {"Clue":"Aims often represented in this? (9)","Answer":"MANIFESTO","Explanation":"Definition: Aims often represented in this?\nClue as definition \u2013 an anagram of AIMS OFTEN \u2013 anagrind is 'represented'"} {"Clue":"Small amount to worry military vehicle (7)","Answer":"AMTRACK","Explanation":"Definition: military vehicle\nAMT (abbreviation of 'amount') RACK (worry)"} {"Clue":"Lived in capsule with electricity? (7)","Answer":"POWERED","Explanation":"Definition: with electricity\nWERE (lived) in POD (capsule)"} {"Clue":"Lure of an expectation? (6,4)","Answer":"GROUND RULE","Explanation":"Definition: expectation\n'Lure' is an anagram of RULE \u2013 the anagrind is GROUND"} {"Clue":"American's cautious, not having monarch continuously (4)","Answer":"AWAY","Explanation":"Definition: continuously\nA (American) WA~~r~~Y (cautious) without the 'r' (monarch)"} {"Clue":"Complaint as the man tails off (6)","Answer":"ASTHMA","Explanation":"Definition: Complaint\nAS + TH~~e~~ MA~~n~~ (without the last letters or 'tails off')"} {"Clue":"Also directed to involve Mum where Dad likes to retreat? (4,4)","Answer":"TOOL SHED","Explanation":"Definition: where Dad likes to retreat?\nTOO (also) LED (directed) round or 'involving' SH (mum)"} {"Clue":"With a smart look, through occupying place in light (8)","Answer":"DAPPERLY","Explanation":"Definition: With a smart look\nPER (through) in or 'occupying' PL (place) in DAY (light)"} {"Clue":"Pin number written both ways secures money after entering, finally (6)","Answer":"GNOMON","Explanation":"Definition: Pin\nNO (number) ON (number reversed or 'both ways') round or 'securing' M (money) all after G (last or 'final' letter of 'entering')"} {"Clue":"Listen to dodgy money man withholding shilling (4)","Answer":"HARK","Explanation":"Definition: Listen\n~~s~~HARK ('dodgy money man') without the 's' (shilling)"} {"Clue":"Entertainment venue where attendees add to the number (7,3)","Answer":"KARAOKE BAR","Explanation":"Definition: Entertainment venue\nA cryptic definition \u2013 performers in a KARAOKE BAR sing to the backing track of songs ('numbers'), 'adding to them'"} {"Clue":"Head of officials reduced by accepting nothing regarding warning (7)","Answer":"OMINOUS","Explanation":"Definition: regarding warning\nO (first letter or 'head' of 'officials') MINUS (reduced by) round or 'accepting' O (nothing)"} {"Clue":"Celebratory meal the result of intervention by Aphrodite? (7)","Answer":"GALATEA","Explanation":"Definition: the result of intervention by Aphrodite\nGALA TEA ('celebratory meal'). We had heard of Galatea, but thought that she was another Greek goddess, and had no idea of the connection between her and Aphrodite. Apparently, Galatea was a marble statue brought to life by Aphrodite \u2013 hence the celebration. We learn something every day!"} {"Clue":"Part of stable incorporating old and new block (9)","Answer":"STONEWALL","Explanation":"Definition: block\nSTALL (part of stable) round or 'incorporating' O (old) and NEW"} {"Clue":"Promise to retain latitude for globe (5)","Answer":"WORLD","Explanation":"Definition: globe\nWORD (promise) round or 'retaining' L (latitude)"} {"Clue":"Source of salt water affected great area of country (4,5)","Answer":"TEAR GLAND","Explanation":"Definition: Source of salt water\nAn anagram of GREAT (anagrind is 'affected') + LAND (area of country) We're not sure why Phi has included 'area of' in the clue"} {"Clue":"Inherit vast amount, displacing son and leave at once (3,4)","Answer":"GET LOST","Explanation":"Definition: leave at once\nGET (inherit) LOTS (vast amount) with the 's' (son) moved forward or 'displaced'"} {"Clue":"Learn about pigment \u2013 it's not imaginary (4,6)","Answer":"REAL NUMBER","Explanation":"Definition: it's not imaginary\nAn anagram of LEARN (anagrind is 'about') UMBER (pigment)"} {"Clue":"Former sketcher finally abandoning pen (5)","Answer":"MAKER","Explanation":"Definition: Former\nMA~~r~~KER (pen) without or 'abandoning' 'r' (last or 'final' letter of 'sketcher')"} {"Clue":"French leader accepted staff blocking refusal from Bordeaux (8)","Answer":"NAPOLEON","Explanation":"Definition: French leader\nA (accepted) POLE (staff) in or 'blocking' NON (French for 'no' \u2013 'refusal from Bordeaux')"} {"Clue":"Bird left further down stream? (4)","Answer":"FOWL","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nFLOW (stream) with the 'l' (left') moved to the end or 'further down'"} {"Clue":"Distribute half of this with an oath (7)","Answer":"STREWTH","Explanation":"Definition: oath\nSTREW (distribute) + TH~~is~~ (half of 'this')"} {"Clue":"Religious Cockney accepting the divine, curiously (5)","Answer":"ODDLY","Explanation":"Definition: curiously\n'OLY (how a Cockney might say 'holy' \u2013 'religious') round or 'accepting' DD\u00a0(Doctor of Divinity). We had to check this as we were not aware that divine as a noun could be a minister or theologian."} {"Clue":"On radio, support salad as a physical principle (7,3)","Answer":"PLANCKS LAW","Explanation":"Definition: physical principle\nA homophone ('on radio') of PLANK (support) SLAW (salad)"} {"Clue":"It enables someone to take part even though you're late (5,4)","Answer":"DONOR CARD","Explanation":"Definition: It enables someone to take part \nA cryptic definition \u2013 referring to the DONOR CARD enabling body 'parts' to be used in transplants etc after death (when you're 'late')"} {"Clue":"Confused the entire crew (3,2,3)","Answer":"ALL AT SEA","Explanation":"Definition: Confused\nThe 'entire crew' would be ALL AT SEA"} {"Clue":"Harbour company probed by Independent columns (7)","Answer":"PORTICO","Explanation":"Definition: columns\nPORT (harbour) CO (company) round or 'probed by' I (Independent)"} {"Clue":"Cruel man \u2013 British \u2013 replacing new gang member (7)","Answer":"MOBSTER","Explanation":"Definition: gang member\nMO~~n~~STER (cruel man) with the 'n' (new) replaced by B (British)"} {"Clue":"What will cover party turning up in footless tights? (5)","Answer":"HOODS","Explanation":"Definition: What will cover\nDO (party) reversed or 'turning up' in HOS~~e~~ (tights) without the last letter or 'foot'"} {"Clue":"A name given to supporter, on reflection (5)","Answer":"ANGEL","Explanation":"Definition: A name given to supporter, on reflection\nAnother clue as definition \u2013 A N (name) + LEG (supporter) reversed or 'on reflection'"} {"Clue":"Individual supporting Government has departed (4)","Answer":"GONE","Explanation":"Definition: departed\nONE (individual) after or 'supporting' (in a down clue) G (government)"} {"Clue":"Leaves a bit depressed alas; Des so tired in retirement (6,5)","Answer":"TOSSED SALAD","Explanation":"Definition: Leaves\nHidden ('a bit') and reversed ('in retirement') in 'depresseD ALAS DES SO Tired'"} {"Clue":"Went off at first light? (3)","Answer":"LED","Explanation":"Definition: Went off at first\nDouble definition \u2013 the 'light' being a Light-Emitting Diode"} {"Clue":"Greek Independent for Labour (5)","Answer":"GRIND","Explanation":"Definition: Labour\nGR (Greek) IND (independent)"} {"Clue":"Amateur reservist lass to run backside off, going lickety-split (2,1,6)","Answer":"AT A GALLOP","Explanation":"Definition: going lickety-split\nA (amateur) TA (Territorial Army \u2013 'reservist') GAL (lass) LOP~~e~~ (run) without the last letter or 'backside off'"} {"Clue":"She has small parts in \"Elf\", \"Matrix\", \"Trading Places\" (4,5)","Answer":"FILM EXTRA","Explanation":"Definition: She has small parts\nAn anagram of ELF MATRIX \u2013 anagrind is 'Trading Places'"} {"Clue":"Regular helpings of roast loin sell out (3,2)","Answer":"RAT ON","Explanation":"Definition: sell out\nAlternate or 'regular' letters in RoAsT lOiN"} {"Clue":"OK program to roam when mobile (7)","Answer":"APPROVE","Explanation":"Definition: OK\nAPP (program) ROVE (roam when mobile)"} {"Clue":"Benitez sent back whence he came? (4)","Answer":"AFAR","Explanation":"Definition: whence he came\nRAFA (Rafa Benitez, Spanish football coach and manager of Newcastle United) reversed or 'sent back'"} {"Clue":"Maybe Gooch, Boycott hosting a TMS broadcast (7)","Answer":"BATSMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe Gooch\nBAN (boycott) round or 'hosting' an anagram of A TMS \u2013 anagrind is 'broadcast'"} {"Clue":"Martin Crane? Oh\u2026that's upset, like, half a continent (5,8)","Answer":"NORTH AMERICAN","Explanation":"Definition: like, half a continent\nAn anagram of MARTIN CRANE OH \u2013 anagrind is 'upset'"} {"Clue":"Had dinner with artist, splitting bill two ways (9)","Answer":"BILATERAL","Explanation":"Definition: two ways\nATE (had dinner) with RA (artist) in or 'splitting' BILL"} {"Clue":"S. Coe's rival, having given blood, urges a protein boost at breakfast (9,4)","Answer":"SCRAMBLED EGGS","Explanation":"Definition: a protein boost at breakfast\nS CRAM (Steve Cram \u2013 'S(eb) Coe's rival') BLED (given blood) EGGS (urges)"} {"Clue":"They did a stretch in prison (5)","Answer":"RACKS","Explanation":"Definition: They did a stretch in prison\nCryptic definition \u2013 RACKS were once used in prisons to torture prisoners"} {"Clue":"Chap's dead leg (3)","Answer":"DON","Explanation":"Definition: Chap\nD (dead) ON (leg \u2013 in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Areas where Sterling's tackling left Gray struggling? (11)","Answer":"PLAYGROUNDS","Explanation":"Definition: Areas\nPOUNDS (Sterling) round or 'tackling' L (left) + an anagram of GRAY \u2013 anagrind is 'struggling'"} {"Clue":"Following tummy upset, old fellow's thrown up uncooked, tough game (3-2-3)","Answer":"TUG-OF-WAR","Explanation":"Definition: tough game\nGUT (tummy) reversed or 'upset' O (old) F (fellow) RAW (uncooked) reversed or 'thrown up'"} {"Clue":"Where to glide over the surface endlessly with plastic poles (3,5)","Answer":"SKI SLOPE","Explanation":"Definition: Where to glide over the surface endlessly with plastic poles\nCryptic definition \u2013 SKI~~n~~ (surface) without the last letter or 'endless' + an anagram of POLES \u2013 anagrind is 'plastic'"} {"Clue":"Moose finally died, poor boy (5)","Answer":"EDDIE","Explanation":"Definition: boy\nE (last or 'final' letter of 'moose') + an anagram of DIED \u2013 anagrind is 'poor'"} {"Clue":"Observe Labour PM dropping a couple of tabs in the city in Washington (7)","Answer":"SEATTLE","Explanation":"Definition: city in Washington\nSE~~e~~ (observe) ATTLE~~e~~ (Labour PM) without or 'dropping' the two 'e's (tabs)"} {"Clue":"Bachelor freed from desolate, uncovered cell having loss of fluid (7)","Answer":"LEAKAGE","Explanation":"Definition: loss of fluid\n~~b~~LEAK (desolate) without the 'b' (bachelor) ~~c~~AGE (cell) without the first letter or 'uncovered' (in a down clue)"} {"Clue":"Absolutely hated grid construction (4,5)","Answer":"DEAD RIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Absolutely\nAn anagram of HATED GRID \u2013 anagrind is 'construction'"} {"Clue":"Israeli lithograph featuring Talmudic demon (6)","Answer":"LILITH","Explanation":"Definition: Talmudic demon\nHidden or 'featured' in 'IsraeLI LITHograph"} {"Clue":"Gorgeous nymph rejecting a diamond ring, having lost heart (6)","Answer":"DAPHNE","Explanation":"Definition: Gorgeous nymph\nA D (diamond) reversed or 'rejected' PH~~o~~NE (ring) without or 'losing' the middle letter or 'heart'"} {"Clue":"He repels Pam after rotten time in the middle of nowhere (3,3,3)","Answer":"OFF THE MAP","Explanation":"Definition: in the middle of nowhere\nHE + PAM reversed or 'repelled' after OFF (rotten) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Therapy for uptight Yankee sibling (8)","Answer":"ANALYSIS","Explanation":"Definition: Therapy\nANAL (uptight) Y (Yankee in the phonetic alphabet) SIS (sister \u2013 sibling)"} {"Clue":"Unhealthy allure about British disease (7)","Answer":"RUBELLA","Explanation":"Definition: disease\nAn anagram of ALLURE (anagrind is 'unhealthy') round B (British)"} {"Clue":"Pretentious nonsense! BBC boss taking over symbol of Britishness (7)","Answer":"BULLDOG","Explanation":"Definition: symbol of Britishness\nBULL (pretentious nonsense) DG (BBC boss) round or 'taking' O (over)"} {"Clue":"Brand new bunk beds both stripped to accommodate American (6)","Answer":"UNUSED","Explanation":"Definition: Brand new\n~~b~~UN~~k~~ ~~b~~ED~~s~~, both without the first and last letters or 'stripped' round or 'accommodating' US (American)"} {"Clue":"Rehearsal for the Sahara marathon? (3,3)","Answer":"DRY RUN","Explanation":"Definition: Rehearsal\nA marathon in the Sahara could be described as a DRY RUN"} {"Clue":"Trunk's one end of elephant, roughly (5)","Answer":"TORSO","Explanation":"Definition: Trunk\nT ('one end' of 'elephant') OR SO (roughly)"} {"Clue":"Constable possibly a right idiot, arresting son (6)","Answer":"ARTIST","Explanation":"Definition: Constable possibly\nA R (right) TIT (idiot) round or 'arresting' S (son) \u2013 a reference to John Constable, the English romantic artist"} {"Clue":"One who has renounced America after partner oddly deported (8)","Answer":"APOSTATE","Explanation":"Definition: One who has renounced\nA (America) POST (after) ~~p~~A~~r~~T~~n~~E~~r~~ (with odd letters omitted or 'deported')"} {"Clue":"Decide about black Russian bread (5)","Answer":"RUBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Russian bread\nRULE (decide) round B (black) \u2013 yes, it can be spelt without the 'o'"} {"Clue":"Stress good for English servant (9)","Answer":"UNDERLING","Explanation":"Definition: servant\nUNDERLIN~~e~~ (stress) with G (good) replacing 'e' (English)"} {"Clue":"Angry blokes losing millions in capital in dispute (4)","Answer":"ADEN","Explanation":"Definition: capital in dispute\n~~m~~AD ~~m~~EN ('angry blokes') without or 'losing' the two 'm's (millions)"} {"Clue":"Love lap-dancing? When it's polished it can be beautiful (4)","Answer":"OPAL","Explanation":"Definition: When it's polished it can be beautiful\nO (love) + an anagram of LAP \u2013 anagrind is 'dancing'"} {"Clue":"Furious robber scratching head (5)","Answer":"IRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Furious\n~~p~~IRATE (robber) without or 'scratching' the first letter or 'head'"} {"Clue":"See 10D: see first letter of clue. Confused? (7)","Answer":"DIOCESE","Explanation":"Definition: See\nAn anagram of IOD SEE and C (first letter of 'clue') \u2013 anagrind is 'confused'"} {"Clue":"Go away with husband, travelling east into red light district (4)","Answer":"SOHO","Explanation":"Definition: red light district\nSHOO (go away) with the H (husband) moved to the right or 'travelling east' \u2013 is Soho still regarded as a red light district?"} {"Clue":"Laugh that comes from the heart (2-2)","Answer":"HE-HE","Explanation":"Definition: Laugh\nHidden in ('coming from') tHE HEart"} {"Clue":"Follow bird after hours (7)","Answer":"EMULATE","Explanation":"Definition: Follow\nEMU (bird) LATE (after hours)"} {"Clue":"Report describes eye of cyclone in Orlando, say (5)","Answer":"BLOOM","Explanation":"Definition: Orlando, say\nBOOM (report, as in a loud noise) round or 'describing' L (middle letter or 'eye' of cyclone') \u2013 a reference to Orlando Bloom, a British actor"} {"Clue":"Rice, perhaps \u2013 the last portion of rice for a while (4)","Answer":"TIME","Explanation":"Definition: a while\nTIM (Tim Rice) + E (last letter or 'portion' of 'rice')"} {"Clue":"Reserve heading off in pain (4)","Answer":"ACHE","Explanation":"Definition: pain\n~~c~~ACHE (reserve) without the first letter or 'heading off'"} {"Clue":"Magnificence of porn led us astray (9)","Answer":"SPLENDOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Magnificence\nAn anagram of PORN LED US \u2013 anagrind is 'astray'"} {"Clue":"Sing \"Hello\" by Adele endlessly (5)","Answer":"YODEL","Explanation":"Definition: Sing\nYO (\"hello\") + ~~a~~DEL~~e~~ (without the first and last letters or 'endlessly'"} {"Clue":"At the end of the week, I get up and mock those in power (8)","Answer":"SATIRISE","Explanation":"Definition: mock those in power\nSAT (Saturday \u2013 'the end of the week') I RISE (get up)"} {"Clue":"Landlord excluding old Republican (6)","Answer":"LESSOR","Explanation":"Definition: Landlord\nLESS (excluding) O (old) R (Republican)"} {"Clue":"Attacks decorations in Barnet, snipping the tops (3,5)","Answer":"AIR RAIDS","Explanation":"Definition: Attacks\n~~h~~AIR ~~b~~RAIDS ('decorations in Barnet' \u2013 rhyming slang for 'hair') without the first letters or 'snipping the tops'"} {"Clue":"Smooth surface on furniture requires work by computer (8)","Answer":"TABLETOP","Explanation":"Definition: Smooth surface on furniture\nOP (work) after or 'by' TABLET (computer)"} {"Clue":"Get rid of outhouse (4)","Answer":"SHED","Explanation":"Definition: Get rid of\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Cook departed with meals in boat (6,7)","Answer":"PADDLE STEAMER","Explanation":"Definition: boat\nAn anagram of DEPARTED and MEALS \u2013 anagrind is 'cook'"} {"Clue":"Lost sheep reported? Honestly (8,2)","Answer":"STRAIGHT UP","Explanation":"Definition: Honestly\nA homophone ('reported') of STRAY (lost) TUP (sheep)"} {"Clue":"I am boring, fussy creature (6)","Answer":"ANIMAL","Explanation":"Definition: creature\nI'M (I am) in or 'boring' ANAL (fussy)"} {"Clue":"Young bird starts to emerge after goose lays egg on time (6)","Answer":"EAGLET","Explanation":"Definition: Young bird\nFirst letters or 'starts' of Emerge After Goose Lays Egg on\u00a0T (time)"} {"Clue":"Modest nun pirouettes in disguise (13)","Answer":"UNPRETENTIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Modest\nAn anagram of NUN PIROUETTES \u2013 anagrind is 'in disguise'"} {"Clue":"It limits what a dead canary might do (10)","Answer":"DETERMINER","Explanation":"Definition: It limits\nCanaries were once used to detect gas in mines \u2013 so a dead one might DETER MINER"} {"Clue":"Falls down, as one contains large quantity of alcohol \u2013 helpers called for (8)","Answer":"CASCADES","Explanation":"Definition: Falls down\nA homophone ('called for') CASK ('one contains large quantity of alcohol') AIDES (helpers)"} {"Clue":"John Entwistle, originally a mod icon, is someone who profits from the Stones (8)","Answer":"JEWELLER","Explanation":"Definition: someone who profits from the Stones\nJ E (initials or 'original' letters of John Entwistle) + WELLER (Paul Weller of The Jam \u2013 'mod icon')"} {"Clue":"Sailor exploits slags (6)","Answer":"ABUSES","Explanation":"Definition: slags\nAB (sailor) USES (exploits)"} {"Clue":"Miscellaneous collection of biblical characters (3,3)","Answer":"JOB LOT","Explanation":"Definition: Miscellaneous collection\nJOB and LOT are two biblical characters"} {"Clue":"Here one can burn frumpy red dresses (4)","Answer":"PYRE","Explanation":"Definition: Here one can burn\nHidden in or 'dressed by' 'frumPY REd'"} {"Clue":"Confront some of those on the staff (4)","Answer":"FACE","Explanation":"Definition: Confront\nF, A, C & E are notes on the (musical) staff"} {"Clue":"As whistleblower, caution Zuck finally following expression of contempt (4)","Answer":"BOOK","Explanation":"Definition: As whistleblower, caution\nK (last or 'final' letter of Zuck) after BOO (expression of contempt). The footballer is no doubt Hendrick Zuck but we needed Google to find him. The referee or 'whistleblower' presumably had no problem when he\/she gave him a caution."} {"Clue":"Indicator watched by Wall Street and the soup kitchen? (5,5)","Answer":"STOCK PRICE","Explanation":"Definition: Indicator watched by Wall Street\nA play on the fact that if you were managing a soup kitchen you would be watching the PRICE of the STOCK\u00a0(soup)."} {"Clue":"Caught by digital camera, an iffy Trump lobbyist? (9,9)","Answer":"CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA","Explanation":"Definition: Trump lobbyist?\nC (caught) and an anagram of BY\u00a0DIGITAL CAMERA AN \u2013 anagrind is 'iffy'. This was the clue that opened up the theme for us."} {"Clue":"Shelter for naval ships getting shelled (3)","Answer":"LEE","Explanation":"Definition: Shelter\n~~f~~LEE~~t~~ (naval ships) with first and last letters removed or 'shelled'"} {"Clue":"Setback for Wenger as head of Gunners fails to extend contract (5)","Answer":"RENEW","Explanation":"Definition: to extend contract\nA reversal or 'setback' of WEN~~g~~ER with G (head of Gunners) missing"} {"Clue":"A little nephew I'd throw across the swimming pool (5)","Answer":"WIDTH","Explanation":"Definition: across the swimming pool \nHidden ('a little') in 'nepheW ID THrow'"} {"Clue":"Ordered earliest time to be in repose (3,2,4)","Answer":"LIE AT REST","Explanation":"Definition: to be in repose\nAn anagram of EARLIEST \u2013 anagrind is 'ordered' and T (time)"} {"Clue":"Shoot Nad nude, rolling around and around having nothing on (9)","Answer":"REDUNDANT","Explanation":"Definition: having nothing on\nHidden and reversed or 'around and around' in 'shooT NAD NUDE Rolling'"} {"Clue":"Gag on tandoori chicken hot starters (5)","Answer":"RETCH","Explanation":"Definition: Gag\nRE (on) and first letters or 'starters' of Tandoori Chicken Hot"} {"Clue":"I'd teach doddery President about grubby tricks for budget problem solving (5,5,4,4,5)","Answer":"DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP","Explanation":"Definition: grubby tricks for budget problem solving\nAn anagram of I'D TEACH DODDERY PRESIDENT \u2013 anagrind is 'about'. The answer comes from song by AC\/DC which needed another Googe search. We were surprised that we didn't recognise it \u2013 we guess that we were too busy being parents at the time it was released!"} {"Clue":"Occasionally stroked David Mellor's erogenous zone, allegedly (3)","Answer":"TOE","Explanation":"Definition: David Mellor's erogenous zone, allegedly\nAlternate letters of sTrOkEd or 'occasionally'. Another Google search to reveal story from 1992. Scroll down to 4."} {"Clue":"Here in Versailles, her majesty is more frigid (5)","Answer":"ICIER","Explanation":"Definition: is more frigid \nICI (French for 'here') ER (Her Majesty)"} {"Clue":"Midwife essentially is to assist to give birth (5)","Answer":"WHELP","Explanation":"Definition: to give birth\nW (middle or 'essential' letter of 'midwife') HELP (assist)"} {"Clue":"Cougar getting stuck into the spumante? (4)","Answer":"PUMA","Explanation":"Definition: Cougar\nHidden or 'stuck' in 'sPUMAnte'"} {"Clue":"Support \"Remain\" (4)","Answer":"STAY","Explanation":"Definition: Support\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Dash, following American spies (5)","Answer":"FACIA","Explanation":"Definition: Dash\nF (following) A (American) CIA (spies)"} {"Clue":"Ordered, new director (education) (9)","Answer":"COMMANDED","Explanation":"Definition: Ordered\nWell \u2013 a bit sneaky. COMMA (,) N (new) D (director) ED (education)"} {"Clue":"Plod's wrinkly pecker? (3,4)","Answer":"OLD BILL","Explanation":"Definition: Plod\nOLD (wrinkly) BILL (pecker \u2013 as in a bird's beak) When requesting reductions because of our age, we always ask for 2 wrinklies please."} {"Clue":"Docking fee upset European nerd going round Alabama (7)","Answer":"KEELAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Docking fee\nE (European) GEEK (nerd) around AL (Alabama), all reversed or 'upset'"} {"Clue":"Pastures new for Republican big beast? (9)","Answer":"SUPERSTAR","Explanation":"Definition: big beast? \nAn anagram of PASTURES \u2013 anagrind is 'new' R (Republican)"} {"Clue":"One trapped between legs? It could make your eyes water! (5)","Answer":"ONION","Explanation":"Definition: It could make your eyes water!\nI (one) inside or 'trapped between' ON ON (leg leg as used in cricket)"} {"Clue":"Guard to look over Buddhist temple children (4,5)","Answer":"KEEP WATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Guard\nA reversal ('over') of PEEK (look) +\u00a0WAT (Buddhist temple) CH (children)"} {"Clue":"Bess's partner's topless romp (4)","Answer":"ORGY","Explanation":"Definition: romp\n~~p~~ORGY (Porgy and Bess \u2013 opera by Gerschwin) with first letter missing or 'topless' as it's a down clue"} {"Clue":"The big picture as seen from the space station? (5,4)","Answer":"WORLD VIEW","Explanation":"Definition: The big picture\nA play on the fact that if you were looking out of the space station window your VIEW may be of the WORLD"} {"Clue":"Upsetting party, Powell (ex-Conservative) involved in dirty tricks campaign (9)","Answer":"HONEYTRAP","Explanation":"Definition: dirty tricks campaign\nA reversal or 'upsetting' of PARTY and ENO~~c~~H (Enoch Powell \u2013 former Conservative MP) without ('ex') C (Conservative)"} {"Clue":"Fashionable new bar (3)","Answer":"INN","Explanation":"Definition: bar\nIN (fashionable) N (new)"} {"Clue":"Gregarious Nix at last caught by film, right on time (9)","Answer":"EXTROVERT","Explanation":"Definition: Gregarious\nX (last letter of nix or 'at last') inside or 'caught' by ET (film) R (right) OVER (on) T (time)"} {"Clue":"Dead-beat loyalist political party did their sums (5,2)","Answer":"ADDED UP","Explanation":"Definition: did their sums \nAn anagram of DEAD \u2013 anagrind is 'beat' +\u00a0DUP (loyalist political party)"} {"Clue":"Mo, 3, worked out maths formula (7)","Answer":"THEOREM","Explanation":"Definition: maths formula\nAn anagram of MO THREE (3) \u2013 anagrind is 'worked out'"} {"Clue":"Extolled unlimited pay increase (5)","Answer":"RAISE","Explanation":"Definition: increase\n~~p~~RAISE~~d~~ (extolled) without first and last letters or 'unlimited'"} {"Clue":"Fire rifle (4)","Answer":"SACK","Explanation":"Definition: Fire\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Vacate space for Australian company (5)","Answer":"EMPTY","Explanation":"Definition: Vacate\nEM (space) PTY (Australian company)"} {"Clue":"Drinks up when aboard ship (4)","Answer":"SUPS","Explanation":"Definition: Drinks\nUP in or 'aboard' SS (ship)"} {"Clue":"American guy to board silent plane? Nonsense (5,5)","Answer":"MUMBO JUMBO","Explanation":"Definition: Nonsense\nBO (American guy) in or 'boarding' MUM (silent) JUMBO (plane)"} {"Clue":"Former PM to respond to Sun? (5)","Answer":"BROWN","Explanation":"Definition: Former PM\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Article wedged in part of skeleton is a cigar (9)","Answer":"PANATELLA","Explanation":"Definition: cigar\nAN (article) 'wedged' in PATELLA (kneecap \u2013 'part of skeleton')"} {"Clue":"Display of plants implying danger? (4,6)","Answer":"ROCK GARDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Display of plants\nGARDEN is an anagram of 'danger' \u2013 the anagrind is ROCK"} {"Clue":"Continent, one occupying a small area (4)","Answer":"ASIA","Explanation":"Definition: Continent\nI (one) 'occupying' A S (small) A (area)"} {"Clue":"All in French, following principal material from computer (8)","Answer":"PRINTOUT","Explanation":"Definition: material from computer\nTOUT (French for 'all') following PRIN (principal)"} {"Clue":"Conspirator without latitude to move unhurriedly (6)","Answer":"POTTER","Explanation":"Definition: move unhurriedly\nP~~l~~OTTER (conspirator) without 'l' (latitude)"} {"Clue":"Fruit to be sinful? Church variable about that (6)","Answer":"CHERRY","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nERR (to be sinful) with CH (church) Y (variable) outside or 'about'"} {"Clue":"New and old mingling in important stringed instrument (8)","Answer":"MANDOLIN","Explanation":"Definition: stringed instrument\nAn anagram of N (new) and OLD (anagrind is 'mingling') in MAIN (important)"} {"Clue":"US city to succeed in disposing of one grassy area (4)","Answer":"LAWN","Explanation":"Definition: grassy area\nLA (Los Angeles \u2013 US city) W~~i~~N (to succeed) without or 'disposing of' 'I' (one)"} {"Clue":"Flurry of birds here around Wye? This is somewhere else (10)","Answer":"DERBYSHIRE","Explanation":"Definition: This is somewhere else\nAn anagram of BIRDS HERE and Y ('wye') \u2013 anagrind is 'flurry of'"} {"Clue":"Writer to observe Queen encountering swan (6,3)","Answer":"MARKER PEN","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nMARK (observe) ER (Queen) PEN (swan)"} {"Clue":"Unreliable parachute dismissed at outset (5)","Answer":"ROGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Unreliable\n~~d~~ROGUE (parachute) without or 'dismissing' the first letter or 'outset'"} {"Clue":"Hate misuse of carbon here (10)","Answer":"ABHORRENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Hate\nAn anagram of CARBON HERE \u2013 anagrind is 'misuse of'"} {"Clue":"The same officer is a fool (4)","Answer":"DOLT","Explanation":"Definition: fool\nDO (ditto \u2013 'the same') LT (lieutenant \u2013 officer)"} {"Clue":"Cobra and tulips out of place in a fairly lush climate (11)","Answer":"SUBTROPICAL","Explanation":"Definition: in a fairly lush climate\nAn anagram of COBRA and TULIPS \u2013 anagrind is 'out of place'"} {"Clue":"Working to initiate start of play in Test (9)","Answer":"PROACTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Working to initiate\nACT 1 (start of play) in PROVE (test)"} {"Clue":"Meal without starter has reduced punch (8)","Answer":"UPPERCUT","Explanation":"Definition: punch\n~~s~~UPPER (meal) without the first letter or 'starter' CUT (reduced)"} {"Clue":"Less tactful, outing 'large' schoolboy (6)","Answer":"BUNTER","Explanation":"Definition: schoolboy\nB~~l~~UNTER (less tactful) without or 'outing' 'l' (large) \u2013 a reference to Billy Bunter, the fictional overweight schoolboy of Greyfriars School created by Frank Richards and subject of a TV series in the late 50s"} {"Clue":"Project on English fibre (4)","Answer":"JUTE","Explanation":"Definition: fibre\nJUT (project) E (English)"} {"Clue":"Spots second article from \"Lib\u00e9ration\"\u00a0(5)","Answer":"MOLES","Explanation":"Definition: Spots\nMO (second) LES (French for 'the' \u2013 'article from\u00a0*Lib\u00e9ration'*)"} {"Clue":"Eggs on very assiduously at the start (3)","Answer":"OVA","Explanation":"Definition: Eggs\nFirst letters or 'starts' of On Very Assiduously"} {"Clue":"Arm raised \u2013 under it a right-winger of little merit (8)","Answer":"NUGATORY","Explanation":"Definition: of little merit\nGUN (arm) reversed or 'raised' A TORY (right-winger)"} {"Clue":"Great manner may be seen in this of itself (11)","Answer":"ARRANGEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: this\nAn anagram of GREAT MANNER \u2013 'arrangement' could be the anagrind \u2013 'seen in this of itself'"} {"Clue":"Something stirring about poster for driver or pedestrian (4-4)","Answer":"ROAD-USER","Explanation":"Definition: driver or pedestrian\nROUSER ('something stirring') round AD (poster)"} {"Clue":"Reprimand tense singer after embracing monarch (7-2)","Answer":"TALKING-TO","Explanation":"Definition: Reprimand\nT (tense) ALTO (singer) round or 'embracing' KING (monarch)"} {"Clue":"A lot of discussion, not entirely pleasant, regarding Jewish teaching (8)","Answer":"RABBINIC","Explanation":"Definition: regarding Jewish teaching\nRABBI~~t~~ (discussion) without the last letter or 'a lot of' NIC~~e~~ (pleasant) also without the last letter or 'not entirely'"} {"Clue":"Satisfied rising building will conceal current religious building (6)","Answer":"TEMPLE","Explanation":"Definition: religious building\nMET (satisfied) reversed or 'rising' P~~i~~LE (building) without or 'concealing' 'I' (current)"} {"Clue":"Elevated argument over this is lacking value (5)","Answer":"WORTH","Explanation":"Definition: value\nROW (argument) reversed or 'elevated' TH~~is~~ without or 'lacking' 'is'"} {"Clue":"Much-loved daughter is getting attention (4)","Answer":"DEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Much-loved\nD (daughter) EAR (attention)"} {"Clue":"Extinct bird located in Palermo, actually (3)","Answer":"MOA","Explanation":"Definition: Extinct bird\nHidden of 'located' in PalerMO Actually"} {"Clue":"Win at home? No, I don't believe it! (3,4)","Answer":"GET AWAY","Explanation":"Definition: I don't believe it!\nWIN (get) AWAY (at home? \u2013 No)"} {"Clue":"Cooked meal all over plate (7)","Answer":"LAMELLA","Explanation":"Definition: plate\nAnagram of MEAL ALL \u2013 anagrind is 'cooked'"} {"Clue":"Journey time not quite ready (4)","Answer":"TRIP","Explanation":"Definition: Journey\nT (time) RIP~~e~~ (ready) missing last letter or 'not quite'"} {"Clue":"Popular outlet \u2013 setter's showing creativity (9)","Answer":"INVENTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: showing creativity\nIN (popular) VENT (outlet) I'VE (setter's \u2013 setter has)"} {"Clue":"SE Asian native, one displaying bloomers after stripping off (5)","Answer":"LORIS","Explanation":"Definition: SE Asian native\n~~f~~LORIS~~t~~ (one displaying bloomers) missing first and last letter or 'stripping off'"} {"Clue":"Clap team off \u2013 one in top of table setting (5,3)","Answer":"PLACE MAT","Explanation":"Definition: one in top of table setting\nAnagram of CLAP TEAM \u2013 anagrind is 'off'"} {"Clue":"On reflection, crossword has them (4)","Answer":"ROWS","Explanation":"Definition: crossword has them\nHidden and reversed or 'on reflection' in the clue crosSWORd"} {"Clue":"Devices worn on boots in 22A (5)","Answer":"SPURS","Explanation":"Definition: Devices worn on boots\nSPURS (devices worn on boots) and football team from Tottenham \u2013 22ac"} {"Clue":"Location of shopping arcade? Likely in the centre (4)","Answer":"DELI","Explanation":"Definition: Location of shopping\nHidden ('in the centre') in arcaDE LIkely"} {"Clue":"Small bird, say, born in small Asian capital (8)","Answer":"RENMINBI","Explanation":"Definition: Asian capital\nREN (sounds like 'wren' \u2013 small bird) + B (born) inside MINI (small)"} {"Clue":"Friendship or sex, in a setter's case (5)","Answer":"AMITY","Explanation":"Definition: Friendship\nIT (sex) in or 'cased by' A MY (setter's)"} {"Clue":"The man running after a small child somewhere in London (9)","Answer":"TOTTENHAM","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in London\nAn anagram of THE MAN \u2013 anagrind is 'running' after TOT (small child)"} {"Clue":"Awful finisher, reportedly? (4)","Answer":"DIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Awful\nSounds like ('reportedly') someone dying. The ? refers to the fact that there isn't a word 'DIER'"} {"Clue":"Spanish guitarist goes touring the Italian way (7)","Answer":"SEGOVIA","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish guitarist\nAn anagram of GOES \u2013 anagrind is 'touring' VIA (Italian for way)"} {"Clue":"Badmouth a team here, with very loose talk? (7)","Answer":"ASPERSE","Explanation":"Definition: Badmouth\nA + a homophone ('loose talk') of\u00a0SPURS (a team featured at 17ac)"} {"Clue":"A Lord's match? He's going (4)","Answer":"PEER","Explanation":"Definition: A Lord\nDouble definition and PEER (someone relieving themselves or peeing)"} {"Clue":"Places to leave motor boats weighed down by fish (3,5)","Answer":"CAR PARKS","Explanation":"Definition: Places to leave motor\nARKS (boats) underneath or 'weighed down by' CARP (fish)"} {"Clue":"City End's toilets (6)","Answer":"LADIES","Explanation":"Definition: toilets\nLA (city) DIES (ends)"} {"Clue":"Killer, one shut up in prison (4)","Answer":"CAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Killer\nI (one) 'shut up' in\u00a0CAN (prison)"} {"Clue":"Against Spain, an example of Moore's passing (6)","Answer":"DEMISE","Explanation":"Definition: passing\nDEMI'S (as in Demi Moore) E (Spain)"} {"Clue":"This, for one, is not even cultured (4)","Answer":"CLUE","Explanation":"Definition: This, for one\nOdd letters or 'not even' letters in CuLtUrEd"} {"Clue":"Gassy state? Deep-fried Indian breads contain zero gas (9)","Answer":"VAPOURISH","Explanation":"Definition: Gassy\nVA (Virginia \u2013 state) PURIS (deep fried Indian breads) around O (zero) +\u00a0H (Hydrogen \u2013 gas)"} {"Clue":"Undone by game against Home Counties (5)","Answer":"LOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Undone\nLOO (game) SE (Home Counties)"} {"Clue":"Ratings for muscles (3)","Answer":"ABS","Explanation":"Definition: muscles\nABS\u00a0(able-bodied seamen \u2013 'ratings')"} {"Clue":"Marble top taken from kitchen (5)","Answer":"ALLEY","Explanation":"Definition: Marble\n~~g~~ALLEY (kitchen) missing first letter or 'top'"} {"Clue":"Day of the week for a rising setter (3)","Answer":"SUN","Explanation":"Definition: Day of the week\nA play on the fact that the SUN rises and sets"} {"Clue":"Got less done, with daughter replacing son (8)","Answer":"DWINDLED","Explanation":"Definition: Got less\n~~s~~WINDLED (done) with D (daughter) replacing S (son)"} {"Clue":"What one might pass in Test before smooth run-out (6)","Answer":"MOTION","Explanation":"Definition: What one might pass\nMOT (test) I~~r~~ON (smooth) missing R or 'run out'"} {"Clue":"Nearly lost a match, only header worked (6)","Answer":"ALMOST","Explanation":"Definition: Nearly\nAn anagram of LOST A and M\u00a0(first letter or 'header' of match) \u2013 anagrind is 'worked'"} {"Clue":"Conversely, side fall heavily (4)","Answer":"TEEM","Explanation":"Definition: fall heavily\nA homophone ('conversely', as in 'conversation') of TEAM (side)"} {"Clue":"Fine chap, if somewhat hysterical (4)","Answer":"ERIC","Explanation":"Definition: Fine\nTwo defintions and hidden in ('somewhat') hystERICal"} {"Clue":"Career in a rock group (4)","Answer":"RUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Career\nDouble defintion"} {"Clue":"Got to love The Queen in the sack (8)","Answer":"BOTHERED","Explanation":"Definition: Got to\nO (love) THE R (queen) in BED ('the sack')"} {"Clue":"Say yes to a cold pint after church (6)","Answer":"ACCEPT","Explanation":"Definition: Say yes to\nA C (cold) PT (pint) after CE (church)"} {"Clue":"Do not sit on top of surly dentists (9)","Answer":"ODONTISTS","Explanation":"Definition: dentists\nAn anagram of DO NOT SIT \u2013 anagrind is 'surly' + S (first letter or 'top of' surly) \u2013 'surly' doing double duty here"} {"Clue":"Party working with energy on your bike (2,3)","Answer":"DO ONE","Explanation":"Definition: on your bike\nDO (party) ON (working) E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Some cannot amend a memo for a pilot (5)","Answer":"NOTAM","Explanation":"Definition: memo for a pilot\nHidden in ('some') canNOT AMend \u2013 we had to look this one up as it's not in Chambers"} {"Clue":"Ignite row, having had fill of flak? (3,4,2)","Answer":"SET FIRE TO","Explanation":"Definition: Ignite\nSET-TO (row) round or 'filled by' FIRE (flak)"} {"Clue":"Get rate, say, to realign barn door? (4,6)","Answer":"EASY TARGET","Explanation":"Definition: barn door?\nAn anagram of GET RATE SAY \u2013 anagrind is 'realign'"} {"Clue":"Shortly cuddle, but not with Penny (4)","Answer":"SOON","Explanation":"Definition: Shortly\nS~~p~~OON (cuddle) without the 'p' (penny)"} {"Clue":"Painter shot by half-cut American (4)","Answer":"GOYA","Explanation":"Definition: Painter\nGO (shot) YA~~nk~~ (American) with the second half omitted"} {"Clue":"Two favourites? Speed and heroin, son (10)","Answer":"RACEHORSES","Explanation":"Definition: Two favourites?\nRACE (speed) HORSE (heroin) S (son)"} {"Clue":"Folk are to put in new order, mind (4,5)","Answer":"LOOK AFTER","Explanation":"Definition: mind\nAn anagram of FOLK ARE TO \u2013 anagrind is 'put in new order'"} {"Clue":"Put off by cleaning product, chap leaves (5)","Answer":"DETER","Explanation":"Definition: Put off\nDETER~~gent~~ (cleaning product) without 'gent' (chap)"} {"Clue":"Pound to be put on Bud? Grrrrrrrr! (5)","Answer":"GROWL","Explanation":"Definition: Grrrrrrrr!\nL (pound) 'put on' GROW (bud)"} {"Clue":"\u00a3100 returns on the cards \u2013 fat chance (3,6)","Answer":"NOT LIKELY","Explanation":"Definition: fat chance\nTON (\u00a3100) reversed or 'returning' LIKELY (on the cards)"} {"Clue":"Having pinched bottom, go now (6)","Answer":"TRENDY","Explanation":"Definition: now\nEND (bottom) in or 'pinched' by TRY (go)"} {"Clue":"Warning: outspoken nude is \u2026 gran? (8)","Answer":"FOREBEAR","Explanation":"Definition: gran?\nFORE (warning, as apparently used in golf) + a homophone ('outspoken') of BARE (nude)"} {"Clue":"Have got to open cheese and cake (7)","Answer":"BROWNIE","Explanation":"Definition: cake\nOWN (have got) in or 'opening' BRIE (cheese)"} {"Clue":"Swimmer red? Second bit of suit's split! (5)","Answer":"TROUT","Explanation":"Definition: Swimmer\nTROT (red \u2013 Trotskyite) 'split' by U (second letter or 'bit' of 'suit')"} {"Clue":"Cracking defaced finest china, I guess (8)","Answer":"ESTIMATE","Explanation":"Definition: guess\nWe think this must be: finEST (without the first three letters or 'defaced' \u2013 but we would normally expect this to indicate the loss of only the first letter) MATE (china) round or 'cracking' I"} {"Clue":"Stops going topless and relaxes (5)","Answer":"EASES","Explanation":"Definition: relaxes\n~~c~~EASES (stops) without the first letter or 'topless'"} {"Clue":"Rascal that's withholding key ace of clubs? (6)","Answer":"CADDIE","Explanation":"Definition: ace of clubs?\nCAD (rascal) IE (that is) round or 'withholding' D (key \u2013 in music)"} {"Clue":"Sure, go out with one sensitive to sexual stimulation! (9)","Answer":"EROGENOUS","Explanation":"Definition: sensitive to sexual stimulation\nAn anagram of SURE GO and ONE \u2013 anagrind is 'out'"} {"Clue":"Spiky sort seen with diplomat in a cape (3,4)","Answer":"THE HORN","Explanation":"Definition: cape\nTHORN ('spiky sort') round HE (diplomat \u2013 his or her excellency)"} {"Clue":"Like sex with Her Maj on E? In a way (2,2,4)","Answer":"AS IT WERE","Explanation":"Definition: In a way\nAS (like) IT (sex) W (with) ER ('Her Maj') E"} {"Clue":"Terribly sore on my a\u2014 'nuff said! (3,2,4)","Answer":"SAY NO MORE","Explanation":"Definition: 'nuff said!\nAn anagram of SORE ON MY A \u2013 anagrind is 'terribly'"} {"Clue":"Very hot broad, but not outwardly smart (8)","Answer":"ROASTING","Explanation":"Definition: Very hot\n~~b~~ROA~~d~~ without the first and last letters or 'not outwardly' + STING (smart)"} {"Clue":"What one might have with a large G&T? (4,4)","Answer":"GOOD TIME","Explanation":"Definition: What one might have with a large G&T?\nA cryptic definition \u2013 GOOD (g) TIME (t)"} {"Clue":"Give up the criminal life or turn and run? (2,5)","Answer":"GO LEGIT","Explanation":"Definition: Give up the criminal life\nGO (turn) LEG IT (run)"} {"Clue":"After going all over the place, spy rare Banksy? (7)","Answer":"SPRAYER","Explanation":"Definition: Banksy?\nAn anagram of SPY RARE \u2013 anagrind is 'going all over the place' \u2013 Banksy being renowned for his sprayed grafitti art"} {"Clue":"Whitish lines yours truly snorted by notebook (6)","Answer":"PALLID","Explanation":"Definition: Whitish\nLL (lines) I (yours truly) in or 'snorted by' PAD (notebook)"} {"Clue":"Port that shuts up at five to one? (5)","Answer":"RATIO","Explanation":"Definition: five to one?\nRIO (port) round or 'shutting up' AT"} {"Clue":"A recurrent idea? Tense man sat on Hoskins (5)","Answer":"THEME","Explanation":"Definition: A recurrent idea\nT (tense) HE (man) ME (Hoskins)"} {"Clue":"Toy one is wanting priest to hide in part of church (8)","Answer":"TRANSEPT","Explanation":"Definition: part of church\nTRA~~i~~NSET (toy) without or 'wanting' I (one) around or 'hiding' P (priest)"} {"Clue":"Oil producer abuses American guards (6)","Answer":"SESAME","Explanation":"Definition: Oil producer\nHidden in ('guarded by') abuSES AMErican"} {"Clue":"Become sick of beer, say (3)","Answer":"AIL","Explanation":"Definition: Become sick \nSounds like ('say')\u00a0ALE\u00a0(beer)"} {"Clue":"Greek who scored in first part of extra time to become preacher (10)","Answer":"EVANGELIST","Explanation":"Definition: preacher\nVANGELIS ( greek composer or 'scorer') inside E (first part of extra) and T (time)"} {"Clue":"Making good literature, by the sound of it (8)","Answer":"RIGHTING","Explanation":"Definition: Making good\nSounds like ('by the sound of it')\u00a0WRITING (literature)"} {"Clue":"Numb, a member of flock left for hospital (6)","Answer":"ASLEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Numb\nA S~~h~~EEP (member of flock) with L\u00a0(left) replacing H (hospital)"} {"Clue":"Elementary constituent of alpha male (4)","Answer":"ATOM","Explanation":"Definition: Elementary constituent\nA (alpha) TOM (male)"} {"Clue":"Swiss capital invested in fruit by son showing flexibility (10)","Answer":"LIMBERNESS","Explanation":"Definition: showing flexibility \nBERN (Swiss capital) inside or 'invested in' LIMES (fruit) S (son)"} {"Clue":"Records how the British queue? (6,4)","Answer":"SINGLE FILE","Explanation":"Definition: how the British queue?\n~~We think this must relate to a FILE of SINGLES (records) but if it is, we are not that keen on the clue!~~\u00a0Thanks to baerchen @1 for the correct parsing."} {"Clue":"Runner's last to run and hide (4)","Answer":"SKIN","Explanation":"Definition: hide\nSKI (runner) N (last letter of run)"} {"Clue":"Away from home, following football club is boring, it's a bit excessive (6)","Answer":"OFFCUT","Explanation":"Definition: it's a bit excessive\nOUT (away from home) with F (following) FC (Football Club) inside or 'boring'"} {"Clue":"They could provide change for the better? (8)","Answer":"WINNINGS","Explanation":"Definition: They could provide change for the better?\nCryptic definition \u2013 WINNINGS (on a bet)\u00a0could provide 'change' (cash) for the 'better' (gambler)"} {"Clue":"Enthusiastic amateur is talented? It seems otherwise (10)","Answer":"DILETTANTE","Explanation":"Definition: Enthusiastic amateur\nAn anagram of TALENTED IT \u2013 anagrind is 'seems otherwise'"} {"Clue":"That is cold internally (3)","Answer":"ICE","Explanation":"Definition: That is cold internally\nA clue as definition \u2013 IE 'that is' with C (cold) inside or 'internally'"} {"Clue":"Perhaps mountain is reflected in basins of ephemeral lakes (6)","Answer":"PLAYAS","Explanation":"Definition: basins of ephemeral lakes \nSAY (perhaps) and ALP (mountain) reversed or 'reflected'"} {"Clue":"Queen possibly conceals problem, leading to gossip (8)","Answer":"CHITCHAT","Explanation":"Definition: gossip\nCAT ('Queen possibly' as in female cat) around or 'concealing' HITCH (problem)"} {"Clue":"Bear steak needs to be chewed 28 times? (3,6)","Answer":"TEA BREAKS","Explanation":"Definition: 28 times?\nAn anagram of BEAR STEAKS \u2013 anagrind is 'chewed'. We think the definition relates to the fact that TEA BREAKS may be times when you have CHITCHATS (28ac)."} {"Clue":"Unfinished parable in which Republican ascends rapidly (7)","Answer":"ALLEGRO","Explanation":"Definition: rapidly\nALLEGOR~~y~~ (parable) missing last letter or 'unfinished' with R (Republican) moving up or 'rising'"} {"Clue":"A period of time off to watch Ms Rantzen broadcast (6)","Answer":"SIESTA","Explanation":"Definition: A period of time off\nSounds like ('broadcast')\u00a0SEE (watch) ESTHER (Esther Rantzen)"} {"Clue":"Dull argument, but one that brings action (9)","Answer":"PLAINTIFF","Explanation":"Definition: one that brings action\nPLAIN (dull) TIFF (argument)"} {"Clue":"Oozing spot on errand boy (7)","Answer":"SEEPAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Oozing\nSEE (spot) PAGE (errand boy)"} {"Clue":"Carol's cuddling Damon, perhaps for cash (9)","Answer":"SHILLINGS","Explanation":"Definition: cash\nSINGS (carol's) around or 'cuddling' HILL (Damon Hill \u2013 the racing driver)"} {"Clue":"Infatuated with cycling in gloves (7)","Answer":"MITTENS","Explanation":"Definition: gloves\nA cycling of SMITTEN (infatuated with)"} {"Clue":"Maybe Johnson gets friend out of nowhere? (9)","Answer":"MAGICALLY","Explanation":"Definition: out of nowhere?\nMAGIC (Magic Johnson \u2013 American basketball player) ALLY (friend)"} {"Clue":"A tiny fraction of account that's charged by brothels, essentially (9)","Answer":"BILLIONTH","Explanation":"Definition: A tiny fraction\nBILL (account) ION ('that's charged') TH\u00a0(middle or 'essential' letters of broTHels)"} {"Clue":"Seen to be worried over smell of old age (9)","Answer":"SENESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: old age\nAn anagram of SEEN \u2013 anagrind is 'worried' over SCENT (smell)"} {"Clue":"Heathen at home with revolutionary (7)","Answer":"INFIDEL","Explanation":"Definition: Heathen\nIN (at home) FIDEL (Fidel Castro \u2013 'revolutionary')"} {"Clue":"Twice set out to sequester area for housing developments (7)","Answer":"ESTATES","Explanation":"Definition: housing developments\nAn anagram of SET SET (twice set) \u2013 anagrind is 'out' around or 'sequestering' A (area)"} {"Clue":"Thinks 'European' is weird dialect (7)","Answer":"KENTISH","Explanation":"Definition: dialect\nAn anagram of THINKS and E (European) \u2013 anagrind is 'weird'"} {"Clue":"As a laugh, picked up swallow (6)","Answer":"INGEST","Explanation":"Definition: swallow\nSounds like ('picked up')\u00a0IN JEST"} {"Clue":"French film actor opens his own sound stage (7)","Answer":"STATION","Explanation":"Definition: stage\nTATI (Jacques Tati \u2013 French film actor) in or 'opening' SON (French \u2013 'his own' language \u2013 for 'sound')"} {"Clue":"Call this writer for part of speech? (7)","Answer":"PHONEME","Explanation":"Definition: part of speech\nPHONE (call) ME (this writer)"} {"Clue":"Top brand, \"The Third Man\" (4)","Answer":"ABEL","Explanation":"Definition: \"The Third Man\"\n~~l~~ABEL (brand) with the first letter omitted or 'topped'. The third man after Adam and Cain."} {"Clue":"Posh male and female interrupt round 10 and 12, for example (10)","Answer":"CIRCUMFLEX","Explanation":"Definition: 12, for example\nU (posh) M (male) F (female) in or 'interrupting' CIRCLE (round) X (ten)"} {"Clue":"Stress papers should be removed from crash (6)","Answer":"ACCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Stress\nACC~~id~~ENT (crash) with 'ID' (papers) removed"} {"Clue":"Public officials sign new books at the front (8)","Answer":"NOTARIES","Explanation":"Definition: Public officials\nARIES (sign) with N (new) OT (Old Testament \u2013 'books') in front"} {"Clue":"Film barbarian, tense, seizing child's letter (9)","Answer":"CONSONANT","Explanation":"Definition: letter\nCONAN (from the film 'Conan the Basrbarian') T (tense) round or 'seizing' SON (child)"} {"Clue":"Measure diameter with circles (5)","Answer":"WIDTH","Explanation":"Definition: Measure\nD (diameter) in or 'circled' by WITH"} {"Clue":"Stripped hammock back, revealing insect (5)","Answer":"COMMA","Explanation":"Definition: insect\nA reversal ('back') of ~~h~~AMMOC~~k~~ without the first and last letters or 'stripped'"} {"Clue":"Briefly ring reviewer Mark (9)","Answer":"DIACRITIC","Explanation":"Definition: Mark\nDIA~~l~~ (ring) without the last letter or 'briefly' CRITIC (reviewer)"} {"Clue":"Last project (5,3)","Answer":"STICK OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Last\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Bookmark: Use Drugs (3-3)","Answer":"DOG-EAR","Explanation":"Definition: Bookmark\nDO (use) GEAR (drugs)"} {"Clue":"Bug leading staff on phone survey (6,4)","Answer":"GALLUP POLL","Explanation":"Definition: survey\nGALL (bug) UP (leading) + a homophone ('on phone') of POLE (staff)"} {"Clue":"A big shot at Old Trafford backed league (4)","Answer":"AXIS","Explanation":"Definition: league\nA + a reversal ('backed') of SIX ('big shot at Old Trafford', or any other cricket ground)"} {"Clue":"Can celebrity, Le Carr\u00e9 for one? (3,4)","Answer":"PEN NAME","Explanation":"Definition: Le Carr\u00e9 for one\nPEN (can, as in 'prison' \u2013 short for penitentiary) NAME (celebrity)"} {"Clue":"Orient sections to fill newspaper (3,4)","Answer":"FAR EAST","Explanation":"Definition: Orient\nAREAS (sections) in or 'filling' FT (newspaper)"} {"Clue":"Firm supports explorer sailing north for Virginia, say (7)","Answer":"TOBACCO","Explanation":"Definition: Virginia, say\nCO (firm) after or 'supporting' (in a down clue) a reversal ('sailing north') of CABOT (explorer). Cabot was an Italian explorer who settled in Bristol (our home city) before setting sail to find Asia and found 'New-found-land' instead. Many places in Bristol are named after him."} {"Clue":"Iberian writers use this until designers restrict it (5)","Answer":"TILDE","Explanation":"Definition: Iberian writers use this \nHidden or 'restricted' in 'unTIL DEsigners'"} {"Clue":"Language of old volume, one with strap (7)","Answer":"OCCITAN","Explanation":"Definition: Language\nO (old) CC (cubic centimetre \u2013 volume) I (one) TAN (strap)"} {"Clue":"Unionist visiting Hampshire's favourite spots (6)","Answer":"HAUNTS","Explanation":"Definition: favourite spots\nU (Unionist) in or 'visiting' HANTS (Hampshire)"} {"Clue":"Queen's hat back to front in northeast India (9)","Answer":"NEFERTITI","Explanation":"Definition: Queen\nTITFER (hat) with the back half moved to the front in NE (northeast) I (India \u2013 in the phonetic alphabet)"} {"Clue":"Sheep tucked into natural food, a lifesaver (3,4)","Answer":"MAE WEST","Explanation":"Definition: lifesaver\nEWE (sheep) 'tucked' into MAST (natural food \u2013 nuts and acorns etc)"} {"Clue":"Count on pair in complex, so to speak? (13)","Answer":"PRONUNCIATION","Explanation":"Definition: so to speak\nAn anagram of COUNT ON PAIR IN \u2013 anagrind is 'complex'"} {"Clue":"Brief stop in house on section of canal (9)","Answer":"SEMICOLON","Explanation":"Definition: Brief stop\nSEMI (house) COLON (section of the alimentary canal)"} {"Clue":"Swapping parts, extract unused frames (7)","Answer":"OUTTAKE","Explanation":"Definition: unused frames\nTAKE OUT (extract) with the two words or 'parts swapped'"} {"Clue":"Mark at bottom of letter: \"Edward has to wear black\" (7)","Answer":"CEDILLA","Explanation":"Definition: Mark at bottom of letter\nED (Edward) in or 'wearing' CILLA (Cilla Black)"} {"Clue":"They lean forward to indicate species in text (7)","Answer":"ITALICS","Explanation":"Definition: They lean forward to indicate species in text\nWe really had no idea about the parsing of this, but it was the only logical entry given the crossing letters and the 'leaning forward' part of the clue. However, we think that this must be a cryptic definition relating to a meaning\u00a0of 'species' in Chambers that refers to a biological group of individuals placed taxonomically under a genus with their names in ITALICS"} {"Clue":"It was used to shoot two Brits in Victoria (3-3)","Answer":"POM-POM","Explanation":"Definition: It was used to shoot\nPOM POM \u2013 how an Australian ('in Victoria') might refer to two Brits"} {"Clue":"Solemn Queen presented bandages (5)","Answer":"GRAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Solemn\nR (Queen) in or 'bandaged by' GAVE (presented)"} {"Clue":"Attempt permitted to interrupt dreadful trio in opera (9)","Answer":"RIGOLETTO","Explanation":"Definition: opera\nGO (attempt) LET (permitted) in or 'interrupting' an anagram of TRIO \u2013 anagrind is 'terrible'"} {"Clue":"Roster of names curtailed after capturing feasible rugby team (5)","Answer":"LIONS","Explanation":"Definition: rugby team\nLIS~~t~~ (roster of names) without the last letter, or 'curtailed' round or 'capturing' ON (feasible)"} {"Clue":"Increasingly crude exclamation about bit of crude language? (7)","Answer":"COARSER","Explanation":"Definition: Increasingly crude\nCOR (exclamation) about ARSE ('bit of crude language')"} {"Clue":"Prompting Judge to override start of recording (7)","Answer":"JOGGING","Explanation":"Definition: Prompting\nJ (judge) replacing or 'overriding' the first letter or 'start' of ~~l~~OGGING (recording)"} {"Clue":"Sinful? Quick to pull back (4)","Answer":"EVIL","Explanation":"Definition: Sinful\nLIVE ('quick') reversed or 'pulled back'"} {"Clue":"Trip to Concertgebouw, perhaps, requiring everyone to pay? (5,5)","Answer":"DUTCH TREAT","Explanation":"Definition: requiring everyone to pay\n'Concertgebouw' is a DUTCH concert hall in Amsterdam \u2013 a trip there could be considered a TREAT"} {"Clue":"Uncertain start to derby \u2013 but foul is despicable (8)","Answer":"DOUBTFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Uncertain\nD (first letter or 'start' to 'derby') + an anagram of BUT FOUL (anagrind is 'despicable')"} {"Clue":"What's used to mash potatoes, other veg and half of leek? (6)","Answer":"BEETLE","Explanation":"Definition: What's used to mash potatoes\nBEET ('other veg') LE~~ek~~ ('half of'). We hadn't come across this word for a potato masher before, but it's there in Chambers, so we'll know what to call the spud-basher in future!"} {"Clue":"Government left soldiers with bills to pay? Wonderful (8)","Answer":"GLORIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Wonderful\nG (government) L (left) OR (other ranks \u2013 soldiers) IOUS (bills to pay)"} {"Clue":"Easily the best for those hating percussion? (10)","Answer":"UNBEATABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Easily the best\nThis doesn't quite work for us, but it must be that percussion instruments, which have to be 'beaten' might be considered UNBEATABLE by those who dislike them"} {"Clue":"In the thick of receiving millions in support (4)","Answer":"AMID","Explanation":"Definition: In the thick of\nM (millions) in AID (support)"} {"Clue":"Disliked accommodating a Parisian affected by the past (7)","Answer":"HAUNTED","Explanation":"Definition: affected by the past\nHATED (disliked) round or 'accommodating' UN ('one' in French, or 'a' Parisian)"} {"Clue":"Variety of coat? Yes (3,4)","Answer":"TEA COSY","Explanation":"Definition: Variety of coat? Yes\nA Clue-as-Definition \u2013 an anagram of COAT YES \u2013 anagrind is 'variety of'"} {"Clue":"Tense time in self-produced song (5)","Answer":"DITTY","Explanation":"Definition: song\nT (tense) T (time) in DIY ('self-produced')"} {"Clue":"Delivery of claret following punch? (9)","Answer":"NOSEBLEED","Explanation":"Definition: Delivery of claret following punch?\nCryptic definition \u2013 a punch on the NOSE might lead to a 'delivery of claret' or BLEED"} {"Clue":"Quick investigation regarding source of corruption in church (5)","Answer":"RECCE","Explanation":"Definition: Quick investigation\nRE (regarding) C (first letter or 'source' of 'corruption') in CE (church)"} {"Clue":"Old King with freedom to release fifty in acknowledgement (9)","Answer":"GRATITUDE","Explanation":"Definition: acknowledgement\nGR ('old king' \u2013 one of the various King Georges) ~~l~~ATITUDE (freedom) without or 'releasing' the 'l' (fifty)"} {"Clue":"Past TV series? Some not so likely to be brought up (4)","Answer":"LOST","Explanation":"Definition: Past TV series\nHidden ('some') and reversed ('brought up') in 'noT SO Likely'"} {"Clue":"Hill climbing out with our squad involved (8)","Answer":"TORTUOUS","Explanation":"Definition: involved\nTOR (hill) OUT reversed or 'climbing' US ('our squad')"} {"Clue":"Various job lots seen to incorporate constant warning (6,6)","Answer":"OBJECT LESSON","Explanation":"Definition: warning\nAn anagram of JOB LOTS SEEN (anagrind is 'various') round or 'incorporating' C (constant)"} {"Clue":"Large distance? Largish yet possibly achievable! (5-5)","Answer":"LIGHT-YEARS","Explanation":"Definition: Large distance\nAn anagram of LARGISH YET \u2013 anagrind is 'possibly achievable'"} {"Clue":"Green shows shape of hole, as it happens (5)","Answer":"OLIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Green\nO ('shape of hole') LIVE (as it happens)"} {"Clue":"Views complaints about metal grille at the opening (9)","Answer":"SIGHTINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Views\nSIGHS (complaints) about TIN (metal) G (first letter or 'opening' of 'grille')"} {"Clue":"Surgeon initially reckoning to constrain skin blemish steadily (10)","Answer":"STALWARTLY","Explanation":"Definition: steadily\nS (first or 'initial' letter of 'surgeon') TALLY (reckoning) round or 'constraining' WART (skin blemish)"} {"Clue":"Society girl greatly wanted to embrace you finally becoming abandoned (9)","Answer":"DEBAUCHED","Explanation":"Definition: abandoned\nDEB (Society girl) ACHED ('greatly wanted') round or 'embracing' U (last or 'final' letter of 'you')"} {"Clue":"Meteorologist's first study blocking keeping weather indicator (5,4)","Answer":"STORM CONE","Explanation":"Definition: weather indicator\nM ('first' letter of 'meteorologist's') CON (study) in or 'blocking' STORE ('keeping')"} {"Clue":"Enterprise navigator upset about recent wails (8)","Answer":"ULULATES","Explanation":"Definition: wails\nSULU ('Mr Sulu' \u2013 navigator on the Starship 'Enterprise' in the original 'Star Trek' TV series) reversed or 'upset' about LATE (recent)"} {"Clue":"Information about Arab-Dutch plot (6)","Answer":"GARDEN","Explanation":"Definition: plot\nGEN (information) about AR (Arab) D (Dutch)"} {"Clue":"Outspoken but interrupted by Liberal then Nationalist (5)","Answer":"BLUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Outspoken\nBUT round or 'interrupted by' L (Liberal) and\u00a0N (Nationalist)"} {"Clue":"Unappealing poster showing nymph (5)","Answer":"DRYAD","Explanation":"Definition: nymph\nDRY (unappealing) AD (poster)"} {"Clue":"Meat from US picnic (no cake around) (4)","Answer":"LAMB","Explanation":"Definition: Meat\n~~c~~LAM-B~~ake~~ ('US picnic') without 'cake'"} {"Clue":"I err on the extreme side of filth over sauce (6)","Answer":"HOISIN","Explanation":"Definition: sauce\nI SIN (err) after or 'on' H (last letter or 'extreme side' of 'filth') O (over)"} {"Clue":"Choose no pints or gulping first of fifteen? (3,3)","Answer":"OPT FOR","Explanation":"Definition: Choose\nO (no) PT (pints) OR round or 'gulping' F (first letter of 'fifteen')"} {"Clue":"Complimentary brief? Time to worry! (4)","Answer":"FRET","Explanation":"Definition: worry\nFRE~~e~~ (complimentary) without the last letter or 'brief' T (time)"} {"Clue":"This could make you up in arms about sex (10)","Answer":"PURITANISM","Explanation":"Definition: This could make you up in arms about sex\nA Clue-as-definition \u2013 An anagram of UP IN ARMS (anagrind is 'this could make') round IT (sex)"} {"Clue":"Repeated furious squeezing drained tense duke (8)","Answer":"ITERATED","Explanation":"Definition: Repeated\nIRATE (furious) round or 'squeezing' T~~ens~~E without the middle letters or 'drained' + D (duke)"} {"Clue":"Stiff carriage? Try some exercise at the front (6)","Answer":"HEARSE","Explanation":"Definition: Stiff carriage?\nHEAR (try \u2013 as in a court case) + S E (first or 'front' letters of 'Some Exercise')"} {"Clue":"Left round about nine, nude and fortified by shot? (10)","Answer":"VACCINATED","Explanation":"Definition: fortified by shot\nVACATED (left) round C (about) IN ('nine' without the outer letters or 'nude')"} {"Clue":"Times The Queen has to appear without a top (4)","Answer":"ERAS","Explanation":"Definition: Times\nER (The Queen) ~~h~~AS (without the first letter or 'top')"} {"Clue":"Setters making G look like E? Slippery folk! (4)","Answer":"EELS","Explanation":"Definition: Slippery folk\n~~g~~ELS ('setters') with the 'g' replaced by or 'looking like' E"} {"Clue":"Very costly Brexit not wrong, claims article (10)","Answer":"EXORBITANT","Explanation":"Definition: Very costly\nAn anagram of BREXIT NOT (anagrind is 'wrong') round or 'claiming' A (article) \u2013 great clue!"} {"Clue":"To annoy aristocrat, feed the aforementioned drugs (3,3)","Answer":"TEE OFF","Explanation":"Definition: To annoy\nTOFF (aristocrat) round or 'fed by' E E (drugs \u2013 ecstasy)"} {"Clue":"Popular escort traversing a French flood (8)","Answer":"INUNDATE","Explanation":"Definition: flood\nIN (popular) DATE (escort) round or 'traversing' UN (French for 'a')"} {"Clue":"Find a habit excited, knowing it was illegal? (2,3,5)","Answer":"IN BAD FAITH","Explanation":"Definition: knowing it was illegal\nAn anagram of FIND A HABIT \u2013 anagrind is 'excited' \u2013 we weren't convinced that 'illegal' is a synonym for 'in bad faith' \u2013 but it can mean 'treacherous', and we suppose that 'treachery' is strictly speaking 'illegal'. *Thanks to Wordplodder @2 for the improved parsing."} {"Clue":"A private area to pass a little gas and smile (4)","Answer":"GRIN","Explanation":"Definition: smile\nGR~~o~~IN ('private area'!) without or 'passing' O (oxygen \u2013 'a little gas')"} {"Clue":"Places to pull in secular times: back of cinemas? (3-3)","Answer":"LAY-BYS","Explanation":"Definition: Places to pull in\nLAY (secular) BY (times) S (last letter or 'back' of 'cinemas')"} {"Clue":"Cases of good Andalusian sack and port (6)","Answer":"GDANSK","Explanation":"Definition: port\nFirst and last letters or 'cases' of GooD AndalusiaN SacK. When we had ?D????, we kept trying to parse ODESSA. That was a waste of time!"} {"Clue":"Drink that girl's to flog after promoting Tango (4,3)","Answer":"HERB TEA","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nHER (that girl) BEAT (flog) with the T (tango in the phonetic alphabet) moved forward or 'promoted'"} {"Clue":"Unpaid trainee contracts put in a vault (5)","Answer":"INTER","Explanation":"Definition: put in a vault\nINTER~~n~~ (unpaid trainee) without the last letter or 'contracting'"} {"Clue":"Men cope with it, having got inebriated (9)","Answer":"IMPOTENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Men cope with it, having got inebriated\nAnother Clue-as-definition \u2013 an anagram of MEN COPE and IT \u2013 anagrind is 'inebriated'"} {"Clue":"Husband caught extremity climbing market stall (5)","Answer":"PITCH","Explanation":"Definition: market stall\nH (husband) C (caught) TIP (extremity) all reversed or 'climbing'"} {"Clue":"'Amusing' conservationists pinching lady's bum (9)","Answer":"FUNDAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: bum\nFUN (amusing) NT (National Trust \u2013 'conservationists') round or 'pinching' DAME (lady)"} {"Clue":"Son on ship tucking into fish eggs and a drink (4,3)","Answer":"ROSS SEA","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nS (Son) SS (ship) 'tucking into' ROE (fish eggs) + A"} {"Clue":"Catholic communist on X-Factor? That'll usually create interest! (6)","Answer":"CREDIT","Explanation":"Definition: That'll usually create interest\nC (Catholic) RED (communist) IT ('X-factor' \u2013 sex appeal)"} {"Clue":"Tory scum mad about anarchist leader as usual (9)","Answer":"CUSTOMARY","Explanation":"Definition: usual\nAn anagram of TORY SCUM (anagrind is 'mad') round A (first letter or 'leader' of 'anarchist')"} {"Clue":"Smashed beach dude steeped in drink and drugs? (9)","Answer":"DEBAUCHED","Explanation":"Definition: steeped in drink and drugs?\nAn anagram of BEACH DUDE \u2013 anagrind is 'smashed'"} {"Clue":"Independent setter wanting kiss without end (7)","Answer":"ETERNAL","Explanation":"Definition: without end\nE~~x~~TERNAL ('Independent setter') without or 'wanting' 'X' (kiss)"} {"Clue":"Gold liquor that Hoskins will have around dawn (6)","Answer":"ORIGIN","Explanation":"Definition: dawn\nOR (gold) GIN (liquor) round I (Hoskins, the setter)"} {"Clue":"Find tiny holes in prison of mine for Spooner (7)","Answer":"NITPICK","Explanation":"Definition: Find tiny holes\nA Spoonerism of PIT (mine) NICK (prison)"} {"Clue":"Some huff if typing Nina's number? (5)","Answer":"FIFTY","Explanation":"Definition: Nina's number\nHidden in or 'some' of 'hufF IF TYping' \u2013 a reference to the nina in the left and right hand columns of the grid"} {"Clue":"Go on and scoff, but understand I start on naysayers (3,2)","Answer":"DIG IN","Explanation":"Definition: Go on and scoff\nDIG (understand) I N (first letter or 'start' of 'naysayers')"} {"Clue":"Supporting that man with no money in Bow (6)","Answer":"BEHIND","Explanation":"Definition: Supporting\nHI~~m~~ (that man) without the 'm' (money) in BEND (bow)"} {"Clue":"Audience's impression of cast from seat at The Royal Court (6)","Answer":"THRONE","Explanation":"Definition: seat at The Royal Court\nA homophone ('audience's impression') of THROWN (cast)"} {"Clue":"Printer reduced resolution in Postscript (5)","Answer":"PRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Printer\nRES ('reduced' resolution) in PS (postscript)"} {"Clue":"To pursue case is perhaps to fight a lonely fight (6-3)","Answer":"SHADOW-BOX","Explanation":"Definition: perhaps to fight a lonely fight\nSHADOW (pursue) BOX (case)"} {"Clue":"Withdrawal ruins love-making arrangement (9)","Answer":"REVULSION","Explanation":"Definition: Withdrawal\nAn anagram of RUINS LOVE \u2013 anagrind is 'making arrangement'"} {"Clue":"Kind of wound attributed to rifle shots (5)","Answer":"FLESH","Explanation":"Definition: Kind of wound\nHidden in ('attributed to') riFLE SHots"} {"Clue":"Suppress issue about sex (3,2)","Answer":"SIT ON","Explanation":"Definition: Suppress\nSON (issue) round IT (sex)"} {"Clue":"Row of benches apparently adapted to new position (7,2)","Answer":"SETTLED IN","Explanation":"Definition: adapted to new position\nBenches making a row could fancifully be described as a SETTLE DIN"} {"Clue":"Poster's intended target (9)","Answer":"ADDRESSEE","Explanation":"Definition: Poster's intended target\nCryptic definition, referring to someone putting a letter in the post, and nothing to do with 'AD' meaning a 'poster' as we first thought!"} {"Clue":"Swordsman ultimately conceded to pen (5)","Answer":"FENCE","Explanation":"Definition: pen\nFENCE~~r~~ (swordsman) without the last letter or 'ultimately conceded'"} {"Clue":"Relieve oneself in empty soup pan (5)","Answer":"SWEEP","Explanation":"Definition: pan\nWEE (relieve oneself) in S~~ou~~P (without the middle letters or 'empty')"} {"Clue":"Sailor's drawing up oath given at sea (7,2)","Answer":"HEAVING TO","Explanation":"Definition: Sailor's drawing up\nAn anagram of OATH GIVEN \u2013 anagrind is 'at sea'"} {"Clue":"Came into vacant house, having tried moving home beforehand (9)","Answer":"INHERITED","Explanation":"Definition: Came into\nH~~ous~~E (without the middle letters or 'vacant') + an anagram of TRIED (anagrind is 'moving') with IN (home) before"} {"Clue":"Committee's not interested in discussion (5)","Answer":"BOARD","Explanation":"Definition: Committee\nA homophone ('in discussion') of BORED (not interested)"} {"Clue":"College dons orchestrated Dean's rise (6)","Answer":"ASCEND","Explanation":"Definition: rise\nC (college) in or 'donning' an anagram of DEANS \u2013 anagrind is 'orchestrated'"} {"Clue":"Act comprises these unseemly displays (6)","Answer":"SCENES","Explanation":"Definition: Act comprises these\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Tired soldiers leaving invigorated for duty (9)","Answer":"ENERVATED","Explanation":"Definition: Tired\nENER~~gis~~ED (invigorated) with the 'GIs' (soldiers) 'leaving' and replaced by VAT (duty)"} {"Clue":"Curtailed abuse in part of body's regulatory system (7)","Answer":"INSULIN","Explanation":"Definition: part of body's regulatory system\nINSUL~~t~~ (abuse) without the last letter or 'curtailed' IN"} {"Clue":"Schoolgirl shows contempt for Spooner and runs out? (9)","Answer":"DISMISSES","Explanation":"Definition: runs out?\nA Spoonerism of MISS (schoolgirl) DISSES (shows contempt)"} {"Clue":"School society exempt from tax (5)","Answer":"TRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: School\n~~s~~TRAIN (tax) without or 'exempting' 's' (society)"} {"Clue":"Round figure in short formula represented capacity of cell? (7)","Answer":"ROOMFUL","Explanation":"Definition: capacity of cell?\nO (round figure) in an anagram of FORMUL~~a~~ without the last letter or 'short' \u2013 anagrind is 'represented'"} {"Clue":"Peer pressure will ultimately lead to bullying going up (5)","Answer":"NOBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Peer\nE L (last or 'ultimate' letters of 'pressure will') B (first letter or 'lead to' 'bullying' ON (going) all reversed or 'up'"} {"Clue":"It's playing the game, in more ways than one (13)","Answer":"SPORTSMANSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: It's playing the game, in more ways than one\nCryptic definition \u2013 'playing the game' can either refer to being fair and abiding by the rules or to physically playing a sport \u2013 both of which exhibit SPORTSMANSHIP"} {"Clue":"Argue primacy of gender reassignment commitment to the end (8,5)","Answer":"EXCHANGE WORDS","Explanation":"Definition: Argue\nSEX CHANGE (gender reassignment) WORD (commitment) with the first or 'prime' letter moved to the end"} {"Clue":"Opposing parties could be named thus (4,3,2)","Answer":"THEM AND US","Explanation":"Definition: Opposing parties\nAn anagram of NAMED THUS \u2013 anagrind is 'could be'"} {"Clue":"Make black hole ultimately after red giant's collapse (9)","Answer":"DENIGRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Make black\nE (last or 'ultimate' letter of 'hole') after an anagram of RED GIANT \u2013 anagrind is 'collapse'"} {"Clue":"Former role exists primarily for the benefit of one side (2,5)","Answer":"EX PARTE","Explanation":"Definition: for the benefit of one side\nEX (former) PART (role) E (first or 'primary' letter of 'exists')"} {"Clue":"Crisp ready to be cooked in oil? (7)","Answer":"FRIABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Crisp\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Prevailing attitudes disquiet hospital nurses (5)","Answer":"ETHOS","Explanation":"Definition: Prevailing attitudes\nHidden in ('nursed' by) 'disquiET HOSpital'"} {"Clue":"Really didn't feel like breaking the lady's heart (5)","Answer":"HATED","Explanation":"Definition: Really didn't feel like\nAn anagram of THE and AD (middle letters or 'heart' of 'lady') \u2013 anagrind is 'breaking'. We're not sure why 'feel' is included in the clue."} {"Clue":"Youngster forever safe when accompanied by father, note (5,3)","Answer":"PETER PAN","Explanation":"Definition: Youngster forever\nPETER (safe) PA (father) N (note)"} {"Clue":"Mind job, etc, being reorganised (6)","Answer":"OBJECT","Explanation":"Definition: Mind\nAnagram of JOB ETC \u2013 anagrind is 'being reorganised'"} {"Clue":"Barman prepared repast after very little time (7)","Answer":"TAPSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Barman\nAn anagram of REPAST after T (time) \u2013 anagrind is 'prepared'"} {"Clue":"Giant sounds sadder than everyone else, might you say? (7)","Answer":"OUTSIZE","Explanation":"Definition: Giant\nA play on the fact that if you are sadder than everyone else you may well OUT SIGH them \u2013 homophone indicator is 'might you say'"} {"Clue":"Poor Edward, gripped by recurring desire (5)","Answer":"NEEDY","Explanation":"Definition: Poor\nED (Edward) inside or 'gripped by' YEN (desire) reversed or 'recurring'"} {"Clue":"Accessory on car one's reversed near entrance (9)","Answer":"SIDELIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Accessory on car\nSI (reversal of one's) DELIGHT (entrance)"} {"Clue":"Position in rest home attracted Anne in a way (4,9)","Answer":"CARE ATTENDANT","Explanation":"Definition: Position in rest home\nAn anagram of ATTRACTED ANNE \u2013 anagrind is 'in a way'"} {"Clue":"Moody office worker taking ages with one sort of arithmetic (13)","Answer":"TEMPERAMENTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Moody\nTEMP (office worker) ERA (ages) MENTAL (one sort of arithmetic)"} {"Clue":"Greek island to ancient city? That encompasses satisfactory type of holiday (5,4)","Answer":"COOKS TOUR","Explanation":"Definition: type of holiday\nCOS (Greek island) TO UR\u00a0(ancient city) around or 'encompassing' OK (satisfactory)"} {"Clue":"He ruled Thebes a long time after King Charles (5)","Answer":"CREON","Explanation":"Definition: He ruled Thebes\nEON (long time) after CR (King Charles). However, we cannot find CR in Chambers as an abbreviation for King Charles, but GR stands for King George and ER for Queen Elizabeth \u2013 both are in Chambers \u2013 perhaps CR will appear if and when we have a King Charles III."} {"Clue":"More willing to perish in tower (7)","Answer":"READIER","Explanation":"Definition: More willing\nDIE (perish) inside REAR (tower)"} {"Clue":"Children absorbed by play money, once (7)","Answer":"DRACHMA","Explanation":"Definition: money, once\nCH (children) inside DRAMA (play)"} {"Clue":"Polish rabbi enters holy place (6)","Answer":"SHRINE","Explanation":"Definition: holy place\nR (rabbi) entering SHINE (polish)"} {"Clue":"Postgraduate close to exasperation, meeting cheeky young student (8)","Answer":"FRESHMAN","Explanation":"Definition: young student\nMA (postgraduate)\u00a0N (last letter or 'close' to exasperation) after or 'meeting'\u00a0FRESH (cheeky)"} {"Clue":"Turned up with fizzy drink, last of wine kept for later (3,2,3)","Answer":"PUT ON ICE","Explanation":"Definition: kept for later\nUP (reversed or 'turned') TONIC (fizzy drink) E (last letter of wine)"} {"Clue":"Elevated site overlooking Crete sadly inaccessible to most people (3,6)","Answer":"TOP SECRET","Explanation":"Definition: inaccessible to most people\nSPOT (site) reversed or 'elevated' over an anagram of CRETE \u2013anagrind is 'sadly'"} {"Clue":"Some brat, typically grumpy (5)","Answer":"RATTY","Explanation":"Definition: grumpy\nHidden in ('some') bRAT TYpically"} {"Clue":"A burden directors must shoulder everywhere (6,3,5)","Answer":"ACROSS THE BOARD","Explanation":"Definition: everywhere\nA CROSS (burden) 'being shouldered' by THE BOARD (directors)"} {"Clue":"British PM once restraining a cross, formidable woman (6-3)","Answer":"BATTLE AXE","Explanation":"Definition: formidable woman\nB (British) ATTLEE (PM once) around or 'restraining' A X (cross)"} {"Clue":"Chopping head off oil baron (5)","Answer":"EWING","Explanation":"Definition: oil baron\n~~h~~EWING (chopping) with first letter or 'head' off. The oil baron was the head of family in a TV series called Dallas."} {"Clue":"A number proceeded through outskirts of Tenby (6)","Answer":"TWENTY","Explanation":"Definition: A number\nWENT (proceeded) inside or 'through' TY (first and last letter or 'outskirts of Tenby)"} {"Clue":"Pet dog ran with red ball thrown round middle of woods (6,8)","Answer":"GOLDEN LABRADOR","Explanation":"Definition: Pet\nAn anagram of DOG RAN RED BALL \u2013 anagrind is 'thrown' around O (middle better of 'woods')"} {"Clue":"Cost of entry varies, Simon said (9)","Answer":"ADMISSION","Explanation":"Definition: Cost of entry\nAn anagram of SIMON SAID \u2013 anagrind is 'varies'"} {"Clue":"Child actor \u2013 about ten \u2013 in London area (9)","Answer":"TOTTENHAM","Explanation":"Definition: London area \nTOT (child) HAM (actor) around TEN"} {"Clue":"Ordinary worker's eaten banana (8)","Answer":"PLANTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: banana\nPLAIN (ordinary) around or 'eating' ANT (worker)"} {"Clue":"I transport American high-flyer (6)","Answer":"ICARUS","Explanation":"Definition: high-flyer\nI CAR (transport) US (American)"} {"Clue":"Old and new song being broadcast (2,3)","Answer":"ON AIR","Explanation":"Definition: broadcast\nO (old) N (new) AIR (song)"} {"Clue":"Breeding shown by Conservative female (5)","Answer":"CLASS","Explanation":"Definition: Breeding\nC (Conservative) LASS (female)"} {"Clue":"7 35's Director? (11)","Answer":"CHAIRPERSON","Explanation":"Definition: Director?\nThomas Chippendale (7\/35) was a PERSON who made CHAIRs"} {"Clue":"Revolting German article in Manx dwelling-place (7)","Answer":"HEINOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Revolting\nEIN (German for 'a' \u2013 article) in HOUS~~e~~ (dwelling-place) without the last letter \u2013 as in a Manx cat which has no tail"} {"Clue":"Verbal account of revolting article (7)","Answer":"RECITAL","Explanation":"Definition: Verbal account\nAn anagram of ARTICLE \u2013 anagrind is 'revolting'"} {"Clue":"See guest has forgotten us (3)","Answer":"GET","Explanation":"Definition: See\nG~~u~~E~~s~~T without or 'forgetting' 'u' and 's'"} {"Clue":"Town in Yorkshire, as its resident might say with passion (5)","Answer":"OTLEY","Explanation":"Definition: Town in Yorkshire\nA homophone ('as its resident might say') of HOTLY (with passion) \u2013 although Yorkshire folk are not as renowned as Cockneys for dropping their aitches"} {"Clue":"Person proficient in judo and cycling (3)","Answer":"DAN","Explanation":"Definition: Person proficient in judo\nAND with the last letter brought to the front or 'cycling'"} {"Clue":"Close relations lead to sex and a bowel condition (4)","Answer":"SIBS","Explanation":"Definition: Close relations\nS (first letter or 'lead' to 'sex') IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)"} {"Clue":"New inn tests alarm in Covent Garden street (2,7,4)","Answer":"ST. MARTINS LANE","Explanation":"Definition: Covent Garden street\nAn anagram of INN TESTS ALARM \u2013 anagrind is 'new'"} {"Clue":"Ginger wine gets male dead drunk (3-6)","Answer":"RED-HEADED","Explanation":"Definition: Ginger\nRED (wine) HE (male) + an anagram of DEAD \u2013 anagrind is 'drunk'"} {"Clue":"Character of superior hotel (3)","Answer":"RHO","Explanation":"Definition: Character\nHidden in ('of') superioR HOtel"} {"Clue":"Raises poultry (5)","Answer":"COCKS","Explanation":"Definition: Raises\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Country home's vacated in spring (3)","Answer":"SPA","Explanation":"Definition: spring\nSPA~~in~~ (country) with 'in' (home) omitted or 'vacated'"} {"Clue":"Propose docking of iPad? (5)","Answer":"TABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Propose\nTABLE~~t~~ (iPad) without the last letter or 'docked'"} {"Clue":"7.35? May now\u2026. (7-5)","Answer":"CABINET-MAKER","Explanation":"Definition: 7.35?\nTheresa May, as PM could be described as a CABINET MAKER \u2013 though she's not got much material to work with, and doesn't seem to be much good at it either, in our opinion"} {"Clue":"\u2026.love to kiss a behind that's salty! (7)","Answer":"OXALATE","Explanation":"Definition: that's salty!\nO (love) X (kiss) A LATE (behind)"} {"Clue":"Stripper snapped topless, gyrating in S American country (11)","Answer":"CHIPPENDALE","Explanation":"Definition: Stripper\nAn anagram of ~~s~~NAPPED without the first letter or 'topless' (anagrind is 'gyrating') in CHILE (S American country)"} {"Clue":"Smart man on board, a young singer (5)","Answer":"CHICK","Explanation":"Definition: young singer\nCHIC (smart) K (king in chess \u2013 'man on board')"} {"Clue":"On a plane where Bill eats pig flesh? (6)","Answer":"ABOARD","Explanation":"Definition: On a plane\nAD (bill) round or 'eating' BOAR (pig) \u2013 we're not sure about the inclusion of 'flesh' here"} {"Clue":"Singer, having turned soprano, gives up (7)","Answer":"RESIGNS","Explanation":"Definition: gives up\nAn anagram of SINGER \u2013 anagrind is 'having turned' + S (soprano)"} {"Clue":"Rare outing: corporation's mistake (7)","Answer":"ERRATUM","Explanation":"Definition: mistake\nAn anagram of RARE \u2013 anagrind is 'outing' TUM (corporation)"} {"Clue":"Gives aid to gullible people, say (8)","Answer":"SUCCOURS","Explanation":"Definition: Gives aid to\nA homophone ('say') of SUCKERS (gullible people)"} {"Clue":"Relating to the birth of an ass? (5)","Answer":"NATAL","Explanation":"Definition: Relating to the birth\nDouble definition \u2013 we had to check that NATAL could also be an adjectival form of 'nates' (buttocks)"} {"Clue":"Chap with stomach upset after taking cocaine (6)","Answer":"THOMAS","Explanation":"Definition: Chap\nAn anagram of STOMA~~c~~H with the 'c' (cocaine) omitted or 'taken' \u2013 anagrind is 'upset'"} {"Clue":"Group with black horse \u2013 Clive, Marie, Sian and Harold, perhaps (6)","Answer":"LLOYDS","Explanation":"Definition: Group with black horse\nThe four individuals are all well-known people with the surname LLOYD"} {"Clue":"Bottom layer might be laid here (3)","Answer":"BED","Explanation":"Definition: Bottom\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Set up drug and sex game (3)","Answer":"TIE","Explanation":"Definition: game\nE (ecstasy \u2013 'drug') IT (sex) all reversed or 'set up'"} {"Clue":"Country's unnamed nationalists (3)","Answer":"IRA","Explanation":"Definition: nationalists\nIRA~~n~~\u00a0(country) without the 'n' (name)"} {"Clue":"Sheikh going short, surprisingly with nil capital (8)","Answer":"HELSINKI","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nAn anagram of SHEIK~~h~~ (without the last letter or 'going short') and NIL \u2013 anagrind is 'surprisingly'"} {"Clue":"Right old clown, in 18th-century style (6)","Answer":"ROCOCO","Explanation":"Definition: 18th-century style\nR (right) O (old) COCO (clown)"} {"Clue":"Bureau assistant's last work computer (7)","Answer":"DESKTOP","Explanation":"Definition: computer\nDESK (bureau) T (last letter of 'assistant') OP (work)"} {"Clue":"Cavalryman a drongo irritated (7)","Answer":"DRAGOON","Explanation":"Definition: Cavalryman\nAn anagram of A DRONGO \u2013 anagrind is 'irritated'"} {"Clue":"Team Maker is here today (6)","Answer":"ELEVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Team\n'Maker' is the answer to the clue at ELEVEN across in this puzzle. Our LOI and it took a few moments before the penny dropped!"} {"Clue":"Exaggerated answer given by state capital (6)","Answer":"OTTAWA","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nOTT (over the top \u2013 exaggerated) A (answer) WA (Washington \u2013 US state)"} {"Clue":"Young animal, one to see in 3D? (5)","Answer":"CUBIC","Explanation":"Definition: in 3D\nCUB (young animal) I (one) C (see)"} {"Clue":"Support tossing of caber (5)","Answer":"BRACE","Explanation":"Definition: Support\nAn anagram of CABER \u2013 anagrind is 'tossing of'"} {"Clue":"Find venue for governing body (5)","Answer":"HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Find venue for\nDouble definition, and the 'common factor' for the theme."} {"Clue":"A good deal of connectivity supplied by energy partner (4)","Answer":"WIFE","Explanation":"Definition: partner\nWI\u2013F~~i~~ (connectivity) without the last letter or 'a good deal of' + E (energy)"} {"Clue":"Hotel employee: what's one brought in off one's trolley? (4)","Answer":"MAID","Explanation":"Definition: Hotel employee\nI (one) 'brought' in MAD (off one's trolley)"} {"Clue":"Pissed off with pay, producing difficulty for consumer (9)","Answer":"DYSPEPSIA","Explanation":"Definition: difficulty for consumer\nAn anagram of PISSED and PAY \u2013 anagrind is 'off'"} {"Clue":"Face part of the orchestra (5)","Answer":"BRASS","Explanation":"Definition: Face\nDouble defintion"} {"Clue":"Restraining monarch about to go back (7)","Answer":"KEEPING","Explanation":"Definition: Restraining\nKING (monarch) round PEE ('to go') reversed or 'back'"} {"Clue":"Quantity of water from river captured in cup (7)","Answer":"BREAKER","Explanation":"Definition: Quantity of water\nR (river) 'captured' in BEAKER (cup)"} {"Clue":"Famous, though still to control newspaper (5)","Answer":"NOTED","Explanation":"Definition: Famous\nIf one's 'still to control newspaper', one's NOT yet ED (editor)"} {"Clue":"Clearly show ousting leader will restrict government hostility (9)","Answer":"VIRULENCE","Explanation":"Definition: hostility\n~~e~~VINCE (clearly show) without the first letter or 'ousting leader' round or 'restricting' RULE (government)"} {"Clue":"State, area involved in distribution of oil in USA (9)","Answer":"LOUISIANA","Explanation":"Definition: State\nA (area) in an anagram of OIL IN USA \u2013 anagrind is 'distribution of'"} {"Clue":"Sheets covering large area (5)","Answer":"REALM","Explanation":"Definition: area\nREAM ('sheets' \u2013 of paper) round or 'covering' L (large)"} {"Clue":"The Confessor, perhaps, dismissing first Duke as royal servant (7)","Answer":"STEWARD","Explanation":"Definition: royal servant\nST E~~d~~WARD ('The Confessor') without or 'dismissing' the first 'd' (Duke)"} {"Clue":"Opening and much of a second provided by riot police resource (4,3)","Answer":"TEAR GAS","Explanation":"Definition: riot police resource\nTEAR (opening, as in rip) GAS~~h~~ (another 'opening') without the last letter or 'much of'"} {"Clue":"Fish around a small stand (5)","Answer":"EASEL","Explanation":"Definition: stand\nEEL (fish) round A S (small)"} {"Clue":"Damage lay all over the place in parts of the brain (9)","Answer":"AMYGDALAE","Explanation":"Definition: parts of the brain\nAn anagram of DAMAGE LAY \u2013 anagrind is 'all over the place' \u2013 a completely new word for us, and one we think we're unlikely to ever come across again!"} {"Clue":"Hard getting on part of ship (4)","Answer":"HOLD","Explanation":"Definition: part of ship\nH (hard) OLD (getting on)"} {"Clue":"Unpleasant look, having Knight replace Queen for national symbol (4)","Answer":"LEEK","Explanation":"Definition: national symbol \nLEE~~r~~ (unpleasant look) with K (king) replacing the 'r' (queen)"} {"Clue":"Only somewhat abandoning Liberal political group (5)","Answer":"PARTY","Explanation":"Definition: political group\nPART~~l~~Y (only somewhat) without or 'abandoning' the 'l' (Liberal)"} {"Clue":"British artist to hang on to family, embracing daughter (7)","Answer":"HODGKIN","Explanation":"Definition: British artist\nHOG (hang on to) KIN (family) round or 'embracing' D (daughter). We had never heard of this artist, who died last year \u2013 until we read article in the Independent this week."} {"Clue":"United held in, containing Poles with remaining energy? (7)","Answer":"UNSPENT","Explanation":"Definition: with remaining energy\nU (united) PENT (held in) round or 'containing' N and S (north and south \u2013 'poles')"} {"Clue":"Rising quantity of timeless source of fragrance (5)","Answer":"ELEMI","Explanation":"Definition: source of fragrance\nHidden ('quantity of') and reversed ('rising') in tIMELEss"} {"Clue":"Is no longer with a society (3)","Answer":"WAS","Explanation":"Definition: Is no longer\nW (with) A S (society)"} {"Clue":"Amaze composer after experimental area in allegro (11)","Answer":"FLABBERGAST","Explanation":"Definition: Amaze\nBERG (composer) after LAB (experimental area) in FAST (allegro)"} {"Clue":"Question occupying a network covering US state (7)","Answer":"ALASKAN","Explanation":"Definition: covering US state\nASK (question) in or 'occupying' A LAN (local area 'network')"} {"Clue":"Merit sermon during day and day before festival (7)","Answer":"DESERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Merit\nSER (sermon) in or 'during' D (day) EVE ('day before festival') \u2013 we're not sure about the inclusion of 'festival' here"} {"Clue":"Sailor climbing banks? I'm coming down (8)","Answer":"ABSEILER","Explanation":"Definition: I'm coming down\nAB (sailor) + RELIES (banks) reversed or 'climbing'"} {"Clue":"Reciprocal offerings, say, picked up, including ornate teak divan (4,3,4)","Answer":"GIVE AND TAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Reciprocal offerings\nEG ('say') reversed or 'picked up' round or 'including' an anagram of TEAK DIVAN \u2013 anagrind is 'ornate'"} {"Clue":"One way of identifying tragic king upset former PM (8)","Answer":"DISRAELI","Explanation":"Definition: former PM\nI (one) + LEAR'S ID ('way of identifying tragic king') reversed or 'upset'"} {"Clue":"Lad initially is having speculation over hot girl (7)","Answer":"LISBETH","Explanation":"Definition: girl\nL (first or 'initial' letter of 'lad') IS BET (speculation) round or 'over' H (hot)"} {"Clue":"Tool? Edges of it in use possibly (7)","Answer":"UTENSIL","Explanation":"Definition: Tool\nAn anagram of T, L (first and last letters or 'edges' of 'tool') and IN USE \u2013 anagrind is 'possibly'"} {"Clue":"Pointed article as usual ignoring soldiers (7)","Answer":"ANGULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Pointed\nAN (definite 'article') ~~re~~GULAR (as usual) without or 'ignoring' 'RE' (Royal Engineers \u2013 'soldiers')"} {"Clue":"Upright and against spurning actual skill (7)","Answer":"MASTERY","Explanation":"Definition: skill\nMAST (upright) ~~v~~ERY (actual) without or 'spurning' the 'v' (against)"} {"Clue":"A political party with second leader to be consistent (3,2)","Answer":"ADD UP","Explanation":"Definition: be consistent\nA DUP (political party) with a second D ('leader' of 'DUP')"} {"Clue":"Ruminant producing gas (3)","Answer":"YAK","Explanation":"Definition: Ruminant\nDouble definition \u2013 although we had to check that the 'gas' (as in 'talk') version could be spelt without a 'c'"} {"Clue":"First and foremost, some beer \u2013 usually pints \u2013 knocked back here? (4)","Answer":"PUBS","Explanation":"Definition: First and foremost, some beer \u2013 usually pints \u2013 knocked back here?\nCryptic definition \u2013 'first and foremost' letters of Some Beer Usually Pints reversed or 'knocked back'"} {"Clue":"Garment sends girth out of all proportion (10)","Answer":"NIGHTDRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Garment\nAn anagram of SENDS GIRTH \u2013 anagrind is 'out of all proportion'"} {"Clue":"Virtuous prude drinks type of milk? The opposite (7)","Answer":"UPRIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Virtuous\nPRIG (prude) in UHT (type of milk) \u2013 the clue suggests that the milk is inside (drunk by) the prude, but it is the other way round ('the opposite')"} {"Clue":"Writer the French celebrate (7)","Answer":"LESSING","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nLES (French for 'the' in the plural) SING (celebrate) \u2013 a reference to Doris Lessing the novelist, poet and playwright"} {"Clue":"It's wet: motorist should avoid high terrain (5)","Answer":"MOIST","Explanation":"Definition: wet\nMO~~tor~~IST without or 'avoiding' 'tor' (high terrain)"} {"Clue":"Excitedly go to uni, getting tips for graduates' expenses (9)","Answer":"OUTGOINGS","Explanation":"Definition: expenses\nAn anagram of GO TO UNI (anagind is 'excitedly') + G~~raduate~~S (first and last letters or 'tips')"} {"Clue":"Queen's insistence that Royal Variety Performance will happen? (3,4,4,2,2)","Answer":"THE SHOW MUST GO ON","Explanation":"Definition: Queen's insistence that Royal Variety Performance will happen?\nCryptic definition \u2013 a reference to the 1991 song THE SHOW MUST GO ON by Queen, the Glam-rock headed by Freddie Mercury, but could also apply to the Royal Variety Performance (or any other performance for that matter)"} {"Clue":"Husband avoids misadventure with that woman over in guest house getting the wrong idea (15)","Answer":"MISAPPREHENSION","Explanation":"Definition: wrong idea\nMIS~~h~~AP (misadventure) without the 'h' (husband) + HER (that woman) reversed or 'over' in PENSION (guest house)"} {"Clue":"School with mean person teaching one who's not very bright? (9)","Answer":"SLOWCOACH","Explanation":"Definition: one who's not very bright?\nS (school) LOW (mean) COACH (person teaching)"} {"Clue":"I \u2026 er \u2026 join operation to locate drug (5)","Answer":"OPIUM","Explanation":"Definition: drug\nI UM ('er') after or 'joining' OP (operation)"} {"Clue":"Storm a sailor mentioned (7)","Answer":"ASSAULT","Explanation":"Definition: Storm\nA homophone ('mentioned') of A SALT (sailor)"} {"Clue":"Hold up in South American train: robbers' leader escapes (7)","Answer":"SUSTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Hold up\nS (south) US (American) T~~r~~AIN with the 'r' (first letter or 'leader' of 'robbers') omitted or 'escaping'"} {"Clue":"Put off food consumed around middle of afternoon (10)","Answer":"DISHEARTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Put off\nDISH (food) EATEN (consumed) round R (middle letter of 'afternoon')"} {"Clue":"Private room vice-chancellor's reserved (4)","Answer":"CELL","Explanation":"Definition: Private room\nHidden or 'reserved' in 'vice-chanCELLor'"} {"Clue":"Drop I'm surprised can be squeezed into pint (7)","Answer":"PLUMMET","Explanation":"Definition: Drop\nLUMME ('I'm surprised') 'squeezed' into PT (pint)"} {"Clue":"Stakes placed all round collieries? That's mad (9)","Answer":"BARMINESS","Explanation":"Definition: That's mad\nBARS (stakes) round MINES (collieries)"} {"Clue":"Piece of music in final part of concert having men standing up (5)","Answer":"INTRO","Explanation":"Definition: Piece of music\nIN T (last letter or 'final part' of 'concert') +OR (other ranks \u2013 'men') reversed or 'standing up'"} {"Clue":"Flat racing after horse badly hurt? That's not entirely correct (4-5)","Answer":"HALF-TRUTH","Explanation":"Definition: not entirely correct\nAn anagram of FLAT (anagrind is 'racing') after H (horse) + an anagram of HURT (anagrind is 'badly')"} {"Clue":"Stopping and starting music, dancing out in sun (13)","Answer":"DISCONTINUOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Stopping and starting\nDISCO (music) + an anagram of OUT IN SUN \u2013 anagrind is 'dancing'"} {"Clue":"Directions to get round Roman road in French spa town (5)","Answer":"EVIAN","Explanation":"Definition: French spa town\nE and N (east and north \u2013 'directions') round VIA (Roman road)"} {"Clue":"Indications about what new job seeker does (5,2)","Answer":"SIGNS ON","Explanation":"Definition: what new job seeker does\nSIGNS (indications) ON (about)"} {"Clue":"Won art auction, it's understood (3,3,7)","Answer":"GOT THE PICTURE","Explanation":"Definition: understood\nIf you 'won' at an art auction, you would have GOT THE PICTURE"} {"Clue":"Loud, belligerent type, I'll guarantee (9)","Answer":"WARRANTER","Explanation":"Definition: I'll guarantee\nA 'loud belligerent' type might be a WAR RANTER"} {"Clue":"Start to spout after swallowing one drink (9)","Answer":"ORIGINATE","Explanation":"Definition: Start\nORATE ('spout') round or 'swallowing' I (one) GIN (drink)"} {"Clue":"Lost flipping phone card (7)","Answer":"MISLAID","Explanation":"Definition: Lost\nDIAL (phone) SIM (card) all reversed or 'flipping'"} {"Clue":"Very small lion man shot (7)","Answer":"NOMINAL","Explanation":"Definition: Very small\nAn anagram of LION MAN \u2013 anagrind is 'shot'"} {"Clue":"Group's vocal slips, every now and then (5)","Answer":"OASIS","Explanation":"Definition: Group\nAlternate letters ('every now and then') of vOcAl SlIpS"} {"Clue":"Virgin removing top in hurry (5)","Answer":"HASTE","Explanation":"Definition: hurry\n~~c~~HASTE (virgin) without the first letter or 'top'"} {"Clue":"Sing with mafia boss's intimate (8)","Answer":"INFORMAL","Explanation":"Definition: intimate\nINFORM (sing) AL (Al Capone \u2013 mafia boss)"} {"Clue":"Louisiana Republican and Trump getting scrap from the pork barrel? (6)","Answer":"LARDON","Explanation":"Definition: scrap from the pork barrel?\nLA (Louisiana) R (Republican) DON (Donald\u2026. he who shall not be named)"} {"Clue":"Hit parade rigged in systematic discrimination (9)","Answer":"APARTHEID","Explanation":"Definition: systematic discrimination\nAn anagram of HIT PARADE \u2013 anagrind is 'rigged'"} {"Clue":"River, not in my language (4)","Answer":"ERSE","Explanation":"Definition: language\nWe're not too happy with this one, but it is original! \u2013 ~~m~~ERSE~~y~~ (river) without 'my'"} {"Clue":"Mostly vulgar filth (4)","Answer":"CRUD","Explanation":"Definition: filth\nCRUD~~e~~ (vulgar) without the last letter or 'mostly'"} {"Clue":"Many dig tin recklessly, using explosives (10)","Answer":"DYNAMITING","Explanation":"Definition: using explosives\nAn anagram of MANY DIG TIN \u2013 anagrind is 'recklessly'"} {"Clue":"Splash out on buttocks in LA and one'll have a big bill (6)","Answer":"TOUCAN","Explanation":"Definition: one'll have a big bill\nAn anagram of OUT (anagrind is 'splash') + CAN (buttocks in the USA) \u2013 new to us despite all our years doing crosswords!"} {"Clue":"Fire disrupted road by Rugby westbound (6)","Answer":"ARDOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Fire\nAn anagram of ROAD (anagrind is 'disrupted') + RU (rugby) reversed or 'westbound'"} {"Clue":"Victim has leadership of Kremlin mixed up in online political interference (10)","Answer":"HACKTIVISM","Explanation":"Definition: online political interference\nAn anagram of VICTIM HAS and K (first letter or 'leader' of 'Kremlin') \u2013 anagrind is 'mixed up' \u2013 a new word for us, but an evocative combination of hacking and activism"} {"Clue":"Sheep run that'll hold water (4)","Answer":"EWER","Explanation":"Definition: that'll hold water\nEWE (sheep) R (run)"} {"Clue":"Carry child with care out of car (4)","Answer":"TOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Carry\nTOT (child) + ~~car~~E (without 'car')"} {"Clue":"I'll have to start with cocoa, drunk like whisky (9)","Answer":"ALCOHOLIC","Explanation":"Definition: like whisky\nAn anagram of I'LL, H (first letter or 'start' of 'have') and COCOA \u2013 anagrind is 'drunk'"} {"Clue":"Dieter perhaps getting into anger management (6)","Answer":"GERMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Dieter perhaps\nHidden in or 'getting into' 'anGER MANagement'"} {"Clue":"Hanging round centre of Uxbridge with bottle (8)","Answer":"DARINGLY","Explanation":"Definition: with bottle\nDANGLY (hanging) round RI (middle two letters or 'centre' of Uxbridge)"} {"Clue":"Not preferred by gentlemen, perhaps prejudiced (6)","Answer":"UNFAIR","Explanation":"Definition: prejudiced\nAccording to legend 'Gentlemen prefer blondes', so they would not prefer the UNFAIR"} {"Clue":"Cartoon character frustrating Morph's organisational efforts by not getting into a row here? (6,4)","Answer":"DONALD DUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Cartoon character\nThe clue that gives away the Nina in the across entries \u2013 reading across the two entries in each row, a type of duck appears \u2013 DONALD DUCK is a down entry, 'frustrating Morph's organisational efforts'"} {"Clue":"Newer type of music by old rock and roller showed passion (6)","Answer":"EMOTED","Explanation":"Definition: showed passion\nEMO (type of music \u2013 new to us too!) TED (Teddy Boy \u2013 'old rock and roller' \u2013 more our era!)"} {"Clue":"Doing setter's job \u2013 giving a prompt, within which there's latitude (7)","Answer":"CLUEING","Explanation":"Definition: Doing setter's job\nCUEING (giving a prompt) round or 'within which there's' L (latitude)"} {"Clue":"Waiter in play, very obscure, embraced by the French and Irish (8)","Answer":"VLADIMIR","Explanation":"Definition: Waiter in play\nV (very) + DIM (obscure) in or 'embraced by' LA ('the' in French) and IR (Irish) \u2013 a reference to one of the characters in Samuel Becket's 'Waiting for Godot'"} {"Clue":"Short fellow's leaving cheese (4)","Answer":"BRIE","Explanation":"Definition: cheese\nBRIE~~f~~ (short) with the 'f' (fellow) omitted or 'leaving'"} {"Clue":"Snow White's stepmother, say, set up operation in forest, endlessly devious (8)","Answer":"POISONER","Explanation":"Definition: Snow White's stepmother, say\nOP (operation) reversed or 'set up' + an anagram of IN ~~f~~ORES~~t~~ (without the first and last letters or 'endlessly') \u2013 anagrind is 'devious'"} {"Clue":"Absorbent material about right for dressing (10)","Answer":"TROWELLING","Explanation":"Definition: dressing\nTOWELLING (absorbent material) round R (right)"} {"Clue":"Source of milk and energy consumed by bird that'll dry up (3,5)","Answer":"TEA TOWEL","Explanation":"Definition: that'll dry up\nTEAT (source of milk) + E (energy) in or 'consumed by' OWL (bird)"} {"Clue":"Local birds find chap a bit goatish, in a way (8)","Answer":"AVIFAUNA","Explanation":"Definition: Local birds\nFAUN (mythical half-human half-goat, or 'chap a bit goatish') in A VIA (way)"} {"Clue":"Two ciphers that'll help you find an apartment in New York (3,4)","Answer":"ZIP CODE","Explanation":"Definition: that'll help you find an apartment in New York\nZIP (zero \u2013 'cipher' was apparently once the character 0) CODE (another sort of cipher)"} {"Clue":"Restore hymn, upliftingly encapsulating 'I bow down before you!' (2,4)","Answer":"MY HERO","Explanation":"Definition: I bow down before you!\nHidden ('encapsulated') and reversed ('upliftingly') in 'restORE HYMn'"} {"Clue":"Disbanded units, just one left performs well (6)","Answer":"EXCELS","Explanation":"Definition: performs well\nEX (disbanded) CEL~~l~~S (units) with only one 'l' (left)"} {"Clue":"Bond's bossy, perhaps, loudly getting award (4)","Answer":"EMMY","Explanation":"Definition: award\n(James) Bond's boss was M, so if you add a 'y' to M (to change 'boss' to 'bossy' it would sound like ('loudly') EMMY \u2013 we think this is a bit 'clunky', but it is certainly novel!"} {"Clue":"31 24 11 Tom was not mistaken (6)","Answer":"WATSON","Explanation":"Definition: 31 24 11 Tom\nAn anagram of WAS NOT \u2013 anagrind is 'mistaken'. This Tom Watson was apparently manager of Sunderland when they won the League championship in 1892, 1893 and 1895 and of Liverpool FC when they won it in 1901 and 1906."} {"Clue":"Law enforcer, small, went about work (5,3)","Answer":"SPEED COP","Explanation":"Definition: Law enforcer\nS (small) PEED ('went', as in 'urinated') C (about) OP (work)"} {"Clue":"Plaintive legal ace I fancy (9)","Answer":"ELEGIACAL","Explanation":"Definition: Plaintive\nAn anagram of LEGAL ACE I \u2013 anagrind is 'fancy'"} {"Clue":"Best bite (5)","Answer":"CHAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Best\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"31 24 11 Herbert's rewritten 11 article (7)","Answer":"CHAPMAN","Explanation":"Definition: 31 24 11 Herbert\nAn anagram of CHAMP (11 across) \u2013 anagrind is 'rewritten' + AN (article). Herbert Chapman was apparently manager of Huddersfield Town when they won the League championship in 1924 and 1925 and of Arsenal when they won it in 1931 and 1933."} {"Clue":"Coming back, do bathroom up maybe first for superior type (7)","Answer":"ELITIST","Explanation":"Definition: superior type\nTILE ('do bathroom up maybe') reversed or 'coming back' + IST (first)"} {"Clue":"Club overcoming Everton's outside threat (6)","Answer":"MENACE","Explanation":"Definition: threat\nMACE (club) round or 'overcoming' E~~verto~~N (first and last letters or 'outside')"} {"Clue":"Partly missing urban term for joking (6)","Answer":"BANTER","Explanation":"Definition: joking\nHidden in ('partly missing') 'urBAN TERm'"} {"Clue":"31 24 11 Brian at first cited Neagh maybe (6)","Answer":"CLOUGH","Explanation":"Definition: 31 24 11 Brian\nC (first letter of 'citing') LOUGH (Lough Neagh is a lake in Northern Ireland). Brian Clough was manager of Derby County\u00a0when they won the League championship in 1972 and of Nottingham Forest\u00a0when they won it in 1978."} {"Clue":"Blemish by church rarely seen (6)","Answer":"SCARCE","Explanation":"Definition: rarely seen\nSCAR (blemish) CE (church)"} {"Clue":"Home mostly lacking interest, say \u2013 brought over drink? (7)","Answer":"INDULGE","Explanation":"Definition: drink?\nIN (home) DUL~~l~~ (lacking interest) without the last letter or 'mostly' + EG (say) reversed or 'brought over'"} {"Clue":"Omit old crossword feature to accommodate daughter (7)","Answer":"EXCLUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Omit\nEX (old) CLUE (crossword feature) round or 'accommodating' D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Key mixer (5)","Answer":"TONIC","Explanation":"Definition: Key\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"In which player's accompanied wrong female \u2013 almost gone off (4-5)","Answer":"SING-ALONG","Explanation":"Definition: In which player's accompanied\nSIN (wrong) GAL (female) + an anagram of GON~~e~~ without the last letter or 'almost' \u2013 anagrind is 'off'"} {"Clue":"31 24 11 Kenny glad to go back at 51. Scottish? Extremely (8)","Answer":"DALGLISH","Explanation":"Definition: 31 24 11 Kenny\nGLAD reversed + LI (51 in Roman numerals) + S~~cottis~~H (first and last letters or 'extremes'). Kenny Dalglish was manager of Liverpool when they won the League championship in 1986, 1988 and 1990 and of Blackburn Rovers when they won it in 1995."} {"Clue":"At party strange blue drink, large (6)","Answer":"DOUBLE","Explanation":"Definition: drink, large\nDO (party) + an anagram of BLUE \u2013 anagrind is 'strange'"} {"Clue":"Difficult parting from lively woman? About right (6)","Answer":"WRENCH","Explanation":"Definition: Difficult parting\nWENCH (lively woman) round R (right)"} {"Clue":"Support on course horse, English, seven years (7)","Answer":"TEENAGE","Explanation":"Definition: seven years\nTEE (support on (golf) course) NAG (horse) E (English)"} {"Clue":"Dislike dais \u2013 heading off (5)","Answer":"ODIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Dislike\n~~p~~ODIUM (dais) without the first letter or 'heading off'"} {"Clue":"About to get in rage over pinch (6)","Answer":"PILFER","Explanation":"Definition: pinch\nRE (about) FLIP ('get in rage') all reversed or 'over'"} {"Clue":"Eunice oddly greeting fellow with a Mexican dish (9)","Answer":"ENCHILADA","Explanation":"Definition: Mexican dish\nEuNiCe (odd letters) HI (greeting) LAD (fellow) A"} {"Clue":"Disturbance after drink in vehicle (7)","Answer":"CHARIOT","Explanation":"Definition: vehicle\nRIOT (disturbance) after CHA (drink)"} {"Clue":"Postscript about Reformed pastor's musical favourites (3,5)","Answer":"POP STARS","Explanation":"Definition: musical favourites\nPS (postscript) round an anagram of PASTOR \u2013 anagrind is 'reformed'"} {"Clue":"Reportedly win horse chestnut (6)","Answer":"CONKER","Explanation":"Definition: horse chestnut\nA homophone ('reportedly') of CONQUER (win)"} {"Clue":"Good to get involved in new alliance? Very good! (9)","Answer":"ANGELICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Very good\nG (good) in anagram of ALLIANCE \u2013 anagrind is 'new'"} {"Clue":"Certificate Heath maybe's written in advance (8)","Answer":"SCRIPTED","Explanation":"Definition: written in advance\nSCRIP (certificate) TED (Ted Heath, former PM)"} {"Clue":"Like flier following ship? (6)","Answer":"ASTERN","Explanation":"Definition: following ship\nAS (like) TERN (flier)"} {"Clue":"Referring to some numbers Adrian regularly used in exam (7)","Answer":"ORDINAL","Explanation":"Definition: Referring to some numbers\nADrIaN (alternate or 'regular' letters) in ORAL (exam)"} {"Clue":"Starts off creating original unit leaving other measures behind \u2013 this one? (7)","Answer":"COULOMB","Explanation":"Definition: this one?\nFirst letters or 'starts' of Creating Original Unit Leaving Other Measures Behind. A coulomb is a measure of electric charge."} {"Clue":"After hearing, understand America's head count (6)","Answer":"CENSUS","Explanation":"Definition: head count\nA homophone ('after hearing') of SENSE (understand) + US (America)"} {"Clue":"Competition distance once used (6)","Answer":"LEAGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Competition\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Some reach a country plain (5)","Answer":"CHACO","Explanation":"Definition: plain\nHidden in ('some') 'reaCH A COuntry'"} {"Clue":"A Parisienne, when meeting unknown quantity, is disturbed (6)","Answer":"UNEASY","Explanation":"Definition: disturbed \nUN (a in French) AS (when) Y (unknown quantity)"} {"Clue":"Axes taken to tree brought about zero fury (8)","Answer":"APOPLEXY","Explanation":"Definition: fury\nXY (axes) after or 'taken to' APPLE (tree) around O (zero). We were not that happy about after = taken to \u2013 perhaps someone can help here."} {"Clue":"Messenger forgetting nothing about unfashionable designer (9)","Answer":"COUTURIER","Explanation":"Definition: designer\nC~~o~~URIER (messenger) without or 'forgetting' O (nothing) about OUT (unfashionable)"} {"Clue":"Complex case involving university's sharp language (5)","Answer":"SAUCE","Explanation":"Definition: sharp language\nAn anagram of CASE \u2013 anagrind is 'complex' around or 'involving U (university)"} {"Clue":"Early indication of result: former head will accept it (4,4)","Answer":"EXIT POLL","Explanation":"Definition: Early indication of result\nEX (former) POLL (head) around or 'accepting' IT"} {"Clue":"American counsel backed American lawyer to express anger about crashed semi (10)","Answer":"ADVISEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: American counsel\nDA (American lawyer reversed or 'backed')\u00a0VENT (express anger) about an anagram of SEMI \u2013 anagrind is 'crashed'"} {"Clue":"Bahrain giants rampaging in the local fairytales? (7,6)","Answer":"ARABIAN NIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: local fairytales\nAn anagram of BAHRAIN GIANTS \u2013 anagrind is 'rampaging'"} {"Clue":"Race vehicle very overlooked by current bulk transport (6,7)","Answer":"PEOPLE CARRIER","Explanation":"Definition: bulk transport \nPEOPLE (race) CAR (vehicle) RI~~v~~ER (current) without or 'overlooking' V (very)"} {"Clue":"Desk I found in various rectories (10)","Answer":"ESCRITOIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Desk\nAn anagram of RECTORIES around I \u2013 anagrind is 'various'"} {"Clue":"11, excellent, not entirely smelly (5)","Answer":"AIOLI","Explanation":"Definition: 11\nAI (excellent) OLI~~d~~ (smelly) missing last letter or 'not entirely'"} {"Clue":"Choice to limit time working (9)","Answer":"OPERATION","Explanation":"Definition: working\nOPTION (choice) around or 'limiting' ERA (time)"} {"Clue":"Observer editor in Kenya misrepresented English (5,3)","Answer":"NAKED EYE","Explanation":"Definition: Observer\nED (editor) in an anagram of KENYA \u2013 anagrind is 'misrepresented' E (English)"} {"Clue":"Leader of gods mostly game, mostly game for figure of speech (6)","Answer":"ZEUGMA","Explanation":"Definition: figure of speech\nZEU~~s~~ (leader of gods) without last letter or 'mostly' and an anagram of GAM~~e~~ (without last letter or 'mostly') \u2013 anagrind is 'game'"} {"Clue":"America mostly confused about introduction of Soviet money (5,3)","Answer":"UNCLE SAM","Explanation":"Definition: America\nUNCLEA~~r~~ (confused) without last letter or 'mostly' about S (first letter to 'introduction' to Soviet) M (money)"} {"Clue":"Explain start of essay, badly articulated without skill (9)","Answer":"ELUCIDATE","Explanation":"Definition: Explain\nE (first letter or 'start' of essay) and an anagram of ~~art~~ICULATED without ART (skill) \u2013 anagrind is 'badly'"} {"Clue":"Great friend very much the greatest (though without it being put about) (4,4)","Answer":"SOUL MATE","Explanation":"Definition: Great friend \nSO (very much) UL~~ti~~MATE (the greatest) without IT \u2013 the 'being put about' refers to the fact that the letters I and T are reversed"} {"Clue":"Painter's caper ruined item of decor (7,6)","Answer":"PERSIAN CARPET","Explanation":"Definition: item of decor\nAn anagram of PAINTER'S CAPER \u2013 anagrind is 'ruined'"} {"Clue":"US soldier brought in after mistake over large iconic figure (6,4)","Answer":"POSTER GIRL","Explanation":"Definition: iconic figure\nGI (US soldier) brought into POST (after) ERR (mistake) and\u00a0L (large)"} {"Clue":"Expected to absorb time picking up Satie's last study (5)","Answer":"ETUDE","Explanation":"Definition: study\nDUE (expected) around or 'absorbing' T (time) reversed or 'picking up' (as it is a down clue)\u00a0E (last letter of Satie)"} {"Clue":"Yard almost checked security clearance of Frenchwoman? (6)","Answer":"YVETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Frenchwoman? \nY (yard) VETTE~~d~~ (checked security clearance) without last letter or 'almost'"} {"Clue":"Henry coined money irregularly, involving daughter in this? (6,7)","Answer":"HIDDEN ECONOMY","Explanation":"Definition: this\nH (Henry) and an anagram of\u00a0COINED MONEY \u2013 anagrind is 'irregularly' around or 'involving' D (daughter)"} {"Clue":"Easier source of servicing suggested around motor-racing? (10)","Answer":"SIMPLIFIED","Explanation":"Definition: Easier\nS (first letter or 'source' of servicing) IMPLIED (suggested) around FI (motor racing)"} {"Clue":"Making clothes for dog and seal (9)","Answer":"TAILORING","Explanation":"Definition: Making clothes\nTAIL (dog) O-RING (seal \u2013 used in plumbing)"} {"Clue":"Country atmosphere's inverted, with flaccid content (3,5)","Answer":"SRI LANKA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nAIR'S (atmosphere's) reversed or 'inverted' around or 'containing' LANK (flaccid)"} {"Clue":"Stop mother being in control (6)","Answer":"REMAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\nMA (mother) in REIN (control)"} {"Clue":"Striker caught forward (5)","Answer":"CLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Striker\nC (caught) LOCK (forward \u2013 in Rugby)"} {"Clue":"Smashing contest dukes are involved in? (9)","Answer":"FISTFIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Smashing contest\nA play on the fact that 'dukes' is an alternative word for 'fists'"} {"Clue":"Old \"House Party\" run to be put on Tuesday (5)","Answer":"TUDOR","Explanation":"Definition: Old \"House\nDO (party) R (run) after or 'put on' TU (Tuesday)"} {"Clue":"Take big steps? No way! Head for some lifts (5)","Answer":"RIDES","Explanation":"Definition: lifts\n~~st~~RIDE\u00a0(take big steps) without the 'st' (street or 'way') +\u00a0S (first letter or 'head' of 'some')"} {"Clue":"That woman will become casual wear (5,4)","Answer":"SHELL SUIT","Explanation":"Definition: casual wear\nSHE'LL (that woman will) SUIT (become)"} {"Clue":"Lake boards U-turning to exploit water table (7)","Answer":"PLATEAU","Explanation":"Definition: table\nL (lake) in or 'boarding' TAP (exploit) reversed or 'U-turning' + EAU (water)"} {"Clue":"I'm against work \u2013 it's taxing on the brain! (7)","Answer":"OPPOSER","Explanation":"Definition: I'm against\nOP (work) POSER (something that is 'taxing on the brain')"} {"Clue":"Crimean War poet shot in display of hostility? (1,4,9)","Answer":"A WARM RECEPTION","Explanation":"Definition: display of hostility?\nAn anagram of CRIMEAN WAR POET \u2013 anagrind is 'shot' \u2013 a sarcastic definition"} {"Clue":"Finish last article in \"Ways to Raise Kids\"? (5,2,3,4)","Answer":"BRING UP THE REAR","Explanation":"Definition: Finish last\nTHE (article) in BRING UP and REAR (two 'Ways to Raise Kids')"} {"Clue":"Old model (one who reveals everything) (7)","Answer":"EXPOSER","Explanation":"Definition: one who reveals everything\nEX (old) POSER (model)"} {"Clue":"Social worker visiting home of fighting and shouting (7)","Answer":"RANTING","Explanation":"Definition: shouting\nANT ('social worker') in or 'visiting' RING ('home of fighting')"} {"Clue":"Draftee I upset about old soldiers fighting for Rome? (9)","Answer":"FOEDERATI","Explanation":"Definition: soldiers fighting for Rome\nAn anagram of DRAFTEE I\u00a0(anagrind is 'upset') round O (old) \u2013 a new word for us, which we had to look up"} {"Clue":"Love letter #3 from soft female with a large heart? (5)","Answer":"OFFAL","Explanation":"Definition: heart?\nO (love) F (3rdletter of 'soft') F (female) A L (large)"} {"Clue":"Admission: there's no good in people of high birth (5)","Answer":"ENTRY","Explanation":"Definition: Admission\n~~g~~ENTRY (people of high birth) without the 'g' (good)"} {"Clue":"For men it could be Viagra or a whisky (9)","Answer":"STIFFENER","Explanation":"Definition: a whisky\nWe'd heard of whisky as a STIFF drink, so were not too surprised to find that STIFFENER can refer to a strong drink \u2013 as for the Viagra bit\u2026\u2026\u2026it is a Hoskins (was he tempted to refer to 1d instead?)"} {"Clue":"Warning: drama is something that happens before Congress (8)","Answer":"FOREPLAY","Explanation":"Definition: something that happens before Congress\nFORE (warning, as in golf) PLAY (drama)"} {"Clue":"Working-class Hindu seen in South of France with artist (5)","Answer":"SUDRA","Explanation":"Definition: Working-class Hindu\nSUD (French for 'south') RA (Royal Academy \u2013 artist)"} {"Clue":"Rod is to stop following that woman's boyfriend (9)","Answer":"FISHERMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Rod\nIS in or 'stopping' F (following) HER MAN (that woman's boyfriend)"} {"Clue":"New guest Her Maj upset, giving the fingers? (7)","Answer":"GESTURE","Explanation":"Definition: giving the fingers?\nAn anagram of GUEST (anagrind is 'new') + ER ('Her Maj') reversed or 'upset'"} {"Clue":"Hanging out at the base with champion and training (3,4)","Answer":"THE ROPE","Explanation":"Definition: Hanging\nT (last letter or 'base' of 'out') HERO (champion) PE ('training')"} {"Clue":"Bloomer left United spinning in upset (5)","Answer":"TULIP","Explanation":"Definition: Bloomer\nL (left) U (united) reversed or 'spinning' in TIP (upset)"} {"Clue":"Syrup stockist south of Delaware's capital? (9)","Answer":"DRUGSTORE","Explanation":"Definition: Syrup stockist\nThis one had us baffled for a while, until we found that as well as being a drug (as in cough medicine) 'syrup' can refer to a wig (from Cockney rhyming slang \u2013 'syrup of figs \u2013 wigs') \u2013 thus a RUG (wig) STORE could be a 'syrup stockist', after or 'south of' D (first letter or 'capital' of Delaware), and a DRUGSTORE would be an American stockist of the medicinal type of 'syrup'"} {"Clue":"Go to bed with short old age pensioner? (6)","Answer":"RETIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Go to bed\nRETIRE~~e~~ (old age pensioner) without the last letter or 'short'"} {"Clue":"Most brusque brutes at wild gathering in park (9)","Answer":"ABRUPTEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most brusque\nAn anagram of BRUTES AT (anagrind is 'wild') round or 'gathering in' P (park)"} {"Clue":"Annoying sort of driving one sees at first? (6,3)","Answer":"TEEING OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Annoying\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Caught fish, perhaps, with one fixing to bring in line (8)","Answer":"WRIGGLER","Explanation":"Definition: Caught fish, perhaps\nW (with) RIGGER (one fixing) round or 'bringing in' L (line)"} {"Clue":"Anarchist's leader to disrupt or spur on loud protests? (7)","Answer":"UPROARS","Explanation":"Definition: loud protests\n~~An anagram of A (first letter or 'leader' of 'anarchist') and OR SPUR \u2013 anagrind is 'to disrupt~~ On second thoughts we think it is A (first letter or 'leader' of anarchist) inside or 'disrupting' an anagram of OR SPUR \u2013 anagrind is 'on'. We seem to remember that Hoskins has used 'on' as an anagram indicator before. Perhaps Harry will leave a comment \u2013 we haven't heard from him for a while."} {"Clue":"Perhaps Hilary in Iowa needs answer to split ends (7)","Answer":"TERMINI","Explanation":"Definition: ends\nTERM (Hilary is the Spring term at the High Court,and at Oxford and Dublin universities) IN I~~a~~ (Iowa) with the 'a' (answer) omitted or 'split'"} {"Clue":"Files about European shot by an egotistical loner? (6)","Answer":"SELFIE","Explanation":"Definition: shot by an egotistical loner?\nAn anagram of FILES (anagrind is 'about') + E (European)"} {"Clue":"Dirty recording that you must listen to! (5)","Answer":"SEEDY","Explanation":"Definition: Dirty\nA homophone ('you must listen to') of CD (recording)"} {"Clue":"Independent female punching sister for a laugh (2,3)","Answer":"IN FUN","Explanation":"Definition: for a laugh\nI (independent) + F (female) in or 'punching' NUN (sister)"} {"Clue":"Secretary going round factories, recruiting one hundred potential employees (10)","Answer":"APPLICANTS","Explanation":"Definition: potential employees\nPA (secretary) reversed or 'going round' PLANTS (factories) round or 'recruiting' I (one) C (hundred)"} {"Clue":"Bird back after leaving Sweden (4)","Answer":"TERN","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n~~s~~TERN (back) with the 's' (Sweden) omitted or 'leaving'"} {"Clue":"Billy and his teacher, initially follower of religion (8)","Answer":"BUDDHIST","Explanation":"Definition: follower of religion\nBUDD (Billy Budd \u2013 the fictitious sailor created by Herman Melville) HIS T (first or 'initial' letter of 'teacher')"} {"Clue":"A French composer's release (6)","Answer":"UNCAGE","Explanation":"Definition: release\nUN ('a' in French) CAGE (John Cage, American avant-garde composer)"} {"Clue":"Speaker's less sensible to interrupt right-wingers seeking agreement (12)","Answer":"CONCILIATORY","Explanation":"Definition: seeking agreement\nA homophone ('speaker's') of SILLIER in or 'interrupting' CON and TORY (conservatives, 'right-wingers')"} {"Clue":"Staying on line? (8)","Answer":"RESIDING","Explanation":"Definition: Staying\nRE (on) SIDING (line, as in a railway siding)"} {"Clue":"Remember to drop in again (6)","Answer":"RECALL","Explanation":"Definition: Remember\nIf you were to CALL (drop in) again, you might RE-CALL"} {"Clue":"Man with old revolver stuck in rib (6)","Answer":"JOSEPH","Explanation":"Definition: Man\nEP (record \u2013 'old revolver') 'stuck' in JOSH (rib)"} {"Clue":"One likely to panic after a mistral blows (8)","Answer":"ALARMIST","Explanation":"Definition: One likely to panic\nA + an anagram of MISTRAL \u2013 anagrind is 'blows'"} {"Clue":"Causing trouble? A theatre set designer might be (6,1,5)","Answer":"MAKING A SCENE","Explanation":"Definition: Causing trouble\nA theatre set designer, when creating scenery for a play could be described as MAKING A SCENE"} {"Clue":"Nosh, presumably very cheap, recalled the taste of France (3,3)","Answer":"PIG OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Nosh\nI P (one penny \u2013 'very cheap') reversed or 'recalled' + GOUT (French for 'taste')"} {"Clue":"Do something new in November and at end of June (8)","Answer":"INNOVATE","Explanation":"Definition: Do something new\nIN NOV (November) AT E (last letter or 'end' of June)"} {"Clue":"Group of passengers going round loch (4)","Answer":"NESS","Explanation":"Definition: loch\nHidden in ('group of' letters of ) paSSENgers and reversed or 'going round'"} {"Clue":"Crack, smallest amount briefly stashed in cupboard (10)","Answer":"PLEASANTRY","Explanation":"Definition: Crack\nLEAS~~t~~ (smallest amount) without the last letter or 'briefly' in PANTRY (cupboard)"} {"Clue":"Publication's first \"Listener\"advertisement (4)","Answer":"PLUG","Explanation":"Definition: advertisement\nP (first letter of 'publication') LUG (ear or 'listener')"} {"Clue":"Row about medic getting top quality anaesthetic (9)","Answer":"LIDOCAINE","Explanation":"Definition: anaesthetic\nLINE (row) round DOC (medic) AI (first class \u2013 'top quality')"} {"Clue":"European wine: after revolution, China has promoted it (7)","Answer":"CHIANTI","Explanation":"Definition: European wine\nAn anagram of CHINA (anagrind is 'after revolution') + IT reversed or 'promoted'"} {"Clue":"Cricket team by no means sound as a bell, wanting players to take on (15)","Answer":"NOTTINGHAMSHIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Cricket team\nNOT (by no means) TING (sound as a bell) HAMS (players, as in bad actors) HIRE (take on)"} {"Clue":"A cruise at sea making you fresher (7)","Answer":"SAUCIER","Explanation":"Definition: fresher\nAn anagram of A CRUISE \u2013 anagrind is 'at sea'"} {"Clue":"Understood first bits of the Albanian constitution in translation (5)","Answer":"TACIT","Explanation":"Definition: Understood\nFirst letters or 'bits' of The Albanian Constitution In Translation"} {"Clue":"Lacking affection, despite everything (10)","Answer":"REGARDLESS","Explanation":"Definition: despite everything\nAffection, in the sense of 'care' or 'concern' can be a synonym for 'regard', so lacking affection could be described as REGARDLESS"} {"Clue":"Completely put off protest over reforms in Israel (10)","Answer":"DEMORALISE","Explanation":"Definition: Completely put off\nDEMO (protest) + an anagram of ISRAEL \u2013 anagrind is 'reforms in'"} {"Clue":"A male voyeur lurking in Canadian vehicle (6,3)","Answer":"CAMPER VAN","Explanation":"Definition: vehicle\nA M (male) PERV (voyeur) 'lurking' in CAN (Canadian)"} {"Clue":"School head's description of some trainers? (4-3)","Answer":"HIGH-TOP","Explanation":"Definition: description of some trainers?\nHIGH (school \u2013 we had to check this!) TOP (head)"} {"Clue":"It's hell, students declare first of all (7)","Answer":"AVERNUS","Explanation":"Definition: hell\nNUS (National Union of Students) with AVER (declare) first"} {"Clue":"Rubric on screen will include such graphics? (5)","Answer":"ICONS","Explanation":"Definition: such graphics?\nHidden in ('will include') RubrIC ON Screen"} {"Clue":"Here's porridge, and what to do when cooking it (4)","Answer":"STIR","Explanation":"Definition: porridge\nWhen making porridge, one needs to STIR it"} {"Clue":"Initially, Eileen's real age deceives \u2013 it's amazingly, truthfully eighty! Shine on! (8)","Answer":"ERADIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Shine on\nFirst or 'initial' letters \u2013 congratulations Eileen!!!"} {"Clue":"Roman theatre features poem sung by returning Greek character (5)","Answer":"ODEUM","Explanation":"Definition: Roman theatre\nODE (poem sung) MU (Greek character) reversed or 'returning'"} {"Clue":"Volatile liquid's an amalgam of sodium, phosphorus and hydrogen that's not perfect (7)","Answer":"NAPHTHA","Explanation":"Definition: Volatile liquid\nNA (sodium) P (phosphorus) H (hydrogen) + THA~~t~~ without the last letter or 'not perfect'"} {"Clue":"Acting judge accepted by cleaner (4)","Answer":"AJAX","Explanation":"Definition: cleaner\nA (acting) J (judge) A (accepted) X (by) \u2013 yes, they do still make it!!"} {"Clue":"Bob has pesos, gold and a lot of South African cash in a Scotsman's purse (7)","Answer":"SPORRAN","Explanation":"Definition: Scotsman's purse\nS (shilling \u2013 'bob') P (pesos) OR (gold) RAN~~d~~ (South African cash) without the last letter or 'a lot of'"} {"Clue":"Secular place (3)","Answer":"LAY","Explanation":"Definition: Secular\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"To go to raucous party with nothing barred, start in Leicester (6)","Answer":"TRAVEL","Explanation":"Definition: To go\nT~~o~~ RAVE (raucous party) without or 'barring' the 'o' (nothing) L (first letter or 'start' of Leicester \u2013 Eileen's home city)"} {"Clue":"Youngster gets round agreement to hand over the cash (3,2)","Answer":"PAY UP","Explanation":"Definition: hand over the cash\nPUP (youngster) round AY (agreement)"} {"Clue":"Leading revolutionary embraces independent female (5)","Answer":"CHIEF","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\nCHE (revolutionary) round or 'embracing' I (independent) + F (female)"} {"Clue":"A little bit of bacon (5)","Answer":"SPECK","Explanation":"Definition: A little bit\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Salvation Army College Rector's song for church sanctuaries (8)","Answer":"SACRARIA","Explanation":"Definition: church sanctuaries\nSA (Salvation Army) C (college) R (rector) ARIA (song)"} {"Clue":"Rawhide thong used in making a chair \u2013 one in Empire style (7)","Answer":"RIEMPIE","Explanation":"Definition: Rawhide thong used in making a chair\nI (one) in an anagram of EMPIRE \u2013 anagrind is 'style'"} {"Clue":"Amateur group performing \"Surrender\" (7)","Answer":"ABANDON","Explanation":"Definition: Surrender\nA (amateur) BAND (group) ON (performing)"} {"Clue":"Saunas adapted for sub-tropical location (6)","Answer":"NASSAU","Explanation":"Definition: sub-tropical location\nAn anagram of SAUNAS \u2013 anagrind is 'adapted'"} {"Clue":"People's heritage destroyed, disregarding historical period (5)","Answer":"THEIR","Explanation":"Definition: People's\nAn anagram of HERIT~~age~~ without or 'disregarding' 'age' (historical period) \u2013 anagrind is 'destroyed'"} {"Clue":"One of 5 horses described endlessly (4)","Answer":"QUIN","Explanation":"Definition: One of 5\n~~e~~QUIN~~e~~ ('horses described') without the first and last letters or 'endlessly'"} {"Clue":"I depart after completion of puzzle (not quite a pangram!) (3)","Answer":"EGO","Explanation":"Definition: I\nGO (depart) after E (last letter or 'completion' of 'puzzle') \u2013 it's almost a pangram, but there's no Z"} {"Clue":"Witch goes outside with book carrier (7)","Answer":"HANDBAG","Explanation":"Definition: carrier\nHAG (witch) round or 'going outside' AND (with) B (book)"} {"Clue":"USA's let off gun's part of 21 in these (7)","Answer":"SALUTES","Explanation":"Definition: these\nAn anagram of USA'S LET \u2013 anagrind is 'off' \u2013 we were puzzled by this at first, but we think it may be a sort of cryptic definition \u2013 the 'chamber' part of 21 being part of a gun that would be 'let off' in 21-gun SALUTES \u2013 if it is, it feels a bit too convoluted."} {"Clue":"Knight comes back to exchange cases for one in parts of 21 (9)","Answer":"BARRISTER","Explanation":"Definition: one in parts of 21\nSIR (knight) reversed or 'coming back' inside or 'cased by' BARTER (exchange) \u2013 a reference to the 'chamber(s)' part(s) of 21"} {"Clue":"Express satisfaction about Spain being less polluted (5)","Answer":"PURER","Explanation":"Definition: less polluted\nPURR (express satisfaction) round E (Spain)"} {"Clue":"New idea covers short-term mediation (12)","Answer":"INTERVENTION","Explanation":"Definition: mediation\nINVENTION (new idea) round or 'covering' TER~~m~~ without the last letter or 'short'"} {"Clue":"Stadium space one assesses (8)","Answer":"EMIRATES","Explanation":"Definition: Stadium\nEM (space, in printing) I (one) RATES (assesses)"} {"Clue":"Mission Darren messed up (6)","Answer":"ERRAND","Explanation":"Definition: Mission\nAn anagram of DARREN \u2013 anagrind is 'messed up'"} {"Clue":"Part of 21, say, in terrible rage (6)","Answer":"REGGAE","Explanation":"Definition: Part of 21\nEG ('say') in an anagram of RAGE \u2013 anagrind is 'terrible' \u2013 a reference to the 'music' part of 21"} {"Clue":"Demonstrated about posh Irish politician getting power taken away (8)","Answer":"SHUTDOWN","Explanation":"Definition: power taken away\nSHOWN (demonstrated) round U (posh) TD (Teachta Dala \u2013 Deputy to the Dail \u2013 'Irish politician')"} {"Clue":"Warning signal before problem returns during fashionable entertainment (7,5)","Answer":"CHAMBER MUSIC","Explanation":"Definition: entertainment\nAMBER (warning signal) SUM (problem) reversed or 'returning' in CHIC (fashionable)"} {"Clue":"Company backing offensive 21? (5)","Answer":"OCTET","Explanation":"Definition: 21?\nCO (company) reversed or 'backing' TET (the Tet offensive, an action in the Vietnam war) \u2013 21 is often played by an octet, but we're not sure about this clue if it is intended to be another cryptic definition \u2013 21 surely wouldn't be described as offensive? Can 'octet' and 'chamber music' be synonyms?"} {"Clue":"Raised rejection of Brussels facilities as being worth a lot (4,5)","Answer":"HIGH VALUE","Explanation":"Definition: worth a lot\nHIGH (raised) + EU ('Brussels') LAV ('facilities') reversed or 'rejected'"} {"Clue":"County's carriages (7)","Answer":"SURREYS","Explanation":"Definition: County's\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Please reduce illumination? (7)","Answer":"DELIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Please\nFancifully, to 'reduce illumination' could be described as DE-LIGHT"} {"Clue":"Somewhere to cook old tramp (4)","Answer":"HOBO","Explanation":"Definition: tramp\nHOB ('somewhere to cook') O (old)"} {"Clue":"Adrenaline rising for some boring specialist (4)","Answer":"NERD","Explanation":"Definition: boring specialist\nHidden ('some') and reversed ('rising') in aDRENaline"} {"Clue":"A born liar deviously gives nothing away to a\u00a0cricketer (5,4)","Answer":"BRIAN LARA","Explanation":"Definition: cricketer\nAn anagram of A BORN LIAR \u2013 anagrind is 'deviously' \u2013 thanks to Paul A and Hovis who have the correct parsing. The O (nothing) needs to be replaced by A for the anagram to work"} {"Clue":"Understood Erik, possibly understated? (8)","Answer":"GATHERED","Explanation":"Definition: Understood\nTHE RED ('Erik, possibly' \u2013 Erik the Red, a Norse explorer) 'under' GA (Georgia \u2013 US state) \u2013 if we're right, this is a very devious clue!"} {"Clue":"Vigorously push across river on a Tuesday (6)","Answer":"SHROVE","Explanation":"Definition: a Tuesday\nSHOVE (vigorously push) round R (river)"} {"Clue":"Short bit of poetry about cheerful flower (5)","Answer":"LUPIN","Explanation":"Definition: flower\nLIN~~e~~ ('bit of poetry') without the last letter or 'short' round UP (cheerful)"} {"Clue":"Film terrible art with no merit (10)","Answer":"TERMINATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Film\nAn anagram of ART and NO MERIT \u2013 anagrind is 'terrible'"} {"Clue":"Someone vacantly making tears over a way of making part of 21 (10)","Answer":"SERENADING","Explanation":"Definition: way of making part of 21\nS~~omeon~~E (without the middle letters or 'vacantly') RENDING ('making tears') round A \u2013 a reference to the 'music' part of 21"} {"Clue":"Nuclear facilities include French telescopes (10)","Answer":"REFRACTORS","Explanation":"Definition: telescopes\nREACTORS (nuclear facilities) round FR (French)"} {"Clue":"Sauron aspired to be such a circus performer (10)","Answer":"RINGMASTER","Explanation":"Definition: circus performer\nSauron is the title character and main antagonist in Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings' \u2013 he aspired to be the RING MASTER"} {"Clue":"Second hearing about a couple of events being brought back (9)","Answer":"RETRIEVAL","Explanation":"Definition: brought back\nRETRIAL (second hearing) round EV (first two letters or 'couple' of 'events')"} {"Clue":"Quiet Hardy showed indifference (8)","Answer":"SHRUGGED","Explanation":"Definition: showed indifference\nSH (quiet) RUGGED (hardy)"} {"Clue":"Supporter of the monarch who composed 21 (6)","Answer":"BRAHMS","Explanation":"Definition: who composed 21\nBRA ('supporter') HM'S ('of her or his majesty \u2013 monarch)"} {"Clue":"Steep climb ending next to empty house (5)","Answer":"BATHE","Explanation":"Definition: Steep\nB (last letter or 'ending' of 'climb') AT (next to) H~~ous~~E (without the middle letters or 'empty')"} {"Clue":"Second ear to put in gun's part of 21 (4)","Answer":"SLUG","Explanation":"Definition: put in gun's part of 21\nS (second) LUG (ear) \u2013 a reference to the 'chamber' part of 21, but the definition doesn't really work for us \u2013 a 'slug' would be put into a gun's chamber, but the definition makes it a verb, not a noun"} {"Clue":"Left part of 21 (4)","Answer":"WENT","Explanation":"Definition: Left\nOur LOI \u2013 we thought it could be BEAT\u00a0being a 'part of music' but weren't happy about it as a synonym on its own for left. However, if you write out 21 in full you find WENT hidden in the clue!"} {"Clue":"Technology company appearing before United States Congress (6)","Answer":"COITUS","Explanation":"Definition: Congress\nIT (technology) with CO (company) 'appearing before' US (United States)"} {"Clue":"Hazardous energy company's first to be limited by guarantee (8)","Answer":"INSECURE","Explanation":"Definition: Hazardous\nE (energy) C (first letter of 'company') in or 'limited by' INSURE (guarantee)"} {"Clue":"Lord endlessly describes archaeological project about ancestry (8)","Answer":"PEDIGREE","Explanation":"Definition: ancestry\nPEE~~r~~ (Lord) without the last letter or 'endlessly' round or 'describing' DIG (archaeological project) RE (about)"} {"Clue":"File newspaper article (6)","Answer":"COLUMN","Explanation":"Definition: File\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Certain pundit used to get confused (10)","Answer":"UNDISPUTED","Explanation":"Definition: Certain\nAn anagram of PUNDIT USED \u2013 anagrind is 'to get confused'"} {"Clue":"Long queue's left to make way for parking (4)","Answer":"PINE","Explanation":"Definition: Long\n~~l~~INE (queue) with the 'l' (left) replaced by, or 'making way for' P (parking)"} {"Clue":"Tell like-minded fools to recite mind-numbing mantra (5,5)","Answer":"COUNT SHEEP","Explanation":"Definition: recite mind-numbing mantra\nCOUNT (tell) SHEEP (like-minded fools)"} {"Clue":"Romeo's first and last lines some mimic (6)","Answer":"PARROT","Explanation":"Definition: mimic\nRO (first and last letters of 'romeo') in or 'lining' PART (some)"} {"Clue":"Holding practice game breaches code of conduct (5,5)","Answer":"HOUSE RULES","Explanation":"Definition: code of conduct\nUSE (practice) RU (rugby union \u2013 game) 'held by' HOLES (breaches)"} {"Clue":"Imagine writer had worried endlessly (6)","Answer":"IDEATE","Explanation":"Definition: Imagine\nI'D (writer had) EATE~~n~~ (worried) without the last letter or 'endlessly'"} {"Clue":"Show off little black dress that's seen better days? (4)","Answer":"BRAG","Explanation":"Definition: Show off\nB ('little' black) RAG ('dress that's seen better days')"} {"Clue":"Criminal cut lead off Paddington's cladding (6,4)","Answer":"DUFFEL COAT","Explanation":"Definition: Paddington's cladding\nAn anagram of CUT LEAD OFF \u2013 anagrind is 'criminaI'"} {"Clue":"This leads to experience identical to draught Guinness when pouring (6)","Answer":"WIDGET","Explanation":"Definition: This\nCryptic definition \u2013 An\u00a0anagram of the first letters or 'leads' to Experience Identical To Draught Guiness When \u2013 anagrind is 'pouring'"} {"Clue":"Can late action transform what contributes to sea level? (8,5)","Answer":"ATLANTIC OCEAN","Explanation":"Definition: what contributes to sea level?\nAn anagram of CAN LATE ACTION \u2013 anagrind is 'transform'"} {"Clue":"Depicted red deer roaming around the East End of London (8)","Answer":"RENDERED","Explanation":"Definition: Depicted\nAn anagram of RED DEER (anagrind is 'roaming') round N (Last letter or 'east End' of 'London')"} {"Clue":"Chaos could produce new border (6)","Answer":"MAYHEM","Explanation":"Definition: Chaos\nMAY (could) HEM (border) \u2013 we're not sure about the inclusion of 'produce new' here"} {"Clue":"Idiot claiming university charged something for teaching (7)","Answer":"TUITION","Explanation":"Definition: teaching\nTIT (idiot) round or 'claiming' U (university) ION ('charged something')"} {"Clue":"Director tips off member of production team (6,6)","Answer":"SCRIPT EDITOR","Explanation":"Definition: member of production team\nAn anagram of DIRECTOR TIPS \u2013 anagrind is 'off'"} {"Clue":"Reluctance to move home upset irate neighbours (7)","Answer":"INERTIA","Explanation":"Definition: Reluctance to move\nIN (home) 'neighboured' by an anagram of IRATE \u2013 anagrind is 'upset'"} {"Clue":"Get guards returning last month to part company (6)","Answer":"SECEDE","Explanation":"Definition: part company\nSEE (get, as in 'understand') round or 'guarding' DEC (last month) reversed or 'returning'"} {"Clue":"Fiddle plays stripped-down rock ballad (7)","Answer":"CALYPSO","Explanation":"Definition: ballad\nAn anagram of PLAYS and ~~r~~OC~~k~~ (without the outer letters, or 'stripped-down') \u2013 anagrind is 'fiddles'"} {"Clue":"Tell anecdote about stealing car protected by computer key (9)","Answer":"REMINISCE","Explanation":"Definition: Tell anecdote\nRE (about) round or 'stealing' MINI (car) in or 'protected by' ESC (computer key)"} {"Clue":"He agrees to wedding being re-arranged, leaving one date unavailable (9,7)","Answer":"OTHERWISE ENGAGED","Explanation":"Definition: unavailable\nAn anagram of HE AGREES TO WED~~d~~ING with one 'd' (date) omitted or 'left'"} {"Clue":"One acknowledges waiting lorry (6)","Answer":"TIPPER","Explanation":"Definition: lorry\nSomeone who tips or 'acknowledges' a waiter could be described as a TIPPER"} {"Clue":"Quite a bit sooner (6)","Answer":"RATHER","Explanation":"Definition: Quite a bit\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Casual worker depressed by not working (7)","Answer":"OFFHAND","Explanation":"Definition: Casual\nHAND (worker) after or 'depressed by' OFF (not working)"} {"Clue":"Strange ladies perhaps stuffing headless rabbit (7)","Answer":"UNCANNY","Explanation":"Definition: Strange\nCAN (toilet \u2013 'ladies perhaps') in or 'stuffing' ~~b~~UNNY (rabbit) without the first letter or 'headless'"} {"Clue":"Broadcast about doubtful case for asylum (6)","Answer":"BEDLAM","Explanation":"Definition: asylum\nBEAM (broadcast) round DL (first and last letters or 'case' of 'doubtful')"} {"Clue":"Speech for audience is vital thing to have on record (5)","Answer":"ASIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Speech for audience\nThe A-SIDE of a record is the more commercial side \u2013 'vital' to the success of the record"} {"Clue":"How father behaves, the man twitching inside?\u00a0 A number here may appear this way!\u00a0 (15)","Answer":"PARENTHETICALLY","Explanation":"I had quite a few crossing letters and a good few guesses at the others before I saw this, and it made me smile.\u00a0 It's an insertion of HE and TIC in PARENTALLY.\u00a0 It's cleverly referring to the fact that the enumeration of crossword clues is given at the end of the clue, in parentheses \u2013 in this case, (15).\u00a0 My CoD."} {"Clue":"Up-market shop trashed (4)","Answer":"POSH","Explanation":"Definition: Up-market\nanagram of SHOP; with 'trashed' as the anagrind."} {"Clue":"About hundred in expanded team at airport (6,4)","Answer":"GROUND CREW","Explanation":"Definition: team at airport\nAn insertion of ROUND and C in GREW"} {"Clue":"Speaker's manner, one entitled to succeed (4)","Answer":"HEIR","Explanation":"Definition: one entitled to succeed\nA homophone of AIR for 'manner'."} {"Clue":"In solitaire get nice round number (7)","Answer":"INTEGER","Explanation":"Definition: number\nHidden reversed in solitaiRE GET NIce."} {"Clue":"Curving in a circle around church (7)","Answer":"ARCHING","Explanation":"Definition: Curving\nAn insertion of CH in A RING."} {"Clue":"Introductory remarks from peer, similar in broadcast (13)","Answer":"PRELIMINARIES","Explanation":"Definition: Introductory remarks\nanagram of PEER SIMILAR;"} {"Clue":"Reconfigured base conserving energy (5)","Answer":"RESET","Explanation":"Definition: Reconfigured\nAn insertion of E in REST."} {"Clue":"Question about husband with name in claim (9)","Answer":"CHALLENGE","Explanation":"Definition: Question\nA charade of C for circa or 'about', H and N in ALLEGE."} {"Clue":"Release inspector's accusation (9)","Answer":"DISCHARGE","Explanation":"Definition: Release\nA charade of DIS for [detective] 'inspector's' and CHARGE."} {"Clue":"Tent torn initially by sword (5)","Answer":"TEPEE","Explanation":"Definition: Tent\nA charade of T for the first letter of 'torn' and EPEE."} {"Clue":"King in end has got son prepared? What a relief (5,8)","Answer":"THANK GOODNESS","Explanation":"Definition: What a relief\nAn insertion of K in anagram of END HAS GOT SON;"} {"Clue":"Prohibition as it affected coffee shop worker (7)","Answer":"BARISTA","Explanation":"Definition: coffee shop worker\nA charade of BAR nd anagram of AS IT;"} {"Clue":"Assist in scripting ceremony after scare (2-5)","Answer":"CO","Explanation":"Definition: Assist in scripting\n-WRITEA charade of COW and RITE."} {"Clue":"Aims for extremities (4)","Answer":"ENDS","Explanation":"Definition: Aimsextremities\nA simple dd."} {"Clue":"Once more missing a profit (4)","Answer":"GAIN","Explanation":"Definition: profit\n[A]GAIN"} {"Clue":"Company up above leading American ink producer (7)","Answer":"OCTOPUS","Explanation":"Definition: ink producer\nA reversal of CO followe dby TOP and US. My favourite this morning."} {"Clue":"Giant with terrible hate asks after knight? Not very good (2,5,6)","Answer":"NO GREAT SHAKES","Explanation":"Definition: Not very good\nA charade of N, OGRE and anagram of HATE ASKS; with 'terrible' as the anagrind. N for 'knight' is from chess notation."} {"Clue":"Dog appearing to be otherwise in animated graphics? (5)","Answer":"CORGI","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nAn insertion of OR in CGI for Computer Generated Imagery."} {"Clue":"Destroy order, losing time after time (9)","Answer":"ERADICATE","Explanation":"Definition: Destroy\nA charade of ERA for 'time' and DIC[T]ATE with the removal of the T for 'time' indicated by 'losing'."} {"Clue":"Incitement to riot? No small issue (7)","Answer":"EDITION","Explanation":"Definition: issue\n[S]EDITION"} {"Clue":"Indicated substance on middle of fern, cutting plant (10)","Answer":"REGISTERED","Explanation":"Definition: Indicated\nAn insertion of GIST for 'substance' and ER for the middle two letters of 'fern' in REED."} {"Clue":"Quantity in map on distribution of bees around west in children's book (10,3)","Answer":"CHARLOTTE","Explanation":"Definition: children's book\n'S WEBAn insertion of LOT in CHART followed by W in anagram of BEES; gives you the 1952 children's novel by E B White. In 2000, *Publishers Weekly* listed the book as the best-selling children's paperback of all time, so don't whinge that you've never heard of it."} {"Clue":"Revolutionary appeal in line deserving praise (10)","Answer":"CREDITABLE","Explanation":"Definition: deserving praise\nAn insertion of RED and IT for [sex] 'appeal' in CABLE."} {"Clue":"Shared nothing expert raised in case (9)","Answer":"CORPORATE","Explanation":"Definition: Shared\nAn insertion of O PRO reversed in CRATE. As in CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY, for example."} {"Clue":"Played leading role and looked about right (7)","Answer":"STARRED","Explanation":"Definition: Played leading role\nAn insertion of R in STARED."} {"Clue":"Father with odd items required for hobby (7)","Answer":"PASTIME","Explanation":"Definition: hobby\nA charade of PA and anagram of ITEMS;"} {"Clue":"Expression of surprise, following tips for divine colour scheme (5)","Answer":"DECOR","Explanation":"Definition: colour scheme\nA charade of DE for the outside letters of 'divine' and COR!"} {"Clue":"Guard, rising, giving sly look (4)","Answer":"PEEK","Explanation":"Definition: sly look\nEveryman is asking you to reverse ('rising', since it's a down clue) KEEP. Thank you to him for this morning's puzzle."} {"Clue":"Justification given by one interrupting singer (5)","Answer":"BASIS","Explanation":"Definition: Justification\nAn insertion of I in BASS."} {"Clue":"Listless learner, I gather, suffering with cold (9)","Answer":"LETHARGIC","Explanation":"Definition: Listless\nAn insertion of anagram of I GATHER; in L and C."} {"Clue":"Accidentally popular number, latest from vocalist in association with partner (15)","Answer":"UNINTENTIONALLY","Explanation":"Definition: Accidentally\nA typical Everyman multi-part clue. These are fine, and always clear, but I reckon 99 people out of 100 would get this from the definition and maybe a few crossers and then reverse engineer it. It is IN for 'popular' and TEN for 'number' and T for the last letter of 'vocalist' inserted into UNION for 'association' followed by ALLY for 'partner'."} {"Clue":"Revolutionary book that is full of verse arousing intense feeling (7)","Answer":"EMOTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: arousing intense feeling\nA reversal of TOME for 'book' followed by V in IE for *id est* or 'that is'."} {"Clue":"Face religious group, ignoring singular form of language (7)","Answer":"DIALECT","Explanation":"Definition: form of language\nA charade of DIAL and [S]ECT."} {"Clue":"Cross after anarchic act in capital leads to disappointment (10)","Answer":"ANTICLIMAX","Explanation":"Definition: disappointment\nA charade of anagram of ACT IN;, LIMA for the 'capital' of Peru, and X for your 'cross'."} {"Clue":"Completion of filming western followed by strike (4)","Answer":"WRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Completion of filming\nA charade of W and RAP. 'That's a wrap' is what the director says when he or she's happy with the take."} {"Clue":"Proper time for performance by two (4)","Answer":"DUET","Explanation":"Definition: performance by two\nA charade of DUE and T."} {"Clue":"Fly down by trunk keeping dry (10)","Answer":"BLUEBOTTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fly\nA charade of BLUE and an insertion of TT for 'dry' in BOLE.\u00a0 The insertion indicator is 'keeping'."} {"Clue":"Difficulty with bishop in part contained by head of government (7)","Answer":"PROBLEM","Explanation":"Definition: Difficulty\nAn insertion of B in ROLE, all inserted into PM. The two insertion indicators are 'in' and 'contained'."} {"Clue":"Get around parking strip (7)","Answer":"DEPRIVE","Explanation":"Definition: strip\nAn insertion of P in DERIVE."} {"Clue":"Are young viewers prepared for film star? (9,6)","Answer":"SIGOURNEY WEAVER","Explanation":"Definition: film star\nanagram of ARE YOUNG VIEWERS; with 'prepared' as the anagrind.\u00a0 Nice surface."} {"Clue":"Without fixed limits, start over (4-5)","Answer":"OPEN","Explanation":"Definition: Without fixed limits\n-ENDEDA simple charade of OPEN and ENDED."} {"Clue":"Scrap with Romeo dividing cast (5)","Answer":"SHRED","Explanation":"Definition: Scrap\nAn insertion of R for the phonetic alphabet 'Romeo' in SHED."} {"Clue":"Composer, upper-class, turned up in person in street (9)","Answer":"BOULEVARD","Explanation":"Definition: street\nAn insertion of RAVEL and U reversed in BOD. The insertion indicator is 'in' and the reversal indicator is 'turned up'."} {"Clue":"Insolence in smooth and villainous tone, huge error in speech (4,2,3,6)","Answer":"SLIP OF THE TONGUE","Explanation":"Definition: error in speech\nAn insertion of LIP for 'insolence' in SOFT, followed by anagram of TONE HUGE; The anagrind is 'villainous'."} {"Clue":"Solid part in rehearsed manoeuvre (3,5)","Answer":"SET PIECE","Explanation":"Definition: rehearsed manoeuvre\nAnother simple charade, of SET and PIECE."} {"Clue":"Weapon, look, no good (5)","Answer":"LANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Weapon\n[G]LANCE"} {"Clue":"Inferior article about one on road with informer (5-4)","Answer":"THIRD","Explanation":"Definition: Inferior\n-RATEAnother insertion: of I, RD and RAT in THE."} {"Clue":"Awning usable at regular intervals yearly (6)","Answer":"ANNUAL","Explanation":"Definition: yearly\nThe even letters of AwNiNg UsAbLe."} {"Clue":"Dog, familiar in type, leapt finally with energy into stream (6,9)","Answer":"GOLDEN RETRIEVER","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nAnother intricate but ultimately clear clue: an insertion of OLD for 'familiar' in GENRE for 'type' followed by T for the last letter of 'leapt' followed by and insertion of E in RIVER."} {"Clue":"Exclamation over platinum in vault (5)","Answer":"CRYPT","Explanation":"Definition: vault\nSince it's a down clue, it's CRY followed by PT for the chemical symbol for platinum."} {"Clue":"Unlucky guys taken in by silly old lie (3-6)","Answer":"ILL","Explanation":"Definition: Unlucky\n-OMENEDCan't say I've ever heard this, but it's an insertion of MEN in anagram of OLD LIE;"} {"Clue":"Favoured arbiter made a mistake under pressure (9)","Answer":"PREFERRED","Explanation":"Definition: Favoured\nAgain because it's a down clue, it's a charade of P, REF and ERRED."} {"Clue":"Politician breaking hearts with start of spending squeeze (8)","Answer":"COMPRESS","Explanation":"Definition: squeeze\nAnother insertion: of MP in CORES plus S for the first letter of 'spending'."} {"Clue":"Reason to accept large part of contract (6)","Answer":"CLAUSE","Explanation":"Definition: part of contract\nAnother insertion: of L in CAUSE."} {"Clue":"Sauce essential to recipe stockpiled (5)","Answer":"PESTO","Explanation":"Definition: Sauce\nHidden in reciPE STOckpiled."} {"Clue":"Nymph not interesting flier? (5)","Answer":"DRYAD","Explanation":"Definition: Nymph\nA charade of DRY and AD. If you are starting out, then DRYAD is a good one to remember, because it comes up often, as does NAIAD, which is another 'nymph'."} {"Clue":"In spite of entanglement, spoken of with repute (15)","Answer":"NOTWITHSTANDING","Explanation":"Definition: In spite of\nA charade of a homophone ('spoken of') of KNOT, WITH and STANDING."} {"Clue":"Create revolution, following Egypt and the rest (2,6)","Answer":"ET CETERA","Explanation":"Definition: and the rest\nA charade of ET for 'Egypt' and anagram of CREATE; with 'revolution' as the anagrind."} {"Clue":"Becomes liable for fashionable dogs (6)","Answer":"INCURS","Explanation":"Definition: Becomes liable for\nA charade of IN and CURS."} {"Clue":"Folk music genre encapsulating English language's extremes (6)","Answer":"PEOPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Folk\nAn insertion of E in POP followed by LE for the outside letters of 'language'."} {"Clue":"Lie with maid in grass, catching wild animal on return (8)","Answer":"DEFLOWER","Explanation":"Definition: Lie with maid\nThis made me laugh. It's an insertion of WOLF in REED, all reversed. To 'lie' in this sense is an archaic usage, but often found in English folk songs (which have a lot of deflowering in them if you know where to look). This is from *A Bold Young Farmer*:"} {"Clue":"Meat provides end to rear game (10)","Answer":"BACKGAMMON","Explanation":"Definition: game\nA charade of BACK and GAMMON."} {"Clue":"Heterosexual married couple embracing when clean? (4)","Answer":"WASH","Explanation":"Definition: clean\nI specially liked this one as well. It's an insertion of AS for 'when' in W and H for wife and husband."} {"Clue":" Union bar closes early (4)","Answer":"BLOC","Explanation":"Definition: Union\nBLOC[K]"} {"Clue":"Platoon is ordered to skirt one concerning location (10)","Answer":"POSITIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: concerning location\nAn insertion of I in anagram of PLATOON IS; You can choose which I to insert: it works either way."} {"Clue":"He's one of four siblings, possibly reading into child's detachment (8)","Answer":"SQUADRON","Explanation":"Definition: detachment\nAn insertion of QUAD and R for one of the three Rs (reading, 'riting, 'rithmetic) in SON."} {"Clue":"Make fun of cheerful dummy (4-2)","Answer":"MOCK","Explanation":"Definition: dummy\n-UPA charade of MOCK and UP."} {"Clue":"A number with disease caused by rich food in feast (3,3)","Answer":"PIG OUT","Explanation":"Definition: feast\nPI for the irrational 'number' is followed by GOUT, allegedly caused by too much port."} {"Clue":"Club tariff is steep (8)","Answer":"MACERATE","Explanation":"Definition: steep\nA charade of MACE and RATE. Nice surface."} {"Clue":"Formally attired in all clubs perhaps, then kicked out (6,3,6)","Answer":"SUITED AND BOOTED","Explanation":"Definition: Formally attired\nI can't quite see this. If 'then' is AND and BOOTED is 'kicked out' (which it isn't) then we're left with SUITED for 'all clubs', which is to do with the card suit but I don't see how. Happen I'm barking up the wrong tree."} {"Clue":"Dribbling on one's toes? (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON THE BALL","Explanation":"Definition: Dribblingon one's toes\nA slightly stretched dd."} {"Clue":"Western Aid for 27 (5)","Answer":"WHELP","Explanation":"Definition: 27\nA charade of W and HELP and a synonym of CUB."} {"Clue":"To earth's lowest end (3)","Answer":"TOE","Explanation":"Definition: lowest end\nA charade of TO and E."} {"Clue":"Like Weller and Geldof's band, given up fame (7)","Answer":"STARDOM","Explanation":"Definition: fame\nA bit of knowledge of the 80s' music scene would have helped here; otherwise the helpful crossers would have got you there, I guess. The reversal indicator is 'given up', since it's a down clue. A charade of MOD and RATS reversed. Paul Weller was known as 'The Modfather' and Bob Geldof's band was The Boomtown Rats."} {"Clue":"I'm unfit, and I exercised endlessly (2,9)","Answer":"AD INFINITUM","Explanation":"Definition: endlessly\nanagram of IM UNFIT AND I;\u00a0 Great surface."} {"Clue":"Realise how to produce popular TV show? (6,3)","Answer":"DOCTOR WHO","Explanation":"Definition: popular TV show\nA reverse anagram thingy. If you consider DOCTOR as the anagrind, then anagram of WHO; gives you 'how'."} {"Clue":"Spirit never mixed (5)","Answer":"NERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Spirit\nanagram of NEVER;"} {"Clue":"Annoyed former lover (according to new date) (11)","Answer":"EXASPERATED","Explanation":"Definition: Annoyed\nA charade of EX, AS PER and anagram of DATE; with 'new' as the anagrind."} {"Clue":"Thrill starting a fight in casual football game (9)","Answer":"KICKABOUT","Explanation":"Definition: casual football game\nA charade of KICK and A BOUT."} {"Clue":"Likeness of alien suppressed by legal order (9)","Answer":"STATUETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Likeness\nAn insertion of the setters' fave 'alien', ET in STATUTE."} {"Clue":"Sleep-inducing type of chants and mantras, without beginning or end (7)","Answer":"SANDMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Sleep-inducing type\nHidden in chantS AND MANtras. The SANDMAN is an old folkloric character who is said to sprinkle sand into children's eyes to help them sleep and dream sweetly. The 'sleep' in your eyes on waking is supposed to be the result of his work. In some traditions he is more sinister."} {"Clue":"Witticism inscribed on university's old recording equipment (5)","Answer":"QUIPU","Explanation":"Definition: old recording equipment\nNo, me neither. But with Q?I?U it couldn't be anything else. A charade of QUIP and U."} {"Clue":"Freight from Columbus' first legendary ship (5)","Answer":"CARGO","Explanation":"Definition: Freight\nThe first letter of 'Columbus' is followed by Jason's legendary ship."} {"Clue":"Country, short in youth (3)","Answer":"CUB","Explanation":"Definition: youth\nCUB[A]"} {"Clue":"Guessed Rocky meditates (9)","Answer":"ESTIMATED","Explanation":"Definition: Guessed\nAn Easy Annie to get us going. anagram of MEDITATES;"} {"Clue":"What is charged for a poem? (5)","Answer":"ANODE","Explanation":"Definition: What is charged\nA charade of AN ODE."} {"Clue":"Feed poorly, at first being hopeless (9)","Answer":"DEFEATIST","Explanation":"Definition: hopeless\nA charade of anagram of FEED; AT and IST. The last bit is 1st with the numeral replaced by a capital 'I', which in some fonts (like this one) resembles it."} {"Clue":"You finally overturned preacher's taste (5)","Answer":"UMAMI","Explanation":"Definition: taste\nA charade of U for the last letter of 'you' and IMAM reversed. The reversal indicator is 'overturned'. The word has crept into English under my radar, I have to say."} {"Clue":"Quiet rental, if you don't mind (6)","Answer":"PLEASE","Explanation":"Definition: if you don't mind\nA charade of P for piano, or the musical 'quiet' and LEASE."} {"Clue":"Give up fish for stodgy food (8)","Answer":"DUMPLING","Explanation":"Definition: stodgy food\nA charade of DUMP and LING. The setters' fave fishes are IDE and LING."} {"Clue":"Border traditions (7)","Answer":"CUSTOMS","Explanation":"Definition: Bordertraditions\nA dd."} {"Clue":" Touching silver developed stain (7)","Answer":"AGAINST","Explanation":"Definition: Touching\nAG for the chemical symbol for 'silver' is followed by anagram of STAIN; with 'developed' as the anagrind."} {"Clue":"Slot a hip replacement here? (8)","Answer":"HOSPITAL","Explanation":"Definition: Slot a hip replacement here?\nanagram of SLOT A HIP; with 'replacement' as the anagrind. What, confusingly to beginners, is called an &lit clue, or &littish by those who are frightened of the Fifteensquared &lit police who will castigate you if you if you misuse the term. Some people say 'extended definition'. I say cad. Or, here, caddish when I think the police might come knocking."} {"Clue":"Said team expressed sadness (6)","Answer":"SIGHED","Explanation":"Definition: expressed sadness\nA homophone of SIDE. The homophone indicator is 'said'."} {"Clue":"Beat leading triathlete, then mope around (5)","Answer":"TEMPO","Explanation":"Definition: Beat\nA charade of T for the first letter of 'triathlete' and anagram of MOPE;"} {"Clue":"Poster calling for entry (9)","Answer":"ADMISSION","Explanation":"Definition: entry\nA charade of AD and MISSION."} {"Clue":"Some implore newspaper to modernise (5)","Answer":"RENEW","Explanation":"Definition: modernise\nHidden in imploRE NEWspaper."} {"Clue":"Indeed, organ is saved! (9)","Answer":"DELIVERED","Explanation":"Definition: saved\nThis another device that some of the Flying Squad don't like because it's 'not allowed'. It's called 'lift and separate' and Moley used exactly the same device in my blog a fortnight ago. You need to separate out 'indeed' into 'in' and 'deed'. The LIVER, the 'organ' is inserted ('in') into DEED to give you the solution."} {"Clue":"When in good health, too (2,4)","Answer":"AS WELL","Explanation":"Definition: too\nA charade of AS and WELL."} {"Clue":"Irrationally fear being in elevator? This could save you (4,4)","Answer":"LIFE RAFT","Explanation":"Definition: This could save you\nAn insertion of anagram of FEAR; in LIFT. The anagrind is 'irrationally' and the insertion indicator is 'being in'.\u00a0 Nice surface."} {"Clue":"New and bouncy building? (6)","Answer":"CASTLE","Explanation":"I get the 'bouncy' bit but I'm not sure what 'new' is doing there. Just a cd, I think."} {"Clue":"Treat disease in Blackpool or Bognor? (7)","Answer":"SEASIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Blackpool or Bognor?\nanagram of DISEASE; with 'treat' as the anagrind."} {"Clue":"Matilda's outwardly obsessive beast \u2026 (6)","Answer":"ANIMAL","Explanation":"Definition: beast\nAn insertion of I'M for 'Matilda's' in ANAL."} {"Clue":"scraps with strange people on backstreet (8)","Answer":"ODDMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: scraps\nA charade of ODD, MEN and TS for a reversal of ST for 'street'. Once again, you need to lift and separate 'backstreet'. Matilda is being v v naughty this morning. Beginners often ask about the ellipses in clues like this. Almost always, they can be ignored, as here: the setter is just using them to make more sense of the surface of the two clues (although here, the two clues would in fact work pretty well as stand-alone offerings)."} {"Clue":"Sticks up for being over-complacent (4)","Answer":"SMUG","Explanation":"Definition: over-complacent\nA reversal of GUMS."} {"Clue":"Closed up one end unwisely (8)","Answer":"UNOPENED","Explanation":"Definition: Closed\nanagram of UP ONE END; with 'unwisely' as the anagrind."} {"Clue":"Scrap force, we hear (4)","Answer":"MITE","Explanation":"Definition: Scrap\nAnother homophone ('we hear'): of MIGHT."} {"Clue":"Whinges tediously, having eaten (8)","Answer":"INGESTED","Explanation":"Definition: eaten\nAnd another insertion: in whINGES TEDiously."} {"Clue":"Note scale of wee organ (7)","Answer":"BLADDER","Explanation":"Definition: wee organ\nPlenty of organs this morning. The one that collects wee is a charade of B for one of the 'notes' of the musical scale and LADDER."} {"Clue":"Tonic and spice (6)","Answer":"PEPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Tonicspice\nA dd."} {"Clue":"Alcohol bottle (6)","Answer":"SPIRIT","Explanation":"Definition: Alcoholbottle\nAnd another."} {"Clue":"Worn out journalist therein took a trip on a bus? (6)","Answer":"ERODED","Explanation":"Definition: Worn out\nMatilda is asking you to insert RODE for 'took a trip on a bus' into ED for 'journalist'."} {"Clue":"Worried \u2014 loathe having to leave hospital (3)","Answer":"ATE","Explanation":"Definition: Worried\n[H]ATE"} {"Clue":"Note black Republican brought to First Lady (5)","Answer":"BREVE","Explanation":"Definition: Note\nA charade of B, R and EVE for Adam's mate."} {"Clue":"Resolute Armada man taking ships (7)","Answer":"ADAMANT","Explanation":"Definition: Resolute\nHidden in ArmADA MAN Taking."} {"Clue":"Storm god not lacking in heart (4)","Answer":"RANT","Explanation":"Definition: Storm\nA charade of the Egyptian god RA and N[O]T."} {"Clue":"Love place to sunbathe avoiding cold spells (5)","Answer":"OBEAH","Explanation":"Definition: spells\nTime to enjoy learning a new word, for me at least. A charade of O and BEA[C]H"} {"Clue":"Music scene wants backer in the circle (4)","Answer":"DISC","Explanation":"Definition: circle\nDISC[O]"} {"Clue":"Re-do it, emended for this boss? (6)","Answer":"EDITOR","Explanation":"Definition: boss\nanagram of RE DO IT;"} {"Clue":"Fearsome shot with bowler receiving credit? (8)","Answer":"SCREAMER","Explanation":"Definition: Fearsome shot\nBringing together cricket and the beautiful game. An insertion of CR in SEAMER, which is a type of bowler in the former."} {"Clue":" Woodcutter advertising verbally (4)","Answer":"ADZE","Explanation":"Definition: Woodcutter\nA homophone of ADS. A bit clunky, perhaps, that 'advertising' and ADS are so close."} {"Clue":"Saw an early machine-gun (5)","Answer":"MAXIM","Explanation":"Definition: Sawan early machine-gun\nA dd and more dictionary trawling, this time just to check."} {"Clue":"Evaluation for Shell (4)","Answer":"TEST","Explanation":"Definition: EvaluationShell\nAnother dd and another dip into the dictionary."} {"Clue":"Purchase intact or otherwise (8)","Answer":"TRACTION","Explanation":"Definition: Purchase\nanagram of INTACT OR;"} {"Clue":"Run joint and cause resentment (6)","Answer":"RANKLE","Explanation":"Definition: cause resentment\nA charade of R and ANKLE"} {"Clue":"Person's body sent back shortly (4)","Answer":"SELF","Explanation":"Definition: Person\nA reversal of FLES[H]"} {"Clue":"Gather fuel \u2014 litres taken within (5)","Answer":"PLEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Gather\nAn insertion of L in PEAT."} {"Clue":"Northern banker in St Helens occasionally (4)","Answer":"TEES","Explanation":"Definition: Northern banker\nI'm sure Tees has used this before. The odd letters of sThElEnS."} {"Clue":"Online movement generates strong feeling (7)","Answer":"EMOTION","Explanation":"Definition: strong feeling\nA charade: whimsically, 'online movement' could be E-MOTION."} {"Clue":"Somewhat wet old film shown outside (5)","Answer":"MOIST","Explanation":"Definition: Somewhat wet\nAn insertion of O in MIST."} {"Clue":"Excellent service (3)","Answer":"ACE","Explanation":"Definition: Excellentservice\nAnother dd."} {"Clue":"Church officer, maybe Manx speaker (4)","Answer":"CELT","Explanation":"Definition: maybe Manx speaker\nA charade of CE and LT for lieutenant or 'officer'. Manx is a Celtic language; in the latest census 1,823 people claimed to speak it, and it is taught in schools on the Isle of Man."} {"Clue":"Answer with blood, written up, and sign letter (8)","Answer":"AEROGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: letter\nA charade of A, GORE reversed ('up' since it's a down clue) and RAM for the zodiac 'sign' of Aries."} {"Clue":"Rest in peace as expired (4)","Answer":"EASE","Explanation":"Definition: Rest\nHidden in peacE AS Expired."} {"Clue":"Bacon slice monarch spots first (6)","Answer":"RASHER","Explanation":"Definition: Bacon slice\nA charade of RASH and ER for Brenda."} {"Clue":"Bewhiskered and brave little 12 (7)","Answer":"BEARDED","Explanation":"Definition: Bewhiskered\nI want this to be a charade of BEAR for 'brave' in its verbal sense, and ED, but I don't then see where the first D comes from. Anyone?"} {"Clue":"Trying experience in revolutionary state (5)","Answer":"TASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Trying experience\nanagram of STATE;"} {"Clue":"Condition of companion following ducks into river (6,4)","Answer":"TRENCH FOOT","Explanation":"Definition: Condition\nAn insertion of CH for 'companion' [of honour], F for 'following' and OO for two 'ducks' in the River TRENT, with an extended definition, if you want to see one."} {"Clue":"Dismiss boy speaking German (5)","Answer":"SAXON","Explanation":"Definition: German\nA homophone of SACK SON."} {"Clue":"Speed reduced in desert (3)","Answer":"RAT","Explanation":"Definition: desert\nRAT[E]"} {"Clue":"Fine to abandon truth in law passed (3)","Answer":"ACT","Explanation":"Definition: law passed\n[F]ACT"} {"Clue":"Setter's engaged in Mass \u2014 a liturgy at sea (8)","Answer":"MARITIME","Explanation":"Definition: at sea\nThe setter isn't in fact engaged in Mass, he is engaged in inviting you to insert I'M in M, A and RITE."} {"Clue":"Conspicuous way to protect a right (7)","Answer":"SALIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Conspicuous\nAn insertion of A LIEN in ST."} {"Clue":"Maybe demonic look causes damage (6)","Answer":"IMPAIR","Explanation":"Definition: damage\nA whimsical charade of IMP and AIR."} {"Clue":"Regularly seen Neptunian feature that spews lava (4)","Answer":"ETNA","Explanation":"Definition: feature that spews lava\nThe odd letters of nEpTuNiAn."} {"Clue":"Hard one to stop 28 across producing puzzle? (4)","Answer":"THIS","Explanation":"Definition: puzzle\nIf you read 28ac as two letters, or Ts, and insert H and I, you'll get the solution, which is what you've finished solving and I've just finished blogging."} {"Clue":"Where can you finds items in store so disorganised? (3,4,3,4)","Answer":"ALL OVER THE SHOP","Explanation":"Definition: Where can you finds items in storedisorganised\nThe last time I checked, only the third person singular of regular verbs in English inflected by adding an s, so we'll just put 'finds' rather than 'find' down to the setter's carelessness. A cd cum dd."} {"Clue":"Lightly cover edges with a versatile material (5)","Answer":"LYCRA","Explanation":"Definition: versatile material\nYou need to add an A to the 'edges' of the first two words of the clue to arrive at the solution."} {"Clue":"Biographical advice for the dead boring (3,1,4)","Answer":"GET A LIFE","Explanation":"The best I can say about this is that it's a whimsical cd."} {"Clue":"Vintage poster depicting Boys in Blue (3,4)","Answer":"OLD BILL","Explanation":"Definition: Boys in Blue\nA charade of OLD and BILL."} {"Clue":"Rural post office converted into salon (7)","Answer":"PARLOUR","Explanation":"Definition: salon\nanagram of RURAL PO;"} {"Clue":"Island displays measure of interest in racing centre (5)","Answer":"CAPRI","Explanation":"Definition: Island\nAn insertion of APR for Annual Percentage Rate in CI for the central letters of 'racing'."} {"Clue":"Upset academic spoke at length (7,2)","Answer":"RATTLED ON","Explanation":"Definition: spoke at length\nA charade of RATTLE and DON."} {"Clue":"Spotted outbreak contracted from child's waste container (5,4)","Answer":"NAPPY RASH","Explanation":"A cd."} {"Clue":"Half of them rumble with a rhythmic sound (5)","Answer":"THRUM","Explanation":"Definition: rhythmic sound\nThe setter is asking to you take half of the letters of THem and RUMble to get your answer."} {"Clue":"Damaged carriage lacking starter causes turbulence in flight (3,4)","Answer":"AIR RAGE","Explanation":"Definition: turbulence in flight\nanagram of [C]ARRIAGE; I'm not an aviation expert, but the surface seems meaningless to me."} {"Clue":"It's shown to those getting cards (3,4)","Answer":"THE DOOR","Explanation":"Another cd."} {"Clue":"Finished on the double? That's a bit excessive (8)","Answer":"OVERDONE","Explanation":"Definition: bit excessive\nTwo synonyms for 'finished' \u2013 OVER and DONE \u2013 give you the solution."} {"Clue":"Complain about check on basic piece of information (5)","Answer":"BITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Complain\nA charade of BIT and CH, with the only problem being what to do with 'about', since BITCH doesn't mean 'complain about'. You can't say 'Pierre bitched Anto's crossword as usual'."} {"Clue":"Dealing with old remains in a mad alcoholic rage (14)","Answer":"ARCHAEOLOGICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Dealing with old remains\nA charade of A and anagram of ALCOHOLIC RAGE; Good clue, good surface, nice spot for the anagram."} {"Clue":"Complete dietary description appreciated by gluttons (3,3,3,3)","Answer":"ALL YOU CAN EAT","Explanation":"Definition: Complete dietary descriptionappreciated by gluttons\nAnother not very convincing cd cum dd."} {"Clue":"Tied up leaders in long and complicated European debates (5)","Answer":"LACED","Explanation":"Definition: Tied up\nThe initial letters of the last five words of the clue."} {"Clue":"Chance of success when Vatican replaces Head of Debt (9)","Answer":"VIABILITY","Explanation":"Definition: Chance of success\nYou need to replace the first letter of LIABILITY with V. V is the international car registration for Vatican City."} {"Clue":"Frequent customer having predictable movements (7)","Answer":"REGULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Frequent customerhaving predictable movements\nA dd."} {"Clue":"Dangerous location from which to get stolen jumpers returned (3,4)","Answer":"HOT SPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Dangerous location\nA charade of HOT and TOPS reversed."} {"Clue":"Reflect back some natural oscillations from the sun (5)","Answer":"SOLAR","Explanation":"Definition: from the sun\nHidden reversed in natuRAL OScillations."} {"Clue":"Propose restricting route for this type of vehicle (3-6)","Answer":"OFF","Explanation":"Definition: type of vehicle\n-ROADERAn insertion of ROAD in OFFER."} {"Clue":"Gather in support for impressive parade leader (5,7)","Answer":"GRAND MARSHAL","Explanation":"Definition: parade leader\nI can only suggest that this is a charade of GRAND for 'impressive' and MARSHAL for 'gather in support'. How the subsidiary indication tells us to get there, I know not. The term is flagged in all my dictionaries as American English usage, which means that the term is unlikely to be immediately obvious to most solvers. I am politely suggesting, in other words, that this is not an ideal clue for a puzzle advertised as being for 'beginners and those in a hurry'."} {"Clue":"Re-approve complicated approach to handling unwelcome cracks (5,4)","Answer":"PAPER OVER","Explanation":"Definition: approach to handling unwelcome cracks\nanagram of REAPPROVE;, referencing the phrase PAPER OVER THE CRACKS."} {"Clue":"Old carrier with defect, one that damages the environment (9)","Answer":"LITTERBUG","Explanation":"Definition: one that damages the environment\nA charade of LITTER in its 'stretcher' sense and BUG in its computer sense."} {"Clue":"Express disappointment with problem \u2014 it all sounds so daunting (7)","Answer":"AWESOME","Explanation":"Definition: daunting\nA homophone of AW! (or perhaps AAAW \u2026) and SUM with 'it all sounds so' as the homophone indicator."} {"Clue":"Attractive lead, perhaps taking time out for curry? (3,4)","Answer":"HOT MEAL","Explanation":"Definition: curry?\nI suppose if you take 'lead' as 'leading actress' the surface makes some sense. But you need to read it as the metal 'lead' (Pb) to get your solution: it's a charade of HOT and ME[T]AL."} {"Clue":"Express frustration after removing clip from graphical representation (5)","Answer":"AARGH","Explanation":"Definition: Express frustration\nAAAW, AARGH \u2026 Anto is full of emotion this morning. anagram of GRA[P]H[I][C]A[L]; with 'representation' as the anagrind."} {"Clue":"It measures spirits of subject as temperature drops (5)","Answer":"OPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: It measures spirits\nTOPIC with the T moved two positions down."} {"Clue":"Old man without hesitation seizing power, extremely revolutionary in a way (8)","Answer":"FOOTPATH","Explanation":"Definition: way\nFirst one tried (as always); last one in. An insertion of P and TOO for 'extremely' reversed in FATH[ER]."} {"Clue":"Stop talking about large cougar being around (4,2)","Answer":"CLAM UP","Explanation":"Definition: Stop talking\nA charade of C for circa or 'about', L and PUMA reversed."} {"Clue":"Intermittently popular, proper French novelist gets going (2,4,3,6)","Answer":"IN FITS AND STARTS","Explanation":"Definition: Intermittently\nA charade of IN, FIT, SAND and STARTS. The writer in question is Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin, best known by her *nom de plume* George SAND."} {"Clue":"Ace breaking record for circuit (3)","Answer":"LAP","Explanation":"Definition: circuit\nAn insertion of A in LP."} {"Clue":"Insider felt prepared to be most sociable (11)","Answer":"FRIENDLIEST","Explanation":"Definition: most sociable\nanagram of INSIDER FELT;"} {"Clue":"Face villain with no right to make conversation (8)","Answer":"DIALOGUE","Explanation":"Definition: conversation\nA charade of DIAL and [R]OGUE."} {"Clue":"In dystopia nothing's soft (5)","Answer":"PIANO","Explanation":"Definition: soft\nHidden in dystoPIA NOthing"} {"Clue":"Easy match (5)","Answer":"LIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Easymatch\nA dd. 'Her duties were light.' 'I asked him for a light.'"} {"Clue":"Dock in area of land next to reserve (8)","Answer":"SUBTRACT","Explanation":"Definition: Dock\nA charade of SUB and TRACT."} {"Clue":"Dinosaur hoax, not last, best in ages (11)","Answer":"TRICERATOPS","Explanation":"Definition: Dinosaur\nA charade of TRIC[K] and TOP inserted into ERAS."} {"Clue":"Diamonds seen in circlet, regularly spaced (3)","Answer":"ICE","Explanation":"Definition: Diamonds\nThe even letters of cIrClEt."} {"Clue":"Gift having adverse consequences once policies had changed (8,7)","Answer":"POISONED CHALICE","Explanation":"Definition: Gift having adverse consequences\nanagram of ONCE POLICIES HAD;"} {"Clue":"Problem with French name, turning page (6)","Answer":"SUMMON","Explanation":"Definition: page\nA charade of SUM for a mathematical 'problem' and NOM, the French word for 'name', reversed."} {"Clue":"Posted cutting when editor agreed (8)","Answer":"ASSENTED","Explanation":"Definition: agreed\nAn insertion of SENT in AS and ED."} {"Clue":"Flutter about feeling pretty (6)","Answer":"FAIRLY","Explanation":"Definition: pretty\nAn insertion of AIR in FLY. 'She was feeling pretty\/fairly confident about completing an Everyman at last.'"} {"Clue":"Bad time of year for litter (9)","Answer":"OFFSPRING","Explanation":"Definition: litter\nA charade of OFF and SPRING."} {"Clue":"Sad soul, so lost, with hollow uncertainty ahead (7)","Answer":"PITIFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Sad\nA charade of PIT for 'hollow', IF for 'uncertainty', and [SO]UL."} {"Clue":"Aim to protect delta and develop industrial area (7,6)","Answer":"TRADING ESTATE","Explanation":"Definition: industrial area\nAn insertion of the phonetic D for 'delta' in TRAIN, followed by GESTATE for 'develop'."} {"Clue":"Revealed skill finally on northward ski run, keeping in line (3,4)","Answer":"LET SLIP","Explanation":"Definition: Revealed\nA charade of L for the last letter of 'skill' and PISTE with L inserted reversed."} {"Clue":"Good in lake and pool (5)","Answer":"MERGE","Explanation":"Definition: pool\nAn insertion of G in MERE."} {"Clue":"Is work lifted and shifted into place? (8)","Answer":"POSITION","Explanation":"Definition: place\nA charade of IS OP reversed and anagram of INTO;"} {"Clue":"Study part of speech with vicious scorn about love for American football team (6,7)","Answer":"DENVER BRONCOS","Explanation":"Definition: American football team\nA charade of DEN, VERB and O inserted into anagram of SCORN;"} {"Clue":"Keeper of records in vault, one with endless view (9)","Answer":"ARCHIVIST","Explanation":"Definition: Keeper of records\nA charade of ARCH, I and VIST[A]"} {"Clue":"Mammal, a tailless sort \u2013 positive about that? (8)","Answer":"PLATYPUS","Explanation":"Definition: Mammal\nA charade of A and TYP[E] inserted into PLUS gives you the Australian egg-laying mammal, one of only five species in the monotreme order."} {"Clue":"Doctor in new role after time identifying quivering effect (7)","Answer":"TREMOLO","Explanation":"Definition: quivering effect\nA charade of T and an insertion of MO for Medical Orderly or 'doctor' in anagram of ROLE;"} {"Clue":"Lean period present again in dramatic form (7)","Answer":"RESTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: present again in dramatic form\nA charade of REST and AGE."} {"Clue":"Part of journey with purpose in story (6)","Answer":"LEGEND","Explanation":"Definition: story\nA charade of LEG and END"} {"Clue":"One not clear about old expression (5)","Answer":"IDIOM","Explanation":"Definition: expression\nAn insertion of O in I and DIM."} {"Clue":"Of modest dimensions when cut down to size (6)","Answer":"HUMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Of modest dimensionscut down to size\nA dd. 'I was sitting in my humble abode and was humbled by Poins' crossword.'"} {"Clue":"Stiff found in church on street near the centre of Kilmarnock (6)","Answer":"STARCH","Explanation":"Definition: Stiff\nA charade of ST, AR for the middle letters of 'Kilmarnock' and CH. The clue doesn't quite work for me, because I can't find an equivalent of 'stiff' and STARCH. My dictionaries give 'stiff manner', but not just 'stiff'. Anyone got a better explanation?"} {"Clue":"Hold back when about to help (7)","Answer":"RESERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Hold back\nA charade of RE and SERVE."} {"Clue":"Lacking interest in nude man cavorting (7)","Answer":"MUNDANE","Explanation":"Definition: Lacking interest\nanagram of NUDE MAN;"} {"Clue":"The same as having to flog endless rubbish to get on (10)","Answer":"TANTAMOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: The same as\nA charade of TAN, TA[T] and MOUNT."} {"Clue":"Unerring Latin for 'small decoy' (4)","Answer":"LURE","Explanation":"Definition: decoy\nPoins is asking you to replace the S in SURE with L."} {"Clue":"Shoot right away \u2013 Go on! (5)","Answer":"SPOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Go on!\nSP[R]OUT. 'Pierre was spouting as usual.'"} {"Clue":"Ringing to find information kept in factory (8)","Answer":"PLANGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Ringing\nAn insertion of GEN in PLANT."} {"Clue":"Photo showing ball after game (8)","Answer":"SNAPSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Photo\nA charade of SNAP and SHOT. The second equivalence is in the 'cannonball' sense, I fancy."} {"Clue":"A couple of acolytes discovered in revolutionary's hiding place (5)","Answer":"CACHE","Explanation":"Definition: hiding place\nAn insertion of the first two letters of 'acolytes' in CHE."} {"Clue":"Level of River Bann's first to drop (4)","Answer":"TIER","Explanation":"Definition: Level\nTI[B]ER"} {"Clue":"Get subordinate to adopt a resolute attitude (10)","Answer":"UNDERSTAND","Explanation":"Definition: Get\nA charade of UNDER and STAND."} {"Clue":"Bitterly regret carrying money on European train (7)","Answer":"RETINUE","Explanation":"Definition: train\nAn insertion of E and TIN, a slang word for 'money', in RUE."} {"Clue":"Jeer when Obama embraces Republican (7)","Answer":"BARRACK","Explanation":"Definition: Jeer\nAn insertion of R in BARACK."} {"Clue":" Go and consider leaving Henry out against the French (6)","Answer":"TINKLE","Explanation":"Definition: Go\nA charade of T[H]INK and LE for one of the words for 'the' in French. 'Go' and TINKLE are both informal British English words for 'urinate'."} {"Clue":" Exist essentially in loveless heroine surprisingly (6)","Answer":"INHERE","Explanation":"Definition: Exist essentially\nanagram of HER[O]INE; It is a verb, but most folk would be more familiar with it in its adjectival form, INHERENT."} {"Clue":"One's possibly spotted with French marshal back in Hawaii (5)","Answer":"HYENA","Explanation":"Definition: One's possibly spotted\nAn insertion of General ~~LEY~~ NEY reversed in HA, the abbreviation for the US State. Not all hyenas are spotted. I checked."} {"Clue":"Wrong to smear eminent conductor (7)","Answer":"MAESTRO","Explanation":"Definition: eminent conductor\nanagram of TO SMEAR;"} {"Clue":"Nothing to compare with what Edward and Wallis made (4,5)","Answer":"LOVE MATCH","Explanation":"Definition: what Edward and Wallis made\nA simple charade of LOVE and MATCH. Good surface."} {"Clue":"Care for Faith (5)","Answer":"TRUST","Explanation":"Definition: CareFaith\nA dd. 'I have trust in the child placed in my trust.'"} {"Clue":"Signal to stop flushed German fellow climbing (3,4)","Answer":"RED FLAG","Explanation":"Definition: Signal to stop\nA charade of RED and G ALF reversed ('climbing', since it's a down clue)."} {"Clue":"Extremely cooperative after animal managed to cause an obstruction (9)","Answer":"HINDRANCE","Explanation":"Definition: obstruction\nA charade of HIND, RAN and CE for the outside letters of 'cooperative'."} {"Clue":"Depraved behaviour exhibited by queen getting tied up roughly after stud strips off (9)","Answer":"TURPITUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Depraved behaviour\nA charade of TU for the inner letters of 'stud', R for 'queen' and anagram of TIED UP;"} {"Clue":"Maiden stopping conscious of general opinion (9)","Answer":"SENTIMENT","Explanation":"Definition: general opinion\nAn insertion of M in SENTIENT."} {"Clue":"Verify sectarian slaughter (9)","Answer":"ASCERTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Verify\nanagram of SECTARIAN;"} {"Clue":"Part of Poins penned by playwright after a drop of porter (7)","Answer":"PORTION","Explanation":"Definition: Part\nA charade of P for the first letter of 'porter' and I for Poins our setter in [Joe] ORTON, the 1960s' playwright."} {"Clue":"Set books leading to anger rising in church (7)","Answer":"COTERIE","Explanation":"Definition: Set\nAn insertion of OT for Old Testament or 'books' and IRE reversed in CE."} {"Clue":"American puma regularly seen near the middle of Wimbledon Common (5)","Answer":"USUAL","Explanation":"Definition: Common\nNot sure the residents of SW19 would approve, but it's a charade of US, UA for the even letters of 'puma' and L for the middle letter of 'Wimbledon'."} {"Clue":"Section of organic herbs aimed at a specialised market (5)","Answer":"NICHE","Explanation":"Definition: aimed at a specialised market\nHidden in orgaNIC HErbs."} {"Clue":"Broadcast substandard feature image (8)","Answer":"PORTRAIT","Explanation":"Definition: image\nA homophone ('broadcast') of POOR and TRAIT. POOR and the first syllable of PORTRAIT aren't homophones in my accent, but they are in many, so I don't think we need to re-open the Great Homophone Debate again this morning, do we?"} {"Clue":"Retreat welcomed by queasy lumberjack (6)","Answer":"ASYLUM","Explanation":"Definition: Retreat\nHidden in queASY LUMberjack."} {"Clue":"Privates stealing bananas (8)","Answer":"GENITALS","Explanation":"Definition: Privates\nanagram of STEALING; Funny clue."} {"Clue":"In agreement for a French crash diet (6)","Answer":"UNITED","Explanation":"Definition: In agreement\nA charade of UN for one of the words for 'a' in French and anagram of DIET; with 'crash' as the anagrind."} {"Clue":"Pair taking in two points haven't a clue (5)","Answer":"DUNNO","Explanation":"Definition: haven't a clue\nAn insertion ('taking in') of NN for two 'points' of the compass in DUO."} {"Clue":"Care to sound like a bird? (4,1,4)","Answer":"GIVE A HOOT","Explanation":"Definition: Careto sound like a bird?\nA dd cum cd."} {"Clue":"Prosaic and dull, cart off roughly (6,2,4)","Answer":"MATTER OF FACT","Explanation":"Definition: Prosaic\nA charade of MATTE and anagram of CART OFF;"} {"Clue":"Fake Monet, one returned in tasteless frame, showing flowers (6-2-4)","Answer":"FORGET","Explanation":"Definition: flowers\n-ME-NOTSThis took me a while to see. It's a charade of FORGE for 'fake', then MENOT in TS for the outside letters ('frame') of 'tasteless'. You get to MENOT from MONET by reversing ('returning') 'one'."} {"Clue":"Capricious leaders of Wyndham's hail iconic non-U musical (9)","Answer":"WHIMSICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Capricious\nA charade of WHI for the first letters of 'Wyndham's', 'hail' and 'iconic' and M[U]SICAL."} {"Clue":" Pull gag (5)","Answer":"HEAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Pullgag\nA dd, the second in its 'throwing up' sense."} {"Clue":" Significance of devil's work? (6)","Answer":"IMPACT","Explanation":"Definition: Significance\nA charade of IMP and ACT."} {"Clue":"Usual street with a road adjoining (8)","Answer":"STANDARD","Explanation":"Definition: Usual\nA charade of ST, AND, A and RD."} {"Clue":"Still not odd then (4,2)","Answer":"EVEN SO","Explanation":"Definition: Still\nA charade of EVEN for 'not odd' and SO for 'then'."} {"Clue":"I've gone after ghastly shade that's tacky (8)","Answer":"ADHESIVE","Explanation":"Definition: tacky\nA charade of anagram of SHADE; and IVE. The anagrind is 'ghastly'."} {"Clue":" Temple locking up sea dog apparently (6)","Answer":"PAGODA","Explanation":"Definition: Temple\nHidden reversed ('locking up', since it's a down clue) in seA DOG APparently."} {"Clue":"Spoils include new spats (3,3)","Answer":"RUN INS","Explanation":"Definition: spats\nAn insertion of N in RUINS."} {"Clue":"Motivation to share drink (9)","Answer":"RATIONALE","Explanation":"Definition: Motivation\nA charade of RATION and ALE."} {"Clue":"Matilda will say it: she's being held up by current Yankee leader being a bastard (12)","Answer":"ILLEGITIMACY","Explanation":"Definition: being a bastard\nA bit of convolution, and I think this is how it works. A charade of ILL (I'LL) for 'Matilda will', EG for 'say', IT, I'M for 'she's' (referring again to Matilda), AC for 'current' and Y for the first letter of 'Yankee'."} {"Clue":"Imminent arrival primarily seen as not too athletic (5)","Answer":"SANTA","Explanation":"Definition: Imminent arrival\nMatilda referenced the C-word. Naughty. There are 23 sleeps left yet. The first letters of the last five words of the clue."} {"Clue":"Baked tortilla by the seaside (8)","Answer":"LITTORAL","Explanation":"Definition: by the seaside\nanagram of TORTILLA;"} {"Clue":"Referee taking time to think (8)","Answer":"MEDITATE","Explanation":"Definition: think\nAn insertion of T in MEDIATE."} {"Clue":"Find elevator potentially too big (12)","Answer":"OVERINFLATED","Explanation":"Definition: too big\nanagram of FIND ELEVATOR;"} {"Clue":"No way for solid opportunity (3,6)","Answer":"FAT CHANCE","Explanation":"Definition: No way\nA charade of FAT and CHANCE."} {"Clue":"Unlikely of thief to pocket whisky and cream (3-5)","Answer":"OFF","Explanation":"Definition: cream\n-WHITEAn insertion anagram of 'to pocket') W in (OF THIEF; Since Matilda is clueing W using the phonetic alphabet, you could argue that the clue is faulty, since the spelling used in said alphabet is 'whiskey'."} {"Clue":"Half frugal item \u2014 three and a bit euros for a dessert (5,3)","Answer":"FRUIT PIE","Explanation":"Definition: dessert\nA charade of FRU and IT for the first halves of the second and third letters of the clue, followed by PI (which mathematically and approximately is 'three and a bit') and E."} {"Clue":"I am sadly returning a sausage (6)","Answer":"SALAMI","Explanation":"Definition: sausage\nA reversal ('returning') of IM ALAS."} {"Clue":"Push part of bike, we hear (6)","Answer":"PEDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Push\nAn undoubted homophone of PEDAL."} {"Clue":"Gets rid of bags (5)","Answer":"SACKS","Explanation":"Definition: Gets rid ofbags\nA dd."} {"Clue":"A loud attack? Well, sadly, yes (6,2)","Answer":"AFRAID SO","Explanation":"Definition: sadly, yes\nA charade of A, F for musically 'loud', RAID and SO."} {"Clue":"Wipes beer mats less regularly (6)","Answer":"ERASES","Explanation":"Definition: Wipes\nThe even letters of bEeR mAtS lEsS."} {"Clue":"Perhaps Netanyahu is PM losing backing of Likud (7)","Answer":"ISRAELI","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Netanyahu\n[D]ISRAELI"} {"Clue":"Engage some dim Merseybeaters (7)","Answer":"IMMERSE","Explanation":"Definition: Engage\nHidden in dIM MERSEysider."} {"Clue":"After review, hotel won't accommodate screeching infant (5)","Answer":"OWLET","Explanation":"Definition: screeching infant\nHidden reversed in hoTEL WOn't."} {"Clue":"Discerning acts of love (6,3)","Answer":"MAKING OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Discerningacts of love\nA dd, although the second definition is really only first base when it comes to an act of love."} {"Clue":"Hide with Star Trek character getting emaciated (4,3,5)","Answer":"SKIN AND BONES","Explanation":"Definition: emaciated\nA charade of SKIN, AND and BONES. For non-Trekkies, BONES was the nickname of Dr Leonard McCoy in the original series. 'It's life, Jim, but not as we know it.'"} {"Clue":"She'd start off falteringly, less likely to get job done (5-7)","Answer":"SHORT","Explanation":"Definition: less likely to get job done\n-STAFFEDanagram of SHED START OFF;"} {"Clue":"Cook cassoulet? It's not worth the effort (4,5)","Answer":"LOST CAUSE","Explanation":"Definition: It's not worth the effort\nanagram of CASSOULET;"} {"Clue":"Back-to-back houses leading to a fuss (3-2)","Answer":"HOO","Explanation":"Definition: fuss\n-HAHO is the abbreviation for 'house'. Put two of those 'back-to-back', add A and you've got your answer."} {"Clue":"Draw what to put on horse, an ornamental trinket (3-4)","Answer":"TIE","Explanation":"Definition: ornamental trinket\n-BACK\u00a0 TIE-TACKI have some niggles about this. It's a charade of TIE and BACK. In many sports, TIE and 'draw' are not the same thing, but that's not my niggle. You can BACK a horse, but surely that's not what you 'put on it'. A TIE-BACK, for me, is what you use to hold back an open curtain. I wouldn't describe that as a 'trinket'. And while we're about it, the surface is pretty meaningless."} {"Clue":"Increases likelihood of popular verse in, for starters, Times Educational Supplement (7)","Answer":"INVITES","Explanation":"Definition: Increases likelihood of\nA charade of IN, V and I for the first letters of 'verse' and 'in', and TES for the weekly publication bought most often for its job adverts (well, it used to be at least). 'Labour invited criticism over its choice of leader.'"} {"Clue":"Composed, seated, relaxed (6)","Answer":"SEDATE","Explanation":"Definition: relaxed\nanagram of SEATED;"} {"Clue":"Vacantly using authoritarian dogma, nicks Africans (8)","Answer":"UGANDANS","Explanation":"Definition: Africans\nThe outside letters ('vacantly') of the second, third, fourth and fifth words of the clue. This surface is, for me, entirely meaningless. We'll be in 'Colorless green ideas sleep furiously' territory next."} {"Clue":"A child's key (1,5)","Answer":"A MINOR","Explanation":"Definition: key\nA charade of A and MINOR gives you the musical key that is the relative minor of C major."} {"Clue":" Once in a blue moon, rate cut in half by bank (6)","Answer":"RARELY","Explanation":"Definition: Once in a blue moon\nA charade of RA[TE] and RELY."} {"Clue":"Bizarrely, I twice knitted image of suspect (6-3)","Answer":"IDENTI","Explanation":"Definition: image of suspect\n-KITanagram of I I KNITTED;"} {"Clue":"What's seen with floating torsos? (8,6)","Answer":"SWIMMING TRUNKS","Explanation":"I didn't much like this either, I'm afraid. I suppose it's a cd. TRUNKS are 'torsos', but SWIMMING isn't the same as 'floating'. I suppose if torsos were floating in the pool they might be wearing SWIMMING TRUNKS."} {"Clue":"Type such as Abramovich (5)","Answer":"ROMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Typesuch as Abramovich\nA dd. In typography, ROMAN is one of the main variants (Times New Roman is the default type on most word-processing programs); ROMAN Abramovich is a Russian oligarch best known in this country for being the owner of Chelsea FC."} {"Clue":"Gentleman with symbol of potency: red meat (8)","Answer":"SIRLOINS","Explanation":"Definition: red meat\nA charade of SIR and LOINS."} {"Clue":"Single fine king uneasily delivers premonition (7,7)","Answer":"SINKING FEELING","Explanation":"Definition: premonition\nanagram of SINGLE FINE KING;"} {"Clue":"He arranged veg on hot cooker (9)","Answer":"BEETHOVEN","Explanation":"Definition: He arranged\nA charade of BEET, H and OVEN."} {"Clue":"Vis-\u00e0-vis Ola, Tess largely makes interaction impossible (8)","Answer":"ISOLATES","Explanation":"Definition: makes interaction impossible\nHidden in vis-a-vIS OLA TESs."} {"Clue":"Relaxed with name dropping? Something to explain (5,3)","Answer":"LOOSE END","Explanation":"Definition: Something to explain\n'Relaxed' is a synonym for LOOSENED. If you 'drop' or lower the N FOR 'name' one place, you've got the answer."} {"Clue":"Cirro-strati partially forming platforms (6)","Answer":"ROSTRA","Explanation":"Definition: platforms\nYet another hidden answer: in cirRO-STRAti. A plural of ROSTRUM. Fair enough, but I would never use it. Referenda, always; stadia, sometimes; but rostra? Naah."} {"Clue":"Passes, lacking energy, making errors (6)","Answer":"LAPSES","Explanation":"Definition: errors\n[E]LAPSES"} {"Clue":"Gold is one asset initially included in valuation (5)","Answer":"COAST","Explanation":"Definition: Gold is one\nAn insertion of A for the first letter of 'asset' in COST. The Gold Coast is a region south of Brisbane in Australia."} {"Clue":"Cult adopting unique selling point is dubious (7)","Answer":"SUSPECT","Explanation":"Definition: dubious\nAn insertion of USP in SECT."} {"Clue":"Rejected seed is cause of downfall (7)","Answer":"NEMESIS","Explanation":"Definition: cause of downfall\nA charade of SEMEN reversed and IS."} {"Clue":"Try to surpass bird consumed around start of lunch (7)","Answer":"EMULATE","Explanation":"Definition: Try to surpass\nAn insertion of L for the first letter of 'lunch' in EMU and ATE."} {"Clue":" Criminal copper inflamed about press release (7)","Answer":"CULPRIT","Explanation":"Definition: Criminal\nA charade of CU and an insertion of PR in LIT."} {"Clue":"Engineer closes its biannual events (9)","Answer":"SOLSTICES","Explanation":"Definition: biannual events\nanagram of CLOSES ITS; with 'engineer' as the anagrind. We've just had one. Evenings are getting longer already."} {"Clue":"Singular desire to be stylish (5)","Answer":"SWISH","Explanation":"Definition: stylish\nA charade of S and WISH."} {"Clue":"Drain out bottom (5)","Answer":"NADIR","Explanation":"Definition: bottom\nanagram of DRAIN;"} {"Clue":"Artist returning coins beginner produced for heavenly being (9)","Answer":"ARCHANGEL","Explanation":"Definition: heavenly being\nA charade of RA reversed, CHANGE and L."} {"Clue":"Part of licence covers air conditioning (9)","Answer":"CHARACTER","Explanation":"Definition: Part\nAn insertion of AC in CHARTER."} {"Clue":"Strange beer I eventually swallowed (5)","Answer":"EERIE","Explanation":"Definition: Strange\nHidden in bEER I Eventually."} {"Clue":"Take in party with suitable clothing (5)","Answer":"ADOPT","Explanation":"Definition: Take in\nAn insertion of DO in APT."} {"Clue":"Moll lisps about footwear (9)","Answer":"PLIMSOLLS","Explanation":"Definition: footwear\nanagram of MOLL LISPS;"} {"Clue":"Stick out for proposal (7)","Answer":"PROJECT","Explanation":"Definition: Stick outproposal\nA dd."} {"Clue":"Material of knitted angora with unknown ingredient (7)","Answer":"ORGANZA","Explanation":"Definition: Material\nAn insertion of Z for the mathematical 'unknown' in anagram of ANGORA; The anagrind is 'knitted'."} {"Clue":"Miserable benefit payment almost complete (7)","Answer":"DOLEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Miserable\nA charade of DOLE and FUL[L]"} {"Clue":"Meet female and settle back in state (7)","Answer":"SATISFY","Explanation":"Definition: Meet\nAn insertion of F and SIT reversed in SAY."} {"Clue":"Relative walks about (7)","Answer":"STEPSON","Explanation":"Definition: Relative\nA charade of STEPS and ON."} {"Clue":"Disgusting gangster swallowed by sea creature (7)","Answer":"SQUALID","Explanation":"Definition: Disgusting\nAn insertion of AL (Capone) in SQUID."} {"Clue":"Praise old key (5)","Answer":"EXALT","Explanation":"Definition: Praise\nA charade of EX and ALT for the key on your keyboard."} {"Clue":"Forthright six-footer by ditch (9)","Answer":"TRENCHANT","Explanation":"Definition: Forthright\nA charade of TRENCH and ANT."} {"Clue":"Mask censors raised, concealing kisses (5)","Answer":"NECKS","Explanation":"Definition: kisses\nHidden reversed in maSK CENsors."} {"Clue":"Squeezes fish to get drink (9)","Answer":"MILKSHAKE","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nA charade of MILKS and HAKE."} {"Clue":"Helping European recreational vehicle stuck in grass (7)","Answer":"SERVING","Explanation":"Definition: Helping\nAn insertion of E and RV in SING in its 'betray' sense."} {"Clue":"Posed with revolutionary by left luggage (7)","Answer":"SATCHEL","Explanation":"Definition: luggage\nA charade of SAT, CHE and L."} {"Clue":"Spooner's crow key to dish (5,4)","Answer":"ROAST BEEF","Explanation":"Definition: dish\nA Spoonerism of BOAST REEF. Think Florida Keys."} {"Clue":"Caught alternative free gold substitute, initially in aisles (9)","Answer":"CORRIDORS","Explanation":"Definition: aisles\nA charade of C, OR, RID, OR for 'gold' and S for the first letter of 'substitute'."} {"Clue":"Before exercise day man cracked (7)","Answer":"CHAPPED","Explanation":"Definition: cracked\nA charade of CHAP, PE and D. Think lips."} {"Clue":"Walking fish lax about accepting love and fate (7)","Answer":"AXOLOTL","Explanation":"Definition: Walking fish\nAn insertion of O and LOT in anagram of LAX;"} {"Clue":"Gives in regarding fast son (7)","Answer":"RELENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Gives in\nA charade of RE, LENT for the religious 'fas' and S."} {"Clue":"Drug treated stye sac (7)","Answer":"ECSTASY","Explanation":"Definition: Drug\nanagram of STYE SAC;"} {"Clue":"Priest lifted dead part of flower (5)","Answer":"PETAL","Explanation":"Definition: part of flower\nA charade of P and LATE reversed."} {"Clue":"Gun feature regularly seen in slingshots (5)","Answer":"SIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Gun feature\nThe odd letters of **S**l**I**n**G**s**H**o**T**s."} {"Clue":"What the following numbers show (4,6)","Answer":"WORD LENGTH","Explanation":"Definition: What the following numbers show\nA slightly left-field clue: the numbers after the clue, shown as (4,6) in this case, indicate the WORD LENGTH or enumeration."} {"Clue":"Covering back, a politician given to stalling (8)","Answer":"DILATORY","Explanation":"Definition: given to stalling\nreversal [back] of LID [covering] + A TORY [a politician]"} {"Clue":"I am changing plan, spiel being incomprehensible, as people asking for its clarity? (5,7,8)","Answer":"PLAIN ENGLISH CAMPAIGN","Explanation":"Definition: people asking for its clarity? (\nanagram [being incomprehensible] of I AM CHANGING PLAN SPIEL"} {"Clue":"Last of vile smell behind wind sensor disappearing (10)","Answer":"EVANESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: disappearing\nE [last letter of vilE] + VANE [wind sensor] + SCENT [smell]"} {"Clue":"Party members needing permission to travel without limo, London's conclusion: Olympic site not for backing (6,3,5)","Answer":"VICARS AND TARTS","Explanation":"Definition: Party members\nVISA [permission to travel] round [without] CAR [limo] + N [last letter \u2013 conclusion \u2013 of londoN + reversal [backing] of STRAT[for]D [Olympic site not for]"} {"Clue":"Put in meat processor, shame brought on old crone, as busybody (7-8)","Answer":"CURTAIN-TWITCHER","Explanation":"Definition: busybody\nTAINT [shame] + WITCH [old crone] in CURER [meat processor]"} {"Clue":" Bishop, say, adding page to report (7)","Answer":"PRELATE","Explanation":"Definition: Bishop, say\nP [page] + RELATE [report]"} {"Clue":"Old car drives, finding mystery man (6,6)","Answer":"AUSTIN POWERS","Explanation":"Definition: mystery man\nAUSTIN [old car] + POWERS [drives]"} {"Clue":"Film director provides the ultimate in comedy, then everyone's lumbering about (5,5)","Answer":"WOODY ALLEN","Explanation":"Definition: Film director\nWOODEN [lumbering] round Y [last letter of comedY] + ALL [everyone]"} {"Clue":"Farmer's assistant, filthy gossipmonger? (4,8)","Answer":"MUCK SPREADER","Explanation":"Definition: Farmer's assistantfilthy gossipmonger\ndouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Step on people, passing first of stars \u2014 in this competitive exploration? (5,4)","Answer":"SPACE RACE","Explanation":"Definition: competitive exploration\nS [first letter of Stars] + PACE [step] + RACE [people]"} {"Clue":"Great Greek, Greek island recoiling at tax (8)","Answer":"SOCRATES","Explanation":"Definition: Great Greek\nReversal [recoiling] of COS [Greek island] + RATES [tax]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Sweet Irish author interrupting tour, regularly (8)","Answer":"TIRAMISU","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nIR [Irish] + AMIS [as always, take your pick of Kingsley or Martin, author] in [interrupting] alternate letters [regularly] of ToUr"} {"Clue":"Casual habits causing leader in police force to break state up (7)","Answer":"PYJAMAS","Explanation":"Definition: Casual habits\nP [first letter \u2013 leader \u2013 of Police] + JAM [force] in reversal [up] of SAY [state]"} {"Clue":"Cash rarely jazz y \u2014 his genre soul (3,7)","Answer":"RAY CHARLES","Explanation":"Definition: his genre soul\nanagram [jazzy] of CASH RARELY"} {"Clue":"Heading off to bed, never once being loose (6)","Answer":"UNKNOT","Explanation":"Definition: loose\n[b]UNK [heading off {to} bed] + NOT [never once] \u2013 or it could be 'once being loose', UNKNOT being archaic?"} {"Clue":"An oceanic movement to screen Teletubby before an Australian, say? (10)","Answer":"ANTIPODEAN","Explanation":"Definition: an Australian, say?\nAN TIDE [an oceanic movement] round PO\u00a0 [Teletubby] + AN"} {"Clue":"Topless operatic heroine said to have no top taken off (8)","Answer":"IMITATED","Explanation":"Definition: taken off\n[m]IMI 'topless' operatic heroine of 'La Boh\u00e8me' + [s]TATED [said to have no top]"} {"Clue":" Stimulate a ploy to ensnare love (6)","Answer":"AROUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Stimulate\nA RUSE [a ploy] round [to ensnare] O [love]"} {"Clue":"Plant no cost to country importing necklaces, primarily (6)","Answer":"ARNICA","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\ncostA RICA [no cost to country] round [importing] N [first letter \u2013 primarily] of Necklaces]"} {"Clue":"Mum eats a feast, eating store of food (4,4)","Answer":"MEAT SAFE","Explanation":"Definition: store of food\nwell-hidden [well, it took me a few minutes to see it] in muM EATS A FEast"} {"Clue":"Environmentalists such as Ethel Merman and Thomas Hardy? (4-7)","Answer":"TREE-HUGGERS","Explanation":"Definition: Environmentalists\nWhat on earth could these two have in common, I wondered, and laughed out loud as the penny dropped that they both have a tree hidden [hugged] in their name [ethEL Merman \/ thomAS Hardy] What a lovely way to start a puzzle!"} {"Clue":"Disconcert Arsenal without using wingers, gaining victory in Europe (7)","Answer":"UNNERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Disconcert\n[g]UNNER[s] [nickname of Arsenal, minus first and last letters \u2013 without using wingers] + VE [victory in Europe] \u2013 great surface!"} {"Clue":"Return of ice in one point three times as slippery? (3-4)","Answer":"EEL-LIKE","Explanation":"Definition: slippery\nreversal [return] of KILL [ice] in EEE [point \u2013 three times]"} {"Clue":"Aid for tourists in Edinburgh's good online reading material (9)","Answer":"GUIDEBOOK","Explanation":"Definition: Aid for tourists\nGUID [Scottish \u2013 Edinburgh's \u2013 'good'] + E BOOK[online reading material]"} {"Clue":"Spike Milligan, finally covered in for good (5)","Answer":"PRONG","Explanation":"Definition: Spike\nN [last letter \u2013 finally \u2013 of Milligan] in PRO [for] G [good]"} {"Clue":" Weapon available from around threepence (4)","Answer":"EP\u00c9E","Explanation":"Definition: Weapon\nhidden reversal [around] in thrEEPEnce"} {"Clue":"One making declaration in a counter-revolutionary fashion (10)","Answer":"ENUNCIATOR","Explanation":"Definition: One making declaration\nanagram [revolutionary fashion] of IN A COUNTER"} {"Clue":"Strange I should tan poorly (10)","Answer":"OUTLANDISH","Explanation":"Definition: Strange\nanagram [poorly] of I SHOULD TAN"} {"Clue":" Body establishing English broadcasts, originally (4)","Answer":"BEEB","Explanation":"Definition: Body establishing English broadcasts, originally\ninitial letters of Body Establishing English Broadcasts for a nice &lit"} {"Clue":" Desirable but unattainable ladies, mostly out to lunch (5)","Answer":"IDEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Desirable but unattainable\nanagram [out to lunch!] of LADIE[s] [mostly]"} {"Clue":"Before returning toilet roll to soft bit of furniture \u2026 (9)","Answer":"FOOTSTOOL","Explanation":"Definition: bit of furniture\nanagram [roll] of TO SOFT before reversal [returning] of LOO [toilet"} {"Clue":"heads for mugs of no-good drinks (7)","Answer":"NOGGINS","Explanation":"Definition: headsmugs\nthere's a lot going on here: a double definition and wordplay as well:\u00a0 NO G [no good] GINS [drinks] \u2013 and, of course, a noggin is a drink, too"} {"Clue":"Fairy ring finally seen where moon is nearest to us (7)","Answer":"PERIGEE","Explanation":"Definition: where moon is nearest to us\nPERI [fairy] + GEE [last letter \u2013 finally \u2013 of rinG]"} {"Clue":"Spooner's cursed pig will cheat (11)","Answer":"HORNSWOGGLE","Explanation":"Definition: cheat\nSpoonerism of Sworn hog'll\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":" Measure of stress that can be absorbed by three nestlings about to take flight at last (7,8)","Answer":"TENSILE STRENGTH","Explanation":"Definition: Measure of stress that can be absorbed\nanagram of THREE NESTLINGS + [fligh]T"} {"Clue":"Right one, hiding in central point in nest (5)","Answer":"EYRIE","Explanation":"Definition: nest\nR I [right one] in EYE [central point \u2013 as of a storm]"} {"Clue":"Ring in when dancing includes party dance (7)","Answer":"HOEDOWN","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nO [ring] in anagram [dancing] of WHEN round [includes] DO [party]"} {"Clue":"One getting in a pickle from using her Kindle (7)","Answer":"GHERKIN","Explanation":"Definition: One getting in a pickle\nvery nicely hidden in usinG HER KINdle \u2013 e-books again!"} {"Clue":"Golfer circling edge of hole is \u2026 (8)","Answer":"ELLIPSIS","Explanation":"Definition: \u2026\nThe ubiquitous crossword golfer [Ernie] ELS round [circling] LIP [edge of hole] + IS \u2013 a superb surface \u2013 and a genuine ellipsis!"} {"Clue":"in soft enough ground, accepting initially even the error exiting the trap? (4,2,3,6)","Answer":"SLIP OF THE TONGUE","Explanation":"Definition: error exiting the trap\nusing the ellipsis, we have to take LIP from the previous clue ['edge of hole is \u2026 in' and put it in SOFT, then it's an anagram [ground] of ENOUGH round [accepting] the initial letters of Even The, to give an amusing definition and a play on [sand] trap, which I believe is a golfing term: a really brilliant pair of clues, I think"} {"Clue":"Person who can't spell anoints new members of old sect (13)","Answer":"MUGGLETONIANS","Explanation":"Definition: members of old sect\nMUGGLE [in the Harry Potter books, a\u00a0 non-wizard \u2013 'person who can't spell'!] + anagram [new] of ANOINTS for this unlikely-sounding old sect that I fortunately remembered from my A Level History"} {"Clue":"Breakfast item in pub's left one entering complaint: \"Is hard to swallow\" (7,6)","Answer":"BEGGARS BELIEF","Explanation":"Definition: \"Is hard to swallow\"\nEGG [breakfast item] in BAR'S [pub's] + L I [left one] in BEEF [complaint]"} {"Clue":"Liberal's surprisingly more gutsy (8)","Answer":"BALLSIER","Explanation":"Definition: more gutsy\nanagram [surprisingly] of LIBERAL'S"} {"Clue":"Removes tension from simmering feud, overseas area excepted (7)","Answer":"DEFUSES","Explanation":"Definition: Removes tension from\nUS [overseas area] in [accepted] anagram [simmering] of FEUDS"} {"Clue":"Car horn very good in snow, oddly (7)","Answer":"SCORPIO","Explanation":"Definition: Car\nCOR [horn] + PI [very good: to forestall the frequent queries, 'pi' is a short form of 'pious', now a Chambers entry in its own right, meaning 'obtrusively religious, sanctimonious'] in odd letters of S[n]O[w]: I confidently wrote 'COR [horn]', thinking of 'cor anglais', then was surprised to see that it wasn't in either Chambers or Collins, except in that combination"} {"Clue":"Childless male, shortly to produce child (5)","Answer":"SPROG","Explanation":"Definition: child\nSP [sine prole \u2013 childless] + ROG[er] [male shortly] \u2013 an amusing clue to finish with"} {"Clue":"Work of 15: among plays, others by him not entirely ambiguous (3,7,4)","Answer":"THE HISTORY BOYS","Explanation":"Definition: Work of 15\nanagram [ambiguous] of OTHERS BY HI[m] in [among] TOYS [plays]"} {"Clue":"Go by land, getting cold (6)","Answer":"WINTRY","Explanation":"Definition: cold\nTRY [go] following [by] WIN [land]"} {"Clue":"Is the bottle so courageous? (8)","Answer":"SPIRITED","Explanation":"Definition: courageous?\ndouble \/ cryptic definition: if a bottle contains spirits, it could be said to be spirited \u2013 nice play on 'bottle', too"} {"Clue":"One climbed clear as English author (7)","Answer":"BENNETT","Explanation":"Definition: English author\nBEN [Scottish mountain \u2013 'one climbed']\u00a0 + NETT [clear]"} {"Clue":"Einstein's old oath about butter somewhat lost (7)","Answer":"EGGHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Einstein\nEGAD [old oath] round GHE[e] [butter somewhat lost] \u2013 and, for once, butter means butter!"} {"Clue":"a part rewritten with religious rite for 15's work (1,7,8)","Answer":"A PRIVATE FUNCTION","Explanation":"Definition: 15's work\nanagram [rewritten] of FIVE A PART + UNCTION [religious rite]"} {"Clue":"Shine on beyond deadly sin (6)","Answer":"LUSTRE","Explanation":"Definition: Shine\nRE [on] after LUST [deadly sin]"} {"Clue":"Copy returned shortly, thrill getting hold of terribly sad work of 15 (6,4)","Answer":"KAFKA\u2019S DICK","Explanation":"Definition: work of 15\nreversal [returned] of FAK[e] [copy shortly] + KICK [thrill] round [getting hold of] anagram of [terribly] SAD"} {"Clue":"15's work, if a mermaid breaks off to introduce yarn from Richmond? (2,2,6,2,8,5)","Answer":"ME, I\u2019M AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF","Explanation":"Definition: 15's work\nanagram [breaks] of IF A MERMAID + OFF round [to introduce] VIRGINIA WOOL ['yarn from Richmond?' \u2013 *capital of Virginia, as I should have noted earlier \u2013 thanks Fat Al @* comment 5] \u2013 a rather Araucarian construction!"} {"Clue":"Guillotine out to slice through vessel, sliced into pieces (3,2)","Answer":"CUT UP","Explanation":"Definition: sliced into pieces\n[o]UT minus its first letter [guillotined] in [to slice through] CUP [vessel]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Drug \u2014 figure drawing it in inhaling poisonous gas? (8)","Answer":"NICOTINE","Explanation":"Definition: Drug\nNINE [figure] round [drawing in] IT, which is itself round [inhaling] CO [carbon monoxide \u2013 poisonous gas] \u2013 great surface!"} {"Clue":"A pleasing thing for Turkish generals (4)","Answer":"AGAS","Explanation":"Definition: Turkish generals\nA GAS [pleasing thing]"} {"Clue":"Difficult as a hitch? (6)","Answer":"KNOTTY","Explanation":"Definition: Difficult\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Where China Sea becomes choppy in the wind (3,4)","Answer":"FAR EAST","Explanation":"Definition: Where China\nanagram [becomes choppy] of SEA in FART [wind] \u2013 another great surface"} {"Clue":"Anticipating a comic, it having popular features inside (8)","Answer":"AWAITING","Explanation":"Definition: Anticipating\nIT + IN [having popular features] inside A WAG [a comic] [I was taught that this was not the definition of 'anticipating'!]"} {"Clue":"Power of pulling, for certain? (1,5)","Answer":"G FORCE","Explanation":"Definition: Power\nhidden in pullinG FOR CErtain"} {"Clue":"Bowler's dream, new balls caught in the slips (3,7)","Answer":"TEN WICKETS","Explanation":"Definition: Bowler's dream\nanagram [balls!] of NEW in TICKETS [slips] \u2013 an excellent cricketing surface."} {"Clue":"Month after one thrown from vehicle, find wing in church (8)","Answer":"TRANSEPT","Explanation":"Definition: wing in church\nSEPT[ember] [month] after TRA[i]N [one thrown from vehicle]"} {"Clue":"Number of convictions proves contradictory, thief ultimately claimed (7)","Answer":"BELIEFS","Explanation":"Definition: Number of convictions\nF [thieF ultimately] in [claimed] BELIES [proves contradictory] \u2013 'number of' is necessary for the fine surface"} {"Clue":"Fish put in one's ear (6)","Answer":"PLAICE","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nsounds like [in one's ear] 'place' [put]"} {"Clue":"Juliet's heart and Lear's desire (6)","Answer":"LIKING","Explanation":"Definition: desire\nLI [juLIet's heart] + KING [Lear]"} {"Clue":"Story taking month, not a month less a day (4)","Answer":"MYTH","Explanation":"Definition: Story\nM[a]Y [month not a] + [mon]TH [month minus mon{day}]"} {"Clue":"Extremely uncongenial bird's embraced at last (8)","Answer":"ULTIMATE","Explanation":"Definition: last\nU[ncongenia]L + TIME [bird \u2013 prison sentence] round ['s embraced] AT"} {"Clue":"Actor's denied leading part in films (6)","Answer":"LAYERS","Explanation":"Definition: films\n[p]LAYERS: player [actor] minus first letter [leading] of Part"} {"Clue":"Old swinger who scored with temptress \u2014 it ends in remorse (4,4)","Answer":"BABE RUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Old swinger who scored\nBABE [temptress] + RUTH [remorse]"} {"Clue":" Swinger professionally and privately has row about German swingers' clubs (5,5)","Answer":"TIGER WOODS","Explanation":"Definition: Swinger professionally and privately\nTIER [row] round G [German] + WOODS [golf [swingers'] clubs]"} {"Clue":"Swinger going on record shows what's grand in French Resistance (6)","Answer":"MILLER","Explanation":"Definition: Swinger going on record\nMILLE\u00a0 thousand [grand] in French + R [resistance]"} {"Clue":"Gin reportedly reduces discomfort in swingers' bars (8)","Answer":"TRAPEZES","Explanation":"Definition: swingers' bars\nTRAP [gin] + EZES : sounds like [reportedly] eases \u2013 reduces discomfort]"} {"Clue":"The Ottoman commander most admired by his peers produces middlebrow novel (3,4)","Answer":"AGA SAGA","Explanation":"Definition: middlebrow novel \nAGAS' AGA"} {"Clue":"Swinger's flat out here having food to scoff (7)","Answer":"HAMMOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Swinger's flat out here\nHAM [food] + MOCK [scoff]"} {"Clue":"Worker taken in by PM has silly illusion (8)","Answer":"PHANTASM","Explanation":"Definition: illusion\nANT [worker] in anagram [silly] of PM HAS"} {"Clue":"Trojan horse's outside Caribbean country (6)","Answer":"HECUBA","Explanation":"Definition: Trojan\nH[ors]E [horse's outside] + CUBA [Caribbean country] for the wife of Priam, king of Troy"} {"Clue":"Actress admits whisky's knocked back for illumination (6,4)","Answer":"STREET LAMP","Explanation":"Definition: illumination\nSTREEP [Meryl, actress] round [admits] reversal [knocked back] of MALT [whisky]"} {"Clue":"Swingers seduced by parties love gin \u2014 start of frolics! (8,6)","Answer":"FLOATING VOTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Swingers seduced by parties\nanagram [frolics] of LOVE GIN START OF"} {"Clue":" Swinger's activity with one fellow, say, accepting hands going up leg (4,8)","Answer":"WIFE SWAPPING","Explanation":"Definition: Swinger's activity\nW [with] I F [one fellow] + EG [say] round [accepting] reversal [going up] of PAWS [hands] + PIN [leg]"} {"Clue":" Swinger like 10 24 across's beat (6)","Answer":"BATTER","Explanation":"Definition: Swinger like 10 24 across'sbeat\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Top for woman with figure of a voluminous nature (7)","Answer":"WEIGHTY","Explanation":"Definition: of a voluminous nature\nW [top {first letter} for woman] + EIGHTY [figure]"} {"Clue":"Long aria composed for this? (8)","Answer":"GLORIANA","Explanation":"Definition: Long aria composed for this?\nanagram [composed] of LONG ARIA \u2013 &lit \u2013 opera by Benjamin Britten"} {"Clue":"Addict needs this endless buzz: too many drugs leading to crime, unfortunately (10)","Answer":"HYPODERMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Addict needs this\nHYP[e] [endless buzz] +OD [overdose \u2013 too many drugs] + anagram [unfortunately] of CRIME"} {"Clue":"Cross Irish girl wasting time (6)","Answer":"BRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Cross\nBRIDGE[t] [Irish girl] minus [wasting] T [time]"} {"Clue":"Cinematic location fails to entertain patron of the theatre (3,7)","Answer":"LOS ANGELES","Explanation":"Definition: Cinematic location\nLOSES [fails] round [to entertain] ANGEL [patron of the theatre]"} {"Clue":"Large woman's uncontrolled eating leads to swollen stomach (8)","Answer":"GIANTESS","Explanation":"Definition: Large woman\nanagram [uncontrolled] of EATING + first letters [leads] of Swollen Stomach"} {"Clue":"Bishop caught in fling with joiner in pick-up location (3,5)","Answer":"CAB STAND","Explanation":"Definition: pick-up location\nB [bishop] in CAST [fling] + AND [joiner]"} {"Clue":"Singer plugs TV award half-heartedly \u2014 it's an important mission (7)","Answer":"EMBASSY","Explanation":"Definition: an important mission\nBASS [singer] in [plugs] EM[m]Y [TV award] minus one of its middle letters \u2013 half-heartedly"} {"Clue":" Legendary 3 building century (6)","Answer":"HUTTON","Explanation":"Definition: Legendary 3\nHUT [building] + TON [century] \u2013 easy charade for the legendary England batsman Len Hutton"} {"Clue":" Swinger exercising no discrimination during arousal (6)","Answer":"HEPCAT","Explanation":"Definition: Swinger\nPC [politically correct \u2013 exercising no discrimination] in [during] HEAT [arousal]"} {"Clue":"After starter's put away, beef's ready (4)","Answer":"RIPE","Explanation":"Definition: ready\n[g]RIPE: complaint minus [put away] its first letter [starter]"} {"Clue":"Film lover's FT version of the 2's 10 (9)","Answer":"CINEPHILE","Explanation":"Definition: Film lover\nGuardian's Araucaria's [2's 10] pseudonym for his FT puzzles and, again as we all know, it's an anagram of Chile pine \u2013 and I've never stopped marvelling at that, especially as Rev John is a film lover!"} {"Clue":"Prophet of the Old Testament taken from his car in unusual haze (9)","Answer":"ZECHARIAH","Explanation":"Definition: Prophet\nCHARI [chari[ot] \u2013 his car minus [taken from] ot [Old Testament] in anagram\u00a0 [unusual] of HAZE \u2013 vintage Araucaria! [I'd love this to be an\u00a0 &lit \u2013 Zechariah did have a vision of four chariots but I don't think he was taken from one and haven't time to research further]"} {"Clue":"Provide updated description for insurgent outside US city (7)","Answer":"RELABEL","Explanation":"Definition: Provide updated description\nREBEL [insurgent] round [outside] LA [US city]"} {"Clue":"Made nasty statements in second piece (7)","Answer":"BACKBIT","Explanation":"Definition: Made nasty statements\nBACK [second] + BIT [piece]"} {"Clue":"Part of tomahawk found somewhere on the Missouri (5)","Answer":"OMAHA","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere on the Missouri\nHidden in tOMAHwk"} {"Clue":"Coats I see being altered? China uses them to keep warm (9)","Answer":"TEACOSIES","Explanation":"Definition: China uses them to keep warm\nAnagram of COATS I SEE"} {"Clue":"Very fast way to cope with lack of corkscrew? (9)","Answer":"BREAKNECK","Explanation":"Definition: Very fast\ncryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Compare Liberal former president with new (5)","Answer":"LIKEN","Explanation":"Definition: Compare\nL [Liberal] + IKE [former president} + N [new]"} {"Clue":"Noise made by chains in prison (5)","Answer":"CLINK","Explanation":"Definition: Noise made by chainsprison\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"How scholar gains recognition, gradually (2,7)","Answer":"BY DEGREES","Explanation":"Definition: How scholar gains recognitiongradually\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Reduce burden at university to become more relaxed (7,2)","Answer":"LIGHTEN UP","Explanation":"Definition: become more relaxed\nLIGHTEN [reduce burden] UP [at university]"} {"Clue":"Check writer's material for gap (5)","Answer":"CHINK","Explanation":"Definition: gap\nCH [check] + INK [writer's material]"} {"Clue":"European seen in London club, a place that attracts many (5)","Answer":"MECCA","Explanation":"Definition: place that attracts many\nE [European] in MCC [Marylebone Cricket Club] + A"} {"Clue":"Restricted middle section used to be soft, then it was revised (4,5)","Answer":"WASP WAIST","Explanation":"Definition: Restricted middle section\nWAS [used to be] + P [soft] + anagram [revised] of IT WAS"} {"Clue":"Musician has material for strings, including one form of sitar (9)","Answer":"GUITARIST","Explanation":"Definition: Musician\nGUT [material for strings] round I [one] + anagram [form of] of SITAR"} {"Clue":"Epic poem in which one macho man eclipses another one (5)","Answer":"ILIAD","Explanation":"Definition: Epic poem\nI LAD [one macho man] round [eclipses] I [another one]"} {"Clue":"Listener stirred with no end of emotion \u2014 that's how theatre should be (7)","Answer":"STERILE","Explanation":"Definition: that's how theatre should be\nAnagram [stirred] of LISTE[n]ER \u2013 and it has just struck me that it was Lister who pioneered making them so \u2013 but I'm sure that clue must have been done before"} {"Clue":"Doctor moved carefully and cleared out bed (7)","Answer":"DREDGED","Explanation":"Definition: cleared out bed\nDR [doctor] + EDGED [moved carefully]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Like diamonds making corrupt mob rich (7)","Answer":"RHOMBIC","Explanation":"Definition: Like diamonds\nAnagram [corrupt] of\u00a0 MOB RICH"} {"Clue":"Raising dough, pound area in later part of day (9)","Answer":"LEAVENING","Explanation":"Definition: Raising dough\nL [pound] + A [area] in EVENING [later part of the day]"} {"Clue":"Jet \u2014 to get hence to 24 via 5 down, 7 etc, 18 across, 15? (5)","Answer":"BLACK","Explanation":"Definition: Jet\nTo get from BLACK to WHITE [24] via BLANK [5dn] and BLINK [7dn] we have to play the game called, among other things,\u00a0 Doublets, which I've just discovered was invented by Lewis Carroll, and LIGHTEN UP [18ac] BY DEGREES [15]. For the moment, I will leave you to find the 'etc' .for yourselves. [*Answers at the end of the blog]"} {"Clue":"Garbage collector's brood born at home (6,3)","Answer":"LITTER BIN","Explanation":"Definition: Garbage collector\nLITTER [brood] + B [born] + IN [at home]"} {"Clue":"Empty space left in row (5)","Answer":"BLANK","Explanation":"Definition: Empty space\nL [left] in BANK [row]"} {"Clue":"Use an axe, I note, to argue contentiously (4,5)","Answer":"CHOP LOGIC","Explanation":"Definition: argue contentiously\nCHOP LOG [use an axe] + I C [note]"} {"Clue":"React with surprise as bachelor's put on tie (5)","Answer":"BLINK","Explanation":"Definition: React with surprise\nB [bachelor] + LINK [tie]"} {"Clue":"Tansies stewed, making medicinal drinks (7)","Answer":"TISANES","Explanation":"Definition: medicinal drinks\nAnagram [stewed] of TANSIES"} {"Clue":"I talk nonsensically about Maori dance, Indian dance (9)","Answer":"KATHAKALI","Explanation":"Definition: Indian dance\nAnagram [nonsensically] of I TALK round HAKA [Maori dance] for this Indian dance"} {"Clue":"Unfinished lair located south of river, placed in bank (9)","Answer":"DEPOSITED","Explanation":"Definition: placed in bank\nDE[n] [unfinished lair] + SITED [located] after [south of, in a down clue] PO [river]"} {"Clue":"Drawing out, for example, about legal measure, briefly (9)","Answer":"ELICITING","Explanation":"Definition: Drawing out\nEG [for example] round LICIT [legal] IN [inch \u2013 measure briefly]"} {"Clue":"Alkaline substances holding up attempt to make porcelain (7)","Answer":"LIMOGES","Explanation":"Definition: porcelain\nLIMES [alkaline substances] round [holding] reversal [up] of GO [attempt]"} {"Clue":" Insect, at very end, finally caught by child (7)","Answer":"KATYDID","Explanation":"Definition: Insect\nAT + [ver]Y [en]D in [caught by] KID [child]"} {"Clue":"Cut of meat in lunch in eatery (5)","Answer":"CHINE","Explanation":"Definition: Cut of meat\nHidden in lunCH IN Eatery"} {"Clue":"Plaintive cry from husband entering port, perhaps (5)","Answer":"WHINE","Explanation":"Definition: Plaintive cry\nH [husband] in WINE [port, perhaps]"} {"Clue":"Why is tea endlessly combined with milk? (5)","Answer":"WHITE","Explanation":"Definition: combined with milk\nWe need to take the last letters from WH[y] I[s] TE[a] \u2013 a nice touch to end with\n\n[*13ac, 19ac, 22dn, 23dn:\u00a0 and they come symmetrically in the grid, in clue order \u2013 how clever is that?]"} {"Clue":"Cuts China off in seconds (8)","Answer":"MOHICANS","Explanation":"Definition: Cuts\nAnagram [off] of CHINA in MOS [seconds]"} {"Clue":"A killer said to carry a jacket full of useless facts and figures? (6)","Answer":"ANORAK","Explanation":"Definition: jacketfull of useless facts and figures?\nAN ORK [sounds like {said}\u00a0 'an orc' \u2013 a killer] round [to carry] A, to give a double \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Bit of a bloomer from Top Cat (6)","Answer":"ANTHER","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of a bloomer\n[p]ANTHER ['topped' cat]"} {"Clue":"Drink? Right, that is a drink (8)","Answer":"RIESLING","Explanation":"Definition: Drink?\nR [right] + IE [that is] + SLING [drink]"} {"Clue":"Manages boards (4,2)","Answer":"GETS ON","Explanation":"Definition: Managesboards\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Female cut by whip at boarding school (4,4)","Answer":"ETON CROP","Explanation":"Definition: Female cut\nETON [boarding school] + CROP [whip]"} {"Clue":"Day in which banker gets backed in the City (7)","Answer":"UTRECHT","Explanation":"Definition: City\nReversal [backed] of CERT [banker \u2013 for once not a river] in THU [day] \u2013 there doesn't seem to be an indicator that 'day' is also reversed"} {"Clue":"Bent over page in dictionary with two consecutive letters at beginning (7)","Answer":"STOOPED","Explanation":"Definition: Bent\nST [two consecutive letters] + O [over] + P [page] in OED [Oxford English Dictionary]"} {"Clue":"Model in US cut record, first of several items on display (3,5)","Answer":"TAX DISCS","Explanation":"Definition: items on display\nT [model] + AX [American spelling of axe \u2013 cut] + DISC [record] + S [first letter of Several]"} {"Clue":"Want a Dylan album? (6)","Answer":"DESIRE","Explanation":"Definition: WantDylan album\nDouble definition \u2013 1976 album by Bob Dylan"} {"Clue":"Garden? Try one of the other two when disheartened (6)","Answer":"GOODIE","Explanation":"Definition: Garden?\nGO [try] + OD[d]IE [one of the other two, 'disheartened']"} {"Clue":"One seeking favour from escort, around start of tour (8)","Answer":"COURTIER","Explanation":"Definition: One seeking favour\nCOURIER [escort] round T[our]"} {"Clue":"Flowery stuff? Just a little in the Czech Republic (6)","Answer":"CHINTZ","Explanation":"Definition: Flowery stuff?\nHINT [just a little] in CZ [Czech Republic IVR]"} {"Clue":"Musician capturing essential character of first violin part? (6)","Answer":"STRING","Explanation":"Definition: violin part\nSTING [musician] round [capturing] [fi]R[st]"} {"Clue":"US shopkeeper rushed male into hospital (8)","Answer":"STOREMAN","Explanation":"Definition: US shopkeeper\nTORE [rushed] + M [male] in SAN [hospital]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Can a tart love short-tempered actor? (4,8)","Answer":"JOHN TRAVOLTA","Explanation":"Definition: actor\nJOHN [can] + an anagram [tempered] of A TART LOV[e]"} {"Clue":"Form of transport initially discovered in Pharaoh's time (4-5,5)","Answer":"HIGH-SPEED TRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Form of transport\nI'm afraid I have no idea how this works \u2013 over to you!"} {"Clue":"18th-century politician in conflict over northern battle (6,8)","Answer":"WARREN HASTINGS","Explanation":"Definition: 18th-century politician\nWAR [conflict] + RE [over] + N [northern] + HASTINGS [1066 battle]"} {"Clue":"Very inexperienced new SAS soldier initially rages with anger (2,5,2,5)","Answer":"AS GREEN AS GRASS","Explanation":"Definition: Very inexperienced\nAnagram [new] of SAS S[oldier] RAGES and ANGER"} {"Clue":"Chinaman treating a crofter \u2014 do boots briefly get taken off? (8,6)","Answer":"BAREFOOT DOCTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Chinaman\nAnagram [treating] of A CROFTER DO BOOT[s] \u2013 a very clever clue, with an &littish feel"} {"Clue":"Gather it's more flipping valuable, perhaps (10,4)","Answer":"COLLECTOR\u2019S ITEM","Explanation":"Definition: valuable, perhaps\nCOLLECT [gather] + anagram [flipping] of IT'S MORE"} {"Clue":"Endlessly horny maneater cast as gross-out? On the contrary (4,4,4)","Answer":"EARN MORE THAN","Explanation":"Definition: gross-out? On the contrary\nAnagram [cast] of HORN[y] MANEATER"} {"Clue":"Redbreast by Scott, say? (6)","Answer":"TITIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Red\nTIT [breast] + IAN [the archetypal crossword Scot, which sounds like {say} Scott] \u2013 a very clever clue, referring to Sir Peter Scott,\u00a0 the ornithologist and painter"} {"Clue":"Got switched (7)","Answer":"TWIGGED","Explanation":"Definition: Gotswitched\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"One mishandling gong lecturer's pinned inside coat (7)","Answer":"FUMBLER","Explanation":"Definition: One mishandling\nMBE [medal \u2013 'gong'] + L [lecturer] in FUR [coat]"} {"Clue":"Admitting one for tests, writhing in severe pain \u2014 an indication of sportiness? (2-6,7)","Answer":"GO-FASTER STRIPES","Explanation":"Definition: an indication of sportiness\nAnagram [writhing] of A [one] in FOR TESTS in GRIPES [severe pain]"} {"Clue":"Sussex train has stopped outside (5)","Answer":"EXTRA","Explanation":"Definition: outside\nHidden in [has stopped] sussEX TRAin"} {"Clue":"Sealing backing for aged teachers in charge, having got behind special lashings (9)","Answer":"SHEDLOADS","Explanation":"Definition: lashings\nHeads [teachers in charge] round [sealing] reversal [backing] of OLD [aged] after [behind] S [special]"} {"Clue":"In short, the solution is to turn champion horse into one that gets beaten (5,4)","Answer":"SNARE DRUM","Explanation":"Definition: one that gets beaten\nReversal [to turn] of ANS[wer] [in short, the solution] + RED RUM \u00a0[champion horse]"} {"Clue":"Timeless scar, the beginning and the end for Socrates? (5)","Answer":"SIGMA","Explanation":"Definition: the beginning and the end for Socrates?\nS[t]IGMA [scar minus time]: sigma is the Greek letter S, the beginning and end of Socrates \u2013 I suppose this has to be my favourite clue!"} {"Clue":"Daughters in wage rage? (5)","Answer":"PADDY","Explanation":"Definition: rage\nDD [daughters] in PAY [wages]"} {"Clue":"Gin-slinging in social gathering good for generating this? (9)","Answer":"SINGALONG","Explanation":"Definition: this?\nAnagram [slinging] of\u00a0 GIN in SALON [social gathering] + G [good]"} {"Clue":"Unthinkingly used up cards (3,2,4)","Answer":"OUT OF HAND","Explanation":"Definition: Unthinkinglyused up cards\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Lizard caught antagonist in Wall Street (5)","Answer":"GECKO","Explanation":"Definition: Lizard\nSounds like [caught] Gordon] Gekko \u2013 \"the main antagonist of the 1987 film Wall Street\"\u00a0 [Wikipedia]"} {"Clue":"Physical exercises in the morning? They attract attention at Westminster (5,3,7)","Answer":"EARLY DAY MOTIONS","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Nurse admitted Indian dish that's hot dislodged canine (7)","Answer":"BASENJI","Explanation":"Definition: canine\nSEN [State Enrolled Nurse in [admitted] B[h[AJI [Indian dish minus h \u2013 hot dislodged]:\u00a0 I have to admit to knowing this canine only through crosswords"} {"Clue":"Secretary's not very much on, for example (7)","Answer":"PARAGON","Explanation":"Definition: example\nPA [Personal Assistant \u2013 secretary] + RAG [not very much] + ON\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"One very fierce soldier held up in lock (7)","Answer":"TIGRESS","Explanation":"Definition: One very fierce\nReversal [held up] of GI [soldier] in TRESS [lock]"} {"Clue":"Hip's well-exercised, passing time with courtesans on and off (2,4,3,6)","Answer":"IN FITS AND STARTS","Explanation":"Definition: on and off\nIN [hip] + FIT [well-exercised] + SANDS [passing time] + TARTS [courtesans]"} {"Clue":"Flimsy bloody cases succeeded unchanged (9)","Answer":"GOSSAMERY","Explanation":"Definition: Flimsy\nGORY [bloody] round [cases] S [succeeded] SAME [unchanged]"} {"Clue":"Pharmacy business stocks ecstasy for you, on telephone deposit (5)","Answer":"DREGS","Explanation":"Definition: deposit\nE [ecstasy] replaces U ['you on telephone'] in DR[u]GS [pharmacy business]"} {"Clue":"James or John? It's doubtful which tank's propelled skyward (9)","Answer":"FISHERMAN","Explanation":"Definition: James or John?\nI have puzzled over this one all week, on and off, and still can't make it out. The definition is 'James or John' and the construction has to be IF ['it's doubtful' \u2013 hmm] and SHERMAN [tank]. For once, I remembered about the annotated solution, so waited all week for that before completing the blog: it gives simply 'fisherman IF(rev)\/SHERMAN', which I found no help at all: the wordplay suggests to me that it's the tank that's reversed [propelled skyward], not the IF [which I think is 'iffy', anyway!"} {"Clue":"On top of latke, 10 mushroom (5)","Answer":"MOREL","Explanation":"Definition: mushroom\nMORE [extra \u2013 10ac] + L [first letter \u2013 top \u2013 of Latke]"} {"Clue":"Waxed lyrical about reaction to pain, after having to drink tea (7,8)","Answer":"LAPSANG SOUCHONG","Explanation":"Definition: tea\nSANG SONG [waxed lyrical] round OUCH [reaction to pain] after LAP [drink]"} {"Clue":"Extremely large arses kicked round part of Antarctica (4,3)","Answer":"ROSS SEA","Explanation":"Definition: part of Antarctica\nAnagram [kicked round] of ARSES round OS [extremely large]"} {"Clue":"One emperor giving lift to another's a long way off one (3,6)","Answer":"RAS TAFARI","Explanation":"Definition: One emperor\nReversal [given lift] of TSAR [another emperor] AFAR [a long way off] + I [one]"} {"Clue":"Carnage puts end to games and merriment (9)","Answer":"SLAUGHTER","Explanation":"Definition: Carnage\nS [end of gameS] + LAUGHTER [merriment]"} {"Clue":"Saw dog severing lead (7)","Answer":"PROVERB","Explanation":"Definition: Saw\nROVER [dog] in [severing] PB [chemical symbol for lead is Pb]"} {"Clue":"Nothing too much inserted, snog silly old Scots relative (4-3)","Answer":"GOOD-SON","Explanation":"Definition: Scots relative\nO [nothing] OD [too much] in anagram [silly] of SNOG"} {"Clue":"Gathering of the air at the centre of lying (3-2)","Answer":"FLY-IN","Explanation":"Definition: Gathering of the air\nHidden in the middle of\u00a0 oFLY INg"} {"Clue":"Block apparently unhinged (3,2)","Answer":"DAM UP","Explanation":"Definition: Block\nOne of those reverse clues:\u00a0 reversal [up] of MAD [unhinged]"} {"Clue":"Island with flipping immaculate religious sects (2,5)","Answer":"ST LUCIA","Explanation":"Definition: Island\nReversal [flipping] of A1 [immaculate] CULTS [religious sects]"} {"Clue":"Flash not very bright, introducing copper for a bit (7)","Answer":"MODICUM","Explanation":"Definition: a bit\nMO [flash] + DIM [not very bright] round [introducing] CU [chemical symbol for copper]"} {"Clue":"Dye covering very tiny bone (5)","Answer":"ANVIL","Explanation":"Definition: tiny bone\nANIL [dye] round [covering] V [very]"} {"Clue":"Openers in on a sticky wicket, one perhaps 65 not out? (9)","Answer":"PENSIONER","Explanation":"Definition: one perhaps 65 not out?\nAnagram [on a sticky wicket] of OPENERS IN"} {"Clue":"Conservative reform curtailed, it's reported (10)","Answer":"CIRCULATED","Explanation":"Definition: reported\nC [conservative] + anagram [reform] of CURTAILED"} {"Clue":"Half-cut, take before eleven \u2014 one of these? (4)","Answer":"TAXI","Explanation":"Definition: one of these?\nTA[ke] [half-cut] + XI [eleven]"} {"Clue":"No getting out of it? (4,8)","Answer":"LIFE SENTENCE","Explanation":"Cryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"Housing payment squeezing poet, then one accommodated by friend, so lucky (12)","Answer":"PROVIDENTIAL","Explanation":"Definition: lucky\nRENT [housing payment] round [squeezing] OVID [poet] then I [one] in [accommodated by] PAL [friend]"} {"Clue":"Injected into moose, the seed of Adam (4)","Answer":"SETH","Explanation":"Definition: seed of Adam\nHidden in mooSE THe \u2013 Adam's third son"} {"Clue":"My love test, we hear, has failed (10)","Answer":"SWEETHEART","Explanation":"Definition: My love\nAnagram [has failed] of TEST WE HEAR"} {"Clue":"Pure girl a bit square, ultimately (4-5)","Answer":"LILY-WHITE","Explanation":"Definition: Pure\nLILY [girl] + WHIT [a bit] + [squar]E"} {"Clue":"Smooth and clean before rear wiped in conclusion (5)","Answer":"PREEN","Explanation":"Definition: Smooth and clean\nPRE [before] + EN[d] [conclusion \u2013 with 'rear wiped']"} {"Clue":"Reserve occupies bench by ten Tranmere Rovers defenders, all the backs (7)","Answer":"SHYNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Reserve\nLast letters [all the backs] of occupieS bencH bY teN tranmerE roverS defenderS \u2013 great surface"} {"Clue":"Bishop drinking whiskey with solver, unemotional (3-4)","Answer":"DRY-EYED","Explanation":"Definition: unemotional\nDD [bishop] round [drinking] RYE [whiskey] + YE [solver]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Meeting welcoming late arrivals? (6)","Answer":"SEANCE","Explanation":"Cryptic definition, whiich, inevitably, brings to my mind the last round of 'I'm sorry, I haven't a clue'"} {"Clue":"Uniform worn for looking after horses? (6)","Answer":"LIVERY","Explanation":"Definition: Uniformlooking after horses\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Cute lips break up, it is subcutaneous inflammation (10)","Answer":"CELLULITIS","Explanation":"Definition: subcutaneous inflammation\nC[ut]E [lips \u2013 edges of] + reversal [up] of LULL [break] + IT IS"} {"Clue":"I see record's broken for classical character (5)","Answer":"ALPHA","Explanation":"Definition: classical character\nLP [record] in [has broken \u2013 not everyone will like this!] AHA [I see]"} {"Clue":"Make team, perhaps, a pie filling (9)","Answer":"MINCEMEAT","Explanation":"Definition: a pie filling\nOne of those reverse clues: TEAM is an anagram [mince] of MEAT"} {"Clue":"Murder racket, ring implicated (2,2)","Answer":"DO IN","Explanation":"Definition: Murder\nO [ring] in DIN [racket]"} {"Clue":"After a catastrophe, sanction shelters (8)","Answer":"CONTAINS","Explanation":"Definition: shelters\nAnagram [after a catastrophe] of SANCTION"} {"Clue":"Bird with extremes of effort becoming disciplinarian (8)","Answer":"MARTINET","Explanation":"Definition: disciplinarian\nMARTIN [bird] + first and last letters of EfforT"} {"Clue":"Certainly small hot cakes after a turnover for Scottish dance (10)","Answer":"STRATHSPEY","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish dance\nReversal [after a turnover] of YEP [certainly] + S [small] H [hot] TARTS [cakes]"} {"Clue":"That blooming song from The Sound of Music! (9)","Answer":"EDELWEISS","Explanation":"Double \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"A topless orgy for Paul and his mates (8)","Answer":"APOSTLES","Explanation":"Definition: Paul and his mates\nA + anagram [orgy] of TOPLESS \u2013 hilarious misdirection!"} {"Clue":"Resort shortly welcoming English inn (8)","Answer":"HOSTELRY","Explanation":"Definition: inn\nAnagram [resort] of SHORTLY round [welcoming] E [English]"} {"Clue":"Passed cold wind maybe (4,2)","Answer":"CAME BY","Explanation":"Definition: Passed\nC [cold] + anagram [wind, rhyming with 'find'] of MAYBE"} {"Clue":"High as a cherry? (6)","Answer":"STONED","Explanation":"Definition: Highas a cherry\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Change country, heading off over Germany (5)","Answer":"EMEND","Explanation":"Definition: Change\n[y]EMEN [country, heading off] + D [Germany \u2013 IVR]"} {"Clue":"Root removed from flower, too dainty (4)","Answer":"TWEE","Explanation":"Definition: too dainty\nTWEE[d] flower] minus last letter [root removed]"} {"Clue":"Perhaps he's right to gamble and drink (7)","Answer":"SHERBET","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nAnagram [perhaps] of HE'S + R [right] + BET [gamble]"} {"Clue":"Get ready and shave beforehand? (7)","Answer":"PREPARE","Explanation":"Definition: Get ready\nPRE PARE [shave]"} {"Clue":"Quiet, on edge and rather demure (4)","Answer":"PRIM","Explanation":"Definition: rather demure\nP [quiet] + RIM [edge]"} {"Clue":"Ecological group plant northern vegetable in a Mediterranean country (10)","Answer":"GREENPEACE","Explanation":"Definition: Ecological group\nN [northern] + PEA [vegetable] in GREECE [Mediterranean country]"} {"Clue":"High-powered firm (6)","Answer":"STRONG","Explanation":"Definition: High-poweredfirm\nDouble definition \u2013 I suppose"} {"Clue":"Stamps to commemorate Prince George's birth? (3,5)","Answer":"NEW ISSUE","Explanation":"Double \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Atrophied form of a love goddess (9)","Answer":"APHRODITE","Explanation":"Definition: love goddess\nAnagram [form of] ATROPHIED"} {"Clue":"Good man consumed by power (5)","Answer":"STATE","Explanation":"Definition: power\nST [saint \u2013 good man] + ATE [consumed]"} {"Clue":"Ends with last of the whisky, somewhat drunk (5)","Answer":"TIPSY","Explanation":"Definition: somewhat drunk\nTIPS [ends] + [whisk]Y"} {"Clue":"Turn up with a six-footer as escort (9)","Answer":"ATTENDANT","Explanation":"Definition: escort\nATTEND [turn up ] + ANT [six-footer]"} {"Clue":"Where members of society may meet (8)","Answer":"CLUBROOM","Explanation":"Cryptic [?] definition: I didn't enter this on the first run through but then the M from 9dn meant it had to be"} {"Clue":"Sarcastic driver on course put in charge (6)","Answer":"IRONIC","Explanation":"Definition: Sarcastic\nIRON [golf club \u2013 'driver on course'] + I C [in charge]"} {"Clue":"Rashness and cheek? That's about right (10)","Answer":"IMPRUDENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Rashness\nIMPUDENCE [cheek] round R [right] \u2013 this one has been around for a while"} {"Clue":"Conventional fare? (4)","Answer":"DIET","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 my favourite by miles \u2013 depending on two meanings of 'convention' and calling to mind our schoolgirl sniggers when we learned the second with the Diet of Worms"} {"Clue":"Never coming to a vital conclusion (7)","Answer":"UNDYING","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Oysters developing at different levels (7)","Answer":"STOREYS","Explanation":"Definition: different levels\nAnagram [developing] of OYSTERS\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Hire purchase includes a way to get this type of car (7)","Answer":"HARDTOP","Explanation":"Definition: type of car\nHP [hire purchase] round A RD TO [a way to]"} {"Clue":"Lover needing capital to acquire ring (5)","Answer":"ROMEO","Explanation":"Definition: Lover\nROME [capital] + O [ring]"} {"Clue":"Signed up in preparat\u00adion for match (7)","Answer":"ENGAGED","Explanation":"Double \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"On Wren moved to find fame (6)","Answer":"RENOWN","Explanation":"Definition: fame\nAnagram [moved] of ON WREN"} {"Clue":"Urge boss to obtain security device (5,4)","Answer":"PRESS STUD","Explanation":"Definition: security device\nPRESS [urge] STUD [boss]"} {"Clue":"Check votes again in detail (7)","Answer":"RECOUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Check votes againdetail\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Coming back into office to stop report (13)","Answer":"REINSTATEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Coming back into office\nREIN [stop] + STATEMENT [report]"} {"Clue":"Disapprove? Blow it! (9)","Answer":"RASPBERRY","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"One mill in ruins is a bad sign (3,4)","Answer":"ILL OMEN","Explanation":"Definition: bad sign\nAnagram [in ruins] of ONE MILL"} {"Clue":"A hole in ten, unusually high (7)","Answer":"EMINENT","Explanation":"Definition: high\nEM [space \u2013 hole \u2013 in printing] + IN + anagram [unusually] of TEN"} {"Clue":"Vain, yet possibly displaying innocence (7)","Answer":"NAIVETY","Explanation":"Definition: innocence\nANAGRAM [possibly] of VAIN YET"} {"Clue":"An Arab country girl rings the doctor up (6)","Answer":"JORDAN","Explanation":"Definition: An Arab country\nJOAN [girl] round [rings] reversal [up] of DR [doctor]"} {"Clue":"Call for peace and quiet (5)","Answer":"ORDER","Explanation":"Double definition [call for = ORDER = peace] plus cryptic: 'Order!' is the Speaker's call for peace and quiet in Parliament \u2013 or not: see [and hear] here!"} {"Clue":"Rector squared the circle? (6)","Answer":"CLERIC","Explanation":"Definition: Rector\nAnagram [squared] of CIRCLE"} {"Clue":"Coastal resort wherein time may be put by (3,5)","Answer":"SET ASIDE","Explanation":"Definition: put by\nT [time] in SEASIDE [coastal resort]"} {"Clue":"Died with violin play and forgetfulness (8)","Answer":"OBLIVION","Explanation":"Definition: forgetfulness\nOB[iit] [died] + anagram [play] of VIOLIN"} {"Clue":"Get one's own back from, say, Russian flower (6)","Answer":"AVENGE","Explanation":"Definition: Get one's own back\nReversal [back \u2013 which is doing double duty] of EG [for example \u2013 say] + NEVA [Russian river]"} {"Clue":"Leave that's fairly short (4)","Answer":"QUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Leave\nQUIT[e] [fairly \u2013 short]"} {"Clue":"Absence of French in English city outbreak (5,5)","Answer":"BLACK DEATH","Explanation":"Definition: outbreak\nLACK [absence] + DE [French 'of'] in BATH [English city]"} {"Clue":"Range said to be a sailing blunder (6)","Answer":"SIERRA","Explanation":"Definition: Range\n'Sea error' [some say]"} {"Clue":"Shelter in former educational establishment with power (8)","Answer":"POTENTLY","Explanation":"Definition: with power\nTENT [shelter] in POLY[technic] [former educational establishment]"} {"Clue":"Fiddle somehow led to stand with legs apart (8)","Answer":"STRADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: stand with legs apart\nSTRAD [fiddle] + anagram [somehow] of LED"} {"Clue":"Get excited? No! (4,2)","Answer":"TURN ON","Explanation":"Definition: Get excited\nIf you TURN 'ON', you get NO"} {"Clue":"One doesn't much care to be without it (10)","Answer":"ENTHUSIASM","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"High note needs drink (4)","Answer":"TOPE","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nTOP E [high note]"} {"Clue":"Figure is about 80 chains (6)","Answer":"SIMILE","Explanation":"Definition: Figure\nReversal [about] of IS + MILE [80 chains]"} {"Clue":"Gland inclined to Erastianism? (8)","Answer":"PROSTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Gland\nPRO STATE \u2013 but that, to me, seems a poor description of the doctrine that subordinates the church jurisdiction to the state \u2013 a doctrine never propounded by the 16th century Swiss theologian Erastus, after whom it is named."} {"Clue":"Bird that concludes with a period (8)","Answer":"SENTENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nCryptic definition: 'bird' is slang for a prison sentence and a sentence ends with a period, as the Americans call a full stop."} {"Clue":"Last under English system (6)","Answer":"ENDURE","Explanation":"Definition: Last\nAnagram [system] of UNDER + E [English]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Sweat \u2014 ie, invents work offering more jobs (6-9)","Answer":"LABOUR-INTENSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: offering more jobs\nLABOUR [sweat] + anagram [work] of INVENTS IE : I liked the 'invents work' wordplay here but not the 'offering'"} {"Clue":"Noisy reveller for whom dawn herald gets one for nothing (7)","Answer":"ROISTER","Explanation":"Definition: Noisy reveller\nI [one] instead of O [nothing] in RO[o]STER [dawn herald]: I always thought ROISTER was a verb \u2013 and that's the only way Collins has it \u2013 but Chambers lists it first as a noun."} {"Clue":"Reduce council item employees carry to look indispensable (9)","Answer":"CLIPBOARD","Explanation":"Definition: item employees carry to look indispensable\nCLIP [reduce] + BOARD [council] \u2013 I rather liked this one"} {"Clue":"Illumination from paper could be unhealthy (7)","Answer":"SUNLAMP","Explanation":"Definition: could be unhealthy\nLAMP [illumination] from SUN [newspaper]"} {"Clue":"Course of time with torture (5)","Answer":"TRACK","Explanation":"Definition: Course\nT [time \u2013 for the second time] + RACK [torture]"} {"Clue":"Live in lustre at the boozer (7)","Answer":"SHEBEEN","Explanation":"Definition: boozer\nBE [live] in SHEEN [lustre]"} {"Clue":"One who counts on his fingers? (7,8)","Answer":"DIGITAL COMPUTER","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 but incomplete, surely?"} {"Clue":"Fetish to ring in place of worship (5,4)","Answer":"TOTEM POLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fetish\nTO + O [ring] in TEMPLE [place of worship]"} {"Clue":"One without faith somehow hates it (7)","Answer":"ATHEIST","Explanation":"Definition: One without faith\nAnagram [somehow \u2013 for the second time] of HATES IT"} {"Clue":"Pattern formerly sufficient (7)","Answer":"EXAMPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Pattern\nEX [formerly] + AMPLE [sufficient]"} {"Clue":"Turned last of 15 round gallery (7)","Answer":"ROTATED","Explanation":"Definition: Turned\nROD [equal to a POLE\u00a0 \u2013 'last of 15' \u2013 I don't like that] round TATE:"} {"Clue":"Drinkers find some taste in a glass or mug (5)","Answer":"STEIN","Explanation":"Definition: glass or mug\nHidden in taSTE IN \u2013 neither the drinkers nor the glass are strictly necessary \u2013 both Collins and Chambers define STEIN as [only] a [beer] mug"} {"Clue":"Merci, la Mafia! (9,5)","Answer":"ORGANISED CRIME","Explanation":"Definition: la Mafia\nA great clue to start us off: an anagram [organised] of MERCI"} {"Clue":"Invigorate and put the heart back in metropolitan evil neighbourhood (7)","Answer":"ENLIVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Invigorate\nHidden reversal [back] in metropolitaN EVIL NEighbourhood: hidden answers are not supposed to have superfluous words but the answer here is the exact middle [heart] of 'metropolitan evil neighbourhood'"} {"Clue":"A hundred compete in school squash (7)","Answer":"SCRUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: squash\nC [a hundred] RUN [compete] in SCH[school]"} {"Clue":"It's a gem of a conference, perhaps with fifty in attendance (5)","Answer":"PEARL","Explanation":"Definition: gem\nPEAR ['conference', perhaps] + L [fifty] \u2013 perhaps Conference should have a capital but I'm not quibbling"} {"Clue":"Perhaps T-bone makes one look masculine (6,3)","Answer":"SQUARE JAW","Explanation":"Definition: makes one look masculine\nSQUARE [perhaps T] + JAW [bone]"} {"Clue":"Tinned American (5)","Answer":"INCAN","Explanation":"Definition: American\nIN CAN [tinned]"} {"Clue":"Even board members, having dined, give a speech (5)","Answer":"ORATE","Explanation":"Definition: give a speech\nOR [even letters of bOaRd] + ATE [dined]"} {"Clue":"Incompetent at home, father gets entangled in flex (9)","Answer":"INCAPABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Incompetent\nIN [at home] + PA [father] in CABLE [flex] \u2013 what a lovely picture!!"} {"Clue":"Typically working, say, a long time (2,7)","Answer":"ON AVERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Typically\nON [working] + AVER [say] + AGE [a long time]"} {"Clue":"Haven of Love by Status Quo (5)","Answer":"OASIS","Explanation":"Definition: Haven\nO [love] + AS IS [status quo] \u2013 a little gem of a clue"} {"Clue":"French Beaujolais, in essence: lovely fine red finally appreciated (7)","Answer":"ENJOYED","Explanation":"Definition: appreciated\nMiddle letters [in essence] of frENch beauJOlais + last letters [finally] of lovelY, finE and and reD \u2013 I can almost taste it!"} {"Clue":"Take pies or cake \u2014 all 50% starch (7)","Answer":"TAPIOCA","Explanation":"Definition: starch\nHalf the letters [50%] of TAke, PIes, CAke and Or *[Edit: inexplicably, slightly out of order \u2013 unnoticed by all but michelle @43 [many thanks]: should, of course, be TAke, PIes Or CAke"} {"Clue":"Part of a lover that's rather tight (1,3,2,1,7)","Answer":"A BIT OF A SQUEEZE","Explanation":"Double \/ cryptic definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Not a good time to reap \u2014 some room for improvement (1,7,1,5)","Answer":"O TEMPORA O MORES","Explanation":"Definition: Not a good time\nSuper anagram [for improvement] of TO REAP SOME ROOM \u2013 Cicero's 2,000-odd-year-old comment on the corruptness of his age: plus \u00e7a change \u2026"} {"Clue":"Philistine's end in piggy\u00adback (7)","Answer":"GOLIATH","Explanation":"Definition: Philistine\nReversal [back] of TAIL [end] in HOG [piggy] \u2013 double ticks for this neat misdirection"} {"Clue":"Fiery stuff served up with baked beans garnish in Portsmouth? (5,4)","Answer":"NAVAL BASE","Explanation":"Definition: Portsmouth?\nReversal [served up] of LAVA [fiery stuff] in an anagram [baked] of BEANS \u2013 yet another fine surface"} {"Clue":"Passages transgress on forms of employment (7)","Answer":"SINUSES","Explanation":"Definition: Passages\nSIN [transgress] + USES [forms of employment]"} {"Clue":"Talk about an athletic event with squad leader (7)","Answer":"DISCUSS","Explanation":"Definition: Talk about\nDISCUS [athletic event] + S[quad]"} {"Clue":"In some way, the poor are rich (but that's relatively unusual) (5)","Answer":"RARER","Explanation":"Definition: relatively unusual\nHidden in pooRARE Rich"} {"Clue":"Host welcomes military clique's demoted leader, a beast (7)","Answer":"MUNTJAC","Explanation":"Definition: beast\nMC [host] round [welcomes] JUNTA [military clique] with the first letter 'demoted' \u2013 moved down, in a down clue"} {"Clue":"Coldplay's latest hit (newer compilation) (3,7,4)","Answer":"THE WINTER\u2019S TALE","Explanation":"Definition: Coldplay\nAnagram [compilation] of LATEST HIT NEWER"} {"Clue":"Compiler's on time and solver reported unprepared (9)","Answer":"IMPROMPTU","Explanation":"Definition: unprepared\nI'M [compiler's] + PROMPT [on time] + U [you \u2013 solver reported]"} {"Clue":"A radio personality in a hairstyle that's a mess (1,3,3)","Answer":"A BAD JOB","Explanation":"Definition: a mess\nDJ [radio personality] in A BOB [a hairstyle]"} {"Clue":"Supporting dissolute Floridian without taking sides (2,3,2)","Answer":"IN AID OF","Explanation":"Definition: Supporting\nAnagram [dissolute] of F[l]O[r]IDIAN without L or R [sides]"} {"Clue":"Boxes boxes sweetheart makes (7)","Answer":"CREATES","Explanation":"Definition: makes\nCRATES [boxes] round [boxes] E [middle letter \u2013 heart \u2013 of swEet]"} {"Clue":"Custom-made bike frame and wheel component (7)","Answer":"BESPOKE","Explanation":"Definition: Custom-made\nBikE [bike frame] + SPOKE [wheel component]"} {"Clue":"Banter about a couple of things wanted on course (8)","Answer":"REPARTEE","Explanation":"Definition: Banter\nRE [about] + PAR TEE [a couple of things wanted on [golf] course]"} {"Clue":"Create stink with article that's proverbially erroneous (5)","Answer":"HUMAN","Explanation":"Definition: proverbially erroneous\nHUM [stink] + AN [article] \u2013 reference to the quotation from Alexander Pope's 'An Essay on Criticism': 'to err is human; to forgive, divine.' \u2013 anagram of NAHUM"} {"Clue":"You are reportedly in hospital with temperature, injured (4)","Answer":"HURT","Explanation":"Definition: injured\nUR \u2013 reportedly 'you are' \u2013 in H [hospital] with T [temperature] \u2013 anagram of RUTH"} {"Clue":"Reached conclusion about numbers of Romans being malicious (4-6)","Answer":"EVIL-MINDED","Explanation":"Definition: malicious\nENDED [reached conclusion] about V I L M \u2013 all Roman numerals"} {"Clue":"Good behaviour, we hear, in areas around stations (6)","Answer":"MANORS","Explanation":"Definition: areas around stations\nSounds like [we hear] manners \u2013 good behaviour \u2013 anagram of ROMANS"} {"Clue":"I have put back piece of furniture that's possible to avoid (8)","Answer":"EVITABLE","Explanation":"Definition: possible to avoid\nReversal [put back] of I'VE [I have] + TABLE [piece of furniture]"} {"Clue":"Curse that's part of Bible, in 4 19, as are ten other answers (7)","Answer":"BESHREW","Explanation":"Definition: Curse\nAnagram [revised version \u2013 4,19] of HEBREWS [Epistle to] [part of Bible]"} {"Clue":"In a practical sense, team that's not careless (7)","Answer":"ANXIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: not careless\nXI [football \/ hockey team] in A + NOUS [practical sense] \u2013 I liked this definition"} {"Clue":" Temporarily halt start of play after second side's changed (8)","Answer":"PROROGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Temporarily halt\nPRO[l]OGUE [start of play] with the L [second side] changed to R"} {"Clue":"Wrongfully nailed, producing no confession (6)","Answer":"DENIAL","Explanation":"Definition: no confession\nAnagram [wrongfully] of NAILED \u2013 and DANIEL"} {"Clue":"Section of island a man searched in part of Indian Ocean (7,3)","Answer":"ANDAMAN SEA","Explanation":"Definition: part of Indian Ocean\nHidden in islAND A MAN SEArched"} {"Clue":"Leave droppings of carnivore, small one (4)","Answer":"SCAT","Explanation":"Definition: Leavedroppings of carnivore\nDouble definition: S [small] CAT [carnivore] \u2013 and anagram of ACTS [of the Apostles]"} {"Clue":"Like part of a certain tree \u2014 a king hid in one, desperately (5)","Answer":"OAKEN","Explanation":"Definition: Like part of a certain tree\nA K [a king] in anagram [desperately] of ONE"} {"Clue":"Facility for addicts initially is unveiled by doctor in public (5,3)","Answer":"OPIUM DEN","Explanation":"Definition: Facility for addicts\nIU [initially Is Unveiled] + MD [doctor] in OPEN [public]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Greek character with pistol held up police (8)","Answer":"REGULATE","Explanation":"Definition: police\nReversal [held up] of ETA [Greek character] + LUGER [pistol]"} {"Clue":"Players attempt to make a catch (4)","Answer":"CAST","Explanation":"Definition: Playersattempt to make a catch\nDouble definition and another anagram of ACTS"} {"Clue":"Organic compounds forming chains, perhaps, apart from first time (6)","Answer":"ETHERS","Explanation":"Definition: Organic compounds\n[t]ETHERS [chains] minus first T \u2013 anagram of ESTHER"} {"Clue":"Final book, having been abridged, is edited and altered (7)","Answer":"REVISED","Explanation":"Definition: altered\nREV [REVelation \u2013 final book of the Bible, abridged] + IS + ED[ited]"} {"Clue":"Excellent husband cutting flower (8)","Answer":"CHAMPION","Explanation":"Definition: Excellent\nH [husband] in CAMPION [flower]"} {"Clue":"Doctor mentioned a change for the better (10)","Answer":"EMENDATION","Explanation":"Definition: change for the better\nAnagram [doctor] of MENTIONED A"} {"Clue":"Multinational organisation we will cut is in poor shape (6)","Answer":"UNWELL","Explanation":"Definition: in poor shape\nUN [United Nations \u2013 multinational organisation] + WE'LL ['we will', cut]"} {"Clue":"Soldiers love appreciation, when blunder's covered up (5,5)","Answer":"OTHER RANKS","Explanation":"Definition: Soldiers\nO [love] + THANKS [appreciation] round [covered up] ERR [blunder]"} {"Clue":"Firmly establishes earnings must be adjusted (8)","Answer":"ENGRAINS","Explanation":"Definition: Firmly establishes\nAnagram [adjusted] of EARNINGS"} {"Clue":"University academic leader upset about club that's still going strong (8)","Answer":"UNABATED","Explanation":"Definition: still going strong\nU [university] reversal [upset] of DEAN [academic leader] round BAT [club]"} {"Clue":"I must replace last piece of poem on account of one person (7)","Answer":"VERSION","Explanation":"Definition: account of one person\nI replaces 'e' \u2013 last\u00a0 piece of VERS[e] [poem] + ON"} {"Clue":"Took flight, thus, with miles to redeem (6)","Answer":"RANSOM","Explanation":"Definition: redeem\nRAN [took flight] + SO [thus] + M [miles] \u2013 and another anagram of ROMANS"} {"Clue":"Lie and improperly admit to one kind of school (4,2)","Answer":"DEAL IN","Explanation":"Anagram [improperly] of LIE AND \u2013 reference to a card-playing school \u2013 and another anagram of DANIEL"} {"Clue":"Body a medic's turned over (4)","Answer":"SOMA","Explanation":"Reversal [turned over] of A MO'S [a doctor's] and anagram of AMOS"} {"Clue":"Irish rebel catches novelist in surprise attack (8)","Answer":"CAMISADE","Explanation":"Definition: surprise attack\nYou don't have to have been doing cryptic crosswords for very long to know that 'Irish rebel' is very often [Jack] CADE and a four-letter novelist is almost invariably [Kingsley or Martin] Amis: put one inside the other in the only way they will go and you get a\u00a0 'surprise attack occurring at night, or at daybreak, when the enemy are supposed to be asleep'"} {"Clue":"Composer joins extreme characters back in the capital (6)","Answer":"ZAGREB","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nReversal [back] of BERG [composer] + A Z [extreme characters]"} {"Clue":"Officer receiving caut\u00adionary signal from light unit (7)","Answer":"LAMBERT","Explanation":"Definition: light unit\nLT [lieutenant \u2013 officer] round [receiving] AMBER [cautionary light]"} {"Clue":"Green English boy taken in by trick (7)","Answer":"CELADON","Explanation":"Definition: Green\nE LAD [English boy] in CON [trick]"} {"Clue":"Bottle takes no time \u2014 after seconds it's clean (5)","Answer":"SCOUR","Explanation":"Definition: clean\nS [seconds] + COUR[age] ['bottle' minus 'age' \u2013 time]"} {"Clue":"Spooner's treasure bank \u2014 food (5,4)","Answer":"ROAST BEEF","Explanation":"Definition: food\nboast [treasure] + reef [bank]"} {"Clue":"Through which ships may, go taking direction without deviation, we hear (6,6)","Answer":"BERING STRAIT","Explanation":"Definition: Through which ships may, go\nSounds like [we hear] 'bearing [direction] straight' [without deviation]"} {"Clue":"Anarchy with credo disturbed church office (12)","Answer":"ARCHDEACONRY","Explanation":"Definition: church office\nAnagram [disturbed] of ANARCHY and CREDO"} {"Clue":"Bit of poetry is translated with hi-tech program, ultimately (9)","Answer":"HEMISTICH","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of poetry\nAnagram [translated] of IS HI TECH and [progra]M"} {"Clue":"A woman who does pickle (5)","Answer":"ACHAR","Explanation":"Definition: pickle\nA CHAR ['a woman who does']"} {"Clue":"Maybe we say the Established Church should go? (7)","Answer":"PRONOUN","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe we\nPRONOUN[ce] [say] minus CE [Church of England \u2013 Established Church]"} {"Clue":"A chapter within short read offers insights (7)","Answer":"APER\u00c7US","Explanation":"Definition: insights\nC [chapter] in A PERUS[e] [short read]"} {"Clue":"Moral quality associated with house group (3,3)","Answer":"THE WHO","Explanation":"Definition: group\nTHEW [moral quality] + HO [house]"} {"Clue":"Blocking in passage when old-fashioned secretary and young girl meet (8)","Answer":"STENOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: Blocking in passage\nSTENO[grapher] [old-fashioned secretary] + SIS [young girl?]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"A pound in ready money secures carriage (6)","Answer":"CALASH","Explanation":"Definition: carriage\nOnce again, read the instructions on the tin and put A L [a pound] in CASH [ready money] and get 'a horse-drawn carriage with low wheels and a folding top', which did stir a faint memory from a previous crossword, I think"} {"Clue":"Man's foremost god? (6)","Answer":"MAMMON","Explanation":"Definition: Man's foremost god?\nM [first letter of Man] + AMMON [Egyptian god] gives 'the biblical personification of riches and greed in the form of a false god': 'You cannot serve God and Mammon: Matthew 6.24' \u2013 I think this is & lit"} {"Clue":"Lead and fruit buried with the man in grave (9)","Answer":"SPEARHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Lead\nPEAR [fruit] + HE [the man] in SAD [grave]"} {"Clue":"Put off married state, one's bound to show firmness of mind (13)","Answer":"DETERMINATION","Explanation":"Definition: firmness of mind\nDETER [put off] { M [married] + I [one] + NATION [state]"} {"Clue":"Note the requirement of student looking for accommodation? (1,4)","Answer":"A FLAT","Explanation":"Definition: Noterequirement of student looking for accommodation?\nDouble definition: I spent some minutes trying to see some significance in 'accommodating' L but I think 'student' is just there for the surface"} {"Clue":"Tree chopped up I removed to put in the back (3,5)","Answer":"RED CEDAR","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\nD[i]CED [chopped up \u2013 with i removed] put in REAR [back]"} {"Clue":"8 What may have been slashed, outburst of rage ensuing? (8)","Answer":"BENEFITS","Explanation":"Definition: 8 What may have been slashed, outburst of rage ensuing?\nAnagram [may] of BEEN + FITS [outburst of rage \u2013 singular?] \u2013 I'm not very happy with this: I'm probably wrong\u00a0* [Whole clue now underlined, on Andrew's advice @3]"} {"Clue":"Hater? Maybe he needs it (6,2,5)","Answer":"CHANGE OF HEART","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe he needs it\nHATER is an anagram of HEART"} {"Clue":"Caustic zone\" \u2014 name of hell (9)","Answer":"TARTAREAN","Explanation":"Definition: of hel\nTART [caustic] + AREA [zone] + N [name]"} {"Clue":"Little cottage in which there's cheap, nasty ornamental container (8)","Answer":"CACHEPOT","Explanation":"Definition: ornamental container\nAnagram [nasty] of CHEAP in COT [little cottage]"} {"Clue":"School matron's first to exude gossip (8)","Answer":"SCHMOOZE","Explanation":"Definition: gossip\nSCH [school] + M [matron's first letter] + OOZE [exude]"} {"Clue":"Hairy things producing upsets (6)","Answer":"SHOCKS","Explanation":"Definition: Hairy thingsupsets\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Emergencies mount in the Civil Service (6)","Answer":"CRISES","Explanation":"Definition: Emergencies\nRISE [mount] in CS [Civil Service]"} {"Clue":"Shut up about OT character's sin! (5)","Answer":"SLOTH","Explanation":"Definition: sin\nSH [shut up] round LOT [OT character] for one of the seven deadly sins"} {"Clue":"Story that has no beginning, that has no end \u2014 Jesus, that is a writer! (6,8)","Answer":"AGATHA CHRISTIE","Explanation":"Definition: writer\n[s]AGA [story that has no beginning] + THA[t] \u2013 has no end + CHRIST [Jesus] + I E [that is]"} {"Clue":"It would be stupid if mother leaves, in a manner of speaking (9)","Answer":"IDIOMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: in a manner of speaking\nIf MA [mother] leaves, it would be IDIOTIC"} {"Clue":"Better picnic (5)","Answer":"OUTDO","Explanation":"Definition: Better\nOUT DO"} {"Clue":"Some womanising Arab \u2026 (5)","Answer":"OMANI","Explanation":"Definition: Arab\nhidden in wOMANIsing"} {"Clue":"still giving pussy a drink (9)","Answer":"CATATONIC","Explanation":"Definition: still\nCAT [pussy] A TONIC [a drink]"} {"Clue":"Willing, after a fashion, when not playing host (4,4)","Answer":"AWAY GAME","Explanation":"Definition: when not playing host\nGAME [willing] after A WAY [a fashion]"} {"Clue":"Serious, lonesome and heartless man (6)","Answer":"SOLEMN","Explanation":"Definition: Serious\nSOLE [lonesome] + M[a]N"} {"Clue":"Among undesirable persons (6)","Answer":"LEPERS","Explanation":"Definition: undesirable persons\nHidden cryptically in undesirabLE PERSons"} {"Clue":"Those leading clubs ruffed Omar Sharif's spade in new game of bridge (8)","Answer":"CROSSING","Explanation":"Definition: bridge\nFirst letters of Clubs Ruffed Omar Sharif's Spade In New Game"} {"Clue":"Keeping away from extremely tempting liaison diabolique (9)","Answer":"ISOLATING","Explanation":"Definition: Keeping away from\nAnagram [diabolique!] of LIAISON + T[emptin]G"} {"Clue":"Nag mouse-like creature (5)","Answer":"SHREW","Explanation":"Definition: Nagmouse-like creature\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Store in the middle of the winding road (5)","Answer":"HOARD","Explanation":"Definition: Store\nH [middle letter of tHe] + anagram [winding] of ROAD"} {"Clue":"Light setback in vote: rift escalating (3,4,2)","Answer":"SET FIRE TO","Explanation":"Definition: Light\nHidden reversal [set back] in vOTE RIFT EScalating"} {"Clue":"Anne McGregor is, perhaps, being alarmist (14)","Answer":"SCAREMONGERING","Explanation":"Definition: being alarmist\nClever anagram [perhaps] of ANNE MCGREGOR IS\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Compiler to slip into a clever and attractive person (1,3,2,3,5)","Answer":"A BIT OF ALL RIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: attractive person\nI [compiler] TO FALL [to slip] in A BRIGHT [a clever]"} {"Clue":"Valid core degrees for woodcutter (3,4)","Answer":"ALI BABA","Explanation":"Definition: woodcutter\n[v]ALI[d] BA BA [degrees]"} {"Clue":"Disturbed mind in bigger one that's really big (9)","Answer":"HUMDINGER","Explanation":"Definition: one that's really big\nAnagram [disturbed] of MIND in HUGER [bigger]"} {"Clue":"Tunnel across in uneven combat (8)","Answer":"CATACOMB","Explanation":"Definition: Tunnel\nAC [across] in anagram [uneven] of COMBAT"} {"Clue":"Read out list of ingredients quietly \u2014 lost for time (6)","Answer":"RECITE","Explanation":"Definition: Read out\nRECI[p]E [list of ingredients] with p [quietly] replaced by T [time]"} {"Clue":"Games of shaven swine? (5)","Answer":"SPORT","Explanation":"Definition: Games\nI have pondered this, on and off, since shortly after midnight and still can make nothing of it, I'm afraid. [I'm sure I'm going to kick myself!] *See Muffyword's clear explanation @2 -many thanks!"} {"Clue":"Vivid in future, possibly (7)","Answer":"INTENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Vivid\nIN TENSE [future, possibly]"} {"Clue":"It's a safe bet car now got damaged, if held by juvenile (3,4,2,5)","Answer":"YOU CAN\u2019T GO WRONG","Explanation":"Definition: It's a safe bet\nAnagram [damaged] of CAR NOW GOT in [held by] YOUNG [juvenile]"} {"Clue":"Fanatical Philistine has first leaders swapping leaders (9)","Answer":"OBSESSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Fanatical\nI want this to be I'VE [Philistine has] with, first, BOSSES swapping their first two letters but that doesn't quite work"} {"Clue":"Cow not left in lowland (8)","Answer":"FRIGHTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Cow\nRIGHT [not left] in FEN [lowland]"} {"Clue":"Picaroon's not on? That could be dull (7)","Answer":"PROSAIC","Explanation":"Definition: dull\nAnagram [could be] of PICARO[on]S"} {"Clue":"Is priest following god, one from the Middle East? (7)","Answer":"ISRAELI","Explanation":"Definition: one from the Middle East?\nIS + ELI [priest] following RA [god]"} {"Clue":"Oriental offering obscure problem (3,3)","Answer":"DIM SUM","Explanation":"Definition: Oriental offering\nDIM [obscure] SUM [problem]"} {"Clue":"As a source of dread leading to ophiophobia (5)","Answer":"ADDER","Explanation":"Definition: source of dread\n& littish anagram [source] of DREAD \u2013 but why 'as a'?"} {"Clue":"Red wine splashed across first cover (9)","Answer":"EIDERDOWN","Explanation":"Definition: cover\nAnagram [splashed] of RED WINE and DO [first note in the scale]"} {"Clue":"Article about next number (5)","Answer":"THREE","Explanation":"Definition: number\nTHE [article] round RE [next note]"} {"Clue":"Base the next on what might be of use \u2014 it's flawless (9)","Answer":"MISERABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Base\nMI [next note] + SER[vice] ABLE [might be of use, minus vice {flaw}]"} {"Clue":"Next, start to sit on next seats (5)","Answer":"SOFAS","Explanation":"Definition: seats\nFA + S[it] on [after] SO [next to MI] \u2013 very clever!"} {"Clue":"Next, in plainsong? (6)","Answer":"BALLAD","Explanation":"Definition: song\nLA [in BALD [plain]"} {"Clue":"Extended discussions of next report on backing for beards (5-3)","Answer":"TEACH-INS","Explanation":"Definition: Extended discussions\nTEA [sounds like \u2013 report \u2013 ti {next note}] + CHINS [backing for beards!]"} {"Clue":"Bent corners of next machine parts (3-4)","Answer":"DOG-EARS","Explanation":"Definition: Bent corners\nDO [here we go again] + GEARS [machine parts]"} {"Clue":"Disgust about next type of clothing (7)","Answer":"APPAREL","Explanation":"Definition: type of clothing\nAPPAL [disgust] round RE"} {"Clue":"Lover puts weight on next (8)","Answer":"MISTRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Lover\nMI + STRESS [weight]"} {"Clue":"Next flight is unusual (3,3)","Answer":"FAR OUT","Explanation":"Definition: unusual\nFA + ROUT [flight]"} {"Clue":"Disposed of next beast (5)","Answer":"BISON","Explanation":"Definition: beast\nSO in BIN, so disposed of: I liked that one!"} {"Clue":"Next, caught in violent gunshot attack (9)","Answer":"ONSLAUGHT","Explanation":"Definition: attack\nLA in a clever anagram [violent] of GUNSHOT"} {"Clue":"Free French one embraces next (5)","Answer":"UNTIE","Explanation":"Definition: Free\nTI in [embraced by] UNE [French one]"} {"Clue":"Backing miserable sinner taking next and last gram (9)","Answer":"ENDORSING","Explanation":"Definition: Backing\nDO in anagram [miserable \u2013 nice indicator!] of SINNER + G [gram]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Short piece of music, one of low points (6)","Answer":"MINIMA","Explanation":"Definition: low points\nMINIM [short piece of music] + A [one]"} {"Clue":"Performed live, reel produces musical awakening (8)","Answer":"REVEILLE","Explanation":"Definition: musical awakening\nAnagram [performed] of LIVE REEL"} {"Clue":"Did badly to take vehicle inside pass (2,4)","Answer":"ID CARD","Explanation":"Definition: pass\nAnagram [badly] of DID round CAR [vehicle]"} {"Clue":"Interval between notes that soared in sober hearts (7)","Answer":"TWELFTH","Explanation":"Definition: Interval between notes\nreversal [soared] of FLEW [soared \u2013 double duty, unless we take 'soared' = 'flew up', in which case I might have expected a question mark, but I'm not quibbling, because it's a nice clue, either way] in TT [sober] + H [hearts]"} {"Clue":"Moving auditory experience for those that love silence (6)","Answer":"WHOOSH","Explanation":"Definition: Moving auditory experience\nWHO [those that] + O [love] + SH [silence]"} {"Clue":"One stopped and added: \"That isn't ever even\" (8)","Answer":"DETAINEE","Explanation":"Definition: One stopped\nEven letters of aDdEd ThAt IsN't EvEr"} {"Clue":"Catch some piranha species (4)","Answer":"HASP","Explanation":"Definition: Catch\nhidden in piranHA SPecies"} {"Clue":"Love binds one's beliefs (8)","Answer":"OPINIONS","Explanation":"Definition: beliefs\nO [love \u2013 again] + PINIONS [binds]"} {"Clue":"Beast backing into grass (4)","Answer":"REED","Explanation":"Definition: grass\nReversal [backing] of DEER [beast] \u2013 I think the 'into' rules out any ambiguity here \u2013 and there's surely a reference to this [which I've resisted until now! \u2013 do you remember how rightback always prefaced his Prize blogs with a song?]"} {"Clue":"Clue to IRA high-explosive blast (8)","Answer":"AIRBURST","Explanation":"Definition: Clue to IRA\nReverse anagram: AIR is an anagram [burst] of IRA \u2013 a very nice clue"} {"Clue":"Foolish, mad, insane? Boatman's secret (7)","Answer":"ASININE","Explanation":"Definition: Foolish\nAnagram [mad] of INSANE with I [Boatman] secreted inside"} {"Clue":"Perhaps cancer sufferer's last to be included in matter for discussion (6)","Answer":"TROPIC","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps cancer\nR [last letter of suffereR] in TOPIC [matter for discussion]"} {"Clue":"Idle chap taking note where point is lost (6)","Answer":"FALLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Idle\nFeLLOW [chap] with A [note] substituted for 'e' [point is lost]"} {"Clue":"Boatman, uniform (Navy) on, gets release (6)","Answer":"UNHAND","Explanation":"Definition: release\nU [uniform] + N [navy] on HAND [Boatman again \u2013 but there's been rather less of him than usual!]"} {"Clue":"Step down first of stairs to break rule (6)","Answer":"RESIGN","Explanation":"Definition: Step down\nS[tairs] in REIGN [rule]"} {"Clue":"Having turned back nearly half way across ocean, explorer leaves from the Americas (7)","Answer":"TOBACCO","Explanation":"Definition: leaves from the Americas\nReversal [turned back] of OC[ean] + CABOT [John, explorer, who sailed to America and is commemorated by the Cabot Tower in Bristol, of which I have very fond memories]"} {"Clue":"Where glasses sit precisely (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON THE NOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Where glasses sitprecisely\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Thread attaching fringes of lungi and shawl to back of cape (5)","Answer":"LISLE","Explanation":"Definition: Thread\nFirst and last letters [fringes] of LungI and ShawL + E [last letter of capE]"} {"Clue":"Shroud city featuring shrouds (5)","Answer":"TURIN","Explanation":"Definition: Shroud city\nHidden in [shrouded by] feaTURINg"} {"Clue":"Islanders on Martinique not once seizing vessel (9)","Answer":"JAMAICANS","Explanation":"Definition: Islanders\nCan [vessel] in [seized by] JAMAIS [French 'never' \u2013 like Crucible's 'Tours', the other day, another clever change from 'Nice']"} {"Clue":" Snack, Spooner's filth of the filth? (7)","Answer":"POPCORN","Explanation":"Definition: Snack\nSpoonerism of COP PORN, filth being derogatory slang for the police"} {"Clue":"Compassion some weeks after conflict (6)","Answer":"WARMTH","Explanation":"Definition: Compassion\nMTH [month \u2013 some weeks] after WAR [conflict]"} {"Clue":"Some leaves to make cha? (7)","Answer":"SPINACH","Explanation":"Definition: Some leaves\nSPIN [make an anagram of] CHA: a typical Paul clue and a favourite of mine \u2013 great misdirecting surface!"} {"Clue":"Like viruses having a rest, lying back inside maple (9)","Answer":"ACELLULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Like viruses\nReversal [lying back] of A LULL [a rest] in ACER [maple]"} {"Clue":"Tidy, maintained without muck for a start (5)","Answer":"KEMPT","Explanation":"Definition: Tidy\nM[uck] in KEPT [maintained]"} {"Clue":"Fairy, perhaps, raised just over half a ton of cash to support tree strangled by branch (7-2,6)","Answer":"WASHING-UP LIQUID","Explanation":"Definition: Fairy, perhaps\nUP [raised] LI QUID [\u00a351 \u2013 just over half a ton of cash] after [to support \u2013 I think I've ony seen it used this way in a down clue but it's such a good clue that\u00a0 I'm not quibbling] ASH [tree] in WING [branch]"} {"Clue":" Stop propaganda happening (7)","Answer":"PREVENT","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\nPR [propaganda] + EVENT [happening]"} {"Clue":"The wrong way for TV presenters to pour wine (6)","Answer":"DECANT","Explanation":"Definition: pour wine\nThe TV presenters ANT and DEC the 'wrong' way round\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Upper house covering little Australian paperwork (7)","Answer":"ROOFTOP","Explanation":"Definition: Upper house\nROO [little Australian] + FT [paper] + OP [work]"} {"Clue":"Dog or worm is up an instrument (5)","Answer":"SITAR","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\nReversal [up] of RAT [dog or worm, metaphorically]\u00a0 + IS"} {"Clue":"No thanks to Garbo, Monroe wandering in space backstage (5,4)","Answer":"GREEN ROOM","Explanation":"Definition: space backstage\nGRE[ta] [no thanks] + anagram [wandering] of MONROE"} {"Clue":"Current king in approach to palace, scratching bottom (7)","Answer":"THERMAL","Explanation":"Definition: Current\nR [king] in THE MAL[l] [approach to {Buckingham} palace] minus the last letter"} {"Clue":"Curry from Lithuania? Not quite! (5)","Answer":"BALTI","Explanation":"Definition: Curry\nBALTI[c] [from Lithuania?]"} {"Clue":"Nation supporting lead player in Chad every so often (5,4)","Answer":"COSTA RICA","Explanation":"Definition: Nation\nI[n] C[h]A[d] supporting [in a down clue!] COSTAR [lead player] *Please see jkb_ing @8 for a better parsing"} {"Clue":"Port, after lid removed, passed round the wrong way (6)","Answer":"ODESSA","Explanation":"Definition: Port\nReversal\u00a0 [the wrong way] of [p]ASSED + O [round]"} {"Clue":"Thug eating up junket for starters \u2014 it's coated in breadcrumbs (6)","Answer":"GOUJON","Explanation":"Definition: it's coated in breadcrumbs\nGOON [American hired thug] round [eating] first letters [starters] of Up Junket"} {"Clue":"Earth, say, on English sycamore (5,4)","Answer":"PLANE TREE","Explanation":"Definition: sycamore\nPLANET [earth, say] + RE [on] + E [English]"} {"Clue":"Setter with water living on fruit (9)","Answer":"QUICKLIME","Explanation":"Definition: Setter with water\nQUICK [living \u2013 as in 'the quick and the dead'] + LIME [fruit]"} {"Clue":"Fool Oscar but not Wilde? (7)","Answer":"HALFWIT","Explanation":"Definition: Fool\nOscar is half the name of the wit, Oscar Wilde"} {"Clue":"Most painful? Then put your feet up (6)","Answer":"SOREST","Explanation":"Definition: Most painful\nSO REST"} {"Clue":" Somewhere dangerous, exciting to see (3,4)","Answer":"HOT SPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Somewhere dangerous\nHOT [exciting] + SPOT [to see]"} {"Clue":"Contract required while in shelter (5)","Answer":"LEASE","Explanation":"Definition: Contract\nAS [while] in LEE [shelter]"} {"Clue":"Old document, Reform Act (anagram) (5,5)","Answer":"MAGNA CARTA","Explanation":"Definition: Old document\nAnagram [reform] of ACT + ANAGRAM"} {"Clue":"Consult dictionary for past tense of \"film\" (7)","Answer":"VIDEOED","Explanation":"Definition: past tense of \"film\"\nVIDE [consult] + O[xford] E[nglish] D[ictionary]"} {"Clue":"Spread whisper about end of world (7)","Answer":"BREADTH","Explanation":"Definition: Spread\nBREATH [rumour] round [worl]D"} {"Clue":"Plain-spoken canon drinks stout (5)","Answer":"ROUND","Explanation":"Quadruple definition, with a superb surface"} {"Clue":"Austerity is a time to abandon Tory policy (9)","Answer":"PRIVATION","Explanation":"Definition: Austerity\nPRIVAT[is a t]ION [Tory policy] minus\u00a0 is a t[ime]"} {"Clue":"Psychic rendering tacit help with energy (10)","Answer":"TELEPATHIC","Explanation":"Definition: Psychic\nAnagram [rendering] of TACIT HELP + E [energy]"} {"Clue":"Girl is snubbed in style (4)","Answer":"CHIC","Explanation":"Definition: style\nCHIC[k] [girl, cut \u2013 snubbed]"} {"Clue":"Picking up posh vagrant right away (8,3)","Answer":"STRAIGHT OFF","Explanation":"Definition: right away\nSounds like [picking up] stray TOFF [posh vagrant]"} {"Clue":"Clinton, for one, communicates with Arab country (11)","Answer":"STATESWOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Clinton, for one\nSTATES [communicates] W [with] OMAN [Arab country] \u2013 clever double definition"} {"Clue":"Perhaps ignoring her heaving breasts (4)","Answer":"PAPS","Explanation":"Definition: breasts\nP[erh]APS minus anagram [heaving] of 'her'"} {"Clue":"Toast Schubert, Brahms and Liszt \u2014 cheers! (10)","Answer":"BRUSCHETTA","Explanation":"Definition: Toast\nAnagram [Brahms and Liszt!] of SCHUBERT + TA [cheers]"} {"Clue":"Dismal scientist comes in to undergo review (9)","Answer":"ECONOMIST","Explanation":"Definition: Dismal scientist\nAnagram [review] of COMES IN TO \u2013 a reference to Thomas Carlyle's definition of Economics as 'the dismal science'"} {"Clue":"He's landed in Blair Drummond (5)","Answer":"LAIRD","Explanation":"Definition: He's landed in Blair Drummond\nHidden in bLAIR Drummond \u2013 &lit, I think"} {"Clue":"We are not starting marathon in near future (7)","Answer":"ERELONG","Explanation":"Definition: in near future\n[w]E'RE + LONG [marathon] \u2013 this from the woman who has run marathons all over the world!"} {"Clue":"Matchmaker finding boy for Gloria (7)","Answer":"SWANSON","Explanation":"Definition: Gloria\nSWAN [matchmaker] + SON for Gloria Swanson, star of 'Sunset Boulevard' \n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Spanking possesses allure, in truth (6)","Answer":"VERITY","Explanation":"Definition: truth\nIT [allure] in VERY [spanking]"} {"Clue":"Shot twice (6)","Answer":"DOUBLE","Explanation":"Double definition!"} {"Clue":"Mother of a future king involved in fake exposure, causing tragedy (7,3)","Answer":"OEDIPUS REX","Explanation":"Definition: tragedy\nDI [mother of a future king] in anagram [fake] of EXPOSURE"} {"Clue":"Where to find reserves of French bank (5)","Answer":"DEPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Where to find reserves\nDE [of French] POT [bank]"} {"Clue":"Change of leader to blame, innit? (9)","Answer":"BRITICISM","Explanation":"Definition: innit?\n[c]RITICISM [blame] with change of first letter \u2013 brilliant!"} {"Clue":" Style of northern beer, from a southern point of view (4)","Answer":"ELAN","Explanation":"Definition: Style\nReversal [from a southern point of view] of N[orthern] ALE \u2013 shades of a Saturday in Sheffield!"} {"Clue":"Five hundred on 8\/1 tip wiped out Len (8)","Answer":"DEIGHTON","Explanation":"Definition: Len\nD [500] on EIGHT ON[e] for the author of 'The Ipcress File'"} {"Clue":"Restrain Spooner's drunken rage (8)","Answer":"HANDCUFF","Explanation":"Definition: Restrain\nSpooner might say 'canned huff'"} {"Clue":"Finally disregarded your health, touching utterly repellent rodent (10)","Answer":"CHINCHILLA","Explanation":"Definition: rodent\nCHIN CHI[n] ['your health' \u2013 another toast!] + reversal [repellent] of ALL [utterly]"} {"Clue":"Is moving patients about profitable? (9)","Answer":"REWARDING","Explanation":"Definition: profitable\nMoving patients about could be 're-warding' them"} {"Clue":"Pioneers synthetic rubber compound (8)","Answer":"ISOPRENE","Explanation":"Definition: rubber compound\nAnagram [synthetic] of PIONEERS"} {"Clue":"Polish lawman's advanced listening device (8)","Answer":"EARPHONE","Explanation":"Definition: listening device\nHONE [polish] after [Wyatt] EARP [lawman]"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Hazel blooms, having given up constant diet? (6)","Answer":"ATKINS","Explanation":"Definition: diet\n[c]ATKINS [hazel blooms minus C [constant] for the low-carb diet"} {"Clue":"I couldn't hear inadequate lecturer (6)","Answer":"PARDON","Explanation":"Definition: I couldn't hear\nPAR [inadequate? \u2013 I can't quite see this] + DON [lecturer] [*As pointed out by Gaufrid and Andrew,\u00a0 DON appears **below PAR** in the solution \u2013 doh!*]"} {"Clue":"What I do on backstreet cobbles (5)","Answer":"SETTS","Explanation":"Definition: cobbles\nSET [what Arachne does \u2013 and how!] + reversal [back] of ST[reet]"} {"Clue":"Average pair of immature boys (2-2)","Answer":"SO-SO","Explanation":"Definition: Average\nSO[n] SO[n]"} {"Clue":"Conduct oneself in original duets from Beethoven, Handel, and Verdi (6)","Answer":"BEHAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Conduct oneself\nFirst two letters of BEethoven, HAndel and VErdi"} {"Clue":"Famous Bohemian wanting vodka, shaken or stirred? That's about right (6)","Answer":"DVORAK","Explanation":"Definition: Famous Bohemian\nAnagram [shaken or stirred] round R[ight] \u2013 I heard the LPO play his Symphony No. 8 here just two evenings ago"} {"Clue":"Peers inside a box (4)","Answer":"JURY","Explanation":"Definition: Peers inside a box\nCryptic definition \u2013 a gem of a clue!"} {"Clue":"Excelling with toy piano in middle of trip (3-7)","Answer":"OUT-TOPPING","Explanation":"Definition: Excelling\nTOP [toy] + P [piano] in [middle of ] OUTING [trip]"} {"Clue":"Sultanate finally independent, earlier administered by British (6)","Answer":"BRUNEI","Explanation":"Definition: Sultanate finally independent, earlier administered by British (6)\n[sultanat]E + I [independent] after B [British] + RUN [administered] \u2013 a fine &lit"} {"Clue":"Codes I repeatedly broke, resulting in crazy actions (8)","Answer":"IDIOCIES","Explanation":"Definition: crazy actions\nAnagram of CODES + I I I"} {"Clue":"Presentation of news about wine years (9)","Answer":"REPORTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Presentation of news\nRE [about] PORT [wine] AGE [years]"} {"Clue":"Term of endearment among Welsh musical family (4)","Answer":"BACH","Explanation":"Definition: Term of endearment among Welshmusical family\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Combination of notes that has bars he composed randomly (4)","Answer":"CAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Combination of notesthat has barshe composed\nTriple definition: C A G E are musical notes; a cage has bars and John Cage composed [randomly!]"} {"Clue":"Group of musicians one over 8, say? (9)","Answer":"QUINTETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Group of musicians\nOne more than a string quartet [8 dn]"} {"Clue":"Continuous ringing reduced what's spoken in legal setting, mostly (8)","Answer":"CLANGOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Continuous ringing\nLANG[uage] [what's spoken, reduced] in COUR[t] [legal setting]"} {"Clue":"Another composer using Monsieur Lehar's variation (6)","Answer":"MAHLER","Explanation":"Definition: Another composer\nAnagram [variation] of M LEHAR"} {"Clue":"Mean types taking in chief player \u2014 they are not to be trusted (10)","Answer":"MISLEADERS","Explanation":"Definition: they are not to be trusted\nMISERS [mean types] round LEAD [chief player]"} {"Clue":"Bread and butter, possibly (4)","Answer":"LOAF","Explanation":"Double \/ cryptic definition \u2013 you might [head] butt someone with your 'loaf'"} {"Clue":"Score stored in closet went yellow (6)","Answer":"TWENTY","Explanation":"Definition: Score\nHidden in closeT WENT Yellow \u2013 easy, but a lovely surface"} {"Clue":"Time in musical piece fine for Hungarian folklorist (6)","Answer":"BARTOK","Explanation":"Definition: Hungarian folklorist\nT [time] in BAR [musical piece] OK [fine] \u2013 Bartok was one of the founders of ethnomusicology\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"French dance, having drunk our beer (7)","Answer":"BOURR\u00c9E","Explanation":"Definition: French dance\nAnagram [having drunk] of OUR BEER \u2013 you can hear Bach's here"} {"Clue":"It's unusually handy for father of 8 (5)","Answer":"HAYDN","Explanation":"Definition: father of 8\nAnagram [unusually] of HANDY: Haydn is often called 'Father of the String Quartet' [as well as 'Father of the Symphony']"} {"Clue":"Combination of sex, love and desire for player (7)","Answer":"VIOLIST","Explanation":"Definition: player\nVI [six, Latin 'sex'] + O [love] + LIST [desire \u2013 archaic]:\u00a0 poor viola players \u2013 aren't there enough jokes about them without Brendan having a go?"} {"Clue":"Product of Cremona \u2014 some ravioli, namely (6)","Answer":"VIOLIN","Explanation":"Definition: Product of Cremona\nHidden in raVIOLI Namely \u2013 Cremona is the home of various violin makers"} {"Clue":"Again present in theatre, a king imprisoned? (9)","Answer":"REPACKAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Again present\nREP [theatre] + A + K in CAGE [imprisoned] or K in A CAGE"} {"Clue":"In archaic style, knows\u00a0 Scottish monarch (7)","Answer":"KENNETH","Explanation":"Definition: In archaic style, knowsScottish monarch\nDouble definition: Kenneth I\u00a0 [843-858], 'according to national myth', was the first king of the Scots"} {"Clue":"down and two 5's compose it, as have 4, 20 and others here (6,7)","Answer":"STRING QUARTET","Explanation":"A string quartet comprises a VIOLIST, a CELLIST and two VIOLINs \u2013 and string quartets were composed by DVORAK, MOZART et al"} {"Clue":"Corrupt gaoler holding down one criminal, ultimately, in part of cell (9)","Answer":"ORGANELLE","Explanation":"Definition: part of cell\nAnagram [corrupt] of GAOLER round last letters of dowN onE criminaL"} {"Clue":"Irishman, perhaps, crossing line is player taking a bow (7)","Answer":"CELLIST","Explanation":"Definition: player taking a bow\nCELT [Irishman, perhaps] round L[ine] IS \u2013 a lovely surface,\u00a0 suggesting an Irish rugby player"} {"Clue":"South African plant's name is originally entered by European (7)","Answer":"NEMESIA","Explanation":"Definition: South African plant\nAnagram [originally] of NAME IS round E[European]"} {"Clue":"High-flier that sings in 8 by 2 (3,4)","Answer":"THE LARK","Explanation":"Definition: High-flier8 by 2\nDouble definition:\u00a0 you can hear Haydn's String Quartet here"} {"Clue":"Child prodigy reduced weight in minutes with magic (6)","Answer":"MOZART","Explanation":"Definition: Child prodigy\nOZ [reduced weight] in M[minutes] + ART [magic]"} {"Clue":"He produced astronomic score in first of tests after break (5)","Answer":"HOLST","Explanation":"Definition: He produced astronomic score\nHOLS [break] + T[ests]: 'astronomic' reference to Holst's suite, 'The Planets' \u2013 another nice sporting surface"} {"Clue":"See jazz group going round Asian capital (7)","Answer":"COLOMBO","Explanation":"Definition: Asian capital\nCOMBO [jazz group] round LO [see]"} {"Clue":"Very involved psychological state (7)","Answer":"COMPLEX","Explanation":"Definition: Very involvedpsychological state\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Elizabeth, a superior lady deserted by a sailor (4)","Answer":"BESS","Explanation":"Definition: Elizabeth\n[ab]BESS [Mother Superior] minus ab [sailor]"} {"Clue":"A chief constable's ultimate deterrent? (3,2,5)","Answer":"USE OF FORCE","Explanation":"Double \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Describing Jill when cut off by Edward? (6)","Answer":"JILTED","Explanation":"JIL[l] + TED"} {"Clue":"Production of Lear? Don't believe it! (8)","Answer":"NONSENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Don't believe it!\nReference to the nonsense verse of Edward Lear, rather than the Shakespearean tragedy \u2013 did anyone else look for an anagram of LEAR DONT?"} {"Clue":"Wild-eyed satyr of very recent history (9)","Answer":"YESTERDAY","Explanation":"Definition: very recent history\nAnagram [wild] of\u00a0 EYED SATYR"} {"Clue":"The end is nigh! (5)","Answer":"CLOSE","Explanation":"Definition: endnigh\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Some found nervously lying in a cunning way (5)","Answer":"SLYLY","Explanation":"Definition: in a cunning way\nHidden in nervouSLY LYing"} {"Clue":" Type of joint that may be found worldwide (9)","Answer":"UNIVERSAL","Explanation":"Definition: Type of jointfound worldwide\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Language master demands Latin, initially \u2014 and using it in translation! (8)","Answer":"LINGUIST","Explanation":"Definition: Language master\nL [Latin initially] + anagram [in translation] of USING IT"} {"Clue":"Hidden firm backing religious system (6)","Answer":"OCCULT","Explanation":"Definition: Hidden\nReversal [backing] of CO [firm] + CULT [religious system]"} {"Clue":"Collar \u2014 or another part of the shirt? (10)","Answer":"BUTTONHOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Collaranother part of the shirt?\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Spot for parking inside, yes? Possibly (4)","Answer":"ESPY","Explanation":"Definition: Spot\nP [parking] inside anagram [possibly] of YES"} {"Clue":"It comes last, locked in reverse (7)","Answer":"DESSERT","Explanation":"Definition: It comes last\nReversal of TRESSED ['locked']"} {"Clue":"A living wage? (7)","Answer":"STIPEND","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 the payment received by the clergy from their benefice [living]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Former head of English entered punctually (3-4)","Answer":"ONE-TIME","Explanation":"Definition: Former\nE [head of English] in ON TIME [punctually]"} {"Clue":"Ready to start acting from the beginning (5)","Answer":"ONSET","Explanation":"Definition: beginning\nON SET [ready to start acting]"} {"Clue":"Slip in a pound raised subject to control (7)","Answer":"BLUNDER","Explanation":"Definition: Slip\nReversal [raised] of LB [a pound] + UNDER [subject to control]"} {"Clue":"Insult by leaving a tip (6)","Answer":"OFFEND","Explanation":"Definition: Insult\nOFF [leaving] + END [tip]"} {"Clue":"Jack's screwdriver? (9)","Answer":"PROPELLER","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 and a second nautical reference, as we often get from Rufus"} {"Clue":"Cuts taxes (7)","Answer":"EXCISES","Explanation":"Double definition \u2013 like 16ac, this clue is not exactly new but they're worthy of a 9dn, for newer solvers who may not have seen them before"} {"Clue":"New life for an incinerator that's recycled (13)","Answer":"REINCARNATION","Explanation":"Definition: New life\nClever anagram of AN INCINERATOR"} {"Clue":"It's not for nothing you pass through them (4,5)","Answer":"TOLL GATES","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"The Parisian is on river for relaxation (7)","Answer":"LEISURE","Explanation":"Definition: relaxation\nLE [the Parisian] + IS + URE, the Wensleydale river"} {"Clue":"Wild flower absorbs nitrogen (7)","Answer":"VIOLENT","Explanation":"Definition: Wild\nVIOLET [flower] round N [nitrogen]"} {"Clue":"Explain about what keeps a wheel on (4-3)","Answer":"AXLE-PIN","Explanation":"Definition: what keeps a wheel on\nAnagram [about] of\u00a0 EXPLAIN"} {"Clue":"Meal inside the German hotel (6)","Answer":"DINNER","Explanation":"Definition: Meal\nINN [hotel] in DER [the German]"} {"Clue":"Penny each, perhaps? (5)","Answer":"CHEAP","Explanation":"Definition: Penny each, perhaps?\nAnagram [perhaps] of\u00a0 P [penny] + EACH \u2013 a nice\u00a0 &lit to end with"} {"Clue":"Cook's been able to do this once on time (common gender question posed by society!) (6,3,5)","Answer":"RETAIN THE ASHES","Explanation":"Definition: Cook's been able to do this once\nRE [on] + T [time] + AIN'T HE A SHE? ['common' gender question!] + S [society]"} {"Clue":" Police who want use of crackdown say they are gripping the court! (4,5)","Answer":"VICE SQUAD","Explanation":"Definition: Police who want use of crackdown say\nVICES [they are gripping] + QUAD [court]"} {"Clue":"Sri Lankan port's lifeboat's chief caught in a force 8 (5)","Answer":"GALLE","Explanation":"Definition: Sri Lankan port\nL[ifeboat] in GALE [a force 8 wind on the Beaufort Scale]"} {"Clue":"Itinerant out to lunch (5)","Answer":"NOMAD","Explanation":"Definition: Itinerant\nNO [# \u2013 number] + MAD ['out to lunch']"} {"Clue":"Play this for eventual gain and drag to the ground (4,2,3)","Answer":"HARD TO GET","Explanation":"Definition: Play this for eventual gain\nAnagram [ground] of DRAG TO THE"} {"Clue":"World traveller's not doing too well in business with PC? (1-7)","Answer":"E-TAILING","Explanation":"Definition: business with PC?\nET [world traveller] + AILING [not doing too well]"} {"Clue":"High-class clothes business \u2014 right time to go for it! (1-5)","Answer":"A-GRADE","Explanation":"Definition: High-class\n[r]AG [t]RADE [clothes business] minus r [right] and t [time]"} {"Clue":"Fitful earless driving programme through well (4-2)","Answer":"STOP-GO","Explanation":"Definition: Fitful\nTOP G[ear] [earless driving programme!] in [through] SO [well]"} {"Clue":"Look into enclosed space and see transmitter (6,2)","Answer":"COLOUR TV","Explanation":"Definition: transmitter\nLO [look] in COURT [enclosed space] + V[ide] \u2013 look"} {"Clue":"On vacation, double-crossed nasty DJ? (5,4)","Answer":"DRESS CODE","Explanation":"Definition: DJ?\nAnagram [nasty] of D[oubl]E [on vacation] + CROSSED"} {"Clue":"International ran laps on record (5)","Answer":"FILED","Explanation":"Definition: on record\nFLED [ran] round [laps] I [international]"} {"Clue":"Timeless band's backing track (5)","Answer":"SPOOR","Explanation":"Definition: track\nReversal [backing] of [t]ROOP'S [band's] minus t [time]"} {"Clue":"One intriguing old Spanish gentleman (9)","Answer":"CABALLERO","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish gentleman\nCABALLER [one intriguing] + O [old]"} {"Clue":"Virginia back, cutting Myra, is getting involved with Gordon \u2014 TV feature? (4,5,5)","Answer":"SNOG MARRY AVOID","Explanation":"Definition: TV feature? \nReversal [back] of VA [Virginia] in [cutting] an anagram [getting involved] of MYRA IS and GORDON\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Freshly hassled, gets even: divorces bride \u2014 so saying? (7,2,1,4,4,6,4)","Answer":"REVENGE IS A DISH BEST SERVED COLD","Explanation":"Definition: saying?\nAnagram [freshly] of HASSLED GETS EVEN DIVORCES BRIDE"} {"Clue":"Old mortar in building programme co-tenant's brought up (3,4)","Answer":"TOC EMMA","Explanation":"Definition: Old mortar\nHidden reversal [brought up] in progrAMME CO-Tenant"} {"Clue":"Mannequins I de-legitimised, having the measure of men's outfitter (6,3)","Answer":"INSIDE LEG","Explanation":"Definition: measure of men's outfitter\nHidden in mannequINS I DE-LEGitimised \u2013 what a surface!"} {"Clue":"Moving about (8)","Answer":"TOUCHING","Explanation":"Double definition \u2013 very neat"} {"Clue":"Last divers under base (6)","Answer":"ENDURE","Explanation":"Definition: Last\nAnagram [divers] of UNDER + E [base of the natural logarithm]"} {"Clue":"With intervention of government, this goes up a great deal (5)","Answer":"SIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: great deal\nG [government] in a reversal [goes up] of THIS"} {"Clue":"Articles praising one in United goal getting drunk after end of game (7)","Answer":"EULOGIA","Explanation":"Definition: Articles praising\nI in anagram [getting drunk] of U [united] GOAL after gam[E]"} {"Clue":"Indulge too much in what's unusually legal of mafioso (9)","Answer":"GOODFELLA","Explanation":"Definition: mafioso\nOD [overdose \u2013 indulge too much] in an anagram [unusually] of LEGAL OF"} {"Clue":"\"N\", some out of uniform inspiring Sussex resort with no hotel (8)","Answer":"NOVEMBER","Explanation":"Definition: \"N\"\nN[u]MBER [some] minus [out of] U [uniform] round [inspiring] [h]OVE \u2013 Sussex resort minus h[hotel]"} {"Clue":"The Queen's personal circle has no news to broadcast (4,3)","Answer":"ONE\u2019S OWN","Explanation":"Definition: The Queen's personal\nO [circle] + an anagram [broadcast] of NO NEWS"} {"Clue":"Outstanding piece of fiction concerning upset on borders (7)","Answer":"RELIEVO","Explanation":"Definition: Outstanding piece\n[This \u2013 ridiculously \u2013 took the longest of all to parse. You know how it is when you get an idea in your head and it won't go away, even though it's clearly wrong? I got the answer fairly early on but couldn't get beyond LIE [fiction] bordered by RE [concerning] and ON upset \u2013 which made perfect sense but, of course, led to the impossible RELIENO]"} {"Clue":"Received refreshment at 4pm on 1\/4, oh yesssss! (6)","Answer":"GOTCHA","Explanation":"Definition: on 1\/4, oh yesssss\nGOT [received] CHA [tea \u2013 refreshment at 4pm] \u2013 said on All Fools' Day, 1st April [1\/4] [That last bit was, appropriately,\u00a0 the penultimate piece of parsing to dawn on me!]"} {"Clue":"Parents' progeny? Some of it (5)","Answer":"SPROG","Explanation":"Hidden in parentS PROGeny:\u00a0 a deceptively simple clue but a great surface \u2013 &lit"} {"Clue":"Around time a silent 'a' affected 13 (9)","Answer":"TANTALISE","Explanation":"Definition: 13\nAnagram [affected] of A SILENT A round T [time] \u2013 the definition is 'tease', answer to 13ac"} {"Clue":"Component of fast racing car (5)","Answer":"ASTRA","Explanation":"Definition: car\nHidden in fAST RAcing"} {"Clue":"Setter observed by hearing or sight (7)","Answer":"EYESORE","Explanation":"Definition: sight\nSounds like [by hearing] I [setter] saw [observed]"} {"Clue":"George Eliot was one in a million into pasta (3-4)","Answer":"PEN-NAME","Explanation":"Definition: George Eliot was one\nA M [a million] in PENNE [pasta]"} {"Clue":"Meal with ends of spare rib (5)","Answer":"TEASE","Explanation":"Definition: rib\nTEA [meal] + S[par]E"} {"Clue":"One searching thorough\u00ad\u00adly gets answer in TV series? Not initially (9)","Answer":"RANSACKER","Explanation":"Definition: One searching thorough\u00ad\u00adly\nANS [answer] in [t]RACKER [TV series]\u00a0* [Edit:\u00a0 I hadn't actually heard of that one, which I guessed and then had to research it: I wasn't wide enough awake to think of the much more obvious [c]RACKER \u2013 thanks, muffin @1]"} {"Clue":"Golfer lists family members following behind imp and trickster (15)","Answer":"RUMPELSTILTSKIN","Explanation":"Definition: imp and trickster\n[Ernie] ELS [golfer] + TILTS [lists] + KIN [family members] following RUMP [behind]"} {"Clue":"Striptease and other bawdy stuff, as naughty sequel to back massage (9)","Answer":"BURLESQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Striptease and other bawdy stuff\nAnagram [naughty] of SEQUEL after reversal [back] of RUB [massage] \u2013 Puck can be as bad [good] as Paul!"} {"Clue":"Instrument not working for Italian singer (5)","Answer":"BASSO","Explanation":"Definition: Italian singer\nBASSO[on] [instrument] not on [working]"} {"Clue":"Port in Czech Republic initially allowing free passage for musician? (7)","Answer":"CADENZA","Explanation":"Definition: free passage for musician\nADEN [port] in CZ [Czech Republic IVR] + A[llowing]"} {"Clue":"Ready to join firm with established income earner (4,3)","Answer":"CASH COW","Explanation":"Definition: established income earner\nCASH [ready] + CO [firm] + W[ith]"} {"Clue":"One to measure up (5)","Answer":"AFOOT","Explanation":"Definition: up\nA [one] FOOT [measure]"} {"Clue":"Three-faced male doctor within hearing (9)","Answer":"TRIHEDRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Three-faced\nHE [male] + DR [doctor] in TRIAL [hearing]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Setter ordered horse for homeless child (6,4)","Answer":"STREET ARAB","Explanation":"Definition: homeless child\nAnagram [ordered] of SETTER + ARAB [horse]"} {"Clue":"Murder an unorthodox sort of bowling (8)","Answer":"UNDERARM","Explanation":"Definition: sort of bowling\nAnagram [unorthodox] of MURDER AN\u00a0 \u2013 'unorthodox' is also part of the definition"} {"Clue":"Prisoner might get this job as secretary? (6)","Answer":"PAROLE","Explanation":"Definition: Prisoner might get this\nP.A. ROLE [job as secretary]"} {"Clue":"Country base that is without a castle (4)","Answer":"EIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nE [base of the natural logarithm \u2013 I don't remember seeing this in a crossword before until the Enigmatist puzzle that I blogged last week] + IE [that is] round [without] R [rook \u2013 or castle \u2013 in chess]"} {"Clue":"Bad press? No setter's inclined to answer (10)","Answer":"RESPONSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: inclined to answer\nAnagram [bad] of PRESS NO + I'VE [setter's]"} {"Clue":"Male with stamina rigged part of boat (8)","Answer":"MAINMAST","Explanation":"Definition: part of boat\nM [male] + anagram [rigged] of STAMINA"} {"Clue":"Go for tips from Clark Kent after a time looking in the mirror (6)","Answer":"ATTACK","Explanation":"Definition: Go for\nC[lark] K[ent] after A T T A [a time reflected]"} {"Clue":"A villain finally turning up on the fifth dimension's fourth hub (4)","Answer":"NAVE","Explanation":"Definition: hub\nREversal [turning up] of A [villai]N + V [fifth] + E [fourth letter of [dim]E[nsion]"} {"Clue":"Gem of a girl, unknown to drink two pints (4,6)","Answer":"ROSE QUARTZ","Explanation":"Definition: Gem\nROSE [girl] + Z [unknown] round [to drink] QUART [two pints]"} {"Clue":"Raw duck's foot, cooked with almond in a haphazard series of steps (6,4)","Answer":"RANDOM WALK","Explanation":"Definition: haphazard series of steps\nAnagram [cooked] of RAW + [duc[K] + ALMOND"} {"Clue":"Some hesitation in retrospectively entering painter's age (8)","Answer":"ETERNITY","Explanation":"Definition: age\nER [some hesitation] + reversal [retrospectively] of IN in ETTY [painter]"} {"Clue":"A little hair of the dog consumed by X last of all (4,4)","Answer":"KISS CURL","Explanation":"Definition: A little hair\nCur [dog] in [consumed by] KISS [X] [al]L"} {"Clue":"Party held by cat is gatecrashed by fellow creature (3,3)","Answer":"RED FOX","Explanation":"Definition: creature\nDO [party] round [gatecrashed by] F [fellow] in REX [cat]"} {"Clue":"Something of use after \"black dog\" (6)","Answer":"BASSET","Explanation":"Definition: dog\nAsset [something of use] after B [black]"} {"Clue":"Stuff for starters cooked with butter (4)","Answer":"CRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Stuff\nC [C[ooked] for starters] + RAM [butter]"} {"Clue":"Cut and blow (4)","Answer":"CLIP","Explanation":"Definition: Cutblow\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Accidentally delivering scars to the unwary? (8,7)","Answer":"CARELESS DRIVING","Explanation":"Anagram [accidentally] of DELIVERING SCARS"} {"Clue":"Soldier voices his bitterness (7)","Answer":"RANCOUR","Explanation":"Definition: bitterness\nSounds like [voices] 'ranker' [soldier]"} {"Clue":"Believed to be like Moses? (7)","Answer":"REPUTED","Explanation":"Definition: Believed\nI like the idea of this but it doesn't quite work: it refers to the story of the baby Moses being hidden by his mother but he was not PUT in a single REED!"} {"Clue":"Pity it's a plant (3)","Answer":"RUE","Explanation":"Definition: Pityplant\nDouble definition [though I was surprised to find that it does have the other 'feel sorry for' meaning \u2013 I'm used to it as meaning 'regret' or 'repent']"} {"Clue":"L (4-7)","Answer":"HALF-CENTURY","Explanation":"Definition: L\nL \u2013 Roman numeral for 50 \u2013 a rather easy dingbat-style clue"} {"Clue":"Good health on the face of it! (6,4)","Answer":"DOUBLE CHIN","Explanation":"Definition: Good health\nA reference to the old toast, 'Chin chin'"} {"Clue":"Pinch head off a duck (4)","Answer":"TEAL","Explanation":"Definition: duck\n[s]TEAL [pinch]"} {"Clue":"Catch sight of clairvoyance unknown (4)","Answer":"ESPY","Explanation":"Definition: Catch sight of\nESP [Extra Sensory Perception \u2013 clairvoyance] + Y [unknown]"} {"Clue":"Rise to a fielder's position (10)","Answer":"STANDPOINT","Explanation":"Definition: position\nSTAND [rise] + POINT [fielder]"} {"Clue":"Series of events gets evangelist round church in vain (6,5)","Answer":"MARKOV CHAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Series of events\nMARK [evangelist] + O [round] + CH [church] in VAIN"} {"Clue":"Go to court a girl (3)","Answer":"SUE","Explanation":"Definition: Go to courtgirl\nA rather neat double definition"} {"Clue":"Liberty formed by first English revolution (7)","Answer":"FREEDOM","Explanation":"Definition: Liberty\nAnagram [revolution] of FORMED and E [first letter of English] \u2013 no comment!"} {"Clue":"Took in what hen laid scrambled? (7)","Answer":"INHALED","Explanation":"Definition: Took in\nAnagram [scrambled] of HEN LAID"} {"Clue":"Tories with savings accounts? (10,5)","Answer":"INTERESTED PARTY","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 Tories being, presumably, simply one example of a party, hence the question mark? I suppose they're perhaps more likely to have savings accounts, which yield [or used to] interest."} {"Clue":"Vehicle journey carrying good missile propellant (9)","Answer":"CARTRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: missile propellant\nCART [vehicle] + RIDE [journey] round [carrying] G [good]"} {"Clue":"Verse or a nude dancing (7)","Answer":"RONDEAU","Explanation":"Definition: Verse\nAnagram [dancing] of OR A NUDE"} {"Clue":"Way out with triumphal expression after toilet at the local (8)","Answer":"LOOPHOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Way out\nLOO [toilet] + PH [public house \u2013 local] + OL\u00c9 [triumphal expression]"} {"Clue":"Social philosopher vexed by student (5)","Answer":"SOREL","Explanation":"Definition: Social philosopher\nSORE [vexed] + L [student]"} {"Clue":"Command of engineers, in a manner of speaking (9)","Answer":"DIRECTION","Explanation":"Definition: Command\nRE [Royal Engineers] in DICTION [manner of speaking]"} {"Clue":"Threaten one member's demise (6)","Answer":"IMPEND","Explanation":"Definition: Threaten\nI MP [one member] + END [demise]"} {"Clue":"Under it maybe become unwelcome (7)","Answer":"INTRUDE","Explanation":"Definition: become unwelcome\nAnagram [maybe] of UNDER IT"} {"Clue":"Light-headed Bible giver not on by the sound of it (5)","Answer":"GIDDY","Explanation":"Definition: Light-headed\nGIDDY + 'on' sounds like 'Gideon' \u2013 reference to Gideons International, who distribute free Bibles."} {"Clue":"Mexican dish in county for ancient burials (9)","Answer":"CATACOMBS","Explanation":"Definition: for ancient burials\nTACO [Mexican dish] in CAMBS [county]"} {"Clue":"In recent times rattled off for ever (6-3)","Answer":"LATTER-DAY","Explanation":"Definition: In recent times\nAnagram [off] of RATTLED + AY [for ever]"} {"Clue":"Space and quiet between works begin business (4,4)","Answer":"OPEN SHOP","Explanation":"Definition: begin business\nEN [space in printing] + SH [quiet] between OP OP [works]"} {"Clue":"Proportion of soft centre perhaps? (7)","Answer":"PERCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Proportion\nP [soft] + anagram [perhaps] of CENTRE"} {"Clue":"After endless affront there's a right to be detached (7)","Answer":"INSULAR","Explanation":"Definition: detached\nINSUL[t] [endless affront] + A R [a right]"} {"Clue":"Rather brave, sound as a rock (6)","Answer":"BOLDER","Explanation":"Definition: Rather brave\nSounds like 'boulder' [rock]"} {"Clue":"Rig for conductor without forte? (5)","Answer":"MUFTI","Explanation":"Definition: Rig\nMUTI [Riccardo, conductor] round [without] F [forte]"} {"Clue":"Sprightly for one over 12 in years (5)","Answer":"AGILE","Explanation":"Definition: Sprightly\nI [one] over L [clue to 12ac] in AGE [years]"} {"Clue":"Fruit is dear \u2014 women led off \u2026 (8,5)","Answer":"HONEYDEW MELON","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nHONEY [dear] + anagram [off] of WOMEN LED"} {"Clue":"to shop around, with little time for critical remark (7)","Answer":"POTSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: critical remark\nAnagram of TO SHOP + T [little time]"} {"Clue":"Hotel in Canning person finds less gross (7)","Answer":"THINNER","Explanation":"Definition: less gross\nH [hotel] in TINNER [Canning person]"} {"Clue":"Small girl nearly returned fruit (5)","Answer":"LIMES","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nReversal [returned] of S [small] + EMIL[y]"} {"Clue":"Second XI has one chap that's good for an evening out (5,4)","Answer":"STEAM IRON","Explanation":"Definition: good for an evening out\nS [second] + TEAM [eleven] + I [one] + RON [chap] \u2013 with a cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Bother reaching last of tomato sauce (5)","Answer":"PESTO","Explanation":"Definition: sauce\nPEST [bother] + [tomat]O"} {"Clue":"Like PDFs, can be speedily run off first? (9)","Answer":"PRINTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Like PDFs\n[s]PRINT [speedily run minus its first letter \u2013 off] + ABLE [can be?]"} {"Clue":"The answer when fish swallows snake? Making a run for it (9)","Answer":"LADDERING","Explanation":"Definition: Making a run\nLING [fish] round ADDER [snake]"} {"Clue":"Arrived and left in a biplane (5)","Answer":"CAMEL","Explanation":"Definition: biplane\nCAME [arrived] + L [left]"} {"Clue":"Function without garden implements \u2014 hard thing for 8 part 2 to accomplish? (9)","Answer":"SHOESHINE","Explanation":"Definition: thing for 8 part 2 to accomplish?\nSINE [function] round [without] HOES [garden implements] + H [hard]"} {"Clue":"Jars of fruit (5)","Answer":"RASPS","Explanation":"Definition: Jarsfruit\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Address for Turkish man, if prime of figs need re-ordering (7)","Answer":"EFFENDI","Explanation":"Definition: Address for Turkish man\nAnagram [re-ordering] of IF F[igs] NEED"} {"Clue":"One setter's into fruit! (7)","Answer":"TANGELO","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nAN [one] GEL [setter] in TO"} {"Clue":"A number down fruit squash, ultimately getting sick (9,4)","Answer":"BLUEBERRY HILL","Explanation":"Definition: A number\nBLUE [down] + BERRY [fruit] + [squas]H + ILL [sick] for the Fats Domino number\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Making pie, I'd most bananas made best use of (9)","Answer":"OPTIMISED","Explanation":"Definition: made best use of\nAnagram [bananas] of PIE I'D MOST"} {"Clue":"Spirit found in a set sweet hospital provides (5)","Answer":"ETHOS","Explanation":"Definition: Spirit\nHidden in sweET HOSpital \u2013 but it would work without the 'sweet'. *[Edit: 'found in a set' is part of the definition: see comments 20 and 22\u00a0 \u2013 thanks, phitonelly and\u00a0 otter.]"} {"Clue":"Sees fruit cooked instead? (5)","Answer":"DATES","Explanation":"Definition: Seesfruit\nDouble definition and an anagram [cooked] of STEAD"} {"Clue":"Dying to be thin, I grew monstrously (9)","Answer":"WITHERING","Explanation":"Definition: Dying\nAnagram [monstrously] of THIN I GREW"} {"Clue":"Cryptic crossword started after setter drinks gin served up at lunchtime (9)","Answer":"ENIGMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Cryptic\nC[rossword] after reversal of ME [setter] round [drinking] GIN + AT I [at lunchtime]"} {"Clue":"One who has oranges with \"navels\", eaten regularly for starters (5)","Answer":"OWNER","Explanation":"Definition: One who has\nFirst letters [for starters] of Oranges With Navels Eaten Regularly"} {"Clue":"Parish people annoyed about Liberal toady (5,8)","Answer":"APPLE POLISHER","Explanation":"Definition: toady\nAnagram [annoyed] of PARISH PEOPLE round L [liberal]:\u00a0 a new expression for me \u2013 Chambers says it's American"} {"Clue":"What some brides wear, fixed on large bosoms (6,7)","Answer":"ORANGE BLOSSOM","Explanation":"Definition: What some brides wear\nAnagram [fixed] of ON LARGE BOSOMS \u2013 a lovely picture!"} {"Clue":"Order is one half-quince? Respect! (9)","Answer":"OBEISANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Respect\nOBE [order] + IS + A [one] + [qui]NCE"} {"Clue":"Like 19 and 23, eating it with 4 is uncivilised (9)","Answer":"PRIMITIVE","Explanation":"Definition: uncivilised\nNothing to do with camels or rasps \u2013 or dates: 19 and 23 are PRIME [numbers] round [eating] IT with IV [four]"} {"Clue":"It'd be a big surprise, dropping this stunning woman (9)","Answer":"BOMBSHELL","Explanation":"Definition: It'd be a big surprise, dropping thisstunning woman\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Waste a bit of fruit loaf, sadly (5)","Answer":"OFFAL","Explanation":"Definition: Waste\nAnagram [sadly] of F[ruit] LOAF"} {"Clue":"One rousing game sees opener dismissed for 8 part 1? If so, it could be Jonathan (5)","Answer":"EATER","Explanation":"Definition: 8 part 1? If so, it could be Jonathan\nA rather complicated clue to provide a misleading cricketing surface: [b]EATER [one rousing game] with its first letter dismissed, to give a type of eating apple which could be a Jonathan"} {"Clue":"Farm producing a batch of Andorran cherries (5)","Answer":"RANCH","Explanation":"Definition: Farm\nHidden in andorRAN CHerries"} {"Clue":"Put formally, tennis great with appropriate round decoration (9)","Answer":"SGRAFFITO","Explanation":"Definition: decoration\nS GRAF, as Steffi, the tennis great, would be, put formally + FIT [appropriate] + O [round]"} {"Clue":"Large island reduced by a gas (5)","Answer":"OZONE","Explanation":"Definition: gas\nOZ [large island, reduced, or abbreviated] + ONE [a]"} {"Clue":"Hot on the heels of swinging single people (7)","Answer":"ENGLISH","Explanation":"Definition: people\nAnagram [swinging] of SINGLE + H [hot]"} {"Clue":"State tennis legend's song and dance (7)","Answer":"PALAVER","Explanation":"Definition: song and dance\nPA\u00a0 [Pennsylvania \u2013 state] + LAVER [Rod, another tennis great]"} {"Clue":"Desirable girls generally try to put out \u2014 time for resistance? (5)","Answer":"TOTTY","Explanation":"Definition: Desirable girls generally\nAnagram [put out] of TRY TO, with T [time] in place of r [resistance]"} {"Clue":"Made acceptable, the thing breathes in windy Andes (9)","Answer":"SANITISED","Explanation":"Definition: Made acceptable\nIT [the thing] + IS [breathes] in anagram [windy] of ANDES"} {"Clue":"Blowing the whistle on football team's once popular number (7,3,5)","Answer":"SINGING THE BLUES","Explanation":"Definition: once popular number\nSINGING [blowing the whistle] + THE BLUES [football team \u2013 Chelsea, I believe]"} {"Clue":"Battle location having small advantage: opportunity to retreat (9)","Answer":"SEDGEMOOR","Explanation":"Definition: Battle location\nS [small] + EDGE [advantage] + reversal [to retreat] of ROOM [opportunity] for the 1685 final battle of Monmouth's rebellion"} {"Clue":"Ostentatious fl\u00e2neur one's seen off on this occasion (7)","Answer":"FUNERAL","Explanation":"Definition: one's seen off on this occasion\nAnagram [ostentatious?] of FL\u00c2NEUR"} {"Clue":"Vast area ripe for development \u2014 look into it (7)","Answer":"PRAIRIE","Explanation":"Definition: Vast area\nAIR [look] in an anagram [for development] of RIPE"} {"Clue":"down Rock band gets job making important roof timber (5,4)","Answer":"QUEEN POST","Explanation":"Definition: important roof timber\nQUEEN [rock band] + POST [job]"} {"Clue":"Female, put coarsely, eg \"sheila\" or \"bird\" (4,5)","Answer":"FISH EAGLE","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nF [female] + an anagram [put coarsely] of EG SHEILA\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Disease, when linked to top quality outstanding, lives (10)","Answer":"ASBESTOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: Disease\nAS [when] + BEST [top quality] + OS [outstanding] + IS [lives]"} {"Clue":"Get lighter energy for nothing in English resort (8)","Answer":"BRIGHTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Get lighter\nE [energy] substituted for 'o'\u00a0 in BRIGHTON [English resort]"} {"Clue":"Guy from Fife turning guy inside out (6)","Answer":"EFFIGY","Explanation":"Definition: Guy\nAnagram [turning] of FIFE + G[u]Y"} {"Clue":"Western character Daisy's smitten by? (10)","Answer":"COWPUNCHER","Explanation":"Definition: Western character\nCryptic definition, referring to the fact that cows are traditionally called Daisy [or Buttercup]"} {"Clue":"Support for camera, yet turned up as old clothes washer (5,3)","Answer":"DOLLY TUB","Explanation":"Definition: old clothes washer\nDOLLY [support for camera] + reversal [turned up] of BUT [yet]"} {"Clue":"As the hourglass figure went (and so the modelling career)? (4-6)","Answer":"PEAR-SHAPED","Explanation":"Double \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Movement, if impaired with sloe gin, embracing fellow? (4,2,4)","Answer":"SIGN OF LIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Movement\nAnagram [impaired] of IF and SLOE GIN round [embracing] F [fellow]"} {"Clue":"Sequined, it's designed to be unsettling (10)","Answer":"DISQUIETEN","Explanation":"Definition: be unsettling\nAnagram [designed] of SEQUINED IT"} {"Clue":"Milliner ran two houses free from error (8)","Answer":"INERRANT","Explanation":"Definition: free from error\nHidden in [houses] millINER RAN Two \u2013 a weak clue, I think, as INERRANT and 'error' have the same root."} {"Clue":"Swimming nude over foam, so not allowed alcoholic drink? (5,3)","Answer":"UNDER AGE","Explanation":"Definition: not allowed alcoholic drink\nAnagram [swimming] of NUDE over RAGE [foam]"} {"Clue":"The big picture shows balls in the possession of football side (6,4,6)","Answer":"DANCES WITH WOLVES","Explanation":"Definition: The big picture\nDANCES [balls] + WITH [in the possession of] + WOLVES [football side \u2013 Wolverhampton Wanderers this time]"} {"Clue":"Musical note (quarter-second) often posed by web site visitors (4)","Answer":"FAQS","Explanation":"Definition: often posed by web site visitors\nFA [musical note] + Q [quarter] + S [second]"} {"Clue":"I should note friend with a perfect manner (7)","Answer":"IDEALLY","Explanation":"Definition: with a perfect manner\nI'D [I should] + E [NOTE] + ALLY [friend]"} {"Clue":"Gets messing about in boats (7)","Answer":"OBTAINS","Explanation":"Definition: Gets\nAnagram [messing about] of IN BOATS \u2013 a reference to Ratty's assertion in 'The Wind in the Willows': \"Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing \u2013 absolutely nothing \u2013 half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.\"\u00a0 \u2013 something that Rufus likes doing, I think."} {"Clue":"Bird able to speak, surprising many (4)","Answer":"MYNA","Explanation":"Definition: Bird able to speak\nAnagram [surprising] of MANY"} {"Clue":"Studies hijacking plot (10)","Answer":"CONSPIRACY","Explanation":"Definition: plot\nCONS [studies] + PIRACY [hijacking]"} {"Clue":"An opinion to contradict loudly (6)","Answer":"BELIEF","Explanation":"Definition: An opinion\nBELIE [contradict] + F [loudly]"} {"Clue":"No longer minded being drawn out? (8)","Answer":"EXTENDED","Explanation":"Definition: drawn out\nEX [no longer] + TENDED [minded]"} {"Clue":"A hole in one, perhaps, for mariner's dependant (9)","Answer":"ALBATROSS","Explanation":"Definition: A hole in one, perhapsmariner's dependant\nDouble \/ cryptic definition: an albatross in golf is a score of three under par [see here] \u2013 so a rather 'rare bird' \u2013 and in Coleridge's 'Rime of the Ancient Mariner' the mariner has a dead albatross hanging ['dependant' \u2013 lovely!] round his neck."} {"Clue":"Stop up for the end of play (5)","Answer":"CLOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Stop upend of play\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"In short, a form of school punishment (5)","Answer":"IMPOT","Explanation":"Definition: In short, a form of school punishment\nAn abbreviation [in short] of 'imposition'"} {"Clue":"It's not acceptable to make money on a game (9)","Answer":"BADMINTON","Explanation":"Definition: game\nBAD [not acceptable] + MINT [make money] + ON"} {"Clue":"Taken for granted (8)","Answer":"ADMITTED","Explanation":"Double definition?"} {"Clue":"Such a cleaning brush will be barely used (6)","Answer":"LOOFAH","Explanation":"Definition: Such a cleaning brush\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Their members were bound to work under strict supervision (5,5)","Answer":"CHAIN GANGS","Explanation":"Definition: Their members were bound to work under strict supervision (5,5)\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Pedestrian walkway? (4)","Answer":"GAIT","Explanation":"Definition: Pedestrian walkway?\nCryptic definition \u2013 a way of walking"} {"Clue":"Alarming decay in toxic substance (7)","Answer":"CYANIDE","Explanation":"Definition: toxic substance\nAnagram [alarming] of DECAY IN"} {"Clue":"Door of opportunity? (7)","Answer":"OPENING","Explanation":"Definition: Dooropportunity\nDouble definition \u2013 literal and metaphorical"} {"Clue":"Healthy accommodation for a prisoner charged with battery (3,4)","Answer":"DRY CELL","Explanation":"Definition: battery\nDRY [healthy] + CELL [accommodation for a prisoner]"} {"Clue":"Hand-operated computers (5)","Answer":"ABACI","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Devil of a match! (7)","Answer":"LUCIFER","Explanation":"Definition: Devimatch\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Rarely taken walk (6)","Answer":"BYPATH","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 on our walks we very often take bypaths"} {"Clue":"It's released when one is agitated and in real trouble (9)","Answer":"ADRENALIN","Explanation":"Definition: It's released when one is agitated\nAnagram [trouble] of AND IN REAL \u2013 a lovely &littish clue"} {"Clue":"The heart of the matter is that uncle is out to get us (7)","Answer":"NUCLEUS","Explanation":"Definition: The heart of the matter\nAnagram [out] of UNCLE + US"} {"Clue":"Getting compassionate (13)","Answer":"UNDERSTANDING","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"End of the act? (9)","Answer":"ABOLITION","Explanation":"Cryptic definition, referring, perhaps, to the 1833 Slavery Abolition Act"} {"Clue":"Openly took advantage of the sunshine? (4,3)","Answer":"MADE HAY","Explanation":"Cryptic definition, referring to the saying, 'Make hay while the sun shines' \u2013 in the open air"} {"Clue":"Inadequate man produces a lower output at work (7)","Answer":"MILKSOP","Explanation":"Definition: Inadequate man\nMILKS [produces a 'lower' output \u2013 groan!] + OP [work]"} {"Clue":"Eggs turn into cheers (7)","Answer":"OVATION","Explanation":"Definition: cheers\nOVA [eggs] + anagram [turn] of INTO"} {"Clue":"Put on weight, looked older (6)","Answer":"STAGED","Explanation":"Definition: Put on\nST [stone \u2013 weight] + AGED [looked older]"} {"Clue":"Musical journal? (5)","Answer":"ORGAN","Explanation":"Cryptic definition, relying on two meanings of 'organ'"} {"Clue":"Give tick to author over the telephone (5,3)","Answer":"CHECK OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Give tick to\nSounds like [over the telephone] Chekhov"} {"Clue":"Large group of classes speaking of what ya should do wiv yer damaged nails? (6)","Answer":"PHYLUM","Explanation":"Definition: Large group of classes\nSounds like [speaking of] 'file 'em'"} {"Clue":"Flight security device said to reassure, regrettably starts malfunctioning (5,3)","Answer":"STAIR ROD","Explanation":"Definition: Flight security device\nAnagram [malfunctioning] of SAID TO + first letters of R[eassure] and R[egrettably]"} {"Clue":"A noted wobble? (6)","Answer":"QUAVER","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 a quaver is a musical note"} {"Clue":"While 18 13, it's beyond a dream! (11)","Answer":"ASTONISHING","Explanation":"Definition: beyond a dream\nThe answer to 18 13 is NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE, so we have AS [while] + an anagram [impossible] of NOTHING IS \u2013 super clue!"} {"Clue":"One taking part in runs (5)","Answer":"RACER","Explanation":"Definition: One taking part in runs\nACE [one] in RR [runs] \u2013 &lit"} {"Clue":"Riotous promenade welcomed so enthusiastically? (4-5)","Answer":"OPEN-ARMED","Explanation":"Definition: so enthusiastically\nAnagram [riotous] of PROMENADE"} {"Clue":"Optimistic assertion disproved by a vacuum? (7,2,10)","Answer":"NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Optimistic assertion\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Leader of stout heart to achieve goal (5)","Answer":"SCORE","Explanation":"Definition: achieve goal\nS[tout] + CORE [heart]"} {"Clue":"Letter saying something sharp (8,3)","Answer":"CIRCULAR SAW","Explanation":"Definition: something sharp\nCIRCULAR [letter] + SAW [saying]"} {"Clue":"Hollywood's Essex girl? (6)","Answer":"HARLOW","Explanation":"Double definition \u2013 Hollywood star Jean and Essex town"} {"Clue":"Real monster, gorgon finally repelled in legend (8)","Answer":"TANGIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Real\nN [last letter of [gorgo]N] + reversal [repelled] of BIG [monster] in TALE [legend]"} {"Clue":"Disunity is not out of order, messy (6)","Answer":"UNTIDY","Explanation":"Definition: messy\nAnagram [out of order] of D[is]UNITY minus is"} {"Clue":"Retired Frenchman into young flesh of the nether regions (8)","Answer":"VENEREAL","Explanation":"Definition: of the nether regions\nReversal [retired] of RENE, the crossword Frenchman, in VEAL [young flesh]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Lettuce with something sticky, a doughnut perhaps also appearing (2-8)","Answer":"CO-STARRING","Explanation":"Definition: also appearing\nCOS [lettuce] + TAR [something sticky] + RING [a doughnut perhaps]"} {"Clue":"Give short pixie a place in Piedmont, a big one? (10)","Answer":"ELASTICITY","Explanation":"Definition: Give\nEL[f] [short pixie] + ASTI [a place in Piedmont] + CITY [a big place] \u2013 the first time, I think, I've seen ASTI clued as a place, rather than its wine"} {"Clue":"With punchy ending, published good book (5)","Answer":"KORAN","Explanation":"Definition: good book\nKO [punchy ending] + RAN [published]"} {"Clue":"Marchers, those wielding an axe on behalf of an old Labour leader? (12)","Answer":"FOOTSLOGGERS","Explanation":"Definition: Marchers\nFOOT'S [Michael, old Labour leader] + LOGGERS [those wielding an axe]"} {"Clue":"Sort of rough woman describing a desirable figure (9)","Answer":"HOURGLASS","Explanation":"Definition: a desirable figure\nAnagram [sort of] of ROUGH + LASS [woman]"} {"Clue":"Together, a more European affection? (4)","Answer":"LOVE","Explanation":"Definition: affection\nI thought I was going to have to give up on this one but light finally dawned while I was writing the blog. We have to put 'together, a more' to give 'amore', Italian for love \u2013 simple, really! \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"19, as the second of four booked? (4)","Answer":"MARK","Explanation":"Definition: 19second of four booked\nDouble definition: to score is to mark and Mark's is the second of the four gospels"} {"Clue":"Resident superpower stuffing herb in meat product (5,7)","Answer":"LIVER SAUSAGE","Explanation":"Definition: meat product\nLIVER [resident?] + USA [superpower] in [stuffing] SAGE [herb]"} {"Clue":"Wretch after wilder kind of transmission mechanism (5,5)","Answer":"IDLER WHEEL","Explanation":"Definition: transmission mechanism\nAnagram [kind of] of WILDER + HEEL [wretch]"} {"Clue":" Source of water in car, terribly noisy (4,5)","Answer":"RAIN CLOUD","Explanation":"Definition: Source of water\nAnagram [terribly] of IN CAR + LOUD [noisy]"} {"Clue":"Fish's perspective (5)","Answer":"ANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fishperspective\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"You 500? (4)","Answer":"THOU","Explanation":"Definition: You\nHalf of THOUsand!"} {"Clue":"Abrasive particles in backbone (4)","Answer":"GRIT","Explanation":"Definition: Abrasive particlesbackbone\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Offer covered by crude oil drive (6)","Answer":"LIBIDO","Explanation":"Definition: drive\nBID [offer] in [covered by] an anagram [crude] of OIL"} {"Clue":"Archaic treatment of shy bats captured in photo (6)","Answer":"PHYSIC","Explanation":"Definition: Archaic treatment\nAnagram [bats] of SHY in PIC [photo]"} {"Clue":"City's answer \u2014 good god! (4)","Answer":"AGRA","Explanation":"Definition: City\nA [answer] + G [good] + RA [god]"} {"Clue":"Needle skipped with Nail's boozy song (6,4)","Answer":"NELLIE DEAN","Explanation":"Definition: boozy song\nAnagram [skipped?] of NEEDLE and NAIL"} {"Clue":"Check legionnaires housing barrack (6)","Answer":"HECKLE","Explanation":"Definition: barrack\nHidden in cHECK LEgionnaires"} {"Clue":"Changing to more modern, out-of-bed sort of romantic activity? (8)","Answer":"UPDATING","Explanation":"Definition: Changing to more modern\nUP [out of bed] + DATING [romantic activity]"} {"Clue":"Being born in phase of Scorpio's an outstanding feature (9)","Answer":"PROBOSCIS","Explanation":"Definition: outstanding feature\nB [born] in an anagram [phase] of SCORPIO"} {"Clue":"Game runner falls back (4)","Answer":"POOL","Explanation":"Definition: Game\nReversal [falls back] of LOOP [runner]"} {"Clue":"A long way from Guy swapping one for another one (4)","Answer":"MILE","Explanation":"Definition: A long way\nMaLE [guy] with a [one] swapped for I [another one]"} {"Clue":"Carrier bag for which Nigel gets little recognition? (9)","Answer":"HAVERSACK","Explanation":"Definition: Carrier bag\nHAVERS [actor Nigel] + ACK [acknowledgment \u2013 little recognition]"} {"Clue":"Lives away from one's house with Rex and four flipping good players (8)","Answer":"VIRTUOSI","Explanation":"Definition: good players\nReversal [flipping] of IS [lives] + OUT [away from home] + R [Rex] + IV [four]"} {"Clue":"Articulated bicycle worker\/seller (6)","Answer":"PEDLAR","Explanation":"Definition: seller\nSounds like [articulated] pedaller [bicycle worker]"} {"Clue":"Gore, the presenter: \"Here's a classic comedy episode\" (5,5)","Answer":"BLOOD DONOR","Explanation":"Definition: classic comedy episode\nBLOOD [Gore] + DONOR [presenter] to give the Tony Hancock classic comedy \u2013\u00a0 you can watch the whole of it here."} {"Clue":"Red light area of selective Toronto (4)","Answer":"VETO","Explanation":"Definition: Red light\nHidden in selectiVE TOronto"} {"Clue":"Intellectual greats giving stupid person curt response? (6)","Answer":"TITANS","Explanation":"Definition: Intellectual greats\nTIT [stupid person] + ANS \u2013 short [curt] answer [response]"} {"Clue":"Songbird's prestigious transport (6)","Answer":"ROLLER","Explanation":"Definition: Songbirdprestigious transport\nDouble definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Stocking Evelyn Waugh's Back Entrances in large display? (7)","Answer":"LEGWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Stocking\nReversal [back] of\u00a0 EW [Evelyn Waugh's initials \u2013 entrances] in an anagram [display] of LARGE"} {"Clue":"Very gloomy game opponent (5)","Answer":"BLACK","Explanation":"Definition: Very gloomygame opponent\nDouble definition, referring to one of the players in a chess game"} {"Clue":"Fools, being put on, depressed things? (7)","Answer":"DONKEYS","Explanation":"Definition: Fools\nDON [put on] + KEYS [things that are depressed]"} {"Clue":"Hot vent attached to social beehive? (6)","Answer":"HAIRDO","Explanation":"Definition: beehive?\nH [hot] + AIR [vent \u2013 as a verb] + DO [social]"} {"Clue":"Dissident revolutionary is outside (9)","Answer":"SEDITIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Dissident\nAnagram [revolutionary] of IS OUTSIDE"} {"Clue":"Gully, its centre replaced, becomes death-like (7)","Answer":"CHARNEL","Explanation":"Definition: death-like\nCHA[n]NEL [gully] with its centre replaced \u2013 I thought this was rather lazy cluing"} {"Clue":"2 +15's display of examples of bookish monks' work? (13)","Answer":"ILLUMINATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: 2 +15's displayexamples of bookish monks' work\nDouble definition, referring to BLACKPOOL's lights"} {"Clue":"Fish rubbish annoying woman (4,5)","Answer":"BULL TROUT","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nA simple charade of BULL [rubbish] and TROUT [annoying woman]"} {"Clue":"Dancer's habit of setting up band brother with Destiny (7)","Answer":"MAILLOT","Explanation":"Definition: Dancer's habit\nReversal [setting up] of LIAM [Gallagher \u2013 band brother] + LOT [destiny]"} {"Clue":"Pears lost to grass (7)","Answer":"ESPARTO","Explanation":"Definition: grass\nAnagram [lost] of PEARS + TO"} {"Clue":"Ship's circle collared by tosser (7)","Answer":"COASTER","Explanation":"Definition: Ship\nO [circle] in [collared by] CASTER [tosser]"} {"Clue":"Superb sort of force from an earlier age (6)","Answer":"GOLDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Superb\nG [sort of force] + OLDEN [from an earlier age]"} {"Clue":"Was raised to be a cheeky type (5)","Answer":"DEVIL","Explanation":"Definition: a cheeky type\nReversal [raised] of LIVED [was]"} {"Clue":"One's taken to court to crush illegal activity (6,6)","Answer":"SQUASH RACKET","Explanation":"Definition: One's taken to court\nSQUASH [crush] + RACKET [illegal activity]"} {"Clue":"One of two circles, one left to turn around (6)","Answer":"TROPIC","Explanation":"Definition: One of two circles\nReversal [to turn] of I PORT [one left] + C [around]"} {"Clue":"Totally reliable friend endlessly quaffing drink (4-4)","Answer":"CAST IRON","Explanation":"Definition: Totally reliable\nCRON[y] [friend endlessly] round [quaffing] ASTI [drink]"} {"Clue":"Aubrey's work as it happens in underpants (5,5)","Answer":"BRIEF LIVES","Explanation":"Definition: Aubrey's work\nLIVE [as it happens] in BRIEFS [underpants]"} {"Clue":"Stab with tip of dagger in weapon (6)","Answer":"PIERCE","Explanation":"Definition: Stab\nR [last letter \u2013 tip \u2013 of daggeR] in PIECE [weapon]"} {"Clue":"A parting pursuit involving death that's memorable (8)","Answer":"HAUNTING","Explanation":"Definition: memorable\nA in [parting] HUNTING [pursuit involving death]"} {"Clue":"Wearing cooler hat, not so sophisticated (9)","Answer":"INFANTILE","Explanation":"Definition: not so sophisticated\nIN [wearing] +\u00a0 FAN [cooler] + TILE [hat]"} {"Clue":"Pot plant planted initially on border (4)","Answer":"HEMP","Explanation":"Definition: Pot plant\nHEM [border] + P[lanted] \u2013 nice definition!"} {"Clue":"Just OK (4)","Answer":"FAIR","Explanation":"Definition: JustOK\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Cross waves in secret to defect, ultimately (9)","Answer":"INTERSECT","Explanation":"Definition: Cross\nAnagram [waves] of IN SECRET + [defec]T"} {"Clue":"Sailor out of tune, that's plain (4,4)","Answer":"SALT FLAT","Explanation":"Definition: plain\nSALT [sailor] + FLAT [out of tune]"} {"Clue":"Raise the dead with word of hesitation in old man (6)","Answer":"EXHUME","Explanation":"Definition: Raise the dead\nUM [word of hesitation] in EX [old] HE [man]"} {"Clue":"Disease caught by pair, lots scattered in terror (6,4)","Answer":"SPOILT BRAT","Explanation":"Definition: terror\nTB [disease] in anagram [scattered] of PAIR LOTS \u2013 my favourite clue, I think, for its misdirection"} {"Clue":"Dissolute king half consumed by evidence of herpes? (6)","Answer":"RAKISH","Explanation":"Definition: Dissolute\nKI[ng] in [consumed by] RASH [evidence of herpes]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Blurt out rank (5)","Answer":"UTTER","Explanation":"Definition: Blurt outrank\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Matter caught between modes of transport (7)","Answer":"SUBJECT","Explanation":"Definition: Matter\nC [caught] in SUB JET [two modes of transport]"} {"Clue":"Red setter, did you say? (6)","Answer":"RUFOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Red\nSounds like [did you say?] our usual Monday setter, Rufus, which is also Latin for red"} {"Clue":"It's not worth doing, to be blunt (9)","Answer":"POINTLESS","Explanation":"Definition: not worth doingblunt\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Inclination to enter competition to make a great profit (5,2)","Answer":"CLEAN UP","Explanation":"Definition: make a great profit\nLEAN [inclination] in CUP [competition]"} {"Clue":"Alchemists in cooking about right \u2014 to earn these? (8,5)","Answer":"MICHELIN STARS","Explanation":"Definition: these\nAnagram [cooking] of ALCHEMISTS IN round R [right] \u2013 a neat &littish clue"} {"Clue":"Not quite clever enough \u2014 or too much? (1,3,5)","Answer":"A BIT THICK","Explanation":"Definition: Not quite clever enoughtoo much\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Party girl, a bird? (7)","Answer":"FLAPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Party girlbird\nDouble definition \u2013 Chambers:\u00a0 a flighty young woman, esp one ostentatiously unconventional in dress or behaviour; a young wild duck or partridge"} {"Clue":"Avenger waiting to serve God (7)","Answer":"ELECTRA","Explanation":"Definition: Avenger\nELECT [waiting to serve, as in President Elect] + RA [god] for the Greek tragic heroine who, with her brother, Orestes, avenged her father Agamemnon's murder by killing her mother, Clytemnestra"} {"Clue":"In America, where one goes to monitor facts after a review (7,7)","Answer":"COMFORT STATION","Explanation":"Definition: In America, where one goes\nAnagram [after a review] of TO MONITOR FACTS \u2013 amusing definition: where one 'goes'!"} {"Clue":"Gas faults in need of repair (6)","Answer":"FLATUS","Explanation":"Definition: Gas\nAnagram [in need of repair] of FAULTS"} {"Clue":"Raise yokel to strangle duck (5)","Answer":"HOICK","Explanation":"Definition: Raise\nHICK [yokel] round [to strangle] O [duck]"} {"Clue":"Working hours critical for one of those depressed in the office? (5,3)","Answer":"SHIFT KEY","Explanation":"Definition: one of those depressed in the office?\nSHIFT [working hours] + KEY [critical]"} {"Clue":"Lines shot past author (6)","Answer":"POETRY","Explanation":"Definition: Lines\nTRY [shot] after [past] POE [author]"} {"Clue":"Hot hole, painting walls (6)","Answer":"ARDENT","Explanation":"Definition: Hot\nART [painting] round [walls] DEN [hole]"} {"Clue":"Capital city finally being rebuilt, unlike others (8)","Answer":"ATYPICAL","Explanation":"Definition: unlike others\nAnagram [rebuilt] of CAPITAL [cit]Y"} {"Clue":"Top gun, one nodding furiously? (10)","Answer":"HEADBANGER","Explanation":"Definition: one nodding furiously?\nHEAD [top] + BANGER [gun]"} {"Clue":"Index finger in dog (7)","Answer":"POINTER","Explanation":"Definition: Index fingerdog\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Bound to accommodate a lodger (7)","Answer":"BOARDER","Explanation":"Definition: lodger\nBORDER [bound] round [to accommodate] A"} {"Clue":"Moving flat? (10)","Answer":"PEDESTRIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Movingflat\nAmusing double definition"} {"Clue":"Tease the fool (4)","Answer":"TWIT","Explanation":"Definition: Teasefool\nDouble definition \u2013 but they seem rather close"} {"Clue":"Organisation where one gains notoriety moving towards the sinister? That just about encapsulates it (3,5)","Answer":"THE MAFIA","Explanation":"Definition: Organisation\nReversal [moving towards the sinister \u2013 left] of I [one] + FAME [notoriety] inside [encapsulated by] THA[t] [that just about] \u2013 nice &littish surface"} {"Clue":"Tabour playing with a flexible tempo (6)","Answer":"RUBATO","Explanation":"Definition: with a flexible tempo\nAnagram [playing] of TABOUR"} {"Clue":"Bird from the East concealing no alias (6)","Answer":"ANONYM","Explanation":"Definition: alias\nReversal [from the East, this time] of MYNA [bird] round [concealing] NO [either way round]"} {"Clue":"State finally cutting parental counselling service? That's the limit! (8)","Answer":"DEADLINE","Explanation":"Definition: limit\n[stat]E in [cutting] DADLINE ['parental counselling service?' \u2013 analogous to Childline] \u2013 another nice surface\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"In theory this might, oddly, upset a youngish adult (6-9)","Answer":"THIRTY-SOMETHING","Explanation":"Definition: youngish adult\nAnagram [upset] of IN THEORY THIS and odd letters of MiGhT"} {"Clue":"Positionally, 22 characters are private and virgin is sweet (5-6,4)","Answer":"AFTER DINNER MINT","Explanation":"Definition: sweet\nAFTER D [as are 22 letters of the alphabet [characters] positionally + INNER [secret] + MINT [virgin]"} {"Clue":"Sailing boat passing through the rest of the Balearics dropping stern, as most rough (10)","Answer":"SKETCHIEST","Explanation":"Definition: most rough\nKETCH [sailing boat] in SIEST[a] [Spanish rest, minus its final letter \u2013 dropping stern]"} {"Clue":"Riser rising around end of day, then trouble set for the night? (7)","Answer":"PYJAMAS","Explanation":"Definition: set for the night?\nReversal [rising] of SAP [riser] round [da]Y then JAM [trouble] \u2013 my favourite clue, I think"} {"Clue":"Fix top of shin, then foot (4)","Answer":"SPAY","Explanation":"Definition: Fix\nS[hin] + PAY \u2013 as in 'foot the bill' \u2013 nice definition!"} {"Clue":"Rough stuff faced, jagged edges in the way among remnants of building (8,7)","Answer":"DESIGNER STUBBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Rough stuff faced\nAnagram [jagged] of EDGES IN + ST [way] in [among] RUBBLE [remnants of building]"} {"Clue":"Since tears twice patched up, clothes so low maintenance? (6-9)","Answer":"CREASE-RESISTANT","Explanation":"Definition: low maintenance?\nAnagram [patched up] of SINCE TEARS TEARS"} {"Clue":"Stiff source of fibre (5,5)","Answer":"BROWN BREAD","Explanation":"Definition: Stiffsource of fibre\nDouble definition: brown bread' is Cockney rhyming slang for dead ['stiff'] \u2013 I only know that because I've been in 'Me and my girl'."} {"Clue":"Satellite with a moon (7)","Answer":"MIRANDA","Explanation":"Definition: moon\nMIR\u00a0 [satellite] + AND [with] + A"} {"Clue":"For starters flipping unnecessary, muttering expletives in rage (4)","Answer":"FUME","Explanation":"Definition: rage\nFirst letters [starters] of Flipping Unnecessary Muttering Expletives"} {"Clue":"Flying ace meets tennis champ in town (11)","Answer":"BIGGLESWADE","Explanation":"Definition: town\nBIGGLES [flying ace] + [Virginia] WADE [our latest female Wimbledon tennis champ \u2013 in 1977]"} {"Clue":"Release John and Bob in a foreign setting (7)","Answer":"UNLOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Release\nLOO [John] + S [shilling, which was known as a bob] in UNE ['a' foreign] \u2013 the meaning of this word has always puzzled me."} {"Clue":"Huge statues: unfinished seconds, originally Italian (7)","Answer":"COLOSSI","Explanation":"Definition: Huge statues\nIt took a while to spot the wretched COLO[n]! \u2013 unfinished + SS [seconds] + I[talian]"} {"Clue":"Verbal adjective in \"poor undeserving pair of Poles dismissed\" (9)","Answer":"GERUNDIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Verbal adjective\nAnagram [poor] of U[n]DE[s]ERVING, minus n and s [pair of Poles dismissed]"} {"Clue":"Soprano's profession, reportedly self-confessed, is killing (5)","Answer":"ICING","Explanation":"Definition: killing\nSounds like [reportedly] I SING \u2013 and it's only two days ago that I said that Bannsider taught me that ice = kill"} {"Clue":"Small jumper? Medium? John's the smallest (4)","Answer":"ROOM","Explanation":"Definition: John's the smallest\nROO [small jumper] + M [medium] \u2013 more toilet humour!"} {"Clue":"Principal thing for a poser to say: \"It's all brawn in LA\" (10)","Answer":"HEADCHEESE","Explanation":"Definition: \"It's all brawn in LA\"\nA nice straightforward charade for an American word for brawn that I'd never heard of: HEAD [principal] + CHEESE [thing for a 'poser' to say]"} {"Clue":"Model beaten up in poorly lit backstreet nearest the centre (10)","Answer":"MIDDLEMOST","Explanation":"Definition: nearest the centre\nAnagram [beaten up] of MODEL in reversal [back] of DIM + ST [street]"} {"Clue":"What upset John \u2014 possibly \u2026 (4)","Answer":"THAW","Explanation":"Definition: John \u2014 possibly\nAnagram [upset] of WHAT for the sadly missed actor who played crossword addict Inspector Morse"} {"Clue":"his bottom being pinched by Richard in class? (5)","Answer":"GENRE","Explanation":"Definition: class\nN [last letter of johN] in [Richard] GERE"} {"Clue":"Part of car where electrician briefly has trailer attached (5,4)","Answer":"SPARK PLUG","Explanation":"Definition: Part of car\nSPARK[s] [informal name for electrician, briefly] + PLUG [trailer]"} {"Clue":"Surprised if Iceland keeps building (7)","Answer":"EDIFICE","Explanation":"Definition: building\nHidden in surprisED IF ICEland"} {"Clue":"Perhaps reading or writing about boring, boring writer (7)","Answer":"DURRELL","Explanation":"Definition: writer\nR [perhaps reading or writing \u2013 two of the three Rs] + RE [about] in [boring] DULL [boring]"} {"Clue":"Late-night \"entertainers\" mangling Gay Gordons outside church? Not unknown! (2-2,7)","Answer":"GO-GO DANCERS","Explanation":"Definition: Late-night \"entertainers\"\nAnagram [mangling] of GA[y] GORDONS, minus y [not unknown] round CE [church] \u2013 hilarious surface!\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"\"Strictly\" does it for Rambo \u2014 LOL! (8,7)","Answer":"BALLROOM DANCING","Explanation":"Definition: \"Strictly\" does it\nA reverse anagram [DANCING] of RAMBO LOL \u2013 lovely!"} {"Clue":"Filled out a complaint, say (5)","Answer":"GROWN","Explanation":"Definition: Filled out\nSounds like [say] groan [complaint]"} {"Clue":"Delete one broadcast \u2014 it's Gone With The Wind, currently (3,4)","Answer":"LEE TIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Gone With The Wind, currently\nAnagram [broadcast] of DELETE\u00a0 I [one]"} {"Clue":"Follow first of delinquents before stuttering copper's turned up (7)","Answer":"SUCCEED","Explanation":"Definition: Follow\nReversal [turned up] of DEE [first letter of Delinquents] + C-CU'S [stuttering copper's]"} {"Clue":"Holding hands \u2014 get off, OK? (3,5)","Answer":"ALL RIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: OK\nALIGHT [get off] round [holding] L R [hands]"} {"Clue":"One that wrote of Irish rights, including related English issue (7,8)","Answer":"ERSKINE CHILDERS","Explanation":"Definition: One that wrote\nERSE [Irish] RS [rights \u2013 I don't think I remember seeing this device before] round [including] KIN [related] E [English] CHILD [issue] \u2013 an excellent &littish surface"} {"Clue":"One that hits on the cuddly type in secret (6-6)","Answer":"HUGGER-MUGGER","Explanation":"Definition: secret\nHUGGER [cuddly type] + MUGGER [one that hits] \u2013 some may object to this use of 'on' in a down clue but I'm taking it as 'added on to'"} {"Clue":"Hippy movement using horses, reportedly, in Western Isles and Wales (never the South) (6-6)","Answer":"WIGGLE WAGGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Hippy movement\nTwo lots of GG [horses reportedly] in W I[s]le[s] and WALE[s] [never the South] \u2013 a clever construction"} {"Clue":"Short-lived navy beheaded John, perhaps (8)","Answer":"FLEETING","Explanation":"Definition: Short-lived\nFLEET [navy] + [k]ING John, perhaps"} {"Clue":"Fool is at first taken in by damsel in distress (7)","Answer":"MISLEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Fool\nAnagram [in distress] of I[s] + DAMSEL"} {"Clue":"Wrong about function taken by daughter substitute (5-2)","Answer":"STAND-IN","Explanation":"Definition: substitute\nSIN [wrong] round TAN [tangent, trigonometrical function] + D [daughter]"} {"Clue":"King lying in state? That is for Requiem Mass, partly (5)","Answer":"KYRIE","Explanation":"Definition: Requiem Mass, partly\nR [king] in KY [Kentucky \u2013 state] IE [that is]"} {"Clue":"To fall back, a mistake made by soldiers (7)","Answer":"RELAPSE","Explanation":"Definition: fall back\nRE [soldiers] + LAPSE [mistake]"} {"Clue":"Sea mist represented by painter (7)","Answer":"MATISSE","Explanation":"Definition: painter\nAnagram [re-presented] of SEA MIST"} {"Clue":"The lady's ring is one much admired (4)","Answer":"HERO","Explanation":"Definition: one much admired\nHER [the lady's] + O [ring]"} {"Clue":"The Archaeopteryx, for instance, are in good time for breakfast (5,5)","Answer":"EARLY BIRDS","Explanation":"Definition: The Archaeopteryx, for instance\nCryptic definition, referring to the saying, 'The early bird catches the worm'"} {"Clue":"Popular move, building arch (6)","Answer":"INSTEP","Explanation":"Definition: arch\nIN [popular] + STEP [move]"} {"Clue":"In emergency, use a bugging device and move slowly (2,1,5)","Answer":"AT A PINCH","Explanation":"Definition: In emergency\nA TAP [a bugging device] + INCH [move slowly]"} {"Clue":"Exploded with fury when there's commission to pay (9)","Answer":"BROKERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: commission to pay\nBROKE [exploded] + RAGE [fury]"} {"Clue":"Wife returns, about to be angry (5)","Answer":"STORM","Explanation":"Definition: be angry\nReversal [returns] of MRS [wife] round TO"} {"Clue":"One has two members in support (5)","Answer":"BIPED","Explanation":"Definition: One has two members in support\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":" How to leave a waiter a meagre gratuity? (3,3,3)","Answer":"TIP AND RUN","Explanation":"Definition: How to leave a waiter a meagre gratuity?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Spotted horse that's white \u2014 not black (8)","Answer":"SKEWBALD","Explanation":"Definition: Spotted horse that's white \u2014 not black\nI puzzled a bit about this one: I think it's just a play on 'spotted': Collins says a skewbald is a horse that's 'marked or spotted in white and any colour except black'."} {"Clue":"No score in even game (6)","Answer":"QUOITS","Explanation":"Definition: game\nO [no score] in QUITS [even]"} {"Clue":"Composer to drive men to distraction (10)","Answer":"MONTEVERDI","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nAnagram [to distraction] of TO DRIVE MEN"} {"Clue":"Divine lady currently in Oxford (4)","Answer":"ISIS","Explanation":"Definition: Divine ladycurrently in Oxford\nDouble \/ cryptic definition: the Egyptian goddess and the local name for the River Thames at Oxford"} {"Clue":"Yale's entrance requirement (7)","Answer":"KEYHOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Yale's entrance requirement\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Member finishes the accounts (7)","Answer":"LEGENDS","Explanation":"Definition: accounts\nLEG [member] + ENDS [finishes]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"English queen, one Lear got involved with (7)","Answer":"ELEANOR","Explanation":"Definition: English queen\nAnagram [involved] of ONE LEAR"} {"Clue":"Empty new flat on the top floor? (5)","Answer":"ALOFT","Explanation":"Definition: on the top floor?\nAnagram [new] of FLAT with O [nothing] in it, therefore empty \u2013 nice one, Rufus!"} {"Clue":"Ring someone who is out (7)","Answer":"SLEEPER","Explanation":"Definition: Ringsomeone who is out\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"However, the direction doesn't matter (6)","Answer":"ANYWAY","Explanation":"Definition: However\nCryptic definition: ANY WAY"} {"Clue":"Introduced new dietitian (9)","Answer":"INITIATED","Explanation":"Definition: Introduced\nAnagram [new] of DIETITIAN"} {"Clue":"Alcoholic drink is for the non-driver (7)","Answer":"SIDECAR","Explanation":"Definition: Alcoholic drinknon-driver\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Erring dogs ran loose \u2014 they play in the streets (5-8)","Answer":"ORGAN GRINDERS","Explanation":"Definition: they play in the streets\nAnagram [loose] of ERRING DOGS RAN \u2013 I liked this one"} {"Clue":"Look out and foil the pickpockets? (4,5)","Answer":"KEEP WATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Look outfoil the pickpockets?\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"I find reformed smoker irritating (7)","Answer":"IRKSOME","Explanation":"Definition: irritating\nI + anagram [re-formed] of SMOKER \u2013 this is a very nice surface"} {"Clue":"Purchase a hundred and twenty-four sheets of paper (7)","Answer":"ACQUIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Purchase\nA + C [a hundred] + QUIRE [twenty-four sheets of paper]"} {"Clue":"Green still on remand (7)","Answer":"UNTRIED","Explanation":"Definition: Greenstill on remand\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Be amazed at music, originally a Ravel composition (6)","Answer":"MARVEL","Explanation":"Definition: Be amazed\nM [first letter \u2013 originally \u2013 of Music] + anagram [composition] of RAVEL \u2013 another nice surface"} {"Clue":"There's nothing sinful about her (5)","Answer":"OLIVE","Explanation":"Definition: her\nO [nothing] + reversal [about] of EVIL [sinful]"} {"Clue":"Do wrong and that's how you have to walk the plank (6)","Answer":"OFFEND","Explanation":"Definition: Do wrong\nOFF END"} {"Clue":"Personal airline? (8)","Answer":"WINDPIPE","Explanation":"Definition: Personal airline?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Snake path that winds on the river (4,4)","Answer":"BOAT RACE","Explanation":"Definition: that winds on the river\nBOA [snake] + TRACE [path]"} {"Clue":"Model of spheres, or about railway termini (6)","Answer":"ORRERY","Explanation":"Definition: Model of spheres\nOR RE [about] R[ailwa]Y"} {"Clue":"Box returning sharp blows (4)","Answer":"SPAR","Explanation":"Definition: Box\nReversal [returning] of RAPS [sharp blows] \u2013 but this is one of those irritating clues that lead just as clearly to the alternative answer"} {"Clue":"Not sliding downwards, unlikely even to hell (2,3,5)","Answer":"ON THE LEVEL","Explanation":"Definition: Not sliding downwards\nAnagram [unlikely] of EVEN TO HELL"} {"Clue":"Fitted to abandon duties (6)","Answer":"SUITED","Explanation":"Definition: Fitted\nAnagram [to abandon?] of DUTIES"} {"Clue":"Nudge \u2014 it's about a Greek letter \u2014 first letter to the Guardian (8)","Answer":"STIMULUS","Explanation":"Definition: Nudge\nReversal [about] of ITS + MU [Greek letter] + L ['first letter' \u2013 I don't like this] + US [the Guardian]"} {"Clue":"Extra turmoil of Dum and Dee \u2014 the latter curtailed (8)","Answer":"ADDENDUM","Explanation":"Definition: Extra\nAnagram [turmoil] of DUM AND DE[e] [curtailed]"} {"Clue":"Just depend on Gordius! (6)","Answer":"MERELY","Explanation":"Definition: Just\nRELY [depend] after [on] ME [Gordius]"} {"Clue":"Three-quarters canine drew to latest fashion (10)","Answer":"NEWFANGLED","Explanation":"Definition: to latest fashion\nN E W [three quarters] + FANG [canine] + LED [drew]"} {"Clue":"There's no winter without including some precipitation (4)","Answer":"SNOW","Explanation":"Definition: precipitation\nHidden in there'S NO Winter \u2013 I don't understand 'without'"} {"Clue":"Lines for a boy about 10? (6)","Answer":"SONNET","Explanation":"Definition: Lines\nSON [boy] + reversal [about \u2013 again] of TEN"} {"Clue":"One gains in collecting badges of office (8)","Answer":"INSIGNIA","Explanation":"Definition: badges of office\nI [one] + anagram [collecting] of GAINS IN"} {"Clue":"In the position of a back-seat driver? (8)","Answer":"ADVISORY","Explanation":"Definition: In the position of a back-seat driver?\nCryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"Hankers after a name in time (6)","Answer":"YEARNS","Explanation":"Definition: Hankers\nN [name] in YEARS [time] \u2013 'after' does not make sense here:\u00a0 one yearns for, not after\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Unit of work on short time? (4-5-6)","Answer":"FOOT-POUND-SECOND","Explanation":"Definition: Unit\nI can't see this: is it FOOT-POUND = work + SECOND = short time?"} {"Clue":"Record of inflammation it is not (5)","Answer":"ENTER","Explanation":"Definition: Record\nENTER[itis] [inflammation]"} {"Clue":"13 with ice? (9)","Answer":"DIAMONDED","Explanation":"Definition: 13 with ice?\nI found there actually is such a word, which makes this a cryptic definition, I suppose, 'ice' being slang for diamonds: the definition, rather than the solution, for 13\u00a0 fits \/ suits better, I think\u00a0* [Edit: see rhotician @24!]"} {"Clue":"What may be given to those departed from the wars? (7)","Answer":"WREATHS","Explanation":"Definition: What may be given to those departed\nAnagram of\u00a0 THE WARS\u00a0 [amended,\u00a0 thanks to Tom @1 and Roger @5]"} {"Clue":"Restraint for animal, or ring in its place for a bull (5)","Answer":"NOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Restraint for animal\nO [ring] in NOSE [where a bull might have a ring]"} {"Clue":"Average goddess curtailed by new arrival (7)","Answer":"PARVENU","Explanation":"Definition: new arrival\nPAR [average] + VENU[s] goddess, curtailed \u2013 again]- 'new arrival'\u00a0 is the literal translation of PARVENU but I've met it only in the pejorative sense of 'upstart'"} {"Clue":"Never-ending Synod agenda item on women bishops? (9,6)","Answer":"PERPETUAL MOTION","Explanation":"Definition: Never-ending Synod agenda item on women bishops?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Fashion in setter's slum shows lack of delicacy (9)","Answer":"IMMODESTY","Explanation":"Definition: lack of delicacy\nMODE [fashion] in I'M [setter's] STY [slum]"} {"Clue":"Offensive term has to stop before one address to dignitary (7)","Answer":"EFFENDI","Explanation":"Definition: address to dignitary\nEFF [offensive term] + END [stop] + I [one \u2013 again]"} {"Clue":"Appease a girl, if she'll come round (7)","Answer":"MOLLIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Appease\nMOLLY [girl] round IF"} {"Clue":"Lifting a great weight is false (3,2)","Answer":"NOT SO","Explanation":"Definition: false\nReversal [lifting] of OS [great] TON [weight]"} {"Clue":"What it all adds up to in Greek? (5)","Answer":"SIGMA","Explanation":"Definition: What it all adds up to in Greek?\nThe Greek letter sigma is 'used in mathematical notation to indicate summation of the numbers or quantities given', so, again, I suppose, this is a cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"As long as a ruler gets buried near the end? (3,4,2,3,5)","Answer":"ONE FOOT IN THE GRAVE","Explanation":"Definition: near the end?\nCryptic definition \u2013 a ruler is usually one foot long"} {"Clue":"Looking at the downside of maturity (4,3,4)","Answer":"OVER THE HILL","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 and I'm depressed already!"} {"Clue":"Lie around entrance to basilica that's columnar (5)","Answer":"TABLE","Explanation":"Definition: that's columnar\nTALE [lie] round B[asilica]"} {"Clue":"Outstandingly good sewers assembled with joints? (4,5)","Answer":"BEE\u2019S KNEES","Explanation":"Definition: Outstandingly good\nBEES [sewers assembled, as in a sewing bee] + KNEES [joints]"} {"Clue":"Blossom indisposed, so Annie's dressing (10)","Answer":"MAYONNAISE","Explanation":"Definition: dressing\nMAY [blossom] + anagram [indisposed] of SO ANNIE"} {"Clue":"Number of books consisting of lives and biographical novels, primarily (4)","Answer":"ISBN","Explanation":"Definition: Number of books\nIS [lives] + first letters [primarily] of Biographical Novels for the International Standard Book Number \u2013 some people may not like this, as it's not a pronounceable word in its own right but it's pretty well-known and I think it's acceptable"} {"Clue":"Short of three lots of supporters in the cemetery? (3,4,5)","Answer":"SIX FEET UNDER","Explanation":"Definition: in the cemetery?\nAnother cryptic definition [short of three pairs of feet] on the same depressing theme!"} {"Clue":"Magical image of Victorian parlour entertainment (7,5)","Answer":"LANTERN SLIDE","Explanation":"I think I may be missing something here, as the definition is barely cryptic"} {"Clue":"Fish channel, deep sounds with this (4,5)","Answer":"BASS VOICE","Explanation":"Definition: deep sounds with this\nBASS [fish] VOICE [channel]"} {"Clue":"Equal volume is central to currency (5)","Answer":"RIVAL","Explanation":"Definition: Equal\nV [volume] in RIAL [currency] \u2013 I'd question the definition here, as 'rival' means '**try to** equal'"} {"Clue":" Lock mechanism dryer (7)","Answer":"TUMBLER","Explanation":"Definition: Lock mechanismdryer\ndouble definition \u2013 lock mechanism\u00a0 and tumble dryer"} {"Clue":"Lays out problem plant (7)","Answer":"ALYSSUM","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nAnagram [out] of LAYS + SUM [problem]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Having taken the stage, send up prompt (2,4)","Answer":"ON TIME","Explanation":"Definition: prompt\nON [having taken the stage] + reversal [up] of EMIT [send]"} {"Clue":"Potential issue, more by fancy (6)","Answer":"EMBRYO","Explanation":"Definition: Potential issue\nAnagram [fancy] of MORE BY"} {"Clue":"Queen Elizabeth's reliance on cooks? (5,5)","Answer":"OCEAN LINER","Explanation":"Definition: Queen Elizabeth\nAnagram [cooks] of RELIANCE ON \u2013 question mark because it's a definition by example"} {"Clue":"Not much pulled up to cover one's bone (5)","Answer":"TIBIA","Explanation":"Definition: bone\nReversal [pulled up] of A BIT [not much] round [to cover] I [one] \u2013 we have to take one's as 'one is'"} {"Clue":"Cricketing events before spring flood (9)","Answer":"OVERSWELL","Explanation":"Definition: flood\nOVERS [cricketing 'events'?] + WELL [spring]"} {"Clue":"Fraternal order of molluscs lacking two dimensions (4)","Answer":"ELKS","Explanation":"Definition: Fraternal order\n[wh]ELKS [molluscs, lacking w[idth] and h[eight] \u2013 two dimensions] \u2013 for this fraternal order that I hadn't heard of"} {"Clue":"English region is doubly English when gripped by extremely tedious arrogance (8)","Answer":"TEESSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: English region\nEE [doubly English] in [gripped by] T[ediou]S + SIDE [arrogance]"} {"Clue":"Theatrical location used by hotels in Oregon (8)","Answer":"ELSINORE","Explanation":"Definition: Theatrical location\nNicely hidden in hotELS IN OREgon \u2013 the location of 'Hamlet'"} {"Clue":"Instrument inserting last of Cointreau in double dry (ugh!) cocktail (5-5)","Answer":"HURDY-GURDY","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nU [last letter of cointreaU] in an anagram [cocktail] of DRY DRY + UGH"} {"Clue":"Banker elected to be grabbed by one keenly interested in breeding (9)","Answer":"FINANCIER","Explanation":"Definition: Banker\nIN [elected] in [grabbed by] FANCIER ['a person who breeds special varieties of plants or animals' : Collins] \u2013 I've only come across it in connection with pigeons. [For once, 'banker' means, er, 'banker'! \ud83d\ude09 ]"} {"Clue":"Group leader with live-time characters (8)","Answer":"ALPHABET","Explanation":"Definition: characters\nALPHA [group leader] + BE [live] + T [time]"} {"Clue":"A muscle-flexing, name-concealing land representative (5,3)","Answer":"UNCLE SAM","Explanation":"Definition: land representative\nAnagram [flexing] of A MUSCLE round [concealing] N [name]"} {"Clue":"Cloth (small) removed from doorstep (6)","Answer":"CANVAS","Explanation":"Definition: Cloth\nCANVAS[s] [doorstep, as a verb] with s [small] removed"} {"Clue":"Very fancy, Lumley \u2014 no end of fancy paper (6)","Answer":"VELLUM","Explanation":"Definition: paper\nV [very] + anagram [fancy \u2013 for the second time] of LUMLE[y] [with no end]"} {"Clue":"Sympathy enables accommodating source of laughter? (5)","Answer":"HYENA","Explanation":"Definition: source of laughter?\nHidden in sympatHY ENAbles"} {"Clue":"Rising bog round ground (4)","Answer":"OVAL","Explanation":"Definition: ground\nReversal [rising] of LAV [bog] + O [round] for the London cricket ground"} {"Clue":"Supplements for the dead and injured (7)","Answer":"ADDENDA","Explanation":"Definition: Supplements\nAnagram [injured] of DEAD AND \u2013 after all the talk about gerundives a couple of weeks ago, I had ADDENDUM to blog last week and now here's its plural \u2013 things [requiring] to be added"} {"Clue":"Not being there and not drinking out of can (7)","Answer":"ABSENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Not being there\nABS[tin]ENCE [not drinking] minus [out of] tin [can] \u2013 great surface!"} {"Clue":"Strasbourg out of order? On the contrary! (4)","Answer":"ASBO","Explanation":"Hidden in strASBOurg \u2013 so 'order out of Strasbourg'"} {"Clue":"Possible damage to vehicle (Saab, with front missing) (10)","Answer":"ACHIEVABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Possible\nAnagram [damage] of VEHICLE [s]AAB [with first letter missing]"} {"Clue":"Before 9, delight in being generous (6)","Answer":"LAVISH","Explanation":"Definition: generous\nLAVISH = generous, from ravish = delight"} {"Clue":"Brazil may be nothing to France, having the ultimate in restaurant food (8)","Answer":"NUTRIENT","Explanation":"Definition: food\nNUT [Brazil may be or, rather, maybe \u2013 clever!] + RIEN [French for nothing] + restauranT"} {"Clue":"Tiny vase differed, as halved and returned in statement (9)","Answer":"AFFIDAVIT","Explanation":"Definition: statement\nReversal of first halves of TIny VAse DIFFered As"} {"Clue":"Tucker's partner joins the French in a book (5)","Answer":"BIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: book\nBIB [Tucker's partner, as in 'best bib and tucker']\u00a0 + LE [the French]"} {"Clue":"Before 9, get to ooze (5)","Answer":"LEACH","Explanation":"Definition: ooze\nLEACH = ooze, from reach = get to"} {"Clue":"It's a total wreck: get garage (9)","Answer":"AGGREGATE","Explanation":"Definition: It's a total\nAnagram [wreck] of GET GARAGE"} {"Clue":" \"Really ravenous readers?\" \u2014 that's some alliteration! (8)","Answer":"LITERATI","Explanation":"Definition: \"Really ravenous readers?\"\nHidden in alLITERATIon \u2013 I really liked this one"} {"Clue":"Epidemic in the city before 9 (6)","Answer":"PLAGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Epidemic\nPLAGUE = epidemic, from Prague = city"} {"Clue":"Leaves shocking war secrets (10)","Answer":"WATERCRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Leaves\nAnagram [shocking] of WAR SECRETS"} {"Clue":"Vitality prevalent before 9 (4)","Answer":"LIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Vitality\nLIFE = vitality, from rife = prevalent"} {"Clue":"Send a message to Maurice, perhaps, for material (7)","Answer":"TEXTILE","Explanation":"Definition: material\nTEXT [send a message] + ILE [Maurice, perhaps \u2013 Ile Maurice is French for Mauritius]"} {"Clue":"City accommodation in some anonymity (3,4)","Answer":"NEW YORK","Explanation":"Definition: City\nNY is hidden in anoNYmity\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Pertaining to females \u2014 awfully staid females (7)","Answer":"DISTAFF","Explanation":"Definition: Pertaining to females\nAnagram [awfully] of STAID + FF [females] \u2013 in heraldry, the female side of the family, spinning, of course, being 'women's work' \u2013 as opposed to the 'sword' {male} side \u2013 cf 'spinster', which my SOED tells me can be 'a spider or other insect that spins', which immediately calls to mind our local hero[ine] Arachne, by no means an awfully staid female!"} {"Clue":"What contributes to both ulcerative colitis and gastroenteritis? (1,4)","Answer":"E COLI","Explanation":"Hidden in ulcerativE COLItis and a cause of gastroenteritis [and, for all I know, of ulcerative colitis, too \u2013\u00a0 a\u00a0 clever clue, anyway]"} {"Clue":"Money for church in play (7)","Answer":"DRACHMA","Explanation":"Definition: Money\nCH [church] in DRAMA [play]"} {"Clue":" Inspiration note filed where Archimedes found his (6)","Answer":"BREATH","Explanation":"Definition: Inspiration\nRE [note] in BATH, where Archimedes found his metaphorical inspiration"} {"Clue":"Considering cutback on excavation (9)","Answer":"EXAMINING","Explanation":"Definition: Considering\nReversal [back] of AXE [cut] + MINING [excavation]"} {"Clue":"Officer who called an inquest before 9 (7)","Answer":"COLONEL","Explanation":"Definition: Officer\nCOLONEL = officer from coroner, who called an inquest \u2013 a clever double substitution"} {"Clue":"Defection is suspended in gas on the 15th? (8,5)","Answer":"CHANGING SIDES","Explanation":"Definition: Defection\nHANGING [suspended] in CS [gas] + IDES [the 15th]: the question mark is to acknowledge that it was only in March [famously], May, July and October that the Ides fell on the 15th \u2013 in all other months it was the 13th."} {"Clue":"Rise before 9 \u2014 that's harsh (9)","Answer":"INCLEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: harsh\nINCLEMENT = harsh, from increment = rise"} {"Clue":"Pluck and energy needed by someone washing hands (7)","Answer":"EPILATE","Explanation":"Definition: Pluck\nE [energy] + PILATE [someone washing hands]"} {"Clue":"Rather intriguing puzzle \u2014 online solvers' thoughtful effort leads to the answer (7)","Answer":"RIPOSTE","Explanation":"Definition: answer\nFirst letters [leads] of Rather Intriguing Puzzle Online Solvers' Thoughtful Effort \u2013 I loved this surface"} {"Clue":"To date, one needs a variety of fur hats (4,3)","Answer":"THUS FAR","Explanation":"Definition: To date\nAnagram [variety] of FUR HATS"} {"Clue":"Wipe out \"tropical\" disease before 9 (6)","Answer":"CANCEL","Explanation":"Definition: Wipe out\nCANCEL = wipe out, from cancer, disease, with a neat reference to the Tropic of Cancer"} {"Clue":"Calm arrangement before 9 (5)","Answer":"ALLAY","Explanation":"Definition: Calm\nALLAY = calm, from array = arrangement, another double substitution"} {"Clue":"Outfit for bash (7)","Answer":"CLOBBER","Explanation":"Definition: Outfitbash\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Over a long period, seeks food (7)","Answer":"FORAGES","Explanation":"Definition: seeks food\nFOR AGES [over a long period]"} {"Clue":"Antipodean's choice between parent and setter? (5)","Answer":"MAORI","Explanation":"Definition: Antipodean\nMA OR I"} {"Clue":"One to beat, Spooner's foolish hobo from Sydney? (5,4)","Answer":"BONGO DRUM","Explanation":"Definition: One to beat\nSpoonerism of Drongo bum \u2013 not my favourite type of clue but this is a good one"} {"Clue":"I mess about, drunk or sober (10)","Answer":"ABSTEMIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: sober\nAnagram [drunk] of I MESS ABOUT \u2013 all of the anagrams today have excellent surfaces"} {"Clue":"Engineer, did you say? Please repeat! (4)","Answer":"WHAT","Explanation":"Definition: Please repeat!\nSounds like [did you say?] [James] Watt [engineer]: my choirmaster wouldn't like this one!"} {"Clue":"Where a spy might stop interference? (11)","Answer":"MOLESTATION","Explanation":"Definition: interference\nMOLE STATION \u2013 nice one!"} {"Clue":"Dogmatic dictionary about to restrain a thesaurus, initially (11)","Answer":"OPINIONATED","Explanation":"Definition: Dogmatic\nOED [dictionary] round PINION [restrain] + A\u00a0 + T[hesaurus]"} {"Clue":"Scholar's rear given senseless thrashing (4)","Answer":"ROUT","Explanation":"Definition: thrashing\nR [last letter of scholaR] + OUT [senseless]"} {"Clue":"Beautiful women, they'll leave you in pieces! (10)","Answer":"BOMBSHELLS","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Reportedly, story deviates as gusts coming from behind (9)","Answer":"TAILWINDS","Explanation":"Definition: gusts coming from behind\nTAIL \u2013 sounds like [reportedly] 'tale' [story] + WINDS [pronounced like 'finds' = deviates]"} {"Clue":"Muse fast penning letter, finally (5)","Answer":"ERATO","Explanation":"Definition: Muse\nR [last letter of letteR] in EAT O [eat nothing = fast]"} {"Clue":"Creeper, one going on foot (7)","Answer":"SNEAKER","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Superlatively eternal peak? (7)","Answer":"EVEREST","Explanation":"Definition: peak\nSuperlatively 'ever': of course EVER doesn't exactly equate to 'eternal'\u00a0 but I'm happy to grant Paul this one for the smile it gave me\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Sound logo that clashes with another? (6)","Answer":"CYMBAL","Explanation":"Definition: that clashes with another\nSounds like 'symbol' [logo]"} {"Clue":"Not half rowdy supporting old player (6)","Answer":"OBOIST","Explanation":"Definition: player\nBOIST[erous] [not half rowdy] after ['supporting', in a down clue] O [old]"} {"Clue":"Intercepting express, criminal is armed, one holding up a train (10)","Answer":"BRIDESMAID","Explanation":"Definition: one holding up a train\nAnagram [criminal] of IS ARMED\u00a0 in [intercepting] BID [express: the nearest I can find for this is Chambers: 'to proclaim, eg the banns of marriage] A beautifully misleading surface!"} {"Clue":"Religious official, Potter's Pete? (5)","Answer":"RABBI","Explanation":"Definition: Religious official\nTypical Paul: we need to take the last letter from Beatrix Potter's most famous creation, Pete[r] RABBI[t]"} {"Clue":"Swiss collection often used for cooking (6,3)","Answer":"FONDUE SET","Explanation":"Definition: Swiss collection\nAnother excellent &littish anagram [for cooking] \u2013 of OFTEN USED"} {"Clue":"Nose around source (4)","Answer":"ROOT","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Composer like Wagner, no man displayin' less love (8)","Answer":"GERSHWIN","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nWagner was German, so it's GER [no man] + SH[o]WIN' [displayin'] less\u00a0 'o' \u2013 love"} {"Clue":"Jew holds on for an interval (8)","Answer":"SEMITONE","Explanation":"Definition: interval\nSEMITE [Jew] round [holds ] ON"} {"Clue":"He's reached bankruptcy, tough luck! (4,6)","Answer":"HARD CHEESE","Explanation":"Definition: tough luck!\nAnother very neat anagram [bankruptcy] of HE'S REACHED"} {"Clue":"Laird drew loan out, including unspecified amount (9)","Answer":"LANDOWNER","Explanation":"Definition: Laird\nAnd yet another! [out] of DREW LOAN\u00a0 round N ['unspecified amount' \u2013 but I know there are others, who, like me, will cringe at number = amount!]"} {"Clue":"Very old cars, great mind in Greece (8)","Answer":"SOCRATES","Explanation":"Definition: great mind in Greece\nSO [very] + CRATES [old cars]"} {"Clue":"Wee effigy \u2014 that's wee from a tree? (8)","Answer":"FIGURINE","Explanation":"Definition: Wee effigy\nFIG URINE [wee from a tree!]"} {"Clue":"Split second in Scotland, then split! (6)","Answer":"CLEAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Split\nC [second letter of sCotland] + LEAVE [split]"} {"Clue":"Guide rope finally put in place, ton secured (6)","Answer":"ESCORT","Explanation":"Definition: Guide\nLast letter of ropE + SORT [put in place] round [securing] C [100 = ton]. I think."} {"Clue":"Mean to cover last of roast to make it moist (5)","Answer":"BASTE","Explanation":"Definition: cover last of roast to make it moist\nBASE [mean] round last letter of roasT"} {"Clue":"Cuddly alien's electronic cooker? (4)","Answer":"EWOK","Explanation":"Definition: Cuddly alien\nE-WOK\u00a0 [electronic cooker]"} {"Clue":"See water or steam? (6)","Answer":"NOTICE","Explanation":"Definition: See\nNOT ICE, the solid form of water"} {"Clue":"Visual movement in stone (7)","Answer":"OPTICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Visua\nTIC [movement] in OPAL [stone]"} {"Clue":"A remote site H? (3,6,2,7)","Answer":"THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE","Explanation":"Definition: A remote site\nH is the middle letter of nowHere: perhaps not a new device but here it is cleverly combined with 22,29 and 17ac \u2013 and there may well be plenty of solvers who have not seen it done before"} {"Clue":"Infirmary without company turns wet (5)","Answer":"RAINY","Explanation":"Definition: wet\nAnagram [turns] of IN[firm]ARY without 'firm' [company]"} {"Clue":"State of Colorado had independence reversed (5)","Answer":"IDAHO","Explanation":"Definition: State\nHidden reversal in coloradO HAD Independence"} {"Clue":" School of psychology may be last \u2014 get over it! (7)","Answer":"GESTALT","Explanation":"Definition: School of psychology\nGET round [over] an anagram [may be] of LAST"} {"Clue":"Though disrupted timetable, but not satisfied (6)","Answer":"ALBEIT","Explanation":"Definition: Though\nAnagram [disrupted] of TI[met]ABLE minus 'met' [satisfied]"} {"Clue":"A remote site halved outside trip (6)","Answer":"SAFARI","Explanation":"Definition: trip\nSI [half of SI[te] round [outside] A FAR [a remote]"} {"Clue":"Compiler starts to seem lonely at notable days, such as Christmas and Easter (7)","Answer":"ISLANDS","Explanation":"Definition: such as Christmas and Easter\nI [Compiler] plus the first letters of Seem Lonely At Notable Days Such \u2013 a beautifully misleading surface"} {"Clue":"A remote site D? (3,4,2,6)","Answer":"THE BACK OF BEYOND","Explanation":"Definition: A remote site\nD is the last letter of beyonD"} {"Clue":"Home help is back in the country (5)","Answer":"INDIA","Explanation":"Definition: country\nIN [home] + reversal [back] of AID [help]"} {"Clue":"What's used to summon grapeshot (5)","Answer":"PAGER","Explanation":"Definition: What's used to summon\nAnagram [shot] of GRAPE"} {"Clue":"Arrangement to lend across shampoo mum's gone and taken off (9)","Answer":"LAMPOONED","Explanation":"Definition: taken off\nAnagram [arrangement] of LEND round shAMPOO minus 'sh' [mum]"} {"Clue":"Running water for hire \u2014 that's about right (7)","Answer":"TORRENT","Explanation":"Definition: Running water\nTO RENT [for hire] round R [right]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Character of volunteers (5)","Answer":"THETA","Explanation":"Definition: Character\nTHE TA [Territorial Army \u2013 volunteers]"} {"Clue":"Sausage and fried potato on hot plate? Eat heartily (9)","Answer":"CHIPOLATA","Explanation":"Definition: Sausage\nCHIP [fried potato] + the middle letters [heartily!] of hOt pLATe and eAt \u2013 lovely!"} {"Clue":"19 across coca beans kid had shelled (7)","Answer":"OCEANIA","Explanation":"Definition: 19 across\nThe same device again, with another clever clue word [shelled] : cOCa bEANs kId hAd"} {"Clue":"Via audible cast (5)","Answer":"THREW","Explanation":"Definition: cast\nSounds like 'through' [via]"} {"Clue":"Conran's first interior design standard (9)","Answer":"CRITERION","Explanation":"Definition: standard\nC[onran] + anagram of INTERIOR \u2013 another great surface"} {"Clue":"Males provide eggs first, but they're not professional (6)","Answer":"LAYMEN","Explanation":"Definition: they're not professional\nMEN [males] with LAY [provide eggs] first"} {"Clue":"It follows winding road with speed and skill (6)","Answer":"ADROIT","Explanation":"Definition: with speed and skill\nIT after an anagram [winding] of ROAD"} {"Clue":"One finding and keeping such odd characters to meet Nemesis, perhaps (9)","Answer":"SCAVENGER","Explanation":"Definition: One finding and keeping\nS[u]C[h] [odd characters] + AVENGER [Nemesis, perhaps]"} {"Clue":"City where Oliver wanted this curry first (9)","Answer":"BALTIMORE","Explanation":"Definition: City\nMORE is what Oliver Twist wanted and we need to put BALTI [curry] first"} {"Clue":" Paper smear exposing personality (7)","Answer":"INKBLOT","Explanation":"Definition: Paper smear\nCryptic definition, referring to the inkblot test"} {"Clue":"Where they've all got it, says paranoid notoriety (6)","Answer":"INFAMY","Explanation":"Definition: notoriety\nThe only way to explain this is to provide a link to the [in]famous utterance of the paranoid Kenneth Williams in 'Carry on Cleo'."} {"Clue":"Quick if cat involved in fiscal deductions (7)","Answer":"SCALDED","Explanation":"Definition: Quick if cat\nHidden in fiSCAL DEDuctions \u2013 a reference to the expression, 'like a scalded cat' \u2013 very quickly"} {"Clue":"Got hot pants in order to be ruthless (4,2,7)","Answer":"STOP AT NOTHING","Explanation":"Definition: be ruthless\nAnagram [order] of GOT HOT PANTS IN"} {"Clue":"Get on round about and get on (5)","Answer":"AGREE","Explanation":"Definition: get on\nAGE [get on] round RE [about] \u2013 one of my favourites"} {"Clue":"Dog in trouble with dog (5)","Answer":"DINGO","Explanation":"Definition: dog\nAnagram [trouble] of DOG IN"} {"Clue":"One hoping trick will work, actually being taken in by French (8)","Answer":"FINESSER","Explanation":"Definition: One hoping trick will work\nIN ESSE [actually] in FR [French]"} {"Clue":"Handsome youth holding hand down bids in oddly deficient way (6)","Answer":"ADONIS","Explanation":"Definition: Handsome youth\nEven letters [oddly deficient] of hAnD dOwN bIdS"} {"Clue":"After top honour, duke worsted in court, in a way (4)","Answer":"ACED","Explanation":"Definition: worsted in court, in a way\nACE [top honour card] + D [duke] \u2013 reference to both bridge and tennis"} {"Clue":"Hard to handle, like a pointless holding? (10)","Answer":"UNBIDDABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Hard to handlelike a pointless holding\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Positive indicators about right requirements for contract (6)","Answer":"TRICKS","Explanation":"Definition: requirements for contract\nTICKS [positive indicators] round R [right]"} {"Clue":"Difficult partner no longer playing (8)","Answer":"EXACTING","Explanation":"Definition: Difficult\nEX [partner no longer] + ACTING [playing]"} {"Clue":"Claim about line with ace and queen that's made by professional (6)","Answer":"SALARY","Explanation":"Definition: made by professional\nSAY [claim] round L [line] A [ace] R [queen]"} {"Clue":"Don't follow suit \u2014 change to green energy (6)","Answer":"RENEGE","Explanation":"Definition: Don't follow suit\nAnagram [change to] of GREEN + E [energy]"} {"Clue":"Complaint I had rejected \u2014 more upset about diamonds (8)","Answer":"DISORDER","Explanation":"Definition: Complaint\nDI [reversal \u2013 rejected] of I'D [I had] SORER [more upset] round D [diamonds]"} {"Clue":"Defend against South, in another test for learner (6)","Answer":"RESIST","Explanation":"Definition: Defend against\nS [south] in RESIT [another test for learner]"} {"Clue":"Made first bid, holding cards tight? Just the opposite (4-6)","Answer":"OPEN-HANDED","Explanation":"Definition: tight? Just the opposite\nOPENED [made first bid] round HAND [cards] \u2013 My favourite clue, I think"} {"Clue":"Reports from one couple at table about another (4)","Answer":"NEWS","Explanation":"Definition: Reports\nNS [two partners at bridge] round EW [the other couple]"} {"Clue":"Didn't bid spades, oddly (6)","Answer":"PASSED","Explanation":"Definition: Didn't bid\nAnagram [oddly] of SPADES"} {"Clue":"Turn of partner to err \u2014 for example, about passing (8)","Answer":"ELAPSING","Explanation":"Definition: passing\nEG [for example] round LAP [reversal \u2013 turn \u2013 of PAL \u2013 partner] + SIN [err]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"For instance, gets rid of diamond, being heartless? (8)","Answer":"DISCARDS","Explanation":"Definition: For instance, gets rid of diamond\nA cryptic definition, referring to playing a diamond rather than a heart \u2013 I think"} {"Clue":"Start putting one's cards on the table in corrupt deal (4)","Answer":"LEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Start putting one's cards on the table\nAnagram [corrupt] of DEAL \u2013 a nice surface, which could easily refer to a business contract, too"} {"Clue":"Concerns \u2014 lots of little ones raised by partners, normally (6)","Answer":"ISSUES","Explanation":"Definition: Concernslittle ones raised by partners, normally\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Patience, for example, as funny fellow hunted animals (4,4)","Answer":"CARD GAME","Explanation":"Definition: Patience, for example\nCARD [funny fellow] + GAME [hunted animals]"} {"Clue":"People managing without skill name business associates (2-8)","Answer":"CO-PARTNERS","Explanation":"Definition: business associates\nCOPERS [people managing] round ART [skill] + N [name]"} {"Clue":"Nothing old foursome raised for player taking bow (6)","Answer":"VIOLIN","Explanation":"Definition: player taking bow\nReversal [raised] of NIL [nothing] + O [old] + IV [foursome]"} {"Clue":"Some 19 that's extractable from tropical plants or shrubbery (6)","Answer":"RUBBER","Explanation":"Definition: Some 19extractable from tropical plants\nDouble definition \u2013 and it's also 'hidden' in shRUBBERy"} {"Clue":"Bid one's spades over West, showing immaturity (10)","Answer":"CALLOWNESS","Explanation":"Definition: immaturity\nCALL [bid] + ONE'S S [spades] round W [west]"} {"Clue":"Penalties for players, not clubs (3,5)","Answer":"RED CARDS","Explanation":"Definition: Penalties for playersnot clubs\nDouble definition, again with a reference to a different game"} {"Clue":"Blow to West coming from unwise bid, ultimately, since double goes in (4,4)","Answer":"EAST WIND","Explanation":"Definition: Blow to West\nAS [since] + TWIN [double] in last letters [ultimately] of unwisE biD"} {"Clue":" Part of 6 or 24 down for English composer (6)","Answer":"BRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Part of 6 or 24 down English composer\nThe theme word of the puzzle cleverly clued by three more definitions: the composer is Frank Bridge"} {"Clue":"Way to dramatically expose king not ruled out (2,4)","Answer":"IN PLAY","Explanation":"Definition: not ruled out\nLear, for instance, is a king dramatically exposed *[Edit: see jvh's comment @3 \u2013 will I ever live this down?]* \u2013 and another football etc reference"} {"Clue":"Leader's odd new arrangement of pack (6)","Answer":"REDEAL","Explanation":"Definition: new arrangement of pack\nAnagram [odd] of LEADER"} {"Clue":"Advance cautiously, finishing in two hearts, vulnerable (4)","Answer":"NOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Advance cautiously\nLast letters [finishing] of iN twO heartS vulnerablE"} {"Clue":"The centre of Earth is molten (5)","Answer":"HEART","Explanation":"Definition: The centre\nAnagram [molten] of EARTH"} {"Clue":"No longer in love with Vincent? You ask for too much (9)","Answer":"OVERPRICE","Explanation":"Definition: ask for too much\nReference to actor Vincent Price"} {"Clue":"Weak, slack pants are very easy to obtain (9)","Answer":"CAKEWALKS","Explanation":"Definition: are very easy to obtain\nAnagram [pants] of WEAK SLACK"} {"Clue":"If he orders, follow Conservative leader (5)","Answer":"CHIEF","Explanation":"Definition: leader\nC [Conservative] + anagram [orders \u2013 again, the grammar is rather dodgy, I think] of IF HE"} {"Clue":"Country's victory in team sports (7)","Answer":"VIETNAM","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nV [victory] + anagram [sports] of IN TEAM"} {"Clue":"Captain Benjamin shall start to abstain, turning mostly teetotal (7)","Answer":"WILLARD","Explanation":"Definition: Captain Benjamin\nWILL [shall] + A [first letter of Abstain] + reversal of DR[y] [mostly teetotal] for the hero of 6,18"} {"Clue":"Beast an Aussie can wash his face in, reportedly (5)","Answer":"BISON","Explanation":"Definition: Beast\nSounds like \u2013 to an Aussie? \u2013 [reportedly] 'basin'"} {"Clue":"It can happen at Christmas, misplacing small present (3)","Answer":"NOW","Explanation":"Definition: present\n[s]NOW can happen at Christmas"} {"Clue":"In a junk, in a river, moving softly (5)","Answer":"PIANO","Explanation":"Definition: moving softly\nAnagram [junk] of IN A in PO [river]"} {"Clue":"Sun tans leather, not a hide (7)","Answer":"SHELTER","Explanation":"Definition: hide\nS [sun] + anagram [tans] of LE[a]THER [not a]"} {"Clue":"Once more prepares note on poor diets (2-5)","Answer":"RE-EDITS","Explanation":"Definition: Once more prepares\nRE [note] + anagram [poor] of DIETS"} {"Clue":"Totally fair (5)","Answer":"CLEAN","Explanation":"Double definition \u2013 for which I initially confidently entered 'quite', chuntering to myself that it should be 'fairly'!"} {"Clue":"It's for absurd waves (9)","Answer":"SURFBOARD","Explanation":"Anagram [waves] of FOR ABSURD \u2013 &littish"} {"Clue":"With Tippex pens, I veto sections that are 10d (9)","Answer":"EXPENSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: 10d\nHidden in tippEX PENS I VEto"} {"Clue":"s broken arm (5)","Answer":"LANCE","Explanation":"Definition: arm\nAnagram [broken] of CLEAN [26ac]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Smart bird yields knowledge (4)","Answer":"CHIC","Explanation":"Definition: Smart\nCHIC[ken] \u2013 bird giving up ken [knowledge]"} {"Clue":"s glam rock band? Not The Shadows (8)","Answer":"DARKNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Shadows\nThe rock band is [The] Darkness \u2013 but Wikipedia says it was formed in 2000"} {"Clue":"Women chase One Direction to lodge (4)","Answer":"STOW","Explanation":"Definition: lodge\nW [women] after S [one direction] + TO"} {"Clue":"Peer's issue lacks PR article in the news (8)","Answer":"NOBLEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Peer\n[pr]OBLEM [issue minus pr] + A [article] in NN [news]"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Newcastle was going up and down and up (6)","Answer":"SEESAW","Explanation":"Definition: down and up\nSEE [perhaps Newcastle \u2013 not Ely this time] + reversal [going up] of WAS"} {"Clue":"The end, easy? Coppola's upset to lose Oscar (10)","Answer":"APOCALYPSE","Explanation":"Definition: The end\nAnagram [upset] of EASY + COPP[o]LA [minus one o \u2013\u00a0 Oscar in the phonetic alphabet]"} {"Clue":"In clay, salt is regularly crushed as a mineral (6)","Answer":"SILICA","Explanation":"Definition: mineral\nAnagram [crushed] of alternate letters [regularly] of I[n] C[l]A[y] S[a]L[t] I[s]"} {"Clue":"Muscle complaint (4)","Answer":"BEEF","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Struggles to accept soft feeling (5)","Answer":"VIBES","Explanation":"Definition: feeling\nVIES [struggles] round B [soft \u2013 as in pencils]"} {"Clue":"off 1 ice cream? (6-4)","Answer":"NINETY-NINE","Explanation":"Definition: ice cream\n50% off 1dn\u00a0 leaves IC, which is not, actually, 99 [it's XCIX \u2013 see here but it's a lovely clue and I think by now this kind of playing with Roman numerals is accepted in Crosswordland. [I only mentioned it because I knew someone else would.]"} {"Clue":"Openings to dressers, offices or rooms, say (5)","Answer":"DOORS","Explanation":"Definition: Openings\nFirst letters of Dressers Offices Or Rooms Say"} {"Clue":" Slogans of corrupt social worker: \"Look out!\" (3,5)","Answer":"WARCRIES","Explanation":"Definition: Slogans\nAnagram [corrupt] of S[o]CIA[l] W[o]R[k] ER minus the letters of 'look'"} {"Clue":"Area 51 for (allegedly) North America's flyers in a particular zone (8)","Answer":"AVIFAUNA","Explanation":"Definition: flyers in a particular zone\nI can't see the wordplay here: I'm sure it's a very clever clue, as Area 51 is associated with UFOs, which makes a very neat surface, but it's over to you"} {"Clue":"English temp works after 10 for free (6)","Answer":"EXEMPT","Explanation":"Definition: free\nE [English] + anagram [works] of TEMP after X [ten]"} {"Clue":"Unrefined citrus pop (6)","Answer":"RUSTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Unrefined\nAnagram [pop] of CITRUS"} {"Clue":"Leading captain and upstanding fellow, eh? Must be Cook (4)","Answer":"CHEF","Explanation":"Definition: Cook\nC [leading captain \u2013 oh dear] + reversal [upstanding] of F [fellow] + EH \u2013 reference to England cricket captain Alastair Cook"} {"Clue":" Cricketer is on 50 again (4)","Answer":"BELL","Explanation":"Definition: Cricketer\nBE [is \u2013 in some dialects] + L [fifty] + L [and again] \u2013 another England cricketer, Ian Bell"} {"Clue":"Animal sounds 30 (4)","Answer":"DEER","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\nSounds like dear [EXPENSIVE \u2013 30ac]"} {"Clue":"Down with the exploit \u2014 better half's not mine! (8)","Answer":"FEATHERS","Explanation":"Definition: Down\nFEAT [exploit] + HERS [better half's] \u2013 as in household \/ personal items labelled 'His' and 'Hers'"} {"Clue":"Greek island has a snack, three-way design (6)","Answer":"SAMOSA","Explanation":"Definition: snack\nSAMOS [Greek island] + A \u2013\u00a0 'three-way design' referring to the triangular shape of samosas?"} {"Clue":"With hat turned round, girls show they let us choose (8)","Answer":"DILEMMAS","Explanation":"Definition: they let us choose\nReversal [turned round] of LID [hat] + EMMAS [girls] \u2013 surely dilemmas **make** us choose?"} {"Clue":"Reluctant breeders turn to gloomy snooze (6)","Answer":"PANDAS","Explanation":"Definition: Reluctant breeders\nReversal [turn] of SAD [gloomy] NAP [snooze]"} {"Clue":"Too soon to swallow half of greasy brew (4,4)","Answer":"EARL GREY","Explanation":"Definition: brew\nEARLY [too{?} soon] round [to swallow] GRE[asy]"} {"Clue":"Doctor erects what should be know to few (6)","Answer":"SECRET","Explanation":"Definition: what should be know to few\nAnagram [doctor] of ERECTS \u2013 presumably a misprint for 'known' in the clue"} {"Clue":"House plant meant dull respectability (10)","Answer":"ASPIDISTRA","Explanation":"Definition: House plant\nThe aspidistra is\u00a0 associated with respectability, as illustrated in George Orwell's novel, 'Keep the aspidistra flying'"} {"Clue":"Miss end of week, an office slave like me? (4,6)","Answer":"GIRL FRIDAY","Explanation":"Definition: office slave like me?\nGIRL [miss] + FRIDAY [end of week]"} {"Clue":"A king splits tights, rough when he has his say (6)","Answer":"HOARSE","Explanation":"Definition: rough when he has his say\nA R [a king] in HOSE [tights]"} {"Clue":"A legal right put down and put away (8)","Answer":"ALIENATE","Explanation":"Definition: put away\nA LIEN [a legal right] + ATE [put down]"} {"Clue":"Britain of old: \"no bail out\" formed its basis (6)","Answer":"ALBION","Explanation":"Definition: Britain of old\nAnagram [out] of NO BAIL"} {"Clue":"Darlings so small, when seen in porcine places (8)","Answer":"SWEETIES","Explanation":"Definition: Darlings\nWEE [so small] in STIES [porcine places]"} {"Clue":"Outlandish hat he's shown and dress for dame (6)","Answer":"SHEATH","Explanation":"Definition: dress for dame\nANAGRAM [outlandish] of HAT HE'S"} {"Clue":"I refute hugging a bird called what's-her-name (8)","Answer":"IDENTITY","Explanation":"Definition: what's-her-name\nI DENY [I refute: it really pains me to give this definition \u2013 refute means disprove \u2013 but I'm afraid Chambers gives 'deny'] round TIT [bird]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Scarce gifted, I twitch body, leg or arm (6)","Answer":"FIDGET","Explanation":"Definition: I twitch body, leg or arm\nAnagram [scarce?] of GIFTED"} {"Clue":"Both tall and pure, both can't begin to charm (6)","Answer":"ALLURE","Explanation":"Definition: charm\n[t]ALL + [p]URE"} {"Clue":"Respect a house that hides a head of gnomes (6)","Answer":"HOMAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Respect\nHOME [house] round A G[nomes]"} {"Clue":"Lecturers cool, so we like tales or tomes (10)","Answer":"READERSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: we like tales or tomes\nREADERS [lecturers] + HIP [cool]"} {"Clue":"Learned from a rebel, topping endless mice? (8)","Answer":"ACADEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Learned\nA CADE [the crossword rebel, Jack] + MIC[e]"} {"Clue":"Out getting bread mix, deaf to all advice (8)","Answer":"OBDURATE","Explanation":"Definition: deaf to all advice\nAnagram [mix] of OUT and BREAD"} {"Clue":"Sat I held fast by boy, but I might bite (8)","Answer":"ALSATIAN","Explanation":"Definition: I might bite\nSAT I in ALAN [boy]"} {"Clue":"Stopped keeping pale, just like a wrong put right? (10)","Answer":"DISALLOWED","Explanation":"Definition: like a wrong put right?\nDIED [stopped] round SALLOW [pale]"} {"Clue":"Small breakfast nuts for those of brainbox breed (8)","Answer":"EGGHEADS","Explanation":"Definition: those of brainbox breed\nEGG [small breakfast?] + HEADS [nuts]"} {"Clue":"Peer wants lamb stewed\" \u2014 words you may skip or read (8)","Answer":"PREAMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: words you may skip or read\nAnagram [stewed] of PEER and LAMB \u2013 this caused a wry smile, as today's preamble took me practically as long to write as the blog did"} {"Clue":"I'm not on fire: the creeping runner said it (8)","Answer":"OFFSHOOT","Explanation":"Definition: creeping runner\nOFF [not on] + SHOOT [fire]"} {"Clue":"A college boss who holds me in discredit (6)","Answer":"DEMEAN","Explanation":"Definition: discredit\nDEAN [college boss] round ME"} {"Clue":"These sandwiches may make you twist in pain (6)","Answer":"PANINI","Explanation":"Definition: These sandwiches\nAnagram [twist] of IN PAIN \u2013 hurrah for the correct plural definition!"} {"Clue":"New US state suggests a cattle strain (6)","Answer":"JERSEY","Explanation":"Definition: cattle strain\nNew JERSEY \u2013 US state"} {"Clue":"Granny made beastly remark about president and king (8)","Answer":"BABUSHKA","Explanation":"Definition: Granny\nBAA [beastly remark] round BUSH [president] and K [king]"} {"Clue":"Into food, almost everyone going back for cake (6)","Answer":"ECLAIR","Explanation":"Definition: cake\nReversal [going back] of AL[l] [almost everyone] in RICE [food]"} {"Clue":"European steering mechanism announced (4)","Answer":"FINN","Explanation":"Definition: European\nUnequivocal, I think, homophone [announced] of 'fin' [steering mechanism] and no ambiguity as to which definition this time \u2013 hurrah!"} {"Clue":"Half way through second red wine, out of one's box, nowadays? (4-6)","Answer":"WIDE-SCREEN","Explanation":"Definition: of one's box, nowadays?\nAnagram [out] of SEC[ond] RED WINE \u2013 one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"More like rubies, either way (6)","Answer":"REDDER","Explanation":"Definition: More like rubies\nIt's a palindrome [either way]"} {"Clue":"One with teeth hadn't been biting one back (5,3)","Answer":"TENON SAW","Explanation":"Definition: One with teeth\nReversal [back] of WASN'T [hadn't been] round [biting] ONE \u2013 another favourite"} {"Clue":"Setter's genital abnormality (7)","Answer":"GELATIN","Explanation":"Definition: Setter\nAnagram [abnormality] of GENITAL"} {"Clue":"Ludicrous to provoke outstanding relative (7)","Answer":"RISIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Ludicrous\nRILE [provoke] round SIB [relative]"} {"Clue":"Picked by Michelangelo, nice rare plant (8)","Answer":"LONICERA","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nHidden in michelangeLO NICE RAre"} {"Clue":"Consecutive figures passing exchange (3-3)","Answer":"ONE-TWO","Explanation":"Definition: passing exchange\nChambers: \"a blow with one fist followed by a blow with the other [boxing, etc; a movement in which a player passes the ball to another player, then runs forward to receive it again [football]' \u2013 so, in either case, an exchange, which is rather neat, I think"} {"Clue":"A rowing team down on Windermere, initially floating (10)","Answer":"WEIGHTLESS","Explanation":"Definition: floating\nEIGHT [a rowing team] + LESS [down] after W[indermere]"} {"Clue":"Show of affection in \"peck\" is seen (4)","Answer":"KISS","Explanation":"Definition: Show of affection\nHidden in pecK IS Seen"} {"Clue":"Queen sees a country in recession (6)","Answer":"REGINA","Explanation":"Definition: Queen\nReversal [in recession] of A NIGER"} {"Clue":"Rough copies, American, misleading (8)","Answer":"SPECIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: misleading\nAnagram [rough] of COPIES + US [American]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Family in common is Asian (8)","Answer":"BALINESE","Explanation":"Definition: Asian\nLINE [family] in BASE [common]"} {"Clue":"Blacken water in Scotland (4)","Answer":"BURN","Explanation":"Definition: Blackenwater in Scotland\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Scruffy lot getting cleaner? (6)","Answer":"SHOWER","Explanation":"Definition: Scruffy lotcleaner?\nAnd another one"} {"Clue":"Authorisation also held by partner (7)","Answer":"MANDATE","Explanation":"Definition: Authorisation\nAND [also] in MATE [partner]"} {"Clue":"Where Catalans might wash in the middle of this European city (8)","Answer":"HELSINKI","Explanation":"Definition: European city\nEL SINK [where, whimsically, Catalans might wash] in HI [middle of tHIs]"} {"Clue":"Iron shackling Italian actress, metal is Italian (10)","Answer":"FLORENTINE","Explanation":"Definition: Italian\nFE [iron] round [Sophia] LOREN [Italian actress] + TIN [metal]"} {"Clue":"Arboretum where evergreen's first put in some milk (6)","Answer":"PINETA","Explanation":"Definition: Arboretum\nE[vergreen] in PINTA [some milk \u2013 referring to the '60s Milk Marketing Board's advertising slogans, including the much-maligned \u2013 because it didn't do a lot for children's spelling standards \u2013 'Drinka pinta milka day'"} {"Clue":"Ard up? Then it's an arm and a leg for stationery equipment (7,3)","Answer":"DRAWING PIN","Explanation":"Definition: stationery equipment\nReversal [up] of ARD + WING [arm] + PIN [leg] \u2013 another favourite, perhaps the top one"} {"Clue":"It's argon? Neon? Neither taking on being reactive (5,3)","Answer":"INERT GAS","Explanation":"Definition: It's argon? Neon?\nAnagram [reactive] of IT'S +\u00a0 ARG[on] and NE[on] \u2013 I liked this one very much, too"} {"Clue":"Contortionist's leg wins, gripping top of upper arm (5,3)","Answer":"LEWIS GUN","Explanation":"Definition: arm\nAnagram [contortionist's] of LEG WINS round U[pper] \u2013 my last one in, as I'd never heard of this gun"} {"Clue":"Japan etc quick to bandage damaged ear (3,4)","Answer":"FAR EAST","Explanation":"Definition: Japan etc\nFAST [quick] round [to bandage] an anagram [damaged] of EAR"} {"Clue":"One going in first to get key (6)","Answer":"OPENER","Explanation":"Definition: One going in firstkey\nDouble definition: even I know that an opener is one of the two batsmen who go in first"} {"Clue":"Only select emptier shells for seafood (6)","Answer":"OYSTER","Explanation":"Definition: seafood\nFirst and last letters [shells] of OnlY SelecT EmptieR \u2013 another favourite"} {"Clue":"Dagger bringing danger, if heading for the bottom (4)","Answer":"KRIS","Explanation":"Definition: Dagger\nRISK [danger] with the last letter first"} {"Clue":"Revelling wildly (9)","Answer":"GRENVILLE","Explanation":"Anagram [wildly] of REVELLING"} {"Clue":"Raise the temperature of hospital minimally (5)","Answer":"HEATH","Explanation":"HEAT [raise the temperature of] + H [ospital]"} {"Clue":"Fellow keeping a factory cold inside (9)","Answer":"MACMILLAN","Explanation":"MAN [fellow] round A MILL [a factory] with C [cold] inside"} {"Clue":"Thin \u2014 or thick pared at edges (5)","Answer":"NORTH","Explanation":"Hidden in thiN OR THick"} {"Clue":"Players who may be led by maestro into victory (6)","Answer":"WILSON","Explanation":"LSO [London Symphony Orchestra \u2013 players who may be led by maestro] in WIN [victory] \u2013 I liked this surface"} {"Clue":"Not this singer divorced from husband (8)","Answer":"THATCHER","Explanation":"THAT [not this] + CHER [singer] \u2013 but I don't understand 'divorced from husband'"} {"Clue":"Game's deception (7)","Answer":"RUSSELL","Explanation":"I'm afraid I can't see this one"} {"Clue":"Continue to work hard (7)","Answer":"GRAFTON","Explanation":"GRAFT ON"} {"Clue":"Friend embracing top woman very briefly outside church (8)","Answer":"PERCEVAL","Explanation":"PAL [friend] round ER [queen \u2013 top woman] + V[ery] round CE [church]"} {"Clue":"Quiet part of southeast London time's forgotten (6)","Answer":"PELHAM","Explanation":"P [quiet] + EL[t]HAM [part of southeast London minus t\u00a0 \u2013 time]"} {"Clue":"Something that may be mopped at back of kitchen (5)","Answer":"BROWN","Explanation":"BROW [may be mopped] + [kitche]N"} {"Clue":"Organ fund (9)","Answer":"LIVERPOOL","Explanation":"LIVER POOL \u2013 can be read as either a charade or a cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Loud harsh noise to be heard (5)","Answer":"BLAIR","Explanation":"Sounds like [to be heard] 'blare' [loud harsh noise]"} {"Clue":"Duck on river flowing west (9)","Answer":"MACDONALD","Explanation":"DONALD [duck] after [on] reversal [flowing backwards] of CAM [river]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Man of fashion found among farm animals (6)","Answer":"ARMANI","Explanation":"Definition: Man of fashion\nHidden in fARM ANImals"} {"Clue":"A fog's engulfing province \u2014 everything alive for these folk? (8)","Answer":"ANIMISTS","Explanation":"Definition: everything alive for these folk?\nA MIST'S [a fog's] round NI [Northern Ireland \u2013 province \u2013 no comment]"} {"Clue":"Instrument heard in terrible bar? (6)","Answer":"VIOLIN","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nSounds a bit like vile [terrible] inn [bar]"} {"Clue":"A learner and master at a location in Kazakhstan (4-3)","Answer":"ALMA ATA","Explanation":"Definition: a location in Kazakhstan\nA simple charade for the former capital of Kazakhstan: A L [a learner] + A MA [a master] + AT A"} {"Clue":"Brave soldiers summoned up, corralled by the man in charge (6)","Answer":"HEROIC","Explanation":"Definition: Brave\nReversal [summoned up] of OR [soldiers] in HE [the man] IC [in charge]"} {"Clue":"Country protecting classy work of art (6)","Answer":"STATUE","Explanation":"Definition: work of art\nSTATE [country] round U [classy]"} {"Clue":"Show growth (4)","Answer":"HAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Showgrowth\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Sock drained of colour we chucked (3)","Answer":"HIT","Explanation":"Definition: Sock\nw[HIT]e [drained of colour] minus [chucked] 'we'"} {"Clue":"Old character shortly getting control (3)","Answer":"RUN","Explanation":"Definition: control\nRUN[e] [old character]"} {"Clue":"Be very critical of conversation during music? (3)","Answer":"RAP","Explanation":"Definition: Be very critical ofconversation during music\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Gentleman's agitation when time is wasted (3)","Answer":"SIR","Explanation":"Definition: Gentleman\nS[t]IR \u2013 a second instance of 'time' being used as the indication to remove a 't'"} {"Clue":"Nothing greater than this? Nothing! (4)","Answer":"LOVE","Explanation":"Definition: Nothing greater than this?Nothing\nDouble definition, referring to 1 Corinthians 13: 'The greatest of these is love' and the tennis score"} {"Clue":"Asian pastry \u2014 one thing to roll it must be imported (8)","Answer":"FILIPINO","Explanation":"Definition: Asian\nI PIN [one thing to roll it] in FILO [pastry]"} {"Clue":"Last bits of words not entirely difficult I master (7)","Answer":"ULTIMAS","Explanation":"Definition: Last bits of words\nA third hidden answer \u2013 in difficULT I MASter"} {"Clue":"English truly lacking a leader in a very strange way (6)","Answer":"EERILY","Explanation":"Definition: in a very strange way\nE [English] + [v]ERILY [truly]"} {"Clue":"Firm wipe shifted beastly dung (6)","Answer":"COWPIE","Explanation":"Definition: beastly dung\nCO [firm] + anagram [shifted] of WIPE: I don't think I've come across this word before \u2013 I only knew cow pat"} {"Clue":"False note commencing our community party (6)","Answer":"PSEUDO","Explanation":"Definition: False\nPS [note] + EU [our community] + DO [party]"} {"Clue":"A head, little old god (6)","Answer":"APOLLO","Explanation":"Definition: god\nA POLL [a head] + O [old] \u2013 why 'little?]"} {"Clue":"Generally where the seas are high (2,3,4)","Answer":"IN THE MAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Generallywhere the seas are high\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Bohemian girl seen around a US resort (5)","Answer":"MIAMI","Explanation":"Definition: US resort\nMIMI [heroine of Puccini's La Boh\u00e8me] round A"} {"Clue":"Be ready to give support (5,2)","Answer":"STAND BY","Explanation":"Definition: Be readygive support\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Listeners burning to get within hearing distance (7)","Answer":"EARSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: hearing distance\nEARS [listeners] + HOT [burning]"} {"Clue":"A huge sprawling city (5)","Answer":"HAGUE","Explanation":"Definition: city\nAnagram [sprawling] of A HUGE"} {"Clue":"Case for building-up, ready for the maiden flight (9)","Answer":"CHRYSALIS","Explanation":"A rather charming cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Roughly disturb canaries' nests that should be protected (4,11)","Answer":"BIRD SANCTUARIES","Explanation":"Definition: nests that should be protected\nA neat anagram [roughly] of DISTURB CANARIES"} {"Clue":"Playing around with males, she's quite brazen (9)","Answer":"SHAMELESS","Explanation":"Definition: quite brazen\nAnagram [playing around] of MALES SHE'S \u2013 a very nice surface"} {"Clue":"Weapon in sack (5)","Answer":"RIFLE","Explanation":"Definition: Weaponsack\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Terribly grieved, draw apart (7)","Answer":"DIVERGE","Explanation":"Definition: draw apart\nAnagram [terribly] of GRIEVED"} {"Clue":"A race \u2014 or the end of of a race, say (7)","Answer":"FINNISH","Explanation":"Definition: A race\nSounds like [say] 'finish'"} {"Clue":"Breakfast food firm breaks an embargo (5)","Answer":"BACON","Explanation":"Definition: Breakfast food\nCO [firm] in BAN [embargo]"} {"Clue":"Dismissing someone and discussing the matter no further (7,2)","Answer":"LETTING GO","Explanation":"Definition: Dismissing someonediscussing the matter no further\nDouble definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"See girl on coach but fail to take opportunity (4,3,3)","Answer":"MISS THE BUS","Explanation":"Definition: fail to take opportunity\nMISS [girl] and BUS [coach] \u2013 this doesn't quite work for me"} {"Clue":"Less familiar route followed by park official (8)","Answer":"STRANGER","Explanation":"Definition: Less familiar\nST [route] + RANGER [park official]"} {"Clue":"Jabber and annoy (6)","Answer":"NEEDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Jabberannoy\nAn amusing double definition"} {"Clue":"A large number \u2014 doesn't matter which large number (4)","Answer":"MANY","Explanation":"Definition: large number\nM [a large number] + ANY [doesn't matter which]"} {"Clue":"Makes whole \u2014 or gets near it, perhaps (10)","Answer":"INTEGRATES","Explanation":"Definition: Makes whole\nAnagram [perhaps] of GETS NEAR IT"} {"Clue":"First-class fare to Jupiter and Mars (8)","Answer":"AMBROSIA","Explanation":"Definition: First-class fare\nA cryptic definition for the legendary food of the gods"} {"Clue":"She has pain from one side to another (6)","Answer":"RACHEL","Explanation":"Definition: She\nACHE [pain] in RL [from one side to the other]"} {"Clue":"A great deal of money not yet used (4)","Answer":"MINT","Explanation":"Definition: A great deal of moneynot yet used\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"She may be recalled in pantomime (10)","Answer":"CINDERELLA","Explanation":"Definition: She may be recalled in pantomime\nA clever anagram [may be] of RECALLED IN"} {"Clue":"One of the family takes the veil in religious order (10)","Answer":"SISTERHOOD","Explanation":"Definition: religious order\nSISTER [one of the family] + HOOD [veil]"} {"Clue":"Cutting off lady on telephone call (8)","Answer":"SHEARING","Explanation":"Definition: Cutting off\nSHE [lady] + A RING [telephone call] \u2013 but there's no A in the clue"} {"Clue":"Break popular with those on edge (8)","Answer":"INFRINGE","Explanation":"Definition: Break\nIN [popular] + FRINGE [those on edge]"} {"Clue":"Publicity wrong for counsel (6)","Answer":"ADVICE","Explanation":"Definition: counse\nAD [publicity] + VICE [wrong]"} {"Clue":"It's to do with wrought-iron artist (6)","Answer":"RENOIR","Explanation":"Definition: artist\nRE [to do with] + an anagram [wrought] of IRON"} {"Clue":" Experts in digitally-recorded evidence (4)","Answer":"DABS","Explanation":"Definition: Expertsdigitally-recorded evidence\nDouble definition, dabs being slang for fingerprints \u2013 a very nice clue"} {"Clue":"Lot of grease going on bearing (4)","Answer":"FATE","Explanation":"Definition: Lot\nFAT [grease] + E [bearing] \u2013 and another, to end with"} {"Clue":"Beginning of spring? That should get you going (4,5)","Answer":"JUMP START","Explanation":"Definition: That should get you going\nJump start = beginning of a spring"} {"Clue":"Cool \u2014 nothing to add! (4)","Answer":"NEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Coolnothing to add\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Sack of fruit with old plant (8)","Answer":"PLUMBAGO","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nPLUM BAG [sack of fruit] + O [old]"} {"Clue":"Arctic resident maintaining temperature \u2014 that makes sense (6)","Answer":"INTUIT","Explanation":"Definition: sense\nINUIT [Arctic resident] round [maintaining] T [temperature]"} {"Clue":"Statement by filmed divorcee, retracted (6)","Answer":"REMARK","Explanation":"Definition: Statement\nReversal [retracted] of KRAMER [either of the divorcees in the film 'Kramer vs Kramer']"} {"Clue":"down 23 in a short run features in Guardian story (8,5)","Answer":"ANGELINA JOLIE","Explanation":"Definition: 23\nIN A JO[g] [a short run] in ANGEL [Guardian] LIE [story]"} {"Clue":"Wolves team surrendering lead twice, shooting high (3-3)","Answer":"ACK-ACK","Explanation":"Definition: shooting high\n[p]ACK [Wolves team, minus first letter [surrendering lead] twice = anti-aircraft fire"} {"Clue":"Dear me, my mongrel whined! (8)","Answer":"YAMMERED","Explanation":"Definition: whined\nAnagram [mongrel] of DEAR ME MY"} {"Clue":"One getting fuel emptied into buttocks, blows up (8)","Answer":"INFLATES","Explanation":"Definition: blows up\nI [one] + F[ue]L [fuel emptied] in NATES [buttocks,\u00a0 which I first learned \u2013 \u00a0 and remembered \u2013 from crosswords]"} {"Clue":"Spirited point in wise broadcast? (6)","Answer":"YEASTY","Explanation":"Definition: Spirited\nEAST [point] in YY [sounds like \u2013 broadcast \u2013 wise]"} {"Clue":"Spillage of onanist on pioneering physician providing parts for 23 (8,7)","Answer":"JENNIFER ANISTON","Explanation":"Definition: 23\nIF [providing] in [parts] JENNER [Sir Edward, pioneer of the smallpox vaccine, 'father of immunology'] + an anagram [spillage] of ONANIST"} {"Clue":"Reportedly take offence at description of female in union (6)","Answer":"BRIDAL","Explanation":"Definition: description of female in union\nSounds like [reportedly] 'bridle' [take offence], with no ambiguity \u2013 hurrah!"} {"Clue":"23 has a wrinkly bum (6,5)","Answer":"HILARY SWANK","Explanation":"Definition: 23\nAnagram [bum] of HAS A WRINKLY \u2013 lovely!"} {"Clue":"Comment as a huge amount inside volcano backfires (8)","Answer":"ANNOTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Comment\nReversal [backfires] of A TON [huge amount] in ETNA [volcano]"} {"Clue":"Odd bean, say, for bootlegger (3,6)","Answer":"RUM RUNNER","Explanation":"Definition: bootlegger\nRUM [odd] + RUNNER [bean, say]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"A couple of doctors like a port (7)","Answer":"MOMBASA","Explanation":"Definition: port\nMO MB [a couple of doctors] + AS [like] + A"} {"Clue":"An old tree full of life originally, an exceptional thing (7)","Answer":"ANOMALY","Explanation":"Definition: an exceptional thing\nAN O [an old] + MAY [tree] round L[ife]"} {"Clue":"Stick-like and sticky? But the name hasn't stuck! (9)","Answer":"THINGUMMY","Explanation":"Definition: the name hasn't stuck!\nTHIN [stick-like] + GUMMY [sticky] \u2013 I defy you not to have had a grin at this one [and, while we're at it, what's brown and sticky?]"} {"Clue":"Love in contrivance of 1 down and\u00a0a late 23 (7,4)","Answer":"NATALIE WOOD","Explanation":"Nothing to do with Angelina, at 1 down,\u00a0 except that they're both actors \u2013 a typical Paul trick, of the type that I love: O [love] in an anagram [contrivance] of I [one] DOWN and A LATE \u2013 and, of course, Natalie Wood is a late actor \u2013 brilliant!"} {"Clue":"Alliance lamenting jerks (9)","Answer":"ALIGNMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Alliance\nAnagram [jerks] of LAMENTING"} {"Clue":"Formerly little money in ransom I set, necessary to rise (9)","Answer":"CENTESIMO","Explanation":"Definition: Formerly little money\nHidden reversal [to rise] in ransOM I SET NECessary \u2013 former small change in Italy"} {"Clue":"Toy with lift key here \u2014 helium unnecessary for toy operator (4-5)","Answer":"KITE-FLYER","Explanation":"Definition: toy operator\nAnagram [toy with] LIFT KEY [he]RE minus he [helium]"} {"Clue":"Rope in ground keeping beam up (7)","Answer":"LANYARD","Explanation":"Definition: Rope\nReversal [up] of RAY [beam] in LAND [ground] \u2013 this took me back to my [brief] time as a Sea Ranger"} {"Clue":"Contemptuous remarks, as bones turned up in the middle of Portsmouth (7)","Answer":"SARCASM","Explanation":"Definition: Contemptuous remarks\nReversal [turned up] of SACRA [bones] in portSMouth"} {"Clue":"Stop a couple talking a foreign language (5)","Answer":"BANTU","Explanation":"Definition: a foreign language\nBAN [stop] + TU [homophone [talking] of two [couple]"} {"Clue":"Describe my role in 21 down 23 down (6,1,2)","Answer":"WHAT\u2019LL I DO?","Explanation":"Definition: Describe my role\nAn Irving BERLIN [21] SONG [23], which you can listen to here"} {"Clue":"13's hero trained for European opera opening (5)","Answer":"ORFEO","Explanation":"Definition: 13's hero\nAnagram [trained] of FOR + E [European] + O[pera]"} {"Clue":"Jones the singer drank gin cocktail and dressed (7)","Answer":"ALIGNED","Explanation":"Definition: dressed\nALED [Jones the singer] round [drank] an anagram [cocktail] of GIN"} {"Clue":"Banjo banned? Dubious remedy (7)","Answer":"NOSTRUM","Explanation":"Definition: Dubious remedy\nNO STRUM [banjo banned?]!"} {"Clue":"Composer's good fortune (5)","Answer":"GLUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nG [good] LUCK [fortune]"} {"Clue":"Antiquated, say, in goods, hence this fabled downfall? (6,3)","Answer":"GOLDEN EGG","Explanation":"Definition: fabled downfall\nOLDEN [antiquated] + EG [say] in GG [goods] \u2013 reference to Aesop's fable of the goose that laid the golden eggs"} {"Clue":"Musical New Guinean guy, tenor (5,3,4,3)","Answer":"ANNIE GET YOUR GUN","Explanation":"Definition: Musica\nAnagram [new] of GUINEAN GUY TENOR"} {"Clue":"Saw screen medley performed outside (9)","Answer":"DISCERNED","Explanation":"Definition: Saw\nDID [performed] outside an anagram [medley] of SCREEN"} {"Clue":"Trumpet and bass only remaining (5)","Answer":"BLAST","Explanation":"Definition: Trumpet\nB [bass] + LAST [only remaining]"} {"Clue":"Main bulk of sound enveloping The Trout? (7)","Answer":"TONNAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Main bulk\nTONE [sound] round NAG [The Trout?] \u2013 great definitions"} {"Clue":"Barman's small tie hides one (7)","Answer":"STRAUSS","Explanation":"Definition: Barman\nS [small] + TRUSS [tie] round A [one]"} {"Clue":"Famous college backed Delius' overture (5)","Answer":"NOTED","Explanation":"Definition: Famous\nReversal [backed] of ETON [college] + D[elius]"} {"Clue":"Make a mess of Aida descant but not as examinee (9)","Answer":"CANDIDATE","Explanation":"Definition: examinee\nAnagram [make a mess] of AID[a] DE[s]CANT without 'as'\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Recycled waste for space in the country, it transpires (5,5)","Answer":"SWEAT GLAND","Explanation":"Definition: it transpires\nAnagram [recycled] of WASTE replacing 'en' [space] in enGLAND [country] \u2013 a great surface"} {"Clue":"Shambolic Act 1 performance withdrawn (8)","Answer":"TACITURN","Explanation":"Definition: withdrawn\nAnagram [shambolic] of ACT I + TURN [performance]"} {"Clue":"He devised a constant sounding board (6)","Answer":"PLANCK","Explanation":"Definition: He devised a constant\nSounds like [sounding] plank [board]"} {"Clue":"It could be the clarinets'\u00a0 turn (4)","Answer":"WIND","Explanation":"Definition: It could be the clarinetsturn\nDouble definition [and pronunciation]"} {"Clue":"Underrated director admitted penning drama (10)","Answer":"DOWNPLAYED","Explanation":"Definition: Underrated\nD [director] + OWNED [admitted] round [penning] PLAY [drama]"} {"Clue":"Artist's model clears bottom drawer (8)","Answer":"ROUSSEAU","Explanation":"Definition: Artist\n[t]ROUSSEAU [bottom drawer] minus 't' [model]"} {"Clue":"What on earth's the attraction for entering exam? (1-5)","Answer":"G-FORCE","Explanation":"Definition: What on earth's the attraction\nFOR in GCE [exam] \u2013 great definition"} {"Clue":"Campaigners' naive composition broadcast (10)","Answer":"GREENPEACE","Explanation":"Definition: Campaigners\nGREEN [naive] + PEACE \u2013 sounds like [broadcast] 'piece' [composition] as in 22,8"} {"Clue":"Tragically, one does get shot in bed (4,2,4)","Answer":"GONE TO SEED","Explanation":"Definition: shot in bed\nAnagram [[tragically] of ONE DOES GET \u2013 another great misleading surface"} {"Clue":"Stones' leaders regrouped, including motormouth (8)","Answer":"EMERALDS","Explanation":"Definition: Stones\nAnagram [regrouped] of LEADERS + M[otor]"} {"Clue":"Like lunar fragments in paper mounting? (8)","Answer":"GRANULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Like lunar fragments\nAnagram [fragments] of LUNAR in reversal [mounting] of RAG [paper] \u2013 some double duty here but it's very clever"} {"Clue":"Music out of season at Aldeburgh (6)","Answer":"SONATA","Explanation":"Definition: Music\nHidden in seaSON AT Aldeburgh \u2013 a nice reference to the annual\u00a0 music festival founded by Benjamin Britten"} {"Clue":"He scored for City (6)","Answer":"BERLIN","Explanation":"Definition: He scored\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Twosome open Othello, some flipping piece! (4,4)","Answer":"TONE POEM","Explanation":"Definition: piece\nCleverly hidden reversal [some flipping] in twosoME OPEN OThello"} {"Clue":"Lay German numbers up (4)","Answer":"SONG","Explanation":"Definition: Lay\nReversal [up] of G [German] + NOS [numbers]"} {"Clue":"Composer of 23's \"fine and private place\", embracing a total reversal (4,8)","Answer":"THEA MUSGRAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nI was off to a good start with the quotation from one of my favourite poems, 'To his coy mistress', in which Andrew MARVELL [23ac] describes THE GRAVE as 'a fine and private place': we need to insert A MUS \u2013 reversal of SUM [total] to give the composer. [I liked the use of 'embracing', as the next line of the poem is, 'But none, I think, do there embrace'.]"} {"Clue":"City governed by thug (7)","Answer":"RANGOON","Explanation":"Definition: City\nRAN [governed] + GOON [thug]"} {"Clue":"Heads of ulna and tibia extracted from beautiful broken bones (7)","Answer":"FIBULAE","Explanation":"Definition: bones\nAnagram [broken] of BEA[ut]IFUL, minus the first letters [heads] of Ulna and Tibia"} {"Clue":"Back of Alton Towers changing direction (7)","Answer":"NORWEST","Explanation":"Definition: direction\nN [last letter of altoN] + anagram [changing] of TOWERS"} {"Clue":"Trendy \u2014 right-on at heart \u2014 yet enduring (7)","Answer":"CHRONIC","Explanation":"Definition: enduring\nR [right] ON in CHIC [trendy]"} {"Clue":"Last bit of face powder turned to striking effect (5)","Answer":"ECLAT","Explanation":"Definition: striking effect\nE [last bit of facE] + a reversal [turned] of TALC [powder]"} {"Clue":"Dull paper about Hitler's rewritten (9)","Answer":"MIRTHLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Dul\nMS [paper] round an anagram [rewritten] of HITLERS"} {"Clue":"Highly influential, if admitted to part of penultimate round (4-5)","Answer":"SEMI-FINAL","Explanation":"Definition: penultimate round\nIF in SEMINAL [highly influential]"} {"Clue":"Poet finding way round Luxembourg (5)","Answer":"PLATH","Explanation":"PATH [way] round L [Luxembourg] for the poet Sylvia"} {"Clue":"Family member dropping head case (7)","Answer":"ELATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: case\n[r]ELATIVE [family member minus first letter]"} {"Clue":"Wonderland minus\/plus poet? (7)","Answer":"MARVELL","Explanation":"Definition: poet\nMARVEL L[and] minus 'and' [plus]"} {"Clue":"Child, originally gentle, disturbed by lack of attention (7)","Answer":"NEGLECT","Explanation":"Definition: lack of attention\nAnagram [disturbed] of C[hild] + GENTLE"} {"Clue":"Shirt \u2014 2 \u00f7 1,000? (7)","Answer":"DASHIKI","Explanation":"Definition: Shirt\nAnother new word \u2013 a garment that I was familiar with but didn't know what it was called: here it is"} {"Clue":"A cur ill-disposed to get into festivity \u2014 more so than usual (12)","Answer":"PARTICULARLY","Explanation":"Definition: more so than usua\nAnagram [disposed] of A CUR ILL in PARTY [festivity]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Shoot nurse with endless stream (7)","Answer":"TENDRIL","Explanation":"Definition: Shoot\nTEND [nurse] + RIL[l] [stream]"} {"Clue":"Caustic electronic mouse, maybe (7)","Answer":"ERODENT","Explanation":"Definition: Caustic\nE [electronic] + RODENT [mouse, maybe]"} {"Clue":"Homunculus's missile? (9)","Answer":"MINUTEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: missile\nMINUTE MAN [homunculus] \u2013 this made me smile"} {"Clue":"Mystic cheerleader, albeit American, uplifted (5)","Answer":"SUFIC","Explanation":"Definition: Mystic\nReversal [uplifted] of C[heer] + IF [albeit] + US [American]"} {"Clue":"Hour in which ethnic group rises for fresh start (7)","Answer":"REBIRTH","Explanation":"Definition: fresh star\nAnother reversal [rises] of TRIBE [ethnic group] in HR [hour]"} {"Clue":"Fringe of troubled enclave (7)","Answer":"VALENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Fringe\nAnagram [troubled] of ENCLAVE"} {"Clue":"Honest genius ditching one misguided one? (12)","Answer":"FRANKENSTEIN","Explanation":"Definition: misguided one\nFRANK [honest] + E[i]NSTEIN genius without one of his 'i's, to give Mary Shelley's misguided genius"} {"Clue":"Flower arrangement of Eliza Doolittle's second to be interrupted by school, twice (12)","Answer":"ESCHSCHOLZIA","Explanation":"Definition: Flower\nAnagram of ELIZA + O [second letter of dOolittle] round [interrupted by] SCH SCH [school twice]"} {"Clue":"Hero from Biblical kingdom (Eastern) turning up in list (4,5)","Answer":"ROLE MODEL","Explanation":"Definition: Hero\nReversal [turning up] of EDOM E [Biblical kingdom, eastern] in ROLL [list]"} {"Clue":"Compiler's seaweed absorbing compiler's pain (7)","Answer":"MYALGIA","Explanation":"Definition: pain\nMY [compiler's] + ALGA [seaweed] round I [compiler] \u2013 the apostrophe s this time indicates 'is'."} {"Clue":"Snow White, say, is quick to suppress anger (7)","Answer":"FAIREST","Explanation":"Definition: Snow White, say\nFAST [quick] round IRE [anger]"} {"Clue":"Reader's country home shortly erected (7)","Answer":"PERUSER","Explanation":"Definition: Reader\nPERU [country] + another reversal \u2013 of RES[idence]"} {"Clue":"Spike Milligan initially standing in vote for something useful (7)","Answer":"AMENITY","Explanation":"Definition: something useful\nAnd another [standing] of TINE+ M[illigan] in AY [vote]"} {"Clue":"Bluestocking's secret weapon (5)","Answer":"ESTOC","Explanation":"Definition: weapon\nHidden in bluESTOCking \u2013 it's a French sword"} {"Clue":"Pirate, having met the Queen, could be prime minister once (6)","Answer":"THATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Pirate\nAdding er [the Queen] to [Edward] THATCH [the pirate, Blackbeard] would give the name of a prime minister once"} {"Clue":"Vague promise that one may get paid (4-3)","Answer":"SEMI-PRO","Explanation":"Definition: one may get paid\nAnagram [vague] of PROMISE"} {"Clue":"Fix position \u2014 which is north \u2014 and turn around, making a tiny adjustment (9)","Answer":"ORIENTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Fix position\nORTATE [ROTATE \u2013 turn \u2013 with a tiny adjustment] round IE N, which I think is intended to be 'which is North', but it doesn't quite work, because the 'that' in 'that is' is a demonstrative, not a relative pronoun. ['That' would have worked equally well in the surface.]"} {"Clue":"Lover might lead sergeant in dance (5)","Answer":"FLAME","Explanation":"Definition: Lover\nHaving stared at and pondered about this one for ages, I finally saw it as I was about to write up the blog: if we add NCO [sergeant] we get another dance \u2013 very nice"} {"Clue":"Make fun of a type of dance the home counties follow (5)","Answer":"TEASE","Explanation":"Definition: Make fun of\nTEA [type of dance] + SE [home counties]"} {"Clue":"Flirting with everyone during foxtrot, say (9)","Answer":"DALLIANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Flirting\nALL [everyone] in DANCE [foxtrot, say] but I can't see where the I comes from"} {"Clue":"American dance is last to demonstrate potential (7)","Answer":"PROMISE","Explanation":"Definition: potential\nPROM [American dance \u2013 although they're getting increasingly common here] + IS + [demonstrat]E"} {"Clue":"Stopped dance, as Eddie Cochran appeared (6)","Answer":"CEASED","Explanation":"Definition: Stopped\nHidden in danCE AS EDdie"} {"Clue":"Dance homeland? (4,2)","Answer":"REEL IN","Explanation":"Definition: land\nREEL [dance] + IN [home] \u2013 to land a fish"} {"Clue":"Fought in armour in judo and set in motion (7)","Answer":"JOUSTED","Explanation":"Definition: Fought in armour\nAnagram [in motion] of JUDO and SET"} {"Clue":"Excited to be creating puzzles, if traumatic (9)","Answer":"UPSETTING","Explanation":"Definition: traumatic\nUP [excited] + SETTING [creating puzzles]"} {"Clue":"Dance round and round (5)","Answer":"DISCO","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\nDISC [round] + O [round]"} {"Clue":"Start endless dance? That's not acceptable (5)","Answer":"BEGIN","Explanation":"Definition: Start\nBEG[u]IN[e] \u2013 endless dance, minus u [acceptable]"} {"Clue":"Wrongdoing, as is examiner's opinion (9)","Answer":"DIAGNOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: examiner's opinion\nAnother 'lift and separate' clue: an anagram [wrong] of DOING AS IS"} {"Clue":"Boatman backs Boatman on head of ship's victuals (7)","Answer":"RATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: victuals\nReversal [backs] of TAR [Boatman] + I [Boatman] + ON + S[hip]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Domestic pig gets up on tiptoe to dance (3-4)","Answer":"TWO-STEP","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nReversal [gets up] of PET [domestic] + SOW [pig] + T[oe]"} {"Clue":"One-time insider, alias \"Dog\" (5)","Answer":"AKITA","Explanation":"Definition: \"Dog\"\nI T [one time] in AKA [also known as \u2013 alias] to give this dog, which I hadn't heard of"} {"Clue":"Cosy conga (line dancing?) (9)","Answer":"CONGENIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Cosy\nAnagram [dancing] of CONGA LINE"} {"Clue":"Recruit maid first to polish? (7)","Answer":"SHELLAC","Explanation":"Definition: polish\nReversal of CALL [recruit = call up \u2013 I liked that] after SHE [maid]"} {"Clue":"Out of military uniform, free to ignore their leaders (5)","Answer":"MUFTI","Explanation":"Definition: Out of military uniform\nFirst letters [leaders] of Military Uniform Free To Ignore"} {"Clue":"You can read this statement of grievance from former time (5,4)","Answer":"PLAIN TEXT","Explanation":"Definition: You can read this\nPLAINT [statement of grievance] + EX [former] + T [time]"} {"Clue":"There might be gold here, in report of ball by journalist (3,3)","Answer":"ORE BED","Explanation":"Definition: There might be gold here\nSounds like [report] ORB [ball] + ED [journalist]"} {"Clue":"Dance round and round mid-ceilidh in Wick and surroundings (6)","Answer":"CANDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Wick and surroundings\nAnagram [round] of DANCE round [cei]L[idh]: superbly misleading surface \u2013 my favourite clue, I think"} {"Clue":"It's a mistake to show desire in public (9)","Answer":"OVERSIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: It's a mistake\nSIGH [show desire] in OVERT [public]"} {"Clue":"Overflow from a bath tap? (9)","Answer":"ABUNDANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Overflow\nI have seen this word clued as A BUN DANCE several times, most recently by Paul [Wealth in a Bath or Chelsea trip?]: it's A BUN [Bath] + DANCE [tap] with the question mark indicating definition by example in both cases \u2013 and another great surface"} {"Clue":"Houris from Asia end in disappointment (7)","Answer":"NAIADES","Explanation":"Definition: Houris\nAnagram [in disappointment] of ASIA END"} {"Clue":"Dance was postponed? It's a puzzle (6)","Answer":"JIGSAW","Explanation":"Definition: puzzle\nJIG [dance] + a reversal [postponed \u2013 put back] of\u00a0 SAW"} {"Clue":"Without warning, calls \"Don't be proud!\" (5,2)","Answer":"DROPS IN","Explanation":"Definition: Without warning, calls\nDROP SIN \u2013 pride being one of the deadly sins"} {"Clue":"Spooner's dancing army is back (6,6)","Answer":"LUMBAR REGION","Explanation":"Definition: back\nRumba legion [dancing army] \u2013 still not a fan of Spoonerisms but I liked this one"} {"Clue":"It's danced south of the Sierra (5)","Answer":"TANGO","Explanation":"Definition: It's danced\nTANGO comes after [south of, in a list] Sierra in the phonetic alphabet"} {"Clue":"Fish, used creatively, fed characters going out (5)","Answer":"SUSHI","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nAnagram [creatively] of fISH USed, minus fed"} {"Clue":"Between a man and a woman, love gets very loud very quickly! (8,3)","Answer":"STRAIGHT OFF","Explanation":"Definition: very quickly\nSTRAIGHT [of sex, between a man and a woman] + O [love] + FF [very loudly] \u2013 great surface!"} {"Clue":"Military commander, one with things firmly in hand, it's reported (7)","Answer":"AGRIPPA","Explanation":"Definition: Military commander\nSounds like [it's reported] 'a gripper'"} {"Clue":"Convert an investment in Datsun? It is expanding (7)","Answer":"UNITISE","Explanation":"Definition: Convert an investment\nHidden in datsUN IT IS Expanding"} {"Clue":"Make haphazard money order that is to contain shilling (9)","Answer":"RANDOMISE","Explanation":"Definition: Make haphazard\nRAND [money] + OM [Order \u2013 of Merit] + IE [that is] round S [shilling]"} {"Clue":"What poser did about stink in shoe (5)","Answer":"SABOT","Explanation":"Definition: shoe\nSAT [what poser did] round BO [stink]"} {"Clue":"Male model? (4)","Answer":"NORM","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Greenish pigment to return in rotten tree (5,5)","Answer":"TERRE VERTE","Explanation":"Definition: Greenish pigment\nREVERT [return] in an anagram [rotten] of TREE"} {"Clue":"Stay in dodgy Parisian boarding house (10)","Answer":"SUSPENSION","Explanation":"Definition: Stay\nSUS [dodgy] + PENSION [Parisian boarding house] \u2013 definition as in stay of execution"} {"Clue":"Family's an issue for Merkel (4)","Answer":"KIND","Explanation":"Definition: Familyissue for Merkel\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Robson beating Williams, for example, winning at least six games (5)","Answer":"UPSET","Explanation":"Definition: Robson beating Williams, for example\nIf Laura Robson was UP a SET [winning at least six games] against Venus or Serena Williams, it could be the beginning of an UPSET \u2013 I liked this one"} {"Clue":"Toys with book bindings (9)","Answer":"NOVELTIES","Explanation":"Definition: Toys\nNOVEL [book] + TIES [bindings]"} {"Clue":"Grass skirts twirling girl prepared (7)","Answer":"READIED","Explanation":"Definition: prepared\nREED [grass] round [skirts] reversal [twirling] of IDA [girl]"} {"Clue":"Film screened by rector, fit setting for religious objects (7)","Answer":"RETABLE","Explanation":"Definition: setting for religious objects\nET [the usual crossword film] in R [rector] ABLE [fit] for a shelf behind the altar"} {"Clue":"How to get post from Syria? (7,4)","Answer":"TROUBLE SPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Syria?\nA reverse anagram [trouble] of POST\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"In terms of habits, not getting any less anti-Freudian? (6-9)","Answer":"SHRINK-RESISTANT","Explanation":"Definition: In terms of habits, not getting any less\nA hilarious\u00a0 cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Imitation gold for every Rolls (5)","Answer":"REPRO","Explanation":"Definition: Imitation\nReversal [rolls] of OR [gold] + PER [for every]"} {"Clue":" Fancy a drink, with one compiler coming round (7)","Answer":"IMAGINE","Explanation":"Definition: Fancy\nA GIN [a drink] with I [one] ME [compiler] coming round"} {"Clue":"Gallic arrogance is hard on Balzac, perhaps (7)","Answer":"HAUTEUR","Explanation":"Definition: Gallic arrogance\nH [hard] + AUTEUR [French author, as Balzac was] \u2013 another favourite clue"} {"Clue":"Old letter not saying everything (8)","Answer":"OMISSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: not saying everything\nO [old] + MISSIVE [letter]"} {"Clue":"Liar raised large drink, admitting liberal speculation and gossip (15)","Answer":"FLIBBERTIGIBBET","Explanation":"Definition: gossip\nFIBBER [liar] + reversal [raised] of BIG [large] IT [drink [as in gin and it] round L [liberal] + BET [speculation]"} {"Clue":"How you might describe an old-fashioned looker, honestly (4,3,6)","Answer":"FAIR AND SQUARE","Explanation":"Definition: honestly\nFAIR [as a looker would be] AND SQUARE [old-fashioned]"} {"Clue":"The ref stared furious\u00adly, collaring United's sweeper (7,6)","Answer":"FEATHER DUSTER","Explanation":"Definition: sweeper\nAnagram [furiously] of THE REF STARED round [collaring] U [united] \u2013 another excellent surface"} {"Clue":"Rumour of recent threesome \u2014 name's taken but one's not charged (8)","Answer":"NEUTRINO","Explanation":"Definition: one's not charged\nNEU [sounds like \u2013 rumour \u2013 new = recent] + TRIO [threesome] round N [name]"} {"Clue":"Edible fish with poor genetic make-up's rejected (4,3)","Answer":"SAND DAB","Explanation":"Definition: Edible fish\nReversal [rejected] of BAD [poor] DNA'S [genetic make-up's]"} {"Clue":"Heads round Britain, gaining victory over Irish (7)","Answer":"OBVERSE","Explanation":"Definition: Heads\nO [round] + B [Britain] + V [victory] + ERSE [Irish] for the 'heads' side of a coin"} {"Clue":"Exotic tulip's made brighter (3,2)","Answer":"LIT UP","Explanation":"Definition: made brighter\nAnagram [exotic] of TULIP"} {"Clue":"China in Korea, say \u2014 one's ideal partner? (4,4)","Answer":"SOUL MATE","Explanation":"Definition: one's ideal partner\nSounds like [say] 'Seoul mate' [China [plate] \u2013 Cockney rhyming slang for mate \u2013 in Korea]: it's a pity that 'mate' appears in both clue [indirectly] and solution"} {"Clue":"A lot came to be evacuated immediately (2,4)","Answer":"AT ONCE","Explanation":"Definition: immediately\nA TON [a lot] + C[am]E"} {"Clue":"Too bad, if starters in restaurant burnt beyond recognition \u2014 there's salad! (6,4)","Answer":"RABBIT FOOD","Explanation":"Definition: salad\nAnagram [beyond recognition] of TOO BAD IF R[estaurant B[urned] \u2013 what a lovely surface!"} {"Clue":"Sound of bagpipes that's hard to bear! (6)","Answer":"BURDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Sound of bagpipesthat's hard to bear\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Policeman not able to claim that Spanish victory (8)","Answer":"CONQUEST","Explanation":"Definition: victory\nCONST[able] [policeman] round [to claim] QUE [Spanish 'that']"} {"Clue":"Hot spring turned on for every one, possibly (7)","Answer":"PERHAPS","Explanation":"Definition: possibly\nH [hot] + reversal [turned] of SPA [spring] following [on] PER [for every one]"} {"Clue":"Queen inside volcano should be brought back, they feel (8)","Answer":"ANTENNAE","Explanation":"Definition: they feel\nReversal [brought back] of ANNE [queen] in ETNA [volcano]"} {"Clue":"Moli\u00e8re requires three seconds to contrive a comparatively oxymoronic theatrical clich\u00e9? (4,2,4)","Answer":"LESS IS MORE","Explanation":"Definition: theatrical clich\u00e9?\nAnagram [to contrive] of MOLIERE + SSS: less and more are both comparative adjectives and the phrase is an oxymoron but I'm not sure why 'theatrical', except that Browning's poem, 'Andrea del Sarto, from which it is taken, is a dramatic monologue."} {"Clue":"Spooner's locks implanted, nothing on top (4-6)","Answer":"BARE-HEADED","Explanation":"Definition: nothing on top\nSpooner might say, 'Hair bedded' [locks implanted] \u2013 not my favourite kind of clue"} {"Clue":"Intoxicating drink making camels woozy (6)","Answer":"MESCAL","Explanation":"Definition: Intoxicating drink\nAnagram [woozy] of CAMELS"} {"Clue":"Consider putting cut inside lid (4,4)","Answer":"CHEW OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Consider\nHEW [cut] in COVER [lid]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"State capital no great thing, house overlooking it (8)","Answer":"HONOLULU","Explanation":"Definition: State capital\nHO [house] 'overlooking' NO LULU [great thing]"} {"Clue":"across Rare phenomenon, very rare to idle about (4,4)","Answer":"BLUE MOON","Explanation":"Definition: Rare phenomenon\nBLUE [very rare, as in a barely cooked steak] + MOON [idle about]"} {"Clue":"Successful investor in 11? Then capital in tomatoes! (6,7)","Answer":"WARREN BUFFETT","Explanation":"Definition: Successful investor\nA WARREN BUFFET would\u00a0 be rabbit food, to which we have to add T[omatoes] \u2013 a lovely combination with 11ac. Wikipedia says that Warren Buffett is widely considered the most successful investor of the 20th century."} {"Clue":" Recovery when hit by the Beatles (3,4)","Answer":"GET BACK","Explanation":"Definition: Recoverhit by the Beatles\nI think there must be a misprint here, for 'Recover when hit by the Beatles', which makes much more sense of both the grammar and the surface reading \u2013 double definition"} {"Clue":"One plays this G & S character (8)","Answer":"PATIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: One plays thisG & S character\nDouble definition: Patience is a game played by one person and Patience is the eponymous heroine of the G and S operetta also known as 'Bunthorne's Bride', giving a nice crossword connection"} {"Clue":"Sweaty hands, signs of discomfort in woman (3,7)","Answer":"HOT FLUSHES","Explanation":"Definition: signs of discomfort in woman\nHOT [sweaty] + FLUSHES [possible hands in poker]"} {"Clue":"A short type of clue (6)","Answer":"ACROSS","Explanation":"Definition: type of clue\nA CROSS [short]"} {"Clue":"Redraft in decree outlining very strong argument (10)","Answer":"DIFFERENCE","Explanation":"Definition: argument\nAnagram [redraft] of IN DECREE [round [outlining] FF [very strong]"} {"Clue":"Flashy and cheap little houses to auction off (8)","Answer":"TINSELLY","Explanation":"Definition: Flashy and cheap\nTINY [little] round [houses] SELL [auction off]"} {"Clue":"Criminal person, one inside, ending in slammer (8)","Answer":"PRISONER","Explanation":"I [one] inside an anagram [criminal] of PERSON + slammeR \u2013 not quite &lit but the whole clue is the definition"} {"Clue":"Finding scorer, cup ties both kicking off (7)","Answer":"VERDICT","Explanation":"Definition: Finding\nVERDI ['scorer'] + C[up] T[ies] \u2013 a nice misleading surface"} {"Clue":"Apple inferior to an unspecified number \u2014 more in apple-pie order? (6)","Answer":"NEATER","Explanation":"Definition: more in apple-pie order\nEATER [apple] after [inferior in a down clue] N [an unspecified number]"} {"Clue":"Half a century, one counting as a run (6)","Answer":"LADDER","Explanation":"Definition: run\nL [50 \u2013 half a century] + ADDER [one counting]"} {"Clue":"Low tide initially doubtful (4)","Answer":"MOOT","Explanation":"Definition: doubtful\nMOO [low] + T[ime]"} {"Clue":"West Indian players with a strong all-rounder (5,4)","Answer":"STEEL BAND","Explanation":"Definition: West Indian players\nA cryptic definition, steel being strong and a band something that goes all round"} {"Clue":"It won't be seen as a boundary (2-2)","Answer":"HA-HA","Explanation":"Definition: boundary\nCryptic definition: a ha-ha is 'a wall or other boundary marker that is set in a ditch so as not to interrupt the landscape'"} {"Clue":"Main source of strength for a nation (3,5)","Answer":"SEA POWER","Explanation":"Definition: Main source of strength for a nation\nCryptic definition: I was recently chided for not spelling out that 'main' is a literary reference to the open sea, so I'm doing it now: Rufus is known for hiis nautical references."} {"Clue":"Rewrote a score that's lacking refinement (6)","Answer":"COARSE","Explanation":"Definition: lacking refinement\nAnagram [rewrote] of A SCORE"} {"Clue":"One who takes great interest in business (6)","Answer":"USURER","Explanation":"Definition: One who takes great interest in business (6)\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Perhaps it's eaten as an aperitif (8)","Answer":"ANISETTE","Explanation":"Definition: an aperitif\nAnagram [perhaps] of IT'S EATEN"} {"Clue":"Himalayan girl in spring (6)","Answer":"SHERPA","Explanation":"Definition: Himalayan\nHER [girl] in SPA [spring]"} {"Clue":"Fullback sorts out and warms up (8)","Answer":"DEFROSTS","Explanation":"Definition: warms up\nReversal [back] of FED [full] + an anagram [out] of SORTS"} {"Clue":"Writes one's first letters (8)","Answer":"INITIALS","Explanation":"Definition: Writes one's first letters\nCryptic \/ not quite double definition"} {"Clue":"Boy and girl being pretentious (2-2-2)","Answer":"LA-DI-DA","Explanation":"Definition: pretentious\nLAD [boy] + IDA [girl]"} {"Clue":"Man's man, for example (8)","Answer":"ISLANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Man's man, for example\nCryptic definition, referring to the Isle of Man"} {"Clue":"Girl, a student, put through toughening process (6)","Answer":"ANNEAL","Explanation":"Definition: put through toughening process\nANNE [girl] + A L [student]"} {"Clue":"Court room is lacking animation (6)","Answer":"WOODEN","Explanation":"Definition: lacking animation\nWOO [court] + DEN [room]"} {"Clue":"Lock manufacturer? (8)","Answer":"WIGMAKER","Explanation":"Definition: Lock manufacturer?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Part of link needing a joint (4)","Answer":"KNEE","Explanation":"Definition: a joint\nHidden in linK NEEding"} {"Clue":"Put down action restricting newspapers (9)","Answer":"DEPRESSED","Explanation":"Definition: Put down\nDEED [action] round PRESS [newspapers\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Meet private secretary for leaks (5)","Answer":"SEEPS","Explanation":"Definition: leaks\nSEE [meet] + PS [Private Secretary]"} {"Clue":"Penguin noted by Beethoven (7)","Answer":"EMPEROR","Explanation":"Definition: Penguinnoted by Beethoven\nDouble definition, referring to Beethoven's piano concerto"} {"Clue":"Scowl when let down (5)","Answer":"LOWER","Explanation":"Definition: Scowlet down\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Highly offensive action (3,4)","Answer":"AIR RAID","Explanation":"Definition: Highly offensive action\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Unusually deft clue about one involved in fraud (9)","Answer":"DECEITFUL","Explanation":"Definition: involved in fraud\nAnagram [unusually] of DEFT CLUE round I [one]"} {"Clue":"He gets a command not to stop at sea (5,2)","Answer":"HEAVE-TO","Explanation":"Definition: stop at sea\nHE + A VETO [a command not to] \u2013 lovely construction and surface and another nautical reference"} {"Clue":"Showed uncertainty as the tide went out (9)","Answer":"HESITATED","Explanation":"Definition: Showed uncertainty\nAnagram [out] of AS THE TIDE"} {"Clue":"Workers get 27 easily (5,4)","Answer":"HANDS DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: easily\nHANDS [workers] + DOWN [depressed \u2013 27ac]"} {"Clue":"Performed in a group that's dissolute (9)","Answer":"ABANDONED","Explanation":"Definition: dissolute\nDONE [performed] in A BAND [a group]"} {"Clue":"Third mate to dawdle around? Rubbish! (7)","Answer":"TWADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Rubbish\nT [third letter of mate] + anagram [around] of DAWDLE"} {"Clue":"Mismanagement results in warder appearing before the magistrate (5-2)","Answer":"SCREW-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Mismanagement\nSCREW [warder] + UP [before the magistrate]"} {"Clue":"Fresh lies and disclaimers (7)","Answer":"DENIALS","Explanation":"Definition: disclaimers\nAnagram [fresh] of LIES AND"} {"Clue":"Right to enter complaint in dispute (5)","Answer":"ARGUE","Explanation":"Definition: dispute\nR [right] in AGUE [complaint]"} {"Clue":"A capital position to be in (5)","Answer":"AHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: A capital position to be in\nA HEAD [capital] \u2013 with an &littish feel"} {"Clue":"Sounds like what you might need (1,6)","Answer":"A TISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: what you might need\n& littish \u2013 sounds like atishoo [sneeze]"} {"Clue":"Fingers in many pies trapped (7)","Answer":"PINKIES","Explanation":"Definition: Fingers\nPIES round [trapped] IN K [1000 \u2013 many]"} {"Clue":"Generalissimo welcomed female compiler, relaxed with the Guardian and listened to this? (9,5)","Answer":"CLASSICAL MUSIC","Explanation":"Definition: this\nC IN C [generalissimo] round [welcomed] LASS [female] + I [compiler] + CALM [relaxed] + US [Guardian] \u2013 a rather intricate charade, so bravo, Philistine, for maintaining a decent surface"} {"Clue":"Success in borrowing rejected by Swiss capital option for sleeping partners (4,4)","Answer":"TWIN BEDS","Explanation":"Definition: option for sleeping partners\nWIN [success] in reversal [rejected] of DEBT [borrowing] + [by] S[wiss]"} {"Clue":"Like the blubber in Homer's lacy pants (10)","Answer":"LACHRYMOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Like the blubber\nAnagram [pants] of HOMERS LACY"} {"Clue":"Contacts needed for this compiler's taking drugs without setback (6)","Answer":"MYOPIA","Explanation":"Definition: Contacts needed for this\nMY [compiler's] + OPIA[tes] [drugs] minus reversal [back] of 'set'"} {"Clue":"Visualisation of shimmering mirage at the end of the valley (7)","Answer":"IMAGERY","Explanation":"Definition: Visualisation\nAnagram [shimmering] of MIRAGE + [valle]Y"} {"Clue":"Smuggle in blossom, one in Africa (7)","Answer":"BURUNDI","Explanation":"Definition: in Africa\nRUN [smuggle] in BUD [blossom] + I [one]"} {"Clue":"At first, Eva Braun could be sophisticated (6)","Answer":"URBANE","Explanation":"Definition: sophisticated\nAnagram [could be] of E[va] BRAUN"} {"Clue":"It's partly digital if learning, or life, rang in exchange (10)","Answer":"FINGERNAIL","Explanation":"Definition: It's partly digital\nAnagrams [exchange] of IF LEARNING & LIFE RANG IN"} {"Clue":"City is at the cutting edge in broadcasting (5)","Answer":"LEEDS","Explanation":"Definition: City\nSounds like [in broadcasting] leads \u2013 is at the cutting edge"} {"Clue":"A game English soldier's bagged \u2014 sorry (9)","Answer":"APOLOGIES","Explanation":"Definition: sorry\nA POLO [a game] + E [English] in [bagged by] GI'S [soldier's]"} {"Clue":"Backwards family with sheep triggered the space race (7)","Answer":"SPUTNIK","Explanation":"Definition: triggered the space race\nReversal [backwards] of KIN [family] + TUPS [sheep]"} {"Clue":"Start to scream and shout about a horse being emaciated (7)","Answer":"SCRAGGY","Explanation":"Definition: emaciated\nS [start to scream] + CRY [shout] round A GG \u2013 a gee gee [horse]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"A northerner, of course (5)","Answer":"ASCOT","Explanation":"Definition: course\nA SCOT [a northerner] = ASCOT [racecourse]"} {"Clue":"Being stupid in a tiny way (7)","Answer":"INANITY","Explanation":"Definition: Being stupid\nAnagram of IN A TINY"} {"Clue":"OK to end on Mayday (2-2)","Answer":"SO-SO","Explanation":"Definition: OK\nO [last letter of tO] after SOS [Mayday \u2013 distress call]"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary Karl Marx 50% income tax! (11,4)","Answer":"EXCLAMATION MARK","Explanation":"Definition: !\nAnagram [revolutionary] of KARL MA[rx] [50%] INCOME TAX"} {"Clue":"Beautiful people lead ridiculous hunt sabotage (15)","Answer":"PULCHRITUDINOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Beautiful\nP[eople] anagram [sabotage] of RIDICULOUS HUNT"} {"Clue":"Weak passage in Vietnam by Pam Bygraves (5-5)","Answer":"NAMBY-PAMBY","Explanation":"Definition: Weak\nCleverly hidden in vietNAM BY PAM BYgraves"} {"Clue":"Available for purchase, now or in the future (2,5)","Answer":"IN STORE","Explanation":"Definition: Available for purchase, nowin the future\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Confidence in battle of the Home Counties? (7)","Answer":"SECRECY","Explanation":"Definition: Confidence\nSE [Home Counties] + CRECY [1346 battle of the Hundred Years' War]"} {"Clue":"International waters in effect from 12 August (4,6)","Answer":"OPEN SEASON","Explanation":"OPEN [International, as in golf or tennis championships] + SEAS [waters] + ON [in effect] \u2013 reference to the 'Glorious Twelfth' of August, which heralds the open season fot grouse shooting"} {"Clue":"They divert the movement of foxes (7)","Answer":"BAFFLES","Explanation":"Definition: They divert the movementfoxes\nDouble definition: a baffle is 'a plate or similar device for regulating or diverting the flow of liquid, gas, sound waves, etc'"} {"Clue":"A bit of 9 10's demeanour went off without me (7)","Answer":"RONDEAU","Explanation":"Definition: A bit of 9 10\nAnagram [went off] of DE[me]ANOUR"} {"Clue":"Requiring manipulation of the audience (7)","Answer":"NEEDING","Explanation":"Definition: Requiring\nSounds like [of the audience] 'kneading' [manipulation]"} {"Clue":"Pansy among daffodils is symbolic (5)","Answer":"SISSY","Explanation":"Definition: Pansy\nHidden in daffodilS IS SYmbolic"} {"Clue":"Honesty can be disregarded; that's grim (4)","Answer":"DOUR","Explanation":"Definition: grim\n[can]DOUR [honesty]"} {"Clue":"Approximate amount of time that's not processed internally (8)","Answer":"ROUGHAGE","Explanation":"Definition: that's not processed internally\nROUGH [approximate] + AGE [amount of time]"} {"Clue":"Fruit jam (6)","Answer":"SQUASH","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Order magnified with carbs? (3,3,3,5)","Answer":"BIG MAC AND FRIES","Explanation":"Definition: Order\nA very nice &littish anagram [order] of MAGNIFIED and CARBS"} {"Clue":"Little and pale, say, dish of meat (6,5)","Answer":"MINUTE STEAK","Explanation":"Definition: dish of meat\nMINUTE [small] + STEAK \u2013 sounds like [say] STAKE [pale]"} {"Clue":"Right to puncture preposterous plan (5)","Answer":"DRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: plan\nR [right] in [to puncture] DAFT [preposterous]"} {"Clue":"Seasick from Barcelona to Marseille? Something eaten for breakfast! (9)","Answer":"MARMALADE","Explanation":"Definition: Something eaten for breakfast!\nA clever charade of MAR [Spanish \u2013 from Barcelona \u2013 sea] and MALADE [French \u2013 Marseille \u2013 sick]"} {"Clue":"Two pounds into one dime, terribly unlucky (3-6)","Answer":"ILL-OMENED","Explanation":"Definition: unlucky\nLL [two pounds] in an anagram [terribly] of ONE DIME"} {"Clue":"Naturalist without success tours a capital in Khartoum, an African city (5)","Answer":"DAKAR","Explanation":"Definition: an African city\nDAR[win] [naturalist without success] round [tours] A K[hartoum]"} {"Clue":"Something eaten for breakfast \u2014 sant\u00e9? (6,5)","Answer":"FRENCH TOAST","Explanation":"Definition: Something eaten for breakfastsant\u00e9?\nA very nice double definition!"} {"Clue":"Slowcoach, one with an ice-cream van, did you say? (6,6)","Answer":"SUNDAY DRIVER","Explanation":"Definition: Slowcoach\nSUNDAY could sound like [did you say] sundae [ice cream]"} {"Clue":"Unfortunately I'm sadder, as now harmless (8)","Answer":"DISARMED","Explanation":"Definition: now harmless\nAnagram [unfortunately] of I'M SADDER"} {"Clue":"Aboard ship pirate ultimately welcomed \u2014 that's funny (3-5)","Answer":"ONE-LINER","Explanation":"Definition: that's funny\n[pirat]E in ON LINER [aboard ship \u2013 a welcome change from S\u2026.S!]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Capital city's un-Daliesque side? (4,6)","Answer":"REAL MADRID","Explanation":"Definition: side\nThe Spanish painter Salvador Dali's capital city would be **sur**REAL MADRID \u2013 one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"Certain difference in Danube and Nile (10)","Answer":"UNDENIABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Certain\nAnagram [difference] of DANUBE and NILE \u2013 a good spot"} {"Clue":"World Cup hero injured, striker's head getting bandaged (5)","Answer":"HURST","Explanation":"Definition: World Cup hero\nHURT [injured] round [bandaging] S[triker's]"} {"Clue":"Make climbing trees difficult for mechanic (6,6)","Answer":"GREASE MONKEY","Explanation":"Definition: mechanic\nCryptic definition, referring, I think, to the monkey puzzle tree\u00a0 [with memories of our beloved Araucaria] \u2013 although that's dfficult enough to climb already!\u00a0 [*Edit: see comment 3*]"} {"Clue":"Clever\" ahead of \"stupid\" initially, with\u00a0 sucker (9)","Answer":"QUICKSAND","Explanation":"Definition: sucker\nQUICK [clever] before S[tupid] + AND [with]"} {"Clue":"Topless mad host (4)","Answer":"ARMY","Explanation":"Definition: host\n[b]ARMY \u2013 with a nod to English cricket's 'Barmy army'"} {"Clue":"Drink for some horse (4)","Answer":"HOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Drinksome horse\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Breeding expert in decline (12)","Answer":"REPRODUCTION","Explanation":"Definition: Breeding\nPRO [expert] in REDUCTION [decline]"} {"Clue":"Second cut for game (10)","Answer":"BACKGAMMON","Explanation":"Definition: game\nBACK [second] + GAMMON [cut] \u2013 I've just realised we have quite a number of charades today"} {"Clue":"Terribly rude and thorny, victor under the Lancastrian rose (5,5)","Answer":"HENRY TUDOR","Explanation":"Definition: victor under the Lancastrian rose\nAnagram [terribly] of RUDE and THORNY for the victor over the Yorkist RIchard III at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485 \u2013 about fifteen miles from me here"} {"Clue":"I'm after new setter for the scheduled period (4,5)","Answer":"TIME FRAME","Explanation":"Definition: the scheduled period\nAnagram [new] of I'M AFTER before ME [I]: of course, 'I' is not the same as 'me' but we do say things like, 'It's me', so I'm not quibbling, for once\u00a0 *[Edit: that should, of course,\u00a0 be 'before ME [setter]' \u2013\u00a0 too hasty copying \u2013 so no quibbles at all! Thanks Shirl and Abhay.]"} {"Clue":"Track, t-track! (5)","Answer":"TRAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Track\nT + RAIL [track]"} {"Clue":"Old leader of the New York Times? (4)","Answer":"USED","Explanation":"Definition: Old\nUS ED [New York editor]"} {"Clue":"Against being held in quarantine (4)","Answer":"ANTI","Explanation":"Definition: Against\nHidden in quarANTIne"} {"Clue":"Was careful with sack full of duke's letters about love (6,3)","Answer":"LOOKED OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Was careful\nLOOT [sack] round an anagram of DUKE round O [love]"} {"Clue":"Meat dish made by adding sweet lolly (5)","Answer":"BREAD","Explanation":"Definition: lolly\nsweetBREAD is a meat dish and BREAD and lolly are both slang for money"} {"Clue":"Note strange reflection of artwork on wall (5)","Answer":"MURAL","Explanation":"Definition: artwork on wall\nReversal [reflection] of LA [note] RUM [strange]"} {"Clue":"Gobstopper in a mess, with bits of rock on ground (9)","Answer":"GRAVELLED","Explanation":"Definition: with bits of rock on ground\nI can't see this: RAVELLED is in a mess but G = gobstopper?* Edit: see comment 5"} {"Clue":"Corrupt brief charged with drugs handout (7)","Answer":"FREEBIE","Explanation":"Definition: handout\nAnagram [corrupt] of BRIEF round [charged with] EE [drugs]"} {"Clue":"Sweet-loving six-footer (7)","Answer":"FONDANT","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nFOND [loving] ANT [six-footer]"} {"Clue":"No small islands around old port (5)","Answer":"OSTIA","Explanation":"Definition: old port\nO [no] + reversal [round] of AITS [small islands] for the port of ancient Rome"} {"Clue":"School has not one device to download or upload, even (3)","Answer":"POD","Explanation":"Definition: School\n[I-] POD [device to download minus\u00a0 [not one] i] \u2013 or the even letters of uPlOaD"} {"Clue":"What's left, if I leave cold sweet? (5)","Answer":"CANDY","Explanation":"Definition: sweet\nC AND Y \u2013 what's left if I leaves [there may be comments about the cryptic grammar here] [i]CY [cold]"} {"Clue":"Keen to go wild, drink and party (5-2)","Answer":"KNEES-UP","Explanation":"Definition: party\nAnagram [wild] of KEEN + SUP [drink]"} {"Clue":"Empty sweet nothings by yard without showing any feeling (7)","Answer":"STONILY","Explanation":"Definition: without showing any feeling\nS[wee]T O NIL [nothings] + Y [yard]"} {"Clue":"Sweet (hard-boiled) on TV after nine? (9)","Answer":"WATERSHED","Explanation":"Definition: on TV after nine\nAnagram [boiled] of SWEET HARD"} {"Clue":"Where to put degrees for a dog: at the start? (5)","Answer":"ONSET","Explanation":"Definition: start\nIf you put BAS [degrees] at the start of [on] SET, you get BASSET [dog]"} {"Clue":"Enough maple fudge? (5)","Answer":"AMPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Enough\nAnagram [fudge] of MAPLE"} {"Clue":"Beyond queasy on two quarters of sweets (9)","Answer":"PASTILLES","Explanation":"Definition: fsweets\nPAST [beyond] ILL [queasy] + ES [two quarters] \u2013 this brought back memories of the sweet ration being three ounces a week:\u00a0 my brother and I shared one quarter and we and my parents shared another.\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Type of rock, typically sweet (4)","Answer":"GLAM","Explanation":"Definition: Type of rock\nI don't get this one, I'm afraid \u2013* Edit: see comments 2 and 3."} {"Clue":"Definitely short and sweet, perhaps (6)","Answer":"COURSE","Explanation":"Definition: sweet, perhaps\nShort for 'Of course'? [definitely]"} {"Clue":"Spooner's paunch over his trousers from sweets (5,5)","Answer":"JELLY BEANS","Explanation":"Definition: sweets\nSpooner's BELLY [paunch] + JEANS [his trousers] \u2013 I'm afraid I don't like Spoonerisms, particularly when they're not a recognisable phrase"} {"Clue":"Secretly sweet on guest speaker (6)","Answer":"TONGUE","Explanation":"Definition: speaker\nHidden in sweeT ON GUEst"} {"Clue":"Shot at in road by airmen, hit by metal and died (8)","Answer":"STRAFFED","Explanation":"Definition: Shot at\nST [road] + RAF [airmen] + FE [iron \u2013 metal] + D [died] \u2013 I thought [and so does Collins] that this had only one F but Chambers gives STRAFF as an alternative"} {"Clue":"Boatman left sweetheart empowered (4)","Answer":"ABLE","Explanation":"Definition: empowered\nAB [Boatman] + L left] + swEet"} {"Clue":"No right to release disc by one trendy and smart (4,4)","Answer":"FEEL PAIN","Explanation":"Definition: smart\nF[r]EE [release with no right] + LP [disc] + A [one] + IN [trendy]"} {"Clue":"Had variable depth of focus, quick to change (4)","Answer":"ADHD","Explanation":"Definition: of focus, quick to change\nAnagram [variable] of HAD] + D [depth] for this group of symptoms"} {"Clue":"Sweet on little woman in dress (5)","Answer":"FROCK","Explanation":"Definition: dress\nF [female \u2013 little woman?] + ROCK [sweet]"} {"Clue":"Beneath name, corpse treated with oil found here (10)","Answer":"NECROPOLIS","Explanation":"Definition: corpsefound here\nN [name] + anagram [treated] of CORPSE and OIL \u2013 &littish"} {"Clue":"Sweetly fragrant solver's on top of Boatman (5)","Answer":"THYMY","Explanation":"Definition: Sweetly fragrant\nTHY [solver's] + MY [of Boatman] \u2013 yes, there is such a word, in both dictionaries"} {"Clue":"Superior branches of stores are not quiet: after indulgence, they say (8)","Answer":"TREETOPS","Explanation":"Definition: Superior branches\nTREET \u2013 sounds like [they say] 'treat' [indulgence] +[sh]OPS [stores not quiet]"} {"Clue":"Hurries on short trips to uncle's premises (3,5)","Answer":"POP SHOPS","Explanation":"Definition: uncle's premises\nPOPS [hurries] + HOPS [short trips] \u2013 uncle being slang for a pawnbroker"} {"Clue":"One who likes to see suffering solvers, a devilish invention scrambling their heads (6)","Answer":"SADIST","Explanation":"Definition: One who likes to see suffering\nInitial letters [heads] of Solvers A Devilish Invention Scrambling Their"} {"Clue":"Nasty lesion found beneath foot (6)","Answer":"INSOLE","Explanation":"Definition: found beneath foot\nAnagram [nasty] of LESION"} {"Clue":"What makes you blue and sorrow'd, say? (4)","Answer":"WOAD","Explanation":"Definition: What makes you blue\nSounds like [say] 'woe'd' [sorrow'd]!"} {"Clue":"Regrets controls, a Liberal gone astray (4)","Answer":"RUES","Explanation":"Definition: Regrets\nRU[l]ES [controls] minus l [Liberal]"} {"Clue":"Humbug is licked into shape here (4)","Answer":"TOSH","Explanation":"Definition: Humbug\nAnother hidden answer in inTO SHape"} {"Clue":"Heard from one who's resigned from rustic dance house? (3-2)","Answer":"HEY-HO","Explanation":"Definition: Heard from one who's resigned\nHEY [rustic dance \u2013 also spelt 'hay'] + HO [house]"} {"Clue":"Speed of light? Uncommonly smartish! (9)","Answer":"CHRISTMAS","Explanation":"C [speed of light] I don't remember seeing it clued this way before \u2013 nicely apt here \u2013 + an anagram [uncommonly] of SMARTISH"} {"Clue":"Made ornamental horse sound on eating too much? (9)","Answer":"FILIGREED","Explanation":"Definition: Made ornamental\nFILI [sounds like filly \u2013 horse] + GREED [eating too much?]"} {"Clue":"Hanging arranged by a saint (5)","Answer":"ARRAS","Explanation":"Definition: Hanging\nA simple charade of ARR [arranged {by}] + A S [a saint]"} {"Clue":"Lack variety in touch display type (7)","Answer":"BACKLIT","Explanation":"Definition: display type\nAnagram [variety] of\u00a0 LACK in BIT [touch]"} {"Clue":"Absence of right traditional music (7)","Answer":"NORFOLK","Explanation":"NO [absence of] R [right] + FOLK [traditional music]"} {"Clue":"Old writers' gathering \u2014 also abstract noun (5)","Answer":"SALON","Explanation":"Definition: Old writers' gathering\nAnagram [abstract?] of ALSO + N [noun]"} {"Clue":"Reverse hesitation in speech (3)","Answer":"RUM","Explanation":"R [reverse] + UM [hesitation in speech]"} {"Clue":"Composed clue: clue finally replaced by one with depth, easy to understand (5)","Answer":"LUCID","Explanation":"Definition: easy to understand\nAnagram [composed] of CLU[e] with its final letter replaced by I [one] and D [depth]: a rather long-winded clue for a shortish word meaning 'easy to understand'\u00a0 \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Make it easier to bear to go to work? (7)","Answer":"COMMUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Make it easier to beargo to work\nDouble definition \u2013 now, that** is** what I call a nice surface!"} {"Clue":"So long as eastern city follows cult hero (7)","Answer":"CHEERIO","Explanation":"Definition: So long\nCHE [Guevara \u2013 cult hero] + E [eastern] + RIO [city]"} {"Clue":"Hot destination was in possession of drugs (5)","Answer":"HADES","Explanation":"Definition: Hot destination\nHAD [was in possession of] ES [drugs]"} {"Clue":"Make serious film, yes? No, funny (9)","Answer":"SOLEMNIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Make serious\nAnagram [funny] of FILM YES NO"} {"Clue":"A feature of woodland, meadow and narrow borders of spinneys (9)","Answer":"LEAFINESS","Explanation":"Definition: A feature of woodland\nLEA [meadow] + FINE [narrow] + S[pinney]S"} {"Clue":"Stop boat leaking and one breaks bad luck? (5)","Answer":"CAULK","Explanation":"Definition: Stop boat leaking\nA [one] in [breaks] an anagram [bad] of LUCK\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"What's that about cutting overtures of Cats, Follies and Oliver? (4)","Answer":"CHEF","Explanation":"Definition: Oliver?\nReversal [about] of EH [What's that] in [cutting] first letters [overtures] of C[ats] and F[ollies]: my favourite clue \u2013 a really nice surface!"} {"Clue":"Recurring action of mouse with no tail, put in clay moulding (8)","Answer":"CYCLICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Recurring\nCLIC[k] [action of mouse minus its final letter \u2013 with no tail] in an anagram [moulding] of CLAY"} {"Clue":"Element of metal on glass (4)","Answer":"LONG","Explanation":"Hidden in metaL ON Glass \u2013 my second island, which confirmed my guess"} {"Clue":"NEC moves assimilated by player (Bird) (8)","Answer":"ACCENTOR","Explanation":"Definition: (Bird)\nAn anagram [moves] of NEC in ACTOR [player]"} {"Clue":"Amphitheatre seating in present times needs protection of beam (6)","Answer":"GRADIN","Explanation":"Definition: Amphitheatre seating\nAD [in present times] in GRIN [beam]"} {"Clue":"Special faculty associated with publicity and moon furrow footwear (10)","Answer":"ESPADRILLE","Explanation":"Definition: footwear\nESP [extra-sensory perception \u2013 special faculty] + AD [publicity] + RILLE [a furrow on the moon] \u2013 the most bizarre surface of all, I think"} {"Clue":"Worked more, by being in development (6)","Answer":"EMBRYO","Explanation":"Definition: being in development\nAnagram [worked] of MORE BY"} {"Clue":"A stretch in Oxford's dual central prison (4)","Answer":"ISIS","Explanation":"Definition: A stretch in Oxford\n[pr]IS[on] twice \u2013 the name of the River Thames as it flows through Oxford"} {"Clue":"Simple language when entered in pen (5)","Answer":"BASIC","Explanation":"Definition: Simplelanguage\nAS [when] in BIC [pen] \u2013 and a double definition"} {"Clue":"Utilising flexible capacitance of tongues (10)","Answer":"LINGUISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: of tongues\nAnagram [flexible] of UTILISING + C [capacitance] \u2013 another less usual indication for the letter 'c'"} {"Clue":"My young friend's tease act (5)","Answer":"KIDDO","Explanation":"Definition: My young friend\nKID [tease] + DO [act]"} {"Clue":"Spotted ring in a muscle abnormality (8)","Answer":"MACULOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Spotted\nO [ring] in an anagram [abnormality] of A MUSCLE"} {"Clue":"Heel rest with copper insert as fancy twist (8)","Answer":"CURLICUE","Explanation":"Definition: fancy twist\nCU [copper] in CUR [heel] LIE [rest]"} {"Clue":"Unclear about direction (6)","Answer":"MIDWAY","Explanation":"Reversal [about] of DIM [unclear] + WAY [direction]"} {"Clue":"What's comforting about time (6)","Answer":"EASTER","Explanation":"EASER [what's comforting? \u2013 hey-ho] round T [time]"} {"Clue":"Bush left out (4)","Answer":"HOLY","Explanation":"HO[l]LY [bush minus left]"} {"Clue":"Greek character, one who once defended uprising? (4)","Answer":"MUCK","Explanation":"MU [Greek character] + reversal [uprising] of KC \u2013 King's Counsel [one who once defended \u2013 61+ years ago]"} {"Clue":"Couple authorise interrupting you once (4)","Answer":"YOKE","Explanation":"Definition: Couple\nOK [authorise] in YE [you once]"} {"Clue":"Jerk chicken starter? Bound to get a cut of meat (5,4)","Answer":"CHUMP CHOP","Explanation":"Definition: cut of meat\nCHUMP [jerk] + C[hicken] + HOP [bound]"} {"Clue":"Fast writer (5)","Answer":"SWIFT","Explanation":"Double definition, the writer being Dean Jonathan"} {"Clue":"One having cooler experience after leaving the Tory Party? (2-3)","Answer":"EX-CON","Explanation":"Double \/ cryptic definition, 'cooler' being slang for prison and 'con' for prisoner"} {"Clue":"Father Christmas say, genuine, about to adopt the fourth strategy? (9)","Answer":"LAPLANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Father Christmas say\nReversal [about] of REAL [genuine] round PLAN D, as the fourth strategy might be called"} {"Clue":"Flipping, flipping short clergyman (3)","Answer":"REV","Explanation":"Definition: clergyman\nReversal [flipping] of VER[y] [flipping]"} {"Clue":"Ticket back for returning Frenchwoman, fare from Italy (11)","Answer":"TAGLIATELLE","Explanation":"Definition: fare from Italy\nTAG [ticket] + a reversal [for returning] of TAIL [back] + ELLE [Frenchwoman]"} {"Clue":"Be relevant to smart heads of academies in Norfolk (7)","Answer":"PERTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Be relevant\nPERT [smart] + initial letters [heads] of Academies In Norfolk"} {"Clue":"Freezing cold for unknown character among obscure characters in a storm (7)","Answer":"SUBZERO","Explanation":"Definition: Freezing\nZ [unknown character] replaces C [cold] in an anagram [in a storm] of OBS[c]URE *[Edit \u2013 or, rather, the other way round:\u00a0 see comments 1 and 5]* \u2013 rather intricate wordplay in an &littish clue"} {"Clue":"Was she forced by you to speak for the country? (7)","Answer":"JAMAICA","Explanation":"Definition: country\nIs there anyone who doesn't know this joke?"} {"Clue":"Days of the war originally meant for the country (7)","Answer":"VIETNAM","Explanation":"Definition: country\nI think this is VI [days of the war, referring to the Six-Day \/ Arab-Israeli War of 1967] + an anagram [originally] of MEANT"} {"Clue":"Neat acts up, dancing round back of shed, assembled from various places (3-3-5)","Answer":"CUT-AND-PASTE","Explanation":"Definition: assembled from various places\nAnagram [dancing] of NEAT ACTS UP round [she]D"} {"Clue":"Bow to wear, twisted (3)","Answer":"NOD","Explanation":"Definition: Bow\nReversal [twisted] of DON wear]"} {"Clue":"Crush repulsive freaks (9)","Answer":"PULVERISE","Explanation":"Definition: Crush\nAnagram [freaks] of REPULSIVE"} {"Clue":"Feature entertaining one row (5)","Answer":"NOISE","Explanation":"Definition: row\nNOSE [feature] round I [one]"} {"Clue":"Result of plucking turkeys with axes \u2014 nasty gashed heads (5)","Answer":"TWANG","Explanation":"Definition: Result of plucking\nInitial letters [heads \u2013 again!] of Turkeys With Axes Nasty Gashed"} {"Clue":"Ram and goat etc exciting ratings aboard ship (4,5)","Answer":"STAR SIGNS","Explanation":"Definition: Ram and goat etc\nAnagram [exciting] of RATINGS in SS [aboard ship]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Explain Shakespearean entering competition (5,2)","Answer":"CLEAR UP","Explanation":"Definition: Explain\nLEAR [Shakespearean] in CUP [competition]"} {"Clue":"Each one opening, under no circumstances remaining open (7)","Answer":"UNCOVER","Explanation":"Definition: open\nYet another initial letter clue: Under No Circumstances + OVER [remaining]"} {"Clue":"Marks in script where hoodlum has to eat Chinese, we hear? (11)","Answer":"PUNCTUATION","Explanation":"Definition: Marks in script\nSounds like [we hear] punk [hoodlum \u2013 and Paul's Indy persona] + chew [eat] + asian [Chinese?] \u2013 oh dear!"} {"Clue":"Facts supporting light overhead, an element of lamps? (7)","Answer":"HALOGEN","Explanation":"Definition: element of lamps?\nGEN [facts] after [supporting, in a down clue] HALO [light over head]"} {"Clue":"Source for drugs pious among Pius etc (7)","Answer":"POPPIES","Explanation":"Definition: Source for drugs\nPI [short for pious] in POPES [Pius etc]"} {"Clue":"Character in sound waves here (3)","Answer":"SEA","Explanation":"Definition: waves here\nSounds like 'c' [character]"} {"Clue":"Eluding exercise, just gratify yourself! (7)","Answer":"INDULGE","Explanation":"Definition: gratify yourself\nAnagram [exercise] of ELUDING"} {"Clue":" Missile dropper drops odd bits amid confusion (7)","Answer":"TORPEDO","Explanation":"Definition: Missile\nEven letters [dropping odd bits] of dRoPpEr in TO-DO [confusion]"} {"Clue":"Sport for a drug-taking Olympic gold medallist? (5,6)","Answer":"TABLE TENNIS","Explanation":"Definition: Sport\nTABLET [drug] + [taking] [Jessica] ENNIS, the face of London 2012"} {"Clue":"Lift large belly for the prize (7)","Answer":"JACKPOT","Explanation":"Definition: prize\nSimple charade of JACK [lift] + POT [large belly]"} {"Clue":"Warm embraces attending a musical for children (7)","Answer":"MATILDA","Explanation":"Definition: musical for children\nMILD [wrm] round [embraces] AT [attending] + A for the Roald Dahl musical"} {"Clue":"Iodine in fruit is suitable (7)","Answer":"APPLIES","Explanation":"Definition: is suitable\nI [iodine] in APPLES [fruit]"} {"Clue":"Design varies to include a hundred internal parts (7)","Answer":"VISCERA","Explanation":"Definition: internal parts\nAnagram [design] of VARIES round C [a hundred]"} {"Clue":"Eastern port making grandad queen then? (7)","Answer":"NANKING","Explanation":"Definition: Eastern port\nOne of Paul's trademark analogous clues: if grandad is queen, NAN [grandma] might be KING"} {"Clue":"Chaos and chaotic in \"disorder\" (7)","Answer":"MADNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Chaos\nAnagram [chaotic] of AND in MESS [disorder]"} {"Clue":"Needle for decoration on artificial silk (7)","Answer":"OBELISK","Explanation":"Definition: Needle\nOBE [Order of the British Empire \u2013 decoration] + anagram [artificial] of SILK"} {"Clue":"Relatives get a quarter \u2014 sighs of relief! (7)","Answer":"NEPHEWS","Explanation":"Definition: Relatives\nNE [North East \u2013 a quarter] + PHEWS [sighs of relief]"} {"Clue":"Agreed, but not about being old (4)","Answer":"AGED","Explanation":"Definition: old\nAG[re]ED [not about]"} {"Clue":"Where publicans are \u00a0locked up? (6,4)","Answer":"BEHIND BARS","Explanation":"Definition: Where publicans arelocked up\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"The old soldiers before one are Arabians (6)","Answer":"YEMENI","Explanation":"Definition: Arabians\nYe ['the' old] + MEN [soldiers] + I [one]"} {"Clue":"Slash the price of flimsy material (8)","Answer":"LACERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Slash\nLACE [flimsy material] + RATE [price]"} {"Clue":"Delayed entering aisle, distressed, being nervous (3,2,4)","Answer":"ILL AT EASE","Explanation":"Definition: nervous\nLATE [delayed] in anagram [distressed] of AISLE \u2013 a nice picture of a panicked bride"} {"Clue":"The Irish Bill? (5)","Answer":"GARDA","Explanation":"Definition: The Irish Bill?\nCryptic definition: the GARDA are the Irish Police and The Bill is slang for the police force \u2013 but there's a cryptic reference to the several Irish Home Rule Bills of the late 19th \/ early 20th centuries"} {"Clue":"Dock, \u00a0where a sailor may sleep (5)","Answer":"BERTH","Explanation":"Definition: Dockwhere a sailor may sleep\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Describing insects with wings\u00a0 of short span (9)","Answer":"EPHEMERAL","Explanation":"Definition: Describing insects with wingsof short span\nDoubl[ish] \/cryptic definition, describing ephemeroptera, eg mayflies, winged insects, with a short life span; of course, they get their name from the derivation of the word, 'lasting only a day', but I think the use of 'wings of short span' makes this a good clue"} {"Clue":"The intelligentsia left going over the same thing again? It's not on (8)","Answer":"LITERATI","Explanation":"Definition: The intelligentsia\nL [left] + ITERATI[on] [going over the same thing again, minus 'on']"} {"Clue":"Right sort of stock (6)","Answer":"EQUITY","Explanation":"Double \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Rival to study before exam \u2014 an exemplary worker (10)","Answer":"CONTESTANT","Explanation":"Definition: Rival\nCon [study] + TEST [exam] + ANT [an example of a worker]"} {"Clue":"In a way, it may mean this month (4)","Answer":"INST","Explanation":"Definition: this month\nIN ST [a way] \u2013 short for INSTant [this month] in formal correspondence"} {"Clue":"Every setback about it is instructive (7)","Answer":"TEACHES","Explanation":"Definition: is instructive\nA 'lift and separate' in a Rufus puzzle! \u2013 a reversal [back] of SET round EACH [every]"} {"Clue":"Naval jail and potential inmate (7)","Answer":"BRIGAND","Explanation":"Definition: potential inmate\nBRIG [naval jail] + AND\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Important contract gets scornful response (3,4)","Answer":"BIG DEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Important contractscornful response\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"House\u00a0 deposit (5)","Answer":"LODGE","Explanation":"Definition: Housedeposit\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Glorious rendering of \"Under the Linden Tree\" (7)","Answer":"SUBLIME","Explanation":"Definition: Glorious\nSUB [under] + LIME [linden tree] \u2013 here's a rendering"} {"Clue":"She can turn out to be an upper-class niece (6)","Answer":"EUNICE","Explanation":"Definition: She\nAnagram [can turn out] of U [upper class] + NIECE"} {"Clue":"Breathe in, when gone to sleep in winter (9)","Answer":"HIBERNATE","Explanation":"Definition: sleep in winter\nAnagram [gone] of BREATHE IN"} {"Clue":"Wiped the floor with\u00a0 woollen fabric (7)","Answer":"WORSTED","Explanation":"Definition: Wiped the floor withwoollen fabric\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Being wise,\u00a0 resigned (13)","Answer":"PHILOSOPHICAL","Explanation":"Definition: wiseresigned\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Teach unit members to become trustworthy (9)","Answer":"AUTHENTIC","Explanation":"Definition: trustworthy\nAnagram [to become] of TEACH UNIT"} {"Clue":"The embodiment of a mince pie, in my opinion (7)","Answer":"EPITOME","Explanation":"Definition: The embodiment\nAnagram [mince] of PIE + TO ME [in my opinion]"} {"Clue":"Sort of seat for a high-flyer (7)","Answer":"EJECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of seat for a high-flyer\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Sinatra, swinging expert (7)","Answer":"ARTISAN","Explanation":"Definition: expert\nAnagram [swinging] of SINATRA \u2013 a nice surface: I had a very well-worn LP of his 'Songs for swinging lovers'"} {"Clue":"A girl that is under another (6)","Answer":"LASSIE","Explanation":"Definition: A girl\nIE [that's] under LASS"} {"Clue":"Availing oneself of an American gin sling (5)","Answer":"USING","Explanation":"Definition: Availing oneself of\nUS [American] + anagram [sling] of GIN"} {"Clue":"Doctors' bills cause such outcry! (6)","Answer":"QUACKS","Explanation":"Definition: Doctorsbills cause such outcry\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"\"An Englishman in New York\" from Elton? Nonsense! (4,4)","Answer":"JOHN BULL","Explanation":"Definition: \"An Englishman in New York\"\nA straightforward charade: [Elton] JOHN + BULL [nonsense]"} {"Clue":"Captive hugging frisky sheep? It's erotic to some \u2026 (8)","Answer":"PEEPSHOW","Explanation":"Definition: It's erotic to some\nPOW [captive] round an anagram [frisky] of SHEEP"} {"Clue":"perhaps, holding nothing is gloomy (6)","Answer":"MOROSE","Explanation":"Definition: gloomy\nI was all set to chunter [again] about meaningless ellipses but these dots are not an ellipsis \u2013 they're MORSE code, into which we have to put O [nothing]: I can't see any significance in them standing for S S\u00a0 but that doesn't mean there isn't any."} {"Clue":"Incredibly, an old age actor finally ran for president (6,6)","Answer":"RONALD REAGAN","Explanation":"Definition: president\nAn anagram [incredibly] of AN OLD AGE [acto]R RAN \u2013 dare we call this &lit? Hilarious, anyway."} {"Clue":"Jumper for playing golf (4)","Answer":"FROG","Explanation":"Definition: Jumper\nAnagram [playing] of FOR + G [golf \u2013 phonetic alphabet] \u2013 a lovely little clue"} {"Clue":"Back in goal with utter ease, bearing number (8)","Answer":"NINETEEN","Explanation":"Definition: number\nREversal [back] of IN + NET [goal] + EE [sounds like \u2013 'utter' \u2013 'ease'] + N [bearing] \u2013 can't get away from the football"} {"Clue":"Canine, beginning to eat, still has nothing to go with hot stew (3,5)","Answer":"EYE TOOTH","Explanation":"Definition: Canine\nE[at] + YET [still] + O [nothing] + an anagram [stew] of HOT"} {"Clue":"Superheroes, followers of Ximenes' lead? (1-3)","Answer":"X-MEN","Explanation":"Definition: Superheroes\nX[imenes] MEN"} {"Clue":"Those in society on form (7,5)","Answer":"WORKING CLASS","Explanation":"Definition: Those in society\nWORKING [on] + CLASS [form] \u2013 I'm not sure about the definition"} {"Clue":"Bad idea to restrain navy against attack (6)","Answer":"INVADE","Explanation":"Definition: attack\nAn anagram [bad] of IDEA round N [navy] V [against]"} {"Clue":"Scott's companion, devouring lots of dessert and biscuits (8)","Answer":"OATCAKES","Explanation":"Definition: biscuits\nOATES [Captain Scott's self-sacrificing companion] round CAK[e] [lots of dessert]"} {"Clue":"When special army group is retired with new killer? (8)","Answer":"ASSASSIN","Explanation":"Definition: killer\nAS [when] + SAS [special army group] + reversal [retired] of IS + N [new]"} {"Clue":"Sings flowing melody on Sunday without mass (6)","Answer":"YODELS","Explanation":"Definition: Sings\nAnagram [flowing] of [m]ELODY [without mass] + S [Sunday]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":" One addicted to American TV series (4)","Answer":"USER","Explanation":"Definition: One addicted\nUS [American] + ER [TV series]"} {"Clue":"Officer doubly correct to provide protection (9)","Answer":"COPYRIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: protection\nI can't really see this one: CO is an officer and RIGHT is correct \u2013 but where does the PY come in? I could parse COPY RIGHT [doubly correct] if we didn't have the officer! *Edit: see muffin @1 and 5"} {"Clue":" Monster's swaying hips gets knight cross (6)","Answer":"SPHINX","Explanation":"Definition: Monster\nAnagram [swayng] of HIPS + N [knight \u2013 chess notation] + X [cross] \u2013 what a lovely picture!"} {"Clue":"India's Koh-i-noor? (5,2,3,5)","Answer":"JEWEL IN THE CROWN","Explanation":"Definition: India's Koh-i-noor?\nI must be missing something here but I can't see anything at all cryptic: the Koh-i-noor comes from India and is a jewel in the Queen's crown: for me, it would be more cryptic if the clue were the other way round. *Edit: see muffin @4 and Herb @6"} {"Clue":"US strikes hard: Republican peacekeepers are in some trouble (4,4)","Answer":"HOME RUNS","Explanation":"Definition: US strikes\nH [hard] + R [republican] + UN [peacekeepers] in an anagram [trouble] of SOME"} {"Clue":"Back massage with spirit to cover the whole body (5)","Answer":"BURKA","Explanation":"Definition: to cover the whole body\nReversal [back] of RUB [massage] + KA [spirit]"} {"Clue":"Slave's uprising about iron regularly fears tropical disease (5,5)","Answer":"LASSA FEVER","Explanation":"Definition: tropical disease\nI'm in trouble again: I thought this was an anagram [uprising] of SLAVES round\u00a0 FE [iron] + fEaRs but I'm an 'a' short and an 'e' too many! *Edit: see Gaufrid @3"} {"Clue":"Short of time, they run about in stadia (10)","Answer":"GREYHOUNDS","Explanation":"Definition: they run about in stadia\nAnagram [run about] of [t]HEY [short of time] in GROUNDS [stadia] \u2013 &littish"} {"Clue":"In the US, rank and duty \u2014 it's an order by duke (4,5)","Answer":"TAXI STAND","Explanation":"Definition: In the US, rank\nTAX [duty] + an anagram [order] of ITS AN + D [duke] \u2013 I thought that 'rank' was used over here as well?"} {"Clue":"Doormen supply deliveries (8)","Answer":"BOUNCERS","Explanation":"Definition: Doormendeliveries\nDouble definition \u2013 referring to cricket"} {"Clue":"Very much against the pointless subject of \"rickrolling\" (6)","Answer":"VASTLY","Explanation":"Definition: Very much\nThis looked impossible at first sight, as I'd never heard of \"rickrolling\" but Wikipedia came to the rescue: \"Rickrolling is an Internet meme involving the music video for the 1987 Rick Astley song \"Never Gonna Give You Up\". The meme is a bait and switch; a person provides a hyperlink which is seemingly relevant to the topic at hand, but actually leads to Astley's video.\" and I eventually found this"} {"Clue":"Bear a left, then a right, then reverse (5)","Answer":"KOALA","Explanation":"Definition: Bear\nReversal of A L [a left] + A OK [a right]"} {"Clue":"In Belize, a lover showing passion (4)","Answer":"ZEAL","Explanation":"Definition: passion\nHidden in beliZE A Lover"} {"Clue":"Ran down tail? (7)","Answer":"BACKBIT","Explanation":"Definition: Ran down\nBACK BIT [tail] \u2013 I think I've only ever seen this verb in its gerund form: backbiting"} {"Clue":"Pet in northeast town? Fashion to be avoided (7)","Answer":"DARLING","Explanation":"Definition: Pet\nDARLING[ton] [northeast town minus 'ton' \u2013 fashion] \u2013 very nice, as a sweetheart would be called 'Pet' in Darlington"} {"Clue":"He's a cool customer, almost ridiculously sweet (9,6)","Answer":"CHOCOLATE MOUSSE","Explanation":"Definition: sweet\nExcellent anagram [ridiculously] of HE'S A COOL CUSTOME[r]"} {"Clue":"Producer starts with most actors keen entering rehearsals (5)","Answer":"MAKER","Explanation":"Definition: Producer\nFirst letters [starts] of Most Actors Keen Entering Rehearsals"} {"Clue":"Every six months or less, a term that's flexible (9)","Answer":"SEMESTRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Every six months\nAnagram [flexible] of LESS A TERM: this is rather clever, as a semester these days seems to be a very flexible 'term'!"} {"Clue":"Prize exhibit women kept in store that is next to church (9)","Answer":"SHOWPIECE","Explanation":"Definition: Prize exhibit\nW [women] in SHOP [store] + IE [that is] + CE [church]"} {"Clue":"Term for old German covers master race's member (5)","Answer":"HUMAN","Explanation":"Definition: race's member\nHUN [term for old German] round MA [master]"} {"Clue":"Embarrassed about sexes sitting next to each other, ensconced on sofa? (5)","Answer":"COMFY","Explanation":"Definition: ensconced on sofa?\nCOY [embarrassed] round M F \u2013 sexes sitting next to each other"} {"Clue":"Sailor getting damaged kept dry (9)","Answer":"ABSTAINED","Explanation":"Definition: kept dry\nAB [sailor] + STAINED [damaged]"} {"Clue":"Like burglars one's seen outside home very briefly (9)","Answer":"UNINVITED","Explanation":"Definition: Like burglars\nUNITED [one] round IN [home] V[ery]"} {"Clue":" Dog competition in which one slips a place (5)","Answer":"TRAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nTRIAL [competition, with the I moved forward] \u2013 'slips' would have worked better in a down clue, I think"} {"Clue":"Bad boy at school would have had to\u00a0\u00a0 be hard to prevail against (4,4,7)","Answer":"TAKE SOME BEATING","Explanation":"Definition: Bad boy at school would have had tobe hard to prevail against\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"A \"grubby\" person coming to the party? (7)","Answer":"CATERER","Explanation":"Definition: A \"grubby\" person\nCryptic definition: a caterer would provide grub \u2013 food"} {"Clue":"Quaint boy sent a message (7)","Answer":"TWEETED","Explanation":"Definition: sent a message\nTWEE [quaint] + TED [boy]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Types to buzz around firm, primarily managers or \"suits\" (7)","Answer":"BECOMES","Explanation":"Definition: suits\nBEES [types to buzz] round CO [firm] + M[anagers]"} {"Clue":"Paper produced after rags have been collected (9,6)","Answer":"CLOAKROOM TICKET","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 I think I've only seen clothes referred to as 'rags' in expressions like 'the rag trade'\u00a0 and 'glad rags'; surely the ticket has to be produced first?"} {"Clue":"Book from past \u2014 I love plot concealed (9)","Answer":"BIOGRAPHY","Explanation":"Definition: Book\nI O [I love] + GRAPH [plot] in BY [past]"} {"Clue":"Farm animal in street overturned vehicles (5)","Answer":"TRAMS","Explanation":"Definition: vehicles\nRAM [farm animal] in a reversal [overturned] of ST [street]"} {"Clue":"Male odd in female attire \u2014 is that not conjuring up a picture? (9)","Answer":"DREAMLESS","Explanation":"Definition: not conjuring up a picture?\nAnagram [odd] of MALE in DRESS [female attire]"} {"Clue":"Modern miss with jumper on shares accommodation (5)","Answer":"ROOMS","Explanation":"Definition: shares accommodation\nMS [modern miss \u2013 not really] with ROO [jumper] on [in a down clue]"} {"Clue":"Player, inert, transformed with stimulants (15)","Answer":"INSTRUMENTALIST","Explanation":"Definition: Player\nAnother excellent anagram [transformed] \u2013 of INERT and STIMULANTS"} {"Clue":"Girl mixing with men is a mischievous sort (7)","Answer":"GREMLIN","Explanation":"Definition: a mischievous sort\nAnagram [mixing] of GIRL and MEN"} {"Clue":"Material obtainable from ores \u2014 metal (9)","Answer":"ELASTOMER","Explanation":"Definition: Material\nAnagram [obtainable from] ORES and METAL"} {"Clue":"Rather shattered at end of exercise \u2014 with this going up? (5,4)","Answer":"HEART RATE","Explanation":"Definition: with this going up?\nAnagram [shattered] of RATHER + AT + exercisE"} {"Clue":"A cut is nasty, cut initially stinging (7)","Answer":"CAUSTIC","Explanation":"Definition: stinging\nAnother anagram [nasty] of A CUT IS + C[ut]"} {"Clue":"Action in which bear making great effort is drowned (7)","Answer":"DELUGED","Explanation":"Definition: drowned\nLUG [bear making great effort] in DEED [action] \u2013 my favourite clue, I think"} {"Clue":"Screen guest with the thing being hidden (5)","Answer":"VISOR","Explanation":"Definition: Screen\nVIS[it]OR minus 'it' \u2013 the thing"} {"Clue":"Left-side entry made by old-fashioned socialite with sex appeal (5)","Answer":"DEBIT","Explanation":"Definition: Left-side entry\nDEB [old-fashioned socialite] + IT [sex appeal]"} {"Clue":"Lovely lady,\u00a0\u00a0 one hot and smothered with butter? (7)","Answer":"CRUMPET","Explanation":"Definition: Lovely lady one hot and smothered with butter?\nI think I'll just call this a double definition and leave it at that\u00a0 \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Large wraps just irresistible for starters as Tex-Mex food (7)","Answer":"FAJITAS","Explanation":"Definition: Tex-Mex food\nFAT [large] round [wraps] J[ust] I[rresistible] + AS"} {"Clue":"Two rivers drier (5)","Answer":"AIRER","Explanation":"Definition: drier\nAIRE, the Yorkshire river, + R [any old river]"} {"Clue":"Bottom trapping bubbles was full of hot air (9)","Answer":"BLATHERED","Explanation":"Definition: was full of hot air\nBED [bottom] round [trapping] LATHER [bubbles]"} {"Clue":"Colonists after top with tear, as garment (5,5)","Answer":"CAPRI PANTS","Explanation":"Definition: garment\nANTS [insects who live in a colony] after CAP [top] + RIP [tear]"} {"Clue":"Someone singing \u00a0 scales on this (4)","Answer":"BASS","Explanation":"Definition: Someone singing scales on this\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"19 24, say? (6,6)","Answer":"NUMBER PUZZLE","Explanation":"Definition: 19 24, say?\nThe answer to 19 is PSEUDO and 24 is COUP, giving PSEUDO COUP, which could be said to sound like SUDOKU \u2013 which, of course, is a number puzzle \u2013 QED! [Clever cluing:\u00a0 'say' = 'sounds like' and ? indicates definition by example.]"} {"Clue":"A newspaper has absurd revamped covers, so stupid (4,2,1,5)","Answer":"DAFT AS A BRUSH","Explanation":"Definition: so stupid\nAn anagram [revamped] of HAS ABSURD round [covers] A FT [a Financial Times \u2013 a newspaper]"} {"Clue":"Neat curio, odd bits removed in case of sharp objects (4)","Answer":"ETUI","Explanation":"Definition: case of sharp objects\nEven letters of nEaT cUrIo"} {"Clue":"The place to be with teaser after messing around (5,3,2)","Answer":"WHERE IT\u2019S AT","Explanation":"Definition: The place to be\nAnagram [after messing around] of WITH TEASER"} {"Clue":"Start with four cracks in synthetic blades (9)","Answer":"ASTROTURF","Explanation":"Definition: synthetic blades\nAnagram [cracks] of START and FOUR \u2013 I liked the definition"} {"Clue":"Judge silverback 'umongous? (5)","Answer":"GAUGE","Explanation":"Definition: Judge\nReversal [back] of AG [silver] + [h]UGE \u2013 [h]umongous"} {"Clue":"Particle that is showing disease in sheep (7)","Answer":"SCRAPIE","Explanation":"Definition: disease in sheep\nSCRAP [particle] + IE [that is]"} {"Clue":"All those who came go away (7)","Answer":"TURNOUT","Explanation":"Definition: All those who came\nI'm not very happy about this one: it appears to be TURN OUT = go away but I've never met this use and I can find no evidence for it.\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Space for the clergy not entirely accidental (6)","Answer":"CHANCE","Explanation":"Definition: accidental\nCHANCE[l]\u00a0 [space for the clergy] \u2013 with 'chance' as an adjective"} {"Clue":"Mint in pure green (6)","Answer":"UNRIPE","Explanation":"Definition: green\nAn anagram [mint] of IN PURE"} {"Clue":"Nice fact (10)","Answer":"PARTICULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Nicefact\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Part of one's leg slightly raised, one pinned (5)","Answer":"TIBIA","Explanation":"Definition: Part of one's leg\nI [one] in [pinned] a reversal of A BIT [slightly]"} {"Clue":"Fawner primarily, the second of two queens is a bootlicker (9)","Answer":"FLATTERER","Explanation":"Definition: bootlicker\nF[awner] + LATTER ER [second of two queens]"} {"Clue":"Looking? (4)","Answer":"JOHN","Explanation":"This came fairly quickly after spotting [eventually] the 'gi ant' device in Puck's puzzle a couple of days before. We have to separate the word [LOO KING] to give a double definition"} {"Clue":"A devil endlessly covering centre of piazzas in mosaic paving (8)","Answer":"TERRAZZO","Explanation":"Definition: mosaic paving\nTERRO[r] [a devil] round [pi]AZZ[as]"} {"Clue":"Avoid seconds, despite being unsure (8)","Answer":"SIDESTEP","Explanation":"Definition: Avoid\nS [seconds] + an anagram [being unsure] of DESPITE"} {"Clue":"Shooter nursing leg when shot (10)","Answer":"GUNSLINGER","Explanation":"Definition: Shooter\nAn anagram [when shot] of NURSING LEG"} {"Clue":"Nothing in lesser and greater bodies of water for building on water (9)","Answer":"BOATHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: building on water\nO [nothing] in BATH [lesser body of water] + OUSE [greater body of water] \u2013 a reference, I think, to the rivers Little and Great Ouse"} {"Clue":"Doctor beginning with endoscopy in treatment of nasal glands (8)","Answer":"ADRENALS","Explanation":"Definition: glands\nDR [doctor] + E[ndoscopy] in an anagram [treatlment] of NASAL \u2013 a nice surface but I don't like the 'with'"} {"Clue":"In a state of anxiety, having a bet (8)","Answer":"AFLUTTER","Explanation":"Definition: In a state of anxiety\nA FLUTTER [a bet]"} {"Clue":"Say the material for Sitting Bull's bloomers is fake? (6)","Answer":"PSEUDO","Explanation":"Definition: fake\nSounds like [say] 'Sioux dough', the material for Chief Sitting Bull's bloomers [loaves] \u2013 I don't pronounce the first syllable of PSEUDO like that but it's so ingenious, together with the development in 'Sudoku', that I'm not complaining at all"} {"Clue":"The way Christmas tree tinsel is partially visible (6)","Answer":"STREET","Explanation":"Definition: The way\nHidden in christmaS TREE Tinsel"} {"Clue":"Judge it ready again (5)","Answer":"REFIT","Explanation":"Definition: ready again\nREF [judge] + IT \u2013 'ready' as a verb"} {"Clue":"Successful manoeuvre sees military leader winning (4)","Answer":"COUP","Explanation":"Definition: Successful manoeuvre\nCO [military leader] + UP [winning] \u2013 nice &littish surface"} {"Clue":"Spring put an end to game (9)","Answer":"HOPSCOTCH","Explanation":"Definition: game\nHOP [spring] + SCOTCH [put an end to]"} {"Clue":"Caught offensive character (5)","Answer":"CRANK","Explanation":"Definition: character\nC [caught] + RANK [offensive] \u2013 Collins gives, for 'character', 'an odd, eccentric or unusual person' and, for 'crank', 'an eccentric or odd person'"} {"Clue":"Many fit in lodge (5)","Answer":"DWELL","Explanation":"Definition: lodge\nD [500 \u2013 many] + WELL [fit]"} {"Clue":"Saw about very small worker for profit (9)","Answer":"ADVANTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: profit\nADAGE [saw] round V [very] ANT [small worker]"} {"Clue":"Fondness for costly staff in hospital department (10)","Answer":"ENDEARMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Fondness\nDEAR [costly] + MEN [staff] in ENT [hospital department] \u2013 this definition seemed strange to me but Chambers gives 'the state of being endeared'"} {"Clue":"Was familiar with Kingsley's first novel (4)","Answer":"KNEW","Explanation":"Definition: Was familiar with\nK [Kingsley's first] + NEW [novel]"} {"Clue":"Cavalry dance (7)","Answer":"LANCERS","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Time husband should care (7)","Answer":"THOUGHT","Explanation":"Definition: care\nT [time] + H [husband] + OUGHT [should]"} {"Clue":"Unrestrained tirade about a politician (7)","Answer":"RAMPANT","Explanation":"Definition: Unrestrained\nRANT [tirade] round MP [politician]"} {"Clue":"Dandified? Swimmer keeps nothing very quiet! (7)","Answer":"FOPPISH","Explanation":"Definition: Dandified\nFISH [swimmer] round [keeps] O [nothing] + PP [very quiet]"} {"Clue":"Tuck in a sweatshirt (4)","Answer":"EATS","Explanation":"Definition: Tuck\nHidden in swEATShirt"} {"Clue":"Detention of nationalist leader interrupts funeral (10)","Answer":"INTERNMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Detention\nN[ationalist] in [interrupts] INTERMENT [funeral] \u2013 exploiting one of the most common errors in journalism with a clever surface"} {"Clue":"Weighty foreign product contains bronze (9)","Answer":"IMPORTANT","Explanation":"Definition: Weighty\nIMPORT [foreign product] round TAN [bronze]"} {"Clue":"Ward off state terrorism, initially (5)","Answer":"AVERT","Explanation":"Definition: Ward off\nAVER [state] + T[errorism]"} {"Clue":"Ride around island in Italy (5)","Answer":"TURIN","Explanation":"Definition: in Italy\nTURN [ride] round I [island]"} {"Clue":"Little girl meets poet in the chemist (9)","Answer":"DISPENSER","Explanation":"Definition: chemist\nDI [little girl] + SPENSER [poet] \u2013 a weak surface:\u00a0 surely we'd say, 'in the chemist's'?\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Vegetation that's hard to trim (5)","Answer":"HEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Vegetation\nH [hard] + EDGE [trim]"} {"Clue":"Another name for dopy men, US style (9)","Answer":"PSEUDONYM","Explanation":"Definition: Another name\nA nice anagram [style] of DOPY MEN US"} {"Clue":"Pass to the side for security (10)","Answer":"COLLATERAL","Explanation":"Definition: security\nCOL [pass] + LATERAL [to the side]"} {"Clue":"4 Injuries in Sumatra disaster (7)","Answer":"TRAUMAS","Explanation":"Definition: 4 Injuries\nAnagram [disaster] of SUMATRA"} {"Clue":"Place of safety with books for deprived individual (4-3)","Answer":"HAVE-NOT","Explanation":"Definition: deprived individual\nHAVEN [place of safety] + OT [books]"} {"Clue":"Beat honoured actor heartlessly (4)","Answer":"CANE","Explanation":"Definition: Beat\nCA[i]NE \u2013 Sir Michael Caine is the disheartened honoured actor"} {"Clue":"Once more making a profit (5)","Answer":"AGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Once more\nA GAIN [a profit]"} {"Clue":"Guard to glance over timepiece (4,5)","Answer":"KEEP WATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Guard\nReversal [over] of PEEK [glance] + WATCH [timepiece]"} {"Clue":"Writer settled in advance to make amends (10)","Answer":"COMPENSATE","Explanation":"Definition: make amends\nPEN [writer] + SAT [settled] in COME [advance]"} {"Clue":"Thief dressed in scarlet (9)","Answer":"LARCENIST","Explanation":"Definition: Thief\nAnagram [dressed] of IN SCARLET"} {"Clue":"Frank lugs Elsie around (9)","Answer":"GUILELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Frank\nAnagram [around] of LUGS ELSIE"} {"Clue":"A king died under military vehicle? The mug! (7)","Answer":"TANKARD","Explanation":"Definition: mug\nA R D [a king died] under [in a down clue] TANK [military vehicle]"} {"Clue":"It's safe to break up for holidays (7)","Answer":"FIESTAS","Explanation":"Definition: holidays\nAnagram [to break up] of IT'S\u00a0 SAFE"} {"Clue":"Narrow strip by river (5)","Answer":"TAPER","Explanation":"Definition: Narrow\nTAPE [strip] + R [river]"} {"Clue":"Trade union gains prominence in school (5)","Answer":"TUTOR","Explanation":"Definition: schoo\nTU [trade union] + TOR [prominence]"} {"Clue":"Press club (4)","Answer":"IRON","Explanation":"Double definition \u2013 a perfect Quiptic clue to end with \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Therapy with effervescent sounding ring to it (6)","Answer":"PHYSIO","Explanation":"Definition: Therapy\nSounds like 'fizzy' [effervescent] + O [ring]"} {"Clue":"Force employees to have hospital filling teeth (8)","Answer":"CHOPPERS","Explanation":"Definition: teeth\nCOPPERS [force employees \u2013 nice] round H [hospital]"} {"Clue":"Native American has not a lot going on, nose to tail with relatives (8)","Answer":"ALGONKIN","Explanation":"Definition: Native American\nI'm not sure quite what's going on here: KIN [relatives] is clear enough and before that we have the initial letters of A Lot Going On Nose \u2013 but I don't think that's it"} {"Clue":"Mawkish medic, one with flowers in 'is 'air (6)","Answer":"DRIPPY","Explanation":"Definition: Mawkish\nDR [medic] + 'IPPY [one who would have flowers in 'is 'air, especially if going to San Francisco]"} {"Clue":"Pretty, witty mistress, famously involved in making a 2 in the 22? (12)","Answer":"CRENELLATION","Explanation":"Definition: 2 in the 22?\nNELL [Gwyn \u2013 mistress of Charles II, 'pretty, witty Nell' in Samuel Pepys' diary] in CREATION [making] \u2013 a rather whimsical definition but I like it"} {"Clue":" 2 in the 22 of shop one can't get repaired (9)","Answer":"CASHPOINT","Explanation":"Definition: 2 in the 22\nAnagram [repaired] of SHOP I [one] CAN'T"} {"Clue":"22 must not get rebuilt with a 2 in it (3,5)","Answer":"TOM SNOUT","Explanation":"Definition: 22with a 2 in it\nAnagram [rebuilt] of MUST NOT with an O [hole] in it: Tom Snout was, of course, the tinker in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', who played the WALL ['And such a wall, as I would have you think, That had in it a crannied hole or chink'] in 'Pyramus and Thisbe', the play within a play."} {"Clue":"One Turin game that's free of charge (8)","Answer":"NEUTRINO","Explanation":"Definition: that's free of charge\nAnagram [game \u2013 as in lame] of ONE TURIN"} {"Clue":"Finished deliveries in Llandovery (4)","Answer":"OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Finisheddeliveries\nHidden in LlandOVERy \u2013 a double definition"} {"Clue":"Bloody landlord always stashes away a penny for a special occasion (3-6,3)","Answer":"RED-LETTER DAY","Explanation":"Definition: special occasion\nRED [bloody] + LETTER [landlord] + AY [always] round D [penny] \u2013 in almanacs and ecclesiatical calendars, feast days and saints'\u00a0 days were printed in red"} {"Clue":"Servant uses 2 in the 22 in common location, withdrawing large amount (6)","Answer":"BATMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Servant uses\nATM ['hole in the wall'] in BAN[k] \u2013 a common location for it \u2013 minus [withdrawing] K [a large amount]"} {"Clue":"Club I visit briefly, comic saying the opposite of what is meant (8)","Answer":"IRONICAL","Explanation":"Definition: comic saying the opposite of what is meant\nIRON [club] + I CAL[l] [I visit]"} {"Clue":"Those taking over position initially held by moneylenders (8)","Answer":"USURPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Those taking over\nP[osition] in USURERS [moneylenders]"} {"Clue":"Agile doctor into line dancing (6)","Answer":"NIMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Agile\nMB [doctor] in an anagram [dancing] of LINE\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Women moved out of complete dump (4)","Answer":"HOLE","Explanation":"Definition: dump\n[w]HOLE"} {"Clue":"Deployment of cloth has covered uniform headgear (6,3)","Answer":"SLOUCH HAT","Explanation":"Definition: headgear\nAnagram [deployment] of CLOTH HAS round U [uniform] \u2013 and it is indeed uniform headgear"} {"Clue":"Alternative name held by island archipelago (6)","Answer":"ORKNEY","Explanation":"Definition: archipelago\nOR [alternative] + N [name] in KEY [island]"} {"Clue":"Force nieces into cooking lots of sweets? (15)","Answer":"CONFECTIONERIES","Explanation":"Definition: lots of sweets?\nAnagram [cooking] of FORCE NIECES INTO \u2013\u00a0 'confectionery' is plural already but Collins [not Chambers] gives this form \u2013 for me, Puck gets away with it, anyway, with the 'lots of' and the question mark"} {"Clue":"Ex-moll, almost faded away (3,5)","Answer":"OLD FLAME","Explanation":"Definition: Ex\nAnagram [away] of MOLL FADE[d]"} {"Clue":"Had kittens, possibly cloned (10)","Answer":"REPRODUCED","Explanation":"Not quite a double definition, I think"} {"Clue":"Same as belt fashioned in lead and zinc? (4,6)","Answer":"BASE METALS","Explanation":"Definition: lead and zinc?\nAnagram [fashioned] of SAME AS BELT"} {"Clue":"DIY mum, one surprisingly in element appearing nude regularly at 60 (9)","Answer":"NEODYMIUM","Explanation":"Definition: element\nAnagram [surprisingly] of DIY MUM ONE"} {"Clue":"Aloofness first seen in Scandinavian that's cold inside (8)","Answer":"DISTANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Aloofness\nIST [first] in DANE [Scandinavian] with C [cold] inside"} {"Clue":"Meet a radio presenter at 2 in \u2026 (6)","Answer":"ADJOIN","Explanation":"Definition: Meet\nA DJ [a radio presenter] + O [hole] + IN"} {"Clue":"the 22 in Paris \u2014 an African native, often nocturnal (5)","Answer":"LEMUR","Explanation":"Definition: an African native, often nocturna\nLE MUR [French for the WALL] \u2013 and an ellipsis that makes perfect sense \u2013 brilliant!"} {"Clue":" Barrier hit after leaving work (4)","Answer":"WALL","Explanation":"Definition: Barrier\nWALL[op] \u2013 hit minus op [work]"} {"Clue":"Put money on stock unit, a very good little earner (4,3)","Answer":"CASH COW","Explanation":"Definition: a very good little earner\nCASH [money] + COW ['stock unit'] \u2013 I like the surface"} {"Clue":"Criticise long dash (7)","Answer":"PANACHE","Explanation":"Definition: dash\nPAN [criticise] + ACHE [long]"} {"Clue":"Alternative article in gold (5)","Answer":"OTHER","Explanation":"Definition: Alternative\nTHE [article] in OR [gold]"} {"Clue":"Offer fantastic reduct\u00adion (9)","Answer":"INTRODUCE","Explanation":"Definition: Offer\nAnagram [fantastic] of REDUCTION"} {"Clue":"Enthronement of firm king's naught to the country (10)","Answer":"CORONATION","Explanation":"Definition: Enthronement\nCO [firm] + R [king] + O [naught] + NATION [country]"} {"Clue":"An imbibing of French port (4)","Answer":"ADEN","Explanation":"Definition: port\nAN round [imbibing] DE [of French] \u2013 another nice surface:\u00a0 of course, port comes from Portugal and I have just read, 'Port became very popular in England after the Methuen Treaty of 1703, when merchants were permitted to import it at a low duty, while war with France deprived English wine drinkers of French wine.'"} {"Clue":"Material allowances in cuts (11)","Answer":"LACERATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: cuts\nLACE [material] + RATIONS [allowances]"} {"Clue":"Request for position in industry (11)","Answer":"APPLICATION","Explanation":"Definition: Request for positionindustry\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Food on the turn? (4)","Answer":"TACK","Explanation":"Definition: Foodturn\nDouble definition \u2013 a zigzag sailing course and naval slang for food"} {"Clue":"Old man from Maine so well in retirement (10)","Answer":"METHUSELAH","Explanation":"Definition: Old man\nME [Maine] + THUS [so] + reversal [in retirement] of HALE [well]"} {"Clue":"Female relative in liaison, showing off (9)","Answer":"FLAUNTING","Explanation":"Definition: showing off\nAUNT [female relative] in FLING [liaison]"} {"Clue":"Soldier in ebbing sea gets support (5)","Answer":"AEGIS","Explanation":"Definition: support\nGI [soldier] in reversal [ebbing] of SEA"} {"Clue":"High point of religious architecture (7)","Answer":"STEEPLE","Explanation":"Definition: High point of religious architecture\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Like hell cats in a melee (7)","Answer":"SATANIC","Explanation":"Definition: Like hell\nAnagram [in a melee] of CATS IN A\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Selection \u00a0of superior quality (6)","Answer":"CHOICE","Explanation":"Definition: Selectionof superior quality\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"First signs of spring have arrived, let's have a ball (6)","Answer":"SPHERE","Explanation":"Definition: ball\nSP [first signs of SPring] + HERE [arrived]"} {"Clue":"Sing a carol, playing an instrument (3,7)","Answer":"COR ANGLAIS","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\nA neat anagram [playing] of SING A CAROL \u2013 but it would be quite difficult to do both at once!"} {"Clue":"It enables one to turn one's hand to many things (5)","Answer":"WRIST","Explanation":"Definition: It enables one to turn one's hand to many things\nCryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"It's up to Prior to provide an assortment (9)","Answer":"POTPOURRI","Explanation":"Definition: assortment\nAnagram [to provide] of UP TO PRIOR"} {"Clue":"Absence of agreement regarding recess (4)","Answer":"NOOK","Explanation":"Definition: recess\nNO OK [absence of agreement]"} {"Clue":"A potboiler? (8)","Answer":"CAULDRON","Explanation":"Definition: A potboiler?\nCryptic [?] definition \u2013 I'd have expecteded some reference to the definition of potboiler"} {"Clue":"All the same, the head makes a regular appearance (8)","Answer":"EVENNESS","Explanation":"Definition: regular appearance\nEVEN [all the same] + NESS [head] \u2013 the definition makes a nice surface"} {"Clue":"Either rises quickly or doesn't budge (6,4)","Answer":"STANDS FAST","Explanation":"Definition: rises quicklydoesn't budge\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Unusually fierce sea battle ends with it (9)","Answer":"CEASEFIRE","Explanation":"Definition: battle ends with it\nAnother neat anagram [unusually] of FIERCE SEA \u2013 and another nice surface"} {"Clue":"Art master's pets are dogs (8)","Answer":"MASTIFFS","Explanation":"Definition: dogs\nMA'S [Art master's] + TIFFS [pets] \u2013 my favourite clue: [I did think that 'tiff' and 'pet' were not quite the same thing but Collins has, for 'tiff', 'a fit of ill-humour' and Chambers, 'a display of irritation' \u2013 so that's all right, then.]"} {"Clue":"Wise step in the present era (5,3)","Answer":"SPACE AGE","Explanation":"Definition: the present era\nPACE [step] in SAGE [wise]"} {"Clue":"Vessel \u2014 showing its nationality? (6)","Answer":"FLAGON","Explanation":"Definition: Vessel\nA ship with its FLAG ON\u00a0 would be showing its nationality"} {"Clue":"In radiography sickness has a cure (6)","Answer":"PHYSIC","Explanation":"Definition: cure\nHidden in radiograPHY SICkness"} {"Clue":"Do they give feelings of elation to meteorologists? (5)","Answer":"HIGHS","Explanation":"Double \/ cryptic definition \u2013 'a euphoric or exhilarated frame of mind, especially under the influence of a drug'\u00a0 and another word for an anticyclone."} {"Clue":"Cut price bargain (4)","Answer":"SNIP","Explanation":"Definition: Cutbargain\nDouble definition \u2013 which doesn't quite work for me"} {"Clue":"Flier shot firearm, blind (8,4)","Answer":"RIFLEMAN BIRD","Explanation":"Definition: Flier\nAnagram [shot] of FIREARM BLIND"} {"Clue":"Not wholly uncorked wine, perhaps, is unusually like hard work (7)","Answer":"OPEROSE","Explanation":"Definition: like hard work\nOPE[n] [not wholly uncorked] + [perhaps] ROS\u00c9 [wine] \u2013 'unusually', presumably, because Chambers calls it 'rare'. [It looked for a few minutes as if ONEROUS would fit but 3dn put paid to that and, of course, it wouldn't parse.]"} {"Clue":"Increase length of\u00a0 time (7)","Answer":"STRETCH","Explanation":"Definition: Increase length oftime\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Arundel crumbling into Wash? (7)","Answer":"LAUNDER","Explanation":"Definition: Wash\nAnagram [crumbling] of ARUNDEL \u2013 this would be a bit of a 9ac!"} {"Clue":"Dinner, maybe, with no starter, involving bird with no end (7)","Answer":"ETERNAL","Explanation":"Definition: with no end\nTERN [bird] in [m]EAL [dinner, maybe]"} {"Clue":"Come to pan Spain and Norway (5)","Answer":"WOKEN","Explanation":"Definition: Come to\nWOK [pan] + E [Spain] + N [Norway] \u2013 'come' as the past participle rather than the present tense"} {"Clue":"Musicians' dosh reportedly censored (5,4)","Answer":"BRASS BAND","Explanation":"Definition: Musicians\nBRASS [dosh] + homophone [reportedly] of banned [censored]"} {"Clue":"Alarming disclosure of beauty (9)","Answer":"BOMBSHELL","Explanation":"Definition: Alarming disclosurebeauty\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Submission to no-good people of social standing (5)","Answer":"ENTRY","Explanation":"Definition: Submission\n[g]ENTRY"} {"Clue":"Craftsperson's fruit keeps men right (7)","Answer":"LORIMER","Explanation":"Definition: Craftsperson\nLIME [fruit] round OR [men] + R [right] \u2013\u00a0 a lorimer makes the metal parts of a horse's harness"} {"Clue":"Returned, say, to die, say, in Hell (7)","Answer":"GEHENNA","Explanation":"Definition: Hell\nReversal [returned] of EG [say] + HENNA [dye \u2013 'die, say'] for the Hebrew place of eternal torment"} {"Clue":"Right to agitate about type of cup (7)","Answer":"STIRRUP","Explanation":"Definition: type of cup\nSTIR UP [agitate] round R [right, again] \u2013 I thought a stirrup cup was specifically the drink presented to the Master of the Hunt before the hunt sets off, but it's simply a drink given to a person on horseback on arriving or departing \u2013 what the Scots call a Doch-an-doris"} {"Clue":"Interval with money invested in annuity scheme (7)","Answer":"TONTINE","Explanation":"Definition: annuity scheme\nTIN [money] invested in TONE [musical interval]"} {"Clue":"Medical expert to sprout in wet season? On the contrary (5,7)","Answer":"BRAIN SURGEON","Explanation":"Definition: Medical expert\nRAINS [wet season] in BURGEON [sprout]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Animal turning king to solid gold (7)","Answer":"ROEBUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\nReversal [turning] of K[king] + CUBE [solid] + OR [gold]"} {"Clue":"Little person brought up to adopt peculiar name \u2014 Battle? (7)","Answer":"FLODDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Battle\nAnother reversal [brought up] of ELF [little person] round ODD [peculiar] for the 1513 battle in which James IV of Scotland was killed"} {"Clue":"Loathsome river water-dweller gets article in Paris Match (9)","Answer":"EXECRABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Loathsome\nEXE [river] + CRAB [water-dweller] + LE [article in Paris Match]"} {"Clue":"Beer is consumed in passageway (5)","Answer":"AISLE","Explanation":"Definition: passageway\nIS in ALE [beer]"} {"Clue":"Former magistrate drives into empty bus (7)","Answer":"BURGESS","Explanation":"Definition: Former magistrate\nURGES [drives] in B[u]S"} {"Clue":"Barrel in middle of road smashed into building (7)","Answer":"ROTUNDA","Explanation":"Definition: building\nTUN [barrel] in an anagram [smashed] of ROAD"} {"Clue":"LA district (but not \"hood\"), clad in stones, generates queasy feeling (12)","Answer":"COLLYWOBBLES","Explanation":"Definition: queasy feeling\n[h]OLLYW[ood] [LA district minus 'hood'] in COBBLES [stones] \u2013 a lovely word, which both Collins and Chambers suggest might derive from 'colic' and 'wobble'"} {"Clue":"Random swipe catches smelly tourist (12)","Answer":"HOLIDAYMAKER","Explanation":"Definition: tourist\nHAYMAKER [random swipe] round OLID [smelly]"} {"Clue":"Snapper of everyone on list soldier's drawn up (9)","Answer":"ALLIGATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Snapper\nALL [everyone] + reversal [drawn up] of ROTA [list] + GI [soldier]"} {"Clue":"Like the more when more inebriated? (7)","Answer":"MERRIER","Explanation":"Definition: more inebriated\nReference to the saying, 'The more the merrier'"} {"Clue":"Fighters concocting a tiramisu? Forget it! (7)","Answer":"SAMURAI","Explanation":"Definition: Fighters\nAnagram [concocting] of A [ti]RAMISU minus 'it' \u2013 a lovely picture!"} {"Clue":"Improve space beside Chinese church (7)","Answer":"ENHANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Improve\nEn [space in printing] + HAN [Chinese dynasty] + CE [church]"} {"Clue":"Fraught atmosphere generated by headless 25s (7)","Answer":"TENSION","Explanation":"Definition: Fraught atmosphere\nAnagram [generated by] of [t]ONTINES"} {"Clue":"What experts know \u2014 their onions? (5)","Answer":"ROPES","Explanation":"Definition: What experts know\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Mount watch in case (6)","Answer":"HUNTER","Explanation":"Double definition \u2013 a horse used for hunting and a watch in a case \u2013 so a TIMEKEEPER in the literal sense"} {"Clue":"Assist business to mail packages (6)","Answer":"SECOND","Explanation":"Definition: Assist\nSEND [to mail] round [packages] CO [business]"} {"Clue":"Strong shock when heart's bypassed in power cut (6)","Answer":"OUTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: power cut\nOUT]r]AGE [strong shock] with its heart bypassed"} {"Clue":"Like bad jokes, limited supply left to crack (3-5)","Answer":"ILL-TIMED","Explanation":"Definition: Like bad jokes\nAnagram [supply] of LIMITED L[eft] \u2013 I just love this anagram indicator!"} {"Clue":"Current changeover (4)","Answer":"TIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Current\nReversal [over] of EDIT [change]: I've seen this device used a number of times but I thought this wordplay was particularly good. [TIDE = time as in Christmastide]"} {"Clue":"English bird is circling moor for endless periods (10)","Answer":"ETERNITIES","Explanation":"Definition: endless periods\nE [English] TERN [bird] + IS round TIE [moor \u2013 tie up a boat]"} {"Clue":"8, for instance, discussed vetoed editorials (11)","Answer":"BANDLEADERS","Explanation":"Definition: 8, for instance\nSounds like [discussed] banned [vetoed] + LEADERS [editorials] \u2013 BANDLEADERS [try to] keep in time with the band!"} {"Clue":"Teams got rid of injured wings, perhaps (10)","Answer":"SIDESWIPED","Explanation":"The wordplay seems to be SIDES [teams] + WIPED [got rid of] but I'm struggling with the definition:\u00a0 'injured wings' just seems to be a repetition of the same wordplay. I know that I'm being really dim here."} {"Clue":"Touch and go (4)","Answer":"MOVE","Explanation":"Definition: Touchgo\nA really nice double definition"} {"Clue":" John Gay's overly evid\u00adent in Amazing Grace (8)","Answer":"COTTAGER","Explanation":"Definition: John Gay\nOTT [overly] in an anagram [amazing] of GRACE: a COTTAGER is a Gay who uses a public toilet [John] as a venue.\u00a0 [I liked the misleading reference to The Beggar's Opera, which 'made Gay Rich and Rich Gay'.]"} {"Clue":"Peer into the unknown twice per annum (6)","Answer":"YEARLY","Explanation":"Definition: per annum\nEARL [peer] in YY [the unknown twice]"} {"Clue":"Jock's cross, forgetting Latin work by Juvenal, say (6)","Answer":"SATIRE","Explanation":"Definition: work by Juvenal, say\nSA[l]TIRE: the saltire is the cross of St Andrew, the flag of Scotland [Jock's cross] minus L[atin] \u2013 and Juvenal wrote satires [in Latin]:\u00a0 I just loved this clue for its brilliant surface and the fact that we've been reading Juvenal in our Latin reading group this year \u2013 'mens sana in corpore sano' and all that"} {"Clue":"Hurry to develop a proposal for it (4,2)","Answer":"COME ON","Explanation":"Definition: Hurrya proposal for it\nDouble definition, with 'it' in its familiar crossword sense: I think this definition perhaps has a hyphen *[Edit:** triple** defininition \u2013 thanks, Gaufrid @8]"} {"Clue":"Old South American artist hosts writer privately (2,6)","Answer":"IN CAMERA","Explanation":"Definition: privately\nINCA [old South American] + RA [artist] round [hosts] ME [writer]"} {"Clue":"Cut power escaping from exhaust (6)","Answer":"DELETE","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\nDE[p]LETE [exhaust] losing P [power]"} {"Clue":"Row during late duke's set (8)","Answer":"DECLINED","Explanation":"Definition: set\nLINE [row] in DEC [deceased \u2013 late] D [duke]"} {"Clue":" He believes in one being sweaty around noon (6)","Answer":"MONIST","Explanation":"Definition: He believes in one\nMOIST [sweaty] round N [noon] *[Edit: MONIST \u2013 see comments 18 and 19]"} {"Clue":"Mingling with these beauties, Ali could be hilarious (6)","Answer":"HOURIS","Explanation":"Definition: beauties\nA reverse clue: hilarious is an anagram [mingling with these \u2026 could be] of Ali and HOURIS \u2013 another lovely surface"} {"Clue":"Rushdie's eloquent about this source of power (6)","Answer":"DIESEL","Explanation":"Definition: source of power\nHidden in rushDIE'S ELoquent \u2013 I would love to think the 'time' here was DIES\u00a0 \ud83d\ude09\u00a0 \u2013\u00a0 but I think it's either D [day] or S [Saturday \/ Sunday] \u2013 over to you"} {"Clue":"Does regular income protect royal widows? (8)","Answer":"DOWAGERS","Explanation":"Definition: widows\nDO WAGES [does regular income] round R [royal]"} {"Clue":"A politician is furious defending riots (8)","Answer":"RAMPAGES","Explanation":"Definition: riots\nRAGES [is furious] round [defending] A MP [a politician] \u2013 'age' is bound to crop up more than once, isn't it?"} {"Clue":"Big shop stocks an assortment of iron keys (6)","Answer":"MINORS","Explanation":"Definition: keys\nM and S \u2013 as Marks and Spencer's now likes to be called\u00a0 [big shop] round [stocks] an anagram [assortment] of IRON"} {"Clue":"Old gardener's extremely lonely in flat (6)","Answer":"EVELYN","Explanation":"Definition: Old gardener\nLY [extremes of LonelY] in EVEN [flat] for John Evelyn, perhaps better known \u2013 to me, at least, \u2013 as a diarist"} {"Clue":"Assess writer's lost property (6)","Answer":"ESTATE","Explanation":"Definition: property\nEST[im]ATE [assess] losing I'M [writer's]"} {"Clue":"Anybody swimming anonymously doesn't board (3,3)","Answer":"DAY BOY","Explanation":"Definition: doesn't board\n'Anonymously' means 'without a name' , so we need to take n from anybody and make an anagram [swimming] of it \u2013 lovely!"} {"Clue":"Dot \u2014 ultimate character in EastEnders taking a regular drink (7)","Answer":"STIPPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Dot\nS last letter of eastenderS + TIPPLE [regular drink \u2013 Dot's being 'a small sweet sherry']"} {"Clue":"Cave-dweller keeping second chap in or out? (7)","Answer":"BATSMAN","Explanation":"Definition: chap in or out\nBATMAN [cave-dweller]\u00a0 round S [second]"} {"Clue":"Catching cold, can 12? (4)","Answer":"LOCO","Explanation":"Definition: 12\nLOO [can] round C [cold]\u00a0 = cuckoo [answer to 12]"} {"Clue":"Catching cold too, using a muff (10)","Answer":"CONTAGIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Catching\nAnagram [muff] of C [cold] + TOO USING A"} {"Clue":"No rage? L! (9,8,5)","Answer":"CHRISTMAS WRAPPING PAPER","Explanation":"NOEL [Christmas] round [wrapping] RAG [paper]: a clever construction, which made me laugh when I saw it, but, as there's no definition, it's more of a Dingbat than a crossword clue."} {"Clue":"Is a member's cast so sozzled? (9)","Answer":"PLASTERED","Explanation":"Definition: sozzled\nA broken member \u2013 arm or leg \u2013 would be put in plaster"} {"Clue":"I must go behind boy, one wearing short yellow bloomers (8)","Answer":"GLADIOLI","Explanation":"Definition: bloomers\nI after LAD [boy] + I [one] in [wearing] GOL[d] [short yellow]"} {"Clue":"Guillotine important figure (6)","Answer":"EIGHTY","Explanation":"Definition: figure\n[w]EIGHTY [important, without its head]"} {"Clue":"Kind heart of Irish setter flourished (10)","Answer":"BRANDISHED","Explanation":"Definition: flourished\nBRAND [kind] + I [heart of irIsh] + SHED [setter] \u2013 we've had several instances of references to fellow-setters lately: I have no objection to it."} {"Clue":"In Devon, a current company leader is business manager (4)","Answer":"EXEC","Explanation":"Definition: business manager\nEXE [Devon river] + C[ompany]"} {"Clue":"Apparently sweet thing in mother, even gentler (7)","Answer":"REVENGE","Explanation":"Definition: Apparently sweet thing\nHidden in motheR EVEN GEntler \u2013 a reference to the saying 'Revenge is sweet', from Milton's 'Paradise Lost':\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Feel restraining order is excessive (3,4)","Answer":"TOO MUCH","Explanation":"Definition: excessive\nOM [order \u2013 of merit] in TOUCH [feeling]"} {"Clue":"Dump the cheap drink (5)","Answer":"PLONK","Explanation":"Definition: Dumpcheap drink\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Exclusion from place of work as rugby player dismissed (7)","Answer":"LOCKOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Exclusion from place of work\nLOCK [rugby player] + OUT [dismissed]"} {"Clue":"Mount frames in alabaster (amateur art) (6)","Answer":"ARARAT","Explanation":"Definition: Mount\nAR [frames in AlabasteR] then we have A [amateur] and ART but I can't quite fit them together!"} {"Clue":"Sound transaction straightforward for aircraft (9)","Answer":"SAILPLANE","Explanation":"Definition: aircraft\nSounds like sale [transaction] + plain [straightforward]"} {"Clue":"Female graduates rewrite manual with masculine conclusion (7)","Answer":"ALUMNAE","Explanation":"Definition: Female graduates\nAnagram [rewrite] of MANUAL + [masculin]E"} {"Clue":"Missile attacks in this global warfare and nuclear fallout starts to spread (8,5)","Answer":"SNOWBALL FIGHT","Explanation":"Over to you for this one! [I'm getting ready to kick myself.]"} {"Clue":"With investment of 500, possibly nice when twice the amount (9)","Answer":"INCIDENCE","Explanation":"Definition: amount\nD [500] in two anagrams of NICE"} {"Clue":"In general free (2,5)","Answer":"AT LARGE","Explanation":"Definition: In generalfree\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Taking drug (on drugs), put your foot down (5,2)","Answer":"SPEED UP","Explanation":"Definition: put your foot down\nSPEED [drug] + UP [on drugs]"} {"Clue":"Old lover, not-half 25 in the end (7)","Answer":"EXTREME","Explanation":"Definition: the end\nEX [old lover] + half [or not half!] of TREME[ndous] [great \u2013 answer to 25dn] \u2013 I don't know what the hyphen's doing in the clue."} {"Clue":"As is a tree in five-star sporting event? (6,5)","Answer":"BOXING MATCH","Explanation":"Definition: sporting event\nI can't see this one, either"} {"Clue":"Super double-dotty bird (5,7,6)","Answer":"GREAT SPOTTED CUCKOO","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nGREAT [super] \u2013 and SPOTTED and CUCKOO can both mean dotty"} {"Clue":"Quiet French writer recalled trees (7)","Answer":"SUMACHS","Explanation":"Definition: trees\nReversal [recalled] of SH [quiet] + CAMUS [French writer] -we're more used to the CAMUS \/ SUMAC device but this is an alternative spelling"} {"Clue":"Person robs poor to make cut? (7)","Answer":"OSBORNE","Explanation":"My remarks in my preamble falter almost at the first hurdle: this seems to be an anagram [poor] of ONE [person] ROBS. I hoped to find that an osborne could be a cut of meat or a canal \u2013 without success \u2013 so I'm struggling with the definition, apart from George, the Chancellor, the person making cuts."} {"Clue":"Bed solicitor missing wife (5)","Answer":"LAYER","Explanation":"Definition: Bed\nLA[w]YER [solicitor minus w {wife}]"} {"Clue":"Thinks too much of \u00a0 Gove (prat) \u2014 he's sacked heads about reading? (9)","Answer":"OVERRATES","Explanation":"Definition: Thinks too much of\n[g]OVE [p]RAT [h]E'S ['sacked heads'] round R [reading \u2013 as in the three Rs]: Michael Gove, ex [mecifully] Education Secretary \u2013 one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"The split, without a majority, it could turn to red or blue (10)","Answer":"THERMOSTAT","Explanation":"Definition: it could turn to red or blue\nTHE + RAT [split \u2013 as in spill the beans] round [without] MOST [majority]"} {"Clue":" \"Perhaps we give money to poor now?\" (Shapps, surprisingly) (9)","Answer":"PAWNSHOPS","Explanation":"Definition: \"Perhaps we give money to poor\nAnagram [surprisingly] of\u00a0 NOW SHAPPS \u2013 Tory Party Chairman Grant Shapps' view of poor people"} {"Clue":"Drop off in calls after bank's closure \u2014 protection for consumers rolled into these? (6,5)","Answer":"NAPKIN RINGS","Explanation":"Definition: protection for consumers rolled into these?\nNAP [drop off] + IN RINGS [in calls] after [ban]K [bank's closure] \u2013 what a lovely misleading surface!"} {"Clue":"Act while describing series of holes in changes of policy (11)","Answer":"TURNAROUNDS","Explanation":"Definition: changes of policy\nTURN [act] + AS [while] round [describing] ROUND [series of holes \u2013 in golf]"} {"Clue":"Hunt ignoring hospital patient (4)","Answer":"CASE","Explanation":"Definition: hospital patient\nC[h]ASE [hunt minus h {hospital}] \u2013 a very neat example of Tramp's use of themes: this clue makes perfect sense in itself \u2013\u00a0 but Jeremy Hunt is Secretary of State for Health."} {"Clue":"Fliers distributed; sheet contains mockery (10)","Answer":"PERSIFLAGE","Explanation":"Definition: mockery\nAnagram [distributed] of FLIERS contained in PAGE [sheet] \u2013 what a lovely word this is!"} {"Clue":"Balls is mad near Pickles (9)","Answer":"MARINADES","Explanation":"Definition: Pickles\nAnagram [balls] of IS MAD NEAR \u2013 here's a nice story about Ed Balls and Eric Pickles"} {"Clue":"Campaign entry (5)","Answer":"LOBBY","Explanation":"Definition: Campaignentry\nDouble definition \u2013 although the 'campaign' meaning comes from the fact that the Lobby of the House of Commons is where constituents meet their MP"} {"Clue":"More poor in northeast, back on dole, have had it, right? (7)","Answer":"NEEDIER","Explanation":"Definition: More poor\nNE [northeast] + [dol]E + DIE [have had it] + R [right]"} {"Clue":"Give up \u00a0place: pile (3,4)","Answer":"LAY DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Give upplacepile\nTriple definition, I think\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Left shows contempt about cuts (6)","Answer":"SPLITS","Explanation":"Definition: cuts\nSPITS [shows\u00a0 contempt] round L [left]"} {"Clue":"Home secretary's border chaos (6)","Answer":"MAYHEM","Explanation":"Definition: chaos\n{Theresa] MAY [Home Secretary] + HEM [border] \u2013 see here for the border chaos"} {"Clue":"Formal lie \u2014 Cameron after Labour (10)","Answer":"CEREMONIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Formal\nAnagram [after Labour] of LIE CAMERON"} {"Clue":"Start to squeeze proportion working (9)","Answer":"OPERATION","Explanation":"Definition: working\nOPEN [start] round [to squeeze] RATIO [proportion]"} {"Clue":"Writer cut Boris off (4)","Answer":"BIRO","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nAnagram [off] of BORI[s] [Johnson] \u2013 they don't come more topical than this : front page story in today's paper"} {"Clue":"Focuses on leading schools again (8)","Answer":"RETRAINS","Explanation":"Definition: schools again\nTRAINS [focuses] with RE [on] leading"} {"Clue":"Sick feeling question avoided, it's simple (8)","Answer":"EASINESS","Explanation":"Definition: it's simple\n[qu]EASINESS [sick feeling minus question]"} {"Clue":"Time to deteriorate? Quite, in a way that might be na\u00efve (10)","Answer":"TRUSTFULLY","Explanation":"Definition: in a way that might be na\u00efve\nT [time] + RUST [deteriorate] + FULLY [quite]"} {"Clue":"Supplies spin round seller in US (9)","Answer":"PROVENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Supplies\nPR [spin] + O [round] + VENDER [I thought this must be the US spelling of vendor \u2013 seller, but both Collins and Chambers give it simply as an alternative]"} {"Clue":" US warehouse guy and soldier after part for gun (8)","Answer":"STOCKMAN","Explanation":"Definition: US warehouse guy\nMAN [soldier] after STOCK [part for gun]"} {"Clue":"Can head to pound store (8)","Answer":"PRESERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Can\nP [first letter of Pound] + RESERVE [store]"} {"Clue":"It might make polls, we hear? Con: missing last three (6)","Answer":"BAMBOO","Explanation":"Definition: It might make polls, we hear?\nBAMBOO[zle] [con, minus its last three letters] \u2013 poles might be made of bamboo"} {"Clue":"Clarke perhaps backing a vote against African (6)","Answer":"KENYAN","Explanation":"Definition: African\nKEN [Clarke perhaps] + reversal [backing] of NAY [vote against]"} {"Clue":"Warsi's allowed house plant (5)","Answer":"SISAL","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nHidden in warSI'S ALlowed \u2013 another one much in the news this week"} {"Clue":"Lord's letters, partly 14 (4)","Answer":"INRI","Explanation":"Definition: Lord's letters\nThe inscription on the cross: Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum [ Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews ] \u2013 hidden in napkIN RIngs [14]"} {"Clue":"Batting with twelve, one requiring treatment? (6)","Answer":"INJURY","Explanation":"Definition: one requiring treatment?\nIN [batting] + JURY ['twelve good men and true']"} {"Clue":"Train service, where routes abroad on a railway starting out (8)","Answer":"EUROSTAR","Explanation":"Definition: Train service\nAnagram [abroad] of ROUTES + A R[ailway]"} {"Clue":"Firm mattresses first yielding, each starting out as soft (5)","Answer":"COMFY","Explanation":"Definition: soft\nCO [firm] + first letters of M[attresses] F[irm] Y[ielding]"} {"Clue":"As a computer operator, touch went cold with gentle stroke (4-5)","Answer":"LEFT-CLICK","Explanation":"Definition: As a computer operator, touch\nLEFT [went] + C [cold] + LICK [gentle stroke]"} {"Clue":"South African carries fine volume back \u2014 for one who'd appreciate it? (4,5)","Answer":"BOOK LOVER","Explanation":"Definition: one who'd appreciate it?\nBOER [South African] round [carries] OK [fine] and a reversal [back] of VOL[ume]"} {"Clue":"Incomplete permission to enter for Felipe, the king (5)","Answer":"ELVIS","Explanation":"Definition: the king\nEL VIS[a]:\u00a0 Spanish is not one of my languages but I think visa in Spanish is feminine \u2013 but I think this is typical Paul cluing \u2013 an El visa would be one for a male, hence Felipe.\u00a0 Surely King should have a capital?"} {"Clue":"As you see, normal scores (6-6)","Answer":"TWENTY-TWENTY","Explanation":"Definition: As you see, normal\nTwenty-twenty is normal visual acuity \u2013 and twenty-twenty \u2013 two scores \u2013 could itself be a score"} {"Clue":"Medium habit is coming in double (12)","Answer":"SPIRITUALIST","Explanation":"Definition: Medium\nRITUAL [habit] IS in SPIT [double]"} {"Clue":"The Mitfords' fascist agreement (5)","Answer":"UNITY","Explanation":"Definition: The Mitfords' fascistagreement\nDouble definition \u2013 see here for Unity Mitford"} {"Clue":"Dealer going about business with literary intentions, initially? (9)","Answer":"PUBLISHER","Explanation":"PUSHER [dealer] round B[usiness] L[iterary] I[ntentions] \u2013 &littish"} {"Clue":"Fruit that may go off? (9)","Answer":"PINEAPPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Fruitthat may go off\nDouble definition,\u00a0 pineapple being military slang for a hand grenade"} {"Clue":"Little time in garden for astronautical science (8)","Answer":"ROCKETRY","Explanation":"Definition: astronautical science\nT[little time] in ROCKERY [garden]"} {"Clue":" Bring a graceless halt to mountaineering expedition? (4,2)","Answer":"TRIP UP","Explanation":"Definition: Bring a graceless halt to\nSort of double definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Warm for a while on an island, followed by extremes of temperature (8)","Answer":"INCUBATE","Explanation":"Definition: Warm for a while\nIN CUBA [on an island] + T[emperatur[E]"} {"Clue":"Flier, beast that's grey and black (5,3)","Answer":"JUMBO JET","Explanation":"Definition: Flie\nJUMBO [beast that's grey] + JET [black]"} {"Clue":"Hand action in the throne room? (5,5)","Answer":"ROYAL FLUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Hand\nA royal flush is a hand in poker, with a cryptic definition,\u00a0 'throne' being slang for lavatory"} {"Clue":"Memorable number? (13)","Answer":"UNFORGETTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Memorablenumber\nDouble definition \u2013 this Nat King Cole classic"} {"Clue":"Beethoven's Fifth creators, possibly (9)","Answer":"ORCHESTRA","Explanation":"Definition: Beethoven's Fifth creators, possibly\nAnagram [possibly] of H [fifth letter of Beethoven] and CREATORS \u2013 a nice &littish variation on an old theme"} {"Clue":"Article I've wrongly pocketed \u2014 to do this? (6)","Answer":"THIEVE","Explanation":"Definition: to do this?\nTHE [article] round an anagram [wrongly] of I'VE"} {"Clue":"Dashing from shark at sea, one getting caught (6)","Answer":"RAKISH","Explanation":"Definition: Dashing\nI [one] in an anagram [at sea] of SHARK"} {"Clue":"Red-hot stuff on the Telegraph, politically? That's the Daily Mail to Guardian readers! (8,5)","Answer":"LAVATORY PAPER","Explanation":"Definition: That's the Daily Mail to Guardian readers!\nLAVA [red hot stuff] + TORY PAPER [the Telegraph, politically] \u2013 Paul's lavatorial humour turned political, this time"} {"Clue":"Sweet packet is empty, finally screwed up (5,4)","Answer":"TIPSY CAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nAnagram [screwed up] of PACKET IS and Y [last letter of emptY] \u2013 a very nice surface"} {"Clue":"Event in trouble for it? (4,4)","Answer":"HIGH JUMP","Explanation":"Definition: Eventin trouble for it\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Celeb's cool craft that's out of this world (8)","Answer":"STARSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: craft that's out of this world\nSTAR'S [celeb's] + HIP [cool]"} {"Clue":"Mammoth on back of car? (6)","Answer":"BUMPER","Explanation":"Definition: Mammothon back of car\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"A piece of cake for eating outdoors (6)","Answer":"PICNIC","Explanation":"Definition: A piece of cakeeating outdoors\nDouble \/ cryptic definition, 'a piece of cake' and 'a picnic' both describing something easily done"} {"Clue":"Conclude there's sign of fear, every second (5)","Answer":"INFER","Explanation":"Definition: Conclude\nEvery second letter of sIgN oF fEaR"} {"Clue":"Burn slowly, soon beginning to turn to dust (8)","Answer":"SMOULDER","Explanation":"Definition: Burn slowly\nS[oon] + MOULDER [turn to dust]"} {"Clue":"You can count on it being at the top of a column (6)","Answer":"ABACUS","Explanation":"Definition: You can count on it\nCryptic definition: a column in a dictionary, presumably, but 'aardvark' along with some others beats it in all of mine \u2013 though the plural 'abaci' is at the top of the second page in my edition of Chambers *[but see Gaufrid's comment 1]"} {"Clue":"They support British artists (4)","Answer":"BRAS","Explanation":"Definition: They support\nB[British] + RAS [artists]"} {"Clue":"Fixed new date for back garden makeover (10)","Answer":"REARRANGED","Explanation":"Definition: Fixed new date for\nREAR [back] + an anagram [makeover] of GARDEN"} {"Clue":"Way change of date may be expressed (6)","Answer":"STATED","Explanation":"Definition: expressed\nST [way] + anagram [change] of DATE"} {"Clue":"It's very hard, yet maths revision is essential (8)","Answer":"AMETHYST","Explanation":"Definition: It's very hard\nAnagram [revision] of YET MATHS"} {"Clue":"Arch is rough cast on the outside (7)","Answer":"ROGUISH","Explanation":"Definition: Arch\nAnagram [cast] of ROUGH round IS"} {"Clue":" A way to be on a horse? Yes (7)","Answer":"ASTRIDE","Explanation":"Definition: A way to be on a horse? Yes\nA ST [a way \u2013 again] + RIDE [be on a horse] \u2013 &lit?"} {"Clue":"Records where St Joan kept bees? (8)","Answer":"ARCHIVES","Explanation":"Definition: Records\nARC\u00a0 HIVES \u2013 this one made me smile"} {"Clue":"Religious book for a young lady \u2014 a student (6)","Answer":"MISSAL","Explanation":"Definition: Religious book\nMISS [young lady] + A L [a student]"} {"Clue":"Set tone with appropriate neckwear for college students (4,6)","Answer":"ETON COLLAR","Explanation":"Definition: neckwear for college students\nAnagram [set] of TONE + COLLAR [appropriate, as a\u00a0 verb]"} {"Clue":"The idiot got left in a spot (4)","Answer":"DOLT","Explanation":"Definition: The idiot\nL [left] in DOT [spot]"} {"Clue":"Orange mashed up for a wild animal (6)","Answer":"ONAGER","Explanation":"Definition: wild animal\nAnagram [mashed up] of ORANGE"} {"Clue":"Making ends meet for a sailor? (8)","Answer":"SPLICING","Explanation":"Definition: Making ends meet for a sailor?\nCryptic definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Lover Romeo, at Juliet's end becomes distraught (8)","Answer":"AMORETTO","Explanation":"Definition: Lover\nAnagram [distraught] of ROMEO AT + [julie]T \u2013 a nice &lit"} {"Clue":"Shades of an ex-poet laureate, we hear (4)","Answer":"HUES","Explanation":"Definition: Shades\nSounds like [we hear] [Ted] Hughes, Poet Laureate 1984-1998"} {"Clue":"Loved song and dance and colour (6)","Answer":"ADORED","Explanation":"Definition: Loved\nADO [song and dance] + RED [colour]"} {"Clue":"A jolly girl's joining the fighting ships (7)","Answer":"ARMADAS","Explanation":"Definition: fighting ships\nA RM [Royal Marine, a jolly] + ADA'S [a girl is]"} {"Clue":"The beauty of justice (8)","Answer":"FAIRNESS","Explanation":"Definition: beautyjustice\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":" Arousing songs? (4,6)","Answer":"DAWN CHORUS","Explanation":"Definition: Arousing songs?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Not subjects needed at school? (6)","Answer":"RULERS","Explanation":"Definition: Not subjectsneeded at school\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Close but brief contact (5-3-2)","Answer":"TOUCH-AND-GO","Explanation":"Definition: Closebrief contact\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Enjoys embracing one's rescuers (8)","Answer":"SAVIOURS","Explanation":"Definition: rescuers\nSAVOURS [enjoys] round I [one]"} {"Clue":"Closing date for journ\u00adalist's lifeless column (8)","Answer":"DEADLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Closing date\nDEAD [lifeless] + LINE\u00a0 [column]"} {"Clue":"Economise in vain (7)","Answer":"USELESS","Explanation":"Definition: in vain\nUSE LESS [economise]"} {"Clue":"Tear in distress, seen in one's eye (6)","Answer":"RETINA","Explanation":"Definition: seen in one's eye\nAnagram [in distress] of TEAR IN"} {"Clue":"One of the Rolling Stones? (6)","Answer":"MARBLE","Explanation":"Definition: One of the Rolling Stones?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Cut the end of a weed (4)","Answer":"DOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Cut the end ofweed\nDouble defiinition"} {"Clue":"Whitehall edifice once rigged to bug Leader of House (8)","Answer":"CENOTAPH","Explanation":"Definition: Whitehall edifice\nAnagram [rigged] of ONCE + TAP [bug] + H[ouse]"} {"Clue":" Theatrical monarch right to delay appearance in dress with no back (6)","Answer":"OBERON","Explanation":"Definition: Theatrical monarch\nROBE [dress \u2013 with the R [right] moved to the end] + a reversal [back] of NO"} {"Clue":"An unknown number on transport that's crowded (4)","Answer":"BUSY","Explanation":"Definition: crowded\nY [unknown number] after BUS [transport]"} {"Clue":"Kind of 24 down's producer phones girl, speaking like Spooner (5,5)","Answer":"MILES DAVIS","Explanation":"Definition: Kind of 24 down's producer\nSpooner might say this for 'dials Mavis' [phones girl]: jazz musician\u00a0 Miles Davis released the album 'Kind of Blue' in 1959 \u2013 [I often say I dislike Spoonerisms but not this one, because, like Philistine's [Tilly's fine'] a couple of weeks ago, it's actually a meaningful phrase \u2013 very nice.]"} {"Clue":"One writing in 24 down note in jazzy score (6)","Answer":"CENSOR","Explanation":"Definition: One writing in 24 down\nN [note] in an anagram [jazzy] of SCORE: I tried making anagrams of SCORE with each of the notes from A to G before the penny dropped \u2013 a reference to the censor's or editor's blue pencil"} {"Clue":"Dumped sport journalist outside court \u2014 it's not out of the 24 down (8)","Answer":"EXPECTED","Explanation":"Definition: not out of the 24 down\nEX [dumped] + P.E. [sports] + ED [journalist] outside CT [court]"} {"Clue":"Grimy English accommodated by a foreign family (7)","Answer":"UNCLEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Grimy\nE [English] in UN ['a' foreign] CLAN [family]"} {"Clue":"Forest and city gutted in fire (7)","Answer":"ARDENCY","Explanation":"Definition: fire\nARDEN [forest in Warwickshire \u2013 and 'As you like it'] +C[it]Y"} {"Clue":"Special pair of queens in 24 down (8)","Answer":"SQUANDER","Explanation":"Definition: 24 down\nS [special] + QU AND ER [pair of queens]"} {"Clue":"Teacher going over French that's 24 down (6)","Answer":"RISQU\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: 24 down\nReversal [going over] of SIR [teacher] + QUE [French 'that']"} {"Clue":"Spirit imbues leader of ceremonies with sacred 24 down (10)","Answer":"MELANCHOLY","Explanation":"Definition: 24 down\nELAN [spirit] inside MC [Master of Ceremonies] + HOLY [sacred]"} {"Clue":"Party in retreat \u2014 Liberal Party (4)","Answer":"BALL","Explanation":"Definition: Party\nReversal [in retreat] of LAB [Labour party] + L [Liberal]"} {"Clue":"Agree there's no damage done by the postal service? (6)","Answer":"ASSENT","Explanation":"Definition: Agree\nIf a package arrives AS SENT, it hasn't been damaged in the post"} {"Clue":"Setters wearing old headgear could be saps (8)","Answer":"EXHAUSTS","Explanation":"Definition: saps\nUS [setters] in EX HATS [old headgear]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Church canon with article that's kind of 24 down (8)","Answer":"CERULEAN","Explanation":"Definition: kind of 24 down\nCE [Church of England] + RULE [canon] + AN [article]"} {"Clue":"A tip for trickery from one 24 down, politically (4)","Answer":"TORY","Explanation":"Definition: one 24 down, politically\nThe tip of something can be either end of it,\u00a0 so, in 'trickery', it can be either T OR Y"} {"Clue":"Criticise novel rejected inside 60 minutes (6)","Answer":"HAMMER","Explanation":"Definition: Criticise\nReversal [rejected] of EMMA [novel] in HR [sixty minutes]"} {"Clue":"Argentinian red on sale drunk in 24 down club (7)","Answer":"CHELSEA","Explanation":"Definition: 24 down club\nCHE [Guevara \u2013 'Argentinian red', for the first time ever [?] \u2013 hurrah! \u2013 not 'revolutionary'] + anagram [drunk] of SALE \u2013 lovely surface. Chelsea FC are The Blues"} {"Clue":"A chatterbox, salesman is therefore good for promotion (8)","Answer":"GOSSIPER","Explanation":"Definition: A chatterbox\nReversal [for promotion] of REP [salesman] IS SO G[ood]"} {"Clue":"Rakes used with energy \u2014 beach churned up (10)","Answer":"DEBAUCHEES","Explanation":"Definition: Rakes\nAnagram [churned up] of USED, E [energy] and BEACH"} {"Clue":"24 down force cut up rocks (6)","Answer":"POLICE","Explanation":"Definition: 24 down force\nReversal [up] of LOP [cut] + ICE [rocks \u2013 diamonds]\u00a0 \u2013 the police are 'the boys in blue'"} {"Clue":"Latin America's revolutionary reserves behind Muslim nations (10)","Answer":"SULTANATES","Explanation":"Definition: Muslim nations\nAnother reversal [revolutionary] of L [Latin] US [American] + TA [Territorial Army \u2013 reserves] + NATES [behind]"} {"Clue":"Two leading characters given heartless command to step down (8)","Answer":"ABDICATE","Explanation":"Definition: step down\nAB [leading characters of the alphabet] + DIC[t]ATE [command]"} {"Clue":"Uplifting narrative about love, one using 24 down language (7)","Answer":"TROOPER","Explanation":"Definition: one using 24 down language\nAnother reversal [uplifting] of REPORT [narrative] round O [love] \u2013 reference to the saying, 'swear like a trooper'"} {"Clue":"Inclined to chuck wandering herd out of Hardyesque novel (6)","Answer":"QUEASY","Explanation":"Definition: Inclined to chuck\nAnagram [novel] of [h]A[rd]Y[e]SQUE minus 'herd' \u2013 a brilliant surface"} {"Clue":"Partner of 24 downs spinning coats for modish, trendy hipster (6)","Answer":"RHYTHM","Explanation":"Definition: Partner of 24 downs\nAnagram [spinning] of first and last letters [coats] of M[odis]H T[rend]Y H[ipste]R *[Actually a reversal, not an anagram \u2013 thanks Mark Hayden @3 : I'm sure I did see this when I solved it!]"} {"Clue":"22 across or down (4)","Answer":"BLUE","Explanation":"Definition: 22 across or down\nDouble definition: the blue ball in snooker and another word for 23 across \u2013 a lovely clue to end with, finally giving us the theme word *[Nonsense \u2013\u00a0 see NeilW @2 \u2013 I misread this: it **is** a double definition but it's\u00a0 RISQU\u00c9 and MELANCHOLY {down}]"} {"Clue":"Reversing second nought and another nought equals four (3,4)","Answer":"TWO TWOS","Explanation":"Definition: four\nReversal of S [second] + OWT twice: this doesn't work for me, because surely OWT means anything, not nothing [that's 'nowt']. OWT is dialect for 'aught', which has the variant 'ought', which, confusingly, is 'also a non-standard corruption of naught' [Chambers] \u2013 but I think this is a step too far."} {"Clue":"Modish computer element inserted in top fairy transport (7)","Answer":"MINICAB","Explanation":"Definition: transport\nIN [modish] + IC [integrated circuit \u2013 computer element] in MAB [top fairy \u2013 Queen Mab]"} {"Clue":"Rent here in southern Europe (5)","Answer":"SPLIT","Explanation":"Definition: Rentin southern Europe\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Gloves are off when first base abandoned (4,5)","Answer":"BARE FISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Gloves are off\nAnagram [abandoned] of FIRST BASE"} {"Clue":"Remove all trace of one with two names (one hot, one defunct) (10)","Answer":"ANNIHILATE","Explanation":"Definition: Remove all trace of\nA [one] + NN [two names] + I H [one hot] + I LATE [one defunct]"} {"Clue":"Snapping flower in rain hurt stem tip badly (11)","Answer":"ANTIRRHINUM","Explanation":"Definition: Snapping flower\nAnagram [badly] of IN RAIN HURT + [ste]M- 'snapping flower' because 'snapdragon' is another name for antirrhinum"} {"Clue":"Routinely approve of card games with pack (6-5)","Answer":"RUBBER STAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Routinely approve of\nRUBBERS [card games] + TAMP [pack]"} {"Clue":"Bone fused at least with arm (10)","Answer":"METATARSAL","Explanation":"Definition: Bone\nAnagram [fused] of AT LEAST and ARM"} {"Clue":"Religious leader has a duty to inculcate nursemaid (9)","Answer":"AYATOLLAH","Explanation":"Definition: Religious leader\nA TOLL [a duty] in AYAH [nursemaid]"} {"Clue":"Out to lunch, Brazil fashion? (5)","Answer":"NUTTY","Explanation":"Definition: Out to lunchBrazil fashion?\nDouble \/cryptic definition \u2013 'Brazil, where the nuts come from' ['Charley's Aunt']"} {"Clue":"Opening date that is desperate (2-2-3)","Answer":"DO-OR-DIE","Explanation":"Definition: desperate\nDOOR [opening] + D [date] + IE [that is]"} {"Clue":"Reserve cast head (7)","Answer":"SHYNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Reserve\nSHY [cast] + NESS [head]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Figure it's what covers Wimbledon etc with pine (6)","Answer":"OBLONG","Explanation":"Definition: Figure\nOB \u2013 Outside Broadcast [what covers Wimbledon etc \u2013 a nice change from 'old boy'] + LONG [pine]"} {"Clue":"One skilled in movements gets cake warm (outside temperature hot but not connected) (10)","Answer":"WATCHMAKER","Explanation":"Definition: One skilled in movements\nAnagram [gets?] of CAKE WARM round T [temperature] and H [hot] \u2013 not connected"} {"Clue":"Amounts to being elevated alongside live forecaster (5)","Answer":"SIBYL","Explanation":"Definition: forecaster\nReversal [elevated] of IS [amounts to] + BY [alongside] + L [live]"} {"Clue":"Maria, root out stays! (9)","Answer":"MORATORIA","Explanation":"Definition: stays\nAnagram [out] of MARIA ROOT \u2013 as in 'stay of execution'"} {"Clue":"No need to be more explicit about entertainment fads designed to take one in (4,4)","Answer":"NUFF SAID","Explanation":"Definition: No need to be more explicit\nReversal [about] of FUN [entertainment] + an anagram [designed] of FADS round I [one]"} {"Clue":"Soft copper ring in gleaming setting (8)","Answer":"CUSHIONY","Explanation":"Definition: Soft\nCU [copper] + O [ring] in SHINY [gleaming]"} {"Clue":"Infamous, rather theatrical, start of assault on Everest? (4,4)","Answer":"BASE CAMP","Explanation":"Definition: start of assault on Everest?\nBASE [infamous] + CAMP [rather theatrical]"} {"Clue":"Cleric's office bloke located at York, say, losing it (10)","Answer":"CHAPLAINCY","Explanation":"Definition: Cleric's office\nCHAP [bloke] + LAIN [located?] + C[it]Y [York, say]: LAIN is the past participle of 'lie', not 'lay', so I can't equate it with 'located', I'm afraid"} {"Clue":"Names of two females and male finally getting bit parts in a picture (9)","Answer":"TESSELLAE","Explanation":"Definition: bit parts in a picture\nTESS + ELLA [names of two females] + [mal]E \u2013 why do we need 'names of'? A TESSELLA is a small tessera, one of the pieces in a mosaic"} {"Clue":"Piece of armour Shakespeare placed round topped and tailed fish (8)","Answer":"BRASSARD","Explanation":"Definition: Piece of armour\nBARD [Shakespeare] round [w]RASS[e] [a fish I know from crosswords] for a piece of armour to protect the arm"} {"Clue":"Absolutely necessary to score goal: bit wayward with ball (8)","Answer":"OBLIGATO","Explanation":"Definition: Absolutely necessary to score\nAnagram [wayward] of GOAL BIT + O [ball] \u2013 usually spelt 'obbligato'"} {"Clue":"Fly in strict set sequence (6)","Answer":"TSETSE","Explanation":"Definition: Fly\nAnagram [strict?] of a sequence of SETs *[Edit: hidden in stricT SET SEquence \u2013 thanks, Steve B @5]"} {"Clue":"Namely, it will cover Dolly's bust (6)","Answer":"LLOYDS","Explanation":"Definition: Namely, it will cover Dolly's bust\nAnagram [bust] of DOLLYS \u2013 a witty reference to Lloyd's 'names' \u2013 underwriters"} {"Clue":"Fictional character from penny-dropping tragedy (5)","Answer":"ATHOS","Explanation":"Definition: Fictional character\n[p]ATHOS [tragedy] \u2013 one of The Three Musketeers"} {"Clue":"Grand, historic, upstanding police force accepting service's premier award for record success (4,4)","Answer":"GOLD DISC","Explanation":"Definition: record success\nG [grand] + OLD [historic] + reversal [upstanding] of CID [police force] round S[ervice's]"} {"Clue":"Gets by: none of us is getting any younger (7)","Answer":"MANAGES","Explanation":"Definition: Gets by\nMAN AGES [and so does woman, unfortunately!]"} {"Clue":"Does nothing in particular for protest movement (7)","Answer":"POTTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Does nothing in particular\nAnagram [movement] of PROTEST"} {"Clue":"Was about to show fighting spirit (5)","Answer":"DEVIL","Explanation":"Definition: fighting spirit\nReversal [about] of LIVED [was]"} {"Clue":"One needs faith, putting money here? (4,5)","Answer":"UNIT TRUST","Explanation":"Definition: putting money here\nUNIT [one] + TRUST [faith] \u2013 a simple charade but a very nice surface"} {"Clue":"Handle letters and sign (10)","Answer":"FINGERPOST","Explanation":"Definition: sign\nAnother charade \u2013 FINGER [handle] + POST [letters]"} {"Clue":"Vincent usually avoids rally (4)","Answer":"GENE","Explanation":"Definition: Vincent\nGENE[rally] [usually] avoiding 'rally' for the '50s rockabilly star, Gene Vincent, whose best-known song was Be-Bop-A-Lula"} {"Clue":"Briefly in Britain \u2014 and very soon in the US (11)","Answer":"MOMENTARILY","Explanation":"Definition: Briefly in Britainvery soon in the US\nDouble definition \u2013 not really a cryptic clue"} {"Clue":"Show the typing skills of a hungry chicken? (4,3,4)","Answer":"HUNT AND PECK","Explanation":"Definition: Show the typing skills of a hungry chicken? (4,3,4)\nDouble \/ cryptic definition \u2013 a new one on me but apparently it's what I do all the time!"} {"Clue":"Informer went quickly round to back of nick (4)","Answer":"NARK","Explanation":"Definition: Informer\nReversal [round] of RAN [went quickly] + [nic]K \u2013 another very neat surface"} {"Clue":"Apparently old horse raced soundly (4-6)","Answer":"GREY-HAIRED","Explanation":"Definition: Apparently old\nCharade of GREY [horse] + HAIRED [sounds like 'hared' \u2013 raced]"} {"Clue":"Welcoming European, present a peppermint, perhaps (6,3)","Answer":"HERBAL TEA","Explanation":"Definition: peppermint, perhaps\nHERE [present] round [welcoming] BALT [European] + A"} {"Clue":"Me, appearing in full state (5)","Answer":"MAINE","Explanation":"Definition: state\nME is the abbreviation for the state of Maine"} {"Clue":"Kid's tearful at first, left in care of stranger (7)","Answer":"TODDLER","Explanation":"Definition: Kid\nT[earful] + L [left] in ODDER [stranger] \u2013 another lvely story-telling surface"} {"Clue":"Not to be blamed, son getting out more (7)","Answer":"SINLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Not to be blamed\nS [son] + IN LESS [getting out more] \u2013 and another\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"I may save one from feeling of resentment \u2014 act to break it (3-3)","Answer":"MID-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: I may save one\nDO [act] in MIFF [feeling of resentment] \u2013 my research tells me that the person in this position in cricket is there to prevent a quick single, so 'may save one'. [I like this one particularly, because I'm so pleased to have understood it!]"} {"Clue":"A few days of prayer \u2014 nearly two weeks not available? (6)","Answer":"NOVENA","Explanation":"Definition: A few days of prayer\nNOVE is half of NOVEmber, so nearly two weeks. + NA [not available]: from the same root as November, a novena is 'a devotion consisting of prayers or services on nine consecutive days' [Collins]"} {"Clue":"Principle that's moderate, or humble (6,4)","Answer":"GOLDEN MEAN","Explanation":"Definition: Principle that's moderate\nGOLDEN ['or', in heraldry] + MEAN [humble] \u2013 one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"Dismiss such a political speech (5)","Answer":"STUMP","Explanation":"Definition: Dismisssuch a political speech\nDouble definition: I thought the STUMP was the platform from which the speech was made, rather than the speech itself, but I found this, which shows that STUMP is being used as an adjective here \u2013 which the clue actually makes perfectly clear!\u00a0 A second reference to cricket"} {"Clue":"Power of car, not new, in red (9)","Answer":"PUISSANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Power\n[n]ISSAN [car minus n [new] in PUCE [red]"} {"Clue":"Bear child, last of three (4)","Answer":"TOTE","Explanation":"Definition: Bear\nTOT [child] + [thre]E"} {"Clue":"Repute reported to rival \u2014 one bottles it (3,2,3)","Answer":"EAU DE VIE","Explanation":"Definition: one bottles it\nSounds like [reported] odour [reputation] + VIE [rival]"} {"Clue":"Lots here, very special, about the past (8)","Answer":"SOTHEBYS","Explanation":"Definition: Lots here\nSO [very] S [special] round THE BY [the past]"} {"Clue":"Deception by defender is a dicey game (10)","Answer":"BACKGAMMON","Explanation":"Definition: a dicey game\nBACK [defender] + GAMMON ['deceitful nonsense' \u2013 Collins: a new definition for me]"} {"Clue":"Out of ministry, one inspiring run for presiding officer (9)","Answer":"MODERATOR","Explanation":"Definition: presiding officer\nMOD [Ministry of Defence] + ERATO [the Muse of love poetry \u2013 'one inspiring'] + R [run]"} {"Clue":"Tiny distance covered by which bird? (8)","Answer":"WHINCHAT","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nINCH [tiny distance] in [covered by] WHAT [which]"} {"Clue":"Governing, managed to conceal source of riches \u2014 it's invisible (8)","Answer":"INFRARED","Explanation":"Definition: it's invisible\nIN [governing] + FARED [managed] round R[iches]"} {"Clue":"Original function of a bear? (6)","Answer":"URSINE","Explanation":"Definition: of a bear\nUR [original \u2013 a crossword favourite] + SINE [function]"} {"Clue":"The unemployed perpetrate devilries \u2014 I've kept clear (6)","Answer":"IDLERS","Explanation":"Definition: The unemployed\nAnagram [perpetrate?] of D[evi]LRIES minus [kept clear] 'ive'"} {"Clue":"Agreeable remark about flipping reserve linesman (5)","Answer":"YEATS","Explanation":"Definition: linesman\nYES [agreeable remark] round reversal [flipping] of Territorial Army [reserve] for the Irish poet"} {"Clue":"Dark covering another setter while speaking (4)","Answer":"PALL","Explanation":"Definition: Dark covering\nSounds like [while speaking] Paul [another setter]"} {"Clue":"Short pronouncement welcomed by second doctor (6)","Answer":"MEDICO","Explanation":"Definition: doctor\nEDIC[t] [short pronouncement] in MO [second]"} {"Clue":"Story going either way (3,4)","Answer":"AGA SAGA","Explanation":"Definition: Story\nA palindrome [going either way] \u2013 'a popular novel in a semi-rural middle-class setting' [Chambers] \u2013 a word coined specifically for the novels of Joanna Trollope, see here"} {"Clue":"Two queens push out old character with extraordinary powers (9)","Answer":"SUPERHERO","Explanation":"Definition: character with extraordinary powers\nAnagram [out] of ER ER [two queens] and PUSH + O [old]"} {"Clue":"Blade that can swivel (5)","Answer":"ROTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Blade\nAnother palindrome [can swivel]"} {"Clue":"Taxman goes after bird (5)","Answer":"TITHE","Explanation":"Definition: Tax\nHE [man] after TIT [bird]"} {"Clue":"Gravy label inaccurate by a small margin (4,5)","Answer":"JUST ABOUT","Explanation":"Definition: by a small margin\nCharade of JUS [today's posh word for gravy] + TAB [label] + OUT [inaccurate]"} {"Clue":"Make rigid wood that's switched into pliable type (7)","Answer":"PETRIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Make rigid\nReversal [switched] of FIR [wood] in an anagram [pliable] of TYPE"} {"Clue":"God almost frames the Church for fraud (6)","Answer":"DECEIT","Explanation":"Definition: fraud\nDEIT[y] [God almost] round CE [the Church of England]"} {"Clue":"Male kidnapping terrorist leader, an assassin (6)","Answer":"HITMAN","Explanation":"Definition: assassin\nHIM [male] round [kidnapping] T[errorist] + AN"} {"Clue":"Cook strangling duck, a thug (7)","Answer":"GORILLA","Explanation":"Definition: thug\nGRILL [cook] round [strangling] O [duck] + A"} {"Clue":"One plans a ring with new earrings (9)","Answer":"ORGANISER","Explanation":"Definition: One plans\nO [ring] + an anagram [new] of EARRINGS"} {"Clue":"Slow mover's eighth position? (5)","Answer":"SLOTH","Explanation":"Definition: Slow mover\nIf first position is Slot A, eighth will be SLOT H"} {"Clue":"Rich cake's wrong cake, ultimately (5)","Answer":"TORTE","Explanation":"Definition: Rich cake\nTORT [a civil wrong] + [cak]E"} {"Clue":"Does one produce funny goods with rare wit? (3,6)","Answer":"GAG WRITER","Explanation":"Anagram [funny] of GG [goods] + RARE WIT \u2013 &littish"} {"Clue":"Humility the way with beastly home (7)","Answer":"MODESTY","Explanation":"Definition: Humility\nMODE [way] + STY [beastly home]"} {"Clue":"Figure covered in paint went yellow (6)","Answer":"TWENTY","Explanation":"Definition: Figure\nHidden in painT WENT Yellow\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Error sees girl on the favourite upended (7)","Answer":"MISSTEP","Explanation":"Definition: Error\nMISS [girl] + reversal [upended] of PET [favourite]"} {"Clue":"Warehouse has to come off drugs? (5)","Answer":"DEPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Warehouse\nTo come off drugs could be to DE-POT"} {"Clue":"Little money invested in Medicare, unfortunately, so live for today! (5,4)","Answer":"CARPE DIEM","Explanation":"Definition: live for today!\nP [little money] in an anagram [unfortunately] of MEDICARE: an aphorism taken from one of Horace's odes:"} {"Clue":"Excited, finding milk in a bar (7)","Answer":"AROUSED","Explanation":"Definition: Excited\nUSE [milk] in A ROD [a bar]"} {"Clue":"Extract from Kafka or Tallis that comes straight from the heart (5)","Answer":"AORTA","Explanation":"Definition: that comes straight from the heart\nHidden in KafkA OR TAllis \u2013 the main artery in the human body"} {"Clue":"A harlot, I suspect, stealing Waugh's heart as a novelist? (9)","Answer":"AUTHORIAL","Explanation":"Definition: as a novelist\nA + an anagram [suspect] of\u00a0 HARLOT I round [stealing] [Wa]U[gh]"} {"Clue":"Pass gas through all extra lids with speed (6)","Answer":"AERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Pass gas through\nInitial letters ['lids'] of All Extra + RATE [speed] \u2013 an unusual indicator, which surely can't have been chosen to enhance the surface?"} {"Clue":"River bird hit player (6)","Answer":"DEEJAY","Explanation":"Definition: hit player\nDEE [river] + JAY [bird]"} {"Clue":"Collecting boatyard worker, Sailor Heath set off (9)","Answer":"TRIGGERED","Explanation":"Definition: set off\nTED [Sailor Heath] round RIGGER [boatyard worker]: 'Sailor Ted' was one of the nicknames of\u00a0 Edward Heath, British PM, 1970-4, who had a yacht called Morning Cloud"} {"Clue":"Port's sailors, one accessing vessel? (9)","Answer":"CORKSCREW","Explanation":"Definition: one accessing vessel?\nCORK'S [port's] + CREW [sailors]"} {"Clue":"Spooner's horse does this for a bunch of flowers (7)","Answer":"NOSEGAY","Explanation":"Definition: a bunch of flowers\nSpooner's horse\u00a0 'GOES NEIGH':\u00a0 unlike yesterday's, this one does work for me and raised a smile"} {"Clue":"Attachment to the house music genre (6)","Answer":"GARAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Attachment to the housemusic genre\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"In which butts mishplaced? (7)","Answer":"ASHTRAY","Explanation":"Definition: In which butts mishplaced?\nNo misprint this time but a fairly typical Paul clue: a drunk's cigarette ends might go astray and be misplaced"} {"Clue":"A cheeky Shakespearean role? (6)","Answer":"BOTTOM","Explanation":"Definition: A cheeky Shakespearean role?\nCryptic definition, referring to the character in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'"} {"Clue":"Scottish vegetables observed being uprooted, including a pea, we hear (5)","Answer":"NEEPS","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish vegetables\nReversal [being uprooted] of SEEN [observed] including a P [sounds like pea]"} {"Clue":"Perhaps daily newspaper to cut one out (5)","Answer":"OFTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps daily\nFT [newspaper] in [to cut] an anagram [out] of ONE"} {"Clue":"Cooked, removed bottle top and got drunk (5)","Answer":"OILED","Explanation":"Definition: drunk\n[b]OILED [cooked, minus first letter of bottle]"} {"Clue":"A nut roast served for one on rocket (9)","Answer":"ASTRONAUT","Explanation":"Definition: one on rocket\nAnagram [served] of A NUT ROAST \u2013 or A + an anagram of NUT ROAST"} {"Clue":"Shelter for navy is closed with nurse on board (6,3)","Answer":"NISSEN HUT","Explanation":"Definition: Shelter\nN [navy] + IS SHUT [is closed] round EN [enrolled nurse]"} {"Clue":"A vegetarian won't eat one quietly, not cooked, not its head (5)","Answer":"PRAWN","Explanation":"Definition: A vegetarian won't eat one\nP [quietly] + RAW [not cooked] + N[ot]"} {"Clue":"Give up almost fat-free greens etc \u2014 in short, nothing (5,2)","Answer":"LEAVE GO","Explanation":"Definition: Give up\nLEA[n] [almost fat-free] + VEG [greens etc in short] + O [nothing]"} {"Clue":"Boiled rice?\" \u2014 the vegetarian who believes beans are bad? (7)","Answer":"HERETIC","Explanation":"Definition: the vegetarian who believes beans are bad?\nAnagram [boiled] of RICE THE"} {"Clue":"From origins in very early days, idealism came of Hindu writing (5)","Answer":"VEDIC","Explanation":"Definition: of Hindu writing\nFirst letters of Very Early Days Idealism Came"} {"Clue":"Folk culminating in 2 26 across (3)","Answer":"KIN","Explanation":"Definition: 2 26 across\nK [last letter of folK] + IN"} {"Clue":"Dares rest after initially fruitless search (5,2)","Answer":"RISKS IT","Explanation":"Definition: Dares\n[f]RISK [search minus initial letter of fruitless] + SIT [rest]"} {"Clue":"Goes a long way with veg and soya mince (7)","Answer":"VOYAGES","Explanation":"Definition: Goes a long way\nAnagram [mince] of VEG and SOYA"} {"Clue":"Little chap separated from master wizard, about 99, with his staff (5,4)","Answer":"MAGIC WAND","Explanation":"Definition: his staff\nI can't make head or tail of this: IC is 99 [in Crosswordland, anyway] : AND could be 'with' \u2013 or W could be 'with'; MA or M could be master but I can't see the wizard. I'm sure it's very easy really!"} {"Clue":"Everyone about to back model source of veg (9)","Answer":"ALLOTMENT","Explanation":"Definition: source of veg\nALL MEN [everyone!]\u00a0 round a reversal [back] of TO + T [model]"} {"Clue":"Bitcoin to lose value after middlemen run out? (1-4)","Answer":"E-CASH","Explanation":"Definition: Bitcoin\nE [middle of mEn] + C[r]ASH [lose value] minus r [run out]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Either end of a carton of cereal? (4)","Answer":"CORN","Explanation":"Definition: cereal\nC OR N"} {"Clue":"across My family, it's not good with vegetarian food (5,3,5)","Answer":"FLESH AND BLOOD","Explanation":"Definition: My family\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Side dish of potato served without wings (4)","Answer":"EDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Side\n[w]EDGE[s]"} {"Clue":"Spooner to attack chef: record number of beans here (4,4)","Answer":"CASH BOOK","Explanation":"Definition: record number of beans here\nBash cook \u2013 attack chef: a few months ago, Boatman said he would convert me to 'the joy of Spoonerisms'. In the meantime, I have commented on several examples by other setters which I have liked and this one passes the test of both halves being a meaningful phrase. I'm not sure I will ever find them a joy, though."} {"Clue":"Sunday's child is a pain (6)","Answer":"STITCH","Explanation":"Definition: pain\nS [Sunday] + TITCH [child \u2013 but surely it's really a small person?]"} {"Clue":"Equally taking care of politician: how to grow crops? (10)","Answer":"COMPARABLY","Explanation":"Definition: Equally\nCO [care of] + MP [politician] + ARABLY [how to grow crops?]"} {"Clue":"Rock salt added to boiled asparagus tips (6)","Answer":"BASALT","Explanation":"Definition: Rock\nBA [first letters -tips \u2013 of Boiled Asparagus + SALT"} {"Clue":"Turned vegetarian food in bowl over (4)","Answer":"STUN","Explanation":"Definition: bowl over\nReversal [turned] of NUTS [vegetarian food]"} {"Clue":"The French word manger, for example, indicated Welsh vegetarian food (5,5)","Answer":"LAVER BREAD","Explanation":"Definition: Welsh vegetarian food\nLA [the French] + VERB [manger, for example] + READ [indicated \u2013 as in a thermometer reading]"} {"Clue":"Rescind outdated, pointless tax? (6,4)","Answer":"EXCISE DUTY","Explanation":"Definition: tax\nThis is my other failure: EXCISE = rescind but I don't see the rest of it."} {"Clue":"Programmes (\"Morse\" is one of them) (5)","Answer":"CODES","Explanation":"Definition: Programmes\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Boatman would move thus, with a labourer's walk, say (8)","Answer":"NAVIGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Boatman would move thus\nSounds like [say] navvy gait \u2013 I liked this one"} {"Clue":"Cold vegetarian dish excites young man (3,5)","Answer":"EGG SALAD","Explanation":"Definition: Cold vegetarian dish\nEGGS [excites] A LAD [young man] \u2013 there's an 'a' missing from the clue"} {"Clue":"Valuables taken in war with Mars (6)","Answer":"SPOILS","Explanation":"Definition: Valuables taken in warMars\nA very nice double definition"} {"Clue":"Cryptic theme about source of protein in Indonesian food (6)","Answer":"TEMPEH","Explanation":"Definition: Indonesian food\nAnagram [cryptic] of THEME round P[rotein]"} {"Clue":"Pulse and bean starter to have for supper (4)","Answer":"BEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Pulse\nB[ean] + EAT [have for supper]"} {"Clue":"One who cooks a quiche for you to sample (4)","Answer":"CHEF","Explanation":"Definition: One who cooks\nHidden in quiCHE For"} {"Clue":"Flower mainly used in Indian food (4)","Answer":"DAHL","Explanation":"Definition: Indian food\nDAHL[ia] \u2013 this time it really is a flower"} {"Clue":"Trust managed church without priest (8)","Answer":"RELIANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Trust\nRAN [managed] + CE [Church of England] without [round] ELI [ the traditional crossword priest \u2013 I commented just last week that we hadn't seen him for a while and here he is again]"} {"Clue":"Solo contribution from Ontario soprano (6)","Answer":"ARIOSO","Explanation":"Definition: Solo contribution\nHidden in OntARIO SOprano"} {"Clue":"Gosh, isn't the platform busy tonight! (4,5,2,3,5)","Answer":"LAST NIGHT OF THE PROMS","Explanation":"Definition: Gosh, isn't the platform busy tonight!\nSplendid anagram [busy] of GOSH ISN'T THE PLATFORM \u2013 and if this isn't a briliiant &lit \u2026 well! [The platform was indeed very busy at the beginning, with the BBC Symphony Orcestra and Chorus and the BBC Singers all there]"} {"Clue":"For joint performance both undressed (5)","Answer":"GIGOT","Explanation":"Definition: joint\nGIG [performance] + [b]OT[h] [both undressed]"} {"Clue":"GW Russell holds service for composer (4)","Answer":"ARNE","Explanation":"Definition: composer\nGW Russell wrote with the pseudonym \u00c6, or AE, so it's RN [Royal Navy \u2013 service] in AE, for Thomas Arne, the composer of Rule Britannia, sung every year at the last night of the Proms"} {"Clue":"Blowpipe exercises with a small horn (10)","Answer":"PEASHOOTER","Explanation":"Definition: Blowpipe\nPE [exercises] + A + S [small] + HOOTER [ horn]"} {"Clue":"No time to record an attempt to cover number recently (3,4,3)","Answer":"NOT LONG AGO","Explanation":"Definition: recently\nCharade of NO + T [time] + LOG [record] + A GO [an attempt] round [to cover] N [number]"} {"Clue":"Musical faux pas by Mike (4)","Answer":"SPAM","Explanation":"Definition: Musical\nAnagram [faux] of PAS + M [Mike \u2013 Nato alphabet]"} {"Clue":"Sorceress's inner sanctum's poor condition (12)","Answer":"CIRCUMSTANCE","Explanation":"Definition: condition\nAnagram [poor] of SANCTUMS in CIRCE, the sorceress who turned Odysseus' men into swine and delayed him for a year on his homeward journey"} {"Clue":"Is this playing in Rossini composition for strings? (5)","Answer":"ROSIN","Explanation":"Definition: composition for strings?\nIS + ROSIN produces an anagram [playing] of Rossini \u2013 one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"Spy cases hotel on river in Cornish port (9)","Answer":"MOUSEHOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Cornish port\nMOLE [spy] round [cases] H [hotel] after [on] OUSE [river] for this delightful Cornish port, which I've visited several times"} {"Clue":"R Strauss bad? Silly not using stars, ludicrous! (6)","Answer":"ABSURD","Explanation":"Definition: ludicrous\nAn anagram [silly] of [strUSs BAD] [minus 'stars]: the programme included\u00a0 Richard Srauss's 'Taillefer', telling the story of the Battle of Hastings and the heroic deeds of William the Conqueror's minstrel Taillefer."} {"Clue":"Safe to slate young piper in play (5,3)","Answer":"PETER PAN","Explanation":"Definition: play\nA simple charade of PETER [safe \u2013 which I learned from crosswords] + a double definition: PAN [slate] and the god Pan, the young piper, for J.M. Barrie's play about the boy who never grew up.\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Nice way to retain line in exhortation to Britannia (4)","Answer":"RULE","Explanation":"Definition: exhortation to Britannia\nI'm just about geared up to recognising Nice and Nancy at the beginning of clues like this \u2013 here it's RUE [French way] round L [line]: Rule Britannia again"} {"Clue":"Composer picked up record (4)","Answer":"LIST","Explanation":"Definition: record\nSounds like [picked up] Liszt [composer \u2013 but he didn't feature in the programme]"} {"Clue":"At the intervals matrons ogled composer (6)","Answer":"ARNOLD","Explanation":"Definition: composer\nAlternate letters [at the intervals] of mAtRoNsOgLeD \u2013 what a lovely picture!"} {"Clue":"Come to our gigs dressed up \u2014 it's Ren\u00e9's big idea (6,4,3)","Answer":"COGITO ERGO SUM","Explanation":"Definition: Ren\u00e9's big idea\nAnagram [dressed up] of COME TO OUR GIGS"} {"Clue":"Musical's opening snubbed for 12 (8)","Answer":"RIGADOON","Explanation":"Definition: 12\n[B]RIGADOON [musical] minus its initial letter \u2013 opening snubbed] for a lively, gig-like dance for one couple"} {"Clue":"Pipe controls medical emergency? (5,5)","Answer":"ORGAN STOPS","Explanation":"Definition: Pipe controls\nit would be a medical emergency if an organ stopped!"} {"Clue":"Daily, one with good character, figures on staff (4,9)","Answer":"TIME SIGNATURE","Explanation":"Definition: figures on staff\nTIMES [daily \u2013 newspaper]\u00a0 + I [one] + G [good] + NATURE [character]"} {"Clue":"A short way to a new school turns up in old document (5,5)","Answer":"MAGNA CARTA","Explanation":"Definition: old document\nReversal [turns up] of A TRAC[k] [short way] + N [new] + GAM [a word that I learned\u00a0 from crosswords, along with 'pod', for a school of whales]"} {"Clue":"College shows signs of decay? Times probes funds (4,6)","Answer":"UNIT TRUSTS","Explanation":"Definition: funds\nT T [Times] in [probes] UNI [college?] + RUSTS [shows signs of delay]"} {"Clue":" Like Fingal's Cave in paper format (8)","Answer":"COLUMNAR","Explanation":"Definition: Like Fingal's Cavepaper format\nDouble definition: Fingal's Cave is 'formed entirely from hexagonally jointed basalt columns within a Paleocene lava flow, similar in structure to the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland and those of nearby Ulva.' [Wikipedia]"} {"Clue":"Woman stealing Catholic writer's plot (6)","Answer":"SCHEME","Explanation":"Definition: plot\nSHE [woman] round [stealing ] C [Catholic] + ME ][writer]"} {"Clue":"Brief report describes prom's final ceremony (4)","Answer":"POMP","Explanation":"Definition: ceremony\nPOP [brief report] round proM \u2013 a beauifully allusive clue, as POMP and CIRCUMSTANCE [21ac] is almost the final ceremony in the Last Night of the Proms"} {"Clue":"Scots know about royal composer (4)","Answer":"KERN","Explanation":"Definition: composer\nKEN \u2013 Scots 'know' round R [royal]: the programme included 'Ol Man River' from Jerome Kern's 'Showboat'."} {"Clue":"Fire and unload (9)","Answer":"DISCHARGE","Explanation":"Definition: Fireunload\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Open closed teeth (5)","Answer":"UNZIP","Explanation":"Definition: Open closed teeth\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Helpers in mess supply seconds (9)","Answer":"REPLENISH","Explanation":"Definition: supply seconds\nAnagram\u00a0 mess] of HELPERS IN"} {"Clue":"Speculate, for example, in produce (5)","Answer":"BEGET","Explanation":"Definition: produce\nEG [for example] in BET [speculate]"} {"Clue":"Representation of body height not right (6)","Answer":"STATUE","Explanation":"Definition: Representation of body\nSTATU[r]E\u00a0 [height] minus r [right]"} {"Clue":"Supports attempts to back horse to come first (8)","Answer":"GANTRIES","Explanation":"Definition: Supports\nReversal of NAG [horse] before TRIES [attempts]"} {"Clue":"Player inserts key in a lock (7)","Answer":"ACTRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Player\nC [key] in A TRESS [a lock]"} {"Clue":"Tom's cry of derision (7)","Answer":"CATCALL","Explanation":"Definition: Tom's cry of derision\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Discuss and OK travel arrangements (4,4)","Answer":"TALK OVER","Explanation":"Definition: Discuss\nAnagram [arrangements] of OK TRAVEL"} {"Clue":"May be counted as a hazard in headquarters (6)","Answer":"POLLEN","Explanation":"Definition: May be counted as a hazard in headquarters\nA very nice cryptic definition, referring to the pollen count issued by the Met Office \u2013 I loved the 'headquarters'"} {"Clue":"s' music, with the French missing the boat (5)","Answer":"SKIFF","Explanation":"Definition: boat\nSKIFF[le] [50s' music] minus le [the French]"} {"Clue":"Many raced but were beaten (9)","Answer":"CHASTENED","Explanation":"Definition: beaten\nC [100 \u2013 'many'] HASTENED \u2013 I'm not keen on the definition here"} {"Clue":"Daily leader studied in alarm (5)","Answer":"DREAD","Explanation":"Definition: alarm\nD [first letter \u2013 leader \u2013 of Daily] + READ [studied]"} {"Clue":"Stopping for breather in a boxing arena (9)","Answer":"ARRESTING","Explanation":"Definition: Stopping\nREST [breather] in A RING [ a boxing arena]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Take off garment I'd first put on upside down (6)","Answer":"DIVEST","Explanation":"Definition: Take off\nReversal [ upside down] of I'D + VEST [garment]: this is rather weak, because the primary meaning of DIVEST is to take off a garment"} {"Clue":" Casting is one of his jobs in the studio (8)","Answer":"SCULPTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Casting is one of his jobs in the studio\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"An American uncle? (6)","Answer":"PAWNEE","Explanation":"Definition: An American uncle?\nDouble \/ cryptic definition, 'Uncle' being slang for a pawnbroker"} {"Clue":"A long time since Agnes lost heart with an attempt (4,3)","Answer":"AGES AGO","Explanation":"Definition: A long time since\nAG[n]ES + A GO [an attempt]"} {"Clue":" Charm, finish and musical ability (6)","Answer":"ENDEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Charm\nEND [finish] + EAR [musical ability]"} {"Clue":"Team with genuine line-up of stars (8)","Answer":"SIDEREAL","Explanation":"Definition: of stars\nSIDE [team] + REAL [genuine] \u2013 'line-up' is only there for the surface"} {"Clue":"She's writing a reflective article (4)","Answer":"ANNA","Explanation":"Definition: She\nAN [article] + a reversal [reflective] of it \u2013 a namecheck for Rufus' lovely wife, who has been at several of our S and B gatherings"} {"Clue":"Nuts and biscuits (8)","Answer":"CRACKERS","Explanation":"Definition: Nuts biscuits\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Rescue husband (4)","Answer":"SAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Rescue husband\nDouble definition \u2013 but they're rather close"} {"Clue":"Assembles for prayers (8)","Answer":"COLLECTS","Explanation":"Definition: Assemblesprayers\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Where to find fruit or tea on the way (7)","Answer":"ORCHARD","Explanation":"Definition: Where to find fruit\nOR + CHA [tea] + RD [way]"} {"Clue":"Eastern garment for the weekend, a loud colour (6)","Answer":"KAFTAN","Explanation":"Definition: Eastern garment\nK [weeK end] + A F [a loud] + TAN [colour]"} {"Clue":"Starfish? (6)","Answer":"PISCES","Explanation":"Definition: Starfish?\nDoublish \/ cryptic definition \u2013 the star sign represented by a fish"} {"Clue":"\"Cast off\" order? (6)","Answer":"EXEUNT","Explanation":"Definition: \"Cast off\" order?\nNothing to do with knitting or sailing but the stage direction for some or all of the cast to go off \u2013 my favourite clue, I think"} {"Clue":"Result of evacuation from warship evacuated and jacketed (6)","Answer":"COWPAT","Explanation":"Definition: Result of evacuation\nAn amusing clue to start us off: we have to 'evacuate' W[arshi]P and 'jacket' it by putting it inside COAT: I loved the definition!"} {"Clue":"Navigator's bit of kit to turn brown within 31 days (6)","Answer":"OCTANT","Explanation":"Definition: Navigator's bit of kit\nTAN [turn brown] in OCT[ober] [31 days]"} {"Clue":"Turmeric mostly spilled between food store and toilet as result of overconsumption (8,7)","Answer":"DELIRIUM TREMENS","Explanation":"Definition: result of overconsumption\nBetween DELI [food store] and MEN'S [toilet] we have an anagram [spilled] of TURMERI[c]"} {"Clue":"Ordinary soldier to serve as commander in Biblical land (6)","Answer":"GILEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Biblical land\nGI [ordinary soldier] + LEAD [serve as commander]"} {"Clue":"Food parcel causing bulge in the nether regions? (8)","Answer":"LUNCHBOX","Explanation":"Definition: Food parcel causing bulge in the nether regions?\nDouble \/ cryptic definition: I looked in the online Urban Dictionary first but then found it's in Chambers: I thought I remembered this in a Paul puzzle [as it so easily could have been] \u2013 but it was Tyrus: 'Start off missing a penalty area tackle'"} {"Clue":"Scotch queen protected from displaying facial hair (8)","Answer":"WHISKERY","Explanation":"Definition: displaying facial hair\nER [queen] in WHISKY [Scotch]"} {"Clue":"Rake keeping back pound coin (6)","Answer":"ROUBLE","Explanation":"Definition: coin\nROU\u00c9 [rake] round a reversal [back] of LB [pound]"} {"Clue":"Shostakovich and Elgar sheltering one of their ilk (6)","Answer":"HANDEL","Explanation":"Definition: one of their ilk\nHidden in ShostakovitcH AND ELgar"} {"Clue":"Obstacle in path of form of speculation (8)","Answer":"ROULETTE","Explanation":"Definition: form of speculation\nLET [obstacle \u2013 as in 'let or hindrance'] in ROUTE [ path]"} {"Clue":"Four jabs administered through the looking-glass? Great! (8)","Answer":"FRABJOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Great\nAnagram [administered] of FOUR JABS"} {"Clue":"Satirist's turned vehicle into gardening tool (6)","Answer":"HORACE","Explanation":"Definition: Satirist\nReversal [turned] of CAR [vehicle] in HOE [gardening tool] \u2013 more my cup of tea!"} {"Clue":"Nudity evens out autism twice after necessary adjustments? (7,8)","Answer":"MUTATIS MUTANDIS","Explanation":"Definition: after necessary adjustments\nOdd letters of NuDiTy plus a well-spotted anagram [after necessary adjustments] of AUTISM twice"} {"Clue":"Proceed unsteadily with introduction to dark stranger (6)","Answer":"DODDER","Explanation":"Definition: Proceed unsteadily\nD[ark] + ODDER [stranger]"} {"Clue":" Slope put on ice (6)","Answer":"SHELVE","Explanation":"Definition: Slopeput on ice\nDouble definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Dubious heirs to Switzerland's treasure (7)","Answer":"CHERISH","Explanation":"Definition: treasure\nCH [Switzerland] + an anagram [dubious] of HEIRS"} {"Clue":"Moan, if drink's drunk hot (5)","Answer":"WHINE","Explanation":"Definition: Moan\nWINE [drink] round H [hot]"} {"Clue":"Operatic heroine's number to finish up (7)","Answer":"ARIADNE","Explanation":"Definition: Operatic heroine\nARIA\u00a0 [number] + reversal [up] of END [finish]"} {"Clue":"Investigator of death trap concealing nothing (7)","Answer":"CORONER","Explanation":"Definition: Investigator of death\nCORNER [trap] round O [nothing]"} {"Clue":"A parasite receiving paper hat, originally from charitable institution (9)","Answer":"ALMSHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: charitable institution\nA LOUSE [a parasite] round MS [paper] + H[at]"} {"Clue":"One old racist party piercing Labour's protective wrapping (7)","Answer":"TINFOIL","Explanation":"Definition: protective wrapping\nI [one] + N[ational] F[ront] [old racist party] in TOIL [labour]"} {"Clue":"Badly wanting a maypole to hire (6)","Answer":"EMPLOY","Explanation":"Definition: hire\nAnagram [badly] of M[a]YPOLE [wanting 'a']"} {"Clue":"Took part, keeping pig in cupboard (9)","Answer":"SIDEBOARD","Explanation":"SIDED [took part] round BOAR [pig]"} {"Clue":"About to embrace girls, touching bottom (7)","Answer":"AGROUND","Explanation":"Definition: touching bottom\nAROUND [about] round G [girls?]"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary carrying round eagle's head, like a big cat (7)","Answer":"LEONINE","Explanation":"Definition: like a big cat\nLENIN [revolutionary] round [carrying] O [round] + E[agle]"} {"Clue":"Hun running amok craving divorce? (7)","Answer":"UNHITCH","Explanation":"Definition: divorce?\nAnagram [running amok] of HUN + ITCH [craving]"} {"Clue":"Cream, mostly, and fan thereof, turning touchy (7)","Answer":"TACTILE","Explanation":"Definition: touchy\nReversal [turning] of ELIT[e] [cream mostly] and CAT [possible fan of Cream?] *Or, much more likely \u2013\u00a0 see Poc @ 11 \u2013 four-legged cats like cream!"} {"Clue":"Place for meeting? Get on with opportunity (9)","Answer":"BOARDROOM","Explanation":"Definition: Place for meeting\nSimple charade to start us off: BOARD [get on] + ROOM [opportunity]"} {"Clue":"Member worried partner (4)","Answer":"MATE","Explanation":"Definition: partner\nM [member] + ATE [worried]"} {"Clue":"This paper's ignoring another? Front of Times showing full face (8)","Answer":"GUARDANT","Explanation":"Definition: showing full face\nGUARD[i]AN [this paper, minus 'i' \u2013 ignoring another paper, the 'I'] + T[imes] for the heraldic term, which I think I have only seen spelt 'gardant'"} {"Clue":"Stopped spouting rubbish, primarily, with year in retirement (3,3)","Answer":"RAN DRY","Explanation":"Definition: Stopped spouting\nR[ubbish] + AND [with] + reversal [in retirement] of YR [year]"} {"Clue":"IT system in hospital dividing opinion (3,3)","Answer":"THE NET","Explanation":"Definition: IT system\nH [hospital] in TENET [opinion]"} {"Clue":"Got up to speed: final letter about low returns (6)","Answer":"ZOOMED","Explanation":"Definition: Got up to speed\nZED [final letter] round reversal [returns] of MOO [low]"} {"Clue":"Throw in \"on close of play\" as filling \u2014 it's bedlam (5,3)","Answer":"LOONY BIN","Explanation":"Definition: bedlam\nLOB IN [throw in] round ON [pla]Y"} {"Clue":"It's reflected within uses for pay (8)","Answer":"STIPENDS","Explanation":"Definition: pay\nReversal [reflected] of IT in SPENDS [uses]"} {"Clue":"Doctor inhales lit piece (heroin and crack) (8)","Answer":"DECIPHER","Explanation":"Definition: crack\nDR [doctor] round an anagram [lit = 'drunk'] of PIECE + H [heroin]"} {"Clue":"Hit in the morning \u2014 money coming into question? (6)","Answer":"WHAMMY","Explanation":"Definition: Hit\nAM [in the morning] + M [money] in WHY [question]"} {"Clue":"State \"going forward\", on the contrary, poster having a short opening (6)","Answer":"NEVADA","Explanation":"Definition: State\nReversal [not going forward] of AD [poster] + A VEN[t] [a short opening]"} {"Clue":"\"Steer\" to enter these businesses? One points to ambition (5-3)","Answer":"DRIVE-INS","Explanation":"Definition: \"Steer\" to enter these businesses\nDRIVE [ambition] + I [one] + N S [points]"} {"Clue":"One cuts confusion, having switched first half (4)","Answer":"ADZE","Explanation":"Definition: One cuts\nDAZE [confusion] with the first two letters switched"} {"Clue":"Rolling Stones out, individually sustained in music (9)","Answer":"SOSTENUTO","Explanation":"Definition: individually sustained in music\nAnagram [rolling] of STONES OUT\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Touch base at start (career meeting) (5)","Answer":"BRUSH","Explanation":"Definition: Touch\nB[ase] + RUSH [career]"} {"Clue":"Account right? Gross \"on my radar\", say (7)","Answer":"ACRONYM","Explanation":"Definition: radar\", say\nAC [account] + R [right] + an anagram [gross] of ON MY \u2013 RADAR being an acronym for RAdio Detection And Ranging:\u00a0 I'd always thought of RADAR as the archetypal acronym but both Collins and Chambers have it as a word in its own right now. For RADAR, Chambers has Royal Association for Disabilityy and Rehabilitation"} {"Clue":"Plan which might be taken on board, we hear (5)","Answer":"DRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: Plan\nHomophone [we hear] of draught \u2013 might be taken on board"} {"Clue":"Contract beginning \u2014 beginners perform better in business (7)","Answer":"OUTSELL","Explanation":"Definition: perform better in business\nOUTSE[t] [beginning contracted] + LL [beginners]"} {"Clue":"Lethal drink knocked back roused drunk (9)","Answer":"MURDEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Lethal\nReversal [knocked back] of RUM [drink] + an anagram [drunk] of ROUSED"} {"Clue":" Regularly in day they replace English with bull, ultimately (7)","Answer":"MONTHLY","Explanation":"Definition: Regularly\nMON[day] + [bul]L replacing 'e' [English] in TH[e]Y"} {"Clue":"Director managed to cut rubbish (\"in loop\") (9)","Answer":"TARANTINO","Explanation":"Definition: Director\nRAN [managed] in [to cut] TAT [rubbish] + IN O [in loop]"} {"Clue":"Working with those people? Stop improving (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON THE MEND","Explanation":"Definition: improving\nON [working] + THEM [those people] + END [stop]"} {"Clue":"No good stopping awful \"heads up\" for business gatherings (4,5)","Answer":"DUNG HEAPS","Explanation":"Definition: business gatherings\nNG [no good] in [stopping] an anagram [awful] of HEADS UP\u00a0 \u2013 a different kind of business this time!"} {"Clue":"Place for business? Proactive to work with rest (7,6)","Answer":"PRIVATE SECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Place for business\nAn anagram [to work] of PROACTIVE and REST"} {"Clue":"Hears director invested after section walks (7)","Answer":"STRIDES","Explanation":"Definition: walks\nD [director] in TRIES [hears] after S [section]"} {"Clue":"Possible place for grapevine gossip? Nice water (7)","Answer":"CHATEAU","Explanation":"Definition: Possible place for grapevine\nCHAT [gossip] + EAU [water in Nice]"} {"Clue":"Reinventing the wheel\" inapt: it's not needed (5,8)","Answer":"WHITE ELEPHANT","Explanation":"Definition: it's not needed\nAn anagram [reinventing] THE WHEEL INAPT"} {"Clue":"Staff love to take last of low-hanging fruit (5)","Answer":"MANGO","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nMAN [staff, as a verb] + O [love] round [low-hangin]G"} {"Clue":"Intrusive ads showing dad dancing, maybe, with son (3-3)","Answer":"POP-UPS","Explanation":"Definition: Intrusive ads\nPOP [father] + UP [dancing, maybe] + S [son]"} {"Clue":"Hit parade captures heart of the one rejected by her stepson (7)","Answer":"PHAEDRA","Explanation":"Definition: the one rejected by her stepson\nAnagram [hit] of PARADE round [t]H[e]"} {"Clue":"Jazz star torn apart \u2014 she killed herself (9)","Answer":"CLEOPATRA","Explanation":"Definition: she killed herself\nCLEO [Laine \u2013 jazz star] + an anagram [torn] of APART"} {"Clue":"Try to hold distinctive movement device (5)","Answer":"GISMO","Explanation":"Definition: device\nGO [try] round ISM [distinctive movement]"} {"Clue":"Lecher acted like an MP with time reduced? (5)","Answer":"SATYR","Explanation":"Definition: Lecher\nSAT [acted like an MP] + YR [year \u2013 time reduced]"} {"Clue":"Finch's wild statement (9)","Answer":"CROSSBILL","Explanation":"Definition: Finch\nCROSS [wild] + BILL [statement]"} {"Clue":"Was too prone to apply veneer? (7)","Answer":"OVERLAY","Explanation":"Definition: apply veneer\nDoublish definition"} {"Clue":"Bike twisted round barrel, as might be found in well (6)","Answer":"KIBBLE","Explanation":"Definition: might be found in well\nAnagram [twisted] of BIKE round BL [barrel]"} {"Clue":"PC sort of old washer (6)","Answer":"COPPER","Explanation":"Definition: PCold washer\nDouble definition: my grandma had a copper [boiler] for washing her sheets"} {"Clue":" Oscar's sort of thing: backing horse, herding swine (7)","Answer":"EPIGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Oscar's sort of thing\nReversal [backing] of MARE [horse] round PIG [swine] \u2013 a reference to Oscar Wilde, two of his epigrams being, 'I can resist everything except temptation' and 'Work is the curse of the drinking classes'. You can find a list of the fifty most-quoted ones here"} {"Clue":"Deodorised free-range hens feed across river (9)","Answer":"FRESHENED","Explanation":"Definition: Deodorised\nAnagram [free-range \u2013 I rather like that] of HENS FEED round R [river]"} {"Clue":"Sloth possibly inhaling argon gas (5)","Answer":"SARIN","Explanation":"Definition: gas\nSIN [sloth \u2013 one of the seven deadly sins] round AR [argon]"} {"Clue":"It appears here, chapter heading with bullets reversed (5)","Answer":"COMMA","Explanation":"Definition: It appears here,\nC[hapter] + reversal of AMMO [bullets]"} {"Clue":"Truck, comparatively blue, carries weight (3-6)","Answer":"LOW-LOADER","Explanation":"Definition: Truck\nLOWER [comparatively blue] round LOAD [weight] \u2013 the weakest clue, I think"} {"Clue":"Lincoln's habit of putting everything into the other thing? (4,3)","Answer":"TALL HAT","Explanation":"Definition: Lincoln's habit\nAll [everything] in THAT [the other thing] \u2013 there are several anecdotes about Abraham Lincoln's hat here"} {"Clue":"Want symbolic home to have entrance changed (6)","Answer":"DEARTH","Explanation":"Definition: Want\n[h]EARTH [symbolic home] with the initial letter changed"} {"Clue":"Preserved in aspic, as some modern master (7)","Answer":"PICASSO","Explanation":"Definition: modern master\nHidden in asPIC AS SOme"} {"Clue":"Gather it's petition time (5)","Answer":"PLEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Gather\nPLEA [petition] + T [time"} {"Clue":"Pages split by plastic replica documents holder (5,4)","Answer":"PAPER CLIP","Explanation":"Definition: documents holder\nPP [pages] round an anagram [plastic] of REPLICA"} {"Clue":"Company \"C\" is in prime, which is dandy (7)","Answer":"PEACOCK","Explanation":"Definition: dandy\nCO C [Company \"C\"] in PEAK [prime]"} {"Clue":"Guardian's sugar snaps (5)","Answer":"ARGUS","Explanation":"Definition: Guardian\nAnagram [snaps] of SUGAR"} {"Clue":"Who has lots of spirit, yet in dire trouble (9)","Answer":"DISTILLER","Explanation":"Definition: Who has lots of spirit\nSTILL [yet] in an anagram [trouble] of DIRE"} {"Clue":"A head of uncompleted major space project (6)","Answer":"APOLLO","Explanation":"Definition: major space project\nA POLL [a head] + O[f]"} {"Clue":"Compact goods yard (6)","Answer":"STOCKY","Explanation":"Definition: Compact\nSTOCK [goods] + Y [yard]"} {"Clue":"As a radical on the outside, Mo relaxed badly (9)","Answer":"EXODERMAL","Explanation":"Definition: As a radical on the outside\nAnagram [badly] of MO RELAXED \u2013 a nice surface for 'the outer cortex layer of a root'"} {"Clue":"Sulphur once providing lips with hue (9)","Answer":"BRIMSTONE","Explanation":"Definition: Sulphur once\nBRIMS [lips] + TONE [hue]"} {"Clue":"Buzz gets permit for lock (7)","Answer":"RINGLET","Explanation":"Definition: lock\nRING [buzz] + LET [permit]"} {"Clue":"Is a donor complete, given love directions? (6)","Answer":"ENDOWS","Explanation":"Definition: Is a donor\nEND [complete] + O [love] + W S [directions]"} {"Clue":"Working to break demo ruler (7)","Answer":"MONARCH","Explanation":"Definition: ruler\nON [working] in MARCH [demo]"} {"Clue":"Odd bit of canal that's turned? (6)","Answer":"OFFCUT","Explanation":"Definition: Odd bit\nOFF [turned \u2013 like milk] + CUT [canal[]"} {"Clue":"Common former leader (5)","Answer":"HEATH","Explanation":"Definition: Commonformer leader\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Cyclist's condition? (5)","Answer":"RIDER","Explanation":"Definition: Cyclistcondition\nDouble definition: a rider is an additional statement, which could be conditional, hence the question mark"} {"Clue":"Not quite hang on, faced with hard chance (6)","Answer":"HAPPEN","Explanation":"Definition: chance\nAPPEN[d] [not quite hang on] after [faced with] H [hard]"} {"Clue":"Waste food? Rudely, the police are going to (8)","Answer":"PIGSWILL","Explanation":"Definition: Waste food\nPIGS [rudely, the police] WILL [are going to]"} {"Clue":"I regret in the morning having knocked back something spicy (6)","Answer":"MASALA","Explanation":"Definition: something spicy\nReversal [knocked back] of ALAS [I regret] AM [in the morning]"} {"Clue":"Satisfied with top mark for speaking? Don't take that literally (8)","Answer":"METAPHOR","Explanation":"Definition: Don't take that literally\nMET [satisfied] + A [top mark] + PHOR [sounds like \u2013 for speaking \u2013 'for']"} {"Clue":"For holiday, books trip for one, strangely wearing suit (7,7)","Answer":"AIRPORT FICTION","Explanation":"Definition: For holiday, books\nAnagram [strangely] of TRIP FOR I [one] in [wearing] ACTION [suit]: I really liked the construction of this one, especially the flouting of the punctuation for the definition \u2013 one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"Begging to fix prison in Arctic (10)","Answer":"MENDICANCY","Explanation":"Definition: Begging\nMEND [fix] + CAN [prison] in ICY [Arctic]"} {"Clue":"Anxious to put forward name for bender (4)","Answer":"KNEE","Explanation":"Definition: bender\nKEEN [anxious] with the N [name] put forward"} {"Clue":"Writers wrong to hold book back (4)","Answer":"NIBS","Explanation":"Definition: Writers\nReversal of SIN [wrong] round B [book]"} {"Clue":"Ev-en, sort of flat? (5-5)","Answer":"SPLIT-LEVEL","Explanation":"Definition: sort of flat?\nA dingbat-style clue: even [level] has been split: 'split level flat' sounds to me oxymoronic \u2013 I thought a 'split-level flat' was a maisonette but I'm proved wrong by Google"} {"Clue":"False emotion from which actors recoiled in play (9,5)","Answer":"CROCODILE TEARS","Explanation":"Definition: False emotion\nA really classy anagram [in play] of ACTORS RECOILED \u2013 a contender for my favourite clue"} {"Clue":"In park with German, order to renew vows (8)","Answer":"RECOMMIT","Explanation":"Definition: renew vows\nOM [Order of Merit] in REC [park] MIT ['with' German]"} {"Clue":"Strange phenomenon of second sight? (4,2)","Answer":"D\u00c9J\u00c0 VU","Explanation":"Definition: Strange phenomenon of second sight? (4,2)\nI'm sorry, I can't see anything cryptic about this clue."} {"Clue":"Waste small space for writing, wrongly filled (8)","Answer":"SPILLAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Waste\nS [small] + ILL [wrongly] in PAGE [space for writing]"} {"Clue":"Mass, part of it for saint (6)","Answer":"MAGNUS","Explanation":"Definition: saint\nM [mass] + AGNUS [Dei] [part of {part of} the Mass] to give St Magnus\u00a0 \u2013 a clever use of two meanings of 'mass'\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Prime minister's residence (4)","Answer":"HOME","Explanation":"Definition: Prime ministerresidence\nDouble definition: although the answer is obvious, I'm not really happy with this \u2013 if you google 'Home, Prime Minister' you immediately get this but I can't remember ever hearing Sir Alec Douglas-Home referred to simply as 'Home' \u2013 and his surname is hyphenated. However, if you scroll down the Wiki article, he is later referred to as 'Home' \u2013 and he was Baron Home \u2026 [I still don't like it.] I was also really surprised to be reminded that he was Prime Minister for only one year."} {"Clue":"Powerful emotion as one goes in to die (7)","Answer":"PASSION","Explanation":"Definition: Powerful emotion\nI [one] in PASS ON [die]"} {"Clue":"Some units upset almost falling over \u2026 (8)","Answer":"ELLIPSIS","Explanation":"Definition: \u2026\nReversal [falling over] of SI ['some units'] SPILLE[d] [upset almost] \u2013 and the definition is at the very end!"} {"Clue":"useless, 15, consumed with vice (11)","Answer":"INEFFECTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: useless\nAnagram [consumed] of FIFTEEN with VICE \u2013 but I don't think the ellipsis works here"} {"Clue":"Material examples of second team on board (6)","Answer":"SWATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Material examples\nS [second] + WATCH [team on board ship] \u2013 I thought this should be plural but Collins [not Chambers] has '1. a sample of cloth or other material; 2. a number of such samples, usually fastened together in book form'."} {"Clue":"Check long note coming from one I serve (3,4)","Answer":"ICH DIEN","Explanation":"Definition: I serve\nI [one] + CH [check [ in chess] + DIE [long \u2013 as in, 'I'm dying for a drink'] + N [note] for the motto of the Prince of Wales"} {"Clue":"Troublingly, an allergy affecting part of the throat (9)","Answer":"LARYNGEAL","Explanation":"Definition: affecting part of the throat\nAn anagram [troublingly] of AN ALLERGY"} {"Clue":"Charging along a stretch of tarmac? (4,7)","Answer":"ROAD PRICING","Explanation":"Definition: Charging along a stretch of tarmac? (4,7)\nCryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"Chap is admitting \"restorative\" means \"hand jobs\" (9)","Answer":"MANICURES","Explanation":"Definition: \"hand jobs\"\nMAN [chap] + IS round CURE [restorative]"} {"Clue":"A reduction of weight, drinking always juice (4,4)","Answer":"ALOE VERA","Explanation":"Definition: juice\nA LOA{d] [reduction of weight] round [drinking] EVER [always]"} {"Clue":"Rich? No travelling by British Airways (7)","Answer":"BRONCHI","Explanation":"Definition: Airways\nAnagram [travelling] of RICH NO B [British] \u2013 another favourite"} {"Clue":"Extremely arrogant, uprooting unknown plant (7)","Answer":"VERVAIN","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nVER[y] VAIN [extremely arrogant, minus \u2013 uprooting \u2013 y {unknown}] for the plant [which I knew as verbena] that has been introduced to my garden this year and is threatening to take over"} {"Clue":"Official room to feed horse (6)","Answer":"FORMAL","Explanation":"Definition: Official\nRM [abbreviation for room] in FOAL [horse]"} {"Clue":"Makes fun of people's appearance on radio (4)","Answer":"GUYS","Explanation":"Definition: Makes fun of people\nClever homophone: sounds like [on radio] 'guise' \u2013 appearance, with 'people[s]' straddling the two parts of the clue"} {"Clue":"In exercise, exalt bishop \u2014 and thank the Lord! (6,2)","Answer":"PRAISE BE","Explanation":"Definition: thank the Lord!\nIn PE [exercise] RAISE [exalt] B [bishop]"} {"Clue":"Dance has the talent, if you 16 (6)","Answer":"CANCAN","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\nCAN [has the talent] X 2 [seeing double -16]"} {"Clue":"A soft fabric binding linen at first, in sewing technique (8)","Answer":"APPLIQU\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: sewing technique\nA P [a soft] PIQU\u00c9 [fabric] round L[inen]"} {"Clue":"Pure beginner? (6)","Answer":"NOVICE","Explanation":"Definition: beginner\nA beginner with NO VICE would be pure"} {"Clue":"Plant ending in posy behind first of flowers picked by Eric Cantona, perhaps? (11)","Answer":"MANUFACTORY","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\n[pos]Y after F[lower] in MAN U ACTOR [Eric Cantona, perhaps] \u2013 one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":" Men in leggings for riders (5)","Answer":"CHAPS","Explanation":"Definition: Menleggings for riders\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Scottish author nevertheless Samoan at the end, by the way (9)","Answer":"STEVENSON","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish author\nST [way] + EVEN SO [nevertheless] + [samoa]N \u2013 a lovely surface for Robert Louis Stevenson, who died in Samoa: he wanted his poem 'Requiem' on his tombstone there:"} {"Clue":"At that point, gathered's gathered (5)","Answer":"THERE","Explanation":"Definition: At that point\nhidden in gaTHEREd \u2013 a nice surface followed by a pretty nonsensical one"} {"Clue":"Book learned in Oxford, only covers erased (11)","Answer":"OBLITERATED","Explanation":"Definition: erased\nB [book] + LITERATE [learned] in O[xfor]D [only covers]"} {"Clue":"Fashion worn by companion in babyish sort of clothes, initially (6,4)","Answer":"SHABBY CHIC","Explanation":"Definition: Fashion\nAnagram [sort of] of BABYISH round [worn by] CH [Companion of Honour] + C[lothes]"} {"Clue":"Promise clothes with identically matching tops for bikinis etc (8)","Answer":"SWIMWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: bikinis etc\nSWEAR [promise] round [clothes] W[ith] I[dentically] M[atching]"} {"Clue":"Model, a dolly? (6)","Answer":"SITTER","Explanation":"Definition: Model dolly\nDouble definition \u2013 in cricket, dolly and sitter are both terms for an easy catch."} {"Clue":"Novel unread, it went (8)","Answer":"URINATED","Explanation":"Definition: went\nAnagram [novel] of UNREAD IT \u2013 it wouldn't really be a Paul puzzle without one like this, would it?\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Drug dealer providing agriculturalist with abnormal growth, say? (10)","Answer":"PHARMACIST","Explanation":"Definition: Drug dealer\nSounds like [say?] FARMER [agriculturalist] CYST [abnormal growth]"} {"Clue":"Those bits that are extra mature, snapped off externally (10)","Answer":"APPENDAGES","Explanation":"Definition: Those bits that are extra\nAnagram [off] of SNAPPED round AGE [mature]"} {"Clue":"Challenging body (5)","Answer":"STIFF","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Lively man, children's entertainer? (6,6)","Answer":"BOUNCY CASTLE","Explanation":"Definition: children's entertainer?\nCharade of BOUNCY [lively] + CASTLE [man \u2013 in chess]"} {"Clue":"Soldier shackling a young rogue, one solving others' problems? (5,4)","Answer":"AGONY AUNT","Explanation":"Definition: one solving others' problems?\nANT [soldier] round an anagram [rogue] of A YOUNG"} {"Clue":"Christmas prize giver, gutted (4)","Answer":"NOEL","Explanation":"Definition: Christmas\nNO[b]EL [Alfred] \u2013 prize giver"} {"Clue":"Submarine part defrauding tug? (7,5)","Answer":"CONNING TOWER","Explanation":"Definition: Submarine part\nAnother simple charade: CONNING [defrauding] TOWER [tug]"} {"Clue":"Banker close to golfer, one getting green fee on the house? (5,5)","Answer":"RIVER TRENT","Explanation":"Definition: Banker\n[golfe]R + I [one] + VERT [green] + RENT [fee on the house]"} {"Clue":"Into bottom, bottom-pinching man with pretty woman aroused (10)","Answer":"ENGENDERED","Explanation":"Definition: aroused\nIn END [bottom] we have [Richard] GERE [star of 'Pretty Woman'] round [pinching] END [bottom] \u2013 nice one, Paul!"} {"Clue":"Experience an illusion having date with a large drink (3,6)","Answer":"SEE DOUBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Experience an illusion\nSEE [date] + DOUBLE [a large drink]"} {"Clue":"Old commander in love with unit or wayward battalion, ultimately (5,9)","Answer":"ROMAN CENTURION","Explanation":"Definition: Old commander\nROMANCE [love] + an anagram [wayward] of UNIT OR + [battalio]N"} {"Clue":"Goddess has life, if you 16 (4)","Answer":"ISIS","Explanation":"Definition: Goddess\nIS [has life] X 2, seeing double"} {"Clue":"Don't eat seconds in lard (4)","Answer":"FAST","Explanation":"Definition: Don't eat\nS [seconds] in FAT [lard]"} {"Clue":"Clothes from Home Counties transported to the west (7)","Answer":"ENROBES","Explanation":"Definition: Clothes\nReversal [to the west] of SE [Home Counties] + BORNE [transported]"} {"Clue":"Lightweight Manx cat's a killer at sea (7)","Answer":"GRAMPUS","Explanation":"Definition: a killer at sea\nGRAM [light weight] + PUS[s] ['Manx' cat]"} {"Clue":"One of 18 rounds about to come round (5)","Answer":"COMMA","Explanation":"Definition: One of 18\nReversal [to come round] of AMMO [rounds] + C [about] \u2013 a nifty piece of cluing"} {"Clue":"One of 18 having weight on the borderline (9)","Answer":"BRIMSTONE","Explanation":"Definition: One of 18\nBRIM [borderline] + STONE [weight]"} {"Clue":"One of 18 that might take its toll? (10)","Answer":"GATEKEEPER","Explanation":"Definition: One of 18\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Sportsman, could be one of 8 or 11 or one of 18 (4)","Answer":"BLUE","Explanation":"Definition: Sportsman, could be one of 8 or 11one of 18\nDouble definition: one of 18, certainly, but nothing to do with SHEBEENS or GATEKEEPERS: it's a reference to Oxford and Cambridge University Blues, originally awarded for the three senior sports [rowing, cricket and athletics] \u2013 hence 'could be one of 8 or 11'"} {"Clue":"Shut up about EC when one's admitted lack of accuracy (11)","Answer":"IMPRECISION","Explanation":"Definition: lack of accuracy\nIMPRISON [shut up] round EC + I [one]"} {"Clue":"Polite padre converted large group of fliers (11)","Answer":"LEPIDOPTERA","Explanation":"Definition: large group of fliers\nLovely anagram [converted] of POLITE PADRE"} {"Clue":"Mark off second account (4)","Answer":"TICK","Explanation":"Definition: Mark offsecondaccount\nTriple definition"} {"Clue":"One of 18 Dominicans, say, could keep cash here, by the look of it (10)","Answer":"FRITILLARY","Explanation":"Definition: One of 18\nWell, if we look at it, we see TILL in FRIARY \u2013 where Dominicans could keep cash!"} {"Clue":"Potentially one of 18 lyrics has to be revamped (9)","Answer":"CHRYSALIS","Explanation":"Definition: Potentially one of 18\nAnagram [to be revamped] of LYRICS HAS"} {"Clue":"Leading chess player's member of 18 (5)","Answer":"WHITE","Explanation":"Definition: Leading chess playermember of 18\nDouble definition: I confess I did go looking for a chess champion by the name of White \u2013 then remembered that white makes the first move"} {"Clue":"Youngster, running round shop from rear, caused a crash (5,2)","Answer":"PILED UP","Explanation":"Definition: caused a crash\nPUP [youngster] round a reversal [from the rear] of DELI [shop]"} {"Clue":"On the base, nursed sick bears (7)","Answer":"ENDURES","Explanation":"Definition: bears\n[th]E *[I wasn't happy about this \u2013 see muffin's comment 1]* + an anagram [sick] of NURSED\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Spots rebellious young rogue, finally put behind bars (6)","Answer":"ENCAGE","Explanation":"Definition: put behind bars\nReversal [rebellious] of ACNE [spots] + [youn]G [rogu[E]"} {"Clue":"Weighty book penned by the Queen turned up far away (6)","Answer":"REMOTE","Explanation":"Definition: far away\nAnother reversal [turned up] of TOME [weighty book] + ER [the Queen]"} {"Clue":"Sooty tries to pinch recipe for traditional nursery pie filling (10)","Answer":"BLACKBIRDS","Explanation":"Definition: traditional nursery pie filling\nBLACK [Sooty] + BIDS [tries] round R [recipe] \u2013 reference to the nursery rhyme, 'Sing a song of sixpence'"} {"Clue":"Firm with no time for 50% of 3 (5)","Answer":"SABLE","Explanation":"Definition: 50% of 3\nS[t]ABLE [firm, minus t] = BLACK \u2013 half of 3dn"} {"Clue":"Queen by tradition always in the country, interminably (9)","Answer":"GUINEVERE","Explanation":"Definition: Queen by tradition\nEVER [always] in GUINE[a] [country without end]"} {"Clue":"Some decimals overlooked in addition (4)","Answer":"ALSO","Explanation":"Definition: in addition\nHidden in decilmALS Overlooked"} {"Clue":"Publish demand made by authority (8)","Answer":"PROCLAIM","Explanation":"Definition: Publish\nPRO CLAIM \u2013 demand made by authority?"} {"Clue":"Worker taking small females round shady bars (8)","Answer":"SHEBEENS","Explanation":"Definition: shady bars\nBEE [worker] in S [small] HENS [female]"} {"Clue":"Forbidden pasty's finished outside (10)","Answer":"DISALLOWED","Explanation":"Definition: Forbidden\nDIED [finished] round SALLOW [pasty]"} {"Clue":"Press cutting? This could keep it in place (5,4)","Answer":"PAPER CLIP","Explanation":"Definition: This could keep it in place\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Liberal Catholic chucking one penny in hat (5,3)","Answer":"CLOTH CAP","Explanation":"Definition: hat\nAnagram [Liberal] of CATHOL[i]C ['chucking one'] + P [penny]"} {"Clue":"Phantom PC alerts crook (8)","Answer":"SPECTRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Phantom\nAnagram [crook \u2013 in the Australian sense of 'ill, unfair, wrong, dubious', etc \u2013 Chambers] of PC ALERTS"} {"Clue":" More delicate feature of Antarctic defaced (6)","Answer":"LACIER","Explanation":"Definition: More delicate\n[g]LACIER ['defaced' feature of Antarctic]"} {"Clue":"Labour leader and I agree about church schools (6)","Answer":"LYC\u00c9ES","Explanation":"Definition: schools\nL[abour] + YES [I agree] round CE [Church of England}"} {"Clue":"Experience worry over arresting good man (5)","Answer":"TASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Experience\nReversal [over] of EAT [worry] round ST [good man \u2013 I think Arachne might have had 'good woman' \ud83d\ude09 ]"} {"Clue":"Fellow dropped by United brought into play (4)","Answer":"USED","Explanation":"Definition: brought into play\n[f]USED [United] minus 'f' [fellow]"} {"Clue":"Most cherished US state, where gun crime and drug trafficking are rife (6)","Answer":"FAVELA","Explanation":"Definition: where gun crime and drug trafficking are rife\nFAVE [most cherished] + LA [Louisiana] \u2013 not, for a change, Los Angeles"} {"Clue":" County takes on workers (6)","Answer":"STAFFS","Explanation":"Definition: Countytakes on workers\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Song her partner picked up (4)","Answer":"HYMN","Explanation":"Definition: Song\nSounds like [picked up] 'him'"} {"Clue":"Don't tell me! A modern composer in an old bowler? (5,5)","Answer":"SHANE WARNE","Explanation":"Definition: old bowler?\nSH [Don't tell me!] + A NEW [a modern] + ARNE [Thomas, composer]"} {"Clue":"Rubber tree nearer India, across the river by all conclusions (6)","Answer":"ERASER","Explanation":"Definition: Rubber\nLast letters [by all conclusions] of treE neaR indiA acrosS thE riveR"} {"Clue":"Herb used to bandage limb, iodine then applied (9)","Answer":"SPEARMINT","Explanation":"Definition: Herb\nSPENT [used] round ARM [limb] + I [iodine]"} {"Clue":"Inscription in novella, no name? (4)","Answer":"ANON","Explanation":"Hidden in novellA NO Name \u2013 &lit, I think"} {"Clue":"Early man, firm and hard (4)","Answer":"SETH","Explanation":"Definition: Early man\nSET [firm] + H [hard]"} {"Clue":"Slimy scum in blaze, taking ages to put out (9)","Answer":"SLEAZEBAG","Explanation":"Definition: Slimy scum\nAnagram [to put out] of BLAZE and AGES"} {"Clue":"Confounded book imminent (8)","Answer":"BLOOMING","Explanation":"Definition: Confounded\nB [book] + LOOMING [imminent]"} {"Clue":"Take great pleasure in routine (6)","Answer":"GROOVE","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Country garden ultimately covered in flowers \u2014 strong features? (5,5)","Answer":"ROMAN NOSES","Explanation":"Definition: strong features?\nOMAN [country] + [garde]N in ROSES [flowers]"} {"Clue":"Yellow food, cheesy stuff (4)","Answer":"CORN","Explanation":"Definition: Yellow foodcheesy stuff\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Vacillate, toying with third and fourth of December (6)","Answer":"DITHER","Explanation":"Definition: Vacillate\nAnagram [toying with] THIRD and [dec]E[mber]"} {"Clue":"Scottish author railing endlessly (6)","Answer":"BARRIE","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish author\n[J.M. \u2013 author of\u00a0 'Peter Pan] BARRIE[r] [railing]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Plant, a vision on the web? (5,7)","Answer":"VENUS FLYTRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nVENUS [beauty \u2013 vision] + FLYTRAP [web]"} {"Clue":"Combine passion and spirit for a number of years (7)","Answer":"LUSTRUM","Explanation":"Definition: a number of years\nLUST [passion] + RUM [spirit]"} {"Clue":"Figure in time passed slowly in the end (6)","Answer":"TWENTY","Explanation":"Definition: Figure\nT [time] + WENT [passed] + [slowl]Y"} {"Clue":"Nice location to get over torment \u2014 Cologne? (9)","Answer":"FRAGRANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Cologne?\nFRANCE [location of Nice] round RAG [torment]"} {"Clue":"Organ whose top is red and blue, at the end of the day (7)","Answer":"SUNDOWN","Explanation":"Definition: the end of the day\nSUN [red-top organ] + DOWN [blue]"} {"Clue":"Plot coming as a surprise in For Whom The Bell Tolls (13)","Answer":"CAMPANOLOGIST","Explanation":"Definition: For Whom The Bell Tolls\nReally neat anagram [surprise] of PLOT COMING AS A"} {"Clue":"Moving to Saturn, a space traveller (9)","Answer":"ASTRONAUT","Explanation":"Definition: space traveller\nAnd another [moving] of TO SATURN A"} {"Clue":"Politician in Scottish leader, a nut? (7)","Answer":"SALMOND","Explanation":"Definition: Politician\nS[cottish] + ALMOND [a nut] for Alex Salmond, who, when this puzzle was published, was Leader of the Scottish National Party, due to resign at the Annual Conference this weekend \u2013 I wouldn't dare to sugget this as &lit \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Noble gas unlimited in US city (7)","Answer":"AUGUSTA","Explanation":"Definition: US city\nAUGUST [noble] + [g[A[s]"} {"Clue":"Unfortunate jingle, perhaps? (7)","Answer":"ADVERSE","Explanation":"Definition: Unfortunate\nAD VERSE"} {"Clue":" Intended result of ex\u00adtracting first of needles from back (6)","Answer":"FIANC\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: Intended\nFI[n]ANCE [back] minus first letter of 'needles'"} {"Clue":"Nothing matters, might you say, in issue for old musician (5,8)","Answer":"OSCAR PETERSON","Explanation":"Definition: old musician\nO [nothing] + CARPETERS ['matters', you might say!] in SON [issue]"} {"Clue":"Soldier's plot to be a freeloader (8)","Answer":"PARASITE","Explanation":"Definition: freeloader\nPARA [soldier] + SITE [plot]"} {"Clue":"Tory leader taking part in hunt is virtuous (6)","Answer":"CHASTE","Explanation":"Definition: virtuous\nT[ory] in CHASE [hunt]"} {"Clue":"Offered and was inclined to embrace soldier (8)","Answer":"TENDERED","Explanation":"Definition: Offered\nTENDED [was inclined] round RE [soldier \u2013 which might cause discussion again]"} {"Clue":"Block major road going through eyesore? (6)","Answer":"STYMIE","Explanation":"Definition: Block\nM1 [major road] in STYE [eyesore \u2013 as ever in crosswords!]"} {"Clue":"Use up change aboard ship (5)","Answer":"SPEND","Explanation":"Definition: Use up\nP [penny \u2013 change] in [aboard] SEND [ship]"} {"Clue":"Heave when swallowing fish supplement (9)","Answer":"SURCHARGE","Explanation":"Definition: supplement\nSURGE [heave] round [swallowing] CHAR [fish]"} {"Clue":"Be pessimistic about weather \u2014 frost is widespread (4,3,5)","Answer":"FEAR THE WORST","Explanation":"Definition: Be pessimistic\nAnagram [about \u2013 or widespread] of WEATHER FROST"} {"Clue":"Athletes wrongly appear to be the outstanding performers (5,3,4)","Answer":"STEAL THE SHOW","Explanation":"Definition: be the outstanding performers\nAnagram [wrongly] of ATHLETES + SHOW [appear]"} {"Clue":"No writer got into a row for a utensil (3-6)","Answer":"TIN-OPENER","Explanation":"Definition: utensil\nNO PEN [writer] in TIER [row]"} {"Clue":"Band of Greek publishers (5)","Answer":"GROUP","Explanation":"Definition: Band\nGR [Greek] + Oxford University Press [publishers]"} {"Clue":"Limit relationship with knight (6)","Answer":"RATION","Explanation":"Definition: Limit\nRATIO [relationship] + N [knight \u2013 chess notation]"} {"Clue":"Taro cooked \u2014 hunger for drug (8)","Answer":"ATROPINE","Explanation":"Definition: drug\nAnagram [cooked] of TARO + PINE [hunger]"} {"Clue":"Vessel for a service in church (6)","Answer":"CARAFE","Explanation":"Definition: Vessel\nA RAF [a service] in CE [Church of England]"} {"Clue":"Master villain to suspend a meeting (8)","Answer":"PROROGUE","Explanation":"Definition: suspend a meeting\nPRO [master] + ROGUE [villain]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Pawn books when hospital supplies chemical compound (6)","Answer":"POTASH","Explanation":"Definition: chemical compound\nP [pawn \u2013 chess notation again] + OT [books] + AS [when] + H [hospital]"} {"Clue":"Warden initially registered indignation (6)","Answer":"RANGER","Explanation":"Definition: Warden\nR[egistered] + ANGER [indignation]"} {"Clue":"Despatch spring flower (9)","Answer":"SPEEDWELL","Explanation":"Definition: flower\nSPEED [despatch \u2013 both as nouns] + WELL [spring]"} {"Clue":"Confident Barbarian enters the fun of the game (8,4)","Answer":"TREASURE HUNT","Explanation":"Definition: game\nSURE HUN [confident Barbarian \u2013 capitalised to suggest the rugby team] + TREAT [fun]"} {"Clue":"Drawback for couple (5)","Answer":"HITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Drawbackcouple\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Rob's more awkward in a hat (8)","Answer":"SOMBRERO","Explanation":"Definition: hat\nAnagram [awkward] of ROB'S MORE"} {"Clue":"Fundamental principles of weather (8)","Answer":"ELEMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Fundamental principlesweather\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Speaker keeps royal box for the organiser (12)","Answer":"ORCHESTRATOR","Explanation":"Definition: organiser\nORATOR [speaker] round R [royal] CHEST [box]"} {"Clue":"Miscreant forced Roger down (9)","Answer":"WRONGDOER","Explanation":"Definition: Miscreant\nAnagram [forced] of ROGER DOWN"} {"Clue":"Store ice produced in secret (8)","Answer":"ESOTERIC","Explanation":"Definition: secret\nAnother anagram \u2013 of STORE ICE"} {"Clue":"Smirk when taking in this month in Ireland (8)","Answer":"LEINSTER","Explanation":"Definition: in Ireland\nLEER [smirk? \u2013 I'm struggling a bit with this] round INST [this month]"} {"Clue":"Walk round Oxfordshire town is transfixing (6)","Answer":"GORING","Explanation":"Definition: Oxfordshire towntransfixing\nGO [walk] + RING [round] to give a double definition of an Oxfordshire town [which Wikipedia defines as a large village and I found it in a gazeteer of Oxfordshire villages: I hadn't heard of this [Goring-on-Thames] but I knew Goring-by-Sea, so it was a plausible place name] and transfixing"} {"Clue":"Spanish leaders present in province (6)","Answer":"SPHERE","Explanation":"Definition: province\nSP [Spanish leaders] + HERE [present]"} {"Clue":"Penny's covering evidence (5)","Answer":"PROOF","Explanation":"Definition: evidence\nP [penny] + ROOF [covering]"} {"Clue":"Spring hasn't begun in rank coastal town (7)","Answer":"SEAPORT","Explanation":"Definition: coastal town\n[l]EAP [spring] in SORT [rank]"} {"Clue":"Sample tea, short of a brew (4,3)","Answer":"TEST OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Sample\nTE[a] + STOUT [brew]"} {"Clue":"Sally online? Fit! (5)","Answer":"EQUIP","Explanation":"Definition: Fit\nA sally online could be said to be an E-QUIP"} {"Clue":"Reason criminal on trial, a crime, ultimately! (9)","Answer":"RATIONALE","Explanation":"Definition: Reason\nAnagram [criminal] of ON TRIAL A [crim]E"} {"Clue":"Move precariously around vehicle that's four feet long (10)","Answer":"TETRAMETER","Explanation":"Definition: that's four feet long\nTEETER [move precariously] round TRAM [vehicle] \u2013 one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"Sweet sucker (4)","Answer":"FOOL","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Ridiculous extremes disco and rap: doubly hard to play instruments (12)","Answer":"HARPSICHORDS","Explanation":"Definition: instruments\nAnagram [to play] of R[idiculou]S DISCO and RAP + HH [doubly hard]"} {"Clue":"Enemy capturing the remainder of Derbyshire initially, then an area of Gloucestershire (6,2,4)","Answer":"FOREST OF DEAN","Explanation":"Definition: area of Gloucestershire\nFOE [enemy] round REST OF D [remainder of Derbyshire initially] + AN"} {"Clue":"Here, private views prisoner stealing military vehicle, heading off with mum (4,4)","Answer":"PEEP SHOW","Explanation":"Definition: Here, private views\nPOW [prisoner \u2013 of war] round [j]EEP [military vehicle heading off]\u00a0 + SH [mum]"} {"Clue":"The monster's wobbly bottom (10)","Answer":"NETHERMOST","Explanation":"Definition: bottom\nAnagram [wobbly] of THE MONSTER"} {"Clue":"Booty trafficker, half slippery, geezer almost getting nicked \u2014 what's his explanation? (2,4,3,3,4,2,1,5)","Answer":"IT FELL OFF THE BACK OF A LORRY","Explanation":"Definition: what's his explanation?\nAn &littish anagram [slippery] of BOOTY TRAFFICKER HALF round FELLO[w] [geezer almost]"} {"Clue":"A sizzler, artist producing blurred lines? (7,5)","Answer":"STREAKY BACON","Explanation":"Definition: A sizzler\nCryptic definition, referring to artist Francis Bacon\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Urban capital in a metropolis showing keenness (6)","Answer":"ACUITY","Explanation":"Definition: keenness\nU [Urban capital] in A CITY [a metropolis]"} {"Clue":"There's been a minor accident as mess turns up on platform, ending in delay (4-1-5)","Answer":"OOPS-A-DAISY","Explanation":"Definition: There's been a minor accident\nReversal [turns up] of AS POO [as mess] + DAIS [platform] + [dela]Y"} {"Clue":"The dessert wine with the hot liquid is drunk (5,6,2,3,4)","Answer":"THREE SHEETS TO THE WIND","Explanation":"Definition: drunk\nAnother clever anagram [liquid] of THE DESSERT WINE + THE HOT"} {"Clue":"Short of large plants, lock filled with fish (8)","Answer":"TREELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Short of large plants\nTRESS [lock] round EEL [fish]"} {"Clue":"Where to rest during play? Little time to take a breather, possibly? (7,3)","Answer":"THEATRE BAR","Explanation":"Definition: Where to rest during play?\nT [little time] + an anagram [perhaps] of A BREATHER"} {"Clue":"Collection of numbers, piano jingle encapsulating one album's third (5,4)","Answer":"PHONE BOOK","Explanation":"Definition: Collection of numbers\nP [piano] + HOOK [jingle] round ONE + [al]B[um]"} {"Clue":"Reproduced article from newspaper covering publicity at home (8)","Answer":"OFFPRINT","Explanation":"Definition: Reproduced article\nOF FT [from Financial Times \u2013 newspaper] round PR [publicity] + IN [at home]"} {"Clue":"Putting price on feeding information gratis, not right (5,3)","Answer":"GREEN FEE","Explanation":"Definition: Putting price\nRE [on] in [feeding] GEN [information] + F[r]EE [gratis minus right]"} {"Clue":"Barbarian arresting head of conspiracy with a \"You're nicked!\" (6)","Answer":"GOTCHA","Explanation":"Definition: \"You're nicked!\"\nGOTH [barbarian] round C[onspiracy] + A"} {"Clue":"Rotten atmosphere around vessel (6)","Answer":"STINKY","Explanation":"Definition: Rotten\nSKY [atmosphere] round TIN [vessel]"} {"Clue":"Handkerchief under funny, frilly, sleeveless top, fits (5)","Answer":"HUFFS","Explanation":"Definition: fits\nInitial letters [top \u2013 I think we need a plural here] of Handkerchief Under Funny Frilly Sleeveless"} {"Clue":"Page back to front, which can be irritating (4)","Answer":"FLEA","Explanation":"Definition: which can be irritating\nLEAF [page] with the last letter moved to the beginning"} {"Clue":"Cheek to have one in pub before church (9)","Answer":"INSOLENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Cheek\nSOLE [one] in INN [pub] + CE [Church of England]"} {"Clue":"Post back with little hesitation (5)","Answer":"AFTER","Explanation":"Definition: Post\nAFT [back] + ER [little hesitation]"} {"Clue":"Tied up with security, we hear (7)","Answer":"TRUSSED","Explanation":"Definition: Tied up\nSounds like [we hear] 'trust' [security]"} {"Clue":"Pelt American all round ring \u2014 sickening! (7)","Answer":"HIDEOUS","Explanation":"Definition: sickening\nHIDE [pelt] US [American] round O [ring]"} {"Clue":"Give a telling off to cook (5)","Answer":"ROAST","Explanation":"Definition: Give a telling off tocook\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Its absence is plain t o see (9)","Answer":"ADORNMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Its absence is plain t o see\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Does it always figure in marriage break-ups? (7,8)","Answer":"ETERNAL TRIANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Does it always figure in marriage break-ups?\nCryptic definition, playing on 'always' and 'figure'"} {"Clue":"It reveals the stars in all their splendour (9)","Answer":"SPOTLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: It reveals the stars in all their splendour\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Wait to start the game (5)","Answer":"SERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Waitstart the game\nDouble definition \u2013 which made me smile, as it reminded me of A Level English and Milton's Sonnet on his Blindness:"} {"Clue":"Unexpected windfall may be mine (7)","Answer":"BONANZA","Explanation":"Definition: Unexpected windfallmine\nDouble definition \u2013 or, rather, metaphorical + literal definition"} {"Clue":" Peak calls turned out to be about further education (7)","Answer":"SCAFELL","Explanation":"Definition: Peak\nAnagram [turned out] of CALLS round F[urther] E[ducation]"} {"Clue":"A clipped English accent (5)","Answer":"ACUTE","Explanation":"Definition: accent\nA CUT [clipped] E [English] \u2013 I liked this one"} {"Clue":"Famous Venetian on a cattle round-up (9)","Answer":"CANALETTO","Explanation":"Definition: Famous Venetian\nAnagram [round-up] of ON A CATTLE\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Acidity of beer with a head on (10)","Answer":"BITTERNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Acidity\nBITTER [beer] + NESS [head]"} {"Clue":"Big copper's ex gets kiss (8)","Answer":"OSCULATE","Explanation":"Definition: kiss\nOS [outsize \u2013 big] + CU [copper] + LATE [ex] \u2013 a nice surface"} {"Clue":"Be defeated in court, whence secrets are revealed (6)","Answer":"CLOSET","Explanation":"Definition: whence secrets are revealed\nLOSE [be defeated] in CT [court]"} {"Clue":"Girl I object about (4)","Answer":"ENID","Explanation":"Definition: Girl\nEND [object] round I"} {"Clue":"Scientist developed trench coat (10)","Answer":"TECHNOCRAT","Explanation":"Definition: Scientist\nAnagram [developed] of TRENCHCOAT \u2013 I think there may be some eyebrows raised at this definition"} {"Clue":"Drainage construction plant (8)","Answer":"GARDENIA","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nAnagram [construction] of DRAINAGE"} {"Clue":"Flashing light \u2014 still light (6)","Answer":"STROBE","Explanation":"Definition: Flashing light\nI'm not sure about the second part of this clue: I think it may be explained by Chambers' definition of a stroboscope: 'an instrument for studying rotating machinery or other periodic phenomena by means of a flashing lamp which can be synchronised with\u00a0 the frequency of the periodic phenomena\u00a0 so that they appear to be stationary' ?"} {"Clue":"Is paid, we hear, for making large amounts of tea (4)","Answer":"URNS","Explanation":"Definition: large amounts of tea\nSounds like [we hear] of 'earns' [is paid]:\u00a0 [more shades of A Level English poetry \u2013 no jokes about Grecians' wages!]"} {"Clue":"Loyalty is required, say, in a union (10)","Answer":"ALLEGIANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Loyalty\nEG [say] in ALLIANCE [a union] \u2013 I think the wordplay needs 'requires' rather than 'is required' ?"} {"Clue":"Three in old-fashioned pub (3,3,4)","Answer":"THE RED LION","Explanation":"Definition: pub\nAnagram [fashioned] of THREE IN OLD \u2013 another favourite"} {"Clue":"Not one who yearns \u2014 not any more (2,6)","Answer":"NO LONGER","Explanation":"Definition: not any more\nDouble \/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Chaps concealing weapon in their clothing (8)","Answer":"GARMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: clothing\nGENTS [chaps] round ARM [weapon]"} {"Clue":"Admits having property increasing in price (4,2)","Answer":"OWNS UP","Explanation":"Definition: Admits\nI don't know how to explain this, because the grammar ['owns' \/ 'having property' ] doesn't quite work for me"} {"Clue":"Firm for horses (6)","Answer":"STABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Firmhorses\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Bill may be a teacher (4)","Answer":"BEAK","Explanation":"Definition: Bilteacher\nAnother double definition, 'beak' being old-fashioned schoolboy slang for a teacher"} {"Clue":"Cat springs a bit higher \u2014 is robin alright? (7,8)","Answer":"BRITISH LONGHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Cat\nAnagram [springs?]of H ['a bit higher'] + IS ROBIN ALRIGHT \u2013 a very nice surface but I'm glad to see that Chambers gives 'alright' [one of my bugbears] as a 'less acceptable' spelling"} {"Clue":"Most piano stools start with toes sculpted round feet (7)","Answer":"SOFTEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most piano\nS [start of Stools] plus an anagram [sculpted] of TOES round FT [feet]"} {"Clue":"One very happy about male form of sexual reproduction (7)","Answer":"ISOGAMY","Explanation":"Definition: form of sexual reproduction\nI [one] SO GAY [very happy] round M [male] for 'the conjugation of two gametes of similar size and form' [Chambers]"} {"Clue":"Glad to revel in the extremes of one's senility (3,3)","Answer":"OLD AGE","Explanation":"Definition: senility\nAnagram [to revel] of GLAD in O[n]E [extremes of one]"} {"Clue":"Flyer, after going astray, at last coming into port (7,4)","Answer":"HERRING GULL","Explanation":"Definition: Flyer\nG [last letter of cominG] after ERRING [going astray] in HULL [port]"} {"Clue":"Stupid as either Wag or one-time unruly adolescent? (4-6)","Answer":"HALF-WITTED","Explanation":"Definition: Stupid\nWIT [wag] and TED [one-time unruly adolescent] are the two halves of WITTED"} {"Clue":"Large number coming to grief over catty remark (4)","Answer":"MEOW","Explanation":"Definition: catty remark\nM [large number] + reversal [over] of WOE [grief]"} {"Clue":"Bottom has drink at Puck's initiation (4)","Answer":"RUMP","Explanation":"Definition: Bottom\nRUM [drink] + P[uck] \u2013 allusions to AMND are not unusual in Puck puzzles!"} {"Clue":"Marketing gamble by Joe, with his big band role (4,6)","Answer":"LOSS LEADER","Explanation":"Definition: Marketing gamble\nReference to band leader Joe Loss"} {"Clue":"Painting cricketer, sailor and philosopher (4,7)","Answer":"JACK RUSSELL","Explanation":"Definition: Painting cricketer\nJACK [sailor] + [Bertrand] RUSSELL [philosopher] [For a moment, I thought the feline theme was going to include dogs, especially considering the next clue: I remember a couple of clever puzzles a while back on the theme of 'raining cats and dogs']."} {"Clue":"Range covered by bad rainfalls (7)","Answer":"NIAGARA","Explanation":"Definition: falls\nAGA [range] inside an anagram [bad] of RAIN"} {"Clue":"Very powerful novel, Attica, about a cat somehow lacking (7)","Answer":"VIOLENT","Explanation":"Definition: Very powerfu\nAnagram [about] of NOVEL ATTICA lacking the letters of [somehow] A CAT"} {"Clue":"Complaint found in most cats' homes (7,8)","Answer":"STOMACH DISORDER","Explanation":"Definition: Complaint\nA reverse anagram: STOMACH in disorder gives CATS HOM[es] \u2013 not everyone will like this but I did\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Boob job has that woman singing Tom Cat About Town (9,5)","Answer":"BUSTOPHER JONES","Explanation":"Definition: Cat About Town\nBUST OP [boob job!] + HER [that woman] + [singing Tom] JONES for the 'Cat about town' in T. S. Eliot's Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats\u00a0 \u2013 a beautifully constructed clue, which really made me smile"} {"Clue":"Pagan with Manx feline, I'd suspect (7)","Answer":"INFIDEL","Explanation":"Definition: Pagan\nAnagram [suspect] of [Manx \u2013 with no tail] FELIN[e] + I'D"} {"Clue":"Reserve puts on display for skating events (3,5)","Answer":"ICE SHOWS","Explanation":"Definition: skating events\nICE [reserve] + SHOWS [puts on display] \u2013 a rather weak clue, for Puck, I think"} {"Clue":"Earth moved for lover? Anything but (5)","Answer":"HATER","Explanation":"Definition: lover? Anything but\nAnagram [moved] of EARTH"} {"Clue":"Agents involved in chemistry affecting Dixie Ross (9)","Answer":"OXIDISERS","Explanation":"Definition: Agents involved in chemistry\nAnagram [affecting] of DIXIE ROSS"} {"Clue":"Dazed and unsteady Greek cat, not male (6)","Answer":"GROGGY","Explanation":"Definition: Dazed and unsteady\nGR [Greek] + [m]OGGY [cat minus m {male}]"} {"Clue":"Sport found in a town in Greater Manchester, usually (2,1,4)","Answer":"AS A RULE","Explanation":"Definition: usually\nRU [sport] in A SALE [a town in Greater Manchester \u2013 which does have a Premiership Rugby Union team]"} {"Clue":"China cat? Sorry nothing left, we're out (5,9)","Answer":"ROYAL WORCESTER","Explanation":"Definition: China\nAnagram [out] of CAT SORRY O [nothing] L [left] WE'RE"} {"Clue":"A she-cat put out, round about 10pm in Dublin (9)","Answer":"TAOISEACH","Explanation":"Definition: pm in Dublin\nAnagram [put out] of A SHE CAT round a reversal [about] of IO [ten] for the Irish Prime Minister\u00a0 \u2013 another brilliant clue: [even with all the crossers, I still had to look up to confirm how to spell it]"} {"Clue":"In the pink bustle? Certainly not in the red (4-2-2)","Answer":"WELL-TO-DO","Explanation":"Definition: Certainly not in the red\nWELL [in the pink] + TO-DO [bustle]"} {"Clue":"Construction set in holy city, on roundabout (7)","Answer":"MECCANO","Explanation":"Definition: Construction set\nMECCA [holy city] + A reversal [roundabout] of ON"} {"Clue":"A hideout in semi-wooded cul-de-sac (4,3)","Answer":"DEAD END","Explanation":"Definition: cul-de-sac\nA DEN [a hideout] in DED [half of {woo}DED]"} {"Clue":"Mistakes noted when raising a little cat? Arrest them! (6)","Answer":"ERRATA","Explanation":"Definition: Mistakes\nHidden reversal [when raising] in cAT ARREst"} {"Clue":"Author's last words, delivered with leaden voice (5)","Answer":"ENVOI","Explanation":"Definition: Author's last words\nAnother hidden answer \u2013 in leadEN VOIce"} {"Clue":"Couple of gifts not closed in error (3-3)","Answer":"BOO-BOO","Explanation":"Definition: error\nBOO[n] [gift, minus final letter \u2013 'not closed'] x 2"} {"Clue":"Team having odd fixture? No problem (6,6)","Answer":"OXFORD UNITED","Explanation":"Definition: Team\nAnagram [problem] of ODD FIXTURE NO"} {"Clue":"Boy in a big boy like Uncle Sam (8)","Answer":"AMERICAN","Explanation":"Definition: like Uncle Sam\nERIC [boy] in A MAN [a big man]"} {"Clue":"Blade cutting through thick rissole (4)","Answer":"KRIS","Explanation":"Definition: Blade\nHidden in thicK RISsole"} {"Clue":"Side of meat, strong and thin, perhaps? (10,6)","Answer":"NOTTINGHAM FOREST","Explanation":"Definition: Side\nAnagram [perhaps] of OF MEAT STRONG and THIN for another football team: this looked, worryingly, like turning into a theme but, mercifully, for me, at least, it didn't."} {"Clue":"Big old arm beginning to sweat after trip on public transport (11)","Answer":"BLUNDERBUSS","Explanation":"Definition: Big old arm\nBLUNDER [trip] + BUS [public transport] + S[weat]"} {"Clue":"H for \"Headmaster\" and \"Headmistress\", but not at Harrow? (5,5)","Answer":"RUGBY POSTS","Explanation":"Definition: H for \"Headmaster\" and \"Headmistress\", but not at Harrow? (5,5)\nCryptic definition, referring to the H shape of rugby posts and academic posts at two public schools \u2013 still not headmistresses, I think."} {"Clue":"Find me in a pond catching cold, I am drunk and disorderly! (8,4)","Answer":"MANDARIN DUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Find me in a pond\nAnagram [disorderly] of I AM DRUNK AND round [catching] C [cold] \u2013 what a lovely surface!"} {"Clue":"An owl that smells! (6)","Answer":"HOOTER","Explanation":"Definition: An owlthat smells\nDouble definition \u2013 more like Rufus than Paul, I think"} {"Clue":"Queen, one in outrage, flipping (6)","Answer":"REGINA","Explanation":"Definition: Queen\nI [one] in a reversal [flipping] of ANGER [outrage]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Big drop into the black stuff (8)","Answer":"COLOSSAL","Explanation":"Definition: Big\nLOSS [drop] in COAL [the black stuff]"} {"Clue":"A model state? (6)","Answer":"JORDAN","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"First leg, perhaps, runner-up in pocket (8)","Answer":"FORELIMB","Explanation":"Definition: First leg, perhaps\nReversal [up] of MILER [runner] in FOB [pocket]"} {"Clue":"Hang loose, injecting drug using a needle (6)","Answer":"SEWING","Explanation":"Definition: using a needle\nSWING [hang loose] round E [the familiar crosswiord drug]"} {"Clue":"More than one dog pants (6)","Answer":"BOXERS","Explanation":"Double definition: these days, we're more used to seeing 'pants' as an anagram indicator but ONE DOG didn't look very promising fodder!"} {"Clue":"Baa\" surprisingly stifled by sheep that's going to pot? (3,3)","Answer":"TEA BAG","Explanation":"Definition: that's going to pot?\nAnagram [surprisingly] of BAA in TEG [sheep]: Collins says this is a two-year-old sheep and Chambers and SOED a sheep in its second year. We're more familiar with TUP for sheep, I think, and my first instinctive [unparsable, of course] thought was TEA CUP."} {"Clue":"I was resting in a lazy manner, having a job taking orders (11)","Answer":"WAITRESSING","Explanation":"Definition: a job taking orders\nAnagram [in a lazy manner?] of I WAS RESTING \u2013 this really made me smile, as I had several waitressing jobs as a student and I don't remember much resting in a lazy manner!"} {"Clue":"Person wandering around hospital after medication, ultim\u00adately, for parts of the kidney (8)","Answer":"NEPHRONS","Explanation":"Definition: parts of the kidney\nAnagram [wandering] of PERSON round H [hospital] after medicatioN"} {"Clue":"Devon town in one direction, mid resorts (8)","Answer":"SIDMOUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Devon town\nAnagram [resorts] of MID in SOUTH [one direction]"} {"Clue":"Live-in worker is in to food and booze, might you say? (2,4)","Answer":"AU PAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Live-in worker\nThe definition was obvious from the enumeration and the wordplay clearly indicated a homophone: I toyed with 'eau' and 'pear'\u00a0 but that, of course, was not worthy of Paul and the 'food' and 'booze' were the wrong way round. I went away and did something else and saw, when I came back, that there are two [or a pair of] 'Os' in food and booze \u2013 Doh! ['m not happy with 'in to', though.]"} {"Clue":"Long speech where credit is in issue (6)","Answer":"SCREED","Explanation":"Definition: Long speech\nCR [credit] in SEED [issue]"} {"Clue":"Wine cellar from which mature old Burgundy initially brought up (6)","Answer":"BODEGA","Explanation":"Definition: Wine cellar\nReversal [brought up] of AGED [mature] + O[ld] B[urgundy]"} {"Clue":"Setter of a puzzle hard to see in twist then that's wrong (6)","Answer":"SPHINX","Explanation":"Definition: Setter of a puzzle\nH [hard] in SPIN [twist] + X [that's wrong]: the riddle of the sphinx is commonly known as, \"What goes on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening?\" but there's a lot more interesting stuff about it here."} {"Clue":"Try to keep cool behind back of Chris Martin (7)","Answer":"SWALLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Martin\n[chri]S + WALLOW [try to keep cool, like the hippos in the glorious mud]"} {"Clue":"Clocks up in charts (7)","Answer":"RECORDS","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Game Paltrow's playing with heartless one (5,4)","Answer":"WATER POLO","Explanation":"Definition: Game\nAnagram [playing] of PALTROW + O[n]E"} {"Clue":"After splitting underpants, fit can be tolerated (9)","Answer":"ENDURABLE","Explanation":"Definition: can be tolerated\nAn anagram [pants] of UNDER + ABLE [fit] \u2013 the definition doesn't quite work for me, as it's the wrong part of speech"} {"Clue":"Sweet thing in red on picture (10)","Answer":"GINGERSNAP","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet thing\nA simple charade of GINGER [red] + SNAP [picture]: 'on' usually means 'after' in an across clue \u2013 as Tramp uses it in 25ac [having his cake \u2013 or gingersnap \u2013 and eating it!]"} {"Clue":"Sad is Coldplay's album? (4)","Answer":"DISC","Explanation":"Definition: album\nHidden in saD IS Coldplay: I think the 's acts as containment indicator"} {"Clue":"Clear \"conscious uncoupling\" essentially is rubbish (11)","Answer":"CONSPICUOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Clear\nAn anagram [rubbish] of CONSCIOUS + [unco]UP[ling]"} {"Clue":"Cycling race, clear to pedal (11)","Answer":"ACCELERATOR","Explanation":"Definition: pedal\nAn anagram [cycling] of RACE CLEAR TO"} {"Clue":"City big for country (4)","Answer":"LAOS","Explanation":"Definition: country\nLA [Los Angeles \u2013 city] + OS [large]"} {"Clue":"Toilet is small for stars (5,5)","Answer":"CANIS MINOR","Explanation":"Definition: stars\nCAN [toilet] IS MINOR [is small]"} {"Clue":"To pretend to sing on track for show (9)","Answer":"PANTOMIME","Explanation":"Definition: show\nTO MIME [to pretend to sing] after PAN [track]"} {"Clue":"Change ending to hit, one's up for success? (5)","Answer":"THUMB","Explanation":"Definition: one's up for success?\nTHUM[p] [hit] with the last letter changed"} {"Clue":"Get shot of\u00a0 Sun model after turning over papers (7)","Answer":"DISPOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Get shot of\nReversal [turning over] of ID [papers] + S [sun] POSE [model] \u2013 again, the grammar of the definition doesn't quite work"} {"Clue":"Speed of sound: nothing going for current engine (7)","Answer":"MACHINE","Explanation":"Definition: engine\nMACH ONE [speed of sound] with I [current] substituted for O [nothing]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Waste? Congress cut pay (6)","Answer":"SEWAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Waste\nSE[x] [congress cut] + WAGE [pay]"} {"Clue":"Paltrow's line difficult without former lover (6)","Answer":"ACTING","Explanation":"Definition: Paltrow's line\n[ex]ACTING [difficult, minus ex \u2013 former lover]"} {"Clue":"Cast agrees call to make epic (5-5)","Answer":"LARGE-SCALE","Explanation":"Definition: epic\nAn anagram [cast] of AGREES CALL"} {"Clue":"Goes quietly inside and cries (5)","Answer":"WEEPS","Explanation":"Definition: cries\nP [quietly] inside WEES [goes]"} {"Clue":"Course favourite getting special treatment (3,6)","Answer":"RED CARPET","Explanation":"Definition: special treatment\nREDCAR [racecourse] + PET [favourite]"} {"Clue":"Fix You, Coldplay's left on box (4)","Answer":"CURE","Explanation":"Definition: Fix\nC [lefthand letter of Coldplay] + RE [on] round [box] U [you] \u2013 I think:\u00a0 'Fix You' is a Coldplay song, I discovered"} {"Clue":"Lawyers reviewed piece dealing with talk, endlessly (6,2)","Answer":"RABBIT ON","Explanation":"Definition: talk, endlessly\nReversal [reviewed] of BAR [lawyers] + BIT [piece] + ON [dealing with]"} {"Clue":"Pod in sea picked up; depth subject of investigation (8)","Answer":"SEEDCASE","Explanation":"Definition: Pod\nSEE [sounds like \u2013 picked up \u2013 'sea'] + D [depth] + CASE [subject of investigation]"} {"Clue":"Old telly model's leads; archaic set without colour (10)","Answer":"ACHROMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: without colour\nAn anagram [set] of O[ld] T[elly] M[odel's] + ARCHAIC"} {"Clue":"Upset, show went on \u2014 run breaking story (9)","Answer":"NARRATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: story\nR [run] in a reversal [upset, in a down clue] of EVITA [show] RAN [went on]"} {"Clue":"In production, we uncovered Coldplay hit (8)","Answer":"WALLOPED","Explanation":"Definition: hit\nAn anagram [in production] of WE and [c]OLDPLA[y] [uncovered \u2013 like my poor old Collins, which I replaced with the 11th edition for \u00a35 from WH Smith the other day.]"} {"Clue":"Stories and books (8)","Answer":"ACCOUNTS","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Retract one's rings? (6)","Answer":"ANNULI","Explanation":"Definition: rings\nANNUL [retract] + I [one] \u2013 it always seems odd to write this word with a double L, as the Latin has only one."} {"Clue":"Apple for one, hugging band's leader, lost voice (6)","Answer":"TREBLE","Explanation":"Definition: voice\nTREE [apple, for one] round B[and] L [lost \u2013 as in a football chart]"} {"Clue":"Line that is to bag \u2014 let me see part of gut (5)","Answer":"ILEUM","Explanation":"Definition: part of gut\nIE [that is] round L [line] + UM [let me see]"} {"Clue":"Nick's favourite dog (7)","Answer":"WHIPPET","Explanation":"Definition: dog\nWHIP [nick \u2013 steal] + PET [favourite]"} {"Clue":"Knew what was expected (7)","Answer":"FORESAW","Explanation":"Definition: Knew what was expected\nI can't make this one out: isn't it just a straightforward definition?"} {"Clue":"Gather in and iron, right? (5)","Answer":"INFER","Explanation":"Definition: Gather\nIN + FE [iron] + R [right]"} {"Clue":"A channel swimmer accepts kiss from the great man (9)","Answer":"ALEXANDER","Explanation":"Definition: the great man\nA LEANDER [a channel swimmer \u2013 Leander used to swim across the Hellespont every night to be with his sweetheart, Hero] round X [kiss] to give Alexander the Great"} {"Clue":"Heroes camp out but return to base with difficulty (6,4)","Answer":"SCRAPE HOME","Explanation":"Definition: return to base with difficulty\nAn anagram [out] of HEROES CAMP"} {"Clue":"Being awkward, mean to get the last word (4)","Answer":"AMEN","Explanation":"Definition: the last word\nAn anagram [being awkward] of MEAN"} {"Clue":"Snacks for new students in rest break (12)","Answer":"REFRESHMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Snacks\nFRESHMEN [new students] in an anagram [break] of REST"} {"Clue":"Rent vehicle plant that was dormant for a long period (3,3,6)","Answer":"RIP VAN WINKLE","Explanation":"Definition: that was dormant for a long period\nRIP [rent] + VAN [vehicle] + WINKLE [plant] to give Washington Irving's hero, who slept for twenty years \u2013 and I found that there's also a narcissus called Rip Van Winkle"} {"Clue":"Island needing second rescue vessel (4)","Answer":"SARK","Explanation":"Definition: Island\nS [second] + ARK [rescue vessel]"} {"Clue":"Tactful negotiator in charge (10)","Answer":"DIPLOMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Tactful\nDIPLOMAT [negotiator] + IC [in charge] \u2013 this is what Uncle Yap used to call 'water from the same well'"} {"Clue":"It normally has its contents back to front (9)","Answer":"BOOKSHELF","Explanation":"Definition: It normally has its contents back to front\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"This prize brings back the good in French language (5)","Answer":"NOBEL","Explanation":"Definition: This prize\nA reversal [brings back] of LE BON [the good in French]"} {"Clue":"Lives in des res I converted (7)","Answer":"RESIDES","Explanation":"Definition: Lives\nAn anagram [converted] of DES RES\u00a0I \u2013 a neat surface and construction but RES is short for residence, which weakens it, I think"} {"Clue":"More than one slice of the right allotment of shares (7)","Answer":"RASHERS","Explanation":"Definition: More than one slice\nR [right] + an anagram [allotment] of SHARES\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"My wish for something fancy (6)","Answer":"WHIMSY","Explanation":"Definition: something fancy\nAn anagram of MY WISH \u2013 indicated by for[?] or perhaps 'fancy' is working overtime"} {"Clue":"Needing support in business (6)","Answer":"INFIRM","Explanation":"Definition: Needing support\nIN FIRM [in business]"} {"Clue":"Repair with help involving minor (10)","Answer":"PERIPHERAL","Explanation":"Definition: minor\nAn anahgram [involving] of REPAIR and HELP"} {"Clue":"Refuse to start treating skin problem (5)","Answer":"TRASH","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse\nT[reat] + RASH [skin problem]"} {"Clue":"Unusual forenames for a lodger? (9)","Answer":"FREEMASON","Explanation":"Definition: a lodger?\nAn anagram [unusual] of FORENAMES, to give a person who belongs to a lodge"} {"Clue":"First rider on a new horse (4)","Answer":"ROAN","Explanation":"Definition: horse\nFirst letters of Rider On A New"} {"Clue":"Small sum of money sent round as deposit (8)","Answer":"SEDIMENT","Explanation":"Definition: deposit\nSENT round DIME [small sum of money]"} {"Clue":"After no peace I head for caution (8)","Answer":"WARINESS","Explanation":"Definition: caution\nWAR [no peace] + I + NESS [head]"} {"Clue":"Makes effective tools (10)","Answer":"IMPLEMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Makes effectivetools\nThe first of only two double definitions"} {"Clue":"Wild winds rose, bringing violent disturbance (9)","Answer":"ROWDINESS","Explanation":"Definition: violent disturbance\nAn anagram [wild] of WINDS ROSE"} {"Clue":"Helps to define the goal of angry lawyers (8)","Answer":"CROSSBAR","Explanation":"Definition: Helps to define the goal\nCROSS [angry] + BAR [lawyers]"} {"Clue":"False encouragement given on debts (8)","Answer":"SPURIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: False\nSPUR [encouragement] + IOUS [debts]"} {"Clue":"Good man, competent and reliable (6)","Answer":"STABLE","Explanation":"Definition: reliable\nST [good man] + ABLE [competent]"} {"Clue":"Trophies of victory for the brave (6)","Answer":"SCALPS","Explanation":"Definition: Trophies of victory for the brave\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Criminal file that's wrong, then put right (5)","Answer":"LIFER","Explanation":"Definition: Criminal\nAn anagram [wrong] of FILE + R [right]"} {"Clue":"To be taken advantage of isn't new (4)","Answer":"USED","Explanation":"Definition: To be taken advantageisn't new\nThe second double definition"} {"Clue":"Forbidden City artist's a blank slate (6,4)","Answer":"TABULA RASA","Explanation":"Definition: blank slate\nTABU [forbidden] + LA [Los Angeles \u2013 city] + RA'S [artist's] + A"} {"Clue":"Tasty bit of flesh enthrals a couple of males in Turkish bath (6)","Answer":"HAMMAM","Explanation":"Definition: Turkish bath\nHAM [tasty bit of flesh] round [enthrals] A MM [a couple of males] \u2013 a new word for me but very clearly clued"} {"Clue":"Go too far in clarifying heartless rule in case of one fiver being lost (4-6)","Answer":"OVER-REFINE","Explanation":"Definition: Go too far in clarifying\nR[ul]E [heartless] in [in case of] an anagram [lost] of ONE FIVER \u2013 this sounds like an intriguing story"} {"Clue":"Breakfast food starts to make us evacuate (some linseed involved) (6)","Answer":"MUESLI","Explanation":"Definition: Breakfast food\nInitial letters [starts] of Make Us Evacuate Some Linseed Involved \u2013 I nearly did choke on my muesli, which I was actually chewing as I solved this"} {"Clue":"Got ring? Badly in debt again, at first (8)","Answer":"OBTAINED","Explanation":"Definition: Got\nO [ring] + an anagram [badly] of IN DEBT A[gain]"} {"Clue":"Bore through getting to speak at length about France (9)","Answer":"PERFORATE","Explanation":"Definition: Bore through\nPERORATE [to speak at length] round F [France]"} {"Clue":"Lift people out of morass? I took over (4)","Answer":"OTIS","Explanation":"Definition: Lift people\nHidden reversal [over] in morasS I TOok \u2013 a clever surface and definition, evincing a wry smile, which my late husband would have grudgingly shared, having helped design lifts for a small local lift company"} {"Clue":"Person getting kiss from Douglas? (4)","Answer":"MANX","Explanation":"Definition: from Douglas?\nMAN [person] + X [kiss]"} {"Clue":"Minerals lads regularly put in iron boxes (9)","Answer":"FELDSPARS","Explanation":"Definition: Minerals\nL[a[D[s] in FE [iron] SPARS [boxes]"} {"Clue":"Almost go in prison in Split, due to bust? (8)","Answer":"CLEAVAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Split, due to bust?\nLEAV[e] [almost go] in CAGE [prison]"} {"Clue":"Fools one politician hired, working on board (10)","Answer":"SIMPLETONS","Explanation":"Definition: Fools\nI MP [one politician] + LET [hired] + ON [working] in SS steamship = on board"} {"Clue":"Mushroom terrine starter coated with syrup, after top taken off container (10)","Answer":"RECEPTACLE","Explanation":"Definition: container\nCEP [mushroom] + T[errine] in [coated with] [t]REACLE [topless syrup]"} {"Clue":"Kind of brown-backed flower (6)","Answer":"NATURE","Explanation":"Definition: Kind\nReversal [backed ] of TAN [brown] + URE [flower \u2013 I know it's a crossword clich\u00e9 but it's the river that flows through my beloved Wensleydale"} {"Clue":" Remained sober, reportedly (6)","Answer":"STAYED","Explanation":"Definition: Remained\nSounds [unequivocally] like 'staid'\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Defame American beginning to dither during ceasefire (7)","Answer":"TRADUCE","Explanation":"Definition: Defame\nA [American] + D[ither] in TRUCE [ceasefire]"} {"Clue":"Freezing cold bum pinched by two brothers? Yes, in play (5,7)","Answer":"BRASS MONKEYS","Explanation":"Definition: Freezing cold\nASS [bum] in [pinched by] BR and MONK [two brothers] + an anagram [in play] of YES"} {"Clue":"Can one going there be said to be more idiotic? (7)","Answer":"LOOPIER","Explanation":"Definition: more idiotic\nThe first thing that sprang to mind, with the crossers, was LOONIER, which didn't quite work: it's LOO [can] + PIER [sounds like [said to be] \u2013 how on earth do I write this? \u2013 'pee-er' [one 'going' there \u2013 in the loo] Phew!"} {"Clue":"Add gaseous mixture to a tea drunk by the Queen (6)","Answer":"AERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Add gaseous mixture to\nA + an anagram [drunk] of TEA after [by] ER [the queen]\u00a0 \u2013 misleading wordplay!"} {"Clue":"Fat spillage? Bungle and point rudely (6,3)","Answer":"MUFFIN TOP","Explanation":"Definition: Fat spillage?\nMUFF [bungle] + anagram [rudely] of POINT"} {"Clue":"When stranded, how's your father to get a cocktail? (3,2,3,5)","Answer":"SEX ON THE BEACH","Explanation":"Definition: cocktail\nSEX ['How's your father?'] ON THE BEACH [when stranded \u2013 brilliant double definition]"} {"Clue":"Entertaining lady with extremely neat backside (9)","Answer":"FUNDAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: backside\nFUN [as an adjective \u2013 entertaining] + DAME [lady] + N[ea]T \u2013 an extremely neat reminder of Shed's fundamental problem = piles a couple of weeks ago"} {"Clue":"Scottish island with one foreign plant (7)","Answer":"MULLEIN","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nMULL [Scottish island] + EIN [one German]"} {"Clue":" Decline to remove odour? (7)","Answer":"DESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Decline\nDE-SCENT \u2013 remove odour?"} {"Clue":"Given stripe in primary colour, as curtains may be (7)","Answer":"RELINED","Explanation":"Definition: as curtains may be\nLINE [stripe] in RED [primary colour]"} {"Clue":"Creator of Fantasy Island comic, according to Spooner (6,5)","Answer":"WALTER MITTY","Explanation":"Definition: Creator of Fantasy\nSounds, to many, Spoonerised, like MALTA [island] WITTY [comic]"} {"Clue":"Police raids in a remote part of Italy (8)","Answer":"SARDINIA","Explanation":"Definition: a remote part of Italy\nAnagram [police] of RAIDS IN A"} {"Clue":"Half-hearted Mercian, say, rejected 18 as a rule (2,3)","Answer":"OF AGE","Explanation":"Definition: 18 as a rule\nReversal [rejected] of EG [say] + OF[f]A [the 'half-hearted' 8th century king of Mercia who built the Dyke"} {"Clue":"Heart of problem granny? (4)","Answer":"KNOT","Explanation":"Definition: Heart of problemgranny?\nDouble definition \u2013 I remember the heart of the problem in learning how to tie a reef knot was trying to avoid ending up with a 'granny'"} {"Clue":"Prosthetic limb worn by gangster causes unnecessary panic (5,5)","Answer":"FALSE ALARM","Explanation":"Definition: unnecessary panic\nFALSE ARM [prosthetic limb] round [worn by] AL [Capone, the familiar crossword gangster]"} {"Clue":"Report of man kidnapping head of state (6)","Answer":"CAESAR","Explanation":"Definition: head of state\nSounds like [report of] 'seizer' [man kidnapping]"} {"Clue":"Prayer involving a couple of bishops \u2014 one left in a huff (8)","Answer":"CRABBILY","Explanation":"Definition: in a huff\nCRY [prayer] round A BB [a couple of bishops] + I [one] + L [left]"} {"Clue":"Definition: brief romp in metropolis (7)","Answer":"CLARITY","Explanation":"Definition: Definition\nLAR[k] [brief romp] in CITY [metropolis] \u2013 nice definition!"} {"Clue":"Pat kindly heading off to catch theologian's lecture (7)","Answer":"ADDRESS","Explanation":"Definition: lecture\n[c]ARESS [pat kindly] round [to catch] DD [Doctor of Divinity \u2013 theologian]"} {"Clue":"Take part, bagging large total (8)","Answer":"COMPLETE","Explanation":"Definition: total\nCOMPETE [take part] round L [large]"} {"Clue":"Function in East after costs reduced by 40% (6)","Answer":"COSINE","Explanation":"Definition: Function\nIN E [in East] after 60% of COS[ts]"} {"Clue":"Heavy plant banker's loaded in the van (10)","Answer":"PILEDRIVER","Explanation":"Definition: Heavy plant\nRIVER [banker] after [in the van] PILED [loaded]"} {"Clue":"Intrepid orator's dismissed during play (4)","Answer":"BOLD","Explanation":"Definition: Intrepid\nSounds like [orator's] bowled [dismissed in cricket]"} {"Clue":"Artist in island sent back formal headdress (5)","Answer":"TIARA","Explanation":"Definition: formal headdress\nReversal [sent back] of RA in AIT [island]"} {"Clue":"Boots, perhaps, in revolutionary films (8)","Answer":"CHEMISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Boots, perhaps\nCHE [revolutionary \u2013 another crossword hero] + MISTS [films] \u2013 we had Boots the Chemists from Arachne very recently\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Outcome of trip for Gunners? It could cause postponement of match (8)","Answer":"RAINFALL","Explanation":"Definition: It could cause postponement of match\nA trip for the Gunners could be expressed as RA [Royal Artillery] IN FALL \u2013 lovely clue"} {"Clue":"Selection of scattered items put together (4)","Answer":"EDIT","Explanation":"Definition: put together\nHidden in scatterED ITems"} {"Clue":"Last order from hero often misrepresented on course (3,3,3,4)","Answer":"ONE FOR THE ROAD","Explanation":"Definition: Last order\nAnagram [misrepresented] of HERO OFTEN + ROAD [course]"} {"Clue":"One way to secure former standing within group (7)","Answer":"PADLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: One way to secure\nReversal [standing] of OLD [former] in PACK [group]"} {"Clue":"Underhand elem\u00adents of golf and soccer (4-3-6)","Answer":"HOLE-AND-CORNER","Explanation":"Definition: Underhand\nHOLE [element of golf] AND CORNER [element of soccer]"} {"Clue":"Ribaldry exchanged between opponents? They are certainly up for it (5,5)","Answer":"EARLY BIRDS","Explanation":"Definition: They are certainly up for it\nAnagram [exchanged] of RIBALDRY in E [East] and S [South] \u2013 bridge opponents"} {"Clue":"Flier's to be in France, put in place (6)","Answer":"PETREL","Explanation":"Definition: Flier\n\u00caTRE [to be in France] in PL [place]"} {"Clue":"From which you could get lamp recast? (5,5)","Answer":"SCRAP METAL","Explanation":"Definition: From which you could get lamp recast?\nAnagram of LAMP RECAST \u2013 &lit, I think"} {"Clue":"Wrinkles up, vanity half gone? It's a hazard of old age (8)","Answer":"SENILITY","Explanation":"Definition: a hazard of old age\nReversal [up] of LINES [wrinkles] +[van]ITY"} {"Clue":"Court proceedings need this periodic overhaul (7)","Answer":"SERVICE","Explanation":"Definition: Court proceedings need thisperiodic overhaul\nDouble \/ cryptic definition, court proceedings referring to tennis \u2013 after Rufus'\u00a0 'repeated mistakes by servicemen' for DOUBLE FAULTS yesterday"} {"Clue":"Drug, one chewed and swallowed after surgery (6)","Answer":"OPIATE","Explanation":"Definition: Drug\nOP [surgery] + I [one] + ATE [chewed and swallowed]"} {"Clue":"Financial security essential for cricketer (4)","Answer":"BAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Financial securityessential for cricketer\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Clinton gets around it with glee (8)","Answer":"HILARITY","Explanation":"Definition: glee\nThis has to be HILARY [Clinton] round IT \u2013 but Mrs Clinton spells her name with a double L"} {"Clue":"Bring forth this woman before any other to get the go-ahead (5)","Answer":"EVOKE","Explanation":"Definition: Bring forth\nEVE [this woman before any other] round OK [go-ahead]"} {"Clue":"Couple with some intention to entertain marriage? (4)","Answer":"ITEM","Explanation":"Definition: Couple\nFirst letters ['some'] of Intention To Entertain Marriage \u2013 an attempt at &lit?"} {"Clue":"A new mail entry cut important passage (10,5)","Answer":"ALIMENTARY CANAL","Explanation":"Definition: important passage\nA + an anagram [new] of MAIL ENTRY + CANAL [cut]"} {"Clue":"Spit on the 11 25 (6)","Answer":"TONGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Spiton the 11 25\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"This type of bet not as potent (4-4)","Answer":"ANTE-POST","Explanation":"Definition: This type of bet\nAnagram [not?] of AS POTENT"} {"Clue":"Return of major river's agit\u00adated state just down from London Bridge (7)","Answer":"BOROUGH","Explanation":"Definition: just down from London Bridge\nI can't see this one at all, I'm afraid: I'm usually among the first to defend 'parochial' clues in a British newspaper but the definition is idiosyncratic, since 'borough' is a perfectly acceptable word in its own right. I've only heard of this area through its market, which I saw when visiting Southwark Cathedral. And the parsing has me completely stumped. Over to you! *[See comments 1, 4, 6, 8. Thanks, all.]"} {"Clue":"Dog's home opening now jeopardised by current reduction (7)","Answer":"BASENJI","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nBASE [home] + first letters [opening] of Now Jeopardised + I [current\u00a0 \u2013 echoes of yesterday's Puck] \u2013 but I don't understand 'reduction'"} {"Clue":"Catalpa to remain \u2014 imagine a leading racecourse without one (4,4)","Answer":"BEAN TREE","Explanation":"Definition: Catalpa\nBE [remain] + A[i]NTREE [without 1] \u2013 having solved Paul's latest Prize puzzle was a help in seeing this one"} {"Clue":"Sir Harry was heard on the 11 25 (6)","Answer":"CAECUM","Explanation":"Definition: on the 11 25\nSounds like [Sir Harry] Secombe \u2013 here's a bit of silliness to cheer me up"} {"Clue":"Drink with arch criminal \u2014 a gang leader, indeed (10)","Answer":"CHARDONNAY","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nAnagram [criminal] of ARCH + DON [gang leader] + NAY [indeed] \u2013 this took a minute or two, because I wanted 'indeed' to be AY \u2013 but NAY can mean 'in point of fact' [Chambers]"} {"Clue":"Futile state to get in (4)","Answer":"VAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Futile\nVA [Virginia \u2013 state] + IN"} {"Clue":"Contract is a swindle \u2014 extremely stupid to go along with it (8)","Answer":"CONDENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Contract\nCON [swindle] + DENSE {extremely stupid]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Leading expert got rogue virus, too (8)","Answer":"VIRTUOSO","Explanation":"Definition: Leading expert\nAnagram [rogue] of VIRUS TOO"} {"Clue":"Slapper is a lap dancer, foremost (4)","Answer":"PALM","Explanation":"Definition: Slapper\nI think this is an anagram [dancer] of LAP + first letter [fore] of Most \u2013 but I'm not convinced."} {"Clue":"Close dossier about an uprising (6)","Answer":"FINALE","Explanation":"Definition: Close\nFILE [dossier] round a reversal [uprising] of AN"} {"Clue":"Bitter controversy on both sides at tax payable \u2014 albeit cut back (7)","Answer":"CYNICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Bitter\nI can't see this one, either, beyond CY being both sides of ControversY *[See comments 3 and 5 \u2013 thanks, Jason and manehi.]"} {"Clue":"Accidentally refasten small opening (8)","Answer":"FENESTRA","Explanation":"Definition: small opening\nAnagram [accidentally] of REFASTEN"} {"Clue":"Spokesperson for 12 (10)","Answer":"MOUTHPIECE","Explanation":"Definition: Spokesperson\n12 is TONGUE, which is a MOUTH PIECE"} {"Clue":"Knight's resting place is about all that remains (6)","Answer":"DEBRIS","Explanation":"Definition: all that remains\nReversal [about] of SIR [knight] + BED [resting place]"} {"Clue":"Earthquake could entail this regular payment (6,4)","Answer":"GROUND RENT","Explanation":"Definition: regular payment\nAn earthquake could entail a ground rent"} {"Clue":"Spout a lot of wind about railway getting green light (8)","Answer":"GARGOYLE","Explanation":"Definition: Spout\nGALE [a lot of wind] round RY [railway] round GO [green light]"} {"Clue":"Israeli reported just in time to be starting reduced legal procedure used in self-defence (3,5)","Answer":"JIU JITSU","Explanation":"Definition: used in self-defence\nJIU [sounds like Jew \u2013 'Israeli reported'] + first letters of Just In Time +\u00a0 SU[it] [legal procedure]"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary audacity turns out to be reactionary (7)","Answer":"REDNECK","Explanation":"Definition: reactionary\nRED [revolutionary] + NECK [audacity]"} {"Clue":"Itches to restore a code of morals (6)","Answer":"ETHICS","Explanation":"Definition: code of morals\nAnagram [to restore] of ITCHES"} {"Clue":"Lamentable that new garden city not given date letters (6)","Answer":"CRYING","Explanation":"Definition: Lamentable\nAnagram [new] of GARDEN CITY minus the letters of 'date' [as in 'a crying shame']"} {"Clue":"Turn against at all times (4)","Answer":"VEER","Explanation":"Definition: Turn\nV [against] + the poetic e'er [at all times] \u2013 I think"} {"Clue":"Loud radio broadcasting that demands respect (4,4)","Answer":"FAIR PLAY","Explanation":"Definition: that demands respect\nF[loud] AIRPLAY\u00a0 [radio broadcasting] \u2013 a very straightforward one to set us off"} {"Clue":"An item left in car (6)","Answer":"COUPLE","Explanation":"Definition: An item\nL [left] in COUP\u00c9 [car]"} {"Clue":"Street covered in rotten food, aside from the majority going downhill (3-5)","Answer":"OFF-PISTE","Explanation":"Definition: aside from the majority going downhill\nST [street] in OFF PIE [rotten food]"} {"Clue":"Lab MP taking month off, I claimed \u2014 a member there in spirit? (7,4)","Answer":"PHANTOM LIMB","Explanation":"Definition: a member there in spirit?\nAnagram [off] of LAB MP MONTH round [claimed] I \u2013 with a cryptic definition and a great surface"} {"Clue":"Princess not popular as head of state? (5)","Answer":"DIANA","Explanation":"Definition: Princess\nThe crossword princess in full, for once, but without 'in' [popular] 'as head', which would give Indiana [state]"} {"Clue":"It's pinned to hold in fabric (9)","Answer":"GRENADINE","Explanation":"Definition: fabric\nGRENADE [it has a pin] round IN"} {"Clue":"The main quality that may be stainless (9)","Answer":"SALTINESS","Explanation":"Definition: The main quality\nAnagram [that may be] of STAINLESS"} {"Clue":"Accessing honey, bee say is shut out (5)","Answer":"DEBAR","Explanation":"Definition: shut out\nB [bee say] in DEAR [honey]"} {"Clue":"On tour, gang is going round America \u2014 seemingly no end to it? (6,5)","Answer":"MOBIUS STRIP","Explanation":"Definition: seemingly no end to it?\nMOB IS [gang is] round US [America] + TRIP [tour] \u2013 there may be some discussion about the use of 'on' in an across clue"} {"Clue":"Difficult temperature, hot (6)","Answer":"THORNY","Explanation":"Definition: Difficult\nT [temperature] + HORNY [hot]"} {"Clue":"Bouncers raining down around hapless team, vicious deliveries (4,4)","Answer":"HATE MAIL","Explanation":"Definition: vicious deliveries\nHAIL [bouncers raining down] round an anagram [hapless] of TEAM, to give a neat cricketing surface"} {"Clue":"A howler banking gold in large amounts (6)","Answer":"GALORE","Explanation":"Definition: in large amounts\nGALE [a howler] round OR [gold]"} {"Clue":"She grooms partners for the Western Isles (8)","Answer":"HEBRIDES","Explanation":"Definition: the Western Isles\nOne of Paul's 'analogous' clues: HE BRIDES could be partners for SHE GROOMS \u2013 I've seen several clues [the first was Paul's, I'm sure] exploiting this felicitous charade but it's always good for a smile, especially if you haven't come across it before\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Kids suggested an old retainer for information (6,4)","Answer":"FLOPPY DISK","Explanation":"Definition: an old retainer for information\nA reverse anagram [floppy] of KIDS"} {"Clue":"Something to hide under after final bombs can be blown up (10)","Answer":"INFLATABLE","Explanation":"Definition: can be blown up\nAnagram [bombs] of FINAL + TABLE [something to hide under]"} {"Clue":"Direct to a specific location (5)","Answer":"POINT","Explanation":"Definition: Directa specific location\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Penned by a pen, some big shot penning end of nice old song (2,4,4,2)","Answer":"AS TIME GOES BY","Explanation":"Definition: old song\nAnagram [shot] of SOME BIG in A STY [a pen] round [penning] [nic]E: nice penning \u2013 sorry, punning \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Finished with directors having made a splash? (9)","Answer":"OVERBOARD","Explanation":"Definition: having made a splash?\nOVER [finished] + BOARD [directors]"} {"Clue":"Tip into newspaper, kippers (4)","Answer":"PERK","Explanation":"Definition: Tip\nHidden in newspaPER Kippers"} {"Clue":"River Clyde's first business leader (4)","Answer":"EXEC","Explanation":"Definition: business leader\nEXE [river] + C[lyde]"} {"Clue":"Agile unruly gathering against consuming a meat product (5,7)","Answer":"LIVER SAUSAGE","Explanation":"Definition: meat product\nAnagram [unruly] of AGILE round [gathering] VERSUS [against] round [consuming] A"} {"Clue":"Collaborative duo's stuff about art, bleeding ridiculous! (7,3,6)","Answer":"GILBERT AND GEORGE","Explanation":"Definition: Collaborative duo\nGORGE [stuff] round an anagram [ridiculous] of ART BLEEDING \u2013 another great surface!"} {"Clue":"Farm store left 'em upset in the city (10)","Answer":"METROPOLIS","Explanation":"Definition: city\nReversal [upset] of SILO [farm store] + PORT [left] + EM"} {"Clue":"A country once in open revolt, initially in Anatolia (4,5)","Answer":"ASIA MINOR","Explanation":"Definition: Anatolia\nA SIAM [a country once] + IN + first letters [initially] of Open Revolt"} {"Clue":"Female monarch unqualified (5)","Answer":"SHEER","Explanation":"Definition: unqualified\nSHE [female] + ER [monarch]"} {"Clue":"Second name for male (4)","Answer":"STAG","Explanation":"Definition: male\nS [second] + TAG [name]"} {"Clue":"Take in dessert (4)","Answer":"FOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Take indessert\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Crook who operates in Australian shed? (7)","Answer":"FLEECER","Explanation":"Definition: Crookwho operates in Australian shed?\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Bopping manual restriction (7)","Answer":"CUFFING","Explanation":"Definition: Boppingmanual restriction\nAnother double \/ cryptic definition, cuff and bop both meaning a light blow and cuffs slang for handcuffs"} {"Clue":"Hero Elsie had declared (2,3)","Answer":"EL CID","Explanation":"Definition: Hero\nSounds like [?] [declared] 'Elsie'd'"} {"Clue":"Wallpaper line spoilt curtains (9)","Answer":"LINCRUSTA","Explanation":"Definition: Wallpaper\nL [line] + an anagram [spoilt] of CURTAINS"} {"Clue":"What might follow mock electric outlet spur (6,4)","Answer":"TURTLE SOUP","Explanation":"Definition: What might follow mock\nAnagram [electric?] of OUTLET SPUR \u2013 one of Brummie's more bizarre surfaces"} {"Clue":"Skirt backing, say, removed from sign (4)","Answer":"MINI","Explanation":"Definition: Skirt\ngeMINI [sign] minus reversal [backing] of eg [say]"} {"Clue":"Relief rupture unit (11)","Answer":"SUBDIVISION","Explanation":"Definition: unit\nSUB [relief] + DIVISION [rupture]"} {"Clue":"Wheels out awful modern artworks after one (11)","Answer":"AUTOMOBILES","Explanation":"Definition: Wheels\nA [one] + an anagram [awful] of OUT + MOBILES [modern artworks]"} {"Clue":"Flower people not hippies, originally (4)","Answer":"IRIS","Explanation":"Definition: Flower\nIRIS[h] [people] minus h[ippies] \u2013 now that **is** a nice surface!"} {"Clue":"Swinging a putter in waste water? Keep going! (10)","Answer":"PERPETUATE","Explanation":"Definition: Keep going\nAnagram [swinging] of A PUTTER in PEE [waste water] \u2013 and that one's not so bad, either"} {"Clue":"Tree associated with common colour (4,5)","Answer":"LIME GREEN","Explanation":"Definition: colour\nLIME [tree] + GREEN [common \u2013 as in village green]"} {"Clue":"Know instinctively time's gone for the people (5)","Answer":"INUIT","Explanation":"Definition: people\nIN[t]UIT [know instinctively] minus t [time]"} {"Clue":"Form of grape that's bolted in short (7)","Answer":"CURRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Form of grape\nRAN [bolted] in CURT [short]"} {"Clue":"Seaweed-draped motor home holiday area (7)","Answer":"ALGARVE","Explanation":"Definition: holiday area\nRV [recreational vehicle \u2013 motor home] in ALGAE [seaweed]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Contemptuous cries raised at carnival (6)","Answer":"FIESTA","Explanation":"Definition: carnival\nFIES [contemptuous cries] \u2013 not usually seen in the plural but this is Crosswordland + a reversal [raised] of AT"} {"Clue":"Retailer disposing of capital \u2014 right time for company (6)","Answer":"ESCORT","Explanation":"Definition: company\n[t]ESCO [retailer minus its capital] + R [right] T [time \u2013 again]"} {"Clue":"Cold model used to be otherwise \u2014 nicely plump (10)","Answer":"CUDDLESOME","Explanation":"Definition: nicely plump\nC [cold] + an anagram [to be otherwise] of MODEL USED"} {"Clue":"Levels subs etc (5)","Answer":"ROLLS","Explanation":"Double definition? I can't quite see this one: level as in rolling pastry, perhaps but I don't know about the subs \u2013 over to you"} {"Clue":"Bun in oven initially jarred when entering state of matrimony (9)","Answer":"CONNUBIAL","Explanation":"Definition: of matrimony\nAnagram [jarred] of BUN IN O[ven] in CAL [state] \u2013 this has the makings of a nice surface but doesn't quite do it for me"} {"Clue":"Doctor of climbing is cross (4)","Answer":"FORD","Explanation":"Definition: cross\nReversal [climbing] of DR OF"} {"Clue":"Where there's proof to be determined, though not actually there (2,6)","Answer":"IN SPIRIT","Explanation":"Definition: not actually there\nCryptic definition, referring to the strength [proof] of alcoholic spirits"} {"Clue":"Bank to let, including sink (8)","Answer":"GRADIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Bank\nGRANT [let] round DIE [sink]"} {"Clue":"Possibly the Big Bang fright isn't over (5,5)","Answer":"FIRST THING","Explanation":"Definition: Possibly the Big Bang\nAnagram [over] of FRIGHT ISN'T"} {"Clue":"Stronghold of those believing fervently in the USA (5,4)","Answer":"BIBLE BELT","Explanation":"Definition: Stronghold of those believing fervently in the USA\nCrypticish definition"} {"Clue":"Swine sickly at a cold Gironde commune (8)","Answer":"CADILLAC","Explanation":"Definition: Gironde commune\nCAD [swine] + ILL [sickly] + A C [cold \u2013 again]"} {"Clue":"Temperature resistance in stew might be an aid for the gardener (8)","Answer":"STRIMMER","Explanation":"Definition: an aid for the gardener\nT [temperature] + R [resistance] in SIMMER [stew]"} {"Clue":"Animal keeper has no way to enter vessel (6)","Answer":"JAGUAR","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\nGUA[rd] [keeper minus rd \u2013 road {way}] in JAR [vessel]"} {"Clue":"Insect, source of sugar, having large enzyme openings (6)","Answer":"BEETLE","Explanation":"Definition: Insect\nBEET [source of sugar] + first letters [openings] of Large Enzyme"} {"Clue":"What makes English pop an endangered species? (5)","Answer":"PANDA","Explanation":"Definition: an endangered species\nP AND A spells PA [English? 'pop']"} {"Clue":"Granada's offbeat and retiring as a city (4)","Answer":"AGRA","Explanation":"Definition: city\nI can't see how this one works, either, but I know someone will soon tell me, so I won't hold the blog up any longer while I think."} {"Clue":"A penny to see doctor \u2014 that's cool (6)","Answer":"APLOMB","Explanation":"Definition: cool\nA P [penny] + LO [see] + MB [doctor]"} {"Clue":"8 sick repeat (6)","Answer":"PARROT","Explanation":"Definition: 8 sickrepeat\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"8 dead on radio broadcast before 50 (8)","Answer":"DOORNAIL","Explanation":"Definition: 8 dead\nThis shrieked 'homophone' but it's an anagram [broadcast] of ON RADIO before L [fifty]"} {"Clue":"Avoid this by not staying up too long, or else dad's furious (6-4)","Answer":"SADDLE-SORE","Explanation":"Definition: Avoid this by not staying up too long\nAnagram [furious] of OR ELSE DADS \u2013 a little quibble here: the hyphen makes it an adjective, so 'avoid this' doesn't make sense; without the hyphen, it's a noun, which does."} {"Clue":"Crazy rockstar retires to nurse a cold (6)","Answer":"CORYZA","Explanation":"Definition: cold\nHidden [to nurse] in a reversal [retires] of crAZY ROCk \u2013 brilliant surface!\u00a0 I was doing just that [like many others, I guess] while solving this puzzle"} {"Clue":"Spin-off comes along, making monsters (8)","Answer":"OGRESSES","Explanation":"Definition: monsters\n[pr]OGRESSES [comes along] minus PR [spin]"} {"Clue":"Red Indian, half American (9)","Answer":"FLORIDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: American\nFLORID [red] + [ind]IAN"} {"Clue":"Bill's partner by the end of August is 8 bald (4)","Answer":"COOT","Explanation":"COO [Bill's partner, as in 'to bill and coo'] + [augus]T \u2013 this one is self-evident"} {"Clue":"Is minister's back covered by trip to the bank? (9)","Answer":"RIVERSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: bank\nReversal [back] of\u00a0 IS REV [is minister] in [covered by] RIDE [trip]"} {"Clue":"State queen falls in station (8)","Answer":"VICTORIA","Explanation":"Definition: Statequeenfallsstation\nQuadruple definition \u2013 and they don't come two a penny, especially with a viable surface: bravo, Philistine!"} {"Clue":"Asian, drunk, reported by office worker (6)","Answer":"TYPIST","Explanation":"Definition: office worker\nSounds like [no problem here, I think] Thai [Asian]\u00a0 pissed [drunk] \u2013 I liked the surface!"} {"Clue":"South of France about to welcome learners and immerse them in French life \u2014 how tedious! (10)","Answer":"DULLSVILLE","Explanation":"Definition: how tedious!\nReversal [about] of SUD [French south] round [to welcome] LL [learners] + LL [the same learners] in [immersed] in VIE[French life]"} {"Clue":"Heartless, extravagant and still living (6)","Answer":"EXTANT","Explanation":"Definition: still living\nEXT[ravag]ANT"} {"Clue":"Essentially dizzy and hyperactive with wind (6)","Answer":"ZEPHYR","Explanation":"Definition: wind\n[di]Z[zy] [essentially] + an anagram [active] of HYPER \u2013 I do love this kind of clue but I know not all of you do\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Mexican inhabitant orders unopened ballot box (7)","Answer":"AXOLOTL","Explanation":"Definition: Mexican inhabitant\nAnagram[orders of [b]ALLOT [b]OX minus initial letters [unopened]"} {"Clue":"8 happy to get secular rights included (5)","Answer":"LARRY","Explanation":"Definition: 8 happy\nLAY [secular] round RR [rights]"} {"Clue":"8 keen celebrity mired? (7)","Answer":"MUSTARD","Explanation":"Definition: 8 keen\nSTAR [celebrity] in MUD [mired]"} {"Clue":"Appeal from you or me, at last, after everybody (6)","Answer":"ALLURE","Explanation":"Definition: Appeal\nLast letters of yoU oR mE after ALL [everybody]"} {"Clue":"Parts in current set-up or in ugly sisters (9)","Answer":"RESISTORS","Explanation":"Definition: Parts in current\nOR in an anagram [ugly] of SISTERS"} {"Clue":" Pain of love with jollies camping? (7)","Answer":"TORMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Pain\nO [love] + RM [Royal Marines \u2013 jollies] in TENT [camping]"} {"Clue":" How we can speak in a stupid way when mother's out (13)","Answer":"IDIOMATICALLY","Explanation":"Definition: How we can speak\nTake ma [mother] out and you get IDIOTICALLY [stupidly]"} {"Clue":"Lodger wanted to get radical round sleazy motel (4,2,3)","Answer":"ROOM TO LET","Explanation":"Definition: Lodger wanted\nROOT [radical] round an anagram [sleazy] of MOTEL"} {"Clue":"Attack and capture (7)","Answer":"SEIZURE","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"In context, remedy is harsh (7)","Answer":"EXTREME","Explanation":"Definition: harsh\nHidden in contEXT REMEdy"} {"Clue":"Tramp welcomes compiler portfolio (7)","Answer":"DOSSIER","Explanation":"Definition: portfolio\nDOSSER [tramp] round [welcomes] I [compiler] \u2013 with a neat reference to another favourite setter"} {"Clue":"20,16across 8 pure ambition by Poles at the moment (6,4)","Answer":"DRIVEN SNOW","Explanation":"Definition: 20,16across 8 pure\nDRIVE [ambition] + NS [Poles] + NOW [at the moment]"} {"Clue":"8 pleased with drink (5)","Answer":"PUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: 8 pleaseddrink\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"His work is often framed (7)","Answer":"GLAZIER","Explanation":"Definition: His work is often framed\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Its mother's first to lactate (6)","Answer":"MAMMAL","Explanation":"Definition: Its mother's first to lactate\nMAMMA [mother] + L[actate] \u2013 a clever & littish surface and one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"Tall thin person training runners (8)","Answer":"BEANPOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Tall thin person\n[Not quite] double \/ cryptic definition, referring to runner beans"} {"Clue":"Astronaut found in the local, drinking (6)","Answer":"ALDRIN","Explanation":"Definition: Astronaut\nHidden in locAL DRINking \u2013 another nice surface"} {"Clue":"Fail to understand decimals correctly? (4,3,5)","Answer":"MISS THE POINT","Explanation":"Definition: Fail to understand decimals correctly?\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Cancellation of the count leads to rebuke (7,3)","Answer":"TELLING OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Cancellation of the countrebuke\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Subdued sound of cattle (3)","Answer":"LOW","Explanation":"Definition: Subduedsound of cattle\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Dismissed when on strike (3)","Answer":"OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Dismissedon strike\nDouble definition \u2013 dismissed as in cricket"} {"Clue":"Contributory funds one put on daily account (10)","Answer":"SUBSIDIARY","Explanation":"Definition: Contributory\nSUBS [funds \u2013 as either verb or noun] + I [one] + DIARY [daily account] \u2013 and another neat surface"} {"Clue":"Take a tough line to deal with a motoring case (3,2,3,4)","Answer":"PUT IN THE BOOT","Explanation":"Definition: Take a tough linedeal with a motoring case\nDouble definition, which made me smile"} {"Clue":"Listener following close win (6)","Answer":"ENDEAR","Explanation":"Definition: win\nEAR [listener] after END [close]"} {"Clue":"Furtive sort of hat style (8)","Answer":"STEALTHY","Explanation":"Definition: Furtive\nAnagram [sort of] of HAT STYLE"} {"Clue":"Bearing a flower in March or April? (6)","Answer":"EASTER","Explanation":"Definition: in March or April?\nE [bearing] + ASTER [flower]"} {"Clue":"Girl with two articles to stow away safely (7)","Answer":"SHEATHE","Explanation":"Definition: stow away safely\nSHE [girl] + A THE [two articles]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Jeer? I beg to differ! (4)","Answer":"GIBE","Explanation":"Definition: Jeer\nAnagram [to differ] of I BEG"} {"Clue":"Open with a shock (4)","Answer":"AJAR","Explanation":"Definition: Open\nA JAR [a shock]"} {"Clue":"Understood devil comes to a lawful end (8)","Answer":"IMPLICIT","Explanation":"Definition: Understood\nIMP [devil] + LICIT [lawful]"} {"Clue":"Australian football is supreme, OK? (5)","Answer":"RULES","Explanation":"Definition: Australian footballis supreme, OK?\nDouble definition \u2013 and another witty surface, alluding to graffiti"} {"Clue":"Poles strangely under a certain inclination (6)","Answer":"ASLOPE","Explanation":"Definition: under a certain inclination\nA + an anagram [strangely] of POLES"} {"Clue":"A rule uniformly applied? (7,3)","Answer":"MARTIAL LAW","Explanation":"Definition: A rule uniformly applied?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Gently wash out all the way along (10)","Answer":"LENGTHWAYS","Explanation":"Definition: all the way along\nAnagram [out] of GENTLY WASH"} {"Clue":"Changes times of work (6)","Answer":"SHIFTS","Explanation":"Definition: Changestimes of work\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"We are always enveloped in this mood (10)","Answer":"ATMOSPHERE","Explanation":"Definition: We are always enveloped in thismood\nDouble \/ cryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"Given freedom in postscript for banalities (10)","Answer":"PLATITUDES","Explanation":"Definition: banalities\nLATITUDE [freedom] in PS [postscript]"} {"Clue":"Cowboy developing a cough (6)","Answer":"GAUCHO","Explanation":"Definition: Cowboy\nAnagram [developing] of A COUGH"} {"Clue":"Recommend someone to take legal action (8)","Answer":"ADVOCATE","Explanation":"Definition: Recommendsomeone to take legal action\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"It's natural for hotel to have a tea break (6)","Answer":"INNATE","Explanation":"Definition: It's natura\nINN [hotel] + an anagram [break] of TEA"} {"Clue":"More than one barrel used in shooting (5)","Answer":"BUTTS","Explanation":"Definition: More than one barrelused in shooting\nDouble definition \u2013 could refer to a rifle butt or [Chambers]: a mark or mound for archery or shooting practice; a mound behind targets; a hiding place for grouse-shooters"} {"Clue":"Revision of test indic\u00adates second thoughts are not always best (4)","Answer":"STET","Explanation":"Definition: indic\u00adates second thoughts are not always best\nAnagram [revision] of TEST \u2013 my other favourite clue"} {"Clue":"In a city, near a river (4)","Answer":"TYNE","Explanation":"Definition: river\nHidden in ciTY NEar"} {"Clue":"Indication of intelligence in, for example, this coterie (6)","Answer":"CLIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: coterie\nIQ [indication of intelligence] in CLUE [for example this]"} {"Clue":"British group informally making lots of pounds (6)","Answer":"STONES","Explanation":"Definition: British group informallylots of pounds\nDouble definition: 'Fourteen pounds one stone', as we used to intone in primary school \u2013 and, of course, The Rolling Stones"} {"Clue":"French fighter I arm as ordered, somehow (6)","Answer":"ARAMIS","Explanation":"Definition: French fighter\nAnagram [somehow] of I ARM AS"} {"Clue":"I said vessel will do for cosmetic (8)","Answer":"EYELINER","Explanation":"Definition: cosmetic\nEYE [sounds like \u2013 said \u2013 I] + LINER [vessel]"} {"Clue":"Kind of garment it's good to have (4)","Answer":"GOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Kind of garment\nG [good] + OWN [have]"} {"Clue":"Ostentatious behaviour in small house, part of building belonging to female (7,3)","Answer":"SHOWING OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Ostentatious behaviour\nS [small] + HO [house] + WING [part of building] + OF [belonging to] + F [female]"} {"Clue":"Harshness of Australian reduced when in power (11)","Answer":"ASTRINGENCY","Explanation":"Definition: Harshness\nSTRIN[e] [Australian reduced] in AGENCY [power]"} {"Clue":"Temperature in cider isn't changing in bars (10)","Answer":"INTERDICTS","Explanation":"Definition: bars\nT [temperature] in an anagram [changing] of CIDER ISNT"} {"Clue":"Part of speech that's authentic (4)","Answer":"ECHT","Explanation":"Definition: authentic\nHidden in speECH That's"} {"Clue":"Fugitive has to rush a barrier (8)","Answer":"RUNAGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Fugitive\nRUN [rush] + A GATE [a barrier]"} {"Clue":"They are pushed to clean bachelor accommodation (6)","Answer":"BROOMS","Explanation":"Definition: They are pushed to clean\nB [bachelor] + ROOMS [accommodation]"} {"Clue":"Disciplines daughter and son at end of reformed life (6)","Answer":"FIELDS","Explanation":"Definition: Disciplines\nD [daughter] and S [son] after an anagram [reformed] of LIFE"} {"Clue":"Ancient character in British island, or part of one (6)","Answer":"BRUNEI","Explanation":"Definition: part of one\nRUNE [ancient character] in B [British] I [island] \u2013 Brunei is part of the island of Borneo\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"6 or 24 for some American players, peripherally defined (8)","Answer":"DIAMONDS","Explanation":"Definition: 624 for some American players\nDouble definition: 6 is STONES and 24 is FIELDS [for baseball players]"} {"Clue":"Sharks in harbours (6)","Answer":"NURSES","Explanation":"Definition: Sharksharbours\nDouble definition: I thought 'nurse' needed 'shark' after it"} {"Clue":"Use a particular number showing energy on the increase (8)","Answer":"ETHERISE","Explanation":"Definition: Use a particular number\nE [energy] + THE RISE [the increase]"} {"Clue":"Blackening popular ruler (6)","Answer":"INKING","Explanation":"Definition: Blackening\nIN KING [popular ruler]"} {"Clue":"What's in 1 that's good for dating? (6)","Answer":"CARBON","Explanation":"Definition: What's in 1 that's good for dating?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Drive away from Tennessee office (3,3)","Answer":"SEE OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Drive away\nHidden in tennesSEE OFFice"} {"Clue":"Need concert arranged? Staged reunion (11)","Answer":"RECONNECTED","Explanation":"Definition: Staged reunion\nAnagram [arranged] of NEED CONCERT"} {"Clue":"Punishments for serious offences getting one down, for example (3,5)","Answer":"RED CARDS","Explanation":"Definition: unishments for serious offencesone down, for example\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Cotton fabric being worn, new in island (8)","Answer":"CRETONNE","Explanation":"Definition: Cotton fabric\nON [worn] + N [new] in CRETE [island]"} {"Clue":"Overwhelm with English disease turning up (6)","Answer":"ENGULF","Explanation":"Definition: Overwhelm\nENG [English] + a reversal [turning up] of FLU [disease]"} {"Clue":"Letter from Greek doctor and I showing figures found on 14 (6)","Answer":"RHOMBI","Explanation":"Definition: figures found on 14\nRHO [letter from Greek] + MB [doctor] + I ['I' should not be taken as following 'from'!]"} {"Clue":"What can be found in Tate, namely a work of art (6)","Answer":"ENAMEL","Explanation":"Definition: work of art\nAnother hidden \u2013 in tatE NAMELy"} {"Clue":"Hitch in vehicle heading north in part of city (6)","Answer":"SUBURB","Explanation":"Definition: part of city\nA reversal [heading north] of RUB [hitch] in BUS [vehicle]"} {"Clue":"Raw beauty at its core, on neutral ground (2,7)","Answer":"AU NATUREL","Explanation":"Definition: Raw\nAU ['core' of beAUty]\u00a0 + an anagram [ground] of NEUTRAL"} {"Clue":"Baron with line in chocolate? (5)","Answer":"BROWN","Explanation":"Definition: chocolate?\nROW [line] in BN [baron] \u2013 the question mark indicates a definition by example"} {"Clue":"Foreign viceroy \u2014 not a chief in Kiev, anyway (7)","Answer":"KHEDIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Foreign viceroy\nHE[a]D [chief minus a] in an anagram [anyhow] of KIEV"} {"Clue":"Village, or giant housing land? (7)","Answer":"GEORGIA","Explanation":"Definition: land\nHidden in villaGE OR GIAnt"} {"Clue":"Railway: the regional torture! (5)","Answer":"TRACK","Explanation":"Definition: Railway\nT' [northern 'the'] + RACK [torture]"} {"Clue":"Put wad on a sporting match and laugh uncontrollably (4,5)","Answer":"ROLL ABOUT","Explanation":"Definition: laugh uncontrollably\nROLL [wad] + A BOUT [a sporting match] \u2013 for too long I wanted this to be FALL ABOUT"} {"Clue":"Evidence of possession of muscles expanse I left to spread (8,2,5)","Answer":"ABSTRACT OF TITLE","Explanation":"Definition: Evidence of possession\nABS [muscles] + TRACT [expanse] + an anagram [spread] of I LEFT TO"} {"Clue":"Take a look at all-female Ring Cycle opera (9)","Answer":"LOHENGRIN","Explanation":"Definition: opera\nLO [look] + HEN [all-female, as in hen party] + an anagram [cycle] of RING \u2013 now that really is a nice surface"} {"Clue":"Chuck in backing, say, the theatre (5)","Answer":"GLOBE","Explanation":"Definition: theatre\nLOB [chuck] in a reversal [backing] of EG [say]"} {"Clue":"Cleric's tight, transitive headband (7)","Answer":"CIRCLET","Explanation":"Definition: headband\nAnagram [tight] of CLERIC + T [transitive] \u2013 used in dictionaries"} {"Clue":"Possessed large body, loathed clothing it (7)","Answer":"HAUNTED","Explanation":"Definition: Possessed\nHATED [loathed] round [clothing] UN [large body]"} {"Clue":"Occupying thoroughfare to make water course (5)","Answer":"SWEET","Explanation":"Definition: course\nWEE [to make water] in ST [thoroughfare]"} {"Clue":"To perform a pop genre really badly could mean quite a stretch (6,3)","Answer":"MURDER RAP","Explanation":"Definition: quite a stretch\nCryptic definition \u2013 again, I spent too long searching for an anagram of A POP GENRE, chuntering to myself about the 'superfluous' 'really' : I should have known better \u2013 sorry, Brummie!\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Warm yourself before ballet movement, a competitive activity (10)","Answer":"BASKETBALL","Explanation":"Definition: a competitive activity\nBASK [warm yourself] + an anagram [movement] of BALLET [or, rather, an exchange of syllables]"} {"Clue":"Guards keep sand out (8)","Answer":"KNEEPADS","Explanation":"Definition: Guards\nAnagram [out] of KEEP SAND"} {"Clue":"Star spewing out sulphur and then earth is not safe (2,4)","Answer":"AT RISK","Explanation":"Definition: not safe\nA[s]T[e] RISK [star] minus s [sulphur] and e [earth]"} {"Clue":"Instrument following toboggan line projection (10)","Answer":"FLUGELHORN","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nF [following] + LUGE [toboggan] + L [line] + HORN [projection]"} {"Clue":"Unnatural boast about strangling old relative (8)","Answer":"ABSONANT","Explanation":"Definition: Unnatural\nAnagram [about] of BOAST round [strangling] NAN [old relative]"} {"Clue":"Consequently, river by grand house is a source of sugar (6)","Answer":"SORGHO","Explanation":"Definition: a source of sugar\nSO [consequently] + R [river] + G [grand] + HO [house]"} {"Clue":"Former South American skincare product (4)","Answer":"INCA","Explanation":"Definition: Former South American\nHidden in skINCAre"} {"Clue":"Director shot Maine, which has never been bettered (6,4)","Answer":"RECORD TIME","Explanation":"Definition: which has never been bettered\nAnagram [shot] of DIRECTOR + ME [Maine]"} {"Clue":"Range of dumps accommodating virile blokes by day (3,7)","Answer":"THE MENDIPS","Explanation":"Definition: Range\nTIPS [dumps] round HE MEN [virile blokes] + D [day]"} {"Clue":"Butterflies buzz and I propose we should (8)","Answer":"RINGLETS","Explanation":"Definition: Butterflies\nRING [buzz] + LET'S [I propose we should]"} {"Clue":"Racehorses go tailless ahead of fish-eaters (8)","Answer":"TROTTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Racehorses\nTR[y] [go] + OTTERS [fish eaters]"} {"Clue":"Henry Moore entrances overwhelming real fancy city neighbourhood (6)","Answer":"HARLEM","Explanation":"Definition: city neighbourhood\nHM [initials \u2013 entrances \u2013 of Henry Moore] round an anagram [fancy] of REAL"} {"Clue":"Refulgent, bursting with energy and so more tolerable to some? (6-4)","Answer":"GLUTEN-FREE","Explanation":"Definition: more tolerable to some?\nAnagram [bursting] of REFULGENT + E [energy]"} {"Clue":"Playing card included in realmoney (4,4)","Answer":"HARD CASH","Explanation":"Definition: realmoney\nAnagram [playing] of CARD in HASH [#] \u2013 is the definition really one word? It appears that way both online and in my paper."} {"Clue":"Possibly time to finish messing about with our crossword, finally \u2014 staff should be locked up! (6,9)","Answer":"FOURTH DIMENSION","Explanation":"Definition: Possibly time\nAnagram [messing about] of TO FINISH + OUR [crosswor]D round [should be locked up] MEN [staff] \u2013 a witty comment on the problems the Guardian crossword team occasionally have"} {"Clue":"Being amorous in the centre of Birmingham with Elvis? (7)","Answer":"NECKING","Explanation":"Definition: Being amorous\nNEC [Birmingham's National Exhibition Centre] + KING [Elvis]"} {"Clue":"Modern sound then obvious, basic to the core? (7)","Answer":"NUCLEAR","Explanation":"Definition: basic to the core?\nNU [sounds like 'new' \u2013 modern] + CLEAR [obvious]"} {"Clue":"Field bound to be cut (3)","Answer":"LEA","Explanation":"Definition: Field\nLEA[p] [bound]"} {"Clue":"The man I saw's recollected? No! (11)","Answer":"WHATSISNAME","Explanation":"Definition: The man I saw's recollected? No!\n&littish anagram [re-collected] of THE MAN I SAW'S"} {"Clue":"Inspector cunningly concealing university second degree in music (10)","Answer":"SUPERTONIC","Explanation":"Definition: degree in music\nAnagram [cunningly] of INSPECTOR round U [university]"} {"Clue":"Inventor of the phone call? (4)","Answer":"BELL","Explanation":"Definition: Inventor of the phonecall\nDouble \/ cryptic definition \u2013 'I'll give you a bell'"} {"Clue":"Anything misbehaving types put on as a consequence? That's it! (3,7,4)","Answer":"THE NAUGHTY STEP","Explanation":"Definition: That's it!\nThis took an age to see: it was so obviously an anagram [wasn't it?] but the letters didn't quite match and I was one short, anyway; I finally saw the significance of **all** the words in the clue\u00a0 and the penny finally dropped: THEN [as a consequence] + AUGHT [anything] + an anagram [misbehaving] of TYPES \u2013 another &littish clue for the technique advocated by Supernanny Jo Frost"} {"Clue":"Spanner beginning to rotate, accessing both nuts in kitchen appliance (5,6)","Answer":"FORTH BRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Spanner\nR[otate] in an anagram [nuts] of BOTH all inside FRIDGE [kitchen appliance]"} {"Clue":"Intelligence lacking in underwear (3)","Answer":"BRA","Explanation":"Definition: underwear\nBRA[in] [intelligence lacking in]"} {"Clue":"Delivery service longing for improvement (7)","Answer":"UPSURGE","Explanation":"Definition: improvement\nUPS [United Parcel Service] + URGE [longing] \u2013 I don't think an upsurge is necessarily an improvement"} {"Clue":"A racket involving queen, say, backfiring \u2014 so stomach calmer? (7)","Answer":"ANTACID","Explanation":"Definition: stomach calmer\nA + a reversal [backfiring] of DIN [racket] round CAT [queen, say]"} {"Clue":"Old money is securing items of furniture \u2014 is one for an Italian monk? (7,2,6)","Answer":"FRANCIS OF ASSISI","Explanation":"Definition: an Italian monk\nFRANC IS [old money is] round SOFAS [items of furniture] + IS I [is one]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Perhaps two left in a line among manual weapons (9)","Answer":"FINALISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps two left\nIN A L [in a line] in FISTS [manual weapons]"} {"Clue":"Release relative, not entirely a killer (7)","Answer":"UNCLASP","Explanation":"Definition: Release\nUNCL[e] [relative, not entirely] + ASP [Cleopatra's killer]"} {"Clue":"Mine triggered by this error message (8)","Answer":"TRIPWIRE","Explanation":"Definition: Mine triggered by this\nTRIP [error] + WIRE [message]"} {"Clue":"Philosophy of the puppy feeder? (5)","Answer":"DOGMA","Explanation":"Definition: Philosophy\nDOG MA [puppy feeder]"} {"Clue":"Missing\" unit \u2014 it's taken away, dashed? (5,4)","Answer":"MINUS SIGN","Explanation":"Anagram [dashed] of MISSING UN[it] [it's taken away] \u2013 if the symbol in the middle of the clue is the definition, it seems rather long: another &littish clue"} {"Clue":"Sweet things in book collection most delightful (6)","Answer":"NICEST","Explanation":"Definition: most delightful\nICES [sweet things] in NT [Nrw Testament \u2013 book collection]"} {"Clue":"Repeat, that is, about three times? (7)","Answer":"ITERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Repeat\nIE [that is] round T ERA T [three times!]"} {"Clue":"Conductor showing fortitude (5)","Answer":"NERVE","Explanation":"Definition: Conductorfortitude\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Diversity there on abandoned ship (9)","Answer":"OTHERNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Diversity\nAnagram [abandoned] of THERE ON + SS [steamship]"} {"Clue":"Giant in dispute with neighbour idly playing with alien (9)","Answer":"LEYLANDII","Explanation":"Definition: Giant in dispute with neighbour\nAnagram [playing] of IDLY and ALIEN"} {"Clue":"Glass tubes broken up for starters, one of us getting knocked over (8)","Answer":"BURETTES","Explanation":"Definition: Glass tubes\nBU [first letters \u2013 starters \u2013 of Broken Up] + a reversal [getting knocked over] of SETTER [one of us]"} {"Clue":"Is a route across the Channel going north of a huge land mass? (7)","Answer":"EURASIA","Explanation":"Definition: huge land mass\nIS A RUE [route across the Channel] reversed and before [going north of, in a down clue] A"} {"Clue":"Japanese cooker hot with vital energy, one degree higher (7)","Answer":"HIBACHI","Explanation":"Definition: Japanese cooker\nH [hot] + I BA [one degree] before [higher, in a down clue] CHI [vital energy]"} {"Clue":"Smart clothes are endlessly turning up for French politician (6)","Answer":"CHIRAC","Explanation":"Definition: French politician\nCHIC [smart] round [clothes \u2013 nice!] a reversal [turning up] of AR[e] endlessly"} {"Clue":"Slip down (5)","Answer":"FLUFF","Explanation":"Definition: Slipdown\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"King getting wings clipped over female, very petite (5)","Answer":"DWARF","Explanation":"Definition: very petite\n[e]DWAR[d] [king] + F [female]"} {"Clue":"Bloody PC, 15 22 across (8)","Answer":"BRIGHTON","Explanation":"Definition: 15 22 across\nB ['bloody'] + RIGHT-ON [PC \u2013 Politically Correct] \u2013 Paul gets in his home town, with a witty clue, to start us off"} {"Clue":"XX 15 22 across (5)","Answer":"TENBY","Explanation":"Definition: 15 22 across\nX [ten] + X [the mathematical sign for 'times' or 'by'] for this Welsh resort"} {"Clue":"Arrogant fool beyond witless, ultimately (4)","Answer":"SMUG","Explanation":"Definition: Arrogant\n[witles]S + MUG [fool]"} {"Clue":"Two 15 22 acrosses, one less 3, requiring English singer (5,5)","Answer":"BARRY WHITE","Explanation":"Definition: singer\nBARRY [a second Welsh seaside resort + WHIT[stable] , an English one,\u00a0 minus 'stable' [the answer to 3dn] but then we need to put\u00a0 the E back again \u2013 'requiring\u00a0 English']"} {"Clue":"across as Minehead, Southend and Cork for growth in Ireland (8)","Answer":"SHAMROCK","Explanation":"Definition: growth in Ireland\n22 across is RESORT, so we\"re asked to re-sort AS + M [first letter \u2013 head \u2013 of MINE] + [sout]H [end of south] + CORK \u2013 a cleverly constructed clue"} {"Clue":"Disease \u2014 that flourishes in the summer? (7,6)","Answer":"SEASIDE RESORT","Explanation":"Definition: that flourishes in the summer?\nA reverse anagram: 'disease' is SEASIDE 're-sorted' \u2013 I sort of felt there must be a better definition but, of course, I couldn't think of one!"} {"Clue":" Stick around island that's sweet (7)","Answer":"GLUCOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Stick around island that's sweet (7)\nGLUE [stick] round COS [island]"} {"Clue":"Established in fashion, this industry? (3,5)","Answer":"RAG TRADE","Explanation":"TRAD [established] in RAGE [fashion] \u2013 &littish"} {"Clue":"Study, can he? That's possible (10)","Answer":"CONTINGENT","Explanation":"Definition: possible\nCON [study] + TIN [can] + GENT [he?]"} {"Clue":"Paintings, works initially wiped (4)","Answer":"OILS","Explanation":"Definition: Paintings\n[t]OILS [works]"} {"Clue":"Very excited? Past caring in the end (4)","Answer":"AGOG","Explanation":"Definition: Very excited\nAGO [past] + [carin[G]"} {"Clue":" Racehorses unlikely to fall? (6)","Answer":"STABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Racehorsesunlikely to fall\nDouble definition \u2013 an old favourite but it's needed for 11ac."} {"Clue":"French artist heading for stage door (7)","Answer":"INGRESS","Explanation":"Definition: door\nINGRES [French artist] + S[tage] \u2013 we're much more used to this clue the other way round!"} {"Clue":"Salt, I say, desperate for a flapper at sea (8)","Answer":"STAYSAIL","Explanation":"Definition: a flapper at sea\nAnagram [desperate] of SALT I SAY"} {"Clue":"So cooler to be destitute? (2,3,5)","Answer":"ON THE ROCKS","Explanation":"Definition: destitute\nA drink served on the rocks [with ice] would be cooler \u2013 but I'm not entirely happy with this"} {"Clue":"Wand in Paul's hands not quite delivering magic (6)","Answer":"MYSTIC","Explanation":"Definition: magic\nMY [Paul's] STIC [not quite STICk \u2013 wand] \u2013 definition?"} {"Clue":"Boat isn't about to tour America \u2014 this the end of the journey? (3,7)","Answer":"BUS STATION","Explanation":"Definition: this the end of the journey?\nAnagram of BOAT ISN'T round [to tour] US [America]"} {"Clue":"Identify the problem \u2014 gain ground feeding prescribed medicine (8)","Answer":"DIAGNOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Identify the problem\nAnagram [ground] of GAIN in [feeding] DOSE [prescribed medicine]"} {"Clue":"Improperly placed relics up a clergyman's vestment (8)","Answer":"SURPLICE","Explanation":"Definition: a clergyman's vestment\nAnagram [improperly placed] of RELICS UP"} {"Clue":"Part in middle of contract written up as proof of transaction (7)","Answer":"RECEIPT","Explanation":"Definition: proof of transaction\nReversal [written up] of PIECE [part] in [con]RT[act]"} {"Clue":"Now divide one by a hundred (2,4)","Answer":"AT ONCE","Explanation":"Definition: Now\nThis, stupidly, took longest of all to parse: I was fixated on C [ a hundred] in ONE and couldn't account for the AT \u2013 but, of course, it's ACE [one] divided by TON [a hundred]"} {"Clue":"Heavy barrel secured by cane (6)","Answer":"ROTUND","Explanation":"Definition: Heavy\nTUN [barrel] in ROD [cane] \u2013 again, I'm not entirely comfortable with the definition: both Collins and Chambers give 'grandiloquent', which is the nearest I can see, but it doesn't quite do it for me"} {"Clue":"15 22 across ends up in Latin America, superb archipelago (4)","Answer":"OBAN","Explanation":"Definition: 15 22 across\nReversal of last letters [ends up] of [lati]N [americ]A [super]B [archipelag]O: a Scottish resort to end on \u2013 perhaps a pity we couldn't have had a Northern Irish one [Bangor, maybe, where I lived for a while many years ago, or Portrush?] to complete the tour of the UK's attractions"} {"Clue":"Music and dancing to number 21? (8)","Answer":"SCANDIUM","Explanation":"Definition: number 21?\nAnagram [dancing] of MUSIC AND for the element which is number 21 in the periodic table"} {"Clue":"This lord is more cunning (6)","Answer":"ARCHER","Explanation":"Definition: This lord more cunning\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Mellor finally enters taxi \u2014 what a sour-tempered person! (4)","Answer":"CRAB","Explanation":"Definition: what a sour-tempered person!\n[mello]R in CAB [taxi]"} {"Clue":"According to Spooner, Rooney's scandal is to put on a few pounds (4,6)","Answer":"GAIN WEIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: put on a few pounds\nHurrah! \u2013 a Spoonerism that made me laugh: 'Waynegate'"} {"Clue":"Sweden provided backing with state of the Treasury (6)","Answer":"FISCAL","Explanation":"Definition: of the Treasury\nS [Sweden] + reversal [backing] of IF [provided] + CAL [state]"} {"Clue":" Respected European premier answers back journalist (8)","Answer":"ESTEEMED","Explanation":"Definition: Respected\nE [European premier] + reversal [back] of MEETS [answers] + ED [journalist"} {"Clue":"Drop the second number for precision (6)","Answer":"NICETY","Explanation":"Definition: precision\nNI[n]ETY,\u00a0 with the second n [number] dropped, divided by C [100]"} {"Clue":"Records services on the radio (6)","Answer":"WRITES","Explanation":"Definition: Records\nSounds like [on the radio] 'rites' [services]"} {"Clue":"King of the sea? (8)","Answer":"LION FISH","Explanation":"Definition: King of the sea?\nOn the analogy of the lion being king of the jungle \u2013 we have a BOGOF here!"} {"Clue":"Ox and swallow, but not a slug (6)","Answer":"BULLET","Explanation":"Definition: slug\nBULL [ox] + E[a]T [swallow but not a]"} {"Clue":"Long ago, the English Channel was their basis when travelling (7,3)","Answer":"BRITISH SEA","Explanation":"Definition: Long ago, the English Channel was\nAnagram [when travelling] of THEIR BASIS"} {"Clue":"Before 3rd and 5th pieces of toast, try butter (4)","Answer":"GOAT","Explanation":"Definition: butter\nGO [try] + toAsT"} {"Clue":"During last month, Penny and I had time to paint (6)","Answer":"DEPICT","Explanation":"Definition: paint\nP [penny] and I in DEC [last month] + T [time]"} {"Clue":"Rock leads welcome in me, the leader of Rolling Stones (8)","Answer":"EMERALDS","Explanation":"Definition: Stones\nAnagram rock] of LEADS + ME + R[olling]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Exposed by News Corp? I once got stung by this (8)","Answer":"SCORPION","Explanation":"Definition: I once got stung by this\nNicely hidden in newS CORP I ONce \u2013 and a great surface"} {"Clue":"Cut short sweet rolls up (4)","Answer":"SNUB","Explanation":"Definition: Cut short\nReversal [up] of BUNS [sweet rolls]"} {"Clue":"Sexy girl chases 6 poet (6)","Answer":"VIRGIL","Explanation":"Definition: poet\nAnagram [sexy] of GIRL after VI [six] \u2013 a lovely clue for my favourite Roman poet"} {"Clue":"Drink milk with tea \u2014 stirred right (3,5)","Answer":"TAP WATER","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nTAP [milk] + W [with] + an anagram [stirred] of TEA + R[right]"} {"Clue":"Unexpected eruption at Iceland obscures heart of glacier (10)","Answer":"ACCIDENTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Unexpected\nAnagram [eruption] of AT ICELAND round [gla]C[ier]"} {"Clue":"Maybe he works with IT around the City? (6)","Answer":"TECHIE","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe he works with IT around the City?\nAnagram [maybe] of HE + IT round EC [the City] \u2013 one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"Soldiers carry help for young lady (6)","Answer":"MAIDEN","Explanation":"Definition: young lady\nMEN [soldiers] round AID [help]"} {"Clue":"Tropical fruit juice? (7,3)","Answer":"COCONUT OIL","Explanation":"Definition: Tropical fruit juice?\nA cryptic definition, I think"} {"Clue":"T Henman tried to do this with matching jumpers and cardigans (8)","Answer":"TWINSETS","Explanation":"Definition: matching jumpers and cardigans\nT + WIN SETS, as Tim did try to do"} {"Clue":" College caterers cook on odour-free tables (8)","Answer":"STEWARDS","Explanation":"Definition: College caterers\nSTEW [cook] + [bo]ARDS tables minus B[ody] [Odour]"} {"Clue":"Pure mathematics complicated? At 1,000, I'm lost (6)","Answer":"CHASTE","Explanation":"Definition: Pure\nAnagram [complicated] of [mat]HE[m]AT[i]CS, minus AT, M [1000] and I'M \u2013 another lovely clue"} {"Clue":"Country \u2014 Iceland \u2014 has genuine internal mix-up (6)","Answer":"ISRAEL","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nIS [Iceland \u2013 again] + REAL [genuine] with the middle letters reversed"} {"Clue":"Conveyor belt split in two, rear damaged (6)","Answer":"BEARER","Explanation":"Definition: Conveyor\nBE[lt] + an anagram [damaged] of REAR \u2013 placed under 4dn to give Aquarius"} {"Clue":"Good memory for measurement (4)","Answer":"GRAM","Explanation":"Definition: measurement\nG [good] + RAM [memory]"} {"Clue":"Spoke to skilled prisoner first (9)","Answer":"CONVERSED","Explanation":"Definition: Spoke to\nCON [prisoner] + VERSED [skilled] \u2013 I'm not keen on the definition, because we converse **with** someone, but that's probably just a quibble"} {"Clue":"Tiresome beat starts to test hotel resident's unruffled manner (5)","Answer":"THRUM","Explanation":"Definition: Tiresome beat\nInitial letters [starts] of Test Hotel Resident's Unruffled Manner"} {"Clue":"Sally follows English outfit (5)","Answer":"EQUIP","Explanation":"Definition: outfit\nQUIP [sally] after E [English] \u2013 I was rather surprised to find 'outfit' as a verb, meaning 'to fit out'!"} {"Clue":"Took legal action about slur that's lasting (9)","Answer":"SUSTAINED","Explanation":"Definition: lasting\nSUED [took legal action] round STAIN [slur]"} {"Clue":"Obvious successor holds a broadcast (4,3,3)","Answer":"OVER THE AIR","Explanation":"Definition: broadcast\nOVERT [obvious] + HEIR [successor] round A \u2013 'broadcast' as the answer, rather than the usual anagram indicator"} {"Clue":"Legendary creature one follows still (4)","Answer":"YETI","Explanation":"Definition: Legendary creature\nYET [still] + I [one]"} {"Clue":"Priest endlessly seeking promotion is a fool (7)","Answer":"FATHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: fool\nFATHE[r] [priest endlessly] + AD [promotion] \u2013 we have to take 'seeking' as a link word, I think"} {"Clue":"Militant caught slashing tyre (7)","Answer":"RADICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Militant\nC [caught] in RADIAL [tyre]"} {"Clue":"Composer has staff fiddle with opening of opera (7)","Answer":"RODRIGO","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nROD [staff] + RIG [fiddle] + O[pera]"} {"Clue":"Old king alone a short while with knight (7)","Answer":"SOLOMON","Explanation":"Definition: Old king\nSOLO [alone] + MO [short while] + N [knight, in chess notation]"} {"Clue":"Girl keeps king safe (4)","Answer":"SURE","Explanation":"Definition: safe\nSUE [girl] round R [king]"} {"Clue":"Dunce's unfortunate to say it again (10)","Answer":"ILLITERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Dunce\nILL [unfortunate] + ITERATE [say it again]"} {"Clue":"After a drink, German enthusiast gets a biscuit (6,3)","Answer":"GINGER NUT","Explanation":"Definition: biscuit\nGIN [drink] + GER [German] + NUT [enthusiast]"} {"Clue":"Nothing's charged for fruit (5)","Answer":"OLIVE","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nO [nothing] + LIVE [charged]"} {"Clue":"Tory leader licking fish (5)","Answer":"TROUT","Explanation":"Definition: fish\nT[ory] + ROUT [licking]"} {"Clue":"Exhausted when deliveries get impounded (9)","Answer":"OVERSPENT","Explanation":"Definition: Exhausted\nOVERS [deliveries in cricket] + PENT [impounded]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Officer adopts Soviet ideology (5)","Answer":"CREDO","Explanation":"Definition: ideology\nCO [Commanding officer] round RED [Soviet]"} {"Clue":"Una, awkwardly placed, is queasy (9)","Answer":"NAUSEATED","Explanation":"Definition: queasy\nAnagram [awkwardly] of UNA + SEATED [placed]"} {"Clue":"Understanding it makes one sick, when circuiting course (10)","Answer":"EMPATHETIC","Explanation":"Definition: Understanding\nEMETIC [it makes one sick] round PATH [course]"} {"Clue":"Lay aside the Guardian among waste (7)","Answer":"SUSPEND","Explanation":"Definition: Lay aside\nUS [the Guardian] in SPEND [waste]"} {"Clue":"Vagrant clutches one set of papers (7)","Answer":"DOSSIER","Explanation":"Definition: set of papers\nDOSSER [vagrant] round I [one]"} {"Clue":"Drop speed (4)","Answer":"TEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Dropspeed\nNeat little double definition"} {"Clue":"Nationalist in revolt may cause a splash (5)","Answer":"RINSE","Explanation":"Definition: splash\nN [nationalist[ in RISE [revolt]"} {"Clue":"I'm all done cooking piece of meat (9)","Answer":"MEDAILLON","Explanation":"Definition: piece of meat\nAnagram [cooking] of I'M ALL DONE \u2013 I think perhaps I'm not the only one to have expected this to be MEDALLION but it didn't work because I already had the I from YETI"} {"Clue":"Cheating ruled out as arranged (10)","Answer":"ADULTEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Cheating\nAnagram [arranged] of RULED OUT AS"} {"Clue":"Gift horse dealt with providence (9)","Answer":"FORESIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: providence\nAnagram [dealt with] of GIFT HORSE"} {"Clue":"Tower that's ostentatious on a river (9)","Answer":"CAMPANILE","Explanation":"Definition: Tower\nCAMP [ostentatious] + A NILE [a river]"} {"Clue":"In Florida, king's to arrive wearing spectacles (7)","Answer":"ORLANDO","Explanation":"Definition: In Florida\nR [king \u2013 again] + LAND [arrive] inside two Os [wearing spectacles]"} {"Clue":"Knock over sketch and get let off (7)","Answer":"SKITTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Knock over\nSKIT [sketch] + an anagram [off] of LET"} {"Clue":"Musical piece, where start of recapitulation's on the tonic (5)","Answer":"RONDO","Explanation":"Definition: Musical piece\nR[ecapitulation] + ON + DO [tonic] \u2013 &littish, I think"} {"Clue":"Player's opening match (5)","Answer":"EVENT","Explanation":"Definition: match\nE [East \u2013 bridge player] + VENT [opening]"} {"Clue":"Excitement when trickster loses his head (4)","Answer":"HEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Excitement\n[c]HEAT [trickster]"} {"Clue":"Fling with hunk is wild fantasy (7,8)","Answer":"WISHFUL THINKING","Explanation":"Definition: wild fantasy\nAnagram [wild] of FLING WITH HUNK IS \u2013 &lit as far as I'm concerned, I'm afraid: it started me off with a smile, anyway\u00a0 \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"It interrupts humming noises around bit of ear (7)","Answer":"STIRRUP","Explanation":"Definition: bit of ear\nReversal [around] of IT in [interrupts] PURRS [humming noises \u2013 think car engines rather than cats, I think]"} {"Clue":"Drop enthralling pretence \u2014 some can't tolerate it (7)","Answer":"LACTOSE","Explanation":"Definition: some can't tolerate it\nLOSE [drop] round [enthralling] ACT [pretence]"} {"Clue":"Length of suffering in EastEnders (3)","Answer":"ELL","Explanation":"Definition: Length\n[h]ELL [suffering\u00a0 \u2013 as it might be pronounced in the East End]"} {"Clue":"Soldier secretes data about secret affairs (7,4)","Answer":"PRIVATE LIFE","Explanation":"Definition: secret affairs\nPRIVATE [soldier] round [secretes] a reversal [about] of FILE [data]"} {"Clue":"Troops hard to move \u2014 they've no backbone (10)","Answer":"ARTHROPODS","Explanation":"Definition: they've no backbone\nAnagram [to move] of TROOPS HARD"} {"Clue":"Dope employed by ministry of external affairs? (4)","Answer":"INFO","Explanation":"Definition: Dope\nIN [employed by] FO [Foreign Office]"} {"Clue":"Tax office (4)","Answer":"DUTY","Explanation":"Definition: Taxoffice\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Guardian's reputation protected in explosive event (10)","Answer":"TOURNAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: event\nOUR NAME [Guardian's reputation] in TNT [explosive]"} {"Clue":"Curse hum during a big road race (11)","Answer":"ABOMINATION","Explanation":"Definition: Curse\nBO [hum] in A M1 [ a big road] + NATION [race]"} {"Clue":"Mischief-maker in German football team? (3)","Answer":"ELF","Explanation":"Definition: Mischief-makerGerman football team?\nDouble definition \u2013 I only knew the first one, then found this"} {"Clue":"Composer's voguish impromptu's beginning after gong (7)","Answer":"BELLINI","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nIN [voguish] + I[mpromptu] after BELL [gong]"} {"Clue":"Addicts holding party, with old lady in a state (7)","Answer":"ALABAMA","Explanation":"Definition: state\nAA [Alcoholics Anonymous \u2013 addicts] round [holding] LAB [party] + MA [old lady]"} {"Clue":"Game and stunt, ie a loser gets shot (7,8)","Answer":"RUSSIAN ROULETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Game\nRU [Rugby Union \u2013 game] + an anagram [gets shot] of STUNT IE A LOSER \u2013 &lit[tish]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Cut up empty truce, ultimately null and void (9)","Answer":"WASTELAND","Explanation":"Definition: void\nReversal [up] of SAW [cut] + T[ruc]E + [nul]L AND"} {"Clue":"Butcher divides stock in cooking vessel (7)","Answer":"SKILLET","Explanation":"Definition: cooking vessel\nKILL [butcher [kill] in SET [stock]"} {"Clue":"Van given warning to leave (8)","Answer":"FOREPART","Explanation":"Definition: Van\nFORE [warning in golf, which we used to see much more often in crosswords] + PART [leave]"} {"Clue":"Feature seemingly holy renaissance artist (5)","Answer":"LIPPI","Explanation":"Definition: renaissance artist\nLIP [feature] + PI [seemingly holy]"} {"Clue":"National President meets king (9)","Answer":"HOLLANDER","Explanation":"Definition: National\nHOLLANDE [Fran\u00e7ois, French President] + R [king]"} {"Clue":"Cracking clue in fundamental parts (6)","Answer":"NUCLEI","Explanation":"Definition: fundamental parts\nAnagram [cracking] of IN CLUE"} {"Clue":"A Welshman, a Scotsman and an African (7)","Answer":"IVORIAN","Explanation":"Definition: an African\nIVOR [Welshman] + IAN [Scotsman]"} {"Clue":"Aquatic bird I see leaving frozen mass, going north (5)","Answer":"GREBE","Explanation":"Definition: Aquatic bird\nReversal [going north, in a down clue] of [ic]EBERG [frozen mass] minus ic \u2013 'I see']"} {"Clue":"Test elastic bra and top on one running (9)","Answer":"PROBATION","Explanation":"Definition: Test\nAnagram [elastic] of BRA and TOP + I [one] + ON [running, eg like a tap]"} {"Clue":"Old fruit beneath Bullingdon club member getting end away? (3,2,4)","Answer":"OUT OF DATE","Explanation":"Definition: Old\nDATE [fruit] after OU [Oxford University] TOF[f] [Bullingdon Club member] minus the last letter [getting end away]\u00a0 \ud83d\ude42"} {"Clue":"Drops not out, with Nadal covering lines (8)","Answer":"RAINFALL","Explanation":"Definition: Drops\nRAFA [Nadal] round IN [not out] + LL [lines]"} {"Clue":"Trojan's raging lust around foreign king (7)","Answer":"TROILUS","Explanation":"Definition: Trojan\nAnagram [raging] of LUST round ROI [foreign king]"} {"Clue":"Well fed grain \u2014 it's evenly cultivated (7)","Answer":"ELEGANT","Explanation":"Definition: cultivated\nEven letters of wElL fEd GrAiN iT"} {"Clue":"Runs car round one Italian resort (6)","Answer":"RIMINI","Explanation":"Definition: Italian resort\nR [runs] + MINI [car] round I [one]"} {"Clue":"reduction on foam rubber that's light in the middle (5)","Answer":"AMBER","Explanation":"Definition: light in the middle\nHalf of foAM and rubBER for the middle traffic light"} {"Clue":"Idealised notion kept up by monogamists (5)","Answer":"IMAGO","Explanation":"Definition: Idealised notion\nHidden reversal [kept up] in monOGAMIsts"} {"Clue":"Slow to drop unscrupulous regular string pulling and chicanery (5,8)","Answer":"SHARP PRACTICE","Explanation":"Definition: chicanery\nS[low] minus 'low' \u2013 unscrupulous] + HARP PRACTICE ['regular string-pulling'!]"} {"Clue":"Sign lost from pound sterling \u2014 nasty trick! (9)","Answer":"UNDERPLOT","Explanation":"Definition: trick\nAnagram [nasty] of POUND [s]TERL[ing] minus 'sign'"} {"Clue":"Asian couple at back of romantic place messing around (5)","Answer":"PARSI","Explanation":"Definition: Asian\nPARIS [romantic place] with the last two letters messed around"} {"Clue":"Ultimate in conmen starts to inveigle her into lowering zip (5)","Answer":"NIHIL","Explanation":"Definition: zip\n[conme]N + initial letters [starts] of Inveigle Her Into Lowering"} {"Clue":"Judge's sentence of East Londoner will, sparking appeal? (9)","Answer":"ENDEARING","Explanation":"Definition: sparking appeal\nCryptic definition \u2013 a judge's sentence would end a [h]earing in East London"} {"Clue":"Outside hotel, is able to adjust this beacon (7)","Answer":"BELISHA","Explanation":"Definition: beacon\nAnagram [to adjust] of IS ABLE round H [hotel]"} {"Clue":"Vixen's crony, one engaged in capers (7)","Answer":"PRANCER","Explanation":"Definition: Vixen's cronyone engaged in capers\nDouble definition \u2013 one of Santa's reindeer, as is Vixen"} {"Clue":"Comparatively audacious sermon about fool on the first, taking day off (7)","Answer":"SASSIER","Explanation":"Definition: Comparatively audacious\nSER[mon] \u2013 'taking day off' \u2013 round ASS [fool on the first of April] [*Edit: I'm the April Fool \u2013 see Simon S @4*]"} {"Clue":"Potter's game? Winning event that's staged (5-2)","Answer":"FRAME-UP","Explanation":"Definition: event that's staged\nIf you were a frame up in snooker [potter's game] you would be winning"} {"Clue":"Fools students over mass reductions in population, we hear (9)","Answer":"NUMSKULLS","Explanation":"Definition: Fools\nNUS [National Union of Students] round M [mass] + KULLS [sounds like {we hear} 'culls' \u2013 mass reductions in population]"} {"Clue":"A little mischief on parking space for cabbies (5)","Answer":"PRANK","Explanation":"Definition: A little mischief\nP [parking] + RANK [space for cabbies]"} {"Clue":"So good around pervert (5)","Answer":"SICKO","Explanation":"Definition: pervert\nSIC [so] + reversal [around] of OK [good]"} {"Clue":"I collected rent for Peter Rachman? (9)","Answer":"PROFITEER","Explanation":"Definition: Rachman?\nAnagram [rent] of FOR PETER round [collected] I \u2013 what a superb surface!"} {"Clue":"Perfidy of busty woman, old source of comedy (6-7)","Answer":"DOUBLE-DEALING","Explanation":"Definition: Perfidy\nDOUBLE-D [busty woman!] + EALING [old source of comedy \u2013 film studios which produced 'Kind Hearts and Coronets', 'Passport to Pimlico', 'The Ladykillers' et al]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Man's inspiring review of holiday area's lost retreats (4-5)","Answer":"HIDY-HOLES","Explanation":"Definition: retreats\nHE'S [man's] round [inspiring] an anagram of HOLID[a]Y minus A [area]"} {"Clue":"Registered web address to describe a country (5)","Answer":"RURAL","Explanation":"Definition: country\nR [registered] + URL [web address] round A"} {"Clue":"Did what Nicole Scherzinger did on the circuit more than once? (6,1,4,3)","Answer":"PULLED A FAST ONE","Explanation":"Cryptic definition; I had to google this lady, who has apparently had an on\/off relationship with the fast one, Lewis Hamilton \u2013 brilliant!"} {"Clue":"Fool close to van carrying performers caused trouble (5,2)","Answer":"ACTED UP","Explanation":"Definition: caused trouble\nDUPE [fool] with the last letter [close] moved to the front [van] after ACT [performers]"} {"Clue":"Bigwig to lead on an anecdote collection (3,6)","Answer":"TOP BANANA","Explanation":"Definition: Bigwig\nTO + PB [lead] + AN + ANA [anecdote collection]"} {"Clue":"Toy dog (5)","Answer":"CORGI","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Deception of crack city job (5,8)","Answer":"FUNNY BUSINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Deception\nFUN [crack] + NY [New York \u2013 city] + BUSINESS [job]"} {"Clue":"Hanky-panky? Like one jerking or like one thrusting? (7-6)","Answer":"JIGGERY-POKERY","Explanation":"Definition: Hanky-panky\nJIGGERY [like one jerking] + POKERY [like one thrusting]"} {"Clue":"Rotating ties aren't popular joke shop purchase (5,4)","Answer":"STINK BOMB","Explanation":"Definition: joke shop purchase\nI can't see this one, I'm afraid"} {"Clue":"Set Australian into popping crease, anticipating an incutting delivery (9)","Answer":"CAESAREAN","Explanation":"Definition: incutting delivery\nA [Australian] in an anagram [popping] of CREASE, anticipating AN \u2013 this could be a favourite"} {"Clue":"Run and go by sink (7)","Answer":"RELAPSE","Explanation":"Definition: sink\nR [run] + ELAPSE [go by]"} {"Clue":"Swaggering male set up Soho scams without clothes (5)","Answer":"MACHO","Explanation":"Definition: Swaggering male\nReversal [set up] of [s]OH[o] [s]CAM[s]"} {"Clue":"Set of three April fools (5)","Answer":"PRIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Set of three\nAnagram [fools] of APRIL \u2013 I didn't know this word for a set of three cards of the same denomination"} {"Clue":"Almost ready for the table, joining the fish? (5,5)","Answer":"GOING UNDER","Explanation":"Double \/ cryptic definition: going under an anaesthetic would make one almost ready for the [operating] table: I presume 'joining the fish' must mean going under water but it's not an expression I've come across"} {"Clue":"Mug made of crude copper taking a very long time (6)","Answer":"PIGEON","Explanation":"Definition: Mug\nPIG [crude slang for policeman \u2013 copper] + EON [a very long time]"} {"Clue":"What to wear to finish convention (5,4)","Answer":"DRESS CODE","Explanation":"Definition: What to wear\nDRESS [put a finish on, eg, stone, like the Swaledale fossil stone tomb which I viewed and touched on the day I solved this puzzle \u2013 the day after it was revealed, at the end of quite a week for my home city] + CODE [convention: rather weak, I thought, because surely this is the same sense as in the solution \u2013 or is it intended as an &lit?]"} {"Clue":"At home French donkey is asinine (5)","Answer":"INANE","Explanation":"Definition: asinine\nIN [at home] + \u00c2NE [French for donkey] \u2013 and asinine, of course, literally means 'like a donkey' [from Latin asinus \u2013 hence the circumflex]"} {"Clue":"Angel lies about having godlike attributes (3-6)","Answer":"ALL-SEEING","Explanation":"Definition: having godlike attributes\nAnagram [about] of ANGEL LIES \u2013 I'm not sure why 'attributes' is plural"} {"Clue":"Bush's former presidential familiar has back trouble (6)","Answer":"ABELIA","Explanation":"Definition: Bush\nABE [former presidential familiar] + a reversal [back] of AIL [trouble]"} {"Clue":"Clan gets rich on proceeds from water in the Highlands (4,6)","Answer":"LOCH CRINAN","Explanation":"Definition: water in the Highlands\nAnagram [proceeds from] of CLAN + RICH ON"} {"Clue":"Inlet loses initial smell (4)","Answer":"REEK","Explanation":"Definition: smell\n[c]REEK [inlet]"} {"Clue":"Formerly drab writer cut (7)","Answer":"TROLLOP","Explanation":"Definition: Formerly drab\n[Anthony] TROLLOP[e] [writer cut] \u2013 drab is an archaic word for a prostitute\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Indianan mostly more difficult to please (7)","Answer":"HOOSIER","Explanation":"Definition: Indianan\n[c]HOOSIER [more difficult to please]: fortunately, I stayed in Indiana in the 1970s and learned that it was the Hoosier state [various explanations here] \u2013 otherwise, I would have been struggling"} {"Clue":"Get stuck quite often by the main gates (5)","Answer":"LODGE","Explanation":"Definition: Get stuckquite often by the main gates\nDouble definition \u2013 second a bit loose"} {"Clue":"Structural feature of churches I start to contemplate (7)","Answer":"ORGANIC","Explanation":"Definition: Structural\nORGAN [feature of churches \u2013 again, why plural, I wonder?] + I + initial letter [start] of C[ontemplate]"} {"Clue":"Elite runners shamefully emigrate after missing opening parts of athletics tournament (6)","Answer":"R\u00c9GIME","Explanation":"Definition: Elite runners\nAnagram [shamefully] of EMIGR[at]E minus the initial letters of [a]thletics [t]ournament: this is an excellent surface and I can see why Otterden wanted to use '\u00e9lite runners' but I found it rather puzzling as a definition \u2013 I suppose a r\u00e9gime runs a country and '\u00e9lite' comes from the same root as ' elected', so it's probably rather clever \u2026"} {"Clue":"21 down cannot possibly be heard (9)","Answer":"INNOCENCE","Explanation":"Definition: 21 down\nThis is where I met my Waterloo: apparently, it sounds like [heard] 'In no sense' [which it doesn't, at all, to me] which, apparently, equates to 'cannot possibly be', which, again, certainly doesn't work for me. I had already thought that this pair of clues was rather unfair, since, although they are synonyms of each other, neither has a definition \u2013 so, for me, a poor clue on three counts, I'm afraid. [Or sour grapes. \ud83d\ude41 ]"} {"Clue":"Rest of old wine gets drunk (3,4)","Answer":"LIE DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Rest\nAnagram [gets drunk] of OLD WINE \u2013 now that really is a lovely clue!"} {"Clue":"Stripped smart car at yard being joined together \u2014 just messing about! (5-8)","Answer":"DILLY-DALLYING","Explanation":"Definition: just messing about!\n[ca]DILL[ac] [smart car 'stripped'] + YD [yard] + ALLYING [being joined together]"} {"Clue":"Steward seen to clash with new order (9)","Answer":"SENESCHAL","Explanation":"Definition: Steward\nAnagram [new order] of SEEN and CLASH \u2013 another nice surface"} {"Clue":"Our name fails to gain entrance (7)","Answer":"ENAMOUR","Explanation":"Definition: entrance\nAnagram [fails] of OUR NAME: ironically, I liked this clue, which gave me a wry smile, considering my reaction to seeing the name on this puzzle."} {"Clue":"Firm to stop the flow (7)","Answer":"STAUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: Firmstop the flow\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"7 in a foreign check point (7)","Answer":"NA\u00cfVET\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: 7\nAnagram [foreign: this is an indicator I really don't like \u2013 although it could be argued that it is appropriate since the solution is a foreign word] of IN A + VET [check] + E [point]"} {"Clue":"Suspect more by stage one (6)","Answer":"EMBRYO","Explanation":"Definition: stage one\nAnagram [suspect] of MORE BY"} {"Clue":"Mistake not to introduce troublesome child (5)","Answer":"ERROR","Explanation":"Definition: Mistake\n[t]ERROR [troublesome child \u2013 without introduction] \u2013 a real chestnut to end on"} {"Clue":"Check weight \u2014 everybody to get fit again (9)","Answer":"REINSTALL","Explanation":"Definition: fit again\nREIN [check] + ST[one] \u2013 weight + ALL [everybody]"} {"Clue":"Headless monster \u2014 a howler (5)","Answer":"ERROR","Explanation":"Definition: howler\n[t]ERROR [monster]"} {"Clue":"Conservative backs endless corruption for success (7)","Answer":"VICTORY","Explanation":"Definition: success\nTORY [Conservative] after VIC[e] \u2013 endless corruption"} {"Clue":"Ballad plays noisily in Colorado (7)","Answer":"CALYPSO","Explanation":"Definition: Ballad\nAnagram [noisily?] of PLAYS in CO [Colorado]"} {"Clue":"Orbits Earth by mistake (5)","Answer":"LAPSE","Explanation":"Definition: mistake\nLAPS [orbits] E [Earth]"} {"Clue":"Act of grace? Female expelled after Eden's criminal trial (9)","Answer":"ENDEAVOUR","Explanation":"Definition: trial\n[f]AVOUR] [act of grace minus f \u2013 female expelled] after an anagram [criminal] of EDEN"} {"Clue":"Blown away by this film? (4,4,3,4)","Answer":"GONE WITH THE WIND","Explanation":"Definition: film\nCryptic definition \u2013 a nice clue to get me started"} {"Clue":"Doctor begs nurse for classes (9)","Answer":"SUBGENRES","Explanation":"Definition: classes\nAnagram [doctor] of BEGS NURSE"} {"Clue":"Golfer's new iron? (5)","Answer":"SEVEN","Explanation":"Definition: iron\nSEVE [Ballesteros, the lovely golfer] + N [new]"} {"Clue":"Catholic moves to centre of God's source of power (7)","Answer":"REACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: source of power\nCREATOR [God] with C [Catholic] moved to the middle"} {"Clue":"Large bird I can cook (7)","Answer":"TITANIC","Explanation":"Definition: Large\nTIT [bird] + an anagram [cook] of I CAN"} {"Clue":"Crack small pitted fruit (5)","Answer":"SOLVE","Explanation":"Definition: Crack\nS [small] + OL[i]VE ['pitted fruit'] \u2013 very nice"} {"Clue":"Amazing person serving soup here, all around Reading (9)","Answer":"SUPERHERO","Explanation":"Definition: Amazing person\nAnagram [serving?] of SOUP HERE round R[eading] \u2013 one of 'the three Rs'\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Advantages of outside toilets? Member is concealed (10)","Answer":"PRIVILEGES","Explanation":"Definition: Advantages\nPRIVIES [toilets] round ['outside'] LEG [member] \u2013 a wonderful clue!"} {"Clue":"Piano at home supports 50in key (8)","Answer":"LINCHPIN","Explanation":"Definition: key\nP [piano] + IN [at home] after L [fifty] IN*[ches]"} {"Clue":"Wash foot in stormy sea or on land (6)","Answer":"ASHORE","Explanation":"Definition: on land\nH [last letter \u2013 foot \u2013 of wasH] in an anagram [stormy] of SEA OR"} {"Clue":"Girl to wed right away (4)","Answer":"MARY","Explanation":"Definition: Girl\nMA[r]RY [to wed]"} {"Clue":"Explains cryptic clue first time and succeeded! (10)","Answer":"ELUCIDATES","Explanation":"Definition: Explains\nAnagram [cryptic] of CLUE + I [first] + DATE [time] + S [succeeded] \u2013 a pity about the mixture of tenses"} {"Clue":"Archer gets Troy beer \u2014 that's revealing (8)","Answer":"TELLTALE","Explanation":"Definition: revealing\n[William] TELL [archer] + T [Troy \u2013 weight] + ALE [beer]"} {"Clue":"Too much work left about (6)","Answer":"TROPPO","Explanation":"Definition: Too much\nReversal [about] of OP [work] + PORT [left]"} {"Clue":"Constellation formed from unlimited gas (4)","Answer":"ARGO","Explanation":"Definition: Constellation\nARGO[n] \u2013 unlimited gas"} {"Clue":"Business is key; spin is ultimately futile (10)","Answer":"ENTERPRISE","Explanation":"Definition: Business\nENTER [key] + PR [spin] + IS + [futil]E"} {"Clue":"It could lead to a strike at Epsom (6,4)","Answer":"RIDING CROP","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"One who fights with others, both hands gripping close to foe (8)","Answer":"WRESTLER","Explanation":"Definition: One who fights\nW [with] + REST [others] + LR [both hands] round [gripping] [fo]E"} {"Clue":"Made up by comic T Vine to cover pun's finale about Germany (8)","Answer":"INVENTED","Explanation":"Definition: Made up\nI\u00a0 can't quite make this work: there's an anagram [comic] of T VINE round [pu]N, then D [Germany] \u2013 but I need another E!"} {"Clue":"Bowled by a leg break \u2014 E Barker (6)","Answer":"BEAGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Barker\nB [bowled] + an anagram [break] of A LEG + E"} {"Clue":"Funny, it's about ridiculing establishment leaders (6)","Answer":"SATIRE","Explanation":"Anagram [about] of ITS and the first letters [leaders] of About Ridiculing Establishing \u2013 I think! [&littish] *[Edit: anagram [funny], which I had originally \u2013 see comments 20, 25 and 29]"} {"Clue":"Grew flower (4)","Answer":"ROSE","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Upset father breaks sides of turntable record (4)","Answer":"TAPE","Explanation":"Definition: record\nReversal [upset] of PA [father] in t[urntabl]E"} {"Clue":"Gorilla has to consume fruit outside (5,3)","Answer":"GREAT APE","Explanation":"Definition: Gorilla\nGRAPE [fruit] round EAT [consume]"} {"Clue":"One's lucky in races beyond a mile (6)","Answer":"MASCOT","Explanation":"Definition: One's lucky\nASCOT [races] after M [mile]"} {"Clue":"Chief means for a yacht to travel by sea? (8)","Answer":"MAINSAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Chief means for a yacht to travel\nCryptic definition: MAIN [sea] + SAIL [travel] \u2013 &littish"} {"Clue":"Delivery man? (6)","Answer":"BOWLER","Explanation":"Definition: Delivery man?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"A backward idiot, apart from all else (5)","Answer":"ALOOF","Explanation":"Definition: apart from all else\nA + a reversal [backward] of FOOL"} {"Clue":"What the listener does in actual practice (9)","Answer":"REHEARSAL","Explanation":"Definition: practice\nHEARS [what the listener does] in REAL [actual]"} {"Clue":"Push lever to gets news handout (5,7)","Answer":"PRESS RELEASE","Explanation":"Definition: Push levernews handout\nDouble definition: I think 'gets' must be a misprint \u2013 it's the same in the paper"} {"Clue":" Scornful of fashionable costume put on (12)","Answer":"CONTEMPTUOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Scornful\nA neat anagram [fashionable] of COSTUME PUT ON"} {"Clue":"River lighter may transfer the ashes (4,5)","Answer":"TEST MATCH","Explanation":"Definition: may transfer the ashes\nTEST [river] + MATCH [lighter]"} {"Clue":"Relish a piece of impudence (5)","Answer":"SAUCE","Explanation":"Definition: Relishimpudence\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Adult scholar with true disposition (6)","Answer":"MATURE","Explanation":"Definition: Adult\nMA [scholar] + an anagram [disposition] of TRUE"} {"Clue":"Girl to sign for earnings (8)","Answer":"SALARIES","Explanation":"Definition: earnings\nSAL [girl] + ARIES [sign]"} {"Clue":"Poverty to the French produces hostility (6)","Answer":"NEEDLE","Explanation":"Definition: hostility\nNEED [poverty] + LE [the French]"} {"Clue":"Excluded lawyers' right to be in action (8)","Answer":"DEBARRED","Explanation":"Definition: Excluded\nBAR [lawyers] + R [right] in DEED [action]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"A pivotal aid at sea? (6)","Answer":"GIMBAL","Explanation":"Definition: A pivotal aid at sea\nI had to cheat on this one, as I'd never heard the word \u2013 and I think Rufus might have given us some wordplay, as I suspect I may not be the only one."} {"Clue":"He may have set feat\u00adures at work (6)","Answer":"EDITOR","Explanation":"Definition: He may have set feat\u00adures at work\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"The initial question is put with vigour and detachment (4,5)","Answer":"TASK FORCE","Explanation":"Definition: detachment\nT [The initial] + ASK [question] + FORCE [vigour] \u2013 a nice misleading surface"} {"Clue":"His rapport with me may lead to a life of pleasure (8,4)","Answer":"PRIMROSE PATH","Explanation":"Definition: a life of pleasure\nAnagram of HIS RAPPORT and ME \u2013 from Ophelia's advice against hypocrisy to Laertes:"} {"Clue":"Wool drops a point in the market (5)","Answer":"AGORA","Explanation":"Definition: market\nA[n]GORA [wool] minus n [point]"} {"Clue":"Enormous deficit in solid fuel (8)","Answer":"COLOSSAL","Explanation":"Definition: Enormous\nLOSS [deficit] in COAL [solid fuel]"} {"Clue":"When stream enters the river it provides excitement (8)","Answer":"THRILLER","Explanation":"Definition: it provides excitement\nRILL [stream] in THE R [river]"} {"Clue":"Full board in a way (12)","Answer":"THOROUGHFARE","Explanation":"Definition: way\nTHOROUGH [full] + FARE [board]"} {"Clue":"Crude oil in a USA state (9)","Answer":"LOUISIANA","Explanation":"Definition: state\nAnother neat anagram [crude] of OIL IN A USA"} {"Clue":"Northerner gives berth on board to one of the crew (8)","Answer":"SCOTSMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Northerner\nCOT[berth] in SS [on board] + MAN [one of the crew] \u2013 a third trademark nautical clue"} {"Clue":"Liqueur made in top Eastern state (8)","Answer":"ANISETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Liqueur\nAnagram [made] of IN + E [top Eastern] + STATE"} {"Clue":"Sort of school French king goes up to after short month (6)","Answer":"JUNIOR","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of school\nReversal [goes up] of ROI [French king] after JUN[e] [short month]"} {"Clue":"Well acquainted with the metric system (6)","Answer":"VERSED","Explanation":"Definition: Well acquaintedmetric system\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Right, or in French, wrong (5)","Answer":"MORAL","Explanation":"Definition: Right\nOR in MAL [French wrong]"} {"Clue":"Second couple from Brazil rejected place to sleep? (7)","Answer":"BOUDOIR","Explanation":"Definition: place to sleep?\nReversal [rejected] of RIO DUO B \u2013 as a second couple from Brazil might be defined"} {"Clue":"Thinks a little more, as on \u00adscreen (7)","Answer":"REASONS","Explanation":"Definition: Thinks\nHidden in moRE AS ON Screen"} {"Clue":"Performers no more precise (5)","Answer":"EXACT","Explanation":"Definition: precise\nEX ACT \u2013 performers no more"} {"Clue":"Split classic suit, is money OTT for tailoring? (3,3,3,3,2)","Answer":"IT\u2019S NOT YOU IT\u2019S ME","Explanation":"Definition: Split classic\nAnagram [for tailoring] of SUIT IS MONEY OTT: I didn't enter yesterday's debate about the indication of apostrophes \u2013 where I have no problem \u2013 but I think this clue [along with 21,28] illustrates that the present practice is preferable. I loved the definition here."} {"Clue":"At sea, so plunders magnificent stuff (10)","Answer":"SPLENDOURS","Explanation":"Definition: magnificent stuff\nAnagram [at sea] of SO PLUNDERS"} {"Clue":"Perfectly brown bread, not sliced at first (2,1,1)","Answer":"TO A T","Explanation":"Definition: Perfectly\nTOA[s]T [brown bread, minus the initial letter of sliced]"} {"Clue":"Sarong's packed by George! (8,4)","Answer":"FLIPPING NORA","Explanation":"Definition: by George!\nI think this is a reversal [flipping] of the inside letters [packed] of sARONg \u2013 I think: ['Flipping heck' was my reaction!]"} {"Clue":"Making the most, saw savings \u2014 \u00a3100, current investment (12)","Answer":"MAXIMISATION","Explanation":"Definition: Making the most\nMAXIM [saw] + ISA [SAVINGS] + I [current] in A TON [\u00a3100] \u2013 one of my favourite clues [among many]"} {"Clue":"Gents' toilet playing romantic song (4,3,2,2)","Answer":"LET\u2019S GET IT ON","Explanation":"Definition: romantic song\nAnagram [playing] of GENTS' TOILET"} {"Clue":"Senior group writes, taxing Americans I must infiltrate (10)","Answer":"PENSIONERS","Explanation":"Definition: Senior group\nPENS [writes] + I in ONERS??"} {"Clue":"Fear of novelty mince pie on a hob (9)","Answer":"NEOPHOBIA","Explanation":"Definition: Fear of novelty\nANAGRAM [mince] of PIE ON A HOB"} {"Clue":"Brief hippy movement's condition, close to assembly plant (7)","Answer":"SALSIFY","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nSALS[a] [brief hippy movement!] + IF [condition] + [assembl]Y\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Enhancements from competitor mistitled \"petite\"? (6,8)","Answer":"BREAST IMPLANTS","Explanation":"Definition: Enhancements\nI stared at this for ages, looking for anagrams that didn't work, etc, before it hit me between the eyes that we have 'breast implants' in compeTITor misTITled peTITe \u2013 Paul, eat your heart out!"} {"Clue":"United's jet is fit for service (6)","Answer":"USABLE","Explanation":"Definition: fit for service\nU [united] + SABLE [jet \u2013 black]"} {"Clue":"Partying with bar, nearly exposed (3,2,1,4)","Answer":"OUT ON A LIMB","Explanation":"Definition: exposed\nOUT ON A LIMB[o] \u2013 partying with bar [nearly]"} {"Clue":"Animal's hip described in Aristotle's letter (5)","Answer":"RHINO","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\nIN [hip] in RHO [Aristotle's letter]"} {"Clue":"Check others shower on time (9)","Answer":"RESTRAINT","Explanation":"Definition: Check\nREST [others] + RAIN [shower] + T [time]"} {"Clue":"Queue heard following this lot to the highest point (4)","Answer":"ATOP","Explanation":"Definition: highest point\nA TO P ['this lot'] is followed by Q [sounds like queue] \u2013 this took longer to see than it should have, since a similar device to clue ATOM is something of a classic"} {"Clue":"Axes to split old plank, pretty ugly one (8)","Answer":"OXYMORON","Explanation":"Definition: pretty ugly one\nXY [axes] in [to split] O [old] MORON [plank] \u2013 a clever clue [awfully good, you might say] and a great surface"} {"Clue":"Hit double to knock out gutted team again (5,3)","Answer":"STUNT MAN","Explanation":"Definition: Hit double\nSTUN [knock out] + T[ea]M A[GAI]N"} {"Clue":"Land expert on a rig most awkwardly (10)","Answer":"AGRONOMIST","Explanation":"Definition: Land expert\nAnagram [awkwardly] of ON A RIG MOST"} {"Clue":"When Charles should inherit, thug stands up as representative (6,3)","Answer":"POSTER BOY","Explanation":"Definition: representative\nPOST ER [after Queen Elizabeth \u2013 when Charles should inherit] + a reversal [stands up] of YOB [thug]"} {"Clue":"Sex show about Liberals \u2014 it predicts the X-rating (4,4)","Answer":"EXIT POLL","Explanation":"Definition: it predicts the X-rating\nEXPO [show] round IT [sex] + LL [Liberals]"} {"Clue":"Liking golf when retired causes annoyance (4,2)","Answer":"GETS AT","Explanation":"Definition: causes annoyance\nReversal [when retired] of TASTE [liking] + G [golf]"} {"Clue":"Train set ran mainly backwards (6)","Answer":"ASTERN","Explanation":"Definition: mainly backwards\nAnagram [train] of SET RAN] \u2013 'mainly' meaning 'at sea'"} {"Clue":" Somewhat indigenous language (5)","Answer":"SLANG","Explanation":"Definition: Somewhat indigenous language\nHidden in indigenouS LANGuage \u2013 &lit"} {"Clue":"Reportedly finish drawing tongue (4)","Answer":"THAI","Explanation":"Definition: tongue\nSounds like [reportedly] 'tie' \u2013 'finish drawing'"} {"Clue":"After heart's stolen, snap out of it and divorce (5,2)","Answer":"SPLIT UP","Explanation":"Definition: divorce\nS[na]P minus middle letters \u2013 heart stolen] + LIT UP [out of it] \u2013 both slang for under the\u00a0 influence"} {"Clue":"Outspoken English forward is upset (7)","Answer":"GRIEVES","Explanation":"Definition: is upset\nSounds like 'Greaves' \u2013\u00a0 'Outspoken' is doing double duty in indicating the homophone and describing the former English forward, Jimmy Greaves"} {"Clue":"He queries Baskerville cases (5)","Answer":"ASKER","Explanation":"Definition: He queries\nHidden in [cases] bASKERville"} {"Clue":"Small tea, filling meat and hard cheese (9)","Answer":"MISCHANCE","Explanation":"Definition: hard cheese\nS [small] CHA [tea] in [filling] MINCE [meat]"} {"Clue":"Promote Rome so badly with a lament about Roman corruption (1,7,1,5)","Answer":"O TEMPORA, O MORES","Explanation":"Definition: lament about Roman corruption\nA cleverly allusive anagram [badly] of PROMOTE ROME SO + A, for a sentiment sometimes expressed here \u2013 Cicero was so pleased with it that he used it twice, in his speeches against Verres and, more famously, Catiline"} {"Clue":"December 25th but not April 5th or July 3rd? (4)","Answer":"NOEL","Explanation":"Definition: December 25th\nNO EL \u2013 L is the fifth letter of April and the third of July"} {"Clue":"Concerned with feet pains, doc's baffled (8)","Answer":"SPONDAIC","Explanation":"Definition: Concerned with feet\nAnagram [baffled] of PAINS DOC \u2013 this made me smile"} {"Clue":"Savoy work is working in a hotel (8)","Answer":"IOLANTHE","Explanation":"Definition: Savoy work\nAnagram [is working] of IN A HOTEL for one of Gilbert and Sullivan's Savoy operas"} {"Clue":"Uncovered account book's margin (4)","Answer":"EDGE","Explanation":"Definition: margin\n[l]EDGE]r \u2013 account book minus its covers"} {"Clue":"Buccaneer inclined to stop killer dog with hot, spotted back (7, 7)","Answer":"CAPTAIN PUGWASH","Explanation":"Definition: Buccaneer\nAPT [inclined] in [to stop] CAIN [biblical killer] + PUG [dog] + reversal [back] of H [hot] SAW [spotted]"} {"Clue":"Gave zip to English fashion designer (9)","Answer":"ENERGISED","Explanation":"Definition: Gave zip to\nE [English] + an anagram [fashion] of DESIGNER \u2013 great definition and surface"} {"Clue":"Parrot one poet, init\u00adially, or another (5)","Answer":"KEATS","Explanation":"Definition: another\nKEA [parrot] + TS [Eliot] \u2013 poet initially \u2013 to arrive at another [my favourite] poet"} {"Clue":"Greek god positioned the other way in part of mosaic (7)","Answer":"TESSERA","Explanation":"Definition: part of mosaic\nReversal [the other way] of ARES [Greek god of war] + SET [positioned]"} {"Clue":"Northerners plead for vote against moving to the west (7)","Answer":"YANKEES","Explanation":"Definition: Northerners\nAnother reversal [moving to the west] of SEEK [plead for] NAY [vote against]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Lush sage leaves age on tree (4)","Answer":"SOAK","Explanation":"Definition: Lush\nS[age] + OAK [tree]"} {"Clue":"Quickly appreciate those showing appreciation (4,3,8)","Answer":"LIKE THE CLAPPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Quickly\nDouble definition: rather remarkably, Klingsor clued this two days earlier in the FT with 'Very quickly take to appreciative audience?': absolutely no suspicion of plagiarism \u2013 just another instance of [great] crossword minds thinking alike"} {"Clue":"I'm off mum's fish paste (6)","Answer":"TARAMA","Explanation":"Definition: fish paste\nTA RA [I'm off] + MA"} {"Clue":"Englishmen abroad getting decoration (3-3)","Answer":"POM-POM","Explanation":"Definition: decoration\nPOM [Antipodean {abroad} slang for an Englishman] x 2"} {"Clue":"They make light cracks around slate (3,5)","Answer":"GAS LAMPS","Explanation":"Definition: They make light\nGAPS [cracks] round SLAM [slate]"} {"Clue":"One old lady inhales bad smell close to Robbie Savage (8)","Answer":"INHUMANE","Explanation":"Definition: Savage\nI [one] NAN [old lady] round [inhales] HUM [bad smell] + last letter \u2013 close \u2013 of [robbi]E \u2013 lovely!"} {"Clue":"A sad, severe line \u2014 moving ending in Shakespeare's \"A Lover's Complaint\" (8,7)","Answer":"VENEREAL DISEASE","Explanation":"Definition: \"A Lover's Complaint\"\nAnagram [moving] of A SAD SEVERE LINE + last letter [ending] of [shakespear]E: VENEREAL is derived from Venus, goddess of love \u2013 a really great clue!"} {"Clue":"Fabric's very fine, not hard, with soft touch (10)","Answer":"SEERSUCKER","Explanation":"Definition: Fabric\nS[h]EER [very fine, minus h \u2013 not hard] + SUCKER [soft touch]"} {"Clue":"Rash is red \u2014 it's nice to get treatment! (10)","Answer":"INDISCREET","Explanation":"Definition: Rash\nAnagram [to get treatment!] of RED IT'S NICE"} {"Clue":"Symbol of black magic hasn't power to ensnare (8)","Answer":"ENTANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: ensnare\n[p]ENTANGLE [symbol of black[?] magic] minus p [power]"} {"Clue":"Part of main feature like another, almost (5,3)","Answer":"CHINA SEA","Explanation":"Definition: Part of main\nCHIN [feature] + AS [like] + EA[r] [another feature almost]"} {"Clue":"Weekend partly free of rain? That's different (6)","Answer":"SUNDRY","Explanation":"Definition: different\nSUN[day] [weekend partly] + DRY [free of rain]"} {"Clue":"A pan with beans evenly stirred (6)","Answer":"AWOKEN","Explanation":"Definition: stirred\nA WOK [a pan] + [b]E[a]N[s]"} {"Clue":"Fertility deity's multiple lives (4)","Answer":"ISIS","Explanation":"Definition: Fertility deity\nIS IS [multiple lives] \u2013 a staple to end with: there aren't many possibilities for ?S?S\u00a0 \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Calm, swallowing drink (no ice), from dawn to dusk (3,3)","Answer":"ALL DAY","Explanation":"Definition: from dawn to dusk\nALLAY [calm] round [swallowing] D[rink] minus rink \u2013 no ice"} {"Clue":"Quiet parking places supplied with old magazines (8)","Answer":"PLAYBOYS","Explanation":"Definition: old magazines\nP [quiet] + LAYBYS [parking places] round [supplied with] O[old]"} {"Clue":"Make every effort in one area to separate two others that may 26 (4,1,3)","Answer":"BUST A GUT","Explanation":"Definition: Make every effort\nA [area] separating BUST and GUT, two other areas that may STAND OUT [26ac]"} {"Clue":"Without a smile, sacrificing daughter for husband regularly (6)","Answer":"HOURLY","Explanation":"Definition: regularly\n[d]OURLY [without a smile] with d [daughter] replaced by H [husband]"} {"Clue":"Spare item is short (4)","Answer":"THIN","Explanation":"Definition: Spare\nTHIN[g] [short item]"} {"Clue":"To interrupt collapse, a minute's thought (10)","Answer":"RUMINATION","Explanation":"Definition: thought\nM [minute] in [to interrupt] RUINATION [collapse]"} {"Clue":"Sounds like a son of Israel's an artist (6)","Answer":"RUBENS","Explanation":"Definition: artist\nSounds like Reuben's [a son of Israel's \u2013 Jacob's] \u2013\u00a0 see\/listen here"} {"Clue":"Good manners in trial scene? Yes, sort of (8)","Answer":"COURTESY","Explanation":"Definition: Good manners\nCOURT [trial scene] + an anagram [sort of] of YES"} {"Clue":"I start to cry and implore piteously (8)","Answer":"COMPILER","Explanation":"Definition: I\nC[ry] + an anagram [piteously] of IMPLORE \u2013 one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"Great man, one out and about the bank (6)","Answer":"GATSBY","Explanation":"Definition: Great man\nGAY ['one out'] round TSB [Trustee Savings Bank] \u2013 another favourite"} {"Clue":"Flyer: \"Dog left on unstable slope\" (7,3)","Answer":"SCREECH OWL","Explanation":"Definition: Flyer\nSCREE [unstable slope] + CHOW [dog] + L [left] \u2013 yet another, because 'unstable' screeched 'anagram' \u2013 but no"} {"Clue":" Bring up \u2014 this? (4)","Answer":"REAR","Explanation":"Definition: Bring upthis?\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"No tailback in city (6)","Answer":"TUCSON","Explanation":"Definition: city\nReversal [back] of NO SCUT [tail]"} {"Clue":"An organisation starts to make intelligent criticism of body's structure (8)","Answer":"ANATOMIC","Explanation":"Definition: of body's structure\nA NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organisation] + initial letters [starts] of Make Intelligent Criticisms"} {"Clue":"Man with hesitation abandoning British project (5,3)","Answer":"STAND OUT","Explanation":"Definition: project\nSTAN [MAN, as in Stan the Man] + DOU[b]T [hesitation] minus b [British]"} {"Clue":"Fasten number on back of vest (6)","Answer":"TETHER","Explanation":"Definition: Fasten\n[ves]T + ETHER [the familiar crossword 'number']\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Contemptuously dismiss our flu, caught too badly (5,3,2,5)","Answer":"LAUGH OUT OF COURT","Explanation":"Definition: Contemptuously dismiss\nAnagram [badly] of OUR FLU CAUGHT TOO"} {"Clue":"Attendee not originally disturbed in accommodation (7)","Answer":"DETENTE","Explanation":"Definition: accommodation\nAnagram [disturbed] of [a]TTENDEE [I really detest these words \u2013 escapee, standee, et al] \u2013 I liked the definition"} {"Clue":"Empty young, good bar that's filled with sulphur and ash (9)","Answer":"YGGDRASIL","Explanation":"Definition: ash\nY[oun]G + G[oo]D + RAIL [bar] round S [sulphur] for the [variously-spelt] huge ash tree of Norse mythology : I realised where we were going as soon as I saw 'empty young' \u2013 there are not many other words that begin thus, apart from Spenserian participles \u2013 and it has cropped up in several crosswords, including at least two from Araucaria, so tends to stick in the mind"} {"Clue":"River to computer is a different one (7)","Answer":"POTOMAC","Explanation":"Definition: a different one\nPO [river] + TO + MAC [computer]"} {"Clue":"Has lost on points, looking shocked (5)","Answer":"ASHEN","Explanation":"Definition: shocked\nAnagram [lost] of HAS + E N [points]"} {"Clue":"Singer wants lute to play in piece (4,3)","Answer":"BLUE TIT","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\nAnagram [to play] of LUTE in BIT [piece]"} {"Clue":"A number wanting mustard on sandwich (6,9)","Answer":"YELLOW SUBMARINE","Explanation":"Definition: A number\nYELLOW [mustard] + SUBMARINE [sandwich] for another kind of number"} {"Clue":"Showing no 14, soldier holds up gun shooting everyone (9)","Answer":"UNGALLANT","Explanation":"Definition: Showing no 14\nANT [soldier] after [holding up, in a down clue] an anagram [shooting] of GUN + ALL"} {"Clue":"Hurry along to get TV working? (5,2)","Answer":"PRESS ON","Explanation":"Definition: Hurry along\nI think this is PRESS [Press TV, the 24-hour English language news organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting] + ON [working] *Edit \u2013 no, of course it isn't: see comment 1 \u2013 thanks, ulaca]"} {"Clue":"Olympic diplomacy avoiding this being read? (4,3)","Answer":"RIOT ACT","Explanation":"Definition: this being read?\nRIO TACT [Olympic diplomacy \u2013 neat!] \u2013 the Riot Act of 1715, which appeared in Radian's centenary-themed Indy puzzle yesterday, provided that if 12 or more people unlawfully assemble and disturb the public peace, they must disperse after being read a specified portion of the law or be considered guilty of felony."} {"Clue":"Rise from bed to dismiss assembly (7)","Answer":"TURNOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Rise from beddismissassembly\nIf we split the word in two cases, we have a triple definition"} {"Clue":"Such a positive attitude the makings of a small company? (3-2)","Answer":"CAN-DO","Explanation":"Definition: Such a positive attitude\nC AND O make CO [a small company] \u2013 a clever &littish clue to end with"} {"Clue":"Youthful revolutionary song (3,6,2,3,3)","Answer":"THE WHEELS ON THE BUS","Explanation":"Definition: song\nCryptic definition: 'the wheels on the bus go round and round', hence 'revolutionary' \u2013 a lovely picture: Toddlers of the world, unite! [Don't click on the link if you don't want it in your head all day long!]"} {"Clue":"Doing no more than \u2026 (2,2)","Answer":"UP TO","Explanation":"Definition: Doingno more than\nDouble definition \u2013 'What are you up to?'"} {"Clue":"man on road eating dry bread (8)","Answer":"CHAPATTI","Explanation":"Definition: bread\nCHAP [man] + A1 [road] round [eating] TT [dry]"} {"Clue":"Right to ignore bosses \u2014 they're not with us (6)","Answer":"FOEMEN","Explanation":"Definition: they're not with us\nFO[r]EMEN [bosses] minus [to ignore] r [right]"} {"Clue":"Commonly told to look up prophet (6)","Answer":"ISAIAH","Explanation":"Definition: prophet\n'Eyes 'igher!' \u2013 'commonly told to look up' [cf the military command, 'Eyes right!']"} {"Clue":"Old police force's making arrest (6)","Answer":"STASIS","Explanation":"Definition: arrest\nSTASI'S [old police force's]"} {"Clue":"Hull extension is only unfinished building \u2014 painters use it (8)","Answer":"EMULSION","Explanation":"Definition: painters use it\nEMU [{Rod} Hull's 'extension'[!] \u2013 who has made several appearances lately] + an anagram [building] of IS ONL[y]"} {"Clue":"Meet barflies at Saracen's Head \u2014 drinks are on us (4,4)","Answer":"BEER MATS","Explanation":"Definition: drinks are on us\nAnagram [flies] of MEET BAR + S[aracen's]:\u00a0 some don't like this kind of clue \u2013 I do!"} {"Clue":"Straight home on call (6)","Answer":"HONEST","Explanation":"Definition: Straight\nNEST [home] after HO [call]"} {"Clue":"Angry report on Dirty Duck? (8)","Answer":"WILDFOWL","Explanation":"Definition: Duck?\nWILD [angry] + FOWL [sounds like \u2013 'report on' \u2013 'foul' {dirty}] \u2013 the question mark indicates definition by example"} {"Clue":"Ending with half a point \u2014 Europe's first (6)","Answer":"DEMISE","Explanation":"Definition: Ending\nDEMI [half] + S [point] + E[urope]"} {"Clue":"Untouchable turned on eastern ascetic (6)","Answer":"ESSENE","Explanation":"Definition: ascetic\nReversal [turned] of E[liot] NESS [Untouchable] + E [eastern]"} {"Clue":"The cuts not initially working \u2014 we've heard it lots of times (8)","Answer":"CHESTNUT","Explanation":"Definition: we've heard it lots of times\nAnagram [working] of THE CUTS N[ot]"} {"Clue":"Time off from work demands (4)","Answer":"ASKS","Explanation":"Definition: demands\n[t]ASKS [work]"} {"Clue":"In past, cost changed following day (they don't allow for compensation) (4,2,3)","Answer":"ACTS OF GOD","Explanation":"Definition: (they don't allow for compensation)\nAnagram [changed] of COST + F [following] in AGO [past] + D [day]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Endlessly thrash wild Himalayan creatures (5)","Answer":"TAHRS","Explanation":"Definition: Himalayan creatures\nAnagram [wild] of THRAS[h]"} {"Clue":"At last the politicians accept obligation to dead soldiers (7)","Answer":"EMPTIES","Explanation":"Definition: dead soldiers\n[th]E + MPS [politicians] round TIE [obligation]: dead soldiers are empty beer\/wine\u00a0 bottles\/cans"} {"Clue":"Sit on that chair to eat (5)","Answer":"HATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Sit on\nHidden in [to eat] tHAT CHair"} {"Clue":"War and Peace? Not about to provide brief summary (7)","Answer":"EPITOME","Explanation":"Definition: summary\nEPI[c] TOME [eg 'War and Peace'] minus c [about]"} {"Clue":"Shift focus to halfwit \u2014 extremely easy pickings (4,5)","Answer":"SOFT TOUCH","Explanation":"Definition: easy pickings\nAnagram [shift] of FOCUS TO + H[alfwi]T"} {"Clue":"Rubbish advice on economy (7)","Answer":"USELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Rubbish\nUSE LESS [advice on economy]"} {"Clue":"Result! Mourinho's front two running riot \u2014 United kept looking nervous (9)","Answer":"TREMULOUS","Explanation":"Definition: looking nervous\nAnagram [running riot] of RESULT + MO[urinho's] round U [United]"} {"Clue":"I must \u2014 she's around! (3,6)","Answer":"THE MISSUS","Explanation":"Definition: she\nAnagram [around] of I MUST SHE \u2013 some might say &lit, I suppose"} {"Clue":"What high-fliers do with Alexander in a long-running programme (4,5)","Answer":"SOAP OPERA","Explanation":"Definition: long-running programme\nSOAR [what high-fliers do] round ['with \u2026 in'] [Alexander] POPE + A"} {"Clue":"Put right clothes on beforehand (7)","Answer":"REDRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Put right\nDRESS [clothes] after RE [on]"} {"Clue":"Note allowed in law court (7)","Answer":"SOLICIT","Explanation":"Definition: court\nSO [note] + LICIT [allowed in law]"} {"Clue":"Proof of identity sentry looking over (4,3)","Answer":"NAME TAG","Explanation":"Definition: Proof of identity\nReversal [looking over] of GATEMAN [sentry]"} {"Clue":"Passes to Maradona (5)","Answer":"DIEGO","Explanation":"Definition: Maradona\nDIE and GO \u2013 two meanings of 'pass'"} {"Clue":"Fit, well and abroad (5)","Answer":"SOUND","Explanation":"Definition: Fit\nSO [well, this time] + UND [German 'and']"} {"Clue":"Wrapped up ring, retailing with \u00a31,000 discount (8)","Answer":"OVERLOOK","Explanation":"Definition: discount\nI can't see the first part of this but it seems to end with O [ring] + K [\u00a31.000] \u2013 OVER = 'wrapped up'? *[See comments 2 and 3 \u2013 thanks, greyfox and Gaufrid]"} {"Clue":"Option for sewer system, originally being underdeveloped? (6)","Answer":"STITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Option for sewer\nS [first letter of System] + TITCH [underdeveloped]"} {"Clue":"Present option, having bent top of Barbie's letter? (4,5)","Answer":"GIFT TOKEN","Explanation":"Definition: Present option\nThis went in quickly from the definition but, again, I'm beaten by the first part \u2013 KEN is Barbie's boyfriend but I can't see how to get GIFT *[GIFT = bent, of course \u2013 thanks, Gaufrid]"} {"Clue":"In Africa, killer degrees (5)","Answer":"MAMBA","Explanation":"Definition: In Africa, killer\nMA MBA [degrees]"} {"Clue":"Officers afloat, overseeing result of Ferrari's fix? (12)","Answer":"SUPERCARGOES","Explanation":"Definition: Officers afloat, overseeing\nThe result of fixing a Ferrari could be SUPER CAR GOES"} {"Clue":"Left country (4)","Answer":"TOGO","Explanation":"Definition: Leftcountry\nDouble definition: TO GO?"} {"Clue":"Spooner's plan to attract mods to Bordeaux store, perhaps (4,6)","Answer":"WINE CELLAR","Explanation":"Definition: Bordeaux store, perhaps\n'Sign [Paul \u2013 'The Modfather'] Weller'"} {"Clue":"Sell proper pants (those supporting choppers?) (10)","Answer":"PROPELLERS","Explanation":"Definition: those supporting choppers?\nAnagram [pants] of SELL PROPER"} {"Clue":"At regular intervals, star seeks plod (4)","Answer":"TREK","Explanation":"Definition: plod\nAlternate letters of sTaR sEeKs"} {"Clue":"Plenty of ready members (2,3,3,1,3)","Answer":"AN ARM AND A LEG","Explanation":"Definition: Plenty of readymembers\nDouble \/ cryptic definition, 'ready' being money"} {"Clue":"Put off, I must abandon one dropping pounds (5)","Answer":"DETER","Explanation":"Definition: Put off\nD[I]ETER [one dropping pounds]"} {"Clue":"Gang joins retiring bishop making toy weapon (5,4)","Answer":"STINK BOMB","Explanation":"Definition: toy weapon\nReversal [retiring] of B [bishop] +\u00a0 MOB [gang] + KNITS [joins]"} {"Clue":"For instance, stare and compare my bust with hers (6)","Answer":"RHYMES","Explanation":"Definition: For instance, stare and compare\nAnagram [bust] of MY and HERS: my favourite clue, I think \u2013 certainly a laugh out loud one"} {"Clue":"Crumbs John and Paul often found here? (2,6)","Answer":"BY GEORGE","Explanation":"Definition: Crumbs\nCryptic definition \u2013 the addition of Ringo would have made it just too obvious!\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Party that's wild for gym bags (4)","Answer":"ORGY","Explanation":"Definition: Party that's wild\nHidden in [bags] fOR GYm"} {"Clue":"Swears very loudly, splitting case of euros (4)","Answer":"EFFS","Explanation":"Definition: Swears\nFF [very loudly] in E[uro]S"} {"Clue":"Some call it music (take acid to it) (6)","Answer":"LITMUS","Explanation":"Definition: take acid to it\nHidden in calL IT MUSic"} {"Clue":"Link dry season to wind hitting archipelago (6,7)","Answer":"ORKNEY ISLANDS","Explanation":"Definition: archipelago\nAnagram [wind] of LINK DRY SEASON \u2013 'hitting' is needed for the surface"} {"Clue":"Endeavour to populate island rising here? (5,3)","Answer":"TIMOR SEA","Explanation":"Definition: here?\n[Inspector Endeavour] MORSE in [to populate] a reversal [rising] of AIT [the crossword island]"} {"Clue":"Rubbish spy admits Foreign Office employed by Cameron? (10)","Answer":"TOMFOOLERY","Explanation":"Definition: Rubbish\nMOLE [spy] round [admits] FO [Foreign Office] in [employed by] TORY [Cameron?]"} {"Clue":"Illness takes other forms after treatment (10)","Answer":"HEATSTROKE","Explanation":"Definition: Illness\nAnagram [{forms?} after treatment] of TAKES OTHER"} {"Clue":"Moving any U film screening fine for parents and kids (7,6)","Answer":"NUCLEAR FAMILY","Explanation":"Definition: parents and kids\nAnagram [moving] of ANY U FILM round [screening] CLEAR [fine]"} {"Clue":"Temporary flight in summer carrying large pets up (10)","Answer":"STEPLADDER","Explanation":"Definition: Temporary flight\nADDER [summer] after ['carrying' \u2013 which sounds more like a containment indicator] a reversal [up] of L [large] PETS"} {"Clue":"One working for queen or lying deviously about it, showing stupidity (10)","Answer":"IGNORANTLY","Explanation":"Definition: showing stupidity\nAnagram [deviously] of OR LYING round ANT [one working for queen]"} {"Clue":"Say band always returns to appear again (2-6)","Answer":"RE-EMERGE","Explanation":"Definition: appear again\nReversal [returns] of EG [say] + R.E.M. [band] + E'ER [always]"} {"Clue":"in Paris, the bait (6)","Answer":"HECKLE","Explanation":"Definition: bait\nHECK [By George] + LE [in Paris the]"} {"Clue":"Fell from space, pointing at sky (4)","Answer":"MOOR","Explanation":"Definition: Fell\nReversal [pointing at sky] of ROOM [space]"} {"Clue":"Clever bloke's opening beer bottles (4)","Answer":"ABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Clever\nALE [beer] round [bottles] B [first letter of Bloke]"} {"Clue":"The first composer to tour (6)","Answer":"TRAVEL","Explanation":"Definition: tour\nT[he] + RAVEL [composer]"} {"Clue":"Firm for horses (6)","Answer":"STABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Firmhorses\nDouble definition \u2013 this one has been round the block a few times"} {"Clue":"Rigid forms of worship (4)","Answer":"PEWS","Explanation":"Definition: Rigid forms of worship\nCryptic definition, which raised a smile"} {"Clue":"Cruelty that's part of society? (10)","Answer":"INHUMANITY","Explanation":"Definition: Cruelty\nIN HUMANITY \u2013 part of society"} {"Clue":"US port in a state of inactivity (6)","Answer":"STUPOR","Explanation":"Definition: inactivity\nAnagram [in a state] of US PORT"} {"Clue":"Limited the movement of stock (8)","Answer":"TETHERED","Explanation":"Definition: Limited the movement of stock\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Teach the others about self-control (9)","Answer":"RESTRAINT","Explanation":"Definition: self-control\nTRAIN [teach] [with] REST [others] around it"} {"Clue":"Run away or be shot for security reasons (4)","Answer":"BOLT","Explanation":"Definition: Run awayshot for security reasons\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Punishment for a murderer, say (4)","Answer":"CANE","Explanation":"Definition: Punishment\nSounds like [say] Cain \u2013 murderer"} {"Clue":"Master of the Rolls? (9)","Answer":"CHAUFFEUR","Explanation":"Definition: Master of the Rolls?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Left for dead (8)","Answer":"DEPARTED","Explanation":"Definition: Leftdead\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Give loud cry of pain, like a coward (6)","Answer":"YELLOW","Explanation":"Definition: like a coward\nYELL OW \u2013 give loud cry of pain"} {"Clue":"Limitations, being harsh, sure to be modified (10)","Answer":"STRICTURES","Explanation":"Definition: Limitations\nSTRICT [harsh] + an anagram [to be modified] of SURE"} {"Clue":"A cricket team's turning point (4)","Answer":"AXIS","Explanation":"Definition: turning point\nA XI'S [cricket team's]"} {"Clue":"City investments? (6)","Answer":"SIEGES","Explanation":"Definition: City investments?\nCryptic definition \u2013 another old favourite"} {"Clue":"Like set of three in the wash (6)","Answer":"ASTERN","Explanation":"Definition: in the wash\nAS [like] + TERN [set of three]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Plays with the exchange rate (7)","Answer":"THEATRE","Explanation":"Definition: Plays\nTHE + an anagram [exchange] of RATE"} {"Clue":"A model upstanding moralist (5)","Answer":"AESOP","Explanation":"Definition: moralist\nA + a reversal [upstanding] of POSE [model]"} {"Clue":"Time to take in strange rite by the Red Sea (7)","Answer":"ERITREA","Explanation":"Definition: by the Red Sea\nERA [time] round an anagram [strange] of RITE"} {"Clue":"Tries to seduce casual worker, a good man, to get a rise (6)","Answer":"TEMPTS","Explanation":"Definition: Tries to seduce\nTEMP [casual worker] + a reversal [to get a rise] of ST [good man]"} {"Clue":"Beaten Kendo buff made a hurried departure (6,3)","Answer":"BUNKED OFF","Explanation":"Definition: made a hurried departure\nAnagram [beaten] of KENDO BUFF"} {"Clue":"Appeal for something nice to follow in French (7)","Answer":"ENTREAT","Explanation":"Definition: Appea\nTREAT [something nice] after EN [in French]"} {"Clue":"How the nightwatchman was murdered? It's just a guess (4,2,3,4)","Answer":"SHOT IN THE DARK","Explanation":"Definition: How the nightwatchman was murdered?guess\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Tease Elisa, confused after so much French (9)","Answer":"TANTALISE","Explanation":"Definition: Tease\nAnagram [confused] of ELISA after TANT [so much French]"} {"Clue":"Makes a secret assignation (7)","Answer":"CREATES","Explanation":"Definition: Makes\nAnagram [assignation] of A SECRET: a rather unusual indicator but to assign can mean to transfer [ eg a legal right] so I think it works for me"} {"Clue":"Greek hero, oddly sly in habits (7)","Answer":"ULYSSES","Explanation":"Definition: Greek hero\nAnagram [oddly] of SLY in USES [habits]: the Latinised name [from Ulixes] of the Greek hero Odysseus \u2013 &lit, because Odysseus was known for his cunning: the wooden horse was his idea"} {"Clue":"An ideal description, too good to be true (7)","Answer":"UTOPIAN","Explanation":"Definition: An ideal description, too good to be true\nCryptic[?] definition"} {"Clue":"Liberty, for example (6)","Answer":"STATUE","Explanation":"Definition: Liberty\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Withdraw permission (5)","Answer":"LEAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Withdrawpermission\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Cause of infection left one green, at first (1,4)","Answer":"E COLI","Explanation":"Definition: Cause of infection\nL [left] + I [one] with ECO [green] first"} {"Clue":"Time to pull back, worse off in part of 29s epic (3,6)","Answer":"TWO TOWERS","Explanation":"Definition: part of 29s epic\nT [time] + a reversal [back] of TOW [pull] + an anagram [off] of WORSE \u2013 'The Two Towers' is the second novel in the 26dn of the 29s trilogy"} {"Clue":"Can goddess dishearten Kylie's 29er? (9)","Answer":"LOOKALIKE","Explanation":"Definition: 29er\nLOO [can] + KALI [goddess] + K[yli]E"} {"Clue":"This regularly cuts Iron Duke's rank (5)","Answer":"FETID","Explanation":"Definition: rank\nT[h]I[s] [this regularly] in [cuts] FE [iron] D [duke]"} {"Clue":"Type of 29 or of 1s (7)","Answer":"WEDDING","Explanation":"Definition: Type of 291s\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Outside of safe building with part for musician (7)","Answer":"SECONDO","Explanation":"Definition: part for musician\nS[af]E + CONDO [building] \u2013 for the lower part in a duet"} {"Clue":"For cockney existentialist, other people will follow this literary 1 (5)","Answer":"ELLIS","Explanation":"Definition: this literary 1\nIf existentialist Sartre had been a cockney, he might have said, \" 'ELL IS other people\": as it was, he said,\u00a0 \"L'enfer, c'est les autres\". The literary 1 is Ellis Bell, the pseudonym of Emily Bront\u00eb \u2013 this is a clue to treasure"} {"Clue":"Traffic in hurry (3)","Answer":"RUN","Explanation":"Definition: Traffichurry\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Organs require tuning, not all over (5)","Answer":"UTERI","Explanation":"Definition: Organs\nHidden reversal [over] in requIRE TUning"} {"Clue":"Films about women's bar (7)","Answer":"LAWYERS","Explanation":"Definition: bar\nLAYERS [films] round W [women]"} {"Clue":"Like novel that's in fashion, or its creator? (7)","Answer":"TOLKIEN","Explanation":"Definition: its creator?\nAnagram [novel] of LIKE in TON [fashion]"} {"Clue":"Kindle that could be portable (5)","Answer":"LIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Kindleportable\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Not in a Parisian university in wood (9)","Answer":"UNPOPULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Not in\nUN [a Parisian] + U [university] in POPLAR [wood]"} {"Clue":"Part of 29 \u2014 it keeps man venerable (9)","Answer":"RHEINGOLD","Explanation":"Definition: Part of 29\nRING ['it' \u2013 29] round HE [man] + OLD [venerable] \u2013 'Das Rheingold' is the first of the 'Ring' operas"} {"Clue":"Literary 1 to keep performing (5)","Answer":"ACTON","Explanation":"Definition: Literary 1\nACT ON [keep performing]: the pseudonym of Emily's sister, Anne \u2013 [Charlotte {Currer} \u2013 doesn't get a mention]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"You might 29 this attractive woman, we're told (4)","Answer":"BELL","Explanation":"Definition: You might 29 this\nSounds like [we're told] 'belle' \u2013 attractive woman"} {"Clue":"Criminal raid with tool shaped like a 29 (8)","Answer":"TOROIDAL","Explanation":"Definition: shaped like a 29\nAnagram [criminal] of RAID and TOOL"} {"Clue":"Singer keen to give a twirl (4)","Answer":"DIVA","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\nReversal [to give a twirl] of AVID [keen]"} {"Clue":"At sea, rig stern brace (8)","Answer":"STRINGER","Explanation":"Definition: brace\nAnagram [at sea] of RIG STERN \u2013 a\u00a0 new word for me: Collins 2: 'naut \u2013 a longitudinal structural brace for strengthening the hull of a vessel' \u2013 so it could be &lit?"} {"Clue":"South Africans embracing wrong men in the 29 (6)","Answer":"BOXERS","Explanation":"Definition: men in the 29\nBOERS [South Africans] round X [indicating a wrong answer when I was a teacher in the olden days \u2013 I'm not sure you're allowed to do this now. Have you seen the latest about erasers?]"} {"Clue":"It's acceptable to block racists, true or false? (10)","Answer":"NONFACTUAL","Explanation":"Definition: false\nON [acceptable] in [to block] NF [National Front \u2013 racists] + ACTUAL [true]"} {"Clue":"Maybe male's put on weight \u2014 he may 29 a 1 (6)","Answer":"SEXTON","Explanation":"Definition: he may 29 a 1\nSEX [maybe male] + TON [weight] \u2013 another literary allusion, perhaps: the closing lines of Thomas Hood's 'Faithless Sally Brown':"} {"Clue":"Compilers the boss exploited (4)","Answer":"USED","Explanation":"Definition: exploited\nUS [compilers] + ED [editor \u2013 the boss] \u2013 is this a cry from the heart?"} {"Clue":"Turner's cry of excitement, reaching heart of gallery (5)","Answer":"WHEEL","Explanation":"Definition: Turner\nWHEE [cry of excitement + [gal]L[ery]"} {"Clue":"Doctor isn't nice, with GP doing an examination (10)","Answer":"INSPECTING","Explanation":"Definition: doing an examination\nAnagram [doctor] of ISN'T NICE + GP"} {"Clue":"One stops running twice to call for food (5,4)","Answer":"ONION RING","Explanation":"Definition: food\nI [one] in [stops] ON [running \u2013 like a tap] twice + RING [call]"} {"Clue":"Writers' materials in no way record publicity (8)","Answer":"NOTEPADS","Explanation":"Definition: Writers' materials\nNOT [in no way] + EP [record] + ADS [publicity]"} {"Clue":"Make weaker tea to lie in one's cups (8)","Answer":"ETIOLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Make weaker\nAngram [in one's cups \u2013 or drunk] of TEA TO LIE \u2013 ingenious indicator, making a great surface"} {"Clue":"Speculate about name for author of 29 (6)","Answer":"WAGNER","Explanation":"Definition: author of 29\nWAGER [speculate] round N [name]"} {"Clue":"Statue in odd places and not raised for 26 down seeking 29 (6)","Answer":"SAURON","Explanation":"Definition: 26 down seeking 29\nOdd letters of StAtUe + a reversal [raised] of NOR [and not] for The Lord of the Rings"} {"Clue":"Which of land's borders is for ruler? (4)","Answer":"LORD","Explanation":"Definition: ruler\nL OR D [land's 'borders']"} {"Clue":"Request to drop large 29 (4)","Answer":"PEAL","Explanation":"Definition: 29\nPLEA [request] with the L [large] dropped in position"} {"Clue":"Carney's predecessor on bank, looking back and gossiping? (7)","Answer":"YACKING","Explanation":"Definition: gossiping\nI think this is KING [Carney's predecessor] after a reversal [looking back] of CAY [bank \u2013 'a low island or reef' {a variant of 'key}: Chambers]"} {"Clue":"Struggle to keep hold of superior fighting force in disorder (7)","Answer":"TURMOIL","Explanation":"Definition: disorder\nTOIL [struggle] round U [superior] RM [Royal Marines \u2013 fighting force]"} {"Clue":"Dictator's final word, one ousting English (4)","Answer":"AMIN","Explanation":"Definition: Dictator\nAM[e]N [final word with I {one} replacing e {English}]"} {"Clue":"Tree of gold in curve by a narrow inlet (9)","Answer":"ARAUCARIA","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\nAU [gold] in ARC [curve] + A RIA [ a narrow inlet] \u2013 not the first definition to spring to the mind of a Guardian solver"} {"Clue":"Suspicious female, one reluctant to come forward (5)","Answer":"FISHY","Explanation":"Definition: Suspicious\nF [female] + I [one \u2013 again] + SHY [reluctant to come forward]"} {"Clue":"Like something that can be ground down or cut with rope around? (8)","Answer":"CHEWABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Like something that can be ground down\nCABLE [rope] round HEW [cut]"} {"Clue":"Title for lady \u2014 a generous gesture, not half (4)","Answer":"DONA","Explanation":"Definition: Title for lady\nDONA[tion] [generous gesture]"} {"Clue":"This writer's work gives hint (5)","Answer":"IMPLY","Explanation":"Definition: hint\nI'M [this writer's] + PLY [work]"} {"Clue":"The solver not completely private is one would appreciate asceticism (4)","Answer":"YOGI","Explanation":"Definition: one would appreciate asceticism\nYO[u] [the solver not completely] + GI [American private] \u2013 there seems to be a 'who' missing from the definition"} {"Clue":"Fellows involved in grot\u00adesque art with no beautification (8)","Answer":"ORNAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: beautification\nMEN [fellows] in an anagram [grotesque] of ART and NO"} {"Clue":"Something published by American priest in the past (5)","Answer":"MAGUS","Explanation":"Definition: priest in the past\nMAG [something published] + US [American]"} {"Clue":"Mad fellow in playground rolling around, one who is 7 (9)","Answer":"CHATTERER","Explanation":"Definition: one who is 7\nHATTER [mad fellow in 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'] in a reversal [rolling around] of REC [playground]"} {"Clue":"Concessions? There's urgent request to keep quiet (4)","Answer":"SOPS","Explanation":"Definition: Concessions\nSOS [urgent request] round P [quiet]"} {"Clue":"Continue mocking county town (7)","Answer":"TAUNTON","Explanation":"Definition: county town\nTAUNT ON \u2013 continue mocking, for the county town of Somerset"} {"Clue":"A mark is identifying type of worm (7)","Answer":"ASCARIS","Explanation":"Definition: type of worm\nA SCAR [a mark] IS\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"China has millions \u2014 can one looking at it make predictions? (4)","Answer":"PALM","Explanation":"Definition: can one looking at it make predictions?\nPAL [China] + M [millions]"} {"Clue":"Problem with movement? Relations settle finally within continent (8)","Answer":"AKINESIA","Explanation":"Definition: Problem with movement\nKIN [relations] + [settl]E in ASIA [continent]"} {"Clue":"Like the tempter around Eden originally? (6)","Answer":"SNEAKY","Explanation":"Definition: Like the tempter around Eden originally?\nSNAKY [like the tempter] round E[den] \u2013 &lit"} {"Clue":"Wreck not the first to be flogged in seaside location? Shady practice (8)","Answer":"QUACKERY","Explanation":"Definition: Shady practice\nAnagram [flogged] of [w]RECK in QUAY [seaside location]"} {"Clue":"Mountainous region abroad? You'll find England's hilly area less cold (6)","Answer":"UMBRIA","Explanation":"Definition: Mountainous region abroad\n[c]UMBRIA [England's hilly area minus c {cold}]"} {"Clue":"Help a female doomed to die (4)","Answer":"AIDA","Explanation":"Definition: female doomed to die\nAID [help] + A"} {"Clue":"Hawk shows caprice flying \u2014 the thing must be caught (9)","Answer":"ACCIPITER","Explanation":"Definition: Hawk\nAnagram [flying] of CAPRICE round IT [the thing]"} {"Clue":"Meal left for two couples maybe to consume (5)","Answer":"FLOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Meal\nFOUR [two couples] round L [left]"} {"Clue":"Seaman faced with delay in foreign port (5)","Answer":"LAGOS","Explanation":"Definition: foreign port\nLAG [delay] + OS [Ordinary Seaman]"} {"Clue":"For mental power I would dine at home with zero interruption (8)","Answer":"IDEATION","Explanation":"Definition: mental power\nI'D [I would] + EAT [dine] + O [zero] in IN [at home]"} {"Clue":"A guy loves to exude energy \u2014 active old European (8)","Answer":"YUGOSLAV","Explanation":"Definition: old European\nAnagram [active] of A GUY LOVES minus [to exude] e [energy]"} {"Clue":"Word of rejection from a very little lady in the family (6)","Answer":"AVAUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Word of rejection\nA V [very \u2013 little] + AUNT [lady in the family]"} {"Clue":"Second woman in a bad mood (6)","Answer":"MOROSE","Explanation":"Definition: in a bad mood\nMO [second] + ROSE [woman]"} {"Clue":"Earth's best fighter once (4)","Answer":"CLAY","Explanation":"Definition: Earthbest fighter once\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Balletic action requires power \u2014 rest afterwards (4)","Answer":"PLI\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: Balletic action\nP [power] + LIE [rest]"} {"Clue":"Liberal participating in undesirable victory for Tory PM (7)","Answer":"BALDWIN","Explanation":"Definition: Tory PM\nL [Liberal] in BAD WIN [undesirable victory]"} {"Clue":"AC\/DC hit about love for pretty little thing (7)","Answer":"BIBELOT","Explanation":"Definition: pretty little thing\nBI [AC\/DC] + BELT [hit] round O [love]:\u00a0 great surface \u2013 and what a lovely word!"} {"Clue":"Preserved from an old race (5)","Answer":"INCAN","Explanation":"Definition: from an old race\nIN CAN [preserved]"} {"Clue":"Party returned to fight for what voter needs (6,3)","Answer":"BALLOT BOX","Explanation":"Definition: what voter needs\nBALL [party] + reversal [returned] of TO + BOX [fight]"} {"Clue":"Campaigners getting PR boost? Yes, with spin (6,4)","Answer":"POSTER BOYS","Explanation":"Definition: Campaigners\nAnagram [with spin] of PR BOOST YES"} {"Clue":"jockeys getting a mount (4)","Answer":"ETNA","Explanation":"Definition: mount\nAnagram [jockeys] of TEN [10] + A"} {"Clue":"Pass over leg and fondle what jumpers go over (8,4)","Answer":"SKIPPING ROPE","Explanation":"Definition: what jumpers go over\nSKIP [pass over] + PIN [leg] + GROPE [fondle]"} {"Clue":"Aiming to drink Riesling? It's wonderful (3-9)","Answer":"AWE-INSPIRING","Explanation":"Definition: wonderful\nASPIRING [aiming] round [to drink] WEIN [German wine \u2013 Riesling, for example, hence the question mark]"} {"Clue":"Hungary abandons national flag (4)","Answer":"IRIS","Explanation":"Definition: flag\nIRIS[h] [national] minus h [Hungary]"} {"Clue":"Maybe anti-euro newspaperman is put forward (10)","Answer":"PROPOUNDED","Explanation":"Definition: put forward\nAnti-euro maybe = PRO POUND + ED [newspaperman]"} {"Clue":"Check they're on the right coach (9)","Answer":"CONSTRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Check\nCONS [they're on the right] + TRAIN [coach]"} {"Clue":"Something essential to BBC as television station (5)","Answer":"CASTE","Explanation":"Definition: station\nHidden in bbC AS TElevision"} {"Clue":"Pen and paper clip (7)","Answer":"PADDOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Pen\nPAD [paper] + DOCK [clip]"} {"Clue":"Raise tax during fight with deposed leader (7)","Answer":"ELEVATE","Explanation":"Definition: Raise\nVAT [tax] in [m]EL\u00c9E [fight minus its initial letter \u2013 with deposed leader]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Shifty Lib politicians becoming reactionary Conservatives (6)","Answer":"BLIMPS","Explanation":"Definition: reactionary Conservatives\nAnagram [shifty] of LIB + MPS [politicians]"} {"Clue":"Copper embraced by dissolute stripper in field? (6)","Answer":"LOCUST","Explanation":"Definition: stripper in field?\nCU [copper] in LOST [dissolute] \u2013 a lovely picture!"} {"Clue":"Maybe Mozart's instruments \u2014 not as many as K\u00f6chel collected (10)","Answer":"WUNDERKIND","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe Mozart\nUNDER K [not as many as K\u00f6chel] in [collected] WIND [instruments] \u2013 clever surface and one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"One's back from Hindustan with some money (5)","Answer":"NABOB","Explanation":"Definition: One's back from Hindustan with some money\nREversal [back] of AN [one] [contained in Hindustan?] + BOB [some money] \u2013 I'm not entirely happy with this parsing *[Edit: see comments 1-3.]"} {"Clue":"A fantasist, Blair struggles to admit: \"I'm going to end in ignominy\" (5,4)","Answer":"BILLY LIAR","Explanation":"Definition: A fantasist\nAnagram [struggles] of BLAIR round [to admit] I'LL [I'm going to] + [ignomin]Y \u2013 braver souls might label this &lit"} {"Clue":"Sign of dissatisfaction with maiden's bust may follow this (4)","Answer":"BOOM","Explanation":"Definition: bust may follow this\nBOO [sign of dissatisfaction] + M [maiden]"} {"Clue":"Without hesitation, making free drink (8)","Answer":"LIBATION","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nLIB[er]ATION [making free minus er \u2013 hesitation]"} {"Clue":"Cheers cross by footballer left out for one who contributes? (8)","Answer":"TAXPAYER","Explanation":"Definition: one who contributes?\nTA [cheers] + X [cross] + P[l]AYER [footballer minus l [left out]"} {"Clue":"One can ultimately counsel guy in trouble (5,5)","Answer":"AGONY UNCLE","Explanation":"Definition: One can ultimately counsel guy in trouble\nAnagram [in trouble] of ONE CAN [counse]L GUY \u2013 &lit"} {"Clue":"Group about to imitate R&B with cheap cover? (9)","Answer":"PAPERBACK","Explanation":"Definition: cheap cover?\nPACK [group] round APE [imitate] R and B"} {"Clue":"Snooker player reaching century, winning comp\u00adetition (5,3)","Answer":"DAVIS CUP","Explanation":"Definition: comp\u00adetition\n[Steve] DAVIS [snooker player] + C [century] + UP [winning]"} {"Clue":"Submissive character cutting grass (8)","Answer":"RESIGNED","Explanation":"Definition: Submissive\nSIGN [character] in [cutting] REED [grass]"} {"Clue":"Ship follows lines, reaching a port (6)","Answer":"ODESSA","Explanation":"Definition: port\nODE [lines] + SS [ship] + A"} {"Clue":"Stand by to get Bill's location? (6)","Answer":"ADHERE","Explanation":"Definition: Stand by\nAD HERE \u2013 Bill's location"} {"Clue":"Coppers shut up vacant courthouse (5)","Answer":"PENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Coppers\nPEN [shut up] + C[ourthous]E"} {"Clue":"German's uncovered hindquarters (4)","Answer":"OTTO","Explanation":"Definition: German\n[b]OTTO[m] [hindquarters]"} {"Clue":"Battle developed later in court (8)","Answer":"WATERLOO","Explanation":"Definition: Battle\nAnagram [developed] of LATER in WOO [court]"} {"Clue":"Following obstruction, young Henry fell (6)","Answer":"LETHAL","Explanation":"Definition: fell\nLET [hindrance] + HAL [young {Prince} Henry]"} {"Clue":"Call papers in Kent for best place to view the fight? (8)","Answer":"RINGSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: best place to view the fight\nRING [call] ID [papers] in SE [Kent, for example, indicated by the question mark]"} {"Clue":"Exaggerate? Lover does after stripping (6)","Answer":"OVERDO","Explanation":"Definition: Exaggerate\nlOVER DOes minus some of the outside letters [after stripping]"} {"Clue":"Where to fix bayonet in a tight corner (4,1,6)","Answer":"OVER A BARREL","Explanation":"Definition: Where to fix bayonetin a tight corner\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Turn 17 to risk all (2,3)","Answer":"GO NAP","Explanation":"Definition: risk all\nGO [turn] + NAP[oleon [17] \u2013 to GO NAP is to undertake to win all five tricks in the card game napoleon, hence 'to risk on a single attempt' [Chambers]"} {"Clue":"In dire trap, a nobleman's backing emperor (9)","Answer":"BONAPARTE","Explanation":"Definition: emperor\nReversed [backing] hidden in dirE TRAP A NOBleman's"} {"Clue":"Order fresh fuel to change positions (9)","Answer":"RESHUFFLE","Explanation":"Definition: change positions\nAnagram [order] of FRESH FUEL"} {"Clue":"Splendid meal abandoned by prince (5)","Answer":"SUPER","Explanation":"Definition: Splendid\nSUP[p]ER \u2013 minus p[prince]"} {"Clue":"Carriage mostly stopped, carried on, gave up (11)","Answer":"SURRENDERED","Explanation":"Definition: gave up\nSURR[ey] [carriage mostly \u2013 the one in Oklahoma had a fringe on top] + ENDED [stopped] round [carried] RE [on]"} {"Clue":"Short of metal, plate armour warped in turmoil (6)","Answer":"UPROAR","Explanation":"Definition: turmoil\nAnagram [warped] of P[late] AR[m]OUR \u2013 minus metal"} {"Clue":"Start attack (3,5)","Answer":"SET ABOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Startattack\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"He is in Calais, tracking English sailors (6)","Answer":"ERNEST","Explanation":"Definition: He\nEST [is in Calais] after [tracking] E [English] RN [Royal Navy \u2013 sailors]"} {"Clue":"Tense troops finally exercised (8)","Answer":"STRAINED","Explanation":"Definition: Tense\n[troop]S + TRAINED [exercised]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Fight promoters in nasty row with Germans (10)","Answer":"WARMONGERS","Explanation":"Definition: Fight promoters\nAnagram [nasty] of ROW and GERMANS"} {"Clue":"Nurses, bandaging 26 endlessly, show compassion (10)","Answer":"TENDERNESS","Explanation":"Definition: compassion\nTENDS [nurses] round [bandaging] ERNES[t] [26ac]"} {"Clue":"Emperor's devotee overthrows an emperor (5)","Answer":"RASTA","Explanation":"Definition: Emperor's devotee\nReversal [overthrows] of A TSAR [an emperor] for a devotee of Emperor Haile Selassie"} {"Clue":"Mad Earl of Derby inspired one early test of guilt (6,2,4)","Answer":"ORDEAL BY FIRE","Explanation":"Definition: early test of guilt\nAnagram [mad] of EARL OF DERBY round [inspired] I [one]"} {"Clue":"Post bearers to surround Ney's centre square (9)","Answer":"ENVELOPES","Explanation":"Definition: Post bearers\nENVELOP [surround] + [n]E[y] + S [square]"} {"Clue":"Bl\u00fccher openly tackles person with bottle (4)","Answer":"HERO","Explanation":"Definition: person with bottle\nHidden in blucHER Openly"} {"Clue":"Officer steals rings and rifle (4)","Answer":"LOOT","Explanation":"Definition: rifle\nLT [officer] round [steals] OO [rings]"} {"Clue":"Priest in church torn about, say, royal stand-in (6,6)","Answer":"PRINCE REGENT","Explanation":"Definition: royal stand-in\nPR [priest] IN CE [church] + RENT [torn] round EG [say]"} {"Clue":"Name for short liqueur, French one (6,4)","Answer":"PROPER NOUN","Explanation":"Definition: Name\nPRO [for] PERNO[d] [short liqueur] + UN [French one] \u2013 and, of course, Pernod is a French liqueur"} {"Clue":"Sacked peer tormented duke in old hat (10)","Answer":"DEPREDATED","Explanation":"Definition: Sacked\nAnagram [tormented] of PEER + D [duke] in DATED [old hat]"} {"Clue":"2's rescuers start to provoke his other allies (9)","Answer":"PRUSSIANS","Explanation":"Definition: 2's rescuers\nP[rovoke] + RUSSIANS"} {"Clue":"s missing from scale model in theatre (5)","Answer":"DRAMA","Explanation":"Definition: theatre\nD[io]RAMA [scale model] minus io [10]"} {"Clue":"French department head's off round Britain for 7 of 1 across (4,4)","Answer":"IRON DUKE","Explanation":"Definition: 7 of 1 across\n[g]IRONDE [French department minus its initial letter \u2013 head's off] round UK [Britain] for Arthur Wellesley, the first Duke of Wellington\u00a0 and today's hero\n\n[And now it's up to me to click 'Publish' \u2013 and be damned?]"} {"Clue":"Content of buggy fits in express (7)","Answer":"SATISFY","Explanation":"Definition: Content\nAnagram ['buggy'] of\u00a0 FITS in SAY [express]"} {"Clue":"Criminal not close to Batman and Joker (7)","Answer":"GAGSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Joker\nGA[n]GSTER [criminal] minus last letter [close] of batmaN"} {"Clue":"Bohemian heroine touring a US resort (5)","Answer":"MIAMI","Explanation":"Definition: US resort\nMIMI [heroine of 'La Boh\u00e8me] round [touring] A"} {"Clue":"Vehicles in cold conditions avoid roads (3-6)","Answer":"SKI-PLANES","Explanation":"Definition: Vehicles in cold conditions\nSKIP LANES [avoid roads]"} {"Clue":"Disturbing people leading us (9)","Answer":"UPSETTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Disturbing people\nUP [leading] + SETTERS [us]"} {"Clue":"Daft game, programme and tune end thus (5)","Answer":"INANE","Explanation":"Definition: Daft\nGame, programme and tune all end IN AN E"} {"Clue":"Noon? That's correct (5)","Answer":"AMEND","Explanation":"Definition: correct\nNoon is when AM ENDs"} {"Clue":"Journalist withdrawn before amazing action \u2014 it's terrible he's resigned (9)","Answer":"DEFEATIST","Explanation":"Definition: he's resigned\nReversal [withdrawn] of ED [journalist] before FEAT [amazing action] + an anagram [terrible] of IT'S"} {"Clue":"Behaved like Luis Suarez? He's no star! (3,6)","Answer":"BIT PLAYER","Explanation":"Definition: no star\nApparently, Suarez bit *three* players!"} {"Clue":"Write off to leader of legion about soldiers once held in reserve (5)","Answer":"TOTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Write off\nTO + L[egion] round TA [soldiers once held in reserve]"} {"Clue":"Admission from person turned on by men and women's feet (5)","Answer":"IAMBI","Explanation":"Definition: feet\nI AM BI \u2013 admission from person turned on by men and women \u2013 hilariously unexpected definition!"} {"Clue":"Abstinence accepted by useless English lover (9)","Answer":"VALENTINE","Explanation":"Definition: lover\nLENT [abstinence] in [accepted by] VAIN [useless] + E [English]"} {"Clue":"Spooner's curious admirer provides kitchenware (6,3)","Answer":"FRYING PAN","Explanation":"Definition: kitchenware\nPrying fan \u2013 curious admirer"} {"Clue":"How South American promotes growth in Nicaraguan oil (5)","Answer":"GUANO","Explanation":"Definition: How South American promotes growth\nHidden in nicaraGUAN Oil"} {"Clue":"Performer in Paris, in street, twirling (7)","Answer":"DANSEUR","Explanation":"Definition: Performer\nDANS [in Paris, in] + reversal [twirling] of RUE [in Paris, street] \u2013 'in Paris' is also part of the definition \u2013 nice one"} {"Clue":"Thus ringing, press number for operator (7)","Answer":"SURGEON","Explanation":"Definition: operator\nSO [thus] round [ringing] URGE [press] + N [number]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"A young mother's knocked back liqueur (7)","Answer":"SAMBUCA","Explanation":"Definition: liqueur\nReversal [knocked back]of A CUB [a young] + MA'S [mother's]"} {"Clue":"Passing tennis shot after cunning returns (9)","Answer":"TRANSIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Passing\nAnagram [shot] of TENNIS after a reversal [returns] of ART [cunning] \u2013 super surface"} {"Clue":"Slope behind South Pole (5)","Answer":"STILT","Explanation":"Definition: Pole\nS [South] + TILT [slope]"} {"Clue":"OK, exchange rate divided by 500 and unknown number in the sixties (9)","Answer":"YESTERDAY","Explanation":"Definition: number in the sixties\nYES [OK] + D [500] in [dividing] an anagram [exchange] of RATE +Y [unknown]"} {"Clue":"Problem about admitting current profit (5)","Answer":"GAINS","Explanation":"Definition: profit\nReversal [about] of SNAG [problem] round [admitting[ I [current]"} {"Clue":"Germany's leader: \"My sole desire\" (in stereotypical German accent) \"is to go pleasure-seeking\" (9)","Answer":"GALLIVANT","Explanation":"Definition: go pleasure-seeking\nG [Germany's leader] + ALL I VANT\u00a0 [my sole desire \u2013 All I want, in a stereotypical German accent] \u2013 a lovely word"} {"Clue":"Asian monarchy running government amid cheers (5)","Answer":"TONGA","Explanation":"Definition: Asian monarchy\nON [running \u2013 like a tap] + G [government] in TA [cheers] a reminder again of Queen Salote of Tonga, who delighted the crowds at the 1953 Coronation by riding in an open carriage, despite the rain"} {"Clue":"Honour and spirit elevating sappers (7)","Answer":"RESPECT","Explanation":"Definition: Honour\nSPECTRE [spirit] with RE [Sappers] moved to the beginning [elevated]"} {"Clue":"Flirtation with date followed by coupling (9)","Answer":"DALLIANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Flirtation\nD [date] + ALLIANCE [coupling]"} {"Clue":"Outstanding features, in the main beneficial to antelopes (9)","Answer":"FORELANDS","Explanation":"Definition: Outstanding features, in the main\nFOR ELANDS [beneficial to antelopes]"} {"Clue":"Involved in scam? Back out, along with mischievous Greek (9)","Answer":"INTRICATE","Explanation":"Definition: Involved\nIN TRIC[k] [scam, minus its last letter\u00a0 \u2013 back out] + ATE [Greek goddess of mischief]"} {"Clue":"Informed dairy product gets scoffed (7)","Answer":"BRIEFED","Explanation":"Definition: Informed\nBRIE [dairy product] + FED scoffed]"} {"Clue":"Rest of song now animato (3,4)","Answer":"LIE DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Rest\nLIED [song] + an anagram [animato] of NOW"} {"Clue":"Old American's vote not to put up dam to the north (5)","Answer":"MAYAN","Explanation":"Definition: Old American\nReversal [put up] of NAY [vote not] with MA [dam] first \u2013 to the north in a down clue"} {"Clue":"Reptile's big noise, touching back (5)","Answer":"VIPER","Explanation":"Definition: Reptile\nVIP [big noise] + reversal [back] of RE [touching]"} {"Clue":"UKIP man not quite right in foreign country (5)","Answer":"NIGER","Explanation":"Definition: foreign country\nNIGE[l] [Farage, UKIP man, minus his final letter \u2013 not quite] + R [right]"} {"Clue":"Something painful with which to batter this, for example (7)","Answer":"PANGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: this, for example\nPANG [something painful] + RAM [with which to batter]"} {"Clue":"Giggle about women's social medium (7)","Answer":"TWITTER","Explanation":"Definition: social medium\nTITTER [giggle] round W [women]"} {"Clue":"Challenge to make God heartless (4)","Answer":"DEFY","Explanation":"Definition: Challenge\nDE[i]FY [to make god] \u2013\u00a0 I really liked\u00a0 this clue, for the amount of time I spent looking for a heartless god \u2013 nice one, Shed"} {"Clue":"Stood around lancing blister, evidence of injury (10)","Answer":"BLOODSTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: evidence of injury\nAnagram [around] of STOOD in BLAIN [blister: for me a new word, from which chilblain is derived \u2013 but they're not blisters, are they?]"} {"Clue":"What to do with straight hair? Pass (6)","Answer":"PERMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Pass\nPERM IT! \u2013 pass and permit as nouns"} {"Clue":"Report of headless chicken in waste disposal unit (8)","Answer":"BULLETIN","Explanation":"Definition: Report\n[p]ULLET [headless chicken] in BIN [waste disposal unit]"} {"Clue":"Sketch fetching a silly price (9)","Answer":"ADUMBRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Sketch\nA DUMB RATE [a silly price] \u2013 a lovely word"} {"Clue":"Apply kneecap to part of face, causing breach (5)","Answer":"CHINK","Explanation":"Definition: breach\nCHIN [part of face] + K [first letter \u2013 cap \u2013 of Knee]"} {"Clue":"What's said to audience on A11? (5)","Answer":"ASIDE","Explanation":"Definition: What's said to audience\nA + SIDE [11 \u2013 in soccer, hockey, cricket] \u2013 for once, like 'report' in 13ac, 'to audience' does not indicate a homophone"} {"Clue":"Will's offensive sexual organ intruded (9)","Answer":"TESTAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Will\nSTAMEN [sexual organ] in TET [offensive] \u2013 great clue, referring to the birds and the bees!"} {"Clue":"Baddy, at any point in time, receiving unopened sex aid (8)","Answer":"EVILDOER","Explanation":"Definition: Baddy\nEVER [at any point in time] round [receiving] [d]ILDO [sex aid minus its first letter \u2013 unopened] \u2013 Chambers gives this word a hyphen but Collins doesn't and that's good enough for me, being a Collins 'girl'!"} {"Clue":"Dependable nonsense about public transport (6)","Answer":"ROBUST","Explanation":"Definition: Dependable\nROT [nonsense] round BUS [public transport]"} {"Clue":"Histrionic sort of monkey, shaking off a cold in Arden, perhaps (5,5)","Answer":"DRAMA QUEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Histrionic sort\nM[ac]AQUE [monkey minus a c {cold}] in an anagram [perhaps] of ARDEN"} {"Clue":"Man in the street on line to prophet (4)","Answer":"JOEL","Explanation":"Definition: prophet\nJOE [{Bloggs} \u2013 proverbial man in the street] + L [line] for the Old Testament prophet"} {"Clue":"Female students absorbing princess's hypocritical utterances (7)","Answer":"FLANNEL","Explanation":"Definition: hypocritical utterances\nF [female] + LL [students] round [absorbing] ANNE [princess \u2013 a refreshing change from Di]"} {"Clue":"About to go to Spain and return the sentiment (7)","Answer":"REQUITE","Explanation":"Definition: return the sentiment\nRE [about] + QUIT [go] + E [Spain]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Part of weapon in front holding divorcee up (3,4)","Answer":"AXE HEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Part of weapon\nAHEAD [in front] round [holding] a reversal [up] of EX [divorcee]"} {"Clue":"Infidels love one intermittently interrupting work-out (5)","Answer":"GOYIM","Explanation":"Definition: Infidels\nO [love] and I [one] intermittently in GYM [work-out]"} {"Clue":"A snack eaten by bishop and judge (7)","Answer":"ARBITER","Explanation":"Definition: judge\nA + BITE [snack] in [eaten by] RR [Right Reverend \u2013 bishop]"} {"Clue":"Go unsteadily west \u2014 go off (6)","Answer":"WADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Go unsteadily\nW [West] + ADDLE [go off]"} {"Clue":"Infant the man lost in part of London (9)","Answer":"TOTTENHAM","Explanation":"Definition: part of London\nTOT [infant] + anagram [lost] of THE MAN"} {"Clue":"Raised no single current issue (7)","Answer":"EDITION","Explanation":"Definition: issue\nREversal [raised] of NO + I [single] TIDE [current]"} {"Clue":"Film old Albanian monarch securing right to cleanse smell (5,3,5)","Answer":"ZORBA THE GREEK","Explanation":"Definition: Film\nZOG [old Albanian monarch: a\u00a0 real giveaway \u2013 how many of those do you know?] round [securing] R [right] + BATHE [cleanse] + REEK [smell]"} {"Clue":"Note to buxom former lover's agent (9)","Answer":"MIDDLEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: agent\nMI [note] + DD [buxom \u2013 referring to bra size] + LEMAN [old name for lover: if you haven't come across this before, file it away \u2013 it quite often comes up in crosswords, where I first learned it]"} {"Clue":"Many cut a left (7)","Answer":"SEVERAL","Explanation":"Definition: Many\nSEVER [cut] + A L [left] \u2013 I remember asking you here before how many 'several' meant to you: it still doesn't mean 'many' to me but I'm not looking to open another can of worms!"} {"Clue":"Space in canonical hour for Roman funny man (7)","Answer":"TERENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Roman funny man\nEN [space] in TERCE [canonical hour] for Publius Terentius Afer, the Roman writer of comedies, which I'm afraid I never found funny when I studied them"} {"Clue":"Incipient new way up (7)","Answer":"NASCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Incipient\nN [new] + ASCENT [way up]"} {"Clue":"Force to remove tangerine rind from roquette salad (6)","Answer":"TORQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Force\nAnagram [salad] of ROQUET[te] minus TE ['rind' of T{angerin}E"} {"Clue":"Pretty little girl, keen on Guys and Dolls and open to all? (5)","Answer":"BIJOU","Explanation":"Definition: Pretty little\nBI [keen on Guys and Dolls \u2013 brilliant!] + JO [girl] + U [open to all \u2013 film classification] \u2013 a great clue to end with [but I can't quite make the order of the wordplay work!]"} {"Clue":"Boy accepts coppers' grant in sterling (8)","Answer":"SPLENDID","Explanation":"Definition: sterling\nSID [boy] round [accepts] P [coppers] + LEND [grant \u2013 eg 'Lend me your ears']"} {"Clue":"Drink turned Eddie joyful (6)","Answer":"ELATED","Explanation":"Definition: joyfu\nReversal [turned] of ALE [drink] + TED [Eddie]"} {"Clue":"Cross over the threshold (4)","Answer":"DOOR","Explanation":"Definition: threshold\nReversal [over] of ROOD [cross]"} {"Clue":"Preoccupied when taken out (10)","Answer":"ABSTRACTED","Explanation":"Definition: Preoccupiedtaken out\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Broke down when receiving military medal and became faint (6)","Answer":"DIMMED","Explanation":"Definition: became faint\nDIED [broke down] round [receiving] MM [Military Medal]"} {"Clue":"Pretentious cafe gets deft renovation (8)","Answer":"AFFECTED","Explanation":"Definition: Pretentious\nAnagram [renovation] of CAFE and DEFT \u2013 the wordplay here is a bit dodgy"} {"Clue":"Harry spots Tory leader (6)","Answer":"MOLEST","Explanation":"Definition: Harry\nMOLES [spots] + T[ory]"} {"Clue":"Fights for waste food (6)","Answer":"SCRAPS","Explanation":"Definition: Fightswaste food\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Measure appropriate for Cockneys (4-4)","Answer":"HALF-INCH","Explanation":"Definition: Measureappropriate for Cockneys\nDouble definition \u2013 Cockney rhyming slang: half-inch = pinch = appropriate"} {"Clue":"Mountain trail heading west in India (6)","Answer":"BENGAL","Explanation":"Definition: in India\nBEN [mountain] + a reversal [heading west] of LAG [trail]"} {"Clue":"Keeps old car laid up and motionless (5-5)","Answer":"STOCK-STILL","Explanation":"Definition: motionless\nSTOCKS [keeps] + [model] T [old car] + ILL [laid up]"} {"Clue":"People hurry (4)","Answer":"RACE","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Commotion upset our ref (6)","Answer":"FURORE","Explanation":"Definition: Commotion\nAnagram of OUR REF"} {"Clue":"Identity of a trainee in trade union (8)","Answer":"EQUALITY","Explanation":"Definition: Identity\nA L [a trainee] in EQUITY [the actors' trade union]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Saw him as pro-revolutionary? (8)","Answer":"APHORISM","Explanation":"Definition: Saw\nAnagram [revolutionary] of HIM AS PRO"} {"Clue":"Tight-fisted? Not far off! (4)","Answer":"NEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Tight-fistedNot far off\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Journalist covering hostilities deserted old king (6)","Answer":"EDWARD","Explanation":"Definition: old king\nED [journalist] round [covering] WAR [hostilities] + D [deserted] *Edit: or, rather,\u00a0 ED over [covering, in a down clue] WAR + D \u2013 thanks, cholecyst @6"} {"Clue":"Jerk about to go astray, assuming that's wonderful (8)","Answer":"TERRIFIC","Explanation":"Definition: wonderful\nTIC [jerk] round ERR [go astray] + IF [assuming]"} {"Clue":"Albert to contemplate a mountain range (5,5)","Answer":"WATCH CHAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Albert\nWATCH [contemplate] + CHAIN [mountain range] \u2013 'Albert: a kind of watch chain usually attached to a waistcoat [after Prince Albert, who was presented with one by the jewellers of Birmingham in 1845]' \u2013 Collins"} {"Clue":"Hard always being in a corner (6)","Answer":"SEVERE","Explanation":"Definition: Hard\nEVER [always] in SE [corner]"} {"Clue":"Gloomy NCO occup\u00adied phone (6)","Answer":"DISMAL","Explanation":"Definition: Gloomy\nS[ergeant] M[ajor] [NCO] in DIAL [phone]"} {"Clue":"Villain is a man with influence (10)","Answer":"MALEFACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Villain\nMALE [man] + FACTOR [influence]"} {"Clue":"Forbidding nun tours Ulster (8)","Answer":"SINISTER","Explanation":"Definition: Forbidding\nSISTER [nun] round [tours] NI [Ulster \u2013 I know, I know]"} {"Clue":"Cat's coat badly clipped (8)","Answer":"STACCATO","Explanation":"Definition: clipped\nAnagram [badly] of CATS COAT"} {"Clue":"Hikers disturbed bird (6)","Answer":"SHRIKE","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nAnagram [disturbed] of HIKERS"} {"Clue":"Represent a Tory solicitor (3,3)","Answer":"ACT OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Represent\nA C [a Tory] + TOUT [solicitor]"} {"Clue":"Live with large ram in silence (4,2)","Answer":"BELT UP","Explanation":"Definition: silence\nBE [live] + L [large] + TUP [ram] \u2013 we need to take 'Silence' as an imperative, I think"} {"Clue":"Be sure! Run and see (4)","Answer":"RELY","Explanation":"Definition: Be sure\nR [run] + ELY [see]"} {"Clue":"Dog runs on tips of toes (7)","Answer":"POINTER","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nPOINTE [in ballet, the tip of the toe] + R [runs]"} {"Clue":"Liable to pay in court, as record includes arrest (7)","Answer":"FINABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Liable to pay in court\nFILE [record] round NAB [arrest]"} {"Clue":"Allowed to be executed? That's terrible (5)","Answer":"AWFUL","Explanation":"Definition: terrible\n[l]AWFUL [allowed, with its head chopped off]"} {"Clue":"High culture: dandies take selections with no pressure (5,4)","Answer":"BEAUX ARTS","Explanation":"Definition: High culture\nBEAUX [dandies] + [p]ARTS [selections?] minus p [pressure]"} {"Clue":"Stoke thoughts of egg layer's faulty chromosome (5,5)","Answer":"GRAY\u2019S ELEGY","Explanation":"Definition: Stoke thoughts\nAnagram [faulty] of EGG LAYER'S + Y [chromosome] \u2013 Gray's 'Elegy written in a country churchyard' was written at Stoke Poges"} {"Clue":"One month and another back in US base (4)","Answer":"GUAM","Explanation":"Definition: US base\nReversal [back] of M [month] + AUG [another month]"} {"Clue":"A rat race? (4-8)","Answer":"HALF-MARATHON","Explanation":"A RAT is half of MARATHON"} {"Clue":"It is hard to defend profit \u2014 at least most of it is wrong (8,4)","Answer":"MARGINAL SEAT","Explanation":"Definition: It is hard to defend\nMARGIN [profit] + an anagram [wrong] of AT LEAS[t]"} {"Clue":"Abroad and old means ruin (4)","Answer":"UNDO","Explanation":"Definition: ruin\nUND [German 'and' ] + O [old]"} {"Clue":"Peace of mind, as little girl avoids serious medical condition (10)","Answer":"HEARTSEASE","Explanation":"Definition: Peace of mind\nHEART [di]SEASE minus the familiar little girl Di \u2013 SOED and Collins both give this definition but Chambers simply gives it as a name for the pansy, which I've always thought rather charming"} {"Clue":"Put on performance of carols to be heard at Covent Garden? (3,6)","Answer":"DON CARLOS","Explanation":"Definition: to be heard at Covent Garden?\nDON [put on] + an anagram [performance] of CAROLS"} {"Clue":"I hold teaching qualification \u2014 fix? (5)","Answer":"IMBED","Explanation":"Definition: fix\nI'M B.ED. [Bachelor of Education]"} {"Clue":"Re: woman I found in drink (7)","Answer":"RHENIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Re\nHEN [woman] + I in RUM [drink]:\u00a0 chemical symbol \u2013 which I saw quite quickly, compared with the number of times I've been caught out by As = arsenic"} {"Clue":"Water being this universal, keeping head above it? (7)","Answer":"SOLVENT","Explanation":"Definition: Water being this universalkeeping head above it\nDouble \/ cryptic definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Painful feelings about heading for road accidents (6)","Answer":"PRANGS","Explanation":"Definition: accidents\nPANGS [painful feelings] round R[oad]"} {"Clue":"Carrying a Colt and dope to gangster (2,4)","Answer":"IN FOAL","Explanation":"Definition: Carrying a Colt\nINFO [dope] + AL [Capone \u2013 gangster]"} {"Clue":"Foreign claimant is charming? (10)","Answer":"TALISMANIC","Explanation":"Definition: charming\nAnagram [foreign] of CLAIMANT IS"} {"Clue":"As non-conformist, show shock when made to accept bishop (5)","Answer":"REBEL","Explanation":"Definition: non-conformist\nREEL [show shock] round B [bishop]"} {"Clue":"Something pour le weekend in this? (9)","Answer":"FRANGLAIS","Explanation":"Definition: Something pour le weekend in this?\nCryptic definition, with fond memories of the late Miles Kington"} {"Clue":"Following 10 into trap (4)","Answer":"NEXT","Explanation":"Definition: Following\nX [ten] in NET [trap]"} {"Clue":"It's painful in non-upholstered carriage (8)","Answer":"BAROUCHE","Explanation":"Definition: carriage\nOUCH [it's painful] in BARE [non-upholstered]"} {"Clue":"In leisure time, people right to cross land (8)","Answer":"EASEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: right to cross land\nMEN [people] in EASE [leisure] T [time]: 'the right enjoyed by a landowner of making limited use of his neighbour's land, as by crossing it to reach his own property' [Collins]"} {"Clue":"Want allies mobilised for constituency election here (10)","Answer":"EATANSWILL","Explanation":"Definition: constituency election here\nAnagram [mobilised] of WANT ALLIES \u2013 there was an election here in 'The Pickwick Papers'"} {"Clue":"Fall badly, clutching broken leg with hesitation \u2014 it provides locomotion (9)","Answer":"FLAGELLUM","Explanation":"Definition: it provides locomotion\nAnagram [badly] of FALL round an anagram [broken] of LEG + UM [hesitation]"} {"Clue":"Almost burn top of strawberry crumble (8)","Answer":"SMOULDER","Explanation":"Definition: Almost burn\nS[trawberry] + MOULDER [crumble]"} {"Clue":"Care for girl, largely one strait-laced? (8)","Answer":"PRUDENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Caregirl\nDouble definition, with an extra bit of wordplay in PRUDE [one strait-laced] \u2013 Prudence was the girl Gordon Brown had a liking for"} {"Clue":"Doll that is subjected to cruel remark (6)","Answer":"BARBIE","Explanation":"Definition: Doll\nBARB [cruel remark] + IE [that is]"} {"Clue":"Back in treatment, I'd degenerated, do you see? (6)","Answer":"GEDDIT","Explanation":"Definition: do you see?\nHidden reversal [back] in treatmenT I'D DEGenerated"} {"Clue":"Girl's getting wines, flowers and chocolates (5)","Answer":"ROSES","Explanation":"Definition: Girl'swinesflowerschocolates\nQuadruple definition, with a bit of product placement"} {"Clue":"Country church abolished out of spite (4)","Answer":"MALI","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nMALI[ce] [spite minus ce \u2013 church] \u2013 a nice echo of 11ac"} {"Clue":"Waffles for starter? Poor diets are most extensive (6)","Answer":"WIDEST","Explanation":"Definition: most extensive\nW[affles] + an anagram [poor] of DIETS"} {"Clue":"Nice jogging around sport's track in winter (3,3)","Answer":"ICE RUN","Explanation":"Definition: track in winter\nAnagram [jogging] of NICE round R[ugby] U[nion] [sport]"} {"Clue":"Celebrate like the Jacksons on drugs? (4,4)","Answer":"HIGH FIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Celebrate\nHIGH [on drugs] + [the Jackson] FIVE"} {"Clue":"Former PM's heart\u00adbroken to discover this dirt (5,5)","Answer":"BROWN EARTH","Explanation":"Definition: dirt\nBROWN [former PM] + an anagram [broken] of HEART"} {"Clue":"Clubs getting fit: the focus of Aston Villa, perhaps (6)","Answer":"CHALET","Explanation":"Definition: Villa, perhaps\nC [clubs] + HALE [fit] + [as]T[on]"} {"Clue":"Ointment taken after loud party (8)","Answer":"FUNCTION","Explanation":"Definition: party\nF [loud] + UNCTION [ointment]"} {"Clue":"A wandering lepidoptera? (5,4)","Answer":"GYPSY MOTH","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 but this doesn't really work, because lepidoptera is plural"} {"Clue":"Smell detected from 3 km? (4)","Answer":"REEK","Explanation":"Definition: Smell\n[th]REE K[ilometres]"} {"Clue":"About 10 work from this kind of college (5,4)","Answer":"SIXTH FORM","Explanation":"Definition: kind of college\nAnagram [work] of FROM THIS round X [ten] \u2013 this amused me, because I was once one of the ten!"} {"Clue":"Angry trade unionist abandons revolutionary ideas to become \u2026 (4,4)","Answer":"TURN INTO","Explanation":"Definition: become\nWe have to take an anagram [revolutionary] of 'ideas' from 'TR[ade] UNION[is]T' and form another anagram [angry]"} {"Clue":"one old confused simpleton (6)","Answer":"NOODLE","Explanation":"Definition: simpleton\nAnagram [confused] of ONE OLD"} {"Clue":"Spooner's equipment for heavy drinkers? More drink! (6,4)","Answer":"GINGER BEER","Explanation":"Definition: drink\n'Binger gear' would be Spooner's equipment for heavy drinkers"} {"Clue":"Couple from China? (4)","Answer":"MATE","Explanation":"Definition: CoupleChina\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Oppose terrorists invading others (6)","Answer":"RESIST","Explanation":"Definition: Oppose\nIS [terrorists] in REST [others]"} {"Clue":"from 100,501,500? (6)","Answer":"CLONED","Explanation":"Cryptic definition, which takes a bit of dismantling: C [100] + L [50] + ONE [1] + D [500]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Serious question as husband leaves for piece of silver? (7)","Answer":"WEIGHTY","Explanation":"Definition: Serious\nEIGHT [piece of silver] replaces h [husband] in W[h]Y [question]"} {"Clue":"Initially dishonest prosecutor holds invalid law degree (5)","Answer":"D PHIL","Explanation":"Definition: degree\nInitial letters of D[ishonest] P[rosecutor] H[olds] I[nvalid] L[aw]"} {"Clue":"Tailless mammal returns to eat another very small thing (7)","Answer":"SUBATOM","Explanation":"Definition: very small thing\nReversal [returns] of MOUS[e] [tailless mammal] round BAT [another mammal]"} {"Clue":"Dog with bite? (6)","Answer":"CANINE","Explanation":"Double[ish] \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Food for tea be cooked over Sunday (5,4)","Answer":"ROAST BEEF","Explanation":"Definition: Food\nAnagram [cooked] of FOR TEA BE round S [Sunday]"} {"Clue":"Cryptic clue for 10's grid? (7)","Answer":"NETWORK","Explanation":"Definition: grid\nNET is an anagram [work] of TEN"} {"Clue":"Cheap bread? (8,5)","Answer":"CONFETTI MONEY","Explanation":"Cryptic definition for a phrase which was new to me, I think, but obvious, really: 'paper money which is virtually worthless, esp as a result of acute inflation' [Chambers]"} {"Clue":"Shakespeare's words may last a lifetime (5,4,2,3)","Answer":"SEVEN AGES OF MAN","Explanation":"Definition: Shakespeare's words\nCryptic definition for Jaques' famous speech from 'As you like it', beginning, 'All the world's a stage'"} {"Clue":"Mathematician: \"4 + 1? Um \u2026.\" (7)","Answer":"FOURIER","Explanation":"Definition: Mathematician\nFOUR [4] + I [1] + ER [um]"} {"Clue":"The Strand building I'd rent by the pound (7)","Answer":"TENDRIL","Explanation":"Definition: Strand\nAnagram [building] of I'D RENT + L [pound]"} {"Clue":"Said to be family (7)","Answer":"RELATED","Explanation":"Definition: Saidfamily\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Catches criminal, earns bonus at last (6)","Answer":"SNARES","Explanation":"Definition: Catches\nAnagram [criminal] of EARNS + [bonu]S"} {"Clue":"Nice to be flexible in steady job that's cushy (8)","Answer":"SINECURE","Explanation":"Definition: job that's cushy\nAnagram [to be flexible] of NICE in SURE [steady]"} {"Clue":"Monarch \u2014 a king for a day (6)","Answer":"ARTHUR","Explanation":"Definition: Monarch\nA R [a king] + THUR[sday] \u2013 [T.H. White called him 'The once and Future King']"} {"Clue":"Bound to be captain (4)","Answer":"SKIP","Explanation":"Definition: Boundcaptain\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Vulgar, a notable stinker (4,6)","Answer":"BLUE CHEESE","Explanation":"Definition: stinker\nBLUE [vulgar] + CHEESE [notable \u2013 as in 'big cheese']"} {"Clue":"Infusion \u2014 put it back together (6)","Answer":"TISANE","Explanation":"Definition: Infusion\nReversal [put back] of IT + SANE [together \u2013 nice!]"} {"Clue":"Shout to fielder about right for Dickens character (8)","Answer":"CRATCHIT","Explanation":"Definition: Dickens character\nCATCH IT! [shout to fielder] round R [right]"} {"Clue":"Stars drinking alcohol \u2014 slippery slopes! (3,4)","Answer":"SKI RUNS","Explanation":"Definition: slippery slopes!\nSUNS [stars] round KIR [alcohol]"} {"Clue":"Trotter, extremely restricted by Dickens character, won't work (7)","Answer":"STRIKES","Explanation":"Definition: won't work\nT[rotte]R in [Bill] SIKES [murderous character from 'Oliver Twist'] \u2013 and Job Trotter is a character in 'The Pickwick Papers'"} {"Clue":"Dickens character taking issue with dragon (8)","Answer":"MAGWITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Dickens character\nMAG[azine] [issue] + WITCH [dragon]"} {"Clue":"Dickens character going back and forth (6)","Answer":"PIRRIP","Explanation":"Definition: Dickens character\nSurname of Pip in 'Great Expectations' \u2013 a palindrome"} {"Clue":"Lithium injected into lamb etc I cooked with steel and tin, perhaps? (10)","Answer":"BIMETALLIC","Explanation":"Definition: with steel and tin, perhaps?\nLI [lithium] in an anagram [cooked] of LAMB ETC I"} {"Clue":"Large spruce (4)","Answer":"TIDY","Explanation":"Double definition, as in 'a tidy sum'"} {"Clue":"Animosity in good Dickens character (6)","Answer":"GRUDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Animosity\nG [good] + [Barnaby] RUDGE \u2013 eponymous character"} {"Clue":"Verse minister cut and cut again (8)","Answer":"CLERIHEW","Explanation":"Definition: Verse\nCLERI[c] [minister cut] + HEW [cut again]"} {"Clue":"Go for somewhere in Scotland, as Dickens character (8)","Answer":"PICKWICK","Explanation":"Definition: Dickens character\nPICK [go for \u2013 I liked that] + WICK [somewhere in Scotland]"} {"Clue":"Dickens character in a jumble, say? (4)","Answer":"HEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Dickens character\nSounds like 'heap'"} {"Clue":"Appear clumsy as Dickens character (6)","Answer":"BUMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Appear clumsyDickens character\nDouble definition \u2013 the beadle in 'Oliver Twist', who, for many, will have the face \u2013 and voice \u2013 of Sir Harry Secombe"} {"Clue":"Dead clever eating meal that's topped and tailed (7)","Answer":"DEFUNCT","Explanation":"Definition: Dead\nDEFT [clever] round [l]UNC[h] [meal, topped and tailed]"} {"Clue":"Homer's issue about cleaner illustration of comparative values (3,5)","Answer":"BAR CHART","Explanation":"Definition: illustration of comparative values\nBART [Homer Simpson's issue] round CHAR [cleaner]"} {"Clue":"Unlikely rich setter will be giving more (10)","Answer":"STRETCHIER","Explanation":"Definition: giving more\nAnagram [unlikely] of RICH SETTER \u2013 nice surface and definition"} {"Clue":"Devout prayer not quite about English breakfast food (6)","Answer":"MUESLI","Explanation":"Definition: breakfast food\nMUSLI[m] [devout prayer] round E [English]"} {"Clue":"Oh dear, wars destroy\u00aded those honed for battle (10)","Answer":"ARROWHEADS","Explanation":"Definition: those honed for battle\nAnagram [destroyed] of OH DEAR WARS"} {"Clue":"Fools accepting price for salts (8)","Answer":"NITRATES","Explanation":"Definition: salts\nNITS [fools] round RATE [price]"} {"Clue":"Deliver criminal, arresting old villain (8)","Answer":"EVILDOER","Explanation":"Definition: villain\nAnagram [criminal] of DELIVER round O [old]"} {"Clue":"Insects under teacup (7)","Answer":"CHALICE","Explanation":"Definition: cup\nLICE [insects] under CHA [tea]"} {"Clue":"A seesaw covering middle of big bird cage (6)","Answer":"AVIARY","Explanation":"Definition: bird cage\nA + VARY [seesaw] round [b]I[g]"} {"Clue":"Appropriate Dickens character (6)","Answer":"POCKET","Explanation":"Double definition \u2013 Herbert, from 'Great Expectations'"} {"Clue":"Finally get a bit of wood (4)","Answer":"TWIG","Explanation":"Definition: Finally getbit of wood\nDouble definition \u2013 appropriately, my last one in, which made me smile"} {"Clue":"Possession of just the thing, when in dread at day's end (9)","Answer":"TERRITORY","Explanation":"Definition: Possession\nIT [just the thing] in TERROR [dread] + [da]Y"} {"Clue":"Bl\u00e9riot's gold coin? (5)","Answer":"LOUIS","Explanation":"Definition: gold coin\nA French gold coin, introduced by Louis XIII in 1640 and superseded in 1795 by the 20-franc piece \u2013 and a reference to Louis Bl\u00e9riot, the French aviator first to cross the Channel in a heavier than air aeroplane"} {"Clue":"Short book at a universal outlet, not much to get your teeth into (3-2-4)","Answer":"VOL-AU-VENT","Explanation":"Definition: not much to get your teeth into\nVOL[ume] [short book] + A + U[niversal] + VENT [outlet]"} {"Clue":"Ridiculous popgun challenge (6)","Answer":"OPPUGN","Explanation":"Definition: challenge\nAnagram [ridiculous] of POPGUN"} {"Clue":"First glimpse of couture outlet's tailored skirt (8)","Answer":"CULOTTES","Explanation":"Definition: skirt\nC[outure] + an anagram [tailored] of OUTLETS"} {"Clue":"Complaint from Pat, the esteemed singer (7)","Answer":"RUBELLA","Explanation":"Definition: Complaint\nRUB [pat?] + ELLA [Fitzgerald] [esteemed singer]"} {"Clue":"Lots of bounce \u2014 not Jack the lad? (7)","Answer":"UMPTEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Lots of\n[J]UMP [bounce minus J \u2013 Jack] + TEEN [lad?]"} {"Clue":"Stress port as an option, if you want to keep more of your income (3,5)","Answer":"TAX HAVEN","Explanation":"Definition: an option, if you want to keep more of your income\nA simple charade of TAX [stress] + HAVEN [port]"} {"Clue":"Imagine being shown inside said eatery (6)","Answer":"IDEATE","Explanation":"Definition: Imagine\nHidden in saID EATEry"} {"Clue":"Not just a Chinese name entered by Rex (5)","Answer":"WRONG","Explanation":"Definition: Not just\nR [Rex] in WONG [Chinese name]"} {"Clue":"Interval production of Elton John's mid-section, hosted by Guardian (5,4)","Answer":"WHOLE TONE","Explanation":"Definition: Interval\nAnagram [production] of ELTON [j]OH[n] in WE [Guardian]"} {"Clue":"Cavalryman's second hip replacement with advanced insertion (5)","Answer":"SPAHI","Explanation":"Definition: Cavalryman\nS [second] + an anagram [replacement] of HIP round A [advanced] \u2013 an unusual word \u2013 but so were all the others that would have fitted this space \u2013 a Turkish or French Algerian cavalryman"} {"Clue":"Carried off the making of leather with raised surface (9)","Answer":"KIDNAPPED","Explanation":"Definition: Carried off\nAnother simple charade: KID [the making of leather \u2013 I think this should be 'makings'] + NAPPED [with raised surface]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Core reaction increased \u2014 get back (6)","Answer":"RECOUP","Explanation":"Definition: get back\nAnagram [reaction] of CORE + UP [increased]"} {"Clue":"Darling Hazel possibly goes round America the wrong way, meeting resistance (8)","Answer":"TREASURE","Explanation":"Definition: Darling\nTREE [Hazel possibly] round a reversal [the wrong way] of USA [America] + R [resistance]"} {"Clue":"Jobs formally scuppered by events? (6)","Answer":"STEVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Jobs formally\nAnagram [scuppered] of EVENTS"} {"Clue":"Mighty water, river current firm, going round in circles\" (7)","Answer":"ORINOCO","Explanation":"Definition: Mighty water\nR [river] + IN [current] + reversal [going round] of CO [firm] in OO [circles] \u2013 I think the clue refers to 'The Mighty Orinoco', by Jules Verne"} {"Clue":"Dress right for frost, making a capital start? (6)","Answer":"ROBERT","Explanation":"Definition: frost, making a capital start?\nROBE [dress] + RT [right] \u2013 with a capital letter for Frost, we get the American poet"} {"Clue":"Religious academic stands in line to bow and scrape (6)","Answer":"FIDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: bow and scrape\nDD [Doctor of Divinity \u2013 religious academic] in FILE [line]"} {"Clue":"Choice of lead, except for Bottom (4)","Answer":"PLUM","Explanation":"Definition: Choice\nPLUM[bum] [lead minus bum \u2013 bottom]"} {"Clue":"Condition not welcomed by those returned from down under (3,5)","Answer":"THE BENDS","Explanation":"Definition: Condition not welcomed by those returned from down under\nCryptic definition for the decompression sickness sometimes experienced by divers"} {"Clue":"Male who'd benefit from cooked dinner has round brought in (3,3,4)","Answer":"SON AND HEIR","Explanation":"Definition: Male who'd benefit\nAnagram [cooked] of DINNER HAS round O [round]"} {"Clue":"Start a revolution back at the centre \u2014 cheat (4,3)","Answer":"LOVE RAT","Explanation":"Definition: cheat\nReversed [back] hidden in starT A REVOLution, beginning at the middle letter"} {"Clue":"Improvised street boxing surgery gets canopy (8)","Answer":"TREETOPS","Explanation":"Definition: canopy\nAnagram [improvised] of STREET round [boxing] OP [surgery]"} {"Clue":"Short jogging bra finished on time (6)","Answer":"ABRUPT","Explanation":"Definition: Short\nAnagram [jogging] of BRA + UP [finished] + T [time]"} {"Clue":"Laughter about state school's study course head (6)","Answer":"HONCHO","Explanation":"Definition: head\nHO HO [laughter] round NC [North Carolina \u2013 state] \u2013 but I can't see where state school's study fits in *Edit: see Andrew @1 \u2013 my thanks to him"} {"Clue":"Victoria, say, lives light (6)","Answer":"ISLAND","Explanation":"Definition: Victoria, say\nIS [lives] + LAND [light]"} {"Clue":"Kindle with this metal off-red container (9)","Answer":"TINDER BOX","Explanation":"Definition: Kindle with this\nTIN [metal] + an anagram [off] of RED + BOX [container]"} {"Clue":"Subdue back of class at frequent intervals (6)","Answer":"SOFTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Subdue\n[clas]S + OFTEN"} {"Clue":"Story gets backing \u2014 editor in high spirits (6)","Answer":"ELATED","Explanation":"Definition: in high spirits\nReversal [backing] of TALE [story] + ED [editor]"} {"Clue":"Place to use deception at university (4)","Answer":"LIEU","Explanation":"Definition: Place\nLIE [use deception] + U [university]"} {"Clue":"Suffering with relatives? Write to these for advice (5,5)","Answer":"AGONY AUNTS","Explanation":"Definition: Write to these for advice\nAgony [suffering] + AUNTS [relatives]"} {"Clue":"Strike for which the catering staff is responsible (6)","Answer":"BUFFET","Explanation":"Definition: Strikefor which the catering staff is responsible\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Order cattle by the head (8)","Answer":"NEATNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Order\nNEAT [cattle] + NESS [head]"} {"Clue":"How seasick people feel on disembarking? (6,3)","Answer":"BETTER OFF","Explanation":"Definition: How seasick people feel on disembarking?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Fruit attached to the trunk (4)","Answer":"HIPS","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Intervals quietly employed in empty talk (4)","Answer":"GAPS","Explanation":"Definition: Intervals\nP [quietly] in GAS [empty talk]"} {"Clue":"Ballet posture of Lincoln in square dance (9)","Answer":"ARABESQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Ballet posture\nABE [Lincoln] in an anagram [dance] of SQUARE \u2013 one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"Demonstrates hostility to private accommodation (8)","Answer":"BARRACKS","Explanation":"Definition: Demonstrates hostility toprivate accommodation\nDouble definition \u2013 with a play on 'private'"} {"Clue":"A number of horses making way to arena (6)","Answer":"STRING","Explanation":"Definition: A number of horses\nST [way] + RING [arena]"} {"Clue":"About a hundred men come out to set the ball rolling again (10)","Answer":"RECOMMENCE","Explanation":"Definition: set the ball rolling again\nRE [about] + C [a hundred] + an anagram [out] of MEN COME"} {"Clue":"Large number seen in a doctor's rounds (4)","Answer":"AMMO","Explanation":"Definition: rounds\nM [large number] in A MO [a doctor]"} {"Clue":"Give a plain description of French capital (6)","Answer":"DEFINE","Explanation":"Definition: Give a plain description of\nDE [of French] + FINE [capital]"} {"Clue":"What boy did with toy \u2014 and same with game! (6)","Answer":"RHYMED","Explanation":"Definition: What boy did with toy \u2014 and same with game!\nSelf-explanatory \u2013 another favourite\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Capture by sudden attack (7)","Answer":"SEIZURE","Explanation":"Definition: Capturesudden attack\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Blunder will get you down (5)","Answer":"FLUFF","Explanation":"Definition: Blunderdown\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Retired thespian appearing as Shylock? (7)","Answer":"EXACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Shylock?\nEX [former] + ACTOR [thespian] \u2013 the question mark indicates definition by example"} {"Clue":"Bet on chap not being a cleric (6)","Answer":"LAYMAN","Explanation":"Definition: not being a cleric\nLAY [bet] + MAN [chap]"} {"Clue":"Repeated absenteeism gets curates in trouble (9)","Answer":"TRUANCIES","Explanation":"Definition: Repeated absenteeism\nAnagram [trouble] of CURATES IN"} {"Clue":"Has a hatred of French exams (7)","Answer":"DETESTS","Explanation":"Definition: Has a hatred of\nDE [of French \u2013 again] + TESTS [exams]"} {"Clue":"It's cheap and any number can get it, apparently (5,3,1,4)","Answer":"GOING FOR A SONG","Explanation":"Definition: cheap\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Past offer may result in contracts (6,3)","Answer":"TAPERS OFF","Explanation":"Definition: contracts\nAnagram [may result in] of PAST OFFER"} {"Clue":"OK to take the lead (2,5)","Answer":"GO AHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: OKtake the lead\nDouble definition, the first being a noun and needing a hyphen"} {"Clue":"Beg bread initially, then cheese spread (7)","Answer":"BESEECH","Explanation":"Definition: Beg\nB[read] + an anagram [spread] of CHEESE"} {"Clue":"Undistinguished and mundane assembly (7)","Answer":"UNNAMED","Explanation":"Definition: Undistinguished\nAnagram [assembly] of MUNDANE"} {"Clue":"Perspicacity shown by a hundred university chaps (6)","Answer":"ACUMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Perspicacity\nA C [a hundred] + U [university] + MEN \u2013 I liked this one, too"} {"Clue":"True capital of Moroccan kingdom (5)","Answer":"REALM","Explanation":"Definition: kingdom\nREAL [true] + M[oroccan]"} {"Clue":"Baby eland's content to be left by itself more than once (5)","Answer":"CUBED","Explanation":"Definition: by itself more than once\nCUB [baby] + E[lan]D [content to be left]"} {"Clue":"Relating to drink, I bloat badly \u2014 I try avoiding it (8)","Answer":"LIBATORY","Explanation":"Definition: Relating to drink\nAnagram [badly] of I BLOAT [i t]RY"} {"Clue":"Domestic problem of depression in film actors' guild (8,6)","Answer":"NEGATIVE EQUITY","Explanation":"Definition: Domestic problem\nCryptic definition, Equity being the actors' guild \u2013 'of depression' could be included in the definition* [Edit: I should have known there was more to it than that: NEGATIVE = film {I'd wondered why that was there!} and 'of depression' is definitely part of the definition \u2013 thanks to Limeni @16]"} {"Clue":"Dear me, I suspect Liberal intended to make things better! (8)","Answer":"REMEDIAL","Explanation":"Definition: intended to make things better\nAnagram [suspect] of DEAR ME I L [Liberal]"} {"Clue":"Endless rubbish stuck in which craw? (6)","Answer":"THROAT","Explanation":"Definition: craw\nRO[t] [endless rubbish] in THAT [which]"} {"Clue":"Expressing a slight scepticism about old ways of seeing things? (9)","Answer":"GASLIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: old ways of seeing things\nWell hidden in expressinG A SLIGHT Scepticism \u2013 a real 'aha'!"} {"Clue":"Sheepishly talk with senior having invaded Iraqi city (5)","Answer":"BASRA","Explanation":"Definition: Iraqi city\nBAA [sheepishly talk!] round SR [senior]"} {"Clue":"A large group backing US inventor (5)","Answer":"TESLA","Explanation":"Definition: US inventor\nReversal [backing] of A L [large] SET [group]"} {"Clue":"One abreast of new and original band, we hear (9)","Answer":"NURSELING","Explanation":"Definition: One abreast\nN [new] + UR [original \u2013 which I learned through crosswords] + SELING, which, in the answer, sounds like [we hear] sling \u2013 band \u2013 despite what I said, I have to say this was one of my top favourites, for the definition and surface"} {"Clue":"Husband stepping back in show of respect \u2014 or resistance? (6)","Answer":"OHMAGE","Explanation":"Definition: or resistance\nH [husband] stepping back [we sometimes have discussions about whether it's back or forward] in HOMAGE [show of respect] \u2013 Prince Philip springs to mind"} {"Clue":"When in Paris, you prove to be most discerning (8)","Answer":"ASTUTEST","Explanation":"Definition: most discerning\nAS [when] + TU [in Paris you] + TEST [prove]"} {"Clue":"Slough's allure is, on reflection, very English (that might win you over) (5,9)","Answer":"CHARM OFFENSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: (that might win you over)\nCHARM OF FEN [Slough's allure!] + reversal [on reflection] of IS + V [very] E [English] \u2013 this reminded me of the very English John Betjeman's poem 'Slough', which he felt needed a charm offensive!"} {"Clue":"Insult the sovereign, say, when changing sides at the front like a traitor (8)","Answer":"DISLOYAL","Explanation":"Definition: like a traitor\nDIS [insult] + LOYAL [royal \u2013 sovereign, say, with the initial letter changing sides]"} {"Clue":"Sees red Greek's heart in tatters (5)","Answer":"RAGES","Explanation":"Definition: Sees red\nE [grEek's heart] in RAGS [tatters]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Churchgoers go on catering course (12)","Answer":"CONGREGATION","Explanation":"Definition: Churchgoers\nAnagram [course?] of GO ON CATERING"} {"Clue":"Two Dutch chaps? (9)","Answer":"BIGAMISTS","Explanation":"Definition: Two Dutch chaps?\nCryptic definition: a man with two Dutches [Cockney slang for wife] would be a bigamist \u2013 hilarious!"} {"Clue":"Departs, following first pairs of dazed terrapins out of the ark (5)","Answer":"DATED","Explanation":"Definition: out of the ark\nD [departs \u2013 as on timetables] after first two letters of DAzed TErrapins"} {"Clue":"Travelling through time back to Jonah in poor whale (9)","Answer":"LEVIATHAN","Explanation":"Definition: whale\nVIA [travelling through] + T [time] + [jona]H [back \u2013 last letter] in LEAN [poor]"} {"Clue":"Source of sugar cane, reportedly (4)","Answer":"BEET","Explanation":"Definition: Source of sugar\nSounds like BEAT [cane] \u2013 no ambiguity today, I think!"} {"Clue":"It pains me to be wearing present material (9)","Answer":"TOUCHABLE","Explanation":"Definition: material\nOUCH [it pains me] in [wearing] TABLE [present \u2013 as in table a motion]"} {"Clue":"Proportion beginning to reach one in a hundred, almost (5)","Answer":"RATIO","Explanation":"Definition: Proportion\nR[each] + I [one] in A TO[n] almost a hundred"} {"Clue":"Honesty is his strangest failing (12)","Answer":"STRAIGHTNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Honesty\nAnagram [failing] of HIS STRANGEST"} {"Clue":"Maiden name used during date by Laura, shortly after break-up (9)","Answer":"INAUGURAL","Explanation":"Definition: Maiden\nN [name] in I AUG [date] + an anagram [break-up] of LAUR[a] [shortly"} {"Clue":"Loves escaping from stores, so foul and mentally draining (9)","Answer":"STRESSFUL","Explanation":"Definition: mentally draining\nST[o]RES S[o] F[o]UL \u2013 'loves escaping' \u2013 a real 'aha' when this emerged, all in order!"} {"Clue":"Sign of frigidity? Sign of wedding following tip from birds and bees! (9)","Answer":"SHIVERING","Explanation":"Definition: Sign of frigidity?\nRING [sign of wedding] after [bird]S + HIVE [bees] \u2013 lovely!"} {"Clue":"Umra and hadj regularly supported by one Muslim leader (5)","Answer":"MAHDI","Explanation":"Definition: Muslim leader\n[u]M[r]A H[a]D + I [one]"} {"Clue":"Graceful, narrow ring of bone (5)","Answer":"ULNAR","Explanation":"Definition: of bone\nHidden in gracefUL NARrow"} {"Clue":"Leaves Billericay at last \u2014 perhaps Ceylon's warmer? (4)","Answer":"COSY","Explanation":"Definition: perhaps Ceylon's warmer?\nCOS [lettuce \u2013 leaves] + [billerica]Y \u2013 a warmer for [Ceylon] tea \u2013 a superb surface to end with!"} {"Clue":"Food for Schwarznegger on board (7)","Answer":"SARNIES","Explanation":"Definition: Food\nARNIE [Arnold Schwarznegger] in SS [steam ship \u2013 the familiar crossword 'on board']"} {"Clue":"1 in 8 may be absent round the end of term (4,3)","Answer":"BEST MAN","Explanation":"Definition: 1 in 8\nAnagram [may be] of ABSENT round [ter]M"} {"Clue":"After 3, it's immoral or it misrepresents Faust (okay with me) (5,3,3)","Answer":"MAKES YOU FAT","Explanation":"Definition: After 3, it's immoral or it\nAfter IT's ILLEGAL [answer to 3dn] and 'it's immoral or it', an anagram [misrepresents] of FAUST OKAY ME, the title of this Beverley Sisters song"} {"Clue":"Inverse function error is mine (5,4)","Answer":"BOOBY TRAP","Explanation":"Definition: mine\nA reversal [inverse] of PARTY [function] + BOOB"} {"Clue":"Fussy in rejecting, say by the end of October, the essentials of transport (5,5)","Answer":"CANAL BARGE","Explanation":"Definition: transport\nI thought I wasn't going to get this then, mercifully, the penny dropped just as I was about to write up the blog: it's ANAL [fussy] in a reversal [rejecting] of EG [say] + [octobe]R + ABC [essentials]"} {"Clue":"Her father and brother were as one in opposing Left (8)","Answer":"ANTIGONE","Explanation":"Definition: Her father and brother were as one\nANTI [opposing] + GONE [left]: Antigone was the daughter of Oedipus, who unknowingly killed his father and married his mother, Jocasta, and so, since they had the same mother, Oedipus was both her father and brother \u2013 this has to be my favourite clue, I think"} {"Clue":"Go berserk and get sectioned (12)","Answer":"DEPARTMENTAL","Explanation":"Definition: sectioned\nDEPART [go] + MENTAL [berserk]"} {"Clue":"Thud may be heard, but not on a rug down there? (12)","Answer":"ONOMATOPOEIA","Explanation":"Definition: Thud may be\nI'm always struck by Philistine's obvious delight in manipulating language: if you say this out loud, it really does [to me anyway] sound like\u00a0 [heard] 'on a mat up here'\u00a0 \u2013 as opposed to 'on a rug down there' : it made me laugh out loud at its sheer audacity \u2013 and it's the more amusing because the answer has to do with 'sounding like'"} {"Clue":"Boat perch (4)","Answer":"DORY","Explanation":"Definition: Boatperch\nDouble definition \u2013 a flat-bottomed boat and a fish with many varieties, one of which, I think, could be the [John ] Dory"} {"Clue":"Start to depict bondage on mobile phone (3,3,4)","Answer":"DOG AND BONE","Explanation":"Definition: phone\nD[epict] + an anagram [mobile] of BONDAGE ON to give the Cockney rhyming slang for 'phone'\u00a0 \u2013 excellent!"} {"Clue":"Typically show detailed epic tome in sex (9)","Answer":"EPITOMISE","Explanation":"Definition: Typically show\nEPI[c] + TOM[e] + I[n] + SE[x] \u2013 all minus their last letter \u2013 de-tailed"} {"Clue":"Part 2 of 3 starting off ghastly (5)","Answer":"AWFUL","Explanation":"Definition: ghastly\nI think 'part 2' [of the answer to 3dn] must mean the second half, which gives LEGAL [=lawful] and we then have to take away the first letter [starting off]"} {"Clue":"Hitman line (7)","Answer":"TANGENT","Explanation":"Definition: line\nTAN [hit] + GENT [man]"} {"Clue":"Neither L nor tablet D (7)","Answer":"DESKTOP","Explanation":"Definition: Neither L nor tablet\nD is the first letter \u2013 'top' \u2013 of Desk \u2013 I know some won't like this \u2013 not L [the first letter of Lap] \u2013 and a DESKTOP is neither a laptop nor a tablet\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Ouch! At first, sado-masochism hurt a lot (2,4)","Answer":"SO MUCH","Explanation":"Definition: a lot\nAnagram [hurt] of S M [Sado-Masochism at first] + OUCH"} {"Clue":"Ragtag vacated to be replaced by similar gathering (6)","Answer":"RAKING","Explanation":"Definition: gathering\nR[agta]G vacated round AKIN [similar]"} {"Clue":"I lean over the French girl, and get arrested for it (3,7)","Answer":"ITS ILLEGAL","Explanation":"Definition: get arrested for it\nI + a reversal [over] of LIST [lean] + LE [the French] + GAL [girl]"} {"Clue":"Israeli wanting Arabs out (5)","Answer":"SABRA","Explanation":"Definition: Israeli\nAnagram [out] of ARABS: a native-born Israeli Jew"} {"Clue":"Awful brouhaha to get England finally at crisis point (7,2,1,4)","Answer":"BROUGHT TO A HEAD","Explanation":"Definition: at crisis point\nAnagram [awful] of BROUHAHA TO GET + [englan]D"} {"Clue":"Reportedly stays late crossing it (4)","Answer":"STYX","Explanation":"Definition: late crossing it\nSounds like 'sticks' [stays] \u2013 with a cryptic definition for the river in the Underworld which the dead [late] must\u00a0 cross"} {"Clue":"Steep climbing rocket an IRA man secured (8)","Answer":"MARINATE","Explanation":"Definition: Steep\nReversed hidden in rockET AN IRA Man"} {"Clue":"Wedding list a problem after joke backfires (8)","Answer":"NUPTIALS","Explanation":"Definition: Wedding\nAnagram [problem] of LIST A after a reversal [backfires] of PUN [joke]"} {"Clue":"Those serving alcohol should be in prison (6,4)","Answer":"BEHIND BARS","Explanation":"Definition: Those serving alcohol should bein prison\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"One might justify a sport with substance (9)","Answer":"APOLOGIST","Explanation":"Definition: One might justify\nA POLO [a sport] + GIST [substance]"} {"Clue":"Chilblains cause apprehension (4,4)","Answer":"COLD FEET","Explanation":"Definition: apprehension\nWe need to add an apostrophe to 'chilblains', which are caused by cold feet"} {"Clue":"Force has not met econometric model (8)","Answer":"COERCION","Explanation":"Definition: Force\nAnagram [model] of ECONO[met]RIC minus 'met'"} {"Clue":"Friend hitched up a fold (6)","Answer":"DEWLAP","Explanation":"Definition: fold\nReversal [up] of PAL [friend] and WED [hitched]"} {"Clue":"Main worker providing revolutionary war machine (9)","Answer":"FISHERMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Main worker\nReversal [revolutionary] of IF [providing] + SHERMAN [tank \u2013 war machine] \u2013 with a Rufus-like allusion to main = sea"} {"Clue":"Yellowish nut (4)","Answer":"BUFF","Explanation":"Definition: Yellowish nut\nDouble definition, nut in the sense of enthusiast"} {"Clue":"Lackey following party rule (8)","Answer":"DOMINION","Explanation":"Definition: rule\nCharade of MINION [lackey] following DO [party]"} {"Clue":"One in factory, yielding (6)","Answer":"PLIANT","Explanation":"Definition: yielding\nI [one] in PLANT [factory]"} {"Clue":"Nothing to hide in stuttering we suspect, as words hard to say (6-7)","Answer":"TONGUE-TWISTER","Explanation":"Definition: words hard to say\nO [nothing] in an anagram [suspect] of STUTTERING WE"} {"Clue":"Posh kid has to tolerate travel by train, all may conclude (8)","Answer":"BROOKLYN","Explanation":"Definition: Posh kid\nBROOK [tolerate] + last letters [all may conclude] of traveL bY traiN \u2013 the son of David and Victoria [Posh Spice] Beckham, of course: apparently it isn't true that he was named after the place of his conception, so I won't repeat the crack about it being a good job it wasn't Peckham"} {"Clue":"Not entirely destitute, Russian in a warm, com\u00adforting place (6)","Answer":"UTERUS","Explanation":"Definition: warm, com\u00adforting place\nHidden in destitUTE RUSsian: strange definition \u2013 should it be 'comfortable'?"} {"Clue":"The story of my wife, perhaps? (8)","Answer":"RELATION","Explanation":"Definition: The storymy wife, perhaps?\nDouble definition \u2013 a bit of a chestnut"} {"Clue":"Talking wordplaying reptile? That's anarchic! (4,4)","Answer":"PUNK ROCK","Explanation":"Definition: That's anarchic!\n'Talking' suggests that it's a homophone of PUN CROC [wordplaying reptile] \u2013 but not at all in the way I would pronounce them and it's nothing to do with regional accents this time: I don't want to go into linguistics here \u2013 just try it for yourself and see where your mouth goes with the letter n."} {"Clue":"Concern parent's shown about infant, finally (6)","Answer":"MATTER","Explanation":"Definition: Concern\nMATER [mother \u2013 parent] round T [final letter of infanT]"} {"Clue":"One attached to an arrangement of holes? (8)","Answer":"SHOELACE","Explanation":"Definition: One attached to an arrangement of holes?\nLast one in: the only word that would fit and it was a case of 'Oh, I suppose it must be \u2013 cryptic definition?' and then I realised that it's ACE [one] attached to an anagram [arrangement] of HOLES, but it's a weird definition \u2013 though &lit, I suppose"} {"Clue":"Join together small head on small person (6)","Answer":"STITCH","Explanation":"Definition: Join together\nS [first letter \u2013 head \u2013 of Small] + TITCH [small person]"} {"Clue":"Ending in contact, an acknowledgement when hit with tip of \u00e9p\u00e9e? (6)","Answer":"TOUCH\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: an acknowledgement when hit with tip of \u00e9p\u00e9e?\nT [last letter of contacT] + OUCH [an acknowledgment when hit] + \u00c9 [first letter [tip] of \u00e9p\u00e9e \u2013 rather neat, because, as Andrew pointed out when blogging another clue the other day, both letters have an acute accent: a rather convoluted clue for a six-letter word but it makes a very nice surface \u2013 rather lost on me, though, because I saw 'contact' and immediately thought 'touch' \u2013 and it was a bit of a shame that it crossed with TOUCHDOWN, too. Perhaps the whole clue should be underlined \u2013 &lit?"} {"Clue":"Mathematical statement in a quote, perhaps? (8)","Answer":"EQUATION","Explanation":"Definition: Mathematical statement\nAnagram [perhaps] of IN A QUOTE"} {"Clue":"Separate card game (4)","Answer":"SNAP","Explanation":"Definition: Separatecard game\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Expression of contempt, one being caned? (9)","Answer":"RASPBERRY","Explanation":"Definition: Expression of contemptone being caned?\nAnd another one \u2013 raspberries grow on a cane\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Junk food including burger, ultimately for a Hobbit (5)","Answer":"FRODO","Explanation":"Definition: Hobbit\nAnagram [junk] of FOOD round last letter of burgeR"} {"Clue":"Primarily stylish bird, fashionable type (7)","Answer":"SWINGER","Explanation":"Definition: fashionable type\nS [first letter of Stylish] + WINGER [bird]"} {"Clue":"Cream slice's ending on hat when thrown up (5)","Answer":"\u00c9LITE","Explanation":"Definition: Cream\nReversal [thrown up] of TILE [hat] + E [last letter of slicE]"} {"Clue":"Hear the sound of a lamb, perhaps, as a feature of one's hotel room? (7)","Answer":"MINIBAR","Explanation":"Definition: a feature of one's hotel room?\nSounds like [hear] 'mini baa'\u00a0 [sound of a lamb, perhaps]"} {"Clue":"Close to oven, half-baked bloomer keeps soft, don't worry! (2,7)","Answer":"NO PROBLEM","Explanation":"Definition: don't worry!\nN [last letter of oveN] + an anagram [half-baked] of BLOOMER round P [soft]\u00a0 \u2013 I won't go into my issues with this expression"} {"Clue":"Beef steak, say, filled with danger (7)","Answer":"BRISKET","Explanation":"Definition: Beef steak, say\nBET [say] round RISK [danger]\u00a0 *Edit: see jkb_ing @6 for the undoubtedly correct parsing"} {"Clue":"By which Spooner might get hold of a rabbit in a sensitive area? (5,4)","Answer":"FUNNY BONE","Explanation":"Definition: a sensitive area\nSpooner might get hold of a rabbit using a bunny phone: this passes my test of being a viable phrase and I quite liked it \u2013 for a Spoonerism!"} {"Clue":"A dash crestfallen, seeing American sporting success (9)","Answer":"TOUCHDOWN","Explanation":"Definition: American sporting success\nTOUCH [a dash] + DOWN [crestfallen] \u2013 I don't see the need for 'American', since it's also a rugby term, isn't it?"} {"Clue":"One using catchphrases, someone looking to encapsulate fruity name? (9)","Answer":"SLOGANEER","Explanation":"Definition: One using catchphrases\nSEER [someone looking] round LOGAN ['fruity name' \u2013 the loganberry was accidentally created in 1883 by James Harvey Logan and named after him]"} {"Clue":"Born among wolves, raised to show a bit of leg (7)","Answer":"KNEECAP","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of leg\nN\u00c9E [born] in a reversal [raised] of PACK [wolves] \u2013 this inevitably revives memories of Rufus' classic: 'two girls, one on each knee (7)'"} {"Clue":"Guards look to restrain agent from below (7)","Answer":"KEEPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Guards\nReversal [from below] of SEEK [look] round REP [agent]"} {"Clue":"Mostly short and stocky, black fledgling (5)","Answer":"SQUAB","Explanation":"Definition: fledgling\nSQUA[t] [mostly short and stocky] + B [black]"} {"Clue":"Holding on, howl is intimate (5)","Answer":"CRONY","Explanation":"Definition: intimate\nCRY [howl] round ON"} {"Clue":"Put up in church but it may be loose (6)","Answer":"CHANGE","Explanation":"Definition: it may be loose\nHANG [put up -like pictures or curtains] in CE [church]"} {"Clue":"Talk in backroom of pub was effective (6)","Answer":"RABBIT","Explanation":"Definition: Talk\nReversal [back] of BAR [room in pub] + BIT [was effective]"} {"Clue":"Getting on to police \u2014 pinching conkers! (2,6,7)","Answer":"NO SPRING CHICKEN","Explanation":"Definition: Getting on\nLovely anagram [to police!] of PINCHING CONKERS \u2013 a real laugh-out-loud clue"} {"Clue":"Sell right Yorkshire bitter, I'd say (6)","Answer":"RETAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Sell\nSounds like 'reet ale', as a Yorkshireman might describe his bitter"} {"Clue":"Stopped one looking embarrassed about lie (8)","Answer":"ARRESTED","Explanation":"Definition: Stopped\nA [one] RED [looking embarrassed] round REST [lie]"} {"Clue":"State cover up these outrageous criminal charges (3,5)","Answer":"RAPSHEET","Explanation":"Definition: criminal charges\nRAP [sounds like {state} 'wrap' \u2013 cover up] + an anagram [outrageous] of THESE]"} {"Clue":"Performed valiantly in the old country (6)","Answer":"YEOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Performed valiantly\nYE ['the old' for crossword purposes, anyway] + OMAN [country] \u2013 I thought at first that the definition was a bit loose but we need to take YEOMAN as an adjective, rather than a noun, and 'performed valiantly' as an adjectival phrase, as in 'yeoman service'"} {"Clue":"Charm shown by Nicola Sturgeon, perhaps, to a degree (6)","Answer":"MASCOT","Explanation":"Definition: Charm\nMA [degree] + SCOT [Nicola Sturgeon, perhaps \u2013 and they don't come much more Scottish!]"} {"Clue":"Criticising what solvers are doing? No point (8)","Answer":"DECRYING","Explanation":"Definition: Criticising\nDECRY[pt]ING \u2013 what solvers do, minus point"} {"Clue":"Old barrister: \"Men have spoken about scene of fatal shootings\" (2, 6)","Answer":"OK CORRAL","Explanation":"Definition: scene of fatal shootings\nI was held up here for a minute or two, having taken the first O as being 'old' and being left with R for 'men' but, of course, it's ORAL [spoken] round KC [King's Counsel \u2013 old barrister] + the familiar OR [other ranks \u2013 'men']"} {"Clue":"Men are set to put a new handle on (6)","Answer":"RENAME","Explanation":"Definition: put a new handle on (6)\nAnagram [set] of MEN ARE"} {"Clue":"To be the boss's squeeze was sheer torture (4,3,8)","Answer":"WEAR THE TROUSERS","Explanation":"Definition: To be the boss\nA hilarious anagram [squeeze] of WAS SHEER TORTURE"} {"Clue":"Grey, maybe, or blue? It's tricky (6)","Answer":"SADIST","Explanation":"Definition: Grey, maybe\nSAD [blue] + an anagram [tricky] of ITS \u2013 the definition refers to Christian Grey in that book, which, of course, I haven't read"} {"Clue":"A weave whenever you fancy it (2,4)","Answer":"AT WILL","Explanation":"Definition: whenever you fancy it\nA TWILL \u2013 a weave"} {"Clue":"Infection around spot needs cream applied regularly (7)","Answer":"CHOLERA","Explanation":"Definition: Infection\nC [around] + HOLE [spot \u2013 a difficult situation] + [c]R[e]A]m"} {"Clue":"A mountain that's good to climb (5)","Answer":"ALPHA","Explanation":"Definition: A\nALP [mountain] + a reversal [to climb] of AH ['that's good']"} {"Clue":"Say, John Brown lying in his grave starts to rise! It's not true (7)","Answer":"GHILLIE","Explanation":"Definition: Say, John Brown\nA reversal [to rise] of the first letters [starts] of Lying In His Grave + LIE [it's not true] \u2013 a brilliant clue, referring to the John Brown whose soul goes marching on but the definition is Queen Victoria's"} {"Clue":"Lost drunk butts in here (7)","Answer":"ASHTRAY","Explanation":"Definition: butts in here\nASTRAY, as a drunk might say it"} {"Clue":"Supports politician \u2014 it's happened before now (9)","Answer":"BACKSTORY","Explanation":"Definition: it's happened before now\nBACKS [supports] + TORY [politician]"} {"Clue":"Lady sat round wrapping present (7)","Answer":"THERESA","Explanation":"Definition: Lady\nAn anagram [around] of SAT round [wrapping] HERE [present]"} {"Clue":"Keeps stopping a performance car \u2014 stunned (6)","Answer":"AGHAST","Explanation":"Definition: stunned\nHAS [keeps] in [stopping] A GT [a performance car]"} {"Clue":"Comforted, having been duped by The Voice (9)","Answer":"SUCCOURED","Explanation":"Definition: Comforted\nSounds like ['The Voice'] 'suckered' \u2013 having been duped: I hadn't met this as a verb \u2013 Chambers says it's esp US"} {"Clue":"Rings low down financial advisers after head vanishes (we should, too) (7)","Answer":"ANKLETS","Explanation":"Definition: Rings low down\n[b]ANK [financial advisers, head vanished] + LET'S [we should]"} {"Clue":"Guides through dark hills, guerilla-infested (7)","Answer":"TORCHES","Explanation":"Definition: Guides through dark\nTORS [hills] round [infested by] CHE \u2013 guerilla"} {"Clue":"Cancel date set up online (6)","Answer":"DELETE","Explanation":"Definition: Cancel\nVlad has me impaled here, I'm afraid \u2013 over to you \u2013 *thanks, Roger @ comment 1"} {"Clue":"Focus here on nothing, right? Complain! (7)","Answer":"CARPORT","Explanation":"Definition: Focus here\nCARP [complain] on [in a down clue] O [nothing] RT [right] \u2013 reference to the Ford Focus and the question mark covers the definition by example"} {"Clue":"Maureen left for Spain after bust-up, as I was in Rome (7)","Answer":"NUMERAL","Explanation":"Definition: as I was in Rome\nAnagram [after bust-up] of MAURE[e]N with L [left] replacing E [Spain]: I think this may be my top favourite \u2013 what a superb surface!"} {"Clue":"Japanese-American in thirties interviewed for promotion (5)","Answer":"NISEI","Explanation":"Definition: Japanese-American\nReversed [for promotion] hidden in thirtIES INterviewed"} {"Clue":"Composer's been nursing tenor at seaside town (9)","Answer":"BEETHOVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nBEEN round [nursing] T [tenor] HOVE [seaside town]"} {"Clue":"What cellists do on radio in The Boy Friend? (4)","Answer":"BEAU","Explanation":"Definition: The Boy Friend\nSounds like [on radio] bow [what cellists do] \u2013 reference to this musical"} {"Clue":"Is Elgar distracted by love in rooms for wags? (8)","Answer":"SERAGLIO","Explanation":"Definition: rooms for wags\nAnagram [distracted] of IS ELGAR + O [love]"} {"Clue":"Refrain in Switzerland or America (6)","Answer":"CHORUS","Explanation":"Definition: Refrain\nCH [Switzerland \u2013 IVR] + OR + US [America]"} {"Clue":"Group in the other marquee forget note (6)","Answer":"SEXTET","Explanation":"Definition: Group\nWith the crossers, the 'group' could have been either SEPTET or SEXTET and it took only a minute or two \u2013 with a giggle \u2013 to tumble to SEX = the other + TE[n]T [marquee minus n \u2013 note]"} {"Clue":"Subtle hint: tune in regularly during pub function (8)","Answer":"INNUENDO","Explanation":"Definition: Subtle hint\n[t]U[n]E in INN [pub] DO [function] \u2013* Edit: tUnE iN regularly 'during' (in) INN DO \u2013 thanks to Simon S @15"} {"Clue":"Pole's covering segment of Berenice capriccio\u00a0 (6)","Answer":"ICECAP","Explanation":"Definition: Pole's covering\nHidden in berenICE CAPriccio"} {"Clue":"Variable speed acceptable in extremely showy work (8)","Answer":"SYMPHONY","Explanation":"Definition: work\nY [variable] + MPH [speed] + ON [acceptable] in S[how]Y"} {"Clue":"Beecham choir can randomly test sound here (8,7)","Answer":"ANECHOIC CHAMBER","Explanation":"Definition: test sound here\nClever anagram [randomly] of BEECHAM CHOIR CAN"} {"Clue":"The way to tackle long instrument (6)","Answer":"SPINET","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\nST [way] round [to tackle] PINE [long]"} {"Clue":"Drink firms suppress Consumers' Association note (4-4)","Answer":"COCA-COLA","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nCO + CO [firms] round [suppress] CA [Consumers' Association] + LA [note]"} {"Clue":"Disconcert maestro (6)","Answer":"RATTLE","Explanation":"Double definition \u2013 Sir Simon, conductor"} {"Clue":"Note describes topless dance in big city (6)","Answer":"MUMBAI","Explanation":"Definition: Note describes topless dance in big city (6)\nMI [note] round [ describes] [r]UMBA [topless dance]"} {"Clue":"Intervals silence soprano, saving contest (8)","Answer":"SEVENTHS","Explanation":"Definition: Intervals\nSH [Silence!] + S [soprano] round [saving] EVENT [contest]"} {"Clue":"Catch debut of Hammond organ (4)","Answer":"HEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Catch\nH[ammond] + EAR [organ]"} {"Clue":"He sings melodies using vowels, so clavier must be tuned (9)","Answer":"VOCALISER","Explanation":"Definition: He sings melodies using vowels\nAnagram [must be tuned] of SO CLAVIER\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":" Note: Brahms overture always turns up (5)","Answer":"BREVE","Explanation":"Definition: Note\nB[rahms] + a reversal [turns up] of EVER [always]"} {"Clue":"Sort of band that's sensitive to changes in income (7)","Answer":"ELASTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of bandsensitive to changes in income\nI got this from 'sort of band' but it needed a bit of research to find that 'in economics, elasticity refers to the degree to which individuals (consumers\/producers) change their demand\/amount supplied in response to price or income changes' \u2013 but I expect you knew that: double \/ cryptic\u00a0\u00a0definition"} {"Clue":"Hearts lost injured scorer (5)","Answer":"HOLST","Explanation":"Definition: scorer\nH [hearts] + an anagram [injured] of LOST"} {"Clue":"strings, excluding E strings (7)","Answer":"VIOLINS","Explanation":"Definition: strings\nV [five] + IO [ten] + LIN[e]S [strings minus e]"} {"Clue":"Steal Handel's so-called familiar titles (9)","Answer":"NICKNAMES","Explanation":"Definition: familiar titles\nNICK [steal] + NAME [handle \u2013 sounds like {so-called} Handel]"} {"Clue":"The CBI managed to secure Ring for GM work, say (7)","Answer":"BIOTECH","Explanation":"Definition: GM work, say\nAnagram [managed] of THE CBI round [to secure] O [Ring]"} {"Clue":"Host a bishop and, according to Bach, a new church (9)","Answer":"ABUNDANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Host\nA\u00a0B [a bishop] + UND [German 'and' \u2013 'according to Bach'] + A N [new] + CE [Church of England] \u2013 if you're worried about the definition, Wordsworth's 'host of golden daffodils' sprang to my mind"} {"Clue":"Roll up to study very old instrument (9)","Answer":"CONVOLUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Roll up\nCON [study] + V [very] + O [old] + LUTE [instrument]"} {"Clue":"Evidence I've translated about K\u00f6chel for composer (9)","Answer":"PROKOFIEV","Explanation":"Definition: composer\nIf \u00a0you've already got\u00a0V as the last letter,\u00a0there aren't many composers to fit but it's still a neat bit of wordplay:"} {"Clue":"Hundreds miss one cracking established work (7)","Answer":"CLASSIC","Explanation":"Definition: established work\nLASS [miss] + I [one] in [cracking] CC [hundreds] \u2013 we need to take 'miss one cracking' as being in brackets, as it were \u2013 otherwise, the clue appears to be the wrong way round"} {"Clue":"Boringly recites how basic scales progress (7)","Answer":"INTONES","Explanation":"Definition: Boringly recites\nIN TONES"} {"Clue":"Barman left after party (5)","Answer":"RAVEL","Explanation":"Definition: Barman\nL [left] after RAVE [party]"} {"Clue":"Subtle harmonies more than sufficient for composer (5)","Answer":"LEH\u00c1R","Explanation":"Definition: composer\nHidden in subtLE HARmonies"} {"Clue":"Start to be better than anyone at crossword compiling? (6)","Answer":"OUTSET","Explanation":"Definition: Start\nA lovely cryptic definition and a great start!"} {"Clue":"Pain and deprivation for optimistic character (8)","Answer":"PANGLOSS","Explanation":"Definition: optimistic character\nPANG [pain] + LOSS [deprivation] \u2013 Dr Pangloss is a character in Voltaire's 'Candide'"} {"Clue":"Picked up criminal with second name that's Brown (8)","Answer":"CINNAMON","Explanation":"Definition: Brown\nCINNA: sounds like [picked up] 'sinner' [criminal] + MO [second] + N [name]"} {"Clue":"Strip when taking off top in resort, a Gallic fashion (6)","Answer":"RUNWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Strip when taking off\nR[esort] + UN ['a Gallic'] + WAY [fashion]"} {"Clue":" Something seen in Aldi to dismay leading Tories (5,7)","Answer":"CHILL CABINET","Explanation":"Definition: Something seen in Aldi\nCHILL [dismay] + CABINET [leading Tories]: a simple but amusing charade \u2013 and a second plug for Aldi in a week"} {"Clue":"Almost stand up or sit down on this (4)","Answer":"REAR","Explanation":"Definition: Almost stand upsit down on this\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Conceding close to century, fellow's out playing cricket (8)","Answer":"YIELDING","Explanation":"Definition: Conceding\n{centur]Y + [f]IELDING [playing cricket] minus f [fellow]"} {"Clue":"Giant insects besetting Henry (8)","Answer":"BEHEMOTH","Explanation":"Definition: Giant\nBEE and MOTH [insects] round H [Henry]"} {"Clue":"Crikey! King's in anorak (4)","Answer":"GEEK","Explanation":"Definition: anorak\nGEE [Crikey] + K[king]"} {"Clue":"Unable to continue racy bedroom chats (4,2,6)","Answer":"HORS DE COMBAT","Explanation":"Definition: Unable to continue\nA neat anagram [racy] of BEDROOM CHATS"} {"Clue":"Daddy gets girl a fine coat (6)","Answer":"PATINA","Explanation":"Definition: fine coat\nPA [Daddy] + TINA [girl]"} {"Clue":"Single to be excited about having dated (8)","Answer":"OBSOLETE","Explanation":"Definition: dated\nAnagram [excited] of TO BE round SOLE [single]"} {"Clue":"Deposit money in extremely safe organisation managing estates (8)","Answer":"SEDIMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Deposit\nDIME [money] in S[af]E NT [National Trust \u2013 organisation managing estates]"} {"Clue":"Pick up birds outside of Exeter, heading west (6)","Answer":"RESUME","Explanation":"Definition: Pick up\nReversal [heading west] of EMUS [birds] + E[xete]R\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Where to study time in detail (4)","Answer":"UNIT","Explanation":"Definition: detail\nUNI [where to study] + T [time]"} {"Clue":"Wave from Victor in easy position (4,5)","Answer":"SINE CURVE","Explanation":"Definition: Wave\nV [Victor] in SINECURE [easy position] \u2013 'a curve of the equation y = sin x'"} {"Clue":"Bird, male goose, losing weight (6)","Answer":"TOMTIT","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nTOM [male] + T[w]IT [goose minus weight]"} {"Clue":"Teutons play amazingly, suppressing laugh when England generally loses? (7,5-3)","Answer":"PENALTY SHOOT-OUT","Explanation":"Definition: when England generally loses?\nAnagram [amazingly] of TEUTONS PLAY round HOOT [laugh]: I got this immediately, from the definition and the enumeration \u2013 but what a great surface!"} {"Clue":"Reports managed to raise tax (8)","Answer":"NARRATES","Explanation":"Definition: Reports\nReversal [to raise] of RAN [managed] + RATES [tax]"} {"Clue":"Organ shown by one Indian's loincloth (5)","Answer":"LUNGI","Explanation":"Definition: Indian's loincloth\nLUNG [organ] + I [one]"} {"Clue":"Where City workers look for sex and hire models (5,5)","Answer":"SHARE INDEX","Explanation":"Definition: Where City workers look\nAnother great anagram [models] \u2013 of SEX AND HIRE"} {"Clue":"Cherry, green grass and earth? Go for another look (10)","Answer":"REDECORATE","Explanation":"Definition: Go for another look\nRED [cherry] + ECO [green] + RAT [grass] + E [earth] \u2013 I liked the definition"} {"Clue":"Figures inspiring fighter is something to get the pulse racing (9)","Answer":"DIGITALIS","Explanation":"Definition: something to get the pulse racing\nDIGITS [figures] round [Muhammad] ALI [fighter]"} {"Clue":"What journalists offer is done in pen (8)","Answer":"COVERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: What journalists offer\nOVER [done] in CAGE [pen]"} {"Clue":"Cruel person rating one on horse, perhaps (6)","Answer":"ABUSER","Explanation":"Definition: Cruel person\nAB [rating] + USER [one on horse, perhaps]"} {"Clue":"Like some films? Loudly express despair with heads of film industry (3-2)","Answer":"SCI-FI","Explanation":"Definition: Like some films?\nSCI \u2013 sounds like [loudly] 'sigh' [express despair] + F[ilm] I[ndustry]"} {"Clue":"Stay in south, returning satisfied (4)","Answer":"STEM","Explanation":"Definition: Stay\nS [south] + a reversal [returning] of MET [satisfied]"} {"Clue":"Schrodinger's cat, terrified about dispersion of particles (7)","Answer":"SCATTER","Explanation":"Definition: dispersion of particles\nHidden in schrodinger'S CAT TERrified"} {"Clue":"Worms dog, shamefaced figure (7)","Answer":"HUNDRED","Explanation":"Definition: figure\nHUND [German \u2013 as in Worms! \u2013 for dog] + RED [shamefaced]"} {"Clue":"Get the better of team in goalless draw (5)","Answer":"OUTDO","Explanation":"Definition: Get the better of\nUTD [team] in O-O [goalless draw]"} {"Clue":"Security of false teeth is assumed (9)","Answer":"DEBENTURE","Explanation":"Definition: Security\nBE [is, in some dialects] in [assumed by] DENTURE [false teeth]"} {"Clue":"Vicious, regressive Blairism, without originator strangely different (10)","Answer":"DISSIMILAR","Explanation":"Definition: different\nReversal [regressive] of SID [Vicious \u2013 member of the Sex Pistols] + an anagram [strangely] of [b]LAIRISM"} {"Clue":"Barker's regularly backing Djokovic? (4)","Answer":"SERB","Explanation":"Definition: Djokovic?\nReversal of alternate letters of B[a]R[k]E[r]S \u2013 the question mark indicates a definition by example \u2013 great surface, referencing\u00a0 Sue Barker"} {"Clue":"Lose temper, mouth twitching, after everything starts to implode suddenly (2,9)","Answer":"GO BALLISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Lose temper\nGOB [mouth] + TIC [twitching] after ALL [everything] + initial letters [starts] of\u00a0Implode Suddenly\u00a0\u2013 one of my favourites"} {"Clue":"Don't lose hope! Do I deserve any? (5,3,3)","Answer":"NEVER SAY DIE","Explanation":"Definition: Don't lose hope!\nAnagram [do] of I DESERVE ANY \u2013 and another"} {"Clue":"Suspicious as wife travels eastward by unexpected route (4)","Answer":"AWRY","Explanation":"Definition: by unexpected route\nWARY [suspicious] with the W [wife] moved to the right [eastward]"} {"Clue":"Wave of excessive euphoria, dropping E's (10)","Answer":"UNDULATION","Explanation":"Definition: Wave\nUNDU[e] [e]LATION [excessive euphoria] \u2013 another favourite"} {"Clue":"Senior going back in time machine, arriving late (9)","Answer":"TARDINESS","Explanation":"Definition: arriving late\nReversal [going back] of SEN [senior] in TARDIS [time machine]"} {"Clue":"Your old, watery eyes expressing agreement (5)","Answer":"THINE","Explanation":"Definition: Your old\nTHIN [watery] + E[yes] \u2013 there are several homophone clues in this puzzle, so 'expressing' was nicely misleading"} {"Clue":"Naked, slippery creature said to be Roosevelt's baby (3,4)","Answer":"NEW DEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Roosevelt's baby\nSounds like [said to be] 'nude eel'"} {"Clue":"Knit unobserved \u2014 one of the Queen's jobs for this evening (7)","Answer":"TONIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: this evening\nTO [k]NIGHT [one of the Queen's jobs] minus [unobserved] k [knit \u2013 abbreviation in knitting patterns]"} {"Clue":"Rebukes Siberian wearing smalls (6)","Answer":"SCOLDS","Explanation":"Definition: Rebukes\nCOLD [Siberian] in [wearing] SS [smalls]"} {"Clue":"Most suitable time to feed monkeys tea, we hear (6)","Answer":"APTEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most suitable\nT [time] in [to feed] APES + T ['tea, we hear']"} {"Clue":"Annoy wife with strong V-sign (3,7)","Answer":"TWO FINGERS","Explanation":"Definition: V-sign\nAnagram [annoy] of WIFE and STRONG"} {"Clue":"Tailless rodent with 502 bones (5)","Answer":"RADII","Explanation":"Definition: bones\nRA[t] [tailless rodent] + D [500] + II [2]"} {"Clue":"According to Spooner, toff welcomed being supplied with strong studs (9)","Answer":"HOBNAILED","Explanation":"Definition: supplied with strong studs\nSpooner might say, 'Nob hailed' [toff welcomed]"} {"Clue":"Religious people censoring love in parts of speech (4)","Answer":"NUNS","Explanation":"Definition: Religious people\nN[o]UNS parts of speech minus o [love]"} {"Clue":"Game or sport involving ball and detailed communication (8)","Answer":"ROULETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Game\nRU [sport] round O [ball] + LETTE[r] [communication]"} {"Clue":"Clever chap keeping abed, sadly withered (4,4)","Answer":"DIED BACK","Explanation":"Definition: withered\nDICK [clever chap] round an anagram [sadly] of ABED"} {"Clue":"Weaselly type, dodgy Pinner mate (4,6)","Answer":"PINE MARTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Weaselly type\nAnagram [dodgy] of PINNER MATE"} {"Clue":"A bit of a thinker, of unusual brilliance but lacking independence (5,4)","Answer":"BRAIN CELL","Explanation":"Definition: A bit of a thinker\nAnagram [unusual] of BRILL[i]ANCE minus i [independence]"} {"Clue":"Loose bowels voided, Englishman likely to run ahead (8)","Answer":"UNFASTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Loose\nI think 'voided Englishman' gives us the last two letters and FAST could be 'likely to run' but I can't see the rest"} {"Clue":"Exaggerate when describing unwanted tie (8)","Answer":"OVERDRAW","Explanation":"Definition: Exaggerate when describing\nOVER [unwanted] + TIE [draw]"} {"Clue":"Making children squeal, I run inside (6)","Answer":"SIRING","Explanation":"Definition: Making children\nSING [squeal] round I R [run] \u2013 this made me laugh"} {"Clue":"Scoff jokingly, aloud (6)","Answer":"INGEST","Explanation":"Definition: Scoff\nSounds like [aloud] 'in jest' [jokingly]"} {"Clue":"Unhappy pups let off leads (5)","Answer":"UPSET","Explanation":"Definition: Unhappy\n[p]UPS [l]ET \u2013 a lovely picture"} {"Clue":"Sentence, one foot in length, cut by two thirds (4)","Answer":"LIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Sentence\nI [one] F [foot?] in LE[ngth]"} {"Clue":"Declared a vicar initially made a mistake (7)","Answer":"AVERRED","Explanation":"Definition: Declared\nA V[icar] [initially] ERRED [made a mistake]"} {"Clue":"Live with pretension? Succeeded, what's more! (7)","Answer":"BESIDES","Explanation":"Definition: what's more\nBE [live] + SIDE [pretension \u2013 I think I've only met this in a negative sense: 'There's no side to\/about her'] + S [succeeded]"} {"Clue":"Student stuffing litter in suit (5)","Answer":"CLUBS","Explanation":"Definition: suit\nL [student] in [stuffing] CUBS [litter]"} {"Clue":"Classical female with attorney going round capital city (9)","Answer":"ANDROMEDA","Explanation":"Definition: Classical female\nAND [with] DA [District Attorney] round ROME [capital city] \u2013 Andromeda was the wife of Perseus, who rescued her from a sea monster"} {"Clue":"The Guardian gets Albert a decoration (5,5)","Answer":"PAPER CHAIN","Explanation":"Definition: decoration\nPAPER [the Guardian -I'd have preferred a 'perhaps', to indicate definition by example] + CHAIN [an albert is a watch chain, named after Prince Albert, who was presented with one by the jewellers of Birmingham in 1845 \u2013 it quite often crops up in crosswords]"} {"Clue":"Greek leader in evil warning (4)","Answer":"SIGN","Explanation":"Definition: warning\nG[reek] in SIN [evil]"} {"Clue":"Token role for opposite number (11)","Answer":"COUNTERPART","Explanation":"Definition: opposite number\nCOUNTER [token] + PART [role]"} {"Clue":"Oscar's current department makes peace offering (5,6)","Answer":"OLIVE BRANCH","Explanation":"Definition: peace offering\nO [Oscar in NATO phonetic alphabet] + LIVE [current] + BRANCH [department]"} {"Clue":"Misrepresented a song (4)","Answer":"LIED","Explanation":"Definition: Misrepresentedsong\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Ends with experience from near disaster (5,5)","Answer":"CLOSE SHAVE","Explanation":"Definition: near disaster\nCLOSES [ends] + HAVE [experience]"} {"Clue":"Embezzler to clear up mess (9)","Answer":"PECULATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Embezzler\nAnagram [mess] of TO CLEAR UP"} {"Clue":"Right type to meet English poet (5)","Answer":"RILKE","Explanation":"Definition: poet\nR [right] + ILK [type] + E [English]"} {"Clue":"Became apparent Spain's united (7)","Answer":"EMERGED","Explanation":"Definition: Became apparent\nE [Spain \u2013 international vehicle registration] + MERGED [united]"} {"Clue":"Head about to permit a range of colours (7)","Answer":"PALETTE","Explanation":"Definition: range of colours\nPATE [head] round LET [permit]"} {"Clue":"Welcome law restricting fungal growth (6)","Answer":"ACCEPT","Explanation":"Definition: Welcome\nACT [law] round [restricting] CEP [fungal growth]"} {"Clue":"Sally breaks into east European racing team (6)","Answer":"\u00c9QUIPE","Explanation":"Definition: racing team\nQUIP [sally] in E [East] E [European]"} {"Clue":"Trot round tough quarter in secret (10)","Answer":"RESTRICTED","Explanation":"Definition: secret\nRED [Trot{skyist}] round STRICT [tough] + E [quarter] \u2013 'secret' as in 'restricted information'"} {"Clue":"Doctor hated curtains (5)","Answer":"DEATH","Explanation":"Definition: curtains\nAnagram [doctor] of HATED"} {"Clue":"Baron amazingly dominant in sport (9)","Answer":"BADMINTON","Explanation":"Definition: sport\nB [baron] + an anagram [amazingly] of DOMINANT"} {"Clue":"Prevent vessels capsizing (4)","Answer":"STOP","Explanation":"Definition: Prevent\nReversal [capsizing] of POTS [vessels]"} {"Clue":"Longs for Republicans' key hymn (4,4)","Answer":"DIES IRAE","Explanation":"Definition: hymn\nDIES [longs]+ IRA [Republicans] + E [key] \u2013 rather different versions from Mozart"} {"Clue":"Eats up insect's inside merely to exist (8)","Answer":"STAGNATE","Explanation":"Definition: merely to exist\nGNAT [insect] inside a reversal [up] of EATS"} {"Clue":"Ark Royal included in exam that's instrumental (10)","Answer":"ORCHESTRAL","Explanation":"Definition: instrumental\nCHEST [ark \u2013 as in the Ark of the Covenant] + R [royal]\u00a0in ORAL [exam]"} {"Clue":"Renault upset journalist? That's beside the point! (9)","Answer":"UNRELATED","Explanation":"Definition: beside the point\nAnagram [upset] of RENAULT + ED [journalist]"} {"Clue":"Officer's mistake leads to failure (8)","Answer":"COLLAPSE","Explanation":"Definition: failure\nCOL[onel] [officer] + LAPSE [mistake]"} {"Clue":"Telegram about marine initially confounded smart alec (8)","Answer":"WISEACRE","Explanation":"Definition: smart alec\nWIRE [telegram] round SEA [marine] + C[onfounded] [initially]"} {"Clue":"Rechabite keeps efficient computer (6)","Answer":"TABLET","Explanation":"Definition: computer\nTT [teetotaller \u2013 Rechabite] round ABLE [efficient]"} {"Clue":"Look up to American patriot (6)","Answer":"REVERE","Explanation":"Definition: Look up toAmerican patriot\nDouble definition \u2013 Paul Revere"} {"Clue":"Break up a fight (5)","Answer":"SCRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Break upfight\nDouble definition \u2013 I'm not ever so\u00a0happy with this definition:\u00a0I can only find scrap = discard as useless: I know cars are broken up at a scrap yard but that's because they've been discarded as useless!"} {"Clue":"Page gets to pull a cork (4)","Answer":"PLUG","Explanation":"Definition: cork\nP [page] + LUG [pull]"} {"Clue":"Thatch reducers' craft? (8)","Answer":"CLIPPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Thatch reducers'craft\nDouble definition, which needed a bit of thought, with the clever plural use of 'craft'"} {"Clue":"Operetta composer: \"Pardon one's falling between two extremes\" (5)","Answer":"LEHAR","Explanation":"Definition: Operetta composer\nEH? [Pardon?] + A [one] in L [left] and R [right] \u2013 two extremes: coincidentally, this answer appeared in my last Prize blog, Crucible's Proms puzzle, clued as 'Subtle harmonies more than sufficient for composer'"} {"Clue":"Fly's salty secretion (4)","Answer":"TEAR [PEAR]","Explanation":"Definition: Flysalty secretion\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Day before vessel problem is an elusive major universal influence (4,6)","Answer":"DARK MATTER","Explanation":"Definition: elusive major universal influence\nD [day] before ARK [vessel] + MATTER [problem \u2013 'What's the matter?']"} {"Clue":"Street trader cyclist casually reported (6)","Answer":"PEDLAR \u00a0[MEDLAR]","Explanation":"Definition: Street trader\nSounds like [casually reported] PEDALLER [cyclist]"} {"Clue":"Having something on top, getting at the bananas in the sack (8)","Answer":"BEHATTED","Explanation":"Definition: Having something on top\nAnagram [bananas] of\u00a0AT THE in BED [the sack]"} {"Clue":"Down to bra and panties, exit discreetly? (4,3)","Answer":"SLIP OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Down to bra and pantiesexit discreetly\nDouble definition, first crypticish"} {"Clue":"People are jetted by this airline in singular way (3,4)","Answer":"SPA BATH","Explanation":"Definition: People are jetted by this\nBA [British Airways \u2013 airline] in S [singular] PATH [way]"} {"Clue":"Railway's Capital Rover, say, terminated outside French region (8)","Answer":"DORDOGNE","Explanation":"Definition: French region\nDONE [terminated] round [outside] R [first letter \u2013 capital] of Railway + DOG [Rover, say] for the lovely French region where I have spent many happy holidays"} {"Clue":"Jolly blubber-covered male hogging centre of bed (6)","Answer":"CHEERY [CHERRY]","Explanation":"Definition: Jolly\nCRY [blubber] round [covering] HE [male] round [hugging] [b]E[d]"} {"Clue":"Rebuke: for instance, \"shrill tart\" (5,5)","Answer":"SHARP WORDS","Explanation":"Definition: Rebuke\n'Shrill' and 'tart' are both, for instance, words meaning 'sharp'"} {"Clue":"Green hanky material? (4)","Answer":"LAWN","Explanation":"Definition: Greenhanky material\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Super-sounding grid (5)","Answer":"GRATE [GRAPE]","Explanation":"Definition: grid\nSounds like 'great' [super-sounding]"} {"Clue":"Grand Midlands town not about to go flashy (8)","Answer":"GLEAMING","Explanation":"Definition: flashy\nG [grand] + LEAMING[ton] [Midlands town] minus [to go] an anagram [about] of NOT\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Racy? Live, live, live, flower! (8)","Answer":"BLUEBELL","Explanation":"Definition: flower\nBLUE [racy] + BE [live] + L [live] + L [live]"} {"Clue":"Senate and people of Rome question being replaced by head of union branch (4)","Answer":"SPUR","Explanation":"Definition: branch\nSP[q]R [Senatus PopulusQue Romanus \u2013 the Senate and people of Rome] with the Q [question] replaced by the initial letter [head] of Union:"} {"Clue":"Still without its first back bar retailer (6)","Answer":"VENDOR","Explanation":"Definition: retailer\n[e]VEN [still, without its first letter] + a reversal [back] of ROD [bar]"} {"Clue":"Put down a biblical teacher (7)","Answer":"ASCRIBE","Explanation":"Definition: Put down\nA SCRIBE [a biblical teacher]"} {"Clue":"Blue left in stick (4)","Answer":"GLUM [PLUM]","Explanation":"Definition: Blue\nL [left] in GUM [stick]"} {"Clue":"Just a bit firm, oysters from here (10)","Answer":"WHITSTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: oysters from here\nWHIT [just a bit] + STABLE [firm] \u2013 a simple charade for the benefit of overseas readers: Whitstable, in Kent, has been noted for oysters since Roman times"} {"Clue":"Rig out the second person who was keen? (6)","Answer":"GRIEVE","Explanation":"Definition: keen\nAnagram [out] of RIG + EVE \u00a0[the second person who was \u2013*\u00a0 *I really liked that! ] for that less familiar definition of keen"} {"Clue":"Adriana, lip-curling Stones connoisseur (10)","Answer":"LAPIDARIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Stones connoisseur\nAnagram [curling] of ADRIANA LIP"} {"Clue":"Poetic invocation used in local round dance (3)","Answer":"HOP [HIP]","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nO [poetic invocation] in a reversal [round] of PH [public house on Ordnance Survey maps \u2013 local] \u2013 an interesting one: can a hop be regarded as a fruit, too?]"} {"Clue":"Raising of flag, ultimately obscure (3)","Answer":"FOG [FIG]","Explanation":"Definition: obscure\nA reversal [raising] of OF + [fla]G"} {"Clue":"Having a fling, working at the wheel? (8)","Answer":"THROWING","Explanation":"Definition: Having a flingworking at the wheel\nDouble definition \u2013 which reminded me of my catastrophic attempts at 'working at the [potter's] wheel' at evening classes, decades ago"} {"Clue":"Make water boil for Earl Grey etc (7)","Answer":"PEERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Earl Grey etc\nSimple charade of PEE [make water] + RAGE [boil] \u2013 but what a super surface!"} {"Clue":"Superior's performing drunk (2,4)","Answer":"ON HIGH","Explanation":"Definition: Superior\nAnother simple charade of ON [performing] + HIGH [drunk]"} {"Clue":"Baby salad ingredient collection (6)","Answer":"COSSET","Explanation":"Definition: Baby\nCOS [lettuce \u2013 salad ingredient] + SET [collection] \u2013 baby as a verb"} {"Clue":"Question about English dairy product (4)","Answer":"WHEY","Explanation":"Definition: dairy product\nWHY [question] round E [English]"} {"Clue":"Halt (as they used to say) \u2013 that's no way to serve up a lettuce! (4)","Answer":"LIMP [LIME]","Explanation":"Definition: Halt\nHalt is an archaic [as they used to say] word for to be lame or to limp [Chambers] \u2013 and limp lettuce is awful!"} {"Clue":"Recasts terrible performer (7)","Answer":"ACTRESS","Explanation":"Definition: performer\nanagram [terrible] of RECASTS \u2013 a nice easy one to start us off"} {"Clue":"Grounds cost Brad and Angelina in settlement (9,7)","Answer":"BOTANICAL GARDENS","Explanation":"Definition: Grounds\nAnagram [in settlement] of COST BRAD and ANGELINA"} {"Clue":"Driving record and chart? Go off speed (acceleration for miles) (10)","Answer":"TACHOGRAPH","Explanation":"Definition: Driving record\nAnagram [off] of CHART GO + mPH [speed] with the 'm' [miles] replaced by A [acceleration]"} {"Clue":"French model Nicole stripped for casting? (4)","Answer":"CLIO","Explanation":"Definition: French model\nAnagram [for casting] of [n]ICOL[e] ['stripped'] for the Renault model"} {"Clue":"Almost finish Tramp clue \u2014 hope cryptic device keeps some going (4-7,7)","Answer":"LIFE-SUPPORT MACHINE","Explanation":"Definition: device keeps some going\nAnagram [cryptic] of FINIS[h] TRAMP CLUE HOPE"} {"Clue":"Feature of 14 publicity around hard people (11)","Answer":"HYPHENATION","Explanation":"Definition: Feature of 14\nHYPE [publicity] round H [hard] + NATION [people]"} {"Clue":"Using wife, husband after sex (4)","Answer":"WITH","Explanation":"Definition: Using\nW [wife] + IT [sex] + H [husband]"} {"Clue":"Going Large on for couple grabbing space in Burger King? (10)","Answer":"BURGEONING","Explanation":"Definition: Going Large\nI'm not sure of this one: it's ON replacing rk in BURGE[rk]ING but I can't see any significance in 'rk', so does 'couple' simply mean 'couple of letters'? \u2013 it's a great surface, anyway!"} {"Clue":"Headless supporter is English \u2014 that man will cause trouble (5,4)","Answer":"RAISE HELL","Explanation":"Definition: cause trouble\n[b]RA [supporter] IS E [English] + HE'll [that man will]"} {"Clue":"Boxer and sucker: time for fresh start (5)","Answer":"TYSON","Explanation":"Definition: Boxer\nAgain, I'm saying, 'I think': T [time] for a fresh start for [d]YSON [which is a kind of 'sucker'!]"} {"Clue":"Track box not on vehicle (7)","Answer":"DOGCART","Explanation":"Definition: vehicle\nDOG [track \u2013 both verbs] + CART[on] [box]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Half of champagne covering one year (6)","Answer":"MOIETY","Explanation":"Definition: Half\nMOET [champagne] round I [one] + Y [year]"} {"Clue":"Change clubs for golf break (6)","Answer":"CHANCE","Explanation":"Definition: break\nC [clubs] replaces g [golf in NATO phonetic alphabet]"} {"Clue":"Sticks to these stories going after drug with text message? (3,7)","Answer":"ICE LOLLIES","Explanation":"Definition: Sticks to these\nLIES [stories] after ICE [crystalline form of methamphetamine, or crystal meth \u2013 drug] + LOL [text message]"} {"Clue":"Queen holding award for one burnt in fire? (5)","Answer":"EMBER","Explanation":"Definition: one burnt in fire\nER [queen] round MBE [award]"} {"Clue":"One to pour out wine for starters (9)","Answer":"ANTIPASTI","Explanation":"Definition: starters\nAN [one] + TIP [pour out] + ASTI [wine]"} {"Clue":"Tie up and hit hard (4)","Answer":"TONK","Explanation":"Definition: hit hard\nA reversal [up] of KNOT [tie]"} {"Clue":"Model flips over label that's cut into curves (8)","Answer":"ESCALLOP","Explanation":"Definition: cut into curves\nA reversal [flips] of POSE [model] round CALL [label]"} {"Clue":"No seats \u2014 full tours \u2014 fan sadly missing such events? (4-4)","Answer":"SELL-OUTS","Explanation":"Definition: such events?\nAnagram [tours] of NO SEATS FULL minus an anagram [sadly] of FAN"} {"Clue":"Who is one after \"upping\" vacuous policies to get elected? (4,6)","Answer":"SPIN DOCTOR","Explanation":"DOCTOR [Who is one] after a reversal \"upping\" of P[olicie]S + IN [elected] \u2013 I think: & lit \u2013 I think"} {"Clue":"Likely to let one go fast after puncture on bend (9)","Answer":"FLATULENT","Explanation":"Definition: Likely to let one go\nLENT [fast] after FLAT [puncture] + U [bend]"} {"Clue":"Inundated and embarrassed following speech, primarily; he brought Thatcher down (8)","Answer":"SHOWERED","Explanation":"Definition: Inundated\nS [first letter \u2013 primarily \u2013 of Speech] + HOWE [Sir Geoffrey, whose resignation speech helped to bring Thatcher down]] + RED [embarrassed] \u2013 this speech, given in 1990, has been given further airings since Sir Geoffrey's death a week or so ago"} {"Clue":"Ringer Enigmatist's tormented with pig (8,5)","Answer":"SPITTING IMAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Ringer\nAnagram [tormented] of ENIGMATIST and PIG \u2013 no comment!"} {"Clue":"Model supply for fine paper (6)","Answer":"TISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: fine paper\nT [model] + ISSUE [supply]"} {"Clue":"American guys, they deal with business (6)","Answer":"AGENTS","Explanation":"Definition: they deal with business\nA [American] GENTS [guys]"} {"Clue":"Weapon shortened by prisoner for prison (5)","Answer":"GULAG","Explanation":"Definition: prison\nGU[n] [weapon shortened] + LAG [prisoner]"} {"Clue":"Greek character after fine food (4)","Answer":"FETA","Explanation":"Definition: food\nETA [Greek letter] after F [fine]"} {"Clue":"What open doors and often don't close, shock horror! (5,4)","Answer":"SPLIT ENDS","Explanation":"Definition: shock horror!\nIt's mortifying to fall at the very first hurdle but I've stared at this for such a long time and I can't hold the blog up any longer: I just can't see beyond the definition, which made me laugh"} {"Clue":"Loud weapon that's more than stable! (4)","Answer":"FARM","Explanation":"Definition: more than stable!\nF [loud] + ARM [weapon]"} {"Clue":"Help on the way (cases yet to be resolved) (8)","Answer":"CATSEYES","Explanation":"Definition: Help on the way\nAnagram [to be resolved] of CASES YET \u2013 I was surprised to see this as here in Collins: Chambers gives it both an apostrophe and a hyphen"} {"Clue":"Grabbing cloudy drinks each day for starters (6)","Answer":"GREEDY","Explanation":"Definition: Grabbing\nGREY [cloudy \u2013 like today here] round [drinks] initial letters [starters] of Each Day"} {"Clue":"Slump forward into bottle (6)","Answer":"FLAGON","Explanation":"Definition: bottle\nFLAG [slump] + ON [forward]"} {"Clue":"Relentless nympho? (3,5,3,5)","Answer":"ONE AFTER THE OTHER","Explanation":"Definition: Relentless\nWitty double\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"When bongs were used by day nurse (6)","Answer":"ATTEND","Explanation":"Definition: nurse\nAT TEN [reference to TV 'News at Ten', introduced by the 'bongs' of Big Ben [now at risk \u2013 see here] + D [day]"} {"Clue":"Green leaves, having pretended Brighton's good (8)","Answer":"SHAMROCK","Explanation":"Definition: Green leaves\nSHAM [pretended] + ROCK ['Brighton's good', which we don't often see in the singular] \u2013 and perhaps a reference to Graham Greene's novel, 'Brighton Rock'"} {"Clue":"Craft enabled landfall short of France, the ultimate target (2-3,3,3-3)","Answer":"BE-ALL AND END-ALL","Explanation":"Definition: the ultimate target\nCrafty anagram [craft] of ENABLED LAND[f]ALL minus [short of] F [France] \u2013 great surface"} {"Clue":"Trouble surrendering is a slight difference (6)","Answer":"NUANCE","Explanation":"Definition: slight difference\nNU[is]ANCE [trouble] minus [surrendering] is"} {"Clue":"With empty menu, enjoys linguini for breakfast (6)","Answer":"MUESLI","Explanation":"Definition: breakfast\nFirst and last letters [emptied] of M[en]U E[njoy]S L[inguin]I"} {"Clue":"With 11 21, it'd mean new wheels (2,6)","Answer":"IN TANDEM","Explanation":"Definition: With 11 21\nAnagram [wheels] of IT'D MEAN N[ew]"} {"Clue":"Abandon future plant, possibly in speech (4)","Answer":"CEDE","Explanation":"Definition: Abandon\nSounds like [in speech] SEED [future plant, possibly]"} {"Clue":"Bloke's weight is entertaining to chart (9)","Answer":"HISTOGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: chart\nHIS [bloke's] + TON [*Edit: GRAM, of course*]\u00a0[weight] round [entertaining] TO"} {"Clue":"Home supporter catches cycling (5)","Answer":"SNAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Home supporter\nNAILS [catches] with the last letter moved to the front [cycling]"} {"Clue":"Dip in road brings up food (7)","Answer":"LASAGNE","Explanation":"Definition: food\nSAG [dip] in LANE [road]"} {"Clue":"Test clothes, chance to go over line (3,2)","Answer":"TRY ON","Explanation":"Definition: Test clothes\nI think this is a rugby reference"} {"Clue":"They don't make theatre bookings \u2014 and their excuse? (2-5)","Answer":"NO-SHOWS","Explanation":"Definition: They don't make theatre bookings\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Split up and get grease monkeys around (9)","Answer":"SEGREGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Split up\nAnagram [monkeys around] of GET GREASE"} {"Clue":"Sympathise with price that's hilarious in retrospect (4,3)","Answer":"FEEL FOR","Explanation":"Definition: Sympathise with\nFEE [price] + a reversal [in retrospect] of ROFL [text-speak for Rolling On Floor Laughing \u2013 hilarious]"} {"Clue":"Correct parasol's opening with drunk reclined outside (3-6)","Answer":"RED-PENCIL","Explanation":"Definition: Correct\nAnagram [drunk] of RECLINED outside P[arasol]"} {"Clue":"Unfortunately, these euro coins build up (4,5)","Answer":"TREE HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: build up\nAnagram [unfortunately] of THESE EURO \u2013 but I can't see the significance of 'coins'"} {"Clue":"Checking out will hide what's wrong (5,4)","Answer":"DEATH WISH","Explanation":"Definition: Checking out will\nAnagram [wrong] of HIDE WHAT'S"} {"Clue":"Ladies, perhaps, kind to kick off date's brief search (4-3)","Answer":"LOOK-SEE","Explanation":"Definition: brief search\nLOO [Ladies, perhaps] + initial letter [to kick off] of Kind + SEE [date]"} {"Clue":"Had mate coming up with ideas regularly for Spurs v Arsenal etc (7)","Answer":"DERBIES","Explanation":"Definition: Spurs v Arsenal etc\nReversal [coming up] of BRED [had mate] + I[d]E[a]S"} {"Clue":"In Berlin, the wet parts becoming drier (7)","Answer":"DRAINER","Explanation":"Definition: drier\nRAIN [the wet] parts DER [in Berlin 'the'] \u2013 the word order sounds fittingly German!"} {"Clue":"Explosive start (I must be delayed) (5)","Answer":"NITRO","Explanation":"Definition: Explosive\nINTRO [start] with the I 'delayed'"} {"Clue":"Best sheets about to be put on (5)","Answer":"CREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Best\nREAM [sheets] with C [about] put on top"} {"Clue":"Old engine or senior machine's heart renovated (4,5)","Answer":"IRON HORSE","Explanation":"Definition: Old engine\nAnagram [renovated] of OR SENIOR + [mac]H[ine]"} {"Clue":"Some berries in Cognac inimitable! (5)","Answer":"ACINI","Explanation":"Definition: Some berries\nHidden in cognAC INImitable"} {"Clue":"University a challenge, Aussie PM virtually admitted (7)","Answer":"HARVARD","Explanation":"Definition: University\nARV[o] [Aussie PM, virtually \u2013 I liked that!] in HARD [a challenge]: it's a pity that the 'a' had to be there, to justify the definition of 'hard': the surface would have been so much better without it"} {"Clue":"Small card: unusual being after Christmas \u2014 time to open it (7)","Answer":"NOTELET","Explanation":"Definition: Small card\nET [unusual being] after T [time] in [to open] NOEL [Christmas]"} {"Clue":"Drunk at Cornell swigging last of Lambrusco \u2014 something necked at college? (4,6)","Answer":"ETON COLLAR","Explanation":"Definition: something necked at college?\nAnagram [drunk] of AT CORNELL round [swigging] [lambrusc]O \u2013 I really liked this surface"} {"Clue":"Something soft and rich confined to one's memory? (10)","Answer":"DOWNLOADED","Explanation":"Definition: confined to one's memory\nDOWN [something soft] + LOADED [rich] \u2013 a simple charade, but it took a minute or two to get it: I smiled when I did"} {"Clue":"Cooler way back, his home infernally hot (3,4)","Answer":"OLD NICK","Explanation":"Definition: his home infernally hot\nOLD NICK [cooler way back] \u00a0\u2013 nick and cooler are both slang words for prison"} {"Clue":"Vulgar and pretentious Conservative, wary of clothes to wear? (7)","Answer":"KITSCHY","Explanation":"Definition: Vulgar and pretentious\nC [Conservative] in [to wear] KIT-SHY [wary of clothes]"} {"Clue":"Princeton University finally cracking the art of coding (10)","Answer":"ENCRYPTION","Explanation":"Definition: the art of coding\nAnagram [cracking \u2013 nice one!] of PRINCETON and [universit]Y"} {"Clue":"Insult sounds like ugly rumour, for starters (4)","Answer":"SLUR","Explanation":"Definition: Insult\nInitial letters [starters] of Sounds Like Ugly Rumour"} {"Clue":"Socialist left consumed by nonsense, that is (7)","Answer":"BOLSHIE","Explanation":"Definition: Socialist\nL [left] in [consumed by] BOSH [nonsense] + IE [that is]"} {"Clue":"Bottle shown by jollies thus in retreat (7)","Answer":"THERMOS","Explanation":"Definition: Bottle\nTHE RM [Royal Marines \u2013 'jollies'] + a reversal [in retreat] of SO [thus]"} {"Clue":"Lowest point, \"bottom\" defining it? (5)","Answer":"LEAST","Explanation":"Definition: Lowest\nE [point] in LAST [bottom]"} {"Clue":"Portrayal that's flipping dark in France, stop it being screened (9)","Answer":"RENDITION","Explanation":"Definition: Portrayal\nEND IT [stop it] in [being screened by] a reversal [flipping] of NOIR [dark in France]"} {"Clue":"Save the giblets to stew, some joint being eaten (7,4,4)","Answer":"TIGHTEN ONE\u2019S BELT","Explanation":"Definition: Save\nAnagram [to stew] of THE GIBLETS round [being eaten] TENON [some joint] \u2013 great surface"} {"Clue":"Mould odorous around top of willow tree (8)","Answer":"SOURWOOD","Explanation":"Definition: tree\nAnagram [mould] of ODOROUS round W[illow]"} {"Clue":"Better to keep gas affordable (5)","Answer":"CHEAP","Explanation":"Definition: affordable\nCAP [better] round HE [gas]"} {"Clue":"One's frustratingly stuck with this crossword design on Yale? (8)","Answer":"GRIDLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: One's frustratingly stuck with this\nGRID [crossword design] on LOCK [Yale?], the question mark indicating the definition by example"} {"Clue":"University atop flag (6)","Answer":"PENNON","Explanation":"Definition: flag\nPENN [University of Pennsylvania \u2013 a private Ivy League university, 'not to be confused with Pennsylvania State University', says Wikipedia \u2013 that's Penn State, or PSU]"} {"Clue":"Fly opening for university (9)","Answer":"DARTMOUTH","Explanation":"Definition: university\nDART [fly] + MOUTH [opening]"} {"Clue":"Asked to pay, when cryptically laid up? (6)","Answer":"BILLED","Explanation":"Definition: Asked to pay\nILL in BED \u2013 cryptically 'laid up'"} {"Clue":"Third failing to be accepted by Brown here for annual award? (8,7)","Answer":"BIRTHDAY PRESENT","Explanation":"Definition: annual award\nAnagram [failing] of THIRD in BAY [brown] + PRESENT [here]"} {"Clue":"Free Willy\": man having penned it blameless (4-5)","Answer":"LILY-WHITE","Explanation":"Definition: blameless\nAnagram [free] of WILLY + IT in [penned by] HE [man]"} {"Clue":"A great weight lifted, boat ultimately secured by man, tying up rope (8)","Answer":"KNOTTING","Explanation":"Definition: tying up rope\nA reversal [lifted] of TON [great weight] + [boa]T in [secured by] KING [man \u2013 in chess]"} {"Clue":"University in the country, say? (8)","Answer":"COLUMBIA","Explanation":"Definition: University\nI'm not sure whether the 'say?' indicates a 'sounds like' or the fact that the country [Colombia] is sometimes misspelt \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Article on report, no way speculation (6)","Answer":"THEORY","Explanation":"Definition: speculation\nTHE [article] + [st]ORY [report, no way]"} {"Clue":"Dawn's bum and hip (5)","Answer":"BEGIN","Explanation":"Definition: Dawn\nBEG [bum, as a verb] + IN [hip]"} {"Clue":"Lay speculators in a state after losing pots ruinously (7)","Answer":"SECULAR","Explanation":"Definition: Lay\nAnagram [ruinously] of [sp]ECULA[to]RS minus pots:* Edit\u00a0 or, much better \u2013 thanks muffin \u2013 take an anagram [ruinously] of pots from S[p]ECULA[to]R[s]"} {"Clue":"Provided far too much within dance (7)","Answer":"GAVOTTE","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nOTT [far too much] in GAVE [provided]"} {"Clue":"Souvenir of priest immersed in humanitarian charity (5)","Answer":"RELIC","Explanation":"Definition: Souvenir\nELI [priest] in RC [humanitarian charity]"} {"Clue":"Way to check an official inquiry (5,4)","Answer":"MEANS TEST","Explanation":"Definition: official inquiry\nMEANS [way] + TEST [check]"} {"Clue":"Store bully managed to take customers for a ride (10)","Answer":"TROLLEYBUS","Explanation":"Definition: to take customers for a ride\nAnagram [managed] of STORE BULLY"} {"Clue":"Aromatic substance found in herbal medicine (4)","Answer":"BALM","Explanation":"Definition: Aromatic substance\nContained in herBAL Medicine \u2013 &lit, I think"} {"Clue":"Alienation from agreements not lacking substance (12)","Answer":"ESTRANGEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Alienation\nAnagram [indicator 'from'?] of AGREEMENTS + N[o]T"} {"Clue":"A sad quagmire to engineer for a Sunday (12)","Answer":"QUADRAGESIMA","Explanation":"Definition: a Sunday\nAnagram [to engineer] of A SAD QUAGMIRE for the first Sunday of Lent"} {"Clue":"Young lady removing outer clothing for attendant (4)","Answer":"AIDE","Explanation":"Definition: attendant\n[m]AIDE[n]"} {"Clue":"Tommy and Bobby make a big splash (10)","Answer":"CANNONBALL","Explanation":"Definition: make a big splash\nTommy CANNON and Bobby BALL are 'an English comedy double act' [Wikipedia]\u00a0: Collins has 'to rush along' and Chambers 'to move rapidly with great force' = 'make a big splash'?"} {"Clue":"Operation dreadfully toilsome to the right side of tummy (9)","Answer":"ILEOSTOMY","Explanation":"Definition: Operation\nAnagram [dreadfully] of TOILSOME + the extreme right letter of tummY \u2013 bordering on the &lit"} {"Clue":"Some without first experience holding party to be a scene of depravity (5)","Answer":"SODOM","Explanation":"Definition: scene of depravity\nSOM[e] without first [letter of \u2013 I know some who won't like this] experience round DO [party]"} {"Clue":"Overturned records encourage ostentatious display (7)","Answer":"SPLURGE","Explanation":"Definition: ostentatious display\nA reversal [overturned] of LPS [records] + URGE [encourage]"} {"Clue":"Cricketer, who found acclaim with The Bat (7)","Answer":"STRAUSS","Explanation":"Definition: Cricketerwho found acclaim with The Bat\nDouble definition, referring to cricketer Andrew and composer Johann, who wrote 'Die Fledermaus' [The Bat]\u00a0 \u2013 I really liked this one! \u2013 but it would have been more cryptic without the capitalisation\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Try to use dodgy guarantor (6)","Answer":"SURETY","Explanation":"Definition: guarantor\nAnagram [dodgy] of TRY and USE \u2013 the insertion of 'to' is dodgy, too"} {"Clue":"Green alluvial flat (6)","Answer":"CALLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Greenalluvial flat\nDouble definition [I didn't know the second but it's in Chambers, verbatim] \u2013 'green' in the sense of inexperienced, as in 'callow youth' \u2013 in fact, I've never seen the word used without that connection"} {"Clue":"Not bright enough to tackle slur indirectly (10)","Answer":"LACKLUSTRE","Explanation":"Definition: Not bright enough\nAnagram [indirectly] of TACKLE SLUR"} {"Clue":"Peculiar game (5)","Answer":"RUMMY","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"As well as being surrounded by revolutionary guards, they are waiting for a conference! (9)","Answer":"GRADUANDS","Explanation":"Definition: they are waiting for a conference\nAND [as well as] surrounded by an anagram [revolutionary] of GUARDS \u2013 I don't see the need for an exclamation mark but I did think it was quite a good clue"} {"Clue":"Endorsement to cut tax is introduced (4)","Answer":"VISA","Explanation":"Definition: Endorsement\nIS in VA[t] tax cut"} {"Clue":"Generate wrong impression of a young person (8)","Answer":"TEENAGER","Explanation":"Definition: young person\nA rather well-worn anagram [wrong] of GENERATE"} {"Clue":"Judge is in Paris getting one to marry (8)","Answer":"ESTIMATE","Explanation":"Definition: Judge\nEST [is in Paris] + I [one] + MATe [marry]"} {"Clue":"He preaches that sin and remorse are not in order (10)","Answer":"SERMONISER","Explanation":"Definition: He preaches\n& littish anagram [not in order] of SIN and REMORSE"} {"Clue":"Costume made initially to get a part performance (9)","Answer":"RIGMAROLE","Explanation":"Definition: performance\nRIG [costume] + M[ade] + A ROLE [a part] \u2013 I looked sideways at the definition but I suppose we say, 'What a performance' about something that goes pointlessly on and on"} {"Clue":"A sign of where swimmers are finally getting changed (8)","Answer":"AQUARIUS","Explanation":"Definition: A sign\nAQUARIU[m] [where swimmers are] with its last letter changed"} {"Clue":"Definite deception inherent in strong promotion (4,4)","Answer":"HARD SELL","Explanation":"Definition: strong promotion\nHARD [definite?] + SELL [deception]"} {"Clue":"A form of convertible gold on deposit (6)","Answer":"LANDAU","Explanation":"Definition: A form of convertible\nLAND [deposit] + AU [gold] \u2013 we have to take 'on' as 'added on', in a down clue"} {"Clue":"Censures poor investment in building society (6)","Answer":"BLAMES","Explanation":"Definition: Censures\nLAME [poor] in BS [Building Society]"} {"Clue":"Uproar heard from poet (5)","Answer":"NOYES","Explanation":"Definition: poet\nUnequivocally, I think, sounds like [heard] 'noise', for Alfred, the poet [usually clued with a play on NO YES] whose only poem I know is 'The Highwayman', \u00a0of which I learned chunks in primary school and loved the cadences of it"} {"Clue":"Reveller half cut on drugs (4)","Answer":"USER","Explanation":"[caro]USER [reveller half cut] \u2013 again, the definition defeats me: 'on drugs'?"} {"Clue":"Dunce may have this one castrated (5)","Answer":"CAPON","Explanation":"Definition: one castrated\nA dunce\u00a0 may have a CAP ON"} {"Clue":"Overseas ruler making figure of 8s (9)","Answer":"BRITANNIA","Explanation":"Definition: Overseas ruler\nBritannia features on the reverse ['tails' \u2013 8s] side of many British coins \u2013 see here : we need to read the definition as 'ruler over seas', as in the song: 'Britannia rule the waves'"} {"Clue":"K-Y stain unfortunately left after game with hookers (5,4)","Answer":"RUSTY NAIL","Explanation":"Definition: K\nAnagram [unfortunately] of Y STAIN + L [left] after RU [game with hookers] \u2013 what a surface!"} {"Clue":"Become registered company in US once name changed to Lambert (5)","Answer":"ENROL","Explanation":"Definition: Become registered\nENROn [company in the US] with the n [name] changed to L, the abbreviation for Lambert, which is a cgs unit of illumination equal to the brightness of a perfectly diffusing surface that emits or reflects one lumen per square centimetre: I'm ashamed to say that I didn't know that"} {"Clue":"Hand over!\", said one primarily into money (7)","Answer":"OVATION","Explanation":"Definition: Hand\nOVA [sounds like {said} 'over'] + O[ne] in TIN [money]"} {"Clue":"Backing group into rock'n'roll is Busted, apparently (7)","Answer":"TOPLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Busted, apparently\nReversal [backing] of ELP [Emerson Lake and Palmer \u2013 group] in TOSS [rock'n'roll] \u2013 another great surface"} {"Clue":"Fish no 18 worries (5)","Answer":"FRETS","Explanation":"Definition: worries\n[pom]FRETS fish, with no pom [Pomeranian DOG {18}]"} {"Clue":"Pants, if just 15 (5)","Answer":"AWFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Pants,\n[l]AWFUL [just, 'topless' {15}] \u2013 I liked this one, because we've quite recently become\u00a0so used to seeing 'pants' as an anagram indicator"} {"Clue":"Standard stop signal in song (3,4)","Answer":"RED FLAG","Explanation":"Definition: Standardstop signalsong\nTriple definition"} {"Clue":"Funny reaction in left ear, when raving about Fifty Shades of Grey? (7)","Answer":"ALLERGY","Explanation":"Definition: Funny reaction\nAn anagram [raving] of L [left] EAR round L [fifty] + G[re]Y [shades of]"} {"Clue":"Caught one fish that's smoked (5)","Answer":"CIGAR","Explanation":"Definition: that's smoked\nC [caught] + I [one] + GAR, a favourite crossword fish"} {"Clue":"K FC business, not half struggling, must take in a thousand before ends meet (5,4)","Answer":"BUCK\u2019S FIZZ","Explanation":"Definition: K \nAn anagram [struggling] of FC + BUSI[ness] round K [a thousand] before ZZ [ends \u2013 of the alphabet]"} {"Clue":"Works in a store sadly after college (9)","Answer":"CREATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Works\nAn anagram [sadly] of IN A STORE after C [college] \u2013 I\u00a0 loved this surface, picturing my students and grandchildren in their part-time jobs"} {"Clue":"Cavalryman backed in National Hunt (5)","Answer":"UHLAN","Explanation":"Definition: Cavalryman\nHidden reversal [backed] in nationAL HUNt\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Bit of caviare cat's taken up a tree (4)","Answer":"ACER","Explanation":"Definition: tree\nAnother hidden reversal [taken up] in caviaRE CAt's"} {"Clue":"Rat-a-tat in advance (8)","Answer":"APOSTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Rat\nA TAT in POSE [advance, eg a theory] \u2013 one of my favourites, for the definition"} {"Clue":"Sweet 15 guy (4)","Answer":"ANDY","Explanation":"Definition: guy\n[c]ANDY [sweet, 'topless' {15}]"} {"Clue":"Got a bit done at work (8)","Answer":"OBTAINED","Explanation":"Definition: Got\nAnagram [at work] of A BIT DONE"} {"Clue":"K LM and I flipping get around! (6)","Answer":"GIMLET","Explanation":"Definition: K \nGET round an anagram [flipping] of LM and I"} {"Clue":"Hotel option when you've come to visit (4-2,4)","Answer":"WAKE-UP CALL","Explanation":"Definition: Hotel option\nWAKE UP [come to] + CALL [visit]"} {"Clue":"Wrong 'un gets tortured now and then (6)","Answer":"UNTRUE","Explanation":"Definition: Wrong\nUN + T[o]R[t]U[r]E[d] [now and then]"} {"Clue":"Show 15 chest (5)","Answer":"OFFER","Explanation":"Definition: Show\nc[OFFER] [chest, 'topless' {15}]"} {"Clue":"Setter has 11, drunk in isolation (10)","Answer":"INSULARITY","Explanation":"Definition: isolation\nI [setter] + an anagram [drunk] of RUSTY NAIL [11] \u2013 brilliant!"} {"Clue":"K D Lang's unnamed toy boy's half crazy (5,3)","Answer":"SALTY DOG","Explanation":"Definition: K \nAnagram [crazy] of D LA[n]G'S [minus n \u2013 name] and TOY [half of TOY boy]"} {"Clue":"Doctor agrees I can initially get fit to Olympic standards? (8)","Answer":"GRAECISE","Explanation":"Definition: get fit to Olympic standards?\nAnagram [doctor] of AGREES I C[an] \u2013 lovely surface and definition"} {"Clue":"Convincing Catholic to wear odd habit (8)","Answer":"FORCIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Convincing\nRC [Roman Catholic] in [to wear] FOIBLE [odd habit] \u2013 I loved this surface, too"} {"Clue":"Determined to find \"horse\" in dictionary under D (6)","Answer":"DOGGED","Explanation":"Definition: Determined\nGG [horse] in OED [Oxford English Dictionary] under D \u2013 0f course!"} {"Clue":"K GB captures one relative (6)","Answer":"GIBSON","Explanation":"Definition: K \nGB round I [one] + SON [relative]"} {"Clue":"The definitive K 9 18 (8)","Answer":"COCKTAIL","Explanation":"Definition: The definitive K\nCOCK [capon \u2013 9] + TAIL [dog \u2013 18] \u2013 the clever definitive clue"} {"Clue":"K O certain, without reaching last round (4)","Answer":"SOUR","Explanation":"Definition: K\nO with SUR[e] [certain] round it"} {"Clue":"Mad as the last one, the one before last (4)","Answer":"ZANY","Explanation":"Definition: Mad\nZ [the last] + AN [one] before Y [the one before the last]"} {"Clue":"A craft organisation? (5,4)","Answer":"YACHT CLUB","Explanation":"Definition: A craft organisation?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"I was first out but refused to admit it (4)","Answer":"LIED","Explanation":"Definition: refused to admit it\nI with LED [was first] out[side] \u2013 or is it an anagram [out] of I and LED? \u2013 I'm not keen on the definition: refusing to admit something could be simply keeping quiet, rather than lying"} {"Clue":"Without notice, serviceman may get in a pickle (8)","Answer":"MARINADE","Explanation":"Definition: get in a pickle\nMARINE [serviceman] round AD [notice]"} {"Clue":"Composer writing feature about work (6)","Answer":"CHOPIN","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nCHIN [feature] round OP [work]"} {"Clue":"Trade organisation about to start striking reaches agreement (6)","Answer":"UNISON","Explanation":"Definition: agreement\nUNION [trade organisation] round S[triking] \u2013 and UNISON is, of course, a trade union itself"} {"Clue":"Choice way to take sustenance (1,2,5)","Answer":"\u00c0 LA CARTE","Explanation":"Definition: Choice way to take sustenance\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"A fellow at university is a good-looking chap (6)","Answer":"ADONIS","Explanation":"Definition: a good-looking chap\nA DON [a fellow at university] + IS \u2013 I quite often say that it's sometimes worth repeating good clues for the sake of newer solvers who may not have seen them before"} {"Clue":"Worrying about daughter going to university (8)","Answer":"DREADING","Explanation":"Definition: Worrying about\nD [daughter] + READING \u2013 I think this is intended aa a double definition: READING = 'going to university', or, rather, 'being at university' and READING itself is a university"} {"Clue":"Great place for a jolly fellow in adolescence (8)","Answer":"YARMOUTH","Explanation":"Definition: Great place\nA RM [a jolly {fellow}- second appearance of {Royal} Marine] in YOUTH [adolescence]: YARMOUTH on the Isle of Wight could be a place for Royal Marines but the reference is to the Norfolk resort of Great Yarmouth"} {"Clue":"Found and copied (6)","Answer":"TRACED","Explanation":"Definition: Foundcopied\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Mother to hang about and waste a doctor's time (8)","Answer":"MALINGER","Explanation":"Definition: waste a doctor's time\nMA [mother] + LINGER [to hang about]"} {"Clue":"Last to finish on the river (6)","Answer":"ENDURE","Explanation":"Definition: Last\nEND [to finish] + URE [the lovely Wensleydale river]"} {"Clue":"Old warship with two sets of propellers (6)","Answer":"BIREME","Explanation":"Definition: Old warship\nCryptic definition \u2013 play on 'propellers'"} {"Clue":"Welsh river bird seen around the stern (8)","Answer":"TAFFRAIL","Explanation":"Definition: seen around the stern\nTAFF [Welsh river] + RAIL [bird]"} {"Clue":"Educational degrees give support in retirement (4)","Answer":"BEDS","Explanation":"Definition: support in retirement\nB.EDS [Bachelors of Education]:\u00a0another clue that seems to suggest a reversal \u2013 good misdirection"} {"Clue":"Sort of school to support a system of lines (9)","Answer":"SECONDARY","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of school\nSECOND [to support] + A RY [a railway \u2013 system of lines]"} {"Clue":"Long for agreement with British sailors (5)","Answer":"YEARN","Explanation":"Definition: Long\nYEA [agreement] + RN [Royal Navy \u2013 British sailors]"} {"Clue":"I'm held in scorn, turning bright red (7)","Answer":"CRIMSON","Explanation":"Definition: bright red\nI'M in an anagram [turning] \u2013 not a reversal \u2013 of SCORN"} {"Clue":"Old couple who wrote amusingly (5)","Answer":"TWAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Old couplewho wrote amusingly\nDouble defintion \u2013 refence to the author Mark"} {"Clue":"General protection away from the wind (7)","Answer":"LEEWARD","Explanation":"Definition: away from the wind\nLEE [the crossword general] + WARD [protection]"} {"Clue":"A butcher's working capital (9)","Answer":"BUCHAREST","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nAnagram [working] of A BUTCHER'S \u2013 great surface"} {"Clue":" Its quarters are not spotless (7)","Answer":"LEOPARD","Explanation":"Definition: Its quarters are not spotless (7)\nCryptic definition \u2013 play on 'quarters'"} {"Clue":"That's life! (9)","Answer":"EXISTENCE","Explanation":"Definition: life\nCryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"Make work play, for example (9)","Answer":"DRAMATISE","Explanation":"Definition: Make work play, for example\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"They try to do their running on the quiet (9)","Answer":"SMUGGLERS","Explanation":"Definition: They try to do their running on the quiet\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"I study among graduates \u2014 young females (7)","Answer":"MAIDENS","Explanation":"Definition: young females\nI + DEN [study] in MAS [graduates]"} {"Clue":"Cite her conversion as a dissenter (7)","Answer":"HERETIC","Explanation":"Definition: dissenter\nAnagram [conversion] of CITE HER"} {"Clue":"Winding road ran between France and Spain (7)","Answer":"ANDORRA","Explanation":"Definition: between France and Spain\nAnagram [winding] of ROAD RAN"} {"Clue":"Small arch (5)","Answer":"ELFIN","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Such weather brings change of air to New York (5)","Answer":"RAINY","Explanation":"Definition: Such weather\nAnagram [change] of AIR + NY [New York]"} {"Clue":"Pays attention to compliments (7)","Answer":"REGARDS","Explanation":"Definition: Pays attention tocompliments\nAn easy double definition to start us off"} {"Clue":"Criminal waits to put an end to the job (3,2,2)","Answer":"SAW TO IT","Explanation":"Definition: put an end to the job\nAnagram [criminal] of WAITS TO"} {"Clue":"Blemish beneath skin of onions cut out (9)","Answer":"CONTUSION","Explanation":"Definition: Blemish beneath skin\nAnagram [out] of ONIONS CUT"} {"Clue":"Poet's admission to chateau denied (5)","Answer":"AUDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Poet\nHidden in chateAU DENied"} {"Clue":"We're told to put together basic bird food (4)","Answer":"YOLK","Explanation":"Definition: basic bird food\nSounds like [we're told] 'yoke' [put together]"} {"Clue":"Heralds launch report of noblemen's overthrow (6,4)","Answer":"COUNTS DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Heralds launch\nA possible\u00a0newspaper headline for the overthrow of noblemen"} {"Clue":"Bizarre sport's body's hiding (3,3)","Answer":"FAR OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Bizarre\nFA [Football Association \u2013 sports body] + ROUT [hiding]: \u00a0I was all set to ask for help in parsing WAY OUT and then the penny dropped \u2013 both Collins and Chambers give this a hyphen"} {"Clue":"Knock not deliberately fast (7)","Answer":"RAPIDLY","Explanation":"Definition: fast\nRAP [knock] + IDLY [not deliberately]"} {"Clue":"Officer slow to check everything's in order (7)","Answer":"COLLATE","Explanation":"Definition: check everything's in order\nCOL [Colonel \u2013 officer] + LATE [slow]"} {"Clue":"Gets out of limitless task nursing invalid (6)","Answer":"AVOIDS","Explanation":"Definition: Gets out of\n[t]AS[k] round [nursing] VOID [invalid] \u2013 lovely surface"} {"Clue":"One way to transcribe solo, in fact? (5,5)","Answer":"TONIC SOLFA","Explanation":"Definition: One way to transcribe solo\nAnagram [to transcribe] of SOLO IN FACT: another great [&littish] surface \u2013 or is it a true &lit?"} {"Clue":"Litre spilt by Jack's companion carrying a can (4)","Answer":"JAIL","Explanation":"Definition: can\nJIL[l] [Jack's hill-climbing partner minus l {litre}] round A \u2013 a very nicely allusive surface"} {"Clue":"Last of rabbits in burrow finding a place to sleep (5)","Answer":"ROOST","Explanation":"Definition: place to sleep\n[rabbit]S in ROOT [burrow]"} {"Clue":"Muckiest stones, extra black, blocking gate, regularly removed (9)","Answer":"GRUBBIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Muckiest\nRUBIES [stones] outside [extra] B [black] in [blocking] G[a]T[e]"} {"Clue":"Unfinished document about uniform put down (7)","Answer":"DEFLATE","Explanation":"Definition: put down\nDEE[d] [unfinished document] round FLAT [uniform]"} {"Clue":"Sea god suppressing yen to attempt seduction (3,2,2)","Answer":"TRY IT ON","Explanation":"Definition: attempt seduction\nTRITON [sea god] round Y [yen] \u2013 great story-telling surface, which made me laugh"} {"Clue":"Hard or easy to move (5)","Answer":"ROCKY","Explanation":"Definition: Hardeasy to move\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Lots of nerve cells giving crew back trouble (7)","Answer":"GANGLIA","Explanation":"Definition: Lots of nerve cells\nGANG [crew] + a reversal [back] of AIL [trouble] \u2013 plural of ganglion"} {"Clue":"Family of cooks providing basis for sauce (4)","Answer":"ROUX","Explanation":"Definition: Family of cooksbasis for sauce\nDouble definition, referring to the brothers Albert and Michel"} {"Clue":"Verbal gaffe that might make a trainer uncomfortable? (4,2,3,6)","Answer":"SLIP OF THE TONGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Verbal gaffe\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Unexpected turn, as a sand flea exposes geological feature (3,7,5)","Answer":"SAN ANDREAS FAULT","Explanation":"Definition: geological feature\nAnagram [unexpected] of TURN AS A SAND FLEA"} {"Clue":"Could cod be the answer to Bunny's question? (5,2,3)","Answer":"WHAT\u2019S UP DOC","Explanation":"Definition: Bunny's question\nCOD is a reversal [up] of DOC in Bugs Bunny's catchphrase"} {"Clue":"Two top awards, first with no primary colour (3,4)","Answer":"OLD GOLD","Explanation":"Definition: colour\n[g]OLD GOLD, two top awards, the first with no first [primary] letter"} {"Clue":"Something given by letter X, illusory, lacking force (7)","Answer":"TENANCY","Explanation":"Definition: Something given by letter\nTEN [X] + [f]ANCY [illusory], minus f [force]"} {"Clue":"Where horses may run during All Saints' Day, a North American location (4,6)","Answer":"NOVIA SCOTIA","Explanation":"Definition: a North American location\nASCOT [where horses may run] in NOV[ember] I [All Saints' Day] + A \u2013 my favourite clue, I think"} {"Clue":"Progressed easily up, ignoring note provided (7)","Answer":"CATERED","Explanation":"Definition: provided\nCA[n]TERED, progressed easily, minus n [note] \u2013 I'm not sure why 'up' is there"} {"Clue":"Fielder way past his best? (4,3)","Answer":"LONG OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Fielder\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Terms for the regions set up by faction initially exiled (7)","Answer":"DIALECT","Explanation":"Definition: Terms for the regions\nReversal [up] of LAID [set] + [s]ECT [faction, minus its initial letter]"} {"Clue":"Language giving joy, without going to extremes (5)","Answer":"LATIN","Explanation":"Definition: Language\n[e]LATIN[g] [giving joy]"} {"Clue":"Follow youth leader after gong for service (4)","Answer":"OBEY","Explanation":"Definition: Follow\nY[outh] after OBE [gong for service]"} {"Clue":"Focus of capital soundly interpreted with this clue, for example (3,6)","Answer":"RED SQUARE","Explanation":"Definition: Focus of capital\nRED [sounds like read \u2013 soundly interpreted] + SQUARE [this clue, for example \u2013 9 is a square number]"} {"Clue":"Orange, say, ending on purplish flower (5)","Answer":"HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Orange, say,\n[purplis]H + OUSE [flower]"} {"Clue":"Sketch garages provided by premier in Lausanne for mountain people carrier (3,4)","Answer":"SKI LIFT","Explanation":"Definition: mountain people carrier\nSKIT [sketch] round [garages] L[ausanne] + IF [provided]"} {"Clue":"Force countered plague in 8 (7)","Answer":"TEMPEST","Explanation":"Definition: 8\nTEM \u2013 a reversal [countered] of MET [Metropolitan Police Force] + PEST [plague]\u00a0\u2013\u00a0Sonata 17"} {"Clue":"Engineer, __ did you say, did you say? (4)","Answer":"WATT","Explanation":"Definition: Engineer\nSounds like [did you say?] 'what \u2013 indicated by the dash \u2013 did you say?] for the Scottish engineer James Watt"} {"Clue":"One's played God swiping last of Martini in knees-up for seniors? (5,5)","Answer":"GRAND PIANO","Explanation":"Definition: One's played\nPAN [god] round [swiping]\u00a0[martin]I in GRAN DO [a knees-up for seniors?]!"} {"Clue":"Chapter One in return of modern reading (7)","Answer":"RECITAL","Explanation":"Definition: reading\nCI [Chapter One] in a reversal [return] of LATER [modern]"} {"Clue":"Strong conclusion of Angelou hidden by twisted Spanish poet? (7)","Answer":"DURABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Strong\n[angelo]U in a reversal [twisted] of EL BARD ['Spanish poet']"} {"Clue":"Paper's opening article covered by old, not new, 8 (10)","Answer":"PATH\u00c9TIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: 8\nP[aper] + THE [article] in [covered by] A[n]TIQUE [old, minus n {new}] \u2013 Sonata 15"} {"Clue":"More than once, I say so contrarily (4)","Answer":"EGOS","Explanation":"Definition: More than once, I\nQuirky definition: EG [say] + a reversal [contrarily] of SO \u2013 a reminder of the classic clue for EGO: 'I say nothing'"} {"Clue":"An individual smothered in relish, most comical (7)","Answer":"ZANIEST","Explanation":"Definition: most comical\nAN I [an individual] in ZEST [relish]"} {"Clue":" Contemptible information (3-4)","Answer":"LOW-DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Contemptibleinformation\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Free waste, nothing bagged (5)","Answer":"LOOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Free\nLOSE [waste] round O [nothing]"} {"Clue":"Hang about, solution is 8 (9)","Answer":"MOONLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: 8\nMOON\u00a0 [hang about] + LIGHT [crossword solution] \u2013 Sonata 14\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"This indignant line-up, with first of dissenters on floor (9,6)","Answer":"CROSSWORD PUZZLE","Explanation":"Definition: This\nCROSS [indignant] + a reversal [up] of ROW [line] + D[issenters] + PUZZLE [floor] \u2013 a gem of a clue"} {"Clue":"Detail both a weed and a parasite in sea (8)","Answer":"ADRIATIC","Explanation":"Definition: sea\nA DRI[p] [a weed] + A TIC[k] [a parasite] both minus their last letter ['detailed']"} {"Clue":"Marine life in Guinea? (5)","Answer":"SQUID","Explanation":"Definition: Marine life\nI'm not sure about this one: a guinea was 21 shillings, so is it S [shilling] + QUID [20 shillings]?"} {"Clue":"Crony welcoming parliamentary pioneer in 8 (8)","Answer":"PASTORAL","Explanation":"Definition: 8\nPAL [crony] round ASTOR [parliamentary pioneer Nancy, first female MP to take her seat] \u2013 Sonata 15"} {"Clue":"German train setting off, second to leave station (6)","Answer":"TEUTON","Explanation":"Definition: German\nT[rain] + EU[s]TON [station minus s \u2013 second]"} {"Clue":"Carried by old-fashioned transport, European politician rides here (5,4)","Answer":"THEME PARK","Explanation":"Definition: rides here\nMEP [Member of European Parliament] in THE ARK [old-fashioned transport]"} {"Clue":"Triumphant exclamation some mistake, ruefully served up (6)","Answer":"EUREKA","Explanation":"Definition: Triumphant exclamation\nHidden reversal [served up] in nistAKE RUEfully"} {"Clue":"Work, an industrious thing that encompasses range, issue and area (9,6)","Answer":"BEETHOVEN SONATA","Explanation":"Definition: Work\nBEE [an industrious thing] + THAT round [encompassing] OVEN [range] and SON [issue] + A [area]"} {"Clue":"Circling eastern enclosure, mount rose sharply (9)","Answer":"STEEPENED","Explanation":"Definition: rose sharply\nSTEED [mount] round E PEN [eastern enclosure]"} {"Clue":"Name outstanding old diver, finding old coin (8)","Answer":"DOUBLOON","Explanation":"Definition: old coin\nDUB [name] standing outside [outstanding] O [old] + LOON [US and Canadian name for the diver]"} {"Clue":"As were Daniel Deronda and The Road to Wigan Pier \u2014 gosh! (2,6)","Answer":"BY GEORGE!","Explanation":"Definition: gosh!\nGeorge Eliot wrote 'Daniel Deronda' and George Orwell 'The Road to Wigan Pier'"} {"Clue":"Second-rate vessels (6)","Answer":"TINPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Second-rate\nTIN + POT [vessels]"} {"Clue":"Keeping rhythm, eventually (2,4)","Answer":"IN TIME","Explanation":"Definition: Keeping rhythmeventually\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Super\u2013balloon (5)","Answer":"SWELL","Explanation":"Definition: Superballoon\nAnother double definition to end with"} {"Clue":"Blue clothes first, perhaps? (3,4)","Answer":"LOW GEAR","Explanation":"Definition: first, perhaps?\nLOW [blue] + GEAR [clothes]: this turned out to be a simple charade, with two bits of possible misdirection in 'first' and 'clothes' \u2013 a sign of good cluing"} {"Clue":"One with special advantage is in the drink, they say? (7)","Answer":"INSIDER","Explanation":"Definition: One with special advantage\nSounds like [they say] in cider [in the drink]"} {"Clue":"Lottery in hand, oddly, after card removed (9)","Answer":"WITHDRAWN","Explanation":"Definition: removed\nDRAW [lottery] in H[a]N[d] [odd letters of] after WIT [card]"} {"Clue":"Just eastern Chinese dynasty sold houses (4-6)","Answer":"EVEN-HANDED","Explanation":"Definition: Just\nE [Eastern] + VENDED [sold] round [houses] HAN [Chinese dynasty]"} {"Clue":"Goodwood's cut (4)","Answer":"GASH","Explanation":"Definition: cut\nG [good] + ASH [wood]"} {"Clue":"Tell to seal mouth after Beethoven's Ninth, a line combining different tunes (12)","Answer":"CONTRAPUNTAL","Explanation":"Definition: combining different tunes\nCOUNT [tell] round [to seal] TRAP [mouth] after N [ninth letter of beethoveN] + A L [a line]"} {"Clue":"Blank cheque cashed with random initials, the balance imbalanced! (5,7)","Answer":"CARTE BLANCHE","Explanation":"Definition: Blank cheque\nAnagram [imbalanced] of THE BALANCE and the initial letters of Cashed and Random \u2013 but 'imbalance' is a noun, not a verb, so there is no such word as 'imbalanced': why not 'unbalanced'? \u2013 the surface didn't make much sense to me, anyway"} {"Clue":"Unhealthy to ignore strong heart, for one thing (4)","Answer":"UNIT","Explanation":"Definition: one thing\nUN[f]IT [unhealthy] minus [to ignore] f \u2013 strong \u2013 its middle letter [heart] \u2013 I think there's some discussion re [un]fit = [un]healthy?"} {"Clue":"A robust, rough and unfashionable, unskilled worker (10)","Answer":"ROUSTABOUT","Explanation":"Definition: unskilled worker\nAnagram [rough] of A ROBUST + OUT [unfashionable]"} {"Clue":"Line retracted about idiot, with woman never believed (9)","Answer":"CASSANDRA","Explanation":"Definition: woman never believed\nA reversal [retracted] of ARC [line] round ASS [idiot] + AND [with] for the daughter of King Priam of Troy, to whom Apollo gave the power of prophecy but, when she rejected his advances, he caused her prophecies never to be believed. She prophesied the fall of Troy and I remember that the notes in the back of my school copy of Aeneid II suggested that we might wonder why she didn't simply prophesy the opposite? But everyone knows there was no getting round these decrees \/ prophesies: look at Oedipus \u2013 prophesied to kill his father and marry his mother, so his hapless parents exposed him on a mountainside as soon as he was born and \u2026"} {"Clue":"Pedagogue recalled hiding, having shackled student finally (5)","Answer":"TUTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Pedagogue\nReversal [recalled] of ROUT [hiding] round [having shackled] [studen]T"} {"Clue":"23, disconcerting thing? (7)","Answer":"RATTLER","Explanation":"Definition: 23disconcerting thing?\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Sovereign ruled country gutlessly, tending to make mistakes (7)","Answer":"ERRANCY","Explanation":"Definition: tending to make mistakes\nER [sovereign] + RAN [ruled] + C[ountr]Y \u2013 we have to read 'tending' as a gerund, not a participle\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Run from 23 under opening in lederhosen (6)","Answer":"LADDER","Explanation":"Definition: Run\nL[ederhosen] + ADDER [snake \u2013 23] \u2013 and no\u00a0whiff of the well-worn snakes and ladders"} {"Clue":"Bulldozer great sex? (10)","Answer":"EARTHMOVER","Explanation":"Definition: Bulldozergreat sex?\nDouble definition \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Canopy of willow overshadowed by bay tree (5)","Answer":"ROWAN","Explanation":"Definition: tree\nW[illow] in ROAN [bay \u2013 horse]"} {"Clue":"Chiefly wet? (2,3,4)","Answer":"IN THE MAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Chiefly\nA rather Rufusian cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Crushing victory desired, unfortunately, as 23 (10)","Answer":"SIDEWINDER","Explanation":"Definition: 23\nAn anagram [unfortunately] of DESIRED\u00a0round [crushing] WIN [victory]"} {"Clue":"Italian mount girl has reared, glittering stuff! (8)","Answer":"DIAMANTE","Explanation":"Definition: glittering stuff!\nReversal [has reared] of ETNA [Italian mount] + MAID [girl]"} {"Clue":"Call Dutch artist a 23 (8)","Answer":"RINGHALS","Explanation":"Definition: a 23\nRING [call] + [Frans] HALS [Dutch artist] \u2013 an unequivocal piece of wordplay for an unfamiliar word"} {"Clue":"23 gets to transport rodent after getting up in the morning (10)","Answer":"BUSHMASTER","Explanation":"Definition: 23\nBUS [transport] + HAMSTER, with AM [in the morning] reversed [getting up]"} {"Clue":"I'm grateful wine and bread have turned up \u2014 too much to ask? (4,5)","Answer":"TALL ORDER","Explanation":"Definition: too much to ask?\nTA [I'm grateful] + a reversal [turned up] of RED [wine] and ROLL [bread]"} {"Clue":"Reconnaissance vehicle out cold in evidence of battle (5,3)","Answer":"SCOUT CAR","Explanation":"Definition: Reconnaissance vehicle\nOUT C [cold] in SCAR [evidence of battle]"} {"Clue":"Ultimately violent, nastier sort of toys for boys? (5,3)","Answer":"TRAIN SET","Explanation":"Definition: ftoys for boys?\n[violen]T + an anagram [sort of] of NASTIER \u2013 is this what Santa's\u00a0delivering to the Halpern household?"} {"Clue":"Feeding kid, too much material (with a mouth for 23) (6)","Answer":"COTTON","Explanation":"Definition: material\nOTT [too much] in [feeding] CON [kid] \u2013 + mouth gives cottonmouth, another snake previously unknown to me"} {"Clue":"Hardy one of seven writing off two articles? (6)","Answer":"STURDY","Explanation":"Definition: Hardy\nSo many 'sevens' it could have been one of, so some pause for thought here \u2013 \u00a0but it turned out to be simply S[a]TURD[a]Y \u2013 nice one, Paul!"} {"Clue":"Benefit circling north wind (5)","Answer":"SNAKE","Explanation":"Definition: wind\nSAKE [benefit] round N [north]: I don't know why this took so long to see \u2013 except that benefit usually = dole"} {"Clue":"Uncle Sam's zip pinches a hard object (4)","Answer":"NAIL","Explanation":"Definition: a hard object\nNIL [nothing = zip in the USA, which I learned \u2013 through crosswords, of course \u2013 only fairly recently] round A \u2013 reference to the expression 'hard as nails': a typical Paul clue to end on \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Pretty vacuous stuff, as in a pair of habits (7)","Answer":"PYJAMAS","Explanation":"Definition: a pair of habits \nP[rett]Y + JAM [stuff \u2013 both as verbs] + AS \u2013 a rather peculiar definition"} {"Clue":"Turned over, grain soaks cooking vessel (7)","Answer":"STEWPAN","Explanation":"Definition: cooking vessel\nReversal [turned over] of NAP [grain] + WETS [soaks]"} {"Clue":"Athenian money requiring flash investment (5)","Answer":"TIMON","Explanation":"Definition: Athenian\nMO [flash] in TIN [money]"} {"Clue":"Somewhat like 1 down? That's too much (1,3,5)","Answer":"A BIT THICK","Explanation":"Definition: too much\nCollins defines POTAGE [1dn] as 'any thick soup'"} {"Clue":"Swimmer has old hair style (4,6)","Answer":"GREY MULLET","Explanation":"Definition: Swimmer\nGREY [old] + MULLET [hairstyle]"} {"Clue":"Ladies' man \u2014 Agrippa, say? (4)","Answer":"STUD","Explanation":"Definition: Ladies' man\nAgrippa sounds [to some, hence the question mark] like 'a gripper' [stud] \u2013 I like Chambers' definition: 'a sexually potent or active man, or one who thinks he is'"} {"Clue":"Maximum score on board, little time left in between, try to rebuild (6,6)","Answer":"TREBLE TWENTY","Explanation":"Definition: Maximum score on board\nT [little time] + L [left] in an anagram [rebuild] of BETWEEN TRY for the highest score on a dartboard"} {"Clue":"Altercations getting out of hand between New York and California, perhaps (12)","Answer":"INTERCOASTAL","Explanation":"Definition: between New York and California, perhaps\nAnagram [getting out of hand] of ALTERCATIONS}"} {"Clue":"th chap detailed? (4)","Answer":"MANX","Explanation":"Definition: detailed?\nIf MAN\u00a0A is 1st, MAN [chap] X is 24th \u2013 and Manx cats have no tail; Paul's being doubly whimsical here: 'Manx' [from the Isle of Man'] means 'detailed' only when applied to cats \u2013 again, hence the question mark"} {"Clue":"Cleaner cheek on bum (4,6)","Answer":"FACE SPONGE","Explanation":"Definition: Cleaner\nFACE [cheek] + SPONGE [bum]"} {"Clue":"Gather around to insist on a comfort break? Here's the bad news! (4,2,3,4)","Answer":"READ \u2018EM AND WEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Here's the bad news!\nREAP [gather] around DEMAND WEE [insist on a comfort break]"} {"Clue":"Certainly not close to autumn, the night before last in summer (5)","Answer":"NEVER","Explanation":"Definition: Certainly not\n[autum]N + EVE [the night before] + [summe[R]"} {"Clue":"Old man in want after potassium as protection for joint (7)","Answer":"KNEEPAD","Explanation":"Definition: protection for joint\nPA [old man] in NEED [want] after K [potassium]"} {"Clue":"Decide to do this puzzle again? (7)","Answer":"RESOLVE","Explanation":"Definition: Decidedo this puzzle again?\nDoublish definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Vessel takes a long time warming food (6)","Answer":"POTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: warming food\nPOT [vessel] + AGE [a long time]"} {"Clue":"Top steeplechaser, perhaps? (6)","Answer":"JUMPER","Explanation":"Definition: Topsteeplechaser, perhaps\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Author Thomas tours book fair in Parisian district (10)","Answer":"MONTMARTRE","Explanation":"Definition: Parisian district\nMORE [Sir Thomas, author of 'Utopia'] round [tours] NT [book \u2013 or, strictly, books]\u00a0 +\u00a0 MART [fair]"} {"Clue":"Sloth, part Brazilian, sleeping upside down (5)","Answer":"SNAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Sloth\nHidden reversal in braziLIAN S[leeping]"} {"Clue":"Chicken partially boned? (9)","Answer":"SPINELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Chickenpartially boned?\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Poet abandoning the top table (4)","Answer":"EATS","Explanation":"Definition: table\n[k]EATS \u2013 I'm not keen on my favourite poet losing his head!"} {"Clue":"Constable, perhaps, catching breath, an individual collared (8)","Answer":"PAINTING","Explanation":"Definition: Constable, perhaps\nPANTING [catching breath] round I [one \u2013 individual]"} {"Clue":"Observer simply reviewing Yankee Doodle: \"Gutless\" (5,3)","Answer":"NAKED EYE","Explanation":"Definition: Observer simply\nAnagram [reviewing] of YANKEE D[oodl]E \u2013 my favourite clue"} {"Clue":"Gear to change as went past (10)","Answer":"SWEATPANTS","Explanation":"Definition: Gear\nAnagram [to change] of AS WENT PAST"} {"Clue":"Pathogen I guess consuming oxygen under blackhead (9)","Answer":"BIOHAZARD","Explanation":"Definition: Pathogen\nI HAZARD [I guess] round O [oxygen] under B[lack]"} {"Clue":"German statesman's doctrine dividing king and nipper after uprising (8)","Answer":"BISMARCK","Explanation":"Definition: German statesman\nISM [doctrine] in [dividing] a reversal of [K [king] + CRAB [nipper]"} {"Clue":"Very old figure breaking leg (5,3)","Answer":"STONE AGE","Explanation":"Definition: Very old\nONE [1 \u2013 figure] in [breaking] STAGE [leg]"} {"Clue":"Whine, seeing scorpion's tail in trousers being pulled up (6)","Answer":"SNIVEL","Explanation":"Definition: Whine\n[scorpio]N in a reversal [being pulled up] of LEVIS [trousers]"} {"Clue":"Stuff about English prince or king? (6)","Answer":"GEORGE","Explanation":"Definition: prince or king\nGORGE [stuff] round E [English]"} {"Clue":"One or the other with a cold duck? (5)","Answer":"EIDER","Explanation":"Definition: duck\nHow 'either' [one or the other] might be pronounced by someone with a cold? \u2013\u00a0 surely [wherever one comes from!] it's the pronunciation of 'n', not 'th', that's affected by a cold? [but I don't really want to quibble today]"} {"Clue":"Married nursing assistant had babies (7)","Answer":"WHELPED","Explanation":"Definition: had babies\nWED [married] round [nursing] HELP [assistant]"} {"Clue":"Introduction to Frinton, not just somewhere to enjoy yourself (7)","Answer":"FUNFAIR","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere to enjoy yourself\nF[rinton] + UNFAIR [not just]"} {"Clue":"Keen on wife following close behind (2,3)","Answer":"IN TOW","Explanation":"Definition: following close behind\nINTO [keen on] + W [wife]"} {"Clue":"Gadarene stampede to check p-pulse (6,3)","Answer":"GARDEN PEA","Explanation":"Definition: pulse\nAnagram [stampede] of GADARENE round P"} {"Clue":"I'm lost for words after recollecting swelling bosom in steamy novel (10)","Answer":"BONKBUSTER","Explanation":"Definition: steamy novel\nER [I'm lost for words] after a reversal [recollecting] of KNOB [swelling] + BUST [bosom]"} {"Clue":"Alcohol-related trouble (3)","Answer":"AIL","Explanation":"Definition: trouble\nSounds like [related] 'ale' [alcohol]"} {"Clue":"Unprofessional activities of Tories duly condemned (2-2-8)","Answer":"DO-IT-YOURSELF","Explanation":"Definition: Unprofessional activities\nAnagram [condemned] of OF TORIES DULY"} {"Clue":"Pesters a Whig to change statement to the House (5,7)","Answer":"STAGE WHISPER","Explanation":"Definition: statement to the House\nAnagram [to change] of PESTERS A WHIG"} {"Clue":"Sound of indifference from pantomime horse (3)","Answer":"MEH","Explanation":"Definition: Sound of indifference\nHidden in pantomiME Horse"} {"Clue":"Family member set off, seeming to lack answer (4-6)","Answer":"STEP-PARENT","Explanation":"Definition: Family member\nAnagram [off] of SET + [a]PPARENT [seeming, minus a [answer]"} {"Clue":"Tickle and excite it a little (9)","Answer":"TITILLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Tickle\nAnagram [excite] of IT A LITTLE"} {"Clue":"Fine boomerangs, in the style of a native Australian (5)","Answer":"KOALA","Explanation":"Definition: a native Australian\nReversal [boomerangs] of OK [fine] + \u00c0 LA [in the style of]"} {"Clue":"Spouse and smallest offspring picked up pants (1-6)","Answer":"Y-FRONTS","Explanation":"Definition: pants\nSounds like [picked up] 'wife' [spouse] + 'runts' [smallest offspring]"} {"Clue":"Source of Vitamin C vital when suffering relapse (7)","Answer":"SATSUMA","Explanation":"Definition: Source of Vitamin C\nReversal [suffering relapse] of A MUST [vital] + AS [when]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Little lad drained of type of blood in scene from Dracula (6)","Answer":"WHITBY","Explanation":"Definition: scene from Dracula\nWHIT [little] + B[o]Y [lad minus o \u2013 type of blood] for the North Yorkshire birthplace of Dracula"} {"Clue":"Get in a flap at the table (6)","Answer":"EATING","Explanation":"Definition: at the table\nAnagram [flap] of GET IN A"} {"Clue":"Man smashed head of Russian moneylender (10)","Answer":"PAWNBROKER","Explanation":"Definition: moneylender\nPAWN [man, in chess] + BROKE [smashed] + R[ussian]"} {"Clue":"Wise duke upset top drawer (5)","Answer":"D\u00c9GAS","Explanation":"Definition: top drawer\nReversal [upset] of SAGE [wise] + D [duke]"} {"Clue":"Trimmings of hair down there, so short (9)","Answer":"FURBELOWS","Explanation":"Definition: Trimmings\nFUR [hair] + BELOW [down there] + S[o]"} {"Clue":"Chap is unfamiliar, but not very (4)","Answer":"NOEL","Explanation":"Definition: Chap\nNO[v]EL [unfamiliar]"} {"Clue":"Dove very softly into a quiet river (8)","Answer":"APPEASER","Explanation":"Definition: Dove\nPP [very softly] in A EASE [a quiet] R [river]: I do dislike that North American past tense \u2013 but it makes a great surface!"} {"Clue":"Actual, complete sentence (4,4)","Answer":"REAL LIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Actual\nREAL [complete] + LIFE [sentence]"} {"Clue":"Worry about extremely exploitative figure in capitalist system (4,6)","Answer":"FREE MARKET","Explanation":"Definition: capitalist system\nFRET [worry] round E[xploitativ]E + MARK [figure]"} {"Clue":"What a hit!\", Ian shrieked, catching number from South Pacific (9)","Answer":"TAHITIANS","Explanation":"Definition: number from South Pacific\nHidden in whaT A HIT IAN Shrieked"} {"Clue":"International judge supporting certain type of equality (8)","Answer":"ISOMETRY","Explanation":"Definition: type of equality\nI [international] + TRY [judge] after [supporting, in a down clue] SOME [certain]"} {"Clue":"Tube of tortoiseshell perhaps not entirely straight (8)","Answer":"CATHETER","Explanation":"Definition: Tube\nCAT [tortoiseshell perhaps] + HETER[o] [straight]"} {"Clue":"Outsiders to decolonise Java and Vanuatu, strangely familiar phenomenon (4,2)","Answer":"D\u00c9J\u00c0 VU","Explanation":"Definition: strangely familiar phenomenon\nFirst and last letters of DecolonisE, JavA and VanatU"} {"Clue":"Federal capital to put up tall wall to exclude students (6)","Answer":"OTTAWA","Explanation":"Definition: Federal capital\nReversal [to put up] of TO + TA[ll] WA[ll] [minus students]"} {"Clue":"Smooth journalists importune crowd (5)","Answer":"PRESS","Explanation":"Quadruple definition"} {"Clue":"Plan polkaing periodically (4)","Answer":"PLAN","Explanation":"This must surely be a[nother] editorial oversight: the clue appears in the same form both in the paper and online"} {"Clue":"Report finding small bed in river (8)","Answer":"DESCRIBE","Explanation":"Definition: Report\nS {small] CRIB [bed] in DEE [river]"} {"Clue":"A Democrat picks and chooses (6)","Answer":"ADOPTS","Explanation":"Definition: chooses\nA D [a Democrat] + OPTS [picks]"} {"Clue":"Coroner ordered date to be publicly known (2,6)","Answer":"ON RECORD","Explanation":"Definition: publicly known\nAnagram [[ordered] of CORONER + D [date]"} {"Clue":"Time to accept touching award (6)","Answer":"HONOUR","Explanation":"Definition: award\nHOUR [time] round ON [touching]"} {"Clue":"Having second thoughts about one making strides (5)","Answer":"PACES","Explanation":"Definition: strides\nPS [post script \u2013 second thoughts] round ACE [one]"} {"Clue":"Men let oil re-form as a cream (9)","Answer":"EMOLLIENT","Explanation":"Definition: cream\nAnagram [re-form] of MEN LET OIL"} {"Clue":"Cripple protects refuge that can be found (12)","Answer":"DISCOVERABLE","Explanation":"Definition: that can be found\nDISABLE [cripple] round COVER [refuge]"} {"Clue":"Tell one all we arranged and, if it ain't broke, don't fix it (3,4,5)","Answer":"LET WELL ALONE","Explanation":"Definition: if it ain't broke, don't fix it\nAnagram [arranged] of TELL ONE ALL WE"} {"Clue":"Criticises committee's forthright society (9)","Answer":"COMPLAINS","Explanation":"Definition: Criticises\nCOM [committee] + PLAIN [forthright] + S [society] \u2013 I don't like the definition: 'complain' is intransitive"} {"Clue":"Food includes cold stuffing (5)","Answer":"FARCE","Explanation":"Definition: stuffing\nFARE [food] round C [cold]"} {"Clue":"Spies like keeping man (6)","Answer":"AGENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Spies\nAS [like] round GENT [man]"} {"Clue":"Man catching a perch is tall and thin (8)","Answer":"BEANPOLE","Explanation":"Definition: is tall and thin\nI can't quite see this one \u2013 and, again, I don't like the definition: as we oldies know from the tables that used to be on the back of our exercise books, rod = pole = perch but I can't see BE = man* [Edit: that's because it's not, of course,\u00a0BE = man: see Shirl's comment 3]"} {"Clue":"Troop leader to burgle believer (6)","Answer":"THEIST","Explanation":"Definition: believer\nT[roop] + HEIST [burgle \u2013 which seems rather too specific]"} {"Clue":"Anxious, as sweet dishes are sent back (8)","Answer":"STRESSED","Explanation":"Definition: Anxious\nReversal [sent back] of DESSERTS \u2013 this one has been round the block a few times\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"It's boring 'olding 'oop slack (6)","Answer":"DROOPY","Explanation":"Definition: slack\nDRY [boring] round OOP"} {"Clue":"Hit by second vehicle (6)","Answer":"STRUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Hit\nS [second] + TRUCK [vehicle]"} {"Clue":"Going back to experience capturing Nazi forces (9)","Answer":"RECESSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Going back\nRECEIVE [experience?] round SS [Nazi forces]"} {"Clue":"Boy to instruct officer over deceit? The dog! (6,6)","Answer":"BORDER COLLIE","Explanation":"Definition: dog\nB [boy? \u2013 I can't find this abbreviation anywhere] + ORDER [instruct] + COL[onel \u2013 officer] + LIE [deceit]"} {"Clue":"Daughter on cycle is funny (5)","Answer":"DROLL","Explanation":"Definition: funny\nD [daughter] on ROLL [cycle]"} {"Clue":"Book where dog wears lead on Sunday (8)","Answer":"PROVERBS","Explanation":"Definition: Book\nROVER [dog] in PB [lead] + S [Sunday]"} {"Clue":"Swaggered along road with potholes (8)","Answer":"STRUTTED","Explanation":"Definition: Swaggered\nST [road] + RUTTED [with potholes]"} {"Clue":"Learn Glen's smell is getting better (12)","Answer":"CONVALESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: getting better\nCON [learn] + VALE [glen] + SCENT [smell] \u2013 but I can't account for the apostrophe s"} {"Clue":"Assign funds solely for telephone receiver (4-5)","Answer":"RING-FENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Assign funds solely for\nRING [telephone] + FENCE [receiver]"} {"Clue":"Sorcery leads to shortage in pub on Tuesday (5,3)","Answer":"BLACK ART","Explanation":"Definition: Sorcery\nLACK [shortage] in BAR [pub] + T [Tuesday]"} {"Clue":"Headlong rush crammed into corner (8)","Answer":"STAMPEDE","Explanation":"Definition: Headlong rush\nTAMPED [crammed] in SE [corner \u2013 a pity this entry is in the SW corner!]"} {"Clue":"Rustlers shepherds lay hold of (6)","Answer":"CROOKS","Explanation":"Definition: Rustlers\nCryptic definition [by example]"} {"Clue":"Guard fed up with dissolution (6)","Answer":"DEFEND","Explanation":"Definition: Guard\nReversal [up] of FED + END [dissolution]"} {"Clue":"Ration American plant (5)","Answer":"LOTUS","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nLOT [ration] + US [American]"} {"Clue":"Fragments tire 5 out (8)","Answer":"DETRITUS","Explanation":"Definition: Fragments\nAnagram [out] of TIRE + STUD [5dn]: I did\u00a0attempt an anagram of TIRE FIVE first, because I boringly go through the clues in order\u00a0\u2013 anyone else?"} {"Clue":"Hallucinatory endeavour to keep one very quiet (6)","Answer":"TRIPPY","Explanation":"Definition: Hallucinatory\nTRY [endeavour] round I [one] PP [very quiet]"} {"Clue":"A Roman character embracing Greek one in street (6)","Answer":"AVENUE","Explanation":"Definition: street\nA VEE [a Roman character \u2013 'five' again!] round NU [a Greek character]"} {"Clue":"Dependable left-wing sort of university? (8)","Answer":"REDBRICK","Explanation":"Definition: sort of university?\nRED [left-wing] + BRICK [dependable sort]: Collins [my favourite] has this as one word, Chambers two"} {"Clue":"Take notice of shop's stocktaking (4)","Answer":"PSST!","Explanation":"Definition: Take notice\nHidden in shoP'S STocktaking"} {"Clue":"Pig gobbling wood and brass, maybe, from adjustable aperture (4,6)","Answer":"SASH WINDOW","Explanation":"Definition: adjustable aperture\nSOW [pig] round ASH [wood] + WIND\u00a0 [brass, maybe]"} {"Clue":"Photographer of fish (7)","Answer":"SNAPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Photographer fish\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Artist's little image: Fool With Nothing On (7)","Answer":"PICASSO","Explanation":"Definition: Artist\nPIC [little image] + ASS [fool] + O [nothing]"} {"Clue":"Returns south in reversion to type (6,4)","Answer":"THROWS BACK","Explanation":"Definition: Returns\nS [south] in THROWBACK [reversion to type]"} {"Clue":"Send message that's offensive about 10 (4)","Answer":"TEXT","Explanation":"Definition: Send message\nTET [offensive in Vietnam war] round X [ten]"} {"Clue":"One pound return on ship with energy-free fuel \u2014 that's heavenly! (8)","Answer":"BLISSFUL","Explanation":"Definition: heavenly\nReversal [return] of I LB [one pound] + SS [ship] + FU[e]L"} {"Clue":"Kindness to a 5 in 4 (6)","Answer":"FAVOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Kindness\nA V [a five \u2013 this is becoming a mini-theme!] in FOUR"} {"Clue":"Jar containing new unpleasant smell that's yet to come (6)","Answer":"UNBORN","Explanation":"Definition: yet to come\nURN [jar] round N [new] BO [unpleasant smell]"} {"Clue":"Garlanded United, nursing broken heart (8)","Answer":"WREATHED","Explanation":"Definition: Garlanded\nWED [united] round an anagram [broken] of HEART"} {"Clue":"Folios under threat? (6,2,3,4)","Answer":"LEAVES ON THE LINE","Explanation":"LEAVES [folios] ON THE LINE [under threat]: see here*\u00a0[I'm sorry, this link has changed since I added it yesterday: googling 'leaves on the line' will give you several alternatives.]"} {"Clue":"Not starting 20 spoof? (5,4,2,4)","Answer":"WRONG TYPE OF SNOW","Explanation":"A reverse anagram [WRONG] of [t]WENTY SPOOF: see here"} {"Clue":"Skinhead, as one leaves the hairdresser's, lacking emphasis (10)","Answer":"STRESSLESS","Explanation":"Definition: lacking emphasis\nS [first letter \u2013 head \u2013 of skin] + TRESSLESS [as one leaves the hairdresser's \u2013 it depends what one goes for, I suppose]"} {"Clue":"Garments adopted by dry emperor's champ\u00adion (7)","Answer":"TSARIST","Explanation":"Definition: emperor's champ\u00adion\nSARIS [garments] in TT [dry]"} {"Clue":"Virile character's incomplete investigation (4)","Answer":"STUD","Explanation":"Definition: Virile character\nSTUD[y] [investigation]"} {"Clue":"Rang Tim? (7,8)","Answer":"MIGRANT ACTIVITY","Explanation":"Another reverse anagram [ACTIVITY] of RANG TIM \u2013 a reminder of ringing TIM the speaking clock \u2013 and an excuse which, sadly, is not so specious: see here"} {"Clue":"One having nooky with copper in river, all wearing glasses (8,7)","Answer":"SPECIOUS EXCUSES","Explanation":"I [one] + SEX [nooky] and CU [copper] inside OUSE [river] all inside [wearing] SPECS: impeccably parsable and one of the most hilarious surfaces I've seen for a long time \u2013 a real classic!"} {"Clue":"Supposing setter enters beaten and boozy? (10)","Answer":"WHISKIFIED","Explanation":"Definition: boozy?\nIF [supposing] + I [setter] in WHISKED [beaten] \u2013 I didn't know this word existed, or I could sometimes have applied it to my malt-loving late husband \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Chicks holding down place of execution (7)","Answer":"GALLOWS","Explanation":"Definition: place of execution\nGALS [chicks] round LOW [down]"} {"Clue":"Typeface in which to acquire a name? (4)","Answer":"FONT","Explanation":"Definition: Typefacein which to acquire a name?\nDouble \/ cryptic definition: the function of baptism is not to confer a name, of course \u2013 hence the question mark \u2013 but it's a common notion and a great surface"} {"Clue":"Strong statement of intent from crossword compilers (4-3)","Answer":"WELL-SET","Explanation":"Definition: Strong\nWE'LL SET, as crossword compilers might say"} {"Clue":"Rot found in heart of beech trees (7)","Answer":"EYEWASH","Explanation":"Definition: Rot\n[be]E[ch] + YEW ASH [trees]"} {"Clue":"Problem child? More than one! (5)","Answer":"ISSUE","Explanation":"Definition: Problemchild? More than one!\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Tell me it's no longer popular and trendy (3,4,2)","Answer":"OUT WITH IT","Explanation":"Definition: Tell me\nOUT [no longer popular] + WITH IT [trendy]"} {"Clue":"Present way to improve home, framing art nouveau from parents (10)","Answer":"HEREDITARY","Explanation":"Definition: from parents\nHERE [present] + DIY [way to improve home \u2013 or not \ud83d\ude09 ] round an anagram [nouveau] of ART"} {"Clue":"What's possessed by wag \u2014 so hilarious! (4)","Answer":"GSOH","Explanation":"Definition: What's possessed by wag\nHidden in waG SO Hilarious \u2013 abbreviation for Good Sense Of Humour in personal ads"} {"Clue":"Philosopher and French writer with intimate, romantic works (5,3,4)","Answer":"MILLS AND BOON","Explanation":"Definition: romantic works\n[John Stuart] MILL [philosopher] + [George] SAND [French writer] + BOON [intimate]"} {"Clue":"Star briefly red and white, on repeatedly exploding (3-3,6)","Answer":"ONE-HIT WONDER","Explanation":"Definition: Star briefly\nAnagram [exploding] of RED WHITE ON ON"} {"Clue":"Apologetic cry rings around the East End (4)","Answer":"OOPS","Explanation":"Definition: Apologetic cry\n[h]OOPS [rings, as pronounced in the East End]"} {"Clue":" Noble rebel and villain, fellow in the wrong (2,8)","Answer":"DE MONTFORT","Explanation":"Definition: Noble rebel\nDEMON [villain] + F [fellow] in TORT [wrong] for one of our local heroes \u2013 \u00a0Simon, 6th Earl of Leicester"} {"Clue":"Art of 60s' dance music in large parties (9)","Answer":"GARFUNKEL","Explanation":"Definition: Art of 60s'\nFUNK [dance music] in an anagram [parties, as a verb] of LARGE \u2013 one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"Be the manager in charge of ancient characters (5)","Answer":"RUNIC","Explanation":"Definition: of ancient characters\nRUN [be the manager] + IC [in charge]"} {"Clue":"Return of tedious person with drink, but he won't get a round (7)","Answer":"NIGGARD","Explanation":"Definition: he won't get a round\nReversal of DRAG [tedious person] + GIN [drink]"} {"Clue":"One side needs some light paint (7)","Answer":"PORTRAY","Explanation":"Definition: paint\nPORT [one side] + RAY [some light]"} {"Clue":"Maybe stone or white rocks round gulf (6)","Answer":"WEIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe stone\nAnagram [rocks] of WHITE round G [gulf]"} {"Clue":"Sappers supporting desire for glory (6)","Answer":"LUSTRE","Explanation":"Definition: glory\nRE [Royal Engineers \u2013 Sappers] supporting LUST [desire]"} {"Clue":"Thin binding weed \u2014 it's what's observed on road (5,5)","Answer":"SPEED LIMIT","Explanation":"Definition: it's what's observed on road\nSLIM [thin] round PEED [weed!] + IT"} {"Clue":"Perhaps member of school's right to be defended by solicitor (5)","Answer":"TROUT","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps member of school\nR [right] in TOUT [solicitor]"} {"Clue":"Record head of Amazon plugs can amuse (9)","Answer":"ENTERTAIN","Explanation":"Definition: amuse\nENTER [record] + A[mazon] in TIN [can]"} {"Clue":"Go out with someone you went out with one time (4)","Answer":"EXIT","Explanation":"Definition: Go out\nEX [someone you went out with] + I [one] + T [time]"} {"Clue":"Bond had fixed and sound returns (8)","Answer":"ADHESION","Explanation":"Definition: Bond\nAnagram [fixed] of HAD + a reversal [returns] of NOISE [sounds]"} {"Clue":"Devising something to wear with grand clothing feature (8)","Answer":"HATCHING","Explanation":"Definition: Devising\nHAT [something to wear] + G [grand] round CHIN [feature]"} {"Clue":"A Renaissance artist capturing utter mercenary (10)","Answer":"ADVENTURER","Explanation":"Definition: mercenary\nA [Albrecht] DURER [a Renaissance artist] round VENT [utter]"} {"Clue":"Look down during day \u2014 it's quite revealing (3-6)","Answer":"LOW-NECKED","Explanation":"Definition: quite revealing\nLO [look] + NECK [down] in WED [day]"} {"Clue":"Vehicle horse pulled back to marsh, initially (8)","Answer":"TOBOGGAN","Explanation":"Definition: Vehicle\nTO BOG [marsh] + a reversal [pulled back] of NAG [horse]"} {"Clue":"Qualifier of the year 2016 struggling for golf game (8)","Answer":"LEAPFROG","Explanation":"Definition: game\nLEAP [qualifier of the year 2016] + an anagram [struggling] of FOR +\u00a0 G [golf]:\u00a0 the fourth indication for G we've had today \u2013 quite impressive"} {"Clue":"No meat cut and stewed \u2014 recipe for person with beef (6)","Answer":"MOANER","Explanation":"Definition: person with beef\nAnagram [stewed] of NO MEA[t] + R [recipe]"} {"Clue":"Very solid cattle yard (6)","Answer":"STOCKY","Explanation":"Definition: Very solid\nSTOCK [cattle] + Y [yard]"} {"Clue":"Love getting kiss on cheek and flower (5)","Answer":"OXLIP","Explanation":"Definition: flower\nO [love] + X [kiss] + LIP [cheek]"} {"Clue":"A slander's overthrown foreign parliament (4)","Answer":"DUMA","Explanation":"Definition: foreign parliament\nReversal [overthrown] of A MUD [slander]"} {"Clue":"Antimony pollutes dirty harbour (7)","Answer":"GRIMSBY","Explanation":"Definition: harbour\nSB [chemical symbol for antimony] in GRIMY [dirty]"} {"Clue":"Poorly assembled program in divine setting (7)","Answer":"SCRAPPY","Explanation":"Definition: Poorly assembled\nCRAP [program] in SPY [divine] \u2013 I think* [Edit: wrong again! [see comments 1 and 2] \u2013 how embarrassing \ud83d\ude41 ]"} {"Clue":"Without exception one's abandoned building (4)","Answer":"BARN","Explanation":"Definition: building\nBAR N[one] [without exception] minus [abandoned] one"} {"Clue":"Left back to dwell on the ball? It's up in the air (10)","Answer":"TROPOPAUSE","Explanation":"Definition: It's up in the air\nReversal [back] of PORT [left] + O [ball] + PAUSE [dwell]"} {"Clue":"Tolkien's art? (6,5)","Answer":"MIDDLE EARTH","Explanation":"Definition: Tolkien's art?\nART is in the middle of EARTH"} {"Clue":"Leaves here to instruct parent heartlessly (3,5)","Answer":"TEA CADDY","Explanation":"Definition: Leaves here\nTEAC[h][d]ADDY [instruct parent \u2013 heartlessly]"} {"Clue":"I keep time, but I'm missing from relaunch of 28 27 (9)","Answer":"METRONOME","Explanation":"Definition: I keep time\nAnagram [relaunch] of MEMENTO MORI minus I'm"} {"Clue":" Airplane, a presidential one? (9)","Answer":"JEFFERSON","Explanation":"Definition: Airplane, a presidential one?\nDouble \/ cryptic definition: JEFFERSON Airplane was an American rock band, formed in the 60s"} {"Clue":"Very disappointed about the Spanish holiday, without a phone extension (6,5)","Answer":"SELFIE STICK","Explanation":"Definition: phone extension\nSICK [as a parrot? \u2013 very disappointed] round EL [the Spanish] FIEST[a] [holiday without a]"} {"Clue":"Alliance blocks programme of legislator (10)","Answer":"SENATORIAL","Explanation":"Definition: of legislator\nNATO [alliance] in SERIAL [programme]"} {"Clue":"In endless remembrance, I bury all but the last skull among others (7,4)","Answer":"MEMENTO MORI","Explanation":"Definition: skull among others\nENTOM[b] [bury all but the last] in MEMOR[y] [endless remembrance] I"} {"Clue":"Looking witheringly on apparently good fastening (7)","Answer":"PITYING","Explanation":"Definition: Looking witheringly\nPI [apparently good] + TYING [fastening]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Grasp what's behind porkies, we are told (7)","Answer":"REALISE","Explanation":"Definition: Grasp\nI think this is 'sounds like' [we are told] rear [behind] lies [porkies]"} {"Clue":"Very keen to keep working for unity (5)","Answer":"MONAD","Explanation":"Definition: Very keen to keep working for unity (5)\nMAD [very keen] round ON [working] \u2013 I don't think I'd met this word before but it was guessable from 'triad'"} {"Clue":"Where one may read in no man's land? (7,3,5)","Answer":"BETWEEN THE LINES","Explanation":"Definition: Where one may readno man's land\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Chapter to be spoken or to be sung (6)","Answer":"CHORAL","Explanation":"Definition: to be sung\nCH [chapter] + ORAL [spoken]"} {"Clue":"In brief panic attend to joint \u2014 I'm ready to carve (9)","Answer":"ALABASTER","Explanation":"Definition: I'm ready to carve\nBASTE [attend to joint] in ALAR[m] [brief panic]"} {"Clue":"Researcher coopts daughter for experiment (7)","Answer":"POSTDOC","Explanation":"Definition: Researcher\nAnagram [for experiment] of COOPTS and D [daughter]"} {"Clue":"Bum getting smaller? Mine is hell (10,3)","Answer":"BOTTOMLESS PIT","Explanation":"Definition: hell\nBOTTOM [bum] + LESS [smaller] + PIT [mine]"} {"Clue":"Having run with the others, I grabbed some food to get back (9)","Answer":"RETALIATE","Explanation":"Definition: get back\nR [run] + ET AL [with the others] + I ATE [ I grabbed some food]"} {"Clue":"Perform greeting, welcoming non-female boss (7)","Answer":"ACHIEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Perform\nAVE [greeting] round CHIE[f] [non-female boss]"} {"Clue":"Pasta to satisfy one's hunger, while taking in the Guardian? (7)","Answer":"FUSILLI","Explanation":"Definition: Pasta\nFILL I [satisfy one's hunger] round US [Guardian]"} {"Clue":"Moronic sort of letter (7)","Answer":"OMICRON","Explanation":"Definition: letter\nAnagram [sort of] of MORONIC"} {"Clue":"Walking about 30cm requires no energy (2,4)","Answer":"ON FOOT","Explanation":"Definition: Walking\nON[e] FOOT [about 30cm] with no e [energy]"} {"Clue":"Gordon Bennett is executed rudely, a Brit (5)","Answer":"LIMEY","Explanation":"Definition: rudely, a Brit\n[b]LIMEY [Gordon Bennett- executed]"} {"Clue":"A sacred structure of covered passages (7)","Answer":"ARCADES","Explanation":"Definition: covered passages\nAnagram [structure] of A SACRED"} {"Clue":"It's in action, certainly (6)","Answer":"INDEED","Explanation":"Definition: certainly\nIN DEED [action]"} {"Clue":"Notice work getting into shape for a takeover (8)","Answer":"ADOPTION","Explanation":"Definition: takeover\nAD [notice] + OP [work] + an anagram [shape] of INTO"} {"Clue":" Still getting interference (6)","Answer":"STATIC","Explanation":"Definition: Stillinterference\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Form of credit that's cheap, hurries to get it (4,8)","Answer":"HIRE PURCHASE","Explanation":"Definition: Form of credit\nAnagram [to get it? \u2013 perhaps we have to include 'form' in the indicator] of CHEAP HURRIES"} {"Clue":"Reproduces new ways to get things done (10)","Answer":"PROCEDURES","Explanation":"Definition: ways to get things done\nAnagram [new] of REPRODUCES"} {"Clue":"Popular name for a pub (3)","Answer":"INN","Explanation":"Definition: pub\nIN [popular] + N [name]"} {"Clue":"Animal in a novel kind of situation (3)","Answer":"ELK","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\nHidden in novEL Kind"} {"Clue":"They leave their coats on the wall (10)","Answer":"PLASTERERS","Explanation":"Definition: They leave their coats on the wall\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Israel army on manoeuvres \u2014 possibly amphibious (5,7)","Answer":"ROYAL MARINES","Explanation":"Definition: possibly amphibious\nAnagram [manoeuvres] of ISRAEL ARMY ON"} {"Clue":"One old silly (6)","Answer":"NOODLE","Explanation":"Definition: silly\nAnagram [silly] of ONE OLD \u2013 &lit [almost \u2013 there are some young ones]"} {"Clue":"Dad's backing Mum perhaps, that's obvious (8)","Answer":"APPARENT","Explanation":"Definition: obvious\nReversal [backing] of PA [Dad] + PARENT [Mum perhaps]"} {"Clue":"One of God's frozen people! (6)","Answer":"ESKIMO","Explanation":"Definition: One of God's frozen people!\nCryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"Gave way under pressure and resigned (7)","Answer":"YIELDED","Explanation":"Definition: Gave way under pressureresigned\nDouble [?] definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Male with a female parent (4)","Answer":"ADAM","Explanation":"Definition: Male\nA DAM [female parent]"} {"Clue":"Chef's firm \"Yes\" (4)","Answer":"COOK","Explanation":"Definition: Chef\nCO [firm] + OK [\"Yes\"]"} {"Clue":"Assigned a job \u2014 it's comprehensive (8)","Answer":"DETAILED","Explanation":"Definition: Assigned a jobcomprehensive\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Arms order that's not on the level (5)","Answer":"SLOPE","Explanation":"Definition: Arms order that's not on the level\nCryptic definition: this immediately summoned up the picture of Sgt. Major Grout's order to 'Slo-ope arms' in Camberwick Green and so it made me smile"} {"Clue":"Announcement to put up in French resort (6)","Answer":"NOTICE","Explanation":"Definition: Announcement\nReversal [put up] of TO in NICE [French resort]"} {"Clue":"Surrenders to another country (10)","Answer":"EXTRADITES","Explanation":"Definition: Surrenders to another country\nCryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":" Almost the end of the match? (6,4)","Answer":"DECREE NISI","Explanation":"Definition: Almost the end of the match?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Shops' agents or customers (6)","Answer":"BUYERS","Explanation":"Definition: Shops' agentscustomers\nDouble [?] definition"} {"Clue":"One turns up to put one in (10)","Answer":"APPEARANCE","Explanation":"Definition: One turns up to put one in\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Academic gets important job, but it's drudgery (6,4)","Answer":"DONKEY WORK","Explanation":"Definition: drudgery\nDON [academic] + KEY [important] + WORK [job]"} {"Clue":"Take off some weight (6)","Answer":"UNLOAD","Explanation":"Definition: Take off some weight\nCryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"Drink in Bull's Head, always before time (8)","Answer":"BEVERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nB[ull's] + EVER [always] + AGE [time]"} {"Clue":"Look in to criticise a winter sport competition (6)","Answer":"SLALOM","Explanation":"Definition: winter sport competition\nLO [look] in SLAM [criticise]"} {"Clue":"Hint that simply pointless (5)","Answer":"IMPLY","Explanation":"Definition: Hint\n[s]IMPLY minus S [south \u2013 point] \u2013 there seems to be an 'is' missing from the clue"} {"Clue":"Crazy about energy-packed drink (4)","Answer":"MEAD","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nMAD [crazy] round E [energy]"} {"Clue":"Game of poker cuts time for learning (4)","Answer":"STUD","Explanation":"Definition: Game of poker\nSTUD[y] [time for learning]"} {"Clue":"Leeway given as barge fell back (5,4)","Answer":"ELBOW ROOM","Explanation":"Definition: Leeway\nELBOW [barge] + a reversal [back] of MOOR [fell]"} {"Clue":"Implicit authentication partially withdrawn (5)","Answer":"TACIT","Explanation":"Definition: Implicit\nHidden reversal in authenTICATion"} {"Clue":"First-rate leader resolved row about stray dog (8,7)","Answer":"AIREDALE TERRIER","Explanation":"Definition: dog\nA1 [first class] + an anagram [resolved] of LEADER + TIER [row] round ERR [stray]"} {"Clue":"They say the writer had checked out (4)","Answer":"EYED","Explanation":"Definition: checked out\nSounds like [they say] I'D [the writer had]"} {"Clue":"Cheer as soprano divides fortune tenor's lost (8)","Answer":"REASSURE","Explanation":"Definition: Cheer\nS [soprano] in [divides] [t]REASURE] [fortune] minus t [tenor]"} {"Clue":"Homes in on drinks trendy Italian banker's imported (9)","Answer":"PINPOINTS","Explanation":"Definition: Homes in on\nPINTS [drinks] round [imported] IN PO [trendy Italian banker]"} {"Clue":"Is mum OK? (3-2)","Answer":"SAY-SO","Explanation":"Definition: OK\nSAYS O [nothing] = is mum \u2013 a little gem!"} {"Clue":"Set placard in southern port (5)","Answer":"RADIO","Explanation":"Definition: Set\nAD [placard] in RIO [southern port"} {"Clue":"Non-U sportsman following in car is unlikely to be caught (9)","Answer":"INAUDIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: unlikely to be caught\nBL[u]E [non-U sportsman] following IN AUDI [in car]"} {"Clue":"Cherish men forgoing male hour during function (8)","Answer":"ENSHRINE","Explanation":"Definition: Cherish\n[m]EN + H [hour] in SINE [function]"} {"Clue":"Bird speed (4)","Answer":"KNOT","Explanation":"Definition: Birdspeed\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Adult in risible scandal rocked holiday resort (8,7)","Answer":"BALEARIC ISLANDS","Explanation":"Definition: holiday resort\nA [adult] in an anagram [rocked] of RISIBLE SCANDAL"} {"Clue":"Little man scratching my back in alien land (5)","Answer":"EGYPT","Explanation":"Definition: land\nA reversal of PYG[my] [little man] minus [scratching] 'my' in ET, Crosswordland's favourite alien"} {"Clue":"Ideal place acquired by Virgin on far side of river (9)","Answer":"EXEMPLARY","Explanation":"Definition: Ideal\nPL [place ] in MARY [Virgin] after EXE [river]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Duck's bill almost flat on the outside (5)","Answer":"EVADE","Explanation":"Definition: Duck\nEVE[n] [almost flat] round AD [bill]"} {"Clue":"British medic hasn't started to develop (7)","Answer":"BURGEON","Explanation":"Definition: develop\nB [British] + [s]URGEON [medic]"} {"Clue":"Reporter's measured progress through water (4)","Answer":"WADE","Explanation":"Definition: progress through water\nSounds like [reporter's] 'weighed'"} {"Clue":"in old city having no siblings (4)","Answer":"ONLY","Explanation":"Definition: having no siblings\nL [fifty] in O [old] NY [city] \u2013 a nice change from Ur!"} {"Clue":"Doctor, always welcoming extra people into family celebration, \u2026 (7,3)","Answer":"MOTHER\u2019S DAY","Explanation":"Definition: family celebration\nMD [doctor] AY [always] round OTHERS [extra people]"} {"Clue":"looks away as nudists are milling around (5,5)","Answer":"TURNS ASIDE","Explanation":"Definition: looks away\nAnagram [milling around] of NUDISTS ARE"} {"Clue":"Exclusive clubs start to thaw, perhaps when fellow leaves (7)","Answer":"CLIQUEY","Explanation":"Definition: Exclusive\nC [clubs start] + LIQUE[f]Y [thaw] minus f [fellow]"} {"Clue":"Heroes met surprisingly small group (9)","Answer":"THREESOME","Explanation":"Definition: small group\nAnagram [surprisingly] of HEROES MET"} {"Clue":"Blush like a wanton unlikely to run (10)","Answer":"COLOURFAST","Explanation":"Definition: unlikely to run\nCOLOUR [blush] + FAST [like a wanton]"} {"Clue":"Where to store papers from the Raj, one after another? (6,4)","Answer":"INDIAN FILE","Explanation":"Definition: one after another\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Whip mainly blames peer for letting things through (9)","Answer":"PERMEABLE","Explanation":"Definition: letting things through\nAnagram[whip] of BLAME[s] PEER"} {"Clue":"Detectives carry on fencing area for demo (7)","Answer":"DISPLAY","Explanation":"Definition: demo\nDIS ]Detective Inspectors] + PLY [carry on] round [fencing] A [area]"} {"Clue":"Good French soldier ultimately wanting stroke of luck (7)","Answer":"BONANZA","Explanation":"Definition: stroke of luck\nBON [good French] + ANZA[c] [soldier ultimately wanting]"} {"Clue":"Delicious snack using last of meat for priest (5)","Answer":"TASTY","Explanation":"Definition: Delicious\n[p]ASTY [snack] with T [last letter of meaT] replacing p [priest]"} {"Clue":"Crack judge getting libel case dismissed (4)","Answer":"JIBE","Explanation":"Definition: Crack\nJ [judge] + [l]IBE[l] minus its 'case'"} {"Clue":"Frivolous female banter (4)","Answer":"FLIP","Explanation":"Definition: Frivolous\nF [female] + LIP [banter]"} {"Clue":"Dominant media figure like Clarkson is a threat to the country (5,9)","Answer":"FIFTH COLUMNIST","Explanation":"Definition: a threat to the country\nFIFTH [dominant] + COLUMNIST [media figure like Clarkson]!"} {"Clue":"Retirement cover taken out with anger (9)","Answer":"NIGHTWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Retirement cover\nAnagram [which took a ridiculously long time to see, after I had the answer, from the definition and crossers] of WITH ANGER"} {"Clue":"Insist on the formal \"you\" in French language? (5)","Answer":"BANTU","Explanation":"Definition: language\nWitty cryptic definition: BAN TU [informal \"you\" in French]"} {"Clue":"Couple finally leaving trendy US tourist site (5)","Answer":"ALAMO","Explanation":"Definition: US tourist site\n\u00c0 LA MO[de] [trendy] minus last two letters [couple finally leaving]"} {"Clue":"Surrey's opener has wish to boast, intimidating fieldsman (9)","Answer":"SCARECROW","Explanation":"Definition: intimidating fieldsman\nS[urrey] + CARE [wish] + CROW [boast]\u00a0\u2013 a simple enough charade \u2013 but a lovely definition and surface"} {"Clue":"Back from theatre, writing about stage accents (8)","Answer":"EMPHASES","Explanation":"Definition: accents\nE [last letter \u2013 back] of theatrE + MS [writing] round PHASE [stage]"} {"Clue":"Run through Caucasian's confession (6)","Answer":"IMPALE","Explanation":"Definition: Run through\nI'M PALE, confesses Caucasian"} {"Clue":"Azzurri's capital right back gets a shock (6)","Answer":"TREMOR","Explanation":"Definition: shock\nReversal [back] of ROME [Azzurri's capital] + RT [right]"} {"Clue":"American's behind learner in Lincoln after parking OK (8)","Answer":"PASSABLE","Explanation":"Definition: OK\nASS [American's behind] + L [learner] in ABE [Lincoln] after P [parking]"} {"Clue":"Leader of infantry overcome by lethargy, getting mobile unit (5,4)","Answer":"LIGHT YEAR","Explanation":"Definition: unit\nI [first letter \u2013 leader \u2013 of Infantry] in an anagram [getting mobile] of LETHARGY"} {"Clue":"Artist turned over another's tapestry (5)","Answer":"ARRAS","Explanation":"Definition: tapestry\nReversal [turned over] of RA [artist] + RA'S\u00a0 [another artist's]"} {"Clue":"Film, one as sequel to novel (5)","Answer":"SHEET","Explanation":"Definition: Film\nET [film] as sequel to SHE [novel] \u2013 Crosswordland's favourite film and favourite novel [apart from Emma \u2013 perhaps Beery Hiker could supply the statistics \ud83d\ude09 ] in one clue \u2013 so why on earth did it take me so long to see it? It was the definition that held me up"} {"Clue":"German or Chinese food not quite hot (9)","Answer":"FRIEDRICH","Explanation":"Definition: German\nFRIED RIC[e] [not quite Chinese food] + H [hot] \u2013 a real laugh out loud entry, which must be my top\u00a0favourite, I think"} {"Clue":"Formed cult with no violence, murder or exaltation? (10,4)","Answer":"COLLECTIVE NOUN","Explanation":"Definition: murder or exaltation?\nAnagram [formed] of CULT NO VIOLENCE: murder is the collective noun for crows and exaltation for larks \u2013 definition by example, hence the question mark \u2013 another favourite\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"What might make you donate millions to nurture a crazy jihadist movement? (14)","Answer":"FUNDAMENTALISM","Explanation":"FUND [donate] M [millions] round [to nurture] A MENTAL [a crazy] IS [jihadist movement] \u2013 this took ages to see: I was sure 'jihadist movement' was the definition but couldn't account for IS or justify 'to nurture'; when the IS penny finally dropped, I found that I had nothing to underline as the definition, which makes it &lit \u2013 brilliant!"} {"Clue":"Light and stylish dandy's clothing (3,4)","Answer":"FOG LAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Light\nFOP [dandy] round [clothing] GLAM [stylish] \u2013 I really liked this one"} {"Clue":"Getting stolen primate across America is a delicate matter (3,6)","Answer":"HOT POTATO","Explanation":"Definition: a delicate matter\nHOT [stolen] + POTTO [primate] round A [America]"} {"Clue":"Master love poetry with a little uncertainty (8)","Answer":"OVERSEER","Explanation":"Definition: Master\nO [love] + VERSE [poetry] + ER [a little hesitation]"} {"Clue":"Commotion from leading Republican, one having a row (6)","Answer":"UPROAR","Explanation":"Definition: Commotion\nUp [leading] + R [Republican] + OAR [one having a row]"} {"Clue":"Peer into novel, bonkbuster that's picked up (5)","Answer":"NOBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Peer\nReversed hidden [picked up] in novEL BONkbuster"} {"Clue":"Crooned tune, up for a drink (7)","Answer":"SANGRIA","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nSANG [crooned] + a reversal [up] of AIR [tune]"} {"Clue":"Define where USA's deployed for so long abroad (3,11)","Answer":"AUF WIEDERSEHEN","Explanation":"Definition: so long abroad\nLovely anagram [deployed] of DEFINE WHERE USA'S \u2013 and another witty definition"} {"Clue":"Badly treat girl, forgetting second name (9)","Answer":"MISHANDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Badly treat\nMIS[s] [girl forgetting s \u2013 second] + HANDLE [name]"} {"Clue":"Arab statesman's cry of disgust, with damp conditions reported (8)","Answer":"BAHRAINI","Explanation":"Definition: Arab statesman\nBAH [cry of disgust] + RAINI [sounds like \u2013 reported \u2013 rainy {damp conditions}]"} {"Clue":"Artist, a noted British artist, wanting area green (2,5)","Answer":"EL GRECO","Explanation":"Definition: Artist\nELG[a]R [noted \u2013 i.e. composer \u2013 British artist] minus a [area] + ECO [green]"} {"Clue":"Bus mostly runs, or it fails to get Mexican's fare (7)","Answer":"BURRITO","Explanation":"Definition: Mexican's fare\nBU[s]+ R [runs] + an anagram [fails] of OR IT"} {"Clue":"Wilde, if iconoclastic, is essentially divine (6)","Answer":"DEIFIC","Explanation":"Definition: divine\nHidden in wilDE IF IConoclastic"} {"Clue":"Add 1 and 50 together in sum (5)","Answer":"TOTAL","Explanation":"Definition: sum\nTOT [add] + A [one] + L [fifty]"} {"Clue":"Check car back from MOT (5)","Answer":"AUDIT","Explanation":"Definition: Check\nAUDI [car] + [mo]T"} {"Clue":"Sense group rowing will accept agreement (8)","Answer":"EYESIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Sense\nEIGHT [group rowing] round YES [agreement]"} {"Clue":"Stable's opposite a home, with horses circling in range (5,9)","Answer":"ROCKY MOUNTAINS","Explanation":"Definition: range\nROCKY [opposite of stable] + MOUNTS [horses] round A IN [a home]"} {"Clue":"Cat spat, needing to trap old rook, but it never comes (8)","Answer":"TOMORROW","Explanation":"Definition: it never comes\nTOM [cat] ROW [spat] round O [old] R [rook, in chess notation]"} {"Clue":"Leave out reason to undertake vanity project? (6)","Answer":"FOREGO","Explanation":"Definition: Leave out\nFOR EGO [for oneself \u2013 reason to undertake vanity project]"} {"Clue":"Measure two thoroughfares I see crossed by cattle (9)","Answer":"YARDSTICK","Explanation":"Definition: Measure\nRD ST [two thoroughfares] + IC [I see] in [crossed by] YAK [cattle]"} {"Clue":"A man and a dog, at first, having a lead (5)","Answer":"AHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: having a lead\nA HE [a man] + A D[og]"} {"Clue":"Surrealist painter is in France, holding service (5)","Answer":"ERNST","Explanation":"Definition: Surrealist painter\nEST [is, in France] round RN [Royal Navy \u2013 service]"} {"Clue":"Pen novel for reclining dictator, some light material (9)","Answer":"STYROFOAM","Explanation":"Definition: light material\nSTY [pen] + an anagram [novel \u2013 actually a reversal] of FOR + a reversal [reclining] of MAO [chairman]"} {"Clue":"Taking down unpopular government (6)","Answer":"NOTING","Explanation":"Definition: Taking down\nNOT IN [unpopular] +\u00a0 G [government]"} {"Clue":"Linguistic scholar grabbing lingerie in robbery (8)","Answer":"HEBRAIST","Explanation":"Definition: Linguistic scholar\nHEIST [robbery] round BRA [lingerie]"} {"Clue":"Politician, during progressive period, is acquiring intelligence (14)","Answer":"RECONNAISSANCE","Explanation":"Definition: acquiring intelligence\nCON [politician] in RENAISSANCE [progressive period]"} {"Clue":"Kid about a biter bit (8)","Answer":"SMIDGEON","Explanation":"Definition: bit\nSON [kid] round MIDGE [biter \u2013 and don't they just!]"} {"Clue":"Race track covering everyone (5)","Answer":"RALLY","Explanation":"RY [railway \u2013 track] round ALL [everyone]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"A fair lady showing an arm and a leg (1,6,5)","Answer":"A PRETTY PENNY","Explanation":"Definition: an arm and a leg\nA PRETTY [a fair] + PENNY [lady] \u2013\u00a0 two expressions meaning a lot of money"} {"Clue":"Italian tales of Parisian romance translated (9)","Answer":"DECAMERON","Explanation":"Definition: Italian tales\nDE [Parisian 'of'] + an anagram [translated] of ROMANCE"} {"Clue":"Frivolous person was not found in two years (5)","Answer":"TOYER","Explanation":"Definition: Frivolous person\nT[w]O YE[a]R[s] \u2013 an unlikely-sounding word but it's in Chambers"} {"Clue":"Social discipline or order is come to restrain criminal (9)","Answer":"ECONOMICS","Explanation":"Definition: Social discipline\nAnagram [order] of IS COME round CON [criminal]"} {"Clue":"Plover, nestling, swallows, eagle (4)","Answer":"ERNE","Explanation":"Definition: eagle\nHidden in plovER NEstling"} {"Clue":"Keen on gathering bouquet up for boyfriend (9)","Answer":"INAMORATO","Explanation":"Definition: boyfriend\nINTO [keen on] round a reversal [up] of AROMA [bouquet]"} {"Clue":"Going topless, complain there'll be swinging around here (5)","Answer":"HINGE","Explanation":"Definition: there'll be swinging around here\n[w]HINGE [complain]"} {"Clue":"Do rhymers with wit inventively show such skill? (12)","Answer":"WORDSMITHERY","Explanation":"Definition: Do rhymers with wit inventively show such skill?\nAnagram [inventively] of DO RHYMERS with WIT \u2013 how neat is that? &lit"} {"Clue":"Can solicit to cut down tree (9)","Answer":"SATINWOOD","Explanation":"Definition: tree\nTIN [can] WOO [solicit] in [to cut] SAD [down]"} {"Clue":"Shock Yankees in advocating state intervention in 4? (9)","Answer":"KEYNESIAN","Explanation":"Definition: state intervention in 4?\nAnagram [shock] of YANKEES IN"} {"Clue":"In a state, eastern US city's up for housing proposal (9)","Answer":"EMOTIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: In a state\nE [eastern] + a reversal [up] of LA [US city] round [housing] MOTION [proposal]"} {"Clue":"Quantity of heat energy is hot, in a word (5)","Answer":"THERM","Explanation":"Definition: Quantity of heat\nH [hot] in TERM [word]"} {"Clue":"He stops lying and touching gentleman up (5)","Answer":"RISER","Explanation":"Definition: He stops lying\nA reversal [up] of RE [touching] + SIR [gentleman]"} {"Clue":"I must catch cold? Not again! (4)","Answer":"ONCE","Explanation":"Definition: Not again!\nONE [I] round C [cold] \u2013 the I can be taken as the Roman numeral or the personal pronoun"} {"Clue":"A western pie that's good cooked (9)","Answer":"SPAGHETTI","Explanation":"Definition: A western\nAnagram [cooked] of PIE THAT'S G[ood] \u2013 the first rather loose definition [by example]: perhaps the use of 'a', the indefinite article, is sufficient but I'd have preferred 'a kind of Western'"} {"Clue":"West Country wench? (5)","Answer":"WOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: wench?\nW [west] + OMAN [country]"} {"Clue":"Solved a clue for part of the West Country (6,3)","Answer":"SORTED OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Solved\nA reverse anagram [OUT] of DORSET [a county in the West Country]"} {"Clue":"Drink, second as chaser, to West Country (5)","Answer":"WALES","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nW [west] + ALE [drink] + S [second]"} {"Clue":"Where one would go to get food for native (6)","Answer":"INBRED","Explanation":"Definition: native\n'a' [one] would go IN BRE[a]D to get food"} {"Clue":"Going west and not really caring \u2014 OK? (8)","Answer":"CROAKING","Explanation":"Definition: Going west\nAnagram [not really?] of CARING OK"} {"Clue":"People who get together in cars around London's West End (7)","Answer":"COUPLES","Explanation":"Definition: People who get together\nL ['West End' of London] in COUP\u00c9S [cars]"} {"Clue":"From Dakota unto Nevada, somewhere in the West Country (7)","Answer":"TAUNTON","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere in the West Country\nHidden in dakoTA UNTO Nevada"} {"Clue":"West Country's first to get noticed: mad about it (8)","Answer":"OCCIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: West\nAnagram [mad] of NOTICED round C [first letter of Country]"} {"Clue":"Carried too much from Calais, going west (6)","Answer":"PORTED","Explanation":"Definition: Carried\nReversal [going west] of DE TROP ['too much' in French \u2013 from Calais] \u2013 my favourite clue"} {"Clue":"Whence dawn breaks in the West Country (5)","Answer":"FROME","Explanation":"Definition: in the West Country\nFROM E[ast] \u2013 whence dawn breaks"} {"Clue":"One lies dead, in a way perfected (9)","Answer":"IDEALISED","Explanation":"Definition: perfected\nI [one] + an anagram [in a way] of LIES DEAD"} {"Clue":"State in Midwest (5)","Answer":"MAINE","Explanation":"Definition: State\nIN in [nearly] the middle of MAE [West]"} {"Clue":"Many went to America \u2014 the Wild West \u2014 to find something to eat (5,4)","Answer":"IRISH STEW","Explanation":"Definition: something to eat\nIRISH [many went to America] \u2013 another rather loose definition + an anagram [wild] of WEST\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Unfairly put upon to confess where an American lives (6)","Answer":"UPTOWN","Explanation":"Definition: where an American lives\nAnagram [unfairly?] of PUT + OWN [confess] \u2013 again, I'd prefer 'where an American might live' or 'where some Americans live'"} {"Clue":"A contemptible person undermined by support for political activity (8)","Answer":"AGITPROP","Explanation":"Definition: political activity\nA GIT [a contemptible person] + [undermined by \u2013 surely the opposite?] PROP [support]"} {"Clue":"Looked after some of the West End edition (6)","Answer":"TENDED","Explanation":"Definition: Looked after\nHidden in wesT END EDition"} {"Clue":"Firm stem (7)","Answer":"STAUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: Firmstem\nDouble definition \u2013 an old favourite"} {"Clue":"Return to fashion? Expert embraces first principles with a twist (2,4)","Answer":"GO BACK","Explanation":"Definition: Return\nGOK [Wan \u2013 see here \u2013 fashion expert {cheeky!}] round [embraces] ABC [with a twist, first principles] \u2013 a rather devious clue but I liked it [Gok is one of our local lads]"} {"Clue":"Criticise nationwide absence of characters composing in style (4,4)","Answer":"WADE INTO","Explanation":"Definition: Criticise\nAnagram [style] of NAT[i]O[n]WIDE minus 'characters composing in'"} {"Clue":"Nixon, weak even in the Midwest? (4)","Answer":"IOWA","Explanation":"Definition: in the Midwest?\nEven letters of nIxOn WeAk"} {"Clue":"Western set in Oklahoma, product of miners hiding robbers' ring\u00adleaders (2,6)","Answer":"OK CORRAL","Explanation":"Definition: Western set\nOK [Oklahoma] + COAL [product of miners] round RR [first letters] of Robbers' Ring \u2013 I was going to say that I could find only 'Gunfight at the O.K. Corral as a film but then realised that 'set' was part of the definition \u2013 very nifty"} {"Clue":"West Country project in part of Scandinavia (not the south-west) (4)","Answer":"EDEN","Explanation":"Definition: West Country project\n[sw]EDEN [part of Scandinavia minus sw \u2013 the south west] \u2013 see here for the Eden Project"} {"Clue":"US drug cops capture one from Mexico \u2014 yes, with plants (8)","Answer":"NARCISSI","Explanation":"Definition: plants\nNARCS [US drug cops] round I [one] + SI ['yes' in Mexico]"} {"Clue":"Across top of Tombstone, ride up and take bullet; finally bit the dust (3,4)","Answer":"ATE DIRT","Explanation":"Definition: bit the dust\nA [across] + T[ombstone] + a reversal [up] of RIDE + [bulle]T"} {"Clue":"Leader of thieves is out of time holding up miners, resisting attacks (6)","Answer":"IMMUNE","Explanation":"Definition: resisting attacks\n[t]IME minus t [first letter \u2013 leader \u2013 of thieves] round a reversal [holding up] of NUM [National Union of Mineworkers]"} {"Clue":"Marshal Earp is given commendation (6)","Answer":"PRAISE","Explanation":"Definition: commendation\nAn anagram [marshal] of EARP IS \u2013 a neat clue, with a neat reference to 15dn"} {"Clue":"What would you call Boatman, if he retired in the West Country? (6)","Answer":"EXETER","Explanation":"Definition: in the West Country\nYou might call a retired Boatman an ex setter, which sounds a bit like EXETER [which reminds me\u00a0 What would you call Postman Pat if\u00a0he retired? \u2013 sorry \ud83d\ude09 ]"} {"Clue":"Doctor, one breaking smart fellow's chemistry apparatus (7)","Answer":"ALEMBIC","Explanation":"Definition: chemistry apparatus\nMB [doctor] + I [one] in [breaking] ALEC [smart fellow]"} {"Clue":"Political enforcer saying something cutting (7)","Answer":"WHIPSAW","Explanation":"Definition: something cutting\nWHIP [political enforcer] + SAW [saying]"} {"Clue":"Behold Victoria and Albert's framed painting (5)","Answer":"VOIL\u00c0","Explanation":"Definition: Behold\nV and A round [framed] OIL [painting] \u2013 it's in Chambers and commonly used in English, so no room for complaint, I think"} {"Clue":"Following complaint, stitch up something to keep plants warm (4,5)","Answer":"COLD FRAME","Explanation":"Definition: something to keep plants warm\nCOLD [complaint] + FRAME [stitch up]"} {"Clue":"Street crossing through radio village, where blues will be playing (8,6)","Answer":"STAMFORD BRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: where blues will be playing\nST [street] + FORD [crossing] in [through] AMBRIDGE [radio village, home of The Archers, which I've listened to ever since it began] \u2013 there's really only one radio village but there was great misdirection here, as far as I was concerned: the reference to 'blues' convinced me that CAMBRIDGE must be in there, despite the fact that it didn't fit the enumeration, but then the penny dropped that the blues were Chelsea and this is their home ground\u00a0 \u2013 brilliant clue"} {"Clue":"Other versions of the jazz singer (4)","Answer":"ELLA","Explanation":"Definition: jazz singer\nEL and LA are\u00a0other versions of 'the' and **the**\u00a0 jazz singer is, of course, Ella Fitzgerald \u2013 a\u00a0 gem of a clue"} {"Clue":"Shut up trainee journalist (8)","Answer":"INTERNED","Explanation":"Definition: Shut up\nINTERN [trainee] + ED [journalist]"} {"Clue":"Painter captures nothing, very upset (4,4)","Answer":"TURN OVER","Explanation":"Definition: upset\nTURNER [painter] round [captures] O [nothing]\u00a0 V [very]"} {"Clue":"Time off, taking time off (4)","Answer":"NOON","Explanation":"Definition: Time\nNO[t] ON [off] minus t = time \u2013 time off"} {"Clue":"Criminal is in patrol car, admitting love for plotting (14)","Answer":"CONSPIRATORIAL","Explanation":"Definition: plotting\nAnagram [criminal] of IS IN PATROL CAR round [admitting] O [love]"} {"Clue":"Record's popular air and tracks about love (9)","Answer":"INVENTORY","Explanation":"Definition: Record\nIN [popular] + VENT [air \u2013 both verbs] + RY [tracks] round O [love]"} {"Clue":"Show some beer, getting a round in (5)","Answer":"POINT","Explanation":"Definition: Show\nPINT [some beer] round O [round]"} {"Clue":"Mist mostly left to dissipate, shooting stars seen here? (4,3)","Answer":"FILM SET","Explanation":"Definition: shooting stars seen here?\nAnagram [to dissipate] of\u00a0MIS[t] mostly] LEFT"} {"Clue":"Other half of ripped carpet sent back (7)","Answer":"PARTNER","Explanation":"Definition: Other half\nReversal [sent back] of RENT [ripped] + RAP [carpet \u2013 both verbs]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Aussie PM visiting Qatar voluntarily (4)","Answer":"ARVO","Explanation":"Definition: Aussie PM\nHidden in qatAR VOluntarily \u2013 not Turnbull or Gillard but the Aussie afternoon"} {"Clue":"Free verse optionally used for literary work (10,5)","Answer":"EPISTOLARY NOVEL","Explanation":"Definition: literary work\nAnagram [free] of VERSE OPTIONALLY"} {"Clue":"Romantic German queen in her cups? (6)","Answer":"BRAHMS","Explanation":"Definition: Romantic German\nHM [Her Majesty the queen] in BRAS [her cups] \u2013 perhaps this is my favourite clue"} {"Clue":"Commanding Officers running for shelter (6)","Answer":"COCOON","Explanation":"Definition: shelter\nCO CO [two Commanding Officers] ON [running]"} {"Clue":"Not pink, but in the pink, having put on top from Etam (4-4)","Answer":"WELL-DONE","Explanation":"Definition: Not pink\nWELL [in the pink] + DON [put on] + E[tam]"} {"Clue":"Person singing is playing well, with little uncertainty (8)","Answer":"INFORMER","Explanation":"Definition: Person singing\nIN FORM [playing well] + ER [little uncertainty]"} {"Clue":"Acclaim temporary government, one working to introduce zero tax (8,7)","Answer":"STANDING OVATION","Explanation":"Definition: Acclaim\nSTAND IN [temporary] + G [government] I [one] ON [working] round [to introduce] O VAT [zero tax]"} {"Clue":"Spending two days gardening with inside knowledge (10)","Answer":"WEEKENDING","Explanation":"Definition: Spending two days\nKEN [knowledge] inside WEEDING [gardening]"} {"Clue":"Ex-PM: a bluff, brooding character (10)","Answer":"HEATHCLIFF","Explanation":"Definition: brooding character\n[Ted] HEATH [ex-PM \u2013 Prime Minister this time] + CLIFF [bluff] for the brooding hero of 'Wuthering Heights'"} {"Clue":"Struggles to breathe after getting pinched in tight clothes (3,5)","Answer":"HOT PANTS","Explanation":"Definition: tight clothes\nPANTS [struggles to breathe] after HOT [pinched]"} {"Clue":"Give better weapons to East German after all (8)","Answer":"REARMOST","Explanation":"Definition: after all\nREARM [give better weapons to] OST [German for East]"} {"Clue":"Refuse to sleep with guy at university (4,2)","Answer":"STAY UP","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse to sleep\nSTAY [guy] + UP [at university]"} {"Clue":"Fit for sport and runs (6)","Answer":"PROPER","Explanation":"Definition: Fit\nPRO [for] PE [sport] R runs]"} {"Clue":"Part of flight out of a prison (4)","Answer":"STIR","Explanation":"Definition: prison\nST[a]IR [part of flight] minus [out of] a"} {"Clue":"Fear Ruby will suffer in period of atonement (8)","Answer":"FEBRUARY","Explanation":"Definition: period of atonement\nAnagram [will suffer] of FEAR RUBY"} {"Clue":"Score a number (6)","Answer":"TWENTY","Explanation":"Definition: Scorenumber\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Unfortunate craftsman left to fend for himself (8)","Answer":"CASTAWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Unfortunate craftsman left to fend for himself\nI spent a minute or two looking for some wordplay here but it's a cryptic definition, a craftsmn being a man in a boat"} {"Clue":"Code word for \"S\" is rare in operation (6)","Answer":"SIERRA","Explanation":"Definition: Code word for \"S\"\nAnagram [in operation] of IS RARE"} {"Clue":"Ruth's mother-in-law caused no end of a minor riot (5)","Answer":"NAOMI","Explanation":"Definition: Ruth's mother-in-law\nAnagram [riot] of A MINO[r]"} {"Clue":"Leave the witness box and go off duty (5,4)","Answer":"STAND DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Leave the witness box go off duty\nDouble definition \u2013 but they're rather close"} {"Clue":"Conversation is about management of natural resources (12)","Answer":"CONSERVATION","Explanation":"Definition: management of natural resources\nAnagram [about] of CONVERSATION \u2013 anagrams don't come much easier than this!"} {"Clue":" Seems return for my passage will be by end of day \u2014 pity! (4,8)","Answer":"FEEL SYMPATHY","Explanation":"Definition: Seems return for my passage will be by end of day \u2014 pity! (4,8)\nFEELS [seems] + a reversal [return] of MY + PATH [passage] + [da]Y"} {"Clue":"Could be next Open Champions, perhaps (9)","Answer":"EXPONENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Could be next Open Champions, perhaps\nThere's an anagram [could be \u2013 or perhaps] of NEXT OPEN but I can't see where the S comes from"} {"Clue":"Man in the orchestra playing Beethoven's Choral Symphony (5)","Answer":"NINTH","Explanation":"Definition: Beethoven's Choral Symphony\nHidden in maN IN THe \u2013 but I can't see an indicator"} {"Clue":"Address for delivery? (6)","Answer":"SPEECH","Explanation":"Definition: Address for delivery?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Ready to stand up to trained fighter (8)","Answer":"GAMECOCK","Explanation":"Definition: trained fighter\nGAME [ready] + COCK [stand up]"} {"Clue":"He may handle your case (6)","Answer":"PORTER","Explanation":"Definition: He may handle your case\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Lime and cats affected plant (8)","Answer":"CLEMATIS","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nAnagram [affected] of LIME and CATS\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Point to a hundred in stock that's prolific (6)","Answer":"FECUND","Explanation":"Definition: prolific\nE [compass point] + C [a hundred] in FUND [stock]"} {"Clue":"Piece of the cloth? (6)","Answer":"BISHOP","Explanation":"Definition: Piece\nCryptic definition, referring to a chess piece"} {"Clue":"All agreed\u00a0to distribution of a union sum (9)","Answer":"UNANIMOUS","Explanation":"Definition: All agreed\nAnagram [distribution] of A UNION SUM"} {"Clue":"Turbulent masses resent another valuation (12)","Answer":"REASSESSMENT","Explanation":"Definition: another valuation\nAnagram [turbulent] of MASSES RESENT"} {"Clue":"Strange device to raise river level before dam opens (5)","Answer":"WEIRD","Explanation":"Definition: Strange\nWEIR [device to raise water level + D[am]"} {"Clue":"Painkiller used on Arctic trip (8)","Answer":"NARCOTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Painkiller\nAnagram [used \u2013 or trip?] of ON ARCTIC"} {"Clue":" Desire of head changing study (8)","Answer":"YEARNING","Explanation":"Definition: Desire\n[l]EARNING [study] with its first letter [head] changed"} {"Clue":"Northern tourist attraction needs law on handrails reinstated (8,4)","Answer":"HADRIAN\u2019S WALL","Explanation":"Definition: Northern tourist attraction\nAnagram [reinstated] of LAW and HANDRAILS \u2013 the 'on' is out of place"} {"Clue":"Club menu the AA had changed? (9)","Answer":"ATHENAEUM","Explanation":"Definition: Club\nAnagram [had changed] of MENU THE AA"} {"Clue":"Volunteers get increasing presents (6,2)","Answer":"OFFERS UP","Explanation":"Definition: presents\nOFFERS [volunteers] + UP [increasing]"} {"Clue":"Springtime \u2014 when women propose to break with tradition (4,4)","Answer":"LEAP YEAR","Explanation":"Definition: when women propose to break with tradition (4,4)\nLEAP [spring] + YEAR [time] with a crypticish definition \u2013 but it's really only today, so best of luck!"} {"Clue":"Business expense on company's time (6)","Answer":"ONCOST","Explanation":"Definition: Business expense\nON + CO'S [company's + T [time]"} {"Clue":"Hearing Arab leaders gives us the shivers! (6)","Answer":"SHAKES","Explanation":"Definition: shivers\nSounds like [hearing] sheikhs [Arab leaders]"} {"Clue":"Recess in pleasant hospital (5)","Answer":"NICHE","Explanation":"Definition: Recess\nH [hospital] in NICE [pleasant]"} {"Clue":"Army building plastic toy to entertain wife in Texas game (5-3)","Answer":"FORTY-TWO","Explanation":"Definition: Texas game\nFORT [army building] + an anagram [plastic] of TOY round [entertaining] W [wife] \u2013 I thought Texas was going to be part of the wordplay but found that Forty-two is also known as Texas 42"} {"Clue":"Revulsion has a benefit in North America (6)","Answer":"NAUSEA","Explanation":"Definition: Revulsion\nA USE [a benefit] in NA [North America]"} {"Clue":"Tree, redhead behind one (4)","Answer":"ACER","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\nACE [one] + R[ed]"} {"Clue":"Commemorative elegy finally written after actor died, sadly (10)","Answer":"DEDICATORY","Explanation":"Definition: Commemorative\nAnagram [sadly] of ACTOR DIED + [eleg]Y: I spent\u00a0a minute or two\u00a0trying to find an anagram of ACTOR DIED + [writte]N \u2013 but I suppose that was the intention"} {"Clue":"Archer's game (6)","Answer":"BRIDGE","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Balderdash, feature defining itself, nothing less, with name (8)","Answer":"NONSENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Balderdash\nI think this is NOSE N[o]SE [feature defining itself] minus o [nothing less] with N [name] inserted in first\u00a0\u00a0NO[N]SE \u2013 I think"} {"Clue":"I shine brightly in game as author (7,7)","Answer":"WILLIAM GOLDING","Explanation":"Definition: author\nI AM GOLD [I shine brightly] in WILLING [game]"} {"Clue":"That woman's order to collect is for valour (7)","Answer":"HEROISM","Explanation":"Definition: valour\nHER [that woman's] OM [Order of Merit] round [to collect] IS [the inscription on the Victoria Cross is 'For Valour' \u2013 I rather liked that]"} {"Clue":"At lunchtime, change clothes for game (8)","Answer":"PATIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: game\nPENCE [change] round [clothes] AT I [at lunchtime] \u2013 great surface!"} {"Clue":"2s in the Church heading off commoners (6)","Answer":"CELEBS","Explanation":"Definition: 2s\nCE [the Church of England] + [p]LEBS [commoners]"} {"Clue":"Rotten melons once dropping off in such a state (10)","Answer":"SOMNOLENCE","Explanation":"Definition: dropping off in such a state\nAnagram [rotten] of MELONS ONCE"} {"Clue":"Card in 7, perhaps? (4)","Answer":"CLUB","Explanation":"Definition: Card\nDouble definition \u2013 HEARTS [7dn] is a football club"} {"Clue":"Like 8 on board game (6)","Answer":"SEVENS","Explanation":"Definition: game\nEVEN [like 8\u00a0 \u2013 or like 42, the answer to 8ac] in SS [the familiar crossword 'on board'"} {"Clue":"Game in Cluedo set straight (8)","Answer":"UNCOILED","Explanation":"Definition: set straight\nAnagram [game, as in game leg \u2013 very neat!] of IN CLUEDO\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Bruckner's Fourth, then moving to nicer orchestral works (8)","Answer":"CONCERTI","Explanation":"Definition: orchestral works\nbruCkner + an anagram [moving] of TO NICER"} {"Clue":"Leading traitors promoted (4)","Answer":"STAR","Explanation":"Definition: Leading\nReversal [promoted] of RATS [traitors]"} {"Clue":"Heavy food, say \u2026 brought up (6)","Answer":"STODGE","Explanation":"Definition: Heavy food\nReversal [brought up] of EG [say] + DOTS \u2013 a typical Paul device and another nice [or not] surface"} {"Clue":"Hide in 25 concealed (8)","Answer":"ENSCONCE","Explanation":"Definition: Hide\nHidden in sevENS*CONCEaled [*answer to 25] \u2013 I was rather surprised at the definition but it's in all my dictionaries"} {"Clue":"Game, passing over to boxing judge, leaves at the count of four? (10)","Answer":"QUATREFOIL","Explanation":"Definition: leaves at the count of four\nQUAIL [game] round [passing over] TO round [boxing] REF [judge] -for definition, see here"} {"Clue":"Scottish team game (6)","Answer":"HEARTS","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish teamgame\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Ultimately short-lived relationships? (10)","Answer":"DALLIANCES","Explanation":"Definition: Ultimately short-lived relationships?\nshort-liveD + ALLIANCES \u2013 &lit, I think"} {"Clue":"Chronicler writing article on Stalin inaccurately (8)","Answer":"ANNALIST","Explanation":"Definition: Chronicler\nAN [article] + an anagram [inaccurately] of STALIN"} {"Clue":"Man I mind, as hateful (7)","Answer":"HEINOUS","Explanation":"Definition: hateful\nHE [man] I NOUS [mind]"} {"Clue":"God swallows up Australian island group (6)","Answer":"AZORES","Explanation":"Definition: island group\nARES [god] round a reversal [up] of OZ [Australian]"} {"Clue":"Grip top fish under edges in creel (6)","Answer":"CLENCH","Explanation":"Definition: Grip\n[t]ENCH [fish, 'topped'] under C[ree]L"} {"Clue":"Cheat in\u00a0game (4)","Answer":"CRIB","Explanation":"Definition: Cheatgame\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Going to store outside of Everton for baking ingredient (9)","Answer":"LEAVENING","Explanation":"Definition: baking ingredient\nLEAVING [going] round [to store] E[verto]N"} {"Clue":"Bread gets left inside jar (5)","Answer":"CLASH","Explanation":"Definition: jar\nCASH [bread \u2013 slang] round L [left]"} {"Clue":"Vacuous geezer, a twit or dope (5)","Answer":"GRASS","Explanation":"Definition: dope\nG[eeze]R + ASS [twit]"} {"Clue":"Joke without malice but with some bite (9)","Answer":"PUNGENTLY","Explanation":"Definition: with some bite\nPUN [joke] + GENTLY [without malice]: I commented last time on Picaroon's ingenious use of charades, one of the simplest of clue types: there's another fine example at 13dn"} {"Clue":"Boy to betray embarrassment, holding another boy's hand (5,5)","Answer":"ROYAL FLUSH","Explanation":"Definition: hand\nROY [boy] + FLUSH [betray embarrassment] round [holding] AL [another boy]"} {"Clue":"Buzzing used to be on the radio (4)","Answer":"WHIR","Explanation":"Definition: Buzzing\nSounds like [on the radio] 'were' [used to be]"} {"Clue":"They say who's written Times columns (7)","Answer":"BYLINES","Explanation":"Definition: They say who's written Times columns\nBY [times] + LINES [columns] \u2013 great &lit"} {"Clue":"Enduring stick, going through high seas (7)","Answer":"AGELESS","Explanation":"Definition: Enduring\nGEL [stick] in an anagram [high] of SEAS"} {"Clue":"Run in running pump? Not in the main (7)","Answer":"ONSHORE","Explanation":"Definition: Not in the main\nR [run] in ON [running] SHOE [pump?- definition by example]"} {"Clue":"Poster plugging good show is boasting (7)","Answer":"BRAVADO","Explanation":"Definition: boasting\nAD [poster] in [plugging] BRAVO ['Good show!']"} {"Clue":"It's put on eggs bishop's eaten (4)","Answer":"ROBE","Explanation":"Definition: It's put on\nROE [eggs] round B [bishop \u2013 is {not has} eaten]"} {"Clue":"Preferring to be in hot seat \u2014 and may need grilling (4-2-4)","Answer":"STAY-AT-HOME","Explanation":"Definition: Preferring to be in\nAnagram [needing grilling] of HOT SEAT MAY"} {"Clue":"Spin from ex-PM about dissolute man back in office (9)","Answer":"PIROUETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Spin\nPITT [ex-PM \u2013 take your pick] round ROU\u00c9 [dissolute man] + [offic]E"} {"Clue":"Artist's dry, taking off coat (5)","Answer":"HIRST","Explanation":"Definition: Artist\n[t]HIRST[y] [dry, minus its 'coat']"} {"Clue":"Long time before noon (5)","Answer":"YEARN","Explanation":"Definition: Long\nYEAR [time] + N [noon]"} {"Clue":"Play down bribe with newspaper in dodgy deal (4-5)","Answer":"SOFT PEDAL","Explanation":"Definition: Play down\nSOP [bribe] with FT [Financial Times \u2013 newspaper] in + an anagram [dodgy] of DEAL \u2013 meticulous wordplay!\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Bear with totally heartless employer? One gets fired (5)","Answer":"LUGER","Explanation":"Definition: One gets fired\nLUG [bear] + E[mploye]R"} {"Clue":"Foolish god offered up lily-like flower (9)","Answer":"AMARYLLIS","Explanation":"Definition: lily-like flower\nReversal [offered up] of SILLY [foolish] RAMA [Hindu god]"} {"Clue":"Some of capital loans tend, unfortunately, to secure nothing (4,6)","Answer":"EAST LONDON","Explanation":"Definition: Some of capital\nAnagram [unfortunately] of LOANS TEND round [to secure] O [nothing]"} {"Clue":"Spikes drink, with Sprites passed round (7)","Answer":"IMPALES","Explanation":"Definition: Spikes\nIMPS [sprites] round ALE [drink]"} {"Clue":"Modern musician's anxiety broaching grand finale in opera (7)","Answer":"GANGSTA","Explanation":"Definition: Modern musician\nANGST [anxiety] in [broaching] G [grand] A [finale in {oper}A]"} {"Clue":"Fanatic \u2014 he willingly boxes champ (4)","Answer":"CHEW","Explanation":"Definition: champ\nHidden in [boxes] fanatiC HE Willingly"} {"Clue":"What may be dropped in 3 with a feeling of irritation (5)","Answer":"AITCH","Explanation":"Definition: What may be dropped in 3\nA ITCH [a feeling of irritation] \u2013 an aitch or two might be dropped in East London [3dn]"} {"Clue":"We're told stable food recipe \u2014 covered in sauce, it's magic! (3,6)","Answer":"HEY PRESTO!","Explanation":"Definition: it's magic!\nHEY [sounds like \u2013 we're told \u2013 HAY {stable food}] + R [recipe] covered in PESTO [sauce]"} {"Clue":"A number of workers with joint occupation (10)","Answer":"TENANTSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: occupation\nTEN ANTS [a number of workers] + HIP [joint]"} {"Clue":"Criminal charge extremely heavy after one's put in can for life (9)","Answer":"BIOGRAPHY","Explanation":"Definition: life\nRAP [criminal charge] + H[eav]Y after I [one] is put in BOG [can]"} {"Clue":"With hair receding, this paper's boss is in love (9)","Answer":"ENAMOURED","Explanation":"Definition: in love\nReversal [receding] of MANE [hair] + OUR ED [this paper's boss]"} {"Clue":"Tsetse flies around, covering capital of African lands (7)","Answer":"ESTATES","Explanation":"Definition: lands\nAnagram [flies around] of TSE TSE round A[frica]"} {"Clue":"Part of Laurel and Hardy not hard to find in a fable that's silly (3,4)","Answer":"BAY LEAF","Explanation":"Definition: Part of Laurel\n[hard]Y in an anagram [silly] of A FABLE"} {"Clue":"Northerly Polish mother country, as was (5)","Answer":"BURMA","Explanation":"Definition: country, as was\nReversal [northerly] of RUB [polish] + MA [mother]"} {"Clue":"Past tax cut gets acclaim (5)","Answer":"EXTOL","Explanation":"Definition: acclaim\nEX [past] + TOL[l] [tax cut]"} {"Clue":"Bankrupt's lamenting having wasted \u00a31,000 (4)","Answer":"RUIN","Explanation":"Definition: Bankrupt\nRUIN[g] [lamenting] minus g [grand \u2013 \u00a31.000]"} {"Clue":"Senior politician, disaster now with him after balls-up? (6,8)","Answer":"SHADOW MINISTER","Explanation":"Definition: Senior politician\nAnagram [after balls-up] of DISASTER NOW HIM [with an allusive return to Crosswordland for Ed Balls]"} {"Clue":"Author writing stuff about Swiss canton in war \u2014 God he's extraordinary! (6,7,4)","Answer":"GEORGE BERNARD SHAW","Explanation":"Definition: Author\n[You can ignore the next bit and scroll down to the parsing \u2013 but I thought I'd share some of the steps in my journey. My immediate thought on seeing the clue was that it would be the writer of 'Swiss Family Robinson' \u2013 whose name I didn't know \u2013 with CANTON IN WAR GOD HE'S as the anagram fodder. This quickly proved impossible and the real author, along with the Swiss canton \u2013 not a lift and separate, after all! \u2013\u00a0 emerged after a few crossers. I was convinced for some time that 'stuff' must give GORGE \u2013 which\u00a0 didn't fit in with the rest of the parsing [I needed one of the Gs for GOD, for instance] but isn't it difficult to get rid of a fixed idea, even when it's clearly wrong?\u00a0 Taking a more methodical approach proved that the cleverly constructed clue did exactly what it said on the tin. I really enjoyed the tussle and when GEAR emerged as 'stuff', I laughed out loud.]\n\nGEAR [stuff] round BERN [Swiss canton] in an anagram [extraordinary] of\u00a0 WAR GOD HE'S"} {"Clue":"Duty I had to enter Fleet, say, as hired capitalist? (6,4,6)","Answer":"LONDON TAXI DRIVER","Explanation":"Definition: hired capitalist?\nTAX [duty]\u00a0 +\u00a0 I'D [I had]\u00a0 in [to enter] LONDON RIVER [Fleet, for example, hence the 'say'] \u2013 another clever construction, with a witty definition"} {"Clue":"Check hinge drops from above (8)","Answer":"RESTRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Check\nREST [hinge \u2013 as in 'the issue rests \/ hinges on this'] + RAIN [drops from above]"} {"Clue":"March, some springtide month (4)","Answer":"DEMO","Explanation":"Definition: March\nHidden in springtiDE MOnth"} {"Clue":"One in the printing trade yet to be embarrassed about page on the Sun? (10)","Answer":"TYPESETTER","Explanation":"Definition: One in the printing trade\nAnagram [to be embarrassed] of YET round P [page] + SETTER [Sun, perhaps] \u2013 nice surface"} {"Clue":"Pictures of a painfully seductive nature in flier (4,6)","Answer":"SAND MARTIN","Explanation":"Definition: flier\nS AND M ART [pictures of a painfully seductive nature] + IN \u2013 I had SM = 'perverse activity' in my last blog!"} {"Clue":"Human right to treasure little time (6)","Answer":"MORTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Human\nMORAL [right] round T [little time]"} {"Clue":"Bound to fill shot with it (6)","Answer":"TRENDY","Explanation":"Definition: with it\nEND [bound{ary}] in TRY [shot]"} {"Clue":"That's used for identifying theme song, perhaps? (6,6)","Answer":"SERIAL NUMBER","Explanation":"Definition: That's used for identifying theme song, perhaps?\nA very neat cryptic definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Big is beautiful (8)","Answer":"HANDSOME","Explanation":"Definition: Big beautiful\nDouble definition \u2013 as in a handsome sum \/ price"} {"Clue":"Issue clear in the Bard's work (6)","Answer":"SONNET","Explanation":"Definition: the Bard's work\nSON [issue] + NET [clear \u2013 as in wages]"} {"Clue":"After an upset, bug gripping relative endures (8)","Answer":"PERSISTS","Explanation":"Definition: endures\nReversal [upset] of STREP [bug \u2013 Streptococcus pyogenes] round SIS [relative]"} {"Clue":"Case of disrepair right to bring up \u2014 that's decay (3,3)","Answer":"DRY ROT","Explanation":"Definition: decay\nDR ['case' of D{isrepai}R] + a reversal [to bring up] of TORY [right]"} {"Clue":"Scum in bathroom unit (6)","Answer":"SHOWER","Explanation":"Definition: Scum bathroom unit\nDouble definition \u2013 the first might be heard on the parade ground"} {"Clue":"Breaking the name of the resigned Labour leadership, it changed (6)","Answer":"EDITED","Explanation":"Definition: changed\nIT in [breaking] ED ED [He's back, too: Ed Miliband \u2013 resigned Labour leader]"} {"Clue":"Draft list to knock up in hunting target (11)","Answer":"PREPARATORY","Explanation":"Definition: Draft\nReversal [up] of ROTA [list] + RAP [knock] in PREY [hunting target]"} {"Clue":"A little current news not half fitting I would speculate, ultimately (4,4)","Answer":"NEAP TIDE","Explanation":"Definition: A little current\nNE[ws] [not half] + APT [fitting] + I'D [ I WOULD] + [speculat]E"} {"Clue":"A substance injected perhaps, one shooting up? (8)","Answer":"ASTEROID","Explanation":"Definition: one shooting up?\nA STEROID [a substance injected perhaps]"} {"Clue":"Red film screens all orange, initially (6)","Answer":"MAOIST","Explanation":"Definition: Red\nMIST [film] round A[ll] O[range]"} {"Clue":"Brush skimmed off something in the soup (6)","Answer":"OXTAIL","Explanation":"Definition: something in the soup \n[f]OX TAIL [brush] \u2013 a nice smile to end with \ud83d\ude42"} {"Clue":"Where climber may be trained in mountain, terrifying figure returning (7)","Answer":"PERGOLA","Explanation":"Definition: Where climber may be trained\nA reversal [returning] of ALP [mountain] + OGRE [terrifying creature]"} {"Clue":"\u00a0Relaxed, prepared for another shot (7)","Answer":"REPOSED","Explanation":"Definition: \u00a0Relaxedprepared for another shot\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Distinctive character of bird artist captured (5)","Answer":"TRAIT","Explanation":"Definition: Distinctive character\nRA [artist] in TIT [bird]"} {"Clue":"Periodically, after Ge \u2026 like this (2,7)","Answer":"AS FOLLOWS","Explanation":"Definition: like this\nIn the periodic table, As [arsenic] follows Ge [germanium]"} {"Clue":"Senior administrator's weakness, to risk register being rejected (4-10)","Answer":"VICE-CHANCELLOR","Explanation":"Definition: Senior administrator\nCharade of VICE [weakness] + CHANCE [risk] + a reversal [rejected] of ROLL [register]"} {"Clue":"Job to which poor performers are taken (4)","Answer":"TASK","Explanation":"Definition: Job\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Taking minimum time in celebration of French produce? (8)","Answer":"BRIEFEST","Explanation":"Definition: Taking minimum time\nA celebration of a French cheese could be a BRIE-FEST"} {"Clue":"Relinquish, for example, being open to one worry constantly (4,4)","Answer":"SIGN AWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Relinquish\nSAY [for example] round [being open to] I [one] GNAW [worry]"} {"Clue":"Respecting footballers leaving new house (2,2)","Answer":"AS TO","Explanation":"Definition: Respecting\nASTO[n villa] [footballers] minus n [new] villa [house]"} {"Clue":"Corps' senior general last to deploy bombs (5,9)","Answer":"ROYAL ENGINEERS","Explanation":"Definition: Corps\nAnagram [bombs] of SENIOR GENERAL + [deplo]Y"} {"Clue":"Loved pace: certain to get an innings (9)","Answer":"TREASURED","Explanation":"Definition: Loved\nSURE [certain] in TREAD [pace]"} {"Clue":"Having a rest, keeping very still with us (5)","Answer":"ALIVE","Explanation":"Definition: still with us\nA LIE [rest] round V [very]"} {"Clue":"Retreat being awful to contemplate, finally advancing a position (7)","Answer":"HIDEOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Retreat\nHIDEOU[s] [awful to contemplate] with its final letter moving on one place in the alphabet"} {"Clue":"Promised place, commonly equivocated (7)","Answer":"PLEDGED","Explanation":"Definition: Promised\nPL [[place] + 'EDGED [commonly equivocated \u2013 Cockneys are not singled out today]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Crock shoots lots of elephants, say (8)","Answer":"POTSHERD","Explanation":"Definition: Crock\nPOTS [shoots] + HERD [lots of elephants, say]"} {"Clue":"Make unwelcome appearance hurriedly, as gatecrashing (4,3,4,4)","Answer":"REAR ITS UGLY HEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Make unwelcome appearance\nAnagram [crashing] of HURRIEDLY AS GATE \u2013 ITS doesn't sit very comfortably, for me"} {"Clue":"Shop, perhaps as a means to express emotions (6)","Answer":"OUTLET","Explanation":"Definition: Shop, perhapsa means to express emotions\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"A person helping you over your loss of interest (6)","Answer":"APATHY","Explanation":"Definition: loss of interest\nA PA [a person helping you] over THY [your]"} {"Clue":"Extremely rare, expensive clothes in industrial plant (8)","Answer":"REFINERY","Explanation":"Definition: industrial plant\nR[ar]E + FINERY [expensive clothes]"} {"Clue":"Turn somersault before degree is taken (8)","Answer":"PILFERED","Explanation":"Definition: taken\nReversal [turn] of FLIP + ERE [before] + D [degree]"} {"Clue":"Slyly peeking at bear browsing (8,7)","Answer":"SHOULDER SURFING","Explanation":"Definition: Slyly peeking\nSHOULDER [bear] + SURFING [browsing] \u2013 a new expression for me"} {"Clue":"Doctrine is compromising freedom to act (10)","Answer":"DISCRETION","Explanation":"Definition: freedom to act\nAnagram [compromising] of DOCTRINE IS"} {"Clue":"After a false start, eat out without inter\u00adruption (2,1,7)","Answer":"AT A STRETCH","Explanation":"Definition: without inter\u00adruption\nA + an anagram false] of START + ETCH [eat out] \u2013 not the first definition to spring to my mind but it's the first entry in Chambers, so, I suppose, at a stretch\u2026 \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Satellite phone is shut (8)","Answer":"CALLISTO","Explanation":"Definition: Satellite\nCALL [phone] IS TO [shut \u2013 like a door, say]"} {"Clue":"Knight risked capturing Stuart queen (8)","Answer":"BANNERET","Explanation":"Definition: Knight\nBET [risked] round ANNE R [Stuart queen]"} {"Clue":"Joke the nervous get (4,2)","Answer":"WIND UP","Explanation":"Definition: Jokethe nervous get\nDoublish \/ cryptic definition, with different pronunciations"} {"Clue":"Fighting disrupts work meeting in cave (6)","Answer":"BEWARE","Explanation":"Definition: cave\nWAR [fighting] in BEE [work meeting]"} {"Clue":"Quarterback in France about two miles out, in the shade? (9)","Answer":"TURQUOISE","Explanation":"Definition: shade\nReversal [back] of QR [quarter] in TOISE ['about two miles out'[side] \u2013 but Chambers says this is 'an old French lineal measure equivalent to 6.395ft [very nearly 2m]', so there seems to be a typo here \u2013 miles for metres]"} {"Clue":"Chin and a toe injured down the pub (2,3,5)","Answer":"IN THE LOCAL","Explanation":"Definition: down the pub\nAnagram [injured] of CHIN and A TOE"} {"Clue":"Resorts for personal assistant (4)","Answer":"SPAS","Explanation":"Definition: Resorts\nPA [personal assistant]"} {"Clue":"Land that's promised half the drug (6)","Answer":"CANAAN","Explanation":"Definition: Land that's promised\nCANN[abis] [drug]"} {"Clue":"Smartly eccentric nobody regularly dismissed (5)","Answer":"KOOKY","Explanation":"Definition: Smartly eccentric \n[n]O[b]O[d]Y"} {"Clue":"initially and one other state (4)","Answer":"OHIO","Explanation":"Definition: state\nH[oosier] [30dn] + I [one]"} {"Clue":"Girl goes round front of ancient necropolis (7)","Answer":"SAQQARA","Explanation":"Definition: necropolis\nSARA [girl] round A[ncient]"} {"Clue":"Bird \u2014 one with appeal (5)","Answer":"PIPIT","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nI [one] + IT [sex appeal]"} {"Clue":"WW2 headquarters in Europe nearly out of the sun (6)","Answer":"SHADED","Explanation":"Definition: out of the sun\nSHAE[f] [Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary [force] \u2013 nearly]"} {"Clue":"Great ruler's home is active (8)","Answer":"PADISHAH","Explanation":"Definition: Great ruler's\nPAD [home] IS A [active]"} {"Clue":"Share home improvements (5)","Answer":"DIVVY","Explanation":"Definition: Share\nDIY [home improvements]"} {"Clue":"Sheep returning round one gallows (6)","Answer":"GIBBET","Explanation":"Definition: gallows\nReversal [returning] of TEG [ a sheep in its second year] round I [one]"} {"Clue":"Restrain Lutoslawski's humour \u2014 it's showing signs of age (8)","Answer":"WITHHOLD","Explanation":"Definition: Restrain\nTwo bits of wordplay \u2013 WITOLD Lutoslawski, Polish composer and conductor and WIT [humour] + OLD [showing signs of age]"} {"Clue":"Cool-hearted and more generous craftsman (10)","Answer":"BOOKBINDER","Explanation":"Definition: craftsman\n[c]OO[l] + KINDER [more generous]"} {"Clue":"Old Gore has to speak out to Clinton \u2014 here? (4,6)","Answer":"OVAL OFFICE","Explanation":"Definition: here?\nO [old] + VOICE [speak] out[side] AL [Gore]"} {"Clue":"Irish lad exchanges money for grand birds (8)","Answer":"SEAGULLS","Explanation":"Definition: birds\nSEA[m]US [Irish lad] with m[money] changed to G [grand]"} {"Clue":"Told a descendant of Fatima (6)","Answer":"SAYYID","Explanation":"Definition: descendant of Fatima\nSAID [told]"} {"Clue":"Cubism regularly presents Palestinian coins (5)","Answer":"ZUZIM","Explanation":"Definition: Palestinian coins\n[c]U[b]I[s]M"} {"Clue":"Puts forward and petitions for street backing (8)","Answer":"SUGGESTS","Explanation":"Definition: Puts forward\nSUES [petitions] + reversal [backing] of ST [street]"} {"Clue":"Repeatedly state: \"Talisman\" (6)","Answer":"GRIGRI","Explanation":"Definition: Talisman\nRI RI [Rhode Island \u2013 state \u2013 repeatedly]"} {"Clue":"Oil company associated with spill \u2014 one needing reform (5)","Answer":"EXXON","Explanation":"Definition: Oil company associated with spill\nAnagram [needing reform] of ONE"} {"Clue":"Tide's out and up! (7)","Answer":"STIRRED","Explanation":"Definition: up\nAnagram [out] of TIDES"} {"Clue":"Independent English or Scottish kingdom (4)","Answer":"FIFE","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish kingdom\nI [independent] + E [English]"} {"Clue":"Holidaymaker in Cornwall returning type of shirt (5)","Answer":"EMMET","Explanation":"Definition: Holidaymaker in Cornwall\nReversal [returning] of TEE [type of shirt]"} {"Clue":"It can remove errors \u2014 no problem (6)","Answer":"ERASER","Explanation":"Definition: It can remove errors\nEASE [no problem]"} {"Clue":"Small former colony's ritual dance (4)","Answer":"HAKA","Explanation":"Definition: ritual dance\nHK [Hong Kong \u2013 small former colony]"} {"Clue":"Fancy cord twisted backing CV (10)","Answer":"DECORATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Fancy\nAnagram [twisted] of CORD + VITA [CV]"} {"Clue":"Christie's Orient Express finishing food cut to shreds (9)","Answer":"JULIENNES","Explanation":"Definition: food cut to shreds\nJULIE [Christie] + E [Orient] + [expres]S\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Scandinavian university with American wing (7)","Answer":"UPPSALA","Explanation":"Definition: Scandinavian university\nUS [American] + ALA [wing]"} {"Clue":"Nissan model remains on the Great North Road (7)","Answer":"QASHQAI","Explanation":"Definition: Nissan model\nASH [remains] + A1 [the Great North Road]"} {"Clue":"Fall on the same day and time in Bow (5)","Answer":"OCCUR","Explanation":"Definition: Fall on the same day\n[h]OUR [time in Bow, East London \u2013 what a pity that the 'h' is silent wherever you live! I didn't know that meaning of OCCUR, referring to festivals"} {"Clue":"It flies to the boundaries of Ethiopia (2,2)","Answer":"EL AL","Explanation":"Definition: It flies\nE[thiop]A"} {"Clue":"Popular member of a 60s' group? (4)","Answer":"KINK","Explanation":"Definition: member of a 60s' group?\nIN [popular]"} {"Clue":"Essential oil for bosom, even? (4)","Answer":"OTTO","Explanation":"Definition: Essential oil\nEven letters of [b]O[s]O[m]"} {"Clue":"Owner may regularly discover pottery (6)","Answer":"WEMYSS","Explanation":"Definition: pottery\n[o]W[n]E[r] M[a]Y"} {"Clue":"Oil ring round graduate (6)","Answer":"JOJOBA","Explanation":"Definition: Oil\nO [ring] + O [round] + BA [graduate]"} {"Clue":"days in France and Spain for the dance (6)","Answer":"MAXIXE","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nMAI [May \u2013 31 days \u2013 in French] + E [Spain]"} {"Clue":"Half the holiday homes are of use (5)","Answer":"AVAIL","Explanation":"Definition: are of use\nVIL[las] [holiday homes]"} {"Clue":"Sparkling team gets draw (5)","Answer":"VIVID","Explanation":"Definition: Sparkling\nII [team] + D [draw]"} {"Clue":"Young lovers changing boots (3,4)","Answer":"TOY BOYS","Explanation":"Definition: Young lovers\nAnagram [changing] of BOOTS"} {"Clue":"Acknowledging prince's no good (7)","Answer":"HAILING","Explanation":"Definition: Acknowledging\nHAL [Prince] + NG [no good]"} {"Clue":"Those captured outside first brought in to discussion groups (7)","Answer":"POWWOWS","Explanation":"Definition: discussion groups\nO[utside] in POWS [prisoners of war \u2013 those captured]"} {"Clue":"Gods with some plant yielding vapour (7)","Answer":"DITTANY","Explanation":"Definition: plant yielding vapour\nDI [gods \u2013 a plural of deus [I was surprised to find both words in an English dictionary] + ANY [some]"} {"Clue":"Breakfast crockery suggested for old Scottish copper coins (7)","Answer":"BODDLES","Explanation":"Definition: old Scottish copper coins\nBOLES [sounds like \u2013 suggested \u2013 bowls [breakfast crockery]: I had only the B at this point and 'knew' the answer must be BAWBEES, so spent a stupidly long time trying to justify it [it had a double 'e' and this was quite early on in the solve]; I consulted a list of Scottish coins and bawbee was the only one with the right number of letters, then, eventually, it occurred to me that 'bodle' [in the list] might also be spelt with a double 'd', consulted Chambers and there it was"} {"Clue":"For a short time, an American warship forces past (7)","Answer":"THRUSTS","Explanation":"Definition: forces past\nHR [a short time] USS [American warship]"} {"Clue":"Nickname of state or, possibly, shire (7)","Answer":"HOOSIER","Explanation":"Definition: Nickname of state\nAnagram [possibly] of SHIRE \u2013 Indiana is known as The Hoosier State"} {"Clue":"Poor weather troubled idler (7)","Answer":"DRIZZLE","Explanation":"Definition: Poor weather\nAnagram [troubled] of IDLER"} {"Clue":"Relict's vow (5)","Answer":"WIDOW","Explanation":"Definition: Relict\nI DO [vow]"} {"Clue":"Opponents accepting question for stage play (5)","Answer":"EQUUS","Explanation":"Definition: stage play\nES [opponents in Bridge] round Q [question]"} {"Clue":"Small figure missing from coin made of clay (7)","Answer":"EARTHEN","Explanation":"Definition: made of clay\n[f]ARTH[i]N[g] [small coin] minus fig [small figure]"} {"Clue":"Pedigree blocked by one fan of TV series (7)","Answer":"TREKKIE","Explanation":"Definition: fan of TV series\nI [one] in TREE [pedigree]"} {"Clue":"Attacker's assistant (6)","Answer":"RAIDER","Explanation":"Definition: Attacker\nAIDE [assistant]"} {"Clue":"Monkey injured rogue right away (6)","Answer":"GUENON","Explanation":"Definition: Monkey\nAnagram [injured] of [r]OGUE [minus right]"} {"Clue":"Purgative from island vegetable (6)","Answer":"IPECAC","Explanation":"Definition: Purgative\nI [island] + PEA [vegetable]"} {"Clue":"Leading two oriental rickshaws to Shinto gateway (5)","Answer":"TORII","Explanation":"Definition: Shinto gateway\nFirst letters of Two Oriental Rickshaws"} {"Clue":"Lame adult on island (4)","Answer":"MAIM","Explanation":"Definition: Lame\nA [adult] + I [island]"} {"Clue":"Speaker's empty, turning up empty (4)","Answer":"TEEM","Explanation":"Definition: empty\nReversal [turning up] of MT [sounds a bit like \u2013 'Speaker's' \u2013\u00a0'empty']"} {"Clue":"This year's pilgrimage (4)","Answer":"HAJJ","Explanation":"Definition: pilgrimage\nH A [hoc anno \u2013 this year]"} {"Clue":"A quaintly pleasing French accent (5)","Answer":"ACUTE","Explanation":"Definition: French accent\nA CUTE [quaintly pleasing]"} {"Clue":"He turns up, after all (9)","Answer":"LATECOMER","Explanation":"Definition: He turns up, after all\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Humorously critical, yet possibly racialist (9)","Answer":"SATIRICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Humorously critical\nAnagram [possibly] of RACIALIST"} {"Clue":"Old ship under last bit of sail makes slow movement (5)","Answer":"LARGO","Explanation":"Definition: slow movement\n[sai]L + ARGO [old ship] \u2013 this\u00a0might have been better as a down clue"} {"Clue":"Blimey! Alec capsized the boat (7)","Answer":"CORACLE","Explanation":"Definition: boat\nCOR [Blimey] + an anagram [capsized] of ALEC"} {"Clue":"Problem with World War I battle citation (7)","Answer":"SUMMONS","Explanation":"Definition: citation\nSUM [problem] + MONS [WWI battle]"} {"Clue":"Bird you shouldn't be seen with indoors? (5)","Answer":"CAPON","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nCAP ON \u2013 Younger solvers may be puzzled by this, as the convention for men to remove their headgear indoors seems to be widely ignored these days"} {"Clue":"Gravestone inscription produces a tear (3)","Answer":"RIP","Explanation":"Definition: Gravestone inscriptiontear\nDouble definition \u2013 a little gem"} {"Clue":"Make a protracted speech (5)","Answer":"DRAWL","Explanation":"Definition: Make a protracted speech\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Agitated ladies (about 50) rushed forth (7)","Answer":"SALLIED","Explanation":"Definition: rushed forth\nAnagram [agitated] of LADIES round L [fifty]"} {"Clue":"Inclined to be devious (7)","Answer":"OBLIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Inclined devious\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"A bit on the side? (5)","Answer":"APART","Explanation":"Definition: on the side?\nA PART [bit]"} {"Clue":"Unusually bad actors heard on the radio (9)","Answer":"BROADCAST","Explanation":"Definition: heard on the radio\nAnagram [unusually] of BAD ACTORS: masterly misdirection \u2013 my favourite clue"} {"Clue":"Unusually long title to describe The Wages of Sin? (3-6)","Answer":"ILL-GOTTEN","Explanation":"Definition: to describe The Wages of Sin\nAnagram [unusually \u2013 again, unfortunately] of LONG TITLE"} {"Clue":"It's the minister's place to designate names (5)","Answer":"MANSE","Explanation":"Definition: It's the minister's place\nAnagram [to designate] of NAMES\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Cricketers attempt to get a rise (4)","Answer":"BATS","Explanation":"Definition: Cricketers\nReversal [to get a rise] of STAB [attempt]"} {"Clue":"Soft soap and dairy product increased in price (6,2)","Answer":"BUTTER UP","Explanation":"Definition: Soft soap\nBUTTER [dairy product] + UP [increased in price]"} {"Clue":"Rush up to see animals (4)","Answer":"DEER","Explanation":"Definition: animals\nReversal [up] of REED [rush]"} {"Clue":"No one doubts what this signal means (3,5)","Answer":"ALL CLEAR","Explanation":"Definition: No one doubts what this signal means\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Theatre seats or stands (6)","Answer":"STALLS","Explanation":"Definition: Theatre seatsstands\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Minor example of proportional representation (5,5)","Answer":"SCALE MODEL","Explanation":"Definition: Minor example of proportional representation \nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"It should grow by more development (6)","Answer":"EMBRYO","Explanation":"Definition: It should grow by more development\nAnagram [development] of BY MORE \u2013 &lit?"} {"Clue":"Small group involved in riot (4)","Answer":"TRIO","Explanation":"Definition: Small group\nAnagram [involved] of RIOT"} {"Clue":"Game to take the helm, we hear (5)","Answer":"COCKS","Explanation":"Definition: Game\nSounds like COX [take the helm]"} {"Clue":"Firm belief in guilty verdict (10)","Answer":"CONVICTION","Explanation":"Definition: Firm beliefguilty verdict\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Prevent a total loss and rescue about 50 (5)","Answer":"SALVE","Explanation":"Definition: Prevent a total loss\nSAVE [rescue] round L [fifty] \u2013 save and salve actually have the same Latin derivation"} {"Clue":"Put the case against the euro (8)","Answer":"PROPOUND","Explanation":"Definition: Put the case\nPRO POUND [agaist the euro]"} {"Clue":"Get bill reduced, strange to tell (8)","Answer":"ACQUAINT","Explanation":"Definition: tell\nAC [bill reduced] + QUAINT [strange]"} {"Clue":"Fifty-one, competent and responsible (6)","Answer":"LIABLE","Explanation":"Definition: responsible\nLI [fifty-one \u2013 third\u00a0 use of L for 50] + ABLE [competent]"} {"Clue":"Be up in time for a serious discussion (6)","Answer":"DEBATE","Explanation":"Definition: serious discussion\nReversal [up] of BE in DATE [time]"} {"Clue":"Bring in a number to help \u2014 sharpish! (4)","Answer":"ACID","Explanation":"Definition: sharpish\nC [number] in AID [help]"} {"Clue":"Obscure eastern coin (4)","Answer":"DIME","Explanation":"Definition: Obscure eastern coin\nDIM [obscure] + E [eastern]"} {"Clue":"Flower pegs (4)","Answer":"TEES","Explanation":"Definition: Flowerpegs\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Middle East food, some not entirely in season in Georgia (7)","Answer":"FALAFEL","Explanation":"Definition: Middle East food\nA FE[w] [some not entirely] in FALL [season in Georgia]"} {"Clue":"Guy carrying container of beer back in hamper (7)","Answer":"MANACLE","Explanation":"Definition: hamper\nMALE [guy] round a reversal [back] of CAN [container of beer]"} {"Clue":"Fielder caught a few balls (5)","Answer":"COVER","Explanation":"Definition: Fielder\nC [caught] + OVER [a few balls] \u2013 three cricket allusions in one clue, which is rather neat"} {"Clue":"Carrot in a piece of American bread I have for afters (9)","Answer":"INCENTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Carrot\nIN CENT [piece of American 'bread'] + I'VE [I have]"} {"Clue":"26 character, a heavy weight to his lover? (10)","Answer":"DARLINGTON","Explanation":"Definition: 26 character\nTON [heavy weight] after DARLING [his lover] \u2013 a simple charade for the lordly character in Oscar Wilde's 'Lady Windermere's fan'"} {"Clue":"Amendment finally in place, so keep the original text (4)","Answer":"STET","Explanation":"Definition: keep the original text\n[amendmen]T in SET [place]"} {"Clue":"Shamed, the Guardian boss is paying for our food? (11)","Answer":"DISHONOURED","Explanation":"Definition: Shamed\nDISH ON OUR ED \u2013 as in 'The drinks are on me'"} {"Clue":"God's dog and ten animals I slam in a net, perhaps? (11)","Answer":"PALINDROMES","Explanation":"Definition: God's dog and ten animals I slam in a net, perhaps?\nGOD'S DOG and TEN ANIMALS I SLAM IN A NET are both palindromes \u2013 just as it says on the tin!"} {"Clue":"Does dingo eat enormous radishes for starters? (4)","Answer":"DEER","Explanation":"Definition: Does\nInitial letters of Dingo Eat Enormous Radishes \u2013 the necessary question mark takes care of the definition by example"} {"Clue":"Immorality in trio up for rolling round in cheese (10)","Answer":"CORRUPTION","Explanation":"Definition: Immorality\nAnagram [rolling round] of TRIO UP in CORN [cheese \u2013 perhaps more recognisable in the adjectives corny \/ cheesy]"} {"Clue":"Penning the ultimate in drivel, yawning author (5)","Answer":"WILDE","Explanation":"Definition: author\n[drive]L in WIDE [yawning] \u2013 I loved the surface!"} {"Clue":"Party issued approval (7)","Answer":"CONSENT","Explanation":"Definition: approval\nCON [party] + SENT [issued]"} {"Clue":"Serious attention given to home (7)","Answer":"EARNEST","Explanation":"Definition: Serious\nEAR [attention] + NEST [home] \u2013 a nod to the theme: I wonder why Paul didn't make more of it\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Account in decline, deceptive appearance (6)","Answer":"FACADE","Explanation":"Definition: deceptive appearance\nAC [account] in FADE [decline]"} {"Clue":"Electrified track is uniform (6)","Answer":"LIVERY","Explanation":"Definition: uniform\nLIVE [electrified] + RY [track]"} {"Clue":"Threatening, in order to obtain invitation (10)","Answer":"FORBIDDING","Explanation":"Definition: Threatening\nFOR [in order to {obtain}] + BIDDING invitation]"} {"Clue":"Deceitful, doing well to skim off capital (5)","Answer":"LYING","Explanation":"Definition: Deceitful\n[f]LYING [doing well]"} {"Clue":"Thus one is up to describe reptile in millimetres as a small version (9)","Answer":"MICROCOSM","Explanation":"Definition: small version\nReversal [up] of SO [thus] I [one] round CROC [reptile] in MM [millimetres]"} {"Clue":"Square in town in England (4)","Answer":"NINE","Explanation":"Definition: Square\nHidden in towN IN England \u2013 a little gem"} {"Clue":"Flat, then something ebbing and flowing late in the day (8)","Answer":"EVENTIDE","Explanation":"Definition: late in the day\nEVEN [flat] + TIDE [something ebbing and flowing]"} {"Clue":"Strength in a stable marriage never ends, hope rows frivolous? (10)","Answer":"HORSEPOWER","Explanation":"Definition: Strength in a stable\nAnagram [frivolous] of [marriag]E [neve]R + HOPE ROWS"} {"Clue":"Short in credit briefly, terrible fraud, 26 character (3,6,8)","Answer":"SIR ROBERT CHILTERN","Explanation":"Definition: 26 character\nAnagram [fraud] of SHORT IN CR[edit] TERRIBLE for the character in 'An ideal husband' \u2013 great allusive surface"} {"Clue":"Plague half contained in saga (8)","Answer":"EPIDEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Plague\nDEMI [half] in EPIC [saga]"} {"Clue":"Heinous crime no longer naff for 26 character (8,9)","Answer":"ALGERNON MONCRIEFF","Explanation":"Definition: 26 character\nAnagram [heinous] of CRIME NO LONGER NAFF for the character in 'The importance of being 28ac'"} {"Clue":"Breather, that is, for Scottish servant (6)","Answer":"GILLIE","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish servant\nGILL [breather] + IE [that is] for what John Brown was to Queen Victoria"} {"Clue":"Coin in hole (6)","Answer":"INVENT","Explanation":"Definition: Coin\nIN VENT [hole]"} {"Clue":"Arm uprooting the Spanish tree (5)","Answer":"RIFLE","Explanation":"Definition: Arm\nReversal [uprooting] of EL [the Spanish] FIR [tree]"} {"Clue":"\u00a30.00 charge \u2014 about right? (4)","Answer":"FREE","Explanation":"Definition: \u00a30.00\nFEE [charge] round R [right]"} {"Clue":"Aircraft in which I travel around in a whirlwind tour (8)","Answer":"AUTOGIRO","Explanation":"Definition: Aircraft\nReversal [around] of I GO [I travel] in A + an anagram [whirlwind] of TOUR"} {"Clue":"Took a pistol, bagging these animals (6)","Answer":"OKAPIS","Explanation":"Definition: animals\nHidden in toOK A PIStol"} {"Clue":"Defer or continue support (4)","Answer":"STAY","Explanation":"Definition: Defercontinuesupport\nTriple definition, the first as in 'stay of execution'"} {"Clue":"Hazard on coast also seen in boat joining fleet (10)","Answer":"QUICKSANDS","Explanation":"Definition: Hazard on coast\nQUICK [fleet] + AND [also] in SS [boat]"} {"Clue":"Nonsense about pound \u2014 this could bring better profit (6)","Answer":"TRIPLE","Explanation":"Definition: this could bring better profit\nTRIPE [nonsense] round L [pound] \u2013 cryptic definition: 'a betting system requiring that the horses which finish first, second and third in a race are selected in correct order'"} {"Clue":"Interior of Sark, island confusedly taken for another (3,5)","Answer":"SRI LANKA","Explanation":"Definition: another\nAnagram [confusedly] of [s]ARK ISLAN[d]"} {"Clue":"Guns for wars? Sounds like the opposite (6)","Answer":"PIECES","Explanation":"Definition: Guns\nSounds like 'peaces'"} {"Clue":"Out of order, like 15 in rows and columns here (6)","Answer":"BROKEN","Explanation":"Definition: Out of order\nThe theme of the puzzle \u2013 broken chess pieces, found in Rows 2 and 14 and columns 2, 6, 12 and 14"} {"Clue":"Insular Spaniard former PM is able to set right (8)","Answer":"MAJORCAN","Explanation":"Definition: Insular Spaniard\nMAJOR [former PM] + CAN [is able] set to the right"} {"Clue":"Gentle and good in part of Africa (6)","Answer":"BENIGN","Explanation":"Definition: Gentle\nG [good] in BENIN [part of Africa]"} {"Clue":"With net initially twisted, I attach lure (10)","Answer":"ENTICEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: lure\nAnagram [twisted] of NET + I CEMENT [I attach] ['men' \u2013 a nod to the theme \u2013 is contained here]"} {"Clue":"Old German understood what Dutch and Irish have in common (4)","Answer":"GOTH","Explanation":"Definition: Old German\nGOT [understood] + H [Dutch and Irish have a final H in common]"} {"Clue":"Nightmarish males occupying certain cubicles (6)","Answer":"INCUBI","Explanation":"Definition: Nightmarish males\nHidden in certaIN CUBIcles"} {"Clue":"Steal stuff left after work in spell (8)","Answer":"SHOPLIFT","Explanation":"Definition: Steal stuff\nL [left] after OP [work] in SHIFT [spell \u2013 of work]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Be ingratiating to speak in local rising (6,2)","Answer":"BUTTER UP","Explanation":"Definition: Be ingratiating to\nUTTER [speak] in a reversal [rising] of PUB [local]"} {"Clue":"Page included in shrinking material for paper (4)","Answer":"COPY","Explanation":"Definition: material for paper\nP [page] in COY [shrinking \u2013 as in 'shrinking violet']"} {"Clue":"Rich soup in unfinished pottery (6)","Answer":"BISQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Rich soupunfinished pottery\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"More down-to-earth pro harbouring strange likes (8)","Answer":"FOLKSIER","Explanation":"Definition: More down-to-earth\nFOR [pro] round an anagram [strange] of LIKES"} {"Clue":"Crazy family that could lead to one's downfall (6,4)","Answer":"BANANA SKIN","Explanation":"Definition: that could lead to one's downfall\nBANANAS [crazy] + KIN [family]"} {"Clue":"Antelope upset a couple of its young (3-3)","Answer":"DIK-DIK","Explanation":"Definition: Antelope\nReversal [upset] of KID [its young] x 2"} {"Clue":"State of some Indians in interior is sad (6)","Answer":"ORISSA","Explanation":"Definition: State of some Indians\nHidden in interiOR IS SAd"} {"Clue":"Highly valued around company, showing early promise (10)","Answer":"PRECOCIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: showing early promise\nPRECIOUS [highly valued] round CO [company]"} {"Clue":"Festival in French city I attend, initially (8)","Answer":"ENCAENIA","Explanation":"Definition: Festival\nEN ['in' in French] + CAEN [{French} city] + I A[ttend] \u2013 a new word for me but easily gettable from the immaculate cluing: 'the annual commemoration of founders and benefactors of Oxford University, held in June'"} {"Clue":"Some time to relax in posh chap's neighbourhood (5,3)","Answer":"NIGHT OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Some time to relax\nNIGH TOFF [in posh chap's neighbourhood]"} {"Clue":"Marxist set occupying non-Western quarters (6)","Answer":"ENGELS","Explanation":"Definition: Marxist\nGEL [set] in ENS [all the quarters except W{est}]"} {"Clue":"In one part of house, install new canopy (6)","Answer":"AWNING","Explanation":"Definition: canopy\nN [new] in A WING [one part of house]"} {"Clue":"Opposite of leading part in Shakespeare comedy (6)","Answer":"BOTTOM","Explanation":"Definition: Opposite of leadingpart in Shakespeare comedy\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Game, or its start, as heard on radio (4)","Answer":"GOLF","Explanation":"Definition: Game\nG [start of Golf] is 'Golf' in the phonetic alphabet \u2013 'as heard on radio' [not indicating a homophone this time]"} {"Clue":"One way to get 30 American instead of English cows (9)","Answer":"THREATENS","Explanation":"Definition: cows\nTHREe TENS [one way to get 30] with the e [English] changed to A [American]"} {"Clue":"Awfully sad deed? King Lear's first to beat it (9)","Answer":"SKEDADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: beat it\nAnagram [awfully] of SAD DEED + K [king, chess notation] L[ear] \u2013 a lovely word and my first one in, which put a smile on my face from the start"} {"Clue":"No posh car for Ringo Starr? Gee, bad day for him today (5,6)","Answer":"SAINT GEORGE","Explanation":"Definition: day for him today\nAnagram [bad] of RINGO STA[rr] minus R[olls] R[oyce] \u2013 posh car \u2013\u00a0 and GEE"} {"Clue":"Topless females on tail of 30's killer? They tremble and quiver (6)","Answer":"ASPENS","Explanation":"Definition: They tremble and quiver\n[h]ENS [topless females]\u00a0 after ASP [killer of Cleopatra \u2013 30ac]"} {"Clue":"Wrongly coin \"leg-over\" as a new word (8)","Answer":"NEOLOGIC","Explanation":"Definition: as a new word\nAnagram [wrongly] of COIN LEG + O\u00a0 [over, in cricket]"} {"Clue":"Sudden outburst from EU, after right is in panic (5-2)","Answer":"FLARE-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Sudden outburst\nEU after R [right] in FLAP [panic]"} {"Clue":"Sounding tired? Yes, when collecting for charity (4,3)","Answer":"FLAG DAY","Explanation":"Definition: when collecting for charity\nFLAGD [sounds like flagged \u2013 tired]\u00a0 + AY [yes] \u2013\u00a0 St George's flags are flying everywhere on 23rd April"} {"Clue":"Changing gender is a new plan (8)","Answer":"REDESIGN","Explanation":"Definition: new plan\nAnagram [changing] of GENDER IS"} {"Clue":"Unit 3, nervy? Oddly not (5)","Answer":"HENRY","Explanation":"Definition: Unit\nEven letters of tHrEe NeRvY for the SI unit of inductance"} {"Clue":"Play opposite male, missing a knight finally captured by queen (6,3,9)","Answer":"ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA","Explanation":"Definition: Play\nANTONY[m] [opposite, with m {male} missing] + A N [knight, chess notation] + [capture]D + CLEOPATRA [queen]"} {"Clue":"Some relief, if thinking 27 quoted elsewhere (5)","Answer":"FIFTH","Explanation":"Definition: 27 quoted elsewhere\nHidden in relieF IF Thinking \u2013 see preamble for HENRY FIFTH's 'Once more unto the breach' speech, 'quoted elsewhere'\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"One now remembered going, having heard fellow go for drinks (6)","Answer":"SHAKES","Explanation":"Definition: drinks\nSHAKESpeare [one now remembered going] minus peare \u2013 sounds like [heard] peer [fellow] \u2013 a neat way to introduce the theme"} {"Clue":"agreed about carrying a hat? (8)","Answer":"HEADGEAR","Explanation":"Definition: hat?\nH [abbreviation for Henry [27] + an anagram [about] of AGREED round\u00a0[carrying] A"} {"Clue":"A Fleet Street barber's out of step (2,4)","Answer":"AT ODDS","Explanation":"Definition: out of step\nA [Sweeney] TODD'S [A Fleet Street barber's]"} {"Clue":"Country with good local network, finally? (7)","Answer":"ENGLAND","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nG [good] + LAN [local area network] in {the} END [finally]"} {"Clue":"Much Ado About Nothing, including 2 from the beginning (2,4)","Answer":"DA CAPO","Explanation":"Definition: from the beginning\nReversal [about] of much of AD[o]\u00a0+ O [nothing] round CAP [2dn]"} {"Clue":"Bard regularly worked in EU country (6)","Answer":"BRUNEI","Explanation":"Definition: country\nB[a]R[d] + an anagram [worked] of IN EU"} {"Clue":"Touchstone, say, with length under 9 inches? (4)","Answer":"FOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Touchstone, say\nL [length] under FOO [three quarters of FOO[t] = 9 inches \u2013 Touchstone is the fool in 'As you like it'"} {"Clue":"Follow up what's said in shock (3)","Answer":"GOD","Explanation":"Definition: what's said in shock\nReversal\u00a0 [up] of DOG [follow]"} {"Clue":"Lament, if only about 43% like this crossword (3)","Answer":"CRY","Explanation":"Definition: Lament\nCRY is 3\/7 [about 43%] of CRY[ptic] [like this crossword]: what a lovely surface \u2013 but no danger, surely?"} {"Clue":"Pro golfer's last by start of final hole (3)","Answer":"FOR","Explanation":"Definition: Pro\nF[inal] + O [hole] + [golfe]R"} {"Clue":"Joiner from A Midsummer Night's Dream, initially not primarily mechanical (3)","Answer":"AND","Explanation":"Definition: Joiner\nA[m]ND [abbreviation of A Midsummer Night's Dream] minus m[echanical] \u2013 a trademark Puck clue, with a lovely misleading surface"} {"Clue":"One you texted before 11 (4)","Answer":"UNIT","Explanation":"Definition: One\nU [you texted] + NIT [fool \u2013 11dn]"} {"Clue":"Rubber users, making love during day, go red when almost found out (8)","Answer":"GOODYEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Rubber users\nO [love] in an anagram [found out] of DAY GO RE[d] \u2013 cheeky!"} {"Clue":"One child's granny goes to see how 11s act (7)","Answer":"INANELY","Explanation":"Definition: how 11s act\nI [one] + NAN [child's granny] + ELY [the familiar crossword see]"} {"Clue":"It'll make you bring up quote Puck brought up (6)","Answer":"EMETIC","Explanation":"Definition: It'll make you bring up\nReversal [brought up] of CITE [quote] ME [Puck]"} {"Clue":"Having drunk eight pints, negotiated River Tees in waders (6)","Answer":"EGRETS","Explanation":"Definition: waders\nAnagram [negotiated] of R TEES round [having drunk] G [a gallon = eight pints] \u2013 great surface and one of my favourites"} {"Clue":"Huge number shot in East Yorks town after docking (6)","Answer":"GOOGOL","Explanation":"Definition: Huge number\nGo [shot] in GOOL[e] [East Yorks town minus its final letter \u2013 after docking] \u2013 another great surface, Goole being an inland port"} {"Clue":"Eldest daughter's missing Israel \u2014 they've left for good (6)","Answer":"GONERS","Explanation":"Definition: they've left for good\nGONER[il]'S \u2013 King Lear's eldest daughter minus il [Israel \u2013 international vehicle registration]"} {"Clue":"Beat second-rate oriental political party (8)","Answer":"BELABOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Beat\nB [second-rate] + E [oriental] + LABOUR [political party]"} {"Clue":"Wimble\", the fortune-teller's announced (5)","Answer":"AUGER","Explanation":"Definition: Wimble\nSounds like [is announced] augur [fortune-teller] \u2013 what a lovely word wimble is [new to me]"} {"Clue":"Flag lifting device (4)","Answer":"JACK","Explanation":"Definition: Flaglifting device\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Look down on rubbish program range (10)","Answer":"DISAPPROVE","Explanation":"Definition: Look down on\nDIS [rubbish] + APP [program] + ROVE [range]"} {"Clue":"Conservative type seen on the board? (6)","Answer":"SQUARE","Explanation":"Definition: Conservative typeseen on the board\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Ground relies on dramatic location (8)","Answer":"ELSINORE","Explanation":"Definition: dramatic location\nAnagram [ground] of RELIES ON, for the location of 'Hamlet'"} {"Clue":"As a potential Superman convert, Yank joins new area of London (7,4)","Answer":"KENTISH TOWN","Explanation":"Definition: area of London\nKENTISH [like {Clark} Kent \u2013 'as a potential Superman convert'] + TOW [yank] + N [new]"} {"Clue":"One married, having sex after one was expecting (7)","Answer":"AWAITED","Explanation":"Definition: was expecting\nA WED [one married] round IT [sex] after A [one]"} {"Clue":"Furtive and hot inside enclosure holding duck (8)","Answer":"STEALTHY","Explanation":"Definition: Furtive\nH [hot] in STY [enclosure] round TEAL[duck]"} {"Clue":"Put your foot down as a plantsman (4,2)","Answer":"HEEL IN","Explanation":"Definition: Put your foot down as a plantsman\nCryptic definition, I think"} {"Clue":"Sell a very large quantity of paint mixed with pitted oil in glue (2,8)","Answer":"GO PLATINUM","Explanation":"Definition: Sell a very large quantity\nAnagram [mixed] of PAINT + O[i]L in GUM [glue]"} {"Clue":"Sea mist that allows instrumentalist to stop (4)","Answer":"FRET","Explanation":"Definition: Sea mistthat allows instrumentalist to stop\nDouble definition \u2013 the first word that sprang to mind, with no crossers, was 'haar'"} {"Clue":"Pay No 10, possibly (5)","Answer":"SCREW","Explanation":"Definition: PayNo 10, possibly\nI guessed this was another double definition but was struggling with the second, then discovered \/ remembered that No 10 is a type of tobacco"} {"Clue":"Who aims to settle a dispute? (8)","Answer":"DUELLIST","Explanation":"Definition: Who aims to settle a dispute\nCryptic definition, I think, referring to 'Ready, take aim, fire'\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Bowls Quant designed with number one wrapping (8)","Answer":"PETANQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Bowls\nPEE [number one] round [wrapping] an anagram [designed] of QUANT \u2013 Brummie is not known for his surfaces but I liked this one"} {"Clue":"Hut, entrance gone, fell (4)","Answer":"HACK","Explanation":"Definition: fell\n[s]HACK [hut]"} {"Clue":"It's easy to act \"daughter led astray\" (6)","Answer":"DODDLE","Explanation":"Definition: It's easy\nDO [act] + D [daughter] + an anagram [astray] of LED"} {"Clue":"Beastly breast flutter's hidden danger (7)","Answer":"BRISKET","Explanation":"Definition: Beastly breast\nBET [flutter] round RISK [danger]"} {"Clue":"Catch on topless grate (4)","Answer":"RASP","Explanation":"Definition: grate\n[g]RASP [catch on]"} {"Clue":"Magnify sum of money one invested in sage manoeuvre (10)","Answer":"AGGRANDISE","Explanation":"Definition: Magnify\nGRAND [sum of money] + I [one] in an anagram [manoeuvre] of SAGE"} {"Clue":"It motivates split between US parties (6)","Answer":"DRIVER","Explanation":"Definition: It motivates\nRIVE [split] between D [Democrat] and R [Republican]"} {"Clue":"Walker might precede it with impertinence in Tube (3,7)","Answer":"ART GALLERY","Explanation":"Definition: Walker might precede it\nGALL [impertinence] in ARTERY [tube] with a reference to Liverpool's Walker Gallery"} {"Clue":"Saying \"clean up\", endlessly (3)","Answer":"SAW","Explanation":"Definition: Saying\nReversal [up] of WAS[h]"} {"Clue":"Where to film a burrow? (3)","Answer":"SET","Explanation":"Definition: Where to filmburrow\nDouble definition \u2013 the second more usually has a double t"} {"Clue":"Pepys possibly swallowing lie about reason for getting fit (8)","Answer":"EPILEPSY","Explanation":"Definition: reason for getting fit\nAnagram [possibly] of PEPYS round [swallowing] an anagram [about] of LIE"} {"Clue":"Male children's book character heard singing in church? (7)","Answer":"HYMNODY","Explanation":"Definition: singing in church\nApproximate homophone [heard] of him [male] + Noddy [children's book character]"} {"Clue":"Philosophy causing communist to swap sides (6)","Answer":"TAOISM","Explanation":"Definition: Philosophy\nMAOIST [communist] with the first and last letters exchanged"} {"Clue":"Shape of a twice-married female externally (6)","Answer":"HAMMER","Explanation":"Definition: Shape\nA MM [a twice-married] in HER [female]"} {"Clue":"Crocodile document holder (4)","Answer":"FILE","Explanation":"Definition: Crocodiledocument holder\ndouble definition"} {"Clue":"Number, figure and cipher (6)","Answer":"NOBODY","Explanation":"Definition: cipher\nNO [number] + BODY [figure]"} {"Clue":"Chance taken by doctor in storm (6)","Answer":"GAMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Chance\nMB [doctor] in GALE [storm]"} {"Clue":"Keep going \u2014 or don't! (4)","Answer":"STAY","Explanation":"Definition: Keep goingdon't!\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Club gets convict into hellish trouble (10)","Answer":"SHILLELAGH","Explanation":"Definition: Club\nLAG [convict] in an anagram [trouble] of HELLISH \u2013 one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"Rare fights with sweetheart (6)","Answer":"SPARSE","Explanation":"Definition: Rare\nSPARS [fights] + [sw]E[et]"} {"Clue":"Lots of beatings (8)","Answer":"LASHINGS","Explanation":"Definition: Lotsbeatings\nDouble definition, as in 'lashings of ginger beer', as Enid Blyton apparently never wrote"} {"Clue":"Greatest respect for commercial delivery (9)","Answer":"ADORATION","Explanation":"Definition: Greatest respect\nAD [commercial] + ORATION [delivery]"} {"Clue":"Frozen fish left inside (4)","Answer":"COLD","Explanation":"Definition: Frozen\nL [left] in COD [fish]"} {"Clue":"Laws that can only be broken by an expert (4)","Answer":"CODE","Explanation":"Definition: Lawsthat can only be broken by an expert\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Put up or cut up (9)","Answer":"QUARTERED","Explanation":"Definition: Put upcut up\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Inclined to blow one's top? (8)","Answer":"VOLCANIC","Explanation":"Definition: Inclined to blow one's top\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Too inexperienced to express pain? (6)","Answer":"CALLOW","Explanation":"Definition: Too inexperienced\nCALL 'OW!' [express pain]"} {"Clue":"Improvement in culture (10)","Answer":"REFINEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Improvementculture\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Instrument that has an appalling sound (4)","Answer":"VIOL","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nStrictly speaking, VIOL has two syllables and 'vile' [appalling] only one but it's fairly difficult to distinguish them"} {"Clue":"He acted and wrote a letter in Greek to a Roman (6)","Answer":"PINERO","Explanation":"Definition: He acted and wrote\nPI [letter in Greek] + NERO [a Roman]"} {"Clue":"See where they work (6)","Answer":"CLERGY","Explanation":"Definition: See where they work\nCryptic definition, with a less familiar play on 'see'"} {"Clue":"Computer found after hold up of college flat (7)","Answer":"NOTEPAD","Explanation":"Definition: Computer\nReversal [hold up] of ETON [college] + PAD [flat]"} {"Clue":"He foots the bill for cow barn, one hears (5)","Answer":"BUYER","Explanation":"Definition: He foots the bill\nSounds like 'byre' [cow barn] \u2013 see comment on 25ac: Collins gives identical pronunciations"} {"Clue":"Decline scented make-up (7)","Answer":"DESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Decline\nAnagram [make-up] of SCENTED"} {"Clue":" In the end, mountain range finishes where Tunisia starts (2,4)","Answer":"AT LAST","Explanation":"Definition: In the end\nATLAS [mountain range] + T[unisia] \u2013 a clever surface: the Atlas Mountains stretch from Algeria, through Morocco, to Tunisia \u2013 my other favourite"} {"Clue":"Indian food with extra port in America (9)","Answer":"BALTIMORE","Explanation":"Definition: port in America\nBALTI [Indian food] + MORE [extra]"} {"Clue":"Occupied in planning to marry (7)","Answer":"ENGAGED","Explanation":"Definition: Occupiedplanning to marry\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Determination an heir already has (4,2,7)","Answer":"WILL TO SUCCEED","Explanation":"Definition: Determinationan heir already has\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Introduce new price cut (9)","Answer":"REDUCTION","Explanation":"Definition: price cut\nAnagram [new] of INTRODUCE"} {"Clue":"Photograph of way-out couples (5-2)","Answer":"CLOSE-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Photograph\nAnagram [way-out] of COUPLES"} {"Clue":"Novel, article and story (7)","Answer":"RECITAL","Explanation":"Definition: story\nANAGRAM [novel] of ARTICLE"} {"Clue":"Firm in money management? (7)","Answer":"ECONOMY","Explanation":"Definition: money management\nCO [firm] in an anagram [management] of MONEY \u2013 &littish"} {"Clue":"Please aim listening device (6)","Answer":"ENDEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Please\nEND [aim] + EAR [listening device]"} {"Clue":"It may be used to obtain a purchase (5)","Answer":"LEVER","Explanation":"Definition: It may be used to obtain a purchase \nCryptic definition, with a play on 'purchase'"} {"Clue":"Interchange leads to dreary Slough, symbol of Britain (7)","Answer":"BULLDOG","Explanation":"Definition: symbol of Britain\nDULL BOG [dreary Slough] with the initial letters [leads] interchanged: poor Slough \u2013 it's probably quite a nice place to live but forever damned by John Betjeman's"} {"Clue":"Could possessing posh car be male ideal? (2,5)","Answer":"MR RIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: male ideal\nMIGHT [could] round [possessing] RR [Rolls Royce \u2013 posh car]"} {"Clue":"Reds fan perhaps catching train after 1 \u2013 0 setback (9)","Answer":"OENOPHILE","Explanation":"Definition: Reds fan perhaps\nPHILE [sounds like {catching} file \u2013 train] after a reversal [set-back] of ONE O [1-0]"} {"Clue":"Hipster composed no lines for a time before writing (10)","Answer":"PREHISTORY","Explanation":"Definition: time before writing\nAnagram [composed] of HIPSTER + O [no] + RY [lines]"} {"Clue":"Carry, give birth to, and put up with Rupert? (4)","Answer":"BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Carrygive birth to put up withRupert?\nQuadruple definition, the last by example, hence the question mark"} {"Clue":"Nervous naturist's covering bottom, heading off in bloomers (11)","Answer":"NASTURTIUMS","Explanation":"Definition: bloomers\nAnagram [nervous] of NATURISTS round [covering] [b]UM [bottom, minus its first letter \u2013 heading off] \u2013 what a surface!"} {"Clue":"Tree with fruit, about the end of March in 1958 (11)","Answer":"ALDERMASTON","Explanation":"Definition: the end of March in 1958 \nALDER [tree] + MAST ON [with fruit \u2013 mast is the fruit of forest trees]* Edit: ALDER + MAST + ON [about] [thanks to Simon\u00a0S] and definition now amended to include 'the end of' [thanks, Van Winkle]"} {"Clue":"Farewell, \u00a0steel company (4)","Answer":"TATA","Explanation":"Definition: Farewellsteel company\nDouble definition \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Horrible Hunt and his leaders lacerate NHS provision (6,4)","Answer":"HEALTH CARE","Explanation":"Definition: NHS provision\nAnagram [horrible] of H[unt] and H[is] + LACERATE \u2013 for non-UK solvers, Jeremy Hunt is the Secretary of State for Health \u2013 brilliant surface!"} {"Clue":"Sexy toned Mrs Patel shedding clothes, free of guilt (9)","Answer":"EXONERATE","Explanation":"Definition: free of guilt\n[s]EX[y] [t]ONE[d] [m]R[s] [p]ATE[l]"} {"Clue":"\"Light touch\" government's capital cuts uncovered (5)","Answer":"NUDGE","Explanation":"Definition: \"Light touch\"\nG [government's capital] in NUDE [uncovered]"} {"Clue":"Society's outsiders moved quietly in a heartbeat (7)","Answer":"SYSTOLE","Explanation":"Definition: heartbeat\nSY [outside letters of Society] + STOLE [moved quietly]"} {"Clue":"Perpetual non-resident cross to be deported (7)","Answer":"ETERNAL","Explanation":"Definition: Perpetual\nE[x]TERNAL [non-resident] minus [to be deported] x [cross]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Old fogeys walk unsteadily, wearing blazers inside out (6)","Answer":"BLIMPS","Explanation":"Definition: Old fogeys\nLIMP [walk unsteadily] in [wearing] B[lazer]S minus their inside letters"} {"Clue":"Heavy head when half-cut (6)","Answer":"LEADEN","Explanation":"Definition: Heavy\nLEAD [head] + [wh]EN"} {"Clue":"One looks for meaning here in City Road bustle (10)","Answer":"DICTIONARY","Explanation":"Definition: One looks for meaning here\nAnagram [bustle] of IN CITY ROAD"} {"Clue":"Top of leg slathered in butter? Rub it in! (5)","Answer":"GLOAT","Explanation":"Definition: Rub it in!\nL[eg] in GOAT [butter]"} {"Clue":"Underage courtship in clubs? (5,4)","Answer":"MINOR SUIT","Explanation":"Definition: clubs?\nMINOR [underage] SUIT [courtship] \u2013 another definition by example, with a question mark: the other minor suit in bridge is diamonds"} {"Clue":"Off colour, or bunged up and extremely pasty (4)","Answer":"ROPY","Explanation":"Definition: Off colour\nReversal [bunged up] of OR + P[ast]Y"} {"Clue":"Wily guy is left kicking heels by empty urinal (8)","Answer":"GUILEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Wily\nGU[y] I[s] LEF[t] [kicking heels \u2013 final letters] + U[rina]L"} {"Clue":"Guess what he or I secretly collect! (8)","Answer":"THEORISE","Explanation":"Definition: Guess\nDeftly hidden in whaT\u00a0 HE OR I SEcretly"} {"Clue":"lb chicken, perhaps, served up for rock group (10)","Answer":"STONEHENGE","Explanation":"Definition: rock group\nSTONE [14lb] + HEN [chicken] + a reversal [served up] of EG [perhaps]"} {"Clue":"For Spooner, masculine condition is a no-win situation (9)","Answer":"STALEMATE","Explanation":"Definition: no-win situation\nMALE STATE [masculine condition]"} {"Clue":"Indiscreet story about courtship (8)","Answer":"TACTLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Indiscreet\nTALE [story] round CT [court] + SS [ship]"} {"Clue":"Society reaching nadir in rabble-rousing public\u00adations (8)","Answer":"EDITIONS","Explanation":"Definition: public\u00adations\nSEDITION [rabble-rousing] with its S [society] moved to the end [reaching nadir]"} {"Clue":"Blokes embracing dad-dancing craze (6)","Answer":"MADDEN","Explanation":"Definition: craze\nMEN [blokes] round an anagram [dancing] of DAD"} {"Clue":"Rare shot of a river mammal in close-up again (6)","Answer":"RESEAL","Explanation":"Definition: close-up again\nR[ar]E minus [shot of] A R [a river] + SEAL [mammal]"} {"Clue":"Lord Lawson is extremely gung-ho Eurosceptic, primarily (5)","Answer":"LIEGE","Explanation":"Definition: Lord\nInitial letters [primarily] of Lawson Is Extremely Gung-ho Eurosceptic"} {"Clue":"Unknown tail-ender in disgrace, run out for 0 (4)","Answer":"ZERO","Explanation":"Definition: 0\nZ [unknown] + [disgrac]E + RO [Run Out]"} {"Clue":"She, all stirred up with ire, is to create a stink (5,4)","Answer":"RAISE HELL","Explanation":"Definition: create a stink\nAnagram [stirred up] of SHE ALL and IRE"} {"Clue":"Picture frayed and old, showing a butterfly, for example (5)","Answer":"IMAGO","Explanation":"Definition: butterfly, for example\nIMAG[e] [picture] + O \u2013 to me, 'frayed' indicates removal of both first and last letters: we say, 'frayed round the edges' \u2013 what do you think?"} {"Clue":"Funny man, criminal, putting any number off (7)","Answer":"GAGSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Funny man\nGA[n]GSTER [criminal] minus n [any number]"} {"Clue":"Jewish sect possesses identity this writer's provided (7)","Answer":"HASIDIM","Explanation":"Definition: Jewish sect\nHAS ID [possesses identity] + I'M [this writer's]"} {"Clue":"Something added on the end of affectionate princess's letter? (5)","Answer":"ANNEX","Explanation":"Definition: Something added on\nThe Princess Royal might end her letters ANNE X"} {"Clue":"Shakespearean fool joins gang, becoming rotten (9)","Answer":"FESTERING","Explanation":"Definition: becoming rotten\nFESTE [the fool in 'Twelfth Night'] + RING [gang]"} {"Clue":"Diplomatic officer, one with volunteer force in surprisingly athletic army (8,7)","Answer":"MILITARY ATTACHE","Explanation":"Definition: Diplomatic officer\nI [one] + TA [volunteer force] in an anagram [surprisingly] of ATHLETIC ARMY \u2013 nice one"} {"Clue":"About to be met by coastal sport expert and bob up again? (9)","Answer":"RESURFACE","Explanation":"Definition: bob up again\nRE [about] + SURF ACE [coastal sport expert]"} {"Clue":"Give some bottles a rinse \u2014 there's poison there (5)","Answer":"SARIN","Explanation":"Definition: there's poison there\nHidden in bottleS A RINse \u2013 I'm not sure what 'give' is doing"} {"Clue":"Top mother embracing proposition, exuding love (7)","Answer":"MAXIMUM","Explanation":"Definition: Top\nMUM [mother] round [embracing] AXI[o]M \u2013 proposition, minus [exuding] o [love]"} {"Clue":"Negative information about free membership to club? (7)","Answer":"SUBZERO","Explanation":"Definition: Negative\nA SUBZERO temperature is negative and if the SUB was ZERO, club membership would be free"} {"Clue":"Fifty little things charged up with pride? (5)","Answer":"LIONS","Explanation":"Definition: pride\nL [fifty] + IONS [little things charged] \u2013 do we need 'up'?"} {"Clue":"Like some logs from a pine ruined by awful rain (9)","Answer":"NAPIERIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Like some logs\nAnagram [ruined] of A PINE + another anagram [awful] of RAIN\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Writer of instructions for selective school that's 6? (10)","Answer":"PROGRAMMER","Explanation":"Definition: Writer of instructions\nPRO [for] + GRAMMER [misspelling \u2013 see 6dn \u2013 of GRAMMAR [selective school] \u2013 not infrequently thus misspelt by those attending one"} {"Clue":"Unblemished business conglomerate? A lie that is put out (8)","Answer":"VIRGINAL","Explanation":"Definition: Unblemished\nVIRGIN [business conglomerate] + A L[ie] ['that is' put out]"} {"Clue":"Point conveyed by lover texting (6)","Answer":"VERTEX","Explanation":"Definition: Point\nHidden in loVER TEXting"} {"Clue":" Sign of sorrow or rage (4)","Answer":"TEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Sign of sorrow or rage\nI'm not sure about this: is it just that one can shed tears in both sorrow and anger? \u2013 or it could refer to tearing one's hair in rage?"} {"Clue":"Hot tea, alas, tricky to find in Hawaii (5,5)","Answer":"ALOHA STATE","Explanation":"Definition: Hawaii\nAnagram [tricky] of HOT TEA ALAS"} {"Clue":"Maiden meeting cast with inappropriate character? (8)","Answer":"MISSPELT","Explanation":"Definition: with inappropriate character\nMISS [maiden] + PELT [cast]"} {"Clue":"National leader gets good greeting and is entertained (6)","Answer":"GANDHI","Explanation":"Definition: National leader\nG [good] + HI [greeting] round [entertaining] AND"} {"Clue":"Kind, like those supporting Bond's boss (4)","Answer":"FORM","Explanation":"Definition: Kind\nFOR [supporting] M [James Bond's boss]"} {"Clue":"Slightly odd foreign parts to entertain a fighting force preparing in advance (10)","Answer":"FOREARMING","Explanation":"Definition: preparing in advance\nAnagram [only slightly odd] of FOREIGN, parting to entertain ARM [a fighting force] \u2013 clever wordplay"} {"Clue":"EU pondering changes \u2014 I would drop its outdated financial concept (5,5)","Answer":"GREEN POUND","Explanation":"Definition: outdated financial concept\nAnagram [changes] of EU PONDER[i]NG [dropping 'i'] \u2013 a very nice surface"} {"Clue":"It is cooked without butter, superior sort of dessert (8)","Answer":"TIRAMISU","Explanation":"Definition: sort of dessert\nAnagram [cooked] of IT IS round [without] RAM [butter] + U [superior]"} {"Clue":"Philanthropist, composer and soldier meeting in church (8)","Answer":"CARNEGIE","Explanation":"Definition: Philanthropist\n[Thomas] ARNE [composer] + GI [soldier] in CE Church of England] for Andrew, the Scottish-American\u00a0philanthropist"} {"Clue":"See old lover being hugged \u2014 a provocative lady maybe? (6)","Answer":"SEXPOT","Explanation":"Definition: a provocative lady maybe?\nSPOT [see] round [hugging] EX [old lover]"} {"Clue":"Balkan native when uprising gets sharp weapons (6)","Answer":"SABRES","Explanation":"Definition: sharp weapons\nReversal [uprising] of SERB [Balkan native] + AS [when]"} {"Clue":"Country's cricketer in team captained by A. Cook (4)","Answer":"MALI","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nM[oeen] ALI is a cricketer in the English cricket team captained\u00a0by A[lastair] Cook\u00a0\u2013 I saw [guessed\/checked] this only a minute ago \u2013 suddenly remembering the Caesar J \/Antony M trick"} {"Clue":"Clan that comes when summer turns to autumn (4)","Answer":"SEPT","Explanation":"Definition: Clanwhen summer turns to autumn\nDouble definition, a sept being 'a clan that believes itself to be descended from a common ancestor' \u2013 Collins + SEPT[ember]"} {"Clue":"Trendy outfit? Hot! (5-2)","Answer":"RIGHT ON","Explanation":"Definition: Trendy\nRIG [outfit] + H [hot]\u00a0+ **TON"} {"Clue":"Getting heavier on a regular basis? That's a bit of a shock (4)","Answer":"HAIR","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of a shock\nH[e]A[v]I[e]R \u2013 on a regular basis"} {"Clue":"Eating heartily after cutback, family then drink (7,2)","Answer":"TUCKING IN","Explanation":"Definition: Eating heartily\nReversal [back] of CUT + KIN [family] + GIN [drink]"} {"Clue":"Suppressed sex appeal (3,2)","Answer":"SAT ON","Explanation":"Definition: Suppressed\nSA [sex appeal] + **TON"} {"Clue":"down followed by rice pudding? That's modern (8)","Answer":"NEOTERIC","Explanation":"Definition: modern\nAnagram [MESS] of\u00a0ETON [see 6,21dn] + an anagram [pudding] of RICE"} {"Clue":"Cross, if oversleeps? (4)","Answer":"SPAN","Explanation":"Definition: Cross\nReversal [over] of NAPS [sleeps]"} {"Clue":"Complaint concerning English bit of steak (1-4)","Answer":"T-BONE","Explanation":"Definition: bit of steak\nTB [tuberculosis \u2013 complaint] + ON [concerning] + E [English]"} {"Clue":"Small heaps (4)","Answer":"TONS","Explanation":"Definition: heaps\n**TON**S [small]"} {"Clue":"Seat about 500 in this cinema? (3,5)","Answer":"ART HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: cinema\nARSE [seat] round THOU [half of THOUsand\u00a0 = 500]\u00a0 \u2013 surely I can't be the only one who spent time trying to put D inside something?"} {"Clue":"Rule badly as male sovereign, stupidly banning One Direction (9)","Answer":"MISGOVERN","Explanation":"Definition: Rule badly\nM [male] + an anagram [stupidly] of SOVER[e]IGN minus [banning] E [one direction]"} {"Clue":"Two females after answer, following start of fling? It's awkward and time-consuming (4)","Answer":"FAFF","Explanation":"Definition: It's awkward and time-consuming\nFF [two females] after A [answer] following F[ling]"} {"Clue":"Country in East Asia lacking capital (7)","Answer":"ESTONIA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nE [East] + [a]S**TON**IA"} {"Clue":"Haircut in order? Undoubtedly (7)","Answer":"TONSURE","Explanation":"Definition: Haircut in order\n**TON**SURE [undoubtedly] \u2013 I liked the play on 'in order' for the monk's haircut\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Capital of Qatar, I gather (4)","Answer":"RIGA","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\nHidden in qataR I GAther"} {"Clue":"One representing Ben-Hur as prince astride horse (8,6)","Answer":"CHARLTON HESTON","Explanation":"Definition: One representing Ben-Hur\nTwo tons for the price of one: CHARL**TON**ES [prince] round [astride] H [horse] +\u00a0 another **TON"} {"Clue":"Off to get rhubarb before tucking in! (6)","Answer":"ROTTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Off\nI solved 10ac before getting to this clue and couldn't believe that Puck had actually given the\u00a0 answer to one clue in another \u2013 especially since they were so close together. I then spent a while staring at this answer trying to parse it until the penny finally dropped \u2013\u00a0sorry, Puck \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Island toured by bald singer (8)","Answer":"BARITONE","Explanation":"Definition: singer\nI [island] in [toured by] BAR**TON**E [bald]"} {"Clue":"Stone lost by one visiting speaker (6)","Answer":"TONGUE","Explanation":"Definition: speaker\n**TON**GUE[st] [one visiting, minus st \u2013 stone]"} {"Clue":"Pudding from M&S (4,4)","Answer":"ETON MESS","Explanation":"Definition: Pudding\nAnagram of EM [M] and ESS [S] round **TON ***Edit: I have just [5.30pm Saturday] realised that this is not an anagram \u2013 simply EM and ESS round TON \u2013 and no one else has noticed!"} {"Clue":"A scene surprisingly typical of a Chinese city (9)","Answer":"CANTONESE","Explanation":"Definition: typical of a Chinese city (9)\nAnagram [surprisingly] of A SCENE round **TON"} {"Clue":"across Ray has drink with Eric (10)","Answer":"SUPERTONIC","Explanation":"Definition: Ray\nSUP [drink] + ER**TON**IC"} {"Clue":"The pupil regularly top of class in German (8)","Answer":"TEUTONIC","Explanation":"Definition: German\nT[h]E [p]U[p]I[l] round **TON** + C[lass]"} {"Clue":"I shun fat when cooking for swimmer (4,4)","Answer":"TUNA FISH","Explanation":"Definition: swimmer\nAnagram [when cooking] of \u00a0I\u00a0SHUN FAT"} {"Clue":"Nutmeg provides hiding-place for blooming militiaman in Haiti (6,7)","Answer":"TONTON MACOUTE","Explanation":"Definition: militiaman in Haiti\nAnother BOGOF offer: **TON TON** + MACE [nutmeg] round [provides hiding-place for] OUT [blooming] see here for the militiaman"} {"Clue":"Card game for a drunk (4)","Answer":"FARO","Explanation":"Definition: Card game\nAnagram [drunk] of FOR A \u2013 simply a gem to finish with"} {"Clue":"Retreats, voicing acute misgivings (8)","Answer":"HIDEOUTS","Explanation":"Definition: Retreats\nSounds like high [acute] + doubts [misgivings]"} {"Clue":"Men, say, working for Pacific state (6)","Answer":"OREGON","Explanation":"Definition: Pacific state\nOR [other ranks \u2013 men] + EG [say] + ON [working]"} {"Clue":"Put away one dropping litter \u2013 about time! (4)","Answer":"STOW","Explanation":"Definition: Put away\nSOW [one dropping litter] round T [time]"} {"Clue":"Regular current deposits placed here (5,5)","Answer":"FLOOD PLAIN","Explanation":"Definition: here\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"The best clothes for happy kids (4,4)","Answer":"GLAD RAGS","Explanation":"Definition: The best clothes\nGLAD [happy] + RAGS [kids \u2013 both as verbs]"} {"Clue":"They manage the main booze suppliers (6)","Answer":"COPERS","Explanation":"Definition: They managethe main booze suppliers\nDouble definition: copers manage and I found that a coper is\u00a0also a ship used clandestinely to supply alcohol to deep-sea fishermen \u2013 hence 'main'"} {"Clue":"Happy to prattle endlessly (6)","Answer":"BLITHE","Explanation":"Definition: Happy\nBLITHE[r]\u00a0 [to prattle \u2013 a favourite word of mine] endlessly"} {"Clue":"Stand in river going over back exercise (8)","Answer":"DEPUTISE","Explanation":"Definition: Stand in\nA reversal [back] of SIT-UP [exercise] in DEE [river]"} {"Clue":"Dull king captivated by sound of spring (6)","Answer":"BORING","Explanation":"Definition: Dull\nR [king] in BOING [sound of spring]"} {"Clue":"Small pet is bad for one's breathing (6)","Answer":"SMOGGY","Explanation":"Definition: bad for one's breathing\nS [small] + MOGGY [pet]"} {"Clue":"Couple carry a flower over to doctor (10)","Answer":"MANIPULATE","Explanation":"Definition: doctor\nMATE [couple \u2013 as a verb] round a reversal [over] of LUPIN [flower]"} {"Clue":"Brought back some ferrets in a cardboard box (8)","Answer":"CANISTER","Explanation":"Definition: box\nHidden reversal [back] in ferRETS IN A Cardboard"} {"Clue":"A blues composition, fit for purpose (6)","Answer":"USABLE","Explanation":"Definition: fit for purpose\nAnagram [composition] of A BLUES"} {"Clue":"Ape gathers one in the treetops (6)","Answer":"CANOPY","Explanation":"Definition: treetops\nCOPY [ape] round AN [one]"} {"Clue":"A drink of claret is an exception (6)","Answer":"TISANE","Explanation":"Definition: A drink\nHidden in clareT IS AN Exception"} {"Clue":"European seen by Mark O'Hara (8)","Answer":"SCARLETT","Explanation":"Definition: O'Hara\nLETT [European] after [by] SCAR [mark] for the heroine of 'Gone with the Wind'"} {"Clue":"Distressing cutback Havana possibly rejected (6)","Answer":"TRAGIC","Explanation":"Definition: Distressing\nT [back of cuT] + a reversal [rejected] of\u00a0CIGAR [Havana possibly]"} {"Clue":"1 down also led astray over and over again (6-2)","Answer":"TOODLE-OO","Explanation":"Definition: 1 down\nTOO [also] + an anagram [astray] of LED + O [over] + O [over again]"} {"Clue":"Music, say, Orlando nearly composed for regiment (5,3,6)","Answer":"BLUES AND ROYALS","Explanation":"Definition: regiment\nBLUES [music] + an anagram [composed] of SAY ORLAND[o] \u2013 I particularly loved the surface of this one"} {"Clue":"What Coleridge's wedding guest did with South American bones (10)","Answer":"METATARSUS","Explanation":"Definition: bones\nMET A TAR [what Coleridge's wedding guest did in 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'] + S [South] + US [American]"} {"Clue":"Info about large valley (4)","Answer":"GLEN","Explanation":"Definition: valley\nGEN [info] round L [large]"} {"Clue":"Bloody allied soldiers (4)","Answer":"RARE","Explanation":"Definition: Bloody\nRA [Royal Artillery] allied with RE [Royal Engineers]"} {"Clue":"Left with an unfinished game after Gardner falls (10)","Answer":"AVALANCHES","Explanation":"Definition: falls\nL[left] + CHES[s] [unfinished game] after AVA [Gardner]"} {"Clue":"We freshen adieu in translation (3,11)","Answer":"AUF WIEDERSEHEN","Explanation":"Definition: adieu in translation\nAnagram [in translation] of WE FRESHEN ADIEU \u2013 &lit?"} {"Clue":"Was trade diverted to the Land of the Rising Sun? (8)","Answer":"EASTWARD","Explanation":"Definition: to the Land of the Rising Sun\nAnagram [diverted] of WAS TRADE"} {"Clue":"Soviet leader's first name for it during Allied withdrawal (6)","Answer":"NIKITA","Explanation":"Definition: Soviet leader's first name\nIT in [during] a reversal [withdrawal] of AKIN [allied]"} {"Clue":"Composer oddly overlooked Delian cow (8)","Answer":"HOLSTEIN","Explanation":"Definition: cow\nHOLST [composer] + even letters of dElIaN"} {"Clue":"Andr\u00e9 Gide initially appears in quiet street in French capital (6)","Answer":"PRAGUE","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nAG [Andr\u00e9 Gide initially] in P [quiet] RUE [street in French] \u2013 this could be my favourite clue\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Terriers repeatedly see you (2-2)","Answer":"TA-TA","Explanation":"Definition: see you\nTA [Territorial Army \u2013 Terriers] repeatedly"} {"Clue":"Vegetable everyone put in picture (7)","Answer":"SHALLOT","Explanation":"Definition: Vegetable\nAll [everyone] in SHOT [picture]"} {"Clue":"Sweet piece of meat (8)","Answer":"NOISETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Sweetpiece of meat\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Bird had short tower for popular event (5-6)","Answer":"CROWD-PULLER","Explanation":"Definition: popular event\nCROW [bird] + 'D [had short \u2013 as in 'I'd'] + PULLER [tower]"} {"Clue":"down after voyager finally sends message (6)","Answer":"RADIOS","Explanation":"Definition: sends message\n[voyage]R + ADIOS [1 down]"} {"Clue":"Look at pupil's place (7)","Answer":"EYEBALL","Explanation":"Definition: Look atpupil's place\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Loads you found on beach? (9)","Answer":"THOUSANDS","Explanation":"Definition: Loads\nTHOU [you] on SANDS [beach]"} {"Clue":"Elsewhere 21 came with cooked rice (11)","Answer":"ARRIVEDERCI","Explanation":"Definition: Elsewhere 21\nARRIVED [came] + an anagram [cooked] of RICE"} {"Clue":"Libertine in Slough or African city (9)","Answer":"MARRAKESH","Explanation":"Definition: African city\nRAKE [libertine] in MARSH [slough]"} {"Clue":"Preceding or following tear in pants (8)","Answer":"ANTERIOR","Explanation":"Definition: Preceding\nOR following an anagram [pants] of TEAR IN"} {"Clue":"Much ado in genuine case? No! (7)","Answer":"REFUSAL","Explanation":"Definition: No!\nFUS[s] [much of ado] in REAL [genuine]"} {"Clue":"Attending to empty house, say, without commotion (7)","Answer":"HEEDING","Explanation":"Definition: Attending to\nH[ous]E [empty house] + EG [say] round DIN [commotion]"} {"Clue":"Name one silly billy or another (6)","Answer":"NITWIT","Explanation":"Definition: another\nN [name] + I [one] + TWIT [silly billy]"} {"Clue":"1 down or 10 for Caesar 's low land (4)","Answer":"VALE","Explanation":"Definition: 1 down or 10 for Caesarlow land\nDouble definition \u2013 VALE is Latin [for Caesar] for TA-TA or TOODLE-OO"} {"Clue":"Warning \u2014 horse out of control in the Strand (9)","Answer":"FORESHORE","Explanation":"Definition: Strand\nFORE [warning before a golf shot, which used to be pretty common in crosswords but I don't think I've seen it for quite a while] + an anagram [out of control] of HORSE"} {"Clue":"Oppose money for statesman (4)","Answer":"BUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Opposemoney for statesman\nDouble definition: I think I've only ever met the first in 'buck the trend' but Collins tells me it's chiefly US, Canadian and Australian \u2013 which fits nicely with the second, money for a man from the States"} {"Clue":"Scottish banker with very old investment, surely (8)","Answer":"FORSOOTH","Explanation":"Definition: surely\nFORTH [Scottish river \u2013 banker: this usually causes comment but it seems to be fairly commonly used now] + SO [very] + O [old]"} {"Clue":"Customer's coin of little value \u2014 about \u00a31 (6)","Answer":"CLIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Customer\nCENT [coin of little value] round LI [\u00a31]"} {"Clue":"Threatened cut briefly in question (2,4)","Answer":"AT RISK","Explanation":"Definition: Threatened\nTRI[m] [cut briefly] in ASK [question]"} {"Clue":"They're at ease performing sung role (8)","Answer":"LOUNGERS","Explanation":"Definition: They're at ease\nAnagram [performing] of SUNG ROLE"} {"Clue":"Poet's local police coming round (6)","Answer":"BARDIC","Explanation":"Definition: Poet's\nBAR [local] + a reversal [coming round] of CID [police]"} {"Clue":"Buoys let loose without much reason (8)","Answer":"OBTUSELY","Explanation":"Definition: without much reason\nAnagram [loose] of BUOYS LET"} {"Clue":"Man making delivery drove a bit close to corner (8)","Answer":"RANSOMER","Explanation":"Definition: Man making delivery\nRAN [drove \u2013 as in 'I'll run you home'] + SOME [a bit] + [corne]R \u2013 I thought this definition was rather loose but it does make a very nice surface"} {"Clue":"Deodorant? I hope it soon will be! (4-2)","Answer":"ROLL-ON","Explanation":"Definition: Deodorant?I hope it soon will be!\nDouble definition, the second not needing a hyphen"} {"Clue":"Prepare to brew up for celeb? (4,4)","Answer":"STAR TURN","Explanation":"Definition: celeb\nSTART URN [prepare to brew up?]"} {"Clue":"When pressed, manages \u00a0passes (4,2)","Answer":"GETS BY","Explanation":"Definition: When pressed, managespasses\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Dirty\" biography stops editor retiring (6)","Answer":"DEFILE","Explanation":"Definition: Dirty\nA reversal [retiring] of LIFE [biography] in [stops] ED [editor]"} {"Clue":"Expression used after rugby player gets time off (4-4)","Answer":"HALF-TERM","Explanation":"Definition: time off\nTERM [expression] after HALF [rugby player] \u2013 I know scrumhalf and flyhalf but is 'half' used by itself?"} {"Clue":"Jobless indulged from time to time (4)","Answer":"IDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Jobless\nAlternate letters [from time to time \u2013 we're used now to seeing 'regularly' used like this and I suppose this means more or less the same but it seemed a bit odd at first] of InDuLgEd"} {"Clue":"Backward regions taking off, though lacking some support (9)","Answer":"STRAPLESS","Explanation":"Definition: lacking some support\nReversal [backward] of PARTS [regions] + LESS [taking off]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Back on street, temperature below zero (5)","Answer":"FROST","Explanation":"Definition: temperature below zero\nFRO [back \u2013 as in 'to and fro'] + ST [street]"} {"Clue":"Desires Cinderella needs to set aside (7)","Answer":"RESCIND","Explanation":"Definition: set aside\nHidden in desiRES CINDerella"} {"Clue":"Small crocodile hunter alarmed (5)","Answer":"SHOOK","Explanation":"Definition: alarmed\nS [small] + [Captain] HOOK, crocodile hunter in 'Peter Pan'"} {"Clue":"Shakespearean greeting to returning heads (7)","Answer":"OTHELLO","Explanation":"Definition: Shakespearean\nReversal [returning] of TO ahead of HELLO [greeting]"} {"Clue":"Do battle with foreign noble blocking Frenchman's return (9)","Answer":"ENCOUNTER","Explanation":"Definition: Do battle with\nCOUNT [foreign noble] in [blocking] a reversal [return] of REN\u00c9, the familiar crossword Frenchman"} {"Clue":"German among potential union members crosses over (7)","Answer":"BRIDGES","Explanation":"Definition: crosses over\nG [German] in BRIDES [potential union members]"} {"Clue":"Singer needing endless discipline to retain key (9)","Answer":"CONTRALTO","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\nALT [key] in CONTRO[l] [endless discipline] \u2013 I particularly loved the surface of this one"} {"Clue":"Pirate had dreadful racist policy (9)","Answer":"APARTHEID","Explanation":"Definition: racist policy\nAnagram [dreadful] of PIRATE HAD"} {"Clue":"Reduce unfilled roads for regular travellers (9)","Answer":"COMMUTERS","Explanation":"Definition: regular travellers\nCOMMUTE [reduce] + R[oad]S [unfilled roads] \u2013 COMMUTE really means to [ex]change: it only means 'reduce' in the case of eg the death sentence being changed to one less severe"} {"Clue":"Maintenance that gets the set going? (7)","Answer":"SERVICE","Explanation":"Definition: Maintenance\nCryptic definition, referring to the service in tennis"} {"Clue":"Big farmer typically got a move on and caught the girl (7)","Answer":"RANCHER","Explanation":"Definition: Big farmer\nRAN [second appearance \u2013 got a move on this time] + C [caught] + HER [the girl] \u2013\u00a0I wondered what 'typically' was doing but I think it's a reference to 'the cowboy always gets his girl', in which case it's\u00a0rather clever"} {"Clue":"Song title tweaked by Elvis, originally (3,2,2)","Answer":"LET IT BE","Explanation":"Definition: Song\nAnagram [tweaked] of TITLE + B[y] E[lvis]"} {"Clue":"Dance work substituted for last element of festival (5)","Answer":"GALOP","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\nGAL[a] [festival] with OP [work] substituted for the 'a'"} {"Clue":"Running water north of the border \u00a0gets overheated (5)","Answer":"BURNS","Explanation":"Definition: Running water north of the bordergets overheated\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"With frightful lies around, I mean to get into a row (9)","Answer":"LINEARISE","Explanation":"Definition: get into a row\nAnagram [frightful] of LIES around I NEAR [mean]"} {"Clue":"Seat in third row that's painful (5)","Answer":"COUCH","Explanation":"Definition: Seat\nC [third row \u2013 in a theatre, perhaps] + OUCH [that's painful]"} {"Clue":"A paper held in respect, popularly and skilfully fashioned (7)","Answer":"CRAFTED","Explanation":"Definition: skilfully fashioned\nA FT [Financial Times \u2013 paper] in CRED [respect, popularly]"} {"Clue":"Woman in high-pressure area within British company (7)","Answer":"BRIDGET","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\nRIDGE [high pressure area] in BT [British Telecom \u2013 British company]"} {"Clue":"Funny turns involving one comedy writer (4)","Answer":"MUIR","Explanation":"Definition: comedy writer\nReversal [turns] of RUM [funny] round I [one] for this very funny writer"} {"Clue":"PM to conclude with honour? There's a certain lack of belief here (10)","Answer":"HEATHENDOM","Explanation":"Definition: There's a certain lack of belief here\nHEATH [Edward, Prime Minister] + END [conclude] + OM [Order of Merit \u2013 honour]"} {"Clue":"One of those bloomers in our beds, possibly (7)","Answer":"ROSEBUD","Explanation":"Definition: One of those bloomers in our beds, possibly\nAnagram [possibly] of OUR BEDS \u2013 &lit?"} {"Clue":"Agent for change to get a stomach churning over \u2014 dope? (7)","Answer":"MUTAGEN","Explanation":"Definition: Agent for change\nReversal [churning over] of A TUM [a stomach] + GEN [dope]"} {"Clue":"Good time to have chaps in field of medicine taking part (10)","Answer":"ENGAGEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: taking part\nG [good] AGE [time] + MEN [chaps] in ENT [field of medicine]"} {"Clue":" Boss has hit back (4)","Answer":"KNOB","Explanation":"Definition: Boss\nReversal [back] of BONK [hit]"} {"Clue":"Retired tennis player writing about footballers (7)","Answer":"EVERTON","Explanation":"Definition: footballers\nEVERT [Chris \u2013 retired tennis player] + ON [about]"} {"Clue":"More than one such snob offers nonsense (7)","Answer":"COBBLER","Explanation":"Definition: More than one such snob offers nonsense\nI don't know how I know that snob = cobbler \u2013 not from crosswords this time: COBBLER[s] = nonsense"} {"Clue":"English very little used in French street entertainment (5)","Answer":"REVUE","Explanation":"Definition: entertainment\nE [English] V [very] in RUE [French street]"} {"Clue":"Thief with hot goods may do this to keep within bounds (4-5)","Answer":"RING-FENCE","Explanation":"Definition: keep within bounds\nCryptic definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Criminals will get sign of disapproval always in reformed set (5,10)","Answer":"BLACK MARKETEERS","Explanation":"Definition: Criminals\nBLACK MARK [sign of disapproval] + E'ER [poetic always] in an anagram [reformed] of SET"} {"Clue":"Such deeds must be shocking, if name is tainted (8)","Answer":"INFAMIES","Explanation":"Definition: Such deeds must be shocking\nAnagram [tainted] of IF NAME IS"} {"Clue":"Spider's ending with insect in spout (4)","Answer":"RANT","Explanation":"Definition: spout\n[spide]R + ANT [insect]"} {"Clue":"Plant in bed we'd zap? (8)","Answer":"BINDWEED","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nAnagram [zap] of IN BED WE'D \u2013 &littish"} {"Clue":"You, on boat's capsizing, may give something less than three cheers (3-3)","Answer":"YES-BUT","Explanation":"Definition: something less than three cheers\nYE [you] + a reversal [capsizing] of TUBS [boat's] \u2013 having said that there were no new words today, I had no idea that this was a recognised expression"} {"Clue":"The West must take chance with a new leader (8)","Answer":"OCCIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: The West\n[a]CCIDENT [chance] with a new initial letter [leader]"} {"Clue":"Deity above celebrated with poems, not half (3-3)","Answer":"SUN-GOD","Explanation":"Definition: Deity above\nSUNG [celebrated] + OD[es] [poems]"} {"Clue":"The wind burns me, a terrible problem for Brits abroad, as before? (5,4,6)","Answer":"WHITE MAN\u2019S BURDEN","Explanation":"Definition: problem for Brits abroad, as before?\nAnagram [terrible] of THE WIND BURNS ME A"} {"Clue":"Parent makes request with message, wanting learner to be let off (8)","Answer":"BEGETTER","Explanation":"Definition: Parent\nBEG [request] + [l]ETTER [message] minus l [learner]"} {"Clue":"Serving winners against players at the outset? That's ominous (8)","Answer":"MENACING","Explanation":"Definition: ominous\nACING [serving winners against] with MEN [players?] at the outset"} {"Clue":"Awkward-looking group of people sitting on heather (8)","Answer":"GANGLING","Explanation":"Definition: Awkward-looking\nGANG [group of people] + LING [heather]"} {"Clue":"Provided protection for some soldiers (6)","Answer":"GREAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Provided protection for some soldiers\nAt first I missed the wordplay, so couldn't see anything cryptic here but it's GAVE [provided] round RE [some soldiers] \u2013 which makes it &lit, I think"} {"Clue":"Short periods of time for gathering men and children (6)","Answer":"MINORS","Explanation":"Definition: children\nMINS [short periods of time] round OR [other ranks \u2013 men]"} {"Clue":"Fan is foolish old person, no doubt (4)","Answer":"BUFF","Explanation":"Definition: Fan\nBUFF[er] [foolish old person] minus er \u2013 no doubt"} {"Clue":"Made neat, because tangled (9)","Answer":"FORMATTED","Explanation":"Definition: Made neat\nFOR [because] + MATTED [tangled]"} {"Clue":"I take off Bohemian clothing (only a bit) (5)","Answer":"MIMIC","Explanation":"Definition: I take off\nMIMI [the heroine of 'La Boh\u00e8me'] + C[lothing]"} {"Clue":"Rascal's party succeeded at first (5)","Answer":"SCAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Rascal\nS [succeeded] + CAMP [party]"} {"Clue":"Evangelist who spends little touring holy city (9)","Answer":"MISSIONER","Explanation":"Definition: Evangelist\nMISER [one who spends little] round SION [holy city]"} {"Clue":"Additional artwork not done on campus (10)","Answer":"EXTRAMURAL","Explanation":"Definition: not done on campus\nEXTRA [additional] + MURAL [artwork]"} {"Clue":" Language OK for Willi and Virginia (4)","Answer":"JAVA","Explanation":"Definition: Language\nJA [OK in German \u2013 for Willi] + VA [Virginia] for the computer programming language"} {"Clue":"Music man roused at 7 (7)","Answer":"SMETANA","Explanation":"Definition: Music man\nAnagram [roused] of AT + MENSA [answer to 7dn]"} {"Clue":"Endlessly valiant, securing water at last in this? (7)","Answer":"DROUGHT","Explanation":"Definition: this?\nDOUGHT[y] [endlessly valiant] round [wate]R \u2013 a rather loose definition?"} {"Clue":"Policeman belonging to Brazilian port shortly returns (7)","Answer":"OFFICER","Explanation":"Definition: Policeman\nOF [belonging to] + a reversal [returns] of RECIF{e] [Brazilian port \u2013 shortly]"} {"Clue":"Clamps down on crossing points: fine to go through (7)","Answer":"STIFLES","Explanation":"Definition: Clamps down on\nF [fine] in STILES [crossing points]"} {"Clue":"Give up excitement (4)","Answer":"KICK","Explanation":"Definition: Give upexcitement\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"City to look cheerful as soldiers enter (6,4)","Answer":"SQUARE MILE","Explanation":"Definition: City\nQUA [as, in the capacity of] + RE [Royal Engineers \u2013 soldiers] in SMILE [look cheerful]"} {"Clue":"Enthusiastic reception welcoming outwardly usual monthly event (9)","Answer":"OVULATION","Explanation":"Definition: monthly event\nOVATION [enthusiastic reception] round U[sua]L"} {"Clue":"Gas, about 28 gm? (5)","Answer":"OZONE","Explanation":"Definition: Gas\nONE OZ [ounce] = about 28gm"} {"Clue":"Walter, a handyman? (5)","Answer":"MITTY","Explanation":"Definition: Walter\nA whimsical definition \u2013 MITT = hand \u2013 for James Thurber's daydreaming hero"} {"Clue":"Mushroom that is consumed in minutes, seasonal speciality (5,4)","Answer":"MINCE PIES","Explanation":"Definition: seasonal speciality\nCEP [mushroom] + IE [that is] in MINS [minutes]"} {"Clue":"Four regularly on watch, or part of it (5)","Answer":"FUSEE","Explanation":"Definition: part of it\nF]o]U[r] + SEE [watch] \u2013 a new word for me: Collins: 'in early clocks and watches, a spirally grooved spindle, functioning as an equalising force on the unwinding of the mainspring'"} {"Clue":"Traditional meal of boar's feet prepared (5,4)","Answer":"ROAST BEEF","Explanation":"Definition: Traditional meal\nAnagram [prepared] of BOAR'S FEET"} {"Clue":"Look \u2014 seed inside a caper (10)","Answer":"APPEARANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Look\nPEA [seed \u2013 I initially misread this \u2013 see comment 1] \u00a0in A PRANCE [a caper]"} {"Clue":"Meal includes stewed rump and fried seafood (7)","Answer":"TEMPURA","Explanation":"Definition: fried seafood\nTEA [meal] round an anagram [stewed] of RUMP"} {"Clue":"Drop mark, having cheated to secure it (7)","Answer":"DISCARD","Explanation":"Definition: Drop\nDID [cheated] round SCAR [mark]"} {"Clue":"Finally acclaim own Scottish chief (4)","Answer":"MAIN","Explanation":"Definition: chief\n[acclai]M + AIN [Scottish 'own']"} {"Clue":"Intelligent group of people endlessly miserable (5)","Answer":"MENSA","Explanation":"Definition: Intelligent group\nMEN [people] + SA[d] [endlessly miserable] \u2013 one of my favourite clues, I think"} {"Clue":"As writer, Shakespeare's surely holding leading place (9)","Answer":"CERVANTES","Explanation":"Definition: As writer\nCERTES ['surely' in Shakespearean language] round VAN [leading place] \u2013 another favourite"} {"Clue":"Moving house? (6,4)","Answer":"MOBILE HOME","Explanation":"Definition: Moving house?\n[Not very] cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Farm animals we hear in city (9)","Answer":"STOCKHOLM","Explanation":"Definition: city\nSTOCK [farm animals] + HOLM [sounds like \u2013 we hear \u2013 home = in]"} {"Clue":"Many died here of French disease, losing both feet (9)","Answer":"GALLIPOLI","Explanation":"Definition: Many died here\nGALLI[c] [French] + POLI[o] [disease] minus last letters \u2013 'feet' in a down clue"} {"Clue":"Service concerning peace, short mass (7)","Answer":"REQUIEM","Explanation":"Definition: Service\nRE [concerning] + QUIE[t] [peace \u2013 short] + M [mass]"} {"Clue":"Peace soon around new airport (7)","Answer":"SHANNON","Explanation":"Definition: airport\nSH [peace] + ANON [soon] round N [new]"} {"Clue":"Ball lands in short playing area (5)","Answer":"COURT","Explanation":"Definition: playing area\nO [ball] in CURT [short]"} {"Clue":"Rugby game doesn't start with equal chances (5)","Answer":"EVENS","Explanation":"[s]EVENS [a form of Rugby Union played with seven players on each side instead of fifteen]"} {"Clue":"Cautious movement of ship over river (4)","Answer":"WARY","Explanation":"Definition: Cautious\nWAY [movement of ship \u2013 I guessed this from 'under way', then found in Chambers 'progress or motion through the water, headway'] round R [river]"} {"Clue":"Tramp, for example, coming back from special spot (7)","Answer":"SPLODGE","Explanation":"Definition: spot\nS [special] + PLOD [Tramp] + a reversal [coming back] of EG [for example]"} {"Clue":"In Texas Union, does fashion mean suits? (7)","Answer":"TUXEDOS","Explanation":"Definition: suits\nAnagram [fashion] of TEX [Texas] U [Union] DOES \u2013 I think.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0*Edit: I can't even count! \u2013 it's U [united] in TX [Texas] + an anagram of DOES \u2013 as I originally had it ; thanks to\u00a0 JohnR @2"} {"Clue":"Try dancing to salsa, feet moving for exercise (4)","Answer":"YOGA","Explanation":"Definition: exercise\nAnagram [moving] of last letters [feet] of trY dancinG tO salsA"} {"Clue":"Company has party on board? What odd characters! (10)","Answer":"SCREWBALLS","Explanation":"Definition: odd characters\nCREW [company] + BALL [party] in SS ['on board']"} {"Clue":"After first half of Enigmatist puzzle, one sees stars (6)","Answer":"GEMINI","Explanation":"Definition: stars\nAnagram [puzzle] of ENIGM[atist] + I"} {"Clue":"Listen to rock, no good being unable to leave home (8)","Answer":"NESTLING","Explanation":"Definition: being unable to leave home\nAnagram [to rock] of LISTEN + NG [no good]"} {"Clue":"BASIC compiled two directions as co-ordinate values (9)","Answer":"ABSCISSAS","Explanation":"Definition: co-ordinate values\nAnagram [compiled] of BASIC + SS [two directions] + AS"} {"Clue":"Illegally takes back\u00a0furniture (5)","Answer":"STOOL","Explanation":"Definition: furniture\nReversal [takes back] of LOOTS [illegally takes]"} {"Clue":"Judge has opening for God (5)","Answer":"JANUS","Explanation":"Definition: God\nJ [judge] + ANUS [opening] \u2013 for the Roman god of openings [and closings]"} {"Clue":"Rich, topless in El Salvador \u2014 such waste (9)","Answer":"EFFLUENTS","Explanation":"Definition: waste\n[a]FFLUENT] [rich, topless] in ES [El Salvador]"} {"Clue":"They manage sir's pain (8)","Answer":"ASPIRINS","Explanation":"Definition: They manage sir's pain\nAnagram [manage] of SIR'S PAIN"} {"Clue":"Boatman finally presses mute with debut of Ginger Spice (6)","Answer":"NUTMEG","Explanation":"Definition: Spice\n[boatma]N\u00a0+ an anagram [presses] of MUTE + G[inger]"} {"Clue":"Traditional London food the desert contract delivered (7,3)","Answer":"JELLIED EEL","Explanation":"Definition: Traditional London food\nSounds like [delivered] JELLY [desSert \u2013 misprint in the clue] DEAL [contract]"} {"Clue":"Mischievous fellow to choose one out for you (4)","Answer":"PUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Mischievous fellow\nPiCK [choose] with the i replaced by U [you] \u2013 which has caused some discussion \u2013 now resolved, I hope \u2013 in the last two days"} {"Clue":"Dinner function government is winding up (7)","Answer":"TEASING","Explanation":"Definition: winding up\nTEA [dinner] + SIN [function] + G [government] \u2013 I'm sure this is going to open up the familiar regional discussion about what we call the evening meal"} {"Clue":"Heads will roll after Guardian loses middle ground (7)","Answer":"GNASHED","Explanation":"Definition: ground\nAnagram [will roll] of HEADS after G[uardia]N\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Saw pair getting six balls bowled (7)","Answer":"PROVERB","Explanation":"Definition: Saw\nPR [pair] + OVER [six balls] + B [bowled]"} {"Clue":"Middle Eastener who's a bit of an egomaniac? (5)","Answer":"OMANI","Explanation":"Definition: Middle Eastener\nContained in egOMANIac"} {"Clue":"Try small drinks, they twitter (7)","Answer":"GOSSIPS","Explanation":"Definition: they twitter\nGO [try] + S [small] + SIPS [drinks]"} {"Clue":"Foolish international group: \"We welcome terrorists\" (6)","Answer":"UNWISE","Explanation":"Definition: Foolish\nUN [international group] + WE round IS [terrorists]"} {"Clue":"Monkey about with game of chance, knocking heads off ornament (9)","Answer":"EPAULETTE","Explanation":"Definition: ornament\nA reversal [about] of APE [monkey] + [r]OULETTE [game of chance]* Edit: another careless oversight \u2013 my thanks to Derek Lazenby @43: it's [ro]ULETTE, of course: knocking heads off \u2013 which, again, I saw originally"} {"Clue":"Great northern runner? (7,6)","Answer":"BRENDAN FOSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Great northern runner?\nCryptic definition: Brendan Foster is a [great] runner from the North and\u00a0founder of the annual Great North Run"} {"Clue":"Catholic church upset over books lacking bishop trials (9)","Answer":"CRUCIBLES","Explanation":"Definition: trials\nReversal [upset] of RC [Catholic church] + [b]IBLES [books lacking bishop] *Edit: a reversal of C [Catholic] + URC [United Reformed Church] + [b]IBLES [books lacking bishop]"} {"Clue":"Address otherwise neat Spartan (7)","Answer":"AUSTERE","Explanation":"Definition: Spartan\nI'm struggling here: could AU be [French] address and STERE an anagram [otherwise] of STEER [neat]? I'm sure it's simpler than that! *Edit: 'address' indicates a homophone, so 'otherwise' = or = AU [but not for those with rhotic accents] and there's further discussion about pronunciation of the first syllable of AUSTERE, too \u2013 see numerous comments below] + STERE [sounds like steer = neat, as I had it]."} {"Clue":"Tips of nectarine and orange, all cooking in fat (7)","Answer":"LANOLIN","Explanation":"Definition: fat\nAnagram of N[ectarine] O[range] and ALL + IN"} {"Clue":"Golden syrup runs clear, when poured into hollow tube (7)","Answer":"TREACLE","Explanation":"Definition: Golden syrup\nAnagram [runs] of CLEAR in T[ub]E \u2013 not quite synonymous: I remember being ticked off as a child for calling golden syrup treacle \u2013 but I'm not complaining"} {"Clue":"Good time catching good bird (6)","Answer":"PIGEON","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nPI [good \u2013 short for pious] + EON [time] round G [good]"} {"Clue":"Band's recordings (5)","Answer":"TAPES","Explanation":"Definition: Band'srecordings\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"White powder pocketed by outlaw from a Christian church (9)","Answer":"BASILICAN","Explanation":"Definition: from a Christian church\nSILICA [white powder] in BAN [outlaw]"} {"Clue":"La-di-da pound shop (4)","Answer":"POSH","Explanation":"Definition: La-di-da\nAnagram [pound] of SHOP \u2013 my favourite clue: I love the oxymoronic cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Ultimately, grass cutter? (8)","Answer":"STRIMMER","Explanation":"Definition: Ultimately, grass cutter?\n[gras]S TRIMMER [cutter] \u2013 to give another cutter"} {"Clue":"Somewhat in decline, in effect I'd degenerated, do you understand? (6)","Answer":"GEDDIT","Explanation":"Definition: do you understand?\nHidden reversal [somewhat in decline] in\u00a0effecT I'D DEGenerated \u2013 the reversal indicator [decline] doesn't work for me, especially in an across clue"} {"Clue":"Session on guitar a minor hit on the road in America (6-6)","Answer":"FENDER-BENDER","Explanation":"Definition: minor hit on the road in America\nBENDER [{drinking}session] after FENDER [guitar]"} {"Clue":"Curve under an arch, design adorns it (8)","Answer":"INTRADOS","Explanation":"Definition: Curve under an arch\nAnagram [design] of ADORNS IT"} {"Clue":"In the clutches of phantom I go doolally \u2014 I'm in shock! (6)","Answer":"OMIGOD","Explanation":"Definition: I'm in shock!\nHidden in phantOM I GO Doolally"} {"Clue":"Wood perhaps to sell on the counter, one of thirteen (4,4)","Answer":"GOLF CLUB","Explanation":"Definition: Wood perhaps\nReversal [on the counter] of FLOG [sell] + CLUB \u00a0[one of thirteen in a pack of cards]"} {"Clue":"Boat recently launched in New Jersey city (6)","Answer":"NEWARK","Explanation":"Definition: New Jersey city\nNEW [recently launched] ARK [boat] \u2013 a pity that 'new' appears in both clue and answer"} {"Clue":"Medicine working finally, so hopeful (8)","Answer":"ASPIRING","Explanation":"Definition: hopeful\nASPIRIN [medicine] + [workin]G"} {"Clue":"Capital in country in the midst of attack (6)","Answer":"TIRANA","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\nIRAN [country] in [at]TA[ck]"} {"Clue":"A right absolutely not maintained by fascist revolutionary from Tucson, say? (8)","Answer":"ARIZONAN","Explanation":"Definition: from Tucson, say?\nA R [a right] + NO [absolutely not] in [maintained by] a reversal [revolutionary] of NAZI [fascist]"} {"Clue":"Insignificant pond (4)","Answer":"MERE","Explanation":"Definition: Insignificantpond\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Missing eyeball's punctured \u2014 like a tissue? (9)","Answer":"ABSORBENT","Explanation":"Definition: like a tissue?\nORB [eyeball] in [puncturing] ABSENT [missing]"} {"Clue":"Vile cadre honestly brutish to have someone so at their mercy? (2,3,5,3,7)","Answer":"BY THE SHORT AND CURLIES","Explanation":"Definition: so at their mercy\nI got this immediately, from the enumeration \u2013 an anagram [vile] of CADRE HONESTLY BRUTISH"} {"Clue":"Party language among squabbling fringes (7)","Answer":"SHINDIG","Explanation":"Definition: Party\nHINDI [language] in S[quabblin]G"} {"Clue":"Large-eyed animal showing spirit on tree climbing, but not quite reaching the top (5)","Answer":"LEMUR","Explanation":"Definition: Large-eyed animal\nReversal [climbing] of RUM [spirit] + EL[m] [tree]"} {"Clue":"Loose robe dressing government leader in municipality just around the corner? (9)","Answer":"NIGHTGOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Loose robe\nG [first letter \u2013 leader \u2013 of Government] in NIGH TOWN [municipality just around the corner?]"} {"Clue":"School actors downloaded recording (7)","Answer":"PODCAST","Explanation":"Definition: recording\nPOD [school \u2013 of whales] + CAST [actors]"} {"Clue":"Onassis, perhaps, captive in the sun? (9)","Answer":"SHIPOWNER","Explanation":"Definition: Onassis, perhaps\nPOW [prisoner of war \u2013 captive] in SHINER [the sun?]"} {"Clue":"Tripe in hooch (9)","Answer":"MOONSHINE","Explanation":"Definition: Tripehooch\nDouble definition \u2013\u00a0I only know the second from 'the Great Escape'"} {"Clue":"Exile, a country boy brought up to embody peace at heart (5,4)","Answer":"DALAI LAMA","Explanation":"Definition: Exile\nA reversal [brought up] of A MALI [a country] LAD [boy] round [pe]A[ce] \u2013 a neat construction and surface but a rather loose definition, surely?"} {"Clue":"Vessel that opens late in the week? (7)","Answer":"FRIGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Vessel\nGATE [that opens] on FRI[day] [late in the week]"} {"Clue":"Two wheels for a literary hobgoblin (3,4)","Answer":"BIG EARS","Explanation":"Definition: literary hobgoblin\nBI [two] GEARS [wheels] \u2013 I think \u2013 for Noddy's friend \u2013 my least favourite clue: I don't like either element of the definition"} {"Clue":"Success not all fair (7)","Answer":"WINSOME","Explanation":"Definition: fair\nWin [success] + SOME [not all]"} {"Clue":"Cut edge in rod for pipe (5)","Answer":"BRIAR","Explanation":"Definition: pipe\nRI[m] [edge, cut] in BAR [rod]"} {"Clue":"Execute, having brought about last of carrot and stick (5)","Answer":"ENACT","Explanation":"Definition: Execute\nReversal [brought about] of [carro]T + CANE [stick]"} {"Clue":"Declared a number was incorrect (7)","Answer":"AVERRED","Explanation":"Definition: Declared\nA V [5 \u2013 number] + ERRED [was incorrect]"} {"Clue":"Person with fancy lace cuff (7)","Answer":"MANACLE","Explanation":"Definition: cuff\nMAN [person] + an anagram [fancy] of LACE"} {"Clue":"Levels the score and quits (5)","Answer":"EVENS","Explanation":"Definition: Levels the scorequits\nDouble [?] definition"} {"Clue":" Appearing every second (9)","Answer":"ALTERNATE","Explanation":"Definition: Appearing every second\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Not a direct criminal slander (10)","Answer":"DETRACTION","Explanation":"Definition: slander\nAnagram [criminal] of NOT A DIRECT"} {"Clue":"Further chaos in Laos (4)","Answer":"ALSO","Explanation":"Definition: Further\nAnagram [chaos] of LAOS"} {"Clue":"Overrates it as a medicine (11)","Answer":"RESTORATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: medicine\nAnagram [as] of OVERRATES IT"} {"Clue":"Evocative of not long ago, when short skirts were in (11)","Answer":"REMINISCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Evocative\nMINIS [short skirts] in RECENT [of not long ago]"} {"Clue":"Draw blood in prison (4)","Answer":"NICK","Explanation":"Definition: Draw bloodprison\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Grave positions one may end up in (10)","Answer":"CEMETERIES","Explanation":"Definition: Grave positions\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Transport for gang going out in new boots (9)","Answer":"TOBOGGANS","Explanation":"Definition: Transport\nAnagram [going out] of GANG in an anagram [new] of BOOTS"} {"Clue":"Appear to act? (5)","Answer":"ENTER","Explanation":"Definition: Appear to act?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"England's first two trees? Nonsense! (7)","Answer":"EYEWASH","Explanation":"Definition: Nonsense\nE [England's first letter] + YEW ASH [two trees]"} {"Clue":"The French cry \"Attack!\" (4,3)","Answer":"LASH OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Attack\nLA [the French] + SHOUT [cry]\n\n** Down"} {"Clue":"Corrects the final part in a script (6)","Answer":"AMENDS","Explanation":"Definition: Corrects\nEND [the final part] in A MS [a script]"} {"Clue":"Passes out at college (6)","Answer":"EXEATS","Explanation":"Definition: Passes out at college\nCryptic definition \u2013 I liked this one"} {"Clue":"Place to eat with others \u2014 atmosphere and half pint provided (10)","Answer":"RESTAURANT","Explanation":"Definition: Place to eat\nREST [others] + AURA [atmosphere]\u00a0 + [pi]NT \u2013 I liked this surface"} {"Clue":"Plan to have a drink, say (5)","Answer":"DRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: Plan\nSounds like [say] 'draught' [drink]"} {"Clue":"Underground goblin heard marking time? (9)","Answer":"METRONOME","Explanation":"METRO [underground] + NOME [sounds like \u2013 heard \u2013 'gnome' {goblin}] \u2013 this reminded me of a 'Round the Horne' [I think] joke: [In a monastery kitchen] 'Are you the fish friar?' \u2013 'No,\u00a0I'm the chipmunk.'"} {"Clue":"Annoy an informer (4)","Answer":"NARK","Explanation":"Definition: Annoyinformer\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Comedian once holding a clerical appointment (8)","Answer":"CHAPLAIN","Explanation":"Definition: clerical appointment\n[Charlie] CHAPLIN [comedian once] round [holding] A"} {"Clue":"Inspect damaged roses for blemishes (8)","Answer":"EYESORES","Explanation":"Definition: blemishes\nEYE [inspect] + an anagram [damaged] of ROSES"} {"Clue":"Stockholders? (6,4)","Answer":"CATTLE PENS","Explanation":"Definition: Stockholders?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"An Englishman in Scotland (9)","Answer":"SASSENACH","Explanation":"Definition: An Englishman in Scotland\nCryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"A dark girl's true bent, perhaps (8)","Answer":"BRUNETTE","Explanation":"Definition: A dark girl\nAnagram [perhaps] of TRUE BENT"} {"Clue":"Cordial or strong mineral accepted (8)","Answer":"AMICABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Cordial\nABLE [strong] round MICA [mineral]"} {"Clue":"A bar across the channel? (6)","Answer":"BISTRO","Explanation":"Definition: A bar across the channel\nCryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"Wit of a turbulent priest (6)","Answer":"ESPRIT","Explanation":"Definition: Wit\nAnagram [turbulent \u2013 nice!] of PRIEST"} {"Clue":"One means of support for an artist (5)","Answer":"EASEL","Explanation":"Definition: One means of support for an artist\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Drag race around site of Shah Jahan's mausoleum (4)","Answer":"AGRA","Explanation":"Definition: site of Shah Jahan's mausoleum\nHidden in drAG RAce"} {"Clue":"Make awful, primitive sound: \"No iron in river!\" (6)","Answer":"UGLIFY","Explanation":"Definition: Make awful\nUG [primitive sound \u2013 usually attributed to cavemen in comics] + LIF[fe]Y [Dublin's river, minus fe, chemical symbol for iron]"} {"Clue":"Valuation reduced with chain cut off (8)","Answer":"ESTRANGE","Explanation":"Definition: cut off\nEST [estimate \u2013 valuation] + RANGE [chain \u2013 as in mountains]"} {"Clue":"Secret drinker reaches end of line in Morecambe? (8)","Answer":"ESOTERIC","Explanation":"Definition: Secret\nSOT [drinker] + [lin]E in ERIC [Morecambe]"} {"Clue":"Withdraws new state in America (6)","Answer":"UNSAYS","Explanation":"Definition: Withdraws\nN [new] SAY [state] in US [America] \u2013 it really is a word and it reminded me of Hillary Clinton's 'misspoke', which I was surprised to find in Chambers"} {"Clue":"Coastal country footballer disheartened by team's kit (4,5)","Answer":"GAZA STRIP","Explanation":"Definition: Coastal country\nGA[z]ZA [Paul Gascoigne, aka Gazza \u2013 footballer 'disheartened' + STRIP [team's kit]"} {"Clue":"State, once, of seed-covered, wild youth (5,5)","Answer":"SOUTH YEMEN","Explanation":"Definition: State, once\nSEMEN [seed] round an anagram [wild] of YOUTH"} {"Clue":"Craft stones: half a smacker (3,3)","Answer":"JET SKI","Explanation":"Definition: Craft\nJETS [stones] + KI[ss] [half a smacker!]"} {"Clue":"It's lucky the composer, Guy, gets left out (8)","Answer":"TALISMAN","Explanation":"Definition: It's lucky\n[Thomas] TAL[l]IS [composer] minus l [left] + MAN [Guy]"} {"Clue":"Turn your hand to flat-pack furniture with this? (5,3)","Answer":"ALLEN KEY","Explanation":"Definition: Turn your hand to flat-pack furniture with this?\nI stared at this, looking for wordplay, but it's a cryptic definition, I think"} {"Clue":"Where some academics collect one exercise, as basis for play? (6)","Answer":"SCRIPT","Explanation":"Definition: basis for play\nSCR [Senior Common Room \u2013 where some academics collect] + I [one] PT [exercise]"} {"Clue":"Off-colour anagrams emerge thus (3,2,5)","Answer":"OUT OF SORTS","Explanation":"Definition: Off-colour\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Not an owner stocking quality unit? (6)","Answer":"DENIER","Explanation":"Definition: Not an ownerstocking quality unit\nDouble definition \u2013 with two different pronunciations"} {"Clue":"Awful weapon verges on a non-ring explosive (5,3)","Answer":"NERVE GAS","Explanation":"Definition: Awful weapon\nanagram [explosive] of VERGES ON A [minus o \u2013 'non-ring']"} {"Clue":"Casual tense employed in old female soldiers' essays (8)","Answer":"ATTEMPTS","Explanation":"Definition: essays\nTEMP [casual \u2013 as a noun] + T [tense] in ATS [Auxiliary Territorial Service \u2013 the women's branch of the army in WWII"} {"Clue":"Aware of not just X's and Z's being pronounced? (4,2)","Answer":"WISE TO","Explanation":"Definition: Aware of\nNot just Xs and Zs but [pronounced] 'Ys, too' \u2013 I refuse to use an apostrophe as in the clue!\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Subterfuge a vital expedient, when one's lacking as a writer (7,8)","Answer":"GUSTAVE FLAUBERT","Explanation":"Definition: a writer\nAnagram [expedient] of SUBTERFUGE A V[i]TAL, minus\u00a0I [one's lacking]"} {"Clue":"Crying \"salty secretion found here!\" (2,5)","Answer":"IN TEARS","Explanation":"Definition: Cryingsalty secretion found here\nAgain, I looked in vain for wordplay \u2013 a sort of double \/ cryptic definition but I didn't like it very much"} {"Clue":"Standard police department's check (9)","Answer":"YARDSTICK","Explanation":"Definition: Standard\n[Scotland] YARD'S [police department's] + TICK [check \u2013 as in ticking boxes]"} {"Clue":"Measurement unit applied to low grade reddish-brown coat (7)","Answer":"ENCRUST","Explanation":"Definition: coat\nEN [measurement unit in printing] + C [low grade \u2013 but not very low: it's a 'pass' at GCSE] + RUST [reddish-brown]"} {"Clue":"Contact that hurts me \u2014 possibly beats being on the outside (5,4)","Answer":"TOUCH BASE","Explanation":"Definition: Contact\nAnagram [possibly] of BEATS outside OUCH [that hurts me]"} {"Clue":"Swelling muscles tax (7)","Answer":"ABSCESS","Explanation":"Definition: Swelling\nABS [muscles] + CESS [tax \u2013 Chambers: '[obs] n in UK, a tax, a local rate; in Ireland, the obligation by a local population to provide food, lodgings and supplies for the soldiers of the lord deputy';\u00a0 I thought it must derive from the Latin verb cedere, to yield, but all my dictionaries say it comes from assess{ment}]"} {"Clue":"Author bloke made off on drugs with Neddy, a TV presenter (3,2,10)","Answer":"GUY DE MAUPASSANT","Explanation":"Definition: Author\nGUY [bloke] + an anagram [off] of MADE + UP [on drugs?] + ASS [Neddy] + ANT[hony] McPartlin [television presenter, along with Dec[lan] Donnelly]"} {"Clue":"Goes on and on about blemish that leads to blown fuse? (4,5)","Answer":"LAST STRAW","Explanation":"Definition: that leads to blown fuse?\nLASTS [goes on and on] + a reversal [about] of WART [blemish] \u2013 a bit of a mixed metaphor here!"} {"Clue":"Affecting revolutionary book one has (7)","Answer":"EMOTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Affecting\nReversal [revolutionary] of TOME [book] + I'VE [one has, as the Queen might say]"} {"Clue":"Minimum wear, if frosty, round northern rocks (1-6)","Answer":"Y-FRONTS","Explanation":"Definition: Minimum wear\nAnagram [rocks] of FROSTY round N [northern] \u2013 'G-string' was the first answer to spring to mind but then I remembered one of my all-time favourite clues [from Cincinnus \/ Orlando]: 'a climber of rocks in Devon (10)'"} {"Clue":"Like Adam, after Eve cut down the tormenting? (7)","Answer":"RIBLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Like Adam, after Eve\nRIB LESS [cut down the tormenting]: God used only one rib to create Eve, so Adam wasn't entirely RIBLESS but he did have one RIB LESS \u2013 or, rather, fewer!"} {"Clue":"Failure when coating of drive cable broken (7)","Answer":"DEBACLE","Explanation":"Definition: Failure\nD[riv]E ] ['coating' of drive] + an anagram [broken] of CABLE"} {"Clue":"Affected charm as court breaks up marriage (7)","Answer":"UNCTION","Explanation":"Definition: Affected charm\nCT [court] in [breaks up] UNION [marriage]"} {"Clue":"Old American edition (4)","Answer":"USED","Explanation":"Definition: Old\nUS [American] + ED [edition]"} {"Clue":"Being friendly, mum turns trendy, when captivated by game (10)","Answer":"CHUMMINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Being friendly\nAnagram [turns] of MUM + IN [trendy] in [captivated by] CHESS [game]"} {"Clue":"Be very angry with the following view (6)","Answer":"SEETHE","Explanation":"Definition: Be very angry\nTHE following SEE [view]"} {"Clue":"As Dido and Aeneas say, a spirit measure takes time (8)","Answer":"OPERATIC","Explanation":"Definition: As Dido and Aeneas say\nOPTIC [a spirit measure] round ERA [time] \u2013 reference to Purcell's opera, based on Book IV of Virgil's Aeneid"} {"Clue":"Dead wrong about cocktail, may be spoken to (9)","Answer":"ADDRESSED","Explanation":"Definition: spoken to\nAnagram [wrong] of DEAD round DRESS [which may be a cocktail dress]"} {"Clue":"Lord with an exotic lineage (5)","Answer":"LIEGE","Explanation":"Definition: Lord\nAdding 'an' would give an anagram [exotic] of\u00a0 lineage"} {"Clue":"Shift inside just in time to tighten belts (5)","Answer":"STINT","Explanation":"Definition: Shifttighten belts\nSTINT [shift \u2013 a day's work] is hidden in juST IN Time and its second definition is 'tighten belts' \u2013 clever"} {"Clue":"One's in some Asian country or another (9)","Answer":"INDONESIA","Explanation":"Definition: another\nONE'S in INDIA"} {"Clue":"Screw badly, then drive out (8)","Answer":"FRIGHTEN","Explanation":"Definition: drive out\nFRIG [screw -both designated 'vulgar slang' in Chambers] + an anagram [badly] of THEN"} {"Clue":"Why European no longer inside (6)","Answer":"BREXIT","Explanation":"Definition: Why European no longer inside\nEX [no longer] in BRIT [European] \u2013 not quite &lit but the whole clue is the definition"} {"Clue":"Difficult delivery of sentence (4,6)","Answer":"HARD LABOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Difficult deliverysentence\nDouble definition \u2013 reminiscent of one of my favourite Philistine clues: End of term party? (6)"} {"Clue":"It's about talking and listening, when talking (4)","Answer":"ORAL","Explanation":"Definition: It's about talking\nSounds like [when talking] 'aural'] [about listening]"} {"Clue":"Maxim's grass salad (4,3)","Answer":"SOD\u2019S LAW","Explanation":"Definition: Maxim\nSOD [grass] + SLAW [salad]"} {"Clue":"Note before and during charge for judge (7)","Answer":"REFEREE","Explanation":"Definition: judge\nRE [note] before and again in [during] FEE [charge]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Clue fort in part of London (4,3)","Answer":"EAST END","Explanation":"Definition: part of London\n[eas]T end is a possible clue for T"} {"Clue":"Cart inspection (5)","Answer":"AUDIT","Explanation":"Definition: inspection\nSimilarly, we need to separate the letters of the first word of the clue: AUDI [car] + T"} {"Clue":"Many a servant wants to hold you back (7)","Answer":"LACKEYS","Explanation":"Definition: Many a servant\nLACKS [wants] round a reversal [back] of YE [you]"} {"Clue":"Figure showing more dead (6)","Answer":"NUMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Figuremore dead\nDouble definition, the second rather whimsical"} {"Clue":"Tease at least in a different way (9)","Answer":"TANTALISE","Explanation":"Definition: Tease\nAnagram [a different way] of AT LEAST IN"} {"Clue":"Exclusion from tournament for failure to start (7)","Answer":"OUSTING","Explanation":"Definition: Exclusion\n[j]OUSTING [tournament] failing to start"} {"Clue":" Of this 24 essentially get out (8,5)","Answer":"EUROPEAN UNION","Explanation":"Definition: Of this 24 essentially get out\nI can only describe this as a [not very] cryptic definition but I can't explain the tortuous word order\u00a0 \u2013 I think I'm missing something"} {"Clue":"Information about infiltrating rogue Red Sea rebels (9)","Answer":"RENEGADES","Explanation":"Definition: rebels\nA reversal [about] of GEN [information] in an\u00a0 anagram [rogue] of RED SEA"} {"Clue":"Rent a party twister (7)","Answer":"TORNADO","Explanation":"Definition: twiste\nTORN [rent] + A DO [a party]"} {"Clue":"Lost heart over sustained 24 opponent (7)","Answer":"OSBORNE","Explanation":"Definition: 24 opponent\n[l]OS[t] + BORNE [sustained]"} {"Clue":"Copy upset a timing component (7)","Answer":"IMITATE","Explanation":"Definition: Copy\nHidden reversed [upset] in upsET A TIMIng"} {"Clue":"Several layers of stone missing from plan (6)","Answer":"STRATA","Explanation":"Definition: Several layers\nSTRATA[gem] [plan] missing 'gem' [stone]"} {"Clue":"Arouse girl to secure consent (5)","Answer":"EVOKE","Explanation":"Definition: Arouse\nEVE [girl] round OK [consent]"} {"Clue":"Short program about English fruit producer (5,4)","Answer":"APPLE TREE","Explanation":"Definition: fruit producer\nAPPLET [short program] + RE [about] + E [English]"} {"Clue":"Spy chief taken in by deception, in a sense (5)","Answer":"SMELL","Explanation":"Definition: sense\nM [spy chief] in SELL [deception]"} {"Clue":"Standing before court (5)","Answer":"ERECT","Explanation":"Definition: Standing\nERE [poetic before] + CT [court]"} {"Clue":"Travel with author's son and private teacher (9)","Answer":"GOVERNESS","Explanation":"Definition: private teacher\nGO [travel] + VERNES [author] + S [son]"} {"Clue":"Interpreter of text, say, kept in college mostly (7)","Answer":"EXEGETE","Explanation":"Definition: Interpreter of text\nEG [say] in EXETE[r] [Oxford college, mostly]"} {"Clue":"Organisations unknown in small parts of plant (7)","Answer":"SYSTEMS","Explanation":"Definition: Organisations\nY [unknown] in S [small] STEMS [parts of plant]"} {"Clue":"Bit of a bloomer finishes off chess game \u2014 mate (5)","Answer":"SEPAL","Explanation":"Definition: Bit of a bloomer\n[ches]S + [gam]E + PAL [mate]"} {"Clue":"Late genius that may prefix other solutions (3)","Answer":"ECO","Explanation":"Definition: Late geniusthat may prefix other solutions\nDouble definition: ECO can be prefixed to several answers in the grid \u2013 SPHERE, SYSTEMS, TOURS"} {"Clue":"What poets generally do, Keats and Yeats don't (5)","Answer":"RHYME","Explanation":"Definition: What poets generally do\nLovely cryptic definition \u2013 Keats and Yeats both rhyme individually but not with each other"} {"Clue":"National leader performing in moving protest (7)","Answer":"MONARCH","Explanation":"Definition: National leader\nON [performing] in MARCH [moving protest]"} {"Clue":"Part of grounds and pitch where kids can play (7)","Answer":"SANDPIT","Explanation":"Definition: where kids can play\nHidden in groundS AND PITch"} {"Clue":"Ruined couple's mutual fund \u2014 that shows effect of world revolution (9,8)","Answer":"FOUCAULT\u2019S PENDULUM","Explanation":"Definition: that shows effect of world revolution\nAnagram of MUTUAL COUPLE'S FUND"} {"Clue":"Except for its head, river is brown (5)","Answer":"UMBER","Explanation":"Definition: brown\n[h]UMBER [river except for its head]: if we add the first two letters of the next answer, we have Eco's first name"} {"Clue":"Travels round city on Loire (5)","Answer":"TOURS","Explanation":"Definition: Travels roundcity on Loire\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Languages such as Hebrew, including old study of signs (9)","Answer":"SEMIOTICS","Explanation":"Definition: study of signs\nO [old] in SEMITICS [languages such as Hebrew]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Celebrity of European person showing up here (4)","Answer":"NAME","Explanation":"Definition: Celebrity\nReversal [showing up] of E [European] MAN [person]"} {"Clue":"Field hospital under pressure in dry setting (6)","Answer":"SPHERE","Explanation":"Definition: Field\nH [hospital] under P [pressure] in SERE [dry]"} {"Clue":"Pound invested in lesser bet \u2014 oddly, it's bound to make money (10)","Answer":"BESTSELLER","Explanation":"Definition: it's bound to make money\nL [pound] in an anagram [oddly] of LESSER BET \u2013 with a pun on 'bound'"} {"Clue":"Pair contracted fever in capital (6)","Answer":"PRAGUE","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nPR [pair contracted] + AGUE [fever]"} {"Clue":"Male put on a garment nothing stops (6,2)","Answer":"HEAVES TO","Explanation":"Definition: stops\nHE [male] + A VEST [a garment] + O [nothing"} {"Clue":"Top player suffering reverse at first as leading man (4)","Answer":"TSAR","Explanation":"Definition: leading man\nSTAR [top player] with the first two letters reversed"} {"Clue":"Leading pairs eliminated from race came late \u2014 very grave situation (8)","Answer":"CEMETERY","Explanation":"Definition: grave situation\n[ra]CE [ca]ME [la]TE [ve]RY"} {"Clue":"Isolated state reduced, unfortunately (4)","Answer":"ALAS","Explanation":"Definition: unfortunately\nALAS[ka] [isolated state, reduced]"} {"Clue":"Page in some novel set in town, of course (5)","Answer":"EPSOM","Explanation":"Definition: town, of course\nP [page] in an anagram [novel] of SOME, for the town known for its racecourse"} {"Clue":"Suddenly put in the know, quietly call in child (6,4)","Answer":"SPRING UPON","Explanation":"Definition: Suddenly put in the know\nP [quietly] RING UP [call] in SON [child]"} {"Clue":"Not dry, like 10 of 27, regardless of 1 (5)","Answer":"SWEET","Explanation":"Definition: Not dry\nA reference to the lines from Romeo and Juliet:"} {"Clue":"Flaws in conclusions from some idiotic ass without sound reflection (8)","Answer":"ECHOLESS","Explanation":"Definition: without sound reflection\nHOLES [flaws] in last letters [conclusions] of [som]E [idioti]C [as]S"} {"Clue":"Notice about South American oil source (6)","Answer":"SESAME","Explanation":"Definition: oil source\nSEE [notice] round S [south] AM [American]"} {"Clue":"Piano I installed in disorderly club open to all (6)","Answer":"PUBLIC","Explanation":"Definition: open to all\nP [piano] + I in an anagram [disorderly] of CLUB \u2013 great surface"} {"Clue":"Fellow scoffed a lot (4)","Answer":"FATE","Explanation":"Definition: lot\nF [fellow] + ATE [scoffed]"} {"Clue":"Primate set over south part of church (4)","Answer":"APSE","Explanation":"Definition: part of church\nAPe [primate] round S [south]"} {"Clue":"Pink was revolting (4)","Answer":"ROSE","Explanation":"Definition: Pinkwas revolting \nDouble definition \u2013 reminding me to recommend again Sandy Balfour's book about his life with crosswords, 'Pretty girl in crimson rose (8)'"} {"Clue":"Italian broadcast in stereo (8)","Answer":"TORINESE","Explanation":"Definition: Italian\nAnagram [broadcast] of IN STEREO"} {"Clue":"Sharp needle \u2014 no need for it, day surgery's ending (6)","Answer":"LEMONY","Explanation":"Definition: Sharp\n[need]LE + MON[day] + [surger[Y"} {"Clue":"Player is inspired by Milton (abridged) (6)","Answer":"OBOIST","Explanation":"Definition: Player\nIS\u00a0in [inspired by] OBOT[e] [abridged] \u2013 Milton Obote, Ugandan leader"} {"Clue":"Beauty in unelected British leaders? (3,5)","Answer":"MAY QUEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Beauty\n[Theresa]\u00a0MAY and the\u00a0QUEEN are both unelected as leaders but Theresa May is an elected MP \u2013 getting lots of exposure here at the moment!"} {"Clue":"House backing newspaper, though not leader (4)","Answer":"SEMI","Explanation":"Definition: House\nReversal [backing] of [t]IMES [newspaper] minus its first letter [leader]"} {"Clue":"Fancy dealings with church look anything but straightforward? (4-6)","Answer":"SIDE-GLANCE","Explanation":"Definition: look anything but straightforward?\nAmagram [fancy] of DEALINGS + CE [Church of England]"} {"Clue":"Agonising facts cut into me (7)","Answer":"PAINFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Agonising\nINF[o] [facts cut] in PAUL [me]"} {"Clue":"Difficult taking wrench into work (7)","Answer":"PRICKLY","Explanation":"Definition: Difficult\nRICK [wrench] in PLY [work]"} {"Clue":"Why Saturday never comes alone? (10)","Answer":"FRIENDLESS","Explanation":"Definition: alone\nIf FRI[day] is ENDLESS, Saturday never comes"} {"Clue":"Team gloated (4)","Answer":"CREW","Explanation":"Definition: Teamgloated\nDouble definition \u2013 I've seen versions of this clue before but, although I have heard 'the cock crew', I don't think I've ever heard this [valid] variation of the past tense to mean 'gloated'"} {"Clue":"Pretty me in female bowler, say? (8)","Answer":"SOMEWHAT","Explanation":"Definition: Pretty\nME in SOW [female] + HAT [bowler, say?]"} {"Clue":"Bird entrails, but not of rook (6)","Answer":"FALCON","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\n[of]FAL [entrails \u2013 but not 'of'] + CON [rook] \u2013 both as verbs"} {"Clue":"Piece of meat stuffing baguettes, I once recalled (8)","Answer":"NOISETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Piece of meat\nHidden reversal [recalled] in baguETTES I ONce\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Hand in middle of puppet, possibly? Show two little boys (6,4,5)","Answer":"DOUBLE PAIR ROYAL","Explanation":"Definition: Hand\nDOUBLE P [middle of 'puppet'] + AIR [show] + ROY AL [two little boys]: I'm one of those who are not keen on 'little boy' cluing abbreviations of male names and\u00a0I didn't think ROY was an abbreviation \u2013 meaning 'king', surely? This led to a bit of research and I found that ROY is derived from the Gaelic ruadh (red) \u00a0\u2013 \u00a0or an abbreviation of Leroy [the king]"} {"Clue":"Within lateral partition, hairlike structures, indefinite number opening (8,7)","Answer":"SICILIAN DEFENCE","Explanation":"Definition: opening\nCILIA [hairlike structures] + N [indefinite number, which we had yesterday] in SIDE FENCE [lateral partition]"} {"Clue":"The sad criminal with muscle in band of assassins (5,5)","Answer":"DEATH SQUAD","Explanation":"Definition: band of assassins\nAnagram [criminal] of THE SAD + QUAD[riceps] [muscle]"} {"Clue":"Insults thrown after end of four months on a British Overseas Territory (7)","Answer":"BERMUDA","Explanation":"Definition: British Overseas Territory\nMUD [insults] after BER [last letters \u2013 end \u2013 of the last four months] + A"} {"Clue":"Earth healing heart? (4)","Answer":"CLAY","Explanation":"Definition: Earth\nI think I'm being dim here: HEART is an anagram [healing?] of EARTH but I can't see how that leads to the answer"} {"Clue":"A doctor unfortunately can heal and cures lawyer after an accident? (9,6)","Answer":"AMBULANCE CHASER","Explanation":"Definition: lawyer after an accident\nA MB [a doctor] + an anagram [unfortunately] of CAN HEAL CURES \u2013 a nicely allusive surface"} {"Clue":"Member welcomed by literati once shifting between Yale and Harvard, say? (15)","Answer":"INTERCOLLEGIATE","Explanation":"Definition: between Yale and Harvard, say\nLEG [member] in [welcomed by] an anagram [shifting] of LITERATI ONCE"} {"Clue":"Cog so pricy to fix, spinning as a ship's navigational aid, say? (10)","Answer":"GYROSCOPIC","Explanation":"Definition: spinning as a ship's navigational aid, say\nAnagram [to fix] of COG SO PRICY"} {"Clue":"Elderly, compatible to some extent (7,2,1,3)","Answer":"GETTING ON A BIT","Explanation":"Definition: Elderlycompatible to some extent\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Female animal is back (4)","Answer":"HIND","Explanation":"Definition: Female animalback\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Picture package stolen in Post Office outlet (9)","Answer":"PHOTOSHOP","Explanation":"Definition: Picture package\nHOT [stolen] in PO [Post Office] SHOP [outlet]"} {"Clue":"Two ways to make musical lines (5)","Answer":"STAVE","Explanation":"Definition: musical lines\nST[reet] + AVE[nue]"} {"Clue":"Our saucy shot framing lecturer in a way that's harsh (9)","Answer":"RAUCOUSLY","Explanation":"Definition: in a way that's harsh\nAnagram [shot] of OUR SAUCY round L [lecturer]"} {"Clue":"Grim to take in to hospital: regularly delays nurses (7)","Answer":"DEATHLY","Explanation":"Definition: Grim\nD[e]L[a]Y[s] round [nurses] EAT [to take in] H [hospital]"} {"Clue":"Female learnt to play song (There Is A Light That Never Goes Out) (7,5)","Answer":"ETERNAL FLAME","Explanation":"Definition: song (There Is A Light That Never Goes Out)\nAnagram [to play] of FEMALE LEARNT: finding that ETERNAL FLAME was a song by The Bangles, along with the brilliantly spotted anagram, makes this one of the clues of the year for me"} {"Clue":"Empty bar to have coffee? (5)","Answer":"BROWN","Explanation":"Definition: coffee?\nB[a]R + OWN [have] \u2013 the question mark denotes a definition by example"} {"Clue":"Caught cover for hit \u2026 (3)","Answer":"RAP","Explanation":"Definition: hit\nSounds like [caught] wrap [cover]"} {"Clue":"international cover for The Queen Is Dead (5)","Answer":"INERT","Explanation":"Definition: Dead\nINT [International] round [covering] ER [the Queen]"} {"Clue":"Start band (7)","Answer":"GENESIS","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Makes fine cuts (7)","Answer":"FETCHES","Explanation":"Definition: Makes\nF [fine] + ETCHES [cuts]: fetch = 'to be sold for [a certain price]' [Chambers] = 'make'"} {"Clue":"Relating to forgiveness, Morrissey's struggling (9)","Answer":"REMISSORY","Explanation":"Definition: Relating to forgiveness\nAnother clever anagram [struggling] of MORRISSEY, The Smiths' vocalist"} {"Clue":"Left musical equipment and lights (5)","Answer":"LAMPS","Explanation":"Definition: lights\nL [left] + AMPS [musical equipment]"} {"Clue":"Group: artist's a different leader (5)","Answer":"NONET","Explanation":"Definition: Group\n[m]ONET is the artist"} {"Clue":"One might fly back or come again \u2014 concerning matter (9)","Answer":"SUPERHERO","Explanation":"Definition: One might fly\nReversal [back] of OR + EH [come again] + RE [concerning] + PUS [matter]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Copies records, having missed start (4)","Answer":"APES","Explanation":"Definition: Copies\n[t]APES [records]"} {"Clue":"Boy With a Thorn: instrument dropped on a composition (6)","Answer":"SONATA","Explanation":"Definition: composition\nSON [boy] + A T[horn] [instrument dropped] + A"} {"Clue":"Preen tree in court (6,2)","Answer":"SPRUCE UP","Explanation":"Definition: Preen\nSPRUCE [tree] + UP [in court]"} {"Clue":"Style of top seafront shows (4)","Answer":"AFRO","Explanation":"Definition: Style of top\nContained in seAFROnt"} {"Clue":"In France, the American girl's city (8)","Answer":"LAUSANNE","Explanation":"Definition: city\nLA [in France the] US [American] ANNE [girl]"} {"Clue":"Marry around end of July \u2014 it's damp (4)","Answer":"DEWY","Explanation":"Definition: damp\nReversal [around] of WED [marry] + [jul]Y"} {"Clue":"Remove errors from first performance: time to be good (5)","Answer":"DEBUG","Explanation":"Definition: Remove errors from\nDEBUt [first performance] with the t [time] replaced by G [good]"} {"Clue":"Relating to letters, early post sorted around one (10)","Answer":"EPISTOLARY","Explanation":"Definition: Relating to letters\nAnagram [sorted] of EARLY POST around A [one]\u00a0* [Edit:\u00a0 around I [one] \u2013 thanks, gwep @16]* \u2013 great surface"} {"Clue":"Instruments with or without lead (5)","Answer":"LUTES","Explanation":"Definition: Instruments\n[f]LUTES"} {"Clue":"Trim gold star on books (8)","Answer":"ORNAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Trim\nOR [gold] + NAME [star] + NT [books]"} {"Clue":"Person on tour admitting The Smiths finally will make comeback (8)","Answer":"RESPONSE","Explanation":"Definition: comeback\nAnagram [on tour] of PERSON round [th]E [smith]S"} {"Clue":"Following lines \u2014 they deliver food (3-3)","Answer":"FRY-UPS","Explanation":"Definition: food\nF [following] RY [railway lines] + UPS [United Parcel Service \u2013 they deliver]"} {"Clue":"Band returning after Meat Is Murder (6)","Answer":"HAMMER","Explanation":"Definition: Murder\nReversal [returning] of REM [band] after HAM [meat]: for 'hammer', Chambers gives 'trounce' and for 'murder', 'defeat utterly'"} {"Clue":"Terrible row (4)","Answer":"RANK","Explanation":"Double definition \u2013 and googling their discography revealed that it is also a live album of The Smiths"} {"Clue":"Arranges numbers for gigs (4)","Answer":"SETS","Explanation":"Definition: Arrangesnumbers for gigs\nDouble\u00a0 definition"} {"Clue":"Nothing in original set from Strangeways, Here We Come (4)","Answer":"SHOW","Explanation":"Definition: Come\nO [nothing] in S[trangeways] H[ere] W[e]"} {"Clue":"Very keen to stay around conference venue (7)","Answer":"POTSDAM","Explanation":"Definition: conference venue\nReversal [around] of MAD [very keen] + STOP [stay]"} {"Clue":"Hacked Off, with film star involved (7)","Answer":"ANGERED","Explanation":"Definition: Hacked Off\n[Richard] GERE] [film star] in AND [with]"} {"Clue":"Violently attacks stationer after a fracas (5,4)","Answer":"TEARS INTO","Explanation":"Definition: Violently attacks\nAnagram [after a fracas] of STATIONER"} {"Clue":"What can be played by men on horseback (5)","Answer":"ORGAN","Explanation":"Definition: What can be played\nOR [other ranks \u2013 men] + a reversal [back] of NAG [horse]"} {"Clue":"That bloke's southern German (4)","Answer":"HESS","Explanation":"Definition: German\nHE'S [that bloke's] + S [southern]"} {"Clue":"Spirit audience's not picked up \u2014 it's insubstantial (6,4)","Answer":"SCOTCH MIST","Explanation":"Definition: it's insubstantial\nSCOTCH [spirit] + MIST [sounds like 'missed' \u2013 'not picked\u00a0 up' by audience]"} {"Clue":"One-time female's a divine creature (6)","Answer":"ATHENA","Explanation":"Definition: divine creature\nA [one] T [time] HEN [female] A"} {"Clue":"Support government resigning \u2014 claims they want out (7)","Answer":"LEAVERS","Explanation":"Definition: they want out\nLE[g] [support] minus g [government] + AVERS [claims] \u2013 yet another reference to the referendum"} {"Clue":"Comic routine about height in bad taste (6)","Answer":"SHTICK","Explanation":"Definition: Comic routine\nI was fixated on 'height' being H and couldn't see how STICK meant 'in bad taste' \u2013 but, of course, it's SICK [in bad taste, as in a sick joke] round HT [height]"} {"Clue":"Done with PM's backing \u2014 Sun perhaps fails to respond to alarm (10)","Answer":"OVERSLEEPS","Explanation":"Definition: perhaps fails to respond to alarm\nOVER [done with] + a reversal [backing] of PEEL'S [PM's + S [sun]"} {"Clue":"Jobs lost everywhere? Not entirely (5)","Answer":"STEVE","Explanation":"Definition: Jobs\nHidden in loST EVErywhere \u2013 reference to Steve Jobs, co-founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Apple"} {"Clue":"Awful from City playing b Real (9)","Answer":"EXECRABLE","Explanation":"Definition: Awful\nEX [from] + EC [City of London] + an anagram [playing] of B REAL"} {"Clue":"Attitudes accepted by detective in force (7)","Answer":"MINDSET","Explanation":"Definition: Attitudes\nIN [accepted] + DS [Detective Sergeant] in MET [Metropolitan Police Force]"} {"Clue":"Royal officer completely losing head over queens (7)","Answer":"EQUERRY","Explanation":"Definition: Royal officer\n[v]ERY [completely?] round QU ER [queens]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Spurs No 2 has long throw (5)","Answer":"PITCH","Explanation":"Definition: throw\nP [second letter \u2013 No 2 \u2013 of Spurs] + ITCH [long]"} {"Clue":"Start in winding passage (7)","Answer":"TRANSIT","Explanation":"Definition: passage\nAnagram [winding] of START IN"} {"Clue":"Henry's climbing down over style (4)","Answer":"DASH","Explanation":"Definition: style\nReversal [climbing] of H [Henry \u2013 SI unit of inductance] + SAD [down] \u2013 I'm not sure what 'over' is doing"} {"Clue":"Genuine? Hmm! React to \"settlement\"(of 19 21) \u2026 (6,9)","Answer":"MUNICH AGREEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: \"settlement\"(of 19 21)\nAnagram [settlement] of GENUINE HMM REACT \u2013 settlement is doing double duty"} {"Clue":"\u2026 that's in force? Please, it's a whopper \u2014 scrap! (1,9,5,2,5)","Answer":"A WORTHLESS PIECE OF PAPER","Explanation":"Definition: \u2026 that's in force?\nAnagram [scrap] of FORCE PLEASE IT'S A WHOPPER"} {"Clue":"Don't stop upsetting party!\" \u2014 PM receiving one side's cheers (4,6)","Answer":"GOOD HEALTH","Explanation":"Definition: cheers\nGO [don't stop] + a reversal [upsetting] of DO [party] + L [left \u2013 one side] in [Edward] HEATH [PM]"} {"Clue":"Musical genre infuriated man (7)","Answer":"RAGTIME","Explanation":"Definition: Musical genre\nTIM [man] in [a] RAGE \u2013 sorry, can't resist offering\u00a0you this earworm\u00a0\ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Shows up group (1D) (7)","Answer":"DENOTES","Explanation":"Definition: Shows up\nReversal [up] of SET [group] + ONE [1] D [down] \u2013 great misdirection"} {"Clue":"Jail those selling drugs to clerical people (3-7)","Answer":"PEN PUSHERS","Explanation":"Definition: clerical people\nPEN [jail] + PUSHERS [those selling drugs]"} {"Clue":"Making love shortly after wrestling \u2014 animal! (7)","Answer":"OPOSSUM","Explanation":"Definition: animal\nO [love] + POS[t] [after] + SUM[o] [wrestling] both minus their last letters [shortly]"} {"Clue":"Child's cut not real \u2014 point taken (7)","Answer":"PRETEEN","Explanation":"Definition: Child\nPRETEN[d] [not real \u2013 cut] round E [east \u2013 point taken]"} {"Clue":"House cleaner receives award (7)","Answer":"CHAMBER","Explanation":"Definition: House\nMBE [award] in CHAR [cleaner]"} {"Clue":"Wanting help, joint letter said (5)","Answer":"NEEDY","Explanation":"Definition: Wanting help\nSounds like [said] 'knee' [joint] + D [letter]"} {"Clue":"n Married woman's cheating husband finally kicked out (4)","Answer":"FRAU","Explanation":"Definition: Married woman's\nFRAU[d] [cheating] minus d [last letter of 'husband']"} {"Clue":"Gave out rapidly, as the drunk did? (6,3)","Answer":"REELED OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Gave out rapidlythe drunk did\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Subject those people to the ultimate in abuse (5)","Answer":"THEME","Explanation":"Definition: Subject\nTHEM [those people] + [abus]E"} {"Clue":"Related company takes on new agent (7)","Answer":"COGNATE","Explanation":"Definition: Related\nCO [company] + an anagram [new] of AGENT"} {"Clue":"Joint league champ\u00adions? (7)","Answer":"TOPSIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Joint\nTOP SIDE"} {"Clue":"Hesitantly stated a colour and was wrong (5)","Answer":"ERRED","Explanation":"Definition: was wrong\nER [hesitantly stated?] + RED [colour]"} {"Clue":"After direction, City Hall works as it should! (9)","Answer":"ETHICALLY","Explanation":"Definition: as it should\nE [East \u2013 direction] + an anagram [works] of CITY HALL"} {"Clue":"Breakdown in deliveries? (7,8)","Answer":"BOWLING ANALYSIS","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Doctor, get up and heal this deathly disease (3,6)","Answer":"THE PLAGUE","Explanation":"Definition: deathly disease\nAnagram [doctor] of GET UP and HEAL"} {"Clue":"Get involved in someone else's business? (5)","Answer":"MERGE","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Organised miracle rescue (7)","Answer":"RECLAIM","Explanation":"Definition: rescue\nAnagram [organised] of MIRACLE"} {"Clue":"Worried, hastened to receive religious instruction (7)","Answer":"HARRIED","Explanation":"Definition: Worried\nHARED [hastened] round RI [Religious Instruction]"} {"Clue":"Leave word for the French (5)","Answer":"ADIEU","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Must it end in tragedy following extraordinary scenes? (9)","Answer":"NECESSITY","Explanation":"Definition: Must\nIT + [traged]Y after an anagram [extraordinary] of SCENES \u2013 not quite sure of the definition\u00a0 [*Edit: thanks to Roger @1: 'must' is a noun]*\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Sports club (7,3)","Answer":"CRICKET BAT","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Sit on the fence with dispute between neighbours, perhaps (8)","Answer":"HEDGEROW","Explanation":"Definition: between neighbours, perhaps\nHEDGE [sit on the\u00a0 fence] + ROW [dispute]"} {"Clue":"Consider changing gear on the way (6)","Answer":"REGARD","Explanation":"Definition: Consider\nAnagram [changing] of GEAR on RD [road\u00a0 \u2013 way]"} {"Clue":"It used to be very painful (4)","Answer":"SORE","Explanation":"Definition: It used to be verypainful\nDouble definition: SORE used to mean 'very': the only place I have met it is in the King James Bible account of the Nativity: 'And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.' \u2013 my favourite clue"} {"Clue":"An ample opportunity? Not a bit of it! (1,3,6)","Answer":"A FAT CHANCE","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"I play-act, badly out of character (8)","Answer":"ATYPICAL","Explanation":"Definition: out of character\nAnagram [badly] of I PLAY-ACT"} {"Clue":"Servant in upset during dinner, perhaps (6)","Answer":"MENIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Servant\nReversal [upset] of IN in MEAL [dinner, perhaps]"} {"Clue":"Fair to put the head in charge (4)","Answer":"FETE","Explanation":"Definition: Fair\nT[he] in FEE [charge]"} {"Clue":"Date of a battle? (10)","Answer":"ENGAGEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Datebattle\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Yeasty reds drunk in recent times (10)","Answer":"YESTERDAYS","Explanation":"Definition: recent times\nAnagram [drunk] of YEASTY REDS"} {"Clue":"Sharing common interests \u2014 like football clubs? (2,6)","Answer":"IN LEAGUE","Explanation":"Definition: Sharing common interestslike football clubs\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Island doctor turns up to be imprisoned in Asia, unexpectedly (8)","Answer":"SARDINIA","Explanation":"Definition: Island\nA reversal [turns up] of DR [doctor] in an anagram [unexpectedly] of IN ASIA \u2013 'in' is doing double duty"} {"Clue":"Il Duce turned out to be a mathematician (6)","Answer":"EUCLID","Explanation":"Definition: mathematician\nAnagram [turned out to be] of IL DUCE"} {"Clue":"Doctor got up and down (6)","Answer":"MOROSE","Explanation":"Definition: down\nMO [doctor] ROSE [got up]\u00a0 [I smiled at the doctor's response to the instruction in 19ac]"} {"Clue":" See what has been written about publicity (4)","Answer":"READ","Explanation":"Definition: See what has been written\nRE [about] AD [publicity]"} {"Clue":"Even a dull writer may deliver a kick (4)","Answer":"HACK","Explanation":"Definition: dull writerdeliver a kick\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Content to leave Essex cabbie with pint in bar (6)","Answer":"EXCEPT","Explanation":"Definition: bar\nE[sse]X C[abbi]E ['content' having left] + PT [pint]"} {"Clue":"Polish revolutionary moving to West as chubby-cheeked child (6)","Answer":"CHERUB","Explanation":"Definition: chubby-cheeked child\nRUB [Polish] with CHE, the familiar revolutionary, moving to the left [west]"} {"Clue":"Regularly scrubbing toughened moulding (4)","Answer":"OGEE","Explanation":"Definition: moulding\n[t]O[u]G[h]E[n]E[d] \u2013 I think I learned this word from crosswords"} {"Clue":"One reportedly defames northern folk (10)","Answer":"ICELANDERS","Explanation":"Definition: northern folk\nSounds like [reportedly] I [one, as the Queen might say] + SLANDERS [defames]"} {"Clue":"Reviewing cannabis? Mine is excellent (6)","Answer":"TIPTOP","Explanation":"Definition: excellent\nReversal [reviewing] of POT [cannabis] + PIT [mine]"} {"Clue":"Irresistible filling of tenth piece of cake (8)","Answer":"ENTICING","Explanation":"Definition: Irresistible\n[t]ENT[h] + ICING [piece of cake]"} {"Clue":"Achy shaking stopped by iodine, salt and kaolin (5,4)","Answer":"CHINA CLAY","Explanation":"Definition: kaolin\nAnagram [shaking] of ACHY round [stopped by] I [iodine] + NaCl [sodium chloride \u2013 salt]"} {"Clue":"Record in field event reduced by a third (4)","Answer":"DISC","Explanation":"Definition: Record\nDISC[us] [field event]"} {"Clue":"Argument about bathroom fittings (4)","Answer":"TAPS","Explanation":"Definition: bathroom fittings\nReversal [about] of SPAT [argument]"} {"Clue":"It could be William Spooner's cherished reputation (5,4)","Answer":"FIRST NAME","Explanation":"Definition: It could be William\n'Nursed fame' \u2013 Spooner's cherished reputation: as one who isn't usually fond of\u00a0 Spoonerisms, I liked this one!"} {"Clue":"Ridiculous ringtone is a gas! (8)","Answer":"NITROGEN","Explanation":"Definition: a gas\nAnagram [ridiculous] of RINGTONE"} {"Clue":"She doesn't appear to eat innards of fowl (2-4)","Answer":"NO-SHOW","Explanation":"Definition: She doesn't appear\nNOSH [to eat] + [f]OW[l] \u2013 a typical Arachne clue!"} {"Clue":"Celebrities dropping litter at Ickworth House (10)","Answer":"GLITTERATI","Explanation":"Definition: Celebrities\nWell hidden in droppinG LITTER AT Ickworth"} {"Clue":"Obsequious Oscar is sly when abandoning ship (4)","Answer":"OILY","Explanation":"Definition: Obsequious\nO [Oscar \u2013 phonetic alphabet] + I[s s]LY [abandoning ss \u2013 ship]"} {"Clue":"Live on border (6)","Answer":"RESIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Live\nRE [on] + SIDE [border]"} {"Clue":"Animal rights dividing supporters (6)","Answer":"FERRET","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\nRR [rights] in FEET [supporters]"} {"Clue":"Males in court case (5)","Answer":"CHEST","Explanation":"Definition: case\nHES [males] in CT [court]"} {"Clue":"Pair doctored photo of a Greek god (7)","Answer":"PRIAPIC","Explanation":"Definition: of a Greek god\nAnagram [doctored] of PAIR + PIC [photo]"} {"Clue":"Scottish football team loves red suit (6)","Answer":"HEARTS","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish football teamlovesred suit\nTriple definition \u2013 the middle one as in 'I \"heart\" New York' on T-shirts"} {"Clue":"Disconcert discounter discounting small discount (9)","Answer":"REDUCTION","Explanation":"Definition: discount\nAnagram [disconcert] of DI[s]COUNTER [discounting s \u2013 small]"} {"Clue":"Corbyn: \"I struggle to be broodingly handsome\" (7)","Answer":"BYRONIC","Explanation":"Definition: broodingly handsome\nAnagram [struggle] of CORBYN I \u2013 a brilliant surface and one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"Power outage, possible source of conflict (10,3)","Answer":"GENERATION GAP","Explanation":"Definition: possible source of conflict\nCryptic definition: a power cut\/outage could be a gap in generation"} {"Clue":"Complaint of writer about the British clearing banks (9)","Answer":"NEPHRITIS","Explanation":"Definition: Complaint\nReversal [about] of PEN [writer] + [t]H[e] [b]RITIS[h] [minus first and last letters \u2013 banks]"} {"Clue":"Elitist rifle range welcoming dilettante (7)","Answer":"TRIFLER","Explanation":"Definition: dilettante\nHidden in elitisT RIFLE Range"} {"Clue":"English teacher and students getting up when day breaks (7)","Answer":"SUNRISE","Explanation":"Definition: when day breaks\nReversal [getting up] of E [English] SIR [teacher] + NUS [National Union of Students]"} {"Clue":"Low walls of national interest illuminated by night (7)","Answer":"MOONLIT","Explanation":"Definition: illuminated by night\nMOO [low] + N[ationa]L I[nteres]T"} {"Clue":"Accepted a good vibrator (6)","Answer":"AGREED","Explanation":"Definition: Accepted\nA G [good] REED [vibrator]"} {"Clue":"Trail of droppings leads to shamefaced Rupert Bear (5)","Answer":"SPOOR","Explanation":"Definition: Trail\nFirst letters [leads] of Shamefaced Rupert round [bear] POO [droppings] \u2013 brilliant\u00a0 construction and surface and another favourite"} {"Clue":"Closed hand around broken nail, one of only two left? (8)","Answer":"FINALIST","Explanation":"Definition: one of only two left?\nFIST [closed hand] round an anagram [broken] of NAIL"} {"Clue":"Pub shortly has wine locked up (2,4)","Answer":"IN HOCK","Explanation":"Definition: locked up\nIN[n] [pub shortly] + HOCK [wine]"} {"Clue":"Applied to have role as a hobbit? (6)","Answer":"BETOOK","Explanation":"Definition: Applied\nBE TOOK [have role as a hobbit]"} {"Clue":"Critical interpretation of sacrifice of six geese (8)","Answer":"EXEGESIS","Explanation":"Definition: Critical interpretation\nAnagram [sacrifice] of SIX GEESE"} {"Clue":"African natives have information to announce (4)","Answer":"GNUS","Explanation":"Definition: African natives\nSounds like [to announce] NEWS [information] \u2013 I think I've given the link to Flanders and Swann's Gnu song once too often"} {"Clue":"Going back, regret road is up (10)","Answer":"RETROGRADE","Explanation":"Definition: Going back\nAnagram [up] of REGRET ROAD"} {"Clue":"One's cooler outside a hot city (7)","Answer":"ISFAHAN","Explanation":"Definition: city\nI'S [one's] + FAN [cooler] round A H [hot] \u2013 I didn't immediately remember this old capital of Persia but the wordplay is very clear"} {"Clue":"Failed to notice any females, in short \u2026 (4-3)","Answer":"SAWN-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: short\nSAW NO [failed to notice any] FF [females]"} {"Clue":"none distinguished, anyway (3,3,4)","Answer":"ALL THE SAME","Explanation":"Definition: none distinguishedanyway\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Stroke, making murmuring sound (4)","Answer":"COUP","Explanation":"Definition: Stroke\nSounds like coo [makes murmuring sound]"} {"Clue":"Look into deep cuts in protective wear (8)","Answer":"GALOSHES","Explanation":"Definition: protective wear\nLO [look] in GASHES [deep cuts]"} {"Clue":"One given orders to prepare exhibition (6)","Answer":"CURATE","Explanation":"Definition: One given ordersprepare exhibition\nDouble definition: a curate is a 'clerk in holy orders'; we don't usually see curate as a verb \u2013 Chambers gives it as a back-formation from curator and Collins doesn't give it as a verb at all; most interestingly, I found that, in Ireland, a curate is an assistant barman \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Head of college endlessly excited by study (6)","Answer":"WARDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Head of college\nI'm not sure about this: is it WAR[m]? [excited??] + DEN [study]"} {"Clue":"Spirit doubly applied to my game (3,5)","Answer":"GIN RUMMY","Explanation":"Definition: game\nGIN RUM [spirit doubly] + MY"} {"Clue":"Accidentally reveal one is freely available? (4,7,4)","Answer":"GIVE ONESELF AWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Accidentally reveal\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Death sentence widely publicised? (6,4,5)","Answer":"FAMOUS LAST WORDS","Explanation":"And a better one \u2013 I like the 'death sentence'"} {"Clue":"Watch and record celebrity welcome (6,4)","Answer":"TICKER TAPE","Explanation":"Definition: celebrity welcome\nTICKER [watch] + TAPE [record]"} {"Clue":"Directs rising model to enter, this far ahead? (7)","Answer":"STREETS","Explanation":"Definition: this far ahead?\nT [model] in a reversal [rising] of STEERS [directs]"} {"Clue":"Nuclear reactor is a singular source of discomfort (4)","Answer":"PILE","Explanation":"Definition: Nuclear reactora singular source of discomfort\nDouble definition \u2013 second cryptic: as Imogen suggests, the source of discomfort is usually plural! [and only that way in Collins]"} {"Clue":"Bewildering situation, as recurring itches need treatment (5-4,6)","Answer":"THREE-RING-CIRCUS","Explanation":"Definition: Bewildering situation\nNeat anagram [needing treatment] of RECURRING ITCHES"} {"Clue":"Composition of contemporary youth (1,5,2,3,4)","Answer":"A CHILD OF OUR TIME","Explanation":"Definition: Compositioncontemporary youth\nDouble definition, referring to\u00a0the oratorio by Sir Michael Tippett"} {"Clue":"Pearly ring with faint odour (10)","Answer":"OPALESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Pearly\nO [ring] + PALE [faint] + SCENT [odour]"} {"Clue":"Journey in a ship covered by part of journal (7)","Answer":"PASSAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Journey\nA SS [a ship] in PAGE [part of journal]"} {"Clue":"Tuft that is missing from tissue (4)","Answer":"HANK","Explanation":"Definition: Tuft\nHANK[ie] [tissue] with i.e. \u2013 that is \u2013 missing"} {"Clue":"Angry bishop's sick bird (9)","Answer":"CROSSBILL","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nCROSS {angry] + B [bishop] + ILL [sick]"} {"Clue":"Father first meeting detective treads carefully (4)","Answer":"PADS","Explanation":"Definition: treads carefully\nPA [father] + DS [detective sergeant]"} {"Clue":"Struggle endlessly to get popular anticoagulant (8)","Answer":"WARFARIN","Explanation":"Definition: anticoagulant\nWARFAR[e[ [struggle endlessly] + IN [popular]"} {"Clue":"Crosses water around the opening of Jutland's long inlets (6)","Answer":"FJORDS","Explanation":"Definition: long inlets\nFORDS [crosses water] round J[utland]"} {"Clue":"Supports brother facing champions (6)","Answer":"BRACES","Explanation":"Definition: Supports\nBR [brother] + ACES [champions]"} {"Clue":"More space for luggage found by fellow reversing vehicle into castle (4,4)","Answer":"ROOF RACK","Explanation":"Definition: More space for luggage\nF [fellow] + a reversal of CAR in ROOK [castle]"} {"Clue":"A-Z returned to German concerned with British capital (6)","Answer":"ZAGREB","Explanation":"Definition: capital\nA reversal [returned] of AZ + G [German] + RE [concerned with] + B British"} {"Clue":"Heartless scarlet woman starts to trace ancestry in family trees (8)","Answer":"STEMMATA","Explanation":"Definition: family trees\nS[carle]T + EMMA [woman] + first letters [starts] of Trace Ancestry"} {"Clue":"Cost faced by prude drinking cold tea cocktail (5,3)","Answer":"PRICE TAG","Explanation":"Definition: Cost faced\nPRIG [prude] round [drinking] C [cold] + an anagram [cocktail] of TEA"} {"Clue":" Strong language mostly found in grotty accommodation (6)","Answer":"STURDY","Explanation":"Definition: Strong\nURD[u] [language mostly] in STY [grotty accommodation]"} {"Clue":"Strong EU negotiations with Scotland's leader (8)","Answer":"STURGEON","Explanation":"Definition: Scotland's leader\nAnagram [negotiations] of STRONG EU \u2013 great surface!"} {"Clue":"Short skirt worn by one currying favour (6)","Answer":"MINION","Explanation":"Definition: one currying favour\nMINI ON [short skirt worn]"} {"Clue":"How to maintain advantage associated with river habitat for wildlife? (8)","Answer":"HEDGEROW","Explanation":"Definition: habitat for wildlife?\nHOW round [to maintain] EDGE [advantage] + R [river]"} {"Clue":"Interlocking pattern seen in some shapes (4)","Answer":"MESH","Explanation":"Definition: Interlocking pattern\nContained in soME SHapes"} {"Clue":"Swollen stomach beginning to extrude \u2014 and smell! (9)","Answer":"TUMESCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Swollen\nTUM [stomach] + E[xtrude] + SCENT [smell]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"One making a contribution to cleaner furniture? (5)","Answer":"CHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: furniture\nI [one] in CHAR [cleaner]"} {"Clue":"Policewoman, maybe, in charge during proposal (7)","Answer":"OFFICER","Explanation":"Definition: Policewoman, maybe\nIC [in charge] in OFFER [proposal] \u2013 an Arachne-style clue!"} {"Clue":"Setter wearing beheaded emperor's garments (5)","Answer":"SARIS","Explanation":"Definition: garments\nI [setter] in [wearing] [t]SARS [beheaded emperor's]"} {"Clue":"Faulty drains blocked by new entrails (7)","Answer":"INNARDS","Explanation":"Definition: entrails\nAnagram [faulty] of DRAINS round [blocked by] N [new]"} {"Clue":"Partners without English paper have food that's not eaten (4,5)","Answer":"LEFT OVERS","Explanation":"Definition: food that's not eaten\nLOVERS [partners] round [without] E [English] FT [Financial Times \u2013 paper]"} {"Clue":"Instructions for computer supporting good memory (7)","Answer":"PROGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Instructions for computer\nPRO [supporting] + G [good] + RAM [memory]"} {"Clue":"Devoted doctor died before animal given drug departed (9)","Answer":"DEDICATED","Explanation":"Definition: Devoted\nAnagram [doctor] of DIED + CAT [animal] + E [drug] + D [departed? \u2013 I'm not\u00a0sure about this: Chambers gives 'departs']"} {"Clue":"Offensive tunes found on children's transport (9)","Answer":"AIRSTRIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Offensive\nAIRS [tunes] + TRIKE [children's transport]"} {"Clue":"across Fans of a dairy product set aside vegetables (9,6)","Answer":"BUTTERNUT SQUASH","Explanation":"Definition: vegetables\nBUTTER NUTS [fans of a dairy product] + QUASH [set aside]"} {"Clue":"Grain is given to husband from Penzance (7)","Answer":"CORNISH","Explanation":"Definition: from Penzance\nCORN [grain] + IS + H [husband] \u2013 I think the clue needs a question mark, for definition by example"} {"Clue":"Fabric lining bulging hamper (7)","Answer":"GINGHAM","Explanation":"Definition: Fabric\nContained in bulGING HAMper \u2013 I like this clue, because picnic hampers often **are** lined with gingham"} {"Clue":"British university left with half of 11's instrument (7)","Answer":"UKULELE","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\nUK [British] + U [university] + L [left] + ELE[ven]"} {"Clue":"Factions meet in confused island uprising (5)","Answer":"SIDES","Explanation":"Definition: Factions\nHidden reversal [uprising] in confuSED ISland"} {"Clue":"Sunday drink leads to fun and games (5)","Answer":"SPORT","Explanation":"Definition: fun and games\nS [Sunday] + PORT [drink]"} {"Clue":"Cheers beginning in Pennsylvania, America saw British in retreat (7,2)","Answer":"BOTTOMS UP","Explanation":"Definition: Cheers\nA reversal [in retreat] of P[ennsylvania] US [America] MOTTO [saw] B [British]"} {"Clue":"Land between mountains with northern adventurer (5)","Answer":"GLENN","Explanation":"Definition: adventurer\nGLEN [land between mountains] + N [northern]\u00a0 \u2013 an easy entry, from both definition and wordplay, into the theme"} {"Clue":"Potential Mount Everest, primarily for adventurer (5)","Answer":"FOALE","Explanation":"Definition: adventurer\nFOAL [potential mount] + E[verest]"} {"Clue":"Adventurer who packs a punch? (9)","Answer":"ARMSTRONG","Explanation":"Definition: Adventurer\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Spooner's dance with 10, rational figure (4,6)","Answer":"REAL NUMBER","Explanation":"Definition: rational figure\nMy heart always sinks when I\u00a0 see Spooner's name in a clue \u2013 perhaps especially in a Paul puzzle \u2013 and I really objected to this one, as I initially [stupidly] read it as 'reel' [dance] + 10 [number]\u00a0 \u2013\u00a0 a homophone, not a Spoonerism! [and a rather poor clue!].\u00a0 An\u00a0indignant appeal to Gaufrid led to a gentle nudge towards '10 across'\u00a0 [ARMSTRONG \u2013\u00a0 ie Neil] + rumba [dance]\u00a0: egg on my face \u2013\u00a0\u00a0but I still don't have to like it \u2013 sorry, Paul\u00a0\ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":" Note success after first from Cambridge (4)","Answer":"CHIT","Explanation":"Definition: Note\nC[ambridge] + HIT [success]"} {"Clue":"In spirit, the stuff feeding culture for an adventurer (7)","Answer":"GAGARIN","Explanation":"Definition: adventurer\nAGAR [the stuff feeding culture \u2013 a jelly used in bacteria-culture] in GIN [spirit]"} {"Clue":"Fizzy diet drinks cold, each a cold drink (4,3)","Answer":"ICED TEA","Explanation":"Definition: cold drink\nAnagram [fizzy] of DIET round [drinks] C [cold] + EA [each]"} {"Clue":"Possible source of wind resistance in jets (7)","Answer":"SPROUTS","Explanation":"Definition: Possible source of wind\nR [resistance] in SPOUTS [jets]"} {"Clue":"Change round Lithuanian and Latvian capitals, as adventurer (7)","Answer":"COLLINS","Explanation":"COINS [change] round L[ithuanian] L[atvian]"} {"Clue":"Adventurer here, OK with vast ground (10)","Answer":"TERESHKOVA","Explanation":"Definition: Adventurer\nAnagram [ground] of HERE OK and VAST"} {"Clue":"A 20 needing no cab? (9)","Answer":"PIGGYBACK","Explanation":"Definition: A 20\nAn indirect clue: 20ac is 'ride' and you need to reverse [BACK] 'no cab' to produce 'bacon' [PIGGY]"} {"Clue":" Not moving yet (5)","Answer":"STILL","Explanation":"Definition: Not movingyet\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Two prepare for impact (5)","Answer":"BRACE","Explanation":"Definition: Twoprepare for impact\nDouble definition \u2013 I hope I haven't had to do this by the time you read this!"} {"Clue":"Writer indeed struggling with books, financially needing others (9)","Answer":"DEPENDENT","Explanation":"Definition: financially needing others\nPEN [writer] in an anagram [struggling] of DEED + NT [books] \u2013 not everyone likes this 'indeed' device but I have no objection\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Very much cake, case of forty or fifty eaten up (2,3)","Answer":"BY FAR","Explanation":"Definition: Very much\nFY [outside letters \u2013 'case' \u2013 of FortY or FiftY] reversed in [eaten up by] BAR [cake \u2013 eg of soap \u2013 which inevitably calls to mind Rufus' classic clue\u00a0 'bar of soap'\u00a0 for ROVER'S RETURN]"} {"Clue":"Sailor welcomes artillery and flag waving in battle (9)","Answer":"TRAFALGAR","Explanation":"Definition: battle\nTAR [sailor] round RA [Royal Artillery] + an anagram [waving] of FLAG"} {"Clue":"Our cinema's about to screen a display of marine life (10)","Answer":"OCEANARIUM","Explanation":"Definition: display of marine life\nAnagram [about] of OUR CINEMA round [to screen] A"} {"Clue":"Priest about right as adventurer (7)","Answer":"SHARMAN","Explanation":"Definition: adventurer\nSHAMAN [priest] round R [right]"} {"Clue":"Couple after Macedonian leader in Alexander, say, finding buried treasure in Italy? (7)","Answer":"POMPEII","Explanation":"Definition: buried treasure in Italy?\nII [couple] after M[acedonian] in POPE [Alexander, say \u2013 either the poet or one of the popes named Alexander]"} {"Clue":"Sound way to walk in door (4)","Answer":"GATE","Explanation":"Definition: door\nSounds like gait \u2013 way to walk"} {"Clue":"Biblical character, one turning on the house of God (5)","Answer":"ENOCH","Explanation":"Definition: Biblical character\nreversal [turning] of ONE + CH [church \u2013 the house of God]"} {"Clue":"Bedtime drinks for birds (9)","Answer":"NIGHTJARS","Explanation":"Definition: birds\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Spring chicken's top and stockings new, carefully selected (4-6)","Answer":"WELL-CHOSEN","Explanation":"Definition: carefully selected\nWELL [spring] + C[hicken] + HOSE [stockings] + N [new]"} {"Clue":"Eatery, however briefly, left sink upside down (9)","Answer":"GASTROPUB","Explanation":"Definition: Eatery\nReversal [upside down] of BU[t] [however, briefly] + PORT [left] + SAG [sink]"} {"Clue":"Ingesting tail of pterodactyl, three taste a fossilised arthropod (9)","Answer":"TRILOBITE","Explanation":"Definition: arthropod\nTRIO [three] round [ingesting] [pterodacty]L + BITE [taste]"} {"Clue":"Normal to jettison sandwiches as adventurer (7)","Answer":"SHEPARD","Explanation":"SHED [jettison] round [sandwiches] PAR [normal]"} {"Clue":"Reportedly, European happy to provide dental appointment (5-2)","Answer":"CHECK-UP","Explanation":"Definition: dental appointment\nSounds like [reportedly] Czech [European] + UP [happy]"} {"Clue":"Belief in female setter, perhaps? (5)","Answer":"DOGMA","Explanation":"Definition: Belief\nDOG MA [female setter, perhaps]"} {"Clue":"Very much to say is set aside (5)","Answer":"ALLOT","Explanation":"Definition: set aside\nSounds like [to say] A LOT [very much]"} {"Clue":"Pumped-up Lebanese port? (4)","Answer":"TYRE","Explanation":"Definition: Lebanese port?\nCryptic definition \u2013 and I can't not refer to my\u00a0treasured \u00a0Rufus clue \u2013\u00a0from eight years ago, I find! \u2013 for me, his best ever, I think: 'Gluttons may have one; Alexander the Great didn't (5,4)'"} {"Clue":"Boss promises to be hard-working (8)","Answer":"STUDIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: hard-working\nSTUD [boss] + IOUS [promises to pay]"} {"Clue":"Bird returns like this to quarry (6)","Answer":"OSPREY","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nA reversal [returns] of SO [like this] + PREY [quarry]"} {"Clue":"Show amusement as Romeo is caught in a trap (4)","Answer":"GRIN","Explanation":"Definition: Show amusement\nR [Romeo] in GIN [trap]"} {"Clue":"Alcohol in science fiction always gives beastly sickness (5,5)","Answer":"SWINE FEVER","Explanation":"Definition: beastly sickness\nWINE [alcohol] in SF [science fiction] + EVER [always]"} {"Clue":"Bob has to fasten item of clothing (3,3)","Answer":"BOW TIE","Explanation":"Definition: item of clothing\nBOW [bob] + TIE [fasten]"} {"Clue":"Change of rota has municipality in outrage (8)","Answer":"ATROCITY","Explanation":"Definition: outrage\nAnagram [change] of ROTA + CITY [municipality]"} {"Clue":"Knight invested in gleaming decorations (6)","Answer":"FINERY","Explanation":"Definition: decorations\nN [knight \u2013 chess notation] in FIERY [gleaming?]"} {"Clue":"Take exception to Egyptian leader retiring (6)","Answer":"DEMURE","Explanation":"Definition: retiring\nDEMUR [take exception] + E[gyptian]"} {"Clue":"The Italian girl has a party in the Land of Promise (2,6)","Answer":"EL DORADO","Explanation":"Definition: Land of Promise\nEL [the \u2013 but in Spanish, not Italian?] + DORA [girl] + DO [party]"} {"Clue":"Measures spasms appearing after operation (6)","Answer":"OPTICS","Explanation":"Definition: Measures\nTICS [spasms] after OP[eration]"} {"Clue":"Plunder left for killjoy (10)","Answer":"SPOILSPORT","Explanation":"Definition: killjoy\nSPOILS [plunder] + PORT [left]"} {"Clue":"Gloria's heartless greeting (4)","Answer":"HALO","Explanation":"Definition: Gloria\nHA[l]LO [heartless greeting]"} {"Clue":"Top man to kill in the US (6)","Answer":"BODICE","Explanation":"Definition: Top\nBOD [man] + ICE [to kill in the US] \u2013 which I learned from crosswords"} {"Clue":"Tiny tree ruined forever (8)","Answer":"ETERNITY","Explanation":"Definition: forever\nAnagram [ruined] of TINY TREE\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Go for prominent aristocrat (5,3)","Answer":"START OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Go\nSTAR [prominent] + TOFF [aristocrat]"} {"Clue":"Ulster party rejected god (4)","Answer":"ODIN","Explanation":"Definition: god\nA reversal [rejected] of NI [Northern Ireland \u2013 now generally accepted in Crosswordland as Ulster] + DO [party \u2013 again]"} {"Clue":"Rodent eating Sunday's dessert (6)","Answer":"MOUSSE","Explanation":"Definition: dessert\nMOUSE [rodent] round S [Sunday]"} {"Clue":"Happen space traveller has regret (4,4)","Answer":"COME TRUE","Explanation":"Definition: Happen\nCOMET [space traveller] + RUE [regret]"} {"Clue":"Stimulant initially could blight the aristocracy (5,5)","Answer":"UPPER CRUST}","Explanation":"Definition: aristocracy\nUPPER\u00a0 [stimulant] + C[ould] + RUST [blight]"} {"Clue":"Ruler, for example, fills the breach (6)","Answer":"REGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Ruler\nEG [for example] in RENT [breach] \u2013 a neat surface"} {"Clue":"April's novel corkscrew (6)","Answer":"SPIRAL","Explanation":"Definition: corkscrew\nAnagram [novel] of APRILS"} {"Clue":"It isn't done to fabricate a complaint (10)","Answer":"TENDONITIS","Explanation":"Definition: complaint\nAnagram [to fabricate] of IT ISNT DONE"} {"Clue":"A copper involved in roll in sports car (8)","Answer":"ROADSTER","Explanation":"Definition: sports car\nA D [a penny \u2013 copper] in ROSTER [roll]"} {"Clue":"Intensify destruction of a celesta (8)","Answer":"ESCALATE","Explanation":"Definition: Intensify\nANAGRAM [destruction] of A CELESTA"} {"Clue":"Gloomy king beset by wild animal (6)","Answer":"MOROSE","Explanation":"Definition: Gloomy\nR [king] in MOOSE [wild animal]"} {"Clue":"Student gets suitable work for computer (6)","Answer":"LAPTOP","Explanation":"Definition: computer\nL [student] + APT [suitable] + OP [work]"} {"Clue":"Shop's exit (6)","Answer":"OUTLET","Explanation":"Definition: Shopexit\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Deer's posterior (4)","Answer":"HIND","Explanation":"Definition: Deer posterior\nAnd another"} {"Clue":"Beloved disciple's pain St Peter fails to comprehend (8,3)","Answer":"TEACHER\u2019S PET","Explanation":"Definition: Beloved disciple\nAnagram [fails] of ST PETER round ACHE [pain] \u2013 I love the definition and surface"} {"Clue":"Electrical equipment: ___ die? (7)","Answer":"ADAPT","Explanation":"Definition: Electrical equipment\nADAPT OR \u2013 a reference to the phrase 'adapt or die', variously attributed"} {"Clue":"Succeeded with valour to banish a destructive force (7)","Answer":"SCOURGE","Explanation":"Definition: destructive force\nS [succeeded] + COUR[a]GE [valour \u2013 minus a]"} {"Clue":"Toss a clue around: no hope here (4,5)","Answer":"LOST CAUSE","Explanation":"Definition: no hope here\nAnagram [around] of TOSS A CLUE"} {"Clue":"Might start to pursue debtor (5)","Answer":"POWER","Explanation":"Definition: Might\nP[ursue] + OWER [debtor]"} {"Clue":"Doctor comes to a stop (4)","Answer":"WHOA","Explanation":"Definition: stop\nWHO [doctor] + A"} {"Clue":"Don't be fooled by such clothing (3-7)","Answer":"SEE-THROUGH","Explanation":"Definition: Don't be fooledsuch clothing\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Ponder aloud slur on tense middle-class enclave (6,4)","Answer":"MUESLI BELT","Explanation":"Definition: middle-class enclave\nMUES [sounds like \u2013 aloud \u2013 muse {ponder}] + LIBEL {slur] + T [tense]"} {"Clue":"Very elated? Surely not, in this (4)","Answer":"SOUP","Explanation":"Definition: Very elated? Surely not, in this\nSo [very] UP [elated]"} {"Clue":"Work team \u00a0manage \u00a0to move fast \u00a0to change\u00a0 dress (5)","Answer":"SHIFT","Explanation":"Definition: Work teammanagemove fast \u00a0changedress\nA very impressive quintuple definition \u2013 and the surface makes perfect sense: bravo Imogen!"} {"Clue":"O, go for a ride to see cultural event! (4,5)","Answer":"RING CYCLE","Explanation":"Definition: cultural event\nRING [O] + CYCLE [go for a ride]"} {"Clue":"Sort of bomber in the south: duck! (7)","Answer":"STEALTH","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of bomber\nTEAL [duck] in STH [south]"} {"Clue":"Receiving caning at last, roughly on the bottom (7)","Answer":"AGROUND","Explanation":"Definition: on the bottom\nAROUND [roughly] round [canin]G"} {"Clue":"Frank, a father who feels he's a woman? (11)","Answer":"TRANSPARENT","Explanation":"Definition: Frank\nTRANS PARENT \ud83d\ude09\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Recognise St Thomas and be pleased \u2014 you're improving (5,4,4,2)","Answer":"THAT\u2019S MORE LIKE IT","Explanation":"Definition: you're improving\nTHAT'S MORE [recognise St\/Sir Thomas] + LIKE IT [be pleased]"} {"Clue":"Ornamental frame chipped on both sides in lumber room, perhaps (5)","Answer":"ATTIC","Explanation":"Definition: lumber room, perhaps\n[l]ATTIC[e] [ornamental frame]"} {"Clue":"Announce that woman's clothing is covered in hair (7)","Answer":"HIRSUTE","Explanation":"Definition: covered in hair\nSounds like [announce] her [woman's] suit [clothing]"} {"Clue":"Relax, employing muscle to get deference (7)","Answer":"RESPECT","Explanation":"Definition: deference\nREST [relax] round PEC [muscle]"} {"Clue":"Magician's power shortening both names of one-time presidential candidate (8)","Answer":"PROSPERO","Explanation":"Definition: Magician\nP [power] + ROS[s] PERO[t] [presidential candidate]\u00a0 \u2013 a brilliant clue, since the pronunciation is the same"} {"Clue":"Refuse to try blanket from bed \u2014 say you are covered (5,3,2,5)","Answer":"THROW OUT OF COURT","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse to try\nTHROW [blanket] + OUT OF COT [from bed] round UR [say 'you are']"} {"Clue":"Overturning rule \"vulgar to indulge immoderately\" (6)","Answer":"WALLOW","Explanation":"Definition: indulge immoderately\nReversal [overturning] of LAW [rule] + LOW [vulgar] \u2013 I'm sorry but I can't see\/hear this word without being reminded of this"} {"Clue":"Lack sweet touch, having no heart (6)","Answer":"DEARTH","Explanation":"Definition: Lack\nDEAR [sweet] + T[ouc]H"} {"Clue":"Putting in big quantity, stuff a set of vessels (8)","Answer":"FLOTILLA","Explanation":"Definition: set of vessels\nLOT [big quantity] in FILL A [stuff a]"} {"Clue":"Reflect about one's bad treatment (6)","Answer":"MISUSE","Explanation":"Definition: bad treatment\nMUSE [reflect] round I'S [one's]"} {"Clue":"Simpson: he's a structuralist (7)","Answer":"BARTHES","Explanation":"Definition: structuralist\nBART [Simpson] + HE'S"} {"Clue":"In a real pickle \u2014 it's unreadable (6,1)","Answer":"LINEAR A","Explanation":"Definition: it's unreadable\nAnagram [pickle] of IN A REAL"} {"Clue":"Fake subs travelling up into river (6)","Answer":"PSEUDO","Explanation":"Definition: Fake\nReversal [travelling up] of DUES [subs] in PO [river]"} {"Clue":"Fixes for son to get a small promotion? Damn! (5)","Answer":"CURSE","Explanation":"Definition: Damn!\nCURES [fixes] with the S moving up one place [a small promotion]"} {"Clue":"Fancy address outside the capital in Norway (6)","Answer":"ORNATE","Explanation":"Definition: Fancy\nORATE [address] round N[orway] \u2013 this doesn't quite work for me, as address is a transitive verb and orate is intransitive"} {"Clue":"Spot representative in stately home (6)","Answer":"PIMPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Spot\nMP [Member of Parliament \u2013 representative] in PILE [stately home]"} {"Clue":"Son caught in trap? Retreat! (4)","Answer":"NEST","Explanation":"Definition: Retreat\nS [son] in NET [trap]"} {"Clue":"Control put forward and brought back (10)","Answer":"REINSTATED","Explanation":"Definition: brought back\nREIN [control] + STATED [put forward]"} {"Clue":"The old man's wife's born a Native American (6)","Answer":"PAWNEE","Explanation":"Definition: Native American\nPA [the old man] + W [wife] + N\u00c9E [born]"} {"Clue":"Fighter to study the alternative (8)","Answer":"TOREADOR","Explanation":"Definition: Fighter\nTO READ [to study] + OR [the alternative]"} {"Clue":"Chastened about jailed worker (9)","Answer":"REPENTANT","Explanation":"Definition: Chastened\nRE [about] + PENT [jailed] + ANT [worker]"} {"Clue":"Beastly home earl finds a 7 (4)","Answer":"STYE","Explanation":"Definition: 7\nSTY [beastly home] + E [earl] \u2013 the answer to 7dn is EYESORE"} {"Clue":"I stay true, prepared for great self-denial (9)","Answer":"AUSTERITY","Explanation":"Definition: great self-denial\nAnagram [prepared] of I STAY TRUE"} {"Clue":"Charlie wakes up and makes merry (8)","Answer":"CAROUSES","Explanation":"Definition: makes merry\nC [Charlie \u2013 phonetic alphabet] + AROUSES [wakes up]"} {"Clue":"The way tripe's cooked shows pizzazz (6)","Answer":"ESPRIT","Explanation":"Definition: pizzazz\nAnagram [cooked] of TRIPES"} {"Clue":"An uproar during applause for old Roman sportsman (10)","Answer":"CHARIOTEER","Explanation":"Definition: old Roman sportsman\nA RIOT [an uproar] in CHEER [applause]"} {"Clue":"Rob finds Oscar in crowd (4)","Answer":"LOOT","Explanation":"Definition: Rob\nO [Oscar \u2013 phonetic alphabet again] in LOT [crowd]"} {"Clue":"Travelled to get free study (6)","Answer":"RIDDEN","Explanation":"Definition: Travelled\nRID [free] + DEN [study]"} {"Clue":"Beautiful cheerleader gets distinction! See! (6)","Answer":"COMELY","Explanation":"Definition: Beautiful\nC[heer] + OM [Order of Merit \u2013 distinction] + ELY [the familiar crossword see]"} {"Clue":"Perform works by Lawrence (7)","Answer":"OPERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Perform\nOPERA [works] + T E [Lawrence \u2013 of Arabia]"} {"Clue":"Impossible idea one's given up (3,2)","Answer":"NOT ON","Explanation":"Definition: Impossible\nNOT[i]ON [idea] minus [given up] I [one]"} {"Clue":"People in the wrong producing annoyance (7)","Answer":"TORMENT","Explanation":"Definition: annoyance\nMEN [people] in TORT [wrong] \u2013 'annoyance' seems a rather mild definition"} {"Clue":"Still retaining Sunday supplement (6)","Answer":"INSERT","Explanation":"Definition: supplement\nINERT [still] round S [Sunday]"} {"Clue":"Give fake gold to pretentious character (4-5)","Answer":"PLAY ACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: pretentious character\nPLAY [give \u2013 in the sense of freedom of movement, resilience] + ACT [fake] + OR [gold]"} {"Clue":"English leader agreed foreign money is a blight (7)","Answer":"EYESORE","Explanation":"Definition: blight\nE[nglish] + YES [agreed] + ORE [Scandinavian currency \u2013 foreign money]"} {"Clue":"Made out to be famous (13)","Answer":"DISTINGUISHED","Explanation":"Definition: Made outfamous\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"In love with exotic demeanour (9)","Answer":"ENAMOURED","Explanation":"Definition: In love\nAnagram [exotic] of DEMEANOUR]"} {"Clue":"King conceals the hide (7)","Answer":"LEATHER","Explanation":"Definition: hide\nLEAR [king] round THE"} {"Clue":"Instrument broken? O, bother! (7)","Answer":"THEORBO","Explanation":"Definition: Instrument\nAnagram [broken] of O BOTHER \u2013 a theorbo is a large double-necked bass lute"} {"Clue":"Attempt to incorporate one book in a cycle (7)","Answer":"TRILOGY","Explanation":"Definition: cycle\nTRY [attempt] round I LOG [one book]"} {"Clue":"Initially, amphibians stay on land (6)","Answer":"ASHORE","Explanation":"Definition: on land\nA{mphibians] + SHORE [stay \u2013 Collins gives 'prop' for both]"} {"Clue":"Food item for one's heart-throb (5)","Answer":"PULSE","Explanation":"Definition: Food itemheart-throb\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Running eccentric kind of swindle (10,5)","Answer":"CONFIDENCE TRICK","Explanation":"Definition: swindle\nAnagram [running] of ECCENTRIC KIND OF"} {"Clue":"Strength of company data starts to convince you (7)","Answer":"COGENCY","Explanation":"Definition: Strength\nCO [company] + GEN [data] + C[onvince] Y[ou]"} {"Clue":"Church stopping dubious sexual activity (7)","Answer":"LECHERY","Explanation":"Definition: sexual activity\nCH [church] in [stopping] LEERY [dubious]"} {"Clue":"Her pa heads off for a time (3)","Answer":"ERA","Explanation":"Definition: time\n[h]ER [p]A"} {"Clue":"Summer activity? (11)","Answer":"MATHEMATICS","Explanation":"Definition: Summer activity?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Noticed his revelling is devoted to pleasure (10)","Answer":"HEDONISTIC","Explanation":"Definition: devoted to pleasure\nAnagram [revelling] of NOTICED HIS"} {"Clue":"Ladies' fingers and thumbs up Rihanna's clothes (4)","Answer":"OKRA","Explanation":"Definition: Ladies' fingers\nOK [thumbs up] + R[ihann]A"} {"Clue":"Revolutionary from the Right is wrong (4)","Answer":"TORT","Explanation":"Definition: wrong\nReversal [from the Right] of TROT [revolutionary]"} {"Clue":"Flatters dull single females (10)","Answer":"BLANDISHES","Explanation":"Definition: Flatters\nBLAND [dull] + I [single] + SHES [females]"} {"Clue":"Idealistic, bone idle male seething in discontented netherworld (5-6)","Answer":"NOBLE-MINDED","Explanation":"Definition: Idealistic\nAnagram [seething] of BONE IDLE M in N[etherworl]D ['discontented']"} {"Clue":"Sister, in turn, nipped out regularly (3)","Answer":"NUN","Explanation":"Definition: Sister\n[i]N [t]U[r]N"} {"Clue":"Cryptic clues are mostly profane (7)","Answer":"SECULAR","Explanation":"Definition: profane\nAnagram [cryptic] of CLUES AR[e]"} {"Clue":"Nice solvers hug Arachne on edges of Edmonton Green (7)","Answer":"ENVIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Green\nVOUS [you \u2013 solvers \u2013 in Nice] round I [Arachne] after E[dmonton]N"} {"Clue":"During marvellous tar sands trip espied colours of America (5,3,7)","Answer":"STARS AND STRIPES","Explanation":"Definition: colours of America\nHidden in marvellouS TAR SANDS TRIP ESpied"} {"Clue":"Spooner's pawned pet for something to wear (6,3)","Answer":"COCKED HAT","Explanation":"Definition: something to wear\nHOCKED [pawned] CAT [pet["} {"Clue":"Scrooge briefly pulling up (7)","Answer":"NIGGARD","Explanation":"Definition: Scrooge\nReversal [up] of DRAGGIN[g] [pulling]"} {"Clue":"Shame of short little chap, embraced by couple extremely naughtily (8)","Answer":"IGNOMINY","Explanation":"Definition: Shame\nGNOM[e] little chap \u2013 short] in II [couple] + N[aughtil]Y"} {"Clue":"Perhaps unknown port in African country (5)","Answer":"EGYPT","Explanation":"Definition: African country\nEG [for example \u2013 perhaps] + Y [unknown]\u00a0 + PT [port \u2013 I was surprised to find this in both Collins and Chambers]"} {"Clue":"Student pass many picked up (9)","Answer":"COLLEGIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Student\nCOL[pass] + LEGIAN [sounds like \u2013 picked up \u2013 legion {many}]"} {"Clue":"It's semaphore, of course (3-3)","Answer":"TIC-TAC","Explanation":"Definition: It's semaphore, of course\nCryptic definition, referring to the sign language used by racecourse bookies"} {"Clue":"Daughters lost to dice and drink in place where blades are used (3,4)","Answer":"ICE RINK","Explanation":"Definition: place where blades are used\n[d]ICE [d]RINK \u2013 daughters lost"} {"Clue":"Woman scrubbing edges of most floors (5)","Answer":"KAYOS","Explanation":"Definition: floors\nKAY [woman] + [m]OS[t]"} {"Clue":"Doggedly continue what ironmonger did, conserving energy (7,2)","Answer":"SOLDIER ON","Explanation":"Definition: Doggedly continue\nSOLD\u00a0 IRON [what ironmonger did] round\u00a0E [energy]"} {"Clue":"They burn croissants, scraping off carbon vigorously (9)","Answer":"ARSONISTS","Explanation":"Definition: They burn\nAnagram [vigorously] of [c]ROISSANTS] minus c [carbon]"} {"Clue":"Discard port, subject to legal constraints (4,4)","Answer":"BIND OVER","Explanation":"Definition: subject to legal constraints\nBIN [discard] DOVER [port]"} {"Clue":"Novel cocktail of beer and cocoa, but no eggs (7)","Answer":"REBECCA","Explanation":"Definition: Novel\nAnagram [cocktail] of BEER and C[o]C[o]A minus the 'eggs'"} {"Clue":"Dog returned, holding letter and pen (7)","Answer":"HENCOOP","Explanation":"Definition: pen\nReversal [returned] of POOCH [dog] round EN [letter]"} {"Clue":"Anglo-Saxon supporting angry cry: \"Greece for the Greeks!\" (6)","Answer":"HELLAS","Explanation":"Definition: \"Greece for the Greeks!\"\nAS [Anglo Saxon] after [supporting, in a down clue] HELL [angry cry]"} {"Clue":"Bouquets of new flowers right away (5)","Answer":"NOSES","Explanation":"Definition: Bouquets\nN [new] + [r]OSES [flowers] minus r [right]"} {"Clue":"Clobber Doctor Seuss, gutted about end of tale (5)","Answer":"DRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Clobber\nDR [doctor] + S[eus]S round [tal]E"} {"Clue":"Tourist, one tangling with traffic initially (9)","Answer":"TRAVELLER","Explanation":"Definition: Tourist\nT[raffic] + RAVELLER [one tangling]"} {"Clue":"I'm leaving, stop breaking my heart? (5)","Answer":"ADIEU","Explanation":"Definition: I'm leaving\nDIE [stop] in [breaking] [p]AU[l] ['my' heart]"} {"Clue":"At home, unknown character occupying new home in Jersey etc (4,3)","Answer":"CHEZ MOI","Explanation":"Definition: At home\nZ [unknown character] in an anagram [new] of HOME in CI [Channel Islands \u2013 Jersey etc]"} {"Clue":"Fool, as in cards (7)","Answer":"JACKASS","Explanation":"Definition: Fool\nAS in JACKS [cards]"} {"Clue":"Stall, as Spanish car (4)","Answer":"SEAT","Explanation":"Definition: StalSpanish car\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Good old girl in a revolutionary, hardly heard? (10)","Answer":"PIANISSIMO","Explanation":"Definition: hardly heard\nPI [good: this is a FAQ \u2013 it's short for 'pious'] + a reversal [revolutionary] of O MISS [old girl] IN A"} {"Clue":"Sell nonsense in head, there's nothing in it (4,3)","Answer":"NULL SET","Explanation":"Definition: there's nothing in it\nAnagram [nonsense] of SELL in NUT [head]"} {"Clue":"Vicious in a swarm, moreover (7)","Answer":"BESIDES","Explanation":"Definition: moreover\nSID [Vicious] in BEES [a swarm]"} {"Clue":"Bearer of gifts controlling racket is an old revolutionary (10)","Answer":"SANDINISTA","Explanation":"Definition: an old revolutionary\nSANTA [bearer of gifts] round DIN [racket] IS"} {"Clue":"Punched by right hand of Dempsey, strong thing felled \u2014 end of fight! (4)","Answer":"KAYO","Explanation":"Definition: end of fight\n[dempse]Y in an anagram [felled] of OAK [strong thing] \u2013 it's actually a reversal: could 'felled' indicate this, do you think?"} {"Clue":"Love in man making beastly noises (7)","Answer":"OINKING","Explanation":"Definition: making beastly noises\nO [love] IN KING [chess man]"} {"Clue":"Tangle in mobile transmitter finally sorted out (7)","Answer":"EMBROIL","Explanation":"Definition: Tangle\nAnagram [sorted out] of MOBILE + [transmitte]R \u2013 the second use of 'tangle', in neither case an anagram indicator"} {"Clue":"In the end, vote was carried \u2014 break down! (5)","Answer":"ERODE","Explanation":"Definition: break down\n[vot]E RODE [was carried]"} {"Clue":"In eating droppings, function as dinosaur (9)","Answer":"IGUANODON","Explanation":"Definition: dinosaur\nIN round [eating] GUANO [droppings] + DO [function]"} {"Clue":"Those hurtful things taken on board, bully can't set on kids (6,3,6)","Answer":"STICKS AND STONES","Explanation":"Definition: Those hurtful things\nAnagram [bully] of CAN'T SET ON KIDS in SS ['taken on board'] \u2013 a reference to the saying' Sticks and stones may break my bones but words \/ names will never hurt me'"} {"Clue":"Broadcast covering party wearing a rigid outfit? (8,4)","Answer":"BASEBALL TEAM","Explanation":"Definition: outfit\nBEAM [broadcast] round BALL [party] in A SET [a rigid] \u2013 this is how the clue appears in my paper: I see the online version has 'American outfit'"} {"Clue":"A leg bandaged by lean skier, perhaps (8)","Answer":"ALPINIST","Explanation":"Definition: skier, perhaps\nA + PIN [leg] in LIST [lean]"} {"Clue":"Roman emperor set empire's rule in bronze (6)","Answer":"TRAJAN","Explanation":"Definition: Roman emperor\nRAJ [empire's rule] in TAN [bronze]"} {"Clue":"Awfully cross, in a stupor (8)","Answer":"NARCOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: stupor\nAnagram [awfully] of CROSS IN A"} {"Clue":"One rule I had lifted for religious festival (6)","Answer":"DIWALI","Explanation":"Definition: religious festival\nA reversal [lifted] of I LAW [one rule] I'D [I had] \u2013 a topical clue: Diwali starts this Sunday"} {"Clue":" 20 18, card of countless torments (5,2,8)","Answer":"CURSE OF SCOTLAND","Explanation":"Definition: 20 18, card \nA lovely anagram [torments] of CARD OF COUNTLESS: there are several explanations of why this refers to the NINE OF DIAMONDS [20,18] \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Lively, seen to keep slowing down (8)","Answer":"SPIRITED","Explanation":"Definition: Lively\nSPIED [seen] round RIT[ardando] [slowing down \u2013 musical term]"} {"Clue":"Having lost semicircular shape, flower is flatter (6,2)","Answer":"BUTTER UP","Explanation":"Definition: flatter\nBUTTER[c]UP [flower] having lost its semicircular letter"} {"Clue":"Tailor so in demand if no member in a suit (4,2,8)","Answer":"NINE OF DIAMONDS","Explanation":"Definition: member in a suit\nAnagram [tailor] of SO IN DEMAND IF NO"} {"Clue":"Girl evidently one of my solutions? (6)","Answer":"INGRID","Explanation":"Definition: Girl\nIN GRID!"} {"Clue":"Hard thing to get live screening working (4)","Answer":"BONE","Explanation":"Definition: Hard thing\nBE [live] round ON [working]"} {"Clue":"Stunt creates leak? Put a plug in it! (8)","Answer":"ESCAPADE","Explanation":"Definition: Stunt\nAD [plug] in ESCAPE [leak]"} {"Clue":"Angel gives revolutionary massage (6)","Answer":"CHERUB","Explanation":"Definition: Angel\nCHE [the inevitable revolutionary] + RUB [massage]"} {"Clue":"Woman at all times is hot and restless (8)","Answer":"FEVERISH","Explanation":"Definition: restless\nF [female \u2013 woman] + EVER [at all times] + IS H [hot]"} {"Clue":"More often than not it's mismatched, my boy! (4-2)","Answer":"ODDS-ON","Explanation":"Definition: More often than not\nODD [mismatched] + SON [my boy] \u2013 I'm puzzled by 'often': I'd have thought it was 'more likely'"} {"Clue":"Reluctant to put ring through strip of wood (5)","Answer":"LOATH","Explanation":"Definition: Reluctant\nO [ring] in LATH [strip of wood]"} {"Clue":"Eliminate east European? That's bad! (6,3)","Answer":"POLISH OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Eliminate\nPOLISH [East European] + OFF [bad]"} {"Clue":"Determined to keep prisoner blowing hot and cold (12)","Answer":"INCONSISTENT","Explanation":"Definition: blowing hot and cold\nCON [prisoner] in INSISTENT [determined]"} {"Clue":"Supply a team reserve (3,2,3,4)","Answer":"PUT ON ONE SIDE","Explanation":"Definition: reserve\nPUT ON [supply] ONE SIDE [a team]"} {"Clue":"Plead for Bury to get grant (9)","Answer":"INTERCEDE","Explanation":"Definition: Plead\nINTER [bury] + CEDE [grant]"} {"Clue":"Influence of Tory boor (5)","Answer":"CLOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Influence\nC [Conservative\u00a0 \u2013 Tory] + LOUT [boor]"} {"Clue":"Resident is ingenuous garaging vintage car (6)","Answer":"NATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Resident\nNAIVE [ingenuous] round T [vintage [Ford] car]"} {"Clue":"Helped blockhead get first edition (8)","Answer":"ASSISTED","Explanation":"Definition: Helped\nASS [blockhead] + IST [first] + ED [edition]"} {"Clue":"Distinction is a surprising result (6)","Answer":"LUSTRE","Explanation":"Definition: Distinction\nAnagram [surprising] of RESULT"} {"Clue":"Loyal rep excited to take part in training (4,4)","Answer":"ROLE PLAY","Explanation":"Definition: take part in training\nAnagram [excited] of LOYAL REP\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Clasp and fondle naughtily (6)","Answer":"ENFOLD","Explanation":"Definition: Clasp\nAnagram [naughtily] of FONDLE"} {"Clue":"The way to enter vehicle showing delicacy (6)","Answer":"CAVIAR","Explanation":"Definition: delicacy\nVIA [the way] in CAR [vehicle]"} {"Clue":"Correspondence at that time over ancient temple (9)","Answer":"PARTHENON","Explanation":"Definition: ancient temple\nPAR [correspondence] + THEN [at that time] + ON [over]"} {"Clue":"Daughter's chosen to be gutted (12)","Answer":"DISAPPOINTED","Explanation":"Definition: gutted\nD IS [daughter is] + APPOINTED [chosen]"} {"Clue":"Section broken off sunglasses? Hell! (5)","Answer":"HADES","Explanation":"Definition: Hell\n[s]HADES [sunglasses] minus s [section]"} {"Clue":"Trot round shop that's been put right (8)","Answer":"RESTORED","Explanation":"Definition: put right\nRED [Trot] round STORE [shop]"} {"Clue":"Welfare of man on drug having convulsions (8)","Answer":"BENEFITS","Explanation":"Definition: Welfare\nBEN [man] + E [drug] + FITS [convulsions]"} {"Clue":"Gassy smell to change report of perfect readiness (3,7,2)","Answer":"ALL SYSTEMS GO","Explanation":"Definition: report of perfect readiness\nAnagram [change] of GASSY SMELL TO"} {"Clue":"Know about Channel 4? It's tempting! (9)","Answer":"SEDUCTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: tempting\nSEE [know] round DUCT [channel] IV [four]"} {"Clue":"Dubious plot to capture Scottish island is possible (8)","Answer":"OPTIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: possible\nAnagram [dubious] of PLOT round IONA [Scottish island]"} {"Clue":"Regulations for art works? Tory leader intervenes (8)","Answer":"STATUTES","Explanation":"Definition: Regulations\nT[ory] in STATUES [art works]"} {"Clue":"Person has time during lesson (6)","Answer":"MORTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Person\nT [time] in MORAL [lesson]"} {"Clue":"Dog went mad in pen? That's tedious! (6)","Answer":"STODGY","Explanation":"Definition: tedious\nAnagram [went mad] of DOG in STY [pen]"} {"Clue":"I have invested in a car, where a boat is needed (5)","Answer":"RIVER","Explanation":"Definition: where a boat is needed\nI'VE [I have] in RR [Rolls Royce \u2013 car]"} {"Clue":"Convert a doubter not easily swayed (8)","Answer":"OBDURATE","Explanation":"Definition: not easily swayed\nAnagram [convert] of A DOUBTER"} {"Clue":"Hag's warning of stormy period once engulfing monarch (5)","Answer":"CRONE","Explanation":"Definition: Hag\nCONE [warning of stormy period once] round R [king or queen]"} {"Clue":"State of role you reportedly rejected (4)","Answer":"UTAH","Explanation":"Definition: State\nU [sounds like you] + a reversal [rejected] of HAT [role]"} {"Clue":"Close discussions about wife showing nocturnal activity (5-5)","Answer":"NIGHT-WALKS","Explanation":"Definition: nocturnal activity\nNIGH [close] + TALKS [discussions] round W [wife] \u2013 reference to Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking"} {"Clue":"Referred to toil and trouble, say, sorted out in proof, finally (6)","Answer":"QUOTED","Explanation":"Definition: Referred to\nAnagram [sorted] of OUT in QED [proof finally] \u2013 reference to the witches' incantation:"} {"Clue":"For one looking for birdies, a bad putter? (8)","Answer":"TWITCHER","Explanation":"Definition: one looking for birdiesa bad putter?\nAmusing double definition"} {"Clue":"Divine female that hero meets at end of the 5 24 across (7)","Answer":"NEMESIS","Explanation":"Definition: Divine femalethat hero meets at end of the 5 24 across\nDouble definition: the Greek goddess of retribution and 'a rival or opponent who cannot be beaten'\u00a0 [Chambers] \u2013 Macduff in the play: Macbeth had been told that he could not be defeated by a 'man of woman born' but Macduff reveals that he was delivered by caesarean section"} {"Clue":"Triumphantly elevated, presided over country riven by outrage (7)","Answer":"CHAIRED","Explanation":"Definition: Triumphantly elevatedpresided over\nDouble definition with wordplay: CHAD [country] round [riven by] IRE [outrage]"} {"Clue":"Helping in crime, a risky activity (8)","Answer":"ABETTING","Explanation":"Definition: Helping in crime\nA BETTING [risky activity]"} {"Clue":"Bard having cast first murderer (3,3)","Answer":"HIT MAN","Explanation":"Definition: murderer\nThe bard this time is [Walt] [w]HITMAN, having lost [cast] his first letter: witty use of 'first murderer', who\u00a0 in Crosswordland is usually Cain \u2013 by coincidence, the first [and second and third] murderer featured in last night's University Challenge, in a question about Shakespeare's unnamed characters"} {"Clue":"Grumbling about couple holding hands that's delightful (10)","Answer":"BEWITCHING","Explanation":"Definition: delightful\nBITCHING [grumbling] round EW [couple holding hands \u2013 partners in bridge]"} {"Clue":"Having set out after power, act (4)","Answer":"PLAY","Explanation":"Definition: act\nLAY [set out] after P [power]"} {"Clue":"Article about second chief of clan (5)","Answer":"THANE","Explanation":"Definition: chief of clan\nTHE [article] about AN [second article] \u2013 at the beginning of the play, Macbeth is Thane of Glamis and then has the title of Thane of Cawdor bestowed on him for bravery in battle"} {"Clue":"Beat with cane and made a change (8)","Answer":"SWITCHED","Explanation":"Definition: Beat with canemade a change\nDouble definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Monstrously stab king, and profit? It's hard to fathom (8)","Answer":"ABSTRUSE","Explanation":"Definition: hard to fathom\nAnagram [monstrously] of STAB + R [king] + USE [profit]"} {"Clue":"Exclamation from Scot pierced by end of skean-dhu that hurts! (4)","Answer":"OUCH","Explanation":"Definition: that hurts!\nOCH [exclamation from Scot] round [pierced by] [skean dh]U \u2013\u00a0hilarious surface!"} {"Clue":"Accursed like dog dismissed in dramatic scene? (6)","Answer":"DAMNED","Explanation":"Definition: Accursed\nBack to the sleepwalking scene and Lady M's famous 'Out, damned Spot!' [dog dismissed \ud83d\ude09 ]"} {"Clue":"Wife with some scores not easy to bear (7)","Answer":"WEIGHTY","Explanation":"Definition: not easy to bear\nW [wife] + EIGHTY [four score]"} {"Clue":"Author is hard to follow, like others of his ilk (8)","Answer":"SCOTTISH","Explanation":"Definition: like others of his ilk\n[Sir Walter] SCOTT [author] IS H [hard]"} {"Clue":"Mac, in short, butchered for kingship (10)","Answer":"MONARCHIST","Explanation":"Definition: for kingship\nAnagram [butchered] of MAC IN SHORT"} {"Clue":"Interrupt speech with diabolical cheek about line (6)","Answer":"HECKLE","Explanation":"Definition: Interrupt speech\nAnagram [diabolical] of CHEEK round L [line]"} {"Clue":"The average grade in a test for stage (10)","Answer":"THEATRICAL","Explanation":"Definition: stage\nTHE + C [average grade] in A TRIAL [a test]"} {"Clue":"Established a title that's raised issues (8)","Answer":"EMANATES","Explanation":"Definition: issues\nA reversal [that's raised] of SET [established] A NAME [a title]"} {"Clue":"Returns in a tragedy's leading part \u2014 touching (7)","Answer":"AGAINST","Explanation":"Definition: touching\nGAINS [returns] in A T[ragedy's]"} {"Clue":"Inspiring act the Bard unceasingly revised (6)","Answer":"BREATH","Explanation":"Definition: Inspiring act\nAnagram [revised] of THE BAR[d]"} {"Clue":"Among makers of awful gruel, American serving regional dish (6)","Answer":"HAGGIS","Explanation":"Definition: regional dish\nGI [American serving] in HAGS \u2013 another reference to the witches' brew"} {"Clue":"Caledonian featured in epic tale (4)","Answer":"PICT","Explanation":"Definition: Caledonian\nContained in ePIC Tale"} {"Clue":"Swimmers used to be trained in West (7)","Answer":"MEDUSAE","Explanation":"Definition: Swimmers\nAnagram [to be trained] of USED in MAE [West]"} {"Clue":"Bush, a murderer, right at the top (7)","Answer":"ARBUTUS","Explanation":"Definition: Bush\nA BRUTUS [murderer of Julius Caesar] with the R moved to the beginning\u00a0 [top \u2013 this might work better in a down clue]"} {"Clue":"Chunk of congenitally revolting tongue (5)","Answer":"LATIN","Explanation":"Definition: tongue\nHidden reversed [revolting] in congeNITALly"} {"Clue":"European races pig round hairpin \u2014 famous last words (2,2,5)","Answer":"ET TU BRUTE","Explanation":"Definition: famous last words\nE [European] + TT [races] + BRUTE [pig] round U [hairpin] \u2013 allegedly the last words of Julius Caesar, according to Shakespeare, now used to signify the utmost unexpected betrayal by a person, such as a friend."} {"Clue":"Played hymn to 12 that's on top of stack (7,3)","Answer":"CHIMNEY POT","Explanation":"Definition: that's on top of stack\nANAGRAM [played] of HYMN TO EPIC [answer to 12ac]"} {"Clue":"Nice grocer's offloading water on a huge scale (4)","Answer":"EPIC","Explanation":"Definition: on a huge scale\nEPIC[erie] [grocer's in Nice] minus [Lake] Erie \u2013 offloading water"} {"Clue":"Old satirist begins shedding stone in judo etc (7,4)","Answer":"MARTIAL ARTS","Explanation":"Definition: judo etc\nMARTIAL\u00a0 [old satirist] + [st]ARTS [begins, minus st \u2013 stone]"} {"Clue":"Doctor must get\u00a0 up, if time's at a premium (6,5)","Answer":"TEMPUS FUGIT","Explanation":"Definition: time's at a premium\nAnagram [doctor] of MUST GET UP IF"} {"Clue":"Hacks ignore firm making disapproving noises (4)","Answer":"UGHS","Explanation":"Definition: disapproving noises\n[co]UGHS [hacks, ignoring co \u2013 firm]"} {"Clue":"Bubbly soup needs work, significant work (6,4)","Answer":"MAGNUM OPUS","Explanation":"Definition: significant work\nMAGNUM [bubbly] + an anagram [needs work] of SOUP"} {"Clue":"Fish go in mid-December, so strike now! (5,4)","Answer":"CARPE DIEM","Explanation":"Definition: strike now!\nCARP [fish] + DIE [go] + decEMber"} {"Clue":"Old soldiers hiding blunder land in 9 (5)","Answer":"TERRA","Explanation":"Definition: land in 9\nTA [old soldiers] round ERR [blunder]"} {"Clue":"Short of bakery job, say (7)","Answer":"NEEDING","Explanation":"Definition: Short of\nSounds like kneading [bakery job]"} {"Clue":"Stylish novices rebuffing leading lady's demands (7)","Answer":"INSISTS","Explanation":"Definition: demands\nIN [stylish] + SIST[er]S [novices] minus er [the queen \u2013 leading lady] \u2013 not sure of this: a sister is a nun but a novice is specifically one who has not yet taken the vows\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Married girl's animus (6)","Answer":"MALICE","Explanation":"Definition: animus\nM [married] + ALICE [girl]"} {"Clue":"List the best finally entering parliament (6)","Answer":"DETAIL","Explanation":"Definition: List\n[th]E [bes]T in DAIL [Irish parliament]"} {"Clue":"You and my sons oddly retain name that's closely associated (10)","Answer":"SYNONYMOUS","Explanation":"Definition: closely associated\nAnagram [oddly] of YOU and MY SONS round N [name]"} {"Clue":"Look briefly across stage for exit lines (5)","Answer":"ELEGY","Explanation":"Definition: exit lines\nEY[e] [look briefly] round LEG [stage]"} {"Clue":"Doing seller's job out of uniform (9)","Answer":"ACTIONING","Explanation":"Definition: Doing\nA[u]CTIONING [seller's job] minus u [uniform]"} {"Clue":"Attractive girl in black Lincoln (4)","Answer":"BABE","Explanation":"Definition: Attractive girl\nB [black] + ABE [Lincoln]"} {"Clue":"Rubbish \"politician\" stuffs more balanced adversary, finally (8)","Answer":"TRUMPERY","Explanation":"Definition: Rubbish\nMP [politician] in TRUER [more balanced] + [adversar]Y \u2013 an absolute gem"} {"Clue":"Watch patient eating date capsule (8)","Answer":"SEEDCASE","Explanation":"Definition: capsule\nSEE [watch] + CASE [patient] round D [date]"} {"Clue":"Oversupply a couple's food additives (10)","Answer":"GLUTAMATES","Explanation":"Definition: food additives\nGLUT [oversupply] + A +\u00a0MATES [couples, as a verb]"} {"Clue":"Improving picture: judge and artist reach China (9)","Answer":"REFRAMING","Explanation":"Definition: Improving picture\nREF [judge] + RA [artist] + MING [china]"} {"Clue":"Forerunner of 9 puzzled centaurs (8)","Answer":"ETRUSCAN","Explanation":"Definition: Forerunner of 9\nAnagram [puzzled] of CENTAURS"} {"Clue":"Article on speed or rate occasionally jars (8)","Answer":"AMPHORAE","Explanation":"Definition: jars\nA [article] + MPH [speed] + OR + [r]A[t]E"} {"Clue":"Old queen chopping vegetables works in Covent Garden (6)","Answer":"OPERAS","Explanation":"Definition: works in Covent Garden\nO [old] + ER [queen] in PEAS [vegetables] \u2013 a great surface, with a neat double allusion to Covent Garden \u2013 *Edit \u2013\u00a0error between solve and blog: O [old] + R [queen] in PEAS [vegetables] \u2013 thanks, William @2"} {"Clue":"Studies eastern and southern states (6)","Answer":"ESSAYS","Explanation":"Definition: Studies\nE [eastern[ + S [southern] + SAYS [states]"} {"Clue":"Water sources current doctor found in province (5)","Answer":"NIMBI","Explanation":"Definition: Water sources\nI [current] + MB [doctor] in NI [Northern Ireland [province]"} {"Clue":"House section of cruise missile (4)","Answer":"SEMI","Explanation":"Definition: House\nHidden in cruiSE MIssile"} {"Clue":"Southerner rustling in a docked baa-lamb (9)","Answer":"ALABAMIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Southerner\nAnagram [rustling?] of IN A BAA LAM[b]"} {"Clue":"Outsider left not one sort of key (5)","Answer":"ALLEN","Explanation":"Definition: sort of key\nALiEN [outsider] with L [left] replacing I [one]"} {"Clue":"Generous drink moves right to the heart (5)","Answer":"LARGE","Explanation":"Definition: Generous\nLAGER [drink] with the R [right] moved to the middle [heart]"} {"Clue":"Actor Tree's half-cut old Scotsman? (9)","Answer":"TRAGEDIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Actor\nTR[ee] [half cut] + AGED [old] + IAN [Scotsman]\u00a0: ironical, in a puzzle full of comedians \u2013 [it's a long time since we saw 'actor Tree'!]"} {"Clue":"Refuse to be kept by lover, initially in wild surroundings (7)","Answer":"SALVAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse to be kept\nL[over] in SAVAGE [wild]"} {"Clue":"Half-soaked people in this switched on tourist city? (3,4)","Answer":"HIP BATH","Explanation":"Definition: Half-soaked people in this\nHIP [switched on] + BATH [tourist city]"} {"Clue":"Tree line to the west of one (5)","Answer":"ROWAN","Explanation":"Definition: Tree\nROW [line] + AN [one]"} {"Clue":"Reverse-engineered molecule that might bind some solutions here (3)","Answer":"AND","Explanation":"Definition: that might bind some solutions here\nReversal of DNA [molecule]"} {"Clue":"Check temperature inside animal (5)","Answer":"DETER","Explanation":"Definition: Check\nT [temperature]in DEER [animal]"} {"Clue":"Punctuation mark 1-50-100 goes in front (7)","Answer":"PILCROW","Explanation":"Definition: Punctuation mark\nILC [1-50-100 in Roman numerals] in PROW [front] \u2013 I didn't know the name of this \u00b6 punctuation mark"} {"Clue":"Smear cold sulphate on new yellow tops (7)","Answer":"CALUMNY","Explanation":"Definition: Smear\nC [cold] + ALUM [sulphate] + N[ew] Y[ellow]"} {"Clue":"Pretentious greeting \u2014 fault corrected and accepted (9)","Answer":"HIFALUTIN","Explanation":"Definition: Pretentious\nHI [greeting] + an anagram [corrected] of FAULT + IN [accepted] \u2013 lovely word, which Collins and Chambers both spell highfalutin[g] but my SOED gives this as an alternative: it's the way I would have spelt it but I don't think I've ever had to!"} {"Clue":"Poet's streams (5)","Answer":"BURNS","Explanation":"Definition: Poetstreams\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Who's responsible for Alice Island? (5)","Answer":"LEWIS","Explanation":"Definition: Who's responsible for AliceIsland\nDouble definition \u2013 reference to Lewis Carroll"} {"Clue":"Try to lance anaemic wound, being totally self-obsessed (9)","Answer":"EGOMANIAC","Explanation":"Definition: being totally self-obsessed\nGO [try] in [to lance] an anagram [wound] of ANAEMIC\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Party nut (4)","Answer":"BALL","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Bay City East entered in web address (6)","Answer":"LAUREL","Explanation":"Definition: Bay\nLA [city] + E [East] in URL [web address]"} {"Clue":"Risk getting in migrant Near East paid worker (4,6)","Answer":"WAGE-EARNER","Explanation":"Definition: paid worker\nAnagram [migrant] of NEAR E[ast] in WAGER [risk]"} {"Clue":"Bear after it sees stars (6)","Answer":"LITTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Bear after it sees stars\nReference to the constellation Ursa Minor [Little Bear] \u2013 I can't see any wordplay"} {"Clue":"Single-coated tree could do with scrubbing? (8)","Answer":"UNWASHED","Explanation":"Definition: could do with scrubbing\nUNWED [single] round ASH [tree]"} {"Clue":"Speed pressure card (4)","Answer":"PACE","Explanation":"Definition: Speed\nP [pressure] + ACE [card]"} {"Clue":"One hoping for beneficial response, say, lacks the power to secure mail operative (8)","Answer":"CLAIMANT","Explanation":"Definition: One hoping for beneficial response, say\nCAN'T [lacks the power to] round an anagram [operative] of MAIL \u2013 cryptic reference to benefit claimants"} {"Clue":"What we came to expect from de Gaulle after a while (4)","Answer":"ANON","Explanation":"Definition: after a while\nA NON [de Gaulle's repeated veto on Britain's application to join the EEC]"} {"Clue":"Drinks to lift a bad mood (5)","Answer":"STROP","Explanation":"Definition: bad mood\nReversal [to lift] of PORTS [drinks] \u2013 this type of clue often leads to discussion: this one, for me, leads to PORTS"} {"Clue":"Bald-pated, short, old cuckoo's a crafty thing (10)","Answer":"PADDLEBOAT","Explanation":"Definition: a crafty thing\nAnagram [cuckoo] of BALDPATED O[ld]"} {"Clue":"Writer Grass takes drive up (5)","Answer":"HARDY","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nHAY [grass] round a reversal of DR [drive]"} {"Clue":"Wit Offensive\" on radio makes you grouse? (8)","Answer":"WILDFOWL","Explanation":"Definition: grouse\nSounds like [on radio] [Oscar] Wilde [wit] + foul [offensive] \u2013 question mark indicates definition by example"} {"Clue":"Nervously excited wife breaks into a laugh (8)","Answer":"ATWITTER","Explanation":"Definition: Nervously excited\nW [wife] in A TITTER [a laugh]"} {"Clue":"Gun swindle implicating Frank? (6)","Answer":"CANNON","Explanation":"Definition: Gun\nCON [swindle] round ANN [Frank?] \u2013 I think there's a mistake here, unless I'm on the wrong track: it's Ann**e** Frank"} {"Clue":"Bird strike repelled can (6)","Answer":"MARTIN","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nReversal [repelled] of RAM [strike] + TIN [can]"} {"Clue":"Well, say \"Hello\" vociferously! (4)","Answer":"HALE","Explanation":"Definition: Well\nSounds like [vociferously] 'Hail' [Hello]"} {"Clue":"Well, you shouldn't be on it (4,4)","Answer":"SICK LIST","Explanation":"Definition: Well, you shouldn't be on it\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Fizzy gin and it does lead to organic decomposition (9)","Answer":"DIGESTION","Explanation":"Definition: organic decomposition\nAnagram [fizzy] of GIN and IT DOES \u2013 a\u00a0 great clue to start us off"} {"Clue":"Storyline involving international aviator (5)","Answer":"PILOT","Explanation":"Definition: aviator\nPLOT [storyline] round I [international]"} {"Clue":"Setter's into dirty books to get first of six basic principles (9)","Answer":"RUDIMENTS","Explanation":"I'M [setter's] in RUDE [dirty] NT [books] + S[ix]"} {"Clue":"Fastener made by special workers on ship (5)","Answer":"SCREW","Explanation":"Definition: Fastener\nS [special] CREW [workers on ship]"} {"Clue":"Series of steps looks hard to an audience (6)","Answer":"STAIRS","Explanation":"Definition: Series of steps\nSounds like [to an audience] 'stares' [looks hard]"} {"Clue":"Piece in newspaper covering Steptoe & Son? (8)","Answer":"FRAGMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Piece\nRAGMEN [Steptoe and Son, for example] in FT [Financial Times \u2013 paper]"} {"Clue":"Terrible film about Newgate's first jailer (7)","Answer":"TURNKEY","Explanation":"Definition: jailer\nTURKEY [terrible film] round N[ewgate]"} {"Clue":"Snap shut? (5,2)","Answer":"CLOSE UP","Explanation":"Double definition, the first having a hyphen"} {"Clue":"Graph in Chapter 1 redrawn (3,5)","Answer":"PIE CHART","Explanation":"Definition: Graph\nAnagram [redrawn] of CHAPTER I"} {"Clue":"Doctor taking drug to poor lad in madhouse (6)","Answer":"BEDLAM","Explanation":"BM [Bachelor of Medicine \u2013 which we're more used to seeing as MB \u2013 doctor] round E [drug] + an anagram [poor] of LAD"} {"Clue":"Endless destitution is plain for all to see (5)","Answer":"OVERT","Explanation":"Definition: plain for all to see\n[p]OVERT[y] [destitution]"} {"Clue":"Aircraft got diverted around Zimbabwean leader's la-la land (6,3)","Answer":"PLANET ZOG","Explanation":"Definition: la-la land\nPLANE [aircraft] + an anagram [diverted] of GOT round Z[imbabwean]"} {"Clue":"Attach an inner layer to navy fabric (5)","Answer":"LINEN","Explanation":"Definition: fabric\nLINE [attach an inner\u00a0layer] + N [navy]"} {"Clue":"Soldier on exercise to reverse changes (9)","Answer":"PERSEVERE","Explanation":"Definition: Soldier on\nPE [exercise] + an anagram [changes] of REVERSE \u2013 I liked the misdirection\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Note added to unusual tune for dance (6)","Answer":"MINUET","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nMI [note] + an anagram [unusual] of TUNE"} {"Clue":"Area embracing state's belief system (8)","Answer":"RELIGION","Explanation":"REGION [area] round LI [state? \u2013 I don't understand this one]"} {"Clue":"Unkind people decapitated animals (6)","Answer":"OTTERS","Explanation":"Definition: animals\n[r]OTTERS [unkind people]"} {"Clue":"Pope and priest working on disagreement (7)","Answer":"PONTIFF","Explanation":"Definition: Pope\nP [priest] + ON [working] + TIFF [disagreement]"} {"Clue":"Drama series set in computerless IT company! (6)","Answer":"SITCOM","Explanation":"Definition: Drama series\nHidden in computerlesS IT COMpany"} {"Clue":"Adolescent going to Post Office for illicit liquor (6)","Answer":"POTEEN","Explanation":"Definition: illicit liquor\nPO [Post Office] + TEEN [adolescent]"} {"Clue":"Boy standing to welcome Hungary's first writer (4)","Answer":"DAHL","Explanation":"Definition: writer\nReversal [standing] of LAD [boy] round H[ungary]"} {"Clue":"Woman in short uniform (3)","Answer":"EVE","Explanation":"Definition: Woman\nEVE[n] [uniform]"} {"Clue":"List drug written up as class A (3-3)","Answer":"TIP TOP","Explanation":"Definition: class A\nTIP [list] + a reversal [written up] of POT [drug]"} {"Clue":"Sound of dry grass (3)","Answer":"RYE","Explanation":"Definition: grass\nSounds like 'wry' [dry]"} {"Clue":"Starts to eat dry and mouldy cheese (4)","Answer":"EDAM","Explanation":"Definition: cheese\nFirst letters of Eat Dry And Mouldy"} {"Clue":"Vet with ideas about drug (8)","Answer":"SEDATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: drug\nAnagram [about] of VET and IDEAS"} {"Clue":"Lecturer tucked into hot cake (7)","Answer":"STOLLEN","Explanation":"Definition: cake\nL [lecturer] in STOLEN [hot]"} {"Clue":"Six surrounding American in pub to no avail (2,4)","Answer":"IN VAIN","Explanation":"Definition: to no avail\nVI [six] round A [American] in INN [pub]"} {"Clue":"Worry about Tory leader joining large organisation restricting free trade (6)","Answer":"CARTEL","Explanation":"Definition: organisation restricting free trade\nCARE [worry] round T[ory] + L [large]"} {"Clue":"Drive away with panini filling during celebration (6)","Answer":"BANISH","Explanation":"Definition: Drive away\n[pa]NI[ni] in BASH [celebration]"} {"Clue":"Publicity about animal on ship (6)","Answer":"ABOARD","Explanation":"Definition: on ship\nAD [publicity] round BOAR [animal]"} {"Clue":"Going to the dogs? (6,2,6)","Answer":"RIDING TO HOUNDS","Explanation":"A puzzling cryptic [?] definition: riding to hounds means taking part in foxhunting"} {"Clue":"Yachtsman changing course heard to be the one jeering (5)","Answer":"GIBER","Explanation":"Definition: Yachtsman changing course\nAnother puzzling one: this is the answer shown online and it sounds like 'jiber' [one jeering] but the only spellings I can find for the sailing manoeuvre are jibe or gybe, so it isn't necessarily a 'sounds like' clue\u00a0* [but see Trish's comment\u00a0@4]"} {"Clue":"Ivor's out to become a skilled performer (8)","Answer":"VIRTUOSO","Explanation":"Definition: skilled performer\nAnagram [to become] of IVORS OUT"} {"Clue":"Might one disappear into it at the top of Everest? (4,3)","Answer":"THIN AIR","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Tramp a priest converted (7)","Answer":"TRAIPSE","Explanation":"Definition: Tramp\nAnagram [converted] of A PRIEST"} {"Clue":"Teacher's pet is short of time (5)","Answer":"RABBI","Explanation":"Definition: Teacher\nRABBI[t] [pet, minus t \u2013 time]"} {"Clue":"One ringing to warn you of danger? (5,4)","Answer":"ALARM BELL","Explanation":"Cryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"Fool holds sister with strange puzzle (9)","Answer":"CONUNDRUM","Explanation":"Definition: puzzle\nCOD [fool] round NUN [sister] + RUM [strange]"} {"Clue":"Head of school, goody-goody young man (5)","Answer":"SPRIG","Explanation":"Definition: young man\nS[chool] + PRIG [goody-goody]"} {"Clue":"Leaving unannounced for an away match (7)","Answer":"ELOPING","Explanation":"Neat cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"He charges a couple of hundred to the employer (7)","Answer":"ACCUSER","Explanation":"Definition: He charges\nA CC [a couple of hundred] + USER [employer]"} {"Clue":"After Greta perhaps, Ted identified as a victim (8)","Answer":"TARGETED","Explanation":"Definition: identified as a victim\nAnagram [perhaps] of GRETA + TED"} {"Clue":"Protection with strings attached (5)","Answer":"APRON","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Grant free film in circulation (7,7)","Answer":"GENERAL RELEASE","Explanation":"Definition: film in circulation\nGENERAL [Grant] + RELEASE [free]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Story with a poor beginning but a capital ending (4-2-6)","Answer":"RAGS-TO-RICHES","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Give a name to first-class city of Arabia (5)","Answer":"DUBAI","Explanation":"Definition: city of Arabia\nDUB [give a name to] + AI [A1 \u2013 first-class]"} {"Clue":"Ran up share account (9)","Answer":"NARRATION","Explanation":"Definition: account\nReversal [up] of RAN + RATION [share]"} {"Clue":"Soldiers welcome sailors inside foreign restaurant (7)","Answer":"TAVERNA","Explanation":"Definition: foreign restaurant\nTA [soldiers] round AVE [welcome] RN [sailors]"} {"Clue":"The bare ingredients of a brew up (4,3)","Answer":"HERB TEA","Explanation":"Definition: brew up\nAnagram [ingredients] of THE BARE"} {"Clue":"A lump in one's throat (5)","Answer":"UVULA","Explanation":"Cryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"Paper said to come out and leave no trace (9)","Answer":"DISAPPEAR","Explanation":"Definition: leave no trace \nAnagram [to come out] of PAPER SAID"} {"Clue":"One looking for scraps may show it (12)","Answer":"BELLIGERENCE","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Wish for a pleasant journey from France (3,6)","Answer":"BON VOYAGE","Explanation":"Cryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"Form of variety before the '50s, much as I recollected (5,4)","Answer":"MUSIC HALL","Explanation":"Definition: Form of variety\nAnagram [recollected] of MUCH AS I before LL [fifties]"} {"Clue":"A target set out for meeting at sea (7)","Answer":"REGATTA","Explanation":"Definition: meeting at sea\nAnagram [set out] of A TARGET"} {"Clue":"Turn, or intend to turn, Communist (7)","Answer":"MEANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Turn\nMEAN [intend] + a reversal [to turn] of RED [Communist]"} {"Clue":"Warm place in the singing lesson (5)","Answer":"INGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Warm place\nHidden in singING LEsson"} {"Clue":"Open return to southern country (5)","Answer":"SYRIA","Explanation":"Definition: country\nReversal [return] of AIRY [open] + S [south]"} {"Clue":"Bird, passionate duck (8)","Answer":"FLAMINGO","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nFLAMING [passionate] + O [duck] \u2013 a familiar one to start with"} {"Clue":"Cardinal from Brisbane perhaps, a gas (5)","Answer":"OZONE","Explanation":"Definition: gas\nOZ [from Brisbane, perhaps] + ONE [a cardinal number]"} {"Clue":"Not many to speak of, what a relief! (4)","Answer":"PHEW","Explanation":"Definition: what a relief!\nSounds like [to speak of] few [not many]"} {"Clue":"Respond to baroque around entrance to manor, reflecting the very latest styles (10)","Answer":"POSTMODERN","Explanation":"Definition: reflecting the very latest styles\nAnagram [baroque] of\u00a0 RESPOND TO\u00a0 round M[anor]"} {"Clue":"Lark catching worm, finally \u2014 being intent, did you say? (6)","Answer":"CAMPER","Explanation":"Definition: being intent, did you say?\nCAPER [lark] round [wor]M \u2013\u00a0we need to read the definition as\u00a0'being in tent'"} {"Clue":"Disheartened lady behind queen in Mary, oddly courteous (8)","Answer":"MANNERLY","Explanation":"Definition: courteous\nL[ad]Y after ANNE [queen] in odd letters of M[a]R[y]"} {"Clue":"Shag caught countless oysters, initially behind boat at sea (7)","Answer":"TOBACCO","Explanation":"Definition: Shag\nC[aught] C[ountless] O[ysters] after an anagram [at sea] of BOAT"} {"Clue":"Cuckoo shaggers (7)","Answer":"BONKERS","Explanation":"Definition: shaggers\nDouble definition! \u2013 I liked the juxtaposition of these two clues, each offering an alternative definition to the bird"} {"Clue":"Excessively large priest in decline, unfortunately born for eating? (8)","Answer":"ABNORMAL","Explanation":"Definition: Excessively large\nA reversal [in decline] of LAMA [priest] round [for eating] an anagram [unfortunately] of BORN \u2013 the definition puzzles me:\u00a0I can find no justification for 'large'"} {"Clue":"Well-groomed tree (6)","Answer":"SPRUCE","Explanation":"Definition: Well-groomedtree\nFamiliar double definition"} {"Clue":"Coffee-maker doctoring report about drink (10)","Answer":"PERCOLATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Coffee-maker\nAnagram [doctoring] of REPORT round COLA [drink]"} {"Clue":"Swift feeding off a starling (4)","Answer":"FAST","Explanation":"Definition: Swift\nContained in ofF a STarling"} {"Clue":"Modern imagery around gold, a royal favourite? (5)","Answer":"CORGI","Explanation":"Definition: a royal favourite?\nCGI [computer-generated imagery] round OR [gold]"} {"Clue":"Embarrassing slips, as endless agony compounded among birds (3,5)","Answer":"OWN GOALS","Explanation":"Definition: Embarrassing slips\nAnagram [compounded] of AGON[y] in OWLS [birds]"} {"Clue":"Chapel organ eventually starts after arrangement for a song (2,6)","Answer":"EL CHEAPO","Explanation":"Definition: for a song\nAnagram [after arrangement] of CHAPEL O[rgan] E[ventually]"} {"Clue":"Seagull's after small duck (4)","Answer":"SMEW","Explanation":"Definition: duck\nMEW [seagull] after S [small] to give one of Crosswordland's favourite ducks [long time, no see, I think]"} {"Clue":"Bird first to reveal concealed assailant (6)","Answer":"SNIPER","Explanation":"Definition: concealed assailant\nSNIPE [bird] + R[eveal]"} {"Clue":"Swallow, bird coming up after rook and gull, say? (7)","Answer":"CONSUME","Explanation":"Definition: Swallow\nA reversal [coming up] of EMU [bird] after CONS [swindles \u2013 which rook and gull can both mean, hence the plural, which I had to think about for a minute or two]"} {"Clue":"Mark here, Don elsewhere, as soldier (8)","Answer":"COMMANDO","Explanation":"Definition: soldier\nCOMMA [punctuation mark **here,**] + an anagram [elsewhere] of DON"} {"Clue":"Bird, one kissing the driver? (10)","Answer":"WOODPECKER","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nWOOD PECKER [one kissing the driver {golf club}]"} {"Clue":"Parrot possibly genuine, though not a bird (6)","Answer":"PETREL","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nPET [parrot possibly] + RE[a]L ]genuine, minus a]"} {"Clue":"Piece of music, prosaic one jazzed up (5,5)","Answer":"PIANO SCORE","Explanation":"Definition: Piece of music\nAnagram [jazzed up] of PROSAIC ONE"} {"Clue":"Change around a switch in lamp to see rail or grouse? (8)","Answer":"COMPLAIN","Explanation":"Definition: rail or grouse\nCOIN [change] round an anagram [switch] of LAMP"} {"Clue":"Mythical bird talks outrageously, coarse stuff (4,4)","Answer":"ROCK SALT","Explanation":"Definition: coarse stuff\nROC [mythical bird] + an anagram [outrageously] of TALKS"} {"Clue":"Gannet left to fill stomach with a lot (7)","Answer":"GLUTTON","Explanation":"Definition: Gannet\nL [left] in GUT [stomach] + TON [a lot]"} {"Clue":"Fracture in bone, one's not required to stretch (6)","Answer":"BREACH","Explanation":"Definition: Fracture\nB [one] [one's not required]\u00a0 + REACH [stretch]"} {"Clue":"Quail bone adorning one king and another (6)","Answer":"SHRINK","Explanation":"Definition: Quail\nSHIN [bone] round R [one king] + K [another]"} {"Clue":"Turkey farm's prime cut (4)","Answer":"FLOP","Explanation":"Definition: Turkey\nF[arm] + [LOP [cut]"} {"Clue":"Archdeacon returning to a tribe as US resident (7)","Answer":"NEVADAN","Explanation":"Definition: US resident\nReversal [returning] of VEN[erable] [Archdeacon] + A + DAN [one of the tribes of Israel]"} {"Clue":"Cook has little time left to join in ceremonial feast (7)","Answer":"POTLACH","Explanation":"Definition: ceremonial feast\nPOACH [cook] round T [little time] L [left ] \u2013 a native American festival, new to me, which Collins has as 'potlatch' but Chambers gives this variation"} {"Clue":"Men switching sides in a city of trials (5)","Answer":"SALEM","Explanation":"Definition: city of trials\nMALES [men] with the first and last letters exchanged, for the city known for its 17th century witch trials, the theme of Arthur Miller's 'The Crucible'"} {"Clue":"Lose time offering support (3,6)","Answer":"GET BEHIND","Explanation":"Definition: Lose timesupport\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Way of speaking not unusual in one country (10)","Answer":"INTONATION","Explanation":"Definition: Way of speaking\nAnagram [unusual] of NOT in I [one] NATION [country]"} {"Clue":"Eagle shortly crossing island, a poetic land (4)","Answer":"ERIN","Explanation":"Definition: poetic land\nERN[e] [eagle shortly] round I [island] \u2013 the poetic name for Ireland"} {"Clue":"Tubes bringing a form of medication to stop decay (11)","Answer":"CAPILLARIES","Explanation":"Definition: Tubes\nA PILL [a form of medication] in CARIES [decay]"} {"Clue":"Subatomic particle in nature not transformed (11)","Answer":"ANTINEUTRON","Explanation":"Definition: Subatomic particle\nAnagram [transformed] of IN NATURE NOT"} {"Clue":"Irish poet contributing to event at Easter (4)","Answer":"TATE","Explanation":"Definition: Irish poet\nHidden in evenT AT Easter"} {"Clue":"Outside shelter there's rain so terribly loud and powerful (10)","Answer":"STENTORIAN","Explanation":"Definition: loud and powerful\nAnagram [terribly] of RAIN SO round TENT [shelter] \u2013 memories of wet camping holidays!"} {"Clue":"Good foreign deity with strange instrument (5,4)","Answer":"BONGO DRUM","Explanation":"Definition: instrument\nBON [good foreign] + GOD [deity] + RUM [strange]"} {"Clue":"Weapon in sack (5)","Answer":"RIFLE","Explanation":"Definition: Weaponsack\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Demanding type, discarded player (7)","Answer":"EXACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Demanding type\nEX [discarded] + ACTOR"} {"Clue":"Horse keeping dry, put back as before (7)","Answer":"STETTED","Explanation":"Definition: put back as before\nSTEED [horse] round TT [dry]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Monster that is spotted south of headland (6)","Answer":"NESSIE","Explanation":"Definition: Monster\nIE [that is] after [south of, in a down clue] NESS [headland] \u2013 nice &littish clue"} {"Clue":"Men in street returning after farewell (6)","Answer":"VALETS","Explanation":"Definition: Men\nReversal [returning] of ST[reet] after VALE [Latin farewell]"} {"Clue":"Party with small booze containers for the monks (10)","Answer":"DOMINICANS","Explanation":"Definition: monks\nDo [party] + MINI CANS [small booze containers] \u2013 a lovely picture!"} {"Clue":"Man said brief word of farewell at end of day (5)","Answer":"NIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: brief word of farewell at end of day\nSounds like [said] 'knight' [chessman] \u2013 an abbreviated 'Good night'"} {"Clue":"Cop having to get round? Simple with quality car (9)","Answer":"PATROLLER","Explanation":"Definition: Cop having to get round\nPAT [simple \u2013 in the sense of 'exact', I suppose] + ROLLER [quality car]"} {"Clue":"Peg, little wife held to be quaint (4)","Answer":"TWEE","Explanation":"Definition: quaint\nW [little wife] in TEE [peg]"} {"Clue":"Excellent waste pipe trapping carbon pollutant (4,4)","Answer":"ACID RAIN","Explanation":"Definition: pollutant\nAI [excellent] DRAIN [waste pipe] round C [carbon]"} {"Clue":"Fellow in criminal activity as one looking for kicks (8)","Answer":"HEDONIST","Explanation":"Definition: one looking for kicks\nDON [fellow] in HEIST [criminal activity]"} {"Clue":"Sail with a thousand on a cruise at sea (4,6)","Answer":"MAIN COURSE","Explanation":"Definition: Sail\nM [a thousand] + an anagram [at sea] of ON A CRUISE \u2013 a very neat surface\u00a0 and an unusual [unknown to me] definition [the mainsail on a square-rigged ship] of MAIN COURSE!"} {"Clue":"One may give smashing Yule report with no end of turkey supplied? (9)","Answer":"POULTERER","Explanation":"Anagram of [y]ULE REPORT minus last letter of [turke]y \u2013 I'm struggling a bit with the wordplay here"} {"Clue":"Noticed upturned furniture item fit for the skip? (8)","Answer":"WASTABLE","Explanation":"Definition: fit for the skip\nReversal [upturned] of SAW [noticed] + TABLE [furniture item]"} {"Clue":"Kid in ruin needing a bit of money in Bulgaria (8)","Answer":"STOTINKA","Explanation":"Definition: bit of money in Bulgaria\nTOT [kid] in SINK [ruin] + A"} {"Clue":"Is head of French in university an oddball? (6)","Answer":"MISFIT","Explanation":"Definition: oddball\nIS F[rench] in Massachusetts Institute of Technology [university]"} {"Clue":"Home nurse being mean (6)","Answer":"INTEND","Explanation":"Definition: mean\nIN [home] + TEND [nurse]"} {"Clue":"This person in hospital sent up labels (5)","Answer":"NAMES","Explanation":"Definition: labels\nME [this person] in a reversal [sent up] of SAN [hospital]"} {"Clue":"The measure of a Labour leader (4)","Answer":"FOOT","Explanation":"Definition: measureLabour leader\nDouble definition \u2013 Michael Foot was Labour leader from 1980 to 1983"} {"Clue":"Footballer's not let play inside congested areas (11)","Answer":"BOTTLENECKS","Explanation":"Definition: congested areas\nAnagram [play] of NOT LET in BECKS [footballer]"} {"Clue":"Those in training as home birds (7)","Answer":"INTERNS","Explanation":"Definition: Those in training\nIN [home] + TERNS [birds]"} {"Clue":"Silk trousers taken off right away (7)","Answer":"TUSSORE","Explanation":"Definition: Silk\nAnagram [taken off] of TROUSE{r}S minus r [right away] or\u00a0I suppose it could be anagram [away] of TROUSE{r}S [taken off right]"} {"Clue":"Time to sow a tree, working in tandem? (3-6)","Answer":"TWO-SEATER","Explanation":"Definition: tandem?\nAnagram [working] of T [time] + SOW A TREE [definition by example, hence the question mark]"} {"Clue":"Head of church's non-variable system for transferring money (5)","Answer":"PAPAL","Explanation":"Definition: Head of church's\nPA[y]PAL [system for transferring money] minus y [variable]"} {"Clue":"Classic horny predicament after princess lost out (4)","Answer":"EMMA","Explanation":"Definition: Classic\n[dil]EMMA [horny predicament] minus Di [princess] and l [lost \u2013 in football tables]\u00a0\u2013 'horny' is not strictly necessary for the wordplay but it makes a neat surface, referring to the expression 'on the horns of a dilemma'"} {"Clue":"Learn space traveller's fine at present (4,2,4)","Answer":"COME TO KNOW","Explanation":"Definition: Learn\nCOMET [space traveller] + OK [fine] + NOW [at present]"} {"Clue":"Wild boar or elephant less confined, we hear, in city some 50 miles from Birmingham (10)","Answer":"TUSCALOOSA","Explanation":"Definition: city some 50 miles from Birmingham\nSounds like [we hear] tusker [wild boar or elephant] looser [less confined]"} {"Clue":"One that painted pair leaving fair (4)","Answer":"ETTY","Explanation":"Definition: One that painted\n[pr]ETTY [fair] minus pr [pair]"} {"Clue":"Scare one female off a footballer (5)","Answer":"TERRY","Explanation":"Definition: footballer\nTERR[if]Y [scare] minus i f [one female]"} {"Clue":"Liquid used in cooking a sort of pilau \u2014 not with rice, ultimately (6,3)","Answer":"PEANUT OIL","Explanation":"Definition: Liquid used in cooking\nAnagram [a sort of] of PILAU NOT + [ric]E"} {"Clue":"Animal amongst camel's ancestors, for example (7)","Answer":"LIONESS","Explanation":"Definition: Animal\nHidden in camELS Ancestors \u2013 hidden too well for me: I stared at it for ages and just couldn't see it [thanks to Manu @1]"} {"Clue":"Leave after greeting rebellious young chap, a Spanish gent (7)","Answer":"HIDALGO","Explanation":"Definition: Spanish gent\nGO [leave] after HI [greeting] + a reversal [rebellious] of LAD [young chap]"} {"Clue":"Drinks do make Blair sound Conservative? (6,5)","Answer":"SHERRY PARTY","Explanation":"Definition: Drinks do\nSounds like Cherie [Blair] + PARTY [Conservative? \u2013 definition by example, hence the question mark]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Rear leg grows big fungal growths (6,9)","Answer":"BUTTON MUSHROOMS","Explanation":"Definition: fungal growths\nBUTT [rear] + ON [leg \u2013 in cricket] + MUSHROOMS [grows big]"} {"Clue":"Horse in box? No (5)","Answer":"THREE","Explanation":"Definition: No\nH [heroin \u2013 horse] in TREE [box? another definition by example indicated by a question mark] \u2013 sneaky to miss out the full stop!"} {"Clue":"The French love another hot country (7)","Answer":"LESOTHO","Explanation":"Definition: country\nLES [the French] + O [love] + an anagram [another] of HOT"} {"Clue":"Hazel perhaps needs potty briefly, with dance not quite finished (3,4)","Answer":"NUT TREE","Explanation":"Definition: Hazel perhaps\nNUTT[y] [potty, briefly] + REE[l] [dance not quite finished]"} {"Clue":"After vacation, cruise ship ring up refuse collector (8)","Answer":"CESSPOOL","Explanation":"Definition: refuse collector\nC[ruis]E [after vacation] + SS [ship] + a reversal [up] of LOOP [ring]"} {"Clue":"So mad, possibly, after second evil-tempered ugly giant upset the old Big Applecart? (8,7)","Answer":"SHOPPING TROLLEY","Explanation":"Definition: Big Applecart\nHOPPING [so mad, possibly] after S [second] + TROLL [evil-tempered ugly giant] + a freversal [upset] of YE [the old \u2013 at least in Crosswordland] ['So mad had me thinking of 'off one's trolley']"} {"Clue":"Gossip in front of both petite and neat topless model (6-6)","Answer":"TITTLE-TATTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Gossip\nT [model] in front of both [l]ITTLE [petite] and [c]ATTLE [neat] \u2013 both 'topless']"} {"Clue":"A single sweet to go with chicken (6,6)","Answer":"MELLOW YELLOW","Explanation":"Definition: A single\nMELLOW [sweet] + YELLOW [chicken] \u2013 I now have an earworm of Donovan's single for the rest of the day, so I'll pass it on"} {"Clue":"Gay men out on date, not content to see the moon (8)","Answer":"GANYMEDE","Explanation":"Definition: moon\nAnagram [out] of GAY MEN and D[at]E [not content]"} {"Clue":"One against giving work to model? (7)","Answer":"OPPOSER","Explanation":"Definition: One against\nOP [work] + POSER [model]"} {"Clue":"Accident as food served with sausage falls in drink (5-2)","Answer":"SMASH-UP","Explanation":"Definition: Accident\nMASH [food served with sausages] in SUP [drink]"} {"Clue":"Where to get milkshake after tip-off (5)","Answer":"UDDER","Explanation":"Definition: Where to get milk\n[j]UDDER [shake]"} {"Clue":"TS Eliot's timeless \"Gnostic, quixotic sect member\" (13)","Answer":"SCIENTOLOGIST","Explanation":"Definition: sect member\nAnagram [quixotic] of TS ELIO[t] [timeless] GNOSTIC"} {"Clue":"A case of what should properly be used to cover a floor (9)","Answer":"CARPETBAG","Explanation":"Definition: A case\nCryptic definition? I can't quite see this one, I'm afraid"} {"Clue":"Field of European football team not banner-free? (5)","Answer":"REALM","Explanation":"Definition: Field\nREAL M[adrid] [European football team minus ad [banner] rid [free]"} {"Clue":"Evacuation: one leaves before last of Tory Opposition (5)","Answer":"ENEMY","Explanation":"Definition: Opposition\nENEM[a] [evacuation, minus a \u2013 one leaves] + [tor]Y"} {"Clue":"Find oneself getting round Aintree (beaten, outside time) (9)","Answer":"ORIENTATE","Explanation":"Definition: Find oneself\nO [round] + an anagram [beaten] of AINTREE round [outside] T [time]"} {"Clue":"Allowance: Southend, given space, takes hint (7)","Answer":"STIPEND","Explanation":"Definition: Allowance\nS\u00a0 END [South end, given space] round TIP [hint]"} {"Clue":"Gruesomely large openings on total wreck of part of larynx (7)","Answer":"GLOTTAL","Explanation":"Definition: of part of larynx\nInitial letters [openings] of Gruesomely Large + an anagram [wreck] of TOTAL"} {"Clue":"British sort of insult: \"Camp outfit!\" (7)","Answer":"BUTLINS","Explanation":"Definition: Camp outfit\nB [British] + an anagram [sort of] of INSULT"} {"Clue":"Cordial poured over hot body support (7)","Answer":"CHASSIS","Explanation":"Definition: body support\nCASSIS [cordial] round H [hot]"} {"Clue":"Not one initial interaction with USA, which went down controversially (9)","Answer":"LUSITANIA","Explanation":"Definition: which went down controversially\nAnagram [interaction] of [i]NITIAL minus one i [not one] and USA"} {"Clue":"Ray: gather name's changed to Miles (5)","Answer":"GLEAM","Explanation":"Definition: Ray\nGLEA[n] [gather] with the n [name] changed to M [miles]"} {"Clue":"Stockhausen wasn't a heavyweight \u2014 a Lambert! (5)","Answer":"TONAL","Explanation":"Definition: Stockhausen wasn't\nTON [heavyweight] + A L [Lambert\u00a0 \u2013 a unit of brightness]\u00a0 \u2013 see here for Stockhausen"} {"Clue":"Tip over mock seaweed (9)","Answer":"CARRAGEEN","Explanation":"Definition: seaweed\nCAREEN [tip] round RAG [mock]"} {"Clue":"Whose patients are laid back? Yes and no (13)","Answer":"PSYCHOANALYST","Explanation":"Cryptic definition, referring to the psychoanalyst's couch\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Not first winter transfer taken by Price, the player (9)","Answer":"CORNETIST","Explanation":"Definition: player\nCOST [price] round an anagram [transfer] of [w]INTER minus its initial letter [not first]"} {"Clue":"Reflective lines of energy on stage yard (5)","Answer":"ELEGY","Explanation":"Definition: Reflective lines\nE [energy] + LEG [stage] + Y [yard]"} {"Clue":"Rag label cover protecting ring (7)","Answer":"TABLOID","Explanation":"Definition: Rag\nTAB [label] + LID [cover] round O [ring]"} {"Clue":"Trailing insulation (7)","Answer":"LAGGING","Explanation":"Definition: Trailinginsulation\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Radius covered by diagonal shaped candleholder (9)","Answer":"GIRANDOLA","Explanation":"Definition: candleholder\nR [radius] in an anagram [shaped] of DIAGONAL"} {"Clue":"Indian songbird \u2014 medicine man removes tail (5)","Answer":"SHAMA","Explanation":"Definition: Indian songbird\nSHAMA[n] [medicine man]"} {"Clue":"A drug-taking bicyclist is transforming ease of comprehension (13)","Answer":"ACCESSIBILITY","Explanation":"Definition: ease of comprehension\nA + an anagram [transforming] of BICYCLIST IS round E [drug]"} {"Clue":"Decorating audacious men libels them (13)","Answer":"EMBELLISHMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Decorating\nAnagram [audacious] of MEN LIBELS THEM"} {"Clue":"English politics constituted of letters (9)","Answer":"EPISTOLIC","Explanation":"Definition: of letters\nE [English] + an anagram [constituted] of POLITICS"} {"Clue":"Ease up as a master sommelier? That's rude (9)","Answer":"TASTELESS","Explanation":"Definition: rude\nIf a sommelier eased up s\/he would TASTE LESS"} {"Clue":"Plant used science to change carbon to oxygen (7)","Answer":"SENECIO","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nAn anagram [used] of SCIENCE, with one of the Cs [carbon] changed to O [oxygen]"} {"Clue":"Charing Cross? Exasperation! (7)","Answer":"CHAGRIN","Explanation":"Definition: Exasperation\nAnagram [cross] of CHARING"} {"Clue":"Star lives over a narrow cavity (5)","Answer":"SINUS","Explanation":"Definition: a narrow cavity\nReversal [over] of SUN [star] + IS [lives]"} {"Clue":"Greek pain container of legend (5)","Answer":"GRAIL","Explanation":"Definition: container of legend\nGR [Greek] + AIL [pain]"} {"Clue":"Hunt held by rich one getting on? There's no proper answer to that (6,8)","Answer":"LOADED QUESTION","Explanation":"Definition: There's no proper answer to that\nQUEST [hunt] in LOADED I [rich one] + ON"} {"Clue":"Important, not grand \u2014 little woman, superior, stylishly small (5)","Answer":"BIJOU","Explanation":"Definition: stylishly small\nBI[g] [important minus g \u2013 grand] + JO [one of Louisa M Alcott's Little Women] + U [superior]"} {"Clue":"Familiar hint (8)","Answer":"INTIMATE","Explanation":"Definition: Familiarhint\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Wail from two university lecturers getting worried (7)","Answer":"ULULATE","Explanation":"Definition: Wail\n2 times U [university] L [lecturer] + ATE [worried]"} {"Clue":"Series of letters from a close companion, millions (7)","Answer":"ACRONYM","Explanation":"Definition: Series of letters\nA CRONY [a close companion] + M [millions]"} {"Clue":"Cook a pig, but not the whole beast (5)","Answer":"OKAPI","Explanation":"Definition: beast\nHidden in coOK A PIg"} {"Clue":"What's available is getting better, but not quite fit for all kids? (2,3,4)","Answer":"ON THE MENU","Explanation":"Definition: What's available\nON THE MEN[d] [getting better, not quite] + U [fit for all kids \u2013 film classification]"} {"Clue":"Herb on lamb chopped up after honey rejected (5,4)","Answer":"LEMON BALM","Explanation":"Definition: Herb\nA reversal [rejected] of MEL [honey] + ON + an anagram [chopped up] of LAMB"} {"Clue":"Sort of horse in gym no longer used (5)","Answer":"PASS\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: no longer used\nASS [sort of horse] in PE [gym]"} {"Clue":"Old soldier, desperate man inside, needing a philosophy (7)","Answer":"VEDANTA","Explanation":"Definition: philosophy\nDAN [desperate man in the Dandy] in VET [old soldier] + A"} {"Clue":"Is love lively in biological union? (7)","Answer":"ISOGAMY","Explanation":"Definition: biological union\nIS O [is love] GAMY [lively \u2013 I didn't like this much [I've only ever heard it used of meat] but 'it's in Chambers']"} {"Clue":"Most insipid drinks served in something pink (8)","Answer":"FLATTEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most insipid\nLATTES [drinks] in FT [Financial Times \u2013 something pink]"} {"Clue":"Pride of winners finally seen in Finn? (5)","Answer":"BOAST","Explanation":"Definition: Pride\n[winner]S in BOAT, of which Finn is an example"} {"Clue":"Unknown amir's orations stirred up old type of religion (14)","Answer":"ZOROASTRIANISM","Explanation":"Definition: old type of religion\nZ [unknown] + an anagram [stirred up] of AMIR'S ORATIONS\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Work for nothing in party characterised by compassion (6,2,4)","Answer":"LABOUR OF LOVE","Explanation":"Definition: Work for nothing\nLABOUR [party] OF LOVE [characterised by compassion]"} {"Clue":"A new day briefly in France in one of its old parts (5)","Answer":"ANJOU","Explanation":"Definition: one of its old parts\nA N [a new] JOU[r] [day in France, briefly] \u2013 a former province of France"} {"Clue":"Mimicry of Greek character overwhelmed by joy (9)","Answer":"EMULATION","Explanation":"Definition: Mimicry\nMU [Greek character] in ELATION [joy]"} {"Clue":"French art may be seen in the capital, indeed (5,2)","Answer":"QUITE SO","Explanation":"Definition: indeed\nES [French for are\/art] in QUITO [capital of Ecuador]"} {"Clue":"What's been removed from region (7)","Answer":"EXTRACT","Explanation":"Definition: What's been removed\nEX [from] + TRACT [region]"} {"Clue":"Grandfather may be an old one (5)","Answer":"TIMER","Explanation":"Cryptic definition, referring to grandfather clocks"} {"Clue":"Frequency of number arriving on site, where many look in vain (9)","Answer":"OFTENNESS","Explanation":"Definition: Frequency\nOF TEN [of number] + [Loch] NESS [where many look in vain for the monster]"} {"Clue":"Preventer of disease in tummy seems to be working (6,6)","Answer":"IMMUNE SYSTEM","Explanation":"Definition: Preventer of disease\nAnagram [to be working] of IN TUMMY SEEMS \u2013 great clue"} {"Clue":"Mammal disturbed mallard, duck going round island (9)","Answer":"ARMADILLO","Explanation":"Definition: Mammal\nAnagram [disturbed] of MALLARD O [duck] round I [island]"} {"Clue":"Plant fear of Europe to ensnare voter with \"Vote to Leave\" (9)","Answer":"EUPHORBIA","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nE.U. PHOBIA [fear of Europe] round [vote]R"} {"Clue":"When hugging wife, a toy boy springs into life (7)","Answer":"AWAKENS","Explanation":"Definition: springs into life\nAS [when] round W [wife] A KEN [Barbie's boy friend, so toy boy]"} {"Clue":"Mist o'er ground \u2014 it's becoming more humid (7)","Answer":"MOISTER","Explanation":"Definition: more humid\nAnagram [ground] of MIST O'ER"} {"Clue":"Explosive emperor has it in for leader of enemy (5)","Answer":"NITRO","Explanation":"Definition: Explosive\nN[e]RO [emperor] with the e [first letter \u2013 leader \u2013 of enemy] replaced by IT"} {"Clue":"Italian, a master for stringing up (5)","Answer":"AMATI","Explanation":"A reversal [up] of IT [Italian] + A MA [a master] \u2013 &littish definition for the family of violin makers"} {"Clue":"Saw what Kate Moss was doing on the runway (9)","Answer":"SASHAYING","Explanation":"Definition: what Kate Moss was doing on the runway \nS**ASH**AYING [saw]"} {"Clue":"Second room key (9)","Answer":"BACKSPACE","Explanation":"Definition: key\nBACK [second] + SPACE [room]"} {"Clue":"Cut dead (8)","Answer":"LACERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\nL**ACER**ATE [dead]"} {"Clue":"Compound houses extremely seedy institution (6)","Answer":"ASYLUM","Explanation":"Definition: institution\nALUM [compound] round S[eed]Y"} {"Clue":"Stroke Rod's fringe? (6)","Answer":"PELMET","Explanation":"Definition: Rod's fringe\nP**ELM**ET [stroke] \u2013 reference to curtain rods, I think"} {"Clue":"Litanies composed for a mind-reader? (8)","Answer":"ALIENIST","Explanation":"Definition: a mind-reader\nAnagram [composed] of LITANIES \u2013 a new word for me: see here"} {"Clue":"Spent cash in Irish party (4,2)","Answer":"USED UP","Explanation":"Definition: Spent\nUSE [cash in \u2013 in the sense of 'take advantage of'] + DUP [Democratic Unionist Party]"} {"Clue":"Let spies disrupt lines of communication (8)","Answer":"EPISTLES","Explanation":"Definition: lines of communication\nAnagram [disrupt] of LET SPIES \u2013 great definition and surface"} {"Clue":"Sedate patient? He might need it (5,3)","Answer":"FIRST AID","Explanation":"Definition: He might need it\n**FIR** STAID [sedate] \u2013 another great clue"} {"Clue":"Appear to knock down tools (6)","Answer":"STRIKE","Explanation":"Excellent triple definition, with two misdirections, which took a minute or two to see: appear to [as in 'it strikes me'] knock and 'down tools' \u2013 my favourite clue, I think"} {"Clue":"Declining to create an impression (8)","Answer":"DECADENT","Explanation":"Definition: Declining\nDE**CADE**NT [to create an impression]"} {"Clue":"Photos regularly produce disputes (6)","Answer":"FIGHTS","Explanation":"Definition: disputes\n**FIG**HTS [p]H[o]T[o]S"} {"Clue":"Where punters are embroiled in fracas in Oxford (6)","Answer":"CASINO","Explanation":"Definition: Where punters are\nHidden in fraCAS IN Oxford"} {"Clue":"Controversy about cleavage (8)","Answer":"ARGUMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Controversy\nAR**GUM**ENT [cleavage]"} {"Clue":"Stop swallow flying west (4)","Answer":"PLUG","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\nReversal [flying west] of GULP [swallow]"} {"Clue":"New resident broke the crockery (6,3)","Answer":"DINNER SET","Explanation":"Definition: crockery\nAnagram [broke] of N [new] RESIDENT\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Moved quickly with Bonxie instead (7)","Answer":"STEAMED","Explanation":"Definition: Moved quickly\nME [Bonxie] in STEAD \u2013 some people won't like this!"} {"Clue":"Expect a clout on the ear (5)","Answer":"AWAIT","Explanation":"Definition: Expect\nSounds like [on the ear] 'a weight'\u00a0[clout] \u2013 as in influence"} {"Clue":"Repeat: uneducated but not unhealthy (7)","Answer":"ITERATE","Explanation":"Definition: Repeat\n[ill]ITERATE [uneducated minus 'ill' \u2013 unhealthy]"} {"Clue":"Indulges with \u00a31,000 signs (9)","Answer":"GRATIFIES","Explanation":"Definition: Indulges\nG [\u00a31,000] + RATIFIES [signs]"} {"Clue":"Run through United first team (7)","Answer":"BAYONET","Explanation":"Definition: Run through\n**BAY**ONE [united] + T[eam]"} {"Clue":"Cut part of deck (4,5)","Answer":"CLUB STEAK","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\nCLUBS [part of deck \u2013 of cards]** TEAK"} {"Clue":"Before formal party, start to slowly degenerate (9)","Answer":"SLIMEBALL","Explanation":"Definition: degenerate\nS[lowly]**LIME** + BALL [formal party]"} {"Clue":"Fool scratches head when looking up at space traveller (9)","Answer":"PLANETOID","Explanation":"Definition: space traveller\n**PLANE**TOID"} {"Clue":"Very wet grass (7)","Answer":"SOAKING","Explanation":"Definition: Very wet\nS**OAK**ING [grass]"} {"Clue":"Get off? I daren't move! (7)","Answer":"DETRAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Get off\nAnagram [move] of I DAREN'T"} {"Clue":"She forecasts when fighter infiltrates revolutionary governments (7)","Answer":"REGIMES","Explanation":"Definition: governments\nReversal [revolutionary] of MIG [fighter] in SEER [she who forecasts]"} {"Clue":"A piece of music, which transports mind and body? (5)","Answer":"FUGUE","Explanation":"Definition: A piece of musicwhich transports mind and body\nDouble definition, the second of which I didn't know \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"It's believed soldiers have left the block of flats (5)","Answer":"TENET","Explanation":"Definition: It's believed\nTENE[men]T [block of flats minus men \u2013 soldiers]"} {"Clue":"Research leader in survey is resolute (6)","Answer":"STURDY","Explanation":"R[esearch] in STUDY [survey]"} {"Clue":"Potter has a rest in game (6)","Answer":"BRIDGE","Explanation":"Double definition: a bridge is a rest for a snooker player [potter]"} {"Clue":"Where the winner can be found from the beginning (2,3,5,5)","Answer":"IN THE FIRST PLACE","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Eastern time in bronze capital (6)","Answer":"TEHRAN","Explanation":"E [Eastern]\u00a0 HR [hour \u2013 time] in TAN [bronze]"} {"Clue":"Arranged recital, including new instrument (8)","Answer":"CLARINET","Explanation":"Anagram [arranged] of RECITAL round N [new]"} {"Clue":"Unable to manage, he spells badly (8)","Answer":"HELPLESS","Explanation":"ANAGRAM [badly] of HE SPELLS"} {"Clue":"Can the German produce touchwood? (6)","Answer":"TINDER","Explanation":"TIN [can] + DER [the German]"} {"Clue":"The Parisian contests taxes (6)","Answer":"LEVIES","Explanation":"LE [French the] + VIES [contests]"} {"Clue":"A Greek character's always a success story (8)","Answer":"ACHIEVER","Explanation":"A CHI [a Greek character] + EVER [always]"} {"Clue":"Fondness for swan song (8)","Answer":"PENCHANT","Explanation":"PEN [female swan] + CHANT [song]"} {"Clue":"Belt worn by a Persian governor (6)","Answer":"SATRAP","Explanation":"Strap [belt] round [worn by] A\u00a0\u00a0* Edit: or, to put it better, \u00a0A in [worn by] STRAP \u2013 thanks, realthog @19"} {"Clue":"Harden attitudes initially in the mind, like a prima donna (15)","Answer":"TEMPERAMENTALLY","Explanation":"TEMPER [harden \u2013 but temper can also mean soften] + A[ttitudes] + MENTALLY [tn the mind]"} {"Clue":"Contract put away during evaluation (6)","Answer":"TREATY","Explanation":"EAT [put away] in TRY [evaluation]"} {"Clue":"Hung around and served (6)","Answer":"WAITED","Explanation":"Double definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Seeing that's about true (7)","Answer":"SINCERE","Explanation":"SINCE [seeing that] + RE [about]"} {"Clue":"Guide woman in old city (5)","Answer":"USHER","Explanation":"SHE [woman] in UR [old city]"} {"Clue":"Vindication of French barrier (7)","Answer":"DEFENCE","Explanation":"DE of French] + FENCE [barrier]"} {"Clue":"Repudiate religious education booklet (7)","Answer":"RETRACT","Explanation":"RE [Religious education] + TRACT [booklet]"} {"Clue":"Flirting gets Penny a relationship (9)","Answer":"DALLIANCE","Explanation":"D [Penny] + ALLIANCE [relationship]"} {"Clue":"Pass former partner on Greek island (7)","Answer":"EXCRETE","Explanation":"EX [former partner] + CRETE [Greek island]"} {"Clue":"Almost exact summary (6)","Answer":"PR\u00c9CIS","Explanation":"PRECIS[e] [exact]"} {"Clue":"One place keeps royal member out, as a rule (9)","Answer":"PRINCIPLE","Explanation":"I PL [one place] in PRINCE [royal member]"} {"Clue":"Trace oriental allowed to keep chess pieces (7)","Answer":"ELEMENT","Explanation":"E [oriental] + LET [allowed] round MEN [chess pieces]"} {"Clue":"See raft badly in mist (3,4)","Answer":"SEA FRET","Explanation":"Anagram [badly] of SEE RAFT"} {"Clue":"One sort of maths leaves one gasping (6)","Answer":"ASTHMA","Explanation":"A [one] + an anagram [sort of] of MATHS"} {"Clue":"Cry of joy when husband meets great girl! (7)","Answer":"HOSANNA","Explanation":"H [husband] + OS [outsize \u2013 great] + ANNA [girl]"} {"Clue":"Amazing deal Ben facilitated (7)","Answer":"ENABLED","Explanation":"Anagram [amazing] of DEAL BEN"} {"Clue":"Child eats a bit of sausage in grill (5)","Answer":"TOAST","Explanation":"TOT [child] round A S[ausage]"} {"Clue":"Port in American city banks interest (9)","Answer":"CURIOSITY","Explanation":"Definition: interest\nRIO [port] in US [American] in [banked by] CITY"} {"Clue":"Unionist pursues crazy idea for so long (5)","Answer":"ADIEU","Explanation":"Definition: so long\nAnagram [crazy] of IDEA, pursued by U [Unionist]"} {"Clue":"Theatre does plays, having taken rest (7)","Answer":"REPOSED","Explanation":"Definition: taken rest\nREP [theatre] + an anagram [plays] of DOES"} {"Clue":"Sonata perhaps features in Mozart for Maestros (3,4)","Answer":"ART FORM","Explanation":"Definition: Sonata perhaps\nHidden in mozART FOR Maestros"} {"Clue":"Winnie's back, missing ring finger (4)","Answer":"SHOP","Explanation":"Definition: finger\nReversal [back] of PO[o]HS, missing o [ring]"} {"Clue":"Refuse tosser bedding left in the open (6,4)","Answer":"LITTER LOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse tosser\nLITTER [bedding] + L [left] + OUT [in the open]"} {"Clue":"Spoil attendance in Kentish town (7)","Answer":"MARGATE","Explanation":"Definition: Kentish town\nMAR [spoil] + GATE [attendance \u2013 e.g. at a football match] \u2013 Dickens had associations with the Margate \/ Broadstairs area"} {"Clue":"Sort of bun that's different dunked in tea (7)","Answer":"CHELSEA","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of bun\nELSE [different] in CHA [tea]"} {"Clue":"Disreputable small clothes store, mostly awful (10)","Answer":"SCANDALOUS","Explanation":"Definition: Disreputable\nS [small] + C AND A [clothes store] + LOUS[y] [mostly awful]"} {"Clue":"Somewhat refreshed, heading west he's bound to land (4)","Answer":"SERF","Explanation":"Definition: he's bound to land\nHidden reversed [heading west] in reFREShed"} {"Clue":"Nice cop admitted to back trouble (7)","Answer":"AFFLICT","Explanation":"Definition: trouble\nFLIC [Nice {French} cop] in AFT [back]"} {"Clue":"Director was killed in Italy (7)","Answer":"FELLINI","Explanation":"Definition: Director\nFELL [was killed] IN I [in Italy]"} {"Clue":"Twist nonstop, squeezing oil from it? (5)","Answer":"OLIVE","Explanation":"Definition: squeezing oil from it?\nOLIVE[r] [Twist]"} {"Clue":"Left a quotation, not one for milk delivery (9)","Answer":"LACTATION","Explanation":"Definition: milk delivery\nL [left] + A C[i]TATION [a quotation]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Book comic star with social charm (1,9,5)","Answer":"A CHRISTMAS CAROL","Explanation":"Definition: Book\nAnagram [comic] of STAR SOCIAL CHARM"} {"Clue":"Cross section lifted for flush access? (4,4)","Answer":"TRAP DOOR","Explanation":"Definition: Cross section lifted for flush access\nReversal [lifted] of ROOD [cross]\u00a0 PART [section]"} {"Clue":"Put up hotel on river (5)","Answer":"HOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Put up\nH [hotel] + OUSE\u00a0 [river]"} {"Clue":"Flyers get stuck in this cockney prison (8)","Answer":"BIRDLIME","Explanation":"Definition: Flyers get stuck in thiscockney prison\nDouble definition: Crucible has given us the derivation of the Cockney bird = time [in prison] expression that we're familiar with in crosswords: Cockney rhyming slang confusingly omits the rhyming part [e.g. china [plate] \/ mate]"} {"Clue":"Bully fled in Toyota, ejecting regular occupants (6)","Answer":"TYRANT","Explanation":"Definition: Bully\nRAN [fled] in T[o]Y[o]T[a]"} {"Clue":"Mainly oppose party works (9)","Answer":"FACTORIES","Explanation":"Definition: works\nFAC[e] [mainly oppose] + TORIES [party]"} {"Clue":"Joe's old diary turned up in Playboy for cash (6)","Answer":"GIGOLO","Explanation":"Definition: boy for cash\nGI [Joe] + a reversal [turned up] of O [old] LOG [diary] \u2013 I'm not quite sure about this: being a fan of 'lift and separate' clues, I want the definition to be as I've indicated; there is a not very well known play entitled Gigolo [which would give a double definition, in fact] \u2013 but I'm not sure that that was Crucible's intention"} {"Clue":"Book\u00a0my pal and yours (3,6,6)","Answer":"OUR MUTUAL FRIEND","Explanation":"Definition: Book\u00a0\nCryptic[ish] definition"} {"Clue":"Fooled by absorbing Resistance story (4,5)","Answer":"HARD TIMES","Explanation":"Definition: story\nR [resistance] in HAD [fooled] + TIMES [by]"} {"Clue":"The other 17, perhaps, stand up to striker at St Andrews (8)","Answer":"CLUBFACE","Explanation":"Definition: striker at St Andrews\nCLUB [Chelsea] + FACE [stand up to] \u2013 perhaps there should be a question mark here for definition by example"} {"Clue":"Fixed up porcini provided in Corsica, originally (8)","Answer":"SPECIFIC","Explanation":"Definition: Fixed\nReversal [up] of CEPS [porcini] + IF [provided] + I[n] C[orsica]"} {"Clue":"Fling leaves during a song, just after A Fine Romance (6)","Answer":"AFFAIR","Explanation":"Definition: FlingRomance\nTwo pieces of wordplay, with\u00a0 a definition at the beginning and the end: FF [pages \u2013 leaves] in A\u00a0 AIR[ a song] and FAIR [just] after A F [\u00a0 a fine] \u2013 and a reminder of the\u00a0 lovely 80s sitcom starring Judi Dench and her late husband, Michael Williams"} {"Clue":"Trivial \u00a31 book writer dismissed (6)","Answer":"LITTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Trivial\nLI [\u00a3!] + T[i]TLE [book, minus i [writer] \u2013 I have searched in vain for DORRIT"} {"Clue":"Grim judge impounds laptop (5)","Answer":"BLEAK","Explanation":"Definition: Grim\nBEAK [judge] round L[aptop]"} {"Clue":"Hate having Charlie round (4-4)","Answer":"DISC-LIKE","Explanation":"Definition: round\nDISLIKE [hate] round C [Charlie]"} {"Clue":"States endlessly unwilling (5)","Answer":"AVERS","Explanation":"Definition: States\nAVERS[e] [unwilling]"} {"Clue":"Apprentice joiner in dock (4)","Answer":"LAND","Explanation":"Definition: dock\nL [apprentice] + AND [joiner]"} {"Clue":"Stop and pay for laboratory apparatus \u2026 (10)","Answer":"STANDSTILL","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\nSTAND [pay for] + STILL [laboratory apparatus]"} {"Clue":"as one chooses a fabric (2,4)","Answer":"AT WILL","Explanation":"Definition: as one chooses\nA TWILL [a fabric]"} {"Clue":"Devotee I get on with in time (8)","Answer":"IDOLATER","Explanation":"Definition: Devotee\nI DO [I get on with] LATER [in time]"} {"Clue":"Pull out claw (7)","Answer":"SCRATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Pull outclaw\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Confined after absorbing judoka's hanging (7)","Answer":"PENDANT","Explanation":"Definition: hanging\nPENT [confined] round DAN [judoka]"} {"Clue":"British rugby player's lifetime obstruction (8)","Answer":"BLOCKAGE","Explanation":"Definition: obstruction\nB [British] + LOCK [rugby player] + AGE [lifetime]"} {"Clue":"Scottish leaders make claim of property in searches (6)","Answer":"SCOURS","Explanation":"Definition: searches\nSC ['Scottish leaders'] + 'OURS' [claim of property]"} {"Clue":"Sent rating out for bitter (10)","Answer":"ASTRINGENT","Explanation":"Definition: bitter\nAnagram [out] of SEND RATING"} {"Clue":"Look for people touring Italy (4)","Answer":"MIEN","Explanation":"Definition: Look\nMEN [people] round I [Italy]"} {"Clue":"Speaks, when scratching head, of\u00a0taxes (5)","Answer":"RATES","Explanation":"Definition: taxes\n[o]RATES [speaks] minus its first letter [head]"} {"Clue":"Supporter is to give way about finale (8)","Answer":"DEFENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Supporter\nDEFER [give way] round END [finale]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Addict, wrongly put in charge, is instructive (8)","Answer":"DIDACTIC","Explanation":"Definition: instructive\nAnagram [wrongly put] of ADDICT + IC [in charge]"} {"Clue":"Some mice dearly like some cakes (4)","Answer":"ICED","Explanation":"Definition: like some cakes\nContained in mICE Dearly"} {"Clue":"Passes on the foreign fuel (6)","Answer":"DIESEL","Explanation":"Definition: fuel\nDIES [passes on] + EL [Spanish the]"} {"Clue":"Short time to grab dash of tanning pigment (7)","Answer":"MELANIN","Explanation":"Definition: tanning pigment\nMIN[ute] [short time] round ELAN [dash]"} {"Clue":"Offer divers find generous (8)","Answer":"HANDSOME","Explanation":"Definition: generous\nHAND [offer] + SOME [divers]"} {"Clue":"Who keeps steward excited in novel? (8,2)","Answer":"WESTWARD HO!","Explanation":"Definition: nove\nWHO round an anagram [excited] of STEWARD"} {"Clue":"Irish leader disposed of drug for operatic heroine (6)","Answer":"ISOLDE","Explanation":"Definition: operatic heroine\nI[rish] SOLD [disposed of] E [drug]"} {"Clue":"Wrong one can upset clergyman (10)","Answer":"INACCURATE","Explanation":"Definition: Wrong\nI [one] + a reversal [upset] of CAN + CURATE [clergyman]"} {"Clue":"Discriminative local upset during disagreement (8)","Answer":"CLANNISH","Explanation":"Definition: Discriminative\nReversal [upset \u2013 again] of INN [local] in CLASH [disagreement]"} {"Clue":"Scandinavians name equestrians lacking aspiration (8)","Answer":"NORSEMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Scandinavians\nN [name] + [h]ORSEMEN [unaspirated equestrians]"} {"Clue":"Guards fed up with results (7)","Answer":"DEFENDS","Explanation":"Definition: Guards\nReversal [up] of FED + ENDS [results]"} {"Clue":"Glory of Ulster settlement (6)","Answer":"LUSTRE","Explanation":"Definition: Glory\nAnagram [settlement] of ULSTER"} {"Clue":"Initiate display (3,3)","Answer":"SET OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Initiatedisplay\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Lots married one (4)","Answer":"MANY","Explanation":"Definition: Lots\nM [married] + ANY [one]"} {"Clue":"Measure of bad experience curtailed, going by public transport? (6)","Answer":"BUSHEL","Explanation":"Definition: Measure\nBUS [public transport] + HEL[l] [bad experience curtailed]"} {"Clue":"Hanging around in amateur activity creates confusion (8)","Answer":"DISARRAY","Explanation":"Definition: confusion\nReversal [around] of ARRAS [hanging] in DIY [amateur activity] \u2013 one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"Somehow resolve to ignore very threatening words (2,4)","Answer":"OR ELSE","Explanation":"Definition: threatening words\nAnagram [somehow] of RESOL[v]E ignoring v [very]"} {"Clue":"Haughty fool of the upper classes of a ruling dynasty (8)","Answer":"ASSUMING","Explanation":"Definition: Haughty\nASS [fool] + U [of the upper classes] + MING [of a ruling dynasty]"} {"Clue":"Mostly short children being entertained by a clown, following lessons (5-6)","Answer":"AFTER-SCHOOL","Explanation":"Definition: following lessons\nTERS[e] [mostly short] + CH [children] in [entertained by] A FOOL [a clown]"} {"Clue":"Man mixed up with a nag uncertain about leaving home (7)","Answer":"CENTAUR","Explanation":"Definition: Man mixed up with a nag\nAnagram [about] of UNCERTA[in] minus [leaving] in [home] \u2013 this raised a smile, after I'd tried making an anagram of MAN and A NAG [as I'm sure was the intention]"} {"Clue":"Seafarer may have this new hairstyle without fringes (7)","Answer":"TRYSAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Seafarer may have this\nAnagram [new] of [h]AIRSTYL[e] without 'fringes' \u2013 I think I've met this in a Rufus puzzle"} {"Clue":"Understand about Russian commune getting stale not working completely (4-7)","Answer":"SEMI-RETIRED","Explanation":"Definition: not working completely\nSEE [understand] round MIR [Russian commune] + TIRED [stale]"} {"Clue":"Drug that is seized by troubled parent (8)","Answer":"APERIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Drug\nIE [that is] in an anagram [troubled] of PARENT"} {"Clue":"Female was firm's boss in general (6)","Answer":"FRANCO","Explanation":"Definition: general\nF [female] RAN CO [was firm's boss]"} {"Clue":"Some French seizing ship with silver in a time of barbarity? (4,4)","Answer":"DARK AGES","Explanation":"Definition: a time of barbarity?\nDES ['some' in French] round ARK [ship] + AG [silver]"} {"Clue":"Sloppy, slightly confused inside, indicating what gives rise to event (6)","Answer":"CAUSAL","Explanation":"Definition: indicating what gives rise to event\nCASUAL [sloppy] with two letters rearranged\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Letter penned by Charles, so ridiculous (6)","Answer":"LESSOR","Explanation":"Definition: Lette\nHidden in charLES SO Ridiculous"} {"Clue":"Football food with beer and wine (10)","Answer":"PIESPORTER","Explanation":"Definition: wine\nPIES [football food] + PORTER [beer]"} {"Clue":"English football team supporter demonstrates how Maradona once performed (8)","Answer":"MANUALLY","Explanation":"Definition: how Maradona once performed\nMAN U [English football team] + ALLY [supporter] \u2013 another favourite"} {"Clue":"Buddies have this non-British party in British city (8)","Answer":"BROMANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Buddies have this\nANC [African National Congress \u2013 non-British party] in B [British] ROME [city] \u2013 I'm not sure I knew this portmanteau word but it had to be"} {"Clue":"Notice cut in smart cloth (8)","Answer":"SHEETING","Explanation":"Definition: cloth\nHEE[d] notice, cut] in STING [smart]"} {"Clue":"Trouble with vehicle blocking road? It encourages travel by train (8)","Answer":"RAIL CARD","Explanation":"Definition: It encourages travel by train\nAIL [trouble] + CAR [vehicle] in RD [road]"} {"Clue":"Time in which to see large round climbing animal loved by kids (4,4)","Answer":"YOGI BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: animal loved by kids\nA reversal [climbing] of BIG [large] O [round] in YEAR [time]"} {"Clue":"Church sums about to be stashed away for religious events? (10)","Answer":"CEREMONIES","Explanation":"Definition: religious events?\nCE [Church] + MONIES [sums] round [to be stashed away] RE [about]"} {"Clue":"The Old Dominion allows people to wander around (8)","Answer":"VAGRANTS","Explanation":"Definition: people to wander around\nVA [Virginia, nicknamed The Old Dominion as being the first colonial possession established in mainland British America] + GRANTS [allows]"} {"Clue":"Bumpkin from Scottish island accommodating silly old Penny (8)","Answer":"CLODPOLL","Explanation":"Definition: Bumpkin\nCOLL [Scottish island in the Inner Hebrides] round an anagram [silly] of OLD + P [penny] \u2013 a completely new word for me"} {"Clue":"A gala bar opening in summer (8)","Answer":"AESTIVAL","Explanation":"Definition: in summer\nA [f]ESTIVAL [a gala without {bar} its first letter \u2013 opening] \u2013 another favourite"} {"Clue":"Theme of yarn? (6)","Answer":"THREAD","Explanation":"Definition: Themeyarn\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Old boring laughter track is ancient (5)","Answer":"HOARY","Explanation":"Definition: ancient\nO [old] in [boring] HA [laughter] + RY [track]"} {"Clue":"Genius CGI animations, only half animated (8)","Answer":"MAGICIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Genius\nAnagram [animated] of CGI ANIMA[tions] [only half]"} {"Clue":"Standard article by Tory, with mission to show England overrun by foreigners (6,8)","Answer":"NORMAN CONQUEST","Explanation":"Definition: England overrun by foreigners\nNORM [standard] + AN [article] + CON [Tory] + QUEST [mission]"} {"Clue":"Linguist has appealing quality, university's guaranteed (8)","Answer":"SAUSSURE","Explanation":"Definition: Linguist\nSA [appealing quality \u2013 again!] + US [university's] + SURE [guaranteed]"} {"Clue":"Yes, there's trouble for head returning drunk (6)","Answer":"STINKO","Explanation":"Definition: drunk\nReversal [returning] of OK [yes] + NITS [trouble for head]"} {"Clue":"Bachelor, one completely crazy for oily fruit (9)","Answer":"BUTTERNUT","Explanation":"Definition: oily fruit\nB [bachelor] + UTTER NUT [one completely crazy]"} {"Clue":"I must be on time for alluring lady (5)","Answer":"HOURI","Explanation":"Definition: alluring lady\nHOUR [time] + I"} {"Clue":"King wearing drag is a fruitcake! (5)","Answer":"TORTE","Explanation":"Definition: fruitcake\nR [king] in [wearing] TOTE [drag]"} {"Clue":"Rubbish men paid by firm for collections (9)","Answer":"COMPENDIA","Explanation":"Definition: collections\nAnagram [rubbish] of MEN PAID after CO [firm]"} {"Clue":"Still pursuing winning result (6)","Answer":"UPSHOT","Explanation":"Definition: result\nSHOT [still] after UP [winning]"} {"Clue":"Pick fruit that's bagged etcetera, periodically (8)","Answer":"PLECTRUM","Explanation":"Definition: Pick\nPLUM [fruit] round [having bagged] E[t]C[e]T[e]R[a]"} {"Clue":"Drippy American ex-president cut back security item (7,7)","Answer":"JACKSON POLLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: Drippy American\n[Andrew] JACKSON [ex-president] + a reversal [back] of LOP [cut] + LOCK [security item]"} {"Clue":"One lacking in awareness gets punishment (8)","Answer":"SENTENCE","Explanation":"Definition: punishment\nSENT[i]ENCE [awareness, lacking i \u2013 one]"} {"Clue":"Monarch put on excessive fur (5)","Answer":"OTTER","Explanation":"Definition: fur\nOTT [excessive] + ER [monarch]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Animal activist's outburst with a hen mistreated (4,8)","Answer":"HUNT SABOTEUR","Explanation":"Definition: Animal activist\nAnagram [mistreated] of OUTBURST and A HEN"} {"Clue":"Imagined axe\u00a0slashed a rug \u2014 it cut into screen (3,6)","Answer":"AIR GUITAR","Explanation":"Definition: Imagined axe\nAnagram [slashed] of A RUG + IT in AIR [screen]"} {"Clue":"Linesman scoffs, holding up end of play (5)","Answer":"YEATS","Explanation":"Definition: Linesman\nEATS [scoffs] after [pla]Y \u2013 nice misleading surface and definition"} {"Clue":"Italian dish gets cold, with Roman and local ingredients (9)","Answer":"MACARONIC","Explanation":"Definition: with Roman and local ingredients\nMACARONI [Italian dish] + C [cold] \u2013 I loved this one!"} {"Clue":"Left turn outside of Nashville (4)","Answer":"GONE","Explanation":"Definition: Left\nGO [turn] + N[ashvill]E [I really\u00a0don't like 'outside of'! \u2013 but, of course, it's needed for the surface here]"} {"Clue":"Place for trying zip in novel female attire (5,4)","Answer":"COURT SHOE","Explanation":"Definition: female attire\nCOURT [place for trying] + O [zip] in SHE [novel by Rider Haggard \u2013 which we used to see more often in crosswords]"} {"Clue":"With \"p off\", clergyman gives offence (5)","Answer":"ARSON","Explanation":"Definition: offence\n[p]ARSON [clergyman]:\u00a0 I've seen ARSON clued as [p]ARSON a number of times\u00a0 but never exactly like this \u2013 bravo, Picaroon! [By a rather remarkable coincidence, Hoskins used this unusual device in a different clue in his Indy puzzle on Monday\u00a0.]"} {"Clue":"Person tripping over hat's cracked a heavy blow (12)","Answer":"HOLIDAYMAKER","Explanation":"Definition: Person tripping\nO [over] + LID [hat] in [having cracked] HAYMAKER [heavy blow]"} {"Clue":"Heard where Apple device is charged in orbit? (3,6)","Answer":"EYE SOCKET","Explanation":"Definition: orbit\nSounds like [heard] I-socket, where an Apple device might be charged"} {"Clue":"Technique when shooting is utter flipping blunder (4-5)","Answer":"TIME LAPSE","Explanation":"Definition: Technique when shooting\nA\u00a0 reversal [flipping] of EMIT [utter] + LAPSE [blunder]"} {"Clue":"Downtrodden, like Labour during Thatcherism (9)","Answer":"UNDERFOOT","Explanation":"Definition: Downtrodden\nCryptic definition, referring to Labour leader Michael Foot"} {"Clue":"Pan to fill has litres in (5)","Answer":"SLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Pan\nL [litres] in SATE [fill]"} {"Clue":"Where crooks are beginning to organise a big fiddle (5)","Answer":"CELLO","Explanation":"Definition: big fiddle\nCELL [where crooks are] + O[rganise] \u2013 great surface!"} {"Clue":"Trouble afoot, with commander oppressing sailors (4)","Answer":"CORN","Explanation":"Definition: Trouble afoot\nCO [Commanding Officer] + RN [Royal Navy]"} {"Clue":"Pluck wings of excellent chicken (6)","Answer":"PULLET","Explanation":"Definition: chicken\nPULL [pluck] + E[xcelle]T"} {"Clue":"Enjoy eating silver plant (6)","Answer":"LOVAGE","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nLOVE [enjoy] round AG [silver]"} {"Clue":"Priest tucking into old important part of diet (6)","Answer":"STAPLE","Explanation":"Definition: important part of diet\nP [priest] in STALE [old]"} {"Clue":"Single about American with brightly coloured\u00a0 old bomber (5,3)","Answer":"ENOLA GAY","Explanation":"Definition: old bomber\nReversal [about] of LONE [single] + A [American] + GAY [brightly coloured]"} {"Clue":"Rocket with special propeller? (4)","Answer":"SOAR","Explanation":"Definition: Rocket\nS [special] + OAR [propeller]"} {"Clue":"Side with niece, furious about resistance to part of divorce proceedings (6,4)","Answer":"DECREE NISI","Explanation":"Definition: part of divorce proceedings\nAnagram [furious] of SIDE + NIECE round R [resistance]"} {"Clue":"Saw leader of Keystone Cops coming back for dessert (7,4)","Answer":"SPOTTED DICK","Explanation":"Definition: dessert\nSPOTTED [SAW] + a reversal [coming back] of K[eystone] CID [cops]"} {"Clue":"Manual worker translated Mao sonnets (10)","Answer":"STONEMASON","Explanation":"Definition: Manual worker\nAnagram [translated] of MAO SONNETS]"} {"Clue":"Rabbit found in hospital kitchens (4)","Answer":"TALK","Explanation":"Definition: Rabbit\nContained in hospiTAL Kitchens"} {"Clue":"Line edited in letter by politician cut short (8)","Answer":"PEDIGREE","Explanation":"Definition: Line\nED [edited] in PI [letter] + GREE[n] [politician cut short]"} {"Clue":"Drink claiming Australian with large belly (6)","Answer":"PAUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: large belly\nPUNCH [drink] round [claiming] A [Australian \u2013 unusual: we've already had A = American]"} {"Clue":"Colour of medicinal plant containing iodine (6)","Answer":"SIENNA","Explanation":"Definition: Colour\nSENNA [medicinal plant] round I [iodine]"} {"Clue":"Loud insect drowning a request for silence (6)","Answer":"FLASHY","Explanation":"Definition: Loud\nFLY [insect] round A SH [a request for silence]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Upset apple cart, ignoring European rubbish (8)","Answer":"CLAPTRAP","Explanation":"Definition: rubbish\nAnagram [upset] of APPL[e] CART, ignoring e [European]"} {"Clue":"Turned up to get on with last part of mythical story (6)","Answer":"LEGEND","Explanation":"Definition: story\nReversal [turned up] of GEL [to get on] + END [last part]"} {"Clue":"Bolt in trouble, turned up nursing broken toes at end of race (2,2,4)","Answer":"GO TO SEED","Explanation":"Definition: Bolt\nReversal [turned up] of DOG [trouble] round an anagram [broken] of TOES + [rac]E"} {"Clue":"Round Table member finds cart carrying the heads of Guinevere and Arthur (6)","Answer":"GAWAIN","Explanation":"Definition: Round Table member\nG[uinevere] + A[rthur] + WAIN [cart] \u2013 'carrying' to me suggests containment but I suppose\u00a0it's similar to the familiar \u00a0'supporting' meaning 'after' in a down clue"} {"Clue":"Beat Irishman to get short part in play (6)","Answer":"PATROL","Explanation":"Definition: Beat\nPAT [Irishman] + ROL[e] [short part in play]"} {"Clue":"Pass gargoyle's bottom left on part of church (6)","Answer":"ELAPSE","Explanation":"Definition: Pass\n[gargoyl]E + L [left] + APSE [part of church]"} {"Clue":"Naughty Peter cheats to become classroom's blue-eyed boy (8,3)","Answer":"TEACHER\u2019S PET","Explanation":"Definition: classroom's blue-eyed boy\nAnagram [naughty] of PETER CHEATS"} {"Clue":"Soldier briefly sheltering in shade of tree (8)","Answer":"TAMARIND","Explanation":"Definition: tree\nMARIN[e] [soldier briefly[ in TAD [shade]"} {"Clue":"Put out to be taken in by damn pickpocket (8)","Answer":"CUTPURSE","Explanation":"Definition: pickpocket\nAnagram [out] of PUT in CURSE [damn]"} {"Clue":"Highlight small lock (6)","Answer":"STRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Highlight\nS [small[ TRESS [lock]"} {"Clue":"Brave pull by youth leader (6)","Answer":"PLUCKY","Explanation":"Definition: Brave\nPLUCK [pull] + Y[outh]\u00a0 \u2013 I can't decide whether this repetition of pluck \/ pull [see 5ac] is an unfortunate oversight or a deliberate device"} {"Clue":"Secured lead in new organisation (6)","Answer":"NAILED","Explanation":"Definition: Secured\nAnagram [new organisation] of LEAD IN"} {"Clue":"Mate captured by crew coming back for incendiary fuel (6)","Answer":"NAPALM","Explanation":"Definition: incendiary fuel\nPAL [mate] in a reversal [coming back] of MAN [crew]"} {"Clue":"Following a trend, but not very well (5,1,7)","Answer":"AFTER A FASHION","Explanation":"Definition: Following a trendnot very well\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Shakespearean husband has old relationship (7)","Answer":"HORATIO","Explanation":"Definition: Shakespearean\nH [husband] + O [old] + RATIO [relationship]"} {"Clue":"Rush back to one in German part payment (5-2)","Answer":"TRADE-IN","Explanation":"Definition: part payment\nReversal [back] of DART [rush] + EIN [one in German]"} {"Clue":"A bird in Egypt? (5)","Answer":"ASWAN","Explanation":"Definition: in Egypt?\nA SWAN [a bird]"} {"Clue":"They can give a sharp bite \u2014 between the eyes? (9)","Answer":"FORETEETH","Explanation":"Definition: They can give a sharp bite\nCryptic definition: they're between the eye [canine] teeth \u2013 I've never come across this word and it isn't in Collins or Chambers but I did find it in my old SOED, with a hyphen"} {"Clue":"In time soldier gives consent (5)","Answer":"AGREE","Explanation":"Definition: consent\nRE [soldier] in AGE [time] \u2013 I think we've had discussion before about RE = soldier"} {"Clue":"An initially rude, tiresome person's to stomach botanical garden (9)","Answer":"ARBORETUM","Explanation":"Definition: botanical garden\nA [an] R[ude] + BORE [tiresome person] + TUM [stomach]"} {"Clue":"Incorrect speed estimate is reckless (9)","Answer":"DESPERATE","Explanation":"Definition: reckless\nAnagram [incorrect] of SPEED + RATE [estimate]"} {"Clue":"Naive politician (5)","Answer":"GREEN","Explanation":"Definition: Naivepolitician\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Assailant injured dogs (9)","Answer":"ALSATIANS","Explanation":"Definition: dogs\nAnagram [injured] of ASSAILANTS"} {"Clue":"Drain into small vessel (5)","Answer":"SEWER","Explanation":"Definition: Drain\nS [small] + EWER [vessel]"} {"Clue":"Audience sees solicitor grasping vessel (7)","Answer":"TURNOUT","Explanation":"Definition: Audience\nTOUT [solicitor] round URN [another vessel]"} {"Clue":"A giant's unsettled? That's touching! (7)","Answer":"AGAINST","Explanation":"Definition: touching\nAnagram [unsettled] of A GIANTS"} {"Clue":"Travel when retaining rope is untied (13)","Answer":"PEREGRINATION","Explanation":"Definition: Travel\nAnagram [untied] of RETAINING ROPE\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Pyrotechnics inspire artistic pieces (9)","Answer":"FIREWORKS","Explanation":"Definition: Pyrotechnics\nFIRE [inspire] + WORKS [artistic pieces]"} {"Clue":"Had a meal without beginning to tidy up (5)","Answer":"EATEN","Explanation":"Definition: Had a meal\n[n]EATEN [tidy up]"} {"Clue":"A pudding turned cold (5)","Answer":"ALOOF","Explanation":"Definition: cold\nA + a reversal [turned] of FOOL [pudding]"} {"Clue":"Expert takes in officer with time? That can be changed! (9)","Answer":"ALTERABLE","Explanation":"Definition: That can be changed\nABLE [expert] round LT [officer] + ERA [time]"} {"Clue":"Discover ruffian keeps right in front of the fire (9)","Answer":"HEARTHRUG","Explanation":"Definition: in front of the fire\nHEAR [discover] + THUG [ruffian] round R [right]"} {"Clue":"A sample of the Globe's exhibition stout (5)","Answer":"OBESE","Explanation":"Definition: stout\nHidden in glOBES Exhibition"} {"Clue":"Can an adept, shy engineer be so very shoddy? (5,3,5)","Answer":"CHEAP AND NASTY","Explanation":"Definition: very shoddy\nAnagram [engineer] of CAN AN ADEPT SHY"} {"Clue":"Less than 50% are popular with those under age (2,3,8)","Answer":"IN THE MINORITY","Explanation":"Definition: Less than 50%those under age\nDouble definition \u2013 I'm not sure whether 'are popular' is intended to be part\u00a0 of the definition: this clue doesn't quite work for me*\u00a0Edit: fortunately, it worked for Tom and Andrew- see comments 1 and 4"} {"Clue":"Conductor designate went by car (9)","Answer":"ELECTRODE","Explanation":"Definition: Conductor\nELECT [designate] + RODE [went by car]"} {"Clue":"A graduate's coming in to rework stone (9)","Answer":"ALABASTER","Explanation":"Definition: stone\nA BA'S [a graduate's] in ALTER [rework]"} {"Clue":"Kate amazingly triumphed over cheat in martial art (3,4,2)","Answer":"TAE KWON DO","Explanation":"Definition: martial art\nAnagram [amazingly] of KATE + WON [triumphed] + DO [cheat]"} {"Clue":"Confident in grabbing girl in stream (5)","Answer":"SURGE","Explanation":"Definition: stream\nG [girl?] in SURE [confident] \u2013 I can't find this abbreviation and I'm not keen on the definition"} {"Clue":"Son gets hurt in the country (5)","Answer":"SPAIN","Explanation":"Definition: country\nS [son] + PAIN [hurt]"} {"Clue":"Well turned-out NCO's skill (5)","Answer":"SMART","Explanation":"Definition: Well turned-out\nSM [Sergeant Major \u2013 NCO] + ART [skill]"} {"Clue":"Binds cuts without pressure (7)","Answer":"SPLICES","Explanation":"Definition: Binds\nSLICES [cuts] outside P [pressure]"} {"Clue":"This might be Elm Street, if in production (4,3)","Answer":"FILM SET","Explanation":"Definition: This might be Elm Street, if in production\nAnagram [in production] of ELM ST IF"} {"Clue":"Get home and eat (3,2)","Answer":"DIG IN","Explanation":"Definition: eat\nDIG [get \u2013 understand] + IN [home]"} {"Clue":"Protection secure, fellow made out (5,4)","Answer":"CHAIN MAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Protection\nCHAIN [secure] + MAIL [sounds like \u2013 made out \u2013 male {fellow}]"} {"Clue":"Krueger home detailed unusual killing regime (5,5)","Answer":"KHMER ROUGE","Explanation":"Definition: killing regime\nAnagram [unusual] of KRUEGER HOM[e] ['detailed']"} {"Clue":"4 a 5 (4)","Answer":"PERV","Explanation":"Definition: 4\nPER [a] + V [five] \u2013 reference to 4dn"} {"Clue":"Food complaint section concerned with food sent back (11)","Answer":"BEEFBURGERS","Explanation":"Definition: Food\nBEEF [complaint] + a reversal [sent back] of S [section] + RE [concerned with] + GRUB [food]"} {"Clue":"He might take blade to Elm Street, without bounds he operates? (4,7)","Answer":"TREE SURGEON","Explanation":"Definition: He might take blade to Elm\n[s]TREE[t] [without bounds] + SURGEON [he operates]"} {"Clue":"Bucket to collect going round (4)","Answer":"TEEM","Explanation":"Definition: Bucket\nA reversal [going round] of MEET [collect]: bucket as a verb \u2013\u00a0 what rain does"} {"Clue":"Freddy Krueger's third? All butchered in an horrific way (10)","Answer":"DREADFULLY","Explanation":"Definition: in an horrific way\nAnagram [butchered] of FREDDY + krUeger + ALL"} {"Clue":"Sleepy? Old\u00a0criminal heading for Nightmare on Elm Street houses (9)","Answer":"SOMNOLENT","Explanation":"Definition: Sleepy\nST [street] round [houses] O [old] + an anagram [criminal] of N[ightmare] ON ELM"} {"Clue":"Good person out of bed, male breaks in to confuse (5)","Answer":"STUMP","Explanation":"Definition: confuse\nST [saint \u2013 good person] + M [male] in UP [out of bed]"} {"Clue":"I must interrupt film ogre's screams (7)","Answer":"SHRIEKS","Explanation":"Definition: screams\nI in SHREK'S [film ogre's]"} {"Clue":"Relaxes partners after endless sex (7)","Answer":"SEDATES","Explanation":"Definition: Relaxes\nSE[x] + DATES [partners \u2013 as a noun or verb]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Son turns over magazine after daughter's puzzle (6)","Answer":"SUDOKU","Explanation":"Definition: puzzle\nS [son] + U U [turns] round OK [magazine] after D [daughter] \u2013 some people prefer these puzzles to crosswords"} {"Clue":" Pulse on bird rising (6)","Answer":"LEGUME","Explanation":"Definition: Pulse\nLEG [on \u2013 in cricket] + a reversal [rising] of EMU [bird]"} {"Clue":"Do catch tailless fish: it sounds deep (10)","Answer":"CONTRABASS","Explanation":"Definition: it sounds deep\nCON [do \u2013 cheat] + TRA[p] [catch \u2013 'tailless'] + BASS [fish]"} {"Clue":"So knock out American deviant (5)","Answer":"SICKO","Explanation":"Definition: American deviant\nSIC [so] + KO [knock out]"} {"Clue":"Dainty one mostly lost blood after Freddy initially called (9)","Answer":"FRANGIBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Dainty\nF[reddy] RANG + I [one] + BLE[d] [mostly lost blood]"} {"Clue":"Fast learner on specialist ward (4)","Answer":"LENT","Explanation":"Definition: Fast\nL [learner] + ENT [specialist ward]"} {"Clue":"John Barnes finally up front \u2014 English Liverpool player dribbled (8)","Answer":"SLAVERED","Explanation":"Definition: dribbled\n[barne]S + LAV [john] + E [English] + RED [Liverpool player] \u2013 John Barnes played for England and Liverpool, which makes this a brilliant clue"} {"Clue":"Supporter's jeans tucked in and put on show (8)","Answer":"TELEVISE","Explanation":"Definition: put on show\nLEVIS [jeans] tucked into TEE [supporter] \u2013 lovely!"} {"Clue":"Turning red fast, sun permeated (10)","Answer":"TRANSFUSED","Explanation":"Definition: permeated\nAnagram [turning] of RED FAST SUN"} {"Clue":"Right panic, time to go and save (9)","Answer":"ERRORLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Right\n[t]ERROR [panic minus t \u2013 time] + LESS [save = except]"} {"Clue":" Ranks second in figures (8)","Answer":"STATUSES","Explanation":"Definition: Ranks\nS [second] in STATUES [figures]"} {"Clue":"Sign of dreaming? Short deep cuts show for sin deliverer (8)","Answer":"REDEEMER","Explanation":"Definition: sin deliverer\nDEE[p] in [cuts] REM [rapid eye movement \u2013 sign of dreaming] + ER [TV show]"} {"Clue":"Sport paper featuring foreign articles (6)","Answer":"FLAUNT","Explanation":"Definition: Sport\nFT [Financial Times \u2013 paper] round LA and UN [foreign articles]"} {"Clue":"American city street rates for voluptuous young women (6)","Answer":"NYMPHS","Explanation":"Definition: voluptuous young women\nNY [American city] + MPHS [street rates]"} {"Clue":"One closed American borders for cars (5)","Answer":"AUTOS","Explanation":"Definition: cars\nA [one] + US [American] round [borders] TO [closed \u2013 as of a door]"} {"Clue":"Set off on bloodshed (4)","Answer":"GORE","Explanation":"Definition: bloodshed\nGo [set off] + RE [on]"} {"Clue":"Power-mad criminal (6)","Answer":"PIRATE","Explanation":"Definition: criminal\nP [power] + IRATE [mad]"} {"Clue":"Like some drinks, talking with old therapist (6)","Answer":"PHYSIO","Explanation":"Definition: therapist\nPHYSI \u2013 sounds like [talking] 'fizzy' [like some drinks] + O [old]"} {"Clue":"Doctor Liam Fox in a tense scrutiny of motives (4-11)","Answer":"SELF-EXAMINATION","Explanation":"Definition: scrutiny of motives\nAnagram [Doctor] of LIAM FOX IN A TENSE \u2013 one of the best anagrams I've seen for a long time: for non-UK solvers, politician Liam Fox is a doctor"} {"Clue":"Monarch's hot, tearing finery with an \"eff off\"! (5,1)","Answer":"HENRY I","Explanation":"Definition: Monarch\nH [hot] + an anagram [tearing] of [f]INERY [with an eff off] \u2013 lovely!"} {"Clue":"Ex-minister meeting resistance \u2014 and not a leader (8)","Answer":"GOVERNOR","Explanation":"Definition: leader\n[Michael] GOVE [ex-minister] + R [resistance] + NOR [and not]"} {"Clue":"Ruling nationalist's way to encourage progress (8)","Answer":"STURGEON","Explanation":"Definition: Ruling nationalist\nST[reet] [way] + URGE ON [encourage progress] \u2013 I think the Scottish Nationalist leader, Nicola\u00a0 Sturgeon, has, like Michael Gove, appeared enough times now to be familiar"} {"Clue":"Carmen is close to perfect for discriminating fellow (6)","Answer":"RACIST","Explanation":"Definition: discriminating fellow\nRAC [car men] IS + [perfec]T"} {"Clue":"Two coppers arresting a small group of politicians (6)","Answer":"CAUCUS","Explanation":"Definition: group of politicians\nCU CU [two coppers] round A + S [small]"} {"Clue":"Muslim country in revolt, having to convert to Catholicism (8)","Answer":"ROMANISE","Explanation":"Definition: convert to Catholicism\nOMAN [Muslim country] in RISE [revolt]"} {"Clue":"Piano star drunk on beer, where classical training took place (8)","Answer":"PALESTRA","Explanation":"Definition: where classical training took place\nP [piano] + ALE [beer] + an anagram [drunk] of STAR"} {"Clue":"Banks maybe withdraw a false statement (6)","Answer":"GOALIE","Explanation":"Definition: Banks maybe\nGO [withdraw] A LIE [false statement] for the legendary England goalkeeper Gordon Banks"} {"Clue":"Seeking academics to engage somewhere near Cambridge (15)","Answer":"HUNTINGDONSHIRE","Explanation":"Definition: somewhere near Cambridge\nHUNTING [seeking] DONS [academics] + HIRE [engage] \u2013 Huntingdonshire is now a non-metropolitan district of Cambridgeshire"} {"Clue":"Brandy drinks before church (6)","Answer":"KIRSCH","Explanation":"Definition: Brandy\nKIRS [drinks] before CH [church]"} {"Clue":"American wears top out of bed or stuck in it (4,2)","Answer":"LAID UP","Explanation":"Definition: stuck in it\nA [American] in LID [top] + UP [out of bed]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Bar where spin doctors congregate? (7)","Answer":"PREVENT","Explanation":"Definition: Bar\nSpin doctors might congregate at a PR EVENT"} {"Clue":"Joint Head of Enterprise leaves for transfer (5)","Answer":"REFER","Explanation":"Definition: transfer\nRE[e]FER [joint] minus E[nterprise]: a pity about 'fer' being in both clue and answer [cf quibbles re yesterday's puzzle] and both verbs being from the same root \u2013 most unlike Pcaroon!"} {"Clue":"Material from humorist ultimately old hat (7)","Answer":"TEXTILE","Explanation":"Definition: Material\n[humoris[T + EX [old] TILE [hat]"} {"Clue":"Chinese race finished in George's house? (7)","Answer":"HANOVER","Explanation":"Definition: George's house?\nHAN [Chinese race] + OVER [finished] for the house of four King Georges"} {"Clue":"Settled down with your picture book from Rome (9)","Answer":"SATYRICON","Explanation":"Definition: book from Rome\nSAT [settled down] + YR [your] ICON [picture] for Petronius' work"} {"Clue":"Humming note, run round America with nothing on (7)","Answer":"ODOROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Humming\nO [nothing] + DO [note] + R [run] + O [round] + US [America] \u2013 I think, but I'm not entirely happy"} {"Clue":"One dope hugs second daughter in Shakespeare (6)","Answer":"IMOGEN","Explanation":"Definition: daughter in Shakespeare\nI [one] GEN [dope] round MO [second] for the daughter of Cymbeline"} {"Clue":"Governess's favourite eggs are picked up without box (9)","Answer":"ROCHESTER","Explanation":"Definition: Governess's favourite\nROE [eggs] + R [sounds like \u2013 picked up \u2013 'are'] outside CHEST [box] for Jane Eyre's favourite"} {"Clue":"A rubbish country welcomes right modernising leader (7)","Answer":"ATATURK","Explanation":"Definition: modernising leader\nA TAT [a rubbish] UK [country] round R [right]"} {"Clue":"Popular turns adopted by a cast working like hell (7)","Answer":"SATANIC","Explanation":"Definition: like hell\nA reversal [turns] of IN [popular] in an anagram [working] of A CAST"} {"Clue":"Painter captures something magical in land (6)","Answer":"RWANDA","Explanation":"Definition: land\nRA [painter] round WAND [something magical]"} {"Clue":"Two spies together with a red (7)","Answer":"MAGENTA","Explanation":"Definition: red\nM and AGENT [two spies] + A"} {"Clue":"Republican brought in to agitate gets a foothold (7)","Answer":"STIRRUP","Explanation":"Definition: foothold\nR [republican] in STIR UP [agitate]"} {"Clue":"What a doctor has, catching current bug (5)","Answer":"APHID","Explanation":"Definition: bug\nA PH.D [what a doctor of philosophy has] round I [current]"} {"Clue":"Policeman permitted to secrete leader of mafia, as in collusion (9)","Answer":"COMPLICIT","Explanation":"Definition: in collusion\nM[afia] in COP [policeman] + LICIT [permitted]"} {"Clue":"Solid baby with backside on table (4)","Answer":"CUBE","Explanation":"Definition: Solid\nCUB [baby] + [tabl]E"} {"Clue":"Gatecrashing two parties, artist with lead on rescue dog (8)","Answer":"LABRADOR","Explanation":"Definition: dog\nRA [artist] in [gatecrashing] LAB and DO [two parties] + R[escue]"} {"Clue":"Soup ingredient daughter put in without Spanish approval? (6)","Answer":"NOODLE","Explanation":"Definition: Soup ingredient\nD [daughter] in NO OL\u00c9 \u2013 without Spanish approval"} {"Clue":"Flight of\u00a0fruit from the East End? (6)","Answer":"STAIRS","Explanation":"Definition: Flight\nCeyptic definition \u2013 cockney rhyming slang: 'apples and pears'\u00a0= 'stairs'"} {"Clue":"In departure, line in film unambiguous (8)","Answer":"EXPLICIT","Explanation":"Definition: unambiguous\nL[line] in PIC [film] in EXIT [departure] \u2013 interesting to see COMPLICIT and EXPLICIT in the same puzzle, with quite different wordplay"} {"Clue":"In fruit, fruit's skin almost going off (6)","Answer":"FIRING","Explanation":"Definition: going off\nIn FIG [fruit] RIN[d] [fruit's skin, almost]"} {"Clue":"Longest bananas covering a fruit (8)","Answer":"TANGELOS","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nAnagram [bananas] of LONGEST round A"} {"Clue":"Individual into fruit, he eats a lot (8)","Answer":"GOURMAND","Explanation":"Definition: he eats a lot\nMAN [individual] in GOURD [fruit]\n\n Car wheel? (6)"} {"Clue":"Not forgiving a pack of lies, scratching head (8)","Answer":"RUTHLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Not forgiving\n[t]RUTHLESS [a pack of lies]"} {"Clue":"This writer inspired by Bill of the Wild West Show (6)","Answer":"COMEDY","Explanation":"Definition: Show\nME [this writer] in [William] CODY [Buffalo Bill of the Wild West Show] \u2013 my first thought was Wild Bill Hickok [which \u00a0I always thought was Hicock but, of course, it didn't parse, anyway]"} {"Clue":"Southern Britain introduced to boxer dog (6)","Answer":"SALUKI","Explanation":"Definition: dog\nS [Southern] + UK [Britain] in ALI [boxer]"} {"Clue":"For example, Mars bar filled with fruit (5,3)","Answer":"ROMAN GOD","Explanation":"Definition: For example, Mars\nROD [bar] filled with MANGO [fruit]"} {"Clue":"Dry date about right (4)","Answer":"SERE","Explanation":"Definition: Dry\nSEE [date] round R [right] \u2013\u00a0 the only place I have met this [apart from crosswords] is in [O Level] Macbeth:"} {"Clue":"Woman voting in recess let off (9)","Answer":"ELECTRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Woman voting\nAnagram [off] of RECESS LET\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":" 1 For\u00a0example, pottery vessel (5)","Answer":"CRAFT","Explanation":"Definition: 1 For\u00a0example, potteryvessel\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Drink, bird having one (7)","Answer":"MARTINI","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nMARTIN [bird] + I [one] \u2013 a very old favourite"} {"Clue":"Solid rocks in\u00a0pools (5)","Answer":"LIDOS","Explanation":"Definition: pools\nAnagram [rocks] of SOLID"} {"Clue":"Sounds like fruit is up to date (7)","Answer":"CURRENT","Explanation":"Definition: up to date\nSounds like 'currant' [fruit]"} {"Clue":"In accessing drink, one removing lid, right, as kitchen device? (3-6)","Answer":"TIN-OPENER","Explanation":"Definition: kitchen device\nIN in TOPE [drink] + [o]NE [removing first letter \u2013 'lid'] + R [right]"} {"Clue":"Sweet plum keeps cold (4,3)","Answer":"CHOC ICE","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nCHOICE [plum] round C [cold]"} {"Clue":"Likely to be wielding weapon, one function to split peach (9)","Answer":"BELLICOSE","Explanation":"Definition: Likely to be wielding weapon\nI COS [one function] in BELLE [peach]"} {"Clue":"Inject iodine, then clean out wound (9)","Answer":"INOCULATE","Explanation":"Definition: Inject\nI [iodine] + an anagram [wound] of CLEAN OUT"} {"Clue":"Good exercise to fill gaping hole, where information passes (9)","Answer":"GRAPEVINE","Explanation":"Definition: where information passes\nG [good] + PE [exercise] in RAVINE [gaping hole]"} {"Clue":"Find new accommodation for that woman up over the river (7)","Answer":"REHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Find new accommodation for\nA reversal [up] of HER [that woman] + OUSE [river]"} {"Clue":"Sowing of seed before wild party without a merit (7)","Answer":"DESERVE","Explanation":"Definition: merit\nAnagram [sowing] of SEED before R[a]VE [wild party without a]"} {"Clue":"Fruit salad recipe ends in the paper (2,5)","Answer":"LE MONDE","Explanation":"Definition: paper\nLEMON + [sala]D [recip]E"} {"Clue":"Police after fellow streaker? (5)","Answer":"COMET","Explanation":"Definition: streaker?\nMET [police] after CO [fellow, as in co-star]"} {"Clue":"Refuse a little kiss, or disaster arises! (5)","Answer":"DROSS","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse\nReverse [arises] hidden in kiSS OR Disaster"} {"Clue":"Non-interventionist passes away (5-3)","Answer":"HANDS-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Non-interventionist\nI thought at first this was a double definition but couldn't explain the second one [there's a rugby term but it doesn't fit] but it's simply HANDS [passes] + OFF [away]"} {"Clue":"Makes ready for use again in harder, heartless round (6)","Answer":"REFITS","Explanation":"Definition: Makes ready for use again\nA reversal [round] of STI[f]FER [harder] minus its middle letter \u2013 heartless"} {"Clue":"Radio set, model 23 (6)","Answer":"ADROIT","Explanation":"Definition: 23\nAnagram [set] of RADIO + T [ the familiar crossword model] \u2013 23dn is HANDY"} {"Clue":"Pontiff backing even bits of polemical epic poem (8)","Answer":"EPOPOEIA","Explanation":"Definition: epic poem\nA\u00a0 reversal [backing] of POPE [pontiff] + [p]O[l]E[m]I[c]A l \u2013 nice clear cluing for a less familiar word"} {"Clue":"Those not shocked as youths rudely kiss hand holding tablet (9)","Answer":"SKINHEADS","Explanation":"Definition: Those not shocked as youths\nAnagram [rudely] of KISS HAND round E [tablet] \u2013 and a witty cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Whisper behind a hand? (5)","Answer":"ASIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Whisper behind a hand\nA SIDE [hand \u2013 as in 'on the one hand \u2026 and on the other'] \u2013\u00a0&lit, I think"} {"Clue":"Lower gas number (6)","Answer":"NETHER","Explanation":"Definition: Lower\nN [number] + ETHER [gas] *Edit \u2013 thanks, Gaufrid @3 for a much better parsing: N [nitrogen\u00a0 \u2013 \u00a0gas] + ETHER [the familiar\u00a0 'number']"} {"Clue":"It's a chore, acting as linesman (6)","Answer":"HORACE","Explanation":"Definition: linesman\nAnagram [acting] of A CHORE for the Roman poet Quintus Horatius Flaccus"} {"Clue":"Come to a vigil before noon (6)","Answer":"AWAKEN","Explanation":"Definition: Come to\nA WAKE [a vigil] before N [noon]"} {"Clue":"Traps for plumber repairing sunbed (1-5)","Answer":"U-BENDS","Explanation":"Definition: Traps for plumber\nAnagram [repairing] of SUNBED \u2013 great surface"} {"Clue":"A number of hands up this jumper? (5)","Answer":"HORSE","Explanation":"Definition: jumper?\nCryptic definition, referring to horses being measured in hands"} {"Clue":"Firing one that's eating out (9)","Answer":"LAUNCHING","Explanation":"Definition: Firing\nLUNCHING [eating] outside A [one]"} {"Clue":"Saying Oprah broadcast, one feminist title recalled (8)","Answer":"APHORISM","Explanation":"Definition: Saying\nAnagram [broadcast] of OPRAH + I [one] + a reversal [recalled] of MS [feminist title]"} {"Clue":"Some began onanism around a period of immaturity (6)","Answer":"NONAGE","Explanation":"Definition: period of immaturity\nHidden reversal in bEGAN ONanism"} {"Clue":"Lives in Dutch city (6)","Answer":"DWELLS","Explanation":"Definition: Lives\nD [Dutch] + WELLS [cathedral city in Somerset]"} {"Clue":"Lamb? Try it without salt, initially (8)","Answer":"ESSAYIST","Explanation":"Definition: Lamb?\nESSAY [try] + IT round S[alt] for Charles Lamb [definition by example, hence the question mark] \u2013 we used to see him more often, clued as ELIA, his pen name\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Hand in answer papers (3)","Answer":"AID","Explanation":"Definition: Hand\nA [answer] +ID [papers]"} {"Clue":"Like some clues with \"hand\" in? Go to Davy Jones's locker (5)","Answer":"DROWN","Explanation":"Definition: Go to Davy Jones's locker\nDOWN\u00a0 [like some clues] with R [right \u2013 hand] in"} {"Clue":"Not upset by female going both ways in 15 regions, honest! (2,3,5)","Answer":"ON THE LEVEL","Explanation":"Definition: honest\nAnagram [upset] of NOT + EVE [female going both ways] in HELL [NETHER regions]"} {"Clue":"Some song and dance as roguish hand ends up under jumper (6)","Answer":"FLEADH","Explanation":"Definition: Some song and dance\nReversal [up] of roguisH hanD under FLEA [jumper]: not in Chambers or Collins but, again, scrupulously clued\u00a0\u2013 an Irish music festival\u00a0[ see here ]"} {"Clue":"Hand finishing under jumper makes one cross (4)","Answer":"ROOD","Explanation":"Definition: cross\nROO [jumper] + [han]D"} {"Clue":"Hand between two points under jumper? Pond life! (9)","Answer":"FROGSPAWN","Explanation":"Definition: Pond life\nPAW [hand] between S and N [two points] under FROG [jumper]"} {"Clue":"She possibly reports hand straying after American leaves for Italy (5,6)","Answer":"THIRD PERSON","Explanation":"Definition: She possibly\nanagram [straying] of REPORTS H[a]ND with the A [American] leaving, to be replaced by I [Italian] \u2013 this might be my favourite clue"} {"Clue":"Plant hand under jumper (8,3)","Answer":"KANGAROO PAW","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nPAW [hand \u2013 again] under KANGAROO \u2013 a very straightforward clue for a plant I'd never heard of"} {"Clue":"Bosses putting hand under jumper? (3,7)","Answer":"TOP BANANAS","Explanation":"Definition: Bosses\nBANANAS [hand \u2013 not an anagram indicator this time] under TOP [jumper \u2013 definition by example, hence the question mark]"} {"Clue":"Type of fun guy reportedly got putting hand under jumpers as well (9)","Answer":"TOADSTOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Type of fun guy reportedly\nL [left \u2013 hand] under TOADS [jumpers] TOO [as well] \u2013 'fun guy' sounds like 'fungi'"} {"Clue":"Hand in this jumper, perhaps, clammier after stripping off (6)","Answer":"LAMMIE","Explanation":"[c]LAMMIE[r] : another obscure word very straightforwardly clued \u2013 it has to be this, surely, but I haven't been able to find it, I'm afraid"} {"Clue":"Useful hockey sides (5)","Answer":"HANDY","Explanation":"Definition: Useful\nH AND Y are the 'sides' of hockey"} {"Clue":"Express disapproval as hand is seen stroking tops (4)","Answer":"HISS","Explanation":"Definition: Express disapproval\nInitial letters ['tops'] of Hand Is Seen Stroking"} {"Clue":"Talk cut short (3)","Answer":"GAS","Explanation":"Definition: Talk\nGAS[h] [cut]"} {"Clue":"Measuring device in a store rebuilt outside research site (9)","Answer":"ASTROLABE","Explanation":"Definition: Measuring device\nAnagram [rebuilt] of A STORE round LAB [research site]"} {"Clue":"Elegist's initial reaction, oddly his inspiration? (5)","Answer":"ERATO","Explanation":"Definition: his inspiration\nE[legist] + R[e]A[c]T[i]O[n \u2013\u00a0 Erato is the Muse of lyric poetry"} {"Clue":"American serving in the westbound crew (5)","Answer":"EIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: crew\nA reversal [westbound] of GI [American serving] in THE"} {"Clue":"Tense speaker will, with a banterer (3,2,4)","Answer":"ILL AT EASE","Explanation":"Definition: Tense\nI'LL [speaker will] + A TEASE [a banterer]"} {"Clue":"One of a dozen in a box, in case? (7)","Answer":"JURYMAN","Explanation":"Definition: One of a dozen in a box, in case\nClever cryptic definition \u2013 one of my favourites"} {"Clue":"Charge misbehaving child in front of a head (7)","Answer":"IMPEACH","Explanation":"Definition: Charge\nIMP [misbehaving child] + EACH [a head]"} {"Clue":"Key producer playing role of leader in Hollywood (3)","Answer":"ASH","Explanation":"Definition: Key producer\nAS [playing role of] + H[ollywood] \u2013 the key is the winged fruit of the ash tree"} {"Clue":"Cause of ferment coming from unknown quarter (5)","Answer":"YEAST","Explanation":"Definition: Cause of ferment\nY [unknown] + EAST [quarter]"} {"Clue":"Point in what we do with the Web too much (7)","Answer":"SURFEIT","Explanation":"Definition: too much\nE [point] in SURF IT [what we do with the Web]"} {"Clue":"Permission to leave a learner in set (7)","Answer":"CONGEAL","Explanation":"Definition: set\nCONGE [permission to leave \u2013 a new word for me] + A L [a learner]"} {"Clue":"Worthy work at home, holding evaluation back (9)","Answer":"DIGNITARY","Explanation":"Definition: Worthy\nDIY [work at home] round a reversal [back] of RATING [evaluation]"} {"Clue":"Split agreed between Britain and EU? Not half! (5)","Answer":"BROKE","Explanation":"Definition: Split\nOK [agreed] between BR [Britain] and E[u] \u2013 another favourite"} {"Clue":"So long screening very old television part (5)","Answer":"VALVE","Explanation":"Definition: old television part\nVALE [farewell \u2013 so long] round V [very]"} {"Clue":"Setting up key in having a meal (9)","Answer":"LAUNCHING","Explanation":"Definition: Setting up\nA [key[ in LUNCHING [having a meal]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Call for book section (4)","Answer":"PAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Call forbook section\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Old actor, getting wiser over time (6)","Answer":"STAGER","Explanation":"Definition: Old actor\nSAGER [wiser] round T [time]"} {"Clue":"What's really important in part of Shakespearean player's speech (6,4)","Answer":"BOTTOM LINE","Explanation":"Definition: What's really importantpart of Shakespearean player's speech\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Leftie somewhat short, if hugged by supporter (6)","Answer":"FABIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Leftie\nA BI[t] [somewhat, short] in FAN [supporter]"} {"Clue":"Consider penning lines, any number almost (4-4)","Answer":"WELL-NIGH","Explanation":"Definition: almost\nWEIGH [consider] round LL [lines] N [indefinite \u2013 any \u2013 number]"} {"Clue":"Worst as one part of speech, but only one (4)","Answer":"BEST","Explanation":"Definition: Worst as one part of speechonly one\nDouble definition: as verbs, BEST and worst both mean to get the better of and the best is the only one"} {"Clue":"It's a shock, a bad actor turning up as prince (8)","Answer":"MAHARAJA","Explanation":"Definition: prince\nReversal [turning up] of A JAR [a shock] A HAM [a bad actor]"} {"Clue":"Supposed cause of global revolution, some rising (4)","Answer":"LOVE","Explanation":"Definition: Supposed cause of global revolution\nHidden reversal [rising] in rEVOLution, with a cryptic reference to the saying that love makes the world go round"} {"Clue":"In group, oddly gain by taking revenge (6,4)","Answer":"PAYING BACK","Explanation":"Definition: taking revenge\nAnagram [oddly] of GAIN BY in PACK [group]"} {"Clue":"Stop for travellers before India, as pilot says (5)","Answer":"HOTEL","Explanation":"Definition: Stop for travellers\nHOTEL comes before India in the NATO phonetic\u00a0 alphabet, which a pilot might use"} {"Clue":"Daisy's relative's crazy over crazy girl about love (8)","Answer":"MARIGOLD","Explanation":"Definition: Daisy's relative\nMAD [crazy] round an anagram [crazy] of GIRL round O [love]"} {"Clue":"To tell the truth in a court, you reported friend (8)","Answer":"ACTUALLY","Explanation":"Definition: To tell the truth\nA CT [a court] + U [you, reportedly] + ALLY [friend]"} {"Clue":"Kittenish cat not finishing rodents (6)","Answer":"COYPUS","Explanation":"Definition: rodents\nCOY [kittenish] + PUS[s] [cat not finishing]"} {"Clue":"Strikingly colourful contents of sexy notice (6)","Answer":"EXOTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Strikingly colourful\n[s]EX[y] [n]OTIC[e]"} {"Clue":"Jack, in navy, does otherwise, in nautical spirit (4,5)","Answer":"DAVY JONES","Explanation":"Definition: nautical spirit\nJ [Jack] + an anagram [otherwise] of NAVY DOES"} {"Clue":"Part in Pride movie, as just quoted (4)","Answer":"IDEM","Explanation":"Definition: as just quoted\nHidden in prIDE Movie"} {"Clue":"Bitter criticism \u2014 I'd bear it somehow (8)","Answer":"DIATRIBE","Explanation":"Definition: Bitter criticism\nAnagram [somehow] of I'D BEAR IT"} {"Clue":"Shopkeeper pronouncedly less refined (6)","Answer":"GROCER","Explanation":"Definition: Shopkeeper\nSounds like [reportedly] grosser"} {"Clue":" A quick drop for one waiting for opening time (4,4)","Answer":"FREE FALL","Explanation":"Definition: A quick drop\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Gunsmiths will add it to their stocks (6)","Answer":"BARREL","Explanation":"Definition: Gunsmiths will add it to their stocks\nCryptic definition ['lock, stock and barrel']"} {"Clue":"It has branches in Lebanon (5)","Answer":"CEDAR","Explanation":"Definition: It has branches in Lebanon\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"There's nothing risky with her new type of pudding (9)","Answer":"YORKSHIRE","Explanation":"Definition: type of pudding\nAnagram [new] of O [nothing] RISKY + HER"} {"Clue":"Worriedly anticipate bill coming in will scupper one (12)","Answer":"INCAPACITATE","Explanation":"Definition: scupper one\nAC [bill] in an anagram [worriedly] of ANTICIPATE"} {"Clue":"Lobby Transport House (8,4)","Answer":"ENTRANCE HALL","Explanation":"Definition: Lobby\nENTRANCE [transport] HALL [house] \u2013 a simple charade but quite clever,I thought: see here\u00a0 for Transport House"} {"Clue":"The only waiting here is at the counter (9)","Answer":"CAFETERIA","Explanation":"Definition: The only waiting here is at the counter\nCryptic definition: a cafeteria is self-service \u2013 I really liked this one"} {"Clue":"Something in the air makes one put on weight? On the contrary (5)","Answer":"OZONE","Explanation":"Definition: Something in the air\nOZ [weight] + ONE \u2013 weight puts on ONE"} {"Clue":"Set one's sights higher and improve (4,2)","Answer":"LOOK UP","Explanation":"Definition: Set one's sights higherimprove\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Suit for a girl's best friend (8)","Answer":"DIAMONDS","Explanation":"Definition: Suita girl's best friend\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Painstaking people enjoy this activity (6)","Answer":"SADISM","Explanation":"Definition: Painstaking people enjoy this activity\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Worried about San Diego (8)","Answer":"AGONISED","Explanation":"Definition: Worried\nAnagram [about] of SAN DIEGO\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Fault or default (6)","Answer":"DEFECT","Explanation":"Double definition?"} {"Clue":"Programme information in commercial article (6)","Answer":"AGENDA","Explanation":"Definition: Programme\nGEN [information] in AD [commercial] + A"} {"Clue":"Votes to consult new dean (9)","Answer":"REFERENDA","Explanation":"Definition: Votes\nREFER [consult] + an anagram [new] of DEAN"} {"Clue":"The middle section is convulsed during their performance (5,7)","Answer":"BELLY DANCERS","Explanation":"Definition: The middle section is convulsed during their performance (5,7)\nCryptic definition!"} {"Clue":"Gathers in spare parts (5)","Answer":"REAPS","Explanation":"Definition: Gathers in\nAnagram [parts] of SPARE"} {"Clue":"Laird can stand for chief (8)","Answer":"CARDINAL","Explanation":"Definition: chief\nAnagram [stand for] of LAIRD CAN"} {"Clue":"Not so anxious since replacement's arrived? (8)","Answer":"RELIEVED","Explanation":"Definition: Not so anxiousreplacement's arrived\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Stunning, but also inspiring? (12)","Answer":"BREATHTAKING","Explanation":"Definition: Stunninginspiring\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"No end of cats here! (4,2,3)","Answer":"ISLE OF MAN","Explanation":"Definition: here!\nCryptic definition \u2013 Manx cats have no tails"} {"Clue":"Hard taskmaster \u2014 he's accepted money that must be turned over (8)","Answer":"HERCULES","Explanation":"Definition: Hard taskmaster\nA reversal [turned over] of LUCRE [money] in HE'S"} {"Clue":"Employees take ring road here in the West Midlands (8)","Answer":"STAFFORD","Explanation":"Definition: here in the West Midlands\nSTAFF [employees] + O [ring] RD [road]"} {"Clue":"Cuts, perhaps, may get us down (6)","Answer":"WOUNDS","Explanation":"Definition: Cuts, perhaps\nAnagram [may get] of US DOWN"} {"Clue":"A number relaxed and stopped (6)","Answer":"CEASED","Explanation":"Definition: stopped\nC [a number] + EASED [relaxed]"} {"Clue":"Offering to trick folk (8)","Answer":"DONATION","Explanation":"Definition: Offering\nDo [trick] NATION [folk] \u2013 a nice easy start, at least"} {"Clue":"Cloth cap in a city is retro (6)","Answer":"ALPACA","Explanation":"Definition: Cloth\nReversal [retro] of CAP in A LA [a city]"} {"Clue":"Bed for us at rear of office, conserving holidays (8)","Answer":"ECOTOURS","Explanation":"Definition: conserving holidays\n[offic]E + COT [bed] + OURS [for us]"} {"Clue":"Complain over nothing left for workers' share (7)","Answer":"CARPOOL","Explanation":"Definition: workers' share\nCARP [complain] O [over] O [nothing] L [left]"} {"Clue":"Having answer, engage in attempt to win, losing in this programme? (4,4)","Answer":"GAME SHOW","Explanation":"Definition: programme\nA [answer] + MESH [engage] in GO [attempt] + W[in]\u00a0 losing 'in'"} {"Clue":"Ahead of strike, navy issue coarse stuff (7)","Answer":"GROGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: coarse stuff\nGROG [navy rum ration] + RAM [strike]\u00a0 \u2013 I'm more familiar with 'grosgrain' but I've seen this spelling in crosswords before and the cluing is quite clear"} {"Clue":"Led soak to reform in office lunch? (2,5)","Answer":"AL DESKO","Explanation":"Definition: office lunch?\nAnagram [to reform] of LED SOAK \u2013 I didn't know this expression but it made me smile and it's a great surface"} {"Clue":"Handled shirt, covered in regular pattern all round (6)","Answer":"TITLED","Explanation":"Definition: Handled\nTILED [covered in regular pattern] round T [shirt] \u2013 a cryptic definition, 'having a handle', slang for name"} {"Clue":"Brief time made even briefer in power, say (3,8)","Answer":"FOR INSTANCE","Explanation":"Definition: say\nINSTAN[t] [brief time, made briefer] in FORCE [power]"} {"Clue":"Saturate with pressure before eating food (8)","Answer":"PERMEATE","Explanation":"Definition: Saturate\nP [pressure] + ERE [before] round MEAT [food]"} {"Clue":"Back in Derbyshire on Snake Pass? (6)","Answer":"ELAPSE","Explanation":"Definition: Pass\nI tried, unsuccessfully, of course, to shoehorn ASP [I've recently been to see 'Antony and Cleopatra' at Stratford] in somehow \u2013 I\u00a0 think it's [derbyshir]E + LAPSE = snake, both\u00a0 as verbs, meaning to glide \u2013 great surface, since Snake Pass is in the Derbyshire Peak District *Edit, thanks to Dis @2: ELAPS is a genus of snake \u2013 it makes 'on' mean 'coming after', rather than before, which had bothered me"} {"Clue":"Only let out to act as senior servant (6)","Answer":"BUTTLE","Explanation":"Definition: act as senior servant\nBUT [only] + an anagram [out] of LET \u2013 I've only ever heard this word used whimsically: my Collins doesn't have it but Chambers does, as 'facetious'"} {"Clue":"For Armstrong, it's Aldrin that takes the strain (8)","Answer":"COLANDER","Explanation":"Definition: that takes the strain\nArmstrong and Aldrin were CO-LANDERs on the moon: once I had L?N I suspected misdirection and spent some time trying to fit LANCE in\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Joke with a lady? (4)","Answer":"GAGA","Explanation":"Definition: lady\nGAG [joke] + A"} {"Clue":"Theft, once taxmen go in fast (6)","Answer":"PIRACY","Explanation":"Definition: Theft\nIR [Inland Revenue, 'old taxmen' \u2013 now called HM Revenue and Customs] in PACY [fast]"} {"Clue":"Urged on wild bear (7)","Answer":"UNDERGO","Explanation":"Definition: bear\nAnagram [wild] of URGED ON"} {"Clue":"Major in a law degree, not the usual (8)","Answer":"ABNORMAL","Explanation":"Definition: not the usual\nNORMA [Major] in A B.L [a law degree]"} {"Clue":"Starry trio after gold is on mad race (6,4)","Answer":"ORION\u2019S BELT","Explanation":"Definition: Starry trio\nOR [gold] + an anagram [mad] of IS ON + BELT [race]"} {"Clue":"As solver, sound hesitant to get into second-rate stuff (8)","Answer":"SHERLOCK","Explanation":"Definition: As solver\nER [sound hesitant] in SHLOCK [second-rate stuff]"} {"Clue":"Sound stimulus for prince (6)","Answer":"PHILIP","Explanation":"Definition: prince\nSounds like 'fillip' [stimulus]"} {"Clue":"For such artillery, protection at the front involves good earthwork (3,6)","Answer":"BIG BERTHA","Explanation":"Definition: For such artillery\nBIB [protection at front] round G [good] + an anagram [work] of EARTH"} {"Clue":"OK to run off with current partner (10)","Answer":"LEGITIMATE","Explanation":"Definition: OK\nLEG IT [run off] + I [current] + MATE \u2013 I've seen LEG IT for 'run off' several times and I liked this extended version"} {"Clue":"Wield axe round repetitively rhymed lines (8)","Answer":"RONDEAUX","Explanation":"Definition: repetitively rhymed lines\nAnagram [wield] of AXE ROUND"} {"Clue":"Toughened Queen of the French up (8)","Answer":"ANNEALED","Explanation":"Definition: Toughened\nANNE [dead Queen] + a reversal [up] of DE LA\u00a0 [of the French]"} {"Clue":"across Here many condemned medieval sort of bridge (3,6)","Answer":"OLD BAILEY","Explanation":"Definition: Here many condemned\nOLD [medieval] BAILEY [sort of bridge]"} {"Clue":"About to leave submission for which counsel may argue (7)","Answer":"DEFENCE","Explanation":"Definition: for which counsel may argue\nDEFE[re]ENCE [submission] minus re [about]"} {"Clue":"Show fear, losing heart: stiff drink needed (6)","Answer":"TREBLE","Explanation":"Definition: stiff drink needed\nTRE[m]BLE [show fear]"} {"Clue":"Face problems, any number intruding on one (4)","Answer":"ACNE","Explanation":"Definition: Face problems\nN [indefinite \/ any number] in ACE [one]"} {"Clue":"Check incomplete caste mark (4)","Answer":"STEM","Explanation":"Definition: Check\nHidden in caSTE Mark"} {"Clue":"More resentful about journalist splitting screen (7)","Answer":"REREDOS","Explanation":"Definition: screen\nA reversal [about] of SORER [more resentful] round [split by] ED [journalist]"} {"Clue":"Support for fight not starting on time (7)","Answer":"TRESTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Support\nT [time] + [w]RESTLE [fight not starting]"} {"Clue":"One expressing grief half-heartedly, judge-like? (5)","Answer":"SOBER","Explanation":"Definition: judge-like\nSOB[b]ER [one expressing grief minus one of its middle letters \u2013 half-heartedly] \u2013 reference to the saying 'sober as a judge'"} {"Clue":"German island is transported by musical effects (9)","Answer":"GLISSANDI","Explanation":"Definition: musical effects\nG [German] + an anagram [transported] of ISLAND IS"} {"Clue":"Run, absorbing dreadful rot into female body (9)","Answer":"MATRONAGE","Explanation":"Definition: female body\nMANAGE [run] round an anagram [dreadful] of ROT \u2013 a word I hadn't come across before but totally feasible and impeccably and straightforwardly clued"} {"Clue":"Gather for a service (5)","Answer":"AMASS","Explanation":"Definition: Gather\nA MASS [a service] \u2013 I wouldn't like to have to guess how often I've seen this"} {"Clue":"Brass secured by Hercules' return (5)","Answer":"LUCRE","Explanation":"Definition: Brass\nHidden reversal [return] in hERCULes \u2013 brass being a slang word for money"} {"Clue":"Tack on, holding woman back from arrest (9)","Answer":"APPREHEND","Explanation":"Definition: arrest\nAPPEND [tack on] round a reversal [back] of HER [woman]"} {"Clue":"Unique device for returning culture to nameless country (9)","Answer":"TRADEMARK","Explanation":"Definition: Unique device\nA reversal [returning] of ART [culture] + DE[n]MARK [country minus n [name}]"} {"Clue":"Type of pop provided by band is corny (5)","Answer":"DISCO","Explanation":"Definition: Type of pop\nHidden in banD IS COrny"} {"Clue":"3 Slowcoach, tedious and fat, overlapping (7)","Answer":"DULLARD","Explanation":"Definition: 3Slowcoach\nDULL [tedious] + LARD [fat] with the Ls overlapping"} {"Clue":"Classy courtesan \u2014 Aretha? Joining Eurythmics, initially? Unlikely! (7)","Answer":"HETAERA","Explanation":"Definition: Classy courtesan\nAnagram of ARETHA [Franklin?] + E[urythmics]: a classy and Classical\u00a0 courtesan \u2013 a fascinating picture and perhaps my favourite clue"} {"Clue":"Checking out cultural phenomenon involving swindle (14)","Answer":"RECONNAISSANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Checking out\nRENAISSANCE [cultural phenomenon] round CON [swindle]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"I largely restrict father, rolled up in crumpled duvet, to goal of 1 across (14)","Answer":"VERISIMILITUDE","Explanation":"Definition: goal of 1 across\nA reversal [rolled up] of I LIMI[t] [largely restrict] SIRE [father] in an anagram [crumpled] of DUVET"} {"Clue":"Snack by river, a river rising (7)","Answer":"RAREBIT","Explanation":"Definition: Snack\nA reversal [rising] of TIBER [river] + A R [a river]"} {"Clue":"Ruined libertine's heart captivated by\u00a0whisper (9)","Answer":"UNDERTONE","Explanation":"Definition: whisper\n[lib[ERT]ine] in UNDONE [ruined]"} {"Clue":"Turner including Indian spinach in Italian dish (7)","Answer":"LASAGNA","Explanation":"Definition: Italian dish\nLANA [Turner] round SAG [Indian spinach, also spelt 'saag'] \u2013 I have the Italian dish cooking as I write"} {"Clue":"Bearing round double embrace (7)","Answer":"ENTWINE","Explanation":"Definition: embrace\nENE [East North East \u2013 bearing] round TWIN [double]"} {"Clue":"City's daughter amid dregs (5)","Answer":"LEEDS","Explanation":"Definition: City\nD [daughter] in LEES [dregs]"} {"Clue":"Dream queen, or bird \u2014 articles about one (7)","Answer":"TITANIA","Explanation":"Definition: Dream queen\nTIT [bird] + AN A [articles] round I [one] \u2013 the fairy queen in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'"} {"Clue":"Change tack, accepting 500 vocals arranged by contrarian (6,8)","Answer":"DEVIL\u2019S ADVOCATE","Explanation":"Definition: contrarian\nDEVIATE [change tack] round D [500] + an anagram [arranged] of VOCALS"} {"Clue":"Be soppy during operatic episode that's given rise to funny stories (9)","Answer":"ANECDOTES","Explanation":"Definition: funny stories\nDOTE [be soppy] in a reversal [given rise] of SCENA [operatic episode]"} {"Clue":"C is for clot (7)","Answer":"CHARLIE","Explanation":"Definition: Cclot\nDouble definition: Charlie = C in the NATO phonetic alphabet"} {"Clue":"A combo performing in ditch (7)","Answer":"ABANDON","Explanation":"Definition: ditch\nA BAND [a combo] + ON [performing]\u00a0 \u2013 another old favourite"} {"Clue":"19 leaves okapi bounding around church (3,4)","Answer":"PAK CHOI","Explanation":"Definition: 19 leaves\nAnagram [bounding] of OKAPI round CH [church] \u2013 I smiled to see OKAPI, one of Crosswordland's favourite creatures, as part of the wordplay, rather than the answer \u2013 another nice picture"} {"Clue":"Spain's behind Japan, say? (7)","Answer":"EASTERN","Explanation":"Definition: Japan, say?\nE [Spain] + ASTERN [behind] \u2013 a sllghtly dodgy definition?"} {"Clue":"Initially, occupational therapists are bowled over by\u00a0inspiring figure \u00a0(5)","Answer":"ERATO","Explanation":"Definition: inspiring figure \u00a0\nA reversal [bowled over] of\u00a0 Occupational Therapists + ARE \u2013 Erato is the muse of lyric love poetry and she was in a puzzle I blogged just a couple of weeks ago: she does tend to appear more frequently than any of her eight sisters but then she has a more setter-friendly name"} {"Clue":"Heavenly sign holy saints placed outside church (6)","Answer":"PISCES","Explanation":"Definition: Heavenly sign\nPI [holy \u2013 abbreviation of 'pious'] + SS [saints] outside CE [Church of England]"} {"Clue":"Son wept going round gym \u2014 it's written down as a drama? (8)","Answer":"SCRIPTED","Explanation":"Definition: written down as a drama\nS [son] CRIED [wept] round PT [gym]"} {"Clue":"Do this to get no person appearing alluring (4-2)","Answer":"TURN-ON","Explanation":"Definition: person appearing alluring\nTurn 'on' to get 'no'"} {"Clue":"Company head goes by public transport, a north-south line (8)","Answer":"BUSINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Company\nNESS [head] after [by] BUS [public transport] I ['a north-south line' \u2013 I don't think I've seen that before]"} {"Clue":"Reason you finally departed \u2014 no longer having job leading (11)","Answer":"EXPOSTULATE","Explanation":"Definition: Reason\nEX POST [no longer having job] + [yo]U + LATE [departed]"} {"Clue":"One attempting to keep male and maiden looking fitter? (7)","Answer":"TRIMMER","Explanation":"Definition: fitter\nTRIER [one attempting] round M [male] M [maiden \u2013 in cricket]"} {"Clue":"One set of books introduces character in the other set, actually (2,5)","Answer":"IN TRUTH","Explanation":"Definition: actually\nI [one] NT [New Testament \u2013 set of books] RUTH [character \u2013 and book \u2013 in the Old Testament, the other set]"} {"Clue":"Appropriate search before baddie comes into view (11)","Answer":"SEQUESTRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Appropriate\nQUEST [search] + RAT [baddie] in SEE [view]"} {"Clue":"I met rich crook shunning company (8)","Answer":"HERMITIC","Explanation":"Definition: shunning company\nAnagram [crook] of I MET RICH"} {"Clue":"Small island trader's end, squeezed by supermarket (6)","Answer":"TRESCO","Explanation":"Definition: Small island\n[trade]R in TESCO [supermarket] \u2013 two possible niggles for non-UK solvers in one clue"} {"Clue":"Reformer of church in church history, say (8)","Answer":"MODIFIER","Explanation":"Definition: Reformer\nAfter going through every church reformer I'd ever heard of [it's the five hundredth anniversary of Martin Luther's Ninety-five Theses this year], I finally realised that Pasquale meant MODIFIER in its grammatical sense \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Wander around town in Lancashire (6)","Answer":"DARWEN","Explanation":"Definition: town in Lancashire\nAnagram [round] of WANDER\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Any number in protests seen as fiends (6)","Answer":"DEMONS","Explanation":"Definition: fiends\nN [indefinite \/ any number] in DEMOS [protests]"} {"Clue":"Copper with sort of appeal in dynamic\u00a0case (10)","Answer":"ACCUSATIVE","Explanation":"Definition: case\nCU [copper] + SA [sex appeal] in ACTIVE [dynamic]"} {"Clue":"Cloth in which artist get wrapped up \u2014 it relieves the pain (8)","Answer":"LINIMENT","Explanation":"Definition: it relieves the pain\nA reversal [up] of [Tracey] EMIN [artist] in LINT [cloth] \u2013 I presume 'get' is a typo"} {"Clue":"Doctor is apt, going round part of hospital, to see them? (8)","Answer":"PATIENTS","Explanation":"Definition: them?\nAnagram [doctor] of IS APT round ENT [part of hospital]"} {"Clue":"Transformed harpies about to become like angels (8)","Answer":"SERAPHIC","Explanation":"Definition: like angels\nAnagram [transformed] of HARPIES + C [about]"} {"Clue":"Come down heavily, when gathering of hunters is set up (4)","Answer":"TEEM","Explanation":"Definition: Come down heavily\nA reversal [set up] of MEET [gathering of hunters]"} {"Clue":"Ruin in world below that's hot (4)","Answer":"DISH","Explanation":"Definition: Ruin\nDIS [world below] + H [hot]"} {"Clue":"A foreign revolutionary steals a bit \u2014 it's not returned (10)","Answer":"UNREQUITED","Explanation":"Definition: not returned\nUN [a foreign] + RED [revolutionary] round QUITE [a bit]"} {"Clue":"Dog in the role of pig or bird (8)","Answer":"CURASSOW","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nCUR AS [in the role of] SOW \u2013 I hadn't heard of this bird but it's worth looking at"} {"Clue":"Curved instrument or tool that's cut off outside (8)","Answer":"SHOEHORN","Explanation":"Definition: Curved instrument\nSHORN [cut off] round HOE [tool]"} {"Clue":"Dogs making row in church service (8)","Answer":"MASTIFFS","Explanation":"Definition: Dogs\nTIFF [row] in MASS [church service]"} {"Clue":"Hard deposit of two salts (6)","Answer":"TARTAR","Explanation":"Definition: Hard deposit\nTAR TAR \u2013 two salts"} {"Clue":"Group of players briefly playing at the Olympic Stadium (4)","Answer":"WHAM","Explanation":"Definition: Group\nW[est] HAM [briefly] now play at the Olympic Stadium and WHAM were a pop duo\/group \u2013 my favourite clue, I think"} {"Clue":"Music in endless traffic (4)","Answer":"TRAD","Explanation":"Definition: Music\nTRAD[e] [traffic]"} {"Clue":"Wide containers, four in river (9)","Answer":"EXPANSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Wide\nPANS [containers] + IV [four] in EXE [river]"} {"Clue":"Batting sides\u00a0interrupted (2-3)","Answer":"ON-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: interrupted \nTwo batting sides"} {"Clue":"Sooner at sea, hard to be kept \u2014 away from it? (2,5)","Answer":"ON SHORE","Explanation":"Definition: away from it\nAnagram [at sea] of SOONER round H [hard]"} {"Clue":"More than one case exists in glens (7)","Answer":"VALISES","Explanation":"Definition: More than one case\nIS [exists] in VALES [glens]"} {"Clue":"Man, failure heading for extinction (4)","Answer":"DUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Man\nDUD [failure] + E[xtinction]"} {"Clue":"Ornate picture frames or nothing in US territory (6,4)","Answer":"PUERTO RICO","Explanation":"Definition: US territory\nAnagram [ornate] of PICTURE round OR\u00a0 O [nothing]"} {"Clue":"Old song lyric contested by a number in the south of France? (4,3,5)","Answer":"NICE ONE CYRIL","Explanation":"Definition: Old song\nAnagram [contested] of LYRIC after NICE ONE [number in the south of France] \u2013 Tottenham Hotspurs' football song"} {"Clue":"Instrument, on which I produce notes, is running (10)","Answer":"ORGANISING","Explanation":"Definition: running\nA simple charade of ORGAN [instrument] I SING [I produce notes]"} {"Clue":"Pudding failed (4)","Answer":"DUFF","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Argentine trained to shoot Admiral Horatio primarily, as Lord (7)","Answer":"MESSIAH","Explanation":"Definition: Lord\nMESSI [Lionel \u2013 Argentinian trained to shoot] + A[dmiral] H[oratio]"} {"Clue":"In Greece, plain old folly ultimately, politician inspired by cheat no end (7)","Answer":"OLYMPIA","Explanation":"Definition: In Greece, plain\nO [old] + Y [last letter of folly] MP [politician] in LIA[r] cheat minus its final letter"} {"Clue":"Relative seen from behind in codpiece, inconsolable (5)","Answer":"NIECE","Explanation":"Definition: Relative\nHidden reversal [seen from behind] in codpECE INconsolable"} {"Clue":"As soon as guards happen to fade away, that's submission (9)","Answer":"OBEDIENCE","Explanation":"Definition: submission\nONCE [as soon as] round BE [happen] DIE [fade away]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"O for Officer? (6,2,7)","Answer":"SECOND IN COMMAND","Explanation":"Definition: Officer\nO is the second letter of COMMAND"} {"Clue":"In various parts, classic tours thus restricted by passport? (8)","Answer":"EPISODIC","Explanation":"Definition: In various parts\nEPIC [classic] round SO [thus] in ID [passport?]"} {"Clue":"across American saw evidence of deterioration after doing exercises, pathetic (2,3,2,5)","Answer":"IN GOD WE TRUST","Explanation":"Definition: American saw\nRUST [evidence of deterioration] after an anagram [exercises] of DOING + WET [pathetic] \u2013 the\u00a0 official motto of the United States"} {"Clue":"Assuming elected, hold down a cushy job (8)","Answer":"SINECURE","Explanation":"Definition: cushy job\nSECURE [hold down] round IN [elected]"} {"Clue":"High street retailer once seeing value in a fabric? (9)","Answer":"WOOLWORTH","Explanation":"Definition: High street retailer once\nWOOL [fabric] WORTH [value] \u2013 this doesn't quite work for me"} {"Clue":"Little growth in industry initially, while privileged type stuck up (6)","Answer":"BONSAI","Explanation":"Definition: Little growth\nA reversal [stuck up] of I[ndustry] AS [while] NOB [privileged type]"} {"Clue":"One in unfamiliar surroundings, as 21 5? (1,4,3,2,5)","Answer":"A FISH OUT OF WATER","Explanation":"Definition: One in unfamiliar surroundings\nThis went in immediately, from the enumeration and crossers and I was expecting some of Paul's intricate parsing but it's really just a straightforward definition \u2013\u00a0*Edit 15 minutes later: I've just realised there's, of course,\u00a0more going on here: a fish out of water\u00a0has left his school!\u00a0Sorry, Paul."} {"Clue":"Individual club sandwiches toward the mouth? (9)","Answer":"DOWNRIVER","Explanation":"Definition: toward the mouth\nDRIVER [club] round OWN [individual] \u2013 the cryptic grammar is a bit mangled but it does work"} {"Clue":"Buckinghamshire town upset different town in Kent (8)","Answer":"WENDOVER","Explanation":"Definition: Buckinghamshire town\nReversal [upset] of NEW [different] + DOVER [town in Kent]"} {"Clue":"American sport on the rise, game not half taking over (8)","Answer":"USURPING","Explanation":"Definition: taking over\nUS [American] + a reversal [on the rise] OF RU [sport] + PING [pong \u2013 game not half]"} {"Clue":"perhaps? One's smoked (6)","Answer":"GASPER","Explanation":"Definition: One's smoked\nA fish out of water might be gasping: Collins has gasper = cheap cigarette as 'British' [my first thought was 'kipper']"} {"Clue":"Serve alcohol in a quandary \u2014 might one be 16 or 18? (6-6)","Answer":"SCHOOL-LEAVER","Explanation":"Definition: might one be 16 or 18?\nA neat anagram [in a quandary] of SERVE ALCOHOL: students in the UK usually leave school at 16 or 18"} {"Clue":"Unconvincing verdict on reorganisation (9)","Answer":"CONTRIVED","Explanation":"Definition: Unconvincing\nAnagram [reorganisation] of VERDICT ON"} {"Clue":"Western sultanate's frailty, according to Hamlet (5)","Answer":"WOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: frailty, according to Hamlet\nW [Western] OMAN [sultanate] \u2013 'Frailty, thy name\u00a0 is woman', said Hamlet, speaking of his mother"} {"Clue":"Like a great stylist Puritans love madly (9)","Answer":"PROUSTIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Like a great stylist\nAnagram [madly] of PURITANS and O [love]"} {"Clue":"Baffle with incomplete limb (5)","Answer":"STUMP","Explanation":"Definition: Baffleincomplete limb\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Folk band turned into premier ethnographic exhibit, for starters (6)","Answer":"PEOPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Folk\nA reversal [turned] of L[ondon] P[hilharmonic] O[rchestra ['band'!] in first letters [starters] of Premier] E[thnographic] E[xhibit]"} {"Clue":"A bird, dropping one animal, returned diving equipment (8)","Answer":"AQUALUNG","Explanation":"Definition: diving equipment\nA QUA[i]L [a bird, dropping i {one}] + a reversal [returned] of GNU [animal]"} {"Clue":"Philosopher placing article amid pieces of music (7)","Answer":"BARTHES","Explanation":"Definition: Philosopher\nTHE [article] in BARS [pieces of music] for philosopher Roland"} {"Clue":"Snake's exhausted, holding soldiers back (7)","Answer":"SERPENT","Explanation":"Definition: Snake\nSPENT [exhausted] round a reversal [back] of RE [soldiers]"} {"Clue":"Disagree about American electrical apparatus (8)","Answer":"DIFFUSER","Explanation":"Definition: electrical apparatus\nDIFFER [disagree] round US [American]"} {"Clue":"Promise to put piano on shelf (6)","Answer":"PLEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Promise\nP [piano] + LEDGE [shelf]"} {"Clue":"Be useful to island engulfed by reflux of magma (5)","Answer":"AVAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Be useful to\nI [island] in a reversal [reflux] of LAVA [magma]"} {"Clue":"Eels prove slippery and fail to rise (9)","Answer":"OVERSLEEP","Explanation":"Definition: fail to rise\nAnagram [slippery] of EELS PROVE \u2013 loved the surface"} {"Clue":"Slow down born libertine (5)","Answer":"BRAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Slow down\nB [born] + RAKE [libertine]"} {"Clue":"Important person's documentation found in here (9)","Answer":"PRESIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: Important person\nID [documentation] in PRESENT [here]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Unrefined blades in church (6)","Answer":"COARSE","Explanation":"Definition: Unrefined\nOARS [blades] in CE [Church of England]"} {"Clue":"Set about 30 8 of 18 3? (8)","Answer":"STRUMPET","Explanation":"Definition: 30 8 of 18 3\nSET round TRUMP [President] to give WOMAN of EASY VIRTUE"} {"Clue":"True vice half-destroyed, surprisingly, by its opposite (6)","Answer":"VIRTUE","Explanation":"Definition: its opposite\nAnagram [surprisingly] of TRUE VI[ce]"} {"Clue":"Escape from 5, getting A & E confused (7)","Answer":"GETAWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Escape\nGATEWAY [portal] with the A and E exchanged"} {"Clue":"Entrance friend eating golden treacle to begin with (6)","Answer":"PORTAL","Explanation":"Definition: Entrance\nPAL [friend] round OR [golden] T[reacle]"} {"Clue":"Squirrel's introduction to nut curtailed by fish (6)","Answer":"SALMON","Explanation":"Definition: fish\nS[quirrel] + ALMON[d] [nut curtailed]"} {"Clue":"Odoriferous plant secures second trick (4)","Answer":"RUSE","Explanation":"Definition: trick\nRUE [odoriferous plant, in Ophelia's nosegay \u2013 I've got Hamlet on the brain today: I was at a screening of 'Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead' last night] round S [second] \u2013"} {"Clue":"Be thrifty and move on time (6)","Answer":"BUDGET","Explanation":"Definition: Be thrifty\nBUDGE [move] + T [time]"} {"Clue":"Say no to iron getting turned into 11 (6)","Answer":"REFUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Say no to\nA reversal [turned] of FE [iron] in RUSE [11]"} {"Clue":"Requiring little effort to be relaxed (4)","Answer":"EASY","Explanation":"Definition: Requiring little effortrelaxed\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Rule out piece of Chopin, say, covering his head (8)","Answer":"PRECLUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Rule out\nC[hopin] in PRELUDE [piece of Chopin, say]"} {"Clue":"Virtuosic old city set in Spanish coast (7)","Answer":"BRAVURA","Explanation":"Definition: Virtuosic\nUR [the familiar old city] in BRAVA [Spanish coast]"} {"Clue":"Upend fountain erected around the beginning of November (6)","Answer":"INVERT","Explanation":"Definition: Upend\nA reversal [erected] of TREVI [ fountain in Rome] round N[ovember]"} {"Clue":"Loud, dangerous and full of fun (6)","Answer":"FRISKY","Explanation":"Definition: full of fun\nF [loud] + RISKY [dangerous]"} {"Clue":"District capital's hospital (6)","Answer":"PARISH","Explanation":"Definition: District\nPARIS [capital] + H [hospital]"} {"Clue":"Novelist about to infiltrate some DNA (6)","Answer":"GREENE","Explanation":"Definition: Novelist\nRE [about] in GENE [some DNA]"} {"Clue":"A greenkeeper? (15)","Answer":"CONSERVATIONIST","Explanation":"Doublish \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Explorer or a cool MP, perhaps (5,4)","Answer":"MARCO POLO","Explanation":"Definition: Explorer\nAnagram [perhaps] of\u00a0OR A COOL MP"} {"Clue":"Relationship discovered in the maths class (5)","Answer":"RATIO","Explanation":"Definition: Relationship discovered in the maths class\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Girl to fancy being different (7)","Answer":"UNALIKE","Explanation":"Definition: different\nUNA [girl] + LIKE [fancy]"} {"Clue":"It makes pepper pot mine, anyhow (7)","Answer":"PIMENTO","Explanation":"Definition: It makes pepper\nAnagram [anyhow] of POT MINE"} {"Clue":"Born in unending need (3)","Answer":"NEE","Explanation":"Definition: Born\nNEE[d]"} {"Clue":"Best way to secure a crest of hair (7)","Answer":"TOPKNOT","Explanation":"Definition: crest of hair\nTOP [best] KNOT [way to secure]"} {"Clue":"How supporters reacted to a poor nil-draw? (3,4)","Answer":"RAN WILD","Explanation":"Definition: How supporters reacted\nAnagram [poor] of NIL-DRAW"} {"Clue":"Trickery that doesn't amount to much by the sound of it (7)","Answer":"SLEIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Trickery\nSounds like 'slight' \u2013 doesn't amount to much"} {"Clue":"Legal or otherwise, it's a lively movement (7)","Answer":"ALLEGRO","Explanation":"Definition: a lively movement\nAnagram [otherwise] of LEGAL OR"} {"Clue":"Centre of radiation? (3)","Answer":"HUB","Explanation":"Definition: Centre of radiation\nCryptic definition \u2013 spokes radiate from the hub"} {"Clue":"Coach working on American lines (4-3)","Answer":"RAIL CAR","Explanation":"Definition: Coach working on American lines\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Line of sight? (7)","Answer":"RETICLE","Explanation":"Definition: Line of sight?\nA new word for me \u2013 Collins tells me that it's 'a network of fine lines, wires, etc., placed in the local plane of an optical instrument', so a cryptic definition, I suppose, although, presumably, the clue ought to read 'lines of sight'"} {"Clue":"Row about right judge? (5)","Answer":"TRIER","Explanation":"Definition: judge\nTIER [row] round R [right]"} {"Clue":"Possibly slips beneath surface of river (9)","Answer":"UNDERWEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Possibly slips\nUNDER [beneath the surface of] WEAR [river in the north east of England] \u2013 I liked this one, too"} {"Clue":"Suspends the outlay, yet doesn't mind what it costs (5,3,7)","Answer":"HANGS THE EXPENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Suspends the outlaydoesn't mind what it costs\nDouble definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"What an irritated diver must do to make the grade? (4,2,2,7)","Answer":"COME UP TO SCRATCH","Explanation":"Definition: make the grade\nAmusing cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Mean to accompany a woman (5)","Answer":"NORMA","Explanation":"Definition: woman\nNORM [mean] + A"} {"Clue":"Note proposal of love, for example (7)","Answer":"EMOTION","Explanation":"Definition: love, for example\nE [note] + MOTION [proposal]"} {"Clue":"Not evil \u2014 maybe just lacking restraint (7)","Answer":"VIOLENT","Explanation":"Definition: lacking restraint\nAnagram [maybe] of NOT EVIL"} {"Clue":"One expected to swear he's a soldier (7)","Answer":"TROOPER","Explanation":"Definition: soldier\nReference to the expression 'swear like a trooper'"} {"Clue":"Stern-looking sport contestant (7)","Answer":"OARSMAN","Explanation":"Definition: sport contestant\nCryptic definition \u2013 am oarsman would be looking towards the stern"} {"Clue":"Contemplating dining out about ten (9)","Answer":"INTENDING","Explanation":"Definition: Contemplating\nAnagram [out] of DINING round TEN"} {"Clue":"Unbelievably virtuous? (3,4,2,2,4)","Answer":"TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE","Explanation":"Definition: Unbelievably virtuous\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Summary I get on accuracy (9)","Answer":"PRECISION","Explanation":"Definition: accuracy\nPR\u00c9CIS + I + ON"} {"Clue":"A Scot's impatient expression (3)","Answer":"OCH","Explanation":"Definition: A Scot's impatient expression\nCryptic definition \u2013 we are intended to think of facial expression"} {"Clue":"Boring point of law (3)","Answer":"AWL","Explanation":"Definition: Boring point\nAnagram [with no indicator] of LAW"} {"Clue":"Cargo transported up small road in small fast vehicles (2-5)","Answer":"GO-CARTS","Explanation":"Definition: small fast vehicles\nAnagram [transported] of CARGO + a reversal [up] of ST [small road]"} {"Clue":"Having finished a boring job? (7)","Answer":"THROUGH","Explanation":"Definition: Having finished a boring job?\nDoublish \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Contract that makes a ferryman redundant? (7)","Answer":"ABRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Contract\nA BRIDGE makes a ferryman redundant"} {"Clue":"Fail to catch, or accidentally disclose (3,4)","Answer":"LET DROP","Explanation":"Definition: Fail to catchaccidentally disclose\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Broken lance not spotted (5)","Answer":"CLEAN","Explanation":"Definition: not spotted\nAnagram [broken] of LANCE"} {"Clue":"Fish, carp skinned for old cavalryman (6)","Answer":"HUSSAR","Explanation":"Definition: old cavalryman\nHUSS [fish \u2013 any of various kinds of dogfish, when used as food] + [c]AR[p]"} {"Clue":"A travesty, fishy fizzy drink? (7)","Answer":"CHARADE","Explanation":"Definition: A travesty\nCHAR is a fish, so CHARADE, by analogy with lemonade, could be a fishy fizzy drink \u2013 one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"Given a flyer, teal fled in a panic carrying first of eggs (9)","Answer":"LEAFLETED","Explanation":"Definition: Given a flyer\nAnagram [in a panic] of TEAL FLED and E[ggs]"} {"Clue":"Harpoon small fish (5)","Answer":"SPIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Harpoon\nS [small] PIKE [fish]"} {"Clue":"Ray gobbling river fish (5)","Answer":"BREAM","Explanation":"Definition: fish\nBEAM [ray] round R [river]"} {"Clue":"Embellish crypt with this series of art works (9)","Answer":"TRIPTYCHS","Explanation":"Definition: series of art works\nAnagram [embellish] of CRYPT THIS \u2013 one of those anagrams that leap out"} {"Clue":"Fish's gathered in, a little under a foot (3-4)","Answer":"TEN-INCH","Explanation":"Definition: a little under a foot\nTENCH [fish] round IN"} {"Clue":"Plastering material to see in face that's been knocked about (6)","Answer":"GYPSUM","Explanation":"Definition: Plastering material\nA reversal [that's been knocked about] of SPY [see] in MUG [face]"} {"Clue":"Communist sticks by workers, wiping brow (6)","Answer":"ENGELS","Explanation":"Definition: Communist\n[m]EN [workers, minus the first letter \u2013 'wiping brow'] + GELS [sticks] \u2013 another favourite"} {"Clue":" Score in second haul of fish about right (7)","Answer":"SCRATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Score\nS [second]\u00a0+ CATCH [haul of fish] round R [right]"} {"Clue":"Smothered in sauce, local appearing put out again (9)","Answer":"REPUBLISH","Explanation":"Definition: put out again\nPUB [local] in RELISH [sauce]"} {"Clue":"Obliged to leave, depart finally amid word of appreciation (5)","Answer":"GOTTA","Explanation":"Definition: Obliged to\nGO [leave] + [depar]T in TA [word of appreciation ] \u2013 the cryptic grammar doesn't** quite** work [it would need to be 'I'M obliged to' or 'I'VE gotta'] but I was thankful enough to [finally] see this not to quibble \u2013 not one of my favourite clues, though"} {"Clue":"Cat attack not kicking off (5)","Answer":"POUNCE","Explanation":"Definition: Cat\n[p]OUNCE [attack]"} {"Clue":"Emin's back in seaside town, quiet retiring star! (9)","Answer":"PENTAGRAM","Explanation":"Definition: star\n[emi]N in a reversal [retiring] of MARGATE [seaside town] + P [quiet]"} {"Clue":"Sci-fi fan runs after vacuous Kirk into wood (7)","Answer":"TREKKER","Explanation":"Definition: Sci-fi fan\nR [runs] after K[ir]K in TREE [wood]"} {"Clue":"Dumped unceremoniously in seat, by the sound of it? (6)","Answer":"THROWN","Explanation":"Definition: Dumped unceremoniously\nSounds like 'throne' \u2013 seat\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Small fish, rock (5)","Answer":"SHAKE","Explanation":"Definition: rock\nS [small] HAKE [fish]"} {"Clue":"Dance laden with male trips (9)","Answer":"ALLEMANDE","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\nAnagram [trips] of LADEN and MALE"} {"Clue":"Pair of fish for an apple (7)","Answer":"CODLING","Explanation":"Definition: apple\nCOD LING [pair of fish]"} {"Clue":"Equally prepared for benefit (5)","Answer":"ASSET","Explanation":"Definition: benefit\nAS [equally? \u2013 not absolutely sure of this \u2013 would like some reassurance] + SET [prepared]"} {"Clue":"Battle where a trap may be tried? (9)","Answer":"AGINCOURT","Explanation":"Definition: Battle\nA GIN COURT could try a gin [trap]"} {"Clue":"Remarkably English, one side of literature? (4,2)","Answer":"EVER SO","Explanation":"Definition: Remarkably\nE [English] + VERSO [one side of literature]"} {"Clue":"One's running \u2014 the pain from it? (6)","Answer":"STITCH","Explanation":"Definition: One's running the pain from it\nDouble definition: 'running' is a kind of sewing stitch and you get stitch from running \u2013 my other joint top favourite: I particularly liked the subtle dual sense of 'one's running' \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Old coin ending in circulation with European note in particular (9)","Answer":"NINEPENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Old coin\n[circulatio]N + E [European] + PEN [note] in NICE [particular] \u2013 I didn't know there was such a coin and I wondered if that was where we got 'right as ninepence': Brewer says, 'The expression is said to relate to silver ninepenny piece, formerly given as love tokens'"} {"Clue":"A few lines, silver fish hooks and a perch to be gutted (9)","Answer":"PARAGRAPH","Explanation":"Definition: A few lines\nPARR [fish \u2013 a salmon up to two years old] round [hooks] AG [silver] + A P[ERC]H"} {"Clue":"Fish, small fish (7)","Answer":"SKIPPER","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nS [small \u2013 for the fourth time] + KIPPER"} {"Clue":"Haitian leader buried in revolution, cross beneath it, monolithic statue (6)","Answer":"SPHINX","Explanation":"Definition: monolithic statue\nH[aitian] in SPIN [revolution] + X [cross]"} {"Clue":"Sample fish, including last of blenny (3,3)","Answer":"TRY OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Sample\nTROUT [fish] round [blenn]Y which, I found, is another fish: 'a member of the genus Blennius or related genera of acanthopterygian fishes, usually slimy'"} {"Clue":"Cold fish (5)","Answer":"BLEAK","Explanation":"Double definition \u2013 definitely known from crosswords: 'a small silvery river fish, whose scales yield a pigment used in making artificial pearls'"} {"Clue":"Supercharger cutting fish (5)","Answer":"TURBO","Explanation":"Definition: Supercharger\nTURBO[t]"} {"Clue":"May the second (6,7,5,8)","Answer":"FEMALE BRITISH PRIME MINISTER","Explanation":"Definition: May the second\nCryptic definition, referring to Theresa May, who, together with the POTUS, is providing rich pickings for crossword setters: I suppose this has to be Clue of the Day?"} {"Clue":"Superb swimmer ain't swimming (9)","Answer":"BRILLIANT","Explanation":"Definition: Superb\nBRILL [fish \u2013 swimmer] + an anagram [swimming] of AINT \u2013 this and 13ac seem to be left-overs from Paul's fishy Prize puzzle that I blogged last week"} {"Clue":"F is just for\u00a0\"fix\" (5)","Answer":"PASTE","Explanation":"Definition: fix\nF is just PAST E in the alphabet"} {"Clue":"Youth with a dash of yellow\u00a0\u00a0wee (5)","Answer":"TEENY","Explanation":"Definition: wee\nTEEN [youth] + Y[ellow]"} {"Clue":"Fish in sea that's oily and fatty (9)","Answer":"MARGARINE","Explanation":"Definition: that's oily and fatty\nGAR fish] in MARINE [sea \u2013 as an adjective]"} {"Clue":"On the backhand, seed is great rival (7)","Answer":"NEMESIS","Explanation":"Definition: great rival\nA reversal [on the backhand] of SEMEN [seed] + IS \u2013 I know it's in Chambers but I don't like this figurative definition"} {"Clue":"Cocky image impressing chamber (7)","Answer":"PHALLIC","Explanation":"Definition: Cocky\nPIC [image] round HALL [chamber]"} {"Clue":"Partially and totally do this for a carrier (7)","Answer":"HOLDALL","Explanation":"Definition: carrier\npartiALLy and totALLy both hold ALL"} {"Clue":"Guts of Octavius robed in underwear and fleece \u2014 that's recklessly courageous (7)","Answer":"BRAVADO","Explanation":"Definition: that's recklessly courageous\n[oct]AV[ius] in BRA [underwear] DO [fleece] \u2013 all my dictionaries have BRAVADO as a noun, but I think including 'that's' in the definition makes it work [Paul has used this device a number of times today]"} {"Clue":"Appropriate investigation held by prophet (9)","Answer":"SEQUESTER","Explanation":"Definition: Appropriate\nQUEST [investigation] in SEER [prophet]"} {"Clue":"Those people pass through taking a test \u2014 not entirely (5)","Answer":"GATES","Explanation":"Definition: Those people pass through\nHidden in takinG A TESt"} {"Clue":"Animals eating dirt ultimately put off (5)","Answer":"DETER","Explanation":"Definition: put off\nDEER [animals] round [dir]T"} {"Clue":"Coming round again, I rotate in circles (9)","Answer":"ITERATION","Explanation":"Definition: Coming round again\nAnagram [circles] of I ROTATE IN\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Record lard: me, I could be skinny? (9)","Answer":"EPIDERMAL","Explanation":"Definition: skinny?\nEP [record] + an anagram [could be] of LARD ME I"} {"Clue":"Partner stealing a cushion (5)","Answer":"ALLAY","Explanation":"Definition: cushion\nALLY [partner] round A \u2013 cushion as a verb"} {"Clue":"Humanist answer to \"what are problems arising\"? (7)","Answer":"ERASMUS","Explanation":"Definition: Humanist\nA reversal [arising] of SUMS [problems] ARE"} {"Clue":"Piece sailor set up that catches ship's deserters (3,4)","Answer":"RAT TRAP","Explanation":"Definition: that catches ship's deserters\nAnother reversal [set up] of PART [piece] TAR [sailor] \u2013 reference to rats deserting a sinking ship"} {"Clue":"Leader having to lead a fool (3,6)","Answer":"TOP BANANA","Explanation":"Definition: Leader\nTOP [lead] BANANA [fool?] \u2013 we're used to 'bananas' [crazy] as an anagram indicator but I can't find it in the singular in this sense* [Edit: Sorry, I had a real blind spot here: please see comments 1 and 2]"} {"Clue":"Dixie's joint cut for Japanese food (5)","Answer":"SUSHI","Explanation":"Definition: Japanese food\nSUS [Southern United States \u2013 Dixie] + HI[p] [joint, cut]"} {"Clue":"Source of illicit fun\u00a0\u2014 some here? (1,3,2,3,4)","Answer":"A BIT ON THE SIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Source of illicit fun\u00a0\nCryptic [?] clue \u2013 the answer is at the side of the puzzle"} {"Clue":"Author collecting gripping material for transport regulator (5,8)","Answer":"LEVEL CROSSING","Explanation":"Definition: transport regulator\n[Doris] LESSING [author] round VELCRO [gripping material] \u2013 my favourite clue"} {"Clue":"Outsiders in stallion and a racehorse that's beaten (5,4)","Answer":"SNARE DRUM","Explanation":"Definition: that's beaten\nS[tallio]N + A RED RUM [a racehorse]"} {"Clue":"Most brainless, at any rate (9)","Answer":"LEASTWISE","Explanation":"Definition: at any rate\nLEAST WISE"} {"Clue":"Element on fire, buzz round one (7)","Answer":"LITHIUM","Explanation":"Definition: Element\nLIT [on fire] + HUM [buzz] round I [one]"} {"Clue":"Swell getting starter of boiled egg on (7)","Answer":"BURGEON","Explanation":"Definition: Swell\nB[oiled] URGE ON [egg on] \u2013 a pity about the repeated 'on'"} {"Clue":"World Cup hosts in question a focus of attack? Get away! (5)","Answer":"QATAR","Explanation":"Definition: World Cup hosts\nQ [question] + A TAR[get] [focus of attack] \u2013 Qatar is scheduled to host the FIFA 2022 World Cup"} {"Clue":"Tell the sod! (5)","Answer":"GRASS","Explanation":"Definition: Tellsod\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Centre back in attack last to display violence (8)","Answer":"FEROCITY","Explanation":"Definition: violence\nA reversal [back] of CORE [centre] in FIT [attack] + [displa]Y"} {"Clue":"Got up in Paris, enceinte (6)","Answer":"ARISEN","Explanation":"Definition: Got up\nHidden in pARIS ENceinte"} {"Clue":"State prosecutor's lost new coinage (6)","Answer":"FLORIN","Explanation":"Definition: coinage\nFLORI[da] [state, minus da {District Attorney \u2013 prosecutor}] + N [new]"} {"Clue":"Like child making busy mum irate? (8)","Answer":"IMMATURE","Explanation":"Definition: Like child\nAnagram [busy] of MUM IRATE \u2013 lovely surface"} {"Clue":"Our nation oddly omitted to, in the past (4)","Answer":"UNTO","Explanation":"Definition: to, in the past\n[o]U[r] N[a]T[i]O[n] minus the odd letters \u2013 'unto' is an archaic form of 'to'"} {"Clue":"Record answer given by councillor entering race (10)","Answer":"TRANSCRIBE","Explanation":"Definition: Record\nANS [answer] + CR [councillor] in TRIBE [race]"} {"Clue":"Yet again take in post, including bill (7)","Answer":"READMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Yet again take in\nREMIT [post] round AD [bill]"} {"Clue":"Dog runs after bait, nipping child (7)","Answer":"LURCHER","Explanation":"Definition: Dog\nLURE [bait] + R [runs] round CH [child]"} {"Clue":"Mad Hatter's rig is more respectable (10)","Answer":"STRAIGHTER","Explanation":"Definition: more respectable\nAnagram [mad] of HATTER'S RIG"} {"Clue":"Mark's successor fighting Mark with little ardour (8)","Answer":"LUKEWARM","Explanation":"Definition: with little ardour\nLUKE [Mark's successor \u2013 Luke's gospel comes after Mark's in the New Testament] + WAR [fighting] + M [mark]"} {"Clue":"Leading light from Staffs turned traitor (4,4)","Answer":"POLE STAR","Explanation":"Definition: Leading light\nPOLES [staffs] + a reversal [turned] of RAT [traitor]"} {"Clue":"Farm's latest ducks frighten child's animal (3-3)","Answer":"MOO-COW","Explanation":"Definition: child's animal\n[far]M + OO [ducks] + COW [frighten]"} {"Clue":"Prior to support leader in Eucharist (6)","Answer":"BEFORE","Explanation":"Definition: Prior to\nBE FOR [support] + E[ucharist]"} {"Clue":"Go north before journalist's prepared to rise (8)","Answer":"LEAVENED","Explanation":"Definition: prepared to rise\nLEAVE [go] + N [north] + ED [journalist]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Favourably placed tenor spoke of missing mass with the best of motives (4-11)","Answer":"WELL-INTENTIONED","Explanation":"Definition: with the best of motives\nWELL IN [favourably placed] + T [tenor] + [m]ENTIONED [spoke of, minus m \u2013 mass]"} {"Clue":"Put down tip from firefighter (4,4,5,2)","Answer":"POUR COLD WATER ON","Explanation":"Definition: Put downtip from firefighter\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Digital marker little bird mentioned on phone? (6,4)","Answer":"SIGNET RING","Explanation":"Definition: Digital marker\nSIGNET [sounds like {mentioned} cygnet \u2013 little bird] + RING [phone] \u2013 with a cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Routine year for adult in exotic capital (7)","Answer":"TYPICAL","Explanation":"Definition: Routine\nAnagram [exotic] of CAPITYL \u2013 having swapped a [adult] for Y [year] in 'capital'"} {"Clue":"An edition of Ancient & Modern? (10,5)","Answer":"HISTORICAL NOVEL","Explanation":"Definition: An edition\nA deceptively simple \u2013 but clever \u2013 charade of HISTORICAL [Ancient] and NOVEL [modern]"} {"Clue":"King's noted lodging \u2014 building AKA brothel there (10,5)","Answer":"HEARTBREAK HOTEL","Explanation":"Definition: King's noted lodging\nAnagram [building] of AKA BROTHEL THERE, with a cryptic definition: a song [noted] by Elvis [The King] Presley]"} {"Clue":"Good feed making Spooner's horse kick up a fuss (6,4)","Answer":"SQUARE MEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Good feed\n'Mare squeal' \u2013 I'm not over-fond of Spoonerisms but I liked this one"} {"Clue":"Like fox consuming bird without pity? (7)","Answer":"STERNLY","Explanation":"Definition: without pity?\nSLY [like fox] round TERN [bird] \u2013 I'm not entirely happy with the definition"} {"Clue":"Low digits from zero in ascending series (4)","Answer":"TOES","Explanation":"Definition: Low digits\nO [zero] in a reversal [ascending] of SET [series] \u2013 with an amusing definition"} {"Clue":"Boy and I in children's game knocked over champions (8)","Answer":"PALADINS","Explanation":"Definition: champions\nLAD [boy] and I in a reversal [knocked over] of SNAP [children's game] \u2013 the Paladins were the foremost warriors of Charlemagne's court"} {"Clue":"Stunned in the morning by Observer crossword (6)","Answer":"AMAZED","Explanation":"Definition: Stunned\nAM [in the morning] + AZED [Observer crossword]"} {"Clue":"Oatmeal exceptionally fine in dish (4,4)","Answer":"MEAT LOAF","Explanation":"Definition: dish\nAnagram [exceptionally] of OATMEAL + F [fine]"} {"Clue":"Rider in crusade flanked by monarch and Scotsman (10)","Answer":"EQUESTRIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Rider\nQUEST [crusade] between ER [monarch] and IAN [the crossword Scotsman \u2013 although most of the Scottish ones I\u00a0 know spell it IAIN]"} {"Clue":"Finisher, not starter? That's very good! (6)","Answer":"TOPPER","Explanation":"Definition: That's very good\n[s]TOPPER [finisher]"} {"Clue":"It's destructive, showing anger about trad\u00aditional Bible (8)","Answer":"RAVAGING","Explanation":"Definition: It's destructive\nRAGING [showing anger] round AV [Authorised Version \u2013 traditional Bible]"} {"Clue":"Grow weak, left out in pain (7)","Answer":"ANGUISH","Explanation":"Definition: pain\n[l]ANGUISH [grow weak minus l \u2013 left]"} {"Clue":"There's little right in fiddle creating dispute (7)","Answer":"WRANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: dispute\nR [little right] in WANGLE [fiddle]"} {"Clue":"Laissez-faire type? Not sailor from African country (8)","Answer":"LIBERIAN","Explanation":"Definition: from African country\nLIBER[tar]IAN [laissez-faire type] minus tar [sailor]"} {"Clue":"Activity on rugby field trapping a bone (6)","Answer":"SACRUM","Explanation":"Definition: bone\nSCRUM [activity on rugby field] round A"} {"Clue":"Sausage roll made at Barking (10)","Answer":"MORTADELLA","Explanation":"Definition: Sausage\nAnagram [Barking] of ROLL MADE AT"} {"Clue":"Troublesome kid eating egg with a little bit of extra salt (6)","Answer":"BORATE","Explanation":"Definition: salt\nBRAT [troublesome kid] round O [egg] + E[xtra]"} {"Clue":"Breeding of man covered in grass (8)","Answer":"SPAWNING","Explanation":"Definition: Breeding\nPAWN [chessman] in SING [grass]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Ex-PM keeps appealing to the top people in the country (8)","Answer":"CAMEROUN","Explanation":"Definition: country\n[David] CAMERON [ex PM] round U [appealing to the top people] I wasn't aware of this spelling but find that\u00a0it's the French name, which seems rather perverse, since the U is not a crossing letter, but it allows Pasquale a witty surface"} {"Clue":"Travelling fans late \u2014 coaches not moving here? (4,4)","Answer":"FAST LANE","Explanation":"Definition: coaches not moving here\nAnagram [travelling] of FANS LATE"} {"Clue":"In a row nothing upset listener (6)","Answer":"LINEAR","Explanation":"Definition: In a row\nReversal [upset] of NIL [nothing] + EAR [listener]"} {"Clue":"Hearing US style, unpleasant modern form of our language (7,7)","Answer":"ESTUARY ENGLISH","Explanation":"Definition: modern form of our language\nAnagram [unpleasant??] of HEARING US STYLE"} {"Clue":"Cleric, very big fool, set up religious festival (8)","Answer":"PASSOVER","Explanation":"Definition: religious festival\nReversal [set up] of REV[erend] \u2013 cleric] + OS [very big] + SAP [fool]"} {"Clue":"I tire and can go funny \u2014 caused by medical treatment? (10)","Answer":"IATROGENIC","Explanation":"Definition: caused by medical treatment\nAnagram [funny] of I TIRE and CAN GO \u2013 a new word for me but crossing letters made it possible to work out \u2013 derived from the Greek iatros, physician"} {"Clue":"Abandon rail transport, losing heart with delay (6)","Answer":"DETAIN","Explanation":"Definition: delay\nDET[r]AIN [abandon rail transport] minus its middle letter"} {"Clue":"Moving up in trade gaining pounds, showing business sense? (10)","Answer":"PRUDENTIAL","Explanation":"Definition: showing business sense\nAnagram [moving] of UP IN TRADE + L [pounds]"} {"Clue":"Cheats in society, endlessly calm (8)","Answer":"SWINDLES","Explanation":"Definition: Cheats\nS [society] + WINDLES[s] [endlessly calm]"} {"Clue":"City road goes round country to the north (8)","Answer":"LAUSANNE","Explanation":"Definition: City\nLANE [road] round USA [country] + N [north]"} {"Clue":"One unpleasant person outside work, one with fourteen members (6)","Answer":"ISOPOD","Explanation":"Definition: one with fourteen members\nI SOD [one unpleasant person] round OP [work] \u2013 Wikipedia tells me that isopods have seven pairs of jointed limbs on the thorax \u2013 fourteen members"} {"Clue":"Channel links Home Counties to \"abroad\" (6)","Answer":"SEAWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Channel\nSE [South East \u2013 Home Counties] + AWAY [abroad]"} {"Clue":"A small drink including minimum of table wine for starters (9)","Answer":"ANTIPASTI","Explanation":"Definition: starters\nA NIP [a small drink] round T[able] + ASTI [wine]"} {"Clue":"Scrub backs in the lower area, various vertebrae (5)","Answer":"ERASE","Explanation":"Definition: Scrub\nLast letters [backs] of thE loweR areA variouS vertebraE"} {"Clue":"Channel slips by this? (5)","Answer":"GULLY","Explanation":"Definition: Channel\nCryptic definition, referring to fielding positions in cricket, I believe"} {"Clue":"Extreme agony among legation trained to embrace sport (9,7)","Answer":"INGROWING TOENAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Extreme agony\nIN [among] + an anagram [trained] of LEGATION embracing ROWING [sport]"} {"Clue":"Man of God in Ireland, eg reformed chief executive (8,7)","Answer":"DIRECTOR GENERAL","Explanation":"Definition: chief executive\nRECTOR [man of God] in an anagram [reformed] of IRELAND EG"} {"Clue":"Army rank rejected in case of gerund being a lexicographical oddity (5,4)","Answer":"GHOST WORD","Explanation":"Definition: lexicographical oddity\nHOST [army] + a reversal [rejected] of ROW [rank] in G[erun]D"} {"Clue":"Small group covering article in soil, turned over (5)","Answer":"TRIAD","Explanation":"Definition: Small group\nA [article] in a reversal [turned over] of DIRT [soil]"} {"Clue":"Man bit arm (5)","Answer":"PIECE","Explanation":"Triple definition"} {"Clue":"Cutting hedges optional \u2014 sense avoiding the thorny bits? (9,7)","Answer":"SELECTIVE HEARING","Explanation":"Definition: sense avoiding the thorny bits\nSHEARING [cutting] round [hedges] ELECTIVE [optional]"} {"Clue":"Label outlining conclusion of anal pedant (8)","Answer":"STICKLER","Explanation":"Definition: pedant\nSTICKER [label] round [ana]L"} {"Clue":"Weird seeing something brown in blue (6)","Answer":"SPOOKY","Explanation":"Definition: Weird\nPOO [something brown] in SKY [blue]"} {"Clue":"Druggie into Jailhouse Rock (4)","Answer":"USER","Explanation":"Definition: Druggie\nContained in jailhoUSE Rock"} {"Clue":"Free design smeared on grey (10)","Answer":"DISENGAGED","Explanation":"Definition: Free\nAnagram [smeared] of DESIGN + AGED [grey]"} {"Clue":"Slowly drain English river and Irish county (4,4)","Answer":"WEAR DOWN","Explanation":"Definition: Slowly drain\nWEAR [English river] + DOWN [Irish county]"} {"Clue":"Thespian, one supporting someone with a ladder (6)","Answer":"JACOBI","Explanation":"Definition: Thespian\nI [one][ after [supporting,in a down clue] JACOB [someone with a ladder] for thespian Derek, one of our national treasures"} {"Clue":"Faith being questioned in party heading for office, amid dubious claims (10)","Answer":"ICONOCLASM","Explanation":"Definition: Faith being questioned\nCON [party] + O[ffice] in an anagram [dubious] of CLAIMS"} {"Clue":"Avaricious type like godhead coming in earlier after greedy principal (4-6)","Answer":"GOLD-DIGGER","Explanation":"Definition: Avaricious type\nDIG [like] + G[od] in OLDER [earlier] after G[reedy]"} {"Clue":"Salts with it in boxes (8)","Answer":"CITRATES","Explanation":"Definition: Salts\nIT in CRATES [boxes]"} {"Clue":"Having scratched bottom, chance to embrace scent around rear of khazi, causing inflammation of nose (8)","Answer":"RHINITIS","Explanation":"Definition: inflammation of nose\nRIS[k] [chance, having scratched bottom] round HINT [scent] round [khaz]I"} {"Clue":" Specialist with bat or jemmy, perhaps? (6)","Answer":"OPENER","Explanation":"Definition: Specialist with bat or jemmy, perhaps?\nDouble \/ cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Suspicion surrounding Beethoven's Ninth in electronic music (6)","Answer":"TRANCE","Explanation":"Definition: electronic music\nTRACE [suspicion] round ninth letter of beethoveN"} {"Clue":"Break in end of paragraph where N-Z found to include L (4,4)","Answer":"HALF TERM","Explanation":"Definition: Break\nparagrapH + AFTER M [where N-Z found] round L \u2013 I know many people who are looking forward to around 4.00 this afternoon: have a good one! \u2013 and I hope the sun continures to shine \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Worldly ways taken to heart by Orwell and Jonson? (8,6)","Answer":"CARDINAL POINTS","Explanation":"Definition: Worldly ways\nThe central letters [heart] of orwWEll and JoNSon are the main points on the compass"} {"Clue":"Nothing left for racketeer, might you say? (5)","Answer":"NADAL","Explanation":"Definition: racketeer, might you say?\nNADA [Spanish\u00a0 'nothing' \u2013 appropriate, as tennis player\u00a0 [Rafael] Nadal, who is cryptically defined as a racketeer, is Spanish] + L [left] \u2013 \u00a0beautifully simple and one of my favourite clues"} {"Clue":"Play with regal family taking precedence? (4,4)","Answer":"KING LEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Play\nKIN [family] taking precedence over an anagram [I'm struggling to find an indicator \u2013 unless 'play' is doing double duty \u2013 and I've usually no problem with that] of REGAL"} {"Clue":"Whitewash thicker walls a little bit (7)","Answer":"TROUNCE","Explanation":"Definition: Whitewash\nT[hicke]R ['walls' \u2013 outside letters of ] + OUNCE [little bit]"} {"Clue":"Endless burden carrying cross around, one kept under pressure (7)","Answer":"AEROSOL","Explanation":"Definition: one kept under pressure\nReversal [around] of LOA[d] \u2013 endless burden]\u00a0 round SORE [cross]"} {"Clue":"Arouse\u00a0 in pronounced climax (5)","Answer":"PIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Arouse\nSounds like [pronounced] 'peak' [climax]"} {"Clue":"Pirate on film, miser (9)","Answer":"SKINFLINT","Explanation":"Definition: miser\nSKIN [film] + FLINT [Pirate Captain in 'Treasure Island']"} {"Clue":"Criminal arrested smuggling uranium, valued highly (9)","Answer":"TREASURED","Explanation":"Definition: valued highly\nAnagram [criminal] of ARRESTED + U [uranium]"} {"Clue":"Wrestle so with the character (5)","Answer":"ETHOS","Explanation":"Definition: character\nAnagram [wrestled] of SO and THE"} {"Clue":"Demanding figure, ours miscalculated (7)","Answer":"ONEROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Demanding\nONE figure] + an anagram [miscalculated] of OURS"} {"Clue":"Masses round Mogadishu's capital, like a city in Kenya (7)","Answer":"MOMBASA","Explanation":"Definition: city in Kenya\nMOB [masses] round M[ogadishu] + AS [like] + A"} {"Clue":"African educational establishment is back in the shade (8)","Answer":"TUNISIAN","Explanation":"Definition: African\nUNI[versity] [educational\u00a0 establishment] + reversal of IS in TAN [shade]"} {"Clue":"Total cut (5)","Answer":"SCORE","Explanation":"Definition: Totalcut\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Article by writer in amendment of correction exposed performance? (4-3,7)","Answer":"OPEN-AIR CONCERT","Explanation":"Definition: exposed performance?\nA [article] after PEN [writer] in an anagram [amendment] of CORRECTION, with \u00a0a cryptic definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Fiddle and individual piano parts stop painfully slow movement (12)","Answer":"CONSTIPATION","Explanation":"Definition: painfully slow movement\nCON [fiddle] + I [individual] P [piano] in [parts] STATION [stop]"} {"Clue":"Rienzi overture so long, cut for broadcaster (5)","Answer":"RADIO","Explanation":"Definition: broadcaster\nR[ienzi] + ADIO[s] [so long, cut]"} {"Clue":"One defames the Maltese, say (9)","Answer":"ISLANDERS","Explanation":"Definition: the Maltese, say\nI [one] SLANDERS [defames] \u2013 one of those classic clues worth repeating for newer solvers"} {"Clue":"Leg chains buckled as knelt (7)","Answer":"ANKLETS","Explanation":"Definition: Leg chains\nAnagram [buckled] of AS KNELT"} {"Clue":"Punch absorbed by Carthaginian cut tongue (7)","Answer":"PUNJABI","Explanation":"Definition: tongue\nJAB [punch] in PUNI[c] [Carthaginian, cut ]"} {"Clue":"Apathetic sort, jockey dropping lead hurdling last in National (5)","Answer":"IDLER","Explanation":"Definition: Apathetic sort\n[r]IDER [jockey, dropping first letter \u2013 lead] round [nationa]L"} {"Clue":"Bottoms of Degas, Vermeer and Modigliani covered in hair \u2014 look who's talking! (5,4)","Answer":"THAT\u2019S RICH!","Explanation":"Definition: look who's talking!\nLast letters \u2013 bottoms\u00a0 \u2013 of [dega]S [vermee]R [modiglian]I in THATCH [hair]"} {"Clue":"Numbers in this sub-zero temperature expanded? (3,9)","Answer":"OLD TESTAMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Numbers in this\nT [temperature] under [sub \u2013 in a down clue] O [zero]\u00a0\u00a0which [OT- \u00a0'expanded'] gives\u00a0OLD TESTAMENT,\u00a0so often seen abbreviated in crosswords\u00a0to OT and\u00a0usually clued as 'books'\u00a0 \u2013\u00a0 and Numbers is the fourth book\u00a0of the OT \u2013 phew!"} {"Clue":"Rudely push in character for audition, then start (5-4)","Answer":"QUEUE JUMP","Explanation":"Definition: Rudely push in\nQUEUE sounds like [in audition] Q\u00a0 [character] + JUMP [start]"} {"Clue":"Identical somersaults nailed by cooler member of brotherhood (9)","Answer":"FREEMASON","Explanation":"Definition: member of brotherhood\nThis appeared to be a reversal [somersaults] of SAME [identical] in FREON \u2013 which seemed very unlikely, so I was chuffed to find in Collins 'any of a group of chemically unreactive gaseous or liquid derivatives of methane in which hydrogen atoms have been replaced by chlorine and fluorine atoms: used as aerosol propellants, refrigerants and solvents' \u2013 but you probably knew that"} {"Clue":"Piece of Borodin is so Russian, revolutionary composer (7)","Answer":"ROSSINI","Explanation":"Definition: composer\nHidden reversal [revolutionary] in borodIN IS SO Revolutionary"} {"Clue":"Far from holy day I found near Christmas? (7)","Answer":"DEMONIC","Explanation":"Definition: Far from holy\nMON [day ] + I 'in DEC[ember'] [near Christmas]"} {"Clue":"One having broken legs, that might make you cry? (5)","Answer":"ONION","Explanation":"Definition: that might make you cry?\nI in [having broken] ON ON [legs \u2013 in cricket]"} {"Clue":"Make reparation around lunchtime? (5)","Answer":"ATONE","Explanation":"Definition: Make reparation\nAT ONE [around lunchtime] \u2013 another old favourite"} {"Clue":"Rule again broken, resulting in complaint (9)","Answer":"NEURALGIA","Explanation":"Definition: complaint\nAnagram [broken] of RULE AGAIN"} {"Clue":"Old prince's moveable feast, so-called (5)","Answer":"PARIS","Explanation":"Definition: Old princemoveable feast, so-called\nDouble definition: the mythical prince who precipitated the Trojan War and Ernest Hemingway's 'Moveable Feast' \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Hardened about son being protected against loss (7)","Answer":"INSURED","Explanation":"Definition: protected against loss\nINURED [hardened] round S [son]"} {"Clue":"Encountered artist and Cuban American writer also, we hear (3,4)","Answer":"RAN INTO","Explanation":"Definition: Encountered\nRA [artist] + [Anais] NIN [Cuban American writer] + TO [sounds like 'too' \u2013 also]"} {"Clue":"Author that can hold a lot of beer (5)","Answer":"STEIN","Explanation":"Definition: Authorthat can hold a lot of beer\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"About to drop off original Monets, number left inside (9)","Answer":"SOMNOLENT","Explanation":"Definition: About to drop off\nAnagram [original] of MONETS round NO [number] L [left]"} {"Clue":"Ready for early retirement (6,9)","Answer":"GOLDEN HANDSHAKE","Explanation":"Cryptic definition \u2013 'ready' is slang for money"} {"Clue":"A resolution's not apparent \u2014 hence sigh? (5,2,2,3,2,5)","Answer":"THERE IS NO END IN SIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: A resolution's not apparent\nSeeing 'resolution', I expected an anagram but it's beautifully simple: SIGH[t]"} {"Clue":"Girl having nibble from cake in a story (5)","Answer":"ALICE","Explanation":"Definition: Girl having nibble from cake in a story\nC[ake] in A LIE [a story]: the story is 'Alice in Wonderland' \u2013 &lit"} {"Clue":"Callas ruined a great operatic scene (2,5)","Answer":"LA SCALA","Explanation":"Definition: great operatic scene\nAnagram[ruined] of CALLAS\u00a0+ A \u2013 brilliant surface"} {"Clue":"Earnestly ask what's inside nest in tree (7)","Answer":"BESEECH","Explanation":"Definition: Earnestly ask\n[n]ES[t] in BEECH [tree]"} {"Clue":"Conclusion of 13's tautology came up (5)","Answer":"AROSE","Explanation":"Definition: came up\nA ROSE \u2013 reference to Gertrude Stein's tautologously titled poem 'A rose is a rose is a rose'"} {"Clue":"Officer and cop involved with 13, right? (9)","Answer":"INSPECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Officer\nAnagram [involved] of COP and STEIN [13] + R [right]"} {"Clue":"It briefly holds story in crazy ordeal (8)","Answer":"NUTSHELL","Explanation":"Definition: It briefly holds story\nNUTS [crazy] + HELL [ordeal]"} {"Clue":"Financial supporter recycled no art under pressure (6)","Answer":"PATRON","Explanation":"Definition: Financial supporter\nAnagram [recycled] of NO ART under P [pressure]"} {"Clue":"Old French painter coming up short (4)","Answer":"AGED","Explanation":"Definition: Old\nReversal [coming up] of DEGA[s] [French painter, short]"} {"Clue":"Eg, marriage and love in western capital (10)","Answer":"SACRAMENTO","Explanation":"Definition: western capital\nSACRAMENT [Eg, marriage] + O [love]"} {"Clue":"Provides backing for tracks about partners holding hands (8)","Answer":"SPONSORS","Explanation":"Definition: Provides backing for\nSPOORS [tracks] round NS [partners in bridge \u2013 holding hands]"} {"Clue":"Pseudonymous author and his state (6)","Answer":"FRANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Pseudonymous authorhis state\nDouble definition: pseudonymous author Anatole, born Jacques Anatole Fran\u00e7ois Thibault, and the country of his birth"} {"Clue":"How one plays after first-half switch in this European city (4)","Answer":"OSLO","Explanation":"Definition: European city\nSOLO [how one person plays] with the first half switched"} {"Clue":"Thus covering match is absurdly divisive (10)","Answer":"SCHISMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: divisive\nSIC [thus] round an anagram [absurdly] of MATCH IS"} {"Clue":"At that point, repeated consoling words (5,5)","Answer":"THERE, THERE","Explanation":"Definition: consoling words\nTHERE [at that point] \u2013 repeated"} {"Clue":"Exhilarated and happy about Eliot's first verse (8)","Answer":"ELEVATED","Explanation":"Definition: Exhilarated\nELATED [happy] round E[liot] + V [verse]"} {"Clue":"Drink consumed around 13, tipsily? (8)","Answer":"ANISETTE","Explanation":"Definition: Drink\nATE [consumed] round an anagram [tipsily] of STEIN [for the second time \u2013 very neat]"} {"Clue":"End of line for some, including setter and solver in old school (6)","Answer":"EUSTON","Explanation":"Definition: End of line for some\nUS [setter and solver] in ETON [old school] for the London rail terminus"} {"Clue":"Female novelist in same state as 20, we hear (6)","Answer":"AUSTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Female novelist\nJane [female novelist] sounds like Austin, which is in Texas, the same state as Houston, which sounds [a bit] like EUSTON [20]"} {"Clue":"Top player thrashed when 19 15 (4)","Answer":"LEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Top player\nLEA[there]D [thrashed] when 'there's no 'there' there' [19 15]"} {"Clue":"Objection about what's repeated in Picasso's sculptural work (4)","Answer":"BUST","Explanation":"Definition: sculptural work\nBUT [objection] round S [repeated in picaSSo]"} {"Clue":"Contemptible to hammer it through back (9)","Answer":"REPTILIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Contemptible\nReversal [back] of NAIL [hammer] IT PER [through]"} {"Clue":"Trump's vice, money (5)","Answer":"PENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Trump's vicemoney\nDouble definition, referring to the Vice POTUS"} {"Clue":"Bishop, say, tries fruit (7)","Answer":"MANGOES","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nMAN [chess piece \u2013 bishop, say] + GOES [tries]"} {"Clue":"Perform in a long kind of boat (7)","Answer":"GONDOLA","Explanation":"Definition: boat\nDO [perform] in an anagram [kind of] of A LONG"} {"Clue":"Change in current switched over (4)","Answer":"EDIT","Explanation":"Definition: Change\nReversal [over] of TIDE [current]"} {"Clue":"Request to caller in telephone hell, said to infuriate (6,4,3,4)","Answer":"PLEASE HOLD THE LINE","Explanation":"Definition: Request to caller\nI guessed this immediately from the enumeration and then found that it was an anagram [to infuriate] of TELEPHONE HELL SAID"} {"Clue":"New student, person who's bound to return with that woman (7)","Answer":"FRESHER","Explanation":"Definition: New student\nA reversal [to return] of SERF [person who's bound] + HER [that woman]"} {"Clue":"Performance of coital nous in close contact (10)","Answer":"OSCULATION","Explanation":"Definition: close contact\nAnagram [perfprmance] of COITAL NOUS"} {"Clue":"Old city leader in sadistic dictator given gold stars (4,5)","Answer":"URSA MINOR","Explanation":"Definition: stars\nUR [the familiar old city] + S[adistic] AMIN [dictator] + OR [gold]"} {"Clue":"Pub drink reportedly for member (7)","Answer":"INSIDER","Explanation":"Definition: member\nSounds like [reportedly] INN [pub] CIDER [drink]"} {"Clue":"Manage to detach (4,3)","Answer":"PULL OFF","Explanation":"Definition: Managedetach\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Capital city in island close to Bangladesh, looking westward (5)","Answer":"HANOI","Explanation":"Definition: Capital city\nA reversal [looking westward] of IONA [island] + banglades[H]"} {"Clue":"Reference that chap's found in house (9)","Answer":"THESAURUS","Explanation":"Definition: Reference\nHE'S [that chap's] in TAURUS [house \u2013 division of the zodiac]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"How we read the shift in world politics? (4,4,2,5)","Answer":"FROM LEFT TO RIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: How we readthe shift in world politics\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Let's see those teeth beginning to decay \u2014 I weep on failing to contain it (4,4)","Answer":"OPEN WIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Let's see those teeth\nD[ecay] in an anagram [failing] of I WEEP ON"} {"Clue":"End rise of deficit in drop (8)","Answer":"DISSOLVE","Explanation":"Definition: End\nA reversal [rise] of LOSS [deficit] in DIVE [drop]"} {"Clue":"Shown up, Paul's clothes embarrassing ultimately, a poser (6)","Answer":"ENIGMA","Explanation":"Definition: poser\nAnother reversal [shown up] of MINE [Paul's] round [clothes] [embarrassin]G + A"} {"Clue":"Web designer's tool present in labouring (9)","Answer":"SPINNERET","Explanation":"Definition: Web designer's tool\nAnagram [labouring] of PRESENT IN"} {"Clue":"Popular Wizard of Oz role as a whole (2,4)","Answer":"IN TOTO","Explanation":"Definition: as a whole\nIN [popular] + TOTO [Dorothy's dog in 'The Wizard of Oz']"} {"Clue":"Offer of accommodation fine mostly, holiday in capital lacking luxury, initially (3,3,9)","Answer":"BED AND BREAKFAST","Explanation":"Definition: Offer of accommodation\nDAND[y] [fine mostly] + BREAK [holiday] in BE[l]FAST [capital, lacking initial letter of luxury]"} {"Clue":"Beak funny, that is, for comedic ornithologist (4,5)","Answer":"BILL ODDIE","Explanation":"Definition: comedic ornithologist\nBILL [beak] + ODD [funny] + IE [that is]"} {"Clue":"Ripple of waves less rigid (8)","Answer":"FLOPPIER","Explanation":"Definition: less rigid\nAnagram [waves] of RIPPLE OF"} {"Clue":"Love for sale, a great deal secured by prince (8)","Answer":"HARLOTRY","Explanation":"Definition: Love for sale\nLOT [a great deal] in HARRY [prince]"} {"Clue":"Function is elevated in solid figure (6)","Answer":"COSINE","Explanation":"Definition: Function\nA reversal [elevated] of IS in CONE [solid figure]"} {"Clue":"Address in European city, not in and not out (4,2)","Answer":"TURN TO","Explanation":"Definition: Address\nTUR[in] [European city, not in] + an anagram [out] of NOT"} {"Clue":"Swimmer looking miserable (5)","Answer":"BLEAK","Explanation":"Definition: Swimmerlooking miserable\nDouble definition \u2013 I've come across this small river fish only in crosswords"} {"Clue":"What's new, pussycat? Girl hiding 'er work? (7,7)","Answer":"PLASTIC SURGERY","Explanation":"Definition: work\nAnagram [what's new?] of PUSSYCAT GIRL round ER"} {"Clue":"Storyteller withdrawing main work (5)","Answer":"AESOP","Explanation":"Definition: Storyteller\nA reversal [withdrawing] of SEA [main] + OP [work]"} {"Clue":"Lament about fate inside \u2014 plot for one missing green, green grass of home? (9)","Answer":"ALLOTMENT","Explanation":"Definition: plot for one missing green, green grass of home\nLOT [fate] inside an anagram [about] of LAMENT"} {"Clue":"What Tom Jones might get from female? Pants sent later (3,7)","Answer":"FAN LETTERS","Explanation":"Definition: What Tom Jones might get\nF [female] + an anagram [pants] of SENT LATER: &lit? \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Bowl over potty going the wrong way (4)","Answer":"STUN","Explanation":"Definition: Bowl over\nA reversal [going the wrong way] of NUTS [potty]"} {"Clue":"Amazing run: Tom Jones' temporary residence (11)","Answer":"SOJOURNMENT","Explanation":"Definition: temporary residence\nAnagram [amazing] of RUN TOM JONES"} {"Clue":"Crash diet: no meal when entertaining international sex symbol (7,4)","Answer":"MATINEE IDOL","Explanation":"Definition: sex symbol\nAnagram [crash] of DIET NO MEAL round [entertaining] I [international]"} {"Clue":"Sings lead after comeback (4)","Answer":"RATS","Explanation":"Definition: Sings\nA reversal [comeback] of STAR [lead] \u2013 rat and sing in the sense of inform"} {"Clue":"Perform with group for old TV show (10)","Answer":"PLAYSCHOOL","Explanation":"Definition: old TV show\nPLAY [perform] + SCHOOL [group] \u2013 actually the show was PLAY SCHOOL: a sadly topical reminder of the lovely Brian Cant, who died last week"} {"Clue":"Faint to see first one on stage? (9)","Answer":"SPOTLIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: one on stage?\nLIGHT [faint] with SPOT [see] first"} {"Clue":"Is to protect right? Answer question for person from former war zone (5)","Answer":"IRAQI","Explanation":"Definition: person from former war zone\nTwo letter Is round [to protect] R [right] + A [answer] Q [question] \u2013 an ingenious device, which took a minute or two to see"} {"Clue":"Boy goes round to girl's and they eat (7)","Answer":"NOSHERS","Explanation":"Definition: they eat\nA reversal [goes round] of SON [boy] + HERS [girl's house]"} {"Clue":"Made sweet music in the middle, then argued terribly (7)","Answer":"SUGARED","Explanation":"Definition: Made sweet\n[mu]S[ic] + an anagram [terribly] of ARGUED"} {"Clue":"Provides workforce (Poles) (6)","Answer":"STAFFS","Explanation":"Definition: Provides workforcePoles\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Feel angry at show, missing start (6)","Answer":"RESENT","Explanation":"Definition: Feel angry at\n[p]RESENT [show]"} {"Clue":"Revealing old copy of vinyl record (10)","Answer":"EXPRESSING","Explanation":"Definition: Revealing\nEX [old] + PRESSING [copy of vinyl record]"} {"Clue":"Something in beer festival: fellow going for something unknown (5)","Answer":"YEAST","Explanation":"Definition: Something in beer\n[f]EAST [festival] with the f [fellow] replaced by Y [something unknown]"} {"Clue":"Recover to draw game (4,5)","Answer":"PULL ROUND","Explanation":"Definition: Recover\nPULL [draw] ROUND [game]"} {"Clue":"Not last part for backing singer (4)","Answer":"ALTO","Explanation":"Definition: singer\nHidden reversal [backing] in nOT LAst"} {"Clue":"They have stages of race on street, cycling around (8)","Answer":"THEATRES","Explanation":"Definition: They have stages\nHEAT [race] + RE [on]in a reversal [cycling] of ST [street]"} {"Clue":"Whip topless men, date being put in chains (8)","Answer":"CATENATE","Explanation":"Definition: put in chains\nCAT [whip] + [m]EN [d]ATE"} {"Clue":"Clearing one barrel \u2014 gallons going after late drinking session (10)","Answer":"UNBLOCKING","Explanation":"Definition: Clearing\n'UN [dialect one] B [barrel] \u2013 I think \u2013 + LOCK-IN [late drinking session] + G [gallons]"} {"Clue":"Unlimited sex website, to enter stimulates typical male (3,6)","Answer":"JOE BLOGGS","Explanation":"Definition: typical male\n[s]E[x] + BLOG [website] in JOGS [stimulates]"} {"Clue":"Shop reduced some in rip off (8)","Answer":"IMPRISON","Explanation":"Definition: Shop\nAnagram [off] of SOM[e] IN RIP \u2013 Chambers gives 'shop' as 'to imprison or cause to be imprisoned'"} {"Clue":"Stops, as it's not unusual (8)","Answer":"STATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Stops\nAnagram [unusual] of AS IT'S NOT"} {"Clue":"Material in second musical (6)","Answer":"MOHAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Material\nMO [second] + HAIR [musical]"} {"Clue":"Joint playing Delilah endlessly (6)","Answer":"ALLIED","Explanation":"Definition: Joint\nAnagram [playing] of DELILA[h]"} {"Clue":"Mysterious figures still on island (5)","Answer":"YETIS","Explanation":"Definition: Mysterious figures\nYET [still] + IS [island]"} {"Clue":"Split large bill for gathering (4)","Answer":"FLEE","Explanation":"Definition: Split\nFEE [bill] gathering L [large]"} {"Clue":"Resentment at card game not finishing (5)","Answer":"PIQUE","Explanation":"Definition: Resentment\nPIQUE[t] [card game not finishing]"} {"Clue":"Treacherous outlaw in fiction (9)","Answer":"FALSEHOOD","Explanation":"Definition: fiction\nFALSE [treacherous] HOOD [outlaw]"} {"Clue":"Short-termer that's escaped is put back under canvas (9)","Answer":"TRANSIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Short-termer\nRAN [escaped] + a reversal [put back] of IS in TENT [under canvas]"} {"Clue":"Female subject of an old song cycle (5)","Answer":"DAISY","Explanation":"Definition: Female subject of an old song cycle\nCryptic definition referring to this song"} {"Clue":"Revised tale with revolutionary ending (7)","Answer":"ALTERED","Explanation":"Definition: Revised\nAnagram [revised] of TALE + RED [revolutionary] \u2013 'revised' rather unsatisfactorily doing double duty here"} {"Clue":"Some ran badly, running not being their sport (7)","Answer":"OARSMEN","Explanation":"Definition: running not being their sport\nAnagram [badly] of SOME RAN"} {"Clue":"Country taking in reciprocal aid (5)","Answer":"INDIA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nIN + a reversal [reciprocal] of AID"} {"Clue":"Removed, as I'm in the way (3)","Answer":"RID","Explanation":"Definition: Removed\nI in RD [the way] \u2013 the cryptic grammar doesn't work here: it needs to be 'I is'"} {"Clue":"Refuse of autumn left out (5)","Answer":"OFFAL","Explanation":"Definition: Refuse\nOF + FA[l]L [autumn minus l \u2013 left]"} {"Clue":"Wrong way to give people a hand (7)","Answer":"MISDEAL","Explanation":"Cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Quickly takes direction for the city (7)","Answer":"PRESTON","Explanation":"Definition: city\nPRESTO [quickly] + N [direction]"} {"Clue":"Fees set for law sittings (5)","Answer":"TERMS","Explanation":"Definition: Fees setlaw sittings\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Go to prison for bad verse and metre (5,4)","Answer":"SERVE TIME","Explanation":"Definition: Go to prison\nAnagram [bad] of VERSE + TIME [metre]"} {"Clue":"With this gadget, I can mix in fruit (9)","Answer":"APPLIANCE","Explanation":"Definition: gadget\nAnagram [mix] of I CAN in APPLE [fruit]"} {"Clue":"Agree to differ, being passionate (5)","Answer":"EAGER","Explanation":"Definition: passionate\nAnagram [to differ] of AGREE"} {"Clue":"Place where spinners will take a turn (4)","Answer":"SPOT","Explanation":"Definition: Place\nA reversal [take a turn] of TOPS [spinners]"} {"Clue":"Settled without recourse to law (8)","Answer":"SQUATTED","Explanation":"Definition: Settled without recourse to law\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Their quarters are combed for food (4)","Answer":"BEES","Explanation":"Definition: Their quarters are combed for food \nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Criminal purpose in proposal (8)","Answer":"OFFENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Criminal\nEND [purpose] in OFFER [proposal]"} {"Clue":"Opening bottle before the game, get drunk (6)","Answer":"BLOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: drunk\nB[ottle] + LOTTO [game]"} {"Clue":"Offer nothing but gentle affection (6,4)","Answer":"TENDER LOVE","Explanation":"Definition: gentle affection\nTENDER [offer] + LOVE [nothing \u2013 appropriate clue for the first day of Wimbledon]"} {"Clue":"Contempt, when party leader's on platform (6)","Answer":"PODIUM","Explanation":"Definition: platform\nP[arty] + ODIUM [contempt] \u2013 I liked this one!"} {"Clue":"Boy naturally opposed to the current trend (4)","Answer":"EDDY","Explanation":"Definition: Boy\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Man, after a kiss, accepted proposition (5)","Answer":"AXIOM","Explanation":"Definition: accepted proposition\nA X [a kiss] + I[sle] O[f] M[an]"} {"Clue":"All those looking at papers for university post (10)","Answer":"READERSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: All those looking at papersuniversity post\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Hose in New York left running (5)","Answer":"NYLON","Explanation":"Definition: Hose\nNY [New York + L [left] + ON [running]"} {"Clue":"Act, taking a central role, then quit (8)","Answer":"DEPARTED","Explanation":"Definition: quit\nPART [role] in the middle of DEED [act]"} {"Clue":"Appropriate point to consider when renting premises (8)","Answer":"FITTINGS","Explanation":"Definition: to consider when renting premises\nFITTING [appropriate] + S [point] \u2013 as in the term 'fixtures and fittings'"} {"Clue":"Defeat looks far from good in the record (6)","Answer":"LOSING","Explanation":"Definition: Defeat\nSIN [far from good] in LOG [record]"} {"Clue":"Gin? Some coming up (4)","Answer":"TRAP","Explanation":"Definition: Gin?\nA reversal [coming up] of PART [some]"} {"Clue":"Still quits (4)","Answer":"EVEN","Explanation":"Definition: Stillquits\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Noble brew of ale that's about right (4)","Answer":"EARL","Explanation":"Definition: Noble\nAnagram [brew] of ALE round R [right]"} {"Clue":"Upmarket \u2014 releasing one backside and pinching another, prone to wrinkles (7)","Answer":"CRUMPLY","Explanation":"Definition: prone to wrinkles \nCL[ass]Y [upmarket minus ass [one backside] round [pinching] RUMP [another] \u2013 I think I remember some discussion here recently about the use of the American version of 'arse'"} {"Clue":"Lexicographer wearing underpants? (7)","Answer":"JOHNSON","Explanation":"Definition: Lexicographer\nJOHNS ON [wearing underpants] for lexicographer Dr Samuel Johnson \u2013 I've only met this word attached to 'long', when referring to underwear"} {"Clue":"Capture look capturing fool (5)","Answer":"LASSO","Explanation":"Definition: Capture\nLO [look] round ASS [fool this time]"} {"Clue":"Ink may run into crone's activity for sunny days (9)","Answer":"HAYMAKING","Explanation":"Definition: activity for sunny days\nAnagram [run] of INK MAY in HAG [crone] \u2013 a reference to the saying 'Make hay while the sun shines'"} {"Clue":"President's musical 21 mostly tinned (10)","Answer":"CHAIRWOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: President\nHAIR [musical] + WOM[b] [21ac] in CAN [i.e. tinned]"} {"Clue":"Temporary home of excavations (4)","Answer":"DIGS","Explanation":"Definition: Temporary homeexcavations\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Starting to catch a jerk stumbling into crevice? Splendid! (11)","Answer":"CRACKERJACK","Explanation":"Definition: Splendid!\nC[atch] + an anagram [stumbling] of A JERK in CRACK [crevice]"} {"Clue":"Head of government to OK thoroughfare stopping short of scaffold (7,4)","Answer":"GALLOWS TREE","Explanation":"Definition: scaffold\nG[overnment] + ALLOW [OK] + STREE[t] [thoroughfare stopping short]"} {"Clue":"Flash car carrying nothing back to incubator (4)","Answer":"WOMB","Explanation":"Definition: incubator\nA reversal [back] of BMW [flash car] round O [nothing]"} {"Clue":"Looking up passages in love diary, month before: snoop around (10)","Answer":"PROCTOLOGY","Explanation":"Definition: Looking up passages\nPRY [snoop] round OCT[ober] [month] + O [love] LOG [diary]"} {"Clue":"Harmlessness of Old Town hosting university pub, previously (9)","Answer":"INNOCUITY","Explanation":"Definition: Harmlessness\nO [old] CITY [town] round U [university] after INN [pub]"} {"Clue":"Play prosecutor penning sheep (5)","Answer":"DRAMA","Explanation":"Definition: Play\nDA [District Attorney \u2013 prosecutor] round RAM [sheep]"} {"Clue":"Rushed around, keeping study caustic (7)","Answer":"ERODENT","Explanation":"Definition: caustic\nA reversal [around] of TORE [rushed] round DEN [study]"} {"Clue":"Unreal train route leads to genuine province (7)","Answer":"UTRECHT","Explanation":"Definition: province\nInitial letters [leads] of Unreal Train Routes + ECHT [genuine]"} {"Clue":"Material impounded by evangelical iconoclast (6)","Answer":"CALICO","Explanation":"Definition: Material\nHidden in evangeliCAL ICOnoclast"} {"Clue":"Throw aunties out? Not I! (6)","Answer":"UNSEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Throw\nAnagram [out] of AUNT[i]ES minus I"} {"Clue":"Mathematical equipment on side of agricultural vehicle (10)","Answer":"PROTRACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Mathematical equipment\nPRO [on side of] TRACTOR [agricultural vehicle]"} {"Clue":"Boor's gleeful exclam\u00adation (5)","Answer":"YAHOO","Explanation":"Definition: Boorgleeful exclam\u00adation\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Bird and elk embroiled in conflict with careless pedestrian (9)","Answer":"JAYWALKER","Explanation":"Definition: careless pedestrian\nJAY [bird] + an anagram [embroiled] of ELK in WAR [conflict]"} {"Clue":"Try to pick up (4)","Answer":"HEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Trypick up\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Shaky armistice cut short by weapon (8)","Answer":"SCIMITAR","Explanation":"Definition: weapon\nAnagram [shaky] of ARMISTIC[e] cut short"} {"Clue":"Ask again about port (8)","Answer":"NAGASAKI","Explanation":"Definition: port\nAnagram [about] of ASK AGAIN"} {"Clue":"Sponger to dance, wearing jaunty fedora (10)","Answer":"FREELOADER","Explanation":"Definition: Sponger\nREEL [dance] in an anagram [jaunty?] of FEDORA"} {"Clue":"Voiceless, is in a phone company? That's like something out of Ionesco (9)","Answer":"ABSURDIST","Explanation":"Definition: like something out of Ionesco\nSURD [voiceless, as applied to consonants in phonetics] + IS in A BT [a phone company] \u2013 reference to theatre of the absurd"} {"Clue":"Meringue material, for instance, affected weight (3,5)","Answer":"EGG WHITE","Explanation":"Definition: Meringue material\nEG [for example] + an anagram [affected] of WEIGHT"} {"Clue":"Musical genre for sweetheart on top of sergeant, say (8)","Answer":"FLAMENCO","Explanation":"Definition: Musical genre\nFLAME [sweetheart] + NCO [sergeant, say]"} {"Clue":"Composite picture of patriarch (6)","Answer":"MOSAIC","Explanation":"Definition: Composite pictureof patriarch\nDouble definition, the second referring to Moses"} {"Clue":"Soldier, perhaps, under war god and despot (6)","Answer":"TYRANT","Explanation":"Definition: despot\nTYR [Norse war god] + ANT [soldier, perhaps]"} {"Clue":"Rodent getting self-effacing cat half-cut (5)","Answer":"COYPU","Explanation":"Definition: Rodent\nCOY [self-effacing] + PU[ss] [half-cut cat]"} {"Clue":"High point of item carried over (4)","Answer":"ACME","Explanation":"Definition: High point\nA hidden reversal [carried over] in itEM CArried"} {"Clue":"Sea Eagle follows Little Cloud, initially over posh Swiss city (7)","Answer":"LUCERNE","Explanation":"Definition: Swiss city\nERNE [sea eagle] follows L[ittle] C[loud] round U [posh]"} {"Clue":"Dirty team containing one left back (7)","Answer":"SQUALID","Explanation":"Definition: Dirty\nSQUAD [team] round a reversal [back] of I [one] L [left]"} {"Clue":"For an actor, breaking a leg is good! (4)","Answer":"PEGG","Explanation":"Definition: an actor\nG [good] in [breaking] PEG [leg] for actor Simon"} {"Clue":"Tea Party's principal threat? (3,6)","Answer":"MAD HATTER","Explanation":"Definition: Tea Party's principal\nOne of those reverse clues: THREAT is an anagram [mad] of HATTER \u2013 and The Mad Hatter's Song is one by our guest band"} {"Clue":"Fish caught by 21 down reactionary (5)","Answer":"COHOS","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nC [caught] + a reversal [reactionary] of SOHO [21c dn] \u2013 the COHO is a Pacific salmon"} {"Clue":"Brush-off outside pub leads to rows (8)","Answer":"RHUBARBS","Explanation":"Definition: rows\nAnagram [off] of BRUSH round BAR [pub] \u2013 I knew RHUBARB as 'a word muttered repeatedly to give the impression\u00a0 of indistinct conversation' in the theatre but not as 'a squabble, row, rumpus' [Chambers]"} {"Clue":"In China, family name some garden 3 (4)","Answer":"DENG","Explanation":"Definition: In China, family name\nSome garDEN Gnomes [answer to 3dn]"} {"Clue":"Original letters from First Girl I Loved, now involved in brief affair (5)","Answer":"FLING","Explanation":"Definition: brief affair\nAnagram [involved] of F[irst] G[irl] I L[oved] N[ow]"} {"Clue":"Horseplay involving a horny man (4)","Answer":"FAUN","Explanation":"Definition: horny man\nFUN [horseplay] round A"} {"Clue":"Great bit of leg in Sun publication (8)","Answer":"SMASHING","Explanation":"Definition: Great\nSHIN [bit of leg] in S [sun] MAG [publication]"} {"Clue":"Instruments from 5000 Spirits? 10% of them (5)","Answer":"DRUMS","Explanation":"Definition: Instruments\nD [500 \u2013 10% of 5000] RUMS [spirits]"} {"Clue":"Make it big before Painting Box (6,3)","Answer":"STRIKE OIL","Explanation":"Definition: Make it big\nSTRIKE [box] before OIL [painting]"} {"Clue":"Starts in Sound Techniques (early production stage) (4)","Answer":"STEP","Explanation":"Definition: stage\nInitial letters [starts] of Sound Techniques Early Production \u2013 our band recorded their albums at the Sound Techniques Studio"} {"Clue":"The 14 man with no piano, instead getting drunk (7)","Answer":"CHELSEA","Explanation":"Definition: The 14\nThis was one of my last in: I was sure, with all the musical connections, that the definition must be 'Blues [14dn] Man' minus p [piano] but I couldn't think of one: eventually, the penny dropped: it's ELSE [instead] in [getting drunk by] CHA[p] and, of course, Chelsea are The Blues"} {"Clue":"Very good gimbri intro intended, say, for Chinese White? (7)","Answer":"PIGMENT","Explanation":"Definition: Chinese White?\nTotally stymied without a dictionary, etc, I initially went for AILMENT [AI very good and L somehow being clued by 'gimbri', which I'd never heard of \u2013 but it's an instrument played by ISB \u2013\u00a0 and perhaps Chinese White might be a fever? How many times have I explained that PI is crosswordese for 'good'? \u2013 Grrh! So it's PI [very good] + G[imbri] + MENT\u00a0 [sounds like\u00a0{say}\u00a0 meant\u00a0 \u2013 intended]"} {"Clue":"Group showing creative inspiration (4)","Answer":"MUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Groupcreative inspiration\nAnother of my last in, since I didn't know MUSE as a group\u00a0 \u2013 it's a double definition. of course"} {"Clue":"Prickly chap in side between posts before own goal (8)","Answer":"HEDGEHOG","Explanation":"Definition: Prickly chap\nEDGE [side] in HH [Rugby posts] before OG [own goal]"} {"Clue":"The writer inspired by ditty about bankers? (6)","Answer":"GNOMES","Explanation":"Definition: bankers?\nME [the writer] in an anagram [about] of SONG [ditty]"} {"Clue":"Cousteau's source of inspiration? One of the 14 on an organ (8)","Answer":"AQUALUNG","Explanation":"Definition: Cousteau's source of inspiration?\nAQUA [one of the blues] + LUNG [organ] \u2013 my way in to what*\u00a0 *I thought was the theme"} {"Clue":"Tibetan tradition, to some extent? (6)","Answer":"TANTRA","Explanation":"Definition: Tibetan tradition, to some extent?\nHidden in tibeTAN TRAdition \u2013 &lit \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Storyteller as part of line-up (4)","Answer":"LIAR","Explanation":"Definition: toryteller\nA reversal [up] of RAIL [part of line]"} {"Clue":"Daughter committing sin with the same short, bold actions? (7-2)","Answer":"DERRING -DO","Explanation":"Definition: bold actions\nD [daughter] ERRING [committing sin] + DO [ditto \u2013 the same, in short]"} {"Clue":"Best group Way Back in the 1960s (5)","Answer":"CREAM","Explanation":"Definition: Bestgroup Way Back in the 1960s\nDouble definition \u2013 and another song by ISB"} {"Clue":"Right people for Royal Navy? (5)","Answer":"BLUES","Explanation":"Definition: Right people\nDouble \/ triple definition: Blues [Conservatives] are 'right people' and royal and navy are both shades of blue"} {"Clue":"More playful fellow, with accident more likely? (8)","Answer":"FRISKIER","Explanation":"Definition: More playful\nF [fellow] + RISKIER [with accident more likely]"} {"Clue":"The Guardian's in Somerset town right away for a golf match (8)","Answer":"FOURSOME","Explanation":"Definition: a golf match\nOURS [the Guardian's] in FROME [Somerset town] minus r \u2013 right away]"} {"Clue":"Fellow going off Gently Tender at first? Very much so (6)","Answer":"SORELY","Explanation":"Definition: Very much so\n[gent]LY [fellow going off] with SORE [tender] first"} {"Clue":"Clue I set after final appearance of David Gray, perhaps (6)","Answer":"DULCIE","Explanation":"Definition: Gray, perhaps\nAnagram [set] of CLUE I after daviD \u2013 blimey, this is going back a bit! \u2013 but I do remember this lady [having initially, having only the initial D, tried to shoehorn in Dorian]"} {"Clue":"Erected very large house in London area (4)","Answer":"SOHO","Explanation":"Definition: London area\nA reversal [erected] of SO [very] + HO [house]"} {"Clue":"Layers of the Onion on repeat for long periods (4)","Answer":"EONS","Explanation":"Definition: long periods\nI'm not sure of this one: EON is hidden in thE ON[ion] and 'on repeat' could mean add an s but I'm not happy with it: anyway, it's very clever because [see 20ac] The 5000 Spirits or the Layers of the Onion is another of the band's songs"} {"Clue":"A blast this, room shelled in sound of mild explosion (7)","Answer":"ATISHOO","Explanation":"Definition: sound of mild explosion\nA + an anagram [blast] of THIS + [r]OO[m]"} {"Clue":"Change round model of Oxford and Cambridge, say? (7)","Answer":"VARSITY","Explanation":"Definition: Oxford and Cambridge, say?\nVARY [change] round SIT [model]"} {"Clue":"Islanders detailed? (4)","Answer":"MANX","Explanation":"Definition: Islanders\nCryptic definition, referring to Manx cats having no tails [detailed]"} {"Clue":"Agents placing ewe initially with most beautiful ram? (10)","Answer":"EMISSARIES","Explanation":"Definition: Agents\nE[we] + MISS ARIES \u2013 whimsically, the most beautiful ram, cf Miss World"} {"Clue":"More than one runner smuggling French fags heads for rowing boats (6)","Answer":"SKIFFS","Explanation":"Definition: rowing boats\nSKIS [more than one runner] round [smuggling] F[rench] F[ags]"} {"Clue":"Ultimately cynicism in fashion, a typically British affair (5,3)","Answer":"CREAM TEA","Explanation":"Definition: a typically British affair\n[cynicis]M in CREATE [fashion] + A"} {"Clue":"Provided accepted by House, chairman welcomes published statement of intent (9)","Answer":"MANIFESTO","Explanation":"Definition: published statement of intent\nMAO [chairman] round [welcomes] IF [provided] in [accepted by] NEST [house]"} {"Clue":"Dull grey pan (5)","Answer":"SLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Dull greypan\nDouble definition \u2013 Collins gives 'to criticise harshly' for both slate and pan"} {"Clue":"Where a foot may be including diameter, doubly confused (2,1,6)","Answer":"IN A MUDDLE","Explanation":"Definition: confused\nDD [diameter, doubly] in IN A MULE [where a foot may be]"} {"Clue":"In extremes of torment, Spacey furious, given predictable roles (8)","Answer":"TYPECAST","Explanation":"Definition: given predictable roles\nAnagram [furious] of SPACEY in T[ormen]T"} {"Clue":"Abomination of a clue, Paul's first to get the boot! (4-2)","Answer":"LACE-UP","Explanation":"Definition: boot\nAnagram [abomination] of A CLUE P[aul]"} {"Clue":"Pasta in Italy beyond peak, report follows (10)","Answer":"TORTELLINI","Explanation":"Definition: Pasta\nTOR [peak] + TELL [report] + IN I [in Italy]"} {"Clue":"Fine poem about wife punching nose (7)","Answer":"POWDERY","Explanation":"Definition: Fine\nODE [poem] round W [wife] in PRY [nose]"} {"Clue":"Saved by cat from Sri Lanka, Tom cheers (6,1,7)","Answer":"THANKS A MILLION","Explanation":"Definition: cheers\nHANKS [Tom] in [saved by] TAMIL LION [cat from Sri Lanka]"} {"Clue":"Beating the Foxes is difficult, with investment of billions then ending in regret (3,2,3,4)","Answer":"SIX OF THE BEST","Explanation":"Definition: Beating\nAnagram [difficult] of THE FOXES IS round B [billions] + [regre]T \u2013 fond memories for this Leicester resident \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Run done prior to date (7)","Answer":"OVERSEE","Explanation":"Definition: Run\nOVER [done] + SEE [date]"} {"Clue":"Novelist, antipodean figure? (6)","Answer":"AUSTEN","Explanation":"Definition: Novelist\nAUS [Antipodean] + TEN [figure]"} {"Clue":"Possible breakfast gems, cold bangers damaged your health, perhaps? (9,4,2,5)","Answer":"SCRAMBLED EGGS ON TOAST","Explanation":"Definition: Possible breakfast\nAnagram [damaged] of GEMS COLD BANGERS + TOAST ['Your health', perhaps]\u00a0 \u2013 I thought Paul, of all people, might have exploited the classic GEGS clue, featured long ago in 'Drop the dead donkey'"} {"Clue":"Artist touring English principality (13)","Answer":"LIECHTENSTEIN","Explanation":"Definition: principality\nLICHTENSTEIN [artist Roy]\u00a0 round E [English]"} {"Clue":"Changed, fifty pestilent houses (9)","Answer":"INFLECTED","Explanation":"Definition: Changed\nINFECTED [pestilent] round [houses] L [fifty]"} {"Clue":"Country supporting method that's great in America (3,2,2)","Answer":"WAY TO GO","Explanation":"Definition: great in America\nTOGO [country] after [supporting, in a down clue] WAY [method]"} {"Clue":"Lies about opposition leader suppressed by attacking moves (7)","Answer":"LOUNGES","Explanation":"Definition: Lies about\nO[pposition] in LUNGES [attacking moves]"} {"Clue":"A flirty swot, bubbly singer (6,5)","Answer":"TAYLOR SWIFT","Explanation":"Definition: singer\nAnagram [bubbly] of A FLIRTY SWOT"} {"Clue":"Belief in sacred orders (5)","Answer":"CREDO","Explanation":"Definition: Belief\nHidden in saCRED Orders"} {"Clue":"Curly veg, if sound, consumed as religious rule (9)","Answer":"CALIPHATE","Explanation":"Definition: religious rule\nCAL IPH [sounds like kale \u2013 curly veg \u2013 if] + ATE [consumed]"} {"Clue":"Month, bleak and damp, turning summery? (4)","Answer":"WARM","Explanation":"Definition: summery?\nA reversal [turning] of M [month] + RAW [bleak and damp]"} {"Clue":"Underground, is it? Or time to take a taxi? (5)","Answer":"TUBER","Explanation":"Definition: Underground, is it?\nT [time] + UBER [a taxi]"} {"Clue":"Serious writer's concession: a little comedy in the gaps (9)","Answer":"SOPHOCLES","Explanation":"Definition: Serious writer\nSOP [concession] + C[omedy] in HOLES [gaps]"} {"Clue":"Is youngster fit for this culture at the Met? (7)","Answer":"CANTEEN","Explanation":"Definition: culture at the Met\nCAN TEEN [is youngster fit for] see here for explanation"} {"Clue":"Gradually chip away tons in a space of time (7)","Answer":"WHITTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Gradually chip away\nTT [tons] in WHILE ['a space of time' \u2013 Chambers]"} {"Clue":"School being over, sister hugs Mark, college champion (6,7)","Answer":"MAGNUS CARLSEN","Explanation":"Definition: champion\nA reversal [over] of GAM [school of whales] + NUN [sister] round [hugs] SCAR [mark] and LSE [London School of Economics \u2013 college] for the Norwegian Grand Master and World Chess Champion"} {"Clue":"Goodness masking evil: example that may be handed to you on a plate (6,7)","Answer":"WILLOW PATTERN","Explanation":"Definition: may be handed to you on a plate\nWOW [Goodness!] round ILL [evil] + PATTERN [example]"} {"Clue":"Trumpeter's burst stomach (7)","Answer":"SATCHMO","Explanation":"Definition: Trumpeter\nAnagram [burst] of STOMACH"} {"Clue":"Country houses a small river flowing into a big one (7)","Answer":"GRANGES","Explanation":"Definition: Country houses\nR [a small river] in GANGES [a big one] \u2013 I've got so used to 'houses' indicating a containment that this took a little longer than it should have"} {"Clue":"Fitness fanatic making one change \u2014 one'll get rid of bad influences (9)","Answer":"EXORCISER","Explanation":"Definition: one'll get rid of bad influences\nEXeRCISER [fitness fanatic] with the third letter changed"} {"Clue":"At start of intifada, gunmen question one Arab (5)","Answer":"IRAQI","Explanation":"Definition: Arab\nI[ntifada] + RA [Royal Artillery \u2013 gunmen] + Q [question] + I [one]"} {"Clue":"Spread a little butter on end of slice (4)","Answer":"P\u00c2T\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: Spread\nPAT [a little butter] + [slic]E"} {"Clue":"Chief exec engages 14's predecessor to travel back with minimum staff (3-3-3)","Answer":"MAN-AND-DOG","Explanation":"Definition: with minimum staff\nMD [Managing Director \u2013 chief exec] round ANAND [Viswanathan \"Vishy\" Anand \u2013 Indian Grand Master and World Chess Champion] + a reversal [back] of GO [travel]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Vessel with some honey in crypt (8)","Answer":"CATACOMB","Explanation":"Definition: crypt\nCAT [vessel] + A COMB [some honey]"} {"Clue":"Leah's dad gives dog a name (5)","Answer":"LABAN","Explanation":"Definition: Leah's dad\nLAB[rador] [dog] + A N [a name] \u2013 Laban was father-in-law of Jacob \u2013 see here"} {"Clue":"Always the same suit fabric? That's a 9 (9,5)","Answer":"PERPETUAL CHECK","Explanation":"Definition: That's a 9\nA simple charade: PERPETUAL [always the same] + CHECK [suit fabric? \u2013 question mark for a definition by example]"} {"Clue":"Killer I see reported going to block at Stonehenge for execution (7)","Answer":"ARSENIC","Explanation":"Definition: Killer\nIC ['I see' reported] after [s]ARSEN [block at Stonehenge minus its first letter \u2013 'executed']"} {"Clue":"Authorise me to return pawn, not so important after the opening (7)","Answer":"EMPOWER","Explanation":"Definition: Authorise\nA reversal [to return] of ME + P [pawn] + OWER \u2013 I can't quite see this: is it [l]OWER, having lost its first letter?"} {"Clue":"How Wordsworth saw a crowd in a high-rise long ago (3,2,4)","Answer":"ALL AT ONCE","Explanation":"Definition: How Wordsworth saw a crowd\nA + a reversal [rise] of TALL [high] + ONCE [long ago] \u2013 a reference to Wordsworth's famous poem, 'Daffodils'"} {"Clue":"9 3, for example, finally getting a job? (2-3,9)","Answer":"NO-WIN SITUATION","Explanation":"Definition: 93, for example\nNOW IN SITUATION [finally getting a job?]"} {"Clue":"Playing, I ought to win from the start, but give up (2,7)","Answer":"GO WITHOUT","Explanation":"Definition: give up\nAnagram [playing] of I OUGHT TO W[in]"} {"Clue":"Going to get architect for nothing, making hard grind (8)","Answer":"GNASHING","Explanation":"Definition: making hard grind\nG[o]ING with NASH [architect] replacing the 'o' [nothing]"} {"Clue":"American native suggests a pseudonym for Eliot? (7)","Answer":"OPOSSUM","Explanation":"Definition: American native\nO [old] POSSUM \u2013 a reference to T.S.Eliot's poetry collection, 'Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats', on which the musical 'Cats' was based"} {"Clue":"A lot of beer consumes dole money in rough bar (3,4)","Answer":"PIG IRON","Explanation":"Definition: rough bar\nPIN [a lot of beer \u2013 a cask of four and a half gallons or half a firkin, which cropped up somewhere the other day] round GIRO [dole money]"} {"Clue":"the record, holding empty luggage out (6)","Answer":"ASLEEP","Explanation":"Definition: out\nAS [chemical symbol for arsenic, 4 dn] + EP [the record] round L[uggag]E"} {"Clue":"Mad stranger turns out to be 14, for example (11)","Answer":"GRAND MASTER","Explanation":"Definition: 14, for example\nAnagram [turns out] of MAD STRANGER"} {"Clue":"After disturbance, centre court's crowd finally gets composed again (13)","Answer":"RECONSTRUCTED","Explanation":"Definition: composed again (13)\nAnagram [after disturbance] of CENTRE COURT'S [crow]D"} {"Clue":"Fixer to note: this is lacking muscle tone (9)","Answer":"HYPOTONIC","Explanation":"Definition: lacking muscle tone\nHYPO [fixer \u2013 Chambers: 'short for hyposulphate, in the sense of sodium thiosulphate, used as a fixing agent'] +\u00a0 TONIC\u00a0 [note] \u2013 a little weak, in that 'tone' and 'tonic' are from the same root, or\u00a0'water from the same well', as Uncle Yap used to say"} {"Clue":"Prank on the Queen makes one very cross (5)","Answer":"RAGER","Explanation":"Definition: one very cross\nRAG [prank] + ER [the Queen]"} {"Clue":"Nest I had established in student organisation (5)","Answer":"NIDUS","Explanation":"Definition: Nest\nI'D [I had] in N[ational] U[nion] of S[tudents]"} {"Clue":"Only for blokes, girl shows sluggishness (9)","Answer":"STAGNANCY","Explanation":"Definition: sluggishness\nSTAG [only for blokes] + NANCY [girl]"} {"Clue":"After meal, left university to tidy up (7)","Answer":"UNEATEN","Explanation":"Definition: After meal, left\nU [university] + NEATEN [tidy up] \u2013 the definition's a little inelegant, but clear"} {"Clue":"Editor turning to drink, one with last word? (7)","Answer":"DECIDER","Explanation":"Definition: one with last word?\nA reversal [turning] of ED [editor] + CIDER [drink]"} {"Clue":"More than one saw some tot misbehaving (7)","Answer":"MOTTOES","Explanation":"Definition: More than one saw\nAnagram [misbehaving] of SOME TOT"} {"Clue":"End of term, when book's to be returned? (3,4)","Answer":"DUE DATE","Explanation":"Definition: End of termwhen book's to be returned\nDouble definition, 'term' referring to pregnancy"} {"Clue":"Revolting man, who's a bit of a game (9)","Answer":"JACKSTRAW","Explanation":"Definition: a bit of a game\nJACK STRAW [revolting man] \u2013 not a slur on the former Labour politician\u00a0 : this 'revolting man' was\u00a0 one of the leaders of the Peasants' Revolt\u00a0 \u2013 see here\u00a0for the game of jackstraws"} {"Clue":"Corn \u2014 that which is full of energy? (5)","Answer":"WHEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Corn\nWHAT [that which] round E [energy]"} {"Clue":"Graduate school first to get low grade (5)","Answer":"GAMMA","Explanation":"Definition: low grade\nGAM [school \u2013 of whales \u2013 which we had on Friday] + MA [Master of Arts\u00a0 \u2013 graduate]"} {"Clue":"Sea god, grabbing English princess, attempted seduction (5,2,2)","Answer":"TRIED IT ON","Explanation":"Definition: attempted seduction\nTRITON [sea god] round E [English] DI [princess]"} {"Clue":"Where a summary may be found, theoretically (2,3,8)","Answer":"IN THE ABSTRACT","Explanation":"Definition: Where a summary may be foundtheoretically\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"No longer taking exercise, one in depression needed to get fit (9)","Answer":"EXPEDIENT","Explanation":"Definition: fit\nEX [no longer] + PE [exercise] + I [one] in DENT [depression]"} {"Clue":"Conspirator established a ring for revolution (5)","Answer":"OATES","Explanation":"Definition: Conspirator\nA reversal [for revolution] of SET [established] A O [a ring]: Titus Oates fabricated the Popish Plot against Charles II"} {"Clue":"King, consumed by evils, becomes understood (5,2)","Answer":"SINKS IN","Explanation":"Definition: becomes understood\nK [king] in SIN SIN [evils]"} {"Clue":"Might he be cruelly construed as Darwin's arch kid? (7,7)","Answer":"RICHARD DAWKINS","Explanation":"Definition: Might he be cruelly construed as Darwin's arch kid?\nClever allusive anagram [cruelly construed] of DARWIN'S ARCH KID"} {"Clue":"Story of church fellow in charge, having drink, losing head (9)","Answer":"CHRONICLE","Explanation":"Definition: Story\nCH [church] + RON [fellow] + IC [in charge] + [a]LE [drink]"} {"Clue":"English spirit? Little left in a Scottish place (5)","Answer":"ELGIN","Explanation":"Definition: a Scottish place\nL [little left] in E [English] GIN [spirit]"} {"Clue":"Unnamed items, poor devices getting sticky inside (13)","Answer":"THINGUMMYJIGS","Explanation":"Definition: Unnamed items\nGUMMY [sticky] inside THIN [poor] JIGS [devices]"} {"Clue":"Style me angrier type in religious get-together (6,7)","Answer":"PRAYER MEETING","Explanation":"Definition: religious get-together\nAnagram [style] of ME ANGRIER TYPE"} {"Clue":"Irish chief has philosophical principal one gets to see through, not right (9)","Answer":"TAOISEACH","Explanation":"Definition: Irish chief\nTAO [philosophical **principle**!] + I [one] + SEA[r]CH [see\u00a0through, minus r\u00a0 \u2013 right] \u2013 I now have a mnemonic for the spelling of the title of the Irish prime minister, should I ever need it again"} {"Clue":"System of reasoning set up has frantic hospital missing out (9)","Answer":"DIALECTIC","Explanation":"Definition: System of reasoning\nA reversal [up] of LAID [set] + [h]ECTIC [frantic, minus h \u2013 hospital]"} {"Clue":"Musical passage starts to sound terrific, really exciting to the audience (7)","Answer":"STRETTA","Explanation":"Definition: Musical passage\nInitial letters [starts] of Sound Terrific Really Exciting To The Audience"} {"Clue":"Endless manure thrown over home plant (5)","Answer":"CUMIN","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nA reversal [thrown] of MUC[k] [endless manure] + IN [home]"} {"Clue":"Sort of bird to deviate, missing north (5)","Answer":"WADER","Explanation":"Definition: Sort of bird\nWA[n]DER [deviate] missing n [north]"} {"Clue":"Svelte supermodel turning 51, previously (6)","Answer":"LISSOM","Explanation":"Definition: Svelte\nLI [51] + a reversal [turning] of [Kate] MOSS [supermodel]"} {"Clue":"Unfinished request to get reflux set in stone (6)","Answer":"PEBBLE","Explanation":"Definition: stone\nPLE[a] [unfinished request] round EBB [reflux]"} {"Clue":"Policy changes party leader welcomed as improvements (7)","Answer":"UPTURNS","Explanation":"Definition: improvements\nU-TURNS [policy changes] round P[arty] \u2013 nice surface"} {"Clue":"Salad's defect incurs punishment, going west (7)","Answer":"WALDORF","Explanation":"Definition: Salad\nA reversal [going west] of FLAW [defect] round ROD [punishment]"} {"Clue":"Fenland hero's English dessert \u2014 muscle coated with fish (8,3,4)","Answer":"HEREWARD THE WAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Fenland hero\nE [English] REWARD [dessert??] + THEW [muscle] in HAKE [fish] \u2013 I had to get my red pen out last week to correct a spelling mistake \u2013 but is this a wry nod to 4dn? [I've always been puzzled by the pronunciation of 'dessert'.] I learned about Hereward the Wake in primary school but haven't met him much since then, except in crosswords, where he's cropped up quite a few times"} {"Clue":"Respite during cellulite reversal (4)","Answer":"LULL","Explanation":"Definition: Respite\nHidden reversal in ceLLULite"} {"Clue":"Caper about, leg bone's blood group being altered by drug (10)","Answer":"ANTIBIOTIC","Explanation":"Definition: drug\nANTIC [caper] round TIBI[a] [leg bone] with the blood group 'a' changed to 'o'"} {"Clue":"Dance from Switzerland to city in France at 100 mph (10)","Answer":"CHARLESTON","Explanation":"Definition: Dance\nCH [Switzerland \u2013 international vehicle registration] + ARLES [city in France] + TON [100 mph]"} {"Clue":"Poet turned dull (4)","Answer":"DRAB","Explanation":"Definition: dull\nA reversal [turned] of BARD [poet]"} {"Clue":"Unimportant painting involving point of order (15)","Answer":"INCONSEQUENTIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Unimportant\nICON [painting] round N [north \u2013 point] + SEQUENTIAL [of order]"} {"Clue":"Violent crime in connected cells (7)","Answer":"BATTERY","Explanation":"Definition: Violent crimeconnected cells\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"The greatest love traduced inside air sacs (7)","Answer":"ALVEOLI","Explanation":"Definition: air sacs\nAnagram [traduced] of LOVE inside [Muhammad] ALI \u2013 'the greatest'"} {"Clue":"Musicians send naughty messages to alien (6)","Answer":"SEXTET","Explanation":"Definition: Musicians\nSEXT [send naughty messages] + ET [Crosswordland's favourite alien]"} {"Clue":"Tries tablets and speaks (6)","Answer":"ESSAYS","Explanation":"Definition: Tries\nES [tablets] + SAYS [speaks]"} {"Clue":"Bury one storyteller, mostly, among others (5,4)","Answer":"INTER ALIA","Explanation":"Definition: among others\nINTER [bury] + A [one] LIA[r] [storyteller, mostly]"} {"Clue":"Second stroke results in untidy writing (6)","Answer":"SCRAWL","Explanation":"Definition: untidy writing\nS [second] + CRAWL [swimming stroke]"} {"Clue":"Rush to interrupt teacher's Grauniad hallmark? (9)","Answer":"MISPRINTS","Explanation":"Definition: Grauniad hallmark?\nThis took longer than the rest put together: when solving, I read it as SPRINT [rush] in MISS [teacher] and it was only when I came to write the blog that I realised this didn't work \u2013 panic! I wondered if it might possibly be a definition by example but, after rummaging through Chambers, I found, under 'rush', 'an unedited print of a motion picture scene or series of scenes for immediate viewing by the film makers' [I knew that definition of 'rush' but not 'print']"} {"Clue":"Exercise intelligence of bird (5)","Answer":"PEWIT","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nPE [exercise] + WIT [intelligence] \u2013 I've never\u00a0 seen this spelling, which raises doubts about the pronunciation, but it's in Chambers \u2013 and with the alternative pronunciation of 'pew-it'"} {"Clue":"Dance-related dance quote upended (8)","Answer":"BALLETIC","Explanation":"Definition: Dance-related\nBALL [dance] + a reversal [upended] of CITE [quote]"} {"Clue":"Back scrubber turning a trick (5)","Answer":"LOOFA","Explanation":"Definition: Back scrubber\nAnother reversal [turning] of A FOOL [a trick]"} {"Clue":"Concoction of chilli and black plum proves hard going (6,5)","Answer":"UPHILL CLIMB","Explanation":"Definition: hard going\nAnagram [concoction] of CHILLI and B[lack] PLUM"} {"Clue":"Composer, one carrying big picture with nothing on top (11)","Answer":"FRESCOBALDI","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nI [one] carrying [in a down clue this could indicate supporting rather than containing] FRESCO [big picture] + BALD [with nothing on top]"} {"Clue":"Protect against wild speculation (odds off) (9)","Answer":"INOCULATE","Explanation":"Definition: Protect against\nAnagram [wild] of [sp]ECULATION minus sp [starting price \u2013 'odds off']"} {"Clue":"Dread adopting digital applications on unknown ground (9)","Answer":"TERRITORY","Explanation":"Definition: ground\nTERROR [dread] round IT [digital application] + Y [unknown]"} {"Clue":"Mournful map chap (8)","Answer":"PLANGENT","Explanation":"Definition: Mournful\nPLAN [map] + GENT [chap]"} {"Clue":"Wherewithal to cut music man's topknot (6)","Answer":"KNIVES","Explanation":"Definition: Wherewithal to cut\nI can't see this one, I'm afraid: Burl Ives is a music man but I don't like KN for 'topknot' and I don't think it's that \u2013 I'm sure someone will soon put me\u00a0right"} {"Clue":"Pretty girl's copper neckwear (5)","Answer":"CUTIE","Explanation":"Definition: Pretty girl\nCU [copper] TIE [neckwear]"} {"Clue":"Implausibly good type ruined country (5)","Answer":"EGYPT","Explanation":"Definition: country\nAnagram [ruined] of G [good] TYPE: \u00a0I'm not sure what 'implausibly' is doing \u2013 unless it's the indicator and 'ruined' is part of the definition"} {"Clue":"Passed round communists, reactionary and twisted (9)","Answer":"DISTORTED","Explanation":"Definition: twisted\nDIED [passed] round a reversal [reactionary] of TROTS [communists]"} {"Clue":"Put money away but\u00a0deliver fancy vase (4)","Answer":"SAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Put money awaybutdeliver\nAnagram [fancy] of VASE \u2013* Edit: I had only one definition \u2013 thanks to newmarketsausage for pointing out the other two* \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Winner by a nose: pig out on this? (8,6)","Answer":"VICTORIA SPONGE","Explanation":"Definition: this?\nVICTOR [winner] + an anagram [out] of A NOSE PIG"} {"Clue":"Slight addendum for drinks (6)","Answer":"SLURPS","Explanation":"Definition: drinks\nSLUR [slight] + PS [post script \u2013 addendum]"} {"Clue":"Tools that could make us listen (8)","Answer":"UTENSILS","Explanation":"Definition: Tools\nAnagram [could make] of US LISTEN"} {"Clue":"It makes you sick to see ice cap melting (6)","Answer":"IPECAC","Explanation":"Definition: It makes you sick\nAnagram [melting] of ICE CAP \u2013 a new word for me"} {"Clue":"Augustus returns to besiege Italian city, as sewers working (8)","Answer":"SUTURING","Explanation":"Definition: as sewers working\nA reversal [returns] of GUS [Augustus] round [besieging] TURIN [Italian city]"} {"Clue":"Very French to approve\u00a0sin (8)","Answer":"TRESPASS","Explanation":"Definition: sin\nTR\u00c8S [very French] + PASS [approve]"} {"Clue":"Quiz programme ends with: \"Set up secret recipe for pancakes\" (6,7)","Answer":"CR\u00caPES SUZETTE","Explanation":"Definition: pancakes\nAnagram [recipe for] of last letters [ends] of [qui]Z [programm]E and SET UP SECRET"} {"Clue":"Sprinkled on the middle of pizzas left parched outside (8)","Answer":"DRIZZLED","Explanation":"Definition: Sprinkled\nL [left] in DRIED [parched] round [pi]ZZ[as]"} {"Clue":"Scrambled egg in a biological process (6)","Answer":"AGEING","Explanation":"Definition: biological process\nAnagram [scrambled] of EGG IN A"} {"Clue":"Richard heard of cheap goods order (6)","Answer":"DIKTAT","Explanation":"Definition: order\nSounds like [heard of] Dick \u2013 Richard + TAT [cheap goods]"} {"Clue":"By stripping, tempt that jerk to become\u00a0forceful (8)","Answer":"EMPHATIC","Explanation":"Definition: forceful\n[t]EMP[t] + [t]HA[t] \u2013 'stripped' + TIC [jerk]"} {"Clue":"Man possibly read out passage (4)","Answer":"ISLE","Explanation":"Definition: Man possibly\nSounds like [read out] 'aisle' \u2013 passage"} {"Clue":"Axes elm tree that's crooked to a large extent (9)","Answer":"EXTREMELY","Explanation":"Definition: to a large extent\nAnagram [crooked] of X Y [axes] ELM TREE"} {"Clue":"Exercise monkey but not man (5)","Answer":"DRILL","Explanation":"Definition: Exercise\n[man]DRILL [monkey]"} {"Clue":"Mocking report that's highly sexed (7)","Answer":"SATYRIC","Explanation":"Definition: highly sexed\nSounds like [report] 'satiric' [mocking]:\u00a0 I had no problem in taking it this way round but perhaps it could be considered ambiguous \u2013 a pity, in a Prize crossword, with no crossers to help"} {"Clue":"Scary creatures arising from lesser gods (5)","Answer":"OGRES","Explanation":"Definition: Scary creatures\nHidden reversal [arising from] lesSER GOds"} {"Clue":"Teaching only half 20s China (7)","Answer":"TEACUPS","Explanation":"Definition: China\nTEAC[hing] + UPS [20dns] \u2013 but the definition for 20dn is 'up', which seems rather weak"} {"Clue":"Suffering indigestion when extremely dirty and contaminated apple core eaten (9)","Answer":"DYSPEPTIC","Explanation":"Definition: Suffering indigestion\nD[irt]Y + SEPTIC [contaminated] round [ap]P[le]"} {"Clue":"Champion trail around the poles (7)","Answer":"SPONSOR","Explanation":"Definition: Champion\nSPOOR [trail] round NS [the poles]"} {"Clue":"Unofficial law enforcer poet from Rome right away topped one from Florence (9)","Answer":"VIGILANTE","Explanation":"Definition: Unofficial law enforcer\nVI[r]GIL [my favourite poet from Rome, minus r ['right away']\u00a0\u00a0+ [d]ANTE [a 'topped' poet from Florence] \u2013 I loved this one, of course"} {"Clue":"Primarily people of rank artist represented here (9)","Answer":"PORTRAITS","Explanation":"P[eople] O[f] R[ank] + an anagram [represented] of ARTIST \u2013 &lit?"} {"Clue":"Most blue West End seats not left first (7)","Answer":"SADDEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most blue\nSADD[l]ES [seats, not left] + [wes]T"} {"Clue":"Up at 11, almost out (7)","Answer":"ELEVATE","Explanation":"Definition: Up\nELEVE[n] round AT"} {"Clue":"Strange place, with pet eating tart for dessert (5,9)","Answer":"APPLE CHARLOTTE","Explanation":"Definition: dessert\nAnagram [strange] of PLACE and PET round HARLOT [tart]\u00a0 [you may be interested to read Shed's comments here on his puzzle last Tuesday \ud83d\ude09 ]"} {"Clue":"Curious about Philistine being rowdy (5)","Answer":"NOISY","Explanation":"Definition: rowdy\nNOSY [curious] round I [Philistine]"} {"Clue":"Immodest acts online had to lead to tears (3,5)","Answer":"EGO TRIPS","Explanation":"Definition: Immodest acts\nE [online] + GOT [had] + RIPS [tears]"} {"Clue":"Order a wife from the east \u2014 here's the money (6)","Answer":"WALLET","Explanation":"Definition: here's the money\nA reversal [from the east] of TELL [order] A W [wife]"} {"Clue":"Make a speech about British \u2014 some of the French hard to persuade (8)","Answer":"OBDURATE","Explanation":"Definition: hard to persuade\nORATE [make a speech] round B [British] DU [some of the \u2013 French]"} {"Clue":"As is traditional, provides instruments (6)","Answer":"SISTRA","Explanation":"Definition: instruments\nHidden in aS IS TRAditional \u2013 a sistrum is an ancient Egyptian metal rattle used in Isis worship, which I knew only from teaching the Cambridge Latin Course"} {"Clue":"Good \u2014 well-developed and sensible (8)","Answer":"GROUNDED","Explanation":"Definition: sensible\nG [good] ROUNDED [well-developed]"} {"Clue":"Epithet \"whale\" also fitted subject of this enquiry (3,3,3,3,4)","Answer":"WHO ATE ALL THE PIES?","Explanation":"Definition: subject of this enquiry\nAnagram [fitted] of EPITHET WHALE ALSO \u2013 cleverly allusive"} {"Clue":"Tarts here \u2014 naughty peer's not against a visit (10)","Answer":"PATISSERIE","Explanation":"Definition: Tarts here\nAnagram [naughty] of PEERS A [v]ISIT ['not against'] \u2013 great surface, which made me laugh"} {"Clue":"On return, look round house for snacks (6)","Answer":"NACHOS","Explanation":"Definition: snacks\nA reversal [on return] of SCAN [look] round HO [house]"} {"Clue":"Schoolboy boxing southern European (8)","Answer":"ESTONIAN","Explanation":"Definition: European\nETONIAN [schoolboy] round [boxing] S [southern]"} {"Clue":"Idiot! Lad I'm with is not all there (6)","Answer":"DIMWIT","Explanation":"Definition: Idiot\nHidden in laD IM WITh"} {"Clue":"Food's left in a different place, causing complaints (8)","Answer":"AILMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: complaints\nALIMENTS [food] with the L [left] in a different place"} {"Clue":"Hard-hitting article ignored by 4 (6)","Answer":"PUNCHY","Explanation":"Definition: Hard-hitting\nPAUNCHY [4ac] minus a [article]"} {"Clue":"Isn't a fashion having ringmaster in Dolce & Gabbana? (8)","Answer":"ITALIANS","Explanation":"Definition: Dolce & Gabbana?\nAnagram [fashion] of ISN'T A round [Muhammad] ALI ['ringmaster'] \u2013 question mark for the definition by example"} {"Clue":"Somebody's about, it's horrible \u2014 stop it! (6)","Answer":"ENOUGH","Explanation":"Definition: stop it!\nA reversal [about] of ONE [somebody] + UGH [it's horrible]"} {"Clue":"Badly coiffured politician flipped two days in \u2014 bodyguard screened (6)","Answer":"ODDJOB","Explanation":"Definition: bodyguard screened\nAnother reversal [flipped] of BOJO [Boris Johnson \u2013 badly-coiffured politician] round DD [two days] \u2013 Oddjob is Goldfinger's bodyguard"} {"Clue":"Eager to go after group of artists (6)","Answer":"RARING","Explanation":"Definition: Eager\nRA RING is a group of artists and 'to go' comes after 'raring' in the common expression"} {"Clue":"Old pile condemned \u2014 at first they live inside like pigs (3-7)","Answer":"POT-BELLIED","Explanation":"Definition: like pigs\nAnagram [condemned] of OLD PILE round T[hey] BE [live]"} {"Clue":"End up gutted, after \"pretend\" gangster got off (8)","Answer":"ALIGHTED","Explanation":"Definition: got off\nApart from the familiar AL = gangster, I can't see this at all, I'm afraid: *See Comment 1 \u2013 many thanks to Shirl"} {"Clue":"Working girl cycling round picks up current lover (8)","Answer":"LOTHARIO","Explanation":"Definition: lover\nHARLOT [working girl] with the two halves interchanged \u2013 'cycling' + O [round] round I [current]"} {"Clue":"Cross after very cunning set-up \u2014 language! (8)","Answer":"TRAVERSE","Explanation":"Definition: Cross\nA reversal [set up] of V [very] ART [cunning] + ERSE [language]"} {"Clue":"Unhappy naked? Is it time you went on it? (6,4)","Answer":"ATKINS DIET","Explanation":"Definition: Is it time you went on it?\nAnagram [unhappy] of NAKED IS IT T [time]"} {"Clue":"Prepared to do business, spoke more freely (6,2)","Answer":"OPENED UP","Explanation":"Definition: Prepared to do businessspoke more freely\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Figure childishly drawn \u2014 staff supporting criticism (5,3)","Answer":"STICK MAN","Explanation":"Definition: Figure childishly drawn\nMAN [staff] after ['supporting' in a down clue] STICK [criticism]"} {"Clue":"Stagger out of university, sort of (8)","Answer":"ASTONISH","Explanation":"Definition: Stagger\nASTON-ISH \u2013 out of university, sort of: a bit tough for non-UK solvers \u2013 ASTON is one of Birmingham's universities"} {"Clue":"Neither partner's masculine \u2014 largely typical (6)","Answer":"NORMAL","Explanation":"Definition: typical\nNOR [neither partner] + MAL[e] \u2013 [masculine, largely]"} {"Clue":"Girl is turning over to get brown (6)","Answer":"SIENNA","Explanation":"Definition: brown\nA reversal [turning over] of ANNE [girl] IS"} {"Clue":"Intuitive knowledge upset number one son (6)","Answer":"GNOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: Intuitive knowledge\nA reversal [upset] of SONG [number] + I [one] S [son]"} {"Clue":"As a crossword is finished, well-informed (5-2)","Answer":"CLUED-UP","Explanation":"Definition: well-informed\nCLUED [as a crossword is] + UP [finished]"} {"Clue":"Asian leader, man in vessel from the East (5)","Answer":"NEHRU","Explanation":"Definition: Asian leader\nA reversal [from the East] of HE [man] in URN [vessel]"} {"Clue":"Ridge on course to lose a 21 (5,4)","Answer":"SCOTS PINE","Explanation":"Definition: 21\nSPINE [ridge] after [a]SCOT [racecourse] \u2013 did anyone else try to do something with Aintree?"} {"Clue":"Prisoner at first notably distressed to be incarcerated in old area of punishment? (7,3)","Answer":"PENALTY BOX","Explanation":"Definition: area of punishment?\nP[risoner] + an anagram [distressed] of NOTABLY in EX [old]"} {"Clue":"Pat on the back far from rare? (4,4)","Answer":"WELL DONE","Explanation":"Definition: Pat on the backfar from rare\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Planet clearly illuminated using iron and lead (7,4)","Answer":"EVENING STAR","Explanation":"Definition: Planet clearly illuminated\nEVENING [using iron] + STAR [lead]"} {"Clue":"Plane perhaps hijacked by buccaneer, turning back (4)","Answer":"TREE","Explanation":"Definition: Plane perhaps\nHidden reversal in buccanEER Turning"} {"Clue":"Misery, western and Aliens \u2014 nothing between them (3,7)","Answer":"WET BLANKET","Explanation":"Definition: Misery\nW [western] + ET ET [the familiar crossword Aliens] round BLANK [nothing]"} {"Clue":"Article inaccurate I alter, do I? (9)","Answer":"EDITORIAL","Explanation":"Definition: Article\nAnagram [inaccurate] of I ALTER DO I"} {"Clue":"Drive crooked mile around Peterhead (5)","Answer":"IMPEL","Explanation":"Definition: Drive\nAnagram [crooked[ of MILE round P[eter]"} {"Clue":"First two of seven different punches \u2014 that will teach you! (2,5)","Answer":"SO THERE!","Explanation":"Definition: that will teach you!\nSE [first two letters of SEven] round [punches] OTHER [different]"} {"Clue":"Look for New York to contain a countering team from that city? (7)","Answer":"YANKEES","Explanation":"Definition: team from that city\nA reversal [countering] of SEEK [look for] + NY [New York] roumd A \u2013 the New York Yankees are a baseball team"} {"Clue":"Sky put article in text of news story (6)","Answer":"CANOPY","Explanation":"Definition: Sky\nAN [article] in COPY [text of news story]"} {"Clue":"UN secretary-general in truth anti-imperialist (1,5)","Answer":"U THANT","Explanation":"Definition: UN secretary-general\nHidden in trUTH ANTi \u2013 like 9ac, this is going back a bit: U Thant was secretary-general from"} {"Clue":"Those partial to chicken and chips in for unsightly fat! (6,4)","Answer":"DOUBLE CHIN","Explanation":"Definition: unsightly fat\nDOUBLE CH [those partial to CHicken and CHips] + IN"} {"Clue":"across\u00a0Issue driven by these\u00a0gambles, modest cut invested (5,7)","Answer":"PUSHY PARENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Issue driven by these\nPUNTS [gambles] round SHY [modest] PARE [cut] \u2013 I liked the definition"} {"Clue":"Support figure going over testament, as advocate (9)","Answer":"PROPONENT","Explanation":"Definition: advocate\nPROP [support] + ONE [figure] + NT [New Testament]"} {"Clue":"Flower of Lancashire and Yorkshire neither red nor white? (4)","Answer":"ROS\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: Flower of Lancashire and Yorkshireneither red nor white\nDouble\/cryptic definition, the second referring to wine"} {"Clue":"One group breaking record that's nutty (8)","Answer":"NOISETTE","Explanation":"Definition: nutty\nI SET [one group] in NOTE [record]"} {"Clue":"Secret society's opening, they carelessly having hidden key (8)","Answer":"STEALTHY","Explanation":"Definition: Secret\nS[ociety] + an anagram [carelessly] of THEY round ALT [key]"} {"Clue":"Ear to brain, extraordinary lapse (10)","Answer":"ABERRATION","Explanation":"Definition: lapse\nAnagram [extraordinary] of EAR TO BRAIN"} {"Clue":"Draw in game set to change (9)","Answer":"MAGNETISE","Explanation":"Definition: Draw\nAnagram [to change] of IN GAME SET"} {"Clue":"Vegetarian diet under microscope, initially (8)","Answer":"MEATLESS","Explanation":"Definition: Vegetarian\nM[icroscope] + EAT LESS [diet]"} {"Clue":"Actor extracting copper from a lot of salad ingredients served with ham and hollandaise sauce? (8,11)","Answer":"BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Actor\nBENEDICT [Chambers: 'eggs Benedict: a slice of ham and a poached egg placed on a slice of toast and covered with hollandaise sauce']"} {"Clue":"Capital quiet, after endless cheers on Japanese borders (6)","Answer":"SKOPJE","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\nP [quiet] after SKO[l] [cheers, endless] + J[apanes]E"} {"Clue":"Unlikely to fill empty seats in part of the theatre (6)","Answer":"STALLS","Explanation":"Definition: part of the theatre\nTALL [unlikely \u2013 as in tall story] in S[eat]S"} {"Clue":"Cow, like her mate? (5)","Answer":"BULLY","Explanation":"Definition: Cow\nCryptic definition \u2013 Paul used this device in reverse, as it were, in his clue for TAURINE [territorials waste bully] in his latest Prize crossword"} {"Clue":"Long to join club in film studios (8)","Answer":"PINEWOOD","Explanation":"Definition: film studios\nPINE [long] + WOOD [golf club]"} {"Clue":"Wobbly blundering mile, I'm one of 4's (10,6)","Answer":"MILLENNIUM BRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: one of 4's\nAnagram [wobbly] of BLUNDERING MILE I'M\u2013 lovely clue: its nickname is 'The wobbly bridge'"} {"Clue":"Rebels like to work, workers likely to strike? (6,4)","Answer":"KILLER BEES","Explanation":"Definition: workers likely to strike?\nAnagram [to work] of REBELS LIKE"} {"Clue":"Basic issue recalled about stuff, including redundancy, primarily (2-6)","Answer":"NO-FRILLS","Explanation":"Definition: Basic\nA reversal of SON [issue] round FILL [stuff] round R[edundancy]"} {"Clue":"Fruit has gone off \u2014 lemon, too (4,5)","Answer":"OGEN MELON","Explanation":"Definition: Fruit\nAnagram [off] of GONE and of LEMON, too"} {"Clue":"Racket sport (4)","Answer":"GAME","Explanation":"Definition: Racketsport\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"One of 4's, wife finally bagged by eligible bachelor? (9)","Answer":"REICHSTAG","Explanation":"Definition: One of 4's\n[wif]E in RICH STAG [eligible bachelor]"} {"Clue":"King into mindless chatter, as subordinate ruler (8)","Answer":"TETRARCH","Explanation":"Definition: subordinate ruler\nR [king] in an anagram [mindless] of CHATTER"} {"Clue":"Sweet where OAP is in EastEnders, perhaps? (6)","Answer":"AFTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nIf we put OAP AFTER S, we get SOAP [Eastenders, perhaps] \u2013 a typical Paul clue"} {"Clue":"Shocker by executioner confined to the walls of Sherlock's pad (10)","Answer":"SKETCHBOOK","Explanation":"Definition: pad\nKETCH [executioner] + BOO [an exclamation intended to surprise \u2013 shocker] in S[herloc]K"} {"Clue":"French care for an English knight (6,6)","Answer":"NORMAN FOSTER","Explanation":"Definition: English knight\nNORMAN [French] + FOSTER [care for] \u2013 he's now actually a Baron"} {"Clue":"Street cutting through centre, one with an obligation, is one of 4's (6,5)","Answer":"HEARST TOWER","Explanation":"Definition: one of 4's\nST [street] in HEART [centre] + OWER [one with an obligation]"} {"Clue":"One of 4's, big interior, Japan hasn't an alternative (7,7)","Answer":"BEIJING AIRPORT","Explanation":"Definition: One of 4's\nAnagram [alternative] of BIG INTERIOR JAP[an]"} {"Clue":"Model one piece of wood (5)","Answer":"IDEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Model\nI [one] DEAL [piece of wood]"} {"Clue":"Short piece on metre-high eucalyptus (3,4)","Answer":"GUM TREE","Explanation":"Definition: eucalyptus\nGU[n] [short piece] + an anagram [high] of METRE"} {"Clue":"Old and new, very powerfully unique (3-3)","Answer":"ONE-OFF","Explanation":"Definition: unique\nO [old] + NEO [new] + FF [very powerfully]"} {"Clue":"Spicy quality in North African stews, including last of cumin and a dash of saffron (9)","Answer":"TANGINESS","Explanation":"Definition: Spicy quality\n[cumi]N and S[affron] in TAGINES [North African stews]"} {"Clue":"Money problems, no capital (7)","Answer":"ROUBLES","Explanation":"Definition: Money\n[t]ROUBLES [problems]"} {"Clue":"Leave soon with English liberal and moderate (5,4,4)","Answer":"SLING ONE\u2019S HOOK","Explanation":"Definition: Leave\nAnagram [liberal] of SOON ENGLISH + OK [moderate]"} {"Clue":"Line drawn under this word of doubt over muse parting nicer lips (9)","Answer":"NUMERATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Line drawn under this\nUM [word of doubt] + ERATO [muse] in N[ice]R"} {"Clue":"One of 4's in a pickle? (7)","Answer":"GHERKIN","Explanation":"Definition: One of 4'sin a pickle?\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Laugh about blunder finally, short sharp sound (7)","Answer":"CRACKLE","Explanation":"Definition: short sharp sound\nCACKLE [laugh] round [blunde]R"} {"Clue":"Composer not entirely a Creator (6)","Answer":"BRAHMA","Explanation":"Definition: Creator\nBRAHM[s] [composer not entirely] + A \u2013 BRAHMA is a Hindu creator god"} {"Clue":"Rich relative given gold ring by Uncle Sam (8)","Answer":"SONOROUS","Explanation":"Definition: Rich\nSON [relative] + OR [gold] + O [ring] + US [Uncle Sam]"} {"Clue":"Ask for it? (6)","Answer":"APPEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Askit\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Led astray by party leader taken in by ridiculous load of nonsense (10)","Answer":"FLAPDOODLE","Explanation":"Definition: nonsense\nAnagram [astray] of LED after P[arty] in an anagram [ridiculous] of LOAD OF"} {"Clue":"Loud music on tablet, after soft drink (6)","Answer":"FRAPP\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nF [loud] + RAP [music] + E [tablet] after P [soft]"} {"Clue":"Cool phone? (4-4)","Answer":"LAID-BACK","Explanation":"Definition: Cool\nA reversal [back] of DIAL [phone]: my first thought \u2013 COLD CALL \u2013 did seem rather weak!"} {"Clue":"Have complete faith in lawyers? Not initially, when upset about first of burglaries (5,2)","Answer":"SWEAR BY","Explanation":"Definition: Have complete faith in\nAnagram [upset] of [l]AWYERS [not initially] round B[urglaries]"} {"Clue":"One that's played with Pel\u00e9 and Lukaku recalled a King Power outing (7)","Answer":"UKULELE","Explanation":"Definition: One that's played\nA reversal [recalled]\u00a0of [p]ELE LU[ka]KU minus a k [king] p [power] \u2013 I enjoyed the nod to my local team"} {"Clue":"Setter perhaps loves the German whose assistance is not always welcomed (2-6)","Answer":"DO-GOODER","Explanation":"Definition: whose assistance is not always welcomed\nDOG [setter perhaps] + OO [loves] + DER [the German]"} {"Clue":"Lovely place to live no one wants? (3,3)","Answer":"DES RES","Explanation":"Definition: Lovely place to live\nDES[I]RES [wants] minus\u00a0i [no one]"} {"Clue":"Kids' mother follows nose, right away finding party (10)","Answer":"HOOTENANNY","Explanation":"Definition: party\nHOOTE[r] [nose minus r \u2013 right away] + NANNY [kids' mother]"} {"Clue":"down Cat with bad intention gets the bird (12)","Answer":"WHIPPOORWILL","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nWHIP [cat] + POOR [bad] + WILL [intention] \u2013 I thought this was hyphenated but apparently not necessarily"} {"Clue":"May claim this? Patience possibly needed (6)","Answer":"STRONG","Explanation":"Definition: May claim\nReference to Patience Strong, a poet, whose real name was Winifred Emma May \u2013 Theresa May regrettably promised 'strong and stable leadership'"} {"Clue":"One that reads the Mirror in Lens? (8)","Answer":"EYEGLASS","Explanation":"Definition: Lens\nEYE [one that reads] + GLASS [mirror]"} {"Clue":"It's never this cat getting run over, when looking both ways before beginning to walk (8)","Answer":"TOMORROW","Explanation":"Definition: It's never this\nTOM [cat] + R [run] O [over] + a reversal [looking both ways] of that + W[alk]"} {"Clue":"Lout in black jumper turned up (4)","Answer":"BOOR","Explanation":"Definition: Lout\nB [black] + a reversal [turned up] of ROO [jumper]"} {"Clue":"Swell quarters, altogether sweet (6)","Answer":"TOFFEE","Explanation":"Definition: sweet\nTOFF [swell] + EE [quarters] \u2013 I can't quite see this one"} {"Clue":"Carefully choose journalist welcoming new measure of resolution (4-4)","Answer":"HAND-PICK","Explanation":"Definition: Carefully choose\nHACK [journalist] round N [new] DPI [dots per inch \u2013 measure of resolution]"} {"Clue":"Kiss-and-cuddle accounts are for the birds (10)","Answer":"SPOONBILLS","Explanation":"Definition: birds\nSPOON [kiss and cuddle] + BILLS [accounts]"} {"Clue":"French government with a Liberal left in charge (6)","Answer":"GALLIC","Explanation":"Definition: French\nG [government] + A L [a liberal] L [left] IC [in charge]"} {"Clue":"May claim this, from time wearing black (6)","Answer":"STABLE","Explanation":"Definition: May claim\nT [time] in [wearing] SABLE [black] \u2013 see note on 25ac"} {"Clue":"Support for key person in soap playing instrument (5,5)","Answer":"PIANO STOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Support for key person\nAnagram [playing] of IN SOAP + TOOL [instrument]"} {"Clue":"Being a dad briefly involved frivolous repartee (8)","Answer":"BADINAGE","Explanation":"Definition: frivolous repartee\nAnagram [involved] of BEING A DA[d]"} {"Clue":"Extremely wary, in case needing to cross lake (8)","Answer":"LEERIEST","Explanation":"Definition: Extremely wary\nLEST [in\u00a0 case] round ERIE [lake]"} {"Clue":"Caper around with the ultimate in ostentation? (6)","Answer":"PRANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Caper\nAnagram [around] of CAPER + [ostentatio]N"} {"Clue":"Whence fortified wine once produced? On river there only, originally (6)","Answer":"OPORTO","Explanation":"Definition: Whence fortified wine\nInitial letters [originally] of Once Produced On River There Only"} {"Clue":"Rising late, without handy place for early retirement? (3,3)","Answer":"DAY BED","Explanation":"Definition: place for early retirement\nA reversal [rising] of DEAD [late] round BY [handy]"} {"Clue":"The setter's old-fashioned situation offering no way out (7)","Answer":"IMPASSE","Explanation":"Definition: no way out\nI'M [the setter's] PASS\u00c9 [old-fashioned]"} {"Clue":"Settled in advance for help with homework (7)","Answer":"PREPAID","Explanation":"Definition: Settled in advance\nPREP AID [help with homework]"} {"Clue":"Rumpus in La Paz's public square (5)","Answer":"PLAZA","Explanation":"Definition: public square\nAnagram [rumpus] of LA PAZ"} {"Clue":"Thanks to natural evolution, it has a serious bite (9)","Answer":"TARANTULA","Explanation":"Definition: it has a serious bite\nTA [thanks] + an anagram [evolution] of NATURAL"} {"Clue":"Was one of a team of surgeons? (2-8)","Answer":"CO-OPERATED","Explanation":"Definition: Was one of a team of surgeons?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"He comes from Constantinople \u2014 or Istanbul, if you prefer (4)","Answer":"STAN","Explanation":"Definition: He\nContained in both conSTANtinople and iSTANbul"} {"Clue":"Financial experts making reports about worker (11)","Answer":"ACCOUNTANTS","Explanation":"Definition: Financial experts\nACCOUNTS [reports] round ANT [worker]"} {"Clue":"Tidy up legal issue and accept blame in court (5,6)","Answer":"PLEAD GUILTY","Explanation":"Definition: accept blame in court\nAnagram [issue] of TIDY UP LEGAL"} {"Clue":"Catch or fastener (4)","Answer":"NAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Catch fastener\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Punishment as part of learning (10)","Answer":"DISCIPLINE","Explanation":"Definition: Punishmentpart of learning\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Plenty having a ball, eating cake (9)","Answer":"ABUNDANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Plenty\nA DANCE [a ball] round BUN [cake]"} {"Clue":"Advantage of adjustable seats (5)","Answer":"ASSET","Explanation":"Definition: Advantage\nAnagram [adjustable] of SEATS"} {"Clue":"Given medical care at another's expense? (7)","Answer":"TREATED","Explanation":"Double definition"} {"Clue":"Pray the change will do you good (7)","Answer":"THERAPY","Explanation":"Definition: will do you good\nAnagram [change] of PRAY THE"} {"Clue":"Effect of a single legislator on law (6)","Answer":"IMPACT","Explanation":"Definition: Effect\nI MP [a single legislator] + ACT [law]"} {"Clue":"Instruments for Ian's op set out (6)","Answer":"PIANOS","Explanation":"Definition: Instruments\nAnagram [set out] of IAN'S OP"} {"Clue":"Get to grips in a friendly fashion? (5,5)","Answer":"SHAKE HANDS","Explanation":"Definition: Get to grips in a friendly fashion?\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"More or less important player (5)","Answer":"EXTRA","Explanation":"Definition: Moreless important player\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"It means endless trouble for Peter and Paul (9)","Answer":"PERPETUAL","Explanation":"Definition: It means endless\nAnagram [trouble] of PETER and PAUL"} {"Clue":"A bird in danger \u2014 nesting (4)","Answer":"ERNE","Explanation":"Definition: A bird\nHidden in dangER NEsting"} {"Clue":"Etching or watercolour? (8)","Answer":"AQUATINT","Explanation":"Definition: Etching\nAQUA [water] TINT [colour] \u2013 this is really just a straightforward definition, giving the derivation of the word"} {"Clue":"A doctor might mix a gin in the medicine (8)","Answer":"DIAGNOSE","Explanation":"Definition: A doctor might\nAnagram [mix] of A GIN in DOSE [medicine]"} {"Clue":"Put off retirement (4,2,4)","Answer":"STAY UP LATE","Explanation":"Definition: Put off retirement\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Admonished as a result of bad education (9)","Answer":"CAUTIONED","Explanation":"Definition: Admonished\nAnagram [bad] of EDUCATION"} {"Clue":"Clear, the actors are, [from the] pit (4-4)","Answer":"OPEN-CAST","Explanation":"Definition: [from the] pit\nOPEN [clear] + CAST [actors]"} {"Clue":"Treatment available on foot (8)","Answer":"PEDICURE","Explanation":"Definition: Treatment available on foot\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Light sleep (6)","Answer":"SIESTA","Explanation":"Definition: Light sleep\nCryptic definition \u2013 a\u00a0 sleep in daylight"} {"Clue":"Dispatched by railway guard (6)","Answer":"SENTRY","Explanation":"Definition: guard\nSENT [dispatched] + RY [railway]"} {"Clue":"Rift between Conservative and Labour? (5)","Answer":"CLEFT","Explanation":"Definition: Rift\nC [Comservative] + LEFT [Labour]"} {"Clue":"Rise in current is correct (4)","Answer":"EDIT","Explanation":"Definition: correct\nA reversal [rise] of TIDE [current]"} {"Clue":"He conducted\u00a0opera in backward province (9)","Answer":"TOSCANINI","Explanation":"Definition: He conducted\nTOSCA [opera] + a reversal [backward] of IN + N[orthern] I[reland] [province]"} {"Clue":"Old blowers regularly play\u00a0these (5)","Answer":"OBOES","Explanation":"Definition: these\nO [old] + B[l]O[w]E[r]S:\u00a0almost &lit\u00a0\u2013 but they're not all [including my daughter] old"} {"Clue":"Contribution from Vanessa-Mae's troubling conductor (7)","Answer":"MAESTRO","Explanation":"Definition: conductor\nHidden in Vanessa-MAES TROubling"} {"Clue":"French composer\u00a0considers cutting speed (7)","Answer":"DELIBES","Explanation":"Definition: French composer\nDELIBE[rate]S [considers, minus rate \u2013 speed]"} {"Clue":"Left Gershwin tackling British scales (5)","Answer":"LIBRA","Explanation":"Definition: scales\nL [left] + IRA [Gershwin] round B [British]"} {"Clue":"Member of top brass better with French first lady (9)","Answer":"TRUMPETER","Explanation":"Definition: Member of top brass\nTRUMP [better \u2013 how refreshing to see this word with no reference to the POTUS!] + ET ['with' French] + ER [first lady]"} {"Clue":"I prefer tonight's controversial ballet (3,4,2,6)","Answer":"THE RITE OF SPRING","Explanation":"Definition: ballet\nAnagram [controversial] of I PREFER TONIGHT'S: \u00a0what a pity this work didn't feature tonight!\u00a0\u2013 but a lovely clue, all the same"} {"Clue":"Comedienne Phyllis beset first person with retorts (9)","Answer":"DISTILLER","Explanation":"Definition: person with retorts\nDILLER [Comedienne Phyllis ] round IST [first]"} {"Clue":"Instrumentalist picks this big name to tour India (5)","Answer":"SITAR","Explanation":"Definition: Instrumentalist picks this\nSTAR [big name] round I [India]"} {"Clue":"Crew occasionally hush popular violinist (7)","Answer":"MENUHIN","Explanation":"Definition: violinist\nMEN [crew] + [h]U[s]H + IN [popular] \u2013 this is going back a bit but, if I were asked to name a violinist,"} {"Clue":"Composer's place full of filthy lucre (7)","Answer":"PURCELL","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nPL [place] round an anagram [filthy] of LUCRE"} {"Clue":"Norma maybe rejects section of a report (5)","Answer":"OPERA","Explanation":"Definition: Norma maybe\nA hidden reversal in A REPOrt"} {"Clue":"Briefly try old doctor, one with special instruments (9)","Answer":"TROMBONES","Explanation":"Definition: instruments\nTR[y] O [old] + MB [doctor] + ONE + S [special]"} {"Clue":"Pretended to keep time, given a prod (10)","Answer":"STIMULATED","Explanation":"Definition: given a prod\nSIMULATED [pretended] round T [time] \u2013 as a member of a choir, I loved this surface"} {"Clue":"Meet regular members of sestet during walk (8)","Answer":"ASSEMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: Meet\nS[e]S[t]E[t] in AMBLE [walk]"} {"Clue":"Ray preserves rare Hindu incantation (6)","Answer":"MANTRA","Explanation":"Definition: Hindu incantation\nMANTA [ray] round R [rare]"} {"Clue":"Queen performed overture to opera (4)","Answer":"DIDO","Explanation":"Definition: Queen\nDID [performed] + O[pera] \u2013 'Dido and Aeneas' is an opera by 23ac"} {"Clue":"perhaps more certain to come across fellow boarder (10)","Answer":"WINDSURFER","Explanation":"Definition: boarder\nWIND [oboes \u2013 10ac perhaps] + SURER [more certain] round F [fellow]"} {"Clue":"Sweet old man follows the money, as stated (8)","Answer":"LOLLIPOP","Explanation":"Definition: Sweet\nPOP [old man] after a homophone [as stated] of lolly [money]: perhaps a nod to Sir Thomas Beecham's light encores, known as 'lollipops' \u2013 apropos 1dn, when I looked this up to check, I found that he apparently once said to a musician, \"We cannot expect you to be with us all the time, but perhaps you could be good enough to keep in touch now and\u00a0 again\""} {"Clue":"Maiden interrupts county cricketer's fight (6)","Answer":"COMBAT","Explanation":"Definition: fight\nM [maiden] in CO [county] BAT [cricketer]"} {"Clue":"River goddess lives around South Island (4)","Answer":"ISIS","Explanation":"Definition: Rivergoddess\nIS [lives]\u00a0 around S [South] I [Island] \u2013 double definition: the River Thames at Oxford and an Egyptian goddess"} {"Clue":"Suite probed by mariners and pioneers (3,7)","Answer":"THE PLANETS","Explanation":"Definition: Suiteprobed by mariners and pioneers\nDouble \/cryptic definition, referring to space probes Mariner and Pioneer, which should perhaps have a capital letter \u2013 and\u00a0 Holst's suite, The Planets"} {"Clue":"Elgar fiddled with dress, whatever the conditions (10)","Answer":"REGARDLESS","Explanation":"Definition: whatever the conditions\nAnagram [fiddled] of ELGAR and DRESS"} {"Clue":"Girl meets hunk, ditching second guy from Cork? (8)","Answer":"IRISHMAN","Explanation":"Definition: guy from Cork?\nIRIS [girl] + H[e]MAN [hunk, minus its second letter]"} {"Clue":"Mean to welcome ambassador eventually (2,3,3)","Answer":"IN THE END","Explanation":"Definition: eventually\nINTEND [mean] round His\/Her Excellency [ambassador]"} {"Clue":"Operas in German too much for vocalist (6)","Answer":"SINGER","Explanation":"Definition: vocalist\nHidden in operaS IN GERman"} {"Clue":"Writer's copy found in Home Counties (6)","Answer":"SCRIBE","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\nCRIB [copy] in SE [South East \u2013 Home Counties]"} {"Clue":"Low note creates atmosphere (4)","Answer":"MOOD","Explanation":"Definition: atmosphere\nMOO [low] + D [note]"} {"Clue":"Play back-to-front concert (4)","Answer":"PROM","Explanation":"Definition: concert\nROMP [play] with its last letter moved to the front"} {"Clue":"Liberal leader then \u2014 big shot! (8,5)","Answer":"BLEEDING HEART","Explanation":"Definition: Liberal\nAnagram [shot] of LEADER THEN BIG"} {"Clue":"Gall bladder finally removed in folly (9)","Answer":"IMPUDENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Gall\nIMP[r]UDENCE [folly] minus [bladde]r"} {"Clue":"about you grabbing old soldier abroad (5)","Answer":"POILU","Explanation":"Definition: soldier abroad\nA reversal [about] of LIP [impudence \u2013 answer to 10ac] + U [you] round O [old] \u2013 a French private soldier"} {"Clue":"Plod catch male breaking in (5)","Answer":"TRAMP","Explanation":"Definition: Plod\nTRAP [catch] round M [male]"} {"Clue":"Couple involved with grass \u2014 one's chicken (5,4)","Answer":"WHITE MEAT","Explanation":"Definition: one's chicken\nITEM [couple] in WHEAT [grass] \u2013 both Collins and Chambers give, for 'grass', 'including wheat and other cereals'"} {"Clue":"Insecure stack yet to be fixed (7)","Answer":"RICKETY","Explanation":"Definition: Insecure\nRICK [stack] + an anagram [to be fixed] of YET"} {"Clue":"Debate is hard one to call (4,3)","Answer":"HASH OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Debate\nH A [hard one] + SHOUT [call]"} {"Clue":"Scoundrel in Clapton famously unpredictable (7)","Answer":"ERRATIC","Explanation":"Definition: unpredictable\nRAT [scoundrel] in ERIC [Clapton famously]"} {"Clue":"I call it sunscreen, externally applied (7)","Answer":"VISITOR","Explanation":"Definition: I call\nVISOR [sunscreen] round IT"} {"Clue":"Latched on to jockey \u2014 it's eventful! (9)","Answer":"DECATHLON","Explanation":"Definition: it's eventful\nAnagram [to jockey] of LATCHED ON"} {"Clue":"King pair (Vlad's) (5)","Answer":"PRIAM","Explanation":"Definition: King\nPR [pair] + I AM [Vlad's] for the last king of Troy, father of Paris"} {"Clue":"Boredom caused by working, we heard (5)","Answer":"ENNUI","Explanation":"Definition: Boredom\nSounds like [heard] ON [working] + WE"} {"Clue":"Head off in temper \u2014 it's over a lost key (9)","Answer":"ESSENTIAL","Explanation":"Definition: key\n[l]ESSEN [temper] + a reversal [over] of IT + A + L [lost \u2013 in football tables]"} {"Clue":"Get union involved with 10? It's not serious (6-2-5)","Answer":"TONGUE-IN-CHEEK","Explanation":"Definition: not serious\nAnagram [involved] of GET UNION + CHEEK [impudence \u2013 answer to 10ac]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Carnal desire chap satisfied ultimately, maybe watching one (3,6)","Answer":"LAP DANCER","Explanation":"Definition: one\nAnagram [maybe] of CARNAL [desir]E [cha]P [satisfie]D\u00a0with an extended def."} {"Clue":"Finally become nurse to May's new pals (3,2)","Answer":"END UP","Explanation":"Definition: Finally become\nEN [Enrolled Nurse] + DUP [Democratic Unionist Party \u2013 Theresa May's new pals, helping her to remain PM]"} {"Clue":"Visiting Bergen? That's not right, not at all! (2,2,3)","Answer":"IN NO WAY","Explanation":"Definition: not at all\nIN NO[r]WAY [where you would be if visiting Bergen] minus r [right]"} {"Clue":"Shady literary hero is hot but fairly dull (7)","Answer":"GREYISH","Explanation":"Definition: fairly dull\nGREY ['shady' literary hero!] + IS H [hot]"} {"Clue":"Clearly states they're fast (9)","Answer":"EXPRESSES","Explanation":"Definition: Clearly statesthey're fast\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"River current stops her swimming (5)","Answer":"RHINE","Explanation":"Definition: River\nIN [current, as in fashionable \u2013 I spent a minute or two wondering where the N came from, I'm so used to I being [electric] current in crosswords \u2013 in an anagram [swimming] of HER"} {"Clue":"Parting thought about term Lord applied to serial non-believer? (6,7)","Answer":"VICTOR MELDREW","Explanation":"Definition: serial non-believer\nC [about] + an anagram [applied] of TERM LORD in [parting] VIEW [thought] \u2013 rather hard for non-UK solvers, perhaps, but this might help"} {"Clue":"Counter problem with explosive force and discover what 8 didn't say, OK? (6,7)","Answer":"MUSTN\u2019T GRUMBLE","Explanation":"Definition: what 8 didn't say, OK\nA reversal [counter] of SUM [problem] + TNT [explosive] + G [force] + RUMBLE [discover] \u2013 Victor Meldrew is the archetypal grumpy old man"} {"Clue":"Allowing 10 out one time to fish (9)","Answer":"ENTITLING","Explanation":"Definition: Allowing\nAnagram [out] of TEN [not 10ac this time] + I [one] T [time] + LING [the familiar crossword fish]"} {"Clue":"Run into bit of hassle over fine \u2014 don't count on support here (2,4,3)","Answer":"ON THIN ICE","Explanation":"Definition: don't count on support here\nAnagram [run?] of INTO H[assle] + NICE [fine]"} {"Clue":"Pass ecstasy round stage school (7)","Answer":"COLLEGE","Explanation":"Definition: school\nCOL [pass] E [ecstasy] round LEG [stage]"} {"Clue":"On the contrary, in Domino's I never have meat (7)","Answer":"VENISON","Explanation":"Definition: meat\nA hidden reversal [on the contrary] in domiNOS I NEVer"} {"Clue":"Positive toilet's the same as before (3-2)","Answer":"CAN-DO","Explanation":"Definition: Positive\nCAN [toilet] + DO [abbreviation of ditto \u2013 the same as before]"} {"Clue":"Hit in belly, American retired (5)","Answer":"PUNCH","Explanation":"Definition: Hit\nP[a]UNCH [belly] minus a, American, retired"} {"Clue":"Bared tum? Could be for a tattoo! (8)","Answer":"DRUMBEAT","Explanation":"Definition: Could be for a tattoo\nAnagram [could be] of BARED TUM"} {"Clue":"Embellish trouble with the navy (5)","Answer":"ADORN","Explanation":"Definition: Embellish\nADO [trouble] + RN [Royal Navy]"} {"Clue":"Catch navy in decline (4)","Answer":"SNAG","Explanation":"Definition: Catch\nN [navy] in SAG [decline]\u00a0 \u2013 an unfortunate juxtaposition with 'navy' in the previous clue"} {"Clue":"Cloth samples found in the bathroom (10)","Answer":"TOILETRIES","Explanation":"Definition: found in the bathroom\nTOILE [cloth] + TRIES [samples]"} {"Clue":"Refuse to give birth (6)","Answer":"LITTER","Explanation":"Definition: Refusegive birth\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Rowers keeping right makes sense (8)","Answer":"EYESIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: sense\nEIGHT [rowers] round YES [right]"} {"Clue":"Greek character ill-disposed to wine (7)","Answer":"CHIANTI","Explanation":"Definition: wine\nCHI [Greek character] + ANTI [ill-disposed to]"} {"Clue":"Trotsky's initial explanation for mutiny (7)","Answer":"TREASON","Explanation":"Definition: mutiny\nT [Trotsky's initial] REASON [explanation]"} {"Clue":"Miscreant makes proposition about the outcome (8)","Answer":"OFFENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Miscreant\nOFFER [proposition] round END [outcome]"} {"Clue":"Bishop gives permission to use combinations (6)","Answer":"BLENDS","Explanation":"Definition: combinations\nB [bishop] LENDS [gives permission to use]"} {"Clue":"Overall sum becomes great (10)","Answer":"MARVELLOUS","Explanation":"Definition: great\nAnagram [becomes] of OVERALL SUM"} {"Clue":"Tackle English bird (4)","Answer":"KITE","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nKIT [tackle] + E [English]"} {"Clue":"Painter is a bit of a swine (5)","Answer":"BACON","Explanation":"Definition: Paintera bit of a swine\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Blessed husband's given consent (8)","Answer":"HALLOWED","Explanation":"Definition: Blessed\nH [husband] + ALLOWED [given consent]"} {"Clue":"Display a bowl of cereal (8)","Answer":"BRANDISH","Explanation":"Definition: Display\nBRAN DISH [bowl of cereal]"} {"Clue":"Sticks up for superior (4)","Answer":"SMUG","Explanation":"Definition: superior\nA reversal [up] of GUMS [sticks]"} {"Clue":"Time to run in field (6)","Answer":"SECTOR","Explanation":"Definition: field\nSEC[ond] [time] + TO R [to run]"} {"Clue":"Footballer, one taking action over conditions (7)","Answer":"STRIKER","Explanation":"Definition: Footballerone taking action over conditions\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Arrived to gloat at animal supervisor (8)","Answer":"CAMELEER","Explanation":"Definition: animal supervisor\nCAME [arrived] + LEER [gloat? Chambers has 'to look lecherously,glance sideways'; Collins adds\u00a0 'sneering', which could, I suppose, suggest gloating ]"} {"Clue":"Organise change of decoration (10)","Answer":"COORDINATE","Explanation":"Anagram [change ] of DECORATION"} {"Clue":"By mistake his men get engaged (2,4)","Answer":"IN MESH","Explanation":"Definition: engaged\nAnagram [by mistake] of\u00a0 HIS MEN"} {"Clue":"Ridicule Romeo on defect in crockery (3,7)","Answer":"TEA SERVICE","Explanation":"Definition: crockery\nTEASE [ridicule] + R [Romeo \u2013 phonetic alphabet] + VICE [weakness]"} {"Clue":"Tory leader (queer fish) is walking unsteadily (8)","Answer":"TODDLING","Explanation":"Definition: walking unsteadily\nT [Tory leader] + ODD LING [queer fish]"} {"Clue":"Anomalies providing chances to secure international match (8)","Answer":"ODDITIES","Explanation":"Definition: Anomalies\nODDS [chances] round I [international] TIE [match]"} {"Clue":"Ought children tuck into cheese and bread? (7)","Answer":"BRIOCHE","Explanation":"Definition: bread\nO [ought ] CH [children] in BRIE [cheese]"} {"Clue":"A way of cooking meat in France and Spain (6)","Answer":"FLAMB\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: A way of cooking\nLAMB [meat] in F [France] and E [Spain]"} {"Clue":"Type of pottery made by graduate and seaman (6)","Answer":"BASALT","Explanation":"Definition: Type of pottery\nBA [graduate] + SALT [seaman] \u2013 a type of pottery invented by Josiah Wedgwood"} {"Clue":"Speed of a bird (4)","Answer":"KNOT","Explanation":"Definition: Speedbird\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Work in trousers in capital of Siberia, say? (7)","Answer":"KOPECKS","Explanation":"Definition: capital of Siberia, say?\nOP [work] in KECKS [trousers \u2013 a new one on me: Collins says it's North English dialect]"} {"Clue":"Beat unconscious \u2013 bash! (5)","Answer":"OUTDO","Explanation":"Definition: Beat\nOUT [unconscious] + DO \u2013 two possible double definitions:\u00a0 both do and bash mean a party and, as verbs, both can mean to beat up"} {"Clue":"Othello's backside clenched that's hot and sweaty (5,4)","Answer":"STEAM ROOM","Explanation":"Definition: that's hot and sweaty\nWe need to separate back-side to give a reversal [back] of MOORS [Othello's] round TEAM [side]"} {"Clue":"Corrupt TV company is secreted in vacant toilet, one on the left (10)","Answer":"TROTSKYIST","Explanation":"Definition: one on the left\nROT [corrupt] SKY [TV company] + IS in T[oile]T"} {"Clue":"Stuffing pepper with last of seafood, cook gains mounted support? (6,6)","Answer":"RIDING SADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: mounted support?\n[seafoo]D + an anagram [cook] of GAINS in RIDDLE [pepper \u2013 with shot]"} {"Clue":"Very dirty, a line on ground (12)","Answer":"INORDINATELY","Explanation":"Definition: Very\nAnagram [ground] of DIRTY A LINE ON"} {"Clue":"Fish heading away from wave (4)","Answer":"HAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\n[s]HAKE [wave]"} {"Clue":"Immorality in God? (10)","Answer":"WRONGDOING","Explanation":"Definition: Immorality\nA reverse anagram: DOING is an anagram [wrong] of IN GOD"} {"Clue":"Beating him up, one taken apart with second of punches, blow it! (9)","Answer":"EUPHONIUM","Explanation":"Definition: blow it!\nAnagram [beating] of HIM UP and an anagram [taken apart] of ONE + [p]U[nches]"} {"Clue":"Classic has to go behind painting that's heartless (5)","Answer":"OLDIE","Explanation":"Definition: Classic\nO[i]L [painting] + DIE [go]"} {"Clue":"Colony on high fine with queen in old kingdom lacking leadership (7)","Answer":"ROOKERY","Explanation":"Definition: Colony on high\nOK [fine] + ER [queen] in [t]ROY [old kingdom]"} {"Clue":"Rather stained pants (7)","Answer":"INSTEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Rather\nAnagram [pants] of STAINED\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Complicated, like a sandpiper? (6)","Answer":"KNOTTY","Explanation":"Definition: Complicated\nA typical Paul clue: a KNOT is a small shore bird of the sandpiper family, so KNOTTY = 'like a sandpiper'"} {"Clue":"Sorrow, of course, very uplifting (6)","Answer":"PATHOS","Explanation":"Definition: Sorrow\nPATH [course] + a reversal [uplifting] of SO [very]"} {"Clue":"Those challenging you, in shifting or hazardous driving conditions (10)","Answer":"CROSSWINDS","Explanation":"Definition: hazardous driving conditions\nCROSSW[or]DS [those challenging you, with IN replacing 'or']"} {"Clue":"Impudent fool in extremes of stupidity (5)","Answer":"SASSY","Explanation":"Definition: Impudent\nASS [fool] in S[tupidit]Y"} {"Clue":"Lament appearing in public, a mistake (9)","Answer":"OVERSIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: mistake\nSIGH [lament] in OVERT [public]"} {"Clue":"Units of electric potential and current in siren (4)","Answer":"VAMP","Explanation":"Definition: siren\nV [volt \u2013 unit of electric potential] + AMP [unit of electric current]"} {"Clue":"12, all Mary Celeste's crew? Not entirely orderly on board (8)","Answer":"NOONTIDE","Explanation":"Definition: 12\nTID[y] [not entirely orderly] in [on board] NO ONE [all Mary Celeste's crew]"} {"Clue":"County not all respect, oddly (8)","Answer":"SOMERSET","Explanation":"Definition: County\nSOME [not all] + R[e]S[p]E[c]T"} {"Clue":"Noblemen carrying base of heavy cross uphill in the opening stages (5,5)","Answer":"EARLY DOORS","Explanation":"Definition: the opening stages\nEARLS [noblemen] round [heav]Y + a reversal [uphill] of ROOD [cross]"} {"Clue":"Impoverished area \u2013 is it? (5,4)","Answer":"INNER CITY","Explanation":"Definition: Impoverished area\nIT is the inner part of cITy"} {"Clue":"Left organ of Van Gogh in this exact location, did you say? (5,3)","Answer":"RIGHT EAR","Explanation":"Definition: Left organ of Van Gogh\nSounds like [did you say?] 'Right 'ere' [in this exact location] \u2013\u00a0 I think we would usually have an indication of Cockney speech"} {"Clue":"Cross with bird initially playing for time (8)","Answer":"COCKAPOO","Explanation":"Definition: Cross\nCOCKA[t]OO [bird] with P[laying] replacing t [time]\u00a0 \u2013 a cross between a cocker spaniel and a poodle \u2013 Paul showing rather unusual restraint here"} {"Clue":"across Resolving feud after negotiation, one's on hand (6,2,5)","Answer":"GIRDLE OF VENUS","Explanation":"Definition: one's on hand\nAnagram [after negotiation] of RESOLVING FEUD \u2013 a line in palmistry"} {"Clue":"A selfish desire? Yes (6)","Answer":"AGREED","Explanation":"Definition: Yes\nA GREED [selfish desire]"} {"Clue":"Sign of bad weather anything but locally in report? (5)","Answer":"NIMBI","Explanation":"Definition: Sign of bad weather\nSounds like [in report] NIMBY [not in my back yard \u2013 anything but locally]"} {"Clue":"Leader of visible magnitude, apostle converted unbeliever, finally (4,4)","Answer":"POLE STAR","Explanation":"Definition: Leader of visible magnitude\nAnagram [converted] of APOSTLE [unbelieve]R"} {"Clue":"Agent responsible for rising? Yes, aged Conservative manning post (5,4)","Answer":"YEAST CAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Agent responsible for rising\nYEA [old \u2013 aged \u2013 form of yes] + C [Conservative] in [manning] STAKE [post]"} {"Clue":"Yarn woven when Times cut political sentence (5)","Answer":"EXILE","Explanation":"Definition: political sentence\n[t]EX[t]ILE [yarn woven, minus t t \u2013 times cut]"} {"Clue":"Cybermoney one rejected \u2013\u00a0not a word! (1-4)","Answer":"E-CASH","Explanation":"Definition: Cybermoney\nA reversal [rejected] of ACE [one] + SH [not a word!]"} {"Clue":"th-minute equaliser from one side? (9)","Answer":"LATERALLY","Explanation":"Definition: from one side\nLATE RALLY = 89th-minute equaliser"} {"Clue":"It's taken both ways from European state, leaving gap (7)","Answer":"VACANCY","Explanation":"Definition: gap\nVA[ti]CAN C[it[Y [European state minus 'it', both ways]"} {"Clue":"He's conducted tutti (5)","Answer":"HALL\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: He's conducted tutti\nHE [round \u2013 conducted] ALL [tutti] \u2013 &lit\u00a0\u2013 Charles Hall\u00e9, founder of the Hall\u00e9 Orchestra"} {"Clue":"Pass left after business (3)","Answer":"COL","Explanation":"Definition: Pass\nL [left] after CO [business]"} {"Clue":"Recollected overtures from concert in total harmony (5)","Answer":"MUSIC","Explanation":"Definition: harmony\nA reversal [recollected] of C[oncert] I[n] + SUM [total]"} {"Clue":"Partners holding hands, sadly led in by 5 (7)","Answer":"BEWDLEY","Explanation":"Definition: 5\nEW [East and West, partners holding hands \u2013 playing bridge] in an anagram [sadly] of LED in BY \u2013 scene of today's FESTIVAL [5]"} {"Clue":"Stuffy with cold cases (7)","Answer":"FROWSTY","Explanation":"Definition: Stuffy\nFROSTY [cold] round [cases] W [with]"} {"Clue":"Angry with sorcerers pinching last of the sauce (14)","Answer":"WORCESTERSHIRE","Explanation":"Definition: sauce\nAnagram [angry] of WITH SORCERERS round [pinching] [th]E"} {"Clue":"Prepare to burn evidence of life at vicarage? (3,2)","Answer":"REV UP","Explanation":"Definition: Prepare to burn\nThe Rev [vicar] being up is evidence of life"} {"Clue":"One dismissing those more likely to retire, put into care of sorts (9)","Answer":"CASHIERER","Explanation":"Definition: One dismissing\nSHIER [those more likely to retire] in an anagram [of sorts] of CARE"} {"Clue":"Why old man's left street, nurturing yen for woodland (4,6)","Answer":"WYRE FOREST","Explanation":"Definition: woodland\nThe last to be parsed: it's W[he]REFORE [the old form of 'why' minus 'he' \u2013 man's left] round [nurturing] Y [yen] + ST [street]"} {"Clue":"Where animals roam remotely? One's caught in a flash (6,4)","Answer":"SAFARI PARK","Explanation":"Definition: Where animals roam\nAFAR [remotely] + I [one] in SPARK [flash]"} {"Clue":"Driving amateur on wagon cut part of foot (2,3,5)","Answer":"AT THE WHEEL","Explanation":"Definition: Driving\nA [amateur] + TT [on the wagon] + HEW [cut] + HEEL [part of foot]"} {"Clue":"Fiver bet: ales will get drunk here (4,8)","Answer":"BEER FESTIVAL","Explanation":"Definition: here\nAnagram [drunk] of FIVER BET ALES"} {"Clue":"Fresh running water in Wales variable: something done to bottle it (4-4)","Answer":"DEWY-EYED","Explanation":"Definition: Fresh\nDEED [something done] round [to bottle it] WYE [running water \u2013 river \u2013 in Wales] + Y [variable]"} {"Clue":"Upset he's in the pub ? rather than here? (5)","Answer":"REHAB","Explanation":"Definition: here\nA reversal [upset] of HE in BAR [pub]"} {"Clue":"No rara avis means to inject fluid! (6,4)","Answer":"COMMON RAIL","Explanation":"Definition: means to inject fluid\nA rara avis is a rare bird, which a common rail isn't"} {"Clue":"Allegedly too wise to keep Charlie here ? disgusting! (5)","Answer":"YUCKY","Explanation":"Definition: disgusting!\nYY [two Ys \u2013 too wise, allegedly] round C [Charlie, NATO phonetic alphabet] in UK [here]"} {"Clue":"Feature someone in debt (between 50 and 51p) (5,3)","Answer":"LOWER LIP","Explanation":"Definition: Feature\nOWER [someone in debt] between L [50] and LI [51] P [pence]"} {"Clue":"My World of Mimicry, Pt 1(c)\u00a0\u2013 Shed\u00a0(8)","Answer":"CRYPTICS","Explanation":"Definition: My World\nHidden in mimiCRY PT IC Shed"} {"Clue":"across\u00a0 Meandering line originally via Wales? Very nearly (6,6,7)","Answer":"SEVERN VALLEY RAILWAY","Explanation":"Definition: Meandering line\nAnagram [meandering] of L[ine] VIA WALES VERY NEARLY \u2013 and it's very nearly &lit"} {"Clue":"Rig was dismantled when leaving a region (4,8)","Answer":"WEST MIDLANDS","Explanation":"Definition: region\nAnagram [rig] of WAS DISMANTLED minus a"} {"Clue":"Country said to to drop right to Roman port(5)","Answer":"OSTIA","Explanation":"Definition: Roman port\nSounds like [said] Austria, minus r [right] \u2013 presumably the double 'to' is a typo \u2013 see 31ac"} {"Clue":"Colour transposed on double weapon (9)","Answer":"DERRINGER","Explanation":"Definition: weapon\nA reversal [transposed] of RED [colour] + RINGER [double]"} {"Clue":"Artist associates cobalt with moonshine (5)","Answer":"COROT","Explanation":"Definition: Artist\nCO [cobalt] + ROT [moonshine]"} {"Clue":"Is oxygen rejected in rocky moss's diffusion process (7)","Answer":"OSMOSIS","Explanation":"Definition: diffusion process\nA reversal [rejected] of IS O [is oxygen] in an anagram [rocky] of MOSS"} {"Clue":"In love? No, mate, hate! (5)","Answer":"VENOM","Explanation":"Definition: hate\nHidden in loVE NO Mate"} {"Clue":"Start a likely place for filming (5)","Answer":"ONSET","Explanation":"Definition: Start\nON SET [likely place for filming] \u2013 a very old favourite"} {"Clue":"Bar turning up large American rye starters, followed by Bells? (7)","Answer":"TUBULAR","Explanation":"Definition: followed by Bells?\nA reversal [turning] of BUT [bar] + first letters [starters] Up Large American Rye \u2013 reference to this"} {"Clue":"Set out to be Europe's premier unknown poet? (7)","Answer":"EXPOUND","Explanation":"Definition: Set out\nE [Europe] + X [unknown] + [Ezra] POUND [poet]"} {"Clue":"Number 10, when backing a settler in Britain (5)","Answer":"SAXON","Explanation":"Definition: settler in Britain\nA\u00a0reversal [backing] of NO X [number 10] + AS [when]"} {"Clue":"Fancy gaiters required in upmarket transport\u00a0 \u2013 official (9)","Answer":"REGISTRAR","Explanation":"Definition: official\nAnagram [fancy] of GAITERS in RR [Rolls Royce \u2013 upmarket transport]"} {"Clue":"Game vetting managed by major organisation (5-2-2)","Answer":"VINGT-ET-UN","Explanation":"Definition: Game\nAnagram [managed] of VETTING + UN [major organisation]"} {"Clue":"Buddhist school said have working gas (5)","Answer":"XENON","Explanation":"Definition: gas\nSounds like Zen [said] [Buddhist school] + ON [working] \u2013 presumably there's a' to' missing in the clue \u2013 perhaps lent to 9ac? \u00a0\ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Lack of bottle, but not hot dogs (4,4)","Answer":"COLD FEET","Explanation":"Definition: Lack of bottle\nCOLD [not hot] DOGS [feet] \u2013 Cockney rhyming slang: dog's meat = feet: eg 'My dogs are barking' \u2013 'My feet hurt'"} {"Clue":"Maestro conducted North American guy with the goods (8)","Answer":"STOREMAN","Explanation":"Definition: American guy with the goods\nAnagram [conducted ] of MAESTRO + N [North]"} {"Clue":"Hackney's parking area burden\", I utter (4,4)","Answer":"TAXI RANK","Explanation":"Definition: Hackney's parking area\nTAX [burden] + I + UTTER [rank]"} {"Clue":"Leg fixed, so all ready to proceed with the show? (5,3)","Answer":"STAGE SET","Explanation":"Definition: all ready to proceed with the show?\nSTAGE [leg] + SET [fixed]"} {"Clue":"Loose-wired ring card (6)","Answer":"WEIRDO","Explanation":"Definition: card\nAnagram [loose] of WIRED + O [ring]"} {"Clue":"Wally's new trendy web domain number two (10)","Answer":"NINCOMPOOP","Explanation":"Definition: Wally\nN [new] + IN [trendy] + COM [web domain] + POOP [number two]"} {"Clue":"Fallen legend (vicar, USA) wings off (6)","Answer":"ICARUS","Explanation":"Definition: Fallen legend\n[v]ICAR US[a] \u2013 'wings off'"} {"Clue":"Fancy Old Man Time (5)","Answer":"COVET","Explanation":"Definition: Fancy\nCOVE [old man] + T [time]"} {"Clue":"Grants helm needs moving to be within reach (4,6)","Answer":"ARM\u2019S LENGTH","Explanation":"Definition: within reach\nAnagram [needs moving] of GRANTS HELM \u2013 not entirely happy with the definition"} {"Clue":"Full day education reduced (5)","Answer":"SATED","Explanation":"Definition: Full\nSAT [day] + ED[ucation]"} {"Clue":"Pure and simple, back to front man is burgeoning (8)","Answer":"EMERGENT","Explanation":"Definition: burgeoning\nMERE [pure and simple] with the last letter moved to the beginning\u00a0 [back to front]+ GENT [man]"} {"Clue":"Catch: girls enquire about making the impossible match (8,3,6)","Answer":"SQUARING THE CIRCLE","Explanation":"Definition: making the impossible match\nAnagram [about] of CATCH GIRLS ENQUIRE"} {"Clue":"across\u00a0 Packaging with definitive range that involves a complete turnaround (6,3,7)","Answer":"BOXING THE COMPASS","Explanation":"Definition: that involves a complete turnaround\nBOXING [packaging] + THE [definitive] + COMPASS [range]\u00a0 \u2013 a simple charade: see here"} {"Clue":"It's not common for equivalence to replace power with resistance (6)","Answer":"RARITY","Explanation":"Definition: It's not common\n[p]ARITY [equivalence] with p [power] replaced by R [resistance]"} {"Clue":"State's up at the end of the reserve (4)","Answer":"SAVE","Explanation":"Definition: reserve\nA reversal [up] of VA'S [state's] + [th]E"} {"Clue":"Inviting severely disheartened divorcee to enter (4)","Answer":"SEXY","Explanation":"Definition: Inviting\nEX [divorcee] in S[everel]Y"} {"Clue":"Workers \u2013 a hundred \u2013 come out to set the ball rolling (8)","Answer":"COMMENCE","Explanation":"Definition: set the ball rolling\nMEN [workers] + C [a hundred] in COME"} {"Clue":"Quick form of pop art (6)","Answer":"ABRUPT","Explanation":"Definition: Quick\nAnagram [form of] of PUB [not 'pop' ] ART \u2013\u00a0 and I'm looking rather askance at the definition, too"} {"Clue":"Renovated local tea place (8)","Answer":"ALLOCATE","Explanation":"Definition: place\nAnagram [renovated] of LOCAL TEA"} {"Clue":"Idly read and eat (6)","Answer":"BROWSE","Explanation":"Definition: Idly readeat\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Where a saint could be standing still? (5)","Answer":"NICHE","Explanation":"Definition: Where a saint could be standing still?\nCryptic definition, referring to the recess in the wall of a church, where a statue of a saint might be placed"} {"Clue":"British preparatory school for general education? (9)","Answer":"SANDHURST","Explanation":"Definition: British preparatory school for general education?\nCryptic definition, which might be tough for non-UK solvers, not helped by the original typo 'eduction': Sandhurst is a military academy"} {"Clue":"Responsibility for safety of daily transport (12)","Answer":"GUARDIANSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Responsibility for safety\nGUARDIAN [daily] + SHIP [transport]"} {"Clue":"From pathology, Ron turns to the study of man (12)","Answer":"ANTHROPOLOGY","Explanation":"Definition: study of man\nAnagram [turns] of PATHOLOGY RON"} {"Clue":"My amusing upset in the sports centre (9)","Answer":"GYMNASIUM","Explanation":"Definition: sports centre\nAnagram [upset] of MY AMUSING"} {"Clue":"Fancy Luxembourg as Utopia? (5)","Answer":"IDEAL","Explanation":"Definition: Utopia\nIDEA [fancy] + L [Luxembourg]"} {"Clue":"Time when all assets were frozen (3,3)","Answer":"ICE AGE","Explanation":"Definition: Time when all assets were frozen\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"It's somehow expected and excluded (8)","Answer":"EXCEPTED","Explanation":"Definition: excluded\nAnagram [somehow] of EXPECTED"} {"Clue":"A wine to be wrong to be diffident about (6)","Answer":"SHERRY","Explanation":"Definition: A wine\nSHY [diffident] round ERR [be wrong]"} {"Clue":"It was reconstituted before, like it used to be (2,2,4)","Answer":"AS IT WERE","Explanation":"Anagram [reconstituted] of IT WAS + ERE [before] \u2013 but 'as it were' doesn't mean 'like it used to be': that's 'as it was'"} {"Clue":"China's new restrictive measures (6)","Answer":"CHAINS","Explanation":"Definition: restrictive measures\nAnagram [new] of CHINAS"} {"Clue":"Ill-will of many to a girl (6)","Answer":"MALICE","Explanation":"Definition: Ill-will\nM [a thousand \u2013 many] + ALICE [girl]"} {"Clue":"Rex is upset about money order in accounts department (9)","Answer":"EXCHEQUER","Explanation":"Definition: accounts department\nAnagram [upset] of REX round CHEQUE [money order]"} {"Clue":"Dreadful pastor I catch out (12)","Answer":"CATASTROPHIC","Explanation":"Definition: Dreadful\nAnagram [out] of PASTOR I CATCH"} {"Clue":"Growing form of punishment (5)","Answer":"BIRCH","Explanation":"Definition: Growing form of punishment \nCryptic \/ doublish definition \u2013\u00a0 though the punishment is a rod made of birch twigs"} {"Clue":"A foreign dignitary lacking credit (8)","Answer":"UNWORTHY","Explanation":"Definition: lacking credit\nUN [a foreign] + WORTHY [dignitary]"} {"Clue":"Peter's scrambled round to the highest branches (8)","Answer":"TREETOPS","Explanation":"Definition: the highest branches\nAnagram [scrambled] of PETER round TO"} {"Clue":"Not the impressive results one was led to to expect (12)","Answer":"ANTICLIMAXES","Explanation":"This seems to be just a straightforward definition"} {"Clue":"Has a fresh egg in Lent, regardless (9)","Answer":"NEGLIGENT","Explanation":"Definition: regardless\nAnagram [fresh] of EGG IN LENT"} {"Clue":"The publican's profits are cheap at the price (8)","Answer":"BARGAINS","Explanation":"Definition: cheap at the price\nBAR GAINS \u2013 publican's profits"} {"Clue":"Flight impressed about a quarter (8)","Answer":"STAMPEDE","Explanation":"Definition: Flight\nSTAMPED [impressed] + E [quarter] \u2013 but the clue indicates that STAMPED is round E"} {"Clue":"One insect let out another (6)","Answer":"BEETLE","Explanation":"Definition: another\nBEE [one insect] + an anagram [out] of LET"} {"Clue":"Take it, if you hope to stay dry (6)","Answer":"PLEDGE","Explanation":"Definition: Take it, if you hope to stay dry\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Pole in wrong gear shows annoyance (5)","Answer":"ANGER","Explanation":"Definition: annoyance\nN [pole] in an anagram [wrong] of GEAR"} {"Clue":"Wild Boys, initially song and note getting stick at first (9)","Answer":"BARBARIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Wild\nBAR [stick \u2013 I wondered about this but Chambers gives 'rod' as a definition for both bar and stick] + B[oys] + ARIA [song] + N [note]"} {"Clue":"Playing song live (2,3)","Answer":"ON AIR","Explanation":"Definition: live\nON [playing] AIR [song]"} {"Clue":"Attractive model with a pen (5)","Answer":"TASTY","Explanation":"Definition: Attractive\nT [model] + A STY [a pen]"} {"Clue":"Rejection for Duran Duran song? American is infamous (9)","Answer":"NOTORIOUS","Explanation":"Definition: infamous\nNO TO RIO [Rejection for 'Rio' \u2013 Duran Duran song ) + US\u00a0 [American]\u00a0 \u2013 and NOTORIOUS is another DD song"} {"Clue":"Admirer hit part of car (3,4)","Answer":"FAN BELT","Explanation":"Definition: part of car\nFAN [admirer] BELT [hit]"} {"Clue":"Still in party? Slip away after girl's left (5)","Answer":"DOGGO","Explanation":"Definition: Still\nDO [party] + GO [slip away] after G [the 'left' end of G[irl] \u2013 I think]"} {"Clue":"Hunk from poster after women (3)","Answer":"WAD","Explanation":"Definition: Hunk\nAD [poster] after W [women]"} {"Clue":"Place again on the box (5)","Answer":"RESET","Explanation":"Definition: Place again\nRE [on] [tv] SET [box]"} {"Clue":"Put on pressure to split, film's captured (7)","Answer":"PRETEND","Explanation":"Definition: Put on\nP [pressure] + REND [split] round [is captured] ET [ the crossword film]"} {"Clue":"Steal girl? Fancy one seeing someone highly sensitive? (9)","Answer":"ALLERGIST","Explanation":"Definition: one seeing someone highly sensitive\nAnagram [fancy] of STEAL GIRL"} {"Clue":"Planet Earth features one topless star\u00a0dressing (5,4)","Answer":"MARIE ROSE","Explanation":"Definition: dressing\nMARS [planet] E [earth] round [features] I [one] [h]ERO [topless star]"} {"Clue":"Drops in drink revenue primarily from boozers (5)","Answer":"DUNKS","Explanation":"Definition: Drops in drink\nD[r]UNKS [boozers] minus r[evenue] \u2013 a great clue for what I\u00a0think is\u00a0a horrible habit"} {"Clue":"Wit and idols seen playing around circuit (4,5)","Answer":"GOOD SENSE","Explanation":"Definition: Wit\nAnagram [playing] of GODS [idols] SEEN round O [circuit]"} {"Clue":"Touch up member of band? (4)","Answer":"ABUT","Explanation":"Definition: Touch\nA reversal [up] of TUBA [member of band]"} {"Clue":"Group of stars penning intro to Save a Prayer (6)","Answer":"ORISON","Explanation":"Definition: Prayer\nORION [group of stars] round S[ave]"} {"Clue":"Upset at teary Simon Le Bon interrupting where some tracks end (10,7)","Answer":"MARYLEBONE STATION","Explanation":"Definition: where some tracks end\nLE BON in [interrupting] an anagram [upset] of AT TEARY SIMON"} {"Clue":"Bird left pub before start of extra time (6)","Answer":"LINNET","Explanation":"Definition: Bird\nL [left] INN [pub]\u00a0 + E\u00a0 [start of Extra] T [time]"} {"Clue":"Sex appeal wearing kinky undies turned into a single piece (8)","Answer":"UNITISED","Explanation":"Definition: turned into a single piece\nIT [sex appeal] in [wearing] an anagram [kinky] of UNDIES"} {"Clue":"down,24down,22across Crazy Duran Duran fans go wild \u2013 fee for picture (4,8,3,1,7)","Answer":"FOUR WEDDINGS AND A FUNERAL","Explanation":"Definition: picture\nAnother super anagram [crazy] \u2013 of DURAN DURAN FANS GO WILD FEE"} {"Clue":"One inside models for covers (8)","Answer":"CANOPIES","Explanation":"Definition: covers\nAN [one] in COPIES [models]"} {"Clue":"British like supporters (4)","Answer":"BRAS","Explanation":"Definition: supporters\nBR [British] AS [like]"} {"Clue":"Bored following half of band, ran off during record (3,2)","Answer":"FED UP","Explanation":"Definition: Bored\nF [following] + DU[ran] [half of band, 'ran off'] in EP [recording]"} {"Clue":"Mutation of organism to one studying land? (10)","Answer":"AGRONOMIST","Explanation":"Definition: one studying land\nAnagram [mutation] of ORGANISM TO"} {"Clue":"Cheeky? Section of arena talking (5)","Answer":"NATAL","Explanation":"Definition: Cheeky?\nHidden in areNA TALking \u2013 a Paul-like clue: natal here = relating to nates [buttocks], so 'cheeky': Arena is a Duran Duran album"} {"Clue":"Film men wrestling with girls (8)","Answer":"GREMLINS","Explanation":"Definition: Film\nAnagram [wrestling] of MEN and GIRLS [and 'Girls on Film' is a DD song]"} {"Clue":"Flab reduced in work out (6)","Answer":"FATHOM","Explanation":"Definition: work out\nFAT [flab] + HOM[e] ['reduced in']"} {"Clue":"Artist and band full of enthusiasm (6)","Answer":"RARING","Explanation":"Definition: full of enthusiasm\nRA [artist] + RING [band]"} {"Clue":"Old lovers need tablet \u2013 nooky when erect? (4)","Answer":"EXES","Explanation":"Definition: Old lovers\nE\u00a0 [tablet] + a reversal [erect] of SEX [nooky] \u2013 another Paul-like clue to end with"} {"Clue":"Supple mountaineer ignoring cold at first (6)","Answer":"LIMBER","Explanation":"Definition: Supple\n[c]LIMBER [mountaineer] \u2013 this immediately reminded me of one of my all-time favourite clues, from Orlando's alter ego Cincinnus in the FT: A climber of rocks in Devon (10)"} {"Clue":"Police in rigged state trial that's crucial (4,4)","Answer":"ACID TEST","Explanation":"Definition: trial that's crucial\nCID [police] in an anagram [rigged] of STATE"} {"Clue":"Self-serving forfeit? (6)","Answer":"FOREGO","Explanation":"Definition: forfeit\nFOR EGO [self-serving]"} {"Clue":"Studio broadcast about backing long shot (8)","Answer":"OUTSIDER","Explanation":"Definition: long shot\nAnagram [broadcast] of STUDIO + a reversal [backing] of RE [about]"} {"Clue":"Ethics I worried about in book about childhood (5,4,5)","Answer":"CIDER WITH ROSIE","Explanation":"Definition: book about childhood\nAnagram [about] of ETHICS I WORRIED \u2013 I remember Anax saying what a useful word 'about' is for setters: see previous clue \u2013 and it can also be a containment or reversal indicator"} {"Clue":"Original sound with early vocal music (10)","Answer":"ROUNDELAYS","Explanation":"Definition: vocal music\nAnagram [original] of SOUND and EARLY"} {"Clue":"Young Simpson has change of heart ?- horrid kid! (4)","Answer":"BRAT","Explanation":"Definition: horrid kid\nBART [young Simpson] with the middle letters \u2013 heart \u2013 transposed"} {"Clue":"Notice either side of estate agent (4)","Answer":"ESPY","Explanation":"Definition: Notice\nE [first and last letters \u2013 either side \u2013 of EstatE] + SPY [agent]"} {"Clue":"Lawgiver is left in flowing river (10)","Answer":"LEGISLATOR","Explanation":"Definition: Lawgiver\nIS L [is left] in LEGATO [flowing \u2013 musical direction] + R [river]"} {"Clue":"Grr! Damn sheep he rounded up? (6,8)","Answer":"GERMAN SHEPHERD","Explanation":"Definition: sheep he rounded up\nAnagram\u00a0 [rounded up] of GRR DAMNED SHEEP \u2013 &littish"} {"Clue":"Breeding stock? Wilder game? (4,4)","Answer":"GENE POOL","Explanation":"Definition: Breeding stock?\nGENE [Wilder] + POOL [game]"} {"Clue":"Country man with an acre (6)","Answer":"GUYANA","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nGUY [man + AN A [an acre]"} {"Clue":"Plants from central Asia in stores (8)","Answer":"DEPOSITS","Explanation":"Definition: Plants\n[a]SI[a] in DEPOTS [stores]"} {"Clue":"Niche for Time Out? (6)","Answer":"RECESS","Explanation":"Definition: NicheTime Out\nDouble definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Storage area full of tuna sandwiches (4)","Answer":"LOFT","Explanation":"Definition: Storage area\nHidden in [sandwiches] fulL OF Tuna"} {"Clue":"Framing paintings, say, without short composer (7)","Answer":"MARTINU","Explanation":"Definition: composer\nMINU[s] [without, short] round [framing] ART [paintings, say]"} {"Clue":"Boffins say good boss succeeded (8)","Answer":"EGGHEADS","Explanation":"Definition: Boffins\nEG [say] + G [good] + HEAD [boss] + S [succeeded]"} {"Clue":"Here is a noble railway\" ? sentence from a glossy magazine (7,4)","Answer":"COUNTRY LIFE","Explanation":"Definition: glossy magazine\nCOUNT [noble] + RY [railway] + LIFE [sentence]"} {"Clue":"Win over military leader after shocking raids (6)","Answer":"DISARM","Explanation":"Definition: Win over\nM[ilitary] after an anagram [shocking] of RAIDS"} {"Clue":"Ultimate recipient of object? American leading lady (3-4)","Answer":"END-USER","Explanation":"Definition: Ultimate recipient\nEND [object] + US [American] + ER [the Queen \u2013 leading lady]"} {"Clue":"Troll chaps found in Twin Peaks (9)","Answer":"TORMENTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Troll\nMEN [chaps] in TOR TOR [twin peaks]"} {"Clue":"Writer close to Glasgow converts semi-detached cottages (6,5)","Answer":"WALTER SCOTT","Explanation":"Definition: Writer\n[glasgo]W + ALTERS [converts] COTT[ages] \u2013 lovely!"} {"Clue":"No opening for fruit? Large number taken back (2-7)","Answer":"RE-ENGAGED","Explanation":"Definition: taken back\n[g]REENGAGE [fruit] + D [500 \u2013 large number]"} {"Clue":"He turned up to stop a bounder in the pub (8)","Answer":"ALEHOUSE","Explanation":"Definition: pub\nA reversal [turned up] of HE in [to stop] A LOUSE [a bounder]"} {"Clue":"Root for base rate cut (7)","Answer":"PARSNIP","Explanation":"Definition: Root\nPAR [base rate] + SNIP [cut]"} {"Clue":"Houses joined in competition after they're oddly selected (7)","Answer":"TERRACE","Explanation":"Definition: Houses joined\nRACE [competition] after odd letters of T[h]E[y]R[e]"} {"Clue":"\"The Place of Education\" ? bit of propaganda penned by French author (6)","Answer":"CAMPUS","Explanation":"Definition: \"The Place of Education\"\nP[ropaganda] in [penned by] [Albert] CAMUS [French author]"} {"Clue":"To succeed in exam, don't answer question (4)","Answer":"PASS","Explanation":"Definition: To succeed in examdon't answer question\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"As printed, this could make propane (2,5)","Answer":"ON PAPER","Explanation":"Definition: As printed\nAnagram [this could make] of PROPANE"} {"Clue":"Corbyn's defeated after nothing succeeded in funny drama (5,7,4)","Answer":"LOVE\u2019S LABOUR\u2019S LOST","Explanation":"Definition: funny drama\nLABOUR'S LOST [Corbyn's defeated] after LOVE [nothing] S [succeeded]"} {"Clue":"Broadcast US comic's takeoffs from here (9)","Answer":"AIRFIELDS","Explanation":"Definition: takeoffs from here \nAIR [broadcast] + [W.C.] FIELDS [US comic]"} {"Clue":"Brexit not a disaster? It's very costly (10)","Answer":"EXORBITANT","Explanation":"Definition: very costly\nAnagram [disaster] of BREXIT NOT A"} {"Clue":"Viva the foreign king, over from the east! (4)","Answer":"ORAL","Explanation":"Definition: Viva\nA reversal [from the east] of LA [the foreign] R [king] O [over]"} {"Clue":"Both parents in lounge at home, or one helping kids outside (8,3)","Answer":"LOLLIPOP MAN","Explanation":"Definition: one helping kids outside\nPOP and MA [both parents] in LOLL [lounge] IN [at home]"} {"Clue":"Love writer accessible to everyone (4)","Answer":"OPEN","Explanation":"Definition: accessible to everyone\nO [love] + PEN [writer]"} {"Clue":"Vote Conservative? Crikey! Make sure that's right (5-5)","Answer":"CROSS-CHECK","Explanation":"Definition: Make sure that's right\nCROSS [vote] + C [Conservative] + HECK [Crikey]"} {"Clue":"Moment to change clothes for bit of pilot's kit (9)","Answer":"ALTIMETER","Explanation":"Definition: bit of pilot's kit\nALTER\u00a0 [change] round [clothes] TIME [moment]"} {"Clue":"Field team from Spain in the first half (5)","Answer":"REALM","Explanation":"Definition: Field\nThe first half of REAL M[adrid] [team from Spain]"} {"Clue":"River birds: they provide songs (7)","Answer":"DEEJAYS","Explanation":"Definition: they provide songs\nDEE [river] + JAYS [birds]"} {"Clue":"Leftist who's gently run media empire (7)","Answer":"TROTSKY","Explanation":"Definition: Leftist\nTROT [gently run] SKY [media empire]"} {"Clue":"Boring entrepreneurs taking time away from industry workers (6)","Answer":"OILMEN","Explanation":"Definition: Boring entrepreneurs\n[t]OIL [industry minus t \u2013 time] + MEN [workers]"} {"Clue":"Ballerina shaking bottom, one who induced drooling (6)","Answer":"PAVLOV","Explanation":"Definition: one who induced drooling\nPAVLOV[a] [ballerina minus her final letter \u2013 shaking bottom] for this inducer of drooling"} {"Clue":"Model receiving complaint to consider retiring after hostilities ended (4-6)","Answer":"POST-BELLUM","Explanation":"Definition: after hostilities ended\nPOSE [model] round TB [complaint] + a reversal [retiring] of MULL [consider]"} {"Clue":"Use oven or pan (5)","Answer":"ROAST","Explanation":"Definition: Use ovenpan\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"US shooter backing renegade, rogue nation (9)","Answer":"TARANTINO","Explanation":"Definition: US shooter\nA reversal [backing] of RAT [renegade] + an anagram [rogue] of NATION"} {"Clue":"Constituent's texting: \"You idiot!\" (4)","Answer":"UNIT","Explanation":"Definition: Constituent\nU [you, texting] + NIT [idiot]"} {"Clue":"Daughter getting on alcohol's in depressed state (8)","Answer":"DOLDRUMS","Explanation":"Definition: depressed state\nD [daughter] + OLD [getting on] + RUMS [alcohol's]"} {"Clue":"Game to defraud, pocketing pounds in crooked stocktaking (8)","Answer":"RUSTLING","Explanation":"Definition: crooked stocktaking\nRU [Rugby Union \u2013 game] + STING [defraud] round L [pounds]"} {"Clue":"Day to clear out town for the better (5,5)","Answer":"MONTE CARLO","Explanation":"Definition: town for the better\nMON[day] + an anagram [out] of TO CLEAR"} {"Clue":"Girl catching banal ceremony before the end (4,5)","Answer":"LAST RITES","Explanation":"Definition: ceremony before the end\nLASS [girl] round TRITE [banal]"} {"Clue":"across\u00a0 The Donald bound to spoil rule with violent actions (5,3,7)","Answer":"BLOOD AND THUNDER","Explanation":"Definition: violent actions\nAnagram [to spoil] of THE DONALD BOUND R[ule \u2013 I queried this but Chambers has it as '*law*']"} {"Clue":"Person missing shot nets during a competition (8)","Answer":"ABSENTEE","Explanation":"Definition: Person missing\nAnagram [shot] of NETS in A BEE [a competition \u2013 e.g. spelling bee]"} {"Clue":"Lists including motorway as place to race (2,4)","Answer":"LE MANS","Explanation":"Definition: place to race\nLEANS [lists] round M [motorway]"} {"Clue":"Snoop around a Kardashian exhibiting flesh (6)","Answer":"SKIMPY","Explanation":"Definition: exhibiting flesh\nSPY [snoop] round KIM [a Kardashian]"} {"Clue":"Maybe Rod Stewart's tips to get groove (5)","Answer":"STRUT","Explanation":"Definition: Maybe Rod\nS[tewar]T + RUT [groove]"} {"Clue":"Turned up a shortened Madame Bovary? (4)","Answer":"EMMA","Explanation":"Definition: Bovary?\nA reversal [turned up] of A MME [a shortened Madame] for the less often seen literary EMMA"} {"Clue":"Labyrinth here? Almost recognise one direction \u2014 help! (7)","Answer":"KNOSSOS","Explanation":"Definition: Labyrinth here\nKNO[w] [almost recognise] + S [one direction] + SOS [help!] for the Cretan palace excavated by Sir Arthur Evans and legendary home of the Minotaur \u2013 visit it if you get the chance"} {"Clue":"But this cuckoo is a songbird (7)","Answer":"BUSH TIT","Explanation":"Definition: songbird\nAnagram [cuckoo] of BUT THIS"} {"Clue":"Producer of huge shock is electric \u2014 and yet shocking! (9,4)","Answer":"LEICESTER CITY","Explanation":"Definition: Producer of huge shock\nAnagram [shocking] of IS ELECTRIC and YET \u2013 referring to the fairy tale which happened here in my home town eighteen months ago [overseas \u2013 and particularly US \u2013 solvers see here]"} {"Clue":"Introduced to hunts, minor tragedy at first beguiles (5-5)","Answer":"SWEET-TALKS","Explanation":"Definition: beguiles\nWEE [minor] T[ragedy] in STALKS [hunts]"} {"Clue":"Bear right entering Trump's country (4)","Answer":"URSA","Explanation":"Definition: Bear\nR [right] in USA [Trump's country]"} {"Clue":"For African natives, if left imprisoned, could I be described as a funky Asian dictator? (11)","Answer":"HIPPOPOTAMI","Explanation":"Definition: African natives\nIf we insert [imprison]\u00a0 L [left], we get HIP [funky] POL POT\u00a0 [Asian dictator] AM I?"} {"Clue":"Candid in flyer? (5-6)","Answer":"PLAIN-SPOKEN","Explanation":"Definition: Candid\nA reverse homophone [spoken] of plane [flyer]"} {"Clue":"Beelzebub, one probably now healed? (3,7)","Answer":"OLD SCRATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Beelzebub\nCryptic definition\n\n25 Spooner's sticky thing doubly distant \u2014 that's not peculiar? (5,2-2)"} {"Clue":"Received by monarchy, perhaps overly excited? (5)","Answer":"HYPER","Explanation":"Definition: overly excited\nHidden in monarcHY PERhaps"} {"Clue":"Detention sounding saucy? (7)","Answer":"CUSTODY","Explanation":"Definition: Detention\nA typical Paul clue: sounds like 'custardy'"} {"Clue":"Flies parted, I pissed (7)","Answer":"DIPTERA","Explanation":"Definition: Flies\nAnagram [pissed] of PARTED I\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Stop child wiping bottom on bunk (6)","Answer":"KIBOSH","Explanation":"Definition: Stop\nKI[d] [child] + BOSH [bunk]"} {"Clue":"Writer's requirement to go through dictionary sounded beastly (6)","Answer":"OINKED","Explanation":"Definition: sounded beastly\nINK [writer's requirement] in OED [Oxford English Dictionary]"} {"Clue":"Mobile home's part converted to accommodate an unspecified number (10)","Answer":"SMARTPHONE","Explanation":"Definition: Mobile\nAnagram [converted] of HOME'S PART round N [an unspecified number]"} {"Clue":"Sauce primarily, furthermore (nothing less), a dance (5)","Answer":"SALSA","Explanation":"Definition: dance\nS[auce] + ALS[o] [furthermore, minus O \u2013 nothing less] + A \u2013 and it's also a sauce"} {"Clue":"Between back walls, stack and line up masonry (9)","Answer":"BRICKWORK","Explanation":"Definition: masonry\nRICK [stack] + a reversal [up] of ROW [line] in B[ac]K"} {"Clue":"Slough hut (4)","Answer":"SHED","Explanation":"Definition: Sloughhut\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Old King Cole's heart inspiring uplifting tune \u2014 class! (8)","Answer":"TUTORIAL","Explanation":"Definition: class\nTUT[ankhamun] [old king] + [c]OL[e] round [inspiring] a reversal [uplifting] of AIR [tune]"} {"Clue":"Quiet inland swimmer (8)","Answer":"TERRAPIN","Explanation":"Definition: swimmer\nP [quiet] in TERRAIN [land]"} {"Clue":"Local store has shaved the fuzz for Spooner? (6,4)","Answer":"CORNER SHOP","Explanation":"Definition: Local store\n'Shorn a cop' [fuzz]"} {"Clue":"Offer money to pen column describing tiny nipples (9)","Answer":"PAPILLARY","Explanation":"Definition: describing tiny nipples\nPAY [offer money] round [to pen] PILLAR [column]"} {"Clue":"Particular muscle providing parts thus (8)","Answer":"SPECIFIC","Explanation":"Definition: Particular\nPEC [muscle] + IF [providing] in [parts] SIC [thus]"} {"Clue":"Company in battle, you might say, overcoming a former African leader (8,5)","Answer":"HASTINGS BANDA","Explanation":"Definition: former African leader\nHASTINGS BAND [company in battle] + A for the former leader of Malawi"} {"Clue":"Basic connector (6)","Answer":"STAPLE","Explanation":"Definition: Basicconnector\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Mountain porter perhaps missing peak badly (6)","Answer":"SHERPA","Explanation":"Definition: Mountain porter\nAnagram [badly] of [p]ERHAPS"} {"Clue":"Grass proves attractive when coming up (5)","Answer":"SWARD","Explanation":"Definition: Grass\nA reversal [coming up] of DRAWS [proves attractive]"} {"Clue":"Once called the universal doner, reportedly a mistake (4)","Answer":"TYPO","Explanation":"Definition: a mistake\nSounds like [reportedly] Type O, the blood type which can be given to anyone \u2013 with 'doner' as a definition by example! [I don't know why 'once' \u2013 it still is, as far as I know \u2013 unless it's a reference to the Tony Hancock sketch]"} {"Clue":"Communist officer seen on a merchant ship (3,6)","Answer":"RED ENSIGN","Explanation":"Definition: seen on a merchant ship\nRED [Communist] ENSIGN [officer] \u2013 the flag flown by ships of the Merchant Navy"} {"Clue":"Scene of combat in an era that was backward (5)","Answer":"ARENA","Explanation":"Definition: Scene of combat\nA reversal [backward] of AN ERA"} {"Clue":"Warn one that's amusing (7)","Answer":"CAUTION","Explanation":"Definition: Warnone that's amusing \nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Not even graduate students can be so bizarre (7)","Answer":"ODDBALL","Explanation":"Definition: bizarre\nODD [not even] + BA [graduate] + LL [students]"} {"Clue":"Bad sailor losing his head, gets angry (5)","Answer":"IRATE","Explanation":"Definition: angry\n[p]IRATE [bad sailor]"} {"Clue":"Arrested resolute pressman (9)","Answer":"STAUNCHED","Explanation":"Definition: Arrested\nSTAUNCH [resolute] + ED [pressman]"} {"Clue":"Antonio's Italian variety of public ownership (15)","Answer":"NATIONALISATION","Explanation":"Definition: public ownership\nAnagram [variety] of ANTONIO'S ITALIAN"} {"Clue":"One fond of the girls puts damsel in a turmoil (6,3)","Answer":"LADIES\u2019 MAN","Explanation":"Definition: One fond of the girls\nAnagram [in a turmoil] of DAMSEL IN A"} {"Clue":"Fight to protect one's property (5)","Answer":"FENCE","Explanation":"Definition: Fightprotect one's property\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"You'd be well advised to accept his spot judgment (7)","Answer":"DIVINER","Explanation":"Definition: You'd be well advised to accept his spot judgment\nCryptic definition \u2013 a diviner searches for wells"} {"Clue":"A sweet shade of brown (7)","Answer":"CARAMEL","Explanation":"Definition: A sweetshade of brown\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"It was used to make links at Gretna Green (5)","Answer":"FORGE","Explanation":"Definition: It was used to make links at Gretna Green\nCryptic \/ double definition referring to runaway marriages held there"} {"Clue":"Changed positions on parade again? (9)","Answer":"REALIGNED","Explanation":"Definition: Changed positionson parade again\nDouble definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Not the whole of trial can collapse (10)","Answer":"FRACTIONAL","Explanation":"Definition: Not the whole\nAnagram [collapse] of OF TRIAL CAN"} {"Clue":"Notice worker accepting project for military assistant (8)","Answer":"ADJUTANT","Explanation":"Definition: military assistant\nAD [notice] + ANT [worker] round JUT [project]"} {"Clue":"Oddly veined salad plant (6)","Answer":"ENDIVE","Explanation":"Definition: salad plant\nAnagram [oddly] of VEINED"} {"Clue":"You may meet one, if coming up north more than once (4)","Answer":"FINN","Explanation":"A reversal [coming up] of IF + NN [north more than once]\u00a0 \u2013 with an allusive definition"} {"Clue":"Pub needs approval for modernisation (10)","Answer":"INNOVATION","Explanation":"Definition: modernisation\nINN [pub] + OVATION [approval]"} {"Clue":"Plant in Grade A condition (8)","Answer":"GARDENIA","Explanation":"Definition: Plant\nAnagram [condition] of IN GRADE A"} {"Clue":"The cad is out to break the engagement (6)","Answer":"DETACH","Explanation":"Definition: break the engagement\nAnagram [out] of THE CAD"} {"Clue":"Autumn trip over (4)","Answer":"FALL","Explanation":"Definition: Autumntrip over\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Their speech is never straightforward (10)","Answer":"STAMMERERS","Explanation":"Definition: Their speech is never straightforward\nCryptic [?] definition"} {"Clue":"Female serving the school (6,4)","Answer":"DINNER LADY","Explanation":"Definition: Female serving the school\n[Cryptic?] definition"} {"Clue":"Shrub no dealer can provide (8)","Answer":"OLEANDER","Explanation":"Definition: Shrub\nAnagram [can provide] of NO DEALER"} {"Clue":"Head off from Wyoming in terrible disgrace (8)","Answer":"IGNOMINY","Explanation":"Definition: disgrace\nAnagram [terrible] of [w]YOMING [head off] IN"} {"Clue":"How to amuse people other than motorists? (6)","Answer":"DIVERT","Explanation":"Definition: How to amuse people other than motorists?\nCryptic \/ double definition \u2013 motorists would not be amused to find a road diversion"} {"Clue":"Though in favour of an offer, say no (6)","Answer":"FOR BID","Explanation":"Definition: say no\nFOR [in favour of] + BID [offer]"} {"Clue":"Fed up youth's first to resist (4)","Answer":"DEFY","Explanation":"Definition: resist\nA reversal [up] of FED + Y[outh]"} {"Clue":"Overcook fish (4)","Answer":"CHAR","Explanation":"Definition: Overcookfish\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"A mineral \u2013 the thing put in a dish (7)","Answer":"APATITE","Explanation":"Definition: A mineral\nIT [the thing] in A\u00a0P\u00c2T\u00c9 [a dish]"} {"Clue":"Sink as container for domestic fuel (7)","Answer":"SCUTTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Sinkcontainer for domestic fuel\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Ill-mannered type with short hair (4)","Answer":"BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Ill-mannered type\nBEAR[d] [short hair]"} {"Clue":"Heartless chum, too young for stealing (10)","Answer":"PLUNDERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: stealing\nP[a]L [heartless chum] + UNDER AGE [too young] \u2013 a new word for me: it's specifically 'stealing of goods on board ship'"} {"Clue":"Prestige of store by road junction (6)","Answer":"CACHET","Explanation":"Definition: Prestige\nCACHE [store] + T [road junction]"} {"Clue":"No gentleman, guy retreating in fortified place (8)","Answer":"GARRISON","Explanation":"Definition: fortified place\nA reversal [retreating] of NO SIR [no gentleman] + RAG [guy \u2013 in the sense of\u00a0 to tease or ridicule]"} {"Clue":"New gate leading to forest that offers outdoor refreshments (3,6)","Answer":"TEA GARDEN","Explanation":"Definition: that offers outdoor refreshments\nAnagram [new] of GATE + ARDEN [Warwickshire forest, setting of 'As you like it']"} {"Clue":"A false statement about dwarf Tom's digital protection (10)","Answer":"THUMB STALL","Explanation":"Definition: digital protection\nTHUMB'S TALL would be a false statement about the story-book character or this person"} {"Clue":"Male's attempt to get behind partner's specious reasoning (9)","Answer":"SOPHISTRY","Explanation":"Definition: specious reasoning\nHIS TRY [male's attempt] after SOP [Significant Other Person \u2013 partner]"} {"Clue":"No one needing meat around before one gets rice dish (8)","Answer":"BIRIYANI","Explanation":"Definition: rice dish\nA reversal [around] of NAY I [no one]\u00a0 + RIB [meat] before I [one]"} {"Clue":"Sounds like cushion will get a bit wet (6)","Answer":"PADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: get a bit wet\nSounds like [pad'll \u2013 cushion will]"} {"Clue":"One of four involved in a game offering security (4)","Answer":"BAIL","Explanation":"Definition: One of four involved in a gamesecurity\nDouble definition, the first referring to cricket"} {"Clue":"Loveless person giving away nothing in this writer's thriller (7)","Answer":"MYSTERY","Explanation":"Definition: thriller\n[o]YSTER [person giving nothing away, minus o \u2013 loveless] in MY [this writer's]"} {"Clue":"Most virtuous dealer, maybe, embracing success (7)","Answer":"WHITEST","Explanation":"Definition: Most virtuous\nWEST [maybe the dealer in a game of bridge] round HIT [success]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Official gets to stride around making introduction (7)","Answer":"PREFACE","Explanation":"Definition: introduction\nPACE [stride] round REF[eree] [official]"} {"Clue":"Law of Moses coming from a rocky height \u2013 gosh! (5)","Answer":"TORAH","Explanation":"Definition: Law of Moses\nTOR [rocky height] + AH [gosh]"} {"Clue":"Provider of booze\u00a0creating spill around street (7)","Answer":"TAPSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Provider of booze\u00a0\nTAPER [spill] round ST[reet]"} {"Clue":"Programmers scored after rescheduling (6)","Answer":"CODERS","Explanation":"Definition: Programmers\nAnagram [after rescheduling] of SCORED"} {"Clue":"Sailor the woman caught in wickedness upsettingly taints (9)","Answer":"TARNISHES","Explanation":"Definition: taints\nTAR [sailor] + SHE [the woman] in a reversal [upsettingly] of SIN [wickedness]"} {"Clue":"The French fellow at match gets space to manoeuvre (7)","Answer":"LEGROOM","Explanation":"Definition: space to manoeuvre\nLE [the French] + GROOM [fellow at match]"} {"Clue":"Mates lounging around as members of an old sect (13)","Answer":"MUGGLETONIANS","Explanation":"Definition: members of an old sect\nAnagram [around] of MATES LOUNGING\u00a0\u2013 for this unlikely-sounding old sect [made even more unlikely by J.K.Rowling: I remember blogging Puck's puzzle where they were clued as 'Person who can't spell anoints new members of old sect' \u2013 I did vaguely remember them from A Level History"} {"Clue":"Seek pleasure, having good time ensnaring completely terrible ruler (9)","Answer":"GALLIVANT","Explanation":"Definition: Seek pleasure\nG [good] T [time] round ALL [totally] IVAN [terrible ruler]"} {"Clue":"Nervous model losing heart to enchantress (7)","Answer":"TWITCHY","Explanation":"Definition: Nervous\nT[o]Y [model] with WITCH [enchantress] replacing o"} {"Clue":"Not much of a drink, doubly hard to swallow it (7)","Answer":"HA\u2019PORTH","Explanation":"Definition: Not much\nHH [doubly hard] round A PORT [a drink] \u2013 short for halfpennyworth, best known in the expression 'Don't spoil the ship for a ha'porth of tar' \u2013 it looks very odd\u00a0 in the grid"} {"Clue":"Gatherings of king and supporters (7)","Answer":"RALLIES","Explanation":"Definition: Gatherings\nR [king] + ALLIES [supporters]"} {"Clue":"Hadrian type, wanting length set up in state of conflict? (6)","Answer":"WALLER","Explanation":"Definition: Hadrian type\nA reversal [set up] of ELL [length, of cloth] in WAR [state of conflict]\u00a0 \u2013 my least favourite clue"} {"Clue":"Beginning university beset by unfortunate financial situation (5)","Answer":"D\u00c9BUT","Explanation":"Definition: Beginning\nU [University] in DEBT [unfortunate financial situation] \u2013 I liked the surface of this one"} {"Clue":"Wise fool ignoring content of inane books (7)","Answer":"SAPIENT","Explanation":"Definition: Wise\nSAP [fool] + I[nan]E + NT [books]"} {"Clue":"Will supplement of fish oil initially improve capacity for love? (7)","Answer":"CODICIL","Explanation":"Definition: Will supplement\nCOD [fish] + I[mprove] C[apacity], initially, replacing the o [love] in oIL"} {"Clue":"Mates saunter about surrounding bit of property (5)","Answer":"ASSET","Explanation":"Definition: bit of property\nReversed [about] hidden in maTES SAunter"} {"Clue":"Leaves Gillette founders with millions (6,3)","Answer":"LITTLE GEM","Explanation":"Definition: Leaves\nAnagram [founders] of GILLETTE + M [millions] for the miniature lettuce"} {"Clue":"Abrasive doctor appears extremely narked (9)","Answer":"SANDPAPER","Explanation":"Definition: Abrasive\nAnagram [doctor] of APPEARS + N[arke]D"} {"Clue":"Find FIFA banning all females in Asian country (5)","Answer":"INDIA","Explanation":"Definition: Asian country\nWe need to take all the fs [females] from [f]IND [f]I[f]A"} {"Clue":"Are sick of blighter with shed (5)","Answer":"RETCH","Explanation":"Definition: Are sick\n[w]RETCH [blighter] shedding w [with]"} {"Clue":"Institution raising issue of defunct generators (9)","Answer":"ORPHANAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Institution raising issue of defunct generators\nLovely cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Half-hearted hostility and dismal dazzle (9)","Answer":"SPLENDOUR","Explanation":"Definition: dazzle\nSPL[e]EN [hostility] + DOUR [dismal]"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Guinness works to eliminate boundaries? (5)","Answer":"ACTOR","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Guinness\n[f]ACTOR[y] [works] for the legendary Sir Alec"} {"Clue":"Oddly dismissing Carnegie Hall's backer and investor (5)","Answer":"ANGEL","Explanation":"Definition: investor\n[c]A[r]N[e]G[i]E [with odd letters dismissed] + [hal]L \u2013 and 'backer' can be part of the definition, too"} {"Clue":"Vocal work of Mercury inspiring boy band at first (5,4)","Answer":"TORCH SONG","Explanation":"Definition: Vocal work\nHG [mercury] round [inspiring] SON [boy] after TORC [band]"} {"Clue":"Radical change to sport's corporate image (9)","Answer":"FIREBRAND","Explanation":"Definition: Radical\nI can't quite see this one: BRAND is corporate image but I need help with the first part* [Edit: see Comment 1 \u2013 thanks to greyfox]"} {"Clue":"Behold Shakespearean heroine with retrograde moon (5)","Answer":"VOIL\u00c0","Explanation":"Definition: Behold\nVIOLA [Shakespearean heroine of 'Twelfth Night'] with IO [moon] reversed"} {"Clue":"Ageing yodeller dropping round, unfortunately (7)","Answer":"ELDERLY","Explanation":"Definition: Ageing\nAnagram [unfortunately] of Y[o]DELLER, dropping o [round]"} {"Clue":"Scramble and vault on walls of Eton (7)","Answer":"ENCRYPT","Explanation":"Definition: Scramble\nE[to]N + CRYPT [vault]"} {"Clue":"Not so dense, spelling \"bum\" right (7)","Answer":"SPARSER","Explanation":"Definition: Not so dense\nSP [spelling \u2013 I wouldn't mind \u00a31 for every time I've written this in the margin of a student's essay \u2013 it makes a nice change from 'starting price'] + ARSE [bum] + R [right]"} {"Clue":"Dotty pants a lot after giving birth (9)","Answer":"POSTNATAL","Explanation":"Definition: after giving birth\nAnagram [dotty] of PANTS A LOT \u2013 the panting's usually over by then!"} {"Clue":"Jet set romps regularly in bar (5)","Answer":"ESTOP","Explanation":"Definition: bar\n[j]E[t]S[e]T[r]O[m]P[s]"} {"Clue":"Travelling to the pole, in need of pap (9)","Answer":"TELEPHOTO","Explanation":"Definition: need of pap\nAnagram [travelling] of TO THE POLE"} {"Clue":"Provide grub, but not support (5)","Answer":"CATER","Explanation":"Definition: Provide\nCATER[pillar] [grub, without support]\u00a0 and, of course, CATER means 'provide grub' \u2013 very neat"} {"Clue":"A country boy turned up to welcome American Buddhist (5,4)","Answer":"DALAI LAMA","Explanation":"Definition: Buddhist\nA reversal [turned up] of A MALI [a country] LAD [boy] round A [American]"} {"Clue":"Charlie grew old behind bars (5)","Answer":"CAGED","Explanation":"Definition: behind bars\nC [Charlie] + AGED [grew pld]"} {"Clue":"Cordial setter's absorbed in short newspaper article (7)","Answer":"LIMEADE","Explanation":"Definition: Cordial\nI'M [setter's] in LEADE[r] [short newspaper article]"} {"Clue":"Help the French ban kind of moustache (9)","Answer":"HANDLEBAR","Explanation":"Definition: kind of moustache\nHAND [help] LE [the French] BAR [ban]"} {"Clue":"Say obscene words about substandard game (9)","Answer":"PARTRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: game\nA reversal [about] of EG [say] + DIRT [obscene words] under PAR ['sub standard']"} {"Clue":"Write on sex with variable confidence (9)","Answer":"AUTHORITY","Explanation":"Definition: confidence\nAUTHOR [write] + IT [sex] + Y [variable]"} {"Clue":"Half-inch fairy kindles revolt (7)","Answer":"SNAFFLE","Explanation":"Definition: Half-inch\nA reversal [revolt] of ELF [fairy] + FANS [kindles] \u2013 'half-inch' is rhyming slang for 'pinch' = steal"} {"Clue":"Scratching head, expecting ruling (7)","Answer":"REGNANT","Explanation":"Definition: ruling\n[p]REGNANT [expecting]"} {"Clue":"Blush, stuck (5)","Answer":"GORED","Explanation":"Definition: stuck\nGO RED [blush]"} {"Clue":"Miniature bears puff and creep (5)","Answer":"TOADY","Explanation":"Definition: creep\nTOY [miniature] round AD [puff]"} {"Clue":"Unruly leaders of Viking hordes often cause absolute chaos (5)","Answer":"HAVOC","Explanation":"Definition: chaos\nAnagram [unruly] of the initial letters [leaders] of Viking Hordes Often Cause Absolute \u2013 &lit, I think"} {"Clue":"Dupe contrived by 13, spurious (7-2)","Answer":"TRUMPED-UP","Explanation":"Definition: spurious\nTRUMP [millionaire \u2013 13 : no link needed for this one, I think] + anagram [contrived] of DUPE"} {"Clue":"13 requiring help to carry gold (5)","Answer":"SOROS","Explanation":"Definition: 13\nSOS [requiring help] round OR [gold]"} {"Clue":"13's scandal ends? (5)","Answer":"GATES","Explanation":"Definition: 13\nGATE = scandal, cf Watergate \u2013 I'm not quite sure how the S fits in"} {"Clue":"I prefer women, not men, to build strength in the military (9)","Answer":"FIREPOWER","Explanation":"Definition: strength in the military\nAnagram [to build] of I PREFER WO[men]"} {"Clue":"General protected side (3)","Answer":"LEE","Explanation":"Definition: Generalprotected side\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Very primitive voting system dubious American boxing club's backing (11)","Answer":"PRECAMBRIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Very primitive\nPR [proportional representation \u2013 voting system] + anagram [dubious] of AMERICAN round [boxing] [clu]B"} {"Clue":"French philosopher produced European nonsense (7)","Answer":"DIDEROT","Explanation":"Definition: French philosopher\nDID [produced] + E\u00a0 ROT [European nonsense]"} {"Clue":"Pastoral poem in English \u2013 contrary effort in one of these? (7)","Answer":"ECLOGUE","Explanation":"E [English] + a reversal [contrary] of GO [effort] in CLUE [one of these]"} {"Clue":"13 philanthropist's back on strike (7)","Answer":"BUFFETT","Explanation":"Definition: 13\nBUFFET [strike] + [philanthropis]T"} {"Clue":"Difficult situation\u00a0as family briefly hampered by rejection of terms (4,3)","Answer":"SKID ROW","Explanation":"Definition: Difficult situation\nKI[n] family briefly] in a reversal [rejection] of WORDS [terms] \u2013 a rather strange definition?"} {"Clue":"Excerpt in story, heading off for settlement (11)","Answer":"ARBITRATION","Explanation":"Definition: settlement\nBIT [excerpt] in [n]ARRATION [story]"} {"Clue":"Setter of crosswords, uncensored (3)","Answer":"SUN","Explanation":"Definition: Setter\nContained in crosswordS Uncensored\u00a0 \u2013 the surface might appear to refer to Paul on occasion \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Talk with composer, 13 (9)","Answer":"SPIELBERG","Explanation":"Definition: 13\nSPIEL [talk] + BERG [composer]"} {"Clue":"Experience in short, short (5)","Answer":"INCUR","Explanation":"Definition: Experience\nIN CUR[t]\u00a0 [short, short]"} {"Clue":"Poor choice ultimately in US president lacking knowledge (5)","Answer":"NEEDY","Explanation":"Definition: Poor\n[choic]E in [ken]NEDY [US president lacking ken \u2013 knowledge]"} {"Clue":"Primitive house breaks in a serious way (9)","Answer":"EARNESTLY","Explanation":"Definition: in a serious way\nNEST [house] in EARLY [primitive]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Fastened to goods, was in the van (7)","Answer":"TOGGLED","Explanation":"Definition: Fastened\nTO GG [to goods] + LED [was in the van]"} {"Clue":"Gradual increase arguably prudent (7)","Answer":"UPTREND","Explanation":"Definition: Gradual increase\nAnagram [arguably] of PRUDENT"} {"Clue":"Tense has never been wrong? (4,7)","Answer":"PAST PERFECT","Explanation":"Definition: Tense\nCryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Divert first of lorries in error (7)","Answer":"DEFLECT","Explanation":"Definition: Divert\nL[orries] in DEFECT [error]"} {"Clue":"Sticker put in hole for conveyance (7)","Answer":"PORTAGE","Explanation":"Definition: conveyance\nTAG [sticker] in PORE [hole]"} {"Clue":"Among fools, a prize idiot (3)","Answer":"SAP","Explanation":"Definition: idiot\nContained in foolS A Prize"} {"Clue":"13 investing pound in sport (7)","Answer":"ROWLING","Explanation":"Definition: 13\nL [pound] in ROWING [sport]"} {"Clue":"Funny series following outsiders in secret (7)","Answer":"STRANGE","Explanation":"Definition: Funny\nRANGE [series] after S[ecre]T"} {"Clue":"for example, one: one with \"loaded\" aura? (11)","Answer":"BILLIONAIRE","Explanation":"Definition: one with \"loaded\" aura\nBILL [Gates \u2013 9ac for example] + I [one] + ONE round [loaded] AIR [aura] : not quite sure what to underline as the definition here \u2013\u00a0struggling towards an &lit"} {"Clue":"Supporter and partners working for 13 (7)","Answer":"BRANSON","Explanation":"Definition: 13\nBRA [supporter] + N S [bridge partners] + ON [working]"} {"Clue":"Winter bug, running a temperature (7)","Answer":"FEBRILE","Explanation":"Definition: running a temperature\nFEB[ruary] [winter] + RILE [bug]"} {"Clue":"Horizontal bar to catch, the showbiz suspense ends (7)","Answer":"TRAPEZE","Explanation":"Definition: Horizontal bar\nTRAP [catch] + ends of thE showbiZ suspensE"} {"Clue":"Nightingale possibly biting head of terrified wasp, say? (7)","Answer":"STINGER","Explanation":"Definition: wasp, say\nSINGER [nightingale possibly] round T[errified]"} {"Clue":"Not sweet to stuff bags of diamonds, perhaps? (4-3)","Answer":"ROSE-CUT","Explanation":"Definition: of diamonds, perhaps\nROUT [stuff] round [bags] SEC [not sweet, as of wine]"} {"Clue":"Get virtual goddess, 13 (7)","Answer":"WINFREY","Explanation":"Definition: 13\nWIN [get] FREY[a] ['virtual' goddess]"} {"Clue":"Arrange song (3)","Answer":"LAY","Explanation":"Definition: Arrangesong\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Patron of the arts, catching cold, left beef (6)","Answer":"MUSCLE","Explanation":"Definition: beef\nMUSE [patron of the arts] round C [cold] L [eft]"} {"Clue":"Happy, if Steve gets changed (7)","Answer":"FESTIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Happy\nAnagram [gets changed] of IF STEVE"} {"Clue":"On the run, wilfully holding club or cudgel (9)","Answer":"TRUNCHEON","Explanation":"Definition: cudgel\nAnagram [wilfully] of ON THE RUN round C [club]"} {"Clue":"Competed for best in street (5)","Answer":"RACED","Explanation":"Definition: Competed\nACE [best] in RD [street]"} {"Clue":"Return to relieve an all-time low (5)","Answer":"NADIR","Explanation":"Definition: all-time low\nA reversal [return] of RID [relieve] + AN"} {"Clue":"Ermine age terribly in a zoo (9)","Answer":"MENAGERIE","Explanation":"Definition: zoo\nAnagram [terribly] of ERMINE AGE"} {"Clue":"Competitive rider always covers slit in jacket (7)","Answer":"EVENTER","Explanation":"Definition: Competitive rider\nE'ER [ever \u2013 always] round VENT [slit in jacket]"} {"Clue":"Prophet in jail? He's upset! (6)","Answer":"ELIJAH","Explanation":"Definition: Prophet\nAnagram [upset] of JAIL HE"} {"Clue":"Swims back to emergency room for a rest (6)","Answer":"SPIDER","Explanation":"Definition: rest\nA reversal [back] of DIPS [swims] + ER [Emergency Room]"} {"Clue":"Indiscriminately sprays vegetables (7)","Answer":"PEPPERS","Explanation":"Definition: Indiscriminately spraysvegetables\nDouble definition \u2013 except that a pepper is a fruit, along with tomatoes; we've had this discussion before and I can't resist quoting Miles Kington again: \"Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.\""} {"Clue":"Bill or Bob keeps batting (9)","Answer":"ORDINANCE","Explanation":"Definition: Bill\nOR DANCE [or Bob \u2013 Chambers says 'bob' is a Scottish dance] round IN [batting]"} {"Clue":"13's condition? (5)","Answer":"RIDER","Explanation":"Definition: 13condition\nDouble definition \u2013 see 13ac"} {"Clue":"New route is fantastic (5)","Answer":"OUTR\u00c9","Explanation":"Definition: fantastic\nAnagram [new] of ROUTE"} {"Clue":"Unknown Tory in baffling expos\u00e9 (9)","Answer":"EXCLUSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: expos\u00e9\nX [unknown] C [Tory] in ELUSIVE [baffling]"} {"Clue":"Penny is in the Army & Navy getting surgical equipment (7)","Answer":"FORCEPS","Explanation":"Definition: surgical equipment\nP [penny] in FORCES [the Army and Navy]"} {"Clue":"Exercise wearing fewer clothes (6)","Answer":"LESSON","Explanation":"Definition: Exercise\nLESS ON [wearing fewer clothes]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Show couple consuming popular drug (7)","Answer":"MATIN\u00c9E","Explanation":"Definition: Show\nMATE [couple] round IN [popular] + E [drug] [the clue could be read as meaning either of the Es]"} {"Clue":"Old Bob to pound sea creature (5)","Answer":"SQUID","Explanation":"Definition: sea creature\nS [shilling \u2013 old Bob] + QUID [pound]"} {"Clue":"Ripped fabric gets assessed (9)","Answer":"LACERATED","Explanation":"Definition: Ripped\nLACE [fabric] + RATED [assessed]"} {"Clue":"Fit to take charge of political party's money management (7)","Answer":"FINANCE","Explanation":"Definition: money management\nFINE [fit] round ANC [political party]"} {"Clue":"Branch displaying special equipment (5)","Answer":"SPRIG","Explanation":"Definition: Branch\nSP [special] + RIG [equipment]"} {"Clue":"It's essential to apprehend road user in the flesh (9)","Answer":"INCARNATE","Explanation":"Definition: in the flesh\nINNATE [essential] round CAR [road user]"} {"Clue":"Senior journalist perishes in whirlpools (6)","Answer":"EDDIES","Explanation":"Definition: whirlpools\nED [senior journalist] + DIES [perishes]"} {"Clue":"One joining fabric of a bowler (6)","Answer":"SEAMER","Explanation":"Definition: One joining fabricbowler\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"One dispatches journalist supporting one-time president (9)","Answer":"EXPEDITOR","Explanation":"Definition: One dispatches\nEDITOR [journalist\u00a0 \u2013 again]\u00a0 after \u2013 supporting \u2013 EX P [one-time president]"} {"Clue":"Ship in a French badger (9)","Answer":"IMPORTUNE","Explanation":"Definition: badger\nIMPORT [ship in] + UNE [a French]"} {"Clue":"Referee initially upsets Scottish team (7)","Answer":"RANGERS","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish team\nR[eferee] + ANGERS [upsets]"} {"Clue":"Coppers get hold of address (6)","Answer":"PREACH","Explanation":"Definition: address\nP [coppers] REACH [get hold of]"} {"Clue":"Swimmer lacks time for theatre worker (7)","Answer":"SURGEON","Explanation":"Definition: theatre worker\nS[t]URGEON [swimmer, minus t \u2013 time]"} {"Clue":"Father's gone to die (3,3)","Answer":"POP OFF","Explanation":"Definition: die\nPOP [father] + OFF [gone]"} {"Clue":"She's agreeable, when taking drug (5)","Answer":"NIECE","Explanation":"Definition: She\nNICE [agreeable] round E [drug \u2013 again]"} {"Clue":"Delinquent leader slashes wimps (5)","Answer":"DRIPS","Explanation":"Definition: wimps\nD[elinquent] + RIPS [slashes]"} {"Clue":"View otherwise suppressed by state (8)","Answer":"PANORAMA","Explanation":"Definition: View\nOR [otherwise] in PANAMA [state]"} {"Clue":"Retreat a pretence to cover first of raids (6)","Answer":"ASHRAM","Explanation":"Definition: Retreat\nA SHAM [a pretence] round R[aids]"} {"Clue":"Picture effort (4)","Answer":"SHOT","Explanation":"Definition: Pictureeffort\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"One not disheartened\u00a0 \u2013 falling, as preparing for competition (2,8)","Answer":"IN TRAINING","Explanation":"Definition: preparing for competition\nI [one] + N[o]T + RAINING [falling]"} {"Clue":"Shearer after this cheat (6)","Answer":"FLEECE","Explanation":"Definition: Shearer after thischeat\nDouble definition \u2013 and [Alan] Shearer is another scorer, of course"} {"Clue":"Boxing heavyweight knocked over, admitting faint (5,3)","Answer":"NOBLE ART","Explanation":"Definition: Boxing\nA reversal [knocked over] of TON [heavyweight] round BLEAR [faint]"} {"Clue":"Lick cat after skin of terrier (7)","Answer":"TROUNCE","Explanation":"Definition: Lick\nT[errie]R + OUNCE [cat]"} {"Clue":"Craftsman leaning one way, cap off (7)","Answer":"ARTISAN","Explanation":"Definition: Craftsman\n[p]ARTISAN [leaning one way] minus the first letter \u2013 cap off"} {"Clue":"Vegetable, relative having caught cold, cut one (8)","Answer":"BROCCOLI","Explanation":"Definition: Vegetable\nBRO[ther] [relative] + C [caught] + COL[d] [cut]+ I [one]"} {"Clue":"Quick to hide illegal reproduction primarily ? it's a crime (6)","Answer":"PIRACY","Explanation":"Definition: it's a crime\nPACY [quick] round I[llegal] R[eproduction]"} {"Clue":"Waste all on spare power source (5,5)","Answer":"SOLAR PANEL","Explanation":"Definition: power source\nAnagram [waste] of ALL ON SPARE"} {"Clue":"Scorer, new scorer (6)","Answer":"WEBERN","Explanation":"Definition: scorer\nWEBER [scorer] + N [new] for this scorer, who is certainly new to me"} {"Clue":"Scorer, an outstanding English scorer (8)","Answer":"MESSIAEN","Explanation":"Definition: scorer\n[Lionel] MESSI [scorer] + AN round E [English] \u2013 I now have a mnemonic for the spelling of this name\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Scorer with elevated position, free man (8)","Answer":"BACHELOR","Explanation":"Definition: free man\nBACH [scorer] + a reversal [elevated] of ROLE [position]"} {"Clue":"across Smart outfit once beastly lot beginning to take action (4,4)","Answer":"ZOOT SUIT","Explanation":"Definition: Smart outfit once\nZOO [beastly lot] + T[ake] + SUIT [action]"} {"Clue":"Scorer punched by king ?- that's funny and tragic (6)","Answer":"SATIRE","Explanation":"Definition: that's funny and tragic\n[Eric] SATIE [composer] round R [king]"} {"Clue":"French division needing a scorer (7)","Answer":"CANTONA","Explanation":"Definition: scorer\nCANTON [French division] + A"} {"Clue":"Food counter with dressing table? (5,3)","Answer":"SALAD BAR","Explanation":"Cryptic definition?"} {"Clue":"Jersey etc worn by scorer, I'm not sure light (10)","Answer":"CHANDELIER","Explanation":"Definition: light\nCI [Channel Islands \u2013 Jersey etc] round HANDEL [scorer] + ER [I'm not sure]"} {"Clue":"Risk tackling northern scorer (6)","Answer":"WAGNER","Explanation":"Definition: scorer\nWAGER [risk] round N [north]"} {"Clue":"Shaved Paul indecent, kinky it's said (10)","Answer":"ENUNCIATED","Explanation":"Definition: said\nAnagram [kinky] of [p]AU[l] INDECENT \u2013 Paul indecent? Surely not!"} {"Clue":"Power retained by scorer with good work on the board? (8)","Answer":"CHOPPING","Explanation":"Definition: work on the board?\nCHOPIN [scorer] round P [power] + G [good] \u2013 a neat reference to keyboard, for which Chopin wrote a lot"} {"Clue":"Leading scorer gets more than one record (8)","Answer":"ARCHIVES","Explanation":"Definition: more than one record\nARCH [leading] + IVES [scorer] \u2013 the last time I met IVES as a composer, when blogging, I went for Burl, never having heard of Charles, to whom some of you gently introduced me; fortunately, I remembered him this morning"} {"Clue":"Star beaming flares up (3,4)","Answer":"BIG NAME","Explanation":"Definition: Star\nAnagram [flares up] of BEAMING"} {"Clue":"Scorer in reality gutted, 0-1 (6)","Answer":"ROONEY","Explanation":"Definition: Scorer\nO ONE [0-1] in R[ealit]Y"} {"Clue":"European finesse (6)","Answer":"POLISH","Explanation":"Definition: Europeanfinesse\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"22 down's leans skyward (4)","Answer":"SPIT","Explanation":"Definition: 22 down\nA reversal [skywards] of TIPS [leans] \u2013 reference the expression 'spit and polish'"} {"Clue":"Hack off foremost of oenophiles, tucking into supermarket bubbly (4-1-4)","Answer":"COCK-A-HOOP","Explanation":"Definition: bubbly\nAnagram [off] of HACK + O[enophiles] in CO OP [supermarket]"} {"Clue":"Gets on stage, scared to undress (4)","Answer":"AGES","Explanation":"Definition: Gets on\nHidden in stAGE Scared \u2013 I'm not quite sure about this one: the wordplay suggests removing the outside letters [to undress] but it doesn't quite work \u2013 I think I'm missing something"} {"Clue":"Gold colour wheels around Fiat (5)","Answer":"ORDER","Explanation":"Definition: Fiat\nOR [gold] + a reversal [wheels round] of RED [colour]"} {"Clue":"Confused fellow felt desire to embrace men in uniform (9)","Answer":"FLUSTERED","Explanation":"Definition: Confused\nF [fellow] + LUSTED [felt desire] round RE [Royal Engineers \u2013 men in uniform]"} {"Clue":"US writer's feature about rock band making a comeback (7)","Answer":"EMERSON","Explanation":"Definition: US writer\nA reversal [making a comeback] of NOSE [feature] round REM [rock band]"} {"Clue":"What I do to keep Angelica or Rosemary sweet (7)","Answer":"SHERBET","Explanation":"Definition: sweet\nSET [what Picaroon does] round HERB [angelica or rosemary]"} {"Clue":"In which to strip off layers of apparel, with chests heaving (4,3,6)","Answer":"PASS THE PARCEL","Explanation":"Definition: In which to strip off layers\nAnagram [heaving] of APPAREL and CHESTS"} {"Clue":"I'll be welcomed by Stefan Edberg out drinking (6-7)","Answer":"BREAST-FEEDING","Explanation":"Definition: drinking\nAnagram [out] of STEFAN EDBERG round I"} {"Clue":"Regulation rejected by nitwit who lives in southern Belgium? (7)","Answer":"WALLOON","Explanation":"Definition: who lives in southern Belgium?\nA reversal [rejected] of LAW [regulation] + LOON [nitwit]"} {"Clue":"A lot of pressure: I'm not sure youngster will accept it (7)","Answer":"UMPTEEN","Explanation":"Definition: A lot of\nUM [I'm not sure] + TEEN [youngster] round P [pressure]"} {"Clue":"Fruit man loaded into blue van (9)","Answer":"SPEARHEAD","Explanation":"Definition: van\nPEAR [fruit] + HE [man] in SAD [blue]"} {"Clue":"Parties with French wine, gallons put away (5)","Answer":"RAVES","Explanation":"Definition: Parties\n[g]RAVES [French wine minus g \u2013 gallons]"} {"Clue":"Jackets for keen army about to show pluck (4)","Answer":"YANK","Explanation":"Definition: pluck\nA reversal [about] of K[ee]N A[rm]Y"} {"Clue":"Almost out of new porridge, one will surely get the breakfast (5,4)","Answer":"EARLY BIRD","Explanation":"Definition: one will surely get the breakfast\n[n]EARLY [almost minus n \u2013 new] + BIRD [porridge \u2013 both slang words for prison] \u2013 reference to the saying: 'It's the early bird that catches the worm'\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"What sportsmen try to win, about to miss shots (5-3)","Answer":"CLOSE-UPS","Explanation":"Definition: shots\nCUPS [what sportsmen try to win] round LOSE [miss]"} {"Clue":"Person who's no good for one, flipping bum (5)","Answer":"CADGE","Explanation":"Definition: bum\nCAD [person who's no good] + a reversal [flipping] of EG [for one]"} {"Clue":"Comprehensive school had Serbo-Croat Society (6-3-5)","Answer":"ACROSS-THE-BOARD","Explanation":"Definition: Comprehensive\nAnagram [school] of HAD SERBO CROAT S [society]"} {"Clue":"What's taken angrily from dodgy dealer (7)","Answer":"OFFENCE","Explanation":"Definition: What's taken angrily\nOF [from] + FENCE [dodgy dealer]"} {"Clue":"Militaristic state, country after power (7)","Answer":"PRUSSIA","Explanation":"Definition: Militaristic state\nP [power] + RUSSIA [country]"} {"Clue":"Soldier welcomes a coarse Italian hero (9)","Answer":"GARIBALDI","Explanation":"Definition: Italian hero\nGI [soldier] round A RIBALD [a coarse]"} {"Clue":"Extremely serene and steady (6)","Answer":"SEDATE","Explanation":"S[eren]E + DATE [steady] \u2013 &lit"} {"Clue":"Does one do yoga and do they bear the suffering? (9,5)","Answer":"STRETCHER PARTY","Explanation":"Definition: they bear the suffering\nSTRETCHER [does s\/he do yoga?] + PARTY [do]"} {"Clue":"Inferior doctor has name at the bottom of roll (9)","Answer":"SUBALTERN","Explanation":"Definition: Inferior\nALTER [doctor] + N [name] after SUB[marine] [roll]"} {"Clue":"Diagnose suffering in such a state (8)","Answer":"AGONISED","Explanation":"Definition: in such a state\nAnagram [suffering] of DIAGNOSE"} {"Clue":"It's as touching to be candid (7)","Answer":"SINCERE","Explanation":"Definition: candid\nSINCE [as] + RE [touching]"} {"Clue":"Setter up for nude modelling (7)","Answer":"FOUNDER","Explanation":"Definition: Setter up\nAnagram [modelling] of FOR NUDE"} {"Clue":"Not going straight like Oliver? (6)","Answer":"TWISTY","Explanation":"Definition: Not going straight\nCryptic definition referring to Oliver Twist"} {"Clue":"A lot of jealousy over one's final words (5)","Answer":"ENVOI","Explanation":"Definition: final words\nENV[y] [a lot of jealousy] + O [over] + I [one]"} {"Clue":"A setter held back by someone flirting? A corker, perhaps (9)","Answer":"WINEMAKER","Explanation":"Definition: A corker, perhaps\nA reversal [back] of A ME [a setter] in WINKER [someone flirting?]"} {"Clue":"Day-old wrinkly, age-old character (4)","Answer":"YODA","Explanation":"Definition: age-old character\nAnagram [wrinkly] of DAY O [old]"} {"Clue":"Pray with private for new recruit (8)","Answer":"BEGINNER","Explanation":"Definition: new recruit\nBEG [pray] + INNER [private]"} {"Clue":"Muncher of grass munching everything green (6)","Answer":"CALLOW","Explanation":"Definition: green\nCOW [muncher of grass] round ALL [everything]"} {"Clue":"Day piercing scream almost turned sour (6)","Answer":"LEMONY","Explanation":"Definition: sour\nMON [day] in a reversal [turned] of YEL[l] [scream almost]"} {"Clue":"Private chamber I reserved to host first of ladies in extravagant fashion (8)","Answer":"LAVISHLY","Explanation":"Definition: in extravagant fashion\nLAV [private chamber] + I + SHY [reserved] round L[adies]"} {"Clue":"Cunning plan ?- stain at the front is to be removed from shirt (6)","Answer":"SCHEME","Explanation":"Definition: Cunning plan\nS[tain] + CHEM[is]E [shirt with is removed]"} {"Clue":"Catch outstanding European leader's ultimate revolutionary song (8)","Answer":"SERENADE","Explanation":"Definition: song\nSEE [catch] round a reversal [revolutionary] of DANE [European] + [leade]R"} {"Clue":"One promising to keep mum permanently in gin, drunk by the sound of it? (8)","Answer":"TRAPPIST","Explanation":"Definition: One promising to keep mum permanently\nTRAP [gin] + PIST [sounds like pissed \u2013 drunk] \u2013 lovely surface, alluding to gin = 'mother's ruin'"} {"Clue":"Hill bearing small fruit (6)","Answer":"DAMSON","Explanation":"Definition: fruit\nDAMON [Hill] round S [small]"} {"Clue":"Soldier in art museum, name Frank (3-2-3)","Answer":"MAN-TO-MAN","Explanation":"Definition: Frank\nANT [soldier] in Museum Of Modern Art + N [name]"} {"Clue":"Partner joining principal in company with a generous corporation (6)","Answer":"CHUBBY","Explanation":"Definition: with a generous corporation\nC[ompany] + HUBBY [partner]"} {"Clue":"Ruminant occupying hollow tree (6)","Answer":"PIGNUT","Explanation":"Definition: tree\nGNU [ruminant] in PIT [hollow] \u2013 I hadn't heard of this, so googled 'pignut 'and found that, in the UK, it's a small plant of the carrot family;\u00a0\u00a0Collins told me it's 'the bitter nut of any of several North American hickory trees; any of the trees bearing such a nut'; goggling 'pignut, tree' produced this\u00a0 \u2013 I'll spare you the Flanders and Swann link this time \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Redhead after drunken hack in bar, utterly unyielding (4,4)","Answer":"ROCK HARD","Explanation":"Definition: utterly unyielding\nAnagram [drunken] of HACK + R[edhead] in ROD [bar]"} {"Clue":"Sharp instrument happens to nip hand (9)","Answer":"COMPASSES","Explanation":"Definition: Sharp instrument\nCOMES [happens] round PASS [hand]"} {"Clue":"Foul word of prayer masked by babble (7)","Answer":"NOISOME","Explanation":"Definition: Foul\nOM [word of prayer] in NOISE [babble]"} {"Clue":"Silk, rather oddly, used for old gowns (7)","Answer":"KIRTLES","Explanation":"Definition: old gowns\nAnagram [used] of SILK + odd letters of R[a]T[h]E[r]"} {"Clue":"Grass around fielder picked up (9)","Answer":"RECOVERED","Explanation":"Definition: picked up\nREED [grass] round COVER [fielder]"} {"Clue":"Motor race that's cultivated (9)","Answer":"CARNATION","Explanation":"Definition: that's cultivated\nCAR [motor] + NATION [race] \u2013 an old favourite"} {"Clue":"Imagine this crossword starts out as cryptic (9)","Answer":"ENIGMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: cryptic\nAnagram [out] of IMAGINE + T[his] C[rossword]"} {"Clue":"down, 26, 20 To demonstrate one's sincerity, eat bread? (3,4,5,5,4,5,2)","Answer":"PUT ONE\u2019S MONEY WHERE ONE\u2019S MOUTH IS","Explanation":"Definition: To demonstrate one's sincerity\nCryptic definition, playing on bread being a slang word for money"} {"Clue":"Paddy beat Republican shortly (7)","Answer":"TANTRUM","Explanation":"Definition: Paddy\nTAN [beat] + TRUM[p] [Republican \u2013 shortly]"} {"Clue":"Dawn's sound party at which to sketch spaniels, might you say? (4-1-6-3)","Answer":"COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO","Explanation":"Definition: Dawn's sound\nSounds something like [might you say?] Cocker [spaniel] doodle [sketch] do [party]"} {"Clue":"I, Russian leader, ostensibly tipsy? (5,7)","Answer":"BORIS YELTSIN","Explanation":"Definition: I, Russian leader\nAnagram [tipsy] of I R[ussian] OSTENSIBLY \u2013 I think I dare call this &lit : see here\u00a0 \u2013 brilliant clue to end with"} {"Clue":"24, extremely late after period of 20 hours? (7)","Answer":"MONDALE","Explanation":"Definition: 24\nL[at]E after MONDA[y]\u00a0 [5\/6 of Monday] for Walter Mondale, 42nd Vice President"} {"Clue":"Project concealing road defect (7)","Answer":"FAILING","Explanation":"Definition: defect\nFLING [project] round AI [A1 \u2013 The Great North Road]"} {"Clue":"Bound books, note inside (5)","Answer":"LIMIT","Explanation":"Definition: Bound\nMI [note] inside LIT[erature] \u2013 books"} {"Clue":"Democrat in backing 24, out of bounds (9)","Answer":"FORBIDDEN","Explanation":"Definition: out of bounds\nD [democrat] in FOR [backing] BIDEN [24] \u2013 I spent some time trying to make something of\u00a0 [Gerald] FORD\u00a0 but it's Joe Biden 47th Vice President"} {"Clue":"Bill's encapsulated by combination of corn and bean stew (10)","Answer":"CARBONNADE","Explanation":"Definition: stew\nAD [bill] in an anagram [combination] of CORN and BEAN"} {"Clue":"By the sound of it, puzzle 5 across (4)","Answer":"FLAW","Explanation":"Definition: 5 across\nSounds ['to some people'] like 'floor' \u2013 puzzle"} {"Clue":"Noisy battle developing in stubborn manner (11)","Answer":"OBSTINATELY","Explanation":"Definition: in stubborn manner\nNeat anagram of NOISY BATTLE"} {"Clue":"24, English man on pitch (11)","Answer":"ROCKEFELLER","Explanation":"Definition: 24\nE [English] FELLER [man] on [after] ROCK [pitch \u2013 as a boat does]\u00a0 for Nelson Rockefeller, 41st Vice President"} {"Clue":"24 last to return (4)","Answer":"EVIL","Explanation":"Definition: 24\nA reversal [to return] of\u00a0 LIVE [last]"} {"Clue":"Embellished passage actual, or doubly fanciful (10)","Answer":"COLORATURA","Explanation":"Definition: Embellished passage\nAnagram [fanciful] of ACTUAL OR OR"} {"Clue":"European revolutionary following queen in this short play (3,6)","Answer":"THE RIVALS","Explanation":"Definition: play\nA reversal [revolutionary] of SLAV [European] following ER [queen] in THI[s]: I well remember reading this play at school \u2013 \u00a0Mrs Malaprop and her 'allegory on the banks of the Nile' [shades of 19dn?]"} {"Clue":"Authority to get broadcast? (3-2)","Answer":"SAY-SO","Explanation":"Definition: Authority\nNot sure about this: \"Say 'Sow!'\" could mean 'get broadcast' but then 'broadcast' is doing double duty \u2013 or is the question mark the homophone indicator?"} {"Clue":"Aardvark \u2013 this beast originally coming in close behind start of alphabet (7)","Answer":"ANTBEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Aardvark\nT[his] B[east] [originally] in NEAR [close] behind A[lphabet]\u00a0 [I thought it was only Puck who had it in for me with these creatures \ud83d\ude09 ]"} {"Clue":"Mundane letters from listener (retired), sent back (7)","Answer":"TERRENE","Explanation":"Definition: Mundane\nReverse [sent back] hidden in listENER RETred"} {"Clue":"Venom in cobras initially collected by boy, say? (6)","Answer":"MALICE","Explanation":"Definition: Venom\nI[n] C[obras] in MALE [boy, say]"} {"Clue":"A thousand\u00a0 in African country abandoning river on the rise, departed (2,4)","Answer":"NO MORE","Explanation":"Definition: departed\n[M [a thousand] in a reversal [rising] of [cam]EROON [African country abandoning Cambridge's river]\u00a0 \u2013 I'm sorry but this phrase always reminds me of the dead parrot sketch\u00a0 [which you can see again here, if you want to]"} {"Clue":"Sign reader lost, ergo a lost traveller, ultimately (10)","Answer":"ASTROLOGER","Explanation":"Definition: Sign reader\nAnagram [lost] of ERGO A LOST and [travelle]R"} {"Clue":"Slight mistake: all of Saudi Arabian conclusions (5)","Answer":"ELFIN","Explanation":"Definition: Slight\nLast letters [conclusions] of mistakE alL oF saudI arabiaN"} {"Clue":"Shoot monkey in safety procedure (4,5)","Answer":"FIRE DRILL","Explanation":"Definition: safety procedure\nSimple charade: fire [shoot] DRILL [monkey]"} {"Clue":"One put on gravy, but not to\u00a0bird (4)","Answer":"IBIS","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nI [one] + BIS[to] [gravy but not to]\u00a0 \u2013 non-UK solvers see here"} {"Clue":"Pampers: sticky glue in diapers emptied (8)","Answer":"INDULGES","Explanation":"Definition: Pampers\nAnagram [sticky] of GLUE IN D[iaper]S"} {"Clue":"Passages mob considers, recited (8)","Answer":"GANGWAYS","Explanation":"Definition: Passages\nGANG [mob] + WAYS\u00a0 [sounds like {recited} 'weighs' \u2013 considers]"} {"Clue":"Terrifying thing that may skin something like a rabbit, did you say? (4-6)","Answer":"HAIR-RAISER","Explanation":"Definition: Terrifying thing\nHARE RAZOR, did you say?"} {"Clue":"Old herbivore wiggling ears with gusto (9)","Answer":"STEGOSAUR","Explanation":"Definition: Old herbivore\nAnagram [wiggling] of EARS with GUSTO"} {"Clue":"Time to feed author a drink (5,3)","Answer":"GREEN TEA","Explanation":"Definition: drink\nT [time] in GREENE [author] + A"} {"Clue":"Part of the mind hampered by stress \u2013\u00a0 that's unfortunate (8)","Answer":"ACCIDENT","Explanation":"Definition: that's unfortunate\nID [part of the mind] in ACCENT [stress]"} {"Clue":"24 listening to shrink (6)","Answer":"QUAYLE","Explanation":"Definition: 24\nSounds like [listening to] quail [shrink] \u2013 Dan Quayle, 44th Vice President"} {"Clue":"Everywhere, 24 pinching himself? (6)","Answer":"GALORE","Explanation":"Definition: Everywhere\nGORE [round \u2013 pinching himself] AL \u2013\u00a0 not an exact synonym but my favourite clue by a mile: Al Gore, 45th Vice President"} {"Clue":"Working class beginning (5)","Answer":"ONSET","Explanation":"Definition: beginning\nON [working] SET [class]"} {"Clue":"Tool 5 across (4)","Answer":"VICE","Explanation":"Definition: Tool5 across\nDouble definition\u00a0 + a third for the theme of the puzzle"} {"Clue":"Great work, primarily drama, ending in misery? (7)","Answer":"TRAGEDY","Explanation":"Anagram [work] of GREAT + D[rama] + [miser]Y \u2013 &lit"} {"Clue":"Comedians stop heckles with \"Hush!\" (7)","Answer":"JESTERS","Explanation":"Definition: Comedians\nST [\"Hush!\"] in JEERS [heckles] \u2013 I think: Chambers gives ST as 'a sound made to attract someone's attention' \u2013 a shortened form of pst\/psst, which it gives as 'a sound made to attract someone's attention quietly or surreptitiously', but I think I've met it meaning 'Keep quiet'"} {"Clue":"Vlad puzzle is taxing people (4)","Answer":"DVLA","Explanation":"Definition: taxing people\nAnagram [puzzle] of VLAD, for the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency \u2013 an apt surface!"} {"Clue":"German tennis player qualified first, but can draw (10)","Answer":"GRAFFITIST","Explanation":"Definition: can draw\n[Steffi] GRAF [German tennis player] + FIT [qualified]\u00a0 + IST [first]"} {"Clue":"Dispatch clothing ? no tops, please (6)","Answer":"ENDEAR","Explanation":"Definition: please\n[s]END [dispatch + [w]EAR [clothing]* Edit: but [g]EAR is more likely \u2013 see comments 32 and 35]"} {"Clue":"Girl's foolish regret about Jude in the nude (8)","Answer":"GERTRUDE","Explanation":"Definition: Girl\nAnagram [foolish] of REGRET round [j]UD[e]"} {"Clue":"Filter paper? Pascal discarded two drinks endlessly (9)","Answer":"PERCOLATE","Explanation":"Definition: Filter\n[pa]PER minus pa [pascal] + COLA TE[a] [two drinks endlessly]"} {"Clue":"Good landlord serves spirit (5)","Answer":"GHOST","Explanation":"Definition: spirit\nG [good] + HOST [landlord]"} {"Clue":"Location of war not American wrongdoing (5)","Answer":"CRIME","Explanation":"Definition: wrongdoing\nCRIME[a] location of war minus a [American] \u2013 an old favourite"} {"Clue":"Magnificent bribe\u00a0\u2013 manufacturing plant (5,4)","Answer":"ROYAL PALM","Explanation":"Definition: plant\nSimple charade of ROYAL [magnificent ] + PALM [bribe] for this tree"} {"Clue":"Emperor's idea: steal car, go east then south (8)","Answer":"CLAUDIUS","Explanation":"Definition: Emperor\nCLU[e] [idea minus e\u00a0 {east}] round AUDI [car] + s [south]"} {"Clue":"In the morning, 50 entered the mysterious little village (6)","Answer":"HAMLET","Explanation":"Definition: little village\nAM [in the morning] + L [fifty] in an anagram [mysterious] of THE"} {"Clue":"Large miner's tatty loafer (10)","Answer":"MALINGERER","Explanation":"Definition: loafer\nAnagram [tatty] of LARGE MINER"} {"Clue":"Greek characters retire operating system (4)","Answer":"UNIX","Explanation":"Definition: operating system\nA reversal [retire] of XI and NU [two Greek letters]"} {"Clue":"Men move into Black Country (7)","Answer":"DENMARK","Explanation":"Definition: Country\nAnagram [move] of MEN in DARK [black]"} {"Clue":"Perhaps Philip and Charles are present in church on Sunday (7)","Answer":"PRINCES","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps Philip and Charles are\nPR [present] IN CE [in church] + S [Sunday]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Retaliation, say, not uprising (7)","Answer":"REVENGE","Explanation":"Definition: Retaliation\nA reversal [uprising] of EG say] + NEVER [not]"} {"Clue":"Heavy accent (5)","Answer":"GRAVE","Explanation":"Definition: Heavyaccent\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Pet runs into stick? Nonsense! (7)","Answer":"DOGGREL","Explanation":"Definition: Nonsense\nDOG [pet] + R [runs] in GEL [stick] \u2013 Chambers gives this alternative spelling"} {"Clue":"Try slice of beef for tea (6)","Answer":"EFFORT","Explanation":"Definition: Try\nHidden in beEF FOR Tea"} {"Clue":"Instruction on lid of teapot: pour this out (9)","Answer":"TUTORSHIP","Explanation":"Definition: Instruction\nT[eapot]\u00a0 + an anagram [out] of POUR THIS"} {"Clue":"Wants Dr's letters to be exchanged for lives (7)","Answer":"RESIDES","Explanation":"Definition: lives\nDESIRES [wants] with D and R transposed"} {"Clue":"Hold garments? (5,8)","Answer":"CARGO TROUSERS","Explanation":"Definition: garments\nCryptic definition \u2013 cargo is carried in the hold"} {"Clue":"Social theory my half-cousin condemned around 2000 (9)","Answer":"COMMUNISM","Explanation":"Definition: Social theory\nAnagram [condemned] of M[y] COUSIN round MM [2000]"} {"Clue":"Drop rent again? (7)","Answer":"RELEASE","Explanation":"Definition: Drop\nRE-LEASE \u2013 rent again"} {"Clue":"Supporter had travelled before start of race (7)","Answer":"ADHERER","Explanation":"Definition: Supporter\nAnagram [travelled] of HAD + ERE [before] + R[ace]"} {"Clue":"It shelters two boys close to shore (3,4)","Answer":"LEE SIDE","Explanation":"Definition: It shelters\nLEE SID [two boys] + [shor]E"} {"Clue":"Collier to ride about astride horse (6)","Answer":"DIGGER","Explanation":"Definition: Collier\nAnagram [about] of RIDE round GG [ gee gee \u2013 horse]"} {"Clue":"I quit!\" \u2013 football manager loses his head over miss (5)","Answer":"MOURN","Explanation":"Definition: miss\nMOUR[i]N[ho] [football manager] minus\u00a0 [quit] i and h[is] o [over]"} {"Clue":"Ravel, last of wet fish (6)","Answer":"TANGLE","Explanation":"Definition: Ravel\n[we]T + ANGLE [fish] \u2013 the first composer is, unlike the rest, in the clue rather than the solution"} {"Clue":"Fiddle not half inspiring difficult child \u2013 that's the effect of music! (7)","Answer":"VIBRATO","Explanation":"Definition: effect of music\nVIO[lin] [fiddle not half] round BRAT [difficult child]"} {"Clue":"New Testament suggested the coolest of times? (9)","Answer":"MIDWINTER","Explanation":"Definition: the coolest of times?\nNT [New Testament] is in the middle of WINTER"} {"Clue":"Ultimately flat, instrument that's sharp (5)","Answer":"THORN","Explanation":"Definition: that's sharp\n[fla]T + HORN [instrument]"} {"Clue":"Grand work of Elgar, an exercise in music (5-5)","Answer":"LARGE-SCALE","Explanation":"Definition: Grand\nLARGE [anagram {work}\u00a0 of ELGAR] + SCALE [exercise in music]"} {"Clue":"Sit alongside robin with huge bats (9)","Answer":"NEIGHBOUR","Explanation":"Definition: Sit alongside\nAnagram [bats] of ROBIN and HUGE"} {"Clue":"In flaming, fire disturbed (7)","Answer":"ROUSTED","Explanation":"Definition: disturbed\nOUST [fire] in RED [flaming]"} {"Clue":"Composer is beyond preposterous (6)","Answer":"TALLIS","Explanation":"Definition: Composer\nIS after TALL [preposterous, as in story]"} {"Clue":"Late actor has shifted tree to the left (6)","Answer":"SHARIF","Explanation":"Definition: Late actor\nAnagram [shifted] of HAS + a reversal [to the left] of FIR [tree]"} {"Clue":"Those who polish railway apparatus (7)","Answer":"BUFFERS","Explanation":"Definition: Those who polishrailway apparatus\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Scarcely any absent in curfew, unlike degenerate less fortunate (9)","Answer":"UNLUCKIER","Explanation":"Definition: less fortunate\nAnagram [degenerate] of CUR[few] minus few \u2013 scarcely any] + UNLIKE"} {"Clue":"Brahms and Liszt in the spotlight (3,2)","Answer":"LIT UP","Explanation":"Definition: Brahms and Lisztin the spotlight\nDouble definition: 'Brahms and Liszt' and 'lit up' are both\u00a0slang expressions for 'drunk' \u2013 neat use of the theme \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Tuesday 7th of September off \u2013 8th of September past it then? (3-2,4)","Answer":"USE-BY DATE","Explanation":"Definition: past it then?\nAnagram [off] of TUESDAY + the 7th and 8th letters of September \u2013 I want to make '8th of September' part of the definition"} {"Clue":"Much bloodshed as one composer almost crushed by another (7)","Answer":"CARNAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Much bloodshed\n[Thomas] ARN[e] [composer almost] in [John] CAGE [another composer]"} {"Clue":"Composer's name for composer (6)","Answer":"WEBERN","Explanation":"Definition: composer\nWEBER [composer] + N [name] \u2013 on 22nd December, Paul clued this composer as 'scorer, new scorer', which he was, then, to me.\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Glass one may be dropping? (7)","Answer":"TUMBLER","Explanation":"Definition: Glassone may be dropping\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"She abandons playwright after a write-up, an all-time low (5)","Answer":"NADIR","Explanation":"Definition: all-time low\nA reversal [after a write-up] of sheRIDAN [playwright]"} {"Clue":"Lice high on combination of acid and alcohol in cheese (9)","Answer":"LEICESTER","Explanation":"Definition: cheese\nAnagram [high] of LICE + ESTER [combination of acid and alcohol] \u2013 I was afraid I was going to be beaten by the parsing of my home town until I found this"} {"Clue":"Composer on the case of correct decision (7)","Answer":"VERDICT","Explanation":"Definition: decision\nVERDI [composer] + C[orrec]T"} {"Clue":"Group has little time to invest in composer (5)","Answer":"BATCH","Explanation":"Definition: Group\nT [little time] in BACH [composer]"} {"Clue":"Show remorse having put mint in sage I chopped up (9)","Answer":"APOLOGISE","Explanation":"Definition: Show remorse\nPOLO [mint] in an anagram [chopped up] of SAGE I"} {"Clue":"They've got something worse to broadcast about capital in Nairobi (6)","Answer":"OWNERS","Explanation":"Definition: They've got something\nAnagram [broadcast] of WORSE round N[airobi]"} {"Clue":"Out of it, put to death (6)","Answer":"STONED","Explanation":"Definition: Out of itput to death\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"For example, prepare an Ottoman composer to invade revolutionary Peru (9)","Answer":"UPHOLSTER","Explanation":"Definition: For example, prepare an Ottoman\nHOLST [composer] in an anagram [revolutionary] of PERU"} {"Clue":"Way of acting silly with feet in a pickle (9)","Answer":"LIFESTYLE","Explanation":"Definition: Way of acting\nAnagram [in a pickle] of SILLY + FEET"} {"Clue":"After scratching of head, nothing penned by composer is a disappointment (7)","Answer":"FAILURE","Explanation":"Definition: disappointment\n[n]IL [nothing] in FAUR\u00c9 [composer]"} {"Clue":"One offering a cut, as composer (6)","Answer":"BARBER","Explanation":"Definition: One offering a cutcomposer\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Has that lady visited an illicit bar? (7)","Answer":"SHEBEEN","Explanation":"Definition: illicit bar\n[has] SHE BEEN? \u2013 Has that lady visited?"} {"Clue":"Known leaders in baseball league, one entering competition after an upset (6)","Answer":"PUBLIC","Explanation":"Definition: Known\nB[aseball] L[eague] + I [one] in a reversal [after an upset] of CUP [competition]"} {"Clue":"Old man after a drop of cream with high tea (5)","Answer":"CUPPA","Explanation":"Definition: tea\nPA [old man] after C[ream] + UP [high]"} {"Clue":"Instead, a general saying (5)","Answer":"ADAGE","Explanation":"Definition: saying\nHidden in steAD A GEneral"} {"Clue":"Carp and turkey with cream (3-4)","Answer":"NIT-PICK","Explanation":"Definition: Carp\nA simple charade of NIT [turkey] and PICK [cream]"} {"Clue":"Collects fish food from wild roof gardens (7)","Answer":"GARNERS","Explanation":"Definition: Collects\nAnagram [wild] of R[oof] GAR[d]ENS with 'food' fished out"} {"Clue":"Fish quiver with head cut off (4)","Answer":"HAKE","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\n[s]HAKE [quiver]"} {"Clue":"A shocking thing: having an even keel, rescuer stepped in (9)","Answer":"ELECTRODE","Explanation":"Definition: A shocking thing\nTROD [stepped] in even letters of kEeL rEsCuEr"} {"Clue":"Wanting some monkfish or turbot (5)","Answer":"SHORT","Explanation":"Definition: Wanting\nHidden in monkfiSH OR Turbot"} {"Clue":"Boatman is at once overturned (8)","Answer":"CANOEIST","Explanation":"Definition: Boatman\nAnagram [overturned] of IS AT ONCE"} {"Clue":"In the US, a sinker in leading edges of drag or net under trawler (5)","Answer":"DONUT","Explanation":"Definition: In the US, a sinker\nInitial letters [leading edges] of\u00a0 Drag Or Net Under Trawler \u2013 the American spelling of\u00a0 'doughnut', a sinker"} {"Clue":"Naughty fish plot to steal things (8)","Answer":"SHOPLIFT","Explanation":"Definition: steal things\nAnagram [naughty] of FISH PLOT"} {"Clue":"Boatman accepted into crew: no problem for a\u00a0beginner (8)","Answer":"NEWCOMER","Explanation":"Definition: beginner\nME [Boatman] in\u00a0 an anagram [problem] of CREW NO"} {"Clue":"What you need to make out with this fish! (5)","Answer":"TROUT","Explanation":"Definition: fish\nI'm afraid I have no idea how this works"} {"Clue":"On foot, they're bound to steal from depots for Spooner (9)","Answer":"BOOTLACES","Explanation":"Definition: On foot, they're bound\nLoot bases = steal from depots"} {"Clue":"Polish off fish food right away? (4)","Answer":"KILL","Explanation":"Definition: Polish off\nK[r]ILL [fish food] minus r [right]"} {"Clue":"Is caught in wood? That's fishy (7)","Answer":"PISCINE","Explanation":"Definition: fishy\nIS C [caught] in PINE [wood]"} {"Clue":"\"It's not fair!\", shouted fish out loud (3,4)","Answer":"RAW DEAL","Explanation":"Definition: \"It's not fair!\"\nSounds [to those with non-rhotic accents] like 'roared eel' \u2013 shouted fish"} {"Clue":"Capital of Libya, leaving by motorway instead (4)","Answer":"LIMA","Explanation":"Definition: Capital\n'by' in LIbyA replaced by M [motorway]"} {"Clue":"Took back control of nothing\": expression of disdain, bearing much tedium (5,3)","Answer":"OPTED OUT","Explanation":"Definition: Took back control\nO [nothing] + TED[ium] in POUT [expression of disdain] \u2013 I don't really want to NIT-PICK but, to me, 'much' means more than half and I'm not keen on the"} {"Clue":"Perhaps grave speech: get rid of euro, in part (6)","Answer":"ACCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Perhaps grave\nI think this is a homophone [speech?] of 'axe cent' [get rid of part of euro]"} {"Clue":"Stickler for skill in middle of aiming trap for fish (8)","Answer":"MARTINET","Explanation":"Definition: Stickler\nART [skill] in [ai]MI[ng] + NET [trap for fish]"} {"Clue":"Source of comfort for heel contained by fish (6)","Answer":"INSOLE","Explanation":"Definition: Source of comfort for heel\nIN SOLE [contained by fish]"} {"Clue":"Encourage caviar maker: just take heart (4)","Answer":"URGE","Explanation":"Definition: Encourage\n[st]URGE[on] [caviar maker]"} {"Clue":"Odd fish set to one side (9)","Answer":"ECCENTRIC","Explanation":"Definition: Odd fishset to one side\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Spear sunfish (5)","Answer":"SPIKE","Explanation":"Definition: Spear\nS [sun] + PIKE [fish]"} {"Clue":"Salmon got by special method on line at top of tide (5)","Answer":"SMOLT","Explanation":"Definition: Salmon\nS [special] + MO [Modus Operandi \u2013 method of working] + L [line] + T[ide]"} {"Clue":"Dispose of fish food (8)","Answer":"DUMPLING","Explanation":"Definition: food\nDUMP [dispose of] + LING [fish]"} {"Clue":"Defence of cod, skate, flounder (8)","Answer":"STOCKADE","Explanation":"Definition: Defence\nAnagram [flounder] of COD SKATE"} {"Clue":"Brill, catfish gutted with gusto, finally chilled (6)","Answer":"CHOICE","Explanation":"Definition: Brill\nC[atfis]H + [gust]O 'on [in a down clue] ice' = chilled"} {"Clue":"Cold tuna's prepared for one in Italy (6)","Answer":"TUSCAN","Explanation":"Definition: one in Italy\nAnagram [prepared] of C [cold] TUNA'S"} {"Clue":"It's a bit fishy, but anglers buy it (4)","Answer":"BAIT","Explanation":"Definition: It's a bit fishy, but anglers buy it\nCryptic definition [*Edit: it's actually an anagram [fishy] of A BIT \u2013 thanks, muffin and beaulieu]"} {"Clue":"Principal material for sinker (4)","Answer":"LEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Principalmaterial for sinker\nDouble definition, a sinker being \u2013 not a doughnut this time \u2013 a weight attached to a fishing net or line to keep it under water"} {"Clue":"Vegetable served after a special introduction to Alan Sugar backfired (9)","Answer":"ASPARAGUS","Explanation":"Definition: Vegetable\nA SP [a special] + A[lan] + a reversal [backfired] of SUGAR \u2013 a neat clue to start with"} {"Clue":"Right to withdraw from deal with milk supplier (4)","Answer":"TEAT","Explanation":"Definition: milk supplier\nT[r]EAT [deal] minus r [right]"} {"Clue":"European city home to heart of religious\u00a0relic (8)","Answer":"HANGOVER","Explanation":"Definition: relic\nHANOVER [European city] round [reli]G[ious]"} {"Clue":"Herb wanting space in flower bed (6)","Answer":"ROSARY","Explanation":"Definition: flower bed\nROS[em]ARY [herb] minus em [space in printing]"} {"Clue":"Item found in dock? (6)","Answer":"DETAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Itemdock?\nDouble definition, the second being cryptic, as in the clue for 4dn"} {"Clue":"Cooks receiving letter about items on the house? (8)","Answer":"FREEBIES","Explanation":"Definition: items on the house\nFRIES [cooks] round a reversal [about] of BEE [letter]"} {"Clue":"Unpopular Soviet leader visiting a German POW camp \u2026 (6)","Answer":"STALAG","Explanation":"Definition: POW camp\nSTAL[in] [Soviet leader] minus in [popular] + A G [a German]"} {"Clue":"? sanctioned over participating in the bombing of Dresden (8)","Answer":"ENDORSED","Explanation":"Definition: ? sanctioned\nAnagram [bombing] of DRESDEN round O [over]"} {"Clue":"Elegant plot about broadcast (8)","Answer":"DEBONAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Elegant\nA reversal [about] of BED [plot] + ON AIR [broadcast]"} {"Clue":"Discount English book with standard jacket (6)","Answer":"REBATE","Explanation":"Definition: Discount\nE B [English book] in RATE [standard]"} {"Clue":"No points awarded to amateur coming back for old elephant (8)","Answer":"MASTODON","Explanation":"Definition: old elephant\nA reversal [coming back] of NO DOTS [no points] + AM [amateur]"} {"Clue":"Relish being fashion designer in large house (6)","Answer":"PICKLE","Explanation":"Definition: Relish\nCK [Calvin Klein \u2013 fashion designer] in PILE [large house]"} {"Clue":"Book deal in trouble (6)","Answer":"DANIEL","Explanation":"Definition: Book\nAnagram [trouble] of DEAL IN \u2013 DANIEL is a book of the Old Testament"} {"Clue":"Trader supposed to go round royal church (8)","Answer":"MERCHANT","Explanation":"Definition: Trader\nMEANT [supposed] round R [royal] CH [church]"} {"Clue":"Moccasin chosen to cover part of foot (4)","Answer":"INCH","Explanation":"Definition: part of foot\nHidden in moccasIN CHosen"} {"Clue":"Pal drinking shake ordered to get a move on (4,5)","Answer":"MAKE HASTE","Explanation":"Definition: get a move on\nMATE [pal] round an anagram [ordered] of SHAKE\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Enlightened American overcoming battle with drug (5)","Answer":"AWARE","Explanation":"Definition: Enlightened\nA [American] + WAR [battle] + E [drug]"} {"Clue":"Hairstyle involving plait twisted around bottom parts of wig (7)","Answer":"PIGTAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Hairstyle\nAnagram [twisted] of PLAIT around [w]IG"} {"Clue":"Bar set up for merrymaking (5)","Answer":"REVEL","Explanation":"Definition: merrymaking\nA reversal [set up] of LEVER [bar]"} {"Clue":"Boss detailed to catch Irish animal (7)","Answer":"GIRAFFE","Explanation":"Definition: animal\nGAFFE[r] boss, 'detailed' round IR [Irish]"} {"Clue":"Submit to European rule after university clergyman's in post (9)","Answer":"SURRENDER","Explanation":"Definition: Submit\nE [European] R [rule] after U [university] RR [right reverend \u2013 bishop {clergyman}] in SEND [post]"} {"Clue":"Options shown here for sailor accepting request by bishop (4,3)","Answer":"TASK BAR","Explanation":"Definition: Options shown here\nTAR [sailor] round ASK [request] + B [bishop]"} {"Clue":"Teenager prepared to accept central part of farmer's contract\u2026 ?(9)","Answer":"AGREEMENT","Explanation":"Definition: contract\nAnagram [about] of TEENAGER round [far]M[er's]"} {"Clue":"but destroyed a giant hen (4,5)","Answer":"THEN AGAIN","Explanation":"Definition: but\nAnagram [destroyed] of A GIANT HEN"} {"Clue":"Ms Garland beaten in top score at the bridge table (5,4)","Answer":"GRAND SLAM","Explanation":"Definition: top score at the bridge table\nAnagram [beaten] of MS GARLAND"} {"Clue":"Very large beetroot served with full-flavoured bird (7)","Answer":"OSTRICH","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nOS [very large] T [last letter \u2013 root \u2013 of beeT] + RICH [full-flavoured]"} {"Clue":"A doctor trapped in station went on the rampage (3,4)","Answer":"RAN AMOK","Explanation":"Definition: went on the rampage\nA MO [a doctor] in RANK [station]"} {"Clue":"Upturned vessel containing a Catholic Church deity (7)","Answer":"BACCHUS","Explanation":"Definition: deity\nA reversal [upturned] of SUB [vessel] round A C [a Catholic] + CH [church]"} {"Clue":"Fish with rod (5)","Answer":"PERCH","Explanation":"Definition: Fishrod\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Clean dirty weapon (5)","Answer":"LANCE","Explanation":"Definition: weapon\nAnagram [dirty] of CLEAN"} {"Clue":"Leaning back, a boy exercises\u00a0a part of the 10\u00a0(8)","Answer":"AMYGDALA","Explanation":"Definition: part of the 10\nThis is the one 'part of the 10' that I didn't know: for me, it's a 'jorum' \u2013 a usage* I coined a while ago, when blogging a Puck alphabetical puzzle containing that hitherto unknown word: *'an unlikely-sounding answer obtained by building the word from its component parts, with the help of crossers, with a sigh of surprised satisfaction on finding that the word does exist'; of course, it relies on impeccable cluing, which is what we have here: just follow the directions on the tin"} {"Clue":"Part of the 10 where heavyweight author files page (11)","Answer":"HIPPOCAMPUS","Explanation":"Definition: Part of the 10\nHIPPO [heavyweight] + [Albert] CAMUS [author] round P [page]"} {"Clue":"Critical moment on coming to this\u00a0 floating toilet (4)","Answer":"HEAD","Explanation":"Definition: Critical moment on coming to thisfloating toilet\nDouble definition \u2013 it took some googling to reveal the second one \u2013 a toilet on board ship"} {"Clue":"Sexes, perhaps, mate in Germany's capital city (10)","Answer":"PALINDROME","Explanation":"Definition: Sexes, perhaps\nPAL [mate] + IN + D [Germany] + ROME [capital city]"} {"Clue":"First of month welcomed by priests,\u00a0old feast day\u00a0(6)","Answer":"LAMMAS","Explanation":"Definition: old feast day\nM[onth] in LAMAS [priests] for this feast day"} {"Clue":"Intensively study part of the 10 for spiked plates (8)","Answer":"CRAMPONS","Explanation":"Definition: spiked plates\nCRAM [intensively study] + PONS [part of 10]"} {"Clue":"Consider clamping journalist on a part of the 10 (7)","Answer":"MEDULLA","Explanation":"Definition: part of the 10\nMULL [consider] round ED [journalist] + A"} {"Clue":"Paul coming backwards, couple come together (7)","Answer":"EMBRACE","Explanation":"Definition: come together\nA reversal [coming backwards] of ME [Paul] + BRACE [couple]"} {"Clue":"Part of the 10 the norm, that is unlikely to be scalped (8,4)","Answer":"PARIETAL LOBE","Explanation":"Definition: Part of the 10\nPAR [the norm] + IE [that is] + TALL [that is unlikely, as in story] + [t]O BE"} {"Clue":"Cake gone \u2013 and most of whiskey (6)","Answer":"PASTRY","Explanation":"Definition: Cake\nPAST [gone] + RY[e] [most of whiskey]"} {"Clue":"Drunk ignores pub, feeling better for it? (8,2)","Answer":"SOBERING UP","Explanation":"Definition: feeling better for it?\nAnagram [drunk] of IGNORES PUB \u2013 great surface! [and, perhaps, my favourite clue]"} {"Clue":"Foul eating starter of turkey, cover meat with fat (5)","Answer":"BASTE","Explanation":"Definition: cover meat with fat\nBASE [foul] round T[urkey]"} {"Clue":"Part of the 10, like that cushioning a blow (8)","Answer":"THALAMUS","Explanation":"Definition: Part of the 10\nTHUS [like that] round A LAM [a blow]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Current measure, degree up with furious exercising? (8)","Answer":"AMPERAGE","Explanation":"Definition: Current measure\nA reversal [up]\u00a0 of MA [degree] + PE RAGE [furious exercising?]"} {"Clue":"Curse once wrapped up in bandages (4)","Answer":"EGAD","Explanation":"Definition: Curse once\nA hidden reversal [wrapped up] in banDAGEs"} {"Clue":"Unsound notion, as a member reported? (7)","Answer":"FALLACY","Explanation":"Definition: Unsound notion\nSounds like [reported] 'phallus-y' [as a member] \u2013 a typical Paul clue, in construction as well as content!"} {"Clue":"In May, county transfixed by a spirit (8)","Answer":"PHANTASM","Explanation":"Definition: spirit\nHANTS [county] round A, all in PM [{Theresa} May]"} {"Clue":"Extra bits in box, belt and buckle finally hauled up (5,5)","Answer":"SPARE PARTS","Explanation":"Definition: Extra bits\nSPAR [box] + a reversal [hauled up] of STRAP [belt] and [buckl]E"} {"Clue":"Beastly lot has little time to get a closer look (4,2)","Answer":"ZOOM IN","Explanation":"Definition: get a closer look\nZOO [beastly lot] + MIN[ute] [little time]"} {"Clue":"Apparently tough poser is never really understood, maybe initially impossible? (2,8)","Answer":"MR UNIVERSE","Explanation":"Definition: Apparently tough poser\nAnagram [impossible] of IS NEVER + the initial letters of Really Understood Maybe"} {"Clue":"Rubbish is learnt going places? (8)","Answer":"LATRINES","Explanation":"Definition: going places?\nAnagram [rubbish] of IS LEARNT \u2013 more toilet humour!"} {"Clue":"Church concerned with familiar city in part of the 10 (8)","Answer":"CEREBRUM","Explanation":"Definition: part of the 10\nCE [Church of England] + RE [concerned with] BRUM [the familiar name for Birmingham]"} {"Clue":"Brilliance breaking through for Britain at war? (7)","Answer":"BLIGHTY","Explanation":"Definition: Britain at war\nLIGHT [brilliance] in BY [through]"} {"Clue":"A private's ending in the army, a simple form of life (6)","Answer":"AMOEBA","Explanation":"Definition: simple form of life\nA + [privat]E n MOB [the army] + A"} {"Clue":"Wood in, heart out (6)","Answer":"POPLAR","Explanation":"Definition: Wood\nPOPULAR [in] minus u [its middle letter \u2013 heart]"} {"Clue":"Bread 10 (4)","Answer":"LOAF","Explanation":"Definition: Bread10\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"In middle of round sheltered by tree (7)","Answer":"POPULAR","Explanation":"Definition: In\n[ro]U[nd] in POPLAR [tree]"} {"Clue":"Refers\u00a0\u00a0to big men, both losing their heads (7)","Answer":"ALLUDES","Explanation":"Definition: Refers\n[t]ALL[big] [d]UDES [men]"} {"Clue":"Reviewed, in short, erotica from yesteryear (5)","Answer":"RETRO","Explanation":"Definition: from yesteryear\nHidden reversal [reviewed] in shORT ERotica"} {"Clue":"Aid to presentation for Pam (4,5)","Answer":"FLIP CHART","Explanation":"Definition: Aid to presentation\nPam reversed [flipped] gives 'map' [chart]"} {"Clue":"Thoughts of love dismissed? Fancy one's smitten (10)","Answer":"SENTIMENTS","Explanation":"Definition: Thoughts\nAnagram [fancy] of [o]NE'S SMITTEN minus o [love dismissed]"} {"Clue":"Number two crosses line ? game up! (4)","Answer":"POLO","Explanation":"Definition: game up\nPOO [number two] round L [line] \u2013\u00a0 'up' = on horseback"} {"Clue":"Exciting nights are fiction\" (Mrs Vlad?) (11,5)","Answer":"SIGNIFICANT OTHER","Explanation":"Definition: Mrs Vlad?\nAnagram [exciting] of NIGHTS ARE FICTION"} {"Clue":"Race, methinks, largely fixed \u2013 it won't interest many (5,6)","Answer":"NICHE MARKET","Explanation":"Definition: it won't interest many\nAnagram [fixed] of RACE METHINK[s]"} {"Clue":"Keep secret Mr Nasty told (4)","Answer":"HIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Keep secret\nSounds like [told] Hyde \u2013 Mr Nasty in Stevenson's 'The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'"} {"Clue":"Soon feel at home because of English on board (6,4)","Answer":"BEFORE LONG","Explanation":"Definition: Soon\nBELONG [feel at home] round [on board] FOR [because of] E [English]"} {"Clue":"In no way a quack, some might say (9)","Answer":"HOMEOPATH","Explanation":"Definition: a quack, some might say\nHOME [in] + O PATH [no way] \u2013 I was expecting a dodgy homophone [as intended, I'm sure]"} {"Clue":"About to engage with comic hero \u2013 it'll provide colour (5)","Answer":"OCHRE","Explanation":"Definition: colour\nC [about] in an anagram [comic] of HERO"} {"Clue":"Preference was first to get drunk (7)","Answer":"PICKLED","Explanation":"Definition: drunk\nPICK [preference] + LED [was first]"} {"Clue":"Course director dismissed sign (3,4)","Answer":"RED CARD","Explanation":"Definition: dismissed sign\nREDCAR [Yorkshire racecourse] + D [director]"} {"Clue":"Study for a purpose (6)","Answer":"PERUSE","Explanation":"Definition: Study\nPER [for a] USE [purpose]"} {"Clue":"Marvel! Right away is able to have sex (6)","Answer":"POTENT","Explanation":"Definition: able to have sex\nPO[r]TENT [marvel minus r \u2013 right]"} {"Clue":"Sign I'm struggling with rents in Herefordshire town (10)","Answer":"LEOMINSTER","Explanation":"Definition: Herefordshire town\nLEO [sign] + an anagram [struggling] of I'M and RENTS"} {"Clue":"Winchester's one awfully common pupil gets detention (5)","Answer":"RIFLE","Explanation":"Definition: Winchester's one\nL [pupil] in [in detention] RIFE [awfully common]"} {"Clue":"Liberal hit back: \"It's unfair!\" (1,3,5)","Answer":"A BIT THICK","Explanation":"Definition: unfair\nAnagram [liberal of HIT BACK IT"} {"Clue":"Villa centre half welcomes tie (4)","Answer":"LACE","Explanation":"Definition: tie\nHidden in vilLA CEntre"} {"Clue":"Full of energy, play with new guide (8)","Answer":"DRAGOMAN","Explanation":"Definition: guide\nGO [energy] in DRAMA [play] + N [new]"} {"Clue":"13 from TV castle \u2013 hard (3,5)","Answer":"SET FORTH","Explanation":"Definition: 13\nSET [TV] + FORT [castle] + H [hard]"} {"Clue":"Go to this place saving time, then do a flit (3,3,4)","Answer":"HIT THE ROAD","Explanation":"Definition: Go\nHITHER [to this place] round T [time] + an anagram [flit] of DO A"} {"Clue":"Decorate country house for the King (9)","Answer":"GRACELAND","Explanation":"Definition: house for the King\nGRACE [decorate] + LAND [country]"} {"Clue":"Dominating male Henry caught unawares (2,3,3)","Answer":"ON THE HOP","Explanation":"Definition: unawares\nON TOP [dominating] round HE [male] H [Henry]"} {"Clue":"Mike supporting Bill Edmondson and Don? (8)","Answer":"ACADEMIC","Explanation":"Definition: Don?\nMIC[rophone \u2013 mike] after [supporting, in a down clue] AC [bill] + ADE [Edmondson]"} {"Clue":"Book a top fighter (6)","Answer":"JOSHUA","Explanation":"Definition: Booktop fighter\nDouble definition : a book of the Old Testament, featuring Joshua, who 'fit the battle of Jericho and the walls came tumbling down' but the second definition is this boxer, I think"} {"Clue":"Yes, Vice-Admiral's first to go above (6)","Answer":"AGREED","Explanation":"Definition: Yes\nA[dmiral] + GREED [vice]"} {"Clue":"Possibly saw money being picked up (4)","Answer":"TOOL","Explanation":"Definition: Possibly saw\nA reversal [picked up] of LOOT [money]"} {"Clue":"Large sum advanced, except for bank vault content? (4,3)","Answer":"GOLD BAR","Explanation":"Definition: bank vault content\nGOLD\u00a0 [large sum advanced?] *Edit: I just couldn't see this \u2013 thanks, andysmith @2* + BAR [except for]"} {"Clue":"Tasteless entrances by one backward duck (7)","Answer":"INSIPID","Explanation":"Definition: Tasteless\nINS [entrances] + I [one] + a reversal [backward] of DIP [duck]"} {"Clue":"Bishop withdraws from loaded numbers game (5)","Answer":"LOTTO","Explanation":"Definition: numbers game\n[b]LOTTO [loaded \u2013 drunk]"} {"Clue":"Satisfied with comedy brothers broadcast, all the boxes being ticked? (4,5)","Answer":"FULL MARKS","Explanation":"Definition: all the boxes being ticked\nFULL [satisfied] + MARKS [sounds like {broadcast} Marx \u2013 comedy brothers]"} {"Clue":"Moving elsewhere, rejected old king breaks into allowance (10)","Answer":"RELOCATION","Explanation":"Definition: Moving elsewhere\nA reversal [rejected] of COLE [old king] in RATION [allowance]"} {"Clue":"Stout-sounding person's last stand? (4)","Answer":"BIER","Explanation":"Definition: person's last stand\nSounds like beer [stout]"} {"Clue":"quickly pocketed in criminal delight \u2013 fancy! (4,7)","Answer":"IDLE THOUGHT","Explanation":"THOU[sand] in an anagram [criminal] of DELIGHT"} {"Clue":"Managed kitchen in nude \u2013 daft as clear soup! (11)","Answer":"UNTHICKENED","Explanation":"Definition: as clear soup\nAnagram [managed] of KITCHEN in an anagram [daft] of NUDE"} {"Clue":"Variety broadcast: \"Miss Fitzgerald at New York\" (10)","Answer":"MISCELLANY","Explanation":"Definition: Variety\nSOUNDS like [broadcast, again] Miss Ella [Fitzgerald] + NY [New York]"} {"Clue":"Receivers question broadcast entertainment (5,4)","Answer":"RADIO SHOW","Explanation":"Definition: broadcast entertainment\nRADIOS [receivers] + HOW [question]"} {"Clue":"Member of rock band that blazed a trail? (5)","Answer":"COMET","Explanation":"Definition: Member of rock band\nCryptic definition, referring to Bill Haley's trail-blazing band"} {"Clue":"Right way to secure Guardian's precise direction (3,4)","Answer":"DUE WEST","Explanation":"Definition: precise direction\nDUE [right] + ST [way] round WE [Guardian]"} {"Clue":"Remains of small house one expected (7)","Answer":"RESIDUE","Explanation":"Definition: Remains\nRES[idence] [small house, as in des res] + I [one] + DUE [expected]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Cut by aluminium \u2013 blood everywhere (6)","Answer":"GALORE","Explanation":"Definition: everywhere\nAL [aluminium] in GORE [blood] \u2013 I blogged a puzzle last month in which Paul clued GALORE as 'everywhere', which raised an eyebrow or two"} {"Clue":"Peanuts stand stars (6,4)","Answer":"LITTLE BEAR","Explanation":"Definition: stars\nLITTLE [Peanuts \u2013 as in 'If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys'] + BEAR [stand]"} {"Clue":"Working as fast as possible\" at the heart of perverse \"British complaint\" (10)","Answer":"BRONCHITIS","Explanation":"Definition: complaint\nON [working] + C\u00a0 [the speed of light \u2013 as fast as possible] in an anagram [perverse] of BRITISH"} {"Clue":"Crafty makeover, note, to get really attractive (5)","Answer":"REFIT","Explanation":"Definition: Crafty makeover\nRE [note]\u00a0 + FIT [really attractive] \u2013 'crafty' referring to ships"} {"Clue":"Telling off about orange tank tops wrongly taken (3-6)","Answer":"ILL-GOTTEN","Explanation":"Definition: wrongly taken\nAnagram [off] of TELLING round O[range] T[ank]"} {"Clue":"A comedy classic\u00a0 \u2013 but not 13 as far as 7 is concerned (4,4,2,3)","Answer":"SOME LIKE IT HOT","Explanation":"Definition: A comedy classic\nGoldilocks liked her porridge neither too hot nor too cold"} {"Clue":"Breakfast TV series? (8)","Answer":"PORRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: BreakfastTV series\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Separate, hellish destination holiday island (8)","Answer":"DISCRETE","Explanation":"Definition: Separate\nDIS [a name of Pluto \u2013 hellish destination] + CRETE [holiday island]"} {"Clue":"Old Nick ogles Oz for moulding into Earth's ideal location (10,4)","Answer":"GOLDILOCKS\u00a0 ZONE","Explanation":"Definition: Earth's ideal location\nAnagram [for moulding] of OLD NICK OGLES OZ"} {"Clue":"Was the leader \u2013 having gagged Brown \u2013 made to take responsibility? (8)","Answer":"LUMBERED","Explanation":"Definition: made to take responsibility\nLED [was the leader] round UMBER [brown]"} {"Clue":"Appear to favour both sides of violin (one taken from Glen) (8)","Answer":"STRADDLE","Explanation":"Definition: Appear to favour both sides\nSTRAD [violin] + D[a]LE [glen]"} {"Clue":"Medium infiltrates bizarre adult religious authority (6)","Answer":"TALMUD","Explanation":"Definition: religious authority\nM [medium] in an anagram [bizarre] of ADULT"} {"Clue":"Bush, being well on right, let off (6)","Answer":"MYRTLE","Explanation":"Definition: Bush\nMY [well, as an exclamation] + R [right] + an anagram [off] of LET"} {"Clue":"I say restricting crossword setters is to display fear! (5)","Answer":"COWER","Explanation":"Definition: display fear\nCOR [I say \u2013 another exclamation] round WE [crossword setters this time]"} {"Clue":"Rejected leading ladies with issue for Cats (5)","Answer":"PUMAS","Explanation":"Definition: Cats\nA reversal [rejected] of UP [leading] + MAS [ladies with issue!]"} {"Clue":"Deal with gender-fluid performer (8)","Answer":"TRANSACT","Explanation":"Definition: Deal with\nTRANS\u00a0 ACT \u2013 a gender-fluid performer"} {"Clue":"Bungling subtitles, say, and hurried panning on film (14)","Answer":"MISTRANSLATING","Explanation":"Definition: Bungling subtitles, say\nRAN [hurried] + SLATING [panning] after [on] MIST [film]"} {"Clue":"Try to block high priest's self-indulgence (3,5)","Answer":"EGO TRIPS","Explanation":"Definition: self-indulgence\nGO [try] in [to block] an anagram [high] of PRIEST"} {"Clue":"Hot dog with\u00a0 everything added (2,4)","Answer":"IN TOTO","Explanation":"Definition: everything added \nIN [hot] + TOTO [Dorothy's dog]"} {"Clue":"Blow off steam during church services, dull affairs (3-6)","Answer":"NON-EVENTS","Explanation":"Definition: dull affairs\nVENT [blow off steam] in NONES [church services]"} {"Clue":"Groom accepting love causes depression (5)","Answer":"COOMB","Explanation":"Definition: depression\nCOMB [groom] round O [love]"} {"Clue":"See circle getting tick for ratio (5)","Answer":"COSEC","Explanation":"Definition: ratio\nC [see] + O [circle] + SEC [tick \u2013 as in 'Hang on a sec \/ tick']"} {"Clue":"Terrible evil associated with super criminal (9)","Answer":"REPULSIVE","Explanation":"Definition: Terrible\nAnagram [criminal] of EVIL and SUPER"} {"Clue":"Female with heart of gold in close embrace (6)","Answer":"ENFOLD","Explanation":"Definition: embrace\nF [female] + [g]OL[d] in END [close]"} {"Clue":"He's reserved large seafood sandwiches (4,4)","Answer":"COLD FISH","Explanation":"Definition: He's reserved\nCODFISH [seafood] round L [large]"} {"Clue":"Scrap elitist exams in philosophy (14)","Answer":"EXISTENTIALISM","Explanation":"Definition: philosophy\nAnagram [scrap] of ELITIST EXAMS IN"} {"Clue":"Work on stage \"flipping twaddle\" ? a plus or a minus? (8)","Answer":"OPERATOR","Explanation":"Definition: a plus or a minus?\nOPERA [work on stage] + a reversal [flipping] of ROT [twaddle]\u00a0\u2013 in maths, 'a symbol signifying an operation to be performed'"} {"Clue":"World traveller back from holiday with bad weather (5)","Answer":"FOGGY","Explanation":"Definition: bad weather\n[Phileas] FOGG ['Around the world in eighty days' traveller] + [holida]Y\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Grill US bread, admitting I'm not sure it's bread (12)","Answer":"PUMPERNICKEL","Explanation":"Definition: bread\nPUMP [grill] + NICKEL [US bread \u2013 slang for money] round ER [I'm not sure]"} {"Clue":"Girl, nobleman's accepted, fails to get right figure (9)","Answer":"MISCOUNTS","Explanation":"Definition: fails to get right figure\nMISS [girl] round COUNT [nobleman]"} {"Clue":"Man on board, fellow going to be more confident (5)","Answer":"SURER","Explanation":"Definition: more confident\nSUR[f]ER [man on board] minus f\u00a0 \u2013 fellow going"} {"Clue":"What cook may use with starter of tempura in batter? (3,6)","Answer":"TIN OPENER","Explanation":"Definition: What cook may use\nT[empura]+ IN + OPENER [ batter \u2013\u00a0definition by example,\u00a0in cricket]"} {"Clue":"Idiot has no wife to join (4)","Answer":"ALLY","Explanation":"Definition: join\n[w]ALLY [idiot] minus w [wife]"} {"Clue":"Honing one's Catalan? It's really bad (9)","Answer":"SATANICAL","Explanation":"Definition: really bad\nAnagram [honing] of I'S CATALAN"} {"Clue":"Politician given party lodgings (5)","Answer":"CONDO","Explanation":"Definition: lodgings\nCON [politician] + DO [party]"} {"Clue":"Sequence of misfortunes would be curiously theatrical (6,6)","Answer":"DOUBLE\u00a0 WHAMMY","Explanation":"Definition: Sequence of misfortunes\nAnagram [curiously] of WOULD BE + HAMMY [theatrical]"} {"Clue":"Singer roughly covered by Elvis, or with Kinks (9)","Answer":"VOCALISER","Explanation":"Definition: Singer\nCA [circa \u2013 roughly] in an anagram [with Kinks] of ELVIS OR"} {"Clue":"Champion consumers of alcohol may do so (9)","Answer":"SUPPORTER","Explanation":"Definition: Champion\nSUP PORTER"} {"Clue":"and 6 doing cartwheels, making elementary combinations (9)","Answer":"OXIDISING","Explanation":"Definition: making elementary combinations\nAnagram [cartwheels] of I and SIX + DOING"} {"Clue":"Provide header for forward with team back on top (3,2)","Answer":"FIX UP","Explanation":"Definition: Provide\nF[orward] + a reversal [back]\u00a0 of XI [team] + UP [on top]"} {"Clue":"Sleepy, maybe, getting stuck into Cold War fiction (5)","Answer":"DWARF","Explanation":"Definition: Sleepy, maybe\nHidden in colD WAR Fiction"} {"Clue":"Explicit message from church employee not on (4)","Answer":"SEXT","Explanation":"Definition: Explicit message\nSEXT[on] [church official minus 'on']"} {"Clue":"System that's used for tax (7)","Answer":"PROCESS","Explanation":"Definition: System that's used\nPRO [for] + CESS [tax \u2013 which I knew from previous crosswords]"} {"Clue":"Experienced surgeon operated on European (7)","Answer":"VETERAN","Explanation":"Definition: Experienced\nVET [surgeon] + E [European] + RAN [operated]"} {"Clue":"Police dog that's bound to see evening shower? (4,6,6)","Answer":"FIVE O\u2019CLOCK SHADOW","Explanation":"Definition: evening shower?\nThe parsing of this took a few minutes, until I remembered the 70s TV programme Hawaii Five-O and then found in the urban dictionary that Five-O is used as a warning that the police are around"} {"Clue":"Bars supply north-east district (10)","Answer":"INTERDICTS","Explanation":"Definition: Bars\nAnagram [supply \u2013 in a supple way] of N E DISTRICT"} {"Clue":"Cleavages Simon Peter and Andrew perhaps found pronounced (8)","Answer":"FISSURES","Explanation":"Definition: Cleavages\nSounds like [found pronounced] 'fishers': in the Authorised Version, Jesus said to the fishermen, Simon Peter and Andrew, 'Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men'"} {"Clue":"Politician leading English party? False! (7-2)","Answer":"TRUMPED-UP","Explanation":"Definition: False!\nTRUMP [politician] + E [English] + DUP [Democratic Unionist Party \u2013 those keeping Mrs May in power, if not control]"} {"Clue":"Maintain one's composure as warder, say, after row during meal left one a little peeved (4,1,5,5,3)","Answer":"KEEP A STIFF UPPER LIP","Explanation":"Definition: Maintain one's composure\nKEEP A \u2013 sounds [say] to those with non-rhotic accents like 'keeper' [warder] + L [left] + I [one] + P[eeved] after TIFF [row] during SUPPER [meal] \u2013 phew!"} {"Clue":"Bill gets sheep to behave badly (3,2)","Answer":"ACT UP","Explanation":"Definition: behave badly\nAC [bill] + TUP [sheep]"} {"Clue":"Essential oil obtained from fish in tin? Difficult, if unopened (9)","Answer":"SPIKENARD","Explanation":"Definition: Essential oil\nPIKE [fish] in SN [chemical formula for tin] + [h]ARD"} {"Clue":"5\u00a012, perhaps (3-5)","Answer":"OLD-TIMER","Explanation":"Definition: 5\n12ac is O CLOCK, so it's O [old] CLOCK [timer"} {"Clue":"Bad idea, beginning to interview Trump in warm bathroom (10)","Answer":"TEPIDARIUM","Explanation":"Definition: warm bathroom\nAnagram [bad] of IDEA + I[nterview] + TRUMP [he turns up everywhere] \u2013 the tepidarium was the first room in the Roman baths"} {"Clue":"Old man? Man possibly unknown in Scottish town (7)","Answer":"PAISLEY","Explanation":"Definition: Scottish town\nPA [old man] + ISLE [Man, possibly] + Y [unknown]"} {"Clue":"Send letter to us that's left out? On the contrary, by the sound of it (5,2)","Answer":"WRITE IN","Explanation":"Definition: Send letter to us\nSounds like 'right in' \u2013 which is not really the opposite of 'left out'\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Complain bitterly about extremely dear carriage from US (7)","Answer":"RAILCAR","Explanation":"Definition: carriage from US\nRAIL [complain bitterly] + CA [about] + [dea]R"} {"Clue":"An infirm Republican? It's what some believe (5)","Answer":"CREDO","Explanation":"Definition: what some believe\nRED [Republican] in CO [firm] \u2013 there'll be protests about this, no doubt, but I like it \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Fish given second light touch to dorsal area (11)","Answer":"STICKLEBACK","Explanation":"Definition: Fish\nS [second] + TICKLE [light touch] + BACK [dorsal area] \u2013 I was a bit doubtful about the splitting of the word but found that STICKLE means, among other things, 'to be scrupulous or obstinately punctilious' \u2013 hence 'stickler' [of course]"} {"Clue":"Going out with topless degenerate (6)","Answer":"EGRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Going out\n[r]EGRESS [degenerate]"} {"Clue":"Hedonistic EU prince travelling round Austria (9)","Answer":"EPICUREAN","Explanation":"Definition: Hedonistic\nAnagram [travelling] of EU PRINCE round A [Austria]"} {"Clue":"Solution has T in place of second P in European port (7)","Answer":"ANTWERP","Explanation":"Definition: European port\nAN[s]WER- solution] with the s [second] replaced by T, + P"} {"Clue":"Saint Mungo relocated, with Glasgow initially out of range? (9)","Answer":"MOUNTAINS","Explanation":"Definition: range\nAnagram [relocated] of SAINT MUN[g]O, minus the initial letter of Glasgow \u2013 St Mungo is the founder and patron saint of Glasgow"} {"Clue":"Start to climb tree above a volcanic crater (7)","Answer":"CALDERA","Explanation":"Definition: volcanic crater\nC[limb] + ALDER [tree] above [in a down clue] A"} {"Clue":"Disputed region ready for broadcast on space station (7)","Answer":"KASHMIR","Explanation":"Definition: Disputed region\nKASH \u2013 sounds like [broadcast] 'cash' [ready] + MIR [space station"} {"Clue":"Bit of catarrh on child producing wheezing sounds (7)","Answer":"RHONCHI","Explanation":"Definition: wheezing sounds\nHidden in catarRH ON CHIld"} {"Clue":"Superior article at front of book on autonomous computer program (5)","Answer":"ABBOT","Explanation":"Definition: Superior\nA [article] + B [book] + BOT [autonomous computer program]"} {"Clue":"Found behind its initial: \"lion\", perhaps, in dictionary (7)","Answer":"LOCATED","Explanation":"Definition: Found\nI was wrong-footed at the start with this: on a quick read-through of the clues, I confidently [in my head] entered LEXICON ['initial Lion\u2026' \/ definition 'dictionary'\u2026 \u2013 to be parsed later] but, of course, it didn't work: not a good start, as it turned out"} {"Clue":"Vacant, the number one place to sleep on reservation (5)","Answer":"TEPEE","Explanation":"Definition: place to sleep on reservation\nT[h]E [vacant] + PEE [number one]"} {"Clue":"Ridiculous entertainment, nothing short in Hindu festival (9)","Answer":"MELODRAMA","Explanation":"Definition: Ridiculous entertainment\nO [nothing] + DRAM [short drink] in MELA\u00a0[Hindu festival] big in my home town"} {"Clue":"Fine before shrapnel wound protecting the front in close range of Chamonix? (6,4)","Answer":"FRENCH ALPS","Explanation":"Definition: range of Chamonix?\nF [fine] before an anagram [wound] of SHRAPNEL round [protecting] the first letter [front] in C[lose]"} {"Clue":"One might be beaten in the ring, losing always in the end (3)","Answer":"EGG","Explanation":"Definition: One might be beaten\nLast letters [in the end] of thE rinG losinG"} {"Clue":"Very modern jail wants cunning type put away (4,2,2,4)","Answer":"BANG UP TO DATE","Explanation":"Definition: Very modern\nBANG UP [jail \u2013 as a verb] + TOD [dialect word for fox \u2013 a crafty person, immortalised by Beatrix Potter as Mr Tod] + ATE [put away]"} {"Clue":"Dutch playing away, Northern Ireland's cleverest attacker starts in defence (12)","Answer":"FORNICATRESS","Explanation":"Definition: Dutch playing away\nNI [Northern Ireland] + initial letters [starts] of Cleverest Attacker in FORTRESS [defence]"} {"Clue":"A papal line (3)","Answer":"ARC","Explanation":"Definition: line\nA RC [Roman Catholic \u2013 papal?] \u2013 I'd like reassurance \/ correction on this"} {"Clue":"Run to fill golden pancake ?- in Italy, it's the quickest way (10)","Answer":"AUTOSTRADA","Explanation":"Definition: in Italy, it's the quickest way\nR [run] in AU [golden] TOSTADA [pancake?]"} {"Clue":"Same thing, party whip involved in deception (9)","Answer":"DUPLICATE","Explanation":"Definition: Same thing\nDUP [Democratic Unionist Party \u2013 as I said in Friday's blog, the party still keeping May in power, if not control] + CAT [whip, this time] in LIE [deception]"} {"Clue":"So PM I return, pal? (5)","Answer":"AMIGO","Explanation":"Definition: pal\nA typical Paul clue: AM, I GO and so, perhaps, PM, I return?"} {"Clue":"Seen in temper, case of volatile nemesis (7)","Answer":"AVENGER","Explanation":"Definition: nemesis\nV[olatil]E in ANGER [temper]"} {"Clue":"If removed from existence, swell excuse (3,3)","Answer":"LET OFF","Explanation":"Definition: excuse\nL[if]E [existence] minus if + TOFF [swell]"} {"Clue":"Blue substance ?- is this what officers get paid after dark, did you say? (6,7)","Answer":"COPPER NITRATE","Explanation":"Definition: Blue substance\nI heard this joke decades ago \u2013 it could even have been in school Chemistry lessons and\u00a0may well have been the first punning joke I ever came across and it still, perhaps for that reason, makes me laugh \u2013 and I don't think there can be any homophone objections here: thanks, Paul \ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Architect built outstanding oratory primarily run by clerics (10)","Answer":"THEOCRATIC","Explanation":"Definition: run by clerics\nAnagram [built] of ARCHITECT round [outstanding] O[ratory]"} {"Clue":"Help? Never! (2,2,1,6)","Answer":"DO ME A FAVOUR","Explanation":"Definition: HelpNever!\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Fats hampering dad, soft rolls of that? (9)","Answer":"WALLPAPER","Explanation":"Definition: rolls of that\n[Fats] WALLER round PA [dad] P [soft] \u2013 I'm not\u00a0 ever so happy with the definition"} {"Clue":" Considerable mess gone? (4)","Answer":"TIDY","Explanation":"Definition: Considerablemess gone?\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Scholar of art and law in chairman up for test (4,4)","Answer":"ORAL EXAM","Explanation":"Definition: test\nRA [Royal\u00a0 Academician \u2013\u00a0 scholar of Art] + LEX [law] in a reversal [up] of MAO [chairman -it seems a long time since we saw him]"} {"Clue":"across, 19\u00a0 So voice activation system unnecessary, obviously (4,4,7,6)","Answer":"THAT GOES WITHOUT SAYING","Explanation":"Definition: obviously\nCryptic definition \u2013 another typical Paul clue"} {"Clue":"Bargain -? exchange rates in large company (5-5)","Answer":"HORSE TRADE","Explanation":"Definition: Bargain\nAnagram [exchange] of RATES in HORDE [large company]"} {"Clue":"Still waiting for nanny to collect you, go to bits (9)","Answer":"GRANULATE","Explanation":"Definition: go to bits\nGRAN LATE [still waiting for nanny] round U [you]"} {"Clue":"Not always concerned with cool river (3,3,2)","Answer":"OFF AND ON","Explanation":"Definition: Not always\nOF [concerned with] + FAN [cool] + DON [river]"} {"Clue":"Brilliant container for nut (8)","Answer":"CRACKPOT","Explanation":"Definition: nut\nCRACK [brilliant] + POT [container \u2013 they don't come much simpler than this"} {"Clue":"Conclusion of some gastronome (5)","Answer":"OMEGA","Explanation":"Definition: Conclusion\nHidden in sOME GAstronome"} {"Clue":"Pass beautiful view, taking time out (4)","Answer":"VISA","Explanation":"Definition: Pass\nVIS[t]A [beautiful view minus t [time]"} {"Clue":"Burn old note to make a gesture (6)","Answer":"BECKON","Explanation":"Definition: make a gesture\nBECK [burn \u2013 both Northern words for a stream] + O [old] + N [note]"} {"Clue":"Sacked a politician for inflammatory release (8)","Answer":"FIREDAMP","Explanation":"Definition: inflammatory release\nFIRED [sacked + A MP [a politician]"} {"Clue":"Agent without sleep is irritable (6)","Answer":"SNAPPY","Explanation":"Definition: irritable\nSPY [agent] round NAP [sleep]"} {"Clue":"Recommend against commander breaking an engagement (8)","Answer":"ADVOCATE","Explanation":"Definition: Recommend\nV [against] + OC [commander] in A DATE [an engagement]"} {"Clue":"Suggestive of the latest wrap-around dresses (11)","Answer":"REMINISCENT","Explanation":"Definition: Suggestive\nRECENT [latest] round MINIS [dresses]"} {"Clue":"Nun died tragically in New Zealand (7)","Answer":"DUNEDIN","Explanation":"Definition: in New Zealand\nAnagram [tragically] of NUN DIED \u2013 a lovely surface but I know at least one person who won't like this definition: setters usually these days say 'somewhere in\u2026', I think\u00a0 \u2013 the same thing occurs in 14dn"} {"Clue":"Philosopher behaved without sin? First class! (7)","Answer":"DERRIDA","Explanation":"Definition: Philosopher\nDID [behaved] round ERR [sin] + A [first class]"} {"Clue":"Supply post providing grub (11)","Answer":"CATERPILLAR","Explanation":"Definition: grub\nCATER [supply] + PILLAR [post]"} {"Clue":"Dismissed with less than player in game (8)","Answer":"ROUNDERS","Explanation":"Definition: game\nR O [run out \u2013 dismissed \u2013 in cricket] + UNDER [less than] + S [player? \u2013 in bridge? \u2013 they usually come as 'partners' in crosswords: I'm not sure about this"} {"Clue":"Conflict by the sea, briefly gave enthusiasm (6)","Answer":"WARMED","Explanation":"Definition: gave enthusiasm\nWAR [conflict] + MED[iterranean] [sea briefly]"} {"Clue":"Hear a gun going off in lecture (8)","Answer":"HARANGUE","Explanation":"Definition: lecture\nAnagram [going off] of\u00a0 HEAR A GUN"} {"Clue":"More enthusiastic mourner (6)","Answer":"KEENER","Explanation":"Definition: More enthusiasticmourner\nDouble definition\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Officer knowledgeable about voucher (6)","Answer":"COUPON","Explanation":"Definition: voucher\nCO [officer] + UP ON [knowledgeable about]"} {"Clue":"Collier harbours terror of psychic (4-6)","Answer":"MIND-READER","Explanation":"Definition: psychic\nMINER [collier] round DREAD [terror]"} {"Clue":"Concerned with stout correspondent (8)","Answer":"REPORTER","Explanation":"Definition: correspondent\nRE [concerned with] + PORTER [stout]"} {"Clue":"Dominate finest horse (8)","Answer":"BESTRIDE","Explanation":"Definition: Dominate\nBEST [finest] RIDE [horse]"} {"Clue":"Caught spoiling sweet (8)","Answer":"CHARMING","Explanation":"Definition: sweet\nC [caught] + HARMING [spoiling]"} {"Clue":"A crazy, upwardly mobile architect (4)","Answer":"ADAM","Explanation":"Definition: architect\nA + a reversal [upwardly mobile] of MAD [crazy]"} {"Clue":"Look both ways (4)","Answer":"PEEP","Explanation":"Definition: Look\nA palindrome"} {"Clue":"Our stamina is restored here (10)","Answer":"SANATORIUM","Explanation":"Definition: here\nAnagram [restored] of OUR STAMINA \u2013 I think the whole clue could be underlined"} {"Clue":"Soldier to sack valet (8)","Answer":"RIFLEMAN","Explanation":"Definition: Soldier\nRIFLE [***sack**] + MAN [valet]* [*apologies for the long delay in correcting this careless error]"} {"Clue":"Boy embraces supporter winning gold in Canada (8)","Answer":"LABRADOR","Explanation":"Definition: in Canada\nLAD [boy] round BRA [supporter] + OR [gold] \u2013 see comment on 15ac"} {"Clue":"Some years with conservation group are corrupt (8)","Answer":"DECADENT","Explanation":"Definition: corrupt\nDECADE [some years] + N[ational] T[rust] [conservation group]"} {"Clue":"One man takes a long time producing artistic works (6)","Answer":"IMAGES","Explanation":"Definition: artistic works\nI [one] M [man?] + AGES"} {"Clue":"Knowing some nuclear chemistry (4)","Answer":"ARCH","Explanation":"Definition: Knowing\nHidden in nucleAR CHemistry"} {"Clue":"Pulled up car making low vibrant sound (4)","Answer":"PURR","Explanation":"Definition: low vibrant sound\nReversal of UP + R[olls] R[oyce] [car]"} {"Clue":"Exuberance of black cat (6)","Answer":"BOUNCE","Explanation":"Definition: Exuberance\nB [black] + OUNCE [cat]"} {"Clue":"Starts to open wine after top award (6)","Answer":"BESTOW","Explanation":"Definition: award\nO[pen] W[ine] [first letters \u2013 starts] after BEST [top]"} {"Clue":"I retired, nursing left eye (4)","Answer":"OGLE","Explanation":"Definition: eye\nA reversal [retired] of EGO [I] round [nursing] L [left]"} {"Clue":"Arachne engulfed by a campfire, accidentally as it first seems (5,5)","Answer":"PRIMA FACIE","Explanation":"Definition: as it first seems\nI [Arachne] in an anagram [accidentally] of A CAMPFIRE"} {"Clue":"British family on island initially imprisoned for skimpy clothing (6)","Answer":"BIKINI","Explanation":"Definition: skimpy clothing\nB [British] + I [island] + KIN [family] + I[mprisoned]"} {"Clue":"Seeing quite boring people rowing (8)","Answer":"EYESIGHT","Explanation":"Definition: Seeing\nYES [quite] in EIGHT [people rowing]"} {"Clue":"Magic words to stir Tory sheep (3,6)","Answer":"HEY PRESTO","Explanation":"Definition: Magic words\nAnagram [to stir] of TORY SHEEP \u2013 I was immediately reminded of Denis Healey's description of\u00a0 a verbal lashing from Geoffrey Howe"} {"Clue":"Fool around with unknown Lilliputian (4)","Answer":"TINY","Explanation":"Definition: Lilliputian\nA reversal [around] of NIT [fool] + Y [unknown]"} {"Clue":"Voicing full agreement (4)","Answer":"PACT","Explanation":"Definition: agreement\nSounds like [voicing] 'packed' \u2013 full"} {"Clue":"Alcoholic drink is truly an evil (5,4)","Answer":"RUSTY NAIL","Explanation":"Definition: Alcoholic drink\nAnagram [evil] of IS TRULY AN"} {"Clue":"Act honourably and skin fruit for Spooner (4,4)","Answer":"PLAY FAIR","Explanation":"Definition: Act honourably\nSpoonerism of flay pear \u2013 skin fruit: not my favourite kind of clue but I know I can always rely on Arachne to come up with one that makes sense"} {"Clue":"Puts spikes behind back of Co-op (6)","Answer":"PLACES","Explanation":"Definition: Puts\n[co-o]P + LACES [spikes, as in drinks]"} {"Clue":"Playing percussion very fast (10)","Answer":"SUPERSONIC","Explanation":"Definition: very fast\nBrilliant anagram [playing] of PERCUSSION"} {"Clue":"Lie about money being short (4)","Answer":"LOLL","Explanation":"Definition: Lie about\nLOLL[y] [money"} {"Clue":"Fur coat stolen from Merc store (6)","Answer":"ERMINE","Explanation":"Definition: Fur\n[m]ER[c] \u2013 minus its 'coat' + MINE [store]"} {"Clue":"Sentimental drunk wearing Y-fronts inside out and back to front (6)","Answer":"SLUSHY","Explanation":"Definition: Sentimental\nLUSH [drunk] in a reversal [back to front] of Y [front]S\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Recurrent Gibraltar issue escalating greatly (3,4)","Answer":"BIG TIME","Explanation":"Definition: greatly\nA reversal [recurrent] of GIB [Gibraltar] + a reversal [escalating] of EMIT [issue]"} {"Clue":"Aunt Georgia oddly lacking internal organs (5)","Answer":"UTERI","Explanation":"Definition: internal organs\nEven letters [oddly lacking] of [a]U[n]T[g]E[o]R[g]I[a] \u2013 presumably a maiden aunt, then \u00a0\ud83d\ude09"} {"Clue":"Fancy a hundred and thirty days on frozen water? (7)","Answer":"CAPRICE","Explanation":"Definition: Fancy\nC [a hundred] + APR[il] [thirty days] + ICE [frozen water]"} {"Clue":"Gentleman enquiring about house paint (6)","Answer":"ENAMEL","Explanation":"Definition: paint\nHidden reversal in gentLEMAN Enquiring"} {"Clue":"Custom of not returning to collect bones over time (9)","Answer":"TRADITION","Explanation":"Definition: Custom\nA reversal [returning] of NOT round RADII [bones] round T [time]"} {"Clue":"Massive wife, four fifths of a ton (7)","Answer":"WEIGHTY","Explanation":"Definition: Massive\nW [wife] + EIGHTY [four fifths of 100 \u2013 a ton]"} {"Clue":"Frank tore after dog in DC (6,7)","Answer":"DIRECT CURRENT","Explanation":"Definition: DC\nFRANK [direct] + CUR [dog] + RENT [tore]"} {"Clue":"Thick-skinned beast, Mr Hyde on rampage after cover-up (9)","Answer":"PACHYDERM","Explanation":"Definition: Thick-skinned beast\nAnagram [on rampage] of MR HYDE after a reversal [up] of CAP [cover]"} {"Clue":"Foul pole vault leaving Virginia seething (7)","Answer":"POLLUTE","Explanation":"Definition: Foul\nAnagram [seething] of POLE[va]ULT minus va [Virginia]"} {"Clue":"Drinker finally ejected from hot and humid local (7)","Answer":"TOPICAL","Explanation":"Definition: local\nT[r]OPICAL [hot and humid] minus [drinke]r"} {"Clue":"Kiddies regularly team up, in theory (7)","Answer":"IDEALLY","Explanation":"Definition: in theory\nAlternate letters of [k]I[d]D[i]Es + ALLY [team up]"} {"Clue":"Grandma's tent out of bounds for Arctic explorer (6)","Answer":"NANSEN","Explanation":"Definition: Arctic explorer\nNANS [Grandma's] + [t]EN[t] for the man who was much more than an Arctic explorer [but I loved the surface \ud83d\ude09 ]"} {"Clue":"Places book of vacuous theatrical anecdotes under \"A\" (5)","Answer":"ATLAS","Explanation":"Definition: Places book\nT[heatrica]L A[necdote]S under A"} {"Clue":"Growth-restricted marsupial gets tense before jump (9)","Answer":"ROOTBOUND","Explanation":"Definition: Growth-restricted\nROO [marsupial] + T [tense] + BOUND [jump]"} {"Clue":"Year in prison shade (4)","Answer":"CYAN","Explanation":"Definition: shade\nY [year] in CAN [prison] \u2013 I learned this word from crosswords and it has often proved useful"} {"Clue":"Colouring agent's no good without positive temperature (8)","Answer":"DYESTUFF","Explanation":"Definition: Colouring agent\nDUFF [no good] round YES [positive] + T [temperature]"} {"Clue":"Indication of impact: scattered red dust (6)","Answer":"POWDER","Explanation":"Definition: dust\nPOW [indication of impact, in comics] + an anagram [scattered] of RED"} {"Clue":"Complaint of Cruel Sea's debut production (6)","Answer":"ULCERS","Explanation":"Definition: Complaint\nAnagram [production] of CRUEL S[ea's]"} {"Clue":"Is a ham put out to carve, son? (8)","Answer":"OVERACTS","Explanation":"Definition: Is a ham\nAnagram [put out] of TO CARVE + S [son]"} {"Clue":"Articles about next Greek deity (6)","Answer":"ATHENA","Explanation":"Definition: Greek deity\nA A [articles] round THEN [next]"} {"Clue":"Experience flu outbreak that's not common (8)","Answer":"TASTEFUL","Explanation":"Definition: not common\nTASTE [experience] + an anagram [outbreak] of FLU"} {"Clue":"USSR in a mess, following pressure from an older European state (8)","Answer":"PRUSSIAN","Explanation":"Definition: from an older European state\nAnagram [mess] of USSR IN A following P [pressure]"} {"Clue":"Work on engine to remove cocaine traces? (6)","Answer":"DECOKE","Explanation":"Definition: Work on engineremove cocaine traces?\nDouble definition, the second being cryptic"} {"Clue":"After drink, rock group has drugs for another group (8)","Answer":"SUPREMES","Explanation":"Definition: another group\nSUP [drink] + REM [rock group] + ES [drugs"} {"Clue":"Nameless wild flower (6)","Answer":"VIOLET","Explanation":"Definition: flower\nVIOLE[n]T [wild, minus n \u2013 name]"} {"Clue":"Is perversely advanced still (6)","Answer":"SILENT","Explanation":"Definition: still\nAn anagram \u2013 or reversal [perversely] of IS + LENT [advanced]"} {"Clue":"Up to date on focus again (8)","Answer":"RECENTRE","Explanation":"Definition: focus again\nRECENT [up to date] + RE [on]"} {"Clue":"Refreshment left for bird (4)","Answer":"TEAL","Explanation":"Definition: bird\nTEA [refreshment] + L [left]"} {"Clue":"City game after US guy's comeback (9)","Answer":"CAMBRIDGE","Explanation":"Definition: City\nA reversal [comeback] of MAC, which Chambers tells me is '[*esp US*] an informal term of address used to a man whose name is not known' \u2013 I didn't know that\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"August: put gold back (5)","Answer":"ROYAL","Explanation":"Definition: August\nA reversal [back] of LAY [put] + OR [gold]"} {"Clue":"Pornographic old book site (7)","Answer":"OBSCENE","Explanation":"Definition: Pornographic\nO [old] + B [book] + SCENE [site]"} {"Clue":"University representative's sad song? (5)","Answer":"BLUES","Explanation":"Definition: University representative'ssad song\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Frank, given space, gets ahead (2,5)","Answer":"UP FRONT","Explanation":"Definition: ahead\nIf we put a space in UPFRONT [frank] we get UP FRONT [ahead] \u2013 unfortunately, though, Chambers gives both meanings as either one word, two words or a hyphenated word"} {"Clue":"Act to hold newspapers\u00a0down (9)","Answer":"DEPRESSED","Explanation":"Definition: down\nDEED [act] round PRESS [newspapers]"} {"Clue":"Bully with bar on end of rope is a danger to cattle (7)","Answer":"COWBANE","Explanation":"Definition: a danger to cattle\nCOW [bully] + BAN [bar] +[rop]E \u2013 the water hemlock, Chambers says"} {"Clue":"Astonished by one-way fold (9)","Answer":"AWESTRUCK","Explanation":"Definition: Astonished\nA [one] + WEST [way] + RUCK [fold] \u2013 I think"} {"Clue":"Quite sour, off colour (9)","Answer":"TURQUOISE","Explanation":"Definition: colour\nA neat anagram [off] of QUITE SOUR"} {"Clue":"Aix exploded atomic device, no question about it (9)","Answer":"AXIOMATIC","Explanation":"Definition: no question about it\nAn anagram [exploded] of AIX + another anagram [device] of ATOMIC"} {"Clue":"Stop circling source of Ugandan rivers ? it's bizarre! (7)","Answer":"SURREAL","Explanation":"Definition: bizarre\nSEAL [stop] round U[gandan] + RR [rivers]"} {"Clue":"No way drink is medicine! (7)","Answer":"NOSTRUM","Explanation":"Definition: medicine\nNO + ST [way] + RUM [drink]"} {"Clue":"Boasted about name being made regal (7)","Answer":"CROWNED","Explanation":"Definition: made regal\nCROWED [boasted] round N [name, again]"} {"Clue":"Minister against electric current saloon? (5)","Answer":"VICAR","Explanation":"Definition: Minister\nV [against] + I [electric current] + CAR [saloon? \u2013 definition by example, hence the question mark]"} {"Clue":"High spot \u2013 of English year, that is (5)","Answer":"EYRIE","Explanation":"Definition: High spot\nE [English] + YR [year] + IE [that is]"} {"Clue":"Cut, but not polished, when suggested? (5-4)","Answer":"ROUGH-HEWN","Explanation":"Definition: Cut\nROUGH [not polished] + an anagram [suggested?] of WHEN \u2013 I wasn't sure how much of the clue to underline as the definition \u2013 *Edit: I knew this couldn't be right: far too sloppy for Nutmeg \u2013 see Simon S @comment 1]"} {"Clue":"English invading prosperous foreign state (5)","Answer":"REICH","Explanation":"Definition: foreign state\nE [English] in RICH [prosperous]"} {"Clue":"caught during escape don't count (7)","Answer":"EXCLUDE","Explanation":"Definition: don't count\nX [ten] C [caught] in ELUDE [escape]"} {"Clue":"Keels over, having striven in conflict (7)","Answer":"INVERTS","Explanation":"Definition: Keels over\nAnagram [in conflict] of STRIVEN"} {"Clue":"Remarkably old theologian disheartened laity (5)","Answer":"ODDLY","Explanation":"Definition: Remarkably\nO [old] DD [Doctor of Divinity \u2013 theologian] + L[ait]Y"} {"Clue":"Brave comic ultimately loses interest in script (9)","Answer":"WITHSTAND","Explanation":"Definition: Brave\nWIT [comic] + [lose]S [interes]T in HAND [script] \u2013 a neat use of 'brave' as a verb and an interesting story-line"} {"Clue":"Recondite manoeuvres protecting two hospital departments in secure housing (9,6)","Answer":"DETENTION CENTRE","Explanation":"Definition: secure housing\nAnagram [manoeuvres] of RECONDITE round ENT [hospital department] twice"} {"Clue":"What's put out for famous moggy, perhaps on Yorks coast? (3,6)","Answer":"RED CARPET","Explanation":"Definition: What's put out for famous\nREDCAR [town on Yorks coast \u2013 often clued as 'racecourse', as in a Vlad puzzle I blogged last month] + PET [moggy, perhaps]"} {"Clue":"Bond's partner formerly occupying Students' Union (5)","Answer":"NEXUS","Explanation":"Definition: Bond\nEX [partner formerly] in NUS [National Union of Students]"} {"Clue":"Person striving to keep motorways in better condition (7)","Answer":"TRIMMER","Explanation":"Definition: in better condition\nTRIER [person striving] round MM [motorways]"} {"Clue":"Husband's lacking in flair \u2014 a cure-all's offered (7)","Answer":"PANACEA","Explanation":"Definition: cure-all's offered\nPANAC[h]E [flair, minus h \u2013 husband] + A \u2013 my favourite clue, I think"} {"Clue":"Manufacturer of cars, many with posh interior (5)","Answer":"LOTUS","Explanation":"Definition: Manufacturer of cars\nU [posh] in LOTS [many]"} {"Clue":"Tsar's necessary after turn of century and easily dealt with (2,7)","Answer":"NO TROUBLE","Explanation":"Definition: easily dealt with\nA reversal [turn] of TON [century] + ROUBLE [Tsar's necessary]\n\n**Down"} {"Clue":"Case supporting idle property owner (10)","Answer":"FREEHOLDER","Explanation":"Definition: property owner\nA simple charade of FREE [idle] + HOLDER [case]"} {"Clue":"White rebel is obliged to guards (8)","Answer":"MUSCADET","Explanation":"Definition: White\nMUST [is obliged to] round [guards] [Jack] CADE [rebel \u2013 an old crossword favourite]"} {"Clue":"It's said capacious hanky's needed, if you're like this (6)","Answer":"RHEUMY","Explanation":"Definition: hanky's needed, if you're like this\nSounds like roomy [capacious]"} {"Clue":"Had a life before wife turned up (4)","Answer":"WERE","Explanation":"Definition: Had a life\nA reversal [turned up] of ERE [before] + W [wife] \u2013 this made me smile"} {"Clue":"Confused detective hampered by gut reaction (10)","Answer":"INDISTINCT","Explanation":"Definition: Confused\nDI [Detective Inspector] in INSTINCT [gut reaction] \u2013 I think we more often see this containment indication the other way round \u2013 but it does work"} {"Clue":"Cleric appearing on donkey in church causes deep division (8)","Answer":"CREVASSE","Explanation":"Definition: deep division\nREV [cleric] + ASS [donkey] in CE [Church of England] \u2013 another amusing surface"} {"Clue":"I stray off course in South American mountains (6)","Answer":"SIERRA","Explanation":"Definition: mountains\nI ERR [I stray off course] in SA [South American]"} {"Clue":"So close, having swopped ends (4)","Answer":"THUS","Explanation":"Definition: So\nSHUT [close] with the first and last letters swopped"} {"Clue":"After fancy exercises, band's sobbing quietly (10)","Answer":"WHIMPERING","Explanation":"Definition: sobbing quietly\nWHIM [fancy] + PE [exercises] + RING [band]"} {"Clue":"Confirmed nickname for Edward, the ocean sailor? (4-6)","Answer":"DEEP-SEATED","Explanation":"Definition: Confirmed\nDEEP SEA TED \u2013 Edward, the ocean sailor"} {"Clue":"Complex seminars not quite hitting the mark (4,4)","Answer":"NEAR MISS","Explanation":"Definition: not quite hitting the mark\nAnagram [complex] of SEMINARS"} {"Clue":"Charge imposed on a variety of basic commercial vehicles (8)","Answer":"TAXICABS","Explanation":"Definition: commercial vehicles\nTAX [charge] + an anagram [variety] of BASIC"} {"Clue":"Particular Democrat isn't first to yield (6)","Answer":"DAINTY","Explanation":"Definition: Particular\nD [Democrat] + AINT [isn't] + Y[ield]"} {"Clue":"Sergeant, say, getting up one day full of himself? (3-3)","Answer":"NON-COM","Explanation":"Definition: Sergeant, say\nA reversal [getting up] of MON [one day] round NCO [another abbreviation for non-commissioned officer \u2013 himself]"} {"Clue":"Son's leaving even now to work in field (4)","Answer":"TILL","Explanation":"Definition: work in field\n[s]TILL [even now]"} {"Clue":"Course of action at entering pub? (4)","Answer":"PATH","Explanation":"Definition: Course of action\nAT in PH [public house]"} {"Clue":"Promotion offering sex in the open air? (6,9)","Answer":"PUBLIC RELATIONS","Explanation":"Definition: Promotionsex in the open air?\nDouble\/cryptic definition"} {"Clue":"Puzzle only negative? (7)","Answer":"NONPLUS","Explanation":"Definition: Puzzle\nNON PLUS = only negative"} {"Clue":"Powerful beast, south-west Indian stream it's suggested? (7)","Answer":"GORILLA","Explanation":"Definition: Powerful beast\nRILL [stream] in GOA, which is in south-west India"} {"Clue":"Lighter materials under packages (3)","Answer":"SUN","Explanation":"Definition: Lighter\nContained in [packages] materialS UNder \u2013 an original definition: the sun gives light \u2026"} {"Clue":"Genius doctor hugged by sweetie (5,6)","Answer":"SMART COOKIE","Explanation":"Definition: Genius\nCOOK [doctor] in SMARTIE [sweetie] [interested transatlantic friends may like to google for comparisons between Smarties and M&Ms]"} {"Clue":"Bewildering debts cut, or stopped (10)","Answer":"OBSTRUCTED","Explanation":"Definition: stopped\nAnagram [bewildering] of DEBTS CUT OR"} {"Clue":"Drifter accommodated by millionaires? No way! (4)","Answer":"SNOW","Explanation":"Definition: Drifter\nContained in millionaireS NO Way"} {"Clue":"Hitch lacking success after film score (4)","Answer":"ETCH","Explanation":"Definition: score\n[hit]CH minus hit [success] after ET [the inevitable film]"} {"Clue":"Play about Genesis (10)","Answer":"RECREATION","Explanation":"Definition: Play\nRE [about] CREATION [Genesis]"} {"Clue":"Live by chance (2,2,7)","Answer":"AS IT HAPPENS","Explanation":"Definition: Liveby chance\nDouble definition"} {"Clue":"Cuddle sweetheart 1002? (7)","Answer":"EMBRACE","Explanation":"Definition: Cuddle\n[sw]E[et] + M [100{0}] and [2] BRACE"} {"Clue":"City assuming footballer's first to join club, perhaps? (7)","Answer":"CARDIFF","Explanation":"Definition: City\nCARD [club, perhaps] + IF [assuming] + F[ootballer]"} {"Clue":"John Lennon has one song left before dying (7,8)","Answer":"AIRPORT TERMINAL","Explanation":"Definition: John Lennon has one\nAIR [song] + PORT [left] + TERMINAL [dying] \u2013 this is a lovely surface but I don't like TERMINAL = dying: Chambers has 'suffering from a terminal illness' as one definition but I've never heard it used that way \u2013 have you?"} {"Clue":"Writer is character in Yorkshire market town (9)","Answer":"PENISTONE","Explanation":"Definition: Yorkshire market town\nA\u00a0 simple charade of PEN IS [writer is] + TONE [character]"} {"Clue":"Hand up the pole (7)","Answer":"BANANAS","Explanation":"Definition: Handup the pole\nDouble definition \u2013 bananas grow in hands and BANANAS and 'up the pole' are both slang expressions for 'crazy'"} {"Clue":"Imagined America in attack showing no leadership (8)","Answer":"ILLUSORY","Explanation":"Definition: Imagined\nUS [America] in [p]ILLORY [attack]"} {"Clue":"A celebrity finally reaching the top, Jamaican perhaps? (5)","Answer":"RASTA","Explanation":"Definition: Jamaican perhaps?\nA STAR [a celebrity] with the last letter moved to the top"} {"Clue":"Extraordinary way gay Hitler minced (5,4)","Answer":"LIGHT YEAR","Explanation":"Definition: Extraordinary way\nAnagram [minced] of GAY HITLER"} {"Clue":"Supercharged time for swimmer (6)","Answer":"TURBOT","Explanation":"Definition: swimmer\nTURBO [supercharged] + T [time]"} {"Clue":"Nicking case of liqueurs, pleb in raincoat (7)","Answer":"OILSKIN","Explanation":"Definition: raincoat\nL[iqueur]S in OIK [pleb] + IN"} {"Clue":"Technologically advanced spring on base of hinge in prison (5-3)","Answer":"SPACE-AGE","Explanation":"Definition: Technologically advanced\nSPA [spring] + [hing]E in CAGE [prison]"} {"Clue":"Those baked on the plains of Manitoba? Temperature most disturbing (9)","Answer":"CREEPIEST","Explanation":"Definition: most disturbing\nCREE PIES [might be baked on the plains of Manitoba] + T [temperature]"} {"Clue":"Cracking whip lower down initially fun (9)","Answer":"WONDERFUL","Explanation":"Definition: Cracking\nAnagram [whip] of LOWER D[own] FUN"} {"Clue":"Bum note concealed by West Midlands boomer (4,4)","Answer":"BASS DRUM","Explanation":"Definition: boomer\nASS [bum] + D [note] in BRUM [West Midlands]"} {"Clue":"Originally cost flexible, one going up (7)","Answer":"CLIMBER","Explanation":"Definition: one going up\nC[ost] + LIMBER [flexible]"} {"Clue":"One overcoming queen, an Islamic republican (7)","Answer":"IRANIAN","Explanation":"Definition: Islamic republican\nI [one] + RANI [Indian queen] + AN"} {"Clue":"Inferior company accepting lots (6)","Answer":"CHEAPO","Explanation":"Definition: Inferior\nCO [company] round HEAP [lots]"}